DUPL A 624099 Kodak MATERIALS FOR Istry Library SPECTRUM ANALYSIS H 50€ 2nd Edition SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS The spectrograph has been applied in industry to qualitative and quantitative analysis where the han- dling of large numbers of samples at high speed is im- portant. Spectrographic analysis is particularly adapted to measuring extremely small quantities of materials, and it permits this to be done much more rapidly than the conventional methods of analysis. It is thus very economical of time and money. In qualitative analysis, the spectrograph can be used for the identifi- cation of solids, liquids, and gases. The information obtained can frequently be used to explain undesirable physical or chemical behavior of materials, to identify the components of alloys, to check the degree of purity of chemical compounds, etc. In quantitative analysis, the spectrograph is very valuable for determining the percentages of elements present in very small quanti- ties of an order which might be missed entirely or determined very inaccurately by the normal chemical methods. Good spectrographic equipment in the hands of a properly trained operator with a knowledge of the basic characteristics of photographic materials is a valuable asset to the modern analytical laboratory. ANOTOLARY نند Kodak Materials for Spectrum Analysis PLATES AND FILMS ; THE PROPERTIES OF PLATES AND FILMS The Characteristic Curve.. Speed.. Contrast. · Fog... Spectral Sensitivity. . Variation of Contrast with Wavelength. Reciprocity Effect. Intermittency Effect. Temperature and Moisture Content. Nonuniformity of Effective Sensitivity Resolving Power, Sharpness, and Granularity. The Adjacency Effects. . . PRECAUTIONS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PHOTOMETRY • → • Copyright 1954 (also 1945, 1947 and 1950) Eastman Kodak Company SECOND EDITION, 1954 · Ultraviolet-Sensitive Plates and Films. Kodak SWR Plates and Films. . Violet and Blue-Sensitive Plates Violet and Blue-Sensitive Films Green and Red-Sensitive Plates Green and Red-Sensitive Films Infrared-Sensitive Plates. Infrared-Sensitive Films.. • • CHOICE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. PROCESSING PROCESSING FORMULAS. PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING PHOTOGRAPHic Plates and Films STORAGE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. DATA SHEETS. Kodak Spectroscopic Plates and Films. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING . MANUFACTURERs of SpectrogrAPHIC EQUIPMENT. REFERENCES. • Chemistry Library • 10 12 15 16 16 17 18 19 20-35 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 40 Page 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 THUMB INDEX DATA SHEETS Photographic Properties Precautions in Photometry Processing and Formulas Handling Plates and Films Storing Plates and Films UV Sensitive Plates and Films SWR Plates and Films Violet and Blue Sens. Plates Violet and Blue Sens. Films Green and Red Sens. Plates Green and Red Sens. Films Infrared Sens. Plates Infrared Sens. Films Spectroscopic Plates Ordering Instructions References Kodak Materials for Spectrum Analysis IN SPECTROGRAPHIC analysis, photographs of spectra are used to detect the presence of elements and to obtain an estimate of the proportions in which they are present. The analyses are based upon measurements of the positions and the relative intensities of the spectral lines. There are two chief aspects of the subject. One of these is the production of the spectrum, which involves the choice and operation of the source of the spectrum and the spectrograph. The other concerns the selection of the most suitable photographic plate or film and its proper processing. The greatest prospect of success in spectrum analysis, as indeed in all other technical procedures, will be obtained by a thorough knowledge of the basic principles. It is the purpose of this publication to describe the basic general properties of photographic films and plates, and the specific characteristics of Kodak products, to the end that they may be most appropriately selected for any particular analysis. It is outside the scope of this publication to deal with the other aspects of the subject, such as the general principles of spectrographic analysis, the source, the spectrograph, and the interpretation of the spectrograms. This information can be obtained from the manufacturers of spectro- graphic equipment and from the appropriate books, pamphlets, and articles in scientific and technical journals. A list of a few of these sources is given on pages 39 and 40. 2 The Properties of Plates and Films PHOTOGRAPHIC materials consist of a light-sensitive emulsion coated on a support. This emulsion contains light-sensitive crystals of silver bromide and other halides suspended in gelatin. When the material is exposed in a camera, spectrograph, or other apparatus, it shows no visible effect, but an invisible change occurs-a “latent image" is produced. Treat- ment of the material in a developer solution converts the exposed silver halide grains into metallic silver, which forms a visible and usable image. After development, the emulsion still contains the sensitive silver halides. which were not utilized in producing the image, and on exposure to light these would eventually darken and obscure the image. Therefore, in order to make the image permanent, the material is "fixed" in a solution which dissolves the undeveloped silver halides but does not affect the silver image. After fixing, the material must be washed thoroughly to remove the chemicals used in developing and fixing. The measurement of the response of the materials to exposure and development is the science of sensitometry. The most important sensito- metric properties of plates and films which distinguish one type from another are speed, contrast, and color sensitivity. There are, in addition, other properties which are of importance to the spectrographer, for they may indirectly affect the exposure or the ease of recognition and measurement of lines. These characteristics are briefly described here. For a full consideration, consult the book, "The Theory of the Photo- graphic Process," by Dr. C. E. K. Mees (see page 40). THE CHARACTERISTIC CURVE THE AMOUNT of exposure which a film or plate receives is equal to the product of the intensity of the incident light and the time of exposure. The effect is not entirely independent of the components of this product, as will be explained later. The degree of blackening of the developed Io image can be measured in terms of optical density defined as D=log10- where Io and I are the incident and emergent intensities. I The relationship between exposure and density for a stated level and quality of illumination, etc., is obtained in the following manner: Under standardized conditions, a photographic plate or film is sub- jected to a uniformly graded series of exposures. It is developed under carefully controlled conditions, after which the density (D) of each exposure step is read on a densitometer and plotted against the logarithm of the exposure (log E) which produced it. The result is the characteristic curve (see Figure 1a). 3 D LOG i Ꮎ 2 = Tan e LOG E Figure la-Characteristic Curve of a Photographic Plate. GAMMA TIME OF DEVELOPMENT Figure 1b-Curve of Gamma-Time of Development. The characteristic curve has roughly the shape of the letter “S." At the bottom, known as the "toe," it is concave upwards; then there is an approximately straight line, and in the upper part, called the “shoulder,” it is concave downwards. Speed If the straight line is extended to cut the exposure axis, the exposure corresponding to this point is called the "inertia" (i). In some sys- tems of designation of the response of films and plates to exposure, i.e., speed, the inertia is the value from which the speed is derived. In general, speed is best defined in terms of the least exposure to a particu- lar quality of light which will produce a desired result. In some systems of speed evaluation, the exposure corresponding to a particular low density is used, while in others, the exposure is selected which corresponds to a definite slope or gradient of the curve. Exposures in spectrographic analysis are normally of such a level that a portion of the toe of the curve is used. Further, exposure to a spectrum is made to a multitude of spectrally homogeneous components of the source. A single speed number, although of value for general photography, is of relatively little significance in the case of spectrum photography. As an approximation, however, it is possible to use single speed values based on exposure to the same type of light source that would be used in ordinary photography, for instance, an incandescent tungsten filament lamp operated at a color temperature of 3000°K. Convenient speed numbers which are sufficiently precise for a rough guide to exposures in spectrography can be obtained by dividing ten by the inertia (i.e., 10/i speeds). 4 Contrast THE SLOPE of the straight line part of the characteristic curve, or the tangent of the angle (0) which it forms with the exposure axis is known as "gamma" (7), as shown in Figure 1a. Dy (log E-log i). Gamma is frequently used as a measure of the extent of development or develop- ment contrast of the film or plate since it increases as the development time increases. If, as is frequently the case in spectrographic analysis, exposures are on the toe of the curve, development contrast can be expressed as the slope of the curve at a particular point or as the average slope over a certain density interval and is referred to as gradient. In the straight-line portion, gamma is a measure of gradient. As the extent of development increases, the gamma increases, but eventually further development produces no further increase in gamma. The value known as gamma infinity is thus attained (see Figure 1b) and represents the highest available contrast. The rate of development, or the time required to reach a particular value of gamma, depends primarily on the activity of the developer solution and the characteristics of the photographic material, but it is also affected by the temperature of the solution and to a lesser extent by the degree of agitation of the solution. Fog WHEN a film or plate is developed without deliberate exposure, a low uniform density may be produced. This is known as "fog." It may be due to an inherent property of the film or plate, to unwanted exposure (such as a poor safelight in the darkroom), to development, to the way in which the material is handled, or to a number of other causes. It should be noted that background density produced by stray light in the spectrograph is classed as unwanted exposure and should not be con- fused with development fog or inherent plate fog. The density of fog usually increases slowly with the development time. The actual density obtained in the photograph of a spectrum thus may be the result of the density due to the desired exposure plus the density of the fog. If a plate or film appears to have high fog, it is recommended that an unexposed plate or film be processed in complete darkness. If the material still shows fog, it can be assumed that it is inherent in the plate or film. In general, unwanted exposure before the main exposure to the spec- trum will not produce the same final density as the same unwanted exposure after the main exposure. It is a necessary precaution that both calibration and unknown exposures should receive exactly similar treatment as regards fog if the presence of the latter cannot be avoided. 5 SPECTRAL SENSITIVITY A PHOTOGRAPHIC film or plate is sensitive only to radiation which is absorbed by the silver salts, that is, basically, to blue, violet, and shorter wavelength radiation. However, an emulsion can be optically sensitized by the addition of suitably chosen dyes which absorb radia- tion of longer wavelengths and which selectively dye the silver salts. By this means it is possible to extend the sensitivity through the green. (orthochromatic sensitization), through the green and red (panchro- matic sensitization), and into the infrared. The spectral sensitivity of a plate or film, or its response to radiation of various wavelengths, is an important factor in determining its suit- ability for various applications. The spectral sensitivity curves shown in the data sheets were de- termined by the use of an intensity-scale monochromatic sensitometer which provided, throughout the spectrum, intensity-scale exposures to narrow bands of wavelengths approximately 7 millimicrons wide. The sensitivity is expressed as the reciprocal of the number of ergs per square centimeter required to produce a density of 0.6 above fog when the materials were developed in Kodak Developer D-19 as recommended. Sensitivity was measured at several wavelengths, and the logarithm of sensitivity was plotted against wavelength to obtain the spectral sensi- tivity curve characteristic of the emulsion.* The curves shown here should be regarded only as representative for the type of emulsion and sensitizing from which they were determined. They are not suitable for quantitative use. Where photometric work is being done by photographic methods, it is necessary to calibrate the response of the photographic material for the various wavelengths under exposure and processing conditions which are precise duplicates. of those which will be encountered in making the measurements. VARIATION OF CONTRAST WITH WAVELENGTH IN GENERAL, the contrast of a photographic material is higher in the longer wavelength region of its sensitivity. The relationship between contrast and wavelength varies considerably between emulsions and no one rule has general validity. The contrast is frequently higher in the region of optical sensitization than in the blue and violet. On passing from the visible spectrum into the ultraviolet, contrast and maximum density fall as the absorption of silver halide increases and the image becomes more confined to the surface. Many emulsions have *For other methods of expressing sensitivity in drawing the spectral sensitivity curve, see Mees, The Theory of the Photographic Process, Chapter 21, page 851, ff. 6 a relatively uniform gradient from about 320 m, to about 250 mµ, yond which contrast falls again because of increasing absorption by gelatin. Over the range from 240 to 440 mμ, the gradients of Kodak Spec- trum Analysis Plates and Films No. 2 and Kodak Spectroscopic Plates, Type 103-0, show less variation with wavelength than the gradients of Kodak Spectrum Analysis Plates and Films No. 1. The gradient wavelength curves shown in this book were obtained from sensitometric exposures made in a large quartz spectrograph. The source was a quartz mercury lamp which illuminated the spectrograph slit through a high-speed sector wheel. This arrangement of a spectrum sensitometer gives an intensity scale of 7 steps varying by consecutive powers of 1.5. All materials were developed for three minutes in Kodak Developer D-19 at 68 F. The density log exposure curves for several wavelengths in the ultraviolet spectrum of the mercury arc were plotted from microdensitometer readings. The curves shown in the Data Sheets are plotted with gradient versus wavelength. The gradient at different wavelengths is defined as the slope of a straight line drawn between two points of the characteristic curve where density is 0.3 plus fog and 1.0. plus fog. These curves should be regarded only as representative for the type of emulsion from which they were determined; they are not suit- able for quantitative use. Where photometric work is being done by photographic methods, it is necessary to calibrate the response of the photographic material under conditions which are precise duplicates of those which are used in making the exposure. RECIPROCITY EFFECT IT MIGHT be inferred that the effect of exposure is independent of the values of the intensity and of the time which determine the exposure. For instance, it might be assumed that one hundred seconds' exposure to one unit of intensity might give the same result as one second's expo- sure to one hundred units of intensity. This, however, is not usually the case. The effect is commonly referred to as the failure of the reciprocity law, or reciprocity effect. In practice, allowance must be made for this, and a proper technique should be followed. The characteristic curve which is to be used in establishing the rela- tionship between the intensity of the spectrum lines and the density of their photographic images should be based on an exposure scale which is variable in intensity and not time. The time itself should be the same for all points on the curve and for all subsequent exposures of spectral lines for which the curve is used as a calibration. Intensity scale exposures can 7 be produced in numerous ways. One method which has been used in connection with spectrographic analysis involves the use of closely grouped spectrum lines of known but different intensities. Another utilizes the inverse square relationship between the distance of the light source and the illumination on the exposure plane. A third method of modifying intensity is by the use of calibrated filters. Another frequently used method effectively produces intensity modulation by means of a rapidly rotating stepped sector wheel at the slit of the spectrograph. It must be used with care and due regard to considerations imposed by limitations of the reciprocity law. The spectral quality of the exposing radiation need not be considered, because it has been shown that the reciprocity characteristic is nearly independent of this factor when points of the same density and exposure time are compared. Intermittency Effect ANOTHER aspect of the reciprocity effect is the intermittency effect, originally discovered by Abney. A continuous exposure does not, in general, produce the same density as another exposure in which the same total energy is applied to the material in a number of separate installments. Since intermittent exposures are often used in absorption spectrophotometry, the intermittency effect is of considerable impor- tance. Fortunately, however, it has been shown that a continuous and an intermittent exposure of the same average intensity and the same total exposure time become equal in their effects when the frequency of interruption is above a certain critical level. This critical level of fre- quency varies with the intensity, but a good practical rule to follow is that the total exposure should be divided into at least 100 installments, regardless of the over-all exposure time, in order that the intermittent exposure should produce the same effect as a continuous exposure of the same average intensity. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE CONTENT THE MAGNITUDE of the response of a photographic material depends to some extent on the temperature of the material and its moisture con- tent at the time the exposure is made. It is reported that an increase in temperature is accompanied by an increase in sensitivity. There are, however, many exceptions. The extent is dependent on the intensity level of the exposure. In general, there is less increase in effective sensi- tivity when the temperature is above normal than there is decrease in sensitivity when the temperature is decreased. 8 With increasing relative humidity, the moisture content of the emulsion increases, and this effect may in certain emulsions cause a loss in sensitivity. It is not yet possible to formulate any general relations between magnitude of response, temperature, and humidity for all photo- graphic materials. It is possible to eliminate errors by exposing the material to the unknown and to the calibrating exposures at identical temperatures and relative humidities. If this condition cannot be attained, steps should be taken to prove that differences in temperature and moisture content on the two occasions are not sufficient to cause significant errors. For accurate and reliable work there is no substitute for controlled temperatures and relative humidity in the spectroscopic laboratory and standardized techniques in the handling and processing of the photographic materials. NONUNIFORMITY OF EFFECTIVE SENSITIVITY THE MOST carefully made photographic materials may show measurable differences in effective sensitivity from point to point even when the area used is relatively small. This is not of importance in ordinary work, but it is of great importance when these materials are used for precise quantitative measurement, and may be of sufficient magnitude to introduce serious errors. It is difficult to develop two separate samples of photographic plate or film to exactly the same extent, and it is also difficult to obtain uniform development over a large area. If the rate of movement of the developer varies from one point to another on the plate or film surface, the degree of development will vary correspond- ingly, and nonuniformity will result in the photographs. In order to minimize errors arising from nonuniformity of sensi- tivity or of development, it is advisable to place the calibrating or comparison exposure and the exposure to be measured on areas which lie immediately adjacent to each other on the same sample of photo- graphic material, and to use an efficient means of insuring good and uniform agitation. The relationship between an exposure and the resultant density depends on a multitude of factors. It is possible, however, to plan a technique of photographic radiometry so that practically all of these disturbing variables can be eliminated or controlled. The trend in spectrographic analysis is toward closer control of the photographic materials and the handling procedures in order to obtain more con- sistent and more accurate results. 9 RESOLVING POWER, SHARPNESS, AND GRANULARITY IN ADDITION to their sensitometric characteristics, photographic ma- terials differ in three physical properties that are important to the scientific and technical user: namely, resolving power, sharpness, and granularity. The granularity of an emulsion, which in pictorial photography gives rise to the sensation of graininess when a negative is excessively en- larged, is manifested in spectroscopic and astronomical applications by irregularities in a microphotometer trace. For this reason, it has been suggested that granularity be estimated by comparing traces of regions uniformly blackened to a density of 0.3. These are shown in the Data Sheets, the slit of the microphotometer being 0.5 mm long and 5 microns wide, a customary setting in astronomical work. Granularity can be reduced somewhat by using certain special developers, but the energetic developers that are ordinarily required for the sake of a reasonable contrast and exposure time are not in this class. For the granularity and resolving power tests described herein, the Kodak Developer D-19 was used. The resolving power and sharpness of a photographic material are con- ditioned primarily by two factors-the turbidity and the inherent contrast of the emulsion. The turbidity is dependent also upon two factors-the light-scatter- ing power and the light absorption of the emulsion. The spread of an image with an increase in exposure is a direct measure of turbidity. It is well known that, if the image of a point or an extremely narrow line upon a photographic plate is given an increasing series of exposures, the diameter of the photographic image will not have its true geo- metrical size, but will have a size represented very closely by the equa- tion: d=a+b log E Here a and b are constants, the latter giving a measure of the tur- bidity of the emulsion. The inherent contrast of the emulsion depends upon such charac- teristics as the range of grain sizes, and, like turbidity, is fixed by the method of manufacture. It is true that the contrast of a particular image can be altered by varying the development conditions, but this has only a minor influence upon resolving power. The density of the image is of great importance, however, since the resolving power rises. to a maximum and then falls as the density increases from zero to a high value. This effect is most marked with emulsions of high resolving power. Indeed, such an emulsion frequently has its maximum at a 10 density above the range that is ordinarily used. The contrast of the test object is also of signal importance: At low test object contrasts, the rise of resolving power with contrast is rapid, but the rate of increase soon diminishes and, above about 100:1, there is little further change. The quality of the light has some effect, although it is not pro- nounced for ordinary heterogeneous radiation. This effect follows no known law, although resolving power is usually higher at the short. wavelength end of the visible spectrum and is always higher in the far violet and ultraviolet. The spectral sensitivity of the emulsion has no significant effect when ordinary heterogeneous sources are used, even when the materials are as diverse as blue-sensitive and panchromatic. In practice, resolving power is commonly measured by a series of photographs of parallel line test objects, the numerical value of resolving power being the number of equal-width, black and white lines per milli- meter that are just resolvable visually under adequate magnification. The table below gives typical values for the materials described in the data sheets. These values apply to an optical image contrast of 20:1 in the test object and to the density for which resolving power is the maximum, the developer being Kodak Developer D-19. Since these values are intended to be merely a guide to the selection of material, heterogeneous radiation was used to determine them, and differences in spectral sensi- tivity were not considered. The increase in these values over the ones given in the early editions of this booklet arises largely from an im- provement in the equipment used for measuring resolving power. It is believed that the present values more nearly represent the ultimate that can be obtained with a very highly corrected lens of ƒ/5 aperture. Type 103 I II III IV V RESOLVING POWER TO WHITE LIGHT MATERIAL Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Film 2 1 Plate 2 RESOLVING Power (lines per millimeter) 60 60 75 95 120 160 155 55 130 55 It must be remembered that these values give no indication of the narrowness of a single line that can be recorded. Given sufficient expo- sure, an extremely narrow line can be recorded, but its photographic width will have no relation to its geometric width. 11 Resolving power, measured as described above, was intended specif- ically as a measure of the ability of a material to record fine detail, such as images of double stars or fine parallel lines. While it has been gener- ally assumed that resolving power values are a measure of the ability of the material to produce sharp pictures, experience has shown that resolving power does not correlate well with sharpness judgments and in some cases may even be misleading. Sharpness refers to the ability of the material to give a sharp line of demarcation between areas receiving low and high exposures. It has been shown that sharpness is related to the mean of the square of the density gradients, AD/▲x, across an abrupt boundary between a light and dark area in the developed image. This theory is described by G. C. Higgins and L. A. Jones in their paper "Evaluation of Image Sharpness" J. Soc. Mot. Pict. and Television Eng., 58:277-290, April, 1952. Sharpness is an important property of the material when it is de- sirable to find the edge of resolved detail, such as the determination of stellar magnitudes by a measure of the diameter of star images. While, in general, the sharpness of photographic plates is related to the resolv- ing power values as given in Table II, there are notable exceptions to this rule and, in all instances where sharpness is of importance, it should be noted that the resolving power values may be misleading. THE ADJACENCY EFFECTS IN ADDITION to the effects that are characteristic of the photographic material itself, other effects may arise during development. The ex- haustion of the developer with use and the accumulation of reaction Fig. 2: Microdensitometer tracing showing border and fringe effects at edge of a dark image. DENSITY 2.0 1.0 1.0 DISTANCE ON IMAGE IN MILLIMETERS 0 12 DENSITY 1.0 0.0 1.0 IMAGE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Fig. 3: Microdensitometer tracings showing Eberhard effect on densities of narrow images. 2.0 products result in inhibiting the development process. Under certain situations of image configuration and development conditions, small localized changes in density occur that may jeopardize the accuracy of the results. At the boundary of a dark image with a light background, the reac- tion products diffuse from the dark image into the region of light density and restrain development in this region near the dark image. Likewise, fresh developer from the light region diffuses into the dark image and, after it has penetrated a short distance, loses its original activity so that the image density is lower inside the image than at the extreme edge, where the density is higher. The resulting density pat- tern across such an image edge gives a curve similar to that in Figure 2. The image density becomes stabilized about 0.3 mm inside the edge, and images with a width greater than this consist of an area of uniform density surrounded by a rim of higher density. The high-density rim ist known as the "border effect," and the low-density halo outside a dense image is called the "fringe effect." These effects have been known his- torically as "Mackie lines.” When two small areas of unequal size are given equal exposure and development, the density of the smaller area will, in general, be higher than that of the larger area, as a result of the border effect. This phe- 13 DENSITY AT IMAGE CENTER 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 2 3 IMAGE WIDTH IN MILLIMETERS 4 Fig. 4: Relation between density and width of narrow images. 5 nomenon is known as the "Eberhard effect," and is shown graphically in Figure 3 by microdensitometer traces across a series of slit images of decreasing width, and in Figure 4 which shows density at the center of the image as a function of image width. For this particular emulsion- developer combination, the maximum density is reached for slit images about 0.1 mm in width. Narrower images show a reduced density that could be explained as a loss of exposure for very small images, caused by the scattering of light away from the image with no compensating scattering of light within the image, as is the case for large images. When two small images, such as those formed by double stars or double emission lines, lie close together, another form of developer inhibition, known as the "Kostinsky effect," takes place. In the region between the two images, the developer is exhausted and the reaction products accumulate to a much greater extent than at other points around the image. As a result, development is inhibited where the images nearly touch, but proceeds normally elsewhere. The result of this asymmetrical inhibition is a warped shape that gives incorrectly large values for the separation of the two images. It has been noted that during development certain developers, notably pyro, have a tanning action on gelatin that causes a slight shrinkage of images in drying. This is termed the "gelatin effect." An exposure phenomenon called the "turbidity effect" also affects two small, close-lying images. During exposure, the latent image gradient surrounding an image may overlap that of a nearby image and combine with it to yield a developable image. Thus, the two images seem to be pulled towards each other, and measurements of the distance between them will usually be smaller than the geometric distance. The above effects, plus several minor ones of specialized nature, involve the interaction of adjacent photographic images and have been collectively termed "adjacency effects." 14 It is not yet possible to predict which emulsions and developers will give large adjacency effects, and individual tests using one's own proc- essing technique are required to find which conditions give minimum adjacency effects. Vigorous agitation will always reduce the magnitude of the effects, but even continuous brush stroking will not eliminate the effects encountered with some emulsion-developer combinations. Under most conditions, the density changes will seldom exceed a few percent, and the image movements or apparent movements will rarely exceed 10 microns. PRECAUTIONS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PHOTOMETRY QUANTITATIVE spectrographic analysis is a form of photographic pho- tometry, for it is concerned with the measurement of the intensity of spectral lines on photographic plates and films. For precise work, there are many precautions which must be observed, and most of them are dependent on the various characteristics of materials which have been described in this booklet. It is important at the outset to realize that individual plates and films having the same name, of the same batch, or even in the same box, may differ in their properties. This means that for accurate quantitative analysis, each individual plate or film must carry a standard calibrating exposure. For precise work it cannot be assumed that the calibration of one plate or film of a batch will suffice for the whole batch. Ideally, the following precautions must be observed for the highest precision: Both calibrating and unknown exposures should preferably be nonintermittent. The exposures should be made simultaneously, or as nearly at the same time as possible. The size of the calibrating area should be the same as that of the area to be measured, in order to minimize errors caused by the Eberhard Effect. Where densities are to be matched, the corresponding exposure times should be equal in order to avoid error due to failure of the reciprocity law. The spectral com- position of the two exposures should be identical, i.e., the calibrating curve should be made at a wavelength equal to or as near as possible to that of the lines concerned. It is desirable to use areas on the plate or film lying immediately adjacent to each other in order to minimize errors arising from nonuniformity of response over the surface and non- uniformity of development. Development should be as uniform as possible over the surface of the material. The spectrographer who is concerned with accurate analysis, and who has not had much experience in photographic photometry, is advised to read the article by L. A. Jones listed in the bibliography. 15 CHOICE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL FOR PRELIMINARY surveys, a plate or film with low gamma and wide latitude is desired. Referring to Figure 1, page 4, the lower the gamma the greater the change in Log E for a small change in density, and therefore the wider the range of intensities that can be recorded, but the lower the precision of measurement. A plate and processing pro- cedure giving high gamma and fine grain is desirable in making pho- tometric measurements. The plates and films on the following pages have been selected from the available Kodak materials as the most suitable for spectrographic analysis. They cover wavelengths from the ultraviolet to nearly 900 mµ in the infrared. Processing THE MOST generally useful developer for plates and films for spectro- graphic analysis is Kodak Developer D-19 which gives the best contrast for a given effective speed. Recommended developing times and tem- peratures are given in the Data Sheets. Kodak Developer D-19 is avail- able in the convenient and economical prepared packages. Some method of agitation must be followed which permits uniform development and freedom from flow marks. Many types of automatic processing machines are in use in spectrographic work. Some of these produce excellent results, but it is recommended that periodic checks be made to make sure that difficulties are not encountered. The best method for processing plates to produce uniform results is to brush the plate slowly during development with a soft brush of greater width than the plate. Although this method is not practical for routine work, it is recommended where highest precision is required. After development, the plates or films should be immersed for at least 30 seconds in a stop bath, such as Kodak Stop Bath SB-5, before they are placed in the fixing solution. They should be fixed about 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer with Hardener) or 10 to 20 minutes in a suitable acid hardening fixing bath such as Kodak Fixing Bath F-5. Processing is completed by washing for 20 to 30 minutes in running water and then drying in a dust-free place. Any tendency for the forma- tion of drying marks can be minimized by treating the films or plates in diluted Kodak Photo-Flo Solution after washing, or by wiping the surfaces carefully with a damp Kodak Photo Chamois or soft viscose sponge. 16 Processing Formulas Kodak Developer D-19 Water, about 125 F (50 C) Kodak Elon Developing Agent Kodak Sodium Sulfite, desiccated Kodak Hydroquinone Kodak Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated Kodak Potassium Bromide Cold water to make Dissolve chemicals in the order given. Water *Kodak Acetic Acid, 28% **Kodak Sodium Sulfate, desiccated Water to make Kodak Stop Bath SB-5 Avoirdupois U. S. Liquid 16 ounces 30 grains 3 ounces 115 grains 1 oz. 380 grains 75 grains 32 ounces Water, about 125 F (50 C) Kodak Sodium Thiosulfate (Hypo) Kodak Sodium Sulfite, desiccated *Kodak Acetic Acid, 28% **Kodak Boric Acid, crystals Kodak Potassium Alum Cold water to make Avoirdupois U. S. Liquid 16 ounces 1 ounce 1½ ounces 32 ounces Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 Avoirdupois U. S. Liquid 20 ounces 8 • • *To make approximately 28% acetic acid from glacial acetic acid, dilute three parts of glacial acetic with eight parts of water. Metric **If crystalline Sodium Sulfate is preferred instead of the desiccated sulfate, use 3½ ounces per 32 ounces of solution (105 grams per liter) in the above formula. 500 2.0 grams 90.0 grams 8.0 grams Immerse the developed film or plate at least 30 seconds with agitation at 68 F (20 C). ounces CC 1/2 ounce 1½ ounces 1/4 ounce 1/2 ounce 32 ounces 52.5 grams 5.0 grams 1.0 liter Metric CC 500 32.0 cc 45.0 grams 1.0 liter Metric 600 CC 240.0 grams 15.0 grams 48.0 cc 7.5 grams 15.0 grams 1.0 liter *To make approximately 28% acetic from glacial acetic acid, dilute three parts of glacial acetic with eight parts of water. **Crystalline boric acid should be used as specified. Powdered boric acid dissolves only with great difficulty, and its use should be avoided. 17 Precautions in Handling Photographic Plates and Films THE PROPER handling of the photographic materials is an important. factor in the successful use of photographic methods. Photographic materials are perhaps one of the most sensitive products of modern industry and are affected by many agents besides light. All materials are very sensitive to pressure and abrasion. If emulsions are scratched or hit by falling objects, or if films are bent sharply, a dark or light (desensi- tized) mark will appear when the material is developed. Grease on the surface, even the small amount left by a fingerprint, may prevent de- velopment locally. When negative materials are being developed and before they are dried, they are particularly soft, and the slightest scratch usually goes through the emulsion. One of the common causes of light fog is stray white light or improper safelights in the darkroom. Fast panchromatic materials should be handled and developed in total darkness or by the very faint green light of a Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 3, with a lamp of low wattage. Fast orthochromatic materials can be handled under a deep red safelight, Wratten Series 2. Slow orthochromatic materials can be developed under the lighter red Series 1, and slow blue-sensitive ma- terials under the bright yellow-green Wratten Series OA. The safelight recommendations are given in the Data Sheets. A test can be made for the presence of stray light or other unsafe lighting by placing the film or plate concerned face up on the bench and covering part of it with black paper. The film or plate is left for a typical working time, then developed. If the shadow of the black paper can be seen, the lighting is not safe. The results of the test on one type of plate will not of course apply to another with different sensitizing. Another frequent cause of fog is the use of improper materials for processing equipment. In particular, tin, copper, brass, and galvanized. iron are to be avoided. Tanks, funnels, and other processing equipment made from these metals can cause serious fog troubles. The recommend- ed materials for processing tanks and developer storage are glass, hard rubber, stainless steel, Inconel, porcelain, enameled steel, or glazed earthenware. Improper condition of chemical solutions is also a frequent source of trouble. Contaminated or exhausted developer or hypo can produce serious stains. Clear spots and spots of increased density can be caused by air-borne chemical dust, grease spots, or certain medicated ointments, especially those containing mercury. 18 Storage of Photographic Materials THE CHANGES Which may occur in photographic materials with age are of a chemical nature and in general have high temperature coefficients. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that materials intended for scientific work be kept in a refrigerator at a temperature not above 40 to 50 F to reduce the magnitude of these changes. An electric refriger- ator in which the atmosphere is dry is recommended. Some materials, however, require even lower temperatures for safe storage. Kodak SWR Plates and Films, and the infrared-sensitive materials, must not be stored at room temperature. Deep freeze storage (0 to -10 F) is recommended strongly, particularly for long-term storage. If a deep freeze unit is not available, refrigerator storage (40 to 50 F) can be used for shorter periods of time. Also, the conditions encountered during shipment can seriously affect the characteristics, and special precautions are necessary to insure that they reach the user in good condition. Where practical, the shipment should be made by air ex- press to reduce as much as possible the time required in transit, and in warm weather the materials should be packed in dry ice to keep the temperature low. To avoid condensation of moisture on the cold surfaces, packages which have been removed from cold storage should be allowed to reach approximate room temperature before they are opened for use. Pack- ages of plates should be allowed at least four hours for warming up. Certain gases and vapors, such as turpentine fumes, coal gas, and hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, industrial gases, and exhaust from motors, may produce fog. Exposure to x-rays and gamma rays will also cause fog. Mercury vapor may fog or desensitize, although under cer- tain conditions it often gives temporary hypersensitization. Packages should not be opened until the materials are to be used. Exposed films or plates must not be resealed unless they are first dried out by means of a desiccating agent. In general, the oldest materials, according to the expiration date on each package, should be used first. 19 Data-ULTRAVIOLET-SENSITIVE PLATES AND FILMS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC work in the far ultraviolet region of the spectrum, the increasing absorption of gelatin and silver halide at wavelengths shorter than 250 mu restricts the exposure more and more to the surface layer of the emulsion. At very short wavelengths this reduces the photographic response to a useless value. This limita- tion can be avoided either by coating the emulsion surface with a fluorescent ma- terial to transform the ultraviolet radiation to longer wavelengths, which can pene- trate the gelatin and expose the emulsion, or by making use of emulsions with ex- tremely low gelatin content. 22 1904 20 28 Figure 5 As a result of an investigation in the Kodak Research Laboratories on the fluor- escence of a large number of organic substances, a material has been found which is particularly satisfactory for this application. When coated in a very thin layer on the plate surface, it fluoresces strongly under ultraviolet radiation and gives very good photographic images in the ultraviolet region. Any of the Kodak Spectroscopic Plates can be obtained coated with this material. Such plates are indicated by the term, "UV Sensitive," added after the usual number and letter designation for the emulsion type and sensitizing class, e.g., Type 103-F, UV Sensitive. It should be noted that, while the Types V, 548, and 649 emulsions can be supplied with this sensitizing, they then show no gain in resolving power over the much faster Type IV emulsion. (See page 36.) It is essential to remove the fluorescent material, before development, by washing the plate with either ethylene chloride or cyclohexane. When a spectrograph with a long quartz optical path is used, it should be borne in mind that much of the shorter ultraviolet light is absorbed in the system. The diminished intensity of the light which falls on the photographic plate then produces an image of decreased density. This effect is sometimes incorrectly thought to be the result of lack of sensitivity of the photographic plate. In making Figure 5, a Kodak Spectroscopic Plate, Type 103-0, U.V. Sensitive was used. It was exposed to the iron arc in a series of increasing steps to give the spectrograms second, fourth, sixth, etc., from the top. The ultraviolet sensitizer was then washed off the plate with ethylene chloride, and a further series of equal ex- posures made in the intermediate positions, giving the first, third, fifth, etc., spectra from the top. Each pair of spectra thus represents equal exposures on a nonsensitized and an ultraviolet sensitized plate. General Properties: The ultraviolet sensitizing coated on these plates gives higher sensitivity to the region of the spectrum below 250 mμ. Spectroscopic 103-0 U.V. A high speed plate with fine granularity and medium contrast. Kodak Spectrum Analysis No. 1 U.V.: A plate for use especially in the metal- lurgical industries, with contrast higher than the usual process plate, low back- ground density, adequate sensitivity, and suitable for rapid processing. Kodak Spectrum Analysis No. 2 U.V.: A plate with higher speed, lower con- trast and coarser granularity than Spectrum Analysis No. 1 but with more uni- form contrast. Specific Application: Especially useful in the region of the spectrum below 250 mμ. Recommended Development: The ultraviolet sensitizer must be removed before development by washing the plate for one minute with agitation in either cyclo- hexane or ethylene chloride. Develop in Kodak Developer D-19, with continuous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: Spectrum Analysis No. 1 UV Sensitive Spectrum Analysis No. 2 UV Sensitive. Spectroscopic, Type 103-0 UV Sensitive. Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 68 F (20 C). Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 1 (red). Sizes Available: 5 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes Spectrum Analysis No. 1 UV Sensitive). Spectrum Analysis No. 2 UV Sensitive Spectroscopic, Type 103-0 UV Sensitive-see page 29 2 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 111½ inches 2 21 KODAK SWR PLATES AND FILM (Short Wave Radiation) VICTOR SCHUMann described in 1893 the preparation of plates with extremely low gelatin content. Recently the Kodak Research Laboratories found methods of manufacturing emulsions with a ratio of speed to graininess more favorable than any previously achieved with the Schumann type of emulsion. These can be sup- plied as Kodak SWR (Short Wave Radiation) Plates. Lines down to 7.5 mµ have been recorded on Kodak SWR Plates and Film and it is believed that there is good sensitivity at even shorter wavelengths. A comparison of the characteristics of the Kodak SWR Film with those of the Kodak Spectroscopic Plate, Type 103-0, UV-Sensitive, is shown in the charts. It is seen that Kodak SWR emulsions offer marked advantages in speed and contrast in the region below about 150 mu. Also, the grain size of these emulsions is smaller. These emulsions have very low background density (about 0.1 or less) but, like all emulsions of low gelatin content, are highly sensitive to abrasion. Since the gel- atin content in these emulsions is very low, chemical contamination of the silver halide grains is a greater hazard than with other photographic materials. Thus it is essential that all SWR materials be stored at a low temperature (40 F) and that processing solutions be completely free from contaminants. Particular care should be taken to avoid traces of hypo in the developer solution. Specific Application: Especially useful in the region of the spectrum below 250 mu. Recommended Development: 4 minutes in Kodak Developer D-19 (1:1) at 68 F. Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse 2 or 3 minutes in running water. Fix for twice the time to clear in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 at 68 F. Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 1. Sizes Available: Kodak SWR Plates-114 x 10, 2 x 7, and 2 x 10 inches Kodak SWR Film-35mm x 251½ feet, unperforated, darkroom loading DENSITY 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 SWR FILM D 0.2 103-0, U.V. PLATES λ = 75.8 mμ Development: Kodak Developer D-19, diluted 1:1 4 minutes, 68°F 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 LOG RELATIVE EXPOSURE Density vs. Log Exposure at a single wave length. 22 AVERAGE GRADIENT 0.7 log relative exposure to produce densities 0.3 and 1.0/ RELATIVE SPEED energy to produce given density on 103-0, U.V. Plates energy to produce same density on SWR Film 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 50 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 50 DENSITY = 1.0 DENSITY = 0.3 100 103-0, U.V. Plates SWR FILM 100 Development: WAVE LENGTH (mμ) Average Gradient vs. Wave Length Kodak Developer D-19, diluted 1:1 4 minutes, 68°F 103-0, U.V. PLATES 150 150 WAVE LENGTH (mµ) Relative Speed vs. Wave Length 200 200 23 Data-VIOLET AND BLUE-SENSITIVE PLATES General Properties Spectroscopic 103-0: A high-speed plate with fine granularity and medium contrast. Kodak Spectrum Analysis No. 1: A plate for use especially in the metallurgical industries, with contrast higher than the usual process plate, low background density, adequate sensitivity, and suitable for rapid processing. GAMMA Kodak Spectrum Analysis No. 2: A plate with higher speed, lower contrast and coarser granularity than Spectrum Analysis No. 1 but with more uniform contrast from 240 to 440mμ. Spectral Sensitivity: Spectrum Analysis No. 1-240 to 440 mu. Spectrum analysis No. 2 and Type 103-0-240 to 500 mµ. 7.0 6.0 5.0 40 3.0 2.0 1.0 TIME-GAMMA CURVES No 1 Plate No 2 Plate 103-O Film LOG SENSITIVITY 2 4 6 10 8 DEVELOPMENT TIME (minutes) 2.0 1.0 0.0 Io 12 2.0 Exposed to Tungsten Light Developed in Kodak D.19 with Continuous Agitation at 68F 200 103-O Plate No 1 Plate No 2 Plate 300 CHARACTERISTIC CURVES 2.0 400 103-O Plate 500 WAVELENGTH Sensitometric Curves: These data, applying to average product and average processing, are presented to show the general speed and contrast relations. For quantitative work the materials should be calibrated, observing the precautions described on page 15. 4 600 min T.0 LOG EXPOSURE (mμ) 5 min Nol Plate 700 3 No 2 Plate 0.0 GED min 800 GED 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 DENSITY 24 Resolving Power: For an optical image contrast of 20:1 and the density for which the resolving power is a maximum. GRADIENT 103-0 Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Spectrum Analysis No. 2 Granularity: Microdensitometer tracings of region of density of 0.3. corpionshipitypine wwwww 103-0 3.6 Komandorum thainig frammans Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Spectrum Analysis No. 2 Gradient Wavelength†: The curves shown here should be regarded only as repre- sentative of the particular emulsion from which they were determined, and are not suitable for quantitative use. The material should be calibrated under the actual working conditions. 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 PLATES .8 4 220 260 300 Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Plate 340 380 WAVE LENGTH (mu) Spectrum Analysis No. 1. Spectrum Analysis No. 2. Spectroscopic, Type 103-0. RESOLVING POWER 4 60 lines/mm 130 lines/mm 55 lines/mm Spectroscopic 103-O Plate Spectrum Analysis No. 2 Plate Spectrum Analysis No. 1) Spectrum Analysis No. 2) Spectroscopic, Type 103-0-see page 29 †See page 6. Recommended Development: Develop in Kodak Developer D-19, with contin- uous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight:Kodak Safelight Filter. Wratten Series 1 (red). Sizes Available: 420 DDE 460 Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (18 to 21 C). 5 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes 2 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 1112 inches 25 Data-VIOLET AND BLUE-SENSITIVE FILMS General Properties Spectroscopic 103-0: A high speed film with fine granularity and medium contrast. Kodak Spectrum Analysis No. 1: A film for use especially in the metallurgical industries, with contrast higher than the usual process film, low background density, adequate sensitivity, and suitable for very rapid processing. Kodak Spectrum Analysis No. 2: A film with higher speed, lower contrast and coarser granularity than Spectrum Analysis No. 1 but with more uniform contrast from 240 to 440 mμ. Spectral Sensitivity: 240-500 mµ. 2.0 GAMMA 7.0 6.0 5.0 40 3.0 500 WAVELENGTH (mp) Sensitometric Curves: These data, applying to average product and average processing, are presented to show the general speed and contrast relations. For quantitative work the materials should be calibrated, observing the precautions described on page 15. 2.0 LOG SENSITIVITY 1.0 1.0 T.O 2.0 200 103-O Film TIME-GAMMA CURVES No 1 Film No 2 Film キ ​103-O Film 2 4 6 8 10 12 DEVELOPMENT TIME 300 No Film (minutes) 400 Exposed to Tungsten Light Developed in Kodak D-19 with Continuous Agitation at 68F No 2 Film 103-O Film 2.0 CHARACTERISTIC CURVES 600 4 min 700 5 min 5 T.O LOG EXPOSURE min GEO 0.0 800 No 2 Film No 1 Film GED 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 DENSITY 26 Resolving Power: For an optical image contrast of 20:1 and the density for which the resolving power is a maximum. 103-0 103-0 Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Spectrum Analysis No. 2 60 lines/mm 155 lines/mm 55 lines/mm Granularity: Microdensitometer tracings of region of density of 0.3. Mayorlige GRADIENT 3.6 Spectrum Analysis No. 2 Gradient Wavelength: The curves shown here should be regarded only as repre- sentative of the particular emulsion from which they were determined, and are not suitable for quantitative use. The material should be calibrated under the actual working conditions. 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 .8 FILM 4 220 showjuny Spectrum Analysis No. 1 260 Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Film 300 RESOLVING Power 340 380 WAVE LENGTH (mμ) Spectrum Analysis No. 1 Film. Spectrum Analysis No. 2 Film. Spectroscopic Film, Type 103-0. Spectroscopic 103-O Film Spectrum Analysis No. 2 Film 420 DOE 460 Recommended Development: Develop in Kodak Developer D-19, with con- tinuous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: 5 minutes 5 minutes 4 minutes Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (18 to 21 C). Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 1 (red). Sizes Available: Spectrum Analysis No. 1 and No. 2-35mm x 100 feet, perforated, darkroom loading or daylight loading. Spectroscopic Film, Type 103-0, see page 31 †See page 6. 27 Data-GREEN AND RED-SENSITIVE PLATES General Properties Spectroscopic 103-F: A high-speed plate with fine granularity and medium contrast. Spectroscopic III-F: A slow plate with high contrast and fine granularity. Spectral Sensitivity: 240-680 mµ. GAMMA 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 LOG SENSITIVITY 1.0 2.0 1.0 Το 2.0 400 TIME-GAMMA CURVES I-F Plate Sensitometric Curves: These data, applying to average product and average processing, are presented to show the general speed and contrast relations. For quantitative work the materials should be calibrated, observing the precautions described on page 15. 103-F Plate 2 4 6 8 10 12 450 DEVELOPMENT TIME 500 (minules) I-F 550 WAVELENGTH 2.0 103-F 103-F Exposed to Tungsten Light Developed in Kodak D-19 with Continuous Agitation at 6BF 600 (mµ) CHARACTERISTIC CURVES 103-F Plate 4 min 3 650 min III-F Plate T.O LOG EXPOSURE GEO 0.0 700 GEO 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 DENSITY 28 Resolving Power: For an optical image contrast of 20:1 and the density for which the resolving power is a maximum. PLATE 103-F III-F Granularity: Microdensitometer tracings of region of density of 0.3. RESOLVING Power 60 lines/mm 95 lines/mm 103-F III-F Recommended Development: Develop in Kodak Developer D-19 with contin- uous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: Type 103-F. Type III-F.. Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: 103-F-Total darkness required. 4 minutes 3 minutes Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (18 to 21 C). III-F-Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 3 (green) Sizes Available: Kodak Spectroscopic Plates, Types 103-F and III-F (also Type 103-O and Kodak High Resolution Plate), 1 x 3, 2 x 10, 314 x 414, 4 x 5, 4 x 10, 5 x 7, 8 x 10 inches, and 9 x 12 cm. 29 Data-GREEN AND RED-SENSITIVE FILMS General Properties Spectroscopic 103-F: A high-speed film with fine granularity and medium contrast. Spectroscopic III-F: A slow film with high contrast and fine granularity. Spectral Sensitivity: 240-680 mµ. GAMMA 7.0 6.0 50 4.0 3.0 2.0 LOG SENSITIVITY 10 2.0 1.0 0.0 Το 2.0 400 TIME-GAMMA CURVES Sensitometric Curves: These data, applying to average product and average processing, are presented to show the general speed and contrast relations. For quantitative work the materials should be calibrated, observing the precautions described on page 15. I-F Film. 450 103-F Film 500 2 4 6 8 10 12 (minutes) DEVELOPMENT TIME III-F 550 103-F WAVELENGTH 103-F 20 600 (τιμ) CHARACTERISTIC CURVES 3 Exposed to Tungsten Light Developed in Kodak D-19 with Continuous Agitation at 68F f III-F Film 103-F Film T.O LOG EXPOSURE min 650 min GED 0.0 700 GED 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 DENSITY 30 Resolving Power: For an optical image contrast of 20:1 and the density for which the resolving power is a maximum. FILM 103-F III-F Granularity: Microdensitometer tracings of region of density of 0.3. INVATAMANTAN миым III-F Type 103-F Type III-F. RESOLVING Power 103-F Recommended Development: Develop in Kodak Developer D-19, with contin- uous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: + 60 lines/mm 95 lines/mm Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: 103-F-Total darkness required. 4 minutes 3 minutes Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (18 to 21 C). III-F-Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 3 (green) Sizes Available: Kodak Spectroscopic Films, Types 103-O, 103-F, III-F, I-L, and IV-L Rolls-16mm x 100 ft, camera spool, perforated, (minimum order 2 rolls) 35mm x 100 ft, darkroom loading, perforated 35mm x 100 ft, daylight loading, perforated Sheets-Information as to available sizes and minimum ordering quantities will be supplied on request. 31 Data-INFRARED-SENSITIVE PLATES General Properties Spectroscopic I-L: A high-speed plate with medium contrast and a reasonable amount of granularity. Spectroscopic IV-L: A slow plate with high contrast and fine granularity. Spectral Sensitivity: 240-860 mµ. GAMMA 70 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 LOG SENSITIVITY 1.0 2.0 1.0 IV-L 0.0 ΤΟ 2.0 400 Sensitometric Curves: These data, applying to average product and average processing, are presented to show the general speed and contrast relations. For quantitative work the materials should be calibrated, observing the precautions described on page 15. TIME-GAMMA CURVES Plate I-L Plate 500 2 4 6 8 10 12 DEVELOPMENT TIME 600 (minutes) 700 WAVELENGTH I-L I-L 2.0 Exposed to Tungsten Light Developed in Kodak D-19 with Continuous Agitation at 68F 4 V-L CHARACTERISTIC CURVES I-L Plate min 800 (mµ) 900 GED IV.L Plate 20 A 1.0 0.0 2 min 1000 1.0 LOG EXPOSURE 3.0 GEO 1.0 DENSITY 32 Resolving Power: For an optical image contrast of 20:1 and the density for which the resolving power is a maximum. PLATE I-L IV-L 60 lines/mm 120 lines/mm Granularity: Microdensitometer tracings of region of density of 0.3. germakham/mu Her poetr RESOLVING Power I-L IV-L Recommended Development: Develop in Kodak Developer D-19, with contin- uous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: Type I-L Type IV-L. 4 minutes 2 minutes Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (18 to 21 C). Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: I-L-Total darkness required. IV-L-Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 7 Sizes Available: Kodak Spectroscopic Plates, Types I-L and IV-L, 2 x 10, 314 x 414, 4 x 5, 4 x 10, 5 x 7, 8 x 10 inches, and 9 x 12 cm. 33 Data-INFRARED-SENSITIVE FILMS General Properties Spectroscopic I-L: A high-speed film with medium contrast and a reasonable amount of granularity. Spectroscopic IV-L: A slow film with high contrast and fine granularity. Spectral Sensitivity: 240-860 mµ. GAMMA 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 LOG SENSITIVITY 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 I-L Film T.O 2.0 400 Sensitometric Curves: These data, applying to average product and average processing, are presented to show the general speed and contrast relations. For quantitative work the materials should be calibrated, observing the precautions described on page 15. TIME-GAMMA CURVES IV-L Film 2 4 6 8 10 DEVELOPMENT TIME 500 12 600 (minutes) I-L 700 WAVELENGTH I-L 2.0 IV.L Exposed to Tungsten Light Developed in Kodak D-19 with Continuous Agitation at 68F 800 (τιμ) CHARACTERISTIC CURVES 900 I-L Film 4 min 2 min GED T.O LOG EXPOSURE 1000 IV-L Film 0.0 GED 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 DENSITY 34 Resolving Power: For an optical image contrast of 20:1 and the density for which the resolving power is a maximum. FILM I-L IV-L RESOLVING POWER 60 lines/mm 120 lines/mm Granularity: Microdensitometer tracings of region of density of 0.3. You are per Type I-L. Type IV-L. www.ht/kv.m I-L IV-L Recommended Development: Develop in Kodak Developer D-19, with contin- uous agitation at 68 F (20 C), as follows: 4 minutes 2 minutes Rinsing and Fixing: Rinse for at least 30 seconds in Kodak Stop Bath SB-5. Fix in Kodak Fixing Bath F-5 10 to 20 minutes or in Kodak Rapid Liquid Fixer (with Hardener) 3 to 5 minutes at 65 to 70 F (18 to 20 C). Wash: Wash about 30 minutes in running water. Safelight: I-L-Total darkness required. IV-L Kodak Safelight Filter, Wratten Series 7. Sizes Available: See page 31. 35 KODAK SPECTROSCOPIC PLATES AND FILMS For use in scientific and technical research, the Eastman Kodak Company makes available a wide range of combinations of emulsion types and sensitizing classes as summarized below. * To avoid confusion, each of the various possible combinations is identified by a combination of a number and a letter. The number indicates the basic emulsion type and the properties related to it, such as relative sensitivity, contrast, and graininess, while the letter indicates the spectral sensitization. For example, the designation "Type I-G" indicates a Type I emulsion (high sensitivity, high contrast, coarse grain) sensitized to the green. Not all of the emulsion types can be supplied with all of the sensitizings. A sum- mary of the combinations available is given in the table. Emulsion types: Five emulsion types were introduced in 1933 under the numbers I, II, III, IV, and V. Since that date, Types 103, 103a, IIa, 548, and 649 have been added, and all the original types except III have been modified to some extent. At present, their gen- eral characteristics are as follows: Type I (visual). An emulsion of high sensitivity and high contrast. Type I (infrared). An emulsion of high sensitivity, high contrast, and slightly finer granularity than Type I (visual). Type 103. An emulsion with sensitivity approaching that of Type I emulsion, med- ium contrast, and granularity similar to that of Type II emulsion. Type 103a. An emulsion of slightly lower sensitivity than Type 103 to light of high intensity, but considerably more sensitive to light of low intensity than Type 103. Type 103a is recommended for exposure times longer than 2 to 5 minutes. Type II. An emulsion of high sensitivity and high contrast, with finer granularity than Type I (visual). Type IIa. An emulsion having considerably higher sensitivity than Type II for long exposures to light of low intensity. Granularity is similar to that of Type II emulsion. Available only with the O and J sensitizings. Type III. An emulsion of moderate sensitivity, high contrast, and low granularity. Type IV. An emulsion of lower sensitivity than Type III, high contrast, and low granularity. Type V. An emulsion of lower sensitivity than Type IV, very high contrast, and very low granularity. Type 548. An emulsion for use where very high resolving power and extremely low granularity are desired. This plate is normally supplied in Types O, G, GH, C, and F sensitization. The GH sensitization, which is now commercially available as the Kodak High Resolu- tion Plate, is recommended for general use since it has higher gradient and lower stain than the other sensitizations. Type 649. An emulsion with a resolving power higher than any known lens system can fully utilize. Available in Types O and GH sensitization. The Type GH is preferable because of the very low sensitivity of the Type O. *Complete information can be found in the booklet "Photographic Plates for Scientific and Tech- nical Use" on sale through Kodak Industrial Dealers. 36 Sensitizing Classes: The spectral regions covered by the various sensitizing classes are summarized in the following chart. The cross-hatched areas show the total spectral region over which there is useful sensitivity, while the black areas show the spectral region for which each class is especially valuable. CLASS SENSITIZING NO Z Q M L R K Z U F E C D T G H GH J о 300 O J 400 50 000 LIVES ON 500 600 103 a 103 103 a 103 WA 103a 103 103a 103 103a 103 103 a 103 103 a 103 103a 103 103a 103 103a 103 103 • • Emulsion and Sensitizing Combinations Available: Sensitizing Class Emulsion Types lla lla *Supplied as Kodak High Resolution Plate UNI lady 700 WAVELENGTH (mμ) I || || 800 11 11 11 11 || 900 • III ||| ||| ||| • • Spectral region for which class is especially valuable Total sensitivity 1000 IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 1100 V 548 V V V V V V V V V V V • 1200 • 548 548 • 548 • • 649 649 37 Instructions for Ordering Kodak Spectroscopic and Kodak Spectrum Analysis Plates and Films ORDERS for special plates and films for scientific work should be placed through the nearest Kodak Industrial Dealer. The order should state the quantity, size, and type of plates or films required, preferably in the nomenclature used in this booklet, e.g., “6 dozen 4 x 10-inch Kodak Spectroscopic Plates, Type III-F." If unusual circumstances should require that orders be sent to Rochester, the orders should be marked for the attention of the Industrial Photographic Sales Division. Delays will be avoided by indicating the dealer through whom the plates or films are to be shipped, since direct shipments are made only to Kodak dealers. When plates coated with the ultraviolet sensitizer are desired, the type of plate should be specified, followed by "UV Sensitive," e.g., "Type I-F, UV Sensitive.” Some emulsions can be treated specially for use in vacuum spectro- graphs and are labelled "VS"; for example, "Type 548-O VS” would signify such special treatment. All types of plates can be made specially to withstand the high proc- essing temperatures often encountered in tropical regions. Such plates are labelled "Trop." For example, "Type I-O Trop." Spectroscopic plates are normally supplied unbacked. However, with the exception of the 103-O and 103-F plates, they can be supplied with antihalation backing for a slight additional charge. Types 103-O and 103-F can be supplied backed on orders for a minimum of five cases. 38 Manufacturers of Spectrographic Equipment INFORMATION Concerning spectrographs and spectrographic analysis can usually be obtained from the manufacturers of the equipment such as: BAIRD ASSOCIATES 33 University Road Cambridge 38, Massachusetts RAY CONTROL COMPANY 975 East Green Street Pasadena 1, California THE GAERTNER SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION 1201 Wrightwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL COMPANY Rochester, New York NATIONAL SPECTROGRAPHIC LABORATORIES, INC. 6300 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio JARRELL-ASH COMPANY 26 Farwell St. Newtonville 60, Massachusetts (Also distributors for Adam Hilger, Ltd., Lon- don, England) CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 1700 Irving Park Road Chicago 13, Illinois. APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES 4336 San Fernando Road Glendale, California LEEDS & NORTHRUP COMPANY 4907 Stenton Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania FRED C. HENSON CO. 3311 East Colorado Street Pasadena, California GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Schenectady, New York 39 References Eastman Kodak Company. Kodak Photographic Plates for Scientific and Technical Use. 7th ed. Eastman Kodak Company, 1953. Jones, L. A. Measurements of Radiant Energy with Photographic Materials. Forsythe, W. E. Measurement of Radiant Energy. Chapter VIII, pp. 246-282. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. Mees, C. E. Kenneth. The Theory of the Photographic Process. 2nd ed. Macmillan, 1954. James, T. H., and Higgins, G. C. Fundamentals of Photographic Theory. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1948. Meggers, William F., and Scribner, Bourdon F. Index to the Literature of Spectrochemical Analysis 1920-1939. 2nd ed. American Society for Testing Materials, 1941. Brode, Wallace B. Chemical Spectroscopy. 2nd ed. Wiley, 1943. Harrison, Lord, and Loofbourow, Practical Spectroscopy. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1948. Sawyer, Ralph A. Experimental Spectroscopy. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1944. Twyman, F. The Spectrochemical Analysis of Metals and Alloys. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., 1941. Harrison, G. R. Wavelength Tables. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1939. Barnes, R. B., and others. Infrared Spectroscopy-Industrial Applications and Bibliography. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1944. Pearse, R. W. B., and Gaydon, A. G. The Identification of Molecular Spectra. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1941. 40 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06565 5097 Kodak Handbooks and Photographic Notebook THERE are six main reference books on Kodak products, processes, and tech- niques: the Kodak Reference Handbook (in two volumes), the Kodak Color Handbook, the Kodak Professional Handbook, the Kodak Graphic Arts Handbook, and the Kodak Industrial Handbook. Each contains a wealth of photographic information arranged for quick reference. These handbooks can be supplemented by one or more Kodak Photographic Notebooks, units designed for filing conveniently one's personal collection of photographic notes and literature (see below). Collectively, the five handbooks plus your notebooks form the basis for a reference library of elementary, ad- vanced, or professional information suited to your needs. The handbook-notebook format consists of a Mult-O Ring binder which accommodates publications 534 by 8½ inches. All Kodak publications intended for insertion in one of these binders are supplied already punched. Each handbook and notebook contains a registration card. Those who fill out and forward one of these cards are placed on a mailing list to receive periodic notification of appropriate new or revised Kodak Data Books and other Kodak publications. The handbooks can thus be kept up to date. Kodak Reference Handbooks: Practical information on black-and-white photog- raphy in Data Book form bound in a deluxe two-volume set. Volume 1 covers: Flash Technique; Kodak Lenses, Shutters and Portra Lenses; Kodak Films; and Filters. Volume 2 covers: Enlarging; Kodak Papers; Processing, Chemicals and Formulas; and Copying. Kodak Color Handbook: Devoted to color photography of professional caliber. Consists of four Kodak Color Data Books which provide complete, authorita- tive information on taking still pictures in color with Kodak materials. Four unmarked separators allow for the inclusion of other booklets, pamphlets, or notes. 248 pp. Over 100 full-color illustrations. Kodak Professional Handbook: A manual of the professional's craft. Includes four Kodak Professional Data Books. In addition, there are 20 selected sample prints on Kodak papers, together with information on how the subjects wer hted. ets, I imarked separators allow for the inclusion of other booklets, p. cs. 272 pp. Illustrated. C Kodak Industrial Handbook: Designed to fill the urgent need for practical infor- mat: (. about Kodak materials, processes, and techniques as tools in . 'ustry. .. of four Kodak Industrial Data Books, plus four unmarked sepa Fors to or the inclusion of other booklets. 216 pp. ¿ otnt par เ Kudak Graphic Arts Handbook: Devoted exclusively to the photographic aspects of t¹ aphic arts. This handbook, including three Kodak Graphic Arts Data us four extra separators, was designed to furnish up-to-date in raphic arts craftsman so that he might translate technical d results. About 224 pp. Illustrated. B tion to nto I K ( otographic Notebook: A Mult-O Ring binder to aid in keepin otographic notes, Kodak equipment manuals, special Data B · pplementary literature. Each notebook contains a supply of 1 nd tabbed separator pages for index purposes. der ind ok • The Eastman Kodak Company manufactures a great variety of ma- terials for applications of photography in science, business and industry. KODAK PRODUCTS FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL USES Reproduction Materials-the Kodagraph family of sensitized materials for the reproduction of all types of drawings, documents, and records. - Autopositive, Contact, and Projection Papers, and Autopositive Film. Microfilming the Kodagraph Micro-File equipment-film units, enlarger, and readers-for recording, enlarging, and reading documents and records on either 16mm or 35mm Micro-File Film. On-the-Spot Copies-the Verifax printer, operating in full room light, copies letters, charts, data-three copies from one matrix in a minute cost less than four cents per copy. Photorecording-the Linagraph family of special sensitized papers and films for oscillograph and other trace recordings. Spectrographic Analysis-special plates and films for industrial qualitative and quantitative analysis made on all types of spec- trographs. Photomicrography-special films and plates designed to meet the needs of industry for the photomicrographic investigation of the structure of metals and other materials. High-Speed Photography-the Kodak High Speed Camera- used throughout industry for trouble shooting and design guid- ance by slowing down mechanical motion or fluid flow for study. Simple in operation, it makes up to 3200 pictures a second for viewing with an ordinary 16mm projector. Scientific and Technical Research-Kodak Spectroscopic Plates and Films are available in a wide variety of emulsion types and spectral sensitivities. They are used in astronomy, nuclear physics, autoradiography, mass spectrometry, electron diffraction and many other applications. We invite inquiries about these products INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC DIVISION EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY KODAK PUBLICATION NO. P-10 • ROCHESTER 4, N. Y. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 10-54T-CH