ભાજપ A 56915 4 سلام الله ! * * ་ ་ * རཱ་“ - 1 General Library OF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. PRESENTED BY Author Nov 18. 189.. 1į → NOTICE. Engin. Library UF 870 .B31 THE Tables contained in my "Mathematical Treatise on the Motion of Projectiles" (1873) were calculated before the law of the resistance of the air to elongated projectiles had been completely determined. In my anxiety to make the work complete the Tables of Integrals for the cubic law of resistance were carried to one place of decimals more than was really necessary for the calculation of trajectories. Although the "Revised Account" of all my experiments (1890) is accompanied with tables for the Newtonian law, as well as a selection of tables from the work of (1873) for the cubic law (so far as is required for the calculation of trajectories), the original work (1873) is still of value, because it is not likely that such extensive tables for the cubic law of resistance will be re-printed. The price of the Treatise has been reduced to 5/-. The author will be happy to present a copy to any scientific Library or Society. F. BASHFORTH, MINTING VICARAGE, NEAR HORNCASTLE. Recently Published by the same Author. A Revised Account of the Experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph to find the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Projectiles, with the application of the results to the calculation of Trajectories according to J. Bernoulli's Method. Price 12/-. 1890, Cambridge University Press. Re-print of" A Description of a Machine for finding the numerical roots of Equations and tracing a variety of useful curves, &c." Communicated to the British Association, 1845. Price 1/-. 1892, Cambridge, Metcalfe & Co. N.B. This machine was re-invented in 1872-3 and was then named the Tide Predicter. ALSO An Attempt to test the Thecries of Capillary Action by comparing the Theoretical and Measured Forms of Drops of Fluid. By F. Bashforth and Professor Adams. 1883, Cambridge University Press. Price £1 1s. Od. ፣ Recently published, by authority. REPORTS ON ON EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH THE BASHFORTH CHRONOGRAPH, To determine the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Projectiles. 1865-1870. Pp. 170, price 1s. London: W. CLOWES & SON; HARRISON & SONS; W. H. ALLEN & Co.; W. MITCHELL; LONGMANS & Co.; TRUBNER & Co. Edinburgh: A. & C. BLACK. Dublin: A. THом and E. PONSONBY. Price 2s. 6d. DESCRIPTION OF A CHRONOGRAPH, Adapted for Measuring the varying Velocity of a Body in Motion through the Air, and for other purposes. BY FRANCIS BASHFORTH, B.D., Professor of Applied Mathematics to the Advanced Class of Artillery Officers, Woolwich, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London: BELL & DALDY. 1866. Price 2s. 6d. TABLES OF THE REMAINING VELOCITY, TIME OF FLIGHT, & ENERGY OF VARIOUS PROJECTILES, Calculated from the Results of Experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph, 1865-1870. London: E. and F. N SPON. 1871. ON Preparing for publication by the same Author, CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. A FRAGMENT. Also, A PRACTICAL ON THE TREATISE CONSTRUCTION OF OBLIQUE BRIDGES, With Spiral and Equilibrated Courses. 1850. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. Z a D E S S Ζ' M Κ A H THE CLOCK-CHRONOGRAPH. University Library A MATHEMATICAL TREATISE ON THE 68031 MOTION OF PROJECTILES, FOUNDED CHIEFLY ON THE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH THE AUTHOR'S CHRONOGRAPH. BY FRANCIS BASHFORTH, B.D., τ PROFESSOR OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS TO THE ADVANCED ·CLASS OF ROYAL ARTILLERY OFFICERS, WOOLWICH; AND LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON: ASHER & CO., 13, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, BERLIN: 11, UNTER DEN LINDEN. 1873. All rights reserved. fchor Rele 6-13-4) Neclars ΤΟ MAJOR-GENERAL SIR FREDERICK ABBOTT, C.B., Member of the Late Council.of Military Education; AND TO LIEUTENANT-COLONEL C. F. YOUNG, R. A., Late Director of Artillery Studies, This Work is Dedicated AS SOME ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THEIR JUDICIOUS EFFORTS TO PROMOTE THE HIGHER SCIENTIFIC TRAINING OF OFFICERS OF THE ROYAL ARTILLERY, AND ALSO OF THEIR KIND ASSISTANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT AFFORDED TO THE AUTHOR. 1872. K Extract from the Reports and Proceedings of the Ordnance Select Committee for 1868, page 397, vol. vi. "RESISTANCE OF AIR TO THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES.” "Note.-Referring to Minute 23,351, p. 255, vol. v. :" "The conclusions reported to the Ordnance Select Committee, with "reference to the resistance of the air to the passage of projectiles within "the limits of velocities of 1,500 to 1,100 feet, and recorded in § 2 of the above minute,* are in accordance with the law and co-efficient "previously derived by the Rev. F. Bashforth, B.D., Professor of Applied "Mathematics to the Advanced Class of Royal Artillery Officers, from experiments with his clock chronograph, and communicated in reports "of December 1865 and October 1866."+ * The Engineer, Nov. 15, 1867. + Reports, &c., p. 1–17. PREFAC E. EARLY in the seventeenth century Galileo de- termined the path of a projectile on the supposi- tion that the horizontal motion would continue the same as if there was no vertical motion, and that the vertical motion would continue the same as if there was no horizontal motion. But he afterwards explained that a projectile would not actually move in the parabolic path thus found, partly because he had neglected to take account of the resistance of the air, and partly because gravity did not really act in parallel lines. Mathe- maticians appear to have been content with this solution until Newton gave a mathematical in- vestigation of the path described by a projectile moving under the action of gravity and the re- sistance of the air supposed to vary as the velocity, upon which, however, he remarked, "Cæterum, "resistentiam corporum esse in ratione veloci- "tatis, hypothesis est magis mathematica quam naturalis." As Newton did not give a solution in the case when the resistance of the air was supposed to vary as the square of the velocity, which he believed to be the law of nature, John Bernoulli inferred that he was unable to solve this problem. Although Bernoulli gave a solution when the resistance of the air was supposed to vary as any power of the velocity, that solution was of no practical use in the state in which it 66 viii PREFACE. was left by its author. Moreover, as we now know that the resistance of the air does not vary even approximately, within practical limits, ac- cording to any single power of the velocity, this solution could not, under any circumstances, have led to a correct knowledge of the laws of the re- sistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. Numerous mathematicians, as Euler, Legendre, Lambert, Français and Poisson have attempted to find the path of a projectile when the resistance of the air was supposed to vary as the square of the velocity. These solutions did not, however, lead to any definite conclusion respecting the law and amount of the resistance of the air. The real advance made in the science of ballistics was due to Robins, who first devised means for measuring, in a satisfactory manner, the velocities of projec- Afterwards Hutton, improving upon what Robins had done, obtained very good results. Numerous experiments have been made since his time, the most notable of which were those exe- cuted at Metz, which formed the basis of M. Didion's Traité de Balistique. But the projectiles used in those experiments were spherical shot fired from smooth-bore guns, and the results ob- tained did little more than confirm the previous conclusions of Hutton. tiles. On the institution of the Advanced Class for Officers of the Royal Artillery in 1864, there was no satisfactory work on ballistics, and no experi- ments made with elongated shot could be found which were consistent among themselves, and therefore deserving of confidence. The Navez electro-ballistic instrument, at that time in use in this country, was one of the most unphilosophical of philosophical instruments. Feeling that the satisfactory solution of any question in gunnery depended upon the construction of a trustworthy chronograph, it therefore became my duty to re- PREFACE. ix commend that a proper instrument should be pro- cured, and that a systematic course of experiments should be undertaken to determine, in the first instance, the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. Although I had the hearty support of the Council of Military Education in these re- commendations, I met with no encouragement from the Ordnance Select Committee and its asso- ciates, who avowed the most perfect confidence in their instrument and the results it afforded, which were, however, of no use to me. Under these cir- cumstances I undertook the construction of my own chronograph, because it was desirable for me to retain complete control over my own invention, on account of the numerous modifications and im- provements which the first example of such an in- strument might naturally be expected to require. However, this roughly constructed instrument far exceeded my expectations on its first trial in No- vember, 1865, with ten equi-distant screens. The chronograph, after having thus passed its first trial with success, was next used to determine the resistance of the air to elongated projectiles of the same diameter, but provided with various forms of heads. The results of these experiments shewed that it would not be necessary, for prac- tical purposes, to employ more than one form of head in future experiments. † In the next place, an extended series of experi- ments was made with a view to find according to what function of the velocity the resistance of the air varied, and also to determine whether the resistance opposed to the motion of shot did ac- curately vary according to the square of the dia- meter. The form of head of shot selected for these experiments was the ogival struck with a * Reports, &c., p. 1–9. † Reports, &c., p. 10—17, and Phil. Trans. for 1868, p. 417–441. X PREFACE. radius of one diameter and a half. The diameters of the shot varied from about three to nine inches. Also in order to obtain great variations of velocity, the charges of powder used in firing each kind of shot were made to vary greatly. Afterwards ex- periments were made with spherical shot fired from the guns which had been used to fire the elongated shot. In this way the resistance of the air to service projectiles was found, in a conclusive manner, for all attainable velocities above 900 feet per second. As, however, the determination of the law of resistance for velocities below 900 feet per second was of little practical importance, and as new arrangements of the screens would have been required for that purpose, it was not thought desirable to enter on that branch of the enquiry without special authority for so doing. These experiments were concluded early in 1869.* Some few experiments were subsequently made by me to determine the resistance of the air to Whitworth flat-headed projectiles in consequence of an application made to me from the Department of the Director of Artillery and Stores, Woolwich.† Immediately after these experiments were com- pleted my chronograph was removed from Shoe- buryness, where it had been four years; for, having succeeded in perfecting my invention, and having trained three officers of the Royal Artillery in the use of my instrument and methods of reduction, there seemed to be no reason for me to push en- quiries further, unless the subject was taken up officially and in earnest, as it was no part of my duty as Professor or Referee to invent and provide chronographs for the public service, or to make experiments, because it was distinctly stated at the first that the references themselves would always be "the application of analysis to some practical * Reports, &c., p. 18-152. + Reports, &c., p. 162–169. PREFACE. xi "question." For evidence of the uniform success of my instrument and methods of experimenting I must refer to the collection of my Reports, pub- lished by the authority of the Secretary of State for War, which have been printed just as they were written at the specified dates. The original chronograph, called for distinction the clock-chronograph, was constructed solely with a view to determine the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. The labour required to re- duce each experiment would render this a most inconvenient instrument for use when it was de- sired to measure only the initial velocity of a shot, as in the proof of gunpowder, &c. But having received repeated applications from the War Office respecting a simplified form of my chronograph for common use, I succeeded, after considerable trouble, in perfecting the gravity chronograph, hereafter fully described. This in- strument, constructed originally in a rough manner, has been often used in the trial of small armı ammunition, and has proved reliable and conve- nient to use. To complete the subject, I have given an ac- count of the way in which my chronograph may be used to measure extremely short intervals of time, as I wished to explain clearly to the Com- mittee on Explosives the right application of my methods to such cases. I have also given a critical examination of the crude form of my instrument which was brought forward by Captain Andrew Noble in 1866, and used by the Committee on Ex- plosives, although it must be confessed that such instruments, even in their best form, are not adapted to determine the pressure of fired gun- powder in the bore of a gun. The consideration of the motion of a projectile naturally divides itself into three parts-first, its motion in the bore of the gun; second, its motion xii PREFACE. through the air; and third, its motion during its penetration into a solid substance. In the first and third of these cases I have had no opportunity of making any experiments whatever, and there- fore I have nothing new to communicate on the subject. The little that is known respecting the laws of penetration of round shot into solid sub- stances, is due to experiments made at Metz under the direction of competent mathematicians. The short chapter on the subject here given has been adapted from M. Didion's Traité de Balistique. As to the pressures exerted by the gas of fired gun- powder, nothing for certain seems to be known. If we are to accept the dicta of the Committee on Explosives, the pressure of exploding pebble-powder is liable to extreme variation from round to round, even when fired under apparently the same con- ditions. If this be really the case, further ex- periments would be almost useless; but the methods. of experimenting pursued by the committee are far from leading to conclusive results, as is ex- plained in Chapter I. In the remaining case, the whole of the data required for the calculation of the trajectories of spherical and elongated projectiles used in this treatise have been derived from recent experiments made with my clock-chronograph. The mathe- matical investigations are virtually the same as those of John Bernoulli, published a century and a half ago, but great labour has been required to render them practically useful. If the resistance of the air varied accurately as the cube of the velocity, and if the force of gravity acted in strictly parallel lines, it would now be easy to calculate with precision the trajectory of a shot fired at any inclination to the horizon. I mean that in no case is it necessary to have recourse to the supposition ds that may be replaced by its mean value through dx PREFACE. xiii a moderate arc of the trajectory, as is done by M. Didion* and M. Helié† and others. Whatever may, therefore, be the length of the arc through which the resistance can be supposed to vary as the cube of the velocity, through that are the motion of the projectile may be accurately cal- culated by the methods and tables given in this treatise, excepting any deviation due to the rota- tion of the shot. It would be easy to take account of the variation of the density of the air correspond- ing to the height of any point in the trajectory. It is believed that the Tables given are sufficiently extended for all practical purposes; and when the resistance of the air to the motion of shot for velocities below 900 feet per second has been determined, it will only be necessary to furnish additional tables of coefficients corresponding to tables I. and II. Just now the results of my eight years' labours have been arranged in a form adapted for the in- struction of the Advanced Class of Royal Artillery Officers, the class itself is threatened with extinc- tion, inasmuch as a sufficient number of candidates to form a new class did not, for some reason, offer themselves for examination last spring. In con- sequence of this a Committee was appointed to consider "whether the Advanced Class is of so "much benefit to the Service as to justify its con- "tinuance, and whether any mode of educating the "Royal Artillery Officers in the special branches "of knowledge which the class was instituted to "teach can be suggested in preference." Committee drew up a circular letter containing four questions, copies of which were forwarded * Traité, &c., p. 88. The four questions were as follows: † Traité, &c., p. 244. The 1. Whether the existence of that class, under the present regulations, is an advantage to the Royal Artillery ? 2. Whether you can suggest any preferable way of imparting the necessary Instruction to Candidates for appointments in the Scientific and Manufacturing Departments? xiv PREFACE. to thirty-four Officers of the Royal Artillery varying in rank from General to Lieutenant. The 3. Whether you can account for the apparent unpopularity of the Class in the Regiment? 4. Whether you can suggest any mode of inducing Candidates to come forward in greater numbers? Major-General F. Eardley Wilmot, R.A., replied to these questions in the following terms: "Sir, "9a, Victoria Road, Clapham Common, 9th March, 1872. "I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of questions relative to the "Advanced Class, Royal Artillery. "Having already, as a Member of the Royal Commission of which Lord Dufferin "L was Chairman, and also as a Member of the Committee of which Sir Edward "Warde was President, very plainly expressed an opinion, after taking a con- "siderable amount of evidence, I fear that as the reports of these two enquiries are not considered as valuable on this point, I cannot state anything which shall "add to their force. "But considering that your request scarcely leaves room for any other course, "I have the honour to append a few remarks in reply to the several questions. "1. Very great. It offers the opportunity of instruction to officers of a "character which can only be obtained by a temporary removal from the ordinary "duties of the service. It provides a number of officers well qualified to take a position among the scientific men of the day, and thus satisfies the public "that there are in a professedly scientific corps a certain proportion of officers "worthy of that character. (6 LL ፡፡ "It furnishes, though only a few at present, a well-instructed body of officers so far more fitted for the duties of the various departments in which they are required to serve, substituting specific and actual knowledge for that general "knowledge which is possessed by so many. It will eventually bring into the departments more highly instructed officers, and providing for a continuous supply will obviate one great hindrance to widely extended zeal, now resulting "from the supposed necessity for the continued employment of any particular officer beyond the period usually ordered for such service. It is a positive gain "to the country to have officers capable of being utilized in any scientific duty or enquiry, and of meeting those of other nations in this respect. (C "It forms a necessary complement to the education now given at the Royal "Military Academy, especially in respect to mathematics; and it supplies a most "valuable inducement to exertion by holding out the reward of employment as 'the well earned result, not of favour, but of ascertained qualification. " "2. I conclude this question does not apply to the particular 'course,' but "the general arrangement under which the class is placed. I do not think that any plan that does not involve an entire devotion to the special course of "instruction, without attempting to carry it on with other duties, can satisfactorily "effect the object. The constant interruption and consequent difficulty of making steady progress must have been experienced by many officers who have tried "various means for obtaining advanced education. The present system is based on a sound principle, viz., a considerable mathematical foundation imparted "by a highly qualified and devoted professor, accompanied by the systematic "application of this to the practical duties of the service. Any departure from "this general principle would, I think, be a mistake. "C "3. I conclude that 'unpopularity' is assumed as an apparent cause for there "being comparatively few Candidates. We are only just settling down into the "normal condition of peace, and consequently the effects of war and its rewards "naturally still occupy the thoughts of officers as the surest road to advancement "and employment. This helps to render 'science' for its own sake less 'popular' "than it might be. There is a dislike among officers to throw their duties upon 'others, and to apply to enter the class when they know that inconvenience may "be entailed upon the brigade or the battery by their absence. There is a feeling "that employment is not heartily given to those that have qualified themselves "for it in this way, and that those that are thus qualified are, ipso facto, considered "to be disqualified for such duties as the Horse Artillery. The great majority of PREFACE. XV Committee in their report (C. 589), presented to both Houses of Parliament, recognised "the great “interest taken in the subject by the officers gene- "rally, and the importance which they (with "hardly an exception) attach to the maintenance "of some means of enabling officers of the corps "to acquire that scientific knowledge which is "so desirable in every respect." The Committee practically recommended the continuance of the class system, which provided at Woolwich instruc- tion in Chemistry, Mechanics, Metallurgy, and Mathematics specially adapted to the wants of an "officers are not likely to select this particular line of preparation and employment, "and would not care to have the latter, even without special preparation, hence any prospect of 'popularity' is out of the question. "C 4. By placing the officers on the seconded list, and sending others to do the "duty which they vacate, the objection of those that did not care to compete "would be met, and a real grievance which now tells strongly against the class would be removed. I need scarcely add that a hearty encouragement from those "in authority and comparative certainty of employment are essential. Under "these circumstances, due notice being given, it is probable that candidates would come forward in sufficient numbers. (C ({ .66 "In conclusion, I need hardly refer to the evidence given to the Royal Com- "mission and Sir E. Warde's Committee. In conversation with eminent foreign "officers, the 'Advanced Class' and the 'Long Course' at Shoeburyness have "always been referred to as among the most valuable arrangements, and most "worthy to be copied by themselves. I hold the same opinion that was expressed "35 years ago by General Lefroy and myself when urging the formation of a Royal Artillery Institution, that it is impossible to maintain a reputation for "being a scientific corps without some sound basis on which to ground it, over "and above that given to Cadets. "( (C "It is true that we have had men like Boxer and Dixon, who, without this "special class instruction, have created departments which are the admiration of "the world. But they each had a special training and views far in advance of "the generality of officers, so well known that I need not comment on them. "I am satisfied that either of them would have otherwise gladly hailed such "opportunities as this class affords for preparing them for their work. Having "been in charge of a department myself, it is difficult for me to conceive that any officer can do otherwise than feel how enormous is the responsibility which he "undertakes when he represents the special, scientific, and mechanical knowledge "involved in the intelligent control and direction of so many foremen and others. (C possessing in some cases the technical, and in some both the technical and the "scientific knowledge of the work. Doubtless this alone is not sufficient to make a good Head of Department, but there is nothing in this to hinder the fullest development of that common sense fact, forbearance, and kindly feeling towards "subordinates, which are necessary in every post of authority. To keep officers "for a long time in specific employments until they have acquired a certain rule "of thumb knowledge, and to reckon that as an equivalent for true scientific 'training, does not appear the wisest course, however highly they may value it, “and undervalue the opposite system. (( (C "I need hardly say that I should deplore the abolition of the class as a very serious national loss. "I have, &c., "F. EARDLEY WILMOT, Major-General. "To the President Committee on Advanced Class." xvi PREFACE. Artillery Officer, at a total expense to government of about £1200 per annum. Several Officers of the Royal Artillery appearing to be distressed at see- ing this large (?) sum of money "swallowed up by "the Instructional Staff," proposed that a few Artillery Officers should be selected by examina- tion, and allowed to attend certain courses of lec- tures at the School of Mines, King's College, and University College, London. This formed the "alternative scheme" of the Committee, which, if adopted, would undoubtedly fail to lead to any result beneficial to the public service. If now the system of instruction tried during the last eight years could have been pronounced a failure, there would have been some reason for its opponents to propose a change. But I main- tain that the class system, instituted in 1864, has been eminently successful in training for the public service a sufficient number of Officers of great ability and unwearied industry. In support of this opinion, I refer to the official reports on the first, second, and third classes-to the text books pre- pared by Officers who have passed through the advanced class-to the valuable papers contributed to the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Insti- tution by former members of the advanced class; and lastly, to the satisfactory manner in which every Officer, who has received an appointment after leaving the advanced class, has discharged the duties of his office. There are certainly several other Officers of the Royal Artillery who have qualified by passing successfully the examinations of the advanced class, but have not hitherto re- ceived any appointment; while they have seen prizes, which have been held out to them as in- ducements to work, given to others whose scientific attainments had never been tested. And this goes far to explain the existing dissatisfaction, and the paucity of candidates for admission into the fifth PREFACE. xvii advanced class. It, therefore, seems to me extremely opportune that public attention should have been so distinctly called at the present time to the higher scientific education of Officers of the Royal Artillery, and to some of the discouragements under which professors and their pupils have so long laboured. As none of the civilian lecturers pretend to have even the most elementary knowledge of the e- gimental duties of an Artillery Officer, it is plain that their teaching is not likely to interfere with the prospects of those Officers who confine their attention to strictly professional duties. But just now great changes are taking place in the arma- ments of all nations, and it is a question who shall have the direction of the changes in this country. Shall selected Officers of the Royal Artillery re- ceive, first, a high scientific training, and, when found qualified, be appointed to some subordinate posts, where they can carry on their education, and avail themselves of the opportunity to apply to practical purposes the instruction they have re- ceived in Chemistry, Mathematics, &c., so as to gradually fit themselves for the highest posts in the manufacturing departments? Or, shall the heads of departments be Officers who do not even pretend to any scientific knowledge, and who must, there fore, in deciding most important questions, be de- pendent for assistance upon subordinates, or in- ventors, or scientific men called in for the occasion. To me it appears that such duties would be best performed by Officers of the Royal Artillery, provided they possessed the necessary scientific knowledge, because they would be likely to be best acquainted with the wants of the service. And even if they did not feel sufficient confidence to deal single-handed with any important question, they would be able to consult distinguished scien- tific men, without being under any obligation to follow implicitly their advice. xviii PREFACE. The nation has suffered incredible losses of late years from the want of proper scientific train- ing in its advisers. Take the Armstrong breech- loading system, a failure, upon which many millions sterling have been wasted. The "grip" in front of the seat of the shot was calculated to impede the initial motion of the shot, and therefore to cause the powder to exert its utmost destructive effect on the gun. It ought, therefore, to have been fore- seen that such a contrivance must fail. But in dealing with the muzzle-loaders, the very opposite course was taken. Some kind of increasing twist of rifling was adopted with a view to save the gun by facilitating the initial motion of the shot. On what principle, it may be asked, was the particular form of increasing twist chosen? The failure of several very heavy guns in time of peace seems to indicate that an error of a very grave kind has been committed in adopting the Woolwich system of rifling for those guns. Now the proper form of rifling depends upon the nature of the powder to be used. If the propelling force acting upon the shot could be rendered perfectly uniform, then the gun ought to be rifled with a uniform twist. Consequently, if the use of pebble- powder has a tendency to produce uniformity of pressure of the gas propelling the shot, the proper form of rifling must approximate to the uniform twist. Quite recently we have heard much of the great power of a new 16-pounder field gun. When, however, the gun was tried with its proper car- riage, the firing of a few rounds sufficed to break the axles of the gun-carriages. It need hardly be stated, either that the strength of axles should be perfectly understood, or that everything re- lating to the recoil of a gun, so far as it depends upon the weight and calibre of the gun, upon the weight of the shot, or upon the kind of powder, PREFACE. xix The present ought to be perfectly well known. difficulty may be got over by increasing the strength of the axles, and so adding to the weight of the gun, or by reducing the charge, and so diminishing the boasted powers of the gun, but in either case the gun ceases to be what it was intended to be. The very numerous and costly experiments on the penetration of iron plates throw little light upon the subject, because they have been made on no system, by the use of shot which generally broke up in penetrating. Much valuable informa- tion might be derived from experiments carefully conducted on a small scale, by the help of a. reliable chronograph, with shot made of the Whitworth metal, or some other metal which did not break up on penetrating. If these and other questions of the same kind were made the subjects of careful experimental investigation under the direction of the best mathe- maticians of the day, most instructive lessons would be furnished to the Officers of the advanced class, and the conclusions arrived at would prove of the highest value to the nation. I here offer the results of my eight years' labours, voluntarily carried on under many discouragements and diffi- culties, as my contribution towards an improved state of things. The want of hearty official support has led to a great waste of labour, because I have had to do things for myself which ought to have been done for me. So long as the educational and the experimental departments do not work well together, it must be to the great disadvantage of the public service. In carrying out the experiments which form the foundation of the present treatise, I have been greatly indebted to Major-General Sir F. Abbott, C.B., and to Colonel C. F. Young, R.A., as already stated. At Shoeburyness, on all occasions, I re- ceived every possible assistance in making the ex- XX PREFACE. To periments. My best thanks are, therefore, due to Major-General F. Eardley Wilmot, R.A., to Major Alderson, R.A., and to Captain Ellis, R.A. Captain J. P. Morgan, R.A., Captain A. Ford, R.A., and Captain J. Sladen, R.A., I am indebted for most valuable assistance in making the ex- periments and in the laborious work of their reduction. I must also express my obligations to the Officers of the Royal Artillery Institution for the assistance derived from the use of their work- shops in carrying out my plans. For further information of a more practical character, I must refer the reader to the excellent treatise recently published by Lieutenant-Colonel C. H. Owen, R.A., Professor of Artillery at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, on the Prin- ciples and Practice of Modern Artillery. November, 1872. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. On the Measurement of the Elastic Force of Exploded Gunpowder PAGE 1-18 CHAPTER II. On the Motion of a Projectile in Vacuo 18-23 CHAPTER III. On the Resistance of the Air 24-44 CHAPTER IV. On the Motion of a Projectile in a Resisting Medium 45-66 CHAPTER V. Description and Use of the General Tables 67-73 CHAPTER VI. On the Law of Penetration of Projectiles 74-79 APPENDIX I. Adaptation of the Chronograph shewn in the Frontispiece to Measure a succession of extremely short intervals of time 80-84 APPENDIX II. Description of a Gravity Chronograph 84-88 APPENDIX III. On Interpolation and Quadratures 88-90 xxii CONTENTS. TABLE I. Coefficients for the Cubic Law of Resistance. Elongated Projectiles with ogival heads PAGE 1 TABLE II. Coefficients for the Cubic Law of Resistance. Spherical Projectiles 2-3 TABLE III. 3 Log P = log (3: tan & + tan³µ) Po TABLE IV. 4-38 Values of X, Y, and T for intervals of 0°.2 TABLE V. 38-39 РФ P = 3 tan & + tan³ p + Values of X, Y, and T for intervals of 1° TABLE. VI. 40-99 TABLE VII. 99 Table of values of hgt² = 193 14472 inches TABLE VIII. d2 A general table of values of s for ogival-headed shot 100-102 W TABLE IX, d2 A general table of values of t for ogival-headed shot 102-104 W TABLE X. A general table of values of d2 s for spherical shot 105-107 พ TABLE XI. = d2 A general table of values of t for spherical shot . 108—110 พ TABLE XII. Table of values of h = 1gt² = 16·0954ť² feet 111-112 ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ELASTIC FORCE OF EXPLODED GUNPOWDER. 1. Robins made experiments about 1740 with a view to determine the pressure exerted by fired gunpowder. He came to the conclusion that when powder was exploded it produced about 250 times its own volume of gas under the atmospheric pressure. The elastic force of common air was found to be increased four-fold when raised to a temperature equal to that at which iron begins to be white hot. Robins thence concluded that when powder filling the chamber in which it is enclosed is exploded, it will exert a pressure equal to 1000 times that of the atmosphere.* This result was far below the truth. 2. The best experiments of this kind were made by Rumford towards the close of last century. He measured directly the pressure exerted by the gas at the instant of explosion, and so avoided calculations based on mere hypo- thetical views. He employed a cylindrical barrel B (fig. 1) about a quarter of an inch in diameter and capable of containing 25 grains of fine gunpowder. The barrel, which was placed in a vertical position, was carefully closed by the pressure of a heavy weight resting on the hemisphere E, and acting in the direction indicated by the arrow. The ball W when heated was employed to fire the charge. Various charges were used, and by trial it was found what weight * Robins' Tracts, p. 161. B 2 ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ELASTIC each charge was just capable of lifting.* The unit of volume by which the quantity of powder was expressed was the one- thousandth part of the volume of the barrel. Suppose x to be the volume of the charge of powder so expressed, and y the pressure in pounds per square inch excrted by the gas, then y=27·6151+0004 3. The above formula did not, however, correctly repre- sent the experimental results for charges of powder more than sufficient to fill three-fifths of the chamber. For higher charges the elastic force of the gas appeared to be greater than that given by the formula. These results of Rumford must be considered highly satisfactory so far as they go, but it is quite possible that, if a much larger chamber and higher charges had been used, less heat would have been absorbed, and consequently higher pressures would have been registered. Rumford's papers are well worth a careful perusal, as his methods are, in general, so direct and simple; but his cal- culations respecting the power required to burst his gun are fanciful and inconclusive. The results of Rumford, however, do not enable us to calculate the motion of a shot propelled in the bore of a gun by the explosion of powder, because, in general, the shot is moving while the explosion of the powder is in progress, and at no time is it possible to say what is the ratio of the volume of powder actually exploded to the volume occupied by its gas. 4. Captain Rodman, by the help of his pressure gauge, carried out numerous experiments in America to determine the pressure exerted by fired gunpowder, but his results were not sufficiently consistent among themselves to merit any great confidence. He gave a very partial trial to what he called his velocimeter, by which he found the law of recoil of the gun mounted in the gun pendulum. This was the first step towards a satisfactory system of experimenting. But the mass of the gun being too great, its initial motion was too insignificant to give the law of pressure of the gas with accuracy. 5. Experiments were made at Essen in 1867 by General Mayevski, who took another step in the right direction, but still he did not arrive at any satisfactory result. A Prussian * Philosophical Transactions, 1797. FORCE OF EXPLODED GUNPOWDER. 3 breech-loading gun of 4 was used, which fired an elongated lead-coated projectile (fig. 3). A hole was bored through the breech piece in the axis of the gun. Through this hole an iron rod M was passed and screwed into the shot with which the gun was loaded. Arrangements were made at the free end of the rod M to break two wires a, a', connected with a Boulengé Chronoscope, and placed in certain known positions. In this way attempts were made to measure the times in which different parts of the bore were described by the shot. But, unfortunately, only one observation was made for each round fired, and that by a chronoscope capable of measuring only one interval of time. General Mayevski thus confesses the unsatisfactory nature of his results:-"Les résultats "obtenus font voir que la durée du trajet du premier pouce "est très-longue et très-variée, comparativement à celles des "déplacements suivants, de sorte que les durées que met le projectile à parcourir différents trajets ne peuvent être "déterminées avec précision qu'à partir d'un certain dé- "placement de sa position initiale. C'est pour cette raison que "l'origine des durées a été prise dans la plupart des expériences “à 1 de pouce, et dans quelques-unes à 1 pouce de la position "initiale du projectile."* 66 (6 6. Thus the most important point in the experiments was given up. But it appears to me that if a suggestion pub- lished by me in 1866 had been attended to, this difficulty might, in a great degree, have been overcome. "The only "method which appears to me to hold out any prospect of success is one to which Captain Rodman gave a very partial "trial. He mounted a gun in the old gun pendulum. A 66 cylinder was placed with its axis parallel to the bore of "the gun. When the gun recoiled it drew back a tracing "point, which marked a straight line on the surface of the cylinder at rest. If, whilst the gun was stationary, the "cylinder was made to rotate, the tracing point described a "circle on the surface of the cylinder. If now the cylinder "be made to rotate rapidly and left to itself, and if the gun "be fired, the point will trace out a curve on the surface "of the cylinder, the ordinate of which will represent the "time occupied by the gun in recoiling through a space equal "to the abscissa. The law of the work done to produce "the recoil thus becomes known. By measuring the initial "velocity of the shot, the total amount of work done by the 66 * Royal Belgian Academy, Oct. 10, 1868. B2 4 ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ELASTIC 66 แ powder is found. The law of pressure of the gas would "be found with greater exactness if the tracing point was "connected with the projectile. This method of experimenting seems to be the only one likely to give a satisfactory result, "for if the rotation of the cylinder be uniform for the very "short time the explosion is in progress, there can be no "doubt that the coordinates of the diagram would give us "a connection between the time and space; and knowing "the weight and the velocity of the moving body at any 66 one point, we can tell the amount of pressure that was "acting upon it at any instant, or for any position. From "what has been said, it is evidently of great importance in "the proof of gunpowder, that besides the trial for initial "velocity, there should be some test of the stress thrown on the gun. 992 7. Arrangements might be made for measuring the angular velocity of the cylinder at the time of firing the gun. It is evident that the proposed arrangement would connect time and space in a satisfactory manner, provided (1) the angular velocity of the cylinder did not change sensibly during the progress of the explosion, and (2) that the rod attached to the marking point did not stretch sensibly. If the curve was one of continuous curvature then it would be plain that there was no percussive action of the powder, and no "waves "of pressure." When high charges were used, General Mayevski found that the iron rod screwed into the shot was torn asunder near the shot. Probably in any case a short rod would have stood sufficiently long to give the initial motion of the shot correctly. But in order to determine the law of pressure throughout the whole length of the bore, it would be necessary to use a rod tapering in substance from the screwed end. In order to avoid a variable amount of windage, it would be advisable to substitute for the solid rod a cylinder, from which an internal conical cavity had been bored. 8. It is evident that the mass of the gun is too great, while the mass of the shot is too small, to admit of being used with perfect success in determining the pressure of the gas of exploding powder. It appears to me that the proposed * Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, 1866, p. 189, and Descrip- tion of a Chronograph, &c., p. 29. FORCE OF EXPLODED GUNPOWDER. 5 breech-loading gun of Captain Morgan, R.A.,* would enable this difficulty to be completely overcome. In this case the barrel is closed by a piston 4 (fig. 2) connected with a heavy A mass of metal. When the gun is fired the shot D is driven forward, and the breech piece A is driven backward, while the barrel remains nearly stationary. Here the recoiling breech piece might be made 10 or 20 times the weight of the shot, and there could be no difficulty in obtaining the law of its recoil, from which might be deduced the law of the propelling pressure. Such an experiment would enable us to calculate the motion of the shot on the supposition that the pressure per square inch exerted by the gas on the breech piece and on the shot were equal at every instant. By com- paring the calculated and measured initial velocity of the shot the precision of the experiment would be tested. The resistance due to rifling, or the friction of the lead coat, might be simultaneously determined from the forward motion of the barrel, just as the pressure of the gas was determined from the recoil of the breech piece. 9. A Committee on explosive substances has been more or less engaged in this country since 1866, but hitherto nothing more than the most meagre statements of their proceedings have been published. In the beginning of their labours the Committee troubled themselves to little purpose about chronoscopes. They desired to measure the velocity at different points in the bore of the gun, and from this they hoped to deduce the corresponding pressures of the propelling gas. In the first place (Nov. 1866) they tried the Leurs instrument then just received, but in vain.† From the Pall Mall Gazette (July 15, 1868) it appears that the Committee had then become embarrassed with riches, for they had obtained a Schultz, Chronoscope, and were daily expecting a Noble Chronoscope. A confident hope was expressed that, through the instrumentality of these inventions, "some of the most important problems relating to gunnery' would be solved in a satisfactory manner. Fabulous stories were told about the performances of these instruments. The measurement of time with an error so great as the 5,000,000th of a second was easily accounted for, although in both these instruments the spark from a secondary coil was used as the "" * Journal of the United Service Institution for 1870, and Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, Feb. 1871, p. 145. † Proceedings of the Ordnance Select Committee, 1866, p. 350. 6 ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ELASTIC 66 recording agent, which, to compare small things with great, strikes as directly or as capriciously as a discharge of forked lightning. Thus Gloesener remarks that "l'etincelle ne parâit pas éclater normalment de la pointe à la plaque; "elle suit le chemin le plus facile ou qui oppose le moins de "résistance, et non pas le plus court. La direction de son "trajet dépend de différentes causes; de la nature, de l'hétérogénéité, de l'etat hygrométrique, et de la con- "ductibilité du papier; la forme, la conductibilité de la "pointe et l'état de l'air qui l'entoure influent sur le trajet qui suit l'etincelle."* 66 10. These two chronoscopes also agree in another point, their cylinders are driven by toothed wheels. In the Noble Chronoscope "there are four toothed wheels, each travelling "five times as fast as the one behind it," which are used to impart and maintain the velocity of the short cylinders upon whose surfaces the records are received. The chatter- ing noise made when the instrument is at work plainly shews that the cylinders are in a state of excessive vibration. Up to the present time I am not aware that the Committee have published full particulars of a single experiment made with this instrument in a precise form intelligible to the scientific world. 11. It is manifest that little reliance can be placed on the results given by chronoscopes where the records are received on the surfaces of cylinders which are subject to more or less vibration in consequence of toothed wheels being used to drive them. But there are other equally strong objections to the use of all chronographs whatever in the determination of the pressure of fired gunpowder, by means of observations made at six or eight points first at one end and then at the other end of the bore of the gun. In order to determine a rapidly varying velocity it is necessary to measure with extreme accuracy the short time St in which. Es a short space ds is described, and then the ratio may be St. taken as the velocity at the middle point of the space ds. But in order to determine the rapidly varying pressure of the gas which is propelling the shot at any moment, it is necessary to determine the increment of velocity dv which * Traité Général des Applications de l' Electricité, t. I. p. 449. FORCE OF EXPLODED GUNPOWDER. 7 Sv δέ takes place in time St, and then the ratio will represent 66 Now when the accelerating force acting upon the shot. the spark discharged from the secondary coil is used as the recording agent, accuracy in space can only be secured by cutting the primary wires precisely at predetermined points. The Committee on explosives met with this practical diffi- culty of securing accuracy in space in the very simplest case when they attempted to break six primary circuits simultaneously, for they remark that "great difficulties were, "however, experienced in securing a simultaneous rupture "of the primary wires, and the only method found perfectly satisfactory was to place the whole of them on a small screen "close to the muzzle of a rifle; on firing a flat-headed bullet "the whole of the wires may be cut nearly simultaneously, "and the action of the instrument examined." If so great a difficulty was encountered in such a simple case, it may be asked what means were used by the Committee to secure, in actual experiment, the rupture of the primary wires by the passage of the shot exactly at the appointed positions. The contrivance, shewn in fig. 4, was used by the Committee for this purpose. The elongated shot A rubbed against the inclined plane of the shearing instrument D, which was half an inch in length. The primary wire to be sheared is ee, and f is a steady pin.* It is manifestly impossible to say what would be the exact positions of the shot in each case, when the primary wires were ruptured by such a contrivance. 12. But suppose this first and greatest difficulty sur- mounted, and that accuracy in space could be secured, we must consider the means used by the Committee to secure accuracy in the records made by the spark on the rotating cylinders. The Committee on explosives confess that, "It "is obvious that the results furnished by an instrument "intended to measure the very small intervals of time "6 necessary for the investigations in which the Committee "have been engaged, would be liable to be received with great "suspicion were there no means of testing the accuracy of "the instrument; accordingly, one of the chief objects in its design was to arrange that the accuracy of the indications "could at any time be tested with facility." The cylinders 66 * Preliminary Report, 1870, p. 6. † Ibid. 8 ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ELASTIC were accordingly put in rapid rotation, the primary wires were cut by firing at them a flat-headed bullet, as nearly simultaneously as possible, and the records were then ex- amined. Now in this test it is to be observed that the rupture of all the primary wires was nearly instantaneous, and consequently nothing whatever depended upon the known uniform and steady motion of the cylinders on which the records were made, or upon the satisfactory action of the stop-clock. The test employed did not test the instrument as used in any experiment If the experiment tested any- thing it merely tested the value of the secondary spark as a recording agent, the value of which was well known before. Although it has often been proposed to employ the spark from a secondary coil in similar cases, I am not acquainted with any results obtained by its aid in any single case which are of the slightest scientific value. Still it is difficult to find any other more satisfactory means of making records if chronoscopes are to be used in such experiments, and it therefore becomes necessary in the first place to consider whether the deviations of the spark from the normal line are such as would materially impair the value of the proposed experiments. If I had used the secondary spark, as origi- nally proposed, the errors caused by the known´ deviation of the spark would have been sufficient to vitiate all my experiments made to determine the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. It is, however, extremely probable that the errors in space due to the shearing apparatus would be far more injurious than the errors in registration by the secondary spark in the mode of experimenting pursued by the Committee on explosives. This 13. But the chief instrument employed by the Committee was the Rodman pressure gauge, where the indenting knife was replaced by a copper cylinder to be crushed by the pressure of the gas acting on a piston of known area. method has the great merit of being simple and direct, and, provided it gave consistent results, there would be no reason to dispute its value, so far as relative results were sufficient. But the Committee have noticed a surprising difference between the recorded pressures when the cylinder to be compressed was placed near the bore of the gun and when placed at a distance from it, which does not appear to admit of a satisfactory explanation. The Committee remark that "In experimenting with the 8-inch gun, the copper cylinders "by which the pressure is measured at the front of the FORCE OF EXPLODED GUNPOWDER. 9 (l 66 แ 66 cartridge have been placed occasionally in the same position as the Rodman knives, which were employed for that purpose during the early stages of the Committee's ex- periments, that is to say, they were put at the outside "surface of the gun, instead of being situated close to the "bore. In all five cases when this was done an enormous "increase of compression resulted, &c." It is quite necessary that this anomaly should be explained satisfactorily before any confidence can be placed in the indications of the crusher gauge. แ 66 66 66 66 AC 14. It is natural to enquire what means were used in order to deduce from a given compression of a copper cylinder the pressure to which it had been subjected. The Committee state that "A series of experiments having been made by means of a testing machine to determine the pressure required to produce a definite amount of compression in copper cylinders corresponding to those used in the instru- ment, the tabulated results furnished a means whereby the amount of compression produced in the 'crusher' becomes a direct indication of the pressure at that part of the bore "where the plug is inserted." This was certainly a very ready, but it can hardly be considered a satisfactory, way of determining the pressure to which the cylinders had been subjected. In the first place the modes of action of the pressure of the gas and of the testing machine are quite different. It cannot be safely assumed that copper cylinders can be manufactured of such uniform quality that all will shew equal compressions corresponding to equal great pres- sures. The metal of which some of the cylinders were composed appears to have been too soft, regard being had to the pressures they were intended to measure, for one case is mentioned where a cylinder was compressed from 0·500 inch to 0.285 inch in length. 15. The Committee state that "the pressures have also "been calculated, as before, from the various rates of move- "ment in the bore indicated on the Noble Chronoscope, and it "has been highly satisfactory to find that all the observations "of pressure and velocity thus independently taken have cor- "roborated and confirmed one another in a remarkable degree, "with the exception of certain discrepancies as regards pres- "sure, which have been confined to quick-burning powders, † Preliminary Report, p. 8. * Progress Report, p. 7. ΤΟ ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ELASTIC "and which the Committee hope to explain in their detailed “report.”* "Now it is difficult to imagine how this mutual confirmation is possible, except in cases where the maximum pressure of the gas is attained before the shot moves sensibly from its seat. For instance, it is quite impossible for the crusher to confirm the pressures exhibited by the pressure curves of Plate IX. of the preliminary report. It is quite im- possible for a chronoscope to reveal the variation of pressure said to exist in different parts of the powder chamber. Thus there were three crusher gauges; namely, A placed in the axis of the gun and at the bottom of the bore, B in the bore opposite the centre of the charge, and C approximately in front of the charge. Three rounds of Waltham Abbey pebble powder, of density 1.78, were fired from an 8-inch gun, loaded with a spherical shot weighing 69 lbs., with the following results:† Charge. 16 lbs: Pressure at ¡ 4 tons. Pressure at B. 31 tons. 18 gg 20 212 99 3. 21 99 5 99% 99 "" Pressure at C. 2 tons. 3. "2 21", But we For these low pressures we should expect "the crusher gauge" to give particularly consistent results. cannot be satisfied that the pressures indicated at A, or at B, or at C, follow any law corresponding to the charges of powder which produced them. It is unfortunate that charges of 14, 12, 10, &c. lbs. were not also tried. Another good test of the value of "the crusher gauge" would have been obtained if, for every round fired, crusher plugs had been inserted at equal intervals along the bore of the gun. 16. There is another peculiarity in the experiments made by the Committee on explosives. It appears that, from the nature of the shearing arrangement (fig. 4) in connection with the Noble Chronoscope, it was found necessary to employ a mechanically fitting projectile. For instance, a 7.995 in. bolt was fired from an 8-inch gun. Mention is also made of a windage of 0.02 in., while the service windage is generally 9:08 in. Now it is impossible to insist too strongly on the necessity of carrying out experiments of this kind under strictly practical conditions. The usual amount of windage may afford great relief to the gun, by allowing part of the gas at a high tension to escape, and so act as a safety valve. * Quarterly Proceedings, &c., 1870, p. 280. † Progress Report, p. 6. FORCE OF EXPLODED. GUNPOWDER. 11 แ 66 66 17. After numerous experiments made with the 8-inch and 10-inch guns, the Committee on explosives were employed to measure the pressures in the bore of the 35-ton gun. When the gun had a bore of 11.6 in., 35 rounds were fired with shot of 700 lbs., and charges of pebble-powder varying from 75 lbs. to 130 lbs. Afterwards, with a bore of 12 in., 33 rounds were fired with shot of 700 lbs. and charges of pebble-powder varying from 110 lbs. to 120 lbs. After this an incipient crack was found in the steel lining of the gun. The initial velocity reached its maximum as an 11.6-inch gun, with 120 lb. charges, when it was 1370 ft. per second, with a pressure on the powder chamber of 66 47 tons per square inch; whilst it fell off to 1346 ft. with "a 130 lb. charge, though it gave 63 tons pressure on the "base of the projectile, showing that the extra powder was unconsumed, or that the exit of the shot was impeded."* An explanation given in The Standard† may apply in this case. "When the gun was tried with 130 lbs. of powder "there was an idea that it failed to burn all the charge, inasmuch as the velocity appeared to fall off. But the gun was only once fired with this excessive charge, and it is. 66 now understood that the velocity taken on that occasion was. "fallacious, the electric screen nearest the gun being broken- "by the blast from the muzzle before the projectile reached "it. It has been found necessary to take great care to prevent a recurrence of this disturbing cause. This is just what might have been expected from the very defective and un- trustworthy chronometric instruments used, which are quite insufficient for the performance of exact experiments. แ 66 66 66 66 66 99 18. It is further stated that "the combined pressures were 47 tons on the square inch with 120 lb. charges in "the 11.6-inch bore, but these were reduced to about 35 tons "in the 12-inch bore. Suddenly, at the eighteenth 120 lb. "charge, the extraordinary internal pressure of 66 tons per square inch was registered in the powder chamber; and "the steel tube being calculated to withstand only 55 tons, "an incipient crack took place in the bottom groove near "the seat of the shot. I have not seen all the registered: 'pressures, but those of the last four 120 lb. charges varied "from 40 to 66 tons, the initial velocity with 46·8 tons pressure, “being six feet more than when the pressure was 66 tons. The ' * Captain W. Dawson, R.N., Royal United Service Institution, Feb., 1872. † Nov. 15, 1871. 12 ELASTIC FORCE OF EXPLODED GUNPOWDER. "muzzle velocity and maximum pressures given by the last "four 120 lb. pebble-powder charges in the 12-inch bore, "with 700 lb. projectiles, were:- Maximum Powder-Pressures at Velocity. Total Work. Axis of Gun. 1366 feet. 9059 foot-tons. 46'8 tons. Vent. 35.2 tons. Projectile. 45.4 tons. 1360 8973 66.0 42.6 53.2 99 99 "" "2 "" 1334 8639- 44.6 34.2 46.8 ,, "2 ,, "" 1334 8639 37.6 27.0 39.6 99% 93. 19 19. "" 66 "The muzzle-velocity and pressures with smaller charges of "pebble-powder are said not to present the same variety; probably, because the effort of the shot to escape from "them is more successful......Returning to the last four 120 lb. charges and the crack, let us ask, why did the greatest pressure give the lesser velocity, if the exit of "the shot was not impeded? Why this variation in the "powder-pressure at all?" 66 66 ' 19. Further, it has been stated that Captain A. Noble, a member of the Committee on explosives "has fired by electricity as much as 4 lb. of powder confined in cylinders "of steel tempered in oil. The cylinders, which were 2 in. "internal diameter and 1 calibres thick, usually expanded ".002" or '003", and one as much as '02", external diameter. "......Some crusher gauges' were placed inside, and from "them, I believe, Captain Noble deduced a maximum 66 pressure of 40 tons. I do not know, however, what "reliance is to be placed on their indication under such extreme pressures as they must have been subjected to; "nor can I reconcile their indications with the expanding "of the cylinders, which is more in harmony with Rumford's "results."* AC This pressure of 40 tons per square inch is only about two-thirds of that said to have been subsequently registered in the proof of the 35-ton gun. It is undoubtedly a most difficult matter to measure the pressure of the gas of fired gunpowder. The same powder may, under apparently the same circumstances, at different times exert a pressure liable to extreme variations. This is, however, at present little more than an unsupported theory adopted to explain discordant results, which may in the end turn out to be due to the manner in which the experiments have been conducted. * Captain Morgan, R.A., in Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, 1871, p. 420. CALCULATION OF INITIAL VELOCITIES OF PROJECTILES. 13 And, regard being had to the striking performances of guns at long ranges, which depend so much upon the uniform action of the gunpowder, most thoughtful people will be disposed to question the results arrived at by the Committee on explosives. See a valuable paper by Captain Morgan, R.A., on the Determination of the Explosive Force of Gunpowder.* ON THE CALCULATION OF INITIAL VELOCITIES OF PROJECTILES. 20. The motion of a shot in the bore of a gun has been usually calculated on the supposition (1) that all the powder was converted into gas before the shot moved; (2) that there was no escape of gas by windage; and (3) that the pressure of the gas varied inversely as its volume for every position of the shot. The last of these conditions would probably hold in no case, but the first two might be approximately satisfied by the Armstrong breech-loading gun, where, however, there is an enormous and unknown amount of friction. Sometimes it has been assumed that the work done on the shot by the powder varied as the weight of the powder. But this is not approximately true even for moderate variations of the charge, the gun and shot re- maining unchanged. For instance, it was found by firing a hollow elongated studded shot, weighing 23.84 lbs., from a 5-inch rifled gun, that the average useful effect per pound of powder used was 147,921 foot pounds, for a charge of the weight of the shot; 177,268 for a charge of 1; 187,032 for a charge of; 170,964 for a charge of; and 159,875 for a charge of In this case it appears that the useful effect of each pound of powder attained a maximum when the weight of the charge was about of that of the shot. 10 Again, when a solid shot weighing 473 lbs., and of the same external form as the hollow shot, was fired from the same gun, the useful effect of each pound of powder was 170,534 foot-pounds for a charge of the weight of the shot; 192,071 for a charge of; 199,242 for a charge of; and 200,834 for a charge of 12. Although the shot for our experiments with the 3, 5, 7, and 9-inch guns were very carefully manu- factured with a view to determine the resistance of the air, the guns from which they were fired would afford varying amounts of windage depending upon their different degrees * Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, 1871, p. 413. † Reports, &c., p. 51. 3 14 ON THE CALCULATION OF of wear and tear. Also the lengths of the bores of the guns did not follow any law dependent on the calibres of the guns. Consequently the useful effect per pound of powder obtained. from one gun did not admit of direct comparison with that obtained from another gun. 21. It was observed by Rumford* that when charges of coarse grained powder were used, unconsumed grains were frequently blown out of the gun, while some grains shewed clear indications of having been once ignited and of having been afterwards extinguished. It must be manifest, therefore, from the above examples of the behaviour of powder, that its explosion is not instantaneous, and unfortunately we have no knowledge of the law of its explosion, depending as it does upon its composition, upon the mode of its manufacture, upon the size and form of the cartridge, upon the point of its ignition, upon the state of the atmosphere, and upon the pressure under which the explosion takes place. Powder will ignite, but it will not explode in vacuo. Hence it appears to be undesirable to attempt to make any mathe- matical investigations respecting initial velocity so far as it depends upon the charge and weight of projectile, especially as the law which governs it may be easily determined by a short course of careful experiments when the service powder has been decided upon.† 22. But in obtaining a given initial velocity of the shot, it is necessary to consider the stress thrown upon the gun. The more uniform the pressure of the gas can be rendered, so as to distribute the work done on the shot along the bore, the better it is for the gun. A detonating mixture would explode so suddenly and violently that it would destroy the gun and perhaps fracture the shot without imparting to it a high initial velocity. Gun cotton ignites so rapidly that all attempts to retard its combustion have hitherto failed to make it useful in large charges. If the powder ignites quickly the whole of the charge will be exploded during the initial motion of the shot, and the tension of the gas at first will be very high, but it will generally fall quickly as the volume of the gas is increased. Such a powder would try severely the endurance of the gun. But when the powder burns slowly, as the shot moves the explosion will be going on in a manner calculated to sustain the pressure *Philosophical Transactions, 1797. † Reports, &c., pp. 46, 47. INITIAL VELOCITIES OF PROJECTILES. 15 of the propelling gas throughout the whole length of the bore. În this way it is found that a slow burning powder may give even a much higher initial velocity to a shot than a quick burning powder, and at the same time exert a much less destructive effect on the gun. 23. When quick burning powder was used for large guns it was most important to consider the initial motion of the shot, so as to provide, as far as possible, for an early increase of space for the gas to occupy, for the motion of the shot must at first be comparatively slow, and there was a danger that the gas, being confined in a limited space, might burst the gun. It seems, therefore, that the law laid down by Professor Hélie was in that case a sound one; namely, that every obstruction to the initial motion of the shot ought to be removed.* This consideration gave rise to the rifling of guns with an increasing twist. Now it is plain that modern rifled guns firing elongated shot have a much greater strain thrown upon them than the old smooth bore service guns of equal calibre. But it does not yet clearly appear whether this is due chiefly to the increased weight of elongated shot and the diminution of the escape of gas by windage, or whether the rifling has any perceptible destructive effect beyond that due to the cutting away of the metal of which the gun is composed. If two elongated shot were fired from a gun rifled with a uniform twist, one studded and the other without studs, under otherwise identical conditions, and if their initial motions were accurately determined, it would be clearly shewn what effect the uniform twist had upon the initial pressure exerted by the gas. It is known that the total "work done" in giving rotation to a shot is quite insignificant when compared with that required to give the usual velocity of translation, but it is not known what effect a uniform twist of the rifling has upon the initial motion of the shot. This is a subject worthy of careful experimental investigation, for if the increasing twist does not sensibly relieve the stress upon the gun by facilitating the initial forward motion of the shot, it fails to effect that saving of the gun for which it was designed. The more rapidly the powder explodes the greater is the apparent necessity for an increasing twist in the rifling; and, on the other hand, the slowly burning powder recently introduced into the service must tend to to diminish the practical importance. *Hélie Traité, p. 400. 16 ON THE CALCULATION OF of the increasing twist, and perhaps render it entirely un- necessary. 24. It is undoubtedly right in principle to free the initial motion of the shot, so far as possible, from all needless obstructions. The increasing twist has, as we have seen, been tried in deference to this principle, only it is at present doubtful whether the advantages secured by its adoption counterbalance the practical disadvantages of its employment. But the Armstrong system of breech-loading ignored all considerations of this kind, for a "grip" in the bore was placed just in front of the seat of the shot, while the shot was covered with a thin coating of lead to take the rifling. An experiment was made at Woolwich in 1865 to determine the statical pressure required to force a 12-pound shot along the bore of an Armstrong breech-loading gun.* It was found that a pressure of from 16.25 tons to 20 tons was necessary to force a cold 12 lb. shot through the "grip" in front of the shot chamber, and a pressure of from 3 to 5.5 tons to force it along the bore. It is plain that the shot could not move forward before the tension of the exploding powder was sufficient to exert a pressure of 16 tons on the base of a 3-inch shot, and even after that the shot would move slowly. This would cause so great a loss of time that pro- bably the whole of the powder would be exploded before the shot had moved sensibly from its seat, and consequently the gas would exert its greatest possible destructive force upon the gun. This error in principle, combined with the use of the destructive powder formerly in use in this country, termed poudre brutale or poudre brisante on the continent, seems to be quite sufficient to account for the failure of the Armstrong system. The 12-pounders firing shot 3 inches in diameter and the 40-pounders firing shot of 4 inches in diameter appear to have been so far encouraging, in the first instance, that the English Government proceeded with the manufacture of 110-pounders firing lead-coated pro- jectiles 7 inches in diameter. General Peel has stated that in 1860-1, £2,830,625, and in 1861-2, £3,006,049, were spent in the manufacture of warlike and miscellaneous stores, "a "great portion of which was for the 110-pounder Armstrong guns which had been adopted" without any sufficient trial. Repeated failures merely led the late Ordnance Select Com- 66 * Quarterly Proceedings of the Ordnance Select Committee, 1865, p. 23. INITIAL VELOCITIES OF PROJECTILES. 17 mittee to search for a more enduring metal of which to form their breech pieces. 25. The failure of the 7-inch Armstrong breech-loaders led to the adoption of the muzzle-loading system for 7-inch guns and for those of larger calibre. As it was impossible to use lead-coated projectiles for muzzle-loading guns, it became necessary to try other kinds which have been found to give equally good results. After the large muzzle-loading guns had proved successful, the same system was adopted even for field-guns, and thus the Armstrong system was completely superseded. Still it appears that the question of breech versus muzzle-loading for large guns has not been finally settled. The recently introduced slow burning powder requires a long bore for its useful consumption, while the limited space in forts and ships restricts very much the lengths of muzzle-loading guns. 4 26. Inasmuch as Krupp has manufactured breech-loading guns of 9 inches bore firing lead-coated shot of 300 lbs., which successfully competed at Tegel with the Woolwich or muzzle- loading gun of 9 inches bore, it is plain that the failure of the Armstrong system for 110-pounders cannot be simply ascribed to the use of lead-coated projectiles. Neither can it be supposed that Krupp's success is due to the superiority of the metal of which he constructs his guns. It may be asked, does he contract the bore of his gun just in front of the shot, so as greatly to impede its initial motion? 27. Sir William Armstrong, in his address as President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1869, when speaking of gunpowder, confessed that a new light had just "dawned upon the subject," which altered the prospect. A comparison of dates leads to the conclusion that this new light was derived by him from the results of the Tegel experiments, during the progress of which it was proved that a slow burning powder might be found, which would throw less stress upon the gun and give a higher initial velocity to the shot than the quick burning powder in use in this country. The different effects produced by different explosive agents long ago suggested that there might be different degrees of violence exerted by powders which gave the same initial velocity to the shot. Shortly after I was appointed referee to the Ordnance Select Committee in 1864, I in vain suggested that a few inexpensive experiments C 18 CALCULATION OF INITIAL VELOCITIES OF PROJECTILES. 66 should be made to determine the law of explosion of gunpowder. As no attention whatever was paid to my recommendation, when I was writing a description of my chronograph in 1866, I took the opportunity to record my opinion as follows:-"From what has been said, it is evidently of great importance in the proof of gunpowder 66 that, besides the trial for initial velocity, there should be 66 some test of the stress thrown on the gun. "At present, 1872, two Boulengé chronoscopes are used to measure the initial velocity of the proof shot, and the crusher gauge is used to measure the maximum pressure of pebble-powder. If such a system, giving reliable results, had been introduced ten years ago it might have saved many millions of money and many vain attempts to transgress the laws of nature. 28. If, as seems probable, the progress of events should render it necessary to reconsider the system of breech-loading, it is to be hoped that lead-coated projectiles will be abandoned and that the same kind of shot will be used for one bore, be the gun loaded at the muzzle or the breech. The lead- coated projectiles are said to have the good property of preventing the scoring of the guns, while the objections urged against their use are numerous and important. the same shot was made suitable for firing from a breech or a muzzle-loading gun, the two systems might be in use at the same time without causing any confusion, and that system might finally be adopted which seemed to be best adapted to the wants of the service. If * Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, 1866, p. 190, and Description of a Chronograph, p. 30 ( 19 ) CHAPTER II. ON THE MOTION OF A PROJECTILE IN VACUO. 29. In our investigations we shall suppose gravity to act in parallel lines and to exert a constant accelerating force, g. The projectile will therefore move in the vertical plane in which it is projected. Let the point of projection be taken as the origin, and let x, y be the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the projectile at the time t, the axis of y being vertical and that of x being the horizontal line in which the vertical plane of projection intersects the horizontal plane through the origin. Let also V be the velocity and a the angle of projection. The equations of motion are Integrating, we have Also dx d²x dt² d²y It² dt = const. V cos a (1). dy const.-gt V sina - gt sina-gt dt x = Vt cosa, and y = Vt sina - gt...…………….(2), because when t=0, x=0, and y=0. These two equations (2) give the coordinates of the pro- jectile at any given time t. Also the velocity v may be found from equations (1), for dy v2 (de)² = (da)² + (din) dt dt =V² cos²a + {'V² sin³a − 2gt V sina+g²t²} =V²- 2g (tV sina - gt) V-2gy... (3). – € 2 20 ON THE MOTION OF A Eliminating t between equations (2), we have 9 y = =x tana x²... 2 V² cos² a .(4), the equation to the path of the projectile, which is a parabola with its axis vertical. 30. The equation to a parabola with its axis parallel to the axis of y, its latus rectum 7, and its vertex A at the point hk, is or - (x − h)² = 1 (k − y), since PN² = 1 × AN (fig. 5); *2 x² - 2xh+h² = lkly. = 0 If this curve passes through the origin, the condition x= 2h 1 х when y=0 gives h=lk, leaving y=7 7. Compar- ing this with (4) and equating coefficients of like powers of x, we have from which it appears that 2h т and/ =tana, and 1 9 212 cos² a' 1/2 sin 2a V" sin" a 2 V² cos² a h k and l= 2g 29 g Or, the equation (4) may be put under the form V2 sin 2a\2 2 V² cos² a XC 2g 9 (-3 V2 sin² a ·Y+ 2g 1/2 sin 2α So that the coordinates of the vertex are and 2g V2 sin² a 2 V2 cos² a and the latus rectum equals " 2g 9 The coordinates of the focus of the parabola are V2 瓦 ​sin 2α, 2g and V2 sin² a V² cos² a V2 V² cos 2a k- (sin³a – cos³a) = 4 2g 2g 2g 2g The height of the directrix above the horizontal plane 72 through the point of projection = k+ HX. 4 2g PROJECTILE IN VACUO. 21 V2 If x, y be the coordinates of p then np=XH- mp= ―y. 2g Now the velocity acquired by a body falling freely from rest through a height np = × 2g = √(29 × np) = √ √ {29 (17- 2g Y = √(V' — √( Vª — 2gy) equals the velocity which the projectile would have in its path at the point p, by equation (3) of Art. 29. 31. To find the range on a horizontal plane passing through the point of projection we have y = 0, and equation (4) becomes 2 0 = X tana 9X* 2172 cos² a' 2172 which gives x=0 or X= sina cosa OR (fig. 5). g In order to find the time of flight we observe that the horizontal velocity dic = dt V cosa is constant, and therefore the time in which the range x is described X V cosa 2 V sin a g And generally when the shot has reached a point whose abscissa is x, the time of flight t= = X V cos a by equation (2). 32. If it be required to find the range and time of flight on a horizontal plane at the distance projection we have +x tana- above the point of 2 gx² 2 V² cos² a an equation which gives V2 sina cosa ± g V2 sin² a 2g If k' be + and < (-x+ V² ain'α)}. this equation gives two real values of x, On and On', corresponding to the ascending and descend- ing branches (fig. 6). 2 V2 cos² a sin² -' 9 2g If k' be + and V" sin² a then the two values of x are 2g 2 equal, or the shot just touches the plane at A. " ON THE MOTION OF A 22 If ' be + and > V² sin' a 2g then both values of x are im- possible and the projectile never reaches the plane. If k' be negative, or if the plane be below the point of projection, there are always two real values of x, as Om, Om'; Om giving that point in which the trajectory would intersect the given plane if it was produced backwards in Op. 33. In the same manner we must proceed if we wish to find where a given projectile will strike a given object represented by the equation y = f(x), for we have two. gx2 equations y=x tana and y=f(x), given to find 2172 cos² a x and y. We have found the range on the horizontal plane 172 X = sin 2a, where for a given value of V it is plain that x will be a maximum when sin2a=1=sinπ or when a= 9 a=1. 34. The inclination 0, of the path of the projectile to the horizon corresponding to the time t, is given by equations (2), for dy dy dt tan dx མི་ཆེ་ V sina - gt V cosa in terms of t and known quantities; or differentiating equation (4) we obtain tan 0 dy dx tan a gx V2 cosa in terms of x and known quantities. 35. It may be useful to treat the motion of a projectile. in vacuo in the same manner as we shall treat the motion of a projectile in a resisting medium. The equations of motion are d²x dt2 d²y 0; dt2 =-9; dx dy giving dt V cosa, It V sina - gt. dt PROJECTILE IN VACUO. 23 Let dy dy dt tan 0 = p =p= dx dx dt then dx dy &&& dt dp dx dy d³x d²y dt dt 19-19 f f -- dt dx therefore dp and X = Also since V2 cos² a 9 V2 cos²α g V2 cos² a g dť² dx\ dx dt dt Jap= α 0 dy-p dx y= [pdx=-V" cos'a [pdp 2 V² cos² a 9 For the time we have dt dx α 9 V² cos²a g *S* (tan@ + tan'0) de 1 √2 cos² a ; •A "S" (1+tan²0) d0 V" cos² a g α «Y®. 0 V² cos² a V cosa dt ; X dp dx' dp V cosa V cosa therefore t = 9 Sdp= V cosa g 9 a g *S* (1+tan³0) do V cosa g aTo. a 0 י 70 α 6 α The numerical values of XX-X°, for the ascend- ing branch; and for the descending branch X = «X° + °Xº. In the same manner the numerical values of Y and may be found in the Table y=0·00, p. 40. x Ө .0 • and "T ( 24 ) CHAPTER III. ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR: 36. THE received theory of the resistance of the air to the motion of bodies is unsatisfactory in the extreme. It is based on the erroneous supposition that the moving body disturbs those particles of air alone which lie in its way, and no account is taken of the condensation of air in front of the body, or of the lateral disturbance, or of the disturbance propagated through the air when the velocity of the dis- turbing body is below the velocity of the sound wave. Although the form of the rear of the moving body is known to modify the resistance opposed to its motion by the air, no account is taken of that matter in the commonly received theory. It is further probable that, the amount of the re- sistance of the air to the motion of a body, at a given velocity, will in some measure depend upon whether the motion of the body is being accelerated or retarded. In con- sequence of these difficulties, it has long been felt that actual experiment would alone determine the resistance of the air in each particular case with satisfactory accuracy. The im portant effect of the air in modifying the motion of projectiles has caused numerous experiments to be made with a view to determine the amount of its resistance to the motion of spherical balls, and, more recently, to the motion of elongated, shot furnished with various forms of heads. • 37. The earliest of these experiments of any value were made by Robins (1742), and by Hutton (1783-91). They were remarkably successful, considering the inherent defects of the ballistic pendulum, which was used by them in the measurement of velocities. In order to determine the resis- tance of the air to a projectile, it is necessary to find the velocity lost by it in moving through a given distance. But as the ballistic pendulum allowed only one velocity to be measured for each round, it was necessary to fire a number of rounds with the pendulum placed at one distance from the gun, and afterwards, having changed the distance between. ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 25 the gun and the pendulum, to fire another set of rounds under as nearly as possible the same conditions. The dis- tance between the gun and pendulum in Hutton's experi- ments varied from 30 to 430 feet. The weights of his sphe- rical balls varied from about 1 to 6 lbs., and their diameters from 2 to 3 inches. In the course of these experiments, the weight of the pendulum was increased from about 500 to 1800 lbs. Although a gun may be charged to all appear- ance in the same manner each time, there will in general be found to be considerable variations in the initial velocities of the shot, which are important when exact experiments are being attempted with the aid of the ballistic pendulum. As the distance between the gun and the pendulum is in- creased, the difficulty of making the shot strike the receiver properly is also increased. The ballistic pendulum also limits the weights of the shot which it is possible to use in ex- periments of this kind.. 38. In 1839 and 1840, experiments on the resistance of the air to the motion of spherical shot were carried on at Metz, by order of the French Minister for War, by a com- mission of which MM. Piobert, Morin, and Didion were members. The weights of the projectiles used in these experiments varied from about 11 to 50 lbs., and their dia- meters from 4.0 to 8.7 inches. The distance between the gun and the ballistic pendulum varied from about 50 to 330 feet. The mean weight of the receiver was nearly six tons. 39. M. Didion has given a comparison between the results obtained at Metz and those derived from the pre- vious experiments of Robins and Hutton by a careful re- calculation of their observations. Didion's experiments gave p' =0·02694 (1+0.0023v) when the shot moved with a velocity of v metres per second. The experiments of Hutton made with one pound balls gave p'= 0·02693 (1. + 0·002587v), and those of Robins, made with small-arm bullets 2 inch in diameter moving with low velocities, gave the same result as the Metz experiments. But the experiments of Hutton made with balls of three and of six pounds, as well as those of Robins made with small-arm bullets moving at high velocities, appeared to give higher values of p'. M. Didion, *Didion, Lois de la Résistance de l'Air, p. 22. 4 26 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. therefore made the first term in the value of p' constant in all cases and = 0.027. Then putting p' = 0·027 (1 + xv), and giving p' its experimental value, and substituting for v the mean velocity of the shot during the experiment, the nume- rical value of x was determined in each case. In this way it was found from Hutton's experiments with balls of one pound moving with a mean velocity of 400 metres per second, that a=0.00257; with balls of three pounds moving with a mean velocity of 430 metres per second, that x=0.00274; and with balls of six pounds moving with a mean velocity of 450 metres per second, that x= = 0.00272. The experiments of Robins made with small arms gave, for a mean velocity of 455 metres per second, x=0.00451. In conclusion, M. Didion adopted the formula p' = 0·027 (1+0·0023v) as the result of the most recent experiments made at Metz, by the use of service projectiles, by the aid of instruments of the greatest precision. Applying now the formula of M. Didion, p' = 0·027 (1+0.0023v), and also the new formula derived from the mean of Hutton's experiments with three and six pound balls, p' = 0·027 (1 + 0·00273v), to calculate the re- sistance of the air to a spherical shot 10 inches in diameter moving with a velocity of 1400 feet, we find that M. Didion's formula gives 1088 lbs., and that the formula derived by him from Hutton's experiments gives 1189 lbs. Recent ex- periments have given 1204 lbs., shewing that Hutton's experiments were more exact than those of Didion, which fact leads to the conclusion that Hutton had reached the limiting weight of shot which could with advantage be employed in conjunction with the ballistic pendulum. Not- withstanding this, very large ballistic and gun pendulums were constructed at the Elswick engine works in 1855 for the experimental establishment under the Ordnance Select Com- mittee at Shoeburyness, which were "designed to afford "data for calulating the initial velocity of cannon shot." But these monsters have never been used for the purpose for which they are said to have been designed.† is probably the most costly ballistic pendulum that ever was constructed. Elaborate models of these unused instruments may be seen in the Rotunda at Woolwich, which are said to have cost £800. This *Reports, &c., p. 121. † Since the above was written I have been informed that these ballistic pendulums have been taken down, as the sheds were wanted for manufacturing purposes. ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 27 40. The first proposal to use electricity in ballistic experi- ments seems to have been made by Professor Wheatstone, in 1840, who shortly afterwards caused instruments to be constructed for that purpose. About this time Colonel Konstantinoff, of the Russian Artillery, consulted Professor Wheatstone respecting a chronoscope which he desired to obtain. He afterwards (March, 1843) employed M. Breguet, of Paris, to construct an instrument for him. The problem proposed by Colonel Konstantinoff was very clearly stated as follows: "Disposer un instrument qui pût indiquer et "conserver trente ou quarante observations successives, faites "dans des espaces de temps très rapprochés, d'un phénomène se passant plus ou moins loin de l'endroit où se trouve "placé l'instrument d'observation."* Great credit is due to Colonel Konstantinoff for thus clearly stating the problem to be solved. The construction of the instrument was com- menced in June, 1843, and the work was completed in May, 1844. In June, 1845, M. Breguet was expecting to hear the result of a trial of his instrument at St. Petersburg, but I am not aware that any experiments made with his instru- ment have ever been published. M. Morin has remarked. that the problem was not solved in a manner completely satisfactory.t 66 66 41. Another instrument of the same kind was brought before the English scientific world by General Sabine, in his address as President of the Royal Society (Nov. 1866). He said: "A chronoscope recently devised by Captain "Schultz of the French Artillery appears, as far as can "be judged previous to a practical trial, to correspond to "these conditions, and to be likely to supply a means of surmounting the difficulty; it is not improbable that it "will be tried in the present year." Although the Com- mittee on gun cotton wisely abstained from taking any further steps in the matter, General Lefroy, R.A., F.R.S., as President of the Ordnance Select Committee, applied to have a Schultz Chronoscope procured for the use of the Committee, in consequence of the favourable terms in which the President of the Royal Society had spoken of that invention. This chronoscope was really brought forward in 1859, and was somewhat ostentatiously exhibited at Paris in 1867. It was noticed in The Engineer,‡ and in The * Moigno, Traité de Télégraphie, 1849, p. 95. † Du Moncel, Exposé, fc., Vol. II., p. 340. The Engineer for Dec. 1867, p. 509. 28 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. Practical Mechanic's Journal, where it was stated that "Captain Schultz, in fact, finds that he can observe and (6 register time to the ten-millionth of a second."* Far more satisfactory would it have been if evidence had been produced of the satisfactory use of this chronoscope in some actual experiment. In due time the Schultz instrument arrived at Woolwich (July, 1868), but I am not aware that it has ever been employed in this or any other country in any experiment where more than two screens were used. A few instances of its employment in the measurement of single velocities were given. by Colonel Benet, which results are of no scientific value. 42. The instrument most extensively used in this country down to 1866, was the Navez Electro-Ballistic Pendulum, which was introduced from Belgium by Colonel Younghusband, R.A., F.R.S., and for some time a member of the late Ordnance Select Committee. Perhaps no instrument has had so much money wasted upon it in the way of experiment as that of Navez, and yet it gave no results of any value. In confirmation of this opinion I refer to the Ballistic Reports of the late Ordnance Select Committee, 80, V. 114, pp. 34 (1862); 84, V. 132, pp. 130 (1863); and to 84, V. 132, pp. 284 (1865). All these labours with the Navez instrument led to the adoption in England of Didion's methods of cal- culation, and the reprinting of a selection of his. tables in 1865, even after these things had been discarded at Metz! It has been pointed out that Hutton's experiments gave better results than those of Didion, shewing clearly that the science of ballistics had made no progress in the interval 1800—1865. Now the instruments of Breguet and Schultz appear to have been such decided failures, that nothing has ever been heard of any important experiments having even been attempted by their aid, so that in such cases the loss of the money paid for the instruments was about the total loss. But the case was different with the Navez instrument; it afforded no means of testing the accuracy of its indications; it was not sufficiently bad to secure its immediate rejection by the late Ordnance Select Committee. At one time, it gave very fair results, and at another, it gave extremely bad results. As an instance of this I will refer to the experiments made by the help of two Navez Pendulums, under the direction of General Lefroy, R.A., * Practical Mechanic's Journal, for Oct., 1867. + Electro-ballistic Machines, 1866. ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 29 to determine the loss of velocity of 12 lb. and 70 lb. elongated shot, for the information and guidance of the Armstrong and Whitworth Committee. Each result was a mean obtained from five good rounds, and the means did not differ notably from the individual quantities. We now know that the experiments with the 70 lb. shot were very fair, and that the experiments with the 12 lb. shot were extremely bad. 43. Such was the state of our knowledge of the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles, when, in 1864, it was decided to form an Advanced Class for the scientific instruction of Officers in the Royal Artillery. On that occasion the council of Military Education sought my as- sistance in the department of Applied Mathematics, and afterwards the duties of Referee to the late Ordnance Select Committee in Mathematical questions were imposed upon me. A very short examination of the experiments, which had then been made under their direction, shewed me that, in general, they had been made on no systematic plan, or, where there was some approach to system, the results were dis- cordant. I felt it to be my duty therefore to recommend the construction of a chronometric instrument, which should be capable of giving the times occupied by a shot in passing over a series of successive equal spaces. This recommenda- tion was made by me before I was aware that Colonel Konstantinoff had felt and expressed the same want. The Committee had, however, lavished such extravagant praise upon their Navez, that they could not listen to any proposals for the introduction of a rival chronoscope, and in the end I was driven to the hard necessity of inventing and con- structing my own instrument. Late in 1865 the new Chronograph was tried in Woolwich Marshes with 10 screens with perfect success. It was afterwards removed to Shoeburyness, where it remained from 1866-1870, during which time the experiments were made which are described in the "Reports on experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph, 1865-1870. The Council of Military Educa- tion took great interest in these questions, and it was through their influence that authority was obtained for carrying out experiments in the interest of the technical education of officers in the Royal Artillery. * Reference to this publication is made under the short title, Reports, &c. London, published by W. Clowes and Sons; Harrison and Sons; W. H. Állen and Co.; Longman and Co.; and Trübner and Co. Price, 1s. pp. 170. 30 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 44. After the Chronograph had passed its first trial with success in December 1865, it appeared desirable to make use of it, in the first instance, to determine the resistance of the air to elongated projectiles of a given diameter and weight, but varying in the forms of their heads. The forms selected were the hemispherical, the prolate hemispheroidal having axes in the ratio 1 to 2, and two ogivals struck with radii of one, and of two diameters of the shot. Ten solid shot were provided of each kind, but unfortunately sufficient care was not taken to secure equality of weight. In addition twenty hollow ogival-headed shot, ten of each kind, were provided. All the rounds were fired with a charge of 5 lbs. of powder, so that the hollow shot had a much higher initial velocity and consequently a much higher velocity of rotation than the solid shot. The diameter of the shot usually denoted by d was 4.7 inches. The distance between successive screens was 150 feet denoted by l, and 2b was the coefficient of resistance. The following is a state- ment of the average results: Mean Mean Weight of Initial Mean Gun. Form of Head. Rounds. sphere 40 Pr. M. L. į spheroid No. of Shot-w. Velocity lbs. f-s. value 10 20006 of bl². Date. 5 39.33 1202 ·000840 0001329 Oct., 4 Ogival (1 diam) 10 Ogival (2 diam) 8 38-69 1196 ·000669 ·0001043 1866. · 21.81 1541 ·001245 ·0001097 21.94 1545 001181 0001042 The range of velocities obtained in these experiments was not sufficient to indicate a departure from the cubic law of resistance. It is apparent from the above values of bw÷d" that the resistance to the hemispherical head was decidedly greater than that opposed to the remaining three forms. The resistance of the air to the hemispheroidal and the ogival heads varied so little that it was plain that any of these forms most serviceable in other respects might be safely adopted. The slight variations in the resistances to the three latter forms lead to the conclusion that the amount of re- sistance offered by the air to the motion of elongated shot is little affected by the more or less pointed apex, but depends chiefly upon the form of the head near its junction with the cylindrical body of the shot. In this neighbourhood the forms of the hemispheroidal head and the ogival head struck with a radius of two diameters are the same, and the re- sistances are little different. For a detailed account of these ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 31 experiments see the Philosophical Transactions for 1868,* and the published reports.† 45. It was still necessary to seek for a satisfactory answer to the two questions: (1) Does the resistance of the air vary as the cube of the velocity for all practical velocities of the projectile? and (2) does the resistance of the air vary exactly as the square of the diameter? With a view to solve these questions the following officers were associated with me to carry out an extended series of experiments with guns of 3, 5, 7, and 9-inch calibres : Lieut.-Colonel C. F. Young, R.A., Director of Artillery Studies. Lieut.-Colonel C. H. Owen, R.A., Professor of Artillery, R.M.A. Captain J. P. Morgan, R.A., now Assistant Superintendent of the Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham. Captain A. Ford, R.A., now Assistant Director of Artillery Studies. Captain J. Sladen, R.A., now Assistant Instructor Royal Laboratory. The last three officers had then recently completed a two years' course of instruction in the Advanced Class. In turn they superintended the firing of the gun and assisted in the chronograph room, which was about a quarter of a mile from the range. Most of the reductions of the experiments were made by the same three officers in the most satisfactory manner. As the following treatise is founded entirely upon the results of experiments made with my chronograph, 1865–1870, it will be proper to give a brief description of the instrument, and shew in what manner the reductions of the observations have been made, referring the reader for fuller information to the published description of the chronograph.‡ 46. The chronograph was designed with a view to secure the following conditions: (1) The time to be measured by a clock going uniformly. (2) The instrument to be capable of measuring the times * Phil. Trans., 1868, p. 417. † Reports, &c., p. 10. Bell and Daldy, 1866; Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, 1866, p. 161; and Revue de Technologie Militaire, t. VI., p. 199. 32 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. occupied by a cannon ball in passing over any number of successive equal spaces. (3) The instrument to be capable of measuring the longest known time of flight of a shot or shell. (4) Every beat of the clock to be recorded by the inter- ruption of the same galvanic current, and under precisely the same conditions. (5) The time of passing each screen to be recorded by the momentary interruption of a second galvanic current, and under precisely the same conditions. (6) Provision to be made for keeping all the strings or wires of the screens in an uniform state of tension. 47. In contriving my instrument I at once abandoned all attempts to drive the cylinder at a known uniform angular velocity. The frontispiece gives a general view of the in- strument as constructed and used in experiment. A is a fly wheel mounted on a vertical axis. K is a cylinder intended to be covered with paper prepared to receive the records made by the two markers m, m'. When the fly wheel is spun by hand, the toothed wheel B allows the string C to unwind from the drum M, and so lower the stage S, which descends smoothly by its own weight along the slide L. Two electro-magnets E, E are fixed to the stage S. These magnets, by means of arms a, a', work levers b, b', which give motion to the markers m, m'. A lever h acts upon the springs s, and so raises the markers m, m', or keeps them gently pressed against the paper mounted on the cylinder K. If we suppose the markers depressed, and the fly wheel spun, as a gyroscope, the markers m, m' will trace two parallel spiral lines upon the cylinder. But if we cause a galvanic current to circulate round the lower electro-magnet E', and if the galvanic circuit be so arranged that the pendulum of a half-seconds clock shall interrupt and restore the current once every double swing, then we shall have upon the spiral traced by m' records made every second. The forces tending to destroy the motion of the fly wheel are the resistance of the air and the friction at the bearings, and at the marking points m, m'. The only force tending to drive the heavy fly wheel is that derived from the tension of the string C acting through the toothed wheel B, about three-quarters of an inch in radius. The cylinder K and the fly wheel ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 33 A are respectively 4 and 18 inches in diameter. The object of these arrangements was to remove all causes which might be likely to disturb the perfect smoothness of the rotation of the cylinder. As I knew that it was quite impossible to secure sufficient uniformity of angular velocity of the cylinder, I merely endeavoured to secure a uniformity of loss of angular velocity. The regular beating of the clock gave a diminishing scale of time on the cylinder. By means of necessary corrections and interpolations this scale was further divided into a correct scale of tenths of a second. It was not necessary to carry the subdivisions of the scale further than tenths of a second, because it was found that intervals of time less than the twentieth of a second could always be treated by the ordinary method of proportional parts. 48. Suppose now a second galvanic current to circulate about the other electro-magnet E, and also to pass through ten or more equidistant screens, so contrived that the passage of a shot through any screen shall cause a momentary inter- ruption of the galvanic current at that screen, but allow the current to be restored again before the shot can arrive at the next screen. Each interruption of the current will be recorded by the marker m upon the rotating cylinder K. Afterwards the clock and screen records are measured off, starting from some line drawn on the surface of the cylinder parallel to its axis. 49. It is well known that there will always be some loss of time between the interruption of a current and the regis- tration of the corresponding record. As it is impossible entirely to remove this difficulty care must be taken that each marker shall make its own records under precisely the same circumstances, so that we may be permitted to assume that the loss of time is the same for every record made by the same marker. The clock records present no difficulty because the pendulum goes on swinging and breaking contact once a second, hour after hour, and we have no reason to suppose that the loss of time in making the records will vary in the course of 10 or 20 seconds. But precautions are required to secure a like condition for the screen records. If the galvanic current was allowed to circulate for a few minutes about the electro-magnet E, and then was interrupted in rapid succession 10 or 15 times in a second, it might be expected that the remaining mag- D 34 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. netism would have an effect in delaying the records which would gradually decrease with each successive interruption. This would be a very injurious kind of error, for the varying loss of time would follow a law, and therefore it would be impossible to eliminate it. The following arrangement was made with a view to obviate this difficulty. The action of the lever h, when used to raise the markers m, m' from the paper, simultaneously breaks the galvanic current be- longing to the electro-magnet E, and restores the circuit when the markers are depressed preparatory to the firing of the gun. The manner in which this is effected is shewn by fig. 15. The screen circuit is joined at A and B. When the switch 7 stands as represented in the figure, the current is broken. While the screens are being mended 7 is brought in contact with m, and thus the ringing of the bell indicates. the proceedings on the range. And when 7 is brought in contact with n the galvanic current circulates about the electro-magnet E. But between the depressing of the markers and the firing of the gun there is in general a little delay which requires further precautions. A self-acting contact breaker (fig. 14) is placed in the circuit and near the gun. When the firing party are ready, a lever ab is raised and a pin ƒ is inserted, which turns the galvanic current through the contact breaker D. The same motion of the hand that pulls the lanyard to fire the gun withdraws the above-mentioned pin f, and allows the lever ab to be brought down into the position ac by a spring, and so shutting out the contact breaker D, completes the circuit just before the shot reaches the first screen. Further, it is not important for the losses of time to be absolutely equal for records made by the markers m and m', provided they be small for each marker. 50. The most troublesome part of my undertaking was the invention of a proper screen, which would allow the same galvanic circuit to be used for all the screens on the range, the records being made by the momentary interruption of this single circuit. Provision had to be made for closing the circuit interrupted at one screen before the shot arrived at the next screen. This was satisfactorily accomplished in the manner shewn in fig. 12. Springs b, d, f, formed of hard brass wire, and were fixed in wood as re- presented. The ends of the springs passed through holes in copper plates as a, c, e, &c. Wood being a non-conductor, the current which entered at a passed through the spring b, were ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 35 into the plate of copper c; thence by the spring d it entered the plate of copper e, and so on along the whole length of the top of the screen. The tops of all the screens and the chronograph were included in one circuit, as shewn in fig. 13. The holes in the plates of copper through which the springs projected were about half an inch in length, and the springs, when not held down by weights in contact with the lower edges, rose up by their own elasticity and remained in contact with the upper edges of their holes. For an experiment the springs were held down by equal weights suspended by strong sewing cotton so as to form the screens. These springs were about two inches apart for experiments with bores of 3 inches and upwards. The shot in its course. broke one or more threads as it passed through each screen, and so, releasing one or more springs, caused the marker m to register a corresponding record. 51. When every precaution had been taken it was found that there were still little irregularities in the readings of several successive records. The corrections required were most simply performed by plotting on an enlarged scale, and then drawing a curve. They may also be performed by differencing the readings and applying small corrections required to render the second or third orders of differences regular. It has been suggested that the method of least squares might have been employed to obtain the most pro- bable results from our experiments. But I very much doubt whether any other method of dealing with our observations would have given results so accurate and certain as the one adopted. We had no supposition to make respecting the law connecting space and time which we were in search of, we merely assumed that there was a law. By inspection we could see whether one mode of correction gave the sum of the squares of the errors greater or less than another, when there was any doubt whatever. But in such cases the practical difference of the two systems of correction would have been insensible. When the corrected screen readings were converted into time, and again differenced, we were able, almost by inspection, to obtain corresponding values of the velocity of the shot and of the resistance of the air, just at the instant when the shot passed any of the screens. In this manner we obtained several corresponding values of velocity and resistance for each good round fired. As it was found impossible to express the resistance of the air D 2 36 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. in terms of the velocity by any simple formula, the resistance has been expressed in terms of the cube of the velocity in connection with a variable coefficient. In considering the motion of a shot it will be necessary from time to time to change the coefficient so as to keep it in accordance with the velocity of the shot. The law of the cube of the velocity has been chosen on account of the simplicity of the formulæ to which it gives rise. 52. The experiments were carried out with guns of 3, 5, 7, and 9-inch calibres, for which the following elongated shot were manufactured with great care in the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich; namely, shot 2.92 inches in diameter, weighing 12, 9, and 6 lbs. for the 3-inch gun; shot 4.92 inches in diameter, weighing 47.68 and 23.84 lbs. for the 5-inch gun; shot 6.92 inches in diameter weighing 122.3 and 61.15 lbs. for the 7-inch gun; and shot 8.92 inches in diameter weighing 250 and 125 lbs. for the 9-inch gun. The charges used in each gun were generally the one-sixth, the one-eighth, and the one-twelfth of the weight of the solid shot. The shot had similar external forms, the heads being of the ogival form struck with radii of one diameter and a half. The resistance of the air was found to vary as the square of the diameter of the projectile, but when the resistance of the air to a given projectile was expressed under the form 26 × (velocity)³, it was found that 26 attained a maximum value for a velocity of about 1200 feet per second, and con- sequently decreased for higher and lower velocities. The numerical values of b were determined experimentally for ogival-headed elongated shot and other kindred forms, for all velocities between 900 and 1700 feet per second.* These coefficients in a convenient form will be found in Table I. Afterwards guns of the same calibres were used to fire solid and hollow spherical shot, in order to determine the coefficients for the cubic law of resistance to spherical shot corresponding to all velocities between 850 and 2150 feet per second. These coefficients are given in a convenient form in Table II. 53. The following examples are given as illustrations of the great utility of differencing when systematic experiments or independent calculations are being made. Suppose that * Reports, &c., p. 152. † Reports, &c., p. 114. ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 37 the following logarithms of numbers have been independently calculated, and that the calculator wished to test the accuracy of his work. Calculated Corrected Nos. logarithms. logarithms. 1280 107210 + 3380 A₂ 107210 Δι Correc- + 3380 Δη 1290 110590 - 27 tions. 110590 27 + 3353 + 3353 1300 113943 · 35 + 10 113943 - 25 + 3318 1310 117261 +3328 - 05 20 117271 - 25 + 3313 1320 120574 - 35+ 10 + 3303 120574 - 25 + 3278 1330 123852 - 24 + 3278 1 123852 + 3254 1340 127106 + 3253 – 25 - 26+ 2 127105 + 3228 + 3229 - 24 1350 130334 - 23 - 1 130334 + 3205 + 3205 - 24 1360 133539 - 23 133539 - 23 + 3182 +3182 1370 136721 136721 The difference of type indicates the erroneous figures in one place and their corrections in the other. Tables of the squares, cubes, &c., of numbers have respectively their second, third, &c. differences constant, thus No. Squares. Cubes. 1 1 2 4 + 3 9 + 4 16 5 + 9 1:00 17 O Δη 1 +2 8 +2 27 7 +2 64 25 +2 125 ++++ A₂ 7 + 12 A3 +19 +6 +18 + 37 +6 +24 61 + 6 +11 + 30 6 36 + 91 +2 216 +6 +13 +36 7 49 +2 + 127 343 +6 + 15 + 42 8 64 + 169 +2 512 +6 9 +17 +48 81 + 217 + 2 729 +6 +19 + 54 10 100 + 271 +2 1000 +6 11 +21 + 60 121 + 331 +2 1331 +23 +66 +6 12 144 +2 + 397 1728 +6 &c. &c. As the final differences are here constant, we could go on and calculate complete tables of squares and cubes of integers. In the former case adding 2 to 17 we have 19, and adding 19 to 81 we get 100, the square of 10 and so on; and in the latter case adding 6 to 48 we get 54, and 54 to 217 we get 271, and adding 271 to 729 we get 1000, the cube of 10. Difference machines have been constructed to work on this principle. In the same way we may calculate formulæ of the form u= a + bx + cx², where the first order of differences A,, 38 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 3 would be b+2cx, and the second, A,, would be constant and =2c. If u = a + bx + cx² + dx³, then the column of the third order of differences 4, would be constant and + 6d. In the generality of tables, no order of differences would be absolutely constant, but the final order used would in general change very slowly, as in the above example taken from a table of logarithms. 54. We now proceed to shew how the first and second differential coefficients may be expressed in terms of the successive differences. By finite differences we have or wx+1 u = u₂+ Aux ux Au = u x+1 ის ე. D. Ux+2} = U x +¿+AU x+1=U₂+AU+A (u +▲u )=u +2▲u + A² u U 3 Δ Δ 201 ¹ x + B1 = U x + 3 AU₂+ з▲² u¸ + ▲³µ» X 29 &c. And generally n.(n-1) n.(n−1).(n − 2) Ux+ni ux + n Aux + ▲²u + A³u₂+ &c., * 1.2 1.2.3 6 =u₂+n{Au¸—‡▲³u„+}A³u¸—‡A*u„+‡A³u„−‡A®u„+&c.}, 13 +n³ {{A³u¬†Ã³u„+ 11A¹u¸ ¬¦¦A³u +‡‡ZA®u„+&c.}, + &c. 360 Expanding now unt by Taylor's Theorem, we have x+n? du nl d² u n০t² 3 d³u n³ ³ 7³ U =U₂+ x+nl Ux + dx 1 x XC + dx² 1.2 dx³ 1.2.3 3 +&c.,. and equating the coefficients of the first and second powers of n in the two expansions of u+n' we have 7 du doc d'u 20 {A*u%+‡A³u¸ = Au„ ‡A³u„+ ▲u — — A³µ¿ + } A³u„ − ‡A*u„ +‡A³u¸ ¬ £A°u„ + &c., ľ² = ▲³u - ▲³µ₂+}}^ *u - 184° u + 1}}A®u - &c. dx² 20 3 20 20 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 39 Ux-41 Au Ux-31 +аи 2х-46 + Au x-31 И + A²ux-31 The following scheme will explain the meanings of the several terms: A³u + A² U x-4² + A³ U x-4? u + A*Ux-4! x-21 + AU x-27 + D³ux-32 + D³ux-4? U x-l A³u +4² U x-22 +A+Ux-31 + AⓇux-st 'x-41 + Aux-1 + A³ux-21 + A³u 'x-31 + A²ux-l + A*ux-22 +A®Ux-3? น + Aux + A³u + A²ux + A*ux-l A&u, น x+1 + Au + A³u₁₂ Δ x+1 + A²ux+? + A*ux +4x-21 + A³ux-b + AⓇu x-21 + A® U¸-l Ux+21 Au +AU x+22 + A³ux+! +1³um A² u Ux+31 +Aux+81 + 422 x+22 + A*ux+l + A Ux+2² A³ux+2² and น 'x+41 +AU x+1¿ Ux+58 Now therefore 3 - A³u Δ + A² U x+3? ندلله W x-1 + Aux-I Δυ Au A²ux- A³u c-l +호스 ​u = + 4 + u + A³ux-i A&u x-1 +1 1 4 5 ~ 2-1 c-l • - 1945 u 12 -} } A³u x-l - 1 § 4° u U-t 7 Δ + 137A®u=+1&Z A ® u „_ ¿ + 1 § Z A ® u x-1 80 &c. Taking the sum we find x-1 &c. で ​d²u 2 dx² 2 A²u x-1 1 x-l 1 X-l 13 180 11³▲³ux-¿+ &c., A&u &c. x-l x-21 x-31 Let s be the distance the ball has moved from some fixed point to a screen at a time t,, 7 the distance between successive screens, and t.„, to_19 to, tai ti &c. the observed times of the shot passing successive screens; then we shall have dts ds -219 - At¸ — §Ã³t, + {▲³ts − 14³ts + ‡Ã³t, — ¿A°t,+ &c., 40 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. or d's. dt. = V, velocity which the ball had at the distance s, 7 6 At¸− {ót,+{A³t,— {A*t,+ ‡Ã³t,— ¿Ãºt¸+ &c. ...(1), supposing v, to denote the velocity, and f, the retarding force at distance s, で ​d²ts &c. -l 5-21. $-37 ds But ds d2s d²ts f₁ = d; = -1; (d)" f= dt, 8 ds² 1/2" (A³t¸_1 — 1½ Aˆts-21 + 1&▲°t¸-„¿¬&c.)………. (2). The use of formulæ (1) and (2) will be best understood from their application to numerical examples. 55. Hollow elongated shot weighing 23.84 lbs. 5-inch gun. Diameter of shot 4.92 inches. The readings of the seconds and their corrections were as follows: Correction Corrected Seconds. Reading. applied. Reading. 1 25.90 - 001 = 25.899 A₁₂ + 23.893 Δ2 2 49.79002 49.792 48 + 23.845 3 3 73:64 73:64 — 003 73.637 51 4 97.43+001 97.431 + 23.794 + 23.740 3 54 5 121:17 + ·001 121-171 It was usual to read off a few seconds beyond the limits of the screen records, in order to determine the exact motion of the cylinder. In this case the screen records extended from 74 to 100. Hence it was sufficient to form a complete time-table extending from 3.0 to 4.5 seconds. By interpolation we can now find where the half-second beats would have been marked, just as well as if the clock had given a. record every half second. The result is Seconds. Divisions. 3.0 73.637 A₁ + 11.904 Δ. 3.5 85.541 14 + 11.890 4.0 97.431 13 + 11.877 4.5 109:308 14 + 11.863 5.0 121.171 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 41 By a further interpolation, we find the places of every division of the seconds into tenths, so far as is required for the reduction of the experiment. Seconds. Divisions. Seconds. Divisions. 3.0 73.637 Δι 3.8 92.677 Δι + 2·382 + 2·377 3.1 76.019 3.9 95.054 + 2·381 + 2·377 3.2 78.400 4.0 97.431 + 2.381 + 2.377 3.3 80.781 4.1 99.808 + 2·380 + 2.376 3.4 83.161 4.2 102.184 + 2·380 3.5 85.541 + 2·375 4.3 104.559 + 2·379 + 2.375 3.6 87.920 4.4 106.934 + 2·379 + 2·374 3.7 90.299 4.5 109.308 2.378 1 Here it is plain from the column A, which gives the lengths of the scale corresponding to successive tenths of seconds, that for fractions of a second less than one-tenth of a second, the common rule of proportional parts will apply. This is the time-table to be used in converting the screen readings, after the application of slight corrections, into time. Correc- Corrected 6 ४ 123 LOCO 78 Screens. Reading. tion. 74.89-001 = 2 77:48 + ·005 = Reading. 74-889 Δι + 2.596 Δε 77.485 + 57 + 2.653 - 80·14 — 002 •002 = 80·138 + 57 4 82.85 ·002 = + 2.710 82.848 + 58 5 + 2.768 85.61 + ·006 85.616 + 58 + 2.826 88.44 +002 88.442 + 57 91.33 - 005 = + 2.883 91.325 + 58 + 2.941 94.26 + ·006 94.266 + 58 + 2.999 9. 97.27-005 = 97.265 + 57 + 3·056 10 100.32 + ·001 = 100·321 The reading for the first screen was 74.889 The reading for 30 seconds was Difference 73.637 1.252 The length of the tenth of a second was 2.382, so that the 1.252 10 2.382 shot passed the first screen at 3·0+ 1¹‰ = 3·0526 seconds. And in the same manner, the other corrected screen readings 42 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. were converted into seconds. The result will be found to be Screen, passed at, seconds. 6 7: 8 123 LOCO → ∞ 1 3.0526 Δι + 1090 Δη 3.1616 +24 + 1114 3.2730 +24 + 1138 4 3.3868 + 25. + 1163 5 3.5031 +25 + 1188 3.6219 + 25 + 1213 3.7432 +24 + 1337 3.8669 +24 + 1261 9 3.9930 + 25 + 1286 10 4.1216 The screens were 150 feet apart = 7. The velocity v at the fifth screen 150 At - A³t 150 ∙1188 – 10025 300 = 1276·1f-s. •2351 Also the retarding force at the fifth screen 3 V 5 = ƒ = -2/½ (A³t, — √ Aˆ†) 12 ⚫0025 V. - 2bv³. 5 (150)2 And putting it under the form used in Table I., W .0025 23.84 K¸=2b (1000)³ = (1000)³• (150)** (4.92)* d2 109.4. But this experiment was made when the density of the air was 1.0076, so reducing 109-4 accordingly, we get W 2b (1000)³ d² 109.4―0·8=108.6. The tabular number corresponding to a velocity 1275 f-s is given 108.4 in Table I. It is manifest that, as the column A is nearly constant in this experiment, the value of the coefficient 26 of the cube of the velocity is also nearly con- stant; or, for the range of velocity obtained in this experiment, ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 43 the retarding force varies very nearly as the cube of the velocity. 56. From what has been said in Art. 53 it appears that when a function of the form a'+as+bs² is tabulated for successive integral values of s, the second differences of those quantities will be constant and equal to 26. The experiments of 1865 and 1866 gave the second dif- ferences of the times of passing the equi-distant screens At nearly constant, as in the numerical example just given, because they were made with velocities near those which gave a maximum value of 2b. It was therefore inferred that if the space s was described in the time t, then t might be expressed in terms of s as follows: or t=as+bs², ds 1 and differentiating dt a + 2bs' d2s 26 and dť =f= ds (a+2bs)² * dt 2bv³ x v³, or the resistance of the air varied approximately as the cube of the velocity for the particular velocities obtained in these experiments. 57. We will now pass to an experiment made with a 6.92-inch spherical shot, weighing 44.094 lbs., fired from a 7-inch gun. The process for finding by experiment the exact time at which the shot passed each screen was precisely the same as before. Screens, passed at, seconds. 1 2.90068 2 2.98499 Δι + 8431 Δ2 + 306 Аз + 8737 حماد 3 3.07236 +10 + 316 4 + 9053 3.16289 + 10 + 326 5 + 9379 3.25668 + 10 6 3.35383 7 3.45444 8 3.55861 9 3.66645 10 3.77807 + 9715 + 10061 + 10417 + 10784 + 11162 + 336 +10 + 346 +10 +356 + 11 +367 +11 + 378 44 ON THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR, Here V3 = 7 ▲t, — {A³t, +}▲³t₂ 150 ·09053 — 1·00326 + 1·00010. · 1686 7 f-s. = 3 V ƒ₁ = − 2/3 (4°t, — ▲'t,) f - therefore го K₁ = (1000)³ 2b d2 3 V 3 (150)2 (0031600010) 2bv,3; (1000)³×·00306 44.094 1 X X (150)² (6·92)* 1.0441 120'0, = including a correction for the density of the air. The tabular value of K, for a spherical shot corresponding to a velocity of 1690f-s is 121.4. In the last example the column. headed ▲² is far from being constant. Several coefficients corresponding to velocities between 1700f-s, and 1400f-s were found from this single round. 2 The reductions of the coefficients of resistance given in Tables I. and II. were made on the supposition that the weight of a cubic foot of dry air was 5306 grains, which corresponds to a height of 30 inches of the barometer and a temperature of 65°.5 F., and not of 62° F. as stated at page 21 of Reports, &c. ( 45 ) CHAPTER IV. ON THE MOTION OF A PROJECTILE IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. After 58. THE history of the mathematical investigation of the path described by a projectile in a resisting medium, which has been made use of in this treatise, is somewhat curious. About the time when Newton flourished it was common for the leading mathematicians in England and on the Continent to propose difficult problems by way of challenge to one another. It was of course supposed that any mathematician, who proposed a problem, knew how to solve it. this manner Keill proposed the following question to John Bernoulli in 1718: "Invenire curvam, quam projectile describit "in aëre, pro simplicissima suppositione gravitatis atque "medii densitatis uniformis, resistentiæ vero in duplicata "ratione velocitatis."* Bernoulli received the challenge early in February, 1718, and in a short time obtained a solution, not only of the problem where the resistance varies as the square of the velocity, which was proposed, but also for a resistance varying according to any power of the velocity. Before, however, he published his solution, he deemed it right and proper to propose the same problem to his opponent Keill. This was done in the following May. Bernoulli gave Keill till September to declare whether he could solve his own problem, adding that, if at the expiration of the specified time no solution was received, silence would be taken as a tacit confession of incompetency. At the in- tercession of the friend through whom these communications passed, the time given was extended to November, but no solution was furnished by Keill. Bernoulli goes on to argue that Keill in his difficulty would undoubtedly seek assistance from all the English mathematicians. He therefore felt persuaded that if any one in England had been able to solve the problem, a solution would have been produced within the prescribed time. After this, Bernoulli furnished the following statement of his result to a friend, in which the resistance of the air is supposed to vary as the 2n' power * Opera, II., p. 396. th 46 ON THE MOTION OF A PROJECTILE of the velocity: "Assumta indeterminata z construatur area “Л(aa + zz)"-¹ dz quæ vocetur Z; sint autem coordinatæ curvæ "quæsitæ x et y. Fiat x=[(zdzZ-¹:") et y = f(adzZ¹:"). "Dico curvam quæ inde oritur esse quæsitam."* Bernoulli published his analysis in 1721, which he de- scribed as no more than a chain of equalities deduced from the general formula for the determination of resistances which he had published in 1713. The following is a sketch of his method of treating the problem.‡ Let the plane xy be the vertical plane in which the trajectory is supposed to lie, the axis of a being in the in- tersection of this plane and the horizontal plane through the point of projection O, fig. 7. The force of gravity g is sup- posed to be constant and always to act in a direction parallel to the axis of y, which is vertical. The point of projection is the origin. If t be the time and R the retarding force of the air acting in a tangent to the trajectory at the point x, y, (dy 1 dq) then Bernoulli begins with the equation R-g Ids 2 ds where 2q is the vertical chord of curvature at the point x,y, a demonstration of which he had published in 1713.§ This may be shewn to be true as follows, p denoting the radius of curvature: + - 22 ds\ $2 g cose, or dt =др gp cos 0=gq, P d's dť² 2 ds and differentiating g dq = also – R− g sin 0 = -R-9% - g dy ds therefore dy R=-9 ds g dq 2 ds dy 9 + 1 dq dq ds 2 ds 1+ dy dx 2 Now d'y dzy dx² dx2 d³y dq dy dy 2 + 1+ dx dx dx (税​別​) da ´d²y dx² 27 * Opera, II., p. 399. † Opera, II., p. 513. † Acta. Erudit. Lips., 1721, Maj., p. 228. § Acta. Erudit. Lips., 1713, p. 77; Opera, I., 533. IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 47 dq or ds 1 2 dy d³y 3 ds dx³ + ds dx dy 2 (24/ + dy 2 2 dx² dq 2 ds ds ds d³y therefore R = g dx dx³ 3 2 (d²y dx² 2 But as R varies as the 2nth power of the velocity, we have R=kv² = k(gq)” = k 2 N ds dx - gd³y dx And equating the two values of R, we find or + ds d³y g dx dx 2 (d'y dx² ds 3 2n-1 ds 2 dac k -9 d²y dx² n-2 d³ k (− 9 )** (da) ** = 1 (dy)** dy g)"-1 2dx² dy 2 1 2n-1 a (a² + 2²) 2017. 3 Let now dx ds\ 2n-1 then dx α d²y 1 dz Also and d³y 3 1 d²z dx² 2 a dx 2 doc³ a dx² 2n-1 dz By substitution, we have 1 2k (-g)"-1 (a² + z²) 2n-1 an- α and putting Z for ſ(a² +2²) 2 dx' and integrating, we have dz 2nk (− 1)" Z = − 9 (da)" ; (-) 2n-1 dz 1 dz n-1 d2% 2 dx N-1 α dx dx² 29 48 ON THE MOTION OF A PROJECTILE ~S therefore dx or X Also dy= therefore ! a • (1) * g k α $(9)* g 2218 α dx dz (— 2nZ) dz (— 2nZ) 1 ( His g 1 zdz y = g (- 2nZ) zdz (— 2nZ) 59. Suppose we apply these results to the particular case where the resistance varies as the cube of the velocity, we have 2n = 3. Let u。 be the velocity of the shot at the vertex of the trajectory. At this point=0; therefore z = 0, and d'y 1 dz dx² But a dx Ο dy u2=g× radius of curvature at the vertex α 9 dz' dx dz or && ga at the vertex. dx 2 u And And since 222-1 Z= √(a² + 2²) 272 ¹ dz = f(a² + z²) dz =C+ a²z+ n Z= 23 3 dz dx } dz 2nk (-2) "Z- -g (de)", 9 we have 3 (-2)* (C++) — — 9 (d); α 3k い ​3 g ga\ and at the vertex 3% (- 3k (-2)*0=-3(-94)*, or да 3 C 아 ​30--%2 which determines C. u 31 IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 49 Alse and dy-tane = p == dz = adp; a , therefore since 3k ( − 2)* ( C+ a²z + 3k (− 2)* ( C + a²z + - ) = − 9 (ad), or И dx Ο 9 Xx g dp ku 3 9 Ο ku g 3 0 3 (3p+ p³) dp (3p+p³) pdp dx and 0 Y 9 ku 3 (3p+p²) 9 66 Respecting this solution Montucla has remarked, "Mais "la solution de ce grand géomètre ne pouvoit être utile pour "la pratique, parce que l'aire de la courbe ne pouvant la "plupart du temps être exprimée en termes finis, il est comme impossible, au moins d'après l'analyse actuelle, "d'en tirer la valeur des inconnues; si l'or y parvenoit on "n'arriveroit qu'à des valeurs si compliquées qu'elles ne "seroient d'acun usage. The case where 2n3 is per- haps the simplest of all, and yet the only way to render Bernoulli's results practically useful, was to calculate by quadratures tables of the values of the above integrals for 11 all possible practical values of p and ku 3 Ο 9 or y, so numerous that all intermediate values might be obtained from the tables either by a simple interpolation or by proportional parts. * Professor Adams communicated to me the above expressions for x and Y and an additional one for the time in a letter dated Nov. 13, 1866, when the few ballistic experiments I had then made seemed to indicate a cubic law of resistance. Professor Adams at the same time remarked that the "form of solution was "worked out by my own investigations, but on looking into the history of the "problem, I find that an equivalent process was given long ago by John Bernoulli.” E 50 ON THE MOTION OF A PROJECTILE 60. Explanation of symbols used. g denotes the accelerating force of gravity and equals 32.191 feet per second in the latitude of Greenwich, w the weight of the shot in pounds, d the diameter of the shot in inches, 2bv³ the retarding effect of the air for a velocity v feet per second. K=26 × го d² × (1000)³. x, y are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the centre of gravity of the shot at time t, the origin being at the point of projection. v denotes the velocity, and u the horizontal velocity of the shot at the point (x, y). is the inclination to the horizon of the tangent to the trajectory at the point (x, y). vo denotes the velocity of the shot in the ascending branch when moving in a direction inclined at an angle to the horizon, and up the corresponding horizontal velocity, so that Up=v¿ cosp. v' and u' denote corresponding quantities in the descending branch. Иф Иф $ 3 P3 tano tan³ p. Ᏸ ap and ays denote the differences of the coordinates of two points where the trajectory is inclined at angles a, B to the horizon; thus in fig. 9, axe An, and ays = Bn; and in like manner ats would denote the time of describing AB. 3 61. Suppose a body projected in a direction inclined at an angle a to the horizon, to be acted upon by the force of gravity g acting in parallel lines, and by a retarding force 26 × (velocity) acting at every point in the direction of the tangent to the trajectory of the body at that point, then there will be no force tending to draw the projectile out of the vertical plane of projection. Fig. 8, let O the point of pro- jection be the origin, and let the axes of x and y respectively be horizontal and vertical in the plane of the projectile's motion. Also let x, y be the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the shot at time t. The equations of motion are 3 d2x ds\³ dx 2b 26 dt² dt ds ds\² dx dt dt and d²y 3 26 dt² ds\³ dy dt ds -9=-2b ds 2 26 (da) 241-9; dt dt g; dy IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 51 therefore Let dx d²x d'y de- dy d'--g de dt dt at dy P dx ཝེཊྛི མྨེ་ dx d'y dp dt then dt dy d³x dt 19-39-4 dx dt or dp dx dt' dt 9 62. Again dt (1). 3 d*x 'ds" dx - 26 261+ dt2 dt dt (() dx = −2b (1+p²) dt therefore drx dt2 dx dt therefore or 2 (1+2)主​一​(1+2) 串 ​1 dt 26 - 1 =0+ 3 (p+3). 3 /dx dt At the vertex let the horizontal velocity dx dt to when p=0; dp dt and 1 1 3 /dx dt 1 1 3 =C, 3 κ 1 3 3u + 26 9 (2 + 2), 3 } E 2 52 MOTION OF A PROJECTILE IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. or if u = dx dt = the horizontal velocity of the projectile at the point (x, y), then 1 - 100% || 1 26 (3p + p³) g (2). Substituting for or or 1 น dt or in the last equation its value И dx de given by (1), we have 1 dp 9 dt 3 dp 1 26 dt 3 (3p+p³), U g 2bu 3 0 dp = - 2 {1 - 20x (3p + p³)}', dt น U Ο t = 9 2bu³ 2b Mu 3 if y 9 Mg 9 dp {1 − y (3p+p³)}} (3), resistance of the air at the vertex of trajectory By equation (1) weight of the shot dp dx dt dt 9, or dp (dx 2 dx dt g; dx 1 /dx 2 1 1 2b therefore dp (3p+p³) 9 }} 9 2 P rp И 0 or X 9 dt 2 9 3 {1 − y (3p + p³)}-} dp 9 {1 − y (3p + p³)}: { dy Again, dr-P; therefore dx =p; dy dx =p dp P Jp dp or 3 - - T น. g (4). 2 pdp g {1− y(3p+p³)} pdp (5). {1 −y (3p+ p³)}3 MÉTHODS OF FINDING THE VALUES OF X, Y, ANd T. 53 63. If tan &=p and tan o'p', then dp = sec² pdp = (1 + p³) dø, and the above equations (3), (4) and (5) take the forms t uo Ø 9 Ꮳ 9 g 2 j7+ 2. Φ Φι 2:0 (1+p²) do {1 − y (3p+p³)}; (1+p²) dp {1 − y (3p+ p³)} */* (p+p³) do {1 − y (3p+p³)}} 11 U g 2 T'.... (6), γ u₂² + X‚³' ... (7), 2 g и 'Y½º¹... (8). g 64. Inasmuch as it was impossible to find the values of x, y and t by direct integration, it has been necessary to calculate by quadratures the values of X, Y and T for all practical values of + not greater than 60°, and of - not greater than 60° or 45°, for values of y=0·00, 0·01, 0·02…..0·18, 0.19, 02, 03, 0·4...4.9, 5.0. The value of do generally used was the circular measure of 1°, but when 1-y (3p+p³) be- came small, the successive values of 1 were 1 − y (3p+ p³) subject to rapid variation. In such cases intervals of one- fifth of a degree were used, and the results have been given in preliminary Tables (pages 4 to 38). The calculations of the values of X, Y and I were in general carried to one decimal place beyond those given in the printed Tables. By the ordinary rule of proportional parts, or, where great accuracy is required, by interpolation, it will not be difficult to find the values of X, Y and T for values of y and intermediate to those given in the Tables. EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING THE NUMERICAL VALUES OF X, Y, and T. 65. From the Tables 10 X 5-10 X 0-5X204300934811082, 0.7 0 4Y 100 Y 100 Y=013448-002299011149, 0.7 5 T 3.2 0 0.7 =11027, °T='07836. 54 EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING THE Suppose it was required to find the value of 3Y741, 7. 2-41 = 3 Y₁₂+ (Y.-Y.27) × 0*41, 3. Y 7·41 =³Y 3.2 3.2 3.2 7 =*004059+ (·006548 — ·005196) ×.0·41, ··004059+ ·001352 × 0.41 ='004059+000554 ='004613. 9 In the same way X 7.41 and T. 3 7.41 3.2 may be found. 3.2 Suppose now it was required to find the value of 0 in the descending branch which satisfies the equation зхо · 0 ³X. o 3X,.,, when, is given =500 feet, 9 2.2 u = 1000 f-s, and g=32.191. We have 3.X 2.2 0 9 32.191 2. зхо × 500 = 16.096 1000 =*01610 u (1000)² · (·06129 — ·04731) +·00212 4 =³X*+*00212. 2.2 Now the difference of the values of X... for 4° and 5° is •07457 — •06129 =·01328. •00212 0=4°+ = 4°.1596. •01328 2.2 Hence by proportional parts Making use of this value of 0 we can now find the corresponding values of y, and to. Ө We have supposed hitherto that we had a table calculated for the required value of y. Suppose, however, we require the numerical value of 3 Y 3.237 4.41 It has been shewn above that 3Y 7·41 ⚫004613 3.2 and in precisely the same manner we find Y 3 7.41. •004567 3.8 }} -'000046. Shewing that an increment of 0.1 in gives a decrement in Y Hence, by proportional parts, an incre- ment of 0.037 gives a decrement in the value of Y -·000017 NUMERICAL VALUES OF X, Y, and T. 55 Hence 3Y 7.41 3 32.37 7.41 Y -·37 × ·000046 3.2 ='004613 — ·000017·004596. 66. In cases where we can suppose the resistance of the air to vary as the cube of the velocity throughout the range, it is easy to find the path and time of flight of a projectile and its velocity at any point, supposing the initial velocity and initial direction of the shot to be accurately known. Let V be the initial velocity, a the angle of projection, and 26 the coefficient of resistance, then u = V cosa is known, and equation (2) gives u, for 1 3 1 + 26 (3p+p³), 9 or (1000)* (1000) 3 26 (1000)³ + (3 tana+tan³a). 9 2bu 3 and referring to the table Hence we know y= 2 g for this particular value of y we obtain, (fig. 8) 2 a 0 2 Ο OM="""X,, MA="""Y", 0 "X, MA= "Y, and time in OA= *Tz°. 9 Now for the descending branch, we have, for the point where the motion of the shot is inclined to the horizon at an angle - ẞ at P', (1000) * = (1000) * 3 + 26 (1000) 9 3 (3 tan B+tan³ß), 3 which gives the value of u'ß, and therefore of v'e=u'ß secß. 2 2 AN' °X‚³‚ N'P'="₂²°Y‚³‚ g , I and time in AP' – 。 = 20 Tf. g If we wish to find the range on the horizontal plane we must have AM=N'L, or U 0 9 а Yy' น 9 2 "Y Y₁^, or "Y" = "Yy®. 56 EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING By the help of the tables can be found, and this value of ẞ must be used in calculating Mp, and the time in Ap. 67. Suppose it was required to find the height at which the shot would strike a vertical target placed at distance OL, and the time of flight. Here we have or u ML=LO-OM= 0 9 2 °X7€ = (LO — OM) 2 27 И Ο 7. which gives ẞ by the help of the tables. The value of so found must be used to find N'P' and the time in AP'. We must proceed in the same way if it be required to find where the shot will be at a given time. 68. It is manifestly easy to calculate the horizontal, and thence the actual velocity, at any given inclination of the trajectory to the horizon. Suppose us is the horizontal velocity when the direction of motion is inclined at an angle + to the horizon, that is in the ascending branch OA, and us that when the inclination is in the descending branch AP', we have and " 1: Иф И $ 3 1. u 3 3 + 26 g 26 g (3 tan+tan³), (3 tan + tan³).. 69. Examples. The 16-pounder muzzle-loading gun fires. an ogival-headed shot 16 lbs. in weight, and 3.54 inches in diameter. If the angle of projection be 2°, and the initial velocity 1358 f-s, find the trajectory and time of flight. Here u₂ = cosa=1358 V cosa = 1358 cos 2° = 1357·2; d². w=16 lbs., d=3·54 in., and ='7832. W The mean coefficient of resistance used is that due to a velocity of 1270f-s, and therefore K=108.5 and log (1000) = (1000) 2 ='67666, 8 K =5276, J K d² g W +(1000)³ 20 P; - (1000) + 4 d P. 26 9 2 THE TRAJECTORIES OF PROJECTILES.. 57 and therefore u1139'0 f-s.. འ༦o 3 y= 2bu * = (1000) * 3 26 K d² 3 9 (1000) 9 го (1000) 3.90, u2 0. g. 2 u 0 2 = 30.67 feet;. 3.9 g g "X.04118; "Y.=000761; 2T03788. × 2X = 1659·7 feet; %= 0 3·9. འvo ‚t = "/½ × ²T.° = 1″·340. to g For the descending branch, suppose the mean coefficient of resistance to be that due to a velocity of 1080f-s, and therefore K=103.4 and log=5068. Taking u, as the K 9 velocity of projection in a horizontal direction, we have 3 10003 100)* = (1000) * + (1000) * 26 3 P₁₁ = (1000)⁰ K d² + P 2.4. น го 2.4. therefore =99318; u' 2.4 = g 24. 1002·3 f-s.. 3 K d² น y= 9. w (1000) = 3:718. 0X2.7 2.4. 3:7. 2.1 = 8-7 *03670; °Y, 24-000737; °T. •03920.. 3.7 。°2.4 = 1479-2 feet; 0.429.70 feet; 。t=1"·3871. = 0 Let x, y be the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the projectile, and t the time when the shot is moving in the descending branch of its trajectory in a direction inclined to the horizon at an angle of 2°-4 or 2°24'. x=2x+0x24=3138.9 feet, Y = 2YQ+0Y2·4. 0.97 feet, and the velocity = t = ₂to + ot2.4 = 2"-727, 20 0 · V'2.4 = '2.4 sec 2°·•4 = 1002.3 sec 2°41003·2 f-s. The range on the horizontal plane = (31389 0.97 cot 2°24') feet. Similar calculations have been made for a gun of 3.3 inches firing 16 lbs. shot of 3-24 inches in diameter. Here V = 1307, 58 EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING d2 w= 16 lbs., d=3.24 inches, and '6561. The following is го a statement of the results. u=1136·5 ƒ-s, x=3101 feet, y=-1·09 feet, t=2″•715,. u'2.410186 f-s, and v'. 1019.5 f-s. 2.4 Hence it appears that if the 3.3 inch gun was fired at an elevation sufficient to give the same range as the 3.6 inch gun when fired at an elevation of 2°, the shot fired from the former gun would have a higher striking velocity, but would then have nearly the same inclination to the horizon. As the elevation was increased, the advantage would be more and more in favour of the 3.3 inch gun, both in striking velocity and flatness of trajectory. 70. A spherical shot weighing 84 lbs. is fired from the 100-pounder smooth-bored gun with an initial velocity of 1564 feet per second. The angle of projection is supposed 5º. Here V=1564f-s, u=1564 cos 5° = 1558; d² d² d=8.9 in.; w = 94 lbs. ; ='8427; log = 9.92565. W W The mean coefficient for the ascending branch is that due to a velocity of 1300 f-s, therefore K=147·8, and log (Table II), 3 (1000) * (1000) + K = '6619. g K d2 g ༤|ལུ P G 5 = 1.28236; therefore u = 920·5 f-s, K d² Y g น (10000) = 3.017. By the help of proportional parts, the following values of X, Y, and Tare found from the Tables *X3.017^=•13525; ³Y, 2 U 0 5 0 3.017 g =3559.7 feet; Yo 0 5Y017-181.9 feet ; 3.017 = 3.017 ·006 910; T 0 3.017 =·10760; u 0 9 0 × 5T 0 = 3" 077. 5.0 3.017 9 U X THE TRAJECTORIES OF PROJECTILES. 59 For the descending branch we suppose the shot projected horizontally with an initial velocity u920-5 f-s, and to be acted upon by the resistance of the air varying as the velocity cubed, the mean coefficient used being that due to a velocity K of 900 f-s. Here K=138.2, and log ='6329, g 3 (1000)* = (1000) * = 2.81811; K d² + P 9 го 8. therefore 8 2 =7080f-s K d² 2 and જ 9 го (1000) 3 = 2.822. From the Tables the values of X, Y, and T are found for y = 2·822 8 8 X2.82210575; °Y₂ -'006788; °T ='12156, 2.822 2'822 whence x=2783.2 ft.; y=-178.6 ft.;t=3"•476. But 0. 3559.7 ft.; 5y+181.9 ft.;t=3"077; therefore x = 6342.9 ft.; y =+ 3·3 ft.; t =6"·553 ; and v=u,' sec8° = 715 f-s. When the shot is 3.3 feet above the level of the muzzle of the gun in the descending branch, its course is inclined at 8° to the horizon. Hence the range of the shot on the hori- zontal plane = (6342.9 +3.3 cot 8°) feet. But suppose that we wished to calculate the exact range, time of flight, striking velocity and angle of incidence. In the first place we remark, that as the shot has risen to the height of 1819 feet, it must fall through an equal height.. Let be the angle of incidence, then in the descending. branch u oy $; Уф = 181.9 feet therefore But and 0 Y 2.822 2.822 2 $ 2.822 ='006910. 9 0 • Y 9 Y 2.822 8 =·006910·006788 —·000122. _°Y •Y 2.822 2.822 ··008329 — ·006788 = •006788 =·001541, - Hence, by proportional parts, we find = 8°.079 the angle of incidence X 8.079 2.822 ∙10657; and 'T, 8.079 2.822 =12264, 60 EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING which give 3.07928049; But therefore X = 3559.7; 0*8.079 = 3"-507. sto=3"077. 6"-584: X =6364.6, Y= 0, T The striking velocity v'.079 is found from the equations and 1000\3 8.079 v' 8'079 8 1000 ³ K d2 U * + X × P8-0797 g W =u' sec 8°.079. 8.079 71. We will now proceed to explain how the tables may be used in calculating the trajectory of an ogival-headed shot when successive arcs are supposed to be described under the action of a retarding force varying as the cube of the velocity. The coefficient of resistance for any arc must be taken ap- proximately, so as to give the mean value of the coefficient for that arc of the trajectory. It will be convenient to change the coefficient of resistance at points where the tangents to the trajectory are inclined to the horizon at angles expressed exactly in some number of degrees, because the values of X, Y, and T are given in all those cases in the Tables. Afterwards, for comparison of the results, the range, &c. will be calculated by the use of only one coefficient for the ascending and one for the descending branch. An ogival-headed shot 6:34 inches in diameter, weigh- ing 70-6 lbs. is projected at an angle of 5° with an initial velocity of 1335 feet per second; find the path described by the shot, its velocity at various points, its range, and angle of incidence. Here V=1335f-s, u=1335 cos5° d2 = = 1329.9 f-s, w=70-6.Ibs., 1329·9f-s, d² 9:75538. พ d = 6.34 inches, •56935, log W The coefficient of resistance for the first arc of the trajectory is that due to a velocity of 1300 f-s; therefore K=107.9 K and log =5253, g (1000) * = (2000)* ისი 3 + K d² P 9 го 92736, or u=1025·5 f-s. THE TRAJECTORIES OF PROJECTILES. 61 We must now find the value of u or (1000) * = (1000) ・ •52635, 3 K d² P. 9 го u=1238.5 f-s, and v 1238.5 sec4°. The value of u Ο 9 2 5X K d² 3 y= 1000) = 2.058, 2.058 9 го 897.7 feet,. sy₁ = 5t4 5 4 Uo 5 T 05T g 2.058 4 2 u 5y += 70·8 feet, g = 0".700. 2.058 For the arc 4° -3° we suppose the angle of projection to be 4, the velocity of projection v, and the coefficient of resistance to be that due to a velocity of 1200 f-s; therefore K=108.9 and log or And or (1000) * K 9 = •5293, (1000) * 3 + 47 K d² PA •93107, 9 го U₁ = = 1024.1 f-s. Ио 0 (1000) * = (1000) * The value of 2 4°C 3 10 4X 3 2.069 9 3 K d² ·g w u₂ = 1167·8f-s. Из K ď² 3 = P¸ = '62797, y = 1000) = 2·069, 9 го =786.2 feet, y3= U 0 4Y 9 3 =48 2 feet, 2.069 4 3 04 T 2.069 9 3 =0"·654. U For the arc 3° -2° the coefficient of resistance is that which is due to a velocity of 1135f-s; therefore K=107·7 and log K g 5244. The new value of u to be used for this arc is found, as before, y=2·053, which give = 0 1025-3 f-s and u₂ = 1111·6f-s, x=704.8 feet, 3,309 feet, t=0"619. 2 3 2 62 EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING For the arc 2° -1° the coefficient of resistance is that which is due to a velocity of 1090f-s; therefore K=105·1 and log K g 5139, which gives the new value of u=1027·1 ƒ-s, u₁ = 1066·0 ƒ-s, and y=2·014, from which it is found that 1 = x=642.6 feet, 27, 16.9 feet, t, 0"-590. 2Y1 1 = 21 For the arc 1° – 0° the coefficient of resistance is that due K to a velocity of 1047 f-s; therefore K=91·4 and log *4532, g which gives u=10319f-s for the calculated velocity with which the projectile is moving at its highest point, and y= 1.776, from which it is found that x=5960 feet, y=5.3 feet, t=0"-568. 0 0 For the descending branch we shall make use of intervals of 2°. For the arc 0° to - 2° the coefficient of resistance is that due K g to a velocity of 1010f-s; therefore K = 77.5 and log •3817, and the shot is supposed to be projected horizontally with a velocity u=1031-9f-s. It must be remarked that for the descending branch of the curve P_4= − Pp, for P_¿ = 3 tan (− 6) + tan³ (− 4) = − (3 tan 4 + tan³ 4) = − P$, (1000) * = (1000) * 3 K d² + 9 го P •91020+ ·14370=1·05390, or u'=982.7 feet and y = 1.506; from which we find 0 。=1099·1 feet, 32-18.9 feet, t=1"·092. 2° to - 4° the coefficient of resistance is that K For the arc due to a velocity of 970 f-s; therefore K=69.6, log •3349 9 2 4 - = 4 2 4. which gives u=1026'4 f-s, u', 9454 f-s, and y = 1331, from which we we find x = 1009.6 feet; Y 52.7 feet; t = 1".048. For the arc 4° to 6° the coefficient of resistance is that due to a velocity of 935f-s; therefore K=66.2 and log =31345, which gives the new value of u 9 u'=914·3 f-s; and y = 1.250, from which we find K 10218 f-s, +x=944.5 fcet, 1824 feet, t=1".016. THE TRAJECTORIES OF PROJECTILES. 63 It is now necessary for us to find the height of the shot; since 5Y4 70·8 feet, and 。Y¿ y 18.9 feet, 2 52.7 Y3 48.2 2Y4 82.4 3Y 2 30.9 Yo — 154.0 Y 1 = 16.9 + 172.1 190 5.3 Height of vertex = 172.1 +18.1 When, therefore, the shot has fallen through an additional vertical height of 18.1 feet it will be in the horizontal plane passing through the point of projection. Suppose y = 1·250, we find 6X1.25 7 = 6 01393; Y.-001587; T25 7 =⚫01570. Supposing that & denotes the inclination of the trajectory when it meets the horizontal plane passing through the point of projection, then to determine we have น 1 2 0 or 1.25 7 6Yp= 18.1 feet = 6 Y $ 9 6 Y $ 1.25 u g 1 2 0 × 18.1 •000558. Hence it is found by proportional parts that = 6°352. BUC 6.352 1.25 6.352 =159.1 feet, # 2 u 0 6 6.352 g 6 T 6,352 = 0″·175. 1.25 ! 2 И • X 6 g 897.7 feet 4 Xz x 4X3 3X2= 786.2 704.8 X 11 642'6 X 2 SOC A 1099.1 feet = 1009.6 4006 = 944·5 159.1 2 1 6 6.352 1x0 x = 596.0 3627.3 + 3212·3 +3627.3 therefore x = 6839·6 feet st=0"-700 4 4t3 = 3 2 at 0.654 0.619 t 0.590 21 t = to 10 to = 1"·092 0°2 et₁ = 1.048 24 sto = 1∙016 4 6 0.175 6 6.352 0.568 3.331 3.131 3.131 therefore T = 6·462 seconds Y = 0 64 EXAMPLES OF THE METHODS OF FINDING 72. We will now proceed to calculate the last example by two steps, the division being at the vertex of the trajectory. For the ascending branch take the coefficient due to a K velocity of 1180 f-s, therefore K=108.9 and log •5290, therefore 3 (1000)² = (1000) which gives u=1023:9 f-s, y= 9 го 9 3 K ď² + K d2 9 го (100) = 2·066, and 5=3617·5; 1719; ¿Yo and t=3"127. 50 For the descending branch we shall use the coefficients due to a velocity of 950 f-s; therefore K 674 and K g log 3210. This gives y=1·280, and the angle of in- cidence on the horizontal plane passing through the muzzle of the gun = 6°349. Y6-349 oy6.349 =-1719 ft.; and of.949=3"328; Yo = +171.9 ft.; and t₁ =3"127; х 0 6.349 but 500 =3203.5 ft.; =3617.5 ft.; X = 6821·0 ft.; Y The former values were Y 50 0 ft.; and T6"455. 0; and T =6"·462. X = 6839.6.; The coefficients given in Table I. for ogival-headed elongated shot, and other kindred forms, and those in Table II. for spherical shot, have been found for the highest velocities likely to be obtained in practice. But the coefficients for velocities below about 1000 f-s require to be determined by a special set of experiments. These are, however, of far less importance than those for higher velocities. Also, if any different form of projectile should be required for use, then it would only be necessary to find a new table of values of K for that particular form of head. All the remaining tables would then be applicable. If the tables should be required for some place on the earth's surface, where the force of gravity g' was sensibly different from g, the force of gravity at Greenwich, then all the values of log would be required to be increased by log 4. K 9 9 73. The preceding investigations of the path described by a projectile moving through the air are based upon the supposition that the resistance of the air acts through the THE TRAJECTORIES OF PROJECTILES. 65 centre of gravity of the shot, and in the direction of a tangent to its path. These would apply strictly to the case of a spherical shot which did not rotate and whose centre of gravity coincided with its centre of figure, and its motion would lie entirely in the vertical plane of projection. But we should only obtain by this means an approximation to the path described by an elongated shot fired from a rifled gun. Practically, a shot of this kind is found to deviate to the right, when the rifling communicates a right-handed rotation as seen from the gun. If there were no resistance of the air, then the centre of gravity of the shot would describe a parabola, and the axis of the shot would continue parallel to its original direction, as is represented in fig. 8°, just as the earth moves in her orbit and maintains the parallelism of her axis of rotation. The resistance of the air alters all this. It causes elongated shot to move approxi- mately point foremost. Thus when an elongated ogival- headed shot escapes from a rifled gun, it is moving in the direction of its axis, or very nearly so. The action of gravity very soon causes the axis of the shot GB, (fig. 9"), to make a small angle with CD, the direction in which G, the centre of gravity of the shot, is moving. The resultant resistance of the air then tends to turn the shot about an axis through G, perpendicular to the plane BGD, so as to increase the angle BGD. If the shot had no rotation, the shot would fly end over end. But if the shot seen from C had a right-handed rotation about its axis, this motion would be combined with that which the resistance of the air tended to impart to the shot, and, in consequence, the point A as seen from C would be slightly deflected to the right. Suppose this continued, then the consequence would be that the axis GA would describe a cone about CD, rotating in the same direction as the shot rotates about its own axis. We have been considering the motion about the centre of gravity G, supposed fixed. If we now consider the motion of translation of the shot, we shall easily see that the resistance of the air, acting normally to every part of the surface of the shot, will have a resolved part which will be effective in a slight degree in pushing the shot away from CD, the direction of its motion. Thus the shot will have a sinuous motion. But as the first deflection of an ogival-headed shot spinning with right-handed rotation is to the right, and afterwards, as its point is directed more to the right than to the left, the shot will have a deviation on the whole greater to the right than to the left. F 66 EXAMPLES OF THE TRAJECTORIES OF PROJECTILES. 74. If the form of the head of the shot, or the position of the centre of gravity of the shot, was such that the resistance of the air tended to diminish the angle BGD, then, the shot having a right-handed rotation as seen from C, the axis GA would have a left-handed rotation about the tangent CD, and the resulting deviation of the shot from its vertical plane of projection would be to the left. This is the case with a flat-headed shot. Professor Magnus* has shewn how to illustrate the mo- tion of rifled shot by means of the gyroscope, and General Mayevskit has published a mathematical investigation on the subject. For practical illustrations see a paper on the Derivation of Elongated Projectiles, by Major Owen, R.A.‡ * Ueber die Abweichung der Geschosse, 1860; and first edition translated in Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, 1853. + De l'influence du Mouvement de Rotation sur la Trajectoire des Projectiles oblongs, dans l' Air. Revue de Technologie Militaire, t. v., p. 13, 1866. + Proceedings of the R.A. Institution, Vol. IV., p. 185; and Treatise on Modern Artillery, p. 224. ( 67 ) CHAPTER V. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF THE GENERAL TABLES. 75. Ir will be found sufficient for many practical purposes to neglect the effect of gravity and treat the motion of a shot as if its path were a straight line. This will suffice for ex- perimental purposes when it is desired to find the loss of velocity, or the time of flight for a limited space, the initial velocity being high. The less the shot is affected by the resistance of the air the more accurate will be the results. Therefore this method will apply better to pointed elongated shot than to spherical shot, and better to solid shot than to shell of the same external form. 76. The equation of motion for the cubic law of re- sistance is and therefore d's dv dt2 2bv³, dt 1 1 = C+ 2bt. 2 v2 Suppose that v=V when t=0, s= 0, then CV, and or 1 1 d² 1 4bt = 2tK 22 V2 w (1000)³ if K=262 (1000)³, d² 500 t י K {(1000) * (1000) *) .(1), which connects t and v. Again, dv ช 2bv³, ds 1 and integrating, = C' + 2bs, v F2 68 or DESCRIPTION AND USE OF ར 1 1 d2 1 2bs = sK V V w (1000)³, or d2 พ S= (1000)³ {(1000) - (1000)) K which connects s and v. If in the equation we have ……….. (2), 1 1 dt 1 บ T 2bs, we substitute for ds V dt 1 ds V +2bs, and integrating, we have which connects t and s. If we divide by we obtain S t= = = = + bs ² 2 ...(3), 1 1 4ht V2 1. 1 æ ' V V = 2bs, 1 1 2t + ย V S ..(4), which connects v, t, and s independently of 26 the coefficient of resistance. 77. In determining the velocity of a shot it is usual to measure the time in which a given short range is described, and then, dividing the space in feet by the time in seconds, the result is adopted as the approximate velocity at the middle point. If the cubic law of the resistance of the air be supposed sufficiently near the truth, this may easily be shewn to be strictly correct for any range, so long as the path of the shot may be considered to be a straight line. We have seen that when V is the initial velocity and v the velocity at the distance S, then 1 1 V V +2bs, or if v' be the velocity at the distance S then 2' 1 1 + bs. v' THE GENERAL TABLES. 69 Also space in feet S S time in seconds t by equation (3), S +bs 1 ຈ່, +bs the true velocity at the middle point of the range s. 78. Inasmuch as the resistance of the air does not vary strictly as the cube of velocity, when formulæ (1), (2), and (3) are used for considerable differences of V and v, it is necessary to use several numerical values of K. But as this would be a troublesome operation to perform in each case, general for spherical and ogival-headed shot, Tables (IX.) and (XI.), and also of the values of (1000)* (1000 500 K 2 Tables of the values of {(1000) * - (1000)"} K V 1000) Ꮴ for spherical and elon- gated shot, Tables (VIII.) and (x.) have been calculated. It is manifest that these quantites depend upon v and V, which are quite independent of the nature of the shot, while K is a coefficient dependent on the form of the projectile but not at all upon its weight and diameter. 2 3 79. Suppose the initial velocity to be V, and that the velocity falls from V to v, in space s,, and in time t₁; from v, to v, in spaces, and in time t; from v, to v, in space s, and in time t; and from v in space s, and in time t. Let K, K, K,...K, be the particular values of K due to the mean of velocities Vand v₁, v, and v v¸ and and v. Then we have from equation (1) n 3 d² t₁ 500 K₁ W d² /13 d² го &c. d" го t₂ $3 28-1 2 to vn? {(1000) * - (1000)"} ' 2 500 ((1000)-(1000)} K 500 K 500 ១ 2 {(1000) * - (1000)"} &c., 2 500 (1000) - (1000))}. K υ 21 2 Vg•••Vn−1 70 EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF And summing each side of the equation we have 2 d² Στ = 500Σ n พ 1 K {(1000)* - (1000) *} (I). 22-1 Proceeding in the same way with equation (2) we have d² (1000)* (1000 1000 S 1 W K, V d² 1 V (1000)² (1000 1000) 9 S ω K " V₂ &c. &c.; d² therefore 22 Σε = (1000) Σ 1 (1000 1000) W n K V₁₂ (II). v N 7~1 = 3 1 3 In calculating the numerical values of the right-hand members of the above equations, V was taken (for elongated shot) = 1700 f-s; v₁ = 1690; v=1680; v = 1670, &c., and K, the coefficient corresponding to the velocity 1695 f-s, K to d2 1685, K to 1675, &c. Tables of the values of t and S were thus formed corresponding to a loss of every ten feet in d2 d2 the velocity. By interpolation the values of t and of S which have been given in the Tables, were found for every foot lost in velocity. พ W พ го It unfortunately happens that equation (3) does not admit of the formation of a general Table to connect directly space and time. But the use of the two general Tables connect- ing velocity and space, and velocity and time, enable us to calculate the time occupied in describing a given space, or the space described in a given time, the initial velocity being known. EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF THE GENERAL TABLES. 80. (1) Suppose it was asked in what range an 11:52 inch ogival-headed shot weighing 600 lbs. would have its velocity reduced from 1400 to 1300 f-s. Here d'÷w= '2212. s denote the required space, then d² W s = '2212s = 1865 – 1348 = 517, Let THE GENERAL TABLES. 71 the difference of the ranges opposite 1400 and 1300 f-s in Table VIII. Hence s=517 ÷ •2212 = 2337 feet. (2) Suppose now it was asked in what time (t) the velocity of the same shot would be reduced from 1400 to 1300 f-s. d² Here พ t='2212t=1"-258-0"-8750"-383, the difference of the times opposite 1400 and 1300 f-s in Table IX. Hence t=0"·383÷ ·2212 = 1″·732. (3) If, on the other hand, the initial velocity being given 1350 f-s, it was required to find what would be the loss of velocity in 500 yards = 1500 feet, we should have given d2 พ s=•2212 × 1500=331.8, the reduced range. Now opposite the initial velocity 1350 f-s in Table VIII. we find 1599, to which must be added the reduced range 331·8, making 1930'8; and corresponding to this we find the velocity 1288.2f-s, by the same Table. Hence the velocity of an 11.52 inch 600 lb. elongated shot would fall from 1350 to 1288-2f-s in 500 yards. (4) In like manner, if it was required to find how much the velocity of the same shot would be reduced in half a second, its initial velocity being 1334f-s, we must find the d² reduced time = t=•2212 × 0″•5=0"1106. Adding this to 1":120, the number opposite the velocity 1334 f-s in Table IX. we obtain 1"-2306. And opposite 1"-2306 we obtain by pro- portional parts 1306.6 f-s, which is the velocity the shot will retain at the end of half a second. го (5) Suppose a Rodman shot weighing 452 lbs. to be fired with an initial velocity of 1400 f-s at a target 500 yards off, to find the striking velocity. Here d=14.88 inches d² го d² W = ··4898. Then s='4898 × 1500 7347, the reduced range. Opposite the velocity 1400 in Table X. we find 1501, and adding 7347 to this, we have 2235.7, opposite which, in the same Table, we find the velocity 1215-8f-s, which is the required striking velocity. 81. The general Table may be used to test the accuracy of some of the early experiments made with the chronograph represented in the frontispiece. From experiment alone the 72 EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF average velocity of eleven shot at every ten feet from the gun was calculated and published in 1866, for distances between 130 and 1000 feet. Here d=3 inches, w = 11·7 lbs., d² and ='7692. Suppose the velocity to be 11413f-s at W distance 200 feet, to find the velocities at 600 and 1000 feet. Here V=11413, opposite which in Table VIII. we find: 2850, to which must be added s =400 ×·7.692 = 307·7. d2 W giving 3157.7. Opposite this number we find 1100'0f-s. Also 800 × 7692 + 2850 = 3465·4, opposite which number we find 1063-0 f-s. Distances. Velocities deduced from actual) experiment in 1866......... Velocities calculated from the general Table VIII. Differences 200 feet. 600 feet. 1000 feet. 1141·3f-s 1098·7f-s 1061·7f-s 1141.3 1100.0 1063.0 0. +1.3 +1.3 Also Tables of velocities of variously formed heads of shot at distances varying from 0 to 4500 feet, were appended to the second Report dated 1866.† The initial velocity was supposed to be 1500 f-s in all cases. Taking the Table for an ogival head (1 diam.) where w=39.56 lbs. and an ogival head (2 diam.) where w=38.50 lbs. and d=4·7 inches, we find Distances. Ogival (1 diam.) (2 •5584 Calculated by the general Table VIII. Differences 'd² 2 Ogival (2 diam.) -='5738 W 0 2000 feet. 4000 feet. | 1500 f-s 1267-9 f-s 1098′1f-s 1,500 1277.2 1106.2 0 +9.3 +8:1 Calculated by the general Table VIII.. Differences 1500 f-s 12717f-s 1103-7 f-s 1500 1271.7 1098.2 0. 0 – 5.5 The general Table VIII. was deduced from experiments made with ogival-headed shot struck with a radius of one diameter and a-half. The consistency of these results is very striking. * Description of a Chronograph, p. 25. † Reports, &c. p. 15.. THE GENERAL TABLES. 73 82. For high initial velocities (V), and low angles of projection (a), the general Tables may be used to find approximately the time of flight and trajectory of the shot. Thus, suppose V the initial velocity, and v the velocity when the shot would have described the space Op (fig. 8) in time t if gravity had not acted. Then, by the general Tables VIII. to XI., it is possible to find Op and t. If x, y be the coordinates of p at time t, then X = Op cosa y = Op sina - 1gt" become known because Op and t are known approximately. Table XII. will be useful to find the values of 1gt. On the principle of these General Tables, special Tables of the velocity, time of flight and energy of each kind of rifled service shot have been calculated for intervals of one hundred feet, and recently published under the title:— Tables of Remaining Velocity, Time of Flight, and Ener of various projectiles calculated from the results of experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph, 1865–1870. London: E. and F. N. Spon, 1871. ( 74 ) CHAPTER VI. ON THE LAW OF PENETRATION OF PROJECTILES. 83. A KNOWLEDGE of the destructive effects of projectiles is of so much importance that it does not seem desirable to omit all consideration of the subject, although I have no new results to communicate. A Commission, appointed by the French Minister of War, carried on experiments at Metz in 1834 and 1835 with a view to determine the law of penetration of spherical shot into various kinds of wood, masonry, and earth. The conclusions arrived at were, first, that the resistance of the same substance to spherical shot of different diameters, varied as the square of the diameter of the shot; and, secondly, that the resistance of different substances to the same shot. varied as a +B × (velocity)², where a and B were constant for each substance. If, therefore, d be the diameter of the shot in inches, w its weight in pounds, and v its velocity in feet per second, then the resistance to the shot will be expressed by πd² (a + ßv²) = d² (λ+ µv²), and the retarding force by d* (λ+ µv²). 9 พ λ --- н The following are the values of λ, µ, and calculated from the values a and B, as given by Didion,* and adapted to English measures. * Didion, Traité, pp. 301, 302, and 304. ON THE LAW OF PENETRATION OF PROJECTILES. 75 Substances. λ μ u = √ (1) Oak, Beech, and Ash 2329.4 004328 734 Elm 1787.5 003322 734 Fir and Birch 12960 002408 734 Poplar 1217·7 002263 734 Sand, mixed with Gravel 486·0 009031 232 Earth, mixed with Sand and Gravel Clayey soil Earth from an old Parapet 670.3 012456 232 1167.5 003799 554 782.0 ·004360 424 Damp Clay 297.2 002209 367 Moistened Clay 102.4 000762 367 Masonry of good quality 6166.9 008595 847 Masonry of medium quality 4915-7 006851 847 Brickwork 3530.4 004920 847 84. Suppose that is the striking velocity of a spherical shot, and that when it has penetrated a distance s, in time t, its velocity is v. Let s and T denote the values of s and respectively when the shot comes to rest, that is, when v0. dv gd2 We have V ds (λ + μv²). W Integrating, C- 2d gus = logε (λ + µv²),. พ and since s=0, when v V, C=logɛ(λ+µV²), or S 2d gμ พ logε дн λ + μv² +μ2 + μν 2 (x + μ V² 2 (1), 1.1513 w d&gμ дн And total penetration = $= log 10 λ+ μυ 1.1513w d'gμ 1.1513w log₁0 (1 + ½ V³) 010 V {1+ (~)}⋅ log101+ 76 ON THE LAW OF PENETRATION OF PROJECTILES. 85. Again, to find the time t in which the velocity is reduced from V to v, we have dv dt Integrating, C'-g.d²μt But when v= W t= gd2 (λ + µv²). W √ (~) tan-¹v √(~). V, t=0, therefore C' = -1 √(5) tan√(E). Hence W 1 t= gd² √(λµ) { tan™¹ V √(~)- tan¹v (2). And the total time of penetration is found by making v= when we obtain 09 W 1 W 1 V T= tan¹ V 2 gi virus tan-¹ -1 gd² √(λµ) W 86. Between equations (1) and (2) we might elimate v, and thus express s in terms of t, or t in terms of 8, and known ds quantities; or, writing for v in equations (1) and (2) we dt might integrate again. But it will be found more convenient to give certain values to v in equations (1) and (2), and thence calculate the corresponding values of s and t. 87. When a spherical shot was fired into a substance which retained its form, the diameter of the cross section of the opening was found to decrease gradually, till it be- came at last equal to that of the shot. And the section made by a plane along the axis of the opening had its convexity turned towards the axis. From the Metz experiments, it was also concluded that when a given shot was fired into a given substance, but with different velocities, that the volume of the opening made varied as the vis viva of the shot on strik- ing. Let y be the radius of a section of the opening at depth s when the velocity of the shot is v. Then we have w - v²) 2 g 1 ½ (V² — o") = k "J" y'de. ON THE LAW OF PENETRATION OF PROJECTILES. 77 W V g Differentiating, dv ds - = ky" = d² (λ + µv²), by Art. (84), d² or y² k (λ + μv²). And when v=0, 2y=d, d2 d2 therefore λ, or k=4λ. 4 k Hence (3). y²=jd" (1 + 2 v) (1+1) And the radius of the mouth of the opening d = 1/2 √/ (1 + 2 v²). By equation (1), we have W Ꮴ * = 2dgu {log. (1+ * V*) – log. (1+)) W дн 2d gμ дн λ μ {log. (1 + 2 V³) — 2 log. 2y) - , d which gives the equation to the section of the opening made by a plane along its axis. 88. Additional experiments were made at Gâvre,* in 1835, 1843, and 1844, to determine the penetrations of sphe- rical shot. The penetrations obtained at Metz were a little deeper than those obtained at Gâvre. But it is plain that no great precision can be arrived at in such experiments. Substances of the same name may have very different degrees of consolidation. As the ballistic pendulum was in use when these experiments were made, it was not possible to measure the velocity of the shot which actually made the openings in the substances fired at. 89. M. Didion assumest that the formulæ used in calcu- lating the penetration of a spherical shot into any substance, may be employed to calculate the penetration of an elongated shot into the same substance, provided the coefficients X and * Helié, Traité, p. 192, 196. † Didion, Traité, p. 296. 78 ON THE LAW OF PENETRATION OF PROJECTILES. μ are replaced by λ and μ. The resistance to an elon- gated shot, d inches in diameter, will then be expressed by }ď² (λ+µv²). But it is manifest that much would depend upon the form of the head of the elongated shot. The results of a few experiments with 7-inch, 70-pr., 40-pr., 20-pr., and 12-pr. elongated shot, when fired into compact loam, are given in the Handbook for Field Service, 1867, p. 110. 90. Although a vast number of random shots have been fired against iron plates, no systematic series of experiments. have been made to determine, in a satisfactory manner, the law of perforation of iron plates by elongated shot. Before anything of the kind could be attempted with success, it would be necessary (1) to perfect the rolling of thick plates of iron so that they should not be caused to separate into thin layers when struck by the shot, and (2) to improve the manufacture of the elongated shot so that they should not break up or sensibly change their form in penetrating iron plates. In the next place it would be necessary (3) to determine the best form of head for penetration, by firing, with equal velocities, a number of elongated shot of equal weights and diameters, provided with variously formed heads, against given plates. After these preliminaries were settled there would still remain the following four quantities subject to variation: (4) the weight of the shot; (5) the diameter of the shot; (6) the velocity of the shot; and (7) the thick- ness of the plate of iron. In experimenting it would be necessary to keep two of these four quantities constant, to give to a third variations following a law, and then by experiment to determine the corresponding values of the remaining quantity, which must of necessity follow some law. Thus, in the first place, the weight and diameter of the shot might be constant, the striking velocity of the shot might be made in succession 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1300 f-s, and the corresponding thicknesses of plate, which the shot would just perforate, might be found by experiment. In cases where the projectile passed completely through a plate, its remaining velocity would be best measured by taking the depth of its penetration into sand, or some more suitable substance. If such a series of experiments were to be undertaken, I should particularly advocate the use of guns with bores of to 3 inches, in connection with suitable thicknesses of iron plates. I believe the law of penetration would, in this way, be more accurately and far more cheaply determined 2 ON THE LAW OF PENETRATION OF PROJECTILES. 79 than by the use of the large guns now in the service. In confirmation of this opinion, I refer to the comparatively good results obtained by Robins and Hutton in experiments made with small calibres, by the aid of such a rude instru- ment as the ballistic pendulum. The late Ordnance Select Committee were accustomed to calculate the perforating power of a shot on the suppo- sition that the vis viva of the shot must vary as the diameter of the shot, and as the square of the thickness of the plate.* But on the Continent it is thought necessary to make the vis viva of the shot vary as the square of its diameter. The approximate law, however, must remain in doubt till a systematic course of experiments has been made with small calibres, and with shot which will perforate without breaking up, or sensibly changing their form. * British Association Reports for 1866, p. 411. ( 80 ) APPENDIX. I. ADAPTATION OF THE CHRONOGRAPH SHEWN IN THE FRONTISPIECE TO MEASURE A SUCCESSION. OF EXTREMELY SHORT INTERVALS OF TIME. WHEN I brought forward my original scheme for a Chronometric Instrument adapted for Ballistic Experiments, I lithographed a rough sketch to explain my plans to the late Ordnance Select Committee. The following explanatory description, which was appended, will be sufficiently intelligible without the diagrams. "In all experiments relating to the velocities of projectiles, to the "resistances of the air to their motion, or to the effects of projectiles upon iron plates, it is necessary, 66 ( '(1) that the time should be registered by a clock of known rate of “going, and 66 (2) That the time of flight over several successive equal spaces "should be measured by the same instrument under the same con- "ditions. "The adjoining plan has been compiled with a view to secure these "two results. The revolving cylinder is in use at Greenwich; the spark from a Ruhmkorff's Coil is used by Martin de Brettes; and "Prof. A. Vignotti, of Metz, teaches how to prepare the paper so that "the hole burnt by the spark may have a black rim and thus become easily visible. 66 Fig. 1. abed is a cylinder having a metallic surface always kept in "connection with the wires by, cz, by contact springs at b and c. 66. e, f are points from which the clock and screen sparks respectively "proceed, whenever the currents vuy, wxz, are interrupted for an instant. "g is a fly wheel mounted on an axis h which drives the cylinder abcd. "i, are toothed wheels which turn the screw o, and thus give a uni- "form motion to the carriage k along the bar Im. Thus the holes made by the sparks from the points e, f, will be arranged in two spirals. י "As each experiment will be completed in a few seconds, it seems "undesirable to complicate the instrument with any more machinery "for driving the cylinder. If the fly wheel be set in motion (as a "gyroscope) the rotation of the cylinder will diminish very slowly, "and the diminishing distances of the seconds marks will point out the "nature and amount of the necessary corrections. The cylinder abcd "is covered with prepared paper. "Fig. 2. w, r, are two galvanic batteries, and y, z, two Ruhmkorff's "Coils. The current from v is broken for every beat of the Clock “Pendulum, and at the same instant a spark from e makes a hole in the APPENDIX. 81 ! (( " paper covering of the cylinder. When a ball from a cannon passes through the screens S1, S2, S3..S-1, §,, it will interrupt the current in wxz, and thus give a spark at ƒ. "current. (C Fig. 3 shews an arrangement for making and breaking the GH is a strong but light chain fixed at G and attached to "the lever ED at H. The lever is kept in contact with CB at C by a strong spring K. The cross wires of the screen are fixed at one end "to the frame, whilst the other end, after being bent downward over a pulley, is fixed to the chain GH. When a ball passes through the screen it bends the wires, pulls the chain, raises the lever ED about 66 1 2% of an inch from C, and causes it to rest against C'. The wire "breaks and the spring K brings D in contact with C again and so (C renews the current. 20 "April 19, 1864. ""* (Signed) F. BASHFORTH." Thus it is plain (1) that the rotating cylinder and (2) that the spark of a secondary coil were employed in my original plan of 1864, which I candidly described as a "compilation." The real secrets, however, of my success were (1) the spinning of the cylinder "as a gyroscope" with a view to secure perfect smoothness of motion, (2) the contrivance of means for measuring the varying motion of the cylinder, and (3) the invention of a proper form of screen. Unfortunately the Ordnance Select Committee in 1864 entertained a strong objection to any rival of their pet Navez, and, in particular, to all chronographs with "rotating cylinders.' But when they had in their hands Reports I. and II. of my experiments, dated respectively December, 1865, and October, 1866,† containing abundant evidence of the practical success of the rotating cylinder employed in my instrument, the Committee thought it fit and becoming shortly afterwards to bring forward the Noble Chronograph, which was, in fact, a very poor imitation of my instrument, only it must be borne in mind that I used neither toothed wheels to drive the cylinder nor yet a stop-clock to measure its angular velocity. Under these cir- cumstances I could have had no hesitation in entering on a competitive trial with my instrument as originally constructed. But in order to adapt the principle of my chronograph to measure, in the most satis- factory manner possible, extremely short intervals of time, I had the machine constructed which is represented in fig. 16. The whole change in the original instrument was about equivalent to the addition of a seconds dial to a clock which previously indicated only hours and minutes. The short cylinder F about 33 inches in diameter is mounted on a vertical axis C, which is driven in the manner shewn in fig. 16. The endless band passes round the pulley E shewn in plan and section in fig. 17. F is a fixed centre supporting one end of the axis C of the cylinder F. D is a pall moving freely about its pivot. When the pulley E is spun the heavy end of D has a tendency to fly outwards, so that the other end catches in a notch in the axis C and drives the cylinder F. When this cylinder has attained its required velocity the driving power is stopped, and the axis C, now moving faster than the pulley E, pushes the pall D out of the way, and thus the cylinder Fis left spinning "as a gyroscope" under the retarding forces of the friction at the pivots, and the resistance of the air. Its motion will then be free from vibration and perfectly steady, so that the loss of its angular * Proceedings of the Ordnance Select Committee, 1862, p. 15. † Reports, &c., p. 1—17. G 82 APPENDIX. velocity must follow some simple law. If it be afterwards found desirable to increase the angular velocity of F", by turning the handle in the right direction, the pall D will be caused to catch the notch in C, and so drive the cylinder till the required velocity is attained. Any other driving arrangement might be used, provided it did not impart a vibratory motion to the frame and was capable of being completely detached from C before the experiment was made. 20 The records are received on paper stretched upon the cylinder F'. They are made by sparks discharged at the point P from one or more secondary coils. In cases where the records are required to succeed each other at intervals less than ‚¹th of a second it will be necessary to use several independent primary coils, generally as many coils as there are records to be made. This is in itself a disadvantage, but there does not appear to be any remedy. If now, with a view to obtain all the discharges from one point, one end of each secondary coil were attached at A, and all the remaining ends at B, it is very probable that no record whatever would be obtained at P. For For suppose two coils a, b to be so connected as shewn in fig. 18. When the primary wire of a was broken, it is quite probable that the secondary discharge would not take place directly from A to B, but through b to B, which course affords a continuous metallic circuit. So also when the primary current of b was ruptured, the secondary discharge would take place from A to B through a, and not directly from A to B. If, however, we make breaks in the secondary circuits as at c, d (fig. 19) we may render the resistance of the direct course from A to B less than that of any other. This arrangement was tried with two coils, and proved quite satisfactory. There is no doubt it would answer equally well for any number of coils. It is plain that the angular velocity of the cylinder F' could not vary sensibly during the short time an experiment was in progress. The distances between the records would therefore shew the relative intervals at which the primary currents were actually cut, abstraction being made of the errors to which the records made with the spark are known to be liable. In order to find the absolute intervals of time between the records it would be necessary for the exact velocity of the fly wheel to be known at the instant when the experiment was made. This is satisfactorily provided for as follows. The chronograph shewn in the frontispiece is used to measure the time of every revolution of the cylinder F'. For this purpose a short arm attached to the axis C interrupts, once for every complete revolution, the galvanic current con- nected with the electro-magnet E. In order to shew during what particular revolution the experiment was made, one or more of the secondary circuits is arranged to give a record near the markers m, m'. This record serves to point out the particular revolution required, and knowing the exact times of several successive revolutions before and after, we can calculate the exact motion of the cylinder F' at the instant when the records were made. If necessary, it would be possible to calculate the varying motion of the cylinder during the progress of the experiment. As I have already remarked (Art. 11), the great drawbacks to the use of such an instrument in ballistic experiments are (1) the uncertain action of the spark as a recording agent, and (2) the impossibility of securing accuracy in space. When the successive intervals of time to be measured are subject to rapid variation, as in determining the motion of a shot in the bore of a gun, such an instrument is perfectly powerless, APPENDIX. 83 and at present I cannot think of any practical case in which it could be used advantageously. As, however, I found that Captain Andrew Noble, in conjunction with the Committee on Explosives, was employing the principles of my chronograph not only to an improper purpose, but also in a most rude and unscientific manner, I felt it to be my duty, in con- sequence of my official position, to explain clearly how to obtain the best possible result. In order to shew how little novelty there was in the Noble Chronograph, I offered (March 20, 1869) to place my original chronograph in the same circuit with it, using the fly wheel as my rotating cylinder to obtain a sufficient velocity of rotation. My chronograph was reported ready for the competitive trial offered me May 28, 1870, in the following terms: "The chronograph has been "removed from Shoeburyness, and is now ready for the inspection of the "gentlemen who are to examine into the comparative merits of my chrono- graph and that subsequently brought forward by Captain Andrew Noble "when applied under like circumstances to any experiment whatever.”* It will be seen that I was careful not to offer to determine the motion of a shot in the bore of a gun by means of a chronograph, which I believe to be an impossibility, and therefore I consider it an absurdity to attempt it. But by putting both instruments into the same circuits the results would have been free from any question about the precise time when the primaries were cut, that is, from any question about accuracy of space. The real trial would thus have been limited to the comparative merits of the two chronographs as measurers of very short intervals of time. To my regret the competitive trial did not take place, for, if the records of the two instruments had been read off and reduced by competent mathematicians, the true value of such instruments as the Committee on Explosives have been using would have been authoritatively settled. But if this question had been decided in favour of one or both the chronographs, before the results of the experiments of the Committee on Explosives could be accepted as conclusive, there would remain the question whether the shearing instrument employed by them, and represented in fig. 4, could be expected to secure sufficient accuracy in the intervals of space to allow the rapidly varying pressure of fired gunpowder to be accurately calculated. The following is a statement of the times in which a few successive revolutions of the cylinder F' were made in a trial experiment: No. of Revolutions. Time seconds. 23 13.352 seconds. A₁ 24 + 0.550 13.902 25 14.453 + 551 Δη + •001 + .003 26 + ·554 15.007 + '003 27 + ·557 15.564 28 + 561 + ·004 16.125 29 16.688 + ·563 + •002 30 + ·566 + •003 17.254 + .003 + ·569 31 17.823 + '003 32 + ·572 18.395 33 + ·575 + ·003 18.970 + .003 34 + •578 19.548 + •002 + ·580 35 20.128 36 20.712 + ·584 + •004 + .004 37 21.300 + ·588 &c. &c. * Reports, &c., p. 162. 84 APPENDIX. In order to determine the value of the spark from the secondary. coil as a recording agent the following experiments were made. The discharging point P (fig. 16) was caused to move accurately in a line parallel to the axis of the cylinder F". The primary current of the coil was arranged so that it was momentarily interrupted at every complete revolution of the cylinder F". Consequently the secondary sparks discharged from P ought to have given records arranged in a straight line. When the cylinder was stationary, a tracer, attached to the same frame as P, was used to mark a line on the paper. The distances of all the records were measured carefully from this line as a base, and then their mean was found. Afterwards the dif ference between this mean and each reading was taken as the error of that reading. The sum of the numerical values of these errors was divided by the number of records to obtain the mean error. The velocity of the surface of the cylinder on which the records were made was about 300 inches per second and under. Experiment I. The successive errors were +010, -·003, +·013, 000, - *004, - •018, + ·006, &c., giving the mean error of 34 records = 0.0107 inch.. Experiment II. The successive errors were +001, − ·020, − ·048, - •012, + •020, +·006, &c., giving the mean error of 32 records = 0·0112 inch. Experiment III. The successive errors were † ·006, +·012, ·000, +·020, +·008, -·006, &c., giving the mean error of 26 records = 0.0118 inch. Numerous other trials of the same kind were made, but the general results were manifestly the same as those given above, no matter which pole was attached to the discharging point. In the next place, the marker m, in the instrument shewn in the frontispiece, was replaced by a discharging point properly connected with a secondary coil. The fly-wheel was then spun as a gyroscope, and, the primary current being rapidly interrupted in the usual manner, the records on the cylinder ought to have ranged in a spiral line. In this case the lateral deviations of 100 successive records were measured, and the mean was found to be 0.0075 inch. In this case the error may have been in some slight degree due to the motion of the paper, which was moving at the rate of not more than 10 inches per second. Lastly, the cylinder F" (fig. 16) was kept perfectly stationary. While the primary current was being rapidly interrupted in the usual manner, the discharging point P was caused to move parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The mean error of 46 successive records. so obtained was found to be 0·0069 inch. II. DESCRIPTION OF A GRAVITY CHRONOGRAPH. AFTER having made preliminary experiments, I expressed an opinion* that the ballistic instruments of Navez, Leurs, Boulengé, &c., might be replaced for ordinary purposes by a simpler, cheaper, and more reliable instrument. Shortly afterwards I received several communica- tions on the subject from the War Office. The carrying out of my plans proved more troublesome than I at first expected, and, as my time was then fully occupied by experiments on the resistance of * Philosophical Transactions, 1868, p. 419. " 85 APPENDIX. the air to the motion of projectiles, I was not disposed to allow my attention to be diverted from that important work merely to perfect an instrument to which no scientific interest was attached. When, however, the reports on those experiments had been sent in, I enquired whether a simple form of my chronograph was still required. Being encouraged to proceed with my invention, and seeing no reason why the simple form of instrument should not succeed, I felt obliged to persevere. Although the original instrument, shewn in the frontispiece, would have given results of extreme accuracy, yet the exact reduction of each round would have been attended with a great waste of labour. After much trouble the original scheme for a simple form of chrono- graph was made perfectly successful, which was dependent on a time scale given by a body falling freely through a given height. The firing of the gun was so timed that the records of the two end screens were nearly equidistant from the time records. Thus A, B are the records of the beginning and end of the time, generally half- a-second; and a, b, c, d are the records given by four equidistant screens. Au must be made nearly equal to dB. Å ä b B The records are received on a vertical cylinder K, the motion of which is regulated by a fly-wheel A, as shewn in the frontispiece. As the stage S is now stationary for each experiment, there is no necessity for the lowering machinery MCD; and the slide L may be made of wood. There is only one electro-magnet E, and one marker m, which is used to give both the time and screen records. The cylinder K is about 9 inches in diameter, and the speed must be such that the distance AB representing half-a-second may be from 15 to 20 inches. The arrangement for dropping the ball W, which gives the scale of time, is shewn in fig. 11. The wires C₁, C₂ must be connected with the wires + and - of the electro-magnet E, shewn in the frontispiece. A wire must be carried from B, to the galvanic battery, to the arrangement for dropping the weight by which the gun is fired, through three or more screens constructed as shewn in fig. 12, when arranged at equal distances as shewn in fig. 13, and finally connected with B. The galvanic circuit is completed as follows, when arrangements have been made for firing a round: through the screens, &c., to B,, h, i, g, f, d, e, c, b, a, v, u, coil of the electro-magnet D, r, o, B₁. The firing of the gun is caused by the fall of a weight. When the weight is dropped a momentary interruption of the above galvanic current is caused. The height through which the body falls before it fires the gun requires to be adjusted so as to throw the screen records a, b, c, d in the proper position relatively to the time records A, B. The instrument is represented in fig. 11, ready prepared for the firing of a round, the electro-magnet E of the chronograph being excluded from the galvanic circuit. When the weight intended to fire the gun is liberated, the momentary interruption of the galvanic current destroys the magnetism in D, and the lever OA, having nothing to support it, begins to fall by turning about its pivot O. The switch descends from the position of to ot', and so turns the galvanic current into the course B₁, o, s, C₁, through the chronograph, C, w, a, b, c, e, d, f, g, &c. When the lever OA comes into the vertical position OA', it strikes a projection on the bolt eA', and thus suddenly withdraws, 86 APPENDIX. in a horizontal direction, the support of the ball W. Since the galvanic current passed through c, e, d, we are quite sure that the interruption of the galvanic current and the dropping of the ball would be two perfectly simultaneous events. The ball W is connected with ce by a flexible chain. The distance between the lower side of the ball A and the horizontal disc F is accurately adjusted according to the time required, for which purpose Table VII. will be found convenient. When the ball strikes the stage F the galvanic current is instantaneously broken at g. It is plain that the first interruption of the galvanic current, namely, when the firing weight was liberated, would not be recorded, because the chronograph was then excluded from the circuit. There would be two time records A, B corresponding to the interruptions of the current at e and These would be separated by a known interval of time, generally half-a-second. But in the meantime there would be brief interruptions of the galvanic current when the shot passed three or more equidistant screens. If the record a was too near A, this distance would be. increased by slightly lengthening the fall of the weight used for firing the gun, and vice versâ. When the distance Aa was nearly equal to the distance dB, the slight loss of velocity of the fly-wheel during half-a-second would be of no importance, and the calculation of the velocity might be proceeded with just as if the angular velocity of the cylinder had been perfectly uniform. The use of one or two intermediate screens b, c is to check the accuracy of the instrument. If the screens were equidistant, then the spaces ab, bc, cd, &c., would gradually increase in a satisfactory experiment. In calculating the velocity of the shot, however, the time in ad should be used. Now time in ad time in AB:: ad: AB, or time in seconds; and if S denote the distance in feet between the records a and d, then velocity = S time in ad = ad = 1 ad 2 AB screens which gave the AB 25 × ad feet per second. In proving gunpowder and making ordinary experiments 28 may be made a constant quantity by placing the extreme screens always AB ad at the same distance. The value of 2S may be read off with sufficient accuracy by inspection from a slide rule, or a table of four- figure logarithms may be used when greater accuracy is required. To prepare for another round the weight which fires the gun is replaced, the ball W is suspended in its proper position, and the lever OA being raised up by hand and pressed upwards, the galvanic current is turned from the chronograph to the electro-magnet Ď, which holds up the lever OA until the current is broken on liberating the weight which fires the gun. With a view to exclude the disturbing effects of remaining magnetism, care is taken not to allow the electro-magnet E to come in contact with its keeper which actuates the marker m. This distance can be adjusted according to the strength of the galvanic current. It will be remarked also that the galvanic current is only turned through the chronograph just soon enough to give the first time record, and that during the half-second the experiment lasts the galvanic current is being rapidly interrupted. Under these circumstances we are entitled to assume that the loss of time in making each record is practically constant, and therefore that the resulting velocity will be unaffected by remaining magnetism. APPENDIX. 87 The marker used in connection with the gravity chronograph is made to strike the paper as the clock hammer strikes its bell, the needle point being free to open slightly so as to avoid tearing the paper. As soon as the marker is raised, the needle is restored to its proper position and maintained there by the action of a spring. Care must be taken to check the vibration of the marker preparatory to making a record. For this and other reasons it is not desirable for the screens to be placed at intervals of less than 75 or 100 feet. It should be borne in mind that this instrument was contrived merely to measure initial velocities, &c., while the instrument shewn in the frontispiece was designed for determining the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles, for which purpose it alone should be used. The gravity chronograph was used to measure the velocities of small arm bullets-it was officially inspected-it was confessed that it was easily manipulated and furnished results of a high degree of accuracy. 66 (6 The late Ordnance Select Committee were at one time in raptures with the performance of Navez' electro-ballistic pendulum, simply because they did not attempt to deduce any laws from their experi- ments. The course of events led them quietly to adopt Leurs' improved pendulum as soon as it was brought out. In the description of this instrument, printed under their auspices in 1868,* it was confessed that its advantages were simplicity, as the instrument does not consist of so many parts, the conjunctor, and consequent use of mercury has "been abolished, the large magnet suppressed, and a mechanical arrangement substituted; cheapness, as the instrument costs less than "the original Navez; greater accuracy and ease of manipulation," &c. Two years later a description of Boulengé's chronoscopet was issued. This is undoubtedly far simpler to use and superior to both the Navez' and Leurs' instruments, because in every experiment the time scale is given by direct comparison with the time occupied by a body in falling freely. In the Navez' and Leurs' instruments the body falling freely is replaced by a pendulum rotating about a pivot, and its indications are reduced by reference to a scale of time previously deduced by trial. But all three instruments depend upon the dropping, in consequence of the rupture of the galvanic current, of two weights directly supported by two electro-magnets. Unless the two independent currents required for each instrument be regulated with the greatest nicety there will be a variable loss of time in dropping the two weights. Now the galvanic currents are apt to vary greatly in strength in the course of a day, and especially when the battery is newly charged. Every round fired also ruptures the circuits, and the repairing of these circuits may affect their resistances unequally. So unsatisfactory were these instruments, owing partly to the dis- turbing effects of remaining magnetism, and partly to their inability to afford any test of their own accuracy, that it has been found necessary to employ two Boulengé instruments to measure the velocities of shot in the proof of pebble powder where charges of 35 lbs are used. If the same pair of galvanic currents be used to work both instruments, no satisfactory test of accuracy will be obtained; and if the two instruments be used to measure independently the velocity of the same shot, then four galvanic batteries must be used, the currents of which * 84, v., 188, † 84, L., 459. 88 APPENDIX. would require regulating with the greatest nicety. If any one of the four became unduly strong, one velocity would be vitiated, and then how would it be possible to decide which of the two results was the correct one? As the number of such instruments as those of Navez, Leurs, Boulengé, &c., is increased, the liability to discordant results is also increased. III. ON INTERPOLATION AND QUADRATURES. WE have already seen (Art. 54) that n (n − 1) (n − 2) 1.2.3 - ▲³ux + &c. ... I. N Ux+ni = U x + ī Дих + n (n - 1) 1.2 Also Ux-1= Ux - AUx-19 - - - A Ux-21= Ux-1 - AUx-21= Ux — AUx-1 — ▲ (Ux-¿ — AUx-21), = U Ux − 2Aux-ı + ³Ux-219 Ux-31 = Ux − 3AUx_1 + 3A³Ux-21 − ▲³Ux-319 &c. &c. n Ux-ni = U Их www Aux_l + n (n-1) 1.2 ▲²Ux-¿ì ▲³u¸µ - n (n − 1) (n − 2) 1.2.3 x-21 ▲³ux_x + &c...II. x 1 Uz+} = U₂ + AU₂ − Putting n = in I. and II. we have 5 128 1²u₂ + 1 1 16 A³ux - Aux + A³½ - &c....(a), T 256 and thu = Au HAU TA SỐ TSAU 4 1▲Ux-1 – 14³Ux-21 A³ux-31 1 16 5 128 2 66 Aus- &c...(b). Ux-l x-41 Thus, in Art. 55, we find by interpolation the proper place of beat 3.5 seconds, for by (a) U3.5 = U3 + AU3 – §A²Ug + 1 164 1 16 73.637 + 1 × 23·794 + 1 × ∙054 - 1 × ·003 = 85·541. 8 U4 16 Ճա or by (b) U3.5 = U₁ - Az - ▲²₂ – 1²Ã³µ₁ = 97·431 − × 23·794 + 1 × ·051 + 1 × ·003 = 85·541. = 1 16 Again, if after having completed the interpolations for half-seconds, we desire to find the readings corresponding to the one-tenth of a second, or to the one-fifth of half-a-second, n = }, U x+] = U x + & Aux - 24² + £54³u 2 ? x 12 - u. 843 U x n = 3, Uzzi = Uz + & Au₂ - 2ª² + 1½¿ª³u Also &c. x + &c. 25 126 Mở Al-A - I AU - - 21 6 2 5 2¹¸ 625 26 625 A A¹u₂+ &c....(c₁), A¹u₂+ &c....(C2), ▲³ux-17 - &....(d), Uz - Z1 = U₂ ZA Ux_1234²ul-A³ux-st- & Aux-11 - &c....(d₂), U. Ux- = U Aux- U2-1 스리 ​Δ 8 и Δ 626 26 &c. &c. APPENDIX. 89 Supposing the divisions corresponding to the half-seconds to be known in Art. 55, let us find the divisions corresponding to 4.2 and 4.3 seconds. 3 By formula (c2) U₁.2 = 97.431 + × 11·877 + 2 × 014 = 102-184, - 2 3 25 and by formula (d₂) u₁., = 109.308 x 11.877 +2% × 014 = 104·559. It will be observed that the quantities u, Au, A³ux, A³ur, &c., used in I., are arranged in a diagonal line pointing downwards from ux in the scheme at page 39, and also that the quantities u Au ▲³Ux-219 A³µx-31, &c., used in II., are arranged in a diagonal line pointing upwards. We can replace these formulæ by two others depending upon the terms Ux A'u + All x-² + A²Ux-² + A³ U x-l + 4³U --21 A³u. + A¹Ux-?? A³Ux-l + Aux + A³Ux-çl + + A¹Ux_1? + AºUx-31 + A³ux-42• + A¹Ux-31 'x-21 Since Uz = U x 1 + Aux-79 Au = A®up_z + Aut x c-l 'x-21 + A³µx_29 5 ▲¹ux = ▲¹Ux_21 + 2A³ux-¿ì + Au₂ + A¹Ux-3¹9 'x-sl ▲³Ûx = A³Ux_21 + 2AºUx-31 + 3A¹Ux-31 + A³Ux-11 + A³Ux-419 A³ux = A®ux-32 + 3A¹µx-31 + &c., доих &c. &c. Substituting now these values of A³u, A³u₂, &c., in I., we get n Ux+m² = U x + Ux Aux + n (n - 1) 1.2 A²Ux-1 + (n + 1) n (n − 1) A³ux_1 1.2.3 (n + 1) n (n − 1) (n − 2) + ▲¹Ux.21 + (n + 2) (n + 1) n (n - 1) (n-2) (n + 2) (n + 1) n (n − 1) (n − 2) (n − 3) + ▲°Ux_31 + &c. …….. Ux-2 III. n (n − 1) 1.2 A²ux-i + ▲⭑Ux-2l Or, expressing the values of A²ux-219 A³ux-31, &c., in terms of A³Ux-19 A³ux-219 &c., and substituting in II., we shall find Ux-nl = Ux Aux-¿ + n 1 (n + 1) n (n − 1) (n − 2) (n + 2) (n + 1) n (n − 1) (n-2) - K (n + 1) n (n − 1) 1.2.3 A³ux-2 A³ux-31 (n + 2) (n + 1) n (n − 1) (n − 2) (n − 3) + A°ux3 ~ &c. IV. It thus appears that having obtained values of ...Ux-19 Ux, Ux÷19...&c., by calculation or observation, we are able to express the value of Ux+nl from ux- to wx+, or, more correctly, from ux- to ux which is all that is really needed. By the help of the preceding formulæ of interpolation we are enabled to obtain the numerical values of integrals of functions which cannot H 90 APPENDIX. be integrated in the ordinary way. Suppose ya to be the ordinate of a curve corresponding to the abscissa x. Then the area bounded by the curve, the axis of x, and the ordinates at the distances a and a + 1, will be equal to a fa+¹y,dx = °f'Ya+ndnl = °f¹lya+nidn = °f'Ua+nıdn, suppose, n (n 1.2 n 1 - "J' (v + A + " (51) Alla A&ua + n (n-1) (n-2) 1.2.3 A 4³ua + &c.) dn 19 = Ua + ½▲ua - ³½³ua + 2²44³µa - 7¹² A¹ua +185a-8634°ua + &c. α 60 α ..V. In the same manner we may find the area of the curve enclosed be- tween the ordinates ya+t and Ya+2l; between Ya+21 and ya+zi; and so on. And taking the sums of these partial areas we find the area of the curve enclosed by ordinates at the distances a and a + rl where r is any integer. But this method, applied in the first instance to find the areas of curves, may be used to find the values of the integrals of any continuous functions between limits. + The above formula (V.) was employed in the calculation of the tabular values of X, Y, and T. Each of these quantities is a function of y and . A numerical value was given to y, and then was made Ø. The in succession 0, +1°, +2°, +3°, &c., and 0, -1°, - 2°, - 3°...- 45°. value of l or do was the circular measure of one degree. But, when the values of up became irregular, l = do was made equal to the circular measure of th of a degree. In this way the values of Au, ▲³u, &c., were made to decrease rapidly, which allowed the formula (V.) to be used in spite of the slow convergence of the coefficients. Another formula may be deduced from III. a-41 μa+³¹y xdx = − + f + ³ly a+nıɑn = −4f+³ua+midn - {u Ua + Aula + n (n − 1) 1.2 A²ua-i + (n + 1) n (n − 1) 1.2.3 A³ua-1+ &c.} dn n 1 9 367-0▲³ua-31 - &c. = U« + 2¹4▲²Ua-1 − 577*Ua-21 + 567880 ERRATA. Page 40, formula (2), for "32" read "1" "" 49 90 9 14, Tables, for 43 Y.02° "-676277,” read “·677277.” '08 I. COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CUBIC LAW OF RESISTANCE. ELONGATED PROJECTILES WITH OGIVAL HEADS. (Reports &c. p. 152.) Log Kv 80 Kv K V K Log V go K V К. V g مع f-s f-s 900 64.4 2.001 .3012 1300 107.9 3.352 .5253 910 64.8 2.014 .3041 920 65.3 2.029 1310 107.7 .3073 1320 107.4 3.345 .5244 3.337 .5234 930 65.9 2.047 .3III 1330 107.I 3.328 .5222 940 66.6 2.069 .3158 1340 106.8 3.317 .5207 950 67.4 2.094 .3210 1350 106.4 3.305 .5192 960 68.4 2.125 .3274 1360 || 106.0 3.293 .5176 970 69.6 2.162 •3349 1370 105.6 3.280 .5159 980 71.0 2.206 .3436 1380 105.I 3.265 .5139 990 72.8 2.262 .3545 1390 104.6 3.249 .5118 1000 75.0 2.330 .3674 1400 104.0 3.231 .5093 ΙΟΙΟ 77.5 2.408 .3817 1410 103.4 3.212 .5068 1020 80.4 2.498 .3976 1420 102.8 3.193 .5042 1030 83.9 2.606 .4160 1430 I02.2 3.175 .5017 1040 88.2 2.740 1050 92.8 2.883 .4378 1440 101.6 3.155 .4990 .4598 1450 100.9 3.134 .4961 тобо 97.2 1070 100.8 3.019 .4799 3.131 .4957 1080 103.4 | 3.212 .5068 1480 98.7 1090 105.I 3.265 1460 100.2 3.112 .4930 1470 99.4 3.089 .4898 3.065 .4864 .5139 1490 97.9 3.041 .4830 ΙΙΟΟ 106.0 3.293 .5176 1500 97.2 3.018 .4797 IIIO 106.6 3.312 .5201 1510 96.4 II20 107.I 3.327 .522I 1520 I130 107.5 3.339 .5236 1140 107.9 3.35I 1150 108.2 3.361 1160 108.5 3.37I 1170 108.7 3.377 .5285 1180 108.9 3.381 .5290 1580 1190 108.9 3.383 .5293 1590 2.994 .4763 95.5 2.968 .4725 1530 94.7 2.942 .4686 .5252 1540 93.8 2.915 .4646 .5265 1550 93.0 2.889 .4607 .5278 1560 92.2 2.864 .4570 1570 91.4 2.839 .4532 90.6 2.814 .4493 89.8 2.790 .4456 1200 108.9 3.383 .5293 1600 89.0 2.765 .4417 1210 108.9 3.383 .5293 1610 1220 108.9 3.382 .5292 1230 108.8 3.381 .5290 88.2 2.740 •4378 1620 1630 86.7 87.4 2.715 •4338 2.693 .4302 1240 108.8 3.380 .5289 1640 86.0 1250 108.7 3.378 .5287 1650 2.672 .4268 85.4 2.654 .4239 1260 108.6 3.375 .5283 1660 85.0 2.640 .4216 1270 108.5 3.370 1280 108.3 3.364 .5269 1290 108.1 3.358 .5261 .5276 1670 1680 1690 84.I 84.6 2.628 .4196 84.3 2.619 .4181 2.613 .4171 1300 107.9 3.352 .5253 1700 83.9 2.606 .4160 1 1 II. COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CUBIC LAW OF RESISTANCE. SPHERICAL PROJECTILES. Reports &c. p. 114. K. Kv ▼ Kv Log V V Ky K K, Log g 80 go go f-s f-s 850 138.4 4.299 .6334 1250 151.I 4.694 .6715 860 138.3 4.296 .6331 1260 150.5 4.674 .6697 870 138.3 4.294 .6329 1270 149.8 4.654 .6678 880 138.2 4.293 890 138.2 4.293 .6328 1280 149.1 .6328 4.632 .6659 1290 148.4 4.611 .6638 900 138.2 4.294 .6329 1300 147.8 4.591 .6619 910 138.3 4.296 .6331 1310 147.2 4.572 .6601 920 138.4 4.299 .6334 1320 146.5 4.552 .6582 930 138.5 4.302 .6337 1330 145.9 4.533 .6564 940 138.6 4.306 .634I 1340 145.3 4.514 .6546 950 138.8 4.312 .6347 1350 144.7 4.495 .6527 960 139.1 4.322 .6357 1360 144.I 4.475 .6508 970 139.5 4.334 .6369 1370 143.4 4.455 .6489 980 139.9 4.346 .6381 1380 142.7 4.433 .6467 990 140.4 4.362 .6397 1390 142.0 4.410 .6444 1000 141.I 4.383 .6418 1400 141.3 4.388 .6423 ΙΟΙΟ 141.9 4.408 .6442 1410 140.6 4.366 .6401 I020 142.8 1030 143.8 4.467 4.436 .6470 1420 139.8 4.343 .6378 .6500 1430 139.1 4.320 .6355 1070 1040 144.9 4.501 1050 146.1 4.539 1060 147.3 4.576 148.5 4.613 .6533 1440 138.4 4.299 .6334 .6570 1450 137.7 4.277 .6311 .6605 1460 137.0 4.254 .6288 .6640 1470 136.2 4.231 .6264 1080 149.6 4.647 .6672 1480 135.5 4.209 .6242 1090 150.6 4.677 .6700 1490 134.8 4.188 .6220 IIOO 151.4 4.703 .6724 1500 134.I 4.166 .6197 4.775 IIIO 152.I 4.725 .6744 1510 133.5 1120 152.7 4.744 1130 153.I 4.757 1140 153.4 4.766 1150 153.6 4.772 1160 153.7 4.774 1170 153.7 1180 153.7 4.774 1190 153.6 4.77I 1200 I53.4 4.765 1210 153.I 4.756 1220 152.7 4.744 1230 152.2 4.728 4.146 .6176 .6762 1520 132.8 4.125 .6154 .6773 1530 132.I 4.105 .6133 .6782 1540 131.5 4.085 .6112 .6787 1550 .6789 1560 130.1 130.8 4 064 .6090 4.043 .6067 .6790 .6789 1570 129.5 1580 128.8 4.003 .6024 .6786 1590 128.2 3.983 .6002 .6781 1600 127.5 3.961 .5978 .6772 1610 126.8 3.940 .5955 .6762 1620 126.2 3.920 .5933 4.023 .6046 .6747 1630 | 125.5 3.899 .5910 1240 151.7 4.712 1250 151.I 4.694 .6732 .6715 1650 1640 124.8 124.1 3.877 .5885 3.856 .5861 2 K, K₁ K Ky V K V Log T ▼ K. مع Log go g مع f-s f-s 1650 1660 I24.I 3.856 .5861 1900 108.7 3.377 .5285 123.5 3.836 .5839 1910 | 108.2 3.361 .5265 1670 122.8 3.815 .5815 1920 107.7 3.346 .5245 1680 122.I 3.793 .5790 1930 107.3 3.332 .5227 1690 121.4 3.772 .5766 1940 106.8 3.317 .5208 1700 120.8 3.752 .5743 1950 106.3 3.302 .5188 1710 120.I 3.73I -5718 1960 105.8 3.287 .5168 1720 119.4 3.710 .5694 1970 105.3 3.272 .5148 1730 118.8 3.689 .5669 1980 104.9 3.258 .5130 1740 118.1 3.669 .5646 1990 104.4 3.243 .5110 1750 II7.4 3.648 .5621 2000 103.9 3.228 .5089 1760 116.8 3.628 .5597 2010 103.4 3.212 .5068 1770 116.1 3.608 .5573 2020 102.9 3.197 .5047 1780 115.5 3.588 .5549 2030 102.5 3.183 .5028 1790 114.9 3.568 .5524 2040 102.0 3.169 .5009 1800 I14.2 3.548 .5500 2050 101.5 3.154 .4989 1810 113.6 2060 IOI.I 3.529 .5477 3.140 .4969 1820 113.0 3.5II .5454 2070 100.6 3.125 .4949 1830 112.5 3.494 .5433 2080 100.I 3.110 .4928 1840 III.9 3.476 1850 III.3 3.459 1860 II0.8 3.442 2090 99.7 .54II 3.096 •4908 -5390 2100 99.2 3.081 .4887 •5368 2110 98.7 3.066 .4866 1900 1870 I10.3 3.425 1880 109.7 3.408 1890 109.2 108.7 .5347 2120 98.3 3.053 .4847 .5325 2130 97.8 3.039 .4827 3.392 3.377 .5285 .5305 2140 97.4 3.025 .4807 2150 96.9 3.010 .4786 Log Po I C 1 2 3 0 9.94636 9.97579 32 0.00392 33 456 78 9 9.62777 23 0.13030 III. Log Pp = Log (3 tan & + tan ³4). Log Po 9- 16 8.71909 9.02038 17 9.19691 78 18 9.32247 19 0.03093 9.42018 20 0.05695 9.50034 21 0.08212 333 9- 456 9.56844 22 0.10654 37 ww 78 9- Log Po Log Po 3I 0.30525 46 0.62501 0.32605 47 0.64839 0.34676 48 0.67226 34 0.36743 49 0.69666 35 0.38809 50 0.72164 36 0.40877 51 0.74725 0.42952 52 0.77355 38 0.45037 53 0.80059 9.68045 24 0.15349 39 0.47135 54 0.82844 ΙΟ 9.72792 25 0.17618 40 0.49250 + 13 14 II 9.77121 26 12 9.81109 27 9.84813 28 9.88280 29 15 9.91545 0.19844 4I 0.51385 0.22033 42 0.24191 43 0.55732 58 0.94937 0.26322 44 30 0.28432 45 0.53545 5555 55 0.85717 56 0.88685 57 0.91755 0.5795I 59 0.60206 60 0.98239 1.01671 3 1 * IV. VALUES OF X, Y & T FOR INTERVALS OF 0°.2. Y = 0.00 9- y = = 0,01 X Y T 9- X Y T 0 1.73205 | 60.0 1.77949 1.71818 59.8 1.76457 1.70446 59.6 1.74984 1.69091 59.4 1.73530 1.67752 59.2 1.72096 1.66428 59.0 1.70679 1.55885 1.75552 1.53311 1.74112 1.50791 1.72691 60.0 1.73205 1.50000 59.8 1.71818 1.47606 59.6 1.70446 1.45259 59.4 1.69091 I.42959 59.2 1.67752 1.40703 59.0 1.66428 1.38492 58.8 1.65120 1.36322 58.6 1.63826 1.34195 58.4 1.62548 1.32109 58.2 1.61283 1.30062 58.0 1.60033 1.28054 57.8 1.58797 1.26083 57.6 1.57575 1.24149 57.4 1.56366 1.22251 57.2 1.55170 1.20388 57.0 1.53987 1.18559 56.8 1.52816 | 1.16764 56.6 1.51658 1.15001 56.4 1.50512 1.13270 56.2 1.49378 1.11569 56.0 1.48256 1.09899 55.8 1.47146 1.08259 55.6 1.46046 | 1.06648 55.4 1.44958 | 1.05065 55.2 1.43881 1.03509 55.0 1.42815 1.01980 54.8 1.41759 1.00478 54.6 1.40714 .99002 54.4 1.39679 .97550 54.2 1.38653 .96124 54.0 1.37638 .94722 53.8 1.36633 .93343 53.6 1.35637 .91987 53.4 1.34650 1.65120 58.8 1.69281 1.63826 58.6 1.67899 1.62548 58.4 1.66535 1 61283 58.2 1.65188 1.60033 58.0 1.63857 1.58797 57.8 1.62543 1.57575 57.6 1.61244 1.56366 57.4 1.59960 1.55170 57.2 1.58691 1.53987 57.9 1.57437 1.52816 56.8 1.56198 1.51658 56.6 1.54973 1.48323 1.71288 1.45906 | 1.69902 1.43539 1.68533 1.41221 1.67180 1.38949 1.65843 1.36723 | 1.64523 I.34542 1.63218 1.32404 1.61928 1.30308 1.60653 1.28253 1.59393 1.26238 1.58147 1.24262 1.56915 1.22324 1.55697 1.20423 I.I1440 1.48665 1.09742 I.54493 1.18558 1.53302 1.50512 56.4 1.53762 | 1.16728 1.52124 1.49378 56.2 1.52564 1.14932 1.50958 1.48256 56.0 1.51380 1.47146 55.8 1.50209 1.46046 55.6 1.49051 1.44958 55.4 1.47905 1.13170 1.49806 1.47537 1.08075 1.46420 1.43881 55.2 1.46772 1.06438 1.45315 1.42815 55.0 1.45651 1.41759 54.8|| 1.44541 1.04831 I.44222 1.03253 1.43140 1.40714 54.6 1.43444 1.39679 54.4 1.42357 1.38653 54.2 1.41282 1.01703 1.42068 1.00180 1.41008 .98684 1.39958 53.2 1.33673 53.0 1.32704 52.8 1.31745 52.6 1.30795 .85536 1.37638 54 1.40219 1.36633 53.8 1.39165 1.35637 53.6 1.38123 .90653 1.34650 53.4 1.37091 .89342 1.33673 53.2 I. 1.36069 .88052 1.32704 53.0 1.35058 .86783 1.34056 1.30795 52.6 1.33064 1.38919 .92956 1.35862 .91585 1.34863 .90238 1.33873 1.31745 52 8 .88914 1.32891 .87612 1.31921 52.4 1.29853 .84309 1.29853 52.4 1.32081 .86332 1.30959 52.2 1.28919 .83102 1.28919 52.2 1.31108 52.0 1.27994 .81913 1.27994 52.0 1.30144 51.8 1.27077 .80743 1.27077 51.8 1.29189 51.6 1.26169 .79592 1.26169 51.6 1.28243 51.4 1.25268 .78460 51.2 1.24375 .77346 .85073 1.30007 .83834 | 1.29063 .82616 1.28127 .81418 1.27200 1.25268 51.4 1.27306 .80240 1.26282 1.24375 51.2 1.26378 .79081 1.25371 .97214 •95770 1.37890 .9435I 1.36871 ( 4 y = 0.02 Y = 0.03 ❤ X Y T 9- X Y T 60.0 1.83254| 1.62567 59.8 1.81636 59.6 1.80041 59.4 1.78468 59.2 1.76919| 1.51766 59.0 1.75391 1.49213 58.8 1.73885 1.46716 58.6 1.72399 1.44273 58.4 1.70934 1.41882 58.2 1.69488 I.39541 58.0 1.68062 1.37250 57.8 1.66655 1.35007 1.32810 57.6 1.65266 57.4 1.63896| 1.30658 57.2 1.62542 1.28550 57.0 1.61206 1.26485 56.8 1.59887 1.24461 56.6 1.58584 1.22478 1.59774 I.57045 1.54376 1.11367 54.8 1.47542 1.06276 56.4 1.57298 I.20534 56.2 1.56027 1.18628 56.0 1.54771 1.16759 55.8 1.53530 1.14927 55.6 1.52304 1.13130 55.4 1.51093 55.2 1.49895 1.09638 | 1.46841 55.2 1.53291 55.0 1.48712 1.07941 1.45718 55.0 1.52035 1.06276 1.78117 60.0 1.89266 1.76618 59.8 1.87490 1.75139 59.6| 1.85743 1.73680 59.4 1.84025 1.72239 59.2 1.82334 1.70817 59.0 1.80671 1.69413 58.8 1.79033 1.68027 58.6|| 1.77421 1.66658 58.4 1.75833 1.65306 58.2 1.74270 1.63971 58.0 1.72729 1.62652 57.8 1.71211 1.61349 57.6 1.69716 1.60062 57.4 1.68241 1.58790 57.2 1.66788 1.57533 57.0 1.65355 1.56290 56.8 1.63941 1.55062 56.6| 1.62547 1.53847 56.4 1.61172 1.52647 56.2 1.59815 1.70264 1.80950 1.67200 1.79380 1.64211 1.77832 1.61294 | 1.76306 1.58447 1.74802 1.55667 1.73318 1.71854 1.52952 1.50301 1.70410 1.47710 | 1.68985 1.45178 1.67579 1.42703 1.66191 1.40283 | 1.64822 1.37917 1.35603 1.63469 1.62134 1.33339 1.60815 1.31123 1.59513 1.28955 1.58227 1.26833 1.56956 I.24755 1.55701 1.22721 1.54461 1.51460 56.0 1.58476 1.20728 1.53235 1.50286 55.8 1.57154 1.18776 1.52023 1.49125 55.6 1.55850 1.16864 1.50826 1.47977 55.4| 1.54562 I.14990 I.49642 1.13154 1.48472 I.I1354 1.47315 1.44607 54.8 1.50795 1.09589 1.46171 54.6 1.46385| 1.04642 1.43507 54.6 1.49570 1.07859 1.45039 54.4 1.45241 1.03038 1.42419 54.4 1.48360 | 1.06163 I.43920 54.2|| 1.44109 .44109| 1.01464 1.41342 54.2 1.47164 I.04499 1.42813 54.0 1.42991 53.8 1.41884 .98401 53.6 1.40789 .96911 53.4 1.39706 .95447 53.2 1.38635 .94010 .92598 53.0 1.37575 52.8 1.36526 .91211 .99918 1.40276 54.0 1.45983 1.39221 53.8 1.44815 1.38177 53.6 1.43661 1.02867 1.41718 1,01266 1.40634 .99695 1.39562 1.37143 1.36120 53.2 1.41393 53.4 1.42521 .98153 1.38501 .96640 I.37452 1.35107 53.0 1.40278 .95155 1.36413 52.6 1.35488 52.4 1.34460 1.34104 52.8|| 1.39175 .89848 1.33111 52.6 1.38085 .88509 1.32127 52.4 1.37007 .93697 1.35385 .92266 1.34367 .90860 I.33359 52.2 1.33442 .87192 1.31152 52.2 1.35940 .89480 1.32361 52.0 1.32435 .85898 51.8 1.31438 .84627 51.6 1.30451 .83378 1.28284 51.6 1.32808 .82149 1.27346 51.4 1.31786 .80941 1.26416 51.2 1.30774 1.30187 52.0 1.34885 88125 1.31372 1.29231 51.8 1.33841 .86794 1.30393 .85486 I.29424 51.4 1.29474 51.2 1.28506 51.0 1.27548 .79753 1.25494 51.0 1.29773 50.8 1.26598 .78585 1.24581 50.8 1.28782 50.6 1.25658 .77436 1.23676 50.6 1.27801 .79278 1.24718 .84201 1.28465 .82938 1.27515 .81697 1.26574 .80477 1.25642 5 Y = 0.04 Y = 0.05 9- X Y T Ф X Y T 60.0 1.96194 1.79302 59.8 1.94216 1.75889 59.6 1.92275 1.72568 59.4 1.90372 1.69336 59.2 1.88503 1.66189 59.0 1.86669 1.63124 58.8 1.84867 1.60138 58.6 1.83097 1.57227 58.4 1.81358 1.54388 58.2 1.79648 1.51620 58.0 1.77967 1.48920 57.8 1.76314 1.46284 57.6 1.74688 1.43712 57.4 1.73088 1.41201 57.2 1.71513 1.38748 57.0 1.69963| 1.36351 56.8 1.68437 1.34010 56.6 1.66933 1.31721 56.4 1.65453 1.29484 56.2 1.63994 1.27297 56.0 1.62556 1.25157 55.8 1.61139 1.23064 55.6 1.59742 1.21017 55.4 1.58365 1.19013 55.2 1.57007 1.17051 55.0 1.55667 1.15130 54.8 1.54346 1.13250 54.6 1.53042 I.I1408 54.4 1.51755 1.09604 54.2 1.50485 | 1.07837 1.07837 54.0 1.49231 1.06105 53.8 1.47994 1.04408 53.6 1.46772 I.02744 53.4 1.45565 1.01113 53.2 1.44373 .99514 53.0 1.43195 .97945 52.8 1.42032 .96406 52.6 1.40882 .94897 52.4 1.39746 .93417 52.2 1.38624 .91965 52.0 1.37514 .90540 51.8 1.36417 .89141 51.6 1.35332 .87768 51.4 1.34260 .86420 51.2 1.33199 .85095 1.84116 60.0 2.04361 1.82459 59.8 2.02112 1.80828 59.6 1.99913 1.79222 | 59.4 1.97764 1.77640 59.2 1.95662 1.76082 59.0 1.93605 1.74546 58.8 1.91591 1.73033 58.6 1.89618 58.6 1.89618 1.71542 58.4 1.87685 1.70072 58.2 1.85790 1.68623 58.0 1.83932 1.67193 57.8 1.82108 1.65783 57.6 1.80319 1.64392 57.4 1.78563 1.63020 57.2 1.76838 1.61666 57.0 1.75143 1.60329 56.8 1.73478 1.59010 56.6 1.71842 1.57707 56.4 1.70233 1.56421 56.2 1.68650 1.55151 56.0 1.67093 1.90178 1.90178 1.87718 1.86297 1.85951 1.82535 1.84215 1.78886 1.78886 1.82509 1.75346 1.80831 1.71908 1.79181 1.77557 1.68569 1.65325 1.75960 1.62170 1.74388 | 1.59102 1.72840 1.56116 1.71316 1.53210 1.69814 1.50379 1.68336 1.47622 1.47622 | 1.66878 1.44935 1.65442 1.42316 1.64026 1.39762 1.39762 | 1.62630 1.37270 1.61253 1.34839 1.59895 1.32466 1.32466 1.58556 1.30150 1.57234 1.53897 55.8 1.65562 1.52657 55.6 1.64054 1.51433 55.4 1.62570 1.27887 1.55930 1.25677 1.54643 1.23517 1.53372 1.50224 55.2 1.61108 1.49029 55.0 1.59669 55.0 1.59669 1.47847 54.8 1.58251 1.46680 54.6 1.56854 1.45526 54.4 1.55477 1.44385 | 54.2 1.54120 1.21407 1.52117 1.19344 1.50878 1.17326 1.49655 1.15353 1.48446 1.43256 54.0 1.52782 1.42141 53.8 1.51463 1.41038 53.6 1.50162 1.39946 53.4 1.48878 1.38867 53.2 1.47612 1.37799 53.0|| 1.46362 1.36743 52.8 1.45129 1.35698 52.6 1.43911 1.34664 52.4 1.42709 1.33640 52.2 1.41522 1.32626 52.0 1.40351 1.31623 51.8 1.39194 1.30630 51.6 1.38051 1.29647 51.4 1.36921 1.28674 I.13423 I.47253 1.11534 1.46073 1.09686 1.09686 | 1.44908 1.07877 1.43756 1.06105 1.42617 1.41492 1.40380 1.04370 1.02671 1.01007 1.39280 .99376 1.38192 .97778 1.37116 .96212 1.36052 .94676 I.34999 .93171 1.33958 .91695 1.32928 .90247 1.31909 .88827 1.30901 1.28674 51.2 1.35804 .87434 1.29903 1.27711 51.0 1.34701 .86067 1.28914 1.26757 50.8 1.33611 .84726 1.27935 51.0 1.32150 .83795 50.8 1.31112 .82518 50.6 1.30085 .81264 1.25812 50.6 1.32533 .83410 1.26966 6 Y = 0.06 Y = 0.07 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 60.0 2.14308 2.03739 59.8 2.11669 1.99187 59.6 2.09106 1.94799 59.4 2.06613 1.90568 59.2 2.04187 1.86482 59.0 2.01825 1.82534 58.8 1.99522 1.78717 58.6 1.97276 1.75023 58.4 1.95084 1.71445 58.2 1.92943 1.67979 58.0 1.90851 1.64619 1.91913 60.0 2.27039 1.89999 59.8 2.23783 1.88124 59.6 2.20652 1.86286 59.4 2.17634 1.84484 59.2 2.14722 1.82716 59.0 2.11908 1.80980 58.8 2.09184 1.8098058.8 1.79276 58.6 2.06545 1.77601 58.4 2.03986 2.21597 1.96977 2.15980 1.94851 2.10621 1.92779 2.05498 1.90757 2.00594 1.95891 1.88782 1.86852 1.91376 1.84964 1.87036 1.83117 | 1.82859 1.81308 1.75956 58.2 2.01501 1.78835 1.79535 1.74339 58.0 1.99085 1.74955 1.77798 57.8 1.88806 57.6 1.86806 57.4 1.84848 57.2 1.82931 1.52135 57.0 1.81053 1.49233 56.8 1.79213 1.46410 56.6 1.77409 1.43663 56.4 1.75639 I.40990 56.2 1.73903 1.38386 56.0 1.72199 1.35850 55.8 1.70526 I.33379 55.6 1.68883 1.30970 55.4 1.67268 1.28621 1.61359 1.72749 57.8 1.96736 1.71209 1.76093 1.58194 1.71186 57.6 1.94448 | 1.67591 1.74421 1.55121 1.69647 57.4 1.92220 1.64092 1.72780 1.68133 57.2 1.90046 1.60707 1.71167 1.66642 57.0 1.87926 1.57430 1.69584 1.65175 56.8 1.85856 1.54254 1.68027 1.63729 56.6 1.83833 1.51175 1.66497 1.62306 56.4 1.81857 1.48188 1.64991 1.60902 56.2 1.79923 1.45289 1.63511 1.59520 56.0 1.78031 1.42473 1.62054 1.58156 55.8 1.76179 | 1.39738 1.56812 55.6 1.74365 1.37078 1.55487 55.4 1.72587 1.60620 1.59207 I.34491 1.57816 55.2 1.65682 1.26330 | 1.54180 | 55.2 1.70844 | 1.31974 1.56446 54.8 1.62588 55.0 1.64122 I.24094 1.21911 1.52890 55.0 1.69135 1.29524 1.55096 1.51617 54.8 1.67458 1.27138 1.53766 54.6 1.61079 1.19780 54.4 1.59595 1.17699 54.2 1.58134 1.15666 1.5036154.6 1.65812 | 1.24813 1.52454 1.49122 54.4 1.64196 1.22548 1.51161 1.47898 54.2 1.62609 1.20339 1.49885 54.0 1.56696 1.13679 1.46690 54.0 1.61049 1.18185 1.48627 53.8 1.55280 1.11738 1.11738 1.45496 53.8 1.59517 1.16083 1.47386 53.6 | 1.53885 1.09839 1.44318 53.6 1.58010 1.14032 1.46161 53.4 1.52512 1.07983 53.2 1.51158 | 1.06167 1.43154 1.4315453.4 I. 53.4 1.56529 1.12030 I.44952 53.0 1.49824 1.04390 52.8 1.48509 1.02652 52.6 1.47213 1.00950 52.4 1.45935 .99284 52.2 1.44674 .97653 52.0 1.43431 .96056 51.8 1.42204 .94491 51.6 1.40993 .92958 51.4 1.39798 .91455 51.2 1.38619 .89983 51.0 1.37454 50.8 1.36304 50.6 1.35168 1.42004 53.2 1.55071 1.10075 1.43758 1.40867 53.0 1.53638 1.08165 | 1.42580 1.39744 52.8 1.52227 1.06299 1.41417 1.38634 52.6 1.50838 1.04475 1.40268 1.37537 52.4 1.49470 1.36452 52.2 1.48122 1.35379 52.0 1.46794 1.3431851.8 1.45486 1.33269 51.6 1.44197 1.32232 51.4 1.42926 1.31206 51.2 1.41674 1.02691 1.39133 1.00948 1.38011 .99244 1.36902 -97577 1.35807 .95945 1.34725 .94348 1.33655 .92784 1.32597 .88540 1.30191 51.0 1.40439 .87125 1.29186 50.8 1.39220 .85737 | 1.28192 50.6 1.38018 .91252 1.31552 .89752 1.30519 .88284 1.29497 7 y = 0.08 y = 0.09 X Y T 9. X Y T 60.0 2.44854 2.47491 59.8 2.40421 2.39843 59.6 2.36247 2.32699 59.4 2.32298 2.25995 59.2 2.28550 2.19682 59.0 2.24980 2.13716 58.8 2.21570 2.21570 2.08063 2.08063 58.6 2.18304 2.02693 | 58.4 2.15171 1.97579 2.03488 59.0 2.43774 2.01008 58.8 2.38974 1.98615 58.6 2.34500 1.96302 58.4 2.30304 1.94061 58.2 2.26349 2.40308 2.40308 2.32351 1.9597I 2.24992 1.93565 1.98477 2.18144 1.91249 2.11740 1.89013 1.91887 58.0 2.22605 2.05726 1.86850 1.89775 57.8 2.19049 2.00056 1.84753 1.87720 57.6 2.156591.94694 1.82718 1.85719 57.4 2.12420 1.89609 1.80738 1.92700 1.83767 57.2 2.09316 1.84775 1.78812 1.88037 1.81862 57.0 2.06336 1.80168 1.76934 1.83573 1.75770 1.75102 58.2 2.12158 58.02.09255 57.8 2.06455 57.6 2.03749 1.79292 57.4 2.011ZI 1.75182 57.2 1.98594 1.71231 57.0 1.96134 1.67428 56.8 1.93745 1.63764 56.6 1.91424 1.60230 56.4 1.89166 1.56818 56.2 1.86968 1.53522 56.0 1.84826 1.50334 1.80002 56.8 2.03470 1.78183 56.6 2.00707 1.76404 56.4 1.98040 1.74662 56.2 1.95462 1.73314 1.71564 1.67535 1.71566 1.63670 | 1.69856 1.68182 1.72956 56.0 1.92967 | 1.59956 1.7295656.0 | 1.71284 55.8 1.90548 1.56384 | 1.66544 1.69644 55.6 1.88202 I.52944 1.64938 1.68036 55.4 1.85923 1.66457 55.2 1.83707 1.64906 55.0 1.81551 1.49628 1.63363 1.46428 1.61818 1.43338 1.60302 1.63383 54.8 1.79451 1.40350 1.61887 54.6| 1.77405 1.37460 1.60415 54.4 1.75409 | 1.34661 1.58968 54.2 1.73461 1.31950 1.57545 54.0 1.71558 1.29321 1.56144 53.8 1.69698 1.26771 1.54765 53.6 1.67880 1.53407 53.4 1.66101 1.52069 53.2 1.64359 1.50752 53.0 1.62653 1.49454 52.8 1.60982 1.48174 52.6 1.59344 || 1.46912 52.4 1.57737 55.8 1.82737 I.47249 55.6 1.80699 | 1.44261 55.4 1.78709 1.41366 55.2 1.76765 1.38559 55.0 1.74864 1.35834 54.8 1.73006 1.33189 54.6 1.71187 1.30620 54.4 1.69406 1.28123 54.2 1.67661 | 1.25695 54.0 1.65951 1.23333 53.8 1.64275 1.21034 53.6 1.62630 1.18796 53.4 1.61017 1.16615 53.2 1.59433 I.14491 53.0 1.57878 1.12419 52.8 1.56351 1.10399 1.43230 51.8 1.53095 52.6 1.54850 1.08429 1.42036 51.6 1.51603 52.4 1.53375 1.06507 1.40858 51.4 1.50137 52.2 1.51924 1.04630 1.04630 52.0 1.50497 1.02797 51.8 1.49094 1.01007 1.37410 50.8 1.45887 51.6 1.47713 .99258 51.4 1.46354 .97549 51.2 1.45015 .95878 51.0 1.43696 .94244 50.8 1.42397 .92646 50.6 1.41118 .91083 1.58813 1.57350 1.55913 1.54500 1.53110 | 1.51742 I.24295 1.50397 1.21891 1.49072 1.19554 1.47767 1.17283 1.46482 1.15073 1.45216 1.12922 1.43968 1.10828 1.42738 1.45668 52.2 1.56161 1.08789 1.41525 1.44441 52.0 1.54614 1.06802 1.40328 1.04865 1.39147 1.02976 | 1.37982 1.01133 1.36834 1.39694 | 51.2|| 1.48696 .99335 1.35700 1.38545 51.0 1.47280 .97579 1.34581 .95865 1.33476 .94191 1.32385 1.36290 50.6 1.44517 1.35183 50.4 1.43169 1.34090 50.2 1.41842 1.33010 50.0 1.40535 1.31943 49.8 1.39248 1.30888 49.6 1.37980 .92556 1.31307 .90957 I.30241 .89393 1.29186 .87865 1.28144 .86370 1.27115 8 Y = 0.10 = Y = 0.II 9- X Y T 58.0 2.42326 2.32865 57.8 2.37144 2.24604 57.6 2.32368 2.17049 57.4 2.27931 2.10084 57.2 2.23780 2.03618 57.0 2.19876 1.97583 56.8 2.16188 1.91925 56.6 2.12689| 1.86598 56.4 2.09358 1.81566 56.2 2.06179 1.76799 56.0 2.03136 1.72270 55.8 2.00217 1.67958 55.6 1.97411 1.63844 55.4 1.94708 I.59911 55.2 1.92100 1.56146 55.0 1.89581 1.52534 54.8 1.87143 | 1.49066 54.6 1.84782 1.45730 54.4 1.82491 1.42519 54.2 1.80268 1.39424 54.0 1.78106 1.36438 53.8 1.76003 I.33555 53.6 1.73956 1.30768 53.4 1.71961 1.28071 53.2 1.70015 1.25461 53.0 1.68116 1.22932 52.8 1.66262 1.20480 52.6 1.64450 1.18101 52.4 1.62678 I.15792 52.2 1.60945 1.13550 52.0 1.59249 I.I1371 51.8 1.57587 1.09252 51.6 1.55959 1.07191 51.4 1.54363 1.05185 51.2 1.52798 1.03232 51.0 1.51262 1.01330 50.8 1.49755 .99476 50.6 1.48276 .97669 50.4 1.46823 .95906 50.2 1.45396 •94186 50.0 1.43993 .92508 49.8 1.42613 .90870 49.6 1.41256 .89270 49.4 1.39921 .87707 49.2 1.38607 .86180 49.0 1.37315 .84687 X Y T 2.25049 1.88501 2.16518 1.85950 2.08810 1.83528 1.81218 1.93480 57.0 2.40402 1.9348057.0 1.90959 56.8 2.34841 1.88543 56.6| 2.29779 1.86226 56.4 2.25119 1.83998 56.2 2.20795 1.81849 56.0 2.16753 1.79772 55.8 2.12955 1.77759 55.6 2.09367 1.75805 55.4 2.05966 1.73906 55.2 2.02730 1.72059 55.0 1.99642 55.0 1.99642 1.70258 54.8 1.96687 2.01771 1.95286 I.79004 1.89271 1.76874 | 1.83660 1.74820 1.78402 1.72835 1.73453 1.70911 1.68779 1.69044 1.64352 1.67229 1.60147 1.65463 1.68502 54.6 1.93852 | 1.56144 | 1.63742 1.66787 54.4 1.91128 1.65111 54.2 1.88504 1.63472 54.0 1.85974 1.61868 53.8 1.83529 1.60297 53.6 1.81163 1.58757 53.4 1.78872 1.52324 1.62062 1.48673 1.60422 1.45177 1.41824 1.57252 1.58819 1.38603 1.55717 1.35506 1.54213 1.57247 53.2 1.76649 1.32525 1.52739 1.55766 53.0 1.74491 1.29650 1.51294 1.54312 52.8 1.72394 1.52884 52.6 1.70353 1.51481 52.4 1.68367 1.21609 1.26877 1.49875 1.24199 1.48482 | 1.47114 1.50102 52.2 1.66431 1.48746 52.0 1.64542 1.47412 51.8 1.62699 1.46100 51.6 1.60900 1.44808 51.4| 1.59141 1.43536 51.2 1.57422 1.42283 51.0 1.55739 1.41049 50.8 1.54092 1.39832 50.6 1.52479 1.01610 1.19104 1.16679 | 1.44448 1.14328 1.45770 1.43149 1.41870 1.03580 1.36949 1.35765 1.38633 50.4 1.50898 I.37451 50.2 1.49349 1.36286 50.0 1.47829 .99692 1.34597 .97826 I.33445 .96008 1.32310 1.35136 49.8 1.46338 94238 1.31190 .92512 1.30085 .90829 1.28994 .89188 1.27917 1.34001 49.6 1.44875 1.32881 49.4 1.43438 1.31776 49.2| 1.42026 1.30685 49.0 1.40639 1.29608 48.8 1.39275 1.28544 48.6 1.37934 1.27493 48.4 1.36616 1.26454 48.2 1.35319 1.25428 48.0 1.34042 1.12050 1.09839 1.40611 1.07692 | 1.39372 1.05607 1.38151 • .87587 | 1.26855 .86024 1.25806 .84498 1.24770 .83007 1.23746 .81551 1.22734 .80128 1.21734 .78737 1.20746 48.8 1.36042 .83227 1.24414 47.8 1.32785 48.6 1.34788 .81800 1.23412 47.6 1.31547 -77377 1.19769 9 Y = 0.12 Y = 0.13 9- X Y T 56.0 2.37888 2.16734 55.8 2.31979 2.08005 55.6 2.26665 2.00215 55.4 2.21820 1.93166 55.2 2.17357 1.86719 55.0 2.13210 1.80775 54.8 2.09331 1.75256 54.6 2.05683 1.70103 54.4 2.02237 1.65271 54.2 1.98967 1.60720 54.0 1.95854 | 1.56419 53.8 1.92882 1.52344 53.6 1.90037 1.48471 53.4 1.87307 1.44781 53.2 1.84682 1.41260 53.0 1.82153 1.37892 52.8 1.79714 1.34666 52.6 1.77356 1.31570 52.4 1.75074 1.28596 52.2 1.72862 1.25735 52.0 1.70717 1.22979 51.8 1.68634 1.20322 51.6 1.66608 I.17757 51.4 1.64637 1.15279 51.2 1.62717 1.12883 51.0 1.60846 | 1.10564 50.8 1.59021 1.08318 50.6 1.57239 1.06142 50.4 1.55499 1.04030 50.2 1.53798 1.01981 50.0 1.52134 .99992 49.8 1.50506 .98058 49.6 1.48912 .96179 0 X 1.83487 55.0 2.34664 1.80925 54.8 2.28474 1.78508 54.6 2.22971 Y T 2.07817 1.78424 I.99009 1.75868 1.91236 1.73470 1.76213 54.4 2.17996 1.84260 1.71201 1.74020 54.2|| 2.13441 1.71917 54.0|| 2.09231 1.69894 53.8 2.05309 1.67941 53.6 2.01633 1.66052 53.4 1.98169 I.77922 1.69040 1.72105 1.66973 1.66727 1.64987 1.61722 1.63074 1.57041 1.61225 1.64221 53.2 1.94891 1.52643 I.59435 1.62444 53.0 1.91777 1.48495 1.57699 1.60715 52.8 1.88809 1.44571 1.56011 1.59032 52.6 1.85972 | 1.40846 1.54369 1.57390 52.4 1.83253 1.37303 1.52769 1.55789 52.2 1.80642 1.33925 1.51208 1.54224 52.0 1.78130 1.30698 1.30698 1.49683 1.52694 51.8 1.75708 1.27609 1.48193 1.51197 51.6 1.73370 1.24648 1.46735 I.4973I 51.4 1.71108 1.21805 1.45308 1.48294 51.2 1.68918 1.19071 I.43909 1.46886 51.0 1.66795 1.16439 1.42538 1.45504 50.8 1.64734 1.13903 1.41194 1.44147 50.6 1.62731 I.I1457 1.39874 1.42814 50.4 1.60783 1.41505 50.2 1.58887 1.40218 50.0 1.57040 1.38953 49.8 1.55238 1.09094 1.38577 1.06810 I.37304 1.04600 1.36052 1.02460 1.34821 1.37707 49.6 1.53480 | 1.00387 1.00387 1.33609 1.36482 49.4 1.51763 1.35276 49.2 1.50085 .98377 1.32417 .96426 1.31244 1.34088 49.0 1.48445 1.32917 48.8 1.46840 1.31764 48.6 1.45269 1.30627 48.4 1.43731 1.29507 48.2 1.42223 1.28401 48.0 1.40745 .94533 1.30088 .92693 1.28950 .90905 1.27828 49.4 1.4735I .9435I 49.2 1.45820 .9257I 49.0 1.44320 .90839 48.8 1.42848 .89152 48.6 1.41403 .87508 1.26234 47.6 1.37873 48.4 1.39985 .85905 1.25172 47.4 1.36477 48.2 1.38593 .84342 1.24124 47.2 1.35106 48.0 1.37225 .82817 1.23090 47.0 1.33759 47.8 1.35880 .81329 47.6 1.34558 .79876 1.21060 46.6 1.31134 47.4 1.33258 .78457 1.20063 46.4 1.29855 47.2 1.31979 .77071 1.19077 46.2 1.28597 47.0 1.30720 .75716 1.18103 46.0 1.27358 46.8 1.29481 .74392 1.17140 45.8 1.26139 46.6 1.28261 46.6 •73097 1.16188 45.6 1.24939 .89166 1.26722 .87473 1.25631 .85826 1.24556 1.27310 47.8 1.39295 .84222 I.23495 .82659 1.22448 .81136 .79650 1.20395 1.21415 .78200 1.22069 46.8 1.32435 -76785 .75404 I.17409 •74056 1.16438 .72739 1.15478 1.19387 1.18392 .71452 1.14530 .70194 I.13593 .68964 1.12666 10 Y = 0.14 y = 0.15 X Y T 54.0 2.30632 | 1.98239 53.8 2.24268 1.89511 53.6 2.18662 1.81878 53.4 2.13627 1.75073 53.2 2.09040 1.68919 53.0 2.04816 9 0 X 1.73297 53.0 2.25742 1.70768 52.8 2.19343 1.6840552.6 2.13738 1.66177 52.4 2.09724 1.64059 52.2 2.04169 1.62037 52.0 1.99983 Y T 1.68106 1.88017 1.79555 1.65629 1.72197 1.63321 1.65662 | 1.61148 1.59768 | 1.59086 I.54391 1.57118 1.63293 52.8 2.00893 | 1.58106 | 1.60097 | 51.8 1.96103 52.6 1.97224 1.53290 1.58230 51.6 1.92480 52.4 1.93775 1.48795 I.49442 1.55232 1.44854 1.53417 1.56427 51.4 1.89076 1.40575 1.51667 52.2 1.90516| 1.44578 52.0 1.87425 1.40607 1.54683| 51.2 1.85864 | 1.36565 I.49973 1.52992 51.0 1.82819 1.32791 1.48331 51.8 1.84482 | 1.36853 1.51350 50.8 1.79922 1.29226 1.46737 I.12545 51.6 1.81672 1.33295 51.4 1.78982 1.29913 51.2 1.76400 1.26691 51.0 1.73918 1.23615 50.8 1.71527 1.20672 50.6 1.69219 1.17852 50.4 1.66988 1.15146 50.2 1.64829 50.0 1.62737 1.10043 49.8 1.60706 1.07632 1.45195 50.0 1.69536 50.0 1.69536 1.43746 49.8 1.67187 1.42329 49.6 1.64921 1.49752 50.6 1.77157 1.25849 1.45186 1.48195 50.4 1.74512 1.46677 50.2 1.71975 1.22640 1.43675 I.19584 1.42202 1.16667 1.40764 1.13877 1.39358 1.11205 1.37983 1.40941 49.4 1.62731 1.08641 1.36636 1.39582 49.2 1.60612 1.06177 1.35317 1.38250 49.0 1.58558 1.03806 I.34024 1.36943 48.8 1.56566 1.01522 1.32756 49.6 1.58734 | 1.05306 1.35660 48.6 1.54631 .99320 1.31511 49.4 1.56816 1.03060 1.34400 48.4 1.52750 .97194 1.30288 49.0 1.53132 49.2 1.54950 | 1.00890 | 1.3316348.2 1.50919 .98792 1.31946 48.0 1.49136 .95139 1.29086 .93151 1.27905 48.8 1.51359 .96760 1.30749 47.8 1.47397 .91228 1.26743 48.6 1.49630 .9479I 48.4 1.47941 .92883 48.2 1.46292 .91031 1.29572 47.6 1.45702 1.28414 47.4 1.44046 | .89364 1.25599 .87557 1.24474 1.27273 47.2 1.42428 .85804 1.23366 48.0 1.44679 .89233 47.8 1.43101 .87487 1.25042 46.8 1.39300 1.26149 47.0 1.40847 .84102 I.22275 .82449 1.21199 47.6 1.41557 .85790 1.23952 46.6 1.37786 .80843 1.20139 47.4 1.40045 .84140 1.22876 46.4 1.36303 47.2 1.38563 .82534 1.21816 46.2 1.34851 47.0 1.371II .80971 1.20770 46.0 1.33427 46.8 1.35688 .79449 1.19738 45.8 1.32030 46.6 1.34292 .77966 1.18719 45.6 1.30660 46.4 1.32920 .76520 1.17713 45.4 1.29315 46.2 1.31572 .75110 46.0 1.30247 •73736 45.8 1.28945 .72394 45.6 1.27666 .71084 45.4 1.26409 .69805 45.2 1.25173 .68556 1.16720 45.2 1.27995 1.15741 45.0 1.26697 1.14774 44.8 1.25421 1.13818 44.6 1.24167 1.12873 44.4 1.22935 I.I1939 44.2 1.21723 .79280 1.19094 .77760 1.18064 .76281 I.17047 .74839 1.16044 •73435 .72067 1.15053 1.14076 .70732 1.13110 .69430 1.12157 .68159 1.11216 .66918 1.10286 .65707 1.09366 .64524 1.08457 45.0 1.23959 .67336 I.I1015 44.0 1.20531 .63368 1.07558 44.8 1.22765 44.6 1.21588 .66143 I.IO102 43.8 1.19358 .64976 1.09200 43.6 1.18203 .62238 1.06669 .61133 1.05790 11 Y = 0.16 Y = 0.17 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 52.0 2.20019 1.77260 51.8 2.13736 | 1.69247 1.69247 51.6 2.08241 1.62287 1.62287 51.4 2.03328 1.56111 51.2 1.98869 1.50545 51.0 1.94773 I.45469 1.62859 51.0 2.13564 1.60460 50.8 2.07535 1.58225 50.6 2.02246 1.56122 50.4 1.97508 1.54127 50.2 1.9320I 1.52223 50.0 1.89240 50.8 1.90978 1.40798 50.6 1.87434| 1.36468 50.4 1.84107 1.32431 50.2 1.80966 1.28648 50.0 1.77989 49.8 1.75158 1.21725 1.50398 49.8 1.85566 1.48642 49.6 1.82133 1.46947 49.4 1.78907 1.66158 1.57577 1.58739 1.55277 1.52276 1.53132 1.46529 1.5IIII 1.41340 1.49191 1.36603| 1.47358 1.32239 1.45600 1.28191 I.43908 1.24414 I.42274 1.45308 49.2 1.75860 1.20872 1.40692 1.25088 1.43719 49.0 1.72971I 1.17536 1.39159 1.42176 48.8 1.70222 1.14385 1.37668 49.6 1.72456 1.18539 1.18539 1.40674 48.6 1.67597 I.11397 1.36218 49.4 1.69871 1.15512 1.39211 48.4 1.65085 1.08557 1.34805 49.2 1.67391 1.12629 1.12629 | 1.3778548.2 1.62674 | 1.05852 1.33426 49.0 1.65007 48.8 1.62712 1.07246 48.6 1.60497 1.04725 48.4 1.58356 1.02305 48.2 1.56285 .9998 I 48.0 1.54278 47.8 1.52331 .95588 47.6 1.50439 .93510 47.4 1.48600 .91503 47.2 1.46810 .89563 47.0 1.45067 .87687 46.8 1.43367 1.09878 1.09878 1.36392 48.0 1.60356 | 1.03268 1.32079 1.35030 47.8 1.58123 1.00797 1.30762 1.33698 47.6 1.55968 .98428 1.29473 .97743 1.32393 47.4 1.53885 1.31115 47.2 1.51868 1.29862 47.0 1.49914 46.6 1.41709 • 46.4 1.40090 1.28632 46.8 1.48017 1.27424 46.6 1.46175 1.26238 46.4 1.44383 1.25073 46.2 1.42639 1.23927 46.0 1.40939 .85871 1.22800 45.8 1.39282 .84111 1.21690 | 45.6 .82405 .96155 1.28211 .93970 1.26974 .91866 1.25760 .89840 I.24570 .87884 .85996 I.23400 1.22251 .84171 1.21122 .82405 .80695 1.18918 1.2001I 1.37665 .79038 1.17843 46.2 1.38508 .80749 1.20598 45.4 1.36086 1.19523 45.2|| 1.34543 .7743I 1.16783 .75872 1.15740 46.0 1.36962 .79142 45.8 1.35449 .77581 1.18463 45.0 1.33034 1.17419 44.8 1.31558 45.6 1.33968 .76064 | 1.16389 44.6 1.30113 45.4 1.32518 .74588 I.15374 44.4 1.28698 45.2 1.31097 .73152 45.0 1.29703 .71754 44.8 1.28335 .70392 44.6 1.26993 .69065 44.4 1.25677 .67772 44.2 1.24386 .665II 44.0 1.23118 .65280 43.8 1.21872 I.14373 44.2 1.2731I 1.13385 44.0 1.25950 1.12410 43.8| 1.24616 I.I1447 43.6 1.23307 1.10497 43.4 1.22021 1.09559 43.2 1.20758 1.08632 43.0 1.19518 .64079 | 1.07716||42.8 1.18299 43.6 1.20646 .62907 1.06811 42.6 1.17100 43.4 1.19439 .61763 1.05916 42.4 1.15920 43.2 1.18251 .60644 1.05031 42.2 1.14760 43.0 1.17082 .5955I 1.04157 42.0 1.13618 42.8 1.15931 .58485 1.03292 41.8 1.12494 42.6 1.14798 .57439 1.02437 41.6| 1.11387 .74358 1.14712 .72887 1.13698 .71457 1.12699 .70066 1.11714 .68712 I.10741 .67394 1.09782 .66110 1.08835 .64858 1.07900 .63638 1.06976 .62449 1.06064 .61288 1.05163 .60155 1.04272 .59048 I.03392 -57968 1.02522 .56912 1.01661 .55880 1.00811 .54872 .99969 .53885 .99136 12 Y = 0.18 Y = 0.19 9- X Y T ❤ X Y T 50.0 2.06533| 1.54956 49.8 2.00860 1.48218 49.6 1.95852 1.42312 49.4 1.91346 1.37036 49.2 1.87235 1.32256 49.0 1.83445 1.27881 1.52292 49.0 1.99111 1.50107 48.8 1.93855 1.48063 48.6 1.89175 1.46132 | 48.4 1.84937 1.44295 48.2 1.81053 1.42538 48.0 1.77459 1.43884 1.47035 1.37858 I.44975 1.32530 1.43038 1.27740 1.41203 1.23380 1.39452 1.19374 1.37775 1.23841 1.20087 1.20087 48.8 1.79921 48.6 1.76624 1.76624 48.4 1.73520 1.16579 1.37655 47.4 1.67997 1.40851 47.8 1.74107 1.15665 1.36162 1.39226 47.6 1.70963 I.12209 1.34605 1.08972 1.33099 48.2 1.70586 1.13285 | 1.36134 47.2 1.65187 1.05928 1.31639 48.0 1.67800 1.10181 1.34657 47.0 1.62516 1.03053 1.30220 47.8 1.65146 I.07244 1.33221 46.8 1.59969 1.00330 1.28840 47.6 1.62611 47.4 1.60182 47.2 1.57850 1.04457 1.01806 .99279 1.29130 46.2 1.52948 1.31824 46.6 1.57531 .97744 I.27495 1.30461 46.4 1.55194 .95281 | 1.26183 .9293I I.24902 47.0 1.55606 .96864 | 1.27830 | 46.0|| 1.50785 .90683 1.23648 46.8 1.53443 .94553 46.6 1.51355 .92337 1.26559 45.8 1.48698 .88529 I.22422 1.25314 45.6 1.46682 .86463 1.21221 46.4 1.49335 46.2 1.47379 46.0 1.45483 .86191 45.8 1.43642 .90209 1.24094 45.4 1.44730 .84477 I.20043 .88162 1.22898 45.2 1.42839 .82566 1.18888 1.21724 45.0 1.41005 .80725 1.17754 .84291 1.20572 44.8 1.39223 .78949 1.16641 45.6 1.41852 45.4 1.40112 .80686 .82457 1.19441 44.6| 1.37490 .77235 I.15547 1.18329 44.4| 1.35804 .75577 1.14471 45.2 1.38417 .78973 1.17235 44.2 1.34161 .73974 1.13413 45.0 1.36765 .77315 44.8 1.35153 .75710 44.6 1.33581 .74153 44.4 1.32044 .72644 44.2 1.30543 .71178 44.0 1.29074 43.8 1.27637 43.6 1.26230 1.16160 44.0 1.32559 .72422 I.12372 1.15101 43.8 1.30996 1.14058 43.6 1.29470 1.13032 43.4 1.27978 .70918 I.I1347 .69459 1.10337 .68044 1.09342 I.12020 43.2 1.26520 .66670 | 1.08362 .69755 1.11023 43.0 1.25093 .68372 1.10040 42.8 1.23697 .67027 1.09071 42.6 1.22328 .65335 1.07396 .64037 1.06442 .62774 1.05502 43.4 1.24851 .65718 43.2 1.23499 .64445 43.0 1.22173 1.0811442.4 1.20988 1.07170 42.2 1.19673 .63204 1.06239 42.0 1.18384 .61546 1.04574 .60350 1.03658 .59185 1.02754 42.8 1.20872 42.6 1.19595 .61994 1.05320 41.8 1.17118 .58049 1.01861 .60815 1.04412 41.6 1.15875 .56942 1.00979 42.4 1.18342 | .59666 1.03515 41.4 1.14655 .55862 1.00107 42.2 1.17III .58547 42.0 1.15901 .57455 41.8 1.14711 .56388 41.6 1.13541 .55346 41.4 1.12390 •54328 41.2 1.11258 .53333 41.0 1.10143 .52360 40.8 1.09045 .51409 40.6 1.07964 .50479 1.00029 40.6 1.09978 .51796 .99183 40.4 1.08856 .98346 40.2 1.07752 .97518 40.0 1.06665 .96699 39.8 1.05595 .95889 39.6 1.04541 .48091 .93482 .47215 .92693 1.02628 41.2 1.13456 .54808 .99246 1.01751 41.0 1.12277 .53780 1.00885 40.8 1.III18 .98395 52776 .97554 .96722 .50838 .95899 .49901 .95085 .48986 .94279 13 y = 0.20 Y = 0.3 9- X Y T 48.0 1.91475 1.33144 47.8 1.86658 1.27812 47.6 1.82326 1.23051 47.4 1.78375 1.18740 47.2 1.74734 I.14794 47.0 1.71350 1.III5I 46.8 1.68182 1.07766 46.6 1.65202 1.04603 46.4 1.62383 1.01633 9 X Y T 1.41840 40.0 1.47905.776117 | 1.08479 1.39905 39.8 1.44479 1.38078 39.6| 1.41331 1.36340 39.4 1.38411 1.34678 39.2 1.35684 1.33081 39.0 1.33120 .747469 1.07054 .721330 1.05691 1.04383 .697262 .697262 .674936 1.03122 .654103 1.01903 1.31542 38.8 1.30699 1.30055 38.6 1.28402 .634565 1.00722 .616164 •99574 1.28614 38.4 1.26216.598772 .98458 46.2 1.59708 .988332 1.27215 38.2 1.24127 .582280 •97370 46.0 1.57159 .961847 1.25855 38.0 1.22128 .566599 .96308 45.8 1.54724 .936718 1.24530 37.8 1.20208 .551653 .9527I 45.6 1.52391 .912812 1.23238 37.6 1.18361 | .537377 .94256 45.4 1.50151 .890016 1.21977 37.4 1.16580 .523714 .93262 45.2 1.47995 .868234 1.20743 37.2 1.14861 .510615 .92289 45.0 1.45917 .847381 1.19537 37.0 1.13198.498037 .91333 44.8 1.43911 .827384 1.18355 36.8 1.11587 .485942 .90396 44.6 1.41970 .808178 1.17197 36.6 1.10025 .474297 .89475 44.4 1.40090 .789706 1.16062 36.4 1.08507 .463071 .88569 44.2 1.38267 .771917 1.14947 36.2 1.07033 .452236 .87679 44.0 1.36498 .754766 1.13853 36.0 1.05597 .441769 .86803 43.8 1.34777 .738212 1.12777 35.8 1.04199 .431647 .85940 43.6 1.33104 .722218 1.11720 35.6 1.02836 .421851 .85091 43.4 1.31474 .706751 1.10680 35.4 1.01506 .412363 .84254 43.2 1.29885 .691780 1.09657 35.2 1.00207 .403166 .83429 43.0 1.28336 .676277 1.08650 35.0 .98937 .394244 .82615 42.8 1.26823 .663218 1.07658 34.8 .97696 .385584 .81813 42.6 1.25345 .649579 1.06680 34.6 .96481 .377172 .81021 42.4 1.23900 .636339 1.05717 34.4 .95291 .368996 .80239 42.2 1.22486 .623479 1.04767 34.2 .94126 .361046 .79467 42.0 1.21103 .610979 1.03830 34.0 .92984 .353312 .78704 41.8 1.19748 .598823 1.02906 33.8 .91863 • 345784 .77951 41.6 1.18420 .586996 1.01995 33.6 .90764 .338453 .77206 41.4 1.17119 .575483 1.01095 33-4 .89685 .331311 .76470 41.2 1.15843 .564270 1.00206 33.2 .88625 .324350 .75743 41.0 1.14590 40.8 1.13361 .542692 .98462 32.8 40.6 1.12153 .532304 .97605 32.6 40.4 1.10966 .522170 .96759 32.4 .553344 .99328 33.0 .87584 .317563 .75023 .86561 .310942 .743II .85555 .304481 .73607 .84565 .298174 .72910 39.8 1.07526 .493196 39.4 1.05324 .474982 39.2 1.04249 .466182 39.0 1.03190 .457578 .91093 31.0 38.8 1.02147 .449162 .90318 30.8 38.6 38.6 1.01119 .440928 .89551 30.6 40.2 1.09800 .512280 .95922 32.2 .83591 40.0 1.08653 .502625 .95095 32.0 .82632 .286000 .94278 31.8 .81688 39.6 1.06416 .483984 .93469 31.6 .80758 92668 31.4 | .79842 .292015 .72220 .71537 .280124 .70861 .274381 .70191 .268767 .69528 .91877 31.2 .78939 .263277 .68871 .78049.257908 .68220 .77171 .252656 .67575 .76305 | .247516 .66936 14 Y = 0.4 Y = 0.5 9- X Y T ❤ X Y T 0 0 34.2 1.24777 34.0 1.21572 .514384 33.8 1.18649 33.6 1.15954 .476774 33.4 1.13449 .460188 33.2 I.III03 .444779 33.0 1.08894 .430379 32.8 1.06805.416859 32.6 1.04819 .404114 .536087 .89410 29.6 1.06591 .384666 .75459 .88133 29.4 1.03607 .367783 .74287 .494743 .86916 29.2 1.00900 1.00900352587 .73172 .85750 29.0 .98413 .338743 .72106 .84629 28.8 .96107 .326013 .71081 .83546 28.6 .93953 .314219 .70093 .8249828.4 .91928 .303226 .69136 .81481 28.2 .90015 .292927 .68208 .80492 28.0 .88201 .283238 .67306 32.4 1.02927 32.2 1.01117 .392057 .79528 27.8 .86473 .274088 .66427 .380618 .78588 27.6 27.6 .84822 | .265421 .65570 32.0.99383 .369734 .77669 27.4 .83240 257188 .64732 31.8 .97715 31.6 .96110 .359357 .76770 27.2 .81722.249348 .63913 .349440 .75891 27.0 .80260 .241866 .63110 31.4 .94561 .339947 .75028 26.8 .78850 .234713 .62323 31.2 .93063.330844 .74182 26.6 .77488.227862 .61552 31.0 .91614 .322101 .73351 26.4 .76170 | .221289 .60794 30.8 .90209 | .313693 .72535 26.2.74892 .214976 .60049 30.6 .88846.305596 .71733 26.0 26.0 73653 .73653 .208903 .59316 30.4 .87521 .297791 .70944 25.8 .72448 .203055 .58595 30.2 .86232 .290258 .70167 25.6 .71277 .197418 .57886 30.0.84976 .282981 .69402 25.4 .70136 .191977 .57187 29.8 .83753 .275945 .68648 25.2 25.2 .69025 .69025 .186722 .56498 29.6 .82559 .269136 .67905 25.0 .67940 .181643 .55818 29.4 .81393 .262542 .6717224.8 .66882 .176728 .55148 29.2 .80255 .256152 .66449 24.6 .65847 .171970 •54487 29.0 .79141 .249954 .65735 24.4 .64836 .167361 .53834 28.8 78052 .243939 .65031 24.2 .63846 | .162892 .53189 28.6 .76985 .76985 .238098 .64335 24.0 .62877 .158557 .52552 28.4 .75940 .232424 .63648 23.8 .61928 .154350 .51922 28.2 .74916 .226908 .62969 23.6 .60997 .150265 .51300 28.0 27.8 .73911 .221543 .72925 .216323 .62298 23.4 .60084 .146297 .50684 .61634 23.2 .59189 .142440 .50075 27.6 27.4 .71007 .71957 .211242 .206294 .60977 23.0 .58309 .138689 .49473 .60328 22.8 .57446 .135040 .48877 27.2 .70073 201473 • .59686 22.6 .56597 .131490 .48287 27.0 .69155.196775 .59050 22.4 .55763.128034 .47703 26.8 .68252 .192195 .58420 22.2 .54942 .124668 .47124 26.6 .67364 .187728 .57797 22.0 .54135 .121390 .46551 26.4 .66489 .66489 .183370 .57180 21.8 .53341 .118196 .45983 26.2 .65629 .179117 .56568 21.6 .52559 .115083 .45420 26.0 .64781 .174966 .55963 21.4 .51788 .I12048 .44862 25.8 .63946 .170913 .55363 21.2 .51028 109088 .44310 25.6 .63124.166954 .54768 21.0 .50280 .106200 .43763 25.4 .62313.163086 .54178 20.8 · 25.0 .60726 .155615 24.8 .59948 25.2 .61514 159307 .53594 20.6 .48815 20.6 •53015 20.4 .152005 .52440 20.2 .49542 .103384 .43220 .48815.100636 .42682 .48097 .097954 .42148 .47389.095336 .41618 15 Y = 0.6 Y = 0.7 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 26.0 .93344 .290751 .65330 23.0 .81319 .220114 .56922 25.8 .90438 | .276640 .64211 22.8 .78636.208780 -55871 25.6 .87825.264063 .63151 22.6 .76226 .198698 .54877 25.4 .85442 .252696 .62141 22.4 .74029.189597 .53929 25.2.83245 .242310 .61172 22.2 .72004 .181290 .53020 25.0 .81202 .232737 .60239 22.0 .70121 .173643 .52145 24.8 .79288 24.6 .77486 .215563 24.4 .75780 .223854 .59338 21.8 .68358 .166554 .51300 .58465 21.6 .66697 .159945 .50480 .207789 .57617 21.4 .65126 .153754 .49684 22.2 22.0 .60003 24.2 74159 24.0 .72613 .193554 23.8 .71134 .187002 23.6 .69716.180776 23.4 .68352 .174848 23.2 .67039 .169191 23.0 .65771.163783 22.8 .64545 .158605 22.6 .63358 .153639 22.4 .62207.148871 .61089 .144286 .139873 .200470 .56792 21.2 .63632.147930 .48909 .55987 21.0 .62208 .142434 .48153 .55201 20.8 .60845 .137231 .47415 .54433 20.6 .53681 20.4 .52943 20.2 .59539 .132293 .46693 .58282 .127596 .45986 .57072 .123118 .45293 .52220 20.0 .55903.118842 .44613 .51510 19.8 .54774 .II4752 .43945 .50812 19.6 .53679 .110835 .43289 .50126 19.4 .52618 .107077 .42643 .4945I 19.2 .51588 .103468 .42008 .48786| 19.0 .50586.099998 .41382 21.8 .58945 135622 .48131 18.8 .49611 .096659 .40765 21.6 .57915 .131522 .47486 18.6 .48660 .093443 .40157 21.4 .56910.127564 .46849 18.4 .47733 .090343 .39557 20.8 21.2 .55929 .123741 21.0 .54972 .54035 .46221 18.2 .46829.087352 .38966 .I20045 .45602 18.0 .45945 .084464 .38381 .116470 .44990 17.8 .45081 | .081674 .37804 20.4 20.2 20.6 .53119 113009 .52223 .109657 .51345.106409 • .44385 17.6 .44236 .078976 .37234 .43788 17.4 .43409 .076368 .36671 .43198 17.2 .42598 .073843 .36113 17.8 17.6 16.8 16.6 20.0 .50484.103259 19.8 .49640 .100204 19.6 .48812 .097238 19.4 .47999.094360 19.2 .47201 .091563 19.0 .46416 .088847 18.8 .45645| .086206 18.6 .44887.083639 18.4 .44141 .081143 18.2 .43406 .078715 18.0 .42683 .076352 .41971 .074053 .41270 .071815 17.4 .40579 .069636 17.2 .39897 .067513 17.0 .39225 .065444 .38562.063430 .37908.061468 .42614 17.0 .41804 .071399 .35562 .42037 16.8 .41466 16.6 .41025 .069031 .35017 .40260 .066738 .34478 .40901 16.4 .40342 16.2 .39788 16.0 .39509 .064514 .33944 .38772.062358 .33416 .38047 .060267 .32892 .39239 15.8 · 37335 .058237 .32374 .38696 15.6 .36634 .056268 .31860 .38158 15.4 .35945 .054356 .31351 .37625 15.2 .35266 .37096 15.0 .34598 .36572 14.8 .052500 .30847 .050697 .30346 .33940 .048946 .29850 .36053 14.6 .33292 .047245 29358 .35538 14.4 .32653 .045592 .28870 .35027 14.2 .32023 .043985 .28386 .34520 14.0 .31401 .042424 .27906 .34017 13.8 .30788 .33518 13.6 .30183 .040907 .27429 .039432 .26956 16 Y = 0.8 y = =0.9 Ф 0 X Y T 9- X Y T 20.4 20.2 20.6 .72328 .173439 .69753 .163809 .67451 .155295 .50514 18.6 .64747 .138865 .45242 .49502 18.4 .62289 .130637 .44265 .48546 18.2 .60098 .I23395 .43344 20.0 .65361 .147646 .47637 18.0 .58115 116911 .42469 19.8 .63440.140692 .46766 17.8 .56295.111033 .41631 19.6 .61658 .134310 .45928 17.6 | .54609.105653 .40826 19.4 •59992 .128411 .45119 17.4 •53035.100690 .40049 19.2 .58426.122924 .44335 17.2 .51556 .096084 .39297 19.0 .56945 117797 • .43575 17.0 .50159 091787 .38566 18.6 18.8 .55539 .112984 .54200.108450 18.4 .52920 .104167 .42834 16.8 .421 [2 .41407 .48834.087761 -37855 16.6 .47573 .083976 .37162 16.4 .46367 .080405 .46367.080405 .36486 18.2 .51693 .100109 .40718 16.2 .45212 .077027 .35824 18.0 .50514 .096255 .40043 16.0 .44103 .073825 .35177 17.8 .49378.092587 .39382 15.8 .43035 .070782 .34542 17.6 .48283 .089091 .38733 15.6 .42005 .067886 .33919 17.4 .47224 .085752 .38095 15.4 .41009.065125 •33307 17.2 .46199 .082559 .37468 15.2 .40045.062488 .32706 17.0 .45205 .07950I 36852 15.0 .39111.059967 .32114 16.8 .44240 .076569 .36246 14.8 .38204.057554 •31532 16.6 .43302 .073754 .35648 14.6 .37323 .055242 .30958 15.4 15.2 13.8 13.6 13.2 13.0 16.4 .42389 .071050 16.2 .41499 .068450 16.0 .40632.065947 15.8 .39786.063537 15.6 .38960 .061213 .38152 .058972 .37361.056810 15.0 .36587 .36587.054722 14.8 .35829.052705 14.6.35087 .050756 14.4 .34358 .048872 14.2 .33643 .047050 14.0 .32942 .045287 .32252 .043581 .31575 .041929 13.4 .30909 .040330 .30254.038782 .29609.037282 .35060 14.4 .36465.053024 .30393 .34479 14.2 .35630.050894 .29836 .33906 14.0 .34815.048848 .29286 .33341 13.8 .34020 .046881 .28743 .32783 13.6 .33244 .044989 .28208 .32232 13.4 .32485 .043167 .27678 .31688 13.2 .31743 .041412 .27155 1149 13.0 .31016 .039721 .26638 .30617 12.8 .30305.038091 .26127 .30091 12.6 .29607 | .036518 .25621 .29570 12.4 .29054 12.2 .28923 .035001 .25120 .28251 .033537 .24625 .28544 12.0 .27592 .032124 .24134 .28039 11.8 .26945 .030760 .23648 .27538 11.6 .26308.029442 .23167 .27042 II.4 .25683 .028170 .22690 .26551 II.2 .25068 | .026940 .22218 .26064 11.0 .24462.025753 .21749 12.8 12.6 11.8 .28974 .035829 .28349 .034421 12.4 .27734 .033057 12.2 .27128 .031735 12.0 .26531 .030454 .25942 .029213 .25581 10.8 | .23866 .024606 .21285 .25102 10.6 .23279 .023497 .20825 .24627 10.4 .22701 .022426 .20368 .24156 10.2 .22132 .021391 .19914 .23690 10.0 .21571 .020391 .19464 .23227 9.8 .21018 .019425 .19018 11.6 II.4 II.2 .24222 .24788 .026844 .22310 9.4 .025713 .21856 9.2 .25361.028010 .22767 9.6 .20472.018492 .18575 .19934 .017591 .18135 .19403 .016721 .17699 17 2 Y = 1.0 Y = 1.I 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 17.0 -59414 .116140 .41265 154 154 .51899 .090241 .36756 16.8 .56934 .108606 16.6 .54752 16.4 .52792 .52792.096251 .102059 .40293 15.2 .39382 15.0 15.0 .49780.084445 .35864 1 .47885 .07933I .35022 .38519 14.8 14.8 .46163.074748 .34219 16.2 .51004 .091024 .37696 14.6 .44578 .070591 •3345I 16.0 .49357 .086268 .36907 144 .43108.066788 .32711 15.8 .47824 .47824.081903 .36147 14.2 .41732 .063282 .31996 15.6 .46389 .077869 .35412 14.0 .40438.060032 .31302 15.4 15.2 15.0 .42541 .45037 .43758 .070618 .067336 .074119 .34699 13.8 .39215 .057004 .30629 .34006 13.6 13.6 .38053 .054171 .29974 .3333113.4 13.4 .36945 .051512 .29334 14.8 .41381 .064249 .32672 13.2 13.2 .35886 .049008 .28709 14.6 .4027I .061337 .32029 13.0 13.0 .34871.046645 .28098 14.4 .39206.058582 .31399 12.8 •33895 .044409 .27499 14.2 .38182.055972 .30782 12.6 .32954 .042291 .26912 14.0 .37195 .053493 .30177 12.4 .32047 .040279 .26336 13.8 .36242 .051134 .29583 12.2 .31169 .038366 .25769 13.6 .35320 .048887 .28999 12.0 .30320 .036544 .25212 13.4 .34427 .046744 .28425 11.8 .29496.034807 .24664 13.2 .33561.044696 .27860 11.6 .28695.033150 .24124 13.0 .32720 .042738 .27303 11.4 .27917 .031567 .23592 12.8 .31902.040864 .26755 11.2 .27160 .030053 .23068 12.6 .31105.039069 .26214 II O .26422.028605 .2255I 12.4 .30329 .037348 .25681 10.8 .25702 .027219 .22040 12.2 12.0 11.8 .2957I .28832 .034III .28109 .032588 .035696 .25155 10.6 .24999 .025891 .21536 .24635 10.4 .24313 .024618 .21039 .24122 10.2 .23641.023398 .20547 11.6 .27403 .031125 .23615 10.0 .22985 .022228 .20060 II.4 .26711 .029718 .23113 9.8 .22341 .021105 .19579 II.2 .26034 .028365 .22618 9.6 .21711 .020028 .19103 !! II.O .25371 .027063 .22127 9.4 21093 .018994 .18632 10.8 .24720 .025811 .21642 9.2.20487 .018001 .18166 10.6 .24082.024605 .21162 9.0 .19892 .017049 .17704 10.4 .23456 .023444 .20686 8.8.19308 .016134 .17247 10.2 10.0 .22841 .022326 .20215 8.6 18734 .015255 .16794 .22236 9.8 .21642 .020212 9.6 .21058 .019213 9.4 .20483 .018252 .021249 .19749 8.4 .18170 .014412 .16346 .19286 8.2 .17615 .013603 | .15901 .18828 8.0 .17069 .18374 .012826 .15460 7.8 .16532 .012080 .15023 oi oioo 9.2 .19918 .017325 .17924 7.6.16003 .16003 .011365 .14589 9.0 .19361 .016433 17477 7.4 .15482 .010680 .14159 8.8 ∞∞∞ 7.6 8.2 .18812 .015574 .17034 8.6 .18271 .014747 .16594 8.4 .17738 .013951 .16158 .17213 .013185 .15726 6.6 8.0.16696 .012447 .15297 6.4 .16185 .011738 .14871 6.2 .14448 .15681 .011056 7.8 7.2.14969 .010022 .13733 7.0 14463 .009392 .13309 6.8 .13965 .008788 .12888 .13473 .008210 .12471 .12988.007657 .12057 6.0 .12037 .12509 .007129 .006625 .I1646 .11238 18 = 1,2 Y = 1.3 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 14.6 .52776 .089263 .35707 13.4 .46665 .071208 .32266 14.4 .49953 .081960 .34683 13.2 .44277 .065561 .31329 14.2 .47586 .075927 .33745 13.0 .42223 .060781 •30459 14.0 .45528 13.8 .43694 .066215 .070755 .32871 12.8 .40407 .056621 .29643 .32047 12.6 .38770 .052932 .28868 13.6 .4203I .062161 .31263 12.4 .37274 .049614 .28128 13.4 .40505 13.2 .39091 13.0 -37770 .058497 .30512 12.2 .35892.046600 .27417 .055153 .29790 12.0 .34604 .043839 .26731 .052079 .29093 11.8 •33396 .041294 .26068 12.8 .36528 .049236 .28418 11.6 .32258 .038936 .25424 12.6 .35355 .046592 .27762 11.4 .31178 .036740 .24797 12.4 .34242 .044125 .27123 II.2 .30152 .034688 .24187 12.2 12.0 11.8 .33182 .041813 .26501 11.0 .29172 .032765 .23591 .32169 .039641 .25892 10.8 .28233 .030958 .23008 .31198 .037595 .25297 10.6 .27333 .029256 .22438 II.4 11.6 .30265 .035663 .29367.033835 .24715 10.4 .26466 .027650 .21878 .24143 IO.2 .25630 .026131 .21329 II.2 .28500 .032103 .23582 10.0 24823 .024693 .20790 II.O .27662.030459 .23031 9.8 .2404I .023329 .20260 10.8 .26851 .028897 .22489 9.6|| .23284 .022034 .19738 10.6 .26065 .0274II .21956 9.4 .22549 .020804 .19224 10.4 .25301 .025995 .21431 9.2 21835 .019635 .18718 oi oico ∞ ∞ ∞ .20481 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.6 .23836.023359 .23132 .022130 .22446 .020957 .019836 9.4.21776 9.2 9.0 .21121 .24559 .024646 .20913 9.0 .2114I .018522 .18220 .20403 8.8 .20464 .20464 .017462 .17728 • 19900 8.6 .19804 .016453 .17242 .19404 8.4 .19160 .015491 .16763 .18913 8.2 .18532 .014573 .16290 .018764 .20481 .017738 .17950 7.8.17316 .012865 8.8.19855 .016758 | .18429 8.0 .17917 .013699 .15822 .15359 .17477 7.6 .16728 .012069 .14902 8.6 .19242 .015819 .17009 7.4 .16151 .011310 .I4449 8.4 .18641 .014922 .16546 7.2.15586 .010586 .14002 8.2 .18052 .014062 .16088 7.0 .15032 .009896 .13558 8.0 .17474 .013240 .15635 6.8 .14489.009238 .13120 .15186 6.6 7.8 .16908 .012454 7.6 .16351 .011701 .14741 6.4 7.4 .15804 .010981 .14300 6.2 .12915 .007444 .11828 7.2 .15267.010293 .13864 6.0 .12408 .006903 7.0 .14738 .009634 .13431 5.8 .I1910 .006387 .11405 .I3955 .008611 12685 • 13430 .008013 .12254 .10985 6.0 5.8 5.6 .11261 .11261.005788 6.2.12706 .007282 .I1735 .12218 .006760 .11320 .11736.006262 .10908 4.8 4.6 6.8 .14218 .009005 .13002 5.6 6.6 13706 .008404 13706.008404 .12576 5.4 .10937 6.4 .13203 .007830 .12154 5.2.10461 .11419 .005898 .10570 .005433 .10157 .004992 .09748 5.4 5.2 5.0.09993 .09532 .004178 .08939 .09077 .003804 .08539 .10499 4.4 08628 .003451 .08142 .10793 .005337 .10093 4.2 .08185 .003118 .07748 .10331 .004908 .09689 4.0.07748 .002805 .07357 .004574 .09342 19 Y = 1.4 Y = 1.5 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 12.2 12.0 11.8 .40049 .054244 .38169 .050213 .36495 .046685 .28670 11.4 .27842 II.2 .37183 .046879 .26693 .35357 .043229 .25879 .27061 II.O .33734 .040046 .25112 11.6 .34979 .043544 .26318 10.8 10.8 .32267 .32267.037220 .24384 II.4 •33588 .040714 .25607 10.6 .30923 .034679 .23687 II.2 .32299 .038138 .24923 10.4 .29678 .032373 .23016 II.O .31095 .035777 .24262 | 10.2 .28517.030263 .22369 10.8 .29964.033599 .23623 10.0 .27427 .028320 .21743 10.6 .28896 .031580 .23001 9.8 .26398 .026524 .21134 10.4 .27882 .029701 .22396 9.6 .2542I .024855 .20542 IO.2 10.0 .26917.027946 .21806 9.4 .24492 .023299 .19964 .25994 .026303 .21230 9.2 .23604 .021845 .19400 9.8 .25110.024760 .20666 9.0 .22753 .020482 .18848 9.6 .24260.023307 .20113 8.8 9.4 .23442.021938 .19572 8.6 ∞6 .21936.019202 18308 .21149 .017998 .17777 9.2 .22653.020646 .19040 8.4 .20390.016864 .17257 9.0 .21890 .019424 .18517 8.2 .19657 .OI5794 .16746 8.8 .21152 .018267 .18003 8.0.18946 .014783 .16243 ∞∞∞ 8.6 .20435 .017171 .17497 7.8 .18258 .013827 .15748 8.4 .19740 .016131 .16999 7.6 .17590 .012924 .15260 8.2 .19064 .015145 .16508 7.4 .16940 .012068 .14780 7.0 8.0 .18405 .014209 7.8 .17764 .013319 7.6 .17139 .012474 7.4 .16529 .011670 | 7.2 15933 .010906 .15350 .010180 .16024 7.2.16308 .011258 • 14306 .15546 7.0 .15692 .010491 .13839 .15075 6.8 .15091 .009764 .13378 .14610 6.6 .14505 .14150 .13695 6.2 .009075 .12922 6.4 .13932 .008422 .12472 .13372.007803 .12028 6.8 6.6 .14779.009489 13246 .14221 .008833 .12801 5.8 6.4.13673 .008209 .12361 5.6 6.0 .12824 .12824 .007218 .11588 .12288 .006663 .II153 11762 .006139 .10722 6.2 .13137.007617 .11926 5.4 .11247 .005642 .10296 5.8 .12094 6.0 .12610 .007054 .I1495 5.2 .006520 .10741 .005173 .09874 .11068 5.0 10245 .004731 .09457 5.6 .11586 .006014 .10645 4.8 5.4 .I1088 .005534 .10226 4.6 86 .09758 .004313 .09043 .09279 .003919 .08633 5.2.10598 .005080 .09810 4.4 .08809 .003549 .08226 5.0 .10116 .004650 .09399 4.2 .08347.003201 .07823 4.8 .09642 .004244 .08990 4.0 4.6 .09176 003860 4.4 .08716 .003499 .08184 士 ​4.2 .08264.003158 4.0 .07818 .002839 .07390 3.2 .06139 .08585 3.8 3.6 .07785 3.4 .06568 .002018 .07891 .002875 .07423 .07443 .002569 .07027 .07002 .002284 .06634 .06244 .001771 .05856 on on on 3.8 3.6 .07379 .002539 .06997 3.0 .05717 .001543 .05472 .06946 .002259 .06607 2.8 .05301 .001332 .05090 3.4 .06519 .001998 .06220 2.6 .04891 .001138 .047II 33 2 O∞ 3.2 .06098 .001755 .05836 2.4 .04487.000961 .04335 3.0 2.8 05681 .001530 .05455 2.2 .05270 .001322 .05076 2.0 .04088 .000801 .03962 .03693.000657 .03591 20 Y = 1.6 Y = 1.7 9- X Y T 9 о X Y T 10.8 •35727.042866 IO.2 10.6 .33811 .039244 .254II .24577 10.0 .31860 ·33774 .038251 .23987 .034841 .23157 10.4 .32135 .036137 .23799 9.8 .30198 .031938 .22384 10.2 10.0 .30635 .033411 .23064 9.6 .28718 .029407 .21655 9.8 .22363 .29272.030982 .28018 .028793 .21691 9.4 .27377 .027162 .20961 9.2 .26146.025147 .20297 9.6 .26853 .026803 .21045 9.0 .25006 .023321 .19658 9.4 .25764 .024980 .20419 8.8 .23942 .021653 .19041 9.2 .24740 .023302 .19813 8.6 .22941 .020122 .18444 9.9 .23770 .021749 .19224 8.8 .22850 .020307 .18650 8.6 .21972 .018964 .18091 ∞∞∞ 8.4 .21996 .018710 17863 8.2 .21099 .017401 .17297 8.0 .20245 .016185 .16746 ∞∞∞ 8.4 .21133 .017709 .17543 7.8 .19429 .015052 .16207 8.2 .20328 .016535 .17008 7.6 .18646 .OI3994 .15679 8.0 .19554 .015433 .16483 7.4 .17894 .013004 .15163 7.8 .18808 .014398 .15968 7.2 .17170 .012077 .14656 7.6 .18088 .013425 .15462 7.0 .16472 .011206 .14158 7.4 .17392 .012509 .14965 6.8 .15796 .010389 .13669 7.2 .16718 | .011645 .14475 6.6 .15142 .00962I .13188 7.0 .16064 .010830 .13994 6.4.14508 .008898 .12715 6.8 .15428 .010061 .13519 6.2.13892 13892 .008218 .12248 6.6 .14811.009336 .13052 6.0 .13294 .007578 .11788 6.4 .14209 .008650 .12590 5.8 .12711 .006976 .II335 6.2 .13623 .008003 .12135 5.6 .12143 .006409 .10887 6.0 .13051 .007392 .11686 5.4 .11590.005876 .10446 5.8 .I2493 .006815 .I1242 5.2 .II049 .005374 .IOOIO 5.6 .I1947 .006270 .10803 5.0 .10521 .004903 .09579 5.4 .11413 .005756 .10370 4.8 .10004 .004460 .09152 5.2 .10891 .005271 .09941 4.6 .09499 .004044 .08731 4.8 4.6 4.4 5.0.10380.004815 .09517 4.4 .09878 .004385 .09097 4.2 .09387.003981 .08681 .08904 | .003601 .09004 .003655 .08314 .08270 WAA 4.0 3.8 20∞ .08519 .003290 .07901 .08043 .002949 .07493 .07577 .002631 .07088 4.2 4.0 .08431 .003245 .07862 3.8 .07966 .002912 .07458 .07509 .002600 .07058 333 3.6 .07119 .002335 .06687 3.4 .06669 .002060 .06290 3.2 .06227 .001805 .05897 3.6 .07060 .002310 .06661 3.0 .05793 .001570 .05507 ભેંસઁ 2.6 3.4 .06618 .002039 .06267 3.2 .06183 .001789 3.0 .05755 .001557 2.8 .05333 .001343 .04918 .001147 d 2.8 .05366 .001354 .05120 .05877 2.6 .04945 .001156 .04737 2.4 .04509.000969 .05490 2.4 .04532 .05106 2.2 .04725 2.0 .03723 .04346 1.8 .000975 .04357 .04124 .0008 II .03979 .000664 .03605 2.2 .04106.000807 .03971 1.6 2.0 .03708.000661 .03598 1.4 .02553 .000316 .000417 .03327 .000533 .03233 .02937 .02864 .02497 1.8 .03316 .000530 .03227 1.2 1.6 .02929 .000415 1.4 .02547 .000315 .02174 .000230 .02859 I.O ,01800 .000159 .01772 0.8 .01431 .02494 ΙΟΙΟΟΟ .01413 .02133 21 Y = 1,8 Y = 1.9 X Y T X Y T 9.6 .31398 .033273 .22453 9.09.28737 .028267 20836 9.4 oi ooo oo 9.2 .29579 .030230 .27994 .027634 .21645 .20891 8.8 .27075 8.6 .25612.023425 .025664 .20065 .19342 9.0 8.8 8.6 986 .20180 .26580.025369 8.4 .24299 .021461 .18658 .25298.023361 .24120 .021558 .19503 8.2 .18854 8.0 .23101 .21997 .019714 .18004 .018142 .17377 8.4 .23028 .019926 8.2 .22008 .018437 8.0 .21048 7.8 .20141 7.6 .19281 .014649 .017071 .015813 .18230 7.8 .20969 .17627 7.6 .20007 .015415 .17042 7.4 .19100 .014221 .016716 .16773 .16188 .15620 .16474 7.2 .18242 .013121 .15068 .15921 7.0 .17426 .012104 .14531 7.4 .18460 .013569 .15382 6.8 .16647 .011162 .14005 6.2 7.2 .17676 | .012564 7.0 .16925 .011628 6.8 .16202 .010754 6.6 15506 .009936 6.4 .14834 .009171 14185 .008453 · .14854 6.6 .15902 .010287 .13492 .14338 6.4 .15187 .009472 .12989 .13832 6.2 .13336 6.0 .12848 .14499 .008712 .12496 .13836 .008003 .12012 5.8 .13195 .007341 .I1537 .12369 5.6 .12575 .006722 .11069 6.0 5.8 .13556.007781 .12946 .007151 .11897 5.4 .I1975 .006144 .10609 .II434 5.2 .I1392 .005603 .10157 5.6 ம் ம் .12354 .006559 .10977 5.0 .10826 .005098 .09710 5.4.11778.006005 5.2 .11217 .005484 5.0.10670.004997 4.8 .10526 4.8 .10275 .004625 .09270 .10082 4.6 .09739 .004184 .08836 .09643 4.4 .09216 .003773 .08408 3.6 3.4 .10137 .004540 4.6 .09617 .004112 4.4 .09108 4.2 .08611 .003338 4.0 .08125 .002989 3.8 .07648 .07181 .06723 3.2 .06274 .09210 4.2 .08706 .08783 4.0.08207 .003389 .07984 .003032 .07566 .003712 .08360 3.8 .07720 .002700 .07153 .07942 3.6 .07244 .002391 .06744 .07529 3.4.06777.002106 .06340 .002664 .07120 3.2 .06320 .001842 .05940 .002362 .06716 3.0 .05872 .001600 .05544 .002082 .06315 .001823 .05918 तं तं 2.8 2.6 86 .05433 .05002 .001377 .05152 .001174 .04763 2.6 3.0.05833 .05833 .001585 2.8 .05400 .001365 .04974 .001164 .05525 2.4 .04578.000989 .04379 .05136 2.2 .04162 .000822 .03997 .04750 2.0 .03753.000672 .03619 2.4 .04555 .000982 .04368 1.8 .03352 .000538 .03245 2.2 .04144 .000816 .03989 1.6 .02956 .000421 .02873 2.0 .03739 .000668 .03612 1.4 .02567 .000319 .02504 1.8 1.6 1.4 .03340.000536 .02947 .000419 .02560.000318 .03239 I.2 .02184 .000232 .02869 I.O .01807 .000160 .02139 .01776 .02501 0.8 .01435 .000102 .01416 I.2 1.0 .02179 .01803 .00023 1 .000159 0.81 .01433 101000* .02136 0.6 .01069 .01774 0.4 .00708 .01415 +.2 .00352 .000006 .00350 .000057 .01058 .000025 .00703 0.4 0.2 0.6 .01068 .000056 .01058 0.0 .00708 .000024 .00703 .00352 .000006 .00350 .00000 .000000 .00000 2 .00347 .000006 .00348 0.4 .00689 .000024 .00694 22 Y = 2.0 y = 2.1 9- X Y T 9- X Y T C 8.6 27661 .026059 .19960 8.2 · 26354 .023652 .19018 8.4 .25962 .023518 .19182 80 .24666 .021250 .18243 8.2 .24482 .021358 .18455 7.8 .23203 .019219 .17522 8.0.23162 .019478 .17769 7.6 .21901 .017459 .16842 7.8 .21964 .017816 .17117 7.4 .20724 .015908 .16195 7.6 .20864 .20864 .016328 .16491 7.2.19644 19644 .014525 .15576 7.4.19843 .014985 .15889 7.0 18644 .013279 .14981 7.2.18890 .013763 .15308 6.8 .17711 .012149 .14406 7.0 .17994 .012646 .14744 6.6 .16834 .OIII19 .13849 6.8 .17146 .17146 .011621 .14196 6.4 .16005 .010175 .13308 6.6.16342 .010676 .13663 6.21 .15220 .009308 .12781 6.4 .15575 .009802 .13142 6.0 .1447I .008508 .12267 6.2.14843 .008993 .12633 5.8 · 13756.007769 13756 .007769 .11764 6.0 .14140 .008242 .12135 5.6 .13071 007085 .11273 5.8 .13465 .007544 .11647 5.4 .12412 .006451 .10791 5.6 .12815 .006895 .II168 5.2.11778.005862 .10319 5.4 .12187.006291 .10698 5.0.11167 .005316 .09855 5.2 .11580 .005727 .10236 4.8 .10575 .004809 .09399 5.0 4.8 .10992 .10422 .005203 .09781 46 .10002 .004338 .08950 .004714 .09333 4.4 .09447 .003901 .08508 4.6 .09868 .004259 .08892 4.2 .08908 .08908.003496 .08073 4.4 .09329 .003835 .08457 4.0 .08383 .003120 .07645 4.2 .08805 .003441 .08028 3.8 .07873 .002772 4.0.08294 .003074 .07605 3.6 .07222 .07376 .002450 .06804 3.8 .07796 .07796.002734 .07187 3.4 .06891 .002153 .06392 3.6 .07309 .002420 .06774 3.2 .06418 .001880 05985 3.4 .06834 .002129 .06366 3.0 .05955 .05955 .001630 .05582 3.2 .06369 .001861 .05962 2.8 .05503 .001400 .05184 3.0 .05914 .001615 .05563 2.6 .05060 .001192 .04791 2.8 .05468 .001389 .05168 2.4 .04627 .001003 .04402 2.6 .05031 .001183 .04777 2.2 .04202 .000832 .04016 2.4 .04603.000996 .04390 2.0 .03785.000679 .03635 2.2 .04182 .000827 .04007 1.8 .03377 .000544 .03257 2.0 .03770.000675 .03627 1.6 .02976 .000425 .02883 1.8 .03364 .000541 .03251 1.4 .02582 .000322 .02512 1.6 .02966 .000423 .02878 I.2 .02194 .000234 .02144 1.4 1.2 1.0.01811 0.8 +.2 0.0 .02575 .000320 .02508 .01814 .02189 .000233 .02141 0.8 .01440 .000160 .01778 0.6 .01071 .01438 .000102 .01417 0.4 .00709 0.6 .01071 .000057 .01059 +.2 .00709 .000025 .00704 0.4 .00352 .000006 .00000 .000000 1,0 191000* .01779 .000102 .01418 .000057 .01059 .000025 .00703 .00352 .000006 .00350 0.0 .00000 000000 .00000 .00351 .2 .00000 2 .00345 .000006 .000024 0.4 .00348 0.6 .00347 .00689 .01026 .000006 .00347 .00692 .000053 .01035 0.4 .00686 .000024 .00694 0.8 .01358 .000094 .01376 0.6 .01024 .000053 .01037 1.0 .01685 .000145 .01715 0.8 .01358 .000094 .01378 I.2 .02008 .000207 .02051 23 Y = 2.2 Y = 2.3 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 8.0 .26801 .023841 .18851 7.6 .25022 .020996 .17785 7.8 .24848 .021130 .18019 7.4 .23197 .018592 .16980 7.6 .23217.018925 7.4 .21803 .017062 7.0 6.8 7.2 .20544 .OI5449 .19404 .014029 .18359 .012764 6.6 .17390 .011626 .17259 7.2 .21660 .16550 7.0 .20318 .15882 6.8 .19120 .15246 6.6 .18032 .016622 .16241 .014950 .15552 .013500 .14900 .012221 .14280 .14638 6.4 .17031 .011081 .13685 .14053 6.2.16104 .010057 .13113 6.4 .16486 .010596 .13487 6.0.15236 .009129 .I2559 6.2 .15637 .009658 .12940 5.8 .14420 .008286 .12023 ம்ம் ம் 6.0 .14834 .008800 .12407 5.6 .13648 .007516 .11501 5.8 .14073 .008013 .11889 5.4 .12916 .006810 .10993 5.6 13348.007289 .11383 5.2 .12217 .006162 .10497 5.4 .12654 .006622 5.2 .11990.006005 .10405 4.8 .10889 5.0 .II550 .005566 .10012 .10909 .005017 .09538 5.0 4.8 4.6 980 .I1352 .005436 .10737 .004909 .09932 4.6 .09467 4.4 .09701 .004044 .I0294 .0045II .09073 .08616 .IO144 .004421 .09010 4.2 .09128 .003613 .08168 4.4 .09571 .003970 .08561 4.0.08575 .003216 .07727 4.2 .09016 .003552 .08120 3.8 .08038 .002850 .07294 4.0 .08477 .003166 .07685 3.8 .07954 .002810 .07257 حب حب 3.6 .07518 .002514 .06866 3.4 .07013 .002205 .06446 3.6 .07446 .002481 .06835 3.2 .06521 .001921 .06031 3.4 .06951.002178 .06419 3.2 .06469 .001900 .06008 लं तं 3.0 .06043 .001662 .05622 2.8 .05576.001426 .05218 2.8 2.6 IOZIOO' 3.0 .05998 .001645 .05602 2.6 .05539 .001412 .05201 2.4 .05090 .05121 .001212 .04819 .04677 .001018 .04424 2.2 2.0 2.4 .04651 .001009 .04222 .000837 .03802 .000683 1.8 .03389 .000546 1.6 .02985.000426 .03642 1.6 .03263 1.4 .02596 .02887 1.2 .02205 .04805 .04413 2.0 .04026 1.8 2.2 .04243 .000843 .04035 .03818.000687 .03649 .03402 .000550 .03268 .02995 .000429 .02891 I.2 .02200 Ι.Ο 1.4 .02589 .000322 .000234 .01817 191000* 0.8 .01442 .000102 0.6 .01072 .000057 0.4 .00709 .000025 +.2 .00352 .000006 .000324 .02518 .000235 .02149 .02515 I.O .01821 .000162 .01782 .02146 0.8 .O1444 .000102 .01781 0.6 .01074 .000057 .01060 .01419 0.4 .00710 .000025 .01060 +.2 отобо .00352 .000006 .00704 0.0 .00000 .000000 .01420 .00704 .00351 .00000 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00351 .2 .00346 .000006 .00000 0.4 .00687 .00348 .000024 .00693 2 .00347 .000006 .00348 0.6 .01023 .000053 .01035 0.4 0.6 .00689 .000024 .01026 .000053 0.8 .01357 .000094 .01377 I.2 .00694 0.8 .01354 .000094 .01375 .01037 Ι.Ο .01680 .000145 .01712 .02002. .000206 .02047 I.4 1.0 .01683 .000145 .01714 1.2 .02005 .000207 .02049 .02323 .000280 .02382 HHH I.4 .02319 .000277 .02380 1.6 .02632 .000359 .02711 1.8 .02940 .000451 .03039 24 Y = 2.4 y = 2.5 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 7.4 .25182 .020836 .17534 7.0 .23004 .017756 .16361 7.2 .23130 .018206 .16682 6.8 .21205 .015577 .15563 7.0 .21464 .016130 .15914 6.6 .19704 .013813 .14834 6.8 6.6 86 .20040 .014406 .15204 6.4 .18402 .012329 .14155 .18786 .012933 .14538 6.2 .17243 .OI1049 .13515 6.4 .17660 .011649 • 13906 6.0 .16193 .009927 .12907 6.2 .16632 .010514 .13304 5.8 6.0 .15685 .009501 · 5.8 .14803 .008590 .12726 || 5.6 .12168 5.4 ∞64 .15231 .008933 .12324 .14340 .008043 .11764 .13508 .007241 .I1222 5.6 5.4 5.2 642 .13977 .007765 .11628 5.2 .13198 .007016 .12461 .006332 .II104 5.0 .10595 4.8 20∞ .12726 .006516 .10697 .11987 .005856 .10188 .11286 .005255 .09691 5.0 .11760 .005706 .10098 4.6 .10618 .004706 .09207 4.8 Ι 4.6 .11091 .10451 .005132 .09613 4.4 .09980.004204 .08733 .004606 .09139 4.2 .09369.003744 .08270 4.4 .09836 .004122 .08674 4.0 .08781 .003322 .07816 4.2 .09245 .003677 4.0 3.8 .08675 .003269 .08125 .002893 .08219 3.8 .08215 .002937 .07370 .07772 3.6 .07669 .002583 .06933 .07332 3.4 .07141 .002260 .06503 3.6 .07592 .002549 .06900 3.2 .06630 .001965 .06079 3.4 .07076 .002232 .06475 3.0 .06134 .001696 .05663 3.2 .06574 .001943 .06056 2.8 3.0 .06087 .001680 .05643 2.6 .05652.001452 .05252 .05184 .001232 .04848 2.8 .05614 .001439 .05236 2.4 .04728 .001032 .04448 2.6 .05152 .001222 .04834 2.2 .04284 .000854 .04054 2.4 .04702 .001025 .04437 2.0 .03851 .000695 .03665 2.2 .04263 .000849 .04045 1.8 .03428 .000555 .03281 2.0 .03834.000692 .03658 1.6 .03015 .000432 .0290I HH 1.8 .03415 .000553 .03275 I.4 .0261I .000326 .02525 1.6 .03005 .000431 .02897 I.2 .02215 .000237 .02154 I.4 .02603 .000325 .02522 I.O .01828 .000162 .01786 1.2 .02210 .000236 I.O .01824 .000162 .02152 0.8 .01448 .000102 .01422 .01076 0.8 .01446 .000102 0.6 .01075 .000057 0.4 .00710 .000025 +.2 .00352 .000006 .00351 -.2 0.0 .00000 .000000 -.2 .00346 .000006 .00000 0.4 .00348 0.6 .01021 .01785 0.6 .01421 0.4 .007II .01061 +.2 .00352 .00704 0.0 .000025 .000006 .0035I .00000 .000000 .00000 .00348 .00346 .000006 .00686 .000024 .00692 .000053 .01034 .000057 .01062 .00704 0.4 0.6 468 .00687 .000024 .01022 .000053 .00693 0.8 .01035 1.0 .000093 .01350 .01675 .000144 .01710 .01373 0.8 .01352 .000094 .01374 I.2 .01995 .000205 .02044 I.2 1.0 .01677 .000145 .01711 I.4 .01998 .000206 .02045 1.6 .02310.000276 .02376 .02620 .000357 .02705 1.4 .02314 .000277 .02377 1.8 .02925 .000448 .03031 1.6 .02626.000358 .02707 2.0 .03225 .000548 .03355 1.8 2.0 .02933 .000449 .03235 .000551 .03035 2.2 .03521.000657 .03677 .03360 2.4 .03814 .000775 .03997 25 3 Y = 2.6 Y = 2.7 X Y T 9- X Y T 6.6 .20876 .014962 .15189 6.4 .20465 .014281 .14792 6.4 .19307 .013173 .I4445 6.2 .18842 .012488 .14035 6.2 .17964 .011690 .13756 6.0 .17470 .OIIO21 .13339 6.0 .16780 | .010425 .13110 5.8 .16271.009782 .12689 5.8 .15716 .009324 .12497 5.6 .15199 .008711 .12074 5.6 .14744 .008355 .I1912 5.4 .14224 .007773 .I1488 5.4 • 13848 .007491 .11350 5.2 .13328 .006941 .10927 5.2 .13014 .006717 .10808 5.0 .12496 .006198 .10386 5.0 .12232.006019 .10283 4.8 .11718 .00553I .09862 4.8 .11494 .005387 .09774 4.6 .10985 .004929 .09355 4.6 .10796.004813 .09279 4.4 .10293 .004383 .08862 4.4 .10132 .004290 .08796 4.2 .09635.003889 .08381 4.2 .09499 .003814 .08324 4.0 .09007 .003439 .07912 4.0 3.8 .08892 .003379 .08309 .002982 .07863 3.8 .074II mmm mŇ 3.6 .07749 .06968 3.4 www .08407 .003030 .07453 3.6 .07832 .002657 .07004 3.4 .07209 3.2 .06687 .001988 .06105 3.0 .002620 .002289 .06533 3.2 .06745 .002011 .06132 .05707 .07278 .002319 .06564 .06230 .001732 2.8 2.6 3.0 .06182 .001714 .05692.001466 .05217 .001242 .05685 2.8 .05271 2.6 86 .05732 .001480 .05290 .05250 .001253 .04879 .04863 2.4 .04782 .001048 .04474 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.6 HHH 864 1.8 1.4 .04756 .001040 .04306.000860 .03869 .000699 .03442 .000558 .03026 .000434 .02619 .000328 .04461 2.2 .04327 .000866 .04075 .04065 2.0 .03885 .000704 .03682 .03674 1.8 .03455 .000561 .03294 .03288 1.6 .03035 .000436 .029II .02906 1.4 .02626 .000329 .02533 .02529 I.2 .02226 .000238 .02159 I.2 1.0 .02221 .000237 .01832 .000163 .02156 1.0 .01835 .000163 .01790 .01788 0.8 .01453 .000103 .01424 0.8 .01451 .000103 .01423 0.6 .01078 .000057 .01063 0.6 .01077 .000057 .01062 0.4 .00712 .000025 .00705 0.4 .007II .000025 .00705.2 .00352 .000006 .00351 +.2 .00352 .000006 0.0 -.2 .00346 .00000 .000000 .000006 .00351 0.0 .00000 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 0.4 .00686 .000024 .00348 0.4 .00692 0.6 .00346 .000006 .00686 .000024 .00692 .01019 .000053 .01033 .00348 0.6 .01020 .000053 .01034 0.8 .01347 .000093 .01371 0.8 .01349 .000093 1.0 .01672 .000144 .01708 1.2 .01372 1.0 .01669 .000144 .01707 .01986 .000204 .02040 I.2 I.4 240 ∞ 1.6 HH I.4 .02298 .000274 1.6 .02606 .000354 .02698 .02909 .000444 .03023 .01990 .000205 .02042 .02303 .000276 .02373 .02612 .000357 .02701 1.8 .000447 .02370 1.8 2.0 2.2 .02916 .03216 .000547 .03512.000656 .03027 2.0 .03350 2.2 .03671 2.4 .03207 .000544 .03345 .03501 .000652 .03665 .03791.000769 .03983 2.4 2.6 .03804 .000773 .04092 .000898 2.8 .04376 .001031 .03990 2.6 .04077 .000894 .04299 .04307 2.8 .04622 3.0 .04359 .001027 .04614 .04636 .001167 .04927 26 Y = 2.8 y = 2.9 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 6.2 .19970 .013534 .14368 6.0 .19388 .012730 .13921 6.0 .18312 .011761 .13603 5.8 .17717 .OIIO02 .13154 5.8 .16925 .010328 .12903 5.6 .16330 .009618 .I2455 555 5.6 5.4 5.2 642 .15721 .009125 .12252 5.4 .15131 .008463 .11805 .14649 .008092 .11637 5.2 .14067 .007475 .II193 .13678 .007191 .I1053 5.0 .13105 .006616 .10611 5.0 .12786.006395 .10493 4.8 .12223 .005861 .10054 4.8 .11961 .005687 4.6 .II190 .005053 .09433 4.4 .10647 64 .09954 4.6 .11408 .005190 .09519 .004591 .09002 4.4 .10465 4.2 004483 .09780.003968 .08929 4.2 .09933 .004054 .08501 .08439 4.0 .09258 .003570 .08015 4.0 .09130 .003502 .07961 3.8 .08618 .003134 .07541 3.8 .08511 .003080 .07495 3.6 .08009 .002739 .07079 3.6 3.4 .07919 .002697 .07352 .07040 3.4 .07427 .002383 .06628 .002350 .06594 3.2 .06870.002062 .06186 3.2 .06807 .002036 .06157 3.0 .06334 .001772 .05753 3.0 .06282 .001751 .05728 2.8 .05818 .001510 .05328 2.8 .05775 .001495 .05307 2.6 .05320 .001275 .04910 2.6 .05285 .001264 .04893 2.4 .04839 .001065 .04500 2.4 2.2 .04811 .001056 .04350.000872 .04486 2.2 .04373 .000878 .04096 .04085 2.0 .0392I .000712 .03699 2.0 1.8 986 .03903 .03469 .000564 .000708 .03689 1.8 .03483.000566 .03307 .03300 1.6 .03056 .000440 .02921 1.6 .03046 .000438 .02915 I.4 .02641 .000331 .02540 I.4 .02634.000330 .02536 I.2 .02237 .000239 .02165 1.2 .02232 .000238 .02161 1.0 .01842 .000164 .01793 1.0 .01839 .000163 .01791 0.8 .01457 .000103 .01427 0.4 0.8 .01455 .000103 0.6 .01080 .000057 .00712 .000025 .01425 0.6 .01081 .000057 .01064 .01063 0.4 .00713 .000025 .00706 .00705 +.2 .00353 .000006 .00351 +.2 .00353 .000006 0.0 .2 .00000 ,000000 .00346.000006 .0035I .00000 0.0 ,00000 .000000 ,00000 — .2 .00346.000006 .00347 .00347 0.4 .00685 .000024 .00691 0.4 0.8 1,0 .00685 .000024 0.6 .OI018 .000053 .01033 0.8 .01345 .000093 .01371 1.0 .01667 .000143 .01706 I.2 I.2 .01983 .000203 .02038 I.4 I.4 .02294 .000273 .02368 1.6 1.6 .02600 .000353 1.8 .02901 2.0 .03197 .00692 0.6 .01017 .000052 .01032 .01343 .01664 .000092 .01369 .000143 .01704 .01979 .000203 .02036 .02289.000273 .02364 .02594 .000353 .02691 2.2 2.4 .02695 1.8 .000443 .03019 2.0 .000542 .0334I 2.2 .03489 .000649 .03661 .03777.000765 .02893 .000442 .03014 .03188 .000540 .03335 .03479.000646 .03654 2.4 .03978 2.6 2.6 .04061 .000889 .04293 2.8 .04326 468 .03766.000760 .03970 .04048.000883 .04284 .001015 .04596 233 2.8 3.0 3.2 .04342 .001021 .04606 3.0 .04600 .001155 .04618 .001161 .04917 3.2 .04871 .001303 .04890.001308 .05226 3.4 .05138 .04906 .05214 .001458 .05520 27 y = 3.0 Y = 3.I X Y T 4 X Y T 5.6 .17062 .010218 .12684 5.6 · 17983 .010990 .12957 5.4 .15690 .008897 .11989 5.4 5.2 5.0 .13457 4.8 .12510 4.6 .I1644 4.4 .10842 .14506 .007798 .006862 .10736 5.0 .006050 .IO159 4.8 .005337 .09608 4.6 .004706 .II344 5.2 42 .16358 .009425 .12201 .15014 .008177 .11513 .13855 .007143 .10875 .12829 .006262 .10274 .I1901 .005499 .09703 .09077 4.4 .I1053 .004831 .09157 4.2 .10094 .004144 .08565 4.2 .10268 .004241 .08632 4.0 .09393 .003641 .08068 4.0 .09536 .003716 .08126 www 3.8 3.6 86 .08731 .003189 .07586 3.8 .08849 .003248 .07635 .08103 .002783 .07117 3.6 .08201 .002829 .07158 3.4 .07505 .002417 .06660 3.4 .07587 .002453 .06694 33 3.2 .06934.002088 .06212 3.2 .07001 .002115 .06241 3.0 .06387 .001791 .05775 3.0 .06442 .001812 .05799 2.8 .05861 .001525 .05346 2.8 .05907 .001541 .05366 હેં હૈં હૂઁ 2.6 .05355 .001287 .04925 2.6 .05393 .001298 .04942 2.4 .04867 .001074 .045T2 2.4 .04897 .001082 .04526 2.2 .04396.000884 .04106 2.2 .04420 .000890 .04117 2.0 .03939 .000717 .03707 2.0 .03958 .000721 .03715 1.8 .03497 .000570 .03313 1.8 .035II .000573 .03320 1.6 .03067 .000442 .02926 1.6 .03078 .000444 .0293I 1.4 .02649 .000332 .02543 1.4 .02657 .000334 .02548 I.2 1.0 .02242 .000240 .01846 .000164 .02167 1.2 .02248 .000241 .02170 .01795 Ι.Ο .01850 .000165 .01797 0.8 .01459 .000103 .01427 0.8 .01462 .000104 .01429 0.6 .01082 .000057 .01064 0.6 .01083 .000057 .01065 0.4 .00713 .000025 .00706 0.4 .00714 .000025 .00706 +.2 .00353 .000006 .00351 +.2 .00353 .000006 .00351 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 .00346 .000006 .00347 -.2 .00345 .000006 .00347 0.4 .00684 .000024 0.6 .01016 0.8 .01342 .00691 0.4 .00684 .000024 .00691 .000053 .01032 0.6 .000092 .01369 0.8 .01015 .01340 .000092 .000052 .01031 .01368 Ι.Ο .01662 .000142 .01703 1.0 .01659 .000142 .01701 I.2 .01976 .000203 .02034 1.2 .01972 .000202 .02032 I.4 .02284 .000273 .02363 1.4 .02279 .000272 .02360 HH 1.6 1.8 .02587 .02886 .000352 .000441 .02688 1.6 .03011 1.8 .02878 .02581 .00035 I .02684 .000439 .03006 2.0 .03179 .000538 .0333I 2.0 .03171 .000536 .03326 2.2 .03468.000646 2.4 .03753 .000761 .03649 2.2 .03964 .03458 .000641 .03643 2.4 2.6 .04034 .000883 .04277 2.6 46 .03741 .000755 .03957 .04019 .000876 .04270 तं लंलं 2.8 .04310 .001012 .04588 2.8 .04294 .001006 .04579 3.0 3.2 .04582 .001149 .04850 .001295 .05204 3.2 .04897 3.0 .04564 .001143 .04887 .04830 .001288 *05193 www 3.4 3.6 3.8 468 .05115 .05377 .05635.001775 .001448 .001608 .05509 3.4 .05093 .001440 .05497 .05812 3.6 .05353 .001599 .05799 .06113 3.8 .05609 .001764 .06098 28 Y = 3.2 Y = 3.3 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 5.2 5.0 4.8 .15612 .008631 .14309 .007467 .13183 .006502 .I1704 5.2 .16339 .009192 .I1926 .I1027 5.0 .14836.007850 .II199 .10398 4.8 .13583 .006775 .10535 4.6 .12184 .005680 .09805 | 4.6 .12496 .005880 .09917 4.4 .I1281 .004969 .09242 4.4 .I1529 .005119 .09334 4.2 .I0454 .004347 .08703 4.2 .10653 .004460 .08780 4.0 3.8 3.6 986 .09689 .003798 .08975 .003311 .08304 .002878 .08185 4.0 .09850.003885 .08249 .07685 3.8 .09107 .003377 .07738 .07200 3.6 .08412 .002928 .07245 33 3.4 .07671 .002490 .06729 3.4 .07760.002529 .06766 3.2 .07071 .002144 .06271 3.2 .07143 .002174 .06301 3.0 .06400 .001835 .05824 3.0 .06559 .001857 .05849 2.8 .05954 .001558 .05387 2.8 2.6 .05431 .001311 .04959 2.6 8 6 .06002 .001575 .05407 2.4 .04928 .001092 .04539 2.4 ΙΟΙΙΟΟ .05469 .001323 .04976 .04959 .04553 2.2 .04444 .000897 2.0 .03977 .000726 .04128 2.2 .03724 2.0 .04468 .000904 .04139 .03996 .000730 .03733 1.8 .03526.000576 .03327 1.8 .03540 .000579 .03334 1.6 .03089.000446 .02936 1.4 .02665 .000335 .02551 H H 1.6 1.4 64 .03100 .000448 .02941 .02673 .000336 .02555 I.2 .02253 .000242 .02172 I.2 .02259 .000243 .02175 1.0 .01853 .000165 .01799 1.0 .01857 .000165 .01800 0.8 .01464 .000104 0.6 .01085 .000058 .01430 0.8 .01466 .01066 0.6 .000104 .01431 .01086 .000057 .01066 0.4 .00714 .000025 .00706 0.4 .00715 .000025 .00706 +.2 .00353 .000006 .00351 +.2 .00353 .000006 .00351 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 0.4 .00345 .00683 .000006 .00347 .000024 0.6 ΟΙΟΙ4 .000053 0.8 .01338 .000092 1.0 .01656 .000142 1.2 .01968 .000202 HHH 1.4 .02275 .000272 1.6 .02575 .000350 .02357 I.4 .02681 1.6 1.8 .02871.000438 .03003 1.8 468 .01367 0.8 .01337 .01700 I.O .01654 .02030 1.2 .01965 .02270 .000271 .02354 .02569 .000349 .02678 .00345 .000006 .00347 .00691 0.4 .00683 .000024 .00690 .01030 0.6 .01013 .000052 .01030 .000092 .01366 .000142 .01698 .02028 .000201 .02864 .000436 .02999 2.0 .03162.000535 .03321 2.0 .03153 .000532 .03317 2.2 .03447 .000639 .000752 तं तं लं 2.8 A A w www 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 ∞ ON 2.4 .03729 2,6 .04006 .000873 .04278 3.0 .04547 .001137 3.2 .04812 .001280 .05183 .05073 .001430 .05486 .05331 .001587 .05786 3.6 .03637 2.2 .03951 2.4 .04262 2.6 .03437 .000636 .03632 .03717 .000749 .03945 .03992 .000869 .04255 ΙΟΟΙΟΟ .04571 2.8 .04263 .000997 .04563 .04878 3.2 246 33 3.4 .05585 .001752 .06084 3.8 .05835 .05560 .06082 .001132 ..04869 .04793 .001274 05052 .001423 .05474 .05308 .001579 .05773 .001742 .001924 .06380 4.0 .05808 .001912 .002102 .06675 4.2 .06053 3.0 .04530 .05173 .06070 .06365 .002088 .06658 29 Y = 3.4 Y = 3.5 9- X Y T 4 X Y T 5.0 .15467 .008315 4.8 4.6 4.4 .14042 .007093 .12845 .006108 .11801 .005286 .I1392 4.8 .10685 4.6 .10036 4.4 .12102 .14583 .007473 .10854 .13241 .006369 .10167 .005473 .09535 4.2 .10869 .004585 .09430 4.2 .08859 4.0 .III04 .004722 .08943 .10210 .004080 .08383 4.0 .10023 .003979 .08314 3.8 .09395 .003525 .07849 3.8 .09246 .003449 .07792 3.6 .08646 .003040 .07336 3.6 3.4 64 33 .08525 .002983 .07289 3.4 .07949 .002614 .06842 .07852.002570 .06803 3.2 .07297 .002238 .06364 लंलं तं 3.2 .07218 .002205 .06332 3.0 .06683 .001905 .05901 3.0 .06619 .001881 .05875 2.8 .06102 .001611 .05450 2.8 .06051 .001592 .05428 2.6 .05550 .001350 .05010 2.6 .05508 .001337 .04993 2.4 .05023 .001120 .04581 2.4 .04990 ΟΙΙΙΟΟ .04567 2.2 .04519.000918 .04161 2.2 .04493 .000910 .04150 2.0 .04036 .000740 .03750 2.0 1.8 1.6 .04015 .000735 .03555 .000582 .03III .000451 .03742 1.8 .03571 .000586 .03347 .03340 1.6 .03122 .000453 .02952 .02946 1.4 .02689.000340 .02563 1.4 1.2 1.0 .02681 .000338 .02265.000244 .01861 .000166 .02559 I.2 .02270 .000244 .02180 .02178 Ι.Ο .01865 .000166 .01804 .01802 0.8 .01471 .000105 .01433 0.8 .01468 .000104 .01432 0.6 .01088 .000058 .01067 0.6 .01087 .000058 .01067 0.4 .00716 .000025 .00707 0.4 .00715 .000025 .00707+.2 .00354 .000006 .00351 +.2 .00353 .000006 .00351 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 0.0 -.2 .00000 .000000 .00000 2 .00345 .000006 .00347 0.4 .000024 .00345 .000006 .00347 .00682 .00690 0.4 .00682 .000024 .00690 0.6 ΟΙΟΙΙ .000052 .01029 0.6 .01012 .000052 .01029 0.8 .01333 .000092 .01365 0.8 .01335 .000092 .01365 Ι.Ο .01649 .000141 .01696 1.0 .01651 .000141 .01697 1.2 .01958 .000201 .02025 1.2 .01961 .000201 .02026 I.4 .02260.000269 .02350 I.4 .02265.000271 .02352 1.6 .02558 .000347 .02672 H H 1.6 .02563 .000349 .02675 1.8 .02849 .000434 .02991 1.8 .02856.000436 .02995 2.0 .03135 .000529 .03307 2.0 .03144 .000531 .03312 2.2 .03417 .000632 .03621 2.2 .03427 .000635 .03626 2.4 .03693.000743 .03932 2.4 .03705 2.6 तं लंलं ∞ 0 2 3 3 468 .05031 .001416 .05285 .001571 .05535 .001733 .000747 .03938 2.6 .04247 2.8 .03978.000866 2.8 .04248 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 .000993 .04554 .04513 .001127 .04859 4.0 .05781 .001901 4.2 .06024 .002075 .06264.002255 4.4 .03965.000861 .04240 .04233.000988 .04546 .04774 .001268 .05161 333 3.0 3.2 024 .04496 IZIIOO' .04850 .04756 .001261 .05151 3.4 .05012 .001408 .05450 .05461 3.6 .05264 .001562 .05747 .05759 3.8 .055II .001723 .06042 .06055 4.0 .05755 .001890 .06335 .06349 4.2 .05996 .002063 .06626 .06641 4.4 .06234 .002242 .06915 .06931 4.6 .06469 .002427 .07202 30 y = 3.6 Y = 3.7 9- 4.6 4.4 4.2 X .13697 | .006674 .I2439 .005683 .11361.004872 Y T 9- X Y T .10314 4.6 .14235 .007040 .10480 .09650 || 4.4 .09035 4.2 .12820 .005925 .09775 .11645 .005041 .09133 ww3 4.0 .10410 .004190 .08457 4.0 3.8 .09554.003606 .07909 3.8 3.6 .08772 .003101 .07386 3.6 986 .10627 .0043II .08536 .09723 .003695 .07973 .08906 .003166 .07437 3.4 .08050.002659 .06883 3.4 .08157 .002708 .06925 3.2 .07378 .002272 .06398 3.2 .07463 .002308 .06432 3.0 .06748 .001931 .05928 3.0 .06816 .001957 .05956 2.8 2.6 86 .06154 .001630 .05472 2.8 .05592 .001364 .05029 2.6 86 .06208 .001649 .05495 05635 .001378 .05047 2.4 .05056 .001130 .04596 2.4 .05090 .001140 .04611 2.2 .04545 .000925 .04173 2.2 .04572 .000932 .04185 2.0 .04056.000745 .03760 2.0 .04076 .000750 .03769 1.8 .03586.000590 .03354 1.8 .03602.000593 .03362 HHH 1.6 .03134 .000455 .02957 1.6 .03145 .000457 .02962 1.4 .02698 .000341 .02567 I.4 .02706 .000342 .02571 1.2 .02276.000245 .02183 I.2 .02282 .000246 .02186 1.0 .01868 .000167 .01806 I.O .01872 .000167 .01808 0.8 .01473 .000105 .01434 0.8 .01476 .000105 .01435 0.6 .01089.000058 .01068 0.6 .01091 .000058 .01069 0.4 .00716 .000025 .00707 0.4 .00717 .000025 .00708 +.2 0.0 .00354 .000006 .00000 .000000 .00351 +.2 .00354 .000006 .00351 .00000 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 0.4 0.6 46 .00345 .000006 .00681 .00347 .2 ΟΙΟΙΟ 0.8 1.2 .000024 .000052 .01332 .000092 1.0 .01646 .000141 .01954 .000200 HHH 46∞ I.4 1.6 1.8 .02256 .000269 .02552 .000346 .02842 .000432 468 .02347 I.4 .02669 1.6 .02987 1.8 .01951 .000199 .02021 .02252 .000268 .02346 .02546 .000345 .02666 .02835 .000431 .02984 .00690 0.4 .01028 0.6 .01363 0.8 .01330 .01695 1.0 .01644 .02023 I.2 .00345 .00681 .000024 .01009 .000006 .00347 .00690 .000052 .01028 .000091 .01363 .000140 .01694 2.0 2.2 .03127 .000527 .03407 .000629 2.4 .03682 .000740 .03303 2.0 .03119 .000525 .03299 .03615 2.2 .03397 .000627 .03611 .03925 2.4 .03670.000737 .03920 ~ ~ m m m m 2.8 3.0 .04479 911100* 2.6 .03952 .000858 .04233 2.6 .04218 .000983 .04538 2.8 .04840 3.0 .03939 .000854 .04226 .04203 .000978 .04530 .04463 ΟΙΙΙΟΟ .04832 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 246 .04737 .001255 .05140 3.2 .04719 .001249 .05131 .04991 .001401 .05438 3.4 .04971 .001394 .05428 .05241 .001554 .05734 3.6 .05219 .001546 .05723 4.0 ∞ 0 2 .05487 .001713 .05729 .001878 .06028 3.8 .05463 .001704 .06016 4.2 .05968 .002049 4.4 4.6 4.8 468 .06204 .002226 .06898 4.4 .06437 .002409 .06667 .002598 .07468 4.8 .07184 4.6 468 .06175 .06320 4.0 .05704 .001868 .06610 4.2 .05941 .002038 .06594 .002214 .06881 .06406.002396 .06634 .002583 .07449 .06306 .07166 31 Y = 3.8 y = 3.9 9- X Y T X Y T 0 4.4 .13261 .006209 4.2 11962.005231 4.0 .10864 .004444 3.8 3.6 3.4 6+ .09905 .003790 .09048 .08268 .003235 .002758 .09915 4.4 .13783 .09240 4.2 .12321 .08619 4.0 .III26 .08039 3.8 .IOI02 .07491 3.6 .06969 3.4 .006551 I .10072 .005449 .09357 .004592 .08709 .003894 .08110 .09199 .003310 .07548 .08387 .002813 .07014 3.2 .07552 .002345 .06468 3.2 .07645 .002385 .06504 3.0 .06886 .001984 .05985 3.0 .06960 .002013 .06015 2.8 .06264 .001669 .05519 2.8 .06322.001690 .05542 2.6 .05679 .001393 .05066 2.6 .05724 .001408 .05085 2.4 .05125 .001151 2.2 .04599 .000939 .04626 2.4 .05160 .001162 .04641 .04197 2.2 .04626.000947 .04209 2.0 .04097 .000755 .03778 2.0 1,8 .03617.000596 .03369 1.8 1.6 .03157 .000460 .02968 1.6 986 .04118 .000761 .03788 .03633 .000600 .03376 .03169.000462 .02973 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 .02714 .000344 1.2 .02288 .000247 .01876 .000168 .01478 .000105 .01092 .02574 1.4 .02723 .000345 .02579 .02189 1.2 .02294 .000248 .02191 .01809 1.0 .01880 .01436 0.8 891000* .01811 .01480 .000105 .01438 0.4 .00718 .000058 .000025 .01069 || 0.6 .00708 0.4 .01093 .000058 .01070 .00718 .000025 .00708 +.2 Ι.Ο I.2 .00354 0.0 .00000 .000000 -.2 .00345 .000006 0.4 .00681 .000024 0.6 .01008 .000052 0.8 .01329 .000092 .01362 0.8 .01641 .000141 .01693 1.0 .01639 .01948 .000199 .02020 1.2 .01944 .000006 .00351 +.2 .00354 .00000 0.0 .00000 .00347 .2 .00344 .000006 .00352 .000000 .00000 .000006 .00347 .00689 0.4 .00680 .000024 .00689 .01028 0.6 .01007 .000052 .01027 .01327 .000091 .01361 I.4 .02247 .000267 1.6 .02541 .000344 1.8 .02828 .000430 2.0 .03III .000523 .000140 .000198 .02017 .02343 1.4 .02242 .000266 .02340 .02663 1.6 .02535 .000342 .02660 .02980 1.8 .02821 .000427 .02976 .03294 2.0 .03102 .000521 .03289 .01691 2.2 .03388.000625 .03605 2.2 2.4 .03660.000734 2.6 .03927 .000850 .03913 2.4 .04219 2.6 246 .03377 .000622 .03600 .03648 .000730 .03907 .03913 .000846 .04212 तं लंलं 2.8 .04189 .000974 .04522 2.8 3.0 .04448 .001105 .04823 3.0 ∞ O .04175 .000969 .04514 .04431 .001099 .04814 3.2 www 3.4 .05417 3.6 .05198 .001537 .057II 3.6 3.8 .05440.001694 .06002 3.8 46∞ 333 3.4 .04702 .001242 .05121 3.2 .04952.001386 .04931 .001378 .05406 .05176 .001528 .05699 .001684 05989 .04683 .001235 .05III .05417 4.0 .05678 .001857 .06291 4.0 .05654 .001846 .06277 4.2 .05913 .002026 .06578 4.2 .05888 .002014 .06563 4.4 .06145 .002200 .06864 4.4 .06118 .002187 .06847 4.6 .06374.002380 .07148 4.6 .06345 .002366 .07130 4.8 .06600 .002566 .07430 4.8 .06569 .002550 .07411 5.0 .06824 .002757 .07710 5.0 .06790 .002739 .07690 32 Y = 4.0 Y = 4.1 9- X Y T 9 X Y T 4.2 4.0 .I2735 .005704 .11417 .004759 .09487 4.2 .08807 4.0 3.8 .10317 .004008 .08186 3.8 20∞ .13224 .006010 .09634 .11746 .004949 .08914 .10552 .004135 .08268 3.6 .09362.003390 .07608 3.6 .09537 .003478 .07671 3.4 .08512 .002870 .07062 3.4 .08645 .002932 .07112 3.2 .07743 .002426 .06543 3.2 .07845 .002470 .06583 3.0 .07036 .002044 .06046 3.0 2.8 .06382 .001712 .05567 2.8 2.6 .05771 .001424 .05105 2.6 986 .07116 .002075 .06078 .06444 .001735 .05593 .05819 .001440 .05125 2.4 .05197 .001173 .04657 2.4 .05235 .001185 .04673 21.21 .04655 .000955 2.0 .04140.000766 .04221 2.2 .03797 2.0 .04684 .000963 .04234 .04162.000772 .03807 1.8 .03650.000604 .03383 1.6 .03181 .000464 .02979 I.4 .02732 .000347 .02582 HHH 1.8 .03666.000607 .03391 1.6 .03193 .000467 .02984 I.4 .02740.000348 .02587 1.2 .02300 .000249 Ι.Ο .01884 .000169 0.8 .01483 .000106 0.6 .01095 .000058 .02194 I.2 .02306.000250 .02197 .01813 1,0 .01888 .000169 .01815 .01439 0.8 .01485 .000106 .01440 .01071 0.6 .01096 .000058 .01071 0.4 +.2 .00719 .000025 .00354 .000006 .00708 0.4 .00719 .000025 .00709. .00352 +.2 .00354 .000006 .00352 0.0 .00000 -.2 .00344 .000000 .000006 .00000 0.0 .00000 .00347 -.2 .000000 .00000 .00344 .000006 .00347 0.4 .00680 .000024 .00689 0.4 .00679 .000024 .00689 0.6 .01006 .000052 .01027 0.6 .01006 .000052 .01026 I.4 1.6 46 0.8 .01325 .000091 1,0 .01636 .000140 I.2 .01941 .000198 .02238 .000266 .02529 .000342 .01360 0.8 .01690 1.0 .01634 .000139 .02016 .01324 .000091 .01360 .01689 .02338 1.4 1.2 .01937 .02234 .000265 .000198 .02014 .02336 .02657 1.6 .02523 .000341 .02654 1.8 2.0 ∞ O .000427 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 .02814 .03094 .000519 .03368 .000620 .03637.000728 .03901 2.4 .03901 .000843 .04205 .04160.000965 .04506 .04415 .001094 .04805 .04666 .001229 .05IOI .04913 .001371 .05395 .02972 1.8 .02807 .000425 .02969 .03284 2.0 .03085 .000517 .03281 .03594 2.2 .03358.000617 .03590 तं तं 2.6 2.8 468 .03626 .000725 .03896 .03888 .000839 .04199 .04146.000961 .04499 333 3.0 3.2 3.4 924 .04399 .001089 .04797 .04649 .001224 .05092 .04893 .001365 .05385 3.6 3.8 4.0 .05156 .001520 .05395 .001675 .05976 .05629 .001836 .06263 .05687 3.6 .05134 .001512 .05676 3.8 .05372 .001666 .05964 4.0 .05605 .001825 .06250 4.2 .05860 4.4 .06088 .002002 .06548 4.2 .002174 .06831 4.4 4.6 | .06313 .002351 .07112 4.6 246 .05835 .001990 .06534 .06062 .002160 .06816 .06286.002336 .07096 ∞ 0 2 4.8 5.0 .06756 5.2 .06973 .06536.002534 .07392 .002722 .07670 5.0 .002915 .07946 4.8 .06506 .002517 .07374 .06723 .002704 .07651 5.2 .06938 .002896 .07926 33 4 r = 4.2 Y = 4.3 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 4.0 3.8 .12122 .005169 .10813 .004276 .09032 4.0 .12561 .005431 .09165 .08355 3.8 3.6 .09726 .003573 .07738 3.6 .11103 .004435 .08450 .09932.003677 .07810 3.4 3.2 mmm 420 .08787 .07953 .002517 .002998 .07165 3.4 .08938.003069 .07220 .06624 3.2 .08067 .002566 .06667 3.0 .07199 .002109 .06110 3.0 .07286 .002143 .06144 2.8 2.6 2.4 ∞64 .06509 .001759 .05619 2.8 .06575 .001783 .05646 .05870 .001457 .05146 2.6 .0592,I .001474 .05167 .05273 .001197 .04689 2.4 .05312 .001209 .04706 2.2 .04713 .000972 .04247 21.2 .04743 .000980 .04260 2.0 .04185.000778 .03817 2.0 .04207 .000783 .03827 1.8 .03683 119000* .03398 1.8 .03700 .000615 .03406 1.6 .03205 .000469 .02990 1.6 .03218 .000472 .02996 1.4 .02749 .000350 .02591 I.4 .02758 .000351 .02595 1.2 .02312 .00025I .02200 1.2 .02318 .00025 I .02203 1.0 .01892 .000170 .01817 1.0 .01896 .000170 .01819 0.8 0.6 .01487 .000106 .01097 .000059 .OI441 0.8 .01072 0.6 .01490 .000106 .01442 .01098 .000059 .01072 +.2 0.4 .00720 .000026 .00354 .000006 .00709 0.4 .00720 .000025 .00709 .00352+.2 .00354 .000006 .00352 0,0 .00000 .000000 .00000 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 0.4 0.6 .00344 .00679 .000024 .01004 .000052 .000006 .00347 .2 .00689 0.4 .01026 .00344 .000006 .00347 .00678 .000023 .00688 0.6 .01004 .000052 .01025 0.8 .01322 .000091 1.0 .01631 I.2 .01934 .000139 .000197 .01359 0.8 .01687 1.0 .01629 .02012 1.2 .01930 .01320 .oooogo .01358 .000139 .01686 .000197 .02010 I.4 .02229 .000264 .02333 1.4 .02225 .000263 .0233I 1.6 .02518 .000340 .02651 1.6 .02512 .000339 .02648 1.8 .02800 .000424 .02965 1.8 .02794 .000422 .02961 2.0 .03077 .000516 .03276 2.0 .03070 .000514 .03271 2.2 .03348.000615 .03584 2.2 .03339 .000612 .03579 2.4 .03614 .000722 .03889 2.4 .03604 .000719 .03883 2.6 .03875.000836 .04192 2.6 .03863.000832 .04184 2.8 .04132 .000957 .04491 2.8 3.0 .04384 333 3.2 .04631 3.4 .04874 .001219 .001359 3.6 .05114 .001505 3.8 .05349 .001658 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 .001085 .04788 3.0 .05082 3.2 .05374 3.4 .04856 .05664 3.6 .05094 .0595I 3.8 .05581 .001816 .06236 4.0 .05558 .001805 .05809.001979 .06519 4.2 .05784 .001967 .06034 .002148 .06800 4.4 .06007 .002135 .06784 .06256 .002322 .07079 4.6 .06227.002308 .07062 .06475 .002502 .07356 4.8 .06444 .002486 .06504 ∞ o .04118 .000952 .04483 .04368 .001079 .04779 .04614 .001212 .05072 .001351 .05363 .001497 .05652 .05328 .001648 .05938 .06222 .07338 5.0 5.2 .06691 .002687 .06904 .002877 5.4 .07114 .07632 5.0 .07906 5.2 .06869 .08178 .003072 5.4 .07077 .06658 .002670 .07612 .002859 .07885 .003052 .08156 34 Y = 4.4 y = 4.5 9- X Y T X Y T 0 0 www 3.8 .11434 .004621 3.6 3.4 www 3.2 3.0 2.8 2000 .IO159 .003794 .09102 .003147 .08188 .002620 .07378 .002180 .06645 .001809 .07278 3.4 .08554 .11816 .004833 3.8 .08671 .07886 3.6 .10409 .003923 .07969 .09278 .003230 .07340 .06712 3.2 .06180 .05673 2.8 .08317 .002676 .06760 3.0 .07474 .002219 .06216 .06718.001836 .05702 2.6 .05974 .001493 .05189 2.6 .06030 .001511 .05212 2.4 .05354 .001222 .04723 2.4 .05396 .001234 .04741 2.2 .04775 .000989 .04273 2.2 .04807.000998 .04287 2.0 1.8 .04231 .000789 .03837 2.0 .04255 .000795 .03848 .03718.000619 .03414 1,8 .03736.000623 .03422 1,6 .03231 .000474 .03001 1.6 .03244 .000477 .03007 I.4 .02767.000353 .02599 I.4 .02777 .000354 .02603 1.2 .02324 .000252 .02206 1.2 .0233I .000253 .02209 I.O .01900 .000171 .01821 1.0 .01904 .000171 .01823 0.8 .01492 .000107 .01443 0.8 .01495 .000107 .01445 0.6 .OIIOO .000059 .01073 0.6 ΟΙΙΟΙ .000059 .01074 0.4 .00721 .000025 .00709 0.4 .00721 .000026 .00710 +.2 .00355 .000006 .00352 +.2 .00355 .000006 .50352 0.0 -.2 .00000 .000000 .00344 .000006 .00000 0.0 .00347 .00000 .000000 .00000 .00344 .000006 .00346 0.4 .00678 .000024 .00688 0.4 .00678.000023 .00688 .01002 .000052 .01025 0.6 .000090 .01357 0.8 1.0 I.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 .01318 .01626 .000139 .01685 1.0 .01927 .000197 .02009 1.2 .000196 .02007 .02220 .000263 .02329 1.4 .02216 .000262 .02326 .01002 .000052 .01024 .01317 .000090 .01356 .01624 .000138 .01683 .01924 1.6 1 2 1.8 2.0 .02507 .000338 .02645 .02787 .000421 .02958 .03061 .000512 .03268 H H 1.6 .02501 .000337 .02642 1.8 .02781 .000420 .02954 2.0 .03054 .000510 .03263 2.2 .03330 .000611 .03574 2.4 .03593 .000717 .03878 2.4 2.6 .03851 .000830 .04178 2.6 2.2 .03321 .000608 .03569 .03583 .000713 .03872 .03839.000825 .04171 23 m 2.8 3.0 3.2 ∞02 .04105 .000949 .04476 2.8 .04091 .000944 .04468 .04598 www 3.4 3.6 3.8 .05306 .04353 .001075 .04771 .001207 .04838 .001346 .05353 .05074 .001490 .001640 .05063 ww 3.0 .04338 .001069 .04762 3.2 .04581 .001201 .05054 .05641 .05926 | 3.8 www 3.4 3.6 468 .04820.001338 .05343 .05054 .001482 .05630 .05285.001631 .05914 4.0 .05535 .001796 .06209 4.0 .05512.001785 .06196 4.2 .05760 .001957 .06490 4.2 .05735 .001945 .06476 יד 4.4 .05982 .002123 .06769 || 4.4 .05955 .002110 .06754 4.6 4.8 6∞0 555 5.2 5.4 5.6 246 5.0 .06200 .002295 .06415 .002472 .06627 .002654 .06836 .002840 .07043 .003031 .07247 .003227 .07594 .07865 5.2 .07046 | 4.6 .06172 | .002281 .07030 .07321 4.8 .06386 .002457 .07304 5.0 .06596 .002638 .07576 .06804.002824 .07846 .08134 5.4 .08402 5.6 .07009 .07211 .003208 .003014 .08114 .08381 35 y = 4.6 y = 4.7 X Y T 9- X Y T www 3.8 3.6 .12268 .005092 .10690.004070 .08803 3.6 .I1009 .004240 .08158 .08060 3.4 .09679.003425 .07476 3.4 .09470 .003323 .07406 3.2 .08601 .002803 .06862 3.2 .08454 3.0 .07575 2.8 .06794 .002737 .002260 .06255 2.8 .001864 .05732 2.6 .06810 3.0 .07682 .002304 .06295 .06873 .001894 .05763 .06146 .001551 .05258 2.6 .06087 .001531 2.4 .05439 .001248 .05235 2.4 .05483.001262 .04777 .04759 2.2 .04872 .001017 .04315 2.2 .04839 .001007 .04301 2.0 .04304 .000808 .03869 2.0 .04280.000802 .03858 1.8 .03772.000631 .03438 H H 1.8 1.6 .03754.000627 .03257.000480 .03430 1.6 .03013 1.4 .03270 .000482 .03019 .02795 .000358 .02612 1.4 .02786 .000356 .02607 I.2 .02343 .000255 .02215 1.2 1.0 .02337 .000254 .02212 1.0 .01912 .000172 .01827 .01908 .000172 .01825 0.8 .01499 .000108 .01447 0.8 .01497 .000107 .01446 0.6 .01103 .000059 .01075 0.6 .01102 .000059 .01075 0.4 .00722 .000026 .00710 0.4 .0072,2 .000026 .00710 +.2 .00355 .000006 .00352 +.2 .00355 .000006 0.0 .00000 ,000000 .00352 0.0 .00000 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 .2 .00344 .000006 .00346 0.4 .00344 .000006 .00677 .00346 .000023 .00687 0.4 .00677.000023 .00688 0.6 00010' .000052 .01023 0.6 ΙΟΟΙΟ .000052 .01024 0.8 .01314 .oooogo .01354 0.8 .01315 .oooogo .01355 Ι.Ο .01619 .000138 .01681 1.0 I.4 I.2 .01920 .02212 .01622 .000138 .000196 .01682 I.2 .01917 .000195 .02004 .02005 I.4 .02207 .000261 .02322 .000262 .02324 1.6 .02490 .000335 .02636 1.6 .02496 .000336 .02639 1.8 .02767 .000417 .02947 1.8 .02774 .000419 .02951 2.0 .03038 .000507 .03255 2.0 .03046.000509 .03259 2.2 .03303 .000604 .03559 2.2 .03312 .000606 .03564 2.4 .03562.000708 .03860 2.4 2.6 .03572 .0007II .03828 2.8 .04078 .000941 .03866 2.6 .03816 .000819 .04158 .000823 .04164 2.8 .04065 .000936 .04453 .04460 3.0 .04309 .001060 .04745 ww 3.0 .04324 .001065 .04754 3.2 3.2 .04565 .001196 .05044 3.4 .04549 .04784 .001325 .001189 .05035 .05322 www 3.4 .04802 .001332 .05332 3.6 .05035 3.8 .05264 .001475 .05618 .001623 33 3.6 3.8 6∞ .05016 .001467 .05607 .05243 .001614 .05890 .05901 4.0 .05467 .001766 .06170 4.0 .05490 .001777 .06182 4.2 4.2 .05712 .001936 .06461 4.4 4.4 .05931 .002100 .06738 4.6 246 .05687 .001923 .06448 .05904 .002086 .06724 .06117 .002254 .06998 4.6 .06146.002269 4.8 5.0 .06357 .002443 .06565 .002621 .07013 .07286 4.8 5.0 .07557 5.2 ∞0 2 .06327 .002427 .07270 .06534 .002606 .07539 .06738 .002789 .07807 555 5.2 5.4 5.6 246 .06771 .002804 .06974 .002992 .07174 .003185 .07826 5.4 .08093 5.6 .07138 .003167 .08359 5.8 .07334 .06939 .002976 .08073 .08338 .003362 .08601 36 Y = 4.8 Y = 4.9 9- X Y T X Y T 3.2 333 642 3.6 3.4 .09911 .11380.004438 .08760.002874 .08269 | 3.6 .11823 .004679 .08395 .003539 .07552 3.4 .06917 .10171 .003667 .07635 3.2 .08932 .002951 .06977 3.0 .07795 .00235I .06336 3.0 .07915 .002400 .06380 2.8 .06955 .001925 .05794 2.8 .07043 .001958 .05828 2.6 .06207 .001572 .05282 2.6 .06272 .001595 .05308 2.4 .05529 .001276 .04796 2.4 .05577 .001291 .04816 2.2 2.0 .04907 .001026 .04330 .000814 .04329 2.2 .04942 .001036 .04344 .03880 2.0 .04356 .000821 .03892 1.8 .03791 .000635 .03446 1.8 .03810.000640 .03455 1.6 .03284.000485 .03025 1.6 .03297 .000487 .03032 1.4 .02805 .000359 .02616 I.4 .02814 .000361 .02621 I.2 1.0 .02350 .000256 .02217 I.2 .02356 .000257 .02221 .01916 .000173 .01828 1.0 .01921 .000173 I .01831 0.8 .01502 .000108 .01448 0.8 .01505 .000108 .01449 0.6 .01105 .000059 .01076 0.6 .01106 .000059 .01076 0.4 .00723 .000026 .00710 0.4 .00724 .000026 .00711 +.2 .00355 .000006 .00352 +.2 .00355 .000006 .00352 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 .2 0.4 .00343 .000006 .00676 .000023 .00346 -.2 .00687 0.4 .00343 .000006 .00346 .00676.000023 .00687 0.6 .00999 .000051 .01023 0.6 .00998 .000051 .01022 0.8 .01312 .oooogo .01353 0.8 .0131I .oooogo .01353 1.0 .01617 .000138 .01679 1.0 .01615 .000137 .01679 H H I.2 .01913 .000195 .02001 I.2 .01910 .000194 .02000 1.4 .02203 .000260 .02319 1.4 .02199 .000260 .02317 1.6 .02485 .000334 .02633 1.6 .02480 .000333 .02631 1.8 .02761 .000416 .02943 1.8 .02754 .000415 .02940 2.0 .03030 .000506 .03250 2.0 .03022 .000504 .03247 2.2 .03293 .000602 .03554 2.2 .03285.000600 .03549 2.4 .03551.000706 03854 2.4 .0354I .000703 .03849 2.6 .03804.000816 2.8 .04052 .000933 .04151 2.6 .04446 2.8 .04039 .03792 .000813 .04145 .000929 .04439 333 3.0 .04294 .001056 3.2 3.4 3.6 .04997 .001460 .04737 3.0 .04533 .001185 .05026 3.2 .04767 .001320 .05312 3.4 .05596|3.6 .04280 .001051 .04730 .04517 .001179 *05018 .04749 .001313 .05303 .04978 .001453 .05586 3.8 .05223 4.0 .05445 .001607 .05877 3.8 .001758 .05202 .001598 .06157 4.0 .05423 .05867 .001748 .06145 4.2 .05663 .001914 .06434 4.2 4.4 .05878 .002075 .06709 4.4 4.6 .06982 4.6 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 ∞ 0 2 .06090.002242 4.8 .06299 .002414 .07253 4.8 .06504 .002590 .07521 5.0 .06707 .002771 .07788 5.2 .06907 .002957 .07104 .003147 .07298 .003341 .06874 .002939 .08034 .08296 246 .05640 .001903 .06421 .05854 .002063 .06695 .06064 .002228 .06967 .06271.002399 .07237 .06475 .002575 .07504 .06676 .002755 .07770 .08053 5.4 .08316 | 5.6 .08578 5.8 .07070 .003127 .07263 .003319 .08557 37 Y = 5.0 Y = 5.0 9. X Y T 9- X Y T 3.4 .10465.003815 .07725 I.4 3.2 .09119 .003038 .07039 1.6 3.0 .08044 46∞ .02194 .000259 .02315 .02474 .000332 .02628 .002455 .06425 1.8 .02748 .000414 .02937 2.8 .07134 .001993 .05861 2.0 .03015 .000502 .03242 2.6 .06338 .001618 .05334 2.2 .03276.000598 .03544 2.4 .05626 | .001306 .04834 2.4 .0353I .000700 .03843 2.2 .04978 .001046 .04359 2.6 .03781.000809 .04139 2.0 .04383 .000828 .03902 2.8 .04026 .000925 .0443I 1.8 H H 1.2 .03829 .000644 1.6 .033II .000490 I.4 .02824 .000362 .02363.000258 .03463 3.0 .04266 .001046 .04721 .03037 3.2 3.6 .02625 3.4 .04732 .02224 246 .04501 .001174 .05008 .001307 .05293 .04959 .001446 .05575 1.0 .01925 .000174 .01832 3.8 0.8 .01507 801000* 0.6 .01108 .01451 4.0 .000059 .01077 4.2 ∞0 2 .05182 .001590 .05854 .05401 .001740 .06131 .05616 | .001895 .06406 0.4 .00724 .000026 .007II 4.4 +.2 .00355 .000006 .00352 4.6 0.0 .00000 .000000 .00000 4.8 468 .05828.002054 .06679 .06037 .002218 .06950 .06243 .002387 .07219 .2 0.4 0.6 .00343 .00675 .000023 .00997 .000051 .000006 .00346 5.0 .06446 .002560 .07486 .00687 5.2 .06646 .002738 .0775I .01022 5.4 .06843 .002920 .08014 0.8 1.0 I.2 .01309 .000089 .01612 .000137 .01907 .000194 .01352 5.6 .07037 .003107 .08275 .01677 5.8 .07228.003298 .08535 .01998 6.0 .07416 .003493 .08793 V. Po 3 tan tan ³4. .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 000 000 .OIO 472 .020 945 .031 418 .041 893 1 2 3 456 789 I .052 371 .104 805 .157 367 .062850 .073 333 .083 819 .094 310 .115 305 .125 811 .136 323 .146 842 .167 901 .178 442 .188 993 .199 553 .210 122 .220 702 .231 293 .241 895 .252 509 .263 136 .273 775 .284 428 .295 095 .305 777 .316 474 •327 186 .337 915 •348 661 .359 424 .370 205 .381 004 .391 823 .402 661 .413 519 .424 398 .435 299 .446 222 .457 167 .468 135 9 .479 126 .490 143 .501 184 .512 251 .523 344 ΙΟ .534 463 •545 610 -556 785 .567 989 .579 222 II •590 485 601 779 .613 104 .624 461 .635 850 I2 .647 273 .658730 .670 221 .681 748 .693 310 13 .704 910 .716 547 .728 222 •739 936 •751 690 38 Pç = 3 tan 4 + tan ¾q. 9- .0 .2 .4 .6 8 456 HH 14 15 .763 483 .775 319 .787 196 .799 115 .811 078 .823 086 .835 138 .847 236 .859 381 .871 573 16 .883813 .896 103 .908 442 .920 832 .933 275 17 18 78 •945 769 .958 317 .970 919 .983 577 .996 291 1.009 062 1.021 891 1.034 779 1.047 727 1.060 736 19 1.073 807 1.086 941 1.100 139 I.I13 402 1.126 731 20 1.140 127 I.153 592 1.167 126 1.180 730 I.194 407 21 1.208 155 1.221 978 1.235 875 1.249 849 1.263 901 22 1.278 031 1.292 241 1.306 532 1.320 906 1.335 363 23 1.349 906 1.364 535 1.379 252 1.394 058 1.408 955 222 24 1.423 943 1.439 025 1.454 202 1.469 476 1.484 847 25 26 56 1.500 318 1.515 890 1.531 565 I.547 344 1.563 229 1.579 221 1.595 323 1.611 535 1.627 861 1.644 301 27 1.660 857 1.677 532 1.694 327 1.7II 244 1.728 284 28 1.745 450 1.762 745 1.780 169 1.797 726 1.815 417 29 1.833 244 1.851 209 1.869 315 1.887 564 I.905 959 30 1.924 501 1.943 193 1.962 038 1.981 038 2.000 195 33 3 31 2.019 513 2.038 993 2.058 639 2.078 452 2.098 437 32 2.118 596 2.138 931 2.159 446 2.180 143 2.201 026 33 2.222 098 2.243 361 2.264 820 2.286 477 2.308 337 333 34 2.330 401 2.352674 2.375 160 2.397 862 2.420 783 35 2.443 928 2.467 300 2.490 904 2.514 743 2.538 821 36 2.563 143 2.587 714 2.612 536 2.637 615 2.662 957 www 37 38 7∞ 2.688 563 2.714 441 2.740 594 2.767 029 2.793 748 2.820 759 2.848 066 2.875 675 2.903 591 2.931 820 39 2.960 368 2.989 240 3.018 444 3.047 983 3.077 866 40 3.108 099 3.138 688 3.169 640 3.200 962 3.232 661 4I 3.264 745 3.297 220 3.330 095 3.363 377 3.397 074 42 3.431 194 3.465 746 3.500 739 3.536 180 3.572 079 43 3.608 446 3.645 289 3.682 618 3.720 444 3.758 776 44 3.797 624 3.837 000 3.876 914 3.917 378 3.958 402 45 4.000 000 4.042 183 4.084 962 4.128 352 4.172 365 46 4.217 014 4.262 314 4.308 277 4.354 920 4.402 257 47 4.450 304 4.499 074 4.548 585 4.598 854 4.649 898 48 4.701 734 4.754 380 4.807 854 4.862 177 4.917 366 49 4.973 442 5.030 427 5.088 340 5.147 206 5.207 045 50 5.267 881 5.329 737 5.392 639 5.456 611 5.521 681 51 5.587874 5.655 218 5.723 742 5.793 475 5.864 448 52 5.936 691 6.010 238 6.085 117 6.161 368 6.239 026 53 6.318 124 6.398 702 6.480 797 6.564 452 6.649 706 5505 54 6.736 602 6.825 183 6.915 496 7.007 588 7.101 509 55 7.197 304 7.295 031 7.394 739 7.496 488 7.600 333 56 7.706 333 7.814 550 7.925 047 8.037 894 8.153 153 57 58 59 78 9 8.270 898 8.391 203 8.514 142 8.639 795 8.768 244 8.899 574 9.602 605 9.033 869 9.171 225 9.311 731 9.455 492 9.753 175 9.907 314 10.065 136 10.226 756 39 VI. VALUES OF X, Y & T FOR INTERVALS OF 1º. Y = 0.00 9- X Y T Y = 0.00 X Y T 60 1.73205 I.50000 1.73205 18 55 59 1.66428 1.38492 1.66428 17 58 1.60033 1.28054 1.60033 16 10∞ NO HH .32492 .052786 .32492 .046736 .30573 .28675 .04III2 .28675 .30573 ២២ ទី២៨ 57 1.53986 1.18559 56 1.48256 1.09899 1.48256 14 55 1.42815 1.01980 1.42815 | 13 1.53986 15 .26795 .035898 .26795 .24933 .031082 .24933 .23087.026650 .23087 54 1.37638 53 1.32704 52 1.27994 .947215 1.37638 12 .880524 1.32704 II .819125 1.27994 ΙΟ .21256 .022590 .21256 .19438 .018892 .19438 .17633 .015546 .17633 51 I.23490 .762486 1.23490 50 1.19175 .710138 1.19175 49 I.15037 .661674 1.15037 987 .15838 .012543 .15838 .14054 .009876 .14054 .12279 .007538 .12279 48 I.1 1061 .616730 1.11061 www www www ✡ ✡ * ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆± 47 1.07237 46 1.03553 .574987 1.07237 .536162 1.03553 654 .10510 .005524 10510 .08749.003827 .08749 .06993 .002445 .06993 45 1.00000 44 .96569 43 .93252 .500000 1.00000 .466278 .96569 42 .90040 4I .86929 .434792 .93252 + .405363 .90040 O .377830 .86929 321 .05241 .001373 .05241 .03492 .000610 .03492 .01746 .000152 .01746 Ooooo Oooooo 00000 40 .83910 352044 83910 39 .80978 .327875 .80978 38 .78129 .305204 .78129 Y = 0.01 X Y T 37 -75355 .283922 .72654 75355 .263932 72654 0 .70021 .6745I .227481 .245145 .70021 .67451 5050 .64941 .62487 .60086 .210865 .64941 .195231 .62487 .180517 .60086 555 57 56 76 55 60 1.77949 1.55885 1.75552 59 1.70679 I.43539 1.68533 58 1.63857 1.32404 1.61928 1.57437 1.22324 1.55697 1.51380 1.13170 1.49806 1.45651 1.04831 1.44222 32 2 2 2 2 • 30 .57735 166667 .57735 54 29 .5543I 28 .53171 1.40219 153629 .5543I 53 1.35058 .141358 .97214 1.38919 .90238 1.33873 .53171 52 1.30144 .83834 | 1.29063 27 .50953 .129808 .50953 26 .48773 .I18942 .48773 577 57 5I 1.25458 .77941 1.24468 50 1.20980 .72508 I.20073 25 .4663I .108721 .46631 49 1.16694 .67488 1.15861 24 .44523 23 22 .42448 .40403 .099114 .44523 48 1.12585 .ogoogo .42448 47 1.08640 .081619 .40403 46 1.04847 .62843 1.11820 .58536 1.07935 .54537 1.04196 21 .38386 .073676 .38386 45 1.01192 .50818 1.00593 20 .36397 19 .34433 .066237 .36397 44 .97669 .059281 .34433 53 .94267 .47355 .97116 .44127. .93757 40 Y = 0.01 Y = 0.01 9- X Y T X Y T 42 .90978 .41114 .90507 41 .87795 .38297 .87361 40 .84710 .35662 .84309 456 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ww www www www 96 .81718 .33195 .81347 .78812 .30883 .78469 .75986 .28715 .75670 789 .06988 .002443 .06990 .08741 .003823 .08745 .6 .10499 .005516 .10505 .12264 .007525 .12271 .14034 .009857 .14044 .15813 .012516 .15826 .73237 .2668I .70559.24769 .67947.22974 .65398 .62908 .21287 .19701 .67698 .65169 13 12 .21211 .62697 14 .60473.18209 .58091 .168051 .55758.154847 .60279 15 .57913 16 .55594 .72944 ΙΟ .17602 .015509 .17618 .70290 II .19400 .018843 .19420 .022526 .21234 .23034 .026568 .23060 .24870 .030978 .24902 .26723 .035769 .26759 .53470 .142427 .53320 18 HHH 17 629 .28592 .040952 .28633 .30479 .046543 .30526 .32385 .052554 .32439 .51226 .130745 .51089 19 .34313 .059005 .34373 26 .49023 .119760 .48898 20 .36262 .065909 .36330 .46859.109433 .46744 21 38236 073290 .38311 .44729 .099732 .44626 22 .40236 .081168 .40319 23 .42635 .090623 .42541 23 .42263 .089565 .42355 .40572.082077 .40487 24 .44320.098508 .44421 21 .38539 .074067 .38462 25 .46407 .108022 .46519 20 .36534 .066569 .36465 26 48528.118139 .48650 19 .34555.059561 .34494 27 .50684 .128889 .50818 18 .32601.053021 .32546 28 .52878 .140309 .53024 16 15 II NO HER HO a∞nont 17 .30669 .046931 .30621 29 .55III .152437 .55270 .28758 .041272 .28717 30 .57387.165314 .57560 14 .26868.036029 .26831 .24996 .031187 .24964 13 .23141 12 .026734 .23114 33 .21302 .022655 .21279 34 .19476 .018941 .19457 35 IO .17664 .015583 .17649 36 .15863 .012570 .15850 37 www.3 .59707.178985 .59896 .62075 .193499 .62281 .64494.208911 .64717 456 .66967.225279 .67208 .69497 .242668 .69758 .72087.261147 .72370 .14074 .009894 .14064 7 .12294 .007550 .12286 333 38 39 7∞ a .74742 .280795 .75048 77465 .301694 -77796 .80262 .323939 .80619 6 .10521 .00553I .10516 40 .83135 .347631 .83521 5 4 .08757 .003832 .08752 4I .06998 .002447 .86092 .372884 .86509 .06995 42 .89136 .399820 .89586 2 3 .05244 .001374 .03493 .000610 + I .01746 .000152 .05242 43 .92274.428576 .92761 .03493 44 .01746 45 + + + O 00000 000000 + I 2 3 0 46 OOOOO 47 48 .01745 .000152 .01745 49 .03490 .05238 .000610 .03491 50 .001373 .05239 51 .95512 .459307 .96038 .98856.492182 .99426 1.02315 -527388 1.02931 1.05896.565132 | 1.06564 1.09608 .605648 | 1.10331 1.13461.649198 I.14245 1.17464.696076 1.17464 .696076 1.18315 1.21629 .746612 1.22554 41 5 γ Y = 0.02 Y = 0.01 9. 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.115820 .48292 19 .34928.060427 .34679 27 .49907.126241 .50426 18 .32932 .053746 .327II 28 .52030 .137294 .52596 17 .30961 .047532 .30766 29 .54188 .149013 .54805 16 .29015.041766 .28844 30 .56383.161436 .57054 15 .27091 .036430 .26942 31 .58618 .174602 .59346 14 .25189 .031509 .25060 32 .60895.188556 .61684 13 .23306 .026988 .23195 33 .63216.203346 .64071 12 .21441 .022853 .21348 34 II .19592 .019092 .19515 35 IO .17759 .015695 456 .65585 .219024 .66509 .68003 .235647 .69002 .17697 36 .70474 .253275 .71553 +I 98 7 654 32 1 .15940 .012651 .15889 37 .14134 .009951 .14094 .007588 .12309 39 .12340 .10555 .005555 .08780.003845 www 38 78 9 .73001 .271977 .74166 .75588.291827 .76844 .78237 .312903 .79592 .07012 .002454 .05252 .001377 .03497 .10532 40 .80953 .335295 .82414 .08764 4I .83740 .07003 42 .86602 .05247 43 .000611 .03494 44 .01747 .000152 .01746 45 .359099 .384420 .88298 .85314 + + + O 00000 000000 46 00000 47 1.02205 .538280 1.04679 .94539 .95683.470706 .97809 .98894 .503379 1.01186 48 1.05624 .575598 1.08295 .89543 .411374 .91371 .92568 .440090 45 Y = 0.04 Y = 0.05 Ф X Y T 9- X Y T 49 1.09158 .615542 50 1.12813 .658346 I.12043 30 1.15932 29 .59593 .173941 .58653 .57131.160017 .56272 51 1.16598.704267 1.19973 28 .54726.146954 .5394I 52 1.20521 -753593 1.24176 27 .52372 .134698 .51655 53 1.24591 .806644 1.28555 26 .50067 .123201 .49414 54 1.28817.863779 1.28817 .863779 1.33122 25 .47806 .I12420 .47214 55 56 57 58 5678 1.33212 .925397 1.37891 24 .45589.102314 .45052 1.37785 .991947 1.42879 23 .43412.092847 .42926 1.42548 1.063932 1.47515 1.141917 1.53584 21 59 1.52700 1.226536 1.59342 20 60 1.58116 1.318507 1.65401 19 1.48104 22 .41272.083983 .40834 .39168 .075692 .38774 .37096 .067948 .36744 .35056.060724 ·34742 18 .33045 .053993 .32767 17 .31061 .047737 .30815 γ y = 0.05 16 .29103 .041934 .28887 15 .27167.036566 .26980 9- X Y T 14 .25254.031618 .25093 13 .23362 .027075 .23223 0 60 2.04361 1.90178 1.87718 12 .21488.022920 .21372 55 58 1.83932 59 1.93605 1.71908 1.79181 II 1.56116 1.56116 1.71316 ΙΟ .19631 .019143 .19535 .17791 .015733 .17713 57 1.75143 1.42316 1.64026 56 1.67093 1.30150 1.57234 86 .15966 .012678 .15902 .14154 .009970 .14104 55 1.59669 1.19344 1.50878 7 .12355 .007600 .12316 53 54 1.52782 1.46362 52 1.40351 1.01007 .93171 1.33958 1.09686❘ 1.44908 6 1.39280 .10566.005563 .10538 54 .08788.003850 .08768 .07017 .002457 .07005 51 I.3470I 50 1.29373 49 1.24333 .86067 1.28914 3 .79602 1.24119 2 .73699 1.19552 +1 .05255 .001378 .05248 .03498 .000612 .03495 .01747 .000152 .01747 48 1.19551 .68293 1.15192 + + + 45 www www www £ £ £ ££☆ ☆±· 1.15004 46 1.10669 .63329 I.I1022 .58760 1.07025 O 000000 Ooooo 00000 + 1.06527 44 1.02563 .54544 1.03189 I .50647 .01745 .000152 .01745 .99501 2 .03486.000609 .03489 .98759 .47039 .95949 3 .05227.001369 .05234 .95106 .43690 .91591 .40579 .89217 .88202 .37684 .86018 .92524 4I 40 38 .84931 .81768 37 36 35 34 78707 .30122 .75740 .27926 .72861 .25873 .70064 .23950 .34987 .82921 .32471 .79919 .77006 .15714 .012411 .15776 .74175 ΙΟ .17479 015365 .17556 .71421 II .19251 .68740 12 .018651 .19345 .21032 .022273 .21144 333 33 32 31 .67343 .22149 .64694 .20461 .62112 .18878 .66127 13 .22823.026245 .22955 .63577 14 .61087 15 .24625.030571 .24779 .26439 .035263 .26616 456 .06968 .002433 .06980 .08711 .003805 .08730 .10456 .005485 .10483 78 9 .12204 .007477 .12241 .13956 .009784 .14005 46 Y = 0.05 Y = 0.06 23 .41552 .087553 24 .43537.096183 25 .45548 .105349 26 .47587.115076 X Y T 16 17 .30110 18 .28267.040334 .31969 .051653 19 .33845 .057932 .35740.064643 20 21 .37655 .071804 22 .39592 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~N~ .079434 9. X Y T .28470 60 2.14308 2.03739 1.91913 .045792 .30340 .32229 55 59 58 86 2.01825 1.90851 1.82534 | 1.82716 1.64619| 1.74339 50555 .34138 57 1.81053 .36067 56 I.49233 1.66642 1.72199 1.35850 1.59520 .38018 55 1.64122 1.24094 1.52890 .39995 54 1.56696 1.13679 1.46690 | .41996 53 .44026 52 1.43431 1.49824 1.04390 1.40867 .96056| 1.35379 .46085 5I I.37454 .88540 1.30191 .48175 50 1.31844 .81732 1.25271 27 .49656 .125393 .50299 49 1.26558 .75542 1.20594 28 .51757.136330 .52457 48 1.21561 .69894 1.16137 29 .53891 .147920 30 .56061.160200 .54654 47 1.16824 .56890 46 1.12322 .64723 1.11881 •59977 1.07808 333 123 31 32 .60518 33 .62809 .58269.173208 .59168 45 1.08031 .55610 1.03903 .186988 .61492 44 1.03933 .51582 1.00153 .201584 .63863 43 1.00010 .47860 .96546 33 3 34 .65145 .217048 35 .67529 .233433 .66284 42 .96249 .68759 41 .44412 .93071 .92636 .41215 .89718 36 .69963.250799 .71291 40 .89158 .38245 .86478 www 37 .72451.269211 73884 39 .85807 .3548x .83343 38 .74996 .288738 .76540 38 .82571 .32907 .80307 39 .77600 .309458 .79264 37 .79443 .30506 -77361 40 .80268 .331455 .82061 36 .76415 .28265 .74501 4I .83004 .354821 .84935 35 -73479 .26171 .71721 42 .85811 .379656 .87890 34 .70631 .24213 .69015 43 .88693.406069 .90932 33 .67862 .22380 .66379 44 .91655 434183 .94067 45 .94702 .464131 .97300 ww 32 .65169 .20665 .63808 3I .62547 .19057 .61299 46 .97839.496058 1.00639 | 30 .59990 .175509 .58847 47 48 49 52 53 + Dom Nm 1.01071 .530125 1.04089 29 .57494 .161389 .56449 1.04405 .566510 1.07660 28 .55057 .148151 .54102 1.07846.605410 1.11358 27 .52673 .135741 .51803 I.I1401 .647042 1.15194 26 .50340 .124107 .49548 5I 1.15077 | .691646 | 1.19176|| 25 .48054 .I13204 .47335 1.18882 -739489 1.23316| 24 .45813 .102991 .45162 1.22824 .790867 1.27625 23 .43614 .093428 .43025 54 1.26911.846111 1.32116 22 .41454 .084480 .40923 55 1.31153.905589 1.36802 21 .3933I .076116 .38854 56 1.35559.969709 | 1.41698 20 .37242 57 1.40139 1.038928 | 1.46821 19 .35186 少 ​.068306 .36816 .061024 .34806 58 59 1.44905 1.113758 1.52190 18 .33160 1.49869 1.194772 60 1.55041 1.282610 .054244 .32823 1.57823 17 .31162 .047945 .30865 1.63744 16 .29191 .042104 .28931 15 .27244 .036704 .27018 13 14 .25320 .23418 .031728 .25125 .027162 .23251 47 y = 0.06 Y = 0.06 9- X Y T 9. φ X Y T 12 .21535 .022988 II ΙΟ .19670 .019194 .17824 .015771 .21395 34 .19554 .17729 36 www 35 456 .64715 .215120 .66063 .67065.231277 .6852I .69464 .248390 .71035 7 098 .15992 .012706 .14175 .009989 .12371 .007613 .15915 37 .14114 38 .12324 39 333 .71915 .266522 .73607 .74419.285740 .76242 .76981 .306119 .78944 6 .10577 .005571 .10544 40 .79603.327738 .81717 +I in 4 32 H 5 .08795 .003854 .08772 4I .82289.350684 .84564 .07022 .002459 .07007 42 .85044 .375055 .87492 .05257 .001379 .03499 .000612 .01748 .000152 .05249 43 .87870.400955 .90504 .03496 44 .90772 .428499 .93607 .01747 45 .93754 .457812 .96806 + 00000 + + 46 .96822 .489034 1.00108 oooooo 00000 47 .99980 .522316| 1.03518 48 + .000152 .01745 2 3 .001368 .03488 50 .05233 51 456 78 9 .06978 52 .08726 53 .10478 54 .12234 55 I .01744 .03484.000608 .05224 .06963 .00243I .08703.003801 .10445 .005478 .12189 .007465 .13937 .009766 I3995 56 .15690 .012385 • .15764 57 1.37871 1.015585 1.45601 .17541 58 1.42456 1.087557 1.50866 .19326 59 1.47220 1.165322 1.56386 1.52175 1.249463 1.62181 Y = 0.07 1.17320 1.21144 49|| 1.06588 1.03233 .557825 1.07046 1.06588.595747 1.10697 1.10049 .636285 1.14482 1.13625 .679664 | 1.18410 .726132 I.22490 .775964 1.26734 1.25102 .829467 | 1.31153 56 1.29204 | .886981 | 1.35761 1.33457 .948882 1.40572 IO II 12 .17449 .015330 .19214 .018603 .20988 .022212 .21122 60 13 .22772 .026165 .22929 14 .24565 .030471 .24749 15 .26370 .035140 .26581 16 .28188 .040183 .28430 17 .30020 .045610 .30295 X Y T 18 .31867 .051435 .32178 19 33732.057673 .34080 60 2.27039 2.21597 1.96977 20 .35614 .064337 .36002 59 2.11908 1.95891 1.86852 21 .37515.071446 .37947 58 1.99085 1.74955 1.77798 22 .39437 .079016 .39916 57 1.87926 1.57430 1.69584 23 魚丸 ​24 .41381 .087070 .43348 .095626 .41909 56 | 1.78031 1.42473 1.62054 .43930 55 1.69135 1.29524 1.55096 25 .4534I .104709 .45980 54 1.61049 1.18185 1.48627 26 .47361 .II4345 .48060 53 1.53638 1.53638 1.08165 1.42580 27 .49410 .I24559 .50173 52 1.46794 .99244 1.36902 28 .51489 .135383 .52320 51 I.40439 .91252 1.31552 29 32 33 123 31 .57928 .60149 .53600 .146849 30 .55746 .158990 .56729 49 .171845 .58994 48 1.23705 .185455 .61303 47 1.18757 .62410.199864 .63658 46 .54505 50 1.34506 .84053 1.26492 1.28942 .77537 1.21694 .71616 1.17131 .66215 1.12781 1.14070 .61274 1.08626 48 Y = 0.07 Y = 0.07 X Y T ५ 9- X Y T 45 1.09615 .56741 1.04648 44 1.05372 .5257I 1.00832 43 1.01320 .48725 .97165 42 .97443 .45171 93637 4I .93724 .41882 .90236 40 .90153 .38830 .86952 38 86 33 39 .86716.35996 .83777 37 .83402 .80203 · 33360 .80705 8 .30905 •77726 1 2 3 456 7∞ a I .01744 .000152 .01745 .03483 .000608 .03488 .05222 .001367 .05231 .06959.002428 .06975 .08696 .003796 .08722 .10434 .005470 .10472 .12174 .007453 .12226 .13918 .009748 .13986 9 .15666 | .012360 .15752 ww ww 36 .77110 .28616 .74836 ΙΟ 35 .74116 .26480 34 .71215 .24485 .72028 .69296 12 II .17419 .19178 .018556 .015294 .17526 .19308 .20945 .022151 .21100 33 33 .68395 .22619 .66637 13 32 .65656.20874 .64044 14 31 .62992 .19241 .61515 15 3 2 30 29 28 0 000 .60396 .177118 .59044 16 .57864.162794 .55394 .149377 .56629 17 •54266 18 m4 in o 70 .22721 .026088 .22903 .24506 .030373 .24719 .26301 .035018 .26546 .28110 .040034 .28390 .29931 .045430 .30250 .31767 .051219 .32127 27 .52980.136807 .51952 19 .33620 .057416 .34023 26 .50618 .125032 .49684 20 .35488.064035 .35939 25 .48306 .114005 .47458 21 .37376 .071092 .37877 24 .46041 .103681 .45273 22 .39283.078605 .39837 23 .43820 .094020 .43125 23 .4I2II .086593 .41823 22 .41639 .084986 .41014 24 .43162.095078 .43835 21 .39496 | .076546 .38935 25 .45138.104080 .45876 20 .37390 .068670 .36889 26 .47139 .113626 .47946 19 .35317 .061330 .34871 27 .49168 .123742 .50049 HHH 96 18 17 16 .33276.054498 .32880 28 .51226 .134455 .52186 .31264 .048154 .29280.042276 .30915 29 .53315 .145799 .28975 30 •55436 .54359 .157805 .56570 15 .27321 .036843 .27056 31 14 .25386 .031840 .25158 32 13 .23475 .027250 .23279 33 1 2 3 .57593 .170511 .58822 .59787 .183957 .61117 .62020 .198184 .63457 I2 .21583.023056 .21419 34 II IO .17856 .19710 .019246 .015809 .19574 35 .17745 36 456 .64295 .213240 .65847 .66613 .229175 .68288 .68978 .246045 .70783 987 654 321 .16018 .012734 .15928 .14195 .010008 .14124 38 .12386.007626 .12332 39 3 3 3 78 9 37 .71391 .263907 .73337 .73857 .282829 .75951 .76377.302880 .78631 .10588 .08802 .005579 .10550 40 .78956 .324136 .81381 .003859 .08776 41 .81595 346683 .84203 .07027 .002461 .07010 42 : .84300 .370611 .87104 .05260.001380 .03500 + I .01748 + .05251 43 .000612 .03496 44 .000153 .01747 45 .87072 .396021 .90088 .89917 .423022 .93160 .92839.451733 .96326 + + 46 .95841 | .482286 .99592 O 00000 Oooooo Ooooo 47 .98928 .514825 .514825 1.02965 48 1.02106 .549509 1.06451 49 6 Y = 0.07 Y = 0.08 9- X Y T . X Y T 49 50 5I 55 Он 1.05379 1.08754 .586512 1.10058 .626026 I.13795 1.12234 .668261 1.17670 3 2 2 30 .60811 .178769 .59245 29 .58243 .164235 .56813 28 .55738.150632 .54433 55 55 5 2 34 52 53 54 1.15828 .713449 1.21693 27 .53292 .137898 1.19541 .761847 1.25876 1.23381 .813741 1.30228 25 222 765 .52104 26 .50901 .48562 .114822 .125978 .49821 •47583 58 60 567 ∞ ∞ o 5503 55 1.27353 .869445 1.34763 24 56 1.31467 .929307 I.39494 23 57 1.35729 .993714 1.44436 22 .46272.104384 .45386 .44028 .094623 .43227 .41826 .085501 .41105 59 1.40148 1.063094 | 1.49605 21 1.44733 1.137924 1.55019 20 1.49492 1.218733 .39664 | .076983 .39017 .37539 .069039 .36962 1.60698 19 .35449 .061639 .34936 18 .33393 .054756 .32938 17 .31367.048366 .30966 Y = 0.08 16 .29369.042449 .29019 9- X Y T 13 H H 543 15 .27399 .036984 .27094 14 .25453 .031952 .25191 .23532 .027338 .23307 60 2.44854 2.47491 2.03488 58 57 56 55 No 5 .21631 .023125 59 2.24980 2.13716 1.91887 I I .19750 .019299 2.09255 1.88037 1.81862 IO .17889 .015848 1.96134 1.67428 1.72956 | 12 .21442 .19593 .17761 1.84826 1.74864 1.50334 1.64906 1.35834 1.57545 54 1.65951 1.23333 1.50752 53 52 1.57878 I 50497 I.12419 1.44441 I.02797 1.38545 5I 50 но 1.43696 .94244 1.33010 I.27794 1.37389 .86591 49 1.31509 .79704 98 7 6 5 4 .16044 .012761 .15941 .14216 .010028 .14135 32 .12402 .007639 .12339 .10600 .005587 .10555 .08811 .003864 .08780 .07032 .002463 .07012 .05263 .001381 .05252 .03502 .000612 .03497 .01748 .000153 .01747 + + + Ooooo Oooooo 00000 1.22860+I 48 1.25999 73476 1.18180 47 1.20817 .67819 1.13728 46 I.15924 .62662 1.09483 40 45 I.I1290 .57945 1.05425 44 1.06888 .53619 1.01539 43 1.02695 .49639 42 .98692 4I .94861 .42581 .91188 .97809 123 I .45970 .94224 .39443 .90771 .87442 +36 5 .08688 .10424 38 333 39 286 .87660 ·36534 .84225 .84264 33832 .81114 .80990 .31320 .78101 7∞ a .01745 + .01744 .000152 .03482 .000608 .03487 .05219 .001366 .05230 .06954 .002426 .06973 .003792 .08719 .005462 .10467 .12160 .007441 .12219 .13899 .009730 .13976 37 9 .15641 .012334 .15739 36 35 .77829 .28980 .75179 ΙΟ .17389 .015259 .74773 .26800 .72342 II 34 .71813 .24765 .17510 .19142 .018509 .19290 .69584 12 .20902 .022090 .21079 333 321 33 32 31 .68943 .22865 .66900 .66156 .21090 .64285 .63447 .19430 .61735 15 50 H H 13 14 345 .22670.026010 .22877 .24447 .030275 .24689 .26233 .034897 .26512 Y = 0.08 Y = 0.09 9. X Y T 9- X Y T 16 .28032 .039887 .28351 + + 0 + 17 18 .29843 .04525I .31668 .051006 .30205 59 2.43774 2.40308 1.98477 .32077 58 2.22605 2.05726 1.86850 19 .33509.057164 .33967 57 2.06336 1.80168 1.76934 20 ·35365 .063737 •35876 56 1.92967 1.59956 1.68182 21 .37238 .070744 .37807 55 1.81551 1.43338 1.60302 22 .39131 .078200 .39760 23 .41044 .086125 .41738 24 .42979 .094538 .43742 ir ir i 54 53 432 1.71558 1.29321 1.53110 1.62653 1.17283 1.46482 52 1.54614 1.06802 1.40328 22 25 .44937 26 .46920 .I12920 .103462 .45773 5I 1.47280 .97579 1.34581 .47834 50 1.40535 .89393 1.29186 27 .48929 28 .50967 .122939 .49927 49 .133545 1.34287.82076 1.2410I .52053 48 1.28467 .75496 I.19291 29 30 ·53034 .144770 .55132.156645 .54214 47 1.23020 .69549 1.14727 .56413 46 1.17897 .64151 1.10383 333 1 2 3 31 32 33 .57265.169207 .58652 45 1.13065 .5923I 1.06239 •59432 .182492 .60933 44 1.08488 .54733 1.02276 .61638 | .196544 .63260 43 1.04141 .50607 .98479 mmm 456 34 333 7∞ 35 36 37 38 .63883 .68502 .70881.261365 .73309 .211406 .65634 42 1.00002 .46813 .94833 .66170 .227128 .68058 4I .96050.43316 .91326 .243762 .70536 40 .92268.40086 .87947 .73071 39 .88642.37096 .84687 .280001 .75666 38 .85159 .34324 .81536 39 .75790 .299737 .78325 37 .81805 .31751 .78487 40 .78326.320646 .81052 36 .78572 .29358 .75532 4I .80921 .342809 .83850 35 .75450 .27131 .72664 42 .83577 .366314 .86725 34 .72430 .25055 .69878 43 .86299 .391257 .89682 33 44 .89090 .417741 .92724 45 .91953 .44588I .95859 3I www 32 32 H .69506 23119 .67169 .66669 .21313 .64531 .63914 .19624 .61959 46 .94893 .475801 .99091 30 .61237.180466 .59450 47 .97914 .507638 I.02427 29 .58630 .165714 .56999 48 1.01020 .541543 1.05873 28 .56089 .151918 .54603 49 1.04217 .577681 1.09438 27 ли 5I 50 1.07509 1.10901 .616232 1.13129 26 .657393 1.16955 | 25 765 .53610 .139014 .52258 .51190 .126944 .49961 .48823.115655 .47710 10 10 10 55 5 पूज 52 53 I 1.18011 54 I.14400 .701385 1.20925 24 .748448 1.25049 23 1.21740 .798848 1.29338 22 .46508 .105100 .45500 55 56 57 I.25593 .852879 1.33804 1.29577 .910864 1.38461 20 I.33700 .973161 1.43321 19 21 .44239 .095236 .43330 .42015 .086024 .41198 .39833 .077427 .39100 .37690.069413 ·37036 .35583 .061952 .35002 556 58 1.37968 1.040167 1.48401 18 .335II .055016 .32996 59 60 1.42389 1.112321 1.53718 17 1.46970 1.190111 1.59290 16 76 .31470 .048581 .31017 .29460 | .042625 .29063 15 .27478.037126 .27133 14 .25521 .032066 .25224 13 .23589 .027428 .23336 51 y y = 0.09 = 0.09 987 654 .16070 9- X Y T 12 .21679 .023194 .21466 II ΙΟ .19790 .019351 .19613 .17922 .015887 .17777 .012790 9- X Y T 0 mm m 34 35 36 456 .63480 .209616 .65425 .65738.225131 .67833 .68037 .241538 .70294 .15954 37 .14236 .010047 .12417.007652 .14145 38 78 .70382 .258891 .72811 .72775 .277251 .75387 .12347 39 .75218.296684 .78025 .10611 +I 3 & H 2 .005595 .08819 .003868 .07037 .002466 .05266 .001382 .03503 .000612 .01749 .000153 .10561 40 .77713 .317260 .80730 .08784 41 .80265.339056 .83506 .07015 42 .82876 .362156 .86356 .05254 43 .85549 .386652 .89286 .03497 44 .88287.412643 .92300 .01747 45 .91095 .440239 .95404 + + + 46 .93976 .469558 .98603 O Ooooo Oooooo 00000 47 .96934 .500731 1.01904 1 2 3 456 I .01743 + .000152 .01745 .08681 .10413 .005455 .003787 .08715 53 .10461 54 .03481.000607 .05217 .001365 .06949 .002424 .06970 52 1.13031 .03487 .05228 5I 영웅 ​fo 48 .99972 .533901 1.05313 49 1.03097 .569223 1.08837 50 1.06311 .606867 1.12485 1.09621 .647021 1.16263 .689892 1.20182 1.16546 .735708 I.24251 1.20172 .784717 1.28481 78 9 .12145 .007429 .13880.009713 .15617 .122II 55 13967 9 IO II 12 .012309 .17359 .015224 .19106 .018462 .20859 .022029 HHH 13 .22619.025932 14 .24388 .030179 .24654 15 .26166 ,034779 .26478 HHH 16 .27955 .039741 .28312 ллл དང་ 56 .893440 1.37468 .15727 57 1.31773 .953792 1.42252 .17495 58 1.35902 1.018617| 1.47249 .19271 59 1.40173 1.088323 1.52475 .21057 60 1.44592 1.163360 | 1.57947 .22852 1.23914 .837193 1.32882 1.27779 17 .29756 .045075 .30161 18 .31570 .050795 .32027 19 20 .33399 .056914 .339II .35242 .063443 21 .37103 .070400 22 .38981 .077800 23 .40879 .085663 24 .42798 .094007 25 .44740.102854 26 .46704 .I12227 27 .48695 .122151 28 .50712 .132653 29 .52758.143761 30 .54834 .155509 1 2 3 31 32 33 www .56942 .59085 .167930 .181061 .61263.194942 .35814 Y = 0.10 X Y T .37737 58 2.42326 2.32865 1.93480 .39684 57 2.19876 .41654 56 2.03136 .43649 55 1.89581 1.97583 1.81849 1.72270 1.72059 1.52534 1.63472 1.36438 | 1.55766 1.22932 1.48746 1.11371 1.42283 1.01330 1.36286 .925075 1.30685 .846868 1.25428 .45672 54 1.78106 .47724 53 1.68116 .49807 52 1.59248 .51922 51 1.51262 .54072 50 I.43993 .56259 49 1.37315 .58486 48 1.31137 .777020 1.20472 .60754 47 1.25387 .714251 1.15783 .63066 46 1.20007 .657546 1.11331 52 Y = 0.10 Y = 0.10 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 45 1.14951 .606087 1.07093 I 44 43 1.10182 .559206 1.05666 | .516347 1.03047 2 .99177 3 OHN M .01743 .000152 .01744 .03480.000607 .03486 .05214 .001364 .05227 42 1.01378 .477046 .95466 4I .97295 .440911 .91902 40 .93396 .407608 .88471 456 .06944 .002422 .06968 .08673 .003783 .08711 .10402 .005447 .10456 333 39 38 86 .89665.376850 .85164 .86088 .348387 .81971 8 7∞ .12130 .007417 .12204 · 13861.009695 .13957 37 .82650 .322004 .78884 9 .15593 .012284 .15715 www. 36 .79341 .297513 .75894 IO .17329 .015190 .17480 35 .76149 .274747 .72995 II .19070 .018416 .19253 34 -73067 .253559 .70180 12 .20816 .021969 .21035 333 32 1 33 32 31 .70085 .233820 .67445 13 .22569.025856 .22826 .67196 .215416 .64782 14 .24330 .030083 .24629 .64394.198242 .62188 15 .26099.034660 .26444 322 ه الحماد 30 .61673.182208 .59659 16 .27879 .039596 .28273 29 .59026.167230 .57189 17 .29670 .04490I .30117 28 .56448 .153234 •54776 18 .31473 .050587 .31977 222 27 •53936 .140154 .52415 19 .33290 .056667 .33855 26 .51484 .127928 .50103 20 .35121 .063153 .35752 24 .46747 25 .49089 .116503 .105828 .47838 21 .36969 .070061 -37669 .45616 22 .38834 .077406 .39608 23 .44454 .095858 .43435 23- .40717 .085208 .41570 22 .42208.086553 .41292 24 .42620.093484 •43558 21 .40005 .077875 .39184 25 20 .37843.069790 .37110 19 .35719 .062268 222 .44545 .102256 .45572 26 .46492 .III545 .47614 .35068 27 .48464 .121376 .49687 H H 876 H 18 .33630 .055279 •33054 17 .31575 16 .048799 .31069 29 .2955I .042803 .29108 30 28 .50461 .131776 .51793 .52487 .142772 .53932 .54541.154396 .56108 15 14 13 543 .27557 .037270 .27172 31 .25589.032181 .032181..25258 32 .23647 .027518 .23364 33 333 1 2 3 .56626 .166680 .58322 .58744.179660 .60577 .60897 .193376 .62875 9876 in t .010067 .10623.005603 .003873 4 .002468 I2 .21728 .023264 .21490 ΙΟ II .19831 .019404 .19633 .17955 .015926 .17793 36 16097 .012818 .15967 .14257 .12433.007665 5 .08827 .07042 333 34 .63086 .207868 .65219 35 ал .65314 .223183 .67612 .67583 .239370 .70057 .14155 38 ww 78 37 .69896 .256482 .72556 .72254 .274577 .75113 .12355 39 .74660 293718 .77732 .10567 40 .77117 .313973 .80415 .08788 4I .79627 .335417 .83168 .07017 42 .82194 .358129 .85994 +I 32 H .05269.001383 .05255 43 .84820 .382198 .88898 .03504 .000613 .03498 44 .87510.407719 .91885 .01749 .000153 .01747 45 .90265 .434796 .94960 + + + 46 .93089 .463544 .98128 00000 Oooooo OOOOO 47 48 .00 .95987 .494086 1.01395 .98962 .526557 .526557 1.04768 53 Y = 0.10 = 0.11 γ Y = X Y T 9- X Y T 49 50 5I 1.02018 .561106 1.08254 27 1.05160 .597895 1.08391 .54268 .141327 .52575 1.11860 26 .637102 1.15593 25 .51784 .128940 .50248 .49360.117373 .47969 53 54 52 1.11717 .678923 | 1.19464 24 1.15143 .72357I 1.23481 23 1.18672.771281 | 1.27654 .46991 | .106575 .45734 .44673.096497 .4354I 22 .42404 .087096 .41387 55 56 57 567 1.29941 1.22312 .822311 1.31994 1.26066 .876946 | 1.36514 20 .935498 1.41226 19 21 .40180 .078334 ·39269 · 37998 .070177 .37186 .35856 .062591 .35135 58 1.33942 .998312 1.46145 59 1.38075 1.065767 1.51286 60 1.42345 1.138282 1.56665 | 928 H H 18 .3375I .055547 •33114 17 16 .31682 .049020 .31121 .29644 .042983 .29154 Y = 0.II γ HHH 15 27637 .037416 .27211 14 .25658 .032297 .25292 13 .23706 .027609 .23393 12 .21777 .023335 .21514 X Y T II .19872 .019457 .19653 ΙΟ .17989 .015965 .17809 765 57 56 0 2.40402 2.25049 2.16753| 1.89271 55 1.99642 1.88501 1.76874 1.64352 | 1.67229 98 7 .16124 .012845 .15980 .14278 .010086 .14165 .12449 .007678 .12363 лыы 53 52 5I 54 1.85974 1.45177 1.58819 6 1.74491 1.29650 1.51294 5 1.64542 1.16679 1.44448 4 1.55739 1.05607 1.38151 .10635 .005611 .10573 .08835.003878 .08792 50 1.47829 .96008 1.32310 49|| 1.40639 .87587 1.26855 +1 32 H .07047 .002470 .07020 .05271 .001384 .05256 .03505 .000613 .03499 .01749 .000153 .01748 48 I.34042 .80128 1.21734 47 I.27944 .7347I 1.16905 46 1.22271 .67491 I.12334 45 1.16965 .62091 1.07992 44 1.11981 .57192 1.03857 43 1.07279 .52730 .99907 1 2 3 I 42 1.02827 .4865I .96127 40 41 .98601 .94576 .44910 .92501 .41471 .89015 456 .01743 .000152 03478.000607 .05211 .001363 .06939 .002418 .08666 .003779 .10391 .005440 .10451 + + + Ooooo oooooo OOOOO + .01744 .03485 .05225 .06965 .08707 86 333 39 38 .90733 .38304 37 .83528 .87055 .35377 .32669 76 .85658 .12116 .007405 .82420 8 .13842 .009677 .79293 9 .15569 .012259 .12197 .13948 .15703 33 3 35 34 36 .80137 .76873 .73724 .30160 .76267 ΙΟ .17300 .015156 .17465 • 27832 .25668 .73335 II .19034 .018370 .19235 .70490 12 .20774 .021910 .21014 www www 33 32 31 -70682 .23654 .67739 .64887 .67727 13 .22519 .025780 .22801 322 30 .62120 .21779 .20030 .184005 .65039 14 .24272 .029988 .24600 .62422 15 .26033 .034543 .26411 .59872|| 16 29 28 .5943I .56815 .168790 .57383 .154589 .54952 67∞ H H .27804 .039453 .28234 17 .29585 .044728 .30073 18 .31377 .050381 .31928 54 Y = 0.II Y = 0.12 9. X Y T 9- X Y T 19 .33182 .056423 ·33800 56 2.37888 2.16734 1.83487 20 .35002 .062866 •35691 55 2.13210 1.80775 1.71917 21 .36836 .069726 .37601 23 222 234 22 .38688 | .077018 .39533 .40556.084760 24 .42444 .092970 .41488 .43467 +32 in in in 54 1.95854 1.56419 1.62444 53 1.82153 1.37892 1.54224 52 1.70717 1.22979 1.46886 51 222 25 .44353 .101668 .45473 50 но 1.60846 1.10564 1.40218 1.52134 .99992 1.34088 26 .46283 .110875 .47506 49 1.44320.90839 1.28401 27 .48237 .120616 .49570 48 1.37225 .82817 1.23090 223 28 .50215 .130916 .51665 47 1.30720 .75716 1.18103 29 .52220 .141803 .53793 46 1.24710 .69382 1.13398 30 .54253 .153305 .55958 45 1.19122 .63693 1.08942 ♡ ♡ m 3I .56315.165456 .58160 44 1.13897 .58557 1.04708 32 .58410 .178290 .60402 43 1.08989 .53899 1.00672 33 .60537 .191845 .62687 42 1.04359 .49655 .96817 www 34 35 36 456 .62700 .206161 .65017 4I .99976 .45777 .93124 .64900 .221282 .67394 40 .95814 .42221 .89579 .67139 | .237256 .69823 W w 37 38 7∞ .69420 .254135 .72305 .71744 .271974 .74844 ww w 39 .91850 | .38953 .86170 38 .88064 .3594I .82885 37 .84440 .33160 .79715 39 .74115 .290835 .77443 36 .80963 .30587 .76651 40 .76535 .310781 .80106 35 .77622 .28203 -73684 4I .79006 •331886 .82837 34 .74403 .25991 .70808 42 .81530.354226 .85640 33 43 .84112 .377886 .88520 32 44 .86754.402958 .91480 3I 32H .71298 .23935 .68016 .68298 .22023 .65303 .65394 .20243 .62662 45 .89459 .429541 •94526 30 .62579 .185852 .60090 46 .92230 .457744 .97664 29 .59847 .170393 .57581 47 .95071 .487685 | 1.00899 28 .57192 .155976 •55131 48 .97985 .519494 1.04237 27 49 5. In in in 5I 1.00977 50 I.04049 .589292 1.11252 25 .49636 1.07207 .627606 I.14943 .5533II 1.07686 26 76 .54608 .142525 .52737 .52091 .129973 .50395 .118261 .48102 24 .47239 .107335 .45854 52 53 I.13796 1.10455 .668438 1.18768 23 .711989 1.22735 22 .44896 .097145 .43648 .42603.087647 .41483 54 1.17236.758483 1.26854 21 .40358.078800 .39355 56 555 55 56 57 I.20779 .808164 I.24430 .861298 1.28194 .918179 1.31137 20 I.35594 19 1.40239 18 .38156 .070569 .37263 .35996 .062919 .35203 • 33875 .055820 .33174 58 1.32076| .979130 1.45084 17 59 1.36082 1.044507 1.50145 16 96 .31790 .049244 .31173 60 1.40216 1.114701 1.55438 15 14 13 int m .29738 .043166 .27718.037563 .2725I .29200 .25727 .23765 .032414 .027701 .25326 .23422 12 .21827 .023406 .21539 II .19917 .019511 .19673 IO .18022 .016005 .17826 55 Y = 0.12 Y = 0.13 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 987 654 .16151 .012874 .15993 .14299 .010106 14176 .12465 .007691 .12371 m m m 37 .68955 .251848 .72059 38 .71248 .269440 .74580 39 .73584 .288029 .77161 .10647 .005619 .10579 40 .75968 .307679 .79804 .08843 .00388 2 .08796 4I .78400 .328458 .82514 .07052 .002473 .07022 42 .80885 .350442 .85294 +I 32 1 123 .05274 .001385 .05258 43 .83424 .373710 .88150 .03507 .000613 .03499 44 .86020 .398351 .91084 .01750 .000153 .01748 45 .88677 .424461 .94104 + + + 46 .91397 .452144 .97212 OOOOO Oooooo ୦୦୦୦୦ 47 .94184 .481513 1.00416 48 .97040 .512692 1.03722 + .01742 .000152 .01744 49 .99970 .545816 1.07135 .03477 .000606 .03485 .05208 .001361 .05224 ли 50 1.02978 .581032 1.10663 51 1.06066 .618502 1.14313 456 789 .06935 .08658 .002417 .06963 52 1.09239 .003774 .08703 53 .10380.005432 .10445 54 .658401 1.18094 .I2IOI .007394 .13823 .009660 .15546 .12190 .012234 13938 .15691 56 In in i 567 55 57 1.12501 1.15857 .746275 1.26082 I.19310 .794691 1.30310 1.22864 .846423 1.34708 1.26526 .901747 .700922 1.22014 1.39288 ΙΟ .17271 .015121 .17450 58 II .18999 .018325 .19217 59 6∞ 1.30298 .960968 1.44064 1.34185 1.024421 I.49050 12 .20732 .021851 .20993 60 1.38193 1.092474 1.54262 13 .22470 .025705 14 .24215 .029894 .22777 .24571 15 .25967 .034427 .26377 16 .27729 .03931I .28196 H H 17 .29500 .044558 .30030 18 .31282 .051178 .31879 Y = 0.13 19 .33076 .056182 -33745 ❤ X Y T 20 .34884 .062583 35630 21 .36706 .069396 22 .38543 .076635 .39459 23 .40398 .084318 .41406 24 .42271.092463 .43377 5 in .37534 55 2.34664 2.07817 1.78424 54 2.09231 1.72105 1.66973 53 1.91777 1.48495 1.57699 52 1.78130 1.30698 1.49683 56 2 2 27 25 .44164 26 .46077 .48013.119869 .101089 .45375 .110216 .47400 55 51 50 1.66795 | 1.16439| 1.42538 1.57040 1.04600 1.36052 .49454 49 1.48445 .94533 1.30088 28 .49973 .130072 29 .51958 .140851 30 .53970.152236 3I .56011 .164257 www ww. 32 .58082 .176949 33 60185.190347 .51539 48 1.40745 .53657 47 I.33759 .55810 46 1.27358 .58000 45 1.21445 .60230 44 I.15948 .85826 1.24556 .78200 1.19387 .71452 I.14530 .65434 1.09946 .60030 1.05604 .62502 43 1.10809 .55152 1.01474 456 .62322.204492 .64817 42 1.05981 .50727 .97537 .64494 .219426 .66705 .235194 .67180 41 1.01426 .46697 .93773 .69593 40 0.97114 .43013 .90165 56 Y = 0.13 Y = 0.13 X Y T Ф X Y T www 98 76 333 39 38 37 36 35 .93019.39636 .86700 .89117 .85391 .36533 .83365 78 .12087 .007382 .12182 .13804 .009642 .13928 .33673 .80150 9 .15522 .012209 .15679 .81821 .31032 .77046 ΙΟ .17242 .015088 .17436 .78398.28589 .74043 II .18964 .018280 .19199 34 .75106.26326 WWW 33 .71934 .24226 32 .68874 .22276 31 .65915 .20462 .71134 12 .68312 13 .65572 14 .24158 .62907 15 .20690 .021792 .2097I .22421 .025630 .2275I .029801 .24542 .25902 .034312 .26344 NO N W 30 .63050.187754 .60312 16 .27655 .039171 .28158 29 28 .60273 .172040 .57577 .157400 .57783 17 .29417 .044389 .29987 .55314 18 .31188 .049977 .31831 NNN 27 26 25 .54956.143753 .52405 131030 .49918.119169 .52902 19 .3297I .055944 ·33691 • .50544 20 .34767.062304 •35570 .48236 21 .36576 .069070 .37467 24 .47492 .1081II .45975 22 .38401 .076258 .39385 23 .45123 .097806 .43757 23 .40242 .083883 .41325 22 .42806 .088208 .41580 24 .42100 .091964 .43289 21 .40538 .079274 .39443 25 20 .38316 .070968 .37340 19 826 HH 18 .34000 .31899 17 16 .36138.063252 .35272 27 .056096 .33234 28 .049471 .31226 29 .29833 .043350 .29246 30 56 222 .43977 .100518 .45278 26 .45874.109568 .47294 .47793 .I19134 .49339 .49734 .129242 .51414 .51700 .139917 .53522 .53692.151186 .55664 H 15 14 .25797 .032532 .27800 .037712 .27291 31 .25361 32 13 333 123 .557II .163082 .57843 .57759 .175635 .60061 .23824 .027794 .2345I 33 .59838 .188882 .62319 12 .21877 .023478 .21563 II .19955 .019566 .19694 ΙΟ .18056 .016045 .17842 W W W 456 34 .61950 .202861 .64622 35 .64096 .217613 .66970 36 .66279.233182 .69368 .16178 .14320 .001386 .03508.000614 96 7 654 321 .010126 .14186 .12481 .007704 .12378 39 .10658 .005627 .10584 40 .08851.003887 .08800 4I .07058 .05277 +I .01750 + .012903 .16007 37 www 38 7∞ a .68500 249618 .71817 .70761 .266971 .74321 73065 .285299 .76883 .75414.304663 .79507 .77810 .325129 .82197 .002475 .07025 42 .80256 .346769 .84956 .05259 43 .82754.369661 .87788 .000153 .03500 44 .01748 45 • 85307.393890 .90698 .87917 .419547 .93691 + + 46 .90589.446733 .96772 00000 Ooooo 47 48 I .01742 2 oooooo + .03476.000606 .93324 .475557 .99946 .96125 .506137 1.03219 .000152 .01744 49 .98997 .538603 1.06598 .03484 50 1.01943 •573094 1.10089 .05223 51| 1.04965 | .609765 1.13701 4 .06930 .002415 .06961 52 1.08068 .648783 I.17439 .08651 .003770 .08700 53 1.11256 .690331 .10370 .005425 .10440 54 1.14532 .734609 1.25334 3 .05206 .001361 +36 1.21314 57 7 γ Y = 0.14 = 0.13 9- X Y T ५ 9- X Y T 0 55 56 57 567 1.17900 .781837 1.21364.832254 1.24929 .886123 1.29510 .832254 1.33852 17 .886123 18 .34126.056376 .33295 .32009 .049700 .31280 1.38371 16 .29929 .043537 .29293 58 1.28598 .943732 1.43082 15 .27883 .037862 .27332 59 1.32376 1.005397 1.47997 14 25868.032652 .25395 60 || 1.36267|1.071464 1.53132 13 .23884 .027888 .23480 I2 .21927 .023550 .21588 II .19996 .019621 .19714 γ = 0.14 ΙΟ .18090 .016086 .17859 9. X Y T 987 .16205 .012932 .16020 .14341 .010146 .14197 .12497 .007717 .12386 0 555 54 2.30632 1.98239 1.73297 6 .10670 .005635 .10590 53 52 2.04816 1.63293 1.87425 1.40607 1.62037 5 .08859.003892 .08804 1.52992 4 .07062 .002478 .07027 51 A+ A AU 50 но 1.73918 1.23615 1.62737 1.10043 49 1.53132 .98792 1.45195 1.38250 1.31946 +1 321 .05280 .001387 .05261 .03509 .000614 .03501 .01750 .000153 .01748 + + + 48 1.44679 .89233 1.26149 47 1.37III .80971 I 1.20770 O 00000 oooooo Ooooo 46 1.30247 -73736 1.15741 + 43 +++ 45 1.23959 .67336 44 1.18152 .61627 I IIOIK 1.06551 1.12752 .56502 1.02319 42 1.07703 .51874 .98292 4I 1.02959 .47676 .94450 40 .98483.43853 .90775 1 2 3 456 I .01742 .000152 .03475 .000606 .01744 .03484 .05203 .001360 .05222 .06925 .002413 .06958 .08643 .003766 .08696 .10358 .005417 .10434 www 39 38 86 .94245 .40358 .87250 .90218 .37155 .83862 78 .12072 .007370 .12175 .13787 .009625 .13919 37 .80600 .86381 .34210 9 .15499 .012185 .15667 www 36 .82714 .31496 .77453 ΙΟ .17213 .015054 .17421 35 .79203 .28991 .74412 II .18929 .018235 .19181 34 .75833 .26674 .71469 12 .20649 .021734 .20950 333 .72591 33 .24528 .68616 13 .22372 .025556 .22726 32 31 2 1 .69467 .22538 .65848 14 .24102 .029708 .24513 .66451 .20689 .63157 15 .25838.034198 .26311 32 2 30 .63535 .189715 .60538 16 .27581 .039032 .28120 29 .607II .173734 .57988 17 28 .57972 .158861 .55500 18 78 .29334 .044222 .29944 .31095 .049778 .31783 27 .55312 .145012 .53071 19 26 222 .52725 .132113 25 .50206 .I20097 .48373 24 23 22 .47750 .108904 .45354 .09848I 2I .40722 20 19 21 .079757 .3953I 25 .38479 .071373 .37418 26 .36282.063590 .3534I 27 .50696 20 .32867 055709 .34651 .062028 .36449.068749 • .33637 .35510 .3740I .46098 22 .38260.075886 .39312 .43868 23 .40087.083454 .41245 .43012.088780 .41679 24 .41931 .091472 .43201 .43793 .099958 .45182 .45674.108931 .47190 .47576.118413 .49225 58 Y = 0.14 Y = 0.15 9- X Y T Ф X Y T 223 28 .49499 .128427 29 .51446 .139000 .51291 45 •53389 44 1.20531 1.26697 .69430 1.12157 .63368 1.07558 333 1 2 3 30 31 32 33 .53418.150158 .55520 43 1.14836 .57963 1.03212 .55416.161930 .57688 42 1.09539 .53107 .99087 .57443 .174349 .59893 4I 1.04585.48723 .95160 .59499 .187449 .62139 40 .99928.44746 .91412 333 456 34 35 .61586.201266 .64428 39 .95534 .41122 .87822 36 37 38 .63707 .65862 .215841 .66763 38 .91371 .37810 .84378 .231218 .69145 37 .87414 .34774 .81066 78 .68055 .247442 .71579 36 .83643 .31982 .77874 .70286.264565 .74066 35 39 .72558 .282641 .76611 34 54 .80038 .294II .74793 .76585 .27037 .71814 40 .74873 .301729 .79216 4I .77234.321893 .81886 42 .79643 .343203 .84623 31 333 33 32 3 2 .73269.24842 .68929 .70078 .22809 .66131 .6700320923 .63413 43 .82101 365734 .87433 30 .64032 .191738 .60770 44 .84612.389568 .90319 45 .87179 .414793 .93287 2 2 29 .61160 28 86 .175479 .58198 .58376.160365 .55690 46 .89803 .441504 .96341 27 55675.146306 .53242 47 .92489 .469807 .99486 26 .53051 .133222 .50851 48 .95238 .499816 1.02729 25 .50499 .121046 .48512 49 .98055 .531655 1.06075 24 .48013 .109714 .46223 50 1.00941 .565458 1.09531 23 .45588 .099169 .43980 53 54 5I 1.03901 .601371 52 1.06938 .639555 1.10055 .680185 1.13256 .723452 1.13105 22 .43221 .089363 .41779 1.16803 2I .40908.080249 .39620 1.20635 20 .38644 .071785 .37497 1.24609 19 .36427.063933 .354II ллы 55 56 57 567 1.16545 .769562 1.28735 I.19924 .818746 18 .34254 .056659 •33357 1.23399 1.33023 17 .871253 1.37485 .32121 .049933 .31334 16 .30026 .043726 .29340 58 1.26973 .927355 1.42134 15 59 1.30648 1.30648 .987352 | 1.46982 14 60 1.34430 1.051571 1.52045 13 W Ai .27967.038014 .27372 .25940 .032773 .25430 .23945 .027983 .23510 12 II H ΙΟ 210 .21978 .023623 .21613 .20038 .019676 .19735 .18124 .016126 .16232 .012961 .16034 .14362 .010166 .14207 .17875 Y = 0.15 9- X Y T ir ir 53 2.25742 1.88017 I.54391 1.57118 52 1.99983 1.68106 9∞ 76n+ 8 .12513 .007730 .I2394 6 .10681 .005643 .10596 5 .08867 | .003896 .08808 4 .07067 .002480 .07030 49 5I 1.82819 1.32791 1.48331 50 1.69536 1.16667 | 1.40764 1.58558 1.03806 1.34024 +I 321 .05283 .001388 .05262 .035II .01751 .000153 .000614 .03502 .01749 + + + 48 1.49136 .9315I I.27905 47 1.40847 .84102 46 I.33427 .76281 1.22275 O I.17047 Ooooo Oooooo Ooooo 59 Y = 0.15 Y = 0.15 9- X Y T 4 X Y T 0 .000152 123 .01741 .03474.000605 .05200 .001359 .06920 .002412 .08636 .003762 .10349 .005410 .12059 .007358 .13767.009608 .15475 .012160 .01744 49 .03483 50 .05220 51 .06956 52 .08692 53 .I0429 54 .12168 55 .13910 56 56 .97143 .524947 1.05566 .99973 .558094 1.08989 1.02874 .593287 1.12526 1.05848.630680 1.16186 1.08898 .670440 I.19977 1.12028 .712750 1.23907 I.15242 .757808 1.27985 1.18542 .805832 1.32223 .15655 57 1.21932 .857060 1.36630 456 78 9 IO II 12 .17184 .015021 .18895 .018191 .20608 .021676 .17406 58 1.25415 .911751 1.41220 .19164 59 .20929 60 1.28996 .970188 1.46005 1.32676 1.032683 | 1.50999 13 .22324 .025483 .22701 HH 14 .24046 .029616 .24484 H H 7∞ 15 16 17 18 .25774.034085 .26278 .27509.038895 .28083 γ Y = 0.16 .29252 .044057 .29902 .31003 .049581 .31735 19 .32764.055476 X Y -33584 T 20 .34537 .061755 .3545I 21 .36322.068431 .37336 52 2.20019 1.77260 1.77260 1.62859 22 .38121 .075518 .39240 51 1.94773 1.45469 1.52223 23 .39935 .083032 24 .41765.090988 .41166 50 .43115 49 1.77989 1.25088 1.43719 1.65007 1.09878 1.36392 222 567 25 26 27 .43612.099405 .45088 48 1.54278 .97743 1.29862 .45477 .108303 .47087 47 1.45067 .87687 1.23927 .47362 .117703 .49113 46 1.36962 .79142 1.18463 223 28 .49268 .127627 .51170 45 1.29703 .71754 1.13385 29 .51197 .138100 .53258 44 1.23118 .65280 1.08632 30 .53149 .149148 .55379 43 1.17082 .5955I 1.04157 333 31 .55128 .160801 .57535 42 1.11504 •54438 .99925 32 33 2 3 •57133 .173088 .59729 4I 1.06314 .49845 .95906 .59166.186045 .61963 40 1.01458 .45697 .92078 333 34 .61230.199705 .64239 39 .96893 .41933 .88419 35 36 .63325 .65455 .214109 .66560 38 .92582 .38503 .84914 .229298 .68928 37 .88496 .35367 .81548 W W W) 37 .67619 .245318 .71346 36 .84612 .32492 .78309 38 39 .69822 .262218 .73817 .72063 .280050 .76345 54 33 35 .80907 .29850 .75186 34 .77366 .27415 -72169 40 • 74346 .298871 .78932 4I .76673 .318745 .81582 32 42 .79045 .339737 .84299 www 33 .7397I .25168 .69249 .70710 .23090 .66421 3 I .67571 .21166 .63676 43 45 .81466 .361920 .87087 44 .83937 385373 .89950 .86461 410182 .92893 32 2 30 .64544 .193826 .61007 29 .61620 .177278 .58412 28 .58790 .161911 .55883 46 .89041 .436439 47 48 78 .91680.464244 .94379 .493707 .9592I 27 26 .99038 1.02251 25 .50798 .56047 .147632 .53416 .53385 .134358 .51008 .122017 .48653 60 Y = 0.16 Y = 0.16 9- X Y T 4 X Y T 1 0 24 23 22 .45827.099872 .43434 .089958 21 .41097 .080750 20 .38811.072204 19 .36574.064281 56 222 .48281 .II0541 .46350 2,2 .37984 .075156 .39169 .44093 23 .39784 .082615 .41087 .41881 24 .41600 .090511 .43029 26 .39710 25 .37578 .3548I 27 .43433 .098862 .44994 .45283.107686 .46985 .47151 .117005 .49003 HHH 96 17 18 .34383 .056947 .32234 .050169 .33419 28 .4904I .126840 .51050 .31388 29 .5095I .137215 .53128 16 .30124 .043918 .29387 30 .52885.148157 .55239 15 .28051 .038168 .27413 3I H .54844 .159693 -57385 14 .26012 .032895 .25465 13 .24006 .028078 .23539 33 32 .56828 .171853 .59567 33 .58839 184670 .61789 I 2 .22029 .023696 .21638 34 II .019731 987 6 in 4 .14384 .20081 ΙΟ .18159 .016167 .16260 .012990 .16047 37 .010186 .14218 .19756 35 .17892 36 456 .60880 .198178 .64052 .62952 .212416 .66359 .65055 .227423 .68713 .12529 .007744 .12402 39 www 38 7∞ .67193 .243245 .71116 .69367 .259928 .73572 .71579 .277525 .76082 .10693 .005652 .10602 40 .73831 .296089 .78652 5 .08875 .003901 .08812 4I 76125 • 315682 .81283 .07073 .002482 .07033 42 .78463 .336368 .83980 3 .05286 .001389 .05263 43 .80847 358217 .86747 2 +I .03512 .000614 .01751 .000153 .03502 44 .83280 .381306 .89588 .01749 45 .85763.405716 .92507 + Ooooo + + 46 .88301 .431537 .95510 Oooooo + Ooooo 47 48 .90894 .458866 .98600 .93545 .487808 1.01785 - I .03473 .01741 .000152 .000605 .01743 49 .03482 50 .05198 .001358 .05219 51 .96259 .518477 1.05069 .99036 .550998 1.08459 1.01880.585506 | 1.11962 1 2 3 456 7∞ .06916 .002409 .06954 52 I.04794 .622148 1.15585 .08629 .003757 .08688 53 1.07782 .661084 1.19336 .10338 .005403 .10424 54 1.10845 .702489 .702489 1.23224 • 12044 .007347 .12161 55 1.13987 1.13987 .746553 .746553 1.27257 8 .13749 .009591 .13901 56 1.17212 .793483 1.31446 9 .15452 .012136 .15644 57 1.20523 .843506 1.35801 ΙΟ II .17156 .014987 .18860 .018146 I2 .20567 .021619 .17392 58 1.23922 .896870 I.40335 .19146 59 1.27412 .953845 1.45060 .20908 60 1.30998 1.014728 1.49989 13 HHH 345 .22276 .025410 .22677 14 15 .23991 .029525 .24456 .25710 .033973 .26246 16 .27436 .038759 HH Hol 6780 17 .29170.043894 18 .30911 .049386 .28046 .29860 .31688 19 .32662 .055246 .3353I 20 .34424 .061486 .35392 .36197 .068118 .37271 21 61 Y = 0.17 Y = 0.17 9- X Y T . X Y T 5I 2.13564 1.66158 1.57577 50 1.89240 1.36603 1.47358 49 1.72971 1.17536 1.39159+ 32 H .05288 .001390 .05265 .03513 .000615 .03503 .01751 .000153 .01749 48 1.60356 1.03268 + + + 1.32079 47 1.49914 .91866 1.25760 O OOOOO Oooooo Ooooo 46 1.40939.82405 1,200II + 45 1.33034 -74358 I.14712 44 1.25950 .67394 1.09782 43 1.19518 .61288 1.05163 42 1.13618 .55880 1.00811 4I 1.08162 .51053 .96690 40 1.03083.46714 .92775 123 456 .01741 .03472 .000152 .01743 .000605 .03482 .05195 .001357 .05218 .06911 .002406 .06952 .08621 .003752 .08685 .10328 .005395 .10419 W W W 38 9∞ 765 333 39 .98329 .42795 .89042 .93856 .39236 .85471 .12031 78 .007335 .12154 .13731 .009574 .13891 37 .89630 .35992 .82048 9 .15429 .012112 .15632 32 31 32H 36 35 34 33 .85624 33028 .81813 .30309 .78177 27809 .74698.25506 .71363 | .23381 .78759 IO .17127 .014954 .17377 •75591 II .18826 .018102 .19129 .72534 I 2 .20526 .021562 .20887 .69579 13 .66718 14 .68157 .21417 .63944 15 345 .22229 .025338 .22652 .23936 .029435 .24428 .25647 03386 2 .26213 322 30 29 28 00∞ .65071.195981 .61250 16 .27364 .038624 .28009 .62093.179130 .58631 17 .59215.163500 .56080 18 7∞ .29089 043732 .29818 .30821 .049193 .31641 26 AOM 27 .56428 .148994 25 .53727 .135523 .51104. .123011 •53594 51167 20 19 .32561 .055019 -33479 .34312 .061220 .35334 .48797 21 .36074.067808 .37206 2.3 22222222 24 .48554.111386 .46479 2,2, .37848.074798 .39098 .46072.100590 .44208 23 .39636.082204 .41010 .43651.090564 .41984 24 .41438 .090041 .42944 2I .41289 .081259 .39801 25 .43256.098326 .44901 20 .38981 .072629 .37659 26 .45091 .107078 .46884 19 .36724 | .064634 .35553 27 .46944 .116318 .48893 18 .34514.057238 .33482 28 .48817 .126066 .50931 17 16 96 .32348 .30224 .050407 .044112 .31443 29 .50710.136347 .53000 .29435 30 .52625 .147184 .55IOI 15 H H 14 13 543 .28137 .038324 .27454 .26085 .033019 .25500 .24067 .028175 .23569 33 www 31 32 123 .54564.158606 .57236 .56528.170642 .59407 .58518 .183323 .61617 12 .22081 .023770 II .20123 .019788 .21663 34 .19777 35 .62584 .60537 .196683 .63868 .210759 .66162 IO .18193 .016208 .17909 36 .64663 225591 .68502 987 .010206 .16287 .013019 .16061 .I4405 .14228 .12545 .007757 .12410 78 3 3 3 37 .66776 .241220 .70890 38 .68922 257694 •73330 39 .71106 .275062 .75825 6 .10704 .005660 .10608 40 .73327 .293378 .78377 54 .08883 .003906 .08816 4I .75589 .312700 .80990 .07078.002485 .07035 42 .77894 333091 .83668 62 Y = 0.17 Y = 0.18 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 43 .80243 .354618 .86414 27 .56819 .150393 .53775 44 .82639 .377356 .89233 26 .54077 .136718 .51330 45 .85083 .401384 .92130 25 .51417 .124028 .48943 46 .87579 .426787 .95108 24 .48833 .112251 .46609 47 .90129 .453660 .98172 23 .46320 .101322 .44325 48 .92735 .482104 1.01329 22 .43872.091182 .42088 49 .95400 .512229 ཕུཔ པ་་ ་ HO 50 51 .98127.544154 1.00917 .578010 1.04584 1.07943 1.11413 19 21 .41485 .081777 .39894 20 .39154 .073061 .37741 .36876.064992 .35626 56 1.15931 .781655 57 1.03774 .613937 1.06702 .652090 1.18714 1.09701 | .692636 | 1.22561 18 17 16 55 1.12777 .735758 1.26551 15 1.19166.830542 I.15001 .34647.057533 ·33546 76 H .32464 .050649 .31499 .30324 .044308 .29483 1.30693 14 I.34999 13 543 .28223.038482 .27496 .26158 .033144 .25536 .24129 .028272 .23599 58 1.22485.882656 1.39479 12 .22133 .023845 .21688 59 1.25892 .938257 1.44146 II .20166 .019844 .19798 60 I 29388 .997630 I 49014 ΙΟ .18228 .016250 .17926 γ 0.18 ❤ X Y T 987 6534 .16315 .013049 .16074 .14427 .010227 .14239 .12561 .007771 .12419 .10716 .005669 .10613 .08891 .003911 .08820 .07083 .002487 .07038 0 49 50 2.06533 I.54956 1.83445 1.52292 3 2 .05291 .001391 .05266 .03514 .000615 .03504 1.27881 1.42538 +1 .01751 .000153 .01749 48 1.67800 1.10181 1.34657 + + + 47 1.55606 .96864 | 1.27830 О .00000 .000000 .00000 46 1.45483 .86191 1.21724 + 45 1.36765 .77315 1.16160 44 1.29074 43 1.22173 .63204 .69755 I. 11023 1.06239 2 3 42 1.15901 •57455 1.01751 4I I.10143 .52360 .97518 40 1.04814 .47807 •93508 333 900 7 to in 39 38 37 36 www) 35 456 789 .99850 .43714 .89693 .95199 .40014 .86052 .01740 .000152 .01743 .03470 .000604 .03481 .05192 .001356 .05216 .06906 .002405 .06949 .08614 .003749 .08681 .10317 .005388 .10413 .12016 .007324 .12146 .13712 .009557 .13882 .012088 .15620 .90821 .36653 .82568 9 .15406 .86683 .33591 .79224 IO .17099 .014921 .17363 -30789 I .82757 34 .79020 .28221 I 2 33 .75452 .25859 32 .72038 31 .68763 .76009 II 18792 .018058 .19111 .72910 .20486 .021506 .69918 13 .23684 .67023 14 .21676 .20866 .22182 .025266 .22628 .23881 | .029345 .24400 322 30 .65614.198209 .61498 16 .64219 15 .25584 .033752 .27293 .26181 29 28 I .59651 | .165136 .62580 181040 .58854 17 .56281 18 70 .038491 .29009 .043572 .29777 .27972 .3073I .049003 .31595 63 Y = 0.18 y = 0.19 X 9- Y T X Y T 19 .32461 .054794 .33428 49 1.99111 1.43884 1.47035 20 .3420I 21 .060957 .35952.067503 .35277 48 1.77459 1.19374 1.37775 .37143 47 1.62516 1.03053 1.30220 23 2222222222 .37714 .074445 .39028 46 1.50785.90683 1.23648 .39489 .081798 .40933 24 .41278 .089577 .42860 45 1.41005 .80725 I.17754 44 I.32559 .72422 1.12372 56 222 2 3 333 30 3I 32 33 123 25 26 43082 097798 .44902.106480 27 .46740 .115643 28 .48596 | .125306 29 .50472 .135494 .52369.146230 .54289 157541 .61448 .58203 .182004 .44810 43 1.25093 .65335 1.07396 .46784 42 .48785 4I 1.18384 .59185 1.02754 1.12277 .53780 .98395 .50814 40 1.06665 .48986 .94279 .52874 •54964 www 39 1.01466 .44698 .90376 38 .96619 .40841 .86659 -57089 37 .92074 .37353 .83109 .56233 .169455 .59249 333 456 333 78 9 .70642 .272661 34 35 36 .64280 37 38 39 .223799 .68294 .66367|| .239242 .70668 .68487 .255514 .73093 .60200 .195220 .63687 34 .62225 .209139 .65968 333 36 .87792 .34184 .79707 35 .83742.31293 .76442 .79897 .28650 -73298 W W W 33 .76235 | .26227 .70267 32 .72737 .23999 .67337 31 .69388 .21945 .64501 .75572 40 .72835 .290737 .78107 32 2 30 .66173 .200513 .61752 29 .63080 .183011 .59082 28 .60098 .166821 .56487 41 .75066.309797 .80702 42 -77339 .329903 .83361 43 .79654 .351120 .86088 25 222 27 .57219 .151832 ·53960 26 .54434 .137944 .51496 .51736 .125070 .49092 44 .82014 .373521 .88886 45 .84421 .397179 .91760 46 .86878 .422181 .94714 22 222 24 .49117 • 113135 .46742 23 .46572 .102069 .44444 .44096 091811 .42194 47 .89386 .448617 48 .91949 .476583 .97754 21 1.00884 .41683 .082304 .39988 20 •39329 .073501 .37824 49 50 556 vice were of 888 .94567 .506186 1.04III 19 .37029 .065357 .35699 .97245 .537542 I.07440 .99984.570776 | 1.10878 18 .34781 .057833 .33610 17 567 1.02788 .606023 1.14431 16 1.05658 .643431 1.18108 54 1.08597 .683162 1.21916 1.11609 1.11609 .725390 1.25864 13 1.14695 .770306 1.29962 12 1.17859 .818118 96 .32581 .050895 .31555 .30425 .044507 .29532 15 14 55 56 57 58 59 I.2443I 60 .22185 .023921 .21713 1.34221 II .20209 .019901 .19819 1.21104 .869053 1.38650 IO .18263 .016292 .17943 .923360 1.43262 .16343 1.27844 .981309 1.48072 98 7 6 5 4 .013079 .16088 .14448 .010247 .14249 .12577 .007784 .12427 .10728 .005676 .10619 .08899.003915 .07088 .08824 .002490 .07040 in 43 .033270 .28310 .038641 .26233 .24192 .028371 .23630 .27538 .25572 64 Y = 0.19 Y = 0.19 9- X Y T 9- X Y T +I 32H .05294 .001392 .05268 43 .79078 .347714 .85768 .03516.000615 .03504 44 .81404 .369788 .88546 .01752 .000153 .01749 45 .83776.393092 .91398 + + + 46 .86194.417708 .94329 O .00000 .000000 .00000 47 .88663 .443723 .97345 + 48 .91183 .471231 1.00449 123 456 .01740 .000152 .01743 49 .93758 .500335 1.03649 0.3470 .000604 .03481 50 .96389 .531146 | 1.06949 .05190 .001356 .05215 5I .99079.563785 I.10355 .06902 .002402 .06947 52 .08607 .003745 .08678 .005381 .10408 .10307 .12002 .007312 .12139 234 53 505050 1.01831.598384 | 1.13876 1.04646 .635083 | 1.17518 1.07528 54 .674038 1.21289 78 55 I.10479 .715418 1.25197 .13694 .009539 13872 56 I.13502 .759406 1.29253 9 .15383 .012064 .15608 57 1.16599 .806203 1.33466 ΙΟ .17071 .014889 .17348 58 1.19773 .856028 1.37846 ΙΙ .18758 .018016 .19094 59 1.23025 .909118 I.42407 12 .20446 .021450 .20846 60 1.26359.965730 1.47160 13 .22135 .025195 .22604 14 .23827.029257 .24372 15 .25522.033643 .26149 Y = 0.20 16 .27223.038359 .27936 HH 17 18 78 .28930 .30642 .043413 .29736 X Y T .048814 .31549 19 20 .32362.054572 .33377 48 1.91475 1.33144 1.41840 .34092 .060697 .35831.067201 .35220 47 56 2 2 .44715 .105891 28 29 25 26 27 .46538.114977 .48378.124558 .50237 .134654 *52749 21 22 23 .37581.074097 .39344 .081398 24 .41120 .089120 .42910 .097278 .44719 42, 1.21103 .46686 4I 1.14590 .37080 46 .961847 .38958 45 1.71350 I.III5I 1.57159 1.45917 .847381 1.19537 1.33081 1.25855 .40857 44 .42776 43 1.36498.754766 | 1.13853 1.28336 .677277 1.08650 .610979 1.03830 .553344 .99328 .48679 40 1.08653 .502625 .95095 .50699 30 .52117 .145291 .54830 33 3 39 1.03190 .457578 .91093 38 .98123 .417263 .87294 37 .93394 .380962 .83673 31 .54019 .156493 .56945 36 .88956 .348113 .80210 32 33 .55943 .168290 .59094 35 .57893.180709 .84771.318258 .76891 .61281 34 .80810 .291027 .73700 333 34 .59868 .193785 .63508 35 .61871 .20755I .65777 36 .63903.222045 .68090 31 www 33 -77047 .266113 .70627 32 .73460.243260 .67660 .70032 .222250 .64791 333 78 9 37 38 39 .65965 .237308 .70450 .68060 .253382 .72860 .70181 .270315 .75323 32 2 30 .66748.202899 .62012 29 .63593.185048 .59316 28 .60557 .168559 .56697 40 .72353 .288158 .77842 27 .57628 .153312 .54148 42 41 •74555 .306965 .76796 | .326796 .80420 26 .54799 • .83061 25 .52061 139203 .126139 .51665 .49243 65 8 y = 0.2 y = 0.2 9- X Y T 4 X Y T 0 24 .49406 .I14040 23 .46829 .10283 2 .46877 .44564 23 22 .37450 .073753 .38890 .39201 .081003 .40782 22 .44323 .092451 .4230I 24 .40963 .088669 .42694 21 .41884 .082840 .40083 25 20 .39506.073948 .37908 19 37185 .065728 .35773 27 222 .42740.096766 .44629 26 .4453I .105311 .46589 .46339 .114323 .48573 18 .34917 .058139 33675 28 .48163 .123822 ·50585 17 .32698 .051144 .31612 29 .50006 .133830 .52626 16 .30526.044708 .29581 30 .51869.144370 .54698 15 .28397 .038802 .27580 31 .53753 .155466 .56802 14 .26307 .033397 .25608 32 .55659 | .167147 .58941 13 .24255 .028470 .23661 33 .57589 .179441 .61117 I2 .22238 .023997 .21739 34 .59543 .192380 .63332 II .20253 .019958 .19840 35 .61524 .205997 .65589 ΙΟ .18298 .016334 .17961 36 .63534 .220330 .67889 9∞ 7 on t .16371 .013109 .14470 .010268 .12594 .007798 .I2435 39 .16102 37 .65572.235417 .70236 .14260 38 -77642 .251300 .72631 .69745 .268026 .75079 6 5 .10740 005685 .08907 .003920 .10625 40 .71882 285644 .77582 .08828 4I .74055 .304206 .80143 4 .07093 .002492 .07043 42 .76266 .323771 .82766 +I 32 H 24 .05297 .001393 .03517 .01752 .000153 .05269 43 .78517 .344399 .85455 .000615 .03505 44 .80810 .366159 .88213 .01749 45 .83146 .389121 .91044 + + + .00000 .000800 .00000 忐​忐 ​46 .85528 .813365 .9395 3 47 .87959 .438974 .96945 48 I 1 2 3 456 7∞ .01743 49 .03480 50 Մ Մ 53 54 234 + .01740 .000152 .03468 .000604 .05187 .001355 .05214 5I .06897 .002400 .06945 52 .08600 .003741 .08674 .10297 .005374 .10403 .11988 .007301 .12132 55 .13676 .009523 .13863 56 .15360 .012040 1.00903 .591001 1.03667 .627024 1.06494 .665241 | 1.20678 1.09388.705815 I.24548 .90439 .46604I 1.00025 .92971.494666 .494666 1.03198 •95557 .524955 1.06469 .98201 | .557024 1.09846 I.13335 1.16943 9 .15597 57 ΙΟ .17042 .014856 .17334 58 II I 2 .18724 .017972 .20406 .021394 .19076 59 .20825 60 .843521 1.37066 1.21671.895452 1.2493I .950797 | 1.46276 1.12350 .748922 | 1.28563 1.15383 .794754 1.32732 1.18489 1.41576 13 14 15 лаш .22088 .025124 .22580 .23773 .029169 .24344 = Y = 0.3 .25461 .033535 .26117 HHH 16 17 .27153 .038228 .27900 .28851 .043256 18 .30554 .048628 9- X Y T .29695 19 20 .32264 .054352 .33983.060440 .31503 40 1.47905 .776117 1.08479 •33325 39 1.33120 .654103 1.01903 .35163 38 1.22128 .566599 .96308 21 .35712 .066903 .37017 37 1.13198 .498037 .91333 66 Y = 0.3 Y = 0.3 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 www 36 1.05597 .441769 .86803 ΙΟ .16770 .014542 .17194 35 .98937 .82615 .394244 II .18398 .017557 .18908 34 .92984 353312 .78704 12 .20020 .020858 .20826 N N N N N N No Nw www .87584 .317563 .75023 13 .21639 .024448 .22347 32 .82632 .286000 -71537 14 .23256 .028329 .24075 .78049 257908 .68220 15 .24871 .032506 .25809 30 .73777 .232740 .65051 16 29 .69772 .210072 .62013 28 .65996 .189569 .59092 18 679 .26485 .036984 .27551 17 .28100 .041768 .29302 .29717 0.46866 .31064 247 .62422.170959 .56276 19 .31336.052284 .32836 .59026 .154020 .53556 20 .32958 .058029 .34622 .55787.138568 .50922 21 .34585 .064112 .36421 24 .52689.124448 .48366 2,2 .36218 .070542 .38235 23 .49718 22 • .46862 .099695 .43466 .III527 45883 2 2 23 .37856 .077330 .40065 24 •39502 .084486 .41914 21 .44IIO .088852 .4IIII 20 19 .078915 .41453 .38882 .069810 .38811 .36564 27 222 25 .41156 0.92025 .43781 26 .42819 .099959 .45669 .44493 .108304 .47579 18 .36390 .061472 .34365 28 .46178 .117075 .49512 HH 17 -33972 .053845 16 .31620 .046879 .322II 29 .47875.126290 .51470 .30098 30 .49585 | .135967 .53455 H 15 .29331 .040529 .28024 31 .51310.146127 .55469 14 .27099 .034755 .25985 32 13 .24920 .029523 .23980 33 23 ·53050 .156791 .57513 .54807.167983 .59589 I 2 .22790 .024800 .22005 34 II .20706 .020559 .20058 IO .18663 .016773 .18138 36 www 35 456 .56581 .179727 .61699 .58374 .192050 .63846 .60187 .204982 .66031 986 .16661 .013421 .16243 37 .62020 .218553 .68257 .14694 .010482 .14370 38 .63876 .232796 .70525 7 .12762 .007937 .12517 39 .65756.247748 .72840 6 .10861 .005771 .10684 40 .67660 .263447 .75203 in t 5 .08989 .003968 .08868 4I .69590 .279935 .77616 4 .07145 .002516 .07068 42 .71548 .297255 .80085 + I 321 .05326 .001403 .05283 43 .73534 .315457 .02610 .03529 .000618 .03511 44 .75550 .334591 .85196 + 0.1755 .000153 + .01750 45 .77597 .354713 .87847 + 46 .79678 .375883 .90565 .00000 .000000 + ,00000 47 81792.398164 •93356 48 .83942 .421628 .96224 } 1 2 3 456 78 9 I .01736 .000151 .01741 49 .86129 .446352 .99172 .03456 .000601 .05161 .001345 .002379 .06921 52 .08638 53 .10195 .11851 .007191 .12062 55 .13498 · 13772 56 .009359 .15138 .011809 .15483 57 10 10 1n 567 1.00113 .626124 1.18876 1.02601 .662329 1.22556 1.05137 .700659 1.26368 .06851 .08529.003699 .005304 .10351 54 .97672 .591904 1.15322 234 .03474 50 .88355 .472413 .05200 5 I .90620 .499900 .92928 .528908 1.08557 .95278 -559539 1.11885 1.02207 1.05334 67 Y = 0.3 Y = 0.4 γ X Y T 58 9- X Y T .06806 .002358 .06898 59 60 1.07724 .741270 1.30323 1.10362.784329 I.34430 1.13053 .830018 1.38701 456 .08459 .003660 .08602 .10097 .005236 .10301 Y = 0.4 78 9 .11719 .007085 .I1995 .13329 .009203 .13685 .14926 .011590 .15373 9- X Y T IO .16512 .014245 .17061 II .18089 .017168 .18748 12 34 1.21572 .514384 .88133 .19658 .020359 .20436 32 31 .91614 33 1.08894 .430379 .99383 .369734 .322101 .73351 15 345 .82498 13 .21219 .77669 14 .023820 .22127 .22774 .027553 .23821 .24323 .031560 .25520 322 30 .84976 .282981 29 .79141 .249954 28 .73911 .221543 18 6790 .69402 16 .25869 .035846 .65735 17 .274II .62298 .27224 .040415 28935 .28951.045270 .30654 27 .69155.196775 .59050 19 .30490 .050419 .32382 26 .64781 .174966 .55963 20 .32028.055867 .3412I 25 .60726 .155615 .53015 21 -33567 .061621 •35870 24 23 22 .56937.138345 .53377 .122862 .50015 108932 .50189 22 .35108.067690 .87633 .47471 23 .36651 .074082 .39409 .44849 24 .38197 .080806 .41201 21 2 H 20 19 .46826.096367 .43789 .085011 .40888 .074735 .42313 25 .39748 .087874 .43009 .39855 26 .41304 .095296 .44834 .37468 27 .42866.103084 .46679 HHH 17 16 926 18 .38108 .065432 •35146 28 .44436 .II1252 .48545 .35437 .057009 .32882 29 .46013 .119815 .50433 .32865 .049387 .30672 30 .47599 .128787 .52344 HH in 43 15 14 13 .30382 .042499 .27980.036286 .25653.030697 .28511 31 .26396 .24324 33 32 333 1 2 3 .49194 .50800 .138186 .54281 .148030 .56245 .52418.158337 .58237 12 II .23393 | .025686 .22289 34 .54048 .169128 .60260 IO .21196 .021215 .19056 .017248 .20291 35 .55692 .180427 .62316 .18326 36 -57351.192256 .64405 987 .16969 .013755 .16391 .1493I .010709 .14484 33 37 .59024 .204642 .66532 38 .60715 .217613 .68697 .12938 .008085 .12602 39 .62422 .231196 .20903 6 .10987 .005861 .10745 40 .64148.245426 .73152 5 4 .09075 .004019 .07198 .002541 .08910 41 .65894 .260335 .75448 .07094 42 .67660 | .275961 .77792 321 .05355 .001413 .03542 .000621 + I .01758 + .000154 + .05297 43 .03517 44 .01752 45 .69447 .292342 .80188 .71258 .309522 .82638 .73091 .327545 .85147 + 46 .74950 .346460 .87716 .00000 .000000 .00000 47 .76835 .366321 .9035I + I 48 .78746 .387184 .93055 | 1 2 3 .01733 .000151 .01739 49 .80686 .409110 .95832 .03444 .000599 .03468 50 .05135 .82654 | .432165 .98686 .001337 .05187 51 .84654 .456419 1.01623 68 y = 0.4 Y = 0.5 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 1.01866 1.04185 52 53 54 .86684 .481950 1.04647 .88747.508840 | 1.07765 .90844 .537178 1.10981 .92975.567061 I.14302 .95142 .598594 | 1.17736 57 .97346 .631891 1.21290 55 56 ли 58 ∞ ao 59 60 .99587.667075 1.24971 .704281 1.28789 743656| 1.32753 123 .01731 .000151 .01738 .03433 .000596 .03462 .05109 .001328 .05174 456 78 9 .06761 .002338 .06876 .08392 .003621 .08568 .10001 .005170 .10252 .11592 .006982 .11929 .13166 .009054 .13600 .14724 .011382 .15268 ΙΟ .16267 | .013965 .16932 II .17798 .016801 .18594 Y = = = 0.5 12 .19316 .019891 .20255 13 14 9- X Y T 15 34in .20824 .023234 .21917 .22323 .026832 .23580 .23813.030687 .25246 29 28 0.98413 .88201 .338743 .72106 .67306 H 16 17 6 7∞ .25297 .034800 .26916 .26774 .039175 .28590 .28245 .043816 .30271 27 ~ N N N N & .283238 18 .80260 .241866 .63110 19 .29713 .048726 .31959 73635 .208903 .59316 20 .31178 .053912 .33655 .67940 .181643 .55818 21 .32640.059379 .35360 24 .62877.158557 .52552 22 .34101 .065134 .37077 .58309 .138689 .49473 23 .35561.071183 .38805 22 .54135 .121390 .46551 24 .37022 .077535 .40546 2I .50280.106200 .43763 25 20 .46691 .092779 .41092 19 .43328 .080866 .38521 222 .38484 .084199 .42301 26 .39949 .091184 •44073 27 · 41416.098500 .45861 876 HH 13 543 H H .31579 .044778 .28971 .038031 18 .40158 .070258 .37157 .060791 17 16 15 14 .34303 .052335 .31314 30 .36041 28 .42887.106160 .47668 .3364I 29 .44363 .I14174 .49494 .45845 .122557 .51342 .29051 31 .47333 .131323 .53212 .26847 32 .48828 .140488 .55107 .26466 .032017 .24697 33 .50332.150067 ·57028 I2 .24055 .026670 .22596 34 II .21728 .021935 .20539 35 ΙΟ .19478 .017764 .18524 36 456 .51844.160078 .58976 .53367 .170541 .60954 .54900 .181477 .62963 98 7 6 in t .17298 .014114 .16546 37 .56444 .192907 .65006 .15181 .010950 .14603 38 .58001 .204854 .67084 .13123 .008240 .12691 39 .59572 .217346 .69199 .III18 5 4 .005955 .10808 40 .09163 .004071 .08953 4I .07253 .002567 .07121 42 .61156 .230407 .71355 .62755 .244069 .73552 .64371 .258361 .75794 3 2 +I .01761 .000154 .05385 .001424 .05312 43 .03555 .000625 .03523 44 .01753 45 .66003 .273319 78083 .67653 .288977 .80423 + O 00000 000000 + 46 .71010 .322553 .85264 47 .72718 ·340558 .87773 .74448 .359438 .90345 .00000 48 .69322 | 305375 .82815 69 y = 0.5 = 0.6 γ 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 0 575 575 57 49 50 51 52 • 79775 .76200.379244 .77975 .421860 .98481 .92984 .40003 I .95695 .81599 444796 1.01348 53 .83449 .468910 1.04300 54 .85326.494277 1.07343 1 2 3 456 I .01728 .000150 .01736 .03421 .000593 .03456 .05084 .001319 .05162 .06718.002318 .06854 .08326 .003583 .08534 .09909 .005107 .10204 10 10 10 55 .87230.520978 1.10482 56 .89163.549103 1.13725 57 .91124 .578748 1.17078 78 9 .11469 .006885 .11865 .13009 .008911 .13518 .14530 .011184 .15166 556 58 59 .93116.610016 1.20548 ΙΟ .16033 .013699 .16808 .95139.643023 I.24144 II .17520 .016456 .18446 60 .97192 .677892 1.27875 12 .18993 .019452 .20083 13 .20452 .022687 .21717 14 .21899 .026161 .23352 = 0.6 15 .23336 .029876 .24987 16 .24763.033833 .26625 17 .26181 038034 .28266 9- X Y T 18 .27592 .042483 .29911 19 .28996 .047181 .31562 26 .93344 .290751 .65330 20 .30395 .052135 .33219 25 .81202 .232737 .60239 21 .31789 .057348 .34885 ཝུསྶ སྶ 24 .72613 .193554 .55987 22 33180 .062826 .36559 23 .65771 | .163783 .52220 23 .34568 .068575 .38244 2,24 .60003 .139873 .48786 24 .35954 .074602 .39940 21 .54972 .I20045 .45602 20 .50484 .103259 .42614 19 .46416 .088847 .39788 22 2 25 .37339 .080915 .41649 26 .38724 .087522 .43372 27 .40110 .094432 .45109 18 H H 17 16 .42683 .076352 ·37096 28 .39225 .065444 .34520 29 .35997 .055877 .41498 .101655 .46864 .42887 .109202 .48636 .32044 30 .44280.117084 .50428 HHH 15 .32963 .047462 .29657 14 13 I 2 ΙΟ 96 7 4 .30098 .040049 .27347 32 .27378.033518 .24787.027773.22928 II .22310 .022731 .19934 .018327 .18735 .16711 .17649 .014502 .15446 .011208 .14728 .13317 .008403 .12783 39 .11255.006053 .10874 .09254 .004125 .08997 4I .07309 .002594 .25IOI 33 333 1 2 3 31 .45677 .125314 .52240 .47079 .133905 •54075 .48487.142872 .55933 .20806 3 3 3 34 .49901 .152230 .57817 35 .51322 .161997 .59728 36 .52751 .172191 .61668 33 37 .54188 .182830 .63638 38 .55635.193936 .65642 .57093 .205531 .67680 40 .58562 .217638 .69755 .60042.230284 .71869 .07148 42 .61535 .243495 .74024 +I 321 + .05415 .001435 .05327 .03568 .000628 .01764 .000155 + 43 .03530 44 .63042 .257303 .76224 .64563 .271737 .78470 .01755 45 .66099 .286833 .80766 + 46 .67651 | .302626 .83114 .00000 .000000 .00000 44 47 48 .69219 .319156 .70805 .336465 .87981 .85518 70 Y = 0.6 r = 0.7 9- X Y T X Y T .72409 57 5 5I ཀྱང་ང་ 53 49 50 .74032 .373604 .75675 .393535 52 -77339 .414449 ·79023 .436408 .354598 .90506 ·93098 .95760 456 .06676 .002299 .06832 .08262 .003546 .08500 .09819 .005045 .10157 .98497 7 1.01314 54 .80730 .459477 1.04216 589 .11351 .006790 .11802 .12859.008775 .13439 .I4344 .010996 .15067 55 .82460 .483727 1.07208 ΙΟ .15810 .013448 .16688 56 .84213 57 .509237 .85990.536090 58 60 .91472 .87792.564378 .89619 .594199 .625663 1.10297 I I 1.13488 12 .18687 1.16789 I.20207 14 1.23751 .17257 .016129 .18305 .019038 .19917 13 15 .20ior .022174 .21501 .025535 .23134 .22888 .029123 .21526 .24741 679 H 16 .24264.032938 .26349 Y = 0.7 17 18 .25629 .036981 .27959 .26985.041255 .29572 19 .28332.045763 .31189 20 .29672 .050509 .32811 9- X Y T 21 .31006 .055495 .34440 23 .81319 .220114 .56922 22 22 .32334 .060728 .36076 23 •33658 .066211 .37722 22 .70121 .173643 .52145 24 .34978 .071952 .39377 21 .62208 .142434 .48153 20 19 .55903 .118842 .44613 .50586 .099998 .41382 27 222 25 26 ал .36296 .077958 .41044 .37612 .084234 .42723 .38927 .090790 .44415 H H 18 .45945 .084464 .38381 28 .40241 .097634 .46123 17 .41804 .071399 .35562 29 .41557 .104776 .47847 16 .38047.060267 .32892 30 .42873 .I12225 .49589 15 .34598 .050697 .30346 HH 13 .28414 14 .31401 .042424 .27906 .035250 .25558 W W W 31 .44192 .I19994 .51350 32 33 23 .45514 .128094 ·53131 .46839 .136539 .54935 12 .25606 .029022 .23291 34 .48169 .145341 .56762 II .22951 .023619 .21094 35 .49504 .154518 .58614 ΙΟ .20430 .018945 .18961 36 .50845 .164083 .60494 +I 987654 321 .18027 .01492I .16885 .15728 .011483 .14859 ww 37 .52193 .174056 .62401 38 .53548 .184453 .64340 .13521 .008577 .12880 39 .549II .195297 .66311 + .I1397 .006156 .10942 40 .09348 .004182 .09042 4I .07366 .002621 .07176 42 .05446 .001446 .03581 .000631 .01767 .000155 + .56283.206607 .57664 .218407 .59056 .230721 .72440 .68316 .70359 .05342 43 O .00000 .000000 + .60459 .243577 .74562 .03536 44 .61874 .257001 .76728 .01756 45 .63301 .271025 + 46 .64741 .285682 .00000 47 .66195 .301005 .83517 48 .78941 .81203 .67663 .317034 .85887 123 2 .01725 .000150 .03410 .000591 .05059 .001310 .01735 49 .0345I 50 .69147 .333809 .88316 .70647 .351373 .90807 .05149 51 .72164 .369773 .93365 71 Y = 0.7 Y = 0.8 X Y T ५ X Y T 0 52 53 54 234 .73698 .389060 .95994 ΙΟ .75250 .409288 .15596 .013207 .16573 .98698 II .17005 .015819 .18168 .76821 5555 55 .78411 56 57 .430517 1.01481 12 .452812 1.04350 13 .8002I .476241 1.07310 14 .81651.500878 | 1.10366 15 .18395 .19768 .021690 .21125 .024947 .22926 .018647 .19758 .21343 .22467.028418 .24507 ir in 58 .83303.526806 59 84976 .554113 I.13527 1.16797 60 .86671 | .582897 1.20187 6 7∞ H H 16 .23795 .032103 .26087 17 18 .25112 .036002 .27668 .26418 .040119 .29251 19 .27713 .044454 .30836 20 .29000 .049012 .32426 Y = 0.8 21 .30280 .053795 .34022 22 .31552 .058808 .35624 23 .32819 .064055 .37233 9- X Y T 24 .34081 .069541 .38851 20 19 .56945 .I17797 H H 76 H H H 18 17 16 .45205 .079501 .40632 .065947 15 14 .65361.147646 .50514.096255 .36587.054722 .32942.045287 .29609 .037282 .26064 33 456 .26531.030454 .23690 34 .024617 .21407 35 .019628 .19203 36 13 12 II .23663 IO .20973 .18435 .015379 .16028 .011780 .17069 www .47637 .43575 27 222 25 26 56 .35339 .075274 .40480 .36593 .081258 .42119 .37846.087501 .4377I .40043 28 .39096 *094012 .45437 .36852 29 .40346 .100799 .47118 .33906 30 .41596.107871 .48815 .31149 31 .28544 32 333 H 23 .42847 .115238 .50530 .44099 .122912 .52263 .45353 .130904 .54018 .46611 .139227 .55794 .47872 .147894 .57594 .49137 .156920 .59420 98 7 6 5 4 32H .002649 .14997 38 .13737 .008761 .12980 39 .11546 .006264 .I1012 40 .09446 .004240 .09088 4I .07426 ww 37 7∞ .50408 .166321 .61272 .51684 .176114 .63154 .52967.186317 .65065 .54256.196950 .67010 55554.208032 .68989 .07205 42 .56860 .219588 .71005 .05478 .001457 .05357 43 .58175 .231640 .73060 +I .03595.000634 .01771 + .03543 44 .59500 .244215 .75156 .000155 + .01758 45 .60836.257340 .77297 + 46 .62182 .271045 .79484 .00000 .000000 + .00000 47 48 .63541 .285361 .81721 .64911 .300323 .840II 1 2 3 456 7∞ a .01722 .000150 .01734 49 .03399 .000588 .03445 50 .66295 .315968 .86357 .67693 .332335 .88762 .05035 .001302 .05137 5I .69105.349466 .91230 .06634 .002279 .08199 .003510 .06810 52 .70532.367408 .93765 .08468 53 .71975 .386211 .96372 .09732 .004986 IOIII 54 .73434 .405928 .99055 .11236 .006699 .I1742 55 .12713 .008644 13361 9 .14166 .010815 .14971 57 50505 .74903 .426617 1.01818 56 .76402 .448342 | 1.04668 .77913 .471171 1.07611 72 Y = 0.8 Y = 0.9 γ 9- X Y T 9- X Y T 58 in 59 60 8000 0 .79442 .495177 1.10652 19 .27136 .043242 .30503 .80990.520441 1.13798 20 .28375 .047630 .32063 .82557 .547052 1.17057 21 .29605.052229 .33628 22 .30827.057044 •35198 23 Y = 0.9 .32043 .062078 .36774 24 .33252 .067337 .38359 9- I had mad 10∞ 76 X Y T 56 222 25 26 .34456 .072825 .39952 .35656.078549 .41555 2,7 .36853 .084515 .43170 18 17 16 HHH 543 .31016 15 14 13 .58115 .50159 .44103 .39111.059967 • 116911 .42469 28 .38047 .090731 .44797 .091787 .38566 29 .39239 .097204 .46439 .073825 .35177 30 .40430 .103943 .48095 .34815.048848 .29286 32 .039721 .26638 33 www .32114 3I .41621 .110957 •49768 .42812 .118256 .51460 .44004 .125851 .53170 I 2 .27592 .032124 .24134 34 .45198 .133754 .54901 II .24462, .025753 .21749 35 .46395 .141977 .56655 ΙΟ .21571 .020391 .19464 36 .47595 .150534 .58432 9∞ 76 .18878 .015880 .16350 .012100 .13964 | .008958 .17266 37 .48798 159440 .60235 .15142 38 .50006 .168709 .62065 .13084 39 .51219 .178358 .63924 .11702 .006378 .II084 40 52438 .188406 .65815 5 .09547 .004301 .09136 4I .53663 .198872 .67738 4 .07486 .002678 .07234 42 .54896 209775 .69696 +I 321 .05510 .001468 .05373 43 .56136 .221139 .71692 .03608.000637 .03549 44 -57384 .232987 .73727 .01774 .000156 .01760 45 .58642.245343 .75804 + + + 46 .59908.258236 .77925 O .00000 .000000 .00000 47 .61185 .271695 .80094 48 .62473 .285751 1 2 3 456 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12 .17602 .017596 .19317 7 13 14 15 16 I7 18 mt in 6 7∞ .18867 020398 .20839 .20III .023385 22354 .026555 .21337 .22546.029907 .23739 .24919 .033443 26878 .037162 .28382 +1 .23865 64 .25372 32H 20 19 .26086 .041066 .29887 .20481 .017738 .17950 .17474 .013240 .15635 .14738 .009634 .13431 .12218 .006760 .11320 .09874 .004501 .09288 .07679 .002772 .07325 .05610 .001504 .05421 .03650.000647 03570 .01783 .000157 .01764 + .00000 + + .32903 .000000 + .00000 .34415 1 2 3 456 I .01710 .000148 .01728 .03355 .000578 .03423 .04942 .001270 .05088 .06476.002208 .06728 .07963 .003377 .08344 .09407 .004767 .09939 29 .37280.090939 .452II 7∞ .10812 .006367 .11515 .12181 .008169 .13074 30 .38371 .097116 .46797 .13518 .010167 .14618 31 .39461.103535 .48397 ΙΟ 32 33 .41638 .40550 .I10206 .117138 .50014 II .51648 12 www www 35 36 37 38 39 456 34 .42726 78 a .43815 .44905.139603 .45998.147688 .47093 .156092 .48191 .164829 .124340 .131825 •53301 13 .54973 14 .56668 15 345 .20997 .16150 14826: .012354 .16106 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X Y T 9. 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22 .21852 .036632 .29383 II 23 .22545 .039501 24 .23228 .042470 .30572 12 .31764 .13122 .011280 .15890 .14000 .013066 .17153 13 .14850 .014950 .18401 2 2 2 567 25 .23902 .045541 .24567 .048717 26 .32956 14 .15675 .016929 .19635 .34150 15 .16477 .019003 .20857 27 .25226 .052000 .35348 16 .17258 .021170 .22069 28 29 .25878 .055393 .26523 .058900 .36550 17 .18021 .023429 .23272 .37758 18 .18767 .025781 .24468 30 .27164.062524 www 31 32 33 1 2 3 .27800.066268 .28431 .070138 .29059 .074138 2 I .38973 19 .40195 20 .20213 .030760 .41427 .42668 .19497 .028224 .25659 .26845 .20917 .033390 .28028 22 .21608 .036115 .29209 333 456 34 .43920 23 35 36 37 38 www 78 9 .29684 .078273 .30306 .082548 .30925.086969 .45184 24 .46462 25 .31543 .091542 .47754 26 .32160 .096273 .49061 27 .32776 .101171 .50386 28 .33391.106242 .51729 29 .34006 .III495 .34622 .116937 39 40 41 •53091 30 42 .54475 31 43 .35238.122580 .55881 32 44 .35854.128433 .573II 33 1 2 3 45 .36472 .134506 .58767 www 34 35 36 456 333 37 38 39 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27 .24351.049742 •34689 18 .18212 .024816 .24083 28 .24969.052963 •35860 19 .18910 .027149 .25246 29 .25582 .056290 .37037 20 .19593 .029569 .26405 30 .26190 .059727 .38220 21 .20264.032076 .27560 www 31 32 33 123 .26792 .063277 .394II 22 .20923 .034672 .28713 .27391 .066945 .40609 23 .21571 .037359 .29864 27986 .070735 .41818 24 .22210 .040137 .31016 333 456 www 39 78 9 34 35 36 37 38 .28577.074652 .29166 .078700 .29753 .082885 .43036 .44267 2 2 25 .22841 .043009 .32169 26 .23463.045978 .33323 .45510 27 .24078 .049045 .3448I .30338 .087213 .46766 28 .30921 .091690 .48038 29 .31503 .096322 .24687 .052213 .35643 .25289.055485 .36810 .49327 30 .25887 .058865 .37983 40 .32085 .IOII17 .50632 31 4I 42 .32667 | .106083 .51957 .33248 .111228 .53302 33 333 32 1 2 3 .26479.062356 .39164 .27068 .065962 .40352 .27652 .069688 .41550 43 .33830.116560 .54669 44 .34412 .122089 .56060 35 45 .34996.127826 .57475 36 333 456 34 .28234.073538 .42759 .28813 .077517 .43978 .29389 .081631 .45811 Y = 3.5 38 3 3 78 37 .29964 .085884 .46456 .30537 .090283 .47717 39 .3IIIO .094835 .48994 X Y T 40 .31681 .099546 .50289 41 .32252 .104425 .51602 2 +I HNWA 4 10210 .004080 .08383 42 .32823 .109478 .52935 3 .06683 .001905 .05901 43 .33395 .114716 .54290 .04036 .000740 .01865 .000166 .03750 44 .01804 45 .33967 .120147 .55668 .34540 .125781 .57070 + + + о .00000 .000000 y = 3.6 .00000 + X Y T 1 2 3 456 I .01649 .000141 .01696 .04496 .03135 .000529 .03307 .001121 .04850 4 3 .10410 .004190 .06748 .001931 .05928 .08457 .05755 .001890 .06335 .06930 .002813 .07771 .08035 .003876 .09166 2 1 .04056 .000745 .03760 .01868 .000167 .01806 + + + 90 7 = 3.6 Y = 3.7 9. X Y T 9- X Y T .10627 .0043II .08536 ,06816 .001957 .05956 .04076 .000750 .03769 .01872 .000167 .01808 + + + I .00000 ,000000 .01644 .03119 .04463 .000525 .03299 ΟΙΙΙΟΟ .00000 + .000140 .01694 .00000 .000000 .00000 + +I 432 H 1 2 3 456 I .01646 .000141 .01695 .03127 .04479 .000527 .03303 .001116 о .04840 .05729 .001878 .06320 .06894 .002794 .07750 .07989 .003847 .09139 1 2 3 .04832 78 9 .09023 .005025 .10491 .10005 .006318 9 .10943 .007719 .13105 .11812 IO .11841 .009221 .14375 II .12705 .010821 .15623 12 .13537 .012514 .16853 456 789 .05704 .001868 .06306 .06859 .002776 .07730 .07943 .003819 .09112 .08967.004984 .10458 .09939 .006264 .I1771 .10866 .007648 .13058 13 .14342 .014298 .18067 ΙΟ .II754 .009133 .14320 14 .15122 .016169 .19267 II .12607 .010713 .15560 15 .15879 .018128 .20454 12 .13429 .012385 .16782 16 .16616 .020172 .21631 13 .14223 .014146 .17988 17 .17335 .022301 .22800 14 .14993 .015993 .19180 18 .18037 .024515 .23960 | 15 .15740 .017925 .20360 19 .18724 | .026813 .25115 16 .16467 .019941 .21529 20 21 .19397 .029197 .20058 .031667 .26265 17 .17176 .022040 .22689 .274II 18 .17868 .024223 .23841 2 2 2 22 .20707 .034224 .28555 19 .18545 .026488 .24988 23 .21346.036869 .29698 20 .19209 .028837 .26129 24 .21975 .039604 .30840 21 .19859 .031271 27267 56 222 25 26 27 .22595 .23208 .23813.048371 .042432 .31984 22 .045353 .33130 23 .34278 24 .20499 .033790 .28402 28 .24412.051488 20 29 .25005.054708 30 .25592 .058033 .21128 .036396 .29537 .21748 .3543I 25 .22359 .36588 26 .22962 .37752 27 .23558 .039090 .30671 .041874 .31805 .04475I .32942 .047722 .34082 32 33 333 123 31 .26175 .061467 .38923 28 .24147 .26754 .065014 33 35 36 37 333 456 34 .27901 .28471 .29038.080422 .27329 .068679 .072465 .42488 31 .076378 .43697 .44919 33 333 1 2 3 32 .46155 .29603.084604 38 .30166.088928 39 .30729 .093403 40 .31291.098034 4I .31852 .102829 .51256 42 .32413.107796 43 .32975 .II2944 44 ·33537 .118281 .5392I 40 .30915.096582 .49631 45 .55287 4I .34101 .123817 .56677 42 .32019 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15 .15215 .017169 .20000 16 .15905.019082 .21138 17 .16577 .021072 .22268 18 .17233 .023139 .23389 456 789 .05581.001816 .06236 .06691 .002687 .07632 .07727 .003684 .08983 .08703 .004795 .10296 .09626 .006009 .11576 .10504 .007321 .12828 19 .17874 .025283 .24505 IO .II343 .008725 .14055 20 21 .18501 .027505 .25615 II .12148 .010216 .15260 19117 .029806 .26722 12 .12922 .011790 .16446 2 2 2 22 .19721 | .032186 .27826 13 .13669 .013446 .17616 23 .20315 .034647 .28928 14 .14392 .015181 .18771 24 .20900 25 .21477 .037190 .039817 .30030 15 .15092 .016993 .19913 •31132 16 .15774 .018882 .21045 26 .22045 .042529 ·32236 17 .16437 .020847 .22167 27 .22607.045330 •33342 18 .17084 .022888 .23282 28 .23163.048222 29 .23712 .051207 30 .24257 .054288 7∞ 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 333 1 2 3 .24797.057469 .25333 .060754 .19540 .20126 .25865.064145 .34452 19 ·35567 20 .18337 .027197 .36687 21 .18944 .029468 .37814 22 .031816 .27688 .38948 23 .40091 24 .20703 .036752 .17717 .025004 .24390 .25493 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Y T + .12561 .005431 .09165 43 .30403 .102241 .51614 .07286 2 +I .002143 .04207 .000783 .01896 .06144 44 .30907 .107018 .52906 .03827 45 .31411 .111972 .54222 .000170 .01819 + + + O .00000 .000000 .00000 Y = 4.4 + 1 2 3 456 I .01629 .000139 .01686 .03070 .000514 .03271 Ф X Y T .04368 .001079 .04779 70 .05558 .001805 .06222 .06658 .002670 .07612 .07686 .003659 .08958 .08652 .004759 .06566 .005962 .10436 .007260 .12784 32 H .07378 .002180 .06180 .04231 .000789 .03837 I .01900 .000171 .01821 + + .10265 .11539 + O .00000 .000000 .00000 + 9 IO II .11266 .12061 008649 .14004 .010123 .15203 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .12827 .011680 .16383 .13565 .013317 .17545 .14279 .015031 .18693 .14972 .016821 .19829 .15644 .018687 .20953 .16300 .020628 .22069 .16939 .022643 .23176 123 436 I .01626 .000139 .01685 .03061 .000512 .03268 .04353 .001075 .0477I .05535 .001796 .06209 5 .06627 .002654 .07594 .07646 .003634 .08933 78 9 .08603.004724 .10235 .09508 .005915 .11502 .10369.007200 .12741 19 .17563 .024733 .24277 ΙΟ .II190 .008574 .13955 20 .18175 .026898 .25373 II .I1977 .010033 .15147 21 .18774 .029138 .26465 I2 .12734 .011572 .16320 22 .19363 .031456 .27554 13 .13464 .013190 .17476 23 .19941 .033851 .28642 14 .14170 .014884 .18618 24 .20510.036326 25 .21071 .03888 2 .29729 15 .30816 16 .14854 .016654 .19747 .15519 .018497 .20865 26 .21625 .041521 .31905 17 .16166 .020414 .21973 27 .22171.044246 .32996 18 .16798 .022404 .23074 28 .227II .047058 .34091 19 .17414 .024468 .24168 29 .23246.049960 .35190 20 .18018 .026605 .25257 www www wwww. .23775 .052956 .36295 21 .18610 .028817 .26342 .24300 .056048 .24821 .059240 .37406 22 .38524 23 .25338 .062536 .39651 24 .25852 .065940 .40787 25 .26364.069455 .41933 26 .26873 .073087 .43091 27 .19191 .031105 .27424 .19762.033469 .28504 .20323 .035912 .29584 .20877.038434 .30664 .21423 .041038 .31745 .21962 .043727 .32829 .27380 .076840 .44262 28 .22495 .046501 .33917 .27886.080721 .45446 29 .23022 .049364 •35009 .28391.084733 .46645 30 .23545 .052319 .36106 40 .28894 .088885 .47860 31 .24062 .055370 .37209 4I .29397 .093182 .49093 32 .24576 .058518 .38320 42 .29900 .097631 .50343 33 .25086.061768 .39439 95 Y = 4.4 y = 4.5 9- X Y T X Y T 0 36 33 3 456 34 35 .25593 065125 .26098 .068592 .26600 .072173 .40567 25 .20687 .038001 .30516 .41705 26 .21226 .040572 .31590 .42855 2.7 .21758 .043224 .32667 333 37 38 39 789 .27100.075874 .27599 .079700 .44017 28 22284 .045962 .33747 .28096 .083656 .45193 29 .46384 30 .23320 .22805 .048788 .34831 .051704 .3592I 40 .28593.087749 .47590 41 .29089.091985 42 .29584 .096371 43 .30080.100914 44 .30576.105623 45 .31073 .I10505 .48814 .50056 33 .51317 34 .52600 35 .53906 36 ww 31 32 1 2 3 .23831 .054713 .37017 .24338 .057819 .38120 .24841 .061026 .39232 333 456 • 25341 064337 .40352 .25839 .067756 .41483 .26334.071289 .42625 ww 37 38 78 .26828 .074939 -43780 .27319 .078712 .44947 Y = 4.5 39 .27810 .082614 .46130 40 .28300 .086650 .47328 4I .28789 .090828 .48543 +I 9- 32 H X Y T 42 .29277 .095153 .49776 43 .29766 .099633 .51029 о 123 456 789 345 6 NO 15 16 17 18 H IO II 12 13 14 I .07474 .002219 .04255 .000795 .01904 .000171 + + .00000 .000000 .00000 .01624 .000138 .01683 .03054 .000510 .03263 .04338 .001069 .04762 .05512 .001785 .06196 .06596 .002638 .07576 .07606 .003609 .08910 +1 .08555 .004690 .09452.005870 .10303 .III16 .J0205 .I1467 .007142 .12700 .008502 .13907 .11895 .009945 .15093 .12644 | .011468 .13366 .16259 .013067 .17409 .14063 .014742 .18544 .14740 .016491 .19666 .06216 44 .03848 .01823 + .30256 .104275 .52303 45 .30745.109089 .53599 7 = 4.6 9- X Y T 321 .07575 .002260 .06255 .04280 .000802 .03858 .01908 .000172 .01825 + + + .00000 .000000 .00000 + 1 2 3 456 I .01622 .000138 .01682 .03046 .000509 .03259 .04324 .001065 .04754 .16036 .020207 .21879 • 15397 018313 .20778 .16660 .022173 .22973 19 .17269 .024212 .24061 ΙΟ .I1043 .008431 .13859 20 .17865.026323 .25143 II .11814 .009859 .15038 21 .18449 .028507 .26221 12 .I2555 .011365 .16198 22 .19023.030766 23 .19587 .033100 24 .20141 .035511 .27296 13 .13268 .012947 .28370 14 .13958 .29442 15 .17342 .014603 .18470 .14627 .016332 .19586 76 78 9 .05490 .001777 .06182 .06565 .002621 .07557 .07566 .003585 .08885 .08507 .004656 .10175 .09395 .005825 .11430 .10239 .007085 .12657 96 † = 4.6 Y = 4.7 9 Χ Y T 9 X Y T 0 16 .15276 .018133 .20691 7 .08460 | .004623 .10146 17 .15908 .020005 .21786 8 .09340 .005781 .11396 18 .16525 .021947 .22874 9 .10176 .007029 .12617 19 .17127.023961 .23954 IO .10972 .008362 .13812 20 .17716 .026047 .25030 II .11735 .009775 .14985 21 .18293 .028205 .26101 12 • .12468 .011265 .16139 22 • 18859.030435 23 .19416 .032741 .27170 13 .28236 14 24 19964 .035121 .29302 15 34in .13174 .012830 .17276 .13856 .014468 .18399 .14517 .016177 .19508 25 2 2 26 56 .20503.037580 .30369 16 .15159 .017958 .20607 .21035 .040117 .31437 17 .15784 .019808 .21696 27 .21560.042736 .32507 18 .16393 .021728 .22777 28 .22079 .045439 .33580 19 .16988 .023718 .23851 29 .22593 .048228 .34657 20 .17570 .025779 .24920 30 .23102 .051106 .35740 21 .18140 .027911 .25985 31 .23606.054076 .36829 22 .18700 .030114 .27047 32 .24106 .057141 .37924 23 .19249 .032391 .28108 33 .24603.060305 .39028 24 .19790 .034743 .29167 34 35 36 333 236 .25097.063572 .25588 .066946 .40142 25 .41265 26 56 .20323 .037170 .30227 .20848 .039676 .31288 .26076 .070431 .42399 27 .21367.042263 .3235I 333 37 .26563 .074033 •43546 28 .21879 .04493I .33417 38 39 .27048 .077755 .27532.081604 .44706 29 .22386.047684 .34488 .45880 30 .22888 .050526 •35563 40 .28015.085586 .47070 31 .23386 .053457 .36645 4I .28497 .089706 .48277 32 .23880.056483 .37734 42 .28979 .093972 .49502 33 .24370 .059606 .38831 43 .29461 .098391 .50746 44 .29944 .102970 .520II 45 .30427 .107717 •53298 Y = 4.7 w w w 34 .24858.062831 .39937 35 .25342 .066161 .41053 36 .25824 .069600 .42180 33 37 38 78 .26305 .073154 .43319 .26783.076828 .4447I 39 .27261 .080626 .45637 40 .27737 .084554 .46819 9- X Y T 41 .28213 .088620 .48018 42 .28689 .092828 .49234 3 .07682 2 +I .002304 .06295 43 .04304 .000808 .03869 44 .29641 .101704 .51727 .01912 .000172 .01827 45 .53005 + + + .29165 .097187 .50470 .30117 .106388 00000 .000000 .00000 Y = 4.8 + I .01619 .000138 .01681 9- X Y T 1 2 3 456 2 .07539 +I .03038 .000507 .03255 .04309 .001060 04745 .05467 .001766 .06170 .06534 .002606 0 3 .07795 .002351 .06336 .04330 .000814 .93880 .01916 .000173 .01828 .07528.003562 | .08862 + + + 97 12 7 = 4.8 4.9 7 9. x Y T X Y T .00000 .000000 .00000 3 2 .04356 +I .01921 .07915 .002400 .000821 .000173 .01831 .06380 .03892 + I 1 2 3 456 I .01617 .000138 .01679 .03030 .000506 .03250 .04294 .001056 .04737 .05445 .001758 .06157 .06504 .002590 .07521 .07490 .003539 .08838 + + + .00000 .000000 .00000 + 1 2 3 I .01615 .000137 .01679 .03022 .000504 .03247 .04280 | .001051 .04730 718 .08414 .004591 .10116 .09286 .005738 .11361 9 .10114 .006974 .12576 456 .05423 .001748 .06145 .06475 .002575 .07504 .07453 .003516 .08816 IO .10902 .008294 .13765 II .11657 .009692 7 08369 .08369.004559 .10089 .14933 .09233 .005696 .11328 I2 .12382 .011167 .16081 9 .10053 .006920 .I2537 13 14 15 16 • • .13081 .012715 13756 .014336 .14410 .016026 .17212 ΙΟ .10834 .008227 .13721 .18328 II .11581 .009611 .14883 .19431 12 .12299 .011071 .16025 17 18 15044 .017787 .15662 .019616 .16264 .021514 .20524 13 .12990 .012603 .17150 .21606 14 .13658 .014206 .18260 .22681 15 .14305 .015878 .19358 19 .16852 .023481 .23749 16 .14933 .017619 .20444 20 .17427 .025517 .24812 17 .15543 .019428 .21521 21 .17991 .027624 .25871 18 .16139 .021305 .22589 22 .18544 .029801 .26927 19 .16720 .023249 .23652 23 .19087 .032051 .27981 20 17288.025262 .24708 24 .19621.034374 .29034 21 .17845 .027344 .25761 25 26 56 .20147 .036773 .20666 .039248 27 .21178 .041802 22 .30087 .18392 .31141 23 .18928 .32198 24 .19456 .029496 .26811 .031719 27858 .034015 .28905 28 .21685 .044437 .33258 25 .19976 .036384 .29952 29 .22185 .047156 .3432I 26 .20489 .038829 .31000 30 .22681 .049962 •35390 27 .20995 .041352 .32050 333 123 333 456 3 3 3 789 .26054 31 32 · 23173 052857 .23660 .055844 33 .24144 .058927 34 .24625 .25104.065398 35 36 37 38 .25580.068793 .26526 .075927 .44240 39 .26997 .079675 40 .27468.083553 .36465 28 .21495 .37547 29 38637 30 .043955 •33103 .21990 .046641 •34160 .22480 .049412 .35222 .062111 .39736 3I .40845 32 .22965 .052271 .23446 .055222 .36291 -37366 .41964 33 .23924 .058267 .38449 .072301 .43096 34 .45399 36 www 35 456 .24399 .061410 .3954I .24872 .064656 .40642 .25342 .068008 .41755 41 .27938 .087565 42 .28407 .091719 .46573 37 .47764 38 .48973 39 78 a .25810 .26276 .071472 .42879 .075051 •44016 .26741.078752 .45168 43 .28877 .096021 .50201 40 .27206 .082580 .46334 44 .29346 .100479 .51449 4I .27669 .086541 .47517 45 .29817 .105100 .52719 42 .28133.090641 .48718 98. γ y = 5.0 = 4.9 X Y T 9- 43 44 45 .28596.094887 .29060 | .099287 .29524 .103848 .49938 16 .51178 17 .52440 18 6 7∞ X .14822 .017456 .15426 .019245 .21434 Y T .20363 .16015 .021IOI .22497 19 .16590 .023024 .23553 20 .17152 .025014 .24604 y = 5.0 21 .17703 .027072 .25650 X Y T 222 22 .18243 .029200 .26694 23 .18773 .031397 .27735 24 .19295 .033665 .28776 + 3 3 W 3 2 .08044 .002455 .04383 .000828 .01925 + .06425 .03902 .000174 .01832 2 2 2 25 26 27 567 .19809.036007 .29816 .20315 .038423 .30858 .20816 .040916 .31902 + + 28 .21310 .043488 .32949 O .000000 .000000 .00000 29 .21798 .046142 .34000 1 2 3 I 45 A + .01612 .000137 .03015 .000502 .03242 .04266 .001046 .04721 33 .23709 .057626 .05401 .001740 .06131 34 .06446 .002560 .07486 30 .22282 .048879 ·35056 .01677 31 www 32 123 .22762 .051703 .36118 .23237 .054618 .37186 .38263 35 .07416 .003493 .08793 36 333 456 .24179 .060730 .39348 .24645 | .063936 .40443 .25109 .067247 .41548 7∞ .08324.004527 .10060 8 .09181 .005654 .I1294 ww 78 37 .25571 .070667 .42666 38 .26032 .074202 .43796 9 .09993 .006868 .12497 39 .26491 .077857 .44940 IO .10767 .008162 .13675 40 .26950 .081637 .46099 II .11506 .009533 .14831 4I .27408 .085548 .47275 I2 .12217 .010977 .15967 42 .27865 .089596 .48468 13 .12901 .OI2494 .17087 43 .28323 093789 .49680 14 • 13562 .014080 .18191 44 .28781 .098133 .50913 15 .14201 .O15734 .19283 45 .29239.102636 .52167 h = 1 gt² VII. TABLE OF VALUES OF 193.1447 t2 INCHES. t h t h t h t h "I 0.10 Inches. 1.9314 0.21 8.5177 Inches. Inches "1 Inches. 0.32 19.778 0.43 35.713 .II .12 .13 .14 2.3371 2.7813 .23 3.2641 .24 3.7856 .22 9.3482 .15 .16 4 9445 .17 .25 4.3458 .26 .27 5.5819 .28 .33 21.034 10.217 .34 22.328 11.125 .35 23.660 .46 12.072 .36 25.032 13.057 .37 26.442 .44 37.393 .45 39.112 40.869 .47 42.666 .48 14.080 .38 27.890 .49 44.50I 46.374 15.143 .39 29.377 .50 48.286 .18 .19 .20 6.2579 .29 16.244 .40 30.903 6.9725 .30 17.383 7.7258 .4I .3I 18.561 .42 .5I 50.237 32.468 .52 34.07I .53 52.226 54.254 99 VIII. A GENERAL TABLE OF VALUES OF S FOR OGIVAL HEADED SHOT. W V 0 | 1 2 со 3 4 5 6 7 89 F-s. 54 55 55555 56 Feet. I 7303 1 6780 6276 6227 1 57 58 59 I 5790 I 5320 I 4866 5742 5274 60 6I 62 없​엉엉 ​없었 ​63 64 65 66 67 68 69 677 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 22N 567 ∞ 72∞ 78 79 80 81 82 ∞ ∞ ∞ 123 83 84 ∞ ∞ ∞ 456 85 86 87 7∞ 88 ∞ ∞ ∞ 89 90 222 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 4822 Fect. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 7250 7197 7144 7092 7039 69876935 6883 6832 6729 6678 6627 6577 6526 6476 6426 6376 6326 6178 6129 6080 6031 5982 5934 5886 5838 5695 | 5647 | 5600 5553 5506 5459 5413 5366 5228 5182 5137 5091 5046 5001 4956 4911 4777 4733 4689 4645 4601 4558 4514 4471 I 4428 4385 4342 4299 4256 4214 4171 4129 4087 4045 I 4003 3962 3920 3879 3838 3796 3755 3714 3674 3633 I 35933552 3512 3472 | 3432 | 3392 3353 3313 | 3274 | 3234 I 3195 3156 3117 3079 3040 3001 2963 2925 2886 2848 I 2810 2772 2735 2697 2660 2622 2585 2548 2511 2474 I 2437 2400 2364 2327 2291 2255 2218 2182 2146 2111 I 2075 2039 2004 1969 1933 1898 1863 1828 1793 1758 I 1724 1689 1655 1620 1586 1552 1518 1484 1450 1417 I 1383 1349 1316 1283 1250 1216 1183 1150 1118 1085 I 1052 1019 0987 0955 0922 0890 0858 0826 0794 0762 1 0731 0699 0667 0636 0605 0573 0542 0511 0480 0449 1 0418 0387 0357 0326 0296|0265|0235 0205 0174 0144 I 0114 0084 0055 0025 9995 9966 9936 9907 9877 9848 9819 9790 9761 9732 9703 9674 9646 9617 9588 9560 9531 9503 9475 9447 9419 9391 9363 9335 9307 9279 9252 9224 9197 9169 9142 9115 9087 9060 9033 9006 8979 8952 8926 8899 8872 8846 8819 8793 8766 8740 8714 8688 8662 8636 8610 8584 8558 8532 8507 8481 8455 8430 8404 8354 8379 8329 8303 8278 8253 8228 8203 8179 8154 8129 8104 8080 8055 8031 8006 7982 7958 7934 7909 7885 7861 7837 7813 7789 7766 7742 7718 7694 7671 7647 7624 7600 7577 7554 7531 7507 7484 7461 7438 7415 7392 7369 7347 7324 7301 7279 7256 7234 7211 7189 7166 7144 7122 7100 7078 7055 7033 7011 6990 6968 6946 6924 6902 6881 6859 6837 6816 6794 6773 6752 6730 6709 6688 6667 6646 6625 6604 6583 6562 6541 6520 6499 6478 6458 6437 6417 6396 6375 6355 6335 6314 6294 6274 6254 6233 6213 6193 6173 6153 6133 6113 6093 6074 6054 6034 6014 5995 5975 5956 5936 5917 5897 5878 5859 5839 5820 5801 5782 5763 5744 5725 5706 5687 5668 5649 5631 5612 5593 5575 5556 5538 5519 5501 5483 5464 5446 54285410 5392 5374 5356 5338 53215303 5285 5268 5250 5232 5215 5198 5180 5163 5146 5129 5111 5094 5977 5060 5044 5027 5010 4993 4976 4960 4943 4927 4910 4894 4847 4861 4845 4829 4812 4796 4780 4764 4749 4733 4717 4701 4686 4670 4654 4639 4624 4608 45934578 4562 4547 4532 4517 4502 4487 4473 4458 4443 4429 4414 4399 4385 4371 4356 4342 4328 4314 100 V. 9 • со 0 7 1 2 6 3 5 4 F-s. 99 100 ΙΟΙ 102 103 I04 105 106 107 108 109 ΙΙΟ III II2 113 114 115 116 117 118 II 119 120 I2I I22 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. l'eet. Feet. Feet. 4258 4244 4230 4216|| 42034189 | 4176 4123| 4110 4097 4084. 4071 4058 4045 3995 3983 3970 | 3958 3946 3934 3921 4300 4285 4271 4162 4149 4136 4033 4020 4008 3910 3898 3886 3795 3784 3773 3687 3677 3666 3874 3863 3851 38403829 3817 3806 3762 3751 3740 3730 3719 3708 3698 3656|| 3646 3636 3626 3616 3606 3596 | 3586 3576 3567 3557 3547 3538 3528 3519 3510 3501 3491 3482 3473 3464 3455 3446 3438 3429 3420 3411 | 3402 3394 3385 3377 3368 3360 3351 3343 3334 3326 3318 3310 3301 3293 3285 3277 3269|3261 | 3252 3244 3236 3228 3220 3213 3205 3197 3189 3181 3173 3165 3158 3150 3142 3134 3127 3119 3111 3103 3096 3088 3080 3073 3065 3058 3050 3043 3035 3028 3020 3013 3005 2998 2990 2983 2976 2968 2961 2953 2946 2939 2931 2924 2917 2910 2902 2895 2888 2881 2874 2867 2859 2852 2845 2838 2831 2824 2817 2810 2803 2796 2789 2782 2775 2768 2761 2754 2747 2740 2733 2727 2720 2713 2706 2699 2692 2686 2679 2672 2665 2659 26522645 2638 26322625 2618 2612 2605 2598 2592 2585 2579 2572 2566 2559 2552 2546|2539 2533 2526 2520 2513 2507 2500 2494 2488 2481 2475 2468 2462 2456 2449 2443 2436 2430 2424 2417 2411 2405 2399 2392 2386 2380 2374 2367 2361 2355 2349 2342 2336 2330 2324 2318 | 2312 2306 2299 2293 2287 2281 2275 2269 2263 2257 2251 2245 2239 2233 2227 2221 2215 | 2209 2203 2197 2191 2185 2179 2173 2167 2161 2155 2149 2143 2138 2132 2126 2120 2114 2108 2102 2097 2091 2085 2079 2073 2068 2062 2056 2050 2045 2039 2033 2028 2022 2016 2011 2005 1999 1994 1988 1982 1977 1971 1965 1960 1954 1948 1943 1937 1932 1926 || | 1921 1915 1909 1904 1898 1893 1887 1882 1876 1871 1865 1860 1854 1849 1844 1838 1833 1827 1822 1816 131 1811 1806 1800 1795 1789 1784 1779 1773 1768 1762 132 1757 1752 1746 1741 1736 1730 1725 1720 1715 1709 133 1704 1699 1693 1688 1683 1678 1672 1667 1662 1657 134 1651 | 1646 1641 1636 1631 1625 1620 1615 1610 1605 1599 1594 1589 1584 1579 1574 1569 1564 1558 1553 1548 1543 1538 1533 1528 1523 1518 1513 1508 1503 1498 1493 1488 1483 1477 1472 1467 1462 1457 1452 135 HHH www 56 7 136 137 138 139 140 14I 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 | 1447 1442 1437 1432 1427 | 1422 | 1418 | 1413 1408 1403 | 1398 1393 1388 1383 1378 1373 1368 1363 1358 1353 1348 1344 1339 1334 1329 1324 1319 1314 1309 1304 1300 1295 1290 1285| 1280 1275 1270 1266 1261 1256 1251 1246 1242 1237 1232 1227 1222 1217 1213 1208 1203| 1198 1193 1189|| 1184 1179 1174 1170 1165 1160 1155 1151 1146 1141 1136 1132 1127 1122 1118 1113 1108 1103 1099 1094 1089 1085 1080 1075 1070 1066 1061 1056 1052 1047 1042 1038 1033 1028 1024 1019 1014 1010 1005 1001 996 991 991 987 982 977 973 968 963 959: 954 950 945 940 936 931 927 922 917 913 908 904 899 894 890 885 881 101 v. | 6789 0 5 1 | 4 2 3 F-s. 150 151 867 862 Fect. Feet. 876 871 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 830826 821 817 812 808 Feet. Feet. Feet 858 853 849 844 840 835 803 799 794 790 14 1 မာ 1 111 101104 750 753 | 749 744 153 740 735 731 726 722 717 713 708 704 699 154 695 690 686 681 676 672 668 663 659 654 155 650 645 645 641 637 637 632 628 623 619 614 610 156 605 601 596 592 588 583 579 574 570 565 157 561 556 552 548 543 539 534 530 525 521 158 516 512 508 503 499 494 490 486 | 481 477 159 472 468 468 464 459 455 450 446 | 442 437 433 160 428 424 420 415 4II 406 402 398 393 389 161 385 380 376 371 367 363 358 354 350 345 162 341 337 332 328 324 319 315 310 306 302 163 297 293 289 284 280 276 271 267 263 258 164 254 250 245 241 237 232 228 224 220 215 165 211 207 202 198 194 189 185 181 166 168 164 160 155 151 147 142 138 167 126 121 117 113 109 104 100 H ∞ 39 177 172 134 130 96 92 88 168 83 79 75 71 67 62 169 41 37 33 29 25 21 ня 58 54 17 12 42 50 46 4 d2 IX. A GENERAL TABLE OF VALUES OF t FOR OGIVAL HEADED SHOT. W V. 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 со 9 F-s. Seconds. Sers. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs Secs. Secs. 54 22.078.980 *.882 *.784 *.688 *.592*.496 *.401 *.306 *.212 55 21.118 .025 *.933 *.841 *.841 *.749 *.658 *.567 .477.388 .388.299 56 20.210 .122 .034.947.860.774 *.688.603.518.433 57 19.349.265 .182 • 58 18.532 453 374 59 17.756 .681 .606 .455 .386 .781.715 .099 .017*.935.854773 .692.612 .295 .217 . *.908*.832 .531.457 .383 .309 .457.383 .309 .236 .236.163.091 60 17.019.947.876*.805.734.664 *.594.524 61 16.318 .249 .182 .114 .047.980.913.847 .847.781 62 15.650.585 .520 .456 .520 .456.392 .328 .265 .201 .139.076 63 15.014.952.890 *.829*.768 *.707 *.647.586.526 *.467 64 14.407.348 .290 .231 .173.115 .057.999 .999.942.885 65 13.829.772 .716 .660 .716 .660.605 .549 .494 .605.549 439 .439 .385.330 66 13.276 .222 .168 .115 .062 .009 *.956 *.956.904 *.852 *.800 .904.852.800 67 12.748.696 .645 .594 .645.594 .543 .493 .493.442 .392 .392 342 .292 68 .096 .145 .096.047 *.999 *.950 .047*.999*.950.903 *.855 *.807 *.855.807 69 11.760 .713 .666 .619 .666 .619.572.526 .480 .572.526.480.434 .388 .343 .252.207.162 .162.118 .073 .029 .029.985 .985 *.941 *.898 10.854.811 .768 .725 .768.725 .682 .639.597 .555 .513 .471 70 11.297 71 • 102 V. 9 0 1 2 3 со 4 6 7 100 5 72 F-s. Seconds. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. 10.429| .388.346.305 .264 .223 .183.142 .102 .062 10.022 *.982 *.942 *.903 *.863 .903 *.863 *.824.785.746 ´.824 *.785 *.746 *.708 *.669 9.631.592.554 .516 .478 .441 403 .366 .329 .292 73 74 75 76 557 77 9.255.218 .182.145.109 8.894 859.824 .789 .754 8.547.513 .480 .446 .412 78 8.214 .181 .148 .116.084 79 7.893.861.830 .799 .768 7.584.553.523.493 .463 778 80 ∞ ∞ ∞ 82 83 .170 .073 .037 .001 *.965 *.930 .719 .684 .650 .616 .581 .379 .346 .312 .279 .246 .052 .020*.988 *.956 *.924 .737 .706.675 .645 .614 433404 .374 .345 315 .141.113.084 113 .084 .859.832.804 .777 .750 .588 .561| .535 .326 .300 .275 .249 .056 .027 | .508 .482 .224 81 7.286 .257 .228.199 6.999 .971 .943 .915.887 6.722.695.668 .641 .615 6.456.430.404 .378 .352 6.198 173 .148 .123 .098 .048.024 *.999*.974 5.950 .926.901.877.853 .829 .805.781 757 734 84 ∞∞∞ 456 85 86 87 88 ∞∞∞ 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 129 99 100 ΙΟΙ · 5.710 .686 | .663 .640 .616 5.478 .455 .433 5.254.232 210 .410 .388 .188.167 5.038 .016 *.995 *.974*.953 4.829.808.788 768 747 4.628.608.589 .569 .550 .073 .593 .570 .547.524 .501 .365 .343 .321 .298 .276 .298.276 .145.123 .102 .080 .059 .932 *.911.890 *.870 *.849 .727 707 .687 .667 .648 .531.511 .492 .492.473 .454 4.435.417.398 .379 .361 .342 324.305 .287 .269 .197.179 .161 .144 .126.109.091 .022 .005.988.971.955.938.921 4.251.233 .215 4.074 .057 .039 • • 3.905 .888.872 .856 .839 .823.807 791 775 759 3.743 .728 .712 .697 .681 .666 .650.635 .620.605 3.590.575 .560 .546 .531 .516 .502 .487.473 .459 3.444.430 .430 | .416 .402 .389 3.307.294 .281 .267 .254 .141.128 .375 .361.347 .334 .320 .241.229.216 .203 .190 .116 . I02 3.057 .045.034 .022 .OII .999*.988 *.977.966 *.955 2.944 .933 | .922 .911 .901.890 .880.869.859 .849 2.839 .829 .819 .809 .799 .789 .780 770 .761 .751 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIO III II2 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 • · • .696.687 2.742 733 724 714 705 .696 .687 .679 .670 .661 2.652.644.635 .627 .618 .610 .602 2.569.561.553 545 537 .529 .521 .444 .371 2.490.482.475 .467 .459 .452 2.415.407 .400 .393 .386 .378 2.343 336.329 .321 .314 .307 .301 2.273 .266 .266 . · .593 .585.577 .513.505.498 437 .430.422 .364 .357 .350 .294 .287 .280 .225 .219 .212 .159 .153 .146 .095 .089 .083 2.205.199 .192 .186.179 .172.166 .121 .114 .108 .102 2.076 .070.064 .058 .052 .045 .039 .033 .033.027 .021 2.015 .009 .003.997.991.985.979.973 *.967 *.961 1.955.949.943 .937 .931 .926 .920 .914.908 .902 1.897.891.885 .880.874.868.863.857.851.846 1.840 .834.829 .823.818 .812 .807 .801 .796 .790 1.785.779.774 .768|| .763 •758.752.747 742 736 103 V. 9 0 1 8 2 со دن 5 6 7 4 F-S. 120 121 I22 Seconds. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs 1.731 726 720 715 .710 .705 .699 .694 .689 .684 1.678.673.668 .663 .658 .653 .648 .642 .637 .632 1.627 .622 .617 .612 .607 .602 .597.592 .587.582 123 1.577 .572.568.563.558 .553.548.543.538.533 124 1.529 .524.519 .514 .509 .505 .500 .495 .490.486 125 1.481 .476 .471 .467 .462 .457 .453.448.444.439 1.434 .430.425 .420 .416 .411 .407 .402 398 393 127 1.389.384 .380 .375 .371 .366 .362 .357 .353 349 .353.349 128 1.344 340 335 .331 .327 .322 .318 .314 .309 .305 | 129 1.301 .296 .292 .288 .284 .279 .275.271 .267 .262 .271.267.262 130 1.258 .254 .250 .245 . .220 131 1.216 .212 .208 .204 .200 .196.192 .188 .184 .179 .155 .151.147 .143 126 132 .139 133 1.135 .I3I .127 .123 .120 .116 .II2 .108 .104 .100 134 1.096 .092 .088.084.081 .077 .073.069|.065 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 .061 1.058 .054 .050 .046 .042.039 .035 .031 .027 .023 1.020.016 .012 .008 .005 .001 0.982 .979 .975 .971 .968 .964 0.982.979 .997.994.990 *.986 .961 .961 .957 953 .950 .946.942.939 .935 .932 .928 .924 .921 .917 .917 .914 .910 907 .903 .899 .896 .892 .896.892 .889 .889.885 .882.878 .875 871.868.864.861 .857 .854.850.847 .847.843 .840.836.833.830.826| .823 .830.826.823.819 .819 .816 .813| .809 .806.802 799 .796 .792 789 .796.792.789 .785 .785782 .772.769.765 .772 769 765 .762.759 755 .752 749 745 .752 .739.736.732.729 .726 .722 .729.726.722 .719 779 .775 .719 .716 713 742 .709 .706 703 700 .700 .696 .693 .690 .687 .683 .680 .677 .674.671 .667 .664.661 .658 .655 .651 | .648 .642 .639 .636.632.629.626 .623.620.617 .610.607 .604 .601 .598.595 .579 .576.573 .570 .567 .564 .549.546.543.540 .537 534 .645 .592.589| .586 .589.586 .583 .561 | .558 .555 .552 | .540.537.534 .531.528 .524 .521 .518 .515 .512 .509 .506 .503 .509.506.503 .500 .500 .497.494 .491 .488 485.482.480.477.474.471| .468 .465| .462 .459.456.453 .450 .447 .444 .441.438.435 .432 .429 .427 .424 .421 .418.415 .412 .409 .406 .403 .392| .389 .386| .383| .380 .377 .375 .335| .332 | .329 332.329 .307 .307.304 .301 346 .355 .352 .349 .326| .324 .321 .318 .298 151 152 153 154 155 .400 .398 .395 156 .372 .369.366 .363 .360 .358 157 .343 .341 .338 158 .315 .312 .310 .298.296 .296 .293| .290 159 .287.285 .282 .279 .276 .274 .271 .268|| .265 .268.265 .263 160 161 .260 .257 .254.252.249 .246 .232.230 .227.224 .222 .219 .216 .214 .211 .243 .241 .238 .238.235 .208 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 .155 .129 .205 .203 .200 .197.195.192 .189 .187 .184 .179.176 .173 .171 .171 .168.165 .168 .165.163 .160.157 .152.150 .147 .144 .142 .139.136| .134 .131 .126.123 .121 .118.116.113 .IIO .108 .105 .103 . .082.080 .100 .075.072 .070.067 .064 .062 .059 .057.054 | | .049.047.044 .042.039 .037 .034 .032 .029 .027 169 .024 .022 .020.017.015' .012 .010.007 .005! .002 .181 .052 104 X. A GENERAL TABLE OF VALUES OF FOR SPHERICAL SHOT. d² W √. S 0 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 | 7 8 9 F s. 50 012 51 555 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ྗg 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 7∞ 300 H NM IM AD822 77 78 79 80 81 83 ∞∞∞ 84 85 ∞ ∞ ∞ 86 87 88 89 90 91 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 10649 0620 0592 0563 0535 0506 0478 0450 0422 0394 10366 0338 0310 0283 0255 0228 0201 0174 0147 0120 10093 0066 0040 0013 9987 9961 9935 9909 9883 9857 9831 9805 9779 9754 9729 9703 9678| 9653| 9628|| 9603 9578 9553 9529 9504 9480 9455 9431 9407 9383 9359 9335 9311 9287 9263 9240 9216 9193 9169 9146 9123 9100 9077 9054 9031 9008 8986 8963 8941 8918 8896 8851 8829 8807 8785 8763 8741 8719 8698 8676 8633 8612 8591 8569 8548 8527 8506 8485 8464 8873 8655 7665 7486 8443 8423 8402 8381 8361 8340 8320 8300 8279 8259 8239 8219 8199 8179 8159 8139 8120 8100 8081 8061 8041 8022 8003 7983 7964 7945 7926 7907 7888 7869 7850 7832 7813 7794 7776 7757 7739 7720 7702 7683 7647 7629 7611 7593 7575 7557 7539 7521 7504 7468 7451 7433 7416 7398 7381 7364 7346 7329 7312 7295 7278 7261 7244 7227 7210 7194 7177 7160 7144 7127 7110 7094 7078 7061 7045 7029 7012 6996 6980 6964 6948 6932 6916 6900 6884 6868 6853 6837 6821 6806 6790 6775 6759 6744 6728 67136698 6682 6667 6652 6637 6622 6607 6592 6577 6562 6547 6532 6503 6488 6473 6459 6444 6430 6415 6401 6386 6358 6343 6329 6315 6301 6287 6273 6259|6245 6217 6203 6189 6175 6161 6148 6134 6120 | 6107 6079 6066 6052 6039 6026 6012 5999 5986 5972 5959 5946 5933 5920 5907 5894 5881 5868 5855 5842 5829 5816 5803 5790 5778 5765 5752 5740 5727 5714 5702 5689 5677 5665 5652 5640 5627 5615 5603 5591 6517 6372 6231 6093 5578 5566 5554 5542 5530 5518 5506 5494 5482 5470 5446 5434 5423 5411 5399 5387 5376 5364 5352 5341 5329 5318 5306 5295 5283 5272 5260 5249 5238 5458 5226 5215 5204 5193 5181 5170 5159 5148 5137 5126 5115 5104 5093 5082 5071 5060 5049 5038 5027 5017 5006 4995 4984 4974 4963 4952 4942 49314921 | 4910 4900 4889 4879 4868 4858 4847 4837 4827 4817 4806 4796 4786 4776 4765 4755 4745 4735 4725 4715 4705 4695 4685 4675 4665 4655 4645 4635 4625 4615 4605 4596 4586 4576 4566 4557 4547 4537 4528 4518 4509 4499 4490 4480 4471 4461 4452 4442 4433 4423 4414 | 4405 4395 4386 4377 4367 4358 4349 4340 4331 4321 4312 4303 4294 4285 4276 4267 4258 4249 4240 4231 4222 4213 4204 41954186 4177 4169 4160 4151 4142 4134 4125 4116 4107 4099 4090 4081 4073 4064 4056 105 13 V. 9 0 8 1 7 2 6 3 4 5 Feet. F-8. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ΙΟΙ I02 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIO III II2 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 133 Feet. Feet. F'eet. 4047 4039 4030 4022 4013 4005 3996 3988 3980 3971 3963 3954 3946 3938 3930 3921 3913 3905 3897 3888 3880 3872 3864 3856 3848 3840 3832 3823 3815 3807 3799 3791 3784 3776 3768 3760 3752 3744 3736 3728 3721 3713 3705 3697 3689 3682 3674 3666 3659 3651 3643 3636 3628 3621 3613 3606 3598 3591 3583 3576 3568 3561 3553 3546 3539 3531 3524 3516 3509 3502 3495 3487 3480 3473 3466 3458 3451 3444 3437 3430 34233416 3409 3402 3395 3388 3381 3374 3367 3360 3312 3305 3298 3291 | | 3245 | 3238 | 32313225 3179 3173 3166 3160 3353 3346 3339 3332 3325 3319 | 3285 3278 3271 3265 32583251 3218 3212 3205 3199 3192 3186 3154 3147 3141 3135 3128 3122 3116 3109 3103 3097 3091 3084 3078 3072 3066 3060 3054 3048 3041 3035 3029 3023 3017 3011 3005 2999 2993 2987 2982 2976 2970 2964 2958 2952 2946|2941|2935|2929|2923 | 2918 2912 2906 2900 2895 2889 2883 2878 2872 2866 2861 2855 2850 2844 2838 2833 2827 2822 2816 2811 2805 2800 2794 2789 2784 2778 2773 2767 2762 2757 2751 2746 2741 2735 2730 2725 2719 2714 2709 2704 2698 2693 2688 2683 2678 2672 2667 2662 2657 2652 2646 26412636| 2631 | 2626| 2621 2616 2611 2606 2601 2596 2591 2586 2581 2576 | 2571 2566 2561 2556 2551 2547 2541 2536 2531 2526 2522 2517 2512 2507 2502 2497 2492 2487 2483 2478 2473 2468 2464 2459 2454 2449 2444 2440 2435 2430 2426 2421 2416 2411 2407 2402 2397 2393 2388 2383 2379 2374 2369 2365 2360 2356 2351 2346 2342 2337 2333 2328 2323 2319 2314 2310 2305 | 2301 2296 2292 2287 2283 2278 2274 2269 | 2265 2260 2256 2252 2247 2243 2238 2234 2229 2225 2220 2216 2212 2207 2203 2199 2194 2190 2185 2181 2177 2172 2168 2164 2159 2155 2151 2146 2142 2138 2134 2129 2125 2121 2116 2112 2108 2104 2099 2095 2091 2087 2082 2078 2074 2070 2066 2061 2057 2053 2049 2045 2040 2036 2032 | 2028 2024 2020 2015 2011 2007 2003 1999 1995 1991 | 1986 | 1982 | 1978 | 1974 1970 1966 1962 1958 1954 1949 1945 1941 1937 1933 1929 1925 129 1921 1917 1913 1909 1905 1901 1897 1893 1889 1885 130 1881 1877 1873 1869 1865 1861 1857 1853 1849 1845 131 1841 1837 1833 1829 1825 1821 1817 1813 1809 1806 132 1802 1798 1794 1790 1786 1782 1778 1774 1770 1766 1763 1759 1755 1751 1747 1743 1739 1736 1732 1728 1724 1720 1716 1713 1709 1705 1701 1697 1694 1690 1686 1682 1678 1675 1671 1667 1663 1660 1656 1652 1648 1645 1641 1637 1633 1630 1626 1622 1618 1615 1611 1607 1603 1600 1596 1592 1589 1585 1581 1578 1574 1570 1567 1563 1559 1556 1552 1548 1545 1541 | 1537 1534 1530 1526 1523 1519 1516 1512 1508 1505 1501 1497 1494 1490 1487 1483 1479 1476 1472 1469 1465 1461 1458 1454 1451 1447 1444 1440 1437 1433 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 106 V. 01 9 8 2 | 7 3 4 6 5 149 150 151 152 153 F-8. 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 1429 1426 1422 1419 1415 1412 1408 1405 1401 1398 1394 1391 1387 1384 1380 1377 1373 1370 1366 1363 1359 1356 1352 1349 1345 1342 1338 1335 1331 1328 1324 1321 1318 1314 1311 1307 1290 1287 1283 1280 1276| 1273 1256 1253 1249 1246 1242 1239 1304 1300 1297 1293 | | 1270|| 1266 | 1263 | 1259 1236 1232 | 1229| 1225 1202 | 1199 1195 1192 1169 1165 1162 1159 1222 1219 1215 1212 1209 1205 1189 | 1185 | 1182 1179 1175 1172 1155 1152 1149 1145 1142 1139 1135 1132 1129 1126 II22 1119 1116 1112 1109 1106 1103 1099 1096 1093 1090 1086 1083 1080 1077 1073 1070 1067 1064 1060 1057 1053 1051 1047 1044 1041 1038 1034 1031 1028 154 155 993 156 961 958 955 952 1025 1022 1018 1015 1012 1009 1006 1002 990 987 983 980 977 974 971 949 999 996 968 964 945 942 939 936 933 HHH i ir i 157 158 7∞ 930 927 924 920 899 895 892 889 917 886 883 914 911 908 880 877 159 160 868 864 861 858 855 852 849 674 900 ∞ 905 902 874 871 846 843 840 837 834 831 828 825 822 818 815 812 809 161 162 776 773 806 803 800 797 794 770 767 791 764 761 758 788 785 782 782 779 755 752 749 163 746 743 740 737 734 731 728 725 722 719 164 716 713 710 707 704 701 698 695 692 692 689 165 686 683 680 677 674 672 669 666 666 663 660 166 657 654 651 648 645 642 639 636 633 633 630 167 628 625 622 619 616 613 610 607 604 601 168 598 596 593 590 587 584 581 578 575 572 169 569 567 564 561 558 555 170 541 538 535 532 529 552 549 546 544 526 524 521 518 515 171 512 509 506 504 501 498 495 492 489 487 172 484 481 173 478 475 472 447 444 174 470 467 464 467 464 461 456 453 450 442 439 436 433 428 425 422 419 416 414 4II 408 405 458 430 402 175 400 397 394 391 389 176 372 177 344 369 366 364 361 342 339 336 178 317 179 290 314 311 309 287 284 282 180 263 260 257 255 HHH ∞ ∞ ∞ 181 182 183 ∞ ∞ ∞0 184 386 383 380 377 375 358 355 353 350 347 333 331 328 325 322 320 306 303 301 298 279 276 273 252 249 246 236 233 230 228 225 209 206 204 201 198 182 180 177 174 172 156 153 150 148 295 271 268 244 241 222 220 217 214 196 169 193 166 190 188 164 161 1 ∞ 1 ~H H 238 212 185 21000 222 292 265 158 25000 185 186 129 127 124 122 103 ΙΟΙ 98 95 145 143 119 116 114 III 108 140 137 135 132 106 93 90 88 85 82 80 187 188 189 752 96 77 75 72! 69 67 64 62 59 51 26 49 46 44 41 39 36 33 w i 57 31 52 54 28 23 21 18 15 13 IO 7 5 3 107 XI. A GENERAL TABLE OF VALUES OF t FOR SPHERICAL SHOT. d2 W V. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F-s. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Seconds. Secs. = + Secs. Secs. Secs. .017*.962 *.907 .531 .478 .426 .374 .020 * *.970*.921 *.872 .537.490 .443 397 50 T3.4T4 356 299 .242 .185.129 .073 51 12.852.798 .744 .690 .637 .584 52 12.323 .272 .221 .170.119 .069 11.823.775 .726 .679 .631 .584 II.351.305 .259 .214.169.124 .080 .036 *.991 *.948 10.904 .861.818 .775 732 .690 .647 .605.564 .522 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 10.481.440 .399 .358 .318 .278 .238 .198 .158 119 10.080.041 .002 *.964 *.926 *.887 *.849 *.812 *.774 *.737 9.700 .663.626.589 .553 .517 .481 .445 .409 .374 9.338.303. 8.995 .962 .929 .895 .863 .830.797 .765 .733 .700 61 8.669 .637 .605 .574 .542 .511 .480.449 .419 .388 8.358 .327 .297 .267 .237 .237.208.178 .149 .120 .ogo 63 8.061.033 .004.975 .004.975.947 *.919 *.890 *.862 *.834 *.807 .947.919 *.834.807 7.779 752 724 .697 .670 .643 .616.589 .562.536 7.510 .483 457 .431 .405 379 354 .328 .303 .277 7.252.227 .202 .177 .153 .128 .103 .079 .055.030 7.006.982.958.935 *.911 *.887 *.864.841 *.817 *.794 6.771.748.725 703 .680 .657 .635 .613 .590.568 6.546.524.502 .481 6.331.310 .289 .268 6.124.104 .084 .064 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 777 1 2 3 73 74 456 75 76 77 78 24 789 .459.437 .416 .394 .373 .352 .247 .227.206 .185 .165.145 .044 .025 .005.985 *.966 *.946 5.927.907.888.869 .850 .831 .812 .850 .831 .812.793 .774 | .756 .663 .645 .627 .609 .591 .573 | | 5.737 718 700 .681 5.555 537 .519 .502 5.380 .363 .346 .329 .163 .484 .466 .449 .484.466.449 .432 .432 .414 .397 .312 .295 .278 .261 | .245 .228 .146 .130 .114 .098 .082 .066 5.050 .034 .019 .003 *.987 | *.972 *.956 *.941 *.926 *.910 4.895.880.865 .849 .834 .819 .805 790 775 .760 4.745 .731 .716 .702 .687 .673.659.644 .630 .616 4.602.587 .573 .559 545 .532 .518 .504 490 .476 81 4.463 .449.436 .422 .409 .395 .382.369 .356 .342 82 4.329 .316 .303 .290 .277 .264 .251 .239.226.213 79 80 83 ∞∞∞ 84 85 86 ∞∞∞ 78 87 88 89 90 91 4.200 .188 .175.163 .175 .163.150.138 4.076 .064 .052.040.028 .016 3.957 945 933 921 .910 .898 3.841.829 .818 .807 .796.784 3.729 .718 707 .696 .685 .675 3.621.611 .600 .590.579 .569 3.517.507.496 .486 .476 .466 3.416 .406 .396 .386 .377 .367 .309 . 3.318 .125 113 .IOI .088 .004.992 *.980 *.968 .887 .875 .864 .852 773 762 .664 .653 .558.548 751 .740 .642.6321 .642 .632 | .537 .527 .456.446 .436 .426 .357 .347 .338 .328 .252.243.233 .261 108 V. 89 0 | 1 7 23 6 45 F-s. 92 93 94 95 96 99999 97 98 99 ΙΟΟ ΙΟΙ I02 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIO III II2 Seconds. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. .196 .187 3.133 .124 .115.106 .097 3.044.036 .036.027.019 .010 2.959.951 .951.942 .942 .934.926 2.876.868 .860.852.844 2.797 .789 .789.781.773 | .781 773 .765 Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. .178 .169 .160 .151 .142 .088 .079 .088 .079 .071.062 .053 .001 *.993 *.984 | *.976 *.967 .917 .909 .917 .909 .901.893.885 .836.828 .836.828.820.812.804 .758 .750 .742 734 .727 2.719 .712 704 .697 .689 .682 .674.667.659.652 2.645 .637 .637 .630.623 .616 .608.601.594 .587 .580 2.572.565.558 | .551 | .544| .537| .530| .523 .517 .510 2.503.496.489 .482 .476 2.436 .429.423 .416 .409 2.371.365 .358 .352 .346 2.308 .302 .296 .290 2.248 .242 .236.231 2.190.184 .179 .173 .469 .462.456| .449 .442 403 397.390 .384 .377 .339 .333 .327 .321 .315 .278 .272 .266 .260 .278.272.266| .254 .284 .225 .167 .219 .213 .207 .162 .156 .151 .202.196 .145.140 2.134 .129.123 .118 .I12 .107 .102.096 .091| .085 2.080.075 .070.064.059 .054 .049 .043 .038 033 2.028.023 .023 .018 .013 .008 .003 *.998 *.993 *.988 *.983 1.978.973 .968 .963.958.953.948.943.938 1.929 .933 .924 .919 .914.910 .905 .900 .895 .891.886 1.881 .877 .877.872.867 .863.858.854.849 .858.854.849 .845 .840 113 1.835 .831 .826.822.817 .813.808.804 .800.795 114 1.791 .786.782.778.773 .769 .765 .760 .756 .752 115 1.747 .743 739 735 730 726 722 718 714 .709 116 1.705 .701 697 .693 .689 .684 .680 .676 .672 .668 1.664 .660.656 .652.648 .644.640| .636|.632 .628 1.624 .620.616.612 .608 .604.600.596.593.589 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 1.585.581 | | .581 .577 .573 .569 .566.562 .558 .554 550 1.547.543 .543.539.535 | .532 | .528 .524 .520 .517 .513 1.509 .506.502 .506.502498.495 .491 .487.484 .480 .476 1.473.469 .469 .466 .462 .459 .455 .451.448 .455 .451.448 .444 .441 1.437.434.430.427.423 .420 .416 .413 .409 .406 1.402 .399 .395 .392 .388.385 .382.378 .375 .371 .348 .344 .341 .338 1.368 .365.361 .358 .355 .351 126 I.334 .331 .328 .325 .321 .318 .315 .311 .308 .305 127 1.302 .298.295.292 .289 .285 .282 .279 .276 .272 128 1.269 .266 .263 .260 .257 .253.250 .247 .244.241 1.238 .234 .231 .231.228.225 .222 .219 216 .213 .210 1.206 .203 .200 .197.194.191 .188 .185 .182 .179 1.176 .173 .173 .170.167| .164| . .149 1.146 .143 .140 .137 .134 .131 .128 .125 .122 .I20 1.117 .114 .III .108.105 129 130 131 132 133 .102 .099 .096 .093 .091 134 1.088 .085.082.079 .076 .073 .071.068.065 .062 135 1.059 .057 .057 .054 .051.048 .045 .043 136 1.032 .029 .026| .023 .020 .018 .015 • 100' *.999*.996 *.993 *.991 .040.037.034 .012 .007 ΟΙΟ *.988 *.985 *.983 *.980 0.977 975 972 .969 .967 .964 .961| .959 .956| .954 0.951.948 .946 .943 .940 .938 .935 .933 930 .927 0.925 .922 .920.917 .915 .912| .909 .907 .904 .902 0.899.897.894 .892 .889 .887.884.882.879 .877 137 1.004 138 139 140 141 109 V. 9 | 0 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F-s. 142 Secs. Seconds. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. 0.874.872.869 .867.864.862.859.857 .854.852 0.849 .847.844.842 .839.837 .835 .832 .830.827 .822.820.818 .815 .813 .810 .808 .806 .803 0.825 143 144 145 0.801 146 0.777 .775 147 0.754 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 .722.720 .782 780 759 756 740 .738 736 .733 .717 695 715 713 .711 · • .693 691 .688 .798 796 794 .791 .789 .787 .784 773 .770 .770.768.766 .763 .761 752 749 747 745 742 0.731 .729 .727 .724 0.708.706 .704 .706 704 702 700 .697 0.686 | .684.682 .680 .677 .675 .673 .671 .669| .666 .669.666 0.664 .662 .660.658.656 .653 .651 .656.653.651 .649 .649 .647 .645 0.643 .641.638 .636.634 .632 .630 .628.626 .623 0.621.619 .617 .615 .613 .611 .609 .607 .605 .602 .607 0.600 .598.596 .594 .592 .590 .588.586 .584 .582 0.580.578 .576 .574 .572 .570 .568 | .565 .565.563.561 0.559 .557 .555.553.551| .549 .547 .551.549.547 545 .543 | .541 0.539 .537 .535 .533 .533 .531 529.527.525 .511.510 .506 .506 .504 .502 .523.521 158 0.519 159 0.500 .517 .515 .513 .511 .510 .508 .498.496.494 .498 496 494 492 .490.488 .492 .490.488.486 .484.482 160 161 0.481 .479.477 .475 .473.471.469 .473.471.469.467.465 | .463 0.462 .460 .458 .456.454 .452 .450 0.462.460 .454.452.450.448.446 .445 162 0.443 .441 439.437.435.433 .439.437 435 .433 .432.430 .430.428.426 0.424 .422 .421 .419 .417 .415 .413 .411 .410 .408 0.406 .404.402 .401 .399 .397.395 0.388.386 .384 .383 .381 163 164 165 166 167 168 0.335 .381 393 .392 .390 .379 .377 .379 .377 375 374 372 .361 | .360 0.370.368 .367 .365 .363 0.353 .363 .361 .360| .358 .356 .354 .346.344.342.340 .339 337 .351 349 347 346 .344 342 .333 .332.330.328 .327 .325 .328 .327 .325 .323 | .321 .320 169 0.318 .316 .315 .313 .311 .309 .308 .306 .304.303 .293| .291 .294 293 .291.289.288 .286 .276 .274 .273 .271.269 .273 170 171 172 173 .260 | .258 .260 .258 .243 .242 .256 .255.253 .240.238.237 0.301 .299 .298.296 .294 0.284.283 .281 .279 .279 .278 0.268 .266.264 .266 .264 .263 .261 .261 0.251 .250 .248 .247 .245 .245 174 0.235 .234 .232.230.229 .227.226 .224 .222 .221 175 0.219 .218 .216 .215 .213 .2II .210 .208.207.205 0.203 .202 .200 .199 .197.196 .194 196 .194.192 .192.191 .189 0.188 .186 .185.183.182 .180.178 178 .177 .175.174 178 0.172 .171.169.168 .166 .165.163 .166| .165| .163| .162 .160 .162.160.159 .156 .154.152 .151 .149 .148 .146 145 .143 .140.139.137 .136 .134 133 .131 130 129 .126 .124.123 .121 .120 .118.117 176 177 II .117 115 114 • • .III . 104 .IO2 .IOI .099 0.098.096 095.093 .096.095.093 .092 .090.089 .092.090.089 .088 .086 .085 179 0.157 180 0.142 181 0.127 182 0.112 183 184 0.083 185 0.069.068 .066 .065 186 0.055 187 0.041 188 0.027 .082.080.079 .078 .076 .075 .078.076 .075 .068 .066.065| .063 .062| .061 .063 .062 .061 .073.072.070 .059 .058 | .056 .054 .052.051.049 .048 .047 .049.048.047 .045 .045 .044 .042 .040.038 .037 .035 .034 .033 .03 .030 .029 .026.024 .023 .022 .020.019 .018 | .016| .015 .009 .008 . 189 0.014 .012 .OII ΙΟΟ 110 XII. TABLE OF VALUES OF h = 1 gt² - 16.0954t2 FEET. t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 со 9 1.0 I.I I.2 1.3 Feet. 27.20 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 16.10 | 16.42 16.75 17.08 17.41 17.75 18.08 18.43 18.77 19.12 19.48 19.83 20.19 20.55 20.92 21.29 21.66 22.03 22.41 22.79 23.18 23.57 23.96 24.35 24.75 25.15 25.55 25.96 26.37 26.78 27.62 28.04 28.47 28.90 29.33 29.77 30.21 30.65 31.10 32.00 32.45 32.91 33.38 33.84 34.31 34.78 35.26 35.73 36.70 37.19 37.68 38.17 38.67 39.17 39.67 40.18 40.69 41.20 41.72 42.24 42.76 43.29 43.82 44.35 44.89 45.43 45.97 46.52 47.06 47.62 48.17 48.73 49.29 49.86 50.43 51.00 51.57 52.15 52.73 53.31 53.90 54.49 55.09 55.68 56.28 56.89 57.49 1.4 31.55 1.5 36.21 1.6 HHH 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.I મેં હેં હેં હેં હેં 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 567 2.7 ää Òä ભેં 2.8 2.9 3.0 حب حب حب 1 2 3 3.I 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 www 56 3.6 3.7 78 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.I 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 58.10 58.72 59.33 59.95 60.58 61.20 61.83 62.46 63.10 63.74 64.38 65.03 65.68 66.33 66.98 67.64 68.30 68.97 69.64 70.31 70.98 71.66 72.34 73.02 73.71 74.40 75.09 75.79 76.49 77.20 77.90 78.61 79.32 80.04 80.76 81.48 82.21 82.94 83.67 84.41 85.14 85.89 86.63 87.38 88.13 88.89 89.64 90.41 91.17 91.94 92.71 93.48 94.26 95.04 95.83 96.61 97.40 98.20 98.99 99.79 100.6 101.4 102.2 103.0 103.8 104.7 105.5 106.3 107.2 108.0 108.8 109.6 110.5 111.3 112.2 113.0 113.9 114.7 115.6 116.4 117.3 118.2 119.1 120.0 120.8 121.7 122.6 123.5 124.4 125.3 126.2127.1 128.0 128.9 129.8 130.7 131.6 132.6 133.5 134.4 135.4 136.3 137.2 138.2 139.1 140.1 141.0 142.0 142.9 143.9 144.9 145.8 146.8 147.8 148.8 149.7 150.7 151.7 152.7 153.7 154.7 155.7 156.7 157.7 158.7 159.7 160.7 161.7 162.8 163.8 164.8 165.8 166.9 167.9 169.0 170.0 171.1 172.1 173.2 174.2 175.3 176.3 177.4 178.5 179.6 180.6 181.7 182.8 183.9 185.0 186.1 187.2 188.3 189.4 190.5 191.6 192.7 193.8| 195.0 196.1 197.2 198.3 199.4 200.6 201.7 202.8 204.0 205.1 206.3 207.4 208.6 209.7 210.9 212.1 213.3 214.4 215.6 216.8 218.0 219.2 220.3 221.5 222.7 223.9 225.1 226.3 227.5 228.8 230.0 231.2 232.4 233.6 234.9 236.1 237.3 238.6 239.8 241.0 242.3 243.5 244.8 246.1 247.3 248.6 249.9 251.1 252.4 253.7 255.0 256.2 257.5 258.8 260.1 261.4 262.7 264.0 265.3 266.6 267.9 269.2 270.6 271.9 273.2 274.5 275.9 277.2 278.5 279.9 281.2 282.6 283.9 285.3 286.6 288.0 289.3 290.7 292.1 293.5 294.8 296.2 297.6 299 0 300.4 301.8 303.2 304.6 306.0 307.4 308.8 310.2 311.6 313.0 314.4 315.9 317.3 318.7 320.2 321.6 323.0 324.5 325.9 327.4 328.8 330.3 331.8 333.2 334.7 336.2 337.6 339.1 340.6 342.1 343.5 345.0 346.5 348.0 349.5 351.0 352.5 354.0 355.6 357.1 358.6 360.1 361.6 363.2 364.7 366.2 367.8 369.3 370.8372.4 373.9 375.5 377.1 378.6 380.2 381.7 383.3 384.9 386.5 388.0 389.6 391.2 392.8 394.4 396.0 397.6 399.2 400.8 402.4 404.0 405.6 407.2 408.8 410.5 412.1 413.7 415.3 416.9 I 111 t | 8 | 9 1 7 2 3 6 4 5 5.I 5.2 5.3 5.4 456 5.5 5.6 5.7 72 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.I 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 1 2 8.2 8.3 8.4 456 8.5 8.6 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 8.7 8.8 789 8.9 9.0 9.I 9.2 9.3 94 + Feet. 638.8 659.3 680.0 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 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P У ୧୯ Fig. 8 N P Pr Q n R A N M T Pigr Rigb M n X A I M H Fig5 M R X th B 22 02 x I dd C ne n' n's باره A 223 M na ni B x Fig. 9 Fig Q... G C d W Figll PA ·MEDOST Bell m Fig.15. 九 ​E Marker h B + ୪୪+ Fig. 16 B₂ Fig. 12 A B A Хотоо Fig. 13 Fig. 14 D E a a A Fig. 18 TA B B Fig.19 D ]] Fig.17 SUPPLEMENT TO A MATHEMATICAL TREATISE ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES, FOUNDED CHIEFLY ON THE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH THE AUTHOR'S CHRONOGRAPH. BY FRANCIS BASHFORTH, B.D., LATE PROFESSOR OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS TO THE ADVANCED CLASS OF ROYAL ARTILLERY OFFICERS, WOOLWICH, AND OFFICIAL REFERER TO THE LATE ORDNANCE SELECT COMMITTEE; AND FORMERLY FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON: ASHER & CO., 13, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN; BERLIN: 11, UNTER DEN LINDEN. 1881. All rights reserved. : CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY W. METCALFE AND SON, TRINITY STREET. SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES, BY FRANCIS BASHFORTH, B.D., 1881. 91. Preliminary Remarks.] My work, commenced in the Spring of 1864, is now brought to a conclusion. When the first part of this Treatise was published in 1873, the Advanced Class of Royal Artillery Officers was in a state of abeyance, as already explained, because there was not a sufficient number of candidates qualified for admission to form a new class. Some time before this, the Advanced Class had been frequently attacked in the newspapers, and a very distin- guished Fellow of the Royal Society, who had nothing whatever to do with the matter, thought proper to join in the fray. Having attacked the Professor of Applied Mathe- matics, he concluded his diatribe with the remark "It is "high time that the guardians of the public purse should set their faces against such vicious reproduction of fresh "nuclei of misapplied prodigality, surely destined to eventuate (if I may apply the words of an eloquent member of the deputation of which I formed a part) in endowed and "decorated idleness.”—The Times, Feb. 11, 1870. The letter was characteristic and required no answer. If the reader be desirous of knowing more about the objections to the Advanced Class, or the schemes propounded for bettering it, he is referred to Parliamentary Paper 1872 [c. 589]. In spite of all opposition the Advanced Class was revived after an interval of upwards of two years, and I believe is now being conducted at Woolwich in very much the same manner as before the interruption. cc (6 "" It must be confessed that this turmoil, coming on so soon after the printing of my Reports of experiments made 1865-1870, did not afford me much encouragement in pursuing my self-imposed, and almost thankless work of making laborious experiments. And as I did not see that B* 92 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE I could succeed better than I had already done, I retired from my office of Professor of Applied Mathematics, because, if I was not to be engaged on original research, the reason for my connection with the Advanced Class ceased. Subsequently I was informed that my results were being "tested" at Shoeburyness, and that it was intended to complete my work by making experiments with low velocities by the help of such chronoscopes as the Government possessed. Although I had given up experimenting I continued to prepare tables, &c., at my leisure, with a view to render the application of my results already obtained to the calcu- lation of trajectories, &c., as easy and simple as possible. In 1877 I proceeded to print the Supplementary Tables A. to G. But when my work had proceeded thus far, much to my surprise, I received an invitation to lend my chrono- graph and give my assistance in completing the experiments commenced about ten years before. It appeared to me that I ought to comply with this request because I had the means ready for the performance of the work, and because the invitation itself, under the circumstances, seemed to be a sufficient recognition of the practical value of my previous labours, and also a confession that, for that particular work, my chronograph was superior to all those possessed by Government and used more or less in their experiments. These were the new Ballistic Pendulum, the Navez, the Leurs, the Boulengé, and the Schultz Chronoscopes. The My instrument was therefore sent back to Shoeburyness and set up in June, 1878, having been removed from that place in May, 1870. These recent experiments were carried out with very high as well as very low velocities. projectiles were ogival-headed, excepting three rounds of flat-headed and three rounds of hemispherical-headed shot, which gave very satisfactory results for each form of head through a considerable range of velocity. The reader is referred to the final Report on Experiments made with my chronograph 1878-1880 for all particulars respecting these late experiments. The chronograph has now been returned to the South Kensington Museum. In addition to the Officers of the Royal Artillery already mentioned, my thanks are due to the following Officers, who most carefully carried out all these recent experiments at Shoeburyness, and sent me the records for reduction, namely, Major C. Jones, R.A.; Captain Bainbridge, R.A.; Captain Morley, R.A.; Captain McClintock, R.A.; Captain O'Callaghan, R.A.; and Captain White, R.A. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 93 After I had satisfied myself respecting the capabilities of my instrument in 1865, I was careful to refrain from doing anything which might prevent it from being applied to that purpose for which it was designed. Time has gradually removed obstructions and softened down asperities, and brought forward better instructed officers capable of forming an independent opinion in scientific matters. Thus, by working and waiting, the desired result has been arrived at at last. Every possible assistance has been most readily afforded me, so that for any deficiency I am alone respon- sible. I wish also to express my great obligation for the official publication of all my reports just as they were written* at the specified dates, for these speak for themselves. And it is a curious question why, when an instrument much wanted in the service had proved uniformly successful, the use of it was neglected, so that important results, which might have been easily obtained in three or four years, were delayed for fifteen years. These original Reports of my Experiments and my complete "Treatise on the Motion of Projectiles " being now before the world, I have every confidence that my labours will receive just that appreciation which they may be found to deserve. 92. The best evidence of the real opinion entertained of the value of my experiments will be found in the use that has been made of the results at home and abroad. After the trial of my instrument, the first real experiment was made to determine the resistance of the air to elongated projectiles provided with various forms of heads. The Report of this experiment was dated October, 1866.† By minute 23,351, September 21, 1867, the Ordnance Select Committee adopted my result as the produce of their own experiments, so far as Service Shot was concerned. The omitted acknow- ledgment was afterwards fully supplied in the Proceedings of the O. S. C. vol. VI. 397, 1868. My General Tables were reprinted in the new edition of the Treatise on the Construction of Ordnance, by Major John F. Owen, R.A., Captain In- structor, Royal Gun Factories; and again in Principles of Gunnery, for the use of the R. M. Academy, Woolwich, by * "Reports on Experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph to deter- mine the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Projectiles, 1865-1870.” London: W. Clowes and Son, Harrison and Sons, &c., &c. And "Final Report on Experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph to determine the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Elongated Projectiles, 1878- 1880." London: W. Clowes and Sons (Limited), Harrison and Sons, &c., 1880. Price Two Shillings and Threepence. + Reports, fc., p. 10, and Phil. Trans., 1868. 94 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE Major Sladen, R.A., Professor of Artillery. Captain Ken- sington, R.A., contributed to the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution some useful explanatory notes on the former part of this treatise. And more recently application has been made to me for assistance in the production of a Naval Manual of Gunnery. In Russia, General Mayevski, Professeur de Balistique à l'Académie d'Artillerie, adopted my results, so far as they were known to him, in his Balis- tique Extérieure, published in Russian in 1870 and in French in 1872. The following table has been copied from this work, concerning which General Mayevski remarks: "Aussi 66 pour compléter les données se rapportant aux projectiles "de forts calibres nous avons profité des tableaux des vitesses 'décroissantes déduites par M. Bashforth de ses expériences "faites en 1868 au moyen de son chronographe; ces tableaux comprennent les vitesses de 518m.s à 283m.s qui correspondent แ aux trajets de 305 (30·5) en 305 (30.5) mètres des projectiles "oblongs de 178mm, 203mm et 229mm, et qui sont obtenues แ pour le cas où le mouvement des projectiles peut être con- "sidéré comme rectiligne. Nous avons calculé d'après les "résultats insérés dans ces tableaux les valeurs de la résistance (( correspondantes à différentes vitesses."* Those determi- nations of p' marked "angl." were derived from my tables. Projectiles Oblongs.† 66 Bouches à feu Vitesses Valeurs Bouches Vitesses Valeurs v de p' à feu v de p' C. de 4¹ 172m.s 0.0151 C. de 203mm 329m.8 0.0338 C. de 203mm 207 0.0137 || C. de 203mm angl. | 332 0.0327 C. de 41 239 0.0148 C. de 229mm angl. 334 0.0332 C. de 12¹ 247 0.0170 C. de 41 337 0.0341 C. de 24¹ 266 0.0160 || C. de 178mm angl. 340 0.0334 C. de 203mm 282 0.0163 C. de 203mm angl. 345 0.0354 C. de 203mm angl. 287 0.0184 || C. de 229mm angl. | 355 0.0364 C. de 229mm angl. 291 0 0247 C. de 178mm angl. 358 0.0382 C. de 203mm angl. 300 0.0230 C. de 203mm 360 0.0384 C. de 178mm angl. 302 0.0218 C. de 203mm angl. 360 0.0393 C. de 12¹ 304 0.0221 C. de 41 401 0.0450 C. de 4¹ 1 307 0.0158 C. de 203mm 409 0.0430 C. de 229mm angl. 316 0.0305|| C. de 203mm angl. 419 0.0433 C. de 41 317 0.0259 || C. de 229mm angl. 420 0.0427 C. de 203mm 319 0.0174 || C. de 203mm angl. 460 0.0419 C. de 203mm angl. 320 0.0277 C. de 203mm angl. 508 0.0440 C. de 24¹ 320 C. de 178mm angl. 322 0.0299 C. de 178mm angl. 0.0270 512 0.0443 * Mayevski, Balistque Extérieure, 1872, p. 38. † Пb. p. 39. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 95 General Mayevski plotted these results, taking the veloci- ties for abscissæ, and the values of p' for ordinates, and then from the curves drawn through the points so found he deduced various formulæ connecting v and p'. 93. My experiments with elongated shot, made in 1868, were subsequently reduced more carefully, after which process new coefficients were obtained, differing somewhat from those used by General Mayevski. Therefore Didion's p' has been calculated from the coefficients given in Tables II. and H. for both spherical and elongated shot for comparison with the results of other experimenters. Didion's p' p÷πR'v', where p denotes the resistance of the air in kilogrammes P to a shot of radius R moving with a velocity v, R and v being expressed in metres. Hence it appears from my experiments, both with spherical and ogival-headed projec- tiles, that p' is nearly constant for velocities above 1300 or 1400 f.s, or, in other words, for those and higher velocities the resistance of the air varies very nearly as the square of the velocity. Spherical Shot. Velocity f.s m.s p' 900 274.3 0.0521 0.0440 1000 304.8 ·0545 ⚫0459 ' Hutton¹ Didion² Virlet3 Mayevski Bashforth p' p' p 0.0389 0·0380 0.0373 ⚫0433 .0442 ⚫0422 1100 335.3 *0569 ⚫0478 1200 365.8 ⚫0590 ⚫0497 1300 396.2 ⚫0609 ⚫0476 ·0510 0499 ⚫0519 *0584 •0551 •0516 •0563 ⚫0610 *0575 1400 126.7 •0623 •0535 •0606 •0610 *0592 1500 457.2 •0634 1600 487.7 ⚫0639 *0573 1700 518.2 ⚫0640 1800 548.6 ⚫0636 1900 579.1 ⚫0628 2000 | 609.6 2100 640·1 ·0554 •0649 •0610 *0602 *0692 •0610 •0611 ⚫0592 *0736 •0610 •0615 •0611 ⚫0779 •0615 ·0630 •0822 •0618 : '0622 : : ⚫0623 •0616 ⚫0649 *0866 •0668 ⚫0909 1 Hutton's Experiments made with the Ballistic Pendulum at Woolwich, 1783-1791. Tracts, vol. III. p. 218. 2 Didion's Experiments made with the Ballistic Pendulum at Metz, 1839, 1810. Didion's Traité de Bal. p. 66. 3 Virlet's Experiments made with Navez E.B. Pendulum at Metz, 1856-1858. See Mayevski's Traité de Bal. p. 36. 4 Mayevski's Experiments made with Boulengé's Chronograph at St. Peters- burg, 1868, 1869. See Traité de Bal. p. 41. 5 Bashforth's Experiments made with his Clock-Chronograph at Shoeburyness, 1868. See Reports &c., p. 114. 96 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE Ogival-headed Shot. Hélie Mayevski Bashforth Velocity fs m.s 'p p' 100 30.5 0.0120 0.0174 200 61.0 0.0122 0.0174 400 121.9 0.0127 0.0177 600 182.9 0.0137 0.0180 800 243.8 0.0146 0.0150 0.0183 1000 304·8 0.0182 0.0224 0 0224 1200 365.8 0.0437 0.0393 1400 426.7 0.0437 0 0439 1600 487.7 :: 0.0437 0.0430 1800 548.6 0.0416 2000 609.6 2200 670.6 • 2400 731.5 2600 792.5 :: ::: 0.0412 0.0441 0.0428 0.0408 0.0436 2800 853.4 94. It has been shewn (54) that Z 3 - ▲t, − {▲³t,+ §Ã³t¸− ‡A*t, + &c. ' ༡༡.3 and that f= (A³t, — ▲³t, + ††4*t, − 19▲³t, + &c.). z-nh 1+nh If now we develope u in the same manner as u developed, and equate coefficients of n and n', we obtain and ƒ.= V₂ 3 7 3 At₂-¿ + 1 A² t₂-21 + §A³t9-91 + {A*ts-41 + &c. -1 • 2 ( {}A°t‚„1+ A²te_2¿ + A³te_32 + ‡‡A*ts-41 + ¦ ¦ A³í»-¿¿+ &c.). で ​was The formula (2) page 40 should have a term 'At‚‚² instead of 14° -3° The expressions for the retarding force should have been written and fs= 5 V (A³t ƒ. = – ½ (4¾½‚¸ — 1'44't¸) at page 42, fs: V 3 1½" (▲˚t, — ▲ºt¸) at page 44. • Hélie's Experiments made at Gâvre 1859. Hélie's Traité de Bal. p. 416. 7 Mayevski's Experiments made with Boulengé's Chronoscope at St. Petersburg, 1868-9. Traité de Bal. p. 41. § 27. 8 Bashforth's Experiments made at Shoeburyness 1867-8 and 1878-80. See Final Report. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 97 12 27 19 1929 95. The example (57) given to illustrate the mode of reducing an experiment formed round 341 in the published Reports, &c., 1865-1870. The above formulæ have been used to find v₁, V2, V3, &c., the velocities with which the projectile passed each of the ten screens; and also to find f₁, ff, &c., the retarding forces which were acting upon it at the same points. This round was fired October 28, 1868. The barometer stood at 30-44 inches, and the wet and dry bulb thermometers at 44° and 48° at 10 o'clock A.M. These observations give 556.2 grs. as the weight of a cubic foot of air. And at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the barometer stood at 30-38 inches, and the wet and dry bulb thermometers at 48° and 50°, which observations give 551.5 grs. as the weight of a cubic foot of air. And the mean of these two is 553.9 grs. which has been taken as the weight of a cubic foot of air at the time of the experiment. All the experiments were originally reduced to the standard weight of 530-6 grs., which, for all round shot, remains unaltered, = 150 feet. 150 ∙10417 — 100367 + 1·00011 150 = 1465·3 f.s, •10237 ⚫00356 3 (150)2 2b′v‚³. 3 fr V7 7 (0036700011) (150)2 W 530.6 7 and K₁ = 26' (1000)³× 3 553.9 •00356 (150)* 44.094 530.6 × (1000)³ × X = 139.6. (6.92)* 553.9 And in the same manner the rest may be found as stated in the following Table: No. of Screen. Ꮴ AV f.s Kv AK, 1 1811.4 116.1 63.6 2 8 1747.8 +3·9 120.0 61.1 3 1686.7 + 3·9 123.9 58.7 4 1628.0 + 3·9 127.8 56.5 5 1571.5 +3·9 131.7 - 54.2 6 1517.3 135.6 + 3·9 52.0 7 1465.3 139.6 +4·0 50.1 8 1415.2 143.9 + 4·3 47.9 9 1367.3 + 4·3 148.2 - 46.3 10 1321.0 + 4·3 152.5 98 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE From the above Table we easily find the values of K corresponding to velocities 1800, 1780, 1760...1340 f.s. The values of K for corresponding velocities have been also taken from Table II. for comparison. V K Kv Ꮴ K₂ K f.s Round Table Error 341 II. Round Table Error f.s 341 II. 1800 116.8 114.2 1780 118.0 115.5 + 2·6 1560 132.5 130.1+2·4 +2.5 1540 134.0 131.5 +2.5 1760 119.2 116.8 + 2.4 1520 135.4 132.8 + 2·6 1740 120.5 118.1 +2.4 1500 136.9 | 134·1 +2·8 1720 121.8 119.4 + 2.4 1480 138.4 135.5 +2.9 1700 123.0 120.8 +2.2 1460 140.1 137.0 +3.1 1680 124.3 122.1 1660 125.7 123.5+ 2·2 1640 127.0 124.8 + 2.2 + 2.2 1440 141.8 138.4 + 3.4 1420 143.5 139.8 +3.7 1400 145.3 141.3 + 4·0 142.7 +4·4 144.1 +4·8 66 1380 147.1 1360 | 148.9 1620 128.4 | 126·2 | + 2·2 1600 129.7 | 127.5 + 2·2 1580 131·1 128.8+2·3 1340 150.7 145·3 +5°4 On reference to the Report it will be found that the coefficients of resistance derived from the above round, and actually made use of, corresponded to velocities between 1700 and 1400 f.s. The reasons for making this limited use of each experiment were given as follows:-"A considerable part of the extremities of the range in each round has been "rejected in finding the values of 26', because the records "of the first and last screens are not so trustworthy as those "of the intermediate screens, and at the two extremities of "the range the direction of the motion of the shot is not "so nearly horizontal as at the intermediate points," p. 59. 96. Still more remarkable was round 399, used as an example at page 57 of Reports, &c. In this case the round shot was hollow and weighed 7.894 lbs. Its diameter was 4.92 inches, and the density of the air on the day of the experiment was 1.0335. The values of the coefficients de- duced from this round, and actually used, corresponded to velocities 2150 f.s to 1200 f.s. Values of K have been calcu- lated from this single round corresponding to velocities between 2500 f.s and 1200 f.s, for comparison with the values of K given in Table II. for corresponding velocities. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 99 V K₁ Round Kv Table V K Kv Error Round Table Error f.s 399 II. f.s 399 II. 2500 82.5 1750 117.8 117·4 + 0·4 2400 86.6 1700 120·6 | 120·8 0.2 2300 90.8 : 1650 123.7 | 124.1 0.4 2200 95.2 1600 126.8 127.5 0.7 2150 97.5 2100 99.8 99.2 96.9 +0.6 +0.6 1550 129.9 | 130.8 0.9 1500 133.1 134.1 1.0 2050 102.2 101.5 +0.7 1450 136·4 | 137·7 1.3 2000 104.6 | 103.9 +0.7 1400 139.8 | 141·3 1.5 1950 107.1 106.3 + 0.8 1350 143·4 | 144·7 1.3 1900 109-7 108.7 +1.0 1300 147.3 147.8 0.5 1850 112.4 111.3 + 1·1 1250 151.3 | 151·1 | + 0·2 1800 115.1 114.2 +0.9 1200 155.5 153.4 + 2.1 97. As a further illustration of the power of this chrono- graph I give below the values of K for flat-headed and hemispherical-headed elongated shot derived from three rounds of each form of head for comparison with the value of K for ogival-headed shot.* Hemi- Flat Ogival spherical V V Hemi- Head Head Head Ogival spherical Flat Head f.s Head f.s Head 1520 | 96.2 173.3 1700 83.0 113.6 173.5 1530 95.3 173.6 1710 | 82.4 113.1 173.2 1540 94.4 173.8 1720 81.8 112.6 172.9 1550 93.6 173.9 1730 81.2 112.0 172.5 1560 92.8 174.0 1740 80.6 1114 172.1 :: 174.1 1750 80.0 110.8 | 171.7 1570 92.0 1580 91.2 1590 90.4 1600 89.7 1610 89.0 1620 88.3 1630 87.6 174.2 1760 79.5 110.2 171.2 174.3 1770 78.9 109.5 | 170·7 174.4 1780 78.4 108.8 170.2 • : 174.5 1790 77.8 108.0 169.7 174.5 1800 77.3 107.1 169·1 174.5 1810 76.8 106 1 168.6 1640 86.9 115.8 174.5 1820 76.2 105.1❘ 168.0 1650 86.2 115.5 174·4 1660 85.5 115.2 1670 84.8 114.8 174.2 1680 84.2 114-4 1690 83.6 114.0 173.8 1830 75.7 104.0 167.4 174.3 1840 75.2 102.9 166.8 1850 74.7 101.7 166.2 174.0 1860 74.2 100.5 165.6 1870 73.6 99.3 165.0 * See Final Report, pp. 37, 40, and 43. Crate 100 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 98. If now we increase the values of K, given in Table II. by 2-300ths of their values to render the supposed density of the air there the same as in the above table, we shall find that the value of K, for a hemispherical-headed elongated shot is a little smaller than that for round shot. Thus, for velocities 1650 f.s 1700 f.s 1750 f.s 1800 f.s and 1850 f.s K, for-spherical 115.5 101.7 113.6 110.8 107.1 heads is K₁ for spherical shot is 124.9 121.6 118.2 115.0 112.1 Difference 9.4 8.0 7.4 7.9 10.4 The value of K, for hemispherical-headed shot was found to be 133.1 for a mean velocity of about 1130 f.s, while that for spherical shot for the same velocity was 153′1, as given in Table II. 99. It is remarkable through what a wide range of velocities a very correct law of resistance to spherical shot is given by each of the rounds 341 and 399. But the like favourable result cannot be expected from any single round of ogival-headed elongated shot. For the resistance of the air to a pointed elongated shot is less than the resistance to a spherical shot of the same diameter, while the former is heavier than the latter. On both accounts the variation of velocity of an elongated ogival-headed shot, in a given range, will be much less than that of a spherical shot under like conditions. If the round shot be truly spherical, it will always present the same surface to be resisted, while this is perhaps seldom the case with an elongated shot through any considerable range. With high velocities the shot moves in an approximately straight line, it cuts the threads of the screens promptly, and the retarding force of the air, being great, causes great variation in the velocity of the shot. So there is no difficulty in finding the resistance of the air to projectiles moving at high velocities. But when we get below a velocity of about 1000 fs our difficulties go on increasing as the velocities decrease. The trajectory becomes so curved that we are limited in range, or have to leave out the central screens. An ogival-headed projectile, 3 inches in diameter will then often pass between the threads of the screens, only one inch apart, without breaking one of them, and the resistance of the air * Reports, &c., p. 13, and Phil. Trans. p. 426, 1868. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 101 is so reduced that it produces only a slight variation of the velocity of the shot in a single round. 100. After the coefficients of resistance had been found in the usual manner down to a velocity of 450 f.s, the trajectories and times of flight were carefully calculated for the 6.3-inch howitzer, and compared with the range tables given in the Instructions for Field Service, 1879, and also with numerous German range tables, where the value of d÷w was nearly the same as for the English howitzer. As these comparisons appeared to be as satisfactory as could be reasonably expected, the coefficients were plotted, making v the abscissa and K, the ordinate. The average curve passing among the points so determined was produced so as to give approximate values of K for still lower velocities. Special experiments were afterwards made with the 6.3-inch howitzer with low charges of 1½ lb., 1 lb., 2 lb., ½ lb. and 1 lb. in order to test the value of these coefficients, when employed to calculate the ranges and times of flight of projectiles moving with very low velocities. The result appeared to be satisfactory.† 3 4 101. In these comparisons of the results of calculation and experiment great discrepancies appeared in the cases of "final velocities" and "angles of descent." This shews how much the final velocities and the angles of descent of ordinary range tables need correction, for it is manifest that these are not matters which admit of accurate measurement. But if a set of coefficients give tolerably correct ranges and times of flight for various low muzzle velocities and various elevations, there can be no doubt about the accuracy of the terminal velocities and angles of descent calculated by the help of those coefficients. It is probable that the coefficients adopted for low velocities are somewhat greater than those which would have been obtained if the projectiles had moved with their axes strictly in the direction of motion during the experiments. Still, so far as they have been derived from experiment, they are such as may be expected in practice, for at low velocities projectiles must move with their axes inclined to the direction of motion, because their trajectories are much curved. In the experi- ments made with low charges care was taken to measure the 'jump" for elevations up to 30°, but these were found to be so small and irregular that they could be neglected.‡ * See Final Report, 1880, Tables XII. (4) and (B), pages 45–47. † Final Report, p. 7, and Table XIII., p. 49. Final Report, p. 6. 102 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 102. I have not had an opportunity of testing the value of the coefficients of resistance for high velocities by a comparison of calculated and experimental ranges and times of flight. And there does not appear to be much necessity for this, as the experiments with high velocities are SO satisfactory. It is probable that the projectiles in these experiments moved with their axes more nearly in the direction of their motion than would be the case throughout a long range. That would lead us to expect the calculated range to be too great. With high charges the "jump" of the gun might be expected to give too great an experimental range. And if the elevation of the gun was considerable, a great part of the horizontal motion of the shot would take place in air much less dense than that for which the coefficients hold good. This would cause the experimental ranges to exceed the calculated ranges. But in these cases the "jump may be measured by careful experiment, and in calculating the trajectory, account may be taken of the decreasing density of the air as the projectile rises above the earth. "" 103. The new values of K for ogival-headed elongated shot, given in Table H., have been calculated on the sup- position that the weight of a cubic foot of air is 534-22 grs., which is the weight of a cubic foot of dry air at a temperature 62°F., under a pressure of 30 inches of mercury. The values, therefore, of K in Tables I. and C. have been increased in the ratio 530-6: 534-22, or the old values of K have received an increment of about 2-300ths of their former values. But as no new experiments have been made with round shot, the values of K in Table II. remain unchanged. When calculating a trajectory, &c. suppose that a cubic foot of air weighs (534.22 ± ▲) grs., this may be allowed for in the following manner. K, is generally found multiplied by d2 พ d2 ៩ | ន In this case X When then พ 1± (1- d² W K becomes い ​A × K。° K. 534-22) K-} - { (12634-22)} Δ พ 534-22) is once found, it can be used in the calculations in combination with the tabular values of K. This will be found a simpler process than correcting the tabular values of K, for in the case of the General Tables, we shall have d² 20 Δ xt = (1±53423) × Ty- T ? ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 103 and or, ď ੪॥੩ (1+ Δ 534-22) xs = Sv - S₁; 534.22 if we suppose the normal height of the barometer to be 30 inches, and the observed height 30 ± ß inches, then we shall have d² and W 30 (1+) - Ty-T₂ t=Tv- ď B S= W (1±8) = Sy - 8, 30 104. In the careful calculation of the trajectory of a shot, it will be necessary to take into account the diminution in the density of the air corresponding to the probable height above the surface of the earth of the middle of each successive arc into which the trajectory is divided. The following Table calculated for a temperature of 62° will be useful in taking account of this diminution of the density of the air as the shot rises. The height of the shot is expressed in feet, and the height of the barometer in inches. Thus, suppose that the height of the barometer at the surface of the ground is 29 inches. This corresponds to a height 2700 feet in the Table. When the shot is 2200 feet above the ground, the height of the barometer corresponding to And the proper 2700 +2200=4900 feet is 26.84 inches. value of K will here be K× 26·84 ÷ 30, approximately. H. Ft. 0 0 100 In. In. In. In. In. In. 32.00 | 31.89 31.78 31.66 31.55 31.44 1000 30.88 30.77 30 65 30.54 | 30·43 2000 29.78 | 29.67 | 29.57 | 29.46 | 29.35 200 300 400 00 | 500 700 600 800 900 Mean Diff. In. In. In. In. | | 31.33 31-22 31.11 31.00- •111 30.32 30-21 30.10 30.00 29.89 •110 29.25 29.14 29.04 28.93 28-83 •106 3000 28-73 28.62 28.52 28′42 | 28-32 28.22 4000 27.71 27.61 27.52❘ 27·42 | 27.32 | 27-22 5000 26.74 26-65 26.55 26-46 26.36 26-27 28.12 | 28.02 27.92 27·81 •102 27-13 27.03 26.93 26.84 ⚫097 26.17 | 26.08 | 25.98 25.89 ⚫094 25.61 | 25·51 | 25.42 25.51 25.42 20·64 | 20:57 | 20:49 19.84 19.77 19.14 19.07 6000 25.79 25.70 7000 24.88 24.79 24-70 24.61 | 24·53 8000 24.00 | 23.92 | 23·83 | 23·75 | 23.66 | 23.58 | 23:49 | 23·41 | 23·32 | 23.24 22.91 22.83 9000 | 23.16 23.07 22.99 | 22.91 10000 22:34 | 22:26 | 22∙18 | 22∙10 | 22 02 11000 21-55 | 21-48| 21-40 | 21-33 | 21.25 12000 20·79 | 20-72 13000 20.06 19.98 19.91 14000 19-35 19-28 19:21 15000 18.67 18.60 18.53 18:47 18:40 18:34 18.27 18-21 18:14 18.08 25-33 24.44 | | 25-24 25-15 25.06 24.97 ⚫091 24.35 | 24.26 | 24-18 24-09 •088 ⚫085 22.74 21.94 | 22.66 22-58 22.50 22.42 | ⚫082 21.86 | 21-78 | 21·70| 21·63 21·17 | 21·09 | 21-02 | 20.94 20.87 ⚫079 ⚫076 20.42❘ 20.35 | 20-27 20·20❘ 20·13 ⚫073 19-70 19-63 19.56 19:49 19:42 ⚫071 19.00 18.94 18.87 18.80 18.73 | ⚫069 ⚫066 104 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 105. In the groups of values of K, for low velocities. (see Final Report) there is often a greater variation in these values than might have been expected, and in consequence of the shot having so frequently passed through the screens without giving a record, it is difficult to decide whether these irregularities be entirely due to the unsteadiness of the shot. All that I could do was to reduce the records sent to me as carefully as possible and state the result. It must be borne in mind also that the unit in the value of K, depends upon the second differences of the times of passing each screen expressed to the 1-100000th of a second. It is not pretended that any chronograph can measure time practically to this fabulous nicety, but in reducing the observations, where the records were read off to the 1-3000th of a second, it was found insufficient for the purposes of calculation to express time in seconds to four places of decimals only, and con- sequently five places are always used now. The experiments were nearly completed before either of the two following plans suggested themselves as likely to secure a good record for every screen passed through by the shot. 106. First, drill three or more equidistant holes normally to the surface of the head of the shot, not far from the cylindrical part, and plug these holes with soft wood. Just before loading fix pieces of softened watch spring wire in each of these plugs, sharpened on the front edge, so that they may clear the gun and yet catch the string of the screens. I have tried a wooden model dropped from the height of 3 or 4 feet on strong threads stretched horizontally with perfect success. C Fig 20 d b ел W a The second method depends on an alteration of the screen. A strong linen thread is to be attached to a fixed point a (fig. 20) at the top of the screen, and carry a sufficient weight W attached at the other end. The arrangement for breaking circuit by wire springs ch is much the same as that which has been used hitherto, only the springs act down- wards here. Each string of the screen is turned once about the round spring wire at b, so that the weight W will keep the string ab stretched, and when a sudden pressure comes against the thread ab, the spring cb will be jerked upwards sufficiently to break contact at e; d is a stop. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 105 107. Robins and Hutton endeavoured to determine the resistance of the air to the motion of bodies of various forms for very low velocities by the use of the whirling machine. When the motion of the machine appeared to be uniform they found the average time of a revolution, and thence deduced the resistance of the air. My chrono- graph is well adapted for experiments of this kind, because it would give the exact time of each successive revolution, beginning from rest, and so afford means for calculating the retarding force for all velocities below the greatest attained. Yet there is not much encouragement to pursue this method of experimenting as it has only been used for velocities below 25 f.s, and there seems to be a liability to error arising from friction and from the stretching and rigidity of the string. It therefore appears that it would be preferable to experiment with bodies of the required forms, constructed of some suitable light material, falling freely under the action of gravity. The arrangement shewn at fig. 11 would be very suitable for dropping the bodies. If the greatest available height were H, then I would first find the time of falling from rest through a height H, taking the mean of 8 or 10 experiments. Afterwards I would find the time of falling freely through heights of H, H, &c. When the experi- ment was completed these times might be differenced, and hence the retarding force of the air might be deduced as in (55) and (57). 3 108. When y is large, 1−y (3p+p³) varies rapidly, and therefore it is not convenient to calculate the values of X, Y and T'in such cases by quadratures in the usual manner from formulæ (6), (7) and (8) in (63). In (62) we have found 1 3 u³ น U 3 9 1 26 (3p+p³) 1 3 {1 − y (3p + p³)}. When =,, or p=p₁, suppose u= ∞, and then we have 19 therefore dp 1 3 u³ u 3 (-1 2/2) 3 dt Y 3 1 9 3 3p, + p = = = 2b, ; هرات 1 Y 26 (3p+p³)} = ²² ((³p,+p,'")−(3p+p')}, 9 106 or therefore dt dp * SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 1 X 1 (2bg³)} ^ {(3p,+p‚³) − (3p+p³)}} ΦΓΦ' (1 + p²) dp T 1 1 t= •T"', (2bg²)} {(3p,+p¸³) − (3p+p³)}} (2bg2) and, similarly, 1 (1 + p²) dp X 11 (46³g) {(3p, +p¸³) − (3p+p³)} 1 •X'•', (4b³g) 3 and 1 $ Φ Φ Y 3 1 ¢Y'p'. (4b²g)} p (1+p³) dø {(3p₁+p,³) − (3p+p³)}} 3 1 The above formulæ have been used in calculating tables of values of X', Y' and T", for 3p, +p, equal to 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 and 0, or for values of y=100, 1000, 10000 and infinity. 109. Let PPAB (fig. 21) be the trajectory of a given shot, on the supposition that the resistance of the air varies as t C A Ꮽ P b a N q N Fig 21 B the cube of the velocity. If now the given shot be pro- jected from any point P in the direction of the tangent Pt at ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 107 that point, which is inclined to the horizontal line PN at an angle 4, with the velocity vo, it will describe the path PAB, if v be determined from the equation 1 (vs cos 4. 3 1 {1-y (3 tan + tan³p)}. As the point of projection approaches P₁, will increase and 1-y (3 tano+tan p) will decrease, and, therefore, vo will increase. At P₁, when = 4₁, suppose that $ 1-y (3 tano, +tan³,) = 0, then v¿₁ = ∞ . If we suppose to be larger than ₁, 1−y (3 tan + tan³y) is negative, and, therefore, v is negative. That is, if sQq=Ÿ, then the shot must be projected from Q downwards in the direction Qr. 1 1 110. Thus the velocity of projection upwards decreases from o at P, to u, at the vertex A. And the velocity of projection downwards decreases from ∞ at P, towards C, till it becomes a minimum at a point where the resolved part of gravity in the direction of the tangent is equal to the retarding force of the air, or where g sin 2bv. ↓ = substituting for v vy its value from -3 -3 · (vy cos¥)˜³ = µ³ {y (3 tan ¥ + tan³) — 1}, 3 And we arrive at the equation, tan 2=-2y for determining y. 3 111. PAB and P, QC are independent branches, having a common tangent at P,. If we supposed the shot to move under the action of gravity and an accelerating force 2bv³ in the arc CQP, and that the force + 2by suddenly changed to -2bv at P, when the velocity was infinite, then a single shot could be made to describe the whole arc CP,AB continuously. 3 3 112. The velocity of the shot moving in the neighbour- hood of P is very great, so that arcs Pa and Pb are not important because we do not possess any practical means of communicating the corresponding high velocities to the shot. Tables of values of X, Y and T have been calculated for all practically useful values of between + 60° and 60°, from y=0 to y= 10; and after that for values of o down to - 45°, from y=1.1 to y=x, where 1-y (3 tano+tan") is positive. These tables, therefore, apply to the branch aAB only. If it was desired to depress guns very much it would D* 108 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE be necessary to calculate tables where y (3 tan + tan³) – 1 is positive, which would apply to the branch bQC. 113. We can find the extreme depression of each gun for which the accompanying tables enable us to calculate the trajectory. When a shot is fired from a gun elevated above the horizon it is known that it will pass the vertex of the trajectory with a velocity u, less than the velocity of pro- jection. But when a gun is depressed below the horizon, the theoretical velocity u, at the vertex A of the trajectory will generally be greater than the velocity of projection. If the velocity of the shot would pass through infinity between the vertex A and the point of projection B, then the tables already calculated do not apply to the case. But if the velocity would be infinite at the vertex A, or on the side AP, then the accompanying tables are applicable. Let the shot be fired at an angle ' below the horizon with an initial velocity v. Then we have (1000) * = (1090 cos 3 K ď² Po I w = ∞ = 19 Suppose now, that u and that v cos p' 1500 f.s, then we obtain, Por = (1000) * P& K d² = w/ 9 го from which p' can be found by the help of Table V. or D. after numerical values have been assigned to K, d and w. Example 1. Take the 11.6-inch gun, where d = 11·52 inches, w700 lbs., and therefore d÷w=0'1896, and K÷g=3·134. Po = 3 (1000) + (8·1340-1896)=-49965, which gives ' = 9° 20′ nearly. Hence the tables already calculated apply to all elevations of this gun from + 60° to 9° 20'. Example 2. Take the 3-inch gun, where d= 2.92 inches, w= 12 lbs., and therefore d÷w=0·7105. 2 Here P= (1900) + (3·134 × 0·7105) = 0·13306, which gives p' = 2° 32'. Hence the accompanying Tables apply to all elevations of the 3-inch gun from + 60° to - 2° 32'. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 109 VB β 114. Let va, v be the velocities of a shot moving in the ascending branch of its trajectory at points where the tangents are inclined to the horizon at angles a, ẞ respectively, and K÷g the mean coefficient through the intervening arc (a-B). Suppose that va is given, then in order to find v we must make use of the equation 'ß° 3 K d² 1000) = (1000) + (P. - P.) .. (4). (1000) * = a 9 го Pg)... But we cannot assign a correct value to K÷g till we have found u uB. On referring to Table I. or H. giving correspond- ing values of v and K÷g, it will be found that sometimes K÷g is varying slowly with v, while at other times it is constant or nearly so. It will, therefore, be advisable to begin by assuming a value for K÷g equal to that given in the table opposite to va, or, preferably, to a velocity something less. Substitute this value of K÷g in the above equation, and then v a good first approximation to v will generally be found, if the arc (a – B) be not too large. Now find the mean value of K÷g between va the first adopted value of K÷g require a small positive correction then v will require a small negative correction. The way in which this correction may be introduced will be best seen from an example. 5 β β β and v B° If Taking the example worked out at p. 60, we have given va = v = 1335 ƒ.s; u=1329·9 f.s; u=1329·9 ƒ.s; d²÷w=56935. And on referring to Table I. we find for a velocity 1335 f.s the value 3-322 for K÷g. Substituting in the above equation, we have 3 3 1000 (1000) * = (119909)* 4 1329.9 +3·322 × 0·56935 × 0·05301 = 0·42515 +0·10026 = 0.52541, which gives u=1239.3 f.s; and V v₁ = 1239•3 sec 4° = 1242·3 f.s. 4 The value of K÷g corresponding to the mean of the velocities 1335 f.s and 1242-3 will be found by Table I. to be 3·358 = 3·322 +·036 = K÷g + SK÷g. Now K÷g=3·322 gave 10026, therefore +&K÷g=0·036 will give + ·00109, and from Table F. it appears that for a velocity about 1239 f.s a correction of +00127 applied to (1000÷v)³ gives a 110 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE correction 1.0f.s to be applied to v. Therefore, a correction + '00109 will give a correction of −0·9 f.s to the velocity, or = u₁ = 1239.3 – 0·9 = 1238·4 f.s. u, β 4 uß 115. If we proceed to calculate first approximate values Изд u, u₂, u₁ and u, using the same value 3.322 of K÷g, we find of and u, 3 U2 1169.5 f.s instead of 1167-8, = 1113·3….. 1113 3...... u₁ = 1066·8.... u = 1027·1.. ...1111.6, 1066 0, ..1031.9. 0 B° Thus it appears that a somewhat erroneous value of K÷g will generally give a very fair first approximation to v And this arises from the fact that when the arc (a-B) is properly assigned, K÷g is always multiplied by a very small quantity. For d÷w varies from about 3 for a small arm bullet to 0.25 for the 10-inch gun, and becomes still less for larger guns. When d÷w is large aẞ must be small, say about 0°5, then d÷wx (P-P) = 3 × 0.03 0.09 nearly. = lating trajectories for the 6.3-inch howitzer for low velocities (below 800 f.s), where d²÷w=0.5616, it was found very satisfactory to divide the trajectory into arcs of 4° or 5°. β In calcu- B 116. Some difficulty has been experienced in calculating v from the equation (A) where K generally varies slowly with v. The trajectory has to be broken up into a series of small arcs through each of which K has to be supposed If constant, and equal to the mean value between v。 and v the arc (a-B) be properly chosen K may have its mean value derived from the table of values of Σ (K÷g), or it may be the mean of its values corresponding to v。 and v VB or it may be the value of K corresponding to the mean velocity 1 (vv). For if the results differed sensibly it would appear that the arc (a-B) was too large. As the problem does not admit of a direct and precise solution it is necessary to resort to approximations. But if these approximations be intelligently carried out, any required degree of precision may easily be obtained in the result; and the smaller the arcs are taken the more nearly exact becomes the result. 117. But to meet this difficulty I have calculated an auxiliary Table J., where บ 3 R₂ = 100 [{(1000) * - (1000)}, g K m ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 111 By this we find 3 Ro₂- Rep = {(1000)" - (1000) } } Rv Rva α β β K' where K is supposed to vary continuously with v, from v to But in the equation we have to deal with, va replaced by u. and u UB. (A) under the form 1000 cos ẞ seca 3 and v are 'β We must, therefore, put the equation 9 d P¸) )' - (1000) } // = = (P. - P₂) cos'a, K W d2 3 where Rv Rv cosẞ seca W (Pa- Pg) cos³α......(I), α β for the ascending branch, or or 3 (1000)² - (0/0 β α 1000 cosa secß, 3 ď (Pß - Pa) cos³ß, W +Rv' cosa secẞ- Rv' = (PË-Pa) cos³ß (II), α β W for the descending branch, where, the smaller cosa secß is, the nearer the calculated result will approach the true result. 118. Suppose that a Martini-Henry bullet is projected at an elevation of 1° above the horizon, with a velocity of 1353 f.s. Then d=0·45 inch; w = 480 grs. · 480 grs. = 0·06857 lbs. ; and d² ÷ w = 2·953. As the velocity of the bullet will vary rapidly in consequence of the high value of d÷w, it will be advisable to employ the general Table J. to calculate the velocities when the bullet is moving in directions inclined at 0°•5, 0, — 0°·5, — 1°.0 and -1°3 to the horizon. We thus obtain 0.5 v0.5=1145.3 f.s; u=10347 f.s; v'o.s =973'6 f.s; v'1.0=924'9 f.s; v'1.3900'0 f.s. And using the tabular values of X, Y and T, we find: 120.5 0.5000 = -416.8 feet; = 321·0 1x=737·8 "} 0.530 = 1·463 0.55553 feet; Y0.5 1t0.5 "" 0":3357 0.5to=0·2948 "} 0 13% +7·016 22 10 ito: = 0·6305 112 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE and for the descending branch: 0.5 0·5t10 t 0 2571 охо 0° 0.5 =272·7 feet; oyo.5=1164 feet; otos=0"-2723 0.5X10 = 244.3 "" 0.591 = 3.191 "" 0.5 1 0 1.41.g = 135·3 "" Y 1.3 = 2·726 99 X1.3 =+652·3 11 Y 1.3 Y1.3 7.081 "" Ο x=+737·8 "" 19%=+7·016 22 0 1390·1 - 0·065 11 0*1.3=0·6782 to =+0·6305 1. 3087 A correction of -0.065 applied to y will give a correction -0.065 cot 1°.3=-2.9 ft. to be applied to x, and a correction - 2.9900 x 1" -0".0032 to t. Hence the range on the horizontal plane passing through the point of projection is 1390.1 2.9 feet 1387 2 feet. The greatest height to which the bullet rises above this plane is 7'016 feet. And the time of flight is 1"-3087-0" 0032 = 1"-3055. Or, if we divide the trajectory into two parts at the vertex we obtain u=10345 f.s; v1.3=9000 f.s; and 1x0 X1.3 = 652.3 x=747·0 feet; 0 1399.3 10 190 +7·114 feet; and t =0"-6344 99 Y 1.3 -7.080 "" 0 ot1.3 0 6781 + 0.034 1 .3125 Hence the range on the horizontal plane is 1399.3 + 1·5 =1400-8 feet. The greatest height is 7.114 feet, and the time of flight is 1"-3125 + 0"·0016 = 1″·3141. 119. When, as in the above example, a shot is moving in a direction so little inclined to the horizon that the resolved part of gravity in the direction of its motion is very small, the general Tables L. and M. may be used to calculate the trajectory in the following manner. Suppose a, B, to be the 0 Fig 22 ť t A m n P p N M m inclination to the horizon of the tan- gents to the trajectory at the points O, P. Then the velocity of s the shot v at O being supposed to be known, its velocity vs at P And by the help of N' P' can be found by the help of the Table J. a ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 113 the general Tables L. and M. it can be found in what space s and in what time t, the velocity of the shot, unaffected by gravity, will be reduced from v. to vg. Then take the angle NOt=a; Ot=s; and draw tN perpendicular to the hori- zontal line passing through 0. Then and ax β a = ON= Ot cosa =s cosa; y=PN=Nt−tP= s sina — ½gť². The value of gt" will be found from Table G. when t is known. In the descending branch we have pN' = m'p' = m's + sp' =ps sin spm' +1gť". In the above example we find 10.5=416.5 feet; 0.5 = 3188 feet; 0.5=272.9 feet; S 244.2 ; 1$1.3 = 135.1 0.5 1 1 "" "" ; 。to and t=0"-3359;t=0" 2940; 50"-2722; 0-st₁ =0"2579;t=0"1483. 0.5 1 = 416.4 feet; 10.5=5452 feet; 120.5 o.5 = 318•7 0 1x=735·1 19 = 1.391 1 ; 0.590 。。.5=272·9 feet; o•C = X 1.3 1 = 244.2 = 135·1 652.2 DX1.3 1200 = 735·1 1387.3 G 19% = 6·843 = 1 to.50"-3359 ; to "; =0·2940 0.5°0 to=0·6299 t0.5 = 0".2722 999 ; t 1.193 feet; Yo 90.5 22 ; 0.531 "" ; 191.3 - 7.105 = 3.201 = 2·711 Y 1.3 19% =+6·843 - 0.262 0.5*1=0 •2579 11.3 = 0·1483 0t1.3=0·6784 t =0·6299 1°0 1 -3083 Correction for y is 0.262, for x is 0.262 cọt 1°•3——11·5, — – and for t is 0"-0128. Therefore, the range is 1387.3 - 11.5 = 1375-8 feet; the greatest height is 6.843 feet; and the time of flight is 1"3083 - 0"·0128 = 1″·2955. Or, if we divide the trajectory into two parts at the vertex, we find u= 10345 f.s; v1.3=900 f.s; s=736.0 feet; 081.3=651-3 feet; and S. 0 651′2,, ; oY 1.3 12=735-9 feet; 19% X1.3 1387.1 +6:440 feet; t = 0"-6308 -7.390 0.950 t = 0".6776 013 1"-3084 114 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE as B cos (a+B), and t = 0"-3359 120. If we suppose OP to be the arc of a circle, then L PON=(a+B), and therefore a = a³ß ay 3 = as sin (a + B). β β 10.5=416.5 feet; 0.5 = 3188 „ ; x=735·3 22 and=272.9 feet; x, = 244·2 0.5 0.5 1 21.3 1.3 , хо = 135.0 = 652.1 = 735.3 ах в Thus we find 9%=+6·842 to.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 0 =0·2940 t = 0"-6299 1955.451 feet; 0.5 Yo =1·391 „ ; Yo-5 090.5= 1.191 feet; 0.5=0″•2722 t 0 0531- ; 191.3 19 1.3 = 3.196 2.711 22 ; 0.5t₁ = 0·2578 t "" 2 ₁₁.9=0·1483 OY 1.3 -7.098 " ; 22 1 01.30"-6784 t=0·6299 1387'4 19%=+6·842 · 0.256 1":3083 Hence the range on the horizontal plane through the point of projection is 13874 – 0·256 cot 1°·3 = 1387·4 – 11·3 = 1376.1 feet; and the time of flight 1"3083-0" 0126-1" 2957. Or, if we divide the trajectory into two parts at the vertex, we obtain 120 DX1.3 =736·0 feet; 19% + 6.423 0 =6513 „ ; Y1.3 =-7.390 10 0"-6308 0*1.8=0·6776 1387.3 - 0.967 1 .3084 Mr. W. D. Niven has shewn how to apply corrections to the angle (a+B), so that by the help of the general Tables L. and M. trajectories may be approximately calcu- lated in the absence of the tabular numbers X, Y and T. 121. The Tables of values of X, Y and T, or X', Y' and T', for y=130 to y = ∞ have been calculated for the descending branch only of the trajectory. But if it should be necessary to calculate the ascending branch in any of these cases, then, as the inclination of the tangent of the trajectory to the horizon cannot much exceed 1° 30', one of the above simple methods would apply and must be used up to the vertex. After that the tables of values of X, Y and T, or of X', Y' and T may be used to complete the calculation of the trajectory from the vertex downwards. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 115 122. Suppose it to be required to calculate the trajectory of a 70 lb. ogival-headed shot fired from the 6.3-inch howitzer, with a muzzle velocity of 751 f.s at an elevation of 30°. Here' d=6•27 in. and ď÷w = 5616. We will divide the trajectory into arcs 30°-28°, 28° - 24°, 24° -20°, &c. Calculate the velocities v287 249 20, &c., by the help of Table J. Generally Ru sec a Բ Ry α ing branch (117), or d² พ (P-P) cos³a for the ascend- Rugs sec 30°=R751-5616 (P-P) cos³30° = 7·6109 – 0·0653 = 7·5456 = R794. 734-57 30 or 28 Ugg sec30°=734.5, 636.1, and v₂ = == = 28 28 = 720·4 f.s. ď² W or Again Ru sec28° = Rv₂ (P28-P24) cos³28° 728 =7·4864 0·1243 = 7.3621= R 693.47 u₂ sec 28° = 693·4, u=612.2, and v₁ = 670.2 f.s. 24 24 ย $ น γ f.s A₁ A₂ f.s Δι Δη A₁ 30° 751.0 650'4 28 720.4 *223 636.1 - 50.2 23.9 24 670.2 *231 +10.5 612.2 39.7 +4.2 19.7 +11 20 630.5 •242 + 8.1 592.5 31.6 - 16 598.9 16.8 +2.9 +11 •253 + 6.2 575.7 25.4 +2.1 +11 14.7 12 573.5 •264 +5.0 561.0 20.4 +1.5 13.2 +10 •274 8 553.1 + 4·3547·8 16.1 +1·1 + 8 12.1 + 1 + 4 537.0 -282 + 3.7 535.7 12.4 +1.0 +8 11.1 •290 0 524.6 + 3.3 524.6 9.1 10.2 +0·9 + 6 •296 4 515.5 +2.9 514:4 6.2 +0.1 + 5 8 509.3 10'1 •301 +2.6 504·3 3.6 +0.4 + 3 9.7 •304 12 505.7 + 2.6 494.6 1.0 +0.2 + 1 9.5 ⚫305 16 504.7 + 2.5 485.1 + 1·5 +0·1 0 9.4 •305 20 506.2 + 2.5 475.7 0.2 + 4.0 2 9.6 ⚫303 24 510.2 + 2.6 466.1 0.2 + 6.6 3 9.8 28 516.8 ⚫300 +2.5 456.3 -0.5 + 9.1 6 - 10.3 •294 32 525.9 +2.9 446.0 -0.5 +12.0 9 - 10.8 36 537.9 •285 + 2.9435.2 +14.9 12 •273 40 552.8 E* 116 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE Again Ru sec 24° = Rv24 (P24-P₂0) cos³24° พ or =7·2435 −0·1215 = 7·1220 = R. 648-67 U20 sec 24° = 648.6, u 592.5, and v₂-630.5 f.s.&c. = 20 20 To test the accuracy of the calculations as we proceed we difference the values of v, u, and also y when calculated, as in the above Table. 123. It is convenient to find by interpolation values of v corresponding to p=26°, 22° &c. Thus we obtain φ Y f.s 30° 751.0 28 720.4 - 30.6 - 26 693.8 24 670.2 22 649°2 20 630.5-18.7+2·3 −0·3 -21·0+2·6 26.6 +4.0 23.6+3·0-1·0 -0.4 These interpolated velocities may be used as guides to the proper values of K÷g to be used in calculating Ax, Ay and At for each arc. 124. We must now proceed to find u, and thence y, Ax, Ay and At for each arc. Here (1000)* = (1000) * Also y= ор (10000) 8 228 28 1000 636-1 K d2 9 g w 3 3 + Ꮶ d 9 го P₂ 2 +2.519 × 5616 x 1.74545, &c. and then ▲x, ▲y and At may be found for the arc (30°- 28°), and so on for the remaining arcs. of the trajectory. We thus obtain the columns headed Ax, Ay and At, which are also to be differenced as the work proceeds to test their correctness. Afterwards the columns x, y and t are found by addition commencing from zero at the vertex in each case, as in the table following: ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 117 8 $ ୫ Ax A²x A³x У Ay feet A²y Aჰყ t At A2t A³t feet 30° 6074 1882 593 10".413 28 5481 329 1553 - 0"-916 1055 9 *497 24 4426 516 +135 1037 1 .682 920 - 35 + 143 7 815 20 3506 373 +159 + 100 37 664 · 1 ·523 - 39 820 + 106 25 6 .292 16 2686 267 +120 + 75 25 397.3 1 403 27 745 18 + 81 4 ·889 12 1941 186.3 + 93 + 57 211.0 16 1 .310 688 + 64.7 23 12 3 .579 8 1253 121.6 + 45 11.0 + 70 89.4 - 1 240 18 643 + 53.7 2 ·339 12 1 + + 4 610 67.9 + 52 + 33 + 21.5 7.3 1 .188 15 610 9 +46·4 21.5 +1 ·151 + 37 0 0 + 24 4.6 1 .151 0 14 586 +41.8 4 586 7 0 + 20·3 + 23 + 17 + 20.3 2.3 - 1 128 12 569 6 + 39.5 -1 128 8 1155 + 11 + 59.8 80.1 0.9 + 11 • 1 117 Going 558 + 38.6 11 2 .245 6 12 1713 + 98.4 0 553 16 2266 +1 5 178.5 1 554 1 1 6 + 39.5 + 0·9 1 117 12 3 ·362 12 + 137.9 316'4 + 2·6 1 .129 12 + 42.1 4 ⚫491 20 2820 6 + 180.0 24 496'4 + 4.2 · 1 ·153 12 560 +46.3 5 .644 24 3380 +226.3 36 11 722.7 + 6.1 1 .189 14 571 + 52.4 6 .833 7 50 28 3951 +278.7 18 1001.4 + 9.3 1 ·239 589 +61.7 17 8 .072 7 32 4540 + 340·4 67 25 1341.8 + 12.3 1 .306 614 36 8 +74.0 19 9 .378 86 5154 + 414·4 32 1756.2 +17·1 1 ·392 646 +91.1 25 10 •770 40 5800 + 505.5 111 2261.7 -1 ·503 12 ·273 118 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 125. We might now find the range, time of flight, final velocity and angle of descent on a horizontal plane, a given distance above or below the muzzle of the gun. But we can derive other important results from the calculations already made, which will be of great service when we come to the systematic calculation of Range Tables. Any point in the trajectory may be considered to be the point of projection, provided the shot be supposed to be projected with the velocity, and in the direction of the tangent to the trajectory, at that point. We shall, therefore, suppose that shot are fired at elevations of 0, 4°, 8°, 12°, &c., with muzzle velocities 537-0, 553·1, 573.5, &c., f.s respectively, and find their ranges, &c., on horizontal planes 6'5 feet below the points of projection. It will be advisable to find by interpolation the values of x', y', t' and v' in the descending branch for values. 1º, 2º, 3º, &c. of p'. The following is small portion of such a table: x' φ' B’ f.s A feet A feet A ť Δ 20°❘ 506.2 2820 496.4 +0.8 + 139 5" 644 +52·0 2 I 507'0 0.9 2959 140 548.4 22 507'9 1.1 3099 140 603.4 55.0 3.0 5 937 ·296 +293 58.1 23 509'0 24 510.2 1.2 3239 3380 141 661.5 61.2 3.1 6 532 301 3.1 6 233 .299 722.7 6.833 126. When the gun is supposed to be elevated 20° above the horizon the corresponding muzzle velocity of the shot is 630-5f.s (122). The shot rises 664.0+6.5=670·5 feet above the horizontal plane on which we desire to find the range, &c. By the help of the above table we find that when the shot is moving in the descending branch of the trajectory in a direc- tion inclined to the horizon at 23°, it has fallen through a vertical height of 661.5 feet, and when at 24°, it has fallen through a vertical height of 722-7 feet. We desire to find o', x', t', v' corresponding to y' = 670.5. Hence $' = 23° + (670·5 — 661·5) ÷ 61·2 × 1° = 23° + 9°÷61•2 = 23°15; x′ = 3239 + (9÷61·2) × 141 = 3239 +21 = 3260 feet; t' ť 6"532+(9÷61.2) × 0"-3016"-532 +0"0446"•576; v' = 509′0 + (9 ÷ 61·2) × 1•2 = 509′0 + 0·2 = 509·2 f.s. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 119 Hence v=630·5f.s; R=3506 +3260=6766 feet = 2255 yards; Y=-6·5 feet; T= 6″•292 + 6″•576 12" 868; p=23°15; and v' = 509-2 f.s. = In the same way we proceed to calculate the ranges, times of flight, &c., for elevations of 0°, 4°, 8°...28° and 30° and obtain the following results: Ø V R Y' f.s yards A₁ Δ2 feet A₁ Δ2 A3 T Δι A 2 p' Δι f.s A₁ A₂ 0° | 524.6 109 6.5 4 537.0 + 322 431 +85 + 21.5 0".63 2°.22 28.0 + 407 8 553.1 838 +31 + 67.9 95.9 12 +438 573.5 1276 + 32 16 + 470 598.9 1746 + + 39 403.8 20 + 509 630.5 2255 + 266.7 + 54 670.5 24 + 563 670.2 2818 +70 1043.5 28 720.4 3451 +633 + 106.3 +373·0 +143·0+ 36·7 1559.5+ 516·0 217.5+ 121.6+ 53.7+ 7.3 186.3+ 64.7+11.0 +15.7 +25.9 + 46.4 2".47 +2·84 519.1 + 2.46 4 ·79+2·32 -52 4.68 +18 8.75 + 80.4 7 .29 9·97+2·68 + 2.50 +4.50 +1813 25 +22 18 06 12 ⚫87 +2.90 +38 + 3.57 19 •63 30 751.0 3802 1888.5 21 ⚫59 28 .53 34 ⚫20 37.12 + 43 508.5 3·4+2·4/ •0+3·4/ +4·1 + 4·1 16 06+3·19+29 23 15+ 5'09+ 28 505 1, 509-2 +8·7+4·6 +14.2 517.9 + 5.5 532.1 541.8 +4·07+1·61 514-37 4.8 | 1.0 5.8 +4·81+31 505.1 + 5.38 +5.67+ 29 + 29 127. By interpolation we can now find the values of V, R, Y', T, Þ' and v′ for Þ= 1º, 2º, 3º...28°, 29°, 30°, as follows: 120 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE V Φ R f.s yards Y' feet સ T Φ f.s. 24° 670.2 2818 +11.5 1043.5 16"-06 25 681.7 2968 +12·1 + 150 28°.53 26 693·8 27 706-7 +13.7 +12.9 3124 +161 + 156 1157'5 16 '91 + ·85 517.9 1.39 + 3·0 12805 17 79 + 788 29 '92 1·41 520'9 3285 28 720.4 +166 1414'0 18 70 + ·91 3451 +14·7 +172 1559.5 19 ·63 + ·93 32 '76 31 33 1·43 +3·3 524°2 +3·7 1.44 527'9 +4.2 34 ·20 532.1 29 735'1 30 751.0 +15.9 3623 + ·96 1.45 + 4.6 + 179 1717'5 20 '59 3802 1888.5 21 59 +1·00 35 65 1.47 536'7 37.12 541.8 + 5·1 128. In the next place suppose that we wish to calculate the Range, &c. of the shot for a muzzle velocity of 751 f.s, and an elevation of 30° in a more expeditious manner. After having found by calculation as above, u=524.6 f.s and v', 541-4 f.s, we will divide the trajectory into two parts at the vertex. 37 = = The mean value of K÷g found by the help of the table of values of (K÷g) between 750 and 525 f.s, is 2.961. This gives y = 0.2401; 30=5947 feet; 30-1836-7 feet; and set = 10" 304. t= In the descending branch the shot has to fall a vertical height of 1836.7 +6.5=1843.2 feet. The mean value of K÷g between velocities 525 and 540 f.s is 3.555, which gives y = 0.288 and Hence 0038 = 5179.8 feet; 03-1768-2 feet; 86 X 37 03 37 s=10"-797, ; 0Y 3 "" 036.64-1843-2 feet; 0.0411″·030, 3000+1836.7 5338.6 0236.64 = 5281 feet; 30xC0 = 5947 = "; 1885.8 " ; 0 87 otз7 = 11 ·162. 99 9 30% = 10 ·304. Therefore, R=11228 feet 3743 yards. Y=-6.5 feet. And T=21"-33. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 121 0 36 129. Lastly we will find u and v' by the formula A (114). The initial velocity is 751 f.s, and we are certain that this will be very much reduced when it reaches the vertex of the trajectory. We will assume K÷g= 2.905, which corresponds to a mean velocity of 640 f.s. Substituting in formula A (114) we find u 528 5 f.s a first approximation. By the help of the table of values of Σ (K÷g), we find the mean value of K÷g between velocities 750 and 530 ƒf.s = 2·946. This gives u' 527·4 f.s. a second approximation. The mean value of K÷g between 751 and 527.4 f.s will be found to be 2.951. And it has been found that 0 and Ο K÷g=2.905 gave u = 528.5 f.s, Ο K÷g=2·946 gave u'= 527·4 f.s, or +·041 gave - – 0·9 Therefore +⚫005 would give – 0·1, or K÷g=2.951 would give u=527.3. This gives y=0.2428, 302-6023·0 feet, y= 1862.2 feet, and t = 10" 369. 30 0 For the descending branch mean value of K÷g between velocities 527 and 540 f.s will be found to be 3.554, which gives y = 0·2925 and 0238=5218.3 feet; Ye=1779.8 feet; and t= 86 X37 36 =5378′0,, ; 0Y37 0 36 10"-837, = 1898·0,, ; 0*37=11.203. The vertical height through which the projectile has to descend is 1862·2 + 6·5 = 1868·7 feet, from which consideration we obtain, 08.75=5338-4 feet; 338:75-1868.7 feet; and 75 = 11" 112, and 0°36'75 30% 30¹² = 6023·0,, ; 30% =+1862-2,, ; and Hence x=11361 feet=3787 yards; Y=-6.5 feet; and T=21" 481. 10 369. 130. A somewhat more accurate result would have been obtained if the descending branch had been divided into two sections at the point where v' is a minimum. Differentiating = u(1+ y (3 tan o' + tan³p')} or -3 2 3 3 v'¯³ = u˜³ {cos³p' + y (3 sin p' cos²p' + sin³¿')}, 122 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE we find tan 24' = 2y = 0.582=tan 30° nearly. Or the descend- ing branch may be divided into two arcs, 0 to -15°, and 15° to 37°. 131. On sending in my report on the additional ex- periments 1878-9, undertaken to determine the resistance of the air to projectiles moving at very high and very low velocities, some range tables of the 6.3-inch howitzer were forwarded to me from Woolwich because they appeared to shew that my coefficients did not give the same final velocities as were recorded in those range tables. But as those were cases were the muzzle velocities were low, and the elevations were often high, the trajectories of the shot were mostly much curved, so that the general tables connecting v, s and t did not apply. I therefore decided to calculate the tra- jectories carefully, so as to compare the results of calculation and experiment for low velocities in a thoroughly satisfactory manner in this case, which was not of my own choosing. The range tables were arranged to shew what elevation must be given to the howitzer in order to obtain ranges of 400, 500, 600, &c., yards with charges of 1, 2, 3, 31, 31, 32 and 4 lbs. of powder. But it was easy to deduce from these tables the ranges, times of flight, final velocities and angles of descent for elevations of 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, &c., corresponding to the various muzzle velocities given with each of the specified charges. w= 132. In these calculations w = 70 lbs.; d=6·27 inches and ď² ÷ w = 0·5616. The calculation of the velocities com- menced from the vertex with values of u=100, 140, 180, 220...700, 740 f.s. The formula used was d Rv = Rv_cosa secẞ ±(P-Pa) cos³ß, β d² ur β 3 where it is manifest that (P-Pa) cos³ß having been cal- พ culated for one trajectory at intervals of 5°, the result would be applicable to all the other trajectories to be calculated. As has been explained (126) the ranges, &c., were calculated for each of the above specified values of u for elevations of 5°, 10°, 15°...45°. 5 5 133. Afterwards values of V, R., T, and ' were arranged in tables where u was the argument. Then seven intermediate values of these quantities were found by interpolation. The same thing was done with V₁o, R., To and ', and so on for elevations of 15°, 20°...45°. 109 107 10 109 ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 123 The following is a specimen of the table for an elevation of = 30°: Цо A B f.s f.s yards I' feet A Φ v A f.s 300 367.2 1122 + 6.9 305 374'I 1161 +39 509.5 | 11″-21 32°06 334.6 +⚫20 +05 + 5.1 6.9 39 II '41 32.11 310 381'0 20 6339'7 5.1 I 200 7.0 41 II '61 315 388.0 20 32 '17 6 344.8 7.0 1241 5.1 41 11 ·81 320 | 395'0 1282 20 32.23 7 349'9 5.1 7.1 42 12 'OI 20 32°30 325 402 I 7.2 1324 7 355'0 5.1 43 330 409'3 7.3 1367 12 '21 21 32°37 7 360'1 5.0 44 335 416.6 12 '42 21 32'44 7 365'1 1411 7.3 45 12 '63 5.0 340 423.9 1456 7.4 667.5 21 32°51 8370'1 46 12 84 5.0 32.59 375.1 345 | 431*3 7.4 1502 21 8 5.0 46 13 '05 350 438.7 7.5 1548 21 32·67 9 380'1 48 13 .26 5.0 355 446'2 7.6 1596 21 32 76 9 385.1 48 13 '47 360 453.8 7.7 1644 22 32.85 5.0 9390'1 4.9 50 13 '69 365 461'5 7.7 1694 21 32 '94 395'0 9 4.9 50 13 '90 370 469*2 22 33 '03 7.8 1744 51 10 399'9 4.8 14 '12 22 33 '13 375 477.0 10 404'7 7.9 1795 52 4.8 14 '34 380 484.9 1847 856.5 8.0 53 14 .56 22 33 23 10 409'5 4.8 385 492'9 22 33°33 1900 14 '78 10 414'3 4.7 33°43 419'0 540 | 784-4 4067 2038-5) 22-42 37.61 554.2 124 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE For 134. It is easy to find from this Table the range, &c. of the 6.3-inch howitzer corresponding to any muzzle velocity between 360 and 500 f.s for an elevation of 30°. instance, suppose the muzzle velocity given is 450 fs, a velocity not found in the Table. We must, therefore, make use of proportional parts. The muzzle velocity is The range R is (446·2 + 3·8) ƒ.s. 1596 +48 × (3·8 ÷ 7·6) = 1596 + 24 = 1620 yards. The time of flight T is 13″:47 + ·22 × (3·8 ÷ 7·6) = 13″·47 +0″·11 = 13″-58. The angle of descent Þ' is 32°.85+09 (3.8÷7.6) 32°•85+0°05=32°.90. And the final velocity v' is = 390·1 + 4·9 (3·8 ÷ 7·6) = 390·1 + 2·5 = 392·6 ƒ.s. And the like may be done with the other tables for elevations of 5°, 10°, &c., which will be sufficient when the object is merely to compare the results of calculation with those given in Range Tables. 135. But if the object be to calculate the elevations to be given to the gun, with a known muzzle velocity, in order to obtain ranges of 400, 500, 600, &c. yards; first find, as above, from the Tables calculated, the Ranges, &c. for elevations of 0, 5°, 10°, 15°, &c. corresponding to the given muzzle velocity. Then find the like quantities by interpolation for elevations R Φ A T A Φ A v' A yards 15° 2462 11":56 17°.64 593 16 2585 + 123 +72 +1.31 6 12 28 118 71 1895 1.31 587 6 17 2703 113 12 '99 20°26 70 1.31 581 6 18 2816 108 13 '69 70 21 57 575 1.31 5 19 2924 103 14 '39 22.88 69 1.31 570 20 3027 15 ·08 24.19 566 98 68 1.31 21 3125 94 15 76 25'50 67 1.31 562 22 3219 89 16 43 26.81 67 1.31 558 3 23 3308 85 17 '10 28 12 66 1.31 555 3 24 3393 80 1776 66 29 43 1.31 552 2 25 3473 18 42 30.74 550 ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 125 of 1º, 2º, 3º, &c. It will then be easy by the use of pro- portional parts to find the elevations to be given in order to obtain any possible range. Thus suppose the muzzle velocity of the 6.3-inch howitzer to be 751 f.s, then we obtain from the Tables already calculated the values of R, T, Þ' and v' corre- sponding to ... 15°, 20°, 25°. 15°, 20°, 25°….., and interpolate, as in the preceding table. 136. We can now calculate ♣, T, Þ' and v', corresponding to ranges of 2500, 2600, &c. yards, and we obtain for v=751 f.s, R V' Φ A T Δ Φ' Δ A yards f.s 2500 15° 31 11"-78 18°.05 591 +82 2600 16.13 12 .37 +0"-59 +1.07 5 19.12 586 •84 •60 1.11 5 2700 16.97 12 ·97 20·23 581 .89 ⚫62 1.15 2800 17.86 13.59 21 38 576 .92 .64 1.21 5 2900 18·78 14 ·23 22.59 571 •96 .66 1.26 4 3000 19.74 14.89 23.85 567 1.00 •70 1.31 4 3100 20.74 15.59 25.16 563 1.06 71 1.38 3200 21 ·80 16.30 26.54 559 1.11 •74 1.46 4 3400 3300 22 91 24.11 • 17 .04 28.00 555 1.20 •80 1.58 3 17 .84 29.58 552 which may be compared with the Range Table for a charge of 4 lbs. given in Instructions for Field Service, 1879, p. 103. 137. In this way numerous comparisons of calculated and experimental ranges, &c. for low muzzle velocities, have been made by the help of Range Tables, both English and German, (100). Considering all the uncertainties which attach to such Tables, the results appear to be as satisfactory as could be reasonably expected. 138. If it had been desired to provide means for the ready preparation of theoretical Range Tables for any practical value of d÷w whatever, then it would be necessary to calculate sets of Tables, for values 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, &c. of d²÷w, such as we have calculated for dw=0.5616; or, with a view to utilise the work already done, d'÷w might be taken equal 0.5616 ± 0·2000 × n. The trajectories were calculated by arcs of 5°, but the results would have been a trifle more precise, and the interpolations much simplified, if arcs of 4° had been used. 126 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 139. Inasmuch as the unit of the value of K depends upon something like the 1-100000th of a second (105), it was, perhaps, needless to express its value to one place of decimals. This affords an additional explanation of the observed fact, that a small error in the numerical value of K does not produce errors of much importance in the calculation of trajectories in practical cases. In the reduction of the experiments and in the calculation of the Tables, the Arithmo- meter of Thomas (de Colmar) has proved a most valuable assistant. 140. In making systematic calculations of trajectories printed forms were found of great assistance; and the recent invention for producing manifold copies of writing renders it easy for any one to prepare his own forms. Tables of five figure logarithms are quite sufficient for these calculations, while Tables of four figures may be used for many purposes; and some proportions can be worked by the slide rule with sufficient accuracy. Supplementary Tables. Tables printed 1877. A. Continuation of Table VI. for values of y = 5.1 to y= 100. B. Continuation of Table A from y = 100 to y=x. C. Tables of values of K, K÷g, &c. (This Table, as well as Table I. are now superseded by Table H.) D. Table of values of P for every tenth of a degree from 0 to 21°. u and E. Table of values of (v versin 4) useful in calculating u from a given value of v and p, or v from a given value of without the use of logarithms, thus u = v cos &=v-v verso.... v=u+v vers $=u+ (u+v verso) vers & =u+u versp+(u vers o) verso nearly... (2). and Example (71) u₁ = (1), - 1335 – 1335 vers 5° = 1335.0 — 4·95 — ·13 = 1335·0 — 5·08 — 1329·9. Again "₂ = = 1329·9 + 1329.9 vers 5° +(1329·9 vers5°) vers 5° 1329·9+ 5·06 +5.06 vers 5° = 1329·9 + 5·06 + 0·02 = 1335·0. ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 127 u₁= 1450-1450 vers 15°=1450 - 49′4=1400·6. 15 Again v 1400·6 + (1400·6) vers 15° 15 Example. = +(1400.6 vers 15°) vers 15° 1400·6 +47·7 +47·7 vers 15° = 1400·6+47·7 + 1·6 = 1449·9. F. Table of values of [1000÷v]³ for velocities 500 to 2000 f.s. G. Table of heights in feet, through which a body would descend when falling freely from rest under the action of gravity in the latitude of London in the specified times Tables printed in 1881. H. Tables of values of K, K÷g, log K÷g, and Σ (K,÷g) for velocities 100 to 2800 f.s for ogival-headed projec- tiles, to supersede Tables I. and C. - J. Table of values of R, = (1000) {[(v-1)-v³]g÷K₂_4}, where the variation in the density of the air may be ď ď² taken into account by writing (1) for in W equations I. and II. (117) just as in (103). W K. Table of values of [1000÷v]³ in continuation of Table F. L. General Table of values of T, for v100 to 2919 f.s to supersede Table IX. M. General Table of values of S, for v = 100 to 2919 f.s to supersede Table VIII. In Tables L and M the tabular numbers T, and S, are now arranged to increase with v, for it is a convenience to have Sv, ST, and SS, all of the same sign. t=T-T, and d W d² พ s=S-S, where the velocity of the projectile falls from v to v in the time t and space s (79). - N. Table of values of log (P- Pr-1), log (P¿ − P¿-2) and log (P$ — P$-4)• O. Table of values of log cos³p. 128 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 141. The Committee on Explosives appear to have brought their labours to a conclusion. Two former members of this Committee, Messrs. Abel and Noble, have contributed to the Transactions of the Royal Society (1875) some Researches on Fired Gunpowder, based on results said to have been arrived at by the Committee. But I believe that the details of the experiments from which these results were obtained have not yet been published. On this point the authors remark that they have not space within the limits of their paper to enter upon a discussion of the methods of calculation and correction necessary to arrive at the results tabulated. Notwithstanding this missing link, the Royal Society have considered the paper of such high importance that they have honoured it with two royal medals, one to each of its joint authors. When conferring the second medal, the President of the Royal Society referred to the beautiful invention of the Chronoscope, "by which intervals of time as small as the one-millionth of a second can be measured,"! (Nature, Dec. 9, 1880, p. 139). A reference to the paper commended would have shewn that its authors allowed that in reading a single record there would be a probable error of 4 or 5 millionths of a second, even when the instrument was in good working order. But this high degree of accuracy could only be attained by cutting all the primaries as nearly simultaneously as possible, which is no test whatever of the accuracy of the instrument when applied to any useful purpose, as I have already shewn (9) to (19). The cutting plugs, the toothed wheels, and the stop clock are all left out in that method. of "testing," but they are all essential parts of the Chronoscope. The only way to test the power of such an instrument is to employ it in the actual experiments for which it was designed, to apply the necessary corrections, and to give the results of numerous trials. It is obvious that the cutting plugs would fail grievously during the initial motion of the shot, which is the most trying time to the gun. 142. Messrs. Abel and Noble direct attention to two consecutive rounds fired from the 10-inch gun. In both cases the shot quitted the gun with the same velocity. The chronoscopic records were nearly identical for the two rounds. But the pressures indicated by the gauges differed widely. The pressures on the plug A, were 634 and 28.0 tons per square inch; at B, 41·6 and 29·8; at C, 37′0 ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 129 and 30; at 1, 419 and 29.8; and at 4, 25.8 and 19.8 respectively. Although it may be readily admitted that the pressure of the gas at any moment would be greater against the fixed parts of the gun than against the moving shot, it is difficult to understand how it was that the shot did not show, in some more marked manner, the excessive variation of the pressure inside the bore. But the obvious conclusion is, that the pressure of the gas on the base of a shot is no measure of the pressure it exerts on the bore of the gun. Therefore, as the Chronoscope, at the most, can only determine the motion of the shot, and through that the pressure on the shot, it can be of no use in finding the stress of fired gunpowder on the gun, except in simple cases of no real importance. 143. Under these circumstances it might have been hoped that this powder question, after an agitation of some fifteen years, was at last satisfactorily settled. But Sir W. Armstrong complains that his 100-ton gun had failed, although its calculated strength at the point of fracture was far in excess of what a legitimate pressure would demand. And on the 16th March, 1880, he declares that "Nothing, in fact, wants investigation so much as this powder question, and until we arrive at more definite conclusions, we cannot hope to be altogether free from accident." (Proceedings of the R. A. Institution, July, 1880, p. 197). 144. We may accept the doctrine that there is a considerable variation in the pressure exerted by exploding powder on the bore of a gun, according to the nature of the powder used, or to the manner in which it is fired. Sir W. Armstrong says that "with only 5 lbs. of this smaller powder (R.L.G) mixed with 100 lbs. of pebble, the pressure on the crusher gauges rose to 30 tons, the velocity of the projectile remaining almost the same; so that the extra 12 tons was all wave action," (p. 196). Without entering into speculations about "wave action" the simple fact seems to be that the use of a small quantity of fine grained powder causes the pebble powder to explode more rapidly at first, and consequently the pressure rises much higher than when pebble powder is used by itself. Anything which retards the initial motion of the shot, or promotes the rapid explosion of the charge, must commonly have the effect of increasing the stress upon the gun. 130 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE 145. Now it appears that, to be perfectly satisfactory, guns should be constructed of strength sufficient to resist not only normal but all abnormal pressures, except those which arise from some such cause as double loading. The experi- ments should be therefore simplified and confined to attempts to measure the maximum pressures exerted by the various powders in and about the powder chamber; and it seems probable that pressure gauges, used with new precautions, would suffice for this object, while the Chronoscope should be rejected as a troublesome and useless encumbrance. 146. The copper cylinders used in the crusher gauges should, in the first instance, be compressed up to at least one-half of the pressure expected at the various points where they were to be used. This would test their quality, and save much useless work that otherwise would have to be done by the powder. After the gun had been fired once I would take out the coppers and carefully measure the length of each, and then return them to their former places, and fire the same charge and shot a second time, and afterwards measure the lengths of the coppers as before. This operation might be repeated till the coppers ceased to contract in length. In order to determine the pressures to which the coppers had been subjected, I would submit them to actual pressures, beginning with something below what their lengths seemed to indicate, and then test their lengths. If they did not contract, I would go on augmenting the pressure by equal increments till the copper plugs began to shew signs of further compression. In this way very near approximations to the maximum pressures in the bore of the gun would probably be obtained. Afterwards the same coppers might be used in the same plugs in experiments with a mixture of a small quantity of more rapidly exploding powder, or with charges altogether more violent. When a crusher gauge is inserted in the base of a shot care should be taken to arrange it so that the piston would not strike a blow on the copper cylinder when the shot was brought suddenly to rest. 147. As a matter of course the velocity of the shot should be measured near the gun by some perfectly trustworthy instrument. The Boulengé Chronoscope appears to be found convenient in use, and when in good working order, it gives satisfactory results. For during the progress of our recent experiments the velocities of the shot were measured by the ON THE MOTION OF PROJECTILES. 131 Boulengé instrument. For three comparisons in rounds 469, 470 and 472 the differences of the velocities given by the two instruments were 0, 0, and +1. But in round 468 two com- parisons were obtained with differences +28 and -61 f.s. I am disposed to think that the working of the Boulengé chronoscope would be made more uniform (1) if some kind of a galvanometer was used, (2) in conjunction with the form of screen shewn in fig. 20, which would secure galvanic circuits of constant resistance. (Final Report, p. 8). 148. Of late, guns of large calibre have been provided with a powder chamber of greater radius (R) than that of the bore of the gun (r). It is evident that, for a given charge and shot, this arrangement would give the shot a longer portion of the bore to be propelled through, and that the powder, being formed into a thicker and shorter cylinder, would explode more rapidly. The consequences to be expected would be an increased muzzle velocity and a greater strain on the gun, even supposing that the gaseous pressure p, denoted by the crusher gauge, was the same in a chambered and in an unchambered gun. For the ratio of the pressure of the gas tending to burst the powder chamber to that tending to burst the bore of the gun would be as R : r. In a gun of uniform bore there is little longitudinal tension on the steel tube except that due to rifling and the friction of the shot which is but trifling. But when a gun is chambered the longitudinal tension on the sides of the powder chamber becomes π (R) p, in addition to that which existed in the unchambered gun. And the scooping out of the powder chamber causes a great variation of thickness in the steel just at that point where the forces acting upon it are likely to vary so much. 149. It has been stated that the Italian 100-ton gun failed because "the steel tube parted at the base of the conical portion connecting the powder chamber with the bore," which is just the place where the gun might have been expected to fail, if it failed at all. In this case R = 9·85 and r= 8.86 inches. So that the ratio of the force tending to burst the powder chamber to that tending to burst the bore would be as 9.85 8.86, supposing the gaseous pressure p to be the same in both places. And the increased longitudinal tension on the powder chamber, entirely due to chambering would be π (R-r²) p=58.2p=1164 tons, if p= 20 tons per square inch, and so on in proportion to p. This is quite G* 132 SUPPLEMENT TO A TREATISE, &c. sufficient to explain the tearing asunder of the coils. The chamber is reported to have been extended as if by an extraordinary pressure. 150. In consequence of recent improvements in the manufacture of steel shot, Krupp has succeeded in firing an ogival-headed shot through 20 inches of iron plates, the shot preserving its form, and retaining sufficient velocity to carry it 2000 metres beyond the iron plates. It therefore appears, that now experiments might be undertaken with some prospect of success, to determine the laws which govern the perforation of iron plates by steel shot with any given form of head, provided only the velocity of the shot could be measured satisfactorily just before and just after impact. If the material of the shot and of the iron plates could be considered uniform, there would remain as variables the weight, diameter, and velocity of the shot, and the thickness of the iron plates. Experiments on a small scale could be made to yield valuable results. 151. The investigations of Trajectories, &c., contained in this work, suppose that the shot moves in the vertical plane passing through the direction of projection, and therefore they apply strictly only to the motion of spherical shot. One effect of the resistance of the air on rotating elongated projectiles is to draw them slightly from the vertical plane of projection as explained already (73), and also to affect, in some measure, their ranges, &c. I must refer the reader for information on these points to Saint-Robert, Mémoires Scientifiques. Balistique, p. 173; to Mayevski, Traité de Balis- tique, p. 154; and to several papers by Professor Greenhill in the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, vol. x, p. 577, and vol. XI, pp. 119, 124, and 131. ERRATA. Page 102, seventh line from bottom, for "K," read K, and page 122, eleventh line, for "were" read where. Also in Table (J), opposite velocity 1031 f.s, for "2238" read 2538; and opposite velocity 2016 f.s, for "4546" read 5546. Also in Final Report, p. 59, opposite velocity 505 f's, for "3.6608 read 3.6408. March, 1881. (A) VALUES OF X Y & T. Y 5.I y = 5.2 X Y T Ф X Y T 0 0 3.6 3.5 .13106 .005395 .11783 .004577 .08719 0.4 .00674 .000023 .00686 3.4 .10805 .003987 3.3 .10008 .003520 3.2 .09325 .003132 .08239 0.6 .00995 .07825 0.8 .07452 I .01607 .07106 .00005 I .01021 .01306 .000089 .01350 .000137 .01675 3.I .08723 ,002801 .06781 322 2 3.0 .08181 .002512 .06473 2.9 .07687 .002258 .06179 2.8 .07231 .002030 .05896 2.7 .06806 .001826 .05624 2.6 .06408 .001642 .05360 2.5 .06033 .001475 .05104 2 co ti N∞ a .03000 .000499 .03234 3 .04238 .001037 .04705 4 .05359 .001722 .06107 .06389 .002531 .0745I .07344 .003449 .08748 7 8 .08237 .09079 .005574 .11228 .004466 .10005 .09876 .006765 .12420 2.4 .05677 .001323 .04855 ΙΟ .10635 .008035 .13587 2.3 .05339 .001184 .04611 I I .11361 .009380 .14732 2.2 .05016 .001057 .04374 12 .12057 .010796 .15857 13 .12728 .012282 .16965 γ 5.2 14 • 13375 .013836 .18058 15 .14002 .015456 .19138 Ф X Y T 16 .14610 .017142 .20207 17 18 78 .15201 .018893 .21267 17777 .020708 .22318 0 3.6 .14255 .006067 .08961 19 .16339 .022589 .23362 3.5 .12385 .004906 .08392 20 .16889 .024536 .24402 3.4 .I1208 .004195 3.3 .10304 .003666 .07939 21 .07541 22 .17955 .17427 .026548 .25436 .028628 .26468 3.2 .09554 .003239 N NW w 3.1 .08905 .002882 .07179 23 .06842 24 3.0 .08329 2.9 .07809 .002576 .06524 .002307 .06223 2 2 25 26 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 .06892 .06480 .06094 ི་ 30 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.4 1.2 .05729 .001339 .05383 .001197 2.2 .05054 .001068 .04438 .000842 .03926 34 .23753 1.8 .03869 .000653 .03480 35 .24209 .062556 1.6 .03340 .000496 .03050 .02844 .000366 .02634 .02376 .000260 1.0 .01934 .000175 .02229 .01836 www www .07332 .002070 .05934 27 .20469 .040078 .31617 .001858 .05656 28 .001668 .05388 29 .21429 .045182 .001496 .05128 .21902 .047855 .04875 3I .22370 .050613 .04630 32 .22835 .053459 .36839 .04390 33 .23295 .056395 .37902 +367 .035281 .29555 .19981 .037642 .30585 .18474 .030776 .27498 .18984 .032993 .28527 .19486 .20952 .042590 .32652 •33690 .34734 .35783 .059426 .38974 36 .24662 .065787 .40056 .41148 .25113 .069125 .42252 38 .25562 .072575 .43368 39 .260II .076141 .44499 0.8 .01512 .000108 .01453 40 .26458 .079829 .45644 +.2 0.6 .OIIIO .000059 0.4 .00725 .000026 .00356 .000006 .01078 41 .26905 .083645 .46805 .00352 43 .0 --.2 .00000 .000000 .00343 .00000 44 .000006 .00346 45 ABBR. .00712 42 .2735I .087595 .47984 .27798 .091684 .49181 .28245 .095922 .50398 .28692 .100315 .51636 1 I ge y = 5.4 5.3 Ф X Y T Q X Y T 0 0 लंलंग लंलं लं तं तं 3.4 .11705 .004456 .08071 0.4 .00673 .000023 .00686 3.3 3.2 3.I 321 .10647 .003836 .07641 0.6 .00993 .00005 I .01020 .09810 .003360 .07258 0.8 .01303 .000089 .01348 .09105 .002972 .06907 3.0 .08489 .002644 .06578 2.9 .07939 .002361 .06268 1 2 3 I .01603 .000136 .01672 .02984 .000495 .03226 .04210 .001028 .04689 2.8 .07440 .002112 .05973 2 2 2 2.7 .06982 .001892 .05690 2.6 .06556 .001695 .05417 2.5 .06158 .001517 .05153 2.4 .05784 .001357 .04897 2.3 .05429 .001212 .04648 456 789 .05317 .001704 .06082 .06333 .002502 .07417 .07273 .003407 .08704 .08153 .004408 .09951 .08980 .005496 .11163 .09763 .006667 .12346 2.2 .05093 .001079 .04406 10 .10509 .007913 .13502 2.I .04773 .000959 .04169 II .I1221 .009233 .14636 2.0 .04466 .000849 .03938 12 .11904 .010623 .15750 1.9 .04172 .000749 .03711 13 343 .12562 .012080 .16847 .13196 .013602 .17929 .13810 .015190 .18999 y = 5.4 16 .14406 .016841 .20057 17 .14985 .018556 .21105 18 .15548 .020334 .22145 Ф X Y T 19 .16099 .022175 .23179 20 .16637 .024080 .24207 0 21 3.4 3.3 .12361 .11060 .004806 .08231 .17164 .026050 .25231 .004044 3.2 .10104 .003501 .07754 22 .07345 23 .17680 .028084 .26251 .18188 .030185 .27269 3.I .09327 .003073 .06977 24 .18686 .032354 .28287 3.0 .08664 .002719 .06636 2.9 .08080 .002418 .06317 2.8 .07555 .002157 .06014 567 .19177 .034592 .29304 .19661 .036901 .30323 .20139 .039282 •31343 2.6 2.5 2.7 .07077 .001927 .06635 .001723 .05446 29 .06225 .001540 .05178 30 .05724 28 .206II .041738 .32366 .21077 .044271 .33393 2.4 .05840 .001375 .04919 2.3 2.2 G 2.0 .05477 .001226 .04667 32 .22451 .05134 .001ogi .04495 .000857 .03950 1.8 .03911 .000663 .03497 .04422 33 1.6 .03369 .000502 .03063 1.4 .02864 .000370 .02643 1.2 .02390 .000262 .02236 1.0 .01942 .000176 .01840 39 www wwww wwww. .21539 .046884 .34424 .21997 .049580 -35461 .052360 .36505 34 .23348 .22901 .055230 .058191 -37556 .38616 35 .23793 .061248 .39685 36 .24236 .064405 .40765 37 .24676 .067666 .41856 38 .25115 .071035 .42959 .25553 .074518 .44076 0.8 .01517 .000109 0.6 .01113 .000060 0.4 .00726 .000026 .01455 40 .25990 .078120 .45208 .01079 41 .26426 .081846 .46355 .00712 42 .26862 .085703 .47520 +.2 .00356 .000006 1 .2 .0 .00000 .000000 .00343 .000006 .00353 43 .089696 .00000 44 .27734 .093833 .00346 45 .28170 .098122 .27298 .48703 .49905 .51129 2 y = 5.6 5.5 Y Ф X Y T Ф X Y T 0 3.3 3.2 0 3 W .11576 .004308 .07887 0.4 .00673 .000023 .00685 3.I .10447 .09577 .003187 .003666 .07443 0.6 .00991 .00005 I .01019 .07053 0.8 .01300 880000* .01347 3.0 .08856.002803 .06698 2.9 .08232 .002481 .06367 2.8 .07678 .002205 .06056 123 .01598 .000135 .01670 .02971 .000492 .03218 .04184 .001020 2.7 .07177 .001965 .05760 2.6 .06719 .001753 .05477 2.5 .06294 .001563 .05205 456 .04674 .05278 .001687 .06058 .06279 .002474 .07384 .07206 .003366 .08662 2.4 .05898 .001394 .04941 2.3 .05527 .001241 .04686 2.2 .05175 .001103 .04439 78 9 .08071 .08885 .00435I .09899 .005421 .IIIOI .09655 .006572 .12273 2.I .04842 .000978 .04197 10 .10387 .007796 .13419 2.0 .04525 .000865 1.9 .04222 .03962 II .11087 .009092 .14542 .000762 .03732 12 .11757 .010456 .15646 13 5.6 14 15 16 op X Y T 3 4 5 6 7 .I2402 .011885 .16733 .13025 .13627 .013379 .17805 .014935 .18864 .14210 .016554 .19911 .14778 .018234 .20949 18 .15330 .019976 .21979 www. 3.3 .12276 .004673 .0805 I 19 .15870 .021780 .23002 3.2 .10860 .003869 .07555 20 .16396 .023646 .24019 3.I .09863 .003320 .07137 21 .16912 .025574 .25032 ôહું હૂં 3.0 .09069 .002896 .06765 22 .17418 .027567 .26042 2.9 2.8 .08397 .002550 .07810 .002258 .06422 23 .06101 24 .17915 .029623 .27049 .18403 .031746 .28056 2.7 .07285 .002005 .05798 25 .18883 .033936 .29062 2.6 .06807 2.5 .06367 .001784 .001588 .05509 26 .19357 .036195 .30070 .05232 27 .19824 .038525 .31079 2.2 2.3 .05578 .05218 2.4 .05959 .001414 .001257 .04965 28 .20286 .040928 .32091 .04706 29 .20742 .043406 .33107 911100* .04456 30 .21194 .045962 .34127 2.I 1.9 1.8 .03953 1.7 1.6 .04879 .000988 2.0 .04556 .000873 .04248 .000768 .000673 .03671 .000586 .03294 ..03399 .000508 1.4 .02885 .04212 31 .21642 .048598 .35152 .03975 32 .22086 .051318 .36185 .03743 33 .03516 .03076 36 333 34 .22526 .22963 .057019 .054123 .37224 .38272 35 .23398 .060008 .39329 .23831 .063094 .40397 .000373 .02652 37 .24262 .066282 .41475 1.0 1.2 .02404 .000264 .01951 .000177 0.8 '01522 .000110 0.6 .01115 .000060 0.4 .00727 .000026 +.2 .00356 .000006 .02242 38 .24691 .069576 .42566 .01844 39 .25119 .072980 .4367I .01458 40 .01081 41 .00713 42 .25546 .076500 .44790 .25972 .080142 .26398 .083911 .45924 .47076 .00000 .000000 .00343 .000006 .00353 43 .26824 .00000 44 .27250 .00346 45 .27677 .087813 .48245 .091856 .49434 .096047 .50643 3 I y = 5.7 5.8 γ Ф X Y T Ф X Y T 0 0 3.2 .11382 .004130 .07687 0.4 .00672 .000023 .00685 3.I .10198 .003477 .07232 0.6 .00989 .000051 .01018 3.0 2.9 2.8 0 000 .09308 .003003 .06837 0.8 .01296 .000088 .01345 .08579 .002627 .06480 .07952 .002315 .06149 1 2 3 .01 594 .000135 .01667 .02956 .000489 .03210 2.7 2.6 2.5 765 .07399 .002049 .05838 .04157 .001012 .04659 .06900 .001818 .05543 .06444 .001615 .05260 456 .05238 .001671 .06035 .06226 .002448 .07352 2.4 .06023 .001434 .04989 .07140 .003326 .0862I 2.3 .05631 .001273 .04727 2.2 .05263 178 .001129 .04473 789 .07992 .004296 .09848 .08793 .005350 .I1040 2.I .04916 .09550 .006481 .12202 .000999 .04227 2.0 1.9 .04587 .000881 .04274 .03988 ΙΟ .10269 .007684 .13339 .000774 .03754 II .10956 .008957 .14452 12 .11615 .010296 .15546 13 .11248 .011699 .16623 Y 5.8 14 .12858 .013165 .17685 15 .13449 .014692 .18733 16 .14022 .016279 .19771 X Y T 17 .14578 .017927 .20798 18 .15120 .019635 .21818 19 .15648 ww. .021403 .22831 3.2 3.1 2 - .12111 .10602 .004501 .07852 20 .16164 .023231 .23838 .003670 .07340 21 .16670 .025121 .24841 3.0 .09582 .003126 .06918 22 .17165 .027073 .25840 2.9 .08780 .002712 2.8 .08107 .002377 .06200 24 .06543 23 .17652 .029088 .26837 .18130 .031167 .27833 2.7 2 2 2.6 .07521 .002096 .05880 25 .06998 .001854 .05578 2.5 .06525 .001643 .05290 56 2 2 2 .18601 .033312 .28829 26 .19064 .035524 .29826 27 .19522 .037805 .30825 2.4 .06089 .001456 .05014 28 .19974 .040158 .31826 2.3 .05686 2.2 .05309 .001291 .04748 29 .20421 .001143 2.I .04955 .001009 .04243 2.0 .04620 1.9 .04302 .000781 .03765 .03535 1.8 .000683 .03999 1.7 .03709 .000595 .03310 .03431 .000515 .03089 1.6 1.4 .02907 .000377 .02662 .02418 .000266 .02249 .01960 1.2 1.0 0.8 .01528 0.6 .01118 .000178 .000889 .04001 .01849 www www www ww .042584 .32831 .04492 30 .20863 .045085 •33840 .21301 .047665 .34855 .21735 .050327 .35876 .22166 .053073 .36904 .22595 .055906 .37941 .23020 .058831 .38987 .23443 .061850 .40043 .23865 .064969 .41109 .24285 .068191 .42189 .24703 .071521 .43281 OI 1000' ,000060 0.4 .00729 .000026 .01460 .01082 41 .00713 42 +.2 .00356 .000006 .00000 ·2 .00342 ,000000 .000006 40 .25121 .25538 .25955 .00353 43 .26371 .086029 .47804 .00000 44 .26788 .089982 .48980 .00346 45 .50176 .074964 .44387 .078526 .45509 .082212 .46648 .27205 .094080 4 y = 5.9 Y y = 6.0 Ф X Y T ዎ X Y T 0 0 3.0 .09901 .003272 .07007 1.0 .01589 .000134 .01665 2.9 .09005 .002809 .06611 1.2 .01876 .000189 .01981 2.8 .08275 .002446 .06254 1.4 .02154 .000252 .02292 2.7 2.6 2.5 765 .07652 .002146 .05924 1.6 .02424 .000323 .02599 .07103 .001892 .05614 .06609 .001672 .05320 23 .02942 .000486 .03202 .04132 .001003 .04644 2.4 .06159 .001479 .05040 4 2.3 .05744 .001308 2.2 .05357 .04770 .001156 .04510 456 .05200 .001655 .06012 .06175 .002422 .07321 .07076 .003288 .08580 2.1 .04995 .001020 .04259 2.0 .04653 .000898 .04014 1.9 .04329 .000788 .03776 789 .07915 .004243 .09798 .08703 .005280 .10981 .09448 .006393 .12134 1.8 .04022 .000688 .03545 ΙΟ .10156 .007576 .13261 1.7 .03728 .000599 .03318 II .10831 .008827 .14365 1.6 .03447 .000518 .03096 12 .11478 .010142 .I 5449 13 .12099 .011520 .16516 γ 6.0 14 .12699 012959 .17568 15 .13278 .014458 .18607 Ф X Y T 16 .13840 .016016 .19634 17 .14386 .017633 .20652 18 .14918 .019308 .21662 0 3.0 .10285 .003448 .07109 19 .15436 .021042 .22665 2.8 2.9 .09260 .002920 .08461 .06686 20 .15942 .022835 .23662 .002522 .06312 21 .16438 | .024687 .24655 2.7 2.6 765 .07794 .07214 .002201 .001933 .05971 22 .16924 .026601 .25645 .05653 23 .17400 .028576 .26632 2.4 2.3 32 2.5 .06699 .001703 .05352 24 2.2 .06232 .001503 .05066 .05803 .001327 .04793 .05406 .001171 .04529 2.I .05035 .001032 2.0 .04687 .000907 1.9 .04358 .000795 .17869 .030613 .27618 2 2 2 25 26 567 .18330 .032715 .28604 .18785 .034883 .29591 27 .19233 .037118 .30579 .31570 .04275 28 .19676 .039422 .04028 29 .20113 .03788 30 .20546 .041799 .32565 .044249 •33565 1.8 .04045 .000694 .03554 1.7 .03748 .000603 .03326 1.6 .03463 .000521 .03103 33 .21823 www .20975 .046776 •34568 .21401 .049383 .35579 .052072 .36596 1.0 +.2 900000* .000000 .00000 1 .00346 .00684 43 0.6 1.4 .02929 .000381 .02671 34 1.2 .02433 .000268 .01969 .000179 0.8 .01533 .000IIO 0.6 .01121 .000060 .01083 0.4 .00730 .000026 .00714 39 .00357 ,00000 .2 .00342 .000006 0.4 .00671 .000023 .00988 .00005 I 0.8 .01294 .000088 .01017 44 .26347 .088201 .48543 .01344 45 .26755 .092211 .49726 .22242 .054846 .37622 333 333 38 .02255 35 .22658 .01853 36 .23073 .01463 37 .23486 .063719 .23897 .066873 .057710 .38657 .060666 .39701 .40757 .41825 .24307 .070133 .42905 .00353 40 .24716 .073503 .44000 4I .25124 .076990 .45110 7744 42 .25531 .080597 .46236 .25939 .084332 .47380 5 y = 6.1 y = 6.2 ዋ X Y T X Y T 0 0 3.0 .10774 .003678 .07227 1.0 .01585 .000134 .01663 ~ 2 2 2 2.9 .09556 .003050 .06769 1.2 .01870 .000189 .01978 2.8 .08668 .002607 .06375 I.4 .02146 .000252 .02288 2.7 .07948 .002261 .06021 1.6 .02414 .000322 .02594 2.6 .07334 .001977 .05693 2.5 .06793 .001736 .05385 2 3 .02928 .000483 .03194 .04106 .000995 .04629 2.4 .06308 .001528 .05094 2.3 .05865 2.2 .05457 981100* .001346 .04816 .04549 456 .05163 .001640 .05990 .06125 .002396 .07290 .07014 .003251 .08540 2.I .05077 .001044 .04291 2.0 .04722 .000916 .04042 78 .07840 .004192 .09750 .08616 .005213 .10923 1.9 .04387 .000802 .03800 9 .09349 .006308 .12067 1.8 .04069 .000699 .03564 ΙΟ .10045 .007472 .13184 1.7 .03768 .000607 .03335 II .10709 .008702 .14279 1.6 .03480 .000524 .03110 12 .11345 .009995 .15354 13 .11956 .011349 .16411 14 .12545 .012762 .17454 γ = 6.2 15 .13114 .014234 .18484 16 17 g X Y T 18 678 .13666 .015764 .19502 .14202 .017351 .20510 .14723 .018995 .21511 19 0 .15232 .020696 .22504 2.9 .09911 .003208 .06864 20 .15728 .022456 .23492 2.8 .08901 .002705 .06444 21 .16215 .024273 .24476 2.7 .08117 .002328 .06074 22 .16691 .026150 .25456 2.6 .07462 .002025 .05735 23 .17159 .028087 .26434 2.5 .06893 .001771 .05420 24 .17618 .030085 .27410 2.4 .06388 2.1 2.3 .05930 2.2 .05510 .05121 .001202 .001555 .05123 25 .001367 26 .04840 .04569 27 .18956 ~~ .18071 .032146 .28386 .18516 .034271 .29363 .036462 .30342 1.9 2.0 .04758 .04416 .001056 .04308 .000926 .04056 29 .19819 .000810 .03812 30 .20243 28 .19390 .038721 .31323 ннн 1.8 .04094 .000705 .03574 1.7 .03788 1,6 .03497 ,000612 .03343 .000528 .03118 33 wwwww .041051 .32308 .043452 .33297 .20663 .045929 .34291 .21080 32 .048483 .35291 .21494 .051117 .36299 1.4 1.2 .0295I .02447 1.0 .01978 .000385 .02681 34 .21905 .053836 .37314 .000270 ,000180 .01857 0.8 .01538 ,000III .01465 0.6 .01124 .000060 .01085 0.4 .00731 .000026 .00714 www ww .02262 35 .23313 .056642 .38338 36 .22719 .059538 .39372 .23123 .062529 .40417 .23526 .065618 .41474 .23927 .068811 .42543 +.2 .00357 .000006 .00353 40 .24328 .072113 .43627 .00000 2 .00342 .000000 .00000 4I .24728 .075527 .44725 .000006 .00345 42 .25127 .079060 .45840 0.4 .00670 .000023 .00684 43 .25526 .082718 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17 18 678 16 .03635 .003284 .03734 .003579 .0960I 16 .10036 17 .03830 .003883 .10466 18 34 in 16 7∞ .03121 .002293 .08002 .03226 .002544 .08441 .03326 .002802 .08873 .03422 .003069 .09298 .03515 .003344 .09718 .03605 .003627 .10133 19 .03924 .004195 .10891 19 .03692 .003919 .10544 20 .04015 .004517 21 .04103 .004847 .11314 20 .03777 .004219 .10952 2 2 2 2 2 2 167 22 .04189 23 .04274 .11733 21 .005187 .12151 .12566 .005537 .03859 .004527 .11357 22 .03940 .004845 .11760 23 .04018 .005171 .12162 24 25 26 .04438 .006266 .13394 .04517 .006646 .13807 27 .04596 .007036 .14220 .04356 .005896 .12980 24 .04095 .005506 .12562 27 2 2 2 567 25 .04171 .005850 .12961 26 .04245 .006205 .13360 .04318 .006569 .13759 28 .04673 .007438 .14633 28 .04390 .006943 .14158 29 .04749 .007851 · 15048 29 .04461 .007329 .14559 333 35 36 Oux www w .04824 .008275 .15464 30 .0453I .007725 .14960 .04898 .008712 .15882 31 .04600 .008132 .15363 .04972 33 .05044 34 .05116 .05188 .009162 .16301 32 .04669 .008551 .15769 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20 .80033 .092253 .50317 21 .81820 .098933 .52203 .83563 .105800 .54078 23 .85267 .112858 .55944 .86936 .120III .57805 25 .84018 .125943 .58735 25 .88571 .127566 .59662 26 .85618 .133575 .60587 26 .90178 .135227 .61517 27 .87192 .141421 .62439 27 .91757 .143102 .63372 28 .88742 .149488 .64293 28 .93312 .151198 .65230 29 .90269 .157784 .66151 29 .94845 .159521 .67091 30 .91778 .166316 .68015 30 .96358 .168081 .68958 33 31 .93268 .175094 .69887 31 .97853 .176886 .70833 33 wwww 32 .94742 .184128 .71768 32 .9933I .185946 .72717 .96202 .193426 .73661 33 1.00795 .195270 .74612 34 .97648 .203001 .75566 34 1.02246 .204870 .76520 35 .99084 .212864 .77487 35 1.03684 .214758 .78443 46 I 3 P₁ + P₁³ = 0.0001 3 P₁ + p₁s о γ Υ Ф X' Y' Τ Ф X' Y' Τ' 0 0 0.2 .00000 .000000 .00000 0.2 0.4 0.6 .05669 .000289 .09649 .000633 .01403 0.4 .02581 .00000 .05701 0.6 09691 .000000 .00000 .000290 .01407 .000635 .02586 0.8 .12819 .001019 .03633 0.8 .12867 .001021 .03639 1.0 .15497 .001438 .04600 1.0 .15549 .001442 .04608 1.2 .17839 .001887 .05504 1.2 .17894 .001891 .05511 1.4 .19934 .002362 .06359 1.4 .19991 .002366 .06366 1.6 .21838 .002860 .07175 1.6 .21897 .002865 .07182 1.8 .23589 .003379 .07957 1.8 .23650 .003385 .07965 2.0 .25216 .003919 .08711 2,0 .25277 .003924 .08719 2.2 .26738 .004476 .09440 2.2 .26800 .004482 .09448 2.4 .28170 .005052 .10148 2.4 .28233 .005058 .10156 2.6 .29525 .005643 .10836 2.6 .29589 .005649 .10845 2.8 .30813 .006250 .11507 2.8 .30877 .006257 .11516 3.0 .32041 .006872 .12163 3.0 .32106 .006879 .12172 دب دب حب حب ج 3.2 3.4 3.6 246 .33215 .007508 .12804 3.2 .34342 .008158 .13432 .35426 .008821 .14049 3.8 .36471 .009496 .14654 4.0 .37480 .010184 .15249 5.0 .42080 .013795 .18090 2 46 33 ∞ 345 •33281 .007515 .12813 3.4 3.6 .34408 .008165 .13441 .35493 .008828 .14058 3.8 -36538 .009504 .14663 4.0 .37547 .010192 .15258 5.0 .42148 .013803 .18100 648 .46108 .017666 .20754 76 .49717 .021773 .23280 •53005 .026098 .25696 678 .46177 .017676 .20764 .49787 .021784 .23290 .53076 .026109 .25706 10 106 9 .56038 .030627 .28022 9 .56109 .030638 .28032 .58862 .035350 .30272 ΙΟ .58933 .035362 .30283 II .61512 .040260 .32460 II .61584 .040273 .32470 12 13 14 15 16 23 + 16 .64016 .04535I .68662 .66394 .050621 .056067 .34593 12 .36680 .64088 .045365 .34604 13 .66466 .050635 .36690 .38726 14 .68735 .056081 .38737 .70836 .061686 .40738 15 .72925 .067480 .42720 16 56 .70908 .061701 .40749 .72998 .067495 .4273I 17 .74940 .073448 .44675 17 .75013 .073463 .44687 18 .76889 .079591 .46609 18 .76962 .079607 .46620 19 .78778 .085911 .48524 19 .78851 .085928 .48535 20 .80614 .092412 21 .82402 .099095 22 .84146 .105965 23 .85851 .113026 .50423 20 .52309 .54184 22 .56051 .80687 .092429 .50434 21 .82475 .84219 .105983 .099113 .52320 .54195 23 .85924 .113044 .56063 24 .87520 .120283 .57912 24 .87593 .120301 .57924 2 2 25 .89156 .127740 .59769 25 .89230 .127759 .59781 26 .90763 .135405 .61625 26 .90837 • 135424 .61637 27 .92343 .143283 .63480 27 .92417 • 143302 .63492 28 .93899 .151381 .65338 28 .93973 .151401 .65350 29 .95433 .159707 30 .96946 .168270 ww 31 .98441 32 .99920 .67200 29 .69067 30 .177078 .70942 31 .98515 .186140 .72826 32 .99994 .95506 .159727 .67212 .97020 .168290 .69079 .177098 .70954 .186161 .72838 33 1.01384 34 1.02835 .195467 .74722 33 1.01458 .195488 .74734 .205069 .76630 34 1.02909 .205091 .76642 35 1.04274 .214959 .78553 35|| 1.04348 .214981 .78565 47 (C) COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CUBIC LAW OF RESISTANCE TO OGIVAL HEADED SHOT. V Kv Kv f-s Kv V Ky Kv Κ. ΣΚ g 60 g f-s Κ. ΣΚ مع g g 900 64.4 64 910 64.8 129 2.001 2.014 2.00 1400 4.02 1410 920 65.3 195 2,029 6.04 1420 104.0 4914 3.231 152.65 103.4 5017 3.212 155.86 102,8 5120 3.193 159.06 930 65.9 260 2.047 8.09 1430 102.2 5222 3.175 162.23 940 66.6 327 2.069 10.16 1440 101.6 5324 3.155 165.39 950 67.4 394 2.094 12.25 1450 || 100.9 5425 3.134 168.52 960 68.4 463 2.125 14.38 1460 || 100.2 5525 3.112 171.63 970 69.6 532 2.162 16.54 1470 99.4 5624 3.089174.72 980 71.0 603 2,206 18.75 1480 98.7 5723 3.065 177.79 990 72.8' 676 2.262 21.01 1490 97.9 5821 3.041 180.83 1000 75.0 751 2.330 23.34 1500 97.2 5918 3.018 183.85 IOIO 77.5 829 2.408 25.75 1510 96.4 6015 2.994 186.84 1020 80.4 909 2.498 28.25 1520 95.5 6110 2.968 189.81 1030 83.9 993 2.606 30.85| 1530 94.7 6205 2.942 192.75 1040 88.2 1081 2.740 33.59❘ 1540 93.8 6299 2.915 195.67 1050 92.8 1174 2.883 36.47 1550 93.0 6392 2.889 198.55 1060 97.2 1271 3.019 39.49 1560 92.2 6484 || 2.864| 201.42 1070 100.8 1372 3.131 42.62 1570 91.4 6575 2.839204.26 1080 103.4 1475 3.212 45.84 1580 90.6 6666 2.814 207.07 1090 105.1 I 100 106.0 1581 3.265 49.10 1590 89.8 6756 2.790 209.86 1687 3.293 52.39 1600 89.I 6845 2.768212.63 1793 3.312 3.327 59.03 1620 1150 108.2 1160 108.5 1210 108.9 2877 1200 108.9 108.9 2768 IIIO 106.6 II20 107.1 1900 1130 107.5 2008 3.339 62.37 1630 1140 107.9 2116 3.351 2224 3.361 69.08 1650 2332 3.371 72.46 1660 1170 108.7 2441 3.377 75.83 1670 1180 108.9 2550 3.381 79.21 1680 1190 108.9 2659 3.383 || 3.383 82.60 1690 3.383 85.98 1700 82.1 3.383 89.36 1710 1220 108.9 108.9 2986|3.382 3.382 92.74 1230 108.8 3094 3.381 3.381 96.13 1240 108.8 3203 3.380 99.51 1250 108.7 3312 3.378 102.88 1260 108.6 3420 3.375 106.26| 1760 1270 108.5 3529 3.370 109.63 1770 1280 108.3 3637 3.364 112.99 1780 1290 108.1 3745 3.358 116.35 1790 1300 107.9 3853 3.352 119.70 | 1800 1310 107.7 3961 3.345 123.05 1810 1320107.4 4068 1330 107.I 4175 1340 106.8 4282 1350 106.4 4389 1360 106.0 4495 1370 105.6 4600 1380 105.1 4705 1390 104.6 4810 1400 || 104.0 4914 79.6 8105 2.473 251.76 79.0 | 8184 || 2.454 254.22 78.4 8262 2.435 256.65 77.8 8340 2.417 259.07 77.2 8417|| 2.398 261.47 76.6 8494 2.380 263.85 76.1 8570 2.364 266.21 3.337 126.38 1820 75.5 8645 2.345 268.56 3.328 129.71 1830 74.9 8720 2.327 270.88 | 3.317 133.03 1840 74.3 8794 2.308 273.19 3.305 136.33 1850 73.7 8868 2.289 275.48 1860 73.1 8941 2.271 277.75 1870 3.293 139.63 3.280 142.91 3.265 146.17 3.249 149.42 1890 1880 3.231 152.65| 1900 72.6 9014 2.255 280.01 72.0 9086 2.237 282.24 71.5 9157 2.221284.46 70.9 9228 2.202 286.67 55.71 1610 88.4 6933 2.746 215.38 87.8 7021 2.727 218.10 87.1 7108 2.706 220.81 65.72 1640 86.5 7195 2.687 223.50 85.9 7280 2.668 226.16 85.3 84.6 7450 7366 2.650 228.81 2.628 231.44 84.0 7534 2.609 | 234.05 83.3 7618 2.588 236.64 82.7 7700 2.569 239.21 7782 2.550 241.76 1720 81.5 7864 2.532 244.29 1730 80.8 7945 2.510 246.80 1740 80.2 8025 2.491 249.29 1750 48 (D) Po 3 tan o + tan ³ ዎ P .0 .I .2 •3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .000000 .005236 .010472 .015708 .020945 .026181 .031418 .036656 .041893 .047132 I .052371 .057610 .062850 .068091 .073333 .078576 .083819 .089064 .094310 .099557 2 .104805 .110054 .115305 .120557 .125811 .131066 .136323 .141581 .146842 .152103 345678 .157367 .162633 .167901 .173171 .178442 .183717 .188993 .194272 .199553 .204836 .210122 .215411 .220702 .225996 .231293 .236593 .241895 .247201 .252509 .257821 .263136 .268454 .273775 .279100 .284428 .289760 .295095 .300434 .305777 .311123 .316474 .321828 .327186 .332549 .337915 .343286 .348661 .354040 .359424 .364812 .370205 .375602 .381004 .386411 .391823 .397239 .402661 .408088 .413519 .418956 .424398 .429846 .435299 .449757 .446222 .451691 .457167 .462648 .468135 .473628 9 .479126 .484631 .490143 .495660 .501184 .506714 .512251 .517794 .523344 .528900 10 .534463 .540033 .545610 .551194 .556785 .562384 .567989 .573602 .579222 .584850 II .590485 .596128 .601779 .607438 .613104 .618778 .624461 .630151 .635850 .641558 12 .647273 .652997 .658730 .664471 .670221 .675980 .681748 .687525 .693310 .699105 13 .704910 .710724 .716547 .722380 .728222 .734074 .739936 .745808 .751690 .757581 14 .763483 .769396 .775319 .781252 .787196 .793150 .799115 .805091 .811078 .817076 15 16 17 56 7 .823086 .829106 .835138 .841181 .847236 .853302 .859381 .865471 .871573 .877687 .883813 .889952 .896103 .902266 .908442 .914631 .920832 .927047 .933275 .939515 .945769 .952036 .958317 .96461I .970919 .977241 .983577 .989927 .996291 1.002669 18 1.009062 1.015469 1.021891 1.028327 1.034779 1.041245 1.047727 1.054224 1.060736 1.067263 19 1.073807 1.080366 1.086941 1.093532 1,100139 1.106762 1.113402 1.120058 1.126731 1.133421 20 1.140127 1.146851 1.153592 1.160350 1.167126 1.173919 1.180730 1.187559 1.194407 1.201272 49 4 (E) TABLE OF VALUES OF [v versin q]. f-s V ΤΟ 20 30 4º 5º 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 14° V 150 160 179 180 f-s 100 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.24 0.38 0.55 0.75 0.97 1.23 1.52 1.84 2.19 2.56 2.97 3.41 3.87 4.37 4.89 100 200 0.03 0.12 0.27 0.49 0.76 I.10 1.49 1.95 2.46 300 0.05 0.18 0.41 0.73 1.14 1.64 2.24 2.92 3.69 400 0.06 0.24 0.55 0.97 1.52 2.19 2.98 3.89 4.92 500 0.08 0.30 0.69 I.22 1.90 2.74 3.73 4.87 6.16 7.60 9.19 600 0.09 0.37 0.82 1.46 2.28 3.29 4.47 5.84 700 0.11 0.43 0.96 1.71 2.66 3.83 5.22 6.82 800 0.12 0.49 1.10 1.95 3.04 4.38 5.96 7.79 900 0.14 0.55 1.23 2.19 3.42 4.93 6.71 8.76 1000 0.15 0.61 1.37 2.44 3.81 5.48 7.45 9.73 1100 0.17 0.67 1.51 2.68 4.19 6.03 8.2010.71 1200 0.18 0.73 1.64 2.92 4.57 6.57 8.94 11.68 1300 0.20 0.79 1.78 3.17 4.95 7.12 1400 0.21 0.85 1.92 3.41 5.33 7.67 1500 0.23 0.91 2.06 3.65 5.71 8.22 1600 0.24 0.97 2.19 3.90 6.09 8.76 11.93 15.57 19.70 1700 0.26 1.04 2.33 1800 0.27 1.10 2.47 1900 | 0.29 1.16 2.60 2000 0.30 1.22 2.74 4.87 7.61 10.96 2100 0.32 1.28 2.88 5.12 7.99 11.50 2200 || 0.34 1.34 3.02 5.36 8.37 12.05 2300 0.35 1.40 3.15 5.60 2400 0.37 1.46 3.29 5.85 8.75 12.60 9.13 13.15 I 100 I 200 7.39 9.12 11.02 13.11 15.38 17.82 20.44 23.24 26.22 29.37. 600 8.62 10.63 12.86 15.30 17.94 20.79 23.85 27.12 30.59 34.26 | 9.85 12.15 14.70 17.48 20.50 23.76 27.26 30.99 34.96 39.15 11.08 13.67 16.54 19.67 23.07 26.73 30.6734.86 39.33 44.05 12.31 15.19 18.37 21.85 25.63 29.70 34.07 38.74 43.70 48.94 13.54 16.71 20.21 24.04 28.19 32.67 37.48 42.61 48.06 | 53.84 14.77 18.23 | 22.05 26.22 30.76 35.65 40.89 46.49 52.43 58.73 9.69 12.65 16.01 19.75 23.88 28.41 33.32 38.62 44.30 50.36 | 56.80 | 63.63 1300 10.4413.6217.24 21.2725.72 30.59 35.88 41.59 30.59 35.88 41.59 47.70 54.23 61.17 | 68.52 | 1400 11.18 14.60 18.47 22.79 27.56 32.78 38.44 44.56 51.11 58.11 65.54 73.42 1500 24.31 29.40 34.96 | 41.01 47.53 54.52 61.98 69.91 78.31 1600 4.14 6.47 9.31 12.67 16.54 20.93 25.8331.23 37.15 43.57 31.23 37.15 43.57 50.50 57.93 65.86 74.28 83.20 1700 4.38 6.85 9.86 13.42 17.52 22.16 27.35 33.07 39.33 46.13 53.47 61.33 69.73 78.65 88.10 1800 4.63 7.23 10.41 14.16 18.49 23.39 28.87 34.91 41.52 48.70 56.44 64.74 73.60 83.02 92.99 1900 14.91 19.46 24.62 30.38 36.75 43.7051.26 59.41 68.15 77.48 87.39 97.89 | | 2000 15.65 20.44 25.85 31.90 38.58 45.89 53.82 62.38 71.56 81.35 91.76 102.8 | 16.40 21.41 27.09 33.42 40.42 48.08 56.39 65.35 74.96 85.22 96.13 107.7 2200 17.14 22.38 28.32 34.94 42.26 | 50.26 58.95 68.32 78.37 89.10 100.5 112.6 2300 17.89 23.36 29.55 36.46 44.09 52.45 61.51 71.29 81.78 92.97 104.9 117.5 |2400 2100 3.04 3.67 4.37 5.13 5.94 6.81 7.75 8.74 9.79 200 4.56 5.51 6.56 7.69 8.91 I0.22 11.62 13.11 14.68 6.08 7.35 8.74 10.25 11.88 13.63 15.50 17.48 19.58 10.93 12.81 14.85 17.04 19.37 21.85 24.47 300 400 500 700 800 900 1000 50 (F) TABLE OF VALUES OF [1000 ÷ v]³ V f-s I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500 8.0000 *9522 *9048 *8577 *8110 *7647 *7188 *6732 *6280 *5831 510 7.5386 4944 4506 4071 3639 3211 4071 3639 3211 2787 2365 1947 1532 520 7. 1120 0711 0305 *9903 9503 *9107 *8714 *8323 *7936 *7551 530 6.7170 6791 6415 6042 | 5671 | 5304 4939 4577|| 4217 3861 540 6. 3507 3155 2806 2459 2116| 1775 1775 1436 1100 0766 0434 550 6.0105 *9779 *9454 *9132 *8813 *8495 *8180 *7867 *7557 *7249 560 5.6942 6638 6337 6037 5739 6037 5739 5444 51 5444 5151 4859 4570 4283 570 5.3998 3715 3433 3154 2877 2601| 2328 | 2056| 1786|| 1519 580 5. 1253 0988 0726 0465 0207 *9950 *9694 *9441*9189 *8939 590 4. 8690 7473 7235 6998| 6762 | 6529 600 4.6296 6066 5158 4935 4713 4493 4274 610 4.4057 3841 2991|| 2782|| 2574| 2368| 2163 8444 8199 7955 7713 7473 5836 5609 5383 3626 3413 | 3201 620 4. 1959 1757 1556 1356 1157 0960 0764 | | 0569 0376 0184 630 3.9992 9803 9614 9427 9240 9055 8871 8688 8507 8326 640 3.8147 7969 7792 7616| 7441 | 7267 7094 6922 | 6751 | 6582 5749 5586 5423 5262 5101 4942 650 3.6413 6246 6079 5914 2434 1295 0163 *9038 660 3.4783 4625 4469| 4313 4158 4004 3851 3699 | 3548 3398 670 3.3249 3100 2953 2806 2660 2515 2371 2228 2086 1944 680 3. 1803 1663 1524 1386 1249 1112 0976 0841 0707 0573 690 3.0441 0309 0177 0047 *9917 *9788 *9660 *9533 *9406 *9280 700 2.9155 9030 8906 8783 8660 8539 8418 8297 8177 8058 710 2.7 9399 8222 7051 5887 4730 3578 720 2.6 7918 6805 5698 4597 3502|| 2413 1331 0254 *9183 *8118 730 2.5 7058 6005 4957 3915 2879 1848 0823 *9803 *8789 *7780 740 2.4 6777 5779 4787 3800 2818 1842 0870 *9904 *8943 *7988 750 2.3 7037 6092 5151 4215 3285 2359 1438 0522 *9611*8704 760||2.2 7803 6906 6014 5126 4244 3365| 2492 2492 1623 0758 *9898 0758*9898 770 2.1 9042 8191 7344 6502 5664 4830 4001 3175 2354 1538 780 2.1 0725 *9917 *9112 *8312 *7516 *6724 *5936 *5152*4372 *3596 790 2.0 2824 2056 1291 0531 *9774 *9021 *8272 *7526 *6785 *6047 800 1.9 5313 4582 3855 3132 2412 1696 0983 0274 *9568 *8866 810 1.88168 7473 6781 6092 5407 4726 4047 3372 2701 2032 | 820 1.8 1367 0705 0047 *9391 *8739 *8089 *7443 *6801 *6161 *5524 830 1.7 4890 4260 3632 3008 2386| 1767|| 1152 0539 *9929 *9322 840 1.6 8718 8117 7519 6924 6331 5741 5154 4570 3988 3409 850 1.6 2833 2260 1689 1121 0556 *9993 *9433 *8876 *8321 *7769 860 1.5 7219 6672 6127 5585 5045 4508 3974 3441 2912 2385 870 1.5 1860 1337 0817 0299 *9784 *9271 *8761 *8252 *7746 *7243 880 1.4 6741 6242 5745 5251 4758 4268 3780 3294 2811 2329 890 1.4 1850 1373 0898 0425 *9955*9486 *9020 *8555 *8093 *7633 900 1.3 7174 6718 6264 5812 5361 4913 4467 4022 3580 3140 9101.3 2702 2265 1830 1398 0967 0538 0111*9686*9262 *8841 920 1.2 8421 8003 7587 7173 6761 6350 5941 5534 5128 4725 9301.2 4323 3923 3524 3127 2732 2339 1947 1557 1169 0782 940 1.2 0397 0014 *9632 *9252 *8873 *8496 *8121 *7747 *7375 *7004 950 1.1 6635| 6268 5902 5537 5174 4813 4454 4095 3738 3382 960 1.1 3028 2676 2325 1975 1627 1280 0935 0591 0249 *9908 970 1.0 9568 9230 8893 8558 8224 7891 7560 7230|6902| 6574 51 f-s O 9 I 8 2 7 6 3 5 4 V 3374 980 1.0 9801.0 .0 6248 5924 5600 5278 4958 4638 4320 4004 3688 990||1.0 3061| 2749| 2439| 2130 1822 1822 1515 1210 0905 0602 0301 1000 1.0 0000 *9701 *9402 *9105 *8810*8515 *8221 *7929 *7638 *7348 10100.9 7059 6771 1020 0.9 4232 3956 1030 0.9 1514 1249 1040 0.8 3900 1050 0.8 6383 1060 0.8 3962 oo. 3725 1401 1070 0.8 1630 10800.7 9383 9164 1090 0.7 7218 7006| 1100 0.7 5131 4927 11100.7 3119 2922 1120 0.7 1178 0988 0798 1130 0.69305 9121 8938 1140 0.6 7497 7320 7143 5916 5632 5350 5069 4789 4510 3132 2860 2589 2319 2050 1781 0456|| 0194 *9934 *9673 *9414 *9157 7882 7630 7378 5404 3019 5161 4920 2785| 2552 7128 | 6879 6631 4679| 4439 4200 2320| 2089 1859 0721 0496 0272 0049 *9826 *9604 8291 8075 6165 | 5957 7859 7645 7431 5750 5543 5337 6485| 6199 3680 3406 0983 0719 8644 8388| 8135 6137|| 5892 | 5648 3488 3253 1174 0947 8944 8725 8508 6795| 6584 6374 4723 4520 4318 4116 3915 3715 3516 3317 2725 | 2529 2334 2140 1946 1753 1561 | 1369 0609 0421 0233 0046*9860 *9674 *9489 8756 8574 8393 8213 8033 7854 7675 6967|| 6791 | 6617| 6443| 6269| 6096 5923 11500.6 5752 5580 | 5410 | 5240 5070 4901 | 4733 4565 4398 | 4232 11600.6 4066 3900 3736 3571 3408 3244 3082 2920 2758 2597 11700.6 2437 2277 2118 1959 1801 1643 1486 1330 1173 1018 11800.6 0863 0709 0555 0401 | 0248|| 0096 *9944 *9793 *9642 *9491 1190 0.5 9342 9192 9043 8895 8747 8600 8453 8307 8161 8015 1200 0.5 7870 7726 7582 7439 7296 7153 7011 6869 | 6728 6587 12100.5 6447 6308 6168 6030 5891 5753| 5616| 5479 | 5342 12200.5 5071 4935 4801 4399 4266 4134 4001 1230 0.5 3738 3607 3477 3347 3088 2960 2831 2703 1240 0.5 2449 2322 2196 2070 | 12500.5 1200 1077 | 0955 | 0833 1260||0.4 9990 9872 9753 | 9635|| 9518| 12700.4 8819 8704 8589 8475 8361 7461 12800.4 7684 7572 1290 0.4 6583 6475 6367 1300 0.4 5517 5412 4666 4532 3218 1944 0712 5206 3870 2576 1323 ΟΙΙΟ 8934 1819 1695 1570 1447 0591 | 0470 0349 0229 9400 | 9283| 9167|| 9050 8247 8134 8021 7908 7908 7796 7350 7239 7129 7019 6910 6801 6692 6260 6153 6046 5939 5833 5727 5622 5307 5203 5099 4995 4892 4789 4687|| 4584 13100.4 4482 4380 4279 4178 4077 3977 3877 3777 3677 3578 1320 0.4 3479 3380 3282 3184 3086 2989 2891 2794 2698 2601 13300.4 2505 2409 2314 2219 2124 2124 2030 1935 1841 1748 1654 13400.4 1561| 1468 || 1375|| 1283 1283 1191 1099 1008 0916 0825 0735 13500.4 0644 0554 0464 0374 0285 0196 0107 0018 *9930 *9842 13600.3 9754 9667 9579 9492 9405 9319 9233 9147 9061 8975 8720 8636| 8551|| 8467| 8383 8300 8217 8134 7886| 7804 7722 7640 7559 7478 7397 7316 7075| 6995| 6916|| 6836 6757 6678 6600 6521 13700.3 8890 8805 13800.3 8051 7968 13900.3 7235 7155 1400 0.3 6443 6365 6287 6210 14100.3 5673 5597 5522 5447 14200.3 4925 4851 4778 4704 6133 6055 5979 5902 5825 5749 5371 | 5296 | 5222 5147 5073 4999 4631 4559 4486 4413 4341 | 4269 14300.3 4197 4126| 4054| 3983 3912 3841 3770 3700 3630 | 3560 14400.3 3490 3420 3351 3281 3212 3143 3075 3006 2938 2870 1450 0.3 2802 2734 2666 2599 2532 2465 2398 2331 2265 2198 14600.3 2132 2066 460|0.3 2001 1935 1870 1804 1739 1674 1610 1545 14700.3 1481|| 1417 1353 1289 1225 1162 1099 1035 0973 0910 14800.3 0847 0785 0722 0660 0598 0537 0475 0414 0352 0291 52 f-s O 9 I 8 2 7 6 3 5 4 นา V 1490 0.3 0230 0169 0109 0048 *9988*9928 *9868 *9808 |*9748 *9689 1500 0.29630 9570 9511 9452 | 9394|| 9335 9277 9219 9161 9103 15100.2 9045 8987| 8930 8872 | 8815 8758 8701 8645 8588 8532 15200.2 8475 8419 8363 8307 8252 8196 8141 1530 0.27921 7866| 7811|| 7757 7703 7649 7595 1540 0.2 7380 7327 7274 7221 7168 7115 7063 5209 15500.26854 6802| 6750 6698| 6647|| 6596| 6544 1560 0.2 6341 6290 6240 6189 6139 6089 6039 1570 0.2 5841 5791 5742 5693 5644 5595 5547 15800.2 5353 5305 | 5257 5161 5114 5066 14 5066 15900.2 4878 4831 | 4784 | 4737 4691|| 4644| 4598 1600 0.2 4414 4368 4323 4277 4232|| 4187|| 4141 16100.2 3962 3917 3873 3828 3784 3740 3696 | 1620 0.2 3521 3477 3434 3391 | 3348 3434 3391 3348 3305 16300.2 3091|| 3048 3006| 2964 | 2922 1640 0.2 2671 2629 2588 2547 2506 16500.2 2261 2180 2140 2100 16600.2 1861 1822 1782 1743 1704 2221 8086 8030 7975 7541 | 7487 7434 7010 6958 6906 6493|| 6442 5989 5940 5498 5449 5401 6391 5890 5019 | 4972 | 4925 4552 4506 4460 4096 | 4051 4007 3652 3608 3565 3262 3219 | 3176 | 3133 2880 2838 2796 2754 2712 2302 2465 2424 2465 2424 2383| 2342 2060 2020 1980 1665 1626 1665|| 1626|| 1587 1941 1901 1548|| 1510 1670 0.2 1471 1432 1680 0.2 1090 1052 1690 0.2 0718 0681 1394 1015 0644 1356|| 1317 0977 0940 0903| 0865| 0828 | 0791 | 0608 0571 0535 0499 0462 0426 1279 1241 1203 1165 1127 0754 0390 1700 0.2 0354 0318 0282 17100.1 9999 9964|| 9929|| 17200.1 9652 9618|| 9584 0247 0211 0176 0140 0105 0069 0034 9894 | 9859 | 9825 | 9790 9825 9790 9756 9721 9687 9550 9516| 9482 9448 9482 9448 9414 9381 9347 1730 0.1 9314 9280 9247 9213 1740 0.1 8982 8950 8917 8885 8852 1750 0.1 8659 8627 8595 8563 8532 9180 9147 9114 9147 9114 9081 | 9048| 9015 8820 8787 8755 8723 8691 8500 8468 8500 8468 8437 8405 8374 1760 0.1 8343 8311 8280 8249 8218 8187 8156 8187 8156 8126 8095 8064 1770 0.1 8034 8003 7973 7942 7912 7882 7851 | 7882 7851 7821 7791 7761 1780 0.1 7731 7701 7672 7642 7612 7583 7553 7583 7553 7524 7494|| 7465 1790 0.1 7436 7407 7377 7348 7319 7290 7262 7290 7262 7233 7204 7175 1800 0.1 7147 7118 7090 7061 7033 7005| 6976|| 6948|| 6920|| 6892 1810 0.1 6864 6836 6808 6781 6753 6725 6698 6725| 6698|| 6670| 6642 | 6615 6560 6533 6506 1820 0.1 6588 18300.1 6317 | 6291 | 6264|6237|| 6211 1840 0.1 6053 6026 6000 5974 18500.1 5794 5768 5743 5717 1860 0.1 5540 5515 5490 5465 1870 0.1 5292 5268 5243 5219 1880 0.1 5050 5026 5002 4978 1890 0.1 4812 4789 4765 4742 19000.1 4579 4556 4533 4511| 19100.1 4352 4329 4307 4284 19200.1 4129 4106 4084 4062 1930 0.1 3910 3888 5170 5146 5122 5098 5074 4954 4930 4906 4883 4859 4836 4718|| 4695 4672 4649| 4626|| 4602 | | 4488|| 4465|| 4442 4419 4397|| 4374 4217 4239 4217| 4195| 3997 4019 4173| 4151 3997 3975 3953 | 3932 3781 | 3760 || 3738|| 3717 4262|| 4239 3867| 3845 4041|| 4019 3824 3802 1940 0.1 3696 3675 1960 0.1 3281 3261 3612|| 3591 19500.1 3486 3466 3445 3424 3404 3383 3240 3220 3200 3180 3654 3633 3570 | | 3549 3528 3507 3363 3342 3322 3301 3160 3140 3120 3100 6479 6452 6425 6452 6425 6398| 6371 6344 6184| 6158| 6131 | 6105| 6079 5948 5922 | 5897 5922 5897 5871 5845 5819 5692 5666|| 5641 5666 5641 | 5616| 5591 5565 5441 5416 5391 5416 5391 5366 | 5342 5317 5195 1970 0.1 3080 3060 3040 3020 3000 2981 2961 2941 2922 2902 1980 0.1 2883 2863 2844 2824 2805 1990 0.1 2689 2670 2651 2632 2613 2786 2766 2747 2728 2709 2594, 2575 | 2556 | 2538| 2519 1 53 (G) TABLE OF VALUES OF t ,000 1.0 .001 Eeet. 0.00 0.01 0.02 .000 .000 .002 .002 ,002 .003 .006 .007 .008 .009 .000 h=1/2 gt²=16.0954 t² FEET. 1.002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 | 008. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 0.000.000 100* 100° 100* .009 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. .003 .009 .000 .001 .004 .004 .010 .OII .005 .005 .006 .012 .013 .014 0.03 .014 .015 .016 .018 .019 .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 0.04 .026 .027 .028.030 .031 .033 .034 .036 .037 .039 0.05 .040 .042 .044 .045 .047 .049 .050 .052 .054 .056 0.06 .058.060.062 .064 .066 .068 .070 .072 .074 .077 0.07 . .088 .091 .093 .095 .098 .100 0.08 .103.106 106.108 III .114 · .116 .119 .122 .125 .127 0.09 .130.133 .136.139 .142 .145 .148 .151 .155 .158 0.10 . .174 .177 .181 .184 .188 .191 0. II .195.198 .202 .206 .209 .213 .217 .220 .224 .228 0.12 . .247 .251 .256 .260 .264 268 0.13 .272 .276 .280 .285 .289 .293 .298 .302 .307 .3II 0.14 315 320 325 .329 .334 .338 .343 .348 .353 .357 0.15 .362.367.372 .377 .382 .387 .392 .397 .402 .407 0.16 .412.417 .422 .428 .433 .438 .444 .449 .454 .460 0.17 .465.471.476 .482 .487 .493 .499 .504 .510 .516 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.927 .935 .943 .950 .958 | .966 1.006 .014 .022 .030 .038 .047 .521.527.533 .539 .545 .581.587.593.600 ,606 .612 .644.650.657.663|| .670 .710.717.723 .730 .737 .744 .779.786.793.800 .808 .815 .851.859.866 | .874 .881 .889 | .551 .557 .563 .569 .575 .618 .625 .631 .637 .676 .683 .690 .696 .703 .751 .758 .765 .772 .822 .829 .837 .844 .896 .904 .912 .919 .974 .982 .990 .998 .055 .063 .071 .080 0.26 .088 .096.105 .113 .122 .130 .139 .147 .156 .165 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 .173.182 .191 .200 .208 .262 .271 .280 .289 .298 .354.363 .372 .382 .449.458.468.478 .487 .547.557.567| .577 .587 .648.658.669.679 .217 .226 .235 .244 .253 .307 .317 .326 .335 •344 .391 .410 .420 .690 0.33 0.34 .753.763 774 .785 .861.872 .883.894 .796 .905 0.35 1.972 .983.994 *.006 *.017 .401 .497 .507 .517 .597 .607 .700 .711 .806 .817 .828 .839 .850 .916 .927 .938 .949 .960 *.028 *.040 *.051.063 *.074 .429 .439 .527 .537 .617 .628 .638 .721 .732 .742 0.36 2.086.098 .109 .121 .133 .144 .156 .168 .180 .192 0.37 .203.215 .227.239 .251 .263 .276 .288 .300 .312 0.38 .324.336.349 .361 -373 .386 .398 .411 .423 •436 0.39 .448|.461 .473 .486 .499 0.40 .575.588 .601 .614 0.41 0.42 .962 .102 .202 .216 .230 .245 0.45 0.46 0.47 .259 .273 .288 .303 .318 .332 .406 .421 435 .450 .465 .480 .555.571.586 .601 .616 .347 .362 .376 .391 .495 .510 .525 .540 .632 .647 .662 .678 .693 0.48 0.50 4.024 .040.056 .072 .088 .708.724 739 755 .770 0.49 3.865.880 .896 .912 .928 • .786 .802 .817 .833 .849 .944 .960 .976 .992 *.008 .105 .121 .137 .154 .170 • .679 .785 .799 .812 .826 .511 .524 .537 .627 .640 .653 .666 .706 .719.732 745 .759 .772 .839 .853.866.880 .894 .907 .921 0.43 2.976.990 *.004 *.018 *.032 *.046 *.060 0.44 .173 .187 .935 .948 *.074 *.088 .550 .562 .692 · 54 t .008 .009 .000 .006 .007 100* .005 .002 .003 .004 0.63 0.64 " Feet. 0.50 4.024.040 Feet. Feet. Feet. .056.072 Feet. .088 Feet. Feet. Feet. .105 .121 Feet. Feet. .137 .154 .170 0.51 .186.203 .219.236 .252 .269 .285 .302 0.52 .352 .369 .386 .403 .419 .436 .453 .470 • .319 335 .487.504 0.53 0.54 .521.538 .555 | .573 .693.711.728 .746 .590 .607 .624 .641 .763 .781 .798 .816 .659.676 .833.851 0.55 4.869.887 .904 .922 .940 .958 .976 .994 *.012 *.030 0.56 5.048 .066 .084.102 .120 .138 .156 .174 .193 .2II 0.57 0.58 .229.248.266 .285 .414 433 .452.471 0.59 .603 .622 .641 .660 .641.660 0.60 .794 .814 .833 .852 0.61 5.989 *.009 *.028 *.048 .527 .698 .717 .737 872 .891 .911 .930 *.068 *.088.107.127 | 0.62 6.187 .207 .227 .247 .267 .287 .307 .328 .388.409 .429 .449 .470 .490 .511 .593.613.634 .655 .675 .303 .322 .340 •359 .377 .396 .489 .508 ·546 .565.584 679 .756.775 .950 .969 * .147 *.167 .531 .696 .717 .738 .348.368 -759-779 -352 .372 0.65 6.800.821 | .842.863| .884 .905 .926 .948 .969.990 0.66 7.011 .032 .054.075 .096 .118 .139 .161 .182 .204 0.67 .225.247 .268 .290 .312 •333 -355 -377 .399 .421 0.68 .443 .464 .486 .508 .530 .552 .574 .597 .619 .641 0.70 0.69 .663 .685 .708 730 7.887.909 .932.954 .752 .774 .797 .819 .842.864 .977 .000 *. 0.71 .205 0.72 .344 367.390 | .414 .437 .228 .251 .274 .298 .321 .460 .484 .507 .530 .354 0.73 .577 .601 .624 .648|| .671 .695 .719 .743 .766 .790 0.74 8.814 838 .862 .885 .909 .933 .957 .981 *.005 *.030 0.75 9.054 .078.102 .126 .150 .175 .199 .223 .248 .272 0.76 .297 .321 .346 .370 .395 .419 .444 .469 .493 .518 0.77 .543.568.593 .617 .642 .667 .692 .717 .742.767 0.78 9.792 .818 .843.868 .893 .918 .944 .969 * .994 *.020 0.79 10.045 .071 .096 .122 0.80 .301 327 353 378 0.81 .560 .586 .612 .639 .665 0.82 10.823.849.875 .902 .928 0.83 .168 .195 0.84 .357 .384.411 .438.465 0.85 .629.656.684 .711 .739 0.86 11.904 .932 .960 .987 0.87 12.183 .211 .239 .267 0.88 .464.493.521 .549 0.89 12.749 .778 .807 .835 0.90 13.037 .066 .095 .124 0.91 .329 .358 .387.417 *.015.043 .147 .173 .198 .224 .250 .275 .404 .430 .456 .482 .691 .717 .744 .955 .982.008 .508.534 .770 .796 *.035*.061 .222 .249 .276 .303 .330 .493 .766 .520 .547 .574 .602 .794 .821 .849 .876 .071*.099 *.127 *.155 .295 .323 .35I .379 .408.436 .578 .606 .635 .663 .692 .721 .864 .893 .951 .153 .183 .922 .212 .241 .270 .299 .979 *.008 .446 .475 .505 •534 .564 .594 0.92 .623.653.682 .712 0.93 13.921.951.981 *.011 0.94 14.222 .252.282 .313 0.95 .526.557.587.618 .649 0.96 14.834.864 .895 .926 .957 0.97 15.144.175 .207 .238 .269 0.98 .458 .490.521 .553 .553.584 .616 0.99 15.775 .807.839 .871 .903 1.00 16.095 .128.160 .192 .224 .742 .772 .801 .831 .861 .891 * .041 *.071 *.101 * .343 .374 .404 .131.161 * *.192 .435 .465.496 .679 .710 .741 .772 .803 .988 *.020 *.051.082 *. *.113 .301 .332 .364 .395 .426 .648 .680 .711 .743 .935 .967 .999 *.031 *.063 .257 .289 .322 354 .386 55 t .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 009. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 1.00 16.095 .128 .160 .192 .224 .257 .289 .322 1.01 16.419 .451 .484.517 .549 .582 .615 1.02 16.746 .779 .811 .844 877 .910 .943 -976* 354 386 .009.042 .647 .680 .713 1.03 17.076 .109.142.175 .208 .242 .275 .308 .342 .375 1.04 17.409 .442 .476 .509 || .543 -577 .610 .644 .678 .711 1.05 17.745.779 .813 .847 .881 .915 .949 .983 *.017.051 1.06 18.085 .118.153 .187 1.07 18.428 .462 .497.531 1.08 18.774.808 .843 .878 .222 .256 .290 .566 .600 .324 .635 .670 .704 .739 .359 -393 .843.878.913 .948 .983 *.018 *.053 *.088 1.09 19.123 .158.193 .228 .264 .299 .334 .369 .405 .440 1.10 19.475 .511| .546 .582 .617 .653 .688 .724 || 1.11 19.831 .867 .903 .938 .974 *.010.046 *.082 1.12 20.190 .226.262 .298 -335 .371 .407 .443 1.13 20.552.589 .625 .661 .698 .734 .771 .808 1.14 20.918.954 .991 *.028 *.065*.101.138 *.175 1.15 21.286 .323 .360 .397 .435 .472 .509 •546 1.16 21.658 .695 .733 .770 .808 .108.146| .184 1.17 22.033 .071 .487.425.563 1.18 22.411 .449 .487 .425 .563 1.19 22.793.831 .869.908 .869.908.946 .760 .795 *.118.154 .480.516 .844 .881 .212.249 .583 .621 .845 .222 .883 .920 .260 .958.995 .297 .335 .373 .602 .640 .678 .716 | .754 .985 *.023 *.062 *.100 *.139 1.20 •332 .371 .410 .449 .487 .526 1.21 23.565 .604 .643 .682 .721 .760 .Soo .839 .878.917 1.22 23.956.996*.035 *.074 *. *.272 *.311 1.23|| 24.351 .390 .430| .470 .509 .549 .589 .629 .669 .708 1.24 24.748.788 .828 .868 .908 .948 .988.028.069*.109 1.25 25.149.189 .230 .270 1.26 25.553 .594 .634 .675 1.27 25.960 *.001 *.042 *.083 *.124 *.165 1.28 26.371 .412 .453.494 .536 -577 1.29 26.784 .826 .867 .909 .95I .310 .35I .391 .432 .472 .513 .716 .756 .797 .838 .879 .919 *.206 *.247 *.288 *.330 .619 .660 .701 .743 .992 *.034 *.076 *.118 *.159 || 1.30 27.201 .243 .285 .327 .285.327 .369 .411 .453 .495 .537 .579 1.31| |27.621.664.706 .748 .790 .833 .875 .917 .960 *.002 1.32 28.045 .087| .130 .172 .215 .257 .300 .343 .386.428 1.33 28.471.514 .557 .600 .643 .686 .729 .772 .815 .858 *.117 *.160 * .204 .552 .595 *.247 *.290 .639 .683.726 .945 .989 *.033 *.077 *.121*.165 .386 .430 .475 .519 .563.608 .830 .875 .919 .964 *.008 *.053 1.34 28.901.944 .987 *.030*.074 1.35 29.334 .377 .421 .464 .508 .277 1.36 29.770 .714 .858 .902 1.37 30.209.254 .298 .342 1.38 30.652.697 .741 | .785 1.39 .232 1.4031.547.592 .637 .682 .728 1.41 31.999*.045 *.090 *.136 | *.181 1.42 32.455 .500 .546 .592 .638 1.43 32.913 .960 *.006 *.052*.098 1.44 33.375 .422 .468 .515 | .561 1.45 33.841.887 .934 .981 *.028 1.46 34.309 .356 .403 .450 .497 .544 1.47 34.781.828.875 .923 .970 1.48 35.255.303 .351 .398 .446 1.49 35.733 781 .829 .877 .926 1.50|| 36.215 .263 .311 .360| .408 .322 .367 .412 .457 .502 .773 .818 .863 .909 .954 *.227 *.272*.318 *.363 *.409 .684 .730 .776 .821 .867 *.144 *.190.237.283 *.329 .608 .654 .701 .747 .794 *.074 *.121 *.168.215 .215 *.262 .592 .639 .686 .733 *.018 *.065*.113.160 *.208 .494 .974 .456 * .542 .590 .638 .685 *.022 *.070 *.118.166 .505 .553 .602 .651 56 (H) COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CUBIC LAW OF Resistance. PROJECTILES WITH OGIVAL-HEADS. V Ky Kv f-s Kv Log Ky V Σ f-s K₁ g 100 IIO 120 130 140 مع g مه 578.1 17.959 1.2543 525.5 16.325| 1.2129 481.7 14.964 1.1750 444.7 13.815 1.1404 412.9 12.827 1.1081 150 385.4 11.972 1.0782 100 Ky Kv Kv Log g مه مه O 520 117.3 3.644 | .5616| 298.53 17.10 530115.0 3.573 .5530302.14 32.72 540 112.8 3.504 .5446305.68 180 160 361.3 11.224 1.0501 170 340.1 10.565 | 1.0239 321.2 9.978 .9990 47.08 550 110.7 3.439 .5364 309.15 60.39 560 108.7 3.377 .5285 312.56 72.77 570 106.7 3.315 .5205 315.90 84.36 580 104.6 3.249 .5118 319.19 95.24 590 102.5 3.184 .5030 | 322.40 105.51 600 100.5 3.122 .4944 325.56 190 200 210 289.0 275.3 304.3 9.453 .9756 8.978 .9532 8.552 .9321 220 262.8 8.164 230|| 251.3 7.807 240 240.9 7.484 115.21 610 98.6 3.063.4862 328.65 I24.42 620 96.8 3.007 .4781 331.68 133.18|| 630 95.1 2.954.4704 334.66 .9119 141.54 640 .8925 149.52 650 .8741 157.16 660 93.5 2.905.4632 | 337.59 91.9 2.855.4556 340.47 90.5 2.811 .4489 343.30 250 || 231.3 7.182 6.909 6.651 260 222.4 270 214.2 280 206.5 6.415 .8072 184.84 700 290 199.3 6.191 .7918 191.14 710 300 192.7 5.986 .7771 197.23 720 310 186.5 5.794 .7630 203.12 730 320 180.8 5.617 •7495 208.82 740 330 175.5 5.452 .7366 214.35 750 .8563 164.49 .8394 171.53 680 .8229 178.31 690 670 89.1 2.768.4422 346.09 87.7 2.724 .4352 348.84 86.3 2.681 .4283 351.54 340 170.6 5.299 350 166.0 5.158 360 161.9 5.029 370 158.0 4.907 380 154.4 4.795 390 151.1 4.693 400 148.0 4.599 410 145.2 4.512 420 142.5 4.427 430 139.8 4.343 440 137.2 4.262 450 134.6 4.181 .7242 219.73 760 .7125|| 224.96 | 770 .7015 230.05 | 780 .6908 235.01 790 .6808 239.86 800 .6715 244.61 810 .6627 249.25 820 .6544 253.81 830 .6461 258.28 840 .6378 | 262.66 | 850 .6296 266.96 860 .6213 271.19 870 .6129 275.33 880 .6042 279.39 890 -5957 283-37❘ 900 460 || 132.0 4.101 470 I29.4 4.020 480 126.9 3.942 490 124.4 3.865 .5872 287.28 910 500 121.9 3.787 .5783 291.10 920 510 119.6 3.715 .5700 294.85 | 930 84.9 2.637.4211 354.20 83.7 2.600 .4150 356.82 82.6 2.566.4093 359.40 81.6 2.535 .4040 361.95 80.6 2.504 .3986 364.47 79.6 2.473.3932 366.96 | 78.7 2.445.3883 369.42 78.0 2.423.3844 | 371.85 77.4 2.404 .3809 374.26 76.8 2.386 .3777 | 376.66 76.2 2.367 3742 379.03 75.6 2.348.3707 381.39 75.2 2.336.3685 383.73 75.1 2.333 .3679 386.07 75.0 2.330.3674 388.40 75.0 2.330.3674 | 390.73 75.0 2.330.3674 | 393.06 75.0 2.330.3674 395.39 75.0 2.330.3674 397.72 75.0 2.330.3674 400.05 75.0 2.330.3674 | 402.38 75.0 2.330.3674 404.71 75.0 2.330 .3674 407.04 75.0 2.330.3674 | 409.37 57 (H) COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CUBIC LAW OF RESISTANCE. 411.70 1420|| 103.5 414.03 1430 102.9 | 75.0 2.330 .3674 | 416.36 | 1440 || 102.3 | V Ky f-s Ky مع Ky Log- g Kv Σ V V f-s Kv go Ky g Log KvKv g g 940 75.0 2.330 .3674 950 75.0 2.330 .3674 960 970 75.0 2.330.3674 980 75.0 2.330.3674 990 75.0 2.330.3674 1000 75.0 2.330.3674 ΙΟΙΟ 75.I 2.333 .3679 1020 75.3 2.339 .3690 1030 76.7 2.383 .3771 432.69 1510 435.13 1520 437.73 1530- 1040 80.8 2.510 .3997 1050 87.3 2.712 .4333 1060 94.0 2.920 .4654 1070 98.7 3.066| .4866 1080 102.2 3.175 .5017 1090 104.9 3.259 .5131 1100 106.9 | 3.321 .5213 IIIO 108.4 3.367.5272 418.69 1450|| 101.6 421.02 1460|| 100.9 423.35 1470 || 100.1 425.68 1480 99.4 428.01 1490 430.34 1500 440.55 1540 443.55 1550 446.68 1560 3.215.5072 560.81 3.197 .5047 564.01 3.178.5022 | 567.20 3.156 .4991 570.37 3.134.4961 | 573.51 3.110 .4928 | 576.63 3.088 .4897 579.73 98.6 3.063.4862 582.80 97.9 3.041 .4830 585.86 97.1 3.016 .4794 588.89 96.2 2.988 .4754 591.89 95.3 2.960 .4713 594.86 94.4 2.933 .4673 597.81 93.6 2.908 .4636 600.73 92.8 2.883 .4598 603.62 449.90 1570 453.19 1580 456.54 1590 92.0 2.858 .4561 606.49 91.2 2.833 .4523 609.34 90.4 2.808.4484 612.16 459.92 1600 89.7 2.787 .4451 614.95 89.0 2.765 .4417 617.73 88.3 2.743.4382 620.48 463.32 1610 466.73 1620 470.13 1630 473.54 1640 476.94 1650 480.35 1660 483.75 1670 487.16 1680 490.56 1690 493.97 1700 497.37 1710 500.77 1720 504.18 1739 507.57 1740 I 120 109.2 3.392.5305 1130|| 109.6 3.405 | .5321 1140|| 109.6 3.405 .5321 1150 109.6 3.405 .5321 1160|| 109.6|| 3.405 | .5321 1170 109.6 3.405 .5321 1180|| 109.6 3.405 | .5321 1190 109.6 3.405 .5321 1200 109.6 3.405 | .5321 1210 109.6 3.405 .5321 1220 109.6 3.405 .5321 1230 109.5 3.402.5317 1240 109.53.402 .5317 1250 109.4 3.398 | .5312 1260 109.3 3.395 .5308 1270|| 109.2| 3.392 | .5305 1280 109.0 3.386.5297 1290|| 108.8 3.380.5289 1300 108.6 3.374 .5282 1310 108.4 3.367.5272 1320 108.1 3.358 | .5261 1330 107.8 3-349 .5249 1340 107.5 3.339 | .5236 1350 107.I 3.327 | .5221 1360|| 106.7 3.315 5205 1370|| 106.3 3.302 .5188 1380|| 105.8 3.287.5168 1390 || 105.3 | 3.271 .5147 551.08 1870 1400 104.73.252 .5122 554-34 1880 1410 104.1 3.234 .5097 557.58 1890 510.97 1750 514.36 1760 517.74 1770 521.12 1780 524.49 1790 527.85 1800 87.6 | 2.721 .4347 623.21 86.9 2.700 4314 625.92 86.2 2.678.4278 | 628.61 85.5 2.656.4242 631.27 84.8 2.634.4206 633.92 84.2 2.616 .4176 636.54 83.6 2.597 .4145 639.15 83.0 2.578.4113 641.73 82.4 2.560.4082 644.30 81.8 2.541 .4050 | 646.85 81.2 2.522 .4018 649.39 80.6 2.504 .3986 651.90 80.0 2.485.3953 654.39 79.5 2.470 3927 656.87 78.9 2.451.3893 659.33 78.4 2.435.3865 661.78 77.8 2.417.3833664.20 77.3 2.401.3804 666.61 76.8 2.386 .3777 669.01 76.2 2.367.3742 671.39 75.7 2.352 .3714 673.75 531.20 1810 534.54 1820 537.88 1830 | 541.20 1840 75.2 2.336.3685 | 676.09 544.51 1850 74.7 2.321 .3657 678.42 547.80 1860 74.2 2.305 .3627 680.74 73.6 2.286 .3591 683.03 73.1 2.271 .3562 685.31 72.6 2.255 3532 687.58 58 (H) COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CUBIC LAW OF RESISTANCE. V Κν Κν f-s K, Log g | 00 M مه Kv Kv Ky g V Ky f-s Ky Log g g go مة 1900 72.1 2.240 •3503 1910|| 71.6 2.224 .347I 1920 71.2 2.212 •3448 689.83 2350 62.6 692.06 2360 62.0 694.28 2370|| 61.4 1.945 .2889 784.36 1.926 .2847 786.29 1.907 .2804 788.21 1930 70.8 2.199 .3422 696.48 2380 60.8 1940 70.4 2.187 -3399 1950 70.0 2.175 -3375 698.68 2390 60.2 700.86 2400|| 59.6 1.889 .2762 1.870 .2718 791.98 790.11 1.851 .2674 793.85 1960 69.7 1970 69.4 1980 69.2 1990 69.0 2000 2010 68.8 68.6 2.165-3355 2.156 .3337 2.150 .3324 2.143 .3310 2.137 .3298 2.131.3286 703.03 2410|| 59.0 705.18 2420 58.4 707.34 2430 57.8 709.48 2440 57.2 711.62 2450 56.7 713.76 2460 56.2 1.833 .2632795.69 1.746 1.814 .2586|797.51 1.796.2543 | 799.32 1.777 .2497 801.10 1.761.2458 802.87 .2420 804.63 2020 2040 2050 68.1 68.4 2030 68.3 68.2 2.125 .3274 715.89 2470 55.7 1.730 .2381 806.37 2.122 .3268 718.01 2480 55.2 1.715 .2343 808.09 2.119 .3261 720.13 2490 || 54.8 1.702 .2310 809.80 2.116 .3255 2060|| 68.0 2070 67.9 2.112 2.109 -3247 .324I 722.25 2500 54.4 724.37 2510 54.0 726.48 2520 53.7 1.690 .2279 811.50 1.678 | .2248 | 813.18 1.668 .2222 814.85 2080 67.9 2.109 .3241 2.106 .3235 2090 67.8 2100 67.8 2.106 •3235 728.59 2530 53.4 730.70 2540 || 53.1 732.80 2550 52.9 1.650 1.659 .2199 816.51 .2175 818.17 1.643.2156 | 819.81 2130 67.6 2110 67.7 2.103 .3228 2120 67.6 2.100 .3222 2.100 .3222 734.90 2560 52.7 737.01 2570|| 52.6 739.11 2580 52.5 1.637 .2141 821.45 1.634 1.631 .2133 823.09 .2125 824.72 2140 67.5 2150 67.4 2.094 2.097.3216 .3210 2160 67.3 2.091 .3204 741.20 2590|| 52.5 743.30 2600 52.4 745.39 2610 52.4 1.631 .2125 826.36 1.628 .2117 827.99 1.628 .2117 829.61 2170 67.2 2.088 .3197 747.48 2620|| 52.4 1.628 .2117831.24 2220 2180 67.2 2190 67.1 2200 67.0 2210 66.9 66.8 2230 66.8 2240 66.7 2250 66.6 2260 66.5 2270|| 66.4 2.088 .3197 749.57 2630 52.3 1.625 .2109 | 832.87 2.084.3189 751.65 2640 52.3 1.625 .2109 834.50 2.081 .3183 753.73 2650 52.3 1.625 .2109 836.12 2.078 .3177 2.075 .3170 755.81 2660 52.2 757.88 2670 52.2 1.622 .2101 837.74 1.622 .2101 839.36 2.075 .3170 2.072.3164 2.069 .3158 759.96 2680 52.2 762.03 2690|| 52.1 764.10 2700|| 52.1 2.066 .315I 766.17 2710|| 52.1 2.063 .3145 768.23 2720 || 52.0 2280|| 66.2 2.056 .3130 770.29 2730 52.0 1.622 .2101 840.99 1.618 1.618 .2090 842.60 .2090 844.22 2290 65.9 2.047 .3111 2300 65.5 2.035 .3086 2310|| 65.0 2.019 .3051 2320 64.4 2.001 .3013 2330 63.8 63.8 1.982 .2971 | 2340 63.2 1.963 .2929 772.35 2740 | 52.0 774.40 2750 | 52.0 776.43 2760 52.0 778.44 2770 52.0 780.43 2780 52.0 782.40 2790 || 52.0 1.618 .2090 845.84 1.615 .2082 847.46 1.615.2082849.07 1.615.2082850.69 .2082 852.30 1.615 1.615 .2082 853.92 1.615 .2082 855.53 1.615 .2082 | 857.15 1.615.2082 858.76 59 (J) TABLE OF Values of Rv. PROJECTILES WITH OGIVAL-HEADS. V O I 2 f-8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. + 1025.8 27.4 29.0 30.6 32.1 1140.3 41.5 42.7 43.9 45.0 1251.27 52.23 53.16 54.07 54.96 33.5 135.0 36.3 37.7 39.0 1.5 46.1 47.2 48.3 49.3 50.3 I.I 55.83 56.67 57.50 58.30 59.09 87 New Auro 69 55 13 59.86 60.61 61.34 62.06 62.76 63.45 64.12 64.78 65.42 66.05 14 66.67 67.27 67.86 68.44 69.01 69.56 70.10 70.63 71.16 71.67 15 72.17 72.66 73.14 73.61 74.07 74.52 74.97 75.40 75.83 76.25 45 16 76.66 77.07 77.46 77.85 78.23 78.61 1780.39 80.72 81.05 81.38 81.70 82.02 1883.51 83.79 84.07 84.35 84.62 84.88 1986.15 86.39 86.62 86.86 87.09 87.32 87.54 87.76 87.98 20 88.40 88.61 88.81 89.01 89.21 89.41 89.60 89.79 89.97 21 90.34 90.52 90.70 90.87 91.04 91.21 91.38 91.54 91.70 2292.02 92.18 92.33 92.48 92.63 2393.49 93.63 93.76 93.89 94.02 24 94.78 94.90 95.02 95.14 95.25 2595.917 6.023 | 6.128 | 6.232 26 96.924 7.019 7.112 7.112 7.205 2797.823 7.907 | 7.991 | 8.073 78.98 79.34 79.69 80.04 38 82.32 82.63 82.93 83.22 32 85.15 85.40 85.66 85.90 26 88.19 90.16 23 20 91.86 17 92.78 92.93 93.07 93.21 93.35 94.15 94.28 94.41 94.53 94.66 13 95.37 95.48 95.59 95.70 95.81 II 6.334 6.436 6.536 6.635| 6.732 | 6.829 101 7.296| 7.386| 7.475 8.155 8.236 8.315 8.394 8.473 8.550|| 81 15 7.564 7.651 7.737 90 | 41 28 98.627 8.702 8.777 8.852 8.925 8.998| 9.069 | 9.141 9.141 9.211 9.281|| 73 2999.349 9.418| 9.485 | 9.552| 9.618| 9.683 | 9.748| 9.812| 9.875| 9.938|| 65 30|| 30 0.000 0.062 0.122 0.183 0.242 0.301 0.360 0.417 0.475 0.532 59 31 0.588 0.643 0.699 0.753 0.807 0.861 0.914 0.967 1.019 1.070 54 32 1.122 1.172 I.222 1.272 1.321 1.370 1.418 1.466| 1.513| 1.560 || 49 33 1.606 1.652 1.698 1.743 1.788 1.833 1.877 1.743 1.788 1.833 1.877 1.920 1.964 2.007 44 34 2.049 2.091 2.133 2.174 2.215 2.256| 2.296| 2.336| 2.376| 2.415 35 2.454 2.493 2.531 2.569 2.606 2.643 2.680 2.717 2.753 2.789|| 37 36 2.825 2.860 2.895 2.930 2.965 2.999 3.032 3.066 3.099 3.132 34 37 3.165 3.197 3.229 3.261 3.293 3.324 3.355 38 3.477 3.507 3.536 3.566 3.595 3.624 3.653 39 3.765 3.792 3.820 3.847 3.874 3.900 3.927 40 4.031 4.056 | 4.081 | 4.106 41|| 4.275 4.299 | 4.322 | 4.345 42 4.502 4.523 4.545 4.566 3.386 3.417 3.447|| 31 3.681 3.709 3.737 29 | | 3.953 3.979 4.005 27 4.131 | 4.156 4.180 4.204 4.228 4.252|| 25 4.368 4.390 4.413 4.435 4.458 4.480 23 4.588 4.609 4.630 4.651 4.671 4.692 | 21 43 4.712 4.732 4.752 4.771 4.791 4.811 4.830 4.850 4.869 4.888 20 44 4.906 4.925 4.943 4.961 4.980 4.998 5.016 5.034 5.051 5.069 18 45 5.087 5.104 5.122 5.139 5.156 5.173 5.189 5.206 5.223 5.239 17 46 5.256 5.272 5.288 5.304 5.320 5.336 5.352 5.368 5.383 5.399 16 47 5.414 5.429 5.444 5.459 5.474 5.489 5.504 5.519 5.533 5.548 15 48 5.562 5.576 5.590 5.605 5.619 5.633 5.646 5.660 5.674 5.687 14 49 5.701 5.714 5.728 5.741 5.754 5.767 5.780 5.793 5.806 5.819 13 50 5.831 5.844 5.856 5.869 5.881 | 5.894 5.906 5.918 5.930 5.942 12 51 5.954 5.966 5.978 5.990 6.001 6.013 6.024 6.036 6.047 6.059 II 52 6.070 6.081 6.092 6.103 6.114 6.125 6.136 6.147 6.158 6.168 II 53 6.179 6.190 6.200 6.211 6.221 6.232 6.242 6.252 6.262|| 6.272 IO 54 6.283 6.293 6.303 6.313 6.322 6.332 6.342 6.352 6.361 6.371 ΙΟ 60 (J) TABLE OF VALUES OF Rv. V f-s о I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. + 55 6.3806.3901.3995.4089 | .4183.4276 .4368 .4460 | .4551| .4733 .4823.4912.5001.5090.5178 .5266| .5353| .5439 .5612.5697.5782.5866.5950 .6034 .6117 .6200 .6282 irerin 56 57 58 6.6446.6527.6608 .6689.6769.6849 .6928 .7007 .7242.7319.7396.7473.7549.7625 .7700 .7775 .7999.8072.8146.8219.8292 .8364.8436 .8508 59 60 62 .4642 || 94 .5526|| 88 .6364 84 .7086 .7850 | .7164|| 80 .7925 || 76 .8579 .8650|| 72 61 6.8721 .8792.8862.8932.9001 .9070 .9139 .9208 .9276 .9344 69 .9411.9478.9545.9612.9678.9744| .9810 .9875 .9940 *.0005 66 .9875.9940 63 7.0069 .0133 .0197 .0260.0324.0387 .0450 .0512 .0574 .0636 63 647.0698.0759.0820.0881.0942.1002 .1062 .1122 .1181 .1240 60 .1299.1357.1416.1474.1531.1589|| .1646 .1704 .1874.1930.1986.2041.2097.2152 .2207 .2261 65 66 69 567 ♡♡♡♡ ☹☹☹ dino 50 o OHN MED ON DOT NM + ∞ ∞ ∞ 67|| 7.2424.2478.2531.2584 .2637.2690 .2742 .2795 68 .2950 .3001.3052.3103.3154.3205 .3255 .3305 | 3454.3503.3552 .3601.3650 .3698 3747 .3795 | 70 7.3939.3986.4033 .4080.4127.4173 .4219 .4265 .4402.4448.4493.4538.4582.4627|| .4671 .4715 72 .4846.4890.4933 .4976 .5019.5061 .5104 .5146 7.5272.5313.5354.5396 .5437 .5477 .5518 .5559 .5396.5437.5477 .5679.5719.5759 -5799 .5838 .5877 5916 .5955 .6071.6109.6147 .6185 .6223.6261 71 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 со .1760 .1817 58 .2316 .2370 55 .2847 .2898 53 3355 .3404 || 51 .3843 .3891 49 .4311 .4357 46 .4759 .4803 45 .5188 .5230 43 || .5599 .5639|| 41 5994 .6033 39 .6298.6335 .6373 .6410 38 .6736 .6771 36 .7083 .7117 34 .7415 7448|| 33 .7734 .7765 32 .8040 .8070 30 .8333 .8361 || 29 76 7.6447 .6483 .6520 .6556 .6592.6628 .6664 .6700 .6806.6841.6876.6911.6946|.6980 .6806.6841.6876 .6911.6946.6980 .7015 .7049 .7150 .7184.7217.7251.7284.7317 .7350| .7383 7.7480.7512.7544 .7576.7608|.7640| .7671 .7703 .7796.7827.7858 .7889 .7919.7950 .7980 .8010 .8100 8129.8159 .8188 .8217.8246 .8275 .8304 82 7.8390 .8418.8446.8474.8502.8530 .8558 .8585.8613 .8667.8694 .8721.8748 .8774 .8801 .8827 .8853 .8880 .8931 .8957.8983.9008 .9034 9059 .9084 .9109 .9134 85 7.9184 .9208 .9233 .9257 .9281.9305 .9329 .9353 9377 .9233.9257.9281.9305 86 .9424.9448.9471.9495 .9518.9541.9564 .9587 .9609 87 .9655.9677.9699 .9722 .9744 .9766 .9788 .9810 .9831 83 ∞ ∞ 84 .8640 28 .8906|| 27 .9159 25 .9401 || 24 .9632|| 23 .9853 22 88 7.9875 .9896.9917.9939.9960.9981 *.0002 *.0023 *.0043 *.0064 21 887.9875.9896 89 8.0085 .0105 .0125 .0146 .0166.0186 .0206.0226 .0246 .0265|| 20 .0285.0305.0324.0344.0363|.0382| .0401 .0420.0439 90 .0458 19 91 8.0477.0496 .0514 .0533 .0552.0570 .0588 .0607 .0625 .0643 18 .0661.0679.0697 .0714 .0732.0750 .0767 .0785 .0802 .0820 18 .0661.0679.0697.0714.0732.0750 .0837.0854.0871 .0888.0905.0922 .0939 .0955 .0972 .0989 17 .0837.0854.0871.0888.0905.0922 92 93 94 8.1005.1022 .1038.1054 .1071.1087 .1103 .1119 III .1135 .1151 16 .1167.1182.1198 .1214.1229.1245 .1260 .1276 1321.1336.1351.1366.1381.1396 .1411 .1426 95 96 · 98 99 .1291|| .1306|| 16 .1440 .1455 15 · 97 8.1470.1484.1499.1513.1527.1542 .1556 .1570 .1584| .1598|| 14 .1612.1626.1640.1654 .1667.1681.1695 .1708 .1722 1735 14 .1749.1762.1776.1789.1802.1815.1828 .1841 .1854 .1867|| 13 100 8.1880.1893.1906.1918.1931|.1944 .1956 .1969 .1982 .1994 13 .2006.2019.2031.2043.2055.2068 .2080 .2092 .2104 2115 12 .2127.2139.2151.2163 .2174.2186 .2197 .2209 .2220 .2231 12 ΙΟΙ 102 61 (J) TABLE OF VALUES OF Rv. V f-s O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. + 105 1038.2 2427 2238 2649 2759 2867|| 2975 104 3500 3602 3703 3803 3902 4000 4471 4562 4652 4740 4828 4915 3082 3188 3293 4096| 4192| 4286 5001 5086 5170 3397 ||108 4379|| 98 5253 87 106 8.2 5336 5417 5498 5578 5658 5736 5814 58915968 5891 5968 6043 79 107 6118 6193 6267 6340 6413 6485 6557 6628 6699 6769|| 72 108 6839 6908 6977 7045 7113 7181 7248 7315 7381 7447 68 109 8.2 7512 7577 7642 7706 7770 7834 7897 7960 | 8022 8085 64 I10 III 116 1410 117 8146 8208 8269 8330 8390 8747 8806 8864 8922 8980 112 8.2 9322 9378| 9434 9489 9545 113 9873 9927 9981 *0034 *0088 114 8.3 0403 0455 0507 0559 0610 0662 115 8.3 0915 0966| 1016 1065 1115 1165 1459 1508 1556| 1604|| 1652 1890 1937 1984 2030 2077 2123 8450 8510 8570 8630 8689 60 9038 9095 | 9152 | 9209 9266|| 58 * 9600 9655 9710 9764 0141 *0194 *0246 *0299 0713 0764 0814 9819 55 *0351 53 0865|| 51 1214 1263 1313 1362 50 1700 1748 | 1795 1843 48 2169| 2215| 2261 2307 46 119 I 20 118 8.3 2352 2397 2443 2488 2533 2799 2843 2887 2930 2974 3017 3232 3274 3316 3359 3401 3442 1218.3 3649 3690 3731 3772 2577 2622 2666 2711 2755 || 45 I22 123 3061 | 3104| 3146 3484 3526 3567|| 3608|| 42 3812 3852 3893 4052 4092 4131 4171 4210 4249 4443 4482 4520 4559 4597 3189 43 3933 | 3973 4012 40 4288 4327 4366 4405 39 4635 4673 4710 4748 4786|| 38 124 8.3 4823 4860 4898 4935 4972 5008 5045 5082 | 5118 5155 37 125 5191 5227 5263| 5299 5335 5371 5406 | 5442 | 5477 5512 36 126 5548 5583 5618 | 5653 | 5687 5722 5756 | 5791 | 5825 5859|| 35 127 8.3 5894 5928 5962 5996 6029 6063 6096|| 6129| 6163 6096 6129 6163 6196 34 128 129 6229 6262 | 6294 6327 6554 6586 6618 | 6650| 6681 | 6713 6360| 6392 | 6425 6457 6490 6425 6457 6490 6522 33 6745 6776 6808 6839 32 131 132 1 2 130 8.3 6870 6901 6932 6963 7177 7207 7238 7268 7476 7505 7535 7564 6994 7025 7055 7086 7116 7147 31 7298 7328 7357 7387 7417 7446 30 7594| 7623| 7652 7681 7710 7739 29 133 8.3 7768 7797 7825 7854 7882 7911 7939 7967 7996 8024|| 28 134 8052 8080 8108 8135 | 8163 8163 8191 8191 135 8327 8355 8382 8409 8435 8462 8674 8700 8218| 8246 | 8273 8300 28 8489 8516 8542 8569 27 8726 8752 8778 8804 8829|| 26 140 141 136 8.3 8595 8621 8648 137 8855 8881 8907 8932 8958 8983 9009 9034 9060 9085 26 138 9110 9136 9161 9186 9211 9236 9260 9285 9310 9334 25 139 8.3 9359 9383 9407 9432 9456 9480 9504 9529 | 9456 9480 9504 9529 9553 | 9577 || 24 9601 9625 9649 9673 9696 9720 9744 9768 9791 9815 24 9838 9862 9885 9909 9932 9955 9978 *0002 *0025 *0048 23 || 142 || 8.4 0071 143 0299 0321 0344 0366|| 0389 0094 0117 0094 0117 0140 0163|| 0185 | 0411 144 0522 145 8.4 0740 0544 0566| 0588 | 0610 0761 146 0953 0974 147 1161 1182 0208 0231 0254 0433 0455 0631 0653 0675 0697 0783 0804 0826 0847 0868 0889 0911 0995 1016 1037 1058 1079 1099 1203 1223 1243 1264 1284 0276|| 23 0478 0500|| 22 0718|| 22 0932 21 I 120 1141 21 148 8.4 1365 149 1566 150 1764 1304 1325 1385 1406| 1426|| 1446|| 1466|| 1486|| 1506|| 1586 1606 1626 1645 1665 1685 1705 1783 1803 1823 1842 1862 1881 1900 1920 1939 20 1345 20 1526 1546|| 20 1724 1744 20 62 (J) TABLE OF VALUES OF R、. 155 156 158 159 78 9 161 162 2591 2609 2626 2769 2787 2804 2875 2893 2910 | 2928 | 2945| 2963|| 2980 2963 2980 157 8.4 3050 3067 3085 3102 3119 3137 3154 3222 3239 3256 3273 3290 3307 3324 3391 3408 3424 3441 | 3458 | 3474 | 3491 160 8.4 3556 3573 3589 | 3605| 3622|| 3638 3654 | 3719 3735 3751 3767 3783 3799 3815 387938953911 3927 3942 | 3958 | 3974 4021 | | 2591 V о I 2 f-s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. + 2016 2092 2111 2130 19 152 153 2279 96 151 8.4 1958 | 1978 | 1997 2035 2054 2073 2149 2167 2186 | 2205 2224 2242 | 2261 2298 2317 19 2335 2354 2372 2390 2409 2427 2445 2464 2482| 2500 | | | 154 8.4 2518 2536 2554 2573 2698 2716 2733 2751 50505 456 18 2822 2644 2662 2680 18 2840 2857 18 2998 3015 3033 18 3171 | 3341 3188 3205 17 3358 3374 17 3507 3524 3540 17 3671 3687 3831 | 3847 3703 || 16 3863 16 3990 4005 | 16 4237 4389 | | 163 8.4 4037 4052 4068 4083 164 4191 4207|| 4222 165 4343 4359 4374 166 8.4 4493 4508 4523 4538 167 4641 4656| 4670 | 4685 | 4699|| 4714 | 4728 4743 4758 | 4772 || 15 168 4786 4801 4815 4830 4844 | 4858 | 4872 | 4887 | 4901 491514 4099 4114 4130 4114 4130 4145 4161 4176 || 15 4252 4268 4283 4298 4313 4328|| 15 4404 4419 4434 4449 | 4553 4567 | 4582 | 4597 | 4612 4464 4478|| 15 | 4626 || 15 169 8.4 4929 4943 4958 4972 170 5070 5084 5098 5112 171 5208 5222 5235 5249 | 4986 5000 5014 5125 5125 | 5139 5153 5263 | 5276 | 5290 5276 5290 5398 5412 5425 5028 5042 5056|| 14 5167 | 5304 5181 | 5194 14 | || 5317 5331 | 14 5438 | 5452 5465|| 13 5571 5584 5597 13 5701 5714 5727 13 5829 5842 | 5855 || 13 5956 | 5968 | 5981 || 13 6080 | 6092 | 6105 12 179 180 6203 6215 6227 6323 | 6335| 6347 12 12 6442 6453 6465 | | 6418 6430 | 12 6558 | 6570 6582 || 12 II I I 172 8.4 5344 | 5358 | 5371 | 5385 1728.4 173 5478 5492 5505 5518 5531 5544 5558 174 5610 5623 5636 | 5649 | 5662 | 5675| 5688 5675 5688 175 8.4 5740 5753 5766 | 5778 5791 5804 5817 5804 5817 176 5868 5880 5893 5905 5918| 5931 5943 | | 177 5993 6006 6018 | 6031 | 6043 6055 6068 6055 6068 178 8.4 6117 6129 6142 6154 6166 | 6178 6190 | | | 6239 | 6251 | 6263 | 6275 | 6287 | 6299 | 6311 6299 6311 6359 6371 6383 6395 6406 181 84. 6477 6489 | 6500 | 6512 | 6524 6535 6547 | | 182 6593 6605 6616 6628 6639 | 6651 | 6662 | 6673 | 6685 | 6696 183 6708 6719 6730 6742 6753 6764 6775 6787 6798 6809 184 8.4 6820 6832 6843 6854 6865| 6876 6887 6876 6887 6898 | 6909 | 6920 || 11 185 6931 6942 6953 | 6964 | 6975| 6986 | 6997 6986 6997 7008 7019 7030 186 7041 7052 7063 7073 7084 7095 7106 187 8.4 7149 7160 7170| 7181 7192 188 7255 7266| 7276 7287 189 7360 7371 7381 7391 190 || 8.4 7464 7474 7484 7494 191 7566 7576 7586 7596 7606 | | 192 7666| 7676 | 7686 | 7696 | 7706| 193 8.4 7765 7775 7785 7795 7804 7863 7872 7882 7892 7959 7968 | 7978 II ΙΙ 7117 7127 7138 | II 7202 7213 7224 7234 | 7245 I I 7297 | 7308 7402 7308 7318 7318 7329 7339 7350 ΙΟ 7412 7422 7433 7443 7505 7453 IO 7515 7525 7515 7525 7535 7545 7556 || 10 7616 7626 | 7636 | 7646 | 7656|| 10 7716 | 7726 7716 7726 7736 7746 7755 ΙΟ 194 195 7987 7997 7814 7824 7834 7843 7853 10 7901 7911 7920 7930 7940 7949 | 8006 8016 8006 8016 8025 8034 8044 IO 196 8.4 8053 8063 8072 8081 8091 8100 8109 S100 8109 8119 8128 8137 197 8146 8156 8165 8174 8183 8192 8202 8211 S220 8229 198 8238 8247 8256 8265 8274 8283 8292 8301 8310 8319 9 63 (J) TABLE OF VALUES OF Ry. V O I 2 f-s 3 4 บา 5 6 7 8 9 Dift. + 200 201 203 204 199 8.48 3280 3369 3458 3547 4164 4251 4338 5032 5118 5204 5289 202 8.48 5886 5971 6055 6139 6725 6808 6891 6974 7056 7139 7221 7549 7631 7713 7794 7876 7957 8038 2058.48 8361 8441 8521 8601 8681 4426 3635 3724 3812 3900 3988 407689 4513 4600 4686 4773 4859 4946 87 5375 | 5460 | 4546 | 5631 | 5716|| 5801 || 86 6224 6308 6391 6475 6559 6642 84 7304 7386 7468 || 83 8119 8200 8280 81 8761 | 8840 8920 8999 9078 || 80 206 207 9157 9236 9315 9394 9472 9551| 9629 9941 *0018 *0096 *0173 *0250 *0327 *0404 208 8.49 0710 0786 0861 0937 1013 1088 1163 209 9707 9785 | 9863|| 78 *0481 *0557 *0633 77 1239 1239 1314 1389 75 1463 1538 1613 1687 210 2203 2276 2349 2422 1761 1835 1909 2495|| 2568 | 2640 1983 2057 2130 74 2713 2785| 2857|| 73 211 8.49 2930 3002 3073 212 213 3643 3714 3784 3855 4344 4413 4482 215 216 3217 3288 3359 3431 3925| 3995 4065 4135 4620 4689 4758 4827 2148.49 5031 5100 5167 5235 5303 5370 5438 5505 5706 5773 5840 5907 5973 6040 6106 6173 6371 6437 6503| 6568 | 6634| 6699| 6764 3145 3502 3572 71 4205 4274 70 4551 4895 4963 69 5572 5639|| 68 6239 6305 67 6829 6894 6959 65 218 219 221 224 225 230 231 217 8.49 7024 7089 7153 7218 7282 7218 7282 7666 7730 7794 7857 7921 8299 8361 8424 8486 8548 220 8.49 8920 8981 | 9042 9104 9165 9531 | 9591 | 9651 | 9712| 9772 222 8.50 0130 0189 0249 0308 0367 2238.50 0719| 0777 | 0835| 0893| 0951 1009 1067 1125 1298 1355 1413 1470 1527 1584| 1641| 1698 1868 || 1925| 1981 | 2037 2093|| 2150 2206| 2262 2268.50 2429 2485 2540 2596|| 2651| 2706|| 2761| 2817 2872 227 2981 3036 3091 3145 3200 3254 3308 3363 | 3417 228 3525 3579 3633| 3687| 3741 3687 3741 3794 3848 3901 3955 | 229 8.50 4062 | 4115 4168| 4221 4221 4274 4591 | 4644| 4696| 4749|| 4801 5115 5167 5219 | 5271 5271 5323 7346 7411 7346 7411 7475 7539 7603 64 7984 8047 8110 8173 8236 63 8611 8673 8734 8796 8858 62 9226 9287 9348 9409 9832 | 9892| 9952 *0011 *0071 60 0426 0484 0543 0602 0660|| 59 9470 61 1183 1240 58 1755 1811 57 2318 2373 56 2926 55 3471 54 400854 4327 4380 4433 4486 4538 53 4854 4906 4958 5011 5063 52 5375 5427 5479 5531 5582 52 233 232 8.50 5634 5686 5737 5789 6149 6200 6252 6303 6354|| 6405| 6456| 6507| 6558 5841 5892 5944 5995 | 6046 | 6098 52 6609|| 51 234 6660 6711 6762 6813 6864 6914 6965 7016| 7066 7117 51 235 8.50 7167 7218 7268 7319 7369 236 237 76717721 8171 8221 7771 | 7821 | 7872 8271 | 8321 8321 8370 7419 7470 7520 7922 7972 8022 8071 8420 | 8470 8519 8569 7570 7621|| 50 8121 50 8618 50 239 240 238 8.50 8668 8717 8767 8816 8866 8915 8964 9014 9063 9112 49 | | 9161 9210 9260 9309 9358 9407 9456 9505 9553 9602 || 49 9651 | 9700 | 9749 9797 9846 | 9895 9944 9992 *0041*0089 49 || 241 8.51 0138 0186 0235 0283 0332 0380 0428 0477 0525 0573 48 242 0621 0670 0718 0766 0814 0862 0910 0958 1054 48 243 I 102 1150 1198 1245 1293 1341 1389 1436 1484|| 1532 48 244 8.51 1579 | 1627|. 1674|| 1722 1769|| 1817 1864 1912 1959 2006 47 245 2053 2101 2148 2195 2242 2289| 2336 2383 2430 2477 47 2524 2571 2618 2665 2711 2758 2805 2852 2898 2945 47 246 1006 64 (J) TABLE OF VALUES OF R、. V о I 2 f-s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. + 247 8.51 2992 3038 | 3085| 3131 3178 3224 3271 3317 3363 3410 47 248 249 3456 3502 3548 3594 3916 3962 4008 4054 3640 3687|| 3733 3779 3825| 3870|| 46 4100 4145 4191 4237 4282 4328 46 250 8.51 4374 4419 | 4465 | 4510 4555 4601 | 4646| 4691 | 4736| 4782|| 45 251 252 4827 4872 4917 4962 | 5007 5276 5320 5365 | 5409 5052 5097 | 5142 | 5186|| 5231|| 45 5454 5498 5543 5587 5631 5676 44 253 8.51 5720 5764 5808 | 5852 | 5896 5940 254 6159 6203 6246 6290 6333 6377 6420 6464 255 6594 6637 6680 6723 6766 6809 5984 6028 6072 6115 44 6507 6550 44 6852 | 6894 6937 6980|| 43 256 8.51 7023 7065 7108 7150 257 7447 7489 7531 7573 258 7865 7907 7948 7989 8400 8806 9206 | 9245 259 8.51 8278 8319 8359 260 8685 8725 8765 261 9086 9126 9166 262 8.51 9482 | 9521 | 9560 | 263 9872 9910 | 9949 264 8.52 0255 0293 0331 266 9599 9638| 9677 9716 9755 9794 9833 39 9987*0026 *0064 *0102 9987 *0026 *0064 *0102 *0141 *0179 *0217 38 0369 0407 0445 0483 0520 | 0558| 0595|| 38 2658.52 0633 0670 0708 0745 | | 1005 1042 1079 1115 1371 1408 1444 1480 0782 0819 0857 1152 1189 0894 | 8441 8846 8886 9285 8482 7193 7235 7278 7320 7615 7656 7698 7740 8031 8072 8113 8154 8522 8563 8926 8966 9006 | 9046|| 40 7362|| 7404|| 42 7782 7823 42 8196 8237|| 41 8604 8644 41 9324|| 9364|| 9403| 9443|| 40 0931 0968 37 267 1516 1553 1226 1262 1589 1625 1299 1335 37 1661 1697 36 268 8.52 1732 1768 1804 1840 1875 1911 1947|| 1982 | 2018 | 2053|| 36 269 2088 2124 2159 2194 2229 2265 2300 2335 2369| 2404|| 35 270 2439 2474 2508 | 2543 2543 2578 2612 4647 2681 2715 2750 35 271 8.52 2784 2818 2852 2887 2921 2955 2989 3023 3057 3091 || 34 272 273 3124 3158 3192 3226|| 3259 3461 3494 3538 3561 | | | 3293 3327 3360 3394 3427 34 3594 3627 3661 3694 | || 3727 3760 33 274 8.52 3793 | 3826 | 3859 | 3891 3891 3924 3957 3990 4022 | 4055 4087 33 275 276 4120 4152 4185 | 4185 4217 4442 4474 4506 | 4538 4538 4249 4281 4314 4346 4378 4410 32 4570 4602 4634 4665 4697 4729 32 277 8.52 4760 4792 4823 4855 4886 | | 4917 4949 4980 5011 | 5042 || 31 278 5229 5259 5290 5321 5352 31 279 5566 5597 5627 | 5657 31 27 5073 5105 5136 5167|| 5198 5383 5413 5444 | 5475 5505 5536 50.81 28 45.55 41.00 29 www www 37.04 33.57 30.52 33 27.83 34 (K) TABLE OF VALUES OF [1000÷v]³ 50.24 49.69 49.15 48.61 | 48.08 | 47.56 | 47.05 | 46.54 | 46.05 || 53 | | | 45.07 44.59 44.12 | 43.66 | 43.20 42.75 42.30 41.86 41.43 46 40.58 40.17 39.76 39.35 38.95 38.56 38.17 37.79 37.41 40 36.67 36.31 35.95 | 35.59 | 35.25 34.90 34.56 34.23 33.90 || 35 33.24 32.93 32.61 | 32.30 | 31.99 31.69 31.39 31.10 30.81 31 30.23 29.95 29.68 29.40 29.13 28.86 28.60 28.34 28.08 27 27.58 27.33 27.08 26.84 26.60 26.36| 26.13 25.90 25.67 24 25.44 25.22 25.00 24.78 24.57 24.35 24.14 23.93 23.73 23.53 21 23.32 23.13 22.93 22.73 22.54 22.35 22.16 21.98 21.80 21.61 19 65 જ્ઞ 5 (K) TABLE OF VALUES OF [1000÷v]3 ³ V О I 2 f-s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff Aw www i + 36 37 38 21.43 21.26 21.08 20.91 20.74 20.57 19.74 19.58 19.43 19.27 19.12 18.22 18.08 17.94 17.80 17.66 20.40 20.23 20.07 19.90 17 18.96 18.81 18.66 18.52 18.37|| 15 17.52 17.39 17.25 17.12 16.99 14 39 40 16.23 16.10 15.98 15.86 15.74 12 15.05 14.94 14.83 14.72 14.62 || 11 13.99|| 13.89| 13.79| 13.69 13.59 10 3.027 2.935 2.845 2.755 2.666|| 92 43 2.149 2.065 1.983 1.901 1.820 84 1.348 1.272 1.197 1.122 1.048 77 41 42 44 16.86 16.73 16.60 16.48 16.35 15.63 15.51 15.39 15.28 15.17 | | | 14.51 | 14.40 14.30 14.20 14.09 I 3.497 3.401 3.306 3.212 3.119 2.578 2.491 2.404 2.318 2.233 1.739 1.660 1.581 1.503 1.425 45 1 0.974 0.901 0.829 0.757 0.686 0.616 0.547 0.478 0.409 0.341 70 46 0.274 0.207 0.141 0.075 0.010 *9.946 *9.882 *9.819 *9.756 *9.694 64 470 9.632 9.571 9.510 9.450 9.390 9.331 9.272 9.214 9.156 9.099 59 48 9.042 8.986 8.930 8.875 | 8.820 8.766 8.711 8.658 8.605 8.552 54 8.500 | 8.448 | 8.397 | 8.346 | 8.295|8.245|8.195| 8.146| 8.097| 8.048|| 50 FOR VELOCITIES 500 TO 1999 f-s SEE TABLE (F). 49 200 201 1 2500 | 2481 | 2463 | 2444 | 2426 | 2407 | 2388 | 2370 2351 2333 19 2314 2296 2277 2259 2240 202 2132 2114 2096 2078 2060 2222 2204 2186 2042 2025 2007 2168 2150 18 1989 1972 18 203.1 1954 1936 | 1919|| 1901 1901 1884 1884 1866 1849 1831 1814 1796 17 204 1779 1762 1744 205 1608 1591 1574 1523 | 1727 1710 1693 1676 | | 1659 1659 1642 1625 17 1557 1540 | 1506 1489 1473 1456 17 206.1 1439 1423| 1406 1423 1406 1389 1389 1373 1373 1356 1340 1323 1307 1290 16 207 1274 1258| 1241 1225 1209 1193 II77 208 1113 1097 1081 1065| 1049 1033 1161 1145 1129 16 1017 1002 0986 0970 16 209.1 | | I 0954 0939 0923 0907 0892 0876 0860 0845 0829 0829 081416 210 0798 0783 0767 0752 0736 || 0721 211 0645 0630 0615 0600 0585 0570 07060690 | 0675 0555 0540 0525 оббо 15 0510 | 15 212.1 0495 0480 | 0465 0480 0465 0451 0436 0421 0407 0392 0377 0363 15 213 0348 0333 0319 0304 214 0204 0190 0176 0161 || 0290 0276 0147 0147 0133 0261 0247 0233 0218 14 0119 0104 0090 0076|| 14 | 217 9786 9772 9759 215.1 0062 0048 0034 0020 216.0 9923 9909 | 9895 9909 | 9895 9882 9868 | 9854 9746 | 9732 | 9719 0006*9992 *9978 *9964 *9951 *9978*9964 *993714 9841 9827 | 9813 9813 9800 14 || 9706 | 9692 | 9679 9679 218.0 9652 9639 9625 9639 9625|| 9612 | 9599 | 9586 | 9573 | 9560 | 9547 219 9521 9508 9495 9482 | 9469 | 9456 | 9443 220 9391 9378 | 9365 | 9352 9340 | 9327 9315 221.0 9265 9252 | 9240 9227 9215 | | 9140 9128 9116 9103 9091 223 9018 90068994 8982 8970 222 9665 13 9534 13 9430 9417 9302 9404 13 9290 9277 13 9202 9190 9079 9067 9055 9042 8958 | 8946 | 8934 | 8922 9177 9165 9152 12 9030 12 8922 8910 8910 | 12 224.0 8898 8886 | 8874 8886 8874 8862 | 8850 | 225 8779 8768 8756 8744 8733 8721 8744 8733 8721 226 8663 8652 8640 8629 8617 8838 8826 8814 8803 8791 12 8709 8698 8686 8686 8675 12 8606 8595 8583 8583 8572 8572 8560 II 227.0 8549 8538 8526 8515 8504 228 8437 8426 8415 8404 8393 8382 229 8327 8316 8305 | 8295 | 8284 | 230.0 8219 8208 8198 8187 231 8113 8102 8092 8082 232 8008 7998 7988 7977 | 8493 8482 8470 8459 8459 8448 II 8371 8360 8360 8349 8349 8338 II 8273 8262 8251 8241 8230 II 8176 8166 8155 8144 8134 8123 II 8071 8062 8050 | 8039 7967|| 7957 7947 7936 8029 8019 IO 7926 7926 7916 IO 66 (K) TABLE OF VALUES OF [1000÷v]3 ³ V O I 2 f-s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. + 233.0 234 235 N N 237 238 333 678 7906 7895 7885 7875 7805 7795 7785 7775 7705 7696 7686 | 7676 | 236.07 6079 5982 5886 5789 7666 || | 7865 7855 7845 7835 7825 7815 10 7765 7755 7745 7735 7755 7745 7735 7725 7715 IO 7647 7637 7627|| 7618|| 10 7656| 5693 5597 5501 | 5406 5501 5406 5310 5215 96 5120 5025 4930 4835 4177 4084 3991 | 3898 239.07 3250 3158 3066| 2974 4741|| 4646 4646| 4552 4458 4552 4458 4364 4271 95 427195 3805 3712 3619 3527 3434 3342 93 | || 2883|| 2792 2701 2610 2701 2610 2519|| 2429|| 91 240 2338 2248 2158 2068 1978 1888 1798 1709 1619|| 1530|| 90 241 1441 1352 1263| 1175 1086 0998 0910 0822 0910 0822 0734 0647 88 242 .07 0559 0472 0385 0298 243.06 9692 | 9606 | 9520 | 9434 244 8838 8754 8669 | 8585 | 8501 245.06 7999 7916 | 7833 7750 7667 246 173 7091 7010 | 6928 | 6847 | 247 6361 6280 6200 6119 6039 0211 0124 0038*9951 *9865 *9778 87 9349 | 9263 9178 9093 9008| 8923|| 86 8417 8333 8250 8166 8083 84 7584 7502 7419 7337 7255 83 6765 | 6684 6603 6522 6442|| 82 5959 5879 5800 5720 5641 || 80 248.06 5561 5482 249 5403 5324 5246 4775 4697 4619 | 4541 | 4464 | 4386 | 4309 | 4231 4000 3923 3847 3770 3694 | 3618 | 3542 | 3466 | 3390 5167 5088 5010 4931 4853|| 79 4154 4077 78 3315 76 259 250 251.06 3239 3164 3088 3013 2937 2862 2787 2712 2488 2414 2340 2266| 2192 2118 2045 1971 1751 1678 1605 | 1532 | 1459 | 1386| 1314 252 0737 0027 I 2637| 2563|| 75 1898 1824 74 253 1314 1241 1169 1096 73 254.06 1024 0952 0880 0809 | | 06660594 0523 0452 0381 71 255 0310 0239 01680097 *9956 *9886 *9815 *9745 *9675 256.05 9605 9535 9465 9395 9326 9256 9187 9117 9048 8979 70 257.05 8910 8841 8773 8704 8636 8568 258 8228 8160 8093 8025 7958|| 7891 7557 7490 7424 7357 | 7291 7225 261 262 264 4163| 4102 3553 3493 8500 8432 8364 8296 68 7824 7757 7824 7757 7690 7624 67 7159 7093 7027 6962 66 260.05 6896 6830 6765 | 6699 6634|| 6568 6503 6438 6373 6308 66 6243 6179 6114 6050 | 5985 | 5921 | 5857 | 5793 5857 5793 5729 5666|| 64 5602 5539 5475 5412 5349 5286 5223 5160 5097 5035 63 263.05 4972 4909 4847 4784 4722 4659 4597 4534 4348 | 4287 4225 4040 3979 3918 3735 3675 3614 4472 4410 63 3857 3796 62 3432 3372 3312 3252 | 3192|| 61 2953 2894 2834 2775 2715 2361| 2302 2243 2185 2126 1777 1719 1661 1604 1546 2656 2597 60 2068 2068 2009 | 59 1489|| 1431|| 58 265 266.05 3132 3073 3013 267 2538 2479 2420 268 1951 1893 1835 269.05 1374 1317 1259 I202 1145 1088 1032 0975 0918 0862 57 270 0805 0749 0692 0636 0580 | 0524 0468 0412 0356 0300 56 271 0244 0189 0133 0077 00229966 *9911 *9856 *9801 *9746|| 56 272.04 9691 | 9637 9582 9528 9473 273 9149 9095 9041 89878934 274 8613 8560 8507 8454 8401 275 .04 8084 8032 7979 7927 7874 276 7562 7511 7459 7408 7356 277 7050 6999 6948 6897 6847 278.04 6544 6494 6444 6394 | | 279 6045 5996 5946 5897 | | 280 5554 5506 5457 5408 | 8880 8826 8773 9419 9365 9311 9257 9203 54 8880 8826 8773 8719 8666|| 54 8348 8295 8242 8189 8137 53 7822 7770 7718 7666 7614 52 7305 7254 7203 7152 7101 51 6796 6746 6695 6645 6594 51 6294 6244 6194 6144 6095 50 5848 5799 5750 5701 | 5652 | 5603|| 49 5360 5311 5262 5214 5165 5117 49 | 6344 67 5* (L) TABLE OF VALUES OF Tv. PROJECTILES WITH OGIVAL HEADS. V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f-s secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. + ΙΟ 75.4 77.1 78.8 80.4 82.1 83.6 85.2 | 86.7 88.2 89.7 1.6 II 91.1 92.5 93.9 95.3 96.6 98.0 99.3 | 00.5 01.8 03.01.3 12 I 04.2 05.4 06.6 07.7 08.9 10.0 II.I 12.2 13.2 14.3 I.I 13 I 15.3 16.3 17.3 18.3 19.3 20.3 14 24.8 25.7 26.6 27.4 28.3 29.I 21.2 22.I 29.9 23.0 23.9 1.0 30.7 31.5 32.3 .8 15 33.I 33.8 | 34.6 35.3 | 36.1 36.8 37.5 38.2 38.9 39.6 .7 16 14 0.28 0.96 1.62 2.27 2.92 3.56 4.19 4.81 5.43 6.04 17 18 73 6.64 7.24 7.82 8.40 8.98 9.55 0.II 0.66 1.21 1.75 .57 15 2.29 2.82 3.35 3.87 4.38 4.89 | 5.39 5.89 6.38 6.38 | 6.87 .5I 55555 .64 19 15 7.35 | 7.83 | 8.30 | 8.77 9.23 9.69 0.14 0.59 1.03 1.47 .46 20 16 1.90 2.33 2.76 3.18 3.60 4.01 4.42 4.83 5.23 5.63 .4I 21 6.02 6.41 6.80 7.18 7.56 7.94 8.31 8.68 9.04 9.40 ·38 222222223 16 9.76 0.12 0.47 0.82 1.17 1.51 1.85 | 2.19 2.52 2.85 .34 17 3.18 3.51 3.83 24 6.31 6.61 4.15 4.47 4.78 6.91 7.20 7.49 7.78 5.09 5.40 5.71 6.01 .32 8.07 8.35 8.64 8.92 .29 www wwN N N N 25 17 9.19 | 9.47 9.74 0.01 0.28 0.55 0.82 1.08 1.34 1.60 26 18 1.86 2.II 2.36 2.61 2.86 3.11 3.36 3.60 3.84 3.84 4.08 2222223 .27 .25 27 4.32 4.55 4.79 5.02 5.25 5.48 5.71 5.94 6.16 6.38 .23 28 18 6.60 6.82 7.04 7.26 7.47 7.69 7.90 8.11 8.32 8.53 .21 29 8.73 8.94 9.14 9.35 9.55 9.75 9.94 0.14 0.34 0.53 .20 30 19 0.72 0.91 I.10 1.29 1.48 1.66 1.85 2.03 2.22 2.40 .19 19 2.58 | 2.76 2.93 3.11 3.29 3.46 3.63 3.81 | 4.32 4.48 5.95 4.65 4.82 | 4.98 5.15 5.31 5.47 3.97 4.15 .17 5.63 5.79 .16 6.11 6.27 6.42 6.58 6.73 6.88 7.04 7.19 7.34 .15 333 456 33 78 34 35 36 37 38 39 19 7.49 7.64 | 7.79 8.94 9.08 9.21 20 0.30 0.43 0.56 7.93 9.35 9.49 9.63 8.08 8.22 8.37 8.37 8.51 8.65 8.79 .15 9.76 9.90 0.03 0.17 .14 0.69 0.82 0.95 1.08 1.21 1.33 1.46 .13 20 1.59 1.71 1.83 1.96 2.80 2.92 3.95 4.06 3.04 3.15 4.17 4.28 2.08 2.20 2.32 3.27 4.39 2.44 2.56 2.68 3.38 3.50 3.61 3.72 3.84 .12 4.50 4.60 .12 4.71 4.82 4.92 .II 40 41 42 20 5.03 5.13 5.24 5.34 5.45 6.06 6.16 6.256.35 | 6.45 7.03 7.12 7.22 7.31 7.40 5.55 5.65 6.55 6.65 6.74 7.49 7.59 7.68 5.75 5.85 5.96 .10 6.84 6.93 7.77 7.86 .10 .09 .09 48 50 51 uurt ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 43 44 45 46 47 49 8.39 8.48 8.57 8.66 8.74 9.17 9.25 9.33 9.42 9.50 9.58 .08 9.99 0.07 0.14 0.22 0.30 0.38 20 7.95 8.04 | 8.13 8.22 8.31 8.83 8.91 9.00 9.08 9.66 9.74 9.82 9.91 21 0.46 0.54 0.61 0.69 0.77 1.22 1.29 1.37 1.44 1.52 1.95 2.02 2.09 2.16 2.23 21 2.65 | 2.71 2.78 2.85 3.32 3.38 3.45 3.96 4.02 4.08 0.84 0.92 1.00 1.07 1.15 1.59 1.66 1.73 1.81 1.88 2.30 2.37 2.44 2.5I 2.58 .08 882 208 888 .07 .07 2.92 3.51 3.58 3.64 4.15 4.21 4.27 2.98 3.05 3.12 3.18 3.25 .07 3.71 3.77 3.83 4.33 4.39 4.46 3.90 .06 4.52 .06 68 (M) TABLE OF VALUES OF Sv. PROJECTILES WITH OGIVAL HEADS. V о I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f-s feet. feet. feet. IO II 12 1066 1238 1409 2715 2871 3026 4220 4363 4506 feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. 1578 1745 1578 1745|| 1910 2074 3180 3333 3484 3633 4647 4787 | 4926 | feet. + 2236 | 2397 | 2557 || 166 3782 | 3929 4075|| 151 5064 | 5200 5336 | 5471|| 139 13 5604 5737 5866 5999 6129 6257 6385| 6511|| 6637 6762 129 14 6886 7009 15 8079 8194 7132 | 7253 | 7373 8309 8422 8535 7493 7612 7730 7847 7964 120 8647 8758 8868 8978 9087|| 112 16 9196 17 18 70 9304 9411 9517 || 9623 | 9728 | 9833 | 9937 I 0244 0346 0447 | 0546 | 0645 0743 0841 0939 1230 1326 1421 1516 1610 1704 1797 0040 0142 || 105 1037 1134 98 1890 1982 2074 94 19 2 2 20 I 2165 2256| 2346 2436 3052 3139 3224 3310 21 3896 3979 4060 4142 2525 2614 2703 2791 3395| 3480 | 3564 | 3648 4223 2878 2966 3731 | 3814|| 85 4303 4384 | 4463 | 4543 | 4622 СО СО СО 89 81 2 2 22 I 4701 4779 4857 4935 5013 5090 | 5167 5244 | 5319 | 5395 77 23 5470 55455620 5694 5768 24 6206 6278 6350 6421 6492 5842 5916 | 5989 | 6061 6134 6563 6633 74 6703 6773 6843 71 2 2 25 26 27 I 6912 6981 | 7050 | 7119 7255 7322 7591 7657 7723 7789 7855 7920 8244 8308 83718435 | 8498 | 8561 84988561 7187 7390| 7457 7524 68 7985 8624 8050 8115 8179 8686 8749 8811 65 63 28 I 8873 8935 29 9480 9540 30 2 0067 0124 8996 9057 | 9118| 9179 | 95999658 | 9717 9776 9834 | 9893 | 9951 0009 0181 || 0239 0239 | 0296 | 0352 | 0409 | 0465 | 0522 | 0578 9240 | 9300 | 9360 | 9420 61 59 57 www. 31 2 0634 0689 0745 0800 0855 32 33 0910 0965 1020 1074 1128 1182 1236 1290 1344 | 1397 | 1450 | 1503 1503 1714 1766 1818 1870 1922 1973 2025 | 55 1556 1609 1661 53 2076 2127 2178 | 52 532 34 35 36 2 2229 2280 2330 2380 | 2431 | 2481 2728 2778 2826 2875 2924 2972 3213 3260 3260 3308 3355 3402 3449 2531 2580 2630 2679 | 50 3021 3069 3117 3165 49 3496 3543 3589 | 3636 47 37 38 78 39 2 3682 3728 3774 3820 3866 4137 4182 4227 4271 4316 | 4579 4623 4666 4709 4752 | | 3911 3957 4002 4047 4093 4360 | 4404 4448 4492 | 4536 | | 4795 4838 | 4881 | 4923 | 4966 46 44 43 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 uunit fo 49 2 | 2 5008 5050 5092 5134 5176 52185259 | 5301 | 5342 5383 5424 54655506 | 5546 | 5587 5627 5668 5708 5748 5788 | 5828 5867 5907 5946 5986 6025 6064 6103 6142 6181 2 6220 6258 6297 6335 | 6601 6639 6676 6714 6973 7009 7046 7082 27335 7371 7407 7442 7689 7724 7759 7794 8035 8069 8103 8137 40 6374 6412 6450 6488 6526 6564||| 38 | | | 6751 6788 6825| 6862 | 6899 | 6936 7119 7155 | 7191 | 7478 7513 7548 7828 7863 7897 | 8171 8205 | 8373 8407 8407 8440 8473 8506 8540 8573 8704 8737 8737 8770 8802 8835 8868 8900 9029 9061 9093 9125 | 9157 | 9189 | 9221 | 42 | | | | | | 39 37 7227 7263 7299 36 7584 | 7619 | 7654 35 8239 7932 7966 8001 8272 8306 | 8340 | 35 34 8606 | 8639 | 8672 33 8932 | 8965 8997 | | 33 9253 9284 | 9316 32 www www 69 (L) TABLE OF VALUES OF Ty. secs. V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f-s secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. + 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 345 74 75 21 4.577 4.638 4.698 4.758 4.818 4.877 4.937 4.996 5.055 5.113 60 5.172 5.230 5.288 5.346 5.404 5.461 5.518 5.575 5.632 5.689|| 57 5.745 5.801 5.857 5.913 5.969 6.024 6.079 6.134 6.189 6.244 55 21 6.298 6.352 6.406 | 6.460 | 6.514 6.567 6.620 6.673 6.726 6.779|| 53 6.8316.883 6.936 6.987 | 7.039 7.091 7.142 7.193 7.244 7.295|| 52 7.346 7.397 7.447 7.497 7.547 7.597 7.647 7.696 7.746 7.795|| 50 21 7.844 7.893 7.942 7.990 8.039 8.087 8.136 8.184 8.232 8.279 48 8.327 8.375 8.422 8.469 8.516 8.563 8.610 8.657 8.703 8.749 47 8.796 8.842 8.888 8.933 8.979 9.025 9.070 9.115 9.160 9.205|| 45 21 9.250 9.295 9.339 9.384 9.428 9.472 9.516 9.560 9.604 9.647 44 9.691 9.734 9.777 9.820 9.863 9.906 9.949 9.991 0.034 0.076 43 63 22 0.118 0.160 0.202 0.244 0.286 0.327 0.369 0.410 0.451 0.492|| 42 22 0.533 0.574 0.615 0.655 | 0.696 | 0.736 | 0.776 | 0.816 | 0.856 0.896|| 40 0.936 0.976 1.015 1.054 1.094 1.133 1.172 1.211 1.250 1.288 39 1.327 1.365 1.403| 1.442 1.480 | 1.518 | 1.556 1.593 1.631| 1.668|| 38 22 1.706 1.743 1.780 1.818 1.855 1.891 1.928 1.965 2.001 2.038 37 2.074 2.111 2.147 2.183 2.219 2.255 2.290 2.326 2.361 2.397 36 2.432 2.468 2.503 2.538 2.573 2.608 2.642 2.677 2.712 2.746 35 22 2.781 2.815 2.849 2.883 2.917 2.951 2.985 3.019 3.053 3.086|| 34 3.120 3.153 3.186 3.220 3.253 3.286 3.319 3.351 3.384 3.417 33 3.449 3.482 3.514 3.546 3.578 3.611 3.642 3.674 3.706 3.738 32 22 3.769 3.801 3.832 3.864 3.895 3.926 3.957 3.988 4.019 4.050 31 4.080 4.111 4.142 4.172 4.202 4.233 4.263 4.293 4.323 4.353 30 4.383 4.413 4.442 4.472 4.501 4.531 4.560 4.590 4.619 4.648 29 22 4.677 4.706 4.735 4.764 4.792 4.821 | 4.849 4.878 4.906 4.934 29 4.962 4.991 5.019 5.046 5.074 5.102 5.130 5.157 5.185 5.212 28 5.239 5.267 5.294 5.321 5.348 5.375 5.402 5.428 5.455 5.481 | 27 22 5.508 5.534 5.561 5.587 5.613 5.639 5.665 5.691 5.717 5.743 26 5.769 5.794 5.820 5.845 5.871 5.896 5.921 5.946 5.971 5.997 25 6.021 6.046 6.071 6.096 6.121 6.145 6.170 6.194 6.218 6:243 25 22 6.267 6.291 6.315 6.339 6.363|6.387 6.410 6.434 6.458 6.481|| 24 6.504 6.528 6.551 6.574 6.597 6.620 | 6.643 6.666 | 6.689 6.711|| 23 6.734 6.756 6.779 6.801 6.823 6.845 6.868 6.890 6.911 6.933 22 22 6.955 6.977 6.998 7.020 7.042 7.063 7.084 7.106 7.127 7.148|| 21 7.169 7.190 7.211 7.232 7.252 7.273 7.294 7.314 7.335 7.355 7.375 7.395 7.416 7.436 7.456| 7.476 7.496 7.516 7.535 7.555 22 7.575 7.594 7.614 7.633 7.653 7.672 7.691 7.710 7.730 7.749 19 7.768 7.787 7.806 7.824 7.843 7.862 7.881 7.899 7.918 7.936 19 7.954 7.973 7.991 8.009 8.027 8.045 8.063 8.081 8.099 8.117 18 22 8.135 8.152 8.170 8.188 8.205 8.223 8.240 8.257 8.275 8.292 17 8.309 8.326 8.343 8.360 8.377 8.394 8.411 8.428 8.445 8.461|| 17 8.478 8.494 8.511 8.527 8.544 8.560 8.576 8.593 8.609 8.625 16 22 8.641 8.657 8.673 8.689 8.705 8.721 8.737 8.753 8.768 8.784 16 8.799 8.815 8.831 8.846 8.861 8.877 8.892 8.907 8.923 8.938|| 15 8.953 8.968 8.983 8.998 9.013 9.0289.043 9.057 9.072 9.087 15 22 9.101 9.116 9.131 9.145 9.160 9.174 9.188 9.203 9.217 9.231 14 9.245 9.260 9.274 9.288 9.302 9.316 | 9.330 9.344 | 9.358 9.371 14 9.385 9.399 9.413 9.426 9.440 | 9.453 9.467 9.481 9.494 9.507 14 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Со со со 234 84 86 567 85 87 88 89 90 91 со со 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 no não 21 20 70 (M) TABLE OF VALUES OF S V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 66 67 68 69 g。°an ; f-s feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. fect. + 2 9347 9379 9379 9410 9660 | 9691 | 9721 9442 9752 9966 9997 99970027 0057 9473 | 9504 9535 9783 9814 9844 9875 9905 9936 00880118 0148 0178 0118 0148 0178 0208 0238 9567 | 9598 | 9629 31 კი 3 0268 | 0298 0298 0327 0357 0387 0416 | 0446 0475 0505 0534 პი 0564 | | | 0593 0622 0651 0681 0710 0739 0768 | 0797 | 0826 29 3 1141 0855 0883 1169 1198 1226 0883 0912 0941 59 1423 1701 1451| 1479|| 1507 1730 1757 1785 0970 1254| 1283 1535 1563 1591|| 1619 | | 1812 1840 1867 0998 1027 | 1055 | 1084 [112 29 1311 1339 1367 | 1395 28 | 1619 | 1646 | 1674 1895 1922 28 1949 28 64 3 1977 2004 2031 2058 2247 2274 2301 2328 2355 2514 | 2541 2541 2567 2594 2620 3 2778 2804 2830 2856 3037 3063 3063 3089 3114 3293 3318 3318 3344 3369 2085 2112 2139 2166 2193 2220 2381 2646 2408 | 2435 | 2461 | 2488 2673 2699 2725 2751 N N N 27 27 26 2882 2908 2934 2960 2985 3011 26 3140 3165 | 3191 3394 | 3419 3445 3217 3242 3267 3470 | 3495 | 3520 26 25 3 3545 | 3570 3793 3570 3595 3620 3818 3645|| 3670 | 3694 | 3719 | 3744 3769 3818 3843 3867 3892 3916 | 3941 | 3965 3990 4014 4038 4063 4063 4087 41114136 | 4160 | 4184 | 4208 | 4232 | 4256 25 25 24 70 3 4280 4305 4305 4329 4352 4376 4400 4424 4448 | 4472 | 4496 24 71 73 81 IN MED ON 285 ☹mt mom å ää☹ *ino no a ∞ 72 4755 4778 45194543 4543 4567 4590 4778 4801 4825 4614 4637 4848 4871 | 4661 4684 4708 4731 24 4894 4917 4941 4964 | 23 3 4987 5010 5010 5033 5056 | 5078 | 5101 5124 5147 5170 | 5192 23 74 5215 5238 5238 52605283 5306 5328 5351 5373 | | 5373 5395 5418 23 75 5440 5463 5463 5485 5507 5529 5552 5574 5596 5596 56185640 22 76 3 5662 5684 57065728 77 78 5750 5772 5794 5815 5837 5859 5880 5902 5924 5945 5967 | 5988 | 6010 | 6031 | 6052 6074 6095 6116 6137 6158 6180 6201 6222 6222 6243 6264 | 6285 | | 22 22 21 79 80 82 3 83 84 3 6306 6326 6326 6347 | 6368 6389 6410 6451 | | 6513 6533 6533 6554 6574 6594 6615 67166736 6736 | 6756 | 6777 6797 6817 6916 | 6936 6936 6956 6975 6995 7014 7034 7053 | | 7112 7131 7150 7170 7189 7208 7227 7246 | 7303 7322 7341 7360 7378 7397 | 7416 | 6430 6451 64716492 21 6635 6655 6655 | 6676 | 6696 20 6837 | 6856 6876 | 6896 20 7053 7073 7073 7092 20 7246 | 7265 | 7284 19 7434 | 7453 | 7472 18 85 3 7490 7509 7527 7545 7564 7582 7600 7618 | 7636 | 7654 IS 86 87 7672 7691 7851 | 7868 7691 7708 7726 78687886 7903 7921 7938 | 7956 | 88 3 8025 8042 8042 8059 8076 8093 89 8195 8212 8229 8245 8262 90 8362 8378 8378 8394 8411 8427 | 7744 7762 7780 | 7973 7990 8008 8110 8127 8144 8279 | 8295 8312 8443 8460 7798 7798 7815|| 7833 18 со со 7973 17 8161 8178 17 8329 | 8345 17 8476 8492 8508 16 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 3 8524 | 8540 8556 8572 8588 8604 8620 | 8636 | 8652 | 8668 8684 8699 8699 8715 8731 8746 | 8762 | 8778 8793 8809 | 8824 8839 8855 8855 8870 8886 | 8901 | 8916 | 8931 | 8947 | 8962 | 8977 3 8992 9007 9007 9022 9037 9052 9067 9082 9097 | 9112 | 9126 | | 9141 9156 9156 | 9171 | 9185 | 9200 | 9215 | 9229 | 9244 | 9258 | 9273 92879302 9302 9316 9331 9345 9359 | 9374 9388 | 9402 | 9416 3 9431 9445 9459 9473 | 9487 | 9501 | 9515 | 9529 | 9543 | 9557 9571 9585 95999612 | 9626 | 9640 | 9654 | 9667 | 9681 | 9695 99 9722 97899803 9708 9722 9735 | 9749 | 9763 | 9776 | 9789 | 9803 | 9816 | 9830 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 71 (L) TABLE OF VALUES OF Ty. V I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. + f-s secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. 100 229. 5207 5340 5473| 5606 | 5738 | 5869 | 6001 | 6132 ΙΟΙ 102 | | 7418 6522 | 6651 | 6780 | 6908 | 7036 | 7164 | 7291 7796 792180468170 | 8294| 8417 8540 8662 103 229. 9024 104 230. 0177 105 9144 9262 9380 9496 | | | 0287 0396 0504 0610 1226 1325 1423 1520 1615 1710 1710 2609 6262|6392|| 132 7544 | 7670 || 127 8783 8904|| 123 9612 9727 9841 9954 0066|| 115 | | | | 0716 0820 0923 1025 1126 105 1804 1897 | 1988 | 2079 106 230. 2170| 2259 2347 2435 2522 2609 2694 2780 2864 2948 107 3031 3114 3196 | 3278 | 3359 3439 3520 3599 3678 3757 108 3835 3913 3990 | 4067 | 4143 4219 4295 4370 4445 4519 | | | 109 230. 4593| 4667 | 4740 | 4813 4885 4958 | 5030 | 5101 5314 5384 5454 | 5524 5593 5662 5731 5800 6004 6071 6139 | 6206 | 6272 | 6339 | 6405| 6471 IIO III | | | 5172 | 5243 5868 5936 | 6537 6603 112 230. 6668 | 6733 | 6798 6863 6928 | 6992 | 7056 | 71207184 7248 | | | 7311 7374 7437 7500 7936 7997 8059 8120 8181 113 114 | 7563 94 86 80 76 72 69 66 64 62 7625 7688 7750 7812 | 7874 | | | | 8242 8303 8364 8424 8484||| 61 115 230. 8545 8605 8665 8726 8787 8847 8906 | 8965 9142 9200 | 9259 9317 9375 9433 9490 9548 | | I 116 117 118 231. 0283 | 0338 | 0394 0449 0832 0886 0940 | 0994 1367|| 1420 | 1473 1525 231. 1889 1941 1992 2043 2095 2399 2449 2499 2549 2599 | | 2896| 2945| 2994 3043 3091 | 119 120 121 122 123 | | 9024 9083 59 9605 9663|| 58 삼성 ​넑읽 ​56 55 9720 9777 9833 | 9890 | 994700030059 0115 0171 0227 05040559 | 0614 | 0669 | 07230778 1048 ΙΙΟΙ 1154 1208 1261 1314 54 1578 | 1630 | 1682 | 1734 | 1786 | 1838|| 52 2146 2196| 2247 2298 2348 | | 2649 2698 | 2748 | 2797 2847 | 3140 3188 | 3237 | 3285 | 3333 124 231. 3381 3429 3477 3524 3572 3619 3667 3714 3761 3808 3855 3902 3948 3995 4041 | 4088 | 4134 4180 4226 | 4272 | 4318 4364 4410 4455 4501 4546 4591 4636| 4681 4726 | | | | | 125 126 128 129 127||231. 4771 | 4816 | 4860 | 4905 | 4949 | 4993 | 5038 | 5082 5126 5170 | | 51 50 49 47 46 45 | 44 | | 5214 5257 5301 5345 5388 5431 5475 5518 5561 5604 | 5647 5690 5732 5775 5818 | 5860 | 5902 5945 5987 | 6029 | | 43 42 130 231. 6071 6113 6155 | 6196 6238 | 6280 | 6321 | 6362 | 6404 6445 | | 42 131 132 6486 6527 6568 6609 6650|| 6690 6731 6772 6812 6852 | | | 6893|6933 | 6973 | 7013 | 7053 7093 7133 | 7173 | 7212 | 7252 4I | 40 133 231. 7291 | 7331 | 7370| 7410 | 7449 7370 7410 7449 7488 7527 | 7566 7605 | 7644 134 135 137 138 7682 7721 77607798 | 7837 7760 7798 7837 8066 8104 8142 8179 8217 | | 136 231. 8442 8479 8517 8554 8591 8812 8848 8885 8921 8958 | | 9175 9211 | 9247 | 9282 | 9318 9247 9282 9318 139 231.9532 9567 9602|| 9638 9673 140 8665 8702 8738 8775 8994 9030 | 9067 | 9103 9139 9354 9390 | 9425 | 9461 |9496 | 9708| 9743 9778 9813 9848 98839918 | 9952 | 9987 | 0022 00560091 0125 0160 0194 | | 0297 0331 0365 | 0399 | 0433 0467 05010535 | | | | 141||232. 0228 | 0263 | 0297 | 0331 143 144 1234 34 33 33 142|| 232. 0569 | 0602 0636 | 0670 | 0703|| 0737 0770 0804 0837 0870|| 34 0904 0937 | 0970 | 1003 1003 1036| 1069 1069 | 1102 1135 1168 1201 1267|| 1299 1299 1332 1364 1397 1430 1462 1494 1527 | 145 232. 1559 1591 | 1624 | 1656 | 1688 1624 | 1656 | 1688 146 1880 1912 | 1944 1975 2007 2197 2228 2260 2291 2322 2354 2385 2416 2447 2478 147 1720 1752 1784 | 1816 | 1848 2039 32 7875 7913 7952 7990 8028 8255 8292 | 8330 8367 8405 8405 38 8628 8775 36 9496 36 9848 35 2071 2102 2134 2165 | | www www www wwww www 39 38 37 72 (M) TABLE OF VALUES OF Sv. V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f-s feet. 103 40 230.1 104 349.4 107 108 IIO III I | 623.6 | 632.6 | 641.6 711.4 719.9 728.4 794.8 802.9 811.0 9.2 8.6 8.2 7.2 7.1 7.0 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. + 100 39 842.9 856.3 869.6 882.9 896.1| 909.3 922.5 935.7 948.9 961.9 13.2 ΙΟΙ 975.0 988.1 | 001.1 014.1 027.1 040.0 052.9 065.8 078.7 091.5 12.9 102 40 104.3 117.1 129.8 142.5 155.2167.8 180.4| 192.9 205.4 217.8 12.6 242.4 254.6|| 266.8 278.8 290.8 302.7 314.5 326.2 | 337.8 11.9 360.8 372.2 383.4 394.5 405.6 416.5 427.3 438.1 448.7 11.0 105 459.2 469.6| 479.9 | 490.0 | 5C0.1 510.1 520.0 529.8 | 539.5 549.2 9.9 106 40 558.7 568.2 577.6 586.9 596.2 605.4 614.5 650.5 659.3 668.1 | 676.9 685.6 704.2 702.8 736.8 745.2 753.6 761.9 770.2 778.4 786.6 109 40 819.0 827.1 835.0 843.0 850.9 858.9 866.7 874.6 882.4 890.2 7.9 897.9 905.7 913.4 921.1 | 928.7|936.4 944.0 951.5 959.1 966.6|| 7.6 974.2 981.6 989.1 996.6 004.0 11.4 18.8 026.2 033.5 040.9 7.4 112 41 048.2 055.5 062.8 070.0 077.3 084.5 091.7 099.0 | 106.1 | 113.3 113 120.5 127.6 134.8 | 141.9 | 149.0 156.1| 163.2 170.2 177.3 184.4 114 191.4 198.4 205.4 212.4 219.4 226.4 233.3 240.3 247.2 254.1 115 41 261.0 267.9 274.8 281.7 288.6 295.4 302.3 309.1 315.9 322.7 116 329.5 336.3 343.1 | 349.8 | 356.6 363.3 370.0 376.7 383.4 390.1 117 396.8 403.5 410.1 416.8 423-4 430.0 436.6 443.2 449.8 456.4 118 41 462.9 469.5 476.0 482.6 489.1 495.6 502.1 508.6 515.1 521.5 | | | 119 528.0 534.4 540.9 547.3 553-7 560.1 566.5 572.9 579.2 585.6 I 20 591.9 598.3 604.6 610.9 617.2 623.5 629.8 636.1 642.3 648.6 121 41 654.8 661.1 667.3 673.5 679.7 685.9 | 692.1 | 698.2 704.4 710.5 122 716.7 722.8 728.9 735.0 741.1 747.2 753.3 759.4 765.4 771.5 123 777.5 783.6 789.6 795.6 801.6 807.6 813.6 819.6 825.6 831.5 124 41 837.5 843.4 849.4 855.3 861.2 867.1 873.0 878.9 884.8 890.6|| 5.9 125 896.5 902.3 908.2 | 914.0 | 919.8 925.6 931.5 937.3 943.0 948.8 126 954.6 960.4 966.1 971.9 977.6 983.3 989.0 994.8000.5006.2 127 42 011.8 017.5 023.2 028.9 | 034.5 | 040.2 | 045.8 | 051.4 057.0 062.7 128 068.3 073.9 079.5 085.0 090.6 | 096.2 || 101.8 107.3 112.9 | 118.4 5.6 129 123.9 129.4 135.0 140.5 146.0 151.5 157.0 162.4 167.9 173.4 5.5 130 42 178.8 184.3 189.7 195.1 200.6 206.0 211.4 216.8 222.2 227.6 5.4 131 233.0 238.4 243.7 249.1 254.5 259.8 265.1 270.5 275.8 281.1 132 286.4 291.8 297.1 302.4 307.6 312.9 318.2 323.5 328.7 334.0 133 42 339.2 344.5 349.7 355.0 360.2 365.4 370.6 375.8 381.0 386.2 134 391.4 396.6 401.8 406.9 412.1 417.3 422.4 427.6 432.7 437.8 135 443.0 448.1 453.2 458.3 463.4 468.5 473.6 478.7 483.8 488.9 136 42 493.9 499.0 504.1 509.1 514.2 519.2 524.3 529.3 534.3 539.4 137 544.4 549.4 554.4 559.4 564.4 569.4 574.4 579.4 584.3 589.3 138 594.3 599.2 604.2 609.1 614.1 619.0 624.0 628.9 633.8 638.8 4.9 139 42 643.7 648.6 653.5 658.4 663.3 668.2 673.1 678.0 682.9 687.8 4.9 692.6 697.5 702.4 707.2 712.1 717.0 721.8 726.7 731.5 736.3 4.9 741.2 746.0 750.8 755.7 760.5 765.3 770.1 774.9 779.7 784.5 4.8 142 42 789.3 794.1 798.9 803.7 808.5 813.2 818.0 822.8 827.5 832.3 143 837.1 841.8 846.6 851.3 856.0 860.8 865.5 870.2 875.0 879.7 144 884.4 889.1 893.8 898.6 903.3 908.0 912.7 917.4 922.1926.7 145 42 931.4 936.1940.8945.5 950.1 | 954.8 959.5 | 964.1 | 968.8 | 973.5 146 978.1 982.8 987.4 992.1 996.7 001.3 006.0 010.6 015.2 019.9 147 43 024.5 029.1 033.7 038.4 043.0 047.6 052.2 056.8 061.4 066.0 140 141 5.8 5.7 in in 5.6 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.I 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 6 73 (L) TABLE OF VALUES OF Tv. V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. + f-s 149 150 secs. 148 232. 2509 2540 | 2571 | 2602 | 2633 2664 2695 | 2726 | 2757 2787|| 31 2818 2849 2879 | 2910 | 2940 | 2971 | 3001 | 3032 3062 | 3093|| 30 3123 3153 3183 3214 3244 3274 3304 3334 3364 3394 30 151232. 3424 3454 3484 3514 3543 3573 3603 | 3633 3662 3722 3751 3781 | 3810 | 3840 | 3869 | 3899 3928 4016| 4046 | 4075 | 4104 | 4133 | 4162 | 4192 | 4221 152 153 155 3692|| 30 3958 3987 29 4192 4221 4250 4279|| 29 154 232. 4308 4337 4366 4395 4424 4453 4481 4510 4539 4568 29 4597 4625|| 4654 | 4683| 4711 4740 4768 4797 4825 4854 29 156 4882 4911 4939 4967 4996 5024 5052 157 232. 5165 5193 5221 | 5080 5108 5137 28 5249 5277 5305 5333 5361 5389 5416|| 28 158 159 5444 5472 5500 5528 5555 5721 5748 5776 5803 5831 5583 5611 5638 5666 5693|| 28 5858 5885 5913 5940 5967|| 27 160 || 232. 5994 6022 6049 6076 6103 6130 6157 6184 6211 6238|| 27 161 6265 6292 6319 6346 6373 6400 6426 6453 6480 6506|| 27 162 6533 6560 6586 6613 6640 6666 6693 6719 6745 6772|| 26 163||232. 6798 6825 6851 6877 6903 6930 6956 6982 7008 7034 26 164 165 7061 7087 7113 | 7139 || 7165 | 7191 7320 7346 7372 7398 7423 7449 7217 7243 7268 | 7294 || 26 7475 7500 7526 7552|| 26 166|| 232. 7577 7603 | 7628 | 7654 7679|| 7705 7730 7756 || 7781 | 7806 || 25 167 7933 7958 7983 8008 8034 8059 || 25 168 7832 7857 7882 7908 8084 8109 8134 | 8159 | 8184 | 8209 | 8234 | 8258 | 8283 | 8308 || 25 169 232. 8333 8358 | 8383 | 8407 | 8432 8457 8481 8506 170 171 173 174 8580 8604 8629 | 8653 | 8678 8824 8848 8872 8896 8921 8945 8702 8726 8751 8969 8993 9209 9233 9257 9447 | 9470 | 9494 9682 9705 9729 9017 8531 8555 25 8775 | 8799 || 24 9041 || 24 9281 || 24 9518|| 24 9752|| 23 9916 9938 | 9961 | 9985 || 23 0146|| 0169 0192 0215 23 0374 0397 0420 0442|| 23 172232. 9065 9089 9113 9137 9161 | 9185 9304 93289352 | 9376 | 9399 9423 9541 95659588 9612 9635 9659 175 232. 9776 9799 9822 | 9845 | 9869 | 9892 176233. 0008 0031 0054 0077 ΟΙΟΟ 0123 0237 0260 0283 | 0306 | 0329 0351 177 178 233.0465 0488 0510 0533 0555 0578 0600 0623 0645 0668 23 0690 0713 0735 0757 0780 0802 0824 0847 0869 0891 22 0913 0935 0958 0980 1002 1024 1046 1068 1090 1112 22 179 180 181 233. 1134| 1156 | 1178 182 1353 1375 1396 I 200 I222 I244 1266 1287 1309 1331 22 1418 1440 || 1461|| 1483 1505 1526 1548 22 183 1569 | 1591 | 1613 | 1634 | 1656 1634 1656 1677 1698 1720 1741 1763 21 184 233. 1784 1805 1827 1848 1869 1848 1869 1891 1912 1933 1954 1975 | | 21 185 1997 2018 2039 2060 2081 2102 2123 2144 2165 2186 21 186 2207 2228 2249 2270 2291 2312 2333 | 2353 | 2374 | 2395 || 21 188 189 187233. 2416 2437 2457 2478 2499 2520 2623 2643 | 2664 | 2685 | 2705 2726 2828 2848 2869 | 2889 | 2909 | 2930| 2950 2540 2561 2582 2602 21 2746| 2767 2787 2808 2808|| 21 2970 | 2991 3011 20 190 || 233. 3031 | 3051 | 3072 3092 | 3112 191 192 3092 3112 3132 3152 3172 3192 | 3212 || 20 | 3233 3253 3273 | 3293 | 3313 | 3333 | 3353 | 3372 | 3392 | 3412 20 3432 3452 3472 3492 3511 | 3531 | 3551 3571 3590 | 3610|| 20 194 195 193 233. 3630 3649 3669 3689 | 3708 | 3728 3747 3825 3845 3864 3884 3903 3922 3942 | | 4019 4038 4057 4077 4096 4115 4134 3767 3961 3786 3806|| 20 3980 4000 19 | || 4153 | 4172 4192 19 74 (M) TABLE OF VALUES OF Sv. V f-s 150 151 152 153 O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. feet. feet feet. feet. feet. + feet. 102.7 107.3 111.8 4.6 148.3 | 152.9|| 157.4|| 4.6 193.7 198.2 202.7|| 4.5 feet. feet. feet. feet. 148 43 070.6 075.2 079.8 084.4 089.0 093.5 098.1 149 116.4 121.0 125.6| 130.1| 134.7 139.2 143.8 162.0 166.5 171.0 175.6 180.1 | 184.6| 189.2 43 207.2 211.8 216.3 220.8 225.3 229.8 234.3 238.8 243.3 247.8 4.5 252.3 256.8 261.3 265.8 270.3 274.8 279.3 283.8 288.3 292.8 4.5 297.2 301.7 306.2 310.6 315.1 | 319.6 324.1 328.5 333.0 337.5 4.5 154 43 342.0346.4 350.9 355-3359.8364.3 368.7 373.2 377.6 382.1 || 4.5 386.5 391.0 395.4 399.9 404.3 408.7 413.2 417.6 422.0 || 426.5 || 4.4 430.9 435.3 439.8 444.2 448.6 453.0 457.4 461.9 466.3 470.7 4.4 157 43 475.1 479.5 483.9 488.3 492.7 497.1 501.5 505.9 510.3 | 519.1 523.5 527.9 532.3 536.7 541.1 545.4 549.8 554.2 159 563.0 567.3 571.7 576.1 580.4 584.8 589.1 593.5 597.9 | | 160 43 606.6 610.9 615.3 619.6 624.0 628.3 632.6 637.0 641.3 155 156 158 161 162 514.7 4.4 558.6|| 4.4 602.2 4.4 645.7 4.3 || 650.0 654.3 658.7 663.0 667.3 671.6 676.0 680.3 684.6 688.9 4.3 693.3 697.6 701.9 706.2 710.5 714.8 719.1 723.4 727.7 732.0 4.3 || 163 43 736.3 740.6 744.9 749.2 753.5 757.8 762.1 766.4 770.6 774.9 4.3 | 164 779.2 783.5 787.8 792.0 796.3 800.6 804.9 809.1813.4 817.6 4.3 165 821.9 826.2 830.4 834.7 838.9 843.2 847.4 851.7 855.9 860.2 4.3 166 43 864.4 868.7 872.9 877.2 881.4 885.6 889.9 894.1 898.3 902.5 4.2 167 906.8 911.0915.2 919.5 923.7 927.9 932.1 936.3 940.5 944.7 4.2 | 940.5944.7 || 168 949.0 953.2 957.4 961.6 965.8 970.0 974.2 978.4 982.6 986.7 4.2 169 43 990.9 995.1 999.3 003.5 007.7 0 12.0 16.0 020.2 024.4 028.6|| 4.2 170 44 032.7 036.9 041.1045.2 049.4 053.6 057.7 061.9 066.0 070.2 4.2 171 074.3 078.5 082.6 086.8 | 090.9 095.1 099.2 103.3 107.5 111.6|| 4.1 172 44 115.7 119.9 124.0 128.1 132.3 136.4 140.5 144.6 148.7 152.9 4.1 173 157.0 161.1 165.2 169.3 173.4 177.5 181.6 185.7 189.8 | 193.9 || 4.1 174 198.0 202.1 206.2 210.3 214.4 218.5 222.6 | 226.7 | 230.8 234.8 4.1 175 44 238.9 243.0 247.1 251.2 255.3 259.3 263.4 267.5 271.5 275.6 4.1 176 279.6 283.7 287.8 291.8 295.9 300.0 304.0 308.0 312.1 | 316.1 || 4.1 177 320.2 324.2 328.3 332.3 336.4 340.4 344.4 348.5 352.5 356.5 4.0 178 44 360.5 | 364.6 368.6 372.6 376.6 380.7 384.7 388.7 392.7 396.7|| 4.0 179 400.7 404.7 408.8 412.8 416.8 420.8 424.8 428.8 432.8 436.8 4.0 440.8 444.7 448.7 452.7 456.7 460.7 464.7 468.7 472.6 476.6 4.0 181 44 480.6 484.6 488.5 492.5 496.5 500.5 504.4 508.4 512.4 516.3 4.0 182 520.3 524.2 528.2 532.2 536.1 540.1 544.0 548.0 551.9 555.9 4.0 183 559.8 563.7 567.7 571.6 575.6 579.5 583.4 587.4 591.3 595.2|| 3.9 184 44 599.2 603.1 607.0 610.9 614.9 618.8 622.7 626.6 630.5 634.4 3.9 185 638.4 642.3 646.2 650.1 654.0 657.9 661.8 665.7 | 669.6 673.5 3.9 186 677.4 681.3 685.2 689.1 693.0 696.9 700.8 704.6| 708.5 712.4 3.9 187 44 716.3 720.2 724.1 | 727.9 731.8 735.7 739.6 743.4 747.3 751.2 3.9 188 755.0758.9 762.8 766.7 770.5 774.4 778.2 782.1 786.0 789.8 3.9 189 793.7 797.5 801.4 805.2 809.1 812.9 816.8 820.6 824.5 828.3 3.8 190 44 832.2 836.0 839.8 843.7 847.5 851.4 855.2 859.0 862.8 866.7 3.8 870.5 874.3 878.1 882.0 885.8 889.6 893.4 897.3 901.1 904.9 3.8 908.7 912.5 916.3 920.1 923.9 927.7 931.5 935.3 939.1 942.9 || 3.8 193 44 946.7 950.5 954.3 958.1 961.9 965.7 969.4 973.2 977.0 980.7 3.8 194 984.5 988.3 992.1 995.8 999.6 003.4 007.1 010.9 014.7 018.4 3.8 195 45 022.2 025.9 029.7 033.4 037.2 040.9 044.7 048.4 052.1 055.9 3.7 180 191 192 75 (L) TABLE OF VALUES OF Ty V O I 2 3 4 เก 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f-s secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. + 197 198 196|| 233. 4211 4230 4249 4268 4287 4306 4325 4344 | 4362 4400 4419 4438 4457 4476 4494 4513 | 4532 4550 4588 4606| 4625 | 4644 | 4662 | 4681 | 4699 4718 4736 199 233. 4773 4791 4810 4381 | 19 4569|| 19 4755 19 200 201 203 204 206 207 209 210 212 213 7177 215 216 218 219 8059 8200 221 8338 222 224 227 228 230 231 4828|| 4846 | 4865 4956| 4974 | 4992 5010 5028 5047 5137 5155 5172 5190 5208 5226 5244 202233. 5315 | 5333 | 5351 | 5368|| 5386 | 5404 5421 5439 | 5456 5492 5509 5527 5544 | 5561 | 5579 | 5596 | 5614 | 5631 5666 5683| 5700 5717 5735 | 5752 | 5769 | 5786 | 5803 5769 5786 5803 205 233. 5837 5854 | 5871 | 5888 | 5905 | 5922 6007 6024 6040 6057 6074 6091 | 6074 6091 6174 6191 6207| 6224 | 6240 6257 208 233. 6339 6355 6372 6388 6404 6420 6437 6502 6518|| 6534 6550 6566 | 6582 | 6598 6662 6678 6694 6710 6726 6741 2757 6773 6789 211|| | | 211 233. 6820 6836 6852 6867 6883 6899 6883 6899 6914 | 6930|| 6946 6977 6992 7008 7023 7039 7054 7039 7054 7070 | 7085 7100 7131 7146 7162 792 7207 | || 7:92 7207 7223 7238 7253|| 214 233. 7283 7298 | 7313 7329 7344 7359 7374 7389 | 7404 7434 7448 7463 | 7478 || 7493 | 7508 | 7523 7538 | 7552 7582 7597 7612 | 7626 || 7641 | 7656 7641|| 7656| 7670| 7685|| 7700 217 233. 7729 7743 7758 7772 7787 7801 | | | 7787 7801 7816 | 7830 | 7845 7874 7888 7902 7917 7931 7945 7960 7974 7988 8016 8031 8045 8073 8087 8073 8087 8101 8115 8129 220 233. 8158 8172 8186 8214 8227 8214 8227 8241 | 8255 8297 8311 8325 8435 8448 8462 8476 223|| 233. 8571 8584 | 8598 | 8611 8705 8718 8732 8745 225 8838 8851 8864 8877 226 233. 8969 8982 8995 9008 9047 9059 | 9072 | 9085 13 || 9098 9111 9124 9137 9162 9175 9188 9201 | 9213 13 9226|| 9239 | 9252 9264 9290 9303 9315 9328 9341 | | | | 13 229 233. 9353 9366 9378 9391 9404 9416 9429 9441 | 9454 9467|| 13 | | 9479 9492 9504 9517 | 9529 9542 95549567 | 9579 | 9592 9604 9617 9629 | 9642 | 9654 | 9667| 9679|| 9692 | 9704 9716 | | | | 4883 4901 | 4920 4938 || 18 5065 5083 5101 5119 18 5262 5280 5297 18 | 5474 5474 18 5648|| 17 5820 17 5939 5956 | 5973 6107 | 6124 | 6141 5990 || 17 6157 17 6273 6290 | 6306 | 6323 || 16 6453 6469 6485 || 16 6614 | 6630 6646|| 16 6805 16 | 6961 || 16 7116 15 7268 || 15 6 in in 7419|| 15 7567|| 15 7714|| 15 7859|| 14 | 8002 14 8144 14 8269 | 8283 || 14 8625 | 8638 8758 8772 8758 8772 8890 8903 8352 | 8366 | 8380 8394 8407 8421 14 8489 8503 8489 8503 85178530 | 8544 8557|| 14 8651 | 8665 | 8678 | 8692 || 13 8785 | 8798 | 8811 | 8824 || 13 8916 8930 8943 | 8956|| 13 | 9021 9034 9150 9277 | 13 12 234 236 337 239 240 232 233. 9729 9741 9754 9766 | 9779 | 9791 | 9803 | 9816 | 9828 | 9841 || 12 | 233 9853 98669878 9890 9903 9915 9927 9940 9952 9965|| 12 | | | | | | 9977 9989 0002 0014 0026 0039 | 0051 0063 0076 0088 12 235 234. 0100 0113 0125 0137 0150 0162 0174 0186 0199 0211 12 0223 0236 | 0248 | 0260 | 0272 0284 0297 | 0309 | 0321 | 0334 12 0346 0358 0370 0383 0395 0419 0431 0444 0456 | 238 234. 0468 0480 0492 0505 0590 0602 0614 0626 0711 0724 0736 0748 0407 12 0517 0529 0639 0651 0760|| 0772 0541 0663 0553 0566 0578 12 | | 0675 0687 0699|| 12 0784 0796 0809 0821 12 242 243 | | | 241 234. 0833 0845 0857 0869 0881 0893 0905 0917 0930 0942 || 0954 0966 0978 0990 1002 1014 1026 1074 1087 1099 IIII 1123 1135 1147 12 1159 1171 1183 1038|| 1050 || 1062 1159 12 12 76 (M) TABLE OF VALUES OF Sv. V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 со 8 9 Diff. f-s 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 feet. 264.9 feet. feet. feet. + 085.7 089.4 093.1 3.7 122.8 126.5 130.2 3.7 159.6 163.3 166.9 3.7 | | 196.2 | 199.8 | 203.4|| 3.6 232.5 236.1 239.7 3.6 268.5 272.1 275.7 3.6 feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. 45 059.6 063.4 067.1 070.8 074.6 078.3 082.0 096.9 100.6 104.3 108.0 111.7 115.4 119.1 133.9 137.5 141.2 144.9 148.6| 152.3 156.0 | | 45 170.6 174.3 177.9 181.6 185.2 188.9 192.5 207.1 210.7 214.3 218.0 221.6 225.2 228.8 243.3 246.9 250.5 254.1 257.7 261.3 45 279.2 282.8 286.4 290.0 293.6| 297.2 300.7 304.3 307.8 311.4 3.6 314.9 318.5 322.0 325.6 329.1 | 332.7 336.2 339.7 343-3 346.8 3.5 350.3 353.8 357.3 360.9 364.4 367.9 371.4 374.9 378.4 381.9 3.5 205 45 385.4 388.9 392.4 395.9 399.4 402.9 406.3 409.8 413.3 416.7 3.5 420.2 423.7 427.1 430.6 434.1 437.5 441.0 444.4 447.8 451.3 3.5 454.7 458.1 461.6 465.0 468.4 471.9 475.3 478.7 482.1 | 485.5 || 3.4 208 45 488.9 492.3 495.7 499.1 502.5 595.9 509.3 512.7 516.1 519.4 3.4 209 522.8 526.2 529.6 532.9 536.3 539.7 543.0 546.4 549.7 553.1 3.4 556.4 559.8563.1 566.4 569.8 | 573.1 | 576.5 579.8 583.1 586.4 3.3 45 589.7 593.0 596.4 599.7 603.0 606.3 609.6 612.9 616.2 619.5|| 3.3 622.8 626.1 629.3 632.6 635.9 639.2 642.5 645.7 649.0 652.3 3.3 | | | 655.5 658.8 662.0 665.3 668.6|671.8 675.1 678.3 681.5 206 207 210 211 212 213 215 216 219 220 221 222 684.8|| 3.2 214 45 688.0 691.2 694.5 697.7 700.9 704.2 707.4 710.6 713.8 717.03.2 720.2 723.4 726.6 729.9 733.1 736.3 739.5 742.6 745.8 749.03.2 752.2 755.4758.6 761.8 764.9 768.1 771.3 774.4 777.6 780.8|| 3.2 217 45 783.9 787.1 790.2 793.4 796.6 799.7 802.9 806.0 809.1 812.2 3.1 218 815.4 818.5 821.6 824.8 827.9 831.0 834.1 837.3 840.4 843.5 3.1 846.6 849.7 852.8 855.9 859.0 862.1 865.2 868.3 871.4 874.4 3.1 45 877.5 880.6 883.7 886.8 889.9 893.0 | 896.0 899.1 902.1 905.23.1 908.3 911.3 914.4 917.4 920.5 923.6926.6 929.6 932.7 935.7 3.0 938.7 941.8 944.8 947.8 950.9 953.9 956.9 959.9 963.0 966.0|| 3.0 223 45 969.0 972.0 975.0 978.0 981.0 984.0 | 987.0 990.0 993.0 996.0 3.0 224 999.0002.0004.9 007.9 10.9 013.9 016.9 019.8 022.8 025.8 3.0 225 46 028.7 031.7 034.6 037.6 040.6 043.6 | 046.5 049.5 052.4 055.3 3.0 226 46 058.3 061.2 064.1 067.1 070.0 | 072.9 075.9 078.8 081.7 084.7 2.9 227 087.6 090.5 093.4 096.3099.3 102.2 105.1 108.0 110.9 113.8 2.9 228 116.7 119.6 122.5 125.4 128.3 131.2 134.1 137.0 139.9 142.8 2.9 229 46 145.7 148.6 151.5 154.4 157.3 160.2 163.1 166.0 168.8 171.7 2.9 230 174.6 177.5 180.4 183.3 186.2 189.1 191.9 194.8 197.7 200.6 2.9 231 203.5 206.4 209.3 212.1 215.0 217.9 220.8 223.7 226.6 | 229.5 || 2.9 232 46 232.3 235.2 238.1 241.0 243.9 246.8 249.7 252.6 255.4 258.3 2.9 233 261.2 264.1 267.0 269.9 272.8 275.7 278.6 281.5 284.3 287.2 2.9 234 290.1 293.0 295.9 298.8 301.7 304.6 307.5 310.4 313.3 316.2 2.9 235 46 319.0 322.0 324.9 327.7 330.6 333.5 336.4 339.3 342.2 345.1 2.9 236 348.0 350.9 353.8 356.7 359.6 362.5 365.4 368.3 371.2 374.1 2.9 237 377.0 379.9 382.8 385.7 388.6|391.5| 394.4 397.3 400.2 403.1 2.9 238 46 406.0 408.9 411.8 414.8 417.7 420.6 423.5 426.4 429.3 432.2 2.9 239 435.1 438.0 440.9 443.8 446.8 449.7 452.6 455.5 458.4 461.3 2.9 464.2 467.1 470.1 473.0 475.9 478.8 481.7 484.6 487.6 490.5 2.9 241 46 493.4 496.3 499.2 | 502.2 | 505.1 508.0 510.9 513.8 516.8 519.7 2.9 242 522.6 525.6 528.5 531.4 534-3 537.3 540.2 543.1 546.1 549.0 2.9 551.9 554.9 557.8 560.7 563.7 566.6 569.5 572.5 575.4 578.3 2.9 240 243 77 (L) TABLE OF VALUES OF Ty. V O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f-s secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. + 244 234. 1195 245 246 1471 | 1483| | 1590 1602 1207 1219 1231 1243 1255 | 1267|| 1279|| 1291 | 1303 1315 1327 1339 | 1351 | 1363 1351 1363 1387 1399 1411 1423 12 1435 1447 | 1459 | 1506 | 1518 | 1530 | 1542 | 247 234. 1554 1566 1578 12 12 1375 1495 1614 1626 || 1638 1649|| 1661 12 248 1673 1685 1697 1709 1721 1733 1744 1756 1768 1780 12 249 1792 1804 1815 1827 1839 1851 1863 1874 1886 1898 12 | 251 2027 || | | | 250 234. 1910 2062 1922 1933 1945 1957 | 1969 | 1980 1969 | 1980 | 1992 | 2004 | 2015 12 2039 | 2051 2074 252 253 234. 2260 2272 257 258 254 255 256 234. 2603 2615 2716 2727 2738 2827 2838 2849 2375 2387 2490 2501 2283 2295| 2306| 2398 | 2410 | 2421 2513 | 2524 | 2535 2626 2637 2648 | | 2749 | 2760 | | 2860 2871 || 2121 2132 12 2144 2156 2167 2179 2190 2202 2214 2225| 2237 | 2248 12 2318 | 2329 | 2341 | 2352 | 2364 || 12 2433 2444 2455 2467 | 2478 2547 2558 2569 | 2581 2592 2547 2558 2660 2671| 2682| 2693 | 2705 2794 2805| 2816 29042915| 2926 2086 | 2097 | 2109 II II 2660 2671 II 2772 2783 2772 | 2783 2882 || 2893 2882 2893 I I II 260 261 259 234. 2937 2948 | 2959 2970 2981 3046 3057 3068 | 3079 | 3090 3154 3165 3176 | 3187 | 3197 2992 3003 3014 | 3025 | 3036 || 11 3101 3208 3111 3208 3219 3219 3122 3133 3133 3144 II 3229 | 3240 | 3250 II 263 262 234. 3261 3272 3282 3293 3303 | | 3314 3325 3314 3325 3335 | 3346 | 3356 || 11 3419 3429 3440 3450 3461 IO 272 273 274 234. 4457 275 276 277 234. 4734 278 279 280 234. 5001 281 282 4743 4824 4833 4913 4922 5010 5088 5097 5174 5183 264 266 267 3367 3377 3388 | 3398 | 3409 3523 3533 3544 3554 | 3564|| 10 3471 3482 3492 3502 3513 3523 3533 34823492 | | 4066 IO ΙΟ 4066|| 10 265 334 3574 3585 3595 3605 | 3615 | 3626 | 3636 | 3646 | 3656 | 3667 || 10 3677 3687 3697 3707 3717 3728 3738 3748 3758 | 3768 || 10 3778 3788 3798 3808 3818 3828 3838 3828 3838 3848 3858 3868 268 234. 3878 3888 3898 3908 3918 3928 3938 | 3948 | 3958 | 3968 | 3977 3987 3997 4007 4017 4027 4036 4046 4056 4075 4085 4095 | 4105 | 4114|| 4124 | 4134 4143 | 4153 | 4163 271|| 234. 4172 | 4182 | 4192 | 4201 4211 4220 4230 4240 4249 4259 ΙΟ 4268 4278 4287 4297 4307 4316 4326 4335 4344 4354 | | | | | 4363 4373 4382 | 4392 | 4401 | 4411 | 4420 4429 4439 | 4448 269 270 4467|| 4476 | 4485 | 4495 | 4504 | 4513 | 4523 | 4532 | 4541 4551 4560 4569 | 4578 | 4587| 4597|| 4606 | 4615| 4624 | 4633 | 4643 4652 4661 4670 4679 4688 4697 4706 4715 4725 | | | 4752 4761 4770 4779 4788 4797 4806 4815 | | | 4842 | 4850 | 4859 | 4868 | 4877 | 4886 | 4895 4904 | | | 4930 | 4939 | 4948 | 4957 4966 | 4975 | 4983 | 4992 | | 5018 | 5027 5036 5045 5053 5062 5071 5080 | | 5105 5114 5123 | 5131 | 5140 5148 5157 | 5166 5191 | 5200 | 5208 | 5217 | 5226 | 5234 | 5243 5251 ΙΟ ΙΟ 9 9 66 a 283 234. 5260 5268 284 285 5277|| 5285 | 5293 | 5302 5344 5352 5361 5369 5378 5386 | | 5427 5436 | 5444 | 5452 | 5461 | 5469 5310 | 5319 5327 5336 5394 | 5403 5411 5419 5477 | 5485 5494 5502 286|| 234. 5510 5518 5527 5535 5543 5551 5559 5567 5576 5584 287 288 5592 5600 5608 | 5616 | 5624 5673 5681 5689 5697 5705 | | | 5632 5641 | 5648 5657 5665 5713 5721 5729 5737 5745 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 8 290 291 289 234. 5753 5761 5769 5777 5785 5793 5832 5840 5848 | 5856 | 5864 5871 5879 5910 5918 5926 5934 5942 5949 5957 5800 5808 5816 | 5824 5887 5895 5903 5965 5973 5980. 8 8 8 78 (M) TABLE OF VALUES OF Sv. V f-s feet. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. + 245 246 244 46 581.3 584.2 587.2 590.1 593.0 596.0 598.9 601.8 604.8 607.7 2.9 610.6 613.6 616.5 619.5 622.4 625.3 628.3631.2 634.2 | 637.1 || 2.9 640.1 643.0 645.9 648.9 651.8 654.8 657.7 660.6 663.6 | 666.5 || 2.9 247 46 669.5 672.4 675.4 678.3 681.3 684.2 687.2 690.1 693.0 696.0 2.9 248 698.9 701.9 704.8 707.8 710.7 713.7 716.6 719.6 722.5 725.5 2.9 | | | || 249 728.4 731.3 734.3 737.2 740.2 743.1746.1 749.0 752.0 754.9 2.9 250 46 757.8 760.7 763.7 766.7 769.6 772.6 775.5 778.4 781.4 784.3 2.9 251 787.3790.2793.1 796.1 799.0 802.0804.9 807.8 810.8 813.7 2.9 252 816.6 819.6 822.5 825.4 828.4 831.3 834.2 837.1 840.1 843.0 2.9 253 46 845.9 848.8 851.8 854.7 857.6860.5 863.5 | 866.4 869.3 872.2 2.9 254 875.1 878.1 881.0 883.9 886.8 889.7 892.6 895.6 898.5 901.4|| 2.9 255 904.3 907.2910.1 913.0 915.9 918.8 921.7 924.6 927.5 930.4 2.9 256 46 933.3 | 936.2 | 939.1 | 942.0944.9 947.8 950.6 953.5 956.4 959.3 2.9 257 962.2 965.0 967.9 970.8 973.7 976.5 979.4 982.3 985.1| 988.0||2.9 258 990.9 993.7 996.6 999.4 002.3 005.1 008.0 10.8 013.7 016.5 2.9 259 47 019.4 022.2 025.0 027.9 030.7 033.5 036.4 039.2 042.0 044.8 2.8 260 047.7 050.5053.3 056.1| 058.9 061.7 064.5 067.4070.2 073.0 2.8 261 075.8078.6 081.4 084.2 087.0 089.7 092.5 095.3098.1 100.9 2.8 262 47 103.7 106.5 109.2 112.0 114.8 117.6 120.3 123.1| 125.9 263 264 272 273 274 275 276 128.6 2.8 131.4 134.2 136.9 139.7 142.4 145.2 147.9 150.7 153.4 156.2 2.8 158.9 | 161.7 | 164.4| 167.1 | 169.9|| 172.6| 175.4 | 178.1 | 180.8 | 183.5 || 2.7 265 47 186.3 189.0 191.7 194.4 197.1 199.9 202.6 205.3 208.0 210.7 2.7 266 213.4 216.1 218.8 221.5 224.2 | 226.9 | 229.6 | 232.3 235.0 237.7 2.7 267 240.4 243.1 245.8 | 248.5 | 251.2 253.8 256.5 | 259.2 | 261.9 264.5 2.7 268 47 267.2 269.9 272.5 275.2 277.9 280.5 283.2 285.9 288.5 291.2 2.7 269 293.8296.5 299.1 | 301.8 304.4 307.1 309.7 312.3 315.0 317.6 2.6 270 320.2 322.9 325.5 328.1 | 330.8 333.4 336.0 338.6 341.2 343.9 2.6 271 47 346.5 349.1 351.7 354.3 356.9 359.5 362.1 364.7 367.3 369.9||2.6 372.5 375.1 377.7 380.3 382.9 385.5 388.1 390.7 393.3 395.8 2.6 398.4 401.0403.6 406.2 408.7 411.3 413.9 416.4 419.0 421.6|| 2.6 47 424.1 426.7 429.3 431.8 434.4 436.9 | 439.5 | 442.0 | 444.6 | 447.1 || 2.6 449.7 452.2 454.8 457.3 459.8 462.4 464.9 467.4 470.0 472.5 2.5 475.0 477.5 480.1 482.6 485.1487.6| 490.1 492.7 495.2 497.7 2.5 277 47 500.2 502.7 505.2 507.7 510.2 512.7 515.2 517.7 520.2 522.7 2.5 278 525.2 527.7 530.1 532.6 535.1 537.6540.1 542.6 545.0 547.5 2.5 279 550.0 552.4 554.9 557.4 559.9 562.3 564.8 567.2 569.7 572.2 2.5 280 47 574.6 577.1 579.5 582.0 584.4 586.8 589.3 591.7 594.2 596.6 || 2.4 599.0 601.5 603.9 606.4 608.8 611.2 613.6 616.1 618.5 620.9 2.4 623.3 625.7 628.2 630.6 633.0 635.4 637.8 640.2 642.6 | 645.0 || 2.4 283 47 647.4 649.8 652.2 654.6 657.0 659.4 661.8 664.2 666.6 669.0 2.4 284 671.3 673.7 676.1 678.5 680.9 683.3 685.6 688.0 690.4 692.7 2.4 285 695.1 697.5 699.8 702.2 704.6| 706.9 709.3 711.6 714.0 716.4 2.4 286 47 718.7 721.1 723.4 725.8 728.1 730.4 732.8 735.1 737.5 739.8 2.3 287 742.1 744.5 746.8 749.1 751.5 753.8 756.1 758.4 760.8 763.1 2.3 288 765.4 767.7 770.0 772.4 774-7 777.0 779.3 781.6 783.9 786.2 2.3 289 47 788.5 790.8 793.1 795.4 797.7 800.0 802.3 804.6 806.9 809.2 2.3 281 282 290 291 811.5 813.7 816.0 818.3 820.6 822.9 825.2 827.4 829.7 832.0||2.3 834.3 836.5 838.8 841.1 843.3 845.6 847.9 850.1 852.4 854.6 2.3 79 (N) Log Log Log Log Log Log Ф www www. 78 33 37 38 8. 720 67 9. 021 17 8. 722 26 8. 724 39 8. 727 04 4 (Pop-Py-1)(Pq-Pq-2) (Pq-Pq-4) 123 456 8.719 09 8. 719 61 9. 020 38 31 32 9. 022 50 9. 322 47 34 9. 024 36 9. 026 75 9. 323 80 35 9. 325 66 36 789 8. 730 22 8. 733 94 98. 738 21 9. 029 66 9. 328 05 9. 033 12 9. 330 97 9. 037 II 9.334 43 39 IO 8. 743 02 9. 041 65 9. 338 44 40 II 8. 748 369. 046 73 9. 342 98 4I I 2 8. 754 26 9. 052 35 9. 348 06 42 13 8. 760 70 9. 058 52 9. 353 69 43 14 8. 767 70 9. 065 24 9. 359 87 44 15 8. 775 27 9. 072 53 9. 366 61 45 17 18 678 16 8. 783 38 9. 080 37 9. 373 91 46 8. 792 08 9. 088 78 | 9. 381 76 47 8. 801 36 9. 097 77 9. 390 19 48 19 8. 811 21 9. 107 34 20 8. 821 64 9. 117 49 9. 399 19 9. 408 77 49 21 8. 832 69 9. 128 23 9. 418 94 2 2 2 22 8. 844 33 9. 139 58 9. 429 70 23 8. 856 58 9. 151 53 9. 441 06 24 50 que am not ir ir ir (Pq—Pq-1) (Pq—P-2)|(Pø—Pq-4) 8. 977 78 9. 270 14 9. 554 68 9. 288 01 9. 571 88 8. 996 00 9. 014 959. 306 619. 589 78 9. 034 64 9.055 10 9. 076 33 9. 098 37 9. 121 22 9. 144 91 9. 169 47 9. 194 92 9. 221 28 9. 248 59 9. 276 87 9. 306 16 9. 336 49 9. 367 90 9. 400 42 9. 434 10 9. 469 00 9. 505 14 9. 542 60 9. 581 42 9. 621 67 9. 663 42 9. 706 74 9.751 71 8. 897 09 9. 191 II 8. 911 88 25 26 2 2 2 27 8. 869 45 9. 164 09 9. 453 04 8. 882 95 9. 177 28| 9. 465 62 55 9. 478 84 56 9. 205 58 9. 492 69 57 28 8. 927 33 9. 220 71 9. 507 19 58 29 8. 943 46 9. 236 50 9. 522 34 59 30 8. 960 27 9. 252 98 | 9. 538 17 60 9. 798 43 9. 846 97 9. 897 46 9. 325 949. 608 42 9. 346 029. 627 80 9. 366 879. 647 92 9. 388 52 9. 668 81 9. 410 97 9. 690 52 9. 434 269. 713 02 9. 458 40 9. 736 37 9. 483 419. 760 56 9. 509 33 9. 785 64 9. 536 18 9. 811 63 9. 563 999. 838 55 9. 592 79 9. 866 44 9. 622 62 9. 895 32 9. 653 51 | 9. 925 24 9. 685 49 9. 956 22 9. 718 62 9. 988 31 9. 752 930. 021 55 9. 788 470. 055 98 9. 825 30 0. 091 65 9. 863 47 0. 128 61 9. 903 04 0. 166 94 9. 944 08 0. 206 67 9. 986 65 0. 247 89 0. 030 84 0. 290 65 0. 076 730. 335 05 0. 124 41 0. 381 17 0. 173 98 0. 429 10 (0) TABLE OF VALUES OF COS³. Ф Ф Փ Ф Փ O I 9. 999 80 2 9. 999 21 14 3 9. 998 21 15 9. 960 71 26 9. 954 83 27 | 49 13 9. 966 17 25 9. 871 83 37 9. 707 05 | | 9. 860 98 38 9. 689 60 | | | 9. 849 64 39 9. 671 51 51 9. 450 83 50 9. 424 20 9. 396 62 456 49.996 82 16 9. 948 52 28 5 9. 995 03 17 9. 941 79 29 9. 992 84 9. 837 80 | 40 | 9. 652 76 52 | | 9. 825 46 | 41 | 9. 633 34 18 | 9. 934 62 | 30 | 9. 812 59 | 42 | 9. 613 22 9. 368 03 53 9. 338 39 54 9. 307 66 79. 990 25 8 9. 987 26 99.983 86 19 9. 927 OI 31 9. 799 20 439. 592 38 55 9. 275 77 20 9. 918 96 | 32 21 0. 910 46 33 9. 785 26 9. 770 77 44 9. 570 80 56 9. 242 69 45 9. 548 46 579. 208 33 HH ΙΟ 9. 980 05 I I 9. 975 84 22 9. 901 50 34 9. 755 72 | | 46 9. 525 31 23 9. 892 08 35 9. 740 09 | 47 47 9. 501 35 I2 9. 971 21 24 9. 882 19 | 36 | 9. 723 87 48 9. 476 53 58 9. 172 63 59 9. 135 52 | 60 | 9. 096 91 80 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06440 2251