QA 805 P315 1. ARTES LIBRARY 181 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN į EL ALUNIAUS UKUN TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM·AMINAM CIRCUMSPICE PROF. THE GIFT OF ALEXANDER ZIWET E 3 QA 805 •P915 Puchard 13 Howes to his Shot Friend Me ( in memoria beneficiorum acceptorin done didit) Nov 8th 1837 1 4 : : 3238 6.2 Mexander Ziwex 1 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, AND THEIR APPLICATION TO THE THEORY OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. BY JOHN HENRY PRATT, M.A. 1809-1871 FELLOW OF GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, AND OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. CAMBRIDGE; PRINTED BY JOHN W. PARKER, UNIVERSITY PRINTER. PUBLISHED BY J. & J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE; J. H. PARKER, OXFORD; MILLIKEN AND Co., DUBLIN; MACLACHLAN & STEWART, EDINBURGH; AND JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAŃD, LONDON. M.DCCC.XXXVI. Prof, Aley. Givet gt. 1-29-1923 $ 10-1-26.FW? PREFACE. A LEADING object that I have had in view in pre- paring the present Treatise has been to gather into one uniform system the principles of mechanical science, beginning with the most elementary and ascending to the most general. In attempting to accomplish this I have collected the fundamental principles into sepa- rate Chapters, and placed after them Chapters of ap- plication of these principles to the demonstration of others of a second class, and have then added collections of problems and, in some instances, hints to guide to their solution. An attachment, and that in most respects a laudable attachment, to the geometry of the Principia had, till of late years, led to the practice of retaining in our course of University reading some parts of that im- mortal work, rather for the beauty and elegance of its demonstrations, than for the importance of the theorems demonstrated. But this practice has been gradually sinking into disuse, a result which we owe to Professor Woodhouse's Physical Astronomy, to M. Poisson's Traité de Mécanique, which has been extensively used amongst us, and very largely to Mr Whewell's Treatises on Statics and Dynamics and Ɑ 416414 iv PREFACE. Mr Airy's Mathematical Tracts. But notwithstanding the great and happy changes thus brought about we still cling to the old methods, not as a whole, but just so far as to derange our system and give to it the ambiguous character of being neither strictly geometri- cal, nor strictly analytical. But I wish not to be misunderstood; I mean not to imply that geometry should be discarded and banished from our academical course of study; far from it; for the analyst will find his analysis of little benefit if he have not the power of gathering from his formulæ geometrical conceptions. Neither would I have it for a moment conceived, that I would in the least degree repudiate the profound veneration, which is so justly due even to the letter of of the Principia: my own admiration of the clearness and conciseness of its demonstrations rather induces me to invite others to participate of the pleasures they may enjoy from its attentive and diligent study. But this I desire, that we should pay more regard to system than we hitherto have done; if our course is to be geometrical let us adhere to geometry, if analytical to analysis; if we are to admit both (the preferable course) let us keep our systems well apart, and not have our course of reading confused, here analysis and there geometry. My own experience has impressed me also with the conviction, that many of our candidates for University honours are debarred the high enjoyment of penetrating into the sublimer investigations of Physical Astronomy from the want of some treatise that would lead them by PREFACE. V a clear and distinct path, and with an undivided at- tention, through the train of reasoning which leads from elementary mechanical principles to the demon- stration of celestial phenomena. Some, it is true, of our first rate students do attain this eminence; but might not this few be considerably augmented, if their path were well pointed out and disencumbered of many of the obstacles which lie in their way and impede their course? Let it not be imagined, however, that I send forth the present volume with the presumptuous con- fidence, that the want of a complete analytical system of mechanics is supplied by its appearance; though I will so far commit myself as to confess, that to sup- ply this want has been my earnest desire;—no, I would rather use the experience of a distinguished Author, whose name I have already used, who is a far better judge, in such a case, than myself, and say in his words, "a few years experience has a great tendency to diminish the confidence of producing what shall satisfy himself and others, with which a young author sets out and he learns that the vivid impression of fancied deficiencies and imperfections of preceding works which at first induced him to write, is a very insufficient warrant of his own skill and judgment." But yet my object has been unique; and it has not been till after much time and thought spent upon the subject, that I have ventured to lay my work before the public: how I have satisfied my own desire I leave to the candour of my readers to determine. vi PREFACE. In the first, second, and third Chapters of Statics will be found the principles of the composition and equilibrium of statical forces acting, first on a particle, then on a rigid body, and lastly on a system of bodies connected in any manner. From the conditions of equilibrium the principle of Virtual Velocities has been deduced. Afterwards this principle has been de- monstrated independently after the method of Lagrange, and from it are deduced the conditions of equilibrium. Then follow Chapters of application. The fourth Chapter is a collection of examples of finding the centre of gravity of bodies, being an application of the formulæ for the co-ordinates of the centre of parallel forces. In this Chapter I have aimed at explaining and illustrating integration between limits: see par- ticularly Examples 8, 13, 14, 19, 25, 26. The fifth Chapter contains the application of the principles to the six mechanical powers, and concludes with some notices of the laws of friction. The sixth Chapter is upon roofs, arches, and bridges, which form interesting applications of the principles of equilibrium. In this Chapter will be found some remarks upon the roofs of Trinity College Hall and Westminster Hall, the action of buttresses, and the stone vaulting of King's College Chapel, as well as notices of other noted edifices and structures. An example is given of the method of calculating the lengths and weights of the support- ing rods, chains, and road-way of suspension bridges, that the strain may in every part be proportional to the strength of the chain. Then follows a Chapter of statical problems, beginning with some general re- PREFACE. vii marks on their solution. And the treatise on Statics closes with a Chapter on Attractions. After calculating the attraction of spherical and spheroidal bodies of homogeneous mass I have proceeded to the more general investigation of the attraction of a body differ- ing but little from a sphere in form, with a view to the calculation of the Figure of the Earth in a future part of the work. This has led me to introduce Laplace's Coefficients, a subject unknown in University course, till introduced a few years since by Mr Murphy in his Treatise on Electricity. I have followed Laplace's course, and not the inverse method of Mr Murphy. The frequent occurrence of the equation our d² V dx² + d² V + d² V = 0 dve dy in physical investigations makes it highly desirable, that a knowledge of the profound analysis of Laplace should be made as familiar as possible to the higher class of students in the University. For this reason I have introduced, in as concise and at the same time as clear a manner as I was able, the principal properties of the Coefficients of that great analyst, breaking up and arranging the subject in the form of propositions. The treatise on Dynamics opens with a Chapter upon the fundamental principles of the motion of bodies, which I gather wholly from experiment and observation. After explaining the conventional method viii PREFACE. of measuring motion I proceed to an enquiry into the laws that regulate the motion of bodies when unin- fluenced by external causes: a variety of experiments and facts of ordinary occurrence point to the principle called the First Law of Motion. This leads to an explanation of the conventional method of measuring force dynamically. An investigation is then made into the laws which regulate the motion of bodies when acted on simultaneously by different causes, and this leads to the principle called the Second Law of Motion. This law enables us to introduce a method of referring the motion of a body to three rectangular axes. The ne- cessity is then shewn of obtaining a relation between the two arbitrarily assumed measures of force, viz. pressure, the statical, and velocity generated, the dynamical measure: this leads to the principle called the Third Law of Motion. The introductory Chapter of Dynamics concludes with the enunciation of a self-evident prin- ciple, analogous to that first introduced by D'Alembert, whereby we deduce the equations for calculating the motion of a system from the equations of equilibrium. This principle is, in fact, the interpretation of the Three Laws of Motion into analytical language. In explaining the means of estimating force I have aimed at giving a distinct idea of the nature of forces that require a finite time to develop their effects, and those which generate velocity in an indefinitely short time. The second Chapter is upon the motion of a single particle. In this I have entered fully into the pro- PREFACE. ix perties of central forces, and calculated the motion in various cases: and at the close of the Chapter Kepler's Laws are made use of to guide us to the dis- covery of the nature of the force acting on the planets; and we thus catch a first glimpse of the theory of gravitation: after shewing that there is sufficient ground to justify us in undertaking the task of cal- culating the consequences of this law, a large portion of the remainder of the work is devoted to that enquiry. In the third Chapter the motion of two particles attracting each other according to the law of gravitation is calculated. In the fourth the pertur- bations in this motion by the introduction of a third attracting body are explained upon the supposition that the disturbing body is very distant. This Chapter contains the Sixty-sixth Proposition of the First Book of the Principia and its corollaries and some Pro- positions of the Third Book put into an algebraical form this is a digression from the chain of exact reasoning which is the professed object of the work; but being in a separate Chapter the student, if he choose, may pass over this and proceed to the fifth Chapter, in which the distance, longitude, and latitude of the Moon are calculated to a second approximation upon the theory of gravity. The sixth Chapter con- tains the calculation of the perturbations of the planets. In the Lunar Theory the only part peculiar to this work is the way in which I have introduced the constants c and g, which give rise to the motion of the line of apsides and the line of nodes. In the Planetary Theory I have used M. Pontecoulant's X PREFACE. method of integrating the equations of motion of an undisturbed planet and then applied Lagrange's prin- ciple of the variation of parameters to calculate the variations of the elliptic elements. This Chapter closes with a demonstration of the Stability of the Planetary System, retaining the squares of the eccentricities and inclinations. The next is upon the motion of a particle on curves and surfaces and also on the oscillations and perturbations of pendulums. A col- lection of problems on the motion of bodies considered as particles follows. The next two Chapters contain the calculation of the motion of a rigid body acted on, first, by forces of finite intensity, and secondly, by instantaneous or impulsive forces. The subject of the first of these Chapters leads to the demonstration and calculation of the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Nutation of the Earth's Axis: the formulæ for these are pre- pared for numerical calculation; the reduction to numbers will be found at the close of the Chapter on the Figure of the Earth. After calculating the motion of a flexible body in the simple case of a vibrating cord, I close the treatise on Dynamics with the fifteenth and sixteenth Chapters, in which are developed the General Dynamical Principles of the Motion of a Material System, and their application to the solution of dynamical problems, of which a large collection is given. In the treatises on Hydrostatics and Hydrody- namics the general principles of those Sciences are PREFACE. xi developed, and applied to the determination of the Figure of the Earth upon the hypothesis of its mass having been at some former epoch in a semi-fluid state, the form of the atmospheres of the planets, the tides, and the effect of a resisting medium upon the elements of the planetary orbits. Lastly, a summary of the arguments in favour of the Theory of Universal Gravitation closes the Work. A reference to the Table of Contents will give a better view of the character of the Work than I have deemed it necessary to give in this place. The prevailing argument with me for using the old differential and integral notation is the excellence of Fourier's notation for definite integrals: I much prefer that to any other that I have seen, and this naturally led me back to the old form of differentials and integrals. In case any In case any of my readers are not acquainted with Fourier's notation I now give it, دام a uda represents the integral of the differential coefficient u, or of the differential uda, with respect to a taken between the limiting values a and b of x. In successive integration the order of arrangement of the integrals is the same as that of the differentials: thus [[ Paudw 0 Pdudo represents the double integral of P with respect to μ and w, the limits of being - 1 and 1, and the limits of w being 0 and 2 π. b 段 ​xii PREFACE. I repeat, that it is not with the expectation that I have fully succeeded in satisfying even my own de- sires that I present this volume to the students of the University, but with the earnest wish that it may be found useful and that my labours may not have been altogether spent in vain. Should any of my readers favour me with any suggestions of improvement I shall receive them with the greatest thankfulness. CAIUS COLLEGE, Nov. 26, 1836. ERRATA. J. H. P. PAGE LINE 20 11. ERROR. Q CORRECTION. R 65 6 from bottom y ม 166 last line } } + 169 6 from bottom R; 251 3 દ R., € 312 2 from bottom 488 3, 6 Σ.m Pdr 528 3 528 7 from bottom 562 18..... afford DIFINITIONS incomprehensible affords. Σ. Ρατ DEFINITIONS incompressible. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ARTICLE 1—10. INTRODUCTION and definitions, measure of force in Statics and Dynamics STATIC S. CHAPTER I. THE COMPOSITION AND EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES ACTING UPON A MATERIAL PARTICLE. 14. Resultant of forces acting in the same straight line PAGE 1 6 16, 17. Resultant of two forces acting not in the same straight line. Parallelogram of Forces 7 12 13 14 14 20. Resultant of three forces acting at right angles to each other 22. Resultant of any number of forces acting in any directions 23. Conditions of equilibrium of any number of forces 24. Principle of Virtual Velocities...... CHAPTER II. THE COMPOSITION AND EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES ACTING ON A RIGID BODY. 28. The transmission of force through a rigid body... 17 29. Resultant of two forces acting in the same plane but not on the same point 17 31. Moment of a force with respect to a point 19 32. Resultant of two parallel forces 19 35. Definition of a Couple 36. Resultant of any number of parallel forces ... 37, 38. Centre of parallel forces; centre of gravity 39. Moment of a force with respect to a plane 41-45. Properties of couples 20 21 223 23 xiv CONTENTS. ARTICLE 46. Resultant of couples in parallel planes 47. Resultant of two couples not in the same plane.... PAGE 24 • 25 26 . 27 48. Resultant of three couples acting at right angles to each other 50. Resultant of any number of forces acting in the same plane 58. Conditions of equilibrium of any number of forces acting in the same plane .... 54. Two resultants of any number of forces acting in any directions on a rigid body 56. The principal moment of the forces 58. The locus of the centres of the least principal moments 62. Condition when the forces have a single resultant 63, 64. Magnitude and direction of the single resultant 65. Six equations of equilibrium of a rigid body 67. One point of the body fixed ….. 68. Two points, or an axis, in the body fixed • 69. Conditions of equilibrium when a body rests on a plane CHAPTER III. 29 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 40 40 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF RIGID BODIES. 71. Conditions of equilibrium 42 72-77. Principle of Virtual Velocities 44 78. Centre of gravity highest or lowest 47 79. The equilibrium stable or unstable according as the centre of gravity is in its lowest or highest position 81. Lagrange's proof of Virtual Velocities 48 49 83. Conditions of equilibrium deduced from the principle of Virtual Velocities 51 CHAPTER IV. CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 86. Triangle, pyramid, and frustrum of pyramid. 87. Co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, and the calculation of them in various cases. Integration between limits explained and illus- trated 88, 89. Guldinus' Properties CHAPTER. V. FRICTION. MACHINES, AND 93. Equilibrium of the lever, pressure on the fulcrum 52 55 70 73 CONTENTS. XV ARTICLE 94. Three species of lever + 95, 96. The balance: requisites for a good balance 98. Graduation of the steel-yard. 99. Roberval's Balance 100. Wheel and Axle. 102. Toothed Wheels 105.-111. Pullies. White's Pully. 113. Inclined Plane. 114. Wedge. 116. Screw 118. Friction CHAPTER VI. ROOFS, ARCHES AND BRIDGES. PAGE 75 77 888 80 78 82 90 121. Tension of the tie-beam of a simple truss-roof 122. Explanation of the action of buttresses Roofs of Trinity College Hall and Westminster Hall 93 94 96 123. Equilibrium of a symmetrical roof of any number of beams 96 128. Conditions of equilibrium of an arch. 124. Arch, explanation of terms.... 126. The effect of friction in supporting an arch... 129. A form of arch that will bear any weight in any part. 99 100 101 103 130. Blackfriars Bridge...... 104 131. The Gothic Arch. St Dunstan's Church. St Dunstan's Church. Flying-buttresses. An arch built in a wall. 132. Equilibrium of a dome. St Paul's Cathedral. Steeples. Salisbury Cathedral. Stone roof of King's College Chapel.... 104 105 136-139. Common Catenary. Property of its centre of gravity. Tension. 108 140. Catenary of equal strength. Suspension Bridges.... 113 141. Formulæ reduced to Tables. Examples.. 116 CHAPTER VII. STATICAL PROBLEMS. 142–145. Remarks on the solution of statical problems... 146. Problems. Prob. 9, Roberval's Balance. Prob. 10, Application of Virtual Velocities. Prob. 11, stable and unstable equilibrium. Probs. 12, 13, 14, examples of friction...... CHAPTER VIII. ATTRACTIONS. 148, 149. Attraction of a spherical shell and sphere on an external part- icle, law of attraction being the inverse square 150. Ditto for an internal particle.... #4 120 122 137 139 xvi ARTICLE CONTENTS. 151, 152. Attraction of a spherical shell, law of attraction being any func- tion of the distance. Examples………….. PAGE 139 153, 154. The laws for which a shell attracts as if condensed into its centre. 141 155, 156. Attraction of an oblate spheroid of small ellipticity on a particle at its pole, and also another at its equator..... 143 157. Ditto for a prolate spheroid of small ellipticity……. 145 158. Attraction of a homogeneous oblate spheroid of any ellipticity on a particle in its mass.. 145 159. Attraction of a spheroidal shell on an internal particle.. 148 162. Formulæ for the attraction of an ellipsoid 149 163, 164. Attraction on an external particle. Ivory's Theorem.. 149 165. Attraction of a body on a very distant particle the same nearly as if condensed into its centre of gravity 153 167. Formulæ for the attraction of any heterogeneous mass.. 154 168. + 2 d² V df² d² V d² V + dg² d h² 0, or Απρί - according as the particle is external or internal 169. Transformation of the equation in V to polar co-ordinates 155 157 170, 171. Method of expanding Vin a series. Laplace's Coefficients...... 159 172. Calculation of V for a homogeneous sphere 173, 174. Attraction of a nearly spherical homogeneous body 2 176. A function of µ, √1–µ³ cos w, √1-µ³ sin w can be expanded in ω a series of Laplace's Coefficients, provided that the function do not become infinite between the values -1 and 1 of μ, and 0 and 2 of w 27 1 2 • 161 162 164 179. Expansion of r in the series a 1+ a Y₂+a Y₁+ a Y₂+ ......... 169 180. If Q; and R be two of Laplace's Coefficients, then if i and i' be different integers ₁₂ Q R dµ dw = 0. i' 2 T 181. A function of μ, √√√1-μ² cos w, 2 √1-μ³ cos w, √1-2 sin w can be expanded in only one series of Laplace's Coefficients.. 182. Values of V for an external and internal particle in terms of Yo, Y₁, Y₂, &c.... .. 169 171 172 183, 184. If a=the radius of the sphere of which the volume equals the volume of the attracting body, then Yo=0: also if the origin of r be placed at the centre of gravity of the mass, then Y₁ =0........... 173 185, 186. Attraction of a heterogeneous body consisting of thin strata nearly spherical, homogeneous in themselves, but differing from one another in density.. 174 CONTENTS. xvii ARTICLE DYNAMICS. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS. LAWS OF MOTION. 187. The measure of the position of a body in space... 188. Necessity of choosing units of measure PAGE 176 177 189–191. Means of measuring motion. Velocity, uniform and variable. 177 193–196. Motion of a body uninfluenced by external causes. First Law of Motion. Nature of the proof of the laws of motion. Inertia... 180 198–206. Dynamical measure of force. Accelerating force, impulsive and finite 207-210. Motion of a body moving under the combined influence of two or more causes. Second Law of Motion. The use of this law in referring the motion of a body to rectangular axes. Resolution of velocity... 211-225. The object of the Science of Dynamics. The necessity of discovering the relation between the statical and dynamical mea- sures of force. Experiments for obtaining this relation. Atwood's Machine. Moving force and Momentum. Experimental laws of the elasticity of bodies. Third Law of Motion. Origin of the term vis viva. Units of statical force and mass 226, 227. Interpretation of the Three Laws of Motion into a Principle whereby the calculation of the motion of a system is made to depend upon the conditions of equilibrium of forces CHAPTER II. THE MOTION OF A MATERIAL PARTICLE. 182 188 191 203 228-230. Equations of motion: determination of the arbitrary constants.. 205 231–236. Rectilinear motion, under the action of gravity, and central forces, and on a plane .. 237-239. Curvilinear motion under the action of gravity.. 240-245. Properties of central orbits ….. 246. Differential equation of central orbits 249–251. Orbit when the force varies as the distance.. 207 213 216 220 222 252. Orbit when the force varies as the inverse square of the distance: conditions of projection that it shall be an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola...... 253,254. The law of force found when the orbit is known. Force in the conic sections about the focus: in the ellipse about the centre. Force in a circle about the centre. Centrifugal force and centri- petal force defined... * • 226 228 xviii ARTICLE CONTENTS. 255. The centrifugal force of a particle moving in space equals the square of the velocity divided by the radius of absolute curva- ture, and acts in the osculating plane…… 256--263. Kepler's Laws, and their application to determine the nature of the force acting on the planets: first conception of the exist- ence of the Law of Universal Gravitation: the evidence in its favour sufficient to induce us to enter upon the calculation of its consequences..... PACE 230 232 CHAPTER III. MOTION OF TWO MATERIAL PARTICLES ATTRACTING EACH OTHER. 264. Motion of the centre of gravity, law of force the inverse square…………… 265, 266. The orbits the bodies describe about each other, and about their centre of gravity 238 240 267. The orbits about the centre of gravity are similar 241 268, 269. Remarks on the errors in Kepler's Laws.. 243 270. Method of determining the elements of an orbit from observation... 244 273. Time of motion in an elliptic orbit about the focus.. 274-280. Expansion of the eccentric, and true anomalies, and the distance 246 in terms of the mean anomaly.. 248 281. Time in a parabolic orbit about the focus... 251 282, 283. Place of a body in a parabolic orbit, and also in a very eccentric ellipse, at a given time 251 CHAPTER IV. EXPLANATION OF THE LUNAR PERTURBATIONS. 284-287. Introductory remarks.. 254 288. Principle of the superposition of small motions... 256 289–293. Brief history of lunar inequalities.... 257 294–298. Calculation of the disturbing forces and explanation of terms... 258 299–301. Effect on the periodic time of the Moon…….. 262 302. Effect on the velocity in the circular orbit. 263 303. Effect on the form of the circular orbit.. 264 304. The ratio of the axes of the oval orbit.. 265 305, 306. The velocity in the oval orbit. Moon's Variation 266 307. Instantaneous elliptic orbit…. 268 309. Effect of the mean central disturbing force on the line of apsides 270 311. Effect of the tangential force on the line of apsides...... 272 312-314. Effect of the disturbing forces on the eccentricity. 317. Effect on the inclination and line of nodes.... 274 278 • CONTENTS. ARTICLE 318-320. Calculation of the motion of the nodes, after Newton's method. xix PAGE Mean motion.... 279 321. Calculation of the inclination of the Moon's orbit, after Newton's method..... 283 CHAPTER V. LUNAR THEORY. 285 323. The equations of motion of a body attracted by other bodies.. 325, 326. Equations for calculating the distance of the Moon, and the incli- nation of the lunar orbit to the elliptic in terms of her longitude….. 289 327. Comparison of small quantities.... 292 328. Expansions of P, T, S to the third order... 293 329. Integration of the equations, first approximation.... 295 330. Reason why some terms must be calculated to the third order for the second approximation....... 296 331–333. Calculations for a second approximation……… 297 334, 335. Differential equations for second approximation: introduction g..... of the constants c and g. 336, 337. Integration of the equations, second approximation... 338. Distance of the Moon from the Earth..... 339. Longitude in terms of the time....... 341. Geometrical interpretation of the terms in the formulæ for the dist- ance and longitude of the Moon. Progression of the line of apsides. The Variation. The Evection. The Annual Equation. The Reduction...... 342. Geometrical interpretation of the terms in the formula for the in- clination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic. Regression of the line of nodes.. 305 299 302 303 304 308 343. Error in the calculated progression of the apsides... 309 345. Perturbations in the motion of a satellite are deducible from those of the Moon... 310 346. Notices of inequalities of the third and higher orders..... 310 347. The centre of gravity of the Earth and Moon nearly describes an ellipse about the Sun.. 311 348. Means of determining the mass of the Moon.... 314 CHAPTER VI. PLANETARY THEORY. 349. Comparison of the Lunar and Planetary Theories……. 350. Instantaneous ellipse, or ellipse of curvature. 315 315 • C XX CONTENTS. ARTICLE 352. Explanation of the process of integration.... 353. Integration of the equations for an undisturbed planet.. 354. Elements of the orbit in terms of the arbitrary constants 355-357. Integration of the equations for a disturbed planet... 358-362. Transformation of the differential coefficients of R.. 363-366. Variations of the elements.... PAGE 317 319 323 325 328 332 367. Method of expansion of R… 338 368–372. The form of the terms and the order of magnitude of the co- efficients in this expansion. The constant part of R……… 340 374. Effect of the terms of R (after the first) periodical.. 348 375. Some terms in R much increased by integration: Jupiter and Saturn, the Earth and Venus...... 349 350 377. Difference between periodic and secular variations.. 378. Equations for calculating the secular variations.. 379–383. Stability of the mean distances, and the mean motions: and of the eccentricities and inclinations. The fact that the planets re- volve about the Sun in the same direction ensures the Stability of the System... 384-389. Secular variations of the eccentricity, longitude of the peri- helion, inclination, and longitude of the node.. 391, 392. The masses and elements of the heavenly bodies.. 351 352 355 362 CHAPTER VII. MOTION OF A PARTICLE ON CURVES AND SURFACES. SIMPLE PENDULUM. 393. Motion on a plane curve, gravity acting... 394. Pressure on the curve..... 395. Motion on a cycloid: oscillations are isochronous... 396. Motion on a circular arc…….. 397-399. Pendulum: measuring of heights and depths.. 401. Oscillation of a pendulum in a cycloid.... 368 369 370 372 374 376 402. Table of the lengths of the seconds pendulum in various places....... 377 403-406. Perturbations of the motion of a pendulum. Examples. Pen- dulum escapements.. 378 408, 409. Motion on a spherical surface... 407. Velocity on a surface independent of the path.... 410. Pressure on a curve surface.. 411. Pressure when the particle moves in a bent tube.. 387 388 390 391 1 CONTENTS. xxi CHAPTER VIII. ARTICLE PAGE PROBLEMS ON THE MOTION OF BODIES CONSIDERED AS PARTICLES. 393 CHAPTER IX. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS. 412. Object of this Chapter stated... 415, 416. Formulæ for the transformation of co-ordinates. 398 399 417. There is one, and in general only one system of principal axes in a body... 400 418. To find the principal axes when one axis is known. Examples....... 402 419–421. Moment of Inertia: its property with respect to the centre of gravity. Radius of Gyration. Examples.... 422. Moment of inertia about any axis... 423-426. Properties of the principal moments of inertia… CHAPTER X. 403 406 407 MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ACTED ON BY FORCES OF FINITE INTENSITY. 427. General equations of motion... 410 428. The motion of the centre of gravity the same as if all the forces acted at that point....... 411 429. The motion of rotation the same as if the centre of gravity were fixed. 412 430. The use of these two principles.... 413 CHAPTER XI. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT A FIXED AXIS: FINITE FORCES. 431. The angular accelerating force..... 414 415 432. The time of a small oscillation, gravity. The Compound Pendulum. 415 433. The centres of oscillation and suspension are reciprocal... 434-436. The length of a seconds pendulum determined experimentally. Captain Kater's pendulum. The effect in shifting the sliding weight. The axes of support at the centres of oscillation may be knife edges with the edges passing through those points, or equal cylinders with the circumferences passing through the points of suspension and oscillation....... 416 438. Pressure on the fixed axis.. 421 439. The principal axes through the centre of gravity are permanent axes when no forces act.. 422 xxii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT A FIXED POINT: FINITE FORCES. ARTICLE PAGE 441. The linear velocities of a particle parallel to the axes in terms of the angular velocities about the axes. The Instantaneous Axis......... 424 442-445. The position of this axis in space, the angular velocity of the body about it, and its position with respect to the principal axes... 425 446. Equations for calculating the angular velocities about the principal axes. 427 447-449. The position of the body in space in terms of these angular velocities.. 429 450-456. Motion about a fixed point when no forces act.. 431 457, 458. Stability of the Earth's rotation..... 439 459. Equations for calculating the effect of the Sun and Moon on the rotatory motion of the Earth.... 441 460, 461. The length of the mean day is invariable... 443 462-465. The Precession of the Equinoxes and the Nutation of the Earth's Axis. The cause of these... 446 466. The inclination of the Earth's axis to the lunar orbit is nearly in- variable. The cause of Lunar Nutation is the regression of the Moon's line of nodes.... 467, 468. Calculation of Lunar Precession and Nutation……………. 450 452 469, 470. Solar and Lunar Precession, (calculated finally in Art. 551.)...... 454 CHAPTER XIII. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ACTED ON BY IMPULSIVE FORCES. 472. Object of this Chapter.. 456 473. General equations of motion..... 457 474. The motion of the centre of gravity the same as if the forces all acted at that point...... 458 475. The motion of rotation the same as if the centre of gravity were fixed. 459 477. Motion about a fixed axis... 460 • 478. Motion about a fixed point.. 460 479. The position of the Axis of Spontaneous Rotation... 480. The position of the Centre of Percussion.... 461 A 463 ..... CHAPTER XIV. THE MOTION OF A FLEXIBLE BODY. 482. Equations of motion of a vibrating cord.. 466 483, 484. Integration and interpretation of the equations...... 468 CONTENTS. xxiii CHAPTER XV. GENERAL DYNAMICAL PRINCIPLES. ARTICLE 486. Conservation of the motion of the centre of gravity, whether the forces be impulsive or of finite intensity……. 487, 488. Conservation of areas, whether the forces be impulsive or of finite intensity. Case in which this principle is true when the forces are not all internal.... 489-495. The Invariable Plane: also the plane of Greatest Moments. The action of the Comets on the Planetary System is insensible. Remarks upon the hypothesis of the change in the Earth's tem- perature, adopted by geologists. Effect of earthquakes, volcanic explosions, winds, friction and pressure of the Ocean, &c. on the position of the Earth's axis of rotation... PAGE 474 477 481 496-503. Principle of Vis Viva: and remarks. Conservation of vis viva. The vis viva of a system equals the vis viva owing to the motion. of translation + vis viva owing to rotation. Vis viva is lost or gained in a system by the action of internal impulsive forces according as they are of the nature of collision or explosion: a perfectly elastic system sustains no loss. The effect of the degra- dation of rocks, breakers on the sea-shore, volcanic explosions, &c. the descent of rivers, vapour and cloud in the form of rain, boul- ders and avalanches, evaporation, &c. on the length of the day.... 487 504. Principle of Least Action (or, of Stationary Action).. 493 506, 507. Professor Hamilton's Principle of Varying Action.. 495 508-511. The Laws of Small Oscillations: Co-existence of Small Vibra- tions; and the Superposition of Small Motions.. 499 CHAPTER XVI. PROBLEMS ON THE MOTION OF RIGID BODIES, AND ANY MATERIAL SYSTEM. 512. Observations on the solution of dynamical problems: applications of the general principles of Chap. xv. Prob. 7, Atwood's Machine. Probs. 20-22, examples of the action of friction. Probs. 23-25, pressure on a fixed axis. Probs, 32-37, impact of balls. Probs. 38-41, illustrations of the action of springs in removing shocks. Probs. 42-58, examples of the action of impulsive forces. Prob. 62, Robins' Ballistic Pendulum... 504 xxiv CONTENTS. HYDROSTATICS. CHAPTER I. ARTICLE 513, 514. Definitions. 515. Equable transmission of pressure….. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. PAGE 528 529 530 531 532 533 516. Pressure referred to a unit of surface.... 518. Pressure in the interior of a fluid……….. 519, 520. Conditions of equilibrium of a fluid mass.. 521. These conditions satisfied by central forces... 522, 523. Internal arrangement of a mass of fluid in equilibrium. Sur- faces et couches de niveau……….. 534 CHAPTER II. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 536 524. Previous remarks. 525-529. Spheroid the form of equilibrium of a homogeneous mass of fluid: ellipticity too small for the figure of the Earth. A limiting angular velocity beyond which the equilibrium is impossible……………... 537 530. The figure of a mass of fluid revolving about an axis through a centre of force varying inversely as the square of the distance... 531-535. Heterogeneous figure of the Earth. The equation for calcu- lating the form of the strata. Simplification of the equation. Sim- plification of the radius vector of the strata. The strata are all spheroidal, and increase in ellipticity from the centre to the surface 541 536. Equations for calculating the ellipticity.. 538-541. Clairaut's Theorem, Value of gravity. Length of the seconds pendulum. Length of a degree of latitude. An independent proof of the correctness of the approximation.. 540 549 551 • 543. Principal moments of inertia of the Earth... 554 545. Law of density of the strata found.. 556 546, 547. Calculation of the ellipticity.. 557 548. Moments of inertia calculated with this law.. 559 549. Determination of an unknown constant q in the formula for the density in the case of the Earth.. 560 550, 551. Numerical calculation of the ellipticity, and the Precession of the Equinoxes 561 552-556. Additional theorems.. 562 CONTENTS. XXV CHAPTER III. FORM OF EQUILIBRIUM OF THE OCEAN UNDER THE MOON'S ATTRACTION, AND THE FORM OF THE ATMOSPHERE. ARTICLE PAGE 557, 558. The form of the Ocean a prolate spheroid of small ellipticity; if we neglect the Earth's motion and ellipticity: remarks.... 559. Form of the atmosphere: only one form of equilibrium. Zodiacal Light does not arise from the Sun's atmosphere.... 567 570 HYDRODYNAMICS. CHAPTER I. EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 573 561. The transmission of pressure through a fluid in motion..... 562-565. Equations of motion: fluid incompressible: fluid compressible 574 566–568. The pressure at any point of a homogeneous incompressible fluid mass in motion when udx+vdy+wdz is a perfect differen- tial: if this be a perfect differential at any instant it is at every instant of the motion...... 578 569, 570. Equations for calculating the motion of an elastic fluid, the excursions of the molecules being very small, and no forces acting 579 CHAPTER II. TIDES AND STABILITY OF THE OCEAN. 572. The difficulty of the subject of the Tides requires some hypothesis to be made in addition to that of gravitation. Laplace's and Daniel Bernoulli's Theories.. 573–576. Calculation of the height of the tide on Bernoulli's hypothesis. Time of high tide at a given place. Establishment of the port. Comparison with observations. Tide at a port where the tidal wave arrives by two distinct routs: Interference of tides...... 577, 578. Transformation of the equations to polar co-ordinates.. 579, 580. Stability of the Ocean... 581 583 589 595 CHAPTER III. MOTION OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 581. Law of resistance 597 xxvi CONTENTS. ARTICLE 582. Effect of a resisting medium on a planet moving in an orbit nearly circular is to diminish the mean distance, increase the mean mo- tion, diminish the eccentricity, and to leave the position of the axis major unchanged. These effects not sensible in our plane- tary system; but may be so with the comets. be so with the comets. Method of calcu- lation for comets.... CONCLUSION. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 602. PAGE 598 . INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS. 1. THE uniformity which characterises the operations of nature leads us to conjecture that the phenomena of the mate- rial world are regulated by certain fixed laws. The never- ceasing alternation of light and darkness, the unvarying suc- cession of the Seasons, the periodical flux and reflux of the Ocean, the constant tendency of bodies downwards, and num- berless such like appearances, mutually strengthen the sus- picion that they are the necessary consequences of some universal principles with which matter has been endued by the Creator of the World. It is the object of Mechanical Philosophy to search out these Principles. But at the very outset we are overwhelmed with such a variety of causes, all in simultaneous action, that it becomes no easy task to disentangle the simple laws from the maze in which they are involved. The whole universe is in perpetual fluctuation, changes are incessantly taking place, and while we are occupying ourselves with the investigation of present appearances, the appear- ances themselves are in the act of transition from one state to another, and new phenomena press themselves upon our notice. It is only by a careful and attentive examination of the phenomena perpetually presenting themselves to our view, arranging them in groups, selecting, re-examining and re- arranging, that we are able to rise, by a process of induction. and generalisation from the mass of facts accumulated by ob- servation, to the laws from which they flow. Having once reached this summit, we descend, making these laws our guides, and follow out, by a deductive process, the phenomena which must naturally result from their operation. A comparison of A INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS. the calculated results with the phenomena observed determines, by their agreement or disagreement, whether the laws, to which our investigations have conducted us, are laws of nature or not. It is by a process of this nature that we are con- vinced of the truth of the Law of Universal Gravitation: and the chief object which we have in view in the present under- taking is to lead the student step by step up to this great Principle, and then shew him the real foundation on which we rest our belief of its truth by displaying its power of explain- ing accurately every astronomical phenomenon with which we are acquainted. 2. We give the name Matter to everything that affects our senses in any manner whatever. Bodies are portions of matter limited in every direction, and are consequently of a de- terminate form and volume. The Mass of a body is the quantity of matter of which it is composed. A material par- ticle is a body infinitely small in every dimension. 3. We may consider a body of finite dimensions to be an assemblage of an infinite number of material particles, and its mass to be the sum of all their infinitely small masses. The mass of a body is said to be homogeneous when the same quantity of matter is contained in equal volumes of the body. When this is not the case, the mass is said to be he- terogeneous. Bodies of different material have different quantities of matter comprised in the same volume. The term density is used to indicate the quantity of matter contained in a given volume of a mass, and serves to measure the quantities of matter in different bodies. The density of a homogeneous mass is measured by the quantity of matter in a unit of a vo- lume: when the mass is heterogeneous, the density at any point is measured by the quantity of matter of the same nature as that at the given point that would occupy a unit of volume. 4. A body is in motion when the body or its parts occupy successively different positions in space. But since space is infinite in extent and in every part identical, we cannot judge of the state of rest or motion of a body without comparing it with other bodies: and, for this reason, all mo- INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS. 3 tions which come under our observation are necessarily relative motions. All bodies are capable of motion; but experience shews us that matter will not move spontaneously. Also it is a matter of experiment, as it is indeed of ordinary experience, that when a body is passing from a state of rest to a state of motion, we can always attribute the change to the action of a foreign cause. 5. Any cause which produces or tends to produce motion in a body or to change its motion is termed Force. 6. MECHANICS is the Science which treats of the Laws of Rest and Motion of Bodies, whether Solid or Fluid. We divide this science into four branches. (1) STATICS, which treats of the laws of the equilibrium of solid bodies. (2) DYNAMICS, of the laws of motion of solid bodies. (3) HYDROSTATICS, of the laws of the equilibrium of fluid bodies, and (4) HYDRODYNAMICS, which treats of the laws of motion of fluid bodies. 7. In Statics force is estimated by the pressure it causes a body when at rest to exert against another with which it is in contact and is said to be estimated statically. In Dy- namics, however, the estimate used is the space through which the force causes a body to move in a given time, and the measure is said to be dynamical. We shall endeavour to make this more intelligible. 8. Let us begin with the consideration of the ordinary phenomenon of a falling body. Experience teaches us that if a body be let free from the hand, it will fall downwards in a certain determinate direction: however frequently the experiment be made, the result is the same, the body strikes the same spot on the ground in each trial, provided the place from which it is dropped remain the same. Now this un- deviating effect must be the result of some cause equally undeviating. The cause is assumed to be an affinity which 4 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS. all bodies have for the earth, and is termed the force of Attraction. It is found to prevail in all parts of the globe. The direction in which the body falls is called the vertical line of the place where the experiment is made: and a plane perpendicular to this is called the horizontal plane of the place. If the motion be prevented by interposing the hand, the body exerts a pressure, and it requires a muscular effort to keep the body from falling. In one case then the attraction of the Earth produces a pressure, in the other motion: now of these, viz., the pres- sure exerted by the body when at rest, and the space through which the body falls when in motion, either may be taken as a means of estimating the intensity of the force of attrac- tion at different places on the Earth, at different elevations above or depressions below its surface. 9. And the same may be said of any force: as another instance let us consider the force exerted by a constrained spring. If the force of the spring be estimated by the pres- sure it produces on a body holding it in its constrained posi- tion, the estimate is said to be statical. But if the force be estimated by the magnitude of the motion generated in a body which it causes to move, the estimate is dynamical. 10. Weight is the name given to the pressure which the attraction of the Earth causes a body to exert on another with which it is in contact. Since the gravitation of bodies downwards is unceasing, weight becomes a very useful means of estimating all statical forces. Thus the force of a con- strained spring, may be measured by the weight which will just hold the spring in its constrained position. The force of attraction of a magnet may be measured by the weight it will sustain; and so of other forces. STATIC S. CHAPTER I. THE COMPOSITION AND EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES ACTING UPON A MATERIAL PARTICLE. 11. WHEN a single force acts upon a particle, it is clear, from the meaning we attach to the term force, that the particle cannot be at rest. Experience shews us, however, that two forces may coun- teract each other's effects in producing motion. In such a case the forces, even though they originate from different causes, are said to be equal; since they are measured by their effects. Experience likewise shews us that three or more forces may be in equilibrium with each other, if their directions and magnitudes are properly adjusted. The object of the Science of Statics is to determine the relations which must exist among the forces, in magnitude, direction, and points of application, that they may produce equilibrium when acting on a body. 12. Now any given number of forces acting upon a par- ticle must either be in equilibrium, or else produce an effect on the particle which some single but unknown force would produce. For if the forces be not in equilibrium, the particle will begin to move in some determinate curve line immediately the particle is abandoned to the action of the forces. It is clear, then, that a single force may be found of such a mag- nitude, that if it act along the tangent at the commencement of 6 STATICS. the curve, and in a direction opposite to that in which the mo- tion would take place, this force would prevent the motion, and would consequently be in equilibrium with the other forces which act upon the particle. If, then, we were to remove the original forces, and replace them by a single force, equal in magnitude to that described above, but acting in an opposite direction, the particle would still remain at rest. This force, which is equivalent in its effect to the combined effect of the original forces, is called their resultant, and the original forces. are called the components of the resultant. 13. It will be necessary, then, to begin by deducing rules for the composition of forces; that is, for finding their resultant force. After we have determined these, it will be an easy matter to deduce the analytical relations which forces in equilibrium must satisfy, by equating the expression which gives the magnitude of their resultant to zero. PROP. To find the resultant of a given number of forces acting upon a particle in the same straight line: and to find the condition that they must satisfy, that they may be in equi- librium. 14. When two or more forces act on a particle in the same direction, it is evident that the resulting force is equal to their sum, and acts in the same direction. When two forces act in opposite directions on a particle, it is equally clear that their resultant force is equal to their difference, and acts in the direction of the greater component. When several forces act in different directions, but in the same straight line, on a particle, the resultant of the forces acting in one direction equals the sum of these forces, and acts in the same direction: and so of the forces acting in the op- posite direction. The resultant, therefore, of all the forces equals the difference of these sums, and acts in the direction of the greater. If the forces acting in one direction are reckoned positive, and those in the opposite direction negative, then their resultant equals their algebraical sum; its sign determining the direc- tion in which it acts. PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES. 7 15. In order that the forces may be in equilibrium, their resultant, and therefore their algebraical sum must equal zero. PROP. To find the resultant of two forces acting upon a particle not in the same straight line*. 16. Let P and Q represent the magnitudes of the two forces: A the particle (fig. 1.), AP, AQ the directions in which * The following proof of the Parallelogram of Forces given by M. Duchayla, is well worthy of attention for the simplicity of its demonstration. 1. To find the direction of the resultant of two forces acting upon a point. When the forces are equal, it is clear that the direction of the resultant will bisect the angle between the directions of the forces: or, if we represent the forces in mag- nitude and direction by two lines drawn from the point where they act, the diagonal of the parallelogram described on these lines will be the direction of the resultant. Let us assume that this is true for two unequal forces, p and m: and also for p and n. We can prove that it must then necessarily be true for two forces, p and m+n. Let A (fig. 2.) be the point on which the forces p and m act, AB, AC their directions and proportional to them in magnitude: complete the parallelogram BC, and draw the diagonal AD: then by hypothesis, the resultant of p and m acts along AD. Again, take CE in the same ratio to AC that n bears to m. Since it is an ex- perimental fact that the point of application of a force may be transferred to any point of its direction, without disturbing the equilibrium, so long as the two points of appli- cation are invariably connected, we may suppose the force n to act at A or C: and therefore the forces p, m and n, in the lines AB, AC, and CE are the same as p and m+n in the lines AB and AE. Now, replace p and m by their resultant, and transfer its point of application from A to D then resolve this force at D into two, parallel to AB and AC; these resolved parts must evidently be p and m, p acting in the direction DF, and m in the direction DG. Transfer these two forces, p to C and m to G. But by the hypothesis, p and n acting at C have a resultant in the direction CG; let then p and n be replaced by their resultant, and transfer its point of application to G. But m acts at G. Hence by this process we have, without disturbing the equilibrium, removed the forces p and m+n which acted at A to the point G. Therefore the resultant of p and m+n acts in the direction of the diagonal AG, provided our hypothesis is correct. But the hypothesis is correct for equal forces, as p, p, and therefore it is true for forces p, 2p; consequently for p, 3p, and so it is true for p, r. p. Hence it is true for p,r.p and p, r. p, and consequently for 2p, r.p, and so forth; and it is finally true for s.p and r.p, r and s being positive integers. We have still to shew that the Proposition is true for incommensurable forces. Let AB, AC (fig. 3.) represent two such forces. Complete the parallelogram BC. Then if their resultant do not act along AD, suppose it to act along AE; draw EF parallel to BD. Divide AB into a number of equal portions, each less than DE; mark 8 STATICS. the forces act a the angle between these directions. Let R represent the magnitude of the resultant, and suppose AR is the direction in which it acts, this line being in the same plane as AP, AQ, and lying between them: let & be the angle be- tween AP and AR. Draw a line PAQ₂ in the plane of the forces through the point A, and perpendicular to AR. 2 2 Now let us imagine that P is the resultant of two forces P₁ and P₂ acting in the directions AR, AP; and that Q is the resultant of two forces Q and Q₂, acting in the directions AR and AQ. Then (Art. 14.) R = P₁ + Q₁ a 1 2 and 0 – P₂ – Q₂ = 1 2 (1), P₁ and P₂ are functions of P and 0; and Q₁ and Q are similar functions of Q and a 0. Since P, P₁, P₂ are merely the numerical ratios which the corresponding forces bear to the unit of force, and since the relation they bear to one another must manifestly be independent of the unit we choose to adopt, the relation between P and P, must be of the form and .. P₁ P P₂ = function of 0 = ƒ (0) suppose; P=S (5-0). 2 f We have, then, to determine the form of ƒ (0). mark off from CD portions equal to these, and let G be the last division, this evi- dently falls between D and F; draw GK parallel to AC. Then two forces repre- sented by AC, AG have a resultant in the direction AK, because they are commen- surable and this is nearer to AG than the resultant of the forces represented by AC, AB, which is absurd, since AB is greater than AG, : In the same manner we may shew that every direction besides AD leads to an absurdity, and therefore the resultant must act along AC, whether the forces be com- mensurable or incommensurable. 2. To find the magnitude of the resultant. Let AB, AC be the directions of the given forces, AD that of their resultant: (fig. 4.) take AE opposite to AD, and of such a length as to represent the magnitude of the resultant. Then the forces represented by AB, AC, AE balance each other. Complete the parallelogram BE. Hence AC is in the same straight line with AF: hence FD is a parallelogram : and therefore AE FB = AD. Or the resultant is represented in magnitude as well as in direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram. PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES. 9 We assume that a force can produce no effect in a direc- tion perpendicular to its own direction. 2 This principle points out to us two general conditions which P₁ and P₂ must fulfil; for since P can produce no effect in a direction at right angles to its own, it follows that the sum of the resolved parts of P₁ and P, in a direction at right angles to that of P must equal zero; and the sum of their resolved parts in the direction of P must equal P. These conditions furnish the equations Ꮎ P₁ƒ (0) - P, ƒ (0) = 0, 2 2 1 P₁ƒ (0) + P₂ ƒ ( − 0) π P. 2 Then, by putting for P. and P₂ their values Pf(0) and π 2 Pƒ (1-0), and dividing by P, we have the first equation identical, and the second gives π 2 = 1. 9 {ƒ (0)}² + {ƒ (== (2). This is the equation which ƒ (0) is to satisfy; but it admits of an infinite variety of solutions, and we assume (as the result of experiments allows us) that P, bears a determinate ratio to P, or ƒ (0) has a determinate value, for every value of 0. There must consequently be some other conditions, arising from the nature of the question, which f(0) must satisfy; and which are to be our guides in selecting the proper solution of the equation just deduced. The direct process would be, first to obtain the general solution of our equation, and then to determine the values of the arbitrary quantities involved in the general solution by the particular values of ƒ (0) for particular values of given by the nature of our problem. We may, however, reverse the process, and first search for the particular values of ƒ (0), and use these as our guides in detecting the proper solution. B • 10 STATICS. Now the principle which has hitherto guided us-viz. that a force produces no effect in a direction at right angles to its own-furnishes us with new conditions which point out which of the solutions of equation (2) is to be chosen. For whenever the direction of P₁ is at right angles to the direction of P, then P₁ = 0 and P₂ = P or - P; and when- ever the direction of P₂ is at right angles to that of P, then Por P as exhibited below; = 0 and P₁ = P or P 2 when 0 = 0, P₂ = 0, P₁ = P; .. ƒ (0), = 1, π 0 = P₁ = 0, 2 P₂ = P ; f 1914 0, Ꮎ П, 2 P₂ = 0, 1 P₁ = - P; ƒ (π) 19 3π 3π A P₁ = 0, P₂ = - P ; f 0, 10 2 0 = 2п, 2 P₁ = 0, P₁ = P; .. ƒ (2π) = 1. and all these cases are comprised in the formula f(n.) = cos (n.) 2 n being an integer. 2 …………. (3), These equations (2) and (3) are the only conditions which f() is to satisfy and since, as we have observed, ƒ (0) must, from the nature of the question, have a determinate form, it follows that there is only one form of ƒ (0) which satisfies both equations (2) and (3); consequently if we can find one, this is the solution we are seeking. Now equation (3) suggests ƒ(0) = cos; this fully satisfies both (2) and (3), and is consequently the required solution. Hence equations (1) become R = P cos 0 + Q cos (a − 0) 0 0 = P sin - Q sin (a 0)...... (4); - PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES. 11 adding the squares of these, R² = P² + Q² + 2 P Q cos a………………… a. ……..(5). Equation (4) determines the direction of the resultant, and (5) its magnitude. 17. These equations point out the following geometrical construction, (fig. 1.) Take AB, AC in the ratio of P to Q, through B draw BD parallel to AC and cutting AR in D: join CD. Then by Trigonometry, BD = AB sin sin (a - 0) AB by (4) = AC P by the construction. Hence BC is a parallelogram: and its diagonal is the direction in which the resultant of P and Q acts. Again, by Trigonometry, AD2 AB² + AC² + 2 ABAC cos a. = Compare this with equation (5), and we see that the diagonal represents the magnitude of the resultant on the same scale that the sides of the parallelogram represent the forces P and Q. This Proposition is, in consequence of the property just proved, called The Proposition of the Parallelogram of Forces. 18. COR. 1. Any force acting on a particle may be re- placed by two others, if the sides of a triangle, drawn parallel to the directions of the forces, have the same relative propor- tion that the forces have. This is called the resolution of a force. 19. COR. 2. When three forces acting on a particle are in equilibrium, they are respectively in the same proportion as the sines of the angles included by the directions of the other two. 12 STATICS. For if we refer to fig. 4, we have P: Q R :: AB: AC (or BD) AD PROP. :: sin ADB : sin BAD: sin ABD :: sin CAE : sin BAE: sin BAC. Three forces act upon a particle in directions making right angles with each other: required to find the magnitude and direction of their resultant. 20. Let AB, AC, AD represent the three forces X, Y, Z in magnitude and direction: fig. 5. Complete the parallelogram BC, and draw AE: then AE represents the resultant of X and Y in magnitude and direc- tion, by Art. 17. Now the resultant of this force and Z, which are represented by AE, AD, is represented in magnitude and direction by AF, the diagonal of the parallelogram DE. Hence the resultant of XYZ is represented in magnitude. and direction by AF. Let R be the magnitude of the resultant, and abc the angles the direction of R makes with those of XYZ. Then, since AF2 = AE2 + AD° = AB² + AC² + AD²; R2 X² Y² X + Y + Z. AB X Also, cos a = AF R AC Y cos b AF R AD Z COS C AF R Whence the magnitude and direction of the resultant are de- termined. 21. COR. Any force R, the direction of which makes the angles abe with three rectangular axes fixed in space, ANY FORCES ACTING ON A PARTICLE. 13 may be replaced by the three forces R cos a, R cos b, R cos c, acting simultaneously on the particle on which R acts, and having their directions parallel to the axes of co-ordinates re- spectively. PROP. Any number of forces act upon a particle in any directions required to find the magnitude and direction of their resultant. 22. Let PP,.... α ין be the forces, and aẞy, a,ß,y,, the angles their directions make with three rectangular axes drawn through the proposed point. Then the component parts of P in the directions of the axes are, by Art. 21, P cos a, P cos ß, P cos y, or X, Y, Z, suppose. Resolving each of the other forces in the same way, we reduce the system to three forces, by adding those which act in the same lines (Art. 14.), we thus have P cos a + P, cos cos a, + or . P cos a or Σ. Χ, P cos B+ P, cos ß, + or . P cos ẞ or Σ. 1, and P cos y + P, cos y, + or Σ. P cos y or Σ. Z, acting in the directions of the axes of æ, y and ≈. The symbol indicates that we are to take the sum of all the quantities in the system which are symmetrical with that before which it is placed. If we call the resultant R, and the angles which the di- rection of R makes with the axes a, b, c, we have, by Art. 20. R² = (Σ ⋅ X)² + (Σ . Y)² + (Σ. Z)², and cos α = Σ. Χ R cos b = Σ. Γ R Σ. Ζ cos c COS C = R to determine the resultant. 14 STATICS. 1 PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium when any number of forces act upon a material particle. 23. R = 0; When the forces are in equilibrium, we must have ·· (E. X)² + .. Z. X=0, Σ.Χ (2. Y)² + (2. Z)² = 0; Σ. Σ.Υ E. Y=0, Σ. Z = 0, and these are the conditions among the forces, that they may be in equilibrium. It follows, then, that if a material particle at rest be acted on by forces whose intensities and directions satisfy these three equations it will remain at rest. These conditions may be expressed under another form: and lead to a principle denominated the Principle of Virtual Velocities. PROP. To prove the Principle of Virtual Velocities when forces acting on a particle are in equilibrium. 24. Let xyz be the co-ordinates to the point of appli- cation of the forces, and x+dx, y+dy, ≈+d≈ the co-ordinates to a point near the former. Draw perpendiculars from this latter point upon the directions of the forces P, P,...and let Sr, the distances of these perpendiculars from the point xyz: hence Sr = dx. cosa + dy. cos ß + ds.cos y dy.cos Sr, = Sx ⋅ cos a, + dy ⋅ cos ß, . · If then we multiply the equations Σ. P cos a = 0, Σ. P cos ẞ = 0, + Sz.cos y, Σ. P cos γ = 0 by da, dy, dz, and add the equations, bearing in mind that Sa, Sy, Sz are independent of the forces, and may therefore be written inside the symbol Σ, we have Σ. P (Sx cos a + dy cos B + d≈ cos y) = 0, or Σ. Pdr = 0, VIRTUAL VELOCITIES SINGLE PARTICLE. 15 which proves the following principle:-That if any number of forces acting upon a particle be in equilibrium, and the point of application be moved geometrically through any small space, then the sum of the products of the forces and the spaces described by the point of application relatively to the direc- tions of the forces will vanish; these spaces being reckoned positive when drawn in the direction in which the force acts, and vice versa. This is termed the Principle of Virtual Velocities, since the spaces above mentioned measure the relative velocity of the geometric motion in the direction of the forces. We shall see in the next Chapter that this Principle is true for any system of forces. 酱 ​CHAPTER II. THE COMPOSITION AND EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES ACTING ON A RIGID BODY. 25. A SOLID or fluid body is conceived to be an aggre- gation of indefinitely small material particles or molecules, which are held together by their mutual affinities. This ap- pears to be a safe hypothesis, since experiments shew that any body is divisible into successively smaller and smaller portions without limit, if sufficient force be exerted to overcome the mutual action of the parts of the body. 26. By the term rigid we mean to express that the mole- cules of the body are held together in an invariable form; so that the intensity of the molecular forces is infinitely greater than that of the other forces which act upon the body. Were this not the case, the figure of the body would depend upon the forces which act upon it. Now, in matter of fact, no body is perfectly rigid; every body yields more or less to the forces by which it is acted on. If, then, in any case this compressibility is of a sensible mag- nitude, we shall suppose that the body has assumed its figure of equilibrium, and then consider the points of application of the forces as a system of invariable form. 27. We are quite unacquainted at present with the laws according to which the molecules of a mass of matter act upon each other. In consequence of this, we must look for some principle which will enable us to calculate the effect of forces acting upon a rigid body, without bringing the molecular forces into the calculation. And now we fall upon a case of the action of force totally different from anything we have yet met with. In considering TRANSMISSION OF FORCE. 17 its action on a single particle, the force was supposed to act on the whole of the particle: but now we have to consider the effect of forces acting on individual particles of an as- semblage held rigidly together by their mutual affinities. The force which acts upon any particle of the body must in some way have its effect propagated through the whole system of particles, in consequence of their invariable connexion. Sundry experiments have led philosophers to the following principle; which, as will be seen, exactly answers our purpose. 28. When a force, acting in combination with others, holds a solid body in equilibrium, the equilibrium of the body will not be disturbed if we transfer the point of application of the force to any other point whatever in the line in which the force is acting. We shall commence with the simplest case of a rigid body acted on by forces, and so ascend to the most general. PROP. Two forces act upon a rigid body in the same plane but not at the same point: required to find their re- sultant. 29. Let A, B (fig. 6.) be the points upon which the forces P and Q act: AP, BQ their directions: join AB, and pro- duce PA, QB to cut each other in C, and let aß be the angles which AP and BQ make with AB produced: then, by Art. 28, we may suppose P and Q to act at C, the point C being rigidly connected with AB. Take Ca, Cb along CA, CB, in the ratio of P to Q: and on these describe the parallelogram ab, and draw the diagonal Cd: and let it be produced to cut AB in D. Then, by Art. 17, Cd represents the resultant of P and Q in magnitude and direction: let R be the resultant: then since Cd2 = Ca² + Cb² - 2 Ca. Cb cos (a + B) ; .. R = P² + Q³ − 2 PQ cos (a + ß), this gives the magnitude of the resultant. Let be the angle which the direction of R makes with AB: then C 18 RIGID BODY. STATICS. P Ca Ca sin Cda sin DCB Q Cb ad sin a Cd sin DCA sin (3 + 0) sin (0 - a) sin ẞ+ cos ẞ tan 0 ; tan cos a - sin a .. tan cos {cos tan α P Q cos ẞ} = sin ß + sin a P sin a + Q sin ß P cos a Q cos B - this determines the direction of the resultant. Let AD = ∞: AB = a: then a a ᎠᏴ DB DC Ꮳ DA DC DA sin (B+0) sin a sin B sin (0 − a) P Q 20 11 sin a P sin ß`Q' Q sin B α P sin a + Q sin ß' this determines the point of application of the resultant. α 0 30. Cor. 1. From the value of we obtain 20 Р (ax) sin B Q ∞ sin a perpendicular from D on Q's direction perpendicular from D on P's direction This shews us that if the point D be a fixed fulcrum, about which the body can turn, then, in order that P and Q may be in equilibrium about this fulcrum, in which case their resultant must pass through D, they must be inversely pro- COMPOSITION OF TWO PARALLEL FORCES. 19 portional in magnitude to the perpendiculars drawn from the fulcrum on their directions. 31. COR. 2. The product of a force and the distance of its direction from a given point is called the moment of the force with respect to the point. If through the point an axis be drawn at right angles to the plane, passing through the point and the direction of the force, this product is called the moment of the force with respect to the axis. Hence when P and Q, acting in the plane through D, are in equilibrium about D, we learn by Cor. 1. that their moments with respect to D, or the axis through D, must be equal and opposite. If the two forces P and Q are parallel to each other, their directions will not meet when produced: and therefore the demonstration of the last article must not be received; but, by a simple artifice, we can easily remedy this difficulty. PROP. To find the resultant of two parallel forces acting in the same plane on a rigid body. : 32. Let P and Q be the forces; A, B (fig. 7.) their points of application let P and Q act in the same direction, making angles a with AB. The state of equilibrium of the body will not be altered if we apply two equal and opposite forces, each equal to S, at the points A, B, acting in the line AB. Then P and S acting at A, are equivalent to some force P' acting in some direction AP'; and Q and S acting at B, are equivalent to some force Q' acting in some direction BQ' inclined to AP. Produce P'A, Q'B to cut each other in C, and draw CD parallel to AP and BQ, and cutting AB in D. Transfer P' and Q' to C, C being rigidly connected with AB, and resolve them along CD and parallel to AB; the latter parts will be S and S acting in opposite directions, and the sum of the former is Q + P. Hence R, the resultant of P and Q, = Q + P. Also since the sides of the triangle ACD are parallel to the directions of the forces P, S, P'; (sce Art. 18.) 20 STATICS. RIGID BODY. P CD S DA S DB and similarly, Q CD P DB a X Q DA X if AB = a and AD: = x; X Q α Q + P ' this determines the point of application of the resultant Q 33. If the force P act in a direction opposite to that of Q, (fig. 8.) a similar process will lead us to R = Q − P, 21 - Q a Q - P' but these are included in the formulæ of last article by putting - P for P. 34. We also observe that the formulæ of Art. 29. com- prehend those for parallel forces, although we thought it best not to assume this. We must put ẞ = π α or 2π a ac- cording as P and Q act in the same or opposite directions. 35. If P = Q in Art. 33., then R = 0 and x = ∞ ∞, a re- sult perfectly nugatory. It shews us that two equal and op- posite parallel forces do not admit of a resultant. In fact the addition of the forces S, S still gives, in this case, two equal forces parallel and opposite in their directions. Such a system of forces is called a Couple: the tendency of a couple is to twist the body upon which it acts. We shall return to this subject, and investigate the laws of the composition and resolution of couples; since to these we shall hereafter reduce the composition and resolution of forces of every description acting upon a rigid body. Pre- vious to this, however, we proceed to determine the resultant of any number of parallel forces. COMPOSITION OF PARALLEL FORCES. 21 PROP. To find the resultant of any number of parallel forces acting upon a rigid body. 36. Let the points of application of the forces be re- ferred to a system of rectangular co-ordinate axes (fig. 9.) mm.......... the points of application: y11, X2 Y2≈2, their co-ordinates. P₁ P₂ ...... the forces acting at these points, those being reckoned positive which act in the direction of P, and those negative which act in the opposite direction. mm»: and take the point n, on m₁ m₂ such that Join P₁₂ ՊՈՆԴԻ • M1 M 29 P₁ + P₂ then n is the point of application of the resultant of P, and P2, that is, of P₁ + P₂: see Arts. 32, 33. 2 Draw m₁a, nb, mc perpendicular to the axis of a, and m₁de parallel to the axis of x, cutting nb, m₂c in d and e. Then, by similar triangles, ՈՆ, Պ m₁d ab Ab - X1 ; Mr M 2 m₂e ac - X V1 P • (x − x\) ; 1 P₁ + P .. Ab X₁ = .. Ab, the abscissa to n₁, P₁æ₁ + P₂x¿ P₁+ P2 1 Then, supposing P, and P to be replaced by (P₁ + P₂) acting at n₁, the abscissa to the point of application of the resultant of (P₁ + P:), P3 (P₁ + P.) · Ab + P3 · №3 (P₁ + P₂) + PÅ P₁₁ + P₂. x 2 + P3. x3 2 P₁ + P₂+ P3 1 2 Let R be the resultant of all the forces, and x, y, the co-ordinates to its point of application ; X, Z 22 STATICS. RIGID BODY. Ρ .. RΣ. P₁1, 18 Σ.Ρ101 Σ. Ρ Σ.Ριψι Similarly y Σ. Ρ. 1 22 Σ. Ρ1*1 Σ. Ρ These determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant. 37. These co-ordinates are independent of the angle which the directions of the forces make with the co-ordinate axes. Hence if these directions be turned about the points of application of the forces, at the same time preserving their pa- rallelism, the point of application of the resultant will not move. For this reason that point is called the centre of the parallel forces. 38. A heavy body consists of an aggregation of material particles, each of which, in consequence of the Earth's at- traction, tends towards the Earth's centre. The weight, then, of a body may be considered as the resultant of the weights of the different elementary portions of the body acting in parallel and vertical lines. In this case the centre of parallel forces is termed the centre of gravity of the body. The obvious property of this point is, that if it be fixed, the body will rest in any position; no forces but the body's weight being supposed to act. 39. The expression P.x is denominated the moment of the force P with respect to the plane yz. This must be care- fully distinguished from the moment of a force with respect to a point mentioned in Art. 31. In consequence of the above definition, the equations for determining the position of the centre of parallel forces shew that the sum of the moments of any number of parallel forces with respect to any plane equals the moment of their resultant. 40. We shall now investigate the laws of composition of couples, since we shall hereafter reduce to these the com- position of forces of every description acting on a rigid body. We have already (Art. 35.) mentioned that by a couple wo mean a system consisting of two equal parallel and opposite PROPERTIES OF COUPLES. 23 forces acting on a body not on the same point. This system does not admit of a single resultant force, as we have shewn : but two or more couples acting upon a body may be replaced by a single couple: this we proceed to demonstrate, after proving some of the properties of couples. 41. DEFINITIONS. The arm of a couple is the distance between the directions of its forces. The moment of a couple is the product of the force at either extremity and the arm: (see Art. 31). The axis of a couple is a straight line perpendicular to the plane of the couple and proportional in length to the mo- ment. PROP. The effect of a couple upon the equilibrium of a body is not altered, if its arm be turned through any angle about one extremity in the plane of the couple. 42. Let the plane of the paper be the plane of the couple (fig. 10.) and AB the arm: AB' its new position: the forces P₁ P₂ are equal, and act on the arm AB. 1 At A and B' let the two pair of equal and opposite forces. P3 P, P₁ P, each P₁ or P₂ be applied, acting perpendi- cular to AB': this will not affect the equilibrium. = 1 2 Let BP2, B'P3 cut in C: join AC: AC manifestly bisects the angle BAB'. Now P2 and P3 are equivalent to some force in direction CA, P₁ and P same force AC: …. P、 P½ P3 P¸ are in equilibrium with each other; 1 2 therefore the remaining forces P5, P acting at B'A pro- duce the same effect as P₁ and P, acting on AB. Hence the proposition is true. 2 PROP. The effect of a couple on the equilibrium of a body is not altered if we transfer the couple to any plane parallel to its own, the arm remaining parallel to itself. 43. See fig. 11. AB the arm: A'B' the new position parallel to AB. Join AB', A'B bisecting each other in G. 24 RIGID BODY. STATICS. + At A' B' apply two equal and opposite forces each = P1 or P2: and let these forces be P3 P4 P5 P6: this will not alter the effect of the couple. But P₁ and P₁ are equivalent to 2 P₁ acting at G in direction Ga, 1 and P2 and P3 4 1 5 Gb. Hence P₁ P2 P3 P4 are in equilibrium with each other, and may be removed; therefore the remaining forces P, P6 acting at A' and B' produce the same effect as P₁ and P₂ acting on AB. Hence the proposition is true. 44. COR. Combining these two propositions, we see that a couple may be any how transferred so long as its plane remains parallel to itself. PROP. The effect of a couple on a body at rest will not be altered if we replace it by another whose moment is the same: the plane remaining the same, and the arms being in the same line, and having a common extremity. 45. Let AB be the arm, (fig. 12.): P, P the forces: and suppose P = Q + R : let AB Q+R: let AB = a: and make AC, a new arm, b: at Capply two equal and opposite forces Q, Q₂ each = Q: this will not alter the effect of the couple. 1 Now R at A and Q, at C will balance Q + R or P at B, if AB BC: Q R (Art. 32.), : 1 : or if AB AC :: Q₁: Q₁ + R = P, P.α, or if Q.b we then have remaining the couple Q, Q₂ acting on the arm AC. Hence the couple P, P acting on AB, may be replaced by the couple Q Q acting on AC, if Q. b = P. a; that is, if their moments are the same. PROP. To find the resultant of any number of couples acting upon a body, the planes of the couples being parallel to each other. 46. First suppose the couples all transferred to the same plane (Art. 43.): next let them all be transferred so as COMPOSITION OF COUPLES. 25 to have their arms in the same straight line, and one extremity common (Art. 42.) and lastly let them all be replaced by others having the same arm (Art. 45). ? : Thus if P, Q, R, S, ……………. be the forces, and a, b, c, d, …………… be their arms, we shall have replaced them by the following forces, (sup- posing a the length of the common arm) α P. α b Q. R. C α α acting on the arm ɑ. a. Hence their resultant will be a couple whose force b Q. - + R. α = P. + Q. a α C + a and arm ɑ, or whose moment P.a + Q.b + R.c + Hence the moment of the resultant couple is equal to the sum of the moments of the original couples. If one of the couples, as (S, S), act in a direction oppo- site to the couple (P, P), then the force at each extremity of the arm of the resultant couple will be a P.9 α b + Q . − + R . a d C - S. + a α and the moment of the resultant couple will be P. a + Q. b + R. c - S. d + or the algebraical sum of the moments of the original couples ; the moments of those couples which tend in the direction opposite to the couple (P, P) being reckoned negative. PROP. To find the resultant of two couples not acting in the same plane. 47. Let the planes of the couples intersect in the line AB, which is perpendicular to the plane of the paper (fig. 13.), and let the couples be referred to the common arm AB, and let their forces, thus altered, be P and Q. D 26 RIGID BODY. STATICS. In the plane of the paper draw Aa, Ab perpendicular to the planes of the couples (P, P) and (Q, Q): and equal in length to their axes, (Art. 41). Let R be the resultant of the forces P, Q at A; and P, Q at B. Since AP, AQ are parallel to BP, BQ respectively, there- fore AR is parallel to BR. Hence the two couples are equivalent to the single couple (R, R) acting on the arm AB. Draw Ac perpendicular to the plane of (R, R), and in the same proportion to Aa, Ab that the moment of the couple (R, R) has to those of (P, P), (Q, Q). Then Ac is the axis of (R, R). · Now the three lines Aa, Ac, Ab make the same angles with each other that AP, AR, AQ make with each other; also they are in the same proportion in which AB. P, AB.R, AB. Q are, or in which P, R, Q are. But R is the resultant of P and Q; therefore Ac is the diagonal of the parallelogram on Aa, Ab (see Art. 17). Hence if two straight lines, having a common extremity, represent the axes of two couples, that diagonal of the paral- lelogram described on these lines, which passes through their common extremity is equal in magnitude and direction to the axis of the resultant couple. PROP. To find the magnitude and position of the couple which is the resultant of three couples which act in planes at right angles to each other. 48. Let AB, AC, AD be the axes of the given couples, (fig. 5). Complete the parallelogram CB: and draw AE the diagonal. Then AE is the axis of the couple which is the resultant of the two couples whose axes are AB, AC. Complete the parallelogram DE, and draw AF the dia- gonal. Then AF is the axis of the couple which is the re- COMPOSITION OF COUPLES. 27 sultant of the couples whose axes are AE, AD, or of those whose axes are AB, AC, AD. Now AF AE + AD = AB+ AC² + AD². Let G be the moment of the resultant couple, L, M, N those of the given couples; .. G² Ꮐ L² + M² + N² ; and if λ, µ, v be the angles the axis of the resultant makes with those of the components cos λ AB L AF G M N COS μ COS V G G 49. COR. Hence conversely any couple may be replaced. by three couples acting in planes at right angles to each other, their moments being G cos λ, G cos μ, G cos v, where G is the moment of the given couple, and λ, µ, v the angles its axis makes with the axes of the three couples. PROP. To find the resultant of any number of forces acting on a rigid body in the same plane. 50. Let the system be referred to any pair of rectangular co-ordinate axes Ax, Ay in the given plane: (fig. 14). Let P, P1, P2, α, x Y, X1 Y1 X g Y Z 2 be the forces, the angles which their directions make with the axis of x. the co-ordinates to their points of application. Let B be the point of application of P: join BA: the points B and A are rigidly connected. At A apply two equal and opposite forces, each equal and parallel to P. This will not affect the equilibrium. Draw Ap perpendicular to PB produced if necessary. J 28 RIGID BODY. STATICS. Hence P acting at B is replaced by P acting at A, to- gether with a couple couple whose moment (P, P) acting on the arm Ap, or a P. Ap, and tending to turn the body from the axis of x to the axis of y. Now Apa sin ɑ y cos a. Hence the moment of the couple (P, P) = P. (∞ sin a y cos a). The moments of those couples are reckoned positive that tend to turn the body from the axis of a to the axis of y: and those negative that tend the other way. The other forces may be similarly replaced. Hence our system is reduced to the forces P, P₁, P2 P₂ ... acting at A in directions parallel to those of the original forces; and the couples whose moments are P {x sin a y cos a }, P₁ {x, sin a, - y₁ cos a₁}, P₂ {x, sin a₂ - y₂ cos a₂}, {x₂ 2 S απ Y2 acting in the plane of the paper. Let R be the resultant of the forces acting at A, a the angle which R makes with the axis of x; G the moment of the resultant couple: then, by Art. 22, R cos a = Σ. P cos a, R sin a = Σ. P sin a, and, by Art. 46, GE. P (x sin ay cos a), and if P cos a Land P sin a = Y, these may be written R² = (Σ. X)² + (Σ. Y)², tan a = and G. {Y.x - X. y}. Σ.Υ Σ. Χ و ; COMPOSITION OF FORCES IN SAME PLANE. 29 51. Let the arm of the resultant couple be turned in the plane of the forces and about its extremity A, till it is per- pendicular to the direction of R. Art. 42: (fig. 15). Let AR be the direction of R: AB = α, the arm of the resultant couple, and, consequently, tremity let this = R'. G a the force at each ex- Hence the forces are all reduced to a force R + R' acting at A in the direction AR, and R' acting at B in the direction BR', parallel to AR. The resultant of these is R, acting at a point C in the direction CR parallel to AR, the distance AC R' being AB (by Art. 32.) R G R Wherefore the resultant of all the forces P, P₁, force R acting in the straight line whose equation is y + AC cos a = tan a (x − AC sin a), ..... is a which simplified becomes AC æ tan a M Y cos a or a sin a y cos a AC, Σ. G, or x. Z. Yy. Z. X = the direction in which R acts will be determined by the sign of tan a. 52. COR. If it should happen that the forces are such that R 0, then we are left with the couple whose moment is G, and there is not a single resultant force. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of any number of forces acting on a rigid body in the same plane. 53. We have shewn in the last Prop. that the resultant of any number of forces acting in the same plane on a rigid body equals a force R acting about the origin of co-ordinates, at a distance G where R² = (2. X)² + (2 . Y)², R and G = 2. {la - Xy}. 30 STATICS. RIGID BODY. Now when the forces are in equilibrium their resultant must vanish, therefore R = 0; also G = 0, since the distance G must be indeterminate and not infinite; for if it were in- R finite, then the resultant of the forces would be a couple : see Art. 35. Hence the conditions of equilibrium are Σ Χ = 0, and E. {Y. These may be written Σ. P cos a = 0, X Y Σ. Υ = 0, — - X. y} = 0. Σ. P sin a = 0, a y cos a) = 0. and Σ. P(x sin ɑ PROP. To find the two resultants of any number of forces acting upon a rigid body in any directions. 54. Let the forces be referred to three rectangular axes Ax, Ay, Az; and suppose PP, P... are the forces, ayz, X1Y1Z1, X2Y2Z2... the co-ordinates to their points of application, and aẞy, aẞy, aẞy... the angles their directions make with the axes: fig. 16. 19 Let m be the point of application of P, mP its direction Ar=x, rn=y, nm = ≈: An in the plane xy, also ns parallel to Ax. Now P may be replaced by its three components Pcosa, Pcos ß, Pcosy, (or X, Y, Z suppose) parallel to the axes, (Art. 21.) Z produces the same effect if it be transferred to n. Now the equilibrium of the body will not be disturbed if we apply at A and also at two opposite forces, each equal and parallel to Z. Then Z at m is equivalent to Z at A, and the two couples of which the moments are Z.rn and Z. Ar and the axes coincide respectively with the co-ordinate axes of x and y. Hence Z at m is replaced by Z at A, and the two couples Z.y and -Z.a acting in the planes perpendicular to w and y COMPOSITION OF FORCES IN ANY DIRECTIONS. 31 respectively: the moments of those couples which tend to turn the body from the axis of ≈ to that of y about the axis of ≈, from y to≈ about x, and from ≈ to x about y, are reckoned positive, and those in the opposite direction negative. In the same manner we may substitute for Y and X. Wherefore the force P acting at m may be replaced by X, Y, Z acting at A along the axes, together with the couples Z.y and Y. in plane perpendicular to axis of v X.≈ and Z.x Y.x and -X.y Y રર or, by adding the moments of the couples acting in the same or parallel planes (Art. 46.) P is replaced by X, Y, Z acting at A and the couples whose moments are Z.y - Y.≈ in plane perpendicular to axis of x X.z-Z.x Y.x - X. y Y By a similar resolution of all the forces, we shall have them replaced by the forces Σ.Χ, Σ.Υ, Σ. Ζ, acting at A along the axes: and the couples Σ. {Z . y − Y. ≈} = L acting in the plane perpendicular to axis of a A Σ. {X.≈ - Z.x} = M ….. Σ. {Y. x − X. y} = N ... · Y Let R be the resultant of the forces acting at A; a, b, c the angles its direction makes with the axes of co-ordinates: then (Art. 22.) R² = {Σ. X}² + {Σ. Y}² + {Σ. Z}² 3. cos a α= Σ.Χ R cos b Σ.Γ R Σ.Ζ COS C = R 32 STATICS. RIGID BODY. Let G be the moment of the couple which is the resultant of the three couples above mentioned; A, u, v the angles its axis makes with the axes of co-ordinates; then (Art. 48.) G² = L² + M² + N², L M N cos λ COS u COS V G' G' G 55. We may still further reduce the forces in the fol- lowing manner. Let the plane of the couple be turned round its axis till the projection of the direction of R on this plane is perpen- dicular to the arm. Let a be the length of the arm chosen arbitrarily. let G Then is the force at each extremity. α Also be the angle between the directions of R and the axis of G. Hence the whole force at A is G2 2 RG A R² + + sin 0, (Art. 17.) a² a where cose = cos a cos λ + cos b cos µ + cos c cos y : 8: and the second force is the arm. G , acting at the other extremity of a These two forces cannot in general be reduced to a single force, since their directions do not meet. In one case, viz., when the directions of these two forces meet, they can be reduced to a single force. PROP. To prove that G is the principal Moment of the Forces. 56. The Principal Moment means the Moment of greatest Magnitude. The quantities L, M, N are the sums of the moments of the forces with respect to the axes of x, y, ≈ respectively (Art. 31), and they are equivalent to √ L² + M + N² (= G), PRINCIPAL MOMENT. 33 the moment of the forces with respect to an axis which makes L M N G'G'G' angles with the axes whose cosines are Now G, the resultant moment of the forces, must be in- dependent of the directions of the axes of co-ordinates*: but L, M, N depend upon these directions. But since L² + M² + N² = G³, it shews that the greatest value of L is G, in which case M = 0 and N = 0. Consequently G is the principal mo- ment about the given centre. 57. The values of L, M, N in the general case (Art. 54.) shew that the moment about an axis through the given centre, and making an angle with the axis of principal moments, equals G cos . PROP. To find the locus of the centres which give the least principal moments; the magnitude of these moments and the position of their axes. 1 1 1 58. Let ₁₁, be the co-ordinates to a centre which gives a minimum principal moment: let L, M, N, G₁ be the values of LMNG at that point: then these are found by putting ≈ − ∞₁, for xyz in LMNG; Y - Y1, Z 21 ... L₁ = L − y₁ Z. Z + ≈₁ Z. Y, Σ M₁ = M - ≈₁ Σ. X + x₂ Z. Z, Σ. 31 N₁ = N − x₁ Σ. Y + y₁ £. X, 2 G₁² = L²² + M₁° + N₁² * We might prove this in the following manner : ', .... Let r, r', be the distances of the points of application of the forces P, P', from the origin of co-ordinates; that is, from the centre of moments: Imn, l''m'n',..... the angles that r, r',...... make with the axes: also let (PP'), (Pr), the angles between straight lines drawn through the origin parallel to the directions of P and P', of P and r, and so on. Then L=2.Pr M represent Σ. Pr (cos m cos y — cos n cos ß), - cos n cos ẞ), M= Σ. Pr (cos n cos acos l cos y), N = ß Σ. Pr (cos / cos ẞ – cos m cos a); •. G² = L² + M² + N² (after reduction) Σ. P² ² sin² (Pr) +2Σ. PP'rr' { cos (P P') cos (rr') – cos (Pr') cos (P'r)}, and this is independent of the directions of the axes of co-ordinates, though it does depend on the situation of the centre of moments. E 34 STATICS. RIGID BODY. = (L − y₁ Σ. Z + ≈₁Σ . Y)² + (M − ≈₁ Z. X + ∞₁ Σ. Z)² + (N − ∞₁ Σ. Y + y₁ Σ. X)². When this is a minimum, its three partial differential coeffi- cients with respect to x,y,z, must vanish: hence three equa- tions which may easily be written in the form x R. 1 = (@.Σ. Χ + y Σ . Υ + R. y = (Σ. Χ + y Σ . Υ + 1 1 1 Σ. Ζ) Σ. Χ + ΝΣ. Υ - ΜΣ. Ζ, Σ. Ζ) Σ . Υ + LΣ . Ζ – ΝΣ. Χ, R². %₁ = (x₁ Σ. X + y₁ Z. Y + ≈₁ Σ. Z) Σ. Z + MΣ.X - LΣ . Y. %1 If we multiply these respectively by E. X, Z. Y, and Σ. Z, we find an identical equation: which shews that these three are equivalent to only two equations: and since they are simple equations in my₁₁, we learn that the centres of mini- mum principal moments lie in a straight line, any two of the above equations being the equations to this line. 19 It is evident that G, increases indefinitely with x₁Y₁≈1, therefore does not admit of a maximum value. and equa- 59. If we eliminate the second terms of the above tions, they become of the ordinary form of equations to a line: we have (ΙΣ. Χ +- ΜΣ . Υ + ΝΣ . Ζ) Σ. Χ Ly, Z. Z+ ≈₁Σ. Y= R² Μ - Σ. Χ + Σ. Ζ = 1 (LZ. X + MZ. Y+NΣ. Z) Σ. Y R2 N − ∞₁E. Y + y₁ Ɛ . X _ (L£. X + MƐ. Y + NE. Z) 2. X Yi E. R2 60. The minimum principal moment is ΙΣ.Χ + ΜΣ. Υ + ΝΣ. Ζ G₁ = R β, γι 61. Let a₁ ẞ₁₁ be the angles which the axis of G₁ makes with lines parallel to the co-ordinate axes: then M₁ N₁ L₁ COS a1 cos Bi COS YI G1 G₁ G₁₁ SINGLE RESULTANT. 35 and these become, by the above equations, Σ.Χ cos al cos B₁ R Σ.Υ R Σ.Ζ cos Yi R' which shew that the axes of all the minima principal moments are parallel to each other, and to the direction of the resultant. PROP. Required to find the condition among the forces that they may have a single resultant. 62. In order that this may be the case, it is clear that the force R must be in the plane of the couple G. For then the force resulting from the composition of R with one of the forces of the couple will, when produced, meet the other force of the couple, and, being compounded, will thus produce a single resultant. Now this condition is satisfied when the angle between R and the axis of G equals 90°: or when the cosine of this angle equals zero: that is, when cos a cos λ + cos b cos µ + cos c cos v = 0 ; therefore the condition is that (E. X)L + (2. Y) M + (≥ . Z) N R.G 0, or (E. X) L + (2. Y) M + (2. Z) N = 0, unless R or G vanishes. This is no condition when R = 0: that is, when Σ . X = 0, Σ. Y=0, Σ. Z = 0, for the above equation is then identical. In fact we then have only the couple G: which does not admit of a single resultant. Also this is no condition when G = 0, for then L = 0, M = 0, N = 0, and the equation is again identical. But in this case it is evident we have a single resultant R. PROP. When the forces are reducible to a single resultant, required the magnitude of this force and the equations to the line in which it acts. 63. In this case the force R is in the plane of the couple of which the moment is G. 36 STATICS. RIGID BODY. Let the arm of the couple be turned about its extremity A (see fig. 15), and in the plane of the couple, till it is perpen- dicular to the force R: and let AB = a be the arm of the couple: then the force of the couple (R') G α ; and the single resultant equals R acting at C in the direction CR parallel to AR, C being in BA, produced and determined by the equation AC R' R G AB R 64. We must now find the equations to the line in which this resultant acts. 1 Let x₁y₁₁ be the co-ordinates to some point in this line; then, transferring the origin to this point, it is clear that the body must have no tendency to revolve about the origin. Therefore the new values of L M N when we put a₁ + X9 Y₁ + Y, ≈1 + ≈ for xyz must = 0; .. 0 = Σ. P. { (y₁ + y), cos y − (≈1 + ≈) cos ẞ}, 1 و or 0 = L + y₁ Σ. Z – ≈₁ Σ. Y Similarly, (1). ω.Σ.Ζ .. (2), (3). 0 = Μ + *Σ. Χ - Σ. Ζ 0 = N + x₁ Σ. Y − y₁ Σ. X. ... X 1 These three equations are equivalent to only two: for if we eliminate ≈ from (1) and (2), we have 0 = ΙΣ. Χ + ΜΣ. Υ - Σ. Ζ. Σ . Υ + y Σ.Ζ.Σ.Χ. ΝΣ. Ζ But LZ. X + ME. Y + NE. Z= 0, by Art. 62; · ·. 0 = N + ∞₁ EΣ . Y − y₁ Σ . X; 1 and therefore equation (3) is a necessary consequence of (1) and (2) wherefore any two of equations (1), (2), (3) are the equations to the line in which the single resultant acts. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of any number of forces acting upon a rigid body in any directions. EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES IN ANY DIRECTIONS. 37 65. We have shewn that the forces are in the general case reducible to two acting in different planes. These forces, then, must each vanish when there is equilibrium. Hence (Art. 55.) 2 G 2 RG R² + + sin 0 = 0, a α and G a .. R2 = 0, a being arbitrary; R² = 0, and G² = 0, or (2. X)² + (2. Y)² + (Σ. Z)² = 0 and L2+ M² + N² = 0, and these lead to the six conditions Σ.Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, Σ.Ζ = 0, Σ. (Zy - Y≈) = 0, Σ. (X≈ - Zx) = 0, 2. (Yx - Xy) = 0. ẞ= These may be thus written: Σ. P cos a = 0, E. Pcos ß= 0, Z. Pcos y = 0, Σ. P (y cos y ≈ cos B) 0, Z. P (≈ cos a x cos y) = 0, Σ. P(x cos ß - y cos a) = 0. 66. If we derive the conditions of equilibrium from the case where the forces admit of a single resultant, we shall arrive at the same conclusion. R = 0, and also the distance For we must have the force G at which it acts must be R arbitrary and not necessarily infinite: hence also G = 0, and the conclusions are the same as before*. * We have remarked in Art. 25, that the property of the divisibility of matter, leads us to the supposition that every body consists of an assemblage of material par- ticles, or molecules, which are held together by their mutual attraction. Now we are totally unacquainted with the nature of these molecular forces: if, however, we assume the two hypotheses, that the action of any two molecules on each other is the same, and also that it acts in the line joining their centres, two suppositions which appear to be perfectly legitimate, then we shall be able to deduce the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body from those of a single particle. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body from those of a single molecule. Let 38 STATICS. RIGID BODY. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of forces acting upon a rigid body when one point is fixed. 67. Let the fixed point be taken as the origin of co- ordinates. Let the body be referred to three rectangular co-ordinate axes: and let ryx be the co-ordinates to one of its constituent particles: XYZ the sums of the resolved parts parallel to the axes of the forces which act upon this particle, neglecting the molecular forces: P, P' ... the molecular forces acting on this particle; aẞy, a'ß'y', ... the angles their respective directions make with the three axes of co-ordinates. Then we may suppose the rest of the body to be removed, and this particle held in equilibrium by the above forces. Hence by Art. 23. X + P cos a + P' cos a' + Y+ P cos ẞ + P' cos ẞ' + Z+P cos y + P' cos y' + = 0 (a). We shall have a similar system of equations for each particle in the body: if there be n particles, we shall have 3n equations. These 3n equations will be connected one with another, since any molecular force which enters into one system of equations must enter into a second system; this is in consequence of the mutual action of the molecules. There are two considerations which will enable us to deduce from these 3n equa- tions, six equations of condition, independent of the molecular forces. These will be the equations which the other forces must satisfy, in order that the equilibrium may be established. The first consideration is this, that the molecular actions are mutual; and that, consequently, if P cos a represent the resolved part parallel to the axis of r of any one of the molecular forces involved in the 3n equations, we shall likewise meet with the term - P cos a in another of those equations which have reference to the axis of x. Consequently, if we add all those equations together which have reference to the same axis, we have the three following equations of condition independent of the molecular forces Σ.Χ = 0, Σ. Y=0, Σ.Ζ=0. The second consideration is this:-that the straight lines joining the different parti- cles are the directions in which the molecular forces act. Thus let P be the molecular action between the particles whose co-ordinates are (xyz) and (x₁ Y1 Z1) : P cos a, - - P cos a, - P cos ẞ, P cos B, P cos Y, P cos Y, the corresponding resolved parts of P for the two particles. Then COS α = cos B = cos Y = X1 Ꮖ '(x₁ − x)² + (Y₁ − y)² + (≈1 − ∞)º¹ − 31-y У √√ (x¸ − x)² + (Y₁ − y)² + (≈1 − 2)² 31 √(x, − x)² + (y₁ − y)² + (≈1 − ≈)º - These ONE POINT OF THE BODY FIXED. 39 Now the action of the forces on the body will produce a pressure on the fixed point, and this will act in some definite direction. Let X'Y'Z' be the resolved parts of this pressure parallel to the axes. - - - If then we consider the forces · X', - Y', Z' in con- nexion with the given forces, we may suppose the body to be free, and the equations of equilibrium give Σ. X-X' = 0, Z. Y-Y' = 0, Σ. E.Z-Z' = 0, L = 0, M M = 0, 0, N = 0. These enable us to obtain three more equations free from molecular forces: for if we multiply the first and second of equations (a) by y and x respectively, and then subtract them, we have Yx - Xy+ + P { x cos ẞ − y cos a } + = 0, and by the same process, we obtain from the system of equations which refer to the particle (₁₁ ≈1), X1 Y₁ x₁ - X₁Y₁ + 1 P { x cos ẞ - Y₁ cos α } + 0. But the values of cos a and cos ß, given above, lead to the condition (x, − x) cos ẞ — (y₁ − y) cos a = 0. Wherefore the equation Y.x + Y₁ • x 1 S 1 X.y + = 0, will not involve P, the molecular action between the particles whose co-ordinates are xyz and x₁₁₁, respectively. It follows readily from what we have shewn, that if we form all the equations Y₂. X3-X3. Y3 + Y3, X3 X3. Y3 + and add them to those above, we shall have a final equation Σ . (Y. x - X. y) = 0, independent of the molecular forces. In like manner we should obtain 0, 0, Σ . (X . ≈ – Z . x) = 0, 2. (Z.y-Y. z) = 0. Σ. These six equations are the only conditions which can be obtained independent of the molecular forces: they must he satisfied by the forces which hold in equilibrium the assemblage of molecules, whatever be the laws of their molecular action. Now in the case of a rigid body, the molecular forces are supposed to be themselves in equilibrium independently of the extraneous forces; hence the above six equations express the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body. 40 RIGID BODY. STATICS. The first three equations give the resolved parts of the pressure on the fixed point: and the last three are the only conditions to be satisfied by the given forces. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of a body which has two points in it fixed. 68. Let the axis of a pass through the two fixed points: and let the distances of the points from the origin be ≈′ and x". Also let X'Y'Z', X"Y"Z" be the resolved parts of the pres- sures on these points. Then, as in the last Prop. the equations of equilibrium will be Σ.X-X-X" =0, Z. Y-Y'-Y" =0, Z. Z-Z-Z"=0, L-Y'.'-Y"." =0, M+ X'.≈′ + X" ≈″ = 0, N = 0. The first, second, fourth and fifth of these equations will determine X'X"Y'Y": and the third equation gives Z' + Z", shewing that the pressures on the fixed points in the direction of the line joining them are indeterminate, being connected by one equation only. The last is the only condition of equilibrium, viz. N = 0. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body resting on a plane. 69. Let this plane be the plane of xy: and let x'y' be the co-ordinates to one of the points of contact, R' the pressure which the body exerts against the plane at that point. Then the force - R', and similar forces for the other points of con- tact, taken in connection with the given forces ought to satisfy the equations of equilibrium. Hence Σ. X=0, Z. Y= 0, Z. Z-E. R' = 0, L+Z. R'y' = 0, M-Z. R'x'= 0, N=0. If only one point be in contact with the plane, then the third equation gives the pressure, and we have five equations of condition, 1 THE BODY RESTING ON A FIXED PLANE. 41 Σ. Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, L + y Σ. Ζ = 0, M - x'Σ. Z = 0, N = 0. If two points be in contact, then R'y' + R"y" - L, R'x' + R"x"= M, · My give R' Lx" + My Ꮮ a' -- Ꮇ y R" > y'x" — x'y″ y' x″ – x'y' - and the equations of condition are L. (x" Σ.Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, Σ.Ζ + x') + M (y' + y') y' x" — x'y" 0, and N = 0. If three points be in contact, then the pressures are deter- mined from the equations R' + R" + R"" = Σ. Z "// R'y' + R"y" + R""' y" :- L R' x' + R" x" + R""' x'" = and the conditions of equilibrium are Σ.X=0, Σ. Y=0, M N= 0. If more than three points are in contact, then the pres- sures are indeterminate, since they are connected by only three equations: but the conditions of equilibrium are still 2. X=0, Z. Y= 0, N = 0. F CHAPTER III. THE EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF RIGID BODIES. 70. In order to obtain the conditions of equilibrium of two or more rigid bodies connected together in any way what- ever, we must substitute unknown forces in the place of the mutual actions at the points of connexion, and then write down the equations of equilibrium of each body. These systems of equations will be connected together, since a force depending on the mutual actions of any two of the bodies must enter both the systems of equations, which correspond to those bodies. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of a system of bodies acted on by given forces. 1 1 71. Let any one of the bodies A be acted on by the given forces X₁ Y₁ Z₁, ...... at the points (x, y₁₁), also suppose that in consequence of the connexion of the system that a mutual force P acts between the bodies A and B, making angles aẞy with the axes: and let y≈ be its point of øj 1 application in A, and way's the point of application in B. 2 2 Now if we suppose the force P to act on A and analogous forces for all the other mutual actions arising from the con- nexion of the system, the body A may be supposed to be in equilibrium under the action of these forces and the forces X, Y, Z₁ .... Hence, by Art. 65, 1 Σ. X₁+ P cos a + 0, Σ. Y₁+ P cos ẞ + 1 1 Σ. Z₁ + P cos y + = 0, Σ. (Z₁ y₁ − Y₁≈₁) + P(y,' cos y ≈' cos ẞ) + ...... = 0, 0, EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 43 sa − x cos y) + Σ. (X₁≈₁ - Z₁∞₁) + P(x cosa - Σ. (Y₁∞₁ — X₁y₁) + P(x,' cos ß − y cos a) + In the same manner for the body B, 0, Σ. Y₂ - P cos ẞ + 2 0, 0, = = 0. Σ. X₂ - P cos a + Σ. Ζ. - P cos P cos y + Σ. (Z2Y2 - Y½≈½) − P (y½ cos y · P (y½ cos y − Σ. (X2≈ 2 – Z₂∞) - P (≈ cos a Z2X2) z½ cos ß) + 0, x½ cos y) + 0, 2 Σ. (Y₂x₂ - X₂Y₂) - P (x2 cos ẞ - y½' cos a) + ...... = 0. If we add the second set of equations to the first set, each to each, we shall have six equations free from P: for P evidently vanishes from the first three; and it enters the fourth in the form P{(y-y₂) cos y - (≈1 - ) cos B: and this va- {(yí' – ≈½') ß}: nishes when the bodies are in contact, because then y' 2 = up and x = x': also it vanishes when the bodies are not in con- 1 tact, because then P must act in the line passing through the points (xy), (x'y' ); and then, r being the distance. between these points, 1 COS Sy y = 21 – Z2, r cos ẞ = y;' - Y2' ; .. (yı' — y₂') cos y - ( (≈ý - ≈2) cos ẞ = 0. and in the same way P disappears from the fifth and sixth equations. Hence the six final equations are free from P: and, by adding together the equations referring to all the bodies, each to each, we shall have finally Y Σ.Χ = 0, Σ. Υ = 0, Σ.Ζ = 0, Σ. Z. (Zy - Y2) = 0, E. (X≈ - Zx) = 0, 2. (Yx – Xy) = 0, Σ. free from all the mutual actions of the bodies of the system. We might have been led to this conclusion by remembering that the equilibrium of the system would not be disturbed by supposing the bodies, when at rest, to become united rigidly at the points of mutual action, and so considering the system as one rigid body. 44 STATICS. SYSTEM OF BODIES. PROP. To prove that the Principle of Virtual Velocities is true of any system of forces which keep any material system in equilibrium. 72. We shall first enunciate this Principle. Suppose a material system is held in equilibrium by the action of a system of forces: suppose the points of application of the forces are geometrically moved through very small spaces in a manner consistent with the connexion of the parts of the system one with another. Suppose perpendiculars drawn from the new positions of the points upon the directions of the forces acting at the points in their positions of equilibrium. The distances of any perpendicular from the original point of appli- cation of the corresponding force is called the virtual velocity of the point with respect to that force, and is estimated positive or negative, according as the perpendicular falls on the side of the point towards which the force acts or the opposite side: then the Principle is this, The algebraical sum of the products of each force of the system and the corresponding virtual velocity vanishes. 73. I. Suppose the system consists of only one rigid body. We must cause the different particles to describe small spaces consistent with their connection; this will, in the case of a rigid body, be as well accomplished by supposing the co- ordinate axes to receive a slight alteration of position. Suppose the axes to revolve round through a small angle : then x, y, z become x + yo, y − x0, 29 neglecting small quantities of the second and higher orders. Next, suppose these new axes to revolve through a small angle about the new axis of y: by these means the original values x, y, z become (x + y0) − xP, y - æ Ꮎ, - ≈ + (x + y0) $, or x + y0 −z0, y − x0, z + x P. Next, suppose the axes to revolve about the new axis of x, through a small angle, and the co-ordinates become - x+yə-zp, y − x0 +≈ 4, ≈+x4 −y4, omitting small quantities of the second and higher orders. VIRTUAL VELOCITIES. 45 Lastly, let the origin be shifted to a point whose co-ordi- nates are a, b, c: hence, if da, dy, dx be the total changes in x, y, ≈ produced by these changes of axes, dx = a + y✪ ≈0 – zp (1), Sy = b + x 4 − x✪ (2), Sz = c + x − y 4 Q - (3). Now multiply the equations of equilibrium Σ.Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, Σ.Ζ = 0, Σ. (Xy - Yx) = 0, E. (Zx - X≈) = 0, Σ. (Y≈ – Zy) = 0, by a, b, c, 0, 0, ↓ respectively, and add; ·· Σ. {X (a + y0 −≈p)+Y (b+≈↓ − x0)+Z (c+xp−y¥)} = 0; and, consequently, £.{Xô? +Yông+Z8}=0. 74. Let R be the force, of which XYZ are the compo- nents: a, b, c the angles which the direction of R makes with the axes; · X X= R cos ɑ, Y = R cos b, Z = R cos c. Also let ds be the small geometric displacement of the point of application of R, of which dx, dy, dx are the resolved parts: a', b', c' the angles ds makes with the axes: then бос ds.cos Sx = ds. cos a', dy = ds. cos b', d≈ = ds. cos c'; .'. Xdx + Ydy + Zd≈ = Rds (cos a cos a' α + cos b cos b' + cos c cos c') = R&r where dr is the resolved part of ds in the direction of R's action; that is, the virtual velocity of the point (v y ≈) with respect to R. Hence . R&r = 0, and the Principle of Virtual Velocities is true of a system of forces holding a rigid body in equilibrium. 46 SYSTEM OF BODIES. STATICS. 75. II. Suppose the system consists of any number of rigid bodies. Let P be the mutual action of any two of the rigid bodies, whether by contact or by any means of connexion whatever : let aẞy be the angles which its direction makes with the axes, and let a yz, x'y' z' be the co-ordinates to the points. where the force P acts. α Now each of these bodies is in equilibrium under the action of its own forces, together with the force P, and the mutual actions it has with the other bodies of the system. Hence, by the first case, Σ. Rdr + P (dx cos a + dy cos ẞ + dx cos y) + also for the other body on which P acts, = 0 ... (1) ; Σ. R'dr' - P (dx' cos a + dy' cos ẞ + dx' cos y) + ... = 0 ... (2) ; and P will not occur in any of the equations that have reference to the other bodies. Adding equations (1) and (2), will give Σ. Rdr + E. R'dr' + P {(dx - dx') cos a + (dy - dy') cos ẞ+ (dz - dx') cosy} + ...... = 0. Now in consequence of the geometric displacement of the system, suppose the points (xyz) and (x'y'') describe the small spaces St and St', making respectively with the axes the angles m, m', m" and n, n', n": hence Sx = St cosm, Sy = St cosm', dx = St cos m", = Sa' St' cos n, Sy' = dt' cos n', St' cos n', dx' = dt' cos n". Hence (Sada) cosa + (dy-dy') cos B + (dz - dx') cos y St (cos m cos a + cos m' cos ß + cos m″ cos y) St' (cos n cos a + cos n' cos ß + cos n" cos y) = resolved part of St - resolved part of St in direction of P = sum of virtual veloc. of the pnts. (xyz), (x'y's') with resp. to P Sp+dp' suppose. VIRTUAL VELOCITIES. 47 Wherefore if we form the equations analogous to equations (1) and (2) for all the bodies, and add them together, we shall have, supposing Σ now to extend through the whole system, Σ. Rdr + Σ. P (dp + dp′) = 0. and the Principle of Virtual Velocities is still true. 76. COR. 1. If the force P be the mutual normal pres- sure of two surfaces in contact, then by giving the system such a geometric motion that these surfaces shall remain in contact, we shall cause P to disappear from this equation, because then Sp + Sp′ = 0. 77. COR. 2. If the points (xy≈) and (x'y'x') are con- nected invariably, as for instance by an inextensible string, then P disappears from the equation of Virtual Velocities, since Sp + Sp' = 0. PROP. When a system of rigid bodies is in equilibrium under the action of no forces but their weights, mutual forces, and pressures upon smooth immoveable surfaces, then the centre of gravity is in the lowest or highest position it can possibly attain by moving the system consistently with the connexion of its parts one with another. 78. For let the axis of ≈ be taken vertical: and let P₁, P, the vertical forces with which the different particles. tend downwards by reason of the attraction of the Earth: ₁₂...the vertical ordinates to their points of application, ≈ the vertical ordinate to the centre of gravity (see Art. 36.) P₁~~₁ + P½Ñ³½ + P3~3 + P₁ + P₂ + P3 + Now suppose the system to receive a slight displacement of its parts consistent with their connexion, and let d≈≈≈3... be the vertical displacement of the points of application of P₁P₂ P¸...(these are the virtual velocities of the points); and let become+d; 2 ི ··· 3+ d = P₁ ~₁ + P₂ ≈2 + P3~3 + P₁ + P₂ + P3 + 2 48 SYSTEM OF BODIES. STATICS. + .. dz= P₁ d≈₁ + P₂d≈₂ + P38%3 + 2 P₁ + P₂ + P3 + 1 2 P₁d≈₁ + P₂d ≈₂ + P38≈3 + P₁ + P₂+ P3 + 1 2 But by the principle of Virtual Velocities, the numerator of this fraction vanishes when there is equilibrium; ... d z = 0, б and is a maximum or minimum: and the centre of gravity is in its highest or lowest position. PROP. To prove that when the centre of gravity has its lowest position the equilibrium is stable, and when it has its highest position the equilibrium is unstable. 79. When a system of bodies is in equilibrium and an indefinitely small motion is given to the parts of the system so as to disturb the state of rest, the equilibrium is said to be stable or unstable according as the parts of the system do or do not return to their original positions of rest. Now suppose the pressures (mentioned in the last Prop.) and the weight of the parts of the system are not in equili- brium. We shall prove that the centre of gravity cannot ascend, but must descend. The resultant of the weights of the different parts of the system passes through the centre of gravity of the system. Let W be the weight of the whole system: and suppose the centre of gravity would move in the direction GG₁ (fig. 17.) making an angle with the vertical drawn downwards from G, if not prevented by a force P acting in the opposite direction and combining with the pressures to preserve equi- librium: GG, a: then by Virtual Velocities, = W. a cos 0 - P. a = 0; P ... cose W LAGRANGE'S PROOF OF VIRTUAL VELOCITIES. 49 therefore cos cannot be negative, or cannot lie between 101 2 and 3 п 2 ; that is, G cannot move upwards but must move downwards when the system is not in equilibrium. Now if the system be in equilibrium with its centre of gravity as high as possible, any slight disturbance must bring it lower; and since, by what we have just proved, it can never rise again, it follows that the equilibrium will be unstable. But if the equilibrium be such that the centre of gravity is in its lowest position, any disturbance must raise it higher; and since when left to itself it must fall, it follows that the centre of gravity will return to its former position, or the equilibrium is stable. 80. We have in the foregoing part of this work deduced the conditions of equilibrium of a material system from the simplest principles, commencing with the equilibrium of a single material particle: and we have from these conditions proved the Principle of Virtual Velocities. But we might have pursued an inverse course and commenced with proving the Principle of Virtual Velocities, and thence deducing the con- ditions of equilibrium of a material system. PROP. To prove the Principle of Virtual Velocities independently of the Parallelogram of Forces. 81. The following is Lagrange's Proof of this Principle. Let us suppose that the forces are P1, P2, P3... and that they are commensurable and in the proportion of the numbers N1, N2, N3,.... let A1, A2, A3,...(fig. 18.) be their points of application: A¸α₁, А‚α2, Аžαз,... their directions. 1 Now imagine a and b, to be two blocks consisting each of n, wheels of equal size, the wheels in the same block turning freely about the same axis: and let the centres of these blocks be in the straight line A₁a, produced. Let a₁ be connected with 4 by an inextensible string: and suppose b, is firmly fixed to an immoveable beam B₁; and a,, b, connected by an inextensible string passing round their wheels alternately, one end of the string being attached to a fixed point M any where in the plane of the first wheel of b, over which it passes; and G 50 STATICS. SYSTEM OF BODIES, 1 the other end being carried (as represented in the figure) to another system of blocks corresponding to the force P₂, each block having no wheels; and so on: and lastly, let the string be passed over a simple wheel at C and be stretched by a weight W hanging by it. The string is imagined to be perfectly flexible, and the wheels perfectly smooth: consequently the string will be stretched uniformly throughout, with a tension equal to the weight W. It is very evident, then, that since the wheels of ɑ₁ and b₁ are all equal, the portions of string connecting them are parallel, and (they being 2n, in number) the tension of A₁a₁ equals the weight 2n, W; in the same manner the tension of A2a2 is 2n2 W; and so on. 1 Consequently by this imaginary contrivance the weight W produces forces at the points A₁₂ ……………………. in the directions A₁α1, А₂α2 ... and in the proportion of n₁ n₂ in the proportion of P₁P½ 1 ; that is, But P₁ P½ ……………. are in equilibrium and since the unit of force may be any force, a system of forces in the same propor- tion as P₁P₂ ... acting at the same points and in the same directions as P₁ P₂ .... will be in equilibrium. 1 1 Hence if we remove the forces P₁ P₂ ...... and replace them in the manner described above, W will be at rest and this will be the case of whatever magnitude W be, since by increasing or diminishing W, the forces P, P so as to retain their proportion unchanged. are altered Wherefore, however much we alter W, we cannot thereby cause the moveable block (a) of any of the systems (as a b₁) to move. 1 This shews that the relation of the magnitudes of the forces P₁ P..., their directions, and points of application is such, that if we forcibly make the block a₁, or any other block, to approach or recede from the other block b₁ of the system by an indefinitely small space, then the other moveable blocks will so shift, that on the whole the length of string given off from the blocks which approach will exactly equal the length of string taken in by the blocks which separate. If this were not the case, this indefinitely small displacement of the system would give W an indefinitely small motion, and this would LAGRANGE'S PROOF OF VIRTUAL VELOCITIES. 51 shew conversely, that it is possible to move W, which (as we have proved) cannot be done, however much we alter W in magnitude. Sp₁ Hence, if Sp, Sp₂ be the spaces through which dag...... move in consequence of the indefinitely small dis- placement, those being reckoned positive when the blocks ap- proach, or string is given off, and the others negative. Then n₁dp₁, n₂dp₂, will be the lengths of string given off or taken on the wheels, according as they are positive or negative ; ... пор, + порг + or P₁dp₁ + P₂dp₂ + which is the Principle of Virtual Velocities. 0, = 0, 82. The displacements Sp₁, Sp2 ...... must be taken indefinitely small, otherwise the equilibrium will be sensibly disturbed, and W will not remain at rest. In fact the best way of representing the principle is this; that when any part of the system is moved through a space less than any assignable quantity, then W will move through a small space which varies as the square or some higher power of the dis- turbance, so that it vanishes in the limit. PROP. To obtain the equations of equilibrium of a rigid body from the Principle of Virtual Velocities. 83. By this principle we have 2. Pdp = 0. Let XYZ be the resolved parts of P: and dx, dy, dx the virtual velocities of the point (xyz) with respect to P; …. 2.(Xô + Yông + Z8s) = 0. Now, by Art. 73, we must put ба Ꮎ, dx = c + x − y&, Sx = a + yo≈p, dy = b+≈4 − x0, y0 in which a, b, c, 0, 0, & are arbitrary small quantities: hence a. X+b. Y+cE. Z + YΣ. (Y≈ − Zy) + pΣ. (Zx − X≈) + 0Σ. (Xy – Yx) = 0, and because a, b, c, 0, p, & are arbitrary, Σ.Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, Σ. Ζ = 0, Σ. (Ys - Zy) = 0, E. (Zx - X≈) = 0, = E. (Xy - Yx) = 0, which are the six equations of equilibrium deduced in Art. 65. CHAPTER IV. CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 84. Ir was shewn in Art. 37. that there is a point in every body such that, if the particles of the body be acted on by parallel forces and this point be fixed, the body will rest in whatever position it be placed. 85. Now the weight of a body may be considered as the resultant of the weights of the different elementary portions of the body acting in parallel and vertical lines. In this case the point above described, the centre of parallel forces, is called the centre of gravity of the body. We intend to devote the present Chapter to the determination of this point in bodies of various forms. 86. We shall first give a few geometrical calculations of the position of the centre of gravity. Ex. 1. To find the centre of gravity of a triangular figure of uniform thickness and density. Let ABC be one surface of the triangular figure: fig. 19. Bisect AC in D; join BD: draw adc parallel to ADC cutting BD in d. Then by similar triangles ad: AD :: Bd: BD and de: DC :: Bd: BD .. ad : AD :: de: DC but AD = DC; ... ad dc. Hence BD bisects every line parallel to the side AC: and therefore each of these lines will balance on BD, and conse- quently the whole triangle will balance on BD: and therefore the centre of gravity must be in the line BD. CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 53 PYRAMID. Bisect AB in E and join CE; let this cut BD in F. Then, as before, the centre of gravity must be in CE: but it must be in BD: and therefore F is the centre of gravity. Join DE. Then AD DC and AE EB; = .. DE is parallel to BC and BC = 2. DE, and by similar triangles DF BF ... DF = BF; DE BC ... DF = DB. Hence to find the centre of gravity of a triangle, bisect any side, join the point of bisection with the opposite angle, and the centre of gravity lies a third of the way up this line. Ex. 2. To find the centre of gravity of a pyramid on a triangular base. Let ABC be the base; V the vertex: fig 20, bisect AC in D; join BD, DV: take DF = 1. DB, then F is the centre of gravity of ABC. Join FV: and draw abc parallel to ABC cutting VF in f: join bf; and produce it to meet DV in d. Then by similar triangles, we easily see that ad dc: also bf Vf df BF VF DF : but DF = BF; ... df = }} bf ; = therefore ƒ is the centre of gravity of the triangle abc: and if we suppose the pyramid to be made up of an infinitely great number of infinitely thin triangular figures parallel to the base, each of these has its centre of gravity in VF. Hence the centre of gravity of the pyramid is in VF. 3 Again, take DH = DV: join HB cutting VF in G. Then as before, the centre of gravity of the pyramid must. be in BH: but it is in VF: hence G, the point of intersection of these lines, is the centre of gravity. 54 STATICS. Join FH: then FH is parallel to VB: also ··· DF = 1 DB ; ·. FH=1VB: FG VG and but FH = 1 VB ; FH VB .. FG = | GV = 1 FV. Hence the centre of gravity is found to be one-fourth of the way up the line joining the centre of gravity of the base with the vertex. Ex. 3. To find the centre of gravity of any pyramid having a plane base. Divide the base into triangles: if any part of the base is curvilinear, then suppose the curve to be divided into an indefinitely great number of indefinitely short straight lines. Join the vertex of the pyramid with the centres of gravity of all the triangles, and also with all their angles. Draw a plane parallel to the base at a distance from the base equal to one- fourth of the distance of the vertex from the base: then this plane cuts every line drawn from the vertex to the base in parts, having the same ratio 3: 1; and therefore the tri- angular pyramids have their centres of gravity in this plane, and therefore the whole pyramid has its centre of gravity in this plane. Again, join the vertex with the centre of gravity of the base: then every section of the pyramid parallel to the base will be similar to the base, and will have its centre of gravity in this line. Hence the whole pyramid has its centre of gra- vity in this line. Wherefore the centre of gravity is one-fourth of the way up the line joining the centre of gravity of the base with the vertex. Ex. 4. To find the centre of gravity of the frustrum of a pyramid, formed by parallel planes. Let ABC abc be the frustrum, fig. 20: G, g the centres of gravity of the pyramids VABC, Vabc: it is clear that the CENTRE OF GRAVITY. FRUSTRUM OF A PYRAMID. 55 centre of gravity of the frustrum must be in gG produced; at G' suppose. Let GF=x; Ff = c; AB = a, ab=b. Ff=c; Now the smaller pyramid and the frustrum supposed to act at their centres of gravity are in equilibrium about G: hence by Art. 32. GG' Gg weight of smaller pyd. weight of frustrum vol. of small pyd. vol. of large-vol. of small pyd. Gg = VG - Vg = 2 (VF − Vƒ) b3 a³ - b³ ³ b3 3c 4 3 c b3 .. GG' 4 a³ - b³ Also GF = 1VF = } (VF − Vƒ) - a a - b с α 4 a - b by similar figures, C a 3b3 .. FG′ = FG – G'G 4 a - b a³ b3 Cons c a² + 2ab+ 3b² 11 4 a² + ab + b² This is true of a frustrum of a pyramid on any base, a and b being homologous sides in the two ends. We proceed now to the analytical calculations. PROP. To obtain formula for the calculation of the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of a body. 87. Let ays be the rectangular co-ordinates to an elemen- tary parallelopiped of the body, the mass of the element being dm: then if g be the constant ratio of the mass of a body to its weight, gdm is the weight of this element: or the force with 56 STATICS. which it presses downwards in a vertical line: gdm.x is the moment of this force with respect to the plane of y≈ (see Art. 39.), and ſ.gxdm is the sum of the moments of the forces which the parts of the body exert downwards in vertical lines: also fgdm is the sum of the forces. Hence if ≈ be that co- ordinate of the centre of gravity of the body which is parallel to the axis of x, (Art. 36.) f.gxdm f.xdm XC f.gdm Similarly, y = f.ydm 21 f.zdm the limits of integration being determined by the form of the body. When the body is not bounded by continuous surfaces, these formulæ cannot be used, except in some particular cases, as we shall see when we come to apply them to examples. When these formulæ will not apply we must divide the body into distinct portions, of which the respective centres of gra- vity can be calculated by the above formulæ; and must finally find the centre of gravity of the whole body by considering these constituent portions as condensed, each into its centre of gravity, and so forming an assemblage of particles to which the formulæ of Art. 36. can be applied. Ex. 1. A straight rod of uniform thickness and den- sity: (fig. 21.) = X, AB the rod: P, Q two transverse sections, AP PQ = dx, M the mass of the whole rod and its length: then the mass of PQ M = dx Z *. X f. xdx .dx M since divides out 12 = ½ 1 = AG. CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A LINE. 57 Ex. 2. A curved line of uniform density and thickness, the curvature lying in one plane: (fig. 22.) Let APs, PQ = ds; ds the mass of PQ = M and ds √1+ dy da dx, dx² x and y being co-ordinates to P; X Jads fds Jyds Y fds } between the proper limits. The two following examples are applications of these formulæ. Ex. 3. A quadrant of a circle: (fig. 23.) Here y² = a² – x², the centre B being origin: BA axis of x. dy dx ac ds a a² x² dx a² - x² a; the limiting values of x are 0 and AB . X a a a x dx Ja a² adx So Ja a for ay dx √ a² a d x 202 شرج Y Jo Va² x2 ။ a² 2 a BH, Επα fcdx dx So Ja² = x² 2 a |= Ex. 4. The arc of a semi-cycloid: (fig. 23.) HG. The axis AB being the axis of a and the vertex A the origin, X - 1 y = a vers. + √2ax x². α H 58 STATICS. dy 2α- x 2 a X ds 2 a dx √ 2αx x02 20 dx 20 the limits of x are 0 and AB or 2a, f2ax N 2α dx 2 a 20 ४ 2a 2 a dx X со = AH, 2a dy Say N dx 2 x¹y - 2√xt dx dx 20 dx 2 a α Sza a dx between the proper limits √x (2a)$π- 2 2 f2a 2a - xdx 4 a = πα HG. 2√2a 3 Ex. 5. A curve line of double curvature. dy2 dz2 In this case.ds √ 1 + dx² + da, xyz being co- dx² ordinates to the variable extremity of s: this value of ds put will give the required co-ordinates. in x y z Ex. 6. Any portion of a helix, or the curve of the thread of a screw: (fig. 24.) 2 The equations are y = √ a² a² - x², x², Z Z = na cos a cos- a dy a dz ·na dx da √ a² dy² dx2 a² (4 + n²) .. 1 + + dx² dx² a² - x² and the limits of r are a and x; CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF AN AREA. 59 18 11 x d x 2 x² Va² Så Ja² - a² a dx 2 Så Ja fx dx dx Va² 202 x² X cos - 1 a α X 20 f x cos-1 x² α X dx fa na cos Sa 1 α Va a² x² na X cos-1 dx Sa √ a² x² 1 y | 22 Ex. 7. A body of uniform thickness and density bounded by a plane curve and its ordinate. Let the plane parallel to the plane faces of the body and bisecting it be the plane of xy: the centre of gravity is evi- dently in this plane: M the mass of the body, and A its area: then the mass of an elementary portion of the area at the point M P, of which the co-ordinates are wy, is Mdady; and since A A divides both numerator and denominator, the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity become x = ffxdx dy fj d x d y ffy d x d y Y ffdxdy between proper limits. We shall sometimes find it convenient to use polar co- ordinates: (fig. 25.) Let AP = 1, x AP = 0: 0: dr, rde the sides of the ele- mentary portion of the area at P; then M rdrdo A is the mass of the element at P: and x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0; x = [² cos Odrde Jrdrde ffre sin Odrde frdrde 60 STATICS. between the proper limits: the following examples are appli- cations of these; we shall sometimes use rectangular and some- times polar co-ordinates. Ex. 8. Let the curve be the semi-parabola AC, (fig. 23.) AM = x, {MP=y: QM² = 4mx, the equation to AC. Now x and y are independent variables, we may consequently integrate our expressions, first considering y variable and a constant, and then with regard to a. This admits of an easy explanation. Integrating our expressions on the supposition that is constant and y variable is the same as calculating the expressions only for the elementary masses which lie in a strip of the area, like QM in the figure, in which PM or y is different for each element, but AM or x is the same: the limiting values of y in this integration will be y = 0 and y = MQ = 2√mx, and the result will therefore be a function of a only: then in- tegrating this result with respect to a is the same as adding together the expressions for all the strips like QM, of which the area consists: the limits of x are 0 and AB or a; a .. ffadady between proper limits = fª x (y + X) dx (X a function of x) fª 2 √ m x ³ d x 4 √mas, 5 [[dædy between limits = ſoª (y + X') dx = √/ma³ ; 3 .. X 3 a 5 AH, in like manner y 3 √ ma 3 BC or = GH. 4. 8 + If we had taken the double area CAC', the limits of Y would have been y MQ' we should have found 2 √mx, and Y 3 a XC 5 = MQ = 2√mx, and = AH, ÿ= 0, and therefore H is the centre of gravity of the whole. Y CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF AN AREA 61 Ex. 9. Let CAC' be a circular area: (fig. 23.) y² = 2ax-x²: and if we take a portion ACB, the limits of y are 0, and 2ax - x², and those of x are 0 and AB or a La fy x d x d y a 6ª x√2ax x² dx X X 13 fx [ d x d y £* √2ax x² dx 2ax² 003 Soa 11 Soa √2ax²-x3 2αx x² √2ax - dx 4 a AH*. 3 П dx x² La 6ª by dx dy α Also Ja joy d x d y fª y³ da joa y dx dx 1 foª (2 ax − x²) dx a foª √2ax − x² dx 2 1 ( a³ − 1 a³) 4 a GH. 219 3 п a² Ex. 10. Let CAC' be an ellipse. Then if we take the quadrant ACB, AB = a, BC = b, Ex. 11. 4a 4b X , Y 3 п 3 п Let CAC' be a cycloid: AB = 2a, 7 a T 8 it = AH Y = HG= = α 6 Ωπ Ex. 12. A triangle: (fig. 26.) Draw AD perpendicular to BC; A the origin, AD the axis of x: DAB = a, DAC = ẞ(− A − a), AD · ẞ (= A − a), AD = e; x tan a = y', a tan ẞ = y", the limits of The general form is Y ; Σ xndx 2n-1 ľ x²-1dx 2-1 2ax-x² 。 V2ax — x² 12 。 √2ax − x² N. 62 STATICS. 18 fox² (tan a + tan ẞ) dx Sex (tan a + tan ẞ) dæ e 1 Soc a² (tan² a - tan² B) dx e fox (tan a + tan ß) dæ .. AH = AD, and & 2e AH. 3 e (tan a tan ẞ) = HG. 3 GH = }} (BD – CD), DE = GH; .. BD – CD = 2 DE; .. BD – DE = CD + DE; and AG = and BE = CE, AE, as in Ex. 1. Art. 86. As an instance of the application of polar co-ordinates, we will take the following. Ex. 13. A semi-ellipse CBC': (fig. 25.) Let H be its centre of gravity: AP=r, BAP = 0. In this case we must integrate first with respect to › and then with respect to 0; but not first with respect to 0 and then with respect to r. For if we first integrate with respect to r, we take the sum of the elements in AQ, and the whole area can be divided into strips like AQ: but if we begin by integrating with respect to 0, we take the elements in an annular strip through P: and the area cannot be divided into strips described after the same law, hence we should be unable to integrate again with respect to r. The limits of r are 0 and AQ or of 0 are ... xc π | 02 !! and π 2 ffr² cos 0d0dr ffrdedr 2b 03 ja α sa b the limits 1- e cos² 0 between these limits cos Ꮎ dᎾ (1 − e² cos² ) do d Ꮎ a 1 - e² cos² 0 r 2014 CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF SURFACE OF REVOLUTION. 63 || 2b 3 ja α fa 1 α d. tan e (1 − e² + tan² ()} d. tan 1-e² + tan² 0 tan a 2b 1 − e² √1 − e² + tan² a α П ။ 214 26 l 4 a 3 П GO 3 1 tan a 3 π tan- 1 1 – eª 1 - e² Ex. 14. 1 1 - e² The sector of a circle: (fig. 25.) Let BP'A be the sector: ▲ BAP' = a It matters not in this example whether we integrate with respect to r first or first; since the area may be made up of either strips like AQ, or of annular strips like that passing through P. ४। Y ... α La far cos ededr α α α La far de d r Lafar sin ededr a Lordedr · ▲ GAB = tan-¹ α 3 fa de α 2 a foª cos de 2a (sin a) 3 a 2a (1 cos a) 3 a α 2a fa sin ede α 3 fa do 1 -1 Y cos a = tan- 1 x sin a α 8102 4a sin 2 a 812 a AG = √ x² + ÿ 2 ·2 cos a = 3 a 3 a Ex. 15. A surface of revolution: (fig. 27.) Let AM = x, MP = y; MM' = da: through M and M' draw two planes at right angles to the axis of the figure; that is, the axis of x. Now every portion of the surface between these planes is equally distant from the axis, and therefore the centre of gravity of the surface PQQ'P' is at M ultimately: let M be the mass of the whole surface (the thickness and density being uniform) and S the whole surface; ལ་བྱོལ་ STATICS. .. mass of the surface PQQ'P' * M 2πуds S ds α La xy d x dx = AG, AB ɑ. = a. X ds α Lay dx dx It is evident that y = 0. Ex. 16. The surface of a portion of a sphere. y² = 2 ax a 2 ds a dx √2ax ນໍ າ ― x² x ४ । X fr a x d x La adx a x² 2 X AG. 2ax 2 Ex. 17. The surface of a cone. ds Y = ax, √1 + a² dx .. x = £* x² d x Loa x d x 200 = AG. 3 Ex. 18. Let the body be any surface of uniform thick- ness and density: (fig. 28.) Let xyz be co-ordinates to any point of the surface: the area of a small portion of the surface at that point is 1 + d&2 dx2 + dx dy; dx² dy² therefore mass of the corresponding element 11 M S 1 + dz2 dx2 + dady; dx² dy² CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF ANY SURFACE. 65 18 11 dx² dx2 SS x 1 + + dx dy dx² dy² ss dz2 dx2 SS √ 1 + + dx dy dxx2 dy between proper limits, and similar expressions for y, z. Ex. 19. The surface of an eighth part of a sphere. The origin being at the centre, x² + y² + ≈² = a² (fig. 28.) 1 + de dx2 + dx2 dy² ɑ a Va² x² – y² We shall consider y to vary, a remaining constant: that is, we shall take all the elements in the strip QQ': hence the limits of y are 0 and Q'M or √a² – x², which is obtained from the equation to the surface by putting ≈ = 0: then the limits of x are 0 and AB or a; x = La fu ary' x dx dy √ a² - x² - y² dx dy √ a² — x² — y² π fr = x d x π dx α a 19 y' = √ i a 2 - x² in the same manner = У α > 22 | α 1012 Ex. 20. Let the body be a solid formed by the revolu- tion of a plane curve about the axis of x: (fig. 27.) The centre of gravity of the slice PQ' is evidently at M when the thickness of the slice is diminished indefinitely and M the mass of this slice Tydx, V = whole volume; V I 66 Ex. 21. Ex. 22. STATICS. •*. x = 2 foxxy² dx £* y² d x Let the body be a hemisphere. y² = 2 ax x² X = Só ƒª (2 a x − x²) dx ƒª (2 a x² − x³) dx α 5 a 8 Let the body be a paraboloid. 18 y2 Ꮖ = 4mx fox x² d x 2x x £* x d x 3 Ex. 23. The frustrum of a paraboloid. Let a and b be the radii of the larger and smaller ends: a and ẞ the values of a measured from the vertex to the ends: then a a² 4m 2 a³ 3 α B3 B b2 4 m > 2 a² + aß + B2 x² d x dx X fo x d x 3 a² - B² 3 a + ß therefore the distance from smaller end 2a² - aß - ß² X β = 3 (a + B) 2a + B c 2 a² + b² (a - B) 3 (a + B) 3 a² + b² c = length of the frustrum. Ex. 24. Frustrum of a cone. Distance from smaller end = c b²+2ab+3a² 4 b² + ab + a² as in Ex. 4. Art. 86. CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF ANY SOLID. 67 Ex. 25. Let the body be any solid. We shall first suppose the body referred to rectangular co- ordinates, as in fig. 29. Let the body be divided into slices, like Q'N"M, by planes parallel to the plane yx: let these slices be divided into prisms, like QN, by planes parallel to the plane za: and let these prisms be divided into parallelopipeds, like PP', by planes parallel to the plane xy. In this manner the body is divided into a number of elementary parallelopipeds: those at the ex- tremities of the prisms will not be perfect; but when the dist- ance of the cutting planes is diminished indefinitely, the sum of these imperfect portions vanishes. Let x y z be co-ordinates to P; dx, dy, dx the sides of the parallelopiped at P: then dadydz is the volume of this figure, and V being the volume and M the mass of the whole body, supposed homogeneous, the mass of the element at P M dx dydz; V fff x d x d y d z SSS X JJ dx dy dz Y ffy d x d y d z jjj d x d y d z fff x d x d y d z and J J J d x d y d z between the proper limits. We shall now suppose the body is referred to polar co- ordinates as in fig. 30. : Let the body be divided into slices, such as CN'NA, by planes passing through AC: let these slices be divided into pyramids having their vertices in A, like AQ, by the rotation of rays like AQ about AC, preserving a constant inclination to AC during the rotation: lastly, let each of these pyramids be divided into six-sided figures, like PP', by planes per- pendicular to its length. In this manner the body is di- vided into a number of six-sided figures which become paral- lelopipeds ultimately when the distance of the cutting planes is diminished indefinitely. Let CAP A, AP = "₂ 1'? BAN = 0 ; 68 STATICS. therefore the sides of the figure at P are dr, rde, r sin edo, and its volume ultimately equals the product of these = r² sin 0 drdedp. Also x = r sin 0 cos 0, y = r sin 0 sin &, ર x = r cos 0 ; 0; therefore, supposing the body homogeneous, X fffr³ sin² 0 cos pdrd@do 2 fr² sin @drdedo y = SSS 3 ƒfƒ³ sin² 0 sin drd0do tv | fr² sin @drded p fe sin Ꮎ cos Ꮎ d d Ꮎ d p ♫♫fr² sin Odrded p between the proper limits. Ex. 26. The eighth part of a sphere: (fig. 29). L We Now xyz, being co-ordinates to any point P in the body, are independent variables: we may therefore integrate with respect to ≈, considering x and y not to vary that is the same as taking all the elements of the mass in a given prism QN, since although ≈ or PN is different for each element, yet x and Y remain the same: the limiting values of ≈ are 0 and QN=√ a² − x* — y² (= x' suppose) obtained from the equation to the surface. This integration with respect to ≈ between limits will leave a result a function of x and Y without ≈. shall then integrate with respect to y, considering a constant; this is the same as taking all the prisms in the same slice as Q'N"; since, although MN or y is different for each prism, yet AM or x is the same. The limits of y are 0 and MN' or a² (=y suppose) obtained from the equation to the line BN'. We shall finally integrate with respect to a from x = 0 to x = AB or a, which is the same as taking all the slices, and therefore the whole body; 20 = a fy ƒª f³´ f˜ x d x d y d z a fy ご ​fffdx dy dz α ƒªɓ” x √ a² — x² — y³ dx dy k 2 Soª£%" √ a² — x² - y² d x d y EXAMPLE OF VARIABLE DENSITY. 69 α Soª. = x (a² fa a 4 π . x²) dx √ª — (a² - x²) d x 4 $ a² a³ - 1 a³ // 3 a со 3 a in like manner we shall find Y 8 ૨૨ । 3 a 8 Ex. 27. The same as last example, but referred to polar co-ordinates: (fig. 30.) We shall integrate first with respect to r, then 0, and lastly . The limits of " are 0 and AQ or a; those of ◊ are π π o and ; those of are 0 and ; 2 .. x = α 2 ƒªƒªƒª r³ sin² 0 cos død 0 dr ra α τα fafafa² sin dpd0dr α 3a faf sin cos do de Ꮎ афак 4 ra faf sine do de α 2019 3 a 8 00 La π cos o do 2 За со 8 Гоаф За So also y 3 a 12 1 8 со Ex. 28. A hemisphere in which the density varies as the nth power of the distance from the centre. We shall use polar co-ordinates. The volume of an element at P = 1² sin død0dr; and if the density at a distance a the density at a distance = p Pp+2 ... mass of element at P = + sin død @dr. P an ( a P be ?? ; 70 STATICS. П π of 4, and 2 2 The limits of r are 0 and a; of 0, 0 and π *. X = α ƒª a ƒ ƒª p²±³ sin² 0 cos p dp d0 dr α T a •n+2 ƒ“a √ √ª²+² sin 0 d q də dr 0 n + 3 a n + 42 2 α 214 π GULDINUS's PROPERTIES. PROP. To prove that if any plane figure revolve about an axis lying in its own plane, the content of the solid gene- rated by this figure in revolving through any angle is equal to a prism, of which the base is the revolving figure and height the length of the path described by the centre of gra- vity of the area of the plane figure. 88. Let the axis of revolution be the axis of x, and the plane of the revolving figure in its initial position to be the plane of xy; we shall suppose the figure to be wholly on one side of the axis of x: the angle through which the figure revolves. Then the elementary area da dy of the plane figure in revolving through an angle de, generates the elementary solid whose volume is yd0dxdy; therefore whole solid Θ = Lº ffyde dx dy, the limits of x and y depend upon the equation to the curve = 0 ffydx dy between the proper limits. But if be the ordinate to the centre of gravity of the Y plane figure, then by Art. 87. Ex. 7. Y ffy dx dy ff d x d y the limits the same as before; GULDINUS'S PROPERTIES. 71 therefore whole solid = 0 ffydx dy = ÿ0. ffdx dy = arc descd. by centre of gravity × area of figure. Hence the Prop. is true. PROP. To prove that the surface of the solid generated is equal in area to the rectangle of which the sides are the length of the perimeter of the generating figure and the length of the path of the centre of gravity of the perimeter. 89. The surface generated by the arc ds of the figure revolving through an angle de equals ydēds; Ꮎ .. whole surface = ƒª ſyd0ds = 0 fyds between proper limits. But y = ordinate to centre of gravity of perimeter Jyds fds between same limits as before; therefore whole surface y0. fds = arc descd. by centre of gravity × length of perimeter. Hence the Prop. is true. 90. It is evident that these theorems are true also when the generating figure is bounded by a line not of continuous curvature. Ex. 1. To find the solid content and the surface of the ring of an anchor. Let the radius of the axis be a, and the radius of a transverse section be b: then the length of the path of the centre of gravity of the area of the generating figure and the area of the figure = π b²; .. content of solid = 2π² a b². = 2a, Also path of centre of gravity of the perimeter = 2πa, and the length of the perimeter = 2πb; .. surface = 2 = 4π² ab. Oi 72 STATICS. Ex. 2. To find the centre of gravity of the area and also of the arc of a semi-circle. A semi-circle by revolving about its diameter generates a sphere: the content of the sphere the surface = 4πα²: π 4π 3 a³, a the radius : the area of the semi-circle = a²; the perimeter = πα; therefore distance of centre of gravity of area from diameter content of sphere 4 a • 2π area of circle 3 п ; and distance of centre of gravity of arc from diameter surface of sphere 1 2π. arc of circle 2 a π CHAPTER V. MACHINES. FRICTION. 91. A MACHINE is an instrument, or a system of solid bodies, for the purpose of transmitting force from one part to another of the system. It would be endless to describe all the machines that have been invented; we shall consequently confine ourselves to those of simple construction. The most simple species of machines are denominated the Mechanical Powers. These we shall explain, and also a few combinations of them. 92. A Lever is an inflexible rod moveable only about a fixed axis; which is called the fulcrum. The portions of the lever into which the fulcrum divides it are called the arms of the lever: when the arms are in the same straight line, it is called a straight lever; in other cases a bent lever. Two forces act upon the lever about the fulcrum, called the power and the weight: the power is the force applied by the hand (or other means) to sustain or overcome the other force, or the weight. There are three species of levers: the first has the fulcrum between the power and weight; in the second the weight acts between the fulcrum and the power; and in the third the power acts between the fulcrum and the weight. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of two forces acting in the same plane on a lever. 93. Let the plane of the paper be the plane in which the forces act, and also be perpendicular to the axis, of which C is the projection, and about which the lever can move (fig. 31.), A, B the points of application of the forces P, W; a, ẞ the angles which the directions of the forces make with any line. a Cb drawn through C on the paper. Let R be the pressure K 74 STATICS. upon the fulcrum, and the angle which it makes with the line a Cb; then if we apply a force R in the direction CR, we may suppose the fulcrum removed, and the body to be held in equi- librium by the forces P, W, R. We shall resolve these forces in directions parallel and perpendicular to a Cb; and also take their moments about C: 0 then, by Art. 53, we have the following equations of condition : P cos a W cos ẞ - R cos 0 = 0 .. P sin a + W sin ß – R sin 0 = 0 ... and P. CD – W.CE 0 .. (1), 0 ......... (2), ..... (3). CD and CE being drawn perpendicular to the directions of P and W. These three equations determine the ratio of P to W when there is equilibrium; and the magnitude and direction of the pressure on the fulcrum. For equation (3) gives P CE_ perpendicular on direction of W W CD perpendicular on direction of P Also by transposing the last terms of (1) and (2), we have R cos 0 = P cos a W cos B, R sin 0 = P sin a + W sin ß. Add their squares; .. R² = P² + W2 - 2 PW cos (a + ß), which gives the magnitude of R. Take the ratio of the above equations; .. tan P sin a + W sin ß P cos a W cos B' which gives the direction of the pressure. If we suppose B to be the fulcrum and take the moments about B instead of C, we have instead of equation (3) the following* : *This is not a new equation of condition; but is a consequence of the three already given, (1), (2), (3). To shew this imagine AD and BE produced to meet CR: MACHINES. LEVER. 75 P perpendicular on direction of R R perpendicular on direction of P' It follows, then, that the condition of equilibrium in a lever of any species is that the two forces must be inversely as the perpendiculars drawn upon their directions from the fulcrum. 94. This property of the lever renders it a useful instru- ment in multiplying the power of a force. For any two forces, however unequal in magnitude, may be made to balance each other simply by fixing the fulcrum so that the ratio of its distances from the directions of the forces shall be equal to the ratio of the forces; an adjustment which can always be made. If the fulcrum be moved from this position, then that force will preponderate from which the fulcrum is moved and the equi- librium will be destroyed. We are thus led to understand how mechanical advantage is gained by using a crow-bar to move heavy bodies, as large blocks of stone: a poker to raise the coals in a grate: scissors, shears, nippers, and pincers; these last consisting of two levers of the first kind. The brake of a pump is a lever of the first kind. In the Stanhope printing- press we have a remarkable illustration of the mechanical advantage that can be gained by levers. The frame-work in which the paper to be printed is fixed, is acted upon by the shorter arm of a lever, the other arm being connected to a second lever, the longer arm of which is worked by the pressman. These levers are so adjusted that at the instant the paper comes in contact with the types, the perpendiculars from the fulcra upon the directions of the forces acting at the shorter arms are exceedingly short, and consequently the levers multiply the force exerted by the pressman to an enormous extent. CR: they will meet this line in the same point, since the distances by these two con- structions are CD cosec (0− a) and CE cosec (0+ẞ); and these are made equal, by equations (1), (2), (3), if we eliminate P, Q, W. Suppose, then, F to be the point in which these lines meet. By multiplying (1), (2), respectively by sin ẞ and cos ß, and adding, we have ; P sin (0+ẞ) FB sin (0 + ß) __ perpendicular on direction of R R sin (a+ẞ) FB sin (a +ß) ~ perpendicular on direction of P therefore this equation is a consequence of the equations (1), (2), (3), as might have been anticipated. ! 76 STATICS. As examples of levers of the second kind, we may mention. a wheelbarrow, an oar, a chipping-knife, a pair of nutcrackers. It must be observed, however, that as the lever moves about the fulcrum the space through which the weight is moved is, in the first and second species of lever, smaller than the space passed through by the power: and therefore what is gained in power is lost in despatch. For example in the case of the crow-bar to raise a block of stone through a given space by applying the hand at the further extremity of the lever, we must move the hand through a greater space than that which the weight describes. But in the third species of lever the reverse is the case. The power is nearer the fulcrum than the weight, and is con- sequently greater; but the motion of the weight is greater than that of the power. In this kind of lever despatch is gained at the expense of power. An excellent example is the treddle of a turning lathe. But the most striking example of levers of the third kind is found in the animal frame, in the construction of which it seems to be a prevailing principle to sacrifice power to readiness and quickness of action. The limbs of animals are generally levers of this description. The condile of the bone rests in its socket as the fulcrum; a strong muscle attached to the bone near the condile is the power, and the weight of the limb together with any resistance opposed to its motion is the weight. A slight contraction of the muscle gives a considerable motion to the limb. A drawing of the human arm is given as an illustration of these remarks: (fig. 32.) 95. The lever is applied to determine the weight of sub- stances. Under this character it is called a Balance. The Common Balance has its two arms equal, with a scale suspended from each extremity; the fulcrum being above the line joining the extremities of the arms. The substance to be weighed is placed in one scale, and weights placed in the other till the beam remains in equilibrium in a perfectly horizontal position; in which case the weight of the substance is indicated by the weights by which it is balanced. If the weights differ ever so slightly, the horizontality of the beam will be disturbed, and after oscillating for some time (in consequence of the fulcrum being placed above the line joining the points of support of the MACHINES. BALANCE, 77 scales) it will, on attaining a state of rest, form an angle with the horizon, the extent of which is a measure of the sensibility of the balance. In the construction of a balance the following requisites should be attended to. 1. When loaded with equal weights the beam should be perfectly horizontal. 2. When the weights differ, even by a slight quantity, the sensibility should be such as to detect this difference. 3. When the balance is disturbed it should readily return to its state of rest, or it should have stability. We shall now consider how these may be fulfilled. PROP. To find how the requisites of a good balance may be satisfied. 96. Let P and Q be the weights in the scales (fig. 33.): AB =2a: C the fulcrum: h its distance from the line joining A, B: W the weight of the beam and scales: k the distance of the centre of gravity of these from C measured downwards: the angle the beam makes with the horizon when there is equilibrium. Let us take the moments of P, Q, W about C: their sum equals zero since there is equilibrium (Art. 53.) Then since the distance of P's direc. from C = a cos 0 − h sin we have Q's.... = a cos 0 + h sin ✪ WV's..... = k sin 0, P (a cos 0 – h sin () − Q (a cos ( + h sin () – Wk sin 0 = 0 ; .. tan (P − Q) a (P+Q) h + Wk + The first This determines the position of equilibrium. requisite the horizontality when P and Q are equal-is satis- fied by making the arms equal. For the second we observe that for a given difference of P and Q the sensibility is greater the greater tan is; and for a given value of tan 0, the sensibility is greater the smaller the 78 STATICS. difference of P and Q is: hence tan is a correct measure P - Q of the sensibility: and therefore the second requisite is fulfilled by making (P + Q) h a k + W a as small as possible. The stability is greater the greater the moment of the forces which tend to restore the equilibrium when it is de- stroyed. Suppose P = Q, then P and Q may be placed at the mid-point between A and B: and the moment of the forces tending to restore equilibrium equals {(P+Q)h+Wk} sin 0. Hence to satisfy the third requisite, this must be made as large as possible. This is, in part, at variance with the second re- quisite. They may, however, both be satisfied by making (P+Q)h + Wk large, and a large also: that is, by increasing the distances of the fulcrum from the beam and from the centre of gravity of the beam and scales, and by lengthening the arms. It must be remarked that the sensibility of a balance is of more importance than the stability, since the eye can judge pretty accurately whether the index of the beam makes equal oscillations on each side of the vertical line; that is, whether the position of rest would be horizontal: if this be not the case, then the weights must be altered till the oscillations are nearly equal. 97. Another kind of balance is that in which the arms are unequal, and the same weight is used to weigh different substances by varying its point of support, and observing its distance from the fulcrum by means of a graduated scale. The common steelyard is of this description. PROP. To shew how to graduate the common steelyard. 98. Let AB be the beam of the steelyard (fig. 34.) A the fixed point from which the substance to be weighed is suspended, Q being its weight: C the fulcrum: W the weight of the beam together with the hook or scale-pan suspended from A; G the centre of gravity of these. Suppose that P suspended at N balances Q suspended fron A, then taking the moments of P, Q, W about C, we have MACHINES. ROBERVAL'S BALANCE. 79 Q. ACW.CGP. CN= 0; W CN + CG Р :: Q . . P. AC W Take the point D, so that CD= CG; P · Q CN + CD AC DN . P: P. AC Now let the arm DB be graduated by taking Da₁, Dα, Dag,......equal respectively to AC, 2 AC, 3AC,......let the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, placed over the points of graduation, and let subdivisions be made between these. Then by ob- serving the graduation at N we know the ratio of Q to P; and this latter being a given weight we know the weight of Q. In this way any substance may be weighed. 99. There is a remarkable balance called after its inventor Roberval's Balance: a representation of it is given in fig. 35. DC' is a frame of which the opposite sides are equal, and the extremities are connected by pins at D, C, D', C' so as to allow of free motion: this frame is supported by a stand EE'A, being connected to it by pins at E and E' so as to allow of free motion about those points: EE' must be parallel to DC and D'C', but not necessarily equi-distant from them: arms are fixed at right angles to the sides DD', CC to support weights Q and P. The peculiarity of this machine is, that if P and Q balance in any given position on the horizontal arms, the equilibrium will remain undisturbed if we shift P or Qor both of them along their arms in either direction: also if we push one arm down and consequently raise the other the whole will remain at rest in the position in which it is left. We shall prove these facts, and explained the paradoxical cha- racter of the machine in the Chapter of Problems. We may however easily prove by the Principle of Virtual Velocities the facts mentioned above, though the paradox will not be removed. 80 STATICS. If we lower the arm on which P acts through a space a, then D' sinks through a space x, and D, and therefore the arm on which Q acts, rises through a space a'x а > which is independent of the distances of P and Q along their arms: a and a' are the lengths DE and ED'. ax Then P.x Q. = 0 by Virtual Velocities, a Pa or Q a for all positions of the frame and of the weights. It will be seen upon referring to the Chapter of Problems that although the equilibrium remains undisturbed when P and Q have different positions, yet the strains at the joints D, D', C, C', E, E' and the point of application (B in figure) of the downward-pressure undergo changes. It is on the principle of this machine that the balances used of late years in shops are constructed: the scales rest each by one point upon the extremities of a lever below them, and the only motion they are capable of is in a vertical direction. 100. The second of the Mechanical Powers is the Wheel and Axle. This machine consists of two cylinders fixed together with their axes in the same line: the larger is called the wheel and the smaller the axle: the axis of the axle is generally much larger than that of the wheel. The cord by which the weight is suspended is fastened to the axle, and then coiled round it, while the power which supports the weight acts by a cord coiled round the circumference of the wheel; by spokes acted on by the hand, as in the capstan; or by the hand acting on a handle as in the windlass. PROP. To find the ratio of the power and weight in the Wheel and Axle when in equilibrium. 101. Let AD be the wheel and CC'B the axle (fig. 36.) P the power represented by a weight suspended from the cir MACHINES. 81 TOOTHED WHEELS. cumference of the wheel at A: W the weight hanging from the axle at B. Then since the axis of the machine is fixed, the condition of equilibrium is that the sum of the moments of the forces about this axis vanishes (Art. 68.); .. P. AC – W. C'B = 0 ; W AC rad. of wheel Р BC' rad. of axle It will be seen that this machine is only a modification of the lever. In short it is an assemblage of levers all having the same axis: and as soon as one has been in action the next comes into play; and in this way an endless leverage is ob- tained. In this respect, then, the wheel and axle surpasses the common lever in mechanical advantage. It is much used in docks, and in shipping. 102. The third Mechanical Power is the Toothed Wheel. It is extensively applied in all machinery; in cranes, steam- engines, and particularly in clock and watch work. If two circular hoops of metal or wood having their outer circum- ferences indented, or cut into equal teeth all the way round, be so placed that their edges touch, one tooth of one circum- ference lying between two of the other (as represented in the figure $7.); then if one of them be turned round by any means, the other will be turned round also. This is the simple construction of a pair of toothed wheels. PROP. To find the relation of the power and weight in Toothed Wheels. 103. Let A and B be the fixed centres of the toothed wheels on the circumferences of which the teeth are arranged. C the point of contact of two teeth: QCQ a normal to the surfaces in contact at C. Suppose an axle is fixed on the wheel B, and the weight IV suspended from it at E by a cord: also suppose the power P acts by an arm AD: draw Aa, Bb perpendicular to QCQ. Let the mutual pressure at C be Q. Then since the wheel A is in equilibrium about the fixed axis A, the sum of the moments about A equals zero: L 82 STATICS. .. P . AD – Q. A a = 0. Also since the wheel B is in equilibrium about B, the sum of the moments about B equals zero: ·. Q. Bb – W. BE = 0. Then by eliminating Q from these two equations, P P Q W Q W Aa BE AD Bb moment of P A a ΟΙ moment of W Bb when the teeth are small this ratio rad. of wheel A rad. of wheel B very nearly. 104. Wheels are in some cases turned by means of straps passing over their circumferences. In such cases the minute protuberances of the surfaces prevent the sliding of the straps, and a mutual action takes place such as to render the calculation exactly analogous to that in the Proposition. For the calculation of the best forms for the teeth, the reader is referred to a Paper of Mr Airy's, in the Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. II. p. 277. 105. The fourth Mechanical Power is the Pully. There are several species of pullies: we shall mention them in order. The simple pully is a small wheel moveable about its axis: a cord passes over part of its circumference. If the axis is fixed the effect of the pully is only to change the direction of the cord passing over it: if, however, the axis be moveable then, as will be presently seen, a mechanical advantage may be gained. MACHINES. 83 PULLIES. PROP. To find the ratio of the power and weight in the single moveable Pully. 106. I. Suppose the parts of the cord divided by the pully are parallel (fig. 38.) Let the cord ABP have one extremity fixed at A, and after passing under the pully at B suppose it held by the hand exerting a force P. The weight W is suspended by a cord from the centre C of the pully. Now the tension of the cord ABP is the same throughout. Hence the pully is acted on by three parallel forces, P, P, and W: hence 2 P – W = 0; IV = 2. P II. Suppose the portions of cord are not parallel (fig. 39.) Let a and a be the angles which Aa and Pb make with the vertical. Now the pully is held in equilibrium by W in CW, P in a A, P in b P. Hence by Art. 53, = horizontal forces, Psina - P sin a 0...(1) and vertical forces, P cos a + P cos a IV 0...(2) the equation of moments is identical. = By (1), sin a = sin a' and a = = a' ; W ... by (2), 2 cos a which is the relation required. P PROP. To find the ratio of the power and weight in a system of pullies, in which each pully hangs by a separate string, one end being fastened in the pully above it and the other end on a fixed beam: all the strings being parallel. I. 107. Let n be the number of pullies (fig. 40.) Let us neglect the weights of the pullies themselves. 1 Then the tension of b¸ IV = IV; .. the tension of a,b,b, = ¦ W; | 84 STATICS. 1 22 .. tension of ɑ¿b₂bз = W, tension of a3b3c= 1 { W 23 and so on, and the tension of the string passing under the n 1 pully W, and this = Qn P; W 2". P th II. Let us suppose the weights of the pullies to be con- sidered: and let www3...w, be these weights. Then if P1 P2 P3...Pn be the weights which they would sustain at P and P, the weight W would sustain at P, we 1 have Ş| W2 Wn W P1 P2 2n Qn- 1 .Pn P₁ = 2 2n + Pn + P1, 1 or P = 2n ·. P = P₁ + P₂ +. { W + w] + 2 w2 + 2² w; + ... ... + 2¹² - ¹ wn If w₁ = w₂ = W3 = Wn3 1 Р { W + (2″ − 1) w₁}. Qn PROP. To find the ratio of the power and weight when the system is the same as in the last Proposition; but the strings are not parallel. 108. We shall neglect the weights of the blocks. The pullies will evidently so adjust themselves that the string at their centre will bisect the angle between the strings touching their circumference. (3 Let a₁ a₂ aз ...... a, be the angles included between the strings touching the first, second, third, ...... nth pullies re- spectively (fig. 41.) Then, by Art. 106, tension of a₁ b₁ b₂ W 2 cos a MACHINES. PULLIES. W therefore tension of a b₂ b3 22 cos a₁ cos α2 W 85 tension of a b3 c = 23 cos a₁ cos a½ cos az W tension of the last string 2" cos al cos a cos az Cos an and this = P; W 2" cos a₂ cos a½ cos az cos an P PROP. To find the relation of the power and weight in a system of pullies where the same string passes round all the pullies. 109. This system consists of two blocks; each containing a number of the pullies with their axes coincident. The weight is suspended from the lower block, which is moveable, and the power acts at the loose extremity of the string, which passes round the respective pullies of the upper and lower block alternately. Since the same string passes round all the pullies, its ten- sion will be everywhere the same, and equal to the power P. Let n be the number of portions of string at the lower block; then n . P will be the sum of their tensions; .. W = n. P. If we take into account the weight of the lower block, and call it B, then W + B = n. P. If the strings at the lower block are not vertical, we must take the sum of the parts resolved vertically, and equate it to W. But, in general, this deviation from the vertical is so slight, that it is neglected. 110. As the weight is rising or falling, it will be observed that in general the pullies move with different angular motions. The degree of angular motion of each pully depends upon the 86 STATICS. magnitude of its radius. Mr James White took advantage of this to choose the radii of the pullies in such a manner as to give them the same angular motion, and so prevented the wear and resistance caused by the friction of the pullies against each other. This being the case, the pullies might be fastened to- gether. Instead of this, however, the pullies were cut in the same block. It will be seen without much difficulty, that the angular motions of the pullies of the upper block will be as the series of odd integers 1, 3, 5, ...... and those of the pullies of the lower block as the series of even integers 2, 4, 6, These series, then, determine the relative sizes of the pullies in the two blocks. PROP. To find the ratio of the power to the weight when all the strings are attached to the weight. 111. If we neglect the weight of the pullies (fig. 42.) the tension of the strings b, a, P; the tension of a, b = 2 P; and so on: if there be n pullies, then the sum of the tensions of the strings attached to the weight = P + 2 P ÷ 2² P + - 1 + 2^~¹ P = (2″ – 1) P; W 2" 1. Р If we suppose the weights of the pullies are w₁wy wz reckoning from the lowest, and w' w" w"" the portions of W which they respectively support (since they evidently assist P), and W' the portion of W supported by P; then W' = (2″— 1) P, w' = (2″− 1 − 1) w1, W (2n−2 — 1) w₂, (2 w(n-1) = (2-1) w₂-15 .. W = W'+w'+ (2ª − 1) P + (2”~1—1) wi + (2n −2 − 1.) w½ + ..... + (2 − 1) w₂−1 · +( MACHINES. INCLINED PLANE, 87 If w₁ = w₂ = W3 W = (2″ − 1) P + {2”−1 + 2-2 + + 2 − (n − 1)} wi - w₁ = 112. (2” − 1) P + (2″ — n − 1) w₁ ⋅ The fourth Mechanical Power is the Inclined Plane. By an inclined plane we mean a plane inclined to the horizon. A weight W may be supported on an inclined plane by a power P less than IV. PROP. To find the ratio of the power and weight in the inclined plane. 113. Let AB be the inclined plane (fig. 43.): a the angle it makes with the horizon. Let the power P act on the weight in the direction CP, making an angle e with the plane. Now the weight at C is held at rest by P in CP, WV in the vertical CW, and a pressure R in CR, at right angles to the plane. Hence, by Art. 23, if we resolve these forces perpendicular and parallel to the plane, we have R + P sin e W cos a = 0) P cos e IV sin a = 0 .. (1), (2). P sin a α The second gives the required relation II COS E equation gives the magnitude of the pressure R. α, ; and the first COR. 1. If P act horizontally, e =- and P = IV tan a. COR. 2. If P act parallel to the plane, e = 0, P 0, P = W sin a COR. 3. If P act vertically, e= π 2 P = IV. 114. The fifth mechanical power is the Wedge. This is a triangular prism, and is used to separate obstacles by intro- ducing its edge between them and then thrusting the wedge forward. This is effected by the blow of a hammer or other such means, which produces a violent pressure for a short time, sufficient to overcome the greatest forces. 88 STATICs. PROP. An isosceles wedge being introduced between two obstacles, required to find its tendency to separate the obstacles when the wedge is prevented from being thrust back by a given force. 115. Let 2 P be the force acting at the back of the wedge (fig. 44.) In the figure we suppose the obstacles to be the two halves of a tree. The portions of the tree we suppose similarly situated on the two sides of the wedge: let A and A' be the points of contact between the wedge and the obstacles: AN, A'N' normals to the wedge at A and A': R, R the mutual resistances of the wedge and obstacles at A and A. Now if the wedge were to move backwards or to be thrust forwards the points A and A' would move in some unknown curve line the nature of this curve would depend upon the elasticity and strength of the material of the obstacles and upon other circumstances. Draw AT, A'T' tangents to these curves at the points A and A'. Then it will be seen that the parts of the pressures at A and A' which measure the tendency of the obstacles to separate will be their resolved parts along these tangent lines; since if they separate it must be by A and A' moving along these lines. The resolved parts perpendicular to these tangents are counteracted by the resistance of the ground at E. Let W be the resolved part of R along the tangent on either side and suppose the angle NAT = i. Also let the angle of the wedge be 2a. Then the wedge being sustained by the forces 2P, R and R; we have by resolving them vertically 2P-2R sin a = 0 (1); the horizontal parts counteract each other of necessity, also the equation of moments is an identical equation. Again W W = R R cos i P sin a W cos i (2); If, then, we know the angle i we shall know W: but we have MACHINES. THE SCREW. 89 no means of ascertaining the value of i, and consequently the preceding calculation is of little importance. When i is very small, then W = P sin a nearly. 116. The last Mechanical Power is the Screw. This machine in its simple construction consists of a cy- linder (fig. 45.) AB with a uniform projecting thread abcd ... traced round its surface, and making a constant angle a with lines parallel to the axis of the cylinder. This cylinder fits into a block D pierced with an equal cylindrical aperture, on the inner surface of which is cut a groove the exact counterpart of the projecting thread abcd. It is easily seen from this description, that when the cylinder is introduced into the block, the only manner in which it can move is backwards or forwards by revolving about its axis, the thread sliding in the groove. Suppose IV is the weight acting on the cylinder (including the weight of the cylinder itself) and P is the power acting at the end of an arm AC at right angles to the axis of the cylinder: the block D is supposed to be firmly fixed, and the axis of the cylinder to be vertical. PROP. To find the ratio of the power and weight in the Screw when they are in equilibrium. 117. Let AC a: rad. of cylinder = b. = Now the forces which hold the cylinder in equilibrium are IV, P and the reactions of the pressures of the various portions of the thread on the corresponding portions of the lower surface of the groove in which the thread rests: these reactions are in- determinate in their number; but they all act in directions perpendicularly to the surface of the groove, and therefore their directions make a constant angle a with a horizontal plane. If, then, R be one of these reactions, R sin a, R cos a are the resolved parts vertically and horizontally: the horizontal por- tions of the reactions act each at right angles to a radius of the cylinder. Hence resolving the forces vertically, and also taking the moments of the forces in horizontal planes, we have IV. R sin a = = 0.. (1), PaΣ. R cos a b = 0. (2), M 90 STATICS. we might write down the other four equations of equilibrium ; but they introduce unknown quantities with which we are un- concerned in our question. 01 W a sin a Σ. R Hence because b and a are constant: P b cos a Σ. R' a sin a b cos a Σπα 2πb cot a circumference of circle whose rad. is AC vertical dist. between two successive winds of the thread The screw is used to gain mechanical power in many ways. In excavating the Thames Tunnel the heavy iron frame-work which supported the workmen was gradually advanced by means of large screws. FRICTION. 118. In the investigations of this Chapter we have sup- posed that the surfaces of the bodies in contact are perfectly smooth. Now in practice this is not the fact; for no surface can be so entirely freed from roughness and asperities as to be perfectly smooth, although their effect may in many cases be greatly diminished. By a smooth surface is meant a surface which opposes no resistance whatever to the motion of a body upon it, and therefore the resistance is wholly perpendicular to the surface. A surface which does oppose a resistance to the motion of a body upon it is said to be rough. The friction of a body on a surface is measured by the least force which will put the body in motion along the surface. Coulomb made a series of experiments upon the friction of bodies against each other and deduced the following laws: Mémoires des Savans Etrangers, Tom. x. (1) The friction varies as the pressure, when the ma- terials of the surfaces in contact remain the same. When the pressures are very great indeed it is found that the friction is somewhat less than this law would give. FRICTION. 91 (2) The friction is independent of the extent of the sur- faces in contact so long as the pressure remains the same. When the surfaces in contact are extremely small, as for in- stance a cylinder resting on a surface, this law gives the friction much too great. These two laws are true when the body is on the point of moving and also when it is actually in motion: but in the case of motion the magnitude of the friction is much less than when the body is in a state bordering upon motion. (3) The friction is independent of the velocity when the body is in motion. u It follows from these laws that if P be the normal pressure of the body upon the surface then the friction = μ. P, where μ is a constant quantity for the same materials, and is called the coefficient of friction. In the state bordering on motion and when the surfaces in contact are of finite extent we have the following results from experiment : 1 μsurfaces wood, the grain being in same direction. 1 4 metallic surfaces. opposite 11 1. one surface wood and the other metal. Oil and grease considerably diminish friction; fresh tallow re- duces it to half its value. In the state bordering on motion and when the surfaces in 1 ль for wood. 12 contact are single lines, then When the sur- face in contact is a physical point the statical friction is incon- siderable. But for full particulars on this subject we refer the feader to Coulomb's papers, and also to two Memoirs recently pub- lished in the Mémoires de l'Institut. by M. Morin. PROP. To find the greatest angle which the direction of the mutual pressure of two surfaces in contact may make with their common normal at the point where the pressure acts without sliding; the coefficient of friction being given. 92 STATICS. 119. Let P be the mutual pressure, its direction making an angle ẞ with the normal. Then P cos 3 is the direct or normal pressure of the surfaces, and P sin ẞ is the force balanced by the friction acting wholly or in part. P sin B Hence the greatest value of the ratio is μi P cos B ..ẞ tan-¹µ is the greatest value of ß. = CHAPTER VI. ROOFS, ARCHES AND BRIDGES. 120. In the present Chapter we shall apply the principles of equilibrium to explain in what manner the thrusts, strains, and pressures in general act in roofs and arches. We refer the reader to Robison's Mechanical Philosophy, Vol. 1. for two Articles on Roofs and Arches, which contain many interesting details that would be entirely out of place in these pages. PROP. In a simple isosceles truss-roof required to calcu- late the tension of the tie-beam. 121. Let AB, BC be two beams of the roofing connected by the tie-beam AC (fig. 46.): the truss resting on walls, as drawn in the figure. Let B be the weight of each sloping beam and the portion of the tiling or thatching supported by the beam: let G be the point at which this weight acts. Also suppose that the weight on the vertex arising from other ap- pendages equals W: let a be the angle the roof makes with the horizon: AG = b, AB = a. Now the forces acting on AB are a pressure at A perpen- dicular to the wall, = R suppose: the tension of the tie-beam acting at A in the direction AC, = T suppose the weight B acting vertically at G and lastly, some force P acting at B in direction BP making an unknown angle with the beam in the plane of the paper, and arising from the weight W and the action of the beam BC. : In order to find the connexion between P and IV, we re- mark that the point B is held at rest by the force IV downwards, and the two reactions P, P acting along the dotted lines. 94 STATICS. For the equilibrium of AB we have vertical forces RBP sin (a 0) = 0 = − moments about A = Bb cos a Pa sin 0 horizontal forces = T – P cos (a – 0) = 0... (1), (2), = 0. (3). vertical forces = 2 P sin (a – 0) – W = 0 .. (4). For the equilibrium of the point B, Here, then, we have four equations and four unknown quantities T, P, R, 0: and therefore we can determine the unknown quantities, and therefore T. By (1) (4) T = 1 W cot (a – 0), eliminating P: and by (3) (4), eliminating P, we have Bb cos a = 1 Wa sin e sin (a - 0) sin {a - (a-0)} 1 Wa sin (a -0) Wa {sin a cot (a - 0) - cos a}; 2 Bb + Wa .. cot (a - 0) cot a Wa 2Bb + Wa .. T = cot a. 2 a This measures the horizontal thrust of the roofing against the supporting walls supposing the tie-beams to give way: and we learn that this will be less the larger a is, or the steeper the roof is, the other quantities remaining the same. Also the smaller b is in proportion to a, or the nearer G is to A, smaller is this thrust. the PROP. To explain the manner in which buttresses act in supporting a roof: and to calculate their angle of elevation. 122. Let (as before) AB, BC (fig. 47.) be two beams of the roofing: AD a piece of timber firmly attached to AB run- ning down the inside of the wall, and resting on a corbel E: FH a beam to strengthen the attachment of AD, AB. Let R be the pressure on the top of the wall and corbel; N the point at which the resultant of the reactions of all the hori ROOFS. 95 zontal pressures on the wall acts; T this resultant; AN = x; G the point through which the weight on the slanting timbers acts; AG = b, AB = a. Now the action of the beams on each other at B must be in a horizontal direction, since we suppose there is no extra weight acting at B, as in the last Proposition; let P be this 2 mutual pressure. For the equilibrium of BAD, horizontal forces T-P = 0 vertical forces = R − B = 0... moments about A = Ta Bb cos a + P a sin a = 0 - (1), (2), (3). Here we have three equations and four unknown quantities T, P, R, x: and another relation connecting these quantities cannot be found; hence the problem is indeterminate: we shall see in the solution what quantities are indeterminate. By (2) R = B, and is therefore not indeterminate. By (1) (3), eliminating P, we have T Bb cos a x + a sin a = P by (1). Hence P, T, and a are indeterminate: but when a value is given to one of them, then, that the equilibrium may subsist, the other two must satisfy the two conditions just deduced. Let be the angle which the resultant of R and T makes with the vertical; then T b cos a tan R x + a sin a Now our object is to find the least angle at which a buttress need be built to support the roof. If the roof be on the point of sinking it must be so by tending to turn about the extremi- ties D, D of the framework: in which case the force T acts at D, and a will then have its greatest value: also we perceive that both T and also are smaller the greater v is: hence the least angle at which the buttress need be built is given by the equation 96 STATICS. tan o A'G' A'G AD + AA A'D BA' being horizontal; AA', GG' vertical. Hence the dotted line G'D represents the limiting angle which the buttress must make with the vertical in order that the roof may not fall. This calculation shews the great use of the part of the framework which runs down the wall. We have drawn in our figure but one connecting beam HF: but there might have been more, and the calculation would have been precisely the same, supposing that ABD is a rigid framework and GG' the vertical line in which the weight of this framework and the superincumbent tiling or other covering acts. The simple rule is to draw a horizontal BG' from the vertex of the roof, cutting GG' in G' and join G' with the lowest point D of the framework: G'D gives the least inclination of the buttress. Also the buttress need not extend higher up the wall than the level of D. The roofs of Westminster Hall and of Trinity College Hall, Cambridge, are good illustrations of this kind of roof. Before quitting this subject we will investigate the fol- lowing Proposition. PROP. To calculate the conditions of equilibrium of any number of beams forming a framework in a vertical plane, symmetrical with respect to a vertical line through the highest point. 2 123. Let the lengths of the beams be a₁ɑɑ...reckoning from the lowest G GG...the points at which the weights of the beams and the weights with which they may be loaded act; b₁b₂b...the distances of these points from the lower ex- tremities of the beams; aaa...the angles which the beams make with the horizon; R the vertical pressure on the walls of support of each of the two lowest beams; T the horizontal thrust of these beams on the walls; or the tension of the tie- beam connecting them if there be one. ROOFS. 97 Now the actions of any two beams on each other at the points of junction must be in the same line, since there is no third force to keep them in equilibrium. Let then P, P2... be these mutual actions between the first and second, the second and third beams, and so on; ₁02...the angles which the directions of these forces make with the horizon. For the equilibrium of the lowest beam T-P₁ cos 0₁ = 0...... 1 · B₁ - R+ P₁ sin ₁ = 0 1 ......... ...(1) ..(2) B₁b₁ cos a₁- P₁a, sin (a, - 0,) = 0......(3). For the equilibrium of the second beam 1 P₁ cos 0₁ - P₂ cos 0₂ = 0 ….. 2 ..(4 (4) 2 B₂ - P₁ sin 0, + P₂ sin 0₂ = 0......... 02 ……..(5) 1 2 B₂b₂ cos a₂ - P₂a, sin (α₂ − 0₂) = 0…………….(6), and so on, till we come to the highest beam in which the angle 0, since the two highest beams which form the vertex have no third force at their point of junction to keep P₂ and P₁ in equilibrium. Hence for the last (the nth) beam Өт must = Pn-1 cos 0-1 - P₂ = 0 ..(3n − 2) (3 n − 1) B₁ bn cos an - Pra, sin an 0 ………..(3n). B₂ – Pr-1 sin („-1=0. Also we have the following analytical relation connecting a1a2..., ajɑ²... а₁ cos α1 + α₂ cos a² + ... + An + an cos an= D...(3n + 1) 2D being the distance of the opposite walls from each other. We have then 3n+1 equations from which to eliminate the quantities P1 P2... Pn 0102...On-1, R, T, which are 2n+1 in number and we have n equations remaining to determine the n angles a₁a2a3...a,; and these being known we know the position of equilibrium of the beams. α α N 98 STATICS. If we add together all the second equations we have R = B₁ + B₂ +……………..+ B₂ wherefore R is known. Now by (2) (3) eliminating P₁ we have 1 sin (a,- 0₁) sin 0₁ B₁b₁ cos a 1 (R −B₁) a₁ ; .. sin a₁ cot 0₁ = {1 + B₁b₁ (R-B₁) a cos a .. cot ₁ Ꮎ, cot a ; 1 α 01 (R − B₁) a₁ + B₁b₁ (R − B₁) a₁ .. T = (R − B₁) cot 0, by (1) (2) (R − B₁) α₁ + B₁b₁ a1 whence T is known. 1 cot a₁ = B² + ... + B₂ + B₁ ก cot ai Again, by adding equations (1), (4); (2) (5) respectively we have T - P₂ cos 0₂ = 0 2 B₁ + B₂ − R + P₂ sin 0₂ = 0) 2 2 also by (6) B₂b₂ cos a₂ – P₂a, sin (a½ − 0½) = 0. Hence, as by solving (1) (2) (3), we have b2 T = {B₂+ B- Bз + ... + B₂ + B2 cot a2, and in the same manner we should obtain B¸ +...+ B½ + B3 T= {B T = {B. }) ხ,, ก cot an b3 b) cot cot as ROOFS. 99 These n values of T, being equated, give n − 1 relations connecting the angles a, a... a; and these combined with equation (3n + 1) determine these angles. The relation of one angle am to the preceding am-1 is given by bm B₂+1 + ... + B₂+ Bm a 172 tan an-1° tan am bm-1 Am-1 Bm +...+ B₂+ Bm−1 This shews that every one of the angles a₁a...a, is greater or every one less than 90° and equation (3n + 1) shews that they must be all less than 90°, otherwise we should have D = a sum of negative quantities. Also the beams must be less and less inclined to the horizon as we ascend, since tan a, is less than tan am-1 • 124. By an Arch is meant an assemblage of bodies sup- ported, as represented in fig. 48, by their mutual pressures and the pressures of the two extreme bodies against fixed obstacles. We shall suppose the bodies to have the usual form, that of truncated wedges; and to be placed so as to have their sides which are in contact perpendicular to the same vertical plane. These bodies are then called voussoirs: the highest voussoir is called the key-stone of the arch: the surfaces which separate the voussoirs are called the joints: the external curve of the arch is called the extrados; the internal curve the intrados: the solid mass against which the lowest voussoir on each side rests is called the pier or abutment. 125. It is found in practice that the friction of the vous- soirs against each other is so great that they are incapable of sliding past each other; and in many cases all possibility of sliding is prevented by the voussoirs being joggled; that is, being united by a piece of stone or iron which is partly im- bedded in one voussoir and partly in the voussoir in contact with it. In consequence of this the conditions of equilibrium of an arch reduce themselves to the condition that the arch shall not break at any part by the rotation of one voussoir upon another: or, which is the same thing, by the opening of any of the joints, 100 STATICS. PROP. To explain how an arch is supported; and in what manner friction tends to preserve the equilibrium. 126. When two bodies with smooth surfaces in contact are pressing against each other, then, in order that they may not slide upon each other, the mutual pressure must act in a line which is perpendicular to the two surfaces. But if the sur- faces in contact be rough, the mutual pressure need not act in a direction perpendicular to the surfaces to prevent sliding, but may act in any line making an angle with the perpendi- cular less than a certain finite angle, the magnitude of which depends on the degree of roughness of the surfaces. Art. 119. See Suppose fig. 48. represents an arch in equilibrium, the extreme voussoirs G₁ and G resting on the piers A and B : G, G₂ G.......are the centres of gravity of the voussoirs: the weights of the voussoirs act in the vertical lines G₁b, G₁d, ƒ G3. Now any voussoir is held in equilibrium by the action of its weight in a vertical direction downwards, and by the pres- sures of the contiguous voussoirs or abutment on its two joints. The mutual pressures of any two voussoirs at a joint. must evidently be equal to some single force acting at some unknown point. Suppose the pressure of the pier A acts on the voussoir G₁ at the point a in the direction ab cutting G₁b in some point. b: then the third force which supports G, must act through b in some determinate direction dcb; let this cut the vertical through G in d: this is the direction of the mutual pressures of the voussoirs G₁ and G, and c is the point at which they act: then the third force which supports G, must act through d in some direction fed; and so on: and it follows that the mutual pressures of the voussoirs act in some determinate (though unknown) line abdfhjlno made up of portions of straight line. This is called the line of pressure. Now if the surfaces of the voussoirs were smooth it would be necessary for the equilibrium, that this line of pressure should be perpendicular to the joints at the points a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o. This condition establishes certain relations between. ARCHES. 101 the weights of the voussoirs and the angles which the joints make with the horizon. These relations may be easily cal- culated, but since the voussoirs never are smooth in practice the calculation would be useless. But when the surfaces of the voussoirs are rough, the only conditions for the equili- brium are that the angles which the line of pressure makes. with the perpendiculars to the joints at the points a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o should not exceed a certain finite angle, which can be made as large as we please by having the stones rough-hewn or by joggling them (Art. 125.) We see, then, that in consequence of friction the weights. of the voussoirs and the angles of inclination of their joints need not fulfil those exact relations, which would be necessary if the surfaces were smooth. 127. But the great advantage of friction in the support of an arch is yet to appear. For in order that an arch in a bridge may be of service, it must be able to sustain weights (not immoderate in their magnitude) placed on different parts. without breaking. Let us now suppose a weight W to be placed on the vous- soir G. This weight adds to the weight of G₂, and con- sequently disturbs the line of pressure and shifts it to some new position a'b' d'f'h'j' l'n'o' as represented in fig. 49. But the arch will still stand if the angles at a', c', e', g', i', k', m', o' do not exceed the finite limit. Whereas the equilibrium of the arch would certainly be disturbed by IV if the surfaces. were smooth. In this way we see, then, the important aid that friction affords in the support of an arch. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of an arch. 128. Since we suppose the friction of the voussoirs against each other to be so great that they cannot slide upon each other, it follows that the arch can fall only in consequence of its breaking at the upper or lower extremities of some of the joints. And, since we suppose the piers A and B to be immoveable, simple geometrical considerations shew, that if the arch break it must break in at least three pieces, four joints 102 STATICS. at least opening, the points where they open being alternately in the extrados and intrados of the arch. So long as the line of pressure cuts all the joints (as is represented in figures 48, 49.) the arch must stand, because in that case the joints are pre- vented from opening by the pressure acting along that line. But by continually loading the arch in the same part we may gradually shift the line of pressure till it passes through the extremity of one of the joints, as g' in fig. 50: and now the pressure acting through g' will not prevent the joint g'H opening at H, although other circumstances may. From what we have already said about the arch not falling till two joints at least in the extrados and two joints at least in the intrados open, it follows, that the arch will certainly stand as we continually load it till the line of pressure passes through the extremities of at least four joints, the extremities being alternately in the intrados and extrados. If, then, our arch be such, that by loading it we cannot shift the line of pressure into this position, the arch will sus- tain any load without falling. Nevertheless when the arch is much loaded, and the line of pressure passes through the ex- tremity of any joint, there will be a great strain at that point. This explains the fact observed by Professor Robison, who constructed some chalk models and found that chips fell off from three or four of the extremities of the joints. If, however, the arch be of such a form that we can place on it a sufficient load to cause the line of pressure to pass through at least four extremities of joints situated alternately in the intrados and extrados, there is a possibility of the arch breaking and falling by the opening of the joints. Let D, K, L, M (fig. 51.) be the points through which the line of pressure passes in this case: join them by straight lines. Then the arch may be supposed to be a system of heavy beams DK, KL, LM. In order to determine the con- ditions that the equilibrium of the arch shall be stable, suppose the joints are forcibly opened through very small angles, the parts of the arch being sustained in the position represented in fig. 51. That the equilibrium of the arch may be stable, the joints, when the arch thus sustained in a broken form is left to itself, ought to collapse and not open wider; a condition ARCHES. 103 which is satisfied if the system of beams DK, KL, LM be such that when left to themselves the point K shall ascend and the point L descend. Hence to ascertain whether an arch of certain dimensions and figure will sustain any weight placed on it, we must con- sider all the ways in which the arch can break and find whether in each case the system of beams is of the nature just described. If this be the case we may be assured that the arch will sup- port any weight. PROP. To prove that an arch, in which a tangent line drawn at the highest point of the intrados and produced to the abutments lies wholly within the voussoirs, will sustain any weight placed on any part of the extrados without break- ing: also if the arch be of greater span than this, it will bear any weight placed on those parts of the extrados from which straight lines can be drawn through the voussoirs to both abutments. 129. We will take the arch of greatest length under the first conditions mentioned in the enunciation. Let F be the highest point of the intrados (fig. 52.); then the tangent at F passes through the highest point C and C' of the extreme joints. Hence from any point G in the extrados a straight line can be drawn to each pier lying wholly within the mass of the voussoirs. This would not be the case if the arch were the least portion longer without having the voussoirs propor- tionably lengthened. For suppose the left hand abutment (in the figure) had the position of the dotted line, then no straight line can be drawn from a point c through the vous- soirs to the right hand abutment. It appears, then, that if two straight lines Ga, Gb can be drawn from G through the voussoirs to the piers, the tangent at F must be wholly in the voussoirs: and, this being the case, any weight placed on G will be sustained, since the portions of the arch on the right and left of G will act like beams Gb, Ga, of which the points b and a cannot slip, be- cause we suppose the friction of the voussoirs, or at any rate the joggling, sufficient to prevent sliding. 104 STATICS. The second part of the Proposition is evidently true after what has been already written. = 130. COR. 1. The principle of this Proposition seems to have been used by Mylne in the construction of Blackfriars Bridge, London, one of the arches and piers of which we have. represented in fig. 53. AVY is a circular arc of which C is the centre, and the radius 56 feet: OV height above low-water 40 feet: VK = 6 feet 7 inches. AB, YE are circular arcs of radius 35 feet: ab 19 feet: YI about 8 or 9 feet. All the joints are joggled: and a line from K to the middle point of the joint YI lies wholly within the masonry; and does not even pass near the extremities of the joints, so that chipping of the voussoirs cannot take place. Therefore the portion YVL cannot break however great the load on or near the crown of the bridge, except by the crushing of the materials: and it would require an enormous pressure on the haunches (near Y) to raise the crown, since the weight of KY is about 2000 tons. The tangent at Y falls within the foot of the pier F: and the pier itself is like one solid mass by having the stones and oaken planks below ab (low-water mark) well joggled, and by having each of the voussoirs between Y and a projecting over the one below it, and so giving each a firm hold of the rubble-work in the centre of the pier (as represented in the figure). The rubble-work itself is held down in its place by the small inverted arch IG. Since, then, the tangent at Y falls within the foot F of the pier, and the pier is as one solid mass, the arch BAVE would stand of itself even were the other arches to fall, since if KY were on the point of falling the pressure would act through Y. This gives additional security to the bridge. 131. COR. 2. From this Proposition we learn how it is that the Gothic Arch will sustain such enormous weights upon its crown, as we see is the case in many of our ecclesiastical buildings. The stone steeple of St Dunstan's in the East, London, is supported by four semi-pointed arches. In fact, it is a principle that a pointed arch must have a great pressure upon its crown to prevent its falling; for we may consider it as consisting of the two extreme portions of a very large circular arch brought together, so that the pressure on the crown must DOME OR CUPOLA. 105 at least equal the pressure of the portion of the circular arch which is removed. Flying buttresses always have a great pressure upon their highest part. But besides this the pointed arch, for the reason explained in the Proposition, will sustain almost any weight on its crown provided the lowest stones do not give way: and consequently the Gothic arch is stronger for lofty buildings than the cir- cular but the circular arch is far better adapted than the Gothic arch for bridges, since the pressure of weights passing over may act upon any part of the arch, not only on the crown. : An arch built in a wall is almost sure to stand of whatever form it be, so long as its foundation is firm: for suppose the haunches were about to fall in, the crown rising; then, in order that the crown may rise, the whole of the masonry or brick work above the black line (in fig. 54.) must be moved upwards, a weight sufficient to prevent the crown from rising. More- over, suppose the crown would rise; then directly it had risen and thrust the masonry above it through a small space, the pressure which caused the haunches to sink will cease to act in consequence of the dove-tailing together (so to speak) of the stones or bricks, which lie above the haunches. In the the same manner we see that the crown could not sink. PROP. To explain the manner in which a dome is sup- ported. 132. A Dome or Cupola is an assemblage of stones, bricks, or other materials in equilibrium, of which the intrados and extrados are surfaces of revolution having a common ver- tical axis. If we consider any given horizontal course of stones, it is evident that this course cannot fall inwards, since all the stones tend equally towards the center, and consequently wedge each other in. But the form of the dome might be such that the weight of the superincumbent courses should thrust out the course under consideration and the courses below. In this way, and in this way only, can the dome fall. It is very easily seen that a conical dome is secure, and will bear any weight on its upper course, provided the lowest 0 106 STATICS. course is kept from bursting outwards. A dome with its con- vexity inwards would be still more secure: for every stone is pressed inwards, since it forms part of an arch with its con- vexity inwards, and extremities in the highest and lowest horizontal courses: consequently the stones of each horizontal course are more firmly held together than in the conical dome. 133. The stone lanthern on the top of St. Paul's Cathe- dral weighs several hundred tons, and is supported by a brick cone, which is concealed between the outer and inner domes. The lowest course of this cone is above the stone gallery at the bottom of the outer dome, and is held from bursting outwards by an iron chain. The pyramids, which form the steeples of Gothic archi- tecture, are for the same reasons as the cone stable in their equilibrium. The enormous weight of these steeples is sup- ported by very pointed arches, which spring from the square tower at a considerable distance below the top, and are of such a slight curvature that a straight line can be drawn from the key-stone through all the stones of each leg (Art. 129, 131.): and the thrust down these arches is counteracted by the massive masonry of the tower and the buttresses (as explained in Art. 122.) In the walls and tower of Salisbury Cathedral are to be seen some fearful cracks which seem to indicate a want of sufficient support for the stupendous steeple which forms so striking a feature of this edifice. The foundation remains firm. Sir Christopher Wren examined these defects, and found that the steeple was braced in different parts with iron bars: and added more for greater security. A little less than a century ago Price, the author of the British Carpenter, nar- rowly inspected the whole, and seems to have proved, that the cathedral was erected under two architects, one completing the work that the other commenced; but that the first architect never contemplated the erection of the steeple nor so lofty a tower as the second architect was bold enough to add to the low tower built by his predecessor; and in consequence of the insufficiency of the supports the cracks now to be seen warned the architect to resort to the expedient of bracers to hold the base of the steeple from spreading. For a very interesting ac- KING'S COLLEGE CHAPEL. 107 count of this building we refer the reader to Price's Series of Observations upon the Cathedral-church of Salisbury. We have mentioned these particulars because this building is a very remarkable illustration of the necessity of attending to the connexion between the weights and pressures in a building, and the walls arches and buttresses by which they are to be sus- tained. 134. As an example of the support of a stone vaulting, we shall explain the manner in which the roof of King's College Chapel, Cambridge, is supported. Figure 55 represents a projection upon a horizontal plane of one compartment of the roof included between the four but- tresses f, g, h, k; and figure 56 represents the projection of half this compartment upon the vertical plane of one of the windows on the south side: the same letters in the two figures refer to the same points. The rib be runs from the east to the west end of the Chapel, the stones which form it lie in the same horizontal line and at a greater elevation from the ground than any other part of the roof: K is the central stone of the compartment, and is the upper part of one of the ornamented drops seen hanging from the roof in the interior. The stones in a K´d lie in an arch of which K is the key-stone: it is clear that the ten- dency of this arch is to sink at the crown K, and thrust down the walls at a and d. We shall proceed, then, to explain how the stones in this arch are supported; and also the stones in the rib be: and in the course of the explanation it will be seen that we shew how every stone in the compartment fghk is supported. On examining the roof carefully it will be found that the stones are placed in semi-arches in vertical planes through the buttresses; the spring of all the semi-arches in the space ba being at ƒ, and their crowns or key-stones in the courses bK or Ka: this is best seen in figure 56. Now any stone s in the arch a Kd is the key-stone of the two semi-arches sf and sg and the thrust of the stones in K's is propagated down. the semi-arches sf and sg, and ultimately acts upon the but- tresses at ƒ and g; the same is true of every stone in Ka: likewise on the other side of be the stones in Kd are supported 108 STATICS. by the semi-arches, of which they are the key-stones, and which spring from the buttresses h and k. Again, any stone r in Kb is the key-stone of two semi-arches rk and rf, and is held in its place by the thrust of the stones in Kr; and this thrust is propagated down the semi-arches rk and rf, and acts ulti- mately upon the buttresses k and f: the masonry of the rib be is sufficiently heavy to prevent these semi-arches from sinking by their key-stone rising. It will be clearly seen, then, how every stone in be and a Kd is supported: it will also be seen that every other stone in the roof is sustained by being a member of a semi-arch springing from one of the buttresses, and having its key-stone in be or a Kd. The pressure of the compartment fghk upon the buttresses acts obliquely for instance, that on f will act downwards in a line whose pro- jection on the horizontal plane will lie towards the south-east. But the compartment east of fghk will press upon the buttress ƒ in a line whose horizontal projection lies towards the south- west and consequently the resultant of these pressures will act in a line whose horizontal projection runs due south: let fF be this line (fig. 57.); this figure represents one of the but- tresses. The dimensions of the buttress are so arranged that ƒF shall lie within the masonry and pass into the foundation within the foot of the buttress. : The resultant pressure of the roof on the walls at each of the four angles acts obliquely; consequently instead of but- tresses of the ordinary form at the four angles of the building, towers crowned with lofty turrets are erected of such a weight as to deflect the line of pressure of the roof, and cause it to pass into the ground through the masonry. 135. We proceed now to find the position of equilibrium of a chain suspended from two fixed points, and briefly to explain the construction of Suspension Bridges. A chain is an assemblage of rigid pieces of iron linked together, or connected by pivots, as in the chains of suspen- sion bridges. We may therefore apply the principles of Chapter III. to determine the position of equilibrium of the chain. The length of the chain is generally so great in com- parison with the length of each link, that we shall 'suppose the polygonal figure in which the chain hangs to be a continuous COMMON CATENARY. 109 curve. Also we suppose that the motion of the links about their points of connexion is perfectly free; or, in other words, that the mutual action of any two links acts in a tangent line to the curve in which the chain hangs. The curve in which the chain hangs when in equilibrium is called the Catenary. PROP. A chain of uniform density and thickness is suspended from two given points: required to find the equa- tion to the curve in which the chain hangs when it is in equilibrium *. 136. Let A and B (in the plane of the paper, which is supposed to be vertical) be the two points of support: fig. 58. After the chain has ceased oscillating and has attained its position of permanent rest, suppose ACB is the curve which it forms, C being the lowest point: take this as the origin of co-ordinates, CM vertical = x; MP horizontal= y; CP = 8; P being any point in the curve. Now the equilibrium of any portion CP will not be dis- turbed if we suppose this part of the chain to become rigid: this appears from Art. 71. Let and t be the lengths of portions of the chain of which the weights equal the tensions * We may calculate the form of the curve in the following manner. Let us suppose the chain to consist of an infinitely great number of rigid and straight portions, each equal to ds in length: and let of these portions lie between C and P: fig. 58. then s=rds: also a, and a,-, being the angles which these por- tions make with the axis of a, we have by Art. 123. · λ + tan α, = r + a Hence d. tan PTM = tan a, - tan ar-1 1 tan ar r + 3 dy ds dy dx or d. ; dx s + 33 5 s tan ar-1. dy loge; C dey I d y d s .*. dx2 s dx dæ dy dx = ނ S C loge dx as in the text. 110 STATICS. at C and P. Then CP is a rigid body acted on by three forces which are proportional to c, t, s, and act respectively in the directions Ce, Pt, Gs. Draw PT the tangent at P cutting the axis of x in T. Then the forces holding CP in equilibrium have their direc- tions parallel to the sides of the triangle PMT, and therefore bear the same proportion one to another that these sides do; (see Art. 18.) tension at lowest point weight of the portion CP PM MT dy C or dx S ds dy 2 1 + dx dx dx es S ds c² + s² ... x + c = = √ c² + s² √ c² + s² ហ S (1), the constant added being such that when ≈ = 0 then s = the origin of co-ordinates is taken on the curve at C; 0, since Also s² = x² + 2cx (2). C dy dx S C ; √x² + 20x 20² x + c + √ x² + 2 cx .. y = c loge (3), с the constant being so chosen that a and so chosen that a and y vanish together. This last equation may be put under another form x + c x + c e + - 1, C C x + c then transposing and squaring both sides of the equation C COMMON CATENARY, 111 2y 1 x + c - 1; с ··· x + c = Also s = 012 y {ec +e (4). √√(x + c)² – c² by equation (2), - *-, ~14) – = C Y {eč e (5). Any one of these five equations may be taken as the equation to the curve. When the chain is uniform in density and thickness, (as in the present instance) the curve is called the Common Catenary. 137. COR. 1. Of all curves of a given length drawn between two fixed points in a horizontal line, the common catenary is that which has its centre of gravity furthest from the line joining the points. For since the chain is in equilibrium the depth of its centre of gravity from the horizontal line is a maximum or minimum (Art. 78.) and it is clear that it is a maximum and not a minimum, because if you displace the chain slightly it will return to its position of equilibrium, or its equilibrium is stable (Art. 79). Hence in any other position of the chain than that of equilibrium the centre of gravity will be nearer the given horizontal line. But the chain which hangs in the common catenary is of uniform density and thickness, and therefore its centre of gravity coincides with that of the curve: and con- sequently the common catenary is the curve of the nature described. COR. 2. By means of the formulæ of Art. 87. Ex. 2. we shall find that the co-ordinates to the centre of gravity from the lowest point are cy X C Cx + y = y 28 10 2 S 138. COR. 3. We might have taken the origin of co- ordinates at any other point than the lowest; as C', fig. 59. 112 STATICS. ༑'. } Let the tangent at C' make an angle a with the vertical. We shall then readily get, if c' be used instead of c in the Proposition, $ C'T C é¯ C'R sin (a - PTM) sin PTM sin a cot PTM - cos a dx = sin a cos a; dy dx ds 11 1 1 + dy dx 2 s + c cos a (s + c′ cos a)²+ (c′ sin a)²' x + c'′ = √ s² + 2sc′ cos a + c′ We shall also find that y = c' sin a loge PROP. 19 x + c² + √ x² + 2c′ x + c²² cos² a c' (1 + cos a) To find the tension of the chain at any point. 139. Let t be the tension at P acting in the direction of the tangent at P and estimated in terms of the length of chain of which the weight equals the tension: then, by what was mentioned in the last Proposition, (fig. 58.) tension at P PT weight of CP MT t ds 1 0 S dx But s² = x²+2cx, by equation (2) of Art. 136; .. t = x + c. This shews that the lengths of chain of which the weights equal the tensions at the various points of the common catenary are such, that if they were suspended from those points their lower extremies would lie in a horizontal line. For draw CE and PQ vertically downwards and equal to c and a + c respectively: these then are the lengths of chain which measure the tensions at C and P. But PQ = x + c MC + CE, and PM is horizontal: therefore Q and E are in the same horizontal line. CATENARY OF EQUAL STRENGTH. 113 COR. 1. If a uniform chain hang freely over any two points, the extremities of the chain will lie in the same horizontal line when the chain is in equilibrium. PROP. A chain of variable thickness, but of the same material throughout, is suspended from two points: required to find the law of the thickness that the tension at different parts of the chain may vary as the strength of the chain at those parts. 140. Let S be the length of a uniform chain of which the thickness equals that at the lowest point, and weight equals the weight of the length s of the chain to be suspended. Let, as before, C be the lowest point (fig. 58.): CM= ∞, MP = y, CP =s: c the length of uniform chain of the thick- ness at C, of which the weight equals the tension at C. The portion CP when it has assumed its form of equilibrium may be supposed to become rigid. The forces which retain it in equilibrium are its weight and the tensions at C and P, and these are parallel to the sides of the triangle MTP; and · PT PT = √/PM² + MT² ; .. tension at P = C² + S C tension at C. But the thickness of the chain at P varies ultimately as the quantity of material in a given short length ds of the chain, since the density is constant: it therefore varies as dS ds But by the hypothesis the tension must vary as the thickness of the chain; dS ds dS c²² + S varies as √²+ S² or ds C since S and s are ultimately equal ; S + √ S²² + c² .'. s = c log, (6). Ր P 114 STATICS. C MP dy ds √ c² + S² Also S MT dx dx S d S c² + S¹² But ds C d S c² + S² dx CS or dx CS d S c²+ S¹² .. x = c loge √ c² + S¹² C (7). Also dy dy dx d S dx dS c² c² + S ર S У = c tan - 1 or S = c tan Y с (8). C 141. These formulæ have been reduced to Tables by Sir Davies Gilbert in the Philosophical Transactions for 1826. We give the following extracts from them to elucidate the application of the equations to the construction of Suspension Bridges. Y TABLE I. The Common Catenary. 100. e 2 18 S t Angle. 1000 5.004 100.166 980 5.106 100.173 1005.004 84° 16' 48" 985.106 84 9 49 420 11.961 100.947 400 12.565 101.045 380 13.234 101.158 431.961 412.565 76 29 6 75 49 22 393.234 75 5 35 SUSPENSION BRIDGES. 115 TABLE II. The Common Catenary. c = 100. Y يم ނ $ t Angle. 1 .005 1.000 100.005 89° 25′ 39″ 10 .020 2.000 100.020 88 51 15 20 2.007 20.134 21 2.213 21.155 102.007 78 36 59 102.213 78 3 19 TABLE III. The Catenary of equal strength. y = 100. с V S S t Angle. 1000 5.008 100.167 100.334 1005.021 81° 16′ 13″ 980 5.111 100.174 100.348 985.124 8.1. 9 12 420 12.019 100.958 101.933 132.193 76 21 29 400 12.631 101.057 102.137 412.832 75 10 33 116 STATICS. TABLE IV. The Catenary of equal strength. c = 100. y X is S t Anglc. 1 .005 1.000 1.000 100.005 89º 25′ 37″ 2 .020 2.000 2.000 100.020 88 51 14 20 2.013 20.135 21 2.221 21.156 20.271 102.034 21.314 102.246 78 32 23 77 58 4 To explain the use of these Tables we shall take an example of each species of Catenary. Ex. 1. Let the span proposed for a Suspension Bridge be 800 feet, and let the adjunct weight of suspension rods, road-way.... be taken at one half of the weight of the chains: and let it be determined to load the chains at the point of their greatest strain, that is at the points of suspension, with one- sixth part of the weight they are theoretically capable of sustaining. The modulus which measures the full tenacity of iron is shewn by numerous experiments to be 14800 feet: this being the greatest length of iron bar which another iron bar of equal transverse dimensions will support without sensibly stretching. Now this modulus must be reduced in the ratio 3 : 2, since we have supposed the weight of the rods road-way... to be equal to half the weight of the chains, and consequently we add to the weight of the chains without adding to their strength. The virtual modulus is therefore 9867 feet: and the tension of the chain at the points of support is by hypothesis to 98676 feet 1611.5 feet. SUSPENSION BRIDGES. 117 The semi-span is 400 feet. In Table I. y is taken = 100 measures; therefore each of these measures is 4 feet: and the tension at the points of support expressed in these measures But by Table I. when t = 412, = 1644.5÷ 4 = 411.124. C = 400 measures = 1600 feet, x = 12.565 50.260 .... S = 101.045 404.180 .... The angle of suspension = 75° 49′. Having found the value of e we may make use of Table II. to find the lengths of the rods for the different ordinates of the In this Table c is taken at 100 measures, consequently each measure equals 16 feet. curve. Each gradation of y in that Table will therefore be 16 feet; and the second column gives the number of measures by which the suspending rods corresponding to the respective values of y must exceed the length of the suspending rod at the apex or centre of the bridge. Let the following Table be formed from Table II. by taking the successive differences of the values of s : 1st measure of Y. length of arc of catenary = 1.000 measures. 2nd .. = 1.000 21st = 1.021 .. The last column of numbers gives the proportional part of the adjunct weights which must be suspended from the successive portions of the catenary, in order to distribute them equally throughout. 118 STATICS. In this example we have supposed the adjunct weights to be equally distributed along the chain, so as virtually merely to increase its uniform thickness. We shall now in Ex. 2. Suppose the catenary to be one of equal strength: i. e. the tension at every part proportional to the strength : the other data the same as before. In this case c represents the uniform tension on each portion of iron throughout the chains whose transverse section. equals that at the lowest point. In the uniform catenary the greatest tension (that at the points of support) was found equal 411.125 measures of 4 feet each: we shall take this then for the value of c in the case of a catenary of equal strength. Turning then to Table III. (in which, as before, each measure is 4 feet) and taking the proportional part between 400 and 420, we have x = 12.290 measures or 49.161 feet, S = 101.002 S = 102.024 t = 423.602 angle = 76° 3′ 17″. = 404.008 408.096 1694.408 We have taken c at 411.125 measures or 1644.5 feet, but Table IV. is calculated for c 100: and therefore each mea- sure of this table is 16.445 feet: and the second column deter- mines the excess of length of the respective rods over that at the apex for every gradation of y. Let us form a Table, as before, of the differences of s and S. SUSPENSION BRIDGES. 119 Differences of s. Differences of S. Ratios of these Dif. 1st measure of y 2nd 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.001 1.000 .999 21st 1.021 1.043 1.002 The fourth column gives the quantity of matter of which the chain must be composed at the various ordinates of which the values are in the first column. Also the adjunct weights of rods, road-way...should be distributed in portions proportional to the numbers of the third column. CHAPTER VII. PROBLEMS. 142. In the last two Chapters we have illustrated the principles of equilibrium by applying them to the solution of various questions. Our object in the present Chapter is to make some general remarks upon the solution of Statical Problems, and to give a few more applications. 143. The conditions of equilibrium of a single particle acted upon by forces which act in any directions, are three in number, Σ.Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, Σ.Ζ = 0, X, Y, Z being the resolved parts parallel to three rectangular co-ordinate axes of any one of the forces: Art. 23. If the directions of these forces all lie in the same plane, and this plane be taken for that of xy, then the third equation becomes identical and there are only two conditions. If the forces all act in the same line and this line be taken for the axis of x, then the last two equations are identical and there is only one condition. The conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body, or of a system of rigid bodies, acted on by forces which act in any directions, are six in number, Σ.Χ = 0, Σ.Υ = 0, Σ.Ζ = 0, Σ. (Zy - Y≈) = 0, E. (X≈ - Zx) = 0, E. (Yx - Xy) = 0, X, Y, Z being the resolved parts parallel to three rectangular co-ordinate axes of any one of the forces, and xy the co- ordinates to the point of application of that force. PROBLEMS. 121 If the forces all act in the same plane and this plane be taken for the plane of xy, the third, fifth and sixth equations become identical, and there are only three equations of condition. Art. 65, 53. : 144. When we wish to solve a statical problem we must consider what forces act upon the body that is to be in equi- librium for unknown pressures and reactions we must sub- stitute unknown forces, which we shall call mechanical quan- tities: also for unknown distances, angles of position, and so on, we must use unknown quantities; these we shall term geometrical quantities. After this we must write down the equations of equilibrium, the number of which will depend upon the nature of the problem, as mentioned in the last article. We must next write down the equations (if there be any) which connect the geometrical quantities. Lastly, we must count the unknown quantities involved in the equa- tions; and if their number exceed the number of equations, it shews that the problem is indeterminate, or else that we have not written down all the equations of condition: we must therefore search for more; they must be equations con- necting the geometrical quantities, since we know, by the principles of equilibrium, that there cannot be any more mechanical equations. If in the end the number of equations be less than the number of unknown quantities, then equilibrium will subsist under several circumstances, and is said to be indetermi- nate; it does not follow that all the unknown quantities are indeterminate. If the number of unknown quantities equal the number of equations, then equilibrium will subsist in one way only. If it be found that there are more equations than unknown quantities, then the equilibrium will not subsist unless the known quantities fulfil the conditions at which we arrive by eliminating the unknown quantities from the equa- tions. 145. It will often happen that we can materially diminish the labour of solving the equations by properly choosing the centre of moments, and the lines parallel to which we resolve the forces. Also by having regard to the object of the pro- blem, whether it be to find the position of equilibrium of a Q 122 STATICS. body, the magnitude and direction of an unknown pressure, and so on, we may frequently set aside some of the equations as having no reference to the particular point of enquiry. Thus in Art. 121. the object is to find T, the tension of the tie-beam. Upon examining the four equations we see imme- diately that (2) may be set aside, because it contains an un- known quantity R, which does not enter any of the other equations, and therefore (2) is of use solely to determine R, a quantity which it is not the immediate object of the problem to discover. Equation (1) gives T when P and are known, and these are found from (3) and (4). Again, Art. 122. gives a good illustration of an indeterminate problem. For (1) (2) (3) are the only mechanical equations that can possibly exist, and these contain only one unknown geometrical quantity a, and consequently a fourth equation does not exist, or the problem is indeterminate as we might easily have foreseen from the nature of the case. It does not follow that every unknown quantity in the equations is indeterminate, as we see in this instance. 146. We shall now add a few Problems. PROB. 1. A given weight W is held at rest on a known curve AP lying in a vertical plane by means of a given weight Q acting over the pully B: required the position of rest: fig. 60. The vertical BM through B is the axis of a, B the origin, BM= x, MP = y, P being the position of the weight; angle B = 0. Now the weight is held in equilibrium by Q acting in PB, Win PW, and the reaction of the curve, or R, acting in GR a normal to the curve at P: hence, resolving these forces vertically and horizontally, Art. 23. gives W - Q cos - R cos PGB = 0, Q sin - R sin PGB = 0 ; or, since tan PGB dx = dy dy W - Q cos 0 – R - ds = 0......(1), PROBLEMS. 123 dx Q sin - R O ds two equations and five unknown quantities R, 0, x, y, s: since equations (1) (2) are the only conditions of equilibrium, the other three equations must be among the quantities 0, x, y, s: they are y ds tan 0 = 2/ ...... (3), Vi dy2 1 + (4), X dx dx² and † (x, y) = 0…………….(5) the equation to the curve. These five equations will solve the problem when we select any particular curve. The elimination of R from (1) and (2) gives dy W - Q (cos 0 + sin 0) = 0, dx y dy or W - Q + 0 by (8): 1² = x² + y², r da or Wda Qdr = 0 the equation of virtual velocities which we should have ob- tained from Art. 24. Suppose the curve is a circle the centre being at a vertical distance c from the point B: then a being the radius y² + (x − c)² = aª ; .`. r² = x² + y² = a² − c² + 2 c x ; dr C • dx Q ༡.༠ Q⁹ C W C² W? .. X = a² + c j² − 2c (Q² + W²) c² - W² a² and the position of IV is known. 2 c W2 124 STATICS. PROB. 2. A cord AAA...a is held at rest by forces acting at its extremities and at the knots A¿Â½Ã……….in given directions having given the form of the polygonal figure of the cord required to find the relations of the forces; also to find the tensions of the portions of cord: fig. 61. 1 1 The portions of cord need not be in the same plane; but the force which acts at any knot, as P₁ at Д₁, must have its direction in the plane of the portions of cord which join in A₁. Let P, the forces acting at the knots 442...: TT₁T2 ...T, the tensions of the portions of cord: a₁ß₁, a2ß2,...the angles which the directions of PP2...make respectively with the portions of cord at the knots. 1 1 1 Then A₁ is held at rest by the three forces P₁T₁T; hence, resolving these forces in the direction of P, and at right angles to this, we have by Art. 23. P₁- T cos a₁ T₁ cos ẞ₁ = 0. 1 T' sin a₁- T₁ sin ß₁ = 0 .. Again, A, is held at rest by T₁ P₂ T₂; hence 1 2 2 P₂-T₁ cos a₂- T₂ cos ẞ₂ = 0. 2 1 1 T₁ sin a- T₂ sin B2 = 0 0 .. (1), (2). (3), (4), 2 P₁ and so on: if there be n knots we shall have 2n equations, involving 2n + 1 unknown forces P1 P2 ... P₂ T T₁...... T₂: we shall therefore have an equation of condition connecting these forces, we shall suppose T to be known. By equations (2) (4) sin an we have T T sin an sin ẞ₁' T 2 sin az T ก T₁ sin B₂ Tn-1 sin Bn .. T₁ = sin ai sin Bi sin αι sin az T, T₂ T₂ = T, and so on, sin ẞ, sin Ba 2 and the tensions are all known in terms of T. Also by (1) (2) eliminating T₁, T sin ẞ₁ 1 and in like manner P₁ sin (a₁+ ẞ₁) PROBLEMS. 125 1 T₁ sin B₂ 2 P2 sin (a₂+ ẞ₂) Hence all the forces P, P, 2 T sin a, sin Ba B₂ sin ẞ, sin (a₂+ ẞ₂) and so on. are known in terms of T. We shall now solve a few problems of forces acting on a rigid body in the same plane: see Art. 52, 53. When the system consists of more than one rigid body, we shall consider each body separately. PROB. 3. A uniform beam passing freely through a hole H in a wall rests with one end on an inclined plane: find the position of equilibrium: fig. 62. AH horizontal=h, A=a, PH=x, PG=a: AHP=0, pressure at P=R perpendicular to the plane, pressure at H per- pendicular to beam and = Q: resolving the forces vertically and horizontally IV – R cos a – Q cos 0 = 0 .. (1), R sin a - Q sin 0 = 0 .. (2), taking the centre of moments at P, Wa cos 0 – Qx = 0 .. (3), these equations involve four unknown quantities R, Q, 0, x, we must search for a relation between x and 0: this is 212 h sin a sin (a + 0) (4). : Our object is to determine the position of equilibrium that is, to find a and 0: we have one equation (4), we must there- fore obtain another between a and by eliminating R and Q IV sin (a + 0) from (1) (2) (3). By (1) (2), elim³. R, Q IV : by (3) sin a Q a cos sin (a + 9) sin a V a cos A 126 STATICS. Eliminating a from this by (4) we have h cos → sin² (a + 0) sin a, a from which 0, and therefore the position of the beam, is to be determined. If a = 90º, cos 0 = 3/h a PROB. 4. A sphere and cone in contact rest, as in fig. 63, on two inclined planes, the intersection of which is a horizontal line required the angle of the cone and the position of equi- librium. W, W' the weights of the sphere and cone: R the reaction at B: P the mutual action at E: the resultant of the reactions of the plane on the base of the cone must act at some point D, let Q be this resultant: CD =x: G the centre of gravity of the cone: rad. of sphere a, Ge≈, e being the point where the normal at E cuts the axis of the cone: 20 = the angle of the cone: a, ẞ the angles the planes make with the horizon. = For the sphere, W - R cos ẞ + P sin (a − 0) = 0 ………….. (1), R sin BP cos (a - 0) identical equation. 0.. (2). The equation of moments is an For the cone, W'- Q cos a P sin (a - 0) == 0 ... .... (3), Q sin a P cos (a - 0) == 0. (4), 0 = 0 .. (5). moments about G, Qa - P≈ cos These five equations involve six unknown quantities: if there be a sixth equation it must be a relation connecting the geome- trical quantities involved in these five equations: but a little consideration will shew us that no necessary connexion exists between any two of a, e, ≈ hence the problem is indeterminate. By examining the equations we perceive that the first four involve only the four unknown quantities P, R, Q, 0: hence PROBLEMS, 127 these are determinate; but a and ≈ are indeterminate since they are connected only by (5): for any given position, however, of the bodies is known by geometry, and consequently a becomes known by (5). We learn from this that if be chosen so as to satisfy equations (1) (2) (3) (4), the bodies will remain at rest in whatever position they are placed, their centres of gravity re- maining in the plane of the paper and as we give the bodies. different positions ≈ varies, consequently and therefore the point of application of Q changes. : P By (1) (2) IV sin B cos (a + ß - 0) P sin a ; by (3) (4) IV' cos W sin a cos (a+ß-0) sin a {cos (a+B)+sin (a+ß) tan 0}; W sin ẞ cos 0 sin B I B sin ẞ - IV' sin a cos (a + ß) .. tan sin (2a + B) sin a sin (a + B) X By (4) (5) sin a | ટૈર The value of tan IV' sin a sin (a + ß) (I + IV') sin ß W' sin a sin (a + ß) sin a cos cos (a - 0) cos a + sin a tan ↔ II' sin a sin (a + B) I'{cos a sin (a+ẞ) − sin a cos (a+ß) } + IV sin ß WV' sin a sin (a + B) (I + IV') sin B gives the angle of the cone necessary for equilibrium, and the value of a gives the point of application of Q for any given position of the bodies. PROB. 5. A person suspended in a balance of which the arms are equal thrusts his centre of gravity out of the vertical by means of a rod fixed to the furthest extremity of the beam of the balance, the direction of the rod passing through his centre of gravity: given that the rod and the line from the nearer end of the beam of the balance to his centre of gravity 128 STATICS. make angles a, ẞ with the vertical, shew that his apparent and true weights are in the ratio sin (a + ß): sin (a – ß). PROB. 6. A uniform beam placed in a hemispherical bowl is in equilibrium, find its position. PROB. 7. A cylinder with its axis horizontal is supported on an inclined plane by a beam which rests upon it and has its lower extremity fastened to the plane by a hinge: find the conditions of equilibrium. PROB. 8. Two uniform beams of equal length are loosely connected, each by one extremity, to the extremities of another uniform beam, they are then placed on a sphere; find the pressures on the sphere at the three points of contact, the length of the middle beam being less than the diameter of the sphere. PROB. 9. To determine the conditions of equilibrium on Roberval's Balance; see Art. 99. and fig. 35. This machine consists of five rigid bodies; and since the forces all act in the same (the vertical) plane we shall have fifteen equations: the figure will point out the meaning of the various unknown quantities, the description of which we omit here to save room. The equilibrium of the part supporting Q gives Q - R cos - R′ cos 0′ = 0. (1), R sin - R' sin O' : 0 .. (2), Qr – Rb sin 0 = 0 . (3). The equilibrium of the bar CC' gives V cos - R cos S' cos & = 0 ... (4), V sin + R sin ◊ – S sin 0. Ra sin (a + 0) — Sa′ sin (a − q) = 0 The equilibrium of the bar DD' gives V'cos - R' cos e'- S' cos d' ' = 0 V' sin '+R' sin '- S′ sin p' = 0 R'a sin (a − 0′) – S'a' sin (a + p') (5), .... (6). 0 .. (7), 0. (8), (9). PROBLEMS. 129 The equilibrium of the part supporting P gives P - S cos o -S' cos q′ = 0 .. S sin o S' sin d'= 0.. Ps - Sb sin = 0 (10), ........ (11), (12). The equilibrium of the stem and stand gives W - T + V cos y + V' cos y′ = 0. (13), V sin V' sin y' = 0.. (14), Tx - V' (h + b) sin '+ Vh sin y (15). These equations contain 15 unknown quantities, namely, RR' V V' SS' T☺ ☺'† 'oo'x and the ratio of Q to P. Some Q of these must be indeterminate since (as we might have foreseen) (14) is a consequence of (2) (5) (8) (11). To obtain the ratio P Q By (1) (2) R sin (0 +0') sin o' by (10) (11) S P_sin (p+g') sin o' Q sin (4 + 0') R sin o' a' sin (a − p) sin o' by (6). P sin (0+0') S sin O' a sin (a + 0) sin (' If we had eliminated R and S first and then R' S', Q sin (p + p') R' sin P sin (0 + 0′) S' sin 0 a' sin (a + p′) sin o a sin (a – 0′) sin ✪ by (9). Adding these equations after multiplying them respectively by the denominators of the right-hand sides we have Q sin (+0) {sin (a + 0) sin &' + sin (a -') sin 03 P sin (0+0') a {sin (a − p) sin q'+ sin (a + p') sin p} ; a …. sin a sin (0 + 0′). Q sin (p + p') P sin (0+0') a' sin a sin (p + '); በ R 130 STATICS. : Q a' , P a that is, the weights must always be inversely as the arms DE', D'E', and do not depend on r and s. To find T. Add together (1) (4) (7) (10) (13) after changing the signs in (4) (7), we have T W+P + Q. To find a. By (14) (15) Tx Vb sin = = P ( s − 2 ) ; Ps - Qr by (5) (3) (12) = P (s a P W+P + Q α (s r). α This shews that as we shift the weights P and Q the point B, at which the reaction and consequently the resultant down- ward-pressure acts, shifts also. If the ratio of r and s be such that B is at C, then if P be shifted outwards or Q inwards the balance will fall moving about the point C. If the stem be fixed of course the balance will not fall; but then the strain upon the stem will change as we shift P and Q. The strains at the pivots are indeterminate, nevertheless they alter as P and Q are shifted. In this way the paradoxical character of the balance is explained. We shall illustrate the Principle of Virtual Velocities in the solution of the following problem. PROB. 10. A beam in a vertical plane rests and against a wall at A, as represented in fig. 64 circumstances of equilibrium. on a post B required the Distance of B from the wall b: AG = a: -b: AG = a: ▲ GAD = 0. The reaction (P) of the post at B is perpendicular to the surfaces in contact, and therefore to the beam: the reaction (R) of the wall is perpendicular to the wall for the same reason: W the weight of the beam. We may consider the PROBLEMS. 131 beam in equilibrium under the action of P, R, W, and suppose the post and wall removed. Now the object of the problem might be solely to deter- mine the position of equilibrium, or also to determine P and not R, or R and not P, or to determine both P and R and also the position of equilibrium. We shall solve the problem by the Principle of Virtual Velocities under these four suppositions in order to explain the method of proceeding so as to avoid as much trouble as possible according to the nature of the question. 1. Suppose the position of equilibrium only required. We must then give the beam a small arbitrary geometric motion such that the unknown pressures P and R shall not occur in the equation of virtual velocities: the beam must therefore remain in contact with the wall and the post: as in fig. 64. Let de be the increase of owing to the displacement. Then height of G above the horizontal through B (or h) = GB cos 0 = (a –− b cosec 0) cos s Ꮎ = a cos 0 -b cot 0; .. vertical space described by G = dh = ( b 2 sin Ꮎ and by virtual velocities W&h= 0; .. b − a sin³ 0 = 0, sin 0 3 b α and this determines the position of equilibrium. a sin Ꮎ | dᎾ, e) 2. But suppose we wished to find the pressure P as well as the position of equilibrium. We ought in this case to have moved the beam off the post, as in fig. 65, in order that the virtual velocity of B with respect to P may not vanish, and consequently P not disappear as in case (1). Let AA'= c, and let, as before, de be the change of 0. Then the space described by B in direction of P's action, (since BP is perpendicular to AB) equals the difference of the resolved parts of AA' and A'B' in the direction of P AA′ sin ◊ – A'B' cos (90° – d0), A'B' = AB = b cosec = c sin - b cosec 0 80. 132 STATICS. Also space described by G in direction of W = AG cos 0 — AA' – A'G' cos (0 + SO) = a cos 0) — c — a cos ✪ + a sin 0 d0 = a sin 0 80 − c ; therefore by the equation of virtual velocities W (a sin 080-c) + P(e sin - b cosec 080) = 0; .. 80 (Wa sin ✪ – Pb cosec 0) — c (W – P sin 0) = 0 ; and since c and d may be any independent small quantities Wa sin 0 - Pb cosec 0 = 0, W - P sin ◊) = 0 ; 3 b P 3 ... sin and √ a a W b 3. Suppose we wished to know R and the position of equilibrium, and not P. Then we should give the beam such an arbitrary motion (fig. 66.) as to give A a virtual velocity with respect to R, but not one to B with respect to P. Let AA' = c, BAA' = a; c sin a AB - c cos a с b sin a sin ; and the virtual vel. of G = AG cos 0 − c cos (0 − a) – A'G' cos (0 + 80) 2 = ( sin³ > – sin 0) c sin a - c cos a cos 0; Ꮎ and virtual velocity of A= c sin (0 − a); a {( sin² 0 – sin ) e sin a .. W WC sin c cos a cOS Cose} + R (c cos a sin ◊ − c sin a cos 0) = 0 ; a . W sin² ✪ – sin ✪ sin e •) R cos 0 = 0, Ꮎ W cos 0-R sin 0 = 0; 3 ... sin 0 band R að - bš a W b3 4. Lastly, suppose we wished to determine P and R and the position of equilibrium. } PROBLEMS. 133 Then we must give the beam the most general disturbance · possible in the plane of the forces: fig. 67. AA′ = c: BAA′ = a: and 80 the increase of 0; =a: . vir. vel. of A with respect to R = c sin (0 − a), Ᏼ ... G.. W {a sin 0.80 – c cos (0 − a)} b80 P = c sin a sin Wasino. 80 — c cos (0 − a); + P (e sin a b80 + Rc sin (0 − a) = 0 ; sin .. c sin a (P - W sin - R cos 0) — c cos a (W cos 0 - R sin () い ​b -de Wa sin ◊ – P = 0; sin Ꮎ and c sin a, c cos a, and 80 are independent; .. P P - W sin – R cos 0 = 0…………(1), W cos e R sin 0 = 0......(2), Wa sin - Pb cosec 0 = 0…………..(3). These three equations are the equations which we should have obtained by the principles of Art 53. they give by elimination sin = اشد 3 P a R √ a as - b3 , a W IV b 3 We have thus illustrated the method of application of this principle: and we observe, in general, that when the object of the problem does not require certain unknown forces we must give the body the most arbitrary geometrical motion possible without giving the points of application of these forces any motion in their direction. The first case of the four just solved is an application of the principle proved in Art. 78. and which was deduced from the principle of virtual velocities. We may determine whether 134 STATICS. the equilibrium be stable or unstable (Art. 79.) by differen- tiating h a second time: dh b d2 h 2b a sin 0; d Ꮎ sin20 d Ꮎ? sin Ꮎ 3 +a). cos 0, dh which is negative when 0: hence h is a maximum and de the equilibrium is unstable. We may frequently make use of this method to discover the nature of the equilibrium. PROB. 11. A body with a convex surface rests on a fixed body with a convex surface: required whether the equilibrium is stable or unstable: fig. 68. Let CAO be a normal to the two surfaces at the point of contact A of the two bodies when the upper body is at rest: then the centre of gravity of the upper body is in that line: let C be its distance from O the centre of curvature at A: let a and b be the radii of curvature at A of the curves in which the plane of the paper (supposed vertical) cuts the bodies: dis- place the upper body through a very small angle as in the figure: angle C=0: ... h dist. of cen. of grav. from horizontal through C, = = (a + b) cos 0-c cos (0+ A'O'B), A'O'B A'B ав Ꮎ b b = (a + b) cos 0 − c cos (1 + - (1 + 1/1) α Ꮎ = = (a + b) (1 (1-9) 02 b b? C { (a + b) − 1 = (a + b) ² } /* 2 Hence h is a maximum or minimum, or the equilibrium is unstable or stable, according as c is < or or as AG is > or < (b − c or) b2 a + b ab a + b We shall close this Chapter with a few examples of Problems in which Friction is considered. The only change PROBLEMS. 135 will be that we must substitute some unknown force for the friction acting at right angles to the pressure; if we suppose the parts acted on by friction to be on the point of slipping, this force. P, where P is pressure of the rough surfaces and μ a constant known by experiment: see Art. 118. PROB. 12. A cylinder with its axis horizontal is held at rest on an inclined plane by a string coiled round its middle and then fastened on the plane; fig. 69: find the conditions of equilibrium friction being considered. The forces act as drawn in the figure. The conditions of equilibrium are W – R sin a – F cos a R cos a F sin a Tcos (9 + a) = 0…………….(1), T' sin (0 + a) = 0…………….(2), moments about the axis, Ta - Fa = 0…………….(3), these are the only equations; and they contain four unknown quantities R, T, F, : but we know that F cannot be greater than μ.R: this limits the indeterminateness of the problem. COS a F Eliminate T from (2) (3); R sin a + sin (0+ a) cos a sin a + sin (0 + a) cannot be less than M COS a μ sin a ль + a cannot be less than sin-¹ but it may be greater. PROB. 13. A cylinder lies upon two equal cylinders all in contact and having their axes parallel: and the lower cylinders rest on a horizontal plane: u' the coefficients of friction respectively between the cylinders and each cylinder and the plane find the conditions of equilibrium, and the relation of μ and ' that all the points of contact may begin to slip at the same instant: fig. 70. u M The forces as in the figure. The upper cylinder, W-2R cosa - 2 F sin a = 0......(1), the other two equations of this cylinder are identical. 136 STATICS. One of the lower cylinders, W' – R' + R cos a + F sin a = 0......(2), - F" – R sin a + F cosa = 0……… (3), (4), F' - F = 0 ... these are all the equations. F sin a α By (3) (4) = tan , not greater than μ. R 1 + cos a By (1) (2) 2R' = 2 W' + W, by (1) (3) (4) F' W sin a W α tan (1 + cos a) 2 ૪ ૦૫ α F" W tan 2 R' 2 W' + W' not greater than μ'. If ль = ' then since W is less than W+2 W' the lower cylinders will slip first as we continually increase the weight of the upper cylinder. In order that the points of contact may all slip together, we must have α W tan α 2 tan 2 M μ and 2 W' + W μ W' M W PROB. 14. 2 μ Three equal rough rods are loosely connected together by one extremity of each, and placed on a rough horizontal plane. Shew how to graduate one of the rods so that by noting the position of a smooth ring resting in a horizontal position on the rods and just in equilibrium we may know the coefficient of friction between the rods and the plane. CHAPTER VIII. ATTRACTIONS. 147. THE phenomena of the motion of the heavenly bodies lead us to conjecture, as we shall hereafter perceive, that the various particles of matter in the universe attract each other with a force which varies directly as the mass of the attracting particle and inversely as the square of the distance of the attracted from the attracting particle. Now in antici- pation of this it will be an interesting and useful enquiry to calculate the resultant attraction of an assemblage of molecules which constitute a mass such as the Earth, the Sun, or any of the heavenly bodies. We shall commence with the calculations of the attraction of homogeneous bodies bounded by surfaces of the second order, and then of any homogeneous bodies differing but little in figure from a sphere, and lastly of hete- rogeneous bodies consisting of homogeneous strata all differing but little from spherical shells in their form. Also in the course of these calculations we shall introduce a few Propositions which we shall find of use hereafter. PROP. To find the resultant attraction of an assemblage of particles constituting a homogeneous spherical shell of very small thickness upon a particle outside the shell: the law of attraction of the particles being that of the inverse square of the distance. 148. Let O be the centre of the shell (fig. 71), P any particle of it, dr its thickness: C the attracted particle OC=c, ¿ POC = 0. OP=r: m PMn a plane perpendicular to OC, ≤ m MP = 0, PC = y. ОР The attraction of the whole shell C acts in CO. S 138 STATICS. Let OP revolve about O through a small angle de in the plane MOP: then rde is the space described by P. Again, let OPM revolve about OC through a small angle do, then r sin edo is the space described by P. Likewise the thickness of the shell equals dr. Hence the volume of the elementary solid at P equals drrdersindo ultimately, since its sides are ultimately at right angles to each other. Then, if the unit of attraction be chosen to be the attrac- tion of a unit of mass at a unit of distance, the attraction of the elementary mass at P on C in the direction CP pr² sin Odrdedo y² , p the density of the shell; ... attraction of P on C in CO = pr² sin @drded cr cos 0 Ꮎ Ꮎ y² We shall eliminate from this equation by means of Y y² = c² + p² 2cr cos 0, do Y y² + c² — p² ... sin c - r cos e s Ꮎ dy Cr 20 prdr 2 c² c² 2.2. + dydo. y² .'. attrac. of P on C in direct. CO: To obtain the attraction of all tegrate this with respect to and 2π, those of y being c - ... att". of shell on C in CO = the particles of the shell we in- and y, the limits of r and c + r; prdr c + r 2π 202 πρrdr C² προdr ㅠ ​c² C² - being o S" (1+= "") dydo c - r 0 c+r C² y² S" (1 + 2 =) dy C (2r + 2r) mass of the shell = y² 4 π pr² dr T ૨ c² c² ATTRACTION OF SPHERICAL BODIES. 139 This result shews that the shell attracts the particle at C in the same manner as if the mass of the shell were condensed into its centre. 149. It follows also that a sphere which is either homo- geneous or consists of concentric spherical shells of uniform density will attract the particle at C in the same manner as if the whole mass were collected at its centre. PROP. To find the attraction of a homogeneous spherical shell of small thickness on a particle placed within it. 150. We must proceed as in the last Proposition: but the limits of y are in this case r c and r+c: hence p² – C²· attraction of shell - prd (1~-~~) d πρrdr c² y² dy x + c π p r d r c² (2c - 2c) = 0; therefore a particle within the shell is equally attracted in every direction. PROP. To find the attraction of a homogeneous spherical shell on a particle without it; the law of attraction being re- presented by (y), y being the distance. 151. The calculation is exactly analogous to that of Art. 148 we have only to alter the law of attraction: then attraction on C in CO r π îṛ d ¹ ƒ© + ' (y² + c² − r²) $ (y) dy, (integrated by parts) c² πprdr c² πрrdr c² { (y² + c² − r²) ƒ¢ (y) dy – 2 [[y fp (y) dy] dy} · {(y²+ c² − r²) Pı (y) − 2¥ (y) + const.} suppose between the specified limits Je+r 1 = 2 = pr dr {C++" qp, (c+r) — — 4 (c+r) C d − = p, (e−r) + 4 (e−r)} C r) = 4 (c − r)}. − − = 2 w prdr & { 4 (c + de C 1/2 140 STATICS. this latter form being introduced merely as an analytical arti- fice to simplify the expression. PROP. To find the attraction of the shell on an internal particle. 152. The calculation is the same as in the last article except that the limits of y are r c and r + c; r + c 1 ... attraction = 2π prdr + C C C + " = ° ₁ (r− e) + 4 (r - c)} P₁ (r + c ) − — 1 ¥ (r + c) C 1 C² = 2π prdr d ff (r + c) = = − 4 (r − c) dc C The formulæ of these two Articles will give the attraction when the law of attraction is known. Ex. 1. Let (r) == 4 ·´`· P1 (~) + A A ↓ (r) = - r+ p² + B: A and B arbitrary constants; therefore attraction on an external particle = 2πprdr d {- dcl 4r + A {(c + r)² – (c − r)²} d 2r Ar = 2 = p r dr = { = = " + 24r} dcl c 2c - = 4πpr²dr (see Art. 148.) C² Attraction on an internal particle = = 2nprdr d c { d (− 4c + A {(r + c)² − (v − e) > 2c ATTRACTION OF SPHERICAL BODIES. 141 d 2 π pr dr dc {−2+2 Ar} = 0, (see Art. 150.) Ex. 2. Let $(r) = r ; -· · •; (1) = + 4, 4 () = + = r² + B. P1 22² 2 Attraction on an external particle 8 d (c + r)¹ − (c − 1º)² + 4 A { (c + r)² − (c − r)²} = 2 x prdr = {(c+r)² dc d = 2 x pr dr de = dc {c²r + m² + 2 Ar} 4πpr²drc = mass of shell × c. 8c The attraction is the same as if the shell were collected at its centre. This property we discovered for the law of the inverse square. We shall now ascertain whether there are any other laws which give the same property. PROP. To find what laws of attraction allow us to suppose a spherical shell condensed into its centre when attracting an external particle. 153. Let (") be the law of force: then if c be the distance of the centre of the shell from the attracted point and r the radius of the shell, and (r) = f{r fp (r) dr} dr, then the attraction of the shell = 2 w p r d r = {4 (0 + 1 ) = 4 (0 - 1)). d (c − (c − r dc C But if the shell be condensed into its centre this attraction 4 π r² drpp (c); d (c − − r) ... del • 2rp (0) = 2 {4 (0 + 1) = ↓ (c = 1)}} C 142 STATICS. 2rp(c) .. 2rp (c) = 2 dc d f d f c r d³ & c p³ 1 + de c dc3 c 1.2.3 · 2 rp (c) + 2 d f1 ď³ (c) & de e cr d (ď³ ↓ (c) p³ 1 dc dc³ c 1.2.3 (+)=0 de³ c d f1 f c } + =0 whatever r be; d c 2 [1ove) = 0, 1 (1040) - de³ de = 0... d ↓ c But = cfp (c) dc, ď² & c /ф (c) dc + сфо dc dc² афс dc³ 3 2pc + c dc therefore by the first of the above equations of condition for † (c) 2 афс фот = 3A, de and multiplying by c² and integrating c³p (c) = Ac³ + B: A and B being independent of c B $ (c) = Ac + ă, and this satisfies all the other equations of condition for † (c); therefore the required laws of attraction are those of the direct distance, the inverse square, and a law compounded of these. PROP. To find for what laws the shell attracts an in- ternal point equally in every direction. 154. When this is the case d ff (r + c) ~ † (r – c) = 4 C = de d↓ (r) d³ ↓ (1) C² + + A dr d 23 1.2.3 whatever c is, A being a constant independent of c; ATTRACTION OF SPHEROIDS. 143 dy (r) A, dr ď³ & (1) dp3 = 0...... ....... These conditions are all satisfied if the first is: this gives − A rfp (r) dr = − A, 4 (r) = =—, و 200 and therefore the inverse square is the only law which satisfies the condition. PROP. To find the attraction of a homogeneous oblate spheroid on a particle at its pole: the law being the inverse square of the distance. 155. Let APBp, AQB q be sections of the spheroid and the sphere touching it made by a plane through the axis of the spheroid: fig. 72. AM = x, MP=y, AC = c, CD = ɑ, c = a(1-e), e very small. The mass of the annulus Pp between the sphere and spheroid and of thickness da a² πpy'da (1-2): dx : also AQ=√2cx; y² = (2cx − x²), - c² α and if we consider every particle of the annulus Pp equidistant from A, the attraction of this annulus on A in direction AB C 1 X ==py'dz (1-0) 208 √201 пру a² 2cx πρε (2c) 3 (2 c – x)dx ; therefore attraction of whole difference of sphere and spheroid 2 π р € ( ²° ( 2 c x š 2πρε 4c (2 c xì – x4) dx - (2c)* { 4 c 16πρε 3 51 15 4 прс (Art. 149.) 3 Απρ the attraction of the sphere on A = therefore attraction of spheroid on A = CO 1 + 46 5 C. $ 144 STATICS. PROP. To find the attraction on a particle at the equator. 156. Let DC be the axis of revolution (fig. 73), APBp and AQBq sections of the spheroid and circumscribing sphere by the plane of the paper passing through the axis of revo- c² lution: AM = x, MP=y, AC = a, CD=c, y²= AC=a, → (2ax − x²). α Let an elementary slice of the spheroid and sphere be made by planes perpendicular to the axis of x, one passing through P and the other at a distance da from it; therefore mass of the part of this slice between the sphere and spheroid = πp(QM² – MN.PM) dx = πρ пр 2 y². a C yda; because MN = QM (2 ax - x²) dx. (1-2) (2 ax Now the distance of each portion of this from A nearly = AQ √2ax; therefore attraction of the part between the sphere and spheroid in the direction AC = 2a (1 − 2 ) 2 (2 ax - x²) ƒª²ºª a 0 2α 1 x d x (2 a x) * = πρ = πρ =пр 0 (2a) * (1-2) (4a - 10) 3 5 and the attraction of the sphere - xp (1-2), (80) (2 ax✈ − x*) d x dx 4 a πρα 6 15 Απρ α a; 3 Απρ therefore attraction of the spheroid 3 Απρ 3 (1-20) 0 5 (+) 5 α C. ATTRACTION OF SPHEROIDS. 145 157. In the same manner it might be shewn that the attractions of a homogeneous prolate spheroid of small ellip- ticity on particles at the pole and equator are respectively Апр 3 (1 - 4€) c and 5 АПР 3 3 €) C₂ 5 2c being the axis of revolution of the spheroid. PROP. To find the attraction of a homogeneous oblate spheroid upon a particle within its mass: the law of attrac- tion being that of the inverse square of the distance. 158. Let a, c be the semi-axes, the minor-axis of 2c coinciding with the axis of : then the equation to the spheroid from the centre is x² + y² a² + 1, 2 fgh the co-ordinates to the attracted particle: we shall take this as the origin of polar co-ordinates, A in fig. 30. ↑= radius vector of any particle of the attracting mass : → = angle which makes with a line parallel to ≈ : 4 = angle which the plane r≈ makes with the plane ≈≈: .. x = ƒ + r sin 0 cos p, y = g + r sin 0 sin 0, ≈ = h + r cos 0, and the equation to the spheroid becomes (ƒ + r sin @ cos p)² + (g + r sin@ sin ()² + (h + r cose)™ C² 1, f sin cos + g sine sin hcos a sin20 cos20 or 2.2 + +2r C²² a² f + g h = 1 a + C² cos e} sin20 cos Ꮎ put = K, a² f'sine cos +g sine sin a² T h cos + F 146 STATICS. = H, then h2 and F + K (1-+-) - a² K²² + 2 KFr + F² = H and the values of are F+√H K -F-H and " K ρ Volume of element at Prsin@drded as in p. 68. let p be the density of the spheroid: then the attraction of this element on the attracted particle is p sin@drdėdė; and the resolved parts of this parallel to the axes of xyz are р 2 sin² e cosparded, psin esingdrd0dp and psine cos@drd@dp. Let A, B, C be the attractions of the whole spheroid in the directions of the axes estimated positive towards the centre of the spheroid: then these equal the integrals of the attrac- tions of the element; the limits of r being – 7' and ''", of 0 being 0 and, and of being 0 and hence. π: π П A: ρ p sin²0 cos drdedp, B = -LIF Π Π p sine sin drdedp and C = /// 0 0 Then A = р π Π π P sine cose drdedp. (?" + r'´) sin² 0 cospd0dp 2p Π 0 0 ПF 0 K sin²0 cos&d0d¶. Now it is easily seen that if R (sina, cos²a) be a rational π function of sina and cos² a then SR (sina, cos² a) cosa da 0. 0 Wherefore by substituting for F and K we have ATTRACTION OF SPHEROIDS. 147 A = 2 fpc" = πfpc² Π 0 0 [ 0 T π " fpe³ [* c² 0 2. Tsin³0 cos³odedo c² sin² + a² cos20 3 sin Ꮎ d Ꮎ c² sin² + a² cos² 0 (1 - cos²0) sin edə Ꮎ c² + (a² c) cos20 a² sin * > ==fp === √. {~ + (-) cose - sine de πήρ = π περι a² C² 2 C a² - c² a² √ a² - c² between specified limits, C tan - .1 (a² c²) a² C C² cose) cose + cose + C² a² a² – c² √ a² = 2πfp a² - c² \c √ a² tan-1 = 1 − e² a² - c² C a² 1 −e² e 1 - e² 2 пfp tan-1 e³ 3 1 - e² e² 1 - e² e ПЃР sin-¹e - e3 €² 2 In the same manner we should find that B = 2x8p VT == e² 1 − e sin-¹e e³ e πρ F Also C = 2p sin cos ded K π Tsin cos 0d0d p 0 c'sin*0 + a cos² 0 *If the spheroid be prolate c is >a and the denominator of this must be written. c² – (c² — a²) cose, and the integral would involve logarithms instead of circular arcs. 148 STATICS. = a² π c² sin 0 - 2x ph. {sine - + (-e) cos' a² c² c² (a² c²) & do a² C - 4πρη tan-1 √ a² a² C² √a a² C² C = приве 1 e³ - - e² sin - 1 159. COR. 1. We see from these expressions that the attraction is independent of the magnitude of the spheroid, and depends solely upon the eccentricity. Hence the attraction of the spheroid similar to the given one and passing through the attracted particle is the same as of any other similar concentric spheroid comprising the at- tracted particle in its mass. Hence a spheroidal shell the surfaces of which are similar and concentric, attracts a point within it equally in all directions. 160. COR. 2. If we put the ellipticity of the spheroid = e and suppose e very small so that we may neglect its c² square, we have e² = 1 1 − €)² (1 − e)² = 2€ ; a² 4πρ 2 € . Á f, B Απρ 2 € g, 3 3 5 4€ 161. COR. 3. h. C = ATP (1 + 2010) M. Απρ 3 5 By the values of A, B, C after integrating with respect to » we have + (c² sin³ + a² sin e cos 0) dedo c² sin" + a² cos² B C + 2p S* S*** h Ꮎ Ꮎ #про A f But if V = ſ = 2p ff sin dedo = 2πpf sin 0d0 = 4πр. element of mass distance from attracted point dm {(x − ƒ)² + (y − g)² + (x − h)² } (≈ ! * ATTRACTION OF SPHEROIDS. dv df d² V d A A f dm (x −ƒ) {(x −ƒ)² + (y − g)ε + (≈ − h)²} by the form of A. df2 df df f dev B de V C In the same manner do g dh² h Hence for an internal particle 2 d² V d² V d² V + + πρ. df dg dh² A ; 149 162. COR. 4. If we had taken an ellipsoid instead of a spheroid we should have had 3ƒM A L. B a³ a³ 3 g M d (XL) αλ 3h M d (XL) C = a❞ dx a² - b² a² - c² where M is the mass of the ellipsoid, X² 12 a² a² and L = √ J x² dx 1 - X the integration of this depends upon the properties of elliptic transcendants: see Legendre's Traité des Fonctions Ellip- tiques, Tome 1, p. 545. 163. COR. 5. If we wished to find the attraction on an external particle we should have the same integrals for A, B, C as in the Proposition, but the limits of would be r' and '” (and not - ' and r"), since the point from which is measured, the attracted particle, is outside the spheroid; .. A pf π sin² cos pdrd0dp 2 = pƒƒ„" (r'-7″) sin cos pd0dp = 2p S** S* √H K sin" e cos &ded, and this cannot be integrated by any known method. 150 STATICS. Mr Ivory has, however, discovered a relation between the attractions of ellipsoids on external and internal particles: so that by means of this relation we can calculate the attraction on an external particle. PROP. To enunciate and prove Ivory's Theorem. 164. Let + 22 yo a² b2 C² 1 and + α B² x² y² 2 + 2 r be the equations to the surfaces bounding two homogeneous ellipsoids having the same centre and foci: then a² - b² = a² -ß², a³-c² = a² - z² (1). Let fgh, f'g'h' be the co-ordinates to two particles so situated on the surfaces of these ellipsoids that f a f' । ૪ a , مة أمة b h C B h Y (2). Also since (fgh) and (f'g'h') are points in the surfaces of the first and second ellipsoids respectively, we have ƒ¹² g a h2 + b2 C 1, -2 に ​+ h'2 + B 1 ………….. (3). Y Then the attraction of the first ellipsoid parallel to the axis of z on the particle situated at the point (f'g'h') on the sur- face of the second is to the attraction of the second ellipsoid on the particle situated at the point (fgh) on the surface of the first in the same direction as ab: aß the law of attraction being any function of the distance: and similarly with re- spect to the axes of y and z. This is Ivory's Theorem. We shall, for convenience, represent the law of attraction by the function ro (~²), ↑ being the distance. The attraction of the first ellipsoid on the particle (ƒ'g'h') parallel to the axis of ≈ p Sff (h' −≈) ¢ { (f" − a)² + (g' − y)² + (h' − 2)²} dx dydz, ATTRACTION OF SPHEROIDS. IVORY'S THEOREM. 151 the limits of x are CA √1-2-2 and e√1-2-3 y² a² b2 cA x² y² a² 29 the limits the limits of y are X C b and b a² of x are a and a ℗ SS {4 [(ƒ' − x)² + (g′ − y)² + (h′+ z)²] − † [(ƒ' ~ x)² + (g' − y)²+ (h' — ≈)']} dxdy between the specified limits: (r) = 2 fp (r) dr: it must be remembered that in this expression = c√ 1 J XC² y² a² be, we do not substitute this value merely for preserving the functions under as simple a form as possible. == ct, then the attraction Now put a ar, y = bs, = pab ſſ {† [(f' – ar)²+ (g'− bs)²+ (h'+ ct)³] − † [(ƒ − ar)² + (g′' — bs)² + (h'−ct)²]} drds, the limits of s being - √√√1 – 7² and √1 - 7², and those of r being - 1 and 1: also t = 、 √1 − 1² − s². = = = 12 Now (f' - ar)²+ (g' − bs)² + (h'±ct)² 12 · ƒ¹² + g²² + h²² — 2 (far+g'bsh'ct) + a²² + b²s²+ c©t°, substituting for h' by (3) and putting 1-s for t = f¹² 12 - ƒ³ ( 1 − 2 ) + 8'' ( 1 − 3 ²) + ~ ²- 2 (far + g'ba±k'et) a² y²− g′bs + (a³ − c°) r² + (b² − c²) s² + c² : ; eliminating f'g'h' by (2) and making use of (1) a² (a³ — c²) + 62 (bº − c²) + c² − 2 (far + gßs ±hyt) + (a² — y³) ‚¹² + (B² — y³) s² + y² 152 STATICS. = · ƒ² + g²² + h² − 2 (far + gßs ± hyt) + a²r¹² + ß² s² + y°ť² by (3) − · (ƒ − ar)² + (g − ẞs)² + (h ±yt)². Hence the attraction of the first ellipsoid on (f'g'h') parallel to ≈ = pab ff {↓ [(ƒ- ar)² + (g - ẞs)² + (h + yt)²] - [(far)² + (g − ẞs)² + (h - yt)"]} drds, — the limits of s being -√1-2, 1-; of being - 1, 1 r², r ab αβ × attraction of second ellipsoid on (ƒgh) parallel to ≈: the same may be proved for the attractions parallel to the other axes and consequently the Theorem, as enunciated, is true. We observe that one of these ellipsoids lies wholly within the other for if not the points in which they cut each other lie in the line of which the equations are y² སྣ་ x² a² + b2 C² 1 and + y + 1. 2 α B2 We shall suppose a less than a the points of intersection must therefore satisfy the equation x² 1 y² ~ ( - ) + ( − 1 ) + 2 α and this by (1) becomes b2 Y 2 (-) = 0, 2 2 (-)² + (₁₂)² + (-)²- αα bß 0, an equa- tion which can be satisfied solely by x 0, y = 0, ≈ = 0: but these do not satisfy the equations above, and therefore the surfaces do not intersect in any point. Hence to find the attraction of an ellipsoid of which the semi-axes are a, b, c on an external particle of which the co- ordinates are f'g'h', we must first calculate the attraction of an ellipsoid of which the semi-axes are a, ß, y parallel to the axes on an internal particle of which the co-ordinates are f, g, h, these six quantities being determined by the equations a² - B² = a² - b², a² — y² = a² — c², 12 h'2 2-4-0-6, 5 + 6 + 5 -1, a² B2 ATTRACTIONS. 153 f ɑf" a bo' ch' h В γ сто and then the attractions required will be these three calculated attractions multiplied respectively by b c a c ab αγ ав By' ay The following Proposition we shall find of use in a sub- sequent part of this work. PROP. To prove that the resultant attraction of the par- ticles of a body of any figure upon a body of which the distance is very great in comparison with the greatest diameter of the attracting body, is very nearly the same, as if the particles were condensed into their centre of gravity and attracted according to the same law, whatever that law be. 165. Let the origin of co-ordinates be taken at the centre of gravity of the attracting body, the axis of a through the attracted particle; let c be its abscissa and ay≈ the co-ordinates of any particle of the body, p the density of that particle. ', Then the distance between these two particles, or ", √ (c − x)° + y² + ~. Let ro() be the law of attraction: then the whole at- traction parallel to the axis of x, or A SSS p (c − x) & (c² − 2cx + x² + y²+ z²) dx dydz, the limits being obtained from the equation to the surface of the body = [[] p c − x) { † (c²) − (2 c x − x² − y³ — *) 4′ (c²) + ... } dxdydz $ x − — ...'} $ (c²) =c$(c) []]p{ 1 − = { 1 + 2 c² p´(c²) 1+ + (y² + ≈² − x²) C p' (c²³) $ (c²) ... + dxdydz y²+ x²x² dx d y d z + Mc¢ (c²) + c³q'(c) [[[e M being the mass of the body: also fpxdxdydz = 0 since a is measured from the centre of gravity of the body (p. 67). U 154 STATICS. Now suppose xyz to be exceedingly small in comparison with c; then all the terms of A after the first are extremely small in comparison with that term, it being observed that c³p' (c²) is of the same order as cop (c²) in terms of c. Hence the Proposition is true. COR. It appears also that to produce a given resultant law, the law of attraction of the constituent molecules must be the same. 166. We shall now proceed to the calculation of the at- traction of bodies differing but little from a sphere in figure. The object of these calculations will be seen when we come to the higher branches of Physical Astronomy. The reader may therefore, if he please, omit the remainder of this Chapter till he enters upon those investigations. We shall suppose that the law of attraction is that of the inverse square of the distance. PROP. To obtain formulce for the calculation of the attraction of a heterogeneous mass upon any particle. 167. Let p be the density of the body at the point (xyz): fgh the co-ordinates of the attracted particle: and, as before, suppose A, B, C are the attractions parallel to the axes of Then X, Y, Z. A B = = SSS SSS C= = SSS p (fx) d x d y d≈ { (ƒ − x)² + (g − y)² + (k − ≈)² } } ? p (g − y) dx dydz {(ƒ − x)² + (g − y)² + (h − ≈)²? *' − p (h− z) dx dydz {(ƒ − x)² + (g − y)² + (h − 2)²? * ' the limits being determined by the equation to the surface of the body. p d x d y d z Let V = SSS {(ƒ − a)² + (8 − y)² + (k − ≈)*} ¹ ' (g (h d V d V d V A B = C df' dg' dh ATTRACTION OF BODIES NEARLY SPHERICAL. 155 It follows, then, that the calculation of the attractions A, B, C depends upon that of V. This function cannot be calculated except when expanded into a series: it satisfies a differential equation, which leads to some remarkable properties of the coefficients of the terms of the series into which V is deve- loped. We proceed to determine this equation. PROP. To prove that + d2V d2V + 0, or 4 πρʹ, d² V df d g² dh² according as the attracted particle is not or is part of the mass itself: p' being the density of the attracted particle in the latter case. 168. By differentiating V we have d V df d2 V df" -p(fx) dxdydz SSS = (@~ = {(ƒ − x)² + (g − y)² + (h − ≈)² } } ' SSSP {2 (f { 2 (ƒ − x)² − (g − y)² – (h − ≈)²} dx dydz { (ƒ − x)² + (g − y)²+ (h − x)²} ? In the same manner we should have d² V dg2 dev SSSP {2 (g − y)² — (ƒ − x)² – (h − z)²} d x d y d z − — — — (f {(ƒ − x)²+ (g − y)° + (h − ≈)²}§ ρ {2 (h − ≈)² − (ƒ − x)² – (g − y)²} dvdydz ƒfƒ p {(ƒ − x)² + (g − y)² + (h − ≈)² } ? 5 dh − - − — − d² V d² V + ď v + df dg dh SSS 0 × d x d y d z {(ƒ − x)² + (g − y)² + (h − 2)² 。 When the attracted particle is not a portion of the attracting mass itself then ays will never equal fgh respectively and consequently the expression under the signs of integration vanishes for every particle of the mass : de V df ď v + d Ꮩ + 0. dg dh This equation was first given by Laplace and Poisson was the first who shewed that it was not true when the attracted 156 STATICS. The error arises in particle is part of the attracting mass. consequence of the expression under the signs of integration not vanishing for all values of xyz; since it equals when x = ƒ, y = g, z = h. =f, d² V d² V To determine the value of + df² dg² d² V 0 + in this case, dh2 suppose a sphere described in the body so that it shall include. the attracted particle: and let VU+ U', U referring to the sphere, and U' to the excess of the body over the sphere. Then, by what is already proved, d² U' d U' d U' + + = 0. df2 d ove dh² de V d² V d² V d² U d² U d² U Hence + + + + df² dg dh² df² dg2 dh2 The centre of the sphere may be chosen as near the attracted particle as we please, and therefore the radius of the sphere may be taken so small that its density may be considered ulti- mately uniform and equal to that at the particle (fgh), which we shall call p'. Let f'g'h' be the co-ordinates to the centre of the sphere; then the attractions of the sphere on the attracted particle pa- rallel to the axes are, by Art. 149, 150, Απρ 3 Απρ Απρ (ƒ −ƒ'), (g — g'), (h - h'), 3 3 or - d U df , de U d U d U by Art. 167.; dg dh d'U d2 U + 4 πρ' ; df2 dg² dh2 d² V + ď V + df² + dg² when the attracted particle is within the attracting mass. Since the attracting body is supposed to be nearly spherical we shall find it most convenient to transform our rectangular dev Απρ, dh ATTRACTION OF BODIES NEARLY SPHERICAL. 157 to polar co-ordinates, the origin of the radius vector of the surface being near the centre. PROP. To transform the partial differential equation in V to polar co-ordinates. 169. Let r, 0, w be the co-ordinates to the point (fgh), r', O', w' (xyz), the angles and 'being measured from the axis of : w and w' being the angles which the planes on which and 0' are measured make with the plane za; as in fig. 30. and at p. 67, being replaced by w; .. ƒ = r sin 0 cos w, g= = 7' r sin & sin w, h = r cos 0, X r' cos e'. x = r′ sin l′ cos w', y = r' sin e' sin w', Also the volume of an element of the mass-dr'r' de'r' sin 'do'; therefore V = the sum of the elements of the mass divided re- spectively by their distances from the attracted particle =S"S" S 0 0 pr'² sin 'dr'de'dw' {r²+r²²−2rr' [cos e cos 0'+ sin e sin e' cos (w-w')]} r being the value of r at the surface of the body. , h Now p² · ƒ² + g² + h², h², cos s Ꮎ tan w = , ƒ²² + g² + h² 2014 & ... (1) f dV dV dr dV do d V dw + + df de V df dr df de df d dV dr d dV do + df dr df df de + d dV dw df df dw df , dw df dV ď²r dV ď² 0 d V ď² w + + + dr df² do df dw df" ď² V dr² dev de d² V dw² + + dr² df²' do² dƒ˜² dw² d f 158 STATICS. de V dr do + 2 +2 +2 drde df df d² V dr dw drdw df df dede df df d² V do dw dV d²r dV ď² 0 d V ď² w + + + dr df² də df² dw df2 d² V d² V The expresssions for and are of the same form. dg² dh² These must all be added together and equated to zero or - 4p. When this is effected the formulæ (1) make d² V dr² dr² dr² the coefficient of + + 1, dr² df² dg² dh2 d² V d Ꮎ d 02 d02 1 the coefficient of + + d02 df² ď² V dw² dw2 2 dg² dh2 ༡•? > dw² 1 the coefficient of + + dw² df² dg dh² ² sin² ' d² V dr de dr do dr de the coefficient of 2 +2 +2 0, drdo df df dg dg dh dh d² V dr dw dr dw dr dw the coefficient of 2 +2 +2 0, drdw df df dg dg dh dh d² V do dw do dw do dw the coefficient of +2 +2 0, d0d w df df dg dg dh dh d V d² r ď² r dr the coefficient of 120 + + dr df" dg² dh2 J d V d Ꮎ d² 0 d Ꮎ cos the coefficient of + d Ꮎ df² dg do² + ? dhⓇ , sin Đ r d V the coefficient of dw Hence the equation in V becomes ď w dg² + dh2 Ζω + 0. df² 1 d² V 인 ​Q dw = 0 or -4π p'; ď² V 2 d V 1 dᏙ cose dv + + + + dr² r dr 12 do² sin e do r² sin ATTRACTIONS. 159 LAPLACE'S COEFFICIENTS. d²r V d² V cos o dv 1 d² V + + + dr² d 02 = 0 or -4π pr². sin Ꮎ ᏧᎾ sin2 0 dw2 Put cos 0 = μ and cos 0' =µ: then V= SLS 1 2π 0 predr'du'da r²+r'² −2rr'[µu'+√√1−µ³ √1−u”²cos (w−w')]}§ ' dr V d dv 1 d² V and r + - (1 − µ²) + = 0 or 4π pr². - Απρ. dr² du du 2 1 - μ² dwⓇ By integrating this equation we should determine the value of V. But this has never been accomplished, and we are con- sequently obliged to resort to approximation by series. PROP. To explain the method of expanding V in a series. 170. The expression 12 J {x² + r²² – 2rr' [µµ' + √1 - μ² √1 - μ - may be expanded into either of the series 12 cos (w - w')]}, 1 ༡་ Po + P 19 + 1 or P P₁ = + + P₁ i | where Po, P₁, functions of μ, 201 + P + pl¿ + 1 (1), + P₂ + jo? +1 Pi, are all rational and entire µ, I-2 cos w, and 1-2 sin w, and the 12 same functions of μ', √1-μ cos w', and VI the general coefficient P; is of i dimensions in u, and √1 - μ sin w. 12 1- µª² sin w' : 1-μ² cos w 2 The greatest value of P; (disregarding its sign) is unity. For if we put 2 12 µµ' + √ 1 − µ³ √ 1 − µ³ cos (w – w') = cos 4 = ½) (≈ + 1), - – 1 ર 160 STATICS. then P = coefficient of c in C (1 + c² – 2c cos p)−¹ or (1 − cx) − (1 − ) coefficient of c² in Z 1.3 + 3/2 c x² + 2.4 -3 ଓ 2 + 1 + + 3/1/20 2.4 1.3 c² + ...... A 1 − 1 ( ~ ' + 1 ) + B (x²-² + -—-—-) = + 2 A cos i +2 B cos (i − 2) † + A, B...... being all positive and finite: the greatest value of this is when = 0: hence P; is greatest when = 0. But then P = coefficient of c in (1 + c²− 2c)¯½ or (1 − c) −¹ 2 1. (1 + C + c² + ... + C² ...) 1 Hence 1 is the greatest value of P. It follows that the first or second of the series (1) will be convergent according as r is less than or greater than »'. Using the first series we have r 1 2π 2° 1 V pr' {P₂+P₁+P₂] 1 + 20 + P¿ ¿¡+ …... } dr'dµ'dw'. 1 0 We substitute this in the equation in V of Art. 169, and then remove the powers of outside the signs of integration and equating the coefficients of the same powers of " on each side of the equation we have a series of equations of which the general one is 1 2π d 1 ď²P; dr'dµ'd w + du 1-μ" dw 2 2 +i (i+1) P; 1) P; =0, SSS Plan (1-4) dP) 0 du excepting the single case when i2 and the particle is in- ternal, in which case the second side is - 4πp'. ATTRACTION OF BODIES NEARLY SPHERICAL. 161 It follows, then, that in every case d du { dP 1 d² P; i (1 μ²) + du 1 - 2 dw² μ² + i (i + 1) P; = 0. 2 For this is evidently true in every case but the excepted one mentioned above; and in that case it is equally true, for if the multiplier of did not equal zero, the definite integral ጥ would be infinitely great (instead of equalling -4πp) since can become infinitely small. When P, is determined from this equation then V will be known. 171. This equation we meet with very frequently in the higher branches of Physical Science. It has never yet been integrated except by series. Laplace has demonstrated various properties of the integral, and Mr Murphy has effected the same by a new analysis: Treatise on Electricity. We shall call the functions which satisfy this equation Laplace's Coeffi- cients of the first, second,...orders according as i = 1, 2,...: and the equation itself the Equation of Laplace's Coefficients. PROP. To calculate the value of V for a homogeneous sphere. 172. Let the sphere be referred to polar co-ordinates the centre being the pole (fig. 71): C the attracted particle ; OC=r; P a particle in a shell of the sphere of which the radius. OP =r₁, ≤POC=0, ≤PMm = w; a the radius of the sphere: then PC = √² + r₁² − 2rr¸ cos§; and the mass of the element at P = pr₁² sin@dr, dedw, the limits of w are 0 and 2π; of are 0 and π of " are 0 and a; 2 2 ri 1 1°1 2 2π a π pr² sine dr,ded w sindr₁ .. V 0 0 - 2 πρ = = 2 пр ・ログ ​a 0 p² + r² = 2rr, cose 2 r² sindr₁ də √²+1,2 − 2rr, cose 2 ›² + r¸² − 2rr, cose + const.} dr₁ X 162 STATICS. a = Σπρ {(r + r₁) = (r − r) } dr₁ when C is without, and + when C is within the shell, 4π P α 2 r² dr、 4πρα 3r 2 0 when C is without the sphere. And when C is within the sphere, the part of V for the shells which enclose C = 2πp2r₁dr₁ = 2πp (a² — r²): and the part of V for the other shells of the sphere Απρ 4πρη r₁dr₁ 3 2° 0 4 πρα Hence V for an external particle 3r 2 προ V = 2 πρα for an internal particle. 3 We shall find the use of these in the next two Pro- positions. PROP. To find the attraction of a homogeneous body, differing little from a sphere in form, upon a particle without it. 173. Since the attracted particle is without the attracting mass we must expand V in a descending series of powers of r: let V = + 0 1 V2 + + Vi + jo? +1 +.... But by Art. 170. taking the second of expansions (1), 2′2 r 1 V - SS S P { P 2π 2013 p{P + P₁ 0 0 202 µ¿+2 P; + ... + P₁₂+1 + ... } dr'd µ'dw'; 2π 0 ρι i+ ATTRACTION OF BODIES NEARLY SPHERICAL. 163 Let the mean radius of the body a: and let a (1+ay') be the variable radius, y' being a function of ' and w', and a being a very small numerical quantity whose square and higher powers are to be neglected. Then, for the excess of the attracting mass over the sphere of which the radius = a, the value of v¿ +3 2 i+3 2π = aa²+³ pƒ ƒ²,ƒ³™ P¿dý dµ'd' = aa²+³µ‚ƒ P₁y'dµ'dw'. Let f₁f P¡ý'du'dw' = U¿, hence for the excess over the sphere we have 3 a √ = αρ a¹ Vo+ U₁+... ༡༧ ai +3 + U; + x² + 1 But for the sphere of which the radius is a, V by Art. 172. Hence for the whole mass V 4πρα αρα 3r 2° a + {U。 + − U₁ + ... d V グ ​(see Art. 167.) + 1 U; + ...} 3 4πρα 31 and the attraction > dr Απρα αρα 2 a + Здо? {Vo+ (i + 1) ai 0 U₁ +......+ U₂ + ... } . 2° PROP. To find the attraction of a homogeneous body, differing but little from a sphere in form, upon an internal particle. 174. We must in this case expand V in an ascending series of powers of r let V = v。 + v₁r + v₂r² +... +......+v₂n² +... But by Art. 170. V= v = [ [ [ [ " p { Por² + P } p{Por'+P₁r+P₂¬,+...+P P₁ = ipi- み ​ן +…..} dr'dµ'dw'; 164 STATICS. p P i .. Vi - SS SO R dr'dµ'dw', L L -1 zoʻ ¿ — 1 and as in the preceding Proposition the value of v; for the excess of the attracting mass over the sphere of which the radius is (a) αρ 2π P₁y'du'd w αρ - [ [ " = "0. a i – 2 a Also for the sphere of which the radius = a the value of V is 2π ρа² 2 π pr² П V = 2 пра². 3 (Art. 172). Hence for the whole mass 2 π pr² and the attraction 3 + apa² { U¸ + − U₁ + ... + √ į U₂ + ... } a a d V dr 4πρη 2r ip-1 3 apa {U₁ + a a² U₂ + ... + -i-1 U₂ + ...}. 175. The calculation of the functions U, U₁,...U¿‚….. can be effected without integration when we know the equation. to the surface of the body. We proceed to demonstrate this in the three following Propositions. PROP. To prove that a function of μ, u 2 2 1- u² cos w and √1-μ² sin w, as F(u, w), can be expanded in a series of Laplace's Coefficients: provided that F(µ, w) do not be- come infinite between the values - 1 and 1 of μ, and 0 and 2π of w. 176. Let μ'u + √ 1 by Art. 170. 12 2 µ² √1 - µ² cos (w' – w) = p: then ль (1 + c² − 2cp) − ¹ = P₂ + P₁c + P₂c² +...+P¿c² +... c being any quantity not greater than unity. Differentiating with respect to c, p-c (1 + c² − 2cp)* ---- 1 P₁ + 2 P₂c + ... + ¿P¿ci−¹ +... EXPANSION IN A SERIES OF LAPLACE'S COEFFICIENTS. 165 Multiply the latter equation by 2c and add it to the former, 1 - c² (1 + c² − 2cp)³ -1 JO = Po + 3P₁c + 5 P₂c² + ... + (2i + 1)P¿c² +... 0 ~2π (1 − c²) F' (u', w') du' dw' (1 + c² − 2cp); 2 0 2 π {P₂+3 P₂c+... + (2i + 1) P¿c² + ...} F' (u', w') du' dw'. Now c being arbitrary we may put it = 1. Then the fraction under the symbols of integration on the left-hand side of this equation vanishes, except when p= 1, in which case the fraction equals - We proceed, then, to determine the value of the integral, we shall call it X. When p=1 then 1- μ' μ cos (w' - w) ´(1 − µ'²) (1 − µ³) 10 ૐ 1-2μμ + μ μ 12 2 1 µ² + μ²² µ² 12. 2 μμ and that this may 2 μ = w. not be greater than unity we must take µ²² + µ³ not greater than 2u'u, or (u' ~µ)² not greater than zero: hence μ' = µ, and therefore cos (w' — w) = 1 and w' We shall therefore put uμ+v and ww+ and 1-c=g: v, being small quantities which vanish when p = 1, and g a small quantity which vanishes when c = = 1. Then we have 1-c² = 2g, p = 1 − (1 − u²) 2 ( (1 − µ³) ³ in which we retain only the lowest powers of g, ≈, v which occur, since the higher powers must ultimately vanish in comparison with the lower: 1 - c² 1 – c² (1 + c² − 2cp)³ { (1 − c)² + 2c(1 − p)}} 2g {² + 1 u² 2 + (1 − µ³) ≈² } } Also since, by hypothesis, F(u', w') does not become infinite between the specified limits of u' and w', then 166 where STATICS. F (u', w') = F (u + v, w + x) = F (u, w) + § is a very small quantity which vanishes with and ≈: then after the substitutions ע X = 2F (μ, w) {g² + 1 ν - gd v d z 2 + ≈² (1 − µ³) } § +2 e / Egdvdz L2 {0.2 + + ≈² (1 − μ² ) } } 1 μ between proper limits. or g V Now, since when c = 1 1 or g = 0 the fraction under the symbols of integration in X vanishes for all values of and ≈ that are not indefinitely small, it follows, that we may choose limiting values for v and ≈ of any magnitude that we please, if we put g = 0 after the integration. O after the integration. We shall take - h and h for the limits of and − ע co and co for the limits of x. Put s² (1 − x²) = (g² + ~~,;) a²º ; 1 μ therefore the first term of X 2 h 2F (u, w) g √ 1 – u² dv da ·h g² (1 − µ³) + D² ∞ (1 + x²)}; h = 4 F (u, w) & Vi u2 dv h -7 g2 1 μ²) + v² 8F (µ, w) tan¯¹ g = = 4πF (µ, w), when g= 0, or c = 1. Now being a very small quantity, let ẞ be its greatest value within given small values of v and then the second term of X is less than В -- - h ✔ Z: gdvdz 2 μ2 2 + ≈² (1 − µ²) } EXPANSION IN A SERIES OF LAPLACE'S COEFFICIENTS. 167 or is less than 2ß: but ẞ ultimately vanishes and therefore Thus we have determined the value of X = 4π F (μ, w). the integral; 1 .. F(μ, w) = 1 2π [ [ ... 4. π 1 {P + 3 P₁ + 5 P₂ + + (2i + 1) P; + ...}F (u', w') du' dw'. 1 2 i + 1 2 π Now the general term P₁F (u', w') du'dw' Ап 0 W is a function of μ and w which satisfies the equation of Laplace's Coefficients (see Art. 171.) Hence F(u, w) can be expanded in a series of Laplace's Coefficients. 177. If w or u have one of its limiting values 0 and 2π 2″ 1 and 1, we must not take the limits of integration which we have used in the last Article. or ω ле For it is only for the values of w' and ' which differ by indefinitely small quantities from w and that the fraction under the symbols of integration in X does not vanish. Now if w = O then w' 0 and 2π; and therefore it is for indefinitely small positive or negative values of w' and for values a very little less and a very little greater than 2 that X does not vanish: but the negative values and the values greater than 2π are not included between the specified limits (0 and 2π) of and must therefore be left out of consideration, though this was not necessary in the general case, because the fraction X then vanished for these values. Hence if w = O the value of X is found by putting = 0 and integrating with respect to ≈ from 0 to ∞, and adding to it the result of putting 2π and integrating from x = ∞ to ≈ = 0: we then have w w' X = 2 π { F (µ, 0) + F (µ, 2π)} = 4π F (µ, 0) and 4πF (µ, 2π) for F(u, 0) = F (μ, 2π) since F(u, w) is a function of μ, 1-cosw, and 1-u'sin w. The same will be the result if w have its other limiting value 2π. 168 v STATICS. Again, suppose μ 1; then u' 1, and we must not take the limits of negative since cannot be less than -1: but since in this case w' is quite indeterminate we shall refer to the original form of X. Since F(u', w) is a function of ', √1-u cos' and 1-2sino' which does not become infinite between the specified limits of u' and w', it follows, that F(-1, w') is independent of w': hence, since pu' when u=-1, we have 12 X - 1 2π (1 − c²) F' (u', w') du' d w' SS. 1 0 (1 + c² + 2cμ') } 1 = F (- 1, w') [ [. T - = 2 π F ( − 1, w') [ = 2 п {const. π F(-1, w') const. 2π (1 (1 − c²) du' d w' (1 + c² + 2cμ') } (1 − c²) dµ' C (1 + c² + 2cμ² )½ c²) = c(146-1204')}} = 2 π F ( − 1, w') — { (1 + c) − (1 − e) } = 4 π F (− 1, w'). - − C In the same way, when u = 1, X = 4πF(1, w): and con- sequently the result of the last Article is correct even in these limiting cases. CC 178. The demonstration of this Proposition is the sub- stance of that given by Poisson in several memoirs: the last place in which it appeared is in the Théorie Mathématique de la Chaleur, Chap. VIII. He intoduces this Theorem with these words, "La démonstration que j'en ai donnée dans plu- "sieurs mémoires, et que je vais reproduire ici, me semble propre à dissiper tous les doutes que l'on avait élevés sur "sa généralité." If the reader be inclined to enquire into the merits of the controversy hinted at in this passage, he may consult the Mécanique Céleste, Livre III. Chap. II., two Papers by Mr Ivory, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1812 and 1822, a Memoir by Lagrange in the Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Cahier 15, Poisson's Papers, and a Paper in the Cambridge Philosphical Transactions, Vol. II. by Mr (Professor) Airy, Astronomer Royal. EXPANSION IN A SERIES OF LAPLACE'S COEFFICIENTS. 169 ų 2 It will be observed, that in the enunciation of the Proposi- tion we have restricted the nature of the function F(u, w) to such forms as fulfil the conditions of Art. 107. of the Théorie de la Chaleur, by supposing it a function of μ, √1- µ³ cosw, 1- μ sin w. It is the opinion of those mathematicians who most restrict the generality of this theorem, that it is demon- strated only in such cases as F (µ, w) is a rational and entire function of μ, I-ucos w, and 1 μ sin w. に ​- The doubt attending this question will not affect any results to which we come in this work, since it will be seen that we apply the theorem only to such functions as prove in the end to be rational and entire functions of μ, √1-μcos w, and √1-μ² 1 - μ² sin w. 2 ω. 2 179. It results from this Proposition that in spheroids of which the radius vector can be expressed in terms of u, √1-µ³cos w, √1-μsino we can expand y in a series of Laplace's Coefficients Yo Y₂ + Y₁ + Y₂ +......... + I; +...... We proceed to demonstrate in the course of the next two Propositions that y can be expanded in only one such series, a result of the utmost importance in the future calculations. We must first prove the following property of Laplace's Coefficients. i PROP. To prove that if Q; and R; be two of Laplace's Coefficients, then f₁ ƒ« Q¡R; dµdw= 0, i and i' being dif- ferent integers. 180. By the equation of Laplace's Coefficients, (Art. 170.) d i (i + 1) Q;= - (1 − µ³) du d Qi аль 1 dⓇ Q; 1 - µ² dw² 1 i (i + 1) Эп 1 2ㅠ ​LL d 1 0 Q; R ; dµd w - μ²) d QA dul Y + Ridµdw. ω. 1- µ² dw 170 STATICS. Now by a double integration by parts d Ꭱ ; d Qi d d Qi (1 − μ²) R¿dµ = (1 − µ²) R; − (1 − µ³) Qi du αμ - du ам d Ri + (1 − u²) Q;du; du αμ dR d i' du { (1 − µ³) Q₂dμ. αμ d Ꭱ ; dw; 2 d Lal 1 da} Redu ď Qi dw² dw = R; Again, fR, Tidw 2π dQ; Ri dw ď² Q; R dw i dw² 2 = i 1 -1 0 Qi 2T d Ri dw Qi + Qi d Ꭱ ; ď Ri_dwr 2 d w² άω, dw² since when w = 0 and 2π, each of the functions Q, R¿, dQ dR dw dw of M₂ 11 has the same values, because they are functions 2 2 √1- µ³ cosw, √1 – µ³ sin w. 1 1 i (i + 1) -1 1 Hence LS 2π 0 0 2π d ам (1 ¿' (i' + 1) QRrdudw dR du i 1 dR + Q; dμd w 1 - µ² dw 2 Qq Rr du dw 1 0 LS 2π (+3) i (i + 1) by the equation of Laplace's Coefficients. 2π Hence QR, dudw = 0, when i and i' are unequal. ƒ ƒ³™ Q¿R;dud If ii' the above equation becomes identical and there- fore gives no condition. We are enabled now to prove the following very important Proposition. PROP. To prove that F (u, w) can be expanded in only one series of Laplace's Coefficients. EXPANSION IN A SERIES OF LAPLACE'S COEFFICIENTS. 171 181. We have shewn in Art. 176. that F (i, w) = 1 1 2π {Po+ 3 P₁ + 1 4π -1 0 + (2i + 1) P¿ + } F' (u', w') du'd w' ....... (1) = R。 + R₁ + + R¿ + suppose, 1 this being a determinate series of Laplace's Coefficients, since P; ……… are determinate (Art. 170). Po, P₁ We have now to shew, that use what artifice of develop- ment we may instead of that used in Art. 176, it will be im- possible to expand F (u, w) in a series of Laplace's Coefficients differing from R。, R₁ R... respectively. For, if possible, let Qo + Q₁ + be another development of F (u, w) in which Q, differs from R;; 1 + Q; + (Q。 − R) + (Q1 − R₁) + + (Q; − R¿) + = 0. Multiply by P, then by Art. 180. 2π ƒ₁²™ P; (Q; — R¡) dµdw = 0 (2). But, by hypothesis, Q; R; does not = 0, but equals some function of μ and w which does not become infinite between the μ ω limits of μ and w: hence interchanging in (1) and putting Q-R; for F (u, w) 1 and u', w and w and Q - R for F(u', w') and observing that PP₁.... are not altered by this substitution (Art. 170), we have by the general principle ex- pressed in the formula (1) 1 Q; – R{ 2.π = S_S²* 4 π 2i+1 4π - 1 0 1 (P₁+ ... + (2i+1) P; + ...) (Q;- R₁) dudw Σπ – [_] [** P. (Q; – R.) dµdw (Art. 180.) = 0 by (2); - 1 0 .. Q= R and therefore Q;= R; and our hypothesis is false, i and F (µ, w) admits of only one expansion. 182. We are now able to shew, as we promised in Art. 175, that the functions U U₁ U₂ can be calculated 1 172 STATICS. without integration where the equation of the surface of the attracting body is known. For y can be expanded in a series of Laplace's Coefficients 1 2π { P₁ + 3 P₁ + ...... + (2i + 1) P¿ + ....} y'd µ'd w' 1 АП [ √ ²* { P. + 3 P₁ + – 1 Y₂+ Y₁+ + Y; + 0 1 and this series admits of only one form by what has just been proved. Hence when the equation to the surface, and therefore y, is known the functions Yo, Y₁, ... ………. Y¡,……. are determinate, and we may equate terms of the same order in the two series for Y written above: U₁ 1 · SS 1 1 0 2π 0 (2 i + 1) P¡y'du'd w' = 4 π Y ; ; Py'du'do' (Art. 173.): and consequently when the equation to the U U₁ U½ …………... U;, ... are also known, as 2 Art. 175. 0 4π 2 i + 1 Yi' surface is known was mentioned in By substituting for U, U, ... in the expressions of Arts. 173, 174. we have for an external particle 3 4πρα πρα 3 ai a V = + {Y + Y₁ + + 31 2 31. (2 i + 1)² Y; + ... } : and for an internal particle ~ pi V = 2 пра3 πρη 3 +4πpaa² {Y+ 1 Y₁ + ... + Y₁+...}. 3 a (2i+1) a The property of Laplace's Coefficients proved in Art. 180, enables us to prove that Y, and Y, may be made to disappear from the expression for y by properly choosing the value of (a) and the origin of the radius-vector of the surface. PROP. By choosing a equal to the radius of the sphere of which the mass equals that of the attracting body we cause Y, to vanish from the series Yo+ Y₁ + ... + Y¡ + ... ; and by SIMPLIFICATION OF THF RADIUS-VECTOR. 173 taking the centre of gravity of the body as the origin of the radius-vector we cause Y₁ to vanish. 183. If r, 1 t If r, 0, w be the co-ordinates to any point in the body, an element of the mass = = pdrrder sin 0dw = - pr៰drdudw; therefore the mass of the body - - [ [ [ Pardudo - G [ [ 1 P 3 - 0 ρ 0 then putting r = a (1 + ay) we have 2π r³dudw, mass of body=mass of sphere (rad.=a)+pa³aƒ_ƒ³™ y dµdw 2π =mass of sphere + pa³ a f₁² Ydµd w by Art. 180. 3 =mass of sphere +4πpa³a Yo, since I is constant. 0 If, then, a be taken equal to the radius of the sphere of which the mass equals the mass of the body Y 0, as was stated. 0 184. Again: let a y≈ be the co-ordinates to the centre of gravity of the body, M its mass: the co-ordinates to the element, of which the mass is – pr²drdude, are グ ​√1-μ² cos w, グ ​2 A usin w, and rµ; √1 – µ³ sin に ​•. Mx = ƒ«ß-1ƒ³™ prô Vi Sjö s₁s™ pr³ √1 - µ³ cos w drdµdw Jo 2π = √₁₁ pr² √1 μcos w dµdw, - My = √√√√3" pr³ √1-2 sin w drdudw = = √ √ √ 2π pr² √1 - usin wdµdw, T pr³ udrudw=f₁f prududw, = a (1 + a Y + a Y₁ + 1 + aŸ¿ + ...), α M = = √ √ √ putting r = a (1 + ay) and observing that I cos w, 1- Laplace's Equation (Art. 170), and (Art. 171), we have by Art. 180, µ² μ sin w, u satisfy are of the first order 174 STATICS. 2π 2 Mã = pa¹a f¹¹ƒ²™ Y₁ √1 - µ³ cos wdµdw, 1/0 2π 2 Mỹ = pa¹a f¹¹ƒ³™ Y₁√1-μ² sin wddw, 2π Mz = pa'a f₁₂ Y₁ududw. 1 µ² 2 1u2 ω But Y₁, being a function of u, VI- μ² cos w, √1- µ³ sin w of the first order, is of the form 4πpa¹ .. Mx a* a 3 2 μ² cos w + B√1-2 sin w + Cμ ; A, My: 4πρα α 3 B. Mz Апрача C. 3 Hence if we take the origin of co-ordinates at the centre of gravity x = 0, y = 0, 0, and consequently A= 0, B = 0, C = 0 and therefore Y₁ = 0, as stated in the enunciation. 1 We shall in future parts of this work require to know the attraction of a body consisting of strata nearly spherical and varying in density according to any law. We shall therefore proceed to the calculation of these attractions. PROF. To find the attraction of a heterogeneous body upon a particle without it: the body consisting of thin strata nearly spherical, homogeneous in themselves, but differing one from another in density. 185. Let a' (1 + ay') be the radius of the external surface of any stratum, a' being chosen so that y' = Y; + Y½ + + Y + ... (Art. 183). Let p' be the den- Since the strata are supposed not to be similar to each other y' is a function of a' as well as of μ' and '. sity of the stratum of which the mean radius is a'. Now the value of V for this stratum equals the difference between the values of V for two homogeneous bodies of the density p' and mean radii a' and a- da'. But for the body of which the mean radius is a' (Art. 182.) V 3 Απρα παρα" (α' 3r + a'i Yi+ + 1 3r (2 i + 1) pi Y + ...} ATTRACTION OF BODIES NEARLY SPHERICAL. 175 hence for the stratum of which the external mean radius is a' 12 4 πρα V da + παρ' 4πар' d fa'¹ Y₂+......+ ጥ ጥ da 3r i a'i + 3 Y+ ..Jdá', +(24+1) + ... da', ri and therefore for the whole body 71 a 4π d a'i + 3 V +a Y+ + Y; + da 3r (2 i + 1) pi ..) } da'. d V dr The attraction PROP. and is easily found by differentiation. To find the attraction of the same body on an internal particle. 186. Let r = a (1 + ay) be the radius of the attracted particle. Then for the strata within the surface of which the radius is a (1 + ay) we have (Art. 185.) a 4π V 0 {a's d α a'i+3 a 12 a²² + a Y₁ + + Y da 3r pi (2+1) +... da'. But for a stratum external to the attracted particle we obtain by Art. 182. d γα П V = 4π p'a'da' + 4πp'а a Y+ + da' 3 (2 i + 1) a'i - 2 Y' '+...) da', and therefore for all the strata external to the particle a V=4π +a d ra da' 3 Y₂+......+ α and consequently for the whole body 4 π V 2° (2i+1) a'¹-ë ¹'/' + ... ) } da', a'i+3 (2 i + 1) ri d a 1 12 + a Y₁+ + Y+ da' 3r +...) } d. } da a d α a'r pi +4π ta Y₁+... + da 3 a (2 i + 1) a'i− Y'{' + ….. da'. d V From this the attraction, or " is easily obtained. dr DYNAMICS. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS. LAWS OF MOTION. 187. IN this part of our Work we are engaged with the laws which regulate the motion of bodies. We shall proceed therefore to explain the means we use for measuring the motion of a body algebraically. The position of a body in space, considering the body as a material particle, is determined at any instant by its distances from three fixed planes at right angles to each other: these distances are called the co-ordinates of the particle; and the position of a rigid body in space is determined at any instant by the co-ordinates of a given point of the body and the angles which three fixed lines in the body make with three fixed lines in space. If the body be in motion the co-ordinates will be continually changing in magnitude: and one of the chief objects of the Science of Dynamics is to find the analytical relation between each co-ordinate and the time of motion. 188. We shall pause, however, a little to make a few re- marks which cannot be too carefully remembered. All our ideas of the magnitude of quantities (such as space, time, and so on) are ideas of comparative and not absolute magnitude for a quantity may be great when compared with one standard, and small when compared with another. In consequence of this it is necessary, in order to avoid ambiguity, to choose for quantities of the same kind a certain standard to NECESSITY OF CHOOSING UNITS OF MEASURE. 177 which they may be referred. This standard is called the unit of these quantities. Thus we speak of the unit of time, and the unit of space; by which we mean the duration of time and the extent of space which we choose as standards to which all other quantities of these species are to be severally referred. It is by this means that quantities are made the subjects of numerical calculation. For instance, when we say that a body describes a spacer in a time t, we mean, that x and t repre- sent the ratios which the space described and the time of de- scribing it bear to their respective units: and so of all other quantities. We forbear choosing these units at once because it generally happens, as we shall see, that by a judicious selection our formulæ may be materially simplified. Before closing these remarks we will observe, that though in the same calculation we must have only one standard of quantities of the same kind, yet in different calculations we need not retain the same unit, so long as we bear in mind what unit is chosen in each calculation. Thus in one calculation we might take the length of the mean day as the unit to which we should refer all portions of time; while in another calcu- lation we might take a year as the unit of time. We return now to the consideration of the means of measuring the motion of a body. 189. Velocity is a term used to indicate the degree of quickness or slowness with which a body moves. Velocity may be uniform or variable. 190. Uniform Velocity. Velocity is said to be uniform when the body passes through equal spaces in equal times. It appears, then, that the magnitude of the velocity of a body moving uniformly depends conjointly upon the space described and the time of describing the space; and is greater or less exactly in the proportion in which the space described in any given time is greater or less, and the time of describing any given space is less or greater. Consequently when bodies move with different uniform velocities, these velocities are in the proportion of the ratios which the spaces described in any times bear respectively to the times of describing them. Z 178 DYNAMICS. Suppose, then, that a body moving uniformly with the velocity describes a space s in the time t: also suppose that a body moving uniformly with the unit of velocity describes a space S in the time T: then by what precedes v: 1: :: S S : t T Ts St In this formula the only arbitrary quantities are S and T; we shall choose them so as to simplify the formula as much as possible: in choosing their values we fix the unit of velocity. We shall take S = 1 and T=1; we then have V S t the unit of uniform velocity being the velocity of a body moving uniformly through the unit of space in the unit of time. It will be seen that the units of space and time are as yet quite arbitrary. 191. Variable Velocity. Velocity is said to be variable when the body in motion does not describe equal spaces in equal times. Suppose a body moves uniformly and at the time t we wish to estimate its velocity. Let s' be the space described in any portion of time t', this time either terminating or commencing with the instant of expiration of the time t. Then, by what s' I' precedes, the velocity will equal however large or small ť be taken. s' But when the velocity is not uniform the ratio is not the ť same for different values of t, and therefore cannot be taken as a measure of the velocity at the time t: unless we select some particular value of t' always to be used. Now if the time t terminate with the time t, then the space ss is described by the body in the time t-t'; and therefore by Taylor's Theorem, since s is a function of t, MEASURE OF VELOCITY. 179 ds d's t² - 8′ = ť + dt dt 1.2 ds d2s t 17 dt dť' 1.2 If t' commence with the expiration of t, then s+ s' is the space described in the time t+t', and ds d²s t'² s + s' = = 8+ ť + + dt dť 1.2 s' ds d2s + ť + ť dt dť² 1.2 dt We gather from these expressions that when t' is taken in- definitely small the values of the ratio s' ť are the same, and each equal to ds dt We shall therefore select this particular value as the measure of variable velocity. It will be observed that in selecting this as the measure of variable velocity we do not violate any conditions previously established in reference to uniform velocity: we only restrict those conditions, inasmuch as t' may be of any value in the case of uniform velocity, but we take it indefinitely small in that of variable velocity. But, notwithstanding this, the formula ds dt includes the case of uniform motion: for if v be constant we have by integration vts (the constant of integration vanishes, since when t 0, s = 0), and this is the formula already adopted for uniform motion. Hence, then, if v be the velocity of a body moving uni- formly or not at the time t and s be the space described in that time, the quantities v, s, t are connected by the formula V ds dt' 192. Having thus explained the means of measuring algebraically the motion of a body we shall enter upon an 180 DYNAMICS. enquiry into the laws which regulate this motion. Since, as far as we know, it might have pleased the Author of the Uni- verse to endue matter with laws and properties different from those which He has chosen to impress, it is evident that these laws can be discovered by no process of abstract reasoning, but solely by an appeal to experiment. 193. As the simplest case we shall first consider the motion of a body uninfluenced by external forces. We have already defined force to be any cause which produces or tends to produce motion in a body; see Art. 5. Throughout the whole universe it is impossible to find a single spot free from the action of force. It is consequently beyond our power to determine by direct experiment the nature of the motion of a body uninfluenced by external causes. But by combining the results of various experiments we shall be able to eliminate, so to speak, the principles which are foreign to our enquiry, and in that way ascertain the laws we are seeking. Experience teaches us that the more external causes are removed the more nearly uniform is the motion of a body. A bowl thrown along a bowling green is observed to move slower and slower till it finally stops: but the smoother the green is made, the longer does the motion continue. If the bowl be thrown with the same velocity along a pavement the motion is of longer duration; and still longer when the motion takes place on a sheet of ice. One cause of the diminution of velocity is the friction of the body on the plane: this is inferred from the fact, that the retardation is less the smoother the plane. on which the motion takes place. Also any change in the uniformity of the decrease of the velocity can always be attri- buted to some disturbing cause; as the greater roughness of the surface and the deficiency in perfect horizontality. The experiment shews likewise that the motion is in a straight line, unless some assignable cause produce a deviation. Steam-carriages moving on horizontal rail-roads, when once in motion, require a constant power of the engine to maintain a uniform velocity: and since, when the motion is uniform, the retarding effect of friction and the resistance of the air may be assumed to be constant, we infer (after what we have said in the FIRST LAW OF MOTION. 181 case of the bowl) that the constant power of the engine exactly counterbalances the constant retarding force, and that therefore supposing them both removed the result would be a uniform motion. The reader is referred to Desaguliers' Course of Experi- mental Philosophy, 4to. 1734, Vol. I. Lecture V. for more experiments upon the motion of bodies. 194. Philosophers have assumed, then, as a fundamental principle of the motion of matter that A body in motion, not acted on by any external force, will move uniformly and in a straight line. This is called the First Law of Motion. 195. It must not be imagined that these experiments prove the truth of the law here enunciated: for the law embraces an infinite variety of cases, and many in which it would be impracticable to make experiments. Also the roughness of the experiments prevents our supposing it proved even for the cases we have mentioned. The truth is, that the law is only suggested by the facts we have detailed; and it remains to be seen whether or no this, in conjunction with other laws (which we shall soon consider), satisfies the tests we shall hereafter have to submit them to; whether, combined in endless variety, they will account for the numerous phenomena continually coming under our observation. It is found that they do lead to results which precisely accord with observation. Of the more obvious phenomena, the explanation of which depends on the truth of these laws, we may mention the prediction of the time of an eclipse and the certainty of its fulfilment. Results of this nature are the only satisfactory proofs. 196. It appears from the First Law of Motion that a body has no internal forces residing in it that influence its motion; for when all external forces are removed the velocity is uniform and in a straight line. In other words, matter has no inherent property of changing its state of motion. It is equally a result of experiment and observation that matter has no inherent property of changing its state of rest (Art. 4). This property of matter, that when not acted on by any external force it continues in the same state whether of rest or uniform rectilinear motion, is called its Inertia. 182 DYNAMICS. 197. We proceed now to discover the laws which regu- late the motion of a body when acted on by external forces. 198. But previous to this we must explain the means we use for measuring forces in terms of the magnitude of the motion they generate in a body subjected to their influence. We infer from the First Law of Motion, that when a body moves with a variable velocity force is acting on the body: and, conversely, when force acts upon a body its velocity is continually changing. Now we take the magnitude of the change of velocity during a given time as the measure of the magnitude of the force which acts upon the body: and, for the sake of distinction, when force is measured in this manner it is termed Accelerating Force.* We have already men- tioned that when force is measured statically, it is called Pressure (Art. 7). 199. Although the sources of force are very various yet its effect in accelerating the motion is always measured in Dynamics by the change in velocity in a given time. Thus when a body is dropped from the hand, the accelerating force of the Earth's attraction at any instant is estimated dynamically by the velocity generated in a given time after that instant. Suppose a body placed on a smooth horizontal table is drawn along by means of a thread passing over the edge of the table and attached to a falling body. The magnitude of the accele- rating force which causes the body to move on the table, is measured by the change in velocity in a given time. When a body is moved along a smooth horizontal table by means of a constrained spring, the accelerating force which causes the body to move, though differing in its source from the force. mentioned in the last case, is measured in the same way. a body resting on a smooth horizontal table be set in motion by the sudden blow of another body upon it, the accelerating force which causes the motion is measured as before. When lf * When a force retards the velocity of a body, it is called a retarding force; but still it is of exactly the same nature as an accelerating force since it is measured by the decrements instead of the increments of velocity in a given time. In short, a re- tarding force is an accelerating force when estimated in the direction of its action, and if the body were moving in the direction in which the force acts instead of the opposite direction, the force would become an accelerating force. Thus it will be seen that retarding force is merely a relative term and is included in the term accelerating force. 1 THE DYNAMICAL MEASURE OF FORCE. 183 a ball is fired from a cannon the accelerating force which causes the motion is still measured by the velocity generated. It will be seen in the first two of these cases (especially in the second if the descending body be small), that the motion is gradually communicated, the velocity increasing continu- ously. But in the last two cases it may perhaps be thought that the motion is instantaneously communicated: this is not, however, true: for the time occupied in generating the velo- city is of finite duration, although, to our senses, it is of inap- preciable magnitude. That it is of finite duration appears in the case of the collision of the bodies from the fact, that if a small spot of ink be put upon the point of contact of either of the bodies before the motion takes place, then after the col- lision the ink is found spread over a larger surface than it occupied before, and on both bodies; shewing that the bodies suffered mutual compression and then separated, and this must have occupied time. In the case of the cannon ball, the expansive force of the ignited powder acts during the time that the ball takes to move along the bore of the cannon. both these instances, as well as in the others, the velocity of the body commences from zero and passes through successive and continuous gradations of magnitude, the only difference being that the intensity of the force originating from the colli- sion and from the explosion is very far greater than the inten- sity of the force arising from the Earth's attraction; and con- sequently the velocity which is generated in a falling body, in a few seconds by the attraction of the Earth may be generated by impact, or other such means, in an extremely short portion of time. In 200. When a body moves under the action of a force a continual change of velocity takes place; and if the force cease to act the body will move uniformly in a straight line with its last acquired velocity, as the First Law of Motion teaches us. If the force act for a finite time, then our object is to discover such laws of nature and to establish such conventional rules as shall enable us to determine the velocity acquired and the space described by the body during any portion of the time that the force is in action. If, however, the force act for only an indefinitely short time, we are concerned only with the velo- 184 DYNAMICS. city and position after the action of the force ceases, since the changes that take place during the action of the force are so rapid that the whole process of the action appears to our senses to be instantaneous. We have a popular illustration of the effects of forces which act for a finite time and for an indefinitely short time in the game of cricket. The bowler rotates his arm in order to give the ball velocity, he opens his hand and the ball flies from him with the velocity acquired, and (supposing he delivers the ball full pitch) after moving in a curve slightly deflected downwards by the Earth's attraction is received upon the bat. Now this velocity was generated by the muscular effort of the bowler's arm acting on the ball during the finite time that he retained it in his grasp. While this is going on the batter swings his bat that it may acquire a great velocity ; and the ball and bat come in collision: and what is the conse- quence? the ball flies back; not only is its original motion destroyed, but new motion is given to it, as if instantaneously, in an opposite direction. We explain the phenomenon of this sudden recoil in the following manner. When the ball and bat come in contact their particles are moving in opposite directions, and tend to penetrate each other: but the molecular forces by which the particles of each of the bodies are bound together are too powerful to allow of this separation; nevertheless the relative positions of the particles are slightly changed by the yielding of the bodies, and in consequence of their unnatural restraint a mutual resultant pressure is exerted by the bat on the ball and by the ball on the bat, till their relative motion is de- stroyed: but the particles of the two bodies are still under restraint when the motion is destroyed, and the mutual pres- sure of the bodies now acts to effect their separation, and new velocity is generated: this process, which we conceive repre- sents the actual process in nature, goes on with inconceivable rapidity in consequence of the great intensity of the molecular forces which bind the particles of each body together. If the bat split or the ball burst, then the molecular forces which held together those particles which separate were not powerful enough to resist the separation. It is evident that we are FINITE ACCELERATING FORCE. 185 concerned not with the changes which take place during the collision but the whole change produced. 201. We have made these remarks in this place in order to shew that it is necessary in explaining the means of mea- suring force dynamically to consider two cases: first when the force acts for a finite time; and, secondly, when the force acts for an indefinitely short time. In the second case the accelerating force is measured by the whole velocity generated during the action of the force. And such forces we shall term, for the sake of distinction, Impulsive Accelerating Forces: and in contradistinction ac- celerating forces which require an appreciable duration of time. to manifest their effects may be termed Finite Accelerating Forces. We shall, however, generally drop the term Finite: and it must therefore be remembered that when we speak of accelerating forces we mean finite accelerating forces, and never impulsive accelerating forces unless the term impulsive be prefixed. 202. We proceed now to explain more fully how accele- rating forces which require an appreciable duration of time to manifest their effects are measured. Accelerating force may be uniform or variable. 203. Uniform Accelerating Force. When equal velocities. are generated in equal times the force is said to be uniform. It appears, then, that the magnitude of the force depends. conjointly upon the velocity generated by the action of the force and the time in which this velocity is generated: and is greater or less exactly in the proportion in which the velocity generated in a given time is greater or less, and the time in which a given velocity is generated is less or greater. Consequently when bodies are acted upon by different uniform accelerating forces, these forces are in the proportion of the ratios which the velocities generated in any times bear respectively to the times in which they are generated. Suppose, then, that a body acted on by the constant accelerating force ƒ has the velocity v generated in the time t: also suppose that a body acted on by the unit of uniform accelerating force has a velocity V generated in the time T: then by what precedes A A 186 DYNAMICS. ช V Tv ƒ: 1 f t T V t In this formula the only arbitrary quantities are V and T: we shall choose them so as to simplify the formula as much as possible in choosing their values we fix the unit of uniform accelerating force. = V t We shall take V = 1 and T = 1, we then have ƒ the unit of uniform accelerating force being the force which generates in a body a unit of velocity in a unit of time. We have already chosen the unit of velocity (Art. 190); we may consequently say that the unit of uniform accelerating force is the force that causes a body during each successive unit of time in its motion to describe a space greater by the unit of space than it did during the unit of time immediately preceding. 204. Hence, in uniformly accelerated motion, s the space described from rest, t the time of describing it, v the velocity acquired during that time, and ƒ the constant force are con- nected by the equations. v = ds dt and f ย t the units of v and ƒ being given in Arts. 190. and 203. By means of these equations we can obtain four equations differing from each other, and each containing three of the quantities s, t, v, f. Thus, if we eliminate v we have ds ft² dt ft; '. S 2 By eliminating t we have ds ข v2 . S dv f 2f (1), f is constant. (2). s = Also v = ft………….. (3), ft......(3), 28 vt...... (4), by (2) (3). 205. Variable Accelerating Force. Accelerating force is said to be variable when equal degrees of velocity are not generated in equal times. FINITE ACCELERATING FORCE. 187 Suppose a body is moving under the action of a uniform accelerating force and at the time t we wish to estimate the magnitude of the force. Let v' be the velocity generated in any portion of time t', this time either terminating or com- mencing with the instant of expiration of the time t. Then, by what precedes, the uniform force will equal large or small ť be taken. But when the force is not uniform the ratio t V however is not the same for all values of t, and therefore cannot be taken as a measure of the force at the time t, unless we select some par- ticular value of t' always to be taken. Now if the time t' terminate with the time t, then the velo- city vv is generated in the time t-t', and therefore by Taylor's Theorem, since v is a function of t, d v d2v t'2 v – v′ = v ť + dt dť² 1.2 v' ť dv d² v ť + 17 dt dt² 2 If t' commence with the expiration of t then v + v′ is the velo- city generated in the time t + t'; d v d² v t'² :: v + v' = 1 + ť + + dt dť² 1.2 v dv d² v ť + ť' dt d t° 201 + We gather from these expressions that when t' is taken inde- v' finitely small the values of the ratio are the same and each equal to dv dt ť We shall therefore select this particular value as the measure of variable accelerating force. It will be observed (as in the case of variable velocity) that in selecting this as the measure of variable accelerating 188 DYNAMICS. force we do not violate any conditions previously established in reference to uniform accelerating force: we only restrict these conditions, inasmuch as t may be of any value in the case of uniform force, but we take it indefinitely small in the case of d v dt variable force. But, notwithstanding this, the formula ƒ = includes the case of uniform motion: for if ƒ be constant we have by integration ft = v(the constant of integration vanishes since when t=0, then v = 0), and this is the formula already adopted for uniform accelerating force. Hence, if f be the accelerating force, uniform or variable, which generates the velocity v in a body in the time t, then f, v, t are connected by the dv equation f dt ds 206. We have seen (Art. 191.) that v = Hence the d t equations connecting ƒ, v, s, t are ds d v d2s ช f = dt dt dt2 in which it must be observed that the unit of velocity is the velocity of a body moving uniformly through a unit of space in a unit of time: and the unit of accelerating force is the uniform force which generates a unit of velocity in a unit of time. We have thus explained the methods of estimating the magnitude of forces dynamically. 207. The next enquiry we shall make into the laws which regulate the motion of bodies is, how to calculate the combined effect of two or more causes acting simultaneously on a body. We must, as before, appeal to experimental facts for the solution of this question. And first we will take the case of two causes acting upon the body, each of which would by itself make the body move uniformly for instance, suppose the body projected at the same instant by impulsive forces acting in different directions. : SECOND LAW OF MOTION. 189 A ball rolled along the horizontal deck of a vessel moving equably will move on the deck as it would if the vessel were at rest; this is proved by experiment. Suppose S is the deck of a boat moving uniformly on a sheet of water, fig. 74: and in a given time suppose it moves to S'. Let A be the place of the ball at the beginning of the time of motion: and B' its place in space at the end. Draw AA' in the direction of the boat's motion, and equal to the distance through which the boat has moved; and join A'B'. Suppose AB is the space the ball would have described if the vessel had not moved. Now, as we have already stated, experiment shews that A'B', the space actually described on the deck, is the same in refer- ence to the vessel as if the vessel had been stationary. Hence A'B' is equal and parallel to AB. From this we gather, that if two causes act simultaneously on a body to produce uniform motions, each cause will have its full effect in its own direction; and the body will be found at the extremity of the diagonal of the parallelogram described on the linear spaces, which the body would have passed through under the action of the causes separately. This principle is found to be true if one or both of the separate motions be not uniform. For a ball dropped from the top of the vertical mast of a vessel sailing uniformly, falls at the foot of the mast, although the vertical motion is not uniform. The following experiment well illustrates this principle. Two balls are placed at the same height above the ground: one is projected horizontally, the other suffered to fall of itself: it is so contrived that the motions shall commence at the same instant. The result is that they are heard to strike the ground at the same time, although they describe very different paths, one ball having moved in a straight line, the other in a curve. This experiment shews that although one ball had a horizontal motion, still the attraction of the Earth produced the same effect on the two balls in a vertical direction. The muscular efforts necessary to raise the arm, move the head, or raise the body are the same on board a vessel sailing equably, or in a steam-carriage moving uniformly on a rail- road, as when the ship or carriage is at rest. 190 DYNAMICS. It can be proved independently of any mechanical princi- ples that the Earth revolves round its axis from east to west; but the effort of moving a body from one place to another does not depend, cæteris paribus, on the point of the compass. towards which the motion is directed. To bring to our aid, however, more delicate tests, it is found that the motion of a pendulum is presisely the same in whatever vertical plane it vibrates, whether east and west, or north and south, or in any other direction. For more facts and experiments we refer again to Lec- ture V. of Desaguliers' Experimental Philosophy. 208. These facts point out to us the following general principle: When a force acts upon a body in motion, the change of motion in magnitude and direction is the same as if the force acted on the body at rest. This is called the Second Law of Motion. For the full elucidation and proof of this Law we ought to make experiments with forces of all degrees of magnitude and motions combined in all directions; since, however, this can never be accomplished, we must have recourse to the expedient spoken of in Art. 195, to satisfy ourselves of the truth of this as well as the First Law. 209. We shall now shew the importance of this Law in enabling us to refer the motion of a particle to three rect- angular axes. Since the various positions of a material particle in space are generally determined by means of co-ordinate axes, it becomes necessary to refer the motion to these lines. At any proposed instant of the motion the particle is moving with a definite velocity and in a definite direction. Now this motion may be supposed to be the result of three motions taking place simultaneously parallel to the three axes of co-ordinates. Imagine the particle, in the first place, to have only its motions parallel to the axes of y and ≈ combined. Then, in the second place, by combining with these the motion parallel to the axis of a, we have the actual motion of the particle in space: and the change in the motion by this last step is, that the particle has moved to a distance a parallel to the axis of a in the time t. SECOND LAW OF MOTION. 191 But by the Second Law of Motion this change is the same as if the other motions did not exist. Hence the velocity and acce- lerating force of the particle parallel to the axis of x are the same as if the particle described the space a in the time t: and dx dt we have proved in Arts. 191, 205, that these are and dť and in a similar way it may be shewn that those parallel to the dy ď³y d z ď² z axes of y and ≈ are dt and d t dt' dť 210. It follows then that when a particle is moving in space, and ayz are its co-ordinates at the expiration of the time t, the velocities of the particle parallel to the axes are dx dy dz , dt dt dt and the accelerating forces parallel to the three axes are ď x dt ' dť²' d²y ď z dť COR. By the Differential Calculus. ds2 dx² dy² dx2 + + d to dt dt² df s being the length of the curve described. If we compare this with the formula R² X² + Y² + Z³ taken from Arts. 20, 21, it follows that velocities may be resolved and compounded in exactly the same way that we resolve and compound statical forces. 211. The grand Problem of Dynamics is to find the relation which exists between the motion of a system of bodies and the forces which act upon them: so that when the forces are known the motion may be determined, and vice versâ. We have seen that if no forces act upon any part of the system, each part will move uniformly in a straight line, when once put in motion. This will also happen if the forces acting upon each particle of the system are in equilibrium with each other. 192 DYNAMICS. In the general case, however, each particle will move in a determinate curvilinear path, and the acceleration (or retard- ation) of its motion will take place whenever the forces acting on the particle are not in equilibrium, i. e. whenever they have a resultant. This resultant is measured at every instant by the change of velocity produced in a given time, as explained in Art. 198. Let xyz be the co-ordinates of position of any particle of the system at the expiration of the time t, then the resultant is measured dynamically by the accelerating forces d²x d²y d² z acting parallel to the fixed axes of co-ordinates. dt' dt²' dť dť These are termed the effective accelerating forces of the par- ticle at the time t parallel to the axes of co-ordinates. The forces which act upon the particle to produce the motion, not including the molecular actions of the particles on each other (if there be any), are termed the impressed forces by way of distinction. 212. Now it is immediately evident that if at any instant of the motion we were to apply to each particle of the system forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the effective forces of that particle, these would at that instant check the acceleration of the motion, or, in other words, would be in equilibrium with the impressed and molecular forces which act upon the system: and will therefore together with them satisfy the equations of condition we have deduced in the former part of this Work for the equilibrium of forces. By this principle, the truth of which is self-evident, we shall obtain equations which connect together the forces that dx dy dz act upon the system and the analytical quantities dť²' dť²' dť and all similar quantities for the other particles. If the question be to determine the motion when the forces are given in terms of xyz and t, the solution is effected by integrating these equations. If, on the other hand, the question be to determine the forces which will cause the system of particles to move in given curves, we must differentiate the equations to d² x d'y d²≈ the curves with respect to t, and substitute for dt' de' df²** EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF A MATERIAL SYSTEM. 193 in the equations resulting from the application of the above principle in this way the forces will become known. 213. But we have been supposing that the forces which act upon the system are of the nature described in Art. 201. as requiring time to manifest their effect. We shall now consider the case of impulsive forces. Let dx dy dz dt' dt' dt be the resolved parts parallel to the axes of the velocity of any particle of the system arising from the action of the impulsive forces. Then the effect of the impulsive forces is the same as three impulsive accelerating dx dy dz forces acting parallel to the axes and equal to dt' dt' dt' (Art. 201); these are termed the effective impulsive accelerat- ing forces and the original forces are termed the impressed impulsive forces. Wherefore it is immediately evident that if, at the instant of the action of the impulsive forces on the system, we were to apply to each particle impulsive forces equal but op- posite to the effective impulsive forces of that particle, these would check the effect of the impulsive forces actually im- pressed on the system and would consequently with them satisfy the equations of condition for the equilibrium of forces. As before, then, we obtain equations by means of which the motion of the system may be calculated. 214. Now in the calculations of the conditions of equili- brium of forces acting upon a single particle, a rigid body, or any material system given in Chapters I, II, and III of Statics we have considered the magnitudes of the forces to be estimated statically; in other words, we have supposed them. to be pressures. Wherefore before we can make use of the results of those Chapters for determining the equations of motion of a system, in the manner explained in Arts. 212, 213, we must discover the relation that connects the dynamical and statical measures of force; so that when we know the degree of acceleration of a force, we may be able to determine the magnitude of the pressure that the force causes the body on which it acts to exert; and vice versâ. It is manifest that BB 194 DYNAMICS. some relation between these two measures of force must exist, since the cause of the pressure and the cause of the motion and of the change of motion are the same. But since causing pressure and causing motion are two properties of force which, abstractedly speaking, have no common character, we cannot discover the relation they bear to each other by reasoning à priori; but must again appeal to experiment. 215. When two balls of the same size and substance are dropped at the same instant from the same altitude they move downwards in exactly the same manner; having the same velocity at every instant and having moved through the same spaces during any given time. If the bodies be connected the motion is the same. And the same would be the case what- ever number of balls were connected. Hence it appears that although the weight of a body of homogeneous structure, or the statical measure of the Earth's attraction, varies as the mass of the body, yet the accelerating force, or the dynamical measure, is invariable when the experiments are made at the same place. Newton made a variety of experiments with gold, silver, lead, glass, sand, common salt, wood, water, and wheat, and arrived at the same result. Principia, Vol. III. Prop. vi. It is found by experiments made under a receiver exhausted of air that a guinea and a feather fall in exactly the same manner and strike the plate of the air pump at the same instant, if they are set at liberty together and from the same altitude. These experiments shew that the accelerating force of all falling bodies at the same place is the same: and, after what has been proved of a homogeneous mass of matter, these experiments lead us to conclude that bodies differ in weight at the same place in the same proportion as their masses differ. We therefore infer that at the same place on the Earth's surface the weight of a body varies as its mass. Let M be the mass of a body of which the weight is W; then W = Mg, g being some arbitrary quantity which is constant for the same place and depends upon the units of weight and It remains to be determined what change the weight undergoes if the body be removed to a place where the ac- celerating force is different: or if by any contrivance the ac- celerating force of a body be changed without changing the mass. CONNEXION BETWEEN PRESSURE AND MOTION. 195 place of the experiment. We shall for this purpose describe a machine invented by Atwood: see Atwood on Rectilinear Motion for a full explanation. 216. Four wheels, two of which A and B are represented in figure 75, the other two being hid by these, are placed parallel to each other, their centres being fixed so as to allow of rotation with as little friction as possible: A and B are placed as near as possible without touching: and so are the other two wheels. Upon these four rests the axle of another wheel C placed midway between A and B and the other two wheels: a fine string as flexible and inextensible as possible is passed over the circumference of C and two weights P and Q are attached to its extremities. When P and Q are left to themselves the heavier will descend and draw up the lighter of the two. It will be readily understood that the object of the four wheels is to diminish the friction on the axle of C; which it does very considerably, since the friction of rolling is far less than that of rubbing. Suppose that P descends, then P - Q is the weight or pressure which causes the motion and P+Q is the weight put in motion. It is found by experiment that the inertia of the wheels produces the effect of adding to the weight moved without adding to the pressure producing motion. Atwood determines by experiment what this weight is, we shall call it . Hence P-Q is the weight causing the motion and P+Q+ IV is the weight put in motion. A graduated scale of inches is placed behind the thread supporting P in order to mark the motion of P. The excellence of this machine consists in this, that we can have bodies falling with various degrees of acceleration and as slowly as we please by altering P and Q. The time of motion is marked by a seconds pendulum. Now suppose P is placed with its lowest surface level with the zero point of the scale and set at liberty at any tick of the pendulum: it is always found, however much P and Q are altered, that in each experiment the spaces described by P in successive seconds form an arithmetic progression, and there- fore that the accelerating force in each case is uniform. Also it is found that the common differences of the series in the various experiments are proportional to the respective values 196 DYNAMICS. of the ratio P-Q P + Q + W® This is proved by numerous ex- periments, for the details of which we refer to the work of Atwood. We gather, then, from this that the accelerating force P - Q P+Q + W varies as in the different experiments, and therefore the pressure producing motion (or P-Q) varies as the product of the accelerating force and the weight moved (or P+Q+W), and therefore as the product of the accelerating force and the mass moved, since the weight of a body at the same place varies as the mass (Art. 215), and these experiments were made at the same place. 217. The product of the mass of a body and the accele- rating force is called by Newton the Moving Force of the body: and the product of the velocity and mass of a body he calls its Momentum, or quantity of motion. These ex- periments therefore shew that the pressure communicating the motion varies as the moving force, or as the momen- tum generated in the body: for moving force must be measured by the momentum generated in a given time, since accelerating force is measured by the velocity generated in a given time, Art. 198. 218. We shall now give the results of experiments with pendulums. It is found by numberless trials that the time. of oscillation of a leaden ball suspended by a fine thread and moving through any very small angle is constant for the same length of thread, but for different lengths it varies as the square root of the length. Now let s be the small circular arc measuring the distance of the centre of the ball from its point of rest, fig. 76, t the time of describing s, l the length of the pendulum: then 7 varies as t, by experiment. M the mass of the ball, and Mg its weight, Art. 215. Pt a tangent to the arcs at P: then the weight Mg is employed partly in producing the motion and partly in stretching the thread: the part producing motion Mg cos t PW = Mg sin 4; ... the pressure = S Mg sin A = Mg nearly ∞ M S だ ​CONNEXION BETWEEN PRESSURE AND MOTION. 197 But if ƒ be a uniform accelerating force causing a body to describe a space s in the time t (and the acceleration in this case is ultimately uniform) then 2s = ft²; .. the the pressure Mƒ × Mf∞ moving force, as before. 219. We must now enquire into the connexion between pressure and the motion generated or destroyed when impulsive forces act. We have already explained the nature of impulsive forces; and have shewn that they differ from finite forces solely in intensity, and that we measure them dynamically by the velocity generated during the action, and not by the velocity generated in a unit of time*. The result of the last four Articles must therefore be true for impulsive forces; and we shall assume that impulsive pressure is pro- portional to the momentum generated or destroyed. In fact, the pressure is so enormous that to make its measure a matter of experiment would be very difficult. We can nevertheless mention some experiments which illustrate, and in part prove, that impulsive pressure varies as the momentum generated. We shall, however, first speak of the elasticity of bodies. 220. It is found that all rigid bodies rebound more or less when struck together: this property is termed their elas- ticity. Consequently no bodies are totally devoid of this property yet some have it more eminently than others; balls of clay have little elasticity, but ivory balls and balls of glass are considerably elastic. The degree of elasticity is measured The following experimental fact seems to shew that impulsive forces are of the same nature as finite forces, generating or destroying velocity by continuous gradations. Robins' experiments on the velocity of bullets and cannon balls lead to the fol- lowing result. If bullets of the same diameter and density impinge on the same solid substance with different velocities they will penetrate that substance to different depths, which will be in the duplicate ratio of those velocities nearly; Robins' Mathematical Tracts, edited by Wilson, Vol. I. p. 152. This was proved by various experiments. Now a property of uniformly accele- rating (or retarding) forces is, that the squares of the velocities generated (or destroyed) are proportional to the spaces described: Art. 204. Hence the retarding force of the solid substance used in each experiment was a uniform force. But the duration of its action was so short and its intensity so great, that although the changes effected by the force were continuous, yet they were so rapid, that the force comes under the denonți- nation of what we term impulsive forces. 198 DYNAMICS. by the ratio which the velocity of rebound bears to the velocity at the first contact. The elasticity is perfect when these two velocities are the same, but this is a limit which no bodies actually attain. The cause of this property of matter is of course conjectural, and our conclusions as to its laws are deduced solely from experiment. Tables of the results of a series of experiments made by Mr Hodgkinson, of Manchester, on the elasticity of bodies will be found in Vol. III. p. 534. of the Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The following are the Conclusions deduced. (1). All rigid bodies are possessed of some degree of elas- ticity and among bodies of the same nature, the hardest are generally the most elastic. (2). There are no perfectly hard inelastic bodies, as assumed by the earlier, and some modern writers on Mechanics. (3). The elasticity as measured by the velocity of recoil divided by the velocity of impact is a ratio, which, though decreasing as the velocity increases, is nearly constant, when the same rigid bodies are struck together with considerably different velocities. (4). The elasticity, as defined in (3), is the same whether the impinging bodies be great or small. (5). The elasticity is the same, whatever be the relative weights of the impinging bodies. (6). In impacts between bodies differing very much in hardness, the common elasticity is nearly that of the softer body. (7). In impacts between bodies of which the hardness differs in any degree the resulting elasticity is made up of the elasticities of both; each body contributing a part of its own elasticity in proportion to its relative softness or compressibility. 221. Hence when one body impinges on another a mutual pressure takes place, which by incessantly acting as the compres- sion of the bodies goes on finally checks their relative motion; after this new velocities are generated and the balls separate: and our object now is to enquire what the connexion is between the velocity destroyed during the compression of the balls and the pressure that destroyed it, and also between the velocity gene- CONNEXION BETWEEN PRESSURE AND MOTION. 199 rated and the pressure by which it is generated. The difficulty of discovering this from experiment arises partly from the immediate action of the forces of restitution after the force of compression ceases to act: in consequence of which any expe- riment upon impinging balls is sure to involve the action of two sets of impulsive forces; first, those that act while the compression of the figures of the bodies is taking place, and secondly, those that act during the restitution of figure. We may call the first kind impulsive forces of the nature of colli- sion, and the second kind impulsive forces of the nature of explosion: by the first velocity is destroyed, by the second velocity is generated. By certain artifices, however, we may overcome this difficulty. 222. We shall mention a few experiments which will lead us to a satisfactory conclusion. Let A and B be two balls (fig. 77.) suspended by threads from two points C and D, so that they may just touch when at rest and have their centres in the same horizontal line: FAE, ƒBe circular arcs with centres C, D: now the velocities of a ball in falling through different arcs of a circle to the lowest point are in the proportion of the chords of those arcs, as is proved in the note*. Let therefore a scale be placed = * The pressure producing motion W cos r Pt Wsin 0 (fig. 76): therefore the moving force (Art. 218), and also the accelerating force (since the mass of the body is invariable) varies as sin 0. Let a be the greatest value of 0: 7 the length of the thread: then (a–0) is the space described by the body in the time t; and, supposing that at each instant the body is moving in the tangent line to the arc, the accelerating force = 1 तू Į ď² (a−0) dt2 d° 0 ī d t² d20 .*. d t² varies as sin 0, and 2 c² sin & suppose; = 0 do 2 ... = 4 c² (cos + const.) Ꮎ d Ꮎ When = a, velocity = 0, = dt d Ꮎ 4 c² (cos 0 cos a), dt 0; angular velocity at lowest point = 2 c√1 – cos a = 4c sin =2c chord a. Hence the velocity varies as the chord of the arc. 2 200 DYNAMICS. below A and B so graduated as to mark the velocities of the balls A and B when at the lowest positions by knowing the arcs through which they move. Now suppose a small steel point is fixed in A so that when A and B come in contact separation is prevented. It is found that if A and B are drawn through arcs of which the chords are inversely as the masses of the bodies, and then left to themselves, they will impinge and exactly destroy each others velocity, a small allowance being made for the resistance of the air. If one of the balls be moved through a greater arc, then when the balls come in contact they will not be at rest, but move in the direction in which that ball was moving before impact. This shews, that when the bodies impinge on each other with equal momenta, their mutual pressures exactly balance the momenta; but if the momentum of one ball be greater than the momentum of the other the mutual pressure is not sufficient to overcome the momentum of the first, but not only overcomes the momentum of the second but generates new momentum. This is found to be true for masses and velocities of all finite magnitudes. Desaguliers mentions an experiment (Experimental Philo- sophy, Vol. II. Lecture vI. p. 62.) in which he replaced 4 and B by two cylinders closed at the outer extremities; one was introduced a short way into the other, and the cavity filled with gunpowder: it was found that after the explosion the cylinders rose through arcs varying inversely as their masses. Consequently the momenta generated by the action of the im- pulsive force of the explosion were the same. In these experiments suppose that the mass and velocity of the body A remains the same: then if we vary the mass or velocity of B we must change them so that the pressure on A shall be the same: and this condition is that their product shall be constant. Hence, then, a given impulsive pressure This is generates in different bodies the same momentum. all that these experiments prove: they do not shew that the pressure varies directly as the momentum generated. This, however, we infer as in Art. 219. 223. Wherefore the results of the last nine Articles lead us to the following Principle. THIRD LAW OF MOTION. 201 When pressure communicates motion to a body, the mo- mentum generated in a given short time is proportional to the pressure. This is called the Third Law of Motion. Newton has given this Law under the more general form, that Action and Reaction are equal and opposite. If action and reaction in dynamics be measured by the quantity of motion gained and lost, this is an immediate deduction from our Third Law of Motion. 224. Leibnitz in the Acta Eruditorum 1695, p. 149, and after him Jean Bernoulli and others raised objections to Newton's measure of force, contending that it ought to be proportional to the product of the mass and the square of the velocity. In their own words, "A force is said to be dead (vis mortua) which consists in nothing but the endeavour, or the tendency to motion. Such is gravity" it was said "as long as a heavy body hung by a thread endeavours to descend, but cannot actually descend. A force is said to be alive or quick (vis viva) which always accompanies actual motion, and tends to produce a local motion. There is such a force in a body falling by gravity when it has already acquired some degrees of velocity." Professor Wolfius, quoted by Desa- guliers; Exp. Phil. Vol. 11. p. 72, 80. Our object in making this quotation is to shew the origin of the term vis viva, which, as a term only, is still in use among us. The incorrectness of the above notion appears from the fact that it implies that matter has some inherent power of exerting force when in motion which it has not when at rest. The reasoning by which these philosophers were led to the idea that pressure should be measured by the product of mass and the square of the velocity generated appears from the nature of the experiments from which they argued. was found that when balls of equal size and density impinged upon clay they penetrated the clay by spaces which are as the squares of the velocities of impact: as in the example of the note in page 197. It was reasoned (as in that note) that when balls are projected against different solid substances so Cc 202 DYNAMICS. as to penetrate to the same depth the forces will be as the squares of the velocities and hence arises the mistake, for this supposes that we measure force by the velocity generated or destroyed in moving through a given space irrespective of the time of motion: but we measure force by the velocity generated in a given time irrespective of the space described. If then we retain our definition of force estimated dynamically by the velocity generated in a given time, the force must vary as the product of the mass and the velocity generated in a given time but if we were to adopt the second measure of force estimated dynamically by the velocity generated in moving through a given space we should find that the force varies as the product of the mass and the square of the velocity generated. The term vis viva is still used to express the product of the mass and square of the velocity. 225. We shall now choose the units of pressure, or statical force, and mass. Let P be the pressure, ƒ the accelerating force and M the mass, then P varies as Mf. Let the unit of pressure be that of a body of which the mass is M' and the accelerating force f' then P: 1 Mf: M'f'; · P Mf M'f we shall choose M' and f' so as to simplify this formula as much as possible: let M'= 1, ƒ' = 1; then P = Mƒ ..... (1), the unit of pressure being the pressure of a body of a unit of mass and acted on by the unit of accelerating force. When the pressure is impulsive its unit is that of a body of mass unity moving with a unit of velocity: if we, as above, suppose P = Mv (2). Let W be the weight of a body of which the mass is M, and let the accelerating force of the Earth's attraction, or gravity, equal g: then UNITS OF PRESSURE AND MASS. W = Mg (3). 203 Also suppose that the body is homogeneous, of density p, and volume V: let p' and V' be the density and volume of a body of which the mass equals the unit of mass: then M: 1 :: pV: p' V .. M pP V' = 1: then to simplify this formula as (4), we shall choose p' and V' so as much as possible: let p= 1, M = pV the unit of mass being the mass of a body of a unit of volume and a unit of density. By (3) (4) we have W = pVg (5). Now by experiments made by Atwood's Machine described in Art. 216, it is found that the spaces described by a body falling freely from rest are 16.1, 3 × 16.1, 5 × 16.1,.... feet in the first, second, third,.... seconds of time. Hence gravity is a constant force and generates a velocity of 2 × 16.1 or 32.2 feet in a second of time. Wherefore if we take a foot as the unit of length and a second as the unit of time we have g = 32.2 IV = 32.2 Vp P..... 1 and when p= 1 and IV = 1, V (6), (7); ; hence the relation 32.2 among the units chosen gives this result, that the unit of weight is the weight of a body of the unit of density and volume equal the 32.2th part of the unit of volume. The density of distilled water is taken generally as the unit of density; and a cubic foot as the unit of volume. 226. Having discovered the relation between the statical and dynamical measures of force, (which was the desideratum in Art. 214), we may now enunciate the Principles mentioned in Arts. 212, 213. 204 DYNAMICS. The Third Law of Motion and the units of measure chosen in the last Article shew, that finite statical force equals the moving force of the body resulting from its action; and impulsive statical force equals the momentum of the body resulting from its action. We shall suppose in what follows that statical forces are all replaced by these dynamical measures. Let m be the mass of any particle of a material system, xyx its rectangular co-ordinates, then, I. If the system be in motion under the action of finite forces, the forces m d2x dt2 m d² y d t² d² z m d t² acting on m parallel to the axes of x y z respectively, and similar forces acting on each of the other particles of the system, must, together with the impressed moving forces (Art. 211), satisfy the conditions of equilibrium. II. If the system be acted on by impulsive forces, the forces dx dy dz m m m , dt dt dt acting on m parallel to the axes, and similar forces acting on each of the other particles of the system, must, together with the impressed impulsive forces or momenta, satisfy the conditions of equilibrium. 227. These Principles are the interpretation of the Three Laws of Motion into mathematical language. The Laws themselves are the results solely of observation and experi- ment. But these Principles are the results not only of the Laws, but also of certain conventional rules for measuring the quantities treated of; without which indeed we could not make the phenomena resulting from the Laws subjects of calculation. We must therefore be careful to interpret all results to which they lead us in conformity to these conventional rules. CHAPTER II THE MOTION OF A MATERIAL PARTICLE. 228. LET xyz be the co-ordinates to the particle at the end of the time t, and m its mass. Suppose the accelerating forces acting on the particle are resolved parallel to the axes and compounded into three X, Y, Z in these directions. Then by the first of the Principles enunciated in Art. 226, the moving forces mX, mY, m Z M d2 x dt d²y d² z m m dt dt2 will be in equilibrium with each other at the time t. Hence by the conditions of equilibrium of a particle acted on by any forces given in Art. 23, we have the equations dt2 0, m X m d² x 0, dť do y m Y - m = m Z-m d² z d t 0, d² x d² y d² z or X, Y, Z. d t² d t² dť These are called the equations of motion of the material par- ticle and by integration we shall have three equations in- volving a, y, z, t and constant quantities. 206 SINGLE PARTICLE. DYNAMICS. By eliminating t we have two equations involving x, y, z without t. These are the equations to the curve described by the particle. 229. In the course of the integration six arbitrary con- stants will be introduced: these are determined by the initial circumstances of the motion: by the term initial we mean at the epoch from which t is measured*. The general integrals determine the nature only and not the dimensions of the curve described. The dimensions depend upon the initial conditions. These are, first, the three co-ordinates which give the position of the particle at the commencement of the motion. By sub- stituting these in the three integrals and putting t = 0 we have three equations involving the six arbitrary constants and known quantities. The other initial quantities are the velocity and direction of projection, or, which amounts to the same, the initial velocities* parallel to the three axes. By differentiating the three integrals with respect to t, we dx dy dz shall have three equations involving x, y, ≈, dt' dt d t d t , and the arbitrary constants: and giving the variable quantities their initial values we have three more equations involving the arbi- trary constants and known quantities. From these six equations, then, we can determine the six arbitrary constants and the problem is completely solved. 230. Suppose, on the other hand, the problem to be solved be the converse of the one already considered, namely, to determine the forces which will make a body describe a given curve. * If any particle of the system commence its motion with a finite velocity, this is imparted to it by an impulsive force, which acts for so short a time as to produce its effect instantaneously: for this reason it is evidently indifferent whether we measure the time from the commencement or termination of the action of the impulsive force: and the term initial velocity, though there is no velocity, rigorously speaking, at the commencement of the motion, is perfectly allowable. In short, when a system of material particles is projected into space and submitted to the action of surrounding bodies, two entirely different systems of forces act upon the particles. The first is a system of impulsive forces, of the nature described in Arts. 199, 200: these produce their effect in an indefinitely short time, after which they cease to act. The second system consists of forces of the nature described in the same Articles: these require a length of time of sensible duration to produce their effect. This latter system differs from the former merely in intensity. MOTION OF A MATERIAL PARTICLE. 207 We shall in this case have given two equations involving xyx, from which we are to obtain the three quantities d²x d³y d²z dt' dť 2 dt dť indeterminate. or X, Y, Z: this shews that the problem is The following is the way to proceed. The two equations involving x, y and x must be differen- tiated twice with respect to t: by this means we have two equations involving the four quantities X, Y, Z, and velocity (v). ds² dx² dy dz But v2 = + + d f dt d t dt d. v² dx dy dz X + Y +2 dt d t dt dt d. v² dy dz X + Y + Z dx dx dx This is a third equation involving X, Y, Z, v. By assuming a value of any one of these four quantities the other three may be determined, in terms of xyz. RECTILINEAR MOTION. 231. PROP. A body is acted on by a uniform force (that of gravity for instance) the motion being in the line of action of the force required to determine the motion. Let a be the distance of the body at the time t from a fixed point in its course, measured in the direction of the force: and let g be the force. Then the equation of motion is ď² x = g. df By integration we have dx dt = gt + C, C being an arbitrary constant. 208 SINGLE PARTICLE. DYNAMICS. To determine C we must refer to the initial circumstances of the motion. Suppose the body is projected with a velocity u in the di- rection in which the force acts. dx Then when t = 0, = U ; .. u = C'; dt dx .*. gt + u. dt Integrating again X = gť² + ut + C'. Let a be the distance of the body from the origin of x at the commencement of the motion: then the initial circumstances are that when t = 0, x = ɑ ; .. C' = a; ·· » = a + ut + 1 g ť², or the space described in the time t is ut + 1gt. This is a necessary consequence of the second law of motion. If the body be not projected then u = 0 and x = a + 1 gť². If the body be projected with a velocity u in a direction opposite to that in which a is measured, then when t=0, dx = u since x is diminished as t increases: * and dt x = α a ut + ½ gť³. * In Art. 191, it was shewn that if s be the space described in the time t by a body, ds and v its velocity at the end of that time, then ข. dt But if the space be measured in a direction opposite to that in which the motion takes place, then, b and s' being the distances of the point from which the space is measured at the commencement of the motion and at the end of the time t, then sb-s' and = d t ds' dt =V. Also in Art. 205, it was shewn that if ƒ be the magnitude of the force at the end of d² s the time t, then=f. If, as before, the space be measured in the direction opposite to that of the action of the force, then d² s' d t2 =f. RECTILINEAR MOTION: CENTRAL FORCES. 209 PROP. A body falls towards a centre of force the in- tensity of which varies directly as the distance of the body from the centre: required to determine the motion. 232. Let μ be the magnitude of the force at a distance unity from the centre of force: this is called the absolute force of the centre: a the distance of the body from the centre at the commencement of the motion, r the distance at the time t. Then ua is the magnitude of the force at the distance : and the equation of motion is μα d² x thương df the negative sign being taken because the tendency of the force is to diminish x; 2 dx d² x dt dť² dx - dt dx² integrating, C-μα, dť² C being an arbitrary constant to be determined by the initial circumstances of the motion: these are that when t=0, x=a, and dx the velocity, or , dt = 0; .. C = μα; dx² = µ (a² − x²) ; dt² dt 1 1 dx √ a² - x² the negative sign being taken in extracting the square root because a diminishes as t increases. 1 V Integrating, t = COS - 1 ²² + C' (b μ when t = 0, x 0, x = α, .. C' = 0; D D 210 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. 1 X :. t = - 1 COS ль a when x = a, the body arrives at the centre; .. time of falling into the centre = The velocity is zero when dx dt = π 2 √ μ 0, or when x = a and a: hence the body passes through the centre and stops at a distance on the other side equal to the original distance. From this point it will return to its original position and continually oscillate over the same space: the time of oscillation from rest It is remarkable that this is independent of to rest is π Ju the initial distance of the body from the centre of force. The expression for the time shews, that the body will oscillate backwards and forwards: for suppose a is the least positive value of cos-¹ X for any given value of x, then a α 2 п α 2π + α t = or or Tū μ 2ηπτα or, generally, , n being any integer. Vμ This proves that the body will periodically arrive at any given point of its path: the intervals of time between the 2π · 2a 2 a successive arrivals being and alternately. Vu PROP. Suppose the body in the last Proposition is pro- jected with a velocity u in the line in which the force acts. 233. As before we have d t dx² = C μ RECTILINEAR MOTION: CENTRAL FORCES. 211 dx when x = α, = u or - u according as the direction of pro- dt jection is from or towards the centre: in both cases u² = C - μa² dx² u² + µ (a² − x²). dt2 Considering the motion towards the centre dt 1 dx u2 μ a² + x² ле 1 x 1 t COS + C μ a² + u2 u when t = 0, x = a; 1 a α 1 COS cos-1 μ u² u2 a² + The greatest distance to which the body goes from the centre is a² + u2 > μ and the time of a complete oscillation from rest to rest is as before π Tu PROP. A body falls towards a centre of force the inten- sity of which varies inversely as the square of the distance of the body: required to determine the motion. 234. Let be the absolute force of the centre as before: μ u then the force at distance a is equal to and the equation of motion is u dt 212 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. dx d² x 2μ dx 2 dt dt2 x² dt da² 2 μ integrating, + C dt2 Ꮖ dx 2μ when x = a, 0; .. 0 ... = + C dt 00 dar² = 2x (---) dť м a dt a al dx 2 μ a 20 α 20 2μ Vax a a X dt a 2 2 dx 2μ Vax a t = a x x² 212 a vers x² x² 2 2x 1 + C a 2 м when t = 0, x = a; .. 0 а ап + C 2µμ 2 t = √la-vers- 2 м 12 2 2x 1 2 + √ax - a² a when the body arrives at the centre x = 0, therefore time of falling to the centre π a 2 24 235. In a subsequent part of this work we shall see, that the attraction of the Earth on external bodies varies inversely as the square of the distance from its centre, supposing the Earth a sphere. And that the attraction on any bodies within the Earth varies directly as the distance from the centre. It is for this reason that in the foregoing Propositions we have selected these particular laws of force. No other laws are known to exist in the universe. RECTILINEAR MOTION ON AN INCLINED PLANE. 213 PROP. A body acted on by the constant force of gravity moves down an inclined plane: required to calculate the motion. 236. Let the plane of the paper be the vertical plane in which the motion takes place: AB (fig. 78.) the intersection of this with the inclined plane: P the position of the body at the time t, A being its place when t = 0: a the angle the plane makes with the horizon. Now the forces which are acting upon the body at the time t are the force of gravity g, which acts vertically and the pressure of the plane on the body. If we resolve the forces in the direction of the motion we shall not introduce the pressure. Let AP = x. Now the part of g resolved along the line AP is g sin a, hence the equation of motion is ď x g sin a, dt² and the results will be precisely the same as those in Art. 231, if we there substitute g sin a instead of g. If we wish to know the pressure P upon the plane, by resolving the forces perpendicularly to the line of motion we have, since no space is described by the body in that direction, 0 mg cos a P (Art. 225.) Hence P = mg cosa, and is constant and is in proportion to the weight of the body in the ratio cos a : 1. CURVILINEAR MOTION OF A PARTICLE. PROP. A body is acted on by the constant force of gravity, which acts in parallel lines: required to determine the motion of the body when it is projected in a direction not vertical. The 237. Let the axis of y be vertical and reckoned positive upwards and drawn through the point of projection. motion will evidently take place wholly in a vertical plane. 214 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. Let the axis of a be drawn in this plane the origin being the point of projection A, (fig. 79.) Let also g be the accelerating force of gravity. Then the equations of motion are dx d²y 0, dt dt2 By integration dx dy C, d' - gt, dt dt c and c' being constants to be determined by the circumstances of projection. Let u be the velocity of projection, a the angle its direc- tion makes with the axis of x. dx dy Then when t = 0, u cos a, u sin a; dt dt ... u cos a = c, u sin a c c' ; dx dy = u cos a, = u sin a gt. dt dt Integrating again x = ut cosa, y = ut sina - gt...... (1), no constants are added after integration because when t = 0, x = 0 and y = 0 by the circumstances of the problem. These two equations determine the position of the body at any time. 238. To find the curve described we eliminate t from equations (1); Art. 228; 80 y = x tan a gx² 2u² cos² a This is the equation to a parabola. For it may be written u2 Qu² ( cosa sin a)² cos" a (y 85 sin" a). 2g CURVILINEAR MOTION: UNIFORM FORCE OF GRAVITY. 215 And by transferring the origin to a point of which the co-ordinates are u² U² cos a sin a and g sin a 2g the equation becomes 2 u² x² cos² ay, g which is the equation to a parabola with its axis vertical and measured downwards, Qu² and latus rectum cos² a. g The range is the distance between the point of projection and the point where the body strikes the ground. described is called the projectile. The curve PROP. To find the range of the projectile, the time of flight, and the greatest height the body reaches. 239. When y = 0, x tan a gx² Qu² cos² a : 0; Qu² u² .. x = 0 and a = cos² a tan a = sin 2 a, g g this latter value of x is the range on a horizontal plane. If the body be projected from an inclined plane perpen- dicular to the plane of the projectile, then, if i be the angle of inclination of the plane to the horizon, y = a tani is the equation to the intersection of this plane and the plane of motion: and the value of a when the body strikes the plane is found from x tan i = ∞ tan a gx² 2 u² cos² a QuⓇ .. =0, and x = cos a (tana - tan i) Qu² cosa sin (a−i) = g g COS & this latter value of is the range on the inclined plane. 216 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. By (1) x = ut cos a ; therefore time of flight on the inclined plane 2u sin (a — i) X 2 и ; sin ɑ, if i = 0. u cos a g cos i g When the body reaches its greatest height dy u² 2 U² 0; .. x .*. X= tan a cos² a = sin a cos a dx g g u² u² .. greatest height g 180 {sin² a - sina} sin2 α. 2g CENTRAL FORCES. 240. Forces which continually tend towards a given point, and the intensity of which depends upon the distance from that point, whether fixed or in motion, are called Central Forces. All the forces with which we are acquainted in nature are of this description, as will appear in the sequel. For this reason we shall devote a large portion of these pages to the con- sideration of their action. We shall, in the first place, investigate the most important general properties of orbits described by bodies moving under the influence of central forces, and in the next place determine the nature of the orbits when the law and intensity of the forces are given, and, conversely, determine the forces requisite to cause a body to describe given orbits. PROP. When a body is acted on by one central force the motion is wholly in one plane. 241. Suppose xyz are the co-ordinates at the time t to a material particle moving about a centre of force, the origin of co-ordinates being at this centre: the distance of the particle from the centre: and let P, some function of r, represent the intensity of the force at the distance r. The resolved parts of this force parallel to the three axes of co-ordinates are CENTRAL ORBITS: GENERAL PROPERTIES. 217 X P ру and P, Z ጥ and since these tend to diminish the co-ordinates the equations of motion are ď² x dt2 20 d²y P ру d ૨૨ d t2 2° d t2 ** P 22 …….. (1). Multiplying the first by y and the second by a and sub- tracting the equations we have d² y ď² x 0; XC У dt dt² dy dx *. X y h, dt dt being an arbitrary constant. dx dz In like manner z Ꮳ h₁, dt dt dz dy Y hes dt dt h₁ and h₂ being arbitrary constants, which, as well as h, are to be determined by the circumstances of the motion at any given time. Now multiply these last three equations by ≈, y, x respect- ively and add them together; . 0 = hã+ky+hử, This is the equation to an invariable plane passing through the origin of co-ordinates, its position depending on the values of h h₁ h₂. 1 Hence the motion takes place wholly in a plane passing through the centre of force, the position depending upon the initial (or any other given) circumstances of the motion. PROP. The areas described by the body about the centre of force are proportional to the time. E E 218 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. 242. In consequence of the property proved in the last Proposition we shall refer the body's motion to two co-ordinates instead of three. Let the plane of motion be the plane xy. Then the equations of motion are d² x a dεy · P. (1), - Р - Py (2), d t² d t and, as before, we obtain dy d x X y h, dt dt and let A be the sectorial area swept out during the time t by the radius vector; d A dt = 32 ( ~ dy dx h 8 J Y by Diff. Calc. dt d t 2 ht .. A 2 if t and A be both measured from the commencement of the motion. This proves that the area swept out by the radius- vector is proportional to the time of describing it. When polar co-ordinates are used let O be the angle that the radius-vector makes with the axis of x; then x = r cos e and y = r sin : and by substitution d A dt = 글 ​d Ꮎ d t 202 22 d Ꮎ h. dt a The following is an immediate consequence of this property. PROP. To prove that the velocity of the body at different parts of its path is inversely proportional to the perpendicular on the tangent. ds ds do 243. Velocity = v dt do dt 202 do , by the Differential Calculus, P dt J CENTRAL ORBITS: GENERAL PROPERTIES. 219 p is the perpendicular on the tangent at the distance r, z² h h by last Art. Ρ p PROP. To prove that the velocity is independent of the path described. 244. Multiply equations (1) (2) of Art. 242. by 2 dx dt dy 2 respectively and add them, then dt dx d²x dy d²y 2 P 2 +2 XC dx + y dy dt dt² dt dť gr dt dt dr 2 P , x² + y² = p²; dt ds2 da dy but v² + d t d t² dť dr — 2 P ; d. v° dt dt .. v² = V² − 2 ƒ½ Pdr, r = R when v = V ; f R and since this, when integrated from one position of the body to another, will be a function only of the corresponding dist- ances, it follows, that the velocity is independent of the orbit described, and at any given distance depends solely on the magnitude and law of the force and the velocity and distance of projection. COR. This is true also when the body is acted on by any number of central forces tending to fixed centres. There is one more property of central orbits which we shall demonstrate owing to its utility in determining the velocity whenever the force and orbit are known. PROP. To prove that the velocity at any point of a central orbit is that due to a body falling through one fourth of the chord of curvature at that point through the centre of force under the action of the force at that point supposed to remain constant. 220 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. dv 245. By last Article v P. dr h Also by Art. 243. v = differentiate the logarithm of each side of this equation; p 1 dv 1 dp v dr p dr divide the first equation by this; dr ... v² = PP dp of force at dist. r. 2P 1 chord of curvature through the centre 4 Hence the Proposition is true. Having demonstrated these Properties of Central Orbits we shall proceed to the determination of the nature of the orbits themselves. PROP. A body being acted on by a central force: re- quired to find the polar equation to its path. 246. The equations of motion are d² x dt2 20 d² y - P- (1), -py P (2); T dt 2' ď² y ď² x x Y 0, d t2 d t² dy dx 00 y = constant = hg dt dt cos✪ putting a = r cos and y = r sin 0; we have do 212 h. dt dx dy Again, multiplying (1) and (2) by 2 and 2 and adding, dt dt DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION TO CENTRAL ORBITS. 221 dx d²x 2 dt dť P dx + 2 dy dy -- 21 (ie die + y dy); dt dť² dt dt 9 d fdx² dy² dt dt + dt dr 2 P x² + y² = r², dt and introducing polar co-ordinates d d 22 + dt d Ꮎ ) d Ꮎ dr 2 P dť dt do h But dt d 1 dr2 2 P dr + Ꮎ み ​dont do ² h2 de Put 2° 1 = 2: 1 dr du and 22 do d Ꮎ d [du² ᏧᎾ ] de 2 P du + u² h² u² do and then performing the differentiation on the left-hand side du and dividing by 2 d Ꮎ ď² u + u = d 02 P h² u² This is the differential equation to the orbit described. The force P being given in terms of r, we must integrate this equation and the solution will be the equation to the orbit described. : The integral will contain three arbitrary constants, two introduced in the process of integration and the other, h, exist- ing in the differential equation. These are determined by the initial (or any other given) circumstances of the motion: viz. the velocity, distance, and direction of projection. The general integral determines only the nature of the orbit described: but the circumstances of the motion at any given time determine the species and dimensions of the orbit. 222 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. 247. The differential equation P = h²u² ď³ u + и I dᎾ do² u} may be used to ascertain the law of force which must act upon a body to cause it to describe a given curve. To effect this we must determine the relation between u and 0 from the equation to the orbit: we must then differentiate u twice with respect to and substitute the result in the expression for P, eliminating 0, if it occur, by means of the relation between u and 0. In this way we shall obtain P in terms of u alone, and therefore of r alone. 248. When we know the relation between r and 0, we de dt make use of the equation ² h to determine the time of = describing a given portion of the orbit: or, conversely, to find the position of the body in its orbit at any time. We proceed now to exemplify these principles by various applications. PROP. A body moves about a centre of force varying directly as the distance: required to determine the motion. 249. Let be the absolute force: then P = μr u м U In order to simplify the calculation we shall first suppose the body projected perpendicular to the radius vector. Let V, R be the velocity and distance of projection : .. h = 2 area described in 1″ VR by Art. 243. ď u + W м d 02 V2R2 us du multiplying by 2 and integrating de du² th + u² = C · - d02 when 1 и = dr R. = 0 0 and VR u² 9 du 0% d Ꮎ d Ꮎ 1 C + R CENTRAL ORBITS. FORCE VARYING AS THE DISTANCE. 223 du² d02 V² + R² μ R2V2 ль u²; V2R2u2 d. u² 2 V² – R² µ 2 d Ꮎ 2 R2 V2 - (2² V² + R² μ 2 ; 2 R2V2 extracting the square root, inverting, and integrating 2 0 + C = sin-¹ 2 R² V ² u² − ( V² + R³µ) V² – R³µ T when = 0, u = •. C = sin¹ 1 R' 1 ༡༠ 1 = (V² + R³µ) + (V² – R² µ) cos 20 2 R2 V2 V² cos² + R2u sin² 0 R2 V 2 r cos 2 ("Das 0) + (√μr sin @)" R V 2 Hence the orbit is an ellipse, the force being in the centre. The semiaxes are R and V Vu 250. The periodic time may be found by integrating the equation dt 202 > do h more simple. Periodic time (Art. 242). But the following method is = 2 area of ellipse h 2пR V Ju VR 2 п , (see Art. 242.) μ This result is remarkable; for it shews that the period is independent of the dimensions of the ellipse and depends solely on the intensity of the force. * 224 SINGLE PARTICLE. DYNAMICS. π 2 251. COR. 1. it will be found, If the angle of projection be ẞ instead of that the orbit is still an ellipse, the force being in the centre; and if a, b be the semi-axes*, * This may be demonstrated with greater facility by using the equations of motion, which are, in this case, d² x dt2 d² y μπ μy. dt2 dx dy Multiplying them respectively by 2 2 dt' dt and integrating we have dx2 dy2 dt2 = µ (h² — x²), = d t2 =µ (k² — y²) .... (1), h and k being arbitrary constants, introduced in the above form for the sake of symmetry; dy2 dx² У k = k² — y² h² - x² ..sin-1 = sin-1 c being an arbitrary constant ; 1 √k² - y² dx X h + sin-1 c dy 1 =*** √h² -- x² (2), Y k = h √1 − c² + c 1 ww by transposing and squaring and transposing again n2 h2 y2 y² x² 2√1-c² xy = c². k² + h² hk This is the equation to an ellipse from the centre: since B² – 4 AC - 4(1-c²) 4 h² k² h² k² 4 c2 is essentially negative; A, B, C being the coefficients of y², xy, x² re- h2 k² spectively. be the velocity of projection, with the axis of a, a, b, the co- In order to determine the constants h, k, c, let a the angle which the direction of projection makes ordinates to the point of projection: then equations (1) give V² sin² a = µ (k² – b²), V² cos² a = µ (h² — a²), 万 ​a and (2) gives sin-1 - k sin-1 h = sin-1 c by which h, k, c are known. If, as in Art. 249, we suppose the body projected from the axis of at right angles to that line, then b=0, a = V², = 90°; .. h² = a², uk2 µ k² = V ², Ꮮ a k sin-1 c sin-1 sin-1 = and the equation to the orbit becomes sin-1, therefore c² = 1, μ bride- 1 1. a2 The equation to an ellipse of which the semi-axes are a and V FORCE VARYING AS THE SQUARE OF THE DIST. INVERS. 225 2 V*R* sin² ß 1 1 and - V²+ μR²±√ (V²+µR²)2−4µ VR sin² ß respectively. a² b 2πab 2 п Hence periodic time = the same result as before. (h =) VR sin ߨ¯ Vu μ COR. 2. The result of this Proposition is of great im- portance in Physical Optics. For the forces which act upon the disturbed molecules of the vibrating medium of light all vary as the distance so long as the displacements are not very great. Now the colour of the light is assumed to depend upon the time of vibration of the molecules: and the intensity of the light upon the extent and magnitude of the vibrations, that is, upon the quantity of motion. The preceding Proposition shews, then, that light may alter in intensity without changing in colour, since the time of vibration is independent of the mag- nitude of the motion, when the law of force is that of the di- rect distance. PROP. A body is acted on by a central force varying inversely as the square of the distance required to deter- mine the orbit described. Many Propositions of this description may be solved in the following manner. By Arts. 243, 244, v² 12 - 2 2 [[ Par, v = ""; = f h = [2-2 R Ρ p2 he Ex. 1. Let P = µr; p² + µ R² — µ ²²², 2 S Pdr. R which is the equation to an ellipse about the centre, the axes being given by the equations ho a² + b² + R², a²b² 14 μ he 2 μ Ex. 2. Let P = μ + 12. 7.2 R This is the equation to a conic section about the focus. 1 2 α 1 The equation to the ellipse is - p2 br 1 2 (1 1 hyperbola is 12 + b²r 1 1 parabola is # p² ་ Fr In 226 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. 252. Let Let μ be the absolute force: then P = и чег V, R, ẞ the velocity, distance, and angle of projection: then h = VR sin ẞ (Art. 243.) d² u ре + u = > d02 h du multiplying by 2 and integrating dᎾ du2 2 м + u² u + C, dᎾ h² 1 ᏧᎾ when R, r U dr' or the tangent of the angle between the radius vector and the tangent line, ta tan ß: d Ꮎ ... U tan ß; du 1 1 2 м 1 2 м V2R-2μ .. C + ; R2 tan B R2 h2 R R2 sin² ß 2 h² R h² R du² V2R - d02 h² R + 2 x-(-x): extracting the square root, inverting, and integrating 2 pe ; μ h2 0 + C' = cos−1 V²R - 2 μ h² R + h¹ 1 C' is found by the condition, that when u 0 = 0. R In the case of the ellipse a 1 V2 ре = b2 h² b2 Rh² h2 Rμ =D '.' b 2μ- V²R' Rh2 2μ- V2R The path is an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola according as V2 is less than, greater than, or equal to 2μ R FORCE VARYING AS THE SQUARE OF THE DIST. INVERS. 227 Then 1 μ + 7 h2 is the equation to the V²R - 2 μ h2 R Ав 2 + cos (0 + C') h¹ path: it is the equation to a conic and may be written section from the focus, 1 1 + e cos (0+C') ; ጥ a (1 ~ e²) the angle 0 + C' being measured from the shorter length of the axis major, and 2a and 2a√1 – e² being the axes: V2R-2μ Then e h² + 1, subs. for h Rμ V2R Ωμ RV2 sin ẞ+1... (1); u² h² V2R2 sin² B and a (1 e²) (2). u Now the conic section is an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola according as e is less than, equal to, or greater than unity. Hence, from equation (1), the orbit described is an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola about the focus according as V² is less than, equal to, or greater than 2 μ Ꭱ This proves the remark- able property, that the species of the conic section described is independent of the direction of projection. = 2 a In the case of the ellipse and hyperbola the axis major 2 μ R V2R of projection. u 2 μ and this is also independent of the direction In the case of the parabola, the the focus, or D = a (1 − e) (e = 1) distance of the vertex from V2R2 sin² ß The position of the axis major with respect to the radius vector R, is determined by C', which is the angle between these two lines. Put = 0 and r = Rin the value of ין 228 SINGLE PARTICLE. DYNAMICS. ..cos C' a (1 ~ e²) V2R sin² ß - μ Re e ме By referring to Art. 234, we see that the velocity of a body falling from an infinite distance to a distance R from м a centre of force is equal to A 2.2 2 μ R Hence the orbit described about this centre of force will be an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola according as the velocity is less than, equal to, or greater than that from infinity. 253. We might make use of the equation P = h²u² ď² u dᎾ? + и to discover the law of force when the orbit is given. Thus if the orbit be a conic section with the force in one of the foci, and m be the distance of the pole from the nearest vertex, then the equation to the orbit is 1 + e cos 0 h² u² P = m (1 + e) m (1 + e) h2 1 m(1+e) p² or the only law of force is that of the inverse square of the distance. If the orbit be the ellipse the centre being the centre of force, then, a and b being the semi-axes, u² cos² 0 + sin? Ꮎ du ; u cos Ꮎ sin Ꮎ, a² b2 d Ꮎ b2 a² .. P = h² и h² { ď² u + dᎾ zet + чез +23 do du² d02 a² (~ ~ - -—-) (cos° 0 – sin³ 0); - d² u h² И { du U¹ u2 + u² u d02 (u ď³ u du² + d Ꮎ d0 U { cos 0 sin² 0 2 + a² b? cos² sin² 0 +(cos + sin²) (-) (cos² 0 — sin² a² - 0 b a 1 CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 229 h² (cos¹0 + 2 cos² 0 sin² + sin¹ ✪ Ø h ว a² b² a²b² 2 and therefore the only law is that of the direct distance. 254. If the orbit be a circle the centre of force being in the centre of the circle: then a being the radius r = a is its equation and h² P = h'u³ α dt Also by Art. 242, 11 d Ꮎ 702 h 11 a² h in this case, and therefore the velocity is constant; :. ht = a² 0 + const. when t 0, suppose ◊ = 0; and when t T, the time of re- volution, .. hT=2a". = 2π; Va Let V be the velocity, then h = l'a Art. 243; 12 Ωπα ·、 P = and T Q : Since the velocity is uniform it follows that the force produces no effect upon the velocity in short, the only effect of the force is to deflect the body from the rectilinear path which it would describe with the uniform velocity V if no force acted. Consequently the central force is a measure of the tendency that the body has at every instant to preserve a rectilinear course. This tendency is sometimes called the Centrifugal Force; and the central force is then called in reference to this the Centripetal Force. When a particle describes a curve in space the force which acts upon it is employed partly in changing the velocity and partly in deflecting the course of the body. A force equal and opposite to the part of the force which deflects the course of the body is called the centrifugal force in this general case as well as in that specified above. 230 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. PROP. To prove that the centrifugal force of a particle moving in space at any point of its course equals the square of the velocity divided by the radius of absolute curvature at that point, and acts in the osculating plane. 255. If X, Y, Z be the accelerating forces acting on the particle, the equations of motion are ď²x ď³y d2 d² z X Y Z. dt2 dt2 dt2 Now if s, the arc described, be the independent variable the absolute radius of curvature (p) is given by the equations 1 ď²x ds2 + d² y ds ď² z 2 + ds² (1). Hence if we change the independent variable in the equations of motion from t to s, we have dt d²x dx d² t ds ds2 ds ds2 d² x dx d²s ds X v2 + dt³ ds2 ds dť²' , dt ds3 in like manner Y = v² 2 dy dy d²s ď² z dz d² s + Z = v² + ds2 ds dt: ds² ds dt If, then, P be the resultant of X, Y, Z we have P² = x² + Y² + Z² = v¹ 1 & x ď² y d² ≈ + + ds ds² ds™ + 2 v² d's fda d'a dy d³y dz d²z + + dfds ds? ds ds² ds ds + Jd (dx² dy³ dz d's 2 + + ds ds ds dt² d. dy™ d But + -1, and therefore by equation (1) ds ds ds² CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 231 p? des Now d t² 2 to + d's dť 2 (2). is the part of the force P that produces the change in velocity (Art. 206) and the other part acts at ?y° P right angles to the former, as the form of equation (2) shews, and consequently is what we have termed the centrifugal force: this expression proves the first part of the Proposition. The force P acts through the point (xyz), let X1 x = A (≈1 − ≈), Y₁ − y = B (≈1 − ≈) — 1 be the equations to its direction: then the cosines of the angles which this line makes with the axes are A B 1 1 + A2 + B² √ 1 + Ų + B² 1 + A + B² but these cosines are also X Y Z Ꮓ √ x² + Y² + Z² √x²+ Y² + Z √ X² + Y² + Z®° X I Hence A B Ζ' Z and the equations to the direction of the resultant are − Z (x, x) = X (≈, − ≈), Z (y₁ − y) = Y (≈, − ≈), the equations to the tangent line, or the line in which the des force acts, are d t² (x, − x) dz ds dx dz ds, (༧ - ~) (Y₁ − y) d x = (~, − ≈) dy ds ds Hence the equation to the plane passing through these lines, or the plane in which the centrifugal force acts, is (≈1 − ≈) [X Y dy ds dx dx dz +(y₁y) (Z + (Y₁ − y) Ꮧ ds ds ds dz + (№1 x) { v Z Ꮓ ds ds dy) 0, 232 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. and substituting in this equation the values of X, Y, Z it becomes 'dy d2x dx d'y ds ds ds ds + (1₁ − y) ( dx d² z dz d²x ds ds2 ds ds2 + (x2 − ∞) ( dz d² y dy do z = 0, ds ds² ds ds) which is the equation to the osculating plane at the point (xy), the arc s being the independent variable. Hence the second part of the Proposition is true. After this digression respecting centrifugal force we shall return to the subject of central forces. 256. Kepler discovered by calculation depending on ob- servations, that the planet Mars moves in an ellipse having the Sun in the focus. He also discovered that the areas de- scribed by the planet when near its perihelion and aphelion distances (that is, the nearest and farthest distances from the Sun) were proportional to the times of describing them. These two empiric laws have since been proved to hold for the other planets and also for every part of their course. Kepler like- wise discovered that the squares of the periodic times of the planets about the Sun were in the same proportion as the cubes of their mean distances. These three laws are known by the name of Kepler's Laws and may be thus enunciated. I. The planets move in ellipses, each having one of its foci in the Sun's centre. II. The areas swept out by each planet about the Sun are, in the same orbit, proportional to the time of describing them. III. The squares of the periodic times of the planets about the Sun are proportional to the cubes of the mean distances. We shall shew how we are led by these empiric laws to conjecture respecting the nature of the force which acts upon the planetary system. PROP. To determine the nature of the force which acts upon the planetary system. LAW OF GRAVITATION FROM KEPLER'S LAWS. 233 257. Let XY be the forces which act on a planet parallel to two co-ordinate axes drawn through the Sun in the plane of motion of the planet: then the equations of motion are dx ď y X, Y; dt dť ď y ď²x = *. x Y x Y − y X. - yX. d t² dt But by Kepler's Second Law the area is proportional to the time: therefore area = c.t, c being the area described in a unit of time: d. area dt dy dx or 20 Y = c; dt dt d²y dť ď²x Y = 0; dť X XxX Y Y x Y − y X = 0; This shews that the resolved parts of the force acting upon the planet are proportional to the co-ordinates from the Sun's centre: and therefore, by the composition of forces, the force itself must pass through the Sun's centre. Hence the forces acting on the planets all pass through the Sun's centre. Let 1 2⁰ or u = 1 + e cos (0 − a) be the equation to the a (1-e²) elliptic orbit: Kepler's First Law. Then the force P, since we have shewn it to be central, = h² u² = h² u² [d² u d02 + u Art. 246. e cos (0 - a) a (1 − e²) h2 "} + 1 + e cos (0 - a) 1 a (1 − e³) µ‚² G G a (1 − e²) 234 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. Hence the law of the force acting upon the planets is that of the inverse square of the distance. Let T be the periodic time of a planet and a the semi-axis major of its orbit, and therefore the mean distance from the Sun's centre. Then T 2 area of ellipse 2πα Vi-e h h h2 4π² a³ a (1 − e³) T¹2 4π 2 a² 1 and P = T2 a³ T¹2 But by Kepler's Third Law is the same for all the planets. Hence not only is the law of force the same for all the planets; but the absolute force is the same: and conse- quently the same cause seems to act on all the planets. From this calculation, then, we conclude that the Sun attracts the planets, and that with a force which varies as the inverse square of their distances from his centre. 258. The elliptical orbits of the planets are nearly circular: since, then, in a circle there is no variation of distance, it may at first sight be a matter of doubt whether the calculations which prove Kepler's Laws are sufficiently accurate to allow us to believe the law of variation of the Sun's attraction to be correctly determined. For in the case This doubt is, however, easily removed. here contemplated the Third of Kepler's Laws determines both the law and intensity of the Sun's attraction. 1 In this case u is constant and ; a h2 4π² a 472 a³ 1 .. ·. P = a³ T¹2 T2 T¹² a² But T2 varies as a³, for different planets; 1 .. P varies as for different planets, a² LAW OF GRAVITATION FROM KEPLER'S LAWS. 235 and therefore the law of attraction is that of the inverse square as before and the magnitude is the same. 259. Now the greatest diameters of the planets are proved by observation to be exceedingly small when com- But in Art. 165, pared with their distances from the Sun. Cor. we have shewn that the constituent particles of bodies of this description, if they attract, will attract according to the same law as that according to which the bodies themselves attract. And we have just shewn (Art. 257.) that the Sun attracts the planets with a force varying inversely as the square of the distance from his centre. It is therefore highly probable that the particles of the Sun attract the particles of the planets, and vice versâ, with a force varying directly as the mass of the attracting particle and inversely as the square of the distance. 260. These consequences to which we have been led by Kepler's Laws are equally satisfied whether we suppose the centre alone of each body to have an inherent property of attraction, or each particle of the system to attract. But this ambiguity is removed by Dr. Maskelyne's observations on the stars from stations near the mountain Shehallien in Scotland. By these it was proved that the mountain produced a sensible effect in drawing the plumb line out of the vertical: see the Philosophical Transactions, 1775. Also some beautiful ex- periments by Cavendish on the attraction of leaden balls, re- corded in the Philosophical Transactions, 1798, shew the same thing; that the property of attraction does not reside only in the centres of the heavenly bodies but in every portion of their mass. We are therefore led to conjecture that matter is en- dowed with a general gravitating principle by which every particle attracts every other particle according to the law before mentioned. 261. Were, however, this principle universally true, not only would the Sun attract the planets, but the planets would attract the Sun (which we have imagined immoveable*) and likewise one another: and our calculations are erroneous, but these depend on Kepler's Laws. Wherefore it follows, that * See Arts. 240. 246. In these the centre of force is fired. 236 DYNAMICS. SINGLE PARTICLE. either Kepler's Laws are not true, or that Universal Gravita- tion is not a Principle of Nature. Now in point of fact observations of greater nicety than those made by Kepler prove that his laws are not accurately true, though they differ but slightly from the reality. Here then is an additional argument (as far as it goes) in. favour of Universal Gravitation. For since the magnitudes of the planets are very small in comparison with that of the Sun, we should anticipate that the perturbations of their elliptic motion about the Sun and of the position of the Sun in space by the action of the heavenly bodies would be small; and, con- sequently, that the deviation from Kepler's Laws would not be considerable. 262. Our investigations thus far are only a first approx- imation to the truth: it yet remains to be determined whether the perturbations actually experienced agree, both in their nature and magnitude, with those which are calculated on this hypothesis of Universal Gravitation. These are the real tests. of the existence of such a principle. Probably many imaginary laws would explain the ordinary phenomena of the motion of the heavenly bodies; but that alone is the law of nature which will stand the test of the more refined calculations of the per- turbations. It is by the complete harmony which is found to subsist between the numerical results deduced from theory and obser- vation, that we become convinced of the truth of the Law of Universal Gravitation. To prove this complete accordance is the object of Physical Astronomy. 263. Having stated the main arguments which lead us to conjecture that the motions of the heavenly bodies are re- gulated by a universal principle of attraction with which all matter is endued, we proceed to a more strict investigation of the consequences of this principle, and shall now enter upon the consideration of the motion of a given number of material par- ticles attracting each other with forces varying directly as the mass of the attracting body and inversely as the square of the distance. This Problem is one of insuperable difficulty when considered in a general point of view, and has baffled the com- bined exertions of mathematicians from the days of Newton to LAW OF GRAVITATION FROM KEPLER'S LAWS. 237 For the present time. In our Solar System, however, the masses of the planets are so small in comparison with that of the Sun, and the inclinations of the planes of their orbits to one another is also so small that the Problem is rendered capable of solution by methods of approximation. But it must not be imagined, that the results are for this reason not to be relied upon. by the process of successive approximation in which we begin by obtaining a first approximation, thence proceeding to a second, and so on, we can by extending our calculations ap- proach as near the truth as we please: and although the num- ber of calculations must, strictly speaking, be infinite in order. to arrive, by this method, at an exact result, yet the error in stopping at the third or fourth approximation is so slight as in fact to be inappreciable to our senses. Suppose, for example, that the longitude of the Sun's centre is calculated to be 134°. o'. 1" at some given time and that the real longitude is 134º: what difference does this make in a practical point of view? But even if we were able to obtain an exact solution of the Problem, yet in calculating numerical results we are obliged to reduce the whole to decimals; and though the la- bour in this case would be perhaps diminished, yet the result would still be only approximate. We shall first calculate the motions of two bodies, con- sidered as particles, attracting each other, and then proceed to the more general question. CHAPTER III. MOTION OF TWO MATERIAL PARTICLES ATTRACTING EACH OTHER. PROP. Two material particles attract each other with forces varying inversely as the square of their distance and directly as the mass of the attracting body: required to determine the motion of their centre of gravity. 264. Let M and m be the masses of the two particles: r their distance at the time t: then, if the unit of attraction be the attraction of a unit of mass at a unit of distance, the accelerating force produced in M by the attraction of m and that produced in m by M's attraction M 2º Let xyz be co-ordinates to M at time t, x'y's' m m 202 Then resolving the attractions parallel to the axes, and at- tending to the directions in which the resolved parts act, the equations of motion of M are & x dt m (x-x') 203 dy m (y-y') d² z m (x − x') d t 203 d t² 203 and those of m are Y d² x' M (x − x') d² y M (y − y') d² M (x − x') dt 703 df 2.3 d t 203 Multiply the first three equations by M and the last three by m, and add the first, second, and third of the first set to the first, second, and third of the second set respectively; MOTION OF TWO MATERIAL PARTICLES, &c. 239 ď²x ď² x' d²y d²y' M + m 0, M + m 0, dt2 dť df dt .(1). ď² z M ď z + m = 0. dt dt xy 2 Let zy be the co-ordinates to the centre of gravity of the two bodies at the time t: then (M + m) x = Mx +mx', (M+m) y = My+my', (M + m) ≈ M≈ +mz'. Differentiating these twice with respect to t and making use of equations (1), we obtain d²x ďy ď 0, 0, 0.... (2); dt² dť df dx dy do b, dt dt dt a, b, c being constants to be determined by the initial cir- cumstances of the motion of the bodies. Hence the velocity of the centre of gravity = √ a² + b² +c², (Art. 210. Cor.) and is therefore uniform. da α dy b Also 18 X a dz C dz C b ===+a', y = =≈ + b', C ≈+a C a', b' being constants to be determined as before. These are the equations to the path of the centre of gravity; and, since they are the equations to a straight line in space, they prove that that point will move in a straight line. If a, b, c each = 0, then the expression for the velocity of the centre of gravity vanishes: and the general conclusion is, That the centre of gravity of the two bodies will either remain at rest during the motion of the bodies, or move 240 TWO PARTICLES. DYNAMICS. uniformly in a straight line. is determined by the initial the bodies. Which of these will be the case circumstances of the motion of PROP. To determine the orbits the bodies describe about each other, and about their centre of gravity. 265. Let us subtract the equations of motion for m from those of M respectively, and we obtain + d² (x-x') (M + m) (x − x') - d t² 2.3 d² (y-y') dt² (M +m) (y — y') 203 ď² d² (≈ - x') (M + m) (≈ − ≈') dt² 20:3 These are the equations we should obtain by supposing either of the bodies at rest, and the force acting on the other to be the sum of the masses divided by the square of the distance. Hence (Art. 252) each will describe relatively to the other a conic section, the nature of the path being determined by the circumstances of projection of the bodies. 266. To determine their paths about their centre of gravity, let r, and r' be the distances of M and m from that point at the time t: then m M 2° プ ​2'. M+ m M + m Also, if P and Q be the two particles (fig. 80), G their centre of gravity, PN PN' x − x' X х PQ PG' r 1* and in the same way y - y' Y - Y and グ ​プ ​Now subtract equations (2) of Art. 264. from the equa- tions of motion of m in that Article respectively : MOTION OF TWO MATERIAL PARTICLES, &c. 241 ď² (x − x) dt m (x − x') 20:3 m³ Ꮳ X (M+m)² r³ d² (y − y) m³ y-y ď³ (≈ − 2) m³ Z and dt (M+m)² r³ 3 d t³ (M+m)² r³ 3 These are the equations of motion of M relatively to the centre of gravity of M and m, which as we have seen is at rest, or is moving uniformly in a straight line. They prove that the path about the centre of gravity is such as would be de- scribed about a force m³ (M + m) r 1 2 residing in that point. Hence the orbits of M and m relatively to the centre of gravity are conic sections, their nature and magnitude being determined by the circumstances of projection relatively to the centre of gravity of M and m. PROP. To compare the relative orbits of M and m about their centre of gravity. 267. Let v, v' be the absolute velocities of projection of M and m: aßy, a'B'y' the angles the directions of these velocities make with the axes. α V and 'the relative vels. of project. about centre of gravity, R and R' the initial distances from the centre of gravity, Sand & the relative angles of projection, a and a' the semi-axes major of the orbits, e and e' the eccentricities of the orbits, u and the absolute forces. μ Then by equations (1) (2) of Art. 252, and 1 1 − e²² a (1 ~ e²) a' ( 1 Also e²²) R m R' M' 2 μ V2R RV sin & 2 µ' - V²²R' R'V' sin d'u V2R2 sin du V'R' sin² d' and u м H H M3 اوه بر در در μ by Art. 266. 242 DYNAMICS. TWO PARTICLES. To find V, V', d, & we proceed as follows: The velocities of the centre of gravity parallel to the axes are at first and therefore during the motion respectively (Art. 264.) Mv cos a+mv'cos a Mv cos ẞ+mv' cos B' Mv cos y+mv' cos y' M+m M+m M+m Also the absolute velocities of projection of M parallel to the axes are v cos a, v cos ß, v cosy and therefore the rela- tive velocities of projection of M about the centre of gravity parallel to the axes are m (v cos a—v′ cos a') m (v cos ß-v' cos ẞ′) m (v cos y-v'cos y´) a-v' B') M+m M+m M+m Adding the squares of these, (Art. 210. Cor.) the square of the relative velocity of M about the centre of gravity (V²) = m² (M+m) ³ { (vcosa¬v'cos a')² + (v cosß-v'cos ß')² + (v cosy —v'cos y')?} = { m² (M + m)² (v² + v²² – 2vv′ cos 4), where A is the angle between the directions of projection of M and m: and therefore determined by the equation = cos a cos a' + cos ß cos ß' + cos y cos y'. cos A Similarly V¹² = M2 (M + m)² 12 (v² + v′² − 2vv′ cos A). Let the line joining M and m at the commencement of the motion be the axis of : then the cosine of the angle which the direction of V makes with the distance of projection (which coincides with the axis of x), or cos d, equals the relative velo- city parallel to the axis of a divided by the whole relative. velocity (V) = m v cos a M+ m v' cos a V MOTION OF TWO MATERIAL PARTICLES, &C. 243 M v' cos a' Similarly cos & s a' — v cos a M+ m V' 1 − e² Substituting these in the expression given above for we find 1 − e 1 - e² 12 1; .. e=e, 1 e or the orbits are similar to each other. 3 m² M³ a m Also a = M¹ α M¹ m³ 3 M' or the linear dimensions of the orbits of M and m are in the ratio of m to M. 268. COR. 1. It follows from this that the perturbation of the Sun by any planet is very small, because his mass is so much the greater of the two masses. In the same way it will be shewn that the combined effect of the heavenly bodies in moving the Sun is very slight; and therefore the error in Kepler's Laws, anticipated in Art. 261, owing to the supposed immobility of the Sun, is not very great. Thus far, then, we are confirmed in our hypothesis of Universal Gravitation. М 269. COR. 2. We have seen (Art. 257.) that if be the absolute force of a centre of which the law is that of the inverse square, and a the semi-axis major of the orbit described, the periodic time 3 πα Ωπα (T) = (Art. 265.) √ μ √ M M+ m M and m being the masses of the Sun and a planet. Let m' be the mass of another planet: and a' the semi-axis major of its orbit, T'its period ; .. T': Ωπα √ M + m² T2 a³ M + m' and .. T/2 a 13 M + m This shews that Kepler's Third Law would not be true even if we suppose that the planets do not attract each other, 244 DYNAMICS. TWO PARTICLES. unless their masses were equal to each other. however, from the truth is extremely small. The deviation, 270. The investigations in Arts. 252, 265, shew us that if our law of gravitation be true, the only orbits which a heavenly body will describe, supposed to be acted on only by the Sun, are an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola with the Sun's centre in the focus. The manner in which the magnitude and position of the orbit of a heavenly body is determined by actual observation will be found in Works on Plane Astronomy. We shall here briefly explain the process. There are six quantities which de- termine the position and magnitude of an elliptic or hyperbolic orbit, and the place of the body in its orbit: these are called the elements of the body's orbit, and are (1) the inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic, and (2) the longitude of the ascend- ing node, these determine the position of the plane of the orbit in space: next (3) the longitude of the perihelion, (or point of the orbit nearest the Sun), which determines the position of the orbit itself: then (4) the mean distance, and (5) eccentricity, which determine the magnitude of the orbit, and lastly (6) the epoch, or the time of the planet's being in the perihelion, this determines the position of the body itself in its orbit. The elements of a parabolic orbit are five in number, being the same as the above, if we replace the mean distance and eccentricity by the perihelion distance. The elements of a circular orbit are only four in number, the eccentricity and longitude of the perihelion not being required. In order to determine the numerical values of the elements of any heavenly body (supposed to move in a conic section with the Sun in the focus) two Trigonometrical equations* are deduced connecting the elements with the right ascension and * For a parabolic and circular orbit see Maddy's Plane Astronomy, Chap. XIV. Woodhouse's Plane Astronomy, Chap. XXIV. But for other orbits the reader may consult the Work of Lalande; Gauss's Theoria Motus Corporum Caelestium; the Mécanique Céleste, Vol. I.; Lagrange's Mec. Analytique; Pontécoulant's Théorie Anal. du Système du Monde, and Mr Lubbock's Mathematical Tracts and various Papers in the Transactions of the Philosophical and Astronomical Societies, ELEMENTS OF A PLANET'S OR COMET'S ORBIT. 245 declination of the body and the distance of the Earth from the Sun. Since there are five or six quantities to be determined three independent observations must be made on the declination and right ascension of the body: when these are substituted successively in the two equations mentioned above we shall have six equations involving the elements: by means of which we shall be able to calculate the magnitude and position of the orbit. 271. By methods of this nature Kepler discovered his three planetary Laws. Also Astronomers have in this way proved, that comets move in orbits most of which are parabolic, some elliptic, and others probably hyperbolic. In consequence of the vast dis- tances to which comets penetrate into space, they are invisible except when near the Sun. During their appearance numerous observations are made, in order that the elements may be de- termined with the greatest possible accuracy. The calculations for parabolic motion are less laborious than for elliptic or hyperbolic motion. The elements are therefore first calculated on the supposition that the orbit is a parabola. If the elements thus calculated shew that the comet has passed so near any of the planets as to have experienced a sensible per- turbation the elements must be corrected in a manner to be explained hereafter. If a parabola will not coincide with the orbit calculations. must be made for an ellipse or hyperbola. It is thus found that "three or four comets describe very long ellipses: and nearly all the others that have been observed are found to move in curves which cannot be distinguished from parabolas. There is reason to think that two or three comets move in hyper- bolas." (Airy's Gravitation, page 15.) 272. Our calculations have been hitherto respecting the nature of the orbits described. We now proceed to deduce formulæ for determining the time that the body occupies in moving through a given angle; and conversely the angle described in a given time: by the former we know the time of the body being at a given place, and by the latter we know the place of the body at a given time. 246 DYNAMICS. TWO PARTICLES. PROP. To find the time of motion of a planet or comet through any portion of an elliptic orbit, the Sun's centre being in the focus. 273. Let 0 and be the longitudes of the body and the perihelion, that is, the point of the orbit nearest the Sun: a the semi-axis major of the orbit: e the eccentricity: μ the sum of the masses of the Sun and the body (Art. 265): then the equation to the orbit is જે । 1 1 + e cos (0-0) a (1 − e²) dt 22 Also Art. 242. do h Now h must be determined in terms of the quantities above given, since the orbit to be described is known and not the original circumstances of projection. The following method, which we here apply to the ellipse, will answer our purpose in every case. By Art. 243, h = vp at every point of a central orbit; v being the velocity and p the perpendicular from the centre of force on the tangent at that point: also by Art. 245, the velocity is that due to one-fourth the chord of curvature through the centre of force; b²r 2 м dr ... v2 22 1 / 1 p : but p² dp from the focus; 2 a 7 dr лв :. h = vp 3 Vub µa (1 − e³). dp a Then the time of moving from the perihelion through the angle - ☎ = t = Ꮎ - d Ꮎ h a³ (1 e²) ? do {1 + e cos (8) − ∞)}% · d Ꮎ al(1-e) (1+e) cos³ ³½ (0) + (1 − e) sin² 1 (0–₪) } * vi − { − sec² 1(0 W d tan 1 (0 – w) d Ꮎ d Ꮎ 2a (10) | ((1 + e) + (1 − e) tan² 1 (0 – ☎)} TIME OF MOTION IN AN ELLIPTIC ORBIT. 247 To simplify this let :. t: tan 1 (0 – ☎) = 2 at (1-e²)* the αξ [" น 0 U 1+ 1 + e 1-e 1+e U tan (1); 1 - e 2 | R 427 d 1+e tan du du 1 e tan2 (1+e)² sec¹ W 10 2 - " {(1 − e) cos" " " + (1 + e) sin' " du az Ju ль αξ 0 2 (1 − e cos u) du (u – e sin u), let .. nt = u e sin u. 11 αξ 1 Ju ; N (2). When is given we calculate u by (1), and substituting in (2) we know t. The angle -, or the excess of the longitude of the body over the longitude of the perihelion, is called the true anomaly: and nt is called the mean anomaly, since it varies uniformly with the time and coincides with the true anomaly at the end of each revolution, as the formulæ (1) (2) shew. Also the angle u is called the eccentric anomaly, since it equals the angle QCA (fig. 81), as may easily be proved: P is the body, AP a the ellipse, S the focus, AQɑ a circle on Aɑ. COR. 1. If t be not measured from the epoch of passing the perihelion, but from the time when u u,, then t = = ał ✓ {(u — u,) − e (sin u — sin u)}. ль COR. 2. Whenever u increases by 2π, 0 increases by 2π, and t by πα Ju μ This, then, is the periodic time of the 248 DYNAMICS. TWO PARTICLES. --... planet: it is remarkable that it is independent of the eccen- tricity of the orbit. To solve the converse of this Proposition, that is, to find the position of a heavenly body in its elliptic orbit at any time. in terms of the time and the elements of the orbit, we must effect several expansions. PROP. To expand the true anomaly in terms of the eccentric anomaly. 274. By last Article tan Ө-чо 19 2 1+ e Ղ tan 1 e 10! Substituting the exponential expressions for the tangents, ¿(0–∞) √ — 1 — 1 U દ 1 1+ e 1 + 1-^(-A)3 +1 = m ૬૫ = m², M, +1 1 e in which is the base of Naperian logarithms. Eu •·.·• ε (0 - @) √=I__ (m +1) εu√−¹ — (m−1) _ (m+1)-(m-1) εu√=1 1-λε-κνι εu V=I m-1 1 − λ ε« √ = T › m+1 .. (0_w) √ −1 = u√-1+ log, (1-λe="√-1) — log, (1 −λ ε" √−T) (0−☎) = u √√√ = 1 + λ (ε× √ =¹ _ &- "VFT) + 10 12 =¹_ (ε2× √F1 — ε−2u √FI) + 212 213 @ = u + 2 λ sin u + sin 2u + sin 3u + 10 Co √1+ e −√1 − e 1 - √ 1 − e² in which 1+e+ √1 e PROP. To expand the eccentric anomaly in terms of the mean anomaly. 275. By Art. 273, u = nt + e sin u. Hence by Lagrange's Theorem, putting nt = x, THE PLACE OF A BODY IN AN ELLIPTIC ORBIT. 249 e² d sin²z e³ d² sin³ x u = x + e sin x + + + 1.2 dz 1.2.3 dx2 z z 1 =≈ + e sin ≈ + ½ e² sin 2x + e³ (2 sin ≈ − 3 sin³ ≈) + ... 3 = nt + e sin nt + ½ e² sin 2nt + 1 e³ (3 sin 3nt – sin nt) + PROP. To expand sin u, sin 2u, terms of the mean anomaly. 276. By Lagrange's Theorem, sin u = sin z + e sin g + d sin z e² d dz 1.2 dz d sin x sin² x + dz sin³ ≈) + .. = sin ≈ + e sin x cos x + e² (2 cos² ≈ sin ≈ z sin ≈ + e sin 2≈ + e² (2 sin 3x - sin x) + sin nt + 1 e sin 2nt + } e² (3 sin 3 nt − sin nt) + d sin 2x Again, sin 2u sin 2x + e sin z + dz sin 2nt + 2e sin nt cos 2nt + sin 2nt + e (sin 3nt - sin nt) + and so on. sin 3u = sin 3nt + PROP. To expand the true anomaly in terms of the mean anomaly. 277. By Art. 274 we have 212 2λ3 - w = u + 2λ sin u + sin 2u + sin 3u+ 2 3 I - √1 - e² e where e 0122 + ´%s | 8 Then substituting for u, sin u, sin 2u... the values ob- tained in the last two Articles, and retaining powers of e as far as the cube, I I 250 DYNAMICS. TWO PARTICLES. 0-w=nt + e sin nt + e sin 2nt + e³ (3 sin 3nt - sin nt) + ... +2λ{sinnt + e sin 2nt+e² (3 sin 3nt-sin nt) + ...} 2 +λ² {sin 2nt + e (sin 3nt - sin nt) + 3 + & λ³ sin 3nt + } = nt + 2e + (2e + 212) 5 e² 13e³ sin nt + sin 2nt + sin 3nt + ... 4 12 4 which is true as far as terms involving e³. 278. COR. If the time t be not measured from the time of perihelion passage, suppose e is the mean longitude of the body when t = 0; then the mean longitude at the time t is nt+e; and the mean anomaly is nt + e-☎: in this case, then, O - w = nt + € 5 e² + 4 e is called the epoch. € + a (ze (26 + ) 2e+ 4 sin (nt +ew) sin 2 (nt + e − ☎) + ... PROP. To expand the radius vector r in terms of the mean anomaly. 279. The radius vector a (1-e²) a (1-e²) 2= 1+e cos (0−∞) (1+e) cos² 1 (0–₪) + (1−e) sin² 1 (0–∞) a (1 − e²) sec² 12 (0–☎o) 1+ e ― U 2 2 2 1-24 1+e+(1-e) tan (0-w) a (1 − e) { 1 + 1 = tan" } 2 + 2} a {(1-e) cos' " + (1+e) sin² 2 2 (1 + e) sec² But unt+ e sin u; putting nt = x, e И = a (1-e cos u). d cos z e² d cos u = cos z + e sin x + sin² d cos x X + . dz 1.2 dz dz e2 e² = 1 + e cos nt cos 2nt ૭ 2 Q? 2 2° a = cos ≈ − 1 e (1 e (1 - cos 2≈) - e² (3 cos ≈ - 3 cos 3 ≈) + ... — 3 e³ (cos 3nt - cos nt) + ... 8 THE PLACE OF A BODY IN A PARABOLIC ORBIT. 251 280. COR. If t be measured as in Art. 278, then r=a { 1 + 1 e² · e cos (nt + ε-w) – ½ e² cos 2 (nt + E @) — ....}. The time of describing a given portion of an elliptic hyper- bolic or parabolic orbit may be found in terms of the radius vectors at the extremities of the arc and the chord of the arc. These expressions are useful in determining the elements of a heavenly body. They will be found in Maddy's Plane Astronomy, Chapter XIII. New Edition: and in the Système du Monde of M. Pontécoulant, Tom. I. Liv. 11. Chap. v. PROP. To find the time of describing a given portion of a parabolic orbit about the Sun in the focus. 281. We have r² d Ꮎ dt =h: h=√2μD, and r= Ꭰ cos² 1 (0-w) is the equation to the parabola, and being the longitude of the comet and of its perihelion measured from the Sun, and D the perihelion distance; D Ꮎ d Ꮎ .. t √2μ @ cost H - wo 2 2D2 3 d tan (0) dᎾ {1 + tan² (0-w) } do = √√√² D³ {tan } (0 − ∞) + } tan³‍½ (0 – w)}, " – t being measured from the time of the perihelion passage. By this equation it is easy to calculate the time of de- scribing a given angle. PROP. To find the position of the comet in a parabolic orbit at a given time. 282. This would require the solution of the cubic equation in the last Article. This is, however, obviated in the following manner. Let V " N; 2 D3 ..nt tan (0 ≈) + ¦ tan³ ! (0) — ☎). = ½½ − }} 252 DYNAMICS. TWO PARTICLES. @ A Table is formed consisting of two columns: one with values of t and the other with the corresponding values of - calcu- lated from this formula for an orbit in which n = 1. Suppose, then, that we wish to find the position of a comet in a given parabolic orbit (the mean motion in which is n) at a given time t. We must multiply t by n and look for the value of w opposite the value of nt in the first column. This gives the position of the comet. PROP. To find the place of a comet at a given time in a very eccentric elliptic orbit. dt a³ (1 − e²)³ 1 283. By Art. 273. d Ꮎ μ { 1 + e cos (0 − ∞) } * 2 Let D be the perihelion distance; .. Da (1 − e); dt D$ (1 + e) } do D³ sec¹ 1 (0 – ₪) 2 { (1 + e) + (1 − e) tan² 1 (0 – ∞)} 2 √ μ (1 + e) 1 - e sec¹ 1 (0 − w) { 1 + 1 + e tan" 1 (0 – ) } ~*. Expanding in powers of 1e, and neglecting powers of 1-e higher than the first, because e = 1 nearly; ... nt = (1- Ꮎ 1 2 2 ро |_ sec' 1 (0–π) { 1 − (1 − e) tan² 1 (0–₪) } dł d tan 1 (0 – ₪) = ['d tan dᎾ {1 + tan² 1 (0 - w) tan³ 1 (0 – ₪) – tan' ½ (0 – ☎)]} d0 ; + (1 − e) [4 - 3 tan" 1 (0 – ) [¦ ... nt = tan 1 (0 w) + }} tan" 1 (0 – ∞) + (1 − e) { ¦ tan ↓ (0 – ≈) - | tan" 1 (0 – ) - ' tan' ½) (0 - w)}{ }; 5 The following is a convenient method for calculating the value of - w for a given value of t. PLACE OF A COMET IN A VERY ECCENTRIC ORBIT. 253 Suppose is the true anomaly of a comet at the time. t moving in a parabolic orbit of which D is the perihelion dis- tance; then by Art. 282. nt - tan ½-½ (0′ – w) + }} tan³ 1½ (0′ – w). Let 0 - w=0'-☎ +x: then putting this for – w in the first expression for nt, and neglecting the squares and products of a and e, we have by Taylor's Theorem nt = tan 1 (0' − ∞) + 1 tan³ 1 (0'— ∞) + 2018 - sec¹ 2 10 + 1 4 e 4 - w) . tan (0') {1 – tan² 1 (0′ – ∞) tan¹ 1 (0' — w)}, and eliminating nt from these last two equations X = 1 (1–e) tan 11 (0′ – w) { 4–3 cos² 1 (0′ —₪) — 6 cos³ 1 (0′ —@)}· A third column must now be added to the Table men- tioned in Art. 282. consisting of values of responding values of t and e-w. the manner of using it is as follows. X 1 е for the cor- When this is constructed Suppose u 2 D = n in our orbit then in the first column look for the time nt; and X take the corresponding values of ✪ – w and : multiply the 1 e latter by 1e, which will depend upon the form of the orbit, and then the true anomaly at the time t will be this quantity added to the value of 8 - thus found. CHAPTER IV. EXPLANATION OF THE LUNAR PERTURBATIONS. 284. In the last Chapter we have calculated completely the motion of two bodies, considered as particles, attracting each other according to the assumed law of gravitation. When the various formulæ there obtained are applied to calculate the motion of the planets about the Sun, and for that purpose are reduced to tables, they manifest an agreement with observation so far complete as to leave no doubt of the correctness of the principles, which form the basis of the calculation; provided that observations be made at times separated by moderately long intervals. If, however, we proceed to a more rigorous nicety, and especially if we compare together observations which embrace a very long series of years, it is found that the ment is not so perfect. Minute irregularities are detected, and the planets are found sometimes a little in advance, sometimes a little falling short, sometimes a little above or below, to the right or left, of their places, calculated on the theory of elliptic motion. agree- Now this is exactly what was to be anticipated. For if the principle of gravitation be universal the heavenly bodies. disturb each other in their motion about the Sun, and so de- range the elliptic form of the orbits and the equable description of areas by the radius vector. 285. It is our object in Chapters V and VI to deduce formulæ by which the mutual perturbations of the heavenly bodies may be calculated. be calculated. The equations of motion for three or more particles attracting each other according to the law of gravitation have never yet been integrated. In fact, their in- tegrals depend upon the integration of a function analogous PERTURBATIONS OF ELLIPTIC MOTION. 255 to the function V in Art. 169. See note to Art. 323. We must therefore have recourse to methods of approximation. 286. The peculiar configuration of the Solar System renders this approximation practicable, though under most other arrangements it would not be so; the bodies of our system are arranged either singly as the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars, or in groups as the Earth and the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Herschel each with their Satellites, the central masses of the groups being much greater than that of the attending bodies: likewise the single bodies and the groups are always at considerable distances from each other, and de- scribe orbits about the Sun very nearly circular and in planes nearly coinciding. There is, however, an exception in the case of the four asteroids Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Juno, the orbits of these being not very far different from each other in magnitude; but their masses are so small that in this way a compensation takes place. The mass of the Sun is of enor- mous magnitude in comparison with that of the other bodies since, as we have remarked in Art. 284, the calculations made on the supposition that the Sun is the only attracting body nearly coincide with observation. Again the mass of the Earth is large when compared with that of the Moon; because the Earth moves about the Sun and the Moon about the Earth, nearly as if the Moon did not disturb the Earth's elliptic motion about the Sun, and as if the Sun did not disturb the Moon's elliptic motion about the Earth. In the same way we argue that the mass of Jupiter is much larger than that of his satel- lites by observing that Kepler's Laws are nearly verified, and so of the other bodies. ; It is in consequence of this peculiar configuration of the Solar System that we are able to approximate to the solutions. of our equations of motion by converging series. 287. In the present Chapter we intend to explain the nature of the perturbations of the Moon's motion about the Earth by the attraction of the Sun. We shall introduce a few calculations as interpretations of Newton's geometry into ana- lytical language (Principia Book I. Prop. 66. and Book III); but shall reserve for the next Chapter the solution of the problem by systematic approximation. 256 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. We shall first explain a principle of great importance in calculating the combined effect of several small perturbing causes, which we shall find important throughout this and the two following Chapters. PROP. To explain the principle of the superposition of small motions. 288. Let xyz be the co-ordinates of a body at the time t when undisturbed by any other body: a a very small nume- rical quantity which depends upon the disturbing force, of which the square and higher powers may therefore be always neglected. x + ax', y + ay', ≈ + a' the co-ordinates of the body at time t when disturbed by the body (m') only. x + ax", y + ay", ≈+az" the co-ordinates of the body at time t when disturbed by the body (m") only, and so on. Now suppose the planets m', m", ... the planets m', m”, ... all to disturb together. In this case the alterations in x, y, z arising from the several planets will not be the same as before; but they will themselves suffer perturbations, since the action of each planet is now modified by that of all the others. Thus the value of a will not become x + a (x' + x' + ...) : for each of the terms after the first will be modified, but since this modification arises from the disturbing forces, it follows, that the quantities to be added will be multiplied by a, a,... and may therefore be neglected and, under this restriction, the co-ordinates of the body subjected to the combined perturba- tions of all the others will be a x + ɑ (x' + x' + ..), Y + a (y' + y'' + ·), ≈ + a (x² + x″ + ..), at the time t. Hence the perturbation in any quantities (x, y, x) = (u) which depends upon the co-ordinates of the planet will HISTORY OF LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 257 du du a (x′ + x″ x" Ꮖ + ......) + a (y' + y' + ......) dx dy du + a (z′ + z″+ ......). dz du du du And this = ax + ay + a v dx dy dz du du du + ax" + ay" + a=" dx dy dz + But this latter form shews that the perturbation in p (x, y, ≈) is equal to the sum of the separate perturbations of each planet supposing the others not to exist. Hence the Principle we enunciated is true. Its great use in our calculations is this, that it reduces the problem from one of several bodies to that of only three bodies. Hence the famous Problem of Three Bodies. By ob- 289. At an early period it was observed that the apparent motion of the Sun and Moon round the Earth was not uniform. This had been remarked by the Greek Astronomers. serving the motion of the shadow of the gnomon they discovered a considerable difference in the intervals of time between the equinoxes and the solstices. Hipparchus was the first who endeavoured to explain this: he supposed the orbits of the Sun and Moon described about the Earth to be eccentric circles, or circles of which the centres do not coincide with that of the Earth. 290. After a lapse of three centuries Ptolemy discovered that there was an error in the Moon's place in the heavens, which could not be accounted for on the hypothesis of Hip- parchus and he shewed that the magnitude of the error de- pended upon the position of the line of apsides, or axis major of the lunar orbit. This inequality was called the Evection of the Moon: we shall hereafter explain from what cause it arises 291. The next remarkable inequality of the Moon's motion was discovered by Tycho Brahe in the sixteenth century. This was proved to depend upon the angular distance of the Sun and Moon: and was greatest when the K K 258 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. 1 Moon was about 45° or 135° from the Sun. In this respect this inequality, which was called the Variation, differed from the Evection, which Ptolemy found to be greatest when the Moon was ninety degrees from the Sun. 292. Tycho Brahe was the discoverer of one more in- equality, which was called the Annual Equation, since it depends on the distance of the Sun from the Earth, and therefore goes through its changes in a year. Not many years after these discoveries of Tycho Brahe, Kepler published to the world his Three Laws, which he had calculated with almost incredible labour and perseverance. Theory has led to the discovery of many other inequalities in the Moon's motion, but the above have been specified for their historical interest and because they are more sensible than the others. 293. All these, however, were merely bare facts, the re- sults of continued and indefatigable observations and calcu- lations. No common law appeared to connect them, no one cause was known of which they were necessary consequences. It was the glory of Newton, that he unravelled the mystery and demonstrated that these were all results of a universal principle with which matter is endowed by the Creator of the World. Kepler and other Astronomers had conceived the notion of a universal gravitating principle: but it needed the master genius of Newton to demonstrate its existence. We now proceed to explain the causes of these perturbations. PROP. To calculate the disturbing forces of the Sun on the Moon. 294. The disturbing forces are the differences of the forces of the Sun on the Moon and Earth. Let E, M, S represent the masses of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. The law of force we assume to be that of the inverse square of the distance between the centres of the bodies. We shall consider the orbits of the Sun and Moon about the Earth nearly circu- lar, since this is proved to be the case by observation*. * The slight variations in the apparent magnitudes of the Sun and Moon con- vince us of this. CALCULATION OF THE DISTURBING FORCES. 259 Let be the distance between M and E (fig. 82), * Y S and E, S and M, w the angle SEM, measured in the direction in which the hands of a watch move. We must consider the motion of M about E as if E were fixed in order that we may discover the apparent perturbations : S but the accelerating forces acting on E are and in the M go directions EM and ES respectively and in order that the relative motion may not be affected by supposing E fixed we must apply forces equal to these upon each body of the system in an opposite direction: the second law of motion shews the legitimacy of this process. Hence the forces acting on M, E being considered fixed, are M+ E ж 2.2 S y² S in the direction ME, MS, MK, MK being parallel to SE. Then, resolving the second of these in the directions ME and ML (Art. 18), and combining the resolved parts of this with the other forces, the disturbing forces of S on M are Sr S'r' S in the direction ME, and in the direction ML. y³ y³ '2 グ ​Again resolve these in the directions ME and perpen- dicular to this line: then the whole forces which act upon M about E at rest, are M+ E + Sr S 23 ド ​2 y³ 1) W cos o in the direction ME, S 12 y³ 1) sin w in the direction perpendicular to ME, (-1) pl2 \ y³ and acting towards the nearest syzygy. 260 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. The Moon is said to be in syzygy when it is new or full; and in quadrature when ninety degrees from syzygy. The first of the above forces deprived of its first term is called the central disturbing force: and the second is called the tangential disturbing force. 295. We proceed to obtain approximate expressions for these. Since the orbit of the Moon is nearly circular; and γ 1 since is a very small fraction, being about equal to we shall neglect its square and higher powers. 12 By the figure, y² = p²² + p¹² − 2r′r cos w; 400 20'3 13 2 r y³ (1 - 237) 31 cos w) − = 1 + cos w; ... central dist. force Sr 3 Sr Sr 2013 cos2 W 2'3 r 23(1+3 cos 2w) tangential dist. force = 3 Sr 3 Sr 2013 sin w cos w = 27'3 sin 2 w. In order still further to simplify these expressions; let ƒ be the mean force of E upon M, E being supposed fixed: m the ratio of the periodic times of the Moon and Sun about the Earth (m=nearly): a and a' the mean distances of the Moon and Sun from the Earth: therefore by Art. 273. Cor. 2, m² = 4 π² a³ Π M+ E M+ E a² S a³ M+ Ea's nearly; 4 π² a S+E 2 13 S'r 13 J' =f: and /3 m²ƒ 13 a m² 13 2° f /3 (1 + 3 cos 2 w), 2 J a .. central disturbing force a 3m² 13 α tangential disturbing force = f 21 13 2 α sin 2 w. CALCULATION OF THE DISTURBING FORCES. 261 296. If we suppose the orbit of the Earth about the Sun and the undisturbed orbit of the Moon about the Earth to be circular, then r' = a' and r = a; and central disturbing force = - 1 m² ƒ (1 + 3 cos 2 w), = tangential disturbing force 3m² f sin 2w. 297. The central disturbing force vanishes when W = 1 1 cos¯¹ (− 1) = 55º, 125º, 235º, 305º nearly. The points in the Moon's orbit determined by these angles are called Octants. The central disturbing force is said to be addititious at points between those octants between which the quadratures lie, because at those points the above expression for the force is positive and consequently adds to the force of M to E. For a like reason the central disturbing force is said to be ablatitious between those octants between which the syzygies lie. 298. We proceed to examine the effects which the dis- turbing forces have upon the form and position of the Moon's orbit. We shall neglect quantities which depend upon the square and higher powers of the disturbing force. Whenever the undisturbed orbit is supposed to be nearly circular we may dr² d 0²' neglect all such terms as Thus dr² | 2 + d 0° ༡༧ radius of curvature dr² d² r 22² + 2 "' d 02 Also (velocity)² = (ds)* Again central force = huu+ h² d Ꮎ + t d t ( ď u d 02 d t I' 2 - dr d02 by Art. 246. do 2 dt • d02 2 dre 1 d²r h² I d²r || + 23 do q²² do s p² d Ꮎ do 262 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. ༡༠ 2 d²r (d)(-1) by Art. 242. dt (vel.)² rad. of curvature We have introduced these expressions since we shall find them useful hereafter. PROP. To find the effect of the Sun's disturbing forces on the periodic time of the Moon. • 299. Since the tangential force passes through all its degrees of magnitude positive and negative during half a revo- lution of the Moon, it will compensate during one quarter of the revolution for any loss or gain that the angular velocity of the Moon may have experienced in the preceding quarter. In fact the mean* tangential force equals zero. For this reason the tangential force has no effect on the periodic time. For the same reason we neglect the periodic term of the central force. The mean central force = f(1-m²). 2 Since this is less than f, it follows that the mean distance is increased by the disturbing forces. The absolute force = fa² (1 m² ; 2 π al .. the periodic time nearly, (Art. 273. Cor. 2.) abs. force m² 2π 1 + nearly. 4 a f This is greater than if there were no disturbing force (or m = 0); especially when we remember that a is greater than in the undisturbed orbit. * By the mean value of a function of a variable angle we mean, the part of the function which is independent of periodical terms which pass through all their changes positive and negative as is increased by certain equal increments. Thus a is the mean value of a + b sinn 0. PERTURBATION IN PERIODIC TIME. 263 Hence the periodic time is increased by the disturbing force. (Principia, Lib. I. Prop. LXVI. Cor. 6.) 300. COR. 1. If we suppose the Earth's orbit about the Sun not circular, then by Art. 295, the mean central force m² a 13 and the length of the month = 2π 314 f m² a 13 1 + 13 4 Hence the months are longest when the Earth is in peri- helion, and shortest when in aphelion. This accounts for the Winter Months at this epoch being longer than the Summer Months. 301. COR. 2. The mean velocity (V) of the Moon af (1- 2 па per. time a a 4 m² ) = √ at (1 m² 2 4 PROP. To find the effect of the Sun's disturbing force on the velocity of the Moon, supposing the undisturbed orbit of the Moon to be circular. 302. Since the angle w is referred to a line moveable in space we must adopt another means of measuring the position of the Moon. Let be the longitude of the Moon at the time. t: then me is the longitude of the Sun, supposing that is measured from the time when the Sun and Moon were in Aries together; and supposing the orbits nearly circular: and there- fore w = (1 − m) 0: tangential disturbing force = 3 m* f sin 2 (1 − m) 0, and this is the only disturbing force which directly affects the velocity. We shall see in Art. 305, that the velocity is affected indirectly by the central disturbing force. Now the space described by the Moon in the time t is a9; and the tangential force is the only force which acts in the line of the Moon's motion : 264 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. d Ꮎ 3m² a fsin 2 (1 m) 0, dt² 2 the negative sign being taken because the tangential force acts always towards the nearest syzygy, Art. 294, and consequently tends to diminish when the Moon is in the first and third quadrants, through which angles sin 2 (1 − m)◊ is positive, and to increase in the second and fourth quadrants, through which angles sin 2 (1 m) is negative. ᏧᎾ Multiplying by 2a- dt and integrating d02 3 m² dt vº or a² = const. + Let V be the mean velocity; then fa cos 2 (1 m) 0. 2 (1 − m) 3m² v² = V² + fa cos 2 (1 - m) 0 2 (1 − m) 3m² { V² { 1 + 2 (1 − m) cos 2 (1 m) 0} neg. m', since V² = ƒa (1 − 1 m²) by Art. 301. The effect, then, of the disturbing force is to increase the velocity above what it would be in the circular orbit, when the Moon is not more than 45° from syzygy; and in other positions to diminish it. This follows directly from the fact proved in Art. 294, that the tangential force always acts towards the nearest syzygy. The velocity is greatest in syzygies and 3m² = V1+ 4 (1 m) 3m² 4 (1 − m least in quadratures and V1 - (Principia, Lib. I. Prop. LXVI. Cors. 2, 3.) PROP. To find the effect of the Sun's disturbing force on the form of the Moon's orbit; supposing the undisturbed orbit to be circular. PERTURBATION IN THE FORM OF THE CIRCULAR ORBIT. 265 303. The curvature at any point of the orbit is measured by the reciprocal of the radius of curvature: hence, by Art. 298, central force the curvature equals (velocity)2 m² Now the central force = f- ·ƒ (1 + 3 cos 2 w), Art. 296, also (velocity) = V² {1+ cos2w}, Art. 302. √at (1 m² 1 V = mean vel. = √ af .. curvature = f { 1 3m² {1 a 10 3m² 2 (1 − m) 4 m² - 3m² (1. 2 1 + I 1 M by Art. 301; + 1 1 m ) cos 2 w}. cos 2 w} This is greatest in quadrature, when w= 90° and 270°; and is least in syzygy, when w = 0 and 180º. This shews that the orbit will assume an oval form with respect to the Sun, having its minor axis in syzygy, (Principia, Lib. I. Prop. LXVI. Cor. 4). Its form in space will be an irre- gular curve, nearly circular, but not re-entering. Also the expression for the curvature shews that the equation to the orbit is ra (1 x cos 2w), the major and minor axes being 2a (1+a) and 2a (1-x). PROP. To find the ratio of the axes of the oval orbit. 304. The equation to the orbit is r = a (1 a cos 2w); but since w is measured from a moveable line we must put W = (1 m) as in Art. 302; .. r = a {1 {1-a cos 2 (1 m) 0} ; − a 1 1 d²r .. curvature by Art. 298. I' 2² do 1 + æ [1 − 4 (1 − m)°] cos 2 (1 − m) 0 } L L 266 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. S Equating this to the expression found in the last Article, 1 a { 1 + x [1 − 4 (1 − m)²] cos 2 (1 − m) 0} 1 3m² 1 2 (14 + 1 1 m cos 2 (1 − m) 0}; 1 1 + 3m² .. x = X 2 1 m 4 (1 − m)² – 1 1 1 If we put m = X 9 nearly; 13.3 139 1 + x 70 .'. 9. 1 - X 69 the ratio in the Principia Lib. III. Prop. xxvIII. This is the ratio of the axes of the oval orbit which moves round with the Sun while the Moon moves in it. In Art. 302, we found the effect of the tangential disturbing force on the velocity of the Moon; and we have just shewn that the tangential and central disturbing forces draw the orbit of the Moon into an oval figure with respect to the Sun. We proceed, then, to calculate the velocity of the Moon when both disturbing forces are considered. PROP. To find the velocity of the Moon in the oval orbit. 305. In Art. 302, we found the effect of the tangential force on the velocity: but the velocity will be affected by the change in form of the orbit: and thus we see the indirect effect of the central disturbing force upon the velocity. Let v be the velocity of the Moon at any distance, VI the mean distance, then v² d 02 2.3 dr² dt, neglecting dt which depends on the square of the disturbing force: Art. 298. VELOCITY IN THE OVAL ORBIT. 267 MOON'S VARIATION. v2 ᏧᎾ do ? h2 202 h2 dt احلام V, 2 2 α a² شوح V 1 By substituting for a² 2.2 we shall correct v2 for the oval form of 1 2 the orbit: and by substituting for v² we shall correct for the change in velocity in the circular orbit: and in this way the complete velocity in the oval orbit is found. a² 2,2 v₁² = V ² 1 + 2x cos 2 (1 − m) 0, 3 m² 2 (1 − m) 1 + • v²= V² {1 + (2x + (2x cos 2 (1 - m) 0}. See Art. 302; cos 2 (1 m) 0}. 3m² 2 (1 − m) 306. Let 80 be the error in longitude owing to this change in the velocity: then V_d (0 + SO) dt d Ꮎ dt a d.So v a }} nearly; ?' 1 {1 + (x + 60 d Ꮎ 3m² 4 (1-m.) 2x cos 2 (1−m) 0} {1+æ cos 2 (1−m) 0 } − 1 3m² -(2.8 + + 1)) x 4 (1 m) + 3m" cos 2 (1 − m) 0 ; sin 2 (1 − m) 0. 1 M 8 (1 − m)² This error in longitude is greatest (disregarding its sign) when the Moon is 45° or 135° from the Sun on either side of syzygy: and therefore explains the cause of the error in the Moon's 268 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. place discovered by Tycho Brahe, and called the Variation (Art. 291). 1 1 If we put x and m² 139 179 Variation = m² (1 + 3) (1. sin 2 (1 − m) 0 nearly 11m² 8 8 sin 2 (1 − m) 0, which accords with the rigorous approximation of the second order in the next Chapter, Art. 341. We shall now suppose the undisturbed orbit of the Moon to be an ellipse of very small eccentricity; the Earth's centre being in the focus. Our calculations will receive a remarkable degree of sim- plification by considering the perturbations of the Moon to affect, not the Moon itself directly, but the elements of its orbit, and so the Moon indirectly. The legitimacy of this hy- pothesis will appear from the following Proposition. PROP. To prove that the motion of the Moon may bẻ represented by supposing it to move in an ellipse, the elements of which are continually changing. 307. We have to shew that at every instant an ellipse can be drawn with one of its foci in the Earth's centre; its circum- ference passing through the Moon's centre; its tangent at the Moon in the direction of the Moon's motion at that instant ; and the velocity in this ellipse calculated according to the prin- ciples of elliptic motion (see Art. 252.) equal to the velocity of the Moon at that time. If an ellipse can be found which satisfies these conditions it is clear that we may suppose the Moon to be moving in its circumference at the proposed instant: and the perturbations. of the Moon's motion will be found by calculating the change in the elements of this instantaneous orbit, as it is termed. Two of the elements, viz. the inclination and longitude of the node, are fixed by the condition that the plane of the } 269 INSTANTANEOUS ELLIPTIC ORBIT. ellipse must pass through the direction of the Moon's motion and the centre of the Earth. α Let 1 + e cos (0 − ∞) 7° 1 be the equation to the required ellipse, neglecting powers of e higher than the first: also let r₁0, be the co-ordinates to the Moon in the plane of its orbit at the instant under consideration; v its velocity; the angle between the radius vector of the Moon and the direction of her motion; then the above con- ditions give a == 1 + e cos (01 − w), d Ꮎ can 4 = ( r 14 = ) -/- 1 e dr v² = 2 (E + M) − cosec (0₁ - ), 1 2 a From these three equations a, e, w may be found. The sixth element, the epoch, determines the position of the Moon in the instantaneous ellipse. Hence an ellipse can always be drawn as described in the enunciation. 308. We shall proceed to explain the nature of the alter- ations in the elements. Since these variations during a revo- lution of the Moon are small we shall, in accordance with the Principle proved in Art. 288, consider the variation of each element supposing all the others to remain invariable; and then add their effects together. At any proposed instant the equation to the orbit is a = 1 7° 1 + e cos (8 − ∞), where a, e, ☎ have values depending upon the proposed instant. Hence also if v be the velocity 1 " = 2 ਵਜੇ が​=2μ 270 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. ль {1 + 2e cos (0 - @)} α = fa{1 + 2e cos (0 - )}, since W u a² · f. We shall use the symbol & to indicate differentiation, not with respect to the motion of the Moon, but with respect to the geometric deviations of the actual orbit of the Moon from the undisturbed orbit. Thus, if we wish to ascertain the change in the eccentricity in consequence of a change dv in the velocity, we have by differentiating the above equation vdv = fa cos (0 – ₪) de, which gives de in terms of dv: and so of other perturbations. If we wish to ascertain the change in eccentricity arising from a change of in the force f, we have the equation 0 = df (1 + e cos (0 - w) + ƒde cos (9 – ☎), which gives de in terms of df. We repeat the remark, that the direct tendency of the tan- gential disturbing force is to change the velocity but the central disturbing force has not this direct effect. Therefore when we consider the effect of the central force on the elements ɑ, e, w, we must take the variation of the equation v² = fa {1 + 2e cos (0 – w)} considering v constant: and when we consider the effect of the tangential force we must take the variation considering f constant. We shall first find the effect of the disturbing forces on the position of the line of apsides. An apse is a point in a polar orbit where the radius vector is perpendicular to the tangent. PROP. To find the effect of the mean central disturbing force upon the position of the line of apsides. 309. The mean central force f ド ​m² f- ƒ², Art. 295. 2 a EFFECT OF MEAN CENTRAL FORCE ON LINE OF APSIDES. 271 We shall find it most convenient, in this case, to use the equa- P h²u² proved in Art. 246, for central orbits. tion d² u d 02 + 2 = af − 1 m²) ; 1m²); m² 1 2a± u³ In this case h = a V = a √ aƒ (1 Now u — 1 d² u d02 + U = - 1 a α · ( 1 + 1 m² ) - varies as the eccentricity of the orbit; and therefore we neglect its square ; 1 = = { + ( ~ - }) } a 1 α 1 = a³ - 3 a¹ ? u³ dᵒu +21 + 24 = d02 l (1 m² 3m² 1 1 + + > 2 a a du 3m² a + (au − 1) = 0, do² 2 the integral of this is a au or = 1 + e cos - グ ​(1- sm²) (→ − a). - + e and a being arbitrary constants. This is the equation to the path of the Moon, supposing the mean central disturbing force to be the only disturbing force. If the coefficient of a were unity it would be an ellipse. The following is the geometrical construction for the orbit. - Let A'M'E be the ellipse supposing the coefficient of 0 were unity (fig. 83). When 0 − a = 0 the values of in the real curve and the ellipse are the same. Let, then, A'M be the real path of the Moon. Take the angle A'EM = 0 a: and the angle A'EM' = (1-3m²) angle A'EM: and let EM' cut the ellipse in M'. a − Then = 1 + e cos A'EM' by the equation to the ellipse EM = 1 + e cos い ​Sm² 1 (a) by construction 4 272 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. α EM by equation to Moon's path; .. EM' = EM. Draw EA so that angle MEA = angle M'EA': and make EA = EA': we may then draw an ellipse about E as focus and through A and M exactly equal to A'M'E. The motion of the Moon may therefore be geometrically represented by supposing it to move in an ellipse, the ellipse itself revolving in its own plane about the focus with an an- dA'EA 3m² do gular velocity or which is to the angular 4 dt dt velocity of the Moon as m² 1 in the direction of the Moon's motion. 3 4 Hence the tendency of the mean central disturbing force is to make the line of apsides progress. 310. Observation shews that the above result is only half the amount of the progression. The reason will be explained in the next Chapter. We cannot extend the approximation without introducing the tangential force, and therefore refer the reader to the Luner theory in the next Chapter, where the whole Problem is accurately solved to a second approximation. All that we shall here attempt is an explanation of the tendency of the disturbing forces in altering the motion of the Moon in her eccentric orbit. PROP. To explain the effect of the tangential disturbing force of the Sun on the line of apsides. 311. Let the equation to the ellipse in which the Moon is moving at any instant be ጎ a = 1 + e cos (0) neglecting e² Then by the principles of elliptic motion, 1 0² = 2μ {-2}) = = {1 + 2e cos (0 – ☎)}. a α But the tangential force is continually causing v to differ from what it would be in terms of on the supposition of elliptic EFFECT OF TANGENTIAL FORCE ON LINE OF APSIDES. 273 still motion. But, as we have shewn in Art. 307, we may sup- pose the velocity to be the same as in the ellipse by altering ☎, the longitude of the line of apsides, in such a way as to make a compensation. By taking the variation of the above expres- sion for v² in terms of w, we have аби avdvue sin (0 = µe sin (0 – ₪) dw; ...бо = a v δυ ue sin (0 – ₪) - Now the effect of the tangential force is to diminish the velocity of the Moon as it is moving from syzygy to quadrature, and to increase the velocity as the Moon is moving from quadrature to syzygy; see Art. 302. Hence dv is negative as the Moon moves from syzygy to quadrature, and positive from quadrature to syzygy. Also sin (9) is positive or negative according as the Moon is moving from perigee to apogee, or from apogee to perigee. Now the motion of the line of apsides during a revolution of the Moon is very small, since the disturbing forces are small. We may therefore suppose, in examining the effect that the particular position of the line of apsides with respect to syzygies and quadratures has upon their motion, that they remain sta- tionary during a revolution of the Moon: otherwise we shall be introducing quantities which depend upon the square of the disturbing force, quantities which we have purposed to neglect. We shall consider the two cases when the line of apsides is in syzygies, and in quadratures: and then take the average effect. I. Suppose the line of apsides is in syzygies: fig. 84. Then as the Moon moves from quadrature to quadrature through perigee, (that is, through the arc qYQ), dv and sin (0) are of different signs and therefore do is negative, or the line of apsides is regressing: but as the Moon moves from quadrature to quadrature through apogee, (that is, through the arc Qyq) Sv and sin (0 – ₪) have the same sign and there- fore d is positive, or the line of apsides is progressing. Now the time of moving from quadrature to quadrature through apogee is greater than that of moving through perigee, Art. 242. M M ! 274 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. Also the alteration in velocity by the tangential force is greater in the latter case than in the former. Hence, when the line of apsides is in syzygies, it progresses on the whole during one revolution of the Moon. II. Suppose the line of apsides is in quadratures: fig. 85. Then as the Moon is moving from syzygy to syzygy through apogee, (that is, through the arc yqY) dw is negative, or the line of apsides is regressing, and as the Moon is moving from syzygy to syzygy through perigee d is positive, or the line of apsides progressing. Now the time of moving through pe- rigee is less than that of moving through apogee. And the alteration in velocity in the former case is less than in the latter. Hence when the line of apsides is in quadratures, it on the whole regresses during a revolution of the Moon. If we attentively examine the steps of the above investiga- tion, and observe that the circumstances of regression in one position of the line of apsides closely resemble those of progres- sion in the other, and vice versa, it will easily be seen that in these two positions of the apsidal line the progression is very nearly the same as the regression. When, however, intermediate positions of the apsidal line are considered the progression decidedly has the preponderance, and for this reason: regression takes place when the line of apsides is distant from the Sun; but progression takes place when the line of apsides is near the Sun. Hence regression, which, from its nature, causes the line of apsides to meet the Sun, moves it towards a progressing position: while progression, from its nature, causes the line of apsides to linger in a progress- ing situation. Hence, on the whole, the tangential force causes the line of apsides to progress. See Airy's Gravitation, p. 99. PROP. To explain the effect of the tangential force on the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit. 312. We shall resume the equation v² = fa {1 + 2e cos (0-w)} by which we can represent the real motion, if we suppose the elements to alter. Now vdv = fa cos (0 – w) de ; ...бе = V Ev fa cos (0 – w) EFFECT OF DISTURBING FORCES ON THE ECCENTRICITY. 275 Now, in consequence of the tangential force, dv has the same sign and nearly the same magnitude for opposite positions of the Moon in her orbit, Art. 305: and cos (0) has the same magnitude with different signs. Hence de has different signs, but nearly the same magnitude for opposite positions of the Moon in her orbit: and therefore the tangential force has little effect on the eccentricity, since a partial compensation takes place in one part of the orbit for errors caused in the opposite part. : But we must examine this a little more accurately for although compensation will take place pretty accurately when the Moon is about 90' from perigee and apogee, since the distance of the Moon from the Earth is then about the same, yet it will not be so complete when the Moon is near perigee and apogee, since at those points the Moon's distances differ more than in any other parts of her orbit. We shall therefore consider the case in which the Moon is near perigee and apogee. 1. When the line of apsides is before syzygies: fig. 86. Then du is negative near perigee and apogee; and cos (§ – w) is positive near perigee and negative near apogee. Hence de is negative when the Moon is near perigee and positive when near apogee. And therefore in this position of the line of apsides e is increasing when the greatest change takes place, and consequently on the whole the tendency of the eccentricity is to increase during each revolution of the Moon. 2. When the line of apsides is behind syzygies: fig. 87. Then it will easily be seen that de is positive when the Moon is near perigee and negative when near apogee. Hence in this position of the line of apsides the tendency of the eccen- tricity is to decrease during each revolution of the Moon. PROF. To explain the effect of the central disturbing force on the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit. 313. Now fa = v² { 1 - 2 e cos (0 )}, and we have to find the variation of e corresponding to any variation in ƒ: we have A C #1 በ Ef 2 vi cos (0 - w) 276 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. Now of has the same sign, and nearly the same magnitude in opposite parts of the Moon's orbit: Art. 295. Also cos (-) has different signs in opposite parts of the orbit. Hence Se has different signs and nearly the same magnitude in opposite parts of the orbit, and a partial compensation will take place in the changes in eccentricity. But, as in the last Article, we must examine this a little more accurately. The values of Sf differ more at apogee and perigee than at any other parts of the orbit, since the distances of the Moon from the Earth differ most at these points. We shall therefore consider the changes in eccentricity when the Moon is near perigee and apogee. 1. Suppose the line of apsides is near octants: figs. 86, 87. When the Moon is near perigee and apogee, and therefore near octants, of nearly vanishes and the eccentricity does not undergo any material change; and therefore the compensation of eccen- tricity is pretty accurate during a revolution of the Moon. 2. Suppose the line of apsides is near syzygies: fig. 84. When the Moon is near apogee and perigee, and therefore near syzygies, of is negative (Art. 297); and cos (0–₪) is negative near apogee and positive near perigee. Hence de is positive when the Moon is in perigee, and negative when in apogee. Wherefore e is decreasing when the change is greatest and on the whole the eccentricity decreases when the line of apsides is near syzygies. 3. Suppose the line of apsides is near quadratures: fig. 85. Then &f is positive when the Moon is near perigee and apogee; and we shall find that the eccentricity is on the whole increas- ing during a revolution of the Moon. 314. The result of the last two Articles is as follows. The tangential force tends to increase or diminish the eccen- tricity according as the line of apsides is before or behind the Sun. And the central disturbing force tends to increase or diminish the eccentricity according as the line of apsides is nearly 90° from the Sun or near the Sun: in other parts a compensation takes place. Hence, then, during the Sun's motion from the Moon's line of apsides through 90" the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit is decreasing and during the Sun's motion towards the line EFFECT ON THE INCLINATION AND LINE OF NODES. 277 of apsides the eccentricity is increasing. The eccentricity is greatest when the line of apsides is in syzygies and least when the line of apsides is in quadratures. 315. We shall now proceed to explain the effect of the disturbing forces on the inclination and the motion of the line of nodes. Hitherto we have supposed the Moon to move in the plane of the ecliptic: let us now suppose that the planes of the ecliptic and the Moon's orbit are slightly inclined to each other, as is the case in nature. Let the disturbing force of the Sun on the Moon be resolved into two parts, one in the plane of the Moon's orbit, and the other perpendicular to this plane: this latter is the part which affects the inclination and the position of the line of nodes. If we bear in mind that the Sun's disturbing force always acts towards the Sun when the Moon is nearer the Sun than the Earth, and from the Sun in the contrary case, we shall easily see, by referring to fig. 88, that the part of the dis- turbing force which is perpendicular to the plane of the Moon's orbit always acts towards the ecliptic, except when the Moon is between quadrature and the nearest node, in which case it acts from the ecliptic. By the plane of the Moon's orbit we mean the plane drawn through the centres of the Moon and Earth, and through the direction of the Moon's motion at any instant. And since in consequence of the Sun's disturbing force the Moon is con- tinually drawn out of the plane in which it is moving, the plane of the orbit is continually shifting its position by revolv- ing about the Moon's radius vector as an instantaneous axis. 316. Before we begin to explain the effect on the incli- nation and line of nodes we shall enunciate the following Lemma, the truth of which is self-evident. LEMMA. When a body is moving from or towards a plane and a force acts upon it in a direction from or towards the plane, then the inclination of the body's resulting motion will be increased or diminished according as the original motion and the force act in the same or opposite directions with respect to the plane. 278 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. PROP. To explain the effect of the Sun's disturbing force upon the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic and on the position of the line of nodes. 317. I. Suppose the line of nodes is in syzygies. It is clear that in this case the inclination and line of nodes will not be affected; since no part of the force acts per- pendicularly to the plane of the orbit. The line of nodes would remain in this position were it motion. not for the Sun's II. Suppose the line of nodes is in advance of the Sun : fig. 89. Let Nn be the line of nodes: take Nm = 90° on the orbit: let Qq be the quadratures. Then as the Moon moves from N to Q she moves from the ecliptic, and the disturbing force acts from the ecliptic. Hence the inclination of the Moon's path (Art. 316), and therefore of the plane of her orbit, is increasing, and therefore in revolving about the radius vector EM the node N must move towards quadratures, or the line of nodes Nn must progress. As the Moon moves from Q to m, her motion and the disturbing force act in opposite directions, and therefore the inclination is decreasing (Art. 316), and the line of nodes regressing. As the Moon moves from m to n her motion and the dis- turbing force both tend towards the ecliptic and therefore the inclination of the plane of her orbit is increasing, and therefore in revolving about the radius vector EM' causes the point n to move back, or the line of nodes to regress. In the other half of the orbit the effect will be exactly the same. Hence, if o be the angular distance of the line of nodes from syzygies ( being less than 90°), the inclination is in- creasing as the Moon is moving through an angle 2 (NEQ + m En) = 360° – 24 : and is decreasing as the Moon is moving through the remaining angle 24. And the line of nodes regresses while the Moon is EFFECT ON THE INCLINATION AND LINE OF NODES. 279 moving through an angle 180° + 2; and progresses while the Moon is moving through the remaining angle 180º – 20. III. Suppose the line of nodes is in quadratures. Then as the Moon moves from quadrature to syzygy the disturbing force and motion tend in different directions, and therefore the inclination is decreasing and the line of nodes is regressing. And as the Moon moves from syzygy to quad- rature the inclination is increasing and therefore the line of nodes still regresses. Wherefore the increase and decrease of inclination coun- teract each other; but the motion of the nodes is wholly regressive. IV. Suppose the line of nodes is behind the Sun: fig. 90. Then as the Moon moves from N to m the inclination is decreasing and the line of nodes regressing: and as she moves from m to q the inclination is increasing and the nodes re- gressing. As the Moon moves from q to n the inclination is decreasing and the nodes progressing. Hence, if as before be the angular distance of the line of nodes from syzygy, the inclination is increasing as the Moon moves through an angle 24, and decreasing as she moves. through the angle 360º – 20. But the nodes regress and progress respectively while the Moon is moving through the angles 180º +2 and 1800 - 20. : It appears, then, that on the whole the nodes regress pretty steadily but the inclination is much more fluctuating and on the whole is not affected during a revolution of the line of nodes. We introduce the two following Propositions as examples of the method used by Newton in the Third Book of the Principia: they will be found in Props. 30 and 31. geometry is translated into analysis. Newton's PROP. To calculate the motion of the nodes of the Moon's orbit considered circular. 318. Let MM' be the arc described by the Moon in a unit of time, fig. 91: M'L2 space through which the dis- 280 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. turbing force would draw the Moon in the same time: Nn the line of nodes, Qq the line of quadratures, AB of syzygies: Mm is a tangent to the Moon's orbit at M meeting the ecliptic in m: join LM and produce it to meet the ecliptic in 7: this gives the position of the tangent at M after the small time of describing MM' and therefore mEl represents the motion of the node. Now LM' is parallel to the ecliptic and therefore can meet no line in the ecliptic: but it is in the same plane with Im, therefore LM' is parallel to lm. Hence motion of Node motion of Moon LlEm L MEM' sin mlE Im L MEM' Em nearly sin AEn L MEM' MM' sin AEn LM' Mm L MEM' MM' Em Now the disturbing force in the direction M'L LM' sin MEm. Sr S' S 13 (see Art. 294.) = y³ ༡ y³ 1) 3 Sr 213 cos MEA, ··· y = r' — r cos MEA; 3 Sr LM' COS MEA. j′3 MM¹2 12 (vel.) 2 MM'. MEM' = force of Moon to E 1° rad. E + M 2.2 LM' 3S 20:3 MM'. MEM M+ Er 13 cos MEA =3m² cos MEA, Art. 295; ... motion of Node 3m² cos MEA sin MEN sin AEn. motion of Moon. Let N = longitude of the Node, Ꮎ т. Ө Moon, Sun, MOTION OF NODE CALCULATED. 281 supposing that the Sun, Moon, and Node were all in the first point of Aries when = 0. Hence the above equation gives d N 3m² cos (0 – m0) sin (0 – N) sin (m0 – N), d Ꮎ the negative sign being taken because the mean motion of the node is regressive. 319. We shall now transform this by the ordinary trigo- nometrical formula we have d N 3 m² 2 sin a cos b = sin (a + b) + sin (a - b), +cos 2 (0−m 0)−cos 2 (0–N)−cos 2 (m0–N)}. d0 4. For a first approximation we neglect the periodical terms and take the mean values: d N 3m² ᏧᎾ i suppose; 4 d N .. N=-10, constant = 0. For a second approximation we shall put this value of N in the periodical terms; i { 1 + cos 2 (1 − m) ( − cos 2 (1 + i) 0 − cos 2 (m + i) 0}; d Ꮎ i ~'. N = − i 0 sin 2 (1 − m) 0 + 2 (1 − m) i 2 (1 + i) sin 2 (1 + i) 0 + sin 2 (m + i) 0. in 2 (m + i) For a third approximation we shall put this value of N d N do Ꮷ Ꮎ after neglecting the terms divided by 1 - m and 1 + i, because they are smaller than the term divided by m+i; ther i N = 10 + - iA+ sin 2 (m + i) 0: 2 (m + i) N x 282 DYNAMICS. PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. d N 3 =-i-i cos 2 (1-m) 0+i cos {2 (1 + i) 0 d Ꮎ m + i sin 2 (m+i) 0} i + i cos {2 (m + i) | sin 2 (m + i)0}. m + i If we expand these the last term gives i² 22 sin² 2 (m + i) 0 or m + i 2 (m + i) 2 (m + i) cos 4 (m + i) &. Hence we obtain d N 22 i + + periodic functions of 0, d Ꮎ 2 (m + i) and therefore the mean value of N is 3m N: Ꮎ 3m² Ꮎ . 2 (m + i) 8 (1 3m 4 1 + 4 If we expand in powers of m we have 3m² 9m³ 27m² N + + 4 32 128 ..) 0, 320. In this calculation we have supposed the Moon's angular velocity to be uniform. To correct for the oval orbit let N₁ be the corrected value of N. Now the motion of the node varies as the magnitude of the disturbing force, which varies as the square of the time of the Moon's describing MM', and therefore as the square of the velocity at M inversely; d N₁ (vel.) in octants 1 d N (vel.) at M 3m² 2 (1-m) cos 2 (1 − m) 0; d N₁ i ¿ { 1 + cos 2 (1 − m) 0...} de 2 (m + i) CHANGE IN INCLINATION CALCULATED. 283 2 i X {1 1 m i cos 2 (1 − m) 0 + ...} ¿ { 1 2 (m + i) i 2 (m + i) 1 1 2 i - m m Ꮎ cos² 2 (1 − m) & + m) 0 + ... } + periodical terms, and the mean value of N₁ is N₁ i R m Ө 2 (m + i) 1 3 m² 3m 4 8 (1- 3 m + 4 3m² 9m 45 met + 4 32 128 3m² 4 (1 − m - ...) 0, Ꮎ Ꮎ this correction does not affect the first and second terms. PROP. To calculate the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic at any time. 321. Let ENm be the line of nodes (fig. 92), El its position after a unit of time: Mp perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, pG perpendicular to the line of nodes EN; produce pG to cut El in g; join MG, Mg and draw Gr per- pendicular to Mg: I the inclination of the plane of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic. Now 81 MGp Mgp = GMg= = L - ≤ ‹ = < Gr GM Gg Also N GEg= = ▲ GE Gr GE = SN = sin I. cot MEN. 8N; MEN.SN; Gg GM 284 PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES. DYNAMICS. dI 3 m² sin I cos MEA cos MEN sin AEn d9 3 m² sin I cos (0 – m0) cos (0 – N) şin (m0 – N) 2 3m² 4 sin I {sin 2 (0-N)-sin 2 (0-m0) + sin 2 (m0-N)}. This expression shews that I will always be small: and therefore sin I = I nearly; let y be the mean value of I: also 3m² N Ꮎ 0=-10, (see Art. 319.) 4 dI 3m² do 4 y {sin 2 (1 + i) 0 - sin 2 (1 m) + sin 2 (m + i)0}; 3m² .. ·. I = 1 Υ · (1 + i) cos 2 (1 + i) 0 Ꮎ 1 - 2 (1 − m) cos 2 (1 — m) 0 1 + COS 2 (m + 2 (m + i) i) } + const. The constant=y, the mean value of I. Therefore, neglecting the first and second terms because they are of an order higher than the third, I = y {1+ 3m cos 2 (m + i) 0} 3m 8 I + 4+ 3m {1+ cos 2 (Sun's longitude-Node's longitude)}, 8 neglecting ym², &c. This accords with Chapter V. Art. 342. CHAPTER V. LUNAR THEORY. 322. We now enter upon the calculation of the pertur- bations of the Moon by a process of systematic approximation; and shall proceed in the next Chapter to calculate those of the planets. In the Lunar and Planetary Theories we use different methods of calculation for this reason. The perturbations of the Moon are much greater than those of any planet, because the Sun, the mass of which is so enormous (Art. 286), is one of the disturbing bodies. Likewise the ratio of the distances of the disturbed and disturbing bodies from the central body about which they move is very different in the two theories; being about in that of the Moon, and sometimes so large as in that of the planets. The difference of the methods of approximation will be seen in the calculations of this and the following Chapter. 4 1 400 Before entering upon the immediate subject of the present Chapter we must investigate the following Proposition. PROP. A number of bodies considered as material par- ticles attract each other with forces which vary inversely as the square of their distances, and directly as the mass of the attracting body: required the equations of motion of any one of the bodies relatively to a second. 323. Let M, m, m', m" .... be the masses of the bodies; M being that of the body about which the motion is to be calculated: and m the mass of that body of which the equations of motion are to be determined, 286 DYNAMICS. LUNAR THEORY. Let X, Y, Z be the co-ordinates of M, X + x, Y + Y, Z + X + Y +, Z+ m, m' Then the distance between m and m' is {(x' − x)² + (y' − y)² + (≈′ − ≈)²} ³, and the attraction of m' on m is m' (x' − x)² + (y' − y)² + (≈′ — ≈)³ Let this be resolved into three parts parallel to the axes: that parallel to the axis of x is or 1 m' (x' - x) {(x' − x)² + (y' − y)² + (x′ − x)²} d mm' m dx {{(x − x)² + (y'′ − y)* + (≈′ · and so of the other bodies m" Now assume λ = > Σ. mm' − ≈) ≈) } } } {(x′ − x)² + (y' − y)² + (≈' − ≈)²} } ' which expression is the sum of the quantities found by dividing the product of every two of the masses m, m', m' by their respective distances. Then the sum of the attractions of m', m" on m re- solved parallel to the axis of a 1 dλ m dx 1 dλ 1 αλ In like manner and m dy m dz are the attractions of m', m".... y and s on m parallel to the axes of Let rr''".... be the distances of m m'm".... from M. Then the attraction of M on m parallel to a is Mc and con- " 3,3 GENERAL EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 287 sequently the equation of motion of m in space parallel to a is d² (X + x) df 1 dλ Μα m dx ༡3 m x m'x' But 2+3 13 are the attractions of mm' ….. on M parallel to ~: and therefore the equation of motion of M parallel to a is d² X m x Σ d t 2.3 and by subtracting this from the equation above we have the equation of motion of m relatively to M d² x Μα M X 1 dλ + + Σ. 0. d t 2015 7.3 m dx And in like manner ď² y My my 1 dλ + + Σ. 0, dt ༡? m dy d²≈ Με + df 2013 MZ I dλ = 0. 2.3 m dz Now assume R* m" m' (xx' + yy+zz') + w″ (xa'"+ yy" +=="), 2′3 112 *The function R satisfies Laplace's Equation (Art. 168). + M and so For dx d R m'x + 7'3 I dλ m dx m'x' + 1 Σ M d²R Σ dx2 M d² R 1 dy" de R dz? 772 m Σ. Σ mm' (x' — x) {(xx)²+(y' - y)²+(≈≈) 2 mm' { (y' − y)² + (≈′ — ≈ )º — 2 ( x' — x )º } {(x-x)²+(y'-y) (≈'-x)} 3 mm' { (x'— x)² + ( ≈′ — ≈)² − 2 (y' − y)² } { (x' — x')² + ( y' − y)² + ( ≈′ — ≈)² ¦ F mm' { (x' − x)² + (y' − y)² + 2 (≈ — ≈)} 5 { (x' — x)² + (y' − y)² + ( ≈' — ≈)² ¦ 5 d²R d² R + d² R + 0. days dy dze 288 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. d R m'x' then - + m"x' // I dλ + dxx 13 113 m dx งาน m x 1 αλ Σ. , 20:3 203 m dx and the first equation of motion becomes ď²x + d t² (M + m) x 20:3 d R + 0 dx and similarly day (M + m) y d R (1). + + dť 2.3 dy d² z (M + m) ≈ d R + + dť dz These are the equations by which the motion of the Moon about the Earth, or of a planet about the Sun, is determined when under the action of all the other bodies of the Solar System. They have never yet been completely integrated. For this reason we must resort to approximation. To effect this R, which is called the disturbing function, must be de- veloped in a converging series. The difference of the methods adopted in the Lunar and Planetary Theories depends upon the different modes of expanding the function R. In the Lunar Theory R is expanded in powers of the ratio of the distances of the Sun and Moon, a very small fraction nearly equal but in the Planetary Theory R is expanded in ; 400 powers of the eccentricities and inclinations of the planetary orbits, all of which are very small, with the exception of those of Juno and Pallas; the eccentricities of these being about and the inclination of the orbit of Pallas to the ecliptic being about 35º: but the masses of these planets are very small. 1 4 324. We intend throughout our calculations in this and the following Chapter to neglect quantities which depend upon the square and higher powers of the disturbing forces. In consequence of this we may calculate separately the perturba- tions caused by the Sun or a planet on the supposition that the TRANSFORMN. OF EQUATIONS TO POLAR CO-ORDINATES. 289 other heavenly bodies do not attract, and then add together the separate perturbations: this follows from the Principle explained in Art. 288. PROP. To obtain equations for calculating the radius vector of the Moon; and the inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic. 325. The equations of motion are by the last Article ď x MX d R + + dt 2013 dx d² y му d R + + (1), dt dy d² z + dt2 2.3 dR M Z + dz where μ = mass of the Earth + mass of the Moon. Let the plane of the ecliptic be the plane of xy: also let p be the projection of on the ecliptic: s the tangent of incli- nation of p to the same plane: the longitude, the axis of x passing through Aries: then x² + y² = p² ; que + p² p² = p² x = p cos 0, y = p sin 0, ≈ = ps. Multiply the first equation by y, and the second by a, and subtract; d R d R dx X d R dy cos ... 20 d² y d t² ď²x У = Y df dr d dy dx ac -y dt dt dt = p {sin d d Ꮎ or pT, dt dt d R d R if we put sin COS s Ꮎ T. dx. dy Оо d R dy 290 DYNAMICS. LUNAR THEORY. ! Multiply each side by p² d Ꮎ ; dt do d ર de 2 ᏧᎾ dt dt dt = p³ T dt (p² d Ꮎ 2 dt = h² + 2 √ p³ Tdə; h² being a constant introduced by integration; d 02 h² 2 d t2 4 μ = 4 3 Sprde: Sp³ Td0; p= h² u² + 2u* f 1 и Tde (2). из Again, multiply the first and second equations (1) re- d x spectively by 2 2 dy and add, dt dt d (dx² dy² dt dť + + d t 20.3 putting a = p cos 0, 2 d fd p² dt dt Jdp² + p³ dᎾ dx dy 00 + y dt dt +2 dx dR dy dR +2 dt dx dt dy y = p sin 0, x² + y² = p²; 2μp dp ᏧᎾ + -> dt2 203 2P dt dt (sin d R dR cos dx dy, dp dR dR + 2 dt cos e + sin = 0. dx dy Let MP. d fd p² dt \d t d fd p² do dť² + + up d R d R + cos + sin dx dy = P; d02 2 ρ d t² + 2 P dp - 2 P dt d02 2 ρ dt d Ꮎ dt + 2 pdp do ·2pT=0, p И T = 0 ; = 0, TRANSFORMN. OF EQUATIONS TO POLAR CO-ORDINATES. 291 d 1 du² 1 do²) 2 P du 2 T + = 0. do u+ dť Ꮎ u² dť² u² do И d02 Now h2 2 u$ + 2 u* dť Qu+ f Td0 by (2), by this equation we can eliminate t, and we have d du² + u² 2 dė d 0² u²) (h² + 2 ƒ I do)} dᎾ 2 P du 2 T 0, u² do U performing the differentiation. du ď² u 2 + и de d Ꮎ 1) (n² Ꭲ dᎾ h² + 2 +2 из 2 T du² 2 P du 2 T + + 2²² = 0; u³ do u² do น P T du ď² u u² u³ do +2 0 ... d02 (3). Td0 h² + 2 23 326. To obtain an equation for calculating the inclination. of the radius vector to the ecliptic, we have by the last of equations (1), d² με d R S suppose, dť 2.3 dz S dz dz do 1 but ≈ = 26 d t do dt U² ( ds du do dᎾ W S ᏧᎾ 10 dt ገ ds do du Td0 S V h² + 2 by (2); d Ꮎ U³ ď z d ds du น S dt do de do d Ꮎ √ h² + 2 Tdo de чез dt 292 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. ! + ( s - {(u d-du) ds du √ h² + 2 ٢٠ Tde из T d Ꮎ и S d Ꮎ dᎾ Tde dt чез h² + 2 из des ď² u Tde ds du T S u² h² + 2 +1 u s S; dᎾ d 02 из dᎾ d Ꮎ U S Tds s du + d² s s d² u U³ u³ \ də u do 0 ; dᎾ? u do Td0 h² + 2 гиз but by the last Article Ps T's du s d² u из ut do + $ 0, u do² Ꭲ d Ꮎ h² + 2 из adding these last equations we have S-Ps T ds + d² s u³ u³ do +8+ 0... (4). d 02 h² + 2 ୮ Td0 U³ 327. It is necessary that we estimate the comparative magnitude of the various small quantities involved in our calculations. Let e, e' be the eccentricities of the lunar and solar orbits; k the tangent of the mean inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic; m the ratio of the Sun's mean motion to the Moon's mean motion, a and a' the mean distances of the Moon and Sun from the Earth: the values of these quantities are nearly e 1 é 1 60" = 20, e² = 0, k = 12, m = 志​, 1 139 these we shall reckon of the first order of small quantities. COMPARISON OF SMALL QUANTITIES. 293 a 1 nearly is a quantity of the second order of But α 400 magnitude, since it e² nearly. The Sun's disturbing force is = greatest when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth: in which case it m' (a' — a)² m' : the ratio which this bears to a 12 the action of the Earth on the Moon m' ((a' − a)³ m m' 2a³ a'z 12 a² a'3 nearly = 2m² by Kepler's third law. Hence the disturbing force is of the second order. We proceed to expand the values of T', P, S. PROP. To expand the values of T, P, S neglecting small quantities of the fourth order. 328. By Arts. 325, 326, d R d R T = sin 0 cos dx dy up d R d R P = = + cos + sin 2013 dx dy d R + dz S με R = 'm' (xx' + yy' + 22') . 13 m': and by Arts. 323, 324, m' { (x − x′)² + (y − y')² + (≈ − x')² } } ' = mass of Sun; 'y's' co-ordinates of Sun: ' dist. of Sun. = Let x ρ cos e, Y p sin 0, x' = r' cos 0', y' r' sin e', ps as before; '=0, since the plane of xy is the plane of the ecliptic. m'p .. R 12 cos (0 – 0') - m' {p² + №² + r²² − 2 pr′ cos (0 – 0')}³ · 294 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. 12 } -} 2 R = m'e m' = cos( cos (0-0') 2p * 1 - 2 cos (0 − 0′) + (1 + s²) m' m' 11 + 201 2} {1 + s° 12 m' m' 42 2 ρ 7'2 pl { 1 + sº − 3 cos“ (0 – 0')} – – {1 − 2s² + 3 cos 2 (0 – 0′) a − } //2. Z S= Also @ = tan-1%, p = √/s²+ y², 1= √o+y' X dR dR do dR dp || x² y² d R ds Hence + dxx do dx dp dx + ds dx 3 m'p 13 27'3 sin 2 (00') sin m' p 2r || m'p Q p'3 smp ρ cos 2p'3 27'3 {1 + 3 cos 2 (0 - 0')} cos 0 cos (0 – 20'); d R dR do + dy do dy d R dp dp dy d R ds + ds dy 3 m'p m'p 27'3 27'3 sin 2 (0 – 0') cos 0 - || - 3 m'p 2p/3 + 3 cos 2 (0 − 0') } sin 0 sin (0-20'); m'p sin 0 + 2 p′3 d R dR do dR dp dR ds m's p + + dz de dz dp dx ds dz /3 2' d R Hence T = sin cos dx dy d R 3 m'p 27.13 sin 2 (0-0'); d R d R up P: = + cos e Ꮎ + sin 2013 dx dy INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS; FIRST APPROXIMATION. 295 up m'p 3 m'p {p² + p² 27'3 cos 2 (0 – 0') 273 3s2 m'p 3 m'p 1 cos 2 (0 − 8′); 2 2r'3 2p3 μα d R ups S m's p + + 203 dz 4 {p² + p² s² } } 13 Τ 35.3 m's p S + 13 PROP. To integrate the differential equations, first approximation. 329. We here neglect all small quantities of an order higher than the first, and therefore the disturbing force (Art. 327): hence by last Article T= 0, P = p = µÙ³, S льб 2 = μsu², で​。 and the differential equations (3) (4) of Arts. 325, 326 become d² u + U d02 u 0: h d's and + s 0. d0° The solutions of these equations are и W { 1 + e cos (0 − a) } = b { 1 + e cos (0 − a)}, h h² and s = k sin (0 − y): e, a, k, y are constants. (0-2): h The first of these proves that the orbit of the Moon is an ellipse and the second proves that the tangent of the latitude bears a constant ratio to the sine of the longitude reckoned from the node, and therefore the Moon moves in a constant plane. 296 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. PROP. To shew that to integrate the differential equa- tions to a second approximation we must introduce all terms of the third order, in which the coefficient of 0 is either nearly equal to unity, or is small. 330. By approximating to the values of the small quan- tities we shall arrive at a differential equation in u of the form ď u d Ꮎ + u + a + a' cos (n0 + n') + the integral of which is of the form 0, u = − a + A cos (0 + B) + C cos (n 8 + n') + A, B being arbitrary constants, and C...constants to be deter- mined by putting this value of u in the differential equation. This gives C' (1 − n²) = — a' ; - a' .. C 1 from which we learn that if n nearly 1, then C will be large. Wherefore when the coefficient of the argument of a cosine or sine is nearly unity we must retain coefficients of the third order, since these terms rise into importance by the process of integration. Again, the function R and therefore the differential equa- tion in u contains terms depending on ': and the reciprocal of r е = b' {1 + e' cos (0' - a')} = b' {1 + e' cos (me + B - a) +... } the accented letters refer to the Sun: m = ratio of the Moon's period to the Sun's period: B = longitude of the Sun when the Moon is in Aries. Hence dt dt I Ꭲ dᎾ - calculated from 1 + 2 ᏧᎾ ᏧᎾ hu² h2u3 (Art. 325, equation (2)) will contain a term C'cos (m0+ß−a'), and therefore t contains a term C sin (m0+ẞ- a'): ጎን EXPANSIONS FOR SECOND APPROXIMATION. 297 Wherefore hence C must be calculated to the third order. all terms in which the coefficient of 0 is small must be cal- culated to the third order; as well as those in which the coefficient of is nearly equal to unity. PROP. To calculate sin 2 (0 – 0′) and cos 2 (0 – 0′) to the first order. 331. We need calculate these only to the first order because they occur only in terms multiplied by quantities of the second order. dt 1 1+2 d A hu² ·Td0) - h² u³ S - 1 first order: 3 hu?? 2 > 1 b² h { $1 2e cos (0 − a)}, a)}, b³h = n = Moon's mean motion; ... nt = 0 − 2e sin (0 − a), t = 0 when the Moon's mean longitude = 0; also let the Sun's mean longitude then = ß: n' t + ß = 0′ − 2 e′sin (0′ – a′), n' n' = Sun's mean motion. Now =m: hence multiplying the first equation by m n and subtracting, we have O' - 2e' sin (0' a') = m0 + ß; neg. me, of second order; - - ·. 0′ = m0 + ß + 2e′ sin (m0 + ß − a') ; - .. sin 2 (0 – 0′)=sin {[(2 −2 m)0 − 2 ß] – 4e′ sin (m0 +ß − a ) } sin {(2-2m)0-2B-4e'cos {(2-2m) 0-2ẞ} sin(m0+ß-a') = sin {(2-2m)0-2B-2e'sin {(2-m) 0 - ß-a'} + 2e' sin {(2 − 3 m) 0 − 3 ß + a' cos 2 (0 – 0') : = cos {(2 - 2m) 0 - 2ẞ} + 4e′ sin { (2 − 2m) 0 – 2 ß} sin (m0 + ß − a') = cos {(2 - · 2m) 0 −2ẞ} + 2e' cos { (2 – 3m) 0 − 3 ß + a' } 2ß} 2é' cos {(2-m) 0 - ẞ-a'}. PP 298 DYNAMICS. LUNAR THEORY. T Td0 T du PROP. To calculate to the h2u3 h² u³ › h2u3 3 h2u³ do third order. T 3m' 332. By Art. 328, h2u³ 2uth2'3 sin 2 (0-0') 3m'b'3 4 2h2b4 + e cos (0 − a)} −¹ { 1 + e' cos (0′ – a')}³ sin 2 (0–0′) 3 m² {1 - 4e cos (0 - a) + 3 e' cos (m0 + B − a)} ×{sin [(2 - 2m) 0 - 2ẞ] - 2e'sin [(2 · m) 0 - ẞ-a'] + 2e'sin [(2 – 3m) 0 − 3 B + a']} - α = - 3 ß] m² {sin [(2 − 2m)0 −2ẞ] − 2e sin [(1 − 2m) 0 − 2 ß + a Again u=b{1+ e cos (0 − a) } ; T du h² u³ do Td0 h² u³ 3 du .. do =-be sin (0-a); 3 bm² e cos {(1 - 2m) 0 − 2 ß + a}. f Again d = 3 1 m² 2 2m 2e cos[(2 - 2m) 0 – 2 ß] - cos [(1 − 2m) 0 - 2ẞ + a 1 - 2m = 3 m² cos { (2 – 2 m) 0 – 2 ẞ} − 3 m² e cos { (1 − 2 m) 0 − 2 ß + a} P PROP. To calculate to the third order. h2u2 333. By Art. 328. P = b (1 - 3 s²) - h² u³ m' 2u³h2r's – 3 {1 + 3 cos 2 (0 − 0')}. 3 First. b (1-3 s²) = b {1 − 2 k² + 2 k² cos 2 (0 − y)}· Secondly. m' 2u³ h2p/3 m'b'3 2h2b3 3 {1+e cos (0 − a)} −³ {1 + e' cos (0' - a')}³ - 1 bm² {1 - 3e cos (0 − a) + 3 e' cos (m0 + B − a ß a')}; EXPANSIONS FOR SECOND APPROXIMATION. 299 both terms must be retained, since in the first the coefficient of = 1, and in the second it is small. Thirdly. 3 m' Qu³ h2 2 2013 cos 2 (0 – 0') = - 3 bm² {1-3 e cos ( − a) + 3 e' cos (m0 + B − a )} (0 ß × {cos[(2 − 2m) 0 − 2 ß] + 2e'cos [(2 – 3m) 0 − sß + a'] ß - 2e'cos [(2m) 0 - ẞ- a']}· Multiplying these together by the formula 2 cos a cos b = cos (a - b) + cos(a+b), neglecting quantities of the third order, except those in which the coefficient of 0 is small or nearly unity, we have this third part of P h² u² - 3 bm² { cos [(2 - 2m) 0 - 2ẞ] - 3 e cos [(1 − 2m)0-2ẞ+a]}· Hence the value of 2ß] P h² u² is b { 1 - 2 k² + 3 k² (0)}-bm² - 3 cos 2 (0 − y)} − 1 b m² { 1 – 3 e cos (0 − a) + se'cos (m0 + ẞ − a') + 3 cos [ (2 − 2m)0 – 2ẞ] PROP. -ecos [(1-2 m) 0 -2B+a]}. α To form the differential equation for u. 334. By Art. 325, equation (3), PT du ď² u +26 U² u³ do 0. do² Ꭲ d Ꮎ h² + ? U³ By expanding the reciprocal of the denominator of of the fractional part and neglecting the square of the disturbing force which is of the fourth order, and neglecting all other quantities of the fourth order, and observing that P contains. a term uu, or by Art. 329 bhu, which is not small, we have 300 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. ď² u P T du 26 Ꭲ dᎾ + U + + 0. ᏧᎾ h2u2 h² u³ do h2 By the last two Articles, we have ď² u d O + u − b ( 1 − 3 k² - 4 m²) — 3 bm² e cos (0 - a) - 3 bk² cos 2 (0 - y) + 3bm² cos {(2 - 2m) 0 - 2ẞ} 15 b m² e cos {(1−2m) 0 −2 ß + a } + ½ bm² e' cos (m0+ẞ−a')=0. Now this equation cannot be integrated, as it stands, ac- cording to the method mentioned in Art. 330; because the term 3 bm³e cos (0 - a) would introduce an infinite coefficient into the expression of u since the coefficient of 0 = unity. But this may be remedied by putting for be cos (a) in the term bm² e cos (-a), which is of the third order, its first. approximate value ub: then the equation becomes. d² u ᏧᎾ 2 + (1 − & m²) (u - b) + 4 b (3 k² + 2m²) - bk cos 2 (0-7) 15 + 3bm² cos {(2−2m) 0-2B} - bm² e cos {(1-2m) 0-2ß+a} 2 + 3 bm² e' cos (m0 + B − a') = 0. Let 1 3 m² = c²; then if we neglect all coefficients of the second order, we have d² u dᎾ + c² (u − b) = 0, .. u = b {1 + e cos (co- a)}. Now although e differs from unity only by a quantity of the second order, yet cos (c0 − a) will differ very sensibly from cos (0 − a) after several revolutions of the Moon. Wherefore the peculiarity of the differential equation in u (mentioned in the last page) when we proceed to a second approximation teaches us, that the value of u in Art. 329 will cease to be a first approximate value after several revolutions of the Moon; the true first approximate value being b{1 + e cos (c0- a)} We must therefore carefully retrace our steps, and replace 0 by c in every place where @ is introduced in consequence of INTEGRATION OF EQUATIONS; SECOND APPROXIMATION. 301 its depending immediately on the first approximate value of u. This may very easily be accomplished by putting a+ (1−c) 0 instead of a in every place where it occurs: for a enters the equations solely in consequence of its dependence on 0 and u by the equation u = b {1 + cos (0 - a)}. The same will be the case with the value of s, as we shall shew in the next Proposition. We shall write down the corrected equations of u and s in Art. 336. PROP. To form the differential equation for s. 335. By Art. 326, equation (4), S - Ps T ds + d's do³ 203 .3 u³ do +5+ = 0. Tde h² + 2 u³ S - Ps 3m's Now 3 1 Qu¹h²r' 2 13 {1 + cos 2 (0 - 0')} h² u³ 3 m'kb's 2h bi sin (0 − y) {1 + cos [2 (1 − m) ( − 2 ẞ]} 1 3 m² k { sin (0 − y) − sin [(1 − 2m) 0 - 2 B + y]}, retaining those terms of the third order which have the multi- plier of nearly = 1. Again, ds d Ꮎ = k cos (0 - y); T ds 3 m'k cos (0 - y) sin 2 (0 – 9′) h² u³ də Qu¹h²r d's do =-3 m² k cos (0 - y) sin (2(1 m) 0 - 2ẞ} < =-3 m² k sin {(1 − 2m) 0 − 2ẞ + y}. Then the equation in s becomes + s + 3 m³ k { sin (0 − y) − sin [(1 − 2 m) 0 − 2ß + y ]} = 0. 302 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. This (as in the case of the equation in u) cannot be inte- grated by the method explained in Art. 330, because the term 3m² k sin (0) would introduce an infinite coefficient into the value of s. But by putting for k sin (0) its first approxi- mate values in the term m'k sin (y), which is of the third order, this difficulty is overcome; the differential equation then becomes d² s d 02 + (1 + — m²) s − 3 m² k sin {(1 − 2m) 0-2B+7} − ß y} = 0. Let 1 + 32 m² = g; then if we neglect the coefficient of the second order, we have d's + g³s = 0; .'. s s = k sin (g) − 2). d02 Hence (as in the last Article) although g differs from unity only by a quantity of the second order, yet sin (g0 − y) will differ sensibly from sin (y) after several revolutions. of the Moon. Therefore k sin (0 − y) ceases to be a first ap- proximation of s after several revolutions of the Moon: and we must retrace our steps and put go for 0 in every place where enters in consequence of its immediately depending on s. This may be done by putting y + (1 - g) for y in 0 every place where Υ occurs. PROP. To integrate the differential equations in u and s. 336. After replacing ◊ by c◊ and go in all such places as enters the equations in consequence of its immediate dependence on u and s respectively, the equations of Arts. 334, 335, become d2 u d02 + c² (u − b) + 4 b (3 k² + 2m²) − 3 b k² cos 2 (g) − y) + 3bm³ cos {(2 − 2 m) 0 {(2−2m) 0 - 2ẞ}-bm² e cos 2ẞ} – 15 bm² e cos { (2−2m −c) 0 −2ẞ+a} d² s and d02 + 3bm² e' cos (m0 + ß − a') = 0 ; + g²s - & m² k sin { (2 − 2m - g) 0 – 2 B + y} = 0. INTEGRATION OF EQUATIONS; SECOND APPROXIMATION. 303 To integrate the first assume u = b { A+ e cos (c0 − a) + B cos 2 (g0 − y) +Ccos [(2 −2m) 0–2ß] + Dcos [(2-2m-c) 0-2ẞ+a] + E cos (m0+ẞ-a)}, α A, B, C, D, E being indeterminate coefficients: to find these substitute this value of u in the differential equation, and equate the coefficients to zero: then, remembering that c² = 1 − 3 m² and g² = 1 + 2 m³, and neglecting small quantities of orders higher than the second, we have - c² A = c² — ³ k² — 1m³, - A 3 ··· :. ▲ = 1 − ³ k² − 1 m² - 3 (c² − 4g²) B = 3 k³, .. B = − - 4 k² {c² - (2-2m)² } C = −3 m², .. C = m² — •. D= 1/5 me .. E = - 3 m² é'. -3 { c² − ( 2 − 2 m − c )² } D= /m²e, - (c² - m³) E = - 3 m² e', Hence u=b{1-3 k² — — m² + e cos (c0 − a) - 4k² cos2 (g0− y) 15 +m³cos [(2 −2 m) 0 − 2 ẞ] + me cos [(2 − 2 m −c) 0 −2ẞ+a] - 3 m² e' cos (m0+ẞ-a)}· 337. Again, to integrate the equation in & assume s=ksin (go-y) + Fsin { (2-2m-g)0−2ẞ+y}, F being an indeterminate coefficient. differential equation, and we have ... s = k sin (g0 − y) + mk sin {(2 Substitute this in the {g² - (2 - 2m - g)² } F = { m² k, .. F = 3 mk; J m k sin {(2 − 2m − g) 0 − 2 ß + y } We shall now make use of these values of u and s to calculate the distance and longitude of the Moon. PROP. To find the distance of the Moon from the Earth. 338. 1 1* u Let be this distance; .'. 1' = · = p √ 1 + s² ; (1 - s), neglecting quantities of the fourth order, 304 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. = 4 u { 1 - 1 k² + 4 k² cos 2 (g0 - y)}, (Art. 337.) = b { 1 − − 4 k² – ½ m² + e cos (c0 − a) + m² cos [(2 − 2m) 0 – 2 ß] - + 15 me cos [(2 - 2m - c) 0 - 2 B + ß +a] - 3 m² e cos (m0 + ß − a')}. (Art. 336.) · b {1 + e cos (c0 − a) + m² cos [(2 − 2 m) 0 − 2ẞ] + 15 me cos [(2 - 2 m −c) 0 - 2ẞ + a] - 3 m² e cos (m0+ẞ− a') }, 8 a')}, PROP. the time. where bb (1 − k² - 1 m²). To find the longitude of the Moon in terms of 339. By Art. 325. equation (2) we have de dt 1 hu2 1 + 2 Tdo - ž h2u³ 1 Ꭲ ᏧᎾ Ꭲ hu² h² u³ 2 3 Td0 Then substituting for and u by Arts. 332, 336, and h2u3 retaining those terms of the third order in which the coefficient of is small (Art. 330), 1 dt de hb 2 { 1 + 3 k² + m² + } { e² 2e cos (c0 - a) - + ½ e² cos 2 (c0 − a) + ½ k² cos 2 (g0 − y) 1 m² cos [(2 - 2m) 0 - 2 ẞ] — 15 me cos [(2 - 2m - c) 0 −2ẞ+a] + 3m² e' cos (m0 + B − a')}· Then putting hb² (1 − & k² - m² - 3 e²) ‡ and integrating, 11 2 2 e²) - = n, multiplying by n nt=0−2e sin (ce—a) +3 e² sin 2 (c0−a) + k² sin 2 (g0−y) - m² sin {(2-2m) 0-2ẞ} - 15 me sin {(2 - 2m-c) 0-2ẞ+a} 0—2ß} 4 + 3 me' sin (m0 + B- a'). To obtain in terms of t we proceed as follows. Transpose all the terms but to one side of the equation. If all small MEANING OF THE TERMS IN THE RAD. VECTOR AND LONG. 305 quantities are neglected = nt; then for a first approximation we neglect small quantities of the second order, and put = nt in the small terms; .. 0 = nt + 2e sin (cnt – a). For a second approximation we put this value of in small terms and neglect small quantities of the third order; .. 0=nt+2e sin (cnt-a) + e² sin 2 (cnt - a) - 4k² sin 2 (gnt-y) 11 15 + m² sin { (2−2m) nt-2ẞ} + me sin {(2-2m −c) nt-2B+a} 8 - 3 me' sin (mnt + B − a). 340. These expressions for the radius vector and the lon- gitude of the Moon shew, that her distance from the Earth preserves nearly a constant value, fluctuating between very small limits: and that her longitude varies nearly as the time of motion, departing from this law only by small quantities. It will be an interesting enquiry to examine these formulæ for the radius vector and the longitude, and see whether they will enable us to explain the various inequalities that observa- tions have pointed out in the motion of the Moon. The prin- ciple of the superposition of small motions (Art. 288.) allows us to examine the cause of each small term upon the supposition that all the other small terms do not exist. PROP. To interpret the physical meaning of the various terms in the analytical expressions for the radius vector and the longitude of the Moon. 341. The first variable term of the reciprocal of the radius vector, or be cos (ce - a), may be thus interpreted. If c = 1 this term would be the ordinary variation from circular motion when a body moves in an ellipse: but c does Let E be the focus and a EA' the axis major (fig. 83.) not=1. of the ellipse of which the equation is α then C 1 a ― = b {1+e cos (0 - 25 ) } C is measured from the line EA': A' is a point in the Q ૨ 306 DYNAMICS. LUNAR THEORY. Moon's orbit; let A'M be her orbit; and let / also let A'EM' = c 4 A'EM, and let EM' above mentioned in M': then 1 EM A'EM = 0 a C cut the ellipse = b {1+e cos c 2 A'EM} = b {1+e cos A'EM'} .. EM = EM'. : 1 EM' Draw EA equal to EA' making an angle equal to ▲ MEM' with EA' then through the variable points A and M an ellipse. can always be drawn having its focus in E and equal in dimen- sions to the ellipse on a A'. Hence this inequality shews, that, if we neglect all the other terms, the Moon's motion may be represented by supposing that it moves in an ellipse, the perigee of which revolves about the Earth with an angular velocity (1 − c) Cor. 7. 3m² do nearly. d Ꮎ dt 4 dt Principia, Lib. 1. Prop. 66. The two terms of the longitude 2e sin (ent - a) + e² sin 2 (cnt − a) correspond to the above term in the reciprocal of the radius vector; as may be seen by comparing the form of the terms with those in the expansion of 0 w in Art. 277. The second term in the reciprocal of the radius vector is bm² cos {(2 − 2m) 0 − 2ß}. Now (1-m)0-ß=0−(m0+ß)=long. of Moon-longº. of Sun angular distance of Moon from the Sun. Hence this inequality has its greatest positive value when the Moon is in syzygies, and its greatest negative value when the Moon is in quadratures. This agrees with the Principia, Prop. 66. Cor. 5. and also with Art. 303. 11 The term m² sin {(2 – 2m) nt - 28 in the longitude corresponds to the above term: and is the inequality called the Variation discovered by Tycho Brahe (Art. 291, 305). The third term in the reciprocal of the radius vector is 15 bme cos {(2 - 2 m −c) 0 - 2 ẞ + a}. 8 MEANING OF THE TERMS IN THE RAD. VECTOR AND LONG. 307 Since 2-2m-c nearly equals unity it will be seen that this term is nearly analogous to the first term, though of much less importance because of the smallness of its coefficient. We shall take it in conjunction with that term (see Airy's Tracts, Lunar Theory), neglecting the motion of the perigee and other small quantities. 1 Then b{ - 2° {1 + e cos (0 − a) + 15 me cos (0 − 2ß + a)}, neglecting the other terms = 8 = b { 1 + e cos (0 − a) + me cos [0 − a + 2 (a − ẞ)] } 15 8 = b { 1 + [e + me cos 2 (a - ẞ)] cos (8 − a) 15 15 8 15 me sin 2 (a – ẞ) sin (0 − a)} 15 b{1+e[1+m cos 2 (a - B)] cos [0-a+m sin 2 (a−ẞ)]}, as will easily be seen upon expanding this latter expression and neglecting small quantities of the third order. Hence the effect of this third term in the reciprocal of the Moon's distance is to increase the eccentricity of the elliptic orbit by me cos 2 (a-3); and to diminish the longitude of the perigee by 15 m sin 2 (a – ß). 15 8 8 If we suppose the Sun to be stationary during one revo- lution of the Moon, ẞ = longitude of the Sun: therefore eccentricity=e{1+mcos2 (long. perigee-long. Sun)} 15 long. perigee (corrected) = a -m sin 2 (long. perigee-long. Sun). The term me sin {(2 2 m c) nt − 2ẞ + a} in the longitude exactly corresponds with the term above. It is called the Evection, and was discovered by Ptolemy (Art. 290). When the perigee is in syzygies, then a ẞ= 0 or π, and the В eccentricity is increased by me: and when the perigee is in quadratures the eccentricity is diminished by that quantity: Principia, Lib. 1. Prop. 66. Cor. 9. and Art. 314. 15 The last term in the reciprocal of the radius vector is - 3 b m² e cos (m0 + ß − a'). 308 DYNAMICS. LUNAR THEORY, α This is of the third order: but the corresponding term in the longitude, viz. – 3me' sin (mnt + B - a), is of the second order. This inequality in the longitude depends upon the Sun's mean anomaly: when the Sun is in perigee and apogee then (mnt + ẞ). — a′ = 0 and π, and this term vanishes: when the Sun is moving from perigee to apogee the term is negative, and positive as the Sun moves from apogee to perigee hence the Moon is behind or before her mean place (in consequence of this inequality) according as the Sun is moving from perigee to apogee or from apogee to perigee. This is the Annual Equation: (Art. 292, 300). Also see Principia, Lib. 1. Prop. 66. Cor. 6. and Lib. III. Scholium to Lunar Theory. There is another term - ² sin (2gnt - 2y) in the lon- gitude. This depends upon the Moon's distance from the mean place of her node, and nearly equals the difference be- tween her longitudes measured on the ecliptic and her orbit: hence it is called the Reduction. PROP. To explain the physical meaning of the terms in the analytical expression for the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic. 342. The first term is k sin (g07). Y Let N be the ascending node when 0- = 0, fig. 93. Take g ▲ NEM' = = 0 - γ : and ▲ M'En = g. ▲ M'EN: also let g M be the Moon, tan MEM's: then is the node, moving backwards. For in the right-angled triangle MM'n, we have sin M'n = = tan MM' cot Mn M', tan Mn M' = tan AB k; k sin (gð − y). ..stan MM' k sin g 4 M'EN = Hence the meaning of this term is that the node regresses with = d Ꮎ an angular velocity (g- 1) dt 3m² do 4 dt −2ẞ+ y} is The second term 3 m k sin {(2 − 2 m − g) 0 – 2 B + y best considered in connexion with the first, as we did the Evection (Airy's Tracts). MEANING OF THE TERMS IN THE INCLINATION. 309 Neglecting the motion of the Node s=k {sin (0-2)+m sin (0-y+27-2ẞ)} =k 1+ 3 m cos 2 (y−ẞ)} sin (0−y)+3m k sin 2 (~7−ß) cos (8 − y) = k { 1 + 3 m cos 2 (y−ß)} sin {0−y+3 m sin 2 (y−ẞ)}. Hence the effect of the second term in s is to increase the tan- gent of inclination of the lunar orbit by 3mk cos 2 (y−ß) or 3mk cos 2 (long. node - long. Sun), and to diminish the lon- gitude of the node, calculated on the supposition of its uni- formly regressing, by the angle 3m sin 2 (7 – ẞ) or 3m sin 2 (long. node long. Sun). Principia, Lib. III. Props. 33. and 35. The inclination of the orbit is greatest when the node is in syzygies, and least when in quadratures: see Art. 321, and Principia, Lib. 1. Prop. 66. Cor. 10. 343. The angle described by the perigee during a revo- lution of the Moon, as calculated in Art. 341, equals 3m². 2 π = 3m² = 1º. 30″ nearly: but its true value as proved by observation is about twice this. This apparent discrepancy between theory and observation shook Clairaut's belief in Newton's law of gravitation, and induced him to propose a new and more complicated law; pamphlets were already printed and about to be circulated by Clairaut, when he discovered that by extending the approximation the value of C is 1 - 4 m² - 23235 m³, 32 the third term of which, owing to the largeness of the coeffi- cient, nearly equals the second term and therefore reconciles the apparent difference. 344. 3 9 The value of g is 1+ m² - 3m, and therefore the ratio of the motion of the perigee to that of the node 75 · (3 m² + 2325 m³) ÷ († m² − 3 m³) = (1 + m) (1 + ÷ m) = 2 nearly. 32 This ratio is much larger than for one of Jupiter's satellites, because for that system m is very small indeed. Principia, Lib. 111. Prop. 25. 310 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. 345. If m, be the ratio of the mean motion of Jupiter to that of one of his satellites; then the progression of the perijove and regression of the node during a revolution of the satellite each m². Hence the regression of the node of this satellite during a given time equals the regression of the Moon's node × (m,² ÷ per. time of satellite) ÷ (m² ÷ per. time of Moon) 1 2 mean motion of Jupiter) 2 mean motion of Moon mean motion of Earth mean motion of satellite regress". of Moon's node. The same formula is true for the satellites of Saturn. The progression of the perijove = ½ πm 2 πm, and that of the Moon nearly 3πm² (Art. 343): hence the progression of the perijove during a given time == 1/1 mean motion of Jupiter) 2 mean motion of Earth mean motion of Moon mean motion of satellite regress". of Moon's perigee. The same is true for the satellites of Saturn. If the series for e were more converging (Art. 343), then the which multiplies this expression would be 1. Principia, Lib. 111. Prop. 23. Newton omits the and says "diminui. tamen debet motus angis sic inventus in ratione 9 ad 5 vel 2 ad 1 circiter, ob causam hîc exponere non vacat." So it seems that Newton had some way of accounting for this apparent anomaly. I: The reader that wishes to enter more deeply into the calculation of the lunar inequalities must consult a memoir by Baron Damoiseau in the Mémoires présentés par divers savans à l'Académie Royale des Sciences; Tom. 1: the Lunar Theory of Messrs. Plana and Carlini; and that of Mr Lubbock. In these works the approximation is carried so far as to enable us to deduce all the inequalities from theory alone. 346. In this Chapter we have given the inequalities of the first and second order: those of the third order are fifteen in number, these and some of the inequalities of the fourth and higher orders will be found in the Méc. Cél. Liv. vII. We shall mention some of the more interesting results. Among the periodical inequalities of the Moon's motion in longitude, that which depends on the simple angular distance of the Sun and Moon is important on account of the great light it throws upon the Sun's parallax. The parallax is found INEQUALITIES OF HIGHER ORDERS THAN THE SECOND. 311 to be 8.56 seconds, being the same as several astronomers have found from the last transit but one of Venus over the Sun: Méc. Cél. Liv. VIII. § 24. An inequality, which is not less important, is that which depends upon the longitude of the Moon's node: as it did not appear to depend on the theory of gravity, it was neglected by most astronomers; till a more thorough examination led Laplace to discover that its cause is the oblateness of the Earth it gives an oblateness = 0.05: Méc. Cél. Liv. VII. § 24. There is also an inequality in the Moon's latitude, which Laplace discovered by theory: he shewed that it arises from the oblateness of the Earth's figure: it gives the oblateness : Méc. Cél. Liv. VII. § 25. 1 304.6 1 These two inequalities prove that the Moon's gravity to the Earth arises from the attraction of all the particles of the Earth, and not of the centre alone. (Art. 260.) By examining the records of ancient eclipses of the Moon it was found that the Moon's mean motion was continually accelerated. The cause of this was long sought for in vain; till Laplace discovered by theory that it depends upon the variation (the secular variation, see Art. 377.) of the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. All the observations which have been made during the last century and a half, have put beyond a doubt this result of analysis. When the acceleration of the Moon's mean motion was known, but not accounted for, con- jectures were started as to its depending on the resistance of a medium, or the transmission of gravity; but analysis shews that neither of these causes produces any sensible alteration. Méc. Cél. Liv. VII. § 23. PROP. To prove that the centre of gravity of the Earth and Moon very nearly describes an ellipse about the Sun. 347. Let x'y's' be the co-or. of the Earth from the Sun, X1 Y1 1 X Y Z X Y Z Moon from the Sun, Moon from the Earth, centre of grav. of Earth and Moon from the Sun. 312 LUNAR THEORY. DYNAMICS. m', E, M the masses of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. r'r, the distances of the Earth and Moon from the Sun. r the distance of the Moon from the Earth. Then x₁ - x' = x, Y₁ — y' = y, z₁ Z Z. The ratio of E to m' equals 1 354936 and may therefore be neglected. The equations of motion of the Earth about the Sun, the Moon being the disturbing body, are + m'x' + 2'3 ď² x' d t² γ d² y dť + m'y' 20 /3 + dR' dx' d R' dy = (1); d²x' d R' + + dť 13 dz m'z' R' M (x'x₁ + y'y₁ + ≈′≈1) + 2 { x 2 + y ² + z 2 } {} 2 M √ (x, − x')² + (y₁ − y')² + (≈1 − x')² 1 - The equations of motion of the Moon about the Earth, the Sun being the disturbing body, are ď² x dt2 + (E+M) x 2013 d R + dx ď² y + dt² (E + M ) y 21.3 d R + 0 (2); dy ď² z (E + M ) ≈ d R + + dť 2.3 dz R = m' (x'x + y'y + x′≈) 12 12 x²² + y² ² + x ¹² } } m' (x' + x)² + (y' + y)² + (≈′ + x)² y','are the co-ordinates of the Sun from the since – x', - y', Earth. MOTION OF THE CEN. OF GRAV. of THE EARTH AND MOON. 313 Ex + Mx₁ Now x = E+M Mx E+M' Ex also = X1 E + M ď²x d²x' M d² x + df² d t2 E+M dr² by equations (1) (2), m'x' Mx d R' M d R 2/3 203 dx' E+M dx m'x' Mx Mx₁ M(x,-x') M Jm [m'x' __ m' (x+x') + }} 12 3 203 2+3 E+M \ ‚'3 3 ペン ​E m'x' M m'x, Mx1 3 " neglecting 3 E+ M 7'3 E+M ri ri substituting for a' and x, in terms of x and x, m' E 13 r'³ E+M 1 Now 13 Also || Mx m' M x + E+M 3 r₂³ E + M Ex E+M X Mx E+M My + Y + E+M (= M& 2 3 E+M M 1 xx = = {1 + 3 x + y + z = +..... E + M Ex 2 7° Ey E+M 2 Ez 1 = {( ~ + - ) + ( ~ + B) ) + ( = + + M)"} 3 x E+M 3 E xx + YY + ≈≈ + E+ M ....} dť 3EMm xx + y y + z z (E + M)² グ ​2,5 M X M X 3 X Mx E + M 18 Ex E+M } + 3 EMm' x²x + xyy + xzz + 3 (E + M)² Ꭱ Ꭱ r 5 +. 314 DYNAMICS. LUNAR THEORY. Y = and = r M X 3 I X + terms multiplied by the products and powers of } higher than the first. r Դ 1 Now nearly, and x, y, ≈ cannot be greater than r: j 400 hence if we neglect small quantities of the fourth order, we have ď x dx m'x + dt2 3 m'y and similarly dt2 3 ď² z m'z + d t 3 r These equations shew that the path of the centre of gravity is a conic section in one plane the Sun being in the focus, (Arts. 241, 246, 252); it evidently must be an ellipse. 348. Mr Airy, Astronomer Royal, has proposed a method for determining the mass of the Moon, which depends upon this Proposition. Since the centre of gravity of the Earth and Moon describes an ellipse about the Sun, it follows that the Earth does not describe an ellipse about the Sun: this deviation from elliptic motion depends upon the mass of the Moon, and can easily be calculated by theory: and thence can be determined the error in the Sun's right ascension and de- clination on the supposition of the orbit of the Earth being an ellipse. Now when Venus is near inferior conjunction she is only a third of the distance of the Earth from the Sun, and consequently the errors in her right ascension and declination will be much greater than in the Sun's. Some observations for this end will be found in the Memoirs of the Royal Astrono- mical Society, Vol. V. p. 223. CHAPTER VI. PLANETARY THEORY. 349. WE have already stated that the perturbations of the Moon are far larger than those of the planets, because the Sun, the mass of which is enormous and distance not propor- tionably great, is one of the disturbing bodies. The perturbations of the planets, on the other hand, are very minute; and are not detected in short periods of time. These might, however, be calculated in the manner pursued in calculating the longitude, latitude, and radius vector of the Moon but since the approximation is made by means of series which proceed by powers of the ratio of the distances of the disturbed and disturbing bodies from the central one, and since this fraction is much smaller in the Lunar Theory than in the Planetary Theory, it is necessary to retain many more terms in the calculation of the perturbations of the planets than in that of the perturbations of the Moon; and consequently the process is much slower in the former than in the latter calcula- tion. For this reason R is expanded in powers of the eccen- tricities and inclinations of the orbits of the planets instead of the ratio of the distances of the disturbed and disturbing bodies and the calculation then conducted as in the last Chapter. 350. But we shall make use of an entirely different mode of calculation. It is to Lagrange that we are indebted for the method we are about to lay before our readers of calculating the Planetary Perturbations. If at any instant the disturbing forces were to cease acting, the planet would move in an exact ellipse; and this ellipse and the actual orbit of the planet would manifestly have a 316 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. common tangent, and the actual velocity of the planet and that calculated for the motion in this ellipse according to the elliptic theory would be the same. For this reason this ellipse is called the ellipse of curvature to the orbit at that instant: it is also denominated the instantaneous ellipse of the planet.* * That this ellipse is an ellipse of curvature to the actual orbit, and that the contact is of the first order only may also be thus shewn. The most general equations to an ellipse in space are the equations to a plane and to a surface of the second order. These contain twelve arbitrary constants. Now these constants are in our case, connected by the following relations. 1. The plane of the ellipse must pass through the Sun's centre. one relation connecting the constants. This gives 2. The focus of the ellipse must lie in the Sun's centre. This gives three more relations. 3. The co-ordinates of the planet at the instant under consideration must satisfy the equations of the ellipse. This gives two more relations. 4. The velocities of the planet in the two orbits must be the same and their directions also at the instant under consideration: or, which comes to the same thing, the three velocities parallel to the axes of co-ordinates must be the same. This gives three more relations. 5. The velocity in the ellipse must be equal to that which results from the 1 2 a theory of elliptic motion, viz: 2u This gives one more relation. (ਕ) These five considerations give ten relations among the constants of the equations to the ellipse. Hence these equations in our case involve only two arbitrary constants. Now let xyz be the co-ordinates to the common point of the orbits: x + dx', y + dy, z + d z the co-ordinates of a point near this in the path of the planet and x + d x', y + ¿y', z+dz' the co-ordinates of a point in the instantaneous orbit cor- responding to the above: also let become t +7: dx d²x' + then da = ++ + dt dt 2 da d² x' +² ôx' T-+ + dt d t² 2 .. ô dx' J ( d2 x d² x + by condition (4). d t d to 2 d2 y d² Y + dt 2 === ( d2 d² z d²z' + dt2 dt dt² 2 Similarly ôg – ô ý = (a ô z' Hence the distance between the new points in the curves 1 - • - {(x-2)+(-2)+(-Z) 7+&c... d² x' x' d³y day' z z d dt d In METHOD OF CALCULATION. 317 From what precedes it is evident that the motion of the planet may be represented by supposing it to move in an ellipse of which the elements are continually and slowly changing. If we know the elements of the instantaneous ellipse at any proposed instant, we have nothing to do but to calculate the position of the planet in this ellipse by the ordinary formulæ in Chap. III. 351. Since the perturbations of the planetary motions. are very small, it follows from the Principle of the super- position of small motions, that the perturbations will be the sum of the perturbations produced by the several disturbing bodies considered separately: (Art. 288). We shall therefore in the following calculations consider only one disturbing body. PROP. To explain the process of integrating the equa- tions of motion of the disturbed planet. 352. The equations of motion of a disturbed planet are by Art. 323. d²x dt MX d R + + 0, 7.3 dx d³y му d R + + 0, df 2.3 dy d² M d R + + 0, d t² 2013 dz where R= { x²² + y² + ~´~} m' (xx' + yy' + ≈≈′) /2 m' (x − x')ˆ + (y − y')² + (≈ − ~') * μ = mass of Sun + mass of disturbed planet m' = mass of the disturbing planet. = 0: In order to make the ellipse have a contact nearer than that of the first order [which it has by condition (4)] we must make the first term of this expression but this we cannot do since it requires three conditions to be satisfied and we have only two disposcable constants. Hence the ellipse described in the text is an ellipse of contact to the real orbit. the contact being of the first order. 318 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. We shall first integrate these equations of motion omitting the disturbing forces: by this process we shall obtain six inte- grals of the first order, containing six arbitrary constants. These six constants must be determined in terms of the six elements of the planet's orbit (Art. 270.); the inclination, the longitude of the node, the mean distance, the eccentricity, the longitude of the perihelion, and the epoch. By eliminating dx dy dz from these six integrals we dt' dt the three quantities dt, have the three final integrals of the equations of motion. We shall then proceed to the integration of the equations of motion taking into consideration the disturbing forces. The six integrals of the first order obtained on the sup- position that there were no disturbing forces, contain the six dx dy dz arbitrary constants and also the quantities x, y, z, at' at dť ≈, dt Now since the actual orbit and the instantaneous orbit touch each other in the point (xy≈), and since the velocities in these two orbits at that point are the same (Art. 350), it follows dx dy dz are the same in the actual orbit dt' dt' dt that x, y, 9 and in the instantaneous orbit. Consequently we shall con- sider these six integrals to be still the integrals of the equations. of motion when the disturbing forces are not neglected; with this difference, that now we must consider the six constants as variable quantities. To determine their values we must dif- ferentiate the six integrals with respect to t and eliminate d² x d'y d² z by the equations of motion. In this way six dt' dt²' dť equations will be obtained for calculating the six variable quantities. We shall then use the equations which connect the elements of the instantaneous orbit with these six quantities (which are the six arbitrary constants when the disturbing forces are neg- lected), and in this manner obtain equations for calculating the variations which the elements of the instantaneous orbit undergo: so that if at any epoch these elements are known, they may be calculated for any other epoch. Then these MOTION OF AN UNDISTURBED PLANET. 319 elements being put in the series of Arts. 278, 280, we know the position of the planet at any given time. We proceed now to the investigation of the several Pro- positions necessary for these results. PROP. To integrate the equations of motion of an undisturbed planet. 353. These equations are ď²x + MX d ť 2.3 ď² y му + (1), dť 21.3 ď z M B + dť 2.3 where μπ M + m = mass of Sun + mass of planet. Multiply the first by y and the second by a and take their difference; then ď y ď²x 2 Y 0; dt dt2 dy dx ... 20 Y = const. = h dt dt dx * ર dt x dz dt = h in like manner dz Y dy * h₂ dt dt (2). These are three of the first integrals and they contain the three arbitrary constants h, h₁, h. Again, multiply the equations of motion by 2 dx dy dt dt 20 dz respectively, add them, and integrate: then dt dx2 dy² doe 2 м + dt + dt dt = const. = c.. (3). 320 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. This is a fourth integral of the first order and contains the arbitrary constant c. Again, multiply the first and second of the equations of motion by the second and third of (2) respectively: then by subtraction we have ď² x h₁ h₂ 1 dt ď² y dt2 MX dx x 2.3 dt dz dt му + 2.3 ( dz dy Y Z dt dt dz με - * (x² + y² +2°) dx = = (x dx + y dy + zde) y²+x²) dt Joi dt dt dt u dz uz dr d() ♦ | ર ; r dt p² dt d t dx dy μ Z hi h2 + f dt dt 2. dz dx му so also h₂ h + fi (4). dt dt go dy dz ŀl X h h₁ +f2 dt dt Դ Thus we have three more integrals of the first order, containing the arbitrary constants f, fi, f2. It would appear, then, that we have seven, and not only six, integrals of the first order: but we can shew that any one of these seven is a consequence of the other six: and the con- stants h, ha, ha, f, fi, fe are connected by an equation. For by the last of equations (2) and (4) we have 2 h₂ f₂ = hh₂ h₁h₂ dy dz μx h₂ dt dt 2 dt dx h1 dt μ m dx dt dz h2 dt = h ( h₂ dy - h₁ da) + h (hda - h, d) - 4 h r = − h ƒ − h, f₁ − = (x h₂ + yh₁ + ≈h) by equations (4) - fï 1 до 2 = - hf - h₁f₁ by equations (2) MOTION OF AN UNDISTURBED PLANET. 321 ... hf + h₂f1 + h₂f2 = 0 ………. ..... (5) or the arbitrary constants have a necessary relation, and therefore the seven integrals found above are not independent integrals. And moreover, since the seven integrals contained in (2) (3) (4) do not involve the time t explicitly it would appear that dx dy dz we should obtain three final in- dt dt' dt by eliminating tegrals functions of xyz without t: but this evidently cannot be the case. It follows, then, that the seven integrals must be equivalent to only five independent integrals: and the con- stants h, h₁, h, c, f, fi, f½ are connected by another relation. This relation is found Add the squares of as follows. equations (4); ··· ƒ² + fi² + ƒ²² + (f≈ + fr¥ + ƒ2«x) + µ³ 1* = (h² + h² + h₂²) + Jdx² dy dv² d: dy d.x) 2 dt + dt dť +h, d t dt + h₂ dt (h² + h* + h₂³) (~~ + c) by equations (3) and (2). But by equations (4) f+fiy + ƒɔx + µ r dy dx dx = h ( x d − y de) + h ( z da - 8 da) + h, (ydz - z dy dt dt! dt X dt = h² + h₁₂² + h²; dt ·· ƒ² + ƒï + ƒ¸² = µ² + (h² + h¦² + h₂³) c ………….. (6), this is the relation sought for. dt We are unable to obtain a sixth integral of the first order by direct integration: and must therefore integrate the integrals already obtained to get a relation involving the time: this will be one of the final integrals. To obtain the other two final integrals we must eliminate the dx dy dz differential coefficients from the integrals of the dt' dt' dt : first order to effect this multiply the equations (2) respectively by ≈, y, x and add S s 322 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. h z + h₁y + h₂ x = 0 .. (7), this proves that the undisturbed planet moves in a plane. Again, multiply equations (4) by ≈, y, a respectively and add: then ƒ≈ +ƒ½∞ + ƒïY + ƒ₂x + µ √ x² + y²+ 00 fz hx (~ dy dx dx Y + h₁z d t = d t 2 d t h² + h‚² + h₂² by (2) ……….. Xx dz x² ar) + he dz dy + h₂ y at d t (8). dt This is the equation to a surface of revolution of the second order, the origin of co-ordinates being in the focus: the equation to the plane generated by the directrix of the gene- rating conic section being 2 ƒ≈' + ƒ₁Y' + ƒ2x′ = h² + h²² + h₂². For the perpendicular from any point (xyz) of the surface on this plane 2 ƒ≈ + ƒ₁Y + ƒ₂x — h² — h₂² — h₂²² · √ƒ² + fi² + ƒ²² 2 μη √ ƒ² + ƒn² +ƒ½º Now is the same for all points equally distant from the origin. Hence the surface must be one of revolution about an axis perpendicular to the plane of which the equation is 2 ƒ≈' + ƒ₁ý +ƒ½æ′ = h² + h₂² + h₂². グ ​Also the ratio of the perpendicular to the distance › is constant: and this is a property peculiar to the focus of conic sections. Hence the surface is a surface of the second order from the focus and by combining this with the equation (7) we learn, that the planet moves in a conic section the Sun being in the focus: (Art. 252). To obtain the third integral add the squares of equations (2): then (x² + y²+≈²) 2 [dx² d x² dy² dx2) + + dt2 { d.r dy d ? + Y + ≈ = h² + h₂² + h₂², 2 2 dt dt dt dt dt² and r² = x² + y² + ≈²; THE ELEMENTS IN TERMS OF THE ARBITRARY QUANTITIES. 323 dx² dt2 dy2 شیج d dr² h² + h₂² + h₂² 2 2 + + (9). d t d t² at за? Let be the longitude of the planet at the time t measured on the plane of its orbit: then dx² dy² dx2 + + dt dť dt2 dt ᏧᎾ r d 02 + dr² dt2 df; 2 h² + h₂² + h₂² In this we must substitute for in terms of by means of the two other integrals: and in integrating we shall introduce the sixth independent arbitrary constant: this constant is called the epoch, since it depends upon the epoch of the planet's perihelion passage. Having integrated the equations of motion for an undis- turbed planet we proceed to the following Proposition. PROP. To calculate the elements of the orbit in terms of the arbitrary constants introduced by the integration. 354. Let i be the inclination of the plane of the orbit to the plane of the ecliptic; the ecliptic we shall take to be the plane of xy, the longitude of the node, the axis of a being drawn through the first point of aries, w the longitude of the perihelion projected on the ecliptic, 2a the axis-major of the orbit, e the eccentricity, € the epoch. The equation to the plane of the orbit is zh+y h₂+x h₂ = 0; h 2 .. cos i and tan i = > √ h² + h₂² + h₂ 2 h₁² + h₂² h² 2 324 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. By putting ≈ = 0 in the equation to the plane of the orbit, we have h₁y+hx = 0, the equation to the line of nodes: ho ... tan h₁ dx dy dz At the perihelion r is a minimum; ..æ + Y + z 0, dt dt dt Y also tan = at that point: x му dz dx h₂ h dt dt dx² dx2 dy Y + d ť² dt2 dx2 dy2 da² y + + d t² dt² d t² we must therefore find the value of this ratio at the perihelion : for this end we have = -fi by (4) of last Article ર dz dt d x + x -fi by (2) dt -f₁ at the perihelion ; dt MX dz2 dy² d∞2 so also = x + + γ d t² dt dť -f2 at the perihelion ; y fr ...tan at perihelion At the extremities of the axis-major equations (3) and (9) of last Article give ३ .. 1' = C 2 2 h² + h₂² + h₂² H 22 2 グ ​2 + C; √ µ² + (h² + h₂² + h₂²) c C @ = a f2 dr 0, and therefore dt М .. a C 2 and e = 2 u² + (h² + h₂² + h₂²) c _ √ ƒ² + ƒ²² + ƒ²²° м by equation (6) of last Article. M MOTION OF A DISTURBED PLANET, 325 dt d Ꮎ Lastly to find the epoch (e) we must integrate the equation p2 2 √ h² + hi² + h₂² 2 after having substituted for r. Having thus obtained the elements of the undisturbed orbit in terms of the constants we will proceed to shew the importance of these expressions in determining the perturba- tions of a disturbed planet. PROP. To integrate the equations of motion of a dis- turbed planet. 355. The equations of motion are ď² x MX d R + + 0, dt2 203 dx d³y му d R + + 0, d f 2.3 dy d2z με dR + + 0. df 23 do In conformity with the method of the variation of para- meters invented by Lagrange, and explained in Art. 352, we shall assume that the following integrals (taken from Art. 353.) satisfy these equations, h h h₂ cƒƒiƒ½ being variables, dy dx h = x Y dt dt dx dz h₁ = 2 dt dt d t dz dy h₂ = y dt dt c+ Ωμ グ ​dx + dt² dt dy² d2 + dt, f+ μπ 2* dx dy h₁ h₂ dt dt 326 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. му dz dx fi + h₂ h 1° dt dt M 20 dy dz ₤2 + h h₁ 2' dt dt and we now proceed to shew how to determine the values of the variables h h h cffif in order that this may be the case. Differentiate all these equations with respect to t and dx d'y d³z eliminate dt²' dť²' dť² by means of the equations of motion: d R dy > dh d R we have Y W d t dx dhr d R d R = x dt dz da dhe d R d R -y dt dy dz dc 2 Jd R dx dR dy d R dz d (R) + + 2 d t dx dt dy dt dz dt dt the brackets surrounding R implying that the total differential coefficient with respect to t is to be taken, but this only in so far as R is a function of xyz*. df dh, da dhy dy d R d R hr + h₂ d t d t d t dt dt dx dy df dh₂ dz dh dx d R dR - ... + h dt dt dt dt dt dz dx df2 dh dy dh dz dR d R - h + hr dt dt dt dt dt dy do *R is also a function of t in consequence of being a function of 'y's', but the bracket is meant to imply that R is to be differentiated only in so far as it is a function of xyz. MOTION OF A DISTURBED PLANET. 327 356. The inclinations of the planes of the planetary orbits to the ecliptic are very small; the asteroids (of which the masses, however, are very small) being excepted. This is the case also with the eccentricities. We shall consequently neg- lect powers of these quantities higher than the square. that dx dy dy dz By referring to the value of R (Art. 352.) it will be seen dR dR d R all vary as m' the mass of the disturbing planet, which in our system is always extremely small in com- parison with that of the Sun: we shall therefore neglect these quantities when they have small multipliers, and also their squares. The difference between all angles and distances measured on the plane of the orbit and their projections on the ecliptic varies as the versine of the orbit's inclination, and therefore as the square of the angle of inclination nearly. This shews that in calculating the perturbations of the mean distance, the ec- centricity, the longitude of the perihelion, and the epoch, we may neglect i and therefore h₁+h, and consequently h₁ and he, and also f, Art. 353, equation (5): hence the equations of last Article become 2 dh d R d R Y v dt dx dy dc d (R) 2 d.t dt dx dfi dt dt { X d R ข d R d R + h dy da dæ df2 dy { dR d R d R h У dy dx dy 357. dt dt When we have expanded the function R then we must calculate the terms of these equations which involve the partial differential coefficients of R. After this we shall obtain the variations of the elements of the instantaneous orbit of the planet in terms of these variations of the arbitrary quantities hhh₂ c f f f 2. Then by integrating these we shall know the 328 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. elements of the instantaneous orbit. Let a,e,a,e,i,, be these elements at the time t; the subscript accents being used to denote that the elements are variable. Then by substituting these in 2 2* e 1 + a e, cos (n¸t + €, − @) ૭ 2 ∞) - .. e² cos 2 (n¸t + e − ∞₁) - and 0 = n¸t + €, + (20, (20, -214) sin (2, t + e, (n¸t+ − ∞₁) 5e2 + sin 2 (n,t + €, — w₁) + 4 we know the position of the planet in its orbit; the position of the orbit being known by i, and Q. At present, however, we shall proceed to the transforma- tion of R to polar co-ordinates. PROP. To determine d R d R dx' dy in terms of dR dR de' dr 358. In calculating these disturbing forces we may sup- poser and the same as their projections on the plane of xy: for otherwise we should be retaining quantities varying as the product of the square of the inclination and disturbing force; Y X ; .. x = r cos 0, Y 1' = 7 sin 0, r² = x² + y², tan 0 dR dR dr dR do dR d R sin 0 + cos A dx dr dx de dx dr d Ꮎ 2 d R d R dr d R do d R dR cos 0 + sin 0 + dy dr dy do dy dr ᏧᎾ グ ​359. But since R is to be expanded in terms of t and the elements we must still further transform these partial differ- ential coefficients. €, Upon examining the expansions of r and we see that and ☎, are remarkably connected with nt: r is a function of nt +, -,, and 0 equals n,t+e,+ a function of nt W and €, and occur in no other way in 7 and 8 + €, در DIF. COEFS. OF R WITH RESPECT TO THE ELEMENTS. 329 and consequently in R. Hence by an analytical artifice we may consider R as a function of e, and, in consequence of its being a function of and 0, and may change the variables from and to e and this will be better understood by reading the next Proposition. / PROP. To obtain W: d (R) dR dR dt de' dr in terms of the par- و tial differential coefficients of R with respect to the elements. d (R) dt 360. In R is supposed to be differentiated only inasmuch as it depends on the co-ordinates of the disturbed planet; viz. r and 0. Now by examining the expansions of r and ✪ we see that wherever t occurs e, is connected with it in the expression n,t +e,, and e, €, occurs in no other place in 7 and 8: hence d R d (n¸t + €) d (R) d t d R = n n de d R d R Again, to obtain and we observe, as before, that R do dr is a function of and solely because it is a function of → and 0; dR dR do dR dr + de Ꮎ do de dr de d R d R de dR dr + do dw dr dw dw, Now by referring to the expansions of r and we have dr dr d Ꮎ d Ꮎ 05 + = 1 and + de do de, dw. in consequence of these the above equations give by addition d R d R d R + d Ꮎ de, dw Tr 330 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. dR 361. Again, to obtain we observe that r is a function dr 1 in the equation jo of e, solely because it is a function of 0; for e, does not occur 1 + e, cos (0 – ☎) a, (1 − e²) dr dr de r²e, sin (0 – ☎,) də de, ᏧᎾ de a, (1 - e²) de, ᏧᎾ d Ꮎ 1 de √a, μ (1 − e²) (Art 273.) and de d (nt + €) n dt п. 302 Substitute these in the formula 2 1 e Jo2 2 d R dR de d R dr + de de de dr de dr transposing and dividing by de 2 d R 1 e (dR 2 dr a e sin (0 w) [de, we have a√1-e dR 2 2.2 d Ꮎ des We shall find the following Proposition of use hereafter in reducing our formulæ. d R d R d R PROP. To obtain in terms of and de de, dw 362. Since R is a function of e, solely because it is a function of r and 0; d R dR de dR dr + de do de, dr de ᏧᎾ dr We must therefore calculate and de, de 3 Now 0 = n,t + €, + (2 e, − 4 e,³) sin (n,t + e − @) + ... and r = a, { 1 + 1/2 e 2 -e, cos (n,t + e, w₁) ......}, DIF. COEFS. OF R WITH RESPECT TO THE ELEMENTS. 331 • dr ᏧᎾ and from these we should obtain and : but since we de, de do not know the law of these series we wust refer to the functions from which they were developed, viz: (Arts. 273, 279.) dt (1 ·e²) } N de n, {1+e, cos (0 - ∞) } ² 2 α and r = a (1 − e,²) 1 + e¸ cos (0 − ☎) O is calculated by the first, and substituted in the value of r, and then r is expanded. By integrating the first we shall have t = † (0, e); dt dt .. dt = de + de,; do de do transposing and multiplying by we have dt d Ꮎ dt de ᏧᎾ dt- de,; dt de dt d Ꮎ dt de de de, dt 1 - (1 − e²)³ do * Ꮎ Now t – N 1 + e, cos (0 – ☎,) 2 1 − e ² { 3e, + (2 + e²) cos (0 − ☎,)}d0 - @,)}; 3 d t 1 de ՊՆ, { 1 + e¸cos (0 – ) छ 2 1. e n 1 - e, cos (0 - )}² + 2 1 + e, cos (0 – wo sin (0 – ☎,) sin (0 - ∞) *This integral is obtained in the following manner. Assume fåe 3e + (2 + e²) cos x dx (1 + e cos x)³ = this is evidently the form of the integral. A sin a' (1 + e cos x)² + 1 + e cos x B sin a Cdx + + e cos x Differentiating ? 332 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. d Ꮎ Also n 2 dt (1 e ᏧᎾ sin (0 – ☎ @o) de {1 + e, cos (0 - w)}²; 2 1 - e² {2 + e, cos (0 - w)}. Also, since the series for r is obtained by developing the function a, (1 − e,²) - 1 + e cos (0 – w dr after substituting for 0, dr (ap) dr do + de de do de a, { − 2 e, − (1 +e,²) cos (0—w‚)} a,e,sin² (0—w‚){2+e,cos(0—w‚)} + {1+e, cos (0-w) } ² 2 {1+e,cos (0-)}? 2 a cos (0 - w); d R dR sin (0–₪) {2+e,cos (0 −@o ;)} de, d Ꮎ 2 1 - e d R a cos (0–☎). dr We now proceed to obtain the formulæ for calculating the variations of the elements. PROP. To calculate the variations of the mean distance, the eccentricity, and the longitude of the perihelion of the instantaneous orbit of the disturbed planet. Then 363. Let a, e,, w, be these elements; the subscript accents indicating that the elements are functions of t. by Art. 354 Differentiating and multiplying by (1+e cos x)³ (cosx+6 3e + (2 + e²) cos x = A { cos x (1+ecos x) + 2e sin² x } + B (1 + e cos x) (cos x + e) + C (1 + e cos x)². Let x=0; 3e + (2 + e² ) = A (l + e) + ( B + C) (1 + e )² or 2+ e = A + (B + C') (1 + e).........(1) π x = 2; 3e=2e1+c B+ C ...... 40 (2) x = π ; 3e − 2 – e² — — ↓ ( 1 − e ) − ( B − C) (1 − e)² − or 2 − c = A + ( B -- C') (1 — € ( 1 − e)………………………………….. (3), From these 4=1, B=1, C=0. Hence the integral in the text. VARIATIONS OF THE ELEMENTS. 333 : 1 C μ 1. The mean distance a a С a α, М da a² de dc 2a2 d (R) by Art. 356. d t μ dt Ад dt 2n, a² dR by Art. 360. ле de, 2. 1 e₁ = The eccentricity ƒ² + ƒï² + ƒ½ 1 2 2 2 √ fi² + f (Art. 356); M de 1 df + ₤2 dt fi² + ƒ²² dt dt 2 d fl 1 df, d f sin w + COS w sw ·.· tan w₁ = · dt 'dt fi - fo But by Arts. 356, 358, dfi Sd r de dR cos - sin ✪ hfdR sin 0 dR COS dt dt dt de d Ꮎ グ ​dr {bu but in small terms h = √ a, µ (1 − e,²) (1 − e) { ( = √ a, µ (1 − e²), and μ - √a,µ dor dt cos dr 2 sin dR d R + cos 0 22 de "' d Ꮎ dr d f2 Jd r dė】 dR sino+r cose - h [dR Jd R cos 0 d R + sin ✪ dt dt dt de d Ꮎ dr sin e dr 2 cos 0 d R dR - √α,µ (1 а, м (1 − e + + sin 1 do Ꮎ 7° do dr de, dt a, (1 − e) √a,(1 u - sin (9 – w,) dr xf- (sir + do 2 cos (0 ľ – - @ )) dR do - sin (0 - ) d R dr 334 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. in small terms, and using {putting 1 1 + e, cos (0 – ∞o,) 2 a (1 − e,²) the properties proved in Arts. 360, 361.} X X √a, (1 a (1 − e e,²) ль e,² sin³ (0 – ☎,)—e,² cos² (0 − ∞₁) + 1 dR 1- e 2 dR е a e, (1 − e,²) - ᏧᎾ a e de 2 e dR а е 2 u ae²μ \de, dw 3. For the longitude of the perihelion tan w dR 1 2 €² dR + ма e, √μa de . = 1, f2 d w dt 1 ƒ²² + ƒ²² df £2 -fi 2 dt d fal dt 2 1 dfi d fa 2 COS D ме, • dt a (1 − e²). √a мег 2 dt sin w ದ cos (0 – ☎) @) dr 200 2 sin (0 – w d R d Ꮎ 2 d Ꮎ √a, (1 2 με a, (1 − e,²) - sin (0,) {2 +e, cos (0 - w)} dR 사 ​+ cos (0 − ☎,) cos (0 – w + a (1 − e,²) ᏧᎾ 1 e² dR a µe² de, by Art. 362. 2 d R dr dR ;) dr PROP. To find the variations of the inclination and the longitude of the node. VARIATIONS OF THE ELEMENTS. 335 364. We have by Art. 354 the formulæ 2 √ h₂² + h₂² 2 h₂ tan i tan 2, = h h₁ h2 h₁ …. tani, sin Q, tan i, cos 2, همه احمد h Hence d (tan i, sin ) dt 1 dh dh₂ h₂ h h² dt dt dz ≈ and Substituting by the equations of Art. 355, and neglecting as being small, dt d tan i ΦΩ y d R sin +cos, tani, dt idt h dz In a similar manner by differentiating h₂ tan i, cos = we have h' d tan i ΦΩ x d R cos - sin Q, tan ¿, dt dt h dz Multiplying these equations by sin 2, and cos, respect- ively and adding d tan i dt 1 (y sin N, + x cos N) h d R dz Multiplying by cos N,, sin N, and subtracting dQ, d R 1 tan i · dt h (y cos N, − x sin Q,) dz d R d R dx dR dy d R dz d R dz Now + + nearly; di dx di dy di dz di dz di dR d R dz and similarly nearly. ΦΩ dz do, 336 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. since for a given alteration in the inclination or longitude of the node the alteration in ≈ is greater than in a or y. Also ≈ = F h₂ h h m 00 y by Art. 353, equation (7). h = tan i, (~ sin N¸ — y cos N,), dz di sec² i, (∞ sin N, - y cos N,) ; dz tan i, (x cos N, + y sin N,). ΦΩ d tan i Hence dt 1 d R htani, do, ; ΦΩ 1 d R , neglecting tan³ i, ... dt h tani, di, Since the squares of i, u μ√ T-e 2 h na di d R dt u С dQ,' d R are neglected and since these may be written ΦΩ dt na 2 μ sini, √1-e ds), na usini,√1-e² di, which agree with those given by M. Pontècoulant Théorie Analytique du Système du Monde, Tom. 1. p. 330. PROP. To find the variation of the epoch. 365. Now R is a function of a, e, w, n,t + e, i, ,, and since the instantaneous ellipse is an ellipse of curvature to the orbit described of the first order (Art. 350), it follows that the first differential coefficients of and with respect to t will be the same in the real orbit and in the instantaneous ellipse. The same will be the case with the first differential coefficient of any function of and 0, as R. VARIATIONS OF THE 337 ELEMENTS. d R d (R) Now in the ellipse クレ ​dt de ; and in the real orbit, since R is a function of the variable quantities a,, e,, w,, nt + e, i,, and Q; d (R) dR da dR de dR dw, + + dt da, dt de, dt dw, dt d R dn, de dR di d R dQ, + n, + t -+ + + de, d t dt di, dt. ds, dt Equating these values of d (R) da, and substituting for dt d t de, do dn 3n, da di d, the values found dt. dt d t 2a, dt dt' dt de d R in Arts. 363, 364, and transposing and dividing by We dt de, have de 3 na, dR 2 na² dR t + d R n a {√1-e;-(1-e;)} d t Ц de, μ da ме de, 366. We shall now bring together the variations of the elliptic elements obtained in the last three Articles, and present them under one point of view. 2an dR de, da (1) dt dR na¸ (1−e²) dR de, + (2) dt μ, e ла de, dw, ue, de. na¸√1—e; ¡dR (3) dw, dt de, (4) dt na√1-e² dR 3 nža, d R de na” dR t + μ de da, dR na {√ T− e² − (1 − e)} de με 338 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. d tan i (5) dt dQ, na d R u tani,√1-e do, na п, а d R 2 1 e di, (6) dt μ tani, Vi Before we can make use of these formulæ we must explain how R is to be developed. PROP. To explain the manner in which R is to be developed. R = 367. If we recur to Art. 352 we see that m' (xx' + yy + xx′) 12 (x²² + y²² + x²²) ³· m' √ (x' − x)² + (y' − y)² + (x′ − x)² 2 Let r and be the radius vector and longitude of m measured on the plane of xy as far as the node and then on the plane of m's orbit. r, and 0, the rad. vect. and longitude projected on plane xy. 2, and i, the longitude of the node and inclination of m's orbit to the plane xy. λ the latitude of m. Then we have x = r, cose,, y=r, sin 0,, xr, tanλ = r, tanλ = r, sin (0, – N,) tan i,, Similar expressions are true for m'. Hence R m'{r¸r'cos (0,–0,')+xx'} m' (~/² + ~¹²²) + (~12 12 √r²+r)²-2rr'cos(0,−0')+(x−x')²' Now r¸ = r cos λ = r { 1 − 1 tan³ \} very nearly = r {1 - tan² i, sin² (0, − N,)} = r {1 − 4 tan² ¿, +tan² i, cos 2 (0, - §,)}. METHOD OF EXPANSION OF R. 339 · Also tan (0,2) = cos i, tan (0 – ) ; i 0, − 2, = 0 -2, - tan² - sin 2 (0 – N), (see Art. 274). 2 Substitute in these the values of r and 0 given by Art. 357, and we have 2 r₁ = a, {1+e-e, cos (n, t + e, − ) - e² cos 2 (nt + e − @₁) ↓ w,) - tan² i, +tan² i, cos 2 (n,t + €, − 2) + ... } 4 a, {1 + u} } and 0¸ = n¸t + €, +2e, sin (n,t +e, − ) + ½ e² sin 2 (n¸t + e, − w¸) ན = · tan² i, sin 2 (n,t + €, − Q,) + = n t + €, + v suppose. - Now let R' be the value of R when a, and a, are put for r r , and and supposer, = a, (1+u) and r = a(1 + u') u and u' are small quantities because the orbits of the planets are nearly circular: then by Taylor's Theorem dR' R = R'+ a, u + da d R' a'u' + .. daa'u' also R = + m' { a¸a,' cos ( 0, − 0,') + a, a,' tan i, tan i, sin (0, — Q,) sin (0,' — Q,') } { a,'°+a, tani,' sin² (0,-,') } * m' √a¸²+aƒª—2a¸à¦' cos (0,−0,' )+ { a, tan i̟¸ sin (0,–Q,)—a,' tan i' sin (0,'-Q;') m'a, cos (0,– 0,') + α - 12 m' √ a²+ a²² — 2a,a', cos (0,– 0,′) α m'a, tan i, tan i, sin (0,– Q,) sin (0, – Q;) 10 α 3 m'a, tan² i sin² (0,'— Q') cos (0,– 0,') 12 2a m' {a, tan i, sin (0,– §,) – a, tan i sin (0,−9,')} 2 { a² + a^ — 2a, a' cos (0,– 0,')} +.... > 340 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. Let 1 √ a² + a* - 2a, a' cos (0,– 0,) C。 + C₁ cos (0¸– 0') + C₂ cos 2 (0,−0') +……..... 0 12 1 { a² + a a* - 2a,a, cos (0,-0,')}* = ½ D¸ + D₁ cos (0, − 0') + D₂ cos 2 (0, − 0,') + 0 2 These coefficients should be calculated and then R' may be arranged in a series. When we have thus calculated R' we dR' dR' must find da, da dR' R' + da and substitute them in dR' a, ul + a'u' + d a and we shall have R expressed in a series of terms depending on the time and the elements of the instantaneous orbits. It is not our object to enter into the numerical calcula- tion of the coefficients of the expansion of R: for this we refer the reader to M. Pontécoulant's Theorie Analytique du Système du Monde, Tom. I. p. 340, Mécanique Céleste, Tom. III. and Mr. Lubbock's Papers in the Philos. Trans. and Astron. Trans. We proceed to demonstrate some Propositions relative to the general nature of the terms. PROP. To prove that the terms of R which depend on the mean anomalies (n,t and n't) of the planets are of the form P cos {(pn,−qn')t +Q} or P cos {(pn,+qn') t + Q}, where P is a function of the mean distances, eccentricities, and inclinations of the orbits, and Q is a function of the longitudes of the perihelia and nodes and of the epochs; and p and q are positive integers. 368. We shall make use of the following elementary tri- gonometrical formulæ : THE FORM OF THE TERMS OF THE EXPANSION OF R. 341 I. Cos a cos b = 1 cos (a - b) + 1 cos (a + b). II. Sin a sin b = cos (a - b) - ½ c 1 cos (a + b). III. Sin a cos b = sin (a + b) + sin (a − b) Now 0,0 = (n¸t + €,) − (n't + €) +(2e, .....) sin (n, t + €, − w ) + ( — e² +...) sin 2 (n,t +e, −@,)+... −(2e'+…..) sin (n't + e,' −w') + (½ e,'"*+...) sin 2 (n't+e' -@,') + ... – tan² 1 i̟, sin 2 (n, t + €, − Q, ) + - e' + tan" i sin 2 (n't + e − 2) + ...... k - (n,t + e,) − (n't + €) + T suppose; ..cos l (0, 0) = cos {k (n,t + e,) − k (n't + e')} cos kT − sin {k (n,t + €) − k (n' t + e'') } sin kT, and cos k T = 1 − ½ k²T² + . 1 sin k T = kT - k3T3 + 1.2.3 Now by formulæ II. and I. the even powers of T, and .. cos kT, will involve only simple cosines; and by formulæ II. and III. the odd powers of T, and therefore sin kT, only simple sines. Hence by formulæ I. and II. the expansion of cos k (0,−0,') given by the above formula will contain only simple cosines. In the same manner we might shew that sin (0,-) and sin (0-2) will equal a series of simple sines (with no con- stant term), and therefore by formula II. the squares or product of these will contain only simple cosines. We see then that when the complete development of R' given in Art. 367. is worked out and arranged in a series, it will consist only of simple cosines. Again by Art. 367. we see that u and u' consist of a series of terms involving the simple cosines of angles. Hence, by formula I. each of the quantities u, u', u', uu', u'.... will consist of a scries of simple cosines of angles formed by coin- 342 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. bining the arguments* of terms of u and u' in endless variety by addition and subtraction. It follows, then, finally, that the series into which R is to be developed (Art. 367.) will by formula I. consist only of terms of the form P cos {(pn, - qn') t + Q} and P cos {(pn, + qn') t + Q} p and q being positive integers, P a function of the mean dist- ances, eccentricities, and inclinations of the instantaneous orbits; and Q a function of the longitudes of the perihelia and nodes and the epochs. 369. We have already frequently remarked, that the eccentricities and inclinations of the planets are so small, that their higher powers will be of almost imperceptible magnitude. It becomes important then to search for some means of deter- mining the relative magnitude of P in reference to the argu- ment (pn, — qn') t + Q for this will materially shorten the cal- culation of R, by pointing out at once those terms of the infinite series into which R is developed, which are of sufficient importance to be retained. In the following Article we shall prove a principle which answers our purpose. PROP. The lowest dimension of the quantities e,, tan i,, tan i' in the coefficient of P cos {(pn, -qn,)t +Q} is of the order p~q. 370. We have by Art. 367. d R' dR' R = R' + au + da da a'u, + (1) A remarkable law prevails in the expansions of u and u'. It is this (Art. 367). The number which multiplies nt + € in the argument of any term in these expansions re- presents the dimensions in e,, e,, tan i,, tan i, of the principal part of the coefficient of that term. In an expression a cos (pal +7), the angle pnt + q is called the argument of the term a cos (pní + q). THE FORM OF THE TERMS OF THE EXPANSION OF R. 343 2 Now the same holds good in any power of u or u'. Thus in u² a term P cos (pnt + P') can arise only in the following ways, partly from the multiplication of any two terms in u of which the arguments are In,t+L and mn¸t+ M, where l+m=p; and partly from such as have the arguments l'nt + L and m'n,t+M, where l'm' p. In the former case the dimen- sion of the principal part of the coefficient will be_1+ m = in the latter it will be l'+m' and this is greater than p. Hence the principal part of the coefficient of a term P cos (pn,t + P') in u² will be of the dimension p. = The same is evidently true of u², u³, u'³, P, (2) In the product of any powers of u and u' as uªu'³, the dimension is the sum of the multipliers of nt and n't. For let us consider a term N cos {(In ± l'n') t + M } Now this must evidently have arisen from the multiplication of cos (Int+L) and cos ('n't+L') in ua and uß respec- tively. The coefficient of this is of the order + l'. l (3) Let us next consider the law of the coefficients in cos k (0, – 0,'). If we turn to Art. 368. and examine the expansions of cos k T and sin k T, we shall find that the laws (1) and (2) hold equally in them. But in cos k (0, – 0,′), since it is equal to cos {k (n,t + e,) − k (n' t + e'') } cos k T − sin {k (n¸t + e,) − k (n't + e')} sin k T, the dimension of the coefficient of any term calculated by the laws (1), (2) will be higher or lower by 2k than it ought to be according as the argument is formed by addition or subtraction. If, then, we turn to Art. 367. and examine the expression given for R we see that the laws (1), (2) just proved hold for R, if we leave out of consideration all the multipliers which are of the form cos k (0,0). Bearing this in mind we shall be able to prove our Proposition. Any term Pcos {(pn,−qn')t+Q} in R has partly arisen from the multiplication of cos {(kn, − kn) t + Q'} with cos {[(p − k) n, − (q − k) n'] t + Q"} and partly from mul- tiplication with cos {[(p + k) n, − (q + k) n']† + Q″"}, and 344 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. in no other way can it have been formed: k being any number of the series 0, 1, 2, 3,...... First suppose k intermediate to p and q. Then the first of these cosines becomes cos {[(p − k) n, + (k − q) n'] t + Q"}, and the dimension of the principal coefficient of this and therefore of cos {(pn, − qn') t + Q} is by law (2) equal to (p ~ k) + (k ~ q) = p~q, since k is intermediate to p and q. Second: suppose k is not greater than the smaller of p and Then the dimension of the principal coefficient of 1. ་ cos {[(p-k) n,- (q − k) n'] t + Q"} is p+q-2k: and therefore the dimension of the principal coefficient of cos {(pn' - qn')t +Q} is the least value of which p+q-2k is susceptible, and that is p~q. Third: suppose k is not less than the greater of p and q. Then the dimension of the principal coefficient of cos {[(k - p) n,- (k − q) n']t - Q"} is 2k -p -q, and therefore the dimension of the principal coefficient of cos {(pn, −qn')t + Q} is the least value of 2k-p-q, and this is pq, as before. Hence the Proposition is true. PROP. To prove that the principal coefficient of the term Pcos {(pn, + qn')t + Q} in R is of the dimension p+q in e,, e', tani,, tani. 371. This term arises from the multiplication of such terms as P'cos {(kn, − kn') t + Q'} with P'cos {[(p −k) n¸ + (q + k) n' ]t + Q"} and P" cos {[(p + k) n, + (q − k) n'] t + Q"} Hence, in both cases, the dimension will be p+q, since (p − k) + (q + k) and (p + k) + (q − k) each equals p+q: see law (2) of Art. 370. We have here supposed k is not greater than p and q but if k be greater than p or q it will be easily seen that the dimension will be greater than p + J.. Proposition is true. Hence the THE FORM OF THE TERMS OF THE EXPANSION OF R. 345 PROP. To determine the part of R which is independent of the periodic terms. 372. We have dR' R = R' + da, au + dR' daja, u ď² R' a² u² d² R' ď R' a2u² + + a,a'uu' + da² 10 da da da 12 10 + We shall neglect small quantities of the third order; hence we need calculate the first differential coefficients of R' only to the first order: and in the second differential coefficients we may neglect all small quantities. Let us turn to the expression for R' and that for u in Art. 367, and it will be seen (after reduction) that the constant part of R' is m'a,e̟é̟ + cos (w, - w') {from the first term of R'} 12 αρ е - ½ m'C₁ - m'e̱e C, cos (ww) 1 {from the second term of R'} {from the fifth term of R'} 12 + } m' (a² tan³i, + a," tan³ ¿') D。 -m'a a' tani, tan i' D, cos (2,-){from the fifth term of R' α The constant part of dR' a u is da {from the first term of R'} (e,² - 4 tan² ¿) {from the second term of R'} m'ae,e! + cos (w, - w') 12 2a d C。 Co m'a da 4 dC₁ m'a,e,e da 10 cos (w, -w) {from the second term of R'}. X x 346 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. d R' The constant part of a'u' is da, cos (@ @') {from the first term of R'} (e'² m'a,e,e, 12 a, d C。 m'a, da 4 d C₁ m'a'ee da 2 - tani) {from the second term of R'} cos (-) {from the second term of R'}. The constant part of d² C₁ m'a e Co d² R' a² u² is da² 2 2 (from the second term of R'). da² 8 d² R' The constant part of a,a,uu' is da,da m'a 2a12 cos (ww) {from the first term of R'} d² C₁ m'a,ae, e C. da,da 4 cos(w-w){from the second term of R'}. The constant part of d² R' a 12 2 U is da/2 α 2 d² C。 m'a'²e 12 (from the second term of R'). da 72 8 The part of R which is independent of periodic terms equals the sum of these parts. We shall call this sum F; + m' .. F Co 2 m' 12 8 m (a"D, + a, dc,) tan'i, + m² (a,"¹D, + a dc;) m' 8 m' 4 Co da Co da a,atan i tan i D, cos (N, – N') 12 Do / tan² i 0 THE FORM OF THE TERMS OF THE EXPANSION OF R. 347 m' 4 m² d Co ď² Co 2 2 a + 1/2 a e da da2 m' 4 d Co d Co 12 12 a +글​, e da da2 d C. Ci +2α (da) e, e e e' cos (w, w'). d C₁ 4 C₁+2a +a,a, da, da da, 12 A Now C₁+C₁cos (0¸ −0,') + ... = { a²+ a -2a, a' cos(0,−0,'} − }; d Co 14 + da, — { } Do +D₁cos (0,0)+...}. {a, -a,cos (0,–0,')} a -- (D.D.) · 2 .. a² D₂+a, 12 Similarly, a Do+a, + = a¸a, D₁. d Co da. d Co = a¸ a¸D₁. da, Wherefore putting the coefficients of the last three terms. of F equal to B, B', C, we have F 11 m' Co+ 2 m'a, a 8 D₁ (tan² i, + tan³ ¿') m'a, a 4 2 tan i tan i D, cos (N, – N') 12 1 - - w/)* m' Be² – m' B'e," - m' Ce,e, cos (@, - - in which we observe that C is symmetrical with respect to a, and a'. 373. In Art. 366, we collected the formulæ for calculating the elements of the instantaneous ellipse at any time. Since the object of the present work is only to explain the theory and not to enter into the numerical calculations of the per- turbations, we shall proceed to demonstrate a few of the most important and interesting results to which these equations conduct us. * We might shew that B = B' = 0, 0, D₁ ; but there is no occasion for this in what follows. 348 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. PROP. To shew that the effect of all the terms of R (after the first) upon the elements of the planetary orbits is periodical. 374. Any term P cos {(pn, ± qn') t + Q} will produce a similar term in ㄓ ​da, de, d R d R d R and but a term of the form di, d R d R d R and : since Q is d Q P sin {(pn, ± qn') t + Q} in independent of a,, e,, i,; and de, dw, P is independent of e,, w,,,, If then these be substituted in the equations of Art. 366. and the integrations be effected, the elements a,, e,, w,, i,, Q, will receive, in consequence, a term of the form P ㄓ ​COS pn, qn, sin de, dt {(pn, ± qn') t + Q}; since the formula for contains a term multiplied by t, the element €, will receive, besides this, terms of the form (as may be shewn by integrating by parts) Pt (pn, ±qn') cos {(pn, ± qn') t + Q} P + sin {(pn, ± qn') t + Q}· (pn, ± qn,')² 360 the pn, ± qn £ It follows, then, that after a period of time = perturbations of the elements, arising from the above term in R, will have gone through their changes. These variations of the elements are therefore termed Periodic Variations. It will be remarked that if pn, + qn, or pn, – qn, be a very small quantity the integration described in the last Article will increase the corresponding terms considerably: and therefore it may happen that terms in R, of which the coeffi- cients are so small as to appear of no consequence may rise to INEQUALS. OF JUPITER & SATURN, EARTH & VENUS. 349 importance by receiving in the process of integration a small divisor. PROP. To find what terms in the development of R will be much increased by the process of integration in determining the elliptic elements. 375. By reference to the last Article we see that either First, pn, + qn, must be a small quantity: hence, since p and q are positive integers or zero, n, and n' must be small. By reference to the first Table in Art. 391. we see that this is not the case with any of the planets. Or Secondly: pn, qn must be small. : Hence p and q must be in the ratio nn, as nearly as possible. Now the lowest dimension of the coefficient in terms of small quantities is pq, Art. 370. If, then, we can find two integers p and q nearly in the ratio n n, and having a small difference, the corresponding term of R will rise into im- portance by the integration. If we turn, now, to the first Table in Art. 391, and by continued fractions find the convergents which express the ratio of the values of n, for any two planets, and choose those of them which have a small difference between the numerator and denominator, we shall be able to detect the most important of the terms of the development of R. 5 - 2 For Jupiter and Saturn n, n: 5:2 nearly, and 23: hence the dimension of the coefficient of a term P cos {(2n, — 5n') t + Q} will be of the third order and will be divided by the small quantities (2n,−5n') and (2n¸−5n')°. For the Earth and Venus n,: n :: 8: 13 nearly and 13-8 = 5: hence the order of small quantities in the coeffi- cient will be of the fifth degree and the argument (13n, − 8n') t + Q. 376. These two examples present very remarkable in- stances of the agreement of theory with observation. The observations upon Jupiter and Saturn from the times of the Chinese and Arabian Astronomers down to the present day prove, that for ages the mean motions of these planets have been affected by an inequality of long period. This 350 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. formed an apparent anomaly in the Planetary Theory till Laplace pointed out the real cause of the inequality, and rescued Newton's doctrine of Gravity from the reproach which had long attached to it in consequence of its inability to assign the cause of so remarkable a phenomenon. Laplace proved that the inequality depends upon the near commensurability of the mean motions of the planets (as explained in Art. 375), and succeeded in calculating its period and amount. Mr Airy has discovered a similar inequality in the motion of the Earth and Venus. In the Phil. Trans. for 1832 he shews that it amounts to no more than a few seconds at its maximum, though its period is no less than 240 years. Mr Airy had detected an error in the solar tables, and this induced him to seek for the cause, which is so satisfactorily shewn to arise from the near commensurability of the mean motions of the Earth and Venus. PROP. To explain the difference between Periodic Va- riations and Secular Variations. 377. In the last Proposition we have supposed the ele- ments which are involved in the right hand side of the equa- tions to be constant, while they are in fact functions of t. The only effect however which would result from this consideration would be that the period of the variations would be slightly altered. But if we consider the effect of the first part of the ex- pansion of R, which is independent of the periodic terms, and which we call F, and suppose the elements involved in F constant, it is evident, that by the integration of the equations of Art. 366. the elements will receive additions which con- tinually increase or decrease with the time, unless in any in- stance the right hand side of the equation vanishes when F is put for R. If, however, we make a nearer approximation, and suppose that the elements in F are variable, and then integrate the equations of Art. 366, the integrals may give periodical values for the elements. If this be the case in any instance the variation is not called a Periodic Variation, though in fact it is periodical, but a Secular Variation; since SECULAR VARIATIONS OF THE ELEMENTS. 351 it arises from a cause quite different from that, which produces the periodic variations. In short a periodic variation arises from the fact of R involving r and 8 the co-ordinates of the planet disturbed: but a secular variation arises from the fact that the elements of the orbit vary. And since they vary very slowly, the period in which they perform their secular vari- ations is of immense duration *. Perhaps the following obser- vations may throw light upon this subject. The magnitude of the forces which disturb the elliptic motion of the planets depends solely upon their relative posi- tions, and not on their velocities and the directions of their motion. When therefore, after a lapse of years, the planets return to the same relative positions that they occupied at the commencement of that period, the disturbing forces and the perturbations in the places of the planets will have gone through a series of changes, compensating in one part of this period for the errors they have caused in some other part. The inequalities produced during this interval of time are termed Periodical Variations. But although the configuration of the planetary system may become the same, yet, as was before mentioned, the velocities and directions of the motion of the planets will not necessarily become the same also; the original and final orbits intersecting respectively in those points. which the planets occupy at the beginning and end of the time, which the periodic variations have taken to go through their changes. The inequalities produced in this way are termed Secular Variations in consequence of their very slow variation. We proceed now to the examination of the Secular Vari- ations. PROP. To obtain the equations for calculating the Secular Variations of the elliptic elements of a planet's orbit. 378. We must first find the differential coefficients of F (the part of R independent of the periodic terms) with respect to the elements: hence by Art. 372. * The periodic variation of longest duration among those that are of sufficient importance to be calculated has a period equal to 929 years. But some of the secular variations have a period of 70000 and even more years. 352 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. dF de, dF doo, dF de 0, = m' Ce,e,' sin (w, - @'), رة =-2m' Be, - m'Ce, cos (w, w'), d F m' dQ 4 dF a tan i, tan i, D, sin (Q, – N'), a a a, a 4 m' m D₁ tan i a a' tan i D, cos (2, − 2). di, 1 Substituting these in the equations of Art. 366. da, dt 0, de, n,a,m' C'e sin (w, -,'), dt и do n, a¸m' √1 e² 2 {2 Be, + Ce, cos (w, - w')}, dt ме, d tan i na¸m'a,a' tani, D, sin (2,-), dt 4 μ dQ, _ na, a'm'D 2 tan i 1 {− 1 + cos (2, − 2,')}. dt 4 tan i u We have retained the variable values of the elements on the right hand of these equations: but should it be necessary, we may use the constant values in approximating. PROP. To prove the stability of the mean distances of the planets from the Sun: and of their mean motions. 379. By Art. 378 da dt = 0; α a = const. STABILITY OF THE ECCENTRICITIES. 353 This shews that the axis-major of any of the planets is susceptible of no secular variation; and will suffer no per- manent change the changes it undergoes in consequence of the mutual attraction of the planets are wholly periodical. The same is true of the mean motion n since it = √√ a μ 3 and does not alter. μ We are hereby assured of the impos- sibility of any of the bodies of our system ever leaving it in consequence of the disturbances it may experience from the other bodies, and secures the general permanence of the whole by keeping the mean distances and periodic times perpetually fluctuating between certain limits (very restricted ones) which they can never exceed, nor fall short of. PROP. To prove the stability of the eccentricities of the planetary orbits. 380. By Art. 378 we have de na¸m' Ce dt μ de In the same way we should have n'a'm Ce sin (w, - w'). ´ sin (w,' – ☎,). dt Ц ก m' Multiply these by e, and n,a, m de, e Na dt + m' n a n'a,e and add them de, e = 0 idt ጎ m' 12 e + e, = constant. na η α If we had considered three planets we should have had the following equations. Y I 354 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. de, _ nam' Ce dt м _ de_n'a'm Ce, sin (w; dt and de" n"a" m C'e sin (w, -w') + sin (w, −☎,) + sin (@," - @) + n¸a¸m"C'e," sin (-), М n'a'm"C"" e sin (w/-w"), M n"a"m'C""e sin (w,” – w'). dt These equations give M' de m" + dt n, a m de, e n a d t af n a n' e // de," d t = 0; m 2 e + a nα, m' e n'a 12 m' + 112 e n"a = constant. And the same formula would be true of any number of planets. Now observation shews that the eccentricities of the orbits of the planets at present are very small indeed, with the ex- ception of the Asteroids, the masses of which are very small. Hence the above constant must be small. Since, then, all the terms of the first side of the last equation are positive and their sum always equals a small constant it follows, that the terms are always small and the eccentricities are always small. Hence the eccentricities of the orbits of the planets are confined within very restricted limits: and therefore the forms of the orbits are said to be stable. 381. The only quantities in the above equation, subject to a change of sign in applying it to a system of bodies, are the mean motions n,, n', n But observation shews that all the planets revolve round the Sun in the same direction: and consequently the terms are all positive. PROP. To prove the stability of the inclinations of the planets of the Solar System. STABILITY OF THE INCLINATIONS. 355 382. By Art. 378 we have d tan i, dt 2 n, a'a' m' tan i 'D₁ sin (2, − N'), in the same way d tan i n'a am tan i, D, sin (2′ – 2,), d t 4 m d tan i m' d tan i tan i + tan i = 0; na dt n a dt m' m tan²i, + tan i = constant. na n'a, The same equation would (as in the eccentricities) be true. for any number of planets: and we see that the inclinations must always be small. The certainty of this fact depends, as before, upon the fact that the planets all revolve in the same direction; Art. 381. 383. We a We are thus led to the following remarkable conclu- sion: The fact that the planets revolve about the Sun in the same direction ensures the stability of the planetary system. The converse of this would not necessarily be true, as we shall see in Arts. 385, 387: the numerical relations of the dimensions and positions of the orbits of the planets might be such as to ensure stability although they revolved in opposite directions. But the above is independent of particular nume- rical relations. 384. We have given the two foregoing Propositions be- cause of the simplicity of their demonstrations as well as the beauty of the results. We shall, however, in the following Articles obtain formula for calculating the magnitude of the variations of the orbits in dimension and position. PROP. To find the secular variation of the eccentricity of the planetary orbits. 356 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. 385. By Art. 378 we have for the planet m, de, n, a m' Ce sin (w, w); dt dw, na n, a, m' √1-e; 2 {2 Be, + Ce, cos (w, −w,')}. dt ме, And for the other planet m', de' _ n'a¦'m Ce, sin (w; — ☎,), μ – dt απ' n'a'm √1-e," 12 {2 B'e + Ce, cos (w, - w)} ; dt ме observing that C is the same for m and m', (Art. 372). To integrate these equations assume dr dt n, a m m' и nam' r' = e, sin w', ሳ e, sin w,, S e cos @,, s' = e' e cos w/'; da, de, + sin w dt = e, cos @, dt {2 Be, cos w, + C'e, cos w {2Bs + Cs'}, M ds dw de e sin @ + cos w dt • dt dt nam' {2Br + Cr'}, μ dr' n'a'm {2 B's' + Cs}, dt μ ds' dt n'a'm {2B'r' + Cr}. SECULAR VARIATION OF THE ECCENTRICITY. 357 These four are linear equations and their solutions are of the form r = D sin (gt + k) + E sin (ht + 1) s = Dcos (gt + k) + Ecos (ht + 1) r' = D′ sin (gt + k) + E' sin (ht + 1) s' = D'cos (gt + k) + E' cos (ht + 1). If we put these values in the differential equations we arrive at the four following conditions connecting the eight constants, four of which are consequently arbitrary and depend upon the configuration of the planetary system. nam' Ꭰ g {2BD + CD'}, m' Eh = Ц ѣ, а, n m ль n'a'm 队 ​{2 BE + CE'}, {2B'D' + CD}, D'g E'h {2 B'E' + CE}. μ n'a'm By eliminating D' from the first and third of these, we have 2n, a¸m' B 2n'am B μ M n¸n'a,a' mm' C² 112 .. g g= n, a,m' B+n'a'm B' 1 ±= √(n,a,m' B—n¦'a'm B')²+n¸n'a,a¦'mm' C². # μ In a similar way we might shew that h has the same values. n' Now these values of g and h are possible when n, and n have the same sign; that is, when the planets revolve in the same direction about the Sun. But even if they do not revolve in the same direction and n¸a¸m' B + n'a'm B′ be not less than √n n'a a'm'm C, then g and h are still possible. n¸n'a¸a'm'mC, - Now e2 20² + s² = D² + E² + 2 DE cos { ( g − h) t + k − l}, and a similar expression is true for e 358 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. This shews that the eccentricity of m's orbit fluctuates between the limits D + E and D E. Hence the form of the orbit will be stable: the same is true of m''s orbit. The values of D and E are very small in all the planets, this is shewn by observation.* The periods of the changes in the eccentricities of the orbits. of the two planets are the same in each, being 360° g - h In the case of Jupiter and Saturn this equals 70414 years! The greatest and least eccentricities which Jupiter's orbit can attain are 0.06036 and 0.02606, and those of Saturn 0.08409 and 0.01345; the maximum of each taking place at the time of the minimum of the other, and vice versâ. PROP. To find the secular variation of the longitude of the perihelion. 386. By Art. 385, tan w 2° S D sin (gt + k) + E sin (ht + 1) D cos (gt + k) + E cos (ht + 1) در The maxima and minima values of w or the greatest deviations of the perihelion, from its mean place are found by the equation g D² + hE² + DE (g+ h) cos {(g − h) t + (k − 1)} = 0, or cos {(g- h) t + (k − l) } - - gD² + hE2 DE (g+ h) which is obtained by equating to zero the differential coefficient of tan w,. * Sir Jolin Herschel finds that D – 0.01715, E = 0.04321 for Jupiter, D'= 0.04877, E' = 0.03532 for Saturn, g=21".9905, h=3".5851, k = 306° 34′ 40″, 7210° 16′40″, being the number of years since the year A.D. 1700. See Article Physical Astronomy in Encyclop. Metrop. SECULAR VARIATION OF THE INCLINATION. 359 If this (disregarding the sign) be not greater than unity, the perihelion will vibrate: but if, as is the case with Jupiter and Saturn, this be greater than unity the longitude of the perihelion has no maximum or minimum and therefore the mean motion of the perihelion is continually in one direction. PROP. To find the secular variation of the inclination. 387. By Art. 378. we have for m d tan i dt n,a,m'a, a' tan i 'D₁ sin (2, − 2,') 4 μ do na'am'D₁ tan i {− 1 + cos (2,-,')}, tan i dt 4 μ and for the planet m' d tan i n'a'ma¸a'a¸tan i¸Ð¸ 1 · sin (2,′ – N,) dt Ам dQ, __ n'a¦² a¸m D, tan i 1 {− 1 + cos (2,-2)}. tan i dt Аль To integrate these, assume p tan i, sin,, q Q,,q = tan i, cos, p' dp dt tani, sin, q' = tan i, cos Q'; = tan i, cos, dt ΦΩ d tan i + sin 2, dt 2 na n¸ a²a, m'D₁ (q' − q) 4μ 12 dq__ n‚¸ã‚¨“a'm' D、 (p − p'), dt dp' _ n'a, a 2 m D dt ηα 4μ - 4 μ (9 − q'), dq__ n'a, a a¸ am D₁ (p' − p). dt Аль The integrals are of the form p = G sin(at+y)+H sin(ẞt+d), q = G cos(at+y)+H cos(ßt+d), p'=G'sin (at+y)+H'sin(ßt+d), q'=G'cos(at+y)+H'cos(ßt+d). 360 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. Substituting in the differential equations we have 2 2 Ga=n, a² a'm' D₁ n, a² a'm' D₁ (G' –G), Hẞ= = (H'- H), 4 μ αα n'a,am D₁ G'a= (G-G'), H'ß n'a, n'a a²m D₁ (H – H'). Αμ 4 μ Eliminating G from the first and third η α α n'a,a,²m D₁ 3 2 (a + ".º;a'm' D;) (a + "'¤¸‚ª"mD;) _ n‚n'a,a'mm'D;" lat na² 4μ • :: a² + 4 (n¸a¸m' + n'a'm) a¸a'D₁ 4 μ α 2 16μ² a = 0. We should arrive at the same equation for ß: hence α n¸a,m' + n'a'm = Аль a,a'D₁ and ẞ = 0, tan² i, = p² + q² = G² + H² + 2GH c G² + H² + 2GH cos {at+y-d}. Observation proves that G and H are very small for all the planets (except the Asteroids). Hence the tangent of inclina- tion fluctuates between the small limits G+ H and GH*. The period of the changes in the inclination equals 360º α years. In the case of Jupiter and Saturn the number of years is 50673! The maximum and minimum inclinations of Jupiter's orbit to the ecliptic are 2° 2′ 30″ and 1° 17′ 10″: and those of Saturn are 2° 32′ 40″ and 0° 47'. The maximum of each takes place at the time of the minimum of the other, and vice versâ. * Sir John Herschel shews that when Jupiter and Saturn are the two planets, G = -0.00681, H -0.02905 for Jupiter. = G' = 0.01537, H'= 0.02905 for Saturn. α 25″.5756, y= 125° 15′ 40″, d=103° 38′ 40″, being the number of years since A.D. 1700. VARIATION OF LONGITUDE OF NODE. 361 PROP. the node. To find the secular variation of the longitude of 388. By Art. 378, we have Ρ G sin (at + y) + H sin d tan G cos (at + y) + H cos & When attains a maximum or minimum value the differential coefficient of tan Q, equals zero: hence 0 = a G² + GH a cos (at + - d) G ... cos (at +7-8) Η If this (disregarding the sign) be not greater than unity, then $60⁰ the node fluctuates, the period of its fluctuation being α years. But if this be greater than unity then there cannot be any stationary positions; but the node continually moves in one direction. In the case of Saturn and Jupiter the node oscillates, the extent of oscillation being about 13° 9′ 40″ in Jupiter's orbit and 31° 56′ 20″ in Saturn's on either side of their mean po- sitions the plane of the ecliptic being supposed immoveable. 389. The conclusions at which we have arrived in Arts. 379—383, with regard to the stability of the planetary system are of especial interest. In consequence of the changes in the elements we might have fancied that in the lapse of ages the orbits would undergo such alterations in their dimensions as to bring the planets into collision or hurry them into boundless space. But we are assured that this can never be the case, unless by the action of a resisting medium; since analysis shews us that the orbits will continually fluctuate within very small limits, never departing considerably from circles; and the inclinations of the orbits will never change much. 390. Our calculations have not included the square of the disturbing forces. But the same conclusions are found to hold when the approximation is carried so far as analysts have at present advanced: see the Mécanique Céleste, Liv. vi; Pon- Zz 362 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. técoulant's Système du Monde, Tom. III; Plana's Planetary Theory in the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society, Vol. 11.; also a Memoir by Professor Hansen of Seeberg, the title of this Memoir is Untersuchung üeber die gegenseitigen Störun- gen des Jupiters und Saturns. In this method the true lon- gitude is computed by means of the elements corresponding to the invariable ellipse at the time of the epoch, taking a func- tion of t, instead of t, which corrects for the perturbations. See M. Pontécoulant's remarks on this in the Connaissance des Tems for 1837. And lastly Mr Lubbock's papers in the Transactions of the Royal Society and of the Astronomical Society may be consulted. PROP. To shew how the masses of the planets may be discovered. 391. There are in general two methods of determining the masses of the planets; either by observing the elongations of a satellite, when the planet is accompanied by a satellite; or by comparing the inequalities produced in their motion by their mutual action. The secular variations are best adapted to give the most exact results; but these are not yet known with sufficient accuracy to allow of this use. We are therefore obliged to recur to the periodic variations, and, by combining a vast number of observations, gather from them the most probable results. It is by these means that Astronomers have obtained the following results. Mass of Sun 1 1 Mercury 1909706 1 Venus 401839 1 Earth 356354 1 Mars. 2680337 MASSES OF THE PLANETS. 363 1 Mass of Jupiter. 1053.924 1 Saturn.. 3512 1 Herschel ... 17918 We have taken these from M. Pontécoulant, Système du Monde, Tom. III. p. 341. The following is the formula for calculating the mass when the planet has a satellite. Let 1, M, m be the masses of the Sun, the planet, and the satellite: T',t the periodic times of the planet about the Sun, and the satellite about the planet: A, a the mean distances of the planet from the Sun, and the satellite from the planet. Hence by Art. 269, 2π A πα M + m a³ T2 T: t √1+ M I+ √ M + m 1 + M Á³ ť² 1 therefore (if we neglect m) M = ³ ť² a³ Tc In the case of Jupiter and his fourth satellite, we find by this 1 formula M = : 1048.69 this is more properly the mass of Ju- piter with that of his fourth satellite. The first value of the mass of Jupiter determined by Laplace (Méc. Cél. Liv. v1. §. 21.) is 1 > 1067.09 and is founded on the observed elongations of the satellites by Pound. These elongations have been lately observed with much greater accu- racy by Mr Airy at the Observatory of the University of Cambridge, the result of his measures gives 1 1048.69 ; Astro- nomische Nachrichten, Vol. x. p. 304. Nicolai makes the mass 1 1053.924 by observing the perturbations of Juno. Encke 364 DYNAMICS. PLANETARY THEORY. 1 makes it 1050.117 1 1054.4 by observing the motion of Vesta, and by observations on the comet which bears his name. All these concur in proving that the mass of Jupiter assumed by Laplace is too small by about 4th part. The observations of Bouvard, however, are at variance with this: he gives of the Earth may be determined as follows. 1 1070.5 The mass The attraction of the Earth on a body at its surface in the parallel of which the square of the sine of the latitude is, is very nearly the same as if the Earth were condensed into its centre as we shall see in the Figure of the Earth in a sub- sequent Chapter. Let sin, g= gravity in latitude 7, b the mean radius of the Earth, 1 and E the masses of the Sun and Earth, T the length of the year, a the mean radius of the Earth's orbit: hence E T²g b² مة g |} and T = 2πa³; .. E b2 4π² a² Απ b α sin Sun's parallax= sin 8".7. 1 The mass of the Moon nearly. Méc. Cél. Liv. vi. 74 §. 4.4. But this is not yet very satisfactorily determined: we have seen no value deduced from the observations mentioned in Art. 348. 392. We extract the following Table from M. Ponté- coulant's Système du Monde. These results are obtained by the methods mentioned in Art. 270. MASSES OF THE PLANETS. 365 Longitudes of Ascending Node. Epoch is Mean Motions Longitudes Longitudes Mean Distance Jan. 1. 1800. in a Year of Eccentricities. of of Inclinations. from Sun. 365 Days. Epochs. Perihelia. Mercury 5323416″.79 0.38709812 0.2055149 110° 13′ 17″.9 74° 21′ 41″ 7° 00′ 9″ 45° 57′ 39″ Venus 2106641 .52 0.72333230 0.0068531 145 56 52 .1 128 43 6 3 23 29 74 52 39 Earth 1295977 .35 1.00000000 0.0168536 100 23 32 .6 99 29 53 0 00 00 0 00 00 Mars 689051 .12 1.52369352 0.0933061 232 49 50 .5 332 23 40 1 50 6 48 00 26 Jupiter 109256 .29 5.20116636 0.0481621 81 52 10 .3 11 7 36 1 18 52 98 25 45 Saturn Herschel 43996 .72 15424 .54 19.18330500 9.53787090 0.0561505 123 5 29 .4 0.0166108 173 30 16 .6 89 8 20 167 30 21 2 29 38 46 26 111 56 7 72 59 21 366 PLANETARY THEORY. DYNAMICS. Table of Secular Inequalities of the Planets calculated for the beginning of the Year 1801. In the Eccentricity. In the Long. of Perihelion. In the Long. of the Node. In the Inclin. of Orbit to Ecliptic. Mercury 0.000003867 9′ 43″.5 - 13' 29" 19″.8 Venus 0.000062711 4′ 28″ - 31′ 10″ 4".5 Earth 0.000041200 11".9496 Mars 0.000090176 26".22 - 38′ 48″ 1".5 Jupiter Herschel 0.00015935 11' 4" Saturn 0.000312402 31′ 17″ 0.000025072 4' - 26′ 17″ 23" - 37′ 54″ 15' 5" 59′ 57″ 3″.7 To obtain equations for calculating the effect of a resist- ing medium upon a comet we must refer the reader to the Mécanique Céleste, and also to Mr Airy's translation of the dissertation on Encke's Comet in the Astronomische Nach- richten. Also for a very interesting paper on the orbits of re- volving double stars the reader is referred to Vol. v. of the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society, in which Sir John F. W. Herschel has treated the subject in a very original manner. The following are Tables of the elements of the four small planets Vesta, Juno, Pallas, and Ceres: and of the four known periodical comets. The comet of Olbers has been observed only once, at the time of its return to the perihelion in 1815: the others have been observed in several successive revolutions. It must be remarked that the elements of the small planets given in the Table are not their mean values, but their values at the specified epoch. MASSES OF THE PLANETS. 367 Epoch 1831 July 23d. Oh. Mean Time Longitude Mean Mean Longitude. Anomaly. of Perihelion. Longitude of Inclination. Eccentricity. Mean Motion. Mean Distance. Period. Asc. Node. at Berlin. m | 8447035 195 35" 26" 249 11m 375 103d 20m 285 707 578 0.0885601 9778.75540 2.361484 1325.5 13 02 10 0.2555592 813 .52533 2.669464 1593 .1 34 35 49 0.2419986|768 .54421 2.772631 | 1686 .3 10 36 56 0.0767379 769 .26059 2.770907 | 1684 .7 Vesta Juno Pallas 74 39 44 20 22 31 290 38 12 169 33 11 Ceres 54 17 13 170 52 34 121 05 01 172 38 30 307 03 26 159 22 02 147 41 23 80 53 50 Name of the Comet. Period. Time of Perihelion Passage. Longitude of Perihelion on the Orbit. Longitude of Asc. Node. Mean Inclination. Eccentricity. Distance. Halley's Olbers's 76 years 74 years Nov. 7, 1835 304 31 m 4.3s 55d 30m 170 44m 248 Ap. 26, 1815 149 02 Encke's 1204 days Biela's 6.7 years Jan. 10, 1829 Nov. 27, 1832 157 18 35 83 29 334 24 158 44 30 0.9675212 0.9313 17.98705 17.7 13 22 34 0.8446862 2.224346 109 56 45 248 12 24 13 13 13 0.751748 3.53683 事 ​CHAPTER VII. MOTION OF A PARTICLE ON CURVES AND SURFACES. SIMPLE PENDULUM. PROP. A material particle moves on a curve in a ver- tical plane, and acted upon by gravity: required to determine the motion. 393. Let A be the lowest point of the curve (fig. 94.) Ax the axis of a drawn vertically upwards: P the position of the body on the curve AP at the time t: AM=x, MP=y: let R be the pressure of the curve against the body, this acts R in the normal line PG: M the mass of the body: then M is the accelerating force resulting from the action of R (Art. 225): g the force of gravity. Now the forces acting vertically are g downwards and R dy upwards, the only horizontal force is R cos PGM or M M ds R da M ds Hence, attending to the directions of the forces, we have the following equations of motion : ď² x dt & + R dy M ds ď³y R da (1), ..(2). d ť M ds dx dy Multiply these respectively by 2 2 and add, then dt dt 20 dx d²x dy day +2 d x 2R /dx dy dy dx 28 + dt dť dt dť dt M dt ds dt ds dx 2g dt MOTION AND PRESSURE ON A CURVE. 369 dx² + dy2 = const. - 2gx, dt² dt ds2 or = dt2 const. - 2gx. At the commencement of the motion let v = h; 0 = const.2gh; ds2 dt 2g (h − x). This expression shews that the velocity at any time is independent of the form of the curve on which the body moves; and depends solely on the vertical space through which it passes. Extracting the square root and inverting the two sides of the equation dt 1 1 ds √ 2 g √h-x the negative sign being taken because s diminishes as t increases (Note in page 208). 1 dx ds ··. t 2g S Wh - v dx ds We must determine from the equation to the curve d x ds dy2 by the formula 1 + then by integration we shall dx dx² know t in terms of x and therefore a in terms of t. In this manner, then, we shall know the velocity and position of the body at every assigned instant. PROP. To find the pressure upon the curve. 394. The equations of motion being ď²x g+ dt R dy M ds d³y dť R dx M ds 3 A 370 DYNAMICS. we multiply them respectively by dy dx dt dt and subtract; dy d³x dx d²y dy R (dy dy dx dx g + + dt dť dt dť dt Mds dt ds dt dy R ds dy² dx² g + + 1. dt M dt ds² ds² Now if ρ be the radius of curvature of the curve on which the body moves at the point (xy), then by the Differential Calculus dy d² x dx dy 1 dt dť² dt dť P d s3 dt³ t being a function of x and y, as is the case here: R M dy v2 g + ; ds ρ v = velocity. This expression shews that the pressure consists of two parts, one the part of the forces which act upon the body resolved along the normal, and the other the centrifugal force arising from the motion. (Art. 254.) PROP. A body moves on a cycloid, the axis of the cycloid being vertical: required to find the time of an os- cillation and to shew that it is independent of the extent of the vibration. 395. We have shewn that ds² d t² 2 g (h − x) ; dt 1 1 ds 2g √ h X the negative sign being taken because the arc decreases as the time increases. MOTION ON A CYCLOID. 371 Now the equation to the cycloid is y = √ 2ax − x² + a vers the lowest point being the origin; X 1 a dy a X a ✓ √2a- x 2 ax ევ2 dx √2ax ds dx — x² 1 + dy² dx2 2 a X α 1 8 √hx dt dt ds Hence √a dx ds dx .. t = C - √ vers-12 g x02 h - N 18120 g when t = 0, x = h; .. 0 = C - a 2x t = √ = = - vers-12="} g π h ds and, whenever the body stops, the velocity, or = 0; and dt 2x therefore x = h, and the values of vers when a = h are h ±π, ±3π, ±5π,... and therefore the values of t are 2 П √√ АП g 8180 α 6 п g which shew that the body will oscillate backwards and for- wards, the interval of time in which each oscillation is per- Ve formed being 2π N مع 372 DYNAMICS. 4 This expression is independent of h and therefore points out the remarkable fact that however large the arc of vibra- tion be the time of oscillation is the same in all. For this reason the cycloid is called a Tautochronous Curve. * PROP. A particle moves on a circular arc acted upon by gravity: required the time of oscillating through a given portion of the arc. ds2 dt2 396. As before =2g 2 g (h - x) and the equation to the - circle from the lowest point is y² = 2ax − x²; dy dx a XC ds dy² α 1 + 2 ax x2 dx dx² √ 2 αx X2 * It may be interesting to ascertain whether there are any other tautochronous curves when gravity is the force acting. We have dt dx 1 1 ds 29 √h dx X 1 ds 1 ] X 1.3 x2 + √2 g d x IN + +......+ hi MW 2.4 5 ds Now d x he is independent of h: and consequently the integral of the general term 1 √2g 1. 3...(2n − 1) 2.4...2n Xin ds 2 n + 1 d x h 2 1.3... (2n-1) 2.4...2n xr + 2 n + 1 h 2 must be of the form c. (+1) 2n + 1 2 c being a constant, in order that when taken between the limits = 0 and x = h the result may be independent of h: then r ds A fx dx dx = 2 n + 1 ds Ax = A 2 X ... s = A a² 2n + 1 V 2 A a constant ; - 2 5² = A² x, and this is the equation to the cycloid and therefore this is the only tautochronous curve for gravity. MOTION ON A CIRCULAR ARC. 373 dt a dx 1 √2 g √ (h − x) (2 ax − x²) √(h We are not able to integrate this function of x it is reducible to one of the class called Elliptic Transcendents, the properties of which Legendre has discussed in his Traité des Fonctions Elliptiques: tables are given of the approximate values of the integral for given values of *. By means of series, however, the integral can be obtained approximately. dt Va dx g 1 8 √hx - x² 1 8 √ hx-xº X 1 2 a 2 X 1.3 ac 1.3... (2n-1) X + +. ... + +...}. 2 a 2.4 2 a 2.4...2n 2 a x" dx 2n-1 xn-1dx xn 1 x²-¹ √ hx-x² √hx-x² Now h hx-x² 2η √h x-x² n and between the limits a = h and x = h and x = 0, we have 0 x" dx 2n - 1 h h √hx - x² 2 ບ h S. Thes 0 x²-1dx hx 0 x d x h vers-1 h √hx - x² 2x h πλ +- constant 2 * Let x = h sinº 0: then = when a h or t = 0; 2 dx S: 2ax √(h− x) (2 a x − x²) 2 sin cos de cos² (2a - h sinº 0) sin² 0 2 d Ꮎ √2a h 1 sin² 0 2 a which is an elliptic function of the first order. 374 DYNAMICS. S 0 x² dx 1.3 0 203 h √h x πh², x² 2.4 h √hx - x² and so on; . T: π Į 1.3.5 2.4.6 Th³ g 2 h 2 1.3 h 2 1.3...(2n−1) h × {1+ + +...+ 2 a 2.4 2 a 2.4... 2n +...}. 2 a When the arc of vibration is very small, then π T √a а 2 g and the time of an oscillation = π √ which coincides with g that in a cycloid, observing that the a in this case is four times the a in that. }]} π h 8 α The next approximation gives a correction of the time Va h g 8a -; and the ratio this bears to the time of oscillation (chord of angle of oscillation)³. Thus if the body oscillate on each side of the vertical through an angle of which the chord is, the time of oscillation will be greater by a part than that calculated by the formula 7 a 1 th 1600 397. Instead of supposing the body to move on a curve, we may imagine it suspended by a string of invariable length, or a thin wire considered of no weight. In this case the in- strument is called a Pendulum, and is of great importance in physical researches. For if For if I be the length of a pendulum oscillating in a second (or unit of time) then π-= 1, g and g g = T π² 1, SIMPLE FENDULUM. 375 1 32 By this formula we may estimate the relative intensity of the Earth's attraction at different stations on the surface, above, or below it. PROP. A seconds pendulum is carried to the top of a mountain; required to find the height of the mountain by observing the change in the time of oscillation. 398. Let be the radius of the Earth, considered spherical; h the height of the mountain; 7 the length of the pendulum: the force of gravity on bodies outside of the Earth varies inversely as the square of the distance from the centre: hence is gravity at the top of the mountain. 2 Let n be (r + h)² the number of oscillations the pendulum makes in in 24 × 60 × 60 seconds: then time of oscillation a day, or 24 × 60 × 60 ጎ .. 1=π √ 24×60×60 and π √√√1 (r+h)² π (r+h) √√√! g n gp2 ተ h 24 × 60 × 60 1, n which gives the height of the mountain. For the sake of example suppose the pendulum loses 5″ a day : then n = 24 × 60 × 60 − 5, -1 h 1 1 - 1 nearly; " 24 × 12 × 60 24 x 12 x 60 4000 .. h = mile nearly. 24 x 12 x 60 PROP. To find the depth of a mine by observing the change of oscillation in a seconds pendulum. 399. The gravity in the interior of the Earth varies directly as the distance from the centre: if, then, h be the g (r − h) depth, is gravity at the bottom of the mine: 376 DYNAMICS. .. 1 = = :π П 1 : 180 " 24 × 60 × 60 N T 1.1 r g (r − h) .'. 1 h n 24 × 60 × 60 from which h can be found. lose 5″ a day h 2° 1 |} 1 سط 2 If, as before, the pendulum 2 1 1 - 1 – nearly; 24 × 60 × 12 12 × 60 × 12 ..hmile nearly. 400. The results deduced by the pendulum, as far as we have at present explained its construction, would lead to erroneous conclusions; since we have supposed the rod sup- porting the bob, as the lower extremity is termed, to have no weight. We must leave the correction of this to a future part of the work, in which we shall shew that I must not be taken equal to the length of the pendulum; but some other expression which it is unnecessary to give here. 401. Owing to the remarkable property of the cycloid, that its evolute is an equal cycloid, we can easily make the bob of a flexible pendulum move in a cycloidal arc. For let CA (fig. 95) be the pendulum when remaining at rest: PAP' the cycloid in which the bob is to move, the length of the axis being half that of the pendulum: CQ, CQ' the evolutes of PAP'. Now move the bob to the right, and let the upper portion of the pendulum bend round CQ and the other portion remain straight, touching CQ in Q. Then since CQ is the evolute of AP, the extremity of the pendulum will be in the curve AP: and by this contrivance the bob will be made to describe the cycloid PAP'. This suggests the following means of correcting a common pendulum which makes small oscillations. Let a small portion of the upper extremity be flexible: (consisting of watch spring, &c.) and let it be suspended between two cycloidal cheeks, as in fig. 96. Then the small oscillations of the bob will be in SIMPLE PENDULUM. 377 a cycloid, and in the expression for the time of oscillation the h correction depending on is avoided: see Art. 396. 2 a 402. The following Table contains the results of ex- periments with a seconds pendulum on various parts of the Earth. It is extracted from the Mécanique Céleste. Places. Latitudes. Lengths of a Seconds Pendulum. Peru 0º.00 0.99669 Porto Bello 10.61 0.99689 Pondicherry 13.25 0.99710 Jamaica 20.00 0.99745 Petit-Goave 20.50 0.99728 Cape of Good Hope 37.69 0.99877 Toulouse 48.44 0.99950 Vienna 53.57 0.99987 Paris 54.26 1.00000 Gotha 56.63 1.00006 London 57.22 1.00018 Petersburgh 64.72 1.00074 Arensgberg 66.60 1.00101 Ponoi 74.22 1.00137 Lapland 74.53 1.00148 403. Mr Airy, in a Paper which was read before the Philosophical Society of Cambridge in the year 1826, has re- duced the usual theorems for the alteration in the time and extent of vibration produced by the difference between cycloidal and circular arcs, by the resistance of the air, by the friction at the point of suspension, and by other disturbing causes, to 3 B 378 DYNAMICS. a very general investigation which leads to results remarkable for their simplicity. Since the principle of the pendulum is of vast importance in physical researches we shall not scruple to introduce large extracts from this valuable communication. PROP. A pendulum is acted upon by a small disturbing force: required the alteration in the time and extent of its oscillations. 404. We shall suppose that the undisturbed pendulum moves with its extremity in a cycloidal arc, since in this case the calculation is not approximate. Let s be the distance of the pendulum at the time t from the lowest point of the cycloid, s being measured along the arc described, the length of the pendulum. Then the re- dx ds solved part of gravity along the tangent is g x being measured vertically upwards: and s² = 21x is the equation to the cycloid; dx g S. g ds Wherefore the equation of motion of the bob of the pendulum is ď s d t2 مة S or if n² d2 s + n³s = 0. dt مع The solution of this equation is s = a sin (nt + b), where a and b are arbitrary constant quantities depending on the length of the arc of vibration and the time of passing the lowest point. ds The velocity at time t = = na cos (nt + b). dt PERTURBATION OF A PENDULUM. 379 We shall now suppose that ƒ is a small disturbing accele- rating force resolved along the tangent: the equation of motion then is d's + n²s = f. dť The solution of this equation we shall assume to be s = a sin (nt + b) (conformably to the principle of the variation of parameters) a and b being considered unknown functions of t, which it is our business now to determine. Since there are two functions a and b we may assume any relation between them that we please, since we have but one quantity (s) to determine. Let this assumption be that the velocity is still expressed by na cos (nt + b): the convenience of this we shall soon discover. Now sa sin (nt + b); ds da db = na cos (nt + b) + sin (nt + b) + a cos (nt + b) dt dt dt da d b and .. sin (nt + b) + a cos (nt + b) 0, dt dt this is the assumed relation between a and b. ds Again since = na cos (nt + b) ; dt d² s da db n² a sin (nt+b)+n cos (nt+b) − n a sin (nt+b) d t2 dt dt d's in this substitute for its value; dt2 da db ... n cos (nt + b) — na sin (nt + b) =f, dt dt this is the second equation between a and b. 380 DYNAMICS. db Eliminating successively dt da and from these, we have dt da f db f cos (nt + b), sin (nt + b). dt n dt na If we could solve these equations we should have the complete determination of the motion. In few cases is this practicable: in all to which we shall have to apply the investigation an approximation is sufficient. Hence the va- We suppose f to be a very small force. riable parts of a and b are of the same order of magnitude as ƒ and consequently may be neglected on the right-hand side of the above equations if we agree to neglect the square and higher powers of f In order to find the alteration in the extent of vibra- tion which takes place in one oscillation we must integrate f n cos (nt + b) through the limits of t corresponding to one = a to oscillation: that is from a value of t which gives nt + b the value of t which gives nt + b =πτα. Here a may be any quantity in different cases we shall find it convenient to in- tegrate between different limits. ff · increase of arc of semi-vibration == ƒ cos (nt + b) dt between the above-mentioned limits. n To find the alteration in the time of oscillation, let T, T be the values of t at two successive arrivals of the pendulum at the lowest point; B, B' the values of b at these times. Then nT' + B′ = (m + 1) . π ; nT + B = m.π, n (T′′ − T) + B' – B = т, 4 .. (T'. π T'- T = (B'- B). n n Τι db T' ] dt dt f sin (nt + b) dt na T T Now B'- B = between the proper limits; PERTURBATION OF A PENDULUM. 381 T' 1 .. the increase of time of oscillation = n² a T f sin (nt + b) dt, and the proportionate increase of time of oscillation T' 1 f sin (nt + b) dt. ппа Τ If the circumstances are such that we must integrate through two vibrations, then 1 proportionate increase of time of osc. = fsin (nt+b) dt. Ωπηα These formulæ are convenient when ƒ can be expressed in terms of t. If however ƒ be expressed in terms of s, as is the case particularly in clock escapements, we must modify the formulæ da da dt 1 da f n² a db na cos (nt + b) dt 1 na cos (nt + b) dt ds dt ds d b and ds f tan (nt + b) n² a² f S n² a³ √ a² – s² .. increase of arc of semi-vibration proportionate increase of the time of vib". n² a 1 I S fds, fsds π N² a² √ a²-s² We shall subjoin a variety of examples. 1 Instead of vibrating in a cycloid let the pendulum Ex. 1. vibrate in a circle. Here the force = g sin g En 68 esooja - ga 67³ رکت ترى g's g nearly; 7 673 sin (nt + b); 382 DYNAMICS. therefore proportionate increase in time of vibration ga² 6πnt³ fsin¹ (nt + b) dt. 1 Now fsin' (nt+b) dt == [{³- f {3-4 cos 2 (nt+b)+cos 4 (nt+b)}dt || 11∞ 2 1 {3t sin 2 (nt + b) + sin 4 (nt + b)} + C N 4n 3 п > 8 n from nt + b = 0 to π ; .. proportionate increase of time The increase of arc of vib. ga³ 2 24 n² 13 ε a³ 6n13 = ga² a² g since n² 을​. 16 n² 3 1672 on's fcos (nt + b) sin³ (nt + b) dt sin¹ (nt + b) + C = 0 between the limits, as we might easily have foreseen. Ex. 2. Suppose the friction at the point of suspension to be constant. Here fc, since the friction retards the motion; and the motion is considered from the lowest point. It will be convenient to take the integrals during that time in which the friction acts in the same direction: that is, from the beginning of a vibration to its end, or from nt + b П to nt + b 2 C .. increase of arc = n fcos (nt + b) dt C = π ; 102 - sin (nt + b) + C = − proportionate increase of time C 2c 25 πna Ssin (nt + b) dt ппа PERTURBATION OF A PENDULUM. 383 C πηρα cos (nt + b) + C = 0, π between the limits nt + b and 7. Ex. 3. 2017 Suppose the resistance of the air to produce a force varying as the mth power of the velocity or = kvm, m being any whole number. The velocity in moving from the lowest point f = ds = na cos (nt + b) ; dt - knm am cosm (nt + b); therefore increase of arc 1 = − kn™-¹a″ fcos"+¹ (nt + b) dt from nt + b = − || 11 - Κπηm-2 am : m (m − 2) 1 (m + 1) (m − 1) 1) .... (m odd) 2 2 knm- 2 ат m (m2) 2). 10 2 (m + 1) (m − 1) (m even). 3 1019 T to arc = When m = 2 (the law usually taken) the decrease of the 4 ka 3 The proportionate increase of time of oscillation k П n"-1am-1 fcos" (nt + b) sin (nt + b) dt. k nm-e a 772 - 1 COS m+1 (nt + b) + C π (m + 1) = 0 between nt + b π and ૭ | મે 7™ whether m be a positive integer or fraction. 1014 384 Ex. 4. DYNAMICS. Suppose the resistance of the air is expressed by any function of the velocity. Here f= (v) for the descent and (v) for the ascent, and the increase of the arc of vibration 1 n³ a √p (v) sin (nt + b) 3 cos (nt + b) 1 d v = η n³ a svp ( v ) d v But it ર from v = 0 to v = 0 again. v = 0 to 0 to v = na (that is, from s = √ n² a² — v² must be observed that from a to s = 0) the radical must be taken with a negative sign, because sin (nt + b) is then negative. The increase of the arc is consequently na 1 3 n³ a 0 vp (v) dv √ n² a² - v² 1 + ୮ r⁰ vp (v) dv n³ a n a na √ n² a² – v² v p (v) d v 2 n³ a 0 √ n³ a² - v² , and therefore decrease The proportionate increase of time of vibration 1 ппа [p(v) 1 Ø(v) sin (nt + b) dt 3 p (v) dv 1 π N³ a² (v) = 0, from v = = 0 to v = 0. Hence a resistance which is constant, or which depends on the velocity, does not alter the time of vibration. Ex. 5. Let the resistance be that produced by a current of air moving in the plane of vibration with a velocity V greater than the greatest velocity of the pendulum: and varying as the square of their relative velocity. k Here (v) = (V - v) when the pendulum moves in the direction of the current $ (v) = k (V + v)2 when it moves in the opposite direction. By the formula in the last Example, when the pendulum moves in the direction of the current, the arc is increased by PENDULUM ESCAPEMENTS. 385 and when it returns the arc is dimi- 2 V2 Καπ 4a² k + 2 N n 3 2 V2 ναπ 4a2 nished by k + + n² η 3 The diminution in two vibrations is unaffected. 2k Vаπ ㅠ ​The time n Ex. 6. Let a force Fact through a very small space x at the distance c from the lowest point. The increase of the arc = 1 " c + c Fx Fds= nearly. n² a n² a The proportionate increase of the time of vibration 1 éta Fsds π n² a² a² ઈમ્ફ if the general value of the integral be (s), then the propor- tionate increase of time = $ (c + x) − ¢ (c) = 4′ (c) x Fa n²ď² √ a² π N C If, then, an impulse be given when the pendulum is at its lowest point, c = 0 and the time of vibration is unaffected. 405. Since the preceding theory is applicable to every case in which a pendulum is acted on by small forces, it can be applied to determine the effect produced on the motion of the pendulum of a clock, or the balance of a watch, by the ma- chinery which serves to maintain that motion. If a pendulum vibrate uninfluenced by any external forces except that of gravity, the resistance of the air and the friction of the point of suspension gradually reduce the extent of vi- bration. But this diminution goes on very slowly. A pen- dulum suspended on knife edges has been observed to vibrate more than seven hours before its arc was reduced from two degrees to th of a degree. In order to maintain vibrations of the same or nearly the same length (which for clocks is indis- pensable) a force must act on the pendulum: this force is 3 C 386 DYNAMICS. generally given by the action of a tooth of the seconds wheel on the inclined surfaces of small arms or pallets carried by the pendulum: and the whole apparatus is called an escapement. Now it appears from Examples 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the last Article, that the friction and the resistance of the air do not. affect the time of vibration. The maintaining force, therefore, must be impressed in such a manner as not to alter the time of vibration. The escapements of clocks in general use may be divided into the three following classes: recoil escapements, dead-beat escapements, and the escapements in which the action of the wheels raises a small weight which by its descent acce- lerates the pendulum: this last is Cumming's escapement. A full discussion of these will be found in Mr Airy's com- munication. He comes to the conclusion that the dead-beat · escapement is far superior to any other. 4.06. In this the wheel acts on the pallet for a small space near the middle of the vibration, and during the remainder of the vibration it has no effect except in producing a slight friction. The impact also at the beat does not tend to acce- lerate or retard the pendulum. Neglecting then the consider- ation of the friction, we have a constant force F, which begins to act when ∞ = − c and ceases when a = c. Hence by Ex. 6. of last Article, proportionate increase of time F πη απ F 2 ПП یر Ր sds √ a² - s² 12 c'² – c² F π n² a² {√ a³ - c² 12 F 12 2 π n² a³ 3 (c'+c) (c' — c) nearly; πn²а² √a²-c² + √ a²-c²² an extremely small quantity, since c and c' are very small when compared with a, and c-c may be made almost as small as we please, though it cannot be made absolutely zero; for the wheel must be so adapted to the pallets, that when it is dis- engaged from one it may strike the other, not on the acting surface, but a little above it; that is, the instant of disen- gagement from a pallet must follow the instant at which the pendulum is in its middle position by a rather longer time than that by which the instant of beginning to act preceded it. Hence c' must be rather greater than c. But the difference MOTION OF A PARTICLE ON A SURFACE. 387 • may be made so small that the effect on the clock's rate shall be almost insensible. This escapement, then, approaches very nearly to absolute perfection: and in this respect theory and practice are in exact agreement. Mr Airy suggests a construction (Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc. Vol. 111. p. 125.) for a clock escapement similar in its prin- ciples to the best detached escapements of chronometers. PROP. To prove that the velocity of a particle moving on a smooth surface is independent of the path described, but depends solely on the co-ordinates of position. 407. Let R be the normal pressure between the surface and particle at the time t, M the mass of the particle; aßy the angles which the direction of R makes with the axes: then, X, Y, Z being the other forces acting on the particle, the equations of motion are d² x d t R d'y R = X + cos a, = Y + cos B, M dt2 M ď² z R 2+ cos Y. dť M da dy dz Multiply these by 2 2 2 and add; then d t dt d t d.v² dx dy dz 2X + Į + Z dt dt dt dt 2 R dx dy dz + cos a + cos B + COS M dt dt dt dx dy dz But ds ds ds are the cosines of the angles which the tangent line to the curve described makes with the axes; hence dx dy cos a + cos B + ds ds dz ds cos Y equals the cosine of the angle which this tangent makes with the normal, and therefore equals zero; 388 DYNAMICS. v2 …. v = 2 [(Xd + Ydy + Zdx), and X, Y, Z being functions of x, y, z this expression when integrated will be a function of x, y, z, the co-ordinates of position, and does not depend on the path described. PROP. A particle moves in a spherical bowl acted on by gravity: required to determine the motion. 408. The equations of motion are (≈ being vertical) ď x R d² y R d2 % R cos α, cos B, ༡ g cos y, dt2 M dt2 M dt2 M also x²+y²+x²=a² is the equation to the surface in this case, cos a = ac α then (as in last Article) Z C cos B B=2/, cos y = α α dx² dy dx + + dt2 dť dt2 C + 2gz. d№2 + + dt2 df2 d t² Let V and k be the initial values of the velocity and of ≈ them dx² dy2 V² − 2g (k − ≈), ď² y ď² x also x d t Y 0; df dy d x a y = const. - h dt dt dx dy dz likewise x + y + & 0 * dt dt dt By eliminating dx dy and from these, we have dt dt t adz √ (a² − x²) { V² – 2 g (k − x) } – h² MOTION ON A SPHERE. 389 This is an elliptic function, Art. 396. If this could be inte- grated, then ≈ (and consequently x and y) is known in terms of t, and the motion is determined. 409. We may obtain approximate results by supposing the oscillations to be very small. In this case, let be the angle that the radius drawn to the particle makes with the vertical, the angle which the vertical plane in which is measured makes with the vertical plane through the centre of the sphere and the point of pro- jection; let the velocity of projection (V) = ß√gɑ, ß being a small numerical quantity, the direction of V horizontal, initial value of 0; then α the Ꮎ - k = a − 1 aa², ≈ z = a - 1a0², h² = a³ga²ß², y = x tan, x² + y² + +² = a²; dt dt ав √a do dz d↓ d y d t 1 ᏧᎾ dt do x² + y² ( dy αβ X dt g √ (a² − 0²) (0² – ß³) Y dx\ dt dt dᎾ 0 √ (a² −0²) (0³ −ß³) The first of these equations gives 2 t = 2d.02 - √ (a² – ß³)² – {20³ − (a² + ß³)}~ 81 20 α (20° Cos-1 COS (a² + B²) a² - B² , const. = 0; 0² = 1 / (a² + (²) + ½ (a² − ß³) cos 2 201 t: a this shews that the pendulum makes isochronous oscillations in the moveable vertical plane: the extreme angles being a and ß, and the time of oscillation being π ✓ or half the time of g 2 oscillation when the plane of motion is constant. 390 DYNAMICS. d↓ Hence also امة dt a a² cos² αβ Et + B² sin² g t са a .. a tan ↓ = ẞ tan Y امة (L 2t, from which the azimuth of the plane of oscillation is known at any time. By substitution we have x2 ايف y² cos² sin² cos² sin' a² + B = (a* - ≈²) + a² в ༡ a² B2 a² Be and substituting for 0 and their values in terms of t, 2 x² yo Gi + B2 a², which shews that the projection of the path on a horizontal plane is an ellipse with its centre in the vertical radius of the sphere. COR. If a = ß, then 0² = a², ↓ = √√§t, x² + y² = a²a, and the pendulum describes a conical surface with a uniform motion. PROP. A particle moves on a curve surface, required to find the pressure at any instant. 410. The equations of motion are d² x dt2 R ď² y R ď² z R Y+ = X + cos B, 2+ cos Y. cos a, M d t M dť M Multiply by cos a, cos ß, cos y respectively, and add, then R ď²x M df d²y d t d² z cos a + cos B + cos Y d t³ - {X cos a + Y cos B + Z cos y}. To calculate the former part suppose that the co-ordinate planes are so chosen, that, at the instant under consideration, PRESSURE ON THE SURFACE. 391 the axis of x is the normal line at the point of contact of the particle hence cos a = 0, cos B = 0, cos y = 1, and this part becomes d² z d t² · Now ≈ is a function of x and y: x and y are functions of t; hence dz dz dx dz dy + dt dx dt dy dt ď² z d²≈ dx² d² z dx dy d²≈ dy dz d²x dz d'y + 2 + + + d t2 dx² dt² dxdy dt dt dy² dť dx dť dy dť dz dz But 0, O as the axes are chosen. dx dy d² z ds2 Hence Jd² z dx² d² d'z dx dy ď² z dy² +2 + d t² d ť dv ds dx dy ds ds dy ds (velocity) radius of curvature and the magnitude of this cannot depend upon the manner of fixing the axis; therefore, in general, v2 P R v2 (X cos a + Y cos ẞ + Z cos y) M P centrifugal force - resolved part of the forces along the normal. PROP. A particle moves in a groove in the form of a curve of double curvature; required the pressure. 411. The equations of motion are the same as in the last Article: aßy being the angles which the direction of the pressure makes with the axes; this coincides with the radius of absolute curvature. Let P be the radius, and x,y,, the co-ordinates to the centre of curvature, then dx ď y 2 x₁ = x + p² Y₁ = Y + p² ds² d s² 22 + p² d² ds 392 DYNAMICS. x d² x ď² y ď² z 1 .. cos a = P cos B = p d s² ds2 > sy cos y = p ds2 p R M P [d² x d² x d²y d² y d² z d² z {df ds²+ dt ds² + dt ds-{Xcosa+Y cosẞ+Zcosy}, the former part, by changing the independent variable to s (as in Art. 255), becomes ď² x ds2 2 || ds² ds I d s² ds? ds2 d²y 2 2 d2 + + d² t d [ d x ² dy2 d2 + ds2 + ds2 dt2 dt³ ds2 d s³ 1 ds2 1 ds2 2 (cos² a + cos² ß + cos² y) ן dt p² dť² R v2 M ρ (X cos a + Y cos ß + Z cos y) = centrifugal force resolved part of the forces along the radius of absolute curvature. CHAPTER VIII. PROBLEMS ON THE MOTION OF BODIES CONSIDERED AS PARTICLES. PROB. 1. A BODY is projected vertically upwards and the time between its leaving a given point and returning to it is given find the velocity of projection, and the whole time of : motion. PROB. 2. Two bodies fall from two given points in space in the same vertical down two straight lines drawn to any point of a surface in the same time, find the form of the surface. PROB. 3. A semi-cycloid is placed with its axis vertical and vertex downwards, and from different points in it a number of bodies are let fall at the same instant, each moving down the tangent at the point from which it sets out: prove that they will reach the involute (passing through the vertex) all at the same instant. PROB. 4. From the top of a tower two bodies are pro- jected with the same given velocity at different given angles of elevation, and they strike the horizon at the same place: find the height of the tower. PROB. 5. A body acted upon by two central forces, each varying inversely as the square of a distance, is projected from a point between them towards one of the centres: required the velocity of projection that the body may just arrive at the neutral point of attraction and remain at rest there. PROB. 6. A body, acted on by a force varying inversely as the fifth power of the distance, is projected in any direction with a velocity equal to that which would be acquired in falling from an infinite distance: find the orbit. a PROB. 7. A body, projected in a given direction with given velocity and attracted towards a given centre of force, 1 3 D 394 DYNAMICS. has its velocity at every point: the velocity in a circle at the same distance :: 1: √2; find the orbit described, the po- sition of the apse, the magnitude of its axis, and the law of force. PROB. 8. Two bodies are connected by a string passing through a hole in a horizontal plane; one of them is projected in any direction in the horizontal plane, and the other descends vertically by the action of gravity: find the motion of the bodies, and the curve described on the plane. PROB. 9. A body is projected in any direction from one extremity of a right line, each particle of which attracts it by a force proportional to the distance; prove that the body will pass through the other extremity. PROB. 10. A body projected from a given point in a plane m X® m' is attracted by forces in the direction of x, and in the y³ direction of y: prove that if the velocity and direction of pro- jection be rightly assumed, it will describe a circle round the origin as centre, and find how the velocity varies in different parts of the orbit. PROB. 11, A body, urged towards a plane by a force varying as the perpendicular distance from it, is projected at right angles to the plane from a given point in it with a given velocity: find what force must act at the same time on the body parallel to the plane, that it may move in a given para- bola having its axis in the plane; and determine the circum- stances of the motion. PROB. 12. A body acted on by a force varying partly as the inverse cube and partly as the inverse fifth power of the distance is projected with the velocity which would be acquired in falling from infinity, at an angle with the distance the tangent of which = √2, the forces being equal at the point of projection; determine the motion. PROB. 13. A body is projected from a point near a centre of force which varies inversely as the square of the distance, in a direction perpendicular to the line joining the point of projection with the centre of force, and so as to describe an ellipse about that centre: shew that the point of projection PROBLEMS. 395 will coincide with the nearer or further apse according as the velocity of projection is greater or less than that with which a circle might be described at the same distance. PROB. 14. If a force vary inversely as the 7th power of the distance, and a body be projected from an apse with a velocity which is to the velocity in a circle at the same distance :: 1:√3; find the polar equation to the curve described, and transform it to rectangular co-ordinates. PROB. 15. If a body be projected about a centre of force. varying inversely as the square of the distance with a velocity equal to n times the velocity in a circle at the same distance, and in a direction making an angle ẞ with the distance; the angle a between the axis major and this distance may be deter- mined from the equation tan (a – ẞ) = (1 ~ n²) tan ß. PROB. 16. If a be the mean distance of a planet from the Sun, and 7 the length of the line of nodes, then the time of the planet's passage (supposed undisturbed) from node to node through perihelion is alp {tan- l 7 2 a 1 2a-l 2 a where p = π the length of the year, and 1= mean distance of the Earth from the Sun. PROB. 17. If a body revolve in an ellipse round the focus prove, that a progressive motion of the apse will be the effect of any continual addition of force in the direction of the radius vector during the progress of the body from the further to the nearer apse, and point out the effect on the eccentricity. PROB. 18. A body is acted on by two forces, one repul- sive and varying as the distance from a given point, and the other constant and acting in parallel lines: determine the motion of the body. PROB. 19. If a body can describe a given curve about one centre with one law of force, about another centre with another law of force and so for any number of centres, it is possible to project the body with such a velocity that it may describe the same curve under the action of all those forces. 396 DYNAMICS. PROB. 20. A body describes a parabola about a centre of force residing in a point in the circumference of a given ellipse, the foci of which are in the circumference of the para- bola, the force varying inversely as the square of the distance: shew that the time of moving from one focus to the other is the same, at whatever point in the circumference of the ellipse the centre of force is placed. PROB. 21. If P be a central force attracting a catenary, and p be the perpendicular on the tangent at any point from the centre of force; then, the force which would cause a body to revolve in the curve formed by the catenary varies as PP. PROB. 22. A body P is projected with a given velocity a√μ in a direction perpendicular to its distance SA from a centre of force S, which itself moves uniformly with velocity V in the direction AS produced; the force varies as the distance: determine the equation to the orbit described, and shew that the motions of P and S are parallel when the co-ordinates of P measured from the original position of S are a and (1) V. PROB. 23. If two equal bodies, which attract each other with forces varying inversely as the square of the distance, are constrained to move in two straight lines at right angles to each other; shew that they will arrive together at the point of intersection of the lines, from whatever points their motions. commence and having given their distance at the beginning of the motion, find the time to the point of intersection. : PROB. 24. The times of oscillation of a pendulum are observed at the Earth's surface, and at a given depth below the surface; find from these data the radius of the Earth, supposed spherical. PROP. 25. If a pendulum oscillating in a small circular arc be acted upon, in addition to the force of gravity, by a small horizontal force (as the attraction of a mountain) in the plane in which it oscillates; having given the number of oscillations gained in a day, find the horizontal force. PROB. 26. A body oscillates in a cycloid on an inclined plane, and the friction on the plane = times the pressure: shew that the friction will not affect the time of oscillation, µ PROBLEMS. 397 and that the body will stop after it has oscillated a number α of times - tan a 27μ , where a is the original distance from the lowest point and a the inclination of the plane. PROB. 27. A body acted on by gravity moves on the convex surface of a cycloid, the vertex of which is its highest point; the velocity at the highest point being √2gh, deter- mine the point where it will leave the curve, and the latus rectum of the parabola afterwards described. PROB. 28. A body moving on the interior surface of a vertical cylinder was projected with a given velocity, and goes round precisely n times before it begins to descend: find the direction of projection. PROB. 29. A body acted on by a repulsive central force varying as the distance, moves in a groove of the form of an epicycloid, the pole of which is in the centre of force: prove that the oscillations are isochronous. PROB. 30. If a body move in an elliptic groove uni- formly, round two centres of force situated in the foci; prove that the forces at any point of the ellipse are equal, and inversely proportional to the square of the corresponding diameter. PROB. 31. A body moves in a groove under the action of two centres of force each varying inversely as the distance, and of equal intensity at the same distance; the body is projected from the mid-point between the centres: prove that if the velocity be uniform the form of the groove is a lemniscate. PROB. 32. A body attracted to two centres of force varying inversely as the square of the distance moves in a hyperbolic groove, of which the foci are the centres of force: required to find the pressure on the groove; and to shew that if the particle begin to move from a point where it is equally attracted by the two centres, the pressure on the groove is zero during the whole motion. CHAPTER IX. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS. 412. We now enter upon the calculation of the motion of a rigid body. In the following Chapters we shall repeatedly meet with the expressions Σ.mz, Σ.mx, Σ.my, Σ.myz, Σ.mxz, Σ.my, Σ.mx²; Σ.mxy, Σ.mx², xyz being the co-ordinates to a particle m of a material system, and Σ being a symbol which represents that the sum of the quantities symmetrical with that before which it is placed is to be taken throughout the system. It becomes important, then, to enquire whether the axes of co-ordinates may not be so chosen, as to simplify these expressions. PROP. The first three may be simplified. 413. Let x, y, ≈ be the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of the system and let M be the mass of the system. Then by p. 67, we have : Mã, Σ.my=Mỹ, Σ.mx= M≈. Σ.mx = Mx If it be allowable in any case to choose for one of the co- ordinate planes a plane passing through the centre of gravity, then, supposing this the plane of xy, we have therefore .mz = 0. 0 and If it be allowable to choose for the axis of x a line passing through the centre of gravity, then y = 0, these give .my = 0, Σ.mz = 0. 0, and PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS. 399 Lastly, if it be allowable to choose the origin at the centre of gravity, then ≈ = 0, y = 0, ≈ = 0; and therefore Σ.mx=0, Σ.my = 0, Σ. mz = 0. 414. The second set of expressions, viz.: . may, Σ.mxz, 2. myz may be made to vanish by properly choosing the co-ordinates. This simplification is so important that the axes which possess this property are called the Principal Axes of the system. They are likewise termed the Natural Axes of Ro- tation for a reason hereafter to be assigned: see Art. 439. Before proceeding to find these axes we must prove the formulæ by which we pass from one system of axes to another. PROP. To prove the formula for the transformation of one system of rectangular co-ordinates to another, the origin remaining the same. 415. Let Ax, Ay, A≈ be the original axes (fig. 97), Ax,, Ay,, A≈, the new axes. ◊ = inclination of plane x,y, to plane wy. the angular distance of the line of intersection of these planes from the axis of a; i. e. the angle NAx. = the angular distance of axis of a, from this line of in- tersection; i. e. the angle NA∞¸· xyz, x,y,, the co-ordinates to any point referred to the two systems of axes respectively. ↑ = the distance of this point from the origin. Then the cosines of the angles which 2° * | makes with the axes of a Y X xyz, x,y,z, are respectively y, Hence J グ ​グ ​Y || COS XX 2° ૐ । Y 2 |} 2° cos xx, + cos yx, + Y cos xy, + * cos yy, + cos y 2° p & a Y cos zx, + cos zy, + Jo 2° → | COS ដ នី ) • 400 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. Let us now suppose all the points where the six axes meet a sphere of radius unity described about A to be joined by arcs of great circles; then we shall have by the formula for the cosine of the side of a spherical triangle in terms of the other sides and opposite angle cos Ꮖ Ꮖ . cos o cos + sin sin cos cos xy, sin cos + cos sin cos Ꮎ COS X Z sin y sin cos y x cos sin + sin cos y cos 0 Ꮎ cos YY, sin o sin + cos cos y cos Ꮎ cos y z = cos y sin 6 COS ZX sin o sin 0 cos zy, cos o sin COS ≈ cos 0. Hence by substitution x = x, (cos & cos + sin o sin - y, (sin cos y = - -x, (cos o sin - sin cos 0) - cos o sin cos 0), sin sin y cos cos 0) +y, (sin & sin + cos cos y cos 0) — ≈, cos sin ✪ z = x, sin & sin 0 + y, cos o sin 0 + ≈, cos 0. 416. In the same manner we should find x = x (cos cos + sin o sin cos 0) -y (cos o sin - sin cos y cos 0) + ≈ sin sin 0 & Y x (sin cos - cos sin cos 0) +y (sin & sin + cos cos y cos 0) + ≈ cos & sin ✪ Z y x sin sin - y cos y sin 0 + ≈ cos 0. PROP. To prove that in every body there is a system of rectangular axes, and in general only one system, which will satisfy the conditions,y,=0,,z,=0,,z,=0. ALL BODIES HAVE THREE PRINCIPAL AXES. 401 417. Substitute in the equations .mx,y,=0, .mx,≈¸=0,,x,=0 the values of x,y,, given in Art. 416, and putting Σ.my,≈ Σ . m (y² + x²) = D, Σ. m (x² + ≈²) = E, Σ. m (x² + y²) = F, Σ.myz G, Σ.mxx = H, Σ.mxy = K; = we have L sin 2 p + p M cos 2 = 0...………….. (1), N cos o P sin = 0, N sin + P cos & = 0, where L, M, N, P are certain functions of 0, †, D, E, F, G, H, and K; and are independent of ø. The first of these equations gives when and ✈ are from the second and third we have replace P and N by their values, known. By eliminating P=0, N=0: or, if we we have sin 20 {D sin² - 2 K sin √ + 2 cos 20 {G cos cos + E cos² ↓ − F}· + H sin } Y} = 0 (2). sin 0 { (D − E) sin cos – K (cos² ↓ – sin³ \)} cos 0 {G sin † – H cos } cos &} = 0 И Let tanu, and .. sin √1+u² cos y = √1+w² 1 also let be eliminated from the above equations by the formula (1 - tan³ 0) tan 20 2 tan ; and we have, after all reductions, {(D−E) u − K (1−u²)} {(GD−GF+HK) u−HE÷HF+GK} - (Gu - H)² (Hu+ G) = 0. - This equation, being a cubic, must give at least one real value of u, and therefore of : and substituting this in one of the equations (2) we shall have the value of and then is known from equation (1). We conclude, then, that we can always find a system of co-ordinate axes which will satisfy our conditions. But, not 3 E 402 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. only so, there is in general only one such system; for although we might fancy that there could be three since the equation in u is a cubic yet this will be found not to be the case when it is remarked that this equation, which is to obtain the angle between the axis of a and the intersection of the planes x,y, and xy, ought likewise to give the angles which the axis of a makes with the intersections of the two other planes xx, and yx, with the plane xy. Hence all three roots of the cubic will be possible and serve to determine the three angles specified above. Hence the Proposition is true. COR. 1. The equation in u becomes identical whenever, in any particular case, we have G = 0, H = 0, K = 0. In this case every system of rectangular axes is a system of principal axes; as is proved by these three equations: and for this reason the equation in u gives no result. COR. 2. Again, the equation in u is identical when G=0, H 0. In this case also there is an infinite number of systems of principal axes; but they must all have a common axis, since F does not vanish. It will be seen that in most cases the difficulty of calcu- lating the position of the principal axes in a body is great. But whenever we know one of them the other two are easily determined, as we shall now shew. PROP. To find the principle axes of a body when one of them is known. 418. Let Ax, be the known principal axis, Ax,, Ay, the others making an angle with the arbitrary axes Ax, Ay drawn at right angles to Ax, (fig. 98). Let x,y,,, xyz be the co-ordinates to a particle m referred to these two systems of axes: then x, = x cos √ + y sin, y, y cos Hence Σ.mx,y,= 0 gives x sin . y. (cos² - sin² ) Σ. mxy cos y sin Σ. m (x² - y³) = 0 ; DETERMINATION OF PRINCIPAL AXES. 403 sin 2 2 sin cos .. tan 2 cos 2 火 ​cos - sin 2Σ.may Σ. m (x² — y´) Ex. 1. One principal axis of a rectangular parallelogram of uniform thickness is perpendicular to its plane through the centre: required the other two. Let 2a, 2b be the sides of the parallelogram: M its mass: the sides parallel to the plane ry, and the centre of the origin: then the mass of an element M d x d y 4ab and therefore Σ.may -[[Maydady= ΜΙ a M N M a Σ.m (x²- y²): (x²³ b − 1 b³) 4ab 2ab - a b -a M ΜΙ (a³b - b³ a) (a² — b²) ; 3ab 3 4ab (x² - y²) d x dy xydx dy = 0.dx 0, 4ab - a tan 24 = 0; and .. 24 = 0 and 180º, or = 0 and 90º, and the other two axes are parallel to the sides of the parallelogram. COR. If the parallelogram be a square then ab and tan 24 0 0 : which shews that in this case any pair of axes x and y are principal axes. X Ex. 2. One principal axis of an elliptic board being perpendicular to its plane through its centre; the other two coincide with the axes of the ellipse. 419. The last three of the expressions in Art. 412, viz. Σ.mx², Σ.my², 2. m², do not admit of much simplification. The sum of the products of the mass of each particle of the system and the square of its distance from any straight line is called the Moment of Inertia of the System about that line. 404 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. We proceed to prove certain Propositions connected with the Moment of Inertia. PROP. The moment of inertia of a system about any axis is equal to the moment of inertia about an axis through the centre of gravity and parallel to the former, together with the product of the mass of the system and the square of the distance between the two axes. 420. Let the plane of the paper pass through the centre of gravity G of the system and be perpendicular to the ori- ginal axis and cut it in A (fig. 99): Ax, Ay the axes of x and y, and P the projection of any particle of the system m on the plane of the paper: x, y the co-ordinates of P from G; the co-ordinates of G from A. Then the moment of inertia x y = Σ. m AP² = Σ . m {(x + x)² + (y + y)³} = M (x² + y²) + 2x Σ. mx + 2y Σ. my + Σ . m (x² + y²) M (x² + y²) + Σ.m (x² + y²): see Art. 413. M. GA² + moment of inertia about an axis of which the projection is G. 421. We shall now calculate the moment of inertia in some particular cases. Let k be such a quantity that the moment of inertia= M k². Then it will be seen that k is the distance of the point at which we may suppose the whole mass collected so as not to alter the moment of inertia. This quantity k is called the Radius of Gyration. We shall always use the symbol k for this radius when the axis passes through the centre of gravity, and k, (with a sub- script accent) when it does not. Ex. 1. A physical line about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its length. 2a = length; r = distance of any particle from the centre; MOMENT OF INERTIA. 405 .. mass of a length dr ... moment of inertia, or M.k² .. k, or radius of gyration, - M dr 2 a a ; ["M² dr = MC - -α α 2 a ; 3 If the axis of rotation be at a distance c from the centre of gravity and parallel to that used above, then 2 α a³ k +c² by Art. 420. 3 Ex. 2. A circular body of uniform thickness and den- sity about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its plane. a = radius, ▲ BAP = 0, AP=r (fig. 25); therefore element of the mass at P M = dr.rde ; па? a 2π .. Mk² = -[" [" M = drão. drde J+3 = Пач 2M dr = Mª 0 a² 2 0 0 · ·. k² = ½ a². For an axis parallel to the above at a distance c, k² = 1 a² + c² by Art. 420. Ex. 3. The same body about an axis through its centre and in its plane. Mass of element at P = M drrde πα a 2π 23 sin20 Mk² M C2π M drde па? 203 2πα 73 (1-cos 20) drde 0 0 M a 23 dr = M 0 4 k² = 1 a². 406 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. 1 About an axis parallel to the above at a distance c, k² = 1 a² + c². Ex. 4. A solid of revolution about any axis perpendicular to the axis of the solid. Let DA'E be the given axis cutting the axis of the solid in A': let A' be the origin of co-ordinates (fig. 27): PM = y, A'M=x: A'A = m, A'B = n, V the volume of the solid; Μ .. mass of elementary section PP' = M mom. of iner. of this element about PP' пуч V dx May'da 2 (Ex. 3.), M DAE = V π у² dx 4 'y² 4 +002 (Art. 420); n M πυ V MW? = [" · Mk y² k? = [ " = = y² († + a) da : but V = 4 .. k² = √m² ( — y² + x²y²) dx ÷ fm y²dx. Ex. 5. A sphere about a tangent. 2 -2a .. k‚² = ƒª²ª (a²x² + ax³ − ‡ x¹) d x 8 0 24 2 a n = πу³dx: m y² = 2 ax x²; Co 10 ÷ ƒª¹ª (2 a x − x²) dx a5 15 28 a² ÷ 3 = } a². 2 5 — a². (3 + 4 − 2 4) a³ ÷ ( 4 − 3 ) a³ = - 2 Also k² = k² - a² = PROP. To find the moment of inertia of a system referred to any axis. 422. Let AC be the axis (fig. 100): P any particle m of the system: PM perpendicular to AC: Ax, Ay, Az the co-ordinate axes: x, y, z co-ordinates to P; a, B, the angles AC makes with the axes; γ MOMENT OF INERTIA. 407 .. PM² = AP² sin² PAC = = 2,2 202 AP² (1 - cos² PAC), AP = r Y ²/ -+-+² (cosa + cos B + cos) ጥ 2 x² + y² + x² − (x cos a + y cos ß + ≈ cos y)² x² sin² a + y² sin² ß + x² sin² Υ 2xy cos a cos ẞ - 2 x z cos a cos y - 2yz cos ẞ cos y. Hence moment of inertia sin² a Σ. ma² + sin ẞ E. my²+ sin² y Σ.mx² -2 cosa cosẞ.mxy-2 cosa cosy.mxz-2 cosẞcosy Z.myz. If the axes of co-ordinates be principal axes, then, accenting the co-ordinates in accordance with the notation. of Art. 417, Mk² = sin² a Σ.mx² + sin² ßΣ.my, + sin² y Σ. mx². Let A, B, C be the moments of inertia of the system about the principal axes; 2 ... A = Σ . m (y,² + ≈²), B = Σ . m (x² +≈²), C = Σ . m (x²+y,³), then Σ.mx2 = + 1 2 ( B + C - A), Σ.my,² = 1 (A + C − B), Σ . m≈² = 1 (A + B − C) ; .. Mk2 A (sin² ß, + sin y, - sin³ a) Mk² = 1 ½ B (sin² a, + sin² y, - sin² ß,) + ½ C (sin³ a, + sin² ß, – sin³ y,) = A cos² a, + B cos² ß, + C cos² Y. PROP. If A and C be the greatest and least principal moments, then every other moment of inertia is intermediate to these. 423. 2 For Mk = A - (A – B) cos² ß, ‒ (A – C) cos² γι and also = C + (A − C) cos² a, + (B − C) cos² ß, since cosa, + cos² ß, a, + cos² ß, + cos² Y = 1. 408 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. The first is evidently less than A, and the second greater than C. PROP. When two of the principal moments are equal to each other, the moments about all axes lying in any right cone described about the principal axis of unequal moment are the same. 424. For let B = C: then Mk2= A cos² a, + B (cos B, + cos y) = A cos² a, + B sin² a,, == and this is constant when a, remains the same although B, and y, may vary. PROP. If the three principal moments be equal to each other, every other moment is equal to these. ? 425. For Mk = A (cos² a, + cos² ß, + cos² y) = A. PROP. To find the points in a system with respect to which the principal moments are equal to each other. 426. Let the centre of gravity be the origin, and the principal axes the axes of co-ordinates: ay, x,y,, co-ordinates to any particle m, the point which gives the principal moments equal: then from this point the co-ordinates of m are x-x',', y, -y'', ≈, -8'; by Art. 417. . m (x, − x') (y, − y) = 0, Σ. m (x, − x') (≈, - x) = 0, and . m (y, − y) (≈, − ≈,) = 0. · Observing the origin and axes we have chosen, we see that these conditions become, Mx'y' = 0, Mx'x' = 0, My'x' = 0; .. two of xyx must = 0. Suppose y=0,x=0 and then remains indeterminate. a MOMENT OF INERTIA. 409 Hence by Art. 420, moment about axis parallel to r, through (x,y,z) = A y Z and these by hypothesis are all the same; .. B = C, and a A - B 10 M Hence we derive the following corollaries. =B+M x2 12 =C+Mx², 12 1. If all the moments about the principal axes through the centre of gravity be unequal, there is no point in the system with respect to which the moments are equal. 2. If two of them be equal and the moment of the unequal one be the greatest, there are two points equally distant from the centre of gravity and on the axis of the greatest moment corresponding to which the moments are all equal. X 3. When the principal moments are all equal, r = 0, and there is no point but the centre of gravity with respect to which the moments are all equal. 3 F CHAPTER X. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ACTED ON BY FORCES OF FINITE INTENSITY. 427. IN considering the equilibrium of a rigid body (Art. 27) we stated, that, in consequence of our ignorance of the nature and laws of the forces by which the molecules are held together, we are unable to deduce the conditions of equilibrium of a body from those of a single particle. By the aid, however, of the principle of the transmission of force through a body (Art. 28) we deduced certain relations which the impressed forces, that act upon the body when in equi- librium must satisfy independently of the molecular forces. It is evident that the system of molecular forces are them- selves in equilibrium independently of the other forces which act upon the body. In considering the motion of a rigid body we fall upon the same difficulty. We know nothing of the laws of the molecular forces, and consequently cannot calculate the motion of the body by calculating the motion of its molecules sepa- rately. But we may surmount this in the manner overcame the difficulty just mentioned. we Let mX, my, mZ be the impressed moving forces which act upon the particle m, not including the molecular forces which act upon this particle. Let xyz be the co-ordinates to m at the time t: then m effective moving forces of m ď² x d t , day d² z m m are the dt dt (Art. 211). Now by the first of the general principles enunciated in Art. 226, the forces d' z m (x-da), m(x-dy), m (2-15) t2 GENERAL EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 411 acting on m parallel to the axes of a, y, z respectively, and similar forces acting on all the other particles ought, together with the molecular forces by which the particles of the body act upon each other, to satisfy the equations of equilibrium of forces acting on a rigid body. But the molecular forces are of themselves in equilibrium, since the molecules retain their relative situations during the motion. z Hence the forces m (X-), m (Y-y), m (2-1) acting on m and similar forces acting on the other particles of the body ought to satisfy the six equations of equilibrium of forces acting on a rigid body, given in Art. 65. Wherefore we have the six equations of motion ďa 2. m (X dt Σ.» y 2- d² =0, 2. m (Y - 1) = 0, 2. m (Z)-c d² == (2 Y - y 1/2))} -0. 0, 5. m {y (2-1) x (1 X- df dx 2. m = (X - ( ) - x ( 2 - dt df ď z ( )} = 0, df dt = 0, Σ.m { ( d'y dť 心 ​ď²x yr 0. dť By these six equations we shall be able to calculate the motion of a rigid body acted on by any forces of finite in- tensity. They lead immediately to two Principles, one of which enables us to calculate the motion of translation of the body in space; and the other the motion of rotation. PROP. The motion of the centre of gravity of a body moving free in space and acted on by any forces is the same as if all the forces were applied at the centre of gravity parallel to their former directions. 428. By the first three equations of Art. 427, ď v Σ.η m X = 0, Σ.m dť² Σ.m() dy Γ 0, .m2. ď z = 0. dť dt 412 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. Let xyz be the co-ordinates to the centre of gravity, x'y' z' m from the centre of gravity; 2 · · x = x + x', y = ÿ + y, z = z + z' · y Now Σ.mx = 0, Σ.my = 0, E. mx 0 (Art. 413). Hence, substituting for xyz, the above equations give, M being the whole mass of the body, d²x ď x Σ.mX ď²y Σ.my dz Σ.mΖ dt² M dt2 M dt 2 M and these are the equations we should obtain for the motion of the centre of gravity supposing the forces all applied at that point. Hence the Proposition is proved. PROP. The motion of rotation of a body acted on by any forces and moving freely is the same as if the centre of gravity were fixed and the same forces acted. 429. The last three of the equations of Art. 427 are Σ.myZ 2- ď z dť ď y Z Y- ი. dt² Σ.m m { x ( ď² x X- 2? dt に ​d² z Z- = 0, dt { d'y Σ.m/xY_ -yX dt2 (* ď x = 0. d t² Now let x, y, gravity, and let (as be the co-ordinates to the centre of before) x = x + x', y =ÿ+ y, z=2+z′. Let these be put in the above equations, observing that Σ.mx'=0, Σ.my' = 0, Σ.mx'=0 (Art. 413), and that there- fore the differential coefficients of these with respect to t vanish; also bearing in mind the equations of last Article we have after all reductions, MOTION OF ROTATION ABOUT THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 413 dz ૪ Σ.myZ df Y (r - d² y' dť ď² = 0. 2. m x ( X - 1 x ) = x ( 2 - 1 x )} = 0. dť - Z dť d² x' 2. m (Y - Σ.m r Y- 1) - (x-2)=0. dť But these are precisely the equations we should have obtained on the supposition that the centre of gravity were fixed, and that point taken as the origin of moments. Hence the Proposition is true. 430. From the first of the Principles demonstrated in the last two Articles we gather, that all the calculations we have made of the motion of a material particle will be true also of the centre of gravity of a rigid body. It remains then to ascertain the motion of the other parts of the body relative to the centre of gravity: and this the latter Principle enables us to accomplish, as we shall shew in the following Chapters. We shall consider the motion of rotation of a body first about any fixed axis, either passing through the centre of gravity or not, and lastly about a fixed point. CHAPTER XI. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT A FIXED AXIS: FINITE FORCES. PROP. To calculate the angular accelerating force of a rigid body moving about a fixed axis, and acted on by any given forces. 431. Let the fixed axis be taken as the axis of ≈, and let ay be the co-ordinates to the projection of a particle m on the plane ay also let r be the distance of m from the axis of rotation and the angle makes with the plane ≈: then x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0. v Now by Art. 68, we are to take only the last of the equa- tions of Art 427; = ď² O dť •. Σ. m { x { d³y ď² x Y = 2. m (x Y-yX). dt dť dx do dy d Ꮎ But r sin e = r cos e d t dt d t dt d² y d² x d dy da d do X Y dt - y´dť² X У dt d t dt -y a t dt dt dt de Hence Σ.mp² dť d Ꮎ or, since d t² Σ . m (x Y − y X), is the same for every particle, d Ꮎ Σ . m (x Y − y X) dť Σ.mr² moment of the forces about the axis moment of inertia about the axis By integrating this equation we shall know the angle through which the body has revolved in a given time; and shall con- COMPOUND PENDULUM. 415 11 sequently be able to determine the position of the body at any instant. PROP. A body moves about a fixed horizontal axis acted on by gravity only: required to determine the time of a small oscillation. 432. Let ABC (fig. 101.) be a section of the body made by the plane of the paper passing through the centre of gravity G and cutting the axis of rotation perpendicularly in C; P the projection of any particle m on this plane; CX vertical; GH perpendicular to CX; CG CP=r; PCX=0'; GCX=9. h; d Ꮎ moment of forces Then by Art. 431, dť moment of inertia Σ. mgr sin ' Mgh sin ( Σ.mp M (k² + h²) gh k² + h² sin . Arts. 413, 420. kc + h² If we put 7, multiply by 2 h d Ꮎ dt and integrate; do dt 2g Z g cos + const. = - § (a² – 9³), neglecting 9ª….... and 7 supposing a at first; = .. time of oscillation 80 a d Ꮎ = π u √ a² - (² Hence the body will move as if collected in a material k² + hⓇ k² + h² point at a distance from the axis. Take CO 1. h in the line CG produced: then O is called the centre of oscil- lation: and k² + h² h is called the length of the isochronous simple pendulum, the body itself being denominated, in con- tradistinction, a compound pendulum. The point C is called the centre of suspension. PROP. The centres of oscillation and suspension are reciprocal: that is, if the body be suspended on an axis through O parallel to that through C, then C will be the centre of oscillation. 416 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. 433. For let l' be the length of the simple pendulum in this case; then k² + OG² k2 で ​+l-h OG l-h lh -- h² +l-h (Art. 432.) = l. l - h From which the truth of the Proposition is evident. PROP. To determine the length of the seconds pen- dulum experimentally. 434. We have already shewn (Art. 396.) that if I be the length of a simple pendulum, that is, a pendulum consisting of a single particle suspended by a string without weight, t the duration of each oscillation and g the force of gravity, then t = π VI 50 The But it is impossible to form a pendulum which may, with due regard to accuracy, be considered a simple pendulum. It becomes necessary, then, to measure the distance between the centres of suspension and oscillation (see Art. 432). practical difficulties in the way of determining the latter point were considerable, and such as greatly to endanger the accu- racy of the result, before Captain Kater removed the sources of difficulty by using the property of the compound pendulum proved in Art. 433, namely, that the centres of oscillation and suspension are reciprocal. We proceed to explain this. Let AB be the pendulum (fig. 102); C the point of sus- pension; F a weight which may be shifted from one position to another on the pendulum: O the centre of oscillation of the pendulum including F. The position of O is first found pretty accurately by making the pendulum oscillate about C and O till the times. of oscillation are nearly the same. Knife edges are then fixed at C and O, and the weight F, which is placed near the middle point between C and O, is shifted till it is found that the KATER'S COMPOUND PENDULUM. 417 It time of oscillation about C and O is exactly the same. remains only to measure CO and observe the time of oscilla- tion. For the details of the experiment we refer the reader to the Philosophical Transactions for 1818. If t be the time of oscillation in seconds and CO = l, then, since the length of the simple pendulum varies as the square of the time of oscillation, the length of the seconds pendulum だ ​PROP. To calculate the effect produced on the pendulum by shifting F. 435. Let l' be the length of the simple pendulum when F is removed: M (1+n) and M the masses of the pendulum with and without F, n being a small fraction: let be the length of the simple pendulum when F is so situated that the times of oscillation about C and O are the same: and let L and L' be the lengths when the pendulum oscillates about C and O, the weight F being then at a distance from C: and let & be the value of a when Ll. Then, by Art. 432, 1 + square of rad. of gyration about axis of suspension dist. of centre of gravity from same axis Ml' h + Mn({ l + d)² l' h + n ( ½ l + d) * Mh + Mn (l + d) ... l' = h + n ( l + d) 1 1 / ጎ 1 + — ({ l² − d³ ) . h d L dx Also L l' h + n x² h + n xx n²x² + 2nhx – n l'h (h+n) 2 ; n² (x − a) (x + B) (h + na:)² 1 where a = √ h² + n l' h − h} Դ h fnl nl r Jn n2 h ľ n l'" neg. n°.. sh 2 Sh 3 G 418 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. || n de 2 2h B is a positive quantity. = Let CD = DO 1: and take CP = a. Then if F be below P (that is, a greater than a), the time of oscillation about C will increase or decrease according as F is shifted. from or towards C, since dL and do have the same sign: the contrary will be the case when F is placed above P. In like manner if the pendulum be suspended from 0, we have a point Q, the distance of which from O equals n 82 (h' being the distance of the centre of gravity from 2h' O), such that when F is beyond Q from O the time of oscil- lation about O is increased or diminished according as F is moved further from O or nearer to it; and vice versâ. Since DP nde 2h and DQ n sz 2h* and these are both less than 8 (8 being by hypothesis a very small quantity), it follows that F cannot be between P and Q when the times of oscilla- tion about C and O are the same. PROP. To shew that if the axes of suspension be equal cylinders rolling on horizontal plates, instead of knife edges, the length of the simple pendulum still equals the distance of the axes. 436. Let AB be the pendulum (fig. 103); G its centre of gravity, O its centre of oscillation, CDE the semi-cylin- drical axis of suspension, C being the point of contact with the horizontal plane of support when the pendulum hangs in its position of rest: P the point of contact at the time t, when the pendulum oscillates; CM = x, MG = y, the co-ordinates to G, O the angle CG makes with the vertical, R the pressure at P, F the friction on the plane of support, CG = h, M_the mass of the pendulum, CO = l, k = rad. of gyration about G, a = rad. of the axis at C. Now by Art. 428 the motion of the centre of gravity is the same as if all the forces were applied at that point; KATER'S COMPOUND PENDULUM. 419 d² x F d²y R (1), (2). dt M d t df M Also by Art. 429 the motion of rotation is the same as if G were fixed; hence by Art. 431 d² 0 Fy - R (a + h) sin ( d t Mk2 (3) we have here three equations and five unknown quantities R, F, x, y, 0: we must seek, then, two relations connecting x, y, 0: these are X = PM - PC = (a + h) sin ( − að ... (4) A y = (a + h) cos ◊ a.. (5). By equations (1) (2) (3) we have d Ꮎ k2 + y d t ď² x df + (a + h) sin 0 (g ď²y = 0; dť differentiating (4) and (5) we have dx dy (a + h) cos Ө- a = = y, · (a + h) sin 0. de d Ꮎ Hence our last equation becomes ᏧᎾ dᎾ dx d'x dy day d Ꮎ 12 + + + (a + h) g sin = 0; dt dť dt de dt dť dt de dx² dy³ + dť dť² + df C + 2 (a + h) g cos & when 0 = a = a, velocity velocity = 0; d 02 dx² dy ... k2 + + dt2 dt d t d 02 dt² = 2 (a + h) g (cos - cos a); {k² + (a+h)² + a² −2 a (a+h) cos 0} = 2 (a+h) g (cos 0-cosa) d Ꮎ (a + h) g (a² −0²) d ť² k² + h² neglecting powers of a and higher than the square. 420 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. dt dᎾ k² + h² 1 (a + h) g √ a² − 0² k² + h² 1 t = COS (a + h) g Ꮎ α . time of oscillation = π const. = 0; k² + h² (a + h) g Also if b be the radius of the axis at O, and if CO = m, then time of oscillation about O = π √ k² + (m − h)² (b + m − h) g and these times being equal, we have k² + h² k² + (m − h)² - l; a + h b + m - h -- .. l (a + h) — h² = (k² =) bl + (m − h) l − (m − h)²; − (m − h)² – h² - m (m-2h) ... l - m 2 h + b - a m A 2h+b- a If b = a, l = m; that is, the length of the simple pen- dulum equals the distance between the axes, when the cylinders. are of equal radii. 437. Mr Lubbock has calculated, in a Paper read before the Royal Society in 1830, the errors in the length of the simple pendulum corresponding to given deviations of the knife edges. It is there shewn that a small deviation of one of the knife edges in azimuth is quite insensible: but that this is not the case for a small deviation in altitude: a deviation of one degree increases by 3 the vibrations of a seconds pendulum in 24 hours. A deviation from horizontality in the agate. planes has a still greater influence for a deviation in hori- zontality of 10' increases by about 6 the vibrations in 24 hours. PROP. When a body moves about a fixed axis, required to find the pressure upon the axis at any instant. រ PRESSURE ON A FIXED AXIS. 421 438. We shall suppose that the axis is fixed at two given points: let the axis of rotation be the axis of ≈, and let a and a be the distances of the fixed points from the origin: let P, P' be the pressures at these points, aßy and a'B' the angles which their directions make with the axes of xyz respectively: X, Y, Z the impressed accelerating forces of the particle m, the co-ordinates of which are xyz at the d² x ď² y ď² z the effective accelerating dť' de' dť time t; and therefore forces of m: but since the angular accelerating force about the axis of rotation is calculated in Art. 432, we shall trans- form these effective forces as follows. Let f be the effective angular accelerating force, w the angular velocity of the body at the time t, r the distance of m from the axis of rotation, ✪ the angle which r makes with the plane xx; then a=r cos 0, = r sin 0; differentiating twice with respect to t and does not vary with the time, and then re- and y observing that placing x and y, we have ď²x yf- xw², dt d²y dť = xf-yw². Then the moving forces m (X+yƒ+xw³), m (Y−xf+yw³), mZ acting parallel to the axes on the particle m, and similar forces acting on all the other particles, together with the pressures P, P' on the two fixed points of the axis ought to be in equilibrium at the time t, according to the first Principle of Art. 226. Hence by Art. 65, P cos a + P' cos a' + Σ . m (X + yƒ + xw²) ά = 0 P cos ẞ+ P' cos B' + . m (Y - x ƒ + ywˆ) = 0 P cos y + P' cos y + Σ. m Z = 0 - Pcosß. a - P'cos B'. a' + E. m {Zy − (Y − x ƒ + yw²) ≈ } = 0 Pcos a. a+ P'cos a'. a' + Σ. m {(X + yƒ + xw³)≈ − Zx} = 0 Σ. m {(Y_ xf+yw²) x − (X+yf+x w³) y} = 0. These equations may generally be much simplified in applying them to any particular case, as we shall sec in the 422 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. Chapter of Problems on this subject. The first, second, fourth, and fifth equations determine the four quantities Pcos a, Pcos ß, P' cos a', P' cos B'; from which the pressures perpendicular to the axis may be obtained. The third equa- tion is the only equation which contains Pcosy and P'cos y', and it shews that these quantities are indeterminate but that their sum must -Σ.m Z. Lastly, the sixth equation is independent of the pressures, and, in short, determines the motion as calculated in Art. 432: this is easily seen, since the equation by reduction becomes f. E. m (x² + y²) = Σ . m (Y x Xy). The following Proposition is an application of these equations. PROP. The principal axes through the centre of gravity are permanent axes, when the body is not acted on by any forces. 439. An axis is said to be permanent when the body permanently revolves about it when it is not fixed. Let us suppose the body moves about a fixed principal axis. Since no forces act upon the body it follows that X, Y, Z each vanish, hence the equations of last Article become (since the sixth gives ƒ = 0) P cos a + P' cos a' + Pcos B+ P' cos B' + P cos cos y + P' "cos y' w² Σ.mx = 0 w² Σ. my = 0 0 - Pa cosẞ- P'a' cos ẞ' - w². myz = 0 Pa cosa + P'a' cos a' + w² Σ.mxz = 0. Since the axis of ≈ passes through the centre of gravity, therefore .mx = 0, Σ.my = 0 (Art. 413): also if the other two principal axes xy, make each an angle of xy respectively at the time t, we have with the axes x = x¸ cos &+ y, sin o, and y = y, cos & − x, sin 8, ≈ = ; .. Σ.mxz = cos pΣ. mr,x, + sin 2. my,≈, = 0 ; THE PRINCIPAL AXES ARE PERMANENT AXES. 423 so also .myz = 0. Hence the equations become Pcos a+ P'cos a=0, P cos ẞ+P'cos B'=0, Pcosy + P'cos y' =0, Pa cos ẞ+ P' a' cos B' = 0, Pa cos a + P'a' cos a' = 0, these give P = 0 and P' = 0. Hence there is no pressure on the fixed axis, and therefore it would not move if the body were to rotate about it when it is not fixed. CHAPTER XII. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT A FIXED POINT: FINITE FORCES. 440. IN calculating the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point it is found most convenient to transform the equations of motion so as to contain angular co-ordinates and angular velocities. ω ω Let the axes of co-ordinates be drawn through the fixed point and suppose that w'w"w"" are three angular velocities. such that if they were simultaneously impressed upon the body about the axes xyz respectively at the expiration of the time t, the motion of the body shall be what it actually is; then these are called the angular velocities of the body about the axes at that instant. We shall always estimate those angular velocities positive which make the body revolve from the axis of a to the axis of y about; from y to ≈ about x; and from ≈ to r about and those negative which act in the opposite directions. z Y: When the axes of co-ordinates are principal axes we shall use w₁w2w3 for w'w'w' /// PROP. To find the linear velocities, parallel to the axes of co-ordinates, of any particle of the body in terms of the angular velocities about the axes. : 441. Let xys be the co-ordinates to particle m at P (fig. 104) draw PM perpendicular to the axis of x: PN per- pendicular to plane xy: then at the time t the velocity of m about the axis of x = w'PM: resolving this parallel to the axes of y and ≈ and reckoning those linear velocities positive which tend from the origin, and vice versa, we have INSTANTANEOUS AXIS, 425 vel. of m arising from w' parallel to y=-wPM sin PMN = - w'≈ ≈= 'PM cos PMN = w'y, also velocity of m arising from w" parallel to x = ર w" z w"x, w Y y = w""x. velocity of m arising from "" parallel to x W Adding together those velocities which are parallel to the same axes, we have ដ velocity of m parallel to a = w"≈ - w″"y, • Y = w x w' 29 z = w' y - w" x. If m be at rest at the instant of expiration of the time t these expressions vanish; the third is a necessary consequence of the other two. W w" Hence x = ≈, Y ≈ are the equations to a straight W W line through the fixed point which is at rest at the instant under consideration. This line is called the Axis of Instantaneous Rotation. PROP. To find the position of the instantaneous axis at any instant. 442. Let aẞy be the angles which this line makes with the axes of xys at the proposed instant: then by fig. 104, w' cos α = a AM AP X x² + y² + ~² 12 w²² + w 112 1712 + w "/ MN cos B = AP Y x² + y² + x² √ w² + w 12 112 + w PN W" COS Y AP x² + y² + x² 112 1119 @-tw + w 3 H 426 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. By means of these we shall know the position at any instant when w'w"w"" are known. PROP. To find the angular velocity of the body about the instantaneous axis. W 443. Let Let w be the required angular velocity: the distance of the particle m from the origin: then the distance of this particle from the instantaneous axis = r sin ( < between r and inst. axis) = r 1- cos (same <) √ x² + y² + x² - (x cos a + y cos ß + ≈ cos y)²; y²+ - .. the velocity of m=w√ x²+y²+z² − (x cos a+y cos ß+≈ cos y)². But by Art. 441 the whole velocity = 2 √(w"x-w""'y)² + (w""'x w'"'y)² + (w''' x − w'≈)² + (w'y − w″x)². Let us substitute for ww" w' ω then whole velocity 1112, 12 √ w " + w¹¹² + w 112 √w² + w 12 112 2 /// in terms of aẞy by Art. 442, (≈cos B-ycosy)²+(x cosy−zcosa)²+(y cos a−x cos ß)" +ω ///2 x² + y² + ≈² − ( x cos a + y cos ß + ≈ cos y)². Hence by equating these expressions, ω Vo 12 W = √ w +ω 112 + w +w this is the angular velocity required. 444. Cor. 7/12 If a body revolve about an axis with an angular velocity w, then the resolved part of this about another axis inclined to the former at an angle a = 12 112 11/2 (w' = √ w~t w + w cos a =) w cosa. PROP. To find the inclinations of the instantaneous axis to the principal axes. α 445. Let a,ẞy, be the angles the instantaneous axis makes with the principal axes, and www the angular velo- cities about the principal axes. z VELOCITY ABOUT THE INSTANTANEOUS AXIS. 427 cos a cos x¸x + cosß cos x, y + cos cos xx ... cos a, /// w w" ( COS X X + 0,x cos x y + cos, (Arts. 443, 444.) ω ω W WI ω since by resolving the angular velocities w'w"w"" about the axis of x, we have by Art. 444, ωω w" w₁ = w' cos x¸x + w″ cos x, y + w /// COS V Z. W3 W2 Similarly cos B, COS Y, W ω 2 112 1112 COR. Also w+w +ω = 2 w² = w₁² + w;² +w3². PROP. To obtain equations for calculating the angular velocities about the principal axes at any instant. 446. Let A, Ay, A≈ be the axes of co-ordinates fixed in space; A being the fixed point of the body; Ax,, Ay,, Ax, the principal axes in the body. Then the three equations of rotatory motion are by Art. 427. =Σ.m {yZ-≈1}= L suppose d² d² y Σ.my df dt's Σ.m. d² x dt² X d² d t² Σ.m { ď y ď x W - Y dt dt Now by Art. +kl. = Σ . m {z X − x Z} = M ..... = Σ . m {x YyX} = N ....... dx dy dz w" - w Y = w x - wz, w'y – w″x. dt dt d t By differentiating these with respect to t ď x dz dť dt # dy dw" do" + -Y d t dt dt 428 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. SO d2y (w''² + w'¹¹²) x + w' w" y + w 'w" z + W (w²² + w ""'²) y + w "w' x + w″ w w" dw" dt મેર dw"" dt y, dw"" do ≈ + X I ર d t² dt dt d² z do' dw" 1/2 (w²² + w¹¹²) ≈ + w" w' x + w""w" y + Y x. d t dt dt ď² z d² y Hence Σ.m Y = (w'''² – w″²) Σ. myz dt2 d ť² dw w""w Σ.mxy dt (w" w dw ωω + Σ.mxz dt dw + w w" Σ.my² – w"w"" Σ.mx² + Σ . m (y² + x²) = L ... (1). dt Now suppose the fixed axes Ax, Ay, Az were so chosen that at the instant of expiration of the time t the principal axes should coincide with them. Then at this instant Σ.mxy=0, Σ.mxx=0, Σ.myz=0: also w'=w1, w" = w₂, w""=w3 ; and likewise d w dt dwi dt for the changes in the two angular x velocities w' and w₁ during a given small time after the axis of x, coincides with the axis of a will differ only by a quantity which depends upon the angle passed through by the axis of during that given small time: the difference between w' and w will therefore be an infinitessimal of the second order and therefore their differential coefficients will be equal. equation (1) becomes at this instant Hence dwi w₂ w3 Z. m (y² – 2,3) + Σ . m (y + ≈ *) = L, dt the letters with subscript accents having reference to the prin- cipal axes. Now this equation is independent of the epoch from which the time is measured: it is also independent of the angles which CALCULATION OF THE POSITION OF THE BODY. 429 the principal axes make with the fixed axes in space. It follows, then, that this equation will hold for every instant of the time t; and is therefore generally true. – - Now Σ.m (y²+) = A; and Σ. m (y,² − x²) = C − B ; .. A d wi dt + (C − B) w2w3 = L d w2 - + (A − C) w₂ w₂ = M (2). similarly B dt d w3 C d t + (B − A) w₂ w₂ = N By means of these three equations the three quantities wwwę must be determined. PROP. To determine the position of the body in space when the angular velocities about the principal axes are known. 447. We consider, as before, those angular velocities positive which tend to turn the body from the axis of x, to the axis y, about ≈,, from y, to z≈, about a, and from ≈, to x, about y Also by Art. 444 an angular velocity is resolved about any new axis by multiplying it by the cosine of the angle between the axes. Now the position of the principal axes of the body at the time t, is determined by the values of 0, p, y, these angles being measured as explained in Art. 415: it follows, then, that de do dy w] w₂ wз must be functions of 0, 4, †, and dt dt dt d Ꮎ The resolved parts of about the axes of x, y, z, are dt d Ꮎ d Ꮎ cos o, sin, 0, dt dt 430 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. аф the resolved parts of about these axes are dt аф 0, 0, dt d f and the resolved parts of about these axes are dt dy αψ d↓ COS ZX cos zy, cos ZX,, לן dt dt dt dy αψ dy or sinosin 0, cos sine, cos (see Art. 415). dt dt dt Hence, adding those about the same axes, Ꮷ Ꮎ αψ Οι w₁ = cos o sin sin 0, d t dt d Ꮎ αψ W2 sin cos o sin 0, dt d t аф dy W3 Wz = cos 0. dt dt In these we must substitute the values of w, W2 W3 obtained by integrating the equations in Art. 446, and we shall find 0, p, 4, and so determine the position of the principal axes, and consequently of the body, at any proposed instant. 448. COR. 1. By the above equations we obtain do dt = w₁ cos & — w., sin p Ф d↓ sin W1 sin W₂ cos & d t аф = W3 d t sin 449. cos (w, sin &+w, cos P). COR. 2. When is very small these become ᏧᎾ 1 = w₁ cos o p - w… w, sin q аф dt MOTION ABOUT A POINT WHEN NO FORCES ACT. 431 αψ W2 sin cos &, dt Ꮎ Ꮎ W2 аф WI = W3 dt 1 sin cos 0. Ꮎ Ꮎ PROP. A body revolves about its centre of gravity acted on by no forces but such as pass through that point: required to integrate the equations of motion. 450. The equations (2) of Art. 446 become in this case A dwi dt + (C − B) w½ w3 = 0, d we B + (A − C) w₂ w3 = 0, dt dw3 C + (B − A) w₁ w₂ = 0, dt Multiply these equations by w w w the principal axes being drawn through the centre of gravity. w₂ wз respectively and add; then dwi d we dws + B w₂ Βω + C @ 3 = 0 dt dt add; Aws dt A w₁² + B w₂² + C wz² = constant = h². Again multiply the equations by Aw₁, Bw, Cw, and dwr dw dw ... A² w1 + B² w₂ + C² w3 = = 0; W2 dt dt dt 2 2 .. A² w₁² + B² w₂² + C²² wz² constant k². Α ως 2 Eliminating 3 from these two equations, we have W3 2 2 A (A - C) w₁² + B (B − C) w₂² = k² – Ch² ; and w32 1 B (B-C) 1 C (CB) 2 {k² - Ch² - A (A - C) w₂²}, {k² – B h² – A (A – B) wi²}. 432 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. Hence the first of the equations of motion gives dur + | dt 2 - ✓√(4−C') (4−B) k² − C h² \ [ k² − B h² A (A – C)} \A (A – B) ω 2 ω the integral of this equation, which in the general case cannot be found, will give w₁ in terms of t and then we and we will be known. w, W2 W3 Knowing w₁w2ws the position of the body at any time is determined by integrating the equations of Art. 447. PROP. When the body is acted on by no forces except such as pass through the origin, there exists a plane to which it may be referred, which plane is invariable in position. 451. Let abc be the cosines of the angles which x makes with a,y,, a'b'c' a"b"c" Y 23 We shall now seek the values of the differential coefficients of these with respect to t. Let the planes yx, yx, cut in the line AK (fig. 105): then this line is perpendicular to the plane x Ax,: let AI be the instantaneous axis: describe a sphere about A of radius. unity and cutting the axes of co-ordinates, AK, and AI in the points marked in the figure. Then d. x A x dt = the angular velocity about AK = wcos IAK, (Art. 444.) w (cos a¸ cos Kx¸ + cos ẞ, cos Ky, + cos y, cos K≈) = (cos ẞ, sin K≈, + cos y, cos K≈), ··· Kx, = 90°; da d cos xx W2 sin xx, sin K≈, – w3 sin xx, cos K≈, dt dt sin Kxz, - W2 We xx, sin Kx,≈, sin @3 xx, cos Kx z sin xx¸ cos z¸x¸x + w3 sin xx, cos y¸x¸x C (၂၇ COS X X + W3 COS XY, = wer + wzb. MOTION ABOUT A POINT WHEN NO FORCES ACT. 433 Similarly we should obtain db dt d cos xy, dt W3 COS X X + W₁ COS X Z, wzα + w₁ C, dc d cos x z dt dt W₁ COS XY+W2 COS X X¸ = -w₁b+wa, and so on. Now multiply the equations (2) of Art. 446 by a, b, c respectively and add, dw la du . Ala dw3 + cfo dury { dt + w; (bwz − cw₂) } d wz – + B/b + w₂ (cw₂ − αwz) dt C dt + w3 (ɑ w₂ − b wz) 0, dwi da d w z dcl or Ala + ω1 + B√b dt dt dt + W2 dt + W3 dt dt = constant = 1. (aw₂ – bws)} dby + c { c d ws = 0; .. Aaw₁ + Bbw z + Cc w z Similarly, Aa' w₁ + Bb' w₂ + Cc' wz = l', A a'"w₁ + Bb"w₂ + Cc″wz = l″. Add the squares of these together; observing that since the angle between any two axes of the same system of co- ordinates equals a right angle, therefore ab + a'b'+a"b"=0, ac + a'c'+a"c"= 0, bc + b'c' + b"c"= 0; and we have 2 2 A² w₁² + B² w₂² + C² wz² = 1² + l'² + l'² = k² by Art. 450. Hence if we draw a line AI' making angles with the fixed axes of which the cosines arc Aaw, + Bbw₂+ Сcw3 √ Aw √ A² w₁² + B² w₂² + C w²² Aa'w₁ + Bb'w₂ + Сc wz 2 2 √ A² w² + B² w₂² + C² w₂²² A a" w₁ + Bb" w₂ + Cc" wz ωι 2 A² w₁² + B² w₂² + C² w z² に ​W2 this line, and therefore the plane perpendicular to it, will remain invariable during the whole motion. For this reason I 434 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. In a future Chapter we it is called the Invariable Plane. shall speak more of this plane. 452. COR. 1. cos. l'Ax = a cos l'Ax + a' cos I'Ay + a" cos I' A≈ A wi k Bw. Cw3 also cos I'Ay, cos l'Az, , k k 453. COR. 2. If the invariable plane be taken for the plane of ay then A wr k = COS ZX sin sin 0: Art. 415. Bw2 = cos xy, = cos & sin 0, k Cw₂ k = cos zx, = cos 0. The equation in Art. 450 for finding w₁ can be integrated when the principal moments are equal: and also when two only of them are equal. We shall investigate these cases. PROP. To find the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point when its principal moments are equal to each other : the forces all passing through the centre of gravity fixed. 454. In this case BCA: and the equations of Art. 450 give WI constant, w₂ = constant, w3 constant; and therefore the instantaneous axis remains fixed in the body: see Art 445. of Z Since every axis is a principal axis (Art. 425); let the axis coincide with the instantaneous axis. ... (1 = 0, w₁₂ = 0, w3 = constant = n suppose. ως Hence the equations of Art. 447 become MOTION ABOUT A POINT WHEN NO FORCES ACT. 435 d Ꮎ αψ 0 = cos sin o sin 0, dt dt do df 0: sin cos o sin 0, dt dt do d¥ N = cos 0. dt d t By the first and second equations, we have do df 0, 0 ; .. and are constant. dt dt Also by the third equation аф dt = n; $ = nt + const.: this shews that the body revolves about a fixed axis: hence the instantaneous axis is not only fixed in the body, but also in space. The position of this axis and the magnitude of the angular velocity depend upon the circumstances of projection. PROP. When A B required to determine the motion. 455. The equations (2), of Art. 446 become A dwi dt dwz + (C − A) wyWz = 0, + (A − C) w] wz = 0, A dt dw3 C 0; dt w3 = const. = n suppose. ... Wz equations we have Also by differentiating the first d w z A ď or + n (C ~ A) d t dt 0, and therefore by this and the second equation. d'w + dt C A\2 A n' wi W₁ = 0; 436 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. {nt + 1}; C A ·· w₁ = e cos A A 1 dwz ... W2 =e C - A n d t f e sin {C-Ant +f}, where e and ƒ are constants to be determined by the circum- stances of the motion at some given time. The angular velocity (w) about the instantaneous axis 2 √w₁² + w₂² + w₂² (Art. 443.) = √√√n² + e², and is constant. We shall now substitute the values of wz wą wz in the equa- tions of Art. 447: and put C-A A n = m; ᏧᎾ df cos & sin & sin 0 = e cos (mt +ƒ) dt dt do dy sin cos o sin = e sin (mt +f) dt dt аф dy cos N. dt dt Let us take the Invariable Plane for the plane of xy: then by Art. 453. A Ae sin & sin ω W₁ = cos (mt +f), k k A A e cos o sin W2 W₂ = sin (mt +f), k k C Cn cos W3 k k ... tan p = cot (mt+f), mt-f; and π .. Φ 2 Cn Also, since cos k و аф m. dt Ø is constant. MOTION ABOUT A POINT WHEN NO FORCES ACT. 437 And dt cos 0 dy-1 (-n) m + n k k N C Α Hence the body revolves uniformly about the principal axis Ax,; while the line of nodes (that is, the line of intersection of the planes x y and x,y) revolves uniformly on the plane x y. Also cos IAN 1 기 ​= cos a, cos +cos ẞ, cos (π + ) + cos y, cos π, see fig. 105, W2 C cos sin & = 0 ; W U and therefore the instantaneous axis of rotation is always per- pendicular to the line of nodes. n W3 Again cos IAz, and therefore the in- W √ n² + e² stantaneous axis always makes the same angle with the axis of %,· z We shall now obtain the arbitrary constants from the cir- cumstances when t = 0. Since any axis in the plane x,y, is a principal axis (Art. 424), let the axis of x, be so chosen, that when t = 0 it coincides with the line of intersection of the planes IA, and x,y; ωο Let wo be the angular velocity about the instantaneous axis when t = 0, and let z IA, = 8; therefore when t = 0, w₁ = w。 cos Ix cos Ix = w。 sin &, w₂ = w₁ cos ly W2 W3 = 0, w₁ cos Iz = w₁ cos d, and consequently by the general values of w, we w3 we have e cos fw, sin 8, e sin f= 0, n = w₁ cos &; 2 ƒ= 0, e = w。 sin d, n = w, cos d, 2 k = √ A² (w₂² + w) + Cw3 (Art. 450.) = √ sin" & + C² cos &. 2 w₂ √² d 438 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. π C - A Hence o W₁ cos d. t, A dy wo dt A cos √ A² sin² 8 + C² cos² 8, C cos d √ A² sin² 8 + C² cos² d tan A or tan & C 456. These formulæ lead to the following geometrical construction, fig. 106. Let the axes of co-ordinates ≈≈ and the instantaneous axis cut a sphere of radius unity described about 4 in the points ≈≈I respectively. 2 dy do sin &+ C² cos² & √A (C - A) cos d C sin d (C-A) cos sin (8-0) 0 Then = d t dt sin Iz sin Iz since AI is perpendicular to AN and makes a constant angle with Ax, and is consequently always in the plane ≈ Az,. About, and ≈ describe two small circles on the sphere of which the radii measured on the sphere are 8 and 8 -0: then these circles touch in the point I, where the instantaneous axis meets the sphere. Suppose I' and I" are the points in these circles which were in contact when Then, since the t *** 0. angular velocities about A≈ and Az, are d↓ аф uniform and equal to and we have dt dt dy sin Iz dt arc I'I = angle I'≈ I sin I≈ = t аф = t dt sin Ix, = angle I'≈, I sin I≈, = arc I'I, wherefore the motion of the body may be described by making the circle I roll with its internal surface on the fixed circle ≈ I. COR. If C be less than A, then I will be between ≈ and ≈ and the external circumference of the circle I would roll on the circle Iz. STABILITY OF THE EARTH'S ROTATION. 439 457. If we observe the apparent motion of the stars night after night we remark, that they all seem to move in parallel circles about the star named (on that account) the Pole Star. This proves that the axis about which the Earth revolves points towards the Pole Star, and never deviates from that direction by an angle appreciable by ordinary observation. Also geodetic measurements and other calculations for ascer- taining the Figure of the Earth shew, that this axis of rotation coincides (so far as the approximation is carried) with the geometrical axis of the spheroidal form of the Earth's Surface. Theory shews that there is a necessary connexion between these two facts which are apparently independent of each other. This we proceed to prove. PROP. Suppose the Earth revolves about an axis nearly coinciding with one of its principal axes at any given time : required to find the motion, all external forces being neg- lected. 458. Let the axis of ≈, be that near which the instanta- neous axis lies at the given time t. Now the sine of the angle which these two axes make with each other = 2 2 w₁² + w ₂ ² wi 2 2 w₁² + w₂ ~ + w z 2 2 (Art. 445), and this is small by hypothesis: hence w² + w² is small, and w₁ and we are small: and the equations (2) of Art. 446 give (01 A dwr + (C − B) w2w3 = 0, dt B C d w dt d w3 dt + (A − C) w] w3 = 0, – - + (B − A) w₂ w₂ = 0, 1 then neglecting the product of w₁ and w, the last equation. gives w3 = constant = n: and the others give dw A – + (C − B) wḥn = 0, dt 440 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. + (A − C) w₂n = 0, d w₂ Ᏼ dt & wi dt + AB ... w₁ = e sin { AB n² wr w₁ = 0; nt + f +1} (A − C) (B − C) (A − C) (B – C) e and f being constants which depend upon the circumstances at any given time; A dwr .. W2 (B - C)n dt A A-C e COS BB-C (AC) (BC) AB [nt+f}} and since w+w2 is small at the given time, e is small: and since e is constant it shews that w₁ and we are always small so long as (AC) (BC) is positive. If however (AC) (BC) be negative, then the trigo- nometrical expressions for w, we must be replaced by exponen- tials, and consequently they will not remain small. From this we gather that if a body revolve at any time about an axis coinciding nearly with the principal axis of greatest or least moment, the axis of rotation will always. nearly coincide with that principal axis. But if the axis be that of mean moment the instantaneous axis of rotation will deviate more and more from that principal axis till it ap- proaches the principal axis of either greatest or least moment. COR. If the instantaneous axis actually coincide with a principal axis at first, then e = 0, and w₁ and w₂ each vanish. Hence any principal axis is a permanent axis (see Art. 439). If, however, the slightest cause tend to make the instan- taneous axis of rotation deviate from the principal axis, the rotatory motion may be said to be stable or unstable according as the principal axis in question is not or is the mean principal axis. This points out an admirable adaptation in the laws of nature that the motion of rotation which causes the heavenly EQUATIONS OF ROTATORY MOTION OF THE EARTH. 441 bodies to bulge at their equators, in so doing, gives them such a figure as to insure the stability of their rotation. We shall now consider the action of the Sun and Moon on the rotatory motion of the Earth. PROP. To obtain equations for calculating the rotatory motion of the Earth when acted on by the Sun and Moon. 459. The equations of motion referred to the principal axes are by Art. 446, + (C − B) w₂ W3 = L, + (A − C) w1 w3 = M, dwi A dt dw2 B dt dw3 C - - + (B − A) w1 w2 = N₁. dt To calculate L,M,N, let S be the mass of one of the disturbing bodies: ays, the co-ordinates of the centre of S; x'y' the co-ordinates to any particle m of the Earth's mass referred to the principal axes: 2² = x² + y² + ≈ 2 2 Then the difference of the attractions of S on the particle (m), and the centre of the Earth (which we here suppose fixed, see Art. 429.) resolved parallel to the axes y, and Z and esti- mated positive in directions from the origin, are 2 S (y, — y') {(x, − x',')² + (y, − y')² + (≈, − ≈,')²} — S (≈, − ≈,') {(x, − x')² + (y, −y, )² + (≈, − ≈,')º } } - ≈, Sy, Y suppose 203 S≈ - ·Z, suppose. ༡° Hence L, .m (y, Z, Y), see Art. 446. =SE. p² S = x,y) — y, x, 12 −2(x,x,'+y,y'+≈≈',')+(x,'²+y,"²+≈,'') } * ** 12 12 2(x¸x'+y¸y'+≈,x,')−(x,²+y,'²+x, 2.3 一卷 ​= = = m (= x - y = ){ (1 - (")) = -1} ¡Σ.m(x,y) ༡॰ 3 K 442 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. 11 3S = = = = Σ.m(x,y,' −y,≈',')(x,x'+y,y'+≈,x,'), 215 neglecting the cubes of very small quantities, 3S 205 3S 205 12 2 Σ.m{(y,'² — x,'²)≈,y,−(y²−z,²)≈'y' +≈,x,y,' x' — y,x,x'x' } 12 12 x,y, Σ. m (y,"² - ≈2) by the property of principal axes, 3S Z .. L₁ = ~ ~, y, (C - B). 205 In the same manner we should find 3S M, = ∞, ∞, (A — C'), 205 dwi A dt d wz 3S N 2.5 x¸y, (B – A). Hence the equations of motion become 3S 20.5 + (C − B) w₂ wz 25 Y, ≈, (C - B), 3S B + (A − C) w1W3 x¸≈, (A − C), - dt 205 dw3 3S C + (B − A) w1w2 = dt 215 x¸y, (B − A). In these equations the disturbing body is supposed to be at a very great distance, as is the case with the Sun and Moon; but it is remarkable that they are very nearly correct even when the attracting body is very near the Earth, sup- posing the Earth's figure to be spheroidal. For a demon- stration of this we refer the reader to the Mécanique Céleste. Liv. V. Chap. 1. §. 3. It will be observed that we have taken account of only one disturbing body S in these equations: but since the per- turbations are small and the equations in www linear, we LENGTH OF THE MEAN DAY IS INVARIABLE. 443 may calculate the effects of the disturbing bodies singly and add them together, Art. 288. PROP. To prove that the velocity of rotation of the Earth, and consequently the length of the mean day, is not altered by the action of the Sun and Moon, very small quantities being neglected. 460. If we neglect the disturbing forces and suppose the figure of the Earth to be one of revolution and not differing much from a sphere, that is, BA, and each of these nearly = C, the difference being of the order of the ellipticity of the terrestrial spheroid; then in this case the equations of the last Article give, for a first approximation, w, const. = n, w, and w very small quantities. These values may be put in the small terms of our equations in order to obtain a nearer approximation. 3 If we multiply the three cquations of last Article by wwwg and divide them by A, B, C respectively and add them together, we have z 2 d (w₁² + w₂² + wz²) 2 + 2W1 W2 Wz sc -B A-C B - A + d t A B BA 6S (y,≈, C - B X, Z A - C x₁y, B - A w₁ + W₂ + 2.3 зой A B zoz C С 003 C-BA C Now ww2 are each extremely small; are A B В - A is C of the order of the ellipticity of the Earth; and extremely small, since if we suppose the Earth a figure of S revolution this expression vanishes; also is very small, 2+3 because S varies as the cube of the radius of the body S. Hence if we neglect extremely small quantities 2 2 2 √ wi² +w¸² + wz² = const. = ԴՆ: since the mean values of www are 0, 0, n. 444 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. Hence the angular velocity of the Earth is constant, and the length of the mean day is not affected by the action of the Sun and Moon, when we neglect inappreciable quantities. A full discussion of this important question will be found in the Méc. Céleste, Liv. V. Chap. 1. §. 8, 9: and also in the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France: Vol. VII. p. 199. Astronomical observations shew in a remarkable degree that the length of the mean day has been invariable for a long period of time. We proceed to explain how this result is obtained from observations. PROP. To shew from observations made on eclipses that the length of the mean day has been invariable for a great length of time. are the 461. Let us take for the unit of time the length of any day at the present epoch: and suppose the day has been de- creasing by a parts. Let n be the mean angular motion of the Moon on the day which is taken for the unit of time; then n is the number of degrees through which the Moon moves on that day: and n (1 + a), n (1 + 2a), angles described by the Moon during the days preceding that day in order: and the angle described during t days = nt + 1 na (t − 1)t, and if t be very large this angle =nt + nat. Let n' be the mean motion of the Sun on the day of which the length is the unit of time, then the angle described by the Sun in the t days now elapsed=n't + 1 n'at³, and the difference of longitude in the Sun and Moon being λ now, was = λ + (n' − n) t + 1 (n' −n) at at the distance of t days from the present time. 1 Let & be the error made in calculating the difference of longitudes of the Sun and Moon at a distance of t days on the supposition of the invariability of the length of the day: then 1 (n' – n) ať² = d. Now the values of 8 have been calculated in the Con- naissance des Tems of 1800, from 27 eclipses observed by the Chaldees, the Greeks, and the Arabs. The greatest value of corresponds to an eclipse observed in the year B.C. 382: LENGTH OF THE MEAN DAY IS INVARIABLE. 445 for this = 27′. 41". For the most ancient eclipse d= 2″ ; this eclipse being observed by the Chaldees in the year B.C. 720. Let i be the number of centuries in t days: then 36525 i. By the mean of modern observations on the Sun and Moon it is found that (n' – n) 36525 445268° for the t = most ancient eclipse i = 25.56; ... d = (36525). (25.56)² a × 445268°. Now if the day be shorter by a ten-millionth part than at the epoch of the most ancient eclipse on record, then (36525) (25.56) a = 0.0000001; ... d = ↓ (25.56). (0.0000001). (445268)° 34′, a value which renders an eclipse impossible, since the sum of the greatest semi-diameters of the Sun and Moon does not exceed half a degree. From this we learn that the length of the day has not changed even by a hundred and fifteenth part of a second of time during the last 2556 years. M. Poisson's Traité de Mécanique, Seconde Edition, Tom. 11. p. 196—200. 462. By comparing the observed north-polar distances of stars made at epochs distant from each other Bradley shewed that the point in the heavens to which the Earth's axis of rotation is directed is not stationary, although for periods of time not very long this deviation, as we remarked in Art. 457, is not perceptible. It becomes an interesting question, then, to ascertain the cause of this perturbation. Since we neglected the action of the Sun and Moon in the calculation of Art. 458, we may readily conjecture that the action of these bodies is the cause required. This we proceed to demonstrate. PROP. To determine the position of the axis of rotation of the Earth at any given time, the action of the Sun being considered; and the figure of the Earth being taken to be one of revolution. 446 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. 463. We shall refer the disturbing body S to the ecliptic. Let the plane of the ecliptic be the plane of XY: the axis of X being drawn through the first point of Aries, which is moveable; the centre of the Earth the origin of co-ordinates; x,y,, parallel to the principal axes, Ꮎ 0 = the angle between the equator and ecliptic, or the angle between the axes of ≈, and Z. = the right ascension of the axis of x לן or the angle between the axes of x, and X. 7 = longitude of the Sun, r distance of Sun from the Earth's centre; then by Spherical Trigonometry, XxXx cos o cos 1 + sin o sin l cos 0, J' Y r ド ​Z 2? 2° sino cos l + cos o sin l cos 0, sin 7 sin 0; Y, Z, p2 sin 27 sin 0 sin - sin² 7 sin 20 cos 0, & X,Z 202 sin 27 sin cos sin l sin 20 sin o, 2 substituting these in the equations of motion of Art. 459, and putting P = 3S 27.3 sin 21 sin 0, and P' = 3S 27.3 sin² / sin 20, we obtain, since B = 4, A SOLAR PRECESSION AND NUTATION. 447 dwr C- A + W2 W3 dt A C- A A ф-р (P sin - P' cos P) d wz C - A C- A WlWz = W1W3 (P cos + P' sin () (1). dt A A dw3 = 0. dt The third equation gives w;= constant = nt + small terms (see Art. 447). Ф= = n; and therefore Let the time be measured from the epoch when the Sun was in Aries: then n't. Since B = A any axis in the plane x,y, is a principal axis: let the axis of x, be so chosen, that when t = 0 it passed through Aries: then = nt neg- lecting small terms; .. P = 3 S 27.3 sin ( sin 2n′t; P' 3S 4203 sin 20 (1 – cos 2n't). We shall neglect the variations of the inclination (0) of the equator and ecliptic in calculating small terms. Since the equations (1) are linear we may take one term only of P and P' in the calculation: let k sin it and k' cos it be corresponding terms: then i admits of two values 0 and 2n′. Considering these terms we have dw C-A C-A + n w₂ = {(k-k') cos (n−i) t−(k+k') cos (n+i)t}, dt A 2 A d w₂ C-A ηωι dt A C-A 2 A {− (k—k') sin (n−i)t +(k+k') sin (n+i)t}. To solve these differentiate the first with respect to t and d we by the second; eliminate dt F² wi C- A 2 + dť A C-A C-A {(k-k') n−n+i) sin (n−i) t -n+i) sin Α N กา – i) sin sin (n + i) t}. A − n² w₁ = 2 A (k + k') C A 448 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. The integral of this is of the form W₁ = C₁ cos C- A A nt + C₂) + M sin (n − i) t + N sin (n + i) t, where C₁ and C₂ are constants independent of the disturbing forces; and M and N are to be found by putting this value for w, in the differential equation, we find that 2 M = 2 N (k − k') (C - A) {Cn − (2n − i) A} (C − A)² n² – A² (n − i)² (k + k') (C − A) {Cn − (2n + i) A} (C ~ A)² n² – A² (n + i)² i 2n' Now the only values of are 0 and 2 since there N 365 i n are 365 days in a year): hence by neglecting - in the small n terms, we have k-k' C-A M N > 2n C k + k' C - A 2n C Now when there are no disturbing forces w₁ = 0, and conse- quently C₁ = 0; ... w₁ = M sin (ni) t + N sin (n + i) t, (1 W2 = M cos (n − i) t + N cos (n + i) t. Returning to the axes fixed in space and choosing the plane of the ecliptic for the plane of ay we must put the values of w₁ and we in the equations (Art. 448.) W2 ᏧᎾ w₁ cos — w₂ sin o, dt sin e dy dt аф dt = n w₁ sin – w₂ cos P, 8- cot 0 (w, sin + w₂ cos P), ·P SOLAR PRECESSION AND NUTATION. 449 in which is the obliquity of the ecliptic; the right ascen- sion of a fixed terrestrial meridian; the longitude of Aries measured in a retrograde direction: fig. 97. Since vanishes when there are no disturbing forces; dy dt .. φ nt for a first approximation; d Ꮎ dt w₁ cos nt wą sin nt C - A = (N − M) sin it .k sin it, n C dy sin 01 o₁ sin nt w₂ cos nt, dt C- A nc k' cos it, (M + N) cos it and by replacing k sin it and k' cos it by P and P', of which they have been the representatives, de C- A P = dt n C 273 3 S C - A n C sin sin 2n't. dy C- A P' dt n C sin o 2 703 3 S C - A n C Ꮎ cos & (1 − cos 2n't), ا = n', the mean дов integrating these equations and putting A motion of the Sun, 0 = I + 3 n' C - A sin I cos 2n't, An C 2n 3n'² C - A C 3n' C-A cos I.t- cos I sin 2n't, 4 n C I being the mean value of 0: and the axis of a being so chosen that t = 0 when Aries was in that axis. 3 L 450 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. We should obtain analogous expressions for the perturba- tion of the Earth's axis by the Moon. 464. The first of these expressions shews that the obli- quity of the ecliptic fluctuates; but preserves its mean value equal to the value it would have if there were no disturbing forces. The second shews that the first point of Aries, or the vernal equinox, has on the whole a retrograde motion on the ecliptic, though at the same time it is subject to a small oscil- latory motion. The steady retrograde motion is called the Precession of the Equinoxes; the solar precession (i. e. the precession 3n'² C – A caused by the Sun) equals 2n C cos I in a unit of time. This precessional motion causes the pole of the Earth to de- scribe a small circle about the pole of the ecliptic. The oscillating motion of the pole, arising partly from the change of the. obliquity and partly from the periodical term in, is called the Nutation of the Earth's Axis. 465. It will be seen that the Precession and Nutation of the Earth's axis arise from the attraction of the Sun and Moon upon the protuberant parts of the Earth, i. e. upon the portion by which it exceeds a sphere touching it internally. For if the form of the Earth were spherical, then CA and the variable terms in and would vanish. We proceed to calculate the effect of the Moon upon the position of the Earth's axis. PROP. To find the motion of the Earth's axis with respect to the plane of the Moon's orbit caused by the action of the Moon. 466. Let and be the same quantities as ✪ and √ in Art. 463. with this difference that the plane of the Moon's orbit is used instead of the ecliptic; i the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic; this does never much exceed 5º, and is therefore so small that we may neglect its square: we shall also consider i constant, since its variations are very small, as is shewn by observation: I' the inclination of the equator INCLIN. OF EARTH'S AXIS TO LUNAR ORBIT CONSTANT. 451 to the Moon's orbit: M the mass of the Moon: a the radius of the Moon's orbit. Now for S in Art. 463. we must put M a³ ९.३ Let n" be the mean motion of the Moon about the Earth: then n" = √√√ M + E M Μη Mn'2 #12 N > a³ a M + E 1 + ν where E is the mass of the Earth, and the ratio of this mass to that of the Moon. S Hence in Art. 463. must be replaced by 2.3 n''2 1 + ν ; do' 3n' 112 C – A sin I' sin 2n't dt 2 (1 + v) nC 3n"2 2 (1 + v) C- A n C d↓ dt cos I'(1- cos 2n't). The periodical quantities sin 2n't and cos2n't go through their changes in half a month; in consequence of the short- ness of their period and the smallness of their coefficients they never accumulate so much as to produce a sensible effect: and are therefore omitted. Hence the inclination of the Earth's axis to the Moon's orbit suffers no sensible change from the Moon's attraction; but the line of intersection of the equator and the plane of the Moon's orbit does change its position, which is determined by the equation 3n" C - A 2 (1+r) nC cos I'. (n't const.) + In order to calculate the Lunar Precession and Nutation, we must refer the angle to the ecliptic. Since the oscilla- tions of the plane of the Moon's orbit are insensible no Lunar Nutation can arise from them; but the Moon's line of Nodes continually regresses (Art. 342.) performing a revolu- tion in 18 years and 7 months and this is the cause of Lunar Nutation. We proceed to calculate this and Lunar Precession. 452 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. PROP. To calculate Lunar Precession. 467. Let K, K', P be respectively the poles of the ecliptic, Moon's orbit, and the Earth's equator (fig. 107). df Now P revolves about K' with an angular velocity dt dý dt hence the linear vel. of P about K' sin e', rad. of sphere = 1 dý sin 'cos KPK': and dt the resolved part of this about K therefore P revolves about K with an angular velocity dysine dt sine cos KPK' and... Y... dt dy' sine' cos Y PK'; dy dy sin o' 3n"2 C-A cose'sin' dt dt sin 0 3n"2 cos KPK' cos KPK' 2(1+v) nC sin 2 (1+v) C - A n C cos 0' cos i cos e cos ' sine sin 3n"2 11 (cos e cos i + sin Ø sin i cos ) C- A 1 2 (1+v) nC sin20 × (cos i — cos² cos i cos e sin sin i cos ) where is the longitude of the Moon's node measured in a retrograde direction 3n"2 1/2 n' C- A 2(1+v) nC (cos cosi+sinesini cos N) (cos i-cote sinicos) 3n'2 C-A 2(1+v) nC (cos@cos³i- cos 20 2 sin sin 2icos-cosesini cos) 3n"2 C-A 2(1+v) nC cos 2 I sin 2 i 2 sin I COS cos I (cos² i - sin² i) 2π t + 12 - 1/1 cos I sin² i cos T t (+220)} T LUNAR PRECESSION AND NUTATION. 453 in which the periodic time of the Moon's nodes: and σ = is the longitude of the ascending node when t = 0; 3n"2 C- A ↓ 2 (1+v) nC {co cos I (cos² i – 1 sin² i) t Т cos 2 I sin 2 i 2πt П sin + 4π sin I T T 4πt cos I sin² i sin + 200 8π T 20)} + const. Hence the Lunar Precession 3n" 2 (1 + v) C- A n C cos I (cosi - sin² i) n't. The second term of is periodical as well as the third; but the third is so small, in consequence of its coefficient sini, that it may be neglected. They are both parts of Lunar Nutation. PROP. To find the effect of the Moon on the obliquity of the ecliptic. 468. We have from the last Proposition ᏧᎾ dy 3n" 112 sin 'cos YPK' dt dt 2 (1+v) C- A nC cos' sin e' cos YPK' 3n"2 C- A 2 (1+v) nC (cos e cos i + sin 0 sin i cos ) sin i sin (2, 3n2 || 2 (1+v) C- A n C π cos I sin 2i sin + Ωρ т t 3n"" C- A T .. 0 = I 2 (1+v) nC 4π + sin I sin' i sin (+22)}; T t cos I sin 2i cos 1 (2=² + (20) T T 4π t + sin I sin² i cos + 200 Επ T 454 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. the variable terms in this are periodical, and the last is so small as to be insensible. These terms and the periodical terms in the value of make up the whole of Lunar Nutation. 469. Let x and Y be the parts of Lunar Nutation which have been determined in Arts. 467, 468; 8 πn (1+v) C 37n" (C-A) cos 2 Isin 2i) 112 This is the equation to in the ratio cos 21: cos I. 2 +y 2 8 πn (1+v) C 3 тn"² (C-A) cos I sin 2i 2 =1. an ellipse of which the axes are This explains the construction mentioned in works on Plane Astronomy. Woodhouse's Plane Astronomy, p. 857. Maddy's Plane Astronomy, 2nd Edition. The whole Precession, both Solar and Lunar, equals 3 C- A 2n C 112 n''s cos I {n'" + (cosi - -sini)} t, 1 + ν (see Mécanique Céleste, Liv. v. Chap. 1. §. 14.) and the Nuta- tion is given by the equations of Arts. 467, 468. 470. Annual Precession. C – A зn' 112 3 n sin² i I cos 1+ 180º C n 12 n 1 + v // N N 36526 I = 23° 28′ 18″, i = 5º 8′ 50″, i: 8' 365.26, n' n' 2732 log 10 sin i = 2.9528656 = log 10 (sin² i) = 2.0818225 log 10.0120732; ... log 10 (1-sin" i) = log 10.9879268 = 1.9947248 log 10 n 112 n' 12 2.2522428 ... log 10 In"² 78'2 (1 − 3 sin² i sin')} = 2.2469676 = log 10 176.5906 ; SOLAR AND LUNAR PRECESSION. 455 log 10 Jзn' [sn' n 1/2 N'2 (1 − 3 sin² ¿) = 176.5906 × 180 × 60 × 60 × cos I n } = 2.3856065 3.9030900 ī.9625076 – 2.5626021 6.2512041 2.5626021 3.6886020 = log 10 4882.05; C- A 176.5906 .. Annual Precession 1 - + 900) 4882".05. C 1 + v 471. We have supposed in these calculations that the Earth is wholly solid. Laplace shews, however, that the variation of the motion of the terrestrial nucleus, covered by a fluid, are the same as if the sea formed a solid mass with it: Mécanique Céleste, Liv. v. §. 10—12. 1 CHAPTER XIII. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ACTED ON BY IMPULSIVE FORCES. 472. IN the preceding Chapters we have obtained dif- ferential equations for calculating the motion of a body acted on by any forces of finite intensity. Since these differential equations are of the second order their first integrals will be of the first order, and will therefore be functions of the velocities and co-ordinates of position of the various parts of the body. The values of the arbitrary constants introduced by the process of integration are determined by knowing the velocity and position of the parts of the body at any given instant of the motion: the instant generally chosen is the epoch from which the time is measured. In calculating the motion of a heavenly body the values of the arbitrary constants are found by obser- vations made on the position and velocity of the body at any given time; since we are altogether unacquainted with the initial circumstances of the motion. But we may wish to calculate the motion of a rigid body when the original cir- cumstances of projection are known. Now instantaneous velocities are generated by forces of the nature we have termed impulsive (Art. 201). It becomes necessary, then, to calcu- late the motion of a body which results from the action of impulsive forces. By finite forces we mean such as require a finite time. to produce motion, or a change of motion, in a body: such as the moving force produced by the attraction of the Earth. They are measured, when uniform, by the momentum gene- IMPULSIVE FORCES. 457 rated in a unit of time; when variable, by the momentum that would be generated if they were to remain uniform after the epoch at which they are to be estimated. But by Impulsive Forces we mean such as act only for an in- definitely short time, and yet produce a finite velocity in a body; such as the force of explosion of a cannon; the force of impact of one body against another. These forces are measured by the momentum generated in the body on which they act. In Art. 226. we have enunciated a Principle by means of which we can make the calculation of the motion depend upon the conditions of equilibrium of forces acting on a rigid body. PROP. To obtain the equations of motion of a rigid body acted on by impulsive forces. 473. Let V be the velocity impressed on a particle m of the system, the co-ordinates of the particle being wys: then dx dy dz the effective velocities parallel to the axes dt are dt' dt of co-ordinates, that is, the actual velocities which the particle acquires in consequence of the action of the impulsive forces: a, b, c the angles which the direction of the velocity V makes with the axes. Then according to the Principle explained in Art 226. the impulsive forces กาง い ​V cos a da), M い ​V cos b dy dt du), m (v dz I cos c dt acting on m parallel to the axes of co-ordinates, together with similar forces acting on the other particles of the system ought to be in equilibrium. Hence we have from Art. 65. the equations E.mV cos a (v dx 0. Σ.» (Icos b dy = 0, dt dt い ​dz Σ.ml cos c dt B M 458 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. 2. m {y (V cos c-dz) - x (V cos b- COS C dt m fx (1 da Σ.mx V cos a a V cos c - dt 2. Σ. m {x (V cos b - dy) -y (V cos a dt Y dt dy)} 0, dz 0, dt dx = 0. dt By means of these six equations we shall be able to calculate the motion of a rigid body acted on by any im- pulsive forces. They lead immediately to two fundamental principles, analogous to those of Arts. 428, 429. for finite forces. PROP. The centre of gravity of the body will move in the same manner as if the forces which act upon the various particles of the body were all transferred to that point, their directions being parallel to their former directions. give 474. For the first three of the equations of last Article dx Σ.m Σ.m V cos a, Σ.m dy dt Σ.m V cos b, dt dz Σ.m Σ.m V cos c. dt Now let xyz be the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity at the instant the impulsive forces act: then x Σ.m Σ.mx, y E. m = Σ.my, | મેર ≈ Σ.m= Differentiate these with respect to t, and we have by the equations of motion above dx dy Σ.m = Σ.m Vcos a, Σ.m .m V cos b, dt d t dz Σ . m = Σ . m V cos c. dt IMPULSIVE FORCES. 459 But these are the equations we should have obtained by supposing the forces transferred to the centre of gravity, their directions being preserved. Hence the Proposition, as enunciated, is true. PROP The motion of rotation of the body will be the same as if the centre of gravity were fixed. 475. Let x,y,, be the co-ordinates of m measured from the centre of gravity parallel to the original axes: then x = x + x, y = ÿ + Y₁, ≈ = ≈ + ≈, ; Y Y and by substituting these in the last three equations of motion in Art. 473. the first of these becomes { dz dz dy dy Σ . m { (y + y) + dt d t (~~ + ~~) + dt dt Σ. m {(y+y,) V cos c − (~ + ≈,) V cos b}. But Σ.ma, = 0, Σ.my, = 0, Σ. m2 = 0, by Art. 413; ... Σ.m (y. dz dy .m (y, V cos c ≈, V cos b), Y d t d t and the other equations by a similar process become Σ 5. m (3 dx, di = 心 ​Σ. m (≈, l'cos a − x, l'′ cos c), ≈ • dt Σ.mx m (x, dy, dt - dt dx - Y, 2. m (x, V cos b − y¸Ïˇˇcos a). dt But these are exactly the equations we should arrive at by supposing the centre of gravity fixed. Hence the Proposition, as enunciated, is true. 476. The Principles proved in the last two Propositions reduce the calculation of the motion of a rigid body moving freely and acted on by impulsive forces to the calculation of the motion of a single particle, and of a rigid body moving about a fixed point. We shall now determine more con- 460 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. venient equations for calculating the rotatory motion of a body about its centre of gravity when acted on by impulsive forces. PROP. To calculate the rotatory motion of a body moving about a fixed axis and acted on by impulsive forces. 477. The equation for determining the rotatory motion is (Art. 473.) n { x ( Σ.mxV cos b - dy dt ( dx − y |V cos a = 0, dt the axis of being the axis of revolution; let X of any particle m from this axis: with the plane ≈≈; be the distance the angle which makes .. x = r cos 0, y y = r sin 0; dx d Ꮎ do dy d Ꮎ d Ꮎ " sin e Y = 7' cos 0 V dt dt dt' dt dt dt .. Σ.m (2 dy da de d Ꮎ -y Σ . m (x² + y²) Σ.mr²; d t dt dt dt do dt Σ.mp.2 Σ.m V (x cos b − y cos a) moment of the impressed forces about the axis moment of inertia about the axis PROP. A body in which one point is fixed is acted on by impulsive forces: required to determine the motion. 478. Let the fixed point be the origin: and let rr2r3 be the distances of the particle m from the axes of x, y, ≈ and let 0,020 be the angles which ₁₂ make respectively with 717273 3 the planes xy, ZY, ZX, = Y "'₁ cos 0₁, = 1, COS 02, λ = ≈ = 7'₁ sin 0₁, 2 = 12 sin 0, Өз 13 cos 03, COS ≈ = 7'3 sin 03 ; AXIS OF SPONTANEOUS ROTATION. 461 dz y dt 3 dy 2 2° dt do₁ dt dx d z dᎾ, 2 Z 20 12 dt dt dt dy dx d Ꮎ. 2 X У 2°. 73 dt dt dt Hence the last three equations of Art. 473. become de, Σ.mr² = Σ. m V (y cos c ≈ cos b), dt dᎾ 2 Σ.mr₂ = Σ. m V (≈ cos a x cos c), dt dox dt Σ . m r² = Σ . m V (x cos b − y cos a), ᏧᎾ . dt do dt Οι dex dt sum of moments of the impressed forces about axis of a moment of inertia about axis of a sum of moments of the impressed forces about axis of y moment of inertia about axis of Y sum of moments of the impressed forces about axis of ≈ moment of inertia about axis of ≈ When these are integrated we shall know the position of the body at the time t with respect to the fixed point. We shall apply the principles proved in the last Articles to the solution of a few questions. When a body at rest is acted on by any forces there is a line about which it begins to revolve. This line is called the Axis of Spontaneous Rotation. PROP. To find the position of the axis of spontaneous rotation of a body when it is acted on by an impulsive force. 479. Let P be the momentum which measures the im- pulsive force: M the mass of the body. 462 RIGID BODY. DYNAMICS. Then by Art. 474. the centre of gravity moves with the P velocity in a direction parallel to that of the impulse. M Let the line of the impulse be taken for the axis of a: and the plane through this and the centre of gravity for the plane of xy: h and the distances of the centre of gravity from the line of impulse and from the projection on the plane ry of any particle m: the angle which r makes with the axis of x. Hence by Arts. 475. and 477. ᏧᎾ moment of P Ph dt moment of inertia Mkt k being the radius of gyration about the centre of gravity. Let wy be the co-ordinates of the projection of m: then by compounding the velocities of translation and rotation, we have (fig. 108). P də P Phr sin ✪ vel. of m parallel to x = r sin M dt M Mk2 dᎾ Phr cos 0 Y ?' cos dt Mk² To find the point in the plane ay which is at rest at the be- gining of the motion we must equate these two velocities to zero; k² ... k2 hr sin = 0, .. 0 = 90º, and r 0 = k2 h = » cos 0 = 0; GO in the figure, and therefore the axis of spontaneous rotation is at right angles to the direction of the impulse; and also cuts at right angles the perpendicular from the centre of gravity upon the k2 direction of the impulse at a distance the centre of gravity h lying between the axis of spontaneous rotation and the impulse. The point O coincides with the centre of oscillation, if H be the projection of the axis of suspension: see Art. 432. CENTRE OF PERCUSSION. 463 PROF. A body revolves about a fixed axis and impinges upon a fixed point, so that the direction of the impulse is perpendicular to the plane passing through the axis and the centre of gravity: required to find the position of the fixed point so that the pressure on the fixed axis at the instant of impact may be wholly in the plane perpendicular to the direc- tion of the impulse. The fixed point so found is called the Centre of Percussion. z 480. Let the fixed axis be the axis of ≈ and the plane passing through the centre of gravity at the instant of the impulse the plane yz. P the momentum which measures the impulse on the fixed point: y,, the co-ordinates to the point in which the direction of the impulse cuts the plane yz: r the distance of any particle m from the axis of rotation: the angle makes with the plane a at the instant of impact: then arcos 0, y = r sin 0: and the velocities of (m) parallel to x and y at the instant of impact are dy dt N do dt : dx dt (dar = ) d Ꮎ -Y and d t and therefore the momenta parallel to the axes are at that instant my d Ꮎ dt ᏧᎾ aud mx dt fixed at two points (since reduced to two) of which We shall suppose the axis to be if fixed at more they can always be the distances from the origin are a and a'; let R cos a, R cos B, R cos y, R' cos a', R' cos B', R' cos y be the mo- menta which measure the impulsive pressures parallel to the axes of and y on these points at the instant of impact: distance of the centre of gravity from the axis of ≈. the The forces, then, which act upon the body at the instant of impact are de R cos a, R' cos a', - my on each particle m, and P parallel to v, dt də R cos ß, R' cos B', M X on each particle m, ·Y, d t R cos Y, R' cos y', .. X. 464 DYNAMICS. RIGID BODY. But the body is reduced to rest, by hypothesis; and conse- quently by the six equations of Art. 65. we have ᏧᎾ R cos a + R' cos a' Σ.my + P = 0, dt do R cos B+ R' cos B' + Σ.mx= 0, R R cos y + R' cos y' = 0, dt d Ꮎ - R cos B. a R' cos B'. a' Σ.mxz = 0, dt d Ꮎ R cos a. a + R' cos a'. a' Σ.myz + P≈₁ = 0, Pz, dt do Σ . m (x² + y²) − Py, = 0, dt in these Σ.mx = 0, and Σ.my = Mh, as the axes have been chosen. From these equations the pressures may be found. Now for the centre of Percussion we must have R cos a = and R' cos a' = 0: hence = 0 d Ꮎ do Mh + P = 0, Σ.myx + P≈, = 0, dt dt do Σ . m (x² + y²) − Py, = 0 ; dt therefore P = Mh dᎾ . dt is known, since the motion previous to ᏧᎾ the impact, and consequently , may be calculated by the dt principles of Chapter XI: and the co-ordinates to the centre of percussion are Y Σ. m (x² + y²) k² + h² Mh h 22 Σ.my z Mh If the body be symmetrical about a plane through the centre of gravity and perpendicular to the axis of, then, if I be CENTRE OF PERCUSSION. 465 the distance of the centre of gravity from the plane xy, and if x = + we have ≈ Σ.myx = xΣ.my + Σ. myx' = zΣ.my = Mõh. In this case y, k² + h² h X = and the centre of per- cussion will then coincide with the centre of oscillation: see Art. 432. In the Chapter of Problems we shall give some examples of the impact of bodies. SN CHAPTER XIV. THE MOTION OF A FLEXIBLE BODY. 481. IN the present Chapter we shall calculate and ex- plain some of the simpler cases of the motion of vibrating strings: for more information on this subject and on the motion of elastic springs we refer the reader to M. Poisson's Traité de Mécanique, Tom. II. Seconde Edition; to the Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Cahier xvIII, p. 442; and lastly to M. Poisson's Memoir on the equilibrium and motion of elastic bodies in the Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Tom. VIII. PROP. To determine equations for calculating the motion of a perfectly flexible cord, very slightly extensible, of the same thickness and density throughout, fixed at its two extremities, and very little disturbed from its position of rest. 482. Let A and B be the fixed extremities of the cord (fig. 109), we shall suppose that the cord is straight when in equilibrium: Let P be the position of a particle of the cord in motion at the time t which is at Q when the cord is at rest: AQ = x, AM = x + U, = x+u, MN = y, NP =≈, AB=l: M the mass of the cord, T the tension at the point P: the resolved parts of T parallel to the axes are d (x + u) dy dz T T T ; where ds = PP'; ds ds ds the excesses of the corresponding tensions at P' over those. at P are therefore, by Taylor's Theorem, VIBRATING CORD. 467 T dx d (pd (x+u)) dx dx d (rdy) d T dx, ds dx (Tas) dz ds) dx: these are the impressed forces acting on PP': the mass of ds PP' M hence the effective forces acting on PP' are ī M ds d'u l d f M ds d²y l dť ds dⓇ z M l 1 de: dť hence by the first Principle of Art. 226 we have u)] d {p d ( x + x)}. T dx ds d T M ď² u l dť dx ds d (1 dy) M dy I dť T dz M ď² 2 (142) - 1 F (ra dx ds dť Let IV be the tension of the cord when at rest; then it is found by experiment that the change in extension (as ds – dx,) of a piece of cord de varies as the change in tension T-W: suppose that T - IV ds² Now (1. dx² + du dx + = Q ds dx dx dy dz² + dx² dx² (1 + du) ², dx و neglecting small quantities of the second order. Hence and our equations of motion become du T - W = Q dx ď u dt d² u d² y ď y ď z d& b2 a² a² , dx² dt da df dx2 23 if we neglect small quantities of the second order, and put Ql = Mb², and WI Ma²: hence a and b are in the ratio WV : Q. The variables u, y, are separated in these equations; from which we conclude that the vibrations of the cord parallel to the axes of x, y, are independent of each other, and 468 FLEXIBLE BODY. DYNAMICS. co-exist without any interference. The transversal vibrations are the same in the directions of y and x. We shall calculate the motion parallel to y. PROP. To integrate the equations of motion, and to interpret the integrals. 483. For the transversal vibrations, ď y d² y a² d t² dx2 To integrate this add to each side a d²y dxdt . d [dy dt dt dyl d (dy dy + a a dx d v d v dy or a if we put + a dt dx dt da dt dy dx dx]' + a =v: d v d v d v .. dv dt + dx = d (x + at), dt d x dx dy dy .. v, or + a '(x + at); dt da representing any arbitrary function of x + at. In like manner by subtracting a d² y from each side we dxd t have dy dt dy α = '(x — at) dx representing another arbitrary function. dy Hence dt p' (v + at) + 1 f'(x − at), dy 1 1 g'(x + at) d x 2a a 2 / 4' (x - at); VIBRATING CORD. 469 dy dy :. dy = dt + dx dt dx · 1 1 — 4' (x + at) d ( x + at) — — — y' (x − at) d (x − at) ; 2 a 2 a .. y = F(x + at) + f (x − at), F and ƒ being arbitrary functions depending on o' and '; but we shall cease to use and y'. We proceed to explain how to determine the values of these functions. We are supposed to know the initial cir- cumstances of the motion, namely the values of y and dy dt for all values of a between a O and xl when t=0: hence F(x) +f(x) is known for all values of a between 0 and 7: and also dF(x) df(x) is known and consequently F(x) and dx dx f(x) are known between these limits; but the values of these quantities for values of a greater than 7 and less than 0 are not given, nor are they necessarily known since the functions F(x) and f(x) may be discontinuous; that is, the original form of the curve need not be such as can be expressed in analysis, but may be a series of pieces of curve so long as they have the same tangent at their points of junction. The condition that the extremities of the cord are always stationary enables us to determine the values of F(x+at) and f(xat) for all values of a and t. For by this condition = 0 and O when x = 0 and 7 whatever t be: hence by dt putting at = v we have У dy F (v) + ƒ(− v) = 0 ... (1), _F (l + v) + ƒ (l − v) = 0 ... (2) for all positive values of v. Put + v for v in (2), then by (2) and (1) F (2l + v) = F (v) (3). The initial circumstances make known F (v) and ƒ (v) from v = 0 to v = 7: then (2) gives F (v) from v = l_ to v = 2, 470 FLEXIBLE BODY. DYNAMICS. 0 to v = ∞ : and then (3) gives F (v) from v = 21 to 4l, then to 67 and so on to hence F(x + at) is known for all positive values of t. Again, by (1) ƒ(− v) is known from v but also ƒ(v) is known from v = 0 to v by the initial circumstances, hence f(x − at) is known for every point of the cord during the whole motion. Hence the value of y, and therefore the form of the string, is known at every instant. There is nothing to make known F (v) for negative values of v or ƒ (v) for values of v between 7 and ∞. In (1) put v + 2l for v, then ƒ (− 2l − v) = − F (21 + v) = − F(v) by (3) Hence y = = f(v) by (1) ………………….. (4). F' (x + at) + f (x − at) F (x + at + 21) + f (x at 21) → − F (x + at + 2nl) + f (x − at − 2nl) by (3) (4) - n a positive integer: hence the cord repeatedly assumes the same form relatively to the plane a≈, performing a vibration 21 in the time ; substituting for a its value, α time of vibration MI = 2 W the same is true of the motion parallel to ≈: and also parallel to a the oscillations take place in the time 2 Μι Q PROP. A portion only of the cord is set in motion at first, as a piano-forte wire by the sudden blow of the ham- mer of a key: required to determine the motion. 484. To simplify the calculation we shall at first suppose that one end of the string is at an indefinitely great distance. Let the original displacement extend over a small space 2a; and let the origin of a be at the mid-point of this space: h the VIBRATING CORD. 471 な ​distance of the nearest extremity. Then when t = 0 we have dy y = 0 and 0 from x = ∞ to x = a and from x = a dt to x = h; ... F(v) = 0 and ƒ (v) = 0 (1), from v = ∞ to v = ɑ, and from v = a to v = = h. Because of the fixed extremity F' (h + v) + f (h − v) = 0, for positive values of v. Hence when v is greater than h, F (v) = − ƒ (2h − v) (2). Since xat is always negative for negative values of a, it follows by (1) that beyond the limits of disturbance, that is when isa, we have f(x-at) = 0: also for negative values of a x we have F (x + at) = 0 unless t lie between α Ꮗ α and a x α Hence the initial disturbance is propagated to the left and each particle of the cord begins to move after a time for a time 2 a and then returns to rest. α α- x , vibrates a In the same way the motion is propagated to the right: but in consequence of the fixed extremity this will require a little further examination. Let us consider the motion of a particle at a distance ~; y = F(x + at) + f (xat) is its general displacement. When to this particle is at rest, for y = 0 by (1): and it remains so till t for, then y = f (a), and the particle 2 α α x + a moves till t and after this is at rest again for a time. a Ever after this a -at is negative and < -a, and therefore f(x − at) = 0 by (1). But when t becomes 472 FLEXIBLE BODY. DYNAMICS. Xx α 2h-2x 2h-x a + or α a a - y = F(2h − a) = f (a) by (2), x + a 2h-2x and as t increases and becomes a + a 2 h − x + a ; a y = F(2h + a) = f(-a) by (2). G 2h -2x Hence at a time a after the particle began to move, it again begins to move: and ceases to move at the same time after it ceased before. Likewise the displacements of the particle are exactly the same that they were before, but on the opposite side of the line of rest. 2h x + a When t is > x + at is > 2 h + a; a .. F(x + at) = -ƒ {2h - (x + at)} = 0 always. 2α Hence the particle oscillates for a period commencing at the time α α α : it then rests: and after a time 2 (h − x) a - it oscillates for the same period in a manner precisely similar to the former; except on the opposite side of the line of rest: after this the particle remains permanently at rest. This is true 2 (h − x) whatever be: and it is to be remarked that a - the time the bent portion of the cord, or the pulse, would take to move from the particle to the fixed point and back again. Hence, since this second motion arises solely in consequence of the fixity of one extremity of the string, it follows that when the right hand pulse reaches the fixed point it is reflected, but to the opposite side of the string. Hence the original disturbance divides itself into two pulses, one moving continually to the left; the other to the right till it reaches the fixed point, after which it moves back, towards the left, on the other side of the line and with the same velocity as before. VIBRATING CORD. 473 Let the string be of definite length. Then the pulse after reflexion will be reflected again at the other extremity and move on the upper part of the string to the right. Let C, D (fig. 110) be the fixed extremities of the string and A the origin of disturbance. The initial disturbance divides into two a and b: b is reflected at D and moves along to b'at the same time that a moves to a' having been reflected at C: a and b meet at B and confirm each other forming a disturbance exactly similar to the original disturbance. Evidently B is such a point that AD + DB = AC+ CB, or AD CB. Now the interval between two maximum disturbances at A = time of describing AC + CD + DA velocity of the pulses = a. 21 = Hence the α 3 0 .. CHAPTER XV. GENERAL DYNAMICAL PRINCIPLES. 485. In the present Chapter we shall prove some general principles of the motion of a material system, which are con- sequences of the laws of motion. PROP. When a material system is in motion under the action of forces, whether finite in intensity or impulsive, but none of them being extraneous to the system, then the centre of gravity moves uniformly in a straight line or remains at rest. 486. The internal forces which act upon the particles of the system may be of the nature we have denominated im- pulsive, or they may be of finite intensity, or they may be some impulsive and some finite. But impulsive forces are such as act only for an indefinitely short time; and consequently during the period of their action the finite forces can produce no effect. We may therefore consider the action of these two systems of forces on the system separately. I. Suppose the forces are of finite intensity. Let XYZ be the internal accelerating forces acting ou a particle m of the system parallel to the axes, not including the molecular action: xyz the co-ordinates to m. Then the first three equations of Art. 427, give Σ.m (x-6x) dx = 0, Σ.m Z d² dt A) 0. 2. m (Y - 1) =0, 2.m(2-)=0 d Now since, by hypothesis, the forces acting on the system are all internal, or, in other words, arise from the mutual action MOTION OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 475 - of the particles of the system, it follows that if m' X', m' Y', m'Z' be forces acting on the particle m' there must be in the system forces equal to m'X', m'Y', - m'Z' acting on some other particle: hence these forces will disappear in the expressions Σ.mX, E.mY, Z. mZ; and this will be the case with all the forces; .. Σ.mX=0, and consequently we obtain Σ.mY=0, Σ.mZ = 0, E. mY = 0, d² x d'y ď z Σ.m 0, Σ.m = 0, Σ.m 0. dt dť d t2 Let x y y be the co-ordinates to the centre of gravity of the system at the time t; x,y,, co-ordinates to m measured from the centre of gravity: then x = x + x ≈ = ≈ +≈,; and since Σ.mx, the last three equations give درنا У y = y + Y,, 0 and Σ.mx, = 0, 0, Σ.my, ď x d²y d² 0, 0, : 0; d t2 dt2 dt2 dx dy dz 0 V₁ cos a, V₁cos B, V₁cos y, dt d t dt = 0 and V₁ being the velocity of the centre of gravity when t aßy the angles its direction makes with the axes; 0 α da² dy² dz d≈2 .. vel. of centre of gravity at time t + + Vo, dt d t dt and consequently is constant. If V₁ = 0 then the centre of gravity remains at rest. Again, by integration we have 2 a = V₁t cosa, y = Vt cos B, Vt cos y, the origin of co-ordinates being chosen at the point where the centre of gravity lies when = 0; cos a cos B cos Y cos Y X Y 476 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. These equations shew that the centre of gravity, if it be not at rest, moves in a straight line. II. Suppose the forces are impulsive. Let V be the velocity that any particle m has when the impulsive forces begin to act; a, b, c the angles its direction makes with the axes: V' the velocity which measures the in- ternal impulsive force acting on m: a'b'c' the angles of its direction. Then the first three equations of Art. 473, give dx Σ.mV cosa + V' cos a' 0, dt dy - 0, dt dz 0. dt (v Σ.mV cos b + V' cos b' い ​Σ.m (V cose + V' cos c' Now since the impulsive forces are all internal we shall have, as may be shewn in the same manner as before, that Σ.mv' os a' = 0, Σ.m V′ cos b′ = 0, Σ.m V' cos c' = 0. Hence the equations become Σ.m (V cos a -da) 0 dt = Σ.m (V 0, Σ.m Veos b V COS C - dz dt 0. dy < 0, dt Let Vo be the velocity of the centre of gravity at the com- mencement of the action of the impulsive forces: aßy the angles its direction makes with the axes: then (Art. 413.) Σ. mV cos a = V₁ cos aΣ.m, Σ.m V cos b = 0 2. mV cos c = V, cos yΣ.m. 0 βΣ.n Vo cos BΣ.m, 0 CONSERVATION OF AREAS. 477 dx dx Also Σ.m Σ.m, dt dt 2. m dy dy z.m Σ.m, d t dt d z dz Σ.m Σ.m; dt dt d x dt dy dz V₁ cos a, = V₁ cos B, 0 Vo cos y, ولا 0 dt dt and consequently the velocity of the centre of gravity is V, therefore is not altered by the action of the impulsive forces. Also, if the centre of gravity be in motion, the indefinitely small space it describes during the action of the impulsive forces is a continuation of the straight line in which it was moving before their action. COS a For Y COS Y cos B COS Y Z; the origin of co-ordinates being taken at the point where the centre of gravity is situated when the forces begin to act. Wherefore the Proposition, as enunciated, is true. This Principle is called The Principle of the Conservation of the Motion of the Centre of Gravity. PROP. When a material system is in motion under the action of forces, whether of finite intensity or impulsive, but none of which are extraneous to the system; then the sum of the products of each particle multiplied by the projection on any plane of the area swept out by the radius vector of this particle measured from any fixed point varies as the time This is called the Principle of the Conservation of motion. of Areas. 487. I. Suppose the forces are of finite intensity. Using the same rotation as in the last Proposition the last three equations of Art. 427 are Σ.η m{y d² & d²y Σ . m (y Z − ≈ Y), dt dť 478 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. Σ.m { ર dt2 a d2 Z Σ. m (≈ X − x Z), dt2 Σ. m / x { d² y ď² x y Σ. m (x Y − y X). dt2 dt2 We shall now shew that the second sides of these equations vanish when all the forces are internal. Let m'X', m' Y', m' Z' and m"X", m"Y", m"Z" be the resolved parts parallel to the axes of the mutual actions P' and P" of two particles m' and m"; then P' - P" and also m'X' = - m" X", m'Y' - m"Y", m' Z' = -m" Z". If the particles be in contact let x'y'' be their co-ordi- nates; then these mutual actions will enter the expression Σ. m (y Z - ≈ Y) in the form m' (y' Z' − x' Y') + m" (y' Z″ – x'Y") but this vanishes and in the same manner it may be shewn that the mutual actions of particles in contact will disappear from all three of the equations of motion. Again; suppose the particles are not in contact, their co-ordinates being x'y'z' and x"y"z": let r be their distance; x'′ — x" then y' - y" ≈' are the cosines of the angles p r 2° which makes with the axes; and we have — m' X' = p' x' — 'x'', m' Y' = P I' y' — 'y'"', m' Z' = P' 2. 2° and consequently the mutual actions of m' and m" enter the expression . m (y Z-Y) under the form Ρ γ P" {y' (≈' — x″) — x' (y' − y″)} + · {y″ (x' — z″) — ≈″ (y' − y″)} 2 and this vanishes since P' - P": and consequently the mutual actions in this case also disappear from the equations of motion. CONSERVATION OF AREAS. 479 Since then all the forces are supposed to be internal the equations of motion become ɛ.m( ď² z d²y Σ.my જ 0, Σ.m d t² dt2 (: d² x d ď z Z X 0, Σ.m ( d²y x -y dt2 d² x dť d t² = dt2 0, and therefore by integration Σ.my ( dz dy dx dz Z h, E.m Z ac = h', dt dt dt dt =h", 2. m (xdy - y da) h, h', h" being constants. У dt Let А½ be the areas swept out by the projections of the radius vector of the particle m on the co-ordinate planes respectively perpendicular to the axes of xyz during the time t then by the last three equations Σ.m d Ac d t d A y Ay = h, Σ.m =h', Σ.m =h"; d Az dt dt .. Σ.mÄ = ht, Σ.mA₁ = h't, Σ.m A₂ = h't, since the areas are measured from the epoch when t 0. Wherefore the Principle, as enunciated, is true for the three co-ordinate planes arbitrarily chosen; and consequently true for any plane. II. Suppose the forces are impulsive. Using the same notation as in Art. 486, the last three equations of motion of Art. 473, are Σ.m (ydz - zdy) dt dt = Σ. m {V(y cos e − ≈ cos b) + V' (y cos c′ ≈ cos b')}, 480 DYNAMICS. SYSTEM OF BODIES. ( dx dz X dt dt Σ.mx - x cos c) + V' (≈ cos a' — x cos c')}, = Σ.m {V (≈ cos a - Σ.m х ·Y dt dt dy dx = Σ. m {V (x cos b − y cos a) + V' (x cos b' - y cos a cos a')}. As in the previous part of this Proposition, we might prove that the mutual forces will disappear from these equations. Hence d z dy Σ.my 22 Σ.m V (y cos c − ≈ cos b) = h, dt dt Σ.m m ( 2 dx dz Z ર N = Σ. mV (≈ cos a -- x cos c) = h', dt dt 2. m (x dy - y de ) dx dt dt ะ Σ.m V (x cos by cos a) = h", and therefore the principle of the Conservation of Areas is true whatever the internal forces be. 488. COR. This Principle is also true when extraneous forces act on the system, provided their directions all pass through the same point and the areas are estimated about that point. For, this point being the origin of co-ordinates, suppose that P' is one of the extraneous forces acting at the point (x'y'x') at the distance r' from the origin: then P'. P', and a ༡༩ y' P' are the resolved parts of P': and this force consequently vanishes from the expressions E. m (y Z-xY) and Σ.m V' (y cos c' cos b') and from all the analogous expressions. - PROP. To prove that when a material system is acted on by forces, whether of finite intensity or impulsive, but INVARIABLE PLANE. 481 none of which are extraneous to the system, there is a plane invariable in position during the motion, with respect to which the motion may be estimated: and to find its po- sition. 489. We have seen in Art. 487. that Σ.m A₂ = ht, Σ. mA, = h't, Σ. m A₂ = h″t, hhh" being constant quantities which depend upon the con- figuration of the system and which may be found by observing the motions of the bodies of the system and then calculating Σ.md., Σ.mA, Σ.mA.. Hence a plane drawn at the time t perpendicular to the straight line which makes with the axes the angles of which the cosines are Σ.m Ar Σ.m Ay (E. m A¿)² + (Σ . m A„)²+(E.mA.)²' √(Σ.m A¿)² + (Σ· mA₁)² + (Σ.m A.)² and Σ. 4. 2 (2.m A¸)² + (Σ.m Aŋ)² + (Σ.m A₂)² remains invariable in position during the motion. For this reason it is termed the Invariable Plane. PROP. To prove that the Invariable Plane is that with respect to which the sum of the moments of the momenta of the different particles of the system is a maximum. 490. Let Aur be the angles which the Invariable Plane makes with the co-ordinate planes respectively perpendicular to the axes of xyz. yz The momentum of the particle m parallel to the plane dive is m √dyⓇ + : the perpendicular from the origin upon dť d t² the tangent to the projection of the curve in which m is moving dz dy Y dt dt on the plane yz = Hence the moment of the dy² dv2 + dt dt 3 P 482 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. dz dy momentum of m about the axis of x = m Y and dt dt dz dy the sum of the moments Σ.my Z = dt dt h and the sums of the moments about the axes of y and ≈ are h′ and h". Hence the sum of the moments about the line perpendicular to the plane which makes the angles λuv with the co-ordinate planes equals h cos λ + h' cos µ + h" cos v ; and when this is a maximum dv dv h sin λ+h'" sin v = 0 and h' sin u + h' sin v = 0, d x αμ but cos² + cos² μ + cos² cos² v = 1; h sin v dv cos λ h sin v dv cos μ and ; h" sin λ dλ COS V h" sinu du COS V h² + h¹² + h″² 12 112 1 ... cos v = h'2 cos² v h" 12 √ h² + h'½ + h'¹² and in like manner COS cos μ = h' 12 √ h² + h²² + h'¹2 and cos h 12 √ h² + h²² + h's But these determine also the position of the Invariable Plane (see Art. 489.) Hence the Invariable Plane possesses the property that the sum of the moments is greater on that than on any other plane. Also the maximum sum of moments is always the same, since it equals s v = √ h² + h² + h″². h cosλ + h' cos μ + h' cos v = 491. If the position of this plane be calculated upon the supposition that the heavenly bodies are intense particles with- out rotatory motion it is found that h, h', h" are constant even in carrying the approximation to the squares and products of the masses, whatever changes the secular variations may induce. in the course of ages: hence it follows that the invariable plane retains its position notwithstanding the secular variations in the INVARIABLE PLANE. 483 elliptical elements of the planetary system. The determination of the position of the invariable plane requires a knowledge of the masses of all the bodies in the system and of the elements of their orbits. Now we know the masses of the planets only approximately; but of the masses of the comets we are in total ignorance. But from the agreement of theory and observation, mentioned above, we learn, that, hitherto at least, the action of the comets on the planetary system is insensible. Laplace has shewn that the comet of 1770 passed through the system of Jupiter and his satellites without producing the smallest effect, though its own motion was much perturbed. If the position of the ecliptic in the beginning of 1750 be taken as the fixed plane of ay and the longitudes measured from the line of the equinoxes, it is found that at the epoch 1750 the longitude of the ascending node of the invariable plane was 102°57′30″, and its inclination on the ecliptic was 1°35′31″: and if these be calculated for 1950 they are 102°57′15″ and 1°35′31″; these differ but very little from the former, and therefore shew that the motion of the ecliptic in space is exceedingly slow. 492. It is important to remark that the terms in the equations of motion of Art. 487. which depend upon the mutual action of the parts of the system would disappear even when the intensity of the forces varies with the time, independently of the distance: i. e. when the expression for the force is an explicit function of the time. For in this case the invariability of the principal moment and of the direction of its axis is preserved. 493. This shews that the loss of heat sustained by the particles of the system by radiation though it diminishes the intensity of their mutual action, yet has no effect on the position of the invariable plane or on the principal moment. So that if we leave out of consideration the action of the Sun Moon and planets on the Earth, and suppose that our planet were at one time in a gaseous state, and become solid by re- frigeration without losing any position of its ponderable matter, we may feel assured that the principal moment of the system has not altered in magnitude nor has its axis changed its position during the change of condition of the globe. 484 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. If M be the whole mass: k the radius of gyration about the axis of principal moments through the centre of gravity at the time t, w the angular velocity about this axis; then Mk² w = principal moment = constant. This shews that if the Earth radiate its heat into space so as to diminish its radius by contracting its dimensions, then, since k varies as the radius, w will be increasing and the length of the day shortening. Now it has been proved in Art. 461, by calculations of eclipses, that within the last 2556 years the length of the day is not become shorter by even a ten millionth part: and there- fore, since w varies inversely as k³, or the length of the day varies as the square of the mean radius, the mass remaining the same, the mean radius of the Earth has not changed. within the last five and twenty centuries by even a twenty- millionth part. 494. The appearance of fossil remains of tropical plants and animals in these higher latitudes has induced geologists to adopt the hypothesis that the temperature of the Earth was in ages gone by far higher than at present. The results of the last Article shew that no objection can be urged against this theory, at least upon mechanical prin- ciples. If this hypothesis be true we learn that the radia- tion goes on now very slowly, whatever its rapidity may have been at more ancient epochs. 495. The Principle of the Conservation of Areas, or rather the Principle of the Conservation of the Principal Moments which springs from it, proves that earthquakes, volcanic explosions, the action of winds upon the surface of the Earth, the friction and pressure of the Ocean upon the solid nucleus of the terrestrial spheroid, produce no variation in the principal moment on the direction of its axis: since these forces all arise from the mutual action of the parts. of the system. And since the displacements produced by these causes in any portions composing the Earth's mass are too inconsiderable sensibly to alter the value of k, it follows that their effect on the angular velocity (w) and upon the length of the day will be inappreciable. PRINCIPLE OF VIS VIVA. 485 PROP. When a material system is in motion under the action of forces not impulsive, and none of which are extraneous to the system; then the change of the Vis Viva of the system during a given time depends only on the co-ordinates of the particles of the system at the beginning and end of the given time, and not at all on the curves which the particles describe. 496. This is called the Principle of Vis Viva. Let XYZ be the impressed accelerating forces which act upon the particle m resolved parallel to the axes of co- ordinates: xyz the co-ordinates to m at the time t: then the forces Ꮓ m (x-da), m (y-dy), m (z-d). acting on m, and similar forces acting on the other particles of the system will satisfy the conditions of equilibrium; (Art. 226.) Wherefore by the Principle of Virtual Velocities (Art. 72.) we have x Sx Ꮓ d² . m { ( x − de ) 3.x + (Y - 1) by + (z – dz) az} = 0, Σ.m d t d dt Sx, dy, dx, being any small spaces geometrically described by m parallel to the axes, in a manner consistent with the connexion of the parts of the system one with another at the time t. Now the spaces actually described by the particle m during the instant after the time t parallel to the axes are consistent with the connexion of the parts of the system one with another: hence we may take Sx st, бу= dx dt dz dy dt, dz St, dt dt and the above equation becomes Σ.m. Ida dx d²x dy day dz d² z] + + Σ. Χ m dt dť dt dť dt dť ( dx dy dz + Y + 2 d t dt dt 486 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. (dx² dy² d22 .. Σ.m + dt dť² + d t² dx dy dz dt - 2 2. mf (x + y + z) dt + C. Σ.m But by the Differential Calculus d.x2 dy² dx2 ds2 dt dt + + (velocity)² = 12, d t2 dt2 d t2 dt dx dy dz + Y + 2 dt + C. dt dt dt ::. Σ. mv² = 2 Σ .m Σm f ( x Now let P be the mutual pressure of two particles m and m' in contact at the point xyz: aẞy the angles its direction makes with the axes. Then the expression mfx dx dy dz + Y + Z dt, dt dt dt for the particle m becomes dx dy dz cos a + cos B dt. + cos y dt dt d t and for the particle m' it becomes -SP ( dx dy d Cos a + cos B β + cos Y dt, dt dt dt and the sum of these 0, and therefore P will not appear in our final equation. = Again, let xyz, x'y'z' be the co-ordinates of two par- ticles m and m' not in contact; their distance; P their mutual action, supposed to be a function of r: then the cosines of the angles which the direction of P makes with y-y' ༧-༧ the axes are : and the expression 2° 2° m f(x dx dy dz + Y + 2 dt becomes, for the particle m d t dt dt PRINCIPLE OF VIS VIVA. 487 SP x − x dx + Ju dt y - y' dy + グ ​dt * ર z dz ጥ dt dt + dt ↑ and for the particle m' -SP z dz x - x' dx' day-'y dy ==' da dt, Hence P will appear in 2 E.m under the form dt dx dy + Y dz +2 dt dt dt + ተ dt グ ​√(x dt P 2 ) = {(x-a') d (x=x') - d (y-y') +(y-y') + (x−2') d ( x = x ) } dt. (z-z') dt dt dt } • 7º or 2 SP dr; since = (x - x)² + (y − y′)² + (≈ − x')². Wherefore we have finally Σ.mv² = 22. [Pdr + C, and since P is a function of r the second side of this equation, when taken between limits, will be a function solely of the initial and final co-ordinates of the particles of the system. Hence the Principle is true. 497. COR. 1. The expression for the vis viva of a system acted on by any forces (not impulsive) is given by the equation pdy Σ. mv² = 2 Σ.m 22. m. f(x dx + Y dt d t dz + Z dt. dt 498. COR. 2. Any force which acts upon a fixed point of the system will not appear in the equation of vis viva, since the velocities of the point are nothing. In this way the mutual pressures of any parts of the system against immoveable obstacles will not appear. Neither will the force of friction which acts upon a body rolling (not partly rolling and partly sliding) upon a fixed obstacle appear in the vis viva; since the point of contact is for an instant at rest. 1 488 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. 499. COR. 3. COR. 3. If forces act upon none of the particles of the system except such as remain invariably connected during the motion, then the vis viva remains the same throughout the motion. For in this case fore .mv² = C. dr dt 0; and there- This is called the Principle of the Conservation of Vis Viva. PROP. The vis viva of a material system in motion is equal to the vis viva arising from the motion of translation of the centre of gravity in space added to the vis viva arising from the motion about the centre of gravity. 500. Let xyz be co-ordinates to m at time t, xyz be co-ordinates to centre of gravity of the system, and let x = x + x,, Y = y + Y,, Z = ≈ + ≈,; 2 da² dy dx² dx2 dy² de 2 + + dt dť dť .. v² = (vel. of m) + + d t dt d t² x +2 jda dx dy dy dz dz dx 2 dy2 dz² 2 + + + + dt dt dt dt d t d t dt2 d t² dt2 dx dy, dz and observing that E.m 0, Σ.m = 0, Σ.m 0 dt dt dt we have Σ. mv² = √² Σ . m + Σ. mv², being the velocity of the centre of gravity of the system and v, the velocity of m relative to the centre of gravity. 501. By Art. 496. we have 2 Σ. m Pdr d (E. mv) (Σ.m dt dt therefore whenever during the motion the particles of the system assume such a relative position that the vis viva is a maximum or minimum 2. m Pdr =0, and therefore (Art. 81.) the system is at that instant in a position in which the forces are in equilibrium. VIS VIVA; IMPULSIVE FORCES. 489 When the vis viva is a maximum the position which the system assumes would be a position of stable equilibrium, if all velocity be destroyed: and when the vis viva is a minimum the position would be one of unstable equilibrium. This readily follows from considerations analogous to those men- tioned in Art. 79. Also since a function passes through its maximum and minimum values alternately as the variable increases continuously, the system when in motion will pass through the positions of stable and unstable equilibrium alter- nately. PROP. When a material system in motion is acted on by impulsive forces, none of which are supposed external to the system, vis viva is lost or gained according as the impulse is of the nature of collision or explosion. When the system is perfectly elastic the vis viva is the same before and after the impulse. 502. Let V cosa, Vcos b, Vcos c be the velocities of any particle of the system m parallel to the axes at the com- mencement of the impulse: P the resultant of the internal forces acting on m, and aßy the angles its direction makes with the axes. Then the forces dy m V cos a + P cos a m dx dt' m V cos b + P cos ß - m dt d z dt m V cos c + P cos y — m acting on m parallel to the axes and similar forces acting on all the other particles of the system will satisfy the conditions. of equilibrium (Art. 226). Hence by the Principle of Virtual Velocities (Art. 72.) {(cosa - P m dv Cos a Sxx dt P dz V cos c + COS y M dt d) 8 x ) = 0, Σ.m V cos a + P + (Vcos V cos b + dy cos B - du Sy + M dt 3 Q 490 DYNAMICS. SYSTEM OF BODIES. Sx, y, z being any small spaces geometrically described by m parallel to the axes in a manner consistent with the con- nexion of the parts of the system one with another at the time t. We shall first observe, that P will disappear from the equation above. For if P be the action between two bodies of the system which touch each other in the point wyz, then Sx, Sy, Sz will be the virtual velocities of the point of contact with respect to P acting on one, and - da, -dy, - 8x those with respect to the other body; and consequently in the above. expression when a term of the form Pcos ada occurs we find also P cos ada; and therefore P disappears, and the equa- tion becomes Σ.m V cos a dx dt Sx + (v V cos b ― бу dy) Sy dt z + V cos c dt da) 8=} - ર = 0... (1). In applying this equation to calculate the motion of a system suddenly acted on by impulsive forces we must make a few important remarks. When a body yields or expands the centres of its particles approach or recede from each other; but, during the action of the impulsive forces, the spaces through which they yield or recede are so extremely small, that we wholly neglect them; but this is not the case with their velocities, for although the change of distance of the centres of the particles during the impulse is indefinitely small, yet this change divided by the time elapsed during the impulse will give a difference of velocities which is not necessary in- sensible. In consequence of this, when two bodies come into collision the particles in contact do not move with the same velocity at the first instant of the contact, but after all com- pression ceases and the restitution of figure has not begun to take place, at this instant and at this instant alone, do the particles in contact move with the same velocity. Again, when two bodies are acted upon by impulsive forces of the nature of internal explosion, the particles in contact move with the same velocity at the first instant of the action of the forces, VIS VIVA; IMPULSIVE FORCES. 491 but at every other instant of the action they move with different velocities. Sz Now da, dy, dz may be any small spaces provided they be consistent with the connexion of the parts of the system one with another at the time of the impulse; this connexion remains the same during the impulse, because all small spaces described in that time are insensible. Wherefore we must not give to these quantities such arbitrary values as will imply, that the particles in contact at the point (xy) separate, or penetrate each other, or (in other words) move with opposite or unequal velocities. If, then, the impulsive forces be of the nature of collision and xyz be co-ordinates of the point of contact, the initial velocities of the particles in contact will not be the same, but after the collision ceases they will have the same effective dx dy dz Hence, in this case we may put dt dt' dt velocities dx dx = dadt, dy dt dy St. Sz dt dz St. dt since these virtual velocities are consistent with the connexion of the parts of the system one with another, and they imply that the particles in contact remain in contact when the prin- ciple of virtual velocities is applied to the system in its imaginary state of equilibrium. If the impulsive forces be of the nature of internal ex- plosion, then it will easily be seen, after what has been said, that we may put Sx dx = cosast, Sy dz V cos adt, dy = V cos bdt, dx = V cos côt, but we must not put the other values for da, dy, dz. I. Suppose the impulse is of the nature of collision, the bodies being inelastic. Then substituting for da, dy, d≈ in equation (1), and putting v for the resulting velocity of m Σ . m v² = Σ . m V dz COS E. mv (da d dy cos a + cos b + dt d t dt de cos of: 492 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. -Σ.m m{(1 2 dx .. Σ.mv² = Σ. m V² V cos a sa dt -da) + (Vcos b-dy) + (V cose - dx \ 2 dt dt 2 and, since the last term of this is essentially negative, we see that vis viva is lost during the collision. II. Suppose the impulse is of the nature of internal explosion. By substituting in (1) the values of dx, dy, dz above specified we have Σ . m v ² = Σ . m v (dx dt dz dy cos a + cos b + de cos e COS dt dt } .. Σ.mv² = Σ.m V² 2 + Σ.m V cos a - da)² + (v + V cos b dt dy) 2 dz + V cos c dt t and consequently vis viva is gained during the separation. 2 III. Suppose that the impulse is in part of the nature of collision, and in part of the nature of explosion. In this case we must combine the cases already mentioned. When, for instance, the bodies are perfectly elastic the im- pulsive forces which act during the collision are the same exactly as those which act during the separation of the bodies it follows, by examining the above expressions, that the vis viva lost during the collision is exactly regained during the separation, and that the state of the system is consequently unaffected by the whole impulse. 503. The degradation of rocks and the consequent action of collision which is incessantly taking place in large portions of matter on the surface of the Earth, the unceasing action of waves on the sea shore and the collision of the waters of the ocean upon the solid nucleus of the Earth, and other like causes are continually causing a loss of vis viva in the Earth's mass, and if allowed to act without any compensating pheno- EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKES &C. ON LENGTH OF THE DAY. 493 mena would in the course of time produce a sensible effect in the length of the day but on the other hand the explosions of volcanoes are compensating causes. Also the downward motion of rivers, the descent of vapour and cloud in the form of rain, the descent of boulders and avalanches, and various other causes, all tend to remove large portions of matter nearer to the Earth's centre and would in the course of time produce a sensible increase in the length of the day, since we have seen (Art. 499.) that the vis viva of the Earth is constant, if we neglect the attraction of the Sun, Moon, and planets and con- sider only the action of finite forces. But the ascent of vapour by evaporation, and the effect of earthquakes and volcanoes in removing masses of matter to a greater distance from the centre have an opposite effect. On the whole all these causes balance each other, since observations have shewn that the length of the day has been invariable for many ages, Art. 461. PROP. To prove that the variation of E. m/vds taken between given limits equals zero, where v is the velocity and ds is the element of the space described in the short time dt by the particle m of a material system in free motion: if any particle move on a surface it is supposed to continue on the surface in taking the variation. 504. This is called the Principle of Least Action; be- cause, in general, Σ.mfvds is a minimum. Let & be the symbol of variation in the Calculus of Variations: then d (E. mfvds) = Σ. m f8 (vds) = Σ . m f(v d. ds + ds dr) = Σ. mf (vd. ds + ½ dtd. v²). Suppose the particle m rests on a curve surface, and that R is the normal pressure, aßy the angles of its direction; X, Y, Z the accelerating forces acting on m, then (as in Art. 407) ďa dt² R X + cos a ďy dť R ľ + cos ß, dz R Z÷ cos Y. df 772 M 494 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. Let L = 0 be the equation to the surface; then d L d L d L cos a a = V cos B = V s3 cos Y V dx dy d z 1 d L2 d L2 d L2 where + + V2 dx² dy dz Hence v² = 2(Xdx + Ydy + Zdz) = p(x, y, z) + const. 1 d. v² = X 8x + Ydy + Zdz ď² x ď²y d² z R Fx dy d² z Sx + Sy + V&L= Sx + Sy + Sz, d t² d t² 2 dt2 dt2 dt2 dť m for if the particle do not rest on a surface R 0, and if it do still SL = 0, because we suppose the motion to be such that particles on curve surfaces remain on the surfaces. છે Again, ds²= dx² + dy² + dz², ... dsd. ds = dxd. dx +; dx dy dz :. vd.ds 8.dx + = S.dy + dt dt dt dx = x + d t dy dz Sy + бу S+ const. dt Hence (vd.ds+ ½ dtd. v²): and at the limits dx = last positions are given, dt δια 0, dy = 0, dx = 0 because the first and [ (vd. ds + ½ dtd. v²) = 0, S (Σ.mfvds) = 0, and .mfvds is a maximum or minimum. It is evidently a minimum, because a path of an indefinite length can always be found for any particle of the system. COR. 1. Since ds = vdt we learn that . mfvidt is a minimum, or the quantity of vis viva generated or expended during any given time is a minimum. THE PRINCIPLE OF VARYING ACTION. 495 COR. 2. If the system consist of only one particle moving on a surface and no forces but the normal pressure act, then fvds is a minimum: but v is a constant (Art. 407), therefore fds is a minimum, or the particle will describe the shortest curve line that can be drawn on the surface between its posi- tions at the beginning and end of the time t. 505. If we compare the principle of least action with the principles of the conservation of the motion of the centre of gravity, of the conservation of areas, and of vis viva we see that this principle only serves to determine the equations of motion, and is therefore comparatively useless since these are found by much simpler means; but the other principles, which develop important properties, have the advantage of furnishing three general integrals of the equations of motion, which are in most problems the only integrals that can be found. PROP. To shew that the calculation of the motion of a material system may be made to depend upon the integration of a single function. 506. We shall shew this by proving a new dynamical principle discovered by Professor Hamilton and published in the Philosophical Transactions, 1834. We have seen, Art. 497, that the Principle of Virtual Velocities leads us to the dynamical equation Σ.m Jdx² + dy2 + de dx = - 2 Σ.m X d t² dt² dt Now it is easily shewn that dt + pdy dz +2 dt dt. dt Σ.m X dx dt dy dz + Y + 2 d t dt is a perfect differential coefficient with respect to t for all the forces which exist in nature; viz. forces tending to the centres of the particles of the material universe, whether fixed or moveable. Let therefore the second side 2 (U+ H), H being independent of t: and let 2T be the vis viva of the system at the time t; T, Ho the values of T and H when t = 0 ; .. T = 0 U + H, and T, = U。 + H. 496 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. Now if the initial circumstances of the motion be varied, then I will vary, and so also will T and U: let & be the symbol of these variations; .. & T = SU + SH S dydy dzdz б dt dt dt dt dt dt or Σ. m [ d x d x + б + xy Sy + ď² z бу б +SH; dt2 dt2 dz б -Σ.m 8x + d²x dt and therefore 2 Σ. m J d x d dt dx dy dy dz + б + dt dt dt dt dt dz dy 3y+ d² 8=} + 81 d [ d x S x + - Σ.m dx + dy dy + dt dt dt dt Sx SH. Now let the accumulation of the vis viva from the com- mencement to the termination of the time t be V; ·. V = = Sz t Z. m l d [ d x² dy² dve + + dt2 dt. dť 0 Σ.m l t² Then V is a function of the initial and final co-ordinates of the material particles, and SV SV SV SV SV SV SV = Σ. 8x + бу Sy + Sz S& + δα + 8b+ (бос dy 8% δα бъ бе =2 /= Σ.m SV SV + Σ ба Sa+ бе ба Sb Sc - Σ.m dt [ d x 8 x + dy dz бу dt Sy + dt Sz S≈ + t & H + H₁, dx dy dy dzdz 8 + dt dt dt dt dt dt 31 db + 3x de + dt H, being a function of the initial co-ordinates a, b, c. THE PRINCIPLE OF VARYING ACTION. 497 But when t = 0, SV = 0, hence (da 8a + dy 8y + 15 3 = } dt dx dz SV = Σ.m Sx x dt dt -Σ.m dt dt {da da + db db + de de} + 18 H. dc dt From this equation we obtain the following groups equations; ₁₁₁ being co-ordinates to m₁.…………. 1 SV = m1 dx ; SV dx2 1 = m2 ; δαι dt Sx 2 dt SV dy SV dy2 (4). M2 Mi бу dt буг dt SV dzi SV dz 2 = m2 = m1 ; M2 dt ဝ dt Second group, SV da SV d a 2 M² M1 δα, dt δα dt S V db₁ S V db₂ (B). M2 M1 ახა dt боз dt SV dc SV dc2 m2 ; m1 dt Sc₂ dt Sc₁ Lastly, SV t .... SH (C). of The problem is therefore reduced to finding the function V, which Professor Hamilton denominates the characteristic func- tion of the motion of a system. When V is calculated, then, by eliminating H from the equations (A) (C), we shall have the 3n integrals of the first order of the equations of motion by simply differentiating V. And by eliminating H from the equations (B) (C) we have the 3n final integrals by simple differentiation. 3 R 498 DYNAMICS. SYSTEM OF BODIES. It may be observed that V must satisfy the two following partial differential equations ΙΣ 1 for SV2 SV 2 SV21 m \ S x 2 Sx² + Sy² + + S22 း U + H, SV ² SV² SV21 and + m 1 Sa² Sb 2 0 U。 + H. These equations furnish the principal means of discovering the form of the function V and are of essential importance in Professor Hamilton's Theory. The equation SV = Σ.m Jd i x dy dz δυ Sx + бу Sy + Sz dt dt dt -Σ.m Ida Sa db dc Sa+ 8b+ Scr + t . SH dt dt dt is denominated the law of varying action. 507. "It has been shewn by Lagrange and others, in treating of the motion of a system, that the variation V vanishes when the extreme co-ordinates and constant H are given (Art. 504): and they appear to have deduced from this result only the principle which is called the law of least action : namely, that if the particles of a system be imagined to move from a given set of initial to a given set of final positions, not as they do, nor even as they could move consistently with the general dynamical laws, or differential equations of motion, but so as not to violate any supposed geometrical connexions, nor that one dynamical relation between velocities and configuration which constitutes the law of vis viva: and if, moreover, this geometrically imaginable, but dynamically impossible motion, be made to differ infinitely little from the actual manner of motion of the system, between the given extreme positions, then the varied value of the definite integral called action, or the accumulated vis viva of the system in the motion thus. imagined, will differ infinitely less from the actual value of that integral. THE LAWS OF SMALL OSCILLATIONS. 499 But when this principle of least action, or," as Professor Hamilton proposes to call it, "of stationary action, is applied to the determination of the actual motion of a system, it serves only to form, by the rules of the Calculus of Variations, the differential equations of motion of the second order, which can always be otherwise found." In this, then, appears the excellence of this new principle called the law of varying action, that we pass from an actual motion to another motion dynamically possible, by varying the extreme positions of the system and (in general) the quantity H: but more especially that it serves to express, by means of a single function, not the mere differential equations of motion, but their intermediate and their final integrals. We hope that the slight sketch we have given of this new principle will tempt our readers to consult the original Memoirs in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the years 1834, 1835, from which this notice has been gathered. PROP. To prove the general laws of the very small oscillations of a vibrating system of particles. 508. If the oscillations of the particles be extremely small we may always reduce the equations of motion to linear equations and obtain approximately the co-ordinates in terms of the time. Very many and various phenomena depend upon the principles of small oscillations. Let i be the number of particles, and m the number of equations L = 0, L'= 0, …….. connecting their co-ordinates: let 3imn, then these equations determine m of the variable co-ordinates in terms of the other n, or, more generally, all the co-ordinates may be determined by means of these equations in functions of n independent variables. Let a, ẞ.... be the initial values of these variables, and a +u, B+v.... their values at the time t; in which we suppose that u, v . are very small during the whole motion: hence the co-ordinates x, y, z, x', …….. can be expanded in very converging series of 24, V.... Let x = p + au + b v + ½ c u² + ¦ e v² +ƒ uv + ...... 1 y = P₁ + a, u + b₁v + { cu² + { c, v² +ƒ¡uv + 500 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. ≈ = P₂ + a2u + b¿v + ½ c₂u² + ½ ev² + f₂uv + 2 ½ x' = p' + a'u + b'v + c'u² + e' v² +ƒ'uv + ...... Also since the forces X, Y, Z, X', ..... are supposed to be functions of the co-ordinates, these may be expanded in con- verging series: let X = P + Au + Bv + Y = P₁ + A₁u + B₁v + .. Z = P₂+ A₂u + B₂v + ...., &c. 2 2 P, A, B ... being functions of p, a, b, c ... Now by Art. 496, we have x d² z Σ.m бас dt m { (JE - X) 3x + (dy − r) 8y + (1 - Z) 8=) dt2 8x } = 0, - 0. dt2 and Sx = (a+cu + fv + ……..) du + (b + ev + fu + ....) dv +. +.... If we substitute these and put the coefficients of the n arbi- trary quantities du, dv ...... equal to zero, we have d²y d t² Σ.m り ​{(da-x) (a+cu+fo+...) + ·Y) (a₁+c₁u+ƒiv+…..) d² z + dt2 Z) (α₂+ c₂u + ƒ₂v + ... 0. X, Y, Z this It remains to substitute for X, Y, Z ... substitution being made we shall neglect the squares and pro- ducts of u, v and of their second differential coefficients with respect to t: we shall thus have n linear equations of the form d² u d² v D + E + + Fu + Gv + d t² dt2 (1), THE LAWS OF SMALL OSCILLATIONS. 501 We may where D, E, F, G, Q... are given functions of the constants which enter the formulæ for x, y, z X, Y, Z ... suppose Q = 0, since we can always add to u, v….. such con- stant values as to strike Q out: this amounts to supposing that a, ß, y ... are the values of the n independent variables which correspond to a state of equilibrium of the system; since when u u = 0, v = 0. ... the accelerating forces vanish. RN We may satisfy the equations (1), putting Q = 0, by u = sin (t√p-r), v = RN' sin (t√p-r) r) ...... R and r being arbitrary constants of which the second may be considered positive and less than T, and p, N, N'. N, N', .... are constants to be determined. By putting these values in (1), we have n equations, (DN + EN' + ....) p = FN + GN' + ..... (2). In eliminating from these n-1 of the quantities N, N' N'.... the nth equation will be of the nth degree in p and will be free from all the quantities N, N'.... in consequence of the form of equations (2). And the values of n 1 of N, N', .... viz. N'.... suppose, obtained from (2) will be rational fractions of the nth degree with respect to p, having a common denominator, and being each multiplied by N, which remains indeterminate; we may therefore choose N equal to the common denominator, and N, N'………. will be expressed in will be expressed in terms of symmetrical functions of of the nth degree. ρ In consequence of the linear form of equations (1) they are satisfied not only by the values of u, v corresponding to each of the n values of p, but also by taking for u, v .... the sums of these particular values, in which we may change the values of R and r as p changes. P If then, we call ppi P2 P3 the values of and use corresponding subscript figures for the other letters, we have the following general solutions of equations (1), - ^')) + ....) u = RN sin (t√√p-r) + R, N, sin (t√ R- R¸N₁ r₁) +.... v = RN'sin (t√√p − r) + R₁N'¸ sin († √ p₁ − r) + .. ρι • (3), 502 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. R, R₁ …….. ~', ~'1 being the 2n arbitrary constants in these complete integrals. The constants must be determined in terms of the initial values of u, v and their differential coefficients: they are small because the original displacements are small. If the values ppi P2 be all real, then the motions of the particles will be periodical and will always be very small. If, however, one or more of ppi P2 imaginary, we must replace the circular functions by expo- nentials, and therefore as the time increases u, v…….. will increase indefinitely and the above formula will cease to be true. the first case the state of equilibrium of the system is stable; in the second unstable. be In 509. Suppose, for example, that all of R, R₁ ………. except the first vanish: then x = p + (a N + b N' + ....) R sin (t √p-r), y = p₁+ (a₁ N + b₁ N' + ....) R sin (t√√√ p−r), (t√p−r), ≈ = P² + (a₂ N + b₂ N' + ....) R sin (t √ p −1), x' = p' + (a' N + b' N' + ....) R sin (t√√p − r), .... (4). Hence the particles all perform their oscillations in the 2 п same period, viz. : and all the particles return to their places of equilibrium at the same instant. 510. A system of material particles, in which the relations connecting the co-ordinates are of such a number as to leave n of them independent variables, will, when slightly disturbed from the position of rest, assume a number (n) of oscillatory motions, each analogous to that described in the last Article, corresponding to the n values ppipe And in virtue of equations (3) and the corresponding values of x, y, ≈………. all the oscillations, or only some of them may exist at the same time in the system: and conversely, whatever be the initial derangement we may always resolve the motion of each particle parallel to each co-ordinate axis into n or less than n simple CO-EXISTENCE AND SUPERPOSITION OF SMALL MOTIONS. 503 oscillations analogous to that represented by equations (4), the when these are commensur- periods being 2 п 2 π 何 ​P1 able the whole system will return to the same state in a period equal to the least common multiple of these periods: this is the case in vibrating cords, and vibrating surfaces. The prin- ciple proved in this Article is called the Principle of the Co-existence of Small Vibrations. when 511. Suppose that U, V ………. are values of u, v the system is in vibration under the action of one set of forces, du d v the initial values of u, v dt dt being u。, v。.... du dv u, v dt' dt U19 VI И, v Again suppose that U', V'.... are the values of when the system is under the action of a second set the initial values of of forces and u, v ví ur, vi and so on then, if the initial values du dv of u, v be u + u + dt' dt ....., vo + v₂ + vó U₂ + U₁ + are u = U + U' + ., v₁ + v₁ + .... the general values of u, บ This principle, the truth of which arises from equations (1) being linear, is called the Principle of the Superposition of Small Motions: see Art. 288. v = V + V' + CHAPTER XVI. PROBLEMS ON THE MOTION OF RIGID BODIES, AND ANY MATERIAL SYSTEM. 512. WE shall commence this Chapter with some observ- ations upon the best methods of solving dynamical problems, and the application of the general principles proved in the last Chapter in facilitating their solution. To determine the motion of a rigid body in space we have six differential equations of the second order: these contain the three co-ordinates to the centre of gravity and the three angles of position of the principal axes of the body; see Arts. 428, 446 and 447. These are the only relations that can exist among the mechanical quantities (Art. 144). If all the forces and other quantities involved in these equations be known, then we have sufficient equations for solving the problem, and determining the position of the body at every instant. If, however, the equations involve unknown forces, or un- known geometrical quantities (as angular and linear measures), or both, then there must exist as many more equations as there are of these unknown quantities; and, moreover, these relations must be among the geometrical quantities, since the six equations of motion, as we have mentioned, are the only mechanical relations that can exist. Suppose that from the nature of the problem we have, involved in the six mechanical equations, one unknown force, and n unknown geometrical quantities besides those necessarily contained in the six equations: then we must have n + 1 additional equations among the n + 6 geometrical quantities: ON THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS. 505 when we have obtained these we have enough equations for the solution of the problem. To determine then, these n + 6 geometrical quantities, and therefore to determine the position of the body, we have already n + 1 equations free from un- known mechanical quantities, and must therefore obtain five more such equations; these are found by eliminating the un- known force from the six equations of motion. In the same way we should proceed if there were two, three, or more unknown forces. The equations which we obtain among the unknown geometrical quantities must be integrated, that we may have these quantities in terms of the time. The same remarks will apply when the system is acted on by impulsive forces. Now the principles of the conservation of motion of the centre of gravity, and the conservation of areas, and the principle of vis viva demonstrated in the last Chapter are the first integrals of the equations of motion under peculiar suppositions as to the nature of the forces which act upon the system. If, then, in any proposed problem one or more of these principles apply we may write them down as the integrals of our equations, and so diminish the labour of elimination and integration. If the integrals involved in these principles can- not be obtained in consequence of their involving unknown forces, the principles, though they may be true in these cases, will nevertheless not answer our purpose. To find the unknown forces we must obtain their values from the equations of motion in terms of the geometrical quantities and their differential coefficients; and since these are supposed to be found the forces will be known also; see Problem 16. If we find, after all the equations are written down, that there are more unknown quantities than equations, then the general solution of the problem is indeterminate; though it does not necessarily follow that all the unknown quantities are indeterminate (as in Art. 438). If we find more equations than unknown quantities it follows, that the general solution of the problem is impossible unless certain relations among the known quantities are fulfilled, the number of these relations being equal to the number by which the equations exceed 3 S 506 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. the unknown quantities. Nevertheless, as in the last, some of the unknown quantities may be independent of these conditions. We shall illustrate the remarks which we have made upon the solution of problems by referring to Art. 436. Here we have a case of motion in parallel planes, and therefore only three equations of motion: but these contain the unknown forces F and R beside the three necessary geometrical measures. of position x, y, 0: hence two more equations must exist, and these among x, y, 0; these are equations (4) (5) in that Article; and we require only one more relation connecting x, y, 0; this we have by elimination from the equations of motion. But since the point of application of the forces F and R has no velocity, (for the body at each instant is re- volving about that point as an instantaneous centre of rotation), F and R will not appear in the equation of vis viva of Art. 497. Hence this equation gives the integral we require; and we have (by Art. 500), Jd dx² dy M + dt d t d 02 + Mk2 = 2 Σ.mfgdy', dt y' being the vertical ordinate of m, = 2gΣ. m (y + constant) = 2 Mg (y+ constant), (Art. 413). This is the equation obtained in Art 436, by elimination. We shall now give some Problems; we shall solve a few, or give hints to guide to their solution. PROB. 1. A sphere rolls down an inclined plane; re- quired to determine the motion: (fig. 111.) Since the motion of the centre of gravity is evidently parallel to the fixed inclined plane we shall measure its dist- ance (*) from the point C which it occupies at the commence- ment of the motion, E the point which was then in contact at B with the plane, EOD = 0, P the pressure of the plane, ▲ F the friction acting upwards, a the radius of the sphere. Then for the motion of the centre of gravity (Art. 428.) and the motion of rotation about the centre of gravity (Art. 429, 431), d2% F d Ꮎ Fa g (1), (2); dt2 M dt MK2 PROBLEMS. 507 three unknown quantities; we want another equation, this is að ...... (3). Since the object is to determine the position of the body at a given time we must obtain an equation between ≈ and ✪ in addition to (3); this is obtained by eliminating F from (1) and (2): we thus have ď z dť ď² z ટર df સ્વ 80 k2 d20 a dť a² g 50 dz k² d² z a² dť by (3); a²gt constant = 0, a² + k² ³ , dt a² + k² a²g ť ag t2 0 = a² + k² 2 a² + k² 2 We might have used the principle of vis viva to obtain the second equation between ≈ and 0, since F does not occur in the equation of vis viva, because the velocity of its point of application equals zero: but the elimination was so simple that we preferred that method. COR. If the body partly roll and partly slide, then Fis constant, and must be determined by experiment. Hence equation (3) does not hold, and, in short, (1) (2) are sufficient for determining the motion in this case. PROB. 2. Suppose the inclined plane, or wedge, on which the cylinder rests is capable of moving on a smooth horizontal plane to determine the motion of the sphere and wedge: (fig. 111.) The quantities as before, except that x and y are the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of O measured from A in the horizontal plane: a' the horizontal co-ordinate to the point K of the wedge, M and M' the masses of the sphere and wedge. Then for the sphere we have the three equations (Art. 428, 429, 431.) ď² x F cos a P sin a ďy F sin a + P cos a (1), ... (2), dt2 M dť M ď◊ Fa (3). dt Mk² 508 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. d² x' P sin a - F cos a For the wedge (4). dt2 M' Here are six unknown quantities, there must therefore be two relations connecting x, y, 0, x': these are x' — x — a sin a = al cos a (5), y=h-a0 sin a ….. (6), h the initial value of y. We must obtain two relations connecting x, y, 0, x′ from (1) (2) (3) (4). But since there are no forces acting exter- nally to the system of the sphere and wedge parallel to the horizon, there is a conservation of the horizontal motion of the centre of gravity (Art. 486): hence dx dx' M + M' = constant = 0, dt dt in our case, since there is supposed to be no initial velocity; .. Mx + M' x' = constant = 0 ………….. (7), if we properly choose the origin A. Again, the principle of vis viva gives us an integral; for although the point of application of P and F does move in this case, yet the velocity of this point will have exactly opposite signs relatively to P and F acting on the sphere, and P and F acting on the wedge, and therefore P and F will not occur in the equation of vis viva: in short, they are internal forces; Ida [dx² dt dť The equations (5) (6) (7) (8) will determine the position. .. M (dx² dt dy² dᎾ + +k² do²r +M' dx'2 dt2 · 2Σ.mf-gdy' = 2g M (h − y) .... (8). dx' By (5) (7) (6) dt Ma cos a do M+M' dt M dx dy M' dt dt d Ꮎ a sin a ; dt d02 .. by (8) {a² a² + k² d t2 M M+ M' a² cos³ a} = 2ag 0 sin a ; :. 0 = { a² + k² - M M+ M' α a² cos² a}-¹.agt, this coincides with the result of Prob. 1. if we put M' = ∞. PROBLEMS. 509 The equation to the path of O is, by (5) (6) (7) y = h + M + M' M' x tan a; therefore the path of the centre of the sphere is a straight line. PROB. 3. A groove in the form of a cycloid with its vertex downwards and base horizontal is cut in a solid ver- tical board: determine the motion of a ball moving along it while the board itself is capable of moving freely along a smooth horizontal plane, and the curve which the ball describes in space. Let x, y be the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates to the ball at time t: x' the co-ordinate to the vertex of the cycloid supposed to be in the horizontal plane: s the distance of the ball from the vertex measured along the groove, R the mutual pressure of the ball and groove, M and m the masses of the board and ball: then the equations of the problem are ď² x R dy ď²y Rd (x − x') (1), - g + (2), dt2 m ds df M ds d²x' R dy (3), dt² M ds Y x - x' = a vers 1 √2ay - y³ ·(4). α The principle of conservation of the horizontal motion of the centre of gravity and the principle of vis viva both apply: they give Mx' + mx = 0 0.... (5), by choosing the origin under the initial position of the centre of gravity, and also dx'2 (dx² M dy) + m + dt2 d t² = 2mg (hy) ...... (6), dt h the initial value of y. 510 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. M + m M - ∞ = a vers By (4) (6) the equation to the path of the ball in space is 1 Y - a + √2ay − y² (7). dx M 2 a - By (7) (5) y dy M dx' ; dt M + m y dt m dt dy² M .. by (6) m 2a-y +1 dť² | M + m Y } 2mg (h − y), from which the motion must be calculated. PROB. 4. Two equal balls are fixed to the end of a rod without weight; the rod is connected at its middle point with a fixed vertical axis, so as to allow the rod to move in a vertical plane passing through the axis, and to revolve with the axis in a horizontal direction: required the motion of the balls. Let M be the mass of each ball, 2a the length of the rod, the angle the rod makes with the vertical axis at the time t, the angle the plane in which is measured makes with the initial position of that plane. We shall not write down the equations of motion in this case, but resort immediately to the principles of the conservation of areas (which applies since the resultant of the weights of the balls always passes through the fixed point,) and the conservation of vis viva. The principle of areas gives for a horizontal plane аф аф 2 Ma² = const. = a. dt dt The conservation of vis viva gives do d t 2 M {a² dope + a² 24} dt ግ const. d Ꮎ B. dt a and ẞ being the initial angular velocities: then Ꮎ = at, 0 = 0, + ßt: and if xyz be co-ordinates to one of the balls from the centre of the rod, the vertical axis being the axis of %, we have x=a sin (0+ẞt) cosat, y = a sin (0, + ẞt) sinat,≈=a cos (0,+ßt). PROBLEMS. 511 PROB. 5. A rod acts by one extremity with a uniform force in the direction of its length on the fly-wheel-crank of a steam engine, the other extremity moving in a straight line passing through the centre of the fly-wheel, and a uni- form resistance is to be overcome by the fly-wheel. Find the velocity of the wheel at any time: and find the relation between the forces when they are so adjusted that after half a revolution the velocity may be unaltered. α = PROB. 6. A uniform lever ACB, of which the arms AC and BC are at right angles to each other, rests in equi- librium when AC is inclined at aº to the vertical: shew that if AC be raised to a horizontal position (C being fixed) it will fall through an angle 0, such that cos 0 cot (45° + a). PROB. 7. Given the radii and masses of the wheels in Atwood's Machine (Art. 216.) and the constant friction on the fixed axles of the wheels A and B (fig. 75); shew that the accelerating force of P and Q when in motion is much less effected by the friction at A and B, than if the wheel C turned about a fixed axle. PROB. 8. A horizontal wheel moves freely about a ver- tical axis through its centre; a string of definite length is wrapt round its circumference, and passing through a ring has fixed to it a weight which falls by gravity; determine the whole motion. PROB. 9. A hemisphere rests on a horizontal plane with a string fastened to its edge, which, passing over a pully, supports a weight: when the string is cut find the motion of the hemisphere. PROB. 10. A beam is drawn from a horizontal to a vertical position about one extremity, which is fixed, by means of a string which is attached to the other extremity of the beam and after passing over a pully placed above. the fixed extremity at a height equal to the length of the beam is attached to a falling body; determine the motion. PROB. 11. A beam is projected perpendicular upwards, and has a rotatory motion round its centre of gravity in a vertical plane; it is observed at a given altitude to be in one of its horizontal positions, and to be then ascending with a given velocity; after this it performs a given number 512 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. of revolutions and strikes the ground at a given angle: find the angular velocity. PROB. 12. An inflexible straight rod is set in motion round a vertical axis passing through one extremity, about which it is capable of revolving freely in an horizontal plane: determine the motion of a ring sliding freely along it: and prove that the whole vis viva of the system is constant. PROB. 13. A body is placed on a smooth wedge which rests upon a smooth horizontal plane, and the wedge is acted on by a horizontal and constant force ƒ in a vertical plane perpendicular to the inclined plane of the wedge: determine the motion: and find ƒ when the body is at rest on the plane. PROB. 14. A semi-cylinder rests with its plane surface on the ground, on which it is capable of moving freely; shew that a body sliding down its curved surface will de- scribe an ellipse; and determine the time of descent. PROB. 15. Determine the motion of two heavy particles connected by an inflexible rod without weight, one of which moves on a surface of revolution and the other is constrained to move in the axis of the surface, this axis being vertical. Find the velocity of the particle on the surface when the other continues stationary. PROB. 16. A cylinder rolls down a fixed quadrant; find where the cylinder will leave the quadrant. The pressure must be calculated; the body leaves at the instant that this is zero. PROB. 17. A sphere revolves round an axis touching its surface, find the length of the simple isochronous pendulum. PROB. 18. A sector of a circle revolves round an axis perpendicular to its plane, and passing through the centre of the circle; find the angle of the sector when the length of the isochronous simple pendulum equals one half the length of the arc. PROB. 19. For what axes of suspension is the time of a small oscillation of a solid body an absolute minimum? Take the case of an ellipsoid. PROB. 20. A rough vertical cylinder, capable of revolving about a concentric but smooth and smaller cylinder as an axis, PROBLEMS. 513 rests upon a rough horizontal plane, on every point of which the pressure is the same: determine the force applied by a string wrapt round the cylinder which will just make it If the force be greater than this determine the move. motion. PROB. 21. A cylinder is made to rotate about it axis, and is then suddenly placed in contact with a rough horizontal plane with its axis parallel to the plane; the force of friction is of finite intensity and is not sufficiently great to prevent the line of contact of the cylinder from sliding on the plane at the beginning of the motion: required to determine the motion, and to shew how long the cylinder will continue to combine. a sliding motion with its rolling motion. Let o be the angular velocity communicated to the cylinder before the contact: the friction does not affect this velocity at the first instant of the contact because the force of friction by hypothesis is of finite intensity: the angle described in the time t by that radius of the cylinder that was in contact with the plane at first: a the radius: a the distance of the axis of the cylinder at time t from its initial position: F the friction. Then F is constant and has its greatest value so long as the cylinder slides as well as rolls; in which case the equations of motion are d Ꮎ d t Fa Mk² ….. (1), ď² x F d t² M (2), but when the sliding motion ceases, if F' be the friction, which is then not necessarily constant, we must put F' for F in (1) and (2), and add the equation I. x = ɑ a0.. (3). So long as the sliding motion continues we have, then, de Fat dx Ft = w dt MK2 dt M Fat Fť 8 = wt- 2 Mk2 M 3 T 514 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. The sliding motion ceases when the motion of translation and the motion of rotation give exactly equal and opposite motions to the point of contact, or when dt dx ᏧᎾ dt and .. t = M k² a w Fa² + k² de kw and , dt a² + k² II. After the sliding motion ceases, the equations of motion are d Ꮎ d t² F'a Mk2 ď² x F' (1), (2), X = a = að ….. (3). dt2 M k2 d20 d² x d Ꮎ By (1) (2) + 0, ... by (3) 0 ; a dť d t² dt2 ᏧᎾ k² w .. F'= 0 and = constant = dt a² + k² From this we learn that the friction has gradually reduced the angular motion of the body till the velocity of the point of contact is zero, and after that the body proceeds to move. uniformly and to rotate uniformly and no friction is called into play. PROB. 22. A rough body lies upon a rough board, and this lies upon a smooth horizontal plane, the friction between the body and board is of finite intensity (as in the last Problem): the board is projected with a given velocity, determine the motion of the body and board. PROB. 23. A sphere is fastened by an inflexible rod to a horizontal axis fixed at two points: when the sphere revolves about the axis required the pressure on the two fixed points. If we use the notation of Art. 438, and put y = 90º, y= 90° and therefore ẞ = 90° - a, then, the axis of rotation being the axis of ≈ and the plane in which the centre of the sphere moves the plane of xy and the axis of a drawn vertically downwards, the moving forces m (g+yf + xw²), m (y w² − x ƒ), O acting on m parallel to the axes of x, y, z and similar forces acting on all the other particles of the system, together with PROBLEMS. 515 the pressures of the fixed points ought to be in equilibrium at the time t. Hence P cos a + P' cos a' + Σ. m (g + yƒ + xw³) = 0, P sin a + P' sin a' + Σ. m (y w² - xƒ) = 0, z - P sin a. a - P' sin a'. a-Z.m (gz + yzf + x % w³) = 0 ; P cos a. a + P' cos a' . a' + Σ . m (y z w² – xxƒ) = 0, Σ.m (yzw² xzf) Σ.m (xy w² — x²ƒ—gy—y³ƒ—xyw²³) = 0. Let xyo be the co-ordinates to the centre of gravity; then, since every axis through the centre of a sphere is a prin- cipal axis, we have Σ. m (y ~ÿ) x = 0, Σ.m (x − x ) ≈ = 0, Σ. m (y−ÿ) (x − x ) = 0 : .. Σ.my z = ÿ Σ.mz = 0, Σ.mxz = 0, Σ.myx = y = Mxy. Hence the equations become P cos a + P' cos a' + M (g + fy + w³ x ) = 0, P sin a + P' sin a' + M (w²y -ƒx) = 0; Pa sina+P'a' sin a=0, Pa cos a+ P'a' cosa =0, Mfk²+Mgy=0. From which P, P', a, a' may be found. PROB. 24. If a body revolve round an axis by the action of a constant force in a direction always perpendicular to the plane passing through the axis and the centre of gravity of the body, determine how the point of application of this force must vary with the time, so that there may be no pressure on the axis, except in the plane to which the direction of the force is perpendicular. PROB. 25. A hemisphere oscillates about a horizontal axis, which coincides with a diameter of the base; shew that if the base be at first vertical, the ratio of the greatest pressure on the axis to the weight of the hemisphere = 109 ÷ 64. 516 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. PROB. 26. A sphere, when acted on separately by three forces, revolves round three diameters inclined at the same angle to each other and with the same angular velocity, deter- mine the angular velocity and the new axis of rotation when the three forces are applied at the same instant. PROB. 27. A sphere attracted to a given centre of force varying as the distance is projected with a given velocity along a plane passing through that centre, friction being such as to destroy all sliding: prove that the path will be an ellipse, and find the velocity that the ellipse may be a circle. PROB. 28. A cone of given form, and supported at G its centre of gravity, has a motion communicated to it round an axis through G perpendicular to the line joining G with a point in the circumference of the base, and in a plane passing through this point and the axis of the cone: determine the position of the invariable plane; and explain the motion of the cone's vertex. PROB. 29. Explain how the rotation of a hoop preserves it from falling. PROB. 30. A solid of revolution moveable about its centre of gravity G, which is fixed and is the origin, and having its axis inclined to the axis of at an angle o, has an angular motion impressed upon it about a line between these two axes, and inclined to the former at an angle 0, such that k² tan k'tan 0, where k and k' are the radii of gyration about its axis and a line perpendicular to the axis through G: prove that the axis of the solid will constantly preserve the same inclination to the axis of ≈, and will revolve uniformly about it; and the solid will at the same time revolve uniformly about its own axis, which is in motion. PROB. 31. If the Moon moved in the ecliptic, shew that the force of the Earth to produce rotation about her axis 3 μ sin 20 A-B C perpendicular to that plane would nearly u 22.3 u, r being the Earth's mass and distance from the Moon, A, B, C the principal moments of inertia of the lunar sphe- roid, and ✪ the angular distance, at the Moon's centre, of the Earth from one of the principal axes which are in the ecliptic. PROBLEMS. 517 We shall now give some problems in which the action of impulsive forces is considered. PROB. 32. Two inelastic balls impinge upon each other, their motions being in the same straight line: required their velocity after impact. Let M, M' be the masses of the balls: V, V' their velo- cities at the instant the contact commences; v, v' their velo- cities after the impulse ceases: P the momentum which measures their mutual pressure during the collision. Then by Art. 474. for the motion of the centre of gravity of M MV - P- Mv = 0...... for the ball M' .(1), M'V' + P - M'v′ = 0. (2). Here we have two equations with three unknown quan- tities P, v, v'. The third equation is the condition that the particles in contact move with the same velocity the in- stant the compression ceases. Hence v-v' = 0……… Eliminating P from (1) (2) (S). Mv + M'v' MV + M'V'; MV + M'V' .. . by (3), v = v′ M + M' and the balls will therefore each move with a velocity MV + M'V' M+ M' and remain in contact. Also P M (V − v) : = MM' M + M' (V – V') by (1). PROB. 33. Suppose the two balls are imperfectly elastic. In this case the Problem divides itself into two parts: first the motion during compression, and secondly the motion during the restitution of the figure of the bodies. Now bodies differ in their elasticity owing to their physical constitution; but the law to which we are led by experiment is this, that for 518 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. the same material the momentum gained by the restitution bears a constant ratio to the momentum lost by the collision: this ratio we write e, and is called the elasticity of the material of which the bodies are made (Art. 220). By the previous Problem the bodies are moving with a MV + M'V' at the instant the restitution of figure M + M' velocity commences: and the momentum which measures their mutual action = P = MM' M+ M' (VV'): V'): therefore the mutual pressure during restitution = Pe= MM'e M+ M' (V − V'): Let И, u' be the velocities after the restitution ceases: then M MV+M'V' M+ M' MV + M'V' P'-Mu= 0, M' · + P' − M' u' = 0 ; M+ M' MV + M'V' M' (V – V') •*. U = e M+ M' M + M' MV + M'V' ú + e M + M' M (V – V') M + M' COR. e = 1. If the bodies are considered perfectly elastic, then 2 M' u = V (V − V'), u' = V' + M + M' 2 M (V – V'). M + M' PROB. 34. A smooth but imperfectly elastic ball moves in a horizontal plane and impinges on a hard vertical plane obliquely, its direction making an angle a with the normal to the plane: find the velocity and direction of the motion after impact. t Let V be the velocity before impact; v the velocity and 0 the direction of motion at the instant compression ceases; u the velocity and the direction of motion after impact: P the mutual pressure during compression, Pe the pressure during restitution, M the mass of the ball: then when compression ceases PROBLEMS. 519 MV cos a–Mv cos 0=0...(1), MV sin a -P-M v sin 0=0…….(2), but we have three unknown quantities P, v, 0: a third equation is given by the condition that the plane is immoveable, and hence the velocity of the body perpendicular to the plane is zero at the instant compression ceases, therefore v sin ◊ = 0 ………. when restitution of figure ceases, Mv cos - Mu cos ... . (3), (4), Pe – Mu sin p = 0 ... (5). By (1) (3) (4) u cosp=V cosa, by (2) (3) (5), u sine V sin a; .. tan -e tan a, and u= V Vcos ´cos² a+e² sin²a, = V cosa÷cos &, which determine the direction and the velocity after impact. PROB. 35. Two imperfectly elastic and smooth balls im- pinge upon each other, the motion of their centre taking place in the same plane: required their velocities after impact. Since the balls are perfectly smooth there will be no rotatory motion produced by the impulse. We must first consider the motion till the compression ceases. Let P be the mutual pressure acting in the common normal at the points in contact; V, V' the velocities at the commencement of the contact: aa the angles their directions make with the line passing through their centres when the contact takes place; v, v' the velocities of the balls at the instant the compression ceases: 0, 0' the angles their directions make with the axes. Therefore M V cos a-P-M v cos 0 =0... (1), M V sin a − M v sin 0 =0... (2), M'V' cos a+P—M'v' cos 0′ =0 ….. (3), M'V' sin a'—M'v' sin ('=0 ... (4) ; and since the points in contact move with the same velocities in the direction of the normal at the instant the compression ceases, then v cos ✪ – v' cos (′ = 0 ………. (5). 520 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. Again, during the restitution of figure the mutual pressure Pe: and if u and u' be the velocities after the restitution of figure is complete, and p and o' the angles of the directions of motion, the equations of motion are M v cos ◊ –Pe-M u cos p=0...(6), M v sin ◊ – M u sin=0... (7); M'v'cos 0'+Pe-M'u' cos p=0... (8), M'v'sin '-M'u' sin d'=0... (9). In these nine equations are involved nine unknown quantities P, v, v', 0, 0', u, u', p, p': we have to determine u, u', p, p'. By (1) (2) (5) (M + M') v cos 0 = MV cos a + M'V' cos a' ; eliminating e by (1) (6) (M + M′) u cos o = (M + M') (1 + e) v cos ◊ − ( M + M') V cos a = M'V' cos a' sa), M'V cos a + e (MV cos a + M'V' cos a by (2) (7) u sin = V sin a; & from which u and may easily be determined: in the same way u' and ' may be determined. PROB. 36. A rough ball A is placed on a rough horizontal table, and another rough ball B lying on the table is struck in a direction not passing through the centre of gravity, but so as to cause B to strike 4: find the motion after impact, the bodies being inelastic. PROB. 37. Supposing, in the last Problem, that the friction of the Table is so slight as not altogether to prevent sliding, find the conditions that B may move through its original place of rest. The four following Problems are intended to illustrate the action of springs in removing the shock arising from the sudden collision of bodies. PROB. 38. A ball A moves along a smooth horizontal plane with a velocity V, and sets in motion another ball B, equal to A and originally at rest, by impinging upon a spring CD (fig. 112), which is fastened to B at the point D: the inertia of the spring is neglected, and we suppose the force of the spring to vary as the space through which it is com- pressed required to determine the motion of the balls. : PROBLEMS. 521 Let O be the place of A, the centre of the first ball, at the time of first contact with the spring: OA=x, CD=≈ (=b when the spring is not compressed), OB = x': then the force exerted by the spring on the balls at the time t varies as b-≈; let it = c² (b − ≈). The equations of motion are ď²x ď² x c² (b − ≈) ………….. (1), ď² x dť = C c² (b − z) ………….. (2) ; dt2 also x' x = 2 a + ≈ 2a .... (3), a the radius of the balls, three equations and three unknown quantities x, x', z. Differentiating (3) and subtracting (1) (2) we have d² & dt ર 2 c² (b − ≈) ; d z dz constant – 2c² (b − ≈)² = V² − 2 c² (b − ≈)º, — d t² since the point C of the spring (having no inertia) instantly acquires the velocity (V) of the body A at the first contact; V = b - sin (c√2 t + C') = b V sin c√2 t ... (4). ∞ √ 2 This shews that the greatest compression of the spring is equal to C V and that the time of compression π 20 √2' after an equal duration of time the spring is restored to its original form, since ≈ equals b when c√2t=π. C By (1) (4) ď²x dť Vc sin c√√√2t; √2 dx V V = const. + cos c√ C c√2t (1 + cos c os c√2t); dt 20 V 1 .. X (t + 2 C sin c√√√2t); 3 U 522 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. V 1 ·. by (3) x' = 2a + b + (t sin c√2t); dx' V (1'- cos c√2t). dt 2 From these equations we readily gather the following results. dx The ball stops when 0, or t dt C π ; but at this c √ 2 instant (as we have shewn) the spring has returned to its na- tural form, consequently the contact between A and the spring at this instant ceases, and A remains permanently at rest: the space through which A has moved during the action of the The velocity of B is zero when the spring spring π V 20√2 begins to act and is V when its action ceases, and with this velocity B henceforth moves uniformly along the plane. Hence A gradually imparts all its velocity to B: and the duration of time which this communication of velocity occupies is П If the elastic force of the spring be of very great intensity, as is the case with the forces put into play by the impact of hard balls of ivory, c is very great, and the duration of collision is exceedingly short. PROB. 39. Suppose that A and B (in the last Problem) are of the same size, but of different masses M and M', and that they move with the velocities V and V' before they come in contact required to determine the motion. PROB. 40. Suppose, in the last Problem, that the force exerted by the spring during the restitution of its figure is less than the force exerted during the compression in the ratio e 1, but that a complete restitution of figure takes place: required to determine the motion. PROB. 41. A heavy carriage (represented in fig. 113.) rests upon a spring B, and is also held in its place by two springs pressing at C and C': the carriage moves uniformly along a horizontal plane with a velocity V, and its four wheels (two only of which are seen in the figure) which are all of the PROBLEMS. 523 very same size suddenly impinge at the same instant on four small and equal pointed obstacles, and move over them; the force exerted by each spring is supposed to vary as the extent of displacement of its point of contact with the carriage, and the springs are supposed to be bent into such a form that for all small displacements of the body of the carriage the re- sultant of their pressures always passes through the centre of gravity of the body and so prevent rotatory motion required the motion of the centre of gravity. We shall merely give the results with a few of the steps of the calculation. Let the dotted lines in the figure represent the state of things at the instant of the impact: and the dark lines the state of things at a time t after the impact: a the radius of each wheel. In consequence of the elasticity of the springs (which is supposed perfect) the body of the carriage is not rigidly connected with the wheels and axle-tree, and therefore the body can produce no instantaneous effect upon the velocity when the impulse takes place. By By the impact of the wheels on the obstacles the parts of the springs which are connected with the axes of the wheels and the axle-tree have their motion suddenly changed, this causes the springs to assume new forms and in that way the forces are brought into action which gradually change the motion of the body. Let x'y' be the horizontal and vertical spaces described by the point B of the axle-tree in the time t; a and y the spaces described by the centre of gravity of the body: let c and e² be constants which depend upon the elasticity of the springs at C and C' and that at B; we neglect the downward effect of the spring B on the axle-tree but consider only the dead weight to act at B: let O be the angle which the spoke of each wheel, which passes through the obstacle, makes with the vertical at the time t; 0 Ꮎ = a when t = 0: M' = mass of each wheel the angular velocity of each wheel after impact. The equations of motion are, for each wheel, d Ꮎ dt2 (M' + 1 M) ga sin ( sin M'k² N2 , suppose (1), 524 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. for the motion of G ď² x dt2 d² y · c² (x − x') ………….. (2), − g + e² (y' − y) ………….. (3), d t2 and x', y', 0 are connected by the equations x'= a (sin a − sin ◊) ……………. (4), y' = a (cos · cos a) .... (5). These equations are sufficient to solve the problem: but they cannot be integrated unless a and (and therefore the ob- stacles) be supposed small: we shall neglect powers higher than the second. After reducing the equations their integrals will be found to be of the forms x = A sin (ct + B) + aa + hɛ n + kεn, 2t 23 2t y = C sin (et + D) — 1 — mε™" - pen, − mɛ A, B, C, D being arbitrary constants to be determined by the initial circumstances, and h, k, l, m, p being written for known quantities. After determining these it will be found that when t = 0, = dy dx = 0 and therefore the original rectilinear path of G is a tangent at the first point to the curve described by G; also the values of the constants will shew that the velocity is V at first, and gradually decreases: hence there is no jerk in the body of the carriage. We might in the same way obtain the circumstances after the wheels again come to the horizontal plane. PROB. 42. A rectangular parallelopiped slides down a smooth inclined plane and meets a fixed obstacle determine the impulse and the subsequent motion. PROB. 43. A beam is projected in any manner along a smooth horizontal plane and impinges upon a fixed obstacle: determine the impulse. PROB. 44. A beam is fixed at one extremity, what ver- tical force applied instantaneously at the other will throw it exactly vertical? PROB. 45. A rectangular parallelopiped revolves about one of its edges, which rests in a horizontal groove, and PROBLEMS. 525 impinges on a fixed line parallel to the groove and in the same horizontal plane with it: find the angle through which the parallelopiped must fall so that it may be just on the point of revolving about the fixed line as a new axis, all sliding being prevented by friction. PROB. 46. A beam is placed with one end against a smooth vertical wall and the other on a smooth horizontal plane so as to move in a vertical plane when left to the action of gravity; the horizontal plane does not extend to the wall, but is terminated by a straight edge parallel to the wall: find the distance of this edge from the wall that the beam may just be prevented from revolving about the edge and finally falling beneath the horizontal plane. PROB. 47. At what point must a given uniform circular body be struck by a force perpendicular to its plane, that in the first instant of the body's motion one extremity of a given diameter may remain at rest? PROB. 48. A beam falls from a vertical position by revolving about one extremity which rests on a rough hori- zontal plane, and impinges on a vertical post: determine the magnitude and direction of the impulse on the post and on the horizontal plane at the immoveable extremity of the beam. PROB. 49. In the last Problem determine the initial circumstances that the beam may just fall over the post. PROB. 50. If a rough ball be projected against a rough beam on a smooth horizontal plane determine the centre of spontaneous rotation. PROB. 51. An elastic beam falls upon a horizontal fixed line: determine the motion. PROB. 52. A beam, moveable about a fixed horizontal axis at a given altitude above a horizontal plane, falls through a given angle: determine the point at which a given sphere should be opposed to its impact, that it may be projected to the greatest possible distance on the horizontal plane, the beam being in its vertical position at the instant of impact. PROB. 53. A hoop rolling down an inclined plane suddenly comes in contact with a horizontal plane; find the change in angular velocity. 526 SYSTEM OF BODIES. DYNAMICS. PROB. 54. In lowering a bale of goods from the higher story of a warehouse by means of a given crane, the whole weight of the bale is allowed to wind off the rope freely from the axle, and when the bale is half way down, the handle of the crane suddenly flies off; determine the motion. PROB. 55. Explain the use of fly-wheels in machinery, and if a fly-wheel of given dimensions and weight move with a given angular velocity what force applied perpendicularly at a given point of one of the spokes of the wheel will in- stantaneously destroy the motion. PROB. 56. A perfectly flexible chain has one end fixed to a peg, which is at the extremity and highest point of a quadrant of a circle of which the plane is vertical, and all the chain is collected at that point; it will just cover the quadrant, and being suffered to descend freely, it is required to find the stress upon the peg at the end of the motion. PROB. 57. A groove is cut in a horizontal table in the form of a regular hexagon and an inelastic ball is projected with a given velocity along one of its sides, find the velocity with which it will successively describe each of the other sides of the figure. PROB. 58. A perfectly elastic solid of revolution, turning about its axis at a given rate, impinges on a hard smooth plane: if before impact the centre of gravity move perpen- dicular to the plane with a velocity V, determine the motion of rotation after impact, and prove that the centre of gravity will move in the same direction with a velocity p² - k² p² + k² V, where p is the perpendicular from the centre of gravity on the normal at the point of impact, and k is the radius of gyration round an axis through the centre of gravity perpendicular to the axis of the solid. PROB. 59. A solid sphere is placed in a hollow sphere, which rests on a smooth horizontal plane; determine the small oscillations, when they are slightly disturbed from the state of rest. PROB. 60. Prove, by means of the principle of least action, that the orbit a body describes about a centre of force varying inversely as the square of the distance is a conic section. PROBLEMS. 527 PROB. 61. Prove the laws of reflexion and refraction of light by the principle of least action, on the supposition that light consists of luminous particles moving uniformly in the same homogeneous medium, but with different velocities in different media. PROB. 62. A.bullet is fired into a thick board hanging from a fixed horizontal axis about which it is capable of revolving; the board has a sheet of iron on its back to prevent the bullet from passing through a ribbon is fastened to the bottom of the board and runs through a ring touching the bottom of the board in its position of rest: shew how to compare the velocities of bullets by observing the lengths of ribbon drawn out by the motion of the board. This is Robins' Ballistic Pendulum. PROB. 63. The weights suspended from a wheel and axle are in motion, the wheel and axle move about a fixed axis very nearly fitting into the cylindrical aperture concentric with the axle, so as to suffer only one point to be in contact: determine the position of this point when friction is considered and when it is neglected. HYDROSTATICS. CHAPTER. I. DIFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. 513. HYDROSTATICS is the science which treats of the equilibrium of fluid bodies. By a a fluid body we mean an assemblage of material molecules which yield without resistance to the slightest effort which we can make to separate them. No fluids with which we meet in nature are exactly of this character; but they approach more or less to perfect fluidity, as it is termed. The adherence that exists among the molecules of most fluids, known by the term viscosity, prevents the se- paration of its parts by the slightest forces; but, in this work we shall suppose the fluids to be perfect, for, if we except certain fluids the viscosity of which is considerable and of which we do not treat, the laws of equilibrium which we deduce are true, without sensible error. 514. Fluids are divided into liquids and aeriform fluids: they are also said to be incomprehensible and elastic. In truth, all fluids are more or less elastic: but some, as water, are compressible, and that but slightly, only when subjected to enormous pressure. Aeriform fluids may be divided into vapours, and permanent fluids, such as air and gasses. A given space will not contain above a determi- nate quantity of vapour under a given temperature: so that HYDROSTATICS. 529 if the vapour attain the limit of temperature, and we di- minish ever so little the space or the temperature, a portion of the vapour becomes liquified. Experiment proves that the maximum quantity of vapour is the same, when the temperature is the same, in a space void of air, and in a space filled with air more or less dilated or compressed. On the other hand, air and the gasses do not under any circumstances become liquids; though it is the opinion of some that this would be the case if sufficient force of com- pression could be exerted, or if the temperature could be reduced to a sufficient degree of cold. 515. In order that a fluid mass may be in equilibrium the forces acting upon each molecule must satisfy the equations of equilibrium of a particle deduced in Art. 65. But we are ignorant of the forms of the particles of fluids and of the forces by which they influence each other and consequently we fall upon the same difficulty as in the Article cited, and must therefore seek for some principle to serve us the office which that of the transmission of force did when we considered the equilibrium of a rigid body. The following Principle is proved by experiment: that any pressure communicated to a fluid mass in equilibrium is equally transmitted through the whole fluid. This is perfectly independent of the form of the mo- lecules: we may therefore suppose the fluid to consist of an indefinite number of small parallelopipeds formed by planes drawn very near to each other and parallel to the co-ordinate planes. The following experiment will illustrate the principle of the uniform distribution of pressure: we take the case of an incompressible fluid. Let fig. 114. represent a closed box full of water; A, B two vertical pistons of equal transverse section neatly fitted into the upper face of the box, and made to move as freely as possible. It is found by experi- ment that if a weight be placed on A an equal weight must be placed on B to preserve the equilibrium, shewing that the pressure of the weight A is propagated through the fluid to the under surface of B, and equably too, since it requires an equal weight on B to balance this pressure. 3 X 530 HYDROSTATICS. Again if a piston equal to A or B be fitted at C, it is found that to preserve equilibrium, a pressure must be ex- erted at C: and when the equilibrium exists if additional pressure act at C, or a weight be placed on A or B, an equal force must act on the other two pistons to preserve equilibrium which shews that the pressure upon any portion of the fluid is transmitted through the fluid, and acts equally upon every equal area upon which it presses. 516. When a fluid is placed in a vessel and is acted on only by gravity and the pressure of the sides of the vessel, it transmits this pressure throughout its mass in the same way as if it were deprived of its weight: but it exerts on the sides of the vessel a pressure due to its weight and variable from one point to another. The same is the case when other forces, beside gravity, act upon the fluid. Since the only direction in which any small portion of the surface of the vessel can sustain pressure is that of the normal to the surface, it follows, that the pressure of a fluid on any small element of a surface, containing the fluid or immersed in it, is perpendicular to the surface. The magnitude of the pressure at any point in the fluid is, as yet, an unknown quantity: it depends upon the position of the point and upon the forces which act upon the fluid; and therefore, in the general case, varies as the position of the point varies, the forces being given. We measure the pressure at any point in terms of the force exerted on a plane of a unit of area and acted on at every point by a pressure equal to the pressure to be measured. Thus let p be the pressure upon a unit of area acted on uniformly by a pressure equal to that at the point (xy), then pw is the pressure sus- tained by an indefinitely small portion (w) of this surface. The coefficient p is a function of the three co-ordinates (xyz) and is termed the pressure referred to a unit of surface. 517. The pressure of the same elastic fluid against the sides of a containing vessel is proportional to the density of the fluid, when the temperature is constant: p = kp, where ρ is the density at the point (xyz) and k a constant when the temperature is constant: when this is not the case k is a function of the temperature. PRESSURE IN THE INTERIOR OF A FLUID. 531 PROP. To find the pressure at any point in the interior of a fluid mass in equilibrium. 518. Let the fluid be referred to three rectangular co- ordinate planes and let xyz be the co-ordinates to the angular point nearest the origin of a small parallelopiped of which the sides are dx, dy, d≈ drawn parallel to the co-ordinates. Let p be the density of the fluid at the point (xyz), X, Y, Z the accelerating forces acting upon the fluid, and p the pressure. at the same point estimated as explained in Art. 516. Now the parallelopiped is held in equilibrium by the forces acting on its particles and the pressure of the surrounding fluid on its sides. Let us suppose that X, Y, Z and p are the same for each particle of the parallelopiped. Now the pressure at a point dp (x, y, z + dx) is p + Poz, and therefore if we suppose the dz pressure to act uniformly over the faces of the parallelopiped parallel to the plane of xy, then the forces acting parallel to dz da dy acting from the origin the axis of x are a pressure ρ X dp dz and pZdx dy dx acting towards the origin: and since the pa- rallelopiped is in equilibrium the sum of the forces parallel to each axis must vanish. dp S≈ = pZox, also d z .. Sp, or dP Sx + dx Hence dpsy=pYdy, and dy dP Sy + dz d P S x, dy dp Sx = pXdx; dx p(Xô + Yông+Z8x.) Now let us diminish the parallelopiped indefinitely, in which case the supposition we have made respecting the uni- formity of the density of the parallelopiped and of the action of the forces will be true; and dp = p (Xd® + Ydy + Zdã). x From this equation we shall obtain the conditions of equi- librium of a fluid mass. PROP. To find the conditions of equilibrium of a mass of fluid acted on by any forces. 532 HYDROSTATICS. 519. The first member of the equation of last Article is a perfect differential, and therefore when the equilibrium is possible the second member must be so too: hence the forces must satisfy the condition that p (Xda + Ydy + Zdz) shall be a perfect differential. If this condition be fulfilled then equilibrium will subsist in the interior of the fluid provided the surface be of a proper form for since at the surface p = 0 it is easily seen that XYZ must satisfy the additional condition that for all points at the surface Xdx + Ydy + Zdz=0; or, in other words, this must be the differential equation to the surface. This latter condition amounts to the same as saying that the resultant of the forces acting on any particle of fluid at the surface must be in the direction of the normal. For the cosines of the angles which the normal at a point (xyx) of a surface makes with the axes are dz dz 1 dx² - V - V V; where 1 + dx dy' V dx2 + dx² dy² or in this case, X Y Ꮓ √ x² + Y² + Z² √ X² + Y² + Z² √ X² + Y² + Z2 Hence our But these are the cosines of the angles which the direction of the resultant of X, Y, Z makes with the axes. remark is correct. 520. When p(Xdx + Ydy + Zdz) is a perfect differ- ential, then d.pZ_d.pX d.pY_d.pZ J dy " dx dx dz dz Performing the differentiations we have Jd X d Y - d p X dx dy d p Y p dy dx Jdz dZ d X dp X Ꮓ dp dx dz d& dx 2 dy CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM. 533 dY dz P dz dy } d p dp Ꮓ Y dy dz Multiply these respectively by Z, Y, X and add, then dX dY dZ dX Ꮓ + Y dy dx dx dz dY dx) + x (dr dz) dz dy = 0. This is independent of the density and furnishes a partial criterion before we make use of the others. PROP. To prove that for central forces tending to fixed centres Xdx + Ydy + Zdz is a perfect differential. 521. Let a, b, c be the co-ordinates to any one of the centres of force, P the corresponding force: then the resolved parts of its action on the particle (xyz) are p? 20 a P Y b P C P グ ​J' where 7² = (x − a)² + (y − b)² + (≈ − c)³. Hence, by resolving all the forces in this manner and adding together those parallel to the same axes, 20 a X = Σ. P , Y = Σ.py − b¸ C Z=Σ.P r 2° P P 2 .. Xd +Ydy+Z dã = Σ . — { (x − a) dx + (y − b) dy + (≈ − c) d≈} = Σ. Pdr. But P is a function of r, and therefore Pdr and the similar expressions for the other forces are perfect differentials. Hence Xdx + Ydy + Zd≈ is a perfect differential. All the forces in nature are central forces. It follows then that equilibrium will always be possible provided the surface of the fluid be of the proper form. · PROP. To prove that the particles of a mass of fluid when in equilibrium are so arranged, that the same sur- faces are surfaces of equal pressure, of equal density, and of equal temperature. 534 HYDROSTATICS. 522. By Art. 518. we have dp = p(Xdx Ydy + Zdx), = pdp suppose + where is a certain function of xyz, (Art. 521.) But dp is a perfect differential, therefore pd is so also: hence p is a function of p, and then p is a function of and therefore of p; consequently any two of p, p, & can be expressed in terms of the third: hence all values of xyz which make one of them constant make all the others con- stant also. If the fluid be elastic the density varies directly as the pressure, as was first shewn by the experiments of Mariotte. Let p kp; then it is found that if the temperature vary, k is a function of the temperature. Now dp = pdp, .. dp аф p k و and Гаф p = II e√dd Пе р where II is an arbitary constant: this expression shews, that if there be equilibrium, k must be a function of p, and therefore p and and the temperature must be func- tions of and consequently any three of these quantities can be expressed in terms of the fourth, and therefore when one is constant the others are also. Hence the truth of the Proposition is manifest. COR. It is evident, then, that the atmosphere can never be in equilibrium; for the sun heats unequally masses of air which are equally pressed by the superincumbent air; consequently the layers of equal pressure, density, and tem- perature do not coincide; a condition necessary when there is equilibrium. 523. If, then, we integrate the equation Xdx + Ydy + Zdx = 0 and give to the arbitrary constant introduced by the integration as many particular values as we please, the determinate equations which we thus obtain belong to sur- faces each of which has the equation Xdx+ Ydy + Zdz = 0 for its differential equation, and, in consequence, possesses the property that it is equally pressed on every part, and cuts at right angles in every point the direction of the resultant of the forces X, Y, Z. These internal surfaces CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM. 535 are called surfaces de niveau. If we make the constant vary by indefinitely small degrees we divide the mass of the fluid into an indefinitely great number of thin shells; these are called couches de niveau. The value of the constant which corresponds to the external surface is determined from knowing the volume of the fluid. CHAPTER II. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 524. We have already remarked that the heavenly bodies are nearly spherical in their figure. It is found, however, by measuring degrees of latitude in places near the poles and equator, that the figure of the Earth approaches more nearly to a spheroid than a sphere, Also experiments made with pendulums lead to the same conclusion. The polar radius is found to be about 14 miles shorter than the equatorial radius. Now the altitude of the highest mountains is not greater than five miles above the level of the ocean. It follows from this that the form of the sea cannot be spherical, but must partake more or less of the spheroidal form of the land. It becomes, then, a matter of especial interest to ascertain whether the ocean covering the solid nucleus of the Earth and the nucleus itself would according to the theory of gravitation assume a spheroidal form. The calculation is one of great difficulty, and indeed would be impracticable did we not know that the figure does not differ greatly from a sphere. As a first ap- proximation we shall enquire whether a homogeneous fluid mass revolving about a fixed axis with a uniform angular velocity will assume a spheroidal figure. It is nevertheless à priori highly improbable that the density of the Earth should be homogeneous since the weight of the superincum- bent mass must be sufficient of itself to produce a great condensation of the matter in the interior of the Earth. PROP. A homogeneous mass of fluid in the form of a spheroid is revolving with a uniform angular velocity about its axis required to determine whether the equilibrium of the fluid is possible. MASS OF THE EARTH SUPPOSED HOMOGENEOUS. 537 525. Let a and c be the axes of the spheroid, e being that about which it revolves: also let c²= a² (1 − e²). Now the forces which act upon the particle (xy) are the cen- trifugal force and the attractions of the spheroid parallel to the axes, and these latter are given in Art. 158. as follows: 1 Σπρ {√ 1 – e² sin¯¹ e − e (1 − e³)} x, e3 Σπρ e³ Απρ e³ {√1-e² sin'e - e (1 − e²) } y, - {e - √// 1 − e² sin¯' e} z. Let these be represented by Ax, Ay, Cz. Let w be the angular velocity of rotation, then w²²+ y² is the centri- fugal force of the particle (xy), and the resolved parts of it parallel to the axes are w²x, w²y, 0. Hence X (A− w²) x, Y = (A - w²) y, Z = Cz. = Now these satisfy the criterions given in Art. 520; hence, so far, the equilibrium is possible. Then 2p P 1 dp = Xd® + Ydy + Zd» P (A − w²) (x dx + ydy) + Czdz; + const. = (4 – 2) (x + y) + Cổ, and at the surface p = 0; A - w² and .. (x² + y²) + x² = const. C hence the surface is a spheroid and therefore the equilibrium is possible and the eccentricity is given by the equation A - w² 1 - e², C a 2 3 Y 538 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. 2 w2 1 - e² - e² or sin-¹e - 3 1 e³ e² -3-(1-e) (1 − e³)³ sin−¹ e, or πρ 2 πρ Now + e³ 3 (1 − e³) (3 − 2e²) √T – e² e e³ centrifugal force at equator gravity at equator sin¹e = 0. w² a πρα-ωα and observation proves that this equals 1 289 Απρ 3 w2 w2 1 290; 435 2 пр Then by expanding in powers of e and neglecting powers higher than the second (since we know that the figure of the Earth is not far from spherical) we have de sin-¹e = 1 = e + 1.3 { 1 + 1 e² + · e¹ + ....} de 2.4 e³ 1.3 3 e³ 100 + + 3 2.45 1.1 / 1 - e² = 1 - 1 / e² e² + 2.4 1 435 2 に ​1.1 1.3 e -2) (1 - 1 e². e²) 1 + + +3 2.4 3 2.4 5 3 2 ß e) e²; 15 ( e² (1 = (-2) α1 - 3 0 - 0) 2 + 3 == ... e² = 116· If e be the ellipticity, then · e² α C e € = 1 - - e² 1 232 • α 2 1 This result is so much greater than that obtained by measuring the arcs of a meridian, which gives e, and which agrees very nearly with results arrived at by other and 306 MASS OF THE EARTH SUPPOSED HOMOGENEOUS. 539 independent processes, that we are led to the conclusion that the mass of the Earth is not homogeneous. 526. Another value of e, nearly 1, also satisfies the equation but this evidently does not give the figure of any of the heavenly bodies, for none of them are very elliptical. There are no other possible values of e (except - 1 which of course we reject): this may be shewn by putting the first side of the equation for calculating e equal to y, and tracing the curve considering e the variable abscissa: then those values of e which make the curve cut the axis of abscissas are the values we are seeking. It is found that the curve cuts the axis in only two points on the positive side of the origin. PROF. To shew that there is a limiting angular velocity beyond which the equilibrium is impossible. we alter 527. The equation of Art. 525. shews that as the value of w the value of e will also vary. To find the dw de greatest value of w we must put = 0: this gives after some long numerical calculations. time of rotation = 0.10090 day, and € = e 17197 27197* 528. Since there are two forms of equilibrium it might perhaps be imagined, that the form of the equilibrium of a homogeneous fluid mass is unstable; and that when a fluid mass is set in rotation it will be indifferent which form it will ultimately assume. Supposing that there is a cohesive force among the particles, which is the case with all known fluids, the mass would after revolving for a greater or less time attain a rotatory motion comprised within the limits of equilibrium and maintain itself in that state, which of the two states being apparently doubtful. But Laplace has shewn (Méc. Céles. Liv. 111. §. 21), that for a given primitive impulse there is but one form of equilibrium. In fact, it will easily be seen, that for a given value of the angular velocity w the vis viva of two masses so different in their form as to have e small and e 1 nearly must be very different. 529. Since the ellipticity of the Earth deduced on the supposition of its being a homogeneous mass is greater than 540 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. that given by geodetic measurements and experiments made with pendulums, we are constrained to reject the hypothesis of the Earth's homogeneity, and shall proceed to calculate its ellipticity on the supposition of its being heterogeneous. But before proceeding to this we shall investigate the following Proposition, since we shall find it of use hereafter. PROP. To calculate the ellipticity of a mass of fluid re- volving about a fixed axis and attracted by a force wholly residing in the centre of the fluid and varying inversely as the square of the distance. 530. Let M be the mass of the fluid, the other quantities as before; X Mx 203 + w² x, Y My 203 + w³y, Z Mz 203 Then the equation Xdx + Ydy + Zdz = 0 becomes M 2.3 ( d +ydy+d%) - ( d +ydy) = 0; M 1° M dr w² 2 شه 2 X d (x² + y²) = 0, + (x² + y²) = constant = C ; let the ratio of the centrifugal force at the equator to the gravity at the equator be represented by am, where a is a very small numerical quantity, and am = 285 then 1 w² a M a m am .. w² ; M a² 1 + am - w² a a² 1 1 C 1 am or グ ​x² + y² + ~² M 3 (x² + y²), 2a³ 1 + am when a=0 and y=0 then =0: when ≈ = 0 then a² + y² = a², MASS SUPPOSED HETEROGENEOUS. 541 1 C 1 1 + C M a 01 2 + 2am C € = 1 - a 2 + 3am' a 2 + 3am Now am 1 1 289 > € 581 am nam) C 2 + 2am M am We shall find this result of use in a following part of this Chapter. The value of e is far too small on this hypothesis, as the value of e was too large on the hypothesis of every par- ticle attracting. We shall, therefore, pass on to consider the form of a heterogeneous mass. PROP. To find the equation of equilibrium of a heteroge- neous mass of fluid consisting of strata each nearly spherical, and revolving about a fixed axis passing through the centre of gravity with a uniform angular velocity. 531. The general equation of equilibrium of fluids de- duced in Art. 519, gives dp = f(Xdx + Ydy + Zd≈), p being the density of the mass at the point (xy≈); p the pressure at that point; and X, Y, Z the sums of the resolved parts parallel to the axes of the forces acting on the particle at (xyz). These forces are the attraction of the mass itself, and the centrifugal force. V Let the sum of the quotients formed by dividing each particle of the body by its distance from the attracted point: d V then dx' d V dy d V are the attractions parallel to the dz axes of the body on the particle at (xy≈). Let w be the angular velocity of the mass, the distance of (xy) from the origin of co-ordinates, μ the sine of the latitude of this particle. Then the resolved parts parallel to the axes of a and y of the centrifugal force of this particle are wa, wy: the axis of revolution being the axis of ≈. 542 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. 1 It is usual to express the angular velocity in terms of the ratio of the centrifugal force at the equator to the equatorial gravity, a fraction which observation shews to be 2: we shall call it am, a being used throughout the calculation as a very small numerical quantity, of which the square may be neg- lected. Then am w2a3 Mass 289 , a being the equatorial radius: to calcu- late the mass in this fraction we suppose its strata spherical, because of the smallness of the numerator. Hence mass = 4π fª p'a²da', a being the radius of any stratum. Let 3f" p'a'² da' = p(a); a 3 w² a³ 4π ... am = .. w2 φ (a) am 4πφ (a) $(a)' 00 3 a³ d V 4. π Hence, then, X = + am dx 3 d V 4.π Y + a m dy 3 (a) a³ Ф(а) 3 a³ X Y d V Z ; dz 2π ФС a · [dp = V + 2 = am (2) (1 - µ³) P. 3 a❞ If we suppose the mass partly solid this equation deter- mines the figure of the strata of the fluid part. We shall, however, consider the whole fluid, or else suppose that the solid and fluid parts follow the same law of density in passing from the circumference to the centre. f dp p Now p is a function of p': and is a function of p' and + is therefore constant for the outer surface and for every level surface, (or surface de niveau, Art. 523) or stratum. MASS SUPPOSED HETEROGENEOUS. 543 Hence the general equation to the strata is 2 П (a) constant = am (1 − µ³) gºº 3 a³ = V + 4 π 9 (a) 2 п (a) am a³ 3 am (1 − µ³) 2º² 3 a³ this arrangement being made because each of the last terms, as they now stand, satisfies the partial differential equation of Laplace's coefficients; they are of the orders 0 and 2 respect- ively. (See Art. 170). Now by Art. 186, we have a Απ d a V √ = 12 a² + a da' 31 GK Y₁ + ... + 2' a'i + 3 (2 i + 1) pi Y! Y' + ...) } da a d a'r 202 +4π +a Y₁ + ... + da 3 (2i + 1) a'i-2 Y;' Y + ...) da. a In this put = a (1 + a Y¸ + a Y₁ + ... + a Y¿ + ...) and ƒ“³ p'a² da' = p(a) as before. 0 0 1 as before. Then substitute this value of V in the equation to the strata, and equate* terms of the order i. The constant parts when equated give dp 4π φ (α) 3 a += ["p'a'do' 4. π p'a'da' + ama² p(a) 9 a³ 3 *It is proper to equate separately the terms of the order i on each side of the equation because, as we have shewn, in Art. 181, the functions Y₁, Y... ; ... are all determinate, consequently we have upon substituting for in the equation of the text, performing the integrations, and transposing all terms to one side, a series of Laplace's coefficients equal to zero; suppose Qo + Q₁+ Q₂+ + Qit... is the series. If then we multiply by any arbitrary coefficient of Laplace of the ith order, viz: Z, and integrate between proper limits we have whatever Z; be, 1 £, £ (Q + Q₁ + + Qi + ….. ) Z; d µd w = 0 ; ™ dµdw=0 Q; Z; dpdw=0 by Art. 180. Hence, since Z, is arbitrary, Q;=0. 544 HYDROSTATICS. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. and the terms of the order i give, after dividing by -4πa, p(a) 3 a 1 3 a d Y₁ i (2i + 1) ai+1 ρ da' (a'i + ³ Y') da' 0 except when i a² а Y 2141 [Pad (144) da = 0, 2i+1 a'i- 2 0, 2, in which case the second side is m a² (a) (1 − µ³). 6 a³ By this equation Y is to be calculated, and then the form of the stratum of which the mean radius is a is known by the equation r = a (1 + a Y₁ + ... + a Y ¿ + ...). gives 1 532. COR. At the surface a = a and the above equation a d (a'i + 3 Y) da' da' 2i+1 3 a' (a) Y, when i is not = 2, 13 a² 4 (a) Y, − 5 ma² µ (a) (} − µ³), when i 2. 2 This equation we shall hereafter find of great use. PROP. of Y¿. To simplify the equation for the calculation i 533. Since Y, is a function of a, suppose it expanded in a series of the form W i Y¿ = a® W¿+ aº W{ + W; as + as! Wi } -Wh; suppose, then h; is a function of a and equals aª + W, ... are independent of a. Hence, since Y is the same W as + and W; W; i MASS SUPPOSED HETEROGENEOUS. 545 function as Y; when a' is put for a, we have Y = W;h{ : h{ being the value of h; when a' is put for a. i Let these values of Y, and Y be put in the equation deduced in the last Proposition; α a² i ... (@) h (p(a) W 1 3 a (2i + 1) a² + 1 hi hi Ρ da' la'i- d 3 (a' ¹ + ³ h;') da' da 0, when i does not = 2 m a²(a) (} −µ³), when i = 2. 6 a³ -26 + 1 [Pdz (14-2) da') = 0, Ja Divide both sides by a and differentiate with respect to a, observing the remark in the note*; then ´dh; p(a) i + 1 h¿p(a) W i da 3a+1 1 d 3 ai + 2 + 3 q2i+2 P da' (a'¹ + ³h;') da'} = = 0. ď² hi ; da² Multiply this by a2i+2, differentiate with respect to a, and divide by the coefficient of then ď dh; 6 pa² dh; W + ¿ da2 (a) da (i βρα 6 pa³ hi (i + 1) - 0, p(a)) a² this is true for all values of i in the series 1, 2, 3, By assuming any law of the density we can calculate p(a), or 3 fop'a da'. We must then solve the above equation, * In order to explain how to differentiate a definite integral with respect to a quantity involved in the limit, suppose that d ff(x)dx= F(x)+C; t. ƒ,, f(x)dx=F (t) − F(t'); t -- Se 8(x)dx=(0) = (1) åt Sq, f(x) dx=dF (t) dt d and = dt I t dt =f(t), F(t') f(x)dz-d() = -5(c). dť =-f(t). 3 Z 546 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. i and knowing h; we shall know the law of variation of Y; in terms of a, and therefore the law of variation of the different strata of the fluid mass. Before this is attempted we can shew that the expression for the radius, viz. a {1 + a Y₁ + a Y₂+ ...} admits of great simplification. 2 i 1 2 = PROP. To prove that Y; O excepting the case of i = 2. 534. The equation in the last Article shews that W0 (and . Y = 0) unless the part multiplying W, vanish. We assume that the density of the mass decreases from the centre to the surface. For it is evident that if a stratum were placed over one less dense, the particles of the upper would penetrate into the lower in the same manner that a body sinks in a fluid of less specific gravity than its own. d p Hence is negative. Let p = ẞ- B'a'"...... ß, B'...... da' B- being constants: and n... positive indices; a ·· 4 (a) = 3 S p'a²d a' = Ba³ 3 ß' an+3 0 n+ 3 ρα 1 $ (a) Also hi as + dh; ď hi = sas−1 + da s( s − 1) as −2+ da n B' an + β n + 3 ß (see Art. 533); Substitute these expressions in the equation of Art. 533, and neglect higher powers of a; then 0 = W; {s (s - 1) as-2 + 68a-2 - [i (i + 1) − 6] a³ −2} near the centre. Hence, unless W; W₁ = 0, we must have 8 (8 − 1) + 68 = i (i + 1) − 6, ... s² + 58 +24 - 25 ¿ ² + i + 1}{ ? 4 5 S · − / ± (i + 1 ) = ¿ - 2 ori - 3, i SIMPLIFICATION OF THE RADIUS OF THE STRATA. 547 i the last value is inadmissible, because it would make h;, and consequently Y; (since we suppose W; not to vanish), infinite at the centre; i. e. the radius of the central strata indefinitely great, which is contrary to the original hypothesis of the strata being nearly spherical. When i = 1, 1, i - 2 1, and therefore the same objection applies to the value si-2 when i = 1. = Hence W₁ must equal 0: and therefore Y₁ = W₁h₁ = 0. For other values of i, s = i − 2 : 1 dhi •. h; = ai−² + ai-c and = (i − 2) a¹³ + i-3 da dh₂ therefore when i is greater than 2, is positive near the da centre, and therefore h; increases from the centre to the sur- face for strata near the centre. If h in increasing attain a maximum value for a value 6 pa³ | h; p(a)] a a positive quantity when i dh; of a less than a, then 0, and the equation of Art. 533 da ď h; gives (i + 1) da² is greater than 2. For a 0 dp da' βρα $(a) is always less than 6 $ (a) = 3 [ " "p'a”da' = pa³ – S″ and since is negative, .. a 13 dp de da': da' but i (i + 1) is greater than 6 when i is greater than 2 and consequently the above expression is positive when i is greater than 2. Since this would indicate a minimum, and not a maximum, it follows that h; can obtain neither a maximum nor a minimum value, and that it therefore increases continu- ally as we pass from the central strata towards the surface. Let h, be the value of h; at the surface: then than unity. h; is less h; 548 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. Now by Art. 533, putting a = a we have, when i is greater than 2, Wi { f 0 a d p da h' i h) da li + 3 h; a 12 da' - (2i + 1) a' f "p'a" da'} = 0, 0 ρα or, if we integrate by parts and multiply by 3, +3 do' da' W,{−p (2i−2) a'+*+(24+1)2' ["aºdg_da-s fashidp a}=0. 13 p α 0 d p hí h; 0 h; Now is negative, and is less than unity; hence da' i the multiplier of W; is negative and not zero when i is greater than 2 and consequently W; 0, i greater than 2; = .'. Y₂ = 0, Y₁ = 0,……………. and we have shewn that I₁ = 0. 3 4 2 Hence r = a {1 + a Y₂ is the equation to the stratum of which the mean radius is a. : PROP. To prove that the strata are all spheroidal and to find the law of their ellipticity. 535. We have seen that r = a { 1 + a Y₂} 2 Now a Y₂ = a W2h2. To calculate W₂ we have from the equation for the stratum at the surface (Art. 532.) by putting Y₂ = W₂h₂ and Y = Wh 2 5a² 2 a d 5m a² 6 w, { "a" (p (a) h₂ = ƒ ƒ —, (a'h,') da' } = 5T 2° op (a) (} − 1) W 2 3 - St h₂) da' Dividing by the coefficient of W, we have 2 a Y₂ = a W₂h₂ = ε (} − µ³), ε being a small quantity given by the equation am h2 2 h₂ દ 3 d 1 5a² (a) h₂ (a¹³h₂') da' da FORM AND ELLIPTICITY OF THE STRATA. 549 a { 1 + ε ( } − µ³) }, μ = sin (latitude) = sin l, Hence r = a ६ - - − a (1 − & e) { 1 + ε cos² l} This is the equation to a spheroid from the centre, of which ɛ is the ellipticity: and the axis minor coincides with the axis of revolution of the whole mass. But varies as h; and we have proved that h₂ increases from the centre to the surface. Hence we arrive at the following result. 2 If we assume that the density increases from the surface to the centre, then the strata are concentric spheroids the axes of which coincide with that of the revolution and the ellipticities increase from the centre to the surface. PROP. To obtain equations for calculating the value of the ellipticity when the law of density is known. 536. Let e be the ellipticity of the external stratum; .*. & = દ h₂ h₂ e by the value of & in the last Article: and if we put (a) for S a d P (a) da' we have by the da' value of ɛ given in the last Article 3 (a) a m € 5a² (a) 2 am. 3 √(a) .'. € 2 5а² ф(а) h₂ in the differential equation of 6 Also by putting h₂ Art. 533, we have the following equation for calculating &; + 6pa² de da² (a) da - f. ρα) σε 0. p(a)] a² This may be simplified thus: multiply by (a), d da (a) de} d + da da {3pa²e} a² 60(a) ɛ +3a² dp e da 550 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. d2 6 da { $(a) (} = 1 4 (a) € + 3a²e d dp " da² da from this equation & is to be calculated when the law of density is known. PROP. To calculate the ellipticity of the surface in the two extreme cases of the mass being homogeneous, and of the density at the centre being infinitely greater than at any other point. 530. 537. This Proposition will verify the results of Arts. 525, 3 (a) am = 5a² (a) Now by Art. 536, e - 1 a α I. When p is constant: (a) = 3 fª p′aª² da' = Da³: D the density at the surface; d also (a) 15 = (a'³¿') = Da³ e ; da' 0 II. .*. € — €, ... € € = 5 am. // am = 응 ​6. When the density at the centre is infinitely greater than that at any other point φ (a) = 3√ p'a da' = element at centre = 3p'a da', a being indefinitely small. Also (a) = p d da' 5 (a'³ ε') da' = 5 p'a'¹é'da' + p'a' de'; 12 a .'. € 11 a dε am = a² 2 ર +! + á da' = 0; · € = 1 am. 1 In the case of the Earth observations shew that am = 289 and therefore the ellipticity of the Earth in these two hypo- theses is and The ellipticity of the Earth deduced from the measurements of degrees of the meridian is intermediate to 1 231 1 578 · CLAIRAUT'S THEOREM. 551 these: and therefore we may conclude that the Earth is not homogeneous, and also that every particle of the Earth's mass attracts and not the central parts only (see Art. 260). We shall presently seek for a law of density which is likely to be an approximation to the truth. Before this, however, we shall calculate the value of gravity and the length of a seconds pendulum at the equator, and the length of a degree of lati- tude, in order to compare the results of theory and observation. PROP. To calculate the value of gravity at any place on the Earth's surface, and the length of the seconds pen- dulum: and to shew that their changes as we pass from one place to another vary as the change in the square of the sine of the latitude. Clairaut's Theorem. 538. Let g be the action of gravity at a place of which the latitude is l, or sin-¹ By Art. 531 we have м. f(xda 4π dx+Ydy+Zdx)=V+ (a) 2 п φ (a) am. am 9 a³ 3 (-u²) r². 3 a³ 3 Now this expression is the sum of all the forces which act upon any particle multiplied by the elements of their respective di- rections. Hence the resolved part of the resultant attraction in the direction of is obtained by differentiating this with respect to r and changing the sign; let the result be g: the resolved part perpendicular to this will be of the order α, let it be ag'; therefore gravity = √g" + a'g'² = g, neglecting a² d V 8 π Now g a m dr 9 (a) 4π φ (a) am ( − µ³) r 3 a³ 4.π 702 Sπ 9 am a a 12 p' { α²² + φ (a) a³ ቀ a³ 3 a d 5r² da' 4π 3 (a'³ Y₂') } da' am Þ (a) (1 − µ³) r. a³ 552 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. But r = a {1+aY₂} at the surface. Also by Art. 532, we have a 2 [* p' d /, (a'³ Y₁') da' = { } a² Y, − ‡ ma² († − µ²)} † (a) ; da' • g 11 0 4π φ (a) 3 ૨૭ {1 − — am + a Y₂ – 5 am 2 · (3 - μ²) } = 4π φ (a) 3 a2 4π φ (a) 3 a² 3 am + (ε − 3 am) ( − u²)} by Art. 535. (1 + e − 3 am) { 1 + (½ am − e) sin² 1} G {1 + (½ am − e) sinº 1}, G being the equatorial gravity. Hence, the ratio of the excess of polar over equatorial gravity to equatorial gravity (that is ame, by the for- mula just proved) added to the ellipticity equals & × the ratio of the centrifugal force at the equator to the equatorial gra- vity, whatever be the law of the density. This is called CLAIRAUT'S THEOREM after its discoverer. 539. Letland L be the lengths of the seconds pendulum at the places at which g and G are the values of gravity; g .. l = L L { 1 + (½ am − e) sinº 7}. G PROP. To calculate the length of a degree of latitude at any place on the Earth's surface, in terms of the length of a degree at the equator. 540. Let C and c be the lengths of a degree correspond- ing to the values of gravity G and g. dr² + dl2 Now rad. of curv. = sin l == µ, r = a (1 + a Y₂), dr² d²r 202 +- 2 dl2 dl2 LENGTH OF A DEGREE OF LATITUDE. 553 dr dr du = aα 1 di d u d l d² r d dr 2 1 dľ² αμ dl d dY d Y2 αμ dY₂ 2 аам + aa (1 − µ³) dμ d Y 2 - ď² Y 2 du² = aa 1 – µ²) +аам du du du .. rad. of curv. a ift + a d 1 + a Y ¿ + a 2 αμ ((1 − μ²) dY₂ + αμ - du d Y₂l du 2 dY, α 2 - a fi - says + aux = 5a 2 2 d² Y 1- μ² dw² f by the equation of Laplace's coefficients (Art. 170.) = a { dY 2 શે 1 5a Y₂+ aμ 2 du because Y₂ is independent of w (see Art. 535.) 2 Now the length of the degree varies as the length of the radius of curvature; dY, · = d'{1 c = c'f1 - saY, + anxi), c' being a constant. ·. 2 But a Y₂ = € ( 2 6 (3 αμ − µ³) ; . . c = c′ { 1 − 3 € († − µ²)} ... c' = c' (1 − e) (1 + 3e sin² l); - .. c C (1+3e sin² 1). - These formulæ for the length of the seconds pendulum and the length of a degree of latitude enable us to test the truth of our calculations by comparing observed results with those given by these formulæ. 2 541. It will be observed that throughout this calculation we have neglected a².... α It is very desirable, then, to apply some independent test of the truth of our results. The two conclusions to which we are come are, that the figure of the Earth is an oblate spheroid, and that the law of variation in : 4 A 554 HYDROSTATICS. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. gravity in passing from one place to another on the surface of the Earth is represented by Clairaut's Theorem. Mr Airy has estimated the probable magnitude of the errors committed in these calculations, by considering the two following extreme laws of density: 1st, the case of homogeneity: 2nd, the case in which the matter at the centre only attracts; or, which amounts to the same, the density of the matter at the centre is infinitely greater than that of the rest of the mass. The deviations from a spheroidal figure, in these cases, are found to be in- sensible. The same is found to be the case with Clairaut's Theorem. It follows, then, that the error in omitting small quantities in our calculations is inappreciable. (Ency. Met. Figure of the Earth, Arts. 69–72.) As far, then, as these two tests are concerned in determining the law of density in the Earth's mass we should be at a loss in attempting to decide. what the actual law of nature is. But the magnitudes of the ellipticity being and in these extreme laws of density, we learn, that since the first is greater and the second less than that given by geodetic and other measures, we must suppose that the density increases towards the centre; but that it does not become infinitely great. 1 231 1 577 542. We are now able to calculate the principal moments of inertia of the Earth, which were required in Art. 470, in calculating the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Nutation of the Earth's Axis. PROP. To calculate the principal moments of inertia of the Earth, supposing it to consist of layers nearly spherical and of different densities. 543. Let A, B, C be the principal moments of inertia about the axes of x, y, z, respectively: x,y,≈, the co-ordi- nates to an element of the mass. Then the mass of this element p'r² dr dudo (Art. 183.); also 2 y² + ≈,² = r² { 1 − (1 −µ³) cos² w} = r² { + [− (1 − µ³) cos² w]}, // - 2 2 2 x ² + ≈ 2² = r² { } } + { } -(1-µ³) sin²w]}, x² + y² = r² { ÷ +(}−µ³)}, [ Z we have arranged these in this manner because they are then each of the form U+ U. Hence PRINCIPAL MOMENTS OF INERTIA. 555 2π r 2 A = ƒˆ‚ ƒ³˜˜˜ p' r³ { ÷ + ‡ − (1 − µ²) cos² w} dµ dw dr. But S 4 'p'r¹ dr = t 0 d = + [ ' §' ~ / 0 0 ρ da' d a d.75 ρ da' "'d 5 da' {a'³ + 5 a'³ a (Y' + Y₁' + Y½' + ...) } da' 5 15 ρ a'³ + 5 a'³ a Y₂'} da' by Art. 534, da 2 = } σ (a) + ½ a a³ † (a) Y₂ — § am a² ¤ (a) (} − µ³) a d. a a'5 putting p ρ da 2 da' = σ (a). (Art. 532). Also a Y₂ = e (u) by Art. 535; r ·· ₤" p'r¹ dr = + σ (a) + §a² ལ་ (a) (e – † am) (} — µ²) — σ (a) + ↓ (a) ( − µ²) by Art. 536; 2π 2 15 ... A = S_₁₂ {}, σ (a) + † (a) (} − µ³) [} − (1 − µ²) cos²w]} du dw by Art. 180. 8π 8 п σ (a) † (a). 15 45 In the same manner 8π π B = - o (a) — 8 — y (a). 15 •2 T r 45 Also we obtain C = ↓₁₁ ƒ ²™ ƒ p² r¹ { } + ƒ ƒ³¹¤ p' (} ( - μ²) } 8 п 16π σ (a) + y (a). 15 45 C-A Hence (a) C σ (a) 556 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. 544. We proceed to obtain an approximate law of the density of the strata, and then to prepare the formulæ deduced in the foregoing Articles for numerical calculation. PROP. To obtain an approximate law of the density of the strata. 545. By Art. 531, we have for calculating the pressure on the stratum of which the mean radius is a, neglecting a, ୮ a a 1 dp p' da' da 4π φ(α) a +4π p'a'da'. 3 a a Laplace has integrated this equation upon the supposition that the change in pressure in descending through the strata varies as the change in the square of the density (Mémoires de l'Institut, Tom. 111. p. 496). This law of compression differs from that of fluids, in which the change in pressure varies as the change in density. The law used by Laplace is à priori more probably true than the law of the compression of fluids, since tenacious and semi-fluid bodies must require a greater compressing force to produce a given compression and density under given circumstances than a fluid body does, in consequence of the greater cohesive force of the particles of the semi-fluid body. See also some remarks by Professor Challis The ap- on this subject in the Phil. Mag. Vol. xxXVIII. proximate truth, however, of this law is shewn by the accuracy of the results to which it leads us. Putting, then, dp = ½kd.p k being a constant, we have a 1 dp da' da' = k འ a a dp, da' = k (p − D), da' D being the density at the surface; a 12 .. ka (p − D) = 4𠃪 р'a² da' + 4π a 12 because (a) = 3" p'a da'. p a So p'a'da', 12 APPROXIMATE LAW OF DENSITY. 557 Differentiate with respect to a, having regard to the note in page 545; d. pa • k − k D = 4 π р а² + 4π [ª p'a'da' — 4 π pа² = 4π↓ª p'a'da'; da a a ρ a d². pa da2 4π -q2pa, putting q²; k A .. pa = A sin (qa + B), P sin (qa + B). a A sin B When a = 0, ρ 0 .. B=0, otherwise p would be infinite at the centre, which cannot be; ρ A sin qa, a ά A and q being unknown constants. A The formula P α - sin qa appears à priori to be well adapted to represent the law of the density since it gives a density increasing from the surface to the centre. PROP. To calculate the ellipticity of the strata on the approximate law of density deduced in the last Article. A a 546. We must put p sin qa in the equation d² {$ (a) ε } = √2 $ (a) & + 3a² € dp (see Art. 536). da² a 12 a 6 a² da Now (a) = 3√ p'a² da' = 34" a' sin qa' da = A α a - 3 4 - = cos Չ 9 also de=1{2 cos qa - dp da A a and our equation becomes ď³ { $ (a) ε } da² ga + 1 a² sin 1 q ε sin qu}, ga}, qa q² ga} = — — (a), 6 3 a² + q° $ (a) & = −₂ $ (a) ε. $ 558 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. The integral of this equation is C $ (a) ε = & c{(1-2) 3 3 sin (qa + C') + cos (qa + a² qa C and C' being arbitrary constants. In our case C' = 0, other- wise the ellipticity at the centre would be infinite, as is easily shewn by expanding & in powers of a. Hence, if we substitute for (a), we have 3 3 1 tan qa + Cq² q2a2 qa દ 3 A tan qa qa 3 3 1 દ tan qa - qa q²a² 2 tan qa + α qa and . ... (1). 6 tan qa - qa 3 3 tan qa + q² a² qa This gives the law of decrease of the ellipticity in the strata in passing from the surface to the centre. To determine & and e we must combine with the above the following equation € 1 2 3 (a) am = (see Art. 536). 5a² (a) Now y (a) = √ a d a sin qa' d P (a'³ ε') da' = A da' α' da' —¿ (a'³ é') da' = A {a' e sin qa + fa³e' (sin qa' - qa' cos qa') da'}, by parts. α The integral contained in this. 3 *{(«^-°a)sinv«+°"cosqc}d« tan qa qa 13 3 3 q2a2 tan qa + qa 1 tan qa - qa —-= {3 (2 a² q² — 5) sin qa− (q³a³—15qa)cosqa}. 3 q 3 q² a 2 tan tan qa+ qa ELLIPTICITY OF THE STRATA. 559 € 3 A Also (a) {sin qaqa cos qa}. 92 3 (a) Hence the equation e 11/1/14 1 am = becomes 5a² (a) am = (q*a*-3 q²a²) tan² qa+3 q³a³tan qa+(tan qa−qa) {(6 q²a²–15) tan qa—(9³a³–159a)} 5 q² a² (tan qa—qa) { (1 –,313) tan qa+ (2 - qa²) tan³ qa qa tan qa 3 qa 5 am q³a² € to 2 (tan qa – qa) { 3 3 1 tan qa + q² a qa – This equation determines e: and consequently is also known by equation (1). 547. To facilitate the calculation of e let qa tan qa = 1 − ≈ ; 1 '. € = 5 am 2 -- 3z q² a² q*a* 3-z Before we reduce this to numbers we shall calculate the principal moments of inertia deduced in Art. 543, in terms of the approximate law of density. PROP. To calculate o(a) and ↓(a) and approximate law of density. A C- A with the C 13 Now (a) = ["p' (a) da' = 5.4 ["a" singa'da 548. 5 = - ρ d da' ეპ 3a² 6a {- q q q³ 5 A 0 6 qa qa} = 54 { - cos ga+ sin ga + cos gasinga {(3 qa² -6) sin qa (qa³ - 6 qa) cos qa}. 560 HYDROSTATICS. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. Also (a) 5 a² - (a) (e − 1 am) = 3 5 Aa q² (e − 1 am) (sin qa — qa cos qa); (a) or o (a) 2 qa q² a²/ tanqa qa 1 C - A tan qa , C (ε - 1 am) 6 6 3 q2a2 (ε − 1 am) ≈ qa x = 1 2+ (1 6 tan qa ર q² a 2 We now proceed to reduce, these quantities to numbers. PROP. The law of density being represented by A p == sin qa; it is required to find the value of q in the a case of the Earth. 549. The experiments of Cavendish and the observations of Maskelyne shew that the mean density of the Earth is about five and a half times that of water. Now since the superficial stratum of the Earth consists partly of the Ocean we must not include this among the strata of the Earth when we speak of their law of variation, because the density of water is far less than that of rock or earth. We shall consequently suppose the superficial stratum to be of the density of granite or thereabouts; i. e. nearly in the ratio of 5 to 2 to that of We shall therefore suppose the mean density is to that of the superficial stratum as 11 to 5. water. Let & be the mean density: D the density of the outer stratum: then 1 a a a 12 √ √ª 4 π á²² da' = ƒˆ±π p = √² 4π p'a²² da' a — = A a²d - 4 ƒ a' sin qa' . da' = 1 { — 9 cos qa+singa}; NUMERICAL VALUE OF THE ELLIPTICITY. 561 d D " 3 qa 11 by hypothesis; q² a² tan qa 5 15qa ... tan qa 15-11q2a 5π qa A very small value of q will satisfy this equation; but a small value would give a very slow change of density in the strata of the Earth. After repeated trials we find that 6 2.618 nearly satisfies this equation for then : π 15 qa log10 I.8130736 = log10 tan 33° 2′ log 10 tan nearly 6 11 q2a2 - 15 5π ... qa 6 2.618 very nearly satisfies the equation. If we had taken d = 2.4225 D, then qa = 2.618 would have satisfied the equation as far as four decimal places. We shall take, then, qaπ = 2.618. The remarkable agreement found to subsist between the calculations made with this value of qa and by other means is the most satisfactory proof of its correctness. PROP. To calculate numerically the ellipticity of the Earth with the value of qa equal to 2.618. 3z 5 am q² a² 550. By Art. 547, € = 3−z - q² a² 12 Ja where = 1 tan qa 1 s hence = 5.5345: also am = 289 by observation; 1 .'. € = .00325401 = 307.313 ↑ measures, which give e = = 306 • this value of € accords remarkably with the result of geodetic 1 4 B 562 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. PROP. To calculate numerically the value of C- A C and the Annual Precession of the Equinoxes with the ap- proximate law of density. C- A (a) (ε - 1 am) x 551. By Art. 548, C σ (a) 6 Also the Annual Precession of the Equinoxes 92 a2 2 + (1 - 2²²) = = .00313593. C - A C 1 + 176.5906 1 + v 4882".05 (Art. 470.) = (.00313598) (3.3545) (4882".05); v = 74 = log₁0¹ 1 10 (3.4963664) "/ .5256278 = log-'(1.7105962)" = 51″.3566, 3.6886020 the observed precession is 50".1. The exceedingly remark- able agreement of the calculated values of the precession and ellipticity of the Earth with their observed values afford a convincing proof of the correctness of the principles involved in the calculation, 552. Before we quit this subject we shall give a few im- portant Propositions which tend to throw additional light upon the determination of the figure of the Earth. The permanent state of equilibrium of the heavenly bodies. makes known to us some of the properties of their radii. If the planets did not revolve about one of their three principal axes, or very near to one of them, there would be produced in the position of the axes of rotation, some variations which would become sensible, particularly in the Earth (see Art. 458). Now by the most accurate observations, no such variations are perceived. Therefore we must infer, that a long period of time has elapsed since all parts of the heavenly bodies, and particularly the fluid particles on their surfaces, have been arranged in such a manner as to render their state of equilibrium permanent, consequently also their axes of rotation : NUMERICAL VALUE OF PRECESSION. 563 for it is very natural to suppose, that after a great number of oscillations, the bodies must assume the forms corresponding to the state of equilibrium, on account of the resistances suffered by the particles of the fluid. We shall now examine into the conditions, arising from this supposition, in the ex- pression of the radii of the heavenly bodies. 2 PROP. To prove that in consequence of the perma- nence of the rotatory motion of the Earth Y₂ = K (} − µ³) + K' (1 − μ²) cos 2w, K and K' being constants which depend upon the internal structure of the Earth. 553. Let the Earth be referred to its principal axes: and let be the radius of any particle: the angle which r makes with the axis of ≈,, w the angle between the planes of x,x, and rz, also let cos 0 = µ ; is .. x, = r sine cosw = ? √ 1 2 μ u² cosw, '}' = 1'μ. y₁ = r sin✪ sin w = √1 - μ² sinw, Z z = 1 cos u Let p be the density of the stratum of which the radius then the element of the mass (m) = pdr rôė r sine dw =-pr² dr dμ dw, and by the properties of the principal axes, viz. Σ.mz¸y, = 0, Σ. mx, z 0, .mx,y, = 0, we have 2 So ♪ - ₁ fo²™ pr² µ √ 1 − μ² sin w dr du dw = 0 1 pr¹µ√1 - µ² cos w dr dµ dw √ L₁ f² pr² 1 (1 - µ³) cosa sino drdµdw = 0 Now r = a {1 + a Y₁ + a Y₂ + 1 2 • 0... (1), + a Ÿ¿ + .. and .. S dr a d. 2.5 prt dr pr da Ja5 0 а P d da 5 + aa” αα Un + a U₁ + a V₂ da (Y₁ + Y₂ + + Y; + ... + + a U; + ... šuppose. р da, da da ... 564 HYDROSTATICS. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. Then by substituting this series in equations (1), bearing in mind the property of Laplace's Coefficients proved in Art. 180, we have S₁₁ S₁S ~2π 10 2π 2 M U₂ μ √ I 2 PR u² sine du dw = 0, U₂p √1 μ² cosw dµ dw = 0, 2 - and ƒ¹,ƒ³″ U₂ (1 − µ³) sino cose du dw = 0. 0 2 Now since U₂ is a function of 2 1 М 2 2 2 and 2 1 — u² cos w, Mg 1 sin w of the second order, and satisfies the Equa- tion of Laplace's Coefficients, it is of the form H(-u²) +H'μ1-u sino + H" 1-μ² cosw+H"" (1-µ³) sin 2w + Hiv (1 − µ³) cos 2 w. Then by putting this for U, in the last three equations we find H' = ль : 0, H″ = 0, H" - 0, ··· U₂ = H (} − µ³) + Hiv (1 − µ³) cos 2 w. .. But U was written for So a p μ d 2 (a³ da 2 Y₂) da, and by Art. 532 this — = § a² 4 (a) { Y, − 1 m (} − µ²) }, K' .. Y₂ = K (} − µ³) + K′ (1 − µ³) cos 2 w, 2 K and K' being constants which depend upon the internal structure of the Earth. Thus far, then, the condition that the Earth rotates about a principal axis, determines the form of the function Y₂ in the radius of the surface, r = a (1 + a Y₁ + a Y₂ + +aY¿+...); shewing that three of the terms in the most general form of Y vanish. 2 2 554. Laplace has obtained some remarkable formulæ for the value of gravity, the length of a seconds pendulum, and the length of a degree of latitude which are independent of any supposition of the internal structure of the Earth, except that it consists of nearly spherical strata. They They are deduced as in Arts. 538, 539, 540; but a {1+ a Y₁ + a Y₂+aYs + ......} is put for instead of a {1+aY2}. The results are I' r 1 3 GENERAL FORMULE. 565 g = G {1 + a Y₂+2a Y3 + + (i − 1) a Y ¿ + ......} i - 1898 7 10 (a) 3 πα ( − µ²), a² 1 = L {1 + a Y₂+ 2a Yg + ...... + (i − 1) a Y; + Y3 2 - — am ( - μ²)}, · c = C { 1 − 5a Y½ – 11 a Y3 ………….. — (¿² + ¿ − 1) Y¿ − ... +аль dY, dY 3 αμ 2 du dY; T + + + + dμ d p .) α de Y₂ d2 Y 3 d² Y 2 + + + 2 Sedan dw² dw² dw° ...) 555. If we compare the expressions for the radius of the Earth with that for the length of the pendulum and the length of a degree of the meridian we shall perceive that the term a Y; in the expression for the radius is multiplied by ¿ - 1 in the length of the pendulum, and by i²+ i − 1 in the degree of the meridian. It follows, then, that however small i-1 may be this term will be more sensible in the lengths of the pendulum than in the horizontal parallax of the Moon, which is propor- tional to the radius of the Earth: and it will be still more sensible in the measures of the degrees than in the lengths of the pendulum. 1 2 These three expressions are very important, inasmuch as they are independent of the internal structure of the Earth; that is, they are independent of the figure and density of the strata, since the functions Y, Y... all refer to the surface. It follows, then, that if we can determine the functions Y, Y₂ ... by the measures of degrees and parallaxes, we shall obtain directly the length of the pendulum. We may by this means ascertain whether the law of universal gravitation agrees with the figure of the Earth and with the observed variations of gravity at its surface. These remarkable relations connecting the degrees of the meridian and the length of the pendulum also serve to verify any hypothesis, assumed to represent the measures of the degrees of the meridian. Laplace (Méc. Céles 566 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. HYDROSTATICS. III. Liv. 111. §. 33.) makes an application of these formulæ to an hypothesis of Bouguer with respect to the lengths of degrees: and his calculation shews that it must be rejected. The by- pothesis is that the variation of a degree of the meridian is proportional to the fourth power of the sine of the latitude. 556. Laplace shews that the greatest minimum probable error in calculating the length of a degree from observations. made at seven places is 97.2 toises, the mean length of the degrees being about 51307.4 toises (Liv. 111. §. 41). The ratio the error bears to this 0.00189. It is also shewn (Liv. III. §. 42.) that the greatest pro- bable error in the calculation of the length of a seconds pen- dulum is 0.00018, the mean of the lengths of the pendulum at the fifteen places at which the observations were made being 0.99922: the ratio the error bears to this = 0.00018. Now this is more than ten times less than the error of the measures of the degrees, and remarkably confirms the theory in Art. 555; viz. that the terms of the expression of the terrestrial radius, which cause the Earth to vary from an elliptical figure, are much less sensible in the lengths of the pendulum than in the lengths of the degrees of the meridian. Later observations, as Mr Bowditch observes in his Commentary on this part of the Mécanique Céleste, do not confirm this result. The dis- crepancies among the observations of the length of the pen- dulum are greater than in those of the best observations of the measured arcs of the meridian. Various causes have been assigned for these differences in the observations of the pen- dulum: as the local attractions of neighbouring bodies; the peculiar action of the substance of the stratum of the Earth over which the pendulum is placed; and finally magnetic action. With respect to the first Bouguer has found by ob- servation that the attraction of the mountain Chimboraço pro- duced a deviation of 7".5 in the plumb line: and Dr Maskelyne observed the attraction of the mountain Schehallien to be 5".8. CHAPTER III. FORM OF EQUILIBRIUM OF THE OCEAN UNDER THE MOON'S ATTRACTION, AND THE FORM OF THE ATMOSPHERE. THE following Proposition we shall find of use when we come to the Chapter on the Tides. PROP. Supposing that the Earth is a sphere surrounded by a sea of small depth: required to determine whether the form of the sea attracted by the Moon will be spheroidal, the Earth and Moon being both supposed held at rest. 557. If the spheroid be the form of equilibrium it must evidently be prolate, the axis of the spheroid passing through the Moon. Let c' be the distance between the Earth and Moon, a the mean radius of the Earth, a' the radius of the solid nucleus of the Earth, and the distances of any par- ticle (xy) from the Earth's centre and the Moon, E and M the masses of the Earth and Moon, P and p' the mean density of the Earth and the density of the sea, e the ellipticity of the spheroidal figure of the ocean caused by the Moon. Then the excess of attraction of the nucleus above what it would be supposing it of the density of the sea, gives the following resolved forces on a particle (xy) parallel to the axes 13 4 π (ρ − p) a¹³ x 4 π (p-p')a¹³ y 3 7.3 3 2.3 4 π ≈ + = (p=p') a'³ 3 The attraction of a whole fluid spheroid gives 203 Απρί 2 € Απρί 1 + X, 1 + 3 5 3 2 €\ 5 Απρ y, 3 (1-0) 8. 568 HYDROSTATICS. The difference of the attraction of the Moon on the par- ticle and centre of the Earth gives Mx 2013 و My M (≈ - c') M '3" 13 Jo C Adding the respective forces together and substituting in the equation we have Xd » + Ydy + Zdx=0 (Art 519), 3 4 π (p −ρ') a³ x dx + ydy + zdz 3 203 Απρ 2 € + 1 + ( d + ydy) + Απρ' 3 5 3 ATP (1-1) xdz 5 M Mdz + 2013 c') dx} + = 0. C2 x dx + ydy + (≈ − c') de But y² = x² + y² +² and p¹² = x² + y² + (≈ − c')². Hence substituting and integrating, 4π _ += (p − p) d'² 1 + 2 = p² (1 + 2/2²) (a² + y') 3 a' 13 Σπρ 26 3 5 πρ 4€ M Mz + 1 ~2 + = constant. 3 5 c/2 Now if b be the semi-axis minor of the spheroid, then ¿³ (1 + €) = a³, and ba (1 − e), and the equation to the spheroid is x² + y² + (1 − 2 €) ≈² = b² = a² (1 − † €) ; 1 1 = = (x² + y² + ≈²) − ³ - 1 2 € +2€ 1 J a 3 a² a (1+ € 3 a² 28 77 = (x² + y² + x² − 2xc′ + c'²)−4 x² y² x² -−1} y² - 20'2 12 = (1 - 2/3 + 2 + 3 + ~ ) = (1 + 2 - ² + 1 - 2 ~ ^). 1 / C C 12 C 7 C FORM OF THE OCEAN. 569 Substituting these in the above equation to the surface of the ocean, we have 5 (x² + y²) πρ 3 (1 + 2 €) + ૐ + *² {2mp' (1 - 4) + + πρό 3 5 4 π − + M 2013 13 Ꮇ (p − p) a "e_M} 3 a³ = constant. 13 Then in order that this may coincide with the equation x² + y² + (1 − 2 €) = constant, we must have x² (1-26) (2 mg (1 + 2) + 1M) Σπρ 3 2€) — 4€ 5 πρ 3 + 5 4 π (p − p') a'³ M 3 a € 13 с '. € 8 πρ 15 + 3 M 2 c'3 20 4 π (p − p') a 3 3 a³ 13 + M '3 с 11 8 пр + 15 3 M 2c'3 4 π (p − p') α 3a² (neglecting &² as before). Now E = mass of the Earth 4πρα pa³ 3 πρ' + 15 4. Απρ + (a³ — a´³) 3 a's 4π (p-p') d'"_ 3a² − € 4π(ρ - ρ)α" Απρίας 3 4π − 2 3E+ 4x (p = p') a 5a³ 13 3 5a³ 2 E ΩΠ 1 + 5a³ € = 1 + 15 M 4 E Σπα 13 α E (p-p') − 13 2 = (p = p²) a" }; E 4 C 570 HYDROSTATICS. α M 1 E 74 = the parallax of the Moon = 4π 3 1 nearly, 60 nearly, E ρα nearly; 13 2πα E (p − p) = 21 (1 (1. nearly, since a = a' nearly, p = 5p' nearly. These values shew that e will be very small: and that the spheroidal figure may be taken as the form of equilibrium. We must remark that the spheroidal figure of the nucleus has been neglected in this calculation; also the centrifugal force of the particles arising not only from the rotation of the Earth about the centre of gravity of the Earth and Moon; but also that arising from the rotation about its own axis, which is far more important. 558. It is deserving of observation, however, that the greater the mean depth of the ocean is (i. e. the less a' is) the greater is e This shews that the depth of the sea affects the Tides. Also e is greater the greater the density of the sea is in comparison with the mean density of the Earth. = P the value of e is more than double what it is when If p If p' be greater than p = p (the value in nature). If p ρ وم but a little less than we find e = 5 3p 1, when the above numerical values are substituted. In this case our solution is not even an approximation: but it shews that if the density of the sea were somewhat greater than the mean density of the Earth the figure of the Ocean would be very prolate and consequently the Tides much greater than they are in nature. PROP. To determine the form of equilibrium of the atmosphere of the heavenly bodies. 559. Let be the co-latitude of any particle of the atmosphere, r its distance from the centre of gravity of the spheroid. Then if w be the angular velocity the centrifugal force of the particle is w'r sin : and therefore FORM OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 571 dp P dp р = dV + w² (xdx + ydy), = √ + p being a function of p. w2 2 sin² 0, 2 Then, if we neglect the ellipticity of the spheroid, const. w2 E + 2° 2 r² sin² 0, E = mass of the Earth. Let R, R' be the polar and equatorial radii of the atmo- sphere: hence E E w? const. = const. + R'2; R R' 2 E E w² r² sin² 0 ; 2 R 7° R' - R and R'3 2 E R The greatest possible value of R' is that which extends to the point where the centrifugal force equals gravity: that is, where w² R' = E R' > or w² R'3 = E, .. R' = 3 R. This is the greatest possible ratio of R' to R: for let w² R'³ = (1 − ×) E, in which cannot be negative, then R' 3 Z R 2 It appears also that the equatorial is the greatest radius of the atmosphere: for by differentiating the equation between r and 0 dr w² sin cos 0 2 d Ꮎ E – w² 73 sin²0' but the centrifugal force resolved in the direction of the radius is w²r sin² 0, and this must not be greater than E and there- ༡? ? , 572 HYDROSTATICS. dr fore is always positive, or increases from the pole to d Ꮎ the equator. 560. There is but one form of equilibrium. For the equation to the surface of the atmosphere may be written thus: 203 2 E Rw² sin² 0 2 E :)' + 0, w² sin² 0 and, since the last term is positive, one value of r must be negative, and therefore does not serve our purpose: : let ri and r be the other roots, then since the second term does not appear the third root is − (~1 + r½). E cannot both be less than w² sin2 0 Now r₁ and r for then the third 3 E root would (disregarding its sign) be less than 2 w² sin20 and their product would be less than 2 E w² sin² 0 : but this is the product of the roots. Hence only one positive value of r is less than equilibrium. 3 E 2 w² sin² 0 or there is only one form of Laplace draws the following conclusions with respect to the Zodiacal Light from these results (Liv. 111. §. 47). The Sun's atmosphere can extend no farther than to the orbit of a planet, of which the periodic revolution is performed in the same time as the Sun's rotatory motion about its axis; or in twenty-five days and a half. Therefore it does not extend so far as the orbits of Mercury and Venus: and we know that the Zodiacal Light extends much beyond them. The ratio of the polar to the equatorial diameter of the solar atmosphere cannot be less than and the Zodiacal Light 2 appears under the form of a very flat lens, the apex of which is in the plane of the solar equator. Therefore the fluid which reflects to us the Zodiacal Light is not the atmosphere of the Sun and since it surrounds the Sun, it must revolve about it according to the same laws as the planets: perhaps this is the reason why its resistance to their motions is so insensible. HYDRODYNAMICS. CHAPTER I. EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 561. THE equations of the equilibrium of fluids which we have found in Art. 519, are deduced from the characteristic property of fluids, both incompressible and elastic, viz. the equable transmission in every direction of pressures applied at their surface. This property arises from the fact, that the molecules of the fluid when compressed or dilated rapidly assume the same relative positions that they previously had. The time that the particles occupy in passing into this state has no influence on the laws of equilibrium, since these are observed only after the fluid has attained its state of rest. But this time, small as it may be, must influence the laws of motion of fluids, so that the principle of the equality of pres- sure in every direction is true in Hydrostatics, but is not always applicable in Hydrodynamics; this is Poisson's view of the subject, Traité de Mécanique. Laplace remarked an analogous difference in the state of rest and motion of fluids relative to Mariotte's law. This law, which teaches that the density of an elastic fluid varies as the pressure, requires that the temperature of the fluid should become the same after the change in volume that it was before. It is ascertained that heat is given out or absorbed when a vo- lume of air is suddenly compressed or dilated; and in this way the elasticity of the air is greatly modified by the nature of the motion. This circumstance introduces into the equa- 574 HYDRODYNAMICS. tions of motion terms which cannot be deduced from the equations of equilibrium. In the present work we shall suppose, as is ordinarily made the supposition, that the equality of pressure holds equally in the state of rest and motion of fluids: when we adopt this hypothesis the equations of equi- librium conduct immediately to those of the motion of fluids. PROP. To determine the equations of motion of a mass of fluid, the molecules of which are acted on by given forces. 562. Let xyz be the co-ordinates to any molecule at the time t, and X, Y, Z the sums of the resolved parts of the acce- lerating forces which act upon this molecule parallel to the axes of co-ordinates respectively. Now in accordance with the Principle enunciated in Art. 226, the acceleration of the mole- cules would cease if that at the point (xyz) were acted on by the accelerating forces X ď² x dt2 dy Y Ꮓ ― dt' , , d t2 and all the other molecules acted on simultaneously by similar forces. Hence if p be the pressure at the point (xyz) at the time t referred to a unit of surface and p be the density, we have by the equation of equilibrium of a fluid mass Sp = (x - de) 8x + (y - dp) Y бу + P (z d² z Ꮓ Sz dt² where the differentials dx, dy, d≈ do not refer to the motion, but are arbitrary; and may therefore be taken equal to the differentials of the spaces described by the molecule parallel to the axes. Hence 1 dp dx P dt ď²x 1 dp p dy dy 1 dp d² z Y = 2 dt dz dt P Now let u, v, w be the velocities of the molecule (xyz) parallel to ~, y, respectively at the time t. Then each of these will be a function of the time and the position of the molecule; EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 575 1 ď² x du du du du du + u + V v + W, dt2 dt dt dx dy dz ď y d v d v d v + W + d v d v v + W, dt2 dt dt dx dy dz d² z dw dt2 dt (dw) dw dw d w + u + v + w. dt dx dy dz Hence the three equations involving p become 1 dp X- P dx (du) du du du V w, dx dy dz 1 dp d v d v d v Y 2 V W, p dy d.x dy dz 1 dp Z - ρ dz - (dwo) dw dw dw น 27 พ. da dy dz These are three equations connecting the five unknown quan- tities u, v, w, p, p which we wish to determine in terms of x, y, z, and t. 563. Two more equations will be furnished by the following consideration. Suppose we consider the motion of the molecules which at the instant t form an indefinitely small parallelopiped with its sides parallel to the co-ordinate planes. The various molecules will change their situation, and we can determine the volume of the figure which they form after a short time but since the number of molecules remains the same the volume which these molecules occupy when multi- plied by the density of the fluid must remain the same during the motion. Let dr, dy, d≈ be the sides of the parallelopiped at the time t: m the molecule nearest the origin; n the molecule immediately over this. Then at time +&t the co-ordinates of m are x+ust, y + vôt, ≈ + W wdt, and the co-ordinates of n change from x, y, ≈ + d≈ to 576 HYDRODYNAMICS. x+u'st, y + v′dt, x + dx + w'&t, u', v', w' being the values of u, v, w at n; du dz •. u' = u + Sz, v′ = v + d v d z dw Sz, w' = w + Sz. dz Hence the co-ordinates of n at the time t + St are du d v x+ubt+ бъбва Szst, y + vdt + ozst, and dz dz dw z + d z + w & t + Sz & t; dz and the distance between m and n at that time is du² 2 dx² St²+ dx2 d v2 dx2 dw dw dx² Sť² + (8x + Sx St)² = Sx + SzSt, dz dz neglecting small quantities of the third order. Now let us consider the two angular points of the parallelo- piped which lie in the same diagonal plane with m and n: we shall call them m' and n': we shall obtain their distance at the time t + dt from that of m and n by putting a + dx, for x and y then the distance between m' and n' is y + Sy dw 8x+ + ď² w [ d w Sx + dz d z d x ď² w d x d y s y sz st ·S t = 8x + Sz St. dz Hence the distance between m' and n' is the same as that between m and n, when we neglect small quantities of the third order. In the same manner it may be shewn that all the edges of the parallelopiped which are parallel at time t are equal to each other at time t + St and therefore still form a parallelo- piped, the sides being dw d v du 8% + SxSt, Sy+ бъбна Syst, 8x + Sx St. dz dy dx Also the density at the time t + &t is dp St, {de + deu + dev + dp w} &t. dp dp p+ dt dx dy dz EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 577 and therefore the mass of the parallelopiped, which at time t is pdadysz, becomes at time t + St, (p + dp st+ dpust + d p v dt + de wdt) dt dx dy dz d v du dx × (1+ St) (1 + dy St) (1 + du St) Sx Sysz. dz Equating these expressions, dividing by Sady dxst, and then taking the limit, we have [du dv d w 0 = + + + + dp do u + dp dp v + dy р dx dy dz dt dx dz W. This equation is called the Equation of the continuity of the fluid; since it expresses analytically the relation between the velocity of the molecules and the density of the fluid, which are necessarily dependent on each other, if the fluid be sup- posed to be continuous in its constitution. 564. If the fluid be incompressible then the variation of p equals zero, and the above equation gives two du d v d w + + 0, dx dy dz dp and + dp dp u + dt dx dy dp v t w = 0; dz these complete the five equations for computing u, v, w, p, in terms of x, y, z, t when the fluid is incompressible. p When the fluid is homogeneous and incompressible then is constant throughout the fluid and given in value and therefore the last equation becomes identical. P 565. If the fluid be compressible the fourth and fifth equations are Jdu d v 0 = P + + dx dy dw dp dp + + dz dt dx dp dp 2+ dy W w; dz and 0 = F(p, p), the function F depending upon the nature of the fluid. + D 578 HYDRODYNAMICS. The equations admit of great simplification in the case of an incompressible homogeneous fluid mass, when udx+vdy +wds is a perfect differential. PROP. To find the pressure at any point of a homoge- neous and incompressible fluid mass in motion. dz 566. Assuming udx + vdy + w dx = dp a perfect differ- ential, we have аф v = аф dy W = dz аф dx Hence the equation of the continuity of the fluid becomes ď² O dx dy² ď² ΦΦ 0. + d&e By the integration of this equation is to be found. We shall proceed to eliminate u, v, w from the equations involving p. ď² & dy + ď & d≈ dt dz du d v dw Φ dx + dy + dz = dx + dt dt dt dt dx dt dy аф аф аф d- d d dt dt dt аф dx + dy + dx = d dx dy dz dt du d v dw аф dx + dy+ d z = d in the same way dx dx dx dx du d v dw do dx + dy + dz = d dy dy dy dy du d v dw dx + dy + dz dz dz dz Now let the three equations in p be multiplied respectively by dx, dy, dz and added together; dz d dp dp = Xd + Ydy+Zdã P EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 579 _ααφ_ αφ, αφ аф аф аф d- d dt dx dx аф, аф аф, аф d d dz αφ, αφ dy dy dz = Xd + Ydy + Z đã - d аф [dø² 1/2 d 2 dp² dp² + dt dx² dy² + dx²] 567. COR. When the excursions of the molecules are small we may neglect the squares of the velocities and the equation becomes dp P аф = Xdæ + Ydy + Zdượp Id+Ydy+Z dt PROP.. To prove that if udx + vdy+wdz be a perfect differential at any instant it is so during the whole time of the motion.. 568. For at the time t+&t the value of udx+vdy+wdz v dw {dda + do dy + 10 dx} & becomes udx+vdy +wdz + Jdu dx dt = dp + d⋅ аф dt dt dt St = dp + (Xdx + Ydy + Zdz) St Stjdp² [dø² dø² døp² 2 + d.x² dy² d2 dx²); t dp St P wherefore if udx + vdy+wdz be a perfect differential do at the time t it will be so also at the time t + St and will consequently be so throughout the motion. PROP. To determine equations for calculating the motion of an elastic fluid, the excursions of the molecules being supposed small, no extraneous forces acting. 569. We shall suppose uda + vdy + w dz = dp, then the equation of continuity is P Jdu |dx d v dw dp + + + 0, dy 13 dt 580 HYDRODYNAMICS. neglecting small quantities of the second order; dloge p dΦ d² Q d² p + + + = 0. dt dx² dy² dz We shall suppose that p = a²p, which is the law of nature if the motion be so slow as not to absorb or develop heat. Also since the excursions are small we have, as in Art. 567, dp P аф d ; dt ... a² d loge f dt d2p dt аф a² [d² & Φ d φ dφ d* φι + + dt dx² From this equation dy² + dxf must be determined and then p and P calculated by the equations given above. 570. For the Theories of Sound and Light which depend upon the principles in this Chapter we must refer the reader to two Articles on those subjects in the Encyclopædia Metro- politana, by Sir John W. F. Herschel, to Mr Airy's Tracts, and also to Mr Webster's Theory of Fluids. We shall proceed with applications of the principles more peculiarly adapted to the nature of the present work, viz. to the Tides and the Stability of the Ocean. CHAPTER II. 1 TIDES AND STABILITY OF THE OCEAN. 571. THERE remains yet another phenomenon, which is evidently connected with the mechanism of the Solar System, the Tides of our Ocean. In the calmest weather the vast body of waters that wash our coasts advances on our shores, inundating all the flat sands, rising to a con- siderable height, and then as gradually retiring to their former level; and all this without any visible cause to impel the waters to our shores or again to draw them off. Twice every day is this repeated. In many places this motion of the waters is tremendous, the sea advancing, even in the calmest weather, with a high surge, rolling along the flats with resistless violence, and rising to the height of many fathoms. 572. In searching for the cause of this remarkable phe- nomenon philosophers readily conceived, that, since the Sun and Moon each cross the meridian twice in twenty-four hours, these bodies may by their attraction influence the waters of the ocean. Accordingly various theories have been adopted for the calculation of the tides upon this hypothesis of lunar and solar attraction, of which the most noted have been those of D. Bernoulli and Laplace. If the hypothesis of universal gravitation be adopted, there can be but one correct theory based upon it for calculating the oscillations of the ocean; but in consequence of the difficulties of the analysis, which have hitherto been insurmountable, other hypotheses must be resorted to in addition to that of gravitation in order to obtain an approximate solution of the problem. 582 HYDRODYNAMICS. The irregularity of the depth of the ocean, the manner in which it is spread over the earth, the position and declivity of the shores, and their connexions with the adjoining coasts, the currents, and the resistances which the waters suffer, cannot possibly be subjected to an accurate calculation, though these causes modify the oscillations of the great fluid mass. All we can do is to analyze the general phenomena which must result from the attractions of the Sun and Moon, and to deduce from the observations such data as are in- dispensable for completing in each port the theory of the ebb and flow of the tides. These data are the arbitrary quantities, depending on the extent of the surface of the sea, its depth, and the local circumstances of the port. In the absence of these data we must resort to the best expedients that can be found. Bernoulli, in his theory, assumed that the attraction of the Moon causes the ocean to assume at every instant the form it would have if the Earth and Moon were stationary. It is found, by calculating the tides upon this hypothesis, supposing the pole of the prolate spheroid (which is the form of equi- librium nearly, see Art. 557.) to lag behind the Moon, that this hypothesis gives results according very well with obser- vations in some of the more ordinary phenomena of the tides. This theory is termed by Mr Whewell the Equili- brium Theory. Laplace, however, has taken a different course. He calculates the attractive forces of the Sun and Moon upon the ocean, and finds them to contain constant terms and periodical terms. He states, that in consequence of the resistance and friction of the waters they would soon have assumed a form of equilibrium under the forces which are represented by the constant terms: and then, assuming this as a general dynamical principle, that the state of a system of bodies in which the primitive conditions of the motion have disappeared by the resistances it suffers is pe- riodical when the forces themselves are periodical, he obtains an expression for the height of the tide the same as that obtained from the Equilibrium Theory of Bernoulli. But there are so many assumptions in this, that we may, as far as we know a priori, as readily adopt the equilibrium theory TIDES. 583 as Laplace's we must test their accuracy by comparing their results with observations. With this laborious task many calculators and observers are at this time employed under the superintendence of Mr Whewell and Mr Lubbock: and we must look to the general empiric laws to be deduced from the enormous mass of observations that is in the pro- gress of accumulation to guide us in adopting such proper hypotheses as shall bring the subject under the dominion of analysis without materially vitiating the rigour of the approxi- mation. A most interesting Essay towards a first approxi- mation to a map of cotidal lines by Mr Whewell will be found in the Philosophical Transactions for 1833. In the present state of our knowledge of the tides we are constrained to confess that the laws we possess are only empiric. All we shall attempt in this work will be to obtain the formulæ for the calculation of the tides upon the equilibrium theory of Bernoulli. PROP. To calculate the height of the tide at any place at a given time upon Bernoulli's hypothesis. * 573. Let c, c (1+e) be the semi-axes of the prolate spheroid into the form of which the Moon attracts the Ocean a the radius of the sphere the volume of which equals that of the Earth h the elevation of the pole of the spheroid above the mean level of the sea: r the distance from the centre of any point of the surface of the ocean, and the angle r makes with the axis of the spheroid: n the angular velocity of rota- tion of the Earth about its axis: w, w, the right ascensions. of the point on the surface and of the Moon: 0, 0, their north polar distances. Hence we have c³ (1 + €) = a³, h=c(1+e) a; − .. c = a (1 − e), h = ÷ α €; ac = &h, c = ah. -ㅎ​), { '. Also r = c(1 + e cos³ Ø) = a a - 1 1 h + 3 h cos² ( ; 584 HYDRODYNAMICS. therefore height of tide at the place of which the terrestrial co-latitude and longitude are ✪ and w λ = r α 1 h (3 cos² ( − 1). Let the difference between the right ascensions of the Moon and the pole of the tidal spheroid (see Art. 572), then nt+w-w-λ is the hour angle of the pole, t being reckoned from noon; − .. cos & = cos 0 cos 0, + sin 0 sin 0, cos (nt + w - w, − λ) ; therefore height of tide = e 3h {[cos cos 0, + sin 0 sin e, cos (nt + w - w, - λ)]² - } } . Then considering 0,, the north polar distance, nearly 90º, we shall neglect cos 0,. Also we shall put 1 + cos 2 (nt + ww, λ) for 2 cos (nt +w-w, -λ); therefore height of tide = 2 → 3h {sin 0 sin²0,- + sin³0 sin²0, cos 2 (nt + ww, -λ)}, and since during a day 0, remains nearly constant, we have change in height = h sin² 0 sine, cos 2 (nt + ww, -λ). Supposing accented letters to apply to the Sun in the same way that the unaccented letters apply to the Moon, we have the whole variation in the height of the tide arising from the combined action of these two luminaries 3h sin20 sin²0, cos 2 (nt + ww, -λ) + 3 h′ sin² 0 sin² 0, cos 2 (nt + w − w,' — X'). 4 PROP. To find the time of High Tide at a given place. 574. The height of the tide at a given place (by the last Article) - = 3 sin² 0 {h sin² 0, cos 2 (nt + w - w, − λ) + h' sin² 0, cos 2 (nt + w − w, − X')}, − TIDES. 585 and when the tide is full the differential coefficient of this vanishes. We shall suppose the angular velocities of the Sun d (w, +\)__d (w' + λ') and Moon to be the same or ... 0 = h sin² 0, sin 2 (nt + w dt w, - λ) dt + h' sinº 0'sin 2 (nt + w — w,' -λ'), or 0=h sin² 0, sin 2 (nt + w − w₁ - x) — +h' sin² 0, sin 2 (nt + w - w, - λ + w, — w,' + x − x'); .. tan2(nt+w-w,− λ) = = h' sinº 0' sin 2 (w, — w, + λ' − λ) 2 h sin 0,+h'sin' 'cos 2 (w,' — w,+λ' - λ) ' It will be seen by referring to Art. 295. that the force of S the Sun on the Ocean varies as and that of the Moon as 3 M 2+3 h' S 7.3 SII³ hence h M 3 Mr M II' 13 • II, II' being the parallax of the Moon and Sun; S II \ 3 sin³0'sin 2 (w,' -w,+λ'−λ) Mn ... tan2 (nt+w-w-λ) SII\3 sin20,+ 2 sin²0,cos 2 (w/-w,+λ'—λ) Μ MII This expression shews that the time of the Moon's meri- dian passage precedes the High Tide by an interval which is not the same for all ages of the Moon. The mean of all these intervals is λ and nt + w ω, - λ is the excess of any interval above the mean: and X' A is the time of the Moon's meridian passage when A (the mean) is the interval of time between that event and high tide. The value of the interval, at any port, when the Moon is full or new is called the Establishment of the Port. - Let 0, 0, 90° or the Sun and Moon be supposed in the equator. Then the above formula leads to the following table 4 E 586 HYDRODYNAMICS. See Com- as the result of calculation compared with good observations of the time of high water made at London Docks. panion to the British Almanac, 1830. Time of Moon's Meridian Passage Time by which the Moon's Meridian Passage precedes the time of High Water. w, - w,. Observed. Calculated. h. 202 m. h. 2 m. 0 10 1 1 47 1 47 10 2 1 32 1 32 Co 3 1 18 1 17 4. 1 5 1 4 5 0 55 0 55 6 0 52 0 54 7 1 43 1 6 8 1 32 1 32 9 1 59 1 58 10 2 9 2 10 11 N 2 10 2 9 The mean of the observed results gives λ = 1 hour, 32 minutes; - and .. X'λ = 2 hours, by the Table. PROP. To calculate the tide at a Port at which the tidal wave arrives by two distinct routs. 575. We shall consider the action of the Moon only. Let n - dw, dt αλ dt =m: T the time of transmission up the TIDES. 587 11 first channel, then at the time t the tide at the port produced by the tidal wave up the first channel DM 2.3 cos 2 (nt + w - w, — X — m T) - D depending upon the height of this wave when it was at the mouth of the channel. T'the time the tidal wave takes to move to the second mouth and up the second channel: then the tide at the time t at the port arising from this second wave EM 203 - cos 2 (nt + w - w, − λ — m T′) E depending upon the height of the tidal wave when it reached the mouth of the second channel. M ༡•3 Hence the height at the port D cos 2 (nt+w-w,−λ −m T) + E cos 2 (nt+w-w,−λ-mT′) MF 703 cos 2 (nt+w-w, − λ — G), where F² = D² + E² + 2 DE cos 2 m (T′ − T), and sin 2 G D F E sin 2 m T + sin 2 m T'. F Hence F and G depend upon m and therefore on the rapidity of the Moon. If F = 0, that is, if T = T' and D - E or if it be high water at one mouth when it is low water at the other, and if the tides require the same time to reach the port after the great tidal wave has reached the first mouth, then there will be a complete interference at the port, or no tide at all, if we consider the height of the two poles of the spheroid above the mean level of the ocean to be the same. Now this is not strictly the case, the height of the pole furthest from the Moon is less (as might be shewn by a nearer approximation in Art. 557) than the other. Hence there will only be one ebb and one flow in twenty-four hours, and that very small. This * 588 HYDRODYNAMICS. singular fact has been observed at Batsham, a port of the kingdom of Tonquin, 20° 50′ north latitude. The two waves seem to come by two channels which run, one from the China seas between the continent and the island Luconia, the other from the Indian sea between the continent and the island of Borneo. (Principia, Tom. 111. Prop. 24). PROP. To determine equations for calculating the mo- tion of an incompressible fluid mass surrounding a body nearly spherical, the body having a uniform rotatory motion about a fixed axis, and the fluid being supposed to be de- ranged but very little from the state of equilibrium by very small forces. Z 576. We shall refer the fluid mass to polar co-ordinates. Let the axis of ≈ be the axis of rotation, n the angular velocity: γ the distance of any molecule at the commencement of t from the centre of gravity of the body which the fluid covers; this centre of gravity we shall suppose at rest (see Art. 428); 0, the angle between, and ≈, w, the angle between the planes rx and xx at the commencement of t. Suppose that at the end of the در rz time tr 0,, w, r,+ are become + ar, 0, + að, nt + w, + aw, a being a very small fraction of which the square and higher powers may be neglected; .. ∞ = (r, + ar) sin (0, + a0) cos (nt + w, + aw), y = (r,+ ar) sin (0, + a0) sin (nt + w + aw), ≈ = (1, + ar) cos (0, + a0.) We shall substitute the expressions in the equation of Art. 562, neglecting a,...... 2 dx α dt {sin 0, cos (nt + w,) d r d Ꮎ + r, cos 0, cos (nt + w) dt dt d w l ďx dt — r, sin 0, sin (nt + w) -afsino, - nr, sine, sin (nt + w), dt d Ꮎ d²r = asin 0, cos (nt + w,) + r, cos 0, cos (nt + w) dt2 d t² TRANSFORMATION OF EQUATIONS. 589 dr I w r, sin 0, sin (nt + w) . - n sin 0, sin (nt + w) d t² dt dw d Ꮎ - nr, cos 0, sin (nt + w) - nr, sin 0, cos (nt + w,) dt dt – n²r, sin 0, cos (nt + w,). ď² y From this we can obtain by putting w,+ nt + aw 1 2019 π for dt2 ď z w, + nt + aw, and by putting w, + nt + aw = 0 and dt2 π 0, + a0 + ď² y .*. dt² 2 for 0, + a0; {sin +r, sin 0, cos (nt + w) +nr¸cos 0¸cos (nt + w,) — n²r, sin 0, sin (nt + w), ď² r d Ꮎ =asin 0, sin (nt + w) +r, cose, sin (nt + w) dt2 df d2 ď² w dr + n sin 0, cos (nt +w,) dť dt dᎾ dw] nr, sinθ sin (nt +w,) dt dt d2 d² z α dt2 {cos e d²r d20 dw Ꮎ . -r, ›, sin 0, nr, cos dt2 10. at n²r, cos 0. dt2 Hence making the substitutions and putting Xda + Ydy + Zdz - SV for the attractions, we have Sp d²x S V Sa+ dť d'y бу dť ર ·Sy + df P = ar 280 ar³80, + ar²dw, {sin² 0, I d² d Ꮎ dw J 2n sin e, cos 0, dt dt dt I w + 2n sin 0, cos 0, do 2n dr + sin² 0 dt ༡་ dt dw n² + aor far 2nr, sin² 0, ♪ {(r, + ar) sin (0, + a0)}². dt2 dt g 590 HYDRODYNAMICS. At the external surface of the fluid we have dp = 0: more- over, in the state of equilibrium we have n² 2 8. {(r, + ar) sin (0, + a0) }² + (§ V), since r, 0, w are constant when there is equilibrium: (8V) is the value of SV corresponding to this state, it is therefore the force of gravity multiplied by the element of its direc- tion. Let g be the force of gravity, ay the small elevation of a particle of the fluid above the surface of equilibrium, which we shall consider as the true level of the sea. The variation (V) will increase by this elevation in the state of motion, by the quantity - agdy, since gravity acts nearly in the direction of y towards the origin of that line: then SV = (SV) – agdy + ad V′, where ad V' is a variation depending upon the new forces which in the state of motion act upon the particle. No 2 Likewise 8. { (r, + ar) sin (0, + a0) }² will be increased 2 by the quantity an² dyr, sin20, by means of the elevation of the particle above the level of the sea: this quantity may, however, be neglected in comparison with - agdy, because the ratio of centrifugal force to gravity at the equator, n² r g which equals. is a very small fraction, being nearly 289 Lastly, the radius, is very nearly constant at the surface of the sea, since it differs but slightly from a spherical surface; we may therefore neglect dr. Then the equation becomes, at the surface of the sea, 2 ጥ 80 J d² 0 d Ꮎ +r Sw, sin² 0, ď w df - dw 2n sine, cose, at do 2. ԴՆ dr + sin Ꮎ J' dt + în sine, cose, at = gdy + dV', the variations dy and SV being in reference to do, and dw, TRANSFORMATION OF EQUATIONS. 591 577. We shall now consider the equation relative to the continuity of the fluid. Volume of the element at the commencement of t, δω = dr, r,de, r, sine, dw, or r2 sine, dr, de, dw,. And the volume of the same element after a time t, (r,+ ar)² sin (0, + a0) d (r, + ar) d (0, + a0) d (w,+aw+nt). б But since the density of the sea is supposed to remain the same, these volumes must be the same, ·´`· (~, + ar)² sin (0, + a0) d (r, + ar) d (0, + a0) d (w,+aw+nt) = r² sine, dr, de, Sw,. We have then, by equating, expanding, and neglecting the squares and higher powers of a, 0 = r² sin [ dr d Ꮎ + dr do, dwi d w + + r² 0 cos 0, +2r, r sin 0,, dw dw d.r²r or 0 dr, fe cose, sinė, d Ꮎ + + dw, Ꮎ des Let Y and w,. be the mean depth of the sea corresponding to 0, Now since the oscillations are small we may assume that all the particles which are on any one radius, will remain on the same radius when 0,, w, change to 0, +að and w, + aw+nt: i. e. the relative change of situation of the particles will be chiefly in the direction of the radius vector. Hence the integral of the above equation is O cose, dw d Ꮎ 0 = r² r − (r ² r') + r² y + + sin 0, doj Ꮎ 2 r r dw, where () is the value of 12 at the bottom of the sea: and equals r²(") nearly; since the change in the radius of the Earth between the bottom and surface of the sea is so small. The mean depth even of the Pacific Ocean is only about of the radius of the Earth. 1 th 1000 Wherefore, 0 = r (~) + Y Je cose, dw d Ꮎ ] do + + sinə, da, des Ꮎ Now the depth of the sea corresponding to 0, + a✪ and nt + w + aw = y + a {r − (r)}. 592 HYDRODYNAMICS. Also the depth = y + dy dy α a0 + aw + ay, ão, dw, where ay is the elevation of the particle above the mean surface. x − (1) = dro+ dy Ө+ w + Y ; ᏧᎾ . dw, d.yo d. Yo Yo cose y= də, dw, sin 0, d.yesine, 1 d Ꮎ . d. yw. γω sine, dw Let cose, = d. 701-u³, d. yw Y du, dw, By means of this and equation of last Article, we have to determine the oscillations of the ocean. PROP. The depth of the sea being supposed uniform, the Earth to have no rotatory motion, and its figure to be a sphere; required to prove the stability of the Ocean. 578. By the last Article we have, since y is constant, d w Y = Y d. O√1 - µ, αμ M -Y dw d. Jd² ď w 2 d d t dⓇ y γ γ dw, d t dt άμ But if we put cose, u, in the equation of Art. 576. and = d V d V' dy dy observe that dy 80, + Sw, and 8 V' = 80, + de dw, Sw," dᎾ dw, and equate the Ꮷ Ꮎ dy dv' dy coefficients of 80, and also of ow, in that equation, we obtain (putting n = 0,) 2 g + g • dt2 ᏧᎾ . dᎾ . du. dv' 2 du, d² w dy 2 r² (1 μ²) g dt2 + dw, d V dw, STABILITY OF THE OCEAN. 593 ď² y Let these be substituted in the value of then و dť d²y gy d dy d γ d vn μ,2) d to r² dμ, 2 άμ dµ,) r² du, du d² y d² V' EY dw² y dw 2 + (1). 2 2 a — 2 1 We have already shewn (see Art. 179.) that y can be ex- panded in a series of Laplace's Coefficients of the form a { Y₂ + Y₁ + Y₂ + ...... + Y ¿ + ......} 1 2 i The part of a V' relative to the spherical stratum of fluid of which the general radius is r, or (a + ay), is by Art. 182 70 α 4 π pa² a {Y + Y₁ + } Y₂ + ... ... + 1 2 1 2 i + 1 Y₂+......} Likewise the part of a V' which depends upon the action of the Sun and Moon can be expanded in a series of Laplace's Coefficients, 0 α aVo + a U₁ + + a U; + 1 i This being premised, let us substitute the values of r₁, y, V' in the equation (1): the comparison of the similar functions U, and Y, will give ין i ¿Y, i (i + 1) #7 { (2i + 1) - * *pa)} r, − Zi (i + 1) U, . Y; + d t 2 i + 1 gy a² = . 4 πρα g Let p' be the mean density of the Earth, then cra g 11 4 πρα then putting ³ 3 Απα 3 g ررة + a² i (i + 1) gy 2 i + 1 4 F 594 HYDRODYNAMICS, and the integral of this is the above equation becomes d2 Y; ¿ 2 de + X² Y₁ = Zi (i + 1) U,, Y₁ = M¿ sin λ; t + N¿ cos λ¿ t λε a³ ¿ (i + 1) Y sin λ¡t ſU¿¡ cosλ¿ tdt i (i + 1) Y i i cos λ¿t ſU¿ sin λ¿ tdt. λ; α M; and N, being two of Laplace's Coefficients. i Y¡ When i = 0, the differential equation in Y; becomes Y a d² Y dt 0 0, ... Y₂ = M¸t + No ; 0 Yo + Y₁ + Y₂ + 1 2 = M₁t+N+ M₁ sin λ, t + N, cosλ, t 0 1 1 + M½ sin λ2 t + N₂ cos λ½ t + 2 2 -2 + M¿ sin λ; t + N¿ cos λ¿ + 2 t If the quantity M, be finite, then y will increase without any limit, and the oscillations of the sea will not be stable. But it is easy to shew that M. and N. vanish, because the mass of the fluid is constant. This condition gives f₁₂ydµdw = 0; -2π .. { J, JT { Yo + Y + Y + 。 + Y₁+ Y₂+ ......} dµdw = 0, 0 1 2 = ƒ ƒ₁₂ but by Art. 180. " Ydudw=0 when i is > 0; 1 2π i .. also, Y dudw = 0, or 4 π Y = 0, .. Y₁ = 0, 0 0 .. Mot+ No = 0. STABILITY OF THE OCEAN. 595 The stability of the sea depends then on the signs of Mr M............ λι, for if one of these be negative the value of y will have an exponential term in its expansion, and all the terms will not be periodic functions of t. The condition that this should not 3 p happen is, that 2i+1- shall not be negative for any positive integral value of i, P must not be greater than any value of 2 i + 1 3 ρ must not be greater than 1, P or the density of the sea must not be greater than the mean density of the Earth; otherwise the equilibrium of the waters of the Ocean would not be stable. 579. Laplace extends this investigation to the case where the rotatory motion of the Earth is taken into consideration and the depth of the sea is not uniform and arrives at the same result as before (Liv. IV. §. 3, also §. 13). He likewise shews in §. 14, of the second Chapter that the converse Proposition is true in many cases. The part of the oscillations which depends on the primitive state of the sea must have quickly disappeared by the resist- ances of different kinds which the waters of the Ocean suffer in their motions: so that if it were not for the action of the Sun and Moon the sea would long since have subsided into a permanent state of equilibrium. It seems pretty evident that the same would be the case if the ellipticity of the Earth and the rotatory motion were taken into account, the only permanent effect of the rotatory motion being to modify the action of the Sun and Moon and so to alter the period of the oscillations but not their nature. For these reasons we may consider the solution in Art. 578, as applicable to the case of nature. Now the experiments made by Maskelyne on the attraction of the mountain Schehallien in Scotland and by Cavendish 596 HYDRODYNAMICS. on the attraction of leaden balls shew, that the mean density of the Earth is somewhere about five times that of the sea. We are hereby assured, then, that, provided no geological convulsion change the form of the Earth's surface, no inundating catastrophe can overwhelm us, so long as matter obeys the laws which at present regulate its motion: a striking illustration of the words "hitherto shalt thou come, but no further." Job xxxviii. 11. CHAPTER III. THE MOTION OF BODIES IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 580. It is found by experiment that when bodies move in a fluid, whether incompressible or aeriform, they meet with a resistance which tends continually to diminish their velocity. In consequence of the great difficulty of making accurate ex- periments on the resistance of media and also because of the extreme complication of the analysis which prohibits our making any extensive use of the facts which are brought to light, the laws of the resistance of fluids have not yet been very satisfactorily ascertained. The general approximate law seems to be that the resist- ance on a plane surface moving with its plane at right angles to the line of motion is proportional to the extent of surface, the density of the resisting medium, and the square of the velocity taken conjointly. Some recent experiments upon the motion of boats on canals seem to indicate, that beyond a cer- tain degree of velocity this law is not even an approximation to the truth, but the simple velocity better suits the experi- ments than the square of the velocity. In a work of the nature of the present we should not have thought of entering upon this subject were it not in- timately concerned with celestial phenomena. It has been computed that Encke's comet has since its appearance in 1786 been moving round the Sun with an increasing mean motion. Encke attributes this to the resistance of a medium pervading space. We shall therefore proceed to calculate the effect that such a medium must have upon the motion of the planets, and then explain the process of calculating the per- turbation produced by this cause in the motion of comets. 598 HYDRODYNAMICS. PROP. Supposing that a resisting medium pervades the planetary spaces, and that its resistance varies as the square of the velocity, required to find the effect on the motion of the planets, supposed to describe elliptic orbits nearly circular about the Sun. 581. Let x and y be the co-ordinates to a planet and r its distance measured from the Sun: S the mass of the Sun and V d s² the resistance of the medium; V we shall consider con- dť stant, because the orbit is nearly circular and therefore the planet nearly at the same distance from the Sun, and also we shall suppose V very small. The equations of motion are ď²x Sx ds² dx ď³y Sy ds² dy V - V d t2 203 dt2 ds dt2 203 dt ds dx dy multiply by 2 and 2 add, and integrate, dt dt ds2 2S C+ 2 V dt2 Sv 1° Tv ds 3 df³ dt. But in the instantaneous ellipse (Arts. 350, 352), the first differential coefficients are the same as in the actual orbit, because the contact of this ellipse with the orbit is of the first order; hence 2S S ds² グ ​(L d t² C + in ellipse (2 a = axis-major) 2S 1* 2 f Sv ds3 dt, dt3 1 C 2 ds3 dt; a S d t³ da 2 a² V ds3 2 a² VS dt S dt PLANETS IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 599 d2y £² x dy Again, x Vx Y dt2 d t² dy but in the ellipse x S dt y dx ds dt dt dt' dx Y √ S'a (1 − e²) ; dt α 1 d√a (1 − e²) ds V a (1 − e²) dt dt d.a (1 − e²) dt ds · = − 2a (1 − 2a (1 − e²) V dt de 1 - e² 2 V dt e Also, since performing the differentiation, and substituting, α ds 2 V 1 − e² e α S (1) (1) (-1)* a (1 − e²) dt = 1 + e cos (0 −w), ጥ d w dt 1 - e² re sin (0 – ₪) da 2 a 1 de + dt r sin (0 – ₪) cot (0 - w e dt 2 V ds sin (0 – ₪) e dt' after all reductions. 582. Since the orbit is nearly circular we shall neglect e³, e³………: hence v = a {1 e cos (0 – w)}; dt 22 a (Art. 242.) | – - 2 e cos (0-)}; do h S .. nt = 0 - To 2e sin (0 – ☎), t being reckoned from the perihelion passage; da Hence dt @= nt + 2e sin nt. 2 V √ Sa {1 + 3 e cos (0 – w)} 2 V na² {1 + 3 e cos nt}; ... a = const. - 2 Va² {nt + 3e sin nt}. N 600 HYDRODYNAMICS. Hence the effect of the medium is to diminish the mean distance by 4π Va² during each successive revolution, and 2 therefore to increase the mean motion by 6π Vna. n, which ✓ α de 2 V na Also {1-e-1-ecos (0)} {1+ e cos (0 –w)} dt e Vna { 2 cos (0 – w) + e[3 + cos 2 (0 – π)]} Vna {2 cos nt + e (1 + 3 cos 2 n t) } ; ...e const. Va {2 sin nt + e (nt + sin 2nt)}. = ½ Hence the eccentricity is diminished during each revolu- tion by 2π Vae. dw 2 V na 1 + e² + 2 e cos (A Lastly, sin (0-w = w)}} dt 1 - e² e - nA₁ sinnt. n A₂ sin 2 nt + A1, A2...being functions of V, a, and e; .. ☎ = const. + A₁ cos nt + ¦ A₂ cos 2nt +... hence during a revolution is unaffected, or the axis major remains stationary. 583. The variations of the elements of the planetary orbits calculated on the principles of Chapter VI. of DYNAMICS on the Planetary Theory give the position of the planets very accurately: hence the variations arising from a resisting me- dium, if one exist, are insensible in the motion of the planets: hence V is extremely small. But V varies directly as the density of the medium and inversely as the mass of the body acted on, consequently although the medium produces no effect on the motion of the planets, yet its influence on the comets may be sensible, since their mass is extremely small, Art. 491. 584. In order to apply the variations in Art. 581, to find the change in a comet's orbit, we must use the method PLANETS IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 601 of quadratures; that is, we must calculate the differential co- efficients for values of the elements at certain instants not far apart, and then multiply these results by the respective inter- vals of time between these instants and add them all together: see Mr Airy's Translation of Encke's Dissertation on his comet in the Astronomische Nachrichten, Nos. 210, 211. The result deduced in Art. 582, with respect to the po- sition of the perihelion is true for all orbits, as there shewn, 1 G CONCLUSION. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 585. THE perpetual recurrence of similar phenomena under similar circumstances suggests the idea, that the mate- rial world is regulated in its movements by laws, that the changes and vicissitudes we witness, whether in the heavens or in the planet we inhabit, are not the results of mere chance and caprice, but spring from the secret influence and oper- ation of certain principles and properties with which matter is endowed. The ordinary observer cannot fail to trace in many instances the connexion between one set of phenomena and another; as for example the relation between the length of the day and the interval of time which elapses between the times of high tide; the connexion which this bears with the position of the Sun and Moon in the heavens: then again the analogy which exists between the notion that the Sun and Moon have an affinity for the waters of the Ocean, and the fact that terrestrial bodies are drawn towards the Earth when left to themselves. In this way our conception of order and regularity in the changes of the natural world is strengthened, and by carrying on our researches we begin to discover that many effects, which seemed to be independent of each other and linked by no natural connexion, are collateral results of one and the same principle. Our object in the present Chapter is to gather the ar- guments which convince us of the truth of the Theory of Universal Gravitation, arranging them in order and present- ing them under one view. By the labours of philosophers extended over a long period of time the celestial phenomena UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 603 have been traced to the action of a few simple laws. These laws we have pointed out in the course of this work. 586. All our knowledge of external objects is the result of experience; by experience we accumulate facts, and by the comparison and classification of facts we are led through a process of induction to the discovery of the general laws from the operation of which these facts spring merely as limited and individual results. Experience teaches us that bodies, when left to themselves and when unresisted by external objects, fall downwards. This constant tendency downwards in preference to any other direction suggests the first idea of an affinity which one por- tion of matter has for other portions. The greatness of the size of the Earth when compared with that of any body upon which we can perform experiments sufficiently accounts for the fact, that bodies do not appear to influence each other. Experiments shew, however, that when two bodies are placed at rest and near each other on the surface of a fluid (under which circumstances the least possible resistance is offered to their mo- tion) they will begin to move and finally come in contact. Also Cavendish's experiments with leaden balls prove the same. Let us examine the consequences to which this conception of an attractive property of matter leads us. 587. The examination of numerous experiments led us to conceive that the following laws regulate the motion of bodies; That a body in motion will continue in motion and move uniformly in a straight line when not acted on by ex- ternal forces; and That when a force acts upon a body in motion the change in motion is the same as if the force acted on the body originally at rest (Arts. 195, 208). Now the bodies of the Solar System do not move in straight lines. The laws just enunciated shew, then, that these bodies are acted on by external forces; and, since we have seen that a principle of attraction does prevail in matter on the Earth's surface, we are fully justified in adopting as an hypothesis, to stand or fall by the comparison of calculated results with the observed phenomena, that this principle of attraction prevails throughout the Universe. We shall now enquire into the nature of this force of attraction. 604 CONCLUSION. 588. It is by a combination of the first and second laws of motion that we calculate by the use of mathematical symbols the relations connecting the path described by a body moving in space and the forces which act upon the body. In order, then, to discover the nature of the forces we must examine the nature of the orbit described by the body. Kepler has fur- nished us with the necessary facts respecting the configuration of the Solar System; he deduced them from observations made upon the motion of the planets. These, as we shall shew, incontrovertibly strengthen the testimony in favour of the uni- versal gravitation of matter, and moreover point out the law of variation of the attraction. The following are the laws which Kepler discovered: they are very nearly verified in the Solar System. Each planet describes an ellipse about the Sun, the Sun. being in one of the foci. The areas described by the radius-vector of each planet about the Sun vary as the times of describing them. The squares of the periodic times of the planets about the Sun bear to each other the same relation as the cubes of their mean distances. These laws have been shewn to hold for the satellites re- volving about their primaries if small inequalities be neglected. The same gravitating principle therefore that retains (as we shall see) the planets in their orbits about the Sun, binds the satellites to their primaries. 589. The Sun's magnitude is very enormous in compa- rison with that of the other heavenly bodies; also the mutual distances of the heavenly bodies are never very small in com- parison with their distance from the Sun: this is shewn by astronomical observations which are independent of all theory. For this reason we may neglect, at least for a first approxima- tion, the mutual action of the heavenly bodies in comparison with the action of the Sun upon them. Also the diameters of the Sun and planets bear a very small ratio to the distances of the planets from the Sun : therefore we shall not be very far from the truth if we consider the Sun and planets as intense particles, condensed into their centres. If we adopt this sup- position, Kepler's second law proves, that the forces acting on UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 605 the planets pass through the Sun's centre (Art. 257): and con- sequently confirms the notion of a principle of attraction, and shews that the attraction of the planets, as we have supposed, is far more feeble than the attraction of the Sun. Kepler's first law proves that the attraction between the Sun and planets varies in intensity inversely as the square of the distance of the bodies. The third law shews that, not only must the force on each planet pass through the Sun's centre, and the law of at- traction be the same; but the intensity of the attractive force on each planet must be the same at the same distance for every planet. 590. Thus far then the laws which Kepler discovered to prevail in the Solar System give great weight to the evidence in favour of the universality of the principle of attraction; and moreover they point out the law of variation of the at- traction when the distance varies, and shew that it is the in- verse square of the distance. But we have hitherto considered the heavenly bodies to be merely intense particles, whereas the diameter of the Earth is nearly 8000 miles, and that of the Sun between 800,000 and 900,000 miles. And, moreover, we are convinced that it is not the centres alone of the heavenly bodies that attract, since Dr Maskelyne ascertained by ob- servations on the stars made near the mountain Shehallien, in Scotland, that the direction of the plumb line was affected by the attraction of the mountain, and consequently the Earth's attraction is not accurately directed towards its centre. The same is likewise proved by measuring degrees of latitude near the pole and equator. It becomes necessary, then, to enquire more minutely into the legitimacy of the hypothesis we have adopted in Art. 589. 591. The force of the objection, that all the particles of a body attract and not the centres only, will be considerably weakened by referring to Art. 165, in which we proved that a mass of matter composed of particles attracting according to a certain law will have nearly the same attraction for a distant body as if we considered the particles to be condensed into their common centre of gravity. But upon a further examina- tion we find that the objection is, as far as the accuracy of our results in this stage of the question is concerned, quite 606 CONCLUSION. removed. For in the Article following that last cited we shew, that the law of attraction of the constituent particles and the resultant law of attraction are always the same. But the re- sultant law is that of the inverse square of the distance, as we have proved by Kepler's laws: this, then, is the law of attraction of the constituent particles. If we turn now to Art. 153, we shall find that the inverse square of the distance is one of those three laws of attraction which give accurately the same resultant for a spherical shell as if we conceive it condensed into its centre. When we bear in mind, then, that astronomical obser- vations have proved that the figures of the Sun and planets and their satellites do not differ much from spheres, the objection which arises from effecting the calculations of the motion of the heavenly bodies on the hypothesis of their being intense particles is entirely removed. 592. We come, then, to this conclusion, that, if we neglect the minute errors which accurate observations on the heavenly bodies detected in Kepler's laws, if we neglect the errors arising from the deviation of the figures of these bodies from spheres, and the probable variation of density in their interior, of which we have made no account, then the only simple hypothesis which will account for the phenomena is, that all particles of the universe attract each other with a force which varies inversely as the square of the distance and di- rectly as the mass of the attracting particle. It remains to be seen whether this law, simple as it is, will upon effecting the calculations give correct numerical results for the test of a theory consists in a comparison of the exact results to which it leads with the observed phe- nomena; and not solely in its power of explaining the nature of the phenomena. 593. Now the calculations of the position of the planets made upon this hypothesis of their gravitating towards the Sun with a force directly as their mass and inversely as the square of their distance from the Sun are found to agree very well with the observed positions, if the calculations extend over only a few years. After the lapse however of a con- siderable interval of time, as a century, minute crrors are UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 607 detected in the calculations, and they are then found not to agree exactly with the observed positions of the planets. But this disagreement is in fact precisely what we should have anticipated, since if the principle of gravitation be universal the planets would attract each other and conse- quently disturb the elliptic motion and the equable description of areas; likewise the deviation of the figures of the planets from perfect sphericity and their heterogeneous structure give rise to additional errors. An idea of the extreme small- ness of the perturbations may be learned from the fact, that if we trace on paper an ellipse ten feet in diameter to represent the orbit in which the Earth is moving at any instant about the Sun, and if we trace by its side the path actually described in its revolution round the Sun, the difference be- tween the original ellipse and the curve actually described is so excessively minute, that the nicest examination with micro- scopes, continued along the outlines of the two curves, would hardly detect any perceptible interval between them: Herschel's Astronomy. 594. Our next enquiry should therefore be whether the magnitudes of the minute deviations from elliptic motion accord with the calculations effected on the hypothesis of the universality of the gravitation of matter. And here we enter upon an investigation so complicated and depending upon such a variety of disturbing causes all in simultaneous operation, that it is desirable to seek for a compendious method of treating the subject. The course we shall pursue is exactly the reverse of that we have hitherto followed: for we shall now assume the truth of the Law of Universal Gravitation and calculate by means of mathematical reasoning the phenomena which would result from the operation of this Law in combination with the Laws of Motion. In adopting this method we entirely disentangle ourselves from the multitude of difficulties which were sur- rounding us; we have not now to consider the influence which this or that observed fact may have upon our calculations ; we no longer have to modify our original notions upon each discovery: we commence entirely anew, and assuming the Laws of Motion and of Universal Gravitation we investigate by 608 CONCLUSION. means of the rigorous and infallible engine of mathematical calculation, the phenomena which would naturally arise from the action of these laws. The complete accordance which is found to exist, in all the instances submitted to this test, between the calculated and the observed phenomena of the Solar System is the surest proof of the truth of the assumed laws. We were unable to proceed in this way from the begin- ning since mathematical reasoning is incapable of application. unless we have laws to reason upon: and in consequence of the number and complexity of the observed facts, it was impossible, a priori, even to conjecture, that the law of at- traction was that of the inverse square of the distance. But having been led by a process of induction step by step to this great principle, we descend through a process of deduc- tion to examine its consequences, and so in the end incon- trovertibly to establish its truth. So strong is the evidence in its favour, and so firm the basis on which it rests, that in many cases we attribute slight discrepancies to errors in the observations rather than in the assumed law. 595. Notwithstanding what we have said of the advan- tage of considering the subject in this point of view, it must not be denied that great difficulties beset our path in effecting the mathematical calculation. Were it not indeed for the peculiar configuration of our system, the enormous pre- ponderance of the mass of the Sun over that of the planets, the grouping of the heavenly bodies into clusters consisting of a primary and its satellites, the mass of the central body greatly exceeding that of its attendants, were it not for these peculiar arrangements the calculation would baffle the powers of analysis. It must not be imagined, however, that these difficulties are such as to vitiate the results to which they lead us : they add to the labour of the calculation, but do not subtract from their certainty; since we may by successive approximation arrive within an inappreciable distance of the exact results. 596. The motion of a body moving freely in space consists of two parts, one a motion of translation from one UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 609 situation to another, and the other a motion of rotation: and these may be considered independently of each other; for the motion of the centre of gravity would be precisely the same if the whole mass were concentrated in that point, and all the forces which act upon the body were transferred to the same point: and the motion of rotation would be the same if the centre of gravity were held at rest. These principles we have proved in Arts. 428, 429, 474, 475 and they enable us to divide the investigation of the motion of the planets and other heavenly bodies into two branches, which we shall consider separately. 597. The forces which act upon a heavenly body are the attractions of the Sun, planets, satellites, and comets upon every particle of its mass, and the resistance of the medium in which the body moves. But in consequence of the enormous magnitude of the Sun in comparison of that of the other bodies, and in con- sequence also of the tenuity of the medium which pervades the planetary spaces, the great preponderating force is the attraction of the Sun: and since the figure of the Sun differs but little from a sphere, and since the same is likewise true of the other bodies of the solar system, it follows, that the resultant of all the forces which act upon the various par- ticles of the body, the motion of which we are considering, when transferred to the centre of gravity of the body will differ very slightly from a force varying as the sum of the masses of the Sun and body divided by the square of the distance of their centres: the small additional forces arc called disturbing forces. 598. Now if the disturbing forces did not exist, the centres of the bodies of the Solar System would each move in a conic section: and all the orbits would have one common focus in the Sun's centre: (Art. 252.) But in consequence of the disturbing forces slight deviations from these paths will arise which it will be necessary to calculate. Lagrange has put the subject in a most lucid point of view. Let us imagine the disturbing forces to cease acting, the centre of the body would ever after move in a conic section, the magnitude and position of which would depend 4 H 610 CONCLUSION. upon the state of things at the instant the disturbing forces ceased to act. Now this curve and the path actually described have a common tangent, and the velocity at the instant under con- sideration is the same as that in the conic section calculated according to the principles of elliptic motion. For these rea- sons we may suppose that for an instant the body is moving in the conic section, the elements of its position and magni- tude depending upon the time. And in short the entire motion of the centre of the body may be represented by sup- posing it to move in a conic section, of which the elements are subject to continual variation. The paths of all the heavenly bodies (with the exception perhaps of some of the comets) are nearly elliptical, and the ellipses in which they are moving at any instant are called the instantaneous ellipses. We thus reduce the calculation of the motion of the heavenly bodies to that of the elements of the instantaneous ellipse in which the body is moving at the instant we wish to calculate the position of the body. Nothing remains to be done after this, but to substitute the values of these elements in the expressions of the radius vector, latitude, and longitude. See DYNAMICS, Chap. vi. 599. When a number of small disturbing forces act upon a body and alter its motion the aggregate effect is very nearly equal to the algebraical sum of the separate effects which they would produce if they acted independently of each other. For the real effect differs from this sum merely by the effect which the disturbing forces produce in modifying each others action, and must consequently be of the second order of magnitude, and therefore so trifling as to be inappreciable except in ex- treme cases. (Art. 288.) This principle we find of vast im- portance since it greatly facilitates the calculations. 600. In order to determine the elliptic elements of a heavenly body corresponding to any instant, we investigate their value in terms of a small arbitrary disturbing force expressed in general symbols, as will be seen by turning to Chapter vi, of DYNAMICS. The various disturbing forces are then calculated and substituted singly in the formula which give the variations 1 UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 611 of the elements: and the variations being added together with their correct signs the whole variation is known: the value of each element being then determined we are prepared to apply the formulæ of Arts. 278, 280, already mentioned. Having thus explained the analytical machinery, so to speak, which we make use of in order to calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, we must shew how the results of the calculation bear comparison with the observed phenomena. 601. The planets are subject to perturbations of two kinds; both depending upon their reciprocal action; a full explanation of these will be found in Art. 377. They are termed periodic variations and secular variations. Some of these remarkably prove the correctness of the principles which have guided the calculations, such as the great inequality of Jupiter and Saturn, which at one time was the great stumbling block in the way of receiving Newton's theory of gravitation, but which Laplace so entirely removed by shewing that the defect lay in the analysis and not in the principle of gravita- tion: again the inequality of the Earth and Venus discovered by Mr Airy as clearly demonstrates the truth of the law of gravitation, especially when we consider the extreme minute- ness of this error and the complex character of the analysis. (Art. 376). There is a remarkable perturbation in the motion of the Moon arising from the secular inequality of the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit: it is called the Secular Acceleration of the Moon's mean motion. It had been observed by Halley, upon comparing together the records of the most ancient lunar eclipses of Chaldean Astronomers with those of modern times, that the periodic time of the Moon about the Earth is now sensibly shorter than it was at that distant epoch. This result was confirmed by a further comparison of both sets of obser- vations with those of the Arabian Astronomers of the eighth and ninth centuries; and it was proved that the mean motion is increasing by about 11" per century, a quantity small in itself, but becoming of importance by the accumulation of ages. This had long been a stumbling block to mathema- ticians, and so difficult did it appear to render an exact account of it, that the theory of gravity was declared to be 612 CONCLUSION. inadequate satisfactorily to remove the difficulty by explain- ing the cause of the phenomena. It was in this dilemma that the penetrating sagacity of Laplace was once more called into action to rescue Physical Astronomy from its reproach. If the solar ellipse were invariable the alternate dilatation and contraction of the lunar orbit would, in the course of a great many revolutions of the Sun, at length bring about an exact compensation in the distance and peri- odic time of the Moon. But the solar ellipse is not invariable, its eccentricity has been decreasing since the earliest ages, and will continue to do so till the orbit becomes a circle, after which epoch the orbit. will again dilute and increase in eccentricity. It was from this variation of the eccentricity of the solar orbit that Laplace shewed that the variation in the Moon's mean motion arose. This phenomenon is a very striking instance of the propagation of a periodic inequality from one part of a system to another. The masses of the planets are too small and their distances from the Earth are too great for their difference of action on the Earth and Moon ever to become sensible. Yet their effect on the Earth's orbit is propagated (as we have seen) through the Sun to the Moon's orbit; and, what is very remarkable, the transmitted effect thus indirectly produced on the angle described by the Moon round the Earth is more sensible to observation than that directly produced by them on the angle described by the Earth round the Sun. 602. But without adding more suffice it to say, that the calculations of the inequalities of the planets and of Jupiter's satellites is arrived at such a degree of precision, as to agree exactly with the observations, omitting only unavoidable in- strumental errors. 603. Again in the Lunar Theory, we have many proofs of the truth of Newton's law (Arts. 341–346). The Variation, the Evection, and Annual Equation, the motion of the perigee and node all agree in their numerical results with observation : numerous other inequalities, a few of which are mentioned in Art. 346, give additional evidence in support of our theory. 604. Likewise the calculation of the motion of comets very remarkably agrees with observation. The time of the UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 613 re-appearance of Halley's Comet in the year 1835, after an absence of 76 years, was predicted correctly within nine days of its actual appearance! A most astonishing fact, when we con- sider that the light of the comet is diminishing, and that con- sequently we could not expect to have the time of re-appearance very accurately calculated. 605. In short, when we consider the simplicity of the law to which we are led, the variety and different characters of the tests we use, the labyrinth of calculations through which we have to wind our way, and the exact character of the results upon which any reliance can be placed, we are irresistably constrained to admit, that no theory has ever been based upon a firmer foundation than that of Universal Gravitation. In many instances, if the law departed in the slightest degree from that of the inverse square, inequalities, which are now calcu- lated numerically in the theory and agree with observation, would not give results near the truth: this is the case with the motion of the Moon's perigee. 606. But we have hitherto gathered our evidence solely from the motion of the heavenly bodies considered as intense particles: when, however, we descend deeper into the conse- quences of the law of gravity and enquire into the minute errors caused by the attraction of the various particles which form the masses of the heavenly bodies, we obtain an accession of sound arguments in favour of Universal Gravitation. 607. By measuring degrees of latitude as near as possible to the pole and equator it is found that they increase in length as we pass from the equator to the pole; this shews that the vertical lines (or normal lines) to the Earth's surface are less and less inclined to each other as we proceed towards the pole from the equator. We learn from this that the form of the Earth is not spherical, but flattened at the poles: and when the calculations and observations are combined, the geodetic measures shew that the Earth is very nearly spheroidal, having an ellipticity This is a result not of theory but observa- tion and trigonometrical calculations. 1 306* 608. With this fact to guide us we entered upon an enquiry whether this form were given to the Earth in a fluid or semi-fluid state, since we easily see a priori that the rota- 614 CONCLUSION. tory motion would, in that case, cause the parts near the equator to bulge. We proved in Art. 525, that this would not give the proper numerical value of the ellipticity if we suppose that the mass of the Earth were homogeneous, an hy- pothesis in itself highly improbable, since the pressure of the upper strata must produce a condensation of the lower: also it is contrary to the results of Maskelyne's and Cavendish's results respecting the mean density of the Earth. We here have then a negative argument in favour of gravitation. We therefore proceeded (Art. 531.) to investigate the figure of the Earth upon the hypothesis that it consists of strata differing but little from spherical shells (an hypothesis extremely pro- bable, since the ellipticity of the surface is by observations), and increasing in density towards the centre according to an unknown law. The result we arrived at was, that the form of all the shells is spheroidal, decreasing in ellipticity towards the centre (Art. 535). An equation was obtained for calcu- lating the ellipticity of the surface, when the law of density was discovered: this law we obtained upon hydrostatic prin- ciples in terms of arbitrary constants (Art. 545), and having determined the values of one of these constants by means of the facts given us by Maskelyne and Cavendish respecting the mean density of the Earth, we reduced to numbers the for- mula for the ellipticity and obtained a result, according most remarkably with that given by geodetic measurements. 1 306 609. As a further test we reduced to numbers the for- mula for the precession of the equinoxes, which had been previously calculated in Arts. 463—470, and obtained a result according with remarkable exactness with the observed pre- cession (Art. 551). 610. Laplace calculated the errors caused in the latitude. and longitude of the Moon by the bulging portion of the Earth at the equator, and obtained results very closely agree- ing with those we have given above (see Art. 346). 611. Also pendulum experiments give, by the formula of Art. 539, an ellipticity according very well with the other values. 612. It will be readily granted, then, that we have an abundance of evidence (and more might be given) to justify UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 615 the conviction, that not only the heavenly bodies attract each other with forces varying as the attracting mass and inversely as the square of the distance, but that the individual particles of which they are composed attract according to the same law. 613. The theory of the Tides is at present in so imper- fect a state, that we must not look for evidence in that quarter. Nevertheless some of the observations collected by Mr Whewell and Mr Lubbock seem to indicate that the force of attraction of the Moon in raising the waters varies inversely as the cube of the distance, the theoretical law according to the theory of gravitation (Art. 574). 614. We may well draw this epitome to a conclusion in the words of Sir John Herschel. "There is one feature in physical astronomy which renders it remarkable among the sciences, and has been the chief, if not the only, source of the perfection it has attained. It is this, that the fundamental law embracing all the minutiae of the phenomena so far as we yet know them, presents itself at once, on the consideration of broad features and general facts, deduced by observations of even a rude and imperfect kind, in such a form as to require no modification, extension, or addition when applied to minute detail. In other sciences, when an induction of a moderate extent has led us to the knowledge of a law which we conceive. to be general, the further progress of our enquiries frequently obliges us either to limit its extent or modify its expression. ...In physical astronomy, however,...our first conclusion is our last. The law on which all its phenomena depend flows. naturally and easily from the simplest among them, as pre- sented by the rudest observation; and, in point of fact, such has really been the order of investigation in this science. The rude supposition of the uniform revolution of the Moon in a circle about the Earth as a centre led Newton at once to the true law of gravity, as extending from the Earth to its companion. The uniform circular motions of the planets about the Sun, in times following the progression assigned by observation in Kepler's rule, confirmed the law, and ex- tended its influence to the boundaries of our system. Every thing more refined than this, the elliptic motions of the planets and satellites-their mutual perturbations, the slow changes 616 CONCLUSION. of their orbits and motion denominated secular variations, the deviation of their figures from the spherical form, the oscil- latory motions of their axes which produce nutation and the precession of the equinoxes, the theory of the tides both of the ocean and the atmosphere have all in succession been so many trials for life and death in which this law has been, as it were, pitted against nature; trials, of which the event no human foresight could predict, and where it was impossible even to conjecture what modifications it might be found to need." Enc. Met. Physical Astronomy, p. 647. P2 B P P A 2. A ->Q2 R=P+Q1 7. R 12. PO+R 17. B F B B B S P 8. P P=Q+R B M G W Ba 13. ba 18. 3. B D R 03 P3 S B F 4. 5. A F 9. m Pr 727 Σ a P A P R B E P R a Z B P2 P3 P4 10. P2 11. P4 Ps A B m2 B A P5 PI P3 P6 C B P Pa B A 14. 19. a P M A 15. a R a 20 E F A3 A2 A D B 21. AE B PQ R P3 R P2 16. X Z Z Y Z 22. G ED A H F n P Basire, Sailp 23 G M H B P 28 M B MM W W 36 33 33 24 25 27 D 26 G Q A M B G E A H B D A MMG B H P A N Z MW о 38 P B N N" OP M க M d W 29 tou a2 +3 34 39 B A в Фогш P Po Nd as B 72 F 31 30 B W W E 35 OP E E R W T PO 40 A x B 073 172 B 42 16 OP W 41 OP ba P PQ 32 37 Plate II. 43 xx 122 B W BE Ow OP A W Ja Basie fap R 2 P 44 W R b d W B a H L A E K 53 D A 45 55 B 0 C b a 56 K Is 54 P 46 >P A' G PV H P T W R B F A K E B PIA 47 Gu a A D B B M C: T E 57 58 F P A A M 59 P R a W W W TA 48 译 ​G4 49 50 51 A Plate III GS G6 G7 52 L F Tr a 61 Bo 60 62 63 R H P R P de M W JG A d k h G W C B As Ps A R P W B Ja Basira 64 G W A Re A M 71 65 ED B B 6 12. A A A D C 76 t BSP A W=Mg A- 66 45 B Q A 72 B 2b B' 67 B A 6 A C M N A B 68 69 73 D S 74 B S W P A 79 80 78 77 α E B 81 M L SM a S P 82 M A M A E -K α M 83 w Y E S E 9 S E 84 S C N M N 85 86 E R 70 F R R Plate IV 75 AO OB PO 87 S a 88 Ja Basire. sc. N M 0 AAO 89 m E M S. A R 94 T P P R 102 E M P C F O B A h P G 103 A E C 108 B 90 91 A 95 96 P PP A. C N A 104 109 110 M TU M a M N Z A B y K b 92 N 77 93 M B B A B M' A 2 πT 97 Z, I S A N 105 y 99 98 P 100 M A A 114 B & 711 G K O A C D B 712 04 106 K P K B O A 107 Plate V 101 P G B 113 Ja Basire se UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06706 4215 B 447342