ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E PLURIBUS UNUM TUEBUR SI-QUAERIS-PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE QA 35 ~H227 1772 • THE ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. / 1 THE ELEMENTS O F ALGEBRA IN A New and Eafy Method; WITH THEIR USE and APPLICATION, IN THE Solution of a great Variety of Arithmetical and Geometrical Queſtions; By general and univerfal RULES. To which is prefixed an INTRODUCTION, CONTAINING A Succinct HISTORY of this SCIENCE. By NATHANIEL HAMMOND, Of the BANK. The FOURTH EDITION, Corrected. LONDON, Printed for the AUTHOR: And Sold by E. and C. DILLY, in the Poultry; and W. DOMVILLE, under the Royal Exchange. M DCC LXXII. 1 vi The PRE FACE. t There are two Things abfolutely neceffary, to make the Acquifition of any Science as eafy as its Nature will admit. First, the Difpofition of the Work, fo that the Rules be clear and diftinct; and then the Illuftration of thefe Rules by a fuf- ficient Number of proper and pertinent Examples. And tho' the excellent Elements of the judicious EUCLID are of a different Nature, yet in this I have induſtriouſly ſtudied to imitate him, that I propoſe no new Rule or Article in this Science of Investigation, till it become neceffary to carry the Learner to a further Degree of Knowledge. Science may be compared to a highly finiſhed Pile of Building, all the Parts of which being dif- pofed in the moſt exact Symmetry, they muſt affect our Perception, and gratify our internal Senfation. with a more exquifite Pleaſure, than if viewed in a feparate State: For in fuch a State, to all but the Learned, they would appear broken and incon- nected Materials of a mighty Structure, which the Mind wanting Power to conceive, could enjoy no Satisfaction in the Contemplation of fuch a Train of imperfect and confufed Ideas. But, when thus exhibited in their true Proportion, it will be eaſy, even for the youngeſt Scholar, to gain a perfect Notion of each, and, as he advances, a gradual Comprehenfion of the Beauty reſulting from their Connection, and how they mutually affift and ornament each other. In teaching the abſtract Sciences, Examples have a ftrong as well as natural Tendency to illuftrate the Precepts concerning our abſtract Reafonings, efpe- cially in this Science of Investigation: In the Syn- thetic Method, or Method by Demonftration, one Example The PREFA CE. - vii Example or Propofition is fufficient, for a Number of the fame Propofitions is only a Repetition of the fame fucceffive Train of Ideas; whereas, in the Analytic Method, or Method by Investigation, the fame Conclufion is gained, tho' there may be a great Variety in the Connection of the Reaſoning, by the different Difpofition of the Ideas, notwithſtanding they are directed by the fame general Rule. And as the principal Difficulty in this Science, is acquiring the Knowledge of folving of Que- ftions, I have given a great Variety of theſe in refpect to Numbers and Geometry, and their Solutions I choſe to give in the moſt particular, diſtinct, and plain Manner; and for which the Reader will find full and explicit Directions. As it is prepofterous and abfurd, to expect a Perfon to be a Critic in any Language as foon as he has paſſed thro' his Grammar; fo, I cannot help think- ing it wrong to expect a Learner ſhould ſee the Reaſon of particular elegant Methods of Solution, before he has practifed a general and univerfal Method; but after the general Rules are become eafy and familiar, the Learner may then apply him- felf to the particular Methods. And I know of no Work that has illuftrated and exemplified the ge- neral and univerfal Rules in fo copious a Manner, as will be found in the following Sheets. In the Arithmetical Operations, the Decimal Fractions are continued to two Places only, theſe being fufficient to fhew the Reader, that if the Queſtion admits not of an exact Anfwer, he is yet near the Truth, and may profecute the Anſwer to any required Degree of Exactneſs. I have avoided all tedious Numerical Calculations, as they have no Tendency viii The PREFACE. Tendency to increaſe the Learner's Knowledge in Algebra. The Rules of Vulgar Fractions in Algebra are omitted, being generally very perplexing to Learners; but as I have given fufficient Directions how they are managed whenever they occur in the Solution of any Queſtion, the Reader will find no Difficulty in reducing an Equation with Fractional Quan- tities. It is neceffary my Reader fhould underſtand Vulgar and Decimal Fractions in commón Arith- metick, and the Extraction of the Square Root, and then I know no Reaſon why a Perfon may not make himſelf a perfect Maſter of the following Work, excepting the Geometrical Queſtions, which he may omit, and proceed to thoſe which require no Skill in Geometry; for thro' the whole, where it was neceffary, I have given the fame Directions, as if I was actually teaching a Scholar. THE X THE INTRODUCTION. A S all Arts have their Beginning, rude and weak, and reach Perfection by Degrees, fo that, which is the Subject of the following Sheets, has been cultivated by fo many illu- ſtrious Men in our own, as well as in foreign Nations, that it cannot but appear a natural Introduction to this Treatife, if we digeft the Hiftory of its Rife and Pro- grefs into a fuccinct Difcourfe; the rather, becauſe Books of this Sort are now become very numerous in ours, as well as in other Languages, and therefore, it is the more neceffary to record the Names of fuch as have eminently improved fo uſeful a Branch of Knowledge. The Word Algebra is certainly derived from the Ara- bic, but there have been ſome Miſtakes as to its Mean- ing. When it was firſt introduced in Europe, it was un- derſtood to be the Invention of the famous Philofopher Geber; and therefore Michael Stifelius calls it fometimes Regula Algebra, and fometimes Regula Gebri, whence it is plain he underſtood by it no more than the Rule of Geber, or, as we ufually exprefs it, Geber's Rule. But when we became better acquainted with Arabic Learning, this Derivation appeared ill founded: In that Language, this Art is called Al-gjábr W'al-mokábala, which is lite- rally, the Art of Refolution and Equation. Hence it is plain, we had the Word Algebra from the Arabic Name of the Art, and not from the pretended Inventor. But it may not be amifs to obferve, that the Arabic Name contains a Definition, or is rather an emphatic Decla- b ration X The INTRODUCTION. ration of the Nature and End of this Science; for the Arabic Verb jábara fignifies to refet, and is properly uſed in reſpect to Dislocations, and the Verb hábala, im- plies oppofing, or comparing; and how applicable this is to what we call Algebra, the Reader, when he is thoroughly acquainted with this Book, will eafily under- ftand. As it became better known to the Europeans, it received different Names; the Italians ftiled it Ars magna, in their own Language l'Arte Magjore, oppofing to it common Arithmetick, as the leffer or minor Art. It was alſo called Regula Cofa, the Rule of Cofs, for an odd Reaſon: The Italians make uſe of the Word Cofa, to fignify what we call the Root, and from thence, this Kind of Learning being derived to us from them, the Root, the Square, and the Cube, were called Coffick Num- bers, and this Science the Rule of Cofs. I fhould not have dwelt fo long on fo dry a Subject, but that it is ab- folutely neceffary for the underſtanding what follows. It is a Point ſtill difputed, whether the Invention of Algebra ought to be afcribed to the Oriental Philofo- phers, or to the Greeks; but it is a Thing certain, that we received it from the Moors, who had it from the Arabians, who own themſelves indebted for it to the Per- fians and Indians; and yet, which is ftrange enough, the Perfians refer the Invention to the Greeks, and particu- larly to Aristotle. Yet, notwithſtanding this, it muſt be allowed that the Algebra taught us by the Arabians dif- fers very much from that contained in the Works of Diophantus, the eldeſt Greek Author on this Art, which is now extant, and which was difcovered and publiſhed long after the Algebra taught by the Arabians had been ftudied and improved in the Weft. But all thefe Dif- ficulties, which have given fome great Men fo much, Trouble, may be eaſily furmounted, if we fuppoſe that the Invention was originally taken from the Greeks, and new modelled by the Arabians, in the fame Manner as we know that common Arithmetick was; for this, which is at leaſt extremely probable, makes the whole plain and clear, The INTRODUCTION. xi clear, and leaves us at liberty to purſue the Progreſs of this Art from the firſt printed Treatifes about it. Lucas Paciolus, a Franciſcan Friar, commonly known by the Name of Lucas de Burgo Sandli Sepulchri, publifh- ed at Venice, under the Title of, A Compleat Treatife of Arithmetick and Geometry, Proportions and Equations, the firſt Book at preſent extant on this Subject. It was printed fo early as 1494, and is a very correct Treatife. He af- cribes the Invention of Algebra to the Arabians, uſes their Method, and treats very clearly of Quadratic Equations. After him, feveral Authors wrote on the fame Subject in Italy, and in Germany; but ftill the Art advanced little 'till the famous Jerom Carden printed, at Nuremberg in 1545, in Folio, a Treatife with this Title, Artis magnæ, five de Regulis Algebraicis Liber unus; and foon after a fmaller Piece, with the Title of Sermo de Plus&Minus, wherein were contained Rules for refolv ing Cubic Equations, which have fince been called Car- dan's Rules, though they were not invented by him, but, as himſelf owns, by Scipio Ferreus of Bononia, and Tar- talea. The next celebrated Writer was a French Monk, whoſe Name was Baeton, better known to the Learned by his Latin Appellation of Buteo; he publiſhed in 1559 his Logistica, in which there was a Treatife of Algebra which gained him great Reputation: Yet his Excellency lay in a clear and copious Manner of writing, nor does it ap- pear that he added any thing to what had been already diſcovered, except fome Corrections as to Tartalea's Method of managing Cubic Equations. Hitherto nothing was known in Europe of the Greek Analyſis, but in 1575 Xilander publiſhed Diophantus, or at leaſt a Part of his Works, which are ftill remaining; and this quickly changed the Face of Things, for it pre- fently appeared that his was a nearer and more eaſy ivie- thod, and withal opened a Path to much greater Difco- veries, which was the Reafon that fucceeding Algebraifts quitted the Terms made ufe of by Arabic Writers, and followed his. The Time in which Diophantus flouriſhed b 2 is xii The INTRODUCTION. 1 is not thoroughly fettled. Voffius thinks he lived in the fecond Century, but others place him in the fourth. His Works were known to the Arabians, and tranſlated by them; nay, it is faid, that they have ftill thoſe ſeven Books of his Arithmetick, which are loft to us. The famous Arabian Hiftorian Abul Pharaijus, whofe Works were publiſhed by the learned Pocock, not only mentions him, but afcribes to him the Invention of Algebra; but in this he is to be underſtood, as writing according to the Lights he had; for tho' it be true, that Diophantus Alexandrinus is the oldeft Author we have which treats expreſsly of the Analytic Art, yet the Footſteps thereof are viſible in much older Writers. Theo, who is thought to have explained the five firſt Propofitions of the thir- teenth Book of Euclid in the Analytic Way, gives the Honour of this Invention to Plato; and indeed, it feems very agreeable to his Genius, and Method of Reafoning on Mathematical Subjects. By the Junction of both Lights, and a proper Connection of the Arabic Method of Inveſtigation with the Greek Terms, which were ſhorter and eaſier, Algebra quickly became a much more uſeful, as well as confiderable Science, than it was before. In our own Country, the firſt Writer upon Algebra that we know of was Dr. Robert Record, a Phyſician, who diftinguiſhed himſelf in the Reign of Queen Mary, by his Skill in the Mathematicks. He firſt publiſhed a Treatife of Arithmetick, which continued the Standard in that Branch of Knowledge for many Years, and in 1557 he fent abroad a fecond Part, under the Title of Cos Ingenii, or the Whetstone of Wit, which is a Treatife of Algebra; the Word Cos alluding to Coffick Numbers, or the Rule of Cos, by which Name, as we have before fhewn, this Art was known abroad. This Treatife is really a great Curiofity, confidering the Time in which it was publiſhed, and together with his other Works, muſt give us a high Idea of this Man's Induſtry and Ap- plication, whofe Memory notwithſtanding is almoft buried in Oblivion. But, notwithſtanding the early Publication of The INTRODUCTION. xiii of this piece, and that fome English Gentlemen had in their Travels acquired fome Knowledge of this Kind, as appears by a Spanish Treatife of Algebra, publiſhed by Pedro Nunnez in 1567, yet it continued to be fo little cultivated in England, that John Dee, in his Mathema- tical Preface prefixed to Sir Henry Billingfley's Tranſlation of Euclid, printed at London in 1570, fpeaks of it in very high Terms, and as a Myſtery fcarce heard of by the Studious in the Mathematicks here. It is however plain, from fome of his Annotations on Euclid, that he was tolerably verſed therein, and was even acquainted with the Manner of applying it to Geometry. In 1579 Leo- nard Digges, a great Mathematician for thofe Times, printed a Treatife of Algebra in his Stratioticos; after which it came to be better known and more ftudied, to which contributed not a little, the Improvements made by the Author I am next to mention. Francis Viete, better known by his Latin Name of Francifcus Vieta, was a Native of Poitou, in France, and Maſter of Requeſts to Queen Margaret, firft Wife to King Henry IV. His Affection to the Mathematicks, and eſpecially to this Part of it, was ſo ſtrong, that he fre- quently paffed three whole Days and Nights in his Study without eating, drinking, or fleeping, except a Nod now and then upon his Elbow *. He, about the Year 1590, publiſhed a Treatife of Algebra in quite a new Method, and by a judicious Mixture of the Greek and Arabian Rules, with fome Improvements of his own, introduced that Mode of Calculation which is ftill in Ufe, under the Title of Specious Arithmetick. Before his Time, only unknown Quantities were marked by Letters, but fuch as were known were fet down in Figures according to the uſual Notation: He made uſe of Letters for both, only with this Diſtinction, that the known Quantities he repreſented by Confonants, and the unknown by Vowels. By this Contrivance he greatly extended the Science, and which was more, fhewed its Capacity of being farther extended. For, whereas former Algebraifts had confined *Thuan, Hift. A. D. 1603. their Xiv The INTRODUCTION. י their Inveſtigations to the particular Queſtions propofed to them, he by this Means produced Theorems capable of refolving all Demands of a like Nature, inſtead of particular Solutions. The learned Dr. Wallis has ac- counted very clearly for the new Title which Vieta gave to his Algebra. The Romans had a Method of ſtating Law Queſtions under general Names, fuch as Titus and Sempronius, Caius and Mevius, whence we derive our Way of ufing A, B, C, D, on fuch Occafions, which Method of ſtating the Civilians ftile Species, in Oppo- fition to the ſtating of real Cafes by true Names. Vieta having made a Change of the fame Nature in Algebra, and being, as we obferved before, a Lawyer by Profeffion, he borrowed from that Science this Title of his new In- vention, which was received with univerfal Applauſe. We have likewife many of his Works, under the Name of Apollonius Gallus, which he affumed on Account of his first attempting to restore the Works of Apollonius Pergaus. His Genius was fo extenfive, and his Pene- tration fo great, that it enabled him to apply his Mathe- matical Knowledge to moft Subjects; of which we have a particular Inftance, in his decyphering the Letters which paffed between the Court of Spain, and the Fac- tion of the League in France, notwithstanding above five hundred different Characters were made uſe of in them. About the fame Time flouriſhed Raphael Bom- belli, an Italian, who publifhed at Florence a Treatife of Algebra, wherein he firſt taught how to reduce a biqua- dratic Equation to two Quadratics, by the Help of a Cubic. Our own Countryman, Mr. William Oughtred, was the next great Improver of Algebra. Building, however, on what Vieta had already performed. He introduced fuch a Conciſeneſs, and withal fo plain and perfpicuous a Me- thod of inveſtigating Geometrical Problems, as acquired him immortal Reputation. His Clavis Mathematica, or Key of the Mathematicks, was firft publiſhed in 1631, and is perhaps the cloſeſt and moſt compendious Syftem hitherto extant. The INTRODUCTION. XV extant. In this Work he contented himſelf with the Solu- tion of quadratic Equations, referving thoſe of higher Powers for another Work, which was his Exegefis Nume- rofa, which in later Editions is joined to his Clavis. In both Pieces there were abundance of Additions and Im- provements, and the Doctrine of Proportions more fully and clearly ſtated than hitherto it had been; but the greateſt Excellency in Mr. Oughtred's Book, was his Ap- plication of the Analytic Method to Geometry, which he did in a Variety of Cafes, and enabled his Difciples to proceed ſtill farther than himſelf had done. By Profeffion he was a Clergyman, and Rector of Albury in Surry, where he gave himſelf up entirely to his Studies, and to the Converſation of a very few Friends; he lived to the Age of Fourfcore and Seven, and died then of Joy, on May 1, 1660, at hearing the Houfe of Commons had voted the King's Return. Some have cenfured his Clavis as too fhort and obfcure, and fo indeed it might prove for fuch as were altogether unacquainted with theſe Studies, for whofe Ufe it is plain enough he never de- figned it; but where Perfons are acquainted with the Elements of Geometry and Algebra, and have that Saga- city and Attention which is neceffary to make any con- fiderable Progrefs in this Sort of Learning, Mr. Oughtred's Key will be ſtill found a very uſeful Book, and its Style the moſt perfect in its Kind that has ever been uſed. Contemporary with him was Mr. Thomas Harriot, an excellent Mathematician, and who made ſtill greater Im- provements in this Science. He is placed after Oughtred, tho' he died long before him, becauſe his Book was not publiſhed till ſome Time after the firft Edition of Oughtred's Clavis. It was then printed in a thin Folio by the Care of Mr. Walter Warner, under the Title of Artis Analytica Praxis ad Equationes Algebraicas nová, expeditâ, & ge- nerali Methodo, refolvendas, Tractatus pofthumus, &c. i. e. A Treatife of the Analytic Art, containing a new, ex- peditious, and general Method of refolving Equations, a pofthumous Tract, by the late learned Mr. Thomas Har- riot. xvi The INTRODUCTION. riot. The Publisher, Mr. Warner, prefixed a Preface of his own, containing a very judicious, tho' very concife, Repreſentation of the feveral Parts of Algebra, their Nature and Dependance on each other, the Extent and Uſefulneſs of this Art, and the Progreſs thereof to that Time. In Mr. Harriot's Book, Algebra takes a new Form, and from him alone it met with more Improve- ment than from all who had ftudied, or at leaſt all who had written upon it, before him. He was indeed one of the greateſt Men this Nation ever produced, and great Pity it was, that this Work of his did not appear. in his Life-time, or that his other Pieces, which were of infinite Value, ſhould be buried in Oblivion. The true Caufe of the former feems to have been his Courſe of Life; he was a Dependant on the Earl of Northumberland and Sir Walter Raleigh, and afterwards upon Sir Thomas Aylesbury, to whom, if I am rightly informed, he left many of his Writings, and, as I hinted, the Reaſon of his not publiſhing them in his Life-time, feems to have been his Deference for his Benefactors. Happy had it been, if the reft of the Mathematical Works he left had been fent abroad (as in his Preface he ſeemed to promiſe they ſhould) by the intelligent Editor of this excellent Work. It is divided into two Parts; and the Author begins his Improvements by removing every thing that was ufe- lefs, fuperfluous, or inelegant in former Methods; thus inſtead of Capitals, he introduced fmall Letters; inſtead of the Terms, Squares, Cubes, Surfolids, &c. and their Contractions, he brought in the Powers themſelves, which made the Operations much more eaſy, natural, and perfpicuous than they were before. Having thus efta- bliſhed a plain and accurate Notation, he proceeds to a Multitude of new Diſcoveries, of which, to the Number of twenty-three, the Reader may find a full, diſtinct, and very judicious Account, in the celebrated Treatiſe of Dr. Wallis. From this admirable Piece of Mr. Harriot's, Des Cartes took all the Improvements he pretended to make, The INTRODUCTION. xvii make, as the Doctor juftly obferves, and of which I fhall furniſh the Reader with fome concife, and I think con- cluſive Proofs. First, It appears from all the Accounts we have of the Life of Des Cartes, that he was here in England when Harriot's Book was publiſhed, which be- ing written in Latin, in a Branch of Learning about which that great Man was then very fedulous, it is eaſy to conceive that he was one of its moft early Perufers; Secondly, It is certain that he did not publiſh any thing on this Subject before that Year; Thirdly, His Treatife of Geometry, wherein thefe new Improvements firſt ap- peared, was printed in French in 1637 without his Name, which in all Probability was to try what Opinion the World would have of them, and whether any of the French Mathematicians could difcern whence they were taken; Fourthly, Though he fuffered the two firſt Parts of his Book to be published in Latin, with his Name, in 1644; yet the third Part, relating to Geometry, did not appear till 1649, when it was published by Francis Van Schooten. Theſe are probable Reaſons only, but then, Fifthly, He follows Harriot diftinctly in Nineteen feveral Diſcoveries; which that they ſhould be made in the fame Method and Manner, (except a few Miſtakes) without confulting Mr. Harriot, is altogether incredible, and was fo held to be even by his own Countrymen, when, thro' the Information of the Honourable Mr. Cavendish, they were made acquainted with Mr. Harriot's Book; Sixthly, There are fome little Changes, particularly in the Marks made ufe of by Des Cartes, and which were never followed by any body, that plainly intimate he only introduced them, in order to difguife his Method; Seventhly, It appears that Des Cartes himfelf was ac- quainted with the Charge brought against him upon this Head, and yet he never thought fit to juftify himſelf, nor did ever fo much as declare that he had not feen the Book he was faid to have copied. On the whole there- fore, there is all the Reaſon in the World to believe, that the Honour due to the great Improvement of this Science, C which xviii The INTRODUCTION. which fitted it for all that it has received fince, from Foreigners or Engliſhmen, belongs to our Author Harriot, and not to Des Cartes, who only accommodated thefe Diſcoveries to Geometrical Subjects. After him Dr. John Pell, who was Refident for the Commonwealth of England in Switzerland, publiſhed ſome new Diſcoveries. The Method he took of doing it was this, he recommended to Mr. Thomas Brancker a Treatife of Algebra written in the German Language by Rhonius, which when he had tranflated, the Doctor reviſed, altered and added to it. In this Piece there are a great many curious Things relating eſpecially to Diophantine Algebra, but delivered very obfcurely, infomuch, that the learned Dr. Wallis feems to be in doubt, whether himſelf had reached Dr. Pell's true Meaning. Yet, to this Gentleman, who wrote in fo perplexed a Way, we ftand indebted for the Invention of the Regiſter; a Method of great Uſe, eſpecially to Beginners, the Practice of which was what chiefly recommended Kerfey's Algebra, and which is con- ftantly and judiciously preferved throughout the follow- ing Treatife. It is very likely, that the Darkneſs com- plained of in Dr. Pell's Writings might be owing to his Circumftances as well as Temper, for he was a very bad Economiſt, not through any Vice or Extravagancy, but by a Neglect of his private Affairs, and ſpending all his Time in Study. As for the Rules of John Van Hudde, Mr. Merry, Erafmus Bartholine, Mr. Hugens, and others, I do not take Notice of them, becauſe in reality they are no more than Improvements on, or Deductions from, Harriot. The fame Thing may be ſaid of what has been written by Meff. Farmat, de Billy, Fernicle, and other French Mathe- maticians, who only propoſed Problems for other People to reſolve, and referved their own Methods of Solution as impenetrable Secrets: A Practice, which, however it might intitle them to the Admiration of the Age in which they lived, can give them no juft Claim to the Praife of Pofterity; fince if we reap any Benefit from their Diſco- veries, The INTRODUCTION. xix veries, it is indirectly, and in a Manner againſt their Intentions. Dr. Wallis himſelf has alſo made fome very confiderable Improvements in this Science, eſpecially in refpect to im- poffible Roots in fuperior Equations; and what he left un- perfected has been fupplied by the ingenious Mr. Abraham De Moivre, whofe accurate Performance on that Subject has been lately publiſhed, in the Algebra of Dr. Saunderfon. In 1655 Dr. Wallis publiſhed his Arithmetica Infinitorum, in which he ſquared a Series of Curves, and ſhewed that if this Series could be interpolated in the middle Spaces, the Interpolation would give the Quadrature of the Circle. This Treatife fell into the Hands of the ingenious Sir Ifaac then Mr. Newton, in the Year 1664, when that Gentle- man was about Two and Twenty; and he by a Sagacity peculiar to himſelf, and which can never be enough ad- mired, derived from this Hint his celebrated Method of Infinite or Converging Series. In 1665, he computed the Area of the Hyperbola by this Series to Fifty-two Figures, which having communicated to Dr. Barrow, he prevented Mr. Nicholas Mercator's running away with the Reputation of this Difcovery, who in 1668 publiſhed the Quadrature of the Hyperbola by an infinite Series. This was received with univerfal Applauſe, and yet Mr. New- ton far exceeded him; fince, without ftopping at the Hy- perbola, he extended this Method by general Forms to all Sorts of Curves, even ſuch as are Mechanical, to their Quadratures, Rectifications, and Centers of Gravity, to the Solids formed by their Rotations, and to the Super- ficies of thoſe Solids; fo that fuppofing their Determina- tions to be poſſible, this Series ftopped at a certain Point, or at leaſt their Sums were given by ftated Rules. the abfolute Determinations were impoffible, they could yet be infinitely approximated, as he likewife fhewed, and which, as a French Writer juftly obferves, is the hap- pieſt and moſt refined Contrivance for ſupplying the De- fects of human Knowledge, that Man's Imagination could poffibly invent. It is alfo certain, that he attained his Invention C 2 But if XX The INTRODUCTION. Invention of Fluxions by that Time he was Four and Twenty, but his Modefty was fo great, that he forbore to publiſh his Diſcovery, which was the fole Reaſon that the Honour of it was ever difputed with him. In 1707, he firſt publiſhed a Syſtem of Algebra under the Title of Univerfal Arithmetick, and in 1722 gave another Edition of it, wherein are contained all his Im- provements in that Art, From the Rules by him laid down, ftill farther Lights were ftruck out by fucceeding Mathematicians, fuch as Dr. Edmund Halley, who publiſhed in the Philofophical Tranfactions, a Method of finding the Roots of Equations without any previous Reduction, and the Conftruction of Equations of the 3d and 4th Power, by the Help of a Circle and Parabola. Mr. J. Colfon, who obliged the learned World with a univerfal Refolution, Geometrical and Mechanical, of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations. Mr. Colin Mac Laurin, in his Treatiſe of impoffible Roots, and many others too long to be enumerated here. But after all theſe Diſcoveries and Improvements, there has still been a general Complaint, that hitherto we have had no Book of Algebra plain enough to inftruct fuch as are inclined to ſtudy this Science without farther Aſſiſt- ance, or who live in Places where it is not to be had. To obviate this Objection, the following Treatife was drawn up, which will be found to contain a clear and copious Syftem of Algebra, delivered in ſo eaſy and natural a Method, and with ſuch Perfpicuity and Condefcenfion to the Feebleness of the Underſtanding, when firſt applied to this kind of Study, that I felicitate myſelf on having, prevailed upon its Author to make it publick, as I am perfuaded it will be of general Ufe, in preventing young People from being difcouraged at their firft Entrance into Algebra, which has hitherto hindered Numbers from cultivating their Inclinations to the Mathematicks. THE [ xxi ] THE CONTENTS. I NTRODUCTION, containing the History of the Origin and Progrefs of this Science. Signs, their Signification. Co-efficients, are the Numbers prefixed to any Quantity. Quantities, fimple and compound. Page ix. I 3 ibid. 4 Axioms, on which Algebra is founded. Addition, Cafe 1. When the fame Quantities have like Signs, exem- plified in the adding of fimple and compound Quantities. 5 Cafe 2. When the fame Quantities have unlike Signs, exemplified in the adding of fimple and compound Quan- tities. 8 Cafe 3. When the Quantities are different, exemplified in the adding of ſimple and compound Quantities. 12 13 Examples, where these three Cafes are promiscuously used. Subſtraction, performed by one general Rule, and exemplified in the Subtraction of the fame fimple Quantities, with like and unlike Signs. 15 18 Further exemplified in the Subftraction of the fame compound Quantities, with like and unlike Signs. 16 Further exemplified in the Subſtraction of unlike Quantities, fimple and compound. Multiplication, Cafe 1. When the Signs of the Quantities are alike, and have no Co-efficients, exemplified in multiplying ſimple and compound Quantities. ibid. Cafe 2. When the Signs of the Quantities are alike, and have Co-efficients, exemplified in multiplying Simple and compound Quantities. 23 Cafe 3. When the Signs of the Quantities are un- like, exemplified in multiplying ſimple and compound Quantities, with or without Co-efficients. 26 Of Algebraic Quantities, by a pure or abfolute Number, Examples, wherein all theſe Cafes are promiscuouſly uſed. 29 ibid. Diviſion, xxii CONTENT S. The Divifion, Cafe 1. When there are no Co-efficients prefixed, and the Signs of the Quantities are alike, exemplified in dividing fimple Quantities by Simple Quantities, and compound Quantities by fimple Quantities. 31 Cafe 2. When there are no Co-efficients prefixed, and the Signs of the Quantities are unlike, exemplified in dividing fimple Quantities by fimple Quantities, and compound Quantities by fimple Quantities. 36 Cafe 3. When there are Co-efficients prefixed, and the Signs of the Quantities are either alike or unlike, exem- plified by Examples as in the two foregoing Cafes. 37 Cafe 4. When no Quantities in the Divifor are like thofe in the Dividend, exemplified in dividing fimple and compound Quantities. 40 When all the Quantities in the Divifor are like thoſe in the Dividend. 43 Of compound Quantities by compound Quantities. 183 Involution, of fimple Quantities, with or without a Co-efficient. 44 Of compound Quantities, with or without Co-effi- cients. Evolution, of fimple Quantities. Of compound Quantities. 45 47 50 Surd Quantities, Addition of, Cafe 1. When the Surds are alike. 56 -Caſe 2. When the Surds are unlike. 58 Surd Quantities, Subftraction of, Cafe 1. When they are alike. 59 Surd Quantities, Multiplication of, Cafe 2. When they are unlike. 61 Cafe 1. When there are no ra- tional Quantities prefixed. 64 Cafe 2. When there are ratio- nal Quantities prefixed. 65 Surd Quantities, Divifion of, Cafe 1. When there are no rational Quantities prefixed. 68 Cafe 2. When there are rational Surd Quantities, Involution of, Cafe 1. When there are no rational Quantities prefixed. Quantities prefixed. 70 73 Cafe 2. When there are rational Quantities prefixed. 74 Surd and rational Quantities con- nected by the Signs + and -. 77 Equations, what is meant by them. The different Methods of reducing them, Questions which produce fimple Equations, by Addition and Subſtraction. I 79 exemplified in and folved. 80 Negative The CONTENT S. xxiii Negative Numbers, when greater than pofitive Numbers, how fubftracted. 89 Questions, which produce fimple Equations, and folved by Multi- plication. 90 Which produce fimple Equations, and folved by Di- viſion. 102 Which produce fimple Equations, and folved by Invo- lution. 114 Which produce fimple Equations, and folved by Evo- lution. 122 Wherein all theſe ſeveral Methods of Reduction are promiscuously uſed. 127 Where the unknown Quantity is in more Terms than one. 134 Where any Quantity is in every Term of the Equa- tion. 138 139 The Manner of Regiſtering the Steps in any Algebraic Operation, explained. Queftions, which contain two Equations, and two unknown Quantities, and produce fimple Equations, the un- known Quantities being only reprefented in Species; the Manner of folving them. 142 Of the fame Kind, where both the known and unknown Quantities are reprefented in Species. 152 Which produce Quadratic Equations, the Manner of folving them explained. 168 Which produce Quadratic Equations, and the first Power of the unknown Quantity is in more Terms than one. Subftitution, its Ufe. 174 ibid. Queſtions, which produce Quadratic Equations, and the Square of the unknown Quantity has a Co-efficient. Quadratic Equations, have three Forms. 178 183 Quadratic Equations, have two Roots or Values, the Manner of finding them in the three Forms of Qua- dratic Equations. ibid. Quadratic Equations ambiguous, the Manner of expreffing their Roots. Queſtions, which produce thofe ambiguous Equations. Which produce Biquadratic Equations. 194 198 209 Which produce ambiguous Biquadratic Equations. 215 Which contain three Equations, and three unknown Quantities, the Manner of folving them. 219 Series xxiv CONTENT S. The Series Converging, their Nature explained in the Refolution of Adfected Equations, Cafe 1. when the affumed Root is less than the true Root, 230 Cafe 2. When the affumed Root is greater than the true Root. 235 Equations, the Manner of folving them, when the unknown Quantity is to feveral Powers in one Equation, and but to the first Power in the other Equation. 243 Equations Adfected, have as many Roots as is the higheft Dimen- fion of their unknown Quantity; that fome of thefe Roots are affirmative, fome nega- tive, and fome impoffible. The Manner of finding thefe Roots. 248 249 Equations, the Manner of refolving them, when the unknown Quantities are to feveral Powers in both Equations. 257 Queſtions, a Mifcellany of, anfwerea by the general Rules already explained. 260 Queſtions, of three Equations and three unknown Quantities, when one Equation has all three unknown Quantities, and the other two have only two of the unknown Quantities. 265 Which contain four Equations and four unknown Quan- tities, the Manner of folving them. 296 An Inftance how elegant a Question may be folved, by a judicious Choice of the unknown Quantities, to exprefs the Conditions of the Question. 302 The Method of expreffing the Power of any Quantity, by placing a Figure over it. 304 To know if a Question is limited, or admits of feveral An- fwers. 306 The Method of raifing Theorems for extracting the Roots of high Powers, exemplified in raiſing Theorems for the Cube Root. Cafe 1. When the affumed Root is less than the true Root. 307 Cafe 2. When the affumed Root is more than the true Root. 311 An Example where both Cafes are uſed. 313 Further exemplified in raifing Theorems for extracting the Biqua- drate Root. Cafe 1. When the affumed Root is less than the true Root. Cafe 2. When the affumed Root is more than the true Root. The Method of turning Equations into Analogies. The Foundation of tranfpofing Quantities explained. The Demonftration of the Rules ufed in Subftraction. 317 319 323 324 ibid. Multiplication. Divifion. 326 327 ALGEBRA. [ 1 ] ALGEBRA. H AVING given the Reader an Hiftorical Account of this Science in the Introduction, we are now to explain the Signs and Characters ufed by Analytic Writers, and mention thoſe Axioms or Self-evident Principles of Truth and Certainty, which are the Foundations of this celebrated Science. + Signs. Names. + } { Plus or more. Significations. The Sign of Addition; as 8 + 4, is 8 is to be added to 4, and m+ n fignifies the Number repreſented by m, is to be added to the Number reprefented by n; again, 2+3+5, fignifies they are all to be added into one Sum, and b+m+d fignifies that the Numbers reprefented by b, m, and d are to be added into one Sum. The Sign of Subtraction; as 5-2, is 5 lefs by 2, or 2 is to be ſubſtracted from 5, and a-b is a lefs b, or the Number repreſented by b is to be ſubſtracted from -} { Minus or lefs. the Number reprefented by a; and 9-2 x}{ -3, is that from 9 there is to be fub- ſtracted 2, and from the Remainder 3 is to be fubfracted. The Sign of Multiplication; as 5×7, is 5 is to be multiplied by 7, and axb, is the Number reprefented by a, is to be } { Into or with.< multiplied by the Number reprefented by b; and 7 × 3 × 2, is that 7, 3, and 2, are to be multiplied together, which Product is 42. B The ALGEBRA. -}{ By. =}{ Equal. } { So is. }{ Involution. The Sign of Diviſion; as 8÷4, that is 8 is to be divided by 4, and xy, that is, the Number reprefented by x, is to be divided by the Number reprefented by y; or fometimes they are placed like Vulgar 8 Fractions thus, that is, 8 is to be di- 4 vided by 4, and y that is, the Num- ber repreſented by x, is to be divided by the Number repreſented by y. The Sign of Equality or Equation; thus 99, that is, 9 is equal to 9, and 2+3 =5, that is, 2 added to 3, is equal to 5: Again, mny, that is, the Number reprefented by m is equal to the Number reprefented by n, added to the Number reprefented by y; and y-xa+b; that' is, the Number reprefented by y being leffened by the Number reprefented by x, the Remainder is equal to the Number reprefented by a, added to the Number reprefented by b. The Sign of Proportion, or what is commonly called the Rule of Three, and is placed between the two middle Num- ber thus, 35:6 10, that is, as 3 is to 5, fo is 6 to 10; and a;b::c: d, that is, as the Number repreſented by a is to the Number repreſented by b, fo is the Num- ber reprefented by to the Number re- prefented by d. The Sign of Involution, or raifing any Number or Quantity to the Square, Cube, or any other Power; and the Heighth of the Involution is generally expreffed by the Number after the Sign thus, 72, is 7 is to be involved to the Square or fecond Power; and 3, is 7 is to be involved 7 or raifed to the Cube or third Power; and a 2, is a is to be involved to the Square or fecond Power. The ነ } { Evelution. W }{ ~} { ALGEBRA. 3 The Sign of Evolution, or the extract- ing of Roots; and the Root that is taken is likewife expreffed by the Figure that follows the Sign, thus 9w 2, is the Square Root of 9 is to be extracted, and 27 u 3, is the Cube Root of 27 is to be extracted, and a a un 2, is the Square Root of a a is to be extracted. 3 f The Sign of Irrationality, or of a Surd. Root; that is, the Number or Quantity has not ſuch a Root as is required to be extracted; thus the Square Root of 2 will be expreffed thus 2, and the Irrationality, Square Root of 5 thus/5, and the Cube Root of 4 thus 4, the little Figure ftanding over the Sign being 3, fhews it to be the Cube Root; again, ✔✓15 is the Cube Root of 15, and where there is no fuch Figure over the Sign, it fignifies the Square Root only. BR or a Surd Root. 3 Now before we go farther, it will be neceffary to inform the Reader, that where any Number is joined to a Quantity, it thews how many Times that Quantity is taken; thus, 4 a is four times a, or the Number reprefented by a is to be taken four times; and 7 m is feven times m, and if y was to be taken Jeven times, it may be expreffed thus 7 y. Theſe Numbers are called Co-efficients, or Fellow-Factors, as they multiply the Quantity; and if any Quantity is without a Co-efficient, then it is always implied that Unity, or 1, is the Co-efficient of that Quantity; thus a is the fame as 1, and y the fame as 1y; for when the Co-efficient is only Unity, or 1, it is generally omitted. Quantities that are expreffed or reprefented by fingle Letters, or feveral joined together like a Word, as a, b, ab, anz, 7 y 2, are called fimple or fingle Quantities. But when theſe are connected by the Signs-or, as ab, am-d, dn+az, they are called compound Quantities. And fometimes Quantities are fet down in the Manner of a a+b Vulgar Fractions, thus, b n 72 x y B 2 The 4 ALGEBRA. } The Sign that connects the Quantities belongs to that which follows the Sign, thus, a + b, where the Sign + belongs to the Quantity b; again, ac+d, the Sign belongs to the Quantity c, and, the Sign to the Quantity d. As to thofe fingle Quantities which have no Sign before them, it is always underſtood they have the Sign+; thus a is the fame as+a, and m is the fame as m; and therefore if fingle Quantities are to have the Sign +, it is commonly omitted, as they are uſually fet down without any Sign; but the Sign never omitted, but always placed before the Quantity to which it belongs. is And in Compound Quantities, if the firft or leading Quantity has no Sign, then it is always underſtood to have the Sign +, thus, abis the fame as + a + b, and a b is the fame as ; ab; therefore in Compound Quantities, if the firft or leading Quantity is to have the Sign, it is generally omitted; but in thefe Compound Quantities, as well as in Simple Quan- tities, the Signis never omitted, but always placed before the Quantity to which it belongs. Letters fet or joined together like a Word fignifies the Pro- duct or Rectangle of thefe Letters, thus, a b is the Product of a multiplied by b, and d n y is the Product of d, n, and y, multiplied together. The Operations in Algebra are founded on thefe Axioms. AXIOM 1. If equal Quantities are added to equal Quantities, the Sum of thefe Quantities will be equal. AXIOM 2. If equal Quantities are taken or fubftracted from equal Quan- tities, the Quantities remaining will be equal. AXIOM 3. If equal Quantities are multiplied by equal Quantities, their Products will be equal. Α ΧΙΟ ΜΑ ADDITION. 5 AXIOM 4. If equal Quantities are divided by equal Quantities, their Quotients will be equal. AXIOM 5. If there are feveral Quantities that are equal to one and the fame Thing, thoſe Quantities are equal one to another. The Reader having premiſed theſe Things, and underſtanding what the Signs are intended to exprefs, he may proceed to the Rules of the Science; and if at first he meets with fome little Difficulties about the Signs and Co-efficients, I would recom- mend him to read the foregoing Pages again; and if that and another Effay or two does not remove the Difficulties of any particular Example, then to omit that and proceed to the next, in which perhaps he may fucceed, and that may cauſe the Diffi- culty in the other to vaniſh. ADDITION, In which there are three Cafes. (1.) Cafe 1. Signs are both affirmative, or both negative, W HEN the Quantities are alike, and their add the Co-efficients or prefixt Numbers together, and to their Sum join the Quantities, prefixing to them the Sign they have in the Example. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. To Add 2 a 5 m 4 y 3 a 2 m ·3% 2 % 6% 7 m 7y Sum 5a -8% Exam. 1. The Co-efficients are 2 and 3, which added toge- ther make 5, to which je ning a the Quantity, it is 5 d, and no Sign ALGEBRA. Sign being prefixt to either 2 or 3a, the affirmative Sign is underſtood as prefixt to both; hence 5 a, or-5 a is the Sum required. Exam. 2. The Co-efficients are 5 and 2, which being added make 7, to which joining m, it is 7 m, the Sum required; for the Signs of 5 m and 2 m are both affirmative, by what was faid in the laſt Example. Exam. 3. The Co-efficients are 4 and 3, which being added make 7, to which joining y it becomes 7y; but as 4y and 3y have both the Sign- before them, therefore prefix the Sign- to 7y, and then-7 y is the Sum required. Exam. 4. The Co-efficients are 2 and 6, which added make 8, to which joining z, it becomes 8 z, and prefixing the Sign for the Reaſon in the laſt Example, we have required. 8 z, the Sum Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. To 15 my 14 az x 4ady 1 6 y m d Add 7 my 2aZx 3ady 1 2 y m d Sum 22my 16 az x 7ady 28 ymd Exam. 5. The Sum of the Co-efficients 15 and 7 is 22, to which joining my, it is 22 my, the Sum required; for 15 my and 7 my have both the affirmative Sign, there being no Sign prefixt. Exam. 6. The Sum of the Co-efficients 14 and 2 is 16, to which joining a zx, it is 16 a zx, to which prefixing the Sign , as both the Quantities to be added have that Sign, then is 16 a z x the Sum required. Exam. 7. The Sum of the Co-efficients 4 and 3 is 7, to which joining a dy, it is 7 a dy, and both the Quantities having the affirmative Sign, therefore 7 a dy is the Sum required. Exam. 8. The Sum of the Co-efficients 16 and 12 is 28, to which joining y md, it is 28 y m d, to which prefixing the Sign as both the Quantities to be added have that Sign, then is 28 y md the Sum required. و 83 Exam. 9. Exam. 10. Ian Exam. II. 21 dy Exam. 12. da To Add 2 my 2an dy da 3 my Sum 5 my зап 224by 244 Exam. ADDITΙΟ Ν. 7 Exam. 11. The Co-efficients are 21 and 1, for there being no Co-efficient prefixt to dy, Unity, or I, is always understood in fuch Cafes to be the Co-efficient; hence the Sum is 22 dy. Exam. 12. There being no Co-efficient prefixt to either of the Quantities, Unity, or 1, is the Co-efficient to each; and I being added to I makes 2, to which joining da, it is 2 da, to which preĥxing the negative Sign, we have 2 da, the Sum required. (2.) If there are two or more Quantities connected by the Signsor, and are alike to two or more Quantities con- nected by the Signsor, they are added as in the former Examples, only taking due Care that the Quantities which com- pofe their Sum are connected with their proper Signs, according to the Rule, as in the following Examples. Exam. 13. To 2a+76 Add 3426 Sum 5a+96 Exam. 15. Exam. 14. 6ma+5y 2 ma + 3y. 8ma + 8 y 21ma-2yd 3ma 3rd 24ma + 530 d + Exam. 13. Is 2 a 4-7 b to be added to 3 a 2 b. The Quantities being difpofed as in the Example, it follows from former Examples that 2 a being added to 3 a makes 5 a, and 7 5 addeď to 2b makes 9b; but as 76 and 26 have both the affe- mative Sign, to 5 a connect 9b with the Sign +; hence 5a9b is the Sum required. Exam. 14. Is 6 ma 5 y to be added to 2 ma +3y. Now by the former Examples 6 m a being added to 2 ma is 8 ma, and 5y being added to 3y is 8y; but as 5y and 3y have both the affirmative Sign, to 8 a connect 8y with the Sign+; fo will & ma + 8y be the Sum required. m Exam. 15. Is 21 ma 2yd to be added to 3 ma + 3y d. Now by the former Examples 21 m a being added to 3 ma, the Sum is 24 ma; and 2yd being added to 3yd, the Sum is 5y d. But as 2 yd and 3yd have both the affirmative Sign, therefore connecting 24 ma end 5yd with the Sign +, we have 24 m a 454, the Sum required. Exam. 16. то Add 7 da 15 m 2 da 9 ma Exam. 17. 14 1 d 4. 12 3 m a Sum J 19 m 3 nd 1 2 m a — 17 nd Exam, 18. -2mn+15yd -4mn 4 y d 6 m n + 19 yd Exam. 8 ALGEBRA. Exam. 16. Is- 7 da 15 m to be added to 2 da -4 m. Now 7 da added to 2 d a is 9 da; but as both theſe Quantities have the Sign, prefix the negative Sign to 9 d a, and then it is - 9 da. Again, 15 m added to 4 m is 19 m; and both theſe Quantities having likewife the negative Sign, prefix it to 19 m; whence the Sum required is 9 d a 19m. Exam. 17. Is 9 Ma 14 nd to be added to 3 ma 3nd. Now 9 m a added to 3 m a, is 12 ma; and both theſe Quantities having the Sign +, place down 12ma as in the Example: Then 14 n d added to 3n d, is 17 nd; but both theſe Quantities having the Sign-, place the Sign-before 17 nd, and the Sum required is 12 ma — 17nd. Exam. 18. Is 2mn + 15yd to be added to 4mn +4yd. Now 2 m n added to 4 m n, is 6 mn; but both theſe Quantities having the negative Sign, prefix the Sign to 6 mn, and then it is 6 mn. And 15 yd added to 4 yd, is 19 yd; and both thefe Quantities having the affirmative Sign, prefix the Sign + to 19yd; hence the Sum is — 6 m n † 19 y d. Exam. 19. Exam. 20. Exam. 21. To 9yd-7a Add 2yd- a 14 y d + 15 a 2 yd + -14y+d a Sum 11yd-8a 16yd + 16 a y + d -151+2d When you come to add Exam. 19. 7 a to a, there being no Co-efficient prefixt to a, Unity, or 1, is always in fuch Cafes the Co-efficient; and then by what has been already taught, -7 a being added to 09 the Sum is -8 a, as in the Example. Exam. 20. And when 1, a, is to be added to a, the Sum is I Ja, 15}, for the fame Reafon 16 a. Exam. 21. And-14 y being added to y, the Sum is and d being added to d, for the fame Reafon the Sum is 2 d, or + 2 d. (3) Cafe 2. When the Quantities are alike, but the Signs are one affirmative, and the other negative, fubftract the leffer Co-efficient from the greater, to the Remainder join the Quan- tity, and prefix to it the Sign of the greateſt Co efficient. It is of no Signification whether the Quantity that has the greateft Co-efficient ftands above or below. 2 Exam. ADDITIO N. 9 £ Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4, Το 5 a 16 m 21 ad 14 m z Add 2 a 12 m -7ad 5 m z Sum 3 a 4 m 14ad 9 m z Exam. I. The Co-efficient 2 fubftracted from 5 leaves 3, to which joining a it is 3 a, but the Sign of 5 the greatest Co-efficient is affirmative, therefore 3 a or + 3 a is the Sum required. Exam. 2. The Co-efficient 12 fubftracted from 16 leaves 4, to which joining m it is 4 m, but the Sign of 16 the greateſt Co-efficient is affirmative, therefore 4 m or + 4 m is the Sum required. Exam. 3. The Co-efficient 7 fubftracted from 21 leaves. 14, to which joining a d it is 14 a d, but the Sign of 21 the greateſt Co-efficient is affirmative, hence 14ador + 14 ad is the Sum required. Exam. 4. The Co-efficient 5 fubftracted from 14 leaves. y, to which joining m z it is 9 m z, but the Sign of 14 the greatest Co-efficient is affirmative, hence 9 mz or + 9 m z is the Sum required, Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. Το 14 m 9y 5ལ Add 7 m 2 y 9Z א א 9 a m 14 am Sum 7 in 7y 42 5 a 112 Exam. 5. The Co-efficient 7 fubftracted from 14 leaves 7, to which joining it is 72, but the Sign of 14 the greateſt Co-efficient being-, prefix that Sign to 7 m, then is 7 m the Sum required. Exam. 6. The Co-efficient 2 fubftracted from 9, there remains 7, to which joining y it is 7 y, but the Sign of 9 the greatelt Co-efficient being, prefix that Sign to 7y, and we have 7y, the Sum required. Exam. 7. The Co-efficient 5 fubftracted from 9 leaves 4, to which joining z it is 4 %, but the Sign of 9 the greatest Co-efficient being negative, prefix the Sign to 4%, and we bave-42, the Sum required. C Exam, ΙΟ ALGEBRA. Exam. 8. The Co-efficient 9 fubtracted from 14 leaves. 5, to which joining a m it is 5 am, but the Sign of 14 the great- eft Co-efficient being negative, prefix the Sign to 5 am, and we have — 5 am, the Sum required. Exam. 9. To I am Exam. 10. Exam. II. Exam. 12. 8 a d 14ym ay Add a m gad 16 y m May Sum 6 am ad 2 y m 6ay — Exam. 9. The Co-efficient of am being Unity, or 1, which fubftracted from 7 leaves 6, to which joining a m it is 6 am, prefixing to it the Sign of 7, the greateſt Co-efficient, we have 6 am or + 6 am the Sum required. Exam. 10. The Co-efficient 8 fubftracted from 9 leaves 1, to which joining a d we have I ad or ad, which having already the Sign of 9, the greateft Co-efficient, hence ad is the Sum required. Exam. 12. The Co-efficient of a y being Unity, or 1, which fubftracted from 7 leaves 6, to which joining ay it is 6 ay, which having the fame Sign with 7, the greateſt Co-efficient, 6 ay is the Sum required. 4. And if there are feveral Quantities connected by the different Signs of and, to be added to feveral Quantities connected by the different Signs of and, the Quantities being alike, are added as in the ſecond Article, only taking Care to prefix the Signs, according to the Directions in the first and third Articles. Exam. 14. Exam. 15. To Add Sum Exam. 13. 14a+7 m 3 m 15 my — 7 my + 12a Z 8 My- 1492 17 ay + 8am 3 ay 5 am 2AZ 8 a 6a+ 4m 14 ay 3am Exam. 13. Is 14 a +7 m to be added to — 8 a a - 3m. Now by the Rule at Art. 3. the Difference between the Co-efficients 14 and 8 is 6, to which joining a it is 6 a, but 14 the greateſt Co- efficient having the affirmative Sign, hence 6 a is the Sum of 14 a added to 8 a. And the Difference between 7 and 3 the Co- efficients of m being 4, to which joining m it is 4 m, but as 7 the greateſt Co-efficient has the affirmative Sign, therefore to 6 a connect 4 m with the Sign+, fo is 6a+ 4m the Sum required, Exam, ADDITΙΟΝ. II Exam. 14. Where 15 m y 14 az is to be added to 7 my + 12a z. Now the Difference between 15 and 7 the two Co-efficients of my is 8, to which joining my it is 8 my, but as 15 the greateſt Co-efficient hath the negative Sign, therefore pre- fix the Sign to 8 my, and it is 8 my: And the Difference between 14 and 12 the two Co-efficients of a z being 2, to which joining a z it is 2 a z, but as 14 the greateſt Co-efficient has the negative Sign, therefore to 8 my connect 2 a z with the Sign, fo is 8 my-2 az the Sum required. Exam. 15. The Difference between 17 and 3 the two Co- efficients of ay is 14, to which joining ay it is 14 ay, but as 17 the greateſt Co-efficient has the affirmative Sign, therefore place down 14 ay or † 14 ay. And the Difference between 8 and 5 the two Co-efficients of a m is 3, to which joining a m it is 3 am, but as 8 the greateſt Co-efficient has the affirmative Sign, therefore prefix the Sign - to 3 a m, ſo is 14 a y + 3 am the Sum required. Exam. 16. 7a+167 4 m Exam. 17. Exam. 18. Το mn - 15+ 78 Add за 7y IIP 8y- 4p 7am-167 11 am + 18 y Sum- 4a+12 11 4am j- 2† Exam. 16. By Art. 3. the Difference between 7 and 3 the two Co-efficients of a is 4, to which joining a it is 4 a, but as 7 the greateſt Co-efficient has the negative Sign, therefore prefix the Sign to 4 a, and it is 40. And the Difference between 16 and 4 the two Co efficients of m is 12, to which joining m it is 12 m, but 16 the greateſt Co-efficient having the affirmative Sign, prefix the Sign + to 12 m, fo is 4 a 12 m the Sum required. Exam. 17. By Art. 3. the Difference between 15 and 7 is 8, to which joining y it is 8 y, but 15 the greateft Co-efficient having the negative Sign, prefix the Sign-to 8 y, and it is 8 y. 8y, And the Difference between 7 and 11 the two Co-efficients of p is 4, to which joining p it is 4 p, but as II the greateſt Co- efficient has the negative Sign, therefore prefix the Sign 4p, and it is 4p, fo is 8 y4p the Sum required. to Exam. 18. By Art. 3. the Difference between 7 and II is 4, to which joining a m it is 4 am, but as 11 the greateſt Co- efficient has the negative Sign, therefore prefix the Sign to 44 m, and it is And the Difference between 16 C 2 of 22 7/2. and IZ ALGEBRA. and 18 is 2, to which joining y it is 2 y, but as 18 the greateſt Co-efficient has the affirmative Sign, therefore prefix the Sign + to 2 y, fo is 4 am+ 2y the Sum required. Exam. 19. Exam: 20. To 14 my ma Add 3 my + 4ma - 5 yd + 13% vd- ༡༤ Sum 11my +3 ma ८२ ·4yd +122 Exam. 19. The Co-efficient of Exam, 21. — 14dy + 5mp dy m D ·13dy + 4111? ma is 1, which being by Art. 3. fubſtracted from 4 leaves 3, to which joining m a it is 3 ma, as in the Anfwer, and by the fame Method in Exam. 20. If 59t is added to y d or 1 yd, the Sum is 4 yd; and likewiſe in Exam. 21. If-14 dy is added to dy or I dy, the Sum is 13 dy. 13 5. If the Quantities are alike and the Co-efficients are equal, but the Signs are one affirmative, and the other negative, theſe being added together deftroy each other, or the Sum of them is a Cypher or nothing. Exam. 1. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4 7 a 5 y 14 m 5 ya 5 y 14 m 5 ya O о о О Το Add - 7a Sum Exam. 1. By Art. 3. the Signs being unlike the Co efficients are to be ſubſtracted, but 7 taken from 7 leaves o, and if to this we join a it is o a, or no times a, that is, the Quantity a is to be taken no times or not at all, which is the fame as nothing: So in the fourth Example, if 5 is fubftracted from 5, there remains o, or nothing, to which if we join y a, we then have no times y a, or nothing. (6.) Cafe 3. When the Quantities are unlike, that is, the Letters are different, then fet them down one after the other, with the fame Co-efficients and Signs they have in the Example, and this is the Sum required. And they may be fet in any Order, that is, any Quantity may be fet firft, in the middle or laft, it being not material how they are ranged, fo as they are but connected with their proper Signs. Exam. ADDITION. 13 1 Exam. 1. Exam. 2. Το 2 a 3 m Exam. 3. a + d 5 a 2 y 2a-3d 3m+5a a+d+2y Add 3 d Sum Exam. 1. The Quantities or Letters being unlike, I place down 2a, and becauſe 3d has the Sign+, therefore after the 2 a put + 3d, fo is 2a+3d the Sum required. Exam. 2. Having put down the 3 m, after that put +5 a the other Quantity with its Sign, fo is 3 m + 5 a the Sum required. Exam. 3. Having put down a, after that put + d, and after that2y, fo is a+d+ 2y the Sum required. Exam. 4. To 2 a 7 m Add 34+52 Sum 2a —7m+31 +5% Exam. 5. 2a+15 Z 7 d 2a+15+2 7 d 7 m, after Exam. 4. Begin and place down 2 4, after that that + 3y, and after that +5%, fo is 2a — 7 m +31 +5% the Sum required. Exam. 5. Begin and place down 2 a, after that +15, after that + z, and after that 7d, fo is 2 a + 15 + z −7 d the Sum required. To 7m+157 Add 4 a + m n Sum 7 m + 151 - 4 a + 11 12 Add 2 a — 8 d Sum 16 +7111 2 a 8 d To 16 +7m 15 m + 7 a 8 y 26 15m+7a+83—2 & 14m — 159 a - 7 14 M- m 15y+a-7 Examples wherein all the foregoing Cafes are promifcuouſly uſed. Exam. 2. Exam. I. To 7a15d+m Add 5a+18d Sum 12a + 3d-1- m 21 X 12 m + 51 8a+ 7m II за 5 m 21x+5y Exam. 1. 7 a added to 5 a makes 12 a, by Art. 1. and -15 d added to 18d makes 3d, by Art. 3. and there being no Quan- tity like m, that muſt be placed by itſelf, by Art. 6. and connect- ing 14 ALGEBRA. ing theſe Quantities with their proper Signs we have 12 a 3d +m, the Sum required. Exam. 2. 7 m added to 8 a added to 11 a makes 3a, by Art. 3. and 12 m is 5 m, by the fame, but 21 x and 5 y being different, place them down one after another as at Art. 6. 21x+5y the Sum required. fo is 3 a 5 m 5 am. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. Το 15a+14m- - 16 II Am 7 y d + m n Add 7a- 14m+y 2 y d — 7 a Sum 8a — 16+ y Exam. 3. is — 8 a, 14 m added to 6 am − 9 y d + m n −7α 15 a added to 7 a 14 m is nothing or o, 8 a, by Art. 3. and by Art. 5. therefore take no Notice of thofe Quantities in the Sum, and 16 and y being different Quantities fet them down by Art. 6. fo is 16+y the Sum required. — 8 a 2 yd is Exam. 4. 1 I am added to ·5 am is 6 am, by Art. 3. and 7 y d added to 9yd, by Art. 1. But m n and 7 a being different Quantities fet them down by Art. 6. and 6 am —— 9 y d + mn — 7 a is the Sum required. To Add Sum Exam. 5. 4 a 17y+15 ap 2ap+ 34-2y за 13 ap + 7a 19y Exam. 5. Exam. 6. II + 8 m −7m+15+4a 4 a 2 ap added to 15 ap is 13 ap, mi + 4 by Art. 3. and 3a added to 4a is 7 a, by Art. 1. and 2 y added to 17y is 19y, by Art. 1. hence 13 ap +7a-19 y is the Sum required. Exam. 6. 7 m added to 8 m, the Sum is m, by Art. 3: II, the Sum is 4, by Art. 3. and 4 a added to 4a, the Sum is o, or nothing, by Art. 5. hence m +4 is the Sum required. 15 added to In theſe two Examples the fame Quantities are not ſet under one another, to fhew the Learner that however they are placed, if the Quantities are alike, they are to be added as if they food one under the other. The more perfectly Addition is underſtood, the eaſier it will render the Work of Subſtraction. SUBSTRACTION, [ 15 ] 1 SUBSTRACTION, 7. I S performed by one general Rule; change all the Signs of thofe Quantities which are to be fubftracted, or ſuppoſe them in the Mind to be changed, then add theſe Quantities to the others, according to the feveral Rules of Addition, which will be the Difference or Remainder required. I would adviſe the Learner to take out the Examples, and put down thofe Quantities which are to be fubftracted with contrary Signs, to thoſe they have in the Examples; that is, making thoſe affirmative which are negative, and thoſe negative which are affirmative, and then proceed as directed in the general Rule. From Exam. I. 5 a Exam. 2. 7 m Exam. 3. Exam. 4. 5 y 8 Z Subftract за 2 11 2 y 4 Z Remains 2 a 5 m 3y 4 Z Exam. 1. Here 3 a the Quantity to be fubftracted has the Sign +, which being made or fuppofed to be made, then by the general Rule, 5 a is to be added to 3a, the Sum of which is 2a, by Art. 3. and this is the Remainder required. Exam. 2. In the fame Manner 2 m being fuppofed to have the Sign -prefixed to it, then by the general Rule, 7 m is to be added to 2 m, the Sum of which is 5 m, by Art. 3. and this is the Remainder required. Exam. 3 And if we fuppofe 2 y to be 2y, or + 2y, then by the general Rule, 5y added to + 21, the Sum is by Art. 3. and this is the Remainder required. Exam. 4. If we ſuppoſe 4≈ to be 4 %, or + 4 %, by the general Rule, if — 8 ≈ is added to 4 z, the Sum is by Art. 3. and this is the Remainder required. 31, then 4 Z, From Subftract Exam. 5. 14 m n Exam. 6. 7yd Exam. 7. Exam.8. 2. m 11 Remains 16 m n + 5vd 12yd 5 3* +31x 4 ay 3 ay -8yx 7ay Exam. 5. The Sign of 2 m n being, if we fuppofe it +, then by the general Rule, 14 m n added to 2 m n, the Sum is *6mn, by Art, 1. the Remainder required, 2 Exam. 16 ALGEBRA. { Exam. 6. If we fuppofe 5yd to be-5yd, then by the general Rule, 7 y d added to 5 d, the Sum is 12 yd, 3yx, then by the 3yx, the Sum is 8 yx, by Art. 1. the Remainder required. Exam. 7. By fuppofing 3yx to be general Rule, 5 yx added to by Art. 1. the Remainder required. Exam. 8. And if we fuppofe by the general Rule, 4 ay added to Art 1. the Remainder required. 3ay to be 3 ay, then 3 ay, the Sum is 7 ay, by From Subſtract 5 am a m Remains 6 am ay 5ay -7ad + ad 5yd y d 4ay -8 ad 4yd The Truth of Subftraction may be proved as in common Arithmetic, by adding the Remainder to the Quantity which is ſubſtracted, and if their Sum is the fame as that from which the Quantity was fubftracted, the Work is true, otherwife it is erroneous. Thus in the four laft Examples 6 am added to-am, the Sum is 5 am. 5 ay, the Sum is — a y. 7 ad. And 4 ay added to And 8 a d added to a d, the Sum is And 4 y d added to yd, the Sum is 5yd. And in the fame Manner may the other Examples be proved. 8. If two or more Quantities connected by the Signs + or are to be ſubſtracted from other like Quantities connected by the Signsor, it is done in the fame Manner, only taking due Care to connect the remaining Quantities with their proper Signs, as was done in the Addition of compound Qantities. Exam. II. -5xy- 2 a m From Take Exam. 9. 12a +76 Exam. 10. 7ma+57 3a+26 6ma + 4y 3zy - 4 am Remains ma+y — 8 z y — 6 u ki ga+56 Exam. 9. By fuppofing 3 a to be-3 a, then 3 a added to 12 a the Sum is 9 a, by Art. 3. and again, fuppoling 2b to be 2 b, then-2 b added to 7b the Sum is 5b by the fame, and connecting thefe Quantities we have 9 a + 5 b, the Re- mainder required. G Exam. 10. 6 m a being fuppofed negative, or to be 6 m a, then — 6 m a added to 7 ma the Sum is m a, and 4 y being SUBSTRACTION. 17 3 zy, and adding being fuppofed to be 45, then-4y added to 5 y the Sum is y, hence may is the Remainder required. Exam. 11. 3zy being fuppofed to be this to 5 zy the Sum is Ezy, by Art. 1. ſuppoſed to be 4 am, by adding that to by Art. 1. is 6 am, hence 823 and 4 am being 2 am the Sum 6 am is the Remainder required. Exam. 12. Exam. 13. Exem. 14. From 14a-5 y Take за 5 y Remains 17 a 4 mn — y 7 m n + 2y 3 m n + 3 y d d d 2a+m 5 a 7 ~3a+m+7 Exam. 12. The 3 a being fuppofed by the general Rule to be 3a, and adding that to 14 a the Sum is 17 a, by Art. 1. and 5y being fuppoſed to be 5y, if we add 5y to 51, the Sum is a Cypher, or nothing, by Art. 5. hence 17 a is the Remainder required. the Exam. 13. The-3 m n being fuppofed to be 3 m n, then by adding 3 m n to-7mn the Sum is 4 mn, 3 y d being fuppofed to be 3y d, and adding the Sum is -yd, by Art. 3. hence 4 m n mainder required. by Art. 3. and 3yd to 2 y d yd is the Re- 5 a, if that is Exam. 14. The 5 a being fuppofed to be added to 2 a the Sum is 3a, by Art. 3. but the m and 7 being different Quantities, fet them down by Art. 6. only take particular Care to change the Sign of 7, according to the general Rule for Subſtraction, then will — 3a + m + 7 be the Re- mainder required. From Exam. 15. amy Exam. 16. 1 5 y d + 20 Subſtract + am+y Remains 2 a m - 3rd 16 18 y d +36 Exam. 17. a 14d +7- -d+7-8 a 15d+7 a The Truth of theſe Operations is proved in the fame Man- ner as in Subtraction of fimple Quantities, by adding the Remainder to the Quantity which is fubftracted, and obferving if that Sum is the fame, and has the fame Signs, with those Quantities from which the Subftraction was made. Thus, am, by we find that amy, the Exam. 15.2 a m added to a mi, the Sum is Art. 3. to which connecting y with the Sign +, by adding 2 am to amy, the Sum is Quantity from which the Subftraction was made. D Exam. 18 ALGEBRA. Exam. 16. If 18 y d is added to 3 y d the Sum is 15 yd, by Art. 3. and 36 added to 16 the Sum is 20 by the fame, hence the Sum of 18 yd + 36 added to-3yd-16 is 15yd+20, the Quantity from which the Subſtraction was made. Exam. 17. By adding 15 d to d the Sum is 14 d, by Art. 3. and by adding 7 a to 8 a the Sum is a, by the fame, to which putting down the 7, there being no Quantity to be added to that, hence 15 d+7 a added tod + 7-8 a the Sum is 14d7a, the Quantity from which the Sub- fraction was made. But if the Quantities to be ſubſtracted are unlike thoſe from which the Subtraction is to be made, fet down theſe with the fame Signs and Co-efficients they have in the Example, after which place the Quantities to be fubftracted with their Co- efficients, but change their Signs. Exam. 18. From Take 2 a d Exam. 19. Exam. 20. 34 2 a 5 m 2 y Remains 20- d 34 - 20 5 m + 2y Exam. 18. Having put down 2 a, after which put-d, the Quantity to be fubftracted being +d, and 2 ad is the Re- mainder required. Exam. 19. Having put down 3y, to that connect 2 a with the Sign, fo is 3 y 2 a the Remainder required. The 20th Example is done in the fame Manner. And if compound Quantities are to be ſubſtracted from com- pound Quantities, but unlike, fet down all the Quantities one after the other, but change the Signs of thofe Quantities which are to be fubftracted, as in thefe Examples. From Take 2a +5m 3y 2 d Remains 2a + 5 m — 3.3 + 2 d -4d+2p 5a+37 4 d +2p+ 5a — 3 y Having wrote down 2a +5 m, to that connect 3y with the Sign, it being + in the Example, to which connect 2 d with the Sign+, it being in the Example. In the other Example, having wrote down-4 d + 2 p, to this connect 5 a with the Sign+, it being in the Example, to which conne& 3y with the Sign, it being in the Example. MULTI- [ 19 ] MULTIPLICATION, In which there are three Cafes. (9.) Cafe 1. WH HEN the Signs of the Quantities to be multiplied, are both affirmative, or both negative, ſet or join the Letters together, and to them prefix the Sign, which will be the Product required. Exam. I. Multiply Exam. 2. y By Product a d d a m my Exam. 3. Z Exam. 4. da x a da x a z Exam. 1. Having joined the Letters da, and each of them having the affirmative Sign, therefore, by the Rule, da, or +da, is the Product required. Exam. 2. Having joined the Letters m and y, and each of them having the affirmative Sign, therefore, by the Rule, my, or my, is the Product required. Exam. 3. Having joined the Quantities z and a, and each of them having the fame Sign, therefore, by the Rule, a z, or -† a z, is the Product required. Exam. 4. Having joined the Quantities d a and x, and both having the fame Sign, therefore dax, or + da x, is the Pro- duct required. Multiply a Exam. 8. Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. a m a m y By a Product a a d am d d p d py an aman Exam. 5. Having joined a a, and both the Quantities being affirmative, therefore aa is the Product required. Exam. 6. Having joined the Quantities a m and d, and both having the Sign-, hence a m d is the Product required. Exam. 7. Having joined the Quantities y and d p, and be- cauſe both have the fame Sign, therefore dpy is the Product required. Exam. 8. Having joined the Quantities a m and an, and both having the fame Sign, therefore am an is the Product required. D 2 10. If 20 ALGEBRA. 10. If the Multiplicand confifts of two or more Quantities connected by the Signs + or, then the Multiplier must be multiplied into each of thoſe Quantities, prefixing to each par- ticular Multiplication its proper Sign, which will give the Pro- duct. Thus, Exam. 9. Multiply a+ď By m Produc m a -\- m d Exam. II. Exam. 10. x + y m x 72 d р d z + dy p m x + p n Exam. 9. If we multiply a by m, the Product is m a, by Art. 9. and multiplying d by m, the Product is md, by Art. 9. but as m and d have both the affirmative Sign, therefore prefix the Sign + before md, and mamd is the Product required. Exam. 10. Multiplying z by d, the Product is dz, and multiplying y by d, the Product is dy, by Art. 9. but as d and have both the Sign+, prefixing that Sign before dy we have dzdy, the Product required. y Exam. 11. Multiplying-mx by-p, the Product is pm x, by Art. 9. and for the fame Reafon n multiplied by P, the Product is pn, then connecting pm and pn with the Sign +, we have pin x + pn, the Product required. Exam. 12. Exam. 13. Exam. 14. а ad-1-% Multiply By a -y У ZY y d ady + y z Product dm j dy n ax + xzy Exam. 12. Multiplying -m byd, the Product is m d, by what was faid at Example 11, and multiplying-d by―y, the Product is for the fame Reafon dy, and connecting dm and dy with the Sign +, we have d m+dy, the Product required. Exam. 13. Multiplying-a by-x, we have a x for the Product, as in the last Example, and from multiplying —zy by-x, we have for the fame Reafon x zy for this Product, then connecting ax and xzy with the Sign, we have ax+xzy, the Product required. Exam. 14. Multiplying ad by y, the Product is a dy, and multiplying z by y, the Product is y z; but as the Signs of y and z are both alike, therefore prefixing the Sign have a dy + yz, the Product required. to yz, we II. It MULTIPLICATION. 2I II. 11. It may be proper to caution the Learner, that in Multiplication it is quite indifferent which Letter he places firſt, or laft, for to multiply am by d, the Product is a m d, or m da, or d ma, or a dm, or any of the different Pofitions in which three Letters can be placed; this will be more compleatly and fully underſtood when we come to apply the Science to the Solution of Problems: But, that the Learner may form fome Idea of the Truth of this, fuppofe we were to multi- ply 3, 5, and 7 together, the Product will be the ſame in what- ever Order theſe three Numbers are multiplied. Thus, 3 5 15 7 105 35 ཋ ཋ མ 105 3 7 2 I 3 5 105 This Obfervation I adviſe the Learner to fix in his Mind, to prevent concluding he has done any of the following Examples erroneouſly, by happening to place the Letters different from what they are in the Book. 12. But if the Multiplier and Multiplicand confifts of two or more Quantities, then begin and multiply the Multiplicand by any one Quantity in the Multiplier, according to the Directions in Art. 9. and 1o. after that multiply the Multiplicand by another Quantity in the Multiplier, and put this Product under the other, and continue doing this till the Multiplicand has been multiplied by every Quantity in the Multiplier; then under theſe Products draw a Line, and add them together by the feveral Cafes of Addition, and this will be the Product required. Exam. I. Multiply a+b By m -- n mame the Product of a+b multiplied by m, by Art. 10. nanb the Product of a + b, multiplied by ", by the fame. mamb + naab the Sum by Art. 6. the Pro- duct required. Multiply 42 ALGEBRA. Multiply my By at d am+ay the Product of my multiplied by a, by Art. 10. mdyd the Product of my multiplied by d, by the fame. am+ay + m dyd the Sum by Art. 6. the Pro- duct required. Multiply By a m · d Z mamd the Product of a d multiplied by m, by Art. 10. az+dz the Product of. a - d multiplied by — ≈, by the fame. ma+md + a z+dz the Sum by Art. 6. the Product required. Multiply a+b a + b By aa+ab the Product of a + b multiplied by a, by Art. 10. ab+bb the Product of a + b multiplied by b, by the fame. a a +2ab+bb the Product of a + b multiplied by a+b. Now in the Addition of the laft Example I obferve there is a bin each of the two Lines, and there being no Co-efficient prefixt, Unity or I being then always understood to be the Co- efficient, hence I ab added to I ab is 2 ab; the other Quantities a a and b b are fet down as in the former Examples, therefore a a +2ab+bb is the Product required. And in fuch Additions as thefe I recommend it to the Learner, before he begins to add, to examine the feveral Quan- tities, and fee if the Letters in any two of them are alike, and if they are to collect them into one Sum, according to Art. I and 3; remembering, that though the Letters which compoſe the two Quantities are not in the fame Order in each; yet if they are but the fame Letters, and no more in one than there is in the other Quantity, they are the fame, and may be added by Art. 1 and 3. I The MULTIPLICATION. 23 The four following Examples are for the Exercife of the Learner. Multiply a + b By aty a+y m + y am + mb a y + by Product am+mb+ay + by Multiply y+m12 By y + m y y + y m y m+mm Product yy + 2y m + mm a a + a y a y + y y aa+2ay+"y a a d d a a + a d a a + d d aa + 2 ad + d d 13. Cafe 2. If there are Co-efficients or prefixt Numbers, then multiply the Numbers as in common Arithmetic, and to their Products join the Products of the Quantities found by the laft Caſe, Art. 9. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. Multiply 2 a 5 m By 3 m 3 y -7ad 3 m 29 a Product 6 am 15 my 21 adm 2ay Exam. 1. The Product of the Co-efficients 2 and 3 is 6: the Product of a multiplied by m is a m, the Signs being alike, joining theſe together it is 6 am, the Product required. Exam. 2. The Product of 5 by 3 is 15: the Product of m by y is my, for the Signs are alike, and joining theſe together it is 15 my, the Product required. Exam. 3. The Product of 7 by 3 is 21: the Product of a d by mis adm, the Signs being alike, and joining the 21 and adm it is 21 a dm, the Product required. Exam. 4. The Product of 2, and I the Co-efficient of a, is 2, to which joining ay, the Product of a and y, it is 2 ay, the Product required, for the Signs of 2y and a are alike, being both negative. Multiply By Product 7 am 2 d 14 amd 6 dz 2 a 35 p ·31 2 d z ď 12dza Q Y Y P 2 d d z 14. And 24 ALGEBRA. 14. And if there are two or more Quantities with Co-effi cients connected by the Signs + or, to be multiplied by any Quantity and its Co-efficient, they are multiplied as in the laft Article, only connecting the feveral particular Products together with their proper Signs, as was done at Art. 10. Exam. I. Multiply 2a+3b By 3m Product 6am +9 bm Exam. 3. Exam. 2. 37+5d 2 y 2 A 5m 32 15 y m + 25 d m 6yz +6 za Exam. 1. Multiplying 2 a by 3 m the Product is 6 am, by Art. 13. and then multiplying 3 m by 3 b the Product is 9 b m, by Art. 13. to which prefixing the affirmative Sign, as the Signs of 36 and 3 m are alike, and 6 am 9 bm is the Product required. Exam. 2. Multiplying 3y by 5 m the Product is 15 y m, by Article 13. then multiplying 5 m by 5d the Product is 25 dm, to which prefixing the affirmative Sign, as the Signs of 5d and 5m are alike, and 15 y m + 25 dm is the Product required. — 2a by Exam. 3. Multiplying 2y by 3 z the Product is 6 y z, by Art. 9 and 13. Again, multiplying 3% the Product is 6 a z, for the Signs of 2 a and 3% are alike, and con- necting 6yz and 6 za with the Sign+, we have 6 y z + 6 za, the Product required. Exam. 4. Exam. 5. 2 d 3m 4 a Multiply 3 m + 2y 6a By Product 18 ma 12ya + Exam. 6. 2 A 8 da + 12 ma 31-7 my бya-j- 14amy Exam. 4. Multiplying 3 m by 6 a the Product is 18 m a, and multiplying 2y by 6a the Product is 12 ya, and placing the Sign + before 12ya, because the Signs of 6 a and 2 y are alike, we have 18 ma 12ya, the Product required. + Exam. 5. Multiplying 2d by 4a the Product is 8 da, for the Signs of 2 d and 4 a are alike, being both negative, therefore 8 da or + 8 da is the Product of thefe Quantities. Now multiplying-4a by 3m the Product is 12 ma, to which prefixing the affirmative Sign, as 3m and 4 a have the fame Sign, both being negative, and we have 8 da + 12 ma, the Product required. 3 Exam. MULTIPLICATION. 25 Exam. 6. The Product of 3y by 2 a is 6 y a, or + 6 y a, 2 a is 14 amy, or + 14 amy, and the Product of -7 my by hence, for the Reafon in the laft Example, 6 y a the Product required. Multiply 3 m 2 d By 4 a Product 1 2 m a + ŏ d a 14 a my is ·4d-5m 2 Z ·3y 4 a 26 8za + 12a y 8bd +10mb 15. And if there are two or more Quantities with Co- efficients connected by the Signs + or —, to be multiplied by two or more Quantities with Co-efficients conne&ed in the fame Manner, the Quantities are to be multiplied as at Art. 12. taking due Care to multiply the Co-efficients, as has been taught Art. 14. Thus, Multiply 2a+36 3a + 5m By 6aa9ab the Product of 2 a 3a, by Art. 14. 3 b multiplied by 10 ma15bm the Product of 2 a +36 multiplied by 5 m, by the fame. baa+gab† 10 m a + 15 v m the Product re- quired, being the Sum of the two particular Products, which are added together by Art. 6. Multiply 3 m +59 By zazn 6 am 10ay the Product of 3m+5y multiplied by 2 a, by Art. 14. 9 m n + 15 yn the Product of 3m +53 multiplied 6 am by 32, bv Art. 14. 10ay9mn+15yn the Product required, being the Sum of the two Products, which are added together by Art. 6. Multiply 2a+36 By 2a+26 4aa6 ab the Product of 2 a 2a, by Art. 14. 36 multiplied by 4ab + 6 bb the Product of 2a + 36 multiplied by 2b, by the fame. 4aa+1ab6bb the Produ& required. In this E Addition 26 ALGEBRA. Addition the Reader is to obferve that in one Line there is 6 ab, and in the other Line there is 4 ab, which two Quantities added together the Sum is 1o a b, by Art. 1. but the 4a a and 6bb being different Quantities, they are fet down by Art. 6. hence the Product of 2a+3b multiplied by 2a + 2b, is 4aa+10ab+6bb. Multiply 3 a +76 2a +5 n 6aa14b a By 1 5 a n + 35 b n за 3a+26 a + 4 b 3aa-j-2ba 12ba + 8b b Product 6aa+14ba+15an+35bn 3aa4146a+ 8 b b 16. Cafe 3. When the Signs of the two Quantities to be multiplied are one affirmative and the other negative, then multiply the Quantities as before directed, but to their Product prefix, or the negative Sign. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. d m Multiply-b a m a Z d y By a dm z Product -ba a d amy Exam. I. The Product of b by a is ba, for Multiplication is only joining the Letters, but as the Sign of bis —, and that fo is ba the of a is, therefore to b a prefix the Sign-, Product required. Exam. 2, The Product of a by d is a d, but as the Signs of a and d are different, therefore prefix the Sign to ad, and a d is the Product required. to a my, Exam. 3. The Product of am by y is a my, but as the Signs of a mand y are different, therefore prefix the Sign fo is amy the Product required. Exam. 4. The Product of dm by z is dmz, but as the Signs of dm and ≈ are different, therefore prefix the Sign to dmz, fo is dmz the Product required, This Operation being the fame as at Art. 9. taking Care to make the Sign of the Product—, I fhall only fubjoin the following Examples for the Exercife of the Learner. Multiply MULTIPLICATION. 27 Multiply By Product x m -ym ут ax ma y d x my ym d dy -axdy -p map 17. And if two or more Quantities with Co-efficients are to be multiplied into any one Quantity with a different Sign, they are multiplied as at Art. 14. taking Care of the Signs arifing in the Product, according to Art. 9. and 16. Multiply By Exam. I. 3a — 2 ż Exam. 2. Exam. 3. 274-5d 5 m 2 } 3m -3 a 3 d Product 9am-6zm-6ay—15ad -15md-6dy Exam. 1. Multiplying 3a by 3 m, the Product by Art. 13. is gam, but as 3 m has the Sign + prefixed to it, and 3a has the Sign prefixed to it, therefore to the Product 9 am prefix the Sign, by Art. 16. Again, 2 z multiplied by 3 m the Product is 6 zm, but as 2x has the Sign to it, and 3m the Sign, therefore to 6 z m prefix the Sign, by Art. 16. and — 9am-5zm is the Product required. Exam. 2. Multiplying 2y by 3a, the Product is 6 ay, but as the Sign of 2y is +, and that of 3 a is, therefore to 6 ay prefix the Sign, by Art. 16. Then multiplying 5d by 3a the Product is 15 ad, but as the Sign of 5 d is +, and that of 3a is, therefore prefix the Sign to 15 ad by Art. 16. and 6ay 15 ad is the Product required. ཀ Exam. 3. Multiplying 5 m by 3d, the Product is 15 md, but as the Sign of 5 m is and that of 3d is, therefore prefix the Sign-to 15 md. Again, multiplying 2y by 3d, the Product is 6yd, but becauſe the Signs of 2y and 3d are different, therefore prefix the Sign-to 6 dy, and 6 dy is the Product required. Examples for the Exercife of the Learner. 15 md- Multiply By 2a-3b 3m+7y 42 2 d Product 8az 1262 6md-14dy 57-3b 3 m -15ym ·9bm 18. And if two or more Quantities with Co-efficients are to be multiplied by two or more Quantities with Co-efficients, if their Signs are unlike, yet they are multiplied as at Art. 15. taking due Care of the Signs of the Product, by Art. 9. and 16. E. 3 Multiply 28 ALGEBRA. 17. Multiply за 2 m By 4 b + 6 y -12ab-86m the Product of 3a-2m multiplied by 4 b, by Art. 18ay-12ym the Product of. 2 m multi- 12ab 8 bm 18 ay 12ym the Product re- 34- plied by 6y, by Art. 17. quired, being the Sum of the two particular Products, which are added by Art. 6. Multiply 51+3m By -7d-3a -35yd-2x d m the Product of 5y + 3m multiplied by 7 d, by Art. 17. -15ay-9am the Product of 5y+3m multiplied by 3a, by Art. 17. 35 y d 21 dm 15 ay 9am the Product re- quired, being the Sum of the two particular Products, which are added by Art. 6. Multiply 2a+36 By za — 3 b 4aa-bab the Product of 2 a 3b multiplied by 2a, by Art. 17. -6ab9bb the Product of 2a+3b multiplied by 3b, by Art. 17. — 4 aa—12ab — 966 the Product required: For in this Addition the Reader may obferve that there is 6 a b in each of the two particular Products, which being added toge- ther by Art. 1. make- 12 ab, but 4 a a and 9 bb being different Quantities, they must be placed feparate from one another. There are Examples of this Kind at Art. 15. 19. It may be for the Learner's Advantage to be put in Mind, that if any Algebraic Quantities are to be multiplied by a pure Number, that then this Number is to be multiplied into every one of the Co-efficients of the other Quantities, in all Refpects as before, and to each particular Product ſet or join that Quan- tity whoſe Co-efficient was multiplied. Thus, Exam. MULTIPLICATION. 29 Exam. 3. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Multiply 2a+36 By 6 -3m-4d 4 d +37 7 9 Product 12a + 18b 21 m — 28 d 36d+27x Exam. 1. Multiplying 6 by 2 the Product is 12, to which joining a it is 12 a, then multiplying 3 by 6 it is 18, to which joining b it is 18 b, and becauſe 6 and 36 have both the Sign +, therefore by Art. 9. prefix the Sign the Product required. 3 m is , to 18 b, fo is 12 a † 186 and that of 7 is +, there- to 21 m, and it is Exam. 2. Multiplying 3 by 7 it is 21, to which joining m it is 21 m, but as the Sign of fore by Art. 16. prefix the Sign Again, multiplying 4 by 7 it is 21 m. 28, to which joining d it is 28 d, but as the Signs of 4 d and 7 are likewiſe unlike, there- fore to 28 d prefix the Sign and 21 m 28 d is the Product required. Exam. 3. Multiplying 4 by 9 the Product is 36, to which joining d it is 36 d, and becauſe the Signs of 4d and 9 are alike, therefore it will be 36 d, or + 36 d; and multiplying 9 by 3 y the Product will be 27 y, to which must be prefixt the Sign +, becauſe 3y and 9 have the fame Sign, fo is 36 d + 27 j the Product required. Examples wherein all the three Cafes of Multiplication are promifcuouſly uſed. Multiply 2a-3b By 5m+2y IQ ma 15 mb 4 a y — 6 y b Product 10m a 15mb +4 ay — 6 y & The 2a being multiplied by 5 m the Product is 10 ma, by Art. 13. and 3 b being multiplied by the fame 5 m, the Product is 15 in b, by Art. 16. and 17. 6 y b, And 2 a being multiplied by 2y the Product is 4 a y, by Art. 13. and 3 multiplied by 2y the Product is by Art. 16. and 17. Now draw the Line and begin to add them, and becauſe the Quantities are all different, they are added by Art. 6. and there- for the Product will be 10 ma-15 mb + 4 ay — 6 y b. 2 Multiply 30 ALGEBRA Multiply By -7m+2a 3 y 4 n 21 my-- 6 ay 28 m n 8 na Product The 21 my +бay 28 m n — 8 na 7 m multiplied by 3 y the Product is 21 my, by Art. 16 and 17. and 2 a multiplied by 3y the Product is 6 a y, by Art. 13. And -7 m multiplied into Art. 13. and 4n the Product is 28 m n, by 4 n multiplied by 2 a the Product is 8 nag 4n by Art. 16 and 17. Now begin the Addition, and becauſe the Quantities are all different, they are added 21 my + 6 ay + 28 m n — 2a+36 :36 Multiply By 2 a 4 a a + 6 a b 6 a b 96 b b by Art. 6. and the Product is 8 na. Product 4aa-9bb 966 Multiplying 2 a by 2 a the Product is 4 a a, and multiplying 3b by 24 the Product is 6 ab. 6 a b s And multiplying 2 a by-3b the Product is becauſe the Signs of the two Quantities are unlike, and for the fame Reaſon the Product of 36 by 3b is 9bb. Now begin the Addition, and I obferve in the firft Line there is + 6 ab or 6 ab, but in the fecond Line there is — ɓ a by now becauſe the Co-efficients are equal, the Quantities alike, but the Signs being contrary, therefore by Art. 5. thefe Quanti- ties will deftroy one another, then putting down the 4a a and -9bb, by Art. 6. we have 4 aa-9 bb, the Product required. Multiply By 7 m + 4 a 3a+5 21ma- 12 aa the Product of 7 m † 4 a multi- plied by 3a. 35m -- 20 a the Product of 7 m -- 4 a multi- plied by 5, by Art. 19. Product 21 Md --re 12aa + 35 m -† 20 a Multiply DIVISION. 31 Multiply 5a + b By 2a+3b 10aa2ab the Product of 5 a + b multiplied by 2 a. 15ab3bb the Product of 5 a + b multiplied by 3b. Product 10aa + 17 ab + 3b b. DIVISION, In which there are four Cafes. 20. Cafe 1. WHE HEN the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are both affirmative, or both ne- gative, reject all thofe Quantities in the Dividend and Divifor that are alike, and fet down the Remainder, prefixing to it the Sign+, which will be the Quotient required. Divide Exam. I. a b Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. By a d m d In n ap 712 -Þ Quotient b. 12 a Jil Exam. 1. Becaufe a is in the Dividend and Diviſor, eject it, and b being only left, it is the Quotient fought, and is to have the Sign, becauſe the Signs of ab and a are alike. Exam. 2. Becaufe d is in the Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and there being only m left, it is the Quotient fought, which muſt have the Sign+, becaufe the Signs of d m and d are alike. Exam. 3. Becaufe m is in the Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and a being only left, I write it down for the Quotient fought, which must have the Sign +, becauſe m n and m have the fame Sign. Exam 4. Becaufe p is in the Dividend and Divifor, I reject it, and place down a, the Quantity left, for the Quotient fought, which mult have the Sign-, for the Signs of ap and pare alike. Exam. į 32 ALGEBRA. Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. Divide amd By -apy ру mda my z ma Z d a d y m Quotient a m Exam. 5. Becauſe a m is in the Dividend and Diviſor, reject it, and place down d for the Quotient, which must have the affirmative Sign, for the Signs of a m d and a m are alike. Exam. 6. Becaufe py is in the Dividend and Divifor, I reject it, and place down a, the remaining Quantity, for the Quotient, which must have the affirmative Sign, for the Sign's of a py and py are alike. Exam. 7. Becauſe ma is in the Dividend and Divifor, I reject it, and place down d for the Quotient, which must have the Sign+, becauſe the Signs of m da and ma are alike. Enam. 8. Becauſe is in the Dividend and Divifor, I reject it, and place down y m, or my, which is the fame thing, for the Quotient fought, and must have the Sign +, becaufe the Signs of my z and z are alike. Divide apz By az Quotient P m nd md a b c abdy C ay n ab b d ! The Truth of thefe Operations in Divifion may be proved like thofe in Arithmetic, for the Quotient and Divifor being multiplied, the Product will be the Dividend if the Work is true; thus in the fecond Example of the laft four, by multiplying the Quotient into-md the Divifor, the Product is md n or mnd, to which must be prefixt the Sign, by Art. 16. be- caufe the Signs of md and n are unlike, hence the Product with its Sign is mnd, the given Dividend. And in the last Example, if we multiply bd the Quotient by ay the Divifor, the Product is bday, or abdy, which is the fame thing, by Art. 11. and this Quantity muft have the affir- mative Sign, by Art. 9. for the Signs of d and ay are alike, hence abdy, or abdy, is the Product with its Sign, the fame as the given Dividend: And fo of any other Example. + 21. But if all the Quantities in the Divifor are not to be found in the Dividend, then you must only reject thofe Quantities in the DIVISION. 33 the Dividend and Divifor that are alike, placing down the re- maining Quantities of the Dividend, and under them thoſe of the Divifor that are not rejected by this Rule; which will be the Quotient fought, and fland like a Vulgar Fraction in common Arithmetic. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. Divide amb m n dz By ay m na -dayp dpz p n q r pad Quotient mb dz ay n q r y a Z ad Exam. 1. Becauſe a is in the Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down mb the remaining Part of the Dividend, under which drawing a Line, and place y the remaining Part of 721 b y the Divifor, fo will be the Quotient fought, which must have the Sign+, by Art. 20. as the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are alike. Exam. 2. Becauſe mn is in the Dividend and Diviſor, reject it, and place down dz the remaining Part of the Dividend, under which drawing a Line, and place a the remaining Part of d ૪. the Divifor, fo is the Quotient required, and it muſt have Q the Sign+, by Art. 20. as the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are alike. Exam. 3. Becaufe dp is in both Dividend and Diviſor, reject it, and write down ay the remaining Part of the Dividend, under which place z the remaining Part of the Divifor, as in the two former Examples, fo is, or + Y, the Quotient re- a y quired, for the Signs of the two Quantities to be divided are alike. Z ༤ Exam. 4. Becaufe p is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and write down n qr the remaining Part of the Dividend, under which place ad the remaining Part of the Divifor, and nar is the Quotient required, which will be affirmative by Art. 20. becauſe the Signs of pnqr and pad are alike. ad F Divide 7: 34 ALGEBRA, Divide a p q n ad z mn d - y z d b By anm ap ma -yza Quotient P q d z n d d b m P a Q Thefe Operations are proved as at Art. 20. by multiplying the Quotient by the Divifor; for in the laſt Example the Quotient db is which is a Fraction: the Divifor isy z a, which by the -yza, a Rule of Vulgar Fractions in common Arithmetic is made this im- proper Fraction -- Ι. > yza then the two Fractions to be multiplied d b are and y za a , multiplying the Numerators we have I dbyza for the new Numerator, and multiplying the Denominators we have a for the Denominator, hence the Product is this Fraction d b d by z a a the affirmative Sign, therefore by Art. 16. prefix the Sign but as > a y za I has the negative Sign, and has to d by z a and it is the Product with its true Sign: a d by z a a > But in this Fraction as d by za is to be divided by a, reject- ing a both in Dividend and Divifor by Art. 20. we have-dbyz or-yzdb, the fame with the Dividend in the given Example; in like Manner may the others be proved. 22. And if there are two or more Quantities connected by the Signs or to be divided by any fingle Quantity, every + Quantity in the Dividend muſt be divided by the Divifor, fetting down the particular Quotients, as at Art, 20. which must be connected by the Sign + when the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are both alike. Exam. 3 Exam. I. Divide By a b + am Exam. 2. m dJ m z -da d p q d m a d + z a + p q Quotient b+ m Exam. 1. Dividing ab by a the Quotient is b, by Art. 20. and dividing am by a the Quotient is m, by the fame Art, but 29 DIVISION. 35 as am and a have both the affirmative Sign, therefore to m pre- fix the Sign +, fo is b+m the Quotient required. Exam. 2. md being divided by m the Quotient is d, by Art. 20. and dividing m z by m the Quotient is z, to which prefix- ing the Sign, as m'z and m have both the fame Sign, we have dz for the Quotient required. Exam. 3. da being divided by d the Quotient is a, and be- caufe da and a have both the negative Sign, or the Signs are alike, therefore a muſt have the Sign+, whence it is a or a, and dividing-dpq byd the Quotient is pq, to which muſt be prefixed the Sign+, for the Signs of dpq and d are alike, hence we have a +pq for the Quotient required. Divide By Exam. 4. abam Exam. 5. b m + b n a b Quotient b + m m + n Exam. 6. -zypzya Zy pte Exam. 4. Dividing Dividing ab by -a the Quotient is b, by Art. 20. and it muſt be + b or b, as the Signs of a b and a are alike: then dividing -am by a the Quotient is m, by Art. 20. becauſe the Signs of am and a are alike, then connecting band m with the Sign+, and b+m is the Quotient required. Exam. 5. Dividing bm by b the Quotient is m, by Art. 20. and dividing bn by b the Quotient is n, and as bn and b have the fame Sign, therefore prefix the Sign+to n, fo is m+n the Quotient required. Exam. 6. Dividing-zy p byzy the Quotient is p, by Art. 20. and dividing-zy a by-zy the Quotient is a, to which prefixing the Sign+, for the Signs of zya and zy are alike, we have pa the Quotient required. Divide By Quotient - d n Z zad am + a d dz n+a a m + d dy - d z d Y+z The Truth of theſe Operations are proved by multiplying the Quotient by the Divifor; if that Product agrees with the Divi- dend in its Quantities and Signs the Work is true, otherwiſe Now in the laft Example the Quotient y + z, and the Diviford, being multiplied together by Art. 14. they pro- duce dyd, the given Dividend. not. F 2 23. Cafe 36 ALGEBRA. 23. Cafe 2. When the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are one affirmative and the other negative, find the Quotient of the Quantities as before; but to them prefix the negative Sign, or Sign Exam. 1. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. Divide By a m a m n p m ayx -ay d m b d b Quotient m np א Z m Exam. 1. Becauſe a is in both Dividend and Divifor, rejest it, and place down m the remaining Part of the Dividend, but as the Signs of am and a are different, therefore to m prefix the Sign, and it will bem, the Quotient required. Exam. 2. Becauſe m is in the Dividend and Divifor, rejest it, and place down np the remaining Part of the Dividend, but as the Signs of mnp and m are different, therefore to rp prefix the Sign, and it will be np, the Quotient re- quired. Exam. 3. Becauſe ay is in the Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down z the remaining Part of the Dividend, but as the Signs of ayz and ay are different, prefix the Sign to z, and it will be z, the Quotient required. Exam. 4. Becaufe db is in the Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down m the remaining Part of the Divi- dend; but the Signs of the Quantities that are divided being different, to m prefix the Sign, and it will be-m, the Quotient required. Divide By m n p mn p dyp m 771 72 dy da b d b a P Quotient np + 24. And if there are two or more Quantities connected by the Signs or, to be divided by any firgle Quantity, the Operation is the fame as at Art. 22. only taking due Care, when the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are different, to prefix the Sign- before thole Quotients. Exam. DIVISI O N. 37 Divide By Quotient Exam. I. Exam. 3. Exam. 2. m n md ad + ab dnz-dzy a dz db n-y, m n-d Exam. 1. Dividing mn by m the Quotient is n, by Art. 20. but as the Signs of m n and m are different, therefore And by Art. 23. I prefix the Sign to n, and it is—n. dividing ―md by m, the Quotient is d; but as the Signs of m d and m are different, therefore by Art. 23. prefix the Sign- tod, hencend is the Quotient required. Exam. 2. Dividing ad by a the Quotient is d, to which prefix the Sign-, by Art. 23. which makes it-d: then dividing a b bya, the Quotient is b; but as the Signs of ab and a are different, therefore by Art. 23. prefix the Sign b, and d—b is the Quotient required. to Exam. 3. Dividing-dnz by dz the Quotient isn, by Art. 20. and 23. and for the fame Reafon dividing-dzy by z, the Quotient isy, which placing aftern, we have ny, the Quotient required. Divide By maz + mzd M Z dab-dby d b az x azb az ad a-y X -b Quotient The Truth of theſe Operations are likewife proved from multiplying the Quotient by the Divifor, and if it agrees with the Dividend in its Quantities and Signs, the Work is true, otherwiſe not. 25. Cafe 3. But when there are Co-efficients joined to the Quantities, divide the Co-efficients as in common Arithmetic; and to their Quotients join the Quotient of the Quantities found by the foregoing Directions; but cautiously remember, that if the Signs of the Quantities that are divided are alike, the Quo- tient must have the affirmative Sign, as at Art. 20. but if the Signs of the Quantities that are divided are unlike, then the Quotient must have the Sign-prefixt to it, by Art. 23. Exam. 4. Exam. I. Divide By 16am 2Z 24 Quotient 8 m 47 Exam. 2. 83 Z Exam. 3. 24 d m 18ma -6 d 6 a 4 m 3 m Exam 38 ALGEBRA. Exam. 1. Dividing 16 by 2 the Quotient is 8, and am di- vided by a the Quotient is m, joining 8 to the m it is 8 m, and as 16 am and 2 a have the fame Sign, hence by Art. 20. the Sign+muſt be prefixt to 8 m, therefore the Quotient is + 8 m or 8 m. Exam. 2. Dividing 8 by 2 the Quotient is 4, and dividing yz by z the Quotient is y, joining the 4 to the y it is 4y; but as 8 yz and 2 z have the ſame Sign, therefore by Art. 20. prefix the Sign + to 4 y, hence + 4y or 4y is the Quotient required. Exam. 3. Dividing 24 by 6 the Quotient is 4, and dividing dm by d the Quotient is m, joining 4 to the m it is 4 m; but as 24 dm and 6d have the fame Sign, prefix the Sign + to 4 m, hence + 4 m or 4 m is the Quotient required. Exam. 4. Dividing 18 by 6 the Quotient is 3, and dividing ma by a the Quotient is m, joining 3 to the m it is 3 m, and as 18 ma and 6a have the fame' Sign, therefore by Art. 20. the Quotient is + 3 m or 3 m. Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. Divide 1597 8 d m 28yz 12 da By за 4 d 7 y за Quotient 5y 2 m 4 Z 4 d Exam. 5. Dividing 15 by 3 the Quotient is 5, and dividing ay by a the Quotient is y, joining 5 to the y it is 5y, but as the Signs of 15 ay and 3a are different, therefore by Art. 23. prefix the Sign to 5, and 5y is the Quotient re- quired. Exam. 6. Dividing 8 by 4 the Quotient is 2, and dividing dm by d the Quotient is m, joining the 2 and m it is 2m; but as 8 dm and 4 d have the fame Sign, prefix the Sign + to 2 m, by Art. 20. and + 2 m or 2 m is the Quotient required. Exam. 7. Dividing 28 by 7 the Quotient is 4, and dividing y z by y the Quotient is z, joining the 4 and z it is 4 ; but as 28 y z and 7y have different Signs, therefore by Art. 23. prefix the Sign-to 4 %, fo will-4 z be the Quotient required. Exam. 8. Dividing 12 by 3 the Quotient is 4, and dividing da by a the Quotient is d, joining the 4 and d it is 4d; but as the Signs of 12 da and 3 a are different, therefore by Art. 23. prefix the Sign to 4d, and then- 4d is the Quotient required. - ! Divide DIVISION. 39 Divide By 32 am 18 dza 8 m 9 a 22ym n Il y n 16a% 8 z Quotient 4a 2dz 2 m 2 a 26. And if there are two or more Quantities connected toge- ther with Co-efficients, to be divided by any fingle Quantity and its Co-efficient, the Operation is ftill performed in the fame Manner, connecting the particular Quotients as at Art. 22, and 24. ftill carefully remembering that when the Quantities that are divided have like Signs, whether affirmative or nega- tive, the Quotient muſt have the affirmative Sign; but if the Signs of the Quantities that are divided are unlike, then the Quotient muſt have the Sign-prefixt to it. Divide By Exam. 1. 4am+12ad 2 a Quotient 2m+6 d Exam. 2. -16 my 24mz 4 m 43-6z Exam. 3. 28 dn-21 db 7 d 412-36 Exam. 1. Dividing 4 am by 2a the Quotient is 2 m, by Art. 25. and dividing 12 ad by 2 a the Quotient is 6d, and becauſe the Signs of 2a and 12 ad are alike, prefix the Sign + to 6d, and we have 2 m+6d, the Quotient required. Exam. 2. Dividing-16 my by-4 m the Quotient is 47, by Art. 25. for the Signs of 16 my and 4 m are alike, and dividing 24 mz by 4m the Quotient is 6 z, for 6 z muft have the negative Sign prefixt to it, the Signs of 24 m 2 and 4m being unlike; hence 4y6z is the Quotient required. Exam. 3. Dividing 28 dn by 7d the Quotient is 4n, or +4n, for the Signs of 28 dn and 7 d are alike: and dividing 21 db by 7d the Quotient is 3b, for 36 muſt have the negative Sign prefixt to it, as the Signs of 21 db and 7 d are unlike, hence 47-3b is the Quotient required. Divide 16 pa—28 pd 24nm+36mz 16 zu-4zd By Quotient 4 P 4a+7d 4 m On - 9 z 2Z 8u-2d The Truth of thefe Operations are proved likewife from mul- tiplying the Quotient by the Divifor, for if the Work is true, the Product will agree with the Dividend in its Quantities and Signs: In the last Example the Divifor is 2, and the Quotient is 8 u 2d, now if we Multiply 40 ALGEBRA. % By Multiply 8 uzd 2 Z 16zu 4 zd the Product is the fame as the given Dividend, and fo may the other Examples be proved. 27. Cafe 4. But when any Quantities in the Dividend are not the fame with thoſe in the Divifor, then place down the Dividend with its Signs and Co-efficients, under which drawing a Line, and after the Manner of Vulgar Fractions place the Divifor with its Signs and Co-efficients, and this will be the Quotient required. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. Divide b a m 3 my 2 dy d Z b By Quotient oralo a m 3 my 2 dy ď b Exam. 1. Becauſe b and a are different Quantities, place down the Dividend b, under which draw a Line, and place the Divifor a, fo is the Quotient required. Exam. 2. b a Becauſe am and d are different Quantities, place down am the Dividend, draw a Line under it, and place the a Divifor d, ſo is 4m the Quotient required. d Exam. 3. Becauſe 3 my and z are different Quantities, place down 3 my the Dividend, under it draw a Line, and place z the Divifor, fo is 3my the Quotient required. Z Exam. 4. Becauſe 2dy and b are different Quantities, place down 2 dy the Dividend, draw a Line under it, and place b the Divifor, and 2 dy 6 b is the Quotient required. Divide By 2 ma 5dz 2y 21 ma 5 d 8 y d 32 Quotient 2 3y 2 m a 31 5 dz Zy 21 ma 5 d i 8 y d 3% Divide DIVISION. 41 Divide By Quotient + 7 y m a 7 d 3 mb c m Z y d 24d 7 d 7YZ M Z 3 m b c y d 24 d 73% ma 7 y 28. When two or more Quantities connected by the Signs or are to be divided by any fingle Quantity, and the Quantities in the Dividend are different from thoſe in the Divifor, then having fet down all the Quantities in the Di- vidend with their Signs and Co-efficients, draw a Line under them all, under which place the Divifor as before, and this will be the Quotient required. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Divide By 2a+38 7 y 2 m 15%-7da 5 m 3n 4y Quotient 2a+36 5 m 7y- 2m 3 n 15%-7da 4 y i Exam. 1. Becaufe 2 a+3b the Dividend and 5 m the Divifor are different, therefore place down 2a+3b, under which draw a Line, and place the Divifor 5 m, ſo is 2a+36 5m the Quotient required. Exam. 2. Becauſe 7y 2 m the Dividend and 37 the Di- viſor are different, therefore place down y — 2 m, under which draw a Line, and place the Divifor 3 m, fo is 72 m the Quotient required. 3n 7 da the Exam. 3. Becauſe 15 -7 da the Dividend and 4y the Divifor are different, therefore place down 15 %- Dividend, under which draw a Line, and place 4 y the Divifor, 15%-7 da the Quotient required. fo is 4 y Divide 4ma- за 7 db — 5xx 19m 15p By ༨༤ 3V 7 y Quotient 4ma-3 32 7 db — 5xx 19 m 15 P 5% 3Y G 73 Divide 42 ALGEBRA. Divide 3dx-5b 7ym-3 dn By 2 Y 5 u 3dx-5b 7ym-3 dn Quot ent 2y Su 25dp+532-17 118 70 251p+5y≈ 17 m 7 a وخت 29. If there are two or more Quantities connected by the Signsor – to be divided by two or more Quantities connected by the Signs + or, but the Quantities in the Dividend are different from thofe in the Divifor, it is only placing down the Dividend as before, under which drawing a Line, and place in like Manner the Divifor, and this will be the Quotient required. Exam. 3. 14m+5% - II ș 2 d Exam. I. Exam. 2. Divide 2a + m 5-7 d By 5d+3y 3a+2m 3 V 20+ m Quotient 5y- 7.d → 14m² + 5% I I X 5d+3y 3a+2m 37- 2 d Exam. 1. Becauſe the Quantities in the Dividend and Divifor are unlike, therefore place down 2a+m the Dividend with its Co-efficients and Signs, under which draw a Line, and place 2a + m 5d+ 3y the Divifor, fo is the Quotient required. Exam. 2. Becauſe 5y 3a+2m the Divifor, Dividend, under which Divifor, fo is 5-7d 3a + 2 m Exam. 3, Becauſe 5d+39 7 d the Dividend is different from therefore place down 5y 7d the draw a Line, and place 3 a + 2 m the the Quotient required. 14m +5% -II x the Dividend is different rom 3y-2d the Divifor, therefore place down 14 in + 5% 11x the Dividend, and place 3y-2 d the Divifor, and is the Quotient required. Divide ༢* + 22 By Quotient 4: m d 2h draw a Line under it, 14 m +5% II X 3y-2d 5 y 21 pm +19 Z Y 14yz-9dx -3 m J m-5 y 3x+22 5 217 m + 19 zy dx J - 512 g d x 3 111 4 5 n Divide DIVISION. 43 Divide By -4a+5m-3d 72-81 y за 4a+3x-5* — 7 d + 11m Quotient -411-5m 3 d 1 a +37-5 × 72-87 7a+ 11m 2a+37 -52-712 5རྨ 2a+37 -52-77 30. It may be juft obferved to the Learner, that when any Quantity is divided by itfelf, or the Dividend and Divifor are alike, that then the Quotient will be Unity, or 1. And if the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are alike, the Quotient muft have the Sign +; but if the Signs of the Quantities to be divided are unlike, then to the Quotient, or 1, prefix the Sign-. Divide By 2 z a b 20 b 14 m n a 14 m n 5 dz 5dx +7" 7 y Quotient I I I I For by Art. 25. if we divide the Co-efficients, the Quotient will be Unity, or I; then, by Art. 20. rejecting all thoſe Quantities that are alike, both in the Dividend and Divifor, the Quantities all vanifh, and there will be none to be joined to the Unity, or 1; whence, in fuch Cafes as thefe, Unity, or 1, is the Quotient required. It may be further obferved, that if an abfolute or pure Number is the Divifor, the Co-efficients in the Dividend, if there are more than one, muſt be divided by the Divifor, and to each of thefe Quotients join the refpective Quantities of the Dividend, as at Art. 26. Divide 24ma + 18yz 16za+24ym + 141d +35% By 6 8 7 Quotient 4ma +33% 2za+3ym 2 y d — 5% But if the Divifor will not exactly divide the Co-efficients of the Dividend, then place the Dividend and Divifor in the Man- ner of Vulgar Fractions, as in the foregoing Articles. The Method of dividing compound Quantities by one another, where the Operation is continued as in common Arithmetic, being generally perplexing to Learners, it will be explained in the Method of folving Quadratic Equations, this Divifion not being neceffary in the prefent Defign before we come to that Part of the Work. INVOLUTION. G 2 [ 44 ] INVOLUTION. HIS is only raifing of Powers from any given 31. T Root, and therefore is performed by Multiplication - : For the Quantity which is given being multiplied by itfelf will be the Square of that Quantity, that Product being multiplied by the given Quantity, this Product will be the Cube of that Quantity, and that Product multiplied again by the given Quantity, will be the fourth Power of that Quantity; and ſo on as in common Arithmetick. To find the Cube of a To find the Cube of b Q b The Square of a a a a The Square of b bb. b The Cube of a aa a To find the Cube of Now 2 y multiplied by 2y the Į Product will be by Art. 13. And 4yy multiplied by 2 y, the Product will be by Art. 13. To find the Cube of The Cube of b bb b 23 23 4yy the Square of 2 y 2 y } } 8yyy the Cube of 2 y 33 3% 3 Z א א Now 32 multiplied by 3%, the 9zz the Square of 3 ≈ Product will be by Art. 13. } 32 z And 9zz multiplied by 32, the 27zzz the Cube of 3 ≈ Product will be by Art. 13. To INVOLUTION. 45 To find the 4th Power of Now -2x multiplied by-2x, the Product is by Art. 9. and 13. And 4 xx multiplied by 2x, the Product is by Art. 13. and 16. And-8 xxx multiplied by-2x, the Product is by Art. 9. and 13. 2 x 2 X 4xx the Square of — 2 x 2x - 8 x x x the Cube of — 2 x 2 x 16xxxx the 4th Power of -2x. In like Manner any other fingle Quantity may be raiſed to any required Power, and if in the given Quantity there are more Letters than one, it is done in the fame Manner. To find the 4th Power of 2 ab 2ab 4 aabb the Square of 2 a b 2ab 8 a a ab bb the Cube of 2 ab 2ab 16 aa aabbbb the 4th Power of 2 a b. "", 32. If there are two or more Quantities connected by the Signs+or, to be raiſed to any given Power, it is ftill performed by common Multiplication. Two Quantities when connected by the Sign+, is commonly called a Binomial. To raiſe the Binomial, or a+b to the third Power or Cube. a + b aa+ab the Prod. of a b multip. by a, by Art. 10. abbb the Prod. of a+b multip. by b, by Art. 10. a a + 2 a b + bb the Sum of theſe two Products, or a + b the Square of a + b. aaa+2aab+abb the Product of a a + 2ab+b b multiplied by a, by Art. 10. aab 2abbbbb the Product of a a +2ab+bb multiplied by b, by Art. 10. aaa+3aab+3abbbbb the Sum of thefe two Pro- ducts, or the Cube of a + b. When 46 ALGEBRA. ! When two Quantities are connected by the Sign-, it is. commonly called a Refidual. To raiſe the Reſidual, or xy to the third Power or Cube. x-y xxxy the Product of x ху xyyy the Product of * y multiplied by x. -y multiplied by-y. X X -------- 2xy+yy the Sum of theſe two Products, of the Square of x —y. x -y xxx-2xxy+xyy the Product of xx-2xy+"y multiplied by x. -xxy+2xyyyyy the Product of xx-2xy+yy multiplied by Y. xxx−3xxy+3xyy-yyy the Sum of thefe two Pro- ducts, or the Cube of x 3. And if theſe compound Quantities have Co-efficients, the Work ftill proceeds as at Art. 18. To raiſe the Binomial, or 2a+3b to the third Power. 2a+36 4aa6 a b the Product of 2 a +36 multiplied by 2 a. 6ab9bb the Product of 2 a +36 multiplied by 3 b. 4aa+12ab+9bb the Sum of thefe two Products, or the Square of 2 a + 3 b. 2a+36 8aaa+24aab + 18 a b b the Product of 4 a a + 12 a b 12 a ab +36 a b b 27 bbb +9bb multiplied by 2 a. the Product of 4 a a + 12 ab +9bb multiplied by 3 b. 8aaa+36aab +54abb +27bbb the Sum of thefe two Products, or the Cube of 2 a +36. To EVOLUTION. 47 To raiſe 3 m + 2y to the third Power. 3m + 2x To raiſe a 9mm + 6 MY 6 m ++vy 9mm + 12my +4yy the Square of 3 m + 2y 3 m + 2y 27 mmm + 36 m m y + 1 2 m ŷ y 18 m my + 24 myy + 8 yyy 27mmm + 54mmy +36 myy-+8yyy the Cube of a 2b to the third Power. 2 b 3m+2y. a a ·2ab -2ab+ 4b b 2ab+4bb 4ab4bb the Square of a — 2 b аа a 26 a a a 4aab + 4 a b b 2 a ab + 8 a b b — 8 b b b a a a—6aab +12 a b b −8 b b b the Cube of 4-2 b. In this Example I have placed the fame Quantities under each other, for the more commodious adding them, though this is not neceffary, and is a Knowledge the Learner will acquire from his own Obfervation. EVOLUTION. 83· TH 33.THIS is the Extraction of Roots, and therefore op- pofte to Involution, and as Equations in which the unknown Quantity rifes above the Square are generally adfected, and refolved by the Method of Converging Series, we fhall con- fider the Square Root only; and give fuch Directions that the Learner may generally know, whether the Square Root of fuch Quantities as commonly occur in the Solution of Queſtions can be extracted or not. Now to many Times as any Letter is repeated, fo high is the Power of that Letter faid to be. Thus, a is a to the first Power: a a is a to the fecond Power or Square: and a a a a is a to the fourth Power, &c. as in Involution. 2 And 48 ALGEBRA. : And to extract the Root of any fimple Quantity, confider how many Times the Letter is repeated, or how high the Power of it is, and if it appears to be the fecond, third, fourth, or any other Power, divide that Figure which expreffes the Heighth of the Power by 2, and if it does not divide it exactly, it is a Surd Quantity, and has no Square Root; but if it divides it exactly, fet down the Quantity whofe Root you are extracting as many Times as the Quotient of the above Divifion directs, and that will be the Square Root required. Exam. 1. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. To extract the Square Root of a a The Square Root is b b b b b b b b b b b b bb b a Exam 1. Here a is repeated twice, or to the fecond Power; now dividing 2 by 2 the Quotient is 1, therefore fetting down a once, or a, it is the Square Root required. Exam. 2. Here b is repeated four times, or to the fourth Power; now dividing 4 by 2 the Quotient is 2, therefore ſetting down b twice, or b b, it is the Square Root required. Exam. 3. Here b is repeated fix times, or to the fixth Power; now dividing 6 by 2 the Quotient is 3, therefore ſetting down b three times, or bbb, it is the Square Root required. The Truth of thefe Operations are proved by Multipli- cation, for if the Work is right, the Square Root being multi- plied by itſelf will produce the Quantity from which the Root was extracted. Thus in Example 2, The Square Root is Which being multiplied by itſelf The Product is the given Square And fo of any other Example. b b b b b b b b Exam. 4. Exam. 5. d d d d d d d d d To extract the Square Root of a aa a The Square Root is a a Exam. 4. Here a is repeated four times, or to the fourth Power; now dividing 4 by 2 the Quotient is 2, which ſhows that a muſt be repeated twice, that is, aa is the Square Root required. Exam. EVOLUTION. 49 Exam. 5. Here d is repeated fix times, or to the fixth Power; now dividing 6 by 2 the Quotient is 3, which fhows that d muſt be repeated three times, and confequently ddd is the Square Root required. And if the Quantity, whofe Root is to be extracted, has dif- ferent Letters, then confider if the Number of Times each Letter is repeated can be divided by 2 without any Remainder, and if they can, fet down each Letter fo many Times as the Quotient of the reſpective Divifion directs, and joining them, this will be the Square Root required; but if the Number of Times any one Letter is repeated cannot be divided by 2, then the whole Quantity has no Square Root. Exam. I. To extract the Square Root of a abb bb The Square Root is a. ! abb Exam. 2. Exam. 3. aaaadddd mmpp aadd mp Exam. 1. Here a is repeated twice, and 2 being divided by 2 the Quotient is 1, which fhows a muſt be taken only once, or Now b is repeated four Times, or to the fourth Power, and 4 being divided by 2 the Quotient is 2, which ſhows b muſt be repeated twice, or bb, now joining a to bb, and a bb is the Square Root required. Exam. 2. Here a is repeated to the fourth Power, and dividing 4 by 2 the Quotient is 2, which ſhows that a muſt be repeated twice, that is, it must be a a: Again, dis repeated to the fourth Power, and dividing 4 by 2, the Quotient is 2, which fhows d muſt be repeated to the fecond Power, or dd. Now joining a a to dd, we have a add for the Square Root required. By the fame Method of reaſoning we fhall find in Example 3, that the Square Root of mmpp is mp. But when it is found that the given Quantity has not fuch a Root as is required, then the Square Root of it is expreffed by prefixing this Sign before it. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Required the Square Root of a The Square Root is ✓ a bb b Vbbb ddddd ✓ddddd Exam. 1. Becauſe a is only repeated once, and as we cannot divide by 2, and have the Quotient a whole Number, therefore I conclude a is a Surd Quantity, and accordingly, to express the Square H 50 ALGEBRA. ! Square Root of a, prefix the Sign to it, ſo is a the Square Root required. Exam. 2. Here b is repeated three times, and becauſe 3 cannot be divided by 2, and have no Remainder, therefore I conclude bbb is a Surd Quantity, and to exprefs the Square Root of it, prefix the Sign to it, fo is bbb the Square Root required. Exam. 3. Here d being repeated five times, and as we cannot divide 5 by 2, and have no Remainder, therefore I conclude that ddddd is a Surd Quantity, and to express the Square Root of it, prefix the Sign✔✅to it, ſo is✔ ddddd the Square Root required. 34. But to extract the Square Root of compound Quantities, or thoſe connected by the Signs + or, obferve, First, There must be three Quantities to make it a Square, for ab multiplied by itfelf, or fquared, the Product is a a + 2 a b + bb, by Art. 32. whence if there are only two Quantities it is a Surd. I take no Notice of any greater Number of Quantities than three, which may compofe a Square, as they ſeldom occur in any Operation. Secondly, Whether theſe three Quantities have two dif- ferent Letters only; there may be Cafes in which there are more than two different Letters in theſe three Quantities, but as they feldom happen, I chooſe not to perplex the Learner with them. Thirdly, If two of theſe three Quantities are pure Powers of thoſe two Letters; that is, in the Square of a + b there is a a and b b, pure Powers of the Quantities a and b. Fourthly, Whether both thefe pure Powers of the two dif ferent Letters have the Sign + before them. Fifthly, If the third of the above three Quantities is twice the Product of the Square Root of the two pure Powers of the two different Letters, that is, the Square of a + b being aa+2ab+b b, the Quantity 2 a b is twice the Product of the Square Root of a a and b b; and this Quantity may have either the Sign + or -. Now if the given Quantity, whofe Root is to be extracted, anſwers theſe Particulars, its Square Root may be extracted thus. Sixthly, Extract the Square Root of the two pure Powers of the two different Letters, according to the Directions at Art. 33. Seventhly, If the Quantity mentioned at the fifth Particular has the negative Sign, connect the two Roots mentioned in the laft Particular with the Sign, and it will be the Square Root required. Eighthly a EVOLUTION. 51 Eighthly, But if the Quantity mentioned at the fifth Particu- lar has the Sign+, then connect thoſe two Roots with the Sign, and this will be the Square Root required. Now let it be required to extract the Square Root of a a +2ab+bb. Here are three Quantities by the first Particular. They have likewife two different Letters, viz. a and b, by the fecond Particular. Two of theſe Quantities, viz. aa and bb, are pure Powers of the two Letters a and b, by the third Particular. And both theſe pure Powers, viz. aa and bb, have the Sign +, by the fourth Particular. Now ſuppoſe we neglect the Conſideration of the fifth Parti- cular, and attempt the Extraction of the Root by the fixth Particular. Then the Square Root of a a, is by Art. 33. And the Square Root of bb, is by the fame a b And now the third Quantity 2 a b being twice the Product of the Roots a and b, and having the Sign, Therefore by the eighth Particular, I connect a and b with the Sign+, then it is a+b Hence I fuppofe ab to be the Square Root of aa+2ab+bb. But to prove the Truth of the Operation, multiply the Root by itſelf, and if the Product agrees with the given Quantity, in its Quantities, Signs, and Co-efficients, the Work is right; if not the Work is either erroneous, or has no Square Root, and is a Surd Quantity. The Root of the laft Example} was fuppofed to be } a+b Which multiplied by itſelf a + b aa+ab ab+bb aa+2ab+b b The Product is the given Quantity, which proves that a+b is the Square Root of a a +2ab+bb. Required the Square Root of a a + 2 za+zz. Here are three Quantities by the first Particular. They have likewife two different Letters, a and z, by the Second Particular. Two of thefe Quantities, viz. aa and zz, are pure Powers. of a and, by the third Particular, whofe Square Roots are a and z. And both thefe Powers have the Sign+by the fourth Particular. H 2 Now 52 ALGEBRA. 1 Now the third Quantity 22 a is twice the Product of a and 2, the Square Roots of the two pure Powers a a and z z. Then to extract the Square Root of a a +2za+zz by the fixth Particular. The Square Root of a a by Art. 33. is The Square Root of zz by the fame is Z Becauſe the third Quantity 2 a z has the Sign+, therefore by the eighth Particular, connect a and z with the Sign +, and az is the Square Root required. * To try if the Square Root is a+z Multiply it by itſelf a+z a a + a z az+zz + aa+2ax+2% The Product a a +2az+zz, agreeing with the given Quan- tity, in the Quantities, Signs, and Co-efficients, it appears that az is the Square Root required. To extract the Square root of mm 2mp + pp. Here are three Quantities by the first Particular. They have likewife two different Letters m and p, by the fecond Particular. Two of theſe three Quantities, viz. mm and pp are pure Powers of m and p, by the third Particular. And both thefe Powers have the Sign, by the fourth Particular. Likewife the third Quantity — 2 mp is twice the Product of m and p, the Square Roots of the two pure Powers m m and p p. Then according to the fixth Particular, the Square Root of mm is By the fame, the Square Root of pp is m p But as the third Quantity 2 mp has the Sign, therefore by the Seventh Particular connect m and p with the Sign—, and mp is the Square Root required. To try if the Square Root is Multiply it by itself m m-p P mp ገዜ ጎ mp + pp m m 2mp +pp The Product mm - 2 mp+pp, agreeing in every thing with the given Quantity, it proves mp is the Square Root required. By EVOLUTION. 53 By the fame Method of reafoning it will be found that the Square Root of zz + 2xx + xx, is z +x. And that the Square Root of aa-2 addd, is a-d. And that the Square Root of xx 2xmmm, isx —m. And if it was required to extract the Square Root of a a+ba b b + in extracting the Root of the Fractional Quantity 4 extract the Root of the Numerator for a new Numerator, and the Root of the Denominator for a new Denominator. Here the two pure Powers are a a and But the Square Root of a a is And the Square Root of bb is 4 And connecting theſe we have The Square Root required. b b 4 Q b 2 a + 2 h To prove the Truth of this Operation, multiply a + by itſelf, at a + aa+ b 2 2 ab 2 a b b b IN 2 + 2 4 bb 4 aa+ab+ a multiplied by a the Product is a a, and multiplied by a b 2 a I is ab, (for making a an improper Fraction as in common 2 > Arithmetic, and multiplying the two Numerators a and b for a new Numerator, and the new Denominator, we have b b duces 4 ab 2 ab two Denominators 1 and 2 for a a b b b 4) and multiplied by pro- 2 2 by the fame Rule; and in the Products the F..ions and having the fame Denominator, adding them accord- 2 ing 54 ALGEBRA. ing to the Rule for Addition of Vulgar Fractions in Arith metic, the Sum is 296 "" 2 but rejecting the 2 by the Rule for Divifion of Algebra the Sum is a b. Therefore when any one of the Quantities appears in a Frac- tional Manner, we must extract the Square Root of both the Numerator and Denominator, placing the Square Root of the Numerator for a new Numerator, and the Square Root of the Denominator for a new Denominator, and try the Work as before. But if we cannot extract the Square Root of both the Nume- rator and Denominator, then we conclude the given Quantity to be a Surd. Now by this Reaſoning we ſhall find the Square Root of *x + xa + 22, to be x + 21. a a 4 a 2 And that the Square Root of mm - my+2, is m y 4 2 Suppoſe it was required to extract the Square Root of xx+2x n − n n. Here are three Quantities by the first Particular. They have likewiſe two different Letters, x and n, by the fecond Particular. Two of theſe three Quantities, viz. xx and nn, are pure Powers of x and n. But both theſe Powers have not the Sign +, for it isn 11, therefore by the fourth Particular, I conclude that the given Quantity xx+2xnnn is a Surd Quantity, and its Square Root cannot be extracted any otherwife than by prefixing the Signto it, as in Art. 33. Thus, √xx + 2 x n — n n`is, or expreffes the Square Root of xx + 2 x n − n n. Let it be required to extract the Square Root of a a +5ab+bb. Here are three given Quantities by the firſt Particular. They have likewife two different Letters, a and b, by the Second Particular. Two of theſe Quantities, viz. aa and bb, are pure Powers of a and b. And both thefe Powers have, the Sign - by the fourth Par- ticular. But then the third Quantity 5 ab is not twice the Product of the Square Roots of a a and bb; for their Roots being a and b, if they are multiplied the Product is a b, and that being multi- plied by 2 it is 2 ab: Whereas the third Quantity in the given Example EVOLUTION. 55 Example is 5 ab. Hence, I conclude that a a +5 ab + b b is a Surd Quantity, and to exprefs its Square Root I prefix to it the Sign, fo will ✓aa + 5 ab + b b be the Square Root of aa+5ab+bb. And if it was required to extract the Square Root of b b aa+2ab+ it will be found a Surd Quantity, it being 5 impoffible to extract the Square Root of 5, therefore prefix the Sign to aa+2ab+ Square Root required. bb b b > and thena a+2ab+ is the 5 5 For the fame Reaſon the Square Root of xx+2xa+ is xx+2xa+ Square Root of 3. a a 3 o a 3 it being impoffible to extract the When the Radical Sign or is to be prefixt to the Whole of any compound Quantity, draw the Top of the Sign over all thoſe Quantities, which fhews that they are all included under that Sign; for if the Sign was not to be drawn over all of them, it may be thought the Square Root of that Quantity was only to be extracted which ſtands next the Radical Sign. To extract the Square Root of aaaa+2aab + bb. Here are three given Quantities by the first Particular. They have likewiſe two different Letters, a and b, by the fecond Particular. Two of thefe Quantities, viz. aa aa and bb, are pure Powers of a and b, by the third Particular. And both thefe Powers have the Sign +, by the fourth Particular. And the third Quantity 2 a ab is twice the Product of the Square Roots of aa aa and b b. For by the fixth Particular, the Square Root of a aa a is a a And by the fame, the Square Root of bb is b And as the third Term 2 a ab in the given Quantity has the Sign, by the eighth Particular connect a a and b, the two Roots of aa aa and bb, with the Sign+, fo is a ab the Square Root of a aaa+za ab + b ba 2 ! } To 56 ALGEBRA. To prove which put down the fuppofed Square Root Which multiplied by itfelf } aa + b aa + b a a a a + a a b a ab - bb a a a a + 2 a a b + b b The Product aa aa +2 a ab+bb, agreeing with the given Quantity in every Particular, proves the Square Root to be as above. To extract the Square Root of yyyy-2yyxxx. Here the given Quantities agree with the first five Parti- culars as before. X By the fixth Particular I find the Square Root of yyyy is yy By the fame, that the Square Root of x x is But as the third Term 2yyx in the given Quantity has the Sign, therefore by the feventh Particular I connect yy and the two Roots with the Sign-, and fay, or fuppofe y y to be the Square Root required. To prove which put down? the fuppofed Root Which multiply by itſelf The Product, agreeing with} the given Quantity yyx yy-x уух y y y y •yyx + xx —— x yyyy — zyy x + xx By the fame Method we fhall find the Square Root of n n n n + 2 n nd+dd to be nn+d. And that the Square Root of xxxx + 2 xxyy +yyyy is xx + yy. And we fhall find that dddd+ 3 ddy+yy is a Surd Quantity, and its Square Root must be expreffed by prefixing the Radical Sign to it, thus dddd+3d dy yÿ. We fhall likewife find that p p p p + 2 p pytyy is a Surd Quantity, and to extract its Square Root, is only to prefix to it the Radical Sign, thus ✔PPP p + 2 p p y + xy. x Of [57] OF SURD QUANTITIES. TH HESE are fuch Quantities whofe Roots cannot be exactly extracted, and as they arife in the Reſolution of Algebraic Queſtions, we fhall explain fo much of them only, as is neceffary to the prefent Defign. Addition of Surd Quantities, in which there are two Cafes. 35. Cafe 1. When the Quantities under the Radical Signs are alike, add the rational Quantities, or thoſe which are without the Radical Sign together, by the Rules of Addition at Art. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and to this join the Surd Quantities, and this will be the Sum required. And if there appears to be no rational Quantities without the Radical Sign, then Unity, or 1, is always fuppofed to be the rational Quantity. Exam. 4. Exam. I. Exam. 2. To vam 2 √ dy Exam. 3. 6 m√d + a 5 y ✓ dm + x Add Jam 4 m / d + a y / dm + z 10m√d + a Sum 2 am ✔dy 3√ dy 6 y ✓ dm + z Exam. 1. There being no rational Quantities, therefore Unity, or 1, is the rational Quantity to each. Now I added to i makes 2, to which joining the Surd✔✔am, we have 2 am, the Sum required. Exam. 2. The rational Quantities being 2 and 1, their Sum is 3, to which joining✓dy we have 3 √ dy, the Sum required. Exam. 3. The rational Quantities are 6 m and 4 m, which being added make 10 m, to which joining the Sud ✓d + a we have 10 mdm + a, the Sum required. The +a, Exam. 4. The rational Quantities are 5 y and J, which being added make 6 y, to which joining the Surd ✔d m + z we have 6 y✔✅dm+z, the Sum required. Exam. 5. To 13yd ✓2 - x Exam. 6. 15% √ da + p Exam. 7. -7m√ da Add 5yd/z-x - 3 z₁/da+p 2 m/ da 12 z √ da + p Sum 18 ydzo mi to -y 9m/da-y Exam. 5. The rational Quantities 13yd and 5 yd being added make 18 y d, to which joining the Surd Quantity √ z — x we have 18 y dx, the Sum required. I Exam, 58 ALGEBRA. Exam. 6. The rational Quantities 15 % and 3% being added, their Sum by Art. 3. is 12z, to which joining the Surd ✔da+p we have 12 z✓da+p, the Sum required. Exam. 7. The rational Quantities - 7 m and — 2 m being added make—9 m, to which joining day, we have To -9 m✓ da—y, the Sum required. 23√ma+m Add —31 √/ma+m 15m√ da—z. p 7 m√ da—zp zp 16 dp√ 14+ p -12dp√ 14+P Sum 5% √ma+m To 49√zd — za Add 3y v zd— za Sum jy √ zd Za 8m√ da-zp 51 √mp + x 4y ✓ mp + x y ✓ mp + x 4 dp✓ 14+e 7 Z z✓ma- 8zma- Z ✓ ma 36. Cafe 2. When the Letters under the Radical Sign are different, then place them down one after the other with the fame Signs they have in the Queftion, in the Manner as at Art. 6. and this will be the Sum required. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. To √ a ν √b+m mda+y Add / b Suma+√ √d+y m/z √ b+m: + √d ty √d+y m√da+y: +m✓✓ Z vz Exam. 1. The Letters under the radical Signs being different put downa, then becaufeb has the Sign+, therefore after a put, after which put b, and a+b, is the Sum required. · Exam. 2. The Letters under the radical Signs being different put down/b+m: after which place two Dots to fhow that Surd goes no farther, then becauſe dy has the Sign +, therefore after the Quantity b+m: put +, and after that the Surd/d+y, and we have √b+m: + √d+y, the Sum required. Exam. 3. The Letters under the radical Signs being different put down mda+y: and becauſe the Quantity m✅✔✅z has the Sign+, therefore after m↓ da+y: put the Sign+, after which put the Quantity mz, and we have mda+y: +m√, the Sum required. Exam. Of S U R D QUANTITIE S. 59 To Exam. 4. ✔da Add -zm Sum yda- z ✓ m Exam. 6. Exam. 5. 5 √ damy 2m ✓ zm — 5 √ da—y: — 2 m - 2 m ✓ z m 2 m √ bz + n 39 √ dz. b 2m ✓ bx+n: +39 ✓ dz b Exam. 4. The Letters under the radical Signs being different da, and becauſe zm has the Sign put down y there- fore after y✔da put the Sign, and after that the Quantity Z m, and y✔ da z✔m is the Sum required. Exam. 5. The Letters under the radical Signs being different put down Sign, therefore after-5da-y: put the Sign—, and after that the Quantity 2 m ↓ xm, and and — 5 √ da 5√day: 5 √ da y and becauſe 2 m√√ zm has the 2 m√ zm is the Sum required. ✓ Exam. 6. Becauſe the Letters under the radical Signs are different I put down - 2 m bz+n, but 3 y√dz — b having the Sign+, therefore after 2 mbz+n: put the Sign, and after that the Quantity 3y dz-b: and 2 m √ bz+n: + 3y √ d z − b is the Sum required. ✔ To -5 Add 7 ✓ m √ da Sum-5✓da +1 √m To −33√p+r Add m/d m✓ b ma 3√3p+9 m✓ bma + 3 √ y p + q 14 m✓ da +p% 7 √x+p Sum-3p+r:+m√d 14m √da+pz: +7√x+p To -51✓dp-7 Add 79 √zm+a Sum-5✓ dp-x: +7x x: +71 / 2 m + a I 2 Subftraction 7 60 ALGEBRA. : Subftraction of Surd Quantities, in which there are two Cafes. 37. Cafe 1. When the Letters under the Radical Signs are alike, fubftract the rational Quantities from the rational Quan- tities by Art. 7. and to the Difference join the Surd Quantities, which will be the Remainder required. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 7. Exam. 4. From 5√da 5m/mz 14y/d+z 21pm/db-r Subſtract 3 da 2m/mz_31√d+z 19pm、/db-r Remains 2da 3m/mz 11√d+z 2pm ✓ db r Exam. 1. The rational Quantities are 5 and 3, fubftracting 3 from 5 there remains 2, to which joining the Surdd a we have 2 da, the Remainder required. Exam. 2. The rational Quantities are 5 m and 2 m, fubftract- ing 2 m from 5 m there remains 3 m, to which joining the Surd m z we have 3 mm z, the Remainder required. Exam. 3. The rational Quantities are 14 y and 3y, ſubſtract- ing 3y from 14y there remains 11y, to which joining the Surd ✔d+z we have 11yd+z, the Remainder required. Exam. 4. The rational Quantities are 21 pm, and 19 pm, ſubſtracting 19 pm from 21 pm, there remains 2 pm, to which joining the Surddbr we have 2 pm db-r, the Remainder required. ✓ Exam. 7. From Exam. 5. 17 db a Exam. 6. ~51 √d + a Subftract-4 dba 3y / d + a 5 m√d + ab 6m/d+ab Remains 21 d✓ ba — 8 y√d + a m ✓ d + a b 4 d: Exam. 5. The rational Quantities are 17 d and Now to fubftract-4 d from 17 d, by the Rule for Subftraction at Art. 7. change the Sign of -4 d, or fuppofe it to be changed, then-4 d becomes + 4 d or 4 d; then by Art. 7. if we add 17 d to 4 d it is 21 d, which is the Remainder that arifes by fubftracting 4d from 17d; now to this 21d join the Surd ba, and 21dba is the Remainder required. Exam. 6. To fubftract the rational Quantity 3y from 5y, we muſt by Art. 7. change or fuppole the Sign of 3y ta Of SURD QUANTITIES. 61 to be changed, which will make it 3y: then by the fame Art. 3y added to 5y, it is 8y, which is the Remainder that arifes from fubftracting the rational Quantities, therefore to this 8 y join the Surd Quantity/d+a, and-8yd + a is the Remainder required. Exam. 7. Here the rational Quantities are · 5 m and — 6 m, and by the Rule for Subftraction Art. 7. if we fuppofe the Sign of 6 m to be changed, it becomes + 6 m or 6 m, and then adding 5 m to 6 m it is m, the Remainder arifing from fub- ftracting the rational Quantities; and if to this m we join the Surd d+ab we have m✓d+ab, the Remainder required. Exam. 8. 21m √d + a Exam. 9. − 9 d√ m n + p. Exam. 10. 12yd-an 31₁/d-an From Subſtract 9m / d + a Remains 12 m✓d + a -2 d₁/mn + p — 7 d√ m n +P 151✓d—an Exam. 11. Exam. 12. From 4 a √ m 14p √ dy Subſtract 2 am — p -3px/d — v Remains 6 a√m -P 17 p✓d-y Exam. 14. From Ja vap Subſtract 2 a/ap 21 √ ap a x 9/ap ap — ax Remains 5 a✓ ap 12 √ ap a x 21 √ da- Exam. 15. Exam. II. -5a√x+y зал 3a./x+7 8a / x + 3 Exam. 16. 14 √ da Z W/da- Z Z The Truth of thefe Operations are proved as in Subtraction of common Numbers. Thus at Example 1. the Remainder is 2da, and the Quantity fubftracted was 3 da, now if we add thefe together by Art. 35. the Sum is 5 da, which being the fame Quantity from which 3d a was ſubſtracted, it proves the Work to be true. Again, at Example 6. the Remainder is 83d+a: the Quantity ſubſtracted was 3ydu: Now by Art. 35. if to-8yd+awe add 3d+a, the Sum is-5ya+a, which being the Quantity from which 31 √ +† a was ſub- stracted, it proves the Work to be true. 3 38. Cafe 02 ALGEBRA. ! 38. Cafe 3. When the Letters under the radical Signs are different, fet them down one after the other, as at Art. 36. but in fetting them down take Care to change the Signs of thofe Quantities that are to be ſubſtracted, by Art. 7. and this will be the Remainder required. Exam. 1. From 2 da Subſtract 3✓m Exam. 2. Exam. 3. 2m✓ dp 51 √ a 3 ✓ z - 3 √b Remains 2da 3 √m 2m ✓ dp y√ z — 51√a+3√b Exam. 1. The Letters under the radical Signs being different place down 2✓da, and becauſe 3m the Quantity to be fubftracted has the Sign+, therefore after 2 da place the Sign and after that the Quantity 3 m, and 2✓ da―3√m is the Remainder required. Exam. 2. Becauſe the Letters under the radical Signs are different put down 2 m dp, and becauſe y✓✓z the Quantity to be fubftracted has the Sign +, therefore after 2 m dp put the Sign, and after that yz, and 2 mdp — y √ z is the Remainder required. Exam. 3. Becauſe the Letters under the radical Signs are different put down 5 ya, but as 3b the Quantity to be fubftracted has the Sign-, therefore after 5ya put the Sign+, and after that 3b, and 59 √ a + 3b is the Remainder required. Exam. 5. Exam. 4. From mda+p Subſtract 2 a -53√a d√ b Remains mda +p: -2 √ a − 5 y√a + d v b Exam. 6. From 5m √ a Subftract Remains 5 ma + z √ p + q Exam. 4. Becauſe the Letters under the radical Signs are different put down mda+p, but as 2✓✓a the Quantity to be fubftracted has the Sign +, therefore after m/ da +p put the Sign, and after that 2a, and m✓da+p: −2 √ a is the Remainder required. Exam. Of SURD QUANTITIES. 63 Exam. 5. Becaufe the Letters under the radical Signs are different put down-5ya, but as-db the Quantity to be ſubſtracted has the Sign therefore after 5 y√ a put the Sign, and after that db, and 5ya+db is the Remainder required. Exam. 6. Becauſe the Letters under the radical Signs are different put down 5 ma, but asxp+q has the Sign before it, therefore after 5 ma put the Sign, and after that ✔✅p+9, and 5 m✓a+z✔p + q is the Remainder required. From 5 √ atp Subſtract my Remains 5 ✔a+p: - m√y From 3 u√d + p Subftract 2 n % -y Remains 3u✓d+p: -2n√√x-y From -5√P+% Subſtract 3n √ m Remains ท m√ p yda-p m√p+ y√da-p -5n√da 3√m -5n√da+3√m 14 da 5+z: -3n√/m 14√da: -7 P+? The Truth of thefe Operations are proved in the fame Man- ner as in the laft Article, by adding the Remainder to the Quantity that was fubftracted; and if their Sum makes the Quantity from which the other was taken, the Work is true, if not, there is a Miſtake. Thus at Example 1. the Remainder is To which if we add the Quantity } The Sum is 2da, the fame in the given Example. For in this 2✓ dan 3 √ 12 3√m 2 da Addition, adding + 3m to -3m, the Co-efficients and Quantities being the fame and the Signs contrary, they deſtroy one another, or the Sum is nothing, by Art. 5. Again at Example 5. the Remainder is To which if we add the Quantity } fubftracted The Sum is 57a, the fame as in the given Example. For here 53 √ a + d√b d ✓ b -5√a db being added to d ✅✔✅ b or + d ✓b, they deſtroy one another 64 ALGEBRA. another as in the laſt Inſtance. In like Manner the Reader may prove any of the other Examples. Multiplication of Surd Quantities, in which there are two Cafes. 39. Cafe 1. When there are no rational Quantities but Unity joined to the Surd Quantities, then multiply the Surd Quantities, as in Multiplication of rational Quantities, but to their Product prefix the radical Sign. Exam.4. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Multiply a By ✓ m ✓ m n ✓ d Lo √py ✓ xx Va Product am ✓ m n d √py z Exam. 1. Multiplying a by m, the Product is a m, to which prefixing the Sign, we have✅✔✅ am the Product required. Exam. 2. Multiplying m n by d, the Product is mnd, to which prefixing the Sign, we have mn d, the Product required. Exam. 3. Multiplying py by z, the Product is pyz, to which prefixing the Sign, we have ✔py z, the Product required. Exam. 4. Multiplying zx by a, the Product is zx a, to which prefixing the Sign, we havez xa, the Product required. Exam. 5. Multiply pa By Z Product ✓paz Exam. 7. Multiply a + b By } Exam. 6. /x Vay x Exam. 8. M N - Z ✓ m n Va Product ✓ay + y b ✓ mna A Z Exam. 7. Multiplying a + b by y, the Product is a y+yb, by Art. 10. to which prefixing the Sign, and drawing it over all the Quantities, we haveay+yb, the Product Jequired. Exam. Of SURD QUANTITIES. 65 Exam. 8. Multiplying_m n z by a the Product is mna az, by Art. 10 and 16. to which prefixing the radical Sign as in the laſt Example, we have✔mna➡az the Product required. Exam. 9. Èxam. 10. Exam. II. Multiply ✔ap + z Vax- ap √d-y By ✔m Product ✓ap y + y z Vazm ap m ✓ dp - py Exam. 9. Multiplying ap +z by y, the Product is a py+yz, to which prefixing the radical Sign, we have yapy + y z the Product required. Exam. 10. Multiplying azap by m, the Produ&t is a z m a pm, to which prefixing the radical Sign, we have azm-apm the Product required. Exam. 11. Multiplying d-y by p, the Product is dp-py, to which prefixing the radical Sign, we have Product required. dp-py the √ap-z ✓ d Multiply ab By Va -P ✓zy i/d+ y Product ✔a ab — a b p ✓ zy d + zyy ✓ apd — dz Multiply By ap + z ↓ m day Nd-z √ m Ja-py apm + zm √ ayd—ayz V ma mpy Product 40. Cafe 2. When there are rational Quantities joined to the Surds, then multiply the rational Quantities together as in Mul- tiplication of rational Quantities, after which multiply the Surd Quantities together by the laft Article, and joining thefe two Products, this will be the Product required. If there are no rational Quantities prefixt, then Unity, or 1, is always fuppofed to be the rational Quantity. Multiply am Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. By dy ap✓ %0 2 √ a ap 3 √ m n р ✓ mp 3 m / d * Product admy Zap ✓ za a 33 m np ✓ mp d K Exam. 66 ALGEBRA. Exam. 1. Multiplying the rational Quantities a and d, the Product is ad, and multiplying the Surds ✔✅m by✔y, the Product is my by Art. 39. joining this to the rational Quantity a d, we have admy, the Product required. Exam. 2. Multiplying the rational Quantities a p by 2, the Product is 2 ap, and multiplying the Surds z by a, the Product is za by Art. 39. joining theſe, and 2 ap √ za is the Product required. • Exam. 3. Multiplying the rational Quantities 3 and a, the Product is 3 a, and multiplying the Surds mn by p, the Product is mn p, by Art. 39. joining theſe we have 3amnp, the Product required. Exam. 4. Multiplying the rational Quantities y and I, (for I is the rational Quantity of mp, there being no rational Quan- tity prefixt) the Product is y, and multiplying the Surds ✓mp byd, the Product is mp d by Art. 39. and joining theſe we have y✔mpd, the Product required. Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. Multiply am✓ P I √ p q m√2p 2a√3% By z ✓ d d ✓ z 43√y 3d√48 bad ✓ 12 zy Product amz✓pd y d ✓ pqz 4 my 2py Exam. 5. The Product of the rational Quantities is a mz, and the Product of the Surds is pd, theſe being joined we have amz√ pd, the Product required. Exam. 6. The Product of the rational Quantities is y d, and the Product of the Surds is pqz, thefe being joined we have y d√p qz, the Product required. Exam. 7. The Product of the rational Quantities is 4 m y, and the Product of the Surds is 2 py, theſe being joined we have 4 my 2py, the Product required. Exam. 8. The Product of the rational Quantities is 6 a d, and the Product of the Surds is 12 zy, thefe being joined we have 6 ad 12 zy, the Product required. ✓ Exam. 9. Exam. 10. By Multiply y✔p av Product ya✓ PL Exam. II. Exam. 12. ✓ m n a√y 2√dx 3√2% 5 √73 a mny ✓ 2√ dxz 2√d. 15 √ 1432 Exam. Of SURD QUANTITIES. 67 1 Multiply maty By Exam. 13. Exam. 14. Exam. 15. d✓ m p Z ap y √ d a√ ap + z x/y ax√apy +yz Product maap +py dy✓md—pzd Exam. 13. Multiplying the rational Quantities m and a, the Product is ma, and multiplying a +y by p, the Product is a p +py, but prefixing to this the Sign, becauſe they are Surds, we have ap+py for the Product of the Surds, which joining to ma the Product of the rational Quantities, we have ma√ ap +py, the Product required. Exam. 14. Multiplying the rational Quantities d and y, the Product is dy, and multiplying the Surdsm-p z by ✓ d, the Product is/md-pzd, which being joined to dy, the Product of the rational Quantities, we have dy ymd-pzd, the Product required. Exam. 15. The Product of the rational Quantities is a x, and the Product of the Surds is ✓apy+yz, thefe being joined we have a xapy+yz, the Product required. Exam. 16. Multiply ampy + d By y/2 Product a my p y z + z d Multiply m✔p d By Exam. 18. ad-a Product ma✓ p d d - pd a į Exam. 17. 2✓ am avp y 2a√amp-py Exam. 16. The rational Quantities am and y being multi- plied, the Product is a my, and py+d being multiplied by z, the Product is pyz+zd; but before it prefix the radical Sign, becauſe theſe Quantities are Surds, then it is p y z + zd, joining this to the Product a my, we have a my ✅py z + zd, the Product required. K 2 Exam. 68 ALGE BRA. Exam. 17. The Product of the rational Quantities 2 and a, is 2 a, and the Product of the Surds is amp-py: joining theſe we have 2 a √ amp-py, the Product required. Exam. 18. The Product of the rational Quantities m and a, is ma, and pd multiplied into da, is pdd-pda, to which prefix the radical Sign, becauſe theſe are Surds, and this becomes √pdd-pda, now joining it to ma, we have ma√ pdḍ—pda, the Product required. Multiply a✔p—y By 2 b✓ m Product 2 ay bpm-my Multiply 2a√ 33 +2 By b d Product 2 ab 3 y d + d z 3√m n 25a √n + b a√2 6√5ma-5na a √ zn+zb 3ma зум Vpa A -- A Z Multiply 5✔y X By 39√26 a Product 15a2by2bx Divifion of Surd Quantities, in which there are two Cafes. 41. Cafe 1. When there are no rational Quantities joined with the Surd Quantities, reject all thofe Quantities in the Dividend and Divifor that are alike, as at Art. 20. and ſet down the Remainder, to which prefix the radical Sign, and this will be the Quotient fought. Exam. I. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. By Divide ✓ m n Im ✓ ma abd abd Ja ab Va Quotient n V m V d ✓bd Exam. 1. Becauſe m is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down n the remaining Part of the Dividend, to which prefixing the radical Sign, and required. n is the Quotient Exam. Of SURD QUANTITIES. 69 Exam. 2. Becauſe a is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down m the remaining Part of the Dividend, to which prefixing the radical Sign, we have ✅m, the Quotient required. Exam. 3. Becauſe a b is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down d the remaining Part of the Dividend, to which prefixing the radical Sign, we have √d, the Quotient required. Exam. 4. Becauſe a is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down b d the remaining Part of the Dividend, to which prefixing the radical Sign, we have ✔ bd, the Quotient required. Exam. 5. Exam, 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. Divide may √ b z d √ bzd Vypa By لو که V b d √ zd √yp md √2 No Na Quotient Exam. 5. Becauſe y is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down md with the Sign✔ before it, and md is the Quotient required, Exam. 6. Becauſe b d is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down z with the Sign✔ before it, and is the Quotient required. Exam. 7. Becaufe zd is in both Dividend and Divifor, reject it, and place down b with the Sign ✓ before it, and we have b, the Quotient required. Exam. 8. Becauſe yp is in both Dividend and Diviſor, rejec it, and place down a with the Sign before it, and a is the Quotient required. Exam. 9. Exam. 10. Exam. II. Exam. 12. Divide max By ✓ x √ndy √ny Jayz abd Va Quotient ma ✓ y z Vad V b Exam. 13. Exam. 14. Divide am+a p By a ✓ p y − p n P Quotient m + p M Exam. 15. b d — b 112 √bd ✓ b d 712 Exam. 70 ALGEBRA. Exam. 13. If we divide am+ap by a, the Quotient is m+p by Art. 22. but becauſe they are Surds, prefix the Sign √ to m+p, and m+p is the Quotient required. Exam. 14. Dividing pypn by p, the Quotient is yx, by Art. 22 and 24. to which prefixing the Sign, we have √yn, the Quotient required. Exam. 15. Dividing b dbm by b, the Quotient is dm, by Art. 22 and 24. to which prefixing the Sign, we have d-m, the Quotient required. Divide ✓ bn + ba mx md nz np By Im √ n Quotient n + a ✓ x-d. Divide x — ལ ZY Vad tay ✓ b d — b m By Va Quotient ✓ y √d +x vd- m The Truth of thefe Operations are proved by multiplying the Quotient by the Divifor, for if that produces the Dividend, the Work is true, otherwiſe it is erroneous. Thus in Example 2, Page 68. the Divifor is a, and the Quotient ism, which being multiplied by Art. 39. the Product is ma, the given Dividend. And at Example 6, Page 69. the Divifor is bd, and the Quotient is, which being multiplied by Art. 39. the Product is bzd, the given Dividend. And at Example 13, the Divifor isa, and the Quotient is /mtp, which being multiplied by Art. 39. the Product is am+ap, the given Dividend; in the fame Manner may any of the other Examples be proved. 42. Cafe 2. When there are rational Quantities joined with the Surds, divide the rational Quantities by the rational Quan- tities, by the Rules in Divifion of rational Quantities; and to their Quotient, join the Quotient of the Surds found by the laſt Article, which will be the Quotient required. Divide ay mn Exam. I. ✓ By /m Quotient yn I Exam. 2. Exam. 3. y d Vaz “ Z ¿ m + y z +yz mz Exam. 4. ma ayn avay m ✓ n Exam, Of SURD QUANTITIES. 71 Exam. 1. Dividing the rational Quantities ay by a, the Quotient is y by Art. 20. and dividing mn bym, the ✔mn Quotient is n by Art. 41. now joining y to√n, we have ✔n, the Quotient required. Exam. 2. Dividing the rational Quantities, bm by m, the Quotient is b by Art. 20. and dividing y z by ✓z, the Quotient is by Art 41. now joining bandy, we have by, the Quotient required. Exam. 3. Dividing the rational Quantities yd by 7, the Quotient is d by Art. 20. and dividing a z by ✔a, the Quotient is ✔z by Art. 41. now joining d and ✔✅z, we have dz, the Quotient required. Exam. 4. Dividing the rational Quantities ma by a, the Quotient is m by Art. 20. and dividinga y n by Quotient is n by Art. 41. now joining m and have mn, the Quotient required. ay, the n, we Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Divide ayn By aym n√xy Quotient n√n m√ a Exam. 5. Dividing the Exam. 7. Exam. 8. mn xay xav ✓ m n nd dzan an z/an d √ p rational Quantities ay n by a y, the Quotient is n by Art. 20. and dividing ✔✅mn by ✓m, the Quotient is n by Art. 41. now joining n and, we have nn, the Quotient required. Exam. 6. Dividing the rational Quantities mn by n, the Quotient is m by Art. 20. and dividing We xay by ✔y, the Quotient is a by Art. 41. now joining m anda, have ma, the Quotient required. Exam. 7. Dividing the rational Quantities x a by a, the Quotient is, and dividing nd byn, the Quotient is ✔d by Art. 41. now joining and d, we have, the Quotient required. Exam. 8. Dividing the rational Quantities dz by z, the Quotient is d, and dividing ✓ anp by on, the Quotient is ✓ by Art. 41. now joining d´and p the Quotient required. Divide 4 m n ✓ ab my ✓ az p, we have d✔ po ✔p, p, Exam. 9. Exam. 10. Exam. II. Exam. 12. dnx y 8an ra 2 ma J Z 72 Quotient 2 no Q a 44√r 2 nd By Exam. 72 ALGEBRA. ! Exam. 13. Exam. 14. Divide mx √ p q 4an rd By x√ p a ✓ d Exam. 15. xz✓ my p z my Exam. 16. rm✓ dz r✓ d Quotient m✔✔q 4 n√ r X √ P m ✓ Z Exam. 17. Exam. 18. Exam. 19. Divide By m✓ a mn√ ap + ax y p√zd+zm day ✓ym + yr day Quotient n✔P + x y √ d + m y ✓ m + r Exam. 17. Dividing the rational Quantities mn by m, the Quotient is n by Art. 20. and dividing ✔ap + ax by ✅a, we have p+x by Art. 41. and joining ʼn and √p + x, we have np+x, the Quotient required. Exam. 18. Dividing the rational Quantities y p by p, the Quotient is y by Art. 20. and dividing ✓zd + z m by √ 2, the Quotient is d+m by Art. 41. joining y and ✔d+m, we have y✓d+m, the Quotient required. Exam. 19. Dividing the rational Quantities day by da, the Quotient is y by Art. 20. and dividing✔y m + y r by ✔y, the Quotient is mr by Art. 41. joining y and √m+r, we have y✓m+r, the Quotient required. The following Examples are done in the fame Manner. ་ Divide 4 an✓dy+dn an √ pz-pb 6bdy ✓pm + pd By 2a/d Quotient 2ny + n a 3bd ✓p Divide pn/dxdb Ey n d Quotient p√x 23m+d 12bapy—px 3a/p 4b√y-x anx ✓ pd - pm ax/p n ✓d — 1 The Truth of thefe Operations are proved likewife from multiplying the Quotient by the Divifor, and if that Product makes the Dividend, the Work is true, if not, there is a Miftake. Thus in Exam. 7 73 Of SURD QUANTITIE S. Exam. 1. The Quotient is yn, and the Divifor is a √ m; now multiplying y✔✔n by am, by Art. 40. first multiply the rational Quantities y and a, this Product is a y, and multi- plying ✔n by ✔m, this Product is √ mn, and joining this to ay we have ay✔mn the Product, which being the fame as the given Dividend, proves the Work to be true. And at Exam. 5. the Divifor is aym, the Quotient is n✔n, now multiplying a y✔✅m by nn, according to Art. 40. we firſt multiply the rational Quantities ay by n, and this Product is ayn; then multiplying ✔m byn, this Product is √mn, and joining this to a yn, the Product is ayn√↓ mn, which being the fame with the given Dividend, the Work is true. And at Exam. 17. the Divifor is ma, and the Quotient is n√p+x, and multiplying theſe by Art. 40. we firft multiply the rational Quantities m and n together, and this Product is m n, then multiplyinga by✓p+x, this Product is ap +ax, which being joined to m n, the Product is m n √ ap + ax, the fame as the given Dividend; and fo may any of the other Examples be proved. Involution of Surd Quantities. 43. Cafe 1. When there are no rational Quantities joined with the Surds, it is only fetting the Quantities down without their radical Sign, which raiſes the given Root as high as is the Index of the radical Sign. - Exam. 1. Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. Raife to the Square✓ a or fecond Power The Square √m n √na a m n na b This being no more, according to the Rule, but to ſet down the Quantities without their radical Sign, it is fo eaſy as not to want any farther Explanation. The Reaſon on which the Operation is founded, is, that any Quantity or Number being multiplied by itſelf, will produce the Square of that Quantity or Number, thus 2 x 24, whence 4 is the Square of 2, and a xaaa, which is the Square of a, and fo of any other Quantity. Now fuppofing the Square Root of a was to be extracted, which by Art. 33. isa. But L 23 74 ALGEBRA. as ✔a is the Root, and a was the Square from which that Root was extracted, hence✔a multiplied intoa, muſt produce a, by what has been juft faid: Now a multiplied bya, is ✔aa by Art. 39. and asa a fignifies the Square Root of a a, which is a by Art. 33. it follows, that to involve any Surd that has no rational Quantities joined with it, is only to fet down the Quantities without their radical Sign. To find the Square or fecond Power of The Square }√ax √nd V pr ax nd pr א z א And if there are feveral Quantities connected by the Signs + or, and are all under the radical Sign, they are involved in the fame Manner. Raife to the fecond} Power or Square The Square Raife to the fecond vato a+b ✔an ·d a+b an-d √p+ny p+ ny } The Square Raife to the 2d } Power or Square ✔pd—n √dz+zy √pm—nd pd-n dz+zy pm-nd Power or Square✔a+y—d ✔am—n+db √pz +z x—x d The Square aty-d am-n+db pz+zx-xd 44. Cafe 2. When there are rational Quantities joined with the Surds, then involve the rational Quantities as high as is the Index of the Surd, and multiply thefe involved Quantities into the Surd Quantities, after the radical Sign is taken away. Raife to the Square Exam. I. am Exam. 2. Exam. 3. Exam. 4. b √ n z The Square aam b b n z d √ y ddy zz✓b Zzzz b Ex. 1. The rational Quantity a ſquared is by Art. 31. The Surd Quantity/m being put down without the radical Sign is n} a a m Thefe being multiplied, the Product is the Square required aam 1 Exam. Of SURD QUANTITIES. 75€ b b nz Ex. 2. The rational Quantity b ſquared is by Art, 31. The Surd Quantity/nz without the radical Sign is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required bbnz Exam. 3. The rational Quantity d ſquared is The Surd Quantity ✔y without the radical Sign is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required Exam. 4. The rational Quantity zz fquared is The Surd Quantity without the radical Sign is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required dd Y ddy ZZZZ b zzzzb Exam. 5. Exam. 6. Exam. 7. Exam. 8. Raife to the Square an✔p dz ✓ y x p√xy aannp d d z z y x pp xy da/% dda az The Square Exam. 5. The rational Quantity an fquared is The Surd Quantity ✔p without the radical Sign is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required aan n P aannp d d z z yx Exam. 6. The rational Quantity dz fquared is The Surd Quantity✔y x without the radical Sign is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required d d z zyx Exam. 7. The rational Quantity p fquared is The Surd Quantity/xy without the radical Sign is Thefe multiplied, the Product is the Square required ppxy Exam. 8. The rational Quantity da fquared is The Surd Quantity without the radical Sign is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required pp xy dda a aa 2 ddaaz Raiſe to the Square The Square m✓pz m n ✓ d a √rd py√m mm pz m m n n d aard Рруут Raife to the Square xpd xn√ a xn√ a z√ px az✓ d The Square xxp d xx n na zzpx a a z zd And if there are more Quantities than one under the radical Sign, connected with the Signs + or then after the rational Quantities are involved, or raiſed as high as is the Index of the ( L 2 2 Surd; 76. ALGEBRA. Surd; place thefe under the radical Quantities, without their Sign, then multiply them by the Rule of Multiplication at Art. 10. &c. and this will be the Square required. Exam. 3. Exam. I. Raiſe to the Square a✓m+y Exam. 2. b √ d + z m✓ z- The Square is aam+aay bbd + b b z MM Z-M MX Exam. 1. The Surd Quantity✔m + y without the radical Sign is The rational Quantity a ſquared is Theſe being multiplied according to Art. 10. the Product is the Square required Exam. 2. The Surd Quantity ✔d + without the radical Sign is The rational Quantity b fquared is א 2 m+y a a } aam+a ay d+ z b b Theſe multiplied, the Prod. is the Square required bb d + b b z Exam. 3. The Surd Quantity ✔z—x *} without the radical Sign is The rational Quantity m fquared is Thefe multiplied, the Product is the Z-X m m Square required Raife to the Square z√ a + n The Square e} 11 m Z- m m x Exam. 4. Exam. 5. Exam. 6. x√b-d zza+zzn xxb-xxd d√ x + y ddz + d dy "} a + n } Exam. 4. The Surd Quantity ✔a + n without the radical Sign is The rational Quantity z fquared is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the ? Square required Exam. 5. The Surd Quantity ✓b-d} without the radical Sign is The rational Quantity. fquared is Theſe multiplied, the Product is the } Square required ZZ z za + z z n b-d x x x d xx b - xx Exam. Of SURD QUANTITIES. 77 Exam. 6. The Surd Quantity ✔z+ without the radical Sign is x + 1} +"} x+y The rational Quantity d fquared is dd Theſe multiplied, the Product is the Square required e} d d z + ddy Raife to the Square y✔a- n n n √ at d d √ p-z The Square yya — yy n nna+nnd ddp-d dz Raife to the Square e✔p- d√e + y Z zyn - Y The Square eep - eer d de + ddy ZZN- ZZY 45. Cafe 3. But if there are rational Quantities connected with the Surd Quantities by the Signs+or, they are in- volved in the fame Manner as compound Quantities, at Art. 32. carefully obſerving the Directions concerning the Multipli- cation of Surd Quantities, at Art. 40. and their Involution at Art. 43. To raiſe to the Square or ſecond Power Putting down again the fame Quantity Now multiply a +✔b by a, and a multi- plied by a, the Product is a a, and ✔✅ b multi- plied by a, the Product is ab, by Art. 40. therefore a+b multiplied by a is Then multiply a +✔✅b, byb, and a mul- tiplied by✓b, the Prod. is a✓✓b by Art. 40. and multip. by b, the Prod. is b, by Art. 43. whence a+b multiplied by✔✔b is The Sum is a a +2a√b+b: for a ✅ b a + √ b a + √ b a a + a √ b a √ b + b added to a√ bis 2a√b, by Art. 35. whence {aa+2a√b+b the Square of a + √ b is To raife to the Square or fecond Power Putting down again the fame Quantity The Product from multiplying d+✓ byd, by what is mentioned in the laft Example is S z The Product from multiplying d + ✓ x by } ✔z, by what is mentioned in the laft Example is } d + √ z d + √ ≈ dd+d√≈ d√x+x The Sum added as in the laft Example is }dd+2 d√z+% the Square of d + √x To 78 ALGEBRA. x a Va 'x - Ja a To raiſe to the Square or ſecond Power Putting down again the fame Quantity The Prod. from multiplying x-✔a by x, for multiplied by x, the Prod. is xx, and V multiplied by x, the Prod. is xa, by Art. *** √α &iva, by Art. 5 40. the Signs of a and x being different The Product from multiplying x-✓ a by ✔a, for x multiplied by-a, the Product isa, the Signs being unlike, but — ✔ a multiplied by-✔a, the Signs being alike, the Product is a a or a by Art. 39 and 43. Their Sum is the Square of x-√ a -x√a+a X **−2× √a+ To raife to the Square or fecond Power Putting down again the fame Quantity The Product from multiplying by y, } yy from what is mentioned in the laſt Example is y ✓√x a y = √ x — y √ x The Product from multiplying by − y √ x + x -x, from what is faid in the laſt Example is y√x } Their Sum is the Square of y-x-3y-21 √x + x y√* To raiſe to the Square or fecond Power Putting down the fame Quantity Multiplying b+xa by b we have Multiplying b+ √xa byxa we have The Sum being the Square of b +✔xa, To raiſe to the Square or fecond Power Putting down the fame Quantity Multiplying m+dz by m we have Multiplying m + d z by ✓✓ d z we have The Sum being the Square of m+✔dz, To raiſe to the Square or fecond Power Putting down the fame Quantity b+ √xa b + √x a bb + b√x a b √xa + xa bb+2b√xa+xa m+ ✓ dz m+ / dz mm \ m ✓ dz m✓ dz + dz mm+2m√dz+dz The Square of z - ✓ dn Z Z - Z- ✓ d n Z ✓ dn ZZ. -x√ z ✓ d n : / d n + d n ༧/ 2 z √✓ d n + d n 2 Το Of SURD QUANTITIES. 79 To raiſe to the Square or fecond Power Putting down again the fame Quantity The Square of p-√y% p-√yz 1- √yz PP-P√yz -p√yz+y% pp 2p ✓ y z + y z Of E QUATIONS. H AVING thus copiouſly explained all the Rules neceffary to be known, in order to the Solution of Queftions, we come now to their Ufe and Application in the Reduction of Equations, or the Method by which Problems are folved, and Queſtions answered. When any Problem or Queftion is propofed to be anſwered Algebraically, for the feveral Numbers that are in the Queſtion we generally put Letters, reprefenting likewiſe the Numbers which are to be found by Letters, and for Diftinction Sake uſe the Vowels for the unknown Numbers, or thoſe that are to be found, and Confonants for thofe that are known, or given. Then we begin to exprefs all the Conditions of the Queftion, by ranging and connecting the Letters, by Help of the fore- going Signs, in fuch a Manner that they fhall reprefent all the Circumftances of the Queftion, this being only to tranflate the Queſtion from Engliſh into Algebra. Thus if the Propofition, that 6 being added to 5, the Sum is equal to 11, was to be expreffed in Algebra. Now ſuppoſe b = 6, d = 5, m = 11. Then the above Propofition will be expreffed thus, b+dm. And when any Letters or Numbers are fo connected, that between any of them there appears this Sign =, it is called an Equation, for the Sign = fignifies Equality or Equation, and in the due ordering and managing thefe Equations confifts the whole of the Analytic Science, or Algebra. Equations confift of Quantities or Letters, fome known, and others unknown, and the grand Work is fo to manage the Equa- tions, that exprefs what is given in the Queftion, by the Rules of Certainty and Science, that all the known Quantities may at laft be found on one Side of the Equation, and the unknown Quantity by itſelf on the other of the Equation: For when this is done, the Equation is brought to a Solution, and the Queſtion is anſwered. And 80 ALGEBRA. And that Part of Algebra which teaches how to manage thefe Quantities, fo as to carry all the known Quantities on one Side, leaving the unknown Quantity by itſelf on the other Side of the Equation, is called the Reduction of Equations, which is done by Addition, Subftraction, Multiplication, Divifion, Involution, and Evolution, according as the Cafe requires. To reduce an Equation by Addition, or Subſtraction. 46. WE HEN any known Quantities are on the fame Side of the Equation with the unknown Quantity, and connected by the Signs + or, to reduce fuch an Equation is only to tranſpoſe or place the known Quantities on the other Side of the Equation, or Sign of Equality, prefixing to them their contrary Sign, that is, thofe Quantities which have the Sign +, after they are tranfpofed must have the Sign —, and thoſe which have the Sign must have the Sign+. Queſtion 1. To find that Number to which 6 being added, and fubftracting 15 from this Sum, the Remainder may be equal to 11. 1 a 2a+b Now fuppofe a = the Number fought, b = 6, d= 15,m=11. Then I am to find a Number, which call To which 6 or b being added, it is by Art. 6. From which Sum 15 or dis to be fub- ftracted, that is, to ab connect d by the Sign —, then it is Which a+b-d is to be equal to II or m, that is Now to reduce this Equation, or to an- fwer the Queftion, I obſerve d, a known Quantity, is on the fame Side of the Equation with the unknown Quantity a, therefore tranfpofe d, that is, write down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation without d, and place it on the other Side with the Sign +, it hav- ing before the Sign then we have Again b is a known Quantity on the fame Side of the Equation with a, then by taking it away from that Side of the Equation, and placing it on the other Side with the contrary Sign, or, we have } 3a+b-d 4a+b―d=m 5a+b=m+d 6a=m+db Here To reduce an Equation, &c. 81 Here the Queſtion is folved, for the unknown Number or Quantity a, is equal to the Number repreſented by m, added to the Number reprefented by d, from which Sum fubftracting the Number repreſented by b. II repreſented by m 15 reprefented by d 26 Sum of the Numbers reprefented by m and d 6 repreſented by b, to be ſubſtracted Remains 20 which is a, or the Number fought. And that this is the Number required, is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queftion. I fay the Number fought is For if to this is added The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains as the Queſtion required 20 6 26 15 II Queſtion 2. A Man being aſked how many Shillings he had, faid, if you add 15 to their Number, and then fubftract 20 from that Sum, and then add 19 to the Remainder, I ſhall have 64 Shillings. How many Shillings had he? Let a the Number of Shillings fought, b = 15, d = 20, m = 19, n = 64. Then, A Man had a certain Number of Shillings, which call To which 15 orb being added we have, by Art. 6. From which Sum taking away 20 or d, that is, connect d by the Sign- To which adding 19 or m we have, by Art. 6. Which a+b-d+m is to be equal to 64 or n, hence Now to reduce this Equation, or an- ſwer the Queſtion: I begin with tranſpoſing m a known Quantity, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and placing m on the other Side with the con- trary Sign, which gives M } a :} 2 a+b 3a+b-d 4a+b-d+m 5/a+b=d+m=n 6a+b―d=n And 82 ALGEBRA. And to tranſpoſe d another known Quantity, put down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and d on the other Side with a contrary Sign, whence we have And lastly, by tranfpofing b, that is, placing it on the other Side of the Equation with a contrary Sign, we have 7a+b=n—m+d 8|a=n―m+d—b That is, if from the Number repreſented by n we ſubſtract that reprefented by m, and to the Remainder add the Number reprefented by d, and from this Sum fubftract the Number re- preſented by b, the Remainder will be the Number fought. 64 repreſented by n 19 repreſented by m, to be fubftracted 45 or n— m 20 repreſented by d, to be added 65 or n m + d 15 reprefented by b, to be fubftracted 50 the Number fought or a; and therefore the Man had 50s. at firft, which is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay he had at firft } For if to them you add And from that Sum fubftract And then add to the Remainder It makes what the Queſtion requires 50s. 15 65 20 45 19 64 Queſtion 3. A Countryman afked another how many Eggs he had, Why, fays he, if you fubftract 15 from their Number, and then add 21 to thofe that are left, and fubftract 7 from that Sum, but if you add 19 to what is then left I shall have 43 Eggs. How many Eggs had he? Let To reduce an Equation, &c. 83 Let a = the Number of Eggs, b = 15, d = 21, m =7, n = 19, p = 43• Now the Countryman had a Num- ber of Eggs, which call From which 15 or b being fub- ftracted, or connecting b by the Sign- we have To which a I a 2a. b 3 a b + d S 4a b + d― m a b, if we add 21 or d, we have by Art. 6. From which Sum fubftracting 7,1 or connecting m by the Sign-} To which adding 19 or ", we have by Art. 6. And this a- b+d—mn is to mn is to be equal to 43 or p, hence Now to reduce this Equation, or anſwer the Queftion, I begin with tranſpoſing n, by putting }| 5a-b+d—m + n 6 a−b+d¬m+n=p down the remaining Part of that 7a-bd-mp-n Side of the Equation, and n on the other Side with its contrary Sign, then Now tranfpofe m, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side. of the Equation, and m on the other Side with its contrary Sign, and we have Then tranfpofe d, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and d on the other Side with its contrary Sign, then Laftly, tranfpofe b, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and b on the other Side with its con- trary Sign, and it is 8a-b+dp―n-m 9a-bp-nm-d 15a=p―n + m―d + b Hence a, the unknown Quantity or Number of Eggs, is equal to the Number repreſented by p, fubftracting from it the Number repreſented by n, adding to this Remainder the Number repreſented by m, fubft:acting from this Sum the Number M 2 repreſented F 84 ALGEBRA. 4. reprefented by d, and adding to the Remainder the Number repreſented by b. 43 repreſented by p 19 repreſented by n, to be ſubſtracted 24 or p. n 7 repreſented by m, to be added 31 orp-n+ m 21 repreſented by d, to be ſubſtracted 10 or p―n+m d 15 repreſented by b, to be added 25 the Number fought or a; and therefore the Man had 25 Eggs, which is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay the Man had For if from them you fubftract And to the Remainder add And from this Sum fubftract And to the Remainder add It makes what the Queſtion requires 25 Eggs 15 IO 21 31 7 24 19 43 Queſtion 4. To find that Number to which 19 being added, if from that Sum we fubftract 50, and add 7 to the Remainder, and fubftract 60 from this Sum, and by adding 6 to that Re- mainder, this Sum may be 22. Let a Number fought, b19, d = 50, m = 7, n=60, p6, g 22, Now I am to find a Number, } which call }| I a To which 19 or 3 being added, } we have by Art. 6. From which Sum fubtracting 50 ord, that is, connecting d by the Sign, and it is 2a+b 3a+b-d And To Reduce an Equation, &c. 85 And to this Remainder adding 7 } | 4a+b=d+m or m, we have by Art. 6. From this Sum fubftracting 60 or n, that is, connecting n by the Sign- 5a+b=d+m-n And to this Remainder adding 66a+b=d+m-n+p orp, we have And this a+b-d+m―n+er is to be equal to 22 or g, hence Now to anſwer the Queftion, tranſpoſe p, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and p on the other Side with its con- trary Sign, hence Then tranfpofe n, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and n on the other Side with its contrary Sign, then Then tranſpoſe m, by putting down the remaining Part of 7a+b―d+m-n+p=g 8a+batman-g- 9{a+b=d+m=g−p+n that Side of the Equation, roa+b—d=8—p+n—m and m on the other Side with its contrary Sign, whence Then tranfpofe d, by putting down the remaining Part of that Side of the Equation, and d on the other Side with its contrary Sign, and Laftly, tranfpoſe b, by putting down the remaining Part of 11\a+b=8—p+n—m+d. that Side of the Equation, |12|a=8—p+n—m+d—b and b on the other Side with its contrary Sign, we have Hence a, the unknown Number, is equal to the Number reprefented by g, ſubſtracting from it the Number repreſented by p, adding to the Remainder the Number reprefented by n, fubtracting from this Sum the Number reprefented by m, adding to the Remainder the Number reprefented by d, and fubftracting from this Sum the Number reprefented by b. I 22 the 86 ALGEBRA. 22 the Number repreſented by g 6 the Number reprefented by p, fubftract 16 or g-p 60 the Number reprefented by n, add 76 org―p+n 7 the Number repreſented by m, ſubſtra&t 69 or g -p+n- m 50 the Number reprefented by d, add 119 org-p+ n p + n − m + d 19 the Number reprefented by b, fubſtract 100 the Number fought or a, which is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queftion. I fay the Number fought was For if to that you add 100 19 119 50 And from the Sum fubftract And to the Remainder add And from the Sum fubftract 69 7 76 60 And add to the Remainder It makes what the Queftion requires 16 6 22 The Directions to the two following Queſtions are not quite fo copious, that the Judgment of the Learner may be a little more exerciſed. Queſtion 5. A Number of Men were walking on a Bowling- Green, one Man aſked another how many there were, the other replied, if you fubftract 7 from their Number, and add 15 to the Remainder, and fubftract 9 from the Sum, and add 56 to the Remainder, and fubftract 2 from that Sum, this will leave ICO. To find the Number of Men on the Bowling-Green. Let a = Number of Men on the Bowling-Green, = 7, d = 15, 8=9, m = 56, n = 2, p = 100, I am To reduce an Equation, &c. 87 I am to find the Number of Men on the Bowling-Green, which call } I a From which 7 or or b being fubftracted, which is only to connect b by the Sign- To which Remainder adding 2 15 or d, we have by Art. 6. From which Sum fubftracting 9 or g, or connecting g by the Sign, and we have To this Remainder adding m or 56, by Art. 6. From which Sum fubftracting 2 or n, that is, connecting n by the Sign —, it is Which ab + d − g + m b+d—g+m — n is to be equal to 100 or p, hence 2 a 3a-b+d 3 a 4a-b+d-g 5\a—b+d―g+m 6a-b+d-g+m—n 7a=b+d—g+m-n=p 8a—b+d—g+m=p+n 9a ·b+d—g=p+n—m 10ab+d=p+n—m+g -b=p+n⋅ n―m+g. 12\a=p+n¬m+g—d+b 100 is the Number reprefented by p By tranſpofing n we have By tranfpofing m we have By tranfpofing g we have By tranfpofing d we have By tranfpofing b we have m+g-d 1 2 or n, to be added 102 or p + n 56 or m, to be ſubſtracted 46 or p+n 112 9 or g, to be added 55 or p + n -m+. m + g 15 or d, to be fubftracted 40 or p+n m + g 7 or b, to be added ་ d 47 the Number fought or a, for a=p+n- m+g -d+b. Now to prove 47 was the Number of Men that were on the Bowling-Green, let us try if it will anſwer the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay 88 ALGEBRA. I fay the Number of Men were For if from them you fubftract And add to the Remainder And from the Sum fubftract And add to the Remainder { And from the Sum fubftract It makes what the Queſtion requires ་ 47 40 15 55 9 46 56 102 2 100 Queſtion 6. A Perfon required another to tell him how many Shillings he had, by saying that if to their Number was added 5, and from this Sum fubftracting 3, and adding 16 to the Re- mainder, and from that Sum fubftracting 50, and adding 54 to the Remainder, he should then have 43 Shillings. How many Shillings had he? Let a the Number of Shillings fought, b = 5, d = 3, m = 16, n=50, p = 54, 9=43• The Perfon had a certain Number of Shillings, which call To which 5 or b being added, Į we have I a 2a+b From which Sum fubftracting} 3 3 or d, we have To which Remainder addingĮ 16 or m, we have From which Sum ſubſtracting 50 or n, we have To which Remainder adding 54.or p, we have Which abd + m n + p is to be equal to 43 or 9, hence The Queftion being now ex- preffed in Algebra, by tranf pofing p, we have 3a+b-d 4a+b=d+m · 5a+b 5a+b=d+m — n 6a+b 6a+b¬d+m-n+p 7a+b-d+m-n+p=q 8 a+b=d+m—n=q— $ By To reduce an Equation, &c. 89 By tranfpofing n we have By tranfpofing m we have By tranfpofing d we have 9a+b=d+mqp+n 10 a+b―d=q − p + n 十九​一 ​11a+b=q—p+n―m + d ·m Laftly, by tranfpofing b we have 12│a=q-p+nm+d-b 43 is the Number repreſented by 9 -54 from which fubftracting 54 or p, there remains - II -II or g-p, fee below.* 50 adding 50 or ʼn to 39 or q p + n 11, the Sum is 39 16 from which fubftracting 16 or m 23 or q p+n-m 3 to which adding 3 or d 26 or q p+n―m + d 5 from which fubftracting 5 or b 21 hence 21 is the Number fought; which is thus proved: I ſay the Perfon had For if to them you add 21 Shillings And from the Sum fubftract 5 26 3 And to the Remainder add And from the Sum fubftract There remains a negative or And if to this Remainder we add It makes what the Queftion requires 23 16 39 50 -I I 54 43 When a negative Number is to be fubftracted from an affirmative Number, and the negative Number is greateft, as in this Cafe, it is only to take the Difference of the two Numbers, and place the Sign before it; and if the next Number to be added is affirmative, and greater than the nega- tive Remainder, then it is only fubftracting the negative Re- mainder from the affirmative Number which is to be added, and this will be the Sum. N If go ALGEBRA. If the Learner finds any Difficulty in conceiving this, he may collect all the affirmative Numbers into one Sum, and all the negative Numbers into another; and ſubſtracting the Sum of the Negatives from the Sum of the Affirmatives, the Re- mainder is the Anfwer to the Queſtion. In the last Queſtion, 1 or Numbers are The affirmative Quantities} 9 = 43 n = 50 d 3 Sum of the negative Numbers The negative Quantities } or Numbers are 96 75 -p= 21a as before p = -54 m = b = - 16 5 75. To reduce an Equation by Multiplication. 47. In the laft Article, the unknown Quantity was connected with the known Quantities by the Signs + or - only, but it may happen that the unknown Quantity may be divided by fome known Quantity; in this Cafe, multiply every Part or all the Terms of the Equation by that known Quantity; and the Part of the Equation containing the unknown Quantity will be then multiplied and divided by the fame Quantity, take down this Equation, rejecting the known Quantity from that Part of the Equation where it both multiplies and divides the un- known Quantity, by Art. 20. it being in both Dividend and Divifor After this Equation is fet down, if there are any other Quantities connected with the unknown one by the Signs + or, tranfpofe them to the other Side of the Equation as in the laſt Article, by which Method we fhall have all the known Quantities on one Side of the Equation, and the un- known one by itſelf on the other Side, which is the Solution of the Queſtion. Queſtion To reduce an Equation, &c. 91 ? Queſtion 7. A Gamefter challenging another to play for as many Guineas as he had in his Hand, the other required to know how many there were, he replied, if you divide their Number by 5, and add 19 to the Quotient, I shall then have 23 Guineas in my Hand. How many Guineas had he? Let a the Number of Guineas fought, b = 5, d = 19, m = 23. Then the Gamefter had a certain Num-} ber of Guineas, which call Which being divided by 5 or b, the Quo- tient is by Art. 27. a To which Quotient if we add 19 or d, b we have by Art. 6. a And this — + d, is to be equal to 23 or b m, therefore we have The Queſtion being expreffed in Algebra a by the Equation dm, in which b the unknown Quantity a being divided by b; now by the Rule, multiply every Part or Quantity in the Equa- tion by b, and in this Multiplication, multiply only the Numerator a of the a Quantity by b, according to the Rule b of Vulgar Fractions in Arithmetic, and we have Becauſe bis in both Dividend a } a 2 b 3 +d b a +d=m b 5 ab +bd=bm b and ab Divifor of the Quantity hence by ab the Rule, rejecting b from only, and ≥ 6 a + b d = b m b placing down the remaining Part a, and all the other Parts of the Equation, without any Alteration, we have Tranfpofing bd by the laſt Article, it it } being a known Quantity, then N 2 3719 7a=bm-bd Here 92 ALGEBRA. Here the Queftion is anſwered, for a the unknown Quan- tity is equal to the Product of the two Numbers repreſented by b and m, fubftracting from it the Product of the two Numbers repreſented by b and d. The Number reprefented by b is 5, the Number re- prefented by m is 23, which two Numbers being multi- plied is bm or The Number reprefented by b is 5, the Number re- prefented by d is 19, which two Numbers being multi- plied is b d or } 115 } 95 Subftracting b d from bm, that is, 95 from 115, leaves } b m - b d or 20 Which is the Number fought, or the Guineas the Gamefter had, and is proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion, thus, I fay the Gamefter had For if that Number is divided by 5, the Quotient is But if to this 4 we add It makes what the Queftion requires 20 Guineas 4 19 23 Queſtion 8. To find that Number which being divided by 15, if to the Quotient we add 27, and fubftract 13 from the Sum, the Remainder will be 18, Þ Let a the Number fought, b = 15, d = 77, m = 131 = 18. Now I am to find a Number, which call 氨 ​Which being divided by 15 or b, we have by Art. 27. To the Quotient or b=15, d=27, }| I a a ܩܙ ܨ b 2 a if we b add 27 or d, we have by by S 3 b 010 + d Art. 6. From this Sum if we fubftract 13 or m, that is, connect m by the Sign, it is a Whichd-m is by the b Quction to be equal to 18 or p, hence we have a 10 +d- 712 a 5 +d—m=p b The To reduce an Equation, &c. 93 The Queftion being now ex-- preffed in Algebra by this E- a quation +d—m=p, m=p, and b the unknown Quantity a being divided by b, multiply every Part of the Equation by b as in the laft Queftion, and then we have Becauſe bis in both Dividend- and Divifor of the Quantity ab b 7 reject 6 from this Quan- b , 6 a b + db — m b = p b b tity only as in the laft Queftion, 7a + db → mb = pb placing down a and the remain- ing Quantities in the Equation without any Alteration, then we have Becauſe mb is a known Quan- tity, tranfpofe it by the Direc- tions in the laft Article, and we have Becauſe db is a known Quan- tity, tranfpofe it by the fame. Directions, and we have - 8a + db = p b + mb pb 9a p b + m b - d b Now a the unknown Quantity being by itfelf on one Side of the Equation, the Queftion is folved; for a, the unknown Quan- tity, is equal to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by p and b, added to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by m and b, fubftracting from this Sum the Product of the Numbers reprefented by the Letters d and b. The Number repreſented by p is 18, the Number re- prefented by bis 15, the Product of theſe two Numbers is pb or The Number reprefented by m is 13, the Number re- prefented by bis 15, the Product of thefe two Numbers is mb or The Sum is pb+ mb or CA } 270 195 405 The 94 ALGE BRA. The Number reprefented by d is 27, the Number reprefented by bis 15, the Product of thefe two Num- bers is 405, which being fubftracted from the Sum of the other two Products Leaves pb-m b Therefore 60 is d b or a 405 60 equal to a, or 60 is the Number fought, which is thus proved from the Queſtion. I fay the Number fought is For if that is divided by 15 the Quotient is To which Quotient, or 4, if we add The Sum is And if from this Sum we fubftract There remains what the Queſtion requires 60 4 27 31 13 18 Queſtion 9. A Man being asked how many Shillings he had, replied, if you divide the Number I have by 25, and ſubſtract 3 from the Quotient, and then add 51 to this Remainder, and from the Sum fubftracting 40, I shall have 12 Shillings left. How many Shillings had he? Let a the Number of Shillings the Man had, b = 25, d = 3, m = 51, p = 40, Z=12.. Now the Man had a certain Number of Shillings, which call Which being divided by 25 or b, we have by Art. 27. a From the Quotient or if b we fubftract 3 or d, that is, connecting d by the Sign To the Remainder adding 51 orm, we have by Art. 6. From which fubftracting 40 or p, that is, connecting p by the Sign a Which b we have dmp is by the Queſtion, to be equal to 12 or 2, hence we have } I a 2 alo a 3 b 다 ​a b d d + m d+m-p a 5 a d+mp=2 I The To reduce an Equation, &c. 95 The Queſtion being now ex- preffed in Algebra, and the unknown Quantity a being divided by b, multiply every Quantity in the Equation by b, as in the two laft Queftions, then we have And rejecting b out of the Quan- ab tity only, becauſe it is b in both Dividend and Divifor, and fetting down the reft as in the two laft Queftions, we have Becauſe pb is a known Quantity, tranfpofe it by Art. 46. and we have Becauſe mb is a known Quan- tity, tranfpofe it in like Man- ner, then we have Becauſe db is a known Quan- tity, by tranfpofing it we have ; ав 7 →db+mb — pb zb b 8a-db+mb-pbxb 9a-db+mb=zb+pb 10 adb zb + pb — mb 11a=zb+pb―mb+db Now it appears the unknown Quantity, or a, is equal to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by z and b, added to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by p and b, fubftracting from this Sum the Product of the two Numbers. repreſented by m and b, and adding to this Remainder the Pro- duct of the two Numbers reprefented by d and b. The Number reprefented by z is 12, and that by bĮ is 25, the Product of these two is z bor The Number reprefented by p is 40, and that by b "} } 300 is 25, the Product of theſe two is pb or The Sum is z b + p b or 1000 1300 The Number repreſented by m is 51, and that by b} 1275 is 25, the Product of theſe two is m b or Which being fubftracted from the Sum of the other two, leaves z b + p b m bor The Number reprefented by d is 3, and that by b is 25, the Product of theſe two is db or Which added to the laft Remainder, the Sum is zb + pb11bdb or a 25 75 100 Whence 96 ALGEBRA. Whence the unknown Quantity a, or the Number of Shillings the Man had is 100, which is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay the Man had For if that Number is divided by 25, the Quotient is From which Quotient if we ſubſtract Remains To which adding The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains what the Queſtion requires Shillings. 100 | | | | 12 Queſtion 10. A Country Servant, who underfood Algebra, being afked by his Mafter how many Cows there were in the Field, replied, if you add 13 to their Number, and divide that Sum by 8, and then add 19 to the Quotient, and fubftract 11 from that Sum, there will be 12 Cows left. How many Cows were there? Let a the Number of Cows, b=13, d=8, m=19, p = 11, x = 12. Now there were in the Field a certain Number of Cows, which call b To which 13 or 6 being added, we have by Art. 6. ab } a } Which a + b being divided by 3 8 ord, we have by Art. 28. To which if we add 19 or m, we have by Art. 6. From which if we fubftract II or p, we have by connecting p with the Sign- Which a+b+m—p is by the d Queſtion to be equal to 12 or *, hence we have 2a+b a+b d } a + b + m d a + b 5 +m-p d 6 d a+b+m-p=" Becauſe To reduce an Equation, &c. 97 Becauſe a, the unknown Term, is Part of the Fraction a+b d where the Divifor is d, there- fore multiplying every Quan-7 tity in the Numerator of the Fraction by d, by the Rule of Vulgar Fractions in Arithmetick, and the other Quantities as before, then Becauſe d is in every Term of the Dividend and Divifor of the Fraction ad + b d ject d, from d "> re- ad + b d only, d by Art. 22. and 24, and ſet down all the reft as before, then Now begin to tranfpofe pd, it 7 being a known Quantity, then we have Becauſe md is a known Quan- tity, therefore tranfpofe it, and we have Becauſe b is a known Quan- tity, therefore tranfpofe it, and we have ad+bd d +m d − p d = x d 8 a+b+md—pd = xd 9a+b+md=xd + pd 10 a+b=xd+pd—md 11a=xd+pd-md-b By this it appears that a, the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by x and d, added to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by p and d, ſubſtracting from this Sum the Product of the two Numbers repreſented by m and d, fubftracting ftill from this Remainder the Number repreſented by b. The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by x and d is xd, or *} } 96 ?} The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by p} 88 and d is pd, or Their Sum is x dp d, or 184. The 98 ALGEBRA. The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by m and dis m d, or Which fubftracted from the Sum of the other two Products, there remains x d + p d m d From which fubftracting the Number reprefented by b } 152 32 13 The Remainder is xd+pd-md-b, which is equal} 19 to a, or the Number fought And that 19 Cows were in the Field, is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queftion. I fay the Number of Cows were For if to them we add The Sum is Which divided by 8, the Quotient is To which Quotient if we add The Sum is From which Sum ſubſtracting 11 There remains what the Queſtion requires I 19 13 32 4 19 23 II 12 Queſtion 11. Two young Gentlemen were difputing how many Men were at a public Diverfion, but not agreeing, they referred it to a third Perfon, who, being ſkilled in Algebra, instead of a direct Answer, replied, that if you ſubſtract 115 from their Number, and divide the Remainder by 50, and add 39 to that Quotient, from which Sum fubftracting 16, and adding 68 to the Remainder, this laft Sum will be equal to 101. How many Men were there? Let a the Number of Men fought, b=115, ¢=50, d=39, n=16, p = 68, x = 101. There were a certain Number of Men, which call From which 115, or b, be- ing fubftracted, we have S Which Remainder of a—b, being divided by 50, or c, we have by Art. 28. To which Quotient if we add 39, ord, we have 24 I a b a b C 3 4 a C + d From To reduce an Equation, &c. 99 From this Sum if we fubftract 16 or n, have a C we } b 5 +d-n a b 6 S C To which Remainder if we add 68 orp, we have a b Which +d-n+p C is, by the Queſtion, to be equal to 101 or x, hence Becauſe a, the unknown Quantity, is Part of a-b, which being di- C vided by c, therefore multiplying by c, as in the last Queftion, we have Becauſe c is in every Term of the Dividend and Di- ca-cb vifor of C 7 8 a +d-n+p b +d=n+p=x C ca cb +cd-en+cp=cx C reject c, 9a-b+cd-on + cp=cx as in the last Queſtion, and fet down all the reft as before, and we have Now tranfpofe cp, it be- ing a known Quantity, then it is Tranſpoſe en, it being a 10|a—b c d—cn=cx — cp 1 known Quantity, and we have IIa ΙΙ ⋅ b + c d = c x=cp+cn 12/4 =cx-cp+c n c p + c n − c d Tranfpofe cd, it being a known Quantity, and we have And tranfpofing b, it being a known Quantity, we have 13a=cx-cp+cn-cd+b Hence it appears that a, the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by c and x, fubftract- ing from it the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by c and f, O 2 adding 100 ALGEBRA. adding to that Remainder the Product of the two Numbers repreſented by and n, fubftracting from this Sum the Product of the two Numbers repreſented by c and d, and adding to this Remainder the Number repreſented by b. c The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by 5050 and x is cx, or The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by and p is cp, or The Remainder is cxcp, or ''} 3400 1-650 yc} 800 The Product of the two Numbers repreſented by c and n is cn, or Which added to the laft Remainder, the Sum is 1 x cp+ cn, or The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by c and d is ed, or 1950, which being ſubſtracted The Remainder is cx- cp+cn ed, or Adding the Number reprefented by b, or } 2450 } 1950 500 115 The Sum is ex-cp+cn-ed+b, which is equal } 615 to a, the Number fought And that there were 615 Men is proved from the Condi- tions of the Queſtion. I ſay there were For if from them we ſubſtract Remains Which being divided by 50, the Quotient is To which adding The Sum is From which ſubſtracting The Remainder is To which adding Men. 615 115 500 ΙΟ 39 49 16 33 68 101 There remains what the Queſtion requires Queſtion 12. There is a certain Number to which 9 being added, and dividing this Sum by 5, if from this Quotient we fubftract 6, and add 101 to the Remainder, from that Sum fubftracting 10, there remains 97. What is the Number? Let To reduce an Equation, &c. ΙΟΣ Let a = the Number fought, b = 9, c = 5, d = 6, m = 101, † = 10, x = 97• Now I am to find a certain} Number, which call To which 9, or b, being added, we have by Art. 6. S This being divided by 5,7 we have by Ar- or c, ticle 28. From which fubftracting 6, } or d, we have To which adding 101, or m, we have by Art. 6. From this fubftracting 10, or p, that is, connecting p by the Sign, it is a+b Which C d+m-p is to be equal to 97, or x, hence The Queſtion being thus expreffed in Algebra, be- gin and multiply by c, for the Reaſon in the laft Queſtion, then we have Rejecting from C ca + c b C and ſetting down the reſt as before, then Now tranfpofing cp, it being a known Quantity, we have Tranfpofing cm, it being a known Quantity, we have Tranſpoſing cd, it being a known Quantity, we have Laftly, tranfpofing b, it being a known Quantity, we have 2 Ia ف. 2a+b a+b 3 C a+b 4 }|5 a + b d + m C 6 a + b d+m-p C } с a+b 7 ·d+m-p=x C 8 ca + c b -cd+cm-cp=cx C 9/a+b―cd+cm=cp=cx Ica+b=cd+cm=cx+cp 11a+b—cd=cx+cp=cm 12a+b=cx+cp-cm+cd I 13a=cx+cp-cm+cd-f ہو The 102 ALGEBRA. The Algebraick Operation being finiſhed, the Numerical Work is thus. The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by c and 485 x is cx, or } The Product of the two Numbers repreſented by c and } 50 pis cp, or The Sum is cx + cp, or 535 The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by cand} 505 m is cm, or Subftracting, the Remainder is cx+cpcm, or The Product of the two Numbers repreſented by c and d is cd, or Adding, the Sum is cx+cp-cm + cd, or The Number reprefented by b is 9, fubftracting 30 } 30 The Remainder is cx+cp cm+cd-b, which is is } equal to a, or the Number fought And is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I ſay the Number fought is For if to this we add The Sum is Which being divided by 5, the Quotient is From which fubftracting The Remainder is To which adding The Sum is From which ſubſtracting 51 9. 60 I 2 6 6 ΙΟΙ 107 60 9 51 There remains what the Queſtion requires To reduce an Equation by Divifion. IO 97 48. In the laft Article the unknown Quantity was divided by a known Quantity, in the Equation that aroſe from the Con- ditions of the Queftion; in this Article the unknown Quantity will be multiplied into a known Quantity, in the Equation that arifes from the Conditions of the Queſtion; when this happens, divide every Quantity on both Sides of the Equation, by the fame known Quantity into which the unknown Quantity is multiplied, then To reduce an Equation, &c. 103 then you will find the unknown Quantity to be multiplied and divided by the fame Quantity; now place down this Equation, rejecting only the Letter from that Quantity, where it multiplies and divides the unknown Quantity, as in the laft Article; then tranfpofe the Quantities as before, but if there are none to be tranfpofed the Queftion is folved. If any Quantities are connected with the unknown one by the Signs + or it will be moft convenient for the Learner to tranſpoſe them before he begins to divide by the Rule juſt given. Queſtion 13. A Perfon required another to tell him how many Shillings he had, by faying that if their Number was multiplied by 13, and if from that Product was fubftracted 25, he should then bave 170 Shillings. How many Shillings had he? Let a the Number of Shillings the Perfon had, b = 13, d = 25, m = 170. A Perfon had a certain Number of Shillings, which call Which multiplied by 13, or b, we have by Art. 9. From the Product, or ba, if we fub. ſtract 25, or d, we have Which Remainder bad is by the Queſtion to be equal to 170, or m, hence Becaufe d is on the fame Side of the Equation with the unknown Quan- tity, and connected by the Sign-, therefore tranfpofe d, then There being no more Quantities to be tranfpofed, and the unknown Quan- tity being multiplied by b, therefore divide both Sides of the Equation by b. Now ba divided by b gives ba b by Art. 27. and m 4 d divided by b, gives m+d by Art. 28. therefore we have b a } 26 a $3 ba – d 4ba- ba-dy n 5ba=m+d b a 6 b m + d b Becaufe 104 ALGEBRA. Becauſe is in both Dividend and ba Diviſor of the Quantity, reject b by Art. 20. and putting down the other Quantities without any Altera- tion as in the foregoing Queftion, we have m + d 70 b From hence it appears that a, the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Sum of the two Numbers reprefented by m and d, divided by the Number reprefented by b. The Number repreſented by m is The Number reprefented by dis 178 25 195 The Sum is m+d, or And dividing 195, or m+d, by 13, or b, the Quotient is m + d b or 15, which is a, or the Number fought. The Truth of which is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I ſay the Perfon had For if that is multiplied by [] 1 15 Shillings 13 The Product is From which fubftracting There remains what the Queftion requires 45 15 195 25 170 Queſtion 14. A Butcher feeing a Drover going to Market with a Number of Sheep, afked how many there were; the Drover anfwered, if you multiply their Number by 9, and fubftract 157 from that Product, and add 168 to the Remainder, I fhall then have 2000 Sheep. How many Sheep had he ? 遍 ​Let a the Number of Sheep, b=9, d= 157, m=168, P = 2000. Then To reduce an Equation, &c. 105 } ་ The Drover had a certain Number) a Number} Which multiplied by 9, or b, we have by Art. 9. From the Product fubftracting 157, or d, that is, connecting d by the Sign, we have To which Remainder adding 168, or m, we have by Art. 6. This ba-d+m is by the Queſtion to be equal to 2000, or p, hence we have Now according to the Rule begin with tranfpofing m, and we have Then tranfpofing d, we have The Quantities being all tranſpoſed] that were connected by the Signs + or, and the unknown Quantity being multiplied by b, therefore by the Rule divide both Sides of the Equation by b, but ba divided by b, ba gives and pmd divided b' by b, gives 1m+d by Art. 28. b hence we have ba I 1 la } 2 ba 3ba-d } | 4 ba-d+m 5 ba―d+m=p 6ba―d=p—m 7 ba = p → m + d ba P m + d 8 b b Rejecting b from the Quantity b becauſe it is in both Dividend and Divifor, and placing down the re- maining Parts of the Equation with- out any Alteration as before, we have 9|a= m + d b The Algebraic Work is now finished, for the unknown Quantity a is on one Side of the Equation by itſelf, and it appears to be equal to the Number reprefented by p, fubftract- ing from it the Number reprefented by m, adding to this Re- mainder the Number reprefented by d, and dividing this Sum by the Number repreſented by b. P The 1 106 ALGEBRA. The Number reprefented by pis 2000 From which ſubſtracting the Number repreſented by 168 m, which is There remains p―m, or To which adding the Number repreſented by d The Sum is p―m+d, or 1832 157 1989 And dividing this 1989, or p-m+d, by 9, the Num- ber repreſented by b, the Quotient is Pm+d or 221, which b is a, or the Number of Sheep the Drover had; and is proved by the Conditions of the Queftion thus. I fay the Number of Sheep were For that being multiplied by The Product is From which ſubſtracting There remains To which adding The Sum is what the Queſtion requires 221 9 1989 157 1832 168 2000 Queſtion 15. A Man being asked what he gave for his Horſe, answered, if you multiply the Number of Pounds I gave by 5, and then add 15 to the Product, and from that Sum fubftract 50, and to the Remainder adding 25, from which Sum fubftracting 14, this Remainder will be equal to 81. What did he give for his Horſe? Let a what he gave for the Horfe, b5, d= 15, c = 50, p = 25, m = 14, x=81, Let the Pounds which the Perfon gave for the Horſe be called } Which multiplied by 5, or b, we have by Art. 9. To which Product if we add 1 15, or d, we have by Art. 6. From this Sum fubftracting 50, I a 2 ba 3 ba+d or c, that is, connecting c by 4 ba+d-c the Sign, we have Το To reduce an Equation, &c. 107 To which Remainder adding 25; } | 5 | 6a+d=c+p or p, we have From which Sum fubftracting} 6 ba+d=c+p. 14, or m, we have Which ba+d-c+p—m is by the Queſtion to be equal to 81, or x, hence we have Now tranſpoſing m, we have And tranfpofing p, we have And tranfpofing c, we have And tranfpofing d, we have The Quantities connected by the Signs+ or -, being now all tranſpoſed, I obferve the unknown Quantity to be multiplied by b, there- fore divide every Term on both Sides of the Equa- tion by b. Now dividing ba by b, it is ba and dividing x+m—p+c — d by b, we have x+m-p+c-d b. as in the foregoing Queſtions, hence we have Rejecting b from the Quantity ba b' becauſe it is in both Dividend and Divifor, and placing down the reſt of the Equation without any Al- teration as before, and we have 7\ba+d-c+p — m = x 8 ba+d=c+ p = x+m 9 ba+d-c=x+m-p 10 ba+d=x+m-p+c 11ba=x+m-p+c-d 12 ba x+m-p+c-d b b I 13 a x+m-p+c-d b That is, a, the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Number repreſented by x, added to the Number reprefented by m, fub- ftracting from their Sum the Number reprefented by p, adding to this Remainder the Number reprefented by c, fubftracting from this Sum the Number reprefented by d, and dividing this Re- mainder by the Number repreſented by b.. P 2 Now 108 ALGEBRA. i Now x is To which adding m, or 81 14 The Sum is x + m, or From which fubftracting p, or 95 There remains x + m—p, or To which adding c, or The Sum is x + m − p + c, or From which ſubſtracting d, or There remains +m-p+c-d, or x 25 70 50 120 15 105 Now dividing this 105, or x+m-pc-d, by b, or 5, the Quotient is x + m− p + c― d , or 21, which is equal to a, b or Number of Pounds the Horfe coft. Which is proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion, thus, I fay the Horſe coſt For if that is multiplied by The Product is To which adding The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is From which ſubſtracting There remains what the Queftion requires 21 Pounds 5 105 15 12 2/2 = | 27 81 Queſtion 16. There is a certain Number which being multiplied by 7, if from this Product we fubftract 21, and to the Remain- der add 11, and from this Sum fubftract 23, and add to the Remainder 33, this last Sum will be 210. What is the Number? Let a the Number fought, b=7, d = 21, x = 11, <= 23, p = 33, r 210. Now i { 1 To reduce an Equation, &c. 109 Now there is a certain Number fought, which call Which multiplied by 7, or b, we have by Art. 9. From which ſubſtracting 21, or d, that is, connecting d by the Sign-, we have To this adding 11, or x, we have by Art. 6. }| I a 2 ba 3 ba-d 4 ba d + x by 5 ba-d+x-C 6 ba-d+x―cte From which fubftracting 23, or c, that is, connecting the Sign, we have we}/6/ba. To which adding 33, or p, we have by Art. 6. And this bad+x-c+p is by the Queftion to be equal to 210, or r, hence we have The Queſtion being now ex- preffed in Algebra, begin the Solution by tranſpoſing p, and then we have Tranfpofing c we have Tranfpofing x we have Tranfpofing d we have All the Quantities being now tranſpoſed that were connect- ed by the Signs + or and the unknown Quantity being multiplied by b, di-y vide every Term, or both Sides of the Equation by b, as in the laft Example, and we have Now reject bout of the Quan- ba tity becauſe it is in both Dividend and Divifor, and fetting down the remaining. Parts of the Equation, as in the laſt Queſtion, and we have 7ba-d+x-c+p=r 8ba-d+x-c=r-p 9 ba➡d+x=r-ptc 10ba-dr-p+c-x 11bar-p+ c = x + d I2 ba b r-p+c−x+d b 13 a = " — p + c = x+d b To 110 ALGEBRA. To find what a is in Numbers. The Number reprefented by r, is From which fubftracting the Number reprefented by p, which is There remains r-p, or 1. To which adding the Number repreſented by c The Sum is r-p+c, or 210 } 33 177 23 From which ſubſtracting the Number repreſented by x There remains rpcx, or To which adding the Number repreſented by d The Sum is rp + c −x+d, or 200 II 189 2I 210 or 7, the Quotient is And dividing this 210 by b, or 7, r-p+c-x+d , or 30, which is b fought, and is thus proved. I fay the Number fought is For if this is multiplied by The Product is From which ſubſtracting There remains To which adding The Sum is From which ſubſtracting There remains To which adding equal to a, or the Number The Sum is what the Queftion requires 30 7 210 21 189 I I 200 23 177 33 210 Queſtion 17. A Gamefter challenged another to play with him for as many Guineas as were in his Hand; but being asked how many they were, anfwered, if you multiply their Number by 10, and ſubſtract 100 from the Product, and to the Remainder add 55, and from the Sum fubftract 31, and adding to this Remainder 115, I shall then have 539 Guineas. How many had he? b—10, c Let a the Number of Guineas fought, b= 10, 100, d=55, m = 31, 115, p= 539. Then To reduce an Equation, &c. Then a Gamefter had a certain. Number of Guineas, which call a Which being multiplied by 10,2 ba or b, we have by Art. 9. From which fubftracting 100, } 3 bac or, we have To which adding 55, or d, we have by Art. 6. | } 4 ba— c + d 5 ba-c+d— m * } 6 | ba− c +d—m+x From this fubftracting 31, or m, we have To which adding 115, or x, we have This by the Queftion is to be equal to 539, or p, hence we have Then by tranfpöfing & we have Tranfpofing m it is Tranfpofing d we have And tranfpofing c Now divide by b, as before di-} rected, and we have ba And rejecting b from and] 7ba-c+d―m+x=p 8 ba-c+d—m -m=p-x c+d=p−x+m 9ba-c+d 10 ba c = p −x+m — d II b⋅a= Р x+m―d+c p−x +m ba d + c 12 b b placing down the reſt as be- 13a= p — x + m ·d + c b fore, then b The Queftion being now folved in Algebra, we are to find what a is equal to in Numbers. Now p is equal to From which fubftracting x, or There remains p—x, or To this adding m, or The Sum is p -x+m, or From this fubftracting d, or There remains p−x+m-d, or To this adding c, or The Sum is p-x+md + 6, or 2 539 115 424 31 455 55 400 100 500 But I 12 ALGEBRA. ! But dividing this 500 by b, which is 10, the Quotient is 50, the Number of Guineas the Gamefter had; and is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay the Gamefter had For if that Number is multiplied by The Product is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is what the Queftion requires 1 50 Guineas ΙΟ 500 100 400 55 455 31 424 115 539 Queſtion 18. A Perſon being aſked how many Hours it was past Noon, replied, if you multiply the Number of Hours paft Noon by 7, and fubftract 5 from the Product, and to the Re- mainder add 9, and from the Sum ſubſtract 3, and to this Re- mainder adding 4, this Sum will be equal to 12. How many Hours was it past Noon, or what of the Clock was it? Let a the Number of Hours it was paft Noon, or the Number fought, m = 7, p = 5, d = 9, c = 3, x = 12. b = 4, Then there is a certain Number of Hours paft Noon, which call This multiplied by 7, or m, we have by Art. 9. From which fubftracting 5, or p, we have To this adding 9, or d, we have by Art. 6. From which fubftracting 3, or c, that is, connecting the Sign, we have To which adding 4, or b, have by Art. 6. a 2m a 3ma-p 4 ma p+ d by 5ma-p+d-c we ? } [ 6 ]ma − p + d − c + b p+d=c+b Which To reduce an Equation, &c. 113 Which by the Queſtion is to be Į }|7 na-p+d-c+b=x equal to 12, or x, hence Now tranfpofe b, and we have Tranfpofing c, then Tranfpofing d, and Tranfpofing p, we have Now dividing by m, as in the former Queſtions, and we have Rejecting m from the Quantity 8na-p+dc=x-b 9 ma➡p+d=x− b + c 10 map=x-b+c-d I ma ma m I2 , ma as before, and we have 13a= m b+c d+p x b + c d + p m x − b + c − d + p m The Algebraic Work being finiſhed, we may find what a is in Numbers thus. Now x is equal to From which fubftracting b, of There remains xb, or To which adding c, or I2 4 8 U The Sum is x- b+c, or From which fubftracting d, or There remains x ·b + c −d, or To which adding p, or The Sum is x-b+c-d+p, or 3 I I 9 2 5 7 And dividing this by m, or 7, the Quotient is 1, which is equal to a, or the Number of Hours it was paſt Noon, hence it was I of the Clock in the Afternoon. Which is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay the Number of Hours paft Noon were For if that is multiplied by The Product is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is what the Queſtion requires Q a! 7 7 5 2 9 I I 3 8 4 J 2 TA 114 ALGEBRA. To reduce an Equation by Involution. 49. Hitherto there has been no Equation in which the un- known Quantity has had the radical Sign prefixt before it, or has been connected with known Quantities under the radi- cal Sign; but as this is a Cafe which frequently happens, we are now to explain the Manner, how fuch Equations are managed. If any Part of an Equation is a furd Quantity, but the un- known Quantity is not under the radical Sign, then there is no Occafion to clear this Equation of its Surds; but if the unknown Quantity is under the radical Sign, then the Equation muſt be cleared of its Surds. And when there is a given Equation where the unknown Quantity is under the radical Sign, and there are known Quan- tities without the radical Sign on that Side of the Equation, and connected by the Signs+or, tranſpoſe all thofe Quantities which are without the radical Sign, to the other Side of the Equation; then raiſe both Sides of the Equation to the Square, if the radical Sign expreffes the Square Root, or to the Cube, if the radical Sign expreffes the Cube Root, and fo on; by which Means the Equation will be cleared of its Surds. After this, if there are no known Quantities on the ſame Side of the Equation with the unknown one, the Queſtion is folved; but if there are ftill known Quantities on the fame Side of the Equation with the unknown Quantity, the Equation is to be reduced by fome of the Methods before explained, at Art. 46, 47, 48. The Square Root is expreffed by this Sign, and the Cube 3. Root by the fame Sign with a 3 on the Top, thus ✓; and if any Root is taken befides the Square Root, the Figure over the Sign fhews what Root it is; but when it is only the Square Root, then there is generally no Figure over the Sign. Queſtion 19. Two Gentlemen were talking of the Number of Acres there were in a Park, the Park-Keeper being prefent, and difpofed to how his Learning, told them, that if they extracted the Square Root of the Number of Acres in the Park, from which Square Root fubftracting 5, this Remainder will be equal to 50. How many. Acres were there in the Park? Let A To reduce an Equation, &c. 115: d Let a the Number of Acres in the Park, b = 5, = 50. of } | I a Now there were a certain Number of Acres in the Park, which call The Square Root of which, by Art. } 33. is From which fubftracting 5, or b, that is, connecting b by the Sign-, it is Whicha:-b by the Queftion? is equal to 50, or d, hence The Queſtion being now expreffed in Algebra, and obferving that b is not under the radical Sign, there- fore tranſpoſe b, then Now all the Quantities being tranf- pofed, which were not under the radical Sign, fquare both Sides of the Equation, as the radical Sign expreffes the Square Root. But the Square of a is a, by Art. 43. and the Square of d+b is d d + 2 db + bb, by Art. 32. and making the fe equal to one another, for the Square of equal Quantities or Numbers must be equal, and we have 2✓ a 3√a: —b 4√a: b = d - 5√a=d+b 6a=dd +2db + b b Hence it appears that a, the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Square of the Number reprefented by d, added to twice the Product of the two Numbers reprefented by d and b, and this Sum added to the Square of the Number reprefented by b. dd, or 2500 The Square of the Number reprefented by d is dd, or The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by d and bis db, or 250, and twice that Product is 2 db, or The Sum is d d + 2 db, or The Square of the Number repreſented by b is bb, or 500 3000 25 The Sum is dd + 2 db +bb, or 3025, which is 3025 a, or the Number fought Q 2 Hence, 116 ALGEBRA, 200 Hence, I fay, there were 3025 Acres in the Park, which is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queſtion. The Number of Acres in the Park were Now the Square Root of that Number is From which ſubſtracting There remains what the Queſtion requires 3025 55. ๆๆๆ 50 Queſtion 20. A Perfon, who had been fortunate at Gaming, was aſked how many Guineas he had won, to which he answered, that if the Square Root of their Number was extracted, from which Root fubftracting 7, he should then have 16 Guineas, What Number of Guineas did he win? Let a = the Number of Guineas won, b=7, d= 16. Now a Perfon won a Number of Guineas, which call The ſquare Root of which by Art.} 33. is From which ſubſtracting 7, or b, wel have Which ab by the Queſtion is to be equal to 16, ord, hence Now becauſe b is not under the radical Sign, therefore tranſpoſe b, then All the Quantities not under the ra- dical Sign being now tranfpofed, in order to clear the Equation of the Surd, raife both Sides of the Equation to the Square or fecond Power. But the Square of a is a, by Art. 43. and the Square of d + biş d d + 2 db + b b, by Art. 32. and making thefe two equal to one another, for the Square of equal Quantities or Numbers muſt be equal, and we have I a 2 √ a } 3√ a a - b 4√ a 4√a―b=d 5√ a = d + å 6a=dd2d b - b b That is to fay, the unknown Quantity, or a, is equal to the Square of the Number reprefented by d, added to twice the Pro- duct of the two Numbers reprefented by d and b, to which Sum add the Square of the Number reprefented by b. The To reduce an Equation, &c. 117 The Square of the Number reprefented by d is dd, or The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by d and bis db, or 112, and twice that Product is 2 db, or The Sum is dd2 db, or The Square of the Number reprefented by b is bb, or } 256 224 480 49 The Sum is dd +2db+bb, or 529, which is equal} 529 to a, or the Number fought Therefore the Perfon won 529 Guineas; and is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I ſay the Number of Guinéas he won was For the Square Root of that Number is And if from that Square Root we ſubſtract There remains what the Queſtion requires } 529 ཀླག་ 16 Queſtion 21. A Gentleman having fold his Eftate, an imper- tinent illiterate Perfon aſked him what he had fold it for, why, Sir, replied he, if you extract the Square Root of the Number of Guineas for which I fold it, and add 17 to that Number, this Sum will be equal to 317. How many Guineas had the Gentle- man for his Eftate? Let a the Number of Guineas for which the Eſtate was fold, b17, d = 317. Now the Eftate was fold for al Number of Guineas, which call The fquare Root of which by Art. Į 33. is To which 17, or b, being added, we l have Which ab by the Queftion is to be equal to 317, ord, hence The Queſtion being now exprefled in Algebra, and becaufe b is not under the radical Sign, therefore tranfpoſe b, and we have Now fquare both Sides of the Equa tion, and make them equal to one another, for the Reafons mentioned in the two laft Queftions, and we have a 2/a 3√a+6 4√ √ a+b= + ď 5✓a=d-b 6a=dd-2dbbb From 118 ALGEBRA. From hence we know that a, the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Square of the Number reprefented by d, fubftracting from it twice the Product of the Numbers repreſented by d and b, and adding to the Remainder the Square of the Number re- prefented by b. The Square of the Number reprefented by d is 100489 dd, or The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by } b and d is db, or 5389, and twice that Product is 10778. 2 db, or or Į Which ſubſtracted, the Remainder is dd2 db, 89711 The Square of the Number repreſented by b is $} bb, or — which} 289 The Sum is d d — 2 db +bb, or 90000, which 90000 is equal to a, and is the Number fought And that the Eſtate was fold for 90000 Guineas, is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I ſay the Eſtate was fold for For the fquare Root of that is To which if we add The Sum is what the Queftion requires. 90000 Guineas 300 17 317 Queſtion 22. A young Gentleman, when he came of Age, aſked his Guardian the annual Rent of the Eftate his Father left him, to which he was answered, that if he extracted the fquare Root of the Number of Pounds for which the Estate was rented, and to this Root if he added 27, it would be equal to 100 Pounds. What was the annual Rent of the Estate? Let a = the Rent of the Eftate, m 27, x = 100. Now the Rent of the Eftate was The fquare Root of which by Art.} 33. is To which 27, or m, being added, we have Which by the Queſtion is to be equal to 100, or x, hence I a 2 Va } 3√a+m 4a+m = =X * The To reduce an Equation, &c. f1g The Queſtion being now expreffed in Algebra, begin by tranfpofing m, for the Reafons mentioned in the former Queftions, and then we have Now fquaring both Sides of the E- quation, to take away the radical Sign, as was done in the foregoing Queftions, and then we have 5 √ a = x 6a=xx―2xm+mm And there being no more Quantities to be tranfpoſed, the Queftion is folved; for we may find the Value of a in Num- bers from the Algebraic Work, thus: The Square of the Number reprefented by x is xx, or The Product of the two Numbers repreſented by the Letters x and m is x m, or 2700, and twice that Product is 2 xm, or Which fubftracted leaves x x - 2 x m, or The Square of the Number repreſented by m is mm, or The Sum is 5329, or xx equal to a, or the Number fought 2 xm + mm, which is 10000 5400 4600 729 s} } 5329 And that the annual Rent of the Eftate was 5329 Pounds, is proved from the Conditions of the Queftion. I ſay the annual Rent of the Eftate was For the fquare Root of that is To which there being added The Sum is what the Queftion requires 5329 Pounds 73 27 : 100 Queſtion 23. To find that Number to which 1290 being added, if the fquare Root of this Sum is extracted, from which Root fub- Atracting 29, the Remainder may be 71. Let a the Number fought, b 1290, d 29, *=71. There is a Number fought, which I call To which 1290, or b, being added, we have I a 2a +6 # The fquare Root of which Sum by 3a + ать From Art. 34 is I 120 ALGEBRA. From which ſubſtracting 29, or 2 | 4 d, we have "} Which by the Queftion is equal 5 to 71, or x, hence Now begin the Solution with tranfpofing d, it not being under the radical Sign, and then All the Quantities on one Side- of the Equation being now under the radical Sign, to take away that, as the un- known Quantity is under it, fquare both Sides of the Equation as before. Now the Square of ✔a + b is a + b, by Art. 43. and the Square of x + d is x x + 2 x d + dd, by Art. 32. and as the Squares of equal Numbers, or Quanti- ties, muſt be equal to one ano- ther, hence a+b:~ď ✓a+b:~d=* /a+ b = x+ď 7a+b=xx + 2 x d + d d Now tranfpofe b, it being a 8a=x+2xd+dá — ↓ known Quantity, and then From whence we may find the Value of a in Numbers. The Square of the Number reprefented by x is xx, or 5041 The Product of the two Numbers repreſented by x and d is xd, or 2059, and twice that Product is 2 x d, or The Sum is x x + 2 x d, or The Square of the Number reprefented by dis dd, or The Sum is xx + 2 x d + dd, or From which fubftracting the Number reprefented by b } 4118 9159 840 10000 1290 There remains 8710, or xx + 2 x d + dd—b, } 8710 which is a, or the Number fought And is thus proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I fay To reduce an Equation, &c. 121 * I fay the Number fought is For if to that we add The Sum is The fquare Root of which is 8710 1290 10000 100 From which fubftracting There remains what the Queſtion requires t 29 71 Queſtion 24. A Perfon being asked his Age, replied, that if from my Age you fubftract 11, and extract the fquare Root of the Remainder, to which Root adding 13, this Sum will be equal to 20. What was the Age of the Perfon? Let a the Number of Years, or Age of the Perfon, b = 11, m = 13, d= 20. Now the Age of the Perfon is From which if we fubftract 11, 2 or b, we have I a 2a-b The ſquare Root of which by 3 Art. 34. is To which adding 13, or m, we have Which by the Queftion is equal to 20, or d; hence we have The Queſtion being thus ex- preffed in Algebra, and m not being under the radical Sign, therefore tranfpoſe m; then Now fquare both Sides of the Equation, to clear it of the Surd, as in the former Que- ftions. But the Square of ✔a—b, is a-b, by Art. 43. and the Square of d-m by Art. 32. is dd +mm; then as the Squares of equal Quantities are equal, we have 2 d m And by tranfpofing b we have 3√ √ a -b 4√ a b:+m 5√ a :+m=d 6 a b = d — Ma 7a-b=dd-2dm+mm 8\a=dd-2dm+mm+b By which we find what a is in Numbers. Thus, R The 122 ALGEBRA. 4} } The Square of the Number reprefented by d is dd, or The Product of the two Numbers reprefented by d and m is dm, or 260, and twice that Product is 2 dm, or S Which 520 fubftracted from 400, leaves d d- 2 dm, or 120, (fee the Numerical Work in Queſtion 6.) The Square of the Number repreſented by m is m m, or Which 169 added to-120, makes d d-2 dm + mm, er + 49, (fee the Numerical Work in Queſtion 6.) To which adding the Number reprefented by b The Sum is 60, which I fay ise, or the Age of the Perfon 400 520 -120 169 49 11 © } 60 And is proved from the Conditions of the Queſtion, thus: I ſay the Perſon was For if from that you fubftract There remains 60 Years old II 49 The ſquare Root of which is To which adding 7 13 1 The Sum is what the Queſtion requires 20 To reduce an Equation by Evolution. 50. This is done by the Extraction of Roots, for if after all the known Quantities have been carried to the other Side of the Equation from the unknown Quantity, it appears that one Side of the Equation is the Square, Cube, or any Power of the unknown Quantity, then extract fuch Root of both Sides of the Equation as will deprefs or lower this Power of the un- known Quantity to the firft Power; that is, if one Side of the Equation is the Square of the unknown Quantity, then the Square Root muſt be extracted; and if it is the Cube of the un- known Quantity, then the Cube Root must be extracted, and fo on, which depreffing the unknown Quantity to the firft Power, the Queftion is anſwered. Queſtion 25. What is that Number, if to the Square of which there is 51 added, the Sum may be 100? Leta the Number fought, b = 51, m = 100. Now To reduce an Equation, 123 c. Now there is a Number fought, which} I call The Square of which by Art. 31. is To which 51, or b, being added, we Į have a 2aa 3 a. a + b 4 aa+b=m }|5 And this a a+b is by the Queſtion to Į be equal to 100, or m; hence The Queſtion being expreffed in Al- gebra, begin and tranfpofe b; then The known Quantities being now all on one side of the Equation, and the other Side being a a, or the Square of a; therefore by the Rule extract the fquare Root of both Sides of the Equation. Now the fquare Root of aa is a, by Art. 33. and the Square Root of mb ism-b, by Art. 34. and as the fquare Root of equal Quantities muſt be equal, therefore -m-b 5a 6a= √ m ✓ Hence a, or the Number fought, is equal to the Number reprefented by m, fubftracting from it the Number reprefented by b, and extracting the fquare Root of the Remainder. The Number repreſented by m, is From which fubftracting b, or There remains m b, or The fquare Root of which ism-b, or 7, and b, or 7, and } is equal to a, or the Number fought And is thus proved: I fay the Number ſought is The Square of which is To which adding The Sum is what the Queftion requires ¿} ། 100 51 49 7 7 49 51 100 Queſtion 26. A Merchant had gained fo many Pounds, that if from the Square of their Number is fubftracted 101, and to the Remainder add 500, this Sum will be 3000 Pounds. What had the Merchant gained? R 2 Let 124 ALGEBRA. Let a the Gain of the Merchant, b= 101, m 500, p3000. Then a Merchant had gained a certain Number of Pounds, called The Square of which is by Art. 31. From which fubftracting 101, or b, we have To which adding 500, or m, we have This, by the Queſtion, is to be equal to 3000, or p; hence By tranfpofing m we have By tranfpofing b it is I a 2 a a 3aa- ·b 4aa b+m 5aab+m=p 6aa—b=p—m 7aa=pm + b 27 aap By extracting the ſquare Roots, as at the fixth Step of the laft Example; then 8a=p-m+b } √p—m+b That is, a is equal to the Number reprefented by p, fub- ſtracting from it the Number repreſented by m, and adding to this Remainder the Number reprefented by b, and extracting the fquare Root of the Sum. The Number reprefented by pis From which fubftracting m, or There remains p m, or 3000 500 2500 ΙΟΙ 2601 "} 51 To which adding b, or The Sum is p m + b, or The ſquare Root of which is ✔ p −m + b, or 51, equal to a, the Number fought And is thus proved, from the Conditions of the Queſtion. I ſay the Merchant gained For the Square of that is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding: The Sum is what the Queſtion requires 51 Pounds 2601 ΙΟΙ 2500 500 3000 Queſtion 27. If to the Square of the Number of Miles a Per- fon had travelled there is added 97, fubftracting from the Sum 251, and adding to the Remainder 160, this Sum will be 10006. How many Miles had he travelled? Let To reduce an Equation, &c. 125 Let a the Number of Miles he had travelled, b = 97, M = 251, x = 160, z=10006. Then a Perfon had travelled a cer- tain Number of Miles, called The Square of which is by Arti- cle 31. To which adding 97, or b, it is }| a 2 a a From which ſubſtracting 251, or 4 aa+b-m m, gives To which adding 160, or x, it is Which by the Queftion is to be? equal to 10006, or z, whence By tranfpofing it is By tranfpofing m we have By tranfpofing b then By extracting the fquare Root, as at the eighth Step of the laft Example, we have 3aa+b 5aa+b 6aa+b m + x = z -m+x 7aa+b m = 2 8}a a + b = % x + m 9aa=z— x + m IO a ✓ Z- x+m- b That is, from the Number repreſented by z, fubftract the Number repreſented by x, to the Remainder add the Number repreſented by m, from which Sum fubftract the Number repre- fented by b, extract the fquare Root of the Remainder, and it will be the Number fought. The Number reprefented by z is From which fubftracting x, or There remains z — x, or To which adding m, or The Sum is z −x+m, or From which ſubſtracting b, or There remains zx+m The fquare Root of which, or the Number fought -b, or A 10006 160 : 9846 251 10097 97 10000 −x+m—b, is is } 100 PROOF. 126 ALGEB R A. ļ PROOF. I fay the Perfon had travelled For the Square of that is To which adding The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is what the Queſtion requires. 100 Miles 10000 97 10097 251 9846 160 10006 Queſtion 28. A General, upon numbering his Army, found, that if from the Square of the Number of Men in his Army, there was fubftracted 3196, and to the Remainder adding 2721, from which Sum fubfiracting 1711, there would remain 99997814. To find the Number of Men in the Army? Let a the Number of Men in the Army, b = 3196, m =2721, *= 1711, Z = 2 99997814. The Number of Men in the Army} was The Square of which is by Ar- ticle 31. From which fubftracting 3196, or b, it is To which adding 2721, or m, gives I a 2 a a $3 aa- b } | 4 4aa b + m From which fubfracting 1711,5 aab+ m − x or x, we have aa- 6 [aa-b+m-x=Z Which by the Queſtion is equal to 6 99997814, or z; hence First, by tranfpofing x By tranfpofing m By tranfpofing b By extracting the fquare Root, as in the former Examples By Numbers thus: 7aa-b+m = x + x 8aa-b= b=x+x- m 9aa = x+x- m + b as }|10|4 = 10 a = √x + x — m + b z I is To reduce an Equation, &c. 127 z is in Numbers To which adding ×, or The Sum is z + x, or From which fubftracting m, or There remains zx- m, or To which adding b, or The Sum is x + x − m + b, or The fquare Root of which is a, or the Number fought Which is thus proved: I fay the Number of Men in the Army were For the Square of that is From which fubftracting There remains To which adding The Sum is From which fubftracting There remains what the Queftion requires 99997814 1711 99999525 2721 99996804 3196 100000000 } 10000 100000000 10000 3196 99996804 2721 99999525 1711 99997814 51. Theſe being the particular Methods by which Equations are reduced, or Queftions anſwered, we fhall now add fome Examples where all theſe Methods are promifcuouſly uſed. Queſtion 29. A Merchant broke for fo many Pounds, that if their Number was multiplied by 4, and the Product divided by 6, and extracting the Square Root of the Quotient, from which ſub- fracting 60, there remains 40. What was the Sum for which the Merchant broke? Let a the Number of Pounds fought, 4, d=6, m = 60, p 60, p = 40. Then the Merchant broke for al Number of Pounds, called Which multiplied by 4, or b, we? have 2} I G } 216a ba 3 This divided by 6, or d, we have The 128 ALGEBRA. The fquare Root of which } | 4 From this fubftracting 60,5 or m, we have Which by the Queſtion is equal to 40, or p, hence Becauſe m is not under the radical Sign, therefore tranſpoſe it, by Art. 49. Now fquaring both Sides of the Equation by Art. 49. S And multiplying by Art. 47. then Rejecting d from > ba d ba th d 6 ba m d ་ 8 of } y } | 9 d, by dba d and putting down the other Quantities without any Alteration, as at Art. 47. we have Dividing by b, by Art. 48.} then ba Rejecting b from and b " putting down the other Quantities without without any Alteration, as at Art. 47, or 48, we have In Numbers thus: dpp 9600 = +2 dpm = 28800 + dmm=21600 bd √²a=p+m ba | 0/2 = pp+2pm+mm d dba = dpp+2dpm+dmm d 10 badpp +2dpm+dmm ba dpp +2dpm+dmm II b b 124= a dpp +2dpm + dmm b Sum 60000 or d p p + 2 d pm + dm m Now dividing 60oco, or dpp +2 dpm + dmm, by 4, or b, dpp +2dpm+dmm or 6000, divided by 4= 15000, we have b which is equal to a, or the Number of Pounds for which the Merchant broke, PROOF. To reduce an Equation, &c. 129 PROOF. 15000 4 6)60000 10000 (100 the fquare Root of 10000 60 40 as the Queſtion requires. Queſtion 30. A Gentleman having bought a Houfe, and being difpofed to try the Knowledge of his Son in Algebra, told him, if the Number of Pounds the Houfe coft was divided by 8, and that Quotient multiplied by 50, and extracting the fquare Root of the Product, to which adding 10, this Sum would be 60 Pounds. What did the Houſe coſt? Let a the Price of the Houfe, b 8, d= 50, m = 10, p = 60. Now the Price the Price of the} Houfe is Which divided by 8, or b,} it is This multiplied by 50, or d, we have The fquare Root of which is, by Art. 33. I a 2 b } da 3 b da 4 b da To which adding 10, or m 5 +m Б Now fquaring both Sides of This, by the Queſtion, is equal to 60, or p, hence S The Queftion being now expreffed in Algebra, and m not being under the radical Sign, tranſpoſe it by Art. 49. then the Equation, by Art. 49. And multiplying by b, by l da 6 +m=p b da 7 p- m Ъ da 8 =pp-2pm + mm b b da 9 bpp -2bpm + b mm Art. 47. 1 6 S Rejecting 130 ALGEBRA. Rejecting b from bda and b putting down the reſt as at the twelfth Step of the laſt Queſtion, then Dividing by d, by Art. 48.} 10 da=bpp~ 2 bp m + b m m d da _bpp — 2bpml + b mm II then d da Rejecting d from and putting down the reſt as 124 bpp — 2 bpm + b m m d at Art. 47, or 48. and In Numbers: ~2bpm= 9600 bpp = 28800 19200 +bmm = 8co d=5|0)2000|0 4004, the Number of Pounds the Houſe coft. PROOF. 8)400 50 50 2500 (50 the Square Root of 2500 ΙΟ 60 as the Queſtion requires. CONSECTAR Y. If the Reader compares the eighth, ninth, and tenth Steps of the laſt Work, he will find that to multiply any Fraction by its Denominator, or any Dividend by its Divifor, is only to reject the Denominator, or Divifor, from that Quantity, and multiply, it into all the other Quantities; thus, the Equation at the eighth =pp-2pm + mm, which being multiplied by Step is da b its To reduce an Equation, &c. 131 its Denominator b, we have at the tenth Step dabpp — 2 b p m + b mm; the ninth Step, or bda = b pp - 2 bpm b +bmm, being only a more particular Illuftration of the Work. And by comparing the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth Steps of the fame Work, it appears, that to divide any Quantity, by any Letter in that Quantity, is only to reject that Letter from the Quantity, and placing it as a Divifor to the other Quan- tities; thus, at the tenth Step, the Equation is da = bpp - 2 bpm + b mm, which being divided by d, gives at the twelfth b p p − 2 bpm + b m m Step a = ; the eleventh Step or d da d b p p — 2 bpm + b mm, being only a more particular Illuftration d of the Work. Therefore we ſhall for the future leave out ſuch Steps as the ninth and eleventh : I did not chooſe to do it before, my Deſign being to make this curious Science as eafy as poffible. Queſtion 31. A Running-Footman being ſent of an Errand, was told, that if he ſquared the Number of Miles he was to run, and multiplied the Square by 4, and divided the Product by 40, to this Quotient adding 500, from which Sum ſubſtracting 1400, and extracting the fquare Root of the Remainder, it would be 10. How many Miles was the Footman to run? Let a the Number of Miles the Footman was to run, b = 4, d=40, m =40, m=500, x = 1400, p = 10. The Number of Miles the Foot- man was to run let be Which being fquared is by Art. 31. } a 2 aa This being multiplied by 4, 3 ba or b, we have This being divided by 40, or d,} it is To which adding 500, or m, gives S 2 baa 4 d baa 5 十九 ​From 132 ALGEBRA. From which fubftracting 1400, } 6 or x, we have The fquare Root of which is by Art. 34. ४ baa + m d }|7 baa +m− x d baa +m· x = Þ Which by the Queftion, is equal 8 to 10, or p, therefore Now ſquare both Sides of the Equation, by Art. 49. and s baa d 9 +m x = pp d é baa By tranfpofing x, we have } ΙΟ +m=pp+x d ba a I I d By tranſpoſing m, we have By multiplying by d by the Confectary, Page 130. =pp+x-m 12|baa=dpp+ dx - dm And dividing by b by the Con-}|13|a a= Setary, Page 130. Now extracting the ſquare Root, }|14|4= by Art. 50. In Numbers: dpp4000 +dx = 56000 dm= 60000 20000 b = 4) 40000 dpp + d x dx ~ b d m d p p + d x - dm b 10000 (100 the ſquare Root of 10000, hence the Footman was to run 100 Miles. 4 a a 40 PROOF. +509—1400 = 10 I have not drawn out the Proof of the laft Queftion into Par- ticulars, but only expreffed it at once; that is, four times the Square of a (which is found to be 100) being divided by 40, if to this Quotient we add 500, and from this Sum fubftract 1400, And the fquare Root of this Remainder will be equal to 10. now I fhall exprefs all the Conditions of the Queſtion at the firſt, Equation, To reduce an Equation, &c. 133 Equation, that the Learner may form fome little Judgment in what Manner to fhorten his Work; and if he conceives how the Proof of the laft Queftion is expreffed, it will eafily lead him to the Knowledge of expreffing the Conditions of the Queſtion, or raife fuch Equations as arife from the Queftion without parti- cularizing every Circumftance. But if the Learner finds any Difficulty in this, he may proceed as before. Queſtion 32. A Gentleman who had been at the Gaming- Tables, and lofing, fome of his Acquaintance laughing at him for his Folly, afked how much he had left; to which he answered, if you Square the Number of Pounds I have loſt, and divide that by 4, multiplying this Quotient by 10, to which Product add 3900, then extracting the fquare Root of this Sum, from which fubftracting 80, the Remainder will be equal to 90. How much had he loft? Let a = the Number of Pounds loft, b = 4, d = 10, m = 3900, p = 80, z = 90. Then by the Queſtion By tranfpofing p, it not being under the radical Sign, by Art. 49. we have By fquaring both Sides of the Equation, by Art. 49. then By tranfpofing m, it is Multiplying by b by the Confectary, Page 130. Dividing by d by the ſame Extracting the fquare 7 Root, by Art. 50. daa +m:-p=% b daa 2 +m=x+p b da a 3 +m=2x+2xp+pp b da a 4 =xx+2xp + pp-m b 5daa=bzz+2bz p+b pp− b m 6|aa= b x x + 2 b xp + b p p − b m 7a= d bxx + 2b xp + bpp-bm d In Numbers: dz z 134 ALGEBRA. i bzz=32400 2bxp=57600 bpp=25600 115600 bm 15600 d=10) 10000|0 10000 (100 = a, the Number of Pounds loft. I O PROOF. 10 aa a a +3900:- 80 90 4 To reduce an Equation when the unknown Quantity is in feveral Terms. 52. When the unknown Quantity is in more Terms than one, bring all thofe Terms which have the unknown Quantity to one side of the Equation, taking Care that the greateſt Co- efficient of the unknown Quantity has at laft the affirmative Sign, and carrying all the Quantities that are known on the other Side of the Equation; then divide both Sides of the Equation by all the Co-efficients of the unknown Quantity, con- nected with the fame Signs of and, as they then happen + to have, which will reduce the Equation, as in the following Examples. If the unknown Quantity fhould be in more than two Terms, tranfpofe thofe Terms in fuch a Manner, that the Sum of the pofitive Co-efficients of the unknown Quantity may exceed the Sum of the negative Co-efficients of the unknown Quantity, and then divide as before directed. Queſtion 33. There is a certain Number which being multiplied by 10, if this Product is divided by 2, to this Quotient adding 19, and fubftracting 99 from that Sum, the Remainder will be equal to the Number fought. = Let a the Number fought, b = 10, d = 2, m = 19, x = 99. 2 By To reduce an Equation, &c. 135 ba I +m-z=a d By the Queſtion By tranfpofing z By tranfpofing m ba 2 +m=a+z d ba d 3 =a+z a+z-m dm 5 ba-da-dz-dm By multiplying by d by the 4 bada+dz. Confectary, Page 130. Becauſe d is less than b, tranſ- poſe da, that both the Terms which have the unknown Quantity, may be on the fame Side of the Equation, then And dividing according to the Rule by b-d, the two Co- efficients of a, we have 6a= d z — d m b-d Number fought. = 20 the 1 10 a 2 PROOF. + 1999 a The Divifion at the fifth and fixth Steps, viz. that bada, divided by bd, fhould leave only a, may perhaps a little perplex the Learner; and if it does, I advife him to examine Art. 10. where he may obferve, that in multiplying any com- pound Quantity by a fingle Letter, that Letter goes into every Term of the Product, therefore the Multiplier is not fo many Times that Letter as the Number of Terms are in which that Letter is found, but only that fingle Letter multiplied fuc- ceffively into all the other Quantities; hence, if this Product is to be divided by all thofe Quantities, the Quotient will be the fingle Letter, and not fo many Times that Letter as the Number of Terms are in which it is found. See farther the Proof of the Queſtion 38. and Art. 22. 1 Queſtion 34. A Gentleman bought an Eſtate for so many Pounds, that if they were multiplied by 4, and this Product divided by 5, from which Quotient fubftracting 600, and adding to the Re- mainder 6 Times what the Eftate coft, this Sum will be equal te 6200 Pounds. How much did the Eftate coft? Let 136 ALGEBRA. Let a the Number of Pounds the Eſtate coft, b= 4, d = 5, m = 600, p=6, x = 6200. Then by the Queſtion By tranfpofing m, we have Multiplying by d by the Con- fectary, Page 130 Dividing by b+dp, the Co- efficients of a, as in the laſt Queſtion, and we have - ba I m+pa = x d ba 2 +pa=x+m d 3 ba+dpa=dx+dm 4 a = Therefore the Eſtate coft 1000 Pounds. PROOF. d x + d m b+dp = 1000 4 a 600+6a= 6200 5 Queſtion 35. A Perfon had a certain Number of Shillings, which multiplied by 4, this Product being divided by 11, to the Quotient adding 90, and from this Sum taking away 30, the Square Root of this Remainder will be equal to the fquare Root of the Number of Shillings fought, after being diminiſhed by 10. Let a the Number of Shillings fought, b = 4, d=11, *=90, p = 30, % = 10. Then by the Queſtion 1b a + x = p = √ a=x ba d } ba +x➡p=a d Becauſe there is no Quantity on each Side of the Equation but what is under the radical Sign, therefore ſquare both Sides of the Equation, by Art. 49. Multiplying by d by the Con- fectary, Page 130. Becaufe d, one Co-efficient of a, is greater than b, the other Co-efficient of a, tranſpoſe ba, then 2 א Z }|3|ba+dx—dp=da— dz 4 dx-dp=da-dz-ba Tranſpoſing To reduce an Equation, &c. 137 Tranpofing dz Dividing by db, the two- Co-efficients of a, Queſtion 33. Step 6. we have as at wes = |5|dz + dx dp da—ba 61a= dz + d x = dp = 110 d-b (the Number fought. If the Learner chooses to have the unknown Quantity on the left Side of the Equation, he might have put the 5th Step thus, da-badz + dx-dp, this being only to change the Sides of the Equation, not to alter their Value. PROOF. If a 110, then 4 a I I +90-30=√α-10 a Queſtion 36. A Running-Footman forward to fhow his Learn- ing, being in Company, faid, if the Number of Miles he had run was multiplied by 7, to which Product adding 550, and fubfiract- ing 20 from that Sum, and dividing the Remainder by 10, the fquare Root of the Quotient will be the fame, as if you added 14 Miles to thofe he had run, and extracted the fquare Root of that Sum. Let a the Number of Miles he had run, b m = 20, p = 10, × = 14. Then by the Queſtion Quan- There being no tity without the radi- cal Sign, therefore fquare both Sides of the Equa- tion as at the fecond Step of the laſt Queſtion Multiplying by p by the Confectary, Page 130. Becauſe p, one Co-efficient of a, is greater than b, other Co-efficient of therefore tranſpoſe b a By tranfpofing px the a, Dividing by p-b, the two Co-efficients of a, as at Queſtion 33. Step. 6. we have 7, d=550, = 7, I ba + d P m =√a+x ba+d- m =a+x P 3bad-m=p a + p x 2 } 3 ba+a T 4d-m=pa+px-ba 5d-m-px-pa-ba a m px 130 the (Number of Miles required, PROOF, 138 ALGEBRA. 1 PROOF. 7a+550— 20 ΙΟ = √ a + 14 To reduce an Equation when the fame Quantity, either known or unknown, is in every Term of the Equation. 53. In any Algebraic Operation, if the fame Quantity, either known or unknown, is in every Term of any Equation, then divide every Term of the Equation by that Quantity, which will reduce the Equation to more fimple Terms, as in the following Queftions. Queſtion 37. To find a Number which multiplied by 4, and the Product added to the fame Number multiplied by 56, and divided by 7, this Sum will be equal to the Square of the Number fought. Let a = the Number fought, b = 4, d= 56, m = 7. Then by the Queſtion } da Iba + - аа 772 } 2mba+da = maa Multiplying by m by the? Confectary, Page 130. Becauſe a is in every Term of the Equation, divide by a, then Dividing by m, the Co- efficient of a, by the Con- fectary, Page 130. and 3mb+d=ma 4/a 4α== mb + d 12 the Num- m (ber fought. PROOF. 56 a 4a+ =aa 7 Queſtion 38. There are two Towns at fuch a Distance, that if the Number of Miles between them is multiplied by 79, and this Product added to their Distance, the Square Root of this Sum will be equal to the Distance of the two Towns multiplied by 2. Lot To reduce an Equation, &c. 139 Let a the Diftance of the Towns, b = 79, m = 2. Then by the Queftion There being no rational Quantities on the fame Side of the Equation where the radical Sign is, fquare both Sides of the Equation, and Dividing by a, it being in every Term of the Equation, and I√bata = ma 2 ba+a=mmaa 36+1=mma Dividing by mm, the Co-efficient of a{4 a = b+ I M M Hence the Diſtance between the two Towns is 20 Miles. PROOF. √79a+a= 2 a =20 If the Reader does not eafily conceive that dividing b a + a, or ba+1 a at the fecond Step, by a, gives b + 1, as at the third Step, I advife him to confider what is faid at Queſtion 33; to which may be added, that b + 1 × a = ba+a, whereas b + 1 × 2 a = 2 b a + 2 a, a Product very different from batia baa. Or it may be explained thus, =b+ 1, Q the a being rejected by Art. 22 and 26. The Manner of registering the Steps of an Algebraic Operation explained. 54. Having explained to the young Analyft the different Methods of managing Equations, to fave the Trouble of uſing fo many Words, I fhall now fhow him the Method of register- ing the Steps, introduced by the ingenious Dr. John Pell. To register the Steps of an Analytic Operation is only to ex- preſs in the Margent of the Work by Symbols, inſtead of Words, what has been done; and to render it as eafy as may be to the Learner, we ſhall refume the Work of one of the former Queſtions, and exprefs by Words what is done in one Column, in another Column exprefs the fame Thing by Symbols, or Characters, and in the third Column place the Work itſelf, that by comparing the Operation with the Obfervations that follow it, the Reader may the more easily underſtand the Manner of regiſtering the Steps. T 2 Queſtion 140 ALGEBRA. Queſtion 39. A Running-Footman being fent of an Errand, was told, that if he fquared the Number of Miles he was to run, and multiplied it by 4, and divided the Product by 40, to this Quotient adding 500, from which Sum fubftracting 1400, and extracting the fquare Root of the Remainder, it would be 10, How many Miles was the Footman to run? (this is Queſt. 31.) Let a = the Number of Miles the Footman was to run, b = 4, d = 40, m = 500, x = 1400, p = 10. Then, by the Queſtion, we have the fame Equation as at the eighth Step, Queſtion 31. Squaring both Sides of the Equation, or in- volving them to the fecond Power, by Art. 49. By tranfpofing x at the fecond Equation By tranfpofing m at the third Equation Multiplying the fourth? Equation by d Regifter baa I +m- d 11 b a a 12 2 +m-x=pp d baa 2+x3 3-m baa 4 4x d 4 x d 5 ÷ 6 b 6 a app+dx—dm 6 un 2 7a= √ b Dividing the fifth Equa-} 5 Extracting the fquare Root of the fixth E- quation, by Art. 50. S 30 ac² + m = p p + x d = = p p + x — m pp+xm d baad p p + dx — d m аа - d p p + d x - d m b For another Inſtance let us take Queſtion 33. =10 Queſtion 40. There is a certain Number, which being multiplied by To, if this Product is divided by 2, to this Quotient adding 19, and ſubſtracting 99 from that Sum, the Remainder will be equal to the Number fought. Let a the Number fought, b = 10, d= 2, m = 19, 2 = 99. Then To reduce an Equation, &c. 141 Iba Then by the Queſtion I +m—z=a Regiſter d By tranfpofing z from the firft Equation I 1+% By tranfpofing m from the fecond Equation - Į 2-m Multiplying the third E- 3xd quation by d By tranfpofing da from the fourth Equation Dividing the fifth Equa- tion by b―d, the two Co-efficients of a, by Art. 52. ba 2 +m=a+z d ba 3=a+xm d 4 bada+dz-dm 4-da 5 ba-da— dz—dm dz-dm 5÷b-d6a= =20 b-d From theſe two Examples we may obferve, that to register any Operation, is only to put down the Figure which ftands in the Column against that Equation, from which we intend to raiſe the next Equation, and after that the Sign of either Addition, Subſtraction, Multiplication, Divifion, Involution and Evolution, according as the Cafe requires, and after this the Quantity which fuffers the Alteration. Thus at Queſtion 39, the firft Equation being raiſed or in- volved to the fecond Power produces the fecond Equation, there- fore, I fay in the Regifter 12, that is, the firſt Equation involved to the fecond Power gives the fecond Equation, and in the fame Operation. Becauſe the fourth Equation is produced from the third, by tranſpoſing m with the Sign, therefore in the Register I fay 3-m, that is, the third Equation-m, produces the fourth Equation. And, As the fifth Equation is produced from the fourth by multi- plying by d, therefore I fay in the Regifter 4 × d, that is, the fourth Equation multiplied by d, produces the fifth Equation. And, As the fixth Equation is produced from the fifth by dividing by b, therefore, I fay in the Register 5b, that is, the fifth Equation divided by b, produces the fixth Equation. And, As the feventh Equation is produced from the fixth by ex- tracting the fquare Root, I fay in the Regifter 6 w 2, that is, the fixth Equation having the Square Root extracted, produces the feventh Equation. 2 Whence, 142 ALGE BRA. Whence, as I faid above, to regiſter any Operation, is only to put down whether it is the firft, fecond, third, fourth, or any other Equation, which fuffers the Alteration, and from which the new Equation is raiſed; and after that Figure to exprets in Characters, or Signs, the Alteration that is then made to gain the new Equation. The Method of refolving Questions that contain two Equations, and two un- known Quantities. 55.T' HE foregoing Questions requiring only one unknown Number to be found, their Conditions were all expreffed in one Equation, which Equation being reduced by the Rules already delivered, the Queftion was anſwered. But if the Queſtion requires two unknown Quantities to be found, then there are generally raiſed two Equations from the Queftion, each of them including both the unknown Quan- tities; which may be reſolved by this RULE. Find what the fame unknown Quantity is equal to in each of the two Equations, which arife from the Conditions of the Queftion, then make theſe two Equations equal to one another, and in this Equation there will be but one unknown Quantity, confequently if this Equation is reduced by the Rules already given at Art. 46 to 53. we ſhall find what this unknown Quantity is. And to find the Value of an unknown Quantity in any Equation, is only to find what it is equal to, therefore all the other Quantities, whether known or unknown, muſt be carried to the other Side of the Equation by the Directions at Art. 46 to 53. and then it will appear to what this unknown Quantity is equal, as this makes one Side of the Equation, the other Side of the Equation being known Quantities, with the other un- known Number or Quantity fought. Finding The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 143 Finding the Value of the fame unknown Quantity in each of the given Equations, and making thefe two Equations equal to one another, which clears the Work of that unknown Quantity whofe Value was found, is called exterminating an unknown Quantity. Queſtion 41. To find two Numbers, if the greater is added to the leffer, the Sum is 262. But if from the greater you ſubſtract the leffer, the Remainder is 144. = Let a the greater Number, and the leffer Number fought, b = 262, x = 144. Now the Sum of the two Num- bers in Algebra is a + e, which is equal to 262, or b, hence we have And the leffer Number being ſubſtracted from the greater is ae, which is equal to 144, or x, hence we have 144, S Ia+e=b By the Queſtion 2 a The Conditions of the Queftion being now expreffed, there appears in the above two Equations, two unknown Quantities. a and e, therefore according to the Rule find what a is equal to in the first Equation, by tranfpofing e. I - Е 31α= Now find what a is equal to in the fecond Equation, by tranfpofing e 2 + e 4a=x+e Therefore make the third and fourth Equations equal to one another, for they are both equal to the fame Quantity a, which exterminates that unknown Quantity: this Step is registered by placing the 3 and 4 with a Point between them as in the Work, which expreffes that the fifth Equation is from comparing the third and ourth Equation together 3·4 151x+e=bme The 1 144 ALGEBRA. The unknown Quantity e being on both Sides of the Equa- tion, bring it on one Side of the Equation, by Art. 52. 5 + e| 6 | x + 2 e = b 6. x 7 2e=b 7÷28 e= b- x 2 x Here it appears that e, or the leffer Number fought, is equal to b, or 262, ſubftracting from it x, or 144, and dividing the Remainder by 2. When any Equation is divided by an abfolute Number, as the feventh Equation is divided by 2, place them in the Regiſter as uſual, but draw a Line over the 2 to diſtinguiſh that it is an abfolute Number by which you divide, and not by the ſecond Equation in the Work. Now b=262 144 2) 118 59e, the leffer of the two Numbers fought. It being now known what e is in Numbers, we may find a by the third or fourth Equation, and by the third Equation we have a — b—e. But b 262 e 59 203 = a, the greater of the two Numbers fought. Whence 203 and 59 are the two Numbers required in the Queſtion, and is thus proved from their Conditions. The greater Number is 203 The leffer Number is 59 262 Sum 203 59 144 Remains. Queſtion 42. Two Men difcourfing of their Money, founa that if the Number of Shillings each had were added together, the Sum would be 38. But if from him that had the greater Number of Shillings, there be fubftracted twice the Number of Shillings the other Perfon had, there would remain 5. How many had each Man? Let The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 145 J Let a the greater Number of Shillings, e the leffer Number of Shillings, b= 38, x=5. And becauſe the Sum of their Shillings, or a+e, was 38, or b, hence And twice the leffer Number being taken from the greater, or a *, hence 2 e, was equal to 5, or Now to find the Value of a in the firſt Equation, tranſpoſe e. I a +e=b By the Queftion 21á· Ze=x I e 3a=b a = be And to find the Value of a in the fecond Equation, tranſpoſe 2 e. 2+2e4a= x + 2e Make the third and fourth Equations equal to one another, becauſe they are both equal to the fame Quantity a, and regifter it as directed in the laſt Queſtion; and this exterminates the unknown Quantity a. 3.4151x+2ebc The unknown Quantity e being on both Sides of the Equa tion, bring it on one Side of the Equation, by Art. §2. 5 + e 6 x + 3 e = b 6 x73e=b b- X b. 3 7 ÷ 38 e = Hence the Queſtion is anfwered, for b 38 5 3 33 I e, the leffer 11 = e, Number of Shillings. And as e is now known, we may find what a is by the third or fourth Equation; taking the fourth Equation, we have U ་ ་ ་ 146 ALGEBRA. * = 5 2e22 27=a, the greater Number of Shillings. PROOF. The greater Num-27 ber of Shillings The Leffer Num-} ber of Shillings II Sum 38 27 Twice the leffer Number of Shillings 22 Remains 5 Queſtion 43. Two Men laying a Wager concerning the Num- ber of Sheep in two Droves, as they could not decide it, appealed to a third Perfon, who told them, that if 31 was added to the Number of Sheep in the greatest Drove, that Sum would be equal to twice the Number of Sheep in the leaft Drove. But if they added 44 to the Number of Sheep in the least Drove, that Sum would be as many as were in the greateft Drove, and defired they would now find the Number of Sheep in each Drove. Let a the Number of Sheep in the greateſt Drove, e the Number of Sheep in the leaft Drove, x = 31, d=44. Now the Number of Sheep in the greateſt Drove being added to 31, is equal to twice the Number of Sheep in the leffer Drove, hence Ia+x=2e\ 1 By the Queftion 2e + d I - x 3α== 2 e а 2e- *** And the Number of Sheep in the leaft Drove when added to 44, being equal to the Num- ber of Sheep in the greateſt Drove, we have Now by the third Equation, a is equal to 2 e-x, and by the fecond Equation, a is equal to ed, therefore make theſe Equations equal to one another, for they are both equal to the fame Quantity a, which exterminates a, as before. 2.3 The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 147 d44 x=31 2.3 4- e 5 5+x 4 2e-x=e+d e 6 * d e=d+x 75e, the Number of Sheep in the leaft Drove. Then having found e, we may find a by the ſecond Equation. e = 75 d = 44 1194, the Number of Sheep in the greateſt Drove. PROOF. 119 317 150 which is twice the Number of Sheep in the leaſt Drove. 75 44 119 which is the Number of Sheep in the greateſt Drove. Queſtion 44. Two Gentlemen who had fold their Eftates, by comparing what each Eftate was fold for, found, that twice the Sum of what both the Estates was fold for was 11468 Pounds: And if what the leaft Eftate was fold for, be ſubſtracted from what the greatest Eftate was fold for, there will remain 1408 Pounds. For how much was each Eftate fold? Let a for, e the Number of Pounds the greateſt Eftate was fold the Number of Pounds the leaſt Eſtate was fold for, b=11468, x=1408, By the firft Condition By the fecond Condition. Find the Value of a, in the firft Equation. I 7 2 2a+20=6 a e = x Į - 2 e 3 2a=b-ze 32 4 a → b-20 ~ U 2 Now 148 ALGEBRA. Now find the Value of a, in the fecond Equation, 2+e1510= x + e Make the fourth and fifth Equations equal to one another, becauſe they are both equal to the fame Quantity a, and therefore must be equal to one another, by which a will be exterminated. ? b-ze * *Here we have 2 4 · 5 6 x+e= 6 x 2 7 7+ 2e 8 8 2X 9 2x+2e=b2e 2x+4e=b 4e=b 2x b. 2 x 94 IO e 4 only to find what e is by the Rules already delivered, at Art. 46 to 53. 2163, the Pounds for which the leaft Eftate was fold; and e being now known, then 11 By the fifth Step | II | a=x+e=3571, the Pounds for which the greateſt Eftate was fold. PROOF. Now if a=3571, and e = 2163, then 2a +2 e = 11468, and a- 1408. =j Queſtion 45. Two Gamefters, A and B, found, that if twice the Number of Pounds won by A was added to what had been won by B, the Sum was 48 Pounds: And if what had been won by ▲ was added to three times what bad been own by B, the Sum was 39 Pounds. What was the Sum won by each Gamefter ? = = Let a the Pounds won by A, the Pounds won by B, b = 48, x = 39. By the firſt Condi-} tion By the fecond Con- 1 dition I 2a+e=b 2 a+3e=x Find The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 149 Find the Value of a, from the firſt Equation. 2a=b — e b- e I e 3 32 4 a = 2 Now find the Value of a, from the ſecond Equation. 23e5a=x -3e Make the fourth and fifth Equations equal to one another, becauſe they are each equal to the fame Quantity, which Equa- tion will exterminate a. 2 =*=3e* b—e=2x-6e b+5e=2x b e 4.5 6 6 × 2 7 7+6e 8 8-b 9 9-5 IO e= Then from the fifth Equation S 4I 5e = 2x — b 2 x -b 5 * Here we have only to find e by the Rules already delivered, at Art. 46 to 53. = 6 Pounds, won by B. a=x—3e = 21 Pounds, won by A. PROOF. 2a+e=48 a3e=39 Queſtion 46. What are those two Numbers, that twice the greater being added to three times the leffer, the Sum is 29: And three times the greater being ſubſtracted from five times the leffer, the Remainder is 4. e Let a = the greater Number, the leffer Number, b = 29, m = 4. By the firft Condi-} tion } I 12 } | By the fecond Con- Į dition 2a+3e=b 2 | 56-3a=m Find ! 1 150 ALGEBRA. Find the Value of a, from the firſt Equation. I 3 e 3 2 a b- 3e 3÷2 4 b — ze a 2 Now find the Value of a, from the fecond Equation; tranf- pofe 3a, becauſe it has the negative Sign. 2 +3a 5 5e=m+3a 5 — m 6 5e—m = 3 a Or 7 3a=5e- m 7+3 8 5e-m 3 Make the fourth and eighth Equations equal to one another, for they are each equal to the fame Quantity a, and this un- known Quantity will be exterminated. 4. 8 5 e-m 9 b-3e 3 10e- 2 2 m 9x210 3e 3 10 X 3 II II 10 e 10 e 2 m = 38 — де 11 + 9 e 12 19e — 36 12 2m 1319e3b+2 m 3b+2m 13 19 14e = 5, the leffer Number. 19 By the fourth? Equation 15 b-ze = 7, the greater Number.. 2 PROOF. 2a+3e29 5e3a= 4 Queſtion 47. Two Travellers, A and B, meeting on the Road, found, that if the Number of Miles travelled by A was divided by five, adding to this Quotient three times the Number of Miles travelled by B, the Sum was 249: 2 But The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 151 But if twice the Number of Miles travelled by A were added to four times the Number of Miles travelled by B, the Sum was Miles had each travelled? 540. How many Let the Number of Miles travelled by A, e the Number of Miles travelled by B, x = 249, ≈ = 540. By the firft Con- } dition By the fecond Con- dition I +3e=x 5 22a + 4e = z I × 5 3a +15e=5x 3—154 a = 5 x — 15 e The Value of a being now found by the firſt Equation, find its Value from the fecond Equation. 24e52a = z 526a= — 46 -4e 2 Now make the fourth and fixth Equations equal to one ano- ther as before, which exterminates a. 4 6 7 א -48 =5* =5x=15e 2 7x28x 4e=10x- 30 e 8 +30e9% + 26e = 10x 9 ≈1026e=10x-% 10 X Z 10 ÷ 26 11e = Then by the 4th Equation I I 12a = 5 x ·12a = 5 x — 15 e = 120, 26 75, the Miles tra- (velled by B. the Miles (travelled by A. PROOF. 5 +3e=249 2a + 4e = 540 The 152 ALGEBRA. The Learner being now a little converfant with theſe Kind of Queſtions, let the laft be repeated, and put Letters for all the Numbers both known and unknown, and if he finds any Difficulty in folving it, by comparing the two Operations, the former may in fome Manner explain this; and to illuftrate it the more, I have placed the Equations in the laft Work, againſt their correſpondent Equations in the next Operation. Queſtion 48. Two Travellers, A and B, meeting on the Road, found, that if the Number of Miles travelled by A was divided by 5, and adding to the Quotient 3 times the Miles travelled by B, the Sum was 249: But the Miles travelled by A being multiplied by 2, and added to 4 times the Miles travelled by B, the Sum was 540. How many Miles had each travelled? Let a the Number of Miles travelled by A, e the Number of Miles travelled by B, × = 249, ≈ = 540, as before, but now put d 5, m = 3, 9 = 2, p = 4. By the firft Con-} dition }\ By the fecond Con-} dition 3- a a I +me=x, that is, ²+3e=x d 5 29a+pe=x, that is, 2a +4e=z 1 x d 3a+dme = dx, that is, a +15e=5x -dme 4 la=dx dme, that is, a=5x-15e Having found the Value of a from the first Equation, find its Value from the fecond Equation. 2- pe 1 5 19 a 519a = z z-pe, 5- 9 6 a = > pe, that is, 2 a - Z x-pe that is, a = 4 e Z 4 e 9 2 Now make the fourth and fixth Equations equal to one ano- ther, for they are both equal to the fame Quantity a, which exterminates that unknown Quantity. Z • 6 4 -pe Z 7 dx dme, that is, 40 9 2 .5x- 15e 7x98x-pe=dqx-dme q, that is, z4e = 10X 30e 8 + d meq The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 153 8+dmeq 9dmeg+z-pe=dqx, that is, 26 e + z = 10x 9-211dmeg-pe=dqx-z, = 10%- Z. that is, 26 e The unknown Quantity e being in two Terms, therefore divide by both the Co-efficients of e, as at Art. 52. 10÷d m 9 -pl: dq x— Z € 75, that is, e= d mq - p IO X 26 by B. א Z =75, the Miles travelled And it being found that e is 75, we may find a by the fourth or fixth Equation to be 120. And now for the future we ſhall put Letters for the Numbers that are known, as well as for thoſe that are unknown. Queſtion 49. There are two Armies ready to engage; if the Number of Soldiers in both Armies are added together, and that Sum multiplied by 4, the Product is 84440: But if the Number of Men in the greatest Army be multiplied by 2, and added to the Product of the Number of Men in the leffer Army multiplied by 3, the Sum is 52219. To find the Number of Men in each Army? Let a the Number of Men in the greateſt Army, ethe Number of Men in the leffer Army, d= 4, m = 84440, z = 2, x= 3, b 52219. By the firft Con-} dition By the fecond Condition fecond} |: 1 I |da+de= e-m 2 | - za+xe=b Find the Value of a, in the first Equation. I de 3 da = m -de 771 de 3÷d 4 a= d Now find the Value of a from the fecond Equation, { X 2-e 154 ALGEBRA. 2 −x e 5- za=b-x e b xe 5÷2 6 a = Z Make the fourth and fixth Equations equal to one another to exterminate a. m de b-xe 4.6 7 d Z d b - dx c 7xd 8 m de = Z 8xx 9 Z m z de db-dxe Now in this Equation e being on both Sides, find which of its Co-efficients dx or zd is the greateft. zd is 8, but dx is 12, therefore tranfpofe dxe, that the unknown Quantity, with the greateſt Co-efficient, may have the affirmative Sign, as at Art. 52. 9+ dxe 10 dxe + zm zde = db II Z m II d xe zde = db Z m db- Z m 11 ÷ d x − z d 12 e= = 9999 dx - zd b xe quation By the fixth E-} a 13 Z =III, the Number of Men in the greateſt Army. Dividing the eleventh Equation by dx-zd, the two Co- efficients of e, as at Art. 52. gives the twelfth Equation. PROOF. 4a+4e84440 2a+3e= 52219 Queſtion 50. A Gentleman bought a Pair of Horfes for his Coach, his Son having learnt Algebra, the Father propofed for him to determine the Price of each Horfe from faying, That if the Pounds both Horfes coft were multiplied by 4, and this Product divided by 8, the Quotient was 20: But The Method of refolving Queſtions, &c. 155 But if the Pounds the best Horſe coft were multiplied by 3, and this Product added to 5 times the Pounds the worst Horje coft, the Sum was 158 Pounds. Now what was the Price of each Horje? ་ Let a the Pounds the beſt Horfe coft, e the Pounds the worſt Horſe coſt, b=4, d= 8, m = 20, p = 3, x = 5, 2 = 158. By the first Con-1 dition By the fecondĮ Condition -}| ba+be I =m d S 2 pat xe 2 ba dm - be 1 x d 3 ba+be=dm 3-be 4 2. 4÷b5a= dm - be 6 хе pa = z 6÷p7a= b Z- xe P x e To exterminate a d m be Z- xe 5.78 b P d m pbe 8xP9 Z-xe b 9xb10pdm pb e = b z — b x e pbe = b z pd m 10+ bxe 11 b xe + p d m pdm 12 b x e · p b e = b z pd m bz 12÷bx-pb13 e- b x рь By the ſeventh Equation Z xe 14a= א Р PROOF. 19 Pounds, the Price of the woft Horſe. 21 Pounds, the Price of the beſt Horſe. 4a+4e =.20. 8 3a +5e=158. Queſtion 51. Two young Gentlemen, who had ftudiet Numbers, not agreeing about their Age, referred the Difpute to their Father, who fmiling told them, that if the Age of the eldest was divided X 2 by 156 ALGEBRA. by 2, to which Quotient adding 4 times the Age of the youngest, and extracting the fquare Root of this Sum, it will be 10: But if the Age of the eldest was multiplied by 3, and added to the Age of the youngest multiplied by 5, this Sum will be 201. To find the Age of each Perfon? Let a b = 2, d the Age of the elder, e = the Age of the younger, m = 10, p = 4, Z = 4, m = 10, p = 3, 2 = 5, r = 201. By the firft Con- dition By the fecond Į Condition I +de = m 2 pa+ze = r I Becauſe in the firft Equation, a the unknown Quantity, is under the radical Sign, therefore fquare both Sides of the Equation, as at Art. 49. The 12 in the Register fignifies that the firſt Equation being involved or raiſed to the fecond Power or Square makes the third Equation, for is the Sign of Involution. I & a 23 +de=mm 3-de4 Ъ a m m de b b de 4xb5a= bm m 2 - ze 6 pa=r—ze j Ze 6÷p7a= P 5.78 Now to exterminate a r - Z l 8 xp9r P ze = p b mm 9 + pb de 10 pbde+r Ze ΙΟ -r11pbd e 11÷pbd-212e= = bm m b de pbde pbm m Ze p b m m p b m m p b d - Z By the feventh} Ze 13a= =21, the Age of the (youngeſt. = 32, the Age of the P (eldeſt. PROOF. The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 157 PROOF. √²+40= 10. 4e 2 3a+5e=201. Queſtion 52. Two Tradefmen, A and B, comparing their Gains, found, that if the Pounds gained by A were multiplied by 2, to which adding 3 times the Pounds gained by B, the fquare Root of this Sum was 11 Pounds : But if 6 times the Pounds gained by B, were added to the Quotient of the Pounds gained by A divided by 10, this Sum was 47 Pounds. To find the Gains of each Tradefman? Let a the Pounds gained by A, e the Pounds gained by B, b=2, d= 3, n 3, n = 11, p = 6, z = 10, x = 47. By the firft Con- dition I √ ba+de = n By the ſecond Condition a 2 pet Z In the first Equation the unknown Quantity a being under the radical Sign, fquare both Sides of the Equation as in the laft Queftion. 1 2 3 ba+denn 4÷b5a= 2 X Z zpe+a=xx 3 3- de 4 ba = nn de n n de b 6 6—zpe 5.7 8 zpe =2x zx - z pe b = zpe 7a=ZX n n de 8xb9nn de bzxbxpe 9+bzpe 10 bzpe+nn-de = b z x 10 — n n ] 1 1 } b x pe — de e = b xx nn II - 158 ALGEBRA. 11-bzp-d 12 By the feventh 13 | Step ! b zx n n e= bap Z d = 7 Pounds gained (by B. (by A. a = zx —zpe = 50 Pounds gained PROOF. √2a+3e=11. be+ a = 47• ΙΟ Queftion 53. Two Perfons, A and B, owe fuch a Sum of Money, that if the Pounds A owes are divided by 5, to which Quotient adding 4 times the Pounds В owes, and extract the fquare Root of this Sum, it will be 6 Pounds: But if from 3 times the Pounds A owes, is fubftracted 50 times the Pounds В owes, and extract the ſquare Root of this Remainder, it will be 10 Pounds. What did each Perfon owe? Let a the Pounds A owes, e the Pounds B owes, 3, x = 50, 2 = 10. m = 5, n = 4, d = 6, p = 3, x √²+ne=d By the firft Con- dition I m 2 a- By the fecond Į Condition "} To find the Value of a in the first Equation, raiſe it to the fecond Power as in the laſt Queſtion. a. 1 2 3 +ne = d d m a 3 - ne 4 =dd d dne m 4 x m 5 a = md d -mne To find the Value of a in the fecond Equation, raiſe it to the ſecond Power as before. 2 22 The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 159 22 6 6+xe 7 pase=22 pa=zz+x e 8 a= + 22 xe P Now make the fifth and eighth Equations equal to one ano- ther to exterminate a. 5.8 9 224 xe = m d d — m n e P 9xp 10 2x+xe=pmdd-pmne 10+ pmne 11 pm ne+zz+xe=pmd d zx12pmne + xe=pmdd p m d d Z Z I I 12 ÷ pm n + 13e = Z Z 4 Pounds, the Debt (of B. pm n + x Then by the eighth Step } 22+xe 14a= 100 Pounds, the Debt P (of A. PROOF. a 12+4e=6. 5 √3a-50e=10. Queſtion 54. Two Men, A and B, going to Market with Eggs, if the Number of Eggs that A had were multiplied by 6, to which adding 100, and dividing the Sum by the Number of Eggs that B had, the Quotient is 16: And if from 9 times the Number of Eggs A had, is fub- ftracted 4 times the Number of Eggs B had, there remains 350. How many Eggs had each Perfon? Let a the Number of Eggs A had, Eggs B had, d = 6, m = 100, p = 16, the Number of b = 9, x = 4, z = 35.2. da + m a+m I ៩ By the Queftion. e=2 2 ba Ixe 3 da+m=pe 3 → m 160 ALGEBRA. 3- m 4 d 5 a ре d 4 da = pe—m a=pe- m 2 + 2 - xe6ba=2xe - 6÷÷ ÷b x + x e a b Make the fifth and feventh Equations equal to one another to exterminate a. 1 5.718 d m 8 x d 9pe - m b dz - dxe b 9xb10bpe-bm=dz + dxe 10- dxe11bpe-dxe b m = d z 11+bm 12 bpe-dxe=dz +bm dz + b m 1 2 → bp — d x 13 e ·bpdx 13e = bp dx =25, the Number (of Eggs B had. Step By the feventh } Z + xe 14a= = 50, b 50, the Number of (Eggs A had. PROOF. 6a+ Ico 9 a e = 16. 4 e = 350. Queſtion 55. Two Perfons, A and B, lofing at the Gaming- Table, were asked how much they lost, to which A replied, that if the Number of Pounds I left be multiplied by 3. and add 100 to the Product, if this Sum is divided by the Number of Pounds B loft, the Square Root of this Quotient will be 10 Pounds: But if the Pounds B loft be multiplied by 250, from which Product fubftracting 600, and dividing the Remainder by the Pounds A loft, the fquare Root of this Quotient will be 2 Pounds. How much had each Perfon loft ? Let The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 161. Let a the Pounds A loft, e = the Pounds B loft, d= 3, m = 100, n=10, x = 250, z=600, b = 2. * da + m I =n ท e By the Queſtion. xe Z 2 = b a To find the Value of a in the firſt Equation, raiſe it to the fecond Power by Art. 49. da+ da + m e = n n nn damenn 1 & 2 3 3 x e 4 4- m 5 m 5 | 6 en n m a = d da = en n To find the Value of a in the fecond Equation, raiſe it to the ſecond Power by Art. 49. xe א 22 7 Z = b b a уха 8 хе- z = abb xe 8 b b 9 - Z b b = a Make the fixth and ninth Equations equal to one another, to exterminate a. 6.9 10 en n m xe. Z d bb 10 x d d xe — dz II ennm= b b I I x b b 12 b b n n e — b b m = d x e — dz Becauſe dx, one Co-efficient of e, is greater than bbnn, the other Co-efficient of e, therefore tranfpofe b b nne, by Art. 52. Y 12 162 ALGEBRA. 14 + dz 15÷d x-b bnn 16 bbm 12-bbnne | 13 | bbm dxe-dz- b b n né Or 14 dxe-dz-bbnne 15 dxe-bbnne-dz-bb m dz-bbm d x - b b n n 4, the Pounds B (loft. By the ninth Step 17 x e 2 a 100, the Pounds A b b PROOF. 3a+100 = 10. e 250e600 a =2. 1 (loft. 1 Queſtion 56. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Bafe AB=4, and the Difference between the Hypo- thenufe AC and Perpendicular BC= 2. To find the Hypo- thenufe AC and Perpendicular BC? Let AC = a, BC = e, AB = b = 4, m = 2. C Having put Letters for the three Sides of the Triangle, and amongſt theſe there being two unknown Quantities a and e, therefore we muft raiſe two Equations either from the Properties of the Figure, or from the Conditions of the Queſtion. And in the Solution of Geome- trical Queſtions, I would recom- mend it to the Learner, that after all the Parts of the Figure which are neceffary to the Solution of the Queftion are expreffed by Letters, to obferve how many of them' are unknown, for gene- rally fo many different Equations are raiſed from the Properties. of the Figure, or the Conditions of the Queftion; afterwards the Wark is regulated by the Rules already given. A Now from the Property of the Figure, the Square of the Hypothenufe AC, or aa, is equal to the Square of the Bafe AB, or bb, added to the Square of the Perpendicular BC, or ee, by 47 e 1. That The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 163 That is I aa = bb + ee from the Property of the Figure by 47 e 1. Becauſe by the Queftion, the Difference between the Hypothe- nufe AC, or a, and Perpendicular BC, or e, is = 2, orm. Hence em by the Conditions of the amen 121ª Queſtion. Having raiſed the two Equations, proceed as in the former Examples, that is, firft find the Value of a in the firft Equation, by the Extraction of Roots, as at Art. 50.. |3|a= I w 2 | 3 |α = √bb + ee Now find the Value of a, in the fecond Equation. 2+e|4|a= m + e Make the third and fourth Equations equal to one another, to exterminate a. 3·4151m+e=√bb + ce Becauſe è the unknown Quantity is under the radical Sign, and there being no other Quantities on that Side of the Equation, but what are under the radical Sign, therefore fquare both Sides of the Equation, as at Art. 49. 52 6 mm + 2 mee + e − b b + ce mm + 2me= 2 me = b b 6-ee 7 7 —mm 8 b b 8÷2m 9 e = - mm 2 m b b m m =3, the Perpendicu- (lar BC. By the fourth Step 10 10a=m+e=5, the Hypothenuſe AC. To prove theſe are the three Sides of a right-angled Tri- angle, fquare the Hypothenufe 5, and that will be equal to the Square of the Bafe 4, added to the Square of the Perpendicular 33 3 for this is the celebrated Property of the right-angled Triangle to have the Square of the Hypothenufe equal to the Sum of the Squares of the Bafe and Perpendicular. Y 2 Queſtion 164 ALGEBRA. : A Then I C Queſtion 57. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, given the Perpen- dicular BC= 3, and the Difference between the Hypothenufe AC, and Baſe AB = 1. To find the Hypo- thenufe AC, and Bafe BA? = = Let AC a, BC 3b, B AB e, x = 1. AB=e, = aa=bb+ee, by the Property of the Figure, as in the laft Queftion. ex by the Queſtion.. And 2 a There being as many Equations raiſed from the Property of the Figure, and the Conditions of the Queftion, as there are unknown Quantities, the Work proceeds upon the fame general Rules, thus 6 I w 2 2+ e • 4 3 5 & 2 7- ee X X 82* 4 3+ 5O Z∞ 6 716 a = √ bb + e e a = x + e te x+e=√bb+ce 9 e By the fourth Step 10 A D tee xx+2xe + ee=bb + ee xx+2xe=bb 2xebb XX bb - x x 2 x = 4, the Bafe A B. a=x+e=5, the Hypothenufe AC. ୯ ,< Queſtion 58. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Hypothenufe AC = 5, the Bafe AB = 4, and the Perpendicular BC=3, to find the Perpendicular BD, let fall from the Angle B, upon the Hy- pothenufe AC. Let ACb5, AB=m=4, BBC 3, DC-a, AD=e. = x The The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 165 The Queſtion requiring that we find BD, if we find CD we can anſwer the Queftion, for the Triangle BDC being a right-angled Triangle, BD being perpendicular to A C, con- fequently BC being known, and by finding DC, we fhall afterwards eafily find DB, by the common Property of the Triangle. It is exactly the fame, if we find AD, for the Triangle ADB is right-angled, and A B is given by the Queftion. Now BD being a Perpendicular common to the two Tri- angles ABD, and BDC, let BDp, then from the right- angled Triangle ABD, we have mm eepp, and by the right-angled Triangle CBD, we have xx-a app, from the fame Reaſoning as in the two laſt Queſtions. 1 Confequently I m2 m 4- - e e and xx ee ee—xx — aa, for both m m ----- a a, are equal to the fame Quantity pp, and therefore equal to one another. And 2a+e= a+eb, that is, AD+DC-AC by the Figure. To find the Value of a in the firft Equa- tion. aa+mm-ee = xx aa + mm = x x + ee 6│a = √xx + e e m m m m Itaa 3 + ee 3 4 m m 5 aa=xx+ee 5 US WJJ 2 2 e 7a = b b- Now find the Value of a in the fecond Equation. e 6.7 8√ xx tee mm = b 8 29xx Tee - 0 9- eel IO XX 10 + 2 be mm = bb bb-2be Tee - b b — 2 be mm = b b mm bb b b + mm 1 1/2 be + xx —- 11+ mm 12|2be + xx= I 2 - -xx13 I 2 be l b + m m xx 1326 14 e b b + m m —xx e = = 3.2=AD. 26 Having found AD to be 3.2 it will be eafy to find DB by what was faid above. Thus, 3 4 16 the 166 ALGEBRA. 16 the Square of AB. 10.24 the Square of AD. 5.76 (2.4 = DB, the Perpendicular required. 4 44) 176 176 A D B Queſtion 59. In the ob- lique Triangle ADB, there is given the Side AB = 15, the Side BD=12, and the Side AD=6, to find the Perpendicular BC falling without the Triangle from the Angle B, on the Side AD, continued. This Queſtion will be anſwered from finding DC, for the Triangle BCD be- ing right-angled, and DB being known from finding DC, we may then find BC from the common Pro- perty of the Triangle DB C, as in the laſt Queſtion. = Let A B b 15, AD=m=6, DB = x 12, = = DC a, then ACAD+DC=m+a, BC = e. = Becauſe the Triangle ABC is right-angled, therefore if from the Square of AB, or bb, we fubftract the Square of AC, or mm + 2ma+aa, the Remainder is equal to the Square of CB, or e e. Therefore | 1 | bb — m m 2 ma a a = el. Becauſe the Triangle DBC is right-angled, by the fame Reafoning we have Again | 2 | xx a a = e e. And The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 167 ! And as the first and fecond Equations are each ee, there- fore make them equal to one another, which exterminates every Power of in thofe Equations. I. 2 3 ** a a = bbm m m m 2 ma b b - m m 3+ aa 4 x x = b b * bb. 4+2ma 52 ma+xx=b b 5-xx 62m a = b b —mm xx 2ma-aa b b 62m 7a= mm- x x 3.75= DC. 2 m And from hence we may find BC as was faid above, thus BD, or x = 12 12 144 DC, or a 3.75 3.75 1875 2625 1125 14.0625 144. 14.0625 129.9375 (11.39 = BC, the Perpendicular required. I 21) 29 21 223) 893 669 2269) 22475 20421 2054 Of 1 [168] 1 56. Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. W HEN all the known Quantities are on one Side of the Equation, and thofe Quantities only on the other Side which have fome Power of the unknown Quantity; then if the unknown Quantity appears to be to the fecond Power or Square in one Term, and to the firft Power only in another. Term; or if in one Term, its Power or Heighth is double its Power or Heighth in another Term, and there is no other Power of the unknown Quantity in the Equation, thefe Equations are called Quadratic, as in the following Queſtions. Queſtion 60. Two Men had fuch a Number of Shillings, that the leffer being fubftracted from the greater, there remains 10: But the Number of Shillings one Man had multiplied by the Number of Shillings the other Man had, the Product is 75. To find each Man's Number of Shillings ? Let a had, = the greater Number of Shillings one of the Men the leffer Number of Shillings the other Man had, b = 10, m = 75• Then And Ι I te 3 a e = m a = b+e m 1 2 I la—e=b } By the Queſtion, 2 e 4 a = e 3.45 5 × e 6 e + b = m e ee+be=m From comparing the fixth Equation with what is ſaid above, it appears to be Quadratic, for one Quantity is e e, or e to the fecond Power, and in the other Quantity it is only e, or e to the first Power. ! And Of Quadratic EQUATION s. 169 And to refolve this Equation, take b the Co-efficient of e to the firſt Power, and divide it by 2, the Quotient is fquare or multiply by itſelf, and the Product is to both Sides of the Equation, thus The b b b גי which 2 b b which add 4 600 | 7 | ee + be + 60 = m + b ㅣ ​기 ​4 4 b in the Regiſter fignifies, that the fixth Step is made a Square at the feventh Step, or the Square is compleated. b b Now if we compare the Side of the Equation ee+be+ —, 4 with fome of the Examples at Art. 34. we ſhall find it to be a rational Quantity, or a Square, therefore extract the ſquare Root of both Sides of the Equation : b b b 7 uu 2 8 et ✓m+. 2 4 b b b b 8- 9 e = √m + 2 4 2 In Numbers. m = 75 b b 25 4 100 the ſquare Root of which is 10 b 5= 2 5e, the Number of Shillings one of the Men had. M Then by the fourth Step a = 15, the Number of . Shillings the other Man had. Z PROOF. 1 170 ALGEBRA. PROOF. a-e = IO a e = 75 Queſtion 61. There are two Numbers, if the Square of the leffer is taken from the greater, there remains 36: But the greater being added to 6 times the leffer, the Sum is 148. What are the two Numbers ? = - Let a the greater Number, e the leffer Number, b = 36, m = 6, x = 148. Then I a And 2 I+ee me 4 -ee- - b a+me = x }By the Queſtion. 3 a b tee a = x-me b+ee = x → me 2 3.4 5 5-b 6 e e = x 6 + me 7 me b ee+me = x ·b The unknown Quantities being brought on one Side of the Equation, the Equation appears to be Quadratic, by Art. 56. Now the Co-efficient of the firft Power of e is m, m m m which divided by 2 is ', this ſquared is and adding 2 4 m m to both Sides of the Equation as in the laſt Queſtion, 4 we have 70미 ​m m m m 8 ee + me + X ---- - b + 4 4 The 7 fignifies that the feventh Equation is made a com- pleat Square, at the eighth Step. And extracting the Roots of both Sides of the Equation, as in the last Queftion, ແ 8 w 2 Of Quadratic EQUATION s. 171 m 8 w 2 9 e+ 2 =√x- .b+ m m 4 m 9 2/2 m m m IO e= X 6 + = 8, 4 2 By the fourth Step 11 a=x a (the leffer Number. -me=100, the greater Num- PROOF. ee = 36 a + 6e = 148 (ber. Queſtion 62. In the Parallelogram ABCD, if from the longeft Side AB multiplied by 3, is fubftracted the Square of the shorteft Side BC, the Remainder will be 5: But if the longest Side A B is added to 4 times the shorteft Side BC, the Sum is 30. To find the Sides of the Parallelogram A B, and BC? A D B C AB, BC = e, d Let a AB, BC: = e, d = 3, m = 5, % = 4, x = 30. I 1 2 da-ee m a + ze=x da = m + e e te I tee 3÷d 3 4 a 5 a Z - Z e m + e e X d Z 3 Ze } By the Queſtion. 4.5 172 ALGEBRA. 4.5 m + ee 6 d 73 8 6 x d 7-m 8 + dze 9 ze m+ee = dx-dze -dze- m e e = d x ee+dze=dx-m Now the Equation appears to be Quadratic by Art. 56. and the Co-efficient of e is dz, which divided by 2, is dz 2 this ſquared is ddzz, which added to both Sides of 4 the Equation, as in the two laſt Examples, we have 9 0 0 | 10 | ee+ds 10/ee+dze+ g co d d z z d d z z =dx-m+ 4 4 And extracting the Roots of both Sides of the Equation, as in the two laft Queſtions, II dz d d z z 10 w 2 I I e+ = √ dx -m+ 2 4 d d z z dz dz 2 I2 e = √dx. m+ = 5 4 2 (= BC. From the fifth Step 13 a = X — % € = 10 — A B. PROOF. 3a-ee=5 a + 4e = 30 Queſtion 63. Two Gentlemen having had their Parks ſurveyed, bad loft the Account, but remembered, that if the Number of Acres in A's Park was added to the Number of Acres in B's Park, the Sum was 110: But if the Number of Acres in B's Park was multiplied by 80, from which Product fubftracting the Square of the Number of Acres in A's Park, there remained 400. How many Acres was there in each Park? Let Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 173 Let a the Number of Acres in A's Park, e the Num- ber of Acres in B's Park, b≈ 110, m =110, m = 80, x = 400. I a + e = b 2 me a a x }By the Queftion. I 3 2 + a a 4 e = b → a me = x + a a x+aa 4 m 5 . m x+aa 3.5 6 -ba m 6 x m 78 8 + ma 9 x + aa = m b a a = m b ma ma X a a + ma = m b X Here the Equation appears Quadratic, and compleating the Square as in the former Examples, we have 900 öl 10 | aa+ma+ m m m m = m b m b − x + 4 4 And extracting the fquare Roots of both Sides of the Equa- tion, as in the former Examples, 10 w 2 I I m 2 m m at √ mb x+ 4 m m m II m 2 From the third} Step } 12 | 13 a = √ mb x + = 60, 4 2 = b (the Number of Acres in A's Park. a=50, the Number of Acres (in B's Park. PROOF. ate=110 80e-aa=400 The 174 ALGEBRA. The Manner of fubftituting one Quantity for feveral others explained. 57. But if, after the Work is prepared for having the Square compleated, it appears that the firft Power of the unknown Quantity is in more Terms than one, it will be more conve- nient to fubftitute fome other Letter, for the Co-efficients of the firft Power of the unknown Quantity, as in the following Examples. Queſtion 64. A Gentleman propofed to give his two Sons, A and B, each an Eftate, on the Condition, they could tell him what were their Rents, by knowing, that if the Square of the Rent of the Eftate he intended to give A was added to the fame Rent multiplied by 7, and the Sum added to the Rent of the Eftate he intended to give B, when multiplied by 4, this Sum would be 4220 Pounds: But if the Sum of the Rents of the two Eftates was divided by 10, the Quotient was II Pounds. What was the Rent of each Eftate? Let a = the Rent of the Eſtate A was to have, e the Rent of the Eſtate B was to have, b = 7, m = 4, d = 4220, p = 10, x = 11. aa+ba + me = d 2 ate P By the Queſtion. X Thefe being the two Equations which arife from the Que- ftion, and becauſe the Terms are more fimple that have the un- known Quantity e, than thofe that have the unknown Quantity a, it may be more convenient to find the Value of e, in each of the two given Equations. This Caution the Learner may obſerve for the future, to find the Value of that unknown Quantity whofe Terms are the moft fimple in the given Equa- tions; and thoſe may be taken for the more fimple, whofe Powers are the loweſt in both the Equations that arife from the Que- ftion; thus, if one of the unknown Quantities is only to the first Power in both the given Equations, when the other unknown. Quantity is to the fecond Power in one of the given Equations, the Terms of the former may be faid to be more fimple, and there- 2 Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 175 therefore beſt to find the Value of that unknown Quantity: The Reader will find this Method obferved in the following Queſtions, and comparing their Work with what is faid may make this Direction more intelligible. I bal 31aa+me = d — ba 3-aa4me == d-ba a a d - ba a a 4 ÷ m 5 e= m 2 xp6a+e = px 6- a e 7 =p·x 5.78px a d — ba a a a m 8 xm 9 mpx - ma=d-ba-a a 9aa10aa mpx 10 + ba 11 aa+ mad — ba a a + ba+mp x ma-d 11 - mp x mp x[12]aa+ba ma=d. d—mp x Here the Equation appears to be Quadratic, and the first Power of a is in two Terms, viz. ba and ma, the two Co- efficients being b and m, and connected by the Sign But b and m, being known Quantities, therefore b m 4 = 3, now ſubſtitute, or put z = 3, or z = b the laſt Equation is, 7 m, then By Subftitution [13] aa+za = d — mpx; for by Sub- ftitution zaba ma, and therefore in the room of b a — ma, we uſe only z a. Now taking z for the Co-efficient of a, and compleating the Square as before, 22 Z Z £ 3 C 14 aa+za+ d- mp x + 4 4 ZZ 14 un 215a+ 2 √d—mp x + a = √✓ d― mpx + d- 15-2 16la By the feventh } Step ZZ 4 4 א Z 60, 2 the Rent of the Eftate which A was to have. e = p x a = 50, 50, the Rent of the (Eftate which B was to have. PROOF. 176 ALGEBRA. PROOF. aa+7a+4e4220. ate =II. ΙΟ for after the mz, then to have It may be juft obferved to the Learner, that the Method of Subſtitution is only to fave Trouble and Labour, twelfth Step, if we had not ſubſtituted b compleated the Square, we muſt have divided b Co-efficients of a by 2, the Quotient of which is ſquared is bb — 2 bm + mm ·4 b m the two m which 2 and this muſt have been added to both Sides of the Equation, whereas by fubftituting b-m — %, the Quantity to be added on both Sides of the Equation is only 22. Z Z 4 Queftion 65. A Draper bought a Parcel of Linen, and a Parcel of Woollen Cloth, if the Square of the Pounds he gave for the Linen Cloth be divided by 4, and to this Quotient there is added the Pounds each Sort coft, the Sum is 1000 Pounds: But if the Pounds the Linen coft is added to the Quotient of the Pounds the Woollen caft, divided by 8, the Sum is 65 Pounds. How much was given for-each Sort ? Let a - the Pounds the Linen, coft, e=the Pounds the Woollen coſt, b = 4, d = 1000, m² 8, x = = 65. a a I +a+e=d b e By the Queftion. 2a + X m a a b e = d d +e=d-a ä a b 3- a3 a a b 4 2 m Of Quadratic EQUATION s. 177 2x m 5 ma+e=mx 5-ma 61e e = m x m a 4.67mx 7+ a a b 8 3+99 ma = d — a a a b аа +mx mad d — a b a a a +a+mx m a d b a a 9-mx10 6 +a—ma=d. m a = d — m x 10xb11aa+ba-bma-bd-bmx = Here the Equation appears Quadratic, and the firſt Power of the unknown Quantity a, has two Co-efficients b and b m, both which are known, but b-b m = 4 — 32 =432=- -28, therefore as 28 is a negative Quantity, fubftitute z= 28, or — z = b — m, then the laft Equation becomes, ba-bm a By Subftitution | 12| aa—ża= b d — bmx, for ba— is a negative Quantity, bm being greater than b: And com-/ pleating the Square as before, A ZZ c 12 C13|aa- а zat 4 2 for X 2 2 | 2 Z Z bd-bmx+ 4 ชช =+ by Art. 9. 4 And extracting the fquare Root as in the former Queftions, 2 Z 13 w 214 a ✓bd―bmx+ ชช 1 4 a = √ bd ÷ bmx + ZZ :+ =60 2 (Pounds, the Linen coft. - སྙིང་མཚན་ 14 + By the fixth E- quation, 2 } 4 16 emx ma = = 40 Pounds, the (Woollen coft, $ A a PROOF 178 ALGEBRA. PROOF. Ra +a+e=1000. 4 a+ = 65. 8 To refolve a Quadratic Equation when the Square of the unknown Quantity has a Co-efficient. 58. But if the Square of the unknown Quantity has any Co-efficient befides Unity, or 1, then before you begin to com- pleat the Square, divide every Term in the Equation by that Co-efficient, after which compleat the Square, and proceed as before. Queſtion 66. To find two Numbers, that the Square of the greater being multiplied by 4, if this Product is added to 3 times the leffer, the Sum ſhall be 1606: But if 5 times the greater is added to 6 times the leffer, the Sum fhall be 112. Let a b = 4, the greater Number, d = 3, m = 1606, p = 5, 12 * the leffer Number, x = 6, z = 112. }By the Queftion. baa baa + dem patxe 2 I-baa 3 3÷d de=m m baa 4 e = d 2-pa ра 5 5-x 6 e=x-pa z-pa e = x א 4.6 7 Z X ра m -baa == d x m xba a 7 xx 8 1 Z --- pa d 8 x d Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 179 8 x d 9+xba a 9 IO IO- dz II dz — dpa = x m -x baa xbaa+dzdpa=xm x ba a dp a = xm dz The Equation appearing to be Quadratic, and all the known Quantities, except thofe which contain the unknown one, being on one side of the Equation, and the higheſt Power of the unknown Quantity having a Co-efficient, divide by that Co- efficient. 11÷x6|12| aadpa-xm-dz I | x b = x b To avoid the Trouble of dividing, the Co-efficient of a, by 2, and fquaring the Quotient, and adding it to both Sides of the Equation to compleat the Square, as in the former Queſtions, fubftitute dp xb .625 then, xmed z xb rr x m d z By Subftitution 13 aa-ra= со 14 aa-rat - 1300 4 x b + Now extracting the ſquare Root as in the laſt Queſtion, r 14 w 2 xm ---- 15 a 15 + 12 16 By the fixth Step | 17 | | 6 2 a = √ e - x m *6 z - pa x dz x b + dz + rr 4 4 :+ rr 4 r = 20, 2 (the greater Number. 2, the leffer Number. PROOF. 4ª a + 3 e = 1606. 5a + 6e = 112. A a 2 Queſtion 180 ALGE BRA. Queſtion 67. Two Gamefters, A and B, lofing at the Gaming- Tables, upon comparing their Loffes, found, that if the Square of the Pounds A loft was multiplied by 5, and this Product added to 6 times the Pounds B loft, the Sum was 548 Pounds : But if the Pounds A loft was multiplied by 3, and to this Pro- duct adding the Pounds B loft multiplied by 2, the Sum was 46 Pounds. To find the Lofs of each? Let a the Pounds A loft, e = the Pounds E loft, x = 5, m = 6, d=548, b = 3, ≈ = 2, r = 46. I - I z 1\xaa+me=d} 2ba+ze= r xaa 3 me = d — x ⋅a a 3 m 4e = d. хаа m ba5ze=r- r - ba By the Queſtion. 2 ba 526e Z 4.67 ba d — x a a Z m 7 xm8 r m ·mba - d — xa a Z 8 x x 9rm — mba = z d zd- ----- Z X A a 9+zxaa 10 zxaa +rm m ba 1Q rm II z za a mba - zd a = zd r m The Equation being Quadratic, and all thofe Terms which contain any Power of a being on one Side of the Equation, divide by the Co-efficient of its higheſt Power. mb a z d - r m II - Zx 12 a a Zx Subſtitute Ey Subftitution 13a a ·pa= Z X m b Z X z d — r m 14 aa—pa+ p a + p p 13 14 aa 4 Z X z d — r m ZX - 1.8 +pp 4 14 w 2 Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 181 P z d d — r m PP 14 w 2 15 215a + 2 Z X 4 15 + p16a= z d r m рр + 2 4 r - b a By the fixth Step 17 e = Z Z X (Pounds, the Sum loft by A. 8 Pounds, the Sum (loft by B. : + 1/2 = 10 PROOF. 5aa+6e548 3a+2e = 46 Queſtion 68. Two Brothers, A and B, trying each other's Skill in Algebra, fays the eldest Brother, the Sum of our Ages is 45: But, fays the youngest, if they are multiplied together, the Pro- duct is 500. What is the Age of each of them? Let a = the Age of the eldeft, e = the Age of the youngeſt, s = 45, p = 500. I I 1 2 a+e=s P a e se By the Queſtion. e31a 2e4a= 3.45 P e P e 5x e6p=se — e e Becauſe the Square of the unknown Quantity has the Sign, therefore tranfpofe it, that the higheſt Power of the unknown Quantity may have the affirmative Sign. 6 +ee 7 lee+p=se 7 p8ee = se semp 8 — se gee - se se 910ee р ss Į SS set 4 4 -p IQ w. 2 180 ALGEBRA. Queſtion 67. Two Gamefters, A and B, lofing at the Gaming- Tables, upon comparing their Loffes, found, that if the Square of the Pounds A loft was multiplied by 5, and this Product added to 6 times the Pounds B loft, the Sum was 548 Pounds : But if the Pounds A loft was multiplied by 3, and to this Pro- duct adding the Pounds B loft multiplied by 2, the Sum was 46 Pounds. To find the Lofs of each ? Let a the Pounds A loft, e = the Pounds E loft, x = 5, m = 6, d=548, b = 3, ≈ = 2, r = 46. I xaa + me = d} By the Queſtion. 2ba+ze = r I — xaa 3|me=d- xa a 2 3 m 4e = ba5ze=r- 5-26e d - xa a 711 ba ba Z 4.67 f ba d — x a a ช m r m mba 7xm8 = d d-xa a Z 8 x x 9rm - mba zd- zxa a 9+zxaa 10 zxaa+rm—mba = z d 1 Q — r m \ 1 1 | 2 x a a mb a = z d r m The Equation being Quadratic, and all thofe Terms which contain any Power of a being on one Side of the Equation, divide by the Co-efficient of its higheft Power. mb a z d — r m II zx 12 a a ZX Z X Subſtitute - p = Ey Subftitution 13a apa= 136 □ 14 aa-pa m b 1.8 Z X zd- Z X =zd=rm + pp pat pp 4 zx 4 14 w 2 Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 181 พ. 14 w 2 15 a Р z d d—r m + PP 2 Z X 4 z d — r m + PP:t + 1/2 = 10 Z X 4 2 15 + 216a= 2 By the fixth Step 17 e = Z b a ba (Pounds, the Sum loft by A. = 8 Pounds, the Sum (loft by B. す ​PROOF. 5aa+6e=548 3a+2e= 46 Queſtion 68. Two Brothers, A and B, trying each other's Skill in Algebra, fays the eldest Brother, the Sum of our is 45: Ages But, fays the youngest, if they are multiplied together, the Pro- duct is 500. What is the Age of each of them? Let a = the Age of the eldeft, e= the Age of the youngeſt, s = 45, p = 500. ate=s P e3a=s I 2 a e By the Queftion. I e Р 2 e4a e р 3.45 S -e e 5 x e 6 p =se- e e Becauſe the Square of the unknown Quantity has the Sign- therefore tranfpofe it, that the higheſt Power of the unknown Quantity may have the affirmative Sign. · 6 + ee 7 lee + p = se 7- p8ee = se -p 8 se gee se SS 9c10ee- set 1 +15 10 w. 2 182 ALGEBRA. SS 10 w 2 I I 2 4 ss 11 + 12 e= + 2 2 4 P 25, the Age (of the youngeſt. By the third Step 13 a=s—e=20, the Age of the eldeſt. This Anſwer to the Queſtion contains an Abfurdity, for e that is put for the Age of the youngeſt Brother is 25, when a that is put for the Age of the eldest Brother is only 20. The two Roots of Quadratic Equations explained. 59. And now we fhall explain to the young Analyſt, that in every Quadratic Equation, the unknown Quantity has two Values or Roots, fometimes one is affirmative, and the other negative, and fometimes both are affirmative. There are three Forms of Quadratic Equations. The firft is the fixth Step of Queſtion 60, where we have ee + be = m. et And of this Form are the Equations at Queſtion 61, Step 7. Queſtion 62, Step 9. Queſtion 63, Step 9. Queſtion 64, Step 12. The fecond Form is the twelfth Step of Queftion 65, where we have a a ~za=bd - bmx. And of this Form are the Equations at Queſtion 66, Step 11. Queſtion 67, Step 13. The Difference between these two Forms of Quadratic Equa- tions, is only in the loweſt Power of the unknown Quantity having the Sign + or, for in the firſt Form it has the Sign +, it being be, but in the fecond Form it has the Sign for it is za. And if the loweſt Power of the unknown Quan- tity has feveral Co-efficients connected by the Signs + or -, as at Queſtion 64, Step 12. Queſtion 65, Step 11. Then if the Sum of the pofitive or affirmative Co-efficients exceeds the Sum of the negative Co-efficients, the Equation is of the firſt Form: But, on the contrary, if the Sum of the negative Co- efficients exceeds the Sum of the pofitive or affirmative Co- efficients, then the Equation is of the fecond Form. 2 But Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 183 { But the third Form is the ninth. Step of the laſt Queſtion, where we have ees e = p, which differs from the other two Forms of Quadratic Equations, in this, that if the Side of the Equation, which is known, confifts but of one Quantity, as in the preſent Cafe, it has the Sign; and if that Side of the Equation confifts of ſeveral known Quantities connected by the Signsor, that then the Sum of the negative Quantities is always greater than the Sum of the affirmative Quantities; but in the first and fecond Form, if there is but one known Quantity, which compofes that Side of the Equation, it will always have the affirmative Sign; and if there are ſeveral known Quantities connected by the Signs + or, that then the Sum of the affirmative will always exceed the Sum of the negative Quantities. Now of the two Values or Roots of a in the first and fecond Form of Quadratic Equations, one is affirmative, and the other negative; and as the negative Value in thefe Equations does not come out in the Operation without a Miſtake in the Work, therefore theſe two Forms of Quadratic Equations give the true Numbers required. But the two Values or Roots of a in the third Form are both affirmative, and the Anfwer fometimes giving one, and ſome- times the other Root, and it being doubtful in many Cafes which of theſe two Values of a will anſwer the Conditions of the Queſtion; this Form of Quadratic Equations is therefore called the Ambiguous Form. Before we fhow the Reafon of theſe two Values or Roots of the unknown Quantity in Quadratic Equations, and how from having found one Number, or Value, the Learner may find the other Number; we fhall explain the Divifion in Algebra, where the Quotient confifts of feveral Quantities connected by the Signs and 60. The Nature of Divifion explained, when the Quotient confifts of feveral Quantities connected by the Signs + or -. To render this the eafier to the Learner, let us refume Example 1, Article 22, where we are to divide a b + am by a, which being placed as ufual in common Arithmetic, thus, Now { ང در 184 ALGEBRA. Now the Number of times a may be ab had in abis b, that is, b is the Quotient | a) a b+am (b+m of a b divided by a; place b in the Quotient, multiply it by a, and place the Product ab as in common Diviſion, and ſubſtracting it from a b -- am the Dividend, there remains a m; then find how many times a will go in a m, and it is m, that is, m is the Quotient of a m divided by a, and becauſe the Signs of the Divifor a, and Dividend a m are alike, therefore it must be + m, which being placed in the Quotient, and mul- tiplied by a, the Product is a m, which placing under a m, and fubftracting it from am, there remains o. Hence the Quotient is b + m. To divide x x + x m + xa b by x. x) x x + x m + xa b (x + m+a b xx xm + xab +xa x m x a b xa b О +am +am Here dividing xx by x, the Quotient is x, which placed in the Quotient, and multiplied by the Divifor x, and placing the Product xx under the Dividend, from which fubftracting it, there remains x m + x a b. Then dividing xm by x, the Quotient is m, orm, for the Signs of xm and x are alike, put m in the Quotient, by which multiply the Divifor x, and put the Product xm under xm + xa b, and ſubſtracting, there remains x a b. Then dividing xab by x, the Quotient is a b, or +ab, for the Signs of x a b and x are alike, put +ab in the Quotient, by which multiply the Divifor x, and put the Product x ab, under xab, and fubftracting, there remains o, hence the Quo- tient is +m+ab. X To Of Quadratic EQUATION Ss. 185 To divide x x + 2 x a + a a by x + a. x + a) xx + 2 x a + aa (x + a xx+ ха xa + a a xa + a a О Dividing xx by x, the Quotient is x, by which multiplying the Divifor x + a, the Product is x x + xa, which placed under the Dividend, and ſubſtracted, there remains x a + aa. Then dividing xa by x, the Quotient is a, or + a, for the Signs of xa and a are alike, puta in the Quotient, multi- plying it by the Divifor x+a, the Product is x a + a a, which put under the Remainder xa+aa, and fubítracting, there remains o, hence the Quotient is x + a. To divide a abb by a + b. a+b) aa—bb (a - b a a + a b ·ab bb a b — bb O Dividing aa by a, the Quotient is a, and multiplying the Divifor by a, gives a a+ab, this fubftracted from the Divi- dend leaves ab-bb; for here the Quantity a b, which is to be fubftracted, is, by the Rule for Subítraction, to have its Sign changed, and then added, hence +ab becomes in the Remainder ab. Then dividing-ab by a, the Quotient is b, for the Signs of ab and a are now unlike; multiplying the Divifor ab, byb, and fubftracting the Product-ab-bb, from the Remainder ab — bb, there remains o, hence the Quo- tient is a — b. To divide a a a a —x) a a a a a a 3 xxx by a X. za a x + za xx 3ªax +3axx - xxx (aa a a x 2aax + 3a x x +3 2aax+2ax x - 2ax+xx * a x x - X X X a x x B b O X X X In 186 ALGEBRA. In thefe Divifions we may at Pleafure take any Term in the Dividend we have a Mind to uſe firft, and find how many times any Term in the Divifor can be had in it, and when the Divifor is multiplied by the Quotient Quantity, we fubftract it from the whole Dividend, that is, take any Term in the Pro- duct, from any Term in the Dividend, without regarding whether they ftand immediately over one another or no. And to diſcover how many times any one Quantity can be had in another, we are only to confider into what Quantities we muſt multiply that Term in the Divifor, to make it the fame with the Term in the Dividend, at which we aſk the Queftion. Or, it is no more than to find the Quotient, which ariſes from dividing that particular Quantity in the Dividend, by the Quan- tity in the Divifor, which is done by the Rules in Divifion. Let us take the laft Example, and change the Poſition of the Quantities: −x+a) −xxx+aaa+3axx — zaax (xx+aa-2ax X X X + axx aaa+2axx за a a x aax aaa 2A X X — 2axx 2aax -2ûax O where we have the fame Quotient as before. The Truth of theſe Operations is proved as in Divifion of common Numbers, for if the Work is true, the Quotient being multiplied by the Divifor, the Product will be the given Divi- dend; thus in the laſt Example, xx+aa-2ax is the Quotient. X Ļa ~xxx―aax+ 2 axx the Product from multiplying xx+a a a x x + aa a X X X 2 ax, by- XC. 2 aax the Product from multiplying xx + 2 ax, by a. a a 3aax+3axx+aaa the fame with the given Di- vidend, for though they do not ftand in the fame Pofition as in the Example, yet as the Quantities in each Term are alike, and they have the fame Co-efficients, and connected by the fame Signs, their whole Value, or Amount, muſt be the fame. The Of Quadratic EQUATION s. 187 The Manner of finding the two Roots, or Values, of the unknown Quantity in Quadratic Equations. 61. Now to find the other Value of a, in the Ambiguous Quadratic Equation, Queftion 68. Take the Work at the Step immediately before you begin to compleat the Square, which is at the ninth Step, where the Equa- eese = -Þ tion is Make this Equation equal to nothing, }ee-se+p=0 by tranſpoſing p Then put it in Numbers, and it is By the Work we found ee - 45e +500 = 0 Make this Equation equal to nothing, by tranf- pofing the 25, thus, 5000 e = 25 -}c - 25 25 = = 0 Then divide e e 45 e + 500 by e 25, thus, e - 8 = 25)ee - 45 e + 500 (e — 20 ee - 25 e 20e +500 20e + 500 O Hence the Quotient is e-20, but as the Dividend is nothing, for e e 45e+500 = o as above; and as the Diviſor e - 25 is nothing, for e-250 as above, it follows that the Quotient must be nothing, or equal to nothing, that is, e 200; then tranfpofing 20, we have e20, which is the other Value of e, in this Quadratic Ambiguous Equation; therefore, I fay the youngest Brother was but 20 Years of Age. And upon this Value of e, if we take the third Step of the Work to the Queſtion, that is, a = s e, we fhall find a = 25, whence the eldest Brother was 25 Years of Age, and thefe are the true Ages of the two Brothers; for their Ages anfwer the Conditions of the Queſtion, and it is a poffible Cafe, whereas though the other Numbers anſwered the Conditions of the Queſtion, yet it was impoffible for the youngest Brother to be 25, when the eldest was but 20 Years old. B b 2 From 188 ALGEBRA. From the Work of the Queſtion we found But now we have found The Sum of theſe two Values of e, is e = 25 e 20 45 But obferving where we put this Quadratic Equation into Numbers, and made it equal to nothing, we ſhall find the Co-efficient of the firſt Power of e to be the two Values of e is + 45, as above, Quadratic Equations, Algebraifts give us this 45, but the Sum of and concerning theſe SCHOLIU M. 62. That in Quadratic Equations the Sum of both the Roots, r Values, of the unknown Quantity, is equal to the Co-efficient of the lowest Power of the unknown Quantity, at the Step im- mediately preceding the compleating the Square, but will have the contrary Sign; that is, if the Co-efficient of the loweft Power of the unknown Quantity has the Sign +, the Sum of both the Roots will be the fame as the Co-efficient, but will have the Sign- And if the Co-efficient of the loweſt Power of the unknown Quantity has the Sign, then the Sum of both the Roots, or Values, will be the fame as the Co-efficient, but will have the Sign +. Therefore having found any one Root, the other is eaſily found. 63. To find the other Value of the unknown Quantity in the first Form of Quadratic Equations, or where the Co-efficient of the Lowest Power of the unknown Quantity has the Sign +, it is done by adding the Value of the unknown Quantity found from the Operation, to the Co-efficient of its loweft Power, and to their Sum prefix the Sign-. Thus at Queſtion 60, Step 6, the Co-efficient of e, } is b, or To which adding the Value of e, as found by that Operation The Sum is } ΙΟ } 5 15 And Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 189 And prefixing to this 15 the Sign, and this is the other Value of e, that is, e =— 15, which is an imaginary Value of e, it being abfurd for a poſitive Quantity to be equal to a negative one. However, we ſhall find this imaginary Value of e, if we pro- ceed by Divifion according to the Directions at Art. 61. For the fixth Step, Queſtion 60, is that which immediate- ly precedes the compleating the Square, where the Equation ee + be = m is Which is in Numbers - ee +10e=75 Tranſpoſe 75, to make the Equation} +10-75=0 equal to nothing By the Work we found. e = 5 Tranſpoſe 5, to make this Equation equal to nothing e― 5 = 0 Then dividing ee + 10 e-75 by e-5. e −5) ee + 10e — 75 (e + 15 e e - 5e 15e-75 15e-75 I Hence the Quotient is e+ 15, but as the Dividend is equal to nothing, for ee + 10e−75 = 0, and as the Divifor e 5 is equal to nothing, for e 5=0, as above, confequently the Quotient must be equal to nothing, that is, e + 15 = 0, by tranfpofing the 15, we have e-15, as before. For another Example of this Kind take Queftion 61, where the ſeventh Step is that which immediately precedes the com- pleating the Square, the Equation being ee+me = x — b, which being put in Numbers is e e + 6 e = 112 By tranfpofing 112, to make the Equa- Į tion equal to nothing, we have By the Work it was found } ee+6e-112=0 °} Tranfpofing 8, to make the Equation equal to Į nothing, we have And dividing to find the other Root of e, as before, : e=8 e &= a 3 190 ALGEBRA. e—8)ee+6e− 112 (e + 14 e e 8 e 14 e 14 e - 112 II2 Hence the Quotient is e - 14, which for the fame Reafon as before, it is e+ 14 = 0, o, Value of e. hence e 14, for the other And this Value of e will be found by the Rule. Art. 62. Thus at Queſtion 61, Step 7, the Co-efficient of e is m, or } 6 the} 8 To which adding the Value of e, found at the Operation The Sum is 14 Then by the Rule prefixing the Sign to 14, we have -14 for the other, or imaginary Value of e, the fame as before. But if we add theſe two Values of e together, we ſhall find their Sum anſwer to the Scholium, Art. 62. The firft Value of e is The fecond Value of is . 8 14 6 Hence their Sum is the fame with the Co-efficient of e, but has the contrary Sign. If the Reader has a Mind to profecute this Speculation, he may try Queſtion 62, Step 9. Queſtion 63, Step 9. Queſtion 64, Step 12, or 13, which are Equations of this firft Form, as well as fome that follow them. To find the other Value or Root of the unknown Quan- tity in the Second Form of Quadratic Equations. 64. The ſecond Form of Quadratic Equations, is when the Co efficient of the loweſt Power of the unknown Quantity has the Sign; in this Cafe ſubſtract the Co-efficient of the lowest Power, fuppofing it affirmative, of the unknown Quantity in the given Equition, at the Step immediately preceding the compleating [ I the Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 191 he Square, from the Value of the unknown Quantity found by the Work, to the Remainder prefix the Sign, and it will be the other Value of the unknown Quantity. Or place down the Co-efficient with its Sign, to which add the Value of the unknown Quantity found by the Work, and to this Sum prefix the Sign —, and it will be the other Value, or Root of the unknown Quantity. 疲 ​An Equation of this fecond Form is Step 12, Queſtion 65, bmx. where we have a a— za = b d — b m x. Here the Co-efficient of a, is-z, or 28 And the Value of a found in that Equation is +60 The Sum is 32, but to it prefix the Sign, and 32, the other Value of a, which is imaginary, S 32 it is as it has the Sign-. And if we proceed by Divifion according to the Directions at Art. 61. we fhall find this imaginary Value of a. Thus if we take the twelfth Step of Queftion 65, which immediately precedes compleating the Square, we have this Equation Which being put in Numbers is Tranfpofing 1920 to make the Equation equal to nothing By the Work it was found a a a a aa- za = b d bmx < - 28 a = 1920 28 a — 1920 — 0 a=60 °} a 60=0 Tranſpoſe 60 to make the Equation equal to Į nothing And dividing to find the other Root of a, as before, a — 60) a a — 28 a 1920 (a +32 a a 600 32 a 1920 32 a 1920 О .འ Hence the Quotient is a + 32, which becauſe the Dividend and Divifor are each equal to nothing, confequently the Quotient muſt be equal to nothing, hence By tranfpofing 32, we have imaginary Value of a, as before. a +32=0 a 32, the fame And 192 ALGEBRA. And if we add thefe two Values of a together, we fhall find their Sum agree with the Scholium, Art. 62. The Value of a found by the Operation, Queſtion 65, is 60 The Value of a now found is Their Sum is 28, or + 28, the fame Number as the Į Co-efficient of a, but with a contrary Sign 32 } 28 Another Equation of this fecond Form is Queſtion 67, Step 13, where the Equation is aa - pa= z d r m Z X Which being put into Numbers is a a — 1.8 a—82 Tranfpofing 82, to make the Equa-aa-1.8a-82=0 tion equal to nothing By the Work it was found a = 10 ° } a 10 = Tranfpofing 10 to make the Equation equal to nothing And dividing to find the other Value of a, as before, a—10) aa— 1.8a-82 (a8.2 a a 10 a 8.2 a 82 8.2 a 82 O Hence the Quotient is a +8.2 which must be equal to nothing, for the Dividend and Divifor are each equal to nothing: but if a + 8 2 = 0, = — By tranfpofing 8.2 we have a 8.2 which is the other Value of a, and it is imaginary, becauſe it has the Sign—. The fame imaginary Value of a may be found by Art. 64, thus, The Co-efficient of a, is The Value of a found by the Queſtion, is The Sum is – 1.8 IO. 8.2 Now to this 8.2 prefix the Sign, and we have 8.2 for the imaginary Value of a, the fame as before. And Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 193 And if theſe two Values of a are added together, their Sum wili agree with the Scholium, Art. 62. The firft Value of a, is The fecond Value of a, is Sum 10. 8.2 But the Co-efficient of a, is 1.8 1.8 65. But in the ambiguous, or third Form of Quadratic Equations, If the Value of the unknown Quantity found by the Operation, is fubftracted from the Co-efficient of its lowest Power, at the Step immediately before the Square is compleated, the Co-efficient being fuppofed affirmative, the Remainder is its other Value. At Queſtion 68, Step 9, the Co-efficient of e is s, or 45 The Value of e, found by the Operation, is The Remainder is the other Value of e 25 20 And it is this fecond Value of e that is the true Anſwer to the Queſtion, as was obſerved Page 187; and here the Learner may again obſerve, that both the Values in this Cafe. are affirmative, which makes this be called the ambiguous Caſe, but in the other two preceding Cafes, or in the four former Examples, the other Value of the unknown Quantity was negative, which is only an imaginary Value, it being impoffible for an affirmative, or pofitive Quantity, which the Queſtion requires, to be a negative, or equal to a negative Quantity. But we may find the other Value of e, in this ambiguous Cafe, by Diviſion, as in the former Inſtances, thus, The Equation, Queſtion 68, Step 9, immediately before the Square was com- pleated, is Which being put in Numbers, is Tranfpofing 500, to make the Equation equal to nothing By the Work it was found e e ee — 45e=. se = P 500 } ee - 45e + 500 = e = 25 25 = 0 And Tranfpofing 25, to make the Equation equal to nothing С с 194 ALGEBRA. "> And dividing to find the other Value, or Root of e, as before, e e — 25) ee — 45 € + 500 (e — 20 ee — 25 ė 20e +500 20e + 500 Hence the Quotient is e O 20, which must be equal to nothing, for the Reafon in the former Cafes, but if Tranſpofing 20, we have other Value of e, the fame as before. e — 20 e = 20 the And in this ambiguous Caſe, if we add the two Values of e together, we fhall find them agree with what is ſaid at the Scholium, Art. 62. The firſt Value of e, is The fecond Value of e, is But the Co-efficient of в is · 45. 25 20 45 The Manner of expreffing the two Roots of an ambiguous Quadratic Equation explained. 66. Now to explain the ufual Manner in which Algebraifts express the Value of the unknown Quantity, in the ambiguous Quadratic Equation; let us reſume the Solution of Queſtion 68, at the eighth Step, where there is this Equation I e e = s e P I - se 2 2 CD 3 e e 3 w 2 4 + 4 e 2 e e - se = -set S 4 SS 4 4 p ss 5 e P 2 2 4 That ? Of Quadratic EQUATION s. 195 That is, prefix both the Signs + and -, to the Quantity under the radical Sign, for that being added to, or the rational Quan- S 2 tities on that Side of the Equation, gives one of the Values of e, but if it is ſubſtracted from, or the rational Quantities on that 2 Side of the Equation, then it gives the other Value of e, thus, s = 45 s = 45 225 180 4) 2025=5S 506.25= SS 4 —p = 500. 6.25 ==—p (2.5 = 4 45) 225 225 4 4 Then to find the two Values or Roots of e. S =22.5 2 p = 2.5 4 25. one of the Values of e. N/ =22.5 p = -2.5 4 20. the other Value of e, which two Values ofe are the fame as was found at Art. 61. Cc 2 And 196 · ALGEBRA. And this is the common Method in which Algebraifts fet down, or exprefs the Value of the unknown Quantity, in the ambiguous Quadratic Equation. The Reafon of Quadratic Equations having two different Values of the fame unknown Quantity, is becauſe the fame Quadratic Equation can be formed from two different Suppofi- tions, or Values of the unknown Quantity, or fuppofing the fame unknown Quantity to be equal to two different Numbers. For let us reſume the Equation e e se p, or e e =500, in this ambiguous Equation we found the firſt Value of e to be 25, by making e equal to 25, we have I ✪ 2 Multiplying the firſt Equation by 45, the Co-efficient of e, in the given Equation I 1 2 e = 25 ee = 625 -45e=1125 3 2 +3 4 e e 45e 45e=— 500, the fame with the given Quadratic Equation. And if we take the other Value of e, viz, 20, we can form the given Equation, for Let I 2 IX-45 the Co-7 efficient of e, in the given Equation 1 2 3 2+3 4 e e I ė 20 ee 400 45e=— 900 45e= 500, the fame with the given Quadratic Equation. Likewife if we take the firft Form of Quadratic Equations, viz. ee+be=m, or ee + 10 e 75, fee Queſtion 60, Step 6. Now the two Values of e in this Equation we found to be 5, and 15, and from either of thefe Values of e, we can form the given Quadratic Equation, Suppofe 1 & 2 27 I e = 5 2 ee = 25 I X Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 197 IX 10 the Co-effi- cient of e, in the given 3 10e = 50 Equation 2 +3 1 Again, ſuppoſe 1 & 2 4 ee+10e=75, the fame with I 12 I X IO as above 3 2+3 4 the given Quadratic Equation. e — — 15 ee 225, for 15 X - 15 =225, the Signs being alike. 10e= 150 ee + 10 e = 75, the fame E- quation as before. bmx, or aa- 28 a And if we take the fecond Form of Quadratic Equations, viz. aa-za- b d — bmx, 1920, ſee Queſtion 65, Step 12. The two Values of a in this Equation we found to be 60, and 32, from either of which we can form the given Equation, for Suppofe | I I 2 2 a = 60 aa = 3600 I X 28 the Co- efficient of a, in the given Equation 3 28a=- 1680 2+3 4 a a 28 a 1920, the fame 1 I X Again, if with the given Equation. 32 aa = 1024, for = +1024. I a I Ⓒ 2 2 } -28a 3 2 + 3 4 a a 28 the Co- efficient of a, as above S 32 X 32 896, for-28x-32 = + 896. - 28 a 1920, the fame with the given Equation. From this the Learner may obferve, that making the unknown Quantity equal to either of its Values, and raiſing this Equation to the Square, and adding it to the former Equation, after it has been multiplied by the Co-efficient of the lowest Power of the unknown Quantity in the Quadratic Equation, this Sum will be the given Quadratic Equation. Queſtion 198 ALGE B R A. Queſtion 69. Two Men, A and B, difcourfing of their Shil- lings, A, who had the greatest Number, faid, if my Number of Shillings is divided by your's, and this Quotient is added to your Number of Shillings, the Sum will be 15: How many' But if the Sum of both our Shillings is multiplied by 4, and this Product divided by 10, the Quotient will be 22. Shillings had each Perfon? Let a = the Number of Shillings A had, or the greateſt Number, the Number of Shillings B had, or leffer Number, s = 15, m = 4, n = 10, d= 22. a Then I +e=s e And 2 ma+me By the Queſtion. =d 22 I Xe 3 3 — e e 4 a = 2 x n 5 5- me 6 a+ee = se se-ee ma+med n ma dn—me d n me 6÷m 7 a m d n me 4.7 8 =se-ee ве m 8 x m 9 d n memse mee 9+ mee ΙΟ mee + d n +di memse IO - dn II mee memse- d n dn 11 mse 12 mee -me mse= Here the Equation appears to be Quadratic, and of the ambi- guous Kind; becauſe dn, the known Side of the Equation, has the negative Sign. Then by Art. 58, dividing by m, the Co- efficient of ee, 12 m | | 13 | cc-e- ·e ŝe = d n m For m be- ing in every Term on one Side of the Equation, dividing that Part of the Equation by m, is only to caft away m, out of every Term of that Side of the Equation, and to divide the other Side - Of Quadratic EQUATION s. 199 Side of the Equation is only to place m as a Denominator to it. The Equation being now prepared for compleating the Square, and the firft Power of e being in two Terms, viz. e whofe Co-efficients are Therefore I, and Subſtitute S, se, I-s, then by dn Subftitution 14 e e Ze སྦུ Z Z 14 CO 15 ее ка ·ze+ 4 4 ZZ dn m 15 w 2 16 17 - 2 | 2 Z d n Z א 16+ 2 e א Z 土 ​2 ZZ 4 Z Z 4 m d n = 8± 3, m (that is, e is either 5, or 11. And if e is 5, we fhall find a = 50, by the fourth Step, which two Numbers of Shillings anſwer the Conditions of the Queſtion; or, if we ſuppoſe e = 11, then by the fourth Step we ſhall find a = 44, which two Numbers will likewife anfwer the Conditions of the Queftion: But fometimes one of the Numbers, or Roots, of thefe ambiguous Equations, will not anſwer all the Conditions of the Queſtion, as at Queſtion 74, and then the other Root muſt be found. Queſtion 10. Two Merchants, A and B, had gained in Trade, but A, who gained the most, found, that if the Square of the Pounds he gained was multiplied by 2, and the Product added to 8 times the Pounds B gained, if this Sum was divided by 4, the Quotient was 816 Pounds: But if 3 times the Pounds A gained, was added to 10 times the Pounds B gained, and this Sum divided by 40, the Quotient was 5 Pounds. How many Pounds had each Man gained? Put a the Pounds gained by A, = by B, x = 2, m = 8, p = 4, d = e= e the Pounds gained 816, b = 3, % = 10, = r 40, n=5. IX A 2 200 ALGEBRA. t I 2 Ixp 3 3 − xa a 4 xaa + me P ba+ze r = d By the Queſtion. n xaa+me = pd me = pd хаа 4÷m 5 p d xa a e= 2 X r 6 m ba+ze = r n 6-ba 7 ze = r n ba r n ba 8 e Z r n ba 5.8 pd- xa a 9 ช m 9 x z 10 irn ---- — ba ba= zpd― zxa a m 10 x m II mrn—mba mba = z pd — z x a a Tranſpoſe zxa a, that the higheft Power of the unknown Quantity may have the Sign +. 11 + zxa a 12 I 12 mr n 13 = zxaa+mrn—mba z pd z xa a — mb a = z p d — m r n mr n The Equation now appears to be Quadratic, but to know if it is ambiguous, find which Quantity is greateſt zpd, or mrn, but z pd is 32640, and m r n is only 1600, hence zp d = 32640-1600 31040, which being an affirmative Num- But be- ber, the Equation is not ambiguous, by Art. 59. cauſe the Square of the unknown Quantity has a Co-efficient, therefore, by Art. 58, mb a z p d — m r n 13÷2x 14 a a Z X Zx m b Subſtitute S then by ZX Subftitution 15 a a sa= 15 col 16 ㅁ ​| aa-sa+ 2 z pd — mr n Z SS 4 zx zpd. ZZ mr n + 55 4 16 ws Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 201 55 + + S zpd. p d — m r n 16 w 2 17 a + 2 ZX 4 S 17+ 18 a = √ z pd mr n 2 Z X 2 By the eighth Step 19 e = 4 (=40, the Pounds gained by A. r n − b a Z 8, the Pounds gained (by B. Queſtion 71. A Father, by his Will, left his two Sons, A and B, fuch a Portion, whereof A had the greatest Fortune; that if the Square of the Number of Pounds he was to have, be multiplied by 2, and to this Product there is added the Number of Pounds B was to have multiplied by 35, the Sum was 6400 Pounds: But if the Number of Pounds A was to have, be multiplied by 20, and this Product added to the Number of Pounds B was to have multiplied by 15, the Sum was 1600 Pounds. To find the Fortune of each? Let a : the Fortune of A, e the Fortune of B, x = 2, = 20, z=15, r = 1600. m = 35, d= d = 6400, b = 20, z = 72 xaa+me = d ba + ze = r at me = d — xa a e = I 2 I хаа 3 d x a a 3 ÷ m 4 m 2 b q 5 ze = r .ba r ba 6 e= Z 4.6 7 7 x Z 8 r - 8 xm | | 9 } By the Queſtion. Tranſpoſe z xa a, affirmative. r—ba Z ba = d zd. m хаа m z xa a | mr — mba — zd mba — z d— z x a a that the higheſt Power of a may be zxaa + mr 9 + zxa a 10 mba = z d ΙΟ 77 1º II Z Xa a mba = z d. m r D d The 202 ALGEBRA. The Equation now appears to be Quadratic, and to know if it is ambiguous, find what zd and mr are in Numbers. But zd- mr = 96000 56000 40000, a pofitive Quantity, whence the Equation is not ambiguous by Art. 59. And be- cauſe the Square of the unknown Quantity has a Co-efficient, therefore by Art. 58. mb a ba zd—m mr 12 a a ZX Z X mb Subſtitute then by ZX Subſtitution 13 a a sa= 1360 14 a a sa+ 4 ค S z d 14 w 2 15 a 이 ​S= zd - mr ZX zd- z d—m r zx + SS + 1 4 mr SS 2, ZX 4 ་ z d — m r SS 15 + 16 a= + :+ 2 | Z X 4 2 =49.9999, &c. becauſe of the Imperfection of the Decimal Fraction; the true Number being 50, from which by r—ba The fixth Step 17 e- = 40. Z Queſtion 72. What are those two Numbers, the Quotient of the greater divided by 5, and added to the leffer, the Sum may be 12: But the Product of the two Numbers divided by 4, the Quotient is 40? a = Put the greater Number, m = 5, p = 12, d= 4, * = 40. e = the leffer Number, . I X m 3-me 2 x d I | = = = +e=p a e By the Queſtion. = x 2 d 3 a + me = mp 4 a = mp mp 5 a e=dx me 5 → Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 203 i dx =mp―me dx 5 → e 6 a 4.6 7 e 7 x e 8 8 + mee 9 9 -d x ΙΟ ΙΟ mpe I I dx = m pe — me e mee+dx=mpe mee=mpedx mee—mpe-dx Here the Equation not only appears Quadratic, but Ambiguous, for dx the known Side of the Equation is negative. Now by Art. 58. dx m II - m 12 e e •pe 12 CO 13 ee-p ee - pet pp - pp dx 4 4 m PP dx 13 w 2 14 11 2 14 + € 15 2 2 4 m PP d x =6±2, m 4 that is, e is either 8, or 4: But if e = 8, then by dx The fixth Step 16 a = = 20. e Or if e 4, then 40, either of which anſwers the Queſtion. Queſtion 73. Two young Gentlemen having been at the Gaming- Tables, and being asked by their Friend what they loft, which being afbamed to own, A faid, if the Number of Pounds I loft is divided by 4, and this added to the Number of Pounds B loft divided by 2, the Sum is 9 Pounds: But if the Product of the Number of Pounds we both loft is divided by 10, and extracting the Square Root of this Quotient, it will be 4. How much did each Perfon lofe? the Number 10: as the Let a the Number of Pounds loft by A, e of Pounds loft by B, b = 4, d = 2, m = 9, p Number 4 is in the firft Part of the Queſtion, and it being again repeated, there is no Occafion for any new Letter. D d 2 j 204 ALGEBRA. I 2 a b + a e e d b m By the Queſtion. I པ d 3 a b m 3 x b 4a= bm 225 5 x p ae Р = b b 6 a e = p b b 6÷÷÷e7a= e d be d p b b e p b b ЪЪ be 4.78 b m e d bee 8 x e 9 d p b b = b m e 9 x d 10dpbb dbme-bee Dividing by b, by Art. 53. 10b11dpbdme-ee To have the higheft Power of e mative, tranfpofe e e. affir- 13-dme 14 14ee 11 +ee12ee+dpb=dme 12-dpb13eed me Here the Equation appears quadratic, and ambiguous. dp b d me dp b d d m m d d m m 14c15ee dme + - dp b 4 4 d m 'd d m m 15 w 216e- = √ dp b 2 4 16+ d m 2 d m 'd d m m 17 土​v · dpb = 9±1, 2 4 that is, e is either 8, or 10, whence by the fourth, or feventh Steps, we ſhall find a 20, or 16. Queſtion 74. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Hypothenuſe AC = 10, and the Sum of the Baſe AB and Perpendicular BC= 14. To find the Bafe AB and Per- pendicular BC? See Figure, Page 206. Let Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 205 Let A Cb 10, AB+BCd 14, AB = a; and becauſe A B+ BC=d, therefore from this fubftracting A B, or a, we have BC=d- a. Having expreffed all the Sides of the Figure in Symbols, and there being but one unknown Quantity, we are only to raiſe one Equation from the Property of the Figure; and the Triangle ABC being right-angled, we have by 47 e 1 the Square of the Hypothenuſe AC, or bb, equal to the Square of the Bafe AB, or a a, added to the Square of the Perpendicular BC, or dd — 2 d a + a a, that is, I b b = d d — 2 da + 2 aa In Symbols | | 362 dd I 2 2 aa z da = b b d d Here the Equation appears quadratic, and becaufe dd is greater than bb, it is likewife ambiguous, for bbdd100 196 96 a negative Quantity; but as the Square of the unknown Quantity has a Co-efficient, therefore divide by it by Art. 58. bb-dd 2-2 3 aa — da = 2 d d d d b b - d d 3Co 4 aa-da+ + 4 4 2 d d d b b d d 4 w 2 5 a + 2 4 2 d 5+ 6 d dd b b - d d a = + + =7±1 2 2 4 2 from whence the Bafe A B may be either 8, or 6; fuppofing the Bafe 8, then becauſe by the Queftion, the Sum of the Bafe and Perpendicular is 14, the Perpendicular B C will be 6; but if we ſuppoſe the Baſe to be 6, then from the fame Reaſoning the Perpendicular B C will be 8. And the Queftion not limiting which is longeft, either the Baſe AB, or Perpendicular B C, we may take either 6, or 8, for the Length of the Bafe AB, for either will anfwer the Con- ditions of the Queftion. But if the Queſtion had faid that the Bafe AB, is longer than the Perpendicular BC, then we must take a = d d b b — d d + v + 4 2 d 2 =8, by which we fhall find the Perpen- di ular 206 ALGEBRA. dicular BC= 6; for if we take a = d_dd + bb-dd 4 2 2 =6, then we ſhall find the Perpendicular BC= 8, which can- not be, becauſe the Queſtion is fuppofed to determine the Baſe AB, to be longer than the Perpendicular B C. A Queſtion 75. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, given the Hypothe- nuſe AC = 10, the Perpendicular BC, being shorter than the Bafe AB, by ſubſtracting the Perpendi- cular BC from the Bafe AB, and multiplying the Difference by 20, and dividing this Product by 8, the Quotient is 5. What is the Length B of the Bafe AB, and Perpendicu lar BC? Let AC = b = 10, AB = a, BC = e, d = 20, m = % = 5. I 3 w 2 I 2 8, aa+ee = bb by the Property of the Figure, as in the laſt Queſtion. da-de m a a = b b a = √ bb √bb. =z by the Queſtion. z e e -ее de = zm da = zm + de ее 3 19 4 2 x m 5+ de 5 da 6 6 ÷ d! 7 zm + de a = d zm + de 4.7 8 d e e Squaring both Sides of the Equation, becauſe the unknown Quantity is under the radical Sign. 802 9 9 × d d 10 + ddee zzmm + 2 zmde + ddee d d =bb bb-ee 10 zzmm+2zmde+ddee-ddbb-ddee zzmm + 2 zmde +2ddee bbd d I I II Z Z M M I 2 2 ddee + 2zmde bbdd Z ZM M 2 Dividing Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 207 Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee by Art. 58. ee + 12-2 dd 13 | 13/0 That is 14 ee + 2 zm de 2 d d Z me d == b b d d — z z M M 2 dd b b d d dd- Z Z M M for 2 d d Z me > rejecting 2 d, as d N 2 zmde 2 d d = in Divifion. Hence the Equation is quadratic, but it cannot be ambiguous, becauſe both the Quantities e e + zme having the Sign+, the d whole Side of the Equation must be affirmative, and confequently the other Side of the Equation must be alfo affirmative, other- wife an affirmative Quantity would be equal to a negative Quan- tity, which is abfurd. Now, Z m Subſtitute x = =2, by Art. 57- d then by Subftitution 15 1500 16 + b b d d — z z M M xx 2 d d b b d d Z Z M M e 4 2 d d x x 4 b b d d 16 w Z 17 e+ +1/ Z Z M M x x + 2 2 d d 4 17 이 ​* b b d d - Z Z M M XX 18 e- + 2 6 2 dd BC. 4 | * 2 Then by Step 7th 19 zm + de = 8 = AB. d The fame Question done otherwife. Let A Cb 10, A B = a, then by 47 e 1, BC = ✓bbaa; fuppofe d= 20, m = 8, x=5, as before. Now 208 ALGEBRA.' Now all the Sides of the Triangle being expreffed in Symbols, and there being only one unknown Quantity, there is but one Equation required, which may be raiſed from the Conditions of the Queftion, and thefe I fhall particularly exprefs to prevent any Difficulty to the Learner. orb Now | 1 | a, is the Baſe AB, which is longer than the Perpendicular BC, or bba a, therefore connecting √ bb—a a to a by the Sign | | We have 2 abba a for the Difference between the Bafe and Perpendicular, which is to be multiplied by 20, or d, then We have 3 da d√ bb — a a But this Product is to be divided by 8, or m, then m (is to be equal to 5, or z. d ✓ bb. a a da d / b b на We have 4 > and this Quotient d a Whence 5 =z, by the (Queſtion. m Becauſe the unknown Quantity is divided by m, therefore by Art. 47. 5xm6|da-db b―a a z m = Becauſe the unknown Quantity is multiplied by d, therefore by Art. 48. Z M 6 7 a √bb. a a = d Now tranſpoſe the Surd, becauſe it has the Sign-, the higheſt Power of the unknown Quantity being Part of it. Z m 7+ √bb-aa аа 8 a a a = d Z m Z m 8- a a = a d 9 d There being no Quantities on the fame Side of the Equation with the Surd, raiſe both Sides of the Equation to the ſecond Power to take away the radical Sign. 9 & 2 Of Quadratic EQUATION Ss. 209 92 IO b b - аа-аа a a = a a 2 zma d ZZ M M Z Z m m + d d 2 z ma 10+ a a 2 aa + bb = b b d dd Z Z M M 2 z ma Z Z M M I I 12 2 a a = bb. d d d dd zma b b Z Z M M 12 2 13 a a d 2 2 dd b b Z Z m m Here the Equation is quadratic, but becauſe 2 2 d d = 50 2 = 48, a pofitive Quantity, it is not ambiguous. Z m Now by Art. 57, ſubſtitute x = X 2. d b b Z Z m m Then 14 a a xa= 2 xx ** 14 O 15 aa- 1+ 2 dd 4 + b b 2 15 w 2 16 a -xa+ Z Z M M 2dd ४ | 2 ४ ति 16 + 17 a= 2 2 (8 8: 4 xx 4 ** 4 + + Z Z M M bb 2 2 d d b b Z Z M M 2 2 d d the Bafe AB, as before. Hence in the right-angled Triangle ABC, becauſe we have given the Hypothenufe AC, which is 10, and having now found the Bafe AB to be 8, therefore the Perpendicular B C ✓ ICO 646. Queſtion 76. Two Merchants, A and B, becoming Bankrupts, owe fuch Sums of Money, that if from the Number of Pounds A owes, we fubftract the Square of the Number of Pounds B owes, there remains 1900 Pounds : But if the Square of the Number of Pounds B owes, is multi- plied by the Number of Pounds A owes, the Product is 81000002 Pounds. To find the Debt of each Merchant ? E e Let * 210 ALGEBRA. Let a = the Money owed by A, e the Money owed by 1900, d = 81000000. B, b I а e e = b 2 a e e = d By the Queſtion. I 1 + ee 3 a = b + e e 2-ee 4 3.4 5 5 x ce 6 a = d e e ee + b = d ee e e e e + be e = d Perhaps this Equation may appear new to the young Analyſt, but by turning to Art. 56. he will find it to be a Quadratic Equation, for the unknown Quantity is only in two Terms, and in one of them its Power or Height is double its Power or Height in the other, for it is e e e e and e e, therefore take b the Co-efficient of e e, the loweft Power of e in the prefent Cafe; divide it by 2, fquare the Quotient, and add it to both Sides of the Equation, as before, thus, b b b b 6c□ 7 e e e e + be e+ d + 4 4 Extracting the fquare Root as ufual, b b b 7 w 2 8 ee+ d+ 2 4 b 2 Tranfpofing becauſe it is a known Quantity, b b b b 8 - 9 e e = √ d + 2 4 2 Now extracting the fquare Root to deprefs e to the firft Power. 9 ws 2 IO e b b b 90 Pounds, 4 2 (the Money B owed. bb 4 To extract the Square Root of the Quantity✔d+ b 2 , is only to place again the radical Sign before the fame • Quantity, Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 211 Quantity, drawing it over the radical Sign already there, and the other Quantities without that Sign, if there are any; for though theſe were not included in the firft Root, yet as they were afterwards tranfpofed to that Side of the Equation, and the Root is again required to be taken, they will now be included under the radical Sign of this ſecond Extraction. Becauſe of the two radical Signs, I fhall fet down the Nume- rical Work, to make the Operation the plainer. d = 81000000 b b 902500 4 b b bb 81902550 = d + (9050 = d + 4 4 81 b ·950= 1 1805) 9025 9025 О 8100 = √d + and the fquare Root of 8100 is 90 = √ √ d + 2 b b b 4 2 = 10000 Pounds, the Money The fame Queſtion anſwered by exterminating the unknown Quantity e. b b b 4 2 Then by the third Step a bee owed by A. I a-ee b : S By the Queſtion, as before. b tee I 3- e e b 2 3 4 2 → a 5 a e e = d a = e e 6+ -6 e e ее- a- d a Make the fourth and fifth Equations equal to one another, for each is equal to e e. 4.5 6 a b 6 x a 7 a a d a b a = d E e 2 J 760 212 ALGEBRA. 氰 ​700 8 a a b b bat =d+ 4 b b b 4 bb 8 u, 2 a 9 2 b. b b 9+ | IO a = √d + + = 10000 2 4 e= 4 b 2 (Pounds, as before. And by the fourth Step e-a-b, or by the fifth Step, d a = 90 Pounds, as before. From hence the Learner may obſerve, there are different Methods of anfwering the fame Queftion, and that fome are more elegant than others, as they give the Anſwer in more fimple or lefs complicated Terms: And in this Part of the Science he is to exerciſe himſelf according to his own Prudence and Judgment, and fome Meaſure in Proportion as he under- ftands and conceives the general and univerfal Methods by which Queſtions are anfwered; it being only my Defign to illuftrate theſe by pertinent Examples, with fuch Solutions as arife in an obvious Manner from the Directions, that the Learner may acquire fome general Idea of the Nature and Excellency of Algebra. Queſtion 75. Two Running Footmen, A and B, meeting on the Road, found, if the Number of Miles A had run was multiplied by 5, and fubftracting from this Product the Square of the Miles run by B, there remained 100: But if the Square of the Miles run by B, was multiplied by the Number of Miles run by A, and the Product multiplied by 2, this Product was 80000. How many Miles had each Perſon run? Let a the Number of Miles run by A, e = the Number of Miles run by B, m = 5, x = 100, d 5, % = 100, d = 2, b = 80000. 1 mae e = x 2 daee b } By the Queſtion. I + ee 3÷m 3 ma = x+ee 4 a = x + ee b m 2 ÷ dee 5 a = dee 4.5 Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 213 6 x+ee b 4.5 m dee m b 6 x m 7 · ee+x=- dee 7x dee 8 deeee + x dee — mb Here the Equation appears to be of the fame Kind with the laft, that is quadratic, but not ambiguous. Now by Art. 58. 9 ÷ d m b 9 e e e e + xe e = d And compleating the Square as in the laft Queſtion, xx m b xx 10 D IO eeee + xee+ + 4 d 4 x m b 11 un 2 I I ee+ 2 d + xx 4 ५ m b ** x 12 12 e e = + X d m b 4 xx 2 13 U 1 3 ບນ 2 13 e- + * | d 4 2 2) 400000 = m b 200000 = mb d 2500 x x 4 202500 (450 m b d + xx 4 16 50= 1 2 85) 425 425 m b xx x 400 (20 = d + the 4 2 (Number of Miles run by B. Then by the fourth Step a = x tee 100, the Number in of Miles run by A. This 214 ALGE BRA. This Queftion, as the laſt, may be refolved in a more fimple Manner, if we exterminate the unknown Quantity e inftead of a, thus, I 1 2 3 ma — ee = x 1 By the Queſtion, as da e e b ma = x + ee } before I tee 3 - X 4 e e ma b 2 ÷ da 5 ee = da b 4.5 6 m a da 6 x da 7 d m a a d x a = b Dividing by dm the Co-efficient of a a, by Art. 58. xa b dx a x a 7 ÷d m 8 a a - for m dm d m m x the d being rejected as in Divifion. Now the Co-efficient of a being divided by 2, m is X 2 m For making 2 an improper Fraction by the Rule in common Arithmetic, is 2 I : But by the Rule for Diviſion of Vulgar X Fractions in Arithmetic 2) (-2/ xx is 4 m m I m m X Now fquaring is 2 m and adding this to both Sides of the Equation, the Square is compleated, by Art. 56. 4 m m = √ b + d m x x x a x x b 8c0 9 a a + m x 9 w 2 IO a x b 10+ I I a= 2 m d m 2 m + + d m X X 4 m m 4 mm :+ x 2 m مل میشود 4 m m =100 (as before. 20, as Then by the fourth or fifth Step we fhall find e—20, before. Queſtion Of Quadratic EQUATION S. 215 Queſtion 78. It is required to find two fuch Numbers, that the greater being added to the Square of the leffer, the Sum may be 19: But if the greater is multiplied into the Square of the leſſer, the Product may be 90. = Let a the greater Number, e = the leffer Number, s = 19, p = 90. a + e e a = By the Queſtion. 2 a e e P I - ее 3 a = s ее P 2 ee 4 P 3.4 5 ee 5 x e e 6 6 + eeee 6+e c་ e e -e e p = see e e e e Tranfpofe e e e e to make it affirmative. eeee + p = see 7 see 8 e e e e - 8 P 9 e e e e see+p=0 see = - p Here the Equation not only appears quadratic, the Powers. of the unknown Quantity e, being the fame as in the two laft Queſtions, but it is likewife ambiguous, for that Side of the Equation which is known is negative, viz. ㅁ ​10 e e e e -seet p. SS S S P 4 4 S IO w 2 I I e e 2 N| S S 12 e e 2 +1 12 土 ​4 55 4 p the Equation (being ambiguous, as above. 5 S 12 w 2 13 e = -P 2 4 That is, by reafon of the Ambiguity of the Equation, it may S bee= + p, ore = 2 4 2 4 Let 2 216 ALGEBRA. A 1 Let us fuppofe e = 今 ​کیا 2 + 4 55 90.25 4 --90. =-p √.25=.5=✓ 9.5= 10. = P 4 2 + -p 2 4 10) 3.162 neareſt = 9 61) 100 61 626) 3900 3756 6322) 14400 12644 ✓ SS p the Value 2 4 (of e. Then by the third Step a = s -ee 9, if we take 10 for the Square of e, the fquare Root of 10 being equal to e. By trying theſe Numbers according to the Conditions of the Queſtion, we have a+ee = 19 aee 90 taking 10 for the Square of e, as above. But becauſe the Value of e is a Fraction which does not ter- minate, and therefore its exact Value cannot be found, let us try the other Root, viz. e = S SS Р 2 4 SS 90.25 go. 4 - P √.25 = .5= 4 2 こ ​44 Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 217 S = 9.5 2 S S 4 S 2 2 4 p = -.5 -9. extracting the fquare Root of 9. we have 4 p3, for the other Value of e exact. Then by the third Step as - ee = 10. And trying theſe two Numbers by the Conditions of the Queſtion, we have a + ee = 19 2 As the Queſtion requires, whence the two a e e = 90 Numbers are 10 and 3. I have been particular in the Arithmetical Work of this Queftion, that the Learner may fee the Method of finding both the Values of the unknown Quantity, in any ambiguous quadratic Equation, when the unknown Quantity is to the fourth Power. But in this Queſtion, if we exterminate e inſtead of a, we ſhall have a more fimple Solution. I 2 a tee=s a e e = p } By the Queſtion as before. I а 3 2 a 4 e e = S ee = P a a 4.3 5 a 5 x a 6 6 + aa 7 7 Р 8 8- sa 9 a a -P p = sa a a a at p = sa aa-sa sa P Here the Equation appears quadratis and ambiguous, as before. ~sat 9 | 10 | α = a a SS s s 4. Ff 4 ? I w 218 ALGEBRA. SS 10 ເນ 2 II a 2 4 S II+ 12 a = 2 | 55 P 2 4 Let us firſt fuppofe the Root to be 4) 361 = ss 90.25 P 2 4 90. .25= 4 whence .5V. P 4 S Then = 95 2 SS p = -0.5 4 p, but the fquare Root of .25 is .5 9.a, for one of the Roots of the am- biguous Equation, and from this Root, or Value of a, we ſhall from the third, or fourth Step, find, fquare Root of 10, as before; but this whoſe Root cannot be exactly extracted, Root, or Value of a, then we have a = that e is equal to the being a furd Number, therefore find the other S 55 p. 2 4 S = 9.5 2 + +v p = .5 4 10.a, the other Root of the ambiguous Equation; then by the third, or fourth Step, we ſhall find e to be equal to the fquare Root of 9, which is 3; and theſe two Numbers 10, and 3, anfwer the Conditions of the Queftion. It may not be improper in this Place to add, that if the Learner meets with any Queftions, where the Anfwers come out Of Quadratic EQUATIONS. 219 out in Decimal Fractions, he is not from thence to conclude they are not the true Anſwers, as theſe are very frequent and common: But if the Equation is ambiguous, it will be proper to find the other Root, which may be free from Fractions; and if this Root anfwers the Conditions of the Queftion, he has then found the Anfwer compleat: But if the Queſtion. will not admit of fuch an Anſfwer, he can then only approach to the true Anfwer in continuing his Fractions at Pleafure; but hitherto I have endeavoured to avoid thefe Circumftances, as they only fatigue the Learner, and perplex his Mind, inſtead of increafing his Judgment, or advancing his Knowledge in this Science. 66. The Method of refolving Questions, that contain three Equations, and three unknown Quantities. F! IND the Value of one of the unknown Quantities, in one of the given Equations : For the fame unknown Quantity in the other two Equations, write, or put this Value, which exterminates that unknown Quantity from thofe two Equations; and reduces the Question to two Equations, and two unknown Quantities, which may be refolved as the foregoing Questions, by Art. 55. that is, Find the Value of one of thefe two unknown Quantities, in each of thoſe two Equations, and making theſe two Equations equal to one another, exterminates another unknown Quantity, for this laft Equation will have only one unknown Quantity, which being reduced by the Directions already given, will give the Value of that unknown Quantity in Numbers, from which it will be eaſy to determine the Value of the other two. To help the Learner in his Choice which to exterminate, if one of the three, unknown Quantities is not multiplied, or divided by either of the other two, but theſe are multiplied, or divided by one another, then it will be eaſieſt to find the Value of that unknown Quantity, which is not multiplied, or divided by the others, F f 2 Or 220 ALGEBRA, } Or if one of the unknown Quantities fhould be to the first Power only in all the three given Equations, and the other two are raiſed to ſome higher Power, then it may be eaſieſt to exter- minate the unknown Quantity, which is to the firft Power only. -- And if all the three unknown Quantities are only to the first Power, and none of them are multiplied or divided by one ano- ther, then if one of them has no Co-efficient but Unity, and the other two have Co-efficients, it may be eaſieſt to exter- minate that unknown Quantity, whofe Co-efficient is Unity. Thefe Directions may be of Ufe to the Learner, in affifting his Choice which unknown Quantity to exterminate, and a little Care and Attention will help his Judgment in this Part of the Science; I fhall only juft mention, that if any particular Diffi- culties arife from the exterminating one unknown Quantity, it may not be improper to make an Effay how the Work will proceed, from exterminating fome other unknown Quantity. Queſtion 79. There are three Numbers whofe Sum is 18: The first being added to three times the fecond, from which Sum fubftracting twice the third, the Remainder is 9: But if the first is added to four times the third, from which Sum fubftracting twice the fecond, the Remainder is 21. What are the three Numbers ? Let a the first Number, e = the fecond Number, y = the third Number, b = 18, m = I 4 2 9, p=21. a+e+y=b a+ 3e − 23 2y=m 2e=p 3 a + 4y — 2 e I y 4 a + e = b − y 4 e 5 a = b—y—e By the Queſtion. Having found the Value of a in the firft Equation, in the room of a in the fecond and third Equations, put its Value bye, thus. 2.5 6 b-ye÷ze-2y=m 3.5 7 6 contracted 8 7 contracted 9 b-y-e+47-2ep b ·31+ 2e=m b+39-3e=& Here the Queftion is reduced to two E- quations, and two un- known Quantities, for a is exterminated. Now The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 221 Now find the Value of either y, or e, in each of theſe two laft Equations, and 3 y being in each Equation, find what that is equal to. 8+39 m 1016+2e = m + 3y 3y =6+ 2e 6+3y=1+3e 10 m ΙΙ 9+3e 12 12 6 13 3y = p + 3e-b - b • II 13 | 14 |P + 3 e b = b + 2e. +2e- m Here we have an Equation with one unknown Quantity only, which is reduced in the common Manner, thus, 15pte ptemb 6p+e= 2 b e = 2 b 26 772 b m کو m 14 2 e 15 + b 16 16 - p 17 p = 6, then 13÷3 18 P + 3e b y 7, and 3 By the fifth Step 19 a = b — y — e y-e=5. Hence the three Numbers fought are 5. 6. and 7. PROOF. a+e+ y = 18 a+3e2y = 9 = a + 4 y 2 e 21. Queſtion 80. Three Men, A, B, C, difcourfing of their Shil- lings, found, that if twice A's Shillings was added to B's Shillings, and from that Sum fubftracting C's Shillings, there remains 15: And if B's Shillings was added to three times C's Shillings, and from that Sum fubftracting A's Shillings, there remains 31: But if fix times A's Shillings was added to four times C's Shil- lings, and this Sum added to B's Shillings, the Sum was 97. How many Shillings had each Perfon? Let a the Number of Shillings of A, e thofe of B, and y thofe of C, b = 15, d = 31, m97. = I 23 2a+e—y=b e37a=d e | 3y — a = 6a+ 4y + e = m te By the Queftion. Becaufe i 222 ALGE B R A. Becaufe has no Co-efficient but Unity, begin with finding the Value of e, as being the moſt ſimple. za+e=b+ y I+y 4 — 2 a 5 4 e = b + y 2 a Now in the ſecond and third Equations, in the room of e, put its Value, or by — 24, as in the laſt Queſtion. ty 2 5 6 b+y • 3.5 2a+37 a - d 7 b + y −2a + 6a+ 4y = m Here the Queftion is reduced to two Equations, and two unknown Quantities, e being exterminated, and therefore pro- ceeding, as in the laſt Queſtion, 6 contracted 8 7 contracted 9 14 b+4y-3a=d 4a+5y+b = m 1 Now find the Value of either of the unknown Quantities in both thefe Equations: To find the Value of y, 8 + 3a101b+4y=d+3 a 10-b II 4 y = d + 3a — b y = 9-b13 4a+5y=m d+3a-b II-4 12 4 m- b 13-4a 14 51 = m ·b — 4 a m b 4 a 145 15 15y = 5 12. 15 16 d + 3a — b m b 4 a 4 5 Here we have an Equation with only the unknown Quantity a 16 × 4 17 d + 3 a a−b 4 m b = 4 b — 16 a 5 17 X 5 18 18 | = 5d+15a-5b — 4 m — 4 b — 16 a 18+ 16 a 19 5 d +31a—5b = 4 m 1956 20 5d+31a=4m+b 31a=4m+b - 5 d 4m+b— 5d 20 -5d 21 21 31 22 a = 46 = 8, then By 31 The Method of refolving Queſtions, &c. 223 By the 12th Step 23y=d+3a-b = 10, and 4 By the fifth Step | 24 e=b+y=2a=9 PROOF. 2a+e-y=15 e+ 3y a = 31 6a+4y+e = 97 I have done theſe two Queftions without putting Letters for the given Numbers, it being more eafy and familiar; but now to do the laft univerfally, let us put Letters for the Numbers 2. 3. 6 and 4 which are given in the Queſtion, and comparing the former Operation with the following, may render it more eafy ; but if the Learner finds this too perplexing, he may neglect it, and proceed to the next. • Let a e and y be the three unknown Numbers as before, and x = 2, ≈= 3, s = 6, p Z 3, s=6, p = 4, then, I 1xa+e-y=b e+zy—a=d By the Queſtion. 3 sa+py+em. 2 Becauſe e has no fpecious Co-efficient in either of the given Equations, find the Value of e. I ty 4 4 x a 5 xa+e=b+y e=b+y-xa Now in the fecond and third Equations, in the room of e put its Value, or by — xa, b + y xa+zy — a = d 2.5 6 3.5 7 sa + p y + b + y — x a = m Here the Queftion is reduced to two Equations, and two unknown Quantities, e being exterminated; but becauſe of the Specious Co-efficients we cannot contract them as before: Now find the Value of y, in both thefe Equations. 1 2 6 + a 224 ALGEBRA. xa+zy = d + a 6 + a81b + y 8 + xa9b + y + zy = d + a + x a 9—b10xy+y=d+a+xa 10÷2+111y= d + a + x a b b the Co-efficients of y being 7 + x a 12s a +py+b+y= m + x a xa12s 13 s a + py + " m + x a- 12 -b 13 — sa 14py + y = m + xa b-sa 14+1+115y m+xa-b P+I II. 1516 d+a+xa—b Z + 1 sa (= + 1 the Co-efficients of y being m+xa b- sa (p+ I an Equation (with only the unknown Quantiy a. 16x2+1 17 d+a+xa−b—zm+zxa—zb—zsa+m+xa—b – sa 16xz+117d+a+xa—b— 17 xp + 1 18 pd + pa + px a− p b + d + a + xa—b=zm +zxa zb- zsa+m+x a b-sa The Learner may think theſe Multiplications diſcouraging, though perhaps they are not fo perplexing as he may imagine, for at the ſeventeenth Step where m + xa-b sa is x z + 1, put down the Product of it by z firft, which is z m + z xa zb. zsa, after which he need only write m + xa-b—sa, the next Part of the Multiplier being Unity; or, if it had been another Letter, it had been no more than repeating the Multi- plicand, with the multiplying Letter joined to each of its Quan- tities, placing them one after another, taking due Care of the Signs by the Rules for Multiplication. In the fame Manner he will find the eighteenth Step multi- plied, and a little Attention will familiarize the Operation; but if there is any Difficulty in multiplying theſe compound Quan- tities, the Learner may fet them down one under the other, and multiply them in the ufual Manner. 18-xa191p d+pa+pxa—pb+d+a−b=zm+zxa z b zsa+m b- sa 19 +420 pd+pa+pxa-pb+d+a=zm+zxa-zb 4/20pd zsa +m sa Now tranſpoſe all the unknown Quantities to one Side of the Equation, and all the known ones to the other Side of the Equation. 20- The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 225 20 Zx a 21 | pa+px pd+pa + px a—pb+d+a—zza Z m Z b zsa+m- s a A 21+zsa 22 pd+pa+pxa—pb+d+a+zsa Z xa = Z M xb+msa 22 +sa 23 pd+pa+pxa-pb+d+a+zsa zxa+sa=zm zb + m p d 23-pd|24|pa+pxa-pb+d+a+zsa-zxa +sa=zm zb+m 24 + pb | 251pa+pxa+d+a+zsa-zxa+sa Z m z b + m p d + p b d 26 pa+pxa + a + zs a zxatsa =Z M z b + m 25- 26 27 a - p d + p b — d zm―zb+m—p d + p b - d p+px+1+25-2x+5 = 8, the Divifor is the Co-efficients of a, connected by their Signs. d+a+xa b Then by 11th Step 28 y =IQ 2 + I And by 5th Step 29 e = b + y − x a = 9 Queſtion 81. There are three Travellers, A, B, C, who have traveled in all 62 Miles : But if the Miles A travelled is multiplied by 2, and added to the Miles B travelled multiplied by 3, this Sum is equal to the Miles C travelled multiplied by 17: And if 4 times the Miles C travelled, is added to the Miles B travelled multiplied by 2, this Sum is equal to the Miles tra- velled by A. To find the Miles each travelled? Let a by B, y the Miles travelled by A, e the Miles travelled the Miles travelled by C; p = 62, b = 2, d = 3, m = 17, x=4, and 2 being in the Queftion before, put no new Letter for it. I 123 a+e+y=P bat de e = my By the Que lion. x y + be a Becauſe a feems to be in as fimple Terms as any in the three given Equations, and having its Value already by the third Equa- tion, therefore for a in the first and fecond Equation write its Value xybe at the third Equation, which exterminates a. G G 1.3 226 ALGEBRA, I. 3 4 x y +be+ e + y = p 2·35bxy+bbe + de=my Here the Queftion is reduced to two Equations, and two une known Quantities, then proceed, as before, to find the Value of either y or e, in each of theſe Equations, as ſuppoſe y. 4 be e16 xy+e+y=p — be 6 — e7xy+y=p — be e 7x+1/8 y= p-be. e x+1 the Co-efficients of y being x + 1, 5 bx9my-bxy=bbe + de bbe + de 9÷m―lx10y= m — b x bbe de the Co-efficients of y being m- -bx. p-be-e an Equation with only mb x * + I (one unknown Quantity. mp_mbe 8. 1011 11 xm-xb12bbe+de= +bbxe + bxe me—pbx+bbxe+bxe x + 1 12 x x + 113 xbbe+xde+bbe+de=mp—mbe-me-p b x 13-xbbe 14 xde+bbe+de=mp―mbe-me-p b x + bx e Now bring the Terms that have the unknown. Quantity, to one Side of the Equation. 14+mbe 15x de+bbe+de+mbe-mp-me-pbx+b 15+ me 16x de+bbe+de+mbe+me=mp — p b x + bx e 16-bxe17xde+bbe+de+mbe+me-bxe=mp-pbx 1718e= m p − p b x xe. =9, the xd+bb + d +mb+m-b.x Divifor is the Co-efficients of e, connected by their Signs. By Step 190 = 7 8, or 10.}/19/1 =1 By Step 3.20 a = 46 201a Queſtion 82. Three Men, A, B, C, diſcaurfing of their Shil- lings, found, that A's Shillings added to C's Shillings, the Sum was double B's Shillings: And A's Shillings added to three times B's Shillings, from which Sum fubftracting C's Shillings, there remained 13 Shillings: But if A's Shillings was added to the Product of B's and C's Shillings, the Sum was 34. How many Shillings had each Perfon? Let The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 227 Let a A's Shillings, e B's Shillings, y C's Shillings' b = 13, d = 34. 123 + 4 e= a + y = 2 e a+3e y = b } a + ey = d a = 2 e -y 2e−y+3e—y=b 2.4 3·4 5 6 2e −y+ey=d 5 contracted 75e— 23 = = b By the Queſtion. Here the Queſtion is reduced to two Equations and two unknown Quan- tities, a being extermi nated. Now find the Value of e, or y, in the fixth and ſeventh Equations, fuppoſe e. 6+9 8 2e+ey=d+y d + y 8+ 2+ 3 9 e 2+ y 7 +23 10 5e=b+2y b+2y 10 ÷ 5 I I e 5 ¿ + 2y 9.1! 12 5. 12 x 2 + y 12x2+ 13 13x5 14 d+, an Equation with 2+ only one unknown Quantity, 2b +41 + by + 2xy=d+y 5 26 + 4y + by + 2y y=5d+5y +23 Now bring all the Quantities that have y, to one Side of the Equation. 15 2b −y + by + 2y y = 5 d 162yy+by-y=5d-26 145 15-26 16 Here the Equation appears quadratic, the unknown Quantity being to the ſecond and firſt Power only, but is not ambiguous, 5d being greater than 26; then by Art. 58, divide by the Co-efficient of yy. by y 16 ÷ 2 | 17 | 99 + 6 = = 2 G g 2 5d-2b 2 The 228 ALGEBRA. The Work being now prepared for compleating the Square, becauſe the Co-efficient of b I y is to avoid the Trouble of 2 dividing this Fraction by 2, and fquaring the Quotient, ſub- itute by Art. 57. x= b. I = 6. 2 Then 18 5d-2b yy + xy= 2 18c0 x x x 19 | yy + xy + x = = 5 d=2b + ** 19 w 2 20 " + 4 5d - 26 2 + 4 xx 4 20 2 2 મ x 5 d d26 x x x | 21 y = √ + = 6, 2 2 4 2 (C's Shillings. S By the 9th, or ? 11th Steps By the 4th Step 23 22 | e=5, B's Shillings. a 4, A's Shillings. = Queſtion 83. Three young Gentlemen, A, B, C, having been at the Gaming-Tables, from comparing their Loſſes, found, that if from twice the Pounds A loft, was fubftracted the Pounds B loft, there remained the Pounds C loft: And that the Pounds A loft, added to the Pounds B loft, and this Sum added to twice the Pounds C loft, the Sum was 19 Pounds: But if to the Product of A's and C's Lofs, there is added B's Lofs, the Sum is 26 Pounds. How much did each Perfon lofe? Let a = b = 26. A's Lofs, e = B's Lofs, y C's Lofs, d 2a-e=y | | 2+2 + 2 =d}By the Queftion. 2 a e y 3 ay +e=b 19, Becauſe e ſeems to be in the moſt fimple Terms, therefore find its Value. te 4 از 2 a = y + e + + 3 / 3 / == 4 5 e = 2 a y 2.5 The Method of refolving Questions, &c. 229 2.5 The Queſtion is here Equa- 6a+2a−y+2y=dreduced to two tions and two unknown 3.5 7 ay+2a-y=b 6 contracted 8 3a+y=d Quantities, for e is ex- terminated. : 7 — 2 a 9 9÷a Find the Value of a, or y, in the feventh and eighth Equations. a y — y = b — 2 a b — 2 a I IO y = a — I 8 8 — 3 a I I y = d d — 3 a b 2 a IO. II I 2 = d за 1 12 X a I 13 a- I b— 2a = da — za a―d+za 3a Now bring all the Quantities that have a on one Side of the Equation, obferving to have the higheft Power of a affirmative. 3⋅aab5a=da-d 13+3aa 14 3aa+b―2a=da―d+3a 14- за 15— da 15 16 16 — b 17 3aab5a-da-d 3a a — 5 a— da = - d — b Here the Equation appears both quadratic and ambiguous, for the unknown Quantity is to the ſecond and firft Power only, and it is ambiguous, becaufed-b the Side of the Equation which is known, is negative; dividing by the Co-efficient of aa, as in the laſt Queſtion, — d — b 17+ 3 | 18 | aa—50 — da = = = | 2 3 17÷3 3 The Work being now prepared for compleating the Square, fubftitute x= - 5 — d 3 in the laſt Example. Then 19 18 c 8 the Co-efficients of a, as ala d - b аа xa= 3 | 20 | Xx d b 4 3 aa-xa+ + ** 4 19 w 230 ALGEBRA. મ 19 w 2 21 a 20+ 2 | N 22 a= 2 2 * d - b 3 + 4 d - b xx + 4 For the Practice of the Learner, let us Then by the tenth, or eleventh Steps And by the fifth Step 4, 3 (+ 1 = 3, or 5. fuppofe a = 3 e y = 10 :6-10 =-4, which is an Impoffibility, that e an affirmative Quan- tity, can be equal to a negative 4. Now let us fuppofe Then by the tenth, or eleventh Steps And by the fifth Step Then 2 a e = y a + e + 2y = 19 ayte = 26 a = 5 y = 4 e = 6 And theſe three Numbers anfwering the Conditions of the Queſtion, are the true Numbers fought; from hence the young Analyft may obferve, that in quadratic ambiguous Equations, if one of the Roots of the unknown Quantity does not anſwer the Conditions of the Queſtion, he ſhould find the other Root, and try that, before he concludes his Work erroneous. I fhall now fhow the Learner the excellent Method of refolving all Equations, be their Powers never fo high, by the univerfal Method of Converging Series. 67. The Refolution of Adfected Equations, by the univerſal Method of Converging Series. Ex. 1. CASE I. UPPOSE there was given aaa+ a = 9282, to SUP find a Then fuppofe, or imagine a to be Confequently the Cube of a, or a a a, is 20 8000 Theſe being added together, becauſe it is a aata 802.0 in the given Equation, the Sum is 2 Hence Of Adfected Equations, &c. 231 Hence a muſt be more than 20, for if that had been the true Root, the Cube of 20 added to its firft Power, or 20, muſt have been equal to 9282 the given Number, for theſe are the fame Powers of a as in the given Equation; but that Sum being only 8020, which being less than 9282, the Value of a muſt be more than 20. To find how much that is? Let r = 20, and for what 20 wants of the true Number or Root, pute: Then will r+ea, or the true Root of the Equation, hence by determining what is, we find the Number that is to be added to r or 20, which Sum will be the Root of the given adfected Equation, to do which, put down, 1|r+e=a Now raife this Equation to the third Power, becauſe we have a a a in the given Equation. I 13 | 2 | rrr + 3rre + 3ree + eeeaa a Add the first and fecond Equations together, becauſe in the given Equation it is a a ata. 1 + 2 3 it is 3.45 4 5 in Numbers 6 That is 7 — 8020. 8 -60 9 920.016+. tel 10 For the Reafon of adding the Quotient Figure, or 1, to the Divifor, fee Article 68, in the next Page, rrr+3rre+3ree+eee+r+e= aaa+a But from the given Equation aaa + a = 9282 rrr + 3rre+gree +eee+r+e=9282 each Equation being equal to a aata. Putting this Equation into Numbers, and rejecting the Powers of e above e e. 8000+1200e +60ee +20+e = 9282 8020 +1201e+ 60 ee 9282 +60 1201 e + 60 e e = 1262 Divide by the Co-efficient of e e, and we have, 20.016e+ee=21.0333 ad infinitum. Dividing by 20.016+e, that is, by the Co-efficient of e plus e, and we have, 2.1.03333 в 20.016 +e In Numbers thus: 20.016) 21.0333 (1 = e I 21016 21.016 17 the Remainder (being very finalļ reject it. By 232 ALGEBRA. By this it appears that e1, that is, I is to be added to the firft fuppofed Number 20, which Sum is to be the Value of a, or the Root of the given adfected Equation. We affumed r = 20 And found e = İ r + e = 21 = a To try whether 21 is the true Root, raiſe it to the ſeveral Powers of a in the given Equation. a = 21 a = 21 21 42 a a = 44! a 21 441 882 1 a a a = 9261 a 21 Then à a a + a = + a = 9282, which being the fame with the Number in the given Equation, it appears that a = 21. 68. By reviewing the Operation, the Learner may obſerve, Firft, That we fuppofed a Number for the true Root, which upon Trial was found less than the true Root. Secondly, For that Deficiency or Want, we put e, other Letter. or any Thirdly, By connecting r the Number firſt ſuppoſed to be the Root, with e by the Sign+, we have r+e for the true Root, r being a known Quantity, and e the unknown Quantity. Fourthly, We raife re to the feveral Powers of the un- known Quantity, that are in the given adfected Equation. Fifthly, Then we add thefe feveral Equations together, re- jecting all the Powers of e, or of the unknown Quantity above the Square, for in the given Equation all the Powers of the unknown Quantity have the Sign +, but when any of theſe have the Sign, then their refpective Equations must be fubftracted, as at Step 5, Example 3, Page 238. Sixthly, By thefe Means we have an Equation in the Terms of r and e, equal to the given Equation. Seventhly, Of Adfected Equations, &c. 233 Seventhly, This Equation is put into Numbers, r being a known Quantity, and the leſs abſolute Number is tranſpoſed to the Side of the Equation of the greater abfolute Number, and fubftracted from it. Eighthly, After this, the Equation is divided by the Co- efficient of the Square of e, or the unknown Quantity. Ninthly, This laft Equation is divided by the Co-efficient of e plus e, which leaves e on one Side of the Equation by itſelf. Tenthly, In the Arithmetical Work, becauſe the laſt Divifor confiſts of a Number plus e, therefore, as the Quotient Figure is found, it is added to the Diviſor to make it compleat; and if the numerical Operation had been continued to more Places of Figures in the Quotient, then the Quotient Figure muſt be twice added, once when it is found, and once at the next Step in the Divifion, as in the next Page. Eleventhly, The Quotient thus found being the Value of e, or the unknown Quantity, it is added to the Number firft fup- poſed to be the Root of the Equation, which is repreſented by r, and this Sum is fuppofed to be the Root required. This Operation to find e is the fame as the common Method of finding the unknown Quantity, till we come to the tenth Step, where the unknown Quantity making Part of the Diviſor, it is carried to the other Side of the Equation, and the Divifor being a known Number +e, the Quotient as it is found is added to the Diviſor, to make it compleat, as before-mentioned. But if this Number fhould not be the true Root, the Opera- tion must be repeated, making the Number thus found =r, and at the ſecond Operation, the Work in any common Cafe will be ſufficiently exact: And from the Repetition of the Ope- ration, whereby we approach nearer and nearer to the true Root, this Method is called the Method of Converging Series, or of Approximation. Example 2. Suppoſe a aa+a a + a = 42997850, to find a. Suppoſe a to be Then the Cube of a, or a a a is And the Square of a, or a a is Theſe being added, becauſe it is aaa+aat a in the given Equation, the Sum is 300 27000000 90000 } 27999399 +aata} But 42997850, the given Number, is greater than 27995300, therefore the Root must be more than 300. Hh Now 234 ALGEBRA. Now let r 300, and e = what 300 wants of the true Root. Then 13 I 1 2 } I Ⓒ 2 1+ 2+ 3 3 4 But 5 4.5 6 6 in Numbers 7 That is 8 8-27090300 9 9÷901 ΙΟ r+e=a rrr+3rre + 3ree +eee = aaa rr+are+ee aa According to Parti- cular 4, Art. 68. r+e+rrr+3rre+ 3ree+rr+ 2re + ea = aaa+aa+a, by Particulars 5 and 6, Art. 68. aaa+aa+a= 42997850, from the given Equation. r+e+rrr+3rre+3ree+rr+2re- +ee = 42997859 13300.334+e II e 300+e+27000000+270000e+9ocee +90000+60ce +ee = 42997850 27090300+270601e+901ee4299785a 270601 e +901ee=15907550 300.334 e +ee = 17655.43 from Particular 8, Art. 68. 17655.43, from Particular 9, 300.334+e (Art. 68. 300.334) 17655.43 (50.34e, the firft Figure being 5. Divifor 350.334 1751670 50.3 1387300 1201902 Divifor 400.634 •34 1853980 Divifor 400.974 1603896 £ 250084 in the Place of Tens, place the 5 under the Place of Tens in the Divifor; and this the Reader is to obſerve, to place the Quotient Figures he adds to the Diviſor, under thofe of the fame Denomination. द e * = 300 50.34 r+e=·350-34a, hence I fuppofe the Root of the given Equation is 350.34 but to try it, raife 350.34 to the feveral Powers of a in the given Eqnation. 1 @= Of Adfected Equations, &c. 235 a = 350.34 a = 350.34 140136 105102 1751700 105102 aa 122738.1156 a 350.34 4909524624 3682143468 61369057800 3682143468 a a a = 43000071.419304 a a= 122738.1156 аа a = • 350.34 Then a aa aa + a = 43123159.874904 which being greater than 42997850, the Root cannot be fo much as 350.34. and this leads us to explain the Method of finding the true Root, when the Number affumed is greater than the Root required, or, CASE 2. Let us take the laſt Example, viz. aaa+aa+a=42997850. And ſuppoſe the Root to be 350.34 which we know is too much by the laft Operation: Now put the Number to be fubftracted from 350.34 fuppofing r = 350.34 and to r connecting e by the Sign -, we have, rea, or the true Root I x 3 2 rrr-3rre+zree-eee - ваа 1 & 2 3 rr2re + ee=aa By Parti- cular 4. Art. 68. 5 Now collect theſe three Equations by Art. 68, Particulars and 6, and rejecting e e e, we have, I 1 + 2 + 3 4 But 4.5 6 r—e+rrr—3rre+3ree+rr-2re +ee=aaa+aa+a 5|aaa+aa+a=42997850, from the given Equation. r_e+rrr—3rre+3ṛee+rr-are +ee=42997850 Hh 2 6 in 236 ALGEBRA. 6 in Num. 7 That is 8- 9 350.34➡e+43000071.42-368214.3468 é ee+122738.1156-700.68 e +1051.02 +ee = 42997850 8 | 43123159.8756-368916.0268e+1052.02ee = 42997850 Now tranfpofe 42997850, it being leſs than 43123159.8765 125309.8756-368916 0268e+1052.02 e e =0, for one Side of the Equation being fubftracted from the other Side, the Re- mainder muſt be nothing, as both Sides of the Equation are equal. Now tranſpoſe the feveral Quantities which contain e to the other Side of the Equation. 125309.8756+1052.02ee368916.0268 368916.0268e-1052.02ee125309.8756 Here dividing by the Co-efficient of ee as before, 12 | 350.673eee119.1135 13 But now divide by the Co-efficient of e minus e. e = 119.1135 350.673-e 9 + ΙΟ 10 II 12- In Numbers: 350.673) 119.1135 (.34 •3 Divifor 350.373 1051119 - ·34 1400160 Divifor 350.033 1400132 28 Having thus determined to be .34 it must now be ſubſtracted from r, becauſe it was affumed r — — — the true Root. But 7 was fuppofed. , which we have found = Hencer 350.34 .34 350. a, the Root of the giyen adfected Of Adfected Equations, &c. 237 adfected Equation, which is proved by raifing 350. to the feveral Powers of a in the given Equation, Thus, a a a = 42875000 ва == D 122500 350 Confequently a a a+aa+a=42997850 which being the fame Number as in the given Equation, it fhows that a is exactly equal to 350. In the above Operation, at the thirteenth Step, the Learner may obferve, that the Divifor is 350.673-e, therefore here, as the Quotient Figure is found, we fubftract it from the Part of the Divifor 350.673 to have the Divifor compleat, which is likewife done twice, once before the Divifion is made at that Figure, and once afterwards: But in the firſt Cafe, when r is affumed too little, then the Quotient Figure is added, as at Particular 10, Art. 68. the Sign then being contrary to what it is now. The Learner may further obferve, that by this fecond Ope- ration, we have found the true Root, whereas by the firſt Ope- ration it was .34 too much, and therefore if the true Root does not come out at the firft Operation, make a ſecond Operation, fuppofing the Number found at the firft Operation to be r, and call it re, or r -e, for the true Root as the Occafion requires, that is, as the Number at the firft Operation is either greater or leffer than the true Root; which fecond Operation will give the true Root very near, and near enough for any common Cafe, though if the Arithmetical Divifions were continued, as they will not terminate, do not give the true Root exactly, as in the Divifion of thofe Decimal Fractions which never termi- nate; in ſuch Divifions we leave off when the Quotient is to a fufficient Degree of Exactnefs, fo the fame is done here when we are near enough the Truth; and in common Cafes, two or three Places of Decimal Fractions are fufficient, and according as they happen the true Root is fometimes found; and in general, continue the Divifion, at the fecond Opera- tion, to as many Places of Decimal Fractions as are in the Number found in the first Operation: And after the Number found at the fecond Operation is added to, or fubftracted from the Number found at the first Operation, if there is a very ſmall Fraction you may reject it; but if the Fraction fhould be very near an Unit, then take 1 for it, which add to the Integers, and try whether the whole Number thus found is not the true Root. In Arithmetical Queſtions, whofe Anſwers are often 238 ALGEBRA. often in whole Numbers, this Caution may help the Learner to chufe the true Root exactly. The Reaſon why this Method does not abfolutely give the true Root is the arbitrary rejecting all the Powers of e above e e. Example 3. Admit a a aa aa ≈ 46526760, to find a. Now fuppofe a 400. Then a a a is And aa is 160000, which must be fubftracted} becauſe it is a a in the given Equation To which adding a, or 400, it being + a in in } the given Equation Hence a a a aata is 64000000 160000 63840000 400 63840400 \ Which exceeding 46526760 the Number in the given Equa- tion, a muſt be less than 400. Then let r = 400, e = the Number that 400 is too much, which being the fecond Cafe, Page 235. Hence 1 & 3 1 & 2 123 j j e a 3rre+3ree — e e e — a a a 2re+ee=aa Becauſe in the given Equation the Quantities a aa and a are affirmative, therefore add the firſt and ſecond Equations together. 1 + 2 | 4 | r—e+rri―3ṛre+3ree-eee=aaa+a Becaufe in the given Equation it is a a, therefore fubftract the third Equation from the fourth, or Sum of the first and fecond Equations. And here the Reader is to obferve, that if in the given adfected Equation, any Powers of the unknown Quantity have the Sign, the Equation which arifes from involving -e to fuch Powers, is to be fubftracted instead of being added. 2 4-3 5 But 6 5.6 7 r—e+rrr—3rre+3ree-eee-rr +2ṛe- e e = a a a a a-t- a a a a—a a + a = 46526760, by the given Equation. r_e+rrr-3rre+3ree-eeerr +are-ee = 46526760 Putting Of Adfected Equations, &c. 239 t Putting this Equation in Numbers, and rejecting all the Powers of e above e e. 7 in Numbers 8 £ contracted | 9 10 400e + 64000000480000e+ I 200 e e 46526760 160000 + 800e — ee= 63840400 + 1199 e e 479201 e = 46526760 Tranſpoſe 46526760 it being less than 63840400 17313640 +1199 ee-479201 e = 0 Now tranſpoſe the Quantities that have e, to the other Side of the Equation. 479201 e 17313640 +1199 ee 9- 10 + I I II [2 479201 e 12- 小 ​= 1199ee 17313640 Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee, 13 399.66 e-ee = 14440.06 14 | Now dividing by the Co-efficient of e minus e. 14440 06 399.66 — e In Numbers thus: 399.66) 14440.06 (40,16 =e. 40. Divifor 359.66 143864 40.I 53660 Divifor 319.56 1 31956 .16 217040 Divifor 319,40 191640 25490 Now 400 40.16 r e e = 359.84 a, and to try if this is the true Root, raiſe it to the feveral Powers of a, in the given Equation. 240 ALGEBRA. $ 5 a = 359.84 a = 359.84 143936 287872 323856 179920 107952 a a = 129484.8256 a= 359.84 5179393024 10358786048 11653634304 6474241280 3884544768 a a a=46593819.643904 aa == 129484.8256 Remains 46464334.818304 +a= 359.84 Sum, or aaa-aa+a=46464694.658304 which being leſs than 46526760 the Number in the given Equation, the Root or a muſt be more than 359.84. Therefore, for a fecond Operation, fuppofe r = 359.84 and what it wants of the true Root, then it being r+e=a, it is now the first Cafe, Page 230. Therefore I I 3 2 1 & 2 3 r+e=a r r r + z r r e + 3ree + e e e — a a a rr+2rete e = a a Add the first and fecond Equation toge- ther, becauſe in the given Equation it is a ta a a. I + 2 4 rrr+3rre+3ree+eee+r+e=aaa+a From this Equation ſubſtract the third Equation, becauſe it isa a in the given Equation. rrr+3rre+3ree+eee+rters ·2re - ee = a ɑ ɑ — aa + a 6 | aaaaa+a = 46526760 by the 4 - 3 5 But 5.6 7 given Equation. xrr+3rre+зree+eee+r+e- J2 reee = 46526760 ·rr Put Of Adfected Equations, &c. 241 7 in Numbers 8 contracted 9- Put this Equation in Numbers, and re- ject the Powers of e, above ee. 846593819.644 + 388454 • 4768 e + 1079.52ee359.84+e―129484.8256 -719.68ece=46526760 946464694.6584 +387735-7968e+ 1078.52ee46526760 10387735.7968 e +1078.52 e e = 62065.3416 10 11 Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee. 359.5 e tee = 57.547 Now dividing by the Co-efficient of plus e. II I 2 57.547 In Numbers thus ; 359.5) 359.5+ 57.547 (.16 = &. + .I Divifor 359.6 3596 .16 215870 Divifor 359.76 215856 14 The Reader will obferve that in this Divifion, I have taken at once two Figures from the Dividend, viz. 70, becauſe in adding the .16 to the Divifor, the Number of Places there is increaſed- by one, therefore I take one Figure more from the Dividend than is uſual; which is recommended to the Reader's Attention, as he may again meet with the fame Cafe. Now r te 359.84 .16 + + e = 360.00 a, which will be found to be the true Root, by involving it to the feveral Powers of a in the given Equation, and adding or fubftracting them according as thoſe Powers of a are there connected by the Signs + or —. It may be proper to inform the Learner, that the nearer the Number is taken to the true Root, the nearer the Opera- tion will come to the Truth, and therefore after he has tried the firſt Suppoſition, if he thinks he can make a fecond Suppofition nearer the Truth, it will be right to do it, which perhaps I i } may 242 ALGEBRA. may bring out the Root fo near at the firft Operation, that it may fave him the Trouble of making a fecond Operation. Thus, If a a a + aa + a=4942070, to find a. Suppoſe a to be 100. Then the Cube of a, or a a a is And the Square of a, or a a is And a is 1000000 ICOOO 100 The Number in the given Equation is ΙΟΙΟΙΟΟ 4942070 If we ſuppoſe a = 100, then the Sum of its feveral Powers are } ΙΟΙΟΙΟΟ Difference wanting 3931970 Now let us make a fecond Suppofition thus, If a 200, Then the Cube of a, or a a a is 8000000 And the Square of a, or a a is 40000 And a is 200 Sum of the feveral Powers of a, if a is 200 The Number in the given Equation 8040200 4942070 3098130 J Difference over For a third Suppofition, ſuppoſe it 160 and try with that, and if it be less than just, it muſt be r 160 and r+e= a; if 160 be too much or more than just, then it muſt be во When there are two Suppofitions made, one being more than juſt, and the other less than just, it may be convenient to make a third Suppofition between the two, and proceed by Cafe 1 or 2, according as the fuppofed Number is more or less than just. Having explained the Method of refolving adfected Equations, we proceed to fuch Queftions as produce thefe Equations. The [243] The Manner of folving Questions, Questions, when the unknown Quantity has feveral Powers in one Equation, and only the first Power in the other Equation. 69. the unknowe HEN the unknown Quantities are to the first and W fecond Power in one Equation, and but to the firſt Power in the other Equation, find the Value of that unknown. Quantity, in the Equation where its Terms are the more fimple; raife this Equation, or Value of the unknown Quantity, to the feveral Powers of the unknown Quantity in the other Equation; then in that Equation for the feveral Powers of the unknown Quantity, write, or put theſe Values, which exterminates that unknown Quantity, leaving an Equation with only one un- known Quantity, which may be refolved by fome of the Methods already explained. Queſtion 84. There are two Numbers, if the Square of the greater is divided by the leffer, to this Quotient adding the greater, from which Sum fubftracting the Square of the leffer, the Remain- der is 100: And the Sum of the two Numbers is 50. What are the Num- bers fought? Let a the greater, e = the leffer Number, m = 100, P = 50. I 2 a a e +a-ee=m a+e=p By the Queſtion. In the first Equation both the unknown Quantities are to the firft and fecond Power; but in the fecond Equation they are only to the firft Power; therefore, according to the Directions, find the Value of a or e, in the fecond Equation. 2 el 3│a=pe Becauſe a is to the fecond Power in the firft Equation, raiſe the third Equation to the fecond Power. Ii2 3G 244 ALGEBRA. 324aa=pp-2 petee Now for a a and a in the firſt Equation, write their reſpec- tive Values, pp 2 pe+ee, and pe, found by the third and fourth Equations, then we have, 1.3.4 5 x e That is 7 +eee 8 + pe 9 in Numbers 5 6 879 9 IO That is II pp-2pe tee + p- e — e e = m, PP e an Equation from which a is exter- minated, and contains only the un- known Quantity e. e e em e 2рetee+pe—ee — eee - pp - pe ·e e e = me pp-pe=me+eee pp=eee+me+pe e eee + 100 et 50 e = 2500 e e e ÷ 150 e = 2500 Here the Equation appears to be adfected, and to refolve it, let us fuppofe e = 9. Then eee = 729 And 150e 1350 2079 which being less than 2500, therefore e muſt be more than 9. Then let r9, and y e, then by Cafe 1, Art. 67, I ✪ 3 I 7 2 what 9 wants of the true Value of we have, r + y = e r r r + зrry + 3ryy=eee, rejecting the Powers of y above yy. Becauſe in the given Equation e is multiplied by 150, there- fore multiply the first Step by 150. 1X 150 | 3 | 150 r + 150 y ≈ 150 e Now add the fecond and third Equations together, becaufe the like Powers of e in the adfected Equation, are connected by the Sign +. 2+3 4 But 5 rrr +3rry+3ryy +150r + 150y =eee + 150 e eee + 150 e=2500, by the given Equation. 4.5 Of folving Equations, &c. 245 6 rrr + 3rry+зryy +150r +1509 4.5 6 in Numbers 7 7 contracted 8 8 2079 9 9÷27 ΙΟ =2500 729+243 +27 39 + 1350 + 1509 = 2500 2079 +3933 +27 yy 2500 393y+27y=421 Dividing by the Co-efficient of yy. 14.55y + y = 15.59 Now dividing by the Co-efficient of y plus y · 10 ÷ 14.55 + " II 小 ​y = 15.59 14.55+y Operation 14.55) 15.59 (1.=y I. 15.55 Divifor 15.55 4 Remainder neglected. r 9 y = I r+y=10=e, which being involved and tried will be found to be the true Root: Hence 10 is the leffer Number fought. Then by the third Step of the Work to the Queſtion a = e=40, the greater Number fought. = p In the Divifion for finding y, the Learner may obſerve, that as the two next Figures in the Quotient will be Cyphers, and in the Places of Fractions, and the third Figure being of ſo ſmall a Value, I proceed no further in the Divifion, but leave it as in the Work, and fo happen to find the true Value of e. Queſtion 85. Two Men, A and B, have fuch a Number of Pounds, that the Pounds A has, divided by the Pounds B has, and from this Quotient ſubſtracting three times the Square of B's Pounds, and to the Remainder adding the Square of A's Pounds, the Sum is 27: But if from the Pounds A has, there is fubftracted the Pounds B has, the Remainder is 5. How many Pounds had each Man? the Money of A, e the Money of B, d=27, Put a = = 5. I a e 3ee+aad |: 1 : - 3re + = d } By the Quefion. 2 A In 246 ALGEBRA. In the firft Equation a and e being to the firſt and ſecond Power, and to the first Power only in the fecond Equation, therefore by the Directions find the Value of a, or e, in the fecond Equation, fuppofe we find the Value of a. 2+e|3|a=x+e Raife this to the fecond Power, becauſe a is to the fecond Power in the firft Equation. 32 | 4 | aa = xx+2xe + ee Now for a and a a in the firft Equation, write their refpective Values, xe, and xx+2xe +ee. I.3.4 5 5 x e That is 7 in Numbers 8 + 2eee 6-10ee 6 7 8 9 .00 IO - e 1 I II — 25 e 25e112 x + e e -3ee+xx+2xe+eed, here a is exterminated, for the Equation contains only the unknown Quantity e. x+e—zeee+xxe+2exe+eee = de x+e−2eee+xxe+2xee=de 5+e—2eee+25e+10ee = 27 e 5+e+25e+10ee=2eee +27 e 5+e+25e=2eee-10ee27e 5+25e=2eee 10ee +26e 10ee+e=5 2 e e e To refolve this Equation, ſuppoſe e = 6. Then 2 eee = 432 10ee = == -360 72 +e=6 78 which being greater than 5, the Num- ber in the given Equation, hence e cannot be fo much as 6, therefore, Let r6, and y what 6 is too much, then by Cafe 2, Page 235. I ✪ 3 3 | 2 ggg - y = e 3 rry + зry y = e e e re- jecting the Powers of y above yy. Becauſe Of folving Equations, &c. 247 Becauſe in the given Equation e e e is multiplied by 2, there- fore multiply the laſt Equation by 2. 2x2 | 3 | 2rrr—6rry +6 ryy2eee Now raiſe r — ye to the fecond Power, after which multi- - ply it by 10, becauſe it is 10 ee in the given adfected Equation. I G 2 4 X 10 4 5 1 rr2ryyyee Iorr 20ry + 10yy 10 еe Then add or fubftract the Equations that are equal to 2 ee e, 10ee and e, according as thofe Quantities have the Signs + or, in the given adfected Equation. у 3- 5+ I 6 2 r r r — 5rry 6 ryy—10rr+20ry 10gy+ry = 2eee - 10 eete· Zeee 10eee5, by the given Equation. But 6.7 7 པ་ 8 8 in Numbers 9 2rrr-6rry+6ryy-10rr+20ry —10yyry=5 432-216y+36 ÿy — 360 + 1209 360+ 10yy+6y=5 9 contracted 1078-97y+26yy=5 Tranſpoſe 5 it being less than 78 10 — 5 I I II + 977 12 12-26уy 13 13 ÷ 26 | 14 | 14 3.73-y 15 y 73-97y+ 26yyo, for one Side of the Equation fubftracted from the other, the Remainder muſt be no- thing, both Sides of the Equation being equal to one another. 73+26yy= 97 y 97 y — 26 y 773 Divide by the Co-efficient of yy. 3.731 — y y = 3.7313 2.807. Now divide by the Co-efficient of y minus y. 2.807 3.73-y Operation 3.73) 2.807 (1.=y 2.73. I. Divifor 2.73 7 Remainder neglected. r = 6 મ 248 ALGEBRA. } = * = 6 by Suppofition, I r—y=5=e, which being involved and tried it will be found to be the true Root, hence B had 5 Pounds. Then by the third Step of the Work to the Queſtion ax +e=10 Pounds, the Money A had. 70. The Numerical Method of refolving adfected Equations being explained, we shall now show the Learner, that every ad- fected Equation has as many Roots, either real or imaginary, as are the higheft Dimensions of its unknown Quantity. For in any Equation where the higheft Power of the un- known Quantity is the Biquadratic, or fourth Power, then there may be four Values of the unknown Quantity; if it is only to the third Power, then there may be thiee Values of the unknown Quantity, and fo on: But there cannot be more Roots or Values of the unknown Quantity than there are Di- menfions in the Equation. Theſe Roots are fometimes affirmative, and fometimes nega- tive, and fome Roots are impoffible. The Reader obferving how Quadratic Equations were compounded and generated, may better understand the Nature of theſe Roots. Thus, Suppofe a = 1, then a- 2 = 0. 1=0, again ſuppoſe a = 2, then Now multiply theſe two together = 1 a 2 a a a 2a+2= 7 } O An Equation of two Dimenſions, which a a-3a+2= has two Roots, viz. 1 and 2 Again, let a 3, then From multiplying theſe together, we have an Equation of three Dimensions, and which has 3 Roots, viz. I. 2 and 3. Laftly, fuppofe a=-5, then An Equation of 4 Dimenſions, and which has 4 Roots, viz. 1.2.3. and a a a a a 3 a a a 3aa2a= 3aa+ga 6 }aaa—baa+11a 7-6= a+5=0 6a=0 ·6 aaa+11 aa +5aaa-30aa+55a-300 -5, and fo of any other Power, a aaaa aaa-19a a +49a-30 = 0 Theſe feveral Multiplications must all be Multiplicand and Multiplier are each o. a—30 becauſe the ง 2 By Of folving Equations, &c. 249 By the fame Method that we found the two Roots in Qua- dratic Equations, we may find the Roots of thefe Equations. For fuppofe we had this Equation aa aa — a aa— 19aa49a 30: o given, which being refolved by the Method of Con- verging Series, we fhall find a 1, whence I is one of the Roots of the given adfected Equation; now tranfpoſe 1 to make it a-1 = 0, take the given Equation, which being equal to nothing, and dividing it by a 1, the Quotient mult be equal to nothing, thus, a—1—0) aaaa— aaa—19 aa+49a—300 (aaa—19a+30=0 aaaaaaa 19 aa+49a―30 19 aa +19a 30a-30 300-30 0 Here we find the Quotient to be a a a 19a+30=0, and folving this Equation by the Method of Converging Series, we fhall find a 3, for another of the Roots of the given adfected Equation. Then a 30) a aa—19a+30=0(aa+3a—10=0 a a a заа Заа 19 a +30 заа - 9 a 10a +30 10a +30 O Hence we have got this Quadratic Equation aa+3a-10 = 0, whence a a+3a= 10, the two Roots of which are 2 and —- 5, the two remaining Roots of the given adfected Equation; in the fame Manner all the poffible Roots of any other Equation are determined. And to give the Learner an Inſtance where ſome of the Roots of an Equation are impoffible : Suppofe a a a4 aa + 4a — 16 = o, by tranfpofing 16 and refolving the Equation by the Method of Converging Series, we fhall find a = 4: Then tranſpoſing 4 to make it a 4 = 0, and making the given Equation equal to nothing, and dividing thus, K k 4 250 ALGEBRA. a — 4 = 0) a a a—4aa+4 a−16 = 0 (a a + 4 = 0 a a a 4 a a 4 a 16 4 a 16 0. Becauſe the Dividend and Divifor are both equal to nothing, therefore the Quotient must be equal to nothing; but if a a +4 o, then aa=— 4 an Equation which has no real or poſſible Root in Nature, it being impoffible to generate or produce a negative Square, for minus multiplied into minus, as well as plus multiplied into plus, makes the Product affirmative, or plus. Queſtion 86. Three Merchants, A, B, and C, found the Pounds A and B had gained, were equal to twice the Pounds C had gained: But if the Pounds A gained were added to twice the Pounds B gained, and this Sum added to the Pounds C gained, it made 19 Pounds And the Sum of the Squares of each Perfon's Gain was equal to 77 Pounds. How much did each Perfon gain? Let a the Gain of A, e = the Gain of B, y = the Gain of C, m = 19, p = 77. 123 I e 4 42 5 a + c = 2 y a + 2e+y=m By the aa+ee + y y = p S Queſtion. a = 2y e. Raife this Equation to the fecond Power, it being aa at the third Equation. aa=4yy4ye + ee Now for a, and a a in the fecond and third Equations write. their respective Values, viz. 2y-e, and 4 yy-4ye+ce. 2 4 6 3.57 3y+e=m 5yy-4ye+2ee = p. Here the Queftion is reduced to two Equations and two unknown Quantities, for a is exterminated, therefore in the fixth Equation, find the Value of e, or y, and raiſe it to the fecond Power, for thoſe Quantities are to the fecond Power in the ſeventh Equation. 6-37 Of folving Equations, &c. 251 6 31 8 em 3Y 8 0 2 9 ee = mm 6 my+9yy Multiply this Equation by 2, becauſe it is 2 ee in the feventh Equation. 9 x 2 ΙΟ 2 ee = 2 m m 12 my 18yy Now in the ſeventh Equation for e and 2 e e write their Values at the eighth and tenth Steps. 7.8.10 II 12 my 5yy—4ym + 12yy+2mm + 18 y y = p, an Equation with only the unknown Quantity y. 354y-16my + 2mm = p 11 contracted I 2 12- 2 m m 13 | 35yy 16 my = p. p-2 mm, here the Equation appears quadratic, and it is likewife ambiguous, for 2 mm greater than p. 1335 14 yy- 1415YY 16 my p — 2mm == 35 35 16 my + 256 mm 256 m m 35 4900 4900 + p — 2 mm 35 16 m The Co-efficient of y is which being divided by 2, or 35 2 by the Rule in common Arithmetic for Divifion of Vul- I 16m gar Fractions, the Quotient is the Square of which is 70 256 mm 4900 16 m 256 mm p - 2mm 15 vw 2 16y + 70 4900 35 16+ 16 m 70 16 m 256 mm P m m 17|1= 土 ​+ 70 4900 35 By the 8th Step By the 4th Step = 4.9999 or 3.68.57 But 4.9999 is the Number, the Anſwer being 5. then if y5 18 e - in 19 a = 2 y Kk 2 31 = 4 e = 6 Queſtion 252 ALGEBRA. Queſtion 87. A, B, and C, having been at the Gaming-Table, found the Pounds A loft added to the Pounds C loft was equal to twice the Pounds В loft: But the Pounds A loft added to the Pounds B loft, and this added to twice the Pounds C loft, the Sum was 22 Pounds: And the Product of what A and B loft, being added to three times the Product of what B and C loft, the Sum was 120 Pounds. How much did each lofe? Let a = y=the the Sum A loft, e the Sum B loft, y the Sum C loft, d= 22, n = 120. M 7 I 23 + a + y = 2 e a+e+2y=dBy the Queſtion. ae + 3ey = n 3 e + y = d I -y 4 a = 2 e -y 2.4 5 3.4 6 2 ee e y + zey = n ey By the fifth and fixth Steps, the Queftion is reduced to two Equations, and two unknown Quantities, and becauſe y is only to the first Power in both Equations, find the Value of y in each of them. 5- 3 e 7 6 — 2ee 8 y = d―ze 2e y = n 82e 9 y n n- 2 ee 2ee n 2 e 2ee 7.9 = d 10 d — 3 e 2 e 10 X 2 e ΙΙ n 11 + 6e e 12 12 72 13 4 e e 2 de 13-2de 14 2 ee — 2 de — 6ee 4ee+n=2 de n Here the Equation is quadratic and ee ambiguous. de 14÷4 15 15 CO 16 e e n 2 4 de dd d d n: + for the 2 16 16 4 d Co-efficient of e is divided by 2 as in the laſt Queſtion, the which being 2 Of folving Equations, &c. 253 the Quotient is, the Square of 4 d d which is 16 d d d n 16 w 2 17 e 4 16 4 d d dd n 17 + 18 土 ​= 5.5 ± .5 4 4 16 4 ( Then by Step 7th | 19 | y=d3e4 And by Step 4th | 20 a = 2e — y = = 8 6, or 5, if e = 6, But if e 5, then by the feventh Step yd3e=7, = and by the fourth Step a 2 e 3 = 3• Queſtion 88. There are two Numbers, the Sum of their Squares being added to their Sum, is 338: And their Product is 156. What are the Numbers ? Let a and e be the two Numbers fought, b = 338, m = 156. aa+ee+a+e=b } By the Queſtion. Then I 2 a e = m 2- e 3 a 32 4 I. 3.4 5 a a m m m e m m ee teet ee m e mm + eeee + 5 x e e 6 e e m But as e Hence 7 +eb, an Equation having the unknown Quantity e only. e e m + eee = bee e em, the e being rejected (by Art. 20. mm + eeee+em+eee=bee There being only the known Quantity mm, tranfpoſe the others fo that m m may be at laft affirmative; and this is to be 2 obferved, 254 ALGE BRA. obferved, that in tranfpofing the Quantities in theſe adfected Equations, the Side of the Equation which is known may at laft be affirmative. 7 e e e e 8 8 — e e e 9. 9-em ΙΟ Or II 11 in Numbers 12 Now fuppofee 10. mm+em + e e e = be e mm + em = bee e e e e mm bee ееее e e e e eee + bee eee e e e e e e e me mem m, it being the common Method to place thefe Equations, according to the higheſt Power of the unknown Quantity. -eeee-cee +338 ee-156e=24336. Then e e e e 10000 e e e 1000 I 1000 +338 e e 33800 156e= 22800 1560 -ee ee-eee +338 ee-156e=21240 which being less than 24336 the Number in the given Equation, therefore muſt be more than 10. Let r = 10, and put y = what it wants of being the true Root. Then I √r + y = e rty 14 2 1 & 3 3 1 & 2 4 r r r r + 4 r r ry+6rryy=eeee, all the Powers of y above y y being rejected. rrr + 3rry + 3ryyeee, rejecting all the Powers of y abovey y. rr+2ry+yy=ee yy. Becauſe in the given Equation it is 338 e e, therefore multiply the fourth Equation by 338. 4× 338 | 5 | 338 rr + 676 ry +338 y y = 338 e e Becauſe Of folving Equations, &c. 255 Becauſe in the given Equation it is 156 e, therefore multiply the firſt Equation by 156. I 156 | 6 | 156r+ 156y = 156 e Now the ſecond, third, fifth, and fixth Equations being equal to the feveral Powers of e, and multiplied by the fame Co- efficients as in the given Equation, add or fubftract them accord- ing to the Signs thofe Powers have in that Equation. —2—3+5-6 7 But 8 7.8 9 9 in Numbers IO 10 contracted ΙΙ· -rrrr-4rrry-6rryy-rrr-3rry -3ryy-338rr+676ry+338yy 156y= - 156r +338ee156e - ееее - сес — eeeeeee +338ee—156e=24336 by the given Equation. rrrr 4rrry бrryy — rrr — 3rry -3ryy+338 rr+676 ry+338yy -156156y=24336 10000— 4000 y — 600 y y — -300 y 30yy + 33800 +6760y +33847-1560-156324336 I I 21240 12 21240 + 2304y292yy 2304 1 292yy=3096 1000 24336 Now divide by the Co-efficient of yy. 12 292 13 7.89y-yy10.6 And dividing by the Co-efficient of y minus y, 10.6 137.89—3 14 y = 7.89-y Operation 7.89) 10.60 (1.7 y I. 6.89 Divifor 6.89 1.7 3710 3633 Divifor 5.19 77 r = 10 by Suppofition. + y = 1.7 r+y=11.7 which being involved and tried, it will be found too little; therefore for a fecond Operation, Suppoſer = 11.7 and y what it wants of the true Root. Then 256 ALGEBRA. Then I 1 4 2 I & 3 3 I ✪ 2 4 r + y = e rty r r r r + 4 r r r y+6rryyeeee, the Powers of y above y y being rejected. r r r + 3 r r y + 3 ry y = q e e, the Powers of y above y y being rejected. rr + 2ry + y y e e Becauſe in the given Equation it is 338 e e, therefore multiply the laſt Equation by 338. 4 × 338 | 5 | 338 r r +676 r y + 338 y y = 338e e Becauſe in the given Equation it is 156 e, therefore multiply the firſt Equation by 156. 1 X 156 | 6 | 156r+156 y = 156 e Now add or fubftract the Equations that are equal to e e e e, e e e, 338 e e and 156 e, according to the Signs thoſe Quantities. have in the given adfected Equation. —2—3+5—6 7 But 8 7.8 9 9 in Numbers IO -rrrr-4rrry-6 rryy-rrr-3rry −3ryy +338 rr+676ry + 338 vy - 156 r 156y +338ee156e -сеее eee -eeeeeee +338ee156e24336, by the given Equation. -rrrr - 4rrry 6rryy gagago 3rry −3ryy+338rr+676ry+338 y y -156r156y=24336 -18738.8721-6406.452y821.3433 -1601.613410.67y35. Iyy + 46268.82 + 7909.2 y + 338 y y 1825.2156y=24336 24103.1349 +936.078y — 518.44 vy =24336 10 contracted I I I 1 12 936.078y — 518.44 y y 518.44 y y 13 12 13 131.805 y 14 y YY. 232.8651 Dividing by the Co-efficient of yy. 1.805y-yy.4491. Now dividing by the Co-efficient of y minus y, that is, by 1.805-y. 4491 1.805-y Operation Of folving Equations, &c. 257 Operation 1.805) .4491 (.297 =y. .2 Divifor 1.605 3210 .29 12810 Divifor 1.315 11835 97 9750 Divifor 1.218 8526 1224 +" r = 11.7 by Suppofition, .297 ry is 11.997 e, which is fomething too little, the true Value being 12. but this may inform the Learner of the Nature of folving theſe high adfected Equations, every Operation ap- proaching nearer and nearer to the true Root, from whence it may be found to any affignable Degree of Exactnefs. m And having found e to be 12, then by the third Step of the Work to the Queſtion, we have a = =13, the other Num- ber fought. ¿ 71. The Method of refolving Equations when the unknown Quantity is to feveral Powers in both Equations. When both the unknown Quantities are to the firt and fecond Power in both Equations, find the Value of the Square of the unknown Quantity in each Equation, and make theſe two Equations equal to one another; which Equation will have the firft Power only of the unknown Quantity, its Square being exterminated by that Equation. Then find the Value of the firft Power of the unknown Quantity in this laſt Equation, which raiſe to the ſecond Power; and in either of the two given Equations in which it may be, moſt conveniently done, for this unknown Quantity and its feveral Powers, write their reſpective Values, which will give an Equation with only one unknown Quantity, and is to be reduced by the Rules already explained. LI Queftion 258 ALGEBRA. Queſtion 89. To find two Numbers, the Sum of whofe Squares is equal to the leffer multiplied by 20: And the Square of the leſſer being added to their Product, the Sum is 16. Let a the greater Number, e = the leffer Number, m = 20, d≈ 16. I 2 aa+ee=me }By the Queſtion. ee+ae = d S Begin to exterminate e according to the Directions, that is, find the Value of ee in both the given Equations. e em e e e = d — a e a a a a = d — a e, here ee is ex- terminated, now find the Value of e. me +ae a a = d me+aed + a a d + a a i-a a 3 2- - a e 4 3.4 5 me 5 + ae 6 6 + a a 7 7÷m+a 8 8 & 2 9 се le= e= m + a Raife this Value of e to the ſecond Power. d d + 2 da a + a a a a mm + 2 ma + aa Now in the firft Equation for ee and e, write their refpective Values at the eighth and ninth Steps. 1.9.8 10 aat d d + zda a + a a a a ata mm + 2 m a + a a md + maa m + a an Equation clear of 4, having only the unknown Quantity a. To clear this Equation of the Fractions, obferve that m m + 2 mata a is the Square of ma, the former arifing from the Involution of the latter by the eighth and ninth Steps, and in the Multiplication of Fractions, it being the fame thing to divide the Divifor, as to multiply the Dividend, dd+2 daa+aa a a to multiply by ma, we only change > mm + 2 mataa the Divifor to ma, that being the Quotient of mm + 2 m a +a a divided by ma, the reft of the Multiplication is the fame as ufual. TO X Of folving Equations, &c. 259 dd + 2 daa+aaaa m+a mmaa+maaa+maaa+qa q q + d d +2 daataaaammd+mma a +mda+ma a a 10xm + a II maa+aaa+ = md + ma a 11 x m + a 12 12. -maaa 13 14 — mma a 14-mda mmaa+maaa+aaaa+ḍd + 2 d q a +aaaa=mmd+mmaa+m da 14 maaa+aaaa+dd+2 daataaaa 15 15-dd 16 16 in Numbers 17 172 18 =mmd+mda maaa + 2 aaaa + d d + 2 ḍaa - mda = mm d 2 aa aa + maaa + 2 da a---- mda = m m d — d d | 2aaaa+20aaa + 32aa — 320a = 6144 Becauſe the Co-efficient of a aaa will divide the other Co-efficients without any Remainder, divide by it. aaaa+10 aaa+1бa a—160 a—3072 aaaa+10aaa+16a a—160a=3072 Which Equation being refolved by the Method of Converging Series, we fhall find a 6, or nearly to it, 6 being the true Root, from whence by the eighth Step = 2. Queftion 90. There are two Numbers, if the greater is added to its Square, and from this Sum we fubftract the Square of the leffer, the Remainder is 94: But the Square of the leffer, being added to the leffer, this Sum is equal to twice the greater. Let a = the greater Number, the leffer Number, m≈94. I 2 a+aa-eem ee + e = 2 a "} By the Queftion. Begin with finding the Value of ee in each Equation. aa+a=mtee I tee 3- m 4 3 aa+a mee 2 e 5 ee = 2 a 24 4.5 6+e 6 aata- m2 a -e, here e e is ex- terminated, now find the Value of e, 78 e+aa + a ? eta a ma L12 m = 2 a 8 + m 260 ALGEBRA. 8+m 9 9 — aa ΤΟ 10 G 2 II e+aa = a + m e = a + m a a Raiſe this Value of e to the fecond Power. ee=aa+2am+m m−2 a a a—2 m a a +aaaa Now for e e and e in the fecond Equation, write their refpec- tive Values, found at the tenth and eleventh Steps. • 2. II ΙΟ 12 aa+2am+mm ---- 2aaa +a+m—a a = 2 a 2maa + aaaa 12 in Numbers | 13 13 188a8836-2 a aa—188aaa aa a +a+94 = 2 a 13 contracted | 14 | 187a+8930—2aaa—188aa+aaaa=0 Tranfpofe the feveral Powers of a, that 8930 the known Part of the Equa- tion may be affirmative. 14 188aa a aa a¦ 15 -aaaa—187a+8930 — 2aaa· 15 + 2a a a 16 −aaaa+2aaa=187a+8930—188aa 16 + 188 aa | 17 |—aaaa+2aaa+188aa = 187a+8930 17 — 187 a | 18 | −aaaa+2aaa+188aa—187a=8930 Which Equation being refolved, we fhall find a = 10, or nearly to it, ro being the true Root. Then by the tenth Step ea+m- ----a a = 4. We ſhall now proceed to the Solution of ſeveral Geometrical Problems upon the fame general Principles, and if the Learner is not fufficiently acquainted with the Elements of Geometry, to difcover how the Equations are formed from the Properties of the Figure, he may omit theſe Queftions, and proceed to the others which require no Knowledge in Geometry. Queſtion 91. In the oblique Triangle ABC, given the Difference between the Sides AC and BC-8, and the Difference between the Segments of the Bafe AE and EB 10, and the Perpendicular CE, let fall from the vertical Angle C, upon the Bafe A B ≈ 16. To find the Sides AC, CB, and Baſe A B? Upon C as a Center, with the Radius CB, draw the Circle GBFD, and continue A C to G. Hence CB CD, as Radius of the fame Circle, whence AD is the Difference of the Sides, or the Difference between AC and CB=8. And Of folving Equations, &c. 261 And BEEF, as FB is bifected at E by the 3.c.3 hence AF is the Difference of the Segments of the Bafe, or the Difference between A E and EB = 10. C D A F E B Let AD d 8, and DC Let AFb 10, and FE +2a. Let CE == 16. p CBe, then AC=d+e. EB-a, hence AB-b Having two unknown Quantities, a and e, and no Equation from the Conditions of the Quefton, we muſt raiſe two Equa- tions from the Properties of the Figure. Now the Lines AG and AB are drawn from within a Circle, and touch without at the Point A, therefore by 37.e.3 AG × AD = AB × AF, all which Lines are expreffed in Sym- bols, except AG, but CG = CD=e, and AC e, and AC = d + e, therefore AG d + 2e, hence we have in Symbols, I d + 2 ex d = b + 2 a × b the ſhort Lines over the Quantities, fignifies that they are both to be multiplied by the Quantity which follows the Sign of Multiplication. But the Triangle CEB is right-angled, therefore by pp + a a = e e dd2 debb + 2 ba 47.e. I 2 From the firft 3 3-dd 4 2 de=bb+2b a — d d Now find the Value of either a or e, in the third Equation. But as we ſhall have Occafion to fquare this Equation, for when the Value of e is found, that Equation must be raiſed to the fecond 262 ALGEBRA. fecond Power, it being ee in the fecond Equation; and bb -dd being a known Quantity, to avoid Trouble, fubftitute x=bbdd. Then 5 2 de=x+2 ba 5÷2d 6 x+2ba e = 2 d Raife this to the fecond Power, becauſe it is ee in the fecond Equation. xx+4xba+4bba a 62 7 ee = 4dd xx + 4xba + 4 bha a 2.7 8 =pp taa, 4 d d (an Equation clear of e. 8 x 4 d d 9 9-4dda a 10- xx+4xba+4bbaa=4ddpp+4dda a Bring all the Powers of a to one Side of the Equation. 10 4bbaa-4 ddaa+4xba+xx=4ddpp 4bbaa-4ddaa+4xba4ddpp-xx II Here the Equation appears quadratic, the unknown Quantity being only to the firft and ſecond Power; but as the Square of the unknown Quantity has Co-efficients, therefore by Article 58, divide the Equation by 4bb-4dd, the Co-efficients of a a. 2/aa + 4 x ba 11÷4bb-4dd | 12 |12| 4bb-4dd 4 d d p p x x 4bb-4dd The Work being now prepared for compleating the Square, and the Co-efficient of a being a Fraction, to fave the Trouble of dividing it by 2, and fquaring the Quotient according to Art. 57, 4xb ſubſtitute y y = 4 b b - 4 d ď aa+ya+12 = 4 dd pp - xx Then 13 aa+ya= 4ddbp-xx 466 4 d d 1300 14 14 w 2 15 - 4 2 15-16 2 a = 4 4 tb-4dd d d p p − x x 466 + yy 4 + yy 4 d d 4 x x yy. + ↑ 2 4 d d p p 4bb-4dd = 16.7. { Then Of folving Equations, &c. 263 x + 2 ba Then by Step 6th 17 e= Hence 18 19 2 d =23.12 AC=d+e 31.12 CB=e=23.12 20 AB = b + 2a = 43·4 Queſtion 92. In the oblique Triangle ABC, there is given the Sum of the Sides AC and BC-8, and the Difference of the Segments of the Bafe AE and BE 2, with the Perpendi- cular CE, let fall from the vertical Angle at C upon the Baſe AB 1. To find the Sides AC, BC, and Bafe AB? = Upon C as a Center with CB=CD, the Radius CB, draw the Circle GBFD, and con- tinue AC to G. Then CG being all Radii of the fame Circle, whence AG is the Sum of the Sides, or AC + CB = 8. And FEEB, for F BA is bifected at E, by the 3. e. 3, 3, whence AF is G C D F E B the Difference of the Segments of the Bafe, or the Difference between A E and BE 2. The Conftruction of this Figure being the fame as the laft, we can raiſe the fame two Equations from the Figure, but in- ftead of AD being given, we have AG given. Let AG, or AC+CB=s8, and DC-CG a, whence D'G 2a, then AG-DG DGAD: Put AF = d=2, and FE let CE=pi. - 2 a. EB, then A B=d+26, Now as in the laſt Queſtion, becauſe the Lines AG and A B are drawn from the Circumference within the Circle, and touch at the Point A without the Circle, hence by 37.4.3 AGXAD ABX AF, that is, in Symbols I That is 2 I by 47 . e SX S 2a=d+ 2 ex d ss—25a= d d + 2 de 3pp+ee = aa the Triangle CEB be- ing right-angled, and DC=CB=a. 2 Here 264 ALGEBRA. Here the Queftion is expreffed by two Equations, and two unknown Quantities. 2+25a 4 d d 4 ss= d d \ 2 de + 2 sa 5 ss - d d d d = 2 de + 2 sa 5- 2 de d d - 2 de 25a=SS Subſtitute as before xss- dd, for when the Value of a is found, it must be raiſed to the fecond Power, to com- pare it with a a in the third Equation. 25a=X 2 de Then 7 725 8 a= X 2 de 25 Raife this Equation to the fecond Power, becauſe it is a a in the third Equation. x x 4 xde +4ddee 455 xx-4x de+ 4d dee 802; 9 a a = * 3.910 pp + ee= 10 X 4SS II ΙΙ 455 4sspp + 4ssee=xx-4xde+4ddee Now bring all the Powers of e to one Side of the Equation. 11-4ddee 12 4ssee-4ddee+4s.spp=xx-4x de 12 + 4 x de 13 4ssee-4ddee+4x de+4s spp = xx 13-4sspp | 14 | 4ssee-4ddee+4xde=xx4sspp Here the Equation appears quadratic, but is not ambiguous, for xx is greater than 4 s spp. Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee, by Art. 58. | 15 | ee+ 14-455—4 dd | 15 4 x de 455-4dd ** = ·4sspp 455-4dd The Work being prepared for compleating the Square, fub- Atitute y = 455 4x d 4dd x d ss-dd Then 16 ** eet ye -4sspp 455-4dd 1617 ee+ye+ yy xx-4sspp 4 455-4dd 4 17 ມ 3 ແມ พ Of folving Equations, &c. 265 17 ա 2 w 18 e + 2 x x ·4sspp + yy 2 455 4 d d 4 18 212 19 | 4 s spp + yy. y 45 S 4 d d 4 2 Then by Step 8th 20 21 3.03=BC. Hence & = =2.86 x 2 de 25 AC=sa = 4.97 And 22 BA=d+ 2e=7.72 Queſtion 93. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Area of the Triangle equal to 24, and the Sum of the Hypothenufe AC and Perpendicular BC equal to 16. To find the Sides of the Triangle? y, AB=a, Let AC BC=e, s 24, d 16. Here being three un- known Quantities, the re must be raiſed three E- quations from the Que- ftion, and the Properties of the Figure. Now as the Triangle A ABC is right-angled, therefore, By 47. e. I I 2 3 B aa+ee="y } By the Queſtion. }By y + e = d a e 2 = 5, from the Rule for finding the Area of the Triangle, for the Product of the Bafe and Perpendicular of any Triangle being divided by 2, the Quotient is the Area. The firſt Equation has all the three unknown Quantities, but the other two have only two of them. Now if we take that Quantity which is in all the three Equations, and find the Value of it in one of them, and in its Room write that Value in the other two Equations, the Queftion will be then reduced to two Equations, and two unknown Quantities; thus in the fecond Equation find the Value of e. M m 2 - Y 256 ALGEBRA. e = d d - y But as it is ee in the firft Equation, therefore, 2 — j | 4 4 0 2 5 I. 5 6 ad 3.4 7 2 ee=dd-2 dyyy aa+dd — 2dy+yy = yy a ỳ - S Two Equations with only two un- known Quantities. Find the Value of y, in each of theſe Equations. aa+dd — 2 dy = o, for yy being taken away by the Subftraction, that Side of the Equation is nothing. 2 dy = aa + d d y = a a + d d 2 d = 2 s a day a d = 2 s +ay ad 6-yy 8 9 + 2 dy 9 9÷2d IO 7 X 2 I I II tay 12 12 25 13 à y = a d 25 13-a 14 y ad 25 y = a a a + d d ad - 2 s 10. 14 15 2 d a 15 x a 16 a a a + d d a = ad ad — 2 3 2 d 16 x 2 d 17 17 in Numbers 18 18 512 a 19 aaa + d d a2dda- 4 ds a a a + 256 a = 512 a a a a 256a= 1536 1536 Here the Equation is adfected, therefore tranfpofe the Quan- tity fo that the Side of the Equation which is known may have the affirmative Sign. 19256 a 20 1536 21 + 21 aaa | aaa + 1536 20 a a a = ааа 256 a = 1536 256 a 22 | = 1536 aaa + 256 a = Which Equation being refolved by the Method of Converging Sries, we fhall find a 8 nearly, for 8 is the true Root; from whence the other Sides of the Triangle are eafily determined. Queſtion 94. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is drawn E parallel to the Perpendicular BC, given the Per- pencicular BC = 24, the Segment of the Hypothenuſe EC = 15, and Of folving Equations, &c. 267 and the Segment of the Bafe AG = 20. To find the Hypothenuse AC and Baſe AB? Draw ED parallel to A B. Let BC c = 24, EC = n = 15, A G = b = 20, G® B = E D = a, then A B =b+a, AE=e, then A C = n.+ e. n.te. Here being two unknown Quantities, we muſt raiſe two Equations. Now the Triangles AGE and EDC are fimilar, hence, • e 6 by 4 in Symbols 2 whence by 47. e. I 123 4 A E D G B AG: AE::ED: EC b:e::a: n a e = bn, for Quantities that are in continual Proportion, the Product of the Extreams and Means are equal. bb + 2 ba+aa+cc=nn+2ne+ee, the Triangle ABC being right- angled, and as theſe two laft Equa- tions contain the Queftion, therefore f n a = e b b n n 3 ÷ e 5 526 aa = e e 4.5.67 2 b b n bbt b b n n + e ee +cc=nn+2ne (+ ee b b n n 7xe 8 bbe + 2 b b n + e +cce=nne (+2nee+eee 8 x e 9 9 in Numbers 10 bbee+2bbne+bbnn+ccee=nnee +2neee + e e e e 400 ee + $2000e + 90000 + 576 e e =225ee +30 e e e + e e e e 976 ee + 12000 e + 90000 = 225 e s +30eee + e e e e 751ee+12000e+90000 = 30eee + ceee +30eee-751ee12000e +90000 eeee +30eee—751ce — 12.000€ that is 11 12 eeee 12000 14 M m 3 II - 225e e 12751 ee 13 13 — 12000 e 9000Q Which 268 1 ALGEBRA. =25 Which Equation being refolved by the Method of Converging Series, we fhall find e 25 nearly, for 25 is the true Root. Then by the fifth Step a = 12, whence AC = n+e= and AB = b + a = 32. 40, Queſtion 95. In the Triangle ABC, given the Baſe BC 42.5 and the Angle at B = 49° : 45′ and the Angle at C= 42° 30′ to find the Perpendicular AD, let fall from the vertical Angle at A upon the Bafe BC. A B D The Triangle ADB is right-angled, and the Angle ABD being given, all the Angles of the Triangle ABD are known, therefore by plain Trigonome- try, we can find the Ratio between the Sides BD, and AD, though we do not C know the Length of either of them, for as the Sine of the Angle BAD, is to the Logarithm of any Number affumed for the Side BD, fo is the Sine of the Angle at B to a fourth Number, which is the Lo- garithm of the proportional Number for the Side A D. Therefore affuming Unity, or 1, for the Side BD, we have As the Sine of the Angle at A Is to the Log. of the Side B D So is the Sine of the Angle at B - 49° 45′ To the Log. of the Side A D 40° 15' 9.810316 I. 0.0 9 882657 9.882657 9.810316 1.18 .072341 Hence the Sides AD and BD are to one another, as 1.18 is to I. 42.5 AD-a, m≈ 1.18 and p = 1. Now let BC6 = 42.5 AD Conſequently, pa I m: p::a: | 1 | mp3 BD, that is, as m the Numbers which exprefs the Proportion of AD and D B, are to one another, fo is the true Length of AD to the true Length of B D. By the fame Reafoning, in the Triangle ADC, becauſe all the Angles are known, therefore the Ratio of the Sides AD and DC are known, and afluming A D to be 1. and pro- AD ceeding by Trigonometry as before, we ſhall find the propor- tional Number for CD to be 1.1 Now Of folving Equations, &c. 269 Now putting d = 1.1 and p= 1, as before, we have p:d::a: | 2 | pidica da Р = DC, by the fame Reaſoning as at the first Step. And as we have now expreffed in Symbols the two Parts BD and DC of the Baſe BC, =b, that is, BD+DC=BC. Hence pa da 3 + m Р m da 3 x m 4 pat = m b mb P 4 x p 5 ppa+m damb p 5÷pp + mb 6 m b p a = =21.82 = AD. pp + md Queſtion 96. In the right- angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Sum of the Sides equal to 12, and the Area equal to 6. To find the Hypothenuſe AC? Lets AC = y. 12, b = 6, BC = a, Then by the Property of the A Triangle, AB√yyaa. B Hence I a + y + √ ♡ Y a a - s by the (Queftion. 2 a 012 yy—a a = b, from the Rule for (finding the Area of the Triangle. Now becauſe there is the fame Surd in both Equations, find what the Surd is equal to in the fecond Equation, and write its Value for the Surd in the firft Equation. 2 → a 1 2 3√yyaa b 2b for b = b and a I 26, by the Rule for Divi- a 2 a fion of Fractions in common Arith- metic. 1.3 270 ALGEBRA. 1 B 1. 3 4 4 x a 5 I 602 679 7 7+ 8 9. IO 5- 9 × 2 8.10 II + 2 ay 12 - 2 SA 13+ss 13-25 A b a + 3 + 2/6 = y a =S aa+ay+2b=sa, now the Queſtion is contained in the firft and fifth Equations. ✔yy. aa =s - yy a y yy — aa—ss — 2sa — 25y+2ay+aa+yy 2aa=2sa+2 sy — 2 ay — s s a a = sa ay 26 2 aα = 2 sa- 2 ay. 4 b II 2sa-2ay-4b2sa+2sy-2ay-ss 12 2sa-4b=2sa+2sy—ss 1346=25y-ss b 14 2 syss ss - 46 15 y= 124°, the Angle CAD SS C D 2 $ 46 5 = AC. Queſtion 97. In the Tri- angle ABC, there is given the Sum of the Sides BC+BA + AC = 85, the Area = 200, and the Angle at A= 124°. To find the Sides of the Triangle? = Lets 85, b=200, AC =a, becauſe the Angle BAC 56°, and CD being a Perpen- dicular let fall on A B continued, all the Angles of the Triangle ACD are known, conſequently the Ratio between AC and CD is known, for affuming CD to be Unity, or I, then in the Triangle A CD by Trigonometry, As the Sine of the Angle CAD Is to the Log. of the Side CD So is the Radius 9.918574 - 56° : 00' I. 0.000000. 90°:00 10.000000 10.000000 9.918574 1.21 0.081426 To the Log. of the Side A C Hence we know the Sides AC and CD are as 1.21 to 1. 2 Calling Of folving Equations, &c. 271 Calling m = 1.21 d= 1, therefore, I da m:d::a: = CD, as at the firft M or fecond Steps, Queſtion 95. Now B A being confidered as the Bafe of the Triangle B AC, and CD as its Perpendicular, hence by the Rule for finding the Area of the Triangle, BA x DC 2b, that is in Symbols 2 da 26 = × BA. m da 2 b m 2- 3 da m 2 b m d a = BA, for 2 b or 2 b I da m by the Rule for Divifion of Vulgar Fractions. d da a And 4 AD = √ aa— m m for the Tri- angle ACD is right-angled, where a = A C, and + v a a da -= CD. m d d a a d d a a = BA + (AD=BD i da a m m 3 +45 2b m da mm 52 6 4 b b m m + 4 b m a a d d a a d a +aa 1 & 2 d d a a 7 J m m 6+7 4 b b m m 4 b 772 d d a a 8 + a a d d a a da m m 2 m m 2 - BD, or BD (fquared = CD, or CD fquared. + aa = CB, or CB fquared. Having now got an Expreffion equal to the Square of CB, we muſt endeavour to find another Expreffion for CB from fome other Data. Now the Sum of all the Sides is given, that is, 9 | B 272 ALGEBRA. 9 | BC + AC+ AB = s 2 b m But = 10 AC a, AC-a, and AB = da 2 bm II | BC + a + S da by the third Step. 9.10 2 b m 2 b m II 12 S da da 2 b m 12 a 13 S da © 13 214 4 s b m sa da = BC + a a = B C 25a+. 2 +aa=BC, or BC fquared. 4 b ma + da 4 bbm m d da a 4shm 4 8.14 15 SS -25a+ bma 14 bbm m + da +aa = d daa da da 4bbmm 4bm + aa dd a a ddaa m m +aa ▲ b b m m 16 4 s b m 25a+ 15 d d a a d a 4 b m a da + aa 4 bm d d a a - Vaa- + aa da m m 4 s t m 4 b m 16 — a a aa 17 55 2sa+ a d a d a 4 b m d da a a a da m m Here the Learner may obſerve that the unknown Quantity is under the radical Sign, and therefore as fuch Equations are generally ſquared to take away the Surd, the fame is to be done here; but as it is a a in all the Quantities under the radical Sign, we can extract the fquare Root of a a, and join it to the rational- Quantity, leaving the remaining Part of the Surd under the radical Sign, thus 4bm 4b m VI d d m m da > a a i d a a 4 b m a m m da I dd m m whence the feventeenth Equation becomes 18 | s s Of folving Equations, &c. 273 18 · — 4 sb m 4 b m a 2sa+ da d a 4 bm d d I , by which Means d m m we have faved the Trouble of fquar- ing the feventeenth Step. 18 x d 19 ssda 4 sbm - 2 d saa + 4 bma = 4 bm a I dd m m The Equation being now cleared of its Fractions, it appears quadratic, for the Powers of a are only to the firft and fecond Power, and the Surd is Part of one of the Co-efficients of a. 19 20 2dsaa+4bma✓1 H72/12 ·:-4bma-ssda (=-45bm dd I d d 4 bmayı 4bma-. -ss da m2 772 202ds 21 aa+ 2ds 4 s b m 2 b m 2 d s d dd Now 4 bm √ 1 2 d s being a known Quantity, and 45, put x = 4 bm — m m 45. 2 b m then 22 аа x a = d x x XX 2 b m 22 23 a a xat 4 4 d X Xx W 23 w 2 24 a = 2 4 2 b m d X X x x 2b m 24 + 25 a = the Equa- 2 2 4 d Whence we shall find a = 2b m d a tion being ambiguous by the 22d Step. And by the third Equation 27.21 = AC. And by the thirteenth Equations N n 17.78 BA. 2 b m 2 40.01 BC. da This 274 ALGEBRA. This being the moſt difficult Solution we have yet had, a Review or Summary Account of the Operation may not be uſeleſs to the Learner, in giving him fome Idea how to begin and form a Judgment in fuch Cafes. Now becauſe the Angles of the Triangle ACD are known, we have the Ratio of the Sides given, whence affuming CD as known, I find a proportional Number for A C, and from thence I can exprefs CD and AC in Symbols, and CD being con- fidered as the Perpendicular to the Triangle B A C, of which the Baſe is B A, from the Rule for finding the Area of a Triangle, I obtain an Expreffion for BA; and I exprefs AD in Symbols, from knowing AC and CD, and adding AD to BA, I have Expreffions for BD and DC, each of which being ſquared, their Sum is equal to the Square of BC. Then from fome other Data I find an Expreffion for BC, and becauſe the Sum of the Sides is given, and having Expref- fions for the two Sides BA and AC, it is eaſy to find an Expreffion for BC, as at the thirteenth Step, which being fquared, is made equal to the former Square of BC, and the Equation is reduced, as in the Work. This and feveral other Queftions are taken from Sir ISAAC NEWTON, the perpetual and everlaſting Honour, Ornament, and Glory of our Nation; and I have only endeavoured to accommodate his Solutions to the Learner, in explaining them in a more copious Manner. Queſtion 98. In the Triangle ABC, there is given the Altitude CD = 7。 the Baſe A B = 10, and the Sum of the Sides BC+ AC=23. To find the Sides of the Triangle? B A C Becauſe the three Sides of the Triangle BAC will be eafily expreffed in Symbols, and the Triangle BCD being right-angled, we fhall eafily find to what BD is equal. Again, as the Triangle ACD Dis right-angled, and the Sides AC and CD are known in Symbols, therefore A D is known in Symbols. Now if from BD before found in Symbols, we fubſtract B A, there remains another Value for AD, which being made equal to the former, we have an Equation, which is. fufficient, if we uſe but one unknown Quantity. And Of folving Equations, &c. 275 And as here will be a new Method of expreffing the Quan- tities fought, 1 refer the Reader to Queſtion 41, where at Step 8. he will find, that in any two Numbers, if their Difference is the fubftracted from their Sum, and the Remainder divided by 2, Quotient will be equal to the Jeffer; and at the fame Question, if he exterminates e and finds a, or the greater Number, it will be equal to the Sum and Difference of the two Numbers added together and divided by 2. Therefore put x = CD CD=7, b 7, b=BA = 10, c = half the Sum of the Sides BC+AC=11.5 and a = half their Dif- ference, then the greater Side or BC=c+a, and the leffer Side or AC = c — a, now in the Triangle BCD √cc+2ca + a a − x x BD, for BC=c+a, and CD—x And in the Triangle A CD, 2 √cc-2ca+aa—xx=AD, for AC c-a, and CD=x by 47 .e. I I by 47. e. I but 3 BA=b 1-3 4 − × × : — b − B D 2.4 5 -b 50 2 6 CC 2ca + aa we have 7 7 ± 8 802 9 √ic+2ca+aa-xx: BAAD √cc-2ca+aa-xx=√cc+2ca+aa—xx xx=cc+2ca+aa- xx 2b √cc+2ca+au—xx:+bb By tranfpofing the Quantities which deftroy one another ·4ca=· ·2b₁/cc+2ca+aa—ax: +bb 2b ✓cc+2ca+aa — x x = b b + 4 ca 4bbcc + 8bbca + 4bbaa4bbx x = b b b b +8bbca 16cca a 9-8bbca 10 4bbcc +4bbaa — 4bbxx = bbbb16ccaa 16ccaa4bbcc+4bbaa-4bbxx - bbbb 4bbaa4bbcc 4 b b xx - bb bb | 1 0 - b b b b 1 I I I 4 b b a a 12 It ccaa a a 1216cc-4bb13 4 bbc c - b b b b — 4 b b x x b b x x 16cc 4cc - bb 466 b See Page 276. b b x x b b 4 b b 13 w 2 a = 14 4 4 cc b b x x b 3.69 4 400 b bb Nn 2 Whence 276 ALGEB R A. BC, and c- a = 7.81 AC. perplexed to fee the Contractions at Steps, they may be illuftrated thus b b b b 4 b b xx 16cc- 4bb Whence c + a = 15.19 If the Learner ſhould be the thirteenth and fourteenth 4 b b c c - b b b b - 4 b b x x 4 b b c c - 16cc-4bb 16cc-4bb for it is the fame Thing whether the Quantities that compoſe the Numerator, are placed fucceffively one after another like one continued Fraction, or placed feparately and diftinctly, like dif- ferent Fractions, the Quantities that compofe the Denominator being placed under each diftinct Numerator. But 16 cc 4 b b ) 4 b b c c — b b b bib b 4 4 b b c c - b b b b O The Quotient Quantity is b b, and as the Co-efficients of the Divifor are reſpectively four Times more than thofe of the Di- vidend, therefore under the Quotient Quantity b b place 4, and is the Quotient exact. b b 4 And this Fraction _ 4 b b xx 16cc-4bb b b x x 4cc—bb, for it is only dividing the Co-efficients by 4, therefore the Contractions are as at the thirteenth Step. The Contractions at the fourteenth Step, arife from its being bb in all the Terms under the radical Sign, for it is only placing the fquare Root of bb without the radical Sign, by which I b b 4 means b b 4 or ✔ is b✔ I 4 Queſtion 99. In the Triangle BCA, there is given the Baſe AB 6, the Sum of the Sides AC+ BC= 18, and the ver- AB=6, tical Angle at C 30° 00', To find the Sides AC and BC. : Let fall the Perpendicular A D, and in the Triangle ACD, becauſe the Angle at € is given, all the Angles of that Triangle are known, and therefore the Ratio of the Sides is known, by which means we can get an Expreffion for CD. And Of folving Equations, &c. 277 And becaufe AD is a Perpendicular that falls within the Triangle, and the Angle at C is acute, therefore by 13. e. 2, BC fquared added to AC fquared, is equal to B A fquared added. to the Product of 2 BCxCD, from whence we ſhall have ano- ther Expreffion for C D. Now if we can exprefs the Sides of the Triangle with one unknown Quantity, this Equation be- tween the two Values of CD will be fufficient. D * B A. In the Triangle ACD, becauſe the Angle at C is known, and AD being a Perpendicular to CB, all the Angles of the Triangle ACD are known, therefore affuming CD=1, by Trigonometry, 60° : 00′ -9.93753′ As the Sine of the Angle CAD Is to the Log. of the Side CD So is the Sine of the Angle CDA - 90 : 00 I. To the Log, of the Side A C 1.15 0.000000 10.000000 10.000000 9.937531 0.062469 Hence we know that as 1.15 is to 1, fo is AC to CD. Then let AB=6=x, half the Sum of the Sides AC BC =9b, and half their Differencea, then as in the laſt Queſtion, the greater Side or BC = b + a, and the leffer Side or AC = b —a, d = 1.15 n = 1. Becauſe AC is to CD, as 1.15 is to 1. 1 Therefore 278 ALGEBRA. 1 Therefore I d:n::b a: nb. d na - CD by 13. e. 2 2 2 - 3 2 bb + 2 aa bb+2ba+aa+bb−2 ba+aa×× +2b+2axCD xx=2b+2 a × CD 2 b b + 2 aa x x 3÷26+2a 4 =CD 26+2a The fhort Line over the two Quantities 2 b+2a in the ſecond and third Equations, fignifies they are both to the mul- tiplied into CD, otherwife there would be no Diftinction whe- ther CD is to be multiplied into 2 a only, or all the Quantities on that Side of the Equation. Now make an Equation between the two Values of CD found at the firſt and fourth Equations. 2b6+2aa-xx I. 4 5 26+2a 5 x 26+2a 6 6 x d 7 +2 na a 8 + d xx 9 - 2 db b 78 9 10 =3 nb - na d 2bb2aa—xx—2nbb-2bna+2bna—znaa d 2dbb +2daa-dxx-2 nbb-2 naa 2 na a+ 2 db b + 2 da a¬d x x = 2 n b b znaa+2 db b+2daa=2 nbb+dxx 2naa+2 daa-2 nbb+dxx-2 db b 2 n b b + d x x — 2 d b b 10 ÷ 2n + 2 d I I aa = dx 2 n + 2 d II w 2 12 2nbb+dxx — 2 db b = 1.99 2n+2 d = Whence BC= b+a= 10.99 and AC ba = 7.01 Queſtion 100. In the Fish Pond ABCD, there is given the Side AD = 36, DC = 35, CB = 40, and A B 38; the Angle at A113°, the Angle at B= 60°, the Angle at C 100°, and the Angle at D=87°, and the Fish Pond is to be furrounded with an Area of 700, and every where of the fame Breadth. To find the Breadth of the Walk? Suppoſing the Walk to be drawn round the Pond as in the Figure, let fall the Perpendiculars AK, BL, BM, CN, CO, DP, DQ and A I, by which the Walk is divided into Four Parallelograms AKLB, BMNC, COPD, DQIA, and Of folving Equations, &c. 279 and into four Trapezia AIEK, BLFM, CNGO and DPHQ, and the Area of theſe four Parallellograms and four Trapezia is equal to the given Area of the Walk. F M N G 10 L B C A D P K E I Q H Let the Breadth of the Walk be a, and the Sum of the Sides AD+DC+CB+BA= 143 b, then the Area of the four Parallellograms will be ba. Let x = 700. Draw AE, BF, CG and DH, becauſe the Triangles AIE and AK E are equal, therefore the Angle A EK and A EI are equal, and each of theſe Angles are equal to half the Angle at A which is 113°, hence the Angle A EI is 56° : 30´. Then in the Triangle A EI all the Angles are known, and confequently from plain Trigonometry, we can find the Ratio of the Sides EI and I A, for affuming EI to be Unity, or I, we have As the Sine of the Angle E AI Is to the Log. of the Side EI So is the Sine of the Angle A EI - 33° : 30′ - 9.741889 Ι.Ο 0.000000 56° : 30' 9.921107 9.921107 9.741889 To the Log. of the Side AI 1.51 C.179218 Hence 280 ALGEBRA. Then let d Hence de::a: d Hence we know that AI is to EI as 1.51 is to 1. 1.51 and e I. e a =EI, which being the Baſe of the Triangle EIA, Hence 2 elå e a a ea a X 2 2 d (Triangle EIA, and the Area of the 2 X 2 3 e a a d the Area of the Trapezium (EIAK. Now in the Trapezium BLF M, becauſe the Angle B is 60°, we have the Angle LFB = 30°, for the fame Reaſons as before; whence in the Triangle LF B, if we affume BL to be Unity, or 1, we fhall find the proportional Number for FL to be 1.73 hence as I is to 1.73 fo is BL to LF, let f= 1.73 A Then 4 ef::a: af = LF с a 4 X. 5 afx a aaf -the Area of the 2 e 2 5×2 6 a a f e 2 e (Triangle BLF. the Area of the Trapezium (BL FM. ; Again, in the Trapezium CNGO, becauſe the Angle at C is 1000, the Angle CGN is 50°, for the fame Reafon as before and affuming Unity for NG, we fhall find 1.19 to be the pro- portional Number for NC, whence we know that CN and NG are as 1.19 is to 1, let g 1.19 Then 7 g e: e a a: NG, which being g 100 the Bafe of the Triangle CNG, e a a ea a Hence 8 X 2 28 e a a 8 x 2 9 مه = the Area of the (Triangle CNG. the Area of the Trapezium (CNGO. Laftly, in the Trapezium DPHQ, becaufe the Angle D is 87, the Angle DHP is 43° 30', for the fame Reafon as before; Of folving Equations, &c. 281 before; and affuming Unity for DP we fhall find 1.07 to be the proportional Number for PH, hence we know that as 1 is to 1.07 fo is DP to PH, let s = 1.07 Then ΙΟ e:s::a: the Area of the Tri- as PA, then as before e a IO X 12 1 II as X a aas e 2 2 e (angle DPH, hence a as II X 2 12 e the Area of the Trapezium But it was before found that (DPHQ; 13 bathe Area of the four Parallello- (grams. Now collect the Area of the Trapezia and Parallelograms into one Sum, and make them equal to the given Area of the Walk. d e of + = x= 700 f e a a a as + +ba g e S в + + + the Co- d e g e efficients of aa = 4.302 paa+ba = ba ваа a a 3+6+9+12+13 | 14 + fubftitute 151P = 14. 15 16 x 16 ÷ Р 17 a a + ba Ba P b b b b x 17 c 0 18 aat + + P 4PP 4PP 이 ​b bb * 18 w 2 19 at + + 2 p 4pp P b b b X b 19 2,0 a = + 4.35 2p 4 pp P 2P the Breadth of the Walk. Becauſe the Angles and Sides of the Fish Pond are given, the Figure may be drawn; but for the Eafe of the Numerical Calculation I have chofe fuch Numbers, as will not exactly agree with a Geometrical Figure. Queſtion 101. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, given the Perimeter or Sum of the Sides AC + CB+AB 24, and the Perpendicular O o 1 7 282 ALGEBRA. Perpendicular CD = 4.75 let fall from the Right-angle at C. upon the Hypothenufe A B. To find the Sides of the Triangle? A. D B C Let CD64.75 AB+BC +CA==24, A Ba, then the Sum of two of the Sides, or AC + CB x a, and as at Que- ſtion 98 let the Difference of y the ſame two Sides AC and CB. And becauſe the greater Number or Leg is equal to the Sum and Dif- ference of the two Numbers or Legs divided by 2, as in the laſt Queſtion, x—a+y a+y, and BC the leffer therefore AC the greater Leg Leg a Y 2 2 , Having Expreffions for A B, BC, and A C, the three Sides. of the Triangle ABC, in which there are two unknown Quan- tities a and y, we must raife two Equations from the Properties of the Figure, and becauſe the Triangles ABC, BCD are fimilar, therefore by AB: BC::AC:CD x-a-y:: x-a+y:b 2 4.e e. 6 I In Symbols 2 a: 2 whence 3 ab= xx-xa+xy-xa-aa-ay-xy+ay-yy x x that is 4 ab = 4 2xa+aa- yy 4 And becauſe the Triangle ACB is right-angled, 2xy + 2 ayaa + y y 4 xx—2xa+2x3—2ay+aa+yy_aa XX 2 x a by 47. e. I 5 + 2 x x 5 contracted. 6 4 4 x a + zaa + 2y y 4 =aa Hence the two Fquations which contain the Queftion are the fourth and fixth, and as y is only to the Square in each of them, find in both the Value of yy. But the fixth Equation becomes 7 | xx Of folving Equations, &c. 283 Sv 7 7 X 2 8 8 + 9 10 I I 4 X X 4 10 + 11 9. II 12 a a 13 + 4 ab 14 + 2xa 15 + xx I 2 | 1 2 x a + a à + yy 2 =aa xx-2xa+aa+yy = 2a a yy=aa + 2 x a − x x 4 a b = x x − 2 x a + a a — y y xa+aa y y = x x — 2 x a + a a aa+2xa 13 2 xa- | 14 - xx = xx xxxx÷ 2x a 4 ab 2xa+aa 4 ab 4 ab X X x 2 x a a b x x XX = 2xx xx = 10 A B. 2 xa+4ab 15 | 4 xa + 4 a 164xa + 4ab 2 x x 16 ÷ 4x+46 | 17 a= 4x+46 9 w 2 18 y 2x+26 Now a being found, therefore Vaa + 2xa — x x = 2. x a + v thence 19 AC= – 8. 2 a and 20 |BC= y = 6. 2 Queſtion 102. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, given the Hypothenufe AB 10, and the Sum of the Sides and Perpendi- cular CD, that is AC + CB + C D = 18.75 To find the Sides AC and BC? Vide laft Figure. x Let A Bb 10, x = 18.75 CD a, then AC+ CB a; now putythe Difference between the Legs AC and CB, then as in the two laft Queftions AC, or the greater y x-a+, and the leffer Leg, or C B = Leg is 2 , CB= x 2 -y Having expreffed the Sides of the Triangle A B C in Symbols, in which there are two unknown Quantities a and y, we muſt raiſe two Equations from the Properties of the Figure, and becauſe ABC is a right-angled Triangle, therefore by 47. e. I I x x 2 x a + 2 x y −2 ay+aa+yy 4 2.xy+2ay+aa+yy = b b = xx-2xa· + 4 002 The 284 ALGEBRA. The two Triangles ABC and CBD being fimilar, therefore by 4.e.6| 2 |AB: AC:: CB: CD, that is in Symbols, 36 x-a+y X a لا : a 2. 2 34 ba- xx-xa+xy-xa+aa-ay-xyНay-yy 4 Hence the Queſtion is contained in the first and fourth Equations. xx−2xa+aa+y y I contracted 5 b b 2 x x − 2 x a + aa yy 4 contracted 6|ba = 4 Now in both thefe Equations find the Value of yy, there being no other Power of y. བ་ xx-2 xa+aa+yy=2b b 5 × 2 7 ± 8 y y = 2b b aa+2xa- x x 6×494b a = xx 2 xa+aa— 9±10 yy=xx — 2x a + a a 8.10 II tea 12 xx yy a- 4 b a II xx-2 xa+aa-4ba2bb — a a + 2x a - XX 12 xx-2xa+2aa—4ba2bb+2xa XX x x 13-2xa+2aa-4ba2bb+2xa-2xx 13 — 2x a 14 14 215 2aa 4 xa- a a 4ba2bb— 2 × × 2 x a 2 b a = b b --- x x Becauſe xxis greater than bb, there- fore the Equation is ambiguous. fubftitute 16 Z = then 17 aa ZZ b b − x x + 17c18aa-za+ = b b 18 w w 2 19 a 4 2x 26 57.5 za = b b x x ZZ 4 2 | ~ √bb bb - ZZ xx + 4 ZZ Z 19. + 2/2/2 20 a 2 2 Z · ²± √ b b − x x + 2 4.78 4 (or 52.72 by the 10th Step 21 | y=√√✓xx− 2 xa+aa—4 ba—1.99 Then Of folving Equations, &c. 285 X = Then AC = *="+"=7.98 and CB = a — y — 6. 2 = 2 In the above Equation where a 4.78 or 52.72 the Value of a muſt be 4.78 for it cannot be 52.72 as the Sum of the three Quantities is only 18.75. Queftion 103. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Sum of the Sides AC+ BC= 14, and the Perpendi- cular CD = 4.75 To find the Sides of the Triangle ? See Figure, Queſtion 101. Let AC+BC=x=14, AC-BC-y the Difference of the Sides, then, as in the preceding Queſtions, the greater Side or AC = x+, and the leffer Side or BC - 2 Put A Ba and DC-b4.75 X 2 Having expreffed all the Sides of the Triangle ABC in Symbols, amongst which two are unknown, viz. a and y, we muft raiſe two Equations from the Figure, then becauſe the Triangle ABC is right-angled, therefore by 47. e. 1 I that is 2 xx+2xy+yy 4 + xx 2 x y + YY —a a 4 x x + y Y = a a 2 Becauſe the Triangles ABC and CBD are ſimilar, 3AB: AC::CB: CD by 4. e. 6 in Symbols 4 a: x + y 2 x-y:b 2 xx-yy 4. 5 ba = 4 Hence the Queſtion is contained in the fecond and fifth Equa- tions, and becauſe there are no other Powers of y but y y in either of thoſe two Equations, find the Value of y y in both Equations. 2 X 2 6 xx + y y = 2 a a 6- x x 7 уу =2aa 5X4 xx 84ba=xx-yy 8+ yy 9 yy + 4b a = xx +13 | 9 — 286 ALGEBRA. y y=xx- 4 ba 9 - 4 b a 10 7.10 II 2 aa 12 13 12-2 13 CO x x 2aa4ba = 2xx aa + 2 ba=** 4 ba $4 aa+2ba+bb = xx+bb 15a+b=√√x x + bb 16 14 ա 2 15-b 7 w 2 x y a = √xx+bb: b 10.03 or neglecting the Fraction A B 10. 7|1=√2a a 2 x = 2 x y Then AC= * + 1 = 8, and BC = = = C = ± − 1 = 6. 2 2 The fame Question done in another Manner. Let AC+BC=x=14, AC=a, then B C xa, CD = b = 4.75 and becauſe the Triangle A B C is right- angled, therefore A B = √xx−2xa+2aa. Here we have Expreffions for all the Sides of the Triangle, with only one unknown Quantity, and therefore one Equation will be fufficient. And as the Triangles A B C and CBD are fimilar, therefore by 4. e. 6 1 ¦ in Symbols AB: AC::CB: CD 2 √xx 2.* 3 b √ xx 2 xa + 2 aa:a::x a: b 2 xa+2a a = x a — a a Square both Sides of the Equation, the unknown Quantity being under the radical Sign. 3 2 4 | bb x x − 2 b b xa +2bbaa=xxa a 0 +1 4 ± 5 2 x aa aa aa a Ranging the Equation according to the Powers of the unknown Quantity. a a a a 2 x aaa + x xa a — 2 b b a a +2bbxa=bb xx Tho' the Equation here appears as if adfected, yet it may be refolved by compleating the fquare, as in Quadratics. And to give the Learner a clear Idea how this is done, if he fquares any three Quantities mnz, in the Square he will find fix Terms, mmnn † zz — 2 m n z m x + 2 n z 2, three Of folving Equations, &c. 287 three being pure Powers of the Quantities fquared, and the other three will be double Rectangles, or Products of thefe Quantities, and therefore any Expreffion that comes under theſe Circumftances, may have its ſquare Root extracted. Now aa aa is the Square of And xxa a is the Square of a a x a And 2xaaa is the double Rectangle, or Product of theſe Roots. And 2 bbaa is the double Rectangle, or Product of b b xaa. And 2 bbxa is the double Rectangle, or Product of bb xx a. From hence it appears that the above Equation of five Quan- tities has two of them, a aa a and xxa a, whoſe ſquare Roots may be taken, and that the other three Quantities are double Rectangles of thofe two Roots, a a and x a, and a third Quan- tity bb, therefore multiply this Quantity bb by itſelf, and add the Product b b b b to both Sides of the Equation, which makes it a compleat Square, thus, 6 aaaa 2xaaa+xxaa + bbbb 2bbaa+2bbxa bb bb - b b x x a a — xa — bb = √ b b b b + b b x x = 6 √bb + ≈ ≈ aa—xa=bb + b ✓ b b + xx 6 w 2 7 7 +66 8 .8c0 X X xx 9 a a—x at ==+bb+b √bb + xx √bb+xx 4 4 x x x 9 w 2 ΙΟ a 2 +bb+b√bb +xx 4 ४ I I a 2 2 + XX 4 +bb+b √bb + xx 18.9 -AC, a different Value of what it had before, for then it was only 8. To explain this to the Learner, if he extracts the Square Root of a a 2xa+xx, he will find it to be a -- x, or x - a, the double Rectangle, viz. 2 ax having the Sign we are fure either a, or x muſt be negative; but in this Caſe we are to de- termine which is to be negative by the Confequences that follow, for if there follows an Impe ffibility in fuppofing ax to be the Root, then the Root muſt be x a. To apply this to the Square before us at the fixth Step, viz. 2 xa a a + x x a a 2 b b a a + 2 b b x a + b b b b . A A A A Now 288 ALGEBRA. … a a Now the fquare Root of a a aa is And the fquare Root of xxaa is And the ſquare Root of bbbb is a a x a b b But as 2x a aa the double Rectangle, or Product of a axxa has the Sign, therefore it must be in the fquare Root either —xa, orxa—aa; but as an Impoffibility attends putting it a a xa, we now put it xa a a, and to determine what Sign bb muſt have in the Root, now the double Product 2 b b a a having the Sign therefore it muſt be bb or bb, as 2 b b x-a a produces — 2 b ba a, then taking the fixth Equation 7 аава 2x aaa + x x a a 2 b b a a + 2 b b xa + b b b b — − b b b b t b b x x 7 w 2 8 xa—a a + b b ✓ b b b b + b b x x b ✓ bb + xx Becauſe a a is negative tranſpoſe it, a a + b√bb + xx¬xa+bb aa−x a+b✓ b b + x x bb = 8 + aa 9 Q x a II a a 10-b6b+xx ΙΟ b b x a = b b − b ✓ b b + xx- Here the Equation appears quadratic, and becauſe-bbb+xx is greater than bb, it is likewife ambiguous. xx xa + ** = * * + bb — b✅bb+xx 4 4 IICO [2 aa-xa+ X 12 ບຸນ 2 13 a 2 X 13+ X 2 14 a= 土 ​√ 2 4 x x x x 4 +bb-b√bb + xx · +bb - b ✓ bb + x x 5.89A =7±1.11=8.11 or 5.89 AC. Queſtion 104. In the right-angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Sum of the Legs AC+BC≈ 14, and the Sum of the Hypothenufe and Perpendicular A B+CD = 14.75 To find the Sides of the Triangle? See Figure, Queftion 101. — Let AC+BC= 14 = x, A B+C D= 14.75b, AC a, AB=y, then BC=x-a, and CD-b-y. Having now expreffed the Sides of the Triangle in Symbols, in which there are two that are unknown, therefore raiſe two Equations from the Properties of the Figure. And Of folving Equations, &c. 289 And becauſe the Triangle ABC is right-angled, therefore by 47 e. 1 I xx−2x a + 2 aayy | | | | And becauſe the Triangles A B C and CBD are fimilar, therefore by 40.6 2 in Symbols AB: AC:: BC: CD 3 y: a : : x a:b-y 3 ... 4 by-yy yy = xa a a Now both the unknown Quantities being to the first and fecond Power, in the fourth Equation, and it being y y only in the firft Equation, and theſe two Equations containing the Con- ditions of the Queftion, find the Value of y y in each Equation. 4± I.5 5 26 7∞ yy by + a a -x a by by- aa—xa = xx +aa - x Q x−−2xa+2a a 6 — a a 7 + xa x x 2 xa+aa 8 by = xx xata a xx-xa+aa 9 Y b 8÷b 이 ​Raife this Equation to the fecond Power, and make it to the firft Equation, as there it is only yy; whereas in the fourth Equation, if we were to exterminate y, we muſt uſe the Values of y and y y. 902 xxxx-2axxx+20arx 2aaax+aaxx+aaaa 10 yy= b b XXXX I. 10❘ II b b I l x bb 12 2axxx+2aaxx- 2aaax + aaxx+aaaa x x 2xa +2aa xxxx-2axxx+2aaxx-2a a ax+aaxx+aaaa =xxbb-2bb xa +2bba a Tranfpofing and ranging the Equation, according to the higheſt Dimenfions of the unknown Quantity. 12 13 ± ±| | aaaa 2 x aaa+2 a ax x z b b a a − a axx 2a xxx + 2 b b xa+xxxx-xx bb = 0 Tho' the Equation now appears to be adfected, yet the fquare Root may be compleated, as in the laſt. To fhow the Learner how this is to be done, if he fquares any four Quantities, (for the Root of the above Equation will confift P P t 290 ALGEBRA. of ſo many Quantities) he will find ten Terms in the Square, four of which are pure Powers of the Quantities that were fquared, and the other fix will be double Rectangles of thoſe Quantities, of which each particular Root will conftitute a Part of three of the Rectangles. Now in the above Equation a a a a, a a x x, x x x x, Are the Squares of And the Quantities a a, 2 x a a a, 2 ax, xx, a axx, 2 a x x x, are the double Rectangles of thoſe Parts, or Roots. And by examining 2bbaa, 2 bb xa, xx bb, the remaining Terms in the above Equation, the first two are double Rec- tangles of bb xa a and b b x ax, but the laſt Term is only a fingle Rectangle of bb xxx, therefore to compleat the Square there wants -xx bb, which when added to xx bb, will make that a double Rectangle of bb x x x, and as we have no pure Power of bb, which being ſquared is b b b b, hence if we add b b x x + b b b b to our Equation, we ſhall make it a Square, therefore 14 2xaaa + aaxx 2bbaaaaxx -2axxx+2bb xa+xxxx-2xx bb + b b b b = b b b b - x x b b Before we proceed, perhaps the Learner might have obferved. that xx bb is the Square of xb, and therefore might ſuppoſe that to be one of the Roots, but then he will find x b to make a Part only of two of the Rectangles, whereas, if it had been one of the Roots, it would have made a Part of three of the Rectangles. Befides, if xb had been one of the Roots, it muſt have had the Sign + in the Square, by Art. 34. 14 2 | 15 | aa—ax+xx-b b = ✓✓ b b b b − x x bb =b√bb-xx The Manner of extracting the Root is thus, I firſt extract the fquare Root of a aaa, which is a a, then the fquare Root of a axx; the next pure Power is a x, and to determine whether a x must have the Sign + or, obferve the Sign of the double Rectangle of theſe two Roots, viz. of 2 xa a a, which becauſe it is, I therefore in the Root make it a x. The next pure Power is x x x x, whoſe Root is x x, then obferve the Sign of the double Rectangle of this and one of the two former Roots, as of 2 a a xx, which being +, and the Root a a being +, therefore in the Root make it +xx. The Of folving Equations, &c. 291 The last pure Power is bb bb, whofe Root is bb, then obſerve the Sign of the double Rectangle of this and one of the former Roots, as the laft Root xx, but the double Rectangle of thefe is 2xxbb, which being negative, and the Sign of xx being +, therefore place the Sign- before b b. aa− a x + x x = b b + b✓bb-xx a a — ax = b b 1 5+ b b 16 16. — x x 17 170 18 аа -ax+ bb - x x + b √ b b xx x x = b b 3 x x + 4 4 18 ww 2 X W 19 a 2 xx b√b b—xx, for XX 4 3xx 4 / bb - 3 * * + b√bb −xx √bb_3xx 4 19 + = x 20 a= -+√bb-3** +b √bb-xx 2 2 4 = 18.79= AC, which is impoffible, for AC+BC = 14 by the Queſtion, confequently A C cannot be 18.79 This impoffible Conclufion is owing to taking the Root of the Equation at the fifteenth Step, for as a a x a a produces aa aa, as well as a a x aa, therefore in the Extraction of fuch Roots, it is doubtful whether the Root is a a, or a a, let us now make a new Extraction, and ſuppoſe it to be 14 w 2 2 | 21 |- aa. -aa+ax-xx+bbbb bb - xxbb = b √bb xx Having fuppofed the Root of aa aa the first pure Power to be aa, I go to the next pure Power, which is a axx, whoſe Root is a x; but to determine its Sign, obferve the Sign of the double Rectangle of theſe two Roots, viz. of 2 aaax, into + which being, I therefore make it a x, produces -. as The next pure Power is x x x x, whofe Root is xx, then obferve the Sign of the double Rectangle of this, and either of the two former Roots, as of a x, now the Sign of 2 a xxx is therefore in the Root make it xx, for + ax× - xx produces axxx. The laft pure Power is bb bb, whofe Root is bb, and obferve the Sign of the double ReЯangle of this, and either of the other Roots, as fuppofe the laft, the double Rectangle of theſe two Pp 2 Roots 292 ALGEBRA. } Roots is 2 bb xx, which being —, therefore make it + b b, as -××× b b gives xx bb. Now tranſpoſe a a, it being negative. 21+ aa 22 aa+b✓bb-xx-ax-xx+bb 22-b✓bb-xx 23 bb − a a = b b + a x-xx-bbb xx 23-ax 24 aa—ax = b b − x x - b bb-xx — ✓ Here the Equation is quadratic, and becaufe -xx- bbb-xx is greater than bb, it is therefore ambiguous. 24 c O XX —bb 3xx-b/bb-xx aa-ax+ ax += = b b 4 4 미 ​25/ x 25 w 2 26 2 - * = √ √ b b — 3 * * — b√ √bb_3xx - b √ bb - xx 4 26 + ४ 3xx - b √bb — xx 2 4 * = 14 x = 14 56 14 27 | a = = = a == ± √bb 2 b = 14.75 b = 14.75 7375 10325 XX= 5900 196 1475 196 217.5625=bb ** 21.5625 (4.64 = √ bb - xx 16 86) 556 516 924) 4025 3696 329 14.75 Of folving Equations, &c. 293 14.75=b 4.64 = √bb** 5900 8850 5900 68.4400 b✔bb - xx 147. 3xx 4 215.44 = b√bb ≈ x + 3 x x − x 4 xx = 196 3 4) 588= 3xx 3** 147= 4 3xx bbb. b √ bb - xx 4 217.5625 = bb -215.44 3 x * -b √ bb — ** 4 2.1225 (1.46 neareſt = √bb- I 24) 112 96 286)-1625 7 == 2 ± 5.46 = √bb-3 ** 8.46a= A C. AC. or 5.54 = a= A C. 4 bb b * But if a 8.46 then by the ninth Step y = a = 8.46 = 14. 3384 846 ax = 118.44 xata a b 8.46 294 ALGEBRA. 8.46 = a 8.46 a 5076 3384 6768 71.5716 = a a 196 =xx 267.5716 = a a + x x 118.44 = a x b = 14.75) 149.1316 (10.11 = y = A B. 1475 1631 1475 1566 1475 91 Becauſe a AC = 8.46 therefore BC=x-a5.54. That theſe are the three Sides of a right-angled Triangle may be tried, by fquaring and adding them, to fee if they agree with the Property of the Figure. 5.54 5.54 10.II 10.11 8.46 8.46 2216 ΙΟΙΙ 5076 2770 ΙΟΙΙ 3384 2770 ΙΟ Ι ΙΟ 6768 30.6916 102.2121 71.5716 71.5716 102.2632 102.2121 .0511 the Difference which arifes from the Inaccuracy of the Fractions. But if the laft Proceſs is too perplexing, the fame Queftion may be done otherwife, thus, Let 1 Of folving Equations, &c. 295 Let AC+BC= 14= x, and a the Difference between AC and BC, whence, as in the former Queftions, the greater Leg or AC = *+a and the leffer Leg BC-a, 2 2 Again, put AB+CD≈ 14.75b, and the Difference be- tween AB and CD=y, then for the Reaſons already men- ¿±³, and CD = +-y tioned A B = 2 Y 2 Now becauſe the Triangle AC B is right-angled, by 47 e. I I xx+2xa + a a + x x − 2 x a + a a 4 4 b b + 2 by + yy - 4 Becauſe the Triangles ACB and BCD are fimilar, therefore by 4 e. 6 2 AB: AC:: BC: CD in Symbols 3 6+ y x+a.x a. b-y 2 2 2 2 bb-yy X X-A A or bb 3. yy=xx da 4 4 4 x x + a a +a from the firft bb +2 by +yy 5 2 4 The Queſtion being contained in the fourth and fifth Equa- tions, and there being no other Powers of a but a a in both thoſe Equations, exterminate that unknown Quantity. xx+yy—bb 2xx+2aa=bb + 2by+yy 2aa=bb+2 by + y y − 2 x x bb + 2 by + yy — 2xx 4 + 6 a a=xx + yy 5 X.4 7 8 7 2 x x 82 9 a a 6.9 ΙΟ xx+yy—bb= II -yy 2 - bb+2by+yy→ 2xx 2 * IO X 2 I I 2xx+2yy2bb bb+2by+yy— 2xx 12 2x+yy2bb bb+2by-2xx 132xx+3y=3bb +2 by — 2xx 14yy=3bb + 2 by — 4 xx 12 +266 13- 2 xx 14-2 by 15 yy - 2by=3bb — 4 ≈≈ I | | Here 296 ALGEBRA. Here the Equation is quadratic, and fince than 3 b b it is ambiguous. 1500 16 w 2 4x is 4 x x is greater 16 | yy 2 by + b b = b b + 3 b b — 4 xx = 4bb-4xx 17y—b=√4bb —4xx=2 / b b — x x 17+b 18 y = b + 2 b b —xx y=b±2✓b = 24.05 or 5.45 14.75±9.3 But y cannot be 24.05 for the Sum of the Legs is only 14.75 therefore y = 5.45 then by Step 6th | 19 | a = √xx+yy— b b — 2.85 b y Then A B = ' + = 10.1 2 a 2 + a 10.1 AC= A C=* ±ª = 8.42 BC = 2 = 5.57 which three Numbers nearly agree with the Property of the right-angled Triangle, but not exactly, becauſe of the Imperfection of the Fractions. The Reader may obferve, that in feveral of the Geometrical Queſtions, after Letters are put for one or more of the unknown Quantities, we then get Expreffions for the other Parts of the Figure from its Properties, and therefore avoid ufing a greater Number of unknown Quantities, and in general the Solution of Queſtions are more neat and elegant, the fewer unknown Quan- tities are uſed in the Work. The Method of refolving Questions, which contain four Equations, and four un- known Quantities. 72. WH HEN the Queftion contains four Equations, and there are four unknown Quantities in each Equation; find the Value of one of the unknown Quantities in one of the given Equations, and for that unknown Quantity in the other three Equations write this Value of it, which then reduces the Question to three Equations, and three unknown Quantities. Then Of folving Equations, &c. 297 Then find the Value of one of theſe three unknown Quan- tities in one of theſe three Equations, and for that unknown Quantity in the other two Equations write this Value of it, which reduces the Queftion to two Equations, and two un- known Quantities. Then find the Value of one of the unknown Quantities in each of theſe two Equations, and making theſe Equations equal to one another, we fhall have an Equation with only one unknown Quantity, which being reduced, will answer the Queſtion. Queſtion 105. A, B, C, D. If A's Share was added to twice B's Share, from which Sum fubftracting twice C's and D's Shares, there remains 650 Pounds: A Father gave 1000l. to his four Sons And if from A's Share there is fubftra&ted three times B's Share, to the Remainder adding twice C's Share, from which Sum fubftracting five times D's Share, there remains 400 Pounds: But if to A's Share there is added four times B's Share, from which Sum fubftracting three times C's Share, and to the Remainder adding fix times D's Share, the Sum is 1150 Pounds. How much had each Son? = Let a A's Share, e➡ B's Share, y C's Share, u = D' Share,s=1000, m=650, n= 400, b = 1150. 1234+ no from the firſt 5.2 5.3 7 5.4 1 8 ate+y+x=5 a + 2e − 2 y — 2 u ⇒ m a 5u = n ·3e+27-54 a+4e−3y+ 6 u ste u - y — e = m + e − 37 — 34 = 4ety $ 6u=1 s+3e-43+5ub By the Queftion. Here the Queſtion is reduced to three Equations, and three unknown Quantities. from the fixth 9 9.7 9.8 ΙΟ 8 II e = m +34 +31 5 ~ 4 17 ---- 1 224 -12y+45+y—6u— n S m s+3m+9u+ 93 — 35—43+54=6 Here the Queſtion is reduced to two Equations, and two unknown Quantities. eq 10 con- 298 ALGEBRA. II contracted from the twelfth 14y = from the thirteenth 15 y= 14. 15 16 10 contracted 12 5. s — 4 m — 18 21 ----- y= n 1325+3 m + 14 u+5y=b 55- 4 m 18 น II n 6 + 25 — 3 m — 14 u 5 b+25—3m—14u 55—4m-1848-78 5 II 16 x 17 17 ± 1864 × u = 1864 19 u น - 116 +225 +33m-154u=255-20171 90u - 5 n 11 b — 35 — 13m+5n 11b-35 13 m + 5 n = 50, 64 the Share of D. b + 25- 3 m 14 น y = = 100, 5 then by Step 15th 20 y the Share of C. and by Step 9th 21 e=m+3u+3y=100, the Share of B. and by Step 5th | 22 a=s—4—3—¿750, the Share of A. And in the fame Manner may any other Queftion in the like. Circumftances be anſwered. I fhall now add a few Queſtions of a different Nature, and ſuch as are generally firft propofed to Learners, but as they require a little more Sagacity to exprefs their Conditions, have hitherto been avoided, imagining the Learner is more per- plexed to exprefs, or find out the Equations refulting from fuch Queſtions, than to refolve the Equations; and therefore they were thought not fo proper at the Beginning of this Work. Queſtion 106. A Perfon bought two Horſes A and B, which with the Trappings coft 100 Pounds: Now if the Trappings were laid on the Horfe A, both Horſes were of equal Value: But if the Trappings be laid on the Horfe B, he will be double the Value of the Horfe A. How much did each Horſe coſt? Let b = 100, a = the Value of the Horfe B and Trappings, then b— a = the Value of the Horſe A. Now becauſe the Horfe B and Trappings are double the Value of the Horfe A, hence Of folving Equations, &c. 299 hence I 1+20 2 2÷313 a = 26-2a by the Queftion. 3α=2b 26 200 a- -662 Pounds, the 3 3 3 Price of the Horfe B and Trappings. Confequently 100-661 33 Pounds, the Price of the Horſe A. 3 3 1 But to find what the Trappings coft, and by that Means to find the Price of the Horfe B, let y the Price of the Trappings. Now the Trappings taken from the Horfe B, and laid upon the Horfe A, both Horfes being then of equal Value, therefore I 33 +9 = 66 +2=66. 2 y 3 3 2 I ty 2 33 3 I 2 — 33 3 29=33 = 33 // 3 3 3÷2 4 y= 162 Pounds, the Price of the + 16 3 alm Confequently 33 Horfe B. 3 {Trappings. 50 Pounds, the Price of the Queſtion 107. A Labourer in 40 Weeks Labour faved 28 Crowns -the Pay of three Weeks, and found he had spent 36 Crowns the Pay of eleven Weeks. How much did he receive + a Week? Let a = his weekly Pay. Then he had faved Crowns And ſpent Crowns 28 3.a 36 +11 a 64+ 80 And as the Sum of theſe two must be equal to what he re- ceived for his forty Weeks Labour, 1 40 @ = 64+ 8 a therefore I 8 a 232 2 32a=64 3 a = 2 Crowns, his weekly Pay. Q92 Queſtion 300 ALGEBRA. Queſtion 108. A Servant was hired for 12 Months, for which he was to have 24 Pounds with a Cloak; when he had ferved 8 Months he has Leave to go away, and instead of his Wages receives a Cloak and 13 Pounds. How much did the Cloak coſt? Let a = the Price of the Cloak, b = 12, d = 24, m = * = 13. 8, Now d+a is what he did receive for ferving eight Months. And as the Pay for eight Months was proportional to what he was to receive for twelve Months, therefore, I d+a:b:: x+a: m When any four Quantities, or Nume bers, are in Geometrical Propor- tion, the Product of the Extreams and Means are equal, md+ma=b x + b a bama = md md - b x therefore 2 + 3 3÷b —m md - b x 4 a= =9 Pounds, the Price bm of the Cloak. Queſtion 109. There is a Footman A, who goes 6 Miles a Day, and 8 Days after B follows him and goes 10 Miles a Day. In how many Days will B overtake A? 10, a Let b = 6, d=8, m = 10, the Number of Days B travels to overtake A, then as A begun to walk eight Days before B, Hence the Number of Days that A travels, is And the Number of Miles A travels, is And the Number of Miles B travels, is d + a b d + b a ma But when B overtakes A, they muft have travelled an equal Number of Miles. Therefore I I -ba 2 ma ma = b d + b a · b a = b d b d 2÷m- b 3 a = m—b 人 ​12, the Number of Days required, or the Time in which B will overtake A. Queſtion Of folving Equations, &c. 301 Queſtion 110. If a Scribe can in 8 Days write 15 Sheets, How many fuch Scribes can write 405 Sheets in 9 Days? Let a = the Number of Scribes, b= 8, d = 15, m = 405, n = 9. ds Then b:d::n: I d the Number of Sheets the b dn and 2 b Scribe can write in nine Days. bm :I::m: = the Number of Scribes d n to write the 405 Sheets in nine Days. b m 3240 hence 3 d n 24, the Number 135 (of Scribes required. Queſtion 111. A can do a Piece of Work once in 3 Weeks, B can do it three times in 8 Weeks, and C can do it five times in 12 Weeks. In how long Time can they do it jointly ? 5x Let a the Time required, b = 1, d= 3, g = 8, n = 5₂ m12, the Number 3 occurring twice, I put only d for it, Then I d:b::a:, the Part of the Work d that can be done by A in the Time fought. and 2 g: d::a: da, the Part of the Work & that can be done by B in the Time fought. na and 3 m:n::a: the Part of the Work m that can be done by C in the Time fought. And as theſe three Parts are to be equal to 1, or one Work, ba da na therefore 4 + + = 1, d g m I I whence a= 5 b n I + + + 5 m 3 12 by 302 ALGEBRA by reducing the Fractions + 3 3 + 2/5/20 minator, and adding 5 9 + 3 3 + + = = 2/ 12 3 Whence a= 10100 8 0100 9 3 12 to common Deno- and abbreviating them, we ſhall find of a Week, by the Rule for Divifion (of Vulgar Fractions. If the Week confifts of 6 Days 8 9) 48 (5 Days 45 3 And the Days confift of 12 Hours 9) 36 (4 Hours, that is, they will pef- form the Work in five Days four Hours. 36 + da + na m g b a + d d a I, may be reduced thus; m = d + 8 d n a = gd ba Or the Equation g g 4 x d 6 dda dna bat + g 6x8 7 7 x m 8 mg d 288 8 9 a m g b + m d d + g d n 324 8 of a Week as above. 9 m mg ba+m d da + g dna≈m g d 73. Having in this eafy familiar Manner, by general and univerfal Rules, explained to the Learner the Elements of this celebrated Science, it may not be improper to raiſe his Curiofity, and animate him to exerciſe his Judgment in the Choice of Quantities for the Solution of the fame Queftion, to give an Inftance how much the Solution of Queftions becomes more neat and elegant, by a judicious Choice of repreſenting the unknown Quantities. The Queftion and its Solution is from the ingenious Mr. JOHN WARD's Young Mathematician's Guide. Queſtion Of folving Equations, &c. ૩૦૬ Queſtion 112. A Man playing at Hazard, or Dice, won the firſt Throw juſt ſo much Money as he had in his Pocket; the fecond Throw he won the fquare Root of what he then had, and five Shillings more; the third Throw he won the Square of all he then had; after which his whole Sum was 1121. 16s. od. What Money had he when he began to play? Suppofe then I a his firft Sum. 123 2a= his Sum after the first Throw. 3√ √20:+5 his Winnings at the fecond Throw. 4√20:+2a + 5 = his Sum after the ſecond Throw. and 2+3 42 5 4+ 5 6 2a + 40 √2a +10 √2a + 4 a @ + 20 a + 25 = his Winnings at the third Throw. 24@+40√2@+11√20+40 a +302256 Shillings. Now to avoid thefe furd Quantities, let us make a fecond Suppofition; thus, 123 Let then and 2+3 4 4 2 5 4+ 5 6 20 a = his firſt Sum. 4aa his Sum after the first Throw. 2a+5= his Winnings at the fecond Throw. 4aa+20+5 fecond Throw. his Sum after the 16 aaaa +16 aaa+ 40 aa + 20 a +4aa +25 the third Throw. his Winnings at 16 aaaa +16 aaa + 48 a a + 22 a +30256 But to avoid theſe high Equations, let us make a third Sup- pofition; thus, a a Let I = his firft Sum. 2 then 2 and 3 2+3 4 a abis Sum after the firft Throw. a+5= his Winnings at the fecond Throw. ao+a+5= his Sum after the ſecond Throw. But 304 ALGEBRA. But as it was the Square of a a+a+ 5 he won at the third Throw, to avoid the Trouble of fquaring it, e=aa+a+5 fubftitute 5 then 6 ee 5+6 his Winnings at the third Throw, confequently, ус 700 78 8 au 2 9 0.5 ΙΟ 5.10 II II 12 12 CO 13 un 2 14 -0.5j whence ee + e = 2256 Shillings eete + 0.25 = 2256.25 e +0.5= 47.5 e47. Becauſe at the fifth Step e was fubftituted for aa+a+5 aa+a+5=47 a a + a=42 13aa+a+0.2542.25 14a +0.5=6.5 1510=6 15 aa 16 = 18 Shillings, the Money he had 2 (when he first began to play. The Learner will eafily obferve, that the third Solution is more neat and elegant than either of the other two; tho' I know of no general Rule that is given for the Choice of the Quantities to ftate the Queſtion, but it is left to the Judgment and Sagacity of the Reader, and as fuch Methods must be attended with particular Difficulties to a Learner, I have avoided the perplexing him with them; but as he has now a general Method of folving Equations, he may exerciſe his Judgment at his own Difcretion, in the Choice of different Quantities to repreſent the fame Queſtion. The Method of expreffing the Power of any Quantity, by placing a Figure over it. 74. T HERE is a more compendious Method of expreffing the high Powers of any Quantity, than writing them at length, by placing a Figure over the Quantity thus, 3 I 4 a is aaaa, and a is a a a, and a is e, and 2 3 ab is a ab bb, that is, the Figure that ftands over the Letter ſhows to what 2 Power Of expreffing the Power of any Quantity. 305 Power that Letter, or Quantity, is involved, which Method of Notation is generally ufed when the Powers are high. The Figures placed over the Quantity are called Exponents. The Mind being a little accuſtomed to this Method of Notation, will as eafily manage an Algebraic Procefs, when the Powers are ex- preffed by Exponents, as if they were repeated at length; and for the further Eafe of the Learner, in this Method of Notation, we will refume the Solution of Queflion 90, expreffing the Powers by Exponents, that the Learner may compare both the Opera- tions together. I 1 2 I + e² | 3 3- In 4 5 3 to 7∞ 6 e a²+a- ? —es in e² + e = 2 a a² + a = m +e a² + a 2 a a² + a +a- m 112 = 82 2 a }to find a and e. 2 a²+a—me = 2 a 2 e 4.5 6+0 7 a 8 a² 8 + m 9 10 e II 10 & 2 2.II. 10 12 12 in Numbers 13 13 contracted 14 13-a4 15+2a3 16 16188 a 17 - 187 a m + e = a a² + c = a + m e ė = a + mi n² ег аг a²+2am+m²— 2 a³ — 2 ma² + ai +2am + m² — 2a³ — 2ma² + at + a + m 188 ·a² 2 a a+88362a3188 a² +at+a +942 a 187a+ 89302a3 188 a² -+- aˆ = 0 152+= 1870 + 89302a3188 a² —34 + 2a³ = 187a+8930 188 a² 17-a+ + 2a3 + 188a² 187a+8930 18] −24 +2 a³ + 188 a² — 187 a at — 8930 In the fame Manner the Learner may attempt the Solution of any of the other Queftions, expreffing the Powers by Exponents: One Thing is to be carefully obferved, that the Exponent belongs only to the Letter which ftands under it, and when it is only Unity, or 1, it is never fet down, like the Co-efficient when it is Unity only, it is generally omitted in the Expreffion. Rr The [ 306 ] if a Question is of one Anfwer; that is, admits The Method of knowing I'mited, or admits but 75. or if it is indetermined, that is, of feveral Anfwers. TH HE Queſtion being ſtated, that is, all the Equations being expreffed which are neceffary for the Solution of the Question, then if there are more unknown Quantities. than there are Equations, the Queftion admits of a Variety of Anſwers, and is therefore unlimited or indetermined, ex. gr. Suppoſe a +e=40} to find a, e, and y. Andey 20 Here there are three unknown Quantities, and only two Equations. Now e being in both the given Equations, you may ſuppoſe it any Number under 20, the leaft of the two given Numbers, as 16. for Example fuppofe e Then the first Equation is a + 16 = 40. And the fecond Equation is 16+y=20. From whence it will be eafy to find a and y, but if e is fup- poſed any other Number under 20, then there will be found different Numbers for a and y, and the like of any other Que- flion, where the Number of unknown Quantities, are more than the Equations which arife from the Queſtion. But when the Number of given Equations are just as many as the unknown Quantities required to be found, then the Que- fion generally admits but of one Anfwer, for then each of the Quantities fought hath generally but one fingle Value, thus ag at Queflion 80, where we have I 2 a+e+y= b = 18 a+3e-2y 2y=m= 9 31a+4y- 2 e P = 21 P= Where a = 5, e = 6, and y = 7. But To extract the Cube Root. 307 4 But when the Number of given Equations exceeds the Number of Quantities fought, they not only limit the Queftion, but often render it impoffible, as one of the Equations may be inconfiftent with another; as for Example, 1 late == 162 2 | ae=48 3 | a e = 22 } to find a and e. Now here are three Equations, and but two unknown Quan- tities, and the first and fecond Equations include a poffible Cafe, and it may be found what the Numbers are. And if we take the fecond and third Equations, they like- wife include a poffible Cafe, for it may be determined what thoſe Numbers are. But all three Equations together render the Cafe impoffible, the first Equation being incompatible with the third, as the Sum of two Numbers cannot be leſs than their Difference. ; To raife or invent a Method to extract the Cube Root. 76. TH 76.HIS is no more than the Method of Converging Series applied to the Solution of an Equation, one Side of which is the unknown Quantity, and is a pure Cube, or raiſed to the third Power only, ex. gr. Suppoſe a a a≈ 9261, where 9261 is a Cube Number, now to find what a, or the Number is that being cubed will produce 9261, is to extract the Cube Root of 9261. By the common Method of diftinguiſhing of how many Places the Root will confift, by placing a Point over the Place of Units, and another over every third Figure, the Root will confift of two Places, therefore fuppofe the Cube Root to be 20 20 400 20 8000 which being less than 9261 the given Number, the Cube Root of 9261 muſt be more than 20. Rr 2 New 308 ALGEBRA. Now putr 20, and e for what 20 wants of the true Root, then is r+e = a, or the Cube Root of 9261, and proceed as in the Method of Converging Series, Cafe 1. Page 230. If I r+e= a, Raife this Equation to the third Power, becauſe it is the Cube Root, which is to be extracted. 1 & 3 but 2 3 2 3 • 4 rrr + 3rre | 3ree+eee≈a a a aaa 9261 by the Example, - rrr + 3rre +3ree+eee=9261 Put this Equation into Numbers, and reject all the Powers of e above e e, as in the Method of Converging Series. 5 4 in Numbers 5-8000 6÷60 7 8000 + 1200e +60 ee=9261 Becaufe 8000 is less than 9261, tranf pofe 8000 61200e 7÷2Q+e 8 1200e +60 ee = 1261 Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee 20e +ee = 21.01 Dividing by 20+e, that is, by the Co- efficient of e plus e, as in the Method of Converging Series, 21.01 20+e Operation in Numbers, 20) 21.01 (1 = e +e=1 I Divifor 21 21 .01 Remainder rejected. † 20 +e= I r + e = 21 = a, which being tried will be found to be the Cube Root of 9261. And by the fame Method may the Cube Root of any other Number be extracted. But to fave the Trouble of repeating this Operation, when any Cube Root is to be extracted, the above Procefs may be made more general, by not turning the Equation at the fourth Step into Numbers, and putting any Letter for the given Num- ber, whofe Cube Roots to be extracted. Suppofe To extract the Cube Root. 309 Suppoſe as before a a a = 9261, let b = 9261. Then a a a= b, to find a, or to extract the Cube Root. Now make a Suppofition that 20 is the Root, which being tried as before, it will be found too little. Then put 20 = r, and becaufe 20 is too little, r in this Cafe is ufually called lefs than juft; and for what r wants of the true Root put e, whence re will be the true Root, or equal to a. Hence I 1 & 3 2 but 3 2 3 4 r+e = a Raife this Equation to the third Power as before. :a r r r + 3 r r e +3ree+eee — a a a aaa = b as above r r r + 3 r r e +3ree+eee = b As we know rrr to be less than b, by finding the Cube of 20 was lefs than the given Number, therefore tranfpofe rrr, and reject the Powers of e above e e. 4 — r r r 5 = 3rre+3ree brrr Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee, retee= 53r 6 tee b rrr 3r As there will be another Divifion before the Operation is finiſhed, to keep the Fraction as fimple as may be, fubftitute D= b — r r r 3r Then 7 re+ce=D Now dividing by re, that is, the Co-efficient of plus e, 8 | D THEOREM 1. r+e Operation in Numbers, ра до ра b-9261 8000 3r= 60) 1261 (21.01 = D. 120 61 60 100 60 40 r = 20. 310 ALGEBRA. r = 20) 21.01 = D (1 = e. +e= I I Divifor 21 21 .or Remainder neglected. 20 +e= I r+e = 21 = a, the Cube Root required as before. Now fuppofe it was required to extract the Cube Root of 132651. Here according to the Method of pointing, the Root will confift of two Places, and to make a tolerable near Suppofition at the firft Trial, the firſt Period being 132, I confider what whole Number cubed will be the neareſt to 132, and I find it to be 5, then as the Root confifts of two Places, I fupply the next Place with a Cypher, and fuppofe the Root to be 50, which I know is less than the true Root, as the Cube of 5 is leſs than 132. Hence, as before, we are to determine what the Number is, that 50 wants of the true Root of 132651. Then putting r≈ 50, and e what it wants of the true Root, and b 132651, we have juſt the fame fubftituted Letters as in the laft Example; and if the Operation was repeated it will be exactly the fame, it is therefore needlefs to repeat the Work, but only obferving the Equation, or Theorem to find e, which D is e = - r -- e and by Subftitution we have D= Now b = 132651 -- yr gu 125000 3r=150) 7651 (51.006=D. 750 b yo yo qo 3r 151 150 1000 900 100 y = 50 To extract the Cube Root. 311 t r≈ 50) 51.006 = D (1 - & +e= I Divifor 51 51 .006 Remainder neglected. Now it was r = 50 We have found e I r+e= 51 the Cube Root of 132651, which being tried will be found to be true. And in the fame Manner, the Cube Root of any other Num- ber may be extracted, without repeating the Algebraic Work, when the Number affumed for the Root is lefs than the true Root: But when the Number affumed for the Root is too much, or more than the true Root, then we proceed as in the following Example, in the fame Manner as at the fecond Cafe of Converging Series, Page 235. Required to extract the Cube Root of 24389, or a ca =24389. By the ufual Method of pointing, the Root will confift of two Figures, the firft Period of the given Number is 24, and the Cube of 3 being the neareſt of whole Numbers to 24, and fup- plying the other Place of the Root with a Cypher, I fuppofe 30 to be the Cube Root of 24389, but the Cube of 30 is 27000, which being more than the given Number, the Cube Root can- not be fo much as 30. Therefore let r = 30, which is now too great or more than juſt, and what 30 is too much call e, then will 7 — r e = a, or the true Cube Root required, and calling the given Number 24389=b, we have 1 1 & 3 2 but 3 2.3 4 e = a Raife this Equation to the third Power as before. ·3rre+3res -eee-a a a a a a = 24389 b, as b is put for the given Number. rrr-3rre+3ree-eee=h Becauſe b is less than rrr, tranſpoſe b and reject the Powers of e above e e. + - " | 51 yo yo yo I 3rre+3reco, for one Side of the Equation ſubítracted from the other Side muft leave o, or nothing. Then 312 ALGEBRA. Then tranfpofe all the Powers of e, to the other Side of the Equation. 3rrerrr-b÷zree 5+3rre 6 6- 3ree 7 3 rre 3ree = rgo qu b Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee, 7 ÷ 3" 8 g yg b re e e 3r As there will be another Divifion before the Operation is finiſhed, to keep the Fraction as fimple as may be, ſubſtitute G: 3r b Then 9 [re-ee = G | Now dividing by re, that is, by the Co-efficient of e minus e, ·| 10 | e= G THEOREM 2. re - e Operation, b rrr = 27000 24389 3r=90) 2611 (29.01 = G. 180 811 810 100 90 IQ r= 30) 29.01 = G (1 = I Divifor 29 29 .01 Remainder neglected. ė = * 30 I re = 29 = a, which being cubed will be found the true Cube Root of 24389. In To extract the Cube Root. 313 In this Cafe, the Quotient, Figure is fubftracted from the Di- vifor as it is found, the Divifor at the tenth Step being re, whereas in Theorem I, p. 309, it was at the eighth Step r+e. Now as the firſt ſuppoſed Root muſt be too great or too little, unleſs it happens to be taken exact at the firſt Time, therefore theſe two Theorems will extract the Cube Root of any Number, as in the following Example. Let it be required to extract the Cube Root of 14526.784 From pointing the whole Numbers according to the uſual Method in common Arithmetic, the Root will confift of two Places of Integers, the firft Period of the given Number being 14, the Cube of the whole Number which is nearest to 14 is 2; and ſupplying the other Place of the Root with a Cypher, I fup- poſe the Root of the given Number to be 20, which is too little, or less than just, the Cube of 2 the firſt Figure in the Root being lefs than 14, the firft Period in the given Number. e Then putting b=14526.784 r = 20, and what 20 wants of the true Root, we proceed as at Theorem 1, page 309, where D e r+e and by Subftitution D= b=14526.784 8000. -rrr = b rrr 3r 3r=60) 6526.784 (108.78 neareſt = D. 60 526 480 467 420 478 r = 20) 108.78 =D (4.44 = b. +e=4 Divifor 24 96 4.4 1278 Divifor 28.4 1136 .44 14200 Divifor 28.84 11536 2664 Sf The 314 ALGEBRA. The Reader will obferve that the Quotient Figure is added twice to the Divifor to compleat it, in the fame Manner as at the Method of Converging Series, Page 233. Now r 20 +e= 4.44 r+e = 24.44 and to try whether this is the true Root of the given Number cube it. 24.44 24.44 9776 9776 9776 4888 597-3136 24.44 23892544 23892544 23892544 11946272 14598.344384 which being greater than the given Num- ber, the Root cannot be ſo much as 24.44 e will To approach ftill nearer to the true Root, make a fecond Operation, fuppofing the Number laſt found, viz. 24.44 to be r, and put e for what that Number is too much, then r - be the true Root, and putting the given Number 14526.784 G b, we proceed as at Theorem 2, Page 312, where e rrrb and by Subfiitution G 2 b 3r rrr = 14598.344384 14526.784 3r73.32) 71.560384 (.976 G. 65988 55723 51224 43998 r r g= 24. 43992 To extract the Cube Root. 315 r = 24.44) .9760 G (.04 = e. .04 9760 Divifor 24.40 Now r 24.44 by the firft Operation. e = .24 r-e= 24.4 which being cubed, will be found the true Root of 14526.784 Therefore by the fecond Operation the true Root is found. For a further Variety, let it be again required to extract the Cube Root of the fame Number 14526.784 But let us fuppofe the Cube Root to be 30, the Cube of which being 27000, the Root cannot be fo much as 30, then putting r 30, we fhall have r too great or more than just, and putting e what it is too much, then re will be the true Root, and calling the given Number 14526.784 = b, we pro- ceed as at Theorem 2, Page 312, where e = and by Subftitution G = g gr g 3r rrr = 27000. b=14526.784 G 3r90) 12473.216 (138.591 = G. 90 347 270 773. 720 532 450 821 810 116 90 26 Sf 2 go ~ 30 316 ALGEBRA. r = 30) 138.591 = G (5.7 5 Divifor 25 125 5.7 1359 Divifor 19.3 1351 8 7 = 30. l = e = -5.7 24.3 to try whether this is the Cube Root of 14526.784 cube 24.3 ·24.3 2463 729 972 486 599.49 24.3 177147 236196 118098 14348.907 which being lefs than the given Number 14526.784 the Cube Root mult be more than 24.3 Now for a fecond Operation, and let r 24-3 and what it wants of the true Root call e, then will re be the true Root, and ftill calling the given Nnmber 14526.784b, we now proceed as at Theorem 1, Page 309, where e = ———, D r te > and by Subftitution D = b-rrr b 3r To extract the Biquadrate Root. 317 b = 14526.784 go ya y 14348.907 3r72.9) 177.877 (2.44 = D. 1458 3207 2916 2917 2916 I همه اره r24.3) 2.44D (.1 = " + . I Divifor 24.4 244 r 24.3 by the firft Operation. +e= .I te= 24.4 the true Root as before. r+ In the fame Manner may the Cube Root of any other Num-* ber be extracted, and tho' the true Root may not always be ex- actly had, yet by repeating the Operation you may approach to it, within any affignable Degree of Exactneſs, and if a fmall Miftake happens in the firft, it will be corrected at the fecond Operation. To extract the Biquadrate, or fourth Root. TH HIS Operation proceeds in the fame Manner as in the Cube Root, only raifing the r+e or re to the fourth Power, thus, Required the Biquadrate or fourth Root of 194481, or of 194481. a a a a By placing a Point over the Place of Units, and another over every fourth Figure, we hall find the Root will confift of two Figures: And the firft Period of the given Number being 19, now the Biquad are or fourth Power of 2 being 16, which being the neateit in Integers, and fupplying the other Place of the Rout with a Cypher, fuppofe 20 to be the Biquadrate Root of 194481; but the Biquadrate of 20 being only 160000, the Root mult be more than 20. Now let r 20, and putting e for what 20 wants of the true Root, then will rea be the true Root required; and calling the given Number 194481b, then a a aab. Now 318 ALGEBRA. Now I r+e=a. Raife this Equation to the fourth Power, becauſe it is the Biquadrate Root that is to be extracted. 14 2 But 3 2.3 4 rrrr + 4rrre+6rree = a aa a, all the Powers of e above ee being rejected. aaaab, b being put equal to the given Number. r r r r + 4 r r re+6rree = b. Becauſe rrrr is less than b, tranfpofe rrrr. b — r r r r 4rrre+6rree-b 5 Dividing by the Co-efficient of ee, 4 - r r go yo 56 rr 6 2re + b yo yo yo yu tee e e = orr 3 As there will be another Divifion before the Operation is finiſhed, therefore as in the Cube Root, put D = re Then | 7|274 27 Now dividing by 3 plus e, 2r 8- + e 8 3 +ee = D. b- go p q p 6 rr +e, that is, the Co-efficient of a 2 r D +e THEOREM 1. 3 Operation b = 194481 r yr y - 160:00 6rr=2400) 3+481 (14.367 (14.367 = D. 2400 10481 9600 8810 7200 16100 14400 17000 2r To Extract the Biquadrate Root. 319 27 13.33) 14.367 = D (1. = e. 3 + I. 14.33 1433 37 Remainder neglected. r = 20 +e= I r+e = 21 = a, which being raiſed to the fourth Power, will be found to be the Biquadrate Root of the given Number. And if we here take the firft Root too great, or more than the Truth, the Operation is the fame as raiſing the ſecond Theorem for the Cube Root. Suppoſe a a a a = 456976, to find the Biquadrate Root. The Root being found to confift of two Figures as before, and the firft Period in the given Number being 45, and the` Biquadrate of 3 being 81, fupplying the other Place of the Root with a Cypher, let us fuppofe 30 to be the Root, but the Biquadrate of 30 is 810000, which being more than 456976, the Root cannot be fo much as 30. Then putting r = 30, and e what 30 is too much, we have rea the Root required; and putting b = 456976, we then have a aaa=b. I Now 1 & 4 ज़ि But 2 3 a Raifing this Equation to the fourth Power as before, and neglecting the Powers of e above ee. g gr pr аааа 2 3 4 rrrr • b 4rrre+6rree = aaaa 4 rrre + 6rree b Becauſe b is less than rrrr therefore tranfpofe b. 4 b 5 r r r r — b — 4 rrre+6rree = 0, one Side of the Equation being ſuð- ftracted from the other, must leave nothing, now tranfpofe the feveral Powers of e. 5 + 4 rrre 6 Arrre = j jo jo j b + brree 6. 320 ALGE BRA. S G = r — b 6-6rree ク ​4 rrre — 6 rree 6 r ree = r r r z Divide by the Co-efficient of ee. 7÷6rr 2re 8 3 r r r r — b -ee 6rr For the fame Reafon as in the laft Operation, ſubſtitute rrr r -b 6rr 2re Then 9 ве G 3 27 Now divide by -e, that is, by the 3 Co-efficient of e less. 12r 9. e 10 e= 3 1 Operation, rrrr810000 —b――456976 2 r 3 G C. THEOREM 2. 6rr=5400) 353024 (65.374 = G. 32400 29024 27000 20240 16200 40400 37800 26000 21600 ; 4400 20.) 65.374 G (4.08 = ec 27 3 4 Divifor 16. 64 .08 13740 Divifor 15.92 12736 1004 r = 30 To extract the Biquadrate Root. 321 r = 30 e - 4.08 r = e = 25.92 = a, and to try if this is the Root, 25.92 25.92 5184 23328 12960 5184 671.8464 671.8464 26873856 40310784 26873856 53747712 6718464 47029248 40310784 raiſe 25.92 to the fourth Power. 451377.58519296 which being less than the given Number 456976, the true Root must be more than 25.92 Then for a fecond Operation let r 25.92 and for what it wants of the true Root put e, that now r+e = a, and ſtill calling the given Number 456976b, this is exactly the fame Cafe as when we raiſed the firft Theorem, Page 318, for the Biquadrate Root, whence we have no Occafion to repeat the Algebraic Work, but to ufe that Theorem, where b — r r r r D · 2 r ابن + te and by Subſtitution D= 6rr Tt b 11 322 ALGEBRA. rrrr b =456976. 451377.5852 6rr 4031.0784) 5598.4148 (1.3888 D. 40310784 = 156733640 120932352 358012880 322486272 355266080 322486272 32779808 r 27 = 17.28) 1.3888 = D (.08 = c. 3 + .08 Divifor 1736 13888 r25.92 by the firft Operation. = .08 +e= r+e = 26. = a, which being involved to the fourth Power, will be found the true Biquadrate Root of 456976. The Reader will eafily obferve that theſe two Theorems will extract the Biquadrate Root of any given Number, in the fame Manner as the two Theorems did for the Cube Root. In the fame Method may Theorems be raiſed to extract any Root, it being no more than to fuppofe a Number to be the re- quired Root, and try whether it is too great or too little; then calling it re, or rea, or the true Root, as the Occafion requires, and raife this Equation as high as the Root is to be extracted, after which the Operation is the fame as before. Tor · [323] 77. To turn Equations into Analogies. Sthe UPPOSE there was given this Proportion a: b : : c : d; then multiplying Extreams and Means we have this Equation ad bc, now as we get an Equation from Quantities in continual Proportion, by multiplying the Extreams and Means, and making one Product equal to the other. Hence to turn any Equation into an Analogy, is only the reverſe, by taking the Quantities that compofe either Side of the Equation, and making them the two Extreams, and the Quantities that compofe the other Side of the Equation, and making them the two Means in the Proportion. To turn the Equation m dz a into an Analogy. One Side of the Equation is compofed of the Quantities m and d. And the other Side of the Equation is compofed of the Quan- tities z and a. Hence placing theſe Quantities according to the Direction, ve have m: z::a: d Ord: z::a: m Orz: d::m: a Orz: m :: d: a, &c. For multiplying the Extreams and Means of either of theſe Proportions, we fhall ftill have the given Equation dmza. Again, fuppofe the Equation an bdx, and it is required to find the Proportion of a to b. Now one Side of the Equation is compofed of the Quantities a and n. And the other Side of the Equation is compoſed of the Quan- tities b and dx. But in ranging thefe Quantities, make the Quantities a and whofe Proportion is required, the first and fecond Terms in the Proportion, and place the other two Quantities fo, that if the Extreams and Means were to be multiplied, they will pro- duce the given Equation, and then we fhall find a: b:: dx: n. From the Equation d ny bxz, to find the Proportion of d to b. By the Directions we ſhall find d: b : : x x : n Tt 2 From 324 ALGEBRA. From is a : d: = dpx. an m =pxd, to find the Proportion of a to d, which n px: for multiplying Extreams and Means m To find the Proportion of a to z from a n rn an b z here 2 y X b n a: 2 :: x y dny. To find the Proportion of a b to d, from ab or I ab Here abd::ny: I, for multiplying Extreams and Means we have a bdny. 78. I fhall now fhow the Learner, the Certainty of the Rules on which this Science is founded; this I have purpofely omitted in the Beginning of the Work, imagining it unrea- ſonable to expect a Learner to fee the Force of a Demonftra- tion in Algebra, before he is acquainted with its Characters and Language. The Foundation of tranfpofing Quantities. T HIS is grounded on the obvious Truth, that every Thing is equal to itself; that is, mm, and -y= -y; whence to tranſpoſe any Quantity, is only to make that Quantity equal to itſelf, prefixing to it the contrary Sign, and adding it to the given Equation. Suppoſe there is given I a—b+d—mz, to tranfpofe, b, d, and m. b = b 4 Now 1 + 2 And 2 3 a+d-m=x+b d d 5 a m=x+b- d mm a 1=x+b―d+m 3 +4 Laftly 6 5+6 7 SUBSTRACTION. I fay to fubftract a negative Quantity from a pofitive, is only to change the Sign of the negative Quantity, and add it to the t pofitive The Rules demonftrated. 325 pofitive Quantity, and this Sum will be the Remainder required. That is, If x y 23, for is fubftracted from xy, I fay the Remainder is Suppofe I And 2 x+y=m x - y = n Now if it can be proved that 2y is equal to the Difference between m and n, it follows that to fubftract a negative Quantity is to change its Sign and add it. 2 + 1 | 3 | x = n + y Now in the firft Equation for x write ny, for that is equal to x. Then 4 — n 4 In + 2y = m 52y=m N. n. Q. E. D. I fay further, that to fubftract a negative Quantity from a negative Quantity, is done by changing the Sign of the Quantity to be ſubſtracted, and then adding them by the Rules in Addi- tion, and the Sum will be the Difference required. Suppoſe I | x - 2y = m And 2 x y = n Now the ſecond Equation being fubftracted from the firſt according to the Rule, leaves -y=m n; and if it can be proved that-ym-n, then to fubftract a negative Quantity from a negative Quantity, is only to change its Sign and add it. 2+3 I 3 4 x = n + y n + y — 2 y 112 5- 12 5 That is 6 y — 2y = m — n y = m n. Q. E. D. And that mn is a negative Quantity is evident, for 2y cannot be fo great as xy, they being fuppofed pofitive Quantities, and therefore m cannot be fo great as 17; X con- fequently 326 ALGEBRA. fequently m-n is a negative Quantity, and therefore may be equal to ―y. And in MULTIPLICATION, I fay unlike Signs being multiplied give in the Product; that is, аха ·aa. To prove which, I take for granted the following LEM M A. That no Quantities connected by the Sign only, or by the Sign-only, can be equal to nothing. That is, it cannot be-a-bo, or a + b = 0, though it may be abo, or b- a=0. Now, if poffible, let-a× a produce a a where the Sign of the Product is affirmative. Let I 772 2 I X 2 3 a = 0 a=a, that is, every Quantity is equal to itſelf. ma+aa=oa, by the Suppofition, that is, maaa is equal to nothing, which is against the Lemma, therefore a xa cannot produce a a. But, I fay - a × a = aa. Let I m a о 2 I X 2 3 +a+a, for any Quantity is equal to itſelf. and multiplying by ma — a & = 0 a, that is, ma a a is equal to nothing, whence ma = aa. Now that ma = aa is evident, for ma=0, therefore ma, a we have maa a, confequently I fay further, that like Signs tho' in the Product. That is, duce not aa, for Let I m 1 2 о axa =- aa. Q. E. D. being multiplied, pro- a x a produces aa, and - —a—a, every negative Quantity being equal to itſelf. Now, if poffible, letaxa produce ma a a a a. Then oa, by the Suppo- maa a is equal to nothing, which is against 1 × 2 3 fition, that is, 2 the The Rules demonftrated. 327 the Lemma, therefore ax -a cannot produce a aj but the Sign must be + or affirmative; which may be further proved thus, Let I m a=0 2 I X 2 3 a a ma+aa=0a, that is, is equal to nothing, from whence ma = a a. mataa And that ma= a a is evident, for mac, therefore ma, and multiplying by @, we have ma=aa. Hence a Xaaa. Q.E.D. DIVISION. аа. As unlike Signs in Multiplication produce in the Product, I say that, In Divifion, unlike Signs being divided, give-in the Quo- tient, that is, if ab-bbo, and both Sides of the Equation be divided by b, I fay the Quotient will be ab, and not a+b. Suppoſe unlike Signs to give + in the Quotient. If I Let 2 I 2 3 a b — b b = 0 b = b a+b= + b = —, by the Suppoſition, that is a+b is equal to nothing, which is against the Lemma, there- fore an Abfurdity follows the Suppofition, that unlike Signs give in the Quotient; but I fay unlike Signs give in the Quotient. abbb=0 > Let I 2 b = b I→ 2 3 a — b = —, that is, a − b is equal to nothing, whence ab, and that a = b is thus proved. } I + b b 4 4 ab bb ÷b 5 a = b. Q. E. D. I fay further, that like Signs being divided, though they are negative, give in the Quotient, that is, a bb b divided by + b, the Quotient isa+b, and not-a-b. If } 328 ALGEBRA. W If like Signs though give in the Quotient; then — · I a b b b = 0 Let 2 b - b 1÷2 3 a b ====, =by by the Suppofition, that is,ab is equal to nothing, which is againſt the Lemma, therefore an Abfurdity follows the Suppofition, that like Signs though — give in the Quotient. But, I fay, ab-bb divided by ab, that is, like Signs though tient. For, Let I - 2 I ab bbo 1 2 —b=—b -b b, the Quotient is give + in the Quo- 3 ―a+b=—-, that is, - a + b is equal to nothing, whence ba, and that ba is evident, thus, ( I + b b 4 b 4 5 a b = b b ab. Q. E. D. both By this the Learner will fee that like Signs though in Multiplication and Diviſion, muſt give + in the Product and Quotient, for an Abfurdity follows the contrary Hypothefis, or Suppofition, of their producing-in either the Product or Quotient. The other Principles of this Science are very obvious, being the plain Confequences of the Axioms mentioned in the Be- ginning of the Work. 8-1915 FINI S. > 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN : + 3 9015 06531 3515 A F ;+ A 543635