SCIENCE LIBRARY QE A 57405 4 375 B28 POCKET EDITION. STORAGE MINERALS OF NEW ENGLAND. BARTLETT. ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CPLURIBUS UNUM SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE } 1 ! 1 [ QE 375- B28 POCKET EDITION. jj- GENERAL LIBRARY University of MICHIGAN MINERALS OF NEW OF NEW ENGLAND, WHERE AND HOW TO FIND THEM. CONTAINING A DESCRIPTION OF THE PRINCIPAL ORES OF GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, LEAD, TIN, ANTIMONY, &C. With simple methods for testing the same; also containing a brief description of the geological formation of ore veins; with directions for prospectors and miners. Frank BY FL. BARTLETT, Assayer for the State of Maine. PORTLAND, ME. : DRESSER, MCLELLAN & CO., 1877. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, by DRESSER, MOLELLAN & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 6-37 26 INDEX TO CONTENTS. Antimony, ores of,...... Arsenic, Apparatus, list (C Blowpipe, the use of, Coal,........ Copper, ores of,………….. Cobalt, ores of,. Feldspar, Gold, ores of,....... Graphite, ores of,……………….. Glossary, Hydraulic Cement,...... 34 31 41 40 38 24 32 39 16 36 43 39 Introduction,.... Iron, ores of,. Lead, (6 5 37 27 Mercury, ores of,.... 33 Mineral Veins,…………. 15 Mica,... Miscellaneous,.. Nickel, ores of,…………… 888 39 37 32 Rock Formations,.. 11 Rock Classification, 13 Silver, ores of,………………………. Tin, Zinc, (( .... 21 ♡ 22 23 35 29 INTRODUCTION. Since the discovery of the Newburyport silver mines in Massachusetts the mining fever seems to have tak- en possession of thousands of people in the New Eng- land states, some of whom are spending much time and money prospecting for the precious metals. As an example: three years ago but one mine was being operated in the State of Maine; at the present writ- ing no less than twelve are in operation, with pros- pects of many more starting. That all will be a suc- cess cannot be expected, most of them however are operated by men with plenty of capital who can well afford to spend part of their money in developments that cannot fail to be of direct interest to the State, either in circulating dormant money, and giving em- ployment to worthy people; or perhaps, by opening mines that may became valuable additions to the oth- er natural resources of the State. What I have said of Maine is equally true of the other New England States. Just here, perhaps, it will be proper to state 6 that in compiling these notes I disclaim any disposi- tion to create excitement, or increase that which al- ready exists; on the contrary I would seek rather to direct men's inquiries and investigations into proper channels, and save them from wasting their time and money in vain attempts to discover mineral wealth where there is none. I would particularly caution farmers and others of moderate means to refrain from investing their little capital in mining ventures that involve great risks; rather leave it to capitalists who can afford to lose their money in such adventures. That great mineral wealth lies hidden beneath the soil of the New England States cannot for an in- stant be doubted; the only question is, whether the products will ever compensate for the immense outlay of capital necessary in developing. Eminent geologists have indicated that valuable discoveries would be made, but are extremely cautious in holding forth great inducements for instigating search for them; in which they were doing perfect- ly right at that time, since not only money but skill and a thorough knowledge of mineralogy and metal- lurgy, combined with an extensive practical experience as well, was necessary for the profitable working a mine of any description. It is my purpose to point out and describe some of the metals that may occur in our States, as well as to speak of those that cannot be reasonably expected to occur, except in minute quantities; and to make this plain I shall be under 7 the necessity of using the plainest possible language, avoiding scientific and technical terms, which only confuse those not versed in the sciences. It will be my aim also to give some necessarily brief but sim- ple directions for detecting and testing such ores, when and where they occur, and methods of ascer- taining their value, etc. I cannot in this little work enter into any exhaustive or scientific treatise of the laws of metallurgy, neither shall I discuss any of those geological problems that have bothered the scientific world so long. To the unpracticed eye, the costly gem and the val- uable ore as it appears in its natural state, may seem but a bit of worthless rock, for they are so disguised by their surroundings that none but the expert is able to detect them. Again many of our valuable ores have nothing in appearance to distinguish them from any common rock. There is an ore of lead that re- sembles glauber salt; an ore of silver that has all the appearance of wax; an ore of mercury that looks like iron rust. On the other hand, many common miner- als, of no value, have a bright metallic lustre and are often taken for valuable ores by people who are ignor- ant in such matters, and the result has sometimes been disastrous to the discoverer, leading him into blind speculations and absorbing his time as well as his mon- ey. Iron and arsenical pyrites are amongst the most commonly mistaken ores for valuable ones. These are taken by the ignorant every day for metals of great 8 value. Such specimens are handed me almost every day for examination; sometimes by people of fine education otherwise, but whose mineralogical knowl- edge is sadly deficient. Hundreds of instances have come under my observation where men have searched long and labored hard, besides spending no inconsid- erable amount of hard earned money prospecting for gold and silver amongst rocks that could not possibly have contained those metals owing to the formation. Thus we see the necessity of some knowledge, at least of the simple minerals. A few sparkling scales of yellow mica, a few shining crystals of iron pyrites, or a specimen of arsenical iron, has often been the cause of a man's sudden flight into the supposed realms of immense wealth. While on the other hand others have calmly worked, yea, actually trodden up- on for years in their daily routine of labor what are now some of the finest mines in the country. Indeed some of the very best mines have been discovered accidently. Silver at Lake Superior was discovered by a fisherman who attempted to secure his boat to a pro- jecting ledge, he broke off a portion of the rock and lo! it was filled with strings of native silver. Gold was first discovered in New Hampshire in a stone wall. The silver mines of Mexico were discovered by a Monk who got lost in the mountains; being obliged to stay all night he made a fire, and in the morning he detected lumps of melted silver in the ashes. The Oneida in California was discovered by a hunter who ! 9 chased a rabbit into some large quartz croppings where he found rich specimens of gold. Mining he grown to be as legitimate as any other business.uccesses depending in a great measure on the same shrewd business tact and judiciousm an- agement as is required in any other business. Of course it is a rare thing to strike a "bonanza." The precious metals are fast locked up in the bowels of the earth, and God designed and desires us to use as much energy and labor as hard to gain a sustenance in min- ing as we would in any other enterprise. If gold and silver was easily obtained, in fact, if it could be picked up any where without trouble or expense, then it would lose all value. Everything is priced according to the facility of production. I sincerely hope this little manual will not be the cause of leading any one into any blind speculation or unprofitable mining project; but rather to promote the interest which already exists and put them on the right track; by the study of a few simple facts this end may be easily accomplished. The processes of mining, smelting and separating ores is now very perfect compared with those of twen- ty years ago; mines which then did not pay a cent are now worked at a good profit, consequently the trial and abandonment of many of the earlier mines cannot in all cases be taken as a type of what we may have, and should not discourage or deter any one from at- 1* 10 tempting the working of mines now. Hence there is no necessity of concealing the fact, (as was done in olden times,) that we are liable to find many good paying mines of gold, silver, copper and lead in the New England States. F. L. B., Portland, Me. 11 ROCK FORMATION. To the geologist the study of the formation of the rocks is intensely interesting, and it becomes after a time as easy for him to read the geological age, where it is well defined, as to read the printed pages of a book. Geologists assume that the earth was once a mass of melted matter, similar to lava, and that it acquired its present flattened spherical form through the medi- um of rotation, revolving in an atmosphere of intense cold. The tendency was to produce a crust on the surface; as soon as this became sufficiently thick for water to accumulate on it, the process of denudation commenced wearing away the higher parts and filling the lower valleys. At present the radiation of heat from the interior cannot be great although many sup- pose the interior now to be a mass of melted matter with a crust nearly one hundred miles in thickness. Be that as it may, we are certain of one fact—the temper- ature rapidly increases on going down into the interior of the earth. In the tin mines of Cornwall, England, at a depth of 2,500 feet the heat is so intense that the workmen suffer severely. There is also reason to be- lieve that the crust is not uniform in thickness since the temperature does not appear to be uniform in going 12 down in various localities; the average rate of increase in temperature is about one degree for every fifty feet. The original mass of the earth and igneous rocks are said to be unstratified; because they are not arranged in layers. On the other hand, rocks which have been formed by the deposition of the worn fragments of the original surface are said to be stratified, because they' are arranged in regular layers, like the peel of an on- ion. They have all been formed under water, either fresh or marine. Many of the layers or strata have been divided into thin plates called laminæ, cross seams are called faults. Clay, sand, gravel and lime are the original forins of the stratified rocks, which by heat and other agencies have been transposed respec- tively into slates, sandstones, conglomerates and lime- stones. Consequently the newer rocks are less com- pact than the older ones. For convenience geologists divide the rock forma- tions into Ages and Periods. Certain formations con- tain certain relics of plants and animals called Fossils, which could have been formed only under similar circumstances and at the same time, these fossils, as well as the rocks render the reading to the geologist comparatively easy. The strata composing a forma- tion was originally horizontal, but owing to the agency of heat and confined gases in the interior of the earth sections of these stratas have been tilted up at various angles, some of them forced even to stand on edge, or vertical. By examining the tilted strata the geologist 13 is enabled to read the formation from the oldest to the newest. Had there been no disturbance of the earth's crust, excavations would have been necessary in order to examine the layers, and all indications of metals and ores would have been buried deep beneath the surface. Many of the stratified rocks have undergone great changes since they were deposited, by the action of heat, water and chemical forces which, with different. degrees of intensity, have been converting many of the sedimentary rocks into crystalline masses, so that the original features of the formation have been entirely lost. This change is called metamorphism. The fol- lowing rocks have been changed by metamorphism from sedimentary :-quartz, clay slate, mica schist, tal- cose schist, steatite, hornblende, gneiss, limestone, and probably some of the granites. A large part of New England is made up of metamorphic rocks. The fol lowing gives a tabular view of the different formations, with the names of each, and also the rocks common to cach period: CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. SEDIMENTARY Rocks.-(Formed by the action of water.) Sandstones, conglomerates, shales and limestones. IGNEOUS ROCKS.-(Formed by the action of heat.) All kinds of trap rocks, greenstone, porphyry, amy- gdaloid and volcanic rocks. 14 METAMORPHIC Rocks.-(Altered by heat.) Granite, gneiss, mica schists, syenite, quartzite, marbles, talcose schists, and all kinds of slate rocks. ROCKS COMMON TO THE DIFFERENT AGES. Azoic.-(Without life.) Granites, schists, marbles, slates, serpentines and quartz. Ores.—Iron, gold, silver, lead, zinc, antimony, nickel, copper, tin, arsenic, sulphur and platinum. PALEOZOIC. Quartzite, all kinds of limestones, clay, shales, marl, millstone grit, salt, cement rocks, old red sandstone, chert and fossiliferous limestones and coal. Ores.-Gold, copper, zinc, tin, silver, antimony, lead, sulphur and iron. MESOZOIC. New red sandstone, freestone, red marl, salt springs, lithographic rocks, chalk and green sand. Ores.-Gold and quicksilver. CENOZOIC. Sand, clay, pebbles, lignites, burstones. After this age comes the glacial epoch, and the age of man. 15 MINERAL VEINS. Most good ore veins are found in the metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. They are parallel with and between regular layers of schist, trap, gneiss, slates, quartz rocks, and sometimes can be traced for miles on the surface running almost as perfect as a compass line. A Fissure vein is the best, but often it is difficult to ascertain whether a vein is a true fissure or a false one. A fissure vein is any lode that is well defined between two walls that are wholly or partly detached, and us- ually one side of the fissure vein is filled with a loose cement of red oxide of iron, pebbles, etc., or some- times it may be a soft shelly quartz, very porous. Often one side of the fissure will have a thin coating of clay or tale, very smooth and soft. It appears that the fissure vein in forming, or perhaps after forming, must have a vent or chimney, to carry off the escaping gases which has caused the appearance of this porous matter on one side as above referred to. After remov- ing the gangue rock and ore from a fissure vein the walls on one side, and sometimes both, will be found perfect, and often quite smooth and regular. The Hanging or Head wall is the one uppermost, the low- er one is called the Foot wall. The gangue rock of a fissure vein is usually quartz, and the ore generally improves in richness with the depth. In prospecting for ores it is often hard to discriminate between the true veins and the false ones, owing to the contortions and displacements of the surface rocks. 16 False veins are irregular in form and closely adhere to the wall rock. On sinking a shaft they will soon give out or lead into a true vein, since many of the false veins are only feeders or strings from the main vein. Traces of ores are often found in quartz and trap rocks, seeming to be little pockets with no appearance of a vein. It is of no use to mine such ore unless it be, perhaps, free gold, which sometimes occurs that way. GOLD. Gold occurs in the New England States quite abun- dantly, but is hardly ever concentrated sufficiently to pay for working. It occurs in nearly all the numer- ous beds of iron and copper pyrites throughout the New England States. These pyrites contain from a mere trace to $20 per ton, in gold, and this rarely ever in free state but combined most intimately with the pyrites, rendering. separation very difficult. Free gold is found in small quantities in Lisbon, New Hampshire, where it has been worked, and some thousands of dollars taken out. Free gold has also been discovered in other localities. of New Hampshire; also in Vermont. Free gold is found in some parts of Maine, but has never been worked to any extent. By far the largest quantity of 17 gold in the New England States exists in combination with the pyrites, and the problem now before those interested in mining is to discover some means of ex- tracting the gold profitably, and I have no doubt it will eventually be accomplished. Free gold is ex- tremely easy to separate from almost any other mate- rial; in fact quartz ore averaging $5 to the ton can be worked profitably; but where it occurs in combin- ation with the pyrites then it becomes one of the most difficult and refractory metals to separate that we are acquainted with. Owing to its great value compared with other metals, as well as its seductive and allur- ing appearance, gold mining becomes one of the most precarious and uncertain means of gaining a living com- pared with other classes of mines; neither is it a sin- gular fact that the finding of traces of gold should in- spire men with wild hopes of rich discoveries. But nevertheless it is true that traces of gold do exist in rocks of nearly all ages, in fact perhaps there is no other metal so liable to be discovered in minute quan- tities, and so widely distributed through all classes of rocks, both free and in combination with sulphurets, as gold; and yet it is only occasionally found in paying quantities. Native Gold in Veins is mostly found in the sub- crystalline strata or schistose rocks that contain quartz veins; especially talcose slate veins. It rarely ever occurs in quantity in granite, gneiss, mica or feldspathic rocks. It was formerly supposed that it existed only 18 in one peculiar variety of quartz, and that a hard, uncrystalline, opaque and nearly white class; but has now been found to occur in almost every variety of quartz under the sun. I have even seen it in perfectly transparent crystalline quartz from Georgia. Quartz veins intersecting slate frequently contain large quan- tities of gold, where the quartz and slate join; often- times rich "pockets" will be found even quite in the slate. Copper and iron pyrites and galena are usu- ally found in gold bearing veins. They frequently concentrate the gold, and finding traces of these ores have valuable significance. Sometimes gold occurs in such a minute state of division as to be quite undis- cernable by the naked eye. I have known ores to work as high as $200 per ton that not a particle of gold could be discovered in by the naked eye, or even with a powerful lens. TESTING FOR GOLD IN QUARTZ. There is no difficulty in distinguishing free gold in quartz or slate with the aid of a magnifying glass; there are only three other minerals liable to be mis- taken for it, those are iron and copper pyrites and yellow mica. Mica can be readily distinguished by testing with the point of a knife; it will readily split up into thin flakes. Free gold can be cut with a knife, while pyrites are extremely brittle and hard, break- ing under the hammer easily to a fine powder; upon wetting, gold retains its color, while pyrites appear 19 brighter. Gold has a peculiar yellowish red color that distinguishes it from all other metals. An expert never fails to discern gold when in presence of other minerals. TESTING FOR ALLUVIAL GOLD. Alluvial or "placer" gold, is gold that has at some former time been worn or washed from its parent rock down into the beds of streams or into valleys; owing to its great specific gravity it is always found at the lowest position on the bed rock, frequently covered with gravel and drift to a depth of twenty feet. It occurs in small rounded or flat grains of a dull red yel- low color. Strata, containing clay layers on a hard pan of gravel frequently contain gold; it should be looked for in gravel beds, clay beds, and anywhere in a low position where there appears to be plenty of water-worn quartz sand. Both the sand, gravel and clay should be washed for gold. Any shallow vessel like a basin or pan will serve to wash the material in; two or three handfulls are taken in the pan and shak- en and stirred with plenty of water which by a rock- ing motion is allowed to escape over the sides of the pan. This is continued until very little of the mate- rial is left on one side of the pan, which is then ex- amined with a lens for any grains of gold that may be present. In examining the beds of streams, gravel to be tested should be taken from the lowest position such as cavities and crevices in the rock bed. 20 TESTING PYRITES FOR GOLD. Strange as it may appear the much abused iron py- rites "Fools' gold," which is so abundant in the New England States contains by far the largest amount of gold in existence; and the means for the profitable re- moval of the gold from the associate metals is the problem for some fortunate man to solve. Millions of tons of these pyrites exist in the New England States representing a gold value by assay equal to more than ten times the amount of gold ever produced west of the rocky mountains. High grade pyrites are already being worked at a great profit, and I have every rea- son to believe that the day is not far distant when the low grade ores will be worked also. Gold can be easily detected in copper and iron pyr- ites by the following process :-Pound the mineral to be tested to a fine powder and dissolve a small quan- tity in nitric and muriatic acid in a porcelain or glass vessel, using three parts muriatic acid and one part nitric. When the effervesence ceases dilute with one part of water; allow it to settle, pour off and add a lit- tle solution of Bichloride of tin to the clear solution poured off; a dark brown coloration will take place if any gold was present, very dark if there is much gold, slight if there is only a trace. Full strength acids should be used. The ordinary tin liquor used for dying will answer for the test if the pure Bichlor- ide is not at hand. Any specimen of gold bearing rock can be tested by this process. 21 WORKING VALUE OF GOLD ORES. Free gold in quartz in ordinary localities can be worked at a profit on an assay value of $5.00 per ton. In good localities in the Eastern States with proper facilities for working, the total cost of mining, mill- ing and reducing free gold in quartz need not exceed $3.50 per ton. Pyrites, however, can rarely be worked profitably for less than $20.00 per ton, except- ing in cases where there are other metals that can be saved also, such as lead, copper, silver, etc. Gold washings are remunerative at 15 or 20 cents per pan in'good localities or even less, depending much on the amount of worthless dirt that must be handled before the pan gravel is reached. SILVER. Silver occurs native and alloyed, also combined with sulphur, selenium, arsenic, chlorine, bromine, etc. I am not aware that silver has ever been found in the New England States native, although it would not be surprising to find it in conjunction with the copper which occurs so freely with us and which is quite sim- ilar to copper in other countries that carries native sil- ver. It occurs in strings and masses interlaced amongst the copper ore, in both igneous and sedimentary rocks. The ores of silver are very numerous and nearly all 22 of them are double combinations with other ores. There is nothing in the appearance of silver bearing ores indicative of their true value. Some of the best ores are so common in appearance that they would be taken by any one, but an expert, for ores of no value. Silver Glance, (sulphuret of silver,) is a highly val- uable ore of silver; it rarely occurs in the Eastern States. When pure it contains 87 pr ct. of silver and readily yields a globule of pure silver before the blow- pipe. It is a dark, extremely heavy, and brittle ore. Its occurrence in the New England States is limited, our silver ores are generally found to be combinations, such as sulphuret of antimony and silver, sulphuret of copper, iron and silver, sulphuret of selenium, lead and silver, sulphuret of lead and silver, (argentiferous ga- lena,) or perhaps, all of the above combined, such as grey copper, which often contains all of the enumer- ated ores. Silver bearing ores are found in rocks of various ages, such as porphyritic, gneiss, trap, sand- stone, limestone and many schists. In our States sil- ver should be looked for in connection with ores of lead, antimony, zinc, copper and selenium. I also find that some of the arsenical ores are quite rich in silver. One specimen of selenite of lead and silver from the State of Maine, assayed $1,000 per ton. I find nearly all of the lead ores carry silver ranging from $15 to $260 per ton. Usually the dark coarse grained lead carries the larger per cent. of silver, although the ores. vary much in this respect. The silver ore at New- 23 buryport, Massachusetts, varies from a mere trace of silver in some specimens to $500 per ton. The ore from the Egemoggin silver mine at Sedgwick, Maine, is a mixture of lead, antimony, copper, iron, arsenic, zinc and sulphur nearly approaching grey copper, in composition, ores of this description must assay $40 and upwards to work profitably. In prospecting for silver bearing ores much atten- tion should be given to the vein, since comparatively worthless "feeders" and pockets are exceedingly num- erous. Care should be taken before operating exten- sively that a true fissure vein is found having good, substantial walls; it is not necessary that the vein should increase greatly in width, but rather that the ore concentrates and grows richer on going down, for it is a rule that narrow silver bearing veins are the most productive. When a vein widens greatly on sinking it generally is the case that some inferior ore is working into it, that greatly serves to diminish its value. As to the width of a vein that can be success- fully worked; one that is two inches wide in a fairly good locality and assaying $200 per ton will pay handsomely. TESTING SILVER ORES. There is no easy way of determining the amount of silver in complex ores, except by assay. Blow pipe tests will show the presence of silver in ores only when 24 it occurs in large quantities. In cases of doubt an assay should be made by an experienced assayer. COPPER. Copper is one of those ores that not only occur ex- tensively native, but united with, and is found in com- bination with nearly all the metals and acids. Some of its crystallizations are exceedingly beautiful, for in- stance, the purple and irridescent sulphurets; also, malachite, which in polishing exhibits a beautiful sur- face of various shades of green, purple and black col- ors. Copper has been known and worked for ages; it is mentioned in the bible more extensively than the other metals. The copper mines of Cornwall, Eng- land, have been worked beyond a time not known to the present population. Copper occurs abundantly in the New England States, mostly in combination with iron and sulphur. The ores are mostly found associ- ated with the older rocks of the globe, although some valuable ores are found in more recent formations; it is often stratified in clay and shales, having been dis- solved by the action of water from some vein and de- posited in the stratifications by evaporation. Schists, slates, quartz, and rarely granite, contain copper orc. In our State mica schist and quartz seems to be the favorite rock for copper veins. 25 NATIVE COPPER Occurs in strings and masses disimmated through the vein. It is not very plenty in the New England States. It is a curious fact that native copper does not pay to work, owing to the immense labor required to cut it from the adhering vein matter, blasting be- ing quite ineffectual to accomplish the removal of the copper from the rock. For this reason the low grade ores at Lake Superior are much more profitable to work; some are worked running as low as 24 pr ct. and pay large dividends at that. COPPER PYRITES.-(Sulphuret of iron and copper.) There exists in New England an almost inexhausti- ble quantity of copper ores of this description. It is estimated that Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, alone, contain copper in sufficient quantity to furnish the United States for the next thousand years with all that would be consumed. Of the copper mines in New England, the Vershire mines of Vermont have accomplished the greatest amount of work. They are down some 2,000 feet, working a force of from 500 to 600 men; at the bottom of the shaft is a vein of pure pyrites, 18 feet thick, which is worked a distance of 80 feet, and probably extends much farther. The ore averages 7 pr ct. In New Hampshire, the Gardiner range furnishes a copper belt 13 miles long. Mines have just been opened all along the range. The ore 2 26 is of good quality, assaying on the average 12 pr ct. of copper. The Blue Hill copper regions of Maine, now being opened promise rich developments. Copper pyrites, when pure, contain 33 per ct. of copper, but as it is generally obtained in the vein mat- ter it will run from 2 to 20 pr ct.; 12 being a good working pr ct. Besides the "pyrites," many other varieties of copper ore abound in our States, but not however to the same extent, Copper Glance, is a dark, lead gray colored ore, containing 77 pr ct. of copper when pure; it often occurs as fine crystals amongst pyrites, and frequently has a beautiful purple or blue color. Grey Copper, has been mentioued under the head of silver ores, it contains from 6 to 40 per cent of me tallic copper. Red Copper Ore, (Copper oxide,) occurs in deep red colored masses, or as a red powder in pockets and seams, contains 88 pr ct. of metal. Malachite, (Carbonate of Copper,) is not very plen- ty in our States. Sometimes occurs in the form of in- crustations of various colors, also in pockets and veins. Contain 70 pr ct. of copper. A common ore in the Western States. TESTING COPPER ORES. Under the blow pipe pure copper ores are easily reduced to a maleable button, but with low grade ores a button cannot be obtained, except by long 27 treatment. Most pyrites contain so much iron that the button obtained from them is attracted by the magnet. The best way for testing copper ores is by treat- ment with concentrated nitric acid; after finely pow- dering the ore, a small quantity is dissolved by the aid of heat in the acid, then dilute with one part of water, filter, or allow to stand until settled, to the solution add strong ammonia water until it smells strongly of the ammonia, after standing a short time a blue color will be apparent on the surface of the solution, very dark if much copper is present; light blue, if only traces are present. There will always be a precipitate of iron in the bottom of test glass, which can be disre- garded. If much copper is present, a knife blade will be coated with copper when dipped into the nitric acid solution. The value of copper ores is determined by the pr ct. of copper. Copper assaying dry, respective- ly 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 pr ct., are worth at the smelting works $14.00, $19.50, $26.00, $32.50 and $39.20 per ton. 20 pr ct. ores are worth $90.00 per ton. LEAD. Ores of lead occur abundantly in the New England States, but rarely or never native. It combines read- ily with sulphur, zinc, antimony, arsenic, etc. Galena, (Lead Sulphuret,) is by far the most com- 28 mon and useful ore of lead. It is found in rocks of nearly all the ages. Granite, limestone, sandstone, quartz, etc., in fact it can be looked for in almost any formation. The lead ores of the New England States are mostly combinations with other metals. Galena perfectly free from other ores is quite scarce in our states, it nearly always carries silver or some other metal. True galena occurs in dark metallic colored cubes often exquisitely perfect. It contains when pure from 75 to 85 pr ct. of lead, with from a mere trace of silver to often $200 per ton. Hence we find that galena as a lead ore has almost lost its identity in the New England States, owing to its combinations, which are usually of more value than the lead itself. As a profitable source of lead it is safe to assert that the lead ores of New England will never pay; but as an auxiliary to the concentration of other ores especially silver, it becomes at once extremely valuable. Lead ore is easily discovered as it crops out on the sur- face quite freely, but often only in the form of pock- ets or stringers that are of no value for this reason. They have been the cause of much speculation, and not a few people have found "pockets" of rich lead ore and were happy in the thought of a "rich strike,” until on prospecting, the bottom suddenly drops, and they wake up to the fact that they have only been working a "pocket," that will furnish but a few tons of ore. Great care should be taken in prospecting for lead ores; before expending money it should be the 29 first care to determine whether you have a true vein or only a pocket or stringer. True veins can always be traced for some distance on the surface and should show pretty distinctly. It is of no use to sink on stringers unless the parent lode be in close proximity. Besides the "sulphurets" there are many other ores of lead, but none of them occur in the New England States in any quantity. Testing. Lead ores can be easily reduced on char- coal before the blow pipe giving off sulphur fumes and finally yielding a bright malleable lead button. Zinc in combination with lead will be known by its darker waxy color. Copper, by its bright copper color and extreme hardness. Silver can only be detected by assay. Perfectly cubical lead rarely carries much sil- ver, the massive and laminated variety is the richest in that metal. Galena (not argentiferous,) of ordi- nary quality, is worth only about $25 or $30 per ton; when argentiferous it may run as high as $1,000 per ton. ZINC. Zinc occurs in combination with sulphur, silica, car- bonic acid and oxygen. Also found in combination with ores of lead, copper and silver. It occurs in rocks of all ages. It is a common metal in the New England States, being found in great abundance in 30 New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. Although not a particularly valuable ore of itself, yet the discovery of it often leads to the finding of other ores of much more value. It is a great surface ore and often over- lies other metaliferous deposits. ZINO BLENDE.-(Sulphuret of Zinc.) Sometimes called "Black Jack," by the miners, is the common ore of zinc. When pure it contains 66 pr ct. of zinc. It is found massive with a resinous lustre ranging in color from a reddish brown to a jet black. It sometimes crystallizes similar to the garnet, which much resembles zinc blende in color. The other more important ores of zinc are the Red ore, (Oxide of Zinc,) which is foliated like mica. Cal- amine, or silicate of zinc. The carbonate occurs usually with galena in lime formations. It can be dis- tinguished from the foregoing species by effervesc ing with acids. TESTING ZINO ORES. It is quite important to be able to test ores of zinc and distinguish them from others of more value. Its infusibility in charcoal before the blow pipe is one of its characteristic tests. With carbonate of soda it yields white fumes of the oxide. All the ores of zine dissolve easily in nitric acid, and it is precipitated by ammonia as a light green flocculent precipitate. 31 A zinc mine to be valuable must be extensive and well located, otherwise it will not pay. ARSENIC. Arsenic occurs commonly in the New England States, associated with ores of iron, copper, lead and antimony. ARSENICAL IRON.-(Mispickel.) Is very common in our states; it is often mistaken by the uninitiated for silver. It is extremely heavy and has a bright metallic lustre. It can be tested by heat- ing on charcoal, or even on a hot shovel when dense white fumes of arsenicous acid will be evolved, leav- ing a scoriæ of iron. These fumes must not be in- haled. Arsenic also combines with and is found in ores of copper, antimony and lead in our States, some- times, much to the detriment of these ores. Arsenic ores have no value here. 32 NICKEL. Although not found in the New England States to any great extent, there seems no reason why it may not be discovered, since it is one of those metals com- mon to formations similar to ours. Nickel has become a valuable metal, owing to the greatly extended uses made of it, and a good nickel mine would be a great addition to the mineral wealth of New England. It may be looked for in connection with ores of copper and iron. The percentage of nickel in its ores is never very high, hence there is no particular char- acteristic to distinguish its ores. Tests. Powder fine, and dissolve in strong nitric acid; an intense green color will prevail if nickel be present. COBALT. Cobalt is an associate of nickel, arsenic, and anti- mony. It occurs quite abundantly in our ores of copper aud arsenic. It is not especially valuable. Can be detected by giving before the blow pipe on charcoal a blue bead with borax. Its use in the arts and trades is limited. 33 MERCURY. Mercury occurs native, and alloyed with silver, also in combination with sulphur. Its ores are all vola- tile, excepting the ore containing silver. Native mer- cury is rare, and can scarcely be expected in any of the New England States. CINNABAR.(Sulphuret of Mercury.) Is the common ore of this metal; it is a dull red ore; when powdered partakes of a bright red color, and constitutes the vermillion of commerce. It somewhat resembles jasper, and some iron ores, but can always be detected by its greater weight. When pure, When pure, it con- tains 86 pr ct. of quicksilver. It occurs mostly in talcose and argillaceous shales and other stratified deposits. It is too volatile to be expected in the crys- talline or igneus rocks. I am not aware that it has ever been actually discovered in any of the New England States. It has been reported many times, but I have yet to see the first specimen. Many supposed samples of cinnabar brought me, have proved to be nothing but red oxide of iron or some variety of jasper. Tests. Cinnabar is completely volatile under the blow pipe. When powdered it presents a bright appearance. Heated with carbonate of soda metallic. mercury is produced. 2*** 34 : ANTIMONY. Antimony is seldom found native. It occurs com- bined with sulphur, lead, arsenic, and many other ores. Its occurrence in the New England States is rather limited; that is to say, as a workable ore by itself. The largest deposit is in Vanceboro, on the boundary line between Maine and New Brunswick. GREY ANTIMONY.-(Sulphuret of Antimony.) Is the most useful ore of antimony. It is a soft dark lead colored ore, crumbling easily to dust. It contains 73 pr ct. of antimony, when pure. It sometimes occurs in silver veins, and zinc and iron veins, associated with heavy spar or quartz. Testing antimony ores. The sulphuret fuses so easily that it need not be mistaken for any other ore. Small particles will melt in the flame of a candle. When in combination it is not so easy to detect; but usually before the blow pipe fumes can be driven off, that incrust the charcoal with a white powder; not quite so volatile as arsenic. It is quite valuable when obtained in large veins. 35 TIN. Notwithstanding that our rock formation is so favor- able to the production of tin ore, as yet, only traces of it have been found. It is very probable that like the tin mines of England, the ore lies very deeply buried which our shallow excavations have failed thus far to reach. CASSITERITE.-(Tin Oxide.) Is the most common ore of tin. It contains 78 pr ct. of tin. It occurs as a hard, heavy, massive ore, look- ing not unlike some of the iron ores, especially the magnetic variety for which it is often mistaken. Cas- siterite has been discovered in many places in the New England States, but not ever to my knowledge, in any quantity. It has been somewhat prospected, but not with any degree of success. Possibly the open- ing of the copper mines may lead to the discovery of tin, as certainly there is no reason why it may not occur with us. It should be looked for in the older rocks, especially in the vicinity of the copper mines. Good geologists have repeatedly intimated that tin ex- ists in the New England States. A tin mine would be very desirable, and it is to be hoped that one may yet be discovered. 36 GRAPHITE. Commonly called "black lead," it is not strictly speaking, either a metal or an ore; neither is it a chemical compound. It is a mixture of carbon about 90 to 96 pr ct. with the balance iron. It is called black lead, and many suppose it contains lead, or is a true lead ore; such is not a fact, but its value is none the less, however, as good graphite is worth eight or ten times as much as lead ore. It is used for making lead pencils, stove blacking, crucibles, polish, &c. It is quite infusible; crucibles made of it withstand a white heat; neither is it easily acted upon by acids or alkalies. It occurs quite abundantly in all the New England States, although no mines have been opened to any extent, except in a few localities; yet there is not a doubt but that it is very abundant in the gneiss, gran- ites, and many of the older rocks of our States. It is found rather in beds, like mica or granite, than in true veins. It can readily be detected by its property of marking on paper, and by its peculiar greasy feeling, when rubbed with the fingers. Graphite of fine quality should have a smooth even texture, when cut should exhibit a smooth, polished surface, compara- tively free from quartz. It is worth, according to quality, from $20.00 to $150.00 per ton. 37 MISCELLANEOUS. Iron, I have not mentioned, partly for the reason that I have not space, and partly because it does not pay for smelting in our States; owing to the greater facilities for producing iron in the Coal States, it can be manufactured there at a much less cost. Yet we have an abundance of good ores in all the New Eng- land States, stored up against the time when they may be needed. Many of our iron ores are frequently mis- taken for ores of the more precious metals, hence it will be necessary to give a brief description of some of the common ores. IRON PYRITES.-(Sulphuret of Iron.) Often called "Fools' Gold," is exceedingly common. throughout the New England States. It occurs in almost every conceivable form, and in all kinds of rocks, from the merest trace to immense beds; a glit- tering, crystallized, beautiful ore assuming colors from a nearly white to jet black, according to the amount of other ores or impurities that are mixed with it. It is often found in perfect cubical crystals. It has no value except for making copperas. It often carries considerable gold; and when it occurs in veins, other more valuable ores are frequently found underlying the pyrites. It is always found in connection with gold bearing ores, in fact, however worthless this ore may 38 be itself, it seems to perform the office of common carrier for many of the precious metals. THE MAGNETIC IRON ORE is another variety frequently taken for an ore of some more valuable metal. It occurs in black, shining masses, heavy, and extremely brittle, attracted by the magnet, and sometimes itself attractable. Testing Iron Ores. All of the ores of iron after heating on charcoal before the blow pipe are attracted by the magnet, and yield a black brittle button. COAL. Of the Eastern States, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts do not seem to be par- ticularly favored with coal measures. It is scarcely probable that any great amount of that article exists in those States, owing to the age of the formations which are mostly older than the age in which coal pre- dominates. Traces of coal will however be found mostly in fine narrow seams of no extent. Horn- blende is frequently taken for coal; numerous speci- mens have been shown me by parties who supposed it to be coal. One old farmer in the State of Maine, many years ago, started for Portland with a wagon load of hornblende, which he supposed was coal; stopping at a blacksmith's on his way, he was induced to try his coal in the forge fire; when lo! he beheld 39 his supposed coal stand the heat like a salamander. He immediately dumped the remainder of his "black diamonds" and returned home, to ponder upon the freaks of nature. A vessel loaded with coal was once wrecked on an island off the coast of Maine, and the coal was distri- buted along the shore. Years after "coal" was discov- ered there and a company at once formed with $5000 capital to work the same. Two or three tons only of sea-washed coal was the result of the enterprise. MICA, HYDRAULIC CEMENT AND FELDSPAR. I should like to speak of, as they are all valuable and are all found in the New England States, but space forbids. Hydraulic cement, especially is valuable; it is found in limestone regions, its value can only be de- termined by burning and trying its property of hard- ening under water. 40 HOW TO USE THE BLOW PIPE. Every prospector and amateur geologist should be provided with a good blowpipe and plenty of fine grained charcoal, cut into little squares, about 1 inch in thickness. An alcohol lamp will provide the heat. To examine an ore before the blowpipe, scoop a little cavity in the charcoal and place in it a minute frag- ment of the ore not larger than a grain of wheat, di- rect the flame, which is hottest near the apex of the cone, on to the ore and notice the action, whether fus- ible, volatile or infusible. After this it may be tried. with a little carbonate of soda and fused again, when sometimes a button will be obtained that could not be by simple heating. A little practice is necessary in order to do good work with the blow pipe. Much valuable information regarding the ores may be ob- tained by means of this little instrument when in the hands of an expert. In addition to the blow pipe a few cents' worth of acids and apparatus, together with a magnet, magnifying lens, and a little good sound common sense, a man can do good work, and save not a little time and money, as well as to promote his own pleasure and happiness. 41 THE PROSPECTOR'S OUTFIT. The following list of utensils and apparatus is not absolutely necessary, but is a great advantage to any one who has acquired a little skill in the use of such apparatus. The whole list will cost about $6.00, but part of it can be made up from almost any farmer's or mechanic's tool shop: One good sledge hammer, 2 or 3 pounds. " steel wedge, 1 inch diameter, by 10 inches in length. "steel chisel, pointed like a drill, with a flat face, 10 inches long. "blow pipe, with plenty of well-burned pieces of charcoal. "alcohol lamp. "magnet, horseshoe shape. "small pocket compass. (C pair small steel or brass forceps. "pocket magnifying glass. A few test tubes, 6 inches long. A small glass stop bottle, each of nitric, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. 42 A small bottle of ammonia, also of chloride of tin and nitrate of cobalt. A small wide-mouth bottle each, of powdered borax, carbonate of soda and nitre. The whole can be conveniently carried in a small box or canvass bag. 43 GLOSSARY. Aluminum.-A metal found in clay. Amalgam.-A compound of mercury with other metals. Amygdaloid.—A variety of trap rock, containing nod- ules of quartz, feldspar, lime, etc. Apatite.-Phosphate of lime rock. Argillaceous.—Of a clayey nature. Asbestus.-A variety of mineral that will stand great heat. Asphaltum.-Hardened mineral pitch or tar. Auriferous.-Containing gold. Baryta.-Heavy spar, sulphate of barium. Basalt.-A heavy, hard, compact rock. Beryl.-Emerald. Bismuth.-A metal of tin white color. Black Jack.-Black sulphuret of zinc. Blende.-Any sulphuret of zinc. Borax.-Borate of sodium, useful for a flux. Breccia.-A conglomerate of pebbles, lime, sand, etc. 44 Buhrstone. A cellular quartz, very hard. Calamine.-A silicate of zinc. Calcareous.-Containing lime carbonate. Calcite.-Carbonate of lime. Chalcedony.-A variety of quartz. Chalk.-Deposited carbonate of lime. Chaleybeate.-Containing iron. Chlorite.-A dark green foliated mineral. Cinnabar.-Sulphuret of mercury. Clay Slate.-A fine grained variety of slate. Clinkstone.—A hard, gray blue rock, light and com- pact. Copperas.-Green vitriol, sulphate of iron. Dolerite.-A dark brown rock, heavy and tough. Dolomite.-A rock containing carbonates of lime and magnesia. Emery.-A fine variety of corundum, useful for pol- ishing. Feldspar.-A pearl colored mineral, common to granite. Flint.-Hard compact quartz. Fluor.-Fluoride of lime. Freestone.-A dark red sandstone, used for building purposes. Gangue.-The vein matter in which ores occur. 45 GENERAL LIBRARY University o MICHIGAN Gneiss.—Stratified granite, the feldspar, quartz an mica occur in layers. Gypsum.-Crystallized sulphate of lime. Haematite.-Red and brown ores of iron. Hornblende.—A tough mineral, occurring in granite rocks; colors, from gray to black. Iceland Spar.-Crystallized carbonate of lime. Igneous. Formed by the action of heat. Jasper.-A variety of red quartz. Kaolin.-White clay, used for pottery ware. Laminated.-Consisting of thin plates or layers. Manganese.-A mineral, extremely hard and of a gray or black color. Marble.-A variety of carbonate of lime. Marl.-A clay containing carbonate of lime. Mica.-Common name, Isinglass. Metalliferous.-Containing metals of some kind. Millstone Grit.-A sandstone containing gritty par- ticles of quartz. Ochre.-Earthy ores of iron, mostly oxides. Orpiment.-Yellow sulphuret of arsenic. Pocket.-A rich bunch of ore in a small space. Porphyry. A compact, many colored rock, consist- ing of feldspar and quartz. Uor M 46 Serpentine.-A green or red mineral, curiously veined or mattled. Shales.-Indurated talc or clay, splitting easily into plates. Steatite.-Soapstone, consisting mostly of talc. Talc.—A soft, soapy feeling material. Talcose Slate.-Slate containing talc. Trap.-An extremely hard and compact rock, dark colored and fine grained. Tripoli.-A white powder, consisting of finely divid- ed silica. Vermillion--Powdered or ground cinnabar. 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