DUPL B 431046 ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN · PLURIBUS UNUM TUEBOR SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE TN 665 P56 Save Me noc. 146 ELEMENTS OF 4.17.5 3. GENERAL LIBRAR University c MICHIGAN METALLURG Y. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE ART OF EXTRACTING METALS FROM THEIR ORES. ohn BY J. ARTHUR PHILLIPS, M. INST. C.E., F.G.S., F.C.S., ETC., ANCIEN ÉLÈVE DE L'ÉCOLE DES MINES DE PARIS; 'A MANUAL OF METALLURGY,' THE MINING AND METALLURGY OF GOLD AND SILVER,' ETC. 1874 AUTHOR OF ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, STATIONERS' HALL COURT. 1874. [The Right of Translation is reserved.] LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND sons, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. 30 OS MON PREFACE. ' THE First Edition of the Author's Manual of Metallurgy' appeared in 1852, the second in 1854, and the third in 1858. Up to the last of these dates no other work on this subject had been published in England; but we have since had the excellent volumes of Dr. Percy, and a translation of Professor Kerl's Metallurgy, with additious, by Messrs. Crookes and Röhrig. A treatise on the 'Metallurgy of Iron,' by W. Truran, is also before the public, as well as an admirable manual on the same subject by H. Bauerman; two small but useful volumes on the Metallurgy of Copper, Lead and Silver, by Dr. R. H. Lamborn, forming a portion of 'Weale's Rudimentary Series,' and various other works of a somewhat similar character, have from time to time been published within the last fifteen years. The student has, therefore, within his reach a considerable number of metallurgical books in the English language; but some of them are large and consequently expensive, while others confine themselves to the metallurgy of one of the metals only. No well-illustrated treatise in a single volume has, however, appeared, describing with any considerable detail the metallur- gical operations relating to all the principal metals, and at the same time serving as an introduction to the general literature of metallurgy. The object of the present work is to supply, within mode- rate limits, such practical information on general principles, and typical processes, as may not only afford a comprehensive view of the subject, but also enable the reader to study with advantage more elaborate treatises and original memoirs. The information generally is, as far as practicable, brought up to the present time. In order to do this, various works on metallurgy, as well a 2 iv PREFACE. as numerous papers dispersed through the different English and foreign scientific journals, have been consulted. Recourse has also been had to notes which, during the last twenty years, have been made by the Author, both at home and abroad. These principally refer to the Metallurgy of Copper, Lead, Silver, and Gold. In the case of each of the more important metals, the different ores from which they are respectively obtained are enumerated and described, while statistics of their distribution and production in various parts of the world are also added. Much information relative to the distribution of iron ore has been derived from Bauerman's Metallurgy of Iron'; in the case of the other metals the statistics have either been obtained from official sources, or compiled from the most trustworthy information available. For returns relative to the production of France and of the United States of America, we are indebted respectively to Professor Daubrée, of the Ecole des Mines, Paris, and to Professor B. Silli- man, of Yale College, Connecticut. A great difficulty experienced in collecting statistics relative to the metal-production of the world arises from the fact that ores raised in one country are frequently subjected to metallurgical treatment in another, and the produce is, in the majority of instances, returned by both. Allowance for such double returns has, when practicable, been made, but the complete elimination of error arising from this cause would be exceedingly difficult. Sometimes no precise figures have been available, and in such cases estimates founded on the best procurable data have been substituted. Both the wet and dry methods of assaying are given with considerable detail, and when, as in the case of ironstones, the value of an ore is materially affected by the nature and quantity of the impurities present, the processes employed for their detection and estimation are fully described. The principal works, in addition to those already mentioned, to which the Author wishes to acknowledge his obligations, are the following: Gruner and Lan, ‘Métallurgie du Fer en Angleterre,' published in the Annales des Mines; Gruner, 'De l'Acier et de sa Fabrication,' also published in the Annales des Mines; Jordan, Métallurgie du Fer au pays de Siegen,' published in De Kuyper's Revue Universelle; Dana's 'System of Mineralogy,' and Watts's 'Dictionary of Chemistry.' Many other books and papers have necessarily been consulted; but the several sources from which PREFACE. V information has been derived will be found duly acknowledged in the text. Of the illustrations a large number are new, and have been reduced by Mr. W. J. Welch from working drawings, a few only having been retained from the 'Manual of Metallurgy.' Some have been obtained from foreign sources, particularly from draw- ings published by the Technical Institute of Berlin under the title of Sammlung von Zeichnungen für die Hütte.' Others have been reproduced from papers published in the Transactions of various societies; a few have been reduced from Truran's draw- ings; and some six or eight have, with the kind permission of the Author, been adapted from Percy's 'Metallurgy.' ( The woodcuts have been drawn to scale, and a sufficient number of dimensions are generally given to render easy the determination of any others that may be required. The Author has much pleasure in acknowledging his obliga- tions to Mr. W. Hutchison for information relative to lead-smelting at Couëron, to Professor Ulrich for a description of the process employed at Oker for the extraction of silver and gold from copper by sulphuric acid, and to Ober-Berg- und Hütten-Director Leuschner for drawings of the large blast-furnace at Mansfeld, and for valuable information relative to the various processes employed in that establishment. His thanks are likewise due to Mr. F. W. Rudler for his able assistance during the time. this volume has been passing through the press. CRESSINGTON PARK, AIGBURTH. June, 1874. TABLE OF CONTENTS. COLOUR OPACITY AND LUSTRE HARDNESS · SPECIFIC GRAVITY CRYSTALLISATION MALLEABILITY DUCTILITY. TENACITY 8 • INTRODUCTION. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS. PAGE 8 FUSIBILITY ∞ ∞ ∞ PAGE 11 ELASTICITY AND SONOROUSNESS 12 9 ODOUR AND TASTE 12 9 POWER OF CONDUCTING HEAT 13 9 CAPACITY FOR HEAT 13 · 10 EXPANSION BY HEAT 13 • 11 VOLATILITY 13 11 ALLOYS 13 • FUEL. CALORIFIC POWER OF FUEL 16 PREPARATION OF CHARCOAL IN PILES Calorific Power of Carbon 18 OR STACKS 51 Carbonic Oxide 19 CHARRING IN FURNACES OR KILNS 57 "" "" Hydrogen 19 PEAT-CHARCOAL OR PEAT-COKE 61 "" "" Berthier's Process for estimating the CHARRING IN HEAPS 62 Calorific Power of Fuel ANALYSIS OF FUEL, &C. 19 OVENS 63 CALORIFIC INTENSITY OF FUEL 23 COKE 65 24 CARBONISATION IN HEAPS 66 ESTIMATION OF ASH 24 COKING IN MOUNDS 67 HYGROMETRIC WATER 25 RECTANGULAR KILNS 68 • "" SULPHUR 25 "" OVENS 71 CARBON AND HYDROGEN 26 IMPROVED COKE-OVENS 76 NITROGEN 26 Breckon and Dixon's Ovens 76 OXYGEN 26 Anchor Oven 79 LITHARGE EXPERIMENTS 27 COLLECTION OF TAR, &C., FROM COKE- Wood 29 OVENS 80 PEAT OR TURF 33 Silesia 80 • COAL LIGNITE OR BROWN COAL 38 Pauwel's and Dubochet's Oven 81 39 Pernolet's Coke-Oven 82. BITUMINOUS COAL CANNEL COAL ANTHRACITE EFFECT OF HEAT ON FUELS • PREPARATION OF ARTIFICIAL FUELS CHARCOAL. 43 COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF COKE 88 47 WASTE HEAT FROM COKE-OVENS 88 48 CHARRING OF BROWN COAL 89 48 GASEOUS FUEL 90 영영 ​50 SIEMENS'S GAS-PRODUCER 92 50 REGENERATIVE FURNACE 96 viii ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. REFRACTORY MATERIALS FOR FURNACES AND CRUCIBLES. FIRE-STONES, &c. FIRE-CLAYS PAGE 100 FIRE-BRICKS 101 CRUCIBLES. PAGE 104 106 IRON. Texture • WROUGHT OR MALLEABLE IRON Fusibility Magnetism. Rust, &c. • • 111 111 SPATHIC IRON ORE; SIDERITE CLAY IRONSTONES 138 139 112 BLACKBAND IRONSTONE 140 • 112 CLEVELAND IRONSTONE 141 • • 112 ASSAY OF IRON ORES 144 ON CERTAIN COMPOUNDS OF IRON 113 IRON AND CARBON 113 DRY ASSAY OF IRON ORES. Appa- ratus necessary 144 State of Carbon in Iron 113 Preliminary operations, fluxes, &c. 146 IRON AND SILICON 117 Classification and Proportion of Ferrous Silicates . 117 Fluxes 148 IRON AND SULPHUR 118 • Method of conducting an Assay 149 IRON AND PHOSPHORUS. 118 Swedish Process . 152 • IRON AND NITROGEN 119 WET ASSAY OF IRON ORES; MAR- • IRON AND MANGANESE . 119 GUÉRITE'S PROCESS 152 INFLUENCE OF OTHER METALS ON Preparation of Standard Solution . 153 IRON 120 Solution of the Ore 153 • Chromium. 120 Determination of the Iron 154 • • ALLOYS OF IRON 120 PENNY'S PROCESS 154 • IRON ORES. 121 Standard Solution 154 · NATIVE IRON 121 Estimation of the Iron in an Ore 155 Meteoric Iron 121 MAGNETIC IRON ORE; Magnetite; Dry and Wet Assay. Comparative Yields 155 • Fer Oxydulé; Magneteisenstein. 122 FRANKLINITE ANALYSIS OF IRON ORES 156 123 Water 156 ILMENITE; Titaniferous Iron Ore; Titane Oxyde ferrifère; Titan- eisenstein. Attack by Hydrochloric Acid, &c. 156 Sulphur 158 • 123 Phosphoric Anhydride. 158 • HEMATITE; Specular Iron; Fer Carbonic 158 • oligiste; Eisenglanz . 123 Titanic Oxide 159 • GÖTHITE; Fer hydroxide; Göthit . 124 Insoluble Residue 159 BROWN IRON ORE; Fer oxyde hy- METALLURGY OF IRON 159 • drate; Brauneisenstein 124 DIRECT PREPARATION OF MALLE- Pea-iron 125 ABLE IRON 161 • IRON PYRITES; Fer Sulfure; Eisen- CATALAN OR FRENCH PROCESS 163 kies 125 AMERICAN BLOOMERY 168 • SIDERITE; Carbonate of Iron; Fer CORSICAN PROCESS 169 • Carbonate; Eisenspath 126 • STÜCKOFEN, OR HIGH BLOOMERY DISTRIBUTION OF IRON ORES. 127 FURNACE 170 • • MAGNETIC ORES. 128 CLAY'S PROCESS 171 • TITANIFEROUS IRON SANDS 130 CHENOT'S 172 "" RED IRON ORES 131 YATES'S 173 • "" • • OLDER BROWN IRON ORES 134 "" Black Brush Ore 134 • NEWER BROWN IRON ORES 135 TERTIARY AND POST-TERTIARY IRON ORES 137 SIEMENS'S INDIRECT METHOD OF OBTAINING IRON-PRODUCTION OF PIG-IRON AND SUBSEQUENT CONVERSION INTO MALLEABLE IRON 174 • 176 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix PAGE PAGE MECHANICAL PREPARATION OF IRON Cost of Blast-Furnaces. 260 ORES 176 Heat absorbed for Work done in WEATHERING OF IRON ORES 178 Blast-Furnaces 261 . • ROASTING OR CALCINATION OF IRON CONVERSION OF GREY CAST-IRON ORES 179 INTO WHITE 262 • Roasting in open Heaps 179 Parry's Refinery . 266 Roasting between Walls 181 German Refinery. 267 • Roasting in Furnaces or Kilns 182 Heaton's Process 268 FLUXES AND SLAGS 190 Henderson's Process 269 THE BLAST-FURNACE AND ITS AC- PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON FROM CESSORIES 196 CAST-IR N IN OPEN FIRES 270 • THE BLAST-FURNACE 198 GERMAN OR WALLOON FORGE 271 The Rachette Furnace. 207 IRON FOR TIN PLATES 276 • Blast-Furnaces in the Cleveland PREPARATION OF MALLEABLE IRON District 210 BY THE REVERBERATORY PROCESS 277 BLOWING MACHINERY 210 PUDDLING 277 • • • Blowing Engine at the Dowlais Puddling in Gas-Furnaces 284 Iron-Works 212 Mechanical Rabbles 286 Blowing Engines in the North of Rotative Furnaces 287 England. 214 FORGE MACHINERY AND OPERA- Blowing Engines at Creuzot, &c. 214 TIONS 290 HOT-BLAST 216 Hammers 291 Common Stove 217 Squeezers 295 Circular Stove 219 Puddling Rolls 299 + • Pistol-Pipe Stove. Stove used at Neustadt. Cowper's Stove Whitwell's Stove • Blast-Pipes and Nozzles UTILISATION OF WASTE GASES 221 Shears 301 221 WORKING PUDDLED BAR INTO MER- • 223 CHANT IRON; THE MILL 302 • • • 225 Re-heating, or Balling . 302 • 227 Mill Rolls, &c. 305 227 Plates and Sheets 308 Method of collecting Gases at Dar- STEEL 311 laston 229 STEEL BY THE DIRECT REDUCTION Langen's Apparatus 230 OF IRON ORES 312 • • • Cup and Cone 230 • Method employed at Grosmont 231 STEEL BY ADDITION OF CARBON TO MALLEABLE IRON; Cementation. 313 COMPOSITION OF WASTE GASES 232 Hindoo Process 317 • LIFTS OR HOISTS. 235 Chenot's Process 317 • • Lift at Newport 235 Mushet's Steel; Homogeneous Metal 318 Water Balance 237 Case-hardening 319 • Furnace Hoist, Ayresome 237 STEEL BY THE PARTIAL DECARBU- Kiln 238 RISATION OF CAST-IRON 319 • "" "" SMELTING 241 In open Hearths . 319 • Fuel used in the Blast-Furnace 241 Puddled Steel 321 Blowing-in. 243 Bessemer's Process 326 • Descent of Charges 243 Bérard's Process . 339 • · Tapping 245 Uchatius's Process 340 Blowing-out 246 STEEL BY FUSION OF A MIXTURE OF VARIETIES OF PIG-IRON 247 CAST- AND WROUGHT-IRON 340 CAPACITY AND PRODUCTION OF Obuchow's Steel Process 341 BLAST-FURNACES Charcoal Furnaces Coke 250 Price and Nicholson's Process 342 251 Siemens-Martin Process 342 254 PARTIAL DECARBURISATION OF CAST- • • Coal in the Blast-Furnace Anthracite Furnaces 257 IRON BY CEMENTATION 343 • 259 CAST-STEEL 344 • • X ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. PAGE PAGE HARDENING AND TEMPERING STEEL 346 PHOSPHORUS 349 Damascening 347 COMBINED CARBON 349 ANALYSIS OF CAST-IRON, WROUGHT- IRON, AND STEEL MINUTE PROPORTIONS OF FOREIGN 347 METALS 350 ► • • SULPHUR 348 EGGERTZ'S PROCESSES 351 · CARBON, AS GRAPHITE SILICON MANGANESE 348 Determination of Carbon 351 348 • 349 Sulphur Silicon 352 353 • · • >> COBALT. COBALT ORES Smaltine Cobalt Glance 355 PREPARATIONS OF COBALT 356 + 355 Oxide of Cobalt 356 • • 355 Smalt 357 • Cobalt Bloom Mispickel 355 • Cobalt Blue, or Thénard's Blue 358 • 355 Printers' Blue 358 • ESTIMATION OF COBALT AND NICKEL 355 Rinmann's Green 358 NICKEL. NICKEL ORES 358. Millerite Copper-Nickel; Kupfernickel 359 Pentlandite • White Nickel 359 • Zaratite, or Hydrated Carbonate of Nickel Glance 359 · Antimonial Nickel 359 Nickel METALLURGY OF NICKEL 359 • 359 359 360 ALUMINIUM. METALLURGY OF ALUMINIUM 363 COPPER. COPPER ORES 366 • NATIVE COPPER; Cuivre natif ; Ge- diegen Kupfer Other Minerals containing Copper. DISTRIBUTION OF COPPER ORES 373 374 • 366 ASSAY OF COPPER ORES 378 • · CUPRITE; Octahedral Copper Ore; Cuivre oxydulé; Rothkupfererz MELACONITE; Black Oxide of Cop- per: Cuivre oxydé noir; Kupfer- schwarz REDRUTHITE; Vitreous Copper; Cuivre sulfure; Kupferglanz COPPER PYRITES; Chalcopyrite ; Cuivre pyriteux; Kupferkies 368 FRUBESCITE; Cuivre panache; Bunt- kupfererz. • Fusion for Coarse Copper Refining Treatment of the Slags for Copper GERMAN METHOD OF ASSAYING CORNISH DRY ASSAY 378 • 366 Apparatus employed 378 Preliminary Examination 379 Method of Conducting an Assay 379 357 Fusion for Regulus 379 Calcination of the Regulus 381 · • 367 382 • 382 383 383 • 369 Roasting; Calcining. 384 1 TETRAHEDRITE; Cuivre gris; Fahl- Melting for Coarse Copper 384 • erz. 370 Refining 384 BLUE CARBONATE OF COPPER; Āzu- rite; Kupferlazur WET ASSAY OF COPPER ORES. PRE- 370 CIPITATION BY ZINC OR BY ME- • MALACHITE; Cuivre carbonaté vert; TALLIC IRON 385 • Malachit 371 PELOUZE'S PROCESS 387 • CHRYSCCOLLA; Silicate of copper; Cuivre hydraté silicifère BY POTASSIUM CYANIDE 388 372 METALLURGY OF COPPER 391 • TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi PAGE PAGE ENGLISH METHOD OF COPPER- SMELTING 392 I. Calcination of Mixed Ores II. Fusion of Calcined Ores with Raw Ores, Slags, &c. 393 396 III. Calcination of Granulated or Crushed Coarse-metal. 398 IV. Fusion of Calcined Coarse- metal with certain Orrs, and with Slags from Operations V. and VI. 398 V. Roasting the Fine- or White- metal IV. Melting for "Spurstein" or Fine-metal V. Grinding the Fine-metal 414 415 VI. Roasting the ground Fine-metal 415 VII. Dissolving out Sulphate of Silver and precipitating Cement-Silver by Metallic Copper • 415 VIII. Fusion for Black Copper 415 IX. Refining 416 OBSOLETE PROCESSES AT MANSFELD 417 WET PROCESSES FOR EXTRACTING 399 COPPER 419 VI. Refining and Toughening 399 GERMAN HYDROCHLORIC-ACID PRO- PROCESS FOR MAKING "BEST-SE- CESS 420 LECTED " COPPER 400 HENDERSON'S HYDROCHLORIC-ACID MODIFICATIONS OF THE ENGLISH PROCESS 421 * METHOD OF COPPER-SMELTING 402 LONGMAID'S PROCESSES. 422 I. Calcination of Ores 402 BANKART'S PROCESS 423 II. Melting for Coarse-metal III. Melting for White-metal IV. Tapping Close-Regulus. V. Running for Blister-Copper VI. Refining and Toughening NAPIER'S METHOD OF COPPER- SMELTING 402 LINZ PROCESSES 423 402 • I. Poor Sulphides 423 • 403 II. Poor Oxides and Carbonates 424 403 SINDING'S PROCESS 425 404 "HENDERSON'S PROCESS 427 TREATMENT OF BURNT CUPREOUS 404 PYRITES. 428 METHOD OF RIVOT AND PHILLIPS CONTINENTAL METHOD OF COPPER- SMELTING-TREATMENT OF COP- PER SCHISTS IN THE MANSFELD DISTRICT, PRUSSIAN SAXONY 406 I. Grinding 429 II. Calcination 430 + III. Lixiviation 432 • 407 I. Burning the Schist 409 WET PROCESS • II. Smelting Burnt Ore with Slag for the production of “ Roh- stein" or Coarse-metal BRASS 410 • IV. Precipitation MODIFICATIONS OF THE ORDINARY ALLOYS OF COPPER Manufacture of Calamine Brass 433 • 434 435 • 436 437 III. Roasting the Coarse-metal 414 Direct Preparation of Brass 438 TIN. TIN ORES 440 ROASTING IN REVERBERATORY FUR- CASSITERITE; OXIDE OF TIN; Etain NACES 446 oxydé; Zinnstein 440 OXLAND AND HOCKING'S CALCINER 447 TIN PYRITES; Etain sulfuré; Zinn- SEPARATION OF TUNGSTEN; Ox- kies 441 LAND'S PROCESS 450 DISTRIBUTION OF TIN ORES 442 METALLURGY OF TIN 451 ASSAY OF TIN ORES 444 • TREATMENT OF TIN ORES IN THE PREPARATION OF THE ORE 444 REVERBERATORY FURNACE 452 • ASSAY OF BLACK TIN 445 Smelting 452 • In brasqued or Black-Lead Cru- Refining 453 cibles 445 Re-smelting of the Slags and Resi- Cornish Method of Assay 446 dues 454 Fusion with Potassium Cyanide 446 SMELTING IN THE BLAST-FURNACE, 454 ROASTING TIN ORES 446 ALLOYS OF TIN 455 • • xii ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ANTIMONY. PAGE PAGE ANTIMONY ORES. 457 ELIQUATION OF THE SULPHIDE 460 SULPHIDE OF ANTIMONY; Antimoine REDUCTION TO THE METALLIC STATE 460 sulfure; Grauspiessglaserz 457 Singling 461 ASSAY OF ANTIMONY ORES METALLURGY OF ANTIMONY 458 Doubling 461 • • 460 Melting for Star Metal 461 ARSENIC. ASSAY OF ARSENICAL ORES 462 • MANUFACTURE OF WHITE ARSENIC 463 SENIC PREPARATION OF METALLIC AR- 463 ZINC. ZINC ORES. 465 DISTRIBUTION OF ZINC (RES . 469 NATIVE ZINC 466 ASSAY OF ZINC ORES 472 RED OXIDE OF ZINC; Zincite; Zinc FIRE ASSAY. BY DISTILLATION 472 oxydé ferrifère; Zinkoxyd SULPHIDE OF ZINC; Zinc sulfuré; 466 BY DIFFERENCE 472 "" HUMID ASSAY. BY DIFFERENCE 473 • Blende CARBONATE OF ZINC; Calamine; Calamine; 466 VOLUMETRIC ASSAY 471 Ferric Chloride Solution 475 Zinc carbonaté; Zinkspath 467 Standard Solution of Sodium Sul- SILICATE OF ZINC; Smithsonite ; Zinc oxydé silicifère; Galmei WILLEMITE; Anhydrous Silicate of Zinc phide 475 468 Estimation of the Zinc contained in an Ore 475 • 468 METALLURGY OF ZINC. 477 SULPHATE OF ZINC; Goslarite; White ENGLISH PROCESS 478 Vitriol; Zinc sulfate; Goslarit OXYSULPHIDE OF ZINC; Voltzite; Leberblende 469 BELIAN PROCESS 480 • SILESIAN PROCESS 484 469 • MERCURY. MERCURY ORES 491 METALLURGY OF MERCURY 498 • NATIVE QUICKSILVER; Mercure EXTRACTION OF MERCURY BY SUB- natif; Gediegen Quecksilber 491 CINNABAR; SULPHIDE OF MERCURY; JECTING CINNABAR TO A PROCESS OF ROASTING 498 Mercure sulfuré; Zinnober 491 ROASTING IN MOUNDS 499 • NATIVE CALOMEL; Mercure chlo- TREATMENT OF MERCURIAL ORES ruré; Quecksilber-Hornerz. 492 AT IDRIA. Old Process 500 • Coccinite 492 Continuous Process 502 • Onofrite 492 ALUDEL FURNACE OF ALMADEN 503 Ammiolite 492 • NEW ALMADEN, CALIFORNIA. 504 DISTRIBUTION OF MERCURY ORES 492 EXTRACTION OF MERCURY IN RE- ASSAY OF MERCURY ORES 495 VERBERATORY FURNACES 504 DISTILLATION WITH QUICKLIME IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF HYDROGEN DISTILLATION WITH QUICKLIME AND SODIUM BICARBONATE METHOD EMPLOYED AT IDRIA DECOMPOSITION OF MERCURIAL ORES 495 • IN CLOSE VESSELS BY LIME GALLERY OF PALATINATE 505 • 505 • 496 RETORTS AT LANDSBERG 505 · • 497 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiii BISMUTH. PAGE PAGE BISMUTH ORES 508 SCHNEEBERG PROCESS 509 NATIVE BISMUTH; Bismuth natif; JOACHIMSTHAL PROCESS 510 Gediegen Wismuth 508 • PRODUCTION OF BISMUTH AT FREI- ASSAY OF BISMUTH ORES 509 BERG 510 METALLURGY OF BISMUTH 509 LEAD. LEAD ORES 514 BLEIBERG PROCESS 548 NATIVE LEAD; Plomb natif; Ge- REDUCTION BY METALLIC IRON IN diegen Blei 514 REVERBERATORY FURNACES 550 • OXIDE OF LEAD; Massicot; Blei- SMELTING IN BLAST-FURNACES 551 glätte 514 SLAG-HEARTH 551 CHLORIDE OF LEAD; Plomb Chlo- rure; Salzsaures Blei CASTILIAN FURNACE 553 514 SMELTING RAW ORES WITH METAL- SULPHIDE OF LEAD; Galena; Ga- LIC IRON 555 lène; Bleiglanz 515 TREATMENT OF LEAD ORES BY • CERUSSITE; Carbonate of Lead; Plomb carbonaté; Kohlensaures Blei ANGLESITE; Sulphate of Lead; Plomb sulfate; Schwefelsaures Blei PYROMORPHITE; Phosphate of Lead; Plomb phosphate; Buntbleierz DISTRIBUTION OF LEAD ORES 516 ROASTING, AND SUBSEQUENT SMELTING WITH METALLIC IRON. TREATMENT OF SILICEOUS ORES AT COUËRON. 559 564 517 HORNO DE GRAN TIRO, OR PAVO SMELTING IN SHALLOW HEARTHS 571 571 • BACKWOODS HEARTH 571 • 517 ORE-HEARTH OR SCOTCH FURNACE 572 • · 519 THE AMERICAN HEARTH 575 • • ASSAY OF LEAD ORES 524 EXTRACTION OF SILVER FROM LEAD 576 ASSAY OF ORES OF THE FIRST CLASS 524 IMPROVING OR SOFTENING 576 ASSAY OF ORES OF THE SECOND DESILVERISATION. PATTINSON'S CLASS 526 PROCESS. 578 ASSAY OF GALENA CONTAINING AN- MODIFICATIONS OF PATTINSON'S TIMONY 531 PROCESS. 582 ESTIMATION OF SILVER IN LEAD DESILVERISATION BY ZINC. PARKES's ORES 532 PROCESS. 584 • METALLURGY OF LEAD 537 MODIFICATIONS OF PARKES'S PROCESS SMELTING IN REVERBERATORY FUR- IN GERMANY AND ELSEWHERE 585 • NACES 538 CUPELLING OR REFINING 588 • FLINTSHIRE PROCESS 538 REDUCING 592 • MODIFICATION OF THE FLINTSHIRE GERMAN CUPELLATION. 593 PROCESS AT COUERON 540 REFINING THE BLICKSILBER 596 CORNISH PROCESS. 544 LEAD FUME 597 • SPANISH FURNACE OR BOLICHE 546 SHEET-LEAD AND LEAD PIPE 598 SILVER ORES NATIVE SILVER; Argent natif; Gediegen Silber SILVER. 602 602 • NATIVE AMALGAM; Argent amal- game; Natürlich Amalgam ARGENTITE; VITREOUS SULPHIDE 603 • xiv ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. PAGE OF SILVER; Argent sulfuré; Sil- berglanz . 603 Stamping Mill Settling Tanks Pans PAGE 643 648 STEPHANITE; BRITTLE SILVER ORE; Argent sulfure fragile; Schwarz- gültigerz. 649 • Separators. 655 · • 604 Agitator 656 POLYBASITE; Polybasite; Eugen- Retorting and Melting 657 glanz 604 Tailings 659 DARK-RED SILVER ORE; PYRARGY- General Arrangement of Reduction RITE; Argent sulfuré antimonié ; Works 659 Dunkles Rothgültigerz 605 Chemical Reactions of the Washoe CHLORIDE OF SILVER; Argent Process 660 · cornué; Hornsilber 605 THE STETEFELDT FURNACE 661 • • DISTRIBUTION OF SILVER ORES 606 PROCESSES FOR EXTRACTING SILVER ASSAY OF SILVER ORES 610 BY THE WET WAY 664 • BY FUSION WITH LITHARGE, &C. 610 AUGUSTIN'S PROCESS 664 SCORIFICATION 612 First Roasting 665 ASSAY OF SILVER BULLION 613 Roasting with Salt 665 FIRE ASSAY 613 · Lixiviation and Precipitation 665 HUMID ASSAY 617 ZIERVO EL'S PROCESS 667 • METALLURGY OF SILVER 623 Roasting 668 TREATMENT OF SILVER ORES BY Lixiviation and Precipitation 671 • AMALGAMATION 625 VON PATERA'S PROCESS 673 MEXICAN OR PATIO PROCESS . 625 • Roasting 673 Rough Stamping . 625 Lixiviation with Water 674 • Fine Grinding 626 "" Sodium Hyposul- The Patio 628 • phite 674 Washing • Filtration of Amalgam. Retorting Results obtained, &c. STOVE AMALGAMATION. HOT PROCESS AMALGAMATION IN BARRELS . Amalgamation of Copper Matts WASHOE PROCESS OF AMALGAMATION 630 Precipitation of Silver . 675 • 631 • Treatment of Silver Sulphide 676 632 Residues • 677 • 632 EXTRACTION OF SILVER AND GOLD • 633 BY SULPHURIC ACID. 677 633 CLAUDET'S PROCESS €79 • 635 Estimation of Silver in the Liquors 681 641 Precipitation of Silver . 681 642 GOLD. DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD 684 MECHANICAL AND METALLURGICAL ASSAY OF AURIFEROUS MINERALS 694 TREATMENT OF GOLD · 703 • CUPELLATION 694 PLACER MINING . 703 PARTING 694 PAN. · 703 • ASSAY OF GOLD QUARTZ, &c. 695 CRADLE 704 Fusion with Litharge, Carbonate of Том . 705 Sodium, &c. 696 PUDDLING Box 705 1 Fusion with Red Lead or Litharge SLUICE 706 only 697 HYDRAULIC MINING 709 • Auriferous Pyrites 697 • EXTRACTION OF GOLD FROM AURI- Inquartation 697 · FEROUS VEINSTONE 712 Parting 697 ARRASTRA 712 • • • ASSAY OF GOLD BULLION Determination by the Touchstone, 698 CHILIAN MILL 714 • STAMPING MILL 714 • • &c.. 701 | Amalgamation in Battery 714 • TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV PAGE PAGE Blankets 715 RETORTING, AND FUSION INTO Amalgamated Plates 719 INGOTS • 722 Cleaning up 719 CHLORINATION PROCESS 724 · Amalgamation of Blanket Washings 720 Tailings 722 PARTING BY SULPHURIC ACID REFINING BY CHLORINE GAS 726 728 PLATINUM. DISTRIBUTION OF PLATINUM. 733 MODIFICATION OF WOLLASTON'S METALLURGY OF PLATINUM 736 PROCESS. 737 • WOLLASTON PROCESS 736 DEVILLE AND DEBRAY'S PROCESS 738 ! ERRATA. Page 7, line 2.—The date here given is that of the Strasburg edition of the works of Paracelsus, which is not the earliest. He was born in 1493 and died in 1541. Page 7, note*, for Beckman read Beckmann. Page 363, line 32, for Saint-Claire read Sainte-Claire. Page 413, line beneath fig. 128, for fire-doors read working doors. Page 463, line 15, for a magnesium read ammonio-magnesian. i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 1. Flatting Mill. 2. Charcoal Pile; vertical section. 3. Charcoal-burning; rectangular heap 4. Charcoal Kiln; vertical section 5. "> "" plan 6. Peat-charcoal Oven; vertical section 7. Coke Mound; vertical section • 8. Rectangular Kiln; side elevation PAGE 10 52 · • 55 58 58 61 67 69 9. "" "} plan section "" "" 69 Rive-de-Gier; longitudinal section "" "" 20. 99 19 "" 23. "" "" 21. 25. "" 26. 10. 11. Coke-Ovens 12. Coke-Oven; ground plan 13. "" 14. Breckon & Dixon's Coke-Ovens; elevation. 15. 16. 17. "" "" "" 18. Anchor Ovens; ground plan plan of four, partly in section sectional elevation front elevation; partly in section 19. Pernolet's Coke-Oven; longitudinal section horizontal section at different heights transverse section 22. Siemens's Gas-Producer; vertical section 21. • plan; partly section Re-heating Furnace, front elevation; valves and flues in 69 71 73 74 • 77 78 78 79 80 84 85 86 91 95 "" "" "" section longitudinal section sectional plan • · 98 99 99 27. Assay Furnace; vertical section 28. Crucible Tongs 144 145 29. "" 30. "" "" 31. "" 146 146 146 32. Shield for protecting the face from heat of furnace 33. Brasqued Crucible 34. Catalan Forge and Trompe; vertical section 35. "" 36. Hearth of Catalan Forge 37. Roasting Kiln, Styria; longitudinal section 146 150. 164 plan, partly in section 165 166 183 38. "" 39. "" 40. "" 41. 3 horizontal section transverse section elevation 183 • 184 185 3 "" horizontal section 185 "" "" 42. 33 13 Altenberg; vertical section 187 xviii ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. FIG. PAGE 44. 45. "" "" 48. "" "" 50. 53. >> 27 "" "} 17 61. "" Newport 64. "" "" "" 71. 19 43. Roasting Kiln, Dowlais; front elevation 46. Gjer's Calciuing Kiln; one-half in section. 47. Blast-Furnace, Plymouth Iron-Works; vertical section 49. Water-Tuyer; longitudinal section side view 51. Blast-Furnace, Oldbury; vertical section 52. 54. Stockton; vertical section Ditton Brook; vertical section section through hearth 55. Swedish Charcoal Furnace; vertical section 56. Rachette Furnace; longitudinal section 57. 58. 59. Blast Cylinder, Dowlais; vertical section 60. Blowing Engine, Dowlais . 62. Hot-Blast Stove; transverse section 63. Circular Stove; vertical section "" 65. Pistol-Pipe Stove; transverse section 66. Hot-Blast Stove, Neustadt; vertical section 67. Cowper's Stove; vertical section 68. 69. arrangement of brickwork 70. Whitwell's Stove; vertical section ?? 72. Furnace-top, Darlaston; vertical section 73. Cup and Cone; vertical section 74. Furnace-top, Grosmont; vertical section 75. Furnace Hoist, Newport; elevation 187 longitudinal section transverse section 188 188 189 • 198 horizontal section 199 200 200 202 • 203 • 204 205 · 206 208 horizontal section above tuyers transverse section 208 209 211 213 214 218 • • 219 section through air-box 220 220 221 222 horizontal section 223 224 226 horizontal section 226 · 229 231 232 234 • 76. "" "" Ayresome Iron-Works; elevation 236 77. 78. Kiln Hoist, "" "" plan 236 "" "" front elevation, partly section 239 79. "" "" >> side elevation. 240 82. "" plan 84. 85. 87. "" "" 89. "" 90. "" >> 91. "" "" 92. "" 80. Sand Bed 81. Refinery; transverse section 83. German Forge; vertical section 86. Tilt Hammer; front view. 88. Puddling Furnace; side elevation vertical section • 245 262 263 271 " "" plan tuyer 272 272 275 sectional elevation 275 278 279 horizontal section 280 "" 94. 95. >> "" "" Neustadt; longitudinal section horizontal section 93. Danks's Puddling Machine; longitudinal section end elevation, partly section end-piece 96. Helve Hammer, Dowlais; from Truran 285 285 287 288 290 292 • LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xix 103. "" 104. "" 105. 19 FIG. 97. Steam Hammer 98. Ramsbottom's Duplex Hammer; partly in section 99. Single Squeezer; from Truran 100. Winslow's Squeezer; longitudinal section 101. "" 102. Puddling Train end elevation coupling PAGE 294 296 296 298 298 299 300 300 300 106. Steam Shears; elevation. 107. Re-heating Furnace; longitudinal section 108. horizontal section "" "" 109. Wagner's Rolling Mill; front elevation 110. Converting Furnace; transverse section 111. Bessemer Converter; vertical section 112. Steel Plant; elevation, partly section 113. Calcining Furnace; longitudinal section 114. horizontal section 115. Melting Furnace; longitudinal section 116. horizontal section "" 117. Rectangular Furnace, Mansfeld; elevation 301 303 304 307 • 314 L 329 • 331 394 * 394 396 397 410 • • 118. 119. "" >> vertical section interior of hearth 410 411 27 "" "" 120. Six-Tuyer Furnace, Mansfeld; vertical section. 121. 122. Kupfergaarherd "" 412 horizontal section through hearth 413 416 "" 123. vertical section. 416 "" 124. Liquation Hearth 125. 11 126. Roasting Furnace; longitudinal elevation 418 section 418 • 430 • 127. "" 128. "" "" 129. "" longitudinal section horizontal section through working doors transverse section through fire-box • 430 431 431 "" "" "" "} "" 130. Oxland & Hocking's Calciner; plan, partly section 131. "" 132. Tin Furnace; longitudinal section 133. "" horizontal section 134. Liquation Furnace; vertical section 135. English Zinc Furnace; vertical section 136. Belgian Zinc Furnace; front elevation, partly in section transverse section 137. 138. Silesian Zinc Furnace, Llansamlet; longitudinal section 448 elevation • • 448 452 • · 453 • 461 479 481 481 484 · 139. "" "" 140. "" "" "" 141. "" "" 142. "" horizontal section 485 • transverse section 486 "" end view of retort longitudinal section of retort . 486 486 143. Apparatus for estimation of mercury 141. Furnace at Idria; longitudinal section 145. "" "" horizontal section. 146. Aludel Furnace; longitudinal section 147. "" 148. Aludels 149. Gallery; transverse section 150. Retorts, Landsberg; elevation, partly section 496 501 • 501 503 sectional plan 503 503 505 506 XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 151. Bismuth Liquation Furnace; vertical section 152. Iron Crucible for Lead Assay 153. Assay Scoop . • PAGE 510 530 • • 530 154. 155. Mould. "" "} 530 530 157. "" elevation 156. Cupel; section 158. Cupelling Furnace; elevation . 159. 160. Muffle 161. Cupel Tongs 533 · • 533 533 vertical section 533 533 534 162. Mould 567 • "" 163. Mallet 537 · 164. Smelting Furnace, Couëron; longitudinal section 540 165. 166. horizontal section. 541 "" "" transverse section through tapping-hole 541 "" "" "" 174. elevation "" 176. "" 177. 179. "" "" 187. 188. 167. Clausthal Furnace; front view 168. 169. Blast-Furnace, Pontgibaud; elevation 170. Five-Tuyer Furnace, Couëron; vertical section . "" 171. 172. Ore-Hearth 173. Pattinson's Pots; plan 175. Refinery; front elevation horizontal section transverse section through tuyer 178. German Cupelling Furnace; elevation 180. Sheet-Lead Rolling Mill 181. Lead-Pipe Machine; partly section 182. 183. Arrangement of Apparatus for Wet Silver Assay. 184. Shaking Apparatus for Wet Silver Assay 185. Arrastra; partly in section 186. Amalgamating Barrel Barrels; transverse section 556 vertical section 557 561 566 horizontal section 567 "" 572 581 581 • 589 590 590 · 593 horizontal section • 591 599 600 620 621 627 637 637 • "" "" 190. "" "" 189. Stamping Mill; front elevation 191. Varney's Pan; elevation . plan, partly section • transverse section 192. vertical section "" "" 193. "" as seen from above 638 644 645 650 651 652 195. vertical section "" >> >> 194. Separator; as seen from above 196. Retort and Setting; longitudinal section 197. Stetefeldt Furnace; vertical section. 198. 199. Augustin's Process; side elevation of apparatus 656 657 658 663 section through fire-places. 663 666 200. Ziervogel's Process; transverse section of apparatus 201. Von Patera's Process; transverse section of apparatus 202. Hydraulic Mining; Timbuctoo, California 203. Stamping Mill, with Blanket-Sluices and Riffles; longitudinal section . 671 • · 675 712 716 204. "" "" }} plan 717 205. Hungarian Mill; clevation, partly section 721 • ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. INTRODUCTION. METALLURGY is the art of extracting metals from their ores and preparing them for the uses of the artisan and manufacturer. A knowledge of the principles involved in the treatment of metalliferous substances for the metals they contain constitutes the science of metallurgy; the various phenomena observed during metallurgical processes relate either to chemistry or to physics. Mechanical appliances are also extensively em- ployed by the metallurgist, and the science of metallurgy is consequently founded on a knowledge of chemistry, physics, and mechanics. ""* The history of the art dates from the most remote antiquity, and its fundamental principles had been discovered and applied to the wants of mankind, long before the existence of the sciences by the aid of which their operations have since been explained. Tubal-Cain is stated to have been "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.' In the days of Moses, at least six metals were known, since, in his direction for the purification of the spoils of the Midianites, he says: "Only the gold, and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead, everything that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean."t That silver was at a very early period extracted from ores of lead is apparent from the following passages, which evidently refer to cupella- tion. "The house of Israel is to me become dross: all they are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace; they are even the dross of silver."‡ And again, "The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away. Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them."§ Strabo quotes Polybius as speaking of an ore which after being washed seven times, was melted with lead and became pure silver. In speaking of gold, which was probably one of the first metals known, Pliny says: "In these parts of the world in which we live, gold mines are found, to say nothing of India, where the ants cast it up out * Gen. iv. 22. † Num. xxxi. 22, 23. ‡ Ezek. xxii. 18. § Jer. vi. 29 30. B 2 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of the ground, or that which the griffins gather in Scythia. The gold with us is procured in three ways; among the sands of some great rivers, such as the Tagus in Spain, the Po in Italy, Hebrus in Thrace, Pactolus in Asia, and the Indian Ganges, all of which yield gold. Neither is there any gold finer or more perfect, from being thoroughly polished by the rubbing and attrition which it meets with in the courses of streams of water. There is also another method of obtaining gold, viz. by digging it out of pits which are made for that purpose, or else in the caverns and breaches which occur by the fall of mountains."* He goes on to say, “Other minerals after their extraction require fire for their conversion into metal; but gold, of which we now treat, is gold as soon as it is found." Again, "Neither rust nor canker alters the weight of gold, or affects in any way its quality. Salt and vinegar, though such active solvents, do not make the least impression on it.” He states that "with respect to its purification it should be mixed with lead." No mention is made of separating gold from silver, although Pliny observes that all gold contains more or less silver, and adds that when that metal is in the proportion of one-fifth, the alloy is called electrum. There were anciently extensive gold mines in Thasos and other Greek islands. Herodotus tells us he had himself seen the mines of Thasos, and that a great mountain had been overturned in searching for the metal. † Gold was employed in Rome for the purpose of fixing artificial teeth more than three centuries before the Christian era, and a law of the Twelve Tables makes exception with regard to such gold, permitting it to be buried with the dead. The remains of numerous mines have been traced by Gmelin, Lepechin and Pallas, on the southern and eastern borders of the Ural mountains; and in them were found hammers and chisels of copper, as well as various instruments of the same metal, of which the uses are at present unknown. From the absence of any remains of masonry in the neighbourhood, these excavations are inferred to have been made by a nomadic people, probably the Scythians; and from no iron tools having been found in any of them, we may conclude that these operations were carried on before the conquest of Siberia by the Tartars, who effected the subjugation of that part of Asia, about 150 years before our era.§ Sledges made of large stones, to which handles had been attached, were also discovered, together with boars' fangs, with which the gold appears to have been collected, and leathern bags or pockets in which it was preserved. With such imperfect tools, the progress made must necessarily have been exceedingly slow, and in one instance, after reaching a band of rock, and penetrating it for a short distance, the miners seem to have lost patience and abandoned the works. Lumps of copper, containing no traces of gold, have also been dis- covered, although the copper ores of the district are found associated with that metal, and it is therefore probable that the ancient people who worked these mines were acquainted with a method of separating gold from copper. * Pliny, xxxiii. 4. Lib. vi. c. 47. ‡ Cic. de Leg. ii. 24. § 'Histoire Généalogique des Tartares.' INTRODUCTION. 3 Smelting was effected in small furnaces made of red bricks; Gmelin found nearly a thousand such furnaces in the eastern parts of Siberia. The height and breadth of these were each about two feet, and the length three. They were furnished with holes in two of their opposite sides, the one for the introduction of a blast, and the other for the escape of the metal and slags. In the neighbourhood of the furnaces were found large quantities of broken pottery, together with numerous heaps of scoriæ, which indicate that operations to a very considerable extent had, at some period, been carried on in the locality. Gmelin likewise found in the same district the remains of various furnaces which had been employed for the extraction of silver, and remarked that the lead with which it was associated had been thrown away in the scoriæ, whilst the whole of the silver was carefully extracted. By what means this was effected, in this particular case, is of course now impossible to determine, although it is highly probable that cupellation in some form was resorted to. Diodorus (iii. 14) informs us, that gold was purified by being melted and heated in earthen pots, together with an alloy of tin and lead, to which salt and barley-bran were added; and that the fire was kept up during five successive days. Hip- pocrates states that gold was melted by a gentle fire, with the addition of salt, nitre and alum, and that the same process was employed for refining silver. Mercury is first mentioned by Aristotle and Theophrastus under the name of fluid silver (äpyupos XuTòs); but its nature does not appear to have been well understood even four centuries later, since Pliny distin- guishes between quicksilver, argentum vivum, and the liquid silver, hydrargyrus, obtained by the treatment of native cinnabar. The latter he supposes to be a spurious imitation of quicksilver and a fraudulent sub- stitute for it.* With regard to the properties of quicksilver, he observes: "So penetrating is this liquor, that there is no metal but it will eat and pass through. It supports everything which may be thrown into it, unless it be gold only, which sinks to the bottom. It is, besides, very useful for the purpose of refining gold; to effect which object that metal mixed with cinders is placed in an earthen pot, and shaken with mercury, which re- jects all the impurities mixed with it, but in return takes hold of the gold itself. To expel it from the gold, the mixture is poured on skins, which on being pressed, allow the mercury to pass through them in drops, whilst the gold remains in all its purity."+ The above process differs but little from the methods in general use, for the purposes of amalgamation at the present day; but in this case Pliny's description is imperfect, inasmuch as the solid amalgam remaining on the skins would require the separation of the combined mercury by the aid of heat before the gold could exist in the pure and fine state described. Tin and lead appear to have been frequently confounded by the ancients, since their names in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Latin are often indifferently used. The Greeks when they would distinguish the two Hist. Nat. xxxiii. 6. ‡'Ancient Mineralogy,' by N. F. Moore, LL.D., p. 60. * Hist. Nat. xxxiii. 8, 1. B 2 4 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. metals, called tin kaσσírepos, and lead μóλußdos. Pliny appears to have regarded them as two varieties of the same metal, as he describes them under the titles of white lead and black, and states that plumbum can- didum, called by the Greeks kaσσiτepos, was more valuable and com- manded a higher price than the black variety. His description of plumbum candidum, and the state in which it was found, leaves no doubt that this much valued metal was tin, it being represented as occurring among sand, in the dried-up beds of rivers, and as only known from the other substances with which it was found associated, by its dark colour and great weight. "There is likewise found in the gold mines a kind of lead-ore which they call elutia (stream tin). The water which is let into the mines washes, and carries down with it, certain little black stones, streaked and marked with white, and as heavy as the gold itself. It is gathered with that metal, and they remain together in the baskets in which the gold is collected." Again : "You cannot solder together two pieces of black lead without white lead, neither can this be united to the other without the aid of oil." He also says of this metal: "Neither out of white lead can any silver be extracted; whereas out of the black this is commonly done.” "" In speaking of common lead, the same author says: "It is much used for conduit-pipes and for being hammered into thin plates;" and then goes on to describe the mines of France, Spain, and Britain, which, he states, when quite worked out and exhausted, become quite as productive as ever, and indeed even more so, if allowed to remain a short time without being worked; for which he accounts by supposing the metal to be produced by the air, which has then free access into the mine. With regard to the state in which plumbum nigrum occurs, we are informed that, “Black lead has a double origin; for it is either produced in a vein of its own, without any other metal; or otherwise it is mingled with silver in the same mine; being mixed together in the same stone of ore, and they are only separated by melting and refining in a furnace.* The first liquor that flows from the furnace is tin (stannum), and the second silver. That which remains behind is galena, the third element of the vein, which being again melted, after two parts of it are deducted, yields black lead." The above passage is obscure : tin, lead and silver, are not often found in the same stone, and were they thus to occur, the tin would not be the first to flow out of the furnace. The ore from which the ancients pro- duced their lead appears to have been galena, a name employed by Pliny as synonymous with molybdæna, which is described by Dioscorides and himself as an argentiferous lead ore. Of the metals employed by the ancients for the manufacture of objects adapted to the every-day usages of life, copper and its alloys were the most common; as by far the greater portion of the coins, utensils, and imple- ments of war, which are occasionally brought to light, are composed of some alloy of copper; and consequently, the making of these alloys, and their adaptation to the various wants of mankind, must have formed an important branch of the manufactures of the Greeks and Romans. * Hist. Nat. xxxiv. 16. INTRODUCTION. 5 Accordingly, the author of the 'Natural History of the World,' after describing the properties of this metal, and stating the localities in which that of the best quality was found, gives the composition and proportions employed in the various mixtures then common in Rome, and informs us to what uses they were severally applied. He also states that copper was first found in the island of Cyprus, whence two distinct kinds were exported.* One called coronarium, which, when reduced to thin leaves and coloured with the gall of an ox, had a golden colour, and was em- ployed for making coronets and tinsel ornaments for actors, from which circumstance it derived its appellation. Another variety, which was named regulare, is not particularly described, except that, like the former, it would stand hammering, and might thus be made to take any required form. The brass of next best quality came from Campania, where it was the custom to add eight parts of lead to every hundred pounds of copper. It is also mentioned that in France it was usual to melt copper among red-hot stones, for the purpose of obtaining a steady heat, as a quick fire was found to blacken the metal and render it brittle. He further informs us that the process was completed in one operation, but states that the quality would be improved by more frequent melting: "Moreover, it may not be amiss to state also, that all kinds of brass melt best in the coldest weather. For statues and tables, brass is worked in the following manner: first the ore, or stone, as it comes out of the mine, is melted, and as soon as this is done, they add to it a third part of scrap brass, con- sisting of broken pieces of vessels that have been used; for it is time and use alone that bring brass to perfection; it is the rubbing which conquers the natural harshness of the metal. They then. mix twelve pounds and a half of tin to every hundred pounds weight of the aforesaid melted ore. The softest alloy is called formall, in which are incorporated a tenth of black lead, and one-twentieth part of argentine lead; it is this mixture which best takes the colour called grecanic. The last alloy is that which is called ollaria, or pot brass, as it takes its name from the vessels for which it is mostly employed, and this is made by tempering every hundred pounds weight of brass with three or four pounds weight of argentine lead or tin."† The alloys above described are merely modifications of bell-metal or bronze; but it is not improbable that the ancients were acquainted with zinc-brass long before this period. Aristotle tells us that the Mossynoecians, a people who inhabited a country not far from the Euxine Sea, were said to make copper of an exceedingly fine colour, not by the addition of tin, but by mixing and cementing it with an earth found in that country.‡ We are also informed by Strabo, that in the neighbourhood of Andêra, a city of Phrygia, a remarkable kind of stone was met with, which, being calcined, became iron, and on being fluxed with a certain kind of earth, yielded drops of a silvery-looking metal, which, mixed with copper, formed an alloy called orichalcum.§ * Hist. Nat. xxxiv. 8. + Hist. Nat. xxxiv. 9. Arist. de Mirab. op. v, § Strabo, Geo. lxiii, 6 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Sextus Pompeius Festus, who abridged a work of Verrius Flaccus, a writer of the time of Augustus, mentions cadmia, which he describes as an earth thrown upon copper in order to convert it into orichalcum.* On this subject Pliny affords us but little information, merely stating where cadmia was found, and naming some of its medicinal properties; but he seems to have regarded it rather as an earth which gave a yellow colour to copper, than as an ore of a distinct metal, zinc being in no instance mentioned by him, although he speaks of a kind of brass which was manufactured in the island of Cyprus from copper and cadmia. If the foregoing quotations were not sufficient to show that the ancients were acquainted with zinc-brass, the fact is sufficiently proved by the -following analyses, published by the author in 1852.† 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copper Zinc Tin Lead Iron 82.26 81.07 83.01 85.67 79.14 17:31 17.81 15.84 10.85 6.27 1.05 1.14 4.97 1.73 9.18 0.35 0.50 0.74 0.23 99.92 99.93 99.38 100.13 99.79 Specific Gravity . 8.52 8.59 8.50 8.30 8.83 No. 1. Large brass of the Cassia family, about B.c. 20; metal of a yellow colour. No. 2. Large brass of Nero, A.D. 60; reverse, Rome seated; metal bright yellow. No. 3. Titus, A.D. 79; metal yellow and soft. No. 4. Hadrian, A.D. 120; Fortunæ reduci; finely patinated; metal fine yellow. No. 5. Faustina, jun., A.D. 165; Pietas, without patina; metal of a whitish colour and very brittle. That metallic zinc, however, was known to the ancients, there is no evidence to show, since the metal mentioned by Strabo as given out in drops from a certain stone when heated, could scarcely have been zinc, which would have been volatilised if treated in the way described; and we may therefore suppose, that if the stone referred to by him was an ore of zinc, it might also have contained some other metal, such as lead, with which it is often found associated, and which would produce the appear- ance in question. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, describes the transforma- tion of copper into orichalcum, as being effected by means of a drug, and not by the addition of another metal; from which we may infer that he was unacquainted with the metallic nature of the material employed, although, from his calling it a drug, he was perhaps aware of its posses- sing certain medicinal properties. A similar description of the manufacture of brass is given by Prima- sius, Bishop of Adrumentum, in Africa, in the sixth century, and by Isidorus, Bishop of Seville, in the seventh. Agricola, who wrote in the sixteenth century, was apparently also ignorant that cadmia contained Cadmia terra, quæ in æs conjicitur ut fiat orichalcum - Fos. de Ver. Sig. Watson's Chemical Essays,' iv. p. 91. * "? + Quart. Journ. of Chem. Soc. of London, 1852, iv p. 252, et seq, INTRODUCTION. 7 zinc, of which we have no authentic account until we find it mentioned (1616) by Paracelsus;* and from which it would appear that, although the manufacture of zinc-brass is of great antiquity, the extraction of the metal itself is comparatively a modern discovery. Iron was doubtless employed in very early times, although the uses of copper and its alloys were probably known at a much earlier period. Hesiod speaks of iron as having been unknown during the age of bronze, and Lucretius says, with regard to this metal" Et prior æris erat quam ferri cognitus usus." Moses compares the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage to their being "brought forth out of the iron furnace." In the time of Homer iron was well known, but appears to have been employed more sparingly than bronze, and must have been of considerable value, since a mass of iron, which had been used by Eëtion as a quoit, is offered by Achilles as a prize at the funeral of Patroclus. When the interpreter who accompanied Herodotus, reads to him an inscription on one of the Egyptian pyramids relative to the amount of money expended on radishes, onions, and garlic, for the workmen em- ployed on its construction, he makes the reflection, that if this were true, how much more must have been paid for iron tools, bread, and clothing.§ If we allow that iron tools were used in building these monuments, this metal must have been in common use during some portion of the time which elapsed between the birth of Abraham and the captivity of Joseph.]] Aristotle says that iron is purified from scoria by melting, and when it had been treated thus several times and became pure, it was changed to steel (στόμωμα). Π Daimachus, a writer contemporary with Alexander the Great, speaks of four different kinds of steel, and the purposes to which they were severally suited. "Of steels (Twv σтоμwµáтwv), there is the Chalybdic, the Synopic, the Lydian, and the Lacedæmonian. The Chalybdic is best for carpenters' tools, the Lacedæmonian for files, drills, gravers, and stone chisels; the Lydian also is suited for files, and for knives, razors, and rasps. ""** In speaking of iron, Pliny says: "After copper comes iron, both the most useful and most fatal instrument of life. With iron, man delves the earth, plants trees, prunes his orchards, trims his vines, cutting off the older branches, and thereby throwing more vigour into the grapes; by its aid man builds houses, cuts stone, and prepares a thousand other imple- ments; but by it war, atrocity, and villany are effected and rendered common."†† He also describes iron as occurring in almost every part of * "Marchasita Aurea," mentioned by Albertus Magnus in the 13th century, is believed by Beckman and some others to have been zinc. + Lib. v. 1286. Deut. iv. 20. § Herod. Euterpe, ii. 125. Russell's Egypt, p. 89. ¶ Vol. i. p. 590. ** See Stephanus, De Urbibus, word Lacedæmon; and Fabricii Bib. Graec. voľ. p. 588 (Anct. Mineralogy, p. 59). + Hist. Nat. xxxiii. 14 8 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the known world, but particularly in the island of Elba, where the colour of the earth indicated the presence of the ore. Sulphide of antimony, called by the Greeks σríu, and by the Romans stibium, was from the earliest times, and still is, used in the East for tinging black the hair, eyebrows, &c. Pliny's description of stibium as "candida nitensque,"* does not suit in all respects common sulphide of antimony. In preparing it as a paint, it is, according to Dioscorides, to be inclosed in a lump of dough, and buried in coals until reduced to a cinder; after being extinguished with milk and wine, it is to be again placed upon coals and blown upon until ignition takes place, but if burned longer it becomes lead.† Pliny directs cow-dung to be used in the place of dough, but varies so entirely from the recipe of Dioscorides, that it is evident he had some other authority before him; yet he likewise recommends moderation in burning as especially necessary, lest it should be converted into lead (ne plumbum fiat). The fair inference, therefore, is that the ancients occa- sionally saw antimony reduced to its metallic state, but failed to recognise it as a new metal. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS. The metals are a class of simple substances, possessed of a peculiar lustre, having the property of conducting heat and electricity with facility; but both in their chemical and physical properties they differ very much from one another, and are consequently applicable to a great variety of uses. COLOUR.-Most of the metals, when in a finely-divided state, are of a grey colour, but, when consolidated and polished, approach more nearly to white. The colours of some of them are, however, very decided: thus copper is red, gold is yellow, and lead blue. Alloys formed by the mixture of different metals usually possess to a certain extent the colours of the metals of which they are composed. Those resulting from the combination of two or more grey or white metals will themselves be grey or white; but, if a coloured metal enter into its composition, the alloy will assume its colour in a marked degree, although, if the proportion of the coloured metal be small compared with the amount of that which is not coloured, this is not always apparent. In some cases, however, as in that of the alloys of gold and silver, a com- paratively small amount of a white metal has the effect of destroying the colour of the other. OPACITY AND LUSTRE.-The metals possess a great degree of opacity, and are remarkable for a peculiar lustre, called metallic. All, however, are not equally opaque, as gold, when reduced to extremely thin leaves, transmits rays of green light. Silver leaf of one-hundred-thousandth of an inch in thickness is perfectly opaque; but very thin leaves of an alloy of silver and gold appear of a blue colour when viewed by transmitted light, * Hist. Nat. xxxiii. 33. Dioscor., v. 99. Hist. Nat. xxxiii. 34, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS. 9 The lustre of metals is a consequence of their great power of reflecting light. When reduced to the state of powder, their peculiar metallic appearance disappears, but is immediately reproduced by rubbing with a burnisher, or any other hard and smooth substance. HARDNESS. The metals differ from one another in no respect more than with regard to their hardness. Those which are pure are usually less hard than their alloys, and some of them are so soft as to admit of being easily scratched with the nail, or even moulded between the fingers. The following table, arranged by Dumas, shows the relative degrees of hardness of some of the more common metals :- Chromium Scratch Glass. Titanium Harder than Steel. Manganese Rhodium Platinum Nickel Palladium Cobalt Copper Iron Scratched by Glass. Gold Scratched Silver by Calc Antimony Zinc Tellurium Spar. Lead Scratched by the nail. Bismuth Potassium Soft as wax at 15.5° C. Cadmium Sodium Tin Mercury Liquid at ordinary tem- peratures. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The specific gravities of the metals differ very widely, as among them we find some bodies more than twenty times heavier than water; whilst others weigh less than their bulk of that liquid. The principal metals, arranged according to their specific gravities, are given in the following table. Water=1; temp. 15·5° C. (60° F.) : Platinum Iridium Gold Tungsten Mercury Palladium Lead Silver Bismuth Copper Nickel • • = TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF METALS.* 11.30-11.80 21.50 21.15 19.50 17.60 • 13.59 11.45 10.50 9.90 8.96 8.80 8.70 • 8.63 Cobalt Manganese Iron Tin • 8.54 8.00 7.79 7.29 • Zinc Antimony 6.86-7.1 • 6.80 • Tellurium 6.11 • Arsenic 5.88 Aluminium 2.56-2.67 Magnesium Sodium Potassium Lithium 1.75 0.972 0.865 0.593 • Cadmium Molybdenum CRYSTALLISATION.-All the metals are capable of assuming a crystalline form under favourable circumstances. Many of them-particularly gold, silver, and copper-occur crystallised in nature, and are found as cubes or octahedra, or in some of their derived forms: antimony and bismuth are, however, exceptions to this rule, and afford rhombohedral crystals. In order to crystallise a metal artificially, it is sometimes sufficient to melt a few ounces in a crucible, and, having permitted it to cool on the surface, to pierce the crust formed and allow that in the interior to flow out. By this means very beautiful crystals of bismuth may be obtained; but in the case of some of the less fusible metals larger masses and slower cooling are necessary to produce this effect, and consequently these are * Fownes, Elementary Chemistry,' 10th edit. p. 297. 10 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. never found in a crystalline state unless considerable weights have been fused, and allowed gradually to cool, as sometimes occurs in furnaces in which their metallurgical treatment is effected. It also frequently happens that one metal may be precipitated in a crystalline form by placing a strip of another metal in a solution of its salts. In this way silver is deposited by mercury, and a piece of zinc placed in a solution of lead acetate precipitates the latter in feathery crystals. Gold is occasionally deposited in this form from ethereal solu- tions, and a stick of phosphorus produces the same effect. Nearly all the metals yield crystals when deposited from their solutions by electric. currents of feeble intensity, and it is probably to this action that we are indebted for many of the beautiful specimens of the native metals which enrich the cabinets of mineralogists. MALLEABILITY.—When a piece of metal is struck by a hammer, it either flattens under the blow or splits with more or less facility into fragments to the former property the name of malleability is applied, whilst metals possessing the latter peculiarity are termed brittle. The malleable metals may be reduced into thin leaves either by the hammer or by the flatting-mill. A This consists of two metallic cylinders (A, B, fig. 1) placed horizon- tally one above the other. These, by means of cog-wheels, are made to revolve in contrary directions, as shown by the arrows. The rollers are so arranged in a frame as to admit of being placed, through the medium of strong screws, at any required distance from each other; or, if necessary, of being brought into actual contact. To reduce a piece of metal by this means to the form of a thin sheet, it should be first cast in the shape of a rectangular ingot, having nearly the same width as the required plate. One of its ends is then flattened into the shape of a wedge so as to enter easily between the rollers, which, on being set in motion, draw the metal in and pass it through to the other side reduced in thickness and pro- portionately elongated. By repeating this operation several times, and gradually reducing the distance between the two cylinders, sheets of almost any degree of thinness may be obtained. Fig. 1. B During this compression of the metals, their molecular structure gradually undergoes a change, and those which at first are soft and pass readily through the mill, soon become brittle and difficult to work. They then require to be softened by being heated to redness, and afterwards allowed to cool to the temperature at which they are worked. This process is called annealing. Gold is the most malleable of metals, and may be made into leaves of only 200000th of an inch in thickness, each grain of which will cover a surface of fifty-four square inches. The metals are arranged in the following list according to their malleability:-* 1. Gold 2. Silver 3. Copper 4. Tin 5. Platinum 6. Lead 7. Zinc 8. Iron 9. Nickel * Regnault, Cours élémentaire de Chimie,' i. 412 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS. 11 DUCTILITY. The above-named metals are also ductile, or capable of being drawn into wire, but do not possess this property in the same order as their malleability. Wire is manufactured by passing an elongated piece of metal through the progressively diminishing holes of a steel tool, called a draw-plate. By this means wires of almost any length or diameter may be obtained, as the metal takes the size of the last hole through which it has passed. Silver, for the purposes of embroidery, is frequently made into wires th of an inch in diameter. A grain of gold may be drawn into a wire 550 feet long by enveloping the ingot operated upon in a coat- ing of silver, and then passing it through the draw-plate. The wire thus produced will also be found covered with silver, and on removing this latter metal by dilute nitric acid, an enclosed gold wire, of only 5,000th of an inch in diameter, will be obtained. 500 1 The following metals are arranged according to their ductility:- 1. Gold 2. Silver 3. Platinum 4. Iron 5. Nickel 6. Copper 7. Zinc 8. Tin 9. Lead TENACITY.-The power possessed by different metals of sustaining weights is very variable, and influences in a great degree the usages to which they may be applied. It is therefore important to ascertain by careful experiment their relative tenacities, and the various influences which may affect them in this respect. For this purpose wires of exactly equal diameters are employed. These are firmly suspended by one end from a fixed point, and to the other extremity weights are successively and carefully added until the rupture of the wire is effected. The weight which causes the wire to break necessarily represents the relative tenacity of the metal of which it is composed, when compared with others in every respect similarly treated. Variations of temperature, even within comparatively narrow limits, materially affect the tenacity of metals. The following results on this subject have been published by Baudrimont :-* TENACITY OF THE PRINCIPAL MALLEABLE METALS AT THE TEMPERATURES 0°, 100°, and 200° C. AS FOUND BY EXPERIMENT, WITH THE TENACITY CALCULATED FOR 1 sq. MILLIMETRE OF SECTIONAL AREA (0.0155 SQUARE INCH). Diameter at 16º. Tenacity. Tenacity calculated for 1 sq. mm. of sectional area. Metals. 1 millimetre = 0·03937 inch. At 00 At 1000 At 2000 At 0° At 100° At 200° ! Gold Platinum Millimetres. Grms. Grms. Grms. 0.41250 2,459 2,035 1,722 Grms. Grms. Grms. 18,400 15,2 15,224 12,878 0.41000 2,987 2,546 2,281 22,625 19,284 17,277 Copper 0.48000 4,542 3,958 3,296 25,100 21,873 18,215 Silver. 0.39825 3,528 2,898 2,314 28,324 23,266 18,577 • Palladium 0.39750 4,527 1,031 3,360 36,481 32,484 27,077 Iron. 0.17500 4,940 4,611 5,057 205,405 191,725 210,270 FUSIBILITY.--All the metals admit of being liquefied by the applica- tion of heat; but the temperatures at which they melt are extremely * Ann. de Ch. et de Phys. 3 s. xxx, p. 304, 1850. 12 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. various. Mercury retains its liquid form during the most intense colds of our climate. Potassium and sodium fuse below the boiling point of water. Tin melts at about 227° C.; lead at 325° C.; and antimony below redness. Gold, silver, and copper require a red heat; iron, nickel, and cobalt fuse at a white heat; manganese and palladium are melted only by the strongest heat of a wind furnace; chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten, agglutinate but slightly when treated in the same way; plati- num, iridium, rhodium, titanium, &c., yield only to a powerful voltaic current, or to the flame of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe. Fusible below a TABLE OF FUSIBILITY OF METALS.* Mercury Rubidium Potassium Sodium red heat. Lithium Tin Cadmium Bismuth Thallium Lead Tellurium Arsenic Antimony • • Zinc Silver Copper Gold · F. ---39° 101.3 144.5 207.7 356 442 about 442 497 Melting l'oints. C. -39.44° 38.5 62.5 97.6 180 227.8 228 259 294 A 561 617 325 Rather less fusible than lead. Unknown. 773 412 Just below redness. 1,873 1,996 2,016 1,023 1,091 1,102 2,786 " • 1,530 Cast-iron Pure iron Nickel Highest heat of forge. Cobalt Manganese Palladium Infusible below a Molybdenum Uranium red heat. Tungsten Agglomerate, but do not melt in forge. Chromium Titanium Cerium Osmium Iridium Rhodium Infusible in ordinary blast-furnaces; fusible by oxyhydrogen blowpipe. Platinum Tantalum ELASTICITY AND SONOROUSNESS are attributes of the harder metals only, and are more conspicuous in some of their alloys than in the metals themselves. Odour and TASTE.-Many of the metals, when rubbed or otherwise slightly elevated in temperature, possess a singular and characteristic odour, and if applied to the tongue leave a peculiar metallic taste. This property has been attributed to the voltaic action caused by the saliva between the metals and their impurities; since, however, similar pheno- mena present themselves when perfectly pure specimens are selected, it is not probable that this explanation is correct. * Fownes, 'Manual of Elementary Chemistry,' 10th ed. p. 298. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS. 13 POWER OF CONDUCTING HEAT, ETC.-Some of the metals transmit heat with much greater facility than others. In the following table the metals are arranged in the order of their decreasing conducting powers, and opposite to the name of each body is placed the approximative ratio of the facility with which it transmits heat: TABLE OF RELATIVE CONDUCTIVITY OF METALS-SILVER = 100.* Silver Copper Gold. Brass Brass (thick) Tin Iron At 12° C. 100⚫ At 12° C. 73.6 Steel Lead • 11.6 8.5 53.2 Platinum 8.4 23.6 German Silver 6.3 24.1 Rose's Fusible Metal 2.8 14.5 Bismuth 1.8 11.9 The conductivity of the various metals for electricity is approximately in the same ratio as their capability of transmitting heat. CAPACITY FOR HEAT.-The amount of heat required to raise equal weights of different metals from the same to another given temperature is very variable. Thus, if we express by 1 the quantity necessary to raise a weight of water from 0° C. to 1° C., that which must be supplied in order to elevate the same weight of the following metals to that temperature, will be as below :—† Iron Nickel Cobalt Zinc Copper Palladium Silver 0.1138 Cadmium 0.1086 Tin 0.1070 • Antimony 0.0955 Platinum 0.0952 Gold 0.0593 Lead 0.0570 Bismuth 0.0567 0.0562 0.0508 0.0324 0.0324 0.0314 0.0308 EXPANSION BY HEAT.-Metals expand when heated, and, within certain limits of temperature, this takes place in a degree proportionate to the heat to which they are subjected. The linear expansion of the metals, on being heated from 0° C. to 100°, is given in the following table:— Gold Silver · Platinum Palladium Copper Iron • TABLE OF EXPANSION OF METALS FROM 0° C. to 100°. 0.00155155 0.00190868 0.00099180 0.00100000 0.00171733 0.0012350+ Lead 0.00284836 0.00193765 0.00294167 • · 0.00310833 • 0.00139167 Tin (from Malacca). Zinc (cast) Zinc (hammered) Bismuth Antimony 0.00108333 VOLATILITY. All metals are probably more or less volatile, although a certain number only admit of being readily converted into vapour even at the highest temperatures of our furnaces: among the more volatile metals are―zinc, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, tellurium, potassium, and sodium. Several others have the property of communicating characteristic colours to flame, and are therefore evidently volatile to a small extent. ALLOYS. The metals are generally capable of uniting with each other, and forming a class of compounds possessing more or less the properties of their several constituents. Alloys are usually more fusible and harder than the metals which enter into their composition; and as * Poggendorff's Ann. b. 89, p. 497. † Regnault, Chimie élémentaire,' i. p. 414. 14 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. these properties may be regulated according to the relative amounts of the various metals employed, an infinite number of modifications may be obtained. Thus copper is malleable and ductile, but is somewhat diffi- cult to fuse, and for many purposes does not possess the requisite hard- ness. In many instances these defects may be obviated by the addition of zinc, which, without much impairing its malleability, renders it fusible, heightens its colour, and at the same time communicates to it a proper degree of hardness. By the addition of ten parts of tin to ninety parts of copper, an alloy known as gun-metal is obtained, which is also used under the name of bronze, for the manufacture of statues, and for various ornamental purposes. For printers' type an alloy is required at the same time hard, fusible, and which does not materially contract in cooling. Lead, which is a fusible metal, is evidently unfitted for this purpose by its softness, whilst antimony and bismuth are too liable to break under the pressure to which type is exposed in the process of printing. By combining, however, antimony, lead, and tin, an alloy is produced which fulfils all these con- ditions, and furnishes a material well adapted for the purpose intended. It has been stated that, by alloying the metals, we obtain compounds possessed of very different ductility, malleability, hardness, and colour, from those belonging to the bodies which enter into their composition ; thus gold and lead, and gold and zinc, form brittle alloys, and a small quantity of arsenic added to copper renders it white. It is also to be observed that an alloy composed of two metals has seldom a density corresponding to the mean which should be obtained, by calculation, from the relative amounts and specific gravities of its constituents. The following table from Thénard (Traité de Chimie, vol. i. p. 394), shows in what cases the specific gravity of the compound is superior, and when inferior to the mean of that of the combined metals :—It is, how- ever, doubtful whether some of the mixtures specified should be regarded as alloys. Alloys possessed of greater specific gravity than the mean of their components. Gold and Zinc "" "} Tin Bismuth Antimony Cobalt Silver and Zinc 31 "" "" Lead Tin Bismuth Antimony Copper and Zine "1 " Tin Palladium Bismuth Antimony Lead and Bismuth Antimony Platinum and Molybdenum Palladium and Bismuth Alloys having a specific gravity inferior to the mean of their components. Gold and Silver Iron ?? Lead "" "" Copper "" "" Iridium Nickel Silver and Copper Copper and Lead Iron and Bismuth "" Antimony Lead Tin and Lead 29 Palladium Antimony Nickel and Arsenic Zinc and Antimony FUEL. 15 The action of acids on alloys varies according to the relative amounts of their constituents. Silver alloyed with a large quantity of gold is protected from the action of nitric acid, by which, under ordinary circum- stances, it is readily attacked. Sometimes, however, the reverse of this takes place, and metals which are totally insoluble in certain menstrua are made to dissolve in them by the addition of a metal on which they have the power of acting. In this way, platinum, although of itself in- soluble in nitric acid, may be dissolved by it when sufficiently alloyed with silver. Alloys consisting of two metals, the one easily oxidisable, the other possessing a less affinity for oxygen, may be readily decom- posed by the combined action of heat and air. In this case the former metal will be rapidly converted into an oxide, excepting perhaps the last portions, which may in some degree be protected from further action by the oxide already formed. The increased affinity for oxygen exhibited by the more oxidisable metal, in presence of another less affected by this agent, is probably an electrical phenomenon; the action is in some cases so rapid as to produce combustion. This occurs when an alloy of three parts of lead and one of tin is strongly heated in contact with air. A consideration of the chemical properties of metals belongs rather to the science of chemistry than to metallurgy; and as the limits of the present work do not admit of this subject being comprehensively treated, it has been thought proper to omit it altogether. The study of metal- lurgy can, however, only be profitably undertaken by those possessing a competent knowledge of chemistry, which must be acquired by a careful study of some good text-book, supplemented by a greater or less amount of laboratory experience. FUEL. ANY substance which admits of being rapidly oxidised or burned by atmospheric air, and evolves during that operation an amount of heat capable of being applied to economic purposes, is called a fuel. Two elements only, namely, carbon and hydrogen are thus applied. All fuels are of vegetable origin, and chiefly consist either of woody tissue or of various products of its natural or artificial decomposition. Although vegetable matter is never free from traces of nitrogen, it may be regarded, practically, as being essentially composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, together with small amounts of earthy or inorganic substances. In all fuels containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the proportion of hydrogen may be equal to, or greater than, that required to form water with the oxygen, but is never less. In such combinations only the hydro- gen in excess is considered available as a source of heat; so that in the combustion of a substance of which the composition may be regarded as carbon and water, the carbon alone is the source of heat. Indeed in such cases the hydrogen is the cause of the loss of a considerable amount of otherwise available heat, since it may be viewed as existing in com- bination with oxygen in the state of water, which must be evaporated at 16 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the expense of a portion of the heat developed by the combustion of carbon. The products of the perfect oxidation or complete combustion of carbon and hydrogen are respectively carbonic anhydride (commonly called carbonic acid) and water; and these products are likewise ob- tained on the combustion of any compound of carbon and hydrogen, or of these elements associated with oxygen. The amount of heat developed by the complete combustion of any elementary substance in the same allotropic condition is perfectly definite, and is the same whether the combustion be effected rapidly or otherwise. By the perfect or complete combustion of carbon is understood its conversion into carbonic anhydride ; when applied to hydrogen these terms imply the degree of oxidation neces- sary to produce water. In the case of carbon perfect combustion results in the formation of its highest, and, at the same time, most stable oxide. With respect to hydrogen it is somewhat different; water is the most stable oxide of hydrogen, but is not its highest oxide. Peroxide of hydrogen contains twice the amount of oxygen that water does, but the affinity by which the second atom of that element is retained is exceed- ingly feeble. The pyrometric degree, or intensity, of heat, is perfectly distinct from and independent of the quantity of heat developed by combustion. The quantity of heat generated on the perfect combustion of a given weight of one body may be much greater than that produced by the complete com- bustion of a similar weight of another body, but the intensity of the heat in the second case may far exceed that obtained in the first. All other circumstances being the same, the intensity of the heat developed by the combustion of a given body will be directly proportionate to the rapidity of the operation, or inversely, as the time occupied in effecting it. The term calorific intensity is employed in contradistinction to calorific power, which expresses the quantity of heat evolved by combustion. CALORIFIC POWER OF FUEL.-Various methods have been employed for the purpose of measuring the relative amounts of heat evolved by the combustion of equal weights of different bodies; but, as this heat cannot be directly estimated, it must, in all cases, be determined in accordance with certain effects produced. Any effect of heat may be employed as a means of measuring its quantity by applying the principle that when two equal portions of the same substance, in the same state, are acted on by heat in the same way, so as to produce the same effect, the quantities of heat are equal. It is first necessary to choose a standard of comparison, and to determine the effect of heat upon that body. We may thus choose a given weight of ice at the freezing point as the standard, and we may define as the unit that quantity of heat which must be applied to this weight of ice to convert it into water, still at the freezing point. By this system a quantity of heat is measured by the number of pounds, grammes, or other agreed weight of ice, at the freezing point, which that quantity of heat would convert into water at the freezing point. We may also employ a different system of measurement by defining a quantity of heat as measured by the weight of water at the boiling point, which it FUEL. 17 would convert into steam of the same temperature. This method is often employed in determining the calorific value of fuels. Another method is to define as the unit that quantity of heat which, if applied to unit of mass, one pound or one gramme of water, at some standard temperature, will raise that water one degree Fahrenheit or Cen- tigrade. According to this method a quantity of heat is measured by the amount of water, at a standard temperature, which that amount of heat would raise one degree. The amount of heat required to raise one gramme of water from 0° to 1° C. is now generally adopted as the unit of heat. All that is assumed in these methods of measuring heat is, that if it takes a certain quantity of heat to produce a given effect on a given weight of water in a certain state, then to produce the same effect on another similar amount of water will require as much heat; or that twice the quantity of heat is required for twice the quantity of water, and so on. It has been found by experience that more heat is required to raise a given weight of water near the boiling point one degree than at lower temperatures. If heat be measured according to either of the methods described, i.e., by the weight of ice melted or by the quantity of a parti- cular kind of matter which it can raise from one given temperature to another, quantities of heat may be treated as mathematical quantities, and may be added, subtracted, &c., as required. In the experiments of Rumford the apparatus employed consisted of a rectangular vessel of thin sheet-copper, inclosing a worm of three horizontal coils. This vessel was eight inches long, four-and-a-half inches broad, and four-and-a-half inches deep; containing a worm made of flattened copper tube, one inch in breadth and half an inch in depth. The lower end of the worm was secured to a circular hole in the bottom, near one of the square ends, while the other extremity issued vertically from the top of the vessel near its opposite extremity. A funnel-shaped copper mouth-piece, one-and-a-half inch diameter, was fitted to the lower opening of the worm, and a tube inserted in the top of the box received a thermometer, by means of which the mean temperature of the water it contained could be determined. The substance of which it was sought to ascertain the calorific value was burned beneath and within the funnel-shaped mouth of the coil; the result- ing current of air, after communicating the heat developed to the worm, and thence to the surrounding water, finally escaped from the other extremity. In order to avoid loss of heat by radiation, the temperature of the water with which the vessel was filled was reduced, immediately before the commencement of the experiment, a few degrees below that of the surrounding atmosphere, and the combustion was continued until the temperature of the water was raised exactly the same number of degrees above that of the air. It was estimated that in this way the vessel would receive as much heat by conduction and radiation, as it lost during the experiment. In order to reduce as much as possible the loss of heat by conduction the apparatus was supported on slender wooden pillars. To test the capability of the instrument to absorb the whole of the heat C 18 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. developed by the combustion of the substance under examination, the resulting gaseous products were conducted through a second apparatus similar to the first, and were found not to augment the temperature of the water which it contained. The data required in order to determine the calorific value of a sub- stance by the use of this calorimeter are as follow :— Weight of substance consumed water copper Specific heat of copper Initial temperature of water Final temperature of water. • • • N W С t ť' In experiments of great precision it would be necessary to make cor- rections for the glass of the thermometer, &c. ; but in the determinations of Rumford such extreme accuracy was not attempted. In order to ascertain the weight of water which, in respect to absorption of heat, would be equivalent to the copper of which the apparatus is made, its weight must be multiplied by the specific heat of copper. Let x represent the amount of heat produced by the combustion of one part of any given body in atmospheric air; the following formula will then express the calorific value of that body :- Nx (t' −t) (w + cs) (t'−t) (w + cs) a N For example:- W = Let n = 20 17,500 parts by weight. Then c = 2,000 0.09515 t 4° C. t' 13° C. >> (13—4). (17,500 + 2,000 × 0·09515) 20 · 7,960; is the calorific value of the body under examination. Lavoisier, Dulong, Despretz, and Grassi have investigated the calorific value of various bodies, but the more recent researches on this subject have been made by Favre and Silbermann, and by Andrews. The apparatus employed by the later observers was, in principle, similar to that of Rumford, but was so constructed as to afford more accurate results; and all necessary correc- tions were made in the various calculations. Calorific Power of Carbon. The more recent experiments on carbon, in the different states of diamond, graphite, and charcoal, have afforded results agreeing very closely with each other, and the discre- pancy in the results of the earlier observers may be accounted for by their having been ignorant that the combustion of carbon, even in oxygen, always gives rise to the production of a certain amount of car- bonic oxide. The incomplete oxidation of carbon, resulting in the pro- duction of carbonic oxide, is attended with the evolution of much less FUEL. 19 heat than is produced by its complete oxidation and conversion into carbonic anhydride. As, during the combustion of carbon, a certain amount of carbonic oxide is invariably produced, it becomes necessary to determine with accuracy the quantity of this gas resulting from each experiment. In order to do this, the products of combustion are first passed through a solution of potassa, by which the CO2 is absorbed, and subsequently through a tube containing cupric oxide heated to redness. In this way the CO is converted into CO2, which is passed through another solution of potassa and weighed. By these means not only the relation between the quantities of CO and CO, may be deter- mined, but the total amount of carbon consumed is also ascertained. From the mean results of a considerable number of experiments 8,080 has been decided on as the calorific power of carbon existing in the form of purified wood charcoal. Calorific Power of Carbonic Oxide.—In order to effect the perfect combustion of carbonic oxide it is necessary to mix it with one-third of its volume of hydrogen. To ascertain in each experiment the relative proportion of the two gases, a portion of the mixture is passed over heated cupric oxide, and the CO2 and H2O produced are estimated in the usual way. The mean of two experiments gave Favre and Silber- mann 2,403 units of heat as the result of converting one gramme of CO into CO2. It follows, therefore, that the amount of CO, containing one gramme of carbon will evolve 5,607 units of heat. One gramme of carbon has, however, been found to evolve 8,080 units of heat in passing to the state of CO2. Therefore one gramme of carbon, by conversion into CO, will evolve (8,080–5,607)= 2,473 units. It is remarkable that carbon in passing to the state of CO should evolve less than one-half the heat de- veloped by its conversion into CO2; but this may probably be accounted for by the large amount of heat rendered latent on the passage of carbon from the solid to the gaseous state, in combining with the first atom of oxygen. The great decrease of temperature which takes place when the CO₂ formed before the tuyer of a blast furnace is reduced to CO by means of glowing coal, has been explained by assuming that a chemical solution and not a combustion of the second atom of carbon takes place. In this instance, however, the reduction of temperature is to be ascribed to the large quantity of heat rendered latent by the passage of carbon into the gaseous state, as well as to the increase of volume experienced by the products of combustion. 2 Calorific Power of Hydrogen.-From the mean of six determinations Favre and Silbermann deduced 34,462 as the calorific power of hydro- gen. In such experiments the weight of hydrogen consumed is calculated from that of the water collected. Berthier's Process for estimating the Calorific Power of Fuel.-On the assumption of the correctness of Welter's theory that the heat evolved by combustion is directly proportionate to the amount of oxygen consumed, Berthier proposed to estimate the caloric power of fuel by burning it into CO, by means of the oxygen contained in litharge, and to C 2 20 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ascertain the amount of oxygen abstracted, from the weight of the button of lead produced. In the case of pure carbon, or fuel consisting of carbon without any mixture of other reducing agents, this process may be employed with advantage, and is capable of affording accurate results. But when hydrogen is present, which is nearly always the case, even in coke and charcoal, the results obtained are no longer satisfactory ; this will be evident from the following considerations: One part, by weight, of hydrogen will reduce the same amount of plumbous oxide as three parts by weight of carbon. The calorific powers of hydrogen and carbon are, however, respectively 34,462 and 8,080, or, in round numbers, as 34: 8. It consequently follows that the calorific power of 1 of hydrogen as compared with that of 3 of carbon is as 34: 24; so that the weight of lead which would in the case of hydrogen represent a calorific power of 34, would in that of carbon be represented by 24 only. It is, therefore, evident that this process is inapplicable to the exact determination of the calorific powers of fuels containing variable quan- tities of carbon and hydrogen. As, however, hydrogen in excess of the quantity required to form water will alone have any reducing influence on oxide of lead, the amount of error is less than might be anticipated. Calculations based on Welter's theory, made on results obtained by Berthier's method, cannot afford absolutely correct results; but they deviate so little from the truth that this method, owing to its simplicity, is still in use, and is of considerable practical value. The results are at the very highest only one-ninth smaller than those found by calculation on an analysis of the fuel, and the richer in carbon the substance is, and the less CO that has, through a careful execution of the assay, been formed during the experiment, the more nearly will they approximate to the truth. Berthier's process consists in heating a known weight of the substance in fine powder, with a large excess of litharge, which, being de-oxidised by the combustible constituents of the fuel, yields a button of lead pro- portionate to the quantity of those substances present. Every atom of oxygen abstracted from litharge will necessarily give rise to the pro- duction of an atom of metallic lead, and, consequently, a tolerably accurate measurement of the relative heating values of different kinds of fuel is obtained by weighing the button of lead, produced under perfectly similar circumstances, by a given weight of each variety. When, how- ever, it is required to ascertain approximately what quantity of water would be elevated from 0° to 100° C. by the combustion of a given amount of any particular fuel, it is necessary to refer the results to the known calorific value of some combustible substance. For this purpose, carbon, which, according to Despretz, requires 2.666 times its weight of oxygen for perfect combustion, is chosen. If this be abstracted from litharge entirely free from the higher oxides of lead, each part of carbon will afford about 34 parts of metallic lead; and if we admit, in accordance with the results of the above-mentioned chemist, that the same amount of carbon will elevate 78·15 parts of water from 0° to 100° C., it follows that each amount of lead, corresponding to an unity of carbon, FUEL. 21 = 2.298 which may be reduced by any kind of fuel, corresponds to parts of water raised by its combustion from 0° to 100° C. One Gramme of each Substance. CALORIFIC POWERS. Supporter of Com- bustion. Product of Com- bustion. 78.15 31 Number of Grammes of Water heated Observers. 1° C. Diamond Graphite, native "" artificial Carbon from gas retort Charcoal from wood Oxygen "" "" "" "" "" Carbonic oxide Hydrogen gas Sulphur, native. "" • in the state of flour Phosphorus Zinc Iron CO 2 "" "" 7,770 7,811.5 7,787.5 Favre and Silbermann. "" "" "" "" 8,047.3 "" 8,080 23 7,900 Andrews. င်း 2 227 59 2,473 Favre and Silbermann. "" H₂O 2,402.7 34,462 "" "9 "" "" 19 33,808 "" SO₂ 2 2,220.9 "" 2,307 Andrews. Favre and Silbermann. Andrews. 35 P₂ 05 5,747 59 ZuO 1,301 "" 99 "" Fe₂O₁ 4,134 "" The following table, from 'Knapp's Technology,' gives Rumford's results as obtained by his water calorimeter :- One Pound of the following kinds of Wood, when burnt, will heat 1. Limetree wood. Dry wood, 4 years old Pounds of Water from 0° to 100° C. 34.707 38.833 "" "" "" "" slightly dried strongly dried • 40.131 • 2. Beech wood. "" 3. Elm wood. Dry wood, 4 or 5 years old strongly dried. Wood dried, 4 or 5 years old strongly dried 33.798 36.476 30.205 • 31.083 • dried brown "" 4. Oak wood. 30.900 • "" Common firewood, in small shavings. The same, in thicker shavings in thick shavings >> dried in the air Very dry wood, in thin shavings 26.272 25.590 • 24.748 • 29.210 • 29.838 thicker do. · 26.227 "" "" 5. Ash wood. Common dry wood The same, dried in air, shavings "" 30.666 • 33.720 shavings dried in an oven 35.449 6. Sycamore wood. Strongly dried in an oven 36.117 7. Wood of Mountain Ash. Strongly dried in an oven Dried brown 8. Wood of Bird Cherry. Dried wood Strongly dried in an oven Dried brown 36.130 32.337 33.339 oven. 36.904 · 31.736 • 22 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. One pound of the following kinds of Wood, when burnt, will heat Pounds of Water from 0° to 100° C. 9. Fir wood (Deal). Ordinary dry wood 30.332 Well dried in the air, shavings 34.000 in an oven, shavings. 37.379 "" brown, in shavings 33.358 9 in thick shavings 28.695 10. Poplar wood. Wood, dried in the ordinary manner 34.601 " strongly dried in an oven 37.161 11. Hornbeam. Dried wood (ordinary) 31.704 The following table, from The First Report on Coals suited to the Steam Navy, by De la Beche and Playfair, shows not only the effects actually produced by several varieties of coal in a well-constructed steam boiler, but also those theoretically possible, together with the relation existing between the calorific effect of their various constituents:— Number of lbs. of Water con- Number of lbs. of Water con- Name or Locality of Coal. vertible into vertible into Steam from Steam from 100° C., by 100° C., by the Coke the carbon left by Coal. of Coal. Number (f lbs. of Water con- vertible into Steam from 100° C., by the hydrogen by 1 lb. of of Coal. Coal. Total num- ber of lbs of Water convertible into Steam from 100° C., Theoretical. Theoretical. Theoretical. Theoretical. Actual number of lbs. of Water con- verted into Steam from 100° C., by 1 lb. of Coal. Percent- age of Coke left by each Coal. Practical. Welsh Coals: Graigola 11.301 11.660 1.903 13.563 9.35 85.5 Anthracite (Jones and Aubrey) 12.554 12.563 2.030 14.593 9.46 92.9 Old Castle Fiery Vein 10.601 12.046 2.890 14.936 8.94 79.8 Ward's Fiery Vein 12.072 2.542 14.614 9.40 Binea 11.560 12.181 2.912 15.093 9.94 88.10 Llangennech 10.599 10.741 2.519 14.260 8.86 83.69 Pentrefelin Powell's Duffryn Mynydd Newydd 10.841 11.749 2.038 11.134 12.126 9.831 11.463 13.787 6.36 85.0 2.966 3.441 15.092 10.15 84.3 14.904 9.52 74.8 Three Quarter Rock Vein. 7.081 Cwm Frood Rock Vein 8.628 10.325 2.781 11.300 13.106 8.84 62.5 3.488 14.788 8.70 68.8 Cwm Nanty Gros 8.243 10.767 3.165 13.932 8.42 65.6 Resolven 10.234 10.899 3.072 13.971 9.53 83.9 Pontypool 8.144 11.088 3.207 14.295 7.47 64.8 Bedwas. 8.897 11.075 3.766 14.841 9.79 71.7 Ebbw Vale Porthmawr, RockVein 10.441 12.335 3.300 6.647 10.263 2.548 15.635 10.21 77.5 12.811 7.53 63.1 Coleshill 6.468 10.145 2.654 12.799 8.00 56.0 Scotch Coals: Dalkeith Jewel Seam 6.239 10.242 2.071 12.313 7.08 49.8 Dalkeith Coronation Seam. 6.924 10.570 2.202 12.772 7.71 53.5 Elgin Wallsend 6.560 10.454 2.968 13.422 8.46 58.45 Fordel Splint . 6.560 10.933 2.884 13.817 7.56 52.03 Grangemouth . 7.292 10.970 2.722 13.692 7.40 56.6 English: Broomhill 7.711 11.225 3.638 14.863 7:30 59.2 Irish: Slievardagh (Anthra- cite) . 10.895 10.995 1.487 12.482 9.85 90.1 FUEL. 23 CALORIFIC INTENSITY OF FUEL.-By the pyrometric heating power, or calorific intensity, of a fuel, is understood the degree of temperature which may be obtained by its complete combustion. This depends not only on its composition, but on various other circumstances, such as the purity, dryness, and temperature of the air employed as a supporter of combustion; the extent of the area of contact which the fuel offers to the air in a unit of time; the greater or less pressure under which the combustion takes place; the nature of the products; and the circumstances under which they are formed, &c., &c. Loss of heat from conduction and radiation likewise exerts a considerable influence on the practical results. It is, therefore, evident that to be enabled to calculate the calorific intensity of a fuel from its ultimate composition and the calo- rific power of its constituents, it will be not only necessary to take into consideration the nature of the resulting products, but also to introduce a number of factors, which complicate the formulæ, and must, without great care, become sources of error. Scheerer has calculated the calorific intensity of various bodies from formulæ based on heating powers as determined by Favre and Silbermann, and others, on the relative density of the fuel, and the specific heat of the products of combustion. The following are examples of the results of his calculations on heating powers :— In Oxygen. In Air. Carbon burnt to CO₂ 9,873° C. 2,453° C. CO Carbonic oxide Hydrogen. 5,316° -7,090° 4,0730 1,310° 2,121° -2,828 2,080° All calculations made on this subject so far agree with the result of experience as to show that, practically, the temperature which a fuel is capable of producing is directly proportionate to the amount of carbon it contains. Various methods have been devised for the measurement of very elevated temperatures, but the indications of the earlier pyrometers having been found inaccurate, they have generally fallen into disuse. A method of measuring high temperatures, which may be sometimes found convenient, is described by Mr. S. Wilson.* It consists in exposing a given weight of platinum to the action of the heat to be measured, and then rapidly transferring it to a vessel containing an ascertained weight of water of known temperature; from the increase of temperature ex- perienced by the water is calculated the calorific intensity to be measured. Thus if a piece of platinum weigh 100 grammes, and the water 200 grammes, the temperature being 15.5° C., and the heated platinum, when dropped into the water, raises its temperature to 32.2° C, then 32·2° — 15·5° – 16·7,° which multiplied by 2 (the weight of water being * Philosophical Magazine,' ser. iv. vol. iv. p. 157. ་ 24 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. In twice that of platinum) gives 33-4° as the temperature to which a weight of water equal to that of the platinum would have been elevated. order to ascertain the temperature to which the platinum has been exposed, this must be multiplied by 324, the specific heat of water as compared with platinum, that of the latter being represented by 1. Therefore 33·4° × 32·4 = 1,082-16° C., which will be the temperature required. When, however, it becomes necessary to determine the temper- ature of the interior of a furnace, it is impossible to transfer the substance heated to the water, in which it has to be cooled without the loss of a certain amount of heat; and the result obtained must consequently be to some extent incorrect. The electric pyrometer of Siemens, which depends in its action on the influence of heat on the conductivity of a platinum wire, and that employed by Schinz, which is a modification of the thermo-electric pyrometer of the elder Becquerel, are said to afford more satisfactory results. A description of these instruments would, however, occupy more space than the limits of the present work will, allow, and, consequently, those who feel interested in the subject of the temperatures of blast-furnaces, and in the chemical and other conditions influencing the combustion of fuels therein, will do well to consult the recent works of Schinz and Bell, which are valuable additions to the literature of this branch of metallurgical investigation.* The terms ordinarily employed to indicate high temperatures, such as red heat, white heat, &c., are very indefinite, since in judging of tempera- ture by the eye, much must depend on the observer, and on the conditions with regard to light under which the observations may be made. Pouillet, who examined high degrees of temperature by means of an air thermometer provided with a platinum bulb, arrived at the following results:- Incipient red corresponds to Dull red Incipient cherry-red Cherry red Clear cherry-red White 525° C. Dull orange 1100° C. 700° Clear orange 1200° 800° 1300° • 900° Bright white 1400° 1000° Dazzling white 1500° to 1600° • ANALYSIS OF FUEL, &C. Fuels which possess the highest calorific powers are not in all cases to be selected for practical purposes, as they may be subject to disadvan- tages which more than counterbalance this property. It is therefore necessary to ascertain by experiment what are the peculiar characteristics of each, so as to be enabled to select from among a number, such as may be most economically employed for the particular purposes to which they are to be applied. ESTIMATION OF ASH.-If the substance to be examined be a wood, it should be first reduced to fine powder by means of a rasp, or if it be friable, such as charcoal, pit-coal, or coke, it may be pounded in an iron mortar. * 'Researches on the Action of the Blast-furnace, by C. Schinz;' translated by William H. Maw and Moritz Müller: Spon. Chemical Phenomena of Iron Smelt- ing,' by I. Lowthian Bell: Spon. FUEL. 25 A weighed portion (about 1 gramme) of the pulverised fuel is then placed either in a platinum or porcelain crucible, and ignited over a gas flame, until the whole of the combustible matter is consumed. The residue is subsequently weighed, and from the amount left the per- centage of incombustible matter present is estimated. In making this experiment, much time will be saved by placing the crucible a little on one side, and partially covering its mouth with the lid, for the purpose of directing a current of air on the burning body. When the substance to be examined is a caking coal, it is found advantageous not to break the crust of coke which is first formed, but to allow the mass gradually to consume from the exterior. If this be not attended to, and it should contain much ash, small portions are frequently protected by a coating of earthy matter, and escape complete combustion. In the case of coke it is sometimes extremely difficult to consume the last portions of carbon, but this may always be effected either by exposing the crucible and its contents in an assay muffle, or by subjecting the substance, at a red heat, to the action of oxygen gas. The latter process is accomplished by placing a known weight of pulverised coke in a porcelain crucible over a lamp, and when, from the accumulation of ash, the combustion becomes sluggish, the vessel is closed by a cover having a hole through its centre, and through this a current of oxygen is conducted by a suitable tube, from a gas-holder in which it is contained. The amount employed is regulated by a stop-cock, and too rapid action is especially to be avoided. HYGROMETRIC WATER.-The amount of water present is estimated by drying a known quantity of the substance in a water or air bath, heated to 100° C., until it ceases to lose weight. In accurate determinations, all experiments should be repeated at least twice, as perfect reliance never be placed in results when this precaution has not been attended to. can SULPHUR.-The sulphur contained in a fuel is correctly deter- mined by the following process. The substance to be examined is inti- mately mixed with twice its weight of pure magnesium carbonate, and placed in a bulb blown in the middle of a tube of hard glass. This is strongly heated either by a spirit-lamp or gas-flame, at the same time that a continuous current of oxygen gas is passed through it from an apparatus attached for that purpose. When the whole of the carbona- ceous matter has been completely consumed, which is easily perceived by the whiteness of the mixture, the powder is thrown on a filter, and the soluble magnesium sulphate washed through. The sulphuric acid in the filtrate is then thrown down by barium chloride, and from the weight of sulphate of barium obtained, the percentage amount of sulphur present in the substance is deduced. Calcium carbonate may for this purpose be employed instead of the corresponding salt of magnesium, but as the calcium sulphate is less. soluble than sulphate of magnesium, the washing on the filter requires to be prolonged, and a longer time is necessary for the completion of this operation than for that above described. 26 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The sulphur may also be more rapidly, but perhaps less correctly, estimated by igniting in a platinum crucible a mixture of the substance to be examined with three times its weight of nitre and four times that quantity of pure carbonate of sodium. When this method is employed, the fused mass which remains in the crucible is first dissolved in water, and, after being filtered, is rendered acid by the addition of either nitric or hydrochloric acid. The filtrate is then treated with a sufficient amount of barium chloride as above described. A paper was read by F. Crace Calvert at the Edinburgh meeting (1871) of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, on the estimation of sulphur in coal and coke. The sulphur found in coal or coke often exists in two states, partly as sulphuric acid in sulphate of calcium, and partly as sulphur combined with iron. The portion existing as sulphate of calcium does not injure the quality of iron when used in the production of that metal, as it remains associated with the calcium ; whilst the portion existing as sulphide of iron greatly deteriorates its commercial value as a fuel. To determine the amount of sulphur in the former state, the author proposes to boil the pulverised coke or coal in a solution of sodium carbonate, which decomposes the calcium sulphate or calcium sulphide, and sulphur is estimated in the solution. In the residue from the above operation is found the sulphur combined with iron. After attacking with aqua regia, the author treats with carbonate of sodium and heats to near the fusing point. By this means there can be no formation of insoluble basic sulphate of iron, and the prevention of precipitation by a salt of barium, stated to occur in liquids containing free nitric acid, is avoided. Carbon and HYDROGEN.-These constituents are estimated according to methods employed for the analysis of organic substances; but the best results are obtained when a quantity of matter not exceeding half a gramme is operated on. Experience also shows that the combustion of fuels is more completely effected by the use of cupric oxide than when lead chromate is employed, and that whenever the substance burns with difficulty, as in the case of coal, and more particularly of anthracite, it is necessary, not only to use a long combustion-tube, but also a certain portion of dry chlorate of potassium, which, after being mixed with cupric oxide, is placed at the sealed end of the tube so as to give off oxygen towards the close of the operation. Instead of using chlorate of potas- sium, oxygen gas from a gas-holder may be passed through the tube. NITROGEN.-The amount of nitrogen contained in a fuel cannot be considered of much practical importance, and it may therefore, in most instances, be included with the oxygen: if necessary, however, it can be estimated as ammonia by the method of Will and Varrentrapp.* OXYGEN. This element is invariably estimated by the loss on analysis. Dr. Percy calls attention, as follows, to certain sources of error in * For directions relative to the analysis of organic substances see A System of Instructions in Quantitative Chemical Analysis, by Dr. C. R. Fresenius, 4th ed. p. 451. Whet FUEL. 27 analyses of coal:*"When coal contains much inorganic matter, especially iron pyrites, the usual method of calculating its composition, from the data obtained in the process of organic analysis, may be erroneous in a sensible degree. The ashes left by incineration are estimated as inor- ganic matter, and the proportion of oxygen is found by subtracting the sum of the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and ashes, from the amount of dry coal subjected to analysis. By incineration the iron of the pyrites is con- verted into sesquioxide, and the sulphur, in a greater or less degree, into sulphuric acid, which may remain in combination with any base in the ashes, such as lime, capable of forming a sulphate not decomposable at a red heat. Supposing the whole of the sulphuric acid to be thus retained in the ashes, for 1 part of iron pyrites there would be an increase of 1, due to oxygen derived from the air during incineration. The whole amount of this error, provided no correction be made, would fall upon the oxygen. It is not asserted that the whole of the sulphur is actually con- verted into sulphuric acid and retained in the ashes, but that a consi- derable portion of a stable sulphate may be produced during incineration. will appear from analyses of coal in the sequel. It is certain that the alumina in the ashes must in great measure exist in combination with silica as clay, but clay holds water in combination which cannot be expelled except at a temperature far more than sufficient to decompose coal. Hence, during the process of organic analysis, water may be evolved from the clay present in coal, and so occasion an error of excess in the determination of the hydrogen. This source of error has been pointed out by Regnault. Carbonate of lime is sometimes present in coal in very appreciable quantity, in which case carbonic acid would be evolved during the analysis, and so an error of excess would be caused in the determination of the carbon. M. de Marsilly has observed, that however pure a piece of coal may be, and however homogeneous it may appear to the eye, its different parts do not yield the same proportion of fixed residue by incineration; and the same is true in respect to the pro- portion of coke obtained by the calcination of different fragments of the same lump of coal. Hence, in every case, the proportion of ash and coke should be determined by operating upon an average sample taken from the powder of the coal.” LITHARGE EXPERIMENTS.-In many cases, the calorific value of fuels may be ascertained with sufficient accuracy without having recourse to an elaborate analytical examination, and for this purpose the process employed by Berthier is the most simple one. The weight of substance operated on may be about half a gramme, and great care should be taken to obtain it in the finest possible state of division. If the substance be brittle, such as coal, coke, or charcoal, it is easily pounded in a mortar, and afterwards sifted; but if it be a variety of wood which is to be experimented on, the saw-dust obtained by cutting it with a fine saw, or scratching with a file, should be employed. This should, according to its supposed richness, be intimately mixed with from 20 to 30 grammes of litharge, and placed in an earthen assay crucible. * Percy's 'Metallurgy;' Fuel, Copper, &c., p. 84. 28 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. On this is placed from 14 to 15 grammes of pure litharge, and after the whole has been shaken down, the crucible ought not to be more than half full, in order to allow sufficient space for the intumescence of the mix- ture when in a semi-fluid state. The crucible is now stopped by a cover, which is luted with fire-clay for the purpose of preventing any frag- ments of coke or reducing gases from the fire from vitiating the result, and the whole is placed in an assay furnace already lighted, and in which there is a supply of hot coke. Here it is gently heated during about fifteen minutes, at the expiration of which time the contents will be in a state of tranquil fusion. The crucible is now to be covered with coke, and the draught increased by means of the damper, in order to cause the whole of the reduced lead to collect in the form of a button at the bottom. Care should likewise be taken to prevent any loss of metal by volatilisa- tion, and a moderate temperature only should consequently be employed. This will usually be effected in about ten minutes, and the crucible is then withdrawn from the fire and slightly tapped against some hard body, to throw down any globules which may remain suspended in the fused litharge. After being allowed to get cold, the crucible is broken and the button of lead extracted, and from its weight is estimated the calorific value of the fuel. If the operation has been properly conducted, the button of lead separates easily both from the crucible and from the melted litharge by which it is surrounded; but in case of anything adhering to it, its removal is readily effected by first hammering the button on an anvil, and afterwards brushing off the small particles sticking to it, with a hard brush. The results thus obtained from different experiments on the same substance will be found to agree very closely with one another. But on comparing the calorific value of a fuel, as obtained by the litharge pro- cess, with that calculated from its ultimate analysis, the former is found to be about one-ninth less than that obtained by the latter method. This process, therefore, although not admitting of great accuracy, is sufficiently exact for many practical purposes. The exactitude of such determinations is sometimes also slightly in- fluenced by the presence of iron pyrites and protosulphide of iron, both of which exercise a reducing influence on the litharge similar to that pro- duced by carbon and hydrogen. When heated with this substance, the sulphur escapes in the form of sulphurous anhydride, whilst the iron with which it was combined remains with the litharge in the state of oxide. These reactions determine the reduction of a certain quantity of metallic lead which interferes with the experiments and, to a certain degree, vitiates the result. With few exceptions the operations employed for the extraction of metals from their ores require the aid of elevated temperatures, and con- sequently it is important that the metallurgist should be acquainted with the properties of the various kinds of fuel, and be thereby enabled to judge under what conditions each may be most economically employed. FUEL. 29 WOOD. Wood consists essentially of organic tissue composed of carbon, hydro- gen and oxygen, with a minute quantity of nitrogen, and a small proportion of inorganic matter; in its ordinary state it contains large quantities of water, which may be completely expelled at a temperature considerably below that at which decomposition of the organic matter would take place. The elementary composition of the tissue of all wood is the same, although various organic compounds with which it is associated may be very different in trees of different species, e.g., fir trees contain turpen- tine and oaks tannin. The value of wood as a fuel is almost entirely due to its vascular tissue, since the associated organic compounds are usually too small in quantity to afford calorific effects of any practical im- portance. The proportion of water differs in various kinds of woods, and is also considerably affected by the season of the year at which the different specimens may have been felled. When trees are cut during the winter months, and therefore not in a state of active vegetation, the amount is found to be less than if felled in summer when full of sap; and conse- quently all woods (unless there be some special reason for not doing so) should be cut during the colder portions of the year. Some kinds of trees are cultivated, not only for the timber which they yield, but also on account of the tannin contained in their bark; and such species are usually cut during the flow of the sap, as they are at that time more easily barked, and likewise contain a larger proportion of the compound for the sake of which their bark is collected. Small shoots and twigs yield a larger percentage of water than the more solid stem; the difference is also very considerable in woods of different botanical species, as may be observed by inspection of the fol- lowing numbers given by Schübler and Hartig. 100 parts of freshly cut wood, from the White Fir (P. abies) contain Pine (P. sylvestr.) Water. Water Hornbeam (Carp. betul.) contain 18.6 37.1 Willow (Sal. caprea). 26.0 39.7 Sycamore (Ac. pseudoplat.) 27.0 Red Beech (Fagus sylvat.) · 39.7 · Mountain ash (Pyrus aucupar.) 28.3 Alder (Betul. alnus) 41.6 • • Ash (Fraxin, excelsior) 28.7 Asp (Popul. tremula). 43.7 Birch (Betula alba) 30.8 Elm (Ulmus campestr.) 44.5 Wild service trce (Cratægus tormi- nalis) Red Fir (P. picea.) 45.2 · 32.3 Lime tree (Tilia europæa) 47.1 Oak (Querc. robur) 34.7 Italian Poplar (P. dilatat.) 48.2 Pedicle Oak (Q. pedunculata) 35.4 Larch (P. larix) 48.6 Horse-chestnut (Esculus hippocas- White Poplar (P. alba) 50.6 tanum) 38.2 Black Poplar (P. nigra) 51.8 It follows that recently cut wood contains from one-fifth to one-half its weight of water, which not only detracts from its value as a fuel in the same proportion, but, from its escaping in the form of vapour, must, moreover, carry off a part of the heat developed by the combustion of the other constituents. By exposure to the air green wood soon loses a portion of its water, 30 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. but after a time ceases to diminish in weight, as a sort of equilibrium is established between the hygroscopic power of the air and that of the wood. When this occurs, no further drying is effected by continued ex- posure, and its percentage of water will vary only within very narrow limits, dependent on the dryness or humidity of the situation in which it may be placed. In this state wood is said to be air-dried, and the remaining portions of moisture can only be expelled by the aid of heat, the last traces being eliminated with extreme difficulty. Rumford, who heated specimens of various kinds of air-dried woods at a temperature of 136° C. until they ceased to lose weight, obtained the following results :— Oak wood lost Elm Beech Maple 100 parts of 16.64 Fir wood lost 18.20 Birch 18.56 Lime 18.63 Poplar 17.53 19.38 • 18.79 • 19.55 Generally speaking, the wood employed for fuel is never thoroughly dried, but retains from 15 to 25 per cent. of water, so that the driest specimens seldom contain more than 85 per cent. of combustible matter. Wood kept in a warm room for six months, still retains, according to Winkler, 17 per cent. of water. Woods are usually divided into two classes-hard and soft. This distinction is founded on their calorific properties and on the facility with which they can be worked by edge- tools. The former, among which are numbered oak, beech, white and red birch, elm, and alder, contain in the same bulk a larger proportion of fibre, and have their vessels more closely packed than those of the softer varieties, such as pine, fir, larch, lime, willow, and the various kinds of poplar. Trees which have grown in poor land and in exposed situations, are supposed to produce harder and denser wood than individuals of the same kind, which have been planted in more sheltered localities and in richer soils. The specific gravity of wood depends in a great measure on its structure; but as two specimens of the same tree can never be found per- fectly homogeneous, the results obtained by experiment should rather be considered as approximative than as representing the true density of the wood examined. These variations of specific gravity will be also influ- enced, to a certain extent, by the nature of the soil in which the tree has grown, as on this will depend in a great measure the quantity and character of the salts it contains. From the air inclosed in their cavities, woods are in their ordinary state generally lighter than the same bulk of water; but when reduced, by rasping, to the state of fine powder, even the softest varieties are found to possess a greater density than that liquid. By thus destroying the pores and liberating the inclosed air, the specific gravity of the following woods has been found to be- · Oak Linc • 1.27 1.13 | Fir Beech • 1.16 1.29 FUEL. 31 In the following table are given the respective densities of different kinds of wood in various states of dryness :- SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF Different KINDS OF WOOD. Variety of Wood. 1. Recently Felled. 2. Dried in 3. Air. Strongly Dried. Birch (Betula alba) Common Oak (Quercus robur) 1·0754 0.7075 0.663 Pedicle Oak (Q. pedunculata) 1.0494 0.6777 0.663 White Willow (Salix alba) 0.9859 0.4873 0.457 Beech (Fagus sylvatica) 0.9822 0.5907 0.560 Elm (Ulmus campestris) 0.9476 0.5474 0.518 Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) 0.9452 0.7695 0.691 Larch (Pinus larix). 0.9205 0.4735 0.441 Pine (Pinus sylvestris) 0.9121 0.5502 0.485 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) 0.9036 0-6592 0.618 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) 0.9036 0.6440 0.619 0.9012 0.6274 0.598 0.8993 0.6440 0.552 0.8941 0.5550 0.493 0.8699 0.4716 0.434 0.8633 0·5910 0.549 0.8614 0.5749 0.8571 0.5001 0.443 • 0.8170 0.4390 0.431 0.7795 0.3656 0.346 0.7654 0.4302 0.418 0.7634 0.3931 1.2260 • Mountain Ash (Pyrus auruparia) Fir (Pinus abies) Silver Fir (Pinus picea) Wild Service (Crataegus torminalis) Horse-chestnut (Esculus hippocastanum) Alder (Betula alnus) Lime (Tilia europæa) Black Poplar (Populus nigra) Asp (Populus tremula) Italian Poplar (Populus dilatata) Ebony Columns 1 and 2 give the densities determined by Hartig, and column 3 the results obtained by Winkler, who weighed a cubic inch of each kind of wood. Wood not only loses weight by exposure to air, but at the same time decreases in bulk; and in some varieties this takes place to the extent of one-tenth of its original volume. By long immersion in water, the soluble and extractive matters con- tained in woods are dissolved, and therefore the method of transporting it by rafts, as practised in some countries, is not only found to lessen its weight, but also to reduce its calorific powers; consequently the advantages of cheap transport are to some extent counterbalanced by the inferiority of the wood so conveyed. The analysis of different kinds of wood yields results differing little from one another; but in all the varieties yet examined there is a slight excess of hydrogen over oxygen, although in pure woody fibre they are combined in such proportion as, by their union, to form water. The following table, compiled from the results of Petersen and Schödler, and from those of Heintz, gives the elementary composition of different varieties of dry wood. The specimens analysed were in each case taken from the trunk. Dr. Percy, who gives these and numerous other analyses of wood, calls attention to the fact that a minute amount of error must exist in all of them, from the presence of a small 32 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. quantity of CO₂ in the ashes; but remarks that it cannot exceed 0.2 per cent.* 2 ELEMENTARY COMPOSITION OF DRY WOODS. Exclusive of Ash. Name of Tree. C. H. 0. N. Oak 48.94 5.94 43.09 2.03 Beech Birch 48 29 6.00 45.14 0.57 48.89 6.19 43 93 . 0.99 Hornbeam 48 08 6.12 41.93 0.87 Alder 48.63 5.94 44.75 0.68 Ash 49 36 6.08 44.56 Horse-chestnut 49.08 6.71 44 21 • Black Poplar 49.70 6.31 43.99 • Lime 49.41 6.86 43.73 • Scotch Fir, Old Spruce Fir Walnut Mean • 49.87 6.09 43.41 0.63 Young 50.62 6.27 42.58 0.53 49.95 6.40 43.65 49.12 6.44 44.44 49.22 6.25 44.02 0.90 The nature and amount of ash left by the combustion of the various kinds of wood, depend, not only on the species of tree examined, but are also, to a certain degree, influenced by the nature of the soil on which it has been produced, as the different inorganic substances which enter into the composition of plants seem to have, to some extent, the power of replacing one another in the same way that one substance may be sub- stituted for another without affecting the form of a crystalline body. Generally speaking, the ash of wood contains potassium, sodium, mag- nesium, and iron as carbonates, silicates, sulphates, phosphates, and chlo- rides. The following table gives the amount of ash remaining after the com- bustion of different varieties of wood : Percentage Percentage of Ash. of Ash. Fir Birch 0.83 Elder Tree 1.64 • 1.00 Arbre de Judée 1.70 • · • • False Ebony Hazel. 1.25 Lime Tree 1.45 · • 1.57 • Oak (branches) 2.50 White Mulberry 1.60 · • Oak (bark). 6.00 Saint Lucia. 1.60 The different parts of the same tree do not yield equal proportions of incombustible matter; the bark and leaves always produce a larger amount than the branches, whilst the brauches leave more than the trunk. Woody plants generally yield less than herbaceous ones, which are also remarkable for containing a larger proportion of silica than is usually met with in wood. The published analyses of the ashes of wood are for the most part * Percy's 'Metallurgy;' Fuel, Copper, &c., p. 65. FUEL. 33 either imperfect or otherwise unsatisfactory; the following, made by Böttinger under the direction of Will, appear to be among the most complete and reliable. In these analyses the calculations have been made after deduction of the CO2, and charcoal resulting from imperfect incineration.* COMPOSITION OF THE ASHES OF WOOD. 1. 2. 4 3. 4. K₂O Na₂O 15.80 2.76 CaO 60.35 MgO 11.28 2.79 0.93 15.24 15.99 14.59 7.27 30.36 33.99 25.85 19.76 20.00 24.50 Mn304 18.17 7.61 13.51 Fe₂0, P20, or (Fe"" PO.) 1.84 5.10 2.28 6.18 Fe3O4 7.73 3 ČaỔ, P₂O, or Ca”, (PO,)½ Ca"; 3.99 CaSO 2.30 3.31 5.05 2.91 4 NaCl 0.21 1.48 2.52 0.92 SiO2 1.46 3.04 5.27 3.60 • D 99.99 100.00 99.97 99.98 No. 1, Beech from Switzerland; Nos. 2 and 3, Scotch fir, from the neighbourhood of Giessen, near which are mines of manganese; ash No. 2 from a diseased tree, and No. 3 from one that had died; No. 4, Larch from the same locality as Nos. 2 and 3. PEAT OR TURF. In low and moist situations, where water collects and cannot readily flow off, and in which the loss by evaporation is inconsiderable, large swamps or moors are formed, and in these marsh-plants of all kinds, such as sedges, rushes, reeds, mosses, confervæ, and even small shrubs, grow with great rapidity, and quickly cover the surface with a thick layer of vegetation. In winter these die, and are, on the return of spring, themselves covered by another crop of similar plants. These changes go on from year to year, and finally the ground becomes covered by a thick layer of vegetable matter in a loose state of aggregation. After a time, decomposition takes place in the mass, carbonic anhydride and marsh-gas, together with small quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen (pro- duced by the reduction of sulphates), are evolved, and finally the whole attains a considerable density and becomes of a dark earthy colour. This substance is called peat, and is in many places extensively employed as fuel. There are but few localities in which small quantities of this substance are not found; but in some countries, such as Holland and North Germany, such formations extend over districts of immense extent, and annually furnish large amounts of fuel. Sometimes different deposits appear to have taken place at succes- sive periods; and in this case they are generally divided into parallel *Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie,' 50, p. 406. 1844. D 34 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. horizontal strata by layers of earth or sand of various thicknesses. The beds nearest the surface are for the most part less compact, and of a lighter colour, than those found deeper in the series, and are made up of the roots and stems of plants, which although more or less decomposed, still retain their original forms. This porous spongy substance is called turf, and usually becomes of a darker colour and greater density as its depth increases; finally, it loses all outward traces of its vegetable origin, and is transformed into the dark substance called peat. Peat is turf so far decomposed that but few traces of its original organic structure remain, and of which the fracture has become compact, and in some instances even resinous. Its density is also greater than that of the more recent variety, of which a cubic foot only weighs from four to six pounds, while the weight of the same bulk of ordinary peat varies from twelve to twenty pounds. The cutting of peat is a simple operation. After having laid bare the surface, the peat is cut by square-pointed shovels into the shape of rectangular blocks, which are usually dried in the sun, and subsequently stacked, to be employed as fuel. In some instances the surface of the ground is covered with water, which, from want of drainage, cannot be drawn off; in such cases peat is collected by means of an instru- ment resembling a square-pointed shovel provided with an edge turned up at right angles for the purpose of affording a hold for the block after its separation from the mass. To use this tool, a man stands on a stage raised a little above the surface of the water, and having thrust the instrument into the peat, withdraws it, together with a square prism of the combustible, attached by adhesion to its two sides. When the depth of the water is more considerable, a larger instrument is em- ployed, which is worked by two men, and provided with a spring for holding the detached prism with sufficient firmness to allow of its being drawn to the surface, where the spring is released and the charge withdrawn. These are In Holland and elsewhere, when peat has become too spongy to be further extracted by the method above described, and has become reduced to the state of black mud, it is obtained by the use of a sort of dredge, made of a sharp steel hoop, to which is attached a bag of close network, which allows the water to flow through, but retains the particles of peaty matter scraped from below the surface of the water. allowed to drain in wooden troughs, of which the bottoms are covered with straw, and in which numerous holes are bored for the purpose of allowing the escape of water. When the mass has thus attained a certain consistence, it is trodden down by persons wearing on their feet large pieces of wood, like snow-shoes, to prevent their sinking into it, and, when sufficiently firm to resist the pressure of the foot, it is beaten with a beater of peculiar construction until nearly all the water has been expelled. It is now cut into blocks not unlike bricks, and stacked under proper sheds, so as to allow currents of air to pass between the different layers, and thereby facilitate the drying of the blocks. FUEL. 35 The amount of water contained in air-dried peat varies considerably, but is usually from 15 to 20 per cent.; at 120° C. it begins to suffer de- composition, and when heated to 250° C., not unfrequently ignites. The specific gravity of uncompressed peat varies from 0-25 to 1.058. ELEMENTARY COMPOSITION OF DRY PEAT. Exclusive of Ash. Locality. Analysts. C. H. 0. & N. Cappoge, Ireland Kilbeggan 52.38 62.18 6.79 7.03 40.59 31.03 Kane. "" Kilbaha 55.62 6.88 37.50 99 Vulcaire, France 60.40 5.95 33.65 Long 60.90 6.22 "" Champ-du-Feu 61.05 6.45 32 88 Regnault. 32.50 "" Mean 58.75 6.56 34.69 The ashes which remain after burning peat are partially due to the salts originally contained in the plants from which it derived its origin; but by far the largest proportion arises from earthy matters subsequently deposited from the water which so frequently covers the surface of the moors on which it is produced. The composition of the ashes of peat will necessarily be influenced to a great extent by the nature of the soil of the neighbourhood in which it is formed, as the water descending from higher grounds during heavy rains will always carry with it, in suspension, small particles which are deposited in the form of sand or mud on reaching the lower lands. In fact, it is constantly observed that the ashes of peat from a calcareous district will contain large quantities of lime, whilst a specimen which has been formed amongst hills of plutonic origin yields an ash in which siliceous material predominates. e In 100 parts of peat + following quantities of ash have been observed:- • Variety of Peat. Grass Peat, brownish yellow • Pitch Peat, from Clermont Herbaceous, from Burgundy Brown and herbaceous, from Troyes Very old Peat, from Vulcaire, near Abbeville "9 Long Not so old, from Champ-du-Feu, Vosges Near Berlin, 1st stage "" "" 2nd 3rd "" "" Moor in Eichsfeld," 1st sort "" 2nd "" "" 3rd 4th "" Yellowish-brown, from Dartmoor Ash. Observers. 17.30 26.00 Berthier. 7.10 16.00 5.88 • 4.61 Regnault. 5.35 9.30 10.20 Achard. 11.20 21.50 23.0 Buchholz. 30.5 • 33.0 13.43 J. A. Phillips. D 2 36 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Peat can only be advantageously employed by the metallurgist in localities where other fuels are scarce and expensive; the great space which it occupies, the large percentage of moisture retained by air-dried. peat, the difficulty of drying the requisite quantities, and the amount of ash resulting from its combustion, present obstacles to its general use which are not readily overcome. Various processes have, in different localities, been employed to improve the quality of peat as a fuel, but, up to the present time, none of them appear to have afforded results that can be regarded as entirely satisfactory. In some cases the blocks, after being partially dried by exposure to sun and air on the surface of the ground, are stacked in hollow piles, and finally placed in kilns, through which currents of heated air are conducted. In others the peat is first worked up into a pulpy mass in pug-mills, and then moulded by machinery into blocks, which are afterwards kiln-dried. By these means the quality of the fuel can be materially improved, but the cost of labour and machinery is so considerable, that the product cannot, under ordinary circumstances, compete with other varieties of fuel. It is, however, probable that the increasing price of coal may, ere long, lead to the discovery of some means by which the large amount of combustible matter locked up in the peat beds of this and other countries, may be rendered more extensively available. The following analyses of the ashes of peat have been selected from a series of twenty-seven made, under the direction of Sir Robert Kane, in the laboratory of the Museum of Irish Industry. ΚΟ Na₂O CaO MgO A1203 Fe2O3 P2O5 SO 3 HCI · COMPOSITION OF THE ASHES OF PEAT. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.362 0.641 0.744 1.667 1.427 1.875 0.704 2.823 26.113 22.702 40.623 20.907 3.392 6.809 4.352 5.252 4.180 1·109 1.671 2.034 • • 11.591 29.854 10.368 17.040 • 1.461 2.019 1.114 1.447 · 12.403 16.381 24.208 23.375 • 1.568 1.591 1.052 1.424 0.980 0.737 6.317 6.634 22.519 14.505 3 710 10.682 13 695 1.470 4.981 6.721 99.691 99.693 99.844 100·006 SiO2, in compounds decompos- able by acids Sand and Silicates undecompos- able by acids CO₂ 1. Light spongy surface peat, of a reddish-brown colour and com- posed almost entirely of Sphagnum, pieces of which are still distinguish- able; from near Monastrevin. 2. Good compact peat, of a blackish-brown colour, consisting prin- FUEL. 37 cipally of moss, with a number of Erica and grass roots, with Carex. This peat, which is used as fuel in Dublin, is from Riversdale bog, near Kimegad. 3. An exceedingly dense peat, with a conchoidal earthy fracture; from Athlone bog. Vegetable structure almost obliterated, but, when apparent, indicates remains of Carex, grasses, and Erica in abundance. 4. A rather dense peat, of a blackish-brown colour, in which the structure of moss is no longer visible, but abounding in remains of Carex, grasses, and roots and stems of Erica; from the Curragh or Clombourne bogs, near Shannon Bridge. 2 In almost every case the amount of CO₂ found was considerably less than that required for the formation of calcium carbonate, after ad- mitting the whole of the sulphuric acid to exist as calcium sulphate. This was supposed to have been caused by the expulsion of CO₂ during the process of incineration. Regnault, however, has satisfied himself that the whole of the calcium present in peat does not exist as carbonate, but as forming part of various organic compounds. The following analyses of the ashes of American peat are given by Professor Johnson :- * COMPOSITION OF THE ASHES OF TEAT-AMERICAN. 1. 2. 3. K₂O 0.69 0.80 3.46 Na₂O 0.58 trace Cao 40.52 35.59 6.60 MgO 6.06 4.92 1.05 3 Fe₂O, and A1203 5.17 9.08 15.59 P₂05 0.50 0.77 1.55 SO3 5.52 10.41 4.04 Cl 0.15 0.43 0.70 SiO 2, soluble S.23 1.40 CO₂ Sand 19.60 22.28 67.01 · 12.11 15.04 • • 99.13 100.72 100.00 The specimens of peat affording the ashes analysed were obtained from three different localities in Connecticut. 1. From Poquonnock; analysed by Professor G. F. Barker. 2. From Colebrooke; by Mr. O. C. Sparrow. 3. From Guildford; analysed by Mr. Peter Collier. Karsten states that peat sometimes contains iron pyrites in sufficient quantity to admit of its being employed for the manufacture of green vitriol. In a deposit of peat occurring near Moel-Hafod-Owen, North Wales, copper was some years since found in sufficient quantities to repay the expenses of working it for that metal. For this purpose the peat was * 'Peat and its Uses as Fertilizer and Fuel,' by S. W. Johnson, M.A., p. 47. New York. 38 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. burnt in kilns, and the ashes subsequently collected for smelting. At this time the whole of the cupreous peat has been removed, but the water, which sometimes collects in pools on the present surface, is often slightly tinged with green from the presence of salts of copper. These are pro- bably derived from the drainage of a large vein, principally composed of arsenical pyrites, which passes through the hill at the bottom of which the peat was found, and which contains a certain amount of copper. COAL. Coals constitute an important family which embraces lignite or brown coal, common or bituminous coal, and anthracite. The chief constituent of coal is carbon, in chemical combination with varying proportions of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen; all coals contain a greater or less amount of earthy impurity, which, being incombustible, remains, after burning, in the form of ash. From their composition, internal struc- ture, and other characteristics, there can be no doubt of the vegetable origin of coals; whether occurring as lignite, in which the ligneous structure is still apparent, or as common coal or anthracite, in which, for the most part, mineralisation has so far advanced that every external trace of their organic derivation has been obliterated. We have satis- factory evidence that coal in all its species is merely mineralised vege- tation, which, in part, grew and was submerged, in situ, as peat-mosses, cyprus-swamps, jungles, forest-growths, &c., and, in part, was drifted by rivers to seas or basins of deposit. The operations of nature being uniform and incessant, we have coals of all periods,-peats of the current epoch, lignites of the Tertiary, &c., bituminous coals of the Carbon- iferous, anthracites and graphites of the Devonian and Silurian ; the products differing from one another according to the amount of metamor- phism to which they may have been severally subjected. The available coal of Great Britain is of Carboniferous age, but many excellent coal- fields in India, America, and elsewhere, belong to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, while anthracite and graphite belong to various epochs. Coals are sometimes so free from earthy matter as to have less than one per cent. of ash, whilst others are so impure as to be unfit for fuel, and thus pass into more or less bituminous shales. The formation of the different varieties of coal by the decomposition of woody tissue may be explained by the gradual elimination of hydrogen and carbon as marsh-gas, of oxygen and carbon as carbonic anhydride, and of oxygen and hydrogen in the form of water. That the transformation of woody tissue into coal has been accompanied by the production of marsh-gas may be inferred from the composition of the fire-damp of coal mines, of which this gas is the chief constituent. It is not difficult to select from analyses of coals a series illustrating the gradual passage of woody tissue into anthracite ; a coal consisting almost exclusively of carbon. The following table, arranged by Dr. Percy, gives the variable amounts of hydrogen and oxygen contained in different FUEL. 39 kinds of fuel; the amount of carbon in each case being represented by a constant quantity.* Wood (mean of twenty-six analyses) Peat Lignite (average of fifteen varieties) Ten Yard Coal, South Staffordshire Steam Coal from the Tyne Pentrefelin Coal, South Wales Anthracite, Pennsylvania, U. S. C. H. 0. 100 12.18 83.07 • 100 9.85 55.67 100 8.37 42.42 100 6.12 21.23 • 100 5.91 18.32 100 4.75 5.28 100 2.84 1.74 It will be observed that through the various stages of conversion the relative proportions of hydrogen and oxygen gradually decrease. Nitrogen is present in coal in small proportions (from 1 to 2 per cent.), and although it does not appear to be an essential constituent of woody fibre, yet all woods contain albumen, and other nitrogenous matter, which will readily account for the presence of this element in the different varieties of fossil fuel. Sulphur is always present in coal, in which it chiefly exists in the form of iron pyrites; it may also occur as calcium sulphate, and probably also combined with the organic elements of coal. Coal always contains a certain proportion of water, which may be expelled at a tempera- ture slightly above 100° C. Whether the whole of this exists in the state of hygroscopic water, or whether, in some cases, a portion of it may not be present in a state of combination, has not been determined. A coal may appear to be perfectly dry, and yet lose a large percentage of water by desiccation. A sensible amount of inorganic matter is contained in all coal; its constituents are chiefly silica, alumina, lime, and oxide of iron, which are, in part, derived from the plants from which the coal was produced, and partly from the percolation of waters holding these substances either in suspension or solution. These substances constitute the ashes which are left by coal when burnt, and its value as a fuel is considerably influenced, not only by the amount of its ashes, but also by their compo- sition. Iron pyrites in coal is represented in the ash by an equivalent amount of ferric oxide, which, when present in large proportion, has the effect of rendering it fusible and causing it to form clinkers which adhere firmly to the furnace-bars. The distinction between red and white ash coals is mainly dependent on the amount of pyrites which they respec- tively contain. Daubrée has detected arsenic in the Tertiary lignite of Lobsann, Lower Rhine; and galena, copper pyrites, and micaceous iron ore are sometimes met with in this country in coals of Carboniferous age. . LIGNITE OR BROWN COAL.-Lignites are composed of fossil plants more or less completely mineralised and converted into coal; they have * Percy's 'Metallurgy;' Fuel, Copper, &c., p. 81. 40 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. usually a dull dark brown appearance, compact or laminated, and gene- rally reveal the texture of wood. When burnt they afford a dull flame, and evolve much smoke; are poorer in carbon than ordinary coal; their heating power is less, and, in the majority of cases, they contain a large amount of ash. Beds of lignite sometimes occur in the New Red Sand- stone, Oolite, and Cretaceous formations, but chiefly in the Tertiary. Lignites present a great variety of aspects; some, being almost as hard as true coal, are known as "stone-coal;" others, being distinctly woody, are known as “wood coal;"´some, again, consisting of thin layers like compressed leaves, are called "paper coal;" whilst soft earthy varieties have received the name of "peat coal." It thus passes through every gradation of texture from that of the more compact peats of the present day to that of the bituminous coals of the older formations. The well-known lignites, or brown coals, of the continent of Europe are chiefly of Tertiary age, and, from the leaves, fruit, and stems of palms, &c., which they contain, give evidence of a more genial climate in these latitudes during that period. According to Frémy lignites may be distinguished from mere wood and peat, on the one hand, by their complete solubility in nitric acid and hypochlorites, and from true coal, on the other, which is insoluble in hypochlorites, and is only slowly attacked by nitric acid. The table on the opposite page shows the percentage composition of different varieties of lignite. No. 1. Brown; structure fibrous and lamellar; becomes rotten by immersion in water; does not soil the fingers; coke has a semi-metallic lustre; does not swell, and cakes but slightly; ash bulky and red; copper and lead were detected in this coal; on burning, it evolves an extremely offensive odour; analysed by F. Vaux. 2. Black-brown. This coal, after being dried, absorbed from the atmosphere 12.7 per cent. of water in twenty-four hours. 3. Black-brown, with woody structure. The dry coal absorbed from the atmosphere 15.9 per cent. of water in twenty-four hours. 2, 3. Analysed by Schrötter. 4, 5. Brown coal from Prussia; 4, presenting wood-like structure, ash reddish-white; 5, earthy, ash yellowish-brown. The specific gravity and water were determined on coal fresh from the workings; analysed by F. Bischof. 6. Brown coal; by Baer. 7. Brown coal; analysed by Liebig. 8. Brown coal; by L. Gmelin. 9. Occurs at a short distance from the sea at Goneza, province of Iglesias, west of Cagliari; probably belongs to the true coal-measures; analysed at the École des Mines, Paris. 10, 11. Brought by Dr. Hector from La Roche Percée, Saskatchewan Plains. 10. Dark brown; compact, in part wood-like, and in part re- sembling coal from the coal-measures; fracture more or less conchoidal. 11. Cracked into small pieces by exposure to the air; in appearance much resembling coal from the coal-measures. 12, 13. Collected by Mr. G. P. Wall in the Island of Trinidad. 12. Black; fracture dull; powder brown; does not cake when heated in a close vessel; yields 43.15 per cent. of a non-coherent coke. 13. Black; bright, like good bituminous coal; when heated evolves an odour resembling that of petroleum. FUEL. 41 COMPOSITION OF LIGNITES, DRIED AT 100° C. OR UPWARDS. Exclusive of Sulphur and Ash.* No. Locality. Specific Gravity. C. H. 0. N. S. Ash. Water % Coke % C. H. O, in- clusive of N. 1 Bovey, Devonshire 1.13 66 31 5.63 22.86 0.57 2.36 2.27 34.66 30.79 69.94 5.95 24.11†. 2 Thallern, Austria 1.41 49.58 3.84 22.68 4.56 19.34 22.53 63.70 65.15 5.05 29.80 3 Gloggnitz 1.36 57.71 4.49 22.14 3.12 12.54 25.15 54.40 68.42 5.33 26.25 : "" 4 Riestedt, Prussia 5 Loderburg Wittenburg-on-the-Oder "" 1.21 61.13 5.09 31.95 1.22 55.30 4.90 31.95 64.07 5.03 27.55 1.83 31.66 62.27 5.18 32.55 : : : : 6 7 Hesse Cassel 62.60 5.02 26.52 : 66.49 5.33 28.18 8 Sipplingen, Lake Constance. 64.96 3.48 31.56 9 Island of Sardinia .. 10 British North America. 11 Prairies East of Rocky Mountains 12 Island of Trinidad 13 "" "" 14 Auckland, New Zealand 15 Tasmania 59.98 4.75 29.42 65.64 4.24 21.97 59.18 3.79 16.85 75.63 5.20 13.57 73.11 5.63 17.08 64.70 69.14 0.49 18.64 14.50 2.96 63.71 5.05 31.24 71.46 4.62 23.92†| 74.14 4.75 21.11†| 2.64 20.50 80.12 5.51 14.37 0.57 3.61 5.90 76.30 5.87 17.83 4.81 18.25 1.34 5.40 18.48 1.26 0.42 10.48 14.12 73.72 5.48 20.80† 0.35 5.37 13.43 74.33 5.80 19.87+ * Except where the amount of sulphur is not given in the eighth column. † Exclusive of nitrogen. : : : : : 7.85 49.50 3.35 5.86 5.50 5.85 17.26 : 0.93 0.70 6.52 13.92 1.05 50.00 60.01 5.31 34.68 : : 66.29 5.20 28.51 42 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 14. Black; lustre dull; fracture uneven, more or less conchoidal; cleav- age distinct; more or less translucent. A brown resin occurs, diffused through this lignite, in pieces varying from the size of a pea to consider- able masses. 15. In physical characters this lignite is similar to that last described, and containing resin distributed throughout its substance. Accompanying the specimen forwarded was a piece of resin as large as the fist, which was more opaque and less resembling ordinary amber than that contained in the lignite from New Zealand. The analyses 10-15, both inclusive, were made by Mr. C. Tookey, under the direc- tion of Dr. Percy. The mode of rendering the results has, in some cases, been slightly changed, by calculation, in order to adapt them to the general headings of the table. The following analyses of the ashes of lignite will be sufficient to give an idea of their general composition:- 1. 2. SiO2 45.13 19.27* Fe2O3 25.83 5.78 A1203 22.47 11.57 CaO 2.80 23.67 MgO 0.52 2.58 K₂0 0.60 1.74 NagO 0.28 SO 3 CO₂ 2.37 33.83 ⚫90 100.00 99.34 1. From Zwickau, Saxony; analysed by Kremers. 2. From Bruns- wick; analysed by Varrentrapp. The term lignite is frequently em- ployed as synonymous with coal occurring in deposits of later date than the true coal-measures. The coals of the Monte Diablo district, California, are of Upper Cre- taceous age, as are also those of Bellingham Bay and Naniamo, Van- couver. These coals are extensively used on the Pacific coast, and, like all others of a later geological period than the Carboniferous, contain a considerable proportion of hygroscopic water. Exposed to the action of a dry atmosphere they part with their moisture but slowly, and, in doing so, are liable to become disintegrated. This defect is, however characteristic of certain American coals of Carboniferous age; the per- centage of water in some of the Iowa coals being as great as in those of Monte Diablo. In other respects these Cretaceous coals closely resemble the highly bituminous varieties from the true coal-measures. The following proximate analyses of varions Cretaceous coals, in use on the Pacific coast, are given by Prof. J. D. Whitney, who remarks that those of the Monte Diablo coals were made very shortly after the first opening of the mines, and consequently an improvement in quality might be expected at greater depths.† * Residue insoluble in acids. † 'Geological Survey of California,' p. 30. FUEL. 43 PROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF CRETACEOUS COALS. Monte Diablo. Clark & Co. Black Diamond. Bellingham Bay, Washington Vancouver. Naniamo, Cumberland. Territory. Water 13.47 14.69 13.84 8.39 2.98 • Bituminous substances 40.36 33.89 40.27 33.26 32.16 Fixed carbon 40.65 46.84 44.92 45.69 46.31 • Ash 5.52 4.58 0.97 12.66 18.55 • BITUMINOUS COAL. This term is usually applied to coals from the coal-measures; these burn with a more or less smoky flame, like that of bitumen, although the presence of this mineral cannot be detected in ordinary bituminous coal. Coals of this description are brittle and opaque, with a lustre varying from dull to shining; colour, under ordi- nary circumstances, black, or brownish-black; when in fine powder brown-black, or brown; fracture uneven or conchoidal, the fragments often present more or less cubical or rhombic forms; consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur, with variable amounts of in- organic matter or ash. When heated in a close vessel they leave a solid carbonaceous residuum termed coke. Bituminous coals are divided into various classes in accordance with their peculiar chemical and physical properties, and their applicability to various specific uses. Many of these distinctions are merely local, or are dependent on comparatively slight peculiarities, but the general classification into caking or coking coals, on the one hand, and free-burning coals, on the other, is both definite and of great practical importance. Between these two extremes are numerous sub-varieties, which have, in different localities, received names indicative of their greater or less similarity to one or other of the types. When caking coals are strongly heated they become partially fused, and, when in a pasty state, swell into a spongy mass, giving off bubbles of gas which, as they escape, burn with a bright flame. Coals of this description, when reduced to powder and strongly heated in a covered vessel, agglomerate into a mass of coherent coke. This property of caking varies in degree, in different coals, from slight agglutination to almost complete fusion. The caking of coal does not however take place at a temperature below that at which its decomposition is effected, and consequently it cannot be regarded as the result of a mere fusion of its particles; it is, on the contrary, caused by the action of heat on its constituents giving rise to the formation of coal-tar, which, becoming subsequently charred, cements the whole into a solid and frequently sonorous mass. Even the powder of charcoal, or anthracite, if mixed with a small quantity of pitch or coal-tar and strongly heated in a closed crucible, will afford a perfectly solid coke, which, when struck, has an almost metallic ring. Free-burning coals are those which do not, in burning, cake or sinter together in any sensible degree, and of which the particles, when 41 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. strongly heated in a closed vessel, do not unite to form a solid coherent coke. A fire supplied with coals of this description remains open, allow- ing the air to pass freely through it; whereas many varieties of caking coal cannot, without an admixture of a free-burning coal, be employed for metallurgical purposes on account of the stoppage of the air-passages, caused by its agglomeration into a more or less compact and impervious mass. It would appear from the researches of Professor Stein, of Dresden, on the coals of Saxony, and from the investigations of Dr. Percy on those of this country, that the property of caking is dependent rather on the proxi- mate constitution of a coal than upon its ultimate composition, and that a caking and a non-caking coal may have the same elementary composition. This subject is, however, one of great interest, and worthy of further investigation. It has been asserted on good authority that certain Welsh coals lose their property of caking after a few days' exposure to the air, and M. de Marsilly states that strongly caking coal, which affords an excellent coke when fresh from the pit, yields an imperfectly formed coke, in the same ovens, after exposure to the atmosphere for six months. The same observer further remarks that all caking coals, from pits in which fire-damp occurs, cease to cake when they have been previously heated to 300° C., and that if they are strongly heated, in a state of powder, after being raised to this temperature, no agglomeration of the particles will take place. This statement has been confirmed by Dr. Percy with respect to the strongly caking coals of Newcastle-on- Tyne; but, in order to produce this effect to its fullest extent, it was found necessary to keep them exposed to the temperature specified during from one to two hours. The more important results of the investigations of M. de Marsilly may be summarised as follows:-Coal suffers a less loss of weight by desiccation in vacuo than by exposure to a temperature of 100° C. It begins to give off gas at 50° C., but its evolution is not very sensible below 100° C. The amount of gas evolved goes on increasing to 330° C., when the decomposition of the coal, properly so-called, probably commences; a liquid product having the odour of benzine is distilled off at the same time. The loss of weight experienced by coal at 300° C. ranges from 1 to 2 per cent. Coal from pits subject to fire-damp disengages carburetted hydrogen to the almost total exclu- sion of other gases, whereas the gas evolved from the coal of pits free from fire-damp consists of carbonic anhydride and nitrogen, without any trace of the hydrocarbons. Coal newly raised evolves carburetted hydrogen, even under a pressure five times greater than that of the atmosphere; after being exposed to the air during three months it no longer gives off any gas at or below a temperature of 300° C. The caking of coal is also, to a considerable extent, influenced by the way in which it is treated, since, in some cases, a coal which, if heated in the usual way, is practically non-caking, will, when rapidly exposed in a close vessel to a very high temperature, yield a firm coherent coke. The amount of moisture in a coal has likewise a certain influence on its FUEL. 45 Newcastle. Welsh Coals. property of caking, and when a large quantity of inorganic matter is pre- sent it is not without effect in diminishing this property, although Stein has found that a coal containing nearly 22 per cent. of ash may still be capable of caking. Strongly caking coal, from becoming agglomerated on the grate, and thus preventing the free passage of air, is not usually adapted for metal- lurgical purposes, excepting in the form of coke, and a fuel containing a large amount of a fusible ash may be equally objectionable, from the choking of the grate by the formation of clinkers. If therefore a coal possesses, in a high degree, the property of caking, or yields a large proportion of fusible ash, it is usually mixed either with a free-burning variety, or with a coal of which the ash has a tendency to prevent the formation of clinkers, when mixed with the more fusible ashes of the other. The following table, extracted from the Third Official Report on Coals suited to the Steam Navy,' gives the percentage composition of several varieties of British coal, together with their specific gravities and the amount of ash and coke yielded by each. The results obtained by Regnault and Karsten from the analyses of specimens of various foreign coals are given, page 46. COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS BRITISH COALS. Locality or Name of Coal. Specific Gravity. C. H. N. S. 0. Ash. Per- centage of Coke left. • (Aberamam Merthyr Ebbw Vale Thomas's Merthyr. Duffryn Nixon's Merthyr Binea Bedwas Hill's Plymouth Works. Aberdare Co.'s Merthyr. Gadly Nine-feet Seam (Resolven Willington · 1.305 90.94 4.28 1.21 1.18 0.94 1.45 85.0 1.275 89.78 5.15 2.16 1.02 0.39 1.50 77.5 1.30 90·12 4.33 1.00 0.85 2.02 1.68 86.53 1.326 88.26 4.66 1·45 1·77 0.60 3.26 84.3 1.31 90 27 4.12 0.63 1.20, 2.53 1.21 79-11 1.304 88.66 4.63 1.43 0.33 1.03 3.96 88.10 1.32 80 61 6.01 1.44 3.50 1.50 6.94 71.7 1.35 88.49 4.00 0.46 0.84 3.82 2.39 82.25 1.31 88.28 4.24 1·66 0·91 1.65 3.26 85.83 1.33 86.18 4.31 1.09 0.87 2.21 5.34 86.54 1 32 79.33 4.75 1.38 5.07 included 9.47 83.9 in Ash Andrews House, Tanfield 1-26 Bowden Close Haswell Wallsend. Newcastle Hartley Hedley's Hartley Bates' West Hartley West Hartley Main Buddle's West Hartley (Hastings' Hartley . (Earl Fitzwilliam's Elsecar Hayland & Co.'s Elsecar Earl Fitzwilliam's Park) Gate. Butterly Co.'s Portland 86.81 4.96 1.05 0 88 85 58 5.31 1.26 1.32 84.92 4.53 0.96 0.65 1.286 83.47 6.68 1.42 0.06 1.29 81.81 5.50 1.28 1.69 1.31 80.26 5 28 1.16 1.78 1.25 80.61 5 26 1.52 1.85 1.264 81.85 5.29 1.69 1.13 1.23 80.75 5.04 1.46 1.04 1.25 82 24 5 42 1.61 1.35 1.296 81.93 4.85 1.27 0.91 1.317 80.05 4.93 1.24 1.06 1.311 80.07 4.92 2.15 1∙11 5.22 1.08 72.19 4.39 2.14 65.13 6.66 2.28 69.69 8.17 0.20 62.70 2.58 7:14 64.61 2.40 9.12 72.31 6.51 4.25 7.53 2.51 59.20 7.86 3.85 6.44 2.94 35.60 8.58 2.46 61.6 8.99 3.73 62.5 9.95 1.80 61.7 1.301 80.41 4.65 1.59 0.86 11.26 1.23 60.9 Butterly Co.'s Langley 1.264 77.97 5.58 0.80 1.14 9.86 4.65 54.9 1.27 79.85 4.84 1.23 0.72 10.96 2.40 57.86 1.285 77.49 4.86 1.6 1.30 12.41 2.30 52.8 Stavely Loscoe Soft • Derbyshire. 46 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Lancashire. COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS BRITISH COALS-continued. Locality or Name of Coal. Specfiic Gravity. C. H. N. S. 0. Ash. (Ince Hall Co.'s Arley Haydock Little Delf Balcarres Arley Blackley Hurst · Ince Hall Pemberton Yard Haydock Rushy Park Moss Hall Pemberton Four-feet. Wallsend Elgin Wellewood Dalkeith Coronation Seam Kilmarnock Skerrington Fordel Splint Grangemouth Eglington Dalkeith Jewel Seam 1 272 82.61 5.86 1.76 0.80 1.257 79.71 5.16 0.54 0.52 1.26 83.54 5.24 0.98 1.05 1.26 82.01 5.55 1.68 1·43 1.348 80.78 6.23 1.30 1.82 1.323 77.65 5.53 0.50 1.73 1.258 75.53 4.82 2.05 3.04 1.20 1.27 Per- centage of Coke left. 7.44 1.53 64.0 10.65 3.42 58.1 5.87 3.32 62.89 5.28 4.05 57.84 7.53 2.34 60·6 10.91 3.68 59.4 7.98 6.58 55.7 76.09 5.22 1.41 1.53 81.36 6.28 1.53 1.57 5 05 10 70 58.45 6.37 2.89 59·15 1.316 76.94 5.20 trace 0.38 14:37 3.11 53.5 1.241 79.82 5.82 0.94 0.86 11.31 1.25 49.3 1.23 79.58 5.50 1.13 1.46 8.33 4.00 52.03 1.29 79.85 5.28 1.35 1.42 8.58 3.52 56.6 1.25 80.08 6.50 1.55 1.38 8.05 2.44 54.94 1.277 74.55 5.14 0.10 0.33 15.51 4.37 49.8 Scotch. COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS FOREIGN COALS. Specific Description of Coal. C. H. O. and N. Ash. Gravity. Analysts. Alias, Dép. du Gard Rive-de-Gier-Grand Croix Flenû from Mons Decazeville, Dép. Aveyron Epinac 89.27 4.85 4.47 1.41 1.322 87.45 5.14 5.63 -84.67 5.29 7.94 82.12 5.27 7.48 81.12 5.10 11.25 1.78 1.298 2.10 1.276 5.13 1.284 2.53 1.353 Commentry Blanzy Obernkirchen Lippe- Schaumburg Céral, Dép. Aveyron Neroi Saint-Girons 83.72 5.29 11.75 0.24 1.319 76.48 5.23 16.01 2.28 1.362 89.50 4.83 4.67 1.00 1.279 75.38 4.74 9.02 10.86 1.294 63.28 4.35 13.17 19.20 1.410 72.94 5.45 17.53 4.08 1.316 Regnault. • Saint-Colombe 75.41 5.59 17.91 1.09 1.305 Leopoldinengrube, Silesia 73.88 2.76 Königsgrube, Upper Silesia 78.39 3 21 2.47 20.89 17.77 0.61 1.285 Karsten. Sälzer and Neuak, Westphalia 88.68 3.21 8.11 1.288 Hundsnak 90.35 3.20 6.45 1.338 The composition of the ashes of a coal is in a great measure influenced by the nature of the rock overlying the seam from which it is extracted, as, besides containing the inorganic elements originally forming part of the plants, by the decomposition of which the coal has been produced, they will also to a certain degree consist of various earthy and siliceous materials, deposited in the pores of the coal by the infiltration of water from the strata above. The analysis of the ashes of seven varieties of British coal afforded the results given in the following table. The alkalies were not estimated. FUEL. 47 Name of Coal from No. which the Ash was obtained. COMPOSITION OF THE ASHES OF COALS. SiO2. Al2O3. Fe2O3. CaO. MgO. SO3. P 205 FeS. Tutal. 1234 1 Dowlais, N. Wales 35.73 41.11 11.15 2.75 2.65 4.45 0.99 98.83 "" "" "" "" 24.18 20.82 26.00 9.38 9.74 8.37 0.21 0.38 99.08 37.61 38.48 14.78 2·53 2.71 0.29 2·00 39.64 39.20 11.84 1.81 2.58 trace 3.01 98.40 .. 98.08 "" "" 5 Bedwas 26.87 56.95 "" 6 Porth-mawr,, 34.21 52.00 5.10 1.19 7.23 0.74 6.20 0.66 4.12 0.63. 97.82 98.08 7 Fordel Splint, 37.60 52.00 3.73 1.10 4.14 0.88 99.45 Scotch Nos. 1-4 analysed by E. Riley; Nos. 5-7 by J. A. Phillips. CANNEL COAL. This is a compact, brittle, jet-like variety of coal, sonorous when struck, breaks with a conchoidal fracture, and does not soil the fingers when handled. It is said to derive its name from the candle-like light it yields when burning, and is known to Scotch miners as "Parrot Coal," from the crackling, chattering sound it emits when thrown on the fire. Cannel coal occurs in certain districts interstratified with ordinary coal, and often forms, in the Scotch coal-fields, the upper portion of a seam of free-burning coal, or even of a bed of blackband ironstone. It is used chiefly in the manufacture of gas, for which pur- pose it is in great demand. The "Boghead" coal, in the county of Linlithgow, the object of a celebrated trial at law in the year 1853, is one of the most valuable of the brown cannels of Scotland, and is in high request for the manufacture of gas and paraffin oil. The cannel coals of Wigan are mined in the immediate vicinity of that town, but thin out in every direction from Wigan as a centre. COMPOSITION OF CANNEL COALS. Locality. Specific Gravity. C. H. 0. N. S. Ash. H20% Analysts. Wigan Tyneside Boghead 1.32 78.06 5.80 3.12 1.85 1.20 65.72 9.03 4.78 0.72 1.27 80.07 5.53 8.10 2.10 1.50 2.70 1.91 Vaux. 1.32 84.07 5.71 7.82 2.40 : 2.22 8.95 19.75 Regnault. Taylor. Stenhouse. Dr. Stenhouse obtained the following results as the mean of three analyses of the ash of Boghead cannel: SiO2 A1203 Fe₂03 K₂O NaO 58.31 33.65 7.00 0.84 0.41 • CaŎ and SO3 traces · 100.21 48 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ANTHRACITE.—Anthracite is the ultimate product of the conversion of vegetable matter into coal. Its structure is perfectly homogeneous, its fracture conchoidal, and its colour a jet black, with a vitreous lustre, which frequently exhibits a powerful play of colours. The results obtained by various chemists from analyses of specimens of this substance are given below. COMPOSITION OF ANTHRACITES. Mire, Braconnière Locality. Pennsylvania, America Sablé, Dép. de la Sarthe C. H. O. and N. Specific Ash. Gravity. Analysts. Rolduc, near Aix-la-Chapelle • Vizille, Dép. de l'Isère • Isère Llanguicke, Glamorganshire 90.45 2.43 2.45 91.98 3.92 3.16 91.45 4.18 2.12 87.22 2.49 3.39 94.09 1.85 2.85 94.00 1.49 3.58 4.00 91.44 3.84 3.58 1.52 1.375 4.67 1.462 0.94 2.25 1.343) 1.367 Regnault. 6.90 1.751 1.90 1.730 Jaquelin. 1.650 Wrightson. Slievardagh, Ireland 80.03 2.30 1.590 H. How. The present annual production of coal in the United Kingdom is about 120,000,000 tons. EFFECT OF HEAT ON FUELS. Since all the various substances employed for the purposes of fuel are of organic origin, it follows that they are more or less prone to decom- position. Chemical combinations are stable within certain limits of tem- perature only, and when these points are passed, a series of compounds is produced by fresh groupings of the various elements of which the original substance was composed. When a substance such as wood is strongly heated, the arrangement of its elements is broken up, and new compounds are produced, capable of existing at the higher temperature at which they are formed. The nature of these products will in a great measure depend on the degree of heat which has been employed, as those obtained at one temperature will materially differ, both in quantity and composition, from those which are formed at another. The results will moreover be essentially different, according as air is excluded from or admitted into the apparatus in which the heating takes place. When air is admitted, the products at first formed are imme- diately subjected to the action of oxygen, which combines with their elements to form new bodies, and combustion is finally the result.. If, on the contrary, decomposition is effected by heat alone in close vessels, air being excluded, the process is known by the name of dry distillation, and affords the means of collecting and studying the various products obtained at more or less elevated temperatures. This operation is of the greatest importance, as affording the means of modifying various fuels, so as to adapt them to the particular circumstances under which they are to be employed. When a piece of wood or coal is strongly heated, its elements so arrange themselves as to give rise to various FUEL. 49 gaseous compounds, and these, escaping at an elevated temperature, ignite and produce flame. This combustion affords sufficient heat to cause the non-volatile portion of the fuel to combine with the oxygen of the air, which in its turn produces a fresh supply of gas from that portion of the mass with which it is in immediate contact. In this way combustion is supported until the substance is entirely consumed, as the heat evolved by the combustion of the carbon on the outer surface of the mass causes the dry distillation of the inner portions with which it is in contact; whilst the gases thus evolved tend to facilitate the union of the carbon of the outer surfaces with the oxygen of the air. When the elements of which a fuel is composed are, by the aid of heat, forced to abandon their state of equilibrium, the nature of the new products will be to a certain extent influenced by three different causes. 1stly. By the temperature at which the decompositions have been effected. 2ndly. By the degree of chemical affinity existing between the various elements. 3rdly. By their relative degrees of volatility, &c. Hydrogen and oxygen are volatile bodies, whilst carbon, on the con- trary, is fixed, and therefore the two former will constantly have a tendency to separate from the latter, and pass off in the form of gas. Here, how- ever, chemical affinity comes into play, and causes them to unite with each other, and form new compounds, either singly or together, with carbon, a portion of which is thereby made to assume the gaseous form. The most stable compound of hydrogen and oxygen is water, whilst the excess of hydrogen which exists in all fuels takes up a portion of the carbon, with the production of gaseous hydrocarbons, and the united action of these continually tends to the formation of a series of com- pounds, the nature of which will in a great measure depend on the temperature at which they are formed, as those will be constantly pro- duced which are most stable at the various degrees of heat attained. The rapid chemical action incident on the production of these varied com- pounds necessarily produces a further elevation of temperature, and the consequent formation of new groups. The greater the proportion of hydrogen contained in a fuel, and the less the quantity of oxygen, the more numerous are the combinations of carbon produced, but in no instance are these sufficient in amount to combine with the whole of the carbon present, a portion of which inva- riably remains in the solid form in the vessel in which the distillation has been effected. Charcoal produced from wood, brown coal, and turf, retains the form of the original fragment before it was subjected to the action of heat; and in the case of the former, its mechanical structure is so completely preserved that the year-rings and cells may be perfectly distinguished, and the kind of wood from which it was made ascertained. Coke from bituminous coal, on the contrary, loses more or less com- pletely the form of the fragments from which it is made, and in the majority of cases no trace remains of the structure of the original coal. E 50 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. PREPARATION OF ARTIFICIAL FUELS. From the large amount of water contained in most varieties of fuel, as well as from the oxygen which enters into their constitution, it is evident that, when burnt, a portion of the heat evolved must be rendered un- available, as the water present will carry off by its evaporation a portion of the heat produced; the union of the hydrogen and oxygen forming part of the fuel, will also give rise to the production of water, which has to be evaporated at the expense of a further sacrifice of heat. ous In order, therefore, to obtain a larger amount of combustible matter in a given weight of fuel, it has long been the custom to expel the aque- and gaseous portions of such as are required to afford an intense heat, before applying them to the uses for which they are intended. This is the object of charring wood, or converting it into charcoal, which opera- tion has more recently been extended to peat, lignite, and coal; in the latter case the process is called coking, and the resulting product is known by the name of coke. By this means, the different kinds of natural fuels are made to afford a series of artificial ones of respectively higher calorific values than the substances from which they are severally derived; their economical preparation, therefore, becomes a subject of import- ance, not only to the metallurgist, but to all who require the aid of elevated temperatures. CHARCOAL. If we ignite a small splinter of wood, and closely examine the way in which it burns when the lighted end is held downwards, two distinct periods will be observed. When the flame has become weak, from the volatile combustible products having ceased to be evolved, except in very small quantities, it is observed gradually to die out, and nothing will remain but the feeble glimmering produced by the slow combustion of the remaining charcoal, which not affording sufficient heat to admit of the combustion of the carbon by the oxygen of the air, soon ccases. If, so soon as the flame is extinguished, the chip be placed in a close vessel, such as a test-tube stopped by the finger, it will, from want of air, be quickly extinguished, without any of the glimmering before noticed; and if a piece of wood be at once heated in a close vessel, so as to completely char it without first producing ignition, the volatile matters are driven off, and charcoal is produced without loss of carbon from the action of the air. In the ordinary methods of preparing charcoal on a large scale, both these principles are in a manner involved; as in this case a portion of the wood is consumed in order to sufficiently raise the temperature to drive off the volatile constituents of that which remains, whilst the combustible products of distillation are invariably more or less perfectly consumed. Less frequently the coking is effected in large ovens or retorts, and in that case the second principle only comes into play. Whichever of these contrivances be employed, it is essential that time be allowed for all the oxygen to combine with hydrogen to form FUEL. 51 water, without which these gases unite with and render volatile a portion. of the carbon, and thereby diminish the amount of coke produced. Karsten, who has carefully examined this subject, obtained the following results, from which the advantage of the slow over the quick method of charring becomes apparent. Species of Wood employed. Percentage Amount of Charcoal obtained by Quick Method of Charring. Percentage Amount of Charcoal obtained by Slow Method of Charring. Young Oak Old do. • Young Red Beech Old do. 16.54 25.60 15.91 25.71 14.87 25.87 14.15 26.15 Young White Beech 13.12 25.22 · Old do. 13.65 26.45 • • Young Alder 14.45 25.65 • Old do. 15.30 25.65 Young Birch 13.05 25.05 Old do. 12.20 24.70 Birch 100 years old 12.15 25.10 Young Deal (Pinus picea) 14.25 25.25 Old do. 14.05 25.00 Young Fir (P. abies) 16.22 27.72 Old do. 15.35 24.75 Young Pine P. sylvestris 15.52 26.07 Old do. 13.75 25.95 Lime-tree 13.30 24.60 • The best method of ascertaining the quantity of charcoal yielded by various kinds of wood is to place a weighed fragment of the wood in a covered crucible filled with saw-dust or charcoal-dust, and having placed it in an assay furnace, the heat should be gradually raised to redness, at which temperature it is kept for about half an hour; when the crucible must be withdrawn from the fire, and allowed to cool previously to being opened. Fine sand may also be employed instead of saw-dust for the purpose of excluding air from the wood. When the crucible has sufficiently cooled, the charcoal is withdrawn and weighed. This experiment should be repeated at least twice on each variety of wood, for the purpose of avoiding error. PREPARATION OF CHARCOAL IN PILES OR STACKS.-The charcoal-burner selects for this purpose a dry locality, sheltered, on at least one of its sides, either by a hill or a portion of the uncut forest; since, if the piles were constructed in an exposed situation, it would be extremely difficult to prevent their being so acted on by the wind as to cause an unequal charring of the wood. When a proper situation has been chosen, which, to prevent the expense of carriage, should not be far removed from the place where the wood is felled, a circular piece of ground of the diameter of the intended stack is marked out. If the soil be sandy and dry, this is done by merely cutting around it a shallow drain, for the purpose of carrying off any rain-water which may fall during the process of carboni- sation; but should there be any reason for suspecting the dryness of the E 2 52 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. soil, the surface is slightly raised by a covering of stones, logs of wood, or the smaller branches of trees. The next operation is to cover the surface with charcoal-dust, obtained from a preceding operation, or, in default of this, a strew of leaves is sometimes employed. A long post is now driven into the ground in the centre of the circle, and it should be of such a length that its upper extremity may remain a little above the top of the intended mound. Around this, the wood which has previously been cut into proper lengths, is piled, as shown, fig. 2. The greatest care Fig. 2.-Charcoal Pile; vertical section. is taken to avoid large cavities between the billets; and, for this reason, those situated immediately around the post should be made by splitting the larger branches; in making the mound their thinner edges are placed towards the central post. The more slantingly the billets are placed against this post, the greater will be the spaces between them; and, therefore, the more perpendicularly they can be piled consistently with the stability of the mass and the reten- tion of the external covering, the better will be the subsequent results. It is also evident that, when logs are piled horizontally in concentric circles radiating from the centre, considerable spaces must be produced by the divergence of the outer ends of the billets forming the various rings; and, therefore, a combination of the two methods, as shown in the figure, is frequently adopted. All unavoidable spaces resulting from the crooked- ness of the branches or their radiation must be carefully filled with small fragments of wood; and when the surface has been thus made even, and the top or cap has been properly rounded by the addition of refuse wood, the pile is provided with its covering. This consists of turf, which is placed on the heap with the grassy side inwards, and is beaten all over with a shovel, to make it lie closely on its surface. This is again covered either with damp charcoal-dust or earth, and the whole pressed down for the purpose of giving it solidity. The covering does not, how- ever, extend to the foot of the pile, but is supported at a few inches from the bottom by twigs held in their places by forks, so as to form hoops around the lower part of the meiler. This open part at the base of the mound is for the purpose of allowing the escape of the aqueous vapours generated during the first stage of the operation, since no opening is allowed at the upper part of the pile, as it would tend to cause a draught and consume a portion of the wood to be charred. The dimensions of the mounds depend on circumstances incident to the neighbourhood in which the charring takes place, but should in no case be so considerable as not to admit of easy regulation of the tempera- ture. Heaps of only 10 feet in diameter are sometimes met with, but these are, generally speaking, inconveniently small, and stacks of from 30 to 40 feet across the base are, therefore, frequently preferred, although, FUEL. 53 in some localities piles of even 60 feet in diameter are occasionally employed. In arranging the billets around the central stake, care is taken to leave at the bottom a small channel from it to the exterior part of the heap, and by means of this the fire is communicated to the pile when it is finished and the external covering has been well pressed down. Sometimes, instead of leaving this opening, the central stake is composed of three pieces of cleft wood so arranged and tied together with bands of green branches as to form a kind of chimney by which fire may be communicated; and in this case the horizontal passage becomes unnecessary. When the mound is completed, and the covering securely packed down, fire is communicated to the centre of the mass, either by throwing lighted coals down the vertical chimney, or by introducing them through the horizontal gallery. For the purpose of facilitating ignition, the wood placed immediately around the stake consists of the half-burnt charcoal resulting from a preceding operation, which is picked out for that pur- pose as being more combustible than the ordinary wood of which the other parts of the stack are composed. When the heap has been ignited, the hole by which the fire has been introduced is tightly closed with turf and earth; and the first period, during which the moisture is expelled from the wood, commences. At this stage great attention is necessary to prevent the explosion of¸ the heap, from the ignition of a mixture of atmospheric air with the in- flammable gases produced by the dry distillation of wood. During the whole of the "sweating" process, large quantities of yellowish-grey smoke escape, particularly from the uncovered space at the base of the mound, and the interior of the covering becomes moist from the condensa- tion of aqueous vapour expelled from the wood by the action of heat. When the colour of the smoke issuing from the mound has been observed to change to a light grey, without any of the yellow tint before men- tioned, the burner hastens to close the open space at the base, and the charring period commences. The covering of the pile now requires to be thoroughly repaired, as the dry wood in the vicinity of the central stake will have become par- tially consumed, and have caused a sinking of the top or cap of the heap. The upper part of the covering is, therefore, rapidly removed, the charred wood forced down by means of a long pole into a compact mass, and the cavity thus made immediately filled with fresh logs. The covering is now, with as great expedition as possible, replaced, and any crevices which may have occurred in it from the sinking of any part of the mound are stopped without delay, as they would otherwise, by admitting atmo- spheric air, cause the combustion of a portion of the wood. The stack is now left to itself for several days, except that small holes are from time to time made in that portion of the covering which is nearest the ground. This is done both for the purpose of allowing the escape of tarry vapours and to admit the requisite amount of air, although the porosity of the covering of turf, &c., constantly aids in producing these results. The dimensions of the heap have, at this stage, become considerably 54 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. reduced, and care must be taken to observe whether it has equally dimi- nished in all its parts, or whether some portions of its surface have sunk, whilst others are in their original condition, thereby giving an irregu- larity of outline to the meiler. If such be the case, the charring has been badly conducted. This may to a certain degree be obviated, either by covering the sunken and more perfectly carbonised parts with an additional layer of turf, or by means of an aperture made in the raised portion, the draught may be increased in that direction. Towards the end of the process, and when the wood in the interior of the mound has become perfectly carbonised, it will be found necessary to adopt means to effect the charring of those portions which are in immediate contact with the movable covering. In this direction the wood is so cooled by radiation and by the con- densation of aqueous vapours as to escape carbonisation; and the work- men, therefore, accelerate the draught in this part of the heap by making a second series of holes in the covering, parallel with those which have before been described, but at a greater distance from one another. These are allowed to remain open until the smoke that issues from them is seen by its colour to be free from watery vapour; and, when this period has arrived, they are closed, in order to give place to others which are made at a short distance below them. Holes are never made for this purpose in the higher part or crown of the pile, as the draught is naturally in that direction; but in very large mounds, three, or even four, successive series of openings are not unfrequently made at different heights above the surface of the ground. The time necessary for the operation chiefly depends on the size of the stack. Small mounds are generally carbonised in from six to fourteen days; but if the diameter be more than thirty feet, at least a month is required. If at the termination of the process the covering were removed, and the heap broken up whilst still hot, the access of atmospheric air would cause the charcoal to ignite, and the whole would be consumed. On the contrary, if the covering were allowed to remain undisturbed until the mass had cooled down, so as to admit of its being removed without danger, much time would be lost; the charcoal is therefore withdrawn in small quantities, and with suitable precautions. In order to do this, the burner lays bare a space of two or three feet at the bottom of the mound, and, with an iron crook fitted to a wooden handle, withdraws, one by one, the logs of charcoal. These, which are red hot when drawn out, are extinguished cither with water or by being buried in damp charcoal- dust; and as soon as the air begins to act too strongly on the exposed part, the opening is closed, and another made in a different part of the mound. This operation, which is repeated until the whole has been removed and extinguished, is best performed at night, as the slightest spark is then visible, and the chance of loss from the ignition of the charcoal thereby reduced. In some parts of the Continent, another arrangement is employed FUEL. 55 for the preparation of charcoal; this process is said to yield charcoal of a better quality than that obtained by the ordinary method. For this purpose the logs are laid together in the form of a narrow wedge, as shown in fig. 3, of which the breadth is regulated by the length of the logs; its Fig. 3.-Charcoal-burning; rectangular heap. length varies from twenty to thirty feet. The thick end, which is farthest from that at which the fire is communicated, is from seven to nine feet in height, whilst the thin end is only about two feet above the level of the soil. In the erection of a heap of this kind, the burner commences by driving stakes, a, all round the parallelogram in which the logs are to be placed. These must project from the surface so as to be of the same height as the pile is intended to be at the points at which they are driven; and their outline, therefore, in every respect corresponds with the form of the pile itself. These stakes are so placed as to leave a space all round the wedge- shaped heap of logs which are piled within the inclosure. The billets used are usually eight feet in length; and, therefore, in order to allow a space of six inches between their ends and the sides of the inclosure, the latter is made nine feet in width. The opening thus left between the ends of the wood and stakes is for the purpose of receiving the covering, which, on account of the perpendicular sides, could not otherwise be kept in its place. Boards or pieces of cleft wood are now applied against the inside of the posts, and wet charcoal-powder or breeze is stamped down between them and the logs until the interval is entirely filled. When this is done, the roof receives a triple covering of twigs, leaves, and, lastly, charcoal-powder and earth, which is moistened with water and well beaten down. In each of the long sides of the heap a series of holes is made in the boarding, but these do not penetrate through the charcoal coating; and in the lower end a larger one, b, is left for the purpose of igniting the logs, which is effected by first filling the aperture with shavings or dry wood, and then throwing some red-hot coals between the posts and the pile of wood. When the fire has fairly taken hold of the wood this aperture is closed, and other holes, of about three or four inches in diameter, are made at a height of about fifteen inches from the ground, in the same end of the heap. As soon as the smoke issuing from these assumes a clear blue colour, they are stopped, and others made higher up in the pile, which in 56 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. their turn are closed as soon as the fire has sufficiently advanced towards them. By this arrangement the wood in the front of the pile is under- going the charring process, while that placed behind is merely losing its more volatile constituents. When the operation is drawing to a close, it is found necessary to open a series of holes in the sides of the heap just above the level of the soil, as by this means the charring of the lower logs which constitute the bottom of the pile is effected. These, from their proximity to the ground, and the dampness deposited by the sweating of the wood, would otherwise remain as imperfectly-charred billets; and, therefore, to prevent this, a series of holes is (when the heap is first constructed) cut in the planking forming the sides. During the early part of the operation these are closed by the charcoal-powder, which is closely packed between the boarding and the wood to be charred; but when the fire is required to descend to the bottom of the heap, the draught is made to pass in that direction by removing the damp charcoal- dust from the apertures left in the planking. As soon as the logs in the front of the pile have become perfectly charred they are removed, and being thus withdrawn from the action of heat shortly after the opera- tion is finished, they not only yield a larger amount of charcoal, but that produced is of better quality than that afforded by the ordinary process. In the foregoing operations the dry distillation of the greater portion of the wood which constitutes the heap is effected by the combustion of a certain quantity, which may be considered as the fuel necessary to produce the required heat. In order to conduct an operation with the greatest possible economy, care should be taken that no more air be admitted than is absolutely necessary for the combustion of this amount of fuel, as any further supply will cause a greater quantity to be consumed than is required for the dry distillation of the mass. The success of these processes is also much influenced by the fact that the smoke and vapours, being evolved contrary to their natural course, are constantly made to take a downward direction, which not only affords the workman the opportunity of attentively watching the changes which are taking place, but also gives him time for taking the necessary steps to prevent the access of too large an amount of air. Ordinary wood loses from twenty to twenty-five per cent. of its bulk during the process of charring; and, therefore, the dimensions of the charcoal produced from a given quantity of wood are much less than those of the original piles before the application of fire. This diminution naturally tends to pro- duce cavities between the fuel and its covering, which, if formed, would become accessible to air, and thereby cause a useless consumption of wood; but in the case of the movable coverings employed for this pur- posc, this inconvenience can never occur, as, in proportion as the size of the heap becomes less, through the shrinking of the wood, the covering will be found to sink with it, and is, therefore, much more effective in excluding air than any fixed roofing which could be substituted for it. The loss arising from the combustion of a portion of the charcoal is also diminished by the way in which the charring is conducted. The FUEL. 57 mounds are always first lighted at the bottom; and, therefore, the lower portion of the heap will be completely charred before those parts which are in immediate contact with the covering have become much affected by heat. In this way, the charcoal which has arrived at the last stage will, by the heat which it evolves, cause the dry distillation of the wood immediately around it, which, from the combustible gases evolved, and the burning of a portion of the wood in its vicinity, protects, by a zone greedy for oxygen, the portion, already completely charred, from further action of the air. These methods have, however, the disadvantage of allowing the volatile constituents of the wood to escape, and these are more or less valuable according to the locality in which they are produced. Various plans have been proposed to prevent this loss. For this purpose it has been suggested that the covering of the meiler should consist of hurdles covered with clay, into which pipes for carrying off the volatile products could be placed: others have proposed that, instead of covering the heap with earth or sand, slaked lime should be employed, so as to combine with, and thereby fix, the pyroligneous acid produced. Both these plans have, however, been found to fail in practice, as the first destroys the flexibility of the covering, and the second is said to retain but a small portion of the acid produced. If the method of carbonisation in long masses or piles be resorted to, instead of those more usually employed, the gaseous and liquid products of distillation may be collected by an iron pipe placed in the highest end of the heap, which, being connected with a worm-tub filled with water, will discharge the condensed products in the liquid form. In cases where the site of the stack can, without much inconvenience, from the facility of carriage afforded by sledges or a stream of water, remain stationary, the heap may be placed in a funnel-shaped pit, lined with clay, which, having at its lower part an inclined channel, either of iron or clay, conveys a portion of the impure acid and tarry matters into a reservoir, where they gradually accumulate. The time required for effecting the complete charring of a heap or mound usually varies from fifteen to twenty days, according to the size of the fire, the dryness of the wood, the state of the weather, and other circumstances. In China carbonisation is conducted in pits, which are provided with a chimney about three feet in height, communicating with the bottom. After being filled with wood the top is closed by a covering of earth, through holes in which a draught is produced. Nine days after lighting, the smoke begins to give indications of the completion of the process, and, when it has become nearly transparent, the pit and chimney are hermetically sealed. At the expiration of five or six days from the stopping of the chimney, the charcoal has sufficiently cooled to admit of the pit being uncovered for the purpose of its removal. CHARRING IN FURNACES OR KILNS.-When the collection of the vola- tile constituents of wood becomes a matter of much importance, the char- ring is usually conducted in stationary furnaces, from which they may be conveyed by proper appliances into receivers adapted for that purpose. 58 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. These furnaces are of two kinds. In the first carbonisation is effected as in the case of the common meiler, at the expense of a certain portion of the wood, which is consumed in order to produce the amount of heat necessary for the distillation and charring of the remainder. In the second variety, the heat necessary for the dry distillation of the wood is not obtained by the combustion of any part of the charge of the furnace, but is, on the contrary, raised by the application of a certain amount of fuel, which is entirely distinct from that from which the charcoal is to be manufactured. Figs. 4 and 5 represent a section and plan of one of the many kilns or furnaces belonging to the first class. In this arrangement the air has access into the furnace through the bars, a. It is partially filled through the door, b, and when the charge has been raised to this level, the remainder of the wood is introduced through the aperture, c, which is left for that (2. Fig. 4.-Charcoal Kiln; vertical section. Fig. 5.-Plan. purpose in the crown of the arch. When the charging is completed, the openings, b and c, are closed by doors, against which earth is thrown for the purpose of excluding the air. The wood is now ignited, by kindling a small fire in the ash-pit, immediately beneath the grate; and when it has become fairly alight, the draught is regulated by a sliding door, d, which admits of being opened or shut at pleasure. As soon as the walls of the furnace have attained a sufficient heat to complete the operation, the door, d, is completely closed, and the furnace left to itself, until the whole of the wood which it contains is converted into charcoal. The volatile ingredients escape through the aperture, e, and are more or less completely condensed by passing through a series of tubes surrounded by water. The grate at the bottom of these furnaces, instead of being made of bars of iron, is frequently a kind of trellis formed of open brickwork or perforated tiles, and when the apertures in these are small, the firing of the charge is effected through the door, b. When the operation is termi- nated, all the apertures by which air could be admitted are completely closed, and the furnace is allowed to cool; the charcoal being finally withdrawn through the door, b. FUEL 59 Furnaces of different constructions are in various places employed for the production of charcoal, according to this principle. Some of these are made quadrangular, and very nearly resemble in form the boarded piles before described. Two openings in the lower end, to which doors are adapted, serve for charging the wood, and withdrawing the charcoal when made, whilst the requisite supply of air is obtained through aper- tures in the walls. The first row of holes is made on the same level as the ground on which the furnace stands; the second at eighteen inches from the floor; and the third at a distance of about three feet from the first. When the wood is placed in the furnace, a channel is constructed in the direction of its longer axis, which corresponds with one of the open- ings of the lower end of the building. By this opening fire is communi- cated to the charge, and as soon as ignition of the mass has taken place, the door by which it was lighted is closed. As the process proceeds, the apertures are successively closed by plugs of clay, and when the operation is completed, the whole of the surface of the furnace is covered with that substance. The gaseous and other volatile ingredients escape through a pipe placed in the higher end of the furnace for that purpose, and when the charge has become completely charred, it is allowed to remain un- touched until it has grown nearly cold. In very large ovens of this description, the cooling often occupies from two to three weeks since, if they were opened before being reduced to a proper temperature the air, on coming in contact with red-hot charcoal, would cause the greater portion of it to be consumed. Furnaces of the second kind, i. e., where the heat necessary for char- ring the charge is applied from without, are chiefly employed where the charcoal produced is considered to be of less value than the tar, pyrolig- neous acid, naphtha, and other volatile ingredients, and they are therefore seldom used by the metallurgist for the preparation of the fuel which he requires. The coniferous woods yield the largest amount of tar, and are consequently those which are most frequently subjected to distillation. when the production of that substance is the most important considera- tion. The arrangements by which both the tar, &c., and charcoal may be made available are extremely various, but one of those best adapted for the purpose consists of an iron cylinder, so set in brickwork, that the flame and strongly-heated gases escaping from a fire-place below, may circulate freely around it. The wood to be charred is placed in the cylinder through an opening which can be hermetically closed. This is done by a luted door, and the vapours arising from the distillation are conveyed by an iron pipe into a worm-tub, where those capable of assum- ing the liquid form are condensed. When the wood in the retort ceases to give off tarry vapours, the luted door is removed, and the charcoal withdrawn by long rakes. On being withdrawn from the retort, it falls into sheet-iron cases, which being furnished with closely-fitting covers, prevent the combustion of the red-hot charcoal; and in these it is allowed to cool. By a more recent improvement in the construction of retorts of this description, the uncondensible gases issuing from the wood in process of charring are made to afford a portion of the heat necessary for carrying 60 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. on the operation. This is done by conducting the vapours, which escape condensation by passing through the worm-tubs, under the bottom of the vessel, in which the wood is heated. When, in this arrangement, it has been raised to a certain temperature by a fire placed under the re- tort, and considerable quantities of combustible gases are evolved, they become ignited on coming in contact with the flame from the grate, and thus afford sufficient heat for completing the operation. The average quantity of charcoal produced by the stack or meiler process from ordinary wood amounts to about 22 per cent. When the distillation is carried on in close ovens, this quantity is frequently in- creased to 27 per cent.; but as about 5 per cent. is required for heating the oven, this method in reality affords results very little superior to those obtained from the common charcoal-mound. Mushet, who made a series of experiments on the amount of charcoal yielded by different kinds of wood, obtained the annexed results. This investigation was conducted on a small scale, and the woods, before being charred, were thoroughly dried, and pieces of each sort selected as nearly alike in every respect as possible. One hundred parts of each kind were employed, and respectively yielded the following amounts of charcoal :— Per cent. Lignum Vitæ afforded 26·0, of a greyish colour, resembling coke. Mahogany "" 25.4, tinged with brown, spongy and porous. Laburnum "" 24.5, velvet black, compact, very hard. Chestnut >> 23.2, glossy black, compact, firm. Oak >> 22.6, black, close, very firm. Walnut Holly >> Beech Sycamore Elm "" 20 6, dull black, close, firm. 19·9, dull black, loose, and bulky. 19.9, dull black, spongy, firm. 19.7, fine black, bulky, moderately firm. 19.5, fine black, moderately firm. Norway Pine 19.2, shining black, bulky, very soft. Sallow 39 Ash "" 18.4, velvet black, bulky, loose, and soft. 17.9, shining black, spongy, firm. Birch "" 17.4, velvet black, bulky, firm. Scottish Pine "" 16.4, tinged with brown, moderately firm. Allen and Pepys obtained from 100 parts of the following woods, the quantities of charcoal as under- Birch Mahogany Lignum Vitæ Per cent. 15.00 15.75 Fir Oak 17.25 Box • Per cent. 17.40 18.17 • 20.25 These results are generally less than those obtained by Mushet, who may either have operated at too low a temperature, or not have allowed sufficient time for the escape of the volatile products. The specific gravity of charcoal varies with the nature of the wood from which it has been manufactured, the denser varieties usually afford- ing the heaviest charcoal, and vice versa. Hassenfratz, who has made the most careful experiments on this subject, gives the following specific gravities for different kinds of wood-charcoal:-Alder, 0-134; birch, 0-203; white beech, 0.183; oak, 0·155; red beech, 0·187; and red larch, 0·176. Knapp, who made his experiments on a large scale, found the following FUEL. 61 numbers as the weight of a cubic foot of various kinds of wood-charcoal, interstices included:-Beech-wood charcoal (split wood) 8 to 9 lbs. ; charcoal from split oak wood, 7 to 8 lbs. ; pine wood, 5.5 to 7 lbs. ; of the softer kinds of wood, 4·5 to 5.5 lbs. The charcoal obtained from wood by the methods above described is not pure carbon mixed with the inorganic constituents of wood, since, on being strongly heated in a closed platinum crucible, a considerable loss of weight is experienced by the expulsion of volatile matter. The analysis of beech-wood charcoal produced by the ordinary stack process afforded Faisst the following results, exclusive of ash :— H₂O C. H. O and N Ash 3.02 per cent. 7.23 88.89 2.42 1.46 100.00 Charcoal has also the property of absorbing considerable quantities of water from exposure to the air. Allen and Pepys found that by a week's exposure to a moist atmosphere, the charcoal of Per cent. Per cent. Lignum Vitæ gained in weight 9.6 Becch gained in weight 16.3 Fir. Box • 13.0 14.0 Oak 16.5 Mahogany 18.0 Common charcoal when kept in store contains, on an average, about 12 per cent. of hygroscopic water. In addition to this facility for taking up aqueous vapours, charcoal possesses the property of absorbing large quantities of any gas by which it may be surrounded. The following table indicates the number of volumes of different gases which one volume of charcoal is capable of absorbing :- HCI NH3 SO2 · H,S • CO₂ 90 CO 85 65 N • 55 Ꮋ . 35 · 9.42 9.25 7.50 1.75 PEAT-CHARCOAL, OR PEAT-COKE. The charcoal obtained from peat is subject to disadvantages which pre- vent its general application to ordinary metallurgical purposes. In the first place, peat usually contains a large amount of ash, and yields only from 24 to 30 per cent. of charcoal, which must therefore produce a very large proportion of earthy matter, and is thus rendered entirely useless for many operations to which it might otherwise be advantageously ap- plied. If we suppose, for example, that a variety of peat contains 10 per cent. of incombustible matter, and affords 25 per cent. of coke, it is evident that the coke thus produced would contain no less than 40 per cent of ash, which would render it unfit for many of the purposes for which, if it were more free from ash, it might be employed. Besides this, it is found impossible to transport peat-charcoal to any considerable distance from the 62 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. place where it is prepared, for, being extremely friable and brittle, it soon falls to pieces, and is thereby rendered worthless as a fuel. In smelting furnaces, where it has to sustain the weight of the charges above it, this charcoal is found to crumble and choke the blast, and it can therefore be employed only under steam boilers, in forge fires, or in reverberatory furnaces. The mounds CHARRING IN HEAPS. From the circumstance of peat being generally cut in the form of rectangular bricks, it admits of being piled so as to leave but few interstices between the blocks; and from being less readily combustible than wood, the heaps in which it is prepared require a less perfect covering, and may be built of a smaller size. commonly employed for making peat-charcoal are from five to seven feet in diameter, and four feet in height. After a proper situation has been selected for the mound, a post is driven into the ground, and around this the blocks of turf are placed in concentric rings. At the bottom are four channels made of the thickness of a brick, for the purpose of admit- ting air into the arrangement. These, which are at right angles to each other, commence at the central stake, and terminate at the periphery of the circle described by the base of the mound, and are subsequently used for regulating the rapidity of the carbonisation. When the peat has been properly arranged, the mound is first covered with earth or charcoal- dust, which is well packed down to exclude the air. Some dry wood for igniting the mass is then placed at the bottom of the stake, and the fire is communicated through one of the channels before described. By the alternate opening and shutting of these, the combustion is equally effected in all parts of the mound, and as soon as flame begins to appear from the crown, which for a small space around the stake is left uncovered, the opening is closed with turf and earth, and the completion of the charring is accomplished by means of holes made all round in the covering ; which, commencing near the top, are brought down by six inches at a time until they reach the bottom of the heap. In this process, like that of charring wood, the progress of the operation is known from the colour of the smoke evolved. Knapp states the produce in charcoal of the mounds examined by him to have been as follows:- Gave p. c. Gave p. c. in Weight. in Volume. Peat, not completely air-dried 24 27 air-dried 27 321/10 • "" from Pfungstädt, very dry 30 29 • 39 of good quality, quite dry 351/ 49 from the district of Siegen, very good 23 40 The peat is withdrawn from the mound after being allowed to cool down to a proper temperature, as the use of water for quenching it is objectionable, on account of the facility with which the resulting coke becomes reduced to powder. The amount of charcoal furnished by peat when the experiments are made on a small scale, is usually greater than FUEL. 63 those above given, as there is then less loss sustained from the crumbling nature of the product. CHARRING IN OVENS.-Although the product obtained from carbonisa- tion in ovens is not greater than that yielded by the ordinary process, yet the supply of air and the rapidity of charring are more easily regu- lated, and consequently the operation is more cheaply executed when ovens are employed. One of the best forms given to these ovens is that used at the manufactory of arms at Oberndorf, in Wirtemberg. These ovens, which have the form of an upright cylinder 9 feet in height, are closed at the top by a dome, in which an aperture is left for the convenience of charg- ing. This cylinder is 5 feet in diameter, and has a fire-brick lining 15 inches in thickness. This is surrounded by the same thickness of sand, which is inclosed between the lining and another 15-inch wall, so that the entire thickness of the sand and walls together is 45 inches. Above the floor of the oven are three tiers of air-holes made by inserting pieces of musket-barrels in the wall, and which may be closed by stoppers from the outside. The door for drawing the charcoal is placed on a level with the floor, and is closed by an iron slab, against which some sand is thrown for the purpose of excluding the air. On charging the oven, a channel is left through its axis for the purpose of igniting its contents, which is done by throwing some lighted charcoal down the chimney thus made. At the commencement of the operation both the charging-hole and lower vent-holes are left open, but as soon as the peat becomes white-hot the former is shut by an iron plate, and covered with sand. The lower air- holes are at the same time closed, and those which are placed next above them opened. When all smoke has ceased to be given off, the whole of the apertures must be closed, and the furnace and its contents are allowed to cool together. The coking process is completed in from thirty to forty-eight hours, but the oven is seldom fit to draw in less than six or seven days after closing all the air-holes. For this reason a series of ten ovens is employed, in order to allow of one being charged and another drawn every day. Instead of effecting the coking of one portion of the peat at the expense of another part, which is consumed in the same furnace to obtain the necessary elevation of temperature, it is sometimes subjected to dry distillation in a kind of retort specially adapted to that purpose. At Crouy-sur-Ourcq, near Meaux, an apparatus of this kind was formerly employed, but we are not aware whether it is still in operation. Fig. 6 is a sectional view of this arrangement; a is the cylindrical coking chamber, the walls of which are heated by the flame and hot air passing through the intermediate flue, b. This space itself is divided by par- titions of fire-tiles into three stages, through the apertures of which the hot air from the fires, c, ascends and heats the coking chamber. In order to avoid loss of heat, a cylindrical hollow space, d, is left in the outer wall of the kiln, which, being constantly full of stagnant air, tends to prevent the cooling of the furnace. The peat is introduced through the 64 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. & opening at f, which, as soon as the charging is finished, is closed by an iron plate and thickly covered with ashes or sand. The flue from the e ( C C h vertical section. fire-place opens above this aperture, and its out- let is provided with a movable iron cover, g, in which there is a hole for the escape of the gases. The bottom of the kiln consists of an iron plate, h, which, being attached to the iron rod, i, may be withdrawn or replaced at pleasure. When the carbonisation is completed, this plate is withdrawn, and the charcoal allowed to fall into the chamber below. The volatile products which are generated during the process are carried off by the pipe, e, and conducted into a condensing apparatus. The gases which escape from this are con- veyed by metallic pipes into the fire-place, c, and being there consumed, yield a portion of the heat necessary for carrying on the operation. The Fig. 6.—Peat-charcoal Oven; product of charcoal obtained from this furnace is larger than that produced by the methods before. described, but from the impact it receives in falling from the retort to the chamber beneath, it frequently becomes much broken, and is thereby rendered to a certain extent less valuable than if obtained in larger masses. Mr. Vignoles, in the year 1849, patented a process for charring peat by steam superheated to the melting point of lead or tin. "Peat, in the state of pulp, is thrown in a mass into a cylindrical drum-shaped vessel, divided, if necessary, into compartments, which is caused to revolve with great rapidity on its axis; the requisite velocity being such as shall drive off the water or other fluid from the solid parts of the peat or turf by centrifugal force." The axis of this cylindrical vessel should be vertical, and the cylinder should be from 6 to 10 feet in diameter, and from 1 to 2 feet in depth. The external surface is composed of wire- gauze or perforated sheet-metal, of which the apertures should be of such a size as to retain the particles of peat, whilst the water escapes freely through them. When the peat, as obtained from the bog, is not sufficiently pulpy, it may be readily reduced to the state of a nearly homogeneous mud by the operation of edge-stones, or a pug-mill. When a sufficient amount of water has been expelled by this process, the peat, in the form of a coherent mass, is removed and moulded into blocks. These are introduced into large iron cylinders, into which superheated steam is admitted at a pressure of from 45 to 60 lbs. per square inch. The charcoal thus produced is stated to be equal to gas-coke; but this process, although tried on a large scale, and at great expense, by the inventor, has never come into practical use. The quality of the charcoal obtained will necessarily vary in accord- ance with the nature of the peat from which it has been prepared. A fibrous peat affords a spongy charcoal, while a more compact variety yields a product of better quality; in all cases, however, the charcoal FUEL. 65 obtained from peat is friable, and incapable of sustaining handling, or moderate pressure, without crumbling. This defect would be alone suffi- cient to render it generally unsuitable for metallurgical purposes, since, in the first place, it could not be transported to any considerable distance without great waste, and, in the second, it would be incapable of support- ing the pressure to which fuel is subjected in the ordinary blast-furnace. Charcoal prepared from peat which has been much reduced in bulk by compression, is, to a certain extent, free from this defect; but this pre- liminary process may increase the cost to such an extent as to preclude its profitable application to metallurgical operations. Notwithstanding that peat was, according to Carlowitz, charred in piles as far back as 1712, and peat-charcoal was made in the Hartz, as Vogel informs us, in 1735, none of the attempts which have hitherto been made to utilise this fuel have been practically successful on a large scale, and further evidence is required to enable us to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion with regard to its economic value. COKE. The combustible residue which remains after the volatile constituents of bituminous coal have been eliminated by the action of heat is called coke. In making this substance, as in the manufacture of charcoal, one of the chief objects sought is the production of a fuel which shall possess a higher calorific value than the coal from which it is produced; the elimination of a large portion of the sulphur present in the original fuel is, at the same time, accomplished. We are without any precise information with regard to the date when coke was first employed. It is, however, reasonable to conclude that when, on account of its increasing consumption, wood became scarce and expensive, attempts would be made to extract from pit-coal a substance which might be advantageously employed as a substitute for ordinary charcoal. The first experiment would be to subject coal to a process similar to charcoal-burning, and, in this way, a fuel would be produced of which the practical value must have been quickly appreciated. Coke was employed in Derbyshire for drying malt about the year 1640. In Plot's 'History of Staffordshire' (1686), it is stated that coal was charred in the same manner as wood, that coal so prepared was called coak," and was capable of producing a heat almost as strong as that afforded by charcoal. Swedenborg, writing in the year 1734, says that in certain districts in England coke was employed in the smelting of iron, but that its use was not brought to perfection. M. de Gensanne, in his Traité de la Fonte des Mines par le Feu du Charbon de Terre' (Paris, 1770), describes and gives drawings of ovens erected at Sultsbach by the Prince of Nassau for the preparation of coke. This arrangement consists of a series of brick muffles, or retorts, set in a row, in which the coal is distilled by the heat obtained from independent fire-places. The products of distillation were also collected, and are recommended for lubricating cart-axles, and for burning in lamps. F 66 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. In a work published in 1774, M. Jars gives a drawing of nine kilns employed at Newcastle for destroying the sulphur and reducing coal to cinders and "coaks." Until comparatively recent times coke was most frequently prepared by burning coal in piles or heaps, and even at the present day this method of coking is still practised in certain districts. • Good coke should possess sufficient solidity to enable it to withstand the pressure of a smelting furnace without crushing, and is of little value unless obtained in large prismatic pieces not liable to crumble and form dust. From the difference observed in the properties and composi- tion of coals, it is evident that all cannot be equally fitted for the manu- facture of coke, and it is therefore necessary to select such as are best adapted for the purpose. The nature of the coke produced from any particular variety of coal is also considerably influenced by the method of its preparation, as well as, in a certain degree, by the nature and amount of the ash existing in the coal from which it is manufactured. Coke which has been made in large quantities at a time is usually better in quality than that manu- factured on a more limited scale, as, from the weight of the mass operated on, the product will be more compact than when smaller quantities are used, whilst, from the high temperature obtained, the volatile ingre- dients will be more perfectly driven off. When the ash contained in the coal is fusible, it melts and forms a kind of cement for the particles of coke, which is thereby rendered more compact, and less liable to be crushed by pressure. From the circumstance of coal being continuously raised in the same localities, the manufacture of coke is usually carried on by means of stationary arrangements, but from its being but slightly inflammable, and requiring a good draught to effect combustion, its production even in the open air becomes an easy operation. CARBONISATION IN HEAPS. The earliest method of manufacturing coke, and one still employed in the present day, is carbonisation in heaps. When this process is resorted to, no external covering of the mound is used, and the coking, which is at first carried on with free access of air, is finally checked by the application of a coating of breeze or earth when coke has already been produced. The coke heap is always erected on the same station, which soon becomes covered with a sufficient amount of breeze for the purpose for which it is used. Instead of making round heaps, like the ordinary mound for the pro- duction of charcoal, a long, rectangular mass is generally preferred, as by this means a much larger amount of coal can be operated on at a time. The length of these piles is frequently from 150 to 200 feet, and in order to erect them, a line is first stretched in the direction of the axis of the heap throughout the whole length of the coke station. Large pieces of coal are now placed on either side of this, so that by coming together at the top they form a kind of triangular gallery, running the whole length of the intended heap. In making this central channel, it is of importance that the fragments should be so placed as to be upright in FUEL. 67 relation to the layers of deposition, whilst the larger surfaces must be placed at right angles to the axis of the heap. A second series of blocks of coal is then placed on the first, and these are again covered with others similarly arranged, but of gradually decreasing size, until the heap has attained a width of six feet on either side of the central channel, when the whole is covered with a coating of smaller coal about two feet in thickness, which is arranged without any regard to its strati- fication, although care is taken that the larger fragments be placed on the sides of the mound, the top being covered with small dust only. In order to ignite the heap, stakes are placed at regular intervals from the top of the pile along the central channel, and these, being withdrawn, leave a series of chimneys into which burning coals are introduced. The fire is thus communicated to the mass in so many points at the same time, that ignition soon becomes general, and coking commences through its whole extent. The person in charge of the operation has now to prevent the action from advancing too far, and as soon as he observes that thick smoke and flame have ceased to be evolved from any particular part of the mound, and also that it begins to get covered with a coating of ash, he prevents. any further action by covering the flame with breeze, which, being closely packed down, prevents the entrance of air, and quickly deadens the fire. As the coking advances this is repeated until the whole heap is covered, when it is allowed to remain two or three days to cool, care being taken to supply it with a thicker covering on the side which is exposed to the wind than on that which is opposite to it. When the fire has become nearly extinguished the coke is withdrawn, and is subse- quently cooled by the use of water. This method of making coke, although simple, is far from economical; for, inasmuch as the charring commences on the outer and upper parts of the heap, and then gradually proceeds towards the central and lower portions, it follows that the surface of the heap is coked before the central parts are reached, which must, however, be fully charred before the air can be excluded. The out- side of the pile is therefore burning to waste without the possibility of prevention, and the central portions are but little acted on; at the same time the surfaces are being uselessly consumed. COKING IN MOUNDS.-A more economical method of making coke than that just described, is represented in the annexed woodcut, fig. 7. A chimney of about three feet in diameter at bottom is loose- ly built with bricks on 01 Z 租 ​1016 the site of the intended mound, BB. The brick- work of this flue has a number of holes, b, made by leaving out a brick here and there, and the upper part, which is made of solid work for a short distance near the top, is provided with an iron cover. B Fig. 7.-Coke Mound; vertical section. B Around this F 2 68 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. chimney the coals to be coked are placed in a slightly inclined position; the largest masses are piled nearest the centre of the mound, and the dimensions of the pieces are gradually reduced towards the outside. A mound of this kind is generally about twenty-five feet in diameter, and five feet in height; and when completed, its surface, excepting round the bottom, to the height of about a foot, is covered with a coating of damp breeze four or five inches in thickness, which is well packed for the purpose of excluding the air. A shovelful of burning coals is now introduced through the perpendicular chimney, which soon commu- nicates with the mound through the various apertures, b, and the mass gra- dually becomes ignited, beginning from the bottom and centre, and from thence spreading in the direction of the covering of cinders. Openings in the foot of the mound, where there is no covering of breeze, admit of a certain quantity of air passing through and escaping by the chim- ney. At the expiration of four or five days the fire will have reached the covering, which then becomes red-hot. The top of the chimney is now closed by an iron plate, and the uncovered space around the foot of the pile is at the same time secured by tightly compressed coke-dust. After being allowed to remain for two or three days the coke will have sufficiently cooled, and may be drawn and quenched with water. In some localities no covering is applied to these mounds, and when the burning coals are thrown into the central aperture, combustion is carried on by the air, which on all sides enters freely through the cre- vices occurring between the fragments of coal of which it is composed. When any part of the mound becomes coated with ash it is immediately covered with breeze to protect it from further action, and as soon as the whole surface is thus protected, the iron plate is placed on the top of the chimney and the mound allowed to cool. By this method a less percentage of coke is produced than is obtained from that now to be described; but it has still one advantage over the ordinary heap, namely, that the coking proceeds from the centre towards the circumference. COKING IN RECtangular KilNS. This method of coking has for many years been practised in Upper Silesia. The kiln consists of a rectangular inclosure (figs. 8, 9, and 10), about 60 feet in length by 15 feet in width, outside measure, which is floored with fire-bricks set on-edge, beneath which is a layer of furnace-slag broken small, whereby proper drainage is secured. The inner surface of the walls, which are 5 feet in height, and, laterally, 8 feet apart in the clear, is lined with fire-brick, whilst the outside is constructed either of ordinary brick or of rubble-work. In each of the lateral walls, a, is a series of openings, c, two feet apart, and the same distance from the floor-line, so placed that those on the one side are respectively opposite to those in the opposite wall; from each of the openings, c, is a vertical chimney, d, ascending to the top of the wall. In order to charge a kiln of this description, one of the openings, e, in the end, is closed by brickwork, plastered with clay, whilst through the opposite one the small coal, or slack, is wheeled in and spread over the bottom, where it is watered and stamped into a layer reaching to the FUEL. 69 lower edges of the openings, c. Wooden poles, six inches in diameter at the one end, and four at the other, are now inserted in the lateral openings in one side, in such a way that their smaller ends rest in the corresponding apertures in the opposite wall. Wetted slack is afterwards thrown upon the pieces of wood and carefully stamped down, and the kiln is then filled up with damped slack, of which every layer, of e C Fig. 8.-Rectangular Kiln; side elevation. d a d a Fig. 9.-Plan. d C IB İA C e Fig. 10.-Section on the line A B (after filling). from six to eight inches in thickness, is consolidated by treading. When the whole of the slack has been introduced it is covered with a thin layer of coal-dust or clay, and the opening in the end of the kiln, through which the charge has been brought in, is built up with loose bricks and plastered with clay. When this has been done, the pieces of wood are carefully withdrawn in the direction of their larger ends, and in this way a series of channels is formed which is essential to the success of the operation. Before lighting, all the chimneys on one side are stopped by placing a brick, d', on the top of each (fig. 10), those on the other side being left 70 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. open; on this side the draught-holes are stopped by bricks, c', the holes on the opposite side being open. The kiln is lighted by means of chips and shavings of readily inflammable wood, inserted in all the unclosed open- ings, c, and a current of air is established, which traverses the channel in the direction indicated by the arrows. Six or eight hours after lighting, the fire will have reached the opposite ends of the channels, when the chimneys on the left, d', and the holes on the right, c', must be opened; at the same time the chimneys on the right, d, and the draught-holes on the left, c, must be closed. According to the state of the weather and the quarter from which the wind is blowing, the direction of the currents through the coal may be changed every two or three hours, and should the coking be found to proceed irregularly, it may be expedient not to change the direction of the currents in all parts of the kiln at the same time. The work of the coke-burner chiefly consists in keeping open the transverse channels through the coal, and for that purpose he is provided with a slender iron rod which is somewhat bent at one end. When a channel has once become stopped, considerable difficulty is often experi- enced in re-opening it; and if several of the neighbouring channels are closed at the same time, the progress of the operation is locally arrested and the results obtained are unsatisfactory. Any cracks which, during the process, may occur in the covering on the top of the coal must be carefully stopped, and in windy weather the draught through the kiln must be carefully regulated by more or less completely closing the various chimneys and draught-holes. On a judicious regulation of the draught will very much depend the quality as well as the yield of coke obtained. Under ordinary circumstances the process will be completed in from eight to ten days; this is indicated by the escape of white flame from the chimneys, and by the resistance experienced on the insertion of an iron rod through the covering of the kiln. The openings are now all care- fully closed and plastered with clay, and at the expiration of from two to three days the wall, stopping one of the ends, is taken down and the coke extinguished, and removed. By this method of treatment some varieties of Silesian coal are stated to yield 80 per cent. of coke of good quality. In 1854 the late Mr. E. Rogers, of Abercarn, communicated a paper to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Birmingham, on the manufac- ture of charcoal and coke by this process, which, as far as it relates to the production of coke, he believed to be new. Kilns, in some cases of not less than 15 feet in width, from wall to wall, inside measure, were erected at various establishments in South Wales, and the flues were carefully constructed of large blocks of coal, across the interior of the kilns, corre- sponding to the air-holes in the opposite side. Mr. Rogers was of opinion that kilns, 14 feet in width, 90 feet in length, and 7 feet 6 inches in height, would be found more economical than smaller ones. A kiln of these dimensions contains about 150 tons of coal. In North Wales the saving in working expenses was stated to amount to 50 per cent., and the yield FUEL. 71 of coke to be 75 per cent. of the coal employed; the coke is also stated to possess a greater density and to be of more uniform quality than that usually produced in the district. Opinions on this subject do not, how- ever, agree; and in some establishments, at which kilns of this description were erected, they have, after repeated trials, been abandoned. COKING IN OVENS.—The foregoing methods of coke-making are now to a great extent superseded by oven-coking, more particularly in locali- ties where, the price of coal being high, it becomes a matter of import- ance that as small a proportion as possible should be lost during the operation. The ovens used for the production of coke are almost in- variably heated by the combustion of a portion of the fuel with which they are charged, and not at the expense of a distinct quantity, spe- cially consumed in a separate fire-place, for the purpose of raising the temperature to the requisite degree. When, on the contrary, coal is charred in order to obtain the gaseous products of its distillation, and the coke made is regarded as a secondary product of the manufacture, the operation is carried on in close vessels heated by distinct fires; but in this case the coke produced is spongy, and consequently unfit for many metallurgical purposes. The ovens employed for the manufacture of coke vary so much in form and dimensions that it would be impossible to give even a brief descrip- tion of all those in general use; but the principle involved being the same in all cases, it will be sufficient to explain the construction and manage- ment of some of those most frequently employed. Fig. 11 represents emma Ъ Fig. 11.-Coke-Ovens. coke-ovens of a common form. The cavity of the oven, which is about 9 feet in diameter, and 3ft. 6in. in height, is internally lined with fire- bricks well jointed in refractory clay. The form somewhat resembles that of a compressed bee-hive, and at the top of the dome is a circular aper- ture or chimney, which can be closed by an iron plate. A slightly arched doorway of about 23 feet square is also left at b, for the purpose of charging the oven and withdrawing the coke. This opening is strengthened by 72 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. a heavy cast-iron framing, c, built into the brickwork and secured in its place by iron binders. Where large quantities of coke are manufac- tured these ovens are placed back to back in double rows, with a series of doors on either side of the long mass of masonry. The charge of each is about three tons of coal, which is introduced either through the door, b, or through a charging-hole in the top of the oven, and as this is done imme- diately after the withdrawal of the former charge, and whilst the oven is still hot, the coal soon begins to give off large quantities of inflammable gases, which escape through an aperture in the dome. When the charg- ing is finished, the doorway, b, is closed by fire-bricks loosely piled up, but the air has still free access into the furnace through the openings left in the stopping, which, supplying the necessary oxygen to the gases evolved, they soon ignite, and the temperature of the oven and its con- tents is rapidly raised. At the expiration of about three hours the lower holes in the loose brick wall are closed, to prevent the access of too much air, which still finds its way through those which are above, and escapes by the chimney. In some instances, instead of closing the doorway with loose bricks, an iron door, lined with tiles and provided with draught- holes, is employed. These are successively stopped by lumps of clay, and when it is required to exclude the air entirely, it may be done by applying a sheet of iron against the bricks and luting the edges with clay. In twenty-four hours after charging, the upper holes are also closed by plastering them over, and the oven is allowed to remain twelve hours with the chimney open, during which time the remainder of the gaseous matter is expelled by the heat, and passes off in flame through the opening in the dome. When the flame emitted from this opening ceases, which usually occurs at the expiration of another twelve hours, it is covered with an iron plate made tight by a layer of sand, and the whole is allowed to stand for twelve hours more, for the purpose of moderating the heat of the oven and its contents. may At the expiration of forty-eight hours from the time of charging, the oven will have sufficiently cooled to admit of drawing, and the door be now opened without causing much loss by the burning of the coke. A large iron shovel, d, suspended by a piece of chain to the crane, e, is now thrust between the coke and the bottom of the oven, and as the weight on the blade will be supported by the crane, which turns on its axis, a large mass can be taken out with comparatively little exertion on the part of the workman. The swinging of the small iron crane enables the burner to place the heated coke on any part of the paved floor within the circle described by its extreme end from its point of suspension, and as soon, therefore, as it is withdrawn it is strewed thinly on the ground and rapidly cooled with water. When it has been thus extinguished and has become nearly cold, it is taken up on a grated shovel, g, and transported by means of iron wheelbarrows either to the place where it is stacked or to the furnace in which it is to be consumed. The grated shovel is used to separate the breeze from the large coke, as the former falls through the intervals between the bars, so that the latter only can be taken up and FUEL. 73 placed in the barrows. Iron is used in preference to wood for the barrows, both on account of its being incombustible, and because wooden ones would sooner become destroyed by constant friction against the hard and rough edges of the coke. Fig. 12 represents a ground-plan of an oven of this kind. Various contrivances have at different times been employed to facilitate the cooling of the ovens, after the last stage of coking; but few of these have come into general use, as the increased expense incurred in adapting them is in most instances more than equiva- lent to the advantages to be derived from their use. One of the methods of hastening this cooling of the coke is the construction of ovens with air-flues, not O Fig. 12. only under the refractory lining of the bottom, but also round the sides. During the first stages of the process, all connection between these and the external air is cut off by dampers, but as soon as it is required to cool down the oven for the purpose of drawing a charge, the air is admitted by side openings, and escapes through a set of holes left for that purpose in the upper part of the brickwork. This causes a draught and the constant influx of fresh quantities of cold air, which, by reducing the temperature of the walls of the oven, shortens the usual period allowed for cooling. Where many ovens are employed, and in localities where it is desirable that the smoke produced shall be carried as rapidly as possible from the neighbourhood of the establishment, a flue is con- structed along the whole range, and by this the smoke and fumes issuing from the openings in the crown of the ovens are carried off to a suitable chimney. In this case the flue-holes are usually shut by sliding dampers worked either by a lever or by a pulley and counterpoise. Some manufacturers are in the habit of cooling the coke in their ovens before it is drawn, which is done by well watering it as soon as the operation is completed, by means of a jet under considerable pressure supplied by a hose. This is said not only to effect a saving by preventing any loss by combustion during the time the charge is being withdrawn, but also, by the decomposition of water, to carry off sulphur in the form of sulphuretted hydrogen. Care is of course taken that the oven be not so far cooled as to be unable to inflame the succeeding charge; and, as the whole of the water is converted into vapour before reaching the walls, they are not, it is stated, in the slightest degree injured. The coke thus cooled in the furnace is said to be brighter and more sonorous than that manufactured in the ordinary way. Another form of these ovens is much used among the coal mines in the north of England. This arrangement is that commonly employed in the neighbourhood of Newcastle, and has the double advantage of retaining the heat, and requiring but little brickwork for its construction. Each single furnace is a square chamber ten feet deep, twelve feet wide, and ten feet high. The top is arched, and the whole thickness of the side walls, including the internal lining, is but two feet. In the centre of the arch an aperture, two and a half feet in diameter and lined with a cast-iron 74 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ring, is left, whilst another is made on the level of the floor; this opening is supplied with an iron casing provided with a groove in which the door slides. The door, which consists of an iron framing filled with brickwork, is suspended by a chain, and is raised or lowered by a lever. In the brickwork of the door several openings are left, which however, sometimes dispensed with, and in this case the bricks are loosely placed in the frame, and admit sufficient air through the crevices between them for the combustion of the gases issuing from the coal. are, The charge, which reaches the base of the arch, requires to remain about forty-eight hours in the oven before it is in a fit state to be drawn, which is done by an iron hook used specially for that purpose. In all other respects these ovens are managed precisely like those last described, fresh coal being thrown in as soon as the coke is withdrawn, and a certain amount of air admitted during the first periods of the operation. Good coke may be manufactured from the small particles and dust of those varieties of coal which have the property of caking when strongly heated. Such small fragments will, on being charred in properly con- structed apparatus, adhere so firmly to each other as to form coke quite equal to that produced from larger pieces. At St. Etienne a trial was made by pressing moistened small coal into large boxes provided with movable pegs corresponding to the channels and air-holes required to effect the coking. These cases were so constructed as to admit of being easily taken to pieces after the coal had been properly forced in, and, as the pegs were at the same time withdrawn, it was thus moulded into a small heap provided with all its necessary flues and channels. This process was found to yield good firm coke, but the amount of labour required to form the mound proved too expensive to admit of its being advantageously employed, and it was consequently abandoned in favour of the oven, fig. 13, which is that used at Rive-de-Gier, for coking dust- coal. A A Fig. 13.-Coke-Oven, Rive-de-Gier; longitudinal section. This oven consists of a flat-arched cavity with an even floor. Like those before described, it is without a fire-place; the heat retained by the walls of the apparatus after the withdrawal of one charge being suffi- cient to cause the ignition of that which succeeds it. The floor, a, of this oven is an oval space, eleven and a half feet wide, and twenty- three feet in length, composed of a bed of fire-clay six inches thick, spread out and well beaten on a layer of loose stones, b. This, again, rests on a mass of rubbish and gravel, C, with which the centre of the FUEL. 75 foundation is filled, and which forms the immediate support of the bottom of the oven. For the purpose of charging the coal and with- drawing the coke, two openings, d, are placed opposite each other at the extremities of the longer axis of the oven; these are closed by doors, each two feet high and two feet eight inches wide, made of iron, lined with fire-bricks, and of which the refractory side is turned towards the oven. Each of these doorways is provided with cast-iron linings, e, made with grooves, in which the doors, f, slide when raised or lowered by means of chains and levers to which they are attached. In the middle of each door is a small opening, through which the workman can observe what is going on inside, and thereby regulate his proceedings. The greatest distance from the roof to the floor is four feet. A small chimney, G, one foot six inches, in diameter, and one foot five inches in height, is placed in the centre of the arch, A, for the escape of gas. The whole of the internal lining, excepting the floor, is composed of fire-bricks, and the arch is jointed with clay, instead of lime, in order to render it better calculated to withstand the heat produced. The outside of the masonry may be of either brick or stone, but should be covered with a good layer of mortar mixed with sharp sand, for the purpose of excluding any air, which might otherwise enter through the joints of the work. Should any crack occur during the working of the apparatus, it is for the same reason carefully stopped with clay kept prepared for that purpose. The oven is charged while still hot from the preceding operation, and the layer of coal-dust, which is about twelve inches in thickness, should be evenly spread on the sole by iron rakes. The fine coal is slightly sprinkled with water before being charged; and, if it be of a very caking description, the layer on the bottom of the furnace should not exceed ten inches in thickness. During the first two hours after charging, the doors are entirely closed, with the exception of a small slit at the bottom, which affords just sufficient draught to carry off, through the chimney, the large quan- tities of gases and vapours which escape from the charge. This stage of the operation corresponds to the first or sweating period of charcoal mounds, and it is found that the more slowly and regularly this is conducted, the larger is the amount of coke produced. The charge of one of these ovens varies from 120 to 150 cubic feet, according to the more or less caking nature of the coal operated on. At the expiration of two hours after charging, the evolution of vapour rapidly declines, whilst the quantities of inflammable gases given off are much increased. After a short time, these, mixing with atmospheric air entering beneath the doors, suddenly ignite with a sort of explosion, and the yellow smoke which has hitherto been evolved through the aper- ture in the dome is replaced by a cloud of a darker colour. At this point the charge is at a dull cherry-red heat, and it becomes necessary to increase the temperature, in order to expel the last traces of volatile matter. This is done by raising the doors about three inches from the bottom of the frame, and the fire soon draws up and yields an increased 76 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. quantity of dusky-coloured smoke. At the expiration of three quarters of an hour, the smoke gets clearer and less sooty, the heat of the charge becomes uniform in all parts of the furnace, and the coal begins to split. At the end of three hours from the first opening of the doors, the mass of coke is usually split from the surface to the floor of the furnace, and at this stage the doors are closely shut, and the crevices stopped with clay. The heat, which has been absorbed by the walls, will now be sufficient to complete the charring of the coal, and the expulsion of the last traces of gaseous matter is effected by the same means. After thus shutting the furnace, the flame issuing from the central chimney still flickers for a short time over the opening, but gradually becomes more and more feeble, until it finally becomes extinct. The top of the chimney is now closed by an iron plate, and the coke drawn with as little delay as possible, in order to prevent loss of heat before the introduction of another charge. Each operation requires twenty-four hours for its completion, and as soon as the coke is withdrawn, it is sprinkled with water, for the double purpose of cooling it more rapidly, and also of producing the decomposition of the sulphur compounds which, if retained, would render the coke less valuable as a fuel. When one charge is withdrawn, another is introduced into the furnace, and the process goes on without intermission until it becomes necessary to allow the oven to cool for the purpose of examining its refractory lining, which, if made of good bricks, will require to be repaired about once in six months. At Rive-de-Gier, the annual produce of coke is found to amount to 69 per cent. of the coal employed, and even the worst varieties which are there subjected to coking in these ovens afford from 60 to 65 per cent. of coke. ✓ Coke produced in ovens is usually denser than that obtained either in heaps or mounds, but, on the other hand, it is said to contain a larger amount of sulphur, and to be on this account less adapted for certain purposes, in which that substance is prejudicial, than coke prepared in the open air. On cooling, good coke splits into prismatic masses, in some degree resembling columns of basalt. Its colour is steel-gray, almost ap- proaching in some instances to silvery whiteness; but the surfaces of many varieties are covered with an iridescence supposed to be dependent on the presence of sulphur, and is therefore a property by which its value is not enhanced. IMPROVED COKE-OVENS.-Numerous patents have at various times been taken out which have had for their object the utilisation of the heat afforded by the ignited gases which are generally allowed to pass directly into the chimney, or into the open air. Breckon and Dixon's Ovens.-The invention of Messrs. Breckon and Dixon consists in constructing coke-ovens with flues for the purpose of conveying the gases, when in a state of combustion, beneath the floor of the ovens.* These flues communicate with the interior, and the gases are taken through them before passing into the chimney. The following description will, with the aid of the woodcuts, enable this arrangement * Specification filed June 9th, 1860. FUEL. 77 to be readily understood.* Fig. 14 represents, in elevation, a row of coke-ovens provided with a chimney through which all the gaseous products make their escape. 2- .0. Fig. 14.-Breckon and Dixon's Coke-Ovens, Fig. 15 is a plan of four coke-ovens, shown partly in section. Fig. 16 is a sectional elevation of two coke-ovens, showing flues leading to the chimney. Fig. 17 is a front elevation, also partially in section. These ovens are shown with regulating valves and iron distributors, for which a patent was granted March 29th, 1858, but they are by no means essential to the efficient working of the apparatus; a is the door of the coke-oven; b, the opening at the top; c, the flues or pipes which convey atmospheric air, admitted by the regulating valve, d, to the distributors e; ƒ (fig. 17) is the hydrant. The improvement claimed consists in the application of flues, g, constructed under the floor, h, of the ovens. These floors are made of fire-brick, or other suitable material, resting on the division walls of the flues, g, which are connected with the interior of the oven by the upright flues, i, and the circular openings, j, and with the chimney, k, through the flues, and m. Each orifice, j, is in communication with one of the outer flues, g, and passes from one to another as indicated by the arrows. When these gases arrive at the two central flues they ascend the passages, l, and enter the horizontal flue, m, through which they escape to the chimney; a damper, n, placed in each of the flues, l, admits of one or more of the ovens being shut off during repairs, or for other purposes, without interfering with the action of the others. The coal, with which the oven is charged, may either be dropped through the opening, b, or thrown in through the door, a. When the charge becomes ignited the gaseous products of combus- tion, escaping through the openings, j, descend the flues, i, into those Transactions of North of England Institute of Mining * Drawings from Engineers,' 1860–61. 78 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. g d α 999 9 g R m m d a - h a Fig. 15.-Breckon and Dixon's Coke-Ovens. Plan of four; partly in section. b m. n n b 9 9 Fig. 16.-Breckon and Dixon's Coke-Ovens; sectional elevation. e a FUEL. 79 under the floor, g, where they circulate, and finally pass off to the chimney through the flues, I and m. In this way the floor of the oven is heated by the ignited gases, which according to the patentees enables a given quantity of coal to be converted into coke in about one-third less 9 I b (L. d d Fig. 17.—Breckon and Dixon's Coke-Ovens, front elevation; partly in section. time than is required in an ordinary oven. They also state that the coke produced is denser and of better quality, and that the yield is increased to the extent of from 10 to 15 per cent. A very similar patent was taken out by Joseph Dunning in May, 1853. It was found at one of the collieries in the neighbourhood of Dar- lington, after a trial extending over several years, that coal, yielding 58 per cent. of coke in ordinary ovens, afforded 69 per cent. in those con- structed with flues beneath the floor; also that a charge of six tons, which requires seventy-two hours for conversion into coke in the former, is in the latter, completely coked in forty-eight hours. Anchor Oven.-This oven admits of the entire charge of coke being drawn at once previously to cooling, thus saving a considerable part of the labour required for discharging the ordinary coke-oven and also the great wear and tear to the lining of fire-bricks resulting from cooling in the ovens by the introduction of a jet of water. In these ovens (fig. 18) the mouth is of the entire width of the chamber, A, and the anchor, d, e, f, which is of wrought-iron, is placed in the oven before it is charged with coal, and is thus, at the end of the operation, imbedded in the coke. When the oven is to be drawn a chain is attached to the anchor from a winch fixed in some convenient position, which, when set in motion, draws out the whole charge in one mass upon a paved flooring, where it is cooled by the appli- cation of water. In some cases, instead of employing water, a sheet- iron cover is put over the coke, which, around the lower edge, is kept as nearly as possible air-tight by the application of damp breeze. In this way the atmosphere is so nearly excluded that the coke may be allowed to cool gradually, without experiencing any material loss of weight through waste by burning. The great size of the mouth of the oven, which is required when this method of drawing coke is resorted to, has been urged as an objection to the use of the process, but this, in 80 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. practice, is found to be productive of but little inconvenience. The wear and tear of the anchor itself is also an apparent objection, but experience shows that the waste of iron is in reality not great. d A A A A Fig. 18.-Anchor Ovens; ground plan. The time required for coking in ordinary ovens is usually from forty- eight to seventy-two hours, but, when an exceedingly hard coke is required, the operation is sometimes continued during ninety hours. The total cost of manufacture, exclusive of taxes, agency, and redemption of capital, varies from about 1s. 4d. to 1s. 6d. per ton. COLLECTION OF TAR, &C., FROM COKE-OVENS.-In this country large quantities of tar are annually furnished by the distillation of coal, from which gas for illumination is obtained, and as the supply may be consi- dered equal to the demand, the price is so low as to offer little induce- ment to the manufacturer to take measures for the collection of that which might be obtained from coke-ovens. In some localities, however, it becomes a matter of importance that as small a portion as possible of this substance should be allowed to escape condensation. Silesia.-At Gleiwitz, in Silesia, the apparatus used for this purpose is a cylindrical oven, eight feet high and about six in diameter. The upper part is arched, and has an opening for the escape of gases, which may be closed by an iron plate. The charging door, which is on a level with the floor, is closed by piling up loose bricks, and afterwards made air-tight by applying an iron door on the outside and stopping the interstices with clay. Besides this door the oven is provided with a FUEL. 81 series of air-holes made through its walls at different heights from the floor, and a large iron pipe is fitted into the arched brickwork of the top for the purpose of carrying off and collecting the tarry vapours which are evolved. These, together with the gaseous products, are conveyed to a cistern which condenses and collects the former, and allows the latter to escape. In the cold season this pipe leads directly to the receiver, but during warm weather it is connected with a series of zig-zag pipes, which, passing through cold water, acts as a refrigerator and aids con- densation. The charge of one of these furnaces is from 35 to 40 cwts. of coal, and as soon as it has taken fire the larger openings, and all the air- holes, except the lower row, are closed. When the fire, as seen through these apertures, has assumed a reddish-yellow colour, the holes are closed, and those which are immediately above them opened. On closing the second series of holes, the third is opened, and so on, until the whole charge has been sufficiently and regularly ignited. The first and second rows of holes are each allowed to remain open ten hours, the third sixteen hours, and the fourth and last series three hours; after which the oven is allowed to remain twelve hours to cool, and the coke is then drawn and quenched with water. The coal used in these ovens is slightly caking in character, and each charge, besides yielding 53 per cent. by weight, or 74 per cent. by volume, of coke, produces on an average 5 gallons of tar. The same coal charred in mounds affords only 47 per cent. of its weight of coke, which is far more spongy and friable than that obtained in ovens. It is probable that ammonia might also be manufactured from the water associated with tar thus obtained, although it does not appear that it is collected for that purpose. In this country the low price of tar and the supposed injury to the quality of the coke caused by its collection have prevented the introduction of furnaces on this principle. Pauwels and Dubochet's Oven. In 1850 a patent was granted to Messrs. Pauwels and Dubochet for the manufacture of coke and gas. * This invention is described as having for its object, first, the extraction from pit-coal of a gas fit for illumination, and the production at the same time of a coke possessing all the properties requisite for smelting ores, and generating steam in locomotives; second, the regulation, according to circumstances, of the pressure of gas in the passages, so as to render the loss of gas as small as possible. These various results are obtained by means of distinct apparatus; first, an oven or retort, with its extractor, and second, a moderator. The oven or retort is constructed of bricks, cast- and wrought-iron; it is furnished with fire-places for producing the necessary heat, by the combustion of coal, coke, or other combustible, and has various flues for the circulation of heat, with a peculiarly constructed heat-magazine : and, lastly, is furnished with divers apparatus, some used as channels for the gaseous products, and the others serving either * The system of Pauwels and Dubochet, as well as that patented by Pernolet, are described very nearly in the words of their respective specifications. The author must consequently not be held responsible for the statements made; they possess, however, considerable interest as showing the direction which has been given to attempts to render available the various products evolved in coke-making. G 82 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. permanently or at intervals to isolate the distilling apparatus, properly so called. The object of the extractor is to protect the apparatus from pressure; it is divided into three distinct parts. The first is composed of three vats full of water, in which as many bells or movable chambers are caused to work up and down by any convenient motive power made to act upon suitable shafts and cranks. The second part of the apparatus consists of two large cylinders, provided with rectangular plungers, united together and acting as valves, which constitute, with the first part of the me- chanism, an aspirating and forcing apparatus, the action of which is regu- lated by the third portion of the apparatus, which consists of a large vat in which works a bell or movable chamber, something like a gasometer. The office of this is to regulate and maintain the equilibrium of pressure. In order to set an oven to work, it must first be raised to a high tem- perature by the application of heat, both to the interior and exterior; this being done, the fires are to be kept up, and as soon as the coal has been introduced into the oven the doors must be closed, leaving open, however, for a few minutes the orifice of the extraction chimney, to allow aqueous vapours to escape, after which the orifice is closed by means of the cover, and a hydraulic valve is opened at the same time, to allow the gas to pass through the pipes, which, as well as the interior of the oven, are pro- tected from pressure by means of the communication then established between them and the extractor. The gas is thus aspirated or drawn by the extractor and forced into the various apparatus of which gas-works are composed. The moderator must be so regulated that its action shall prevent any variation of pressure on the apparatus and its appendages. Coke-ovens on this principle are employed at a large establishment in the neighbourhood of St. Etienne, and at some other places in France, and the results obtained are said to be satisfactory; but the coke which we have seen produced in such appliances was darker in colour and con- siderably less dense than that manufactured at a higher temperature in ordinary ovens. Pernolet's Coke-Oven.-A patent was granted, in 1862, to Richard Archibald Brooman (being a communication from Charles Claude Phili- bert Nicolas Pernolet) for "Improvements in Coking Ovens, in collecting and utilising the Products from the Distillation or Carbonisation of Coal and other matters producing Coke, and in apparatus employed therein." The invention is described as consisting in the construction, arrangement, and working of coking ovens, in such a manner, that the following products are obtained during the manufacture of coke :-First, coke suitable for metallurgical, railway, and other purposes, in greater proportion than when manufactured in the ordinary manner; second, gas suitable for burning and heating; third, tar, and different oils obtainable therefrom; and, fourth, ammonia and ammoniacal salts. The apparatus employed is said to be applicable not only to ordinary coal, but also to anthracite, coke-dust, peat, wood, and other combustible materials, of vegetable or mineral origin, whether treated separately or FUEL. 83 mixed with rich coals, resins, or tars. "Nine chief features are comprised in this invention." They consist, first, in particular arrangements of coking ovens capable of manufacturing coke from all kinds of coal; second, in the application to these ovens of a continuous exhaust or draught for drawing off and collecting all volatile products resulting from the distillation of combustible matters; third, in a method of condensing such of those products as are capable of being liquified, and in the preserva- tion of each of such products so as to utilise them; fourth, in the appli- cation of the gas produced in the ovens, whether to heating the furnaces of the coking ovens themselves or other furnaces, or to the reduction of oxidised ores, or to any other purposes for which carburetted hydrogen can be employed, especially for lighting purposes; fifth, in pulverising certain coals which would otherwise produce coke of a bad appearance and ill adapted for metallurgical and railway purposes, whereas, after pul- verisation of the coal, coke suitable for locomotives and other uses may be produced, and that without washing being necessary; sixth, in mixing rich coal-tar or resin with poor coal, anthracite, coke-dust, peat, and other combustible materials which do not by themselves produce good coke; seventh, in the employment of steam thrown on the coke when at its highest temperature for desulphurising it; eighth, in the employment of apparatus for loading the ovens with coal and for removing the coke, whereby these operations are effected more speedily and economically than in the ordinary manner; ninth, in producing in the same ovens as those used for the manufacture of coke, common tar, such as that obtained from gas-works, or other tars richer in oils; and in utilising them in various ways. Ovens constructed according to this invention are equally suited for raw or for washed coal. The distillation is carried on upon a large scale, say from six to seven tons in an oven, and all the products accessory! to the distillation, such as tars, ammoniacal waters, and gases for burning and heating, as well as the coke, being collected separately, may be utilised. If these ovens are erected near towns the gas can be used for lighting, or it may be employed in iron-works, where a quick and regular fire is required. If the gas be not required for lighting or heating it is burned in the coking-oven furnaces, in which case no other fuel will ordi- narily be required. When the ovens are used for the manufacture of coke only, a gas-holder, which in other cases is required to contain the gas, is dispensed with, as well as the exhauster, and the exhaust will depend on the draught of the chimney, being increased by the vacuum produced by the partial condensation of the volatised products. The coke-oven shown, figs. 19, 20, and 21, is about thirty feet in length; fig. 19 is a longitudinal section and fig. 20 a horizontal section of two ovens at different heights. Fig. 21 is a transverse vertical section through two ovens ; of one through the fire-place and of the other across the flues at the far end. C, fig. 19, is a truck running on the rails, B, and constructed in such a manner that its load of coal may be discharged at will into either of the openings, D, in the arch of the oven. An ordinary oven requires six truck-loads to fill it; c, c, are hoppers placed G 2 84 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. M J A S K M C D Α D F 0 i 1 W.J.WELCH.DELET.SC T Fig. 19.-Pernolet's Coke-Oven; longitudinal section. I FUEL. 85 M M W M 0% 0¢ α α α a --A- FO Fig. 20.-Pernolet's Coke-Oven; horizontal section at different heights. T t W.J.WELCH SE 86 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. over the apertures, D, to guide the load into the interior of the oven, A. The coal being thus introduced on to the bed, s, of the oven, is spread evenly thereon by means of tools introduced at the ends. The two doors, d, are then lowered by means of the windlasses, G, running on the rails, g; the hooks, W, which connect the doors, d, with the windlasses, are disconnected, all the openings, d, closed, and the joints stopped with sand or earth, so that no air may enter the oven. A A $ asa a α a Fig. 21.- Pernolet's Coke-Oven; transverse section. During the time occupied by the removal of the coke and charging the oven with coal, the fire on ƒ has not been extinguished; so soon, then, as the mass of coal introduced into the oven is sufficiently heated, the distil- lation begins; gases, steam, and tar are disengaged and issue by the orifice, E; they then traverse the pipe, F, and enter the condenser, where the gaseous products traverse compartments formed of thin metallic plates, smooth and close to one another, by coming in contact with which they are gradually cooled. The cooling is accelerated by a continuous. flow of water falling from a reservoir into chambers, whence the water spreads on each side so as to run down externally, from top to bottom, over the sides of the condenser. A wooden casing surrounds the con- denser, and protects it from the action of the sun and at the same time affords a passage for a current of air which serves to cool the water. Following the condenser, where the tar and greater portion of the ammo- niacal waters are deposited, the gases and the ammoniacal vapours enter into the first washer, where they traverse from the bottom upwards through fine showers of ammoniacal water supplied continually by a pump from a suitable reservoir. The ammoniacal waters may be thus enriched to any desired degree for subsequent treatment The current of gas thus purified passes to a second washer, similar to the first, but supplied with water only, to complete the absorption of ammonia. After the tar, oils, and ammoniacal waters have been removed from the gas the latter flows through pipes, M, under the influence of the draught of the chimney, O. The combustible gases which reach the fire-place of the coke-oven, ƒ, become mixed with air, which enters through small holes formed around and in the middle of the nozzle, u. The mixture of gas with air pro- duces a flame which circulating through the flues, a, conveys heat to the Thence the products of combustion pass to the flue, T, and after- wards to the chimney, O. The ovens are divided into sets of ten, each ovens. FUEL. 87 group having a separate chimney; v, v, are sight-holes, fitted to the flues, a, for examining whether the heat is equally spread between the different ovens of a group and in the various flues of the same oven. By means of a tap, z, the quantity of gas admitted to the fire-place of each oven is regulated. The quantity of air admitted around and through the nozzle, u, is regulated by slide-valves or otherwise, and the distribution of flame is regulated in the flues, a, by means of fire-brick registers, k. After a certain time, which varies from two to three days, according to the nature of the coal used, the whole of the charge is transformed into coke : if required, desulphurisation is effected. For this purpose, a steam discharger is conveyed to the front of the oven on the rails, h; communication between the inside of the oven, A, and the general passage for the gas and vapours is intercepted by closing the register, r; connection between the boiler, J, and the door of the oven is established by the pipe, j, and, by opening a tap, steam is driven into the interior of the oven as long as may be considered desirable. The doors, d, are then raised, and after adjusting the discharger in front of the oven, it is set in motion, and pushes the coke before it out of the oven on to the inclined plane, I, between dwarf walls, i, where it is covered with coke- dust to smother it; the discharging occupies from four to five minutes. The discharger is then withdrawn, the orifices, D, are opened, and the oven is again charged, as before described, with six or seven tons of coal, which takes from fifteen to twenty minutes to accomplish; the doors, d, are lowered, any pitch which may have been deposited is removed, the charging orifices are closed, the register, r, opened, and the operation commences afresh. When the coke on the inclined plane, I, is sufficiently cold, it is placed in trucks which convey it away on the rails, t. Care must be taken that the following precautions are attended to during the process: First, that all the joints are kept tight with earth, so that no air may enter during the operation; second, that a uniform heat is maintained through- out the ovens; third, that the condensers and washers are regularly supplied with water. The form and shape of the ovens may be consider- ably varied without departing from the invention. Impure coals may be pulverised in any convenient way, or mixed with rich coal, or even with tar, or pure coal before carbonisation; but the pulverising process. is very efficacious in order to give solidity and good appearance to the coke, and in order that coke made from very poor coal may, without washing, be suitable for use in locomotives and furnaces generally with- out leaving clinkers on the grate, because, when the foreign matters are pulverised, the current of air carries them away, so that in this particular case the pulverisation replaces washing without waste. Where the mix- ture of coal to be formed into coke is composed of materials which do not carbonise well alone, and would produce only incoherent products, the ovens constructed according to this invention answer better than ordinary ones, because the bituminous parts not being liable to be burnt, a less quantity is required to produce the agglomeration of poor coal, anthracite, coke-dust, and other combustible materials incapable alone of being trans- formed into solid coke. 88 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The apparatus employed by Pernolet is very similar to that patented by Pauwels and Dubochet twelve years previously, excepting that the latter exhaust the gases from the oven by means of a machine, whilst Pernolet sometimes effects the same object by the draught of a high chimney. Several experiments were made at Pease's West Colliery, near Darlington, in the summer of 1860, with a view to collect ammonia from the gases driven off from coal by the heat of coke-ovens, but the results afforded no promise of ultimate success, and they were therefore abandoned. COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF COKE.-Well-prepared coke essen- tially consists of carbon, inclosing the various inorganic impurities of the coal from which it has been manufactured. It, however, invariably retains small quantities of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The following table gives the composition of three varieties of coke :— 1. 2. 3. C. 93.15 91.30 91.59 H. 0.72 0.33 0.47 N. 1.28) 2.17 2.05 0. 0.90 Ash 3.95 6.20 5.89 No. 1, coke from Durham coal, Richardson; Nos. 2 and 3, coke from the caking coal of the Mons basin, analysed by M. de Marsilly. These specimens were dried at between 100° and 200° C. before being subjected to analysis. Perfectly dry coke will not generally absorb more than from 1 to 2·5 per cent. of moisture by exposure to a moist atmosphere; and coke, of which the extinction has been properly conducted, should not retain more than 3 per cent. of moisture; as, however, coke-burners are not unfre- quently paid according to the weight of coke produced, without any stipulation being made as to the percentage of water which it shall contain, it is not unusual to find specimens in which the amount varies from 8 to 12 per cent. It is evident that in order to produce its highest calorific effect, coke should be used in a dry state. A con- siderable portion of the slack now employed for the manufacture of coke is freed from shale and other impurities by some process of washing before being charged into the ovens. WASTE HEAT FROM COKE-OVENS.-Ebelmen, who made a series of analyses of the gases issuing from coke-ovens, arrived at the conclusion that in those on which he experimented two-thirds of the heat capable of being produced by the complete oxidation of the volatile products were rendered sensible in the ovens themselves, and that only one-third remained to be generated by the oxidation of the gases which escaped from them. Many attempts have at various times been made to render available this waste heat by applying it to steam boilers and other similar purposes; but, in almost every instance, the results have been unsatis- factory. Obstructions which intercept the heat and prevent the free exit FUEL. 89 of the gases from the coke-oven are found to be so injurious to the quality of the coke produced, that no saving arising from the application of waste heat to such purposes will compensate for the injury done to the coke. In preparing coke it is essential that no obstruction should be offered to the free egress of the gases from the oven as they are evolved, and they should be allowed to mingle with atmospheric air in such proportions as to produce the highest temperature in the ovens without waste of coal. The process of coking will be thus carried on with rapidity, and a bright dense coke, free from volatile matter, will be the result. The admission of air to the gases in the oven must be regulated by the judgment of the coke-burner, whose object will be to generate the maximum amount of heat with the least possible combustion of the coke. Very trifling interruptions to the exit of the gases invariably retard the process of coking, and, when this occurs, the coal near the bottom of the oven is found to be imperfectly coked, thus causing a serious depre- ciation in its value. Generally speaking, any attempts to utilise the waste heat of coke-ovens, which materially reduce the value of the coke produced, will be found commercially valueless. CHARRING OF BROWN COAL.-Brown coal is of all kinds of fuel the least adapted for carbonisation; for although it is acted on by heat in the same way as wood, and produces a less combustible charcoal or coke, yet it is subject to inconveniences which render its production too costly for general application. Lignite, like peat, contains a large proportion of ash, and this percentage will necessarily be greater in the charcoal produced than in the coal from which it was made. This, from the tendency which the charcoal would necessarily have to clinker on the fire, prevents its being used for many purposes for which a fuel of greater purity could be employed. In addition to this, the action of heat causes the layers and concentric rings which are scarcely perceptible in the fresh lignite to separate from each other, and the charcoal or coke manu- factured is thereby either reduced to such small fragments as to be of little service as a fuel, or is rendered so extremely friable as to be unable to bear carriage even to a short distance from the locality in which it is produced. The carbonisation of lignite in mounds is, however, conducted on a small scale in the neighbourhood of Cassel; but the situations where this can be done with advantage are far from numerous. The following results were obtained by heating pieces of brown coal in closed crucibles until all traces of their volatile constituents had ceased to be evolved :- 100 Parts of Gave of Charcoal 100 Parts of Gave of Charcoal Earthy Coal from the Basses Alpes 48.5 Lignite from Greece Lignite from Neundorf 38.4 38.9 "" Coulang 38.1 Friesdorf 28.2 Jahnsdorf 32.8 "" Iceland. 57.5 "" "" Hartenberg 37.2 Auszig 40.1 34.6 "" "" "" Orsberg. Hegendorf 62.8 Kanden 37.5 "" 41.2 Reichenau 38.1 • "" "" Stöszchen Pützchen 29.1 29.3 · "" 46.4 Altsattel 40.3 "" • 44.7 Lignite from Verau 35.6 • 90 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. GASEOUS FUEL. Attempts were made as early as the commencement of the present century to substitute combustible gases for solid fuel in various technical operations; but, for a considerable time, they were not attended with practical success. According to a report, made in 1842 to the French Academy, by Thénard, Berthier, and Chevreul, the waste gases of blast-furnaces were first employed by M. Aubertot, in the year 1809, for roasting ores, burning lime, &c., and, in 1814, he suggested the erection of suitable apparatus for the employment of waste gases for metallurgical purposes. In the year 1801 Lampadius had already shown the possi- bility of employing the waste gases from the carbonisation of wood, and in 1830 he attempted, at smelting-works near Freiberg, the cupellation of argentiferous lead by means of gases produced from coal. Ebelmen states that M. Victor Sire, of Clerval, obtained a patent in 1836 for the manufacture of wrought-iron by means of waste gases from blast-furnaces. According to a report of the Central Jury of the Paris Exhibition in 1844, Sire's patent was employed in 1838 at iron- works on the Lower Rhine, and, in 1841, in the Department of the Moselle, for the refining of iron, but the process does not appear to have attracted much attention. Successful experiments were made in 1837 by Wilhelm von Faber du Faur, by burning the waste gases of blast-furnaces in a reverberatory furnace for the purpose of puddling pig-iron. In the course, however, of the various trials of the employment of waste gases for this purpose it was soon discovered that every modi- fication in the working of the blast-furnace produced a corresponding change with regard to the quantity and composition of the gases evolved, and that the process of puddling was thereby prejudicially affected. The collection of the gases also appeared to produce a prejudicial effect on the operations of the blast-furnace itself. The dependence for a supply of fuel on the satisfactory working of the blast-furnace was found so prejudicial as to cause this method of employing waste gases to be abandoned, and led to their employment in the roasting of ores, the heating of the blast, the production of steam, and the burning of lime, bricks, &c. These processes do not require either a very high or a very uniform temperature, and a large amount of fuel was thus saved. The utilisation of waste gases has also resulted in the extensive employ- ment for metallurgical purposes of gases specially prepared in generators or producers, by which means great saving is not only effected, but fuels of an inferior description can be rendered serviceable for purposes for which, if consumed in the ordinary way, they would be totally unfitted. Before Faber's process for utilising waste gases had obtained publicity, experiments were made in the Hartz (1839) by Bischof, with the view of generating gases in a furnace or producer, and subsequently burning them by means of a mixture of atmospheric air. FUEL. 91 Gases thus obtained from peat were found to readily afford the highest welding heats, but as Faber's method of employing waste gases had in the meantime come into notice, and appeared to possess the advantage of requiring no special consumption of fuel, Bischof's results were not at once appreciated. In 1838 some Austrian metallurgists who visited Wasseralfingen, in Wirtemberg, where Faber's process was in operation, came to the conclusion that the employment of waste gases in the puddling of iron could not afford practical results, and in the following year commenced experiments, at the iron-works of Jenbach in the Tyrol, with a view to the preparation of inflammable gases by an imperfect combustion of small charcoal. These trials, however, gave rise to dangerous explosions which appear to have finally led to their abandon- ment. In 1841 Karsten stated it was probable that certain descriptions of compact fuel, which, from their state of aggregation and low calorific power, were not then adapted for the purpose of puddling, would, ere long, be rendered available for that operation by being converted, in a special apparatus, into carbonic oxide gas, by the combustion of which the desired result would be effected. The experiments made at Jenbach having shown the practicability of firing with artificially-produced gases, further experiments were made, in 1842, at steel-works at St. Stephan, Styria, with a view of producing gaseous fuel from small brown coal. The results obtained having been of a satisfactory nature, they were at once published, and gave rise to the general introduction of artificially- prepared gases as fuel. This method of firing has been further developed by Bischof, Eck, and others, but more especially by Siemens, whose regenerative gas-furnace is suited for almost every metallurgical operation in which it is required to produce a high temperature in reverberatory furnaces. As this may be regarded as one of the most important inventions of modern times with regard to the utilisation of fuel, it will be necessary to describe not only the apparatus employed for the preparation of the gases, but also the arrangement made use of for effecting their economical combustion. Among the many advantages claimed by Mr. Siemens for his regenerative furnaces are the following:- a. The employment of inferior descriptions of fuel, such as slack coke-dust, lignite, peat &c., together with a saving on the quantity made use of to the amount of from 40 to 50 per cent. b. A daily increase of the work done in a furnace of given dimensions amounting to at least 30 per cent., which is a result of the almost un- limited calorific power at command, even when only a moderate chimney- draught is available. c. Perfect uniformity of heat throughout the furnace, and greater durability of the brickwork, owing to the absence of ashes, by which the fusibility of the surfaces with which they come in contact is increased. d. The production of a flame of such purity as greatly to diminish waste by oxidation or deterioration of the metals operated on. e. Great cleanliness and saving of space in works, since the gas- producers are invariably erected on the outside. 92 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. f. Increased command of the heat employed and of the chemical effects produced by the flame, which can be immediately checked when required, or at once changed from an oxidising to a reducing one, or vice versa. g. Absence of smoke from the chimney-stack, which, in the neigh- bourhood of large towns, and in some other situations, is of great importance. SIEMENS'S GAS-PRODUCER.-The gas-producer employed by Mr. Siemens is shown, figs. 22 and 23. Fig. 22 is a vertical section, and fig. 23, a plan, partly section, on the line P Q. The body of the apparatus, A, is a rectangular fire-brick chamber, of which the side, B, consists of thick cast-iron plates, lined with fire-brick, and having a step grate formed of flat iron bars, b; at bottom the bars, C, forming the grate, are of wrought-iron, two inches square, and rest on suitable cast-iron bearers built into the masonry. The fuel employed for the production of gas. is, in this country, usually bituminous coal, which should not possess the property of caking in too high a degree, but coke, lignite, peat, and even saw-dust, may, in case of necessity, be used for the same purpose. The fuel, whatever may be its nature, is charged into the hoppers, D, and, on opening the valves in connection with the weighted levers, d, falls on the inclined plane forming the front of the producer; before doing this, however, the top of the hopper, from which a charge is about to be let fall, is closed by an iron lid to prevent the escape of gas during the operation. In this way the grate is constantly kept thickly covered with fuel, and the accumulated ash and clinker are occasionally withdrawn by removing the bars, C, beneath which they are allowed to accumulate for the purpose of conveniently regulating the admission of atmospheric air. During the removal of the grate, C, for the purpose of clinkering, temporary bars of pointed wrought-iron are inserted over the lower bars, b, and allowed to rest on the brickwork at the back. In this way the fuel in the cavity of the producer is supported, so that the ash and clinker may be removed without any interruption to the working of the apparatus; when coal of good quality is employed, each pro- ducer usually requires clinkering but once in the course of forty-eight hours. A limited supply of air is admitted at the grate, and its oxygen, by uniting with the carbon of the fuel, forms CO2, which rises through the ignited mass, taking up an additional atom of carbon, and thus giving rise to the formation of 2 CO. The heat thus produced distils off hydro- carbons and other gases and vapours from the fuel as it gradually de- scends towards the grate, whilst the CO, diluted by the nitrogen of the air, and a small quantity of unreduced CO₂, mixed with the gases and vapours distilled from the raw fuel, is finally conducted by a gas-flue to the furnace. A pipe, E, supplies a small quantity of water to the ash-pit, whence, as it evaporates and comes in contact with the incandescent fuel, it becomes decomposed, giving rise to carbonic oxide gas and hydrogen. The hose, F, of vulcanised india-rubber, is employed for watering the clinkers as FUEL. 93 they are withdrawn, in order that they may be rapidly cooled and their removal from before the producers facilitated. By means of the plug- holes, G, the workman is enabled to inspect the state of the fires, and, when necessary, to stir the fuel by the aid of an iron bar. The sliding dampers, H, are for the purpose of, at any time, cutting off the gas-pro- ducers from the stack, I. Any in-draught of air through the crevices in the brickwork, which would result in the burning of the gas in the flue, is prevented by constantly maintaining a slight outward pressure in the gas-channel. When the furnaces stand on a considerably higher level than the pro- ducers, the required pressure is obtained without any difficulty; but when this is not the case some special arrangement becomes necessary in order to produce this effect. The most simple contrivance for the pur- pose is a cooling-tube raised to a considerable height above the level of the producers. The stack, I, is carried up in brickwork, well bound with iron, to a height of from ten to twelve feet, and the gases are con- ducted through a horizontal tube of wrought-iron, from which they pass down, through a similar stack of masonry, to the main gas-flue in connection with the furnaces. The gases, which rise from the producers at a temperature of about 550° C., are thus cooled by their passage through the metallic tube, and the descending column, becoming more dense and heavier than that of the same length which is ascending, con- sequently overbalances it. A syphon is thus formed of which the two legs are of equal length, but of which one is filled with a heavier gaseous fluid than the other. Mr. Siemens remarks, with regard to the action of this arrangement: “This method of obtaining a pressure in the gas-flue by cooling the gas has been objected to as throwing away heat that might be employed to greater advantage in the furnace; but this is not the case, because the action of a regenerator is such that the initial temperature of the gases to be heated has no effect on the final temperature, and only renders the cooling of the hotter fluid more or less complete. The only result, there- fore, of working the furnace with gas of high temperature is to increase the heat of the waste gases passing off by the chimney-flue. The com- plete cooling of the gas results, on the other hand, in the great advantage of condensing the steam that it always carries with it from the gas-pro- ducer, and, in the case of iron and steel furnaces, in burning wet fuel, it is absolutely necessary to cool the gas very thoroughly in order to get rid of the large amount of steam that it contains, which, if allowed to pass into the furnace, would oxidise the metal. “There is undoubtedly a certain waste of heat, which might be utilised by surrounding the cooling-tube with a boiler or by otherwise econo- mising the heat it gives off, as, for instance, in drying the fuel, but the saving to be effected is not very great, for, as 100 volumes of the gas require for combustion about 130 volumes of air, including 20 per cent. above that theoretically required, the heat given off in cooling 1,000° F. is no more than would be lost in discharging the products of the com- plete combustion of the fuel at a temperature 435° in excess of the actual 94 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 166 0 P H E I I A GB 7 H A d E F Fig. 22.-Siemens's Gas-Producer; vertical section. FUEL. 95 temperature of 200°; and this loss is greatly diminished if a richer gas is obtained." He further observes that the composition of the gases varies in accord- La Ra Fig. 23.-Siemens's Gas-Producer-Plan; partly section on P Q. 5 Ja a al C al a gas- ance with the nature of the fuel employed and the management of the producer. An analysis made, in July, 1865, of the gas from the producers at the plate-glass works of St. Gobain, France, which were supplied with a 96 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. mixture of three-fourths caking coal and one-fourth non-caking coal, afforded the following results :- CO . H CHA CO2 N Volumes. 23.7 8.0 2.2 4.1 61.5 0.5 100.0 The trace of oxygen present is no doubt due, either to want of care in collecting the gas, or to leakage of air into the flue; allowing for this, the corrected analysis will stand as under: 8=582 CH CO2 N Volumes. 24.21 8.2 34.6 2.2 4.21 65.4 61.25 The first three of these constituents, or about 35 per cent., are alone of any use as fuel; the carbonic anhydride and nitrogen present only dilute the inflammable gases. REGENERATIVE FURNACE.—In the regenerative furnace the producer- gases and air employed are separately heated by the waste heat of the flame, by means of regenerators placed beneath the furnace. These con- sist of four chambers fitted with fire-bricks loosely stacked together, so as to expose the largest possible surface to the gases passing through them; the waste gases from the furnace above are drawn down through two of these regenerators, heating the upper rows of bricks to a tempera- ture little inferior to that of the furnace itself, and, passing successively over cooler surfaces, finally escape to the main flue of the chimney in a comparatively cold state. The direction of the draught is now re- versed, and the flame and heated waste gases are employed to heat up second pair of regenerators; at the same time the gases and air entering the furnace are passed in an opposite direction, through the first pair, and coming, at first, in contact with the cooler brickwork below, are gradually heated in their ascent until, on arriving near the top, they attain a temperature nearly equal to that possessed by the waste gases. the The heated gases and air finally pass up into the furnace, where they meet and ignite, producing a strong flame, which, after passing through it, is drawn down the second pair of regenerators to a flue in connec- tion with the chimney. In this way the temperature of the ascending gas and air remains nearly constant, until the brickwork of the upper portion of the regenerator has sensibly cooled; but, by the time this has taken place, the other two regenerators have become sufficiently heated and the draught is again reversed. The current of waste gases is thus made to circulate through the first pair of regenerators, by which they again become heated, whilst the combustible gases and air, entering the furnace, are passed up through the second pair. By reversing, in this FUEL. 97 way, the direction of the draught at regular intervals, almost the whole of the heat generated is retained in the furnace, whereas, under ordinary circumstances, a considerable proportion of it will be carried off by the products of combustion. Thus, whatever may have been the intensity of the heat produced in a regenerative furnace, the temperature of the gases escaping to the chimney rarely exceeds 150° C. In ordinary furnaces the amount of heat carried off by the products of combustion is far in excess of that which is utilised; since all the heat below the temperature of the work to be heated is entirely lost. The economy of fuel effected in the regenerative furnace, by removing this source of loss and making all the heat of the waste gases available for raising the temperature of the flame, amounts, on an average, to at least 50 per cent. on the quantity used in an ordinary furnace, and this saving is greater in proportion as the temperature at which the furnace is worked is increased. When the heat of a furnace is not continually lowered by the introduction of fresh charges of cold materials, the temperature necessarily increases after each reversal of the direction of the draught, as a very small proportion of the heat generated is carried off by the waste gases. By ascending through the regenerators the gases and air become heated to a temperature nearly equal to that of the flame which had been pre- viously passing through them in a contrary direction, and, when they meet and burn in the furnace, the heat of combustion is added to that absorbed from the regenerators; the flame produced is consequently hotter than previously to the last reversal, and raises the regenerator through which it is passed to a higher heat. On again reversing the draught, this increased heat is communicated to the entering air and gases, and a still further increase in the temperature of the flame produced is the result. The temperature that may, in this way, be ultimately ob- tained by the gradual accumulation of heat in the regenerators and fur- nace is, in practice, only limited by the difficulty of finding a sufficiently refractory material for the construction of the apparatus. The only material practically available for this purpose is Dinas brick, consisting of nearly pure silica; but, although these bricks perfectly withstand the temperature required for the fusion of the most refractory steel, the heat can, nevertheless, be easily so increased as to melt them. Mr. Siemens calculates that, supposing the direction of the draught of a furnace to be reversed every hour, 17 lbs. of regenerator brickwork, at each end of the arrangement, per lb. of coal consumed in the gas-pro- ducer per hour, would be theoretically sufficient to absorb the waste heat, if the whole mass of the regenerators were uniformly heated at each reversal to the full temperature of the flame, and then completely cooled by the gases coming in. But, in practice, this does not actually take place, and, consequently, three or four times as much brickwork is required in the regenerators as is equal, in regard to capacity for heat, to the products of combustion. It has been found by experiment that a surface of six square feet in the regenerators is necessary to take up the heat of the products of combustion of 1 lb. of coal per hour. The arrangement of a H 2. 98 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. reverberatory furnace on the regenerative principle will be understood by the aid of figs. 24, 25, and 26. The first is a front elevation of a re-heating furnace, showing the gas reversing valves and flues in section. Fig. 25 is a longitudinal section at A, B, C, D (fig. 26), and fig. 26 is a sectional plan at L, M (fig. 25). The waste heat escaping from the furnace is arrested and absorbed by the masses of open brickwork, E, F, E', F' (fig. 25), while the products of combustion subsequently reach the chimney-flue in a comparatively cool On first lighting the furnace, the gases pass in through the gas state. C K K' N Fig. 24.-Siemens's Re-heating Furnace, front elevation; valves and flues in section. regulating valve, G, and the reversing valve, H, and, entering the flue, I, reach the bottom of the regenerator, E (fig. 25); the air enters through a corresponding air regulating and reversing valve, behind the valves, G, H, and passes thence through a flue behind the partition, K, into the regenerator, F. The currents of unheated gas and air ascend separately through the regenerators, E and F, and pass up respectively through the flues, L, M (fig. 26), into the furnace above, where they are lighted and burn with a flame of moderate calorific intensity. The products of com- bustion are removed through a similar set of openings at the other end of the furnace, and passing into the regenerators, E', F', finally escape through the flue, I', and another behind, K', to the chimney-flue, N. In this way the waste heat is absorbed by the brickwork of the regenerators, E', F', whilst the gases pass off to the chimney in a comparatively cold state. FUEL. 99 At the expiration of about an hour the reversing valves, through which the gas and air are admitted to the furnace, are turned over by means of levers attached to them for that purpose, and an inward current is estab- lished through the regenerating chambers, E', F', which have become L །་ F M TERAL LIGNA University c MICHIGAN E 彩 ​2 12 12 12 12 12 12 1| ||71 122 12 12 12 180 (1222 '2 12 12 12 12 12 12 ) (2 12 12 12 12 12-12 | [|]2 10 12 12 12 12 12) [2] [2] 12 12 12 12 112) |2 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 F A 12 12 12 12 122 121 122 128 128 | ||12 12 12 12 12 1612 12 18214 | 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 | 12 12 14 12 ]R'IZ 14 12 14 14 12 12 12 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 183 12 12 12 12 121 ||12|20 12 13 12 14 12 12 12 | 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 ||2 12.2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1Z F E la 爱爱 ​212 12 12 12 12 12 14 16 18 || |J. (1998) 1125 1181 182 12 12 1 1812 1818 18812 181ZM2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 | 1922 1928 125 124 124 12 12 11 11 12] 12 12 [12 (22 (4 14 11 12 13 AIZ 12 12 12 12 10 12 10 |18 18 18 18 112A LUI 123 182 12 IZ 211 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 | 14 12 12 10 112 122 122 1927 1122 12 ||222 12 12 12 12 12 12 121 12122122122222 ||2121212|2[Z]D[2][2]DI 33 (122 1823 116 117 118 117 | 18 LKA 1920 1122 122 12 182 |21812 [212 1212 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ][211 12 12 18 (2) 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 1828 1823 1923 (12 18 (21) 12 12 12 12 140 1821 182 21221212 17 18 1 22121212) 1010121212 22122 122 12 | 12 12 12 12 | 17 2 12 12 12 12 1212 12 12 12 2 12 12 12 121 272 Z 12 12 12 12 12I A Fig. 25.-Siemens's Re-heating Furnace; longitudinal section. M L M M D C. Fig. 26. Siemens's Re-heating Furnace; sectional plan at L, M. heated by the flame and waste gases which, previously to the reversal of the valves, had been descending through them. The air and gases now entering the furnace become heated in their passage through the hot brickwork of the regenerators, E', F', and, on meeting and entering into 100 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. combustion, produce a higher temperature than that obtained during the first hour, when cold air and gases only were supplied. The waste gases, from this combustion at a higher temperature, now heat the previously cold regenerators, E, F, to a correspondingly increased degree. After about an hour's working of the apparatus with the current in this direction, the reversing valves are again turned, and the air and gases admitted through the chambers, E, F, which are now very hot, and, consequently, they enter the furnace at a still higher temperature than before, producing a heat of increased intensity and heating the regenera- tors, E', F', to a still higher temperature than E, F. On reversing the current, the air and gases acquire a greater heat than before, and an accession of heat is thus, step by step, obtained, until the furnace acquires the temperature required; the heat of the products of combustion being at the same time so thoroughly abstracted that they arrive at the chimney-flue in a comparatively cool state. When the required heat has been acquired by the furnace its tempera- ture is readily controlled by the supply of air and gas admitted through the regulating valves, and by the chimney damper, which is more or less closed as circumstances may require. The regulating valves are raised and lowered either by a hand-screw or by a notched lever, and consequently admit of being readily maintained in any required position. REFRACTORY MATERIALS FOR FURNACES AND CRUCIBLES. FIRE-STONES, &C.-Many varieties of rock, rich in silica, are employed for the refractory linings of furnaces, and before being used for that pur- pose should be stored for a considerable time in a dry place, in order to deprive them of moisture. When stratified rocks are made use of, they should be built into the wall in accordance with their natural bedding, in order, as far as possible, to prevent exfoliation on the application of heat. Sandstones, in which the grains of quartz are cemented by a siliceous or argillaceous cement, are frequently employed for the hearthstones of blast-furnaces, but those varieties which contain notable quantities either of lime or of oxide of iron, are not sufficiently refractory. Sand- stones containing spangles of mica, or grains of iron pyrites, are not, generally, sufficiently infusible to be so employed; coarse-grained siliceous stones, such as Millstone-Grit, are frequently made use of for this purpose. In the Truckee Valley, State of Nevada, United States of America, a fire-stone is obtained which presents the appearance of yellowish chalk ; it is, however, much lighter, floating readily when first thrown into water, but sinking as soon as it becomes wetted to a certain depth. Sp. Gr. = 1.49. It cuts readily and may be sawn into any required form; it is also easily worked with the axe. REFRACTORY MATERIALS. 101 A specimen of this substance, analysed in the author's laboratory, by A. G. Phillips, afforded the following results:*- I. II. SiO2 73.32 73.32 Fe2O3 3.23 3.18 Al2O3 9.48 9.69 CaO 0.70 0.82 K,O 0.55 0.42 Na₂O 0.62 0.68 H₂Ỗ, combined 7.53 7.49 H₂O, hygroscopic 4.65 4.65 100.08 100.25 Talcose slate and soapstone are sometimes used for the fire-work of furnaces, and, from the resistance offered by them to the corroding in- fluence of metallic oxides, they are occasionally found very serviceable. Serpentine, on account of the small proportion of silica it contains, is also less readily attacked by metallic oxides than many other rocks, but is not suited for exposure to very high temperatures. Gneiss is used at Schmölnitz for the construction of reverberatory furnaces; it is easily dressed to the required forms, and offers great resistance to high tempera- tures and to sudden changes of heat. Granite is generally employed in Cornwall for the outside masonry of lead and tin furnaces, which are in- ternally lined with fire-brick. Siliceous sand is extensively used by the metallurgist, both for mixing with the fire-clay employed as a cement in the construction of furnaces, and for furnace-bottoms. The beds of the smelting and refining furnaces in the copper-works of Swansea are made of a sand of which great accumulations are met with at various points along the neighbouring coast. This sand contains about 87 per cent. of silica, with a little lime, oxide of iron, and alumina. Sand is also extensively employed for moulds both in iron and brass foundries. FIRE-CLAYS.-Clays are essentially hydrated silicates of aluminium, and on the presence of the water of combination depends their plasticity or capability of being moulded into any required form, when mixed with a suitable amount of water. In addition to their water of combination all clays contain a greater or less amount of hygroscopic moisture, which may be expelled by heating them to 100° C., without in any degree impairing their plasticity. When clays are heated to redness, their water of combination is ex- pelled, as well as their hygroscopic water, and their property of affording, when mixed with water, a plastic mass is thereby completely destroyed, In this dehydrated state clays do not immediately combine with water, although they absorb it with avidity; without, however, in the least degree regaining their plastic properties. * This substance, which is probably the result of geyser action, does not contain Diatomaceæ or any other microscopic organisms. Uor M 102 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. COMPOSITION OF BRITISH FIRE-CLAYS. SiO 2 63.30 51.80 50.20 51.10 69.25 55.50 67.12 53.05 58.10 66.16 79.40 68.98 Al2O3 23.30 30.40 32.59 31.35 17.90 27.75 21.18 28.13 26.59 22.54 12.25 23.82 K₂O 2.32 2.19 2.02 4.19 1.21 0.07 Na₂O trace 0.44 0.49 CaO 0.73 0.36 1.46) 1.30 $0.67 0.32 0.17 0.40 1.42 0.50 trace MgO 0.50 · 0.44 1.545 10.75 0.84 1.20 0.99 trace 0.17 FeO 1.80 4.14 4.63 2.97 Fe2O3 3.52 {2.01 5.31 0.10 1.85 2.48 2.97 1.30 0.39 H₂O, combined 9.69 4.82 5.82 7.57 3.11 5.20 5.54 H₂O, hygroscopic 10.30 13.11 10.47 7.58 10.53 $1.39 2.20 1.41 0.85 Organic matter (0-90 2.82 1.21 99.43 99.95 99.12 100.55 99.00 99.81 100.44 100.06 100.45 98.57 98.65 100.41 3. Glascote, 7, 8, 9. Dowlais, 11. Ireland; by 1. Stourbridge, Worcestershire; used for glass pots; by C. Tookey. 2. Brierley Hill, Staffordshire; by T. H. Henry. near Tamworth; by J. Spiller. 4, 5. Newcastle-on-Tyne; by T. Richardson. 6. Newcastle-on-Tyne; by Hugh Taylor. South Wales; by E. Riley.-No. 7 is considered the best fire-clay of the district. 10. Glasgow; by J. Brown. T. H. Henry; clay of excellent quality. 12. Lee Moor, Devon; by J. A. Phillips. REFRACTORY MATERIALS. 103 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. COMPOSITION OF FOREIGN FIRE-CLAys SiO2, combined 63.57 60.60 66.10 SiO2, as sand Al2O3 CaO 0.55 27.45 26.39 19.80 0.84 32.08 36.04 32.70) 25.04 21.04 26.40) 29.06 30.04 59.01 60.40 54.06 46.50 55.46 77.32 27.46 24.26 24.09 26.99 34.90 31.71 15.57 0.01 0.56 0.10 1.32 0.55 0.85 0.19 trace MgO trace 0.70 0.18 0.34 0.72 0.61 0.82 0.14 0.13 K₂O 0.29 0.21 2.49 0.67 1.14 2.10 2.40 1.20 Na₂O 0.22 0.33 0.68 0·63 Fe2O3 0.15 2.50 6 30 0.45 0.67 0.93 4.04 3.70 2.73 3.00 0·59 0.86 H₂O, combined 8.64 9.20 7.50 9.03 8.45 8.00 10.21 10.60 14.15 13.30 9.37 5.61 H₂O, hygroscopic 1.27 101.63 99.53 99.70 97.54 99.08 98.33 100.79 100.46 100.17 97.70 100.66 100.79 1. Beleu, Ardennes. 2. Dourdan, Seine-et-Oise. 3. Hayanges, Moselle; by Salvétat.-No. 3 used for fire-bricks. 4, 5, 6. Clays from Belgium; by Bischof. 7. Schöningen, Hanover; by Streng. 8, 9. Kipfendorf, Saxe-Coburg; by Fresenius. 10. Almerode, Hessen- Cassel; by Berthier. 11. Vallendar, near Coblenz. 12. Mehlem, near Königswinter. 104 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. When clays possess the property of resisting exposure to high tempe- ratures, without either melting or becoming sensibly softened, they are called refractory clays or fire-clays. These occur in various geological formations, but those of the best quality are most frequently procured from the coal-measures. The substances found accompanying clays, and in a state of intimate mechanical mixture with them, are very numerous; but among the most common of these impurities may be mentioned oxide of iron, calcium car- bonate, and iron pyrites. The presence of these substances materially impairs the refractory quality of the clays in which they occur, as, by their action on a portion of the silica, a series of fusible vitreous compounds is produced. The degree of heat necessary to effect the fusion of these compounds is not entirely dependent on the amount of extraneous matter thus brought in contact with the natural silicate, but is also in a remark- able manner influenced by their nature and number. por- In this way a clay containing a given amount of magnesia is found to be less fusible than another similarly constituted, excepting that a certain tion of the magnesia is replaced by an equivalent amount of lime; if iron oxide be also present the compound will be found proportionately more easy of fusion. Among the purer varieties of clay, the most refractory are those in which the proportion of silica is greatest; and reaches its maximum in those substances which, although exhibiting many of the physical properties of clays, can scarcely be classified among them on account of their very large percentage of silica: such, for example, are the different varieties of earth consisting of the siliceous remains of infusoria. The composition of several varieties of British Fire-clay is given on page 102. The table of analyses on page 103 gives the composition of several Foreign Fire-Clays. FIRE-BRICKS.—The qualities required of fire-bricks differ in accord- ance with the purposes to which they are to be applied. Sometimes it is important that they should not become softened in a sensible degree by continued exposure to very great heat. In other cases it is necessary that they should withstand great and sudden changes of temperature. It is often essential that they should be capable of withstanding consi- derable pressure when strongly heated, and their capability of resisting the corrosive action of metallic oxides is also a consideration of much importance. It is seldom possible to produce a fire-brick capable of fulfilling all these conditions, and, consequently, such additions of other materials are made to the clay as will afford bricks suited for the particular purpose for which they are required. Many varieties of clay which pos- sess the requisite degree of infusibility are, when subjected to a rapid change of temperature, liable to split, from the expansion or contraction of the mass. The chief addition made consists of pure siliceous sand, and ground and previously-burnt fire-clay, which, without increasing the fusi- bility of the compound, has the property of rendering the material less M REFRACTORY MATERIALS. 105 liable to become broken, through the rapid application of heat or sudden reduction of temperature. The manufacture of refractory bricks is conducted in a very similar way to that of bricks employed for ordinary building purposes. The fire-clay, after being for some time exposed to the air, is crushed under a pair of heavy edge-stones, where it is ground either with or without the addition of silica or of previously-baked clay of the same description, until it has been reduced to the state of somewhat coarse powder. This falls through a hole in the bedstone, and is thence mounted by the buckets of an endless chain into a large cylindrical sieve, by which it is divided into two classes. The coarser fragments, which remain on the meshes, are returned under the edge-runners, to be again ground, whilst the finer particles, which have passed through the apertures, are conducted by an endless belt to a convenient situation, where they are deposited under a small continuous stream of water. The mixture is subsequently incorporated in a pug-mill, and moulded into bricks in the way adopted for the more common varieties employed for building purposes. A man and a boy can in this way, with a hand-mould, make and lay out to dry 1,500 bricks as a day's work. When sufficiently dried, they are baked during five or six days in kilns containing from 15,000 to 20,000. A ton of coal is, on an average, required for the baking of every 3,000 bricks, which are all placed lengthways, and separated from one another by about a finger's breadth in order to allow a free pas- sage between them of the heated gases produced by the combustion of the fuel, the whole of which is consumed at the extremity of the pile furthest removed from the chimney. The following table gives the composition of fire-bricks from various localities: COMPOSITION OF FIRE-BRICKS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SiO 2 A1203 63.09 29.09 84.65 88.43 69.30 75.36 71.02 • 8.85 6.90 28.50 21.47 26.47 CaO 0.42 1.90 3.40 trace trace • MgO FeO 0.66 0.35 trace 0.44 • 1.79 trace Fe2O3 2.88 4.25 1.50 2.00 0.80 K₂O 1.92 0.50 Na₂O 0.31 1.38 0.42 TiO2 2.21 S. trace 100.58 100.00 100.23 99.80 100.00 99.65 1. Dowlais; by E. Riley. 2. From Windsor clay; a mixture of 30 per cent. of clay and 70 of sand; by Richardson. 3. From Pembroke; used in copper-works; by Napier. 4. Creuzot, France; used for blast- furnaces; by Berthier. 5. Lee Moor, Devonshire; by Abel. 6. From same locality; by J. A. Phillips. 106 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The following analyses of an ordinary "blue fire-brick" from Buck- ley, North Wales, were made in the author's laboratory, by Mr. W. T. Gent. Sp. Gr. = 2.28. I. II. SiO2 FeO 72.45 72.63 trace trace Fe2O3 4.69 4.78 MnO4 .30 35 Al2O3 20.83 20.70 CaO .30 • 29 • MgO trace trace K₂O .61 .63 Na,O • 62 '57 H₂O, hygroscopic .13 · 16 99.93 100 11 The Dinas fire-bricks of South Wales, which are probably the most infusible bricks employed in this country, consist almost entirely of silica, and, instead of being chiefly composed of fire-clay, are made from a dis- integrated sandstone, found in various places in the Vale of Neath. Two specimens of "Dinas clay," obtained from different mines, ana- lysed by Mr. W. Weston in Dr. Percy's laboratory, afforded the following results:* SiO2 Al2O3 FeO CaO K₂O & Na₂O H₂O, combined • I. II. 98.31 96.73 0.72 1.39 0.18 0.48 0.22 0.19 • 0.14 0.20 0.35 0.50 99.92 99.49 CRUCIBLES.—Crucibles are commonly manufactured either by working the prepared clay on a potter's wheel, similar to that employed in making ordinary pottery, or by compressing it in moulds, which thus communi- cate to the mass the required form. Sometimes, also, although more rarely, they are prepared by covering with clay a mandrel made either of metal or of hard wood, and having the exact form and dimensions of the internal cavity of the vessel required. Crucibles should be capable of resisting sudden changes of temperature without fracture. They should also be nearly infusible, be unacted on by the ashes of the fuel by which they may be surrounded in the furnace, and withstand the corrosive action and permeation of such substances as melted oxide of lead. It would, however, be difficult to prepare crucibles capable of * Percy's Metallurgy'; Fuel, Copper, &c., p. 236. REFRACTORY MATERIALS. 107 fulfilling all these conditions, and it is consequently found better to select the mixture to be employed in accordance with the use to which it is to be applied, than to attempt the manufacture of pots which would be applicable to every purpose. When it is desired to prepare crucibles capable of withstanding sudden changes of temperature, the prepared clay is intimately mixed with various infusible bodies which impart to the mass the property of neither expanding nor contracting in a sensible degree on being strongly heated and afterwards rapidly cooled. These substances generally consist of siliceous sand, ground flints, calcined clay, graphite, or powdered coke. The most infusible crucibles are prepared from clays containing the largest proportion of silica, and in which the amount of lime and oxide of iron is small. The infusibility of clay, like its power of sustaining sudden changes of temperature, may be much increased by a judicious admixture of materials, which, from forming a kind of infusible ground-work, prevent the crucible from being deformed by exposure to a temperature by which it would otherwise be destroyed. The most efficient materials for the purpose are burnt clay, graphite, or powdered coke, added to the clay in the proportion of about one-fourth; since, if a larger amount were used, although the infusibility of the crucible might be increased, the carbonaceous matters would be liable to become consumed by repeated use, and the crucible be gradually destroyed. The composition of several varieties of manufactured crucibles has been examined by Berthier, some of whose results are arranged in the following table :- Place of Manufacture. Crucibles, Hessian • from Paris 95 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 | MgO • 70.9 24.8 3.8 64.6 34.4 1.0 72.3 19.5 3.9 • "" "" Glass Pots "" "" Saveignies, near Beauvais England, for casting Steel. St. Etienne, for do. Nemours. "" • Bohemia. "" 71.0 23.0 4.0 65.2 25.0 7.2 67.4 32.0 0.8 68.0 29.0 2.2 0.5 In order that an earthen crucible may be but slightly attacked by the bodies fused in it, it is necessary that the particles of which it is com- posed should be finely divided and closely compressed, and also that the materials of which it is made should not readily form fusible compounds with the substance operated on. The metals, and their ores, with the exception of their oxides, generally exert little action on crucibles made of ordinary fire-clay, although galena, together with certain other substances, has the property of filtering through the pores of some earthen crucibles without exercising on their constituents any apparent chemical action. The degree of facility with which clay pots yield to the action of metallic oxides is usually tested by the fusion of litharge, which is maintained in the fluid state until the pot becomes 108 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. pierced by its corroding action, when the time necessary to produce this effect is noted and compared with similar results obtained with other varieties of crucibles. Black-lead crucibles, and those in which ground coke has been incorporated, are attacked by fusible metallic oxides, through the gradual oxidation of the carbon, which results in the reduction of a portion of the metal. manner:- The degree of fusibility of crucibles and other refractory bodies is best ascertained by a direct experiment conducted in the following A piece of the substance to be examined, and which for this purpose should present numerous sharp edges, is heated, in a refractory crucible, lined with powdered charcoal, to the fullest extent possible in a large wind furnace. The pot and its contents are then allowed to cool, and on afterwards examining the contents, it will be observed whether or not the thin edges of the broken fragment have become rounded or have been rendered translucent; in which case it affords a sufficient indication that a commencement of fusion has taken place. The permeability of crucibles by liquids may be determined by filling them with water, and noting what time elapses with each variety before any appearance of dampness is perceived on the outside. For the purpose of ascertaining their power of resisting sudden changes of temperature, crucibles may be thrown, without any previous annealing, into an intensely-heated furnace and afterwards withdrawn and at once exposed to a current of cold air. Crucibles are used both in the unburnt and burnt state. Small crucibles are usually kiln-burnt before they are used, but the large Stour- bridge-clay casting-pots, which are extensively employed by brass-founders, are never previously burnt. They are first gradually and thoroughly dried by the maker in properly-constructed stoves, and are afterwards kept for use by the founder on shelves in some dry and warm situation in the casting-shop. A fire is made in a cold furnace, and covered to a depth of a few inches with coke, broken to a convenient size. On this the crucible is placed in an inverted position, and the furnace is filled up with coke. When the crucible has become uniformly red-hot it is with- drawn, and immediately replaced with its mouth upwards. It is a some- what remarkable fact that pots of this description which are at first put into a furnace with the mouth upwards almost invariably crack. Four different kinds of crucibles are used by assayers in this country, viz., the London, the Cornish, the Hessian, and the French; and of these the two former are, perhaps, most extensively employed. London crucibles are of a reddish-brown colour and are close in grain, but are liable to crack, and consequently require to be very gradually heated; they resist the corrosive action of fused litharge remarkably well, and, with careful management, are very serviceable for fusions with oxide of lead. The Patent Plumbago Crucible Company, of Battersea, have for some years manufactured crucibles closely resembling in appear- ance the “creusets de Paris," but they are considerably thicker and decidedly inferior in quality. Crucibles are manufactured in Cornwall on a large scale for the use IRON. 109 of copper assayers. They are usually made round, and of two sizes, one of which fits into the other; those of the larger size are 3 inches in diameter at top, and 3 inches in height, outside measure. These crucibles are not capable of withstanding very high temperatures, or of resisting, for any considerable time, the action of melted litharge. They can, however, be introduced into a hot furnace without cracking, and can be more generally employed for metallurgical assays than almost any other description of crucible. They are made by Michell of Truro, and Juleff of Redruth, and those of the two makers are, for general purposes, equally good, although Juleff's crucibles, which are made of a mixture of Teignmouth and Poole clay and of sand from St. Agnes Beacon, are somewhat less rapidly acted on by fused oxide of lead. The shape of the Cornish pots is somewhat inconvenient from their great flatness at the bottom, but in all cases where sudden changes of temperature are to be undergone, they are to be preferred to every other variety, excepting those manufactured by Beaufay, of Paris. Hessian crucibles are usually sold in nests of six, gradually diminish- ing in size so as to successively fit into each other. They are made of a mixture of Almerode clay and sand, and are generally triangular at top, so that their contents may be conveniently poured from either of the corners. They withstand a tolerably high heat without softening, but are liable to be cracked by sudden changes of temperature, and are readily permeated by melted oxide of lead. French crucibles are circular and considerably deeper in proportion. to their width than the Hessian. They are also made of more finely ground materials, and present a smooth surface both inside and out. Those made by Beaufay are of excellent quality, and not only withstand a high temperature, but likewise retain melted litharge for a long time. without becoming pierced; they are, however, somewhat brittle, and require that the tongs used for withdrawing them from the fire should not grasp them too roughly. They are by far the best crucibles for assays of gold and silver ores, in making which large quantities of litharge are employed. Plumbago, or black-lead, crucibles are more frequently employed as melting-pots for the fusion of metals and alloys than for the purposes of assaying, and are manufactured of good quality by Mr. Ruel, of High Holborn, by the Patent Plumbago Crucible Company, and others. IRON. Iron is a metal of a bluish-grey colour and dull fibrous fracture, but is easily made to acquire a brilliant surface by polishing; obtained by electrolysis it has a specific gravity of 8·1393. It possesses great tenacity, and is at the same time one of the hardest of those metals which are both malleable and ductile. The iron of commerce is not, however, chemically pure; but contains variable quantities of carbon, silicon, sulphur, and 110 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. phosphorus. The presence of these substances materially influences the quality of the metal, and the purest ores alone are consequently employed for the manufacture of iron of the best descriptions. Iron, in a chemically pure condition, may be prepared by reducing ferric oxide by hydrogen gas at a red heat, or by re-melting the purest varieties of malleable iron with an oxidising flux. Some fine iron wire is first cut into short pieces and then partially oxidised, either by heating it with exposure to the air, or, which is still better, by passing the vapour of water over it at a red-heat in a porcelain tube. The partially-oxidised product is subsequently melted under a glass, free from metallic oxides, in an earthen crucible at a strong white- heat the operation requiring about an hour at the full temperature of a good wind furnace. By this treatment the small quantities of foreign matter which may occur in the metal are oxidised at the expense of the ferric oxide, whilst the resulting ferrous oxide, together with any small amount of silica which may have been produced, will combine with the vitreous flux and form a slag. If the operation be properly conducted, and the crucible broken, when cold, a button of metal will be found at the bottom possessing less tenacity and ductility than before its purifica- tion. The metallic button thus obtained is usually brilliant and well fused, exhibiting a decidedly crystalline structure, like that observed in meteorites, after treating them by an etching liquid. It has before been stated, that chemically pure iron may be prepared by passing a current of hydrogen gas over pure ferric oxide heated to redness in a porcelain or hard-glass tube. This reduction takes place at a low red-heat, but as the metal produced will in this case remain in a spongy state, and therefore rapidly absorb oxygen, it becomes necessary to carefully exclude the air. For this purpose either the ends of the tube may be closed before the blowpipe, or the small glass tubing fitted at either end of the larger one, by means of corks, may be closed in the same way whilst the apparatus is still filled with hydrogen. The iron so obtained has the property of absorbing oxygen with such rapidity as to cause its ignition on the admission of air, and is thereby converted into ferric oxide. When, however, the experiment has been conducted at a more elevated temperature, the reduced iron no longer possesses this property, and may be freely exposed without danger of ignition. When, instead of ferric oxide, ferrous chloride is thus treated, the reduced metal adheres to the sides of the reduction-tube in the form of a brilliant metallic coating, on which well-defined cubical crystals of metal may frequently be perceived. Another method of obtaining pure iron is that adopted by the late Dr. Matthiessen in his researches on the composition of cast-iron. A mixture of ferrous sulphate and sulphate of sodium, in nearly equal pro- portions, is fused in a platinum crucible until sulphurous anhydride ceases to be evolved. The iron is left in the form of crystalline ferric oxide, which is separated from the fused mass by treatment with hot water; the last traces of sulphuric acid being removed by long and careful washing. The oxide thus obtained is reduced to the metallic state by hydrogen, IRON. 111 and the spongy metal, after being consolidated by pressure in a steel mould, is melted in a crucible of caustic lime before the oxyhydrogen blowpipe. The metal prepared in this way is said to be free from phosphorus, silicon, and calcium, but contains minute traces of sulphur. Electro-deposited iron, like palladium, has the property of absorbing or occluding hydrogen, though to a considerably less extent. On heating the deposited metal in vacuo, it usually gives up from seventeen to twenty times its volume of that gas. This metal is employed in the arts in three distinct conditions, viz., as cast-iron, wrought-iron, and steel, whose several properties are mainly due to differences in the amount of carbon contained in each. When iron contains a maximum amount of this element, usually varying from 2 to 6 per cent., the resulting compound is known as cast-iron or pig-metal. It is a hard and somewhat brittle substance, which is readily fused at a high temperature, and is susceptible of being cast into any required form by being poured, when in a molten state, into properly-constructed moulds. Cast-iron also forms, in the majority of cases, an intermediate product in the preparation of wrought-iron and steel. WROUGHT OR MALLEABLE IRON is the nearest approach to the che- mically pure metal that can be obtained on a large scale, and rarely con- tains more than 0.25 per cent. of carbon. In this state it is a soft malleable and extremely tenacious substance, infusible, excepting at very high tempe- ratures, and welding at a white heat. If heated to redness, and suddenly cocled, it retains its softness. Wrought-iron may be produced either by the direct treatment of ores of that metal or by the conversion of pig-iron. Those varieties of iron in which the amount of carbon is below the minimum of that contained in cast-iron, and above the maximum of that present in wrought-iron, are known as steel. The distinguishing pecu- liarity of this substance is its property of becoming hardened by rapid cooling, and softened by being slowly cooled. Steel being in its com- position intermediate between cast- and wrought-iron, is fusible like the one, and malleable like the other; but requires a higher temperature for its fusion than cast-iron, and does not draw so readily under the hammer as wrought-iron. Steels, in which the proportion of carbon is large, are known as strong steels, and are harder and more easily fusible than mild steels, in which the amount of that substance is less considerable. Texture.—The texture of wrought-iron varies according to the nature of the processes to which it has been subjected during its preparation. A piece of iron which has been equally hammered in every direction will, on being broken, be found to have a finely granular structure; but when it has been rolled into long bars, in which form it usually comes into the market, the texture will be more or less fibrous in the direction of their length. This silkiness of appearance is most distinct in the better varieties of iron, and structure is therefore one of the best indices of the quality of the metal. By skilful management this peculiarity may, how- ever, in a certain degree, be imparted to the commoner varieties, and it is, consequently, unsafe from this circumstance alone to judge of the value of iron. It is also found that the most fibrous varieties do not always retain 112 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ance. their peculiarity of structure for an indefinite time, but that after a certain period the grain of the metal sometimes assumes a crystalline appear- These changes are frequently observed to take place in tension- rods of suspension-bridges, and in other situations where the metal is subject to constant vibration. The same effect is produced by friction, and for that reason the axles of railway waggons are occasionally found to have acquired a crystalline structure, and are thereby rendered harder and more brittle than the metal from which they were originally made. Fusibility.—The melting point of malleable iron has not been accu- rately determined; according to Pouillet it lies between 1,500 and 1,600° C., while Scheerer gives it at 2,100° C. Magnetism.If a mass of iron be either brought in contact with, or placed at a short distance from a natural or artificial magnet, it becomes itself magnetic, but loses this property as soon as the exciting magnet is removed. Steel is less susceptible of the magnetic influence than ordi- nary iron, but when once the power has been communicated, it is retained after the removal of the magnet from which it was acquired. Permanent magnets may be obtained by rubbing a bar of steel either with a loadstone or with an artificial magnet, and in this way an infinite number of steel bars may be rendered magnetic without diminishing the power of the bar by which the effect was produced The magnetic power of iron is much influenced by temperature, as the magnetic needle is but little affected by a mass of that metal when made white hot, but on cooling it gradually regains its magnetic properties. Rust, &c.—Iron may be indefinitely exposed to the action of dry air, or even of dry oxygen, without becoming oxidised; but if the air or gas con- tain any portion of watery vapour, the surface of the metal quickly becomes coated with a layer of rust. The formation of oxide is much accelerated by the presence of carbonic anhydride, of which a certain portion is always present in the air; under the influence of this gas and oxygen, ferrous carbonate is produced. This absorbs a further amount of moisture and oxygen from the air, and is thereby converted into hydrated ferric oxide, whilst the carbonic anhydride which is evolved facilitates the oxidation of a further portion of metallic iron. When a spot of rust has made its appearance on a piece of this metal, the oxidation of the remain- ing portions is materially affected by its presence, for the coating of oxide formed being electro-negative with regard to the metallic iron which is beneath it, will give rise to an action by which the metal is rendered positive. This electric condition of the metal so far increases its affinity for oxygen as to enable it to decompose water at ordinary temperatures, with the formation of a further amount of oxide and the evolution of hydrogen in the gaseous form. Oxide of iron thus produced by exposure to the air usually contains small quantities of ammonia, the presence of which in iron rust may be explained as follows:-The water, by the aid of which the oxidation is effected, contains in solution a certain amount of air, and consequently of nitrogen, which, by uniting with the hydrogen produced by the decomposition of water, leads to the formation of this body. When iron is strongly heated and exposed to the air, its surface quickly IRON. 113 becomes covered with a coating of black oxide, which, on being struck with a hammer, easily scales off. It is this property of iron which causes it to afford sparks when struck with a flint or other hard body. Under these circumstances, small particles of iron are torn off by the flint, which produces sufficient heat by friction to render the particles of the metal incandescent on combining with the oxygen of the air; by allowing these heated particles to fall on an easily ignitable substance, such as tinder or amadou, a fire is readily obtained. If, instead of tinder, a piece of paper be held beneath the metal during the time it is being struck by the flint, its surface becomes covered with small fragments of black oxide of iron, fused into minute globules, and readily attracted by the magnet. ON CERTAIN COMPOUNDS OF IRON. The metallurgy of iron involves numerous considerations, founded on a knowledge of reactions not generally described in books on ele- mentary chemistry, and to these we will therefore briefly call attention. It may be remarked, generally, that iron is attacked by hydrochloric acid with the formation of ferrous chloride and the evolution of hydrogen. By weak sulphuric acid it is dissolved even in the cold, hydrogen gas. being at the same time given off. Concentrated sulphuric acid also attacks and dissolves iron, but in this case the oxygen is supplied to the metal at the expense of the acid, and sulphurous acid (sulphurous anhy- dride) is evolved. Nitric acid attacks it with the evolution of abundant nitrous vapours; if the acid be very dilute, iron is dissolved without any apparent escape of gas, nitrate of iron and nitrate of ammonium being produced. IRON AND CARBON.-The combination of iron with carbon can be effected in various ways, and may be produced, either by the direct action of carbonaceous fuel, or by certain gases, such as carbonic oxide, at a high temperature. The essential condition of this combination is contact of iron, at or above a red heat, with carbon or some gaseous compound of carbon. Combination with carbon is readily effected when iron, in the form of compact bars, is imbedded in powdered charcoal and heated to a temperature at or above redness. This process, which is called ce- mentation, is applied on an extensive scale to the production of steel; the same effect is produced by exposing heated iron to the action of com- pounds containing cyanogen, to the vapour of hydrocarbons, &c. It has been already stated, that the iron of commerce is divided into wrought- iron, steel, and cast-iron, according to the amount of carbon contained in each. Without carbon, the manifold uses of iron would be greatly restricted, and we are totally unacquainted with any metal or mixture of metals capable of fulfilling similar conditions. State of Carbon in Iron.—It is generally admitted that carbon may exist in iron in two distinct forms, either in a state of chemical combina- tion, or mechanically diffused through the mass in the form of crystalline graphite, which has separated from the molten metal during the process of cooling. The terms combined and uncombined are respectively applied to these two modes of existence. Iron containing much graphitic carbon I 114 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. has a dark-grey, granular, or scaly, crystalline fracture, and is known as grey-iron. When, on the contrary, the amount of combined carbon is large the colour of the metal is more or less white with a granular or crystalline fracture; it is then called white-iron. Grey-iron passes into white-iron by insensible gradations, and at certain intermediate stages the two varieties are distinctly visible in the fractured surfaces of the same pig; this variety constitutes what is called mottled iron. Between ex- treme greyness on the one hand and absolute whiteness on the other, no fewer than eight varieties are not unfrequently recognised; these are dis- tinguished by the numerals from one to eight respectively. Thus, No. 1 is the greyest variety, No. 2 is less grey, and so on to No. 5, when mottled- iron begins, the amount of white-iron gradually increasing up to No. 8, in which all traces of grey-iron have disappeared. When grey cast-iron is dissolved in an acid its graphitic carbon remains as an insoluble residue, but when white cast-iron is similarly treated a small proportion only of the carbon present is separated in the graphitic form. In this case the carbon, which existed in a state of che- mical combination with iron, unites with the hydrogen liberated during the solution of the metal, and gives rise to various hydrocarbons, some of which are liquid, whilst others are gaseous; some of these have a very offensive odour. Grey cast-iron may be rendered white by sudden cooling, as in the process of chill-casting, but this change takes place only on the surface, the interior of the casting still retaining its grey colour. Caron concludes, after a careful investigation of the subject, that the state in which carbon exists in steel depends on the treatment to which the metal has been subjected. The carbon in the softer varieties is chiefly in the state of graphite, but is capable of passing into combination by hardening or hammering; its graphitic character is, however, restored by annealing. From this it would appear probable that both chill-casting and the hardening of steel are due to the passage of carbon from the free to the combined state. Professor Abel, who has made some investigations on this subject, obtained results which tend to confirm the above view; he found that hardened steel wire dissolved in hydrochloric acid without residue, whereas the same steel when softened yielded a dark flocculent carbonaceous residue if acted on by the same acid. Much diversity of opinion still prevails with regard to the atomic composition of the carbides of iron. Spiegeleisen, or specular pig-iron, the most crystalline and most highly carburised white metal, is supposed by Karsten to be a carbide of which the composition is represented by the formula Fe̟C, which would contain 5.08 per cent. of carbon. All the specimens of spiegeleisen which have been carefully analysed, however, appear to contain a notable quantity of manganese, and consequently, if this earbide really exists, it is more probably represented by the formula (Fe, Mn),C. According to Rammelsberg the formula of Karsten cannot be estab- lished, even if the carbon is supposed to be partially replaced by silicon, IRON. 115 the largest percentage of the latter element being constantly found in the most carburised varieties. Gurlt has endeavoured to establish the exist- ence of a carbide corresponding to the formula Fe, C, supposed to stand in the same relation to grey cast-iron that Karsten's tetracarbide, Fe4C, does to white. Percy has, however, shown that the methods of analysis employed by Gurlt are inexact, and consequently that his deductions are without value.* That the carbon contained in white cast-iron does not entirely exist in a state of combination may be seen from the following analyses, by Bromeis, of various specimens of cast-iron from Mägdesprung, in the Hartz :— Description of Iron. Combined Carbon. Graphitic Carbon. Total. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Bright White Iron White Forge Pig Spiegeleisen 2.518 0.500 3.018 • 2.908 0.500 3.458 • 3.100 0.720 3.820 In addition to uncombined carbon, dark-grey cast-iron often con- tains silicon in a similar graphitic state. This is more particularly observed in cast-iron produced in the blast-furnace from very refractory ores; spiegeleisen and other white cast-irons are only produced from easily-reducible ores, and especially from those containing notable quantities of manganese. When grey-iron is fused with from 2 to 2 per cent. of sulphur, a considerable portion of its carbon is separated in a sooty form, and an exceedingly hard white metal is the result. With smaller quantities a mottled-iron of great strength is obtained, which, on being broken, presents a surface showing numerous grey spots inclosed in a network of white lines. Swedish gun-foundry iron is of this character, and is obtained by adding to the ordinary charge of the furnace an ore containing a small admixture of iron pyrites. Cementation, by which carbon is imparted to malleable iron, so as to transform it into cement- or blister-steel, may be effected in various ways; pure carbon, charcoal, coal, and almost all organic substances, can be so made to react, at high temperatures, on malleable iron as to produce steel. Solid and gaseous cyanides and nearly all vapours and gases containing carbon, such as carbonic oxide and the various compounds of carbon and hydrogen, have the property of imparting carbon to wrought-iron at a red-heat. Whenever soft iron is heated to redness in presence of any of these substances carburisation takes place, at first on the surface, and subsequently, by degrees, from the outside towards the centre. The superficial hardening or cementation of malleable iron, by heating it for a short time in contact with leather cuttings or cyanogen com- pounds, is known as case-hardening. * Iron and Steel,' p. 126. * I 2 116 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Frémy makes a distinction between carburisation and conversion into steel, and believes that, in addition to carbon, nitrogen is essential to the production of the latter. The researches of Marguérite, Boussingault, and others, however, go to prove that nitrogen does not enter into steel, either as a necessary constituent, or as a carrier of carbon. The first- named chemist has in fact shown that pure iron, obtained from the oxalate of that metal, may be as well carburised by being heated in an atmosphere of carbonic oxide, as ordinary iron by the usual process of cementation. He has likewise shown that pure iron may be converted into steel by being heated in contact with diamond powder in a tube through which pure hydrogen has been passed so as to expel all other gases. Dick has also found that electrotype-iron is more readily converted into steel by cementation, in an atmosphere of hydrogen, than the best commercial sheet-iron. The metal employed in this case was remarkable for purity and softness, and being perfectly free from nitrogen, the result obtained affords evidence bearing strongly against the views of Frémy. As the case at present stands, the weight of evidence is decidedly against the necessity of the presence of nitrogen in steel, and it would appear probable that the older view of Karsten, that its essential qualities. are mainly due to variations in the amount of carbon present, is after all correct. Bauerman remarks that from what has been determined with regard to the composition of cast-iron and steel, the following propositions may be deduced: 1. In white cast-iron the greater portion of the carbon present is chemically combined, whilst in grey-iron it exists as diffused graphite. 2. Neither variety is, however, free either from graphitic or combined carbon, respectively. 3. Although ordinary white-iron contains chemically-combined car- bon, there is no conclusive evidence of the presence of any defined carbide. Spiegeleisen may perhaps be a double carbide of iron and manganese. 4. Dark-grey iron is not a lower carbide of iron than spiegeleisen, but is more probably a mixture of malleable iron and graphite, the chemically-combined carbon in which may be reduced to a minimum by fusion at a very elevated temperature. 5. Silicon is a common constituent of grey cast-iron. 6. Chill-casting and the addition of sulphur tend to produce whiteness in grey cast-iron, and a similar change is effected in steel by hardening or forging. Mr. Snelus, in a paper on the condition of carbon and silicon in iron and steel, published in the Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1871, shows that when very grey pig-iron is reduced by crushing to a coarse powder, scales of graphite are removed from between the crystalline facets of the metal. These, on being subjected to the ordinary process of combustion, become completely converted into CO2, thus showing that they consist of carbon in a state of almost absolute purity. When * 'Metallurgy of Iron,' p. 47. IRON. 117 · borings of grey pig-iron are sifted through fine gauze, or are subjected to levigation, the finer and lighter portions contain, in each instance, the largest amount of carbon. In this way the fine siftings from a Bessemer pig, containing 3.34 per cent. of graphitic carbon, were found to yield 9.11 per cent. of graphite, whilst the light washings from a Cleveland forge-pig, containing 7.02 per cent. of carbon, in the form of graphite, afforded no less than 41-33 per cent. of carbon. It was further ascertained that no separation of silicon can be effected by this method, since, instead of increasing, like graphite, in the finer and lighter portions, the amount of silicon is found to decrease in proportion as the quantity of graphitic carbon becomes more considerable. IRON AND SILICON.-Silicon is an element always present in every form of iron, although its quantity is sometimes very minute, and the silicon in wrought-iron is possibly due to the cinder enclosed between the layers or fibres of the metal, Free silica, unaccompanied by earthy matters, such as lime, limestone, or clay, with which it might form slag, tends to produce iron rich in silicon; especially when the temperature is high, and the amount of carbon present large. By reducing, in a wind furnace, an intimate mixture of oxide of iron and sand with charcoal, cast-iron may be obtained containing so much as 13 per cent. of silicon, and, by operating this reduction at the high tem- perature of a Siemens gas-furnace, Riley obtained cast-iron with 21 per cent. of silicon. This iron exhibited a highly crystalline structure, and had a silvery-white colour. There are differences of opinion as to the conditions in which silicon exists in cast-iron; Snelus is disposed to believe that it exists only in combination; Bell and Riley differ from this view, and quote instances in which silicon has separated from pig-iron. Siliceous iron is often accidentally made, and is known as glazed or blazed pig. This occurs whenever a furnace is newly blown-in, and is probably due to the excess of fuel then employed. When poor materials are used in the furnace, siliceous pig is the result. Some very poor blackband ironstone smelted at Dowlais, which yielded only 10 per cent. of iron, produced a siliceous pig which Riley found to contain 7 per cent. of silicon; and a sample of Scotch pig has been found to contain as much as 8 per cent. of silicon. Ferrous Silicates.-The formation of ferrous silicates takes place at the welding temperature of the metal, advantage being constantly taken of this circumstance by the smith, who, in order to remove any scale from the surfaces to be united, makes use of a sprinkling of siliceous sand. The forge- and mill-cinders produced during the processes of puddling and re-heating are both essentially silicates of iron represented by the formula 2FeO,SiO2, which contain about 70 per cent. of ferrous oxide, become very liquid at a white heat, and often assume a crystalline form on cooling. Heated with access of air, ferrous silicates are decomposed with the formation of ferric oxide, and the separation of silica; the result being a more refractory product, the infusibility of which is due 118 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. to the inability of the oxides to form a slag in the presence of oxidising influences. In order to produce slags, having a composition corresponding to the formula above given, the silica present requires two and a third times its weight of ferrous oxide; or, what comes to the same thing, for every part, by weight, of silicon in the slag, more than three and a half parts of metallic iron are rendered unavailable. The iron contained in puddling-furnace cinder and in other slags of analogous composition may be obtained in the metallic state by treating them in the blast-furnace, either alone or in admixture with the ordinary charges. Owing, however, to the circumstance that a very large pro- portion of the phosphorus originally present in the ores is passed into the slags during the process of puddling, the metal thus obtained is always of inferior quality. The iron obtained by smelting a mixture of such products is known as cinder-pig, in contradistinction to mine-pig, which is obtained by the treatment of ores only. According to Richard- son, when pure ferrous silicate, having the composition represented by the formula 2FeO,SiO2, is strongly heated with carbon, two-thirds of the iron is reduced to the metallic state, leaving a slag of the composition 2Fe0,3SiO... The effect of silicon on cast-iron is very similar to that of carbon; it renders wrought-iron hard and brittle, but, owing to the ease with which this substance may be removed during the process of manufacture, it is rarely present in sufficient quantity to exert a marked influence on the quality of wrought-iron. IRON AND SULPHUR.-The compounds of iron and sulphur materially affect the smelter, since iron pyrites is frequently present, as an impurity, in iron ores, and the presence of sulphur imparts to the resulting metal the defect of red-shortness. The red-short character of Welsh iron, is, in many instances, although not always, due to the presence of sulphur; iron may be red-short and cold-short at the same time; such iron is of the worst possible description, and is made from ores containing a high percentage of sulphur and phos- phorus. The exact cause of the production of red-short iron is not always clear. Riley believes it to be sometimes due to a deficiency of carbon, as in the best cable-bolt, the most fibrous and toughest iron, when melted in a clay crucible, and afterwards heated, doubled, and welded, is very red-short, on account of the burning out of the carbon by oxide of iron in melting the bar.* In Welsh pig-iron the percentage of sulphur is always found to increase as the number-quality of the iron increases. IRON AND PHOSPHORUS.-Nearly all the phosphorus contained in the ore and fuel used in the blast-furnace passes into the pig-iron produced. This has been conclusively shown by a series of analyses made some years since by Riley at the Dowlais Iron-Works. When the cinder was grey all the phosphorus passed into the iron, and only when the furnace * On the Manufacture of Iron and Steel.' A Lecture delivered before the Chemical Society by E. Riley, March 2nd, 1872. IRON. 119 was running on a scouring cinder rich in iron did the phosphorus pass into the slag. Phosphorus, like silicon, renders pig-iron weak, although, when the amount does not exceed from toper cent., it is doubtful whether the strength of the pig is affected. Best Yorkshire cold-blast pig has occasionally been found to contain nearly 13 per cent. of phos- phorus. This pig was very tender; but when used for making best iron, did not materially influence the quality of the bars. Its production was due to the use of a thin seam of clay-band ironstone containing 3·27 per cent. of P₂05. 5* 3 To Wrought-iron containing less than per cent. of phosphorus is rendered somewhat harder, but its tenacity is not sensibly affected; with per cent. it begins to be cold-short, or brittle, under the hammer, if struck when cold; per cent. of phosphorus renders iron decidedly cold-short; and 1 per cent. makes it very brittle. 2 4 The tenacity of cast-iron is materially diminished by the presence of large quantities of phosphorus, so that the metal obtained from some of the worst varieties of bog ore cannot be safely employed for castings requiring strength. Such iron has, however, the property of acquiring great fluidity when melted, and can therefore be advantageously employed for making small and intricate ornamental castings. IRON AND NITROGEN. Various chemists have investigated the effects of nitrogen upon iron and steel, but the results obtained have been of such contradictory natures that, in the present state of our knowledge, it is impossible to decide whether or not this element plays an important part in the process of cementation. Frémy states that when iron wire, heated to dull redness, is exposed during several hours to a current of ammoniacal gas, its weight is increased from 12 to 13 per cent. According to Savart, however, the increase in weight of iron wire thus exposed during nine hours to ammoniacal vapour amounts to only about per cent. Between one and two hours after the operation has com- menced the wire will be found to have acquired a finely-granular texture, and can be so far hardened by quenching in water as to afford sparks when struck with a flint. This property of the metal passes off, however, as the experiment is continued, and at the expiration of from eight to ten hours an iron of unusual softness is obtained; this is of a dark-grey colour, is no longer susceptible of tempering, and, when broken, presents a graphitic fracture. A similar slight incrcase in the weight of the iron operated on was obtained by Dick, when a spiral of iron wire was heated to redness in a current of ammoniacal gas during one hour and a quarter; in this case the increase amounted to, but when a straight and thick wire was employed the increase was only 1 The amount of nitrogen contained in various kinds of commercial iron, as well as in an artificial nitride prepared by Despretz, has been deter- mined by Bouis and Boussingault; the nitrogen in the former varied fromto per cent., whilst the latter yielded 23 per cent. of this element. IRON AND MANGANESE. The presence of a considerable amount of manganese in spiegeleisen has been already referred to. This description 120 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of pig was formerly exclusively made on the Continent, but it is now largely manufactured in this country. INFLUENCE OF OTHER METALS ON IRON.-Titanium may be present in pig-iron to the extent of about 1 per cent. when a portion of ilmenite, or some other titaniferous ore, has been added to the charge. Practically, smelting titanic ores in this country has proved a failure, and the advan- tages once said to be derived from the use of ores in which this metal is present are now generally considered to be more than questionable. Titanium generally enters into the composition of grey pig-irons, and its presence, in appreciable quantity, may frequently be detected in them. In white pig-iron, in wrought-iron, and steel, Riley states he always failed to detect it, even when titanic ores had been employed for making the pig. Chromium.-Chromium steel has been made in America, whence speci- mens tested in this country were obtained. Chromium is said to partially replace carbon, and the general impression was favourable to its quality. This steel, which was examined by Riley, was found to contain chro- mium, but only in very small quantity.- Vanadium was found, in minute quantities, by Sefström, in iron made from the magnetic ores of Taberg, in Sweden, which is celebrated for yielding iron peculiarly adapted for wire- drawing. More recently, Riley has detected this substance in pig-iron smelted from the oolitic ores of Wiltshire and Northamptonshire; it has also been found in the Cleveland ironstone and in the pisolitic ores of South-western Germany.-Tungsten is said to have the property of render- ing steel hard and tenacious. When finely-divided grey cast-iron is inti- mately mixed with tungstic oxide and fused at a high temperature, the graphitic carbon is, according to Bernouilli, burnt by the oxygen of the oxide, and a steel is produced which forms an alloy with the reduced tungsten. When spiegeleisen is substituted for grey-pig no reduction of tungstic oxide takes place; from this it would appear that carbon in the combined form is not capable of effecting its decomposition. Of six samples of " tungsten steel" analysed by Siewert, four contained from 1 to 3 per cent. of that metal, whilst in the other two, no trace of tungsten could be detected. ALLOYS OF IRON.-It is doubtful whether any homogeneous alloy of copper and iron can be produced by fusing a mixture of the two metals, but the addition of a small quantity of iron to bronze or brass consider- ably increases its tenacity. Zinc and iron do not furnish any useful alloy, although about 7 per cent. of the latter metal may be taken up when zinc is kept for a long time in a state of fusion in contact with iron, or when zinc vapours are passed through wrought-iron tubes. Tin and iron unite in almost every proportion, but their alloys are not employed in the arts. Lead and iron cannot be made to unite by fusion. The pre- sence of a very small quantity of antimony renders wrought-iron both hot- and cold-short. Nickel alloys readily with iron without impairing its malleability. Cobalt is said to increase the whiteness and brilliancy of iron, without materially affecting its physical properties. Silver does not alloy with iron, but gold is readily taken up when the two metals are IRON. 121 melted together. Faraday and Stodart found that platinum alloyed with steel, and, when present to the amount of 1 per cent., a very tough and fine-grained product was the result. Similar alloys were obtained with palladium, rhodium, and iridosmine. IRON ORES. For the purposes of the arts, iron is invariably obtained from the native oxides and carbonates of that metal. NATIVE IRON.-The occurrence of masses of native iron apart from those of meteoric origin, is not placed beyond doubt. According to Dr. Andrews, grains of metallic iron exist in the basaltic rocks of the Giant's Causeway, and similar metallic granules have been observed in the lavas of Auvergne. Metallic iron is sometimes produced by the ignition of coal seams in the immediate vicinity of ferruginous deposits. The iron thus produced. occurs in the form of small button-shaped ingots with a finely striated surface, and is usually known by the name of native steel. They are excessively hard and fine-grained, and when broken, present a fracture resembling that of ordinary cast-steel. A mass of this substance weigh- ing 16 lbs. 6 ozs., was discovered some years since by Mossier, at Labouiche, in the department of the Allier, where a burning seam of coal had formerly existed. Meteoric Iron.-Large masses of metallic iron have been occasionally discovered in different parts of the globe, whilst others of similar ap- pearance have from time to time been observed to fall through the atmosphere. These meteorites are easily distinguished from the masses of terrestrial iron before described, both by their structure and composition, as they not only invariably contain a greater or less proportion of nickel, which seldom occurs in ores of iron, but the metal itself is usually found in the form of a network enclosing crystals of a substance, in appearance resem- bling olivine, soluble in acids. Meteoric iron is always covered on the surface with a sort of black siliceous varnish, which effectually protects the exterior from the rusting action of the atmosphere, although, when this is removed, the metal is as easily oxidised as common iron. A large number of masses supposed to be of meteoric origin have been enumerated as existing in various parts of the world, and have, in some instances, fur- nished the inhabitants of the countries in which they are found with the materials for making knives, spears, and other instruments. Among the most remarkable is that which was discovered by Pallas, in Siberia, origin- ally weighing about 1,600 lbs. ; that in Brazil, weighing 14,000 lbs., and that discovered by Don Rubin de Celis in the district of Chaco-Gualamba, in South America, weighing about 32,000 lbs. The largest masses of meteoric iron are probably those occurring in Greenland; several others of large size have been found in Africa, as well as on the continent of North America. Meteorites of smaller size are, by no means, uncommon. 122 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The composition of three different specimens of meteoric iron is given below. 1. 2. 3. Fe 88.042 90.153 83.02 Ni 10.732 6.553 14.62 Co ⚫455 • 502 ·50 Mn • 132 •145 Cul ⚫066 ·080 ⚫06 Suf Mg ⚫050 ·082 MgO 24 C ·043 trace .482 .08 F, N, P 1.2.6 Cl Gangue 480 SiO, 84 P 19 • ⚫02 • 100.000 99.223 99.57 1. From Siberia; by Berzelius. 2. From Lenarto; by W. S. Clarke. 3. From Knoxville, Tennessee; by J. L. Smith. No other metal is so universally diffused as iron. It not only exists in a great variety of minerals, forming one of their essential constituents, but is so constantly present as an adventitious mixture in mineral sub- stances, that the chemist seldom makes the analysis of an inorganic body without detecting this metal. As a constituent of organised bodies it is extremely common, and is in various forms present in nearly all animal as well as in the greater proportion of vegetable structures. A detailed description of the various ores of iron would require more space than is consistent with the limits of the present work; and for this reason such only will be noticed as are applied to the purposes of the arts. MAGNETIC IRON ORE; Magnetite; Fer oxydulé; Magneteisenstein. Iso- metric. This substance often occurs in octahedra and dodecahedra. It possesses a cleavage which is often distinctly parallel to the faces of the octahedron. It is brittle, of an iron-black colour, and leaves a black streak. This ore has a density which varies from 5.0 to 5.2, is strongly attracted by the magnet, and sometimes possesses independent polarity. Its chemical composition is as follows:- Fe O • • 71.28 28.22) or (Fe2O3 FeO Corresponding to the formula Fe3O4 or Fe2O3, 69. 31. FeO. Magnetic iron occurs in granite, gneiss, mica-slate, clay-slate, syenite, hornblende-schist, and chloritic slate, as also, less frequently, in lime- stone formations, &c. No ore of iron is of more frequent occurrence than this oxide, which is inferior to none for the manufacture of that metal. IRON. 123 A large proportion of the best Swedish iron is obtained from this ore; it also occurs in the island of Elba, and in great abundance in the United States of America, Canada, the Urals, &c. FRANKLINITE. Isometric.-Occurs massive and in octahedra, closely resembling magnetite but less magnetic; streak reddish-brown; specific gravity 5·1. The average of several analyses by Rammelsberg gives- Fe Mn Zu O 45.16 • 9.38 · 20.30 • 25.16 100.00 This composition may be represented by the formula (Fe, Mn),0, + (Fe,Zn, Mn)O. This mineral is found only in a few localities in New Jersey, where it occurs in metamorphic Silurian limestone, forming a bed from twenty to thirty feet in thickness, overlaid by from six to eight feet of red zinc ore. Both minerals are first treated for zinc, and the residues afterwards smelted for spiegeleisen. ILMENITE; Titaniferous Iron Ore; Titane Oxydé ferrifère; Titaneisenstein. Rhombohedral.-Usually massive; colour dead black; fracture conchoidal. Specific gravity 45 to 5; contains ferric and ferrous oxides, titanic oxide, and magnesia, in varying proportions. HEMATITE; Specular Iron ; Fer oligiste; Eisenglanz. Rhombohedral.- This mineral, when occurring in crystals, is generally found in complex modifications of the rhombohedron. They are of dark steel-grey colour, opaque, except when in very thin laminæ, in which case they are translucent, and of a deep blood-red tinge. It leaves a cherry-red or reddish-brown streak, and has a specific gravity varying from 4.8 to 5 3. Pure specular iron consists solely of ferric oxide, of which the percentage composition is- Fe • 70·001 Formula, Fe2O3. 30.00 100.00 Red iron ore, or red hæmatite, frequently occurs in reniform masses. When the ore is amorphous, and does not present any indication of columnar structure, it is termed compact, and if contaminated with argil- laceous impurities, it is known by the name of red ochre. Micaceous iron is specular iron with a foliated structure. Oligistic iron, iron glance, and rhombohedral iron, are merely other names for specular iron ore. Jaspery clay iron ore is an ore of a brownish-red colour, with a large flat conchoidal fracture. It is very compact, and has a jaspery appearance. The name of lenticular clay iron is given to this substance when it occurs in small flattened grains, resembling some varieties of oolite, as at Elbogen, in Bohemia. This ore occurs both in crystalline and stratified rocks, but the purer 124 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. varieties are usually found in the older formations, whilst the argil- laceous ores are commonly met with in the more recent. Beautifully crystallised specimens are obtained from the island of Elba, where iron mines were worked by the Romans; also from St. Gothard, from Norway, Sweden, Framont in Lorraine, Dauphiné, and Switzerland. Very brilliant. crystals are also formed by sublimation in the fissures of volcanic rocks. Fine specimens of this kind are procured from Stromboli, Lipari, and Ascension, as also from Etna, Vesuvius, and Auvergne, but those from the last three localities are usually smaller than those coming from those first named. Red hæmatite is found in many parts of Cornwall, at Ulverstone in Lancashire, Workington in Cumberland, Brixham in Devon, in Saxony, and numerous other localities. Red hæmatite, when ground to fine powder, is sometimes used as a pigment; as a source of metallic iron, it is of great importance, as from it a considerable portion of the iron manufactured in different parts of the world is obtained. It does not yield so large a percentage of metal as the magnetic oxide. The iron produced is of excellent quality. GÖTHITE; Fer hydroxidé; Göthit. Orthorhombic.-This is an oxide of iron containing less water than the ordinary hydrated ores. This variety is comparatively rare, but occurs in the form of acicular crystals. in various localities. It is found associated with quartz in the cavities of sandstone at Clifton, near Bristol; in pure black crystals at St. Just and Lostwithiel in Cornwall, also at Lake Onega in Siberia, and at Eiserfeld in Nassau. A specimen of this substance from Eiserfeld, analysed by V. Kobell, was found to be composed of— Fe₂03 H₂O 90.53 9.47 100.00 This corresponds to one atom of ferric oxide united to one of water, and its composition is therefore represented by the formula Fe2O3, H₂O. BROWN IRON ORE; Fer Oxydé hydraté; Brauneisenstein.—A mineral of a brown or brownish colour, yielding, when crushed, a yellow powder. Its density varies from 3.8 to 4.2, and when pure it yields 56 per cent. of metallic iron. It usually occurs in the massive form, but varies in structure according to the locality in which it is produced. This substance is a hydrated ferric oxide, and is chiefly confined to the sedimentary formations. A specimen of compact brown hæmatite from the Lower Rhine, analysed by Vauquelin, afforded the following results :- Fe2O3 H₂O Sio 2 • • 80.25 15.00 3.75 99.00 IRON. 125 This percentage corresponds to two atoms of ferric oxide united with three of water, and its formula will consequently be 2Fe2O3,3H₂O. This ore is frequently found in pseudomorphic forms, among which cubes and octahedra produced by the decomposition of iron pyrites are the most common. It also not unfrequently occurs in rhombohedra formed by substitution of ferrous carbonate; also in the moulds left by the decomposition of shells and madrepores, whose shapes the mineral consequently assumes. It sometimes also forms stalactites, having a fibrous or compact structure, and, in the centres of these, pieces of metallic iron are said to have been discovered. In some localities this mineral is found in hollow reniform masses, enclosing in their centres loose globular pieces of the same substance. Pea-iron is one of the forms of this hydrated oxide, and is fre- quently found in large deposits in oolitic formations, where they either occur cemented together by the same substance, or exist as detached bodies. This mineral often occurs in an earthy state, and when naturally mixed with a considerable proportion of clayey matter, acquires a peculiar softness of texture, and is known by the name of yellow ochre. Brown ironstone is in many countries one of the most plentiful and valuable ores of iron, and, in the oolitic form, supplies a great number of French iron-works. In that state it is found in large quantities in Normandy, Berry, Burgundy, Lorraine, and many other places; and when washed for the purpose of separating the lighter impurities, yields an excellent material for the manufacture of iron. It is, however, remarked that whenever the beds of oolitic iron are found to alternate with cal- careous deposits, the metal produced is cold-short, and consequently unfitted for many purposes to which iron of good quality only can be applied. This is attributed to the presence of phosphorus, derived from the organic matter present in many limestones, and which has the property of rendering iron brittle, even when present in minute quantity. IRON PYRITES; Fer sulfuré; Eisenkies. Isometric.-Frequently in pen- tagonal dodecahedra, also in octahedra and cubes, more or less modified. Colour, yellowish-white to bronze-yellow, with a metallic lustre; streak, brownish-black; specific gravity from 4.8 to 5.1; is brittle, and strikes fire with steel; does not yield to the knife. The cleavage is parallel to the faces of the cube and octahedron; when struck, it breaks with a conchoidal uneven fracture. It consists of- Fe S 45.74 54.26 100.00 Or two atoms of sulphur united with one of iron, and is therefore represented by the formula FeS2. Iron pyrites occurs in cubical crystals in veins and in various 126 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. slate-rocks, &c.; in globular concretions imbedded in indurated clay, chalk, &c. It also accompanies the ores of other metals, and extends from the oldest rocks up to the newest deposits. It usually occurs crystallised, but also in irregular masses and imitative forms; replacing, in many instances, remains of both animal and vegetable origin. The crystals from the island of Elba are extremely large and beauti- ful, and often present pentagonal dodecahedra of three or four inches in diameter. The Cornish mines furnish cubes of large dimensions, and very perfect octahedra of equal size are obtained from Sweden. Be- sides occurring in all districts which produce other metallic mine- rals, it is abundantly found in many of the coal-fields, where, by its oxidation and conversion into ferrous sulphate, it sometimes produces sufficient heat to cause spontaneous ignition of the coal with which it is associated. Iron pyrites is never directly treated for the sake of the iron it con- tains, but is frequently employed as a source of sulphur in manufactories of alum and sulphuric acid. When heated in the burners attached to sulphuric-acid chambers, good pyrites yields about 46 per cent. of sulphur, which is burnt and oxidised in the usual way; but the sulphuric acid thus obtained always contains traces of arsenic. This mineral (iron pyrites) frequently contains small quantities of gold and silver, but these are seldom present in sufficient proportion to allow of their being profitably extracted. Very large quantities of cupreous iron pyrites are now annually im- ported into this country from Spain and Portugal, and after being burnt for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the "cinders" are treated for copper by a process of wet extraction. The ferruginous residues thus finally obtained yield on an average 96 per cent. of ferric oxide, and are extensively employed both in the blast-furnace and for " fettling puddling furnaces; by far the largest portion of that produced, amount- ing to several hundred thousand tons annually, is used for the latter purpose. "" SIDERITE; Carbonate of Iron; Fer Carbonaté; Eisenspath. Rhombo- hedral.-Occurs in rhombohedra and six-sided prisms, and may easily be mistaken for carbonate of calcium, from which the crystals differ slightly in the value of their angles; is more commonly massive, with a foliated and somewhat curved structure. Sometimes in globular concretions, or lenti- cular masses. Colour, light-grey, but when externally decomposed becomes dark-brown or nearly black. Is usually almost opaque, with sometimes a pearly lustre, but small transparent crystals have been found in the neighbourhood of St. Austell, in Cornwall, where it occurs in sca- lenohedra; streak uncoloured. Specific gravity from 30 to 3-85. When pure, is composed of- FeO 62.07 CO2 37.93 100.00 IRON. 127 It is consequently a carbonate of iron, represented by the formula FeO,CO2, or FeCO3. Spathose iron is found in rocks of very different ages, and is frequently observed to accompany other metallic ores, such as those of lead and copper. Carbonate of iron is, however, most plentiful in gneiss, clay-slate, and the coal-formations. The beds of Styria and Carinthia occur in gneiss; those of the Hartz are found in clay-slate; whilst the English deposits of clay ironstone, from which a considerable portion of the iron manufactured in this country is obtained, are princi- pally confined to the coal-measures and Lias. This mineral is frequently extracted from the same pits through which the coals are raised to the surface, and either occurs in reniform and lenticular septaria, imbedded in clay found in the vicinity of the seams, or forms distinct beds, especially in the Lias. All coal-formations do not, however, produce iron ore; the Newcastle district, which is one of the richest coal-fields, yields so little iron, that the furnaces which are worked in that district are principally supplied by ores brought from a considerable distance. The French coal-fields, also, do not generally yield a sufficient amount of clayey carbonate of iron to render its extraction a matter of importance; but to this peculiarity the basin of the Aveyron is an exception, the iron-works of Decazeville being supplied with both ore and coal from seams in their immediate neigh- bourhood. The ores treated for metallurgical purposes are always more or less impure, and usually yield from 30 to 35 per cent. of iron. Ores containing manganese are found to produce excellent irons for the manufacture of steel, whilst the presence of a large amount of mag- nesia is usually thought to be detrimental to the quality of the metal obtained. DISTRIBUTION OF IRON ORES. The ores of iron are not found in large quantities in the state of mineralogical purity described in the preceding paragraphs, and the presence of foreign minerals not unfrequently exercises a material influ- ence on their commercial value. Thus an ore containing a notable quan- tity of calcium phosphate or of iron pyrites would be practically useless, whilst the presence of manganese in a spathic ore, or of combustible matter in an argillaceous carbonate, would considerably increase its selling price. Ores of iron are found in formations of every geological age, but most abundantly in the older rocks. The richest and most extensive deposits of iron ores are met with in pre-Silurian strata, such as the Laurentian and Huronian series of North America, and the older gneiss and schists of Scandinavia. Spathose ores are found in large quantities in Devonian rocks; inter- stratified argillaceous carbonates occur, both in Europe and America, in rock of the carboniferous period. In this country the most important deposits of red hæmatite are contained in hollows of the Carboniferous 128 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Limestone of Cumberland and Lancashire. The principal iron bearing members of the mesozoic rocks are the Middle Lias, Inferior Oolite, Wealden, and Lower Greensand, yielding brown hæmatites and carbo- nates, which, though of low produce, are mined at a cheap rate, and are therefore of considerable importance. On the continent of Europe large quantities of argillaceous brown hæmatite are raised from irregular de- posits in the Oolites. But little iron ore is obtained from the tertiary rocks of this country, the principal deposit being in Dorsetshire; the magnificent ores of Elba and Traversella may, however, be of tertiary age. Post-tertiary and recent deposits of bog iron ore are studded over the swamps of North Germany, and lake ores are at the present day being constantly formed at the bottom of the lakes of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. MAGNETIC ORES.-These ores, which, when massive, are usually asso- ciated with hæmatite, are to a great extent confined to the older crystal- line rocks of Scandinavia and North America, and generally occur in irregular beds in hornblendic and chloritic slates, in crystalline lime- stones, or as irregular veins and masses in rocks of eruptive origin. In the Laurentian rocks of Canada this ore is abundantly found in the gneiss and metamorphic limestones of the basin of the Ottawa; it usually occurs in the form of irregular beds, which, although not of any great lateral extent, are often of considerable thickness. Although of excellent quality, they have not been, as yet, extensively worked. One of the largest deposits of iron ore in Europe is probably that of Gellivara, in Swedish Lapland, situated about ninety miles from the head of the Gulf of Bothnia. According to the description of Erdmann and others, it forms a bold hill rising out of swampy ground, and consists of a number of parallel bands of magnetic and specular iron ores interlaminated with hornblendic and quartzose rocks. Some of these beds are between one hundred and two hundred feet in thickness, and may be traced for a dis- tance of nearly seven hundred yards. Calcium phosphate is present in some of the beds, whilst others are apparently free from this impurity; iron pyrites appears to be almost entirely absent. The ore, on an average, contains about 90 per cent. of magnetic oxide of iron, and 34 per cent. of silica. In some of the bands phosphoric acid is present to the extent of nearly 2 per cent.; others, on the contrary, contain traces only of this substance. These ores have been known for a very long period, but from the inaccessible nature of the country in which they occur, little use has been made of them; the only practicable method of transport during the winter months is by means of sleighs. The celebrated mines of Dannemora, in Sweden, are situated on the lake of the same name, about thirty miles from Upsala. The ore, which is a fine-grained magnetite, occurs in an irregular belt a mile and a half in length, and is specially employed for the manufacture of iron of the highest class. It occurs in crystalline limestone and felsite, and the workings extend to a depth from the surface of more than a hundred fathoms; the annual production does not, however, exceed 25,000 tons." IRON. 129 The following analyses of Dannemora ores, by Ward and Noad, are given by Bauerman :- * 1. 2. 3. Fe2O3 FeO 27.55 28.42 27.50 · 58.93 62.06 56.80 MnO 0.10 0.24 CaO 0.38 trace 1.80 MgO 0.61 1.44 0.80 Al2O3 0.29 S 0.04 0.07 • CO2 0.12 H₂O 0.11 Sio, 12.54 7.60 13.20 P₂05 trace 100.67 99.59 100.34 Metallic Iron 62.60 65.60 61.16 No. 1, analysis of a compact black ore containing minute trace of iron pyrites; by Ward. Nos. 2 and 3, from Roslagen, on the east coast of Sweden, north of Stockholm; by Noad. The first of these, from the Höcksta mine, is coarsely crystalline, and slightly coherent; the second, from Sladderö Island, is remarkable from being divided, by joints, into rhombohedral masses. The deposit of magnetic iron ore at Traversella, in Piedmont, about twelve miles from Ivrea, in the valley of Bersella, is one of the most remarkable of those of the more southern portion of Europe. It occurs in the form of a crystalline mass of magnetite, associated with numerous other minerals, such as copper and iron pyrites, chlorite, garnet, augite, &c., some of which are beautifully crystallised. The workings have been carried on from time immemorial; about 40 miles of galleries have been driven, and, at one point, the mass has been removed for a distance of a quarter of a mile to a depth of 200 yards. Magnetite occurs at Berggieshübel, in Saxony, in the form of parallel beds, varying from a few inches to 20 feet in thickness. It is asso- ciated with red and brown hæmatite, and, at the surface, is contaminated with sulphate of barium; in the deeper portions of the mine magnetite predominates, while garnets, hornblende, epidote, and copper ores are found in some of the deeper workings. Deposits of magnetite have been worked for several centuries in the neighbourhood of Arendal, in Norway, where they extend in a line nearly parallel with the coast, for a distance of about thirteen miles. The ore occurs in hornblendic and micaceous schists, and chiefly consists of magnetite without any admixture of hæmatite. On Lake Wettern, deposits of magnetite, in the form of comparatively small strings and masses, are found in the Taberg, disseminated through * 'Metallurgy of Iron,' p. 62. K 130 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. porphyritic rocks. They form a hill of more than 350 feet in height, and, although comparatively of low produce, yielding only about 25 per cent. of metal, yet fuel being cheap in the district, they are worked with advan- tage. The metal produced is of good quality, and is especially adapted for wire-drawing. In the Ural, magnetite occurs under somewhat similar conditions to those which characterise the deposits in the vicinity of Lake Wettern. At Nischne-Tagilsk, a ridge of rock 300 fathoms in length, 250 broad, and about 40 in height, is, for the most part, made up of pure magnetite. The Cerro Mercado, near Durango, Mexico, a hill 300 feet in height, is in great part composed of massive magnetite associated with specular iron ore, brown hæmatite, quartz, and calcite. There are other large deposits of this mineral on the Pacific Coast which are supposed by Dana to be of the same geological age as those of Canada and the Northern States of America. In this country magnetic iron ores are of comparatively rare occur- rence, but near Brent, in South Devon, magnetite is found in diorite, form- ing a deposit of about a foot in thickness; it also occurs on Dartmoor; at Treskerby, in Cornwall, it is found in a vein associated with tin ore. The following analyses give the composition of three specimens of English magnetic iron ore :- 1. 2. 3. Fe₂03 FeO MnO Al2O3 CaO MgO 62.20 44.40 66.50 16.20 20.00 13.00 • 0.14 0.16 0.56 2.28 5.20 3.60 2.34 0.60 0.56 0.37 1·00 1.52 SiO 2 P₂05 FeS2 0.24 0.10 0.50 0.57 0.07 SO,0.04 0.04 Insoluble residue H₂O Shygroscopic combined. 0.281 • 2.50 3.20 0.34) 16.26 24.20 9.40 • 100.82 98.60 98.95 Metallic Iron 57.01 46.63 56.66 1. From Dartmoor, Devonshire; analysed by Riley. On operating on 900 grains of the mineral a solution was obtained in which minute traces of bismuth, tin, and copper, were detected.* 2 and 3. From Corn- wall; by Dr. Noad. TITANIFEROUS IRON SANDS.-Magnetite and titaniferous iron are dis- seminated through many crystalline rocks in the form of crystals and minute grains. By the disintegration of such rocks the ferruginous minerals are liberated, and from their high specific gravity become con- * Percy's 'Metallurgy; Iron and Steel,' p. 224. IRON. 131 centrated by the action of water, giving rise to the black sands which are abundantly found in alluvial gold-diggings and elsewhere. Along the sea shore of countries in which crystalline and eruptive rocks abound, streaks of black sand, washed out by the action of the waves, are frequently found, and, in such cases, the accumulations thus produced are often so large as to admit of its being employed as an ore of iron. Among the localities where large accumulations of granular titaniferous iron ores are found may be mentioned the shores of the Bay of Naples, Taranaki, in New Zealand, and many points of the north-east coast of British America the most important deposits are situated along the north shore of the St. Lawrence, east of the Moisie River. At Moisie, where these sands form a large portion of the beach, after the prevalence of certain winds, belts of nearly pure black sands, which have been concentrated by the action of the waves, are found along the shore. The purer and thicker layers are separated by shovels from the more siliceous portions, and are after- wards further concentrated by washing. For this purpose the ore is subjected to a process of dressing on shaking-tables, 20 feet in length, and 4 feet in width, upon which, by the aid of a gentle current of water, the lighter siliceous grains are removed. The ore thus prepared for metallurgical treatment contains on an average about 5½ per cent. of insoluble siliceous matter. When thus freed from the minerals with which they are associated these black sands consist of nearly equal portions of magnetite and titan- iferous iron; those treated at the Moisie Iron-Works have been examined by Sterry Hunt, who found the magnetic portion to yield 66-73 per cent. of metallic iron and 4.15 per cent. of titanic oxide. The non- magnetic portion yielded 48.85 per cent. of iron, and 28.95 per cent. of titanic oxide. A mixture of the two, as found, gave 55.23 per cent. of iron and 16 per cent. of titanic oxide. Similar iron sands occur at several points along the coast of Labrador, where they are associated with quartz, garnets, and felspar. On account of their fine state of division, iron sands have not been successfully employed for the production of cast-iron, but at the Moisie works they are directly converted into wrought-iron, in a bloomery- furnace, with satisfactory results. RED IRON ORES.-These are frequently associated with the hydrated peroxide, particularly near the surface of deposits; where hæmatite is found in the newer rocks, the whole mass is often more or less mixed with brown iron ores. The most important deposits of these ores are found in Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous rocks. At Dalkaralsberg, near Nora, in Sweden, and in the island of Utö, specular hæmatite occurs with magnetite. In Saxony red iron ores are found near Eibenstock and Schwarzenberg, in lodes at the contact of mica- schist, altered Silurian rocks, and granite. Some of these lodes are as much as 15 fathoms in width, and extend for a distance of nearly 12 miles. The iron mines of Elba, which are alike celebrated for the length of time they have been worked and for the beauty and purity of their ores, K 2 132 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. are, for the most part, situated near the eastern extremity of the island. At Rio Marina, specular and massive hæmatites rest upon talcose schists and are covered by crystalline limestone; but for many years the work has been confined to turning over the rubbish left by the ancients, of which there are enormous accumulations. At Rio Albano and Terra Nera the ore occurs in lodes, traversing talcose schists, which send off branches alternately coalescing into beds, some of which are 100 feet in thickness. A similar ramifying lode, which produces both hæmatite and magnetite, is seen in a limestone cliff at Cape Calamita. Near Marquette, on the southern shore of Lake Superior, a schistose variety of hæmatite is very extensively developed in Huronian rocks.* The average breadth of this iron district is six miles, and it extends westwards from the lake shore for about twenty miles. The strata, which are much contorted, are chiefly talcose and chloritic schists, passing upwards into parallel laminæ of red jasper and hæmatite, whose united thickness is said to be upwards of 1,000 feet. Of this, a large propor- tion is too highly siliceous to pay for working; but distinct beds of 150 feet in thickness are quarried at the Jackson and Superior Mines. These deposits are, in addition to their purity and great extent, remark- able from containing minute octahedral crystals of martite, a variety of ferric oxide crystallising under an isometric form. Contorted and finely-laminated specular schists of a similar description, but on a much smaller scale, occur on the Canadian shore of Lake Superior, and in the altered Lower Silurian rocks of the Quebec group. Two celebrated masses of hæmatite, known as the Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob, are worked near St. Louis, in Missouri. The Iron Mountain is a flattened dome-shaped elevation about 200 feet in height, and forms the western extremity of a ridge of reddish porphyry, which rises considerably above the iron ore, and stretches for more than a mile to the eastward. The surface of the mountain is entirely covered with loose pieces of ore, which become more and more conspicuous towards the summit. Moss-grown blocks, some of which are many tons in weight, cover the top, and are piled together in the greatest confusion. Pilot Knob is much higher than the Iron Mountain, its height above its base being estimated at 650 feet; it is mainly composed of a distinctly-bedded siliceous rock. For the first two-thirds of the distance to the summit quartz rock predominates; the upper portion of the mountain consists of thick beds of iron ore alternating with siliceous rocks. The richest ores exhibit a distinctly slaty structure, differing entirely, in this respect, from those of the Iron Mountain, which are compact and without * There are now in the Lake Superior mining district twenty-four iron mines; eight of brown ore, four of specular, and four of brown and specular hæmatites, one of specular and magnetic ore, six of magnetic, and one of flag-ore. The first opening was made in 1840, the first forge was started in 1849, and the Marquette Railroad was completed in 1856. There are sixteen blast-furnaces and one rolling mill, all but three working with charcoal and hot-blast. The rolling mill commenced in 1868, suspended in 1869, and recommenced in June, 1873. The Lake Superior Mines shipped 985,521 tons of ore, valued at 4,222,350 dollars, in 1870, and have produced 3,771,939 tons of iron ore and 243,450 tons of pig since 1856. IRON. 133 cleavage. There are numerous other localities in the vicinity, which, although not so generally known, yield ores of a quality at least equal to those obtained from Pilot Knob. The ore of Shepard's Mountain is magnetic and of high quality; the Russell Bank ore is a fine-grained hæmatite, very pure, and making excellent iron. A brilliant micaceous hæmatite is found at Brixham, in Devonshire ; a soft red variety, after being ground in oil, is sometimes employed as a paint for iron-work. One of the largest deposits of iron ore in Cornwall is at Restormel, near Lostwithiel, where a lode, having an average width of about 15 feet has been followed for more than a mile. The predominating mineral is göthite, which occurs in fibrous and mammillated aggregations, as well as in elongated prismatic crystals of great beauty. This lode also yields red hæmatite and ores of manganese. The most important deposits of hæmatite in England are, however, those of Ulverstone in Lancashire, and Whitehaven in Cumberland, which occur in the form of irregular masses in Carboniferous Limestone. The ore is usually in dull, compact masses, but also forms kidney-shaped crys- talline aggregates; in addition to the compact variety there is a greasy micaceous ore which is largely employed for lining the hearths of puddling furnaces. Brown hæmatite appears to be entirely absent in both districts, and iron pyrites and calcium phosphate are only present in the most minute proportions. ANALYSES OF RED IRON ORES. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fe2O3 MnO A1203 CaO MgO CO₂ P₂05 95.16 90.36 86.50 94.23 0.24 0.10 0.21 0.23 0.37 0.51 • 0.07 0.71 2.77 0.05 0.06 1.46 trace • • 2.96 trace trace trace trace ► • SO 3 trace trace 0.11 0.09 FeS2 trace 0.06 0.03 H₂O Shygroscopic 0.39 • " combined 0.17 Insoluble residue 5.68 8.54 6.55 5.18 101.15 100.20 100.56 100.88 Metallic Iron 66.60 63.25 60.55 65.98 1 and 2. From Cleator Moor, Whitehaven, Cumberland; by A. Dick. 1 is a compact red hæmatite containing cavities lined with crystals of specular iron and quartz. When large quantities were operated on, minute traces of lead were obtained. 2. A compact and pulverulent 3. Gill- unctuous red hæmatite, in which traces of lead were detected. brow, Ulverstone, Lancashire; by A. Dick. This ore is an unctuous 131 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. red hæmatite, intermixed with pieces of limestone, which, being coloured red, cannot be seen until the specimen is washed. 4. Lindale Moor, Ulverstone; by J. Spiller. A hard compact hæmatite, affording distinct traces of arsenic when large quantities are operated on. A remarkable deposit of red hæmatite has been discovered and is now in progress of development at Cwm Mountain, in Flintshire. The ore here occurs almost entirely as a breccia of angular fragments cemented together by calcium carbonate, and fills large irregular veins in Carboniferous Limestone. At Whitchurch, near Cardiff, an oolitic red hæmatite occurs at the base of the Carboniferous Limestone. This variety is met with in the same geological position in the valley of the Meuse, Belgium, and on the Cumberland River, Kentucky. Since the introduction of the Bessemer process the demand for hæmatite pig has much increased, and ores of this class, consequently, now fetch a proportionately higher price than they did a few years ago. OLDER BROWN IRON ORES.-Irregular masses of brown hæmatite are met with in the Carboniferous Limestones and lower coal-measure sand- stones in the Forest of Dean, in the neighbourhood of Bristol, and at Llantrissant, in Glamorganshire. In the Forest of Dean the ore is a stalactiform brown hæmatite; the brown hæmatite of Ashton Court, near Bristol, frequently contains fragments of sulphate of barium por- phyritically imbedded; at Llantrissant the ore is interstratified between the upper part of the Carboniferous Limestone, and a black shale roof, supposed to be a portion of the coal-measures. ANALYSES OF BROWN IRON ORES. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fe2O3 MnO A1203 CaO • 90.05 0.08 89.76 59.05 52.83 0.04 0.09* 0.81 • trace 0.63 trace 0.06 0.49 0.25 14.61 MgO 0.20 0.40 0.28 5.70 CO₂ P₂05 SÓ₂ FeS2 SiO2 Organic Matter. 18.14 0:09 0.13 0.14 0.32 trace trace 0.28 0.09 34.40 • • 1.30 • H₂O fhygroscopic 0.24 · combined. 9 22 7.05 6.14 4.75 Insoluble residue 1.07 2.57 0.04 100.77 101·07 100.68 98.78 Metallic Iron 63.04 62.86 41.34 36.98 1. Black Brush Ore, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire; contains * Estimated as MnO2. IRON. 135 minute traces of copper; by A. Dick. 2. Smith Ore, Forest of Dean; a comparatively pure, brown hæmatite; by A. Dick. 3. From Llantrissant, Glamorganshire; by E. Riley. 4. From Froghall, near Cheadle, Stafford- shire; compact homogeneous and brownish-red in colour; by A. Dick. Enormous deposits of iron ore occur in Carboniferous Limestone near the port of Bilbao, in Spain. The mine of Somorrostro is at the present time most extensively worked, and yields about 1,000 tons of ore daily. The mines of Moruecos Cerillo and Galdames, in the same district, are being laid open by an English company, who are laying down a railway and making preparations for shipments on a very exten- sive scale. At the Galdames Mine there is a mountain of iron ore 1,200 yards in length, and about 170 yards in height above the river, which flows at its base. At this elevation the ore is capped by limestone; the whole face of the mountain is composed of ironstone, but scantily covered by soil, and rocks of solid ore, without any kind of admixture, stand up vertical y to a height of 150 feet. The quantity of ore actually in sight is estimated at between sixty and seventy million tons; but it is believed that from three to four times that amount may be rendered available. The following analyses of ores from this district are by Mr. W. Baker, of Sheffield:- ANALYSES OF SPANISH ORES. 1. 2. 3. SiO2 Fe₂O A1203 MnO 5.55 1.70 7.65 78.80 79-20 76.00 3.50 6.80 5.80 0.651 2.88 0.83 SO 3 0.068 0.12 0.34 • CaŎ and MgO trace trace trace P₂05 none none none H₂O, combined 11.653 9.672 10.128 100.222 100.872 100.748 Loss in drying 0.66 1.8 1.6 Metallic Iron 55.16 55.44 54.20 NEWER BROWN IRON ORES.-Brown hæmatites, for the most part of an impure and sandy character, are found in the Lias, Oolite, and Lower Greensand formations almost continuously from the northern parts of Wiltshire to the Wolds of Yorkshire, passing through Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, and Lincolnshire. The ore has usually the appearance of a dark ochreous oolitic rock, which, when freshly broken, has sometimes a greenish tinge. The most important deposit is at the base of the Inferior Oolite, and extends from the neighbourhood of Banbury through Northamptonshire. These ores, although of low quality, admit of being quarried at a cheap rate, and, besides being smelted on the spot, are 136 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. largely exported to Staffordshire and South Wales. In Wiltshire the same ore occurs in the Coral Rag, and in Buckinghamshire in the Lower Greensand; in the latter locality the bed is not continuous, but nodular masses of limonite are scattered through a stratum of brown sand about 50 feet in thickness. The nodules of ironstone are frequently hollow and inclose loose white sand. ANALYSES OF BROWN IRON ORES FROM THE ОOLITE, &c. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fe2O3 FeO 50.31 44.67 53.43 64.61 trace 0.86 MnO 0:51 0.44 1·60* Al2O3 CaO 7.25 7.85 4.19 3.85 11.76 9.29 0.84 0.64 MgO 0.62 0.66 0.72 0.20 Sio, 0.22 0.48 24.81 18.02 CO2 7.98 6.11 trace P205 1.28 0.55 0.87 0.64 SO 3 · FeS2 0·17 trace trace H₂O fhygroscopic 16.31 combined 13.61 11.85 11.00 • Insoluble residue 9.33 13.10 100.43 100.32 100.07 99.81 Metallic Iron 35.37 31.94 37.44 45.22 1. From Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, in the Infericr Oolite; by E. Riley. 2. From Woodstock, Oxfordshire, Marlstone between Lower and Upper Lias; by C. Tookey. 3 and 4. From Seend, Wiltshire, Lower Greensand; by E. Riley. Red and brown hæmatites occur in the liassic and oolitic rocks of France under nearly similar conditions to those observed in this country. The most important deposits are those of La Voulte, in the Ardèche, where large quantities of a compact earthy red hæmatite are interstratified in marls belonging either to the Lias or to the Oxford Clay. In Wirtemberg and Bavaria the lower members of the oolitic group, on the north-west side of the Swabian Alps, contain ores of a similar character; their maximum development is in the neighbourhood of Aalen and Wasseralfingen, where the thickness of the beds exceeds 18 feet. Another large area yielding ores of a similar character and of the same geological age is situated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; this extends into the French portion of the valley of the Moselle, and forms one of the most productive of the continental iron districts. In addition to the stratified deposits before noticed, irregular masses * Estimated as MnO. IRON. 137 of loose concretionary brown hæmatite, called Bohnerz, are found filling cavities and long winding fissures in the Oolites of South Germany. These pisolitic concretions vary from the size of a pea to that of a walnut; the larger being generally less perfectly spherical in form than those of smaller size. The cementing material is usually a ferruginous clay, which may be removed by washing, leaving an ore containing, on an average, about 35 per cent. of iron. The Wealden rocks in the vicinity of Boulogne yield sandy brown ores occurring in superficial deposits; these chiefly supply the iron- furnaces at Marquise. TERTIARY AND POST-TERTIARY IRON ORES.-These ores are of minor importance, but they nevertheless form no inconsiderable portion of the iron-making resources of certain countries. Lying near the surface, they admit of being worked at a cheap rate, and frequently produce iron of excellent quality. In England the ores of this class are of very little importance, but in many parts of Europe they are abundantly developed and extensively wrought. Large quantities occur in the great plain of North Germany, which extends from the borders of Holland to the head of the Baltic; they are also found abundantly in France, where they are worked to a con- siderable extent. The deposits of Berry, especially those in the valley of the Cher, are in the tertiary series, and consist of pisolitic ores dissemi- nated in beds in the argillaceous rocks of the district. Tertiary and alluvial ores are also extensively employed in the Ardennes and in the department of the Marne. Oolitic and pisolitic ores are obtained from the alluviums of the Nivernais, and hydrated oxides and hæmatites are found in the superficial clays of the Charante, Dordogne, Lot-et-Garonne, Lot, and Tarne-et-Garonne. These are of very considerable importance, and are sufficiently pure to admit of being worked in the Catalan forge. The workings are, for the most part, open to the day, and frequently descend to a depth of sixty or seventy feet. The sandy deposits of the Landes also contain beds of hydrated oxides and of bog ores. Burat estimates that one-third of the production of iron in France is derived from alluvial ores. In Sweden, Norway, and Finland, large quantities of a variety of limonite, known as lake ore, are obtained by dredging from the bottom of shallow lakes. This ore occurs in granular concretionary forms, varying in size from linseed to masses of several cubic inches. These ores are collected during the winter months only, for which purpose a hole, of some three or four feet in diameter, is made in the ice, through which is lowered a perforated iron shovel attached to a long wooden handle. Ores of this description are continually forming, and localities known to have been entirely exhausted a quarter of a century previously, have, on being re-worked at the expiration of that period, been found to afford workable deposits of several inches in thickness. The formation of these ores is said to be mainly due to organic agency; the iron being chiefly derived from the oxidation of pyrites and from the decom- position of such minerals as hornblende, augite, &c., containing ferrous silicates. 138 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ANALYSES OF BOG ORES, &c. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fe₂03 FeO 62.59 70.46 66.33 67.59 3.60 2 MnO2 SiO2 A1,03 CaO 8.52 0.75 1.45 13.04 2.80 7.81 · • .5.88 4.18 • :: 0.47 • · MgO 0.23 • • P₂05 1.50 0.12 0.18 Sand 11.37 Water and Organic Matter 16.02 11.12 26.40 17.81 100.00 100.50 100.00 99.72 Metallic Iron 43.82 49.32 49.24 47.32 1. Bog ore from the neighbourhood of Lingen, Hanover; by Senft. 2. Pisolitic ore from the district of Kandern; by Schenck. 3. Bog ore from State of New York; by Karsten. 4. Lake ore from Flaten, Werm- land, Sweden; by Svanberg. SPATHIC IRON ORE-SIDERITE.—This ore does not so frequently occur in large masses as do the various forms of ferric oxide, but is nevertheless found in very considerable quantities in various European localities. Large quantities of spathose ores are annually raised from the Devonian rocks in the district of Siegen; the most important mine is that of Stahlberg, near Müsen, where a nearly vertical lode has been worked since the commence- ment of the fourteenth century. Its form is somewhat that of a wedge; its greatest width being 65 feet, and its longitudinal extension 480 feet; it is inclosed in clay-slate and has been worked to a depth of 130 fathoms by means of a series of levels driven into the hill. Spathic ores also abound in the crystalline metamorphic rocks and talcose schists of the Eastern Alps, as well as in limestones of Silurian or Devonian age. In Styria, the celebrated Erzberg, or ore-mountain, rises to the height of nearly 2,500 feet, and, although apparently consisting of a solid mass of siderite, it is, in reality, only capped by an arch of that mineral, to a depth varying from 200 to 600 feet, including a few interstratified schistose partings. The best ore, which occurs in the lower beds, is hard and crystalline, and of a brownish-yellow colour. Iron and copper pyrites, quartz, carbonate of calcium, and, more rarely, cinnabar, are among the associated minerals. The present annual yield is about 110,000 tons, and at least 50,000,000 tons are said to have been laid open by the workings. The less considerable, but otherwise similar, deposits of Carinthia are situated at Hüttenberg and Lölling, north-east of Klagenfurth, and include numerous lenticular beds, the most productive of which is about 200 feet in thickness. In Thuringia a large irregular mass of spathic iron, in Permian rocks, has been worked for the last 700 years; the principal sources are those of Mommel and Stahlberg, near Schmalkalden, where the ores are much dis- IRON. 139 t urbed by intruded porphyritic dykes. This deposit has been followed to a depth of 300 feet, and its known length is about a mile. In England there are deposits of carbonate of iron in Weardale, in Durham, where it occurs in veins in the Carboniferous Limestone, asso- ciated with ores of lead and zinc. Siderite is also found at Perran in Cornwall, Exmoor in Devon, and at Brendon Hill, Somerset. Of late years these ores have been worked to a considerable extent and exported to South Wales for the production of spiegeleisen. The outcrop of veins of this mineral is invariably found to be converted, to a considerable depth, into brown hæmatite by the action of atmospheric air and water. ANALYSES OF SPATHIC IRON ORES. 1. 2. 3. 4. FeO 49.77 43.84 47.16 55.64 Fe2O3 0.81 0.81 MnO 1.93 12.64 10.61 2.80 CaO 3.96 0.28 0.50 0.92 MgO 2.83 3.63 3.23 1.77 CO2 37.20 38.86 38.50 38.35 P₂05 trace S 0.04 H₂O 0.30 0.18 • Insoluble residue 3.12 0.08 99.96 100.32 100.00 99.48 Metallic Iron 38.95 34.67 36.75 43.27 1. Weardale, Durham; containing minute traces of copper; Tookey. 2. Brendon Hill, Somersetshire; Spiller. 3. Stahlberg, Müsen; Schnabel. 4. Erzberg, Styria; Karsten. CLAY IRONSTONES.- More than one-half of the total amount of iron annually produced in this country is obtained from the argillaceous car- bonates, found either in nodules interspersed through the shales and clays of the coal-measures and, to a less extent, in some other formations, or in continuous beds, of considerable thickness, in liassic and other compara- tively recent rocks. It is mainly to the abundance of her coal-measure ironstones that England has been indebted for the preponderating produc- tion of that metal which has enabled her to supply the rapidly increasing demand for railway and other iron. Nodular argillaceous carbonate of iron essentially consists of ferrous carbonate, but always contains a notable quantity of clay or sand, with variable proportions of the carbonates of calcium, magnesium, and man- ganese. When freshly broken, the fracture has a light-grey, yellow, or bluish tint, but eventually becomes brown on exposure, through super- ficial peroxidation of ferrous oxide. The nodules are frequently so numerous as to coalesce into beds, and sometimes contain fossils, such as fish and remains of plants. They are often fissured in such a way as to suggest the idea of its being the result of contraction by drying; and the fissures, having been subsequently filled with mineral matter, have the appearance of veins, which often contain quartz, iron and copper 140 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. pyrites, galena, blende, and calcite. At Dowlais, near Merthyr Tydvil, in Glamorganshire, the clay ironstone, in addition to the minerals above enumerated, contains Hattchetine, or mineral tallow, and beautiful thread-like crystals of Millerite, or sulphide of nickel, occur in the partially-filled cavities. Clay ironstone is abundant in the coal-fields of North and South Wales, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Yorkshire, Derby- shire, and Scotland; while those of Northumberland, Durham, and Lancashire, are almost entirely without it. This ore is frequently worked in conjunction with the coal with which it is associated, and is extracted through the same pits. The yield of clay ironstone per acre necessarily varies in accordance with the thickness of the bed and the regularity with which the nodules are disseminated. Thus the Parkgate Old Black Mine, which has a thick- ness of 11 inches, yields 1,500 tons per acre; while the Clay Wood Mine, of exactly one-half the thickness, produces in an equivalent area the same amount of ore. In the South Wales coal-field there are, at least, seven distinct districts containing seams of ironstone; the number of beds in each varies from six to twenty-two, and many of these individual deposits are themselves sub-divided into several distinct courses. They sometimes consist of a single layer of spheroidal concretions, or balls, of all sizes up to a ton or more in weight, but the beds are not usually very thick, and this is the greatest drawback to their value. ANALYSES OF CLAY IRONSTONES. 1. 2. 3. 4. FeO Fe2O3 35.38 39.38 45.35 52.04 1.20 1.24 MnO 0.94 0.95 0.56 0.92 A1203 0.80 0.82 0.61 1.30 • CaO 2.78 2.26 2.60 0.53 MgO 2.22 3.72 1.22 0.85 SiO2 0.67 CO₂ 25.41 29.38 30.21 32.31 P₂05 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.21 • SO 3 FeS2 H₂O hygroscopic (combined. Organic Matter Insoluble residue trace trace trace 0.18 trace 0.20 0.13 0.74 . 0.681 1.64 0.46 1.11 1.416 0.23 0.54 1.59 0.51 A 28.00 19.35 15.87 11.14 99.47 100.20 100.98 100.40 Metallic Iron 28.76 31.82 35.74 40.84 1. White Bed Mine, Brierley, Yorkshire; Spiller. 2. Thorncliffe White Mine, Parkgate, Yorkshire; Spiller. 3. Pins, Dudley, Staffordshire; Dick. 4. Gubbin and Balls, Bunker's Hill Colliery, Staffordshire; Dick. BLACKBAND IRONSTONE. This ore was discovered in Lanarkshire by Mushet in the year 1801, but did not come into extensive use until about 1830. It is a clay ironstone, usually of a dark-brown or black colour, containing carbonaceous matter. The blackband iron ores of Scotland IRON. 141 contain from 20 to 25 per cent. of coaly matter, and from 30 to 40 per cent. of iron. In the western coal-field of Scotland several principal blackband measures, having an aggregate thickness of 6 ft. 5 in., are known; all these have been more or less extensively worked, but the supply has now considerably fallen off. The thickness of deposits of blackband is subject to great variation, and a band seldom extends over very large areas without some change taking place in its com- position. At Airdrie the blackband occurs in workable quantity over an area of only about ten square miles; whilst its equivalent, in the form of a thin seam of coal, is found over a district of more than five times that extent. In Linlithgowshire the stratum, elsewhere affording blackband ironstone, is represented by the celebrated Boghead cannel coal. The yield of blackband ironstone is at the rate of 2,000 tons of calcined ore per acre for each foot in thickness of the deposit. Beds varying from 4 to 9 feet in thickness occur in North Staffordshire, and, after calcination, the ore is largely exported to the iron-works of South Staffordshire. In South Wales blackband is found in numerous beds of irregular thickness and of limited extent. This ore was first discovered in West- phalia, in 1855; but the quantity does not appear to be large, and in but a few instances only do blackband and coal occur together. Black- band likewise occurs in Lower Silesia, and thin layers of this mineral have been discovered at one or two localities in the Banat. Carbonaceous spathic ores, locally known as coal brasses, occasionally accompany coal in South Wales, and differ from ordinary blackband in containing considerable quantities of the carbonates of calcium and mag- nesium. Nodules of iron pyrites, occurring under similar circumstances, are also sometimes called coal brasses. ANALYSES OF BLACKBAND IRONSTONES. 1. 2. 3. 4. FeO 53.82 40.77 37.07 42.64 Fe2O3 MnO CaO MgO SiO2 CO. 2 P₂05 0.23 2.72 ► 0.23 0.26 1.51 0·90 6.61 5.24 0.28 0.72 7.40 5.26 • • 2.00 34.39 10.10 clay 2.70 26.41 36.14 36.89 0.23 0.17 FeS2 trace 0.22 H₂O fhygroscopic • • · combined 1.00 Carbonaceous Matter 7.70 17.38 9.80 8.87 • 99.93 100.00 100.18 99.55 Metallic Iron 41.60 33.57 28.83 33.12 1 and 2. Scotch blackband; Colquhoun. 3 and 4. "Coal brasses,” Aberdare, South Wales; Price and Nicholson. CLEVELAND IRONSTONE.-The Middle Lias, or marlstone rock, which, in the neighbourhood of Chipping Norton and Woodstock, in Oxfordshire, 142 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. yields an oolitic brown hæmatite, affords iron ore in much larger quanti- ties in the North Riding of Yorkshire. This stone, where best developed in the Cleveland district, has a total thickness of about 20 feet, made up of various interstratified bands of ore and shale; of these the two prin- cipal members are distinguished as the Pecten and Avicula seams, from the respective prevalence in them of fossil shells belonging to these genera. The average workable depth of the ore is from 12 to 17 feet; the usual produce per acre being estimated at about 20,000 tons. This ore, which is an inferior carbonate of iron, is usually of a dull bluish- yellow colour, caused by the presence of ferrous silicate; its structure is oolitic, with numerous inclosed fossils, and it sometimes contains inter- spersed crystals of quartz and anatase. A dark blue, or nearly black variety, found at Rosedale Abbey, is, although oolitic in its structure, both magnetic and polar. ANALYSES OF CLEVELAND IRON ORES. 1. 2. 3. 4. FeO Fe₂03 MnO A1203 CaO MgO K₂O SiO2 39.92 34.98 33.17 33.85 3.60 32.67 ⚫95 0.48 0.50 0.69 7.86 3.20 3.92 3.15 7.44 11.96 11.90 2.86 3.82 4.51 4.52 1.59 • 0.27 • · CO2 7.12 22.85 6.95 29.20 28.00 10 36 P₂05 SO 3 1.86 1.30 0.48 1.41 trace FeS2 0.11 0 03* H₂O Shygroscopic combined • 2.97 3.30 3.65 3.76 Organic Matter . Insoluble residue trace 0.84 1.64 10.04 13.22 100 41 • 98.97 99.36 98.16 Metallic Iron 33.62 27.21 25.80 49.17 1. Cleveland ore, locality not stated; Dick. 2. Pecten Bed, Gros- mont, Yorkshire; Tookey. 3. Avicula Bed, Grosmont, Yorkshire; Tookey. 4. Magnetic ore, Rosedale Abbey; Pattinson. The following is the return of the amount of iron ore raised and consumed in the United Kingdom for the year 1871:—† Cornwall Devonshire District. Somersetshire. Description of Ore. Red and Brown Hæmatite Tons. 21,947 Brown Hæmatite and Magnetite 14,124 (Spathose ore, argillaceous ore, and Hæ- matite 32,883 Carry forward • 68,954 * Sulphur. † 'Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1871,' by Robert Hunt, F.R.S., Keeper of Mining Records. IRON. 143 District. Gloucestershire Wiltshire Description of Ore. Brought forward Oolitic ore Tons. · • 68,954 207,598 • • 159,894 28,330 • 779,314 • 290,673 415,972 34,075 1,513,080 Oxfordshire Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Shropshire Warwickshire. • Staffordshire, North Derbyshire Lancashire Cumberland South • (North Riding. West Riding Argillaceous Carbonate (Argillaceous Carbonate and Hydrated Oxide Argillaceous Carbonate "" Red and Brown Hæmatite 705,665 492,973 931,048 1,302,703 Yorkshire Argillaceous Carbonate, and Magnetite Argillaceous Carbonate • 4,581,901 407,997 Northumberland and Durham Argillaceous Carbonate and Spathose ore 285,297 NORTH WALES Argillaceous Carbonate and Brown Hæ-` matite 51,887 SOUTH WALES AND MOUTHSHIRE MON-Argillaceous Carbonate, Blackband, and Brown Hæmatite 969,714 ISLE OF MAN • Spathose Ore 75 SCOTLAND IRELAND Purple ore from cupreous) pyrites Argillaceous Carbonate and Blackband (Aluminous Ore, Blackband, and Brown Hæmatite 3,000,000 107,734 .. 200,000 Iron ore imported 324,175 Total • 16,859,059 In 1855, Mr. Blackwell estimated the annual production of pig-iron in the whole world to be that given in column I. of the following table; the most reliable statistics of the trade as compiled by an American metallurgist for the year 1871, will be found in column II.* I. II. Great Britain United States 3,000,000 6,500,000 750,000 1,912,000 France 750,000 1,350,000 •Germany 400,000 1,250,000 Belgium • 200,000 896,000 Austria 250,000 450,000 Russia 200,000 330,000 Sweden and Norway 150,000 280,000 Italy 75,000 Spain 72,000 All other countries 300,000 200,000 6,000,000 13,315,000 From the above it will be seen that the annual production of Great Britain is still nearly equal to that of the united make of all the other countries in the world. * 'Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute,' No. III., 1872. 144 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ASSAY OF IRON ORES. In order to determine the commercial value of an ore of iron it is necessary to ascertain not only its percentage yield of metal, but also the approximate proportion and constitution of the various impurities present, as well as their probable influence as affecting its fusibility. It is more- over requisite to determine the nature and respective amounts of other elements, such as phosphorus, sulphur, &c., likely to affect the quality of the iron obtained by its metallurgical treatment. The two former ques- tions may be answered by the results of dry assay, which gives the maxi- mum amount of cast-iron that, under the most favourable conditions, can be obtained from the ore in the blast-furnace; the ordinary processes of chemical analysis must be resorted to for the third. When it is required to ascertain the exact amount of metallic iron present, its determination must be effected in the wet way, and the metal may either be precipitated and estimated as ferric oxide, or one of the volumetric processes may be employed. The volumetric estimation of iron is generally more exact and expeditious than any method involving the precipitation and weighing of the peroxide, and possesses the advan- tage of being equally applicable to assaying and to the determination of iron in the complete analysis of ores. We shall first give a description of the methods of assaying iron ores by the dry way, and afterwards treat of the processes for the volumetric estimation of iron; finally, the analysis of ironstones and the estimation of those constituents which are present in minute quantities only will be considered. DRY ASSAY OF IRON ORES.-Apparatus necessary. For the dry assay of iron ores a wind furnace is required. Fig. 27 is a vertical section, through D A C B Fig. 27.-Assay Furnace; vertical section. IRON. 145 the middle of the grate of one of the furnaces employed in the metal- lurgical laboratory at the Royal School of Mines. The fire-place, A, 8 inches square by 12 inches deep, is lined with refractory bricks, beneath which is the ash-pit, B, provided with a register-door for the regulation of the draught. When a large supply of air is required this door may be opened to its full width, or it may be closed and the register, c, opened to a greater or less extent. This consists of a revolving circular disc of sheet-iron, provided with a semicircular opening, the centre of which coincides with the centre of the door; behind this, in the door, is another semicircular opening, of equal size to that in the movable disc, with which it can be made to coincide, or otherwise, as circumstances may require. In this way it can be so adjusted as to regulate with great nicety the amount of air admitted. The flue, D, communicates with a chimney 60 ft. in height, with which five other furnaces are connected. The whole of the brickwork is firmly bound together by cast-iron plates, secured by tie-rods, and those portions of the lining which are subjected to a high tempera- ture are made of refractory bricks laid in fire clay. For the purpose of closing the mouth of the furnace fire-tiles, e, f, are employed, each of which is clamped with a piece of flat iron firmly wedged at one end; screws are sometimes employed, instead of wedges, for keeping the clamps in their places. These covers are of two sizes, and the larger one only re- quires to be removed in order to take a crucible out of the furnace. The draught may be regulated not only by the register-door of the ash-pit, but also by opening the furnace top to a greater or less extent. The same result may be obtained by placing a piece of fire-brick in the passage opening into the flue, or by means of a damper at the top of the stack. The fuel employed should be either hard coke or anthracite supported on the grate, g. The furnace above described must be accompanied with an assortment of tongs to be employed for various purposes. For charging lumps of fuel into hollow places, and removing hot crucibles after their withdrawal from the furnace, tongs of the form represented, fig. 28, will be sometimes found convenient. Another kind, intended for removing a crucible from the fire, either by grasp- ing it with the bent part, or by taking one of its sides between the jaws, is represented, fig. 29. Fig. 30 is of a different form, and is chiefly employed for lifting uncovered crucibles, as it is only adapted for laying hold of the sides of the vessel. All these varieties are, however, rather short in the handles, and consequently merely adapted for removing bodies from the furnace when not very highly heated. For this reason, if they be employed for taking crucibles from a wind furnace of the kind just described, it will be found necessary to allow it to cool for at least half an hour, after the assays are completed, before the crucibles can be withdrawn. To obviate, to some extent, loss of time, the tongs represented, fig. 31, are often conveniently employed; these are long in the handles and are provided with very strong bent jaws, so that they may be used almost as soon as the crucible is sufficiently hardened to bear 용 ​Fig. 28. L 146 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Fig. 29. Fig. 30. Fig. 31. removal; but as at this stage the furnace is extremely hot, it is sometimes difficult to look into the fire, in order to see where to apply the tongs. This inconvenience is lessened by using a wooden shield, fig. 32, in which a is a small rectangular hole into which a piece of blue or green glass is inserted, and b a handle by which it may be held before the face of the operator. When this is employed, it should be held before the person using the tongs by an assistant. By this contrivance the heat is prevented from reach- ing the face, whilst the small glazed aperture allows of the interior of the furnace being distinctly seen. In addition to the foregoing, it is necessary to be provided with a large cast-iron mortar, a small anvil, a hammer, and a set of sieves, of which the various uses will shortly be described. Fig. 32. Preliminary Operations, Fluxes, &c.-The assay of an iron ore yields on a small scale somewhat similar results to those obtained in the large way, and consequently has the advantage over analysis of affording infor- mation of a more immediately practical character. Before, however, operating in the dry way, it may be desirable to obtain some definite knowledge of the mineral to be treated, in order to determine what fluxes should be added, for the purpose of affording at the same time a fusible slag and the largest possible yield of metallic iron. The ores of iron may be divided into three classes :— 1st. Those which consist chiefly of hydrated ferric oxide. 2nd. Those which contain the metal in the state of anhydrous oxide, such as red hæmatite and magnetite. 3rd. Spathose ores, which are composed of ferrous carbonate. Berthier recommends that the preliminary examination of minerals of the first class should be conducted in the following way. A portion of the ore is selected, which as nearly as possible represents a fair average of the mineral to be treated. This is powdered in a large iron mortar, and then, in order to thoroughly mix the different particles, the whole is IRON. 147 Of this coarse powder sifted through a sieve of coarse wire-gauze. about 2,000 grains must be taken and again pounded in the iron mortar until the whole has been made to pass through a second sieve of very fine wire-gauze. The object of first pounding the whole of the sample selected, and then taking a portion only for the purposes of assay, is to insure perfect uniformity of composition and a fair representative sample. Of the finely-pulverised ore, 50 grains are placed in a platinum crucible. and heated to redness over a gas flame, by which means the water and carbonic anhydride are driven off. The crucible and its contents are now again placed in the balance, and if the weight of the calcined matter be called w, the amount of water and carbonic anhydride expelled will be represented by (50-w). The calcined ore may be now thrown away and other 50 grains taken, which are to be attacked, in the cold, either by acetic or very dilute nitric acid. This will dissolve only the carbonates of calcium and magnesium which may be present in the gangue, without interfering with either the oxide of iron or the silica. Should it not contain any earthy carbonate, no effervescence will ensue on the addition of an acid, and we may conse- quently pass on to the next operation; but should effervescence take place, weak acid is added until it entirely ceases. When this point has been attained, the residue is thrown on a filter, washed with a little water, dried and calcined. If we now call this weight w', the weight of the water, together with that of the carbonates of calcium and magnesium contained in the mineral will be represented by (50-w'), and consequently (w-w') will be the united weights of the lime and magnesia present. Lastly, 50 grains of the powdered mineral are attacked with concen- trated hydrochloric acid, which is boiled until the undissolved matter which remains at the bottom of the flask has become colourless. This consists of the siliceous and argillaceous portions of the gangue, which will alone remain undissolved, and which, after being thrown on a filter and washed, are calcined and weighed. The weight of this calcined residue being represented by w', we shall, on uniting the different results of the various operations, obtain the following information relative to the composition of the mineral :— Water and Carbonic Anhydride Lime and Magnesia Silica and Clay (50-w) (w-w') w" Oxides of Iron and Manganese=50— (50—w)—(w—w′)—w" — (w' — w″). If the mineral contains but a small quantity of manganese and the whole of the iron originally existed as peroxide, the weight (w'-w") will represent the amount of anhydrous peroxide of iron in the ore, and will correspond to 70 (w' — w') of metallic iron.* Native carbonate of iron is more or less oxidised by calcination; and, consequently, the loss of weight experienced during the operation will no longer represent the amount of water and carbonic anhydride driven off. * This process, if employed for the examination of an ore containing alumina, &c., soluble in hydrochloric acid, would evidently result in an error proportionate to the amount so dissolved; it therefore cannot be considered as being universally applicable. L 2 148 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. From the results obtained by this preliminary investigation, the pro- portion of the fluxes required to form an easily fusible slag may be calcu- lated. Berthier's method for determining the approximate composition of an ironstone, although sometimes affording valuable information, involves too large an expenditure of time to be generally adopted, and a sufficiently good idea of the nature of the fluxes required may, in most cases, be derived from a mere inspection of the ore. Magnetites and hæmatites are usually associated with silica, and require the addition of both lime and alumina. Spathose ores and other carbonates of iron, when they do not contain a considerable amount of clay, require the addition of silica, in the form either of sand or of some silicate, such as glass free from lead, together with alumina and a little lime; argillaceous carbonates may on the other hand be fused with lime alone. After a certain amount of experience has been acquired, but little difficulty will be found in properly adjusting the fluxes to be employed. The following are the principal fluxes required: Silica, in the form either of white glass-house sand or ground flints; any other form of silica may be employed if practically free from iron, and in a sufficiently fine state of division. Alumina; this is best supplied in the form of china- clay, which, after ignition, contains 53 per cent. of silica and 43 per cent. of alumina. Fire-clay, shale, or blast-furnace cinder, may also be used, but they have the disadvantage of containing small quantities of iron. Lime; unslaked lime in a state of fine powder should be used, when obtainable, but chalk or any other limestone sufficiently free from iron may be employed as a substitute; care must be taken that this flux is as free as possible from sulphates and phosphates. In some cases fluor-spar may be advantageously substituted for lime. This flux affords a liquid slag, but is rarely used on the large scale. Glass, free from lead, may be employed with argillaceous ores; such glass usually containing from 60 to 70 per cent. of silica, the remainder being soda, potash, and lime. Borax is too fusible to admit of being generally employed as a flux for iron assays, since it combines with iron oxide at a temperature below that necessary for reduction; it is nevertheless sometimes used as a substitute for glass, but, when it is so employed, the proportion of lime should be increased to such an extent as to materially diminish the fusibility of the mixture. Classification and Proportion of Fluxes. The nature of the flux to be employed will vary according to the composition of the gangue, and its quantity according to the amount of gangue and the weight of orc operated on. The object sought is in each case to obtain a sufficient amount of well-fused, clean slag, to completely cover the reduced button of metal. According to Percy, blast-furnace cinder may be taken as a type of the kind of slag most desirable to obtain; its approximate percentage composition is as follows:- SiO2 38 21 parts A1203 15 or about 1 Cao 47 3 27 IRON. 149 The following mixtures produce, when fused, a slag approximating to this composition:- Quartz China-clay Lime. . 1 2 SiO₂ 0.92 1.92 2 [36.5 per cent. • ¡Al2O3 (Al₂O, 0·82 0.82 15.5 2호 ​2.50 48.0 "" Glass 21/SiO 1.75 2 35.0 Materials Al₂O, 0.75 15.0 Lime. 21/1 2.50 50.0 Shale or Fire-clay 3 (SiO2 1.80 35.0 "" {Al2O3 0.90 17.0 Lime. 21 2.50 48.0 The nature and amount of the fluxes to be employed may be ascer- tained by means of repeated trials; three or four equal weights of the ore should be treated in the furnace, at the same time, with variable additions, according to the following table:—* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SiO 2 50 50 30 45 15 Al₂Õ3 25 16 20 18 5 Cao 25 34 50 37 80 The weight of flux used in each case must be one-half that of the ore operated on, and the most advantageous mixture will be that yielding the highest produce. In some German iron-works the following proportions are employed :- For rich magnetic ores and red hæmatites • ,, argillaceous brown ores "" bog ores "" spathose ores furnace-cinder. 25 p. c. fluor-spar. red} 5 to 20 p. c. chalk and 20 to 40 30 to 40 "" "" "" "" 50 50 "" "" "" 10 to 15 20 to 25 "" china-clay 20 to 25 "" "" clalk 20 to 25 "" "" "" "" Method of conducting an Assay.-The fusion may be effected either in an unlined or in a brasqued crucible. In the former case from 100 to 150 grains of finely-powdered ore are intimately mixed with the proper fluxes and about 25 per cent. of charcoal-powder, and placed in a black-lead or clay crucible, of which the cover is luted in its place with fire-clay. The crucible, with its contents, is now placed on half a fire- brick laid on the bars of the wind furnace, and at first subjected to a moderate heat, in order to expel water and carbonic anhydride. After a short time the temperature is gradually increased, and a full white-heat is maintained for nearly an hour, when the fuel is allowed to burn down, and the crucible is taken out to cool. When sufficiently cold it is broken, and, if the operation has been successful, a smooth well-melted button of cast-iron will be found at the bottom, covered by a slag having the appearance of glass or enamel. The button of cast-iron is detached from * Bauerman, p. 97. 150 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the slag, and the latter is reduced to powder in a mortar, and examined with a magnet for any shots of metal it may contain; these, if found, are added to the principal button and weighed with it. The assay of iron ores is however best made in crucibles lined with powdered charcoal, which not only protects the sides of the pots from being acted on by the fluxes employed, but also serves as the agent by which the oxide is reduced to the metallic state. On account of the high temperature to which they are subjected, it is necessary that the crucibles employed should be composed of the most refractory materials. Those known by the name of London pots, and sold by the various laboratory- furnishers, are well fitted for this purpose; but Hessian crucibles will also bear the necessary heat, although less convenient in form. In order to line a crucible, it is partially filled with coarsely-powdered charcoal, slightly moistened with treacle and water, which is rammed into the solid form by the use of a wooden pestle. When the first layer has become sufficiently compressed, its surface is scratched with a knife, for the purpose of making the second stratum adhere firmly to it, and a little more is added and beaten down as before. The surface of this layer is again rendered uneven by scratching, and the operation repeated until the crucible is completely filled. When this is the case, a cavity, of the form shown, fig. 33, is made in the centre, leaving a lining of charcoal of about half an inch in thickness on the sides and bottom of Fig. 33. the pot. To prevent any of the ore or flux from adhering to the sides, the interior of the cavity is smoothed by rub- bing with a round glass pestle, and the upper edges are so rounded off as to prevent any portion of brasque from falling into the hollow during the time the mixture is being intro- duced. When dry, the brasque is carbonised by closely covering the pot and subsequently heating it to redness, by which a compact mass of charcoal, completely lining the crucible, is obtained. When quite cold, a weighed quantity of the powdered ore is to be well mixed on a sheet of smooth paper, with the proper weight of flux, and then carefully transferred to the cavity in the lined crucible, where it will occupy the position b c. Any portions of the powder which may remain attached to the sides are carefully swept to the bottom by a stiff feather, and the space, a b, is filled, either with charcoal-powder or by a charcoal plug. The cover is now fitted, and firmly luted with fire-clay, with which the bottom of the crucible is also cemented to a piece of fire-brick, so as to stand about three or four inches above the bars of the grate. During the first half-hour the register remains nearly closed, and the firing is carefully conducted to drive off moisture, carbonic anhydride, &c., and to avoid the cracking of the luting, which would be caused were the heat too suddenly applied. Afterwards the heat is gradually increased by further opening the register, and at the end of an hour it is entirely opened for the purpose of increasing the tem- perature to the highest possible degree. The operation, when properly conducted, should altogether require about an hour and a quarter, and at the expiration of that time the furnace is allowed to cool. As soon as the IRON. 151 temperature is sufficiently reduced, the crucible is carefully removed by the aid of proper tongs, and is placed in an upright position until suffi- ciently cold to admit of being readily handled. It is now to be placed over a sheet of brown paper, with the view of avoiding loss, and the lid, which will be found to adhere firmly to the pot, is removed by a blow from a small hammer. If the operation has completely succeeded, the iron will be found as a rounded button, covered by a stratum of slag, resembling in its appearance ordinary bottle-glass, and entirely free from adhering metallic globules. When, on the contrary, the heat has not been sufficiently great, or the mixture of fluxes has not been judicious, the slag will be covered with small metallic beads firmly imbedded in its surface, from which they cannot be easily detached. If, from want of a sufficient temperature to effect the fusion, or from an improper addition of fluxes, the experiment has entirely failed, the ore will be found either in a partially-melted lump, or merely in an agglutinated mass, in which the iron, although more or less completely reduced to the metallic state, has not formed into a distinct button. On breaking the crucible, the button, with its adhering slag, is carefully removed and crushed by a blow of the pestle in a large iron mortar. The principal metallic button may be now readily removed; but as it seldom happens that the slag does not still inclose small metallic globules, it is necessary to reduce it to coarse powder, in order that these may be separated. This is most readily effected by turning out the contents of the mortar on a sheet of paper, and passing a magnet through the pulverised slag. In this way the metallic particles are soon collected at the poles of the magnet, and, on being brushed off by a stiff feather, are placed in the balance with the larger button before separated. In order to test the quality of iron thus obtained, the button may be placed between a fold of thin tin-plate and smartly struck on an anvil by a heavy hammer. If the fracture present a greyish appearance, and the button flattens slightly before breaking, it shows either that the ore is easily reducible, or that a very high temperature has been obtained in the furnace. A hard white button is often produced when phosphorus is present, and sulphur imparts to it a reticulated mottled structure. Man- ganese gives to the metal a light crystalline structure like that of spiegeleisen, and titanium a dull grey colour and reticulated structure. The intimate mixture of the ore and fluxes, together with the unlimited supply of fuel, represents, however, in the assay, a favourable combina- tion of circumstances not attainable in the blast-furnace, and, conse- quently, it affords no exact information as to the character of the iron likely to be produced from an ore on the large scale. The following conclusions may be deduced from the appearance of the slag. A perfectly transparent slag, with a green tint, indicates that silica is present in excess; a light grey or bluish enamel, or a trans- lucent glass, indicates that the fluxes have been added in suitable proportions. On the other hand, a rough, dull, stony, or crystalline slag is produced when alkaline earths are in excess. If, as sometimes happens, the assay has not been melted, but is merely fritted together, 152 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. and contains reduced iron disseminated as a fine grey powder, both silica and alumina are deficient, and lime and magnesia are in excess. A vesicular slag, with iron interspersed as malleable scales, indicates an excess of silica, which must be rectified by the addition of lime. When the slag has an amethystine colour it may be considered that small quantities of manganese are present, while a larger proportion renders it yellow, green, or brown. Swedish Process.--In Sweden assays of iron ores are made in small brasqued crucibles, each about 2 inches in height, and 13 inch in diameter at its largest end. The weight of ore operated on is usually from ten to fifteen grains only, and four crucibles are placed in the furnace at the same time; a piece of fire-brick, about 3 inches square, being used as a stand. As soon as a white-heat has been reached, the fire is allowed to burn down, and, when the furnace has sufficiently cooled, the crucibles are removed by lifting out the stands to which they will be found firmly attached by the partial fusion of the brick with the ashes of the fuel employed. When cold they are broken, and the buttons and slags examined in the usual way; the four results, when the assays have been skilfully made, should not vary more than or per cent. from each other. 10 1 4 WET ASSAY OF IRON ORES; MARGUERITE'S PROCESS.---This method of estimating iron is based on the action of protosalts of iron on potassium permanganate, KMnO4, by which a quantity of permanganate, exactly proportionate to the amount of iron present, is decomposed. Thus, in a solution of a persalt of iron, such as results from the attack of hæmatite by hydrochloric acid, it is only necessary to reduce the metal so as to form a protosalt, and then gradually to add a solution of permanganate of known strength. So long as a trace of a ferrous salt remains to be acted on, the colour of the permanganate is destroyed; but it will be at length found that the colour of the last drop added is no longer affected, but that, on the contrary, it communicates a pink tint to the whole solution. When the iron exists as ferrous chloride the reaction which takes place is expressed by the following equation:- 10FeCl2+2KMnO,+16HCl=5Fe₂Cl₂+2KC1+2MuCl₂+SH₂O. It will be observed that two equivalents of potassium permanganate are capable of converting ten of ferrous chloride into five of ferric chloride; but it will also be remarked that a slight excess of hydrochloric acid is necessary. The various operations requisite for the estimation of the amount of iron contained in an ore of that metal are the following:- 1. Solution of the ore in acid. 2. Reduction of the ferric salts in the solution, either by sodium sulphite or by sulphuretted hydrogen, and subsequently boiling, in order to expel sulphurous anhydride or sulphuretted hydrogen. The reduc- tion of ferric salts may also be effected by boiling with metallic zinc until the yellow colour of the solution has disappeared.* For this purpose we have found sulphuretted hydrogen preferable to either sodium sulphite, or metallic zinc. IRON. 153 3. To the solution of the ferrous salt thus obtained, a standardised solution of potassium permanganate is cautiously added, until a pink tint makes its appearance, when the number of divisions used is read off from the graduated burette, and the amount of iron present calculated therefrom. The presence of zinc, manganese, tungsten, phosphorus, lime, magnesia, alumina, and silica does not in the least interfere with the accuracy of the results obtained. Preparation of Standard Solution.-Potassium permanganate is a preparation of considerable stability, and may be kept in a glass bottle for a long time, without undergoing any change, if preserved from con- tact with organic matter. To convert a solution of this substance into a test liquor of known strength, two grammes of pure iron, such as pianoforte wire, may be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and, as soon as the solution is complete, the liquid is so diluted with distilled water as to make it up to exactly one litre. This is now divided into two equal portions, to one of which the solution of permanganate is carefully added from a burette until a slightly pink colour becomes manifest, and the number of the divisions necessary to produce this effect carefully noted. In order to test the accuracy of the first determination, the second portion of the ferrous solution is now treated in the same way, and the number of divisions necessary to produce a pink colour again noted. The number of divisions employed in the two experiments should exactly agree; but in case of any very slight difference occurring between them, the mean of the two is taken, and this number employed to calculate the results of the estimation. Should the permanganate solution be found to be too concentrated, it is easy, by making a proper addition of distilled water, to reduce it one- fourth, one-half, or to any other extent that may be considered desirable, in order to afford a sufficient range on the scale of the burette. When operating on solutions of iron in hydrochloric acid, it is necessary that they should not only be cold, but also in a very dilute state, in order to prevent the reaction of the excess of acid on the permanganate, and the liberation of chlorine. Solution of the Ore.-A weighed quantity, from one to two grammes, of the ore, in a state of fine powder, is introduced into an ordinary flask of hard glass, and digested with strong hydrochloric acid until nothing but the insoluble siliceous gangue remains at the bottom. Blackband ironstone when thus treated leaves a carbonaceous, finely-divided residue, which must be removed by filtration; but in the case of merely siliceous and argillaceous matters this is not necessary. The ferric salts present must now be reduced to the state of protosalts, by the use of either sodium sulphite, sulphuretted hydrogen, or metallic zinc, in the way already described. When titanium is present, the reduction of the ferric salts must not be effected by the use of zinc, which reduces titanic chloride, TiCl, to titanous chloride, Ti₂Cl. In such cases the use of sodium sulphite is to be preferred. 154 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Determination of the Iron.-When quite cold the contents of the flask are to be diluted with a considerable quantity of distilled water, and the standard solution of permanganate is carefully added from a gradu- ated burette: the contents of the flask are well shaken after each addition of permanganate, and, on the appearance of a pink colour, the number of divisions that have been used are noted; the amount of iron being deter- mined by calculation. In order to avoid the reaction which may take place between free hydrochloric acid and potassium permanganate, when the solution is not sufficiently dilute, and to avoid any error resulting from this cause, sul- phuric acid may be advantageously employed as a solvent for the iron to be estimated. When this course is adopted, the solution, obtained by the attack with hydrochloric acid, must be evaporated nearly to dryness, sulphuric acid added, and the liquid boiled, in order to expel hydrochloric acid. The ferric salts in this solution are, as in the former case, reduced to ferrous salts, cooled, diluted, and the iron estimated by the addition of a known quantity of a standardised solution of permanganate. The iron employed for standardising the solution to be used for the estimation of that metal, when existing as ferrous sulphate, should be dis- solved in dilute sulphuric acid; the reaction which takes place is repre- sented by the following formula :— 10FeSO₁+2KMnO4+8H₂SO₁=5Fe2S3O12+2MnSO4+K₂SO₁+8H₂O. For this process it is not advisable to use a burette with india-rubber connector at the end; either Mohr's burette, provided with a glass stop- cock may be employed, or it may be drawn out at the bottom into a point, and the india-rubber connector and pinch-cock be adjusted to the upper end. PENNY'S PROCESS.-When potassium dichromate, dissolved in water, is added to an acid solution of a protosalt of iron, the latter is converted into a persalt at the expense of the oxygen of the chromic acid. The following equation expresses the reaction with ferrous chloride dissolved in hydrochloric acid :— 6FeCl₂+K₂Cr₂O,+14HCl=3Fe,Cl¸+2KCl+Cr₂Cl₂+7H₂O. In this case an indirect method must be employed in order to ascer- tain when the reaction is finished, since the change of colour is not suffi- ciently marked to indicate the exact moment when the complete oxidation of the iron has taken place. For this purpose a weak solution of ferri- cyanide of potassium (red prussiate of potash) is used, which produces a blue or bluish-green colour with the protosalts of iron, but is unaltered by the persalts of that metal. Standard Solution.-Thirty-six grammes of crystallised potassium di- chromate, previously freed from hygroscopic water by fusion, and after- wards pulverised, should be dissolved in 4 litres of distilled water; of this solution about 100 c.c. will be equivalent to 1 gramme of metallic IRON. 155 iron. This solution is standardised as follows:-Two or more pieces of bright iron wire, each weighing from 0·4 to 0.6 gramme, must be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, in a small flask with a narrow neck. The acid should be first heated, and the wire then dropped into it, ebullition being continued until the metal has become completely dissolved. The solution of iron is now diluted with distilled water so as to increase its volume to about half a litre. The vessel containing the acid solution of iron is then placed beneath the burette, and the di- chromate solution allowed to run slowly into it until the iron has become completely peroxidised and a drop of the solution no longer gives the slightest trace of a bluish-green colour when transferred, by a glass rod, to a white porcelain slab wetted with the solution of ferricyanide of potassium. The number of divisions on the burette is read off and noted. Other weighed quantities of wire are proceeded with in the same manner, and, by the data obtained from the experiments, the number of divisions equivalent to 1 gramme of metallic iron is calculated; the mean result being taken as the standard. Estimation of the Iron in an Ore.-About 1 gramme of finely pow- dered ironstone is heated with strong hydrochloric acid for about half-an- hour in a small narrow-necked flask, and, when decomposition is complete, the solution is diluted with water; a few pieces of zinc are added; ebullition is kept up until every trace of yellow colour has been removed, and the solution is either colourless or has only a pale green tint. It is then transferred to a white porcelain dish, leaving the zinc in the flask in which the attack was made; this flask must now be well rinsed out, and the washings added to the solution, care being taken that no par- ticles of zinc are carried over at the same time. Either sodium sulphite or sulphuretted hydrogen may be substituted for zinc as a means of re- ducing a persalt to the state of a protosalt; the use of the last-named reagent being particularly recommended when very accurate results are of more importance than a small expenditure of time. When sulphuretted hydrogen is used as a reducing agent the liquid must be well boiled, in order to expel the excess of that gas, before adding the standard solution of potassium dichromate. Penny's process is generally to be preferred to Marguérite's, for the following reasons :— 1. The solution of potassium dichromate is less liable to decomposi- tion by long keeping than that of permanganate, and requires less frequent standardisation. 2. The result obtained is more reliable, since it is not subject to error through evolution of chlorine. 3. It occupies less time, as filtration is not generally necessary, even when carbon or other organic matter is present, and no time is lost in waiting for the solution to cool, as is the case with permanganate. Dry and Wet Assay.-Comparative Yields. As the result of dry assay is cast-iron, a substance sometimes containing above 15 per cent. of other elements, while the wet assay expresses the amount of pure iron in the ore, the results obtained by the former method should, in all cases, 156 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. indicate a higher yield than those obtained by wet assay from the same ironstone. The following series of dry and wet assays, carefully made in Dr. Percy's laboratory, will serve to show the usual amount of difference between the results obtained : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Iron by dry assay 73.30 70.30 59.60 35·30 42.10 34.30 wet "" • 69.75 68.08 57.57 33.35 37.55 32.13 The wet assays were made by means of a standardised solution of potassium dichromate, or of permanganate, and the dry assays in brasqued crucibles by the Swedish method. ANALYSIS OF IRON ORES. The complete analysis of an iron ore is an operation which is both tedious and difficult, involving numerous precipitations, filtrations, wash- ings, dryings, and weighings, and should only be attempted by a chemist having considerable experience of mineral analysis. The following is an outline of the more important processes employed for the systematic analysis of ores of this class, but the reader who may require more com- prehensive information on this subject, is referred to a 'Memoir on the Iron Ores of Great Britain,' founded on investigations, conducted by Messrs. Dick & Spiller in the laboratory of the Royal School of Mines, published, in parts, between the years 1856-62. He will also do well to consult an admirable paper by Mr. E. Riley, in the Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society,' Vol. XII., p. 13.* C Water. The amount of hygroscopic water present in an ore is deter- mined by exposing a weighed quantity in a finely-powdered state to a temperature of 100° C. in a water-bath until it ceases to lose weight; combined water is estimated by heating the dried ore, or a weighed quan- tity of the undried ore, to redness in a hard glass bulb, to which is adapted a chloride-of-calcium tube, of which the weight has been pre- viously ascertained. By this treatment the water and other volatile matters are expelled, the water only being retained by the calcium chloride, so that its amount may be found directly by re-weighing the tube. When undried ore is operated on, the amount of water lost by ex- posure to 100° C. must be subtracted from the increase in weight of the chloride-of-calcium tube, in calculating the percentage of combined water present. Attack by Hydrochloric Acid, &c.-A weighed quantity of the finely- pulverised ore is digested in strong hydrochloric acid until no action * "On the general occurrence of Titanic Acid in Clays, and the method employed to estimate it; on the Analysis of Iron Ores and Siliceous Minerals containing Iron; the separation of Oxide of Iron from Titanic Acid; and the methods of estimating Iron." IRON. 157 takes place, and, after boiling for an additional ten minutes, the solu- tion is diluted with distilled water and filtered. The insoluble matter which remains on the filter is well washed with distilled water, dried in a water-bath, ignited in a platinum dish, and weighed. The filtrate from insoluble matter is now boiled with the addition of nitric acid or potassium chlorate, for the purpose of peroxidising the iron, and after being rendered neutral with sodium carbonate, is boiled with an excess of sodium acetate and filtered hot. The precipitate thus obtained is washed with hot water, the filtrate received in a flask, rendered alkaline by ammonia, and a few drops of bromine added. After corking the flask, it is set aside for twenty-four hours, when it is boiled, and the precipitated hydrated manganic peroxide separated by filtration, washed, and ignited. By ignition the manganic peroxide is converted into MnO4, in which form it is weighed. The filtrate from the last operation may contain lime and magnesia; the former is precipitated by oxalate of ammonium, and may be weighed either as carbonate or as sulphate of calcium. Oxalate of calcium is converted into carbonate by simple ignition, and into sulphate by the addition of weak sulphuric acid and heating until the excess of acid has been driven off; the most accurate results are perhaps obtained by the latter process, although, when the carbonate obtained by igniting the oxalate is subsequently heated with a little carbonate of ammonium until all traces of the volatile salt have been expelled, the former method is sufficiently exact. From the amount of the calcium salt thus found the percentage of lime present is calculated. To the filtrate from the oxalate of calcium, sodium phosphate is added, and the solution is set aside for twenty-four hours, during which time, if magnesia be present, a crystalline double phosphate of magnesium and ammonium will be deposited. This, on being heated, gives off water and ammonia, and is converted into magnesium pyrophosphate, Mg2P₂O,, containing 36.33 per cent. of magnesia. The precipitate produced in the hydrochloric solution by boiling with excess of sodium acetate, consisting of basic acetates of iron and alumi- nium with phosphoric acid, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and boiled with excess of caustic potash in a platinum or gold dish. Ferric oxide will be thus thrown down, while the alumina at first precipitated is re-dissolved, and may be separated by filtration. The filtrate is acidified by hydrochloric acid and boiled with the addition of potassium chlorate, for the purpose of destroying any soluble organic matter due to the action of the caustic alkali on the filter, rendered nearly neutral by ammonia, and finally made alkaline by carbonate of ammonium. The alumina, together with a certain amount of phosphoric anhydride, will, when that substance is contained in the ore, be now precipitated, and must be washed, ignited, and weighed. 5 The amount of P₂O, present is subsequently ascertained by a process shortly to be described for the determination of that body, and its weight is deducted from the former weighing. The precipitated ferric hydrate remaining after the separation of alumina is re-dissolved in hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, and the amount 158 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of iron determined by a standard solution of either dichromate of potas- sium or of the permanganate." * Sulphur.-Sulphur may exist in iron ores either as sulphates, soluble or insoluble in hydrochloric acid, or as insoluble iron pyrites. The sulphur present in the form of soluble sulphates may be determined by digesting a weighed quantity of the ore in dilute hydrochloric acid, filtering, and adding chloride of barium to the filtrate. The sulphate of barium pre- cipitated is thrown on a filter, washed, dried, ignited, and weighed, and from its weight is calculated the percentage amount of sulphur existing in the state of soluble sulphates. If insoluble sulphates are present the amount of sulphur they contain may be determined by fusing the pulverised ore with carbonate of sodium, treating the fused mass with water, decanting, adding hydrochloric acid in excess to the solution, and precipitating by barium chloride as before directed. If sulphates soluble in hydrochloric acid are present at the same time with sulphates in- soluble in that menstruum, both operations will be necessary for their separate determination. The sulphur present as iron pyrites is best determined by fusing the substance in a finely-divided state, with a mixture of nitre and pure sodium carbonate, in a gold crucible, dissolving in dilute hydrochloric acid, evaporating to dryness, and separating insoluble matter by re- attacking with hydrochloric acid, and filtering. Sulphate of barium is precipitated from the filtrate on the addition of barium chloride. Phosphoric Anhydride.—This may be determined by the method first proposed by Dick. A weighed quantity of the ore is dissolved in hydro- chloric acid, the insoluble matter is separated by filtration, the iron in the filtrate reduced to the form of a protosalt by sodium sulphite, and all free sulphurous anhydride driven off by boiling; a small portion of the solution is oxidised by nitric acid and added to the remainder, which is then nearly neutralised with ammonia, acetate of sodium added, and the mixture boiled. All the phosphoric acid is precipitated, together with a small amount of ferric oxide, of which a portion goes down as ferric acetate. The precipitate is collected and dissolved in excess of hydrochloric acid; tartaric acid, ammonia, and a magnesium salt added, and the liquid allowed to stand at least twenty-four hours; the precipitate is collected on a filter, washed, dried, ignited, and weighed as Mg, P₂O, containing 63-67 per cent. of P₂O5. 2 2 2 Carbonic Anhydride. The amount of CO₂ present is best determined by dissolving a known weight of ore in hydrochloric acid in a small flask provided with a safety-funnel, and collecting the gas evolved in potash- bulbs, after drying it by passing through a chloride-of-calcium tube. Chemists have now generally given up the use of potash in the analysis of iron ores; ferric oxide, alumina, and phosphoric anhydride are weighed together, and the mixture then dissolved in hydrochloric acid. Any silica it may contain is separated by filtration, the iron is determined by a standard solution, and the corresponding amount of ferric oxide is deducted from the weight of the mixed precipitate; phos- phoric anhydride is estimated by a special determination, and its weight also de- ducted, the residue being alumina. Estimation by loss is generally objectionable, but experience has shown that this method is most reliable. IRON. 159 Titanic Oxide.-The amount of titanic oxide present in ordinary iron ores is usually so small that its determination is not of much commercial importance. For the processes employed for the exact estimation of this substance, which are somewhat complicated, the reader is referred to the memoir before referred to, of Mr. Riley, who has devoted much careful attention to the metallurgy of iron. It is, however, a mistake to suppose that titanic oxide is left with the silica in the analysis of iron ores, or that it is completely separated by evaporation to dryness; a considerable amount is dissolved by strong hydrochloric acid. In iron ores containing from 20 to 30 per cent. of titanic oxide it has been found that nearly the whole had been dissolved by hydrochloric acid, and only a very small amount remained with the silica. Insoluble Residue. The insoluble residue from the attack of hydro- chloric acid is, for commercial purposes, not usually examined, and is generally returned as "insoluble siliceous matter." With a view to ascer- taining its influence on the working of the ore, it is, however, sometimes desirable to determine its exact composition, in which case it may be fused in a platinum crucible with four times its weight of an equal mixture of the carbonates of potassium and sodium, and subsequently treated with hot water, which dissolves out alkaline sulphates, if present, together with alkaline silicates. The residue, after decanting the aqueous solution and washing, is treated with hydrochloric acid and evaporated to dryness in the usual way; the filtrate is added to the liquid obtained by evaporating the aqueous solution to dryness with addition of hydrochloric acid, re- treating with hydrochloric acid and filtering. Should insoluble sulphate of barium or sulphate of strontium have been present in the ore, a pre- cipitate will be at once formed, and the insoluble sulphates are sepa- rated by filtration; in the filtrate will be found oxide of iron, alumina, lime, magnesia, &c., which may be separated and estimated by processes already described. METALLURGY OF IRON. -as As before stated, iron is employed in three different conditions. cast-iron, as steel, and as wrought-iron, the differences existing between these substances essentially depending on the relative amounts of carbon with which the metal is associated. Cast-iron contains a larger propor- tion than steel, and steel more than wrought or malleable iron, which theoretically ought to consist of pure metal without carbon. In practice, this state of perfection is never attained; but the more esteemed varieties are found to retain small portions only of carbon. The ores from which iron is obtained are, on account of their com- paratively small value, never subjected to complicated mechanical treat- ment. Pea iron ore is usually found agglutinated by a clay containing but little iron. This is often separated by agitating the mixture in a current of water, by which clay is carried off in suspension, while the ore, from its greater density, remains behind. 160 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. We have seen (p. 110) that ferric oxide is reduced at a red-heat in an atmosphere of hydrogen gas. This reduction is effected, under similar circumstances, by carbonic oxide, and, consequently, the reduction of the oxides constituting iron ores is attended with but little difficulty. The reduced iron is, however, in such cases intimately mixed with the refrac- tory gangue, which prevents its particles from uniting and forming a solid mass. If the gangue were readily fusible, it would be sufficient to heat the mixture to the temperature at which it would enter into fusion, when the metallic sponge might be compressed by hammering, and the impu- rities with which it is associated could be squeezed out in the form of a vitreous slag. If, on the contrary, the gangue be very refractory, it can only be fused under such conditions as will cause the metallic iron pro- duced to combine with a portion of the carbon used as fuel, and the product will be cast-iron, instead of the malleable metal which would be otherwise obtained. The gangue contained in iron ores usually consists either of quartz or of clay, both which are practically infusible at the highest temperature of the blast-furnace. In order then, to obtain metallic iron, it is evident that some means must be taken for fluxing or rendering fusible these refractory substances. This may be effected in two different ways, varying according to the nature of the product it is desired to produce. If a very rich iron ore be operated on, and it be required to obtain a portion of malleable metal directly, without respect to the actual quan- tity the ore is capable of yielding, it will be only necessary to heat it in contact with charcoal or some other carbonaceous substance. By this means one portion of the oxide will be reduced to the metallic state by the deoxidising influence of the fuel, whilst the other will, with the siliceous impurities, form a fusible silicate. It follows, there- fore, that in the presence of rich ferrous silicates, the carbon will not unite with the reduced metal and give rise to the production of cast-iron. If the fused mass be now beaten with a hammer, or compressed by being passed between a series of rollers, the fusible slag will be ex- pressed, whilst the metallic sponge, by being subjected to strong pressure at a high temperature, becomes consolidated, and forms a compact mass. The amount of iron which by this method passes into the scoria is dependent on the amount and composition of the gangue, and it follows that the richer varieties only can practically be made to afford malleable iron by such treatment. If, as is usually the case, the object be the extraction of the largest amount of metal, without regard to temperature, it will be necessary to add to the ore some substance capable of replacing, to a great extent, the oxide of iron, which in the former instance united with silica to form a fusible slag. The only substance sufficiently cheap to admit of being employed for this purpose, is lime, which is readily obtained by the decomposition of limestone by heat. When lime is thus added, the resulting slag chiefly consists of silicates of aluminium and calcium, which are less fusible than those of aluminium and iron. To obtain, therefore, the metal which the ore contains, it must be subjected to a IRON. 161 higher temperature than would be necessary if a large portion of the oxide were allowed to remain in the slags, and the iron produced com- bines with a certain amount of the carbon present in the furnace, and is converted into cast-iron. The manufacture of iron by the former method necessitates the em- ployment of rich ores, and from the nature of the rejected slags the per- centage of metal obtained is far less than that which they are capable of yielding. 1 DIRECT PREPARATION OF MALLEABLE IRON. In ancient times iron was always obtained directly from its ores in the malleable state, and this method is not only practised by the natives of India, Borneo, and Africa, but is also still employed in some parts of Europe and in the United States of America. By the ancient, or direct process, malleable iron is the immediate result of the treatment of the ore, while by the modern, or indirect process, cast-iron is first produced, and subsequently subjected to a series of operations, by which its conversion into wrought-iron is effected. Furnaces in which the direct process is carried on are called bloomeries, and the lump of malleable iron obtained is called a bloom. In India the direct process appears to have been carried on from time immemorial, as may be inferred from the large accumulations of slag found in various parts of the country. The appliances employed are exceedingly rude, and the scale of operations very diminutive; the fur- naces are frequently not larger than a chimney-pot, and hours of incessant toil are required to produce a few pounds' weight of metal. The ores chiefly employed are magnetic oxides and rich red and brown hæmatites. The furnaces used may be divided into three typical kinds of these the first and rudest form is employed in the less civilised districts, and among the hill-tribes; the second and third kinds are used in Central India and in the North-west Provinces, and resemble the simplest forms of the Catalan forge and of the German Stückofen respec- tively. They are in every way superior to the first, and are capable of producing considerable quantities of wrought-iron as well as of natural steel. The blast is produced by bellows made of the skin of a goat or of a kid; each furnace being provided with at least two such bellows, fitted with bamboo nozzles. The anvil is of wrought-iron, very small, square, and without a beak; the hammer, tongs, and other appliances do not differ in any material respect from those employed in Europe. The natives of Borneo prepare their iron from clay ironstone, which is treated in a furnace built of yellow clay, and tied round by hoops of bamboo. Its height is a little more than 3 ft., and its external diameter nearly 10 ft., the thickness of the walls being 2 ft.; it is square on the inside, narrowing towards the bottom to a rectangular hearth, 2 ft. long by 1 ft. 7 inches wide. Each furnace has three clay tuyers with an opening for running off the slags, and an external basin M 162 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. for their reception. The blowing machine is a single acting cylinder of wood open at top and closed at bottom, the blast being conveyed from the lower end to the tuyer by means of bamboo tubes. The piston is packed with feathers, and the piston-rod is attached to a long bamboo, which, acting as a spring, brings it back again when pressed down to the bottom of the wooden cylinder. The ore, preparatory to smelting, is interstratified with wood, and roasted in heaps, and, after being broken into pieces of the size of nuts, is mixed with ten times its bulk of charcoal, and charged into the furnace. When it has been two-thirds filled with charcoal, the mixture of ore and fuel is added in sufficient quantity to form a conical heap above its mouth. The piston is worked at the rate of about forty strokes per minute; the slag is tapped off every twenty minutes, and a lump of iron, weighing about 100 lbs., is finally obtained. This is taken out at the bottom of the furnace by means of wooden tongs, and is removed to a bed of slag, where it is worked by wooden mallets into the shape of roughly-formed parallelopipedons; such a mass is the result of the labour of four men during one day. The mass retains much intermingled slag, which is removed by dividing it into ten pieces, which are hammered out into bars suitable for making sword-blades, during which operation a loss of 25 per cent. in weight is experienced. Soft or steely-iron may be produced at pleasure according to the nature of the fuel employed, and the pro- portions of the charge. The following description of the process. employed by the natives of the interior of Africa for the manufacture of iron is given by the celebrated traveller, Mungo Park :-- * "The negroes on the coast, being cheaply supplied with iron from the European traders, never attempt the manufacturing of this article them- selves; but in the inland parts the natives smelt this useful metal in such quantities as not only to supply themselves from it with all necessary weapons and instruments, but even to make it an article of commerce with some of the neighbouring states. During my stay at Kamalia, there was a smelting furnace at a short distance from the hut where I lodged, and the owner and his workmen made no secret about the manner of conducting the operation, and readily allowed me to examine the furnace and assist them in breaking the ironstone. The furnace was a circular tower of clay, about 10 ft. high, and 3 ft. in diameter, sur- rounded in two places with withes, to prevent the clay from cracking and falling to pieces by the violence of the heat. Round the lower part, on a level with the ground (but not so low as the bottom of the furnace, which was somewhat concave) were made seven openings, into every one of which were placed three tubes of clay, and the openings again plas- tored up in such a manner that no air could enter the furnace but through the tubes, by the opening and shutting of which they regulated the fire. These tubes were formed by plastering a mixture of clay and grass round a smooth roller of wood, which, as soon as the clay began to harden, was withdrawn, and the tube left to dry in the sun. The iron- * Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, by Mungo Park, Surgeon.' Loudon, 1790, p. 283-285. IRON. 163 stone which I saw was very heavy, of a dull red colour, with greyish specks; it was broken into pieces about the size of a hen's egg. A bundle of dry wood was first put into the furnace, and covered with a considerable quantity of charcoal, which was brought ready-burnt from the woods. Over this was laid a stratum of ironstone, and then another of charcoal, and so on, until the furnace was quite full. The fire was applied through one of the tubes, and blown for some time with bellows made of goats' skins. The operation went on very slowly at first, and it was some hours before the flame appeared above the fur- nace; but after this it burnt with great violence all the first night, and the people who attended it put in at times more charcoal. On the day following, the fire was not so fierce, and on the second night some of the tubes were withdrawn, and the air allowed to have freer access to the furnace; but the heat was still very great, and a bluish flame rose some feet above the top of the furnace. On the third day from the commence- ment of the operation, all the tubes were taken out, the ends of many of them being vitrified with the heat; but the metal was not removed until some days afterwards, when the whole was perfectly cool. Part of the furnace was then taken down, and the iron appeared in the form of a large irregular mass, with pieces of charcoal adhering to it. It was sonorous, and when any portion was broken off, the fracture exhibited a granulated appearance, like broken steel. The owner informed me that many parts of this cake were useless; but still there was good iron enough to repay him for his trouble. This iron, or rather steel, is formed into various instruments by being repeatedly heated in a forge, the heat of which is urged by a pair of double bellows of a very simple construc- tion, being made of two goats' skins, the tubes from which unite before they enter the forge, and supply a constant and very regular blast. The hammer, forceps, and anvil are all very simple, and the workmanship (particularly in the formation of knives and spears) is not destitute of merit. The iron, indeed, is hard and brittle, and requires much labour before it can be made to answer the purpose.' "" CATALAN OR FRENCH PROCESS.-In the French Pyrenees, and in some provinces of Spain, malleable iron is obtained directly from the ore by one operation. In order that this branch of industry may be advantageously carried on, it is necessary that the ores treated should be not only rich, but also very fusible, and that charcoal, which is the fuel employed, should be obtainable at a low price, since every ton of bar-iron produced will require in its preparation the expenditure of more than three times that weight of fuel. The Catalan furnace consists of a quadrangular hearth, composed of refractory masonry, and attached, like an ordinary smithy fire place to one of the walls of the workshop in which it is situated. Three distinct modifications of this smelting hearth are used in different parts of the Continent, under the names of Catalan, Navarrese, and Biscayan forges; but as in principle these resemble each other very closely, it will be suf- ficient to describe, with a certain amount of detail, the Catalan forge, which is the chief modern representative of the ancient bloomery. M 2 164 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The hearth of this furnace is established in a large mass of stone- work, cemented together with refractory clay, and which, instead of being built directly on the floor of the foundry, is supported on one or more small arches, to admit of the escape of moisture, and to preserve the bottom of the hearth from being injured by any dampness which might otherwise find its way into the masonry. On the top of these arches is arranged a layer of fire-clay and iron-slag, which is well beaten down, and supports a large block of sandstone, which forms the bottom, and on this are placed the four sides of the hearth, a, b, c, d, as shown, figs. 34 and 35. The face, a, which is of iron, is called the chio, and from this side of the furnace the liquid slags are run off through a hole left for that pur- pose. That opposite is called the cave, and is entirely composed of masonry held together by refractory clay. This side is somewhat curved in an outward direction, and is slightly inclined from the bottom towards the top. The side of the furnace, c, on the left of the sketch, is called the porges, and is composed of heavy bars of iron placed one above another, 19 so as to form a kind of vertical wall. The other side, d, opposite the tuyer, is known by the name of the ore, or con- trevent, and is composed of pieces of iron, having a wedge-shaped section, and so arranged as to form a rounded surface, with its convex side towards the fire. The tuyer, N, by which the blast is brought into the hearth, has the form of a truncated cone, and is made by turning a piece of sheet copper into the proper form without soldering its edges. This tuyer rests on the upper plate of the porges, and encloses the nozzle, T, by which the furnace is supplied with air, by a water blowing machine, which is connected with the tuyer by a leathern hose. The amount of inclination given to G F T E Fig. 34.--Catalan Forge and Trompe; vertical section. 111: IRON. 165 the nozzle is found to materially affect the working of the furnace, and is made a mystery of by the workmen employed. In most instances, how- ever, the tuyer makes an angle of from 35° to 40° with the bottom of the hearth. The dimensions most commonly employed for the Catalan furnace are about as follow: length of the hearth from the porges to the contrevent at its widest part, 3 ft.; width of the hearth, from the chio to the face of the cave, 2 ft. 6 inches; total depth, from the surface to the bottom of the hearth, 2 ft. 2 inches. The distance between the porges and the con- trevent, at its narrowest part, is usually about 27 inches. These forges are almost invariably placed on the declivity of a hill, and are supplied with air by a water blowing machine, called a trompe. This consists of a large cistern, A, which is supplied with a constant stream of water, and connected with the box, C, by two wooden pipes, B, each about 20 ft. in length. AU FINCH " C F T Fig. 35.—Catalan Forge and Trompe; plan, partly in section. The lower case, C, which is firmly secured on all sides, and closely united to the pipes, B, is pierced with two openings, the one, D, near the bottom for the escape of the water, and another in the lid, at E, through which the air escapes into the furnace through the tube G, F, T, The openings of the tubes, B, are, at their point of junction with the reservoir, partially closed by a sort of wooden funnel, which causes the water to descend in the middle portions of the upright pipes, instead of adhering to and running over their inner surfaces, as it would be other- wise liable to do. A little beneath the openings of these funnels, called the étranguillons, small openings, g, are cut in an inclined direction through each tube; these are called the aspirateurs, and serve for the passage of the air drawn into the apparatus by the downward motion of the stream of water. The two upright columns, B, are firmly secured into the lid of the lower case, C, and are placed immediately over, and a short distance above a wooden shelf, on which the descending currents of water are, by their fall, broken into foam. The action of the apparatus may be explained as follows: the water flowing from the upper basin, A, draws down with it a current of air, which enters through the holes, g, in the vertical pipes, and passes into the lower cistern, C. The water which is broken by its fall on the bench below, escapes by the opening, D, whilst the air which has been drawn with it into the lower box, escapes by the aperture, E. The position of the boards constituting the étranguillons is easily regulated by means of wedges, which allow of the descent of a larger or smaller supply of water, accord- 166 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ing to the requirements of the trompe. In order, during the working of the machine, to regulate the amount of air passing into the furnace at the different stages of the operation, each of the descending columns is pro- vided with a plug, suspended by a lever and iron rod, and by means of which the current of water, and consequently that of air also, is readily controlled by the workmen, without their having occasion to leave the workshop, into which a chain attached to the other extremity of the lever is brought for that purpose. The hammer employed for forging the iron produced is made of cast- iron, and weighs from 12 to 14 cwts. This is mounted on a wooden beam, frequently made of beech, and bound, for the sake of imparting solidity, with numerous bands of iron. The hammer makes from 100 to 150 blows per minute, and is raised by a series of cams, arranged around the axle of a water-wheel, and acting on the wooden beam at a consider- able distance from its point of suspension. The anvil is composed of a block of steely-iron, fastened by a tenon, on a large mass of cast-iron, which is itself securely bedded either on wooden piles or on a heavy block of stone, sunk beneath the floor of the foundry. In order to understand the method of working this forge, let us sup- pose that a mass of iron, or bloom, has been just extracted from the furnace, and that the workmen are ready to clean out the hearth for the purpose of commencing another operation. To do this they first remove from the hearth the burning charcoal which it contains, and then carefully scrape off from the sides any por- tions of scoriæ, or other fused matter, which may be adhering to them. They now throw burning charcoal into the hearth, which they subse- quently fill with this fuel up to the level of the tuyer. The hearth is now divided, either by a shovel or by a piece of sheet-iron, into two compartments parallel to the face of the porges, and in such a way that the distance between the porges and the shovel may be twice as great as that comprised between it and the contrevent. Charcoal is now added in the space between the shovel and the tuyer, and on the opposite side is a Fig. 36. Ville PALL \ / // // \/ // piled roasted ore reduced to pieces about the size of eggs. The shovel is successively raised in pro- portion as the space is filled up, and in this way a saddle backed heap, a, b, c, fig. 36, is raised against. the contrevent, which is terminated in one direc- tion by the side called the chio, and the other by the face of the cave. The surface, a, b, is now slightly covered with damp charcoal-powder, and the space, A, between the heap of mineral and the porges, entirely filled up with fresh charcoal, in pieces of moderate size. When the furnace has been thus prepared, the trompe is set in action, and the blast is admitted into the hearth. This is at first done with considerable caution, but the blast is progressively increased until it is allowed to play into the fire at its full pressure. Whilst this is going on, the heap of broken ore is JRON. 167 gradually roasted and reduced, and the workmen, taking advantage of this opportunity, forge into bars the mass of iron produced by a former operation, and which for this purpose is commonly divided into four sepa- rate pieces, or massouquettes. These fragments are placed in the midst of the mass of charcoal lying between the heap of ore to be wrought and the nozzle, which furnishes the air necessary for carrying on the combustion of the fuel, and, after being duly heated, they are placed under the hammer, by which they are made to assume the required form. As the operation advances, and the fuel is consumed, fresh charcoal is added to supply its place, and the powdered mineral, obtained by sifting the ore as it comes from the mine, is slightly sprinkled over the surface of the fire. These siftings, which are called greillade, are slightly moistened with water, after being thrown on the hearth, as they would otherwise be liable to be blown away by the force of the blast, and have a tendency to pass too rapidly towards the bottom of the fire, through the interstices occurring between the fragments of the fuel. The charcoal in the immediate neighbourhood of the tuyer, on which the full action of the blast is made to play, becomes rapidly consumed, with the formation of carbonic anhydride, which, escaping through the surrounding charcoal heated to redness, is soon reduced to the state of carbonic oxide. This, from the construction of the furnace, has to pass through the openings left between the lumps of mineral, before finding its way into the open air; the mineral, which has now lost all traces of its volatile constituents, and is very strongly heated, is in a great measure reduced by this means to the state of spongy metallic iron, while the carbonic oxide is at the same time converted into carbonic anhydride and escapes in that form into the atmosphere. Another portion of the oxide of iron present, instead of being obtained in the metallic state, merely becomes converted into protoxide, which, uniting with the siliceous matters of the charge, gives rise to a large quantity of very liquid slag, which accumulates on the bottom of the hearth, and is occasionally drawn off by a hole left for that purpose in the face of the furnace called the chio. At the expiration of two hours from the commencement of the ope- ration, the full blast of the blowing machine is admitted to the furnace, and the greillade, which constantly descends with the fuel, begins to furnish a certain quantity of slag and spongy iron, which accumulate at the bottom of the hearth. At this stage of the process, the founder begins to prepare for the formation of the massé or bloom, and, by passing an iron bar between the contrevent and roasted mineral, pushes forward those portions of it which he judges to be in the most forward state in the direction of the nozzle by which the blast is admitted. Fresh additions of charcoal and greillade are also successively made during the whole period of the operation, and at the expiration of about five hours from the time of its commencement, the entire charge has reached the bottom of the furnace, where the spongy iron is collected by the workmen with a long iron scraper, and formed into a bloom, which is afterwards carried to a hammer, by which the slag is expressed, and its particles closely 168 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. welded together in a compact form. When the bloom has by this means been welded into a solid mass, it is again put under the hammer, and cut by a kind of heavy steel knife into two equal portions, called massoques, which, after being a second time heated in the furnace, are made to assume the form of elongated prisms. Each of these is subsequently divided, by a blow of the hammer on the back of the cutter, into two equal parts or massouquettes, which are drawn out into bars during the first period of the succeeding operation. Each charge requires six hours for its conversion into malleable iron, but during the last hour of fusion, such of the labourers as are not other- wise engaged are occupied in breaking the ores ready for the next opera- tion, and sifting the greillade which is to be sprinkled on the surface of the fire. The weight of ore treated at each operation, in a hearth of the largest size, is about 94 cwts., containing from 45 to 48 per cent. of iron; the fuel consumed averages 103 cwts., and the produce of bar-iron 3 cwts. The consumption of material per 100 lbs. of bar-iron is, of ore 312 lbs. and charcoal 340 lbs. ; the average cost of production in 1841 was about £17 5s. per ton. The metal obtained by this method consists of a variable mixture of ordinary and steely-iron, the relative proportions of which are regulated by the way in which the furnace is worked; for if considerable inclination be given to the tuyer, and the siftings are plentifully thrown on the fire, the product is chiefly soft iron, whilst if the nozzle be nearly horizontal, and the greillade but sparingly supplied, a larger product of steely-iron is the result. AMERICAN BLOOMERY.-The Catalan method of iron-making has been introduced into North America, and is employed in Vermont, at Mar- quette, at Carp River, and elsewhere. In the arrangement there em- ployed, the hearths, which are placed in ranges on either side of quad- rangular masses of brickwork, are supplied with hot air through water- tuyers of the ordinary construction. The bottoms of the hearths consist of hollow cast-iron plates, through which a current of cold water con- stantly passes. The working of these furnaces is conducted in many respects like that of the ordinary Catalan forge. The essential difference between the Catalan and American forge con- sists in the method of charging. In the former the greater portion of the charge of ore is arranged in comparatively large fragments, at the commencement of the operation, against the sloping side of the hearth opposite the tuyer; only the greillade, or small ore, being subsequently added. In the American forge, on the contrary, the whole of the ore is more or less continuously introduced, but in a state of finer division; the charging of the furnace after each operation is thus dispensed with, and a continuous system of working is introduced. The blast employed has a pressure of from 1 to 13 lb. per square inch, and is heated to a tempera- ture varying from 208° to 320° C. by being passed through the syphon- pipes of an ordinary stove placed above the furnace and heated by the waste flame. IRON. 169 The waste heat is further economised by passing the flame and gases from each pair of hearths into a chamber serving for re-heating the blooms previously to drawing them into bars; a set of small pipes placed over the hearth is also employed to heat a portion of the air, which is con- veyed into the re-heating chamber in order to burn any carbonic oxide which may have escaped combustion in the hearth beneath. The gases from this chamber are subsequently made use of for the purpose of heating the principal blast of the furnace in the way before described. In the larger American furnaces a bloom of 300 lbs. is produced every three hours; making the daily produce of twenty-four hours 2,400 lbs. CORSICAN PROCESS.-In Corsica and along the whole Mediterranean shore of Italy a furnace very similar to the Catalan was formerly em- ployed for the direct production of malleable iron; but it is believed that this process has, at the present time, been everywhere abandoned. The hearth of this forge consisted of an elongated semicircular basin formed on the top of a platform of masonry about 3 ft. in height; the bottom was made of a mixture of charcoal-dust and clay, and the blast was supplied through a slightly-inclined copper nozzle in connection with a trompe. In this arrangement, although the operations of roasting, reduction, and fusion were carried on in the same furnace, they were nevertheless divided into two distinct processes, one of which consisted in roasting and partially reducing the ores; in the second the deoxidation of the half- reduced ore was not only continued, but the metal was agglomerated and finally forged into bars. In order to accomplish the first stage of this process, a small quantity of charcoal in large pieces was arranged around the tuyer; this was again surrounded with a circle of broken and calcined ore from a previous operation, and inclosed in another circular wall of ironstone and charcoal; on the outside of this inclosure the ore to be roasted was piled in large lumps, and the whole covered with a thick layer of charcoal-dust. The lumps of unroasted ore, of which the outer circle was composed, were so arranged that the larger and heavier masses were placed at the bottom and firmly imbedded in the brasque of the hearth. The smaller pieces were piled on this foundation, and slightly in- clined towards the well, in order that being supported by the fuel within the inclosure, they might be less liable to fall. The fire was kindled by throwing pieces of ignited charcoal into the inner circle, immediately before the tuyer; this was afterwards covered with large pieces of char- coal, and the blast produced from a water blowing machine allowed to play into the hearth. At the expiration of about four hours the processes of roasting and reduction were complete. The inner circle of roasted ore had softened and run into lumps, whilst the outside wall of raw mineral was calcined, and had ceased to give off fumes. The mixture of slag and breeze, forming a long heap on the platform, was divided into five equal parts, each of which, with the addition of one- 170 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. fifth part of the agglomerated ore, yielded one lump or massé. It now remained to work the reduced ore into blooms, which were afterwards forged into bars; this was done in the furnace employed for the roast- ing and partial reduction of the ores. Dry charcoal-dust was thrown upon the hearth, and so arranged as to form two inclined planes meeting below the tuyer, and which rose to the height of the tap-hole wall in front. The space beneath the tuyer was filled up with cold charcoal, upon which was placed a lump of metal surrounded by ignited charcoal. This lump, which was roughly cylindrical, was at one end welded to an iron bar serving as a handle. By means of this it was, from time to time, turned, and, after about twenty minutes, was taken to the hammer to be forged. While this was going on, a charge of breeze, agglomerated ore, and hammer-scale from a previous forging, was introduced into the middle of the hearth. This charge remained in the furnace, and the forging was continued as if the hearth were filled with charcoal alone; each of the five portions into which the product of the roasting operation was divided yielded a lump from which four bars of iron were made. The duration of the roasting and the working up of the reduced ore, thus divided into five portions, occupied twenty-four hours; four workmen were employed in each forge, who worked on six days of the week; but only during seven months in the year. In this period about 26 tons of bar-iron were made, at a cost varying from £19 to £20 per ton. Instead of burning all charcoal, a mixture of that fuel with dried wood was sometimes used, particularly for the first operation, in which the roasting and partial reduction of the ore were effected. The iron prepared in this way was of excellent quality, being extremely soft and malleable; but the product was, in comparison with the quantity of ore and fuel employed, very small. The ore, which in Corsica was thus treated, is a specular oxide of iron, very similar to that worked in the island of Elba; but although it contains 65 per cent. of metal, 40 pcr cent. only was obtained by the Corsican process. The consumption of fuel by this process was not less than 8 parts by weight for every part of bar-iron produced. STÜCKOFEN, OR HIGH BLOOMERY FURNACE.-In some parts of the Continent an apparatus was formerly employed which held a middle place between the low hearths of the Pyrenees and Corsica and the high blast- furnaces now adopted for the production of iron from its ores. Those furnaces, called stücköfen by the Germans, and by the French fourneaux à pièce, were, in fact, small cupolas, of which the height did not ordi- narily exceed 15 ft., and of which the diameter at the hearth was about 3 ft. This furnace was furnished with but one arch, by which the tuyer was introduced, and the extraction of the bloom effected. The blast was supplied by bellows moved by a water-wheel, and the slag escaped by a small floss-hole made at a certain distance above the bottom of the hearth. To remove the Stück or bloom of spongy metal formed in the hearth, the bellows had first to be removed and a hole made in the masonry of the furnace, which was afterwards temporarily closed by a wall of bricks and fire-clay. This furnace, when filled with charcoal, IRON. 171 was lighted from the tuyer-hole, and when the mass had been properly ignited, the blast was admitted, and successive charges of roasted mineral and fresh charcoal supplied. At the expiration of twenty-four hours, a considerable mass of agglutinated iron was found to have accumulated in the hearth, the side of which was now taken down and the mass removed, by strong iron bars, to a heavy hammer, where it was reduced into a cake of about 4 inches in thickness, and subsequently divided into two equal parts. These were afterwards refined in a small bloomery of peculiar form, where they were held, by powerful tongs, exposed to the action of a blast from a nearly horizontal tuyer, by which means a portion of the metal flowed to the bottom of the hearth, where it accumulated in a spongy mass and was drawn out into bars under a properly-con- structed hammer. In Carniola, where this process was employed in the treatment of a granular oxide of iron, the mass taken from the furnace at the expiration of each twenty-four hours amounted to from 18 to 20 cwts. This was afterwards subdivided into smaller pieces, which were first flattened under a heavy hammer, and then refined by being exposed to the action of a current of air which played into a bloomery, the bottom of which was of brasque. From the great quantities of charcoal required to produce a given amount of malleable iron, this method has, however, fallen into disuse, as it is found more economical first to obtain the metal in the state of cast- iron, and subsequently to oxidise the carbon which it contains by expo- sure to oxidising influences, than to prepare soft iron directly from the The best iron manufactured is, however, still obtained from furnaces in which charcoal is the only fuel employed, as the impurities which always exist in every variety of mineral combustible, in a greater or less degree, combine with the metal and depreciate its quality. ore. CLAY'S PROCESS:-A patent was granted to William Neale Clay, in 1837, and another in 1840, for processes for the manufacture of iron by welding together the crude spongy metal obtained by heating rich hæma- tite with powdered charcoal. The method employed was to crush the better kinds of red hæmatite into lumps not larger than a walnut, and these, mixed with one-fifth of their weight of charcoal, coke, coal-slack, or any other carbonaceous materials, were subjected to a bright red-heat in a clay retort or other suitable vessel, until the iron was reduced to the metallic state. As soon as the reduction was considered complete, the spongy mass was transferred directly to a puddling furnace, either with or without a further addition of coke; it was then balled in the usual way, worked into blooms under a tilt-bammer, and afterwards rolled into bars. Experiments by this process were first made on a small scale near Glasgow, and afterwards on a more extensive one in the vicinity of Liverpool; commercially it proved a complete failure, although iron of excellent quality was sometimes produced. The iron was, however, frequently red-short; but the chief cause of failure was the length of time required for reducing the ore, and the consequent heavy expen- diture of fuel and labour. It was subsequently attempted to effect the reduction of the ore 172 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. directly in the puddling furnace, but here again waste, in the shape of cinder, added to a large expenditure of time, fuel, and labour, caused the process to be abandoned for one in which a mixture of pig-iron, crushed hæmatite, and carbonaceous matter, was treated in the puddling furnace. The bar-iron thus produced was tolerably uniform in character, and of fair quality, fetching about the same price in the market as the better descriptions of Welsh bars; upwards of 1,000 tons were made by this process, but at such a heavy pecuniary loss as to cause it to be ultimately abandoned. Dr. Percy remarks of this process, that although it was not successful, it is important that the results obtained should be placed on record. CHENOT'S PROCESS.—-Specimens of "Éponges métalliques,” or metallic sponges, were exhibited by M. Chenot in the first International Exhibi- tion of 1851, in London, together with iron and steel made therefrom. At the Exhibition at Paris, in 1855, M. Chenot was awarded one of the "Grandes Médailles d'Or" for his invention; this decision was arrived at after the English, Prussian, and Austrian jurors had left Paris, and does not appear to have been favourably regarded by these gentlemen. Professor Tunner, one of the Austrian members of the jury, published an energetic protest against this award, and his colleagues, Rittinger and Percy, appear to have formed a similar estimate of the merits of the case. According to Grateau, who, in 1859, published a paper on the 'Manufacture of Cast-Steel by the Chenot Process,' works were erected for carrying it out near Bilbao, in 1852; at Charleroi, Belgium, in 1856; at Pontcharra, Isère, in 1856; and at Hautmont, Nord, in 1857. It was further announced that large works were about being erected in Russia for carrying out this process; we are not, however, aware whether any of these establishments, excepting that near Bilbao, are at present in ope- ration, or whether any of the contemplated extensive Russian under- takings were carried out. A modification of this process was for some time employed by the Messrs. Wright, of Mostyn, for the conversion of purple ore, resulting from the humid treatment of copper ores, into puddled bars, but the results were, commercially, unsatisfactory. By this process the ore, if in mass, is broken into lumps of about 30 cubic centimetres, or 1 cubic inch, but, if pulverulent, as in the case of oolitic ores, it is agglutinated, in certain cases with the addition of some reducing matter, such as resin, of which about 3 per cent. is added. Thus prepared, it is mixed with from 1 to 1½ its bulk, or, by weight, 19 per cent. of wood-charcoal. The furnace in which the reduction is effected consists of a cubical mass of masonry surmounted by a truncated cone of elliptical section. Two galleries, at right angles, traverse the supporting masonry, leaving four pillars at the angles, upon which are arches that support the fire- places. Within are constructed two vertical rectangular chambers or retorts, 2 m. long, 0·50 m. wide, and 8.50 m. high; at the bottom and below the level of the ground is a pit for the reception of the apparatus for discharging. The retorts slightly but gradually widen from the IRON. 173 top towards the bottom, in order to facilitate the descent of the reduced charge; around each of these retorts is a series of vertical flues com- municating, at bottom, with the fire-places, and, at top, with a flue opening into the air. The whole is firmly braced with bar-iron, and the bricks are made with tongues and grooves in order to prevent displacement and leakage. If the reduced iron were exposed to the air while still hot it would take fire, and again be converted into oxide. In order to prevent this, a “refroidissoir,” or cooler, of sheet-iron is placed below each retort, and beneath this there is another iron case into which the metallic sponge is discharged when sufficiently cooled. Below the latter, and on a level with the ground, is a waggon running on rails. The charge of a furnace with one retort is 1,500 kilos., about 1½ ton, of calcined iron ore, and 500 kilos., ton, of wood-charcoal; reduction is complete at the expiration of three days, when the freshly-formed sponge is allowed to fall into the cooler, where it remains three days. The entire elaboration, including reduction and cooling, thus occupies six days. When perfectly reduced the iron sponge has a light-grey colour, is soft, and can be easily cut into thin slices with a knife; it may be ignited by a match, when it continues to burn until the whole is com- pletely oxidised. Under a pressure, stated at 3,000 atmospheres, this sponge has been compressed to one-fifth its original bulk. Great heat is evolved during the process of compression. The process, as above described, is known as the external or indirect method of heating; by what is termed the internal or direct method, the reduction of the ore, instead of being effected by solid carbonaceous matter, is produced by a heated current of carbonic oxide gas. In this case, the reducing chamber is connected with gas-generators of the usual construction, by means of which a gaseous current, rich in carbonic oxide, is maintained upwards through the column of ore, and burns at top with its characteristic blue flame. A modification of this direct method of reduction, which was introduced by M. Tourangin, is said to have been attended with considerable economy in the cost of constructing the furnace. The balling of the sponge is effected in a charcoal-hearth similar to that employed for the manufacture of iron for tin-plates in South Wales. During the hammering of the ball, jets of blue flame escape from it in all directions and the blooms may be rolled without re-heating into bars 12 inch square; these are cut into lengths, made into piles, re- heated, and rolled into merchant-bars. The application of sponge-iron to the manufacture of steel will be subsequently described. YATES'S PROCESS.-In a pamphlet, published in 1860, by Mr. Frederick Yates, he gave a detailed description of a method by which he proposed to effect the direct extraction of iron from its ores in the malleable state. This process is in principle identical with those of Clay and Chenot, and the apparatus described is substantially a modification of that of the latter. The method of which Mr. Yates claims to be the inventor does not appear to possess the merit of originality, and since nothing has been 171 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. heard of it for several years, it may be concluded that some experiments which were carried out on a working scale did not afford satisfactory results. SIEMENS'S PROCESS. Mr. C. W. Siemens, F.R.S., in a paper read before the Chemical Society, March 20th, 1873, describes an apparatus which he has recently invented for the direct production of malleable iron from its ore; this is now in operation at Messrs. Vickers & Co.'s, Sheffield, and at his own sample steel-works in Birmingham: Mr. Siemens does not, however, state what amount of iron he has made by the process. The furnace consists of a rotative chamber of iron provided with a refractory lining, in communication with a set of four regenerators of the usual construction, with reversing-valves and gas-producers. The rotative chamber rests upon four anti-riction rollers; wheel gearing being applied, by which either a very slow motion of from four to five revolutions per hour, or a much quicker one of sixty to eighty, can be imparted to it. The chamber is 7 ft. 6 inches in diameter and 9 ft. in length, and has a lining of bauxite 7 inches in thickness; * there is a tap-hole on the working side for discharging the slag into a cave below, where it is received into vessels mounted on wheels At the two extre- mities of the cylindrical chamber are large circular openings, one of which, on the side of the regenerators, being for the introduction of the heated gas and air, as well as for the exit of the products of combustion ; the other, facing the working platform, is closed by a stationary door hung before it in the usual way. Although the passage for the introduction of the ignited gases is sepa- rated only by a vertical partition wall from that through which the pro- ducts of combustion are carried off, the chamber is very perfectly heated; care must, however, be taken that the gases enter the chamber with a velo- city which sends them forward towards the door and causes them to reach the exit passages only after having twice traversed the length of the rotator. Mr. Siemens thus describes the working of this apparatus:" The ore to be smelted is broken up into fragments not exceeding the size of peas or beans; to it is added lime or other fluxing material in such a pro- portion that the gangue contained in the ore and flux combines with only a little protoxide of iron into basic and fluid slag. If the ore is hæmatite, or contains silica, I prefer to add alumina in the shape of aluminous iron ore; manganiferous iron ore may also be added with advantage. A charge of say 20 cwts. of ore is put into the furnace when fully heated * The bauxite used for this purpose has the following composition :- A1203 Sio₂ Fe₂03 53.62 42.26 • 4.12 100.00 To this, after being finely ground, are added 3 per cent. of clay and 6 per cent. of plumbago-powder, which, by reducing the iron contained in the mineral to the inetallic state, renders it practically infusible; silicate of sodium or water-glass may be advantageously substituted for clay in the lining mixture. IRON. 175 while it is slowly revolving. In about forty minutes this charge of ore and fluxing material will have been heated to bright redness, and at this time from 5 to 6 cwts. of small coal, of uniform size (not larger than nuts), are added to the charge, whilst the rotative velocity is increased in order to accelerate the mixture of coal and ore. A rapid reaction is the result; the peroxide of iron, being reduced to magnetic oxide, begins to fuse, and at the same time metallic iron is precipitated by each piece of carbon, while the fluxing materials form a fluid slag with the siliceous gangue of the ore. The slow rotative action is again resorted to, whereby the mass is turned over and over, presenting continually new surfaces to the heated lining and to the flame within the rotator. 66 During the time of this reaction, carbonic oxide gas is evolved from the mixture of ore and carbon, and heated air only is introduced from the regenerator to effect its combustion within the rotating chamber. The gas from the gas-producers is entirely, or almost entirely, shut off during this portion of the process. When the reduction of the iron ore is thus nearly completed, the rotator is stopped in the proper position for tap- ping off the fluid cinder; after this, the quick speed is imparted to the rotator, whereby the loose masses of iron contained in it are rapidly col- lected into two or three metallic balls. These are taken out and shingled in the usual way of consolidating puddled balls; the furnace is tapped again, and is ready to receive another charge of ore. The time occupied in working one charge rarely exceeds two hours; and supposing that 10 cwts. of metallic iron are got out per charge, the apparatus is capable of turning out at least 5 tons of puddled bar per diem. If anthracite or hard coke is available for effecting the reduction of the ore, it should be crushed much finer than when ccal or brown coal is used, the idea being that each particle of the reducing agent should be fully consumed during the period of chemical reaction. If wood is used, it has to be charged, for the same reason, in still larger pieces. "If it is not intended to make iron, but cast-steel, the balls may be transferred from the rotator to the bath of a steel-melting furnace in their heated condition, and without subjecting them to previous consolidation under a hammer or shingling machine. "It is feasible, however, to push the operation within the rotator to the point of obtaining cast steel. If this is intended, the relative amount of carbonaceous matter is somewhat increased in the first instance, so that the ball, if shingled, would be of the nature of puddled steel, or contain even some carbon mechanically inclosed. * "If now, after removing the cinder by tapping, from 10 to 15 per cent. of ferro-manganese or spiegeleisen is thrown in, and the heat. within the rotator is rapidly raised by urging the influx of heated gas and air from the regenerator, the metallic balls will soon be seen to diminish, and, presently, a metallic bath only will be found in the furnace, which * Made by heating to whiteness a mixture of pyrolusite, charcoal, and finely di- vided scrap-iron in crucibles holding from 40 to 50 lbs. each; the alloy produced contains from 65 to 80 per cent. of manganese. Henderson's alloy, made in Glasgow, contains from 15 to 30 per cent. of manganese only. 176 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. may be tapped into moulds, and hammered and rolled into steel blooms or bars in the usual manner. Experience alone can determine which mode of working will ultimately prove the best; but it is probable that for the production of cast-steel on a large scale it will always be more profitable to transfer the metallic balls to a separate melting furnace; a series of rotating furnaces working in concert with a series of steel-melting fur- naces to produce charges of 5 to 6 tons of fluid steel. "In comparing, upon theoretical grounds, this method of producing metallic iron with the operation of the blast-furnace, it will be at once perceived that whereas, in the blast-furnace the products of combustion consist chiefly of carbonic oxide, and issue from the top of the furnace at a temperature exceeding 350° C. the result of combustion in the rotative furnace is carbonic acid, which issues from the regenerative furnace into the chimney at a temperature rarely excceding 175° C. This proves at once a great possible saving of fuel in favour of the proposed method, and to this saving has to be added the fuel required in converting pig- metal into wrought-iron by the puddling process." After describing the nature of the various changes which take place in this furnace, and calculating the amount of heat absorbed by each, Mr. Siemens goes on to say :- "In fine, a ton of iron ought to be producible from hæmatite ore with 6.4 cwts. of carbonaceous matter, or say 8 cwts. of common coal, and a ton of cast-steel with 8.91 cwts. of carbon, or say 11 cwts. of coal. In giving these figures I do not wish to imply that they will ever be completely realised, but I maintain that, in all our operations we should fix our eyes upon the ultimate result which theory indicates, which, owing to the im- perfect means at our command, we shall never completely realise, but which we should constantly endeavour to approach.” INDIRECT METHOD OF OBTAINING IRON - PRODUCTION OF Pig- IRON AND SUBSEQUENT CONVERSION INTO MALLEABLE IRON. MECHANICAL PREPARATION OF IRON ORES. In this country iron ores are rarely subjected to any mechanical preparation beyond breaking or hand-picking, but on the Continent of Europe argillaceous brown iron- stone and some other ores of low produce are often separated from associated sand and clay by sifting and washing in revolving perforated cylinders of sheet- or cast-iron. As, however, these operations are for the most part carried out on the spot where the ores are raised, a description of them would rather come within the province of a treatise on mining, than that of a work on metallurgy. In order to attain regularity in the working of blast-furnaces it is desirable that the charges of ore and fluxes should be reduced to frag- ments of nearly uniform dimensions. The size of these should be regu- lated in accordance with the height of the furnace and the greater or less degree of facility with which the ore is capable of becoming reduced. In the hæmatite districts of Lancashire it is usual to break both ore and IRON. 177 fluxes to the size of ordinary road metal; and in Sweden the hard magnetic ores of the country are, after roasting, reduced to a still smaller size; the ore in the Cleveland district is, on the contrary, charged into the furnaces in blocks from 4 to 6 inches cube. These large masses can, however, be only used in furnaces of great height, in which, by the slow descent of the charges, sufficient time is allowed for the complete permeation of heat through them, while their size allows a free passage for the upward current of gases. Smaller pieces, although ex- posing a larger surface to the action of the reducing gases of the furnace, pack more closely together, and consequently offer greater resistance to the blast. The ores may be broken, either by manual labour or by machinery, but there are now but few localities where the former method of breaking can be advantageously employed, unless hand-picking, for the removal of siliceous gangue or of some injurious associated mineral is at the same time resorted to. Various contrivances are employed for the reduction of iron ore to fragments of a size suitable for the blast-furnace, but the machine known as Blake's Stone-Breaker is now almost univer- sally adopted in this country and in the United States of America. This apparatus is not unlike a pair of ordinary nutcrackers, of which one jaw is fixed to a vertical support, while the other receives a reciprocating motion which is communicated to it by a powerful combination of levers actuated by a rapidly-revolving crank-shaft. The faces of the jaws, which are made of hard-chilled cast-iron, are vertically corrugated by an angular grooving, and at each revolution the one which is movable advances about half an inch towards the other, which is fixed, and imme- diately returns to its original position. When the jaws open, the stone which is between them falls downwards, as far as its size permits, and is subjected to an intense crushing action at the next revolution of the crank. This is repeated until it has been broken sufficiently small to allow of the escape of the fragments at the bottom, where they are some- times received on a picking-table, from which any fragments of objection- able mineral are easily removed. A machine of this description, with crank-shaft making from 200 to 250 revolutions per minute, and having jaws 20 inches in depth and from 9 to 10 inches in width, will, with an expenditure of 15-horse power, crush from 10 to 12 tons of hard red hæmatite per hour into fragments containing, on an average, 4 cubic inches. The corners of the movable jaw are liable to become worn or broken off by use, and the crushing faces are therefore so made as to admit of being readily replaced in case of accident or when worn out. The most serviceable material for the crushing surfaces is obtained by the use of a mixture of mottled cast-iron and franklinite spiegeleisen cast in chills. At Finspong, in Sweden, a tilt hammer, striking 60 blows per minute, is sometimes employed for breaking iron ores for the furnace, but the work performed in proportion to the power expended is much less than is effected with Blake's machine. At Eisenerz in Styria, crushing rollers, somewhat similar to those employed in Cornwall for crushing copper ores, are used for the reduc- N 178 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. tion of ironstone to a suitable size for the furnace. These are chiefly made use of for breaking ores which have been previously roasted, and appear to be very efficient for this purpose. A pair of such rollers, set at a distance of 13 inch apart and provided with springs to prevent breakage, in case of hard pieces of raw ore being accidentally introduced, will, with an expenditure of about 20-horse power, reduce 40 tons per hour of roasted spathic ores to a size suitable for the furnace. In order to do this, the rollers make about 36 revolu- tions per minute, and the ore, when introduced in fragments of from 20 to 30 cubic inches, is delivered at a maximum size of from 4 to 5 cubic inches. By slightly reducing the distance between the rolls, and in- creasing their speed to 42 revolutions per minute, from 60 to 70 tons of calcined ore may be broken per hour with an expenditure of about 24-horse power. For crushing hard unroasted ore to the dimensions of ordinary road metal there can, however, be no doubt that Blake's stone- breaker is a far more efficient machine than any system of rollers hitherto tried. WEATHERING OF IRON ORES.-The argillaceous nodular ironstone of the coal-measures is often contaminated with fragments of adhering shale, which, when first raised, are not readily separated, but by exposure to atmospheric influences oxidation and exfoliation are induced, and the removal of the associated rock becomes easy. Ores also which contain sulphides, such as iron or copper pyrites, when exposed to air and mois- ture, become gradually purified by the formation of soluble sulphates, which are finally, to a great extent, removed by rain. This process of weathering iron ores with a view to the removal of sulphur in the form of sulphates is much more effective when applied to them after roasting, and this method of treatment is consequently most frequently adopted. When spathic ores are subjected to weathering in their raw state, the oxidation of sulphides and the removal of the resulting sulphates is usually accelerated, during dry weather, by lixiviating the heaps with water, and also by occasionally turning them over so as to expose fresh surfaces. Hard siliceous ores are, in the Hartz, subjected to this treat- ment for several years before being smelted, but it is evident that this could only be carried on in the case of works of limited capacity, since, for a large establishment, the amount of ground which would be thus occupied would be so great as to render the operation practically impos- sible. Spathose ores, when thus treated, experience at the same time a super- ficial transformation into brown hæmatite, and the same change takes place, to a more limited extent, with nodules of clay ironstone, more particularly when carbonaceous matter is not present, or when its amount is very small. It is, however, important that care should be taken that the weather- ing of the ores be not carried too far, as they would then be liable to fall into powder, and become unfitted for treatment in the blast-furnace. Ores containing much calcium carbonate cannot be subjected to a prolonged IRON. 179 weathering after calcination, since the slaking of the lime produced. during the process of roasting would lead to the disintegration and crumbling of the ore. In some of the smaller iron-works in Germany siliceous hæmatites and magnetites, containing pyrites, are, after crushing and washing, exposed to the air for a period of from two to three years, in heaps of about three feet in height; and are, during that time, repeatedly washed with water. After being thus treated they are again passed through the crusher, and lixiviated with water during the whole of the following summer. At Altenau, ores of this class, are, after roasting, exposed for one year to the action of the rain and air before smelting. Carbonate of calcium in such ores is, however, a great obstacle to the removal of the sulphur by lixiviation after roasting, since the caustic lime formed decomposes the soluble sulphates of iron and copper, causing those metals to be deposited in the form of hydrated oxides, with forma tion of calcium sulphate, or gypsum. Calcium sulphate, although, to a certain extent, soluble in water, is much less so than the corresponding salts of iron or of copper, and, consequently, the sulphur is removed with difficulty; under these circumstances any copper which may be present is retained by the roasted ore. The removal of phosphoric acid from roasted ores by hydrochloric acid has been attempted, but without success; at Kladno, in Bohemia, sulphurous anhydride has been employed for the same purpose, and the results are stated to be satisfactory. ROASTING OR CALCINATION OF IRON ORES.-All iron ores, with the ex- ception of certain varieties of magnetite and massive red hæmatites, are usually subjected to a process of roasting or calcination before being taken to the smelting furnace. By this treatment water, carbonic anhy- dride and other volatile matters are expelled, and, as the fragments of ore retain very nearly their original size and form, they thereby acquire a degree of porosity which materially facilitates the changes which they subsequently undergo in the furnace. The roasting of iron ores has also the effect of decomposing metallic sulphides, such as iron pyrites, the whole of the sulphur being ultimately expelled, if the temperature be sufficiently high; the metal remaining as an oxide. Ferrous compounds, such as spathic ores, absorb oxygen, chiefly with production of magnetic oxide, but when magnetite is itself subjected to calcination it often becomes externally covered with a coating of peroxide. Bauerman remarks that this action of oxygen, although resulting in a greater expenditure of fuel for the reduction of the iron to the metallic state, has an important practical advantage, since ferric oxide is much more indiffer- ent to the action of silica at high temperatures than is ferrous oxide; the latter, under such conditions, forming with it a highly basic slag, from which metallic iron can only be obtained with difficulty. The roasting of iron ores is effected either in clamps or open heaps, in heaps within walled enclosures, or in furnaces or kilns. Roasting in Open Heaps.-This method is principally resorted to in localities in which fuel, as compared with the price of labour, is cheap, N 2 180 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. but it has the disadvantage of not only uselessly consuming a large amount of wood or coal, but, from the imperfect distribution of the heat, the interior of a pile is often fused into a compact mass before other portions are sufficiently roasted. At Königshütte, in the Hartz, calcareous iron ores are roasted during from eight to fourteen days in heaps of the shape of a truncated pyrainid, 60 feet square at the base, and 9 feet in height. The floor on which they are built is made of slag, upon which is laid a bed of ironstone six inches thick, on which a stratum of small coal of the same thickness is placed. Alternate layers of ironstone and coal are then added, in such a way that towards the top the thickness of the layers of ore is increased to 10 inches, while that of the coal decreases to 3 inches. One cubic foot of small coal is required to roast three cubic feet of ironstone. Blackband ores are generally roasted without any addition of fuel, as they usually contain a sufficient amount of combustible matter to burn by themselves when once fairly lighted. Some varieties of blackband require a small addition of fuel, but in the case of such ores their roasting is much facilitated by removing the smaller fragments by screening. The blackband ores of Hasslinghausen, in Westphalia, contain from 15 to 30 per cent. of carbon, and are roasted, without addition of fuel, in heaps three feet in height, and of any convenient length and breadth. At Heinrichshütte similar ores are roasted during from one to three months, in heaps 10 to 15 feet in height, 20 to 30 feet in breadth at the base, and of varying lengths. Ores containing a large percentage of carbon are calcined in larger fragments than those which are comparatively poor in combustible matter. Ironstone very rich in carbon should, in order to prevent caking, be calcined in heaps not exceeding 3 feet in height, whilst ores poor in coaly matter may be roasted in heaps of much greater height. In order to ignite these heaps, they are either surrounded by a channel filled with wood, or holes are left in them at regular distances, which are either filled with wood or with glowing iron ore from a heap already in process of calcination. The regulation of the temperature of open heaps is some- what difficult to manage, and, consequently, a partial fusion of the ore sometimes takes place, whilst at others the roasting is not complete in certain portions of the pile. To prevent this irregularity in the results obtained, the following arrangement is adopted in some parts of Westphalia. Heaps 120 feet long, 30 feet broad, and 4 feet high, are inclosed between walls built of the larger pieces of ore, small openings being left at intervals of about 12 feet along the sides. These draught-holes communicate with pas- sages in the interior of the heap, filled with wood. The larger blocks are placed at a distance from these passages, whilst the finer ore is piled against their sides in order to admit the flame as much as possible into the interior of the heap. After the pile has become fully ignited, the surrounding wall of ore is taken down and thrown upon places in which the fire may exhibit a tendency to come too quickly to the surface. A IRON. 181 heap of the above dimensions will contain about 17,000 cubic feet of ore, and usually takes a month to burn completely out. Ores containing a large amount of coaly matter and pyrites are very liable to become so highly heated that the fragments near the middle of the heap become fused into large masses. To avoid this caking, such ores are, in Westphalia, roasted in heaps only 2 feet in height, and, when this has burned out, but before it has cooled, a similar layer is placed upon the first; in some cases a third is added after the second has burned out. As the presence of reducing gases tends to prevent the complete oxidation of sulphur, Grundmann recommends that the heaps, when they contain much pyrites, should be covered with a coating of small ore in order to condense the sulphur volatilised without oxidation. This coating is afterwards carefully taken off; the sulphates remaining in the heaps being removed by long-continued exposure to air and occasional watering. He also recommends piling the blocks of ironstone with their planes of stratification in a vertical position, to facilitate the escape of sulphur, since the pyrites contained in such ores is usually found interlaminated between the divisional planes. In South Wales and Staffordshire the calcination of ironstone in clamps is generally effected as follows:-A bed of coal, a few inches in thickness, is spread upon the level surface of the ground, and covered with a layer of ore about 1 foot in depth; this is followed by fresh layers of coal and ironstone, until the height of the pile has reached from 4 to 5 feet. It is then lighted at bottom and continues to burn until the whole of the fuel has been consumed. Should the fire in any part of the heap come too rapidly to the surface, it must be damped with some ore or ashes, in order to prevent a partial fusion of the mass; the loss in weight varies from 28 to 33 per cent., and about 2 cwts. of small coal and † cwt. of large coal are consumed for each ton of ore roasted. In Staffordshire and Scotland blackband ironstone is calcined in piles which have generally a trapezoidal form, and vary from 3 to 9 feet in height; in order to avoid the production of too high a temperature the smaller heaps are to be preferred for ores containing a large proportion of combustible matter. The spathic carbonates of South Wales, locally known as "coal brasses," are particularly liable to become fused during the process of calcination, and should consequently be roasted in heaps of very moderate dimensions. Roasting between Walls (Stadeln). By roasting within walled areas the draught, and consequently the temperature, can be more easily regulated than in heaps not so protected; a better calcination is also effected with a smaller expenditure of fuel. The expense of both fuel and labour is, however, greater than in kiln-roasting, and the results ob- tained are less constant and uniform. Three sides of a square, or rect- angular area, are usually inclosed within walls, of which the height may vary from 6 to 12 feet, according to the nature of the ores to be calcined, and the floor is in such cases more or less inclined. Two ranges of draught-holes, about 4 inches square, are left in these walls at regular 182 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. intervals, the lower series being close to the ground and the upper row about 3 feet above them. When the inclosed area is very large it is pro- vided with air-shafts, which are made by building up large masses of ore, so as to form chimneys in the interior of the heap, to which air has access through a system of flues formed on the floor. These flues are sometimes replaced by a layer of wood, so arranged as to admit of a circulation of air to the chimneys. This method of roasting is not employed in this country, but is practised to some extent in the Hartz, where clay ironstone is cal- cined with an expenditure of from 6 to 8 per cent. of charcoal-dust or breeze. Roasting in Furnaces or Kilns.—This method of calcination is gene- rally to be preferred to the ruder processes before described, since it is not only more economical as regards the consumption of fuel, but the temperature obtained is also more completely under control; the product obtained is consequently of a more uniform character. The furnaces are generally so constructed as to allow of the operation being carried on continuously, the raw ironstone being introduced at the top, whilst the calcined ore is withdrawn from the bottom. The construction of the kilns employed for this purpose varies considerably in different districts, but the principle of working is, with but few exceptions, every where the same. A layer of fuel is first placed at the bottom of the kiln, and this is covered with layers of ore and fuel, alternately, until the internal cavity of the apparatus has been filled to the top. The ore, as it becomes roasted, is withdrawn at the bottom, where air is admitted, and the next layer descends to take its place, the deficiency being made good by fresh charges of ore and fuel at the top. In exceptional cases the heat is sup- plied by fuel burned in side grates, in such a way that the flame and heated gases only have access to the interior of the kiln. In Sweden, instead of using solid fuel, the roasting of iron ores is frequently effected by heat developed by the combustion of waste gases from the blast-furnace. • Kilns of moderate size are usually made either of a cylindrical or conical form, but very large ones have generally either a flattened, ellip- tical, or rectangular horizontal section; the corners in the latter case being rounded off. In large kilns with a circular horizontal section it is found difficult to maintain a uniform temperature, and the ore in the centre is consequently liable to agglomerate from becoming too highly heated. At the mines of Gollrath, near Mariazell, Styria, the ores chiefly con- sist of undecomposed spathic ironstone, with small quantities of brown hæmatite resulting from the decomposition and oxidation of carbonate of iron. The calcination of these ores takes place in continuously-working kilns in which coal-dust, which could not otherwise be utilised, is the fuel employed. The form and dimensions of the furnaces employed vary in accordance with the nature of the ores to be treated, lump ore being generally roasted in round kilns, 9 feet in diameter and 11 feet in height. The finer ores are, on the contrary, roasted in a large furnace, 80 feet in length and 35 feet in width, of which figs. 37, 38, and 39 represent a longitudinal, horizontal, and transverse section respectively. IRON. 183 □□□ C 口 ​。 n 口 ​口 ​D ☐ 口 ​口 ​口 ​口 ​口 ​Fig. 37. Roasting Kiln, Styria; longitudinal sect᛬on. 口 ​口 ​口 ​Π n 田田 ​Fig. 38.—Roasting Kiln, Styria; horizontal section. 184 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The complicated system of air-holes shown in the drawings is neces- sary on account of the comparatively fine state of division of the ores, which interferes with the draught, and tends to prevent the regular calci- nation of the ironstone. This apparatus is charged with alternate layers of coal-dust and ore, in the proportion of 12 to 15 tubs, of 73 cubic feet each, of the former, to about 500 cwts. of the latter; these proportions are, however, more or less varied according to the working of the ore. The roasted ironstone is withdrawn from the kilns every six hours, care being taken not to remove any fragments that may not have become thoroughly red-hot. The calcined ore thus raked from the bottom of the kilns is slaked on the drawing tables, a, by means of water conveyed through pipes for that purpose, and issuing from perforated roses, b. The excess of water employed, passing through gratings, c, escapes by the gutters, d. W.J.WELCH.S ㅁ ​ㅁ ​Fig. 39.-Roasting Kiln, Styria; transverse section. After being thus slaked, the ore is weathered during from four to six years, and is periodically watered in order to remove the soluble salts formed. The average expenditure of fuel is at the rate of 0·23 of a cubic foot of coal-dust per cwt. of ore roasted, and the loss of weight experienced amounts to about 22 per cent. The long weathering, to which it is necessary to expose spathic ores containing pyrites after roasting in kilns of the construction above described, is a great drawback to their general efficiency, and has led to the erection of a furnace, of which fig. 40 is an elevation and fig. 41 a horizontal section partly above and partly below the bottom ring. It consists of a number of flat cast-iron rings, each 1 inch thick and 12 feet 6 inches external diameter, placed one above another, so as to form a series of shelves. The bottom one, which is 2 feet in width, is supported by eight brickwork piers, a, 20 inches in height; the suc- ceeding rings, fifteen in number, are only 1 foot wide, and are kept IRON. 185 f e a α α a Fig. 40.-Roasting Kiln, Styria; elevation. f b C Fig. 41.-Roasting Kiln, Styria; horizontal section. 186 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. at a uniform distance of 6 inches apart by eight cast-iron supports. In the centre of the kiln is the cylindrical brick chimney, b, 2 feet 8 inches in diameter, having four holes, c, 3 inches square, in each course, communicating with the central shaft. The top of this chimney is capped by a cast-iron plate carrying the pipe, d, by which the activity of the draught is increased; at bottom it communicates with the ex- ternal air by a rectangular flue, e. A water-pipe, f, perforated on the inner side with numerous small holes, surrounds the kiln at the level of the lower shelf. The furnace is charged by laying a bed of cleft wood on the ground, radially from the central chimney; this is covered with a layer of 31 cubic feet of charcoal-dust, on which is placed a stratum of ore, consisting of thirty trucks, each weighing 205 lbs. On this are laid charcoal-dust and ore in regular succession, until the furnace, which holds forty-four such charges, has been filled to the level of the top ring. The wood is now lighted all round between the pillars, and as soon as the fire has burnt through to the top, the drawing of the bottom layer may be proceeded with. Wood is only employed for lighting the kiln, and is not required afterwards; a charge is removed every twelve hours, and about six tons of ore are drawn daily; each day the furnace is again filled to the top by the addition of ore and charcoal. In very stormy weather it is sometimes found necessary to add three charges in the course of forty- eight hours. This is, however, if possible, avoided, since it is liable to interfere with the success of the operation, and screens are frequently employed to protect the kilns from the action of strong winds. In order to remove the sulphates, the calcined ore is first quenched with water from the main, f, the lumps are broken, and it is then exposed in heaps to the action of the air; these are repeatedly turned and watered until all the soluble salts have been washed out. The ores contain 12 per cent. of magnesia, of which 4 per cent. is removed, as sulphate, by washing; this is of importance, as the slags obtained are less fusible when the amount of magnesia they contain is large. The loss of weight experi- enced by roasting is the same as at Gollrath, viz., 23 per cent.; the quantity of charcoal-dust used is 0·32 of a cubic foot per cwt. of ore roasted. At Altenberg six continuously-working circular kilns, each 9 feet in internal diameter, and having a total depth of 10 feet 5 inches, are found sufficient to supply the three blast-furnaces at Neuberg. These kilns are provided with step grates, as shown, fig. 42, which represents a vertical section of one of them by a plane passing through the centre of the grate. The masonry, a, is of ordinary rubble-work, but the interior of the furnace is provided with a refractory lining, b; the grate, c, is of cast-iron, and the bottom, d, is composed of plates of the same material. The ores roasted contain from 5 to 6 per cent. of magnesia, and are exposed for several years to the action of the atmosphere without lixivia- tion. From 23 to 24 per cent. of their weight is lost in roasting; about 0.35 of a cubic foot of charcoal-dust is employed per cwt. of ore roasted. At Säfvenäs, in Lapland, where the waste gases from the blast-furnace are employed for the calcination of ores, the kiln consists of a nearly ver- tical cylindrical shaft, 18 feet in height, increasing in diameter from 5 feet at top to 7 feet at bottom. IRON' 187 a b し ​d d :: OL Fig. 42.-Roasting Kiln, Altenberg; vertical section. The gas coming from the blast-furnace is conveyed by a wrought-iron pipe, connected with a circular main, which incloses the bottom of the kiln and is provided with ten jets placed at regular distances from one another. The necessary amount of air is supplied through apertures regulated by sliding-plates. From 20 to 30 tons of hard magnetite and schistose hæmatite are roasted daily; the only fuel employed is a portion. of the waste gases of a small charcoal blast-furnace. At the Dowlais Iron-Works, in South Wales, the kilns used have a rectangular form with rounded ends; the width at top being 9 feet, and at bottom 2 feet; their length is 20 feet, and their height 18 feet. Fig. 43 is a ㅁ ​D ㅁ ​ㅁ ​ㅁ ​ㅁ ​ㅁ ​0% Дъ 0% 0% 0% 口 ​0 α a α a ☐ Fig. 43.-Roasting Kiln, Dowlais; front elevation. 188 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. с Fig. 44.-Roasting Kiln, Dowlais; longitudinal section. front elevation, fig. 44 a longitudinal section, and fig. 45 a transverse sec- tion of one of these kilns, as given by Truran. The floor consists of cast- iron plates 2 inches in thickness, and the interior is lined with fire-bricks : in front are two splayed arches extending backwards to the refractory lining of the kiln, and in each of these are two rectangular openings, a, on the floor- level, through which the calcined ore is withdrawn previously to being filled into barrows or waggons for conveyance to the furnace. Above these openings is a series of apertures, b, employed for the purpose of regulating the draught. The top edge of the kiln is covered by a flanged cast-iron ring, c, which protects it from abrasion during the process of filling. The operation of calcining in these kilns is conducted in the C Fig. 45.-Roasting Kiln, Dowlais; transverse section. IRON. 189 following way :-Two or three coal fires having been lit on the floor, raw ironstone is placed on top and around them, until the whole floor is covered with ironstone at a dull red-heat; a fresh layer of iron- stone, about 9 inches in thickness, is then added, mixed with about 5 per cent. in weight of small coal, and as soon as this stratum has become heated to redness another is added. This addition of fresh layers of raw ironstone and small coal is repeated as fast as the previous layers become heated to the requisite temperature. In this way the kiln is filled to the top, and by the time this has been done the lower portions, which were first ignited, will have become sufficiently calcined for drawing; fresh charges are thus added at top, so as to occupy the space left by the sinking of the mass on the inside, caused by the daily withdrawal of calcined ore from the bottom. The capacity of a kiln of the dimensions given is about 70 tons, and the amount of ore calcined weekly amounts to 146 tons; the consumption of small coal is at the rate of 1 cwt. per ton of ore calcined, whereas, in clamps, 2 cwts. of small and cwt. of large coal, are required to do the same amount of work. Welsh argillaceous ores generally lose 27 per cent. of their weight by calcination; blackband ironstone from 40 to 60 per cent.; red hæmatite M 亦 ​e d fo Fig. 46.-Gjer's Calcining Kiln; one-half in section. с 190 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. about 6 per cent.; and Cornish, Devonshire, and similar brown hæmatites, from 12 to 14 per cent. In the Cleveland district Gjer's calcining kilns are extensively em- ployed. Fig. 46 is in part an elevation and in part a section of this kiln, which consists of a body or shell of fire-bricks only 14 inches in thick- ness, cased externally with wrought-iron plates. The interior diameter, at top, is, in the older kilns, 18 feet; at the boshes, or widest part, forming the junction of the two truncated cones, 20 feet; and at the bottom 14 feet; the horizontal section is everywhere circular. The bottom of the brickwork rests on a cast-iron ring, a, 4 inches in thickness, which is supported by cast-iron pillars, b, each 27 inches in height; thus leaving an open space between the bottom of the kiln and the floor. This is covered by iron plates 2½ inches in thickness, c, cast in segments, and carrying, in the centre, the cone, d, 8 feet in diameter at the base, and 8 feet in height. The total depth from the filling gallery, e, to the foundation plate, c, is 24 feet, and its internal capacity is 5,500 cubic feet. As in the kilns of South Wales, the amount of fuel required amounts to 5 per cent. of the weight of ore calcined. The roasted ore is drawn through the openings between the pillars, and is directed outwards by the slope of the central cone. The height of the newer kilns of this description is 33 feet, the diameter 24 feet, and the cubic capacity 8,000 feet. Such a kiln is capable of calcining 800 tons of iron ore per week, and will burn 24 to 25 tons with one ton of small coal. Around the lower tier of plates are a number of openings, ƒ, ordinarily closed with doors, which are occasionally useful in the case of the stone becoming agglomerated. A double roadway passes over all the kilns, with a gangway between and outside the two roads. FLUXES AND SLAGS.-It is essential to the proper smelting of an ore that both the metal and gangue contained in it should be so fused that their separation may be readily effected by difference of density. It nevertheless seldom happens that the minerals treated can be directly smelted without addition of a proper flux, as the earthy impurities they contain are found to exert an unfavourable influence on the process. In many instances the gangue associated with ores of iron consists of either quartz or clay, both of which are infusible at the ordinary temperature of the blast-furnace, and can only be melted at the expense of a portion of the oxide of iron, which, by passing off in the slags, reduces the amount of metal obtained. If the ore operated on be united to a siliceous gangue, infusible at the ordinary temperature of our furnaces, it can only be fused by the addition of a proper quantity of some substance with which it forms a fusible silicate. If, instead of previously adding a suitable flux, the ore be at once introduced into the furnace, silicic acid combines with iron, and a fusible slag is produced, containing a large proportion of iron, whilst the product of metal will be reduced. In case of the mineral being associated with an argillaceous gangue, results of a similar nature will be obtained. Silicate of aluminium is of itself very infusible, but, on being heated with iron ore it combines with a portion of that metal, and forms a double silicate of aluminium and iron, which is more readily fused. If a proper amount of limestone, carbonate of calcium, be thrown IRON. 191 into a furnace together with the ore, it will, during its descent through the body of the apparatus, be converted into caustic lime, which, in pre- sence of silica and alumina, gives rise to the production of fusible double silicates of calcium and aluminium, in which iron is replaced by calcium. Should the gangue, on the contrary, be chiefly composed of quartz, it will be necessary to add both lime and argillaceous matter; but instead of doing this directly by the use of limestone and clays rich in alumina, it is more advantageous to effect the same object by a judicious mixture of such ores as contain the largest quantities of the substances required. The ores treated in many localities contain a large amount of car- bonate of calcium, and in such cases it is impossible to obtain satisfactory results without a due admixture of silicate of aluminium. For this purpose clay ironstone is frequently employed, although the same result is obtained by the use of a proper mixture of the slags obtained in some of the processes to be hereafter described. The fusibility of double silicates of calcium and aluminium is also influenced by the relative proportions of their constituents. The principal flux employed by the iron-smelter is limestone; but in Lancashire, Cumberland, and other districts in which the ores treated prin- cipally consist of rich red hæmatites, the addition of argillaceous matter is also necessary. The shales from the coal-measures were formerly much used for this purpose, but of late years the aluminous iron ores of Belfast have, to a considerable extent, replaced them both in the blast- furnaces of the North of England and also in those of South Wales; a somewhat similar mineral, called bauxite, found at Baux, in the South of France, is sometimes employed as an ore of aluminium. The following analyses, the first by Tookey, and the second by Bell, give the composition of Belfast aluminous ore and of bauxite respectively:- Belfast Ore. Bauxite. SiO 2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO CaO 9.87 2.8 34.57 57.4 27.93 25.5 5.08 0.91 0.2 MgO TiO2 Volatile 0.62 • 3.51 3.1 • 19.36 11.0 · 101 85 100.0 A certain economy of fuel results from the employment of caustic lime in place of limestone, since the cooling, resulting from the expul- sion of carbonic anhydride in the furnace, is thereby avoided. At Ougrée, in Belgium, 26 per cent. of lime was found to replace 40 per cent. of limestone; the production of metal being increased 2-3 per cent. and the consumption of fuel reduced 1.6 per cent. At Königshütte, in Silesia, the substitution of lime for limestone resulted in a saving of 2.85 per cent. of fuel, and in an increased produc- tion of metal, amounting to rather more than 3 per cent. 192 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The addition of fluxes to the ores smelted in the blast-furnace is regulated by various considerations. When they are of good quality the most important of these is the production of a readily-fusible slag with the smallest possible addition of material not containing iron; this is more especially the case when charcoal is the fuel employed. When, however, mineral fuel is made use of, it becomes necessary that a slag should be produced of such a composition, and in such quantities, as to take up the sulphur which would otherwise, by combining with the iron, materially deteriorate its quality. Blast-furnace slags may be regarded as silicates, of which the compo- sition usually ranges between the following limits:— 2 6 3(CaO,SiO2)+ A103,3SiO, Ca, Al, Si,O₁, and 3(2CaO,SiO2)+2Al2O3,3SiO2 = CH3Al¿Si₂O12- The slags flowing from charcoal furnaces are generally more siliceous than those from furnaces in which coal or coke is the fuel employed; the latter more nearly correspond in composition with the second formula. In the first, the oxygen of the silica is double that of the bases, and corresponds to the general formula RO,SiO2 of augite. The oxygen in the second may be regarded as being equally divided between the acid and bases, and, like olivine, the composition of this slag may be expressed by the general formula 2 RO,SiO2. As, however, one metal may be replaced almost indefinitely by another, it is evident that these general expressions include substances differing widely in ultimate composition. According to Bodemann, the most fusible silicate of calcium and aluminium is represented by the following formula :— 4(CaO,SiO2)+Al2O3,3SiO2=Cª¿Al₂Si,O21. In this case, also, it will be observed that the oxygen of the silica is double that of the bases taken together. Slags represented by the above formula contain :-Silica 56, Lime 30, Alumina, 14 per cent. The follow- ing analyses of slags produced in various localities, and under dissimilar conditions of working, will serve to show the nature of the differences in their composition:- ANALYSES OF BLAST-FURNACE SLAGS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SiO2 Al₂03 CaO MgO FeO MnO CaS • P₂05 70.23 54.26 35.80 53.79 46.37 38.48 43·07 39.52 6.37 6.76 4.20 13.04 4.30 15 13 20.41 24.56 2.14 25.67 38.64 32.82 0.28 4.06 0.57 7.40 7.44 0.15 9.20 21.16 2.44 0.95 2.70 4.80 29.64 2.20 1.86 1.62 *0.03 2.22 1.90 2.15 trace 0.15. 38.76 27.68 • 14.85 15 11 14.48 22.28 28.92 32·52 35.68 40.12 5.87 3.49 6.84 7.27 0.76 2.53 2.02 1.18 0.80 1.37 2.89 0.23 0.20 0.98 2.00 Alkalies 0.45. 1.92 1·84 1·06† 1·11t 99.86 99.86 97.00 97·71 100.00 100 54 100 35 98·76 • • 99 26 100·35 * Sulphur. † Potash. IRON. 193 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, from furnaces fed with charcoal. 1. From Rothau; furnace working on agillaceous ores and producing grey-iron ; Klasek. 2. From same locality; by Klasek. 3. From Rothau, working on a mixture of sphærosiderite and red iron ore; Klasek. 4. From Rübeland, green and glassy; furnace producing mottled-iron; Rammels- berg. 5. Slag from a charcoal-fed blast-furnace at Edsken, Sweden, producing iron suitable for the production of steel by the Bessemer pro- cess; Ullgren. 6. From Dowlais; produced when making grey-iron; Riley. 7. From Dowlais; produced with white-iron; Riley. 8. From cold-blast furnace, working with coke at Wednesbury Oak, Tipton, South Staffordshire; D. Forbes. 9. Hot-blast furnace, working with coke, near Dudley; Percy. 10. Clarence, Durham; produced from Cleveland ores; Bell. Slags resulting from the treatment of spathic ores in the blast-furnace are sometimes, although rarely, entirely free from lime. Analyses made by Karsten of two slags of this description from Siegen afforded the fol- lowing results :-- 1. 2. SiO 2 Al2O3 49.57 48.39 9.00 6.66 FeO 0.04 0.06 MnO 25.84 33.96 MgO 15.15 10.22 S. 0.08 0.08 99.68 99.37 1. Produced with grey-iron. 2. Resulting from the production of spiegeleisen. Generally speaking, all other conditions being the same, if a slag be refractory the iron will be grey; if it be very fusible the metal will be white. The addition of an excess of lime reduces the fusibility of slags, and causes the iron to become highly carburised; they at the same time become capable of taking up sulphur in the form of calcium sulphide. The presence of manganous oxide likewise imparts to slag the power of taking up sulphur; this property of protoxide of manganese is of importance in the manufacture of spiegeleisen from spathose ores. Ferrous oxide increases the fusibility of slags, and, at the same time, imparts to them a dark-green or greenish-black colour; this will be observed in the case of the "scouring cinders," which are produced when a furnace is working with a heavy burden, i.e., when the charge of ore and flux is unduly large in proportion to the fuel used. Slags of this description accompany the production of white-iron ; this results from the reduction of a portion of the ferrous oxide in the silicate at the expense of the carbon of the cast-iron. The same effect does not result from the presence of manganous oxide, which is reduced O 194 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. with less facility, and consequently does not react on the carbon of the metal. It is impossible to determine, from the mere inspection of the slags flowing from a furnace, the character of the cast-iron produced. The physical characteristics of slags, as far as regards colour, texture, and fluidity, will vary not only in accordance with their chemical composition, but also with the working conditions of the furnace in which they are produced; the relation between the appearance of the slag and the character of the metal will consequently vary in different districts. In general the slags produced in furnaces working with a light burden. are either white or grey. This is caused by the almost complete reduc- tion and removal of the iron; but when the ores contain manganese an amethystine tiut may frequently be observed; this is particularly the case in charcoal furnaces smelting non-aluminous ores. A heavy burden and a comparatively reduced temperature, on the other hand, commonly give rise to black or very dark-coloured slags. The fluidity and vitreous character of slags are, within certain limits, greater in proportion to the amount of silica present; opalescent slags usually indicate the presence of a considerable amount of alumina. Slags containing sulphides of calcium, barium, or manganese, such as are produced when sulphur is present in the ore or fuel, give off sulphu- retted hydrogen if allowed to flow over damp ground. If the slag be sufficiently hot to cause the ignition of this gas, it burns with the form- ation of water and sulphurous anhydride; if, however, on the contrary, sulphuretted hydrogen should escape without decomposition, its presence will at once be recognised by its odour. If a large quantity of lime be present, the slag has usually a dull, stony fracture, and when the amount becomes excessive the cinder readily falls to pieces on exposure to a damp atmosphere; if ground with one-fourth their weight of caustic lime, such slags form an excellent cement or mortar for building purposes. When a furnace is working with a light burden, the slags flow con- tinuously and steadily, and exhibit a somewhat viscid fluidity, pass- ing slowly from the liquid to the solid state. The scouring slags from a furnace working with a heavy burden, on the other hand, flow as freely as water, but become readily solidified without passing through an inter- mediate state of plasticity. Hæmatites containing manganese produce slags exhibiting the usual amethystine tints characteristic of the presence of that metal; but when blown into bubbles by escaping gases, this colour disappears, and they assume a pearly-white lustre, and pumice- like structure. When furnaces treating such ores are burdened so heavily as to afford white-iron, the slags become dark-green in colour. In addition to the green and black colours resulting from the presence of ferrous oxide, the amethystine tints produced by oxide of manganese and the yellow and brownish-green colourations due to sulphide of man- ganese, certain others, particularly shades of blue, are common in blast- furnace slags. Among these a light sky-blue tint, frequently seen in Swedish slags, has been variously attributed to the presence of vanadium IRON. 195 and titanium, or to artificial ultramarine resulting from the formation of sulphide of sodium; but the nature of the colouring agent in such cases does not appear to have been satisfactorily determined; green and blue tints are said to be sometimes produced by silicates of zinc. In many of the smaller iron-works in the neighbourhood of Siegen, and in other localities in Germany, the slags from the blast-furnace are crushed in a stamping-mill and washed for the recovery of any entangled shots of metal they may contain; these are afterwards returned to the furnace with subsequent charges of ore and flux. Although they cannot be considered as fluxes, forge- and mill-cinders play an important part in the economy of modern iron-works. When pig- iron is exposed in a state of fusion to the action of air, the silicon which it contains becomes oxidised with the formation of silicates rich in iron, in which a portion of that metal would appear to sometimes exist as magnetic oxide. A similar slag is produced when wrought-iron is ex- posed to a high temperature in the presence of silica. The amount of iron present in such cinders varies from 40 to 60 per cent., and, in this respect, they may be considered as equal to the richest varieties of iron ore; they, however, contain nearly the whole of the phosphorus, and a considerable portion of the sulphur, originally present in the pig-iron, and, consequently, their use, if employed in large quantities, tends to deteriorate the quality of the metal produced. One of the chief reasons for the deterioration of the resulting metal is, however, the ready fusibility of these cinders, which causes them, when added to the charge, to flow down to the hotter portions of the furnace where the reduction of iron and silicon takes place simultaneously. A portion only of the iron being thus reduced, the remainder passes into the furnace-slag, producing a scouring cinder, which not only prevents the production of highly-carburised iron, but has also an injurious erosive action on the hearth of the furnace. The use of this product as an addition to the charge consequently results in the production of an in- ferior description of cast-iron, usually known as cinder-pig, together with a loss of iron in the slag, which sometimes contains as much as 20 per cent. of ferrous oxide. The cinder obtained from re-heating or welding furnaces contains less phosphorus and sulphur than that resulting from the operation of puddling, but its use in the blast-furnace, nevertheless, tends to the pro- duction of white cast-iron. Various methods have been suggested, with a view of overcoming the difficulties which attend the smelting of such cinders; that most generally adopted, however, consists in subjecting them to a preliminary calcination; but with a view of facilitating their reduction, they have sometimes been combined with a mixture of lime and small coal. When ferrous silicates are roasted with free access of air, oxidation takes place, protoxide of iron becomes converted into either peroxide or magnetic oxide, and silica is liberated. The resulting pro- duct, which is exceedingly infusible, is extensively employed, under the name of bull-dog, for lining the hearths of puddling furnaces. Its infusi- bility is due to the circumstance that silica and ferric oxide, which are 0 2 196 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. both nearly infusible, do not unite to form silicates, when heated together in an oxidising atmosphere. When bull-dog is produced from puddling- furnace cinders containing phosphorus, a partial liquation takes place and a fusible slag, known as bull-dog slag, is separated, and carries off with it a considerable portion of the phosphorus. The sulphur present is chiefly converted into sulphate of iron, which forms a crust on the surface of the heap, and may either be removed by lixiviation or decomposed by further roasting. The cinder in this peroxidised state is in a favourable condi- tion for treatment in the blast-furnace, and is, in composition, not unlike a siliceous hæmatite. Lang's process for preparing forge-cinders for the blast-furnace con- sists in mixing them, in a finely-pulverised state, with milk of lime and coal-slack or charcoal-dust, so as to form masses, which, when dried, possess sufficient coherence to withstand the pressure to which they are exposed in the furnace. The process of Minary and Soudry, is of a somewhat similar cha- racter; the finely-divided cinder is mixed with the slack of coking-coal, and converted into coke in the usual way. It is stated by the inventors that the iron is completely reduced to the metallic state by the action of the gases evolved during the process of coking, at a temperature which is not sufficiently elevated to act upon the silica, and that both phosphorus and sulphur are eliminated in the form of phosphoretted and sulphuretted hydrogen. The coke thus obtained is employed for smelting iron ores in the blast-furnace in the ordinary way. In order to obtain sufficient coherency it is necessary that the proportion of pulverised cinder added to the coal should not be too considerable. At Givors, the most satisfac- tory results were obtained with 40 parts of cinder and 60 of coal, which yielded a coke containing from 20 to 25 per cent. of metallic iron. When this coke is employed in the blast-furnace a sufficient amount of lime- stone must be added, over and above that required for the ore treated, to effect the removal of the uncombined silica in the form of slag. The foregoing statements with regard to the complete reduction of the oxide of iron in the silicate are not in accordance with the results of experiments made by Dr. Percy on this subject, who found that two-thirds only of the iron was reduced to the metallic state, leaving behind a silicate in which the oxygen in the base, as compared with that in the silica, was in the ratio of 1: 3. It must, however, be remembered that the experiments referred to were made on pure ferrous silicates, whereas the cinders treated in the large way contained an amount of earthy matter which may have caused the liberation of the last atom of iron. Many reactions of this nature are more completely effected on a large scale than on a small one, while the results of laboratory experiments are not always confirmed by trials made on considerable masses. THE BLAST-FURNACE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. For a very long period all the iron manufactured for the purposes of the arts was produced directly from the ore in a malleable state, and it IRON. 197 is probable that upon the introduction of larger furnaces, of the class known as Stücköfen, cast-iron was at length accidentally discovered. After a time it was found that the production of cast metal, as an inter- mediate stage in the manufacture of wrought-iron was attended with many advantages not possessed by the direct process, so that at the pre- sent day this method is almost exclusively followed. By the direct process, in which a low charcoal hearth or bloomery is employed, a portion of the iron in the ore becomes reduced to the metallic state at a comparatively low temperature, while another part, in the form of protoxide, combines with silica, forming a fusible basic slag, by which any excess of carbon is removed from the spongy metallic mass which it surrounds. This oxidising action of the slag is aided by a blast intro- duced through an inclined tuyer in such a way as to impinge directly upon the charge. For the production of cast-iron, on the contrary, a furnace of con- siderable height, which may be described as a hearth whose walls are continued upwards into a body or shaft of variable section, is invariably employed. In this arrangement the blast is supplied by nozzles laid horizontally, instead of being placed in the inclined position adopted for the direct preparation of malleable iron. When this furnace is in opera- tion, or, as it is called, in blast, it is kept filled to the top with alternate layers of fuel, ore, and flux, and a constant blast of air is maintained through the tuyers at a sufficient pressure to pass freely through the accu- mulated fuel and ore. In this way the incandescent fuel in the vicinity of the blast is consumed with the formation of carbonic anhydride and the development of an intense heat, by which the adjacent ore and fluxes are melted and the iron is reduced to the metallic state. These fused mate- rials fall into the hearth, where the metal, by its greater density, sepa- rates from the slag, which, being specifically lighter, rises to the surface and protects it from the decarburising action of the blast. The CO, formed in the neighbourhood of the tuyers, coming in con- tact in its ascent through the furnace with incandescent fuel, becomes reduced to CO, and such an absorption of heat is thereby caused as to restrict the area of maximum temperature to the immediate vicinity of the nozzles. The CO thus produced, which, together with the nitrogen of the air, passes upwards through the apparatus, on coming in contact with oxide of iron at a red-heat, is again oxidised at the expense of the oxygen of the iron ore; CO, and metallic iron being simultaneously produced, the latter becoming more or less carburised during its subsequent descent into the hearth.* 2 The alternate production of CO₂ by the oxidation of CO through the agency of oxide of iron, is continued in the upper parts of the furnace, so long as there is sufficient heat to effect these changes. The quantity of CO, is also augmented by the decomposition of limestone used as flux, while such an amount of CO continuously escapes from the apparatus as to 2 * Mr. I. Lowthian Bell states that carbonic oxide is dissociated in the blast-furnace, being resolved into carbon and carbonic anhydride by the reaction, 2CO=C+CO₂.— 'Chemical Phenomena of Iron-Smelting,' p. 44. 198 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. form a large body of flame if allowed to ascend freely into the atmo- sphere. When collected and utilised, this becomes a valuable fuel, and may be employed for heating the blast, and for various other accessory operations connected with the establishment. It is therefore evident that the blast-furnace may be considered as combining within itself the functions of various distinct metallurgical appliances. When limestone and raw fuel are employed, the upper por- tions combine those of a lime-kiln, coke-oven, and gas-producer; the middle region becomes a large cementation chamber; and the hearth, in which an intensely elevated temperature prevails, effects the fusion of the various materials, which, during their descent through the shaft of the apparatus, have become prepared to undergo the transformations which there take place. THE BLAST-FURNACE. The blast-furnace, of which fig. 47 is a ver- tical and fig. 48 a horizontal section through the hearth, consists in its ·9- 1 -18 Fig. 47.-Blast-Furnace, Plymouth Iron-Works; vertical section. most primitive form of a shaft or cavity formed of two truncated cones joined together at their bases. The upper and deeper of these cones, known as the stack or body, is formed by an interior lining of fire-bricks, which is again enveloped in a casing of broken scoriæ, or of refrac- tory sand, which separates the internal lining of the furnace from the external brick coating, supported by a mass of masonry composed either of stone or brick. The opening at the top of the furnace is called the throat, and is often surmounted by a chimney, in which there are one or more openings, for the convenience of charging the fuel, ore, and flux, with which the apparatus is at regular intervals supplied. The lower cone, known by the name of the boshes, is usually constructed of fire-brick, but a refractory fire-stone is sometimes employed for this purpose. As this part of the arrangement is subjected to a high temperature, as well as to the scouring action of the slag, it is of importance that the IRON. 199 material of which it is composed should be carefully selected, as on the durability of the boshes mainly depends the length of time during which the action of the furnace may be uninterruptedly carried on. To prevent the occurrence of a sharp angle, the two cones forming the body and boshes are united either by a curve or by a narrow cylindrical belt, of which the edges are slightly rounded, and a space is thus formed called the belly. The lowest division was, in the older furnace, sometimes composed of large slabs of refractory sandstone, cemented with fire-clay. The hearth is often somewhat smaller at bottom than at the point, where it meets the boshes; but this difference of size at the two extremities is in many instances so small, as almost to give to the hearth, as this part is named, the form of a prism or cylinder. The bottom is composed either of fire-stone or of large fire-bricks, supported on a mass of masonry, in which channels are left open for the 45. 45- Fig. 48.-Blast-Furnace, Plymouth Iron-Works; horizontal section. escape of any moisture which may be expelled from the brickwork; whilst, to keep the whole building perfectly dry, the foundations are traversed by arched galleries, which intersect each other at right angles beneath the axis of the internal cavity of the furnace. Three only of the sides of the hearth are continued to the bottom the fourth being merely brought to within a certain distance of the base, where it is supported by strong bearers of cast-iron, firmly fixed into the masonry of the walls, and on which rests a block of refractory material called the tymp. At a short distance beneath the tymp, and a little in advance of it, is placed the dam-stone, which has a prismatic form, and is securely fixed by a strong piece of cast-iron which covers its outer side, and is known by the name of the dam-plate. At a short distance above the ground-level, passages for the introduc- tion of the blast are perforated through the walls of the hearth; these are known as the tuyer-koles and usually vary in number from two to six. 200 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The arch covering the fore-hearth which is bounded in front by the dam, is called the tymp-arch and is, in large furnaces, protected by a cast-iron box or block having within it a wrought-iron serpentinous pipe through which a current of cold water is conducted, in order to protect the brick- work from intense heat and from the corrosive action of molten slag. A semicircular depression on the top edge of the dam, known as the cinder-notch, forms a passage for the slags, which are often moulded into large blocks by being run into a shallow iron truck, provided with movable sides. When the cinder-tub has become full, it is removed and replaced by an empty one; as soon as it has sufficiently cooled to become solidified, the block of slag, which, in some cases, weighs several tous, is lifted from the waggon and thrown on the cinder-heap. In small furnaces, and particularly in those in which charcoal is the fuel em- ployed, the front of the dam is formed into an inclined plane, or cinder- fall, on which the slag solidifies in thin layers, and may be readily removed by manual labour. In Staffordshire, slags are allowed to collect in a basin in the floor of the casting-house, called the roughing-hole, and when sufficiently consolidated are lifted, by means of a crane, upon a waggon and carried to the cinder-tip. The tap-hole for withdrawing the molten iron from the furnace is in the form of a narrow vertical slot passing through the dam and dam-plate, and extending from the bottom of the hearth to a height of about eighteen inches above it. This is easily stopped by a packing of sand tightly rammed into it, and remains closed during the filling of the hearth, but is readily penetrated by a pointed iron bar at the time of casting. The space between the top of the arch and the tymp-arch is also closed either by sand or by a temporary wall of fire-brick and clay, a small passage for the escape of slag alone being left open. Sometimes the level of the dam is raised above that of the bottom of the tymp, causing the metal in the hearth to be covered by a bath of molten slag, from which a stream flows continuously, as the fore-hearth is not stopped. Fig. 49. -Water-Tuyer; longitudinal section. Fig. 50.-Water-Tuyer; side view. IRON. 201 The tuyers are hollow truncated cones generally of cast- or wrought- iron, the sides of which are hollow, in order to allow of the circulation of cold water, as shown, figs. 49 and 50, of which the first is a longitudinal section and the second a side view. In the axis of the tuyer lies the nose of the blast-pipe, which is usually of wrought-iron. As tuyers are liable to leak from becoming burnt, they are, when made of wrought-iron, of sufficient length to admit of being several times repaired without becoming unser- viceable from the shortening thus caused. They are placed with their axes lying horizontally, and with their ends pointing more or less directly towards the centre of the hearth. On either side of the tymp, cast-iron plates with vertical notches are frequently placed for the purpose of affording support to the heavy tools employed in clearing the hearth, and for other operations connected with the routine of working the furnace. The filling-hole, or throat, is always surrounded by a platform of sufficient breadth to allow free passage to the waggons or barrows by which the fuel, ore, and fluxes are supplied. In the older furnaces ample space for this purpose is usually found be- tween the internal ring and the external masonry, but in the more lightly- built cylindrical furnaces of the present day additional surface becomes necessary. This is provided by means of an overhanging gallery of cast- iron supported upon iron brackets. When the gases are allowed to burn freely at the throat of the furnace it becomes necessary to provide a chimney to carry the flame clear of the charging place. This, called the tunnel-head, consists of a cylinder of brickwork from 8 to 12 feet in height, varying in diameter with the size of the furnace, rests on the platform, and is strongly bound with wrought-iron. When the gases are collected for the purpose of being employed as fuel, the arrangements of the head of the furnace are of a more complicated nature; some of these will be described when treating of the employment of waste gases. In the newer furnaces the conical or spindle-shaped body, with sharp lines of division between the hearth, boshes, and stack, have, to a great extent, been replaced by curved outlines; the heavy masses of masonry of the old furnaces have also been superseded by thin walls of radial bricks, moulded to the varying sections of the work. Figs. 51, 52, and 53 will serve to show the nature of the progressive changes which have, within the last twenty years, taken place in the construction of the blast-furnace in this country. Fig. 51 is a vertical section of a blast-furnace at Oldbury, about eighteen years old, blown with six tuyers. Fig. 52 is one of the older furnaces at the Stockton Iron-Works, and fig. 53, one of a pair recently erected at Ditton Brook, near Warrington, which have closed tops, and from which the waste gases are drawn off to be used as fuel. Fig. 54 is a horizontal section of this furnace immediately below the level of the tuyers. It will be seen that the body of the masonry is supported by five brickwork pillars, a. Hot- blast is employed, heated by the waste gases, and introduced into the furnace through four tuyers. When furnaces are slightly built, and are closely hooped or entirely 202 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ㅁ ​1 ㅁ ​1 i 1 J '6'0 ↓ 1 ! 1 و W.J.WELCH.DELET SC Fig. 51.-Blast-Furnace, Oldbury; vertical section. cased with iron, they are usually designated cupola furnaces, to distinguish them from more massive erections, such as the Oldbury furnace. The superstructure of such furnaces is frequently supported on cast-iron IRON. 203 -32·0. 1 J T -49.0· 1 1 1 1 1 ! 3.0 -31 W.J.WELCH.DEL.ET.S? Fig. 52.-Blast-Furnace, Stockton; vertical section. standards, and they are entirely incased with boiler-plate up to the throat. In order that moisture may readily escape, and the brickwork be 201 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. + 1 1 11 70"0 20,0 " 188 1 } I ! 1 1 -12·0· W.J.WELCH.SC Fig. 53. Blast-Furnace, Ditton Brook; vertical section. prevented from splitting, through the pressure of confined vapour, the masonry constituting the exterior casing of the older furnaces is often traversed by numerous small channels, by which the drying of the mass IRON. 205 is facilitated. The work is strongly bound together, on the outside, by stout iron bands, which are made to bind tightly either by keys or screws and nuts. When the furnace is rectangular these bands are held together by long vertical bars, to which they are attached by loop-eyes or strong screw-bolts, and by this means great strength and solidity are communi- cated to the building. The dimensions of blast-furnaces differ very much, according to the period at which they were erected and the nature of the the ores operated on. The height is extremely variable, some furnaces being only about 30 feet high, including the chimney; whilst others reach an elevation of over 90 feet. The most common height is, however, from 50 to 70 feet, to which must be added the chimney, which is from 8 to 12 feet in length, formed of radial bricks, bound together by stout iron rings and girders; door- ways are left in the sides for the introduction of ore and fuel, The a a Fig. 54.-Blast-Furnace, Ditton Brook; section through hearth. throat is protected by a large annular plate of cast-iron, and on this the foundations of the chimney rest. In building blast-furnaces it is now usual to avoid abruptly-varying slopes, and the diameter is often continuously increased from the throat to the boshes, and is thence contracted downward to the hearth bottom in a somewhat similar way. In Scotland this form of furnace is employed, with the addition of a wide cylindrical hearth. Slightly-curved stacks, with conical boshes and cylindrical hearths, are almost universal in the Cleveland district, but in South Wales the boshes are often conical, while the stack, which is for a certain distance cylindrical, is terminated by a species of dome. In French and German furnaces curved outlines are less common than in this country, and, in the majority of cases, their hearths are 206 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. proportionately smaller than in ours. Swedish charcoal furnaces are of considerable height as compared with their diameter, and the hearth and boshes form part of the same cone, which is usually very acute. The stack is commonly cylindrical. Fig. 55, from Percy, is a vertical section of a furnace erected, in 1857, at Sten, near Finspong. In all essential respects this furnace is similar to those constructed in England, and con- sists of an inner lining of fire-brick and an outer shell of less refractory material. The hot-blast stove is heated by the waste gases withdrawn from the opening, a, in the upper part of the furnace, and the air-pipes JWEL JOSE Fig. 55.-Swedish Charcoal Furnace; vertical section. are so arranged that, when necessary, the blast may enter the furnace without being heated by first passing through the stove. Nearly opposite the opening, a, is another, by which a portion of the gas is drawn off for the purpose of supplying fuel to the kiln in which the calcination of the ores is effected; the mouth of this furnace always remains open. ་ The height and other dimensions of blast-furnaces differ according to the nature of the ore treated and of the fuel employed, and no general rules can be laid down with regard to the form best suited for any par- ticular class of ore. The most useful guide in the construction of a blast- IRON. 207 furnace is afforded by the condition of other furnaces when they are blown out after working the same kind of ore, under similar conditions. It is evident that, by constructing the various parts in accordance with the indications thus obtained, a certain amount of fuel may not only be economised, but the apparatus may be more quickly brought to its best working condition, than in the case of the most suitable form having to be obtained by the erosive action of the slags. An increased production of iron from a given ore can only be obtained by augmenting the fusing power of the furnace in which it is treated since it is manifest that fresh charges can be introduced only in propor- tion to the rapidity with which those which have preceded them are removed. The power of fusion is mainly dependent on the rapidity with which fuel is consumed by the oxygen of the blast, and, as the combustion of fuel is chiefly confined to the region of the tuyers, it follows that by augmenting the diameter of the hearth an enlarged area of active com- bustion is obtained. When a furnace is working satisfactorily the active combustion of fuel should be confined to the region of fusion, and to the immediately adjoining zone in which the CO, produced is transformed into CO. The latter gas and the nitrogen of the deoxygenated air are charged respec- tively with the reduction of the oxides of iron and the progressive heating of the materials in the upper portion of the furnace. It therefore follows that the greater the distance between the zone of active combustion and the mouth of the furnace the more complete will be the abstraction of heat from the gases issuing at the tunnel-head. This, of course, only applies to the sensible heat of the gases; an additional and much larger quantity may be obtained by their combustion. The height of a blast-furnace should be mainly regulated by the character of the fuel employed as regards its power of resisting the crushing action of a large number of charges forming a high column of materials; very high furnaces are consequently not used with tender fuel, and the favourable results obtained from the tall furnaces in the Cleve- land district are, to a great extent, due to the exceedingly resistant nature of the coke employed as fuel. The height of furnaces in which anthracite is employed is not generally great, since the fuel is liable, by decrepi- tating, to cause obstructions, which are only to be avoided by the use of a more than usually powerful blast. Such furnaces are, therefore, generally low, wide, and are blown by a considerable number of tuyers. It is of great importance that the dimensions of a furnace should be so regulated that the reduction of the ore may take place at a low temperature, as otherwise silicates of iron will result, with the formation of scouring slags, and the production of white cast-iron. The harder a furnace is driven, all other conditions being the same, the greater will be the deterioration in the quality of the metal produced, caused by the more rapid descent of the charges; it consequently follows that to manufacture an increased quantity of iron, without injury to its quality, it is necessary to employ a larger furnace. The Rachette Furnace. With the view of securing a uniformity 208 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of temperature unattainable in circular hearths of large diameter, various attempts have been made to obtain this result by the substitution of more elongated forms. In the Rachette furnace, introduced some years ago о 예 ​Fig. 56.-Rachette Furnace; longitudinal section. a O Ο of о O • о Fig. 57.-Rachette Furnace; horizontal section above tuyers into Russia, and since experimentally tried in various parts of Europe, the hearth is a rectangle, of which the length very much exceeds the width. Fig. 56 represents a longitudinal section of this furnace, and fig. 57 a O IRON. 209 horizontal section above the tuyers; fig. 58 is a transverse section of this apparatus. The oblong hearth gradually merges into a shaft, of which the diameter regularly increases upwards, and which, at the throat, is from two and a half to three times as wide as the hearth at the level of the tuyers. This furnace is provided with a series of ramifying, rectangular air-passages which traverse, at different levels, the outer casing of the stack ; these communicate with an arched chamber situated below the hearth. Before the furnace is blown-in, a fire is lighted in the drying-chamber below the hearth, by which the whole mass of masonry is quickly and uniformly warmed. The tuyers, which vary in number from twelve to sixteen, are arranged, on either side of the hearth, in such a way as not to be directly opposite each other, and a dam and tapping-hole are provided in each of the shorter sides. For the purpose of causing greater regularity in the distribution of the blast, the tuyers are sometimes replaced by a single rectangular nozzle, placed on each side, which delivers the air in a thin uniform CHEHI Fig. 58.-Rachette Furnace; transverse section. stream along the whole length of the hearth. In the original furnaces of this class erected in the Ural, the breadth of the hearth at the tuyers is 3 feet, the width at the throat 7 feet, and the total height of the appa- ratus 30 feet. The cubic capacity of such a furnace is 1,950 feet, and its daily production of grey pig-iron, when working with charcoal and cold-blast on magnetic ores containing 67 per cent. of iron, is about 30 tons. P 210 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Blast-Furnaces in the Cleveland District. The following table, pub- lished by Mr. Gjers, in the 'Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute,' shows the progressive increase in size, &c., of the Cleveland blast- furnaces, giving their dimensions and capacity in the order of their respective dates. ! Date. Name of Firm. Furnaces. Height. Width of Boshes. Capacity. No. Feet. Feet. Cubic feet. 1851 Bolckow & Vaughan ون 3 42 15 4,566 1853 Bell Brothers 6 Gilkes, Wilson, Pease & Co. 2 44 473 45 10-3 163 6,174 1 + 3/1/ 5,100 1854 Cochrane & Co. 1856 1861 1862 1864 B. Samuelson & Co. Thomas Vaughan Lloyd & Co. 1865 Bolckow & Vaughan B. Samuelson & Co. Bolckow & Vaughan Gilkes, Wilson, Pease & Co. Stockton Furnace Company Norton Iron Company 1858 Thomas Vaughan Jones, Dunning & Co. Bolckow & Vaughan Gilkes, Wilson, Pease & Co. Whitwell & Co. Bolckow & Vaughan 6 54 15 7.166 4 55 16 7,175 3 3 2 Hopkins, Gilkes & Co. 2 2 1 1 • 3 • 2 • 4 • 3 · • 4 1866 Hopkins, Gilkes & Co. Swan, Coates & Co.. Bell Brothers 1867 Norton Iron Company Cochrane & Co. Thomas Vaughan Stevenson, Jacques & Co. Gilkes, Wilson, Pease & Co. Bell Brothers. Bolckow & Vaughan Bolckow & Vaughan 6 3 1 • Lloyd & Co. "" 1869 1870 39 1868 Gilkes, Wilson, Pease & Co. Stevenson, Jacques & Co. B. Samuelson & Co. • Jones, Dunning & Co. Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. . Bolckow, Vaughan & Co.. Thomas Vaughan Bell Brothers. Stockton Furnace Company Swan, Coates & Co. Cochrane & Co. • Gilkes, Wilson, Pease & Co. B. Samuelson & Co. 1871 Gjers, Mills & Co. "" Lackenby Iron Company Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. 60 60 61 60 30 ∞ ∞ II∞ Q H CO THW M N NNAN N N N NIII~~~− ∞ ∞ —~~~~~~ 50 14 5,050 54 15 7,116 55 113 6,800 50 16 6,341 50 15 6,000 563 16 7,000 56 16 7,200 58 17 8,000 61 163 7,960 55 16 7,700 60 20 12,778 75 161 11,985 69 20 15,500 70 18 12,000 67 20 15,000 81 19 16,000 70 221/ 17,000 75 21 17,700 2 80 20/1/ 15.500 2 95/ 16 15,050 1 75 20 12,972 2 75 24 20,000 2 75 20 16,090 80 17 11,500 2 85 25 26,000 2 76 23 20,624 1 75 24 22,500 1 70 231/1 1 69 21/ 2 80 21/ HNHNHNI 18,000 16,000 18,000 3 73 18 12,000 2 95/ 22 25,940 1 951 23 28,800 3 85 25 26,000 4 80 25 25,000 2 80 24 24 613 1 75 233/1 22,229 2 90 30 41,149 2 85 27 32,000 2 85 28 30,000 2 $5 25 26,000 2 85/1/20 2 9512 22 25/ 26,676 24 28,950 BLOWING MACHINERY.-The blowing machine ordinarily employed, fig. 59, consists of a large cast-iron cylinder, A, accurately turned on the IRON. 211 inside, and provided with a piston, P, made air-tight by a packing often consisting of tressed hemp. The cylinder is closed at both extremities by iron ends, and on the cover is a stuffing-box, through which passes the rod, R, connected with the piston. The cover of the cylinder is pro- vided with openings communicating with the outer air, and furnished with valves, v, opening towards the inside. Another valve, v', on the contrary, opens outwards, and communicates with a lateral chamber, B, also of cast-iron. The lower end of the cylinder is provided with similar apertures and valves, those marked v, which establish a communication between the external air and the space beneath the piston, open inwards, whilst the opening communicating with the lateral chamber is closed by a valve, v', shutting in an opposite direction. R P B A 7" Ꮴ Fig. 59.-Blast Cylinder, Dowlais; vertical section. The better to understand the action of this apparatus, let us suppose that the piston has been raised to its full height in the cylinder, and has begun to be again forced down. If the valves v are closed, the air contained in the upper part of the vessel gradually becomes more and more rarefied, and the difference of density between the air in this part of the cylinder, and that of the blast in the chamber, B, will cause the valve v' to apply itself firmly against the metallic surface before which it is hung. The valves v, on the contrary, which open inwards, will be lifted as soon as the difference between the density of the inclosed air and P 2 212 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. that of the atmosphere is sufficiently great to overcome the resistance caused by their mechanical adjustments; and in proportion as the piston descends, the space behind it will be occupied by a supply of atmospheric air arriving from without. The motion which causes the air above the piston to dilate, will evidently at the same time compress that which is beneath, in proportion as it approaches the bottom of the cylinder, and causes the lower valves v, opening inwards, to close firmly against the polished metal surfaces to which they are attached; whilst that marked v', hung in a contrary direc- tion, will open and allow the air to pass into the chamber, B, whence it escapes, through the aperture, O, to the pipes connected with the different tuyers of the furnaces. In this way the upper portion of the cylinder draws the air from without during the descent of the piston, and forces that which is beneath it through the chamber into the pipes with which it is connected. When the piston is raised, the reverse of this takes place the lower portion receives air from without, whilst the upper dis- charges that which it contains through the pipes leading to the tuyers. The machine is by this means made to throw into the furnace a nearly continuous flow of air, the only time at which the current is interrupted being that at which the piston has reached the full extent of its stroke, and before it has begun to move in a contrary direction. : As, however, it is of importance that the regularity of the blast should be maintained, the pipe, O, leading from the chamber, B, is made to com- municate with a closed reservoir of wrought-iron, where the variations referred to are lost through the elasticity of the air itself. The piston of the blowing machine is now almost invariably worked by steam power, being often attached by a parallel adjustment to the oscillating beam of an engine. In some cases each machine is provided with two blowing cylinders acting alternately at each stroke made by the beam, by which the motion is communicated. The power required to work an apparatus of this kind necessarily depends on its size, and also on that of the furnace or series of furnaces which it supplies. Blowing Engine at Dowlais Iron-Works. The large blowing engine at the Dowlais Iron-Works, a section of the air cylinder of which is given fig. 59, was erected, in 1851, by Mr. Truran, and has been described by Mr. Menelaus in the Transactions of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. · Fig. 60 is a side elevation of this engine. The blowing cylinder, A, is 144 inches in diameter, with a stroke of 12 feet, making 20 double-strokes per minute, the pressure of the blast being 34 lbs. per square inch. The discharge-pipe, O, is 5 feet in diameter, and about 140 yards in length; thus answering the purpose of a regulator. The area of the entrance air-valves is 56 square feet. The amount of air discharged per minute, at the above pressure, is about 44,000 cubic feet. The steam cylinder, C, is 55 inches in diameter, has a stroke of 13 feet, with a steam pressure of 60 lbs. on the square inch, and works up to 650- horse power. Steam is cut off when the piston has made one-third of its course. There is also on one side of the nozzle a small separate slide- valve for moving the engine by hand when starting. The cylinder-ports IRON. 213 are 24 inches wide by 5 inches in depth, and the slide-valve has a stroke of 11 inches with a lap of half an inch. This engine is non-condensing, and the exhaust-steam is discharged into a cylindrical heating-tank 7 feet in diameter and 36 feet in length, containing the water employed for feeding the boilers; beneath the steam cylinder there are about 75 tons of cast-iron framing, and 10,000 cubic feet of masonry. The beam is cast in two parts, each weighing about 16 tons, the total weight upon the gudgeons being 44 tons. It is 40 feet 1 inch from outside centre to outside centre, and is connected to the crank on the fly-wheel shaft by an oak sweep-rod, strengthened from end to end by C A M Пол M 아 ​B W.J.WELCH.SC Fig. 60.-Blowing Engine, Dowlais. wrought-iron straps. The fly-wheel, D, is 22 feet in diameter, and weighs 35 tons. Steam is supplied by eight Cornish boilers, each 42 feet long and 7 feet in diameter, with a single internal flue, 4 feet in diameter, in which there is a fire-place 9 feet long. For some time this engine supplied blast to eight large furnaces, varying in diameter from 16 to 18 feet at the boshes; it is now, in con- junction with three other engines of smaller size, blowing twelve furnaces, some of which make upwards of 235 tons of good forge pig-iron per week; the weekly make of the twelve furnaces is about 2,000 tons of forge-pig. With the exception of the cylinders, which were made and fitted at 214 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the Perran Foundry, Cornwall, the engine and boiler were made at the Dowlais works, under the superintendence of the Company's engineer. Blowing Engines in the North of England. The blowing engines employed in the North of England are often of vertical construction, and are sometimes coupled in pairs, having a fly-wheel between them, with cranks at right angles, as in fig. 61, which represents the arrangement employed at Newport, near Middlesborough, described by Mr. B. Samuelson (May, 1871), in a paper read before the Institute of Civil Engineers. ! 100 прода вове ୮ Ο A ОСО Fig. 61.-Blowing Engine, Newport. Blowing Engines at Creuzot, &c.-At the Creuzot Iron-Works, in France, there are seven blowing engines, of which three are horizontal and of a somewhat old type. The other four are direct-acting vertical engines, of which the blowing cylinders, 108 inches in diameter, are placed below the floor of the engine-house, the steam cylinders, 474 inches IRON. 215 in diameter, being over head. The two pistons are fixed on one rod, and their stroke is 6 feet, 63 inches; the piston-rod passes through the top of the steam cylinder and is attached, at its upper end, to a cross-head working in metallic guides. From the cross-head a connecting-rod extends to the crank-shaft; the centre of the latter being 25 feet 10 inches above the floor of the engine-room, and no less than 44 feet 3 inches above the base of the engine. The admission of steam to the cylinder and its release therefrom are effected by equilibrium-valves worked by cams on a counter-shaft driven from the crank-shaft by spur-gearing. These engines are of the non- condensing class, and the steam, which is supplied at a pressure of 60 lbs. per square inch, is cut off at one-fourth of the stroke; the average number of revolutions per minute is fifteen. The blowing cylinders are fitted with a number of flap-valves, one- half of cach cover being devoted to the inlet and the other half to the delivery-valves. The blast is furnished at a pressure of 6 inches of mercury, or rather more than 3 lbs. per square inch, and the quantity delivered is 90 per cent. of that due to the capacity of the cylinders. These four engines, which are respectively named the Simoun, Sirocco, Mistral, and Ouragan, are all placed in one building, and supply blast to twelve furnaces. When, instead of employing large engines of the class described, it is thought desirable to make use of lighter machinery working at a higher speed, it becomes necessary that the air-valves should be moved mechanically, instead of allowing them to be opened and shut by the action of the air itself. This arrangement, coupled with large valves and passages, prevents all irregularity or jar in the working, provided the lap and lead of the valves are properly proportioned; and consequently the piston may be driven at a high velocity, whilst its diameter can be reduced and its course shortened. This system of construction has been adopted at different times both in this country and on the Continent, the best known form being Slate's engine, in which the slide is annular and placed outside the vertical blast cylinder; it receives its motion by means of a pair of rods from the fly-wheel shaft. In the arrangement of Thomas and Laurent the cylinders are horizontal and the air-passages and valves, which are of a rectangular form, are placed laterally, in the same manner as the steam-ports and slide-valve of an ordinary horizontal engine. In Fossey's engine, which was exhibited in the Belgian Department of the Exhibition of 1862, the slide-valves are replaced by discs, with radial perforations which are put in slow rotary motion by gearing con- nected with the main shaft. In practice the use of blast-engines with slide-valves has not been found advantageous, owing to the large amount of friction on the valve- surfaces, and the great wear and tear to which, from its rapid motion, the machinery is subjected. In Austria small direct-acting blast-engines, having the steam cylinder uppermost, are much used for charcoal furnaces; they are generally of small dimensions, averaging from 25- to 30-horse power, and deliver from 2,300 to 2,500 cubic feet of air per minute. 216 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Horizontal blast-engines are generally preferred in Rhenish Prussia; the cylinders are placed on the same line, and the rod which carries the piston passes through both covers of the blast-cylinder, and runs in guides on either side. Two engines of this description are not unfrequently coupled, but they are so constructed that one of them may be readily thrown off in case it should not be required. An engine of from 30- to 40-horse power is sufficient for blowing an ordinary charcoal furnace, but a single furnace working with coke requires a blowing engine of from 90- to 100-horse power. 4 The pressure of the blast varies with the nature of the fuel employed and the burden of the furnace. In some parts of Europe the pressure of air employed for charcoal furnaces does not exceed inch of mercury, while in American anthracite furnaces a pressure of 15 inches, corre- sponding to 7 lbs. per square inch, is often used. In this country, with tender fuel, a pressure of from 2 to 3 lbs. is employed, but with hard coke it ranges from 3 to 5 lbs. per square inch. The practice of blowing several furnaces with one engine, although mechanically economical, is attended with considerable risk should any break-down of the machinery take place. It is therefore always desirable that there should be a reserve of blowing power, and that the work should be so distributed between two or more machines, that in case of an acci- dent to one of them the blast may still be efficiently kept up. When there is but one furnace, a pair of coupled engines, capable of being worked independently of each other, may be often employed with advantage. On account of the variations of pressure at the different parts of the stroke and the pulsations caused by the reciprocating action of the piston, the blast issues from the blowing cylinder with a somewhat irregular flow. In order, therefore, to obtain a steady blast from the various nozzles, it becomes necessary to employ some means for rendering the pressure constant. This may be effected either by receiving the blast in a reservoir having a capacity several times greater than that of the blowing cylinder, or by delivering it into a second cylinder provided with a loaded piston, which rises when the amount of blast increases, but falls and exercises a compressing action when the supply of air is temporarily diminished. The same result may be obtained by the use of a loaded bell floating, like a gas-holder, in water, but fixed reservoirs of sufficient capacity are equally efficient, and are now generally preferred. These are usually made of sheet-iron and had formerly a spherical or dome-like form, but they are now more frequently cylindrical, and should have a capacity from forty to fifty times greater than the volume of air delivered per second by the blowing engine. When, however, the blast-main is long and of considerable diameter, with two or more engines blowing into it at the same time, it frequently happens that sufficient uniformity of pressure can be obtained without the use of a special regulator. In some of the old iron-works a brickwork chamber, lined with cement, was used as a regulator for the blast. HOT-BLAST.—A patent was granted, in 1828, to Mr. James Beaumont Neilson entitled 'Improved Application of Air to produce Heat in Fires, Forges, and Furnaces, where Bellows or other blowing Apparatus are IRON. 217 required.' There is reason to believe that the patentee had originally no just conception of the great value of his invention, or of the important influence it was destined to exert on the manufacture of iron. The par- ticular reference made by him in his specification to smiths' fires and iron- founders' cupolas, would seem to indicate that he regarded his invention as being more particularly applicable to such purposes than to the blast- furnace. Mr. Neilson, and others with whom he had entered into partnership, granted a licence, in 1832, to Messrs. Baird, the proprietors of the Garths- herry Iron-Works, Scotland, in consideration of receiving one shilling per ton on the iron produced at their establishment. This payment was subsequently disputed by the licencees, principally on the ground of insufficient description and want of novelty, but they further contended that the cold-blast was practically more economical. The trial took place at Edinburgh in 1843, when the jury awarded the patentees damages to the amount of £11,867 16s. The value of this invention, which, at a comparatively recent date, was thus disputed, is now universally admitted, and the employment of the hot-blast has been proved not only to be attended with a great economy of fuel, but at the same time has been found to increase the productive power of the furnace. Heated air is consequently at the present time employed, to the almost total exclusion of the cold-blast, in all the principal iron-producing districts of the world; the latter being retained only for the production of certain special brands of cast-iron which command a high price, and may therefore be manu- factured at a correspondingly enhanced cost. The temperature to which the blast may be advantageously raised appears to be limited only by the wear and tear of the apparatus and by the difficulty of keeping it tight when the air is very strongly heated. The blast is not generally heated beyond 350° or 400° C., but it is found that by using air heated to 650° instead of 400°, a saving of 5 cwts. of coke per ton of iron made can be effected. In some cases the blast is now used at a visible red-heat, or about 700° C., but when such extreme temperatures are employed the rapid destruction of the metallic pipes of the stoves renders a special construction of the heating apparatus necessary. Common Stove. The apparatus usually employed for producing the hot-blast consists of a series of parallel or spiral tubes, arranged in a fire-brick chamber, where they are heated externally, either by the com- bustion of solid fuel, or by that of the waste gases from the furnace. One end of these tubes is in communication with a main which supplies cold air from the blowing engine, while the other is connected with that which conveys heated air to the several tuyers. In the older stoves the fire-place is rectangular, and two mains, which are parallel to the longer sides and circular in section, are provided with a number of sockets into which the ends of the heating-pipes are cemented. These pipes, similar in section, and having the form of a syphon or arch, are placed in the position shown, fig. 62, which represents a transverse section of a hot-blast stove; their extremities are severally 218 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. attached to the mains, a and b, by means of cement joints. The grate, c, extends along the whole length of the apparatus, and the flame aud heated gases, after playing against the under sides of the tubes, pass around and between them, finally escaping to the chimney by means of flues provided for that purpose. The cold air from the blast-engine, entering by the main a on one side, flows continuously through the arched pipes, where it becomes heated, and passes off to the tuyers by a Fig. 62.-Hot-Blast Stove; transverse section. the opposite main, b. In order to obtain a larger amount of heating surface, the arched or horse-shoe pipes are now usually made with a flattened elliptical section instead of a circular one, and inverted V-shaped pipes are frequently employed instead of those of the arched form shown. in the engraving. The heating power of the apparatus has also been augmented by the introduction of stops in the mains, by which the air is compelled to pass alternately backwards and forwards through the vertical pipes before being conducted to the furnaces. In all cases the cold air is introduced at one end of the stove, and passes off to the tuyers IRON. 219 from the other extremity. The arched pipes of hot-blast stoves are liable to become broken by the expansion and contraction caused by variations of temperature, unless they are allowed a certain freedom of motion; this is frequently provided for by supporting one of the mains on rollers in such a way as to admit of its moving inwards or outwards, according as the pipes either contract or expand. Circular Stove.-Round ovens are now sometimes employed in place b Fig. 63.-Circular Stove; vertical section. of the rectangular stove above described, and, in such cases, the air- mains are replaced by an annular cast-iron box, having a square or trapezoidal section; this is divided by a central partition into two hollow rings, one of which corresponds to the cold- and the other to the hot-air main of the ordinary stove. The vertical pipes, instead of being arched, are connected at top by a short horizontal connecting-piece. Fig. 63 220 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. represents a vertical section through the centre of a stove of this kind. Fig. 64 is a horizontal section through the air-box. The cold air first enters the outer ring, a, where it is interrupted by b W 2 Fig. 64. Circular Stove; section through air-box. Fig. 65.-P stol-Pipe Stove; transverse section. a stop, fig. 64, and then reaches the inner ring, b, by ascending a number of the outer vertical pipes and descending an equal number of those of the inside series. A stop in the inner ring causes the air to again pass IRON. 221 through an equal number of the vertical tubes into the outer one, by which its temperature is still further augmented. Pistol-Pipe Store.--Another modification, known as the "pistol-pipe stove,” is made use of in Scotland, Cleveland, and some other districts in this country, as well as in France, Germany, and other parts of the Continent of Europe. In this case the two vertical pipes or limbs are replaced by a single one divided longitudinally by a division reaching nearly to the top, which is closed, enlarged, and bent over in the form of a pistol-stock. These pipes are arranged on either side of a fire-place, as shown, fig. 65, and f www d a b Fig. 66.-Hot-Blast Stove, Neustadt; vertical section. the cold air which enters one division descends through the other, and, after becoming heated by the furnace, finally passes off to the tuyers. Stove used at Neustadt.—At the Neustadt Iron-works, Hanover, a form of stove is employed of which fig. 66 represents a vertical section. The heating coil consists of four cast-iron pipes united by semicircular bends, and three such series are so connected by branch-pipes that the whole apparatus consists of twelve tubes. The cold air enters at a, and passing downwards, finally passes off in a heated state at b; the fuel 222 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. employed is the waste gas from the blast-furnace which arrives through the large wrought-iron main, c, and is supplied to the furnace through jet- pipes, d. The jets, d, are provided with a central tube, through which air is admitted, at e, in order to effect the combustion of the gas. The pipe, f, is one of a series employed for superheating steam. When 1 18 EMELT KREMO ELL ! wwwwwww CBCNGEF18 ID NEED BURDAM BEQUEATMEN UHIDROBOWANIA AUSKITE ONCE AŞIMDA WHOLLANDI THEME SOLO KURIE) JAIENNAKEDBREE KEDUDEKAHEKAN FERIFE NOSU CHIC HEELUNGAGUELFI MERKING GRABUMIPUA LICEND BEOBRUKSHEET DENNEMBRUDAROUN ERDUNHAAREERKI DRERITEEEEBERNA. UMBETARADBURTO BEERKILETERRE HUKKA A BODINUTTI 104 A MIKKUKAKURIBKREU MINEBTEEENBUNMNE URBEKDRIEUBBANA JURNALDERUNKOEND RINERDENENHEDE IS MY AS LYHY MERUDMITER *ITEBURUBURI HUTBEDREBUBRE NUDBAZEND INDIA JUHEBRETUDODBITE IN INDIA UNI GRUBBLE MERERBECHSTBERT: 188 BANDUSABILE U UMRUGEGAANIKURZEE ANUNTUTINT מוח HE זה BURRRRENKTJULU -HUTEHEOCHROMUER BEDROGIRADEBR #UBEREDECINEULEE INUUMIIHDEELBDI JUBEBE UDUBIUDA HLAUBERHEEN CUED JUHERGADIIDUDE AÐLUNUBUENONAT 9 d b WAWELCH.SC ! Fig. 67.-Cowper's Stove; vertical section. waste gas from the furnace is employed for heating ordinary air-stoves, it is advisable that each stove should have a small fire-place in which a fire is constantly kept up in order to insure the continual ignition of the gas. If this were not provided, and the flame should accidentally become extinguished, air would be liable to find its way into the gas-main in such proportions as to cause an explosion. IRON. 223 Cowper's Stove.-Cowper's stove for heating the blast to a very high temperature is constructed on the principle of the regenerative furnace of Siemens. Figs. 67 and 68 represent respectively vertical and horizontal sections of this apparatus, which is inclosed in a wrought-iron cylindrical casing with a flat bottom, which stands on the ground and has an arched or dome-shaped top. This is lined throughout with brickwork, and pro- vided with a circular central shaft, A, whose diameter is about one-fourth of the whole space between the walls, and extends from the floor nearly to the roof. Around this is a number of compartments or boxes, B, filled with bricks, so placed that the apertures left between those in one course do not exactly coincide with those in the courses either above or below them, although a passage is, nevertheless, left from the top of the mass of brickwork to the bottom. The regenerator thus formed is supported on cast-iron gratings at the bottom or cool part of the stove. B B .. B B B A C B བ་བམ་ g Fig. 68.-Cowper's Stove; horizontal section. The wrought-iron casing is provided with several valves, one of which, c, fig. 68, is for admission of the cold-blast, another, d, for the gaseous fuel, and a third, e, for the introduction of the air necessary for its combustion; the valve, f, is for the exit of the products of combustion, and that marked j, for the hot-blast. These valves, with the exception of that for the hot- blast, g, are of the usual construction, but the latter is kept cool by a current of water, which circulates around it in the same way in which the cooling of an ordinary water-tuyer is effected. The opening of the different valves at proper intervals soon becomes a matter of routine, and constitutes the whole of the attention required beyond an occasional observation to see that the supply of gas is sufficient. If, then, we suppose that a stove is at work heating the blast, and it is wished to again heat the brickwork up to the required temperature, the 224 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. first thing to be done is to put on another stove, and then to shut the hot- and cold-blast valves, g and c, and allow the air to blow off by means of the small valve, h, so as to reduce it to atmospheric pressure. The gas-, air-, and chimney-valves, d, e, and f, are then opened, and the gas, which ignites as it enters, gives a large volume of flame up the central shaft, and over and into the regenerator. In this way the top course of brick- work is raised to a high temperature, the next course to a somewhat less one, the third still less, and so on until the bottom course is reached, the temperature of which is but very slightly elevated; the products of com- bustion escape to the chimney at about 120° C. As the operation goes on and larger quantities of heat are absorbed by each course of brick- work, an elevated temperature penetrates by degrees lower into the regenerator, until, after the expiration of some hours, the bricks near the bottom have become nearly red-hot; thus storing up a large amount of heat in the regenerator. The gas and the air employed for its combustion are now shut off, and the chimney-valve closed, the cold-blast valve is opened, and, lastly, the hot-blast valve, g, is raised. The stove, as soon as these changes have been effected, again does its duty of heating the blast to full redness; that is, to a temperature between 700° and 750° C. The hot-blast pipes from the stove to the furnace are made of sheet-iron, and are of large size to allow of a 9-inch lining of fire-brick, so as to prevent loss of heat, &c. Fig. 69. In order to prevent the choking of the apparatus, which would be caused by an accumulation of dust, if ordinary chequered work were employed, (in which a brick stands over each narrow space, although a little above it, thus effectually preventing the passage of a brush), an arrangement of the brickwork shown in vertical section, fig. 69, is made use of. These stoves are also provided with blast-pipes for removing the dust by means of compressed air or steam, each compartment or set of boxes being cleansed seriatim. The pipe, i, fig. 67, is of wrought-iron, jointed to a central pipe capable of revolving, by means of a worm and worm-wheel, so as to bring its extremity over each of the divisions in succession, in order to clear out all dust by the action of a violent current of air. The central pipe is also capable of a slight vertical motion, to be employed whenever the pipe, i, is required to be used near the centre of the stove. The pipe, k, shown by dotted lines at the bottom of the regenerator, is provided with a small sheet-iron cone, or umbrella, for protecting the workman against falling dust when he applies the pipe. to blow upwards through the boxes. At the bottom of the stove, where the cold-blast enters, the temperature is never very high, and can, at any time, be further reduced by allowing cold air to pass through it for more than the usual period; when sufficiently cooled, a workman may enter through the chimney-valve for the purpose of removing the dust. The construction of the regenerator in compartments, continuous vertically IRON. 225 but not horizontally, enables the blast to be efficiently applied, inasmuch as its whole force is confined to one division; it admits also of a brush with a long flexible handle being passed up between the boxes. The removal of the dust is further facilitated by apertures, 7, made in both casing and lining, through which a blast-tube may be inserted, but which, when not in use, are closed by suitable stoppers. Stoves of this con- struction designed by Messrs. Cowper and Siemens, are employed by Messrs. Cochrane and Co. at their works at Ormesby, and their intro- duction has resulted in an increased make of iron and a considerable saving of coke in the blast-furnace. Whitwell's Stove.—A form of stove, which, in common with that of Cowper, presents the advantage of being constructed of fire-brick instead of iron, has been introduced by Mr. J. Whitwell, at the Consett Iron- Works and elsewhere; it is exceedingly durable, withstands a high temperature without damage, and is readily cleaned. Fig. 70 represents a vertical, and fig. 71 a horizontal section, through the cold-air- and gas-passages. Four of these stoves, which are circular, cach 25 feet in height and 22 feet in diameter, are often worked con- jointly; they are provided with sheet-iron casings, and each affords 9,000 square feet of heating surface, or, together, 36,000 square feet. The gas enters at A, air for its combustion being admitted through the passages, a, in the brickwork, and the flame passes through the apparatus in a zigzag course, as indicated by the arrows, by channels of which the total length is about 240 feet. Of the 9,000 square feet of surface, two-thirds, or 6,000 square feet, become heated to bright redness, as may be seen through the peep-holes, b, perforating the shell and lining, through which the interior of the stove may be readily observed. The remaining one- third of the brickwork of the stove gradually decreases in temperature until the products of combustion pass off to the chimney through Cat about 300° C. When a stove has been thus heated, the gas inlet, A, and the chimney-valve, C, are closed, as well as the air-flues, a, and the hot- and cold-blast valves, B and D, are opened. The cold-blast now enters at D, and, passing through the apparatus in the reverse order to the gas, is gradually heated until it attains the temperature of the hottest surface, when, entering the tube, B, lined with fire-brick, it reaches the furnace at a visible red-heat. The four stoves at the Consett works are used in pairs; the blast passing through two of them during the time that the two others are being heated. The hot-blast main is 3 feet in diameter, and being lined with 9-inch brickwork, has a clear air-way of 18 inches. The blast is allowed to pass through the apparatus during two hours, at the expiration of which time only one-third of the whole surface remains at a red-heat, below which point, in order that the regular work- ing of the furnace may not be interfered with, it is not allowed to cool. The walls at the hot end of the furnace are partly constructed of ganister, and partly of fire-brick; the other transverse walls, which are 7 inches in thickness, are built of lumps 12 inches long, 7 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. The weight of brickwork in each stove is nearly 300 tons. The hot-blast- and gas-valves are of iron cast hollow, so that Q 226 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. a current of cold water may circulate through the shell and seating. When it becomes necessary to clean one of these stoves, the gas is shut off, the chimney-valve opened, and the first cleaning door, e, at the hot end, removed; the movable cover, f, in the crown of the arch is also lifted. Scrapers, with handles of 4-inch gas-pipe screwed together so as to make up the requisite length, are now inserted, and the walls on either A B Fig. 70.-Whitwell's Stove; vertical section. A m C D Fig. 71.-Whitwell's Stove; horizontal section. side are scraped down, the dust falling to the bottom. The first com- partment having been thus cleaned, the cover is replaced, and luted with fire-clay, the same process being repeated with all the other divisions in succession. The side doors, g, at the bottom of the stove, are now opened, and the dust which has accumulated on the floor is removed. The cleaning of a stove occupies about nine hours, and requires to be repeated at intervals of from two to three months. In order to allow for 1 1 IRON. 227 the expansion of the brickwork, a space of one inch is left between it and the wrought-iron casing; this is filled with either dry clay or granu- lated slag. At the Consett works a considerable saving of coke has been effected by the use of these stoves. The furnace to which they have been applied produces 400 tons of pig-iron weekly with a consumption of 17 cwts. of coke per ton of metal. The charge is composed of a mixture of two- thirds calcined Cleveland ironstone, and one-third red hæmatite, yielding about 48 per cent. of iron. The blast is heated to 730° C., and the gases escaping at the top of the furnace have a temperature of 250°. A fur- nace of the same dimensions, and working on similar ores, with a blast heated only to 450°, consumes 22½ cwts. of coke, and the waste gases are given off at 470°. Blast-Pipes and Nozzles.-The blast issuing from the stoves is carried round the furnace in a circular main which, in the older ones, that are inclosed in a square casing of masonry, passes through the arched open- ings traversing the pillars supporting the stack, but in the newer form of furnaces is, at a certain height above the ground, secured to the columns. that inclose the hearth. Opposite each tuyer-hole a branch-pipe is brought down to the proper level; these are turned at right-angles, and connected with the blast-nozzles. A throttle- or slide-valve is attached to each branch for the purpose of regulating or cutting off the blast, while a similar valve of larger dimensions is fitted to the main between the stove and the furnace. When cold-blast is employed, a conical nozzle is attached to the blast-pipe by a short leather tube, but when hot-blast is made use of it is necessary that all the fittings should be of metal, and means are conse- quently provided for adjusting the nozzles by the aid of ball-and-socket joints and telescope-tubes. Water-tuyers are made either of wrought- or cast-iron, of a combination of both, or of copper or bronze; the latter are said to possess the advantage of not being readily destroyed by "ironing;" that is, of being melted by the imperfectly-fused masses of iron which sometimes adhere to them when the furnace is not in good working order. The number of tuyers and the method of their arrangement vary in accordance with the size of the furnace and the nature of the fuel employed. Small charcoal furnaces have frequently only two tuyers placed on opposite sides of the hearth: three is, however, a more usual number, one being placed opposite the tymp, and the two others on oppo- site sides of the hearth. In the case of very large furnaces, the tuyers are sometimes arranged in series, two being placed on either side of the hearth, and the same number at the back, or three at the sides and either one or two at the back. Sometimes a special tuyer is added on the tymp side for the purpose of removing any obstruction caused by local cooling, and is only used in case of the hearth becoming obstructed by accumula- tions of imperfectly-fused matter. UTILISATION OF WASTE GASES.-Shortly after the application of hot- blast to iron-making, various attempts were made to employ the waste Q 2 228 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY heat escaping from the throat of the furnace for the purpose of heating the air with which it is supplied. One of the methods formerly employed for the purpose of attaining this object consisted in ranging a series of iron pipes around the tunnel- head, in which the blast was heated by the flame passing out of the mouth of the furnace. In other instances the pipes were either coiled around the interior of the upper part of the stack so as to be heated by direct contact with the ignited material which it contained, or were so inclosed in brickwork as to become heated by transmission. All these contrivances have, however, been successively abandoned, since from their inefficiency and the difficulty attending their repair when they got out of order their use was not found advantageous. An improvement on this plan was invented by Mr. James Palmer Budd, of the Ystalyfera Iron-Works in South Wales. Instead of making the heating apparatus an integral part of the furnace, the ovens were in this case so arranged as to allow of their being repaired without inter- fering with the action of the furnaces with which they were connected. The stoves were built a little below the level of the throat of the furnace, which they supplied with hot air, and a chimney, twenty-five feet higher than the top of the platform, afforded the means of drawing into them as much of the heated air and flame as might be required. These were carried from the furnace by a series of flues placed about three feet below the top, and communicating with the hot-air chamber, in which were placed the arched pipes, heated by the gases issuing from the furnace. The chimney and its damper regulated the heat of the stove; cross- pipes connected the upright pipes, and side-pipes conveyed the blast arriving by upcast mains to various cross-pipes. The heated air was afterwards conveyed to the tuyers by downcast pipes. A door was also placed in the brickwork of the building for the purpose of cooling the apparatus before entering it to make repairs. All these contrivances have, however, given place to various systems for conveying the combustible waste gases in pipes, or culverts, to the points where they are required to be burnt as fuel. In addition to the sensible heat which the gases are capable of directly communicating to any body with which they may be brought in contact, the whole gaseous column issuing from the throat of a blast-furnace is inflammable, even after its temperature has been reduced to that of the surrounding atmosphere. The combustion of these gases, therefore, affords a new and entirely distinct source of heat. Various patents have at different times been taken out for methods by which the heat thus lost has been sought to be usefully applied, but the difficulties attending the combus- tion of waste gases, added to the comparative cheapness of fuel, for a long time prevented their being extensively used in this country. On the Continent of Europe, where fuel was more expensive, the utilisation of waste gases was much earlier introduced, but at the present time their employment has become almost universal in all iron-producing districts. In many small charcoal furnaces, in which the throat remains open, the gases are taken off by means of iron pipes which perforate the brick- IRON. 229 work from 10 to 12 feet below the top. In Sweden this plan is generally adopted, but it can be applied on only a limited scale, and the supply is liable to be somewhat irregular from the occasional partial stoppage of the openings by the descending charges. Another method for collecting the gases is by partially closing the mouth of the furnace, so as to cause a slight impediment to the escape of its gaseous products, and then drawing them off by means of proper flues and tubes to where it is intended they shall be consumed. In order to do this, a cylinder of cast-iron, of a smaller diameter than the throat of the furnace, and having a depth equal to its width, is fre- quently used. This is suspended by a strong flange within the tunnel- head, and as the mouth of the furnace is constantly kept charged with mineral and fuel, whilst a clear annular space remains between the iron b b cl a α Fig. 72.-Furnace-top, Darlaston; vertical section. collar and the lining of the furnace, it is evident that this must be filled with the gases issuing from the apparatus, which may be readily con- ducted by means of flues or pipes to any situation where they may be required for combustion. In furnaces built especially with a view to economising the heat to be obtained by burning the unconsumed gases, the internal iron lining is sometimes replaced by an annular flue made in the brickwork a few feet below the throat. This is con- nected by several openings with the interior of the stack, and as the charges thrown into the furnace above this point naturally offer a certain resistance to the exit of the escaping gases, they find their way into the annular flue before described, whence they are readily drawn off in any direction in which they are required, and may be conducted to a distance of several hundred feet. Method of collecting Gases at Darlaston.—Fig. 72 is a vertical sec- tion of the top of a furnace at Darlaston, where this system of collecting waste gases has been introduced by Mr. G. Addenbroke. There are fifteen gas-openings, a, around the neck of the furnace, each 23 inches wide and 113 inches high, and consequently presenting an aperture of 270 square 230 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. inches, making a total area of 4,050 square inches for drawing off the gases. The large gas-flue, b, surrounding the neck of the furnace is lined with fire-brick, and is 4 feet 3 inches high to the crown of the arch, having a mean width of 3 feet. The outside of the furnace from a little below the bottom of the flue upwards is cased with wrought-iron plates, to which is fastened a light iron gallery, c, for the convenience of clean- ing the flue, b. A series of openings, e, is made all round the outer side of the flue, and these are closed by pieces of boiler-plate luted with fire-clay, and held in their places by cross-bars and wedges; by means of these the whole of the flue may be cleaned out in the course of a few minutes, at any time when the blast is off the furnace. The bottom of the flue is placed at a lower level than the edge of the openings, a, in order that the dust carried over may accumulate for some time before interfering with the exit of the gas. The gas-mains are 5 feet in diameter, and, in case of the top of the materials sinking below the gas-openings, any damage is pre- vented by shutting the valve, d, when the whole of the gas will burn at the mouth of the furnace, without injury resulting to the apparatus. Langen's Apparatus.—When it is desired to utilise all the gases issuing from a furnace it becomes necessary to close the throat. At Siegburg, on the Rhine, Langen's apparatus for the collection of waste gases is em- ployed, the furnace mouth being closed by a lid, in the form of a bell- shaped tube, resting in an inverted conical ring. This tube may be raised and lowered by means of a lever, for the purpose of charging, and is at its extremity provided with a lip which dips into a water-trough in the gas-main, forming a perfectly air-tight joint. At the time of charging, the bell is lifted, and, sliding in the water-joint on the gas-tube, allows the charge in the cup-shaped ring to fall into the furnace. To prevent accident from explosion, a safety-valve is placed on the top of the conical tube, and another on the gas-tube. any At Hörde, Langen's apparatus has been modified as follows. The mouth of the furnace, 9 feet in diameter, is closed by a flat lid of cast- iron which, although it cannot be raised, may be readily turned on rollers, and is kept air-tight by means of a water-joint; a gas-pipe, 3 feet in dia- meter, is placed on this lid and kept tight in the same way. This cover is provided, on its circumference, with four apertures closed by valves kept tight by water, through which, in quick succession, the charging of the furnace is effected. Before re-charging, the movable lid is made to traverse one-eighth of a revolution, thus uniformly distributing the materials around the circumference of the furnace. Cup and Cone.-The simplest method of closing the throat of the furnace, and that which is most generally used, is the cup and cone charger, fig. 73, first applied by Mr. Parry at the Ebbw Vale Iron- Works. It consists of an inverted cast-iron cone, a, fixed to the top of the furnace, and of which the lower aperture is about one half the diameter of the throat. A cast-iron cone, b, is placed in the furnace below this cup or funnel, and suspended by a chain, c, to an arch headed lever, d, carrying a counter-balance at the opposite end. The raising or lowering of this cone is often effected by a pinion on the shaft of a hand-wheel, e, gearing into a segmental rack attached to the lever. When the cone is IRON. 231 raised, it bears against the bottom of the cup, and forms a stopper which prevents the escape of gas from the top of the furnace. Thus prevented from escaping by the throat, the gaseous fuel is conducted through an orifice made in the wall of the furnace, above the level of the charges, and is conveyed, by means of iron pipes, to any part of the works where its combustion is to be effected. d a b Fig. 73.-Cup and Cone; vertical section. In the Cleveland district a modification of the cup and cone is em- ployed, the cone being replaced by an external cylindrical stopper, which is lifted while the furnace is being charged, and lowered as soon as the charging has been effected. The object of this arrangement is to obviate the loss of space at the throat, which must necessarily be kept empty when a cone of the ordinary construction is employed. It is, however, found that the uniform distribution of the charges, so essential to the satisfactory working of a furnace, is not secured by the use of this appa- ratus, and, in order to effect this result, the frustum of a cone is frequently suspended inside the throat of the furnace. Method employed at Grosmont.-At Grosmont, Yorkshire, and Barrow- in-Furness, Lancashire, the waste gas is taken off in a wrought-iron tube, a, fig. 74, about 5 feet in diameter, which extends five feet down the throat of the furnace, and is lined on the inside and cased outside with refractory brick. This tube is supported by a brickwork dome, b, built in the throat of the furnace, supported by six buttresses of the same mate- rial. This dome has six openings, c, at the sides, for charging purposes, and another in the centre, corresponding with the tube, a. The furnace is provided with the usual brick chimney at top, which has wrought-iron swing doors corresponding with the openings in the crown. Expansion boxes are fixed at intervals along the tube by which the gas is conducted to the boilers and hot-blast stoves, and a flap-valve, d, opening outwards, is placed at the end of the tube for the purpose of clearing it, and, if necessary, to act as a safety-valve. As before stated, the most general method of closing the mouth of the furnace is by means of the cup and cone, and even in cases where the waste gases are not collected the use of a conical charger is attended with advantage. In some of the charcoal furnaces of America the charging is effected 232 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. by means of barrows, which are constructed exactly on the principle of the cup and cone; and at Rhonitz, in Hungary, cylindrical charging barrows are employed, by which a portion of the material is dropped in the centre of the furnace whilst the remainder is distributed in a circle next the brickwork. C Fig. 74.—Furnace-top, Grosmont; vertical section. COMPOSITION OF WASTE GASES. -The composition of the gases of the blast-furnace at various heights, has, at different times, been investigated by Bunsen, Playfair, Ebelmen, Scheerer, Tunner, and others. The results arrived at by these chemists have, after making due allowance for the different characteristics of the fuel employed, generally agreed very closely, and have afforded much valuable information relative to the chemical re- actions which successively take place. The gases issuing from the throat of a furnace practically contain the whole of the carbon of the fuel consumed, with the exception of the comparatively small amount which has become fixed by the carburisation of the metal.* This escaping car- bon is chiefly in the form of carbonic anhydride and carbonic oxide gases, the oxygen of which has been principally derived from the air of the blast, but is to a less extent due to the reduction of oxide of iron. The whole of the nitrogen of the air blown in will also be present, together with small quantities of hydrogen and hydrocarbons, to a great extent produced by the decomposition of watery vapour. The following analyses give the composition of the gases issuing from various blast-furnaces :- Percentage by Volume. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. N CO₂ CO CH₁ C₂H₁ H 4 62.34 57.22 8.77 12.01 24.20 24.65 • 55 0 56.64 12.59 11.39 25.24 28.93 55.35 7.77 25.97 3.36 0.93 3.75 0.43 1.33 5.19 6.55 3.04 6.73 * A certain amount of potassium cyanide is also produced in blast-furnaces. IRON. 233 1. Veckerhagen, Hesse Cassel; Bunsen; fuel, charcoal. 2. Clerval, France; Ebelmen; charge of brown hæmatite, limestone, and charcoal. 3. Audincourt, France; Ebelmen; charged with brown hæmatite, forge-cinder, limestone, wood, and charcoal. 4. Seraing, Belgium; Ebelmen; charge, brown hæmatite, mill-cinder, limestone, and coke. 5. Alfreton, Derbyshire; Bunsen and Playfair; charge composed of calcined argillaceous ores, limestone, and raw coal. It will be observed that the nitrogen of the blast, which has passed through the furnace with- out taking any important part in the reactions which are continually going on, in each case constitutes more than one-half of the entire volume of the gases evolved. The proportion of nitrogen as compared with that of oxygen is, how- ever, less than in atmospheric air, and, as no appreciable absorption of this gas takes place in the furnace, it follows that the increase of from 12 to 18 per cent. in the amount of oxygen must be derived from the solid materials of the charge. This increase in the amount of oxygen is chiefly the result of the reduction of oxide of iron, and of the elimina- tion of CO₂ from the limestone employed as flux. In certain cases, and particularly in that of hot-blast furnaces working on siliceous ores, a further but very small addition to the quantity of oxygen may be derived from the reduction of silica. 2 The relative proportions of CO., and CO vary considerably in the different parts of the furnace; the gases in the upper portion of the hearth chiefly consist of a mixture of carbonic oxide with nitrogen; but in those drawn off at higher levels the proportion of CO, is found to increase almost progressively with the distance from the tuyers. In the imme- diate vicinity of the blast CO₂ is produced by the complete combustion of the fuel. Above this point CO₂ is generally reduced to CO by the action of the carbon present, while in the upper portions of the furnace the quantity of the former gas rapidly increases, because, at the compa- ratively low temperature which there prevails, the oxidation of CO by the oxygen of the ore proceeds more energetically than the reduction of CO₂ by carbon. 2 When furnaces are worked with raw coal, the gases evolved from them contain, in addition to the products of combustion, small quantities of various condensible vapours, especially tarry matter and ammonia. Bunsen and Playfair suggested that the latter might be collected in the form of sal-ammoniac by passing the gases through chambers containing hydrochloric acid; and, more recently, the injection of water, in the form of finely-divided spray, into the gas-pipes, and the use of hydraulic mains, like those of gas-orks, has been proposed by Dr. D. Price. Up to the present time, however, no practical application of either of these suggestions appears to have been made, and it is probable that, if the manufacture of ammoniacal salts from this source were attempted, con- siderable difficulties would be found to present themselves. The gases of blast-furnaces carry over with them notable quantities 234 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. b U C C W.J.WELCH.SC Fig. 75.-Furnace Hoist, Newport; elevation. IRON. 235 of solid matter in the form of dust, which, accumulating in the flues and gas-mains, requires to be removed from time to time. This principally consists of silica, alumina, ferric oxide, lime, and sulphate of calcium. When, as at the Concordia furnace, near Aix-'a-Chapelle, the ores treated contain zinc, a considerable quantity of zinc oxide is found in the pul- verulent deposit. LIFTS OR HOISTS.-When blast-furnaces are situated in the deep valleys of a mountainous country, it not unfrequently happens that all the materials necessary for working them may be delivered by means of a bridge at the top without the aid of machinery. When, however, the country is flat, it becomes necessary to have recourse to mechanical lifts for raising the charges. In the older iron-works, when erected on level ground, inclined planes are often employed for this purpose, and are usually made with a double line of railway carried on trestle-work, or with a single line and crossings for the return trucks. The inclination given to these does not generally exceed 25° or 30°, and the motive power employed is usually a steam- engine, giving motion to a winding-drum. The truck in most cases con- sists of a triangular framework with two pairs of wheels, of unequal diameters, supporting a platform on which are placed the iron wheel- barrows used in charging. Chains or wire ropes are used for raising the load. Where large quantities of material have to be elevated to a con- siderable height, it is now more usual to employ a perpendicular lift, by which the charges of fuel are raised by means of cages moving between vertical guides. Lift at Newport.-The mode of arrangement and the nature of the power employed vary in different establishments, but the woodcut, fig. 75, page 234, copied from a paper, before referred to, read by Mr. Bernard Samuelson, before the Institution of Civil Engineers, represents an elevation of the furnace hoist used at the Newport Iron-Works, near Middlesborough. The entire lift to the charging platform of the furnaces is 92 feet, and the motive power, instead of being below, as is frequently the case, is placed overhead, and consists of a double-cylinder engine, a, provided with link motions. The diameter of the cylinders is 8 inches, and the length of stroke 12 inches. On the crank-shaft are two pinions working into wheels on an intermediate shaft. On the middle of the latter is keyed a larger pinion, gearing into the main spur wheel, b (represented by a dotted line), 12 feet in diameter, which is flanked on either side by a deeply-grooved pulley carrying a steel rope, 1 inch in diameter. These ropes fit the grooves with a considerable degree of exactitude, and only pass half round their respective pulleys, the ends being attached in pairs to the two cages, c. By this arrangement, while one of the cages is ascending, the other is going down, the work being accomplished by the friction of the ropes in their respective grooves. In order to secure equal tension on both ropes, their attachment to the cage is effected by means of a double lever, which immediately yields to any unequal stretching of the ropes. The cages are steadied in their 236 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. b 1 b 76.-Furnace Hoist, Ayresome Iron-Works; elevation. C 이 ​. 77.- Furnace Hoist, Ayresome Iron-Works; plan. IRON. 237 : upward and downward course by guides fastened to the columns which support the platform. The weight raised at each journey is about two tons, although a much greater load can be lifted without any slipping of the ropes. It will be observed that the moment the descending cage touches the ground the strain on the ropes is relieved, so that they will no longer hold sufficiently in the grooves to enable the ascending cage to be raised any higher; this slipping of the ropes evidently renders over-winding impossible. The great length of steam-pipe required for working the engine at this elevation is not found, practically, to be objectionable. The engines usually make about 150 strokes per minute, and, calcu- lating for loading and unloading the cages, they are capable of making one lift per minute, or of raising 120 tons of material per hour. Water Balance.-The old water-balance lift consists of two cages moving vertically, and guided in the usual way, united by a rope or chain passing over a pulley. Below the floor of each cage is a water-tight box, provided at bottom with a discharge-valve. When the cage, with the empty box, is at the top of its course, water is run into it until its weight be- comes sufficient to overbalance the other cage with its load, the speed of its descent being regulated by a brake on the pulley around which the rope or chain passes. As soon as the descending cage reaches the ground the projecting spindle of the discharge-valve is forced upwards and allows the water to escape, leaving the cage ready for another ascent as soon as it is loaded. The principal objection to this arrangement is the difficulty of preventing leakage from the tanks, by which the lift-house is constantly kept in a sloppy and untidy state. Lifts are also sometimes constructed upon the system of Sir W. Arm- strong, where the cage is lifted by the action of a hydraulic ram, of which the course is multiplied by means of a chain passing over a system of compound pulleys. Pneumatic lifts are extremely convenient, and are now much used in the iron-works of this country. Furnace Hoist, Ayresome.-Figs. 76 and 77 represent a furnace hoist, on the pneumatic principle, erected by Mr. Gjers at the Ayresome Iron- Works, Middlesborough, which consists of a 36-inch cylinder, a, the whole height of the furnace, made up of flanged cast-iron tubes, lipped and bolted together and accurately bored throughout. In this cylinder works a heavy piston, lightly packed with a cotton jacket, which also forms a balance-weight, and is sufficiently heavy to balance the empty table, with four empty barrows, and a portion of the load. From this piston four wire ropes pass over four pulleys, b, overhead, down to each corner of the table, which is 15 feet square, surrounds the cylinder, and is guided by four shoes on the table, working in wooden guides on the cylinder. This leaves plenty of room for four barrows being placed round the cylinder, the table having a palisading around, with openings on the two opposite sides, so that the barrows are run on at one side at the bottom, and run off on the opposite side at the top. The bot- tom of the cylinder is connected with a pair of single-acting air-pumps worked by a pair of steam cylinders at an angle of 45°. Between the 238 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. pumps and cylinder is a reversing-slide, so arranged that, by moving it in one direction, the delivery of air is put in connection with the cylinder and the exhaust with the atmosphere; by moving it the reverse way, the exhaust is in connection with the cylinder and the delivery with the atmosphere. The empty table and barrows being at the top, the piston will be at the bottom; the engine being started, air is forced into the cylinder under the piston, and about 2 lbs. pressure will lift the piston and bring the table down. When the engine is stopped, the full barrows having been put on the table, the slide is reversed; the piston being now at the top and the engine started, air is removed from under the piston and a partial vacuum produced; the atmospheric pressure acting on the top of the piston now brings it down and the table up, till, arriving at the top, the engine is again stopped. Heavy ironstone barrows, carrying about 50 cwts. of stone, leaving about 40 cwts. unbalanced, require a vacuum of about 4 lbs. to bring the piston down; whereas, coke weighing only 20 cwts., with about 10 cwts. unbalanced, is brought up with a vacuum of about 1 lb. The engine is worked, stopped, and started like a winding engine, the speed at which the table is brought up or down depending upon the speed at which the engine is run. The cylinder being open at the top, the rope, shackles, and piston- packing are always accessible. The air-pumps are simply a pair of small single-acting blowing engines, exhausting air from one pipe and delivering into another, the suction-flaps being on one side and the delivery-flaps on the other. It will be noticed that the table being connected with the piston by four ropes, no serious accident could happen unless all were to break at the same time. No run-away is likely to take place, as the piston can neither go up nor down faster than air is introduced or removed from below it. The pull on the ropes being through the elastic medium of the air, much less strain is thrown upon them than is the case with direct winding. Kiln Hoist, Ayresome.-Figs. 78 and 79 are side and end eleva- tions of a hoist employed at the same works for lifting large railway trucks upon the depôts and kilns; this is also a pneumatic lift, working exactly on the same principle as that just described, but is arranged with two cylinders, a, each of 48 inches diameter with the table between them. From each piston wire ropes, b, pass over pulleys overhead, and lap once round, and down to the table corners. The opposite pulleys are keyed on shafts, c, as shown, so as to maintain parallelism. There is also a safety chain, d, on each side, which ordinarily does not take any weight, but comes into play in case of the breakage of a rope. The weight to be lifted is from 15 to 16 tons, and it requires a vacuum of about 6 lbs. to bring the pistons down and the table up, the balance being such that it requires a pressure of 4 lbs. to bring the empty table down. The engine to work this lift is precisely similar to that for the furnace lift, but is worked at a much slower speed. The height to which the trucks are lifted is 35 fect, and with four furnaces it will be required to lift at least 6,000 tons per week, including the weight of the trucks. IRON. 239 H 10000000000 d W.J.NELCH.SC Fig. 78.-Kiln Hoist, Ayresome Iron-Works; front elevation, partly section. 240 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. b ODO J.WELCHES Fig. 79.-Kiln Hoist, Ayresome Iron-Works; side elevation. IRON. 241 An empty waggon drop is also employed at the Ayresome works, which acts on the pneumatic principle, and is constructed similarly to the lift, with this difference, that the cylinders are only 36 inches in diameter, and the ropes, table, &c., lighter. Instead of the lift-pistons having a space beneath them, and being connected with an engine, a bottom is put into each cylinder on which the pistons come down. Close above this bottom, on each cylinder, are valves, one set communicating with the atmosphere, and the other through a pipe with the general blast main, both sets being actuated by handles on the top of the depôts. The table being at the top and pistons at the bottom, and both sets of valves being closed, the empty truck is run on; the balance of the pistons being such that the table, with truck on, is somewhat heaviest. As long as the valves at the bottom are shut, however, the table cannot raise the pistons, as immediately they move a partial vacuum is formed below them; the moment, however, the valve communicating with the atmosphere is opened, the extra weight of the table pulls the pistons up, drawing air after them through the valves. This constitutes an air-brake, and is entirely under control; the descent can be stopped at any time by shutting the valves, and the speed of the descent regulated at pleasure. On the table arriving at the bottom the truck is run off, but, before doing so, the attendant changes the handles at the top-that is, shuts the valves to the atmo- sphere, and opens the set communicating with the blast-tubing, thus increasing the pressure under the pistons to 4 lbs. This is for the pur- pose of supporting the heavy pistons when the truck is run off; but it also has an ulterior object, as the balanced weight of the pistons is such that they will descend against the 4 lbs. pressure, thus forcing the two cylinders full of air into the blast-tubing. It will thus be seen that for every empty truck which descends this drop a certain amount of air is forced into the blast-main. Direct-acting steam hoists are also frequently employed in the North of England for lifting trucks to the depôts or kilns, but space does not admit of their description. SMELTING. Fuel used in the Blast-Furnace. The fuel used in the blast-furnace is usually either charcoal or coke, but both raw coal and anthracite are like- wise extensively employed; turf and wood are also sometimes made use of, but principally as a mixture with charcoal. Owing to its freedom from sulphur and other impurities, charcoal yields pig-iron of superior quality, but the immense consumption of wood entailed renders the manufacture of charcoal-iron in thickly-populated districts impossible. The average yield per acre of the best-timbered lands in America is about sixty cords, a quantity sufficient to produce about twenty tons of pig-iron, or to supply one of the charcoal furnaces of the Lake Superior region with fuel for a single day. It is, consequently, evident that, as the daily supply of one furnace necessitates the clearing of an acre of forest land, a charcoal smelting-establishment can only be permanently carried on in a densely-wooded country, either on the sea-board or within reach R 242 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of navigable rivers. It is believed that at the present time there are at most but two charcoal furnaces in blast in this country, and the charcoal furnaces of Belgium are now reduced to the same number. Much more iron is also produced in France and Germany by the use of coke than in charcoal furnaces. The value of coke as fuel for the blast-furnace is much influenced by the amount of ash it contains, as well as by its hardness or power of resisting pressure; the hardest varieties of coke, containing the smallest percentage of ash, are those best suited for the purpose of the iron- manufacturer. When raw coal is employed in the blast-furnace, non-caking varieties, containing but a small proportion of ash, are selected; since a caking coal would, if thus used, be liable to form lumps by which the regular working of the apparatus would become seriously deranged. Owing to its density and purity, anthracite yields pig-iron of good quality, but in order to obtain satisfactory results with this fuel, a hot- blast at a high pressure must be employed. If used in furnaces of the ordinary construction, its difficulty of combustion would cause a slow descent of the charges, and a consequent small production of metal. This difficulty is overcome by enlarging the area of the furnace and admitting a large quantity of hot-blast equally distributed around its circumference, by means of numerous tuyers; in some cases as many as sixteen tuyers have been employed in furnaces working on anthracite. The un- desirable property of decrepitating possessed by some varieties of an- thracite is chiefly characteristic of lamellar varieties; the anthracite of South Wales, which has a somewhat granular fracture, does not generally splinter in the fire. Pennsylvania, Scotland, and South Wales are the principal localities in which anthracite is employed for the production of pig-iron. Turf has the disadvantage of being bulky, and, in addition to a large percentage of ash, contains notable quantities of sulphur; compressed or artificially-dried turf has sometimes been employed, but its preparation is expensive, and the results afforded not generally satisfactory. Turf is usually employed in admixture with charcoal. At Ransko, Bohemia, where the largest proportion is employed, the mixture used consists of 70 per cent. of dried turf and 30 per cent. of charcoal. Air-dried wood may be added to charcoal in the proportion of about one-third, and artificially-dried wood to the extent of one-half. The carbonisation of wood or turf in the blast-furnace is liable to cause an increase of temperature in the upper parts of the stack, and to cause irregularities in the working; wood must be employed in small pieces, and consequently its use involves a considerable amount of labour. The weight of air thrown into a blast-furnace in full work much exceeds the total weight of all the solid materials employed. A furnace of a capacity of 7,500 cubic feet, when working on foundry-iron, requires 5,400 feet of air per minute, or about 1,700 tons weekly; when working on white-iron the same furnace will require about 2,400 tons of blast per week. IRON. 243 Blowing-in.-The blowing-in of a blast-furnace is an operation neces- sitating considerable care, since if too hastily effected great injury to the masonry would result. When a furnace has been made ready for blowing-in by building up the tuyer-holes, &c., a quantity of rough dry timber is placed in the hearth, filling it to the height of from 5 to 6 feet; on this is piled coke until it reaches and fills the boshes. Fire is now applied to the timber, which quickly communicates it to the coke above, and regular charges of calcined ironstone, limestone, and coke are added until the materials reach the throat of the furnace. The relative amounts of ironstone, limestone, and coke employed vary in different localities; but in the neighbourhood of Merthyr Tydvil, in South Wales, they are, according to Truran, often in the proportions of 5 cwts. calcined ironstone, 12 cwt. limestone, and 4 cwts. of coke. The furnace having been in this way gradually filled to the throat, the blast is turned on to the extent of about one-fifth of the volume usually employed. For a furnace intended to be blown with 4-inch nozzles the first set should have a diameter of 13 inch; after blowing about thirty hours, these may be replaced by others 23 inches in diameter; and at the expiration of three days, these may be exchanged for 31-inch pipes. By the close of the third week the size may be increased to 33 inches, and in four or five weeks after blowing-in, full-sized pipes may be used. Shortly after the admission of the blast, the workmen commence clearing the hearth below the tuyers for the reception of slags, which begin to make their appearance about twelve hours after beginning to blow. In twenty-four hours these will have filled the bottom of the hearth. The metal, which usually makes its appearance about twelve hours after the cinders, will, in a furnace of a capacity of 7,500 cubic feet, accumulate to the amount of from 3 to 4 tons at the expiration of sixty hours after the admission of the blast. Eighteen hours later, another casting of 2 tons of metal may be made, and thenceforward the castings may be performed at the usual fixed periods. The old method of supporting the charges of a furnace on a "scaffold" during the process of blowing-in is now seldom resorted to. When this system is adopted, a grate, of iron bars, is made across the hearth on a level with the top of the dam-plate, and, as soon as the first charge of ironstone reaches this point, the bars are withdrawn and the blast turned on. The number of workmen employed about a blast-furnace is somewhat varied in accordance with its size and the locality in which it is situated. In South Staffordshire there are usually three men to each furnace: one keeper, one stove-man, and one filler; during the operation of casting these are assisted by others, such as coke-wheelers, limestone- breakers, &c. Descent of Charges.-The respective amounts of ironstone, flux, and fuel, required for the production of iron of a given quality, having been determined, it is important that their relative proportions should be R 2 244 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. maintained unaltered in the consecutive charges by the workmen engaged in filling, and, for their guidance in this respect, weighing machines are placed in the various barrow-roads over which the charges are transported. In the case of charcoal furnaces, the different ores and fluxes are usually made up in suitable proportions in alternate layers one above the other, and the mixture obtained by making a vertical section of the heap is charged into the furnace. In coke furnaces, ore and limestone are often charged separately, or they may be placed in the charging barrows in distinct strata. In order to obtain regularity in the action of a furnace, the column of descending materials should be uniformly heated by the ascending current of hot gases. There is, however, in practice, considerable diffi- culty in attaining this result, since the upward gaseous current follows the sides of the furnace, whereas the flow in the centre of the mass is comparatively insignificant. The descent of the solid charges, on the other hand, takes place under very different conditions, because the frag- ments of which they are composed are sensibly retarded by friction against the masonry of the furnace. The central portions are not thus affected, and, descending more rapidly, they have a tendency to become less heated than portions of the mixture occupying a position in which the motion is less gradual, and where a more elevated temperature prevails. From this cause the central portions of the successive charges, depo- sited in the throat of the furnace in approximately parallel layers, over- take the sides of those which precede them in the series, and thus, at a certain depth below the mouth, the contents of the furnace become intimately mixed, a nearly uniform heat being the result. The distribution of the materials in a furnace is also materially affected by the arrangements adopted for charging, which may leave the upper surface of the column either horizontal, as an upright, or an inverted cone, or as a combination of the two, resulting in a conical heap with a funnel-shaped depression in its centre. When the upper surface of the charge assumes the form of a cone, the fragments of ore and fuel dropped upon it from above take up positions in conformity with their differences of form and density. A large proportion of the ironstone will remain where it first falls, while the lighter fuel, which is usually in larger fragments, rolls down the slope and arranges itself around the periphery of the base, thus establishing the worst possible combination of circumstances by allowing a free passage to the gases around the sides, while a dense core of almost impermeable ore accumulates in the centre. When the charges are distributed around the circumference of the throat, the surface forms a conical cup, the lighter fragments rolling inwards towards the centre, while the ore accumulates in the vicinity of the walls. This tendency of the fuel and larger masses of ore to settle in the middle, forming a central, readily-permeable column, results in a more equal distribution of the draught over the entire horizontal section, while the bulk of the ore descends slowly through the region most highly IRON. 245 heated by the current of ascending gases. These conditions are favour- able to uniform and economical working, but in the case of furnaces having wide throats, the central draught may sometimes become so active as to result in an undue consumption of fuel, and the constant contact with ironstone is liable to produce an erosive action on the brickwork of the lining. Where charging plates are employed, or a conical funnel is made use of, the surface of the materials will present the form of an annular ridge sloping towards both the centre and the circumference of the furnace. This condition of the material is obtained by the use of the ordinary cup and cone, and is considered the most favourable for the regular working of the apparatus. For many of the Swedish charcoal furnaces the charges are weighed in a large iron scoop provided with a wooden handle, and suspended by a chain above the throat; by means of this the richer magnetic ores are distributed in a ring next the walls, while the limestone and poorer varieties of ironstone are spread uniformly over the other portions of the column. Tapping.—The removal of the liquid metal is called tapping, and is effected by piercing, with a long bar, a plug of sand and clay with which, during the previous operations, a hole communicating with the bottom of the hearth has been closed. Before proceeding to tap, the workmen = - Fig. 80.-Sand Bed. prepare moulds for the reception of the liquid metal, by excavating in sand a series of parallel trenches connected by channels which traverse all at right angles and place them in communication with the hole at the bottom of the hearth, by which the liquid metal is withdrawn. The blast is now shut off, the fore part of the hearth is opened, and the plug of refractory material rapidly removed; this allows the melted iron to flow into the channels communicating with the moulds; here it 246 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. assumes the form of semi-cylindrical bars or pigs, united to one another by one of larger dimensions, called a sow, and from which they are easily separated by being broken off at the point of connection. When the whole has been drawn off, the blast is again admitted into the furnace, and smelting operations are repeated as above described, until, from the quantity of metal accumulated, a second tapping becomes necessary. By the aid of the accompanying diagram, fig. 80, the process of casting will be readily understood. The sand bed extends for a con- siderable distance in front of the furnace, and may be either exposed to the weather or protected by a roof. It is made to slope gradually from the furnace, and a series of parallel furrows is prepared, having the shape of the pigs to be cast, with their longer axes directed towards the tapping- hole. A sufficient thickness of sand is left between the several furrows to form barriers, strong enough to resist the pressure of the molten metal, and the ends of the several moulds in each row communicate with a transverse channel formed in the sand. All these transverse furrows are in communication with a long main channel, a, running from the tapping-hole to the lower end of the sand bed. The lower row of moulds only is at first filled by means of the furrow, b, and, when they have become sufficiently full, communication between it and the main feeding-channel, a, is cut off by driving down a spade at d, and piling against it a little sand. The other moulds are, in succession, placed in connection with the feeding-channel, by the removal of a small quantity of sand, the metal flowing last into those nearest the furnace. The longitudinal moulds form the pigs, and the transverse feeding channels. the sows. Blowing out.-Whenever it becomes necessary to put a furnace out of blast, for the purpose of repairs or for any other reason, the burden is for some time reduced, in order that the temperature of the hearth may be increased, for the purpose of removing obstructions only fusible at a high heat. The gas-tubes and other metallic fittings of the throat are next removed, and, charging having been suspended, the contents of the furnace are allowed to burn down; the last tapping is made from a point as low down as possible in the hearth. The hearth is frequently found to be more or less obstructed by im- perfectly-agglomerated masses of malleable iron; and detached crystals, or even lumps, of considerable size, of a copper-coloured substance, TiCN4, which was formerly supposed to be metallic titanium, are found adhering to the brickwork. It sometimes happens that, either through want of material or by some accident to the machinery, it becomes necessary to suspend the operations of a furnace during several successive days. This may sometimes be done by hermetically closing the throat and tuyer-holes with sand or clay; but should the interruption extend over a period of more than a week, cooling takes place to such an extent as to cause agglomerations liable to render the abandonment of the furnace necessary. IRON. 247 VARIETIES OF PIG-IRON.-Pig-iron may be divided into several qualities, of which the classification is practically determined by the appearances presented by freshly-broken surfaces. Metal presenting in the most marked degree a dark-grey fracture, with large and brilliant graphitic scales, is known as "No. 1 pig;" while the lighter-coloured and more finely granular varieties are distinguished by numerals up to No. 4. When the metal ceases to be grey beyond this point, its quality is no longer indicated by a numerical scale. Further modifications are known as “mottled" and "white," the former being sometimes subdivided into "weak" and "strong" mottled; this classification varies slightly in different localities. These numbers, as far as 3, are called foundry-pigs, while those beyond, which are only suitable for conversion into wrought-iron, are known as forge-pigs. Two extra classes known as Bessemer, Nos. 1 and 2, are made in Cumberland and Lancashire, and command higher prices than the same numbers in the ordinary scale. White cast-iron can, under ordinary circumstances, be more cheaply produced than grey, as it usually results from a heavy burden and an active driving of the furnace. It smelts at a lower temperature than grey-iron, but is less liquid; on cooling it passes through an inter- mediate pasty condition before setting, and contracts very considerably on solidification. Grey cast-iron, on the contrary, expands in becoming solid, and is, from this circumstance and from its more perfect fluidity, well adapted for all descriptions of foundry work. Where, as in Sweden, the practice is adopted of casting the metal in iron moulds, the surface, even when the metal is naturally grey, is whitened to a considerable depth by rapid cooling. Another class of pig- iron, obtained under similar conditions, consists of alternate layers of white, lamellar, and dark-grey metal; in some cases the grey-iron occurs in the form of stars or patches disseminated through a white matrix. Metal of this kind is in high repute for forge purposes, as it closely approximates in composition to a mixture of grey-iron and refined metal, such as is found most advantageous for the manufacture of wrought-iron. Common white-iron made with a heavy burden of cinder usually contains a considerable amount of sulphur and phosphorus, and is much honeycombed on the upper surface of the pig. The white pig-iron, produced in New Jersey from the residues. obtained in the treatment of franklinite for zinc, is exceedingly hard, and is much used in the manufacture of crushing-rolls, stamp-heads, jaws for Blake's crushing machines, &c. The white cast-iron, prepared from spathose ores containing man- ganese, is known by the name of spiegeleisen; it is extremely hard, and when broken its surface presents an aggregation of bright lamellar crystals, frequently tinged with blue, sometimes nearly an inch in length. It contains a large amount of carbon in chemical combination; man- ganese is also always present, but its amount may vary considerably without affecting the crystalline character of the metal. The following table gives the composition of different varieties of 248 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ANALYSES OF PIG-IRON. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. pig-iron produced in some of the principal British and foreign iron- smelting districts: combined 2.35 1.43 3.17 1.07 2 78 C 3.50 3.27 2.50 5.04 4.770 2.80 2.42 graphitic 2.40 2.02 0.12 3.39 1.99 Si 1.17 0.92 0.37 0.84 0.67 0.16 0.41 1.81 0.820 1.85 0.36 0.71 Mn 5.42 2.02 7.39 0.44 0.37 0.10 7.57 1.08 11.120 traco S 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.013 trace 0.14 0.87 trace Fe trace 0.04 trace $8.60 94.08 88.84 94.85 0.19 0.28 0.11 0.16 0.006 0.134 1.66 1.08 1.23 95.70 86.74 93.55 95.27 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. (combined C graphitic Si Mn 0.602 0.858 0.561 0.83 3.574 1.634 0.78 2.301 1.052 1.52 0.066 0.002 0.113 0.27 0.156 0.16 6.900 2.99 {2.61 0.554) 2.795 2.325 1.150$ { 0.04 3.31 3.10 3.44 0.100 0.97 11.500 1.71 4.414 1.900 2.629 2.16 1.13 1.86 0.27 1.837 0.395 1.838 0.50 0.43 0.50 0.137 0.05 0.05 0.039 0.414 0.250 0.11 0.03 0.071 0.50 0.29 0.099 1.807 1.872 0.63 1.24 0.076 Ti 1.150 Fe 96.484 96.44 81.363 90.584 93.780 91.086 94.56 93.470 : with charcoal from red and brown hæmatites, by the Acadian Iron Com- cuarcoal from spathic ore; Rosthorn. 4 and 5, Acadian pig-iron, smelted 1, Grey. 2, Mottled. 3, White; from Lölling, Carinthia, smelted by IRON. 249 pany, Nova Scotia; Tookey; No. 4, large-grained, and highly graphitic; No. 5, fine-grained pig-iron. 6, White forge-pig, smelted with charcoal from magnetite and specular schists, Langshytta, Dalarne; Rinman; contains traces of copper and calcium. 7, Spiegeleisen, containing traces of copper; Jordan. 8, Grey Bessemer-pig, smelted with coke from spathic and brown iron ores, Hochdahl, Siegen; Jordan. 9, Spiegeleisen, from Germany, locality not known, containing 0.310 per cent. copper; Tookey. 10, South Wales grey cinder-pig; and 11, South Wales common white-pig; Noad. 12, Mottled iron, from Königshütte, Hartz, produced with charcoal and cold-blast; Gurlt. 13, Grey-iron, from Rothehütte, Hartz, produced by charcoal. 14, Grey-iron, from Hasslinghausen, Westphalia, coke-smelted; Lürmann. 15, Mottled iron, from same locality; Lürmann. 16, Spiegeleisen, from franklinite, New Jersey, U.S.; T. H. Henry. 17, Bowling, No. 1 cold-blast pig; Abel. 18, Ystalyfera; No. 3 hot-blast, argillaceous ores smelted with anthra- cite; Abel. 19, Grey Bessemer-pig, from Tow Law, Durham, smelted from decomposed spathic ores with coke; contains traces of copper, cobalt, and lead; Riley. 20, Made at Bilston from Northampton ore with coke and hot-blast; described as "exceedingly tender iron"; T. H. Henry. 21, Produced from equal weights of Northamptonshire ore, roasted tap-cinder and flue-, or mill-furnace cinder; T. H. Henry. 22, No. 3 best mine-pig, Dowlais, made wholly from Welsh mine; contains traces of cobalt and nickel; Riley. 23, No. 2 foundry-pig, produced at Middlesbrough-on-Tees from Cleveland ore with coke and hot-blast; Abel. 24, Titaniferous pig-iron made from hæmatite with a mixture of 7 per cent. of ilmenite; Riley. The following elaborate analysis, by Fresenius, of spiegeleisen produced from the famous spathic ores of Stahlberg, near Müsen, is of much interest on account of the large number of substances which, in minute quantities, he appears to have estimated :*— Fe Mn 82.860 10.707 • Ni 0.061 • • • • • Co trace • • • • Cu Al Ti Mg • 0.066 • • • 0.077 • 0.006 • • 0.045 Ca 0.091 • K 0.063 • Na Li As trace tracel • 0.007 • • Sb P N 0.004 0.059 · 0.014 • 0.014 Si C 0.997 4.323 SiO2, in the intermingled slag O, combined in the bases of the slag 0.475 0.190 100.059 * From a printed circular of the Müsen Company. Date of analysis, 1862. 250 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Peters has given the following as the average composition of the spathic ores smelted by the Müsen Company :*____ SiO 2 A1203 Fe2O3 FeO MnO CaO MgO ZnO • • .* 1.62 • 1.63 2.75 • 52.12 0.83 · · 1.75 2.29 · 0.01 CO2 35.92 • 2 P₂05 0.54 · FeS2 0.22 H₂O 0.45 Organic matter 0.39 • 100.55 The power of resistance of cast-iron to strains variously applied differs in accordance with the quality and composition of the metal; No. 1 pig is soft and deficient in strength, as compared with lower qualities made from the same ores, and, consequently, for foundry pur- poses it is customary to so blend the different kinds of metal as to obtain a mixture suitable for the casting to be produced. Silicon is believed to prejudicially affect the strength of cast-iron, and it may be from the presence of a larger amount of this element in hot-blast metal that its strength is inferior to that smelted by the cold-blast. The maximum and minimum limits of strength in British pig-iron, as deduced from experiments made at the Woolwich Arsenal (1856-59), are as follow:- Specific gravity Minimum. 6.886 Maximum. 7.289 Tensile strength per square inch • Transverse Torsional Crushing "" "" "" "" 4.85 tons 1.37 1.74 22.54 "" 14.05 tons. 4.47 3.44 "" "" 58.42 "" "" "" "" Tensile strength was determined by tearing asunder short columns of 1.3 inch in smallest diameter. Transverse strength was determined by taking the mean of a number of values derived from breaking bars 22 inches long and 2 inches square. Torsional strength was determined on round bars 8 inches long between the points at which the twisting force was applied. The crushing strains were deduced from cylinders 1.3 inch high and 0·6 inch in diameter. The lowest values were obtained from iron made from sandy brown ores, and the best from hæmatite and from argillaceous carbonates, smelted either together or separately with cold-blast. CAPACITY AND PRODUCTION OF BLAST-FURNACES.-According to the valuable Mineral Statistics of Mr. Robert Hunt, F.R.S, the total pro- duction of pig-iron in Great Britain during the year 1872, amounted to 6,741,929 tons, or more than double the make of nineteen years ago, when the great iron industries of Cleveland and Cumberland were compa- ratively undeveloped; four times greater than in 1840, and three hundred- * 'Jahres-Bericht; Wagner,' 1857, p. 5. IRON. 251 fold the make of the year 1750, when the tanners of Sheffield petitioned Parliament against the importation of American iron, lest the Yorkshire furnaces should be extinguished, and, wood being no longer required by them, a supply of bark for the tan-pits should not be obtainable. Each of the blast-furnaces of that period produced, on an average, 300 tons of pig-iron annually, while some of the largest of them now yield above 24,000 tons during the same period. In other words, the produce of a single modern blast-furnace exceeds by one-third all the crude iron made in the country one hundred and twenty-five years ago. The greatly increased production of the modern blast-furnace, as compared with those of older date, is partly due to its larger size, and partially also to the proportionately large amount of blast with which it is now supplied. The time necessary for the complete reduction of the ore, previously to actual fusion, is dependent on many variable elements, such as its richness, composition, porosity, and density, the nature of the fuel, &c. It is therefore necessary, in order to obtain any given result, with regard to either quality or produce, to ascertain by actual experiment for each particular furnace the amount of blast, burden of ore, and admixture of fluxes which should be employed. The more com- pletely the materials are exposed to the action of the ascending gaseous current, all other conditions being the same, the shorter will be the time necessary for reduction, and it is consequently important that, by the use of suitable charging and gas-collecting apparatus, the flow of gases through the mass should be rendered, as far as possible, uniform. The free escape of gases from the top of the furnace must especially be provided for, and on this account methods based upon their collection above the surface of the charges are to be preferred to those in which lateral flues penetrating the walls below the level of the throat are made use of. If the pressure of the blast delivered to a furnace be kept con- stant, while the volume is increased, a tendency to produce white-iron will be developed. On the other hand, by increasing both pressure and temperature, especially if the ores be of a refractory character, the pro- duction of mottled or grey iron is likely to be the result. Charcoal Furnaces.-The charcoal furnaces, or Blauöfen, of Styria, consist of two truncated cones united by their bases; the throat is very narrow, and they differ from other blast-furnaces in being without a fore- hearth. The metal and slag are allowed to accumulate in the hearth, whence they are removed by frequent tapping, as many as sixteen casts being sometimes made in the course of twenty-four hours. The ores treated are chiefly spathic carbonates, poor in manganese, and more or less changed, by oxidation and loss of carbonic anhydride, into brown hæmatite. In order to free the ironstone as completely as possible from sulphur, it is, after roasting, exposed to the action of the weather for a period of from two to three years. The ores treated contain from 35 to 55 per cent. of metal, and the object sought is the production of white-pig for the manu- facture of bar-iron with a minimum expenditure of charcoal. In order to attain this end the furnaces are worked with a very heavy burden, care being taken to counteract the tendency to form obstructions, by intro- ducing, at regular intervals, charges of fuel without ore. Some of the 252 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ores treated are so constituted as not to require the addition of fluxes, but they generally contain so large a proportion of lime as to render a mixture of siliceous and argillaceous materials necessary. Von Fischer's furnace, Vordernberg, is one of the smallest in the world, its total height being 28 feet, its width at the boshes 6 feet, and its cubic capacity 452 feet. The usual charge of this furnace consists of 223 lbs. roasted ore, 15 lbs. clay, and 4lbs. of the granulated pig-iron recovered by stamping and washing the slags; to this are added 95 lbs. charcoal. This furnace is tapped at intervals of ninety minutes, fourteen charges, including a blank one of fuel without burden, being made during the same period; the daily production of pig-iron is 74 tons. Von Fridau's furnace, in the same district, is somewhat larger than the above; its height is 42 feet, its diameter at the boshes is 7 feet, and its capacity 1,052 cubic feet. The full charge consists of from 6 cwts. of roasted ore, to which are added 10 per cent. of clay, and about 10 lbs. of granulated metal from the slags. Fifteen and half cubic feet of soft, pine- charcoal, weighing 101 lbs., are employed with each charge, and the burden of ore is gradually raised from 3 to 6 cwts. per charge, and after- wards successively diminished in a similar way; a blank charge of fuel without ore being introduced at each change from an increasing to a de- creasing burden. The daily production of this furnace varies from 18 to 20 tons, and the tuyers, which incline at an angle of 5°, cause the hearth, to some extent, to act as a refinery. Both these furnaces are very actively driven; the first tapping taking place twelve hours after lighting, the subsequent castings being repeated at intervals of from one and half to two and half hours. The consump- tion of charcoal is about 14 cwts. per ton of pig-iron produced; they are sometimes worked with cold-, and at others with hot-blast. Although the ores treated are well adapted for the production of spiegeleisen, the prevailing high price of fuel prevents its being regularly made, and from the small proportion of lime contained in the charges, considerable quan- tities of the oxides of iron and manganese are carried off in the slags. "self- The blast-furnaces employed in Sweden are, in many respects, similar to those of Styria, but they are provided with a small and narrow fore- hearth. Their capacity is usually inconsiderable, varying from 600 to 2,500 cubic feet. The best varieties of Swedish ores are known as fluxing," and contain earthy materials in such proportions as to afford fusible slags without further addition. The ores of Dannemora, Lang- banshytta, and Langshytta are usually of this description, and contain from 50 to 60 per cent. of iron. At the last-named locality the charges, even after the addition of from 3 to 5 per cent. of limestone, sometimes contain above 60 per cent. of iron. The more siliceous hæmatites and micaceous ores are mixed with calcareous magnetite, and fluxed with dolomitic limestone; the average amount of iron in the charges varies from 35 to about 50 per cent. The siliceous itabirite of Nora requires an admixture of 25 per cent. of limestone, and at Taberg, where the ore smelted consists of magnetite disseminated in an eruptive greenstone, the charges only contain about 20 per cent. of iron. At Dannemora, the blast is heated to from 80° to IRON. 253 100° C., and throughout Sweden the temperature does not usually exceed 200°. The waste gases are withdrawn through an aperture in the side of the furnace 12 to 15 feet below the throat, and are employed both for heating the blast and for the calcination of ores. Cold-blast is used at Finspong for the production of gun-foundry iron. The average weekly production of the Swedish furnaces ranges from 30 to 60 tons of pig-iron, but at Langshytta the weekly make is 117 tons, at Sandviken 104 tons, and at Langbanshytta 75 tons per furnace. Gene- rally speaking, the works are kept in operation during the winter months only, when ore and fuel can be readily transported by means of sledges. The consumption of charcoal varies from 16 to 17 cwts. per ton for white and mottled pig-iron produced, and from 21 to 22 cwts. per ton for grey metal suitable for foundry purposes, or the preparation of Bessemer steel; the poor magnetic ores of Taberg require as much as 50 to 60 cwts. of charcoal to produce a ton of pig-iron. At the well known iron-works at Finspong, Ostgothland, the pig-iron intended for making cannon is run directly from the furnace into the moulds; whereas in other foundries it is usual to re-melt the pig-iron in reverberatory furnaces. The charge in 1857 was, according to Tunner, composed as follows:— Lispunds.* Lispunds. Lbs. Avoirdupois. Ferola ores. 29.8 Jerna 5.4 42.0 625.80 Petang,, 4.1 Stenbo 2.7 Scrap cast-iron 22.35 Iron-borings 22.35 Limestone 96.85 767.35 Charcoal • Tunnas. 9 Imperial bushels. 36 The Ferola ores chiefly consist of granular magnetite and quartz, with a little oligoclase, hornblende, and iron pyrites; the Jerna ore is a richer and less-compact magnetite, associated with the same minerals as those from Ferola; the Petäng ores are similar, but are more finely granular, and contain a considerable percentage of manganese; the Stenbo ore is a mixture of magnetite and spathic carbonate of iron. These ores yield from 48 to 52 per cent. of pig-iron of great strength, but containing a notable quantity of sulphur; this, instead of impairing the quality of the metal, is believed to increase its strength.f * Each of 14.9 lbs. avoirdupois. † With respect to the influence of sulphur on the quality of iron, Dr. Percy remarks: "I have particularly interrogated the intelligent managers of iron-works, from every part of England, as to their opinion concerning the influence of sulphur, in certain proportions, even on bar-iron, and they have, without exception, expressed the opinion that it is not unfavourable to strength, however it may interfere with the finish on the surface of the metal."-'Iron and Steel,' p. 554. 254 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. At Marquette, Lake Superior, the ores smelted are a brown hæma- tite containing, on an average, 40 per cent. of iron, and a specular schist yielding 60 per cent. of that metal. These ores are mixed in such pro- portions as to yield 55 per cent. of pig-iron, and are treated in a furnace 40 feet in height, 11 feet in the boshes, and 4 feet at the throat; the gases are collected in an annular flue inclosed by an iron cylinder. The blast is introduced at a temperature of 330° C., and at a pressure of about 2 lbs. per square inch, through two tuyers, each 33 inches in diameter, on opposite sides of the hearth. A crystalline limestone is used as flux, to the amount of about 10 per cent., and the consumption of charcoal is approximately 25 cwts. per ton of pig-iron. The weekly production is from 125 to 130 tons of fine-grained dark-grey pig, suitable either for foundry work or for the manufacture of Bessemer steel. At the Wyandotte Iron-Works, near Detroit, the consumption of light- wood charcoal in a furnace of similar dimensions amounts to only 17 cwts. per ton of pig-iron made. The charges are composed of 500 lbs. of slaty ore, 40 lbs. Niagara limestone, and 40 lbs. of forge-cinder; the average yield of iron is about 65 per cent. The ores in the Lake Superior dis- trict are not usually roasted, but all the materials constituting the charges are reduced, by means of Blake's stone-breaker, to the size of ordinary road-metal. There are still in Prussia two Royal works in which charcoal is the fuel employed, namely Malapane and Kreuzburger Hütte, each of which has one furnace. These are 30 feet in height and 7 feet in diameter at the boshes; fir-charcoal is chiefly employed as fuel. At Malapane the ores treated are calcined clay ironstones producing from 30 to 40 per cent. of metal, and earthy brown iron ores of about the same produce; there are two tuyers of from 1½ to 17-inch in diameter, and the weekly produce is from 14 to 15 tons. At Kreuzburger Hütte there are three tuyers each 19 inch diameter, the pressure of the blast is from to lb. per square inch, and the temperature from 60° to 90° C. The weekly produce is slightly in excess of that at Malapane. Coke Furnaces.—The ores smelted in the Siegen district are princi- pally spathic carbonates and brown hæmatites; the former contain a con- siderable quantity of manganese. The spathose ores are, for the most part, obtained in the immediate neighbourhood, but a considerable portion of the hæmatite is brought from Nassau and elsewhere. Both white and grey pig-iron of good quality are produced, as well as spiegeleisen; the first being employed for the production of steel in the puddling furnace and open hearth, and the two last in the Bessemer process. The older furnaces were generally very small and were worked exclusively with charcoal, but since the establishment of railway communication with the coal-fields in the Ruhr basin, these have been generally superseded by fur- naces of larger capacity, in which coke and the hot-blast are employed. This has resulted in greater regularity both in the quantity and qua- lity of the metal produced, in addition to which the high temperature in the region of the hearth, resulting from the hot-blast, is found to increase the quantity of manganese reduced. The state of oxidation in which manganese exists in the ore also exer- IRON. 255 cises considerable influence on the amount of that metal contained in the pig-iron made; when spathose ores are employed, the resulting pig-metal is more highly manganiferous than when hæmatites containing manganese are made use of. At Charlottenhütte the charges for spiegeleisen have the following composition:- Roasted spathic ores Raw brown hæmatite limestone Total Coke Cwts. 28.8) 7.2 yielding 44 to 45 per cent. of pig-iron. • • • 9.0 45.0 20.0 The coke contains 8 per cent. of ash; number of charges daily, 36; produce, 30 tons; consumption of coke per ton of metal, 22 to 23 cwts. ; number of tuyers, 3; back 3 inches, sides 33 inches, diameter; tempera- ture of blast, 280° to 300° C.; pressure, 33 lbs. per square inch. In the Müsen district, spiegeleisen was formerly produced from the Stahlberg spathic ores without the addition of flux, but since it has been customary to add a certain amount of limestone the percentage of man- ganese in the pig-iron has been much larger than previously. At the Charlottenhütte the pig-iron produced usually contains 8 per cent. of manganese, but this is reduced to one-half when the blast is allowed to fall from 300° to 100° C. The ores employed in South Staffordshire are partly clay ironstones from the coal-measures (“native mine") and partly red and brown hæma- tites from North Staffordshire, Lancashire, and elsewhere; the make is chiefly grey-pig for forge purposes. Forge-cinders are extensively employed in the production of common hot-blast metal; but the best minc-pig is still made from coke with cold-blast. According to Jones, this district annually consumes 1,746,500 tons of ironstone, and 150,000 tons of forge- and mill-cinder. The coal of South Staffordshire belongs to the non-caking class, and is used partly in the raw state and partly coked ; the coke, which is brittle, contains from 4·2 to 4.6 per cent. of ash, and from 0.3 to 0.5 per cent. of sulphur. The pressure of blast varies from 21 to 3 lbs. per square inch, and the temperature from 300° to 330° C.; a small number of furnaces are worked with cold-blast. The flux is principally Silurian and Carboniferous Limestone; the average consumption of coal per ton of metal made is, in hot-blast fur- naces, 55 to 60 cwts., and for cold-blast from 60 to 70 cwts., or, rather, its equivalent in coke. In addition to this, 2 cwts. of coal are necessary for the calcination of the ores, and from 15 to 22 cwts. are required in the hot- blast stoves, as the waste gases escaping from the throat of the furnace are but seldom utilised in the district. The produce of the furnace is from 120 to 150 tons weekly, although some of the largest yield from 180 to 250 tons of metal per week. The furnaces of the Cleveland district, which are remarkable for their large dimensions, are worked entirely with the hard compact coke from South Durham, containing from 4 to 10 per cent. of ash, and from 4 to 1 per cent. of sulphur. The ores treated are principally the argillaceous 256 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. carbonates of the district, to which a little red hæmatite is sometimes added. The ironstone chiefly smelted in Cleveland is the argillaceous ore from the Lias, containing, in a dry state, from 33 to 40 per cent. of prot- oxide, and from 2 to 7 per cent. of peroxide of iron; equal to from 26 to 33 per cent. of metallic iron. By calcination this is increased to 37 or 40 per cent. of metal. The flux is either raw or burnt limestone, derived chiefly from the Pennine range, and containing, in its raw state, from 87 to 96 per cent. of calcium carbonate. In order to produce a ton of grey foundry-pig from Cleveland iron- stone, without admixture of foreign ores or of mill-cinder, from 19 to 28 cwts. of coke, and from 10 to 14 cwts. of limestone are required; the amounts in each case varying in accordance with the quality of the ore and fuel, and the regularity of the working of the furnace, &c. In one of the furnaces at Newport, near Middlesborough, described by Mr. B. Samuelson in his paper read before the Institution of Civil Engineers, the average consumption of fuel, excluding the six weeks immediately after blowing-in, was 20.35 cwts. per ton of iron produced; the minimum quantity used in any one week 18.78 cwts., and the maximum quantity 22.12 cwts. per ton of iron. The average quantity of calcined ironstone used was 46.11 cwts. per ton of iron, the minimum quantity used in any one week 44.16 cwts., and the maximum quantity 48·04 cwts. per ton of iron. The average quantity of limestone em- ployed was 10-71 cwts., the minimum quantity in any one week 10.35 cwts., and the maximum quantity 11.26 cwts. per ton of iron made. The average weekly production of pig-iron was 430 tons, and the maximum 466 tons, but the produce per furnace has been since increased to from 490 to 500 tons. This furnace is 85 feet in height, 25 feet in diameter at the boshes, and has a capacity of 30,000 cubic feet; the con- sumption of fuel and flux, in proportion to the production, is about 15 per cent. less than that in four other furnaces erected in 1863-4, of which the internal capacity is only 16,000 cubic feet. Three furnaces erected by Mr. Samuelson at South Bank, in Cleveland, in 1854, have each a capacity of 5,079 cubic feet, and consume from 32 to 40 cwts. of coke, and from 14 to 15 cwts. of limestone to the ton of iron; the weekly production varying from 120 to 160 tons. The quantity of coal used in the calcining kilns varies from 3·50 to 3.94 cwts. per ton of iron. The number of men employed about the two furnaces in twenty-four hours, exclusive of platelayers and mechanics for repairs, but including enginemen for removing the slag, is seventy-seven; fifty-two in the daytime and twenty-four at night; being one man for every 11 tons of materials of every kind, including slag, transported, or one man for every 111 ton of pig-iron produced. At the Ayresome Iron-Works, in the same district, the property of Messrs. Gjers, Mills & Co., the weekly make of each furnace is about 400 tons of pig-iron; each ton of metal is produced with an expenditure of an equal weight of coke, and the blast used is about 6,600 cubic fect per minute. IRON. 257 GENERAL LIBRAS University c. MICHIGAN The most productive furnaces, as regards their weekly make of pig- iron, are those treating the rich hæmatites of Lancashire and Cumber- land. In the Barrow district, furnaces 56 feet in height and 16 feet diameter at the boshes, with a cubic capacity of 9,500 feet, required, according to Jordan (1864), the following materials for the production of one ton of pig-iron :- Cwts. Cats. 34 to 34 18 181 · Red hæmatite, unroasted Coke from Durham Limestone Slack for stoves 53 The gases are generally collected and are exclusively employed in firing steam-boilers. About 7,000 cubic feet of blast, heated to 350° C., are supplied per minute through six 3-inch tuyers, at a pressure of 2 lbs. per square inch. Under these conditions, the maximum production appears to be at the rate of about 630 tons weekly, but the average produce does not exceed 575 tons. The same ores are treated under nearly similar conditions at Kirkless Hall, near Wigan. The largest furnaces are 80 feet in height and 24 feet in diameter at the boshes, with a cubic capacity of 23,423 feet; the temperature of the blast is about 480° C., and the pressure from 3 to 4 lbs. per square inch. The composition of the charges and the weekly produce vary in accordance with the quality of the iron to be made. We are indebted to Mr. J. Thorburn, Jun., the manager of the Ditton Brook Iron-Works, near Widnes, Lancashire, for the following par- ticulars relative to the working of the new furnace, figs. 53 and 54: weekly produce of pig-iron 300 tons, with a consumption of 26 cwts. of Lancashire coke per ton of metal; blast, 7,760 cubic feet per minute, at a temperature of 425° C. and pressure of 4 lbs. per square inch. The charge contains, on an average, 50 per cent. of metal, and is made up as follows: Red hæmatite Irish ore • • Spanish ore, Bilbao Staffordshire Red Mine Purple ore · 2 parts. 1 part. 1 2 parts. 1 part. The purple ore is obtained from various works in the neighbourhood at which copper is extracted by the wet process from burnt Spanish pyrites; it contains, on an average, 67 per cent. of metallic iron. Coal in the Blast-Furnace.-The staple produce of South Wales is white forge-pig, of which a large proportion is converted into rails in the various local forges; the higher qualities of metal are employed in the tin-plate works, and a few furnaces working on cold-blast produce grey pig-iron for foundry use. The principal ores employed in the Welsh blast-furnaces are "native mine," chiefly argillaceous carbonates with some blackband; brown hæmatites from Llantrissant, Forest of Dean, Cornwall, Northampton- shire, and Spain; red hæmatite from Cumberland, with occasionally a little from the island of Elba, and spathic carbonates from Somersetshire. S 258 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. In the eastern district the fuel employed is partly coal and partly coke, the latter being now exclusively used in the furnaces working on cold-blast. In the neighbourhood of Swansea a small number of furnaces are worked with anthracite. Forge- and mill-cinders are largely used in the production of white forge-pig. According to Truran, some fifteen years ago, the foundry-iron furnace at the Dowlais works had a capacity of about 7,500 cubic feet, and was blown with a blast of 5,390 cubic feet of air per minute. For every 20 cwts. of crude iron obtained, 48 cwts. of calcined ore, 50 cwts. of coal, and 17 cwts. of limestone were required. The weekly production of iron was about 130 tons. The consumption of materials per week was as follows:-Calcined ore, 312 tons; coal, 325 tons; limestone, 110 tons; air supplied weekly by the tuyers, 1,695 tons. For the production of white-iron for the forge, in furnaces of similar capacity to the foregoing, a larger amount of blast with a different burden was employed. The consumption of solid materials to a ton of crude iron averaged 28 cwts. calcined argillaceous ore, 10 cwts. hæmatite, 10 cwts. forge- or refinery-cinder, 42 cwts. of coal, and 14 cwts. of limestone, with a volume of 7,370 cubic feet of blast per minute; the weekly production of crude iron was 170 tons. In this case the consumption of solid materials per week was 884 tons, and the weight of air injected by the blast 2,318 tons. For the production of iron of inferior quality for the forge, the burden was composed of the following materials:-Hæmatite, 16 cwts.; refinery- cinder, 25 cwts.; coal, 36 cwts. ; and limestone, 16 cwts. per ton of crude iron. The capacity of the furnace and the volume of the blast were the same as in the last instance. From this furnace a weekly production of 190 tons of crude iron was sometimes obtained, the consumption of solid materials being 883 tons. The estimated time of the descent of a charge was from forty to forty six hours. At the same works, in 1863, the consumption of coal per ton of mine- pig, from variable mixtures of argillaceous ore and brown and red hæma- tite, had been reduced to from 23 to 27 cwts.; the make of the furnace ranging from 172 to 280 tons per week. The larger production, in relation to the amount of fuel consumed, chiefly resulted from the greater richness of the charge from the larger amount of red ore used. The newer furnaces are considerably larger than those formerly employed, and, when working on white-iron, their production ranges from 250 to 300 tons weekly. The use of the cup-and-cone charger is now very general, the waste gases are economised, and hot-blast is employed. The Scotch furnaces each produce, on an average, about 160 tons of pig-iron weekly ; but in the Llackband districts it is said to be sometimes as high as 270 tons. In the State of Indiana the red and specular hæmatites from Lake Superior, Iron Mountain, and Pilot Knob are smelted with a free-burn- ing, non-caking splint coal, locally known as block coal, which is used in its raw state. The furnaces are from 50 to 60 fect in height, 16 feet in diameter at the boshes, and from 5 to 6 feet in width at the hearth. IRON. 259 The blast of one of these furnaces at Brazil, near Indianapolis, is heated by the waste gases to a temperature of from 370° to 450° C., and is delivered through seven tuyers, each 31 inches in diameter, at a pres- sure of from 3 to 4 lbs. per square inch. The usual daily consumption of coal is 70 tons, of ore 45 tons, and of limestone 16 tons; the average production of pig-iron is 28 tons, or 196 tons per week. It therefore follows that the consumption of coal is about 21 tons per ton of pig-iron produced, or, reducing it to its equivalent in coke, about 1½ tons. A coal, in order to admit of advantageous application, in the raw state, to iron-smelting, should be non-caking, and as free as possible from sulphur; hot-blast, at a high pressure, is found advantageous, and the furnace should be somewhat wide at the throat. Anthracite Furnaces.--Anthracite is employed for the production of pig-iron chiefly in South Wales, Scotland, and in the United States of America. Anthracite is liable to decrepitate when strongly heated, and some varieties, when suddenly exposed to a high temperature, become reduced to a state of absolute dust. In furnaces, in which anthracite is the fuel made use of, the accumulation of these small particles sometimes be- comes so great as to materially obstruct the passage of the blast. When this takes place it is usual to cease charging and to continue the blast, when, as the solid materials descend, the fine particles of anthracite are blown away. A greater difficulty, however, experienced in the use of anthracite, arises from the running together of the slag and decrepitated particles of fuel into infusible masses which are liable to cause the furnace to become obstructed. In the year 1863 the anthracite furnaces at Yniscedwin, South Wales, were from 25 to 30 feet only in height, since a low shaft is less liable than a high one to become obstructed by the small particles of fuel resulting from decrepitation. Other anthracite furnaces in the same district were from 36 to 40 feet in height, and were blown at a pressure of from 4 to 6 lbs. per square inch, with air heated to from 320° to 550° C. The consumption of air amounted to 6,000 cubic feet per minute, the weekly production was 80 tons, and the consumption of anthracite 23 tons for each ton of pig-iron. The anthracite furnaces of Pennsylvania are worked with a large number of tuyers and with a pressure of blast varying from 6 to 7½ lbs. per square inch. The ores treated are usually massive magnetites and hæmatites, containing from 50 to 60 per cent. of iron. At the Lehigh furnace the charges and produce are as follow:— Ore, 424 cwts.; limestone, 291 cwts.; anthracite, 393 cwts.; weekly make, 248 tons. The Lackawanna furnace is charged with 381 cwts. of ore, 14 cwts. of limestone, and 33 cwts. anthracite; produce, 268 tons of pig-iron per week. Spiegeleisen is made at Newark, in New Jersey, from residues obtained in the treatment of a mixture of red zinc ore, franklinite, and willemite, for the production of zinc oxide to be employed as a pigment. The residue from the furnaces in which the volatilisation of zinc is effected is a black $ 2 260 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. cindery mass, containing the whole of the iron and manganese of the frank- linite, and the silica of the willemite, together with some oxide of zinc ; it is estimated to contain about 25 per cent. of iron, and is smelted with anthracite in furnaces of small dimensions. Their height is usually only 20 feet, and their diameter at the boshes 7 feet; the blast is introduced at a temperature of 200° C., and with a pressure of 4 lbs. per square inch; limestone is employed as flux, and the weekly make is about 25 tons. The waste gases are consumed in stoves for heating the blast, but before they can be thus employed the oxide of zinc, resulting from the oxidation of that metal still retained by the residues, and volatilised in the furnace, requires to be separated by means of a system of wrought-iron condensers. This oxide is from time to time removed, and not being sufficiently pure to admit of being employed as paint, is sent to spelter furnaces for reduc- tion. The consumption of fuel is at the rate of 3 tons per ton of pig- iron produced. Cost of Blast-Furnaces. In order to afford a just idea of the expense of erecting large blast- furnaces, with the various necessary appliances, it may be useful to give a summary of the cost of two furnaces, each of the capacity of 30,000 cubic feet, erected, in 1870, by Messrs. B. Samuelson & Co., at Newport, near Middlesborough. The cost of railways would have been greater, by about £2,500, if the ways, previously laid down to four other furnaces, had not been made partially available; the time occupied in construction was fifteen months. It will be observed that the account does not include interest on capital, and that there is no charge for land; it must also be remembered that the price of labour and of materials has considerably risen since the date mentioned, and that the erection of a pair of similar furnaces could not now be accomplished for the same amount. SUMMARY OF THE COST OF TWO BLAST-FURNACES AND PLANT, COMPLETE, ERECTED AT THE NEWPORT IRON-WORKS, MIDDLESBOROUGH-ON-TEES, IN 1870. Two blast-furnaces Furnace gallery Furnace hoist • Hoist-engine and house. Kiln gantry. Kiln drop Bunkers Kiln lift • • Five calcining kilns Eighteen hot-blast stoves Eight boilers and fittings Two pairs of blowing engines Engine house and tank Cold-blast main Hot-blast and horse-shoe mains Gas down-comer and flues Chimney Force-pumps, steam- and water-pipes, &c. Floor-plates and paving Two locomotives Eighteen metal-bogies Carry forward £ s. d. 10,517 9 2 857 14 10 973 9 11 • • 1,082 8 8 · 2,351 15 6 794 5 3 • 1,885 16 4 2,234 17 4 4,327 18 4 6,241 1 8 · 5,132 3 9 4,730 8 4 2.469 3 10 579 16 10 1,198 12 1 1,723 10 8 499 8 10 1,991 0 6 580 11 0 1,750 0 0 522 0 0 52,443 12 10 IRON. 261 Brought forward Thirty slag-bogies Twenty charging barrows £ S. d. 52,443 12 10 733 1 7 One platform weighing-machine Railways, equal to about 1 mile of single line Total 90 0 0 30 0 0 3,034 9 11 £56,331 4 4 Heat Absorbed for Work Done in Blast-Furnaces. The chemical phenomena of the blast-furnace, including the laws governing the reduction of ores, time necessary to effect the various reac- tions, quantity and constitution of the gases produced, effect of tempera- ture, physical condition of the charges, &c., have recently been carefully and laboriously studied by various metallurgists. The very large amount of matter which has been written on these subjects renders it impossible to epitomise the conclusions arrived at in such a way as to render them generally intelligible; but those who may wish to make themselves more intimately acquainted with the chemistry of the blast-furnace are referred to the various published papers and treatises on that subject, and more especially to the elaborate works of C. Schinz and I. L. Bell, before referred to. The annexed table is given by Mr. Bell as showing, at one view, the actual quantity of heat absorbed for the work done in five different furnaces in the North of England.* Particulars. I. Clarence. II. III. Clarence. Ormesby. IV. Consett. V. Consett. Height of furnace, in feet 80 48 76 55 Cubic capacity, in feet • 11,500 6,000 20,642 9,400 55 10,300 Materials used:- Coke, per ton of iron, in cwts. 22.32 28.92 22.00 22.75 18.00 Ironstone 48.80 48.80 48.80 41.67 41.67 Limestone 13.66 16.00 12.50 8.25 8.12 Weight of blast per ton of iron, in cwts. 103 74 128.12 88.94 93.13 71.07 Escaping gases "? 138.66 | 170·59 125.54 127.86 100.05 Temperature of blast in deg. Cent.. 485 485 780 "" gases 332 452 454.5 412 477 718 248 "" Heat evolved by oxidation of carbon 81,536 89,288 75,736 75,944 | 63,584 in cwts. heat units Contributed by blast 11,919 14,721 16,439 10,528 12,081 Total heat generated in furnace, units Less heat carried off in gases † 93.455 104.012 92,175 86,472 75,665 8,860 16,409 10,213 13,839 Leaving for furnace work 84,595 87,603 81,962 5,095 81,962 72,633 70,570 | + Deducted from gases for heat com- municated by materials, units Units added to ditto for latent heat of steam from H2O of coke 2,496 2,496 2,496 1,100 1,100 313 399 308 319 243 * C Chemical Phenomena of Iron Smelting,' by I. Lowthian Bell, p. 161. Spon, 1872, 262 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. CONVERSION OF GREY CAST-IRON INTO WHITE.-REFINING. Whether carbon forms any definite compound with iron is perhaps open to a certain degree of doubt. Iron appears to have the power of dis- solving carbon at high temperatures, and on slowly cooling, carbon is separated in distinct graphitic scales. If this cooling takes place very slowly, large crystals are formed, and graphite may be readily removed from their faces by scraping with a knife. On chilling or suddenly cool- ing grey-iron, the carbon is retained in a more intimate state of combina- tion or solution, and cannot be thus mechanically separated. Different opinions arc entertained as to whether this carbon is chemically combined or whether it is only carbon, in another form than graphite, simply A Fig. 81.-Refinery; transverse section. dissolved in the iron; the term "combined carbon," in contradistinction to graphitic carbon, is, however, generally admitted. With regard to silicon, which is always present in every kind of cast- iron, much remains to be learnt. It is known that carbon exists in three different states, and also that silicon assumes the graphitic and crystalline forms of carbon. It appears, therefore, not improbable that silicon may exist in, at least, two different states in pig-iron and steel. When grey cast-iron is fused in an oxidising atmosphere, the silicon present is oxidised, and, becoming silica, unites with a portion of the iron, IRON. 263 oxidised at the same time, to form a fusible ferrous silicate. If the metal be now run into moulds and suddenly cooled, a peculiarly white iron is produced, which is analogous in composition to that smelted from poor ores at a low temperature, with a heavy burden of material. The same result may be obtained by throwing water on the surface of a bath of molten metal and subjecting the thin plates thus obtained to the action of air at a red-heat during several hours; this method is employed in various parts of Germany. The more usual process, however, consists in 9 : b C e B C Ъ 9 T 9 Fig. 82.-Refinery; plan. melting the metal with coke or charcoal in a rectangular hearth, pro- vided with tuyers more or less inclined, through which air is blown upon the surface of the fused metal. In this country the refinery usually consists of a strong cast-iron framework, supporting a low brickwork chimney, A, figs. 81 and 82, which represent, respectively, a transverse section and plan of a refinery used at the Dowlais Iron-Works. The bottom rests upon a floor of dressed sandstone, a, about 12 inches in thickness, which is supported upon a foundation of brickwork or masonry. At each side, and at the back, within the vertical frames, are fixed cast-iron water-blocks, b, ! 264 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. while a dam-plate, c, fig. 82, of the same material, closes the front, forming a quadrangular cavity about 4 feet square, inside measure, and 15 to 18 inches in depth. Above the side-blocks, and resting on a ledge cast for their reception, are the tuyer-plates, d, about 2½ inches in thick- ness, provided with openings for the insertions of the water-tuyers, and bolted at their ends to the vertical framing. In front, resting on the dam-plate, it is usual to have a dust-plate, for the convenience of filling and working the fire. A little above this, in front, and also above the water-block in the rear, cast-iron doors 23 feet high are hung to the side- frames. At a sufficient distance from the floor of the refinery, and a little in advance of the dam-plate, is placed the casting-bed or pig-mould, B. A brickwork or cast-iron cistern, about 30 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet deep, is laid at right-angles to the axes of the tuyers, and is slightly inclined from the hearth. On this rests the casting-bed, composed of thick cast-iron blocks, e, 3 feet square and 6 to 8 inches in thickness, having flanges on each side by which they are supported on the edges of the cistern beneath, and a depression in the upper surface to confine the liquid metal within the desired limits. This cistern is filled to within an inch of the under surface of the mould-blocks with water, which is maintained at this level by a small stream which constantly flows in and escapes by an overflow-notch. The mould-blocks are provided with rebated joints luted with fire-clay, and are maintained in close contact with each other by clamps fitting corresponding snugs cast on the sides of the moulds. They are often made with a rib running down the centre, dividing the mould longitudinally in two parts, so as to reduce the labour of breaking up the plate of refined metal. The blast is usually supplied through two or three small nozzles on either side of the hearth, each pipe being provided with a stop-valve, g, for regulating the quantity. The connection between the movable nozzle and fixed supply-pipe may be made either by means of short leathern hose fastened at their ends by screw-clamps, or by ball-and-socket joints, h; the former method is cheaper, but the latter the more durable. Refineries are also sometimes constructed with a single nozzle at the back, in which case the framework, water-blocks, moulds, and all the other parts are made much lighter, and the fire-place is of smaller dimen- sions. They are often distinguished as melting down and running-in refineries; cold pigs from the blast-furnace, old castings, scrap, &c., are melted in the former, while liquid metal is allowed to flow into the latter directly from the furnace. The melting-down refinery is usually placed in a building at some distance from the blast-furnace, while the running-in refinery is, on the contrary, generally built immediately contiguous to it; this method of working, which effects a considerable saving of coal, was first introduced at Dowlais. The operation of refining crude pig-iron is usually conducted in the following way. The floor of the hearth is strewed with broken sandstone and a fire is lit in the centre; a quantity of coke is now added and a light IRON. 265 blast is directed upon it. A charge of pig-iron, scrap, or broken castings, is now piled on the coke, a fresh quantity of fuel is heaped upon the metal, and the full power of the blast is turned on. The weight of crude iron constituting a charge varies in accordance with the dimensions of the refinery, but it may, on an average, be taken at 2 tons, requiring the consumption of 5 cwts. of coke for its conversion into refined metal. The broken sandstone on the floor fuses and glazes the surface of the hearth, while, in the course of an hour, the metal begins to melt, and dropping through the coke, reaches the bottom. In the course of from two hours to two hours and a half, the whole of the iron has become melted and lies under the coke, but the blast is still kept up and fresh coke is added. By this means a portion of the metal becomes oxidised, and uniting with the siliceous matter contained in the fuel, as also with the silica resulting from the oxidation of the silicon present in the cast-iron, forms a fusible vitreous slag. This slag, which is extremely rich in oxide of iron, exercises a strong decarburising action on the iron on which it floats; but in order that these changes may be properly effected, the air from the different tuyers is allowed to play on the surface of the fused mass for a considerable time after the whole of the iron has been col- lected at the bottom of the hearth. During this period the fuel is observed to be continually lifted by the motion caused in the metal by the escape of the gaseous carbonic oxide produced by the reaction on the cast-iron of the rich silicates of iron constituting the slag. When the decarburisation is judged to be sufficiently advanced, the tap-hole is opened, and the contents of the hearth are allowed to flow into the mould, where they are cooled by the addition of a large quantity of cold water, by which treatment the metal is rendered extremely brittle. The slags are now separated, and the finc-metal broken into pieces convenient for transport to the puddling furnace, where it is to be freed from the remainder of its carbon and converted into soft iron. The working of the refinery is continuous, so that, as soon as one charge of metal is run out, the hearth is again prepared for the reception of a fresh supply. The time occupied in refining each charge will average about three hours; but white-iron does not require to be blown so long as grey-pig, which frequently requires from three and a half to four hours before it is sufficiently refined. With the running-in refinery the case is somewhat different, since the metal is run into the hearth in a fused state, and the time and fuel con- sumed in melting the metal in the ordinary refinery are consequently saved. When taken directly from the blast-furnace, 22.3 cwts. of common forge-, or 21·1 cwts. of good grey-pig, are required to produce 1 ton of finc-metal, and the expenditure of coke is about 2 cwts. In the melting- down refinery the loss of metal is somewhat greater, and the expenditure of fuel 20 per cent. larger. The loss of weight in refining hot-blast iron is usually greater than that experienced in the treatment of cold-blast pig, and the metal pro- duced from blackband is especially difficult of treatment, chiefly owing 266 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. to its ready fusibility, which renders long-continued blowing necessary : this results in an increased waste, 24 cwts. of crude iron being required to produce 1 ton of fine-metal. The tuyers are usually from 13 to 13 inch in diameter, and are in- clined at an angle of about 38°. In the running-in hearth 94,000 cubic feet of blast are required per ton of metal treated, but in the melting- down refinery 136,000 feet are necessary for white-pig, and 153,000 cubic feet for grey-iron. The weekly production of a refinery working on white-iron is from 150 to 160 tons, and with grey from 80 to 100 tons. The operation of refining may be accelerated by the addition of basic silicates, such as the slags from re-heating furnaces or forge-scale. The action of the blast is in this case supplemented by the use of the flux; the carbon of the cast-iron is in part oxidised by the oxygen of a portion of the oxide of iron, an equivalent amount of iron being at the same time reduced to the metallic state. Lime may sometimes be advan- tageously employed for the removal of sulphur, but it has a tendency to render the slags comparatively infusible, and can therefore be used in moderate quantities only; the same result is more efficaciously produced by the presence of manganese. The usual thickness of the plates of fine-metal is about 3 inches; when freshly fractured the surface has a silvery-white colour, the lower part being compact, with a radiated or columnar structure, while the top is dull and cellular. Parry's Refinery.-In Parry's method of refining, the fused cast-iron is run directly from the blast-furnace into the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, heated in the usual way, and the blowing is effected by jets of superheated steam. This is admitted at a pressure of from 30 to 40 lbs. through numerous water-tuyers inclined at an angle of 45°; the apertures in these are to inch in diameter, the steam being heated to from 300° to 400° C. by keeping the orifices from 2 to 3 inches only above the sur- face of the molten metal. When 4 cwts. of cinder are used to the ton of pig-iron, 20 cwts. of metal may be drawn, the impurities in the pig being replaced by refined iron reduced from the cinder. A ton of grey-iron may be refined by steam in the course of half an hour by the use of seven jets, each 3 inch in diameter. The forge-cinder used contains 66 per cent. of iron, and the run-out cinder only 26 per cent.; it therefore follows that about 40 per cent. of iron has been reduced and converted into refined metal. Dr. Noad, who has had ample opportunities of making himself thoroughly acquainted with the working of this process at Ebbw Vale, gives the following as the result of one week's working of the steam refinery :- Cwts. qrs. lbs. Pigs used Metal made Loss Yield* 396 0 15 · 393 3 1 · 2 1 14 20 0 14 *The quantity of ironstone or other material consumed in the manufacture of 1 ton of iron is spoken of among smelters as "the yield" of that material. IRON. 267 The proportion of puddling cinder used was 3 cwts. per ton of pig. The following analyses of metal and slag obtained by this process at the Ebbw Vale works are by Noad: Pig-iron used. Refined metal. C, graphitic S Р 2.40 0.30 2.68 0.32 0.22 0.18 0.13 0.09 • Mn Slag 0.36 0.24 · 0.68 • Forge-cinder added. Cinder run out. S. P₂05 1.34 2.06 0.16 0 13 German Refinery.-At the Government iron-works of Gleiwitz and Königshütte in Silesia, the conversion of grey-iron into white is effected in a reverberatory furnace heated by gas. The hearth is constructed of a somewhat loamy sand, set in an iron frame with hollow sides, and the molten iron is prevented from attacking it by the rapid circulation of cold air below the fire-bridge and hearth-plate. The gas-generator, which replaces the fire-place of an ordinary furnace, is an oblong chamber, 3 feet 9 inches in width and 6 feet 4 inches in depth, tapering slightly towards the top so as to facilitate the descent of the fuel. Air, at a pressure of about 4 lbs. per square inch, is introduced through a chamber a little above the level of the floor, and is conducted to the fuel by means of two tuyers communicating with the iron air-chest. The gas, resulting from imperfect combustion of the coal with which the apparatus is charged, is burnt at the top of the shaft by the aid of a supply of air introduced through a long narrow slot-like opening, extending across the entire breadth of the hearth, and having an inclination of about 30°, so as to throw the flame downwards in a thin sheet over the surface of the metal. The air-chest, from which this supply is derived, like the other near the bottom of the generator, communicates by means of a pipe with the blowing-engine of the establishment, but the supply of air, both to the generator and to the inflammable gases produced, admits of accurate regulation by means of valves on the connecting-pipes. The charge, of which the weight is 2 tons, is run down in about three hours, when a small quantity of limestone is added, and the blowing proper commences by means of two side tuyers which are now introduced into opposite sides of the furnace, through openings provided for that purpose. The duration of this operation, after the charge has become melted, varies from two and a half to five hours, according to the quality of the metal required; in the latter case perfectly white-iron is the result. One per cent. of limestone is added, and the loss of metal only amounts to about 5 per 268 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. cent., but the change produced is, as in the common refinery, chiefly con- fined to the elimination of carbon and silicon; sulphur and phosphorus. when present in the pig-iron appear to be but slightly affected. The following estimations by Abel give the percentage proportions of these elements before and after refining:-- Si. Р S • Pig-iron. 4.66 Refined iron. 0.62 0.56 0.52 · 0.04 0.03 Iron thus refined is highly esteemed for castings required to possess unusual powers of resistance, and experiments made to ascertain the com- parative strain borne by the same iron, before and after refining, show the strength of the latter to be greater by one-half than that of the former. A modification of the ordinary refinery process is used in Carinthia, chiefly for iron intended for the manufacture of steel. Grey or mottled pig-iron is melted in a hearth lined with brasque, charcoal being em- ployed as fuel. The slags are partially removed from the surface of the fluid iron and oxidising fluxes added; water is then thrown upon the metal and the chilled crusts taken off. The consumption of charcoal is about 5 cubic feet per 100 lbs. of refined iron produced. Heaton's Process.—A process was introduced some years since by Mr. Heaton, of Langley Mill Iron-Works, which, although intended for the production of steel, is essentially a modification of refining; instead of a blast of atmospheric air, the oxidising agent employed is nitrate of sodium. The converter is a circular cupola inclosed in an iron casing, &c., having a movable bottom, kept in its place by iron clamps; this bottom is filled with nitrate of sodium, in the proportion of one-tenth the weight of the metal treated, and, in some cases, a small quantity of siliceous sand is added. In order to prevent it from floating to the surface of the molten metal without undergoing decomposition, this flux must be covered by a perforated plate of cast-iron, and, when the bottom is thus adjusted, fused cast-iron is introduced through a charging-hole at top. During the first five minutes, the action of the nitrate on the oxidisable matter present is slight, but on the melting of the covering-plate, which usually occurs after that interval, a violent ebullition takes place and a bright yellow sodium flame escapes from the top of the chimney. After continuing for about a minute and a half, this action rapidly subsides; the bottom of the converter is then detached, and is, with its contents, removed on a truck placed beneath it for that purpose. The product of this operation, called "crude steel," is not sufficiently liquid to be run into ingots, and the contents of the converter are therefore turned out upon the floor and broken into fragments of convenient size for further treatment. This consists of sundry re-heatings, squeezings and hammerings; or the broken fragments may be melted in crucibles in the ordinary way for the production of cast-steel. The following analyses of the material operated on, and of the pro- IRON. 269 ducts obtained by this process, were published by the late Dr. W. A. Miller, in 1868:- C Si, with a little Ti S P As Mn Ca Na Fe, by difference 1. 2. 3. 2.830 1.800 0.993 2 950 0.266 0.149 0.113 0.018 trace • 1.455 0.298 0.292 • 0.011 0.039 0.024 • 0.318 0.090 0.088 0.319 0.310 0.144 trace • 92 293 97.026 98.144 100.000 100.000 100.000 1. Cupola pig. 2. Crude steel. 3. Steel-iron. It will be observed that the "steel-iron" contains as much carbon as ordinary strong steel, and that the amount of phosphorus retained is four times greater than that contained in best Yorkshire iron, and fourteen to fifteen times as much as in Swedish Bessemer steel. This process, which does not appear to have been carried out on a manufacturing scale, was subsequently examined by M. Gruner and by Mr. G. J. Snelus, of Dowlais. The analyses of the latter chemist, who has had a large experi- ence in investigations of this nature, show that the most marked effect of the use of the alkaline nitrate is the almost entire removal of silicon ; this is probably to a great extent due to the production of silicates of sodium. Henderson's Process.-Henderson's method for the production of malle- able iron and steel from inferior brands of pig is dependent on the action of titanic oxide on fluor-spar, by which silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus are said to be almost wholly eliminated. The first operation consists in the preparation of titaniferous iron by fusing 1 ton of low-class pig with 7 cwts. of Norwegian titaniferous iron ore. The metal thus obtained is charged upon a layer of fluor-spar, regu- larly spread over the bed of a puddling furnace, and when melted, the silicon and other impurities are supposed to be removed by the action of fluorine; the operation is completed, without stirring, under a covering of slag; the only manual labour required being that necessary for balling- up the finished iron. The following are given by Bauerman as the im- purities contained in a sample of malleable iron thus produced :- M Ti C Si P S . 0.022 · trace none 0.140 • 0.062 The almost total absence of carbon in a sample said to have been "good malleable iron" is somewhat remarkable. A more simple 270 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. modification of this process consists in using a mixture of fluor-spar and titaniferous ore directly in the puddling furnace. Sherman proposes to expedite the process of refining by the use of very small doses of either iodine or iodide of potassium in the puddling furnace. This has been experimentally tried both in America and in this country, but the results hitherto obtained do not appear to justify the conclusion that the process is likely to become of practical utility. PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON FROM CAST-IRON IN OPEN FIRES. The various processes employed for the production of wrought-iron from cast are either conducted in open hearths, in which the pig-metal is melted and decarburised before the blast of an inclined tuyer, or the transformation is effected by puddling, by which the same operation is performed on the hearth of an ordinary reverberatory furnace. In both cases the reactions involved are precisely similar; graphitic carbon first passes into the non-graphitic or combined state, and is subsequently con- verted into carbonic oxide, either directly by the oxygen of the blast, or indirectly by the action of oxide of iron dissolved in the slags. In many instances this oxidising agent is supplied by the pig-iron itself, which is always to a certain extent oxidised by the air of the blast during the process of fusion, while in others it is directly added in the form of hæmatite, forge-scale, finery-cinder, &c. White cast-iron does not, like grey, pass, when heated, immediately from the solid to the liquid state, but assumes an intermediate pasty con- dition favourable to the removal of carbon and silicon by the action of the air, or by any other oxidising agent. For the Bessemer process, how- ever, which essentially consists in the removal of carbon by means of a current of air blown through the metal from below, grey pig-iron is exclusively used. As the removal of carbon is, in this case, effected by the action of air alone, the superior fluidity of grey-iron is manifestly advantageous, since the plasticity of white-iron would be liable to interfere with the free passage of the blast. It also appears that, at the very high temperature which prevails in the converter, graphitic or uncombined carbon is readily consumed. As a first step in the process of making malleable iron, grey-pig is frequently subjected to a preliminary oxidising fusion in a refinery, and the resulting fine-metal, thus freed from a large portion of the carbon and silicon present in the original pig, may either be run directly into the hearth in which it is to be transformed into wrought-iron, or it may be cast in moulds or stripped off the surface in the form of thin discs, after throwing water on the molten metal. The various methods employed for the production of malleable iron in open hearths, although, from their antiquity and comparative simplicity, of much interest, are nevertheless gradually diminishing in importance; this arises from the rapidly-extending use of the puddling furnace, which can not only be employed with fuel and materials of lower quality, but also admits of the more extensive application of machinery in the elabo- ration of the resulting iron. IRON. 271 The numerous methods of refining in the open hearth may be classified under three heads, according to the number of times the metal requires lifting or breaking-up, from the period when it is first fused until the bloom has been made ready for placing under the hammer. In accord- ance with this distinction the method employed is distinguished as a single, double, or manifold running-down process, or in Germany, where several small open-hearth establishments are still in operation, as einma- lige, zweimalige, or mehrmalige Schmelzerei. This distinction is, in a great measure, due to the number of hearths employed during the operations requisite for the conversion of pig-iron into malleable metal. In the first, or single method, employed in Styria, white pig-iron, nearly approximating in composition to refined metal, is used, and the elimination of combined carbon is principally effected by the addition of oxidising agents, without material assistance from the injected blast; the 3 e W B H Fig. 83.-German Forge; vertical section. product is a steely-iron from which the excess of carbon is subscquently removed by subjecting the bloom to successive welding heats. In the second, or double process, the metal is run into the hearth or bloomery from a melting-down or running-out fire, and in the last, of which the old German or Walloon forge may be taken as a type, the three operations of converting grey-iron into white, lifting, or breaking-up, and the final balling are performed in the same hearth. GERMAN OR WALLOON FORGE.-The working of the German forge may be described, generally, as follows, although the various operations admit of more or less modification in accordance with circumstances, and the custom of the district in which the works may be situated. This operation is carried on in a small open furnace, of which fig. 83 represents a vertical section, and fig. 84 a ground plan: the quadran- 272 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. gular hearth, H, is formed of thick cast-iron plates. The depth of the hearth is about 10 inches, and its width from 2 feet to 2 feet 4 inches. The blast is introduced by the tuyer, t, which projects about 4 inches into the hearth, and is so inclined that its axis may intersect the opposite A C * Fig. 91.-German Forge; plan. face, somewhat above the line of its junction with the plate forming the bottom. The tuyer is made of sheet-copper, and is of the form represented, fig. 85. In this are placed the nozzles of two wooden bellows, B, set in motion by a water-wheel, and arranged so as to afford a continuous stream of air. Fig. 85. The movable lids of these are raised by cams, c, placed on the axle, A, of the water-wheel, and the too rapid fall of the vibrating segments is checked by their being attached to the levers, e, provided with boxes, w, in which are placed weights, for the purpose of regulating the rapidity of the descent. The cams, c, are so disposed around the axle of the wheel that the movable half of one bellows begins to be raised precisely when that of the other is being released, and in this way a continuous current of air is constantly kept up in the furnace. In front of the fire-place is a cast-iron plate, raised on one side to the level of the hearth, and on the other inclined to that of the refinery floor. An aperturc, called the chio or floss-hole, passes through the side of the furnace, and enters the hearth at the bottom; by this aperture the fusible slags are occasionally run off. Over the furnace is placed a hood, v, which is made of brickwork, and being provided with a chimney, serves. to carry off the smoke and gases evolved during the process. To the sides of this hood are attached plates of sheet-iron, for the purpose of screening the workmen from the heat to which they would otherwise be exposed. In order to understand the working of this furnace we must suppose that an operation has been terminated, and that the hearth still contains a considerable quantity of incandescent charcoal. The workman begins by filling up the hearth with fresh fuel, and then gradually admits the blast. In the older forges the supply of air is regulated by limiting the supply of water on the wheel by which the IRON. 273 bellows are set in motion, but in some of those of more recent construc- tion blowing cylinders are employed, and in that case the blast is adjusted by a valve situated near the tuyer. The iron to be refined is cast either into pigs of from 10 to 15 feet in length, or into short bars or thin plates. In the first case the bar is placed on iron rollers, and its extremity introduced into the middle of the hearth at a height of from 6 to 9 inches above the bottom. When, on the contrary, the metal to be refined has been cast into smaller masses, they are piled to the amount of from 2 to 3 cwts. immediately before the charcoal with which the remainder of the cavity of the furnace is filled. After a short time the metal begins to melt, and passing through the current of air from the tuyer, falls to the bottom of the hearth. This period of fusion ordinarily lasts from three to three and a half hours, and during that time advantage is taken of the heat developed to weld toge- ther and form into bars the metal refined during the preceding operation. The drops of melted iron, in passing at a high temperature through the air furnished by the blast, become partially oxidised, and by subsequent reaction of the basic silicates of iron formed, a considerable portion of the carbon is consumed. On arriving at the bottom of the hearth, the iron thus treated has become to a certain extent decarburised, and forms a pasty mass beneath the layer of fuel through which it has passed. The slag, which gradually accumulates in the furnace, is from time to time run off through the tapping-hole before referred to, care being taken to retain a sufficient quantity to carry on the process of decarburisation. The oxidation of the iron is also promoted by bringing the melting mass immediately before the current of air thrown in by the tuyer. The slag run off is preserved for use in the succeeding operation. When the partially-refined bloom has become sufficiently resistant, the workman, by the aid of a strong bar of iron, rolls it up in the form of a ball, and raises it on the top of the fuel, which he now thrusts down into the bottom of the furnace. Fresh charcoal is at the same time added, and the pressure of the blast so increased that the mass is again subjected to strongly-oxidising influences, and a second time reaches the bottom of the hearth, where, from having now lost a considerable portion of its carbon, it forms a large spongy mass. The detached fragments are now collected with an iron bar, and united into one mass. Should any portions appear to be imperfectly refined, they are again brought into a position to be directly acted on by the blast. When the mass has become sufficiently coherent the slag is run off, and the iron is rolled into a large ball, and removed from the furnace by strong levers, and subjected to the action of a heavy hammer, by which the spongy matter is consolidated and welded together, whilst the siliceous slag is at the same time expressed from its pores. During this operation the hearth is cleaned out, and the larger proportion of the remaining slag is drawn off; but a certain quantity is nevertheless retained in the furnace to assist in the decarburisation of the succeeding charge of cast-iron. T 274 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Before again proceeding to charge, it is frequently found necessary to cool the hearth with water, which is made to circulate beneath the bottom plate. The richer slags thus removed are not thrown away, but, together with the scale produced during the hammering of the mass, are employed in the next operation during the first melting of the pig-iron. After being removed from the hearth, the bloom is transported to an anvil, on which it receives the repeated blows of a heavy hammer, set in motion by a water-wheel, the slag becoming completely expelled, and the iron consolidated into the form of a lengthened parallelogram. The hammer-head commonly weighs from 800 to 1,200 lbs., and is sometimes made of cast-iron, although wrought-iron is also employed, and in that case it is provided with a face of hardened steel. The anvil is, in most instances, composed of cast-iron, which, to give it greater solidity, rests on a heavy mass of the same material, supported by a large wooden pile firmly fixed in the floor. The wooden beam which carries the hammer is strengthened by bands of iron, and is sup- ported by a strong cast-iron ring, provided with trunnions, on which it turns when the head of the hammer is raised. These trunnions are supported by iron bearings fixed in wooden supports. Parallel to the hammer-beam, and at a short distance from it, is situated a horizontal axle, moved by a water-wheel, and provided with a series of cams, which, by coming in contact with an iron band, situated at about one-third part of the distance from the head to the trunnions, forming the centre of suspension, first lift the hammer, and then allow it to fall with its whole weight on the anvil beneath it. To accelerate the fall of the hammer when lifted to its full height it is made to come in contact with a long piece of elastic wood, which acts as a spring, and, by causing the rapid descent of the hammer, prevents the falling beam from coming in contact with the cam which is next in the series. The extreme range of the hammer, or the height to which it is raised from the anvil at each blow, varies from 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches. When the working of a piece of iron has been completed, the hammer is propped to the full height of its course by a wooden support, which is removed as soon as the succeeding bloom has, by means of proper tongs, been placed on the anvil. At first the water-wheel is made to revolve very slowly, and consequently a considerable interval occurs between each blow; but by degrees a more plentiful supply of water is admitted, and the hammer soon attains its maximum speed, which is continued to the end of the operation. Whilst the bloom is being worked on the anvil, it is so turned by the workmen that all its sides successively be- come exposed to the hammer; and by this means the slag is rapidly expelled from the spongy metal, which is speedily formed into an elongated prism, of which the various parts have become firmly welded together. This is again subdivided, by a cutter, into three or four fragments, which are placed above the bloom formed in the next operation, and when suffi- ciently heated are drawn into bars, under a hammer especially adapted for that purpose. The mass is divided by a kind of knife, placed on it IRON. 275 whilst under the hammer, which, in its fall, strikes the back of the cutter, thus causing it to divide the iron. £ D D The hammer used for drawing the divided bloom into bars is, in most instances, much lighter, and makes a greater number of blows in a given time, than that employed for expressing the slag from the bloom when it first comes from the refinery. This hammer, which has much less lift than the one just described, is represented, figs. 86, 87. In this case, instead of being raised directly by cams, the motion is communicated on the other side of the centre of suspension; the cam-axle, as in the other hammer, being turned by a water-wheel. Fig. 86 represents a front view, and fig. 87 a sectional-elevation of this hammer. A, represents the axle of the water-wheel, on which are fixed the cams, c: these are fitted into a cast-iron ring, which is firmly secured on the shaft by the wedges, a, made of hard wood. اليد F Fig. 86. Tilt Hammer; front view. The beam, B, carries the ham- mer, F, and is received into an iron ring, C, which is provided with trunnions, working in bearings between the perpendicular piles, D, and the cross-bars, E, which are strongly bolted together. At the extremity of the beam opposite to that which carries the hammer, is placed an iron plate, p, which is firmly secured by means of Tel D h B F F IR F I G H Fig. 87.-Tilt Hammer; sectional elevation. the band, d: against this plate the cams, which are turned in the direc- tion indicated by the arrow, are successively brought to bear, and by their pressure raise the hammer fixed on the other end of the wooden beam, which again falls as soon as the cam in contact with the plate, p, has so far depressed the end of the lever as to allow of its passing round without further impediment. A spring, R, is placed under the tail of the beam, instead of immediately above the head. The faces of the hammer, F, and of the anvil, G, which rests on the pile, H, are inclined at a certain T 2 276 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. angle with the floor; the guide, I, serves to steady long iron bars when worked under the hammer. The weight of each bloom is in most instances between 1 and 2 cwts., and 100 lbs. of cast-iron produce about 85 lbs. of bars. For every 100 lbs. of wrought-iron obtained, 150 lbs. of charcoal are employed. The bellows are stopped as soon as the bloom is ready to be placed under the hammer, and the whole operation usually occupies about five hours. The iron manufac- tured by this method is of excellent quality. Refineries of this description are sometimes supplied with heated air instead of the ordinary cold-blast, and attempts have been made to replace the employment of charcoal by the use of coke; but the iron produced by this means is so much inferior to that prepared with the usual fuel as to more than compensate for the advantages derived by the substitution of the cheaper combustible. The process above described is called by the Germans Klumpfrischen, or lump-refining, and differs from the Durchbrechfrischen, because in the latter the bloom, instead of being rounded together in one mass on the hearth of the furnace, is then separated into several pieces, which are successively worked under the hammer. The French call the first process affinage au petit foyer, and the second, affinage par portions. A further distinction between the open-hearth processes may be founded upon the various methods adopted for working the iron, as it loses its carbon and becomes converted into malleable metal, or, as that transfor- mation is called in this country, it comes to nature. When of good quality the whole charge may be lifted together, and worked in a single mass before the tuyer, whereas with inferior descriptions the particles of iron, instead of being allowed to coalesce as they form, are divided into several portions, which, after being separately decarburised, may either be worked into one ball or forged separately. Three principal methods of manufacturing iron in the charcoal hearth are employed in Sweden :-the Walloon, the Franche-Comté, and the Lan- cashire processes. The first of these is confined to forges producing the Dannemora steel-iron. The Franche-Comté and Lancashire hearths are- covered and provided with flues in which the charge of pig-iron is heated, previously to fusion, and where the blast is raised to a temperature of 100° C. by being passed through a series of cast-iron pipes; the pressure employed is from 1 lb. to 14 lb. per square inch. In the first method the bloom, after shingling, is cut into two pieces and re-heated in the same fire; while in the Lancashire forge, either a second hearth, or a gas welding furnace is employed for re-heating. In both cases the weight of bar-iron produced is about 85 per cent. of that of the pig-metal operated on, and, under the most favourable conditions, the consumption of charcoal is about one and a half times the weight of the finished bars made. IRON FOR TIN-PLATES.-In South Wales a superior description of iron employed for rolling into the thin sheets, used in the manufacture of tin- plates, is made in the charcoal hearth. The pig-metal treated is of good quality, and is smelted either with anthracite or in a coke furnace blown IRON. 277 with cold-blast. The charge, which consists of from 5 to 6 cwts. of good Welsh mine, or hæmatite pig, is first melted in a small coke refinery with two tuyers, and, after the necessary amount of exposure to the oxidising influences of the blast, is run off, through an inclined gutter, into two charcoal hearths placed in front, and at a somewhat lower level. These hearths are made of cast-iron plates, their bottoms being cast hollow in order that they may be kept cool by the circulation of a current of cold air; the charge of refined metal is divided equally between them, and each is blown by a single tuyer. Water-tuyers are made use of both in the refinery and charcoal hearths, although cold-blast only is employed in each case. In the charcoal hearth the metal is frequently broken up and raised by the aid of an iron bar, the slags being run off two or three times during each operation, of which the average duration is little more than an hour. The whole of the charge is worked into a single ball, which weighs something less than 2 cwts., and is first shingled under a tilt hammer and then drawn into a long flattened bar of about 2 inches in thickness. This is partially cut through transversely, and is broken by the blows of a sledge-hammer into fragments called stamps, each weighing about 28 lbs. The fracture of the pieces thus broken off is examined, and such only as present a finely-crystalline and uniform grain are used in the formation of the pile from which the finished sheet is made. In the West Riding of Yorkshire the same method of breaking and selecting the rough bars is employed in those forges which are most noted for the superiority of the iron they produce. The re-heating of the stamps is conducted in a special furnace known as the hollow fire, consisting of a deep rectangular hearth roofed over at top. This hearth is partially filled with coke, and is supplied with blast through a single inclined tuyer introduced near the top of the fuel. The piles, consisting of the fragments detached from the rough bars by the process above described, are supported upon a staff or flattened bar of iron, above the top of the fuel, but fully exposed to the action of the flame from the hearth. A portion of the waste heat is economised by being used in a chamber in which the piles are exposed to a high temperature previously to being raised to a welding heat. PREPARATION OF MALLEABLE IRON BY THE REVERBERATORY PROCESS. PUDDLING.—The reverberatory process for converting cast into malle- able iron, introduced by Henry Cort, in 1784, has now almost entirely superseded every other in all localities in which mineral fuel is mode- rately abundant. The comparatively recent introduction of gas-furnaces has, moreover, been the means of its becoming general, even in wooded districts and in localities where inferior descriptions of fuel only are available, since not only wood, but also brown coal and peat, may, when converted into carbonic oxide, be employed as fuel in the puddling furnace. The reactions which take place during the operation of puddling are of a similar character to those of the open hearth, as the decarburisa- tion of pig-iron is effected by the joint action of a current of atmospheric 278 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. air and of oxidising fluxes. In the puddling furnace, however, a current of air is obtained by the draught of a high chimney instead of by a blast, and according to the relative importance of the effect produced by the action of atmospheric air or by oxidising fluxes respectively, the process is spoken of as the " dry" or "wet" method of puddling. In the old process of dry puddling the necessary oxygen is chiefly derived from atmospheric air, while on the contrary, in wet puddling, or pig- A . С P તમ f (9 Oh Cla ᎢᎬᏂ B Fig. 88.-Puddling Furnace; side elevation. boiling, it is, to a very large extent, furnished by the slags and oxide of iron added. In either case the conversion of grey-pig into white-metal, by a preliminary fusion, is advantageous, and the operation is thereby accelerated. The fire-place of the modern puddling furnace, figs. 88, 89, and 90, (slightly modified from Percy) is rectangular and divided from the hearth by a low fire-bridge; the roof, which is a flat arch, has a gradual slope IRON. 279 towards the flue. The fire-bars, a, are movable for greater convenience in removing the clinker, and a powerful draught is obtained by means of a brick chimney, b, from 30 to 50 feet in height, strengthened by iron ties; at top this shaft is furnished with a sheet-iron damper, c, opened and shut by means of a lever and chain, by which the workman can regulate at will the amount of air passing through the furnace. The outside walls are inclosed with strong side-plates of cast-iron, united by flanges and d C · Fig. 89.-Puddling Furnace; section on C. D. (fig. 90). bolts, and are bound together by wrought-iron tie-rods across the top. By this means not only is the perfect solidity of the structure insured, but the entrance of air through rents in the brickwork is entirely prevented. The bottom of the bed, d, is formed of cast-iron plates united by tenon- joints, and supported on dwarf pillars of the same metal. The sides of this bed are variously constructed, according to the method of artificial cooling adopted, but they are frequently made of hollow iron castings, through which a current of air circulates for the purpose of protecting them from the intense heat of the furnace. The hearth, 6 feet in length, is terminated at either end by a straight wall of fire-brick, that nearest 280 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the fire-place being called the fire-bridge, and the other, at the opposite end, the flue-bridge. The brickwork is made to overlap the top of the side-frame in such a way as to form a recess for the refractory material (fettling) with which it is lined. The width of the hearth is 3 feet 9 inches at one end, and 2 feet 9 inches at the other. C α d e f Fig. 90.—Puddling Furnace; section on A. B. (fig. 88), The depth of the fire-place varies with the nature of the fuel employed, being greatest when the coals used are but slightly bituminous. For furnaces provided with the ordinary fire-grate, the best fuel is non- caking coal, containing but a small amount of sulphur, and burning with a long flame. The grate-area should be between one-half and one-third that of the bed; or, taking the latter at 20 square feet, the area of the grate will be from 7 to 8 square feet. The firing-hole, e, which is usually placed about a foot above the grate, has no door, but is closed by throwing a shovelful of coal on a projecting ledge cast upon the iron casing, and piling it against the opening. The flue-of which the sectional area varies with the nature of the fuel employed, being for bituminous coal one-fifth that of the grate, and for anthracite only about one-seventh— slopes gradually towards the stack. In some cases, a second bed is placed behind the flue-bridge, on which the pig-iron destined for the succeeding charge is heated by means of the flame which passes over it on its way to the chimney; in others when, as in gas-furnaces, a blast is used, the air is heated by first passing through the hollow side-frames of the hearth, and afterwards through a coil of cast-iron pipes situated between the furnace and the base of the chimney. The walls of the stack are of common brick, with an internal lining of fire-brick, and the working door, f, which is situated on the same side of the furnace as the fire-hole, consists of a large fire-tile, set in a cast-iron frame, suspended by a chain to a lever having a counterbalance-weight at the other end. This is only opened for the purpose of charging, or for removing the puddled balls, but a small rectangular or arched notch, g, called the stopper-hole, is cut out of the lower edge for the introduction of the tools used in stirring or rabbling the charge. The sill of the working door is about 10 inches above the bottom of the bed of the furnace, and below it is a tap-hole, h, usually kept closed, through which the slag, or tap-cinder, is IRON. 281 withdrawn from time to time as may be required. Another portion of the slag overflows the flue-bridge, and runs down the inclined flue to the bottom of the stack, where it is allowed to accumulate. The portion of the bed opposite the working door is of a curved form, and in the ordinary single furnace is only accessible from one side; but the larger or double furnaces have doors on both sides, so that two sets of puddlers may work at the same time on a charge, of which the weight is proportionately increased. The working bed, or lining, of the puddling furnace was formerly composed of sand, but substances rich in oxide of iron are now employed, and these not only materially assist the process, but also, under certain circumstances, improve the quality of the metal produced. The cast- iron bottom is usually prepared for use by being covered with a layer of tap-cinder or hammer-slag, which is heated until it has assumed a pasty condition and is then worked down and uniformly spread over its surface; this is covered by a thin layer of fettling composed of nearly pure oxide of iron. The thickness of the finished coating need not exceed 1½ inch, and the first charges should consist of scrap-iron, or of waste blooms and refined metal. Grey-pig should not be puddled alone before the refractory lining has become sufficiently consolidated to resist the action of silica resulting from the oxidation of silicon contained in the metal. The side-plates of the hearth require to be lined in a similar manner with some substance rich in oxide of iron; the best materials for this are the pure oxides of iron, such as hæmatite, magnetite, or roasted spathose ore, free from earthy matter. Roasted tap-cinder, known technically as bull-dog, is extensively used, as is also purple ore, or blue lilly, which is the residue remaining from the treatment of roasted cupreous Spanish and Portuguese pyrites by the wet process for extracting copper.* Other materials, such as limestone, are occasionally employed for fettling, but in selecting materials for this purpose all such as contain a notable quantity of quartz or sand should be carefully avoided. The pre- sence of a certain amount of clay is only injurious as diminishing, in some degree, the durability of the lining. The most desirable material for fettling is what is known as best tap, which is the cinder from a re-heating furnace in which piles of wrought-iron are prepared for rolling * The average composition of this substance is as follows: Fe2O3 Pb(as sulphate) Cu S P Ca. Na Co, As and Cl Insoluble residue, &c. Metallic iron. • • • 96.00 • 0.75 0.20 0.36 • • none • 0.40 • 0.10 traces 2.11 99.92 67·00 282 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. on a cast-iron bottom, known as a cinder-bottom, in contradistinction to the ordinary brick hearth covered with sand. A furnace fettled wholly with best tap so affects the quality of the metal produced, that good iron may be made even from cinder-pig, and from pig of fair quality the weight of puddle-bar produced is greater than that of the pig-iron operated upon. Titanic iron ore, or ilmenite, forms a very durable fettling, but is liable to render the iron cold-short. The process of refining iron in the old refinery is still carried on in many works, but has, to a considerable extent, been superseded by pig- boiling, or puddling the pig metal without previous preparation. The process of puddling may be described as including four distinct opera- tions, namely, the melting-down of the charge; its incorporation at a low heat, with oxidising fluxes; the elimination of carbon by stirring, with exposure to air at a high temperature; and, finally, the preparation of balls of spongy metal suitable for squeezing or hammering. Although susceptible of considerable modification, the following may be considered as a general outline of the ordinary method of puddling. As soon as the charge has been introduced into the previously-heated furnace, the working door is closed, and the joints, if necessary, luted with clay; the grate is also pricked, fresh fuel added, and the firing-hole stopped with slack, in order that no air may enter excepting through the ash-pit. At the expiration of about a quarter of an hour, when the metal begins to soften, the puddler introduces a bar or rabble through the notch in the bottom of the working door, and removes any unmelted lumps from the sides of the furnace to the middle of the hearth. The fire is now increased during a few minutes, and as soon as the metal has become uniformly liquid it is briskly stirred, the temperature being at the same time gradually lowered by partially closing the damper on the top of the stack, until the surface of the charge has, by the formation of a covering of slag, become protected from further oxidation, by the direct action of the air passing through the furnace. The management of the operation immediately after charging is more or less varied in accordance with the nature of the metal treated. With grey-iron, which becomes exceedingly liquid when fused, the fragments may, when the furnace is sufficiently hot, be distributed equally over the bed; when, however, it is less highly heated, the pigs of metal are piled near the fire-bridge, and as the operation proceeds and the heat increases, the unmelted portions are drawn into the centre, and forced beneath the surface of the fused slag. When, on the contrary, white or refined iron is operated upon, it is advantageous to bring the furnace to a high heat before the introduction of the charge. By this means the metal is made to fuse more rapidly, and is less subject to oxidation than when the operation is more prolonged. In order to obtain the full benefit of the oxidising power of the slags it is necessary that they should be intimately incorporated with the metal, and for this purpose the draught is checked, the temperature lowered, and the charge, while in a pasty state, well stirred. Hammer-slag, or mill-cinder, is also added for the purpose of rendering the slags more IRON. 283 basic, and to compensate for the silica resulting from the oxidation of the silicon of the pig-iron; as soon as the mass has thus become pasty the reaction of the oxides and silicates of iron upon the carbon of the metal becomes apparent, and copious blue flames, resulting from the combustion of carbonic oxide, make their appearance. The damper ist now opened, and on the temperature becoming higher, the surface begins to boil from the rapid escape of CO; some of the slag is run off, and the action is accelerated by stirring with a hooked iron bar or rabble. At this point the puddler, using the side of the door-frame as a fulcrum, sweeps every portion of the bed from the centre towards the bridges, and in order to prevent the tool from becoming too hot and adhering to the metal, it requires to be frequently changed. On being taken out of the furnace it is cooled in a cistern or water-bosh, by which the adhering cinder becomes detached, and the hook at its end is after- wards hammered into shape. In proportion as the carbon becomes eli- minated, the violence of the ebullition is diminished, the mass begins to stiffen, or come to nature," and malleable iron begins to make its appearance. To prevent a too rapid agglomeration of the charge, the contents of the furnace are again broken up, and thoroughly mixed by stirring; any pasty lumps adhering to the sides are detached, and the mass is subjected to a final heat for the purpose of rendering the cinder perfectly liquid, and thereby facilitating its separation from the metal. CC The last operation consists in forming the metal into balls; this is done by detaching from the charge masses each weighing from 60 to 80 lbs., and compressing them with the tool until they have acquired sufficient coherence to admit of being moved without falling to pieces. This may be effected either by pressure against the bottom and sides of the furnace, or by so rolling a small nucleus of metal on the hearth as to collect other fragments which become attached to it by welding. As soon as a ball has been thus prepared, the workman, by means of a strong iron tool, places it close to the fire-bridge on the far side of the furnace, for the purpose of protecting it against the action of the air entering the working door and passing off by the chimney; the making of the second ball is then at once proceeded with in like manner, and when the whole charge has been balled up, the working door and stopper- hole are closed and the last heat given. Finally the balls are drawn, one by one, to the working door, lifted by means of suitable tongs to the iron table in front of it, and afterwards, either dragged along the floor, or, more frequently, carried on a small wrought-iron truck to the machine by which the shingling or first com- pression of the metal is effected. The old system of dry puddling is only applicable to the treatment of white or refined metal, and, as before stated, the oxidation of the carbon is more dependent on the action of atmospheric air than it is in pig-boiling; the quantity of slag produced is also considerably less. By this process, as soon as the metal has been melted down and has assumed a pasty state, it is broken up and kept constantly stirred for the purpose of incorporating with it the oxide produced during the operation. The 284 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. charge of the furnace is maintained in a partially fused or pasty state, and the stirring goes on almost continuously from the running-down to the balling-up. As, however, the use of sand bottoms is attended with great loss of iron, and the metal produced is of inferior quality, they have, at the present time, become almost obsolete. The charge of a puddling furnace is, in Staffordshire, from 4 to 4 cwts., and from five to seven heats are worked off by a puddler and his assistant during a turn of twelve hours; the difference of weight between the pig-iron charged and the puddled bars obtained is from 7 to 10 per cent. The coal consumed is about equal in weight to the puddled bars made, and the fettling materials required, per turn, are from 6 to 7 cwts. of bull-dog, and 2 to 3 cwts. of puddler's ore, or blue billy, to which must be added the mill-scale introduced into the charges. In Scotland, where dark-grey metal, containing a large amount of silicon, is puddled without being previously refined, from four to five heats only, each of 4 cwts., are made in twelve hours; in this case the loss experienced, from pig-iron to puddled bars, is from 15 to 18 per cent., and the consumption of coal, per ton of the latter, varies from 25 to 26 cwts. In Cleveland the consumption of small coal is from 24 to 27 cwts. per ton of puddled bars made. Wrought-iron of very superior quality is manufactured in the West Riding of Yorkshire from cold-blast refined metal. The furnace em- ployed is of comparatively small size, and is provided with a very high stack, for the purpose of insuring a strong draught. The charge, weigh- ing 3 cwts., is heated to redness before its introduction into the furnace, and the melting-down is effected in from twenty to twenty-five minutes; the whole operation occupies about one hour and twenty minutes, and nine heats are made in the course of twelve hours. Three or four balls only are obtained from each heat, which, after shingling under a helve hammer, are made into stamps from 10 to 12 inches square and 2 inches in thickness; these are broken by the fall of a heavy weight, and subsequently assorted in accordance with the nature of the fracture which they severally exhibit. Those which are most uniformly crystal- line are employed for the manufacture of hard bars, while those showing a distinct fibre are reserved for making into boiler-plates and wire-rods. The consumption of coal is about 30 cwts. per ton of fine-metal treated. In Belgium the coal consumed is usually equal in weight to the puddled bars obtained, and the loss on cast-iron is from 7 to 10 per cent., accord- ing to the quality of the metal operated on. Puddling in Gas-Furnaces.-In Carinthia gas puddling furnaces are employed, the fuel being air-dried wood, which is converted into gas in a generator having a capacity of about 14 cubic feet; air is introduced near the bottom at a pressure of half an inch of mercury, and the com- bustion of the gases is effected by a second blast brought in imme- diately above the fire-bridge, through an oblong tuyer extending the whole width of the hearth. This blast is heated to a temperature of 200° C., by passing through the hollow side-plates of the furnace, and a second bed, situated between the puddling furnace and the chimney, is used for heat- IRON. 235 ing-up the metal which is to constitute the next charge. In Styria, lignite is sometimes employed for puddling, the consumption being from 22 to 24 cwts. per ton of blooms, and the loss of weight on the metal Т. C a B A h h Fig. 91. Puddling Furnace, Neustadt; longitudinal section. from 6 to 10 per cent. From 200 to 280 cubic feet of wood are required to produce 1 ton of blooms, and from 240 to 360 cubic feet of turf are capable of yielding the same result; the consumption does not appear to differ materially, whether it be consumed on an ordinary grate or con- f A B g C Fig. 92. Puddling Furnace, Neustadt; horizontal section. verted into gas. The gas puddling furnace employed at Neustadt (Han- over), in which turf is the fuel used, is represented, figs. 91, 92, of which the first is a longitudinal section, and the second a horizontal section above the level of the hearth. The gas-generator, A, is supplied 286 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. with fuel by means of the hopper, a, and at bottom is provided with a set of fire-bars, b; the air necessary for the conversion of the carbon of the turf into carbonic oxide gas is supplied from the blast-main of the estab- lishment, through the tap, c, passing into the ash-pit beneath the bars. Another portion of the blast enters the cast-iron sides, d, of the hearth through the pipes, e, whence, after becoming to a certain extent heated, it passes off by the pipe, f, to the heater, g, which covers the flue of the furnace. This is made of cast-iron with a sheet-iron top, and has a number of divisions cast on the lower plate, through which the blast cir- culates in a zigzag direction. Here the air, which has become heated by passing through the sides of the hearth, is further elevated in temperature, and escaping by the pipe, h, is conducted to the inclined tuyer, i, which is oblong in form and extends completely across the bridge. The bottom and side-plates of the hearth, B, are shown in the drawing without any lining, but this requires to be added before the furnace can be used for puddling; the heated gases escaping from the apparatus are finally utilised by passing under and around the steam-boiler, C. Among the various contrivances employed for puddling cast-iron, Siemens's regenerative gas-furnace is of great importance. The way in which this principle is applied is shown, figs. 24, 25, 26, which represent a gas re-heating furnace on this plan. The difference in general form between a re-heating and a puddling furnace is not very great, and consequently it will be easy, on consulting drawings of the one, to understand the application of the system to the other. Two men, a puddler and his assistant, usually conduct the working of each furnace; the former does the heaviest portion of the work, including making up the balls, while the latter attends to the firing, and also does a portion of the stirring and rabbling. The tools employed in puddling are of two kinds; namely, long straight chisel-shaped bars or paddles, and hooked flat-ended bars or rabbles. When withdrawn from the furnace, the ends of these are coated with molten cinder, which is removed by quenching in a cistern of cold water. Various attempts have been made to puddle iron by machinery, and the methods proposed for effecting this object may be classified under two distinct heads: namely, by imitating the motions of hand-stirring by mechanical appliances, and by using rotatory or oscillatory hearths. Mechanical Rabbles.-For some time mechanical rabbles have been attached to puddling furnaces for the purpose of diminishing the heavy labour of stirring; they are however useless in the laborious operation of balling, and their adoption has not become general. In Eastwood's mechanical stirrer, which is one of the simplest machines of this class, the rabbling tool is suspended in a stirrup at the end of a bent lever, which receives a reciprocating motion by means of a crank. The centre of oscillation of this lever is at the extremity of an inclined jib, to which a lateral motion is imparted by a rod working on a pin attached to a screw-wheel, driven by a worm on the crank-shaft. Motion is given to this arrangement by a chain passing over a pulley, and the IRON. 287 rabble is moved backwards and forwards across the hearth, once in each revolution, while at the same time its point of suspension is shifted a short distance by the movement of the jib, caused by the screw-gearing. In this way a compound motion is communicated to the tool, which causes it to travel gradually over every portion of the furnace-bottom. This apparatus is bolted to the casing-plates of the furnace, and the driving-pulley is connected to the shaft by a fast-and-loose clutch. The furnaces of Tooth, Menelaus, and Danks, are themselves movable. Rotative Furnaces.-The first experiment with a rotative furnace attended with any degree of success, was that of Tooth, who used a wrought-iron cylinder lined with fire-brick; this was made to revolve between a fire-place and the flue leading to a chimney; the flames passed through the cylinder, and the balls, when ready, were withdrawn from the end. It was found that the brick lining of this machine rapidly wore away, and that the iron was imperfectly puddled, as the mass obtained frequently inclosed a central lump of unchanged cast-iron. Menelaus improved upon Tooth's machine, and the results obtained O C B m m A m Fig. 93.-Danks's l'uddling Machine; longitudinal section. were much more satisfactory. The apparatus employed was in the shape of an ellipse; the idea being that whereas in Tooth's machine the iron was simply rolled round, in the elliptical revolver, from the different. diameters at various parts, the action would be to so break up the iron as not to form a cylindrical mass like that produced in Tooth's machine ; thus in turn exposing every portion to the oxidising action of the air and cinder. This ellipse was movable, and by means of a crane and a pair of trunnions it was removed from the fire-place, tilted on end, and the lump of iron turned out, in one mass, upon a bogie, and taken to the hammer. 288 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The experiments of Menelaus appear to have, practically, failed to give satisfactory results solely on account of the difficulty experienced in find- ing a suitable lining; he first tried ganister (a siliceous material used for lining Bessemer converters), various descriptions of brick, and ilmenite. Ilmenite was found to stand best, but it was difficult to fix it in the furnace, and it moreover made the iron cold-short. Danks's rotative puddling furnace has for some time been successfully at work in America, and the Iron and Steel Institute not long since sent out a Commission to examine it, which reported. very favourably upon its performance. This machine is represented in longitudinal section, fig. 93, and in end elevation, partly section through the revolving chamber, fig. 94; fig. 95 is an elevation of the movable end-piece and flue. The revolving cylindrical chamber, A, is made with wedge-shaped recesses, which act mechanically in retaining the initial lining in its place. This first lining may be composed of any iron ore, free from silica, ground with cream of four m d m O M O 777. ď www Fig. 94.—Danks's Puddling Machine; end elevation, partly section. lime; this is introduced in the state of mortar, and when dry becomes a refractory and sufficiently coherent material to allow of the fettling being melted upon it without either melting itself or breaking away from the plates. The ore employed for mixing with the lime should, by preference, be anhydrous, since otherwise the removal of its water of combination, by the heat to which it is exposed, is liable to cause the crumbling of the mass. Upon this foundation a quantity of any ore, free from silica, may be melted, and for this purpose the hydrated varieties may be employed, as their combined water is rapidly driven off. Into the bath of melted ore thus obtained, large solid lumps of the same material are thrown, and IRON. 289 these, being cold, cause the melted ore to set round them, and by firmly fixing them in their places a rough internal lining is produced. It is not only necessary that these lumps should be moderately free from silica, but also that their texture should be such as to prevent their crumbling by heat; this was found to be the case with ilmenite. Best tap-cinder answers this purpose very well, and, when suitable ores cannot be obtained, oxidised scrap-iron may be substituted with advantage. The Danks furnace has a closed ash-pit, the necessary air being supplied by a fan-blast through the pipe, B; jets of air are also introduced over the fuel by means of the nozzles, c, in connection with the air-main, C; these, which extend the whole width of the bridge, enable the puddler in charge of the machine to regulate the draught, and he has thus complete control over the furnace. As time is lost, and a considerable amount of fuel is expended in melt- ing the charge in the revolving furnace, the pig should either be fused in a cupola or run directly from the blast-furnace in which it is produced. A jet of water is directed against the lining on the descending side, for the purpose of chilling a portion of the cinder and causing it to be carried under the metal. Mr. Snelus-to whose report, in conjunction with the other Commissioners, to the Iron and Steel Institute, and to Mr. Riley's paper on Iron and Steel,* we are mainly indebted for information relative to puddling by machinery-is of opinion that this has also the effect of carrying off sulphur from the cinder, as in the case of Parry's steam refinery. When grey pig-iron is made use of, the boil commences in about ten minutes, but with white-pig it begins in two or three minutes only after melting; after tapping off the cinder, the cylinder is set in motion and the fire urged; the iron now begins to boil violently, and carbon becomes rapidly oxidised. But little cinder is produced during this portion of the operation, and the greater part of it is removed with the ball. An ingenious arrangement, consisting of a movable end-piece, fig. 95, at the back of the flue, permits the ball to be removed from the Danks furnace by means of a fork worked by a crane, by which it is placed on a bogie and carried to a hammer or squeezer. The revolving cylinder, A, is supported on friction rollers, d, and is set in motion by the pinion, e, working in the toothed segments, f. G is the firing-hole, and h the passage for the flame and gases into the cylinder; i is the chimney- stack, k the stationary flue, I suspension rods with swivels, m water- pipes, n water-front of movable piece, o supports, p stopper-hole, q tap- ping-hole. The firing-hole, G, has a coil of wrought-iron pipe cast into it for the purpose of allowing the circulation of a stream of water to keep it cool, and the bridge-plate between the fire and the charge of metal, has also a coil of water-pipe cast into it for the same purpose. In Danks's machine the puddling is entirely effected by the fettling, the carbon, silicon, and phosphorus being almost completely oxidised by it, and by the cinder introduced. The separation of silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus, by this apparatus, is more perfect than by hand-puddling, * A lecture delivered before the Chemical Society, May 2, 1872. U 290 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. and the inventor alleges that the more silicon and phosphorus the pig contains the better will be the quality of the iron produced. Strange as this statement may appear, it is confirmed by Riley, who says that the views of Mr. Danks seem to be borne out by the results of the working of the machine in this country. The present machinery in use at iron-works is totally inadequate to dealing with such masses of metal as the ball from this rotative furnace, the weight of such a ball being about 650 lbs. To meet these circumstances, Mr. Danks has applied a most ingenious and efficient squeezer, which Z In p 0 0 n k Fig. 95.-Danks's Puddling Machine; eud-piece. will be described when treating of forge machinery. Iron thus pro- duced, after being thoroughly squeezed and re-heated, can be rolled out at once into a rail or large bar, without the operation, now required, of rolling into puddle-bar, piling, re-heating, and rolling again. A revolving puddling machine has also been invented by Mr. Spencer, of the West Hartlepool Iron-Works. His converter is rhom- boidal in form, having at its two opposite ends axes at right angles to the extremities or discs. These are made to revolve on rollers by suitable gearing. The sides are honeycombed to retain the fettling, consisting of best tap, which is introduced into the recesses, and fresh tap melted over it. Experiments made with this apparatus have shown that the silicon and phosphorus are almost completely removed by it from Cleveland pig-iron, containing above 2 per cent. of the latter element. FORGE MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS.-That portion of an iron-works in which puddled blooms or rough bars are produced, including puddling furnaces, shingling machines, and puddling rolls, is called the forge; while those portions of the establishment in which rough bars are re- IRON. 291 heated and transformed into finished or merchant iron, are known as the mill. This department comprehends the re-heating or balling furnaces, together with the mills and other appliances employed in the production of bars, plates, sheets, or other merchantable forms. Hammers.—The compression of the rough balls of malleable iron into blooms is effected by the use of either hammers or squeezers, the former acting by percussion and the latter by compression. In the puddling forge, the blooms thus obtained are also converted into rough bars by passing them, at the same heat, through a rolling mill. Ham- mers of two kinds only were formerly employed in the preparation of blooms; in the first, or tilt hammer, the axis is placed between the point where the cam acts upon the shaft and the head, while in lifting hammers, or helves, the hammer-block and lifting-cam are both on the same side of the fulcrum. Both are, however, now very generally superseded by the steam hammer. Tilt hammers are usually small in size, and are driven at a con- siderable speed, being used rather in drawing out bars and finishing work generally, than for shingling blooms. The shaft is made of one or inore beams of straight-grained timber, which, in the latter case, are hooped together with wrought-iron rings, and the pivots either pass through the shaft or are more frequently attached as trunnions to a strong broad hoop. The head has usually somewhat the form of a sledge-hammer; the general arrangement of a hammer of this description is shown, figs. 86, 87, p. 275. Helve hammers are of two kinds: the nose, or frontal helvc, in which the cam acts upon a projection immediately in front of the hammer- block; and the belly helve, which has the cam-shaft below the level of the floor, and which acts upon it about midway between the fulcrum and the head. Hammers of this description, such as were formerly in general use in puddling forges, have been made of all weights up to 10 tons; but the most usual sizes are from 5 to 7 tons, giving from seventy to seventy-six blows per minute, with a lift of from 16 to 18 inches. In order to avoid injury to the machine, the hammer is never allowed to fall directly upon its anvil, and, with this object, when not in use, a stop, or gag, is placed between them. When this has to be removed, a piece of iron is placed on the tongue, of sufficient thickness that, on the cam coming in contact with it, the hammer is lifted clear of the prop, which may then be removed and the machine again brought into working order. The foundation usually consists of a solid bedding of wood, containing from 1,000 to 1,500 cubic feet of oak, capped by a cast-iron bed-plate, weighing from 10 to 12 tons, and measuring about 24 feet by 7 feet. Two standards, a, fig. 96, for carrying the helve, are fixed on the bed-plate in strong jaws, and a third, b, for carrying the cam-shaft, c, is secured in the same way. The helve, which is T-shaped in plan, is about 8 feet in length, 6 feet in width at the centre of vibration, d, 2 feet in depth, and 12 inches wide in the middle; at the end furthest from the point of suspension is a recess 18 inches square, on the lower side, for receiving the hammer-face, e. The anvil-block stands U 2 292 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. on the bed-plate under the centre of the hammer-face, and has, on its upper side, a face, f, similar to that of the hammer. The helve is lifted by a revolving cam-ring, g, about 5 feet in diameter, having four cams or wipers on its circumference, which, coming in contact with it, raise it, and passing onwards, allow it to fall upon the bloom resting on the anvil beneath. The following are the approximate weights of the castings employed in the construction of a hammer of moderate size: Bed-plate, 11 tons; helve-stand, 3 tons; helve, 53 tons; hammer-face, 15 cwts.; anvil-block, 5 tons; anvil-face, 16 cwts.; standards under cam-ring shaft, 2 tons; cam-ring shaft, 7 tons; cam-ring, 4 tons; four cams, 24 cwts.: total, 41½ tons. The puddled ball having been placed on the anvil, the helve is lifted C VI Fig. 96.-Helve Hammer, Dowlais; from Truran. off the prop by a boy, who holds a small iron block beneath the tongue, which, coming in contact with the wiper, the prop is withdrawn and the hammer descends upon the ball. The helve is lifted by the several wipers as they pass in succession, and the ball is converted into a bloom in from eighteen to thirty seconds, during which time it receives from fifteen to twenty blows. The working faces of both hammer and anvil are subject to great. wear and tear, and require to be frequently replaced; they may be ren- dered more durable by causing a current of water to circulate constantly through them; but this expedient, introduced by Condie, the inventor of the water-tuyer, was never generally adopted. The steam hammer is now generally preferred to the helve for shingling and balling purposes, and is thus employed in nearly all the more recently-erected forges. It essentially consists of a vertical high- pressure engine, with an inverted cylinder, supported by a framing, often consisting of two heavy cast-iron standards. The piston-rod, which passes through the lower cover of the cylinder, is directly attached IRON. 293 to a heavy block or tup moving vertically between guides on the inner faces of the standards. In single-acting hammers, steam is admitted on one side only of the piston, so as merely to raise the tup, which, on the connection with the boiler being cut off, falls with its whole weight, the steam escaping by an exhaust-port which is opened when the steam pas- sage is closed; double-acting hammers are also made, in which the force of the blow is increased by admitting steam on the upper surface of the piston, and thus accelerating its descent. The steam hammer possesses a great advantage over those of the ordinary construction, inasmuch as it admits of the force of the blow being regulated in accordance with the requirements of the work in hand. This is done by throttling the exhaust by means of a properly-constructed valve, and allowing the pis- ton to fall upon a cushion of steam. This power of moderating the force of the blow is of great advantage in the shingling of blooms, since at the commencement it is often desirable to consolidate the ball by short light strokes, and afterwards, as the iron becomes more compact, to increase the impact by lengthening the fall. The hammers generally used in puddling forges vary in weight from 30 to 60 cwts. ; one weigh- ing 50 cwts is considered of sufficient power to do the work of twelve furnaces, and may be supplied with steam by a boiler utilising a por- tion of the waste heat of the establishment. In steel-works, and for blooming and forging large masses of metal, very heavy hammers, having blocks ranging in weight from 20 to 50 tons, are sometimes employed; those of the largest size are usually single-acting, the employment of steam above the piston being chiefly confined to those of moderate dimensions. Messrs. Thwaites and Carbutt, of Bradford, are the makers of a double-acting steam hammer, of which fig. 97, from a photograph kindly furnished by them, is a side elevation. The framing is princi- pally of wrought-iron. The hammer-block, A, which weighs 10 tons, is attached to the piston-rod; the piston is 34 inches in diameter, and the stroke 7 feet. The slide-valve is tubular, and is so balanced against the pressure of the steam as to be easily moved by the lever, a ; the stop-valve for regulating the admission of steam is worked by means of another lever connected with the rod, b. When not hand-worked, the stroke of the steam hammer is determined by a tappet coming in contact with the end of a lever which so moves the slide-valve as to allow the steam to escape from below the piston through the exhaust-pipe. The hammer-man standing on the platform, c, has the lever, a, and another in connection with b, close at hand, and at the same time commands an uninterrupted view of the work in process of forging. Small hammers, such as those used instead of the old tilt hammer in steel-works and for smithy purposes, are frequently made with but one standard, so as to allow of free working on three sides of the anvil, and, in some modern hammers, guides below the cylinder are dispensed with. In that case, the piston is prevented from turning either by an angular piston-rod, or by the use of one of which a portion has been so planed off as to form a flattened surface; this, passing through a stuffing-box having a similar section, prevents any disposition of the piston to turn upon its axis. 294 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. In Condie's hammer the cylinder is cast to the hammer-block, and the piston-rod is suspended to a suitable support, by a ball-and-socket joint; large steam hammers require anvils of great weight, and these should be so arranged as to be entirely clear of the foundations sup- porting the framing. A convenient foundation for hammers of moderate size may be con- b - ARB VULCAN IRON WORKS BRADFORD. YORK A ส 10 0 C Q D 00 100 Oc W.JANELCH SE Fig. 97.-Steam Hammer. structed of squared balks of timber placed on end, and bedded either on concrete or on a mass of cinders broken small, deposited in layers, and well beaten. For the very large hammers used in steel-works, such as Krupp's 50-ton hammer (the maximum lift of which is 10 feet, and of which the anvil weighs 185 tons,) the substructure is built of solid IRON. 295 blocks of cast-iron; the foundation of this hammer is composed of eight masses of cast-iron, weighing in the aggregate over 1,000 tons. A 30-ton steam hammer is at present being constructed for the use of the Royal Gun Factories at Woolwich Arsenal. The building for con- taining this machine will be 150 × 100 feet. The somewhat unusual size of the proposed machine necessitates special arrangements for the bed-plates. All of these are of a very massive and solid character, and consist in the first place of a hundred 12-inch square piles, arranged, at equal distances apart, in the form of a square, 30 × 30 feet. Around and between the piles, for a depth of 4 feet from the heads, is a bed of concrete. Upon the piles is laid a cast-iron plate, weighing 115 tons. This plate is in three parts, and upon it is a double layer of 1-inch elm planks, the upper layer being placed at right angles to the lower one; on these are laid two layers of 12-inch oak balks. Upon these comes a second plate of cast-iron, weighing 150 tons. This plate is cast in two pieces, and covers an area of 27 × 13.5 feet. Then comes a 2-feet thickness of oak timber, placed with the grain vertical, or end on, the collection of balks being held together by an iron strap 6 inches deep by 2 inches thick. These carry a third cast-iron plate, 12 inches thick, and weighing 130 tons. Upon this will come a fourth plate, 12 inches thick, and weighing 100 tons, a thin packing of oak, just sufficient to prevent contact, being interposed between them. On the top of the last plate will be placed another thin oak packing, and then the round anvil-block, which weighs 103 tons, and is 15 feet in diameter at base, tapering to 12 feet at the top. Upon this comes a cylindrical anvil, 2 feet 8 inches deep, and 12 feet in diameter, which weighs between 60 and 70 tons. These foundations will include nearly 670 tons of cast-iron, so disposed as to present the utmost solidity, while at the same time retaining sufficient elasticity to prevent any detrimental consequences of jar from the blows of the hammer. In Ramsbottom's duplex hammer (fig. 98), both hammers are simul- taneously put in motion by a steam-engine consisting of the cylinder, A, piston, a, and slide-valve, b, &c. The piston-rod is connected to a cross- head moving in guides, and united to the hammers, B, supported on rollers running on rails, by double connecting-rods, c. The iron journals, d, are packed with greased leather, so as to deaden the jar of impact, and the ingot to be hammered is placed in the cage, e, and can be either raised or lowered by a lever in connection with the counterpoise, ƒ, or be moved horizontally on its axis by means of a hand-wheel standing above the floor-level, but not shown in the woodcut. It follows from this arrangement that the ingot to be hammered may be raised, lowered, or turned on its axis, to the right or left, at will. Squeezers. These machines, by which the compression of a ball is effected without impact, are now more frequently employed for the operation of blooming than the old helve hammer. Squeezers are of two kinds reciprocating and rotary. Those of the first class are again 296 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. distinguished as single and double; the single squeezer, fig. 99, has but one anvil and one hammer, while in the double squeezer there is a jaw on each side of the articulation, and it has, consequently, two anvils and two hammers. B B Fig. 98.-Ramsbottom's Duplex Hammer; partly in section. The lever, a, carries a plate of cast-iron, which may be either flat or serrated with parallel corrugations, working against a corresponding fixed jaw, c, constituting the anvil; motion is communicated to this arrangement by the rod, b, connected with a crank which is usually attached to the driving-shaft of a rolling mill. The shingler introduces the ball between Fig. 99.-Single Squeezer; from Truran. the jaws of the machine at their widest part, and gradually moves it forward on the anvil until it comes in contact with the upper jaw, or hammer. At each stroke of the squeezer-arm the ball is flattened by the pressure, and a portion of the cinder is expelled; during the up IRON. 297 stroke it is turned over towards the fulcrum of the arm, where it is finally reduced to a bloom of about 5 inches in diameter and 18 inches in length. The up-setting of this bloom, which receives from 20 to 25 successive squeezes during its elaboration, is effected at the extreme end of the jaws, where the distance between them admits of the mass of iron being set on end for the purpose of being pressed longitudinally. The squeezer- crank usually makes about 60 revolutions per minute, and the time neces- sary for shingling a ball is therefore from 20 to 25 seconds. The rotary squeezer generally consists of a strong cylindrical casting, the inner surface of which is studded with blunt triangular teeth or corrugations; within this revolves a cast-iron cylinder having the outer surface similarly roughened. The fixed circular casing of cast-iron forms about three-fourths of an entire cylinder, and within this, the revolving drum is placed eccentri- cally with regard to its axis, in such a way that, their surfaces being parallel, the distance between them gradually diminishes in the direction of the line of rotation. The puddled ball enters at the widest part, and on being carried forward by the movable cylinder, is gradually reduced in size until it is ejected at the narrower end in the form of a cylindrical bloom ready for the rolling mill. The speed of the squeezer is about 12 revolutions per minute, and one machine is stated to be capable of doing the shingling for fifty puddling furnaces: as, however, there is no means of regulating the distance between the surfaces, it has the dis- advantage of requiring that the balls should be as nearly as possible uniform in weight and shape. For the manipulation of heavy masses of iron, the forging of steel ingots, and for other purposes where very powerful compression is re- quired, hydraulic power may often be advantageously employed. The forging-press of Mr. Haswell, of Vienna, is a machine of this class, and consists of a large vertical hydraulic press with its ram acting down- wards against a table serving as an anvil. The large ram is lifted by a smaller hydraulic press, with which it is connected by means of a cross- head and side-rods. As the ram rises, the water expelled from the larger cylinder is returned to an accumulator containing a piston, upon the sur- face of which steam can be admitted; this is employed for moving the ram rapidly when the resistance is not considerable and the whole power of the machine is consequently not required. When, on the contrary, it is desired to develop the whole force of the apparatus, the connection between the press and accumulator is cut off by a valve, and it is put into communication with a pair of ordinary hydraulic forcing pumps, driven by a large direct-acting steam-engine. It is evident that by using the speed-piston for comparatively light work this machine may be driven with considerable rapidity, while, by reserving the slow action of the pumps for the heavier forgings an immense compressive power may be developed. A machine of this kind, constructed by De Mayr, of Leoben, communi- cates a pressure of 764 tons to the surface of the large ram; but as by this apparatus intense pressure is obtained without impact, it does not require the massive and costly foundations necessary for steam hammers. 298 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The squeezer, figs. 100, 101, of which the first is a longitudinal section, and the second an end view, employed with the Danks rotary furnace, is known as Winslow's, but has been improved and modified by Mr. Danks, so as to adapt it to the treatment of very heavy masses of iron. It consists of two corrugated rollers, a, each about 4 feet in length d C C T Fig. 100.-Winslow's Squeezer; longitudinal section. and 18 inches in diameter, placed horizontally, occupying one plane, and having the journals fixed in strong frames, b. These rollers are made to revolve in the same direction at the rate of from 15 to 20 revo- lutions per minute, and above them is geared a large eccentric or d b cam, c, the periphery of which revolves at the same rate as the circumference of the two rollers, a. At the side of the squeezer-frame is a horizontal steam hammer, the ram, d, of which is seen, fig. 101, and which hammers the end of the bloom as it is being rotated. When the bloom has been suf- ficiently squeezed, which is effected by two revolutions of the cam, it is removed by means of a neat lever- arrangement, and rolled upon the floor; it is now seized by a pair of tongs, lifted by a crane used for charging and drawing at the re-heating furnace, and placed on a fork, by means of which it is charged. It is subsequently withdrawn by the same fork, placed on a bogie, and taken to the rolls. 1:40 Fig. 101.-Winslow's Squeezer; end elevation. The Commissioners, however, state that they do not consider this squeczer an essential feature in machine-made iron; and are further of IRON. 299 ! opinion that, if means can be devised for handling under the steam hammer such heavy masses as balls weighing from 600 to 1,000 lbs., and of getting them worked in a reasonable time, the result will probably be an improvement in the quality of the iron produced. Puddling Rolls.—Although the hammer is still employed in some of the old open-fire forges of Sweden and Germany for the production of finished iron, it has nevertheless been generally superseded in all the chief iron-producing districts, both of Europe and America, by the rolling mill. The rolls by which the heated metal is drawn into bars are of two kinds. The first, which are called puddling rolls, serve to consolidate the blooms after their removal from the hammer or squeezer. The second kind, known as mill rolls, are employed for the purpose of extending into bars the masses of iron obtained by cutting puddled bars into lengths, and subjecting them to a welding heat in a balling or re-heating furnace. Two pairs of rolls, fig. 102, constitute a puddling train, one pair being used for roughing-down the bloom, and the other for finishing it into a α a о α Fig. 102.-Puddling Train. bar. The grooves in the roughing pair are either oval, gothic, or dia- mond-shaped; generally the first two or three grooves are gothic, and the others diamond-shaped. Finishing rolls are usually turned with grooves capable of producing flat bars from 3 to 7 inches wide and from 3 to 1 inch thick. Rolls are supported in pairs one above another, in a heavy framework or housing of cast-iron, and are so connected by strong spur-gearing as to turn in contrary directions. Motion is com- municated to the lower shaft either by steam or by water power, and the distance between the two rolls is regulated by screws, a, acting on the brass steps in which their journals or necks are secured. Puddling rolls are generally from 3 feet 6 inches to 5 feet in length, and from 18 to 22 inches in diameter; the durability of the necks and steps is much increased by the use of cinder-plates, for the reception of which a narrow groove is turned in each roll close to the ends, and a piece of thin sheet- iron of the proper form is inserted before lowering the top roll. The roughing-down rolls on the left have a series of grooves turned on them, which gradually diminish towards the right, and are roughened by indentions cut with a chisel; the finishing rolls, on the right, have a 300 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. series of grooves which diminish in the same direction. The lower roughing roll is provided with a serrated fore-plate and rest, and the bottom finishing roll with a rest and guide; the crank, b, works the squeezer. As the rolls, when at work, are subject to great and sudden variations of torsional strain, the couplings uniting the different members. of the train are so made as to have less resisting power than the necks of the rolls themselves; and they are, at the same time, arranged in such a way as to be capable of a certain amount of independent motion. The contrivance by which this is accomplished is shown, figs. 103, 104, and 105, the first being a side view, and the second an end one, of the coupling- box employed. The necks of the rolls, which are continued a short Fig. 103. Fig. 104. Fig. 105. distance beyond their bearings, have the form of the aperture in fig. 104, and slip readily into the coupling-box; one of these is placed on the end of each of the rolls to be joined, the two being united by a loose bar, fig. 105, of similar form, but of somewhat less sectional area, called the breaking-piece or spindle. The collars or coupling-boxes are prevented from slipping by four wooden stops laid in the depressions of the spindle and secured by leathern straps or wire bands; the intermediate shaft, being the weakest part of the train, gives way in case of any undue resistance occurring, and thus prevents the breaking of the rolls. A continuous supply of water is necessary in order to keep the rolls and their bearings cool, and is conveyed through pipes and channels to the various parts where it is required. On leaving the hammer, or squeezer, the bloom, while still at a high temperature, is first passed through the largest groove of the roughing- down rolls, and afterwards, in succession, through the other grooves of both pairs of rolls, until it is finally extended into a long flat bar, of which the surfaces are usually very rough; this is known as "puddled bar," or "No. 1 iron." Every time the iron has been passed through the rolls it has to be put. back again over the upper roll, which is attended with a considerable expenditure of time and labour. Reversing rolls have sometimes been employed to avoid this, so that immediately the iron has passed through, the motion is reversed, and it is passed back through the next groove. Various other contrivances have been resorted to for the purpose of roll- ing without unnecessary loss of time, and, among them, the most approved appears to consist in the use of two or more pairs set in advance of each other, or in passing the bloom alternately through the grooves of two mills moving in opposite directions; in some cases the bar is carried on an iron carriage, by which it is rapidly taken by steam power from IRON. 301 one pair of rolls to the other. Sometimes, and particularly for merchant and guide trains, a combination of three rolls are placed one above the other, in the same housing. Such an arrangement of the rolls consti- tutes a three-high train, and is driven from the middle; the central roll gearing forward with the lower, and backward with the upper one, or vice versa, so that the bar, instead of being rolled only one way, passes backwards and forwards, alternately, between the grooves of the middle and upper, and middle and lower, rolls. The speed of puddling rolls ranges from 35 to about 80 revolutions per minute; in the Welsh forges the rolls are driven at from 50 to 80 revolutions, but in Staffordshire and Derbyshire they are worked more slowly. Shears. The puddled bar, on leaving the rolls, is taken by boys to the cutting shears, which should be placed opposite the finishing rolls. d 1 [ a Fig. 106. Steam Shears; elevation. It is the general practice to shear puddled bars hot; but when the length into which they may require to be divided for the mill-piles is not known, they are laid aside, to be subsequently cut cold; stronger shears are then required, and the work is performed by men. The shears usually employed for this purpose consist of two jaws, terminated by cutting edges of hardened steel, firmly bolted to the iron limbs to which they are attached. The lower blade is immovably fixed to a cast-iron support, while the upper one moves on a pin passing both through it and the cast-iron support of the lower jaw. To the upper limb is attached a lever, which being connected by a strong rod to a 302 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. crank on a revolving shaft, causes the jaws of the shears to alternately open and shut at each revolution. In this way sufficient power is trans- mitted to the shears to enable them to divide bars of iron presenting considerable sectional area. Instead of driving shears by means of a crank, or shafting connected with other machinery, they are sometimes worked by a small independent engine; this is the case in the machine represented, fig. 106, where the heavy cast-iron lever, a, on which is secured the upper cutting face, b, is connected by a sweep-rod with the crank, c, on the fly-wheel shaft, and receives motion from the small inverted steam-engine, d. Shears are employed for cutting puddled and other bars into lengths for piling, and also for removing the rough ends of finished bars and the edges of plates and sheets. When the length of the cut to be made is considerable, a knife with a diagonal edge, moving vertically between parallel guides, is usually employed. These guillotine-shears are much used for cutting boiler-plate, and, as they require considerable power, are frequently driven by an engine attached to their framing. Rails and other heavy bars have their rough ends removed while still hot, by circular saws; these are from 3 to 4 feet in diameter, and make from 800 to 1,200 revolutions per minute. They are generally driven by belts, but in some instances direct-acting steam turbines, on the same shaft, have been employed. The yield of puddled iron varies considerably in different localities, and will depend not only on the nature of the pig-iron operated on, but to a certain extent also on the skill employed in its treatment. In the neighbourhood of Dudley, South Staffordshire, the ordinary calculation is, that 24 cwts. of pig-iron should yield 22 cwts. of puddled bars, and that about 1 ton, 2 cwts., 2 qrs. puddled bars are employed in the production of 1 ton of merchant-bar. In South Wales, in 1859, it was estimated that 27 cwts. of white pig-iron were required to produce 1 ton of finished or merchant-bar. WORKING PUDDLED BAR INTO MERCHANT IRON; THE MILL.-After having been cut by shears into suitable lengths, the puddled bars are piled in packets, which are heated to a welding heat, and then hammered and afterwards rolled, or they are at once rolled into bars without hammering. The elevation to a welding temperature is effected in special furnaces, known as mill, balling, or re-heating furnaces. Re-heating, or Balling. The re-heating furnace very closely resembles the puddling furnace, and has a chimney, a, of similar dimensions, but is usually 8 or 9 inches wider, and about 2 feet longer; the average area of the fire-place, b, is 12 square feet. The dimensions, form, number, and size of doors, &c., of the re-heat- ing furnace vary considerably, in accordance with the nature of the work for which it is to be employed; but the following woodcuts, figs. 107 and 108, after Truran, represent a longitudinal section, and a hori- zontal section, above the level of the hearth, of a furnace, such as is com- monly employed in South Wales for the conversion of puddled bars into rails or merchant iron. IRON. 303 The cast-iron bottom, c, is placed about 14 inches below the working door, and on it is laid a sand bottom, d, falling from the door both towards the back of the hearth and towards the chimney. Many re-heat- ing furnaces are constructed without an iron bottom, and in such cases the sand forming the hearth is laid on rubble-work, consisting of old fire- brick, fire-brick ends, &c. Between the hearth, or body of the furnace, f { b a Fig. 107.-Re-heating Furnace; longitudinal section. and the fire-place, a bridge, e, 9 inches in thickness, is carried up to within 14 inches of the roof, while at the stack end the sand is gradually rounded off so as to meet the bottom of the flue. A number of puddled bars, generally from 3 to 4 feet in length, are placed together to form a pile, of which the sectional area is from 3 to 10 inches square, in accordance with the size of the iron to be made; piles 3 feet 6 inches long, 7 inches wide, and 8 inches high, are a common size for the larger descriptions of merchant iron. The baller charges four of these for a heat through the door, f, by placing them singly on a flat iron bar, called a peeler, and slides them into the furnace, taking care not to disturb the arrangement of the bars. When charged, the four piles lie nearly across the furnace, radiating from the door, the ends towards the back lying about 6 inches lower than those nearest the door. The door, f, is now closed, and a little fine coal thrown around it to exclude the air, the damper is raised, the grate cleaned, fresh fuel added through the firing-hole, g, and the fire urged, so as to produce an intense heat. The workman's chief occupation, after charging, is to watch the piles, and to so shift their positions that they may be equally exposed to 304 ELEMEN IS OF METALLURGY. the fire, and be brought to a welding heat in the shortest possible time. As this point is approached, the iron becomes externally oxidised, and forms a scale which covers the surface of the pile, and which, by combining with the siliceous matter of which the bed is composed, forms a slag, which, running off freely towards the bottom of the stack, escapes from the furnace. This is distinguished by the name of flue-cinder from that produced in the puddling furnace, which is known as tap-cinder. A small fire is usually placed in front of the stack of re-heating furnaces to prevent the tap-hole from becoming obstructed by the cooling of the cinder. At the expiration of sixty minutes a heat, such as that g d pi a: Fig. 108.—Re-heating Furnace; horizontal section. described, will be ready, and the piles are then successively grasped by a pair of heavy tongs, and placed on a bogie, to be carried to the rolls. The withdrawal of the piles, charging a fresh heat, and repairing the bottom, will occupy about sixteen minutes; such piles usually average about 4 cwts. each, and consequently a furnace working thirty-six piles in the course of twelve hours will get through 83 tons of iron weekly. For smaller descriptions of merchant-bar, the piles are made about 18 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 23 to 2 inches deep. Sixteen or eighteen such piles, which take from twenty-eight to thirty minutes to reach a welding- heat, are charged at once; the time occupied in withdrawing the heat, repairing and re-charging is about twenty-one minutes, and a furnace. working on piles of this description will re-heat 31 tons of iron per week. Bars of the smallest size are rolled from bolts of manufactured iron called billets, measuring from 12 to 20 inches in length, and having a diameter of from 1 to 12 inch; for these a smaller furnace is employed, and from twenty-five to thirty billets are heated at a time. Cold billets are introduced as fast as hot ones are withdrawn; furnaces working on billets for guide-iron will heat from 15 to 25 tons per week, according to the size of the finished bars. The ordinary weight of the piles for rails is, in South Wales, about 15 cwts.; four of these are placed in the furnace at once and the whole heat is rolled into blooms, in a triple mill, in five minutes. After a IRON. 305 second heating, which occupies about thirty minutes, the blooms are each passed nine times through the rail mill, and become rails. The loss on the piles, including crop-ends, which are subsequently utilised, is about 20 per cent. The amount of labour bestowed on the manufacture of merchant iron varies with the quality it is intended to produce. For the commoner descriptions it is usual to pile puddled bars, or No. 1 iron, cut into proper lengths, and these, when brought to a welding heat, are rolled into bars, either with or without being previously worked into blooms under the hammer. More frequently, however, No. 2 iron, or that which has been twice rolled, is used for the top and bottom bars of the pile, when best iron, or No. 3, is being made. If, after this, the iron be further piled and welded, it is distinguished as best best, and treble best; according to the number of re-heatings and rollings to which it may have been subjected. As a rough approximation it may be estimated that the amount of coal consumed for the manufacture, from the ore, of common finished bars, of No. 2 quality, is about four times their weight; to this must be added from 9 to 10 cwts. per ton for each additional heat to which the iron may have been subjected. The bottoms and tops of rail piles are sometimes covered by slabs made by doubling and welding together, under the hammer, two or more puddled blooms, which are then re-heated and rolled, without first having passed through the intermediate state of puddled bars. The necessity for the use of single bars for the outside of piles arises from the circum- stance that butt joints, unless covered, do not weld properly; it is also necessary that the ends of the bars forming the pile should be cut square, and that all contact-surfaces should be as free as possible from scale and rust. The application of gaseous fuel to re-heating has been described, page 96 et seq., where figs. 24, 25, and 26 represent the method of applying the regenerative principle introduced by Mr. Siemens to a furnace to be employed for this purpose. Ekman's re-heating furnace, in which the fuel employed is carbonic oxide produced by the imperfect combustion of wood-charcoal, is said to be very efficient. It consists of a cylin- drical gas-generator, built of fire-brick and inclosed in a wrought-iron jacket in such a way, that, for a certain portion of its height, there is a free space left between the casing and lining. Into this annular chamber, cold air is blown, at a pressure equal to about an inch of mercury, and after becoming to a certain extent heated, one portion of it is admitted by means of tuyers to the cylindrical generator, where carbonic oxide is produced, while another is introduced above the fire-bridge for the pur- pose of effecting the combustion of the gaseous fuel. Beyond the welding chamber is a second hearth, where the piles receive a preliminary heat- ing, before being introduced into the former. Mill Rolls, &c.-The quality of bar-iron is much improved by ham- mering, since the rapid consolidation which takes place under the heavy blows of a steam hammer expels the cinder, while the iron is at a X 306 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. sufficiently high temperature to allow of its escape. A large portion of the cinder is, however, eliminated during the operation of rolling the pile into a bar; but in consequence of the great reduction of temperature which has taken place before the last groove has been reached, a certain amount of slag is liable to become inclosed in the iron. Hammered iron is more homogeneous, has a greater specific gravity, and is superior in point of strength to that which has not been thus treated; consequently, in the manufacture of iron of the best qualities hammering should not be dispensed with. A train of mill rolls for large iron consists of two pairs; one for roughing, which may be about 6 feet 6 inches long by 22 inches in diameter, and the other for finishing, considerably shorter and of some- what less diameter. The whole of the plant requires to be as strong and substantial as for the puddling train, but the standards of the finishing rolls are provided with various tightening and adjusting screws for maintaining the rolls accurately in their positions. Motion is communi- cated to the finishing rolls by a pair of pinions and spindles, while from the bottom finishing roll a coupling spindle communicates motion to the bottom roughing roll, whence it is transmitted to the upper one by spur- gearing, keyed on the ends of the pair. This method of driving from the lower finishing roll possesses the advantage of permitting the use of larger or smaller roughing rolls, as may be required. In three-high trains the lifting of the piles from the lower to the upper level is easily effected when light bars only are being rolled, but in the case of heavy piles it is attended with considerable labour and loss of time, unless some special mechanical appliance is employed. The usual method adopted is to make the feed-plates, or tables, movable, and to so connect them with a single-acting steam- or water-pressure engine, that the pile, after passing through grooves between the lower rolls, is lifted to the upper ones, and, after having passed between them, is received on a table on the other side, which at once descends to the level of the lower pair. A similar arrangement is also often used for heavy plate mills consisting of a single pair, since the pile, after having passed between the rolls, has in this case only to be deposited on top of the upper roll to be again carried back to the side from which it entered. For rolling bars of small section, which from their flexibility are liable to become bent or twisted, it is usual to use a three-high train, to the tables or aprons of which guide-jaws or friction-rollers are attached; these, which are employed for keeping the ends of the bars straight on entering the grooves, give their name to the arrangement which is known as a guide train. Wagner's rolling mill, of which fig. 109 is a front elevation, is some- times called "the universal mill" on account of the facility with which it may be made to produce bars and flats of variable sizes with the same pair of rolls. This machine consists of two horizontal rolls mounted and geared in the usual way; to these is added a pair of vertical rolls, a, fixed in bearings, which can be traversed horizontally on slides by IRON. 307 means of right and left screws. The simultaneous motion of these screws is insured by the hand-wheel, b, geared to a shaft carrying two worms acting on wheels keyed on the screw-spindle. By turning these the two vertical rolls may either be brought nearer together or removed further apart; thus regulating at will the width of the bar to be produced. The vertical rolls, a, receive their motion from the driving- pinion through bevel wheels geared into similar wheels, sliding on their d b 00 mamat Mamon www Te O • TLE Fig. 109.-Wagner's Rolling Mill; front elevation. shaft in such a way as to follow horizontally the movements of the vertical rolls. The horizontal top roll is kept up to its bearings by a pair of counterweights, c, and its distance from the bottom roll is regulated in the usual way by a pair of screws geared to the hand-wheel, d. A combination of this kind, under the name of "White's mill," has been advantageously employed in South Wales for roughing rail-piles. Very heavy mills, such as those used for rolling armour-plates, are reversed at each passage of the pile. In Ramsbottom's rolling mill the rolls are driven, without the intervention of a fly-wheel, by a pair of direct- acting horizontal engines, coupled at right angles, which are reversed each time that a heat has passed through the rolls; the rolling is thus performed alternately in opposite directions. The motion is transmitted from a pinion, on the crank-shaft of the engine, to a spur-wheel in connec- x 2 308 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. tion with the rolls which make one revolution for three and a quarter re- volutions of the engine. The action of Napier's differential friction gearing for reversing rolling mills, and of Stevenson's reversing gear, could not be rendered intelligible without a lengthy description, accom- panied by drawings. The size and speed of rolling mills vary within very wide limits, according to the nature of the work to be performed; reversing mills for heavy plates make only from 25 to 30 revolutions per minute, while some very small mills employed for special purposes make over 500 re- volutions in the same time. For ordinary sized merchant-bars, the dia- meter of the rolls is from 12 to 18 inches, and the number of revolutions per minute from 80 to 110. Rolls for roughing rail-piles are usually from 20 to 24 inches in diameter, and, if worked as a reversing train, the speed does not exceed 30 revolutions; if not reversing, the number of revolutions varies from 80 to 100 per minute. Plates and Sheets.-The rolls employed in the preparation of plates and sheets are of a plain cylindrical form, of the same diameter through- out, and, in order to increase the hardness of their surfaces, they are in- variably cast in chills. The distance between the rolls is diminished each time the pile is passed through, and the top roll requires to be supported to prevent its coming in contact with the lower one when running light. This is generally done by supporting the lower step of the top roll on the ends of a forked rod connected with a lever and weight, so as to slightly overbalance it. For the purpose of securing accuracy of adjustment and insuring the perfect parallelism of the two rolls, spur-wheels are attached to the heads of the setting screws, which are moved through equal spaces by spur- or bevel-gearing, and carefully-divided hand-wheels. For roll- ing tapered iron, the setting screws are sometimes provided with self- acting gear, by which the distance between the rolls is gradually and uniformly diminished during the passage of the pile. Armour-plates for ships, which are made up to 12 inches in thickness, and other very heavy plates, may be produced either by hammering or rolling alone, or by a combination of the two operations. The material employed for the manufacture of hammered plates is best scrap-iron, which is balled, re-heated, and welded, until a slab is obtained somewhat thicker than the section of. the finished plate, and of which two of the edges are square and the other two chamfered. These are welded together, with their tapered edges, on the shorter sides, overlapping, so as to form a sec- tion of a plate of the required breadth, and finally, the length is made up by the addition of so many pairs as may be required. For convenience of handling, a porter-bar or staff is welded to the unfinished plate, and this being provided with a capstan-head with levers, and supported by a crane, allows of its being readily turned on the anvil as required. The finish- ing of the plate and its reduction to the proper thickness are effected at a moderate red-heat, and water is constantly thrown on its surface to facili- tate the removal of scale. When finished, it is heated to redness and annealed by slow cooling. Rolled armour-plates instead of being built up edgewise are formed IRON. 309 by the successive superposition of slabs, re-heating and re-rolling. For the finished plate, large slabs, each about 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 24 inches thick, are piled and introduced into a furnace, in which they are placed on fire-brick pillars, so as to allow the flame to circulate beneath them. The door of the furnace is on the side parallel to the axis of the rolling mill, and when the pile has become sufficiently heated it is transferred to a truck, running on a railway, which takes it directly to the mill. After passing between the rolls,it is received, on a similar truck, on the other side, and is passed backwards and forwards by reversing the rolls, until sufficiently reduced in thickness. The tops of these trucks are either inclined towards the rolls or they receive the plate upon fric- tion-rollers in such a way that it may be readily pushed forward; the action of the mill being sufficient to force it up the inclined surface on the opposite side. After leaving the rolls, and while still hot, the plate is rendered perfectly smooth by the passage over it of a roller weighing about 7 tons; when cold it is transferred to the table of a planing- machine, where all its edges are dressed square. Plates and sheets are classified in accordance with their thickness: the former term embraces all strengths exceeding No. 4 of the Birmingham wire-gauge, corresponding to a thickness of 0.238 inch; all less thicknesses are sheets. Sheet-iron is classified as follows: Singles, Doubles including from No. 4 to No. 20 gauge 0.238 to 0.035 in. thick. Trebles, or lattens 20 25 25 "" "" "" 27 "" "" 0.035 0.020 0.020 0.016 "" "" "" For the heavier classes of plates, the piles are built up of bars, which, instead of having their longer sides parallel cross each other alternately; the coverings at top and bottom being flat slabs, from 9 to 14 inches in width and from 1 inch to 1 inch in thickness, made by doubling two puddled blooms under the hammer and rolling, at a heat, to the proper size. 16 The pile for boiler-plates, which when finished measure 6 feet in length, 3 feet in breadth, and have a thickness of 3th, is about 20 inches. long, 7 inches high, and 12 inches broad. It is first reduced to a roughly- squared bloom by passing it lengthwise through three grooves in the blooming rolls, then four times in the direction of its breadth through the plate-roughing rolls, and finally, three times lengthwise through the finishing rolls. The pile for sheets of large size, such as singles of No. 12 gauge, which are 6 feet in length by 2 in width, weighing about 70 lbs. each, is made up of scrap and crop-ends produced in making top and bottom plates. About twenty such piles are placed in the furnace at one time, and each is first rolled into a bar 3 feet 6 inches in length and 7 inches in breadth, and then cut transversely into two equal parts. Each of these portions is now passed through the roughing rolls the wide way, until it has assumed the form of a plate having nearly the required thickness, and of a width represented by the length of the original half-pile. After being passed lengthways three or four times through 310 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the finishing rolls, the two sheets, produced from the halves of the original bloom, are passed through together three or four times; they have now become nearly cold, and after being softened by heating to low redness in an annealing furnace, are cut to the proper size and finished. Thinner sheets are rolled in a similar way, excepting that they are made from smaller piles; in rolling lattens, after the first annealing heat, four plates are passed through together, and, after the final heat, eight thicknesses are passed at the same time. The thin sheets, or black plates, intended for tinning are made in a similar way, but as the unfinished work is doubled after every heating, as many as sixteen thicknesses are at last passed through at the same time; they are finally cut to their proper sizes, pickled in weak sulphuric acid, and their surfaces polished by cold rolling. For the production of small square bars, such as nail-rods, the slitting mill, in which the rolls are replaced by arbors carrying steel discs, is commonly employed. In this arrangement the discs on the upper arbor interlock with those on that which is beneath it, thus constituting a rotary shearing mill with several pairs of cutters. When a flat bar of iron is passed between these cutters, in the same way as in an ordinary rolling mill, it is divided into slips or rods of rectangular section, which are delivered on the other side in a somewhat bent and twisted condition, from the pressure of the cutters; these are afterwards straightened and made up into bundles for the use of nail-forgers. The bar is steadied, while passing between the cutters, by guides, and a tank above the framing contains water, which is allowed to fall upon the slitters in several small streams, for the purpose of keeping them cool. Iron made from ores containing a considerable amount of phosphorus is always cold-short; thus, the characteristic of Cleveland iron is cold- shortness. Cold-short iron is also produced when any siliceous materials are used for fettling; both phosphorus and silicon, therefore, appear to make iron cold-short. The exact cause of the production of red-short iron is not always very clear. Red-short iron is produced from ores that are deficient in phos- phorus, and the addition of that substance, by the introduction of Cleve- land pig, or some similar variety, produces the best results, when mixed with hæmatite pig or the purer charcoal irons. The red-short character of Welsh iron cannot always be attributed to the absence of phosphorus, as it is in many instances, although not always, undoubtedly due to the presence of sulphur. Iron may at the same time be both red-short and cold-short this, which is the worst possible description of iron, is produced from ores containing a high percentage of both sulphur and phosphorus. Red- shortness is believed to be, in some cases, due to a deficiency of carbon in the wrought-iron, since the most fibrous and the toughest iron acquires this property if melted in a clay crucible and afterwards heated, doubled and welded. Mr. Mattieu Williams considers that burnt iron results from dissolved oxygen, or rather that oxide of iron is disseminated throughout the metal; ; IRON. 311 his experiments on this subject do not, however, appear to be fully con- clusive. The waste heat of puddling and re-heating furnaces is frequently em- ployed for the generation of steam, and it is sometimes also made use of for heating the blast; another method of utilising waste heat has been described under the head of "Gaseous Fuel." The following summary of mills and forges at work in this country in 1872 is from Mr. Hunt's Mineral Statistics':— County. No. of Works. No. of Puddling Furnaces. No. of Rolling Mills returned. ENGLAND:- Northumberland Cumberland Durham • Yorkshire (Cleveland District) • 25 54 4 86 10 21 1,135 62 • 11 492 36 >> (Leeds and Bradford District) 13 282 54 "} (Sheffield and Rotherham Dis- 10 363 58 trict) Derbyshire. 108 18 Somersetshire 1 19 2 • Lancashire Gloucestershire South Staffordshire North Shropshire. NORTH WALES. SOUTH WALES :- Glamorganshire 1 6 2 · 125 2,155 329 8 446 168 9 181 24 • 11 178 40 • 5 66 7 17 594 93 Brecknockshire Monmouthshire 1 20 2 12 637 49 SCOTLAND 19 .486 57 Total. 276 7,311 1,015 STEEL. Every description of ironstone is capable of affording cast-iron and wrought-iron; but the properties of the product obtained will vary both in accordance with the nature of the ores employed, and with the method of treatment resorted to, since all will not effect, in an equal degree, the elimination of foreign substances. The metal obtained will consequently be more or less tenacious or brittle, hard or soft, pure or impure; in all cases, however, the names "cast-iron" and " and "wrought-iron" will be applied to the extreme results. In the same way all intermediate pro- ducts which cannot be classed with cast-iron on the one hand, or with wrought-iron on the other, may be called "steel." The crude product obtained from the reduction of iron ores in the blast-furnace is known as "cast-iron;" it is not malleable, particu- larly when hot, but may be hardened by sudden cooling. The term “wrought-iron” is applied to the inore or less refined metal produced ¡ : 312 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. either from pig-iron or directly from iron ores; it is malleable, both hot and cold, but it is not capable of being tempered. Steel forms an intermediate link between ordinary cast-iron and wrought-iron, uniting, in a certain degree, the properties of both; its distinguishing characteristic is its capability of being hardened or softened at pleasure by rapid or slow cooling It cannot, however, be said where steel begins or where it ends; it is a member of a series commencing with the most impure pig-iron, and ending with the softest and purest malleable iron.* According to Frémy, steel is not simply a combination of carbon and iron, but is a nitro-carbide, the presence of nitrogen being essential to the production of steel. He, however, subsequently became aware that not only does wrought-iron contain nitrogen, but also that it is present in larger proportion than in ordinary cast-steel; and, as the case at present stands, the weight of evidence is decidedly against the necessity of the presence of nitrogen in steel. The older view of Karsten, that its essential qualities are due to variations in the amount of carbon present, is now generally admitted to be more probably correct. At all events, it is now thoroughly established that nitrogen occurs in steel in very small proportions only; and that if its presence be necessary to the constitution of steel, it must be still more necessary to that of wrought-iron and pig-metal. Steel may be produced-first, directly from iron ores; secondly, by the addition of carbon to malleable iron; thirdly, by the partial decar- burisation of pig-iron; fourthly, by diluting the carbon in pig-iron by the addition of malleable iron. STEEL BY THE DIRECT REDUCTION OF IRON ORES.-By the Catalan process, previously described, steely iron, fer aciéreux, is produced under certain special conditions of working. The most important of these conditions are as follow: The employment of a small quantity of greillade, and a large proportion of charcoal; the ore is frequently and gradually pushed forward from the contrevent towards the tuyer; the slag is tapped frequently, and ample time must be allowed for the formation of the massé or bloom. It is also generally considered that the tuyer should be less inclined, and that the contrevent should have more slope; towards the end of the process less blast should be given than in the case of soft iron. The denser varieties of charcoal should be employed, and the presence of manganese in the ores treated is desirable. Much will, however, depend on the skill of the furnace-man ; as, with the same materials, one man will produce a large proportion of steely-iron, while another will obtain little or none. Although in this case steel is produced in one operation, yet the ore must first be reduced, and the resulting metallic iron subsequently car- burised by contact with incandescent charcoal. By this process uniform carburisation cannot be secured; the bars, obtained by hammering out the resulting blooms arc therefore broken on the anvil, and the various * Karsten gave this definition of steel as long ago as 1823. Annales des Mines,' 1824, vol. ix. p. 657. STEEL. 313 fragments selected and classified in accordance with their respective fractures. A patent was granted in 1791 to Samuel Lucas for making cast-steel by melting rich iron ores with carbonaceous matter-charcoal, horn, bone-dust, or other cementing substances. Patents were obtained for substantially the same process by David Mushet in 1800, and by John Isaac Hawkings in 1836. In 1854 a patent was granted to Samuel Lucas for an improved method of manufacturing steel, which essentially con- sisted in interstratifying the bars of iron in an ordinary converting furnace with lumps of iron ore. It is directed that the bars should not be allowed to touch the iron ore, as they would adhere to it; and a claim is inserted in the specification for the conversion of iron ore into steel without the presence of bar-iron. A patent was obtained by William Edward Newton, in 1856, for im- provements in the process of manufacturing steel, &c., being a communi- cation from abroad. The iron ores are directed to be reduced to fragments of about forty to the cubic inch, mixed with charcoal or other carbon- aceous matter, and, if necessary, with suitable fluxes, in alternate layers, and kept heated to whiteness during about forty-eight hours in a suitable cementing vessel. After cooling, the ore thus treated is either melted in crucibles, to form cast-steel, or worked up in a furnace into spring-steel. Some years since experiments were made at the Dowlais Iron-Works by Mr. E. Riley, on the direct production of cast-steel from iron ores; it was, however, found, that although steel of excellent quality was sometimes produced, uniform results could not be obtained. s; STEEL BY ADDITION OF CARBON TO MALLEABLE IRON. Cementation.- This is an old process, but of its history little is known. Beckman states that there is no allusion to it in the writings of the ancients but it was well described in 1722, by Réaumur, in his treatise on the art of converting bar-iron into steel. This treatise is illustrated with engravings, in which converting furnaces, similar in all essential respects to those now in operation, are represented. When it is desired to purify cast-iron as completely as possible, the operation of fining must be prolonged until wrought-iron is produced, and from this steel is obtained by recarburisation. This is the method usually pursued in the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin processes for the direct production of cast-steel; but, as in these operations the recarburi- sation of the iron is effected by the introduction of cast-iron, the impurities contained in it become incorporated in the ultimate product. When, therefore, steel of fine quality is required, the carburisation must be effected on the principle of cementation, by the use of carbonaceous reagents. The furnace in which this operation is conducted, is represented in the accompanying woodcut, fig. 110. It consists of an oblong rectangular chamber, divided into two parts by a long and narrow fire-place, a, which passes through its centre and is provided with a door at either extremity, by which fuel is supplied. On each side of this is a chest or converting pot, b, made either of fire-brick or fire-stone, and so 314 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. supported on flues as to allow of the heat and flame passing beneath the troughs through openings, in connection with the chimneys, c. By these d Ъ རྒྱུུ! Fig. 110.-Converting Furnace; transverse section. the smoke and heated air escape from beneath the arch, which is thrown over the two chests and the fire-place by which they arc heated. In the brickwork at the ends of these troughs man-holes, d, are left for the purpose of intro- ducing the iron bars into the fur- nace; these are bricked up during the working of the apparatus, but when it has cooled they allow of the workmen entering either to charge the bars of iron, or to re- move the steel produced by their cementation. The whole furnace is built under a conical hood, e, of from 30 to 40 feet in height, which serves both to prevent loss of heat by radiation, and to carry off the smoke and gases generated by the com- bustion of the fuel employed. The converting chests vary from 8 to 15 feet in length, and from 23 to 3 feet in width and depth; the smaller cases are found to produce steel of the most uniform quality, but are less economically worked than those of larger size. The depth of the fire-place de- pends both on the nature of the fuel employed, and on the dimensions of the cases to be heated: the space between these is usually about 18 inches in width, but in some instances one chest only is employed, and under these circumstances it is placed immediately over the grate on which the fuel is consumed. The degree of heat applied is regulated by opening or closing openings in the arch, and by limiting the amount of air passing into the furnace through the grate. 4 The iron to be converted is in the form of straight bars, usually about 3 inches in width and 3 inch in thickness; in order to allow for ex- pansion these must be somewhat shorter than the chest in which they arc to be placed. Charcoal, which has passed through a riddle, of to inch mesh, is first spread evenly over the bottom of each chest, and on this a layer of bars is laid longitudinally, flat side downwards, with very small spaces only between them. When the iron is too short to extend the whole length, the empty spaces are filled up with short pieces or ends of bars. This first layer of bars is covered by a stratum of charcoal STEEL. 315 about half an inch in thickness; on this another layer of bars is placed, and so on in succession, iron bars alternating with layers of charcoal, until the chests are filled. A thick layer of charcoal is now placed upon the top, and the whole is plastered over with grinders' waste, or "wheels- warf," a substance produced by the wear of the siliceous grindstones employed by cutlers and others in the manufacture of articles of steel. This consists of disintegrated siliceous sandstone mixed with finely-divided and partially-oxidised particles of steel, which combine more or less com- pletely with the silica, and a compact air-tight covering is the result; when grinders' waste is not obtainable, clay may be substituted for it. As soon as the charging of the chests has been effected, the man-holes are stopped with bricks, and the fire is lighted, care being taken to keep up a tempe- rature of glowing redness during periods varying in accordance with the nature of the steel it is desired to produce. Spring-steel requires seven days, shear-steel eight days, and steel for welding from nine to ten days; the progress of the operation is, from time to time, ascertained by means of trial-bars, which are inserted and removed through holes left in the ends of the chests, and from an inspection of the fracture of these, when cold, a judgment is formed of the degree of carburisation which has been attained. The ends of these bars protrude beyond the furnace, and care is taken to prevent access of air by carefully claying-up the openings left between the iron bars and the sides of the trial-holes. When the cementation has attained the desired point, fuel is no longer supplied to the grate, and the furnace is allowed to cool during several days before commencing to remove the charge. As soon, however, as the tem- perature has become sufficiently reduced to allow a man to enter, the bars are taken out, broken, and assorted in accordance with the indications presented by their fractured surfaces. Iron produced from Swedish magnetic ores is employed in the production of the best kinds of cement- steel, and, generally speaking, hammered bars are preferred to those made by rolling. The smaller forges, situated in the eastern part of Sweden, and working in connection with the Dannemora mines, produce the most esteemed brands; the iron of Löfsta, known as ‣ iron, is one of those having a very high reputation. The charge of a furnace of the usual dimensions consists of from 16 to 18 tons of bar-iron; as before stated, chests of moderate size are found to afford more satisfactory results than very large ones, since in the latter, a uniform temperature cannot be maintained throughout. Consequently, the bars towards the centre will be carburised in a less degree than those situated nearer the bottom, sides and top of the chest. On "drawing a heat" a portion of the charcoal is always found to have retained its original form, while the remainder has become reduced to a soot-like dust; the whole is now sifted and washed, in order to free it from the finer particles, and, when dry, the portion which has not passed through the meshes of the sieve is added to an equal bulk of fresh charcoal, and well mixed with it. The mixture thus obtained is found to afford more satisfactory results than entirely fresh charcoal, which requires a longer time to effect the complete conversion of the iron. 316 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The addition to charcoal of small quantities of carbonate of barium, alkaline carbonates, ferrocyanide of potassium, or of organic matter con- taining nitrogen, has at different times been recommended, but none of these substances are practically in use, excepting for case-hardening. The physical properties of the bars before and after conversion differ very considerably; the colour of the fractured surfaces of the carburised bar has no longer the bluish tint of malleable iron, but has acquired a reddish-white aspect not unlike that of bismuth, and the texture has become scaly and crystalline. The most remarkable characteristic of the carburised bars, and that from which this product derives the name of blister-steel, is however the blistering of their surfaces. When the blisters are small in size, and are distributed with a certain amount of regularity, it is an indication that the steel is of good quality; but, when, on the contrary, they are large and follow particular lines, it is indicative of a want of homogeneity in the iron used. Much diversity of opinion has been entertained with regard to the cause of these blisters, which are evidently due to gaseous expansion from within, while the iron, from being exposed to a high temperature, is in a soft state. The most probable explanation appears to be that they are due to the action of the cementing material on particles of slag, consisting of ferrous silicates, enveloped in the metal, and, as the reduc- tion of the iron in these to the metallic state will be attended with the formation of carbonic oxide, the evolution of this gas would account for the formation of the blisters. Another explanation of the production of blisters on the surface of the metal was offered by the late Mr. T. H. Henry. This chemist found that a bar of iron which previously to con- version contained 0.577 per cent. of sulphur, retained 0.017 per cent. only after cementation; so that 97 per cent. of the sulphur had been removed during the process. From this it was argued that the sulphur must have escaped in the form of disulphide of carbon, which is always formed when carbon and sulphur are brought together at a red-heat. This substance is highly volatile, and its escape in the form of vapour was thought sufficient to account for the blisters found on the surface of the steel. The hypothesis of Mr. Henry, although ingenious, appears less probable than that by which the formation of the blisters is attributed to the evolution of carbonic oxide. The average increase of weight experienced by iron during its con- version into blistered steel amounts to from to 3 per cent.; and the amount of coal consumed is from 75 to 90 per cent. of the weight of steel produced. Blistered steel may be used for steeling the faces of hammers and sledges, but its texture is not sufficiently uniform for general pur- poses; by re-heating and drawing, or by faggoting, welding and hammer- ing, or rolling, it is converted, in accordance with its degree of carburi- sation, &c., into spring-steel or shear-steel. The former is produced by drawing out bars of mild blister-steel at a low heat, and the latter by making blister-steel into piles or faggots, re-heating in a hollow fire, and drawing into bars. The surfaces of these faggots are covered with clay STEEL. 317 during the process of re-heating; this, by forming a vitreous slag, protects the combined or dissolved carbon from the action of the blast. After being once subjected to this treatment the product obtained is known as single-shear; by doubling the bars and repeating the process double-shear is produced. Hindoo Process.-According to Mr. Josiah Marshall Heath, wootz, or Indian steel, is prepared from iron, made in the ordinary Hindoo furnace, by fusion in crucibles made of refractory clay, in which is placed, together with the metal to be converted, a certain portion of finely-chopped wood, for which purpose that of the Asclepias gigantea or Cassia auriculata is preferred. The quantity of iron put into each crucible does not usually much exceed a pound in weight, and, after covering the pots with one or two green leaves of the Convolvulus laurifolius, they are closed with a little wetted clay, and placed in the sun to dry. When the clay plugs have become sufficiently hardened, from twenty to twenty-four of these crucibles are built, in an arched form, on the bottom of a small blast-furnace, and strongly heated during from two to three hours with a blast produced by two bellows, each made of a bullock's hide. At the expiration of this time the conversion is considered to be completely effected; the furnace is then allowed to cool, and the cru- cibles are removed and severally broken, when the steel is found in the form of a rounded button occupying the bottom of each pot. The cakes of steel thus obtained are prepared for drawing into bars by exposing them, during several hours, in a charcoal fire to a tempera- ture slightly below their melting point. The fire is urged by bellows, and the cakes are turned over before the blast; from this circumstance Mr. Heath arrives at the conclusion, that in order to insure complete fusion of the contents of the crucibles, the addition of a large excess of carbon is necessary, and that this excess in the too-highly carburised steel is oxidised in the way above described. The following analysis of wootz is by the late Mr. T. H. Henry; the specimen operated on was in the shape of a bar, 4 inches long and 1 inch square, weighing 4,760 grains:- C (combined uncombined • Si ககக As Fe, by difference • • 1.333 0.312 • • 0.045 0.181 • • 0·037 98.092 100.000 Chenot's Process.-The production of sponge-iron by this process has been already described, and it therefore only remains to explain by what means the carburisation of the metallic sponge is effected. For this purpose it is either intimately mixed with charcoal-powder or other solid material rich in carbon, such as a mixture of resin and charcoal, or it may be impregnated by imbibition with some substance rich in carbon, such as wood tar or fatty matter. The ground sponge, after having been immersed in the carburising liquid, is allowed to remain until complete 318 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY, saturation has taken place, and, when necessary, a gentle heat is employed for the purpose of facilitating imbibition. The metallic sponge, when thus saturated, is drained and torrefied in a close vessel during one hour, and when fatty matters have been employed as the carburising agent, the sponge, after having been impregnated in lumps, is ground with the addition of 75 per cent. of fresh sponge to which no addition of carbon has been made. This is done to prevent over-carburisation, and the pro- duction of too hard a steel. After having been thus prepared it is com- pressed into the form of small cylindrical masses occupying about two- thirds its original bulk, and these are melted in crucibles in exactly the same way as ordinary blister-steel. The siliceous and earthy ingredients of the ore form a slag which floats on the top of the molten steel, and, immediately before pouring, this is thickened, by the addition of a little sand, and then removed by skimming. The charge of each crucible is from 18 to 25 kilos., and the operation occupies, on an average, four hours. Steel of fair quality has been produced in the way described, but the expense of fusion is necessarily great, since the compressed sponge occupies a much larger space than an equal weight of blister-steel, and consequently the charge of crucibles of the same capacity will be pro- portionately less. 1 100 Mushet's Steel; Homogeneous Metal.—A patent was granted in 1800 to David Mushet for a process for manufacturing cast-steel by fusing malleable iron in crucibles with a proper addition of carbonaceous matter. Different qualities of steel may be obtained by varying the proportion of carbon, a small quantity producing a softer variety than a larger one. The specification states that "steel produced with any pro- portion of charcoal not exceeding Too will generally be found to possess every property necessary to its being cast into those shapes which require great elasticity, strength, and solidity; it will also be found generally capable of sustaining a white heat, and of being welded like malleable iron; indeed, as the proportion of charcoal or other carbonaceous matter is reduced, the qualities of the steel will be found to approach nearer to those of common malleable iron." In his well-known 'Papers on Iron and Steel' Mr. Mushet thus describes the properties of the metal pro- duced: "When iron is presented in fusion to 40 or 1 of its weight of charcoal, the resulting product occupies a kind of middle state betwixt malleable iron and steel. It then welds with facility, and may be joined to iron or steel at a very high welding heat. Thus combined with carbon it is still susceptible of hardening a little, but without any great alter- ation in the fracture. It possesses an uncommon degree of strength and tenacity, and is capable of an exquisite degree of polish, arising from its complete solidity and the purity of fracture conveyed to it by fusion." T 1 150 It will be observed that the process patented by Mr. Mushet is nearly identical with that by which wootz has, from ancient times, been pre- pared by the Hindoos. In 1839 a patent was granted to William Vickers for the production of cast-steel by melting 100 parts of iron borings with 3 parts of black oxide of manganese and 3 parts of ground charcoal. The use of scrap-iron is also claimed, the proportions specified being STEEL. 319 28 lbs. of scrap, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. of oxide of manganese, and 3 lbs. of charcoal. Case-hardening.-This is a rapid process of cementation, by which the surface of wrought-iron may be converted into steel. An iron box is often employed as the cement-chest, and the charcoal used is, in most cases, obtained by charring some animal matter, such as horn, leather, or hoof. The objects to be case-hardened are imbedded in the charcoal in the usual way, and afterwards exposed for a short time to a moderate heat, either in a smith's forge or in some suitable furnace. When removed from the fire, the articles are hardened by being heated to redness and plunged, while still red-hot, into cold water. Small articles may be rapidly case-hardened by sprinkling a little ferrocyanide of potassium on their surfaces when red-hot; as soon as the powder has disappeared the work is quenched in cold water in the usual way, and, if the process has been properly conducted, the portions covered by the salt will have become externally so hardened as to resist the file. STEEL BY THE PARTIAL DECARBURISATION OF CAST-IRON. In open Hearths. When, instead of causing carbon to combine in due proportion with malleable iron, steel is produced in an open hearth by the partial carburisation of cast-iron, the resulting product is known under the name of raw-steel, and may be employed for many purposes to which that obtained by cementation is commonly applied. This variety was for- merly somewhat extensively manufactured on the continent of Europe, particularly in Styria and Carinthia; but the process has at the present time been almost entirely superseded by more improved methods. The crude iron best adapted for this purpose is that obtained from spathose ores and containing a considerable quantity of carbon, such as spiegel- eisen, or the strongly-mottled variety known as blumige Floss, which is speckled with grey upon a white ground. After having filled the hearth with burning charcoal, six or seven plates or slabs of lamellar cast-iron are successively melted before the blast of the tuyer; these are from an inch to an inch and a half in thickness. At the commencement of the operation a certain quantity of rich slag and iron-scale, struck from the blooms by the large hammer, is added to the charge, which, melting on the surface of the cast-iron when in a fluid state, assists in the oxidation of the carbon which it contains. When the first slab is in a liquefied state, and has collected at the bottom of the hearth, it is at first nearly fluid, but being there subjected to the oxidising influences of the rich slags by which it is covered, it rapidly loses a portion of its carbon, and becomes thickened into a pasty mass. At this point another slab is fused by being brought directly before the blast, and this, falling in drops to the bottom of the hearth, again gives fluidity to the whole mass of metal there accumulated. Under the united influence of the blast and the oxidising slags, this in its turn loses a portion of its carbon, and becomes pasty. A third slab is now melted in the same way as the two former ones, but care is taken that the falling drops of liquid metal may be received on the centre only of 320 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the molten mass collected at the bottom of the hearth. The middle of the lump only is now melted by the fused cast-iron, this being sur- rounded by a ring of spongy metal which does not assume the liquid form. This operation is repeated until six or eight slabs have been suc- cessively melted, at the expiration of which time from 200 lbs. to 300 lbs. of spongy iron will have accumulated at the bottom of the furnace. The slags are, at this point of the operation, run off, and the metal is raised from amongst the fuel by which it is covered, and divided into wedge- shaped fragments by being cut according to a series of lines radiating from its centre to the circumference. By operating in this way, the several masses of crude metal will be found to have a nearly similar com- position, but as the cake from which they are cut is itself far from homo- geneous, the different parts of the same fragment seldom exhibit precisely the same degree of carburisation. It consequently follows that these Masseln, which are now drawn into bars, will yield rods of very different composition at different points of their length. To remedy this defect, and to give at the same time greater density to the finished steel, the bars of rough metal are handed over to a workman, who, after having heated them red-hot, and subsequently cooled them by plunging in cold water, raises each bar by one of its ends, and allows it to fall heavily on an anvil placed for that purpose on the floor of the workshop. By this treatment the most brittle part of the bar is detached, and on striking a still harder blow in the same way, another and less carburised fragment is broken off, whilst the larger portion, which remains in his hands, merely consists of a peculiar steely-iron, which, in many countries, is used for the teeth of harrows, for plough-shares, and other agricultural implements. The parts broken off are assorted according to the structure of the fractured ends, and are subjected to a series of manipulations destined. to communicate to them greater density and uniformity of composition. For this purpose care is taken to weld together a piece of hard steel, and one which is less carburised; the bar thus obtained is afterwards heated, and hardened by being plunged into water, and this is again broken as before described, and subsequently united into one bar. It is easily understood that by this treatment the desired result will be ultimately attained; but this is produced at a considerable expense of labour and fuel, and is attended with the loss of a greater or less portion of the crude steel employed. The steel made by this process is, when carefully pre- pared, of excellent quality, and was at one time, for many purposes, preferred to that obtained by the cementation of malleable iron. Forges of this kind are usually small, and are worked by water- power. Each contains two fires and a hammer; a small water-wheel com- monly gives motion to the bellows and another to the hammer. The latter weighs from 5 to 6 cwts., and makes from 65 to 110 blows per minute, with a lift of about 2 feet. Four men, with the two fires will produce from 14 to 15 cwts. of crude steel blooms in a double- shift of sixteen hours; under ordinary circumstances the consumption of charcoal is about 30 cubic feet per cwt. of steel produced, but by using STEEL. 321 hot-blast, and placing a covering over the hearth, this may be reduced to about 22 cubic feet. The Carinthian process does not differ materially from the Styrian, but the hearth is larger, and the weight of metal operated on greater. In addition to performing the work of a refinery the hearth, in this case, has also to do duty as a re-heating fire; the steel produced amounts to from 70 to 80 per cent. of the pig-iron operated on, and the consumption of charcoal is from 40 to 50 cubic feet per cwt. of steel produced. In the Siegen district, where, before the introduction of the process for making steel by puddling, spiegeleisen was treated in the open hearth, small charges of from 60 to 80 lbs. were melted down upon a mass of mottled iron which thus formed the bottom of the lump. The slag was tapped to within about 3 inches of the bottom, shortly after the com- mencement of fusion, and additions of spiegeleisen were made in diminish- ing quantities, from 40 lbs. at the fifth to 20 lbs. at the seventh and last charge. During these successive additions the mass was constantly main- tained in a pasty semi-fluid condition, and, at the expiration of eight hours, a bloom, weighing 4 cwts., was obtained. This was divided into seven or eight pieces, which were tilted into bars, of which the weight amounted to about 70 per cent. of that of the pig-iron employed. Puddled Steel.-Puddled steel appears to have been produced at Frantschach, in Carinthia, as long ago as 1835, but after repeated trials the process was ultimately abandoned. Bischof made puddled steel in a gas-furnace at Mägdesprung in the Hartz, in the year 1846, and during several years experimental trials were made by various ironmasters both in Westphalia and Bavaria. In 1849, some of the Westphalian manu- facturers had succeeded in overcoming all practical difficulties, and in the following year puddled steel was regularly fabricated, and had become an established article of commerce. Steel so produced appears to have first begun to attract attention in this country at the International Exhibition of 1851, where Messrs. Lehrkind, Falkenroth & Co., of Haspe, near Hagen, showed bars and blooms of puddled steel; rolled puddled steel was also exhibited by Boeing, Roehr, and Lefsky of Limburg, and by some other German manufacturers. In the Exhibition of 1862, there were numerous examples of puddled steel, and by this time Riepe's process, which Messrs. Lehrkind & Co. appear to have employed, had been introduced into this country. This method of producing steel was first practised in England at the Mersey Steel and Iron Works, Liverpool, and a valuable paper on the subject was communicated in 1858, to the Society of Arts, by Mr. W. Clay, the then manager of that establishment; a licence had also been granted to the Low Moor Iron Company, who, at that date, had already produced about 1,000 tons of puddled steel. In the specification of Riepe's patent, the process is described as follows: "I employ the puddling furnace in the same way as for making wrought-iron. I introduce a charge of about 280 lbs. of pig-iron, and raise the temperature to redness. As soon as the metal begins to fuse and trickle down in a fluid state the damper is to be partially closed, in order Y 322 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. to temper the heat. From twelve to sixteen shovelfuls of iron cinder, dis- charged from the rolls or squeezing machine, are added, and the whole is to be uniformly melted down. The mass is then to be puddled, with the addition of a little black oxide of manganese, common salt, and dry clay, previously ground together. After this mixture has acted for some minutes, the damper is to be fully opened, when about 40 lbs. of pig- iron are put into the furnace near the fire-bridge, upon elevated beds of cinder prepared for that purpose. When the pig-iron begins to trickle. down, and the mass on the bottom of the furnace begins to boil and throw out from the surface the well-known blue jets of flame, the said pig-iron is raked into the boiling mass, and the whole is then well mixed together. The mass soon begins to swell up, and the small grains begin to form in it, and break through the melted cinder on the surface. As soon as these grains appear, the damper is to be three-quarters shut, and the process closely inspected, while the mass is being puddled to and fro beneath the covering layer of cinder. During the whole of this process the heat should not be raised above cherry redness, or the welding heat of shear- steel. The blue jets of flame gradually disappear while the formation of grains continues, which grains very soon begin to fuse together, so that the mass becomes waxy, and has the above-mentioned cherry redness. If these precautions are not observed the mass would pass more or less into iron, and no uniform steel product could be obtained. As soon as the mass is finished so far, the fire is stirred to keep the necessary heat for the succeeding operation, the damper is entirely shut, and part of the mass is collected into a ball, the remainder being always kept covered with cinder slack. This ball is brought under the hammer, and then worked into bars. The same process is continued until the whole is worked into bars. When I use pig-iron made from sparry iron ore or mixtures of it with other pig-iron I only add about 20 lbs. of the former pig-iron at the later period of the process, instead of about 40 lbs. When I employ Welsh, or pig-iron of that description I throw 10 lbs. of best plastic clay in a dry granulated state on the bottom of the furnace before the beginning of the process. I add, at the later period of the process, about 40 lbs. of pig-iron as before described, but strew over it clay in the same proportion as just mentioned.” According to the statements of more recent writers on this subject, it appears, however, to be doubtful whether the process can be efficiently conducted at the low temperature specified by Riepe, and in the course of subsequent litigation the term "cherry redness" was explained as meaning a bright red-heat when the furnace was illuminated by direct sunlight. The use of the highest temperature obtainable in the puddling furnace was, at a later period, claimed by another patentee.. There is no essential difference between puddling for the production of wrought-iron and that for the production of steel, excepting that in the former case the decarburisation is more completely effected than in the latter. The crude irons most suitable for conversion into steel are such as are rich in carbon and manganese, and consequently spiegeleisens, together with certain varieties of flowery-pig, are well adapted for this STEEL. 323 purpose. Generally speaking, the furnace used is somewhat smaller than the ordinary iron-puddling furnace; or rather, the dimensions of the fire- place and chimney remaining the same, the size of the bed is somewhat diminished, in order, when required, to command a proportionately higher temperature. The charge is introduced in the form of fragments of nearly equal dimensions, and is so distributed over the surface of the bed that all may become fused about the same time, and without the formation of any large quantity of oxide. The charge of pig-iron does not commonly exceed from 3 to 3 cwts. ; in the preparation of puddled steel it is, however, necessary that the charge should not only be perfectly fused, but also that it should be covered by a stratum of liquid slag, which has the effect of regulating, or rendering uniform, the oxidation of the carbon. The presence of prot- oxide of manganese in the slag is likewise advantageous as contributing to its fluidity, without at the same time increasing its decarburising influence. The melting-down and stirring or rabbling is effected at a higher tem- perature than that employed when puddling wrought-iron, and usually occupies from forty to forty-five minutes; the formation of the steel balls is, however, conducted at a lower temperature than those of wrought-iron, and, at this stage of the operation, the furnace should be filled with gases of a neutral or reducing character. Fluxes of a more or less oxidising nature, in accordance with the quality of the pig-iron under treatment, are added during the operation of melting-down; and towards the close of the puddling process the presence of a poor, and therefore slightly oxidising slag, in a state of great liquidity, is required. The presence of viscid highly-oxidising slag would materially accelerate the fining, but would also be liable to result in a too complete decarburisation of the metal, by which the quality of the steel would be prejudicially affected; the decarburising action of the slags is regulated by the addition of clay, quartz, poor slags, mill-cinder, &c., as may be required. Sometimes addition of per- oxide of manganese is made immediately before balling, or a mixture of peroxide of manganese, clay, and salt is added at intervals during the stirring. The contents of the furnace are well stirred during the second period of the process, and should the iron separated in a malleable form accidentally become decarburised to too great an extent, it may be brought back to the proper condition by dissolving it in the still-unaltered pig-iron beneath. When the metal commences to rise, the operation of fining is promoted by closing the damper until the charge begins to thicken, when the heat is gradually raised, and the mass is repeatedly worked with an iron tool; this stirring or rabbling occupies from forty-five to fifty minutes. The appearance of the particles of metal, which are constantly brought to the surface of the covering of liquid slag by stirring, affords a toler- able indication of the progress of the operation and of the nature of the product which will be obtained. When the metal thus raised above the surface of the slag is brilliantly granular, it indicates that the process is Y 2 324 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. progressing satisfactorily, and that the steel produced will be fine-grained and of good quality. If, on the contrary, the mass is coarsely granular and presents a flaky appearance, the steel will be likely to be coarse in texture and imperfectly refined. The whole of the charge may either be balled-up at once, or only a portion of it, according to the nature of the steel required and the skill of the workmen employed; in some cases each ball is shingled as soon as it is finished, a new ball being formed in the meantime. In the puddling of iron a certain amount of decarburisation takes place during the ope- ration of balling; but in the case of steel this is, as far as possible, prevented by shutting the damper and filling the furnace with flame and smoke, thus producing a neutral or non-oxidising atmosphere. When the furnace is heated by gas, the same result is obtained by shutting off the top blast. The shingling of the balls is conducted at a lower tempera- ture than that employed for malleable iron, and those which cannot be immediately taken to the hammer are rolled in slag, so as to give them an external varnish, which tends to prevent oxidation. In order to prevent the decarburising action of the slag, the balls should be shingled as quickly as possible; slags, when highly basic, act rapidly upon the combined carbon. The fact of the partial decarburisation of pig iron requiring the expenditure of a larger amount of fuel than the more complete removal of its carbon, in the manufacture of wrought-iron, can only be explained by the slowness of the operation, caused by the peculiar circumstances under which the reactions are produced. The time required, under ordinary circumstances, to work off a heat for wrought iron and for steel will be, respectively, as follows: Melting down Stirring Boiling and fusing Iron. • 30 to 40 minutes. 30 35 "" "" 25 30 Steel. 40 to 50 minutes. • 45 50 "" 20 25 "" "" Balling 10 95 to 115 10 115 to 135 The consumption of fuel in puddling iron varies considerably, not only with its quality, but also with the nature of the metal originally operated on, and of that finally produced; it may, however, be taken roughly at from 100 to 125 per cent. of the puddled bars obtained. In puddling steel, however, from 130 to 135 per cent. of good round coal will be consumed; and, should the quality be indifferent, it may sometimes reach as high as 160 per cent. The loss in puddling steel is less than that occurring in the pro- duction of wrought-iron; in puddling alone, it varies from 6 to 9 per cent.; if the loss on re-heating be included, it will amount to from 15 to 20 per cent. From 1,800 to 2,000 lbs. of shingled steel balls can be produced from one furnace in twelve hours; when puddling wrought-iron from eight to STEEL. 325 nine charges are worked during that time, but with steel from six to seven charges only can be obtained. The puddled balls, on being placed under the hammer, emit a bluc flame, due to the combustion of carbonic oxide; and as they are less compact than those of wrought-iron, they require more careful manage- ment, first receiving very light blows and afterwards heavier ones. For the purpose of being drawn into bars, the blooms are re-heated, either in a reverberatory furnace or in a hollow fire. In large establishments puddled steel is generally re-heated in reverberatory furnaces, and sub- sequently treated by steam hammers and rolling mills; but in small works the re-heating is usually conducted in hollow fires, and the drawing-out is effected by the aid of a tilt hammer. At Lohe, in Siegen, where white crystalline pig-iron is operated on, twelve charges, each weighing 350 lbs., are treated in the course of twenty-four hours; the loss on puddling is 9 per cent., with a further loss on re-heating and hammering of 11 per cent. Of the steel produced, 78 per cent. is of first quality, while the remaining 22 per cent., being more or less mixed with iron, is less easily broken than that of first quality. The consumption of coal per 1,000 lbs. of puddled steel amounts to 2,000 lbs.; of which 1,680 lbs. are employed for puddling, and 320 lbs. for re-heating the blooms in a hollow fire. At Geisweide, in the same district, 240 lbs. of mottled charcoal pig- iron, somewhat poor in carbon and manganese, are puddled with 80 lbs. of spiegeleisen, the total weight of the charge being 320 lbs. In thirteen shifts of twelve hours each, 68 charges, or 21,760 lbs., of pig-iron are worked, yielding 18,500 lbs. of steel and 3,260 lbs. of iron. The con- sumption per 100 lbs. of steel and iron produced, is 113.4 lbs. pig-iron and 131 lbs. coal. Gas-furnaces are stated to be much better adapted for the production of puddled steel than those heated by solid fuel; at Kirch- unden, in Siegen, the saving effected by the introduction of gaseous fuel, is stated at from 35 to 40 per cent. upon the coal, and from 9 to 10 per cent. upon the pig-iron. At Zorge, in the Hartz, equal weights of white radiated pig-iron and grey charcoal-pig, are treated in charges of 4 cwts.; in the course of twenty-four hours, from nine to eleven charges are puddled, alternately for steel and wrought-iron, with a loss of 11·68 per cent. on the pig-iron. In the production of 100 lbs. of blooms, 13 cubic feet of soft charcoal and 11 cubic feet of hard charcoal are consumed; weighing together 1821 lbs. Turf, which has been experimentally tried, resulted in a loss of 17.2 per cent. of iron. The blooms of steel are re-heated in hollow fires, with a consumption of 1·74 cubic foot of coal per 100 lbs. of the finished product, and a loss on the metal amounting to from 11 to 12 per cent. According to inves- tigations made by Janoyer, Lan, Gruner, Zander, Schilling, and others, the chemical reactions of the steel-puddling process are similar to those of the process of puddling for soft iron. Schilling, who has published an elaborate series of analyses of the metal and slags produced at different stages of this process, as carried out at Zorge, obtained some valuable and 326 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. somewhat remarkable results. The charge consisted of a mixture of equal weights of white pig-iron from Gittelde, and grey-pig from Zorge. Ten successive samples were taken from the puddling furnace during the working of a heat; in the fourth, graphitic carbon had entirely dis- appeared, while that in a combined state had become reduced to 2·49 in place of 2.60 per cent. This reduction in the amount of carbon was found to be almost regularly progressive up to the tenth sample, which con- tained 0.94 per cent. The silicon in the first sample amounted to 0.99 per cent, and in the second it had increased to 1.50 per cent.; in the sixth it had been reduced to 0·11 per cent., and this proportion did not subsequently vary up to the close of the operation. Sulphur was present in the first sample, to the extent of 0.09 per cent., in the sixth this had become reduced to 0.012 per cent., and traces only could be found after- wards. Phosphorus, present to the amount of 0.48 per cent. in the first sample, progressively decreased until it reached the minimum of 0.075 per cent. in the ninth; and did not subsequently alter. Manganese which, in the first sample, was present to the extent of 2.01 per cent., had, in the tenth, been reduced to 0.27 per cent. No increase of carbon was observed in the earlier stages of the process, as recorded by Calvert and others. This, Schilling ascribes to the use of a gas-furnace and the intro- duction of an excess of air by the top blast. Samples of the slags were taken cach time that a sample of the metal was withdrawn, commencing with No. 4, and were not found to vary materially in composition. The silica in the slag taken with the fourth sample of metal was 20.98 per cent., and in the tenth, 20.52 per cent. Phosphoric anhydride was found in all, to the extent of 5.25 per cent. Ferric oxide was present in the first sample of the series to the amount of 7.12 per cent., while in the last there was but 6.24 per cent. The ferrous oxide present in the different samples, varied from 58.98 in that taken with No. 4, to 62.14 in that taken with the last. Alumina was present in all, to the extent of about 3 per cent., while of lime and magnesia, the quantities being about equal, the amount varied from 1 to 2 per cent. In these slags, the oxygen ratio of acid to bases is about 1:14; but the large and perfectly constant amount of phosphoric acid present appears somewhat inexplicable. It is ascribed, not to the oxidation of phosphorus contained in the pig-iron, which is obviously too small in quantity to produce such an effect, but to the ash of the wood burnt in the gas-generator, and carried over by the draught. This explanation does not, however, appear satisfactory. Bessemer's Process.-Publicity was first given to this process in 1856, when Mr. Bessemer read before the Mechanical Section of the British Association at Cheltenham a paper entitled 'The Manufacture of Malleable Iron and Steel without Fuel.' At that time the process had not been sufficiently perfected to yield satisfactory commercial results, aud the general want of confidence on the part of the trade was so great that Mr. Bessemer was induced to erect independent steel-works in Shef- field, where the method was ultimately brought to its present state of efficiency. His first success, however, was achieved at Edsken and STEEL. 327 Sandviken, in Sweden, at the works of the so-called Högbo Company. This process essentially consists of blowing large quantities of at- mospheric air, divided into numerous small jets, through a bath of molten cast-iron, thus effecting the rapid oxidation and consequent com- bustion of carbon, silicon, and certain other substances present in the pig-iron. The very high temperature which is thus developed in the converting vessel is sufficient to keep liquid the resulting decarburised iron, instead of leaving it in the viscid pasty condition in which it is pro- duced in the puddling furnace. The blast is injected at a pressure of from 18 to 20 lbs. per square inch, and the very high temperature attained is obviously the result of the intimate contact thus caused between the air and the various oxidis- able bodies present. This oxidation takes place simultaneously through- out the whole mass, and not, as in the process of puddling, only at the surface, or where the metal comes in contact with cinder or some other oxidising agent. The increase of temperature goes on progressively from the moment the blast is first turned on until it is again shut off; the various substances becoming oxidised in the same order of succession as they are respectively eliminated by refining and puddling. The silicon is thus first transformed into silica, which, uniting with oxide of iron, forms a liquid cinder; if the blowing be continued after the oxida- tion of the whole of the carbon has been effected, the heat will be kept up by the combustion of the iron itself, and a product is ultimately obtained which possesses all the properties of burnt iron. As before stated, it has been suggested that iron, after losing its carbon, may possess the property of absorbing oxygen, like silver or copper, and that the oxygen so absorbed causes the characteristic red-shortness of burnt iron. This process, although not adapted for the production of ordinary wrought-iron, as was originally intended by Mr. Bessemer, is, nevertheless, capable of affording, at a comparatively cheap rate, steels of good quality and possessing a great range of hardness; it is at the present time not only much employed throughout European countries, but is also being extensively introduced into the United States of America. The conversion of pig-iron into steel may be effected by two distinct modifi- cations of this process: either the decarburisation of the charge may be arrested at the exact stage by turning off the blast at the proper moment, or the metal may be first completely decarburised, and subsequently brought back to the composition of steel by the addition of spiegeleisen or some other highly-carburised variety of pig-iron. By the first method, which is still to some extent employed in Sweden, the state of the charge, and consequently the period at which the blast should be discontinued, is determined by the appearance of the flame issuing from the converter. The results obtained by the second method, which was originally sug- gested by Mr. Mushet, are of a more certain and uniform character, and it is therefore now generally preferred. Experience has everywhere shown that in order to obtain steel of good quality it is necessary to employ pig-iron of exceptional purity. It 328 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. should in the first place be almost absolutely free from sulphur, phos- phorus, and copper, as the process is, practically, incapable of reducing to any great extent the proportion of those bodies existing in the original pig-iron. On the other hand, the presence, within certain limits, of silicon and manganese is considered desirable, and, until the whole of the latter has been eliminated, oxidation of the iron takes place to a very limited extent; the silica resulting from the oxidation of silicon combines with manganous oxide and forms a very liquid slag, which has however the disadvantage of exercising a corrosive action on the siliceous lining of the converter. The English iron best adapted for use in the Bessemer converter is grey-pig smelted from Cumberland hæmatite, and of the quality indicated by the Nos. 1 and 2; it should contain at least 12 per cent. of silicon and not more than 0.2 per cent. of phosphorus. At Essen, Westphalia, the pig-iron preferred for treatment by the Bessemer process is smelted from a mixture of spathic ores and hæmatite; it contains 5 per cent. of carbon and 2 per cent. of silicon; it also averages 1 per cent. of manganese, 0.06 of phosphorus, and 0·04 of sulphur. The furnace or converter employed in the production of Bessemer steel may either be stationary, like that still used to a certain extent in Sweden, or it may be suspended on trunnions, by means of which it can be caused to make, vertically, one-half of a revolution. The fixed converter, which was at one time generally employed in Sweden, and which is still sometimes used in that country, consists of a wrought-iron casing lined with fire-brick and provided on one side with a spout, by means of which it receives its charge of molten cast-iron; a series of tuyers is placed in a circle round the bottom, and the whole is covered by a dome having an inclined hood, through which the gases evolved during the operation make their escape. The liquid metal is run into this converter after turning on the blast, so as to prevent the iron from filling the tuyer-holes, and the blowing is continued until the charge is run off by means of a tap-hole provided for that purpose. The movable converter universally employed in England, and now generally adopted on the continent of Europe, fig. 111, affords great facilities for discharging the metal, and also allows of the charge being retained for a considerable time after the blast has been shut off. An external shell or casing, made of wrought-iron plates riveted together, is suspended by means of a stout wrought-iron hoop, carrying trunnions supported by cast-iron standards. One of these is solid, and carries a pinion, gearing into a rack on the extension of the piston-rod of a small direct-acting water-pressure engine; the other is 'hollow, and forms a pas- sage for the blast. The lining requires to be composed of the most refractory material which can be obtained; fire-bricks are sometimes employed for this purpose, but, in this country, the fine-grained siliceous sandstone from below the coal-measures, known as "ganister," is found to answer better than any other material. It is first finely ground, and may be used either with or without an admixture of powdered fire-brick; in either case it must be intimately incorporated with a small quantity of STEEL. 329 water, by which it is rendered so far coherent as to retain its form when tightly rammed between the outside casing of wrought-iron and an inside wooden core, which is afterwards withdrawn. The older con- verters, of which the form was very nearly that of a soda-water bottle with the bottom flattened and the neck turned on one side, were, for the convenience of lining, made in two parts, which were united by bolts and nuts. The form given to the newer converters is more cylindrical, and the bottom, which is removable, is retained in its place by cotter-bolts. Beneath the bottom of the converter .(fig. 111, of which the form is somewhat old), is the tuyer-box, a, which is a cylindrical chamber com- municating with the hollow trunnion, b, by means of the curved pipe, c. The tuyers, d, are slightly-tapered cylindrical fire-bricks, each perforated a a и C h b Fig. 111.-Bessemer Converter; vertical section. with seven parallel holes, of about half an inch in diameter. From five to seven of these tuyers are usually arranged in the bottom of the converter, at equal distances from each other; the lower ends pass through a perforated guard-plate, forming the top of the air-chamber, with which they are maintained in close contact by stops supported by horizontal arms, which can be turned aside whenever the intro- duction of a new nozzle becomes necessary. The rack for turning the converter on its axis gears into the pinion, e; in the older establish- ments the cylinders of the water-pressure engine were placed horizon- tally, but a vertical position is now more generally preferred, since less ground-space is occupied by this form of construction. The engine is in either case double-acting, and is worked by hand-gearing situated at a 330 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. considerable distance. An arrangement for turning on and cutting off the blast by the rotation of the converter itself is shown in connection with the hollow trunnion, b; the valve, which is constructed on the double- beat principle, has its spindle prolonged through the top of the tubular pillar, and is so weighted at ƒ as to keep it closed, when its fall is not mechanically interfered with. Attached to the valve-spindle is the lever, g, articulated at h, while to the trunnion is keyed the eccentric disc, i, which, pressing against the lever, lifts the valve and turns on the blast as soon as the apparatus is in a proper position for blowing; on the other band, when the converter is lowered for the purpose of pouring, the pres- sure of the eccentric is taken off the lever, and the valve is closed. By this arrangement the blast is admitted and cut off at exactly the right moment, and quite independently of any care or attention on the part of the workmen; perfect uniformity of action in this respect being thereby insured. In a Bessemer plant, fig. 112, two converters, a, are usually placed on opposite sides of a circular casting-pit, in the centre of which is a vertical hydraulic cylinder, the plunger of which carries a cross-arm, b, formed of two parallel iron girders strongly connected by bolts and distance- pieces; to one end of this is attached the ladle, c, its weight being balanced by a counterpoise on the other end. This counterpoise is pro- vided with gearing by means of which it can be gradually removed towards the centre in proportion as the ladle becomes emptied, and its weight is consequently diminished. The ladle is made of sheet-iron lined with fire-clay, and is provided with a tapping-hole in the bottom which is closed by the end of a bent iron bar also coated with clay; the other end of this bar turns downward on the outside of the ladle, and is connected with a hand lever, by means of which the plug in the tapping- hole may be raised or lowered at pleasure. The ingot-moulds are arranged around the periphery of the casting-pit in such a way as to be immediately under the tapping-hole, when the ladle and its support are made to revolve vertically on the central pivot; this motion is effected by means of spur-gearing, similar to that employed for the rotation of railway turn-tables. This gearing is worked by a man standing on a platform, who has also the control of machinery by which, after a cast, the ladle is turned over on its bearings for the purpose of removing any adhering cinder or waste. The valve by which the central ram is raised, carrying with it the ladle and support, is usually in charge of a man, who also works the tipping engines of the converter, and who is stationed at sufficient height above the ground to command a distinct view of all the operations. Power for the various hydraulic apparatus is obtained from a small steam-engine working force-pumps in connection with a pair of accumu- lators. Each converter is usually capable of holding from 3 to 6 tons of pig-iron, and, during the operation of blowing, occupies the position of that shown on the right hand, the flame and sparks being carried into a chimney by means of the hood, d. The hydraulic engines, e, are STEEL. 331 d € a h g I h 71 Fig. 112.-Bessemer Steel Plant; elevation, partly section. d : What 332 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. employed for tipping the converters, and a horizontal rack on the side of one of the girders is used as a slow-motion adjustment for bringing the tap-hole immediately over the centre of the mould. This is worked by a hand-wheel on the platform carrying the ladle. The transversing motion is obtained by means of a pinion gearing into a large spur wheel, ƒ, on the central plunger, and is worked by a wheel which is also placed on the movable platform. The cranes, g, are worked by hydraulic power, and are employed for removing the ingots from the casting-pit. The method of conducting the process in this country is generally as follows:-The charge of pig-iron, usually amounting to from 3 to 6 tons, is melted either in a reverberatory furnace, or less frequently in a cupola ; and the converter, which has been previously heated to redness by being filled with ignited coke, is first reversed, so as to remove any unconsumed fuel, and afterwards brought to a horizontal position to receive its charge of molten metal, which is run into it through a wrought-iron gutter lined with sand. The converter is now slowly brought back to a vertical position, the blast being at the same time turned on; the flame which at first issues from the neck is of a yellowish-red colour, is but slightly luminous, and is not accompanied by a large amount of sparks. The reactions taking place at this period, which lasts from four to six minutes, are similar to those produced in the reverberatory furnace during the first stage of puddling; graphitic carbon passes into the combined state, silicon be- comes oxidised, and silicates of iron and manganese are formed. This stage of the operation is followed by a period of active ebullition, during which the combined carbon is rapidly oxidised by the blast, carbonic oxide is evolved in large quantities, the flame increases in brilliancy, and showers of sparks and fragments of burning iron are abundantly thrown out. This boiling period lasts for about six or eight minutes longer, at the expiration of which time the intensity of the action begins to diminish, fewer sparks are evolved, and the flame acquires a characteristic bluish- violet tint. This marks the commencement of the last, or fining, stage, and as soon as the whole of the carbon has been consumed, the flame ceases, but is immediately succeeded by a stream of white-hot gas, chiefly consisting of nitrogen; if, after this stage has been reached the blowing be further continued, the temperature will be kept up at the expense of the decarburised iron, which becomes rapidly oxidised. As soon as the appearance of the flame indicates that the almost total removal of the carbon has been effected, the converter is again turned back to the horizontal position, and about 10 per cent. of spiegeleisen, or some other pig-iron of nearly similar composition, is added; this is run in from a furnace through a sand-lined gutter, in the same way that the charge was originally introduced. After the addition of the spiegeleisen it was formerly customary to again turn on the blast during a few minutes, but this is now discon- tinued, and the contents of the converter are at once emptied into the ladle; this is brought into the proper position to receive it by lowering STEEL. 333 the central plunger and moving it horizontally by means of the spur-and- pinion gearing before described. The ingot-moulds, h, are of cast-iron, open at both ends; they have frequently a circular or octagonal section, and are somewhat smaller in diameter at top than at bottom. As soon as the ladle has been charged, it is raised sufficiently to clear the top of the moulds, arranged in a semicircle on the floor of the casting-pit, and is so turned as to bring the tapping-hole over the centre of each in succession ; the plug is then lifted, and the mould beneath it filled. All the others are in turn filled in the same way, care being taken, in each case, not to allow the molten steel to impinge against the side of the mould, since it is found that this is liable to result in the production of an unsound ingot. As soon as a mould has been filled, a small quantity of sand is sprinkled on the surface of the metal, which is then covered by a piece of sheet-iron, which is secured in its place by an iron cross-bar passing through eyes on either side. In charging, it is necessary that the blast should be admitted before the converter is turned so as to again assume a vertical position, since otherwise the fused metal would flow back through the tuyers, where it would solidify and cause obstruction. The self-acting arrangement by which the opening and shutting of the valve is caused by the rotation of the converter on its axis, secures the admission of air at the right moment, and precludes the possibility of the stoppage of the tuyers taking place through any want of attention on the part of the workmen. The Bessemer plant at the Imperial establishment at Neuberg, in Styria, was erected under the direction of Tunner; the two systems were for some time tried competitively, but the Swedish process was very soon abandoned. Since the close of the year 1865 the iron has been tapped directly from the blast-furnace, and the reverberatory furnace and cupola have only been retained for the purpose of testing new varieties of pig-iron. At Neuberg, as elsewhere, it has been found that hot working, resulting from strongly heating the converter and a high temperature of the iron, essentially contributes to the success of the operation; iron is tapped for the purpose of recarburising, from the furnace yielding the original charge of the converter. Before casting, the mixture is allowed to stand from three to five minutes in the con- verter after it has been turned down; a portion of the gas is thus disen- gaged, and the resulting ingots are thereby rendered less cavernous. has been found in this establishment, as in England, that although pig- iron containing 0.10 per cent. of phosphorus is quite suitable for the manufacture of rails, it is necessary for the production of steel of good quality that the original iron should not contain above 0·04 per cent. of phosphorus. It The following interesting series of analyses, published by the autho- rities in charge of the Imperial works at Neuberg, enables us to follow the gradual transformation which pig-iron undergoes in the Bessemer converter. The pig-metal operated on was smelted from spathic ores with charcoal. 334 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. PIG-METAL AND PRODUCTS. Grey Neuberg Pig-iron. Metal taken after the Period of Scorification. Metal taken towards the Close of Ebullition. Burnt Iron taken before the Addition of Pig-iron. Final Product. Mil Steel, No. 6. C (graphitic 3.180 combined 0.750 2.465 0.919 0.087 0.234 Si 1.960 .443 0.112 0.028 0·033 P 0.010 0.040 0.045 0.015 0.044 S 0.018 traces traces traces traces Mn 3.460 1.645 0.429 0.113 0.139 Cu Fe 0.085 0.091 0.095 0.120 0.105 90.507 95.316 98.370 99.607 99 445 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 towards the Close of Slag taken before the Addition of Slag taken at the Moment of Casting. Slag from the Blast-furnace. CORRESPONDIng Slags. Slag taken after the Period of Scorification. Slag taken Ebullition. Pig-iron. SiO2 Al2O3 40.95 46.78 51.75 46.75 47.25 8.70 4.65 2.98 2.80 3.45 FeO 0.60 6.78 5.50 16.88 15.43 MnO 2.18 37.00 37.90 32.23 31.89 CaO 30.35 2.98 1.76 1.19 1.23 MgO 16.32 1.53 0.45 0.52 0.61 K₂O 0.18 traces traces traces traces Na₂0 0.14 traces traces traces traces S 0.34 0.04 traces traces traces P 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 99.77 99.79 100.36 100.36 99.87 The first of the foregoing tables clearly shows that copper and phos- phorus are not oxidised in the Bessemer process, but that sulphur, whẹn present in very small proportion only, finally disappears; silicon and manganese, more especially the former, are rapidly oxidised, while iron does not unite with oxygen, to any considerable extent, until silicon, manganese and carbon have been almost entirely eliminated. In Sweden nine grades of Bessemer steel are distinguished, according to their relative degrees of hardness, estimated by their tempering power. They are respectively designated by the numbers, 1, 14, 2, 24, &c., passing from the hardest to the softest. At the works of Siljanfors these various numbers were found to correspond very nearly with the following propor- tions of carbon : No. 1 2.00 per cent. of carbon 5 1223 MHH LO "" 11 " 27 2-1/2 31 4 43 1.75 "" 1.50 1.25 • 1.00 • "" "" 0.75 0.50 0.25 • 0.05 STEEL. 335 No. 1 links white pig-metal with the hardest steel; it may be forged with difficulty but does not weld. No. 5, on the contrary, is homogeneous metal, welding perfectly but having no tempering power. In Austria, where, as in Sweden, very pure pig-irons are treated by the Bessemer process, superior products are obtained. Tunner, the well-known metallurgist, has adopted a system of classification which differs but slightly from that employed in Sweden; he has, however, omitted the first two Swedish numbers, which rather belong to white pig-iron, and has replaced the half numbers by entire ones, from one to seven. At the Imperial works at Neuberg, the proportions of carbon corre- sponding to the several numbers of hardness, are as follow:- Numbers of Hardness. Proportions of Carbon. Observations. No. 1 1.58 to 1.38 per cent. Cannot be welded, and is rarely used. 1.38 1.12 "" 123+ L • 1.12 0.88 4 0.88 0.62 "" "" 0.62 0.38 ?? "" 6 0.38 0.15 "" "" "" 7 0.15 0.05 "" "" "" Welds easily; used for bits, chisels, &c. Used for cutting-tools, files, &c. Mild steel, for tires, &c. (Tempers slightly; steel for boiler-plates and axles. Does not temper; steel for pieces of machinery. It will be seen from these results that 0.25 per cent. of carbon, more or less, is sufficient to cause steel to pass from one grade to another. This is confirmatory of the theory which supposes, all other conditions being the same, that the hardness of steel will practically be proportionate to the amount of carbon it contains. It has been pointed out by Jordan that a very large proportion of the heat developed by this process for manufacturing steel is due to the combustion of silicon, which, when converted into silica, combines with ferrous oxide and other bases, and covers the surface of the bath with a liquid slag; in the case of carbon, however, a considerable portion of the heat developed is abstracted by the carbonic oxide produced, which, escaping in the form of gas, is uselessly consumed at the mouth of the converter. He also states that in certain localities in the south of France the process can only be efficiently carried out by charging the converter directly from the blast-furnace, as the operation of re-melting, which usually results in the loss of 1 per cent. of silicon, so far reduces the proportion of that element as to render the resulting metal unsuitable for this method of treatment. Manganese may, to a certain extent, replace silicon as a producer of heat, as in cases where the pig-iron operated on has been smelted from spathic ores. Silicon, although an essential component of good Bessemer pig, should not be present in excess, and, as a general rule, it should not 336 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. exceed the amount of carbon in the iron. The presence of a very large quantity of silicon in pig-iron intended for treatment by the Bessemer process may be prejudicial to the result in two different ways: first, by giving rise to the formation of an increased amount of slag, resulting in a large loss of iron; secondly, by the difficulty experienced in accom- plishing its complete removal by the time the elimination of the carbon has been effected. With such iron it may happen that although the operation, as indi- cated by the usual cessation of flame, may appear to have terminated, a sufficient proportion of silicon may be retained in the decarburised metal to render the resulting steel brittle and useless. That this sometimes occurs has been shown by Snelus, and it will be further observed on con- sulting the following series of analyses, by this chemist, of metal taken at Dowlais at different stages of the blow, that the removal of the silicon takes place almost coincidently with that of the carbon. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (graphitic combined 2.070 Si • • S P 0:051 0.064 • Mn 0.086 trace trace 1.200 2.170 1.550 0.097 0.566 0.519 1.952 0.795 0.635 0.020 0·030 0.014 trace trace trace trace 0.048 0.067 trace 0.030 trace 0.055 0.053 0.309 0.309 0.039 0.039 Cu Ratio of carbon to silicon 1.6:1 2.7:1 2:1:1 4.8:1 19:1 17:1 1. Fused charge of pig-iron. 2. Metal at the close of first stage. 3. Metal after blowing nine minutes. 4. Over-blown metal, thirteen minutes from start, before the addition of spiegeleisen. 5. Steel from ingot. 6. Steel from finished rail. On comparing these analyses with those made at Neuberg (p. 334), it will be seen that in both cases the phenomena are substantially the same. It will, however, be remarked, that the amount of copper is much larger in the Styrian steel than in that from the Dowlais works. This arises from the fact that the pig-iron employed at Neuberg is smelted entirely from spathic ores, which almost invariably contain traces of that metal, whilst the copper in the Welsh steel is entirely due to the spiegeleisen added at the close of the operation. From a very excellent report to the Iron Office of Sweden, on the German, Austrian, and English manufacture of Bessemer steel, based on data collected in 1870, during a journey in those countries by E. Bruse- witz, which is published in the Jern-Kontorets 'Annaler' for 1871, p. 199, we extract the following analyses :*- * 'Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute,' No. I., part II. Feb. 1872, STEEL. 337 ANALYSES OF BESSEMER STEEL, C. Si. Mn. P. S. Steel made direct from the blast-furnace without addition of spiegeleisen: At Westanfors, in Sweden Ditto Ditto 0.085 0.008 trace 0.300 0.014 0.179 0.700 0.032 0.256 0.025 trace 0.033 trace trace Ditto 0.950 0·017 0.463 0.032 trace Ditto 1.050 0.067 0.355 trace " Barrow-in-Furness (for coarse 0.200 0.179 0.214 0.026 0.030 wire). Germany (for rail-heads). 0.138 0.306 Ú⚫386 0.134 0.040 "" "" (for 1ails) from iron 0.150 0.091 0.264 0.132 0.025 poor in manganese Germany (for rails, from mix- ture of Workington hæmatite- pig with German manganife- rous pig 0.046 0.634 0.638 0.093 0.015 "" from Neuberg (for boiler-plate)) direct from blast-furnace 0.250 0.016 0.136 0.010 "" from Neuberg (iron first re- melted in cupola) 0.300 0.056 0 273 0.041 0.040 The mechanical appliances employed at the works of the London and North Western Railway Company, Crewe, for the treatment of Bessemer steel are exceedingly complete and efficient. The steel is pre- pared in ordinary converters, and, when the ingots are of large size, care is taken to work them while still hot, in order to economise fuel. When this is done, a short re-heating restores to the outer surface the tempera- ture of the interior, whereas when an ingot has been allowed to become cold it is difficult to sufficiently heat the centre without at the same time burning the outside. The rail-ingots, each weighing about 5 cwts., are re-heated in a vertical position in a Siemens regenerative furnace with a revolving hearth; a distance of 4 inches is maintained between the several ingots, and the hearth makes one revolution in the course of two minutes. Rail-ingots were formerly hammered before being passed through the rolls, but they are now taken directly to the roughing mill, and the quality of the rails does not appear to have suffered from the omission of hammering. The rolls employed for this purpose, instead of being complete cylinders are simply cylindrical sectors which are attached to strong arbors, to which an oscillating motion, backwards and forwards, is com- municated either by racks or by connecting-rods. By the use of these "cogging mills" of Mr. Ramsbottom, the drawing-out of the ingot in both directions is rapidly effected; this is especially important in working steel, for which very gradually diminishing grooves and a low tempera- ture are essential. The finishing rolls do not differ from an ordinary train, and make from 80 to 100 revolutions per minute. The ingots, after a re-heating of from two to two and a half hours, are passed six or seven times through the roughing mill; they are then re-heated Z 338 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. for half an hour, and passed nine or ten times through the finishing rolls. Tire-ingots, which have the form of a frustum of a cone, and of which the height is about 20 inches, are always worked under the hammer; the thickness of the disc is by this means reduced at least one-half; the centre is punched, and the hole is increased in width until it is about 20 inches in diameter. To effect this, four re-heatings are necessary and the tire is then finished between the ends of vertical rolls. For working very large ingots, Ramsbottom's duplex hammer is em- ployed. It is found that when a large mass of hot metal is subjected to hammering on one of its sides, the compression extends to a very limited distance only; the surface receiving the blow is enlarged while the centre of the ingot is unaffected. This defect is lessened by strik- ing the mass simultaneously on two opposite sides, as is done by the double hammer employed at the Crowe works, where it has been in operation during the last four years. In the case of ingots of excep- tionally large size, an hydraulic forging-press of the kind used by Mr. Haswell, of Vienna, may often be employed with advantage. The largest number of converters in any one establishment in this country is at Barrow-in-Furness, where there are eighteen of the size known as 7-ton; but charges of 6 tons only are blown in them. The space occupied by the molten iron is in all cases small as compared with the total capacity of the converter, since it is necessary to provide sufficient room above the surface of the fused metal to prevent its ejection during the period when ebullition is most active. The number of charges worked daily in each converter does not usually exceed five; for although the actual blowing does not occupy more than fifteen or twenty minutes, yet a considerable amount of time is consumed in the various preliminary operations, such as melting the charges, &c. The loss of weight on the pig-iron is usually about 15 per cent. in addition to 7 per cent. in the reverberatory melting furnace ; thus making the total loss of weight about 22 per cent. The lining of a converter has generally to be renewed after working from seventy to eighty charges, but some of the tuyers require renewal after every third or fourth operation. The following table is from the 'Mineral Statistics of Great Britain and Ireland,' by R. Hunt, F.R.S.:- LIST OF WORKS HAVING BESSEMER CONVERTERS IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1872. No. Name and Situation of Works. 1 Henry Bessemer and Co., Sheffield . 2 John Brown and Co., Limited, Sheffield . Number of Converters. Capacity of Converters. Tons. 22222 3 5 10 7 6 STEEL. 339 LIST OF WORKS HAVING BESSEMER CONVERTERS IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1872-cont. No. Name and Situation or Works. 3 Charles Cammell and Co., Limited, Sheffield Weardale Iron Co., Tow Law. KTH 10 4 5 CO 6 The Glasgow Bessemer Steel Co., Limited, Atlas` Works, Glasgow Samuel Fox and Co., Stockbridge Works, Deepcar 7 Lloyds, Foster, and Co., Old Park, Wednesbury Bolton Iron and Steel Works, Bolton Number of Converters. Capacity of Converters. 8 9 London and North Western Railway, Crewe 10 Lancashire Steel Co., Gorton 11 Mersey Steel and Iron Works, Liverpool • 12 Manchester Steel and Railway Plant Co., Gibraltar` Gibraltar Works, Newton Heath, Manchester 13 14 Barrow Hæmatite Steel Co., Barrow The Dowlais Iron Co., Dowlais 15 Ebbw Vale Co., Ebbw Vale 16 17 18 19 Steel Ordnance Co., Limited, Greenwich West Cumberland, Workington Phoenix Iron Co., Rotherham • Carnforth Hæmatite Iron Co., Limited • 84 2 Tons. 5 23/ 3 5 3 3 5 6 5 40 00 00 CE 30 LO TO LO 4 4 22++~~~ + 3호 ​CO LO SO LO 1-∞ ∞ 4 4 3 18 6 6 5 6 5 6 7242NN Bérard's Process.-As before stated, the removal of sulphur and of phosphorus, more particularly the latter, cannot be effected by the Bessemer process. Bérard has attempted to surmount this difficulty by the use of a double reverberatory furnace heated by gas, in which the pig- iron is worked alternately with air and with gaseous hydrocarbons. The air produces oxidation and elevates the temperature of the charge, while the hydrogen is supposed to remove sulphur and phosphorus. The apparatus employed is somewhat complicated, consisting of two rever- beratory furnaces joined together, each heated by gas from a generator; the hot air and gas enter in the usual way from a double battery of annular tuyers. A compartment filled with incandescent coke is placed between the two furnaces, and is separated from each by a small open- work brick wall; the hearth is formed of a box of heavy sheet-iron and lined with a brasque containing a considerable proportion of clay. The gas intended to heat the double furnace enters alternately through either battery; if supplied by that on the right the products of combus- tion pass to the left, traversing the compartment filled with incandescent coke. Carbonic anhydride is here reduced to carbonic oxide, so that the atmosphere of the furnace on the left will, for the time being, be more reducing than that of the furnace on the right. When the difference in the temperature of the two furnaces becomes too great, the direction of the gaseous current is changed, so that each receives, in turn, a current of heated gases in a state of combustion, and of gases rendered reducing in the way described. Both hearths are charged with pig-iron, and two tuyers, inclined at an angle of 45°, are made to dip into each bath; they are made of refractory clay, and may be either advanced or withdrawn z 2 340 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. by means of racks. Each is composed of several parallel nozzles, and arrangements are made by means of which hot air and gaseous hydro- carbons are injected alternately through them. The latter are prepared in a sort of cupola furnace, blown by a mixture of air and steam; they are conducted into a gasometer, whence a special blowing machine forces them through a heating apparatus into the bath of molten iron. The gases of the generator are desulphurised by lime, like gas employed for illumination, and the bath in the furnace in which active combustion is taking place is blown with hot air, while the other is supplied with a blast of gaseous hydrocarbons. Two charges are thus fired simultaneously, or rather they are alternately exposed to the action of atmospheric air and reducing gases. The experiments of M. Bérard do not appear to have been as yet practically successful, and the results which have been hitherto obtained are not of a sufficiently definite character to enable a correct judgment to be formed with regard to the probable future of the process. Uchatius's Process. This process, which was patented in 1855, consists in effecting the partial decarburisation of pig-iron by fusion in contact with ferric oxide or some other substance capable of yielding oxygen. The pig-iron is first granulated by running the fused metal into water, and the granulated cast-iron thus obtained subsequently mixed with about 20 per cent. of roasted spathic ore, and 4 per cent. of fire-clay; this mixture is melted in clay crucibles in an ordinary cast- steel furnace. The softer kinds of welding cast-steel may be obtained by the addition of wrought-iron in small pieces to the above mixture, and the harder kinds by the addition of charcoal; the weight of the cast- steel obtained, when no addition of wrought-iron is made, is said to exceed that of the pig-iron by about 6 per cent. The process has been tried in this country, and the principal ob- jection to it seems to have been want of uniformity in the quality of the product obtained; it however appears to be employed with success in Sweden, and samples of steel so produced were shown in the Swedish department of the International Exhibition of 1862. STEEL BY FUSION OF A MIXTURE OF Cast- and Wrought-IRON.—The manufacture of steel by "reaction," in which wrought-iron is kept for a longer or shorter period immersed in a bath of molten cast- iron, has been long understood, and the result obtained appears to be partly due to the cementation of malleable iron at the expense of the carbon of the cast, and partly to admixture of the two. Réaumur, in his treatise entitled 'L'art de convertir le Fer Forgé en Acier,' (1722), says, “Iron is transformed into steel by immersing it for a short time in melted cast-iron," and adds, "this process for manufacturing steel is employed in some countries, and has been described by Vanoccio Birin- guccio ('De la Pirotechnia,' 1540, lib. i. cap. 7). Réaumur says in addition, that steel may be likewise obtained by fusing wrought-iron with cast, and that he had obtained steel in a common forge by thus mixing with cast-iron sometimes one-fourth and at others one-third of wrought-iron. He also states that cast-iron may be softened by crocus STEEL. 341 Martis, red oxide of iron. In 1798 Clouet states that iron or cast-steel may be obtained by melting pig-metal with oxide of iron. Hassenfratz describes two furnaces which were used in England as early as 1812 for the manufacture of cast-steel by reaction:* “The mixture intended to produce steel is melted in ordinary reverberatory furnaces, in the lower part of which a kind of crucible is contrived. The metal, placed near the bridge, is heated, melts, and flows into the cru- cible, where it accumulates. The cast-iron becomes covered by slags, not only those contained in the iron, but also those formed by the partial fusion of the earthy glass that flows from the hearth. If the slag be in sufficient quantity, the bath is left at rest so long as the surface appears to bubble and carbonic oxide is disengaged and burns in the form of a strong flame. When ebullition ccases, a piece of green wood is introduced into the bath, and the liquid metal is stirred below the slag, in order to facilitate the separation of those scoria which remain in the cast-iron and adhere to the metal. "At the moment the fining of the pig-iron commences, the principal workman introduces a small ladle into the bath and removes a little of the cast-iron from below the slags. He pours this into a test-ingot and tries it at the forge. He continues to take assays until what is taken out can be forged. Then he examines the grain of his steel; if it be too soft he throws bars of over-cemented steel into the bath, to supply carbon without changing the mode of fining; if it be too hard, he throws into it clippings of wrought-iron, and sometimes even old iron, to dilute the carbon by increased volume, or to burn it partially; then he removes the scoriæ and pours into the mould the cast-steel, which is immediately forged into a commercial product." Obuchow's Steel Process.-By this process white charcoal pig-iron of good quality is re-melted in a cupola furnace and tapped into a large crucible, previously heated to bright redness, containing malleable iron or steel scrap, together with magnetic iron ore, titaniferous black sand and clay; arsenious oxide and nitre are subsequently added. In some cases addition is made of magnetite and arsenious oxide only. After receiving the charge of molten pig-iron, the crucible is heated until its contents have become perfectly liquid, when the nitre and arsenious oxide are added, and the whole is well stirred. The steel is cast in vertical cast-iron moulds, and, when sufficiently cold, is drawn out under tilt hammers; the proportion in which the ingredients are mixed must manifestly exert an essential influence on the quality of the product obtained. The following analyses of Obuchow's common steel are by Chodnew :- c/graphitic. 0·15) combined. 1.25 1.02) Si 0.01 trace Fe 98.79 98.75 100.00 100.00 * Hassenfratz: 'Siderotechnie,' vol. iv. pp. 93–98. 1812, 342 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. This steel is said to be principally employed in the manufacture of cannon, &c. guns, Price and Nicholson's Process.—A patent was granted in 1855 to David Simpson Price and Edward Chambers Nicholson for a method of manu- facturing cast-steel by melting together malleable iron and refined metal that is, pig-iron freed from the chief portion of its silicon; the relative proportions of cast- and wrought-iron are to be adjusted in accordance with the nature of the cast-steel it is desired to produce. Shortly after- wards Mr. Gentle Brown obtained a patent for the manufacture of cast- steel by fusing bar-iron with good charcoal pig. A patent was granted in 1862 to Charles Attwood for producing the same result by similar means. Siemens-Martin Process.-The production in the reverberatory fur- nace of cast-steel by the solution of malleable scrap in molten pig-iron, in accordance with the method proposed by Price and Nicholson, Brown, and others, has recently been brought to a considerable degree of perfec- tion by the use of the Siemens regenerative gas-furnace. The first experiments carried out on a working scale were made by M. Martin, at Sireuil, near Paris, in 1865; but the practical success of the process appears to have been mainly due to the adoption of the gas-furnace of Mr. Siemens. The furnace employed has only a single door, which is in the middle of one of its longer sides, while on the opposite one, and at the lowest part of the hearth, is a tapping-hole and a channel, through which the metal is conducted for casting; the horizontal section is a rectangle with the corners removed. The hearth is composed of refractory sand, sup- ported on an iron bottom kept cool by a current of air, and is repaired after each operation by ramming fresh sand into any holes which may have been produced. On the casting side of the furnace an iron tramway with waggons, or a revolving platform, brings the ingot-moulds succes- sively under the tap-hole until the casting is finished. Alongside the melting furnace is an ordinary reverberatory furnace with a flat hearth, in which the pig-iron and packets of scrap, added during the operation, are heated to redness. At Sireuil the pig-iron employed is principally obtained from the blast-furnaces of St. Louis, near Marseilles, and from Ria, near Prades; the charge is from 1,500 to 2,000 kilos (3,300 to 4,400 lbs.). The furnace, after being heated to whiteness by gas passing through a Siemens regenerator, is first charged with a certain weight of pig-iron, which, to prevent chilling the furnace, is previously heated to redness in the auxiliary furnace before mentioned. When the pig-iron has become melted and the bath is very hot, wrought-iron is added in quantities of from 10 to 20 kilos at a time. Additions of red-hot iron are made at intervals of from twenty to thirty minutes, each addition being followed by a vigorous stirring, in order that the wrought-iron may be more readily dissolved and more thoroughly disseminated in the bath. Iron ores may be employed instead of wrought-iron, but, from their great difference of density and from other causes, this mixture works less casily than the other; the product is not homogeneous, and the hearth is strongly attacked. STEEL. 343 In either case it is evident that the operation is completely under con- trol, since the proportion of wrought-iron or of iron oxide may be either increased or diminished, so as to yield at will a more or less carburised product. The operation may, like the Bessemer process, be conducted in two different ways: the decarburisation may be either effected gradually, and arrested at the right moment, or the metal may be first burnt and subsequently recarburised by the addition of pig-iron of suitable quality. The second method is that usually adopted by M. Martin. When the assays taken show that the metal has been sufficiently fined, pig-iron heated to redness is charged in place of wrought-iron or iron ore, and, after the whole has been thoroughly stirred, another sample is taken, which determines approximately the further amount of pig-iron to be added. After two or three successive additions have been thus made samples are withdrawn every half-hour until metal of the proper quality is obtained, when the charge is tapped off into ingot-moulds. Four suc- cessive assays made at Sireuil by M. Verdié, in presence of M. Gruner, who records the results, gave the following percentages of carbon:- No. 1 contained 0.44 per cent. 2 "" ร 3 4 0.54 0.76 0.87 "" "" "" No. 1 is decarburised iron. The two following assays were made after successive additions of pig-iron. No. 4 is ordinary steel of moderate hardness. Each operation occupies from seven to eight hours, so that, if re- quired, three charges could be worked in the course of twenty-four hours; but as it is necessary to clean and repair the hearth after each fusion it is customary to make but one heat in a turn of twelve hours. For ordinary steel about equal weights of wrought-iron and cast-iron are ordinarily taken, the proportions being varied according as hard or soft steel may be required. The following are the mixtures employed by M. Martin: for mixed- metal 1,000 parts of wrought-iron, and from 1,100 to 1,200 parts of pig- metal. To produce tool-steel 1,000 parts of wrought-iron are mixed with 800 or 900 parts of pig-iron. In order to obtain mild steel, or homo- geneous metal, 1,000 parts of wrought-iron are added to 700 or 750 parts of pig-iron. From one-sixth to one-quarter of the pig-iron is reserved for addition at the close of the operation. The loss experienced varies with the relative proportions of wrought-iron and pig-iron; it is greater in proportion as the steel is more completely decarburised, but may on an average be estimated at 6 per cent. The amount of coal consumed in working a charge consisting of a mixture of wrought- and cast-iron, toge- ther weighing 2,000 kilos, is 2,340 kilos; and the weight of the ingots obtained varies from 1,800 to 1,820 kilos. The normal manufacture of Sireuil, in 1868, was homogeneous metal for gun-barrels. PARTIAL DECARBURISATION OF CAST-IRON BY CEMENTATION.-The fact that articles of cast-iron become softened if imbedded in ferric 344 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. oxide, and maintained for a considerable time at a high tempera- ture, was published by Réaumur so long ago as 1722. The invention of this process is, however, generally ascribed to Mr. Samuel Lucas, to whom a patent was granted in 1804 for a method of softening cast-iron by cementation with "ironstone ore, or some of the metallic oxides, lime, or any combination of these." The castings to be softened are packed in cast-iron crucibles, containing finely-powdered red hæmatite, and arranged in rows one above another in a furnace somewhat re- sembling the ordinary cementation chamber. When the furnace has been charged, all the openings are carefully closed and the fire is lighted, the temperature being gradually raised so as to reach a red-heat in about twenty-four hours; the firing is subsequently continued during from three to five days according to the thickness of the layer of malleable metal required. When withdrawn from the furnace, articles which have been sub- jected to this treatment present the appearance of ordinary malleable iron, but are lighter in colour; their fractured surfaces are white, and finely granular, and occasionally present a silky appearance not unlike that exhibited by soft steel. When the thickness of the object is at all considerable a kernel of unchanged cast-iron is frequently left in the centre; this may sometimes be broken by bending without occasioning the rupture of the external skin of malleable iron. The principal application of this process is to small articles of hard- ware, such as keys, buckles, gun-furniture, stirrups, bits, &c. Bauerman states, however, that it has recently been applied by Mr. McHaffie, of Glasgow, to such parts of machinery as toothed-wheels and screw-pro- pellers; the latter having been successfully adopted in steamers employed in sealing and whaling in the Greenland seas, where ordinary screws are liable to be broken by contact with floating ice. The stratum of malle- able metal thus obtained on the surface of cast-iron may be externally converted into steel by a process of case-hardening, so that the same object may, at different depths, be successively composed of cast-iron, wrought-iron, and steel; cheap articles of cutlery, prepared in this way, are known in the trade as run-steel goods. CAST-STEEL. Although blister-steel may, by repeated workings under the hammer, be drawn into bars possessing tolerable uniformity of com- position, yet this treatment is necessarily attended with a certain loss of carbon and consequent reduction of hardness. The requisite uniformity of structure may, however, be obtained by breaking up the crude bars obtained by cementation, and fusing the fragments in crucibles from which air is carefully excluded. The contents of these crucibles, when melted, are poured directly into cast-iron moulds, but where very large masses of cast-steel are required, a great number of crucibles are either emptied into a foundry-ladle before casting, or the pouring is so arranged that, by bringing up constant relays of fresh pots, a continuous stream of liquid metal is kept up. In this way castings of as much as 40 tons in weight have sometimes been made by Krupp of Essen, who employs crucibles containing 70 lbs. of steel. The material employed is stated STEEL. 345 to be a mixture of puddled steel and wrought-iron, with addition of car- bonaceous matter; each furnace holds from 2 to 24 pots, and their removal is facilitated by a mechanical lifting-apparatus placed below the ash-pit. The manufacture of cast-steel was introduced at Sheffield by Huntsman, in 1740, and has been continued almost without modifica- tion to the present day. The general arrangement of a steel melting-house is exceedingly simple. The melting-hole, or furnace, is a rectangular cavity, from 18 inches to 2 feet square, and about 3 feet in depth to the grate, lined either with fire-brick or ganister. The top is on a level with the floor, the grate-bars and ash-pit being readily accessible from a cellar beneath ; the cover is a square fire-tile, set in an iron framing with a projecting handle. A little below the mouth is a short rectangular flue, having a considerably less area than that of the furnace itself, and communicating with the stack, which, in order to command a sufficiently active draught, should not be less than 40 feet in height. Several furnaces are arranged parallel with the walls on opposite sides of the melting-house, thus leaving in the centre of the floor a clear space for the moulds. The crucibles are made of a mixture of re- fractory clay from the coal-measures, with ground potsherds and coke- dust, and are usually from 16 to 18 inches in height, and from 6 to 7 inches in diameter at the mouth. Two crucibles are generally placed in a furnace, the charge of each varying from 35 to 80 lbs. They are supported on discs of fire-clay standing on the grate-bars, but before being used require to be annealed by being gradually heated to redness in an open fire. This is done by placing them, in batches of about twenty, bottom upwards, together with their covers, on a layer of red-hot coal supported on a grate; the spaces between them are now filled with coke, and they gradually become heated to redness. The red-hot crucibles are removed to the melting furnaces, and placed on their respective stands; the fires are replenished with coke, and as soon as the crucibles have become heated to redness, which takes place in about twenty minutes, they are charged with blister-steel. This is broken into small pieces, properly assorted, and introduced through a wrought-iron funnel; after which the cover is placed upon the pot, and the full heat of the furnace kept up for four or five hours. A fresh addition of coke requires to be made about every three-quarters of an hour. As soon as the whole of the charge has become completely fused, which is ascertained by removing the cover and feeling the inside of the crucible with a long, pointed, iron rod, the surface of the metal is skimmed from any adhering slag, and the pot is lifted out of the furnace by means of tongs with strong concave jaws. The ingot-moulds, which are made of cast-iron, are often covered with a coating of carbon by being wiped with oil while still hot, or they may be washed with a mixture of clay and water, ground to the consistency of cream. As soon as the pot has been withdrawn from the furnace it is placed in the teaming-hole, which is a small pit in the floor, containing broken pieces of coke, where it is allowed to cool for a short time previously to pouring. When an ingot- 346 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. mould has been filled, its mouth is covered either by a shovelful of dry sand or by a plate of sheet-iron. When the first charge has been poured, the crucible, after being freed from any adhering slag, is returned to the furnace, in readiness for a second melting. The amount of metal now withdrawn is somewhat less than that melted during the first fusion; the time required for the operation is also less, and the consumption of coke is proportionately diminished. The first melting occupies from four to five hours, while the second and third only require from two to two and a half hours each. After from three to five successive meltings, the furnace is allowed to cool, since the very high temperature which would otherwise be attained would so corrode the surface of the lining as to greatly increase the area of the furnace, and thus cause waste of fuel. The total amount of fuel consumed is usually from three to three and a half times the weight of the ingots produced; but if the coke employed be of bad quality it may reach as high as five times the weight of the cast-steel made. In France, steel is sometimes fused in pots heated in narrow reverbe- ratory furnaces capable of receiving a large number of crucibles at a time, and Siemens's regenerative gas-furnace has also been applied to steel- melting with considerable advantage. The crucibles are arranged on the hearth of a furnace having a removable arch, and the fusion of 1 ton of ingots, instead of requiring 3 tons of coke, is effected by the consumption of 1½ ton of ordinary coal-slack. The The fractured surfaces of ingots of cast-steel vary in appearance, in accordance with their hardness. The softer kinds are bright and finely granular, while the harder varieties exhibit distinct crystalline plates arranged in parallel bands at right angles to the surfaces of the mould, so that in a square ingot they exhibit a tendency to form a cross. ingots produced are in all cases more or less unsound, containing vesi- cular cavities, which can only be removed by re-heating and hammering. This is effected at a low temperature, and access of air to the furnace during the operation is, as far as possible, prevented. HARDENING AND TEMPERING STEEL.-All varieties of wrought-iron containing above 0.25 per cent. of carbon possess the property of becoming hardened by sudden cooling from a high temperature. Steel thus treated is found to possess a lower specific gravity than before hardening, but on being again heated, and allowed to cool gradually, its original density, softness and malleability are restored. In manufacturing objects of steel, the metal is filed or turned into the required form when in a soft state, and is subsequently hardened by being strongly heated and rapidly cooled. In doing this, however, it is difficult to arrive directly at the exact degree of hardness best fitted for the purpose to which the instrument is to be applied, and it is therefore customary to give to the metal in the first instance a considerable degree of hardness, and afterwards to soften it by an operation called "tempering." In this the workman is guided by the various colours assumed by the surface of the metal during the progress of the operation, and when the proper colour makes its STEEL. 347 appearance the object is suddenly cooled. These tints, some of which are extremely brilliant, are probably occasioned by films of oxide cor- responding with considerable exactitude to the degree of heat to which the metal is exposed, and they consequently serve as a tolerably accurate guide in determining the hardness which the object will acquire on being cooled. The following colours appear in succession on the surface of a plate of steel when exposed to a progressive heat. A piece of polished and hardened steel, subsequently heated to 220° C., has a faint yellow colour, and is well suited for lancets and other instruments requiring an extremely fine edge. When tempered at 230°, a faint straw colour tint is obtained, which is well adapted for razors and surgeons' ampu- tating knives. Steel seasoned at 243° is of a full yellow colour; this is tougher than the above, and is the tint to which penknives are usually tempered. At 255° it acquires a brownish-yellow tint, which is the colour best fitted for cold-chisels and shears for cutting metals. Axes and plane-irons are tempered at about 265°, which develops a brown shade intermixed with purple spots. For table-knives and cloth- shears a temperature of 277° is employed, which gives a purple colour to the metal so treated. For swords and watch-springs the metal is cooled when of a bright-blue colour; this tint very nearly corresponds with a temperature of 288°. At 293° steel assumes a fine blue colour, and is at this stage well adapted for small shears and ordinary chisels; at 316° it takes a dark- blue colour, which is that best fitted for large saws, the teeth of which require to be bent by hammering. The experiments of Stodart and Faraday have shown that when steel is alloyed with either platinum, silver, rhodium, or iridium, its hardness becomes much increased by the addition of but very small quantities of these metals; but such alloys have never been applied to the manufacture of ordinary cutlery, and are consequently matter of scientific interest rather than of commercial importance. Damascening, by which a surface is obtained covered by a variety of figures resembling the water-lines on certain kinds of silk, is produced by repeatedly drawing out, doubling up and welding together, a bar com- posed of a mixture of steel and iron, and subsequently treating with an acid. When an article, such as a sword-blade or gun-barrel, made of this mixture is washed with a weak acid, its surface becomes, in a greater or less degree, unequally attacked, as the surface of the iron retains its metallic lustre, while that of the steel is left covered with a black firmly-adherent coating of carbon. This gives rise to the peculiar wavy figures which may be observed on the once celebrated sword-blades of Damascus. ANALYSIS OF CAST-IRON, WROUGHT-IRON, AND STEEL. Preparatory to its examination, the metal must be reduced to a suit- able state of division, either by boring, turning, or planing; in the case 348 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of white-iron, it may be reduced to a coarse powder in a steel crushing- mortar. It is generally considered preferable, in order to obtain an average sample of a pig, to bore completely through it, so that a fair proportion of the graphite, which is occasionally found concentrated towards the centre, may be included in the borings. The borings obtained in this way are, when necessary, further reduced and thoroughly mixed by trituration in a wedgwood or large agate mortar. In the analysis of pig-iron the proportions of the following constituents are usually determined: namely, carbon, distinguishing the graphitic from that in the combined state; silicon, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese, and in certain cases such metals as arsenic, lead and copper are estimated; the amount of aluminium, magnesium and calcium is some- times also determined. SULPHUR. About 10'grammes of the borings are slowly dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid, and the evolved gases may be passed through a solution of lead acetate slightly acidified with acetic acid; the sulphuretted hydrogen disengaged precipitates lead as sulphide, which is collected on a filter and washed, and subsequently converted into sulphate of lead, from the weight of which the percentage of sulphur is calculated. Instead of conducting the gases through a solution of lead acetate, they may be passed through an ammoniacal solution of nitrate of silver; silver sulphide will be precipitated, together with a small quantity of a dark-coloured compound resulting from the action of the evolved hydro- carbons on the silver salt. The precipitate is separated by filtration, and dissolved in fuming nitric acid. Hydrochloric acid is added, and the whole evaporated nearly to dryness. The silver chloride is removed by filtration, and the sulphuric acid in the filtrate thrown down by solution of barium chloride. The contents of the flask, after the metal has been fully acted upon, are transferred to a porcelain basin and evaporated to dryness, the mass digested with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and water afterwards added. The insoluble residue, consisting of silica and graphite, is washed by decantation, and collected in a platinum dish; the decanted liquid is reserved for the estimation of manganese, &c. CARBON, AS GRAPHITE.—The mixed silica and graphite are separated by the action of a warm solution of pure potassa; the silica is dissolved, and the graphite (which remains insoluble) is washed with water, and dried by exposure for some time to a temperature of about 120° C., after which it is weighed. Upon subsequently burning the graphite in a muffle it usually leaves a small quantity of a reddish ash, which must be de- ducted from the former weight; this, after fusion with nitre and sodium carbonate, may be separately examined. SILICON. The silica dissolved by potassa is recovered in the usual manner by evaporation with hydrochloric acid; the residue is digested with acidulated water, collected on a filter, washed, dried, ignited and weighed. The amount of silicon in the iron is calculated from the silica obtained. After weighing, the silica may be examined for titanic oxide, which may also be present in the filtrate. STEEL. 349 MANGANESE. The hydrochloric acid solution, separated from silica and graphite, may be divided into two equal portions, one of which, representing five grammes of iron, is sufficient for the estimation of manganese. The iron in the liquid having been peroxidised by nitric acid, the solution must be neutralised by addition of sodium carbonate; sodium acetate is added, and the liquid boiled, when the iron will be completely separated as insoluble basic acetate. The filtrate containing manganese is rendered alkaline by ammonia, and, after the addition of a few drops of bromine, is boiled during from ten to fifteen minutes. The hydrated oxide of manganese, which is thus separated from the liquid, is collected, washed, dried, ignited, and weighed as Mn,O,, which furnishes, by calculation, the quantity of manganese present. PHOSPHORUS.-For the estimation of phosphorus about 5 grammes of the borings may be acted upon with warm nitro-hydrochloric acid in a flask with a long neck, and, after complete solution of the metal, the contents of the flask are transferred to a porcelain basin, and evaporated to dryness; the residue is moistened with concentrated hydrochloric acid and again heated to expel nitric acid. The residue is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, the solution diluted, filtered, nearly neutralised with carbonate of ammonium, and the iron in solution reduced to protoxide by the addition of sodium sulphite to the gently-heated liquid; the sub- sequent addition of dilute sulphuric acid expels excess of sulphurous anhydride. Sodium acetate and a few drops of solution of ferric chloride are then added, and the liquid boiled; the phosphoric acid is thus pre- cipitated as basic ferric phosphate with some basic acetate. The liquid is rapidly filtered with as little exposure to the air as possible, the precipitate slightly washed, and dissolved in hydrochloric acid, the solu- tion neutralised with ammonium carbonate, and a mixture of ammonia and ammonium sulphydrate added; it is then gently heated to insure the conversion of the phosphate of iron into sulphide. The latter is after- wards removed by filtration, washed with dilute sulphydrate of am- monium and the phosphoric acid precipitated from the solution in the usual manner, as ammonio-magnesian phosphate, and weighed as mag- nesium pyrophosphate, from the weight of which the amount of phos- phorus is calculated. When the amount of phosphorus present is small, the following process may be advantageously employed for its determination. Dissolve about 5 grammes of the metal to be examined in nitro-hydrochloric acid, and evaporate nearly to dryness; take up again by addition of a few drops of nitric acid, dilute with water, filter, add molybdate of ammo- nium, and allow it to stand twenty-four hours in a warm place. The yellow precipitate which falls is separated by filtration, washed with a weak solution of ammonium nitrate, and dissolved in dilute ammonia, slightly warmed; the phosphoric acid is re-precipitated by addition of the usual magnesium solution, and the resulting salt ignited, and weighed as magnesium pyrophosphate. COMBINED CARBON.-In order to determine the amount of combined carbon, 5 grammes of the metal may be dissolved in an acid solution of 350 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. cupric chloride; the insoluble residue which remains after the complete action of this solvent is collected and washed, and, when dried, sub- mitted to combustion with cupric oxide in a current of oxygen; a gas combustion-furnace is most conveniently employed for this purpose. The total amount of carbon in the metal is calculated from the weight of carbonic acid (carbonic anhydride) absorbed by solution of potassa in the usual manner. The carbon existing in a state of combination will be represented by the excess afforded by this process over that of the direct estimation of carbon in the form of graphite as already described. Instead of operating as above directed, about 5 grammes of the metal, in small pieces, may be introduced into a flask, covered with water, and iodine added. The mixture is, from time to time, shaken, and is allowed to stand until all the free iodine has been taken up; more iodine is now added, care being taken to prevent heating; for every part of iron ope- rated on about five parts of iodine are required. If the metal has been reduced to a finely-divided state the operation will be complete when the whole has been dissolved; when, on the contrary, the iron has been used in the form of chippings of considerable size, the action may be arrested as soon as a sufficient weight has entered into solution. In this case the portions remaining undissolved must be taken out, carefully washed, and re-weighed; the second weighing, deducted from the first, will then represent the weight of the dissolved metal. The solid residue is separated from the brown solution by decantation, and is then carefully washed by the same means; the final washings are filtered through a tube, of which the end is drawn out and closed by a plug of asbestos; after being finally washed it is dried, and when dry the tube with its contents, together with the remaining portion of dry solid residue, is introduced into a porcelain or hard glass tube, mixed with cupric oxide, and its combustion effected by the aid of a current of oxygen. The resulting CO₂, after passing through a tube containing calcium chloride, is absorbed by caustic potassa and weighed in the usual way. From the weight of CO₂ obtained, the amount of total carbon is calculated. From this must be deducted the amount of graphitic carbon, previously determined, and the difference will represent the com- bined carbon present. Bromine may be employed in place of iodine, but the results obtained are not so accurate, being generally too low. 2 MINUTE PROPORTIONS OF FOREIGN METALS.-About 30 grammes of the iron or steel should be employed in the examination for metals precipi- tated by sulphuretted hydrogen, e.g., lead, copper, &c. The metal to be examined is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the solution, diluted, partly neutralised with sodium carbonate, and submitted to the action of sulphuretted hydrogen. After saturation with the gas the liquid is allowed to stand at rest for several hours, and the small quantity of precipitate which subsides is examined for the various metals by ordinary analytical processes. Chromium and vanadium are to be looked for in the carbonaceous residue obtained by dissolving a considerable quantity of the iron in weak STEEL. 351 acids; aluminium, calcium and magnesium may be estimated in the filtrate by the usual processes. EGGERTZ'S PROCESSES. Determination of Carbon.-This is a process, founded on the use of standard solutions, and is based on the fact that when carbide of iron is treated with nitric acid, slightly diluted and warm, the combined carbon is converted into a highly-coloured organic product, while graphitic carbon remains unattacked. By addition of water the solution may be brought to the colour of a standard liquid, obtained by dissolving a given weight of a steel of known composition, and the proportion of carbon in the metal under examina- tion is subsequently determined by measuring the volume of its solution. Pure nitric acid diluted to a density of 1.20 is employed, and the quantity of metal operated on is usually 0·10 gramme. The steel, in the form of filings which have been previously passed through a metallic sieve of which the meshes are less than 0.004 inch in diameter, is attacked, in a test tube or small flask, by acid of the density above specified. If the metal contains but little carbon, from 1·5 to 2 c.c. of acid will be suf- ficient for the solution of 0·10 gramme of filings, but if the amount of carbon be large, as in the case of spiegeleisen, from 4 to 5 c.c. will be required. By the aid of a moderate heat, solution is almost immediately effected, attended by effervescence, and black flocks, in greater or less abundance, will be observed floating in the liquid. In order to obtain uniform results it is necessary that the trials should be conducted at the same temperature and under similar conditions; to this end the tube in which the solution is being prepared is placed in a water bath and kept constantly at a temperature of about 80° C. The black flocks, above alluded to, are seen gradually to dissolve with evolution of bubbles of gas, and the liquid becomes proportionately darker in colour. At the expiration of three hours complete solution is effected, and the tube and its contents are rapidly cooled by being plunged in cold water. The liquid is then poured into a burette, graduated to tenths of a c.c. Finally, it is diluted with water until its colour exactly corresponds with that of the standard solution obtained by dissolving an equal weight of steel of which the composition has been previously ascertained; this solu- tion, for comparison, must be contained in a tube having the same diameter, and made of similar glass to that of the burette. The similarity of colour may be judged by comparing the two by transmitted light, holding them between the eye and a window, or, still better, by placing the tubes side by side before a sheet of white paper placed opposite the light. After a little experience, a degree of exactitude will be obtained which is repre- sented in volume by from one to two-tenths of a c.c.; this will indicate the proportion of carbon to within two hundreths of 1 per cent., if the standard solution be prepared by making it up to as many c.c. as the type steel contains tenths of 1 per cent. of carbon. As, according to Tunner's scale, the proportion of carbon varies 0-25 per cent. in passing 352 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. from one number of hardness to another, this is found in practice a sufficiently accurate approximation. In order to obviate the necessity of making a standard solution for every set of determinations, various coloured liquids have, at different times, been employed, with a view of establishing a permanent scale. Caramel, or burnt sugar, which has, among other substances, been employed for this purpose, gives various shades of brown and yellow, but they are by no means stable; partially-decomposed solution of indigo in sulphuric acid is said to retain its colour for a considerable time. Hetman recom- mends the use of a solution containing a mixture of potassium dichromate, and nitrate of cobalt; but, in the majority of cases, direct comparison with a standard solution of a given weight of steel, of known composition, is to be preferred. The following determinations of carbon in various kinds of Swedish iron and steel are by Eggertz: Per Cent. of Carbon. Softest Swedish Bessemer iron contains 0.08 Soft steel 0.75 Best quality of cast-steel 1.40 to 1.50 "" Natural forge-steel 0.99 2.44 Cement-steel 0.50 1.90 "" "" Cast-steel 0.86 1.94 ݂ܕ Hardest-melting cast-steel 1.80 "1 "" Malleable cast-iron 0.88 1.52 "" Draw-plate steel. 3.30 "" This process cannot be employed for the comparison of steels obtained from different materials, or by different methods of treatment; in con- firmation of this, Gruner states, that at Neuberg, a variety of coke-pig yielded by the Bessemer process a steel corresponding in physical pro- perties to No. 3 of Tunner's scale, while, according to the carbon it con- tained, it was only No. 6. This was a good ordinary cast-steel, very hard and difficult to weld, and by analysis, as well as by Eggertz's method, afforded only 0.3 per cent. of carbon; by analysis, however, it was found to contain nearly 1 per cent. of silicon, which, to a certain extent, may replace carbon in steel as well as in cast-iron. Sulphur. The ordinary methods of determining the amount of sulphur contained in iron and steel not only necessitate a consider- able expenditure of time, but they also require an amount of analy- tical skill not always at command in establishments of limited extent. Eggertz has, therefore, sought a more rapid process, by which, without any pretence to accuracy, an approximate estimation may be made of the amount of sulphur present in pig-iron, wrought-iron and steel. The basis of this process is the more or less darkened shade acquired by a silver plate exposed to the action of the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved from an attack of a given weight of the metal under examination. One gramme of distilled water and 0.5 gramme of strong sulphuric acid are poured into a stoppered bottle about 0·025 m. in diameter and 0.15 m. in height; into this, in the state of a finely-divided powder, is introduced 0.10 gramme of the metal to be examined, and a piece of thin silver plate is immediately hung in the upper part of the flask, by means STEEL. 353 of a fine platinum wire retained between the neck of the flask and its glass stopper. At ordinary temperatures, the metal will be completely dissolved in about fifteen minutes, and the silver plate may then be removed for examination. After numerous experiments, Eggertz has arranged a scale of colours corresponding to the varying amounts of sulphur present, esti- mated as hundredths of 1 per cent. This method of estimating small quantities of sulphur may be conveniently used for the determination of quantities of less than 0.10 per cent., and is applicable to pig-irons of high quality, such as those produced in Sweden; it is not, however, to be recommended for iron obtained with mineral fuel from the ordinary ores of this country. Silicon. The accuracy of determinations of silicon in iron and steel is not unfrequently impaired by the presence of a notable amount of in- termingled slag, which, being a mere mechanical impurity, has no relation whatever with the chemical composition of the metal. In order to obviate this difficulty Eggertz has devised a method of estimating silicon in the presence of slags, which is based upon the fact that when iron is acted on by bromine or iodine it dissolves, and the silicon which is liberated is transformed into a form of silica completely soluble in a boiling solution of sodium carbonate, while that in combination as slag, should any be present, is not thus acted upon. About 3 grammes of metal in the form of finely-divided filings, pre- viously sifted through a sieve of the degree of fineness specified when describing the determination of carbon, are treated with five times their weight of iodine in 15 c.c. of water, contained in a beaker of six or seven times that capacity. The water used should have been previously boiled, for the purpose of freeing it from air, and, as the operation should be con- ducted at a low temperature, the beaker must be kept cool, either by ice or by a current of cold water. As soon as the complete solution of the iron has been effected, the liquid is diluted to three times its original volume by a further addition of cold water, and, after being well stirred, is allowed to settle. The lighter portion of the graphitic carbon remains in suspension, and is, with the greater bulk of the solution, poured upon a wetted filter in a small glass funnel. To the heavy insoluble residue, which is retained in the beaker, a few drops of hydrochloric acid are added, and the whole is well stirred with a glass rod; if this should be followed by a disengagement of gas it is proof that the whole of the metal has not been dissolved, and after the addition of a little sodium car- bonate, to neutralise free acid, more iodine is introduced and complete solution effected, The whole of the residue is now transferred to the filter and washed with distilled water until the addition of potassium ferrocyanide ceases to indicate the presence of iron. The filtrate is evaporated to dryness with addition of hydrochloric acid, for the purpose of recovering any traces of silica it may contain, and the original insoluble residue, which may contain graphite, silica, and unattacked slag, is transferred, without drying, to a large platinum dish, where it is treated with a saturated solution of sodium carbonate. After being heated for about one hour in a water-bath, during which time it is 2 A 354 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. occasionally stirred with a platinum spatula, the alkaline silicate is care- fully decanted from the insoluble residue upon a filter. A fresh quantity of sodium-carbonate solution is now added, and, after heating during another hour in the water-bath, the whole is thrown upon a filter and carefully washed. The alkaline solution is now evaporated to dryness with the addition of hydrochloric acid, and to the dried residue hydro- chloric acid is first added, and afterwards water. After boiling, the silica is separated by filtration, dried, ignited, and weighed. To the weight thus obtained is added that of the silica resulting from the evaporation of the iron solutions, and from the total is calculated the percentage amount of silicon present in the metal; the insoluble residue may contain graphite, slag, and titanic oxide. By this process, Eggertz has found that the amount of silicon in good bar-iron may vary from 0·01 to 0-10 per cent.; Krupp's steel afforded 0.30 per cent., while ordinary cast-steel, of good quality, contains traces only. Iron, from a charcoal hearth, destined for the manufacture of wire, contained 0.33 per cent. of silicon, while in armour-plates it amounts to from 0.75 to 3·00, and in rails sometimes to as much as 5·00 per cent. COBALT. Cobalt is a metal of a steel-grey colour, and is susceptible of re- ceiving a high polish; it is reduced from its oxides by ignition with charcoal more easily than iron, and than some of the more difficultly- fusible brittle metals; but when thus obtained it contains carbon. Cobalt in its purest state is obtained by ignition of its oxalate. If either oxalate of cobalt, or a mixture of oxide of cobalt with charcoal, be strongly heated in a wind furnace, with a little powdered glass, free from lead, a button of fused metallic cobalt will be obtained. Cobalt may also be reduced from its oxides by hydrogen; but unless the heat applied be considerable, the reduced metal is pyrophoric, taking fire in contact with air, and giving rise to the production of Co304. Cobalt fuses somewhat more readily than pure iron, and is attracted by the magnet. It is capable of receiving a slight magnetic power when rubbed with a magnet; and, according to Pouillet, this power is not de- stroyed by the strongest red-heat. Its specific gravity is about 8.54. It is not altered by the action of air and water at ordinary temperatures, but when very strongly heated it takes fire, and is converted into the 3-oxide. It decomposes aqueous vapour at a red heat, and is dissolved by hydracids; by dilute oxygen acids it is, by the aid of heat, slowly dissolved with evolution of hydrogen gas. This metal unites by fusion with antimony and arsenic, the combination being attended by incandes- cence; the resulting alloys are brittle, and have an iron-grey colour. Metallic cobalt is not employed in the arts. COBALT. 355 COBALT ORES. The principal ores of this metal are the following:- Smaltine, CoAs,.-Occurs in octahedra, cubes and dodecahedra, more or less modified. Colour, tin-white, inclining to steel-grey; structure, granular and uneven; specific gravity, 6-4 to 7-2. This ore essentially consists of cobalt and arsenic, and is found in veins associated with silver and copper. Occurs in Cornwall; in Bohemia; at Freiberg, and, more abundantly, at Schneeberg in Saxony. Cobalt Glance, CoASS.-Lustre, metallic; colour, silver-white, in- clined to red; streak, greyish-black. Occurs at Tunaberg, Riddarhyttan, and Hokansbö, in Sweden, in large, well-defined crystals; also at Skutterud, in Norway. It is likewise met with at Querbach in Silesia, Siegen in Westphalia, and at Botallack Mine in Cornwall. The most productive mines are those of Vena in Sweden, which were first opened in 1809. This ore of cobalt is also found in California, &c. Cobalt Bloom.-Occurs in thin oblique crystals, having a well-defined cleavage and foliaceous structure. It is also found as an incrustation on other minerals, and in compact reniform masses. Its colour is a pinkish- purple, resembling that of peach-blossom; when scratched it affords a greenish streak. This mineral is generally associated with silver and lead, and with other ores of cobalt, and is abundantly found at Schneeberg in Saxony, Saalfeld in Thuringia, and Reichelsdorf in Hesse Cassel. It is also found in England, in the counties of Cornwall and Cumberland, but does not occur in this country in sufficient abundance to render its extraction of commercial importance. Its percentage composition, accord- ing to Bucholz, is 39 cf oxide of cobalt, 37 arsenic anhydride, and 22 of water: formula Co,As₂O,,8H₂O. When heated it gives off arsenical fumes, and, fused with borax, affords a bead of a fine blue colour. Mispickel sometimes contains from 5 to 9 per cent. of cobalt. ESTIMATION OF COBALT AND Nickel. The ores of cobalt and nickel are usually very complex in composi- tion; they are, however, almost invariably found together, and conse- quently the methods employed for their estimation and separation from each other, as well as from the various metals with which they aro generally associated, will be described as one series of operations. The ore is finely crushed, and, according to its richness, from 4 to 7 grammes may be taken for analysis. If the mineral contain much sulphur or arsenic, it is first roasted in a porcelain crucible in the muffle, in order to dispel the greater proportion of these substances. The residue is then well boiled with hydrochloric acid, to which a little nitric acid has been added, until the metallic oxides are completely dissolved. The solution is slightly diluted with water, nearly neutralised with ammonia, more water added, and then boiled with an excess of acetate of sodium, by which iron and aluminium are separated in the form of basic acetates; * 2A 2 356 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the precipitate thus obtained will also contain arsenic. It is best to re- dissolve this precipitate, after washing, in hydrochloric acid, and, after neutralising part of the free acid with ammonia, to precipitate a second time by acetate of sodium and boiling, as a small quantity of cobalt and nickel is generally carried down in the first precipitate of basic acetates. The two acetate solutions are now mixed and carefully neutralised with ammonia. They contain all the cobalt and nickel, and possibly some manganese, zinc, copper, bismuth, and lead. On passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution, cobalt, nickel, zinc, copper, bismuth, and lead are thrown down as sulphides, leaving the manganese in solution along with any earthy oxides present in the ore. These sulphides are collected on a filter, washed, dried and roasted, dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the copper, bismuth and lead removed by passing a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen through the acid solution. The filtrate is now evaporated nearly to dryness, the salts taken up with water, a little acetate of sodium and a few drops of ammonia added, and then freely acidified with acetic acid. On passing sulphuretted hydrogen through this acetic acid solution the zinc is thrown down by itself as sulphide of zinc. The filtrate from the sulphide of zinc contains the whole of the cobalt and nickel, which are finally precipitated as sulphides by making it alkaline with ammonia and again passing sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphides of cobalt and nickel are thrown on a filter, washed, dried, thoroughly roasted, and weighed. After roasting, the nickel exists as NiO, the cobalt as Co3O4. These oxides may be reduced at a full red heat by means of hydrogen gas, and the nickel and cobalt weighed as metals. It now remains only to separate the cobalt from the nickel. The oxides or metals are dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the excess of acid driven off by evaporation. The chlorides are dissolved in water and the solution poured into a flask, with the addition of an excess of freshly- precipitated carbonate of barium, together with a few drops of bromine. The flask is loosely corked and the fluid allowed to stand six or eight hours, with frequent agitation. The cobalt is precipitated as peroxide, while the nickel remains in solution. The precipitated cobaltic oxide and the excess of carbonate of barium are well washed and dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and, after separating the barium by sulphuric acid, the cobalt is precipitated by potash. After washing, drying and igniting, it is either weighed as Co₂O4, or reduced to the metallic state by hydrogen. The filtrate from the cobalt, containing the nickel, is of a pure green colour. After removing the baryta by means of sulphuric acid, the oxide of nickel is thrown down by potash and weighed. From the weight of the oxide of nickel thus obtained, the percentage of this metal present is calculated. The yield of cobalt is usually returned as Co₂O4. PREPARATIONS OF COBALT. Two compounds of cobalt are extensively employed in the arts, namely, oxide of cobalt and smalt. Oxide of Cobalt.-In the preparation of oxide of cobalt on a large scale, the speiss, or matt resulting from the fusion of arsenical ores of COBALT. 357 cobalt, is first subjected to calcination. The roasted speiss is subsequently dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid, and iron, arsenic, &c., precipitated by the gradual addition of milk of lime. When the precipitate thus ob- tained has subsided, the clear supernatant liquors are drawn off into vats, in which sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through them so long as any metallic sulphides are produced. As soon as these have completely settled, the clear liquid is again drawn off, and the oxide of cobalt pre- cipitated by the addition of bleaching powder. The hydrate thus obtained, heated to redness, constitutes blue oxide of cobalt, and after being heated to whiteness becomes the prepared oxide of commerce. These oxides, which are principally made in Birmingham by the nickel refiners, are employed in the potteries and by glass-makers, enamellers, and others, who use them, either alone or in conjunction with various fluxes, for imparting a blue colour to their wares. Smalt. The preparation of smalt, which is a double silicate of cobalt and potassium, was invented in Saxony about the year 1550, and is the only process in connection with the ores of cobalt which can be regarded as a metallurgical operation. Smalt is applicable to all purposes for which a cheap durable blue is required as a surface-colour. A pigment of this kind is attackable only by agents capable of decomposing glass; smalt is, consequently, more permanent than the majority of colours. The ore destined for the manufacture of smalt is first roasted in a reverberatory furnace having in communication with it chambers for con- densing the arsenical fumes which are evolved. After having been suit- ably roasted in this furnace, the ore is mixed with pure siliceous sand and carbonate of potassium. Zaffres are ores of cobalt, which contain a sufficient amount of silica to form a blue glass with the addition of car- bonate of potassium only. The fusion of the mixture is effected in large earthen pots arranged in a furnace similar to that employed in the manu- facture of plate-glass. From the great fusibility of the ingredients, the whole will have become completely melted at the expiration of eight hours, and during this time the mass is often stirred until the glass appears homogeneous, and a speiss containing a little cobalt and a considerable amount of nickel, together with arsenic, iron, &c., has sunk to the bottom. The smalt is now laded out from the pots with a large iron ladle, and thrown into a reservoir through which a current of water constantly flows; by this treatment it becomes split into fragments, and its subsequent pulverisation is consequently much facilitated. When the pots have been nearly emptied, each ladleful withdrawn will consist of a mixture of speiss and smalt; the former, being completely liquid, readily separates from the more viscous glass which adheres to the ladle, whilst the metallic matts are run into cast-iron moulds. These, during the time they remain hot, give off dense arsenical vapours, and are therefore placed in niches in the brickwork of the furnace, so as to be in direct communication with the chimney. The deeply-coloured blue glass, after being removed from the vats into which it has been thrown, is ground with water to the state of an impalpable pulp between large granite millstones. 358 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The blue pulp thus obtained is passed, in suspension in water, through a series of wooden vats, in which the coarser particles are first deposited, and where the powder which gradually settles is classified in accordance with its order of deposition. From these vats the pasty smalt, after being allowed to drain, is removed to drying-kilns, and is finally sifted through fine metallic sieves to remove lumps, and packed for the market. Cobalt Blue, or Thénard's Blue, is prepared by precipitating a solution of nitrate of cobalt by phosphate of potassium, and adding to the result- ing gelatinous deposit from three to four times its volume of freshly- deposited alumina, obtained by the addition of carbonate of sodium to a solution of common alum. This mixture, after being well dried and calcined, affords, when properly ground, a beautiful blue pigment. Printers' Blue is the colour used for printing the ordinary blue patterns on china. It is mixed with oil, printed on paper, and transferred to the biscuit-ware; the colour is developed during the process of glazing. This colour is prepared by fritting silicate of cobalt with nitre, and adding a little sulphate of barium. Rinmann's Green is a permanent green pigment prepared by precipi- tating a mixture of the sulphates of zinc and cobalt with carbonate of sodium, and igniting the precipitate after careful washing. It may be also made by mixing a solution of nitrate of cobalt with either nitrate or oxide of zinc, and subsequently evaporating and igniting. NICKEL. Nickel This metal is closely allied to iron and cobalt, being associated with them, not only in meteorites, but also in the majority of its ores. is a silver-white metal, ductile and malleable, and but slightly more fusible than iron, which, according to Deville, it surpasses in tenacity. Nickel, containing small quantities of carbon, is more fusible than the pure metal; its specific gravity is 8-279, but this may be increased by forging to 8.666. Nickel, previously heated, burns in oxygen gas like iron; the pulverulent metal obtained by the reduction of oxide of nickel by hydro- gen at a low red-heat is pyrophoric. When oxide of nickel is strongly heated with charcoal in a wind furnace it becomes reduced to the metallic state, and, by combining with a portion of the carbon present, gives rise to the formation of a fusible carbide, which collects in the form of a button at the bottom of the crucible in which the fusion has been con- ducted. When treated either with hydrochloric or weak sulphuric acid, this metal dissolves with the evolution of hydrogen gas; it also dis- solves readily in nitric or in nitro-hydrochloric acid. NICKEL ORES. The ores of nickel, with but few exceptions, have a pale colour and metallic lustre. In some respects they resemble those of cobalt, but are NICKEL. 359 distinguished from them by not communicating a blue colour to borax when fused before the blowpipe. Specimens of native nickel are said to have been obtained from the Erzgebirge, but it is not found in sufficient quantities to constitute an article of commerce. Copper-Nickel; Kupfernickel.-This is a mineral of a pale copper- colour, affording a brownish-red streak. It occurs massive, and has a metallic lustre. It is extremely brittle, and has a specific gravity vary- ing from 7.3 to 7.5. This ore is essentially composed of 44 parts of nickel and 56 of arsenic; formula, NiAs. When heated before the blow- pipe it gives off alliaceous fumes, and subsequently fuses into a pale-green globule, which darkens on exposure to the oxidising flame. Copper- nickel is generally found associated with the ores of copper, silver, and cobalt, and is principally obtained from the mines of Saxony; small quantities have, however, been raised in this country, particularly at Pen- gelley and St. Austell Consols mines in Cornwall, and at the Bathgate silver mine in Scotland. Among the other ores belonging to this class, although, from their scarcity, of less commercial importance than the above, may be mentioned the following:- White Nickel, formula NiAs2, an arsenical ore, found at Reichelsdorf in Hesse Cassel, and at Schneeberg in Saxony. It contains from 20 to 30 per cent. of nickel. Nickel Glance, formula NiAsS, another arsenical ore, containing sulphur, occurring both massive and in cubical crystals. This mineral, which is of a steel-grey colour, is found in Sweden, in the Hartz, and at Schladming, Austria. It contains from 20 to about 38 per cent. of nickel, and has a specific gravity of about 6·7. Antimonial Nickel, NiSb, containing 29 per cent. of nickel and no sulphur. It is a pale copper-coloured mineral from Andreasberg. Millerite is a brass-yellow sulphide of nickel, occurring in delicate capillary forms; it is found in small quantities in Bohemia, Saxony, Cornwall, South Wales, &c.; contains 64 per cent. of nickel, and has a density of 5.3; formula NiS. Pentlandite, a double sulphide of iron and nickel Fe₂NiS, of a bronze yellow colour, containing from 18 to 21 per cent. of that metal, is obtained from Southern Norway. A somewhat similar mineral, contain- ing from 10 to 12 per cent. of nickel, has been discovered in the neighbourhood of Inverary, in Scotland, and is also noticed by Mr. King as occurring in the La Motte Mine, Missouri, United States. Another sulphide of nickel containing bismuth, has been found in some of the German mines, which have also produced specimens of arseniate (arsenate) of nickel of a beautiful apple-green colour. Zaratite, or Hydrated Carbonate of Nickel, usually occurs as an in- crustation on other minerals. It is nearly transparent, of a bright emerald-green colour, and has a vitreous lustre. Another ore of nickel, of a brown, or nearly black colour, and containing variable quantities of sulphur, is found in connection with ores of cobalt at La Motte. 360 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. METALLURGY OF NICKEL. The nickel of commerce is chiefly obtained from copper-nickel, from pyrites containing nickel, and from the speiss obtained as a secondary product during the treatment of nickeliferous ores for smalt, &c. Various processes are employed for the preparation of metallic nickel, but the details of the various operations in use in this country are usually kept secret by the manufacturers. Berthier dissolves either roasted speiss or Kupfernickel, together with the quantity of iron found by previous experiment to be necessary for the removal of arsenic, in boiling nitro-hydrochloric acid containing an excess of nitric acid, and evaporates to dryness. The residue is treated with water, which leaves a large quantity of undissolved ferric arseniate, and carbonate of sodium is added to the filtrate, which is kept constantly stirred until the precipitate begins to exhibit a green tint; by this means the remainder of the ferric arseniate will be thrown down, together with a portion of the cupric oxide. Should the precipitate, which is white when first deposited, not eventually become brown, it is an indication that the amount of ferric oxide present is not sufficient to effect the complete re- moval of the arsenic; more ferric chloride must consequently be added, and ferric oxide be precipitated by the cautious addition of carbonate of sodium. The filtrate is treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, and the clear liquid, separated from sulphide of copper, &c., is boiled with excess of carbonate of sodium. The precipitate, chiefly consisting of a mixture of the carbonates of cobalt and nickel, is, after being thoroughly washed, diffused in water, and a current of chlorine is passed through it as long as this gas continues to be absorbed. After exposure to the air for the purpose of allowing the escape of any excess of chlorine, the liquor is filtered, and from the filtrate so obtained oxide of nickel, free from oxide of cobalt, may be precipitated by an alkali. Cloez (Jahresb. 1857, p. 619) dissolves finely-pulverised and perfectly- roasted Kupfernickel in strong hydrochloric acid, and adds an excess of acid sulphite of sodium. The mixture is afterwards vigorously boiled until the whole of the arsenic acid has been reduced to arsenious acid; the excess of SO, is driven off; sulphuretted hydrogen is subsequently passed through the lukewarm solution in order to precipitate arsenic, copper, anti- mony, lead, bismuth, &c., and the mixture is allowed to stand for twelve hours. The whole is now thrown upon a filter, and the filtrate evaporated to expel excess of acid; water is finally added, and iron and cobalt pre- cipitated, after oxidation by chlorine, by addition of carbonate of barium or carbonate of calcium. The dissolved baryta, or lime, is removed by sulphuric acid and separated by filtration; carbonate of sodium added to the filtrate yields a precipitate of pure carbonate of nickel, which is sub- sequently ignited and reduced. Solutions of speiss in nitro-hydrochloric acid may be treated in the same way after first expelling the nitric acid by boiling with excess of hydrochloric acid. The principal nickel works in this country are situated in the neigh- bourhood of Birmingham, the details of the various operations being, as NICKEL. 361 far as practicable, kept secret; the general routine practised in these establishments is, however, understood to be as follows: The ore, or speiss, or a mixture of the two, is first fused in a reverberatory furnace, with addition of lime and fluor-spar as flux; the slags thrown away, the resulting matt, or speiss, finely ground, and subsequently roasted until arsenious fumes cease to be evolved. The roasted product is now treated with hot hydrochloric acid, in which it becomes almost completely dissolved, the solution is diluted with water, the whole of the iron peroxidised, and the iron and arsenic precipitated by neutralising the liquor and subsequently boiling. Sul- phuretted hydrogen is passed through the clear liquors, separated from the precipitate above referred to, until a filtered sample becomes black on the addition of ammonia. The precipitate by sulphuretted hydrogen is separated and washed, and the solution treated with chloride of lime (bleaching powder), to which is added a little caustic lime to neutralise the acid liberated. By this means oxide of cobalt is precipitated, and, after being washed and ignited, is ready for the market; the nickel is precipitated by addition of milk of lime to the liquor from which the cobalt has been previously thrown down. The reduction of nickel oxide thus obtained, is frequently effected by a process of cementation. For this purpose a number of cylinders of refractory clay are set vertically in a furnace, so that the flame may play around them on all sides; these are open at top, and terminate at bottom in truncated cones projecting below the fire-bars, and through which the charge is removed. The dried oxide of nickel, either in lumps or in small cubes, intimately mixed with powdered charcoal, is introduced at the top of these cylinders, and a strong heat externally applied. The reduced metal retains the form of the lumps or cubes of oxide introduced, and is from time to time withdrawn through orifices in the bottoms of the cylinders; a fresh charge is at the same time introduced at the top, so that the operation becomes, to a certain extent, continuous. The hydrated oxide of nickel produced in the wet way is sometimes mixed in a pasty mass with about 5 per cent. of flour and a little syrup and water. This mixture, which has the consistency of dough, is beaten into a frame, and subsequently cut into cubes of something less than an inch square; these are dried, and afterwards reduced to the metallic state in crucibles or in tubes in which they are heated to whiteness whilst surrounded by charcoal-dust. According to Aubel, nickel has been fused before the tuyer of a Rachette furnace, and Montefiore states that it may be melted in much larger quantities in the apparatus devised by Deville and Debray for the fusion of platinum. The chief use of nickel in the arts is for the preparation of the white alloy usually known as German silver; it is also a constituent of the coinage of Belgium, of Switzerland, and of the United States of America. German silver is an alloy of copper, nickel, and zinc, in variable propor- tions. According to Miller, the alloy resulting from fusing together 51 parts of copper and 18-4 of nickel, and subsequently adding 30.6 362 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of zinc, is of good quality. This mixture is in the ratio of Cuz, Zna, Nią. Within a very few years the price of this metal has risen from 4s. to 11s. per lb., and its present production, which is estimated at 600 tons annually, appears to be rapidly becoming unequal to the demand. ALUMINIUM. Aluminium is a white metal, possessing a colour between that of silver and zinc. It is malleable and ductile, but requires repeated annealing during the operations of rolling or drawing into wire. Its specific gravity varies from 2.5, when obtained by fusion, to 2.7 after ham- mering. The melting point of aluminium has not been accurately deter- mined, but it lies somewhere between that of zinc and silver. This metal when pure is not acted on by moist air, but slowly decomposes steam at a red-heat; it is not attacked by cold nitric acid, and only slowly on boiling; dilute sulphuric acid has no effect upon it, but it is readily dis- solved by hydrochloric acid with evolution of hydrogen. It is not attacked by sulphuretted hydrogen or even by sulphide of ammonium, and consequently preserves its lustre in an atmosphere in which silver would rapidly become blackened. The vegetable acids exert no per- ceptible action on aluminium, and this metal is consequently well adapted for culinary vessels, particularly as any small quantities of alumina which might be formed would be perfectly innocuous. The hydrates of potassium and sodium, in a state of fusion, do not act upon aluminium, but their aqueous solutions dissolve it readily with formation of aluminate of potassium or of sodium and evolution of hydrogen. It may be fused without any kind of flux, and may be readily cast into any required form; precipitated from its solutions by electrolysis at low temperatures, it crystallises in octahedra, which appear to be regular. Aluminium heated in a close vessel does not exhibit the slightest ten- dency to volatilise; it combines with sulphur at very high temperatures only, and is acted on but slightly by ammonia. The minerals from which aluminium may be extracted are perhaps more widely and plentifully distributed than the ores of any other metal, although, owing to the great stability of its compounds, it is only recently that it has been obtained in an isolated state. Its oxide forms the base of all clays, pure kaolin containing 36 per cent. of alumina, or about 19 per cent. of the metal; on a commercial scale this metal is usually prepared either from bauxite, a hydrated mixture of ferric oxide and alumina, con- taining about 50 per cent. of the latter, or from cryolite, a double fluoride of aluminium and sodium, containing 13 per cent. of aluminium. The estimation of the quantity of aluminium present in an ore is a chemical rather than a metallurgical question. It is, however, invariably weighed as Al¿О¸, usually obtained by precipitation from its solutions by means ALUMINIUM. 363 = of either ammonia or carbonate of ammonium; the precipitate is col- lected on a filter, and, after washing and drying, is ignited and weighed. From the weight of alumina found, the percentage of aluminium may be readily calculated. METALLURGY OF ALUMINIUM. This metal was first obtained in the elementary form by Davy, shortly after his discovery of the alkali and alkaline-earth metals; he does not however appear to have succeeded in obtaining it free from an admixture of potassium. In 1827 Wöhler obtained it in the form of a grey powder, by the reduction of its chloride, and some years later he succeeded in preparing it in the form of minute globules. The reduction of this metal has not hitherto been accomplished except by the aid of electrolysis, or of one of the metals, potassium or sodium, which have a greater affinity for chlorine and fluorine than has the aluminium with which they are in the first instance combined; in practice, sodium is in- variably employed to effect this decomposition, partly on account of its greater cheapness and steadiness of action, and partly because its lower atomic weight enables it to perform a larger amount of work than an equal weight of potassium. Oersted prepared aluminium chloride by exposing an intimate mix- ture of alumina and charcoal at a high temperature to the action of a current of chlorine. The chloride of aluminium formed, volatilised, and was collected in a suitable receiver; this he mixed with potassium amalgam, and on subjecting the mixture to heat, potassium chloride was formed, and aluminium combined with the mercury; this last was expelled by distillation, and a button of aluminium remained behind. The method of preparation at present adopted is in principle the same as that employed by Wöhler, and depends on the action of sodium at a red- heat on the chloride or fluoride of aluminium, or, still better, on the double fluoride of aluminium and sodium. We are indebted for much of our present knowledge of aluminium to Saint-Claire Deville, whose first researches were published in the year 1854. The process which he first employed consisted in passing the vapour of chloride of aluminium over metallic sodium maintained at a red-heat in a tube either of copper or iron. Metallic aluminium was thus obtained, mixed with the chlorides of aluminium and sodium, which were removed by washing with hot water. The globules of aluminium were consolidated by heating to the melting-point and causing them to unite by pressure. The metal thus obtained was subsequently re-melted and cast into bars. The reduction of aluminium may be effected in an earthen or an iron crucible in the following way: 40 parts of the double chloride of alumi- nium and sodium, 20 parts of chloride of sodium, 20 parts of fluor-spar or cryolite, the latter being preferable, all finely pulverised and perfectly dry, are placed with from 7 to 8 parts of sodium, in alternate layers, in the pot, and the whole gradually heated until reaction begins to take 364 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. place; the heat is now increased to bright redness, and the fused mass, after being well stirred with an iron rod, is poured into a mould. By this process two parts of aluminium may be obtained in a compact mass, and one-fourth of that quantity in the form of divided globules inclosed in the resulting fusible slag. The metal thus prepared is somewhat contaminated by silicon derived from the crucible, which is more or less attacked by the sodium and aluminium, as well as by the fluorides pre- sent in the slag; this may be, to some extent, obviated by lining it either with calcined alumina or with aluminate of calcium. When iron crucibles are employed, the aluminium produced is found to contain a certain amount of that metal. If large quantities are operated upon, the reduction is conducted in a reverberatory furnace; a mixture of 10 parts of the double chloride of alu- minium and sodium and 5 parts of either fluor-spar or cryolite is heated with 2 parts of metallic sodium. The double chloride and the cryolite, or fluor-spar, are mixed in the state of fine powder with sodium in small ingots, and the whole is charged upon the bed of the furnace, which has been previously heated to the required temperature. An intense reaction at once takes place, a large amount of heat being developed, and the complete liquefaction of the mass is effected. As soon as the reaction is complete, the furnace is tapped in the usual way, and its contents run off into a receiver prepared for that purpose. The slag thus obtained separates into two layers, of which the upper consists, to a large extent, of common salt, while the lower one, which is less fusible, chiefly con- sists of fluoride of aluminium. On pulverising and sifting the latter, an additional amount of aluminium is obtained in the form of flattened shot; the fluoride of aluminium may be subsequently employed for the preparation of alumina. This process, which has been patented in France and in this country by MM. Rousseau Frères and M. Paul Morin, is particularly advantageous, inasmuch as the reduced metal is but little contaminated by silicon. In preparing aluminium from cryolite, which occurs abundantly in West Greenland, the pulverised mineral is mixed with half its weight of common salt, and the mixture arranged in alternate layers with sodium in an earthen or iron crucible; the proportion employed being 2 parts of sodium to 5 of cryolite. A layer of pure cryolite is placed on top, and the whole covered with common salt. The crucible and its contents are heated until complete fusion of the mass has been effected, when it is well stirred with an iron rod and set aside to cool. On breaking the pot, the aluminium will be found accumulated at the bottom in the form of large globules, which are collected and re-melted. This is the process as originally practised by Professor H. Rose in Berlin, and by Dr. Percy and A. Dick in this country; it is now con- ducted on a manufacturing scale by MM. Tissier, at Amfreville, near Rouen. Aluminium alloys readily with most of the metals; with zinc and tin it forms brittle alloys; with iron it unites in all proportions, forming alloys which are both hard and brittle. When iron is present to the COPPER. 365 amount of 7 to 8 per cent. its alloys crystallise in long needles. Alloyed with even a small proportion of silver, aluminium loses its malleability. An alloy of aluminium with 3 per cent. of silver, is employed for casting ornamental articles; it possesses the colour and lustre of silver, and is not blackened by sulphuretted hydrogen. Aluminium-bronze is an alloy usually of 10 parts of aluminium and 90 of copper; it has the colour of gold, is extremely hard, and takes a fine polish; it is very malleable, and possesses a tenacity equal to that of steel. COPPER. This metal appears to have been known in remote antiquity; and, alloyed with about one-tenth of its weight of tin, it was anciently employed for making edge-tools and instruments of war. Copper has a strong red colour, is very malleable, ductile, and tenacious, and when warmed or rubbed exhales a peculiarly disagreeable and characteristic odour. The copper met with in commerce is not chemically pure, but is con- taminated with other metals, such as lead, iron and antimony. Pure copper may be precipitated by electrical agency from a solution of a pure salt of that metal, and the variety of copper known as best-selected is very nearly pure; tough-cake and tile-copper contain traces of arsenic, nickel, tin, iron, sulphur, &c. Chemically pure copper may be obtained by reducing cupric oxide. to the metallic state, by passing over it a stream of hydrogen gas, while heated in a hard-glass tube. Under these circumstances the reduction takes place below a red-heat, and the metal which remains in the tube is found in the state of a powder, readily assuming a metallic lustre when rubbed between two hard surfaces. The specific gravity of this metal varies slightly, in accordance with the nature of the treatment to which it has been subjected; hammered or rolled specimens have a greater density than ordinary fused copper which has not been thus compressed. The density of copper varies between 8·78 and 8.96; it melts at a heat slightly above the fusing point of silver, and when heated to whiteness gives off distinct metallic vapours, which have the property of imparting a green colour to flame. When copper at ordinary temperatures is exposed to the action of perfectly dry air its surface is not oxidised; but if acted on by a damp atmosphere, and particularly when acid vapours are present, it quickly becomes covered with a green substance, known as "verdigris." Water is decomposed by copper when heated to whiteness in an atmo- sphere of steam: oxide of copper is formed, and hydrogen gas set free. A concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid attacks copper, when in a state of fine division, with considerable facility; but when the metal is exposed to its action in more solid masses its solution is attended with some difficulty. 366 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. it. The presence of the stronger acids does not determine the decomposi- tion of water by this metal. When dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid, sulphurous anhydride is plentifully evolved. Nitric acid, even when cold and considerably diluted with water, dissolves copper with great facility, and gives rise to the rapid evolution of nitric oxide, which, coming in contact with the oxygen of the air, produces large quantities of the characteristic red fumes caused by the resulting compound. The tenacity of copper is less than that of iron, but greater than that of either gold, silver, or platinum. COPPER ORES. NATIVE COPPER; Cuivre natif; Gediegen Kupfer. Isometric.-This metal frequently occurs in a native or malleable state, and is in all pro- bability the result of certain electro-chemical influences, by which sulphate of copper arising from the oxidation of its various sulphides is caused slowly to deposit the metal which it contains. Native copper is most frequently met with in irregularly-shaped masses, occupying the fissures of the rocks in which it is found; but it sometimes also occurs in a crystalline state, and in this case the crystals are either cubes, octahedra, or some immediately-derived form. Native copper is both malleable and ductile; has a red colour, metallic lustre, and shining streak; possesses no traces of cleavage, and readily fuses before the blowpipe into a well-defined metallic globule, which, on cooling, frequently becomes externally coated with a thin layer of black oxide. In some localities specimens of this metal occur in a perfectly pure state, but it more frequently contains traces of other metals, and particu- larly iron and silver. Native copper is met with in the copper mines of Cornwall, Brazil and Siberia, as also abundantly in the district to the south of Lake Superior, where masses exceeding 150 tons in weight have sometimes been extracted. Splendid crystallised specimens are also procured from Siberia and from the island of Naalsö, one of the Faröe Isles, where it accom- panies fibrous mesotype in amygdaloidal trap. The crystals of copper are, generally speaking, far from regular, some of their faces being much more developed than others: the crystalline form is usually most perfectly represented at the extremities of branches produced by the union in rows of compressed and less perfect crystals. The minerals of which copper forms an essential constituent are numerous and important, but we shall chiefly confine our attention to such as are metallurgically treated, and are consequently entitled to be ranked among the ores of copper. CUPRITE; Octahedral Copper Ore; Cuivre oxydulé ; Rothkupfererz. Iso- metric. This oxide is remarkable for its fine cochincal-red colour, which may be most distinctly observed in transparent and translucid specimens. This oxide frequently occurs in well-defined crystals of a ruby-red COPPER. 367 colour; its lustre is semi-metallic, streak shining and reddish-brown, fracture hackly or sometimes conchoidal, and its cleavage, which is much interrupted, parallel to the faces of the octahedron. When crystals of this mineral are opaque, they are sometimes of an iron-grey tint on the surface, but their peculiar red colour at once becomes apparent when they are reduced to the state of a finely-divided powder. This mineral has a density of 5.99; its composition is as follows:- Cu 88.80 11.20 These proportions are represented by the formula Cu₂O. Octahedral copper oxide is found in many of the Cornish mines; particularly in those near Redruth, and at the Phoenix mines, near Liskeard. Isolated crystals, sometimes an inch in diameter, were formerly obtained at Chessy, in the neighbourhood of Lyons; and many splendid specimens have been brought from the Banat and from Katherinenburg, in Siberia. This oxide is sometimes also found in extremely slender reticulated crystals; specimens of this variety are occasionally obtained from the mines of West Cornwall and from some of those on the Rhine. MELACONITE; Black Oxide of Copper; Cuivre oxydé noir; Kupfer- schwarz. Isometric.-In many copper mines a black substance is found, which stains the fingers when handled, and is principally composed of cupric oxide mixed with various carthy impurities. Analysis shows that this substance sometimes contains sulphur and arsenic, and often con- siderable quantities of the oxides of iron and manganese. From this circumstance it would appear that black oxide of copper, which in many localities is obtained in sufficient abundance to render its extraction an important consideration, is the result of the decomposition of other ores, such as copper pyrites, and that the sulphur and arsenic which it still retains are merely the result of an incomplete decom- position of such minerals. This substance is commonly found disseminated among other ores of copper, and sometimes occurs in shining botryoidal concretions or dull friable masses. REDRUTHITE; Vitreous Copper; Cuivre sulfuré; Kupferglanz. Ortho- rhombic.-Sulphide of copper is of an iron-grey colour, and is often iridescent; found in crystals, but more frequently in compact lamellar masses; pseudomorphic crystals of this mineral, have occasionally been discovered. The specimens obtained from the Cornish mines, and espe- cially from Cook's Kitchen, in the neighbourhood of Redruth, frequently present themselves in thin hexagonal tables. This ore is friable, and when scratched affords a shining lead-grey streak. When pure it may be readily cut with a knife, and is fusible in the flame of an ordinary candle. Its density varies, according to the texture of the specimen, from 5.5 to 5-8, and the crystals possess a distinct cleavage, parallel to the faces of the original prism. Sulphide of copper is almost always contaminated with a certain 368 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. amount of sulphide of iron, by which its hardness and fusibility are con- siderably modified; but specimens obtained from the Siegen district are comparatively free from this impurity. The composition of a specimen of this mineral, from Tellemark, Norway, analysed by Scheerer, was found to be as follows :— S Cu Fe 20.36 79.12 0.28 99.76 Its composition will therefore be expressed by the formula Cu₂S. Although in this country magnificent crystals of vitreous copper are sometimes obtained from the Cornish mines, they are nevertheless almost exclusively confined to Cornwall; the more compact and massive varieties occur in Siberia, Saxony, the Banat, and, according to B. Silliman, in Nova Scotia. COPPER PYRITES; Chalcopyrite; Cuivre pyriteux; Kupferkies. Tetra- gonal.—This mineral is distinguished by its strong metallic lustre and deep brass-yellow colour. It usually occurs in amorphous masses, with an irregular and slightly conchoidal fracture: it is also found in mam- millated, stalactitic, and botryoidal forms, as well as in tetrahedral and octahedral crystals. Its specific gravity varies from 4.1 to 4.3, and when strongly heated on charcoal before the blowpipe it readily fuses into a dull-black globule, which, from the presence of iron, speedily becomes magnetic. When mixed with a little carbonate of sodium, and similarly treated, it yields a button of metallic copper; if dissolved in nitric acid or in aqua regia it affords a solution which, on the addition of ammonia, assumes a fine blue colour. The following analyses give the composition of specimens of this mineral from two different localities :- From Cornwall. Analysed by R. Phillips. From Sayn. Analysed by H. Rose. S Cu. 35.16 35.87 30.00 34.40 Fe 32.20 30.47 Gangue 2.64 0.27 100.00 101 01 Its composition will consequently be represented by the formula Cu₂S,Fe¿S¸, or CuFeS2. This mineral is found in lodes or veins, which usually occur either in granite or in clay-slate, although it is also sometimes met with in serpentine, gneiss, and other rocks. It is most commonly associated in these deposits with iron pyrites, blende and galena, together with car- bonates and other ores of copper. COPPER. 369 The principal localities in which this valuable ore is found are Corn- wall and Devon, in England; in Saxony; at Eisleben and Sangerhausen, Prussia; at Goslar, in the Lower Hartz; at Schemnitz and Kremnitz, in Hungary; at Fahlun, in Sweden; in the Ural Mountains, in Russia; as also in China, Japan, and in South Australia; formerly at Chessy, near Lyons, in France. The Cornish copper ores, so extensively treated in the neighbour- hood of Swansea, are chiefly composed of this mineral, and constitute a large proportion of the total amount of copper ores raised in the United Kingdom. This ore, although of common occurrence, is not, however, brought into the market in a very concentrated state, as, from the comparative cheapness of fuel in the neighbourhood of the furnaces and the facilities. afforded by a short water-carriage, it is found more economical to treat the poorer ores, than to concentrate them, beyond a certain point, by means of a better system of mechanical preparation. The ores sold at Redruth, in Cornwall, where the mineral products of the western division of that county are disposed of, rarely yield above 8 per cent. of metallic copper, and even 6 per cent. of metal may be considered an average of the produce of the total quantity of ore sold. ERUBESCITE; Cuivre panaché; Buntkupfererz. Isometric. This ore, which holds a somewhat important position among copper-producing minerals, has a reddish-brown colour, and metallic lustre; its surface is commonly iridescent with different shades of blue, purple and red, from which circumstance it is called cuivre panaché, by French mineralogists. Fused before the blowpipe, it presents similar reactions to those obtained from ordinary copper pyrites, but when found in a crystalline form the crystals are either cubes or octahedra, of which the faces are not usually well defined. It occurs in the compact form, associated with other ores of copper, in Chili, Cornwall, Siberia, Silesia, Norway, and the Banat; also at Killarney, in Ireland, and in the cupreous shales from the neighbourhood of Mansfeld, in Germany. In this country the crystallised variety has, as yet, only been found in Cornwall, where, among other localities, it occurs in the Dolcoath and Tincroft mines, in the neighbourhood of Redruth. This, like ordinary copper pyrites, is a double sulphide of copper and iron; analyses of two specimens, by Varrentrapp and Phillips, afforded the following results: From Cornwall; From Killarney; Varrentrapp. Phillips. Cu 58.20 61.07 S 26.98 23.75 Fe 14.84 14.00 Gangue 0.50 100.02 99.32 2 B 370 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The specific gravity of the crystallised varieties varies from 4.9 to 5·1, and the different faces of the crystals are, in many specimens, slightly curved; formula, 3Cu,S,Fe₂S, or CuFeS¸. TETRAHEDRITE; Cuivre gris; Fahlerz. Isometric; tetrahedral.- Usually occurs massive, but sometimes crystallised, in well-defined cubes and tetrahedra. Its colour varies from steel-grey to iron-black, and when scratched it yields either an unchanged or a slightly brown streak. It has a conchoidal fracture, and sometimes an imperfectly-developed cleavage parallel to the faces of the octahedron. It is brittle, and has a density varying from 4·6 to 5·1. 23 Dana considers that the general composition of this mineral may per- haps be represented by the formula 4Cu₂S+Sb₂S, or Cu.Sb,S,, in which each of the different metallic constituents may be, to a greater or less extent, replaced by the substitution of other isomorphous elements; so that sulphide of arsenic may be substituted for sulphide of antimony, sulphide of silver. for sulphide of copper, &c. This mineral frequently contains zinc and silver, and occasionally mercury. The following analyses of different specimens of this ore will serve to illustrate its variable constitution: Locality. S. Sb. As. Cu. Fe. Zn. Ag. From Clausthal; Rose 24.73 28.34 ; 34.48 2.27 5.55 4.97 Wolfach; Rose 23.52 26.63 25.33 3.72 3.10 17.71 • • Corbières; Berthier 25.30 25.00 1.50 34.30 1.70 6.30 0.70 "" Gersdorf; Rose 26.33 16.52 7.21 38.63 4.89 2.76 2.37 roth Locality not named; Klap-} 10-00 14.00 48.00 25.50 0.50 • Some of the finest crystals of this substance have been obtained from the mines near St. Austell, in Cornwall; and very beautiful complex crystals of a bright polished aspect are found at Andreasberg, in the Hartz; Kremnitz and Kapnick, in Hungary; Freiberg, in Saxony; and Dillenburg, in Nassau. Besides occurring in the above localities, the massive variety is found at Schwatz, in the Tyrol; in Siberia and else- where. This mineral is not only important as an ore of copper, but is frequently much increased in value on account of the silver which, in greater or less quantity, it almost invariably contains. BLUE CARBONATE OF COPPER; Azurite; Kupferlazur. Monoclinic.- This mineral, which occurs both in mammillated concretions and in well- defined and very brilliant crystals, is of a beautiful blue colour, and is sometimes perfectly transparent, although more commonly only trans- lucent. Its specific gravity varies from 3.5 to 3.9; lustre, vitreous or adamantine; fracture, conchoidal, and streak of a somewhat lighter blue than that of the mineral itself. When acted on alone before the blowpipe it is melted by the oxidising flame into a black globule. By the reducing flame a bead of metallic copper is obtained. It dissolves with effervescence in nitric acid, and yields a solution affording all the COPPER. 371 common reactions of copper. When fused with borax in the oxidising flame a glass of a bright-green colour is produced. Its composition, according to analyses by Phillips and Karsten, is as follows:- Specimen from Chessy; R. Phillips. Specimen from the Banat; Karsten. CuO 69.08 69.08 CO₂ 25.46 25.72 H₂O 5.46 5.20 100.00 100.00 3 The above numbers correspond to the formula 2(CuO,CO,)+CuO,H₂O, or 2CuCO₂+CuH2O2. This mineral occurs associated with the red oxide and the green carbonate of copper, and is found both in primitive and secondary formations. Some of the chief localities from which blue carbonate of copper has been obtained are, Chessy near Lyons, Siberia, and the Banat. Specimens of this ore are also found at Redruth, in Cornwall; Alston Moor, in Cumberland; in the Cuban mines, and in large quantities at Burra Burra, in South Australia. When obtained in sufficient quantity this substance constitutes a valuable ore of copper; it is likewise, when ground to a fine powder, occasionally used as a bluc pigment; but from having a tendency to lose its original hue and to become green by exposure to light and air, it is but little employed for this purpose. MALACHITE; Cuivre carbonaté vert; Malachit. Monoclinic.--Green carbonate of copper is remarkable for its fine emerald-green colour, of which the same specimen usually exhibits a great diversity of shades. When in a crystallised state, this substance is found in various forms derived from the oblique prism; but it is more frequently met with in mammillated, reniform, and compact amorphous masses. Malachite, although rarely found in the crystalline forms above de- scribed, frequently presents itself in the shape of variously-modified octahedra, produced by the conversion of cuprite into carbonate, as also in oblique prisms of a fibrous internal structure derived from the decom- position of the blue carbonate. It is likewise found in stalactiform masses, having a fibrous radiated structure made up of several suc- cessive layers, of which the extent and thickness are readily apparent and well defined. It is sometimes met with in a friable and pulverulent form, and is in that case commonly associated with various sandy or earthy impurities. Malachite is found in considerable quantities in the Ural Mountains, in the mines of South Australia, in the island of Elba, formerly at Chessy, in France; in the old mine at Sandlodge, in Shetland; in the Banat, the Tyrol, and in some of the Cornish mines. It is, from its high per- centage of metal, a valuable ore of copper, but it is also highly prized by 2 B 2 372 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the lapidary for various ornamental purposes. Such varieties as are suffi- ciently compact are often cut into snuff-boxes or mounted as brooches, studs, and other articles of jewelry; in Russia polished plates of this mineral are made up into tables, cabinets, and various objects of luxury. The density of this ore varies from 3.6 to 4·0; lustre, adamantine, in- clining to vitreous; streak of a rather paler green than the mineral itself. Its percentage composition is as follows:- From Siberia; Also from Siberia; Vauquelin. Klaproth. CuO 70.10 71.70 CO2 21.25 20.50 H₂O 8.45 7.80 99.80 100.00 The above numbers indicate that the composition of this mineral may be represented by the formula CuO,CO₂+CuO,H,O or CuCO,+CuH₂O₂. Malachite is advantageously employed for mixing with various sulphides of copper during the operations of smelting, in which it serves as an economical and effective flux. It is also sometimes employed as a green pigment for the use of artists; it affords a valuable material for the manu- facture of the various salts of copper, and may be converted into blue vitriol by solution in dilute sulphuric acid and subsequent crystallisation. CHRYSOCOLLA; Silicate of copper; Cuivre hydraté silicifère; Kiesel- kupfer. Cryptocrystalline; often resembling opal in texture; earthy. In- crusting various minerals, or filling crevices, sometimes botryoidal. Accom- panies other ores of copper; chiefly occurs near the surface. Colour, mountain-green, bluish-green, passing into sky-blue or turquoise-blue. Found in the copper mines of Cornwall, Hungary and Tyrol; in Saxony, Bavaria, South Australia, at Keweenaw Point on Lake Superior, and various other localities in North America. Its composition varies considerably, from the presence of impurities, as is generally the case with amorphous minerals, resulting from alteration. Analyses of two specimens of this mineral from different localities afforded the following results: From Coquimbo, Chili; F. Field. From Cornwall ; Berthier. SiO2 28.21 26.00 CO₂ 3.70 CuO 39.50 41.80 Fe2O3 2.80 2.50 A1203 4.97 H₂O 24.52 23.50 Gangue 2.50 100.00 100.00 Probable formula: CuO,SiO,+2H2O, or CuSiO3,2Aq. COPPER. 373 OTHER MINERALS CONTAINING COPPER.-The other minerals of which copper forms an essential ingredient are extremely numerous and inte- resting; but as they seldom occur in sufficient quantities to constitute, properly speaking, ores of this metal, they present greater interest to the mineralogist than to the smelter. Selenide of Copper is a rare mineral, isomorphous in composition with redruthite; it is of a tin- or silver-grey colour, is fusible like the sulphide, and is readily cut with a knife. The arsenides of copper are numerous, but of little importance in a commercial point of view. Condurrite is an arsenide of copper of a tin-white to steel-grey colour; found in the mines of Cornwall. Euchroite, which is found at Libethen, in Hungary, is an emerald-green mineral, containing 33 per cent. of arsenic anhydride, and 48.0 of oxide of copper. Aphanesite is of a dark-green colour, inclining to blue, and contains 30 per cent. of arsenic anhydride and 54 of cupric oxide. This variety comes from Cornwall. Erinite, from Limerick, in Ireland, occurs in mammillated coatings, is of an emerald-green tint, and contains 38.8 per cent. of arsenic anhydride and 59.4 of cupric oxide. This has been shown by Church to be a Cornish species. Copper-mica, found in Cornwall and Hungary, is of a grass-green colour, and occurs in remarkably thin lamina; it contains 21 per cent. of arsenic anhydride and 58 of cupric oxide. Of the phosphates of copper there are three distinct varieties Pseudo-Malachite, Libethenite, and Thrombolite. The first is found in some parts of Hungary, and near Bonn, on the Rhine; it is of a dark or emerald- green colour, and occurs either in very oblique crystals, or as a massive incrustation on the surface of other minerals. The second-specimens of which are found in Hungary, Cornwall, &c.—is a dark or olive-green substance, occurring either massive or in slender crystals, and containing 64 per cent. of oxide of copper. The third and last variety is a green phosphate, occurring in Hungary, and containing only 39 per cent. of cupric oxide. Sulphate of Copper is found in a crystallised state in many of the mines from which copper pyrites and the other sulphides of copper are ob- tained. This salt when produced by natural causes resembles in every respect that obtained by artificial means; it crystallises according to the triclinic system, has a fine blue colour, and is formed by the oxidation of the sulphides of copper. Atacamite, a hydrated oxychloride of copper, is a mineral of a beauti- ful green or greenish-black colour and vitreous lustre. It occurs in massive fragments, in rectangular prisms and octahedra; gives off fumes of hydrochloric acid when heated before the blowpipe. This mineral is found in Cornwall, Saxony, South Australia, in the neighbourhood of Vesuvius, and in the desert of Atacama, between Chili and Peru. In Chili this mineral is sometimes ground into powder, and sold under the name of arsenillo, as a sand for dusting letters. The other minerals containing copper are rare, and are consequently not of importance as a source of that metal. 374 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. DISTRIBUTION OF COPPER ORES. Copper not only occurs in many different forms of combination, but its geographical distribution is also very extensive, and its geological range equally wide. Ores of this metal are found in rocks of all ages, from the Laurentian to the Cretaceous, but their deposition appears to have gone on with greater activity during the Permian period than during any other. To this era are ascribed many of the copper veins of Corn- wall, although traversing much older rocks; the Kupferschiefer of Ger- many, so extensively worked in the district around Mansfeld, is of the same geological age. The principal portion of the copper produced in this country is obtained from the mines of Cornwall and Devonshire; but the Ecton mines in Staffordshire at one time furnished considerable returns, and Parys mine in Anglesea once yielded large supplies. Wales has from time to time furnished a limited quantity, and Ireland contributes about 700 tons of copper annually. The production of copper in the United Kingdom has very much decreased since 1862, when it amounted to 14,843 tons; in 1872 it had been reduced to 5,600 tons; and the present annual yield of the mines of this country probably does not exceed this amount. In France there were formerly mines of considerable interest at Chessy near Lyons. These deposits, which occurred at the junction of mica-slate with Triassic and Jurassic rocks, chiefly consisted of azurite and cuprite; but after furnishing the cabinets of Europe with the finest known specimens of these minerals, they became rapidly exhausted. The most important copper-producing district of Prussia is that around Mansfeld, where mining has for centuries been carried on in the Kupferschiefer, immediately beneath the Zechstein. The copper-bear- ing stratum seldom exceeds 18 inches in thickness, but extends with wonderful regularity over an area of many square miles of country; the portion which is smelted constitutes from 10 to 18 per cent. of this seam, and contains copper in the form of inclosed particles of various disseminated sulphides. The proportion of copper in the ore averages about 2 per cent., while that of silver does not exceed th of 1 per cent. The various Mansfeld establishments, which are worked with consum- mate skill, treat about 175,000 tons of ore annually, and, in addition to about 4,000 tons of copper, yielded, in 1871, fine silver to the amount of 36,490 lbs. A small quantity of copper is annually produced in the neighbourhood of Sicgen, and near Kupferberg in Lower Silesia. The production of copper in Prussia in 1871 was 8,000 tons. 1 70 The principal copper mines of the Russian empire are in the Ural Mountains, the Altai, the Caucasus, and in Finland; but the latter are of minor importance. The copper ores of the Caucasus are said to be abundant, and there is evidence of their having been worked at a very carly period; the present yield of these mines, as well as of those in the Altai, is not considerable. There are extensive mines in the Ural Mountains, as well as on their western flank, where certain beds of Per- COPPER. 375 mian age are cupriferous, and possess a remarkable analogy with the Kupferschiefer of Mansfeld. These beds do not extend westward beyond 500 versts from the Ural chain, and the proportion of copper decreases as they recede from the mountains. The copper deposits on the eastern side of the Ural produce, how- ever, the largest portion of this metal furnished by Russia; the prin- cipal mines are the Gumeschewskoi, the Bogoslowskoi, and those of Niny Tagilsk. The Gumeschewskoi mine, which has been worked for more than a century, is opened on irregular deposits of ore, chiefly malachite and cuprite, in an argillaceous shale. The mines of Bogos- lowskoi are worked in Silurian limestone, much traversed by trap dykes, along the line of contact with which copper occurs in irregular bunches; crystals of native copper, unsurpassed in beauty and regularity, are obtained from this locality. At Nijny Tagilsk the main features are the same, namely, deposits of ore in connection with igneous rocks tra- versing Silurian limestone. The amount of copper furnished yearly by Russia is estimated at between 6,000 and 7,000 tons. The districts of Schmölnitz, in Upper Hungary and Tsiklova, in the Banat, produce copper. The copper mines of the Schemnitz district have considerably decreased in importance. The total annual production of copper in the Austrian empire is believed to be about 3,500 tons. The quantity of copper furnished by the Scandinavian peninsula is small, but has somewhat increased within the last ten years. The mines of Alten, in Norway, are said to be in the most northern position of any in the world, being in latitude 70°. The mine of Stavanger is of some importance, as are also those of Röraas, where there are no veins, the ore being disseminated in chloritic slate, forming fahlbands, or metalliferous beds. The copper deposits of Sweden resemble those of Norway. There are eight groups of mines or mining districts, principally in the province of Dalecarlia. Fahlun has long been celebrated for its copper mines; but its importance is much diminished, and it is now nearly exhausted; the ores are poor, and do not yield above 4 per cent. of metal after being hand-picked. The annual production of copper in Sweden and Norway is estimated at about 2,500 tons. The amount of copper produced from Spanish ores is somewhat con- siderable. The most remarkable deposits are those of Rio Tinto and those belonging to the Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company, situated in the province of Huelva. Both these mines have been worked at various times, from the Roman period to the present. Since 1787 considerable quantities of copper have been annually obtained from the former by precipitation by means of iron from the waters issuing from the ancient workings. From the latter mines some 200,000 tons of cupreous iron pyrites are annually imported into this country, which on an average contain about 2 per cent. of copper. This is first burnt for the production of sulphuric acid, and the resulting cinders are treated for copper by the wet process. The total production of copper from Spanish ores, in- cluding copper precipitate imported into this country, is estimated at about 7,500 tons annually. In Portugal, at San Domingos, near the mouth of the river Gua- 376 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. diana, there are extensive mines of cupreous pyrites worked by Messrs. Mason and Barry of London; these annually export to this country about 175,000 tons of ore, of the same produce for copper as those from the Spanish mines; there is also a small quantity of copper ore raised from workings situated at a distance of a few leagues from Oporto. The total annual production of copper from Portuguese ores and precipitate is probably about 5,500 tons. The only copper mines of any importance in Italy are those of Monte Catini, which are contact-deposits, for the most part in serpentine. A certain amount of copper of good quality is annually exported from Turkey, and copper ores occur at Tenès and near the Mouzaïa Pass, in Algeria; at the latter place the veins are inclosed in rocks very high in the geological series, belonging, it is believed, partly to the Gault and partly to the Tertiary period. Copper is found in the East Indies and in Japan; about 1,000 tons annually are said to be exported from the latter country. South Australia produces large quantities of rich copper ores, yielding metal of good quality; a large portion of this ore is now smelted in the colony. The celebrated Burra Burra mine, eighty-six miles from Adelaide, was first opened in 1845, and at once began to yield large quantities of the red oxide and green carbonate of copper. In 1850 the production from this mine was 18,962 tons of ore, averaging from 24 to 26 per cent. of copper. The produce of this mine is now comparatively inconsiderable, but the total annual yield of the colony probably ex- ceeds 11,800 tons of copper; the principal mines at present worked are those on Yorke's Peninsula. Large quantities of copper ore have for some years been imported from the Cape of Good Hope. The annual yield from this source is com- puted at 7,500 tons of 32 per cent. produce. Among the important copper mines of Chili are those of Corrisal, north of the valley of Huasco, those of San Juan and La Higuera between Huasco and Coquimbo, besides numerous others in the vicinity of Coquimbo. Large quantities of gold were obtained from the upper portions of the veins in this district previously to the close of the last century; as the production of gold fell off that of copper increased. In 1845 there were more than fifty mines in the province of Coquimbo producing ores containing from 20 to 25 per cent. of metal; a portion of these was smelted on the spot, while the remainder was sent to this country for treatment. The principal vein of the Cerro Blanco district was worked for silver to a depth of 100 fathoms below the summit of the mountain; here the ore changed gradually to fahlerz and galena, and, still deeper, the grey copper ore was replaced by copper pyrites. The present annual production of copper in Chili and Bolivia is estimated at about 46,500 tons. A portion of the ore is smelted in the country, and the remainder either run into regulus, or exported in the raw state. The copper mines of Peru are but imperfectly developed, and the annual returns small. The mines of Cuba were formerly of great importance, but of late years their production has been very much restricted. Copper ores are COPPER. 377 found scattered in considerable abundance throughout Mexico, but mines of this metal are not worked to any considerable extent. The most important copper-producing region of the United States is that lying on the southern shore of Lake Superior, where native copper is found in true veins in trappean rocks and their associated conglomerates, which, for the most part, cover beds of sandstone, ascribed by Whitney to the Lower Silurian period. The most remarkable feature of this dis- trict is that the copper does not exist in the form of an ore, but almost exclusively as native metal; masses of nearly pure copper weighing over 150 tons have sometimes been met with, and require to be cut with chisels into fragments of convenient size before they can be brought to the surface. Copper pyrites occurs, to some extent, in the Silurian sandstones and limestones of the Mississippi valley, but the deposits are not extensively worked. Copper-bearing veins are found in numerous localities, extending from Vermont to Tennessee, and are worked in various places. In Montgomery and Chester counties, Pennsylvania, copper veins traversing the New Red Sandstone and older metamorphic rocks are somewhat extensively worked. The total production of copper in the United States was, in 1872, 12,600 tons. In Canada there are the copper mines on the northern shore of Lake Huron, and the Acton and Harvey Hill mines in the neighbourhood of Quebec, but the annual production of the Dominion is by no means large. During the last eleven years Chili and Bolivia have supplied 1862 1863 · 35,430 tons 1868 23,977 1869 "" 1864 36,355 1870 45,007 tons 46,163 47,355 "" 1865 42.721 1871 • 37,986 "" 1866 • 35,366 1872 44,124 1867 • 40,966 "" The entire supplies of copper which have been available since 1865 for the United Kingdom are estimated by Messrs. J. Pitcairn Campbell and Co., of Liverpool, as follow: 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. Imports of foreign ore, regulus, bars, &c., into 41,903 47,629 55,046 54,672 55,574 45,466 53,026 Liverpool Ditto into London and other outports 6,843 4,932 5,012 4,600 8,000 11,000 19,000 Cornish salês, estimated in 8,700 fine Irish and other British Copper made from pyrites, &c., in this country 8,027 7,779 6,433 5,606 4,682 | 4,129 S00 1,500 1,500 1,300 1,300 1,100 965 2,000 2,848 3,000 6,500 8,000 9,625 13,000 60,246 64,936 72,337 73,505 78,480 71,873 90,120 Total exports to all parts in 1870 "" "" "" • 1871 1872 51,949 tons 54,340 45,273 "" The annual production of copper in the whole civilised world is pro- bably between 126,000 and 130,000 tons. 378 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 6 ASSAY OF COPPER ORES. CORNISH DRY ASSAY.-In an exhaustive paper by M. Moissenet, pub- lished in the Annales des Mines,'* on the English method of assaying copper by the dry way, he justly remarks that within certain limits this process is not less practical from being somewhat inexact; its object is rather to furnish the smelter with the commercial value of an ore than to indicate the exact amount of copper which it contains. In point of fact, the Cornish assay affords, on a small scale, results similar to those obtained by the smelter on a large one, and any impurities prejudicially affecting the produce in the one case, will equally affect the results in the other. Apparatus employed.—The furnace employed for copper assaying in Cornwall is of the form represented in fig. 27, page 144, and should be about 10 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 14 inches in depth to the grate; in a furnace of the dimensions stated, three fusions for regulus, or four calcinations, may be made at the same time. The fuel employed is invariably coke; but the size and number of the furnaces used vary in accordance with the requirements of the assayer. The well-known Cornish crucibles are always employed. They are usually sold in nests of two, and, less frequently, of three. The largest size, about 4 inches in height, is used for calcining ores and for fusions for regulus; the small and middle-size pots are employed for calcin- ing regulus, fusion for coarse copper, and refining, according to the richness of the ore and the quantity operated on. These crucibles are generally used without covers, and when several assays are being made simultaneously, in order to prevent mistakes, each is marked with a mixture of red oxide of iron and water before being placed in the furnace. The assayer, in addition to various tongs of convenient shapes for handling red-hot crucibles and removing them from the fire, must be provided with stirring rods, mould-plates for receiving the fused assays when poured from the crucible, hammers, chisels, and an anvil for testing the copper buttons, bronze or cast-iron mortars, an iron slab about 18 inches square for breaking down slags upon, and sieves about 9 inches in diameter with from forty to fifty meshes to the linear inch, for preparing samples. He also requires copper scoops for transferring fluxes, &c., to the crucible, a regulus-bowl about 10 inches in diameter and 5 inches in depth, kept partially filled with water for cooling the poured assays, and which has a small annular shelf running round it below the water-level on which the assays to be cooled are placed. Forceps for picking up prills, &c., a ladle for drying samples or washing ores, and flux-spoons for measuring out fluxes, are also necessary. The flux-spoon is made of copper, and is usually 13 inch in width and 1 inch deep; a balance capable of turning with grain when laden with 500 grains must be likewise provided. 1 25 Special weights, of which the unit is termed a cent, are used by * Vol. XIII. p. 183. COPPER. 379 2) 1 Cornish assayers for the purpose of facilitating calculation; the system adopted is to divide 400 grains into 100 cents taken as a standard, the smallest weight being, or 0.25 grain. Assays are reported on 100 parts and the unit subdivided into ½, 1, 3, and, so that the produce of a sample is stated to be 71, 83, 125, 173 per cent., &c. The fluxes and reagents used are as follow: Common salt, dried or fused borax, glass free from lead, lime, fluor-spar, nitre, soda-ash, tartar or cream of tartar, sulphur, charcoal or finely-powdered coal, iron pyrites, and white flux, for refining. Refining, or white flux, is prepared by deflagrating in a large crucible three parts, by measure, of nitre, two of cream of tartar, and one of common salt; carbonate of sodium, or carbonate of potassium, mixed with a small percentage of nitre, may be used in place of ordinary refining flux. Preliminary Examination.—The samples to be assayed usually reach the assayer in a moist state in brown-paper parcels, each weighing about 1½ lb. After drying at a temperature of about 100° C. each sample is ground, sifted, and mixed. If the ore is one which the assayer has not been in the habit of testing, a small portion of it is washed, either on a shovel, in an evaporating dish, or in a drying ladle; this is done with a view of ascertaining, approximately, its quality and the proportions of copper, sulphur, arsenic, gangue, &c., it contains. By practice in this manipulation it becomes easy to determine beforehand whether, in the next operation, the ore will or will not require calcination, whether nitre or sulphur should be added, &c. An experienced assayer will in most cases, by a simple inspection of the sample, decide correctly as to the mode of treatment to be adopted; it is consequently only in cases of doubt that washing is resorted to. Method of conducting an Assay.—The characteristic peculiarity of the Cornish method of assaying is the general preliminary concentration of the copper in the form of regulus. Until within a comparatively recent date this method of treatment was universal, and even rich carbonates and oxides were always assayed on this principle. The relative proportions of the various fluxes employed, as well as the smaller details of manipu- lation, are slightly varied by different assayers in accordance with the results of their individual experience; but in all cases the Cornish method of assaying comprises the following operations: 1. Fusion for regulus. 2. Calcination of the regulus. 3. Fusion for coarse copper. 4. Refining. 5. Treatment of the slags for the copper they contain. 1. Fusion for Regulus.-The quantity of ore operated on varies in accordance with its richness in copper; 400 grains are commonly used for ores containing under 10 per cent. of copper; 200 grains for ores between 10 and 30 per cent., and 100 grains for samples in which the copper amounts to more than 30 per cent. The fluxes are not weighed, but merely measured in the flux-spoon, their proportions being so 380 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. adjusted as to yield a fusible slag with the gangue and oxide of iron, resulting from the oxidation of pyrites, &c. They should also produce a slag which separates easily from the regulus, and the amount of nitre, sulphur, &c., should be such as to result in the formation of a regulus containing about 50 per cent. of copper. Yellow copper ore, without admixture of iron pyrites, contains a larger amount of iron and sulphur than is required to form a regulus of the richness desired. Vitreous copper ore, on the other hand, requires iron and sulphur, in order to produce a proper regulus. These may be supplied by the addi- tion either of iron pyrites or of a mixture of sulphur and oxide of iron. In order to obtain from copper pyrites a button of regulus containing about 50 per cent. of copper, it is necessary to oxidise a large portion of the sulphur present. This may be done either by a partial roasting ("warming"), by partial roasting and the addition of nitre in the sub- sequent fusion, or, simply, by the addition of nitre. Either of these methods may be adopted; the first and second require considerable expe- rience with regard to the amount of roasting necessary, the third is more simple and direct. Rich oxides and carbonates may be fused directly for coarse copper, care being taken to retain the slags for subsequent treatment; native metal and bar-copper only require refining. The raw, or more or less calcined, ore is intimately mixed with the various fluxes required, introduced into a crucible of the largest size, and over the whole is spread a layer of common salt or dried borax. When a preliminary roasting has been resorted to, the crucible employed for that purpose must be preserved for the subsequent fusion. This roasting is conducted in crucibles, which, when placed in the furnace, are packed round with coke to their full height, so that they may be as uniformly heated as possible. A dull red-heat is maintained during the operation, which is continued until the blue flame, due to burning sulphur, ceases, and this usually occupies about ten minutes; if much iron pyrites is present more time will be required. During the first part of the fusion effer- vescence takes place from the escape of various gases, but this gradually subsides, until, at the close, the surface of the slag becomes perfectly tranquil. The crucible is now removed from the furnace, and after having received a rotary motion for the purpose of washing down any particles adhering to the sides, its contents are rapidly poured into an iron mould. As soon as the slag has solidified, the assay is seized with a pair of copper forceps, dipped two or three times into water, and left to cool on the circular shelf fitted around the inside of the regulus-bowl. This has the effect of fissuring the slag in all directions and causes the regulus to separate easily from it; should any slag adhere to the button obtained, it will generally be on the upper surface, and may be removed by a slight tap from either a light hammer or the edge of a spatula. After the regulus has been thus carefully separated from the slag, the latter must be COPPER. 381 examined to see that it contains no inclosed globules of regulus. If any are found they must be picked out and added to the principal button pre- viously obtained, taking care to avoid the addition of particles of slag. In order to save time, the regulus is sometimes poured into one cavity of the mould and the slag into another. In order to do this successfully, however, a considerable amount of practice is required; but if there is any doubt of the cleanness of the slag, or the regulus has not been per- fectly separated from it, it may be remelted with the addition of a little sulphur. The button of regulus thus obtained must be added to that previously separated from the slag by pouring. A good regulus should be reddish-brown in colour, slightly convex on its upper surface, very much fissured, and easily reduced to powder. When the regulus is too coarse it is more or less flat, and is often vesicular on its upper surface; it is also comparatively hard, and varies in colour from iron-grey to brass-yellow. When a coarse regulus has been obtained there is but little fear of the slag retaining copper, but the cal- cination of the regulus is not so readily effected. When the ore operated on is very poor it is sometimes desirable to obtain a coarse regulus in order to insure the complete separation of the copper. When regulus is too fine the button is more or less spherical, and is smooth, bright, and semi-metallic in appearance. Externally its colour is nearly black, but when freshly broken the fractured surface is of a dark bluish-grey colour, and presents a very compact structure. Such a regulus is more difficult to calcine than one which is not too fine, and there is also in such cases danger of the slags retaining a certain amount of copper. 2. Calcination of the Regulus.-The regulus is first reduced to a fine powder in an iron or bronze mortar; after its removal a little coke- dust is rubbed down in the mortar for the purpose of removing the last particles and is added to the powdered regulus. In this finely-divided state the mixture is introduced into one of the smaller or middle-size crucibles, according to the quantity of regulus to be operated on, and several calcinations are carried on in the furnace at the same time. The furnace is filled with fresh fuel to within a short distance of the top, and the crucibles are arranged upon it with a slight inclination forward, so that air may readily pass over the surface of the powdered regulus. A round stirring-rod of wrought-iron, about ths of an inch in diameter, flattened at one end to a chisel-edge, and having a ring turned at the other, is inserted into each crucible; when not held in the hand these are allowed to lean against some support in order that they may be retained in their positions. The calcination is commenced at a dull red-heat, which is gradually increased to bright redness, in proportion as the contents of the crucible are enabled to bear it, without becoming agglomerated. The time necessary for complete calcination is usually about half an hour; stirring must be constantly kept up during the first fifteen or twenty minutes, after which it need only be occasional. When clotting occurs, the regulus must be removed from the crucible, ground with a little coke- 3 Ι 382 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. dust, and again calcined; if, however, agglomeration, to any considerable extent, has taken place it is better to throw away the assay and begin afresh. The calcination is complete when the odour of burning sulphur is no longer evolved, and the sample is then said to have been roasted sweet. When this occurs the crucible and rod are removed from the fire, and when cold, any portion adhering to the rod is carefully scraped off into the crucible. The same crucible is employed for the subsequent fusion. The calcination both of the raw ore and regulus is sometimes conducted in a scorifier heated in a muffle furnace; calcination is more readily effected by this means and the operation is much expedited, but in Cornwall it is almost universally performed in crucibles. 3. Fusion for Coarse Copper.-The flux employed for this operation is usually a mixture of tartar and nitre in such proportions that the tartar is in excess of the amount required to make carbonate of potassium by ignition with the latter. In addition to this some assayers add borax, others usc pounded glass, some use neither, while many employ common salt. In the metallurgical laboratory of the School of Mines a mixture of tartar or charcoal with carbonate of sodium is employed, but the amount required will of course depend on the weight of calcined regulus to be treated; the addition of an excess will not, however, be attended with serious inconvenience. A mixture of 50 grains of nitre, 180 of tartar, and 36 of borax, is sufficient for the reduction of a calcined regulus weighing, previously to roasting, from 48 to 50 grains. For a button, weighing from 90 to 100 grains, 85 grains of nitre, 220 of tartar, and 50 of borax should be employed. These amounts are not, however, weighed, since, with practice, it becomes easy to measure, with sufficient accuracy, the quantities required. The calcined regulus is mixed with proper fluxes in the crucible employed for its calcination, and then introduced into a fire of coke heated to bright redness; fusion takes place in from ten to fifteen minutes, and as soon as effervescence ceases the melted contents are poured into a mould. When the slag has become set, the assay can be cooled by being dipped into water, or it may be allowed to remain in the mould until sufficiently cold to handle. The slag should be black and glassy, and neither it nor the inside of the crucible should present any streaks or patches of red, due to the presence of copper. These slags are retained for subsequent fusion, although in many cases they are practically free from copper. 4. Refining. The crucible employed in the previous operation is placed well down among the coke in the assay furnace, in such a position as to be directly under the line of junction of the two bricks forming the cover, and when it has become red-hot the button of coarse copper is dropped into it. The furnace is now nearly closed, and the operation closely watched through the opening between the bricks. Fusion is soon effected and a slight evolution of gas takes place from the dull surface of the metal. After the expiration of a short time the film of oxide begins rapidly to disappear from the surface of the button, which becomes COPPER. 383 perfectly bright at the edges, and reflects a bluish-green light from its centre, producing the appearance technically known as the "eye" or "star." Some refining flux, or refining flux and salt, previously placed in a copper scoop ready for immediate use, is now introduced upon the top of the fused button, and the furnace is again closed; in about two minutes after the introduction of the flux the crucible is withdrawn from the fire and its contents rapidly poured into a mould. When it has sufficiently set, the button, which is covered with slag, is removed between the jaws of a pair of forceps and held with its lower side beneath the surface of the water in the regulus-pan; by this means the slag is easily detached, and the whole operation of refining does not usually occupy above seven minutes. The button of copper when fine is nearly flat and has its upper surface coated with a thin film of an orange-red colour. The metal in this condition is soft, malleable and tough, breaking with difficulty, and presenting a closely-fibrous fracture. It is, however, more commonly somewhat dry, presenting a slight depres- sion on its upper surface, and when broken exhibiting a granular fracture which has a purple tint. When not sufficiently refined the button, both externally and when broken, presents, to a certain extent, the appear- ance of coarse copper; in this case refining must be repeated. Salt is generally used in refining, as it not only checks the too rapid action of the refining flux, but also probably aids in the separation of antimony, arsenic, &c. 5. Treatment of the Slags for Copper.-The slags resulting from the operations of reducing and refining are subsequently treated by fluxing with a couple of spoonfuls of tartar or a little powdered charcoal. By this means, the copper retained by the slags will assume the form of a small button or prill, the weight of which must be added to that of the prin- cipal button. The prill obtained usually weighs from 1 to 5 grains, according to the nature of the assay and the skill of the operator. Cornish assayers always refine the copper thus obtained from re-melting the slags, but the quantity is often so small that the error resulting from omitting this operation would practically be unimportant. GERMAN METHOD OF ASSAYING.-The method of conducting copper assays in the smelting establishments of central Europe differs essen- tially from that adopted in this country, and the results obtained are stated to be somewhat higher. The apparatus employed consists of an ordinary muffle furnace; crucibles of the form commonly known as "skittle pots"; scorifiers of fire- clay about 2½ inches in diameter, and an assortment of tongs, hammers, &c. In addition to borax, salt, glass, and powdered charcoal, graphite and metallic lead and arsenic are employed; black flux, prepared by deflagrating a mixture of two parts of crude tartar and one of nitre, is used as the reducing agent. The process includes the three following operations:- 1. Roasting; calcining. 2. Melting for coarse copper. 3. Refining. 384 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 1. Roasting; Calcining.-About 4 grammes of dry ore are weighed out, mixed with one gramme of powdered graphite, and spread upon the bottom of a scorifier. This is introduced into a heated muffle and is almost con- tinuously stirred during fifteen or twenty minutes, after the lapse of which time sulphurous fumes should be no longer given off. The scorifier is then removed from the muffle and allowed to cool, the assay carefully brushed from it into a bronze or cast-iron mortar, where it is finely ground, and, after being again mixed with 1 gramme of pulverised graphite, it is subjected to a second calcination similar to the first. At the expiration of about fifteen minutes the mass will have generally assumed a reddish-brown appearance, and the evolution of sulphurous. fumes will be no longer perceived. When either lead or antimony is present in an ore, the roasting requires to be conducted with considerable care, since if the assay were too strongly heated its surface would become fused, and its further calcination materially interfered with. 2. Melting for Coarse Copper.—After roasting, the metals in the assay will be principally in the state of oxides, and the object of the fusion, which now follows, is to collect the whole of the copper in the metallic form, while the principal portion of the metals with which it is associated passes into the slag as oxides. The calcined ore is carefully removed from the scorifier or roasting-dish, and is mixed in a mortar with from 3 to 3½-½ grammes of black flux; this mixture is introduced into the crucible, and upon it are placed, without mixing, 8 or 9 additional grammes of black flux; on this are placed 1½ to 2 grammes of powdered glass and 1 gramme of borax. The whole is covered by a layer of from 8 to 12 grammes of common salt, and lastly, a piece of charcoal of the size of an ordinary bean is added; when the ore is rich in copper and no lead is present, addition is made, with the glass and borax, of from to 1 gramme of metallic arsenic. The crucible is now covered and placed in the muffle, where it is gradually raised to a white-heat, the fusion being completed in about thirty or thirty-five minutes. When complete fusion has been effected, and the slag is in a perfectly liquid state, the crucible is with- drawn from the muffle, and, after being allowed to cool, is broken and the button of metal extracted. This must not be covered by a crust of sulphides, and the slag should be glassy, and of a dark-green colour, without any traces of red. 3. Refining.—As in the case of the Cornish assay, this process has for its object the removal from the copper of the various other metals by which it is contaminated. In order to effect this, advantage is taken of the property possessed by copper of remaining, practically, unchanged when exposed in a fused state to the action of a current of air, so long as a more oxidisable metal is present. The metals thus oxidised in the presence of borax, which is added for that purpose, are taken up and carried off as a fusible slag. The scorifier employed for refining the coarse copper, often consists of a fragment broken from the side of a pot in which a fusion has been already effected; in this, which has been previously heated to bright redness in the muffle, is placed the COPPER. 385 button of copper to be refined, wrapped in paper with its own weight of borax. As soon as the copper shows a convex perfectly-clear surface, and is surrounded by a thinly-fluid ring of borax, the mouth of the muffle is opened, and a current of air allowed to play over its surface. If the surface of the copper be not clear, but is covered with a black coating, at the time the muffle is at a white-heat, a further addition of borax must be made. Should this not result in the production of a bright surface a small piece of lead must be dropped into the scorifier and the heat of the furnace increased to its maximum. When the button of coarse copper is very impure and does not contain above one-half its weight of pure copper, it must be first placed on the scorifier with borax only, the lead being added towards the close of the operation. A small portion of the lead thus added escapes in the form of fume, while the greater part passes into the slags. Arsenic is to a very great extent volatilised, but a portion is retained in the slag. The removal of nickel by scorifi- cation is extremely difficult and necessitates a large addition of lead, which results in a considerable loss of copper. When the copper has become fine it brightens like silver, but less distinctly. Care must be taken that the temperature of the muffle at the moment of brightening does not much exceed that at which pure copper solidifies. The assay, which in brightening exhibits a peculiar greenish light, is now removed from the furnace, cooled, quenched in water, freed from slag, and weighed. A good assay button is exteriorly of a pure copper-colour, is ductile, uniformly granular, and rose-red in the fracture. When a button has not been sufficiently refined it is externally red, but its fracture is grey; an over-refined button is dark red on the surface and brittle, the fracture being rather smooth than granular. Refining on the cupel is in use in some of the smelting works of the Hartz; it is not more accurate than the above, although perhaps more suitable for copper containing large quantities of lead. WET ASSAY OF COPPER ORES. PRECIPITATION BY ZINC OR BY METALLIC IRON. This method of estimating copper is especially adapted for ores containing little or no arsenic, and consists in attacking the mineral to be examined by a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, the sub- sequent expulsion of the nitric acid, and the precipitation of the copper from its chloride, by zinc or by metallic iron. The mineral to be operated on must be first pulverised and passed through a fine sieve. Of this powder, 100 grains are weighed and intro- duced into a narrow-necked flask of hard German glass. Nitric acid is now cautiously added, and the flask gently warmed on a sand-bath; since if the flask were too suddenly heated, or too large a quantity of acid were added at a time, violent ebullition might ensue and a loss on the assay be the result. When the evolution of nitrous vapours entirely ceases, or they become much diminished in quantity, add gradually hydrochloric acid, place the flask in an inclined position on the sand-bath, and cause its contents to 2 c 386 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. boil gently. This must be continued until the residue, if any remain, appears to be free from metallic stains. The contents of the flask must now be carefully transferred to a porcelain dish and evaporated to dryness, with the usual precautions. When sufficiently cool, moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid, heat gently, and afterwards add water, boil, and filter into a beaker. A piece of zinc or polished wrought-iron, about 2 inches in length, 3 inch in width, and inch in thickness, is now attached to a string and lowered to the bottom of the beaker. It is essential to the success of this operation that the whole surface of the metal should be completely covered by the liquid, otherwise a portion of the precipitate would become oxidised and the results vitiated. The contents of the beaker must now be kept in gentle ebullition until the whole of the copper present has been thrown down, which is ascertained by the liquor becom- ing colourless. This may be confirmed by trying a drop of the liquid on the surface of a piece of clean sheet-zinc, or by the blue colour produced by the addition of ammonia in excess to solutions containing copper. After having ascertained that the whole of the copper has been thrown down, carefully clean with a feather the piece of metal which has been used as a precipitant, and then decant off the supernatant liquor by the aid of a small glass syphon, and repeatedly wash with warm water, until the precipitated copper is entirely free from any traces of chloride of zinc or chloride of iron. The washing water is finally decanted, leaving the precipitated copper in the bottom of the beaker, which is now placed in a water-bath or in a warm place near a furnace, until it has become completely dried. In this operation it is necessary to so regulate the heat as to prevent the oxidation of the copper, by which the accuracy of the result would be, to some extent, impaired. The copper thus obtained is subsequently brushed into a watch-glass, by the aid of a camel-hair brush, and weighed; on deducting from this weight the tare of the watch-glass, the result represents the percentage of copper present. When the mineral operated on contains either lead or antimony no appreciable trace of these metals will be found in the copper precipitated. If large quantities of lead be present, it is, however, best to add sulphuric acid or sodium sulphate, and to filter previously to the precipitation of the copper. If no perceptible oxidation of the precipitated copper has taken place its weight will sufficiently indicate the produce of the ore; it is however safer to check the result so obtained by converting the metallic copper into cupric oxide, from the weight of which the yield of the ore is readily calculated. The conversion of the finely-divided copper into cupric oxide may be effected by exposing it to a red-heat, in an uncovered porcelain crucible, until its weight becomes constant; or the copper may be transformed into nitrate by the addition of a few drops of nitric acid, and cupric oxide obtained by subsequent ignition. As this oxide is highly hygroscopic it must be weighed rapidly and while still warm. COPPER. 387 Still more accurate results may be obtained by dissolving the pre- cipitated copper, and estimating its amount by a standardised solution of potassium cyanide. PELOUZE'S PROCESS. The amount of copper contained in many ores and mineral substances, of which this metal forms one of the con- stituents, may be determined with a considerable approach to accuracy by the following process invented by Pelouze:- The substance in which the copper is to be estimated must be dis- solved in an acid capable of effecting its complete solution, and an excess of ammonia afterwards added, by which the copper is held in solution with the production of the characteristic blue colour. Into this liquor, whilst in a state of ebullition, a standardised solution of sodium sulphide is poured from a graduated burette, which determines the precipitation of the copper in the form of a dark-brown oxysulphide of that metal. If this precipitation be effected with proper precautions, and a little am- monia added from time to time, as the metallic solution nearly approaches saturation, it becomes easy to determine at what precise period the whole of the copper has been thrown down, as the liquid entirely loses its blue colour when the last traces have been deposited. If the liquor contain no other substance which can be precipitated by the solution of alkaline sulphide, it will be easy to calculate the amount of copper present from the volume of the solution poured from the burette, since each division of the instrument corresponds to a definite and previously-ascertained quantity of copper. To determine the strength of the test solution of sodium sulphide, a definite weight, say 0·50 gramme of perfectly pure copper, should be dissolved in a proper quantity of nitric acid, and to this liquid ammonia is added, until the deposit at first formed has entirely re-dissolved and a bright blue solution, free from cloudiness, is obtained. Into this liquor the solution of sodium sulphide is gradually poured from the burette in which it has been measured, and when the contents of the flask begin to lose colour it is repeatedly shaken, and afterwards allowed to settle. At this point of the operation, the liquid from the graduated measure is dropped into the copper solution with great caution, in order that the point at which precipitation ceases to take place may be noted with accuracy. By making two or three experiments of this kind, and taking the mean of the results obtained, it is easy to discover with what weight of metallic copper each division on the graduated burette corresponds; data are thus afforded for the determination of the inverse proposition, namely, what quantity of copper is contained in a solution in which the weight of that metal has not previously been ascertained. If, as an example, we suppose it has been ascertained by experiment that to precipitate from its solution 1 decigramme of pure copper, 280 divisions of the burette are required, and that to decolourise a given copper liquor exactly 372 divisions have been employed, it follows that the solution in question contains a quantity of copper corresponding 372 to × 0·10 = 0·132 gramme. 280 2 c 2 388 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. This method is said to be applicable to solutions containing other metals besides copper, as experiment indicates that the results are in no way interfered with by the presence of either iron, tin, zinc, cadmium, lead, or antimony, as the alkaline sulphide does not begin to react on these metals until after the copper has been completely precipitated in the form of oxysulphide. It is, however, absolutely necessary that the iron should be peroxidised by the addition of a few drops of nitric acid, and boiling, previously to the supersaturation of the liquor by ammonia, as the presence of ferrous oxide materially interferes with the result. On the addition of the ammonia to the liquid to be examined a deposit of the oxides of some of the other metals which it contains takes place; but unless these are extremely abundant they are not found to vitiate the results, and consequently do not require to be separated by filtration, unless the quantity be so large as to prevent the colour of the liquid from being distinctly seen. This method of estimating copper is not, however, to be depended on in cases where cobalt, nickel, mercury, or silver is present; but the last-named metal may be readily removed from the solution by the addition of a few drops of hydrochloric acid, which will cause it to be precipitated in the form of insoluble chloride, readily removable by filtration. As the alkaline sulphide is liable to become more or less changed by oxidation it requires to be re-standardised immediately before it is used. BY POTASSIUM CYANIDE. This method of estimating copper was first made known by Mr. Henry Parkes in 1851, and is the most accurate and convenient of all the various processes for assaying copper ores by means of standard solutions. This process depends on the circumstance that when cyanide of potassium is added to a blue ammoniacal solution of copper the latter gradually loses its colour, and finally becomes colourless. The amount of cyanide necessary to discharge the whole of the colour from an ammoniacal solution is, all other circumstances being the same, directly in proportion to the quantity of copper present; it is con- sequently easy, by means of comparative experiments, to establish a standard by which the amount of copper in a given weight of ore may be determined. The only apparatus required is an ordinary Mohr's burette of 50 c.c. capacity and 18 inches in length; this is supported vertically by a wooden stand, which admits of its being either raised or lowered by means of arms with screws sliding upon an upright pillar. A great number of assays may be conducted at one time by the same person by the aid of a series of such burettes arranged on a stand and supplied with the same titrated solution. Where a large number of assays have to be made daily, the burettes may be connected with a large stoneware or glass jar, supported on a convenient shelf, containing the titrated solution, with which they are filled by means of syphons connected with the bottom of each, by glass T-pieces and india-rubber tubes provided with spring clips. COPPER. 389 The best cyanide for this purpose is that known as photographic cyanide, as solutions prepared from it may be kept a long time without becoming either discoloured or muddy. To prepare a standard solution, 260 grammes of photographic cyanide may be dissolved in 4 litres of distilled water; this liquid should be kept in green-glass bottles free from lead. The solution is standardised as follows: about 1 gramme of chemically pure and perfectly clean copper is dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and the solution boiled until all nitrous fumes have been expelled ; it is then diluted with water, and ammonia in excess added. The blue solution thus obtained is made up to 750 c.c. and divided into three equal portions of 250 c.c. each. The burette is now filled to the level of the uppermost division with the standard solution of cyanide of potassium, and as soon as the copper solution has become quite cold the beaker containing it is placed under the burette, and the cyanide of potassium is run into it in small quantities at a time, care being taken towards the close to avoid the addition of the smallest quantity more than is neces- sary. The cyanide solution is finally introduced by successive small additions until the blue colour has been completely discharged, and has been replaced by a very faint tint of violet. The number of divisions necessary for the decolourisation is now read off and noted, and the second and third portions of the copper solution proceeded with in the same manner. The mean of the three results is taken, and from it is calcu- lated the amount of copper corresponding to each c.c. of the cyanide solution used; with the proportions above specified it will be found that about 145 c.c. are equal to 1 gramme of copper. The above is the average strength of the standard solution employed in the various copper- works in which that metal is extracted by the wet process from burnt Spanish pyrites; for the assay of richer ores a standard solution of twice the above strength may be conveniently employed. For practical pur- poses the standard will not require to be checked more frequently than once a week. In order to make an assay by this process, a weighed quantity of copper ore may be placed in a flask, moistened with sulphuric acid, and nitric acid added. The whole is now digested at a gentle heat, with the occasional addition of nitric acid, until coloured nitrous fumes are no longer evolved. As soon as the ore has been completely decomposed the contents of the flask are transferred, without filtration, to a beaker of convenient size, diluted with distilled water to about 300 c.c., and excess of ammonia added. The intensely-blue solution thus obtained is allowed to become quite cold, and the separated ferric hydrate falls to the bottom, where the insoluble gangue has already collected. Without separating these, the standard solution of potassium cyanide is gradually and cau- tiously added, with occasional stirring of the solution, until the blue colour has entirely disappeared and has been replaced by a faint violet tint. The number of divisions necessary to produce this effect are read off, and from the quantity of standard solution employed the percentage of copper contained in the ore is calculated. The method of doing this will be readily understood by the aid of the following example :- 390 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 145 divisions of the burette equal 1 gramme of copper, 2 grammes of copper ore require 30 divisions for decolourisation; consequently Divisions. 145 Divisions. Copper. : 30 :: 1.0 : 0·2069 × 100 = 10 345 per cent. Copper. 0.2069 When a sulphurous ore is operated on, it will, in the majority of cases, be completely oxidised by a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids; but should any globules of sulphur remain they may be taken out after the dilution of the solution, ignited, and the residue attacked by nitric acid and added to the copper already dissolved. The attack of some varieties of ore is best made by aqua regia. Owing to the influence exercised by varying quantities of ammonia and of ammonium salts upon the decolourisation of copper solutions by cyanide of potassium, it is necessary that both the test solution, originally prepared, and the various cupreous solutions subsequently assayed, should contain, as nearly as possible, equal amounts of ammonia. The pre- sence of ferric hydrate imparts a greenish tint to the ammoniacal solution, and its proper shade is best observed by placing the eye on a level with the top of the liquid. Iron.-This metal, in the state of ferric hydrate, does not interfere with the results, excepting that it takes some time to settle after the stirring which accompanies each addition of the standard solution; its effect is consequently only to slightly increase the time occupied in making an assay. Lead and Bismuth are, likewise, without effect upon the result. Arsenic does not interfere with the results excepting in the presence of iron, when it forms an arseniate soluble in ammonia, and giving rise to a brownish colour in the liquid. The removal of the arsenic may be effected by adding magnesium sulphate in excess. As soon as a precipi- tate is no longer formed, and the solution has acquired its characteristic blue colour, the assay may be proceeded with in the usual manner. Manganese is not often found in copper ores in sufficient quantities to materially affect the results. When present it may be completely re- moved by adding to the ammoniacal solution sodium carbonate, with a few drops of bromine, and boiling; it will thus be precipitated as man- ganic oxide, and when the cupreous solution has become cold the assay may be proceeded with as though the ore had not contained manganese. Silver.—Should this metal be contained in the ore in such quantity as to exercise, practically, any influence on the assay, it may be removed by adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid to the solution, and filtering before the addition of ammonia; it is evident that when hydrochloric acid has been used for the attack, silver cannot exist in the resulting solution. Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt.-These metals would, if present, render the results obtained utterly unreliable, and in such cases the copper must be first separated by precipitation. This may be effected by means of a piece of either iron or zinc, in the way already described, care being taken COPPER. 391 ナ ​that nitric acid is not present; the precipitate thus obtained is subse- quently dissolved in nitric acid, and the amount of copper present deter- mined by the standard cyanide solution in the usual way. Instead of precipitating the copper in the metallic state, it may be thrown down as sulphide by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the sulphide re-dissolved and subsequently estimated by potassium cyanide. Sodium hyposulphite may also be employed as the precipitant. METALLURGY OF COPPER. A large proportion of the ores of this metal consist of mixtures of various sulphides, and all the ordinary methods employed for their metal- lurgical treatment are dependent on the relative affinity for sulphur and oxygen possessed respectively by copper and the different metals with which it is associated. Copper has a stronger affinity for sulphur than iron, which is the metal with which it is most plentifully found, possesses for the same body. Iron, in the presence of sulphur and oxygen, appro- priates the latter, and, uniting with silica, forms a liquid slag; while copper and sulphur, combining, give rise to a fusible regulus or matt. In almost all cases, therefore, the treatment of copper ores consists in a system of alternate roastings or calcinations, and fusions,* by which iron is gradually removed as silicate, while copper is progressively concen- trated in a series of sulphides, gradually increasing in richness. Any oxide of copper that may result from the process of calcination is, during the subsequent fusion, converted into sulphide at the expense of sulphide of iron; a silicate of that metal and a copper regulus being the result. The siliceous slag thus carries off the greater portion of the iron originally present in the ore, while the regulus contains, practically, the whole of the copper in a comparatively concentrated form. This product is again subjected to further calcination, and afterwards fused with siliceous matter, preferably associated with natural oxides or carbonates of copper. Another slag is thus obtained at the expense of the chief part of the iron retained in the first regulus, while that now produced is much richer in copper than that resulting from the first fusion. Similar operations are repeated until impure metallic copper, together with a liquid slag, is produced, and in some cases a small quantity of very rich regulus. Any regulus thus obtained is subsequently added to that pro- duced from similar operations, and consequently the final result will, in all cases, be impure metallic copper; this is afterwards rendered ductile and malleable by being subjected to a process of refining. The details of the processes by which copper is obtained from its ores by smelting vary greatly in different localities, and it would conse- quently be impossible to describe more than a very limited number at such length as to render them intelligible. We shall therefore confine * Copper-smelters in this country make a distinction between calcination and roasting; the latter term being by them exclusively applied to operations of the character of No. V. (p. 393). This difference is recognised when treating of the English method of copper-smelting, but in all other portions of this volume the terms are employed as being synonymous. 392 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. V ourselves to two of the most important methods now in operation, each of which may, at the same time, be regarded as typical of the class to which it belongs. The examples chosen for this purpose are— 1. The English method of copper-smelting, as conducted in South Wales and Lancashire. 2. The Continental method, as applied to the treatment of the cupreous schists of Mansfeld, Prussia. The first is employed for a large proportion of the copper-production of the world, and is specially adapted for securing regularity of yield and the best commercial results from ores of very varying percentage and composition. The second is made use of for the treatment of an ore which, although exceedingly poor, occurs in very large quantities, and never varies materially in composition. The various processes employed at Mansfeld, including those by the aid of which the extraction of silver is effected, are the result of the experience acquired by a succession of intelligent and carefully-trained superintendents during a long series of years, and the whole system has thus been brought to a very high degree of efficiency and perfection. ENGLISH METHOD OF COPPER-SMELTING. The ores treated by this process may be classified as follows: 1. Copper pyrites, with iron pyrites, unmixed with either oxide or carbonate of copper; the gangue is usually siliceous. 2. Mixtures of various sulphides containing less iron pyrites than the above, with small proportions of native metal, and of the oxides and carbonates of copper; gangue generally quartzose. 3. Chiefly oxidised ores, containing inconsiderable quantities of sul- phur; these, for the most part, consist of a mixture of oxides and car- bonates with a little native copper, and are usually accompanied by a more or less siliceous gangue. This method of copper-smelting is somewhat varied, in accordance with the nature of the ores to be treated and the quality of the copper it is desired to produce; it never comprehends less than six distinct opera- tions, but often more. Under ordinary circumstances the following general conditions should be observed in making up the working mixtures :— a. The mixture of ores operated on (Classes 1 and 2) should not con- tain less than 9, or more than 14, per cent. of copper; if poorer than the one the amount of fuel consumed will be excessive, and if richer than the other it will be difficult to obtain clean slags. b. The furnace mixture should, after calcination, fuse readily, and afford a clean slag without the addition of any kind of flux. c. The matt or coarse-metal resulting from the fusion, after calcina- tion, of the furnace mixture, should contain, approximately, 35 per cent. of copper. In making up the working mixture, oxides and carbonates are not COPPER. 393 used, but they are subsequently employed for special purposes at various stages of the treatment. It would however be impossible to lay down any invariable rule to be followed in copper-smelting, as the ores and other cupreous materials operated on by the smelter vary so considerably in character that his operations must, to a great extent, be guided by his personal judgment and experience. Neglecting small quantities of various substances exercising no mate- rial influence on the ultimate results, the average composition of the ores smelted at one of the Swansea works was, for a considerable period, according to Mr. J. Napier, as follows:- Cu Fe 13 29 S SiO2. 24 • • 34 100 The six distinct processes essentially constituting the English method of copper-smelting are the following: I. Calcination of mixed ores. II. Fusion of calcined ores and metal-slag from No. IV. Products, coarse-metal, and ore-furnace slag, chiefly thrown away. III. Calcination of granulated or crushed coarse-metal. IV. Fusion of calcined coarse metal with ores belonging to Class 3, and slags from operations V. and VI. Products, fine- or white-metal, containing about 70 per cent. of copper, and metal-slag, smelted in operation II. + V. Roasting the fine- or white-metal. Products, blister-copper, con- taining about 95 per cent. of copper, and roaster-slag, added to charge in operation IV. VI. Refining and toughening. Products, marketable copper and refinery-slag, added to charge in operation IV. Reverberatory furnaces are exclusively employed in the English method of smelting. These are of two kinds: calciners and melting furnaces. I. Calcination of Mixed Ores.-This operation is conducted in a rever- beratory furnace, one of the older forms of which is represented in figs. 113 and 114; the first being a longitudinal, and the second a horizontal section, but without the fire-bridge, on the line A, B, fig. 113. The hearth, which is 16 feet in length by about 12 feet 6 inches in width, is formed of fire- brick grouted with fire clay. The arch descends rapidly from the fire- place, F, to the flue-holes, H, by which the gases generated by the oxidation of the ore, together with the products of combustion of the fuel, pass into a flue in connection with a high chimney. Air is admitted, either by an aperture, d, which may be partially or entirely closed by a damper sliding in a groove, or by means of openings in the fire-bridge, which is often traversed longitudinally by a channel communicating freely with the atmo- sphere. Some of the more modern calciners are considerably longer in { 394 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. proportion to their width than that shown in the woodcut, and have a false arch or screen extending a few feet from the fire-bridge in order to protect the ore in that part of the furnace from becoming too highly heated. In other cases, calcination is effected in a close furnace, or muffle, and the sulphur is utilised for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. The furnaces A α ER B H Fig. 113.—Calcining Furnace; longitudinal section. ៣. កា 9841052 F 龍眼 ​康 ​Fig. 114.-Calcining Furnace; section on A B. of this kind employed in copper-works near St. Helen's are fired with gas, and provided with Siemens's regenerative apparatus; the results obtained are stated to be highly satisfactory. The ordinary calcining furnace, whatever may be its form, is provided with rectangular openings or doors, a, immediately behind which are, COPPER. 395 usually, openings, e, in the hearth. During the time the furnace is in work these holes are closed by iron plates, which are removed at the close of each operation in order to allow of the roasted charge being raked into the chambers, C, situated beneath. The arch of the furnace supports two large cast-iron hoppers, S, in which is placed the mixture of ores to undergo the process of calcination. These are provided with sliding doors at their lower extremities, by the withdrawal of which the ore may be caused to fall directly upon the bottom of the calciner. In the smelting works in the neighbourhood of Swansea the clinker is generally allowed to accumulate in the fire-place to such an extent as to form a bed of considerable thickness, and upon this, which is kept suffi- ciently open to allow of the passage through it of the necessary amount of air to sustain combustion, small coal is burnt; this would, to a great extent, fall through the bars of an ordinary grate. The fuel employed is a mixture of free-burning and binding coals; usually in the propor- tion of two parts of the former to one of the latter. When the clinkers have, through repeated accumulations, become raised to a sufficient height from the bars, their further increase is prevented by occasionally causing the fall of the lower portions by the use of a long iron bar. In this way is formed, throughout the mass, a sufficient number of channels to yield a free passage to the air necessary for combustion, and which, in passing through the interstices of the heated clinker, acquires a considerable elevation of temperature; these apertures, although sufficiently numerous for the passage of air, are, as before stated, too small to allow the finely-divided coal to descend into the space beneath the bars. The oxygen of the air, which has become highly heated by passing through the bed of clinkers, is, on travers- ing the fuel, principally converted into carbonic oxide, which, together with nitrogen and sundry products of distillation, passes over the fire- bridge into the furnace. Here it takes fire, and is consumed at the ex- pense of air entering either by the opening d, or through the fire-bridge, as well as by various small holes left in the iron plates, by which the lateral openings are partially closed during the roasting. In this way the whole internal cavity of the furnace is constantly occupied by a long sheet of flame, caused by ignited carbonic oxide, which burns on coming into contact with a stratum of atmospheric air so admitted as to spread immediately over the surface of the hearth. The ore is consequently exposed to a current of air, above which is a parallel sheet of burning carbonic oxide, which is inflamed where it comes in contact with the oxidising stratum, and thereby affords the amount of heat necessary to carry on the operation. The working of a charge of ore commences without any interval in the action of the furnace, and is begun immediately after the withdrawal of the calcined ores resulting from the preceding operation. The charge varies in weight from 3 to 35 tons, and is introduced by withdrawing the sliding dampers from the bottom of the hoppers, in which it is placed during the working of the preceding parcel. As soon as it has been let down, it is spread evenly over the surface of the hearth, by 396 ELEMENTS OF METALlurgy. long iron rakes, successively introduced through each of the working doors, which are closed immediately the bottom of the furnace has been properly covered. After the expiration of two hours the doors are again removed, and the ore is stirred with long iron paddles, in order to expose new surfaces to oxidising influences. This operation is repeated at intervals, and after the expiration of from twelve to twenty-four hours the roasting is sufficiently advanced. In order to withdraw the charge, the workmen open the working doors, a, and after having removed the plates of iron covering the openings, e, they draw the ore through the apertures with iron rakes, and cause it to fall into the arched chambers, C, from which, when sufficiently cooled, it is removed and charged into the fusing furnace employed for the next operation. II. Fusion of calcined Ores with raw Ores, Slags, &c.—The furnace in which this operation is conducted is represented in figs. 115, 116, and has a hearth, A, about 14 feet long by 11 broad; the first is a longitudinal, Lirit.. NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNREN H " M Fig. 115.-Melting Furnace; longitudinal section. and the second a horizontal section. The fuel employed in South Wales generally consists of a mixture of free-burning and caking coal, consumed, as in the former case, on a layer of clinker, supported on an open fire- grate, F. In Lancashire, free-burning coal only is used. Sand is made use of for the bottom of this furnace, and this is so lowered at the part B as to afford a kind of internal basin. To form a charge, calcined ore, from operation I., is fused with slags from operation IV., the products obtained being a regulus known as coarse-metal, containing about 35 per cent. of copper, and ore-furnace slag, which is thrown away. After stopping the tap-hole, a, with a mixture of clay and sand, a charge weighing about 3 tons, and frequently composed of 2 tons of calcined ore and 1 ton of raw ore of Class 2, is let down into the furnace through the hopper, H, and spread evenly over the bottom of the furnace; the slag is thrown in through the door, d, after which all openings are closed and the fire is COPPER. 397 made-up. The operation in this furnace is usually effected in from five to six hours, when the fused mass, consisting of melted regulus and slag, is well stirred; after this, the latter is skimmed off and raked through the door, d, at the end opposite the fire-place, whence it falls into a series of open sand-moulds, M, where it assumes the form of nearly rectangular blocks. The furnace is now, a second time, charged with a mixture of calcined ores and slags, and the operation is conducted as before; this is repeated until, at the expiration of twenty-four hours, the bed of the NNNNNNNNNNN 1 F W Fig. 116.—Melting Furnace; horizontal section. furnace has become full of regulus, when the tap-hole, a, is opened and the regulus granulated by being run through a gutter into a pit, V, nearly filled with water. This is lined with brickwork, and in the bottom is placed a perforated wrought-iron box, in which the granulated coarse- metal is received, and is subsequently withdrawn by the aid of the winch, W, and drained. The resulting slags, chiefly consisting of silicates of iron, contain numerous disseminated fragments of quartz, which give to the whole a somewhat mottled appearance and pasty consistency. It is im- portant that these slags should have a proper degree of fluidity, since if too stiff they are liable to retain shots of regulus, and if too thin the workmen find it difficult to skim them from the top of the regulus without drawing out at the same time a portion of the matt. Any regulus which may be thus accidentally drawn out of the furnace collects, for the most part, in the bottoms of the sand-moulds in which the slags are collected, and is afterwards carefully removed. The 398 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. slags, when sufficiently cold, are broken and subjected to careful examina- tion; those portions which contain a sufficient amount of regulus are preserved for remelting with the roasted ores, while the remainder is rejected as useless. In many copper-works, and particularly in those in the neighbourhood of St. Helen's, Lancashire, the coarse-metal, instead of being granulated in water, is tapped into sand-moulds and afterwards crushed, either between rollers or under an edge-mill, previously to calcination. from the ore-furnace should not, on an average, contain above cent. of copper. 1 Slags & per III. Calcination of granulated or crushed Coarse-metal.—The furnace employed for calcining the coarse-metal usually resembles in all respects that used for roasting crude ores in the first operation. The chief object of this process is the elimination of a portion of the sulphur and the oxidation of the iron, which is the more readily effected on account of the removal of the earthy and siliceous matters present in the raw ores. The charge varies from 3 to 4 tons, and the calcination is usually complete in twenty-four hours. When the coarse-metal is first introduced into the furnace the temperature is for some time carefully regulated, the heat being afterwards cautiously increased until, at the expiration of about fourteen hours, bright redness has been attained. This tempera- ture is maintained until the charge has been in the furnace twenty-four hours, care being taken to stir and turn it over from time to time. The plates covering the holes, e, fig. 114, are now removed, and the charge is scraped through them into the chambers, C, beneath the furnace. IV. Fusion of calcined Coarse-metal with Ores belonging to Class 3, and Slags from Operations V. and VI.-The object of this fusion, which usually occupies from five to six hours, is to eliminate, in the form of silicate, a further portion of iron, and to produce a regulus richer in copper than is coarse-metal; the products are metal, or fine-metal, very rich in copper, and metal-slags melted in operation II. The fusion is effected in a furnace so similar to that employed for operation II. as to require no special description; at this period are introduced the rich foreign oxides and carbonates, belonging to Class 3, containing but little iron. The charge generally weighs from 50 to 52 cwts., and is con- stituted in accordance with the nature of the ores which the smelter may have at his disposal; it is often made up nearly as follows: 30 cwts. calcined coarse-metal, 16 cwts. of rich carbonates and oxides, and 5 cwts. of roaster- and refinery-slags from operations V. and VI. In addition to these, copper-scale and furnace-bottoms are occasionally added in certain proportions. In all cases the charge should be so constituted that, as nearly as possible, the whole of the sulphide of iron present may become decomposed at the expense of oxide of copper, and that the oxide of iron so formed may, in the form of silicate, pass off in the slags. Towards the close of the operation the charge is well stirred, and shortly afterwards the slag is skimmed off and drawn out of the furnace through the door, d, below which sand-moulds are prepared for its reception. The regulus is finally tapped off into sand-moulds below the tap-hole, which is on the COPPER. 399 side of the furnace, and should be in the state of white-metal, containing about 75 per cent. of copper. This sulphide is very nearly represented by the formula CuS, although it always retains small quantities of iron. V. Roasting the Fine- or White-metal. This operation is carried on in a reverberatory furnace, similar to the ordinary melting furnace, but generally provided with an air-way in the bridge, and with a lateral door through which the pigs of regulus from operation IV. are in- troduced; the products are blister-copper, containing about 95 per cent. of copper and roaster-slag. The pigs of regulus are placed on the blade of a long paddle, and each is transported to its proper place on the hearth of the furnace, of which the temperature becomes consider- ably reduced during the introduction of the charge. The weight of the charge is ordinarily from 3 to 3 tons, and the heat is so regulated that the pigs may be completely melted at the expiration of from six to eight hours. During this time air is allowed to circulate freely through the furnace, and sulphurous acid (sulphurous anhydride) is abundantly evolved. The slag formed on the surface of the melted regulus is twice skimmed off during the operation; the first time immediately after the complete fusion of the charge, and the second shortly before tapping. A peculiar frizzling sound is emitted from the bath of fused regulus, which is maintained in a state of constant ebullition. After the contents of the furnace have been for a considerable time in a state of fusion, the tem- perature is sufficiently lowered to cause the surface of the regulus to become pasty, and it is then thrown up into crater-like elevations pro- duced by the escaping gases. When the temperature begins to fall too low the door is closed, and the mass again brought to a fusing heat, at which it is maintained for some hours, during which time sulphurous acid continues to be freely evolved. Before the close of the operation, which lasts about twenty-four hours, the openings admitting air into the furnace are closed, and the slags resulting from the combination of silica, derived from the hearth and from the sand adhering to the pigs of regulus, uniting with oxides of iron and copper, are skimmed off the surface, and the blister-copper is tapped into sand-moulds. The slags resulting from this operation are added to the charge in operation IV. VI. Refining and toughening.-The furnace employed for the opera- tion of refining is similar to the ordinary melting furnace, excepting that its bottom inclines in all directions towards a point near the door next the chimney. There is also another door at the side, but there is neither a hole in the roof for charging, nor a tap-hole. The products obtained are marketable copper, and refinery-slag, which ultimately forms part of the charge in operation IV. The charge of the refinery consists of about 8 tons of blister-copper, which is introduced through the side door and is piled in the form of a hollow heap, extending to the arch of the furnace; the cakes being so arranged as to allow a sufficient space for the free circulation of air between them. The complete fusion of the charge is usually effected in about four hours, when the slags are removed by skimming, and the fused metal is exposed during from fourteen to sixteen 400 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. hours to the oxidising influences of the air passing through the furnaces. The charge is from time to time rabbled and the slag skimmed off, and at the expiration of the time specified the charge should be in the state of dry copper. In order to see whether the process of oxidation has been sufficiently prolonged, the refiner takes out a sample in a small iron ladle, and from the fracture of this sample he is enabled to judge of the progress of the operation. Copper in this dry state contains a certain proportion of oxygen in combination, and in order to eliminate this it is subjected to the pro- cess of toughening. When the charge is found to be sufficiently saturated with cuprous oxide the slag is skimmed off, and two or three shovelfuls of anthracite or free-burning coal, as pure as can be obtained, are thrown on the hearth and spread over the surface of the liquid metal. This covering of carbon tends to the reduction of the oxide of copper formed on the surface of the metal, and after a short interval, during which the coal is allowed to act alone, a long pole of green wood (generally birch) is plunged into the fused copper. Under the influence of the elevated temperature to which the wood is thus exposed, large quantities of reducing gases are evolved by its decomposition, attended with strong ebullition of the metal; the reduction of the oxide is thus determined with much greater rapidity than by the action of the coal alone, but which never- theless not only assists in the removal of oxygen, but also prevents the absorption of a further amount when the surface of the liquid metal is in a state of rest. When the fused copper has, by this means, been kept in a state of ebullition during some fifteen or twenty minutes, the refiner takes a sample from the furnace by inserting into it a small ladle-shaped mould about 1 inch in diameter and inch in depth. The sample thus obtained, which is thicker in the centre than at the circumference, is tested with regard to malleability by flattening on an anvil, and after being partially cut through with a cold-chisel is fixed between the jaws of a vice, and bent backwards and forwards until broken. As soon as the charge is found, from these trials and from the colour of the copper, to have reached tough-pitch, the pole is taken out, and the coal pushed back from the opening, through which the metal is removed by iron ladles and transferred to cast-iron moulds. When the copper is found to be in a proper state for removal from the furnace, it is necessary that this should be effected with the least possible delay, since it would otherwise be liable to again become somewhat dry through the absorption of oxygen. Should this occur, poling must for a short time again be resorted to; and if the metal becomes overpoled this defect is readily obviated by a short exposure to the oxidising influences of the air. When copper is intended for rolling, a few pounds of lead are sometimes added, and well mixed with the charge immediately before it is laded into moulds. PROCESS FOR MAKING "BEST-SELECTED COPPER.-Dr. Percy, who derived his information from Mr. Keates, of the firm of Newton, Keates, & Co., makes the following observations on the subject of best-selected COPPER. 401 copper:* "The introduction of the manufacture of brass, on a large scale, into this country, does not date much further back than the year 1680, and the manufacturers were not long in discovering that copper taken indiscriminately, as it occurred in the market, frequently produced brass quite unfit for manufacturing into battery, sheets, and wire, and they rightly attributed this to its impurity. The English copper gene- rally in use at the beginning of the 18th century was derived from Cornish ores, which were then, to a greater extent than at present, mixed with tin; and it is most creditable to the sagacity and practical skill of the smelters of that day that they devised a mode of remedy- ing the evil which, in effect, has not been improved upon by their successors." The details of the processes by which copper of this quality is pre- pared from ordinary ores, vary considerably in different works, although the principle involved is in all cases the same. Advantage is taken of the circumstance that when copper ores contaminated by the presence of other metals, such as antimony, arsenic, tin, lead, nickel, &c., are reduced to a state of regulus, and afterwards so roasted as not to contain a suffi- cient amount of sulphur to convert the whole of the metals into matt, a certain proportion of the copper will, during the subsequent fusion, be liberated in the metallic form. The copper so set free falls to the bottom of the moulds in which the contents of the furnace are tapped, and retains a very large proportion of the impurities by which the quality of the product would be impaired. The material usually operated on is fine-metal, which is melted down and roasted during a certain time, in accordance with the judgment of the furnace-man. When ready the con- tents of the furnace are tapped into a series of sand-moulds, joined together by gutters in the upper parts of the partition walls which sepa- rate them from one another. The mixture of regulus and copper alloy containing the impurities to be separated is tapped into the first of these moulds, and when this becomes full, the melted matter flows over into the second, and so on until the whole of the charge has been run out. The total number of moulds may be from sixteen to eighteen, according to the weight of the charge, and the size of the sand beds prepared to receive it; from six to eight pigs of reduced impure copper will be found in the bottoms of those nearest the tap-hole. The regule is removed, by means of a hammer, from the tops of each of these as soon as it has sufficiently cooled to admit of being conveniently handled. About one-fourth of the total amount of copper present is reduced in this method of making best-selected copper, and the regule obtained is again subjected to similar treatment; a further production of impure copper is the result of the second fusion. The total amount of copper thus abstracted as impure will be about one-half the quantity contained in the material originally charged into the furnace. The bottoms obtained as the result of these fusions may, according to circumstances, either be roasted, refined, cast into rectangular plates, and sold as tile-copper, or, if found advantageous, it may be made into cake-copper. * 'Metallurgy,' Fuel, Copper, &c., p. 329. 2 D 402 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. MODIFICATIONS OF THE ENGLISH METHOD OF COPPER-SMELTING. The general routine of the different processes employed for the metallur- gical treatment of copper ores by the English method is not only varied in accordance with the quality of the copper it is intended to produce, but also to meet the circumstances of the varying nature of the supply of cupreous materials available. The large quantities of "copper precipitate" now supplied by the numerous wet-extraction works, added to the amount of Chili regulus which is constantly imported into this country, have resulted in the introduction, in the copper-works in the neighbourhood of St. Helens, where the larger proportion of this precipitate is worked up, of certain modifications. of the ordinary processes. We are indebted for valuable information relative to this subject to Mr. J. Smith, of Messrs. Newton, Keates & Co's. works. The following are the various operations now generally followed in the copper-works at St. Helens : I. Calcination of ores. II. Melting for coarse-metal. III. Melting for white-metal. IV. Tapping close-regulus. V. Running into blister-copper. VI. Refining and toughening. I. Calcination of Ores.-A charge of from 5 to 6 tons of sulphur-ores and regulus is introduced into a Siemens furnace heated with gas, supplied from a generator. The ore is spread over the bed, and the gas circulates around the brickwork of a chamber like an oven or muffle, which is in communication with sulphuric-acid chambers. The charge is stirred every two hours through the doors, and is kept at a red-heat during about 96 hours, when it is drawn with iron rakes, and is usually found to contain from 6 to 7 per cent. of sulphur. II. Melting for Coarse-metal. This is carried on in an ore furnace, in which the sharp-slags obtained from the skimming of No. III. process are worked. This is the usual reverberatory copper furnace, and is heated with slack. A charge of about 36 cwts. is introduced and kept at a strong heat for about six hours. When the door is removed, and the charge is found to be in a liquid state, the coarse metal falls to the bottom and the fusible slag floats above it. The furnace-man then skims off through the front door, the slag, which should be free from copper, or ought at any rate not to contain more than of 1 per cent. Once every twenty-four hours the coarse-metal is tapped into sand beds at the side of the furnace, and should not contain above 33 per cent. of copper. The charge consists of poor calcined ores and a small quantity of poor raw ores, with the sharp-slags from No. III. III. Melting for White-metal.-A charge of about 40 cwts. of a mixture of coarse-metal from the preceding operation, Chili regulus, calcined rich sulphides, and raw carbonates, is placed in a furnace similar to the last. The door is closed, and the heat increased for about four hours, when the charge will be found to be in a liquid state. The COPPER. 403 furnace-man skims off the slags floating on the surface, until he comes to the metal, which he can readily distinguish. The slags from this opera- tion are termed "sharp-slags," and are those melted in operation II. for coarse-metal. The metal is tapped at the side, exactly as in operation II., and contains about 66 per cent. of copper. IV. Tapping Close-Regulus.-This process is termed "selecting," as the metal is divided into two qualities, one for making best copper and the other for common. About 40 cwts. of a mixture of coarse-metal, calcined Chili regulus, calcined rich sulphide ores, and copper precipitate obtained from the various local precipitate-works, is placed in a furnace of the same con- struction as the last, where it remains until the charge becomes perfectly liquid. It is then tapped at the side, at the pitch called close-regulus, when it is found that, in combination with reduced copper, the impurities fall through the regulus to the bottom of the moulds; when it is cold the workman separates the upper portions from the lower by means of a hammer. The upper portion consists of sulphide of copper, the lower contains the other metals, such as tin, antimony, arsenic, lead, &c. The following analyses made in the author's laboratory-the first by W. T. Gent, and the second by A. G. Phillips-give respectively the com- position of close-regulus and of bottoms, obtained from works at St. Helens employing the modified processes described. Close-Regulus. Bottoms. I. II. I. II. Cu. 75.55* 75.62 89.63 89.80 Pb. 2.05 2.01 4.75 4.60 Sn. trace 0.06 1.54 1.73 Sb. trace trace trace trace As 0.35 0.28 1.62 1.57 Fe 1.44 1.39 0.30 •31 • A1203 Mn Ni. trace trace • trace trace trace trace 0.66 0.48 0.76 0.94 S Sio, 19.50 19.60 1.07 0.96 0.29 0.25 99.84 99.69 99.67 99.91 V. Running for Blister-Copper. This is effected in a furnace called the "roaster," in which three kinds of material are separately treated, according to the quality of the copper required, namely, white-metal, from No. III. process; close-regulus, from No. IV.; and bottoms separated from it. One method of treatment answers for all:-About 7 tons of white- metal are placed in the roaster, the temperature of which is raised, and * A minute portion of this copper was in the metallic state. 2 D 2 404 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. + the metal reduced, at first slowly, to a liquid state, while a current of air is allowed to pass freely through the furnace. When it has been working about forty-eight hours the evolution of sulphur will be observed to have ceased, and the sulphides will be converted into blister-copper, which is run into beds of sand. The same is done in converting close-regulus and bottoms into "blister"; in the first case about thirty hours are required, in the latter only eighteen, owing to the bottoms containing much less sulphur than the close-regulus. VI. Refining and toughening.-A charge of about 8 tons of blister- copper is put into the refining furnace, which is of the same construction as the other copper furnaces, excepting that the bottom slopes down towards the front door, where there is a cavity to enable the men to dip their ladles when lading out the copper. The charge is roasted for about four hours at a gentle heat, with a current of air, in order to liberate any sulphur that may remain after the last operation. The heat is now raised until the metal becomes liquefied, when it is skimmed to free it from slag. After having been alternately rabbled and skimmed for about six hours, it is brought to the pitch of dry copper. It is then agitated or poled with large poles, so as to remove the oxygen, by which means the copper is brought to tough-pitch. Samples are removed by small ladles, hammered, and broken in the vice; when the fracture and colour of the metal indicate that it is in a fit condition it is at once laded into moulds. In Chili, where the ores consist of a mixture of sulphides, oxides, carbonates, silicates, and oxychloride of copper, smelting is conducted in reverberatory furnaces, with coal as fuel, and comprises three opera- tions only, namely, fusion for regulus, roasting for spongy regulus, and roasting for pimple-copper or blister-copper. The copper arrives in this country in bars, usually weighing about 14 cwt. each, and, according to its state of purity, it is either at once refined or subjected to a preliminary roasting. Pimple-copper contains a larger amount of sulphur than ordinary blister-copper, and is therefore taken to the roasting furnace before it can be refined. In this country "best-selected copper usually fetches about £2 per ton above the price of ordinary "tile" or "ingot." The usual forms in which copper is sent into the market are as follow: Cakes Tiles Ingots • cwts. qrs. lbs. 19 in. × 12 in. x 12 in.; weight 1 1 0 19 × 121 X "" "" 11 "" × 31,, × 13 0 1 3 14 to 16 lbs. NAPIER'S METHOD OF COPPER-SMELTING—A patent granted, in 1846, to Mr. James Napier for "Improvements in Smelting Copper Ores," was for some time carried out at the Spitty Works, near Swansea. The results, however, do not appear to have been satisfactory, since it was speedily abandoned and the old method of working resumed. In all the methods employed for the separation of copper from its ores it is of importance to separate, at the earliest possible stage of their COPPER. 405 treatment, the large quantities of earthy and siliceous matters with which they are invariably associated. To do this the ore is commonly roasted in a reverberatory furnace or otherwise, either until a sufficient amount of oxide of iron has been produced to form a fusible slag, by combining with the silica present in the ore; or, as this would frequently necessitate a very prolonged calcination, such a mixture of ores is operated on as will afford fusible and tolerably liquid slags when strongly heated, after a less complete roasting than would be requisite in the other case. In this way ores rich in lime and oxide of iron are commonly added to those in which siliceous matters predominate, and vice versa; and thus, by a judicious mixture, fluid slags are produced at a much less expenditure of time and money than would be required for the separate treatment of the several ores. The ordinary routine followed in the English and Welsh copper- works, although more or less modified in different establishments, is in all cases an expensive and somewhat tedious operation; and the object sought by Mr. Napier's process was to obtain equally good results in less time and with a smaller expenditure of fuel. The ordinary method, as we have seen, always includes at least six distinct operations, whilst this method reduced their number to five. By this method a mixture of Cornish ores, made according to prin- ciples before laid down, is first calcined, and subsequently mixed, after its removal from the furnace, with a proper proportion of partially- calcined rich sulphides, such as those formerly imported from Cuba, care being taken that the quantities of each be so arranged as to afford a fusible slag by the combination of their gangues with oxide of iron. This mixture is made in such proportions that, besides producing a clean slag, it affords a matt containing above thirty and less than fifty per cent. of copper. The fusion of this mixture is conducted in an ordinary melting furnace similar to that employed in the second ope- ration of the old process, and after the removal of the slags from the surface of the bath a small quantity of salt-cake is thrown on the fused sulphides; 1 cwt. to 13 cwt. of salt-cake, together with 20 or 30 lbs. of fine coal, is added to every ton of regulus operated on. When these substances have been thrown into the furnace they are thoroughly mixed with the charge by a continued rabbling with an iron paddle; and after having been allowed to remain a sufficient time to admit of the reduction of the sulphate of sodium by the action of the coal, which is usually completed in the course of a few minutes, the regulus is tapped into sand beds, where it receives the form of rectangular blocks. These are allowed to remain in the moulds until they become set; but as soon as they have acquired sufficient solidity to bear removal they are thrown into a tank of water, in which they crumble into a fine sandy powder. This is now washed with water, and after being allowed to dry is calcined until the whole of the sulphur is expelled, which, from the fine state of division of the powder, is accomplished in from twenty- four to thirty hours. The powder, now thoroughly calcined, or as it is 406 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY, technically called, roasted dead, is mixed with a proper quantity of mala- chite, or any other copper ore free from sulphur but containing excess of silica; after having added the requisite proportion of carbonaceous matter, it is charged into a melting furnace and again fused. This operation, which occupies from six to eight hours, yields metallic copper, and a slag containing but little metal, either in the form of inclosed shot or in that of combined oxide. Besides being supposed to be more expeditious and less expensive than the ordinary method of treatment, this process was believed to yield, from a given parcel of ore, copper of a purer description than could be obtained by the ordinary methods, as the sulphide of sodium produced by the decomposition of the salt-cake, and subsequently dissolved by the water into which the hot pigs are thrown, would, it was thought, carry off with it in solution such impurities as tin and antimony. The copper obtained from the fourth operation is in the same condition as ordinary blister-copper. METHOD OF RIVOT AND PHILLIPS.-This method, which was patented in France in 1846 by the late M. Rivot, formerly Professor of Chemistry at the Ecole des Mines, and M. E. Phillips, Ingénieur des Mines, is dependent for its action on the fact, that at elevated temperatures iron has a greater affinity than copper for oxygen. Advantage is taken of this circumstance in the following way: The ore, if suffi- ciently rich—or, if not, a mixture of the ore with a portion of the regulus obtained from a fusion in the ordinary way,—is first reduced to the state of fine powder, and then roasted dead, so as to expel the last traces of sulphur. When this has been effected, iron bars are introduced through apertures left in the sides of the hearth, which are closed during the former part of the operation. On the introduc- tion of these bars they become rapidly attacked at the expense of the oxygen of the oxide of copper, which is thereby reduced to the metallic state, whilst the oxide of iron formed unites with silica, and gives rise to a fusible slag which is extremely liquid and entirely free from any inclosed granules of metallic copper. This process has never been tried on a working scale; but during the progress of the experiments made at Paris, in a small furnace spe- cially erected for that purpose, metallic copper of good quality was fre- quently obtained in one operation. When, however, arsenic is present in considerable quantity in the ores treated, it is found to affect materially the quality of the copper produced. The process of Rivot and Phillips has the very serious disadvantage of consuming a quantity of iron nearly equivalent in weight to the copper produced, which is, in a practical point of view, an objection not readily overcome. COPPER. 407 CONTINENTAL METHOD OF COPPER-SMELTING-TREATMENT OF COPPER SCHISTS IN THE MANSFELD DISTRICT, PRUSSIAN SAXONY. The ore treated at Mansfeld is the well-known Kupferschiefer of the Germans, which occurs in a bituminous seam below the Zechstein, a forma- tion of Permian age. The thickness of the copper-bearing shale is seldom above 18 inches, and of this from 4 to 5 inches only will usually repay the expenses of smelting. Mining, which is sometimes carried on at a depth of eighty fathoms from the surface, is particularly laborious in this district, since the thinness of the deposit renders it necessary for the workman to conduct all his operations while lying on his side. Smelting has long been carried on in the neighbourhood of Mans- feld; Agricola, who wrote about the middle of the sixteenth century, minutely describes the way in which the ores were burned in heaps in the vicinity of Eisleben, as a preliminary to fusion. The existing smelt- ing works are situated near the towns of Mansfeld, Eisleben, and San- gerhausen. The various mines and smelting works, which were before 1852 possessed by separate companies, were at that date united under a single direction, of which the chief office is in Eisleben; the result being the establishment of an admirable system of management, which has secured large and continuous profits to the proprietary. The following analyses, by Berthier, give the composition of three different specimens of Mansfeld schist :- 1. Unburnt. 2. 3. Roasted. Roasted. SiO2 40.0 SiO2 50.6 43.8 A1203 10.7 Al2O3) 23.4 17.2 Fe2O3 5.0 MgO J CaCO3 19.5 CaO 7.8 18.0 MgCO3 6.5 CuO 2.8 2.5 • CuFeS2 6.0 Fe2O3 9.0 7.2 K₂O 2.0 S 4.0 2.4 H₂O 10.3 H₂O and CO₂ 0.8 6.0 100.0 98.4 97.1 It will be observed, on comparing Analyses 2 and 3, that the com- position of these schists, as might be anticipated, varies considerably ; but, according to Berthier, they fuse readily in a brasqued crucible with- out any addition of flux, and afford compact vitreous slags free from cavities. The proportion of copper in the ores worked varies from 2 to 5 per cent.; but the average yield will be nearly 2 per cent.; the amount of silver present in the ore is th of 1 per cent., which is about equal to 1 lb. of silver to 200 lbs. of copper. In addition to these metals, lead, cobalt and nickel are present in small quantities; sulphate of nickel 408 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. is one of the products prepared in the establishment on a manufacturing scale. The fuel employed is principally coal and coke, a large proportion of which reaches the works from England via Hamburg; another portion is however supplied by the German coal-fields, and gas-coke is collected from the neighbouring towns and from various cities where large quanti- ties of gas are consumed. Formerly wood and charcoal were exclusively made use of in the smelting works; but, although the company still possesses a very large extent of woodland, it is now found more profitable to sell the timber and charcoal, and to obtain from a distance supplies of fuel better suited for the work. Brushwood answers as fuel for muffle furnaces and for calcining; the brown coal of the neighbourhood, when mixed with coal of a superior quality, is also employed for rever- beratory furnaces. In addition to the slags, which, for the sake of freeing. them from copper, are passed through the furnace with the various charges, fluor-spar is sometimes employed; it is chiefly used with highly siliceous materials, and is found abundantly in the immediate neighbourhood of some of the works. As at present conducted, the method employed for the treatment of copper schists in the Mansfeld district comprehends the following operations:- I. Burning the schists in heaps for the purpose of removing a portion of the sulphur, together with the water and bitumen, and to reduce the material to a mechanical condition suitable for smelting. II. Smelting the burnt ore with slags and fluor-spar in blast-furnaces; products, coarse-metal or "Rohstein" and slags, the latter being often moulded into blocks for building purposes. III. Roasting the coarse-metal in heaps for the purpose of eliminating sulphur and oxidising iron. IV. Concentration of the copper in the roasted coarse-metal by fusion in reverberatory furnaces, and granulation of resulting fine-metal or Spurstein"; products, fine-metal, containing 65 per cent. of copper, with some silver, and rich slag sent back to operation II. (( V. Grinding granulated fine-metal. VI. Roasting the ground fine-metal; the chief portion of the copper is thus transformed into cupric oxide, while the silver is converted into a soluble sulphate of silver. VII. Dissolving out the sulphate of silver with warm water, and pre- cipitating cement-silver from the solution by means of metallic copper. VIII. Mixing the residues from this lixiviation with suitable fluxes, and smelting in a cupola furnace; products, black or blister-copper, a rich matt, which is again passed through the same furnace, and slags, which, if found to contain less than per cent. of copper, are thrown away. IX. Refining; either performed in a reverberatory furnace by a pro- cess very similar to that made use of in this country, which produces Raffinadkupfer, malleable copper, or in the German hearth, producing Gaarkupfer, rosette copper. This latter is either sold in that state, COPPER. 409 or is subjected to a second process of refining in a somewhat similar hearth. The following description of the various processes employed in the Mansfeld district for the treatment of Kupferschiefer will serve to render intelligible the series of manipulations to which it is subjected for the extraction of copper and silver. I. Burning the Schist.-This has for its object the combustion or volatilisation of a large proportion of the bitumen, as well as the expul- sion of water, arsenic, &c.; a portion of the sulphur is also eliminated at the same time, but care must be taken to retain a sufficient quantity to form a good coarse-metal with the copper and a portion of the iron. This operation, which partakes more of the nature of burning than of roasting, is accomplished in large heaps constructed in the immediate vicinity of the smelting furnace, but generally at a higher level. In order to construct a heap of this kind a number of faggots of dry brushwood are laid side by side on the pavement of the roasting yard in such a way as to mark out the intended boundary of the mound, thus inclosing a space of from 200 to 300 feet in length, and 30 to 40 feet in width. This area is traversed, longitudinally, by a line of faggots arranged along its centre, across which two or three rows of similar faggots are placed at right angles; where these rows cross one another a small pile of bundles of brushwood is erected. The schist is now piled loosely upon the faggots until a rectangular heap, from 7 to 10 feet in height, and containing from 400 to 900 tons, has been formed; fire is now applied to the wood on one side, and the flames gradually spread, through the channels filled with faggots, to the heaps of fuel at their intersection, which act as chimneys to the mass. Schist made into heaps shortly after its extraction from the mine is found to burn more readily than when put together dry; this arises from the fact, that as soon as the water is expelled, the layers of shale open, leaving interstices by which the mass is rendered permeable to the air, whereas, if previously dried, it crumbles, and a compact heap is the result. The best conditions are obtained when the blocks are put together during the winter while in a frozen state, and gradually thaw after the completion. of the heap. When the schist has once become well ignited it goes on slowly burning until the whole of the bitumen has been consumed; this occupies a greater or less time, in accordance with the state of the weather and size of the heap, but the smaller ones generally require from eight to ten weeks, and the larger from three to four months. It sometimes happens that during very strong winds so much heat is developed as to cause the ore to melt and run together into masses. This not only results in considerable additional expense, as it makes the heaps very difficult to break up, but also drives off the sulphur so completely that the roasted material requires to be smelted with raw ores containing a considerable proportion of sulphides. In order to avoid this inconvenience it is usual to erect screens of rough boarding in the direction of the prevailing winds, or to cover the exposed portions of the heap with a layer of finely- divided and closely-packed ore. Ten pounds of wood are, on an average, 410 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. consumed for each ton of schist burnt; the reduction in bulk which takes place during the operation is about 10 per cent., and the loss of weight is 16 per cent. II. Smelting burnt Ore with Slag for the Production of "Rohstein' or Cvarse-metal, &c.—The roasted ore is taken from the pile in which it ||-- Ъ Ъ A Fig. 117.-Rectangular Furnace, Mansfeld; elevation. Fig. 118.-Rectangular Furnace, Mansfeld; vertical section. is burnt directly to the smelting furnace, where it is fused with a mixture of slags and fluor-spar, the products obtained being coarse-metal and poor slags. This fusion always takes place in a blast-furnace, of which the form and dimensions vary considerably; all the older furnaces are rectangular, and are from 15 to 20 feet in height; the newer ones, on the contrary, are circular, and have a total height of above 30 feet. Figs. 117 and 118 represent one of the rectangular furnaces employed at Mansfeld for the fusion of roasted ores. The first is a front elevation, and the second a vertical section through the axis of one of the tuyers; the lining in the vicinity of the hearth is highly refractory, being constructed of a variety of sandstone found in the neighbourhood; the upper portion, A, is lined with fire-brick, and the outer walls are built of ordinary masonry. The blast is supplied through tuyers, t, placed either in the back of COPPER. 411 the hearth or in the two opposite lateral faces of the furnace, and at the same height from the bottom. On a level with the floor are two aper- tures, b, fig. 119, which communicate, by means of the channels, c, with two external basins, B, each about 3 feet in diameter and 14 inches in depth, hollowed in a bed consisting of a mixture of clay and coke-dust. The ༢! Ъ b B B Fig. 119.-Rectangular Furnace, Mansfeld; interior of hearth. slags and matts flowing constantly out of the furnace are received into one or other of these basins, and when one has become full the aperture by which it communicates with the hearth is closed, and the other opened. The blast, which is heated to about 185° C., enters the furnace at a pressure of from 7 to 8 inches of water; the materials to be charged are placed on a platform near the top, and usually consist of about 86.5 per cent. of roasted schist from operation I., 6.5 per cent. of fluor-spar, and 7·0 per cent. of slag from operation IV. The fuel used is either English or Westphalian coke, or gas-coke; when the former is employed, 12 to 14 cubic feet are required per ton of roasted ore smelted, but in the latter case 16 to 18 cubic feet will be consumed. The fuel is introduced in layers, alternately with the ore and flux, and a fresh charge is added as soon as flame makes its appearance at the top. In this way the complete fusion of the mass is effected, the gangue, uniting with a certain propor- tion of oxide of iron, forms a fusible slag, while the copper, in combina- tion with iron, silver and sulphur, yields a liquid regulus or coarse- metal. The slag and regulus flow together into the basins, B, where the latter, from its greater density, accumulates at the bottom, while the lighter slag floats on its surface, and, in proportion as the basins fill, is dragged aside by the workmen and pressed into blocks for building. The basins, B, being used alternately, the coarse-metal which has col- lected in one of them is allowed to cool while the other is being filled, and, when sufficiently set, is removed in the form of circular plates, which are lifted from the surface of the still liquid portion remaining in the bottom of the cavity. This is done by means of an iron bar which is inserted in the regulus while still in a liquid state. 412 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. As soon as a plate has been separated it is broken with sledges, any adhering pieces of slag being picked out and returned to the furnace سيد : e f α h i મા Fig. 120.-Six-tuyer Furnace, Mansfeld; vertical section. in which the fusion is effected. The coarse-metal obtained amounts to about 10 per cent. of the weight of the burnt schist smelted; it contains COPPER. 413 from 30 to 40 per cent. of copper and a little more than 1th of 1 per cent. of silver, together with iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc and sulphur. In addition to the ordinary rectangular furnaces, two circular furnaces of much larger dimensions have recently been erected; these are each blown by six tuyers and are provided with apparatus for the collection of the waste gases. Through the courtesy of Ober-Berg- und Hütten-Director Leuschner, we are enabled to give drawings of the large furnace built at the Krug Hütte; fig. 120, is a vertical section through its centre, and fig. 121, a horizontal section at the level of the tuyers. The foundation consists of a solid block of masonry, A, provided with proper channels for the escape of moisture. The furnace is supported on eight short 4 Sof h ASU k k W.J.WELCH.SC Fig. 121.—Six-tuyer Furnace, Mansfeld; horizontal section through hearth. cast-iron pillars, a, carrying an iron ring, b, and is lined with fire-brick. The blast, which is heated to a temperature of 280° C., enters the furnace by six water-tuyers, c, under a pressure of 2 lbs. per square inch, while the throat, which is closed by the cup-and-cone arrangement, d, admits of the waste gases being collected by means of the openings, e, and the wrought-iron pipes, f. The charges are introduced in the usual way; the slags flow off constantly at g, and the coarse-metal is from time to time tapped off at h, on the opposite side of the furnace; this flows through the iron gutter, i, into the cross-spout, k, fig. 121, with serrated ends, from which it falls into a cistern of water, where it is granulated. A furnace with two tuyers, and blast heated to 100° C., will smelt from 414 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 7 to 8 fuders (21 to 24 tons) of burnt ore in the course, of twenty-four hours; a furnace with three tuyers will smelt 12 fuders in the same time. With a furnace blown by four tuyers, 17 fuders of ore can be smelted in twenty-four hours, while the large furnace with six tuyers smelts from 40 to 45 fuders of ore, with an expenditure of from 12 to 14 cwts. of coke per fuder. III. Roasting the Coarse-metal.—This is accomplished in rectangular stalls inclosed on three sides by permanent stonework walls, while the front is closed by a loose one of uncemented stones, which is taken down whenever the roasted regulus is required to be removed. Each stall is capable of containing from two to three hundred cubic feet of coarse-metal and fuel. The bottom of the area is first covered with a layer of wood, and upon this are piled from 20 to 25 tons of coarse-metal, broken into fragments weighing from four to six ounces each. The front wall is now built up, the brushwood ignited, and, in order to moderate the draught, a layer of damp breeze, about four inches in thickness, is spread upon the surface of the heap. When the wood which serves to kindle the pile has been consumed, the mass will have become sufficiently heated to cause it to continue to burn at the expense of its sulphur, &c. At the expiration of from ten to twelve days the fire will, in most cases, have burnt out. The front wall is now removed, and, as soon as it is sufficiently cold, the roasted regulus, which will have experienced a loss in weight of from 12 to 15 per cent., is removed. The greater part will be found to have been sufficiently roasted, but a certain portion will require to be subjected to a repetition of the same process. This may either be allowed to accumulate until a sufficient quantity has been collected to fill a separate stall, or it may be added to the next charge of coarse-metal operated on ; in the former case, as a considerable proportion of its sulphur will have been eliminated, the proportion of firewood required will be greater than is necessary to effect the calcination of coarse-metal. IV. Melting for "Spurstein" or Fine-metal. The furnace employed for this operation very closely resembles that used in this country for melt- ing for coarse-metal. Until within the last ten years the roasted coarse- metal was fused in a blast-furnace, but this has been superseded by the Welsh smelting furnace introduced from Swansea, by Hüttenmeister Ziervogel, at about the date above stated. The charge usually consists of 13 cwts. of a mixture of once-roasted and twice-roasted coarse-metal, 2 cwts. of slag from operation II., and 24 cwts. of siliceous sand. This mixture is charged into the furnace through a hopper in the usual way, and, at the expiration of eight hours, will have been reduced to a perfectly liquid condition; the regulus will have fallen to the bottom, and will be covered by a stratum of siliceous slag. As in the furnace employed in this country for the production of coarse-metal, the slag is raked off and withdrawn through the door, and a new charge let down into the hearth and smelted as before. Once in twenty-four hours, or oftener if required, the tapping-hole is opened and the fine-metal which has accumulated in the bottom of the furnace is granulated by being run into a tank of water; this granulated regulus is COPPER. 415 subsequently dried, and is sent to the mill, in which it is reduced to fine powder previously to being treated for the extraction of silver. The slags raked from this furnace contain a small amount of copper, and are smelted in operation II., with a mixture of roasted schist and fluor-spar. The fuel employed is a mixture of brown coal and English bituminous coal, in the proportion of two of the former to one of the latter, burnt on a step grate. About 10 cwts. of this are consumed for every ton of roasted coarse-metal treated. V. Grinding the Fine-metal. The granulated fine-metal is ground between granite mill-stones driven by water power, and the resulting powder is bolted in a hollow cylindrical sieve, having about 15,000 aper- tures to the square inch; those portions which fail to pass through this sieve are returned to the mills to be re-ground. The finely-divided regulus thus obtained is subsequently collected from the various small establishments in which it is ground, and taken to the Gottesbelohnungs- hütte, where the extraction of the silver is effected. VI. Roasting the ground Fine-metal -The concentrated and finely- ground sulphide, which contains 67.50 per cent. of copper and 0·3520 per cent. of silver, or about 0.50 per cent. of silver in the metallic copper, is subjected to a process of careful roasting, by which the copper is, for the most part, converted into an insoluble oxide, while the silver is trans- formed into a readily-soluble sulphate of that metal. This is effected in reverberatory furnaces, with precautions which will be given in detail when describing Ziervogel's process. VII. Dissolving out Sulphate of Silver and precipitating Cement-Silver by Metallic Copper.-This operation is conducted in a series of tubs, in some of which the solution of sulphate of silver is effected, while in others the precipitation of the dissolved silver is determined by the introduction of metallic copper, both in the form of bars and in a granulated state. The method of conducting this operation will be described when treating of the metallurgy of silver. VIII. Fusion for Black Copper.-The residues retained in the tubs in which the lixiviation for sulphate of silver has been conducted contain from 70 to 75 per cent. of copper, chiefly as oxide, and have been freed from silver to within 0.035 per cent. This is now converted into black copper, by fusion in a blast-furnace, similar to figs. 117, 118, 119, but varying somewhat in its dimensions. For this purpose it is mixed with 8 per cent. of clay, worked into balls 4 inches in diameter, and dried on a platform at the level of the top of the furnace; these balls have an addition made to them of about 10 per cent. of siliceous sand, 5 per cent. of pyrites, or of gypsum, and from 10 to 15 per cent. of slag from the same operation or from process IX.; a little rich regulus, resulting from the same operation, is also added. This mixture is charged into the furnace alternately with layers of coke; the blast is cold, and amounts to 150 cubic feet per minute at a pressure of about an inch of mercury. The reducing action of the furnace thus converts the principal portion of the oxide into metallic copper, while the sulphur in the pyrites and gypsum serves the purpose of cleansing the slags. Three products consequently 416 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. escape continuously from the hearth of the furnace, and are collected in the external reservoirs prepared for their reception; namely, black copper, a rich regulus, and a siliceous slag. These arrange themselves in accordance with their respective specific gravities. The slag, which rises to the top and amounts to about 30 per cent. of the total result of the operation, is from time to time, dragged off, and when it has become sufficiently cold is broken and sorted; the pieces containing matt are again returned to the furnace, while that which contains less than per cent. of copper is thrown away. Beneath the slag, and forming a layer between it and the impure copper below, is a rich matt, composing about 5 per cent. of the entire product; this is removed, and again, without delay, added to the charge which is being passed through the furnace. The black copper, which amounts to 66 per cent. of the fall of the furnace, contains 98.5 per cent. of pure copper, and, after being removed from the receiving basin, undergoes the process of refining. IX. Refining. The copper produced at the Mansfeld works is de- livered to commerce in two distinct forms, namely, as Raffinadkupfer and as Gaarkupfer. The first, or refined copper, is cast into ingots and bars, and possesses to the fullest extent the ductility and malleability of the best descrip- tions of English copper. Gaarkupfer, or rosette copper, is sold in the M A cl α Fig. 122.-Kupfergaarherd. Fig. 123.-Kupfergaarherd; vertical section. form of thin round discs, and is used for making alloys, but is not suffi- ciently malleable for hammering or rolling. The refined copper, which is brought to tough-pitch, is produced in reverberatory furnaces, and is poled in the ordinary way. Black copper for the production of rosette is treated in the small German hearth, or Kupfergaarherd. Fig. 122 represents a perspective view, and fig. 123 a vertical section, of this arrangement; it consists of a hemispherical basin, a, about 24 inches in diameter, excavated in a mass composed of four parts of pounded charcoal, four parts of fire-clay, and one part of sand. This is surrounded by a low platform, c, level with the top of the basin, which is, on one side, furnished with a small door, d. When the hearth has been freshly lined, it is necessary, before proceeding with another operation, to dry it by the introduction of a few shovelfuls of ignited charcoal, which is allowed to remain until the hearth is completely dry. As soon as this is the case, the cavity is filled with COPPER. 417 fresh charcoal, fragments of impure copper are arranged opposite the tuyer, t, and the blast is gradually admitted. When the first charge of crude metal has been thus melted, a further quantity is added, care being taken at the same time to supply the hearth with a proper amount of fuel. The scoriæ formed during the progress of the operation escape through a tap-hole, which communicates with the cavity in which the refining is effected, a little above the level of the top of the mass of masonry, m. The first slags obtained are of a greenish colour, and contain a large quantity of oxide of iron. During the fusion, sulphurous anhydride, and sometimes antimonial vapours, are evolved. The next slags are of a deep-red colour, and are extremely rich in cuprous oxide. When the whole of the black copper constituting a charge has been fused in successive small quantities, the workman takes samples, from time to time, by means of an iron rod, and, from the appearance of these, he is enabled to judge of the working of the furnace and the state of the metal it contains. As soon as the process is found to be sufficiently advanced, the blast is stopped and some water is thrown on the surface of the metal, which is afterwards freed from the fragments of charcoal by which it is surrounded. The slags are then carefully raked from the surface of the metallic bath, on which a little water is again thrown to solidify the upper surface, which is at once withdrawn, by an iron crook, in the form of a thin circular plate. When the first disc has been thus removed more water is thrown on the surface of the metal, and a second film is coagulated and lifted off. These ope- rations are repeated until the whole of the copper has been removed from the furnace. The rosettes thus obtained do not exhibit the malleability and duc- tility of ordinary commercial sheet-copper, and in order to communicate to it these properties it is necessary to subject it to a final operation of toughening. For this purpose the rosettes are again melted in a furnace, similar to that above represented; and as soon as the discs are fused, and have fallen into the small concave basin, the surface of the bath is sparingly covered with small pieces of charcoal, by which, after a certain time, the oxide is reduced, and the metal attains its state of greatest malleability. OBSOLETE PROCESSES AT MANSFELD.-The ancient method of ex- tracting silver from black copper by liquation was employed in the Mansfeld district up to the year 1836. The efficiency of this process, which is described by Agricola, depends on the following principles: If lead and copper be fused together, the two metals will unite and form an alloy; and if this mixture be rapidly cooled, after being run out of the furnace, they remain in a state of intimate admixture. If, on the contrary, the alloy be slowly heated to near its point of fusion, or be allowed to cool very gradually after being in a liquid state, the two metals will separate, and the lead will contain nearly the whole of the silver originally in combination with copper, whilst the latter metal retains only a small portion of the lead added. The silver may now be 2 E 418 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. separated from the lead by cupellation, and the copper freed from that metal by an operation of refining. Three parts of black copper and from 10 to 12 parts of lead, already containing a certain proportion of silver-if such is to be procured— are fused together in a cupola furnace; instead of metallic lead, litharge containing silver is sometimes employed. The fused alloy, on flowing from the furnace, is poured into cast-iron moulds, where it is rapidly cooled by the help of water, and from which it is removed in the form of large circular cakes. These discs are subsequently heated on a liqua- tion hearth, in order to extract the argentiferous lead in the liquid form, while the associated copper remains unmelted, and forms a porous mass, retaining nearly the form of the original cakes of alloy. This hearth, figs. 124 and 125, consists of two slightly-inclined plates of cast-iron, so placed as to leave between them a small space, S, beneath וי M C Fig. 124.-Liquation Hearth. which is a hollow channel, C, left in the mass of masonry, M, which sup- ports the iron plates. The discs of alloy are placed perpendicularly on these, and are kept at a short distance from each other by means of wedges, whilst the open sides of the area are closed, after charging the alloy, by thick plates of sheet-iron, F. The fuel employed, which is wood charcoal, is introduced between the metallic discs, after which the الالان WHAZY VIIMINAL ZUMINDE TINKIN WALLA wedges are withdrawn, and some wood is placed in the channels, C, by the combustion of which the charcoal in the upper part of the hearth is readily ignited; the draught is produced by small chimneys, d, left in the masonry of the furnace. As the temperature of the cakes be- comes more and more elevated, the lead, which is the most fusible metal present, begins to melt, and, flowing on the surface of the iron plates, falls into the channels, C, and is conducted, by a slight depression in the floor, into the exterior basins, b. In proportion as these reservoirs IIIINE Fig. 125.-Liquation Hearth; section. COPPER. 419 become filled, the lead is removed, with an iron ladle, to a mould, where it receives the form of small lenticular cakes. The copper, still retain- ing a certain amount of lead and silver, remains, in the form of half- fused spongy masses, in the position in which it was first placed. The lead thus separated by liquation contains a large portion of the silver, as, from the circumstance of the alloy of silver and lead being more fusible than the pure metal, a small quantity only of silver is retained by the lead which remains associated with spongy copper on the hearth of the furnace. These porous masses of copper are, however, still capable of afford- ing a certain amount of argentiferous lead, if submitted to a higher temperature, and for this purpose are heated in a peculiarly-constructed apparatus, known as a sweating furnace. The spongy masses of copper, remaining after the liquation of the lead and silver, are charged on the hearth of the furnace, and rest on the brick piers by which the bottom is divided longitudinally into flues. These spaces are filled with wood, which is ignited, and the door closed. The draught is established through openings, in connection with a chimney, by which the smoke and heated air are carried off. This treatment determines the separation, in a liquid form, of a further portion of lead, which becoming oxidised is chiefly converted into litharge, which falls to the bottom of the flues, together with a small quantity of oxide of copper dissolved in the oxide of lead. By operating in this way, black copper is obtained still further freed from lead and silver than that coming from the liquation hearth, and in the spaces between the piers will be accumulated litharge containing silver, and a small proportion of oxide of copper. This mixture was employed at Mansfeld as a source of lead in the cupolas in which the fusion of the black copper with lead was conducted. The black copper was formerly refined in a reverberatory furnace some- what resembling the German cupelling furnace to be hereafter described. A method for the separation of silver from copper matts by amalga- mation was in operation at Mansfeld up to 1849. WET PROCESSES FOR EXTRACTING COPPER. It has long been known that the waters issuing from certain copper mines contain a considerable amount of that metal in the form of sulphate. Agricola states that in his time the waters of a mine near Schmölnitz, in Hungary, eroded iron and converted it into copper. Cupreous waters of this description are most plentifully discharged from mines of which the workings are extensive, and where sulphides of iron and copper are disseminated over extensive areas; these are converted by oxidation into sulphates of iron and copper, and the resulting solutions are sometimes sufficiently concentrated to enable the copper to be extracted with profit. This is done by bringing the cupreous waters in contact with either wrought- or cast-iron, which, abstracting the sulphuric acid from the copper, the latter is precipitated as a crystalline powder, while sulphate 2 E 2 420 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of iron is carried off in solution; the copper precipitate thus obtained is fused and refined in the usual way. At the Rio Tinto and Tharsis mines in Spain, and at San Domingos in Portugal, considerable quantities of precipitated copper are annually obtained from the waters issuing from workings on large bodies of cupreous pyrites. Some of these excavations date from the Roman period, and recent mining operations have brought to light numerous wooden wheels and other drainage-appliances evidently belonging to that date. The water from the Wicklow mines in Ireland also holds a small quantity of cupric sulphate in solution, and, in order to extract the copper, it is conducted through a series of troughs in- terrupted at intervals by deep tanks or hutches. In these troughs, which are inclined at an angle of from 7° to 10°, pieces of iron are so placed that the water flows constantly over them, and cement-copper is precipitated; this is from time to time swept down into the tanks, and at intervals collected and sold. The waters from the Amlwch mines, near Holyhead, likewise afford a certain amount of copper annually, and those of many mines in Cornwall and elsewhere are similarly treated for the copper they contain in solution. GERMAN HYDROCHLORIC-ACID PROCESS.—In the vicinity of the village of Twiste, in Waldeck, several considerable beds of sandstone, to a greater or less extent impregnated with green carbonate of copper, have long been known. This ore, although varying considerably in its pro- duce, yields, on an average, from 1 to 2 per cent., and was formerly raised and smelted in large quantities; but this method of treatment not having produced satisfactory results, the operations were finally abandoned. The insoluble nature of the quartzose gangue with which the copper is associated, suggested, some twenty years since, to Mr. Rhodius, at that time the proprietor of the Linz metallurgical works, the possibility of treating such ores by means of hydrochloric acid, and a large establish- ment for that purpose was erected about the year 1855. The arrangement employed consisted of a crushing mill for the reduction of the cupreous sandstone to a small size, sixteen dissolving tubs to effect the solution, and a considerable number of tanks and reser- voirs for the reception of the copper-liquors and the precipitation of the metal, by means of scrap-iron. Each of the sixteen dissolving tubs was 13 feet in diameter, and 4 feet in depth, and was furnished with a large wooden revolving agitator, set in motion by shafting connected with a water-wheel. This apparatus was sufficient for the treatment of 20 tons of ore daily, and the consequent production of from 7 to 8 cwts. of copper. In 1856, when the author visited Twiste, the ore was raised and brought into the works at a cost of 4s. per ton, and each operation was completed in twenty-four hours the liquors being removed from the tanks to the precipitating troughs, by means of wooden pumps. The acid employed at this establishment was procured from alkali works in the vicinity of Frankfort; it contained 16 per cent. only of real acid, and cost, delivered at the works, 2s. per 100 lbs. Each ton of sandstone operated on required 400 lbs. of acid, which was diluted with water down to 10 per cent. before being added to the ore. In order to COPPER. 421 precipitate one ton of copper, 1 ton of scrap-iron was used, and the residues removed from the washing vats after the operation, retained but one-tenth of 1 per cent. of copper. How long this process was successfully carried on we are not aware, but are informed that the works ultimately became unprofitable on account of a falling off in the yield of the ores. In a volume published in September, 1857, the works at Twiste were described by the author, who made the following observations relative to the general applicability of the method: * "It is probable that this extremely simple process for treating the poorer carbonates and oxides of copper, may be practicable in many other localities; but in order to be enabled to treat them with advantage it is necessary that the ore should be obtainable in large quantities at a cheap rate, and that it should contain but little lime or any other substance, other than copper, soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.” HENDERSON'S HYDROCHLORIC-ACID PROCESS.-Mr. W. Henderson's pro- visional specification is dated the 30th September, 1857, and is for "Improvements in Treating certain Ores and Alloys, and Obtaining Products therefrom, and in Recovering or Reproducing all or Part of the Materials used." “These improvements relate first to the treatment of copper and some other metals, when they occur in the state of carbonates or oxides in ores containing much silica; secondly, to the treatment of ores of copper and several other metals when they occur in the state of sulphurets combined with iron; thirdly, to the treatment of certain alloys of copper and tin, called white-metal.' "The first class of ores I treat in the following manner: The ore is crushed and introduced into tanks or vats made of wood, stone, or other suitable material; muriatic acid sufficient to cover the ore is also intro- duced. If the ore is poor and consists of a loose friable rock, the acid may be very weak, and at ordinary temperature be used cold. For a 23 per cent. copper ore, acid of from 1·025 to 1.050 answers very well. The richer the ore the acid will generally be required stronger [sic]. The exceptions I will explain hereafter. To economise acid and obtain a solution of uniform strength the vats are worked in a similar manner to the black-ash vats commonly in use in alkali works." "" After describing the precautions to be observed in treating the solu- tions obtained, either with lime or calcium carbonate, in order to pre- cipitate the metals, the patentee goes on to say: "When convenient I also use scrap-iron for precipitating the copper.' It will therefore be observed that Mr. W. Henderson's process differs from that which had been previously described as in use at Twiste only in respect to the mechanical appliances employed for washing. This process for extracting copper from poor siliceous ores has for several years been used at Alderly Edge in Cheshire, where it was originally introduced by Mr. Henderson. The copper here occurs, chiefly as carbonate, in Triassic Sandstone * 'Records of Mining and Metallurgy,' p. 184. E. & F. N. Spon. 422 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. (Bunter Sandstein of the Germans), of which very large quantities have been raised and treated; but the results obtained are not believed to leave a large margin of profit at the ordinary price of copper. LONGMAID'S PROCESSES.-In the year 1842 Mr. William Longmaid took out a patent for "Improvements in Treating Ores and Minerals, and in Obtaining various Products therefrom, Certain Parts of which Improve- ments are applicable to the Manufacture of Alkali." This invention con- sists in roasting ground iron pyrites with common salt in a reverberatory furnace, by which sulphate of sodium is produced, while any copper that may be present is transformed into soluble cupric chloride. "The copper may be separated from the solution either with iron, as is well understood, or, as I prefer, by the addition of lime slaked in water, forming a milk of lime." The specification goes on to say: "The solution from which the copper has been separated may, if required, be concentrated by boiling, and set aside to crystallise in suitable vessels, very fine crystals of sulphate of soda being obtainable." In the specification of a second patent, granted in 1844, for "An Im- provement in the Manufacture of Copper, Tin, Zinc, and Peroxide of Iron," Mr. Longmaid makes the following observations: "I have dis- covered that there are circumstances under which, and situations where, ores containing copper, tin and zinc, with sulphur, may with advantage be treated with common salt for obtaining the metallic parts, without depending mainly on the profits derivable from the sulphate of soda." The liquors obtained by the lixiviation of ores which have been furnaced with addition of common salt will contain various metals in solution, together with sulphate and chloride of sodium. "And I wish it to be understood that this invention is confined to treating ores containing copper, tin, or zinc. The copper contained in any liquor obtained as above explained may be precipitated, as is well understood, by means of iron, and the milk of lime may be subsequently employed for separating the zinc associated with an excess of lime and with some oxide of iron. "The oxide of tin separates from the liquor by gravity with residuary matters; and if they be not broken fine enough for the washing process to separate the oxide of tin, they are to be broken before washing, to separate the tin in the ordinary manner. If the whole of the copper and zinc be not converted into the soluble form by the first operation, the insoluble residue may be treated with weak muriatic acid obtained by condensing that product (as is well understood) as it is evolved from the furnace where the ores are being treated with common salt, as above ex- plained, or weak muriatic acid, otherwise obtained, may be employed. to dissolve the copper and zinc not before rendered soluble in water, and these metals may be separated from the solutions thus obtained, as above explained." This process was worked for several years at St. Helen's, where the copper was first precipitated by iron, and the liquors subsequently evaporated down for salt-cake; it was abandoned about the year 1863. At the works of Messrs. Allen, near Newcastle, it was likewise followed in its entirety for many years, but was ultimately so modified as to be COPPER. 423 applied only to the burnt pyrites obtained from vitriol kilns, and the recovery of sulphate of sodium was no longer effected. BANKART'S PROCESS.-A process for treating the various sulphides of copper was patented in 1845 by Mr. Bankart, who carried out his in- vention on a somewhat extensive scale at the Red Jacket Copper Works, near Neath. The material operated on was Cuban ore, furnished by the Cobre Mining Company, and was chiefly composed of copper pyrites con- taining from 14 to 25 per cent. of copper. This mixture was first reduced, by mechanical means, to the state of a fine powder, and then exposed in a furnace to a low red-heat for several hours, with free access of air. By this treatment a portion of the sulphur is oxidised and driven off, whilst another portion is converted into sulphuric acid, which combining with oxide of copper, formed during the operation of roasting, sulphate of copper, or blue vitriol, is produced. The ore is next removed into large vats provided with false bottoms, where it is immersed in boiling water, which, by filtering through it, dissolves and carries away in solution the sulphate of copper, leaving oxide of copper and peroxide of iron, associated with the siliceous matrix. This residue is now again roasted with a due admixture of the same mineral in the raw state; and the sulphur of the latter, which would otherwise have gone off in the state of sulphurous anhydride, receives, through the agency of peroxide of iron, an addition of oxygen, by which it is converted into sulphuric acid; this again acts on free cupric oxide, and uniting with it, forms cupric sulphate, to be again extracted by solution in boiling water, as before. This process is repeated three times, and on the last occasion the fresh ore added consists of iron pyrites only; this is for the purpose of furnishing sulphuric acid to any cupric oxide which may be present in the calcined ore, and which might not otherwise be extracted. To obtain metallic copper from these solutions, wrought- or cast- iron is immersed in the liquid, when, by a well-known chemical reaction, sulphate of iron is formed, and copper is deposited in a pure crystalline metallic state, requiring merely a simple fusion to convert it into ingots, which may be refined and toughened in the ordinary way. This process, which displays considerable ingenuity, has, in its ori- ginal form, been for many years abandoned; although, in a somewhat modified one, it was worked for a short time by the Bede Metal Com- pany at Jarrow-on-Tyne, within the last five years. It was finally super- seded by the ordinary process of calcination with salt. LINZ PROCESSES.-At Linz, on the Rhine, the following processes were introduced about the year 1856, and are still employed for the treatment of poor copper ores, consisting of sulphides, oxides and car- bonates of copper. These are divided into two classes, and are treated differently. 1. Poor Sulphides.-These, which contain on an average about 2½ per cent. of copper, are roasted in a kiln 10 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter, into which the ore and fuel are charged in alternate layers. 424 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The ore, which descends slowly to the bottom, is withdrawn, almost free from sulphur, from a suitable aperture left for the purpose, and is then crushed to the state of a coarse powder between iron rollers. The calcined ores are taken to a series of tanks sunk in the ground and lined with blocks of basalt. These are provided with a double bottom, also of basalt, so arranged as to form a permeable diaphragm, and on this is placed the roasted ore; some coarser fragments are charged first, the finer particles being laid upon them. The space or cavity thus left between the falso bottom and the bottom of the tank is connected by means of flues lined with fire-brick, with a series of retorts, constructed of refractory tiles, and through which a current of air is caused to pass by means of a ventilator or other suitable blowing apparatus set in motion either by steam or water power. The treatment of the ores by the aid of this arrangement is con- ducted as follows: A quantity of the roasted mineral to be operated on is placed in the tanks, with the precautions above described. The retorts are heated to redness, and charged to a depth of about 2 inches with finely-divided blende, the blast being, at the same time, gradually ad- mitted. The sulphurous anhydride thus generated is forced, by the current of air, through the flues, where it becomes mixed with steam supplied by a small boiler, and ultimately reaches the chambers beneath the diaphragms, on which are placed the roasted ores. These are pre- viously damped by the addition of a small quantity of water, of which about 4 inches are allowed to accumulate in the bottoms of the tanks. In this way oxidation takes place, and the sulphuric acid generated attacks the oxide of copper formed during the preliminary roasting, giving rise to the production of sulphate of copper, which percolates through the basaltic diaphragms into the reservoirs beneath. The liquors which thus accumulate are from time to time distributed over the surface of the ores by means of a leaden pump, and the opera- tion is continued until nearly the whole of the copper originally present has been extracted, when, by shifting a damper, the gases are diverted into the bottom of another tank, similarly arranged. The liquors from the first tank are now removed by a pump, to be distributed over the surface of the ores in the second, and the operation is continued until the mineral which it contains ceases to be further acted on by the acid vapours. When sufficiently saturated, the cupreous liquors are drawn off into convenient troughs, and the copper is precipitated by scrap-iron. The resulting sulphate of iron is subsequently obtained by crystallisa- tion, and is packed in casks for the market. By operating as above described, ores yielding but 1 per cent. of copper may be treated with advantage, since the sulphate of iron pro- duced, and the increased value of the roasted blende, are stated to alone cover the expenses of the operation. The roasting of 1 ton of ore by this process is said to require 3 cwts. of coal, while the same amount of blende is desulphurised by an expenditure of 4 cwts. of fuel. 2. Poor Oxides and Carbonates.-These contain, on an average, a little na COPPER. 425 more than 1 per cent. of copper, which exists principally in the form of either malachite or azurite. Instead of treating these ores as in the former case with sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid obtained from a neighbouring alkali manufactory is the solvent employed. The ore is first crushed and then charged into large wooden vats, where it is covered with dilute hydrochloric acid, and allowed to remain during ten days; the solution is then drawn off into precipitating vats, in which the copper is thrown down. by metallic iron. The residue remaining in the vats retains but of 1 per cent. of copper, and is thrown away as useless. 10 Instead of attacking the poor oxides and carbonates with weak hydro- chloric acid, as above described, the waste liquors, from which sulphate of iron has been partially removed by crystallisation, are sometimes em- ployed. These, in addition to free sulphuric acid, contain sulphates of iron and aluminium, which, in the presence of carbonate of copper, give rise to the formation of soluble cupric sulphate and ferric and aluminic hydrates, which are precipitated. The copper in solution is subsequently drawn off into precipitating tanks, where it is thrown down in the usual way by scrap-iron. SINDING'S PROCESS.-A process invented by Mr. Sinding, a Norwegian metallurgist, intended to supersede the use of iron for the precipita- tion of copper in the treatment of low-produce ores by the wet way, was experimented on in this country in 1856. This invention consists in a method of preparing, at a cheap rate, the. sulphuretted hydrogen, by means of which the copper is thrown down. The method of roasting and obtaining a solution of copper is the same in Sinding's as in Bankart's and the older methods of making cement-copper. Sulphuretted hydrogen is in this case prepared from fuel and ordinary iron pyrites. For this purpose any fuel, capable of affording hydro- carbon gases by distillation, may be employed. These gases are sub- sequently employed in conjunction with the vapours of sulphur obtained by the distillation of pyrites. When these are brought in contact with each other at a low red-heat, the hydrogen combines with the sulphur, giving rise to sulphuretted hydrogen, while the carbon is deposited in the form of a fine black powder. The apparatus for generating the gas has two divisions; the first of these is a square chamber, in which the fuel is distilled, while at the bottom is situated a tuyer by which a blast is introduced. The top of this chamber is closed by a cast-iron box, fitted with a sliding top and bottom, by means of which the fuel is introduced, without allowing any escape of gas. This apparatus is adapted for the employment of coal; but when wood is made use of the under part of the generator is made smaller than the upper, and the blast-pipe placed higher up, so as to cause the fire to burn from the upper part of the arrangement downwards. The generator communicates with the second chamber by means of a horizontal canal, in which air is mixed with the gases in quantities regulated by stop-cocks fitted on the blast-pipes. The second chamber, containing the pyrites, is nearly a cube eight feet each way, and is covered by a slightly-arched roof. At the bottom 426 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of this chamber are openings for the purpose of allowing the escape of the gases into the precipitation chamber. To prevent the apertures being closed by pyrites, they are protected by a brick roof. There are also openings at the sides for removing spent pyrites, and one in the end for the introduction of a fresh supply. The working of this apparatus is conducted as follows:- The generator is first filled with fuel, which is ignited; and the blast, coming in at the bottom, supports combustion, while carbonic anhydride is reduced by passing through the ignited fuel in the upper portion of the arrangement. The fresh fuel on the top is distilled by the heat of the escaping gases, and gives off gaseous hydrocarbons. The gas passing off from the generator is consequently a mixture of carbonic oxide and hydrocarbons. On coming in contact with the blast in the flue a portion of this gas is burnt, and it is essential that a portion of it only should be consumed; the object being to obtain enough heat to distil sulphur from the pyrites, leaving sufficient hydrogen to effect the formation of the necessary sulphuretted hydrogen. By a proper regulation of the blast in the canal, the pyrites-chamber is filled with flame of such a smoky nature as to be scarcely luminous; by this means the pyrites is heated to low redness, sulphur is given off, and the odour evolved soon indicates that sulphuretted hydrogen is being formed. One ton of pyrites is cal- culated to yield by this method 5 cwts. of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The pyrites employed for this process may be that from which copper is to be subsequently obtained, since by this means the operation of roasting is materially facilitated. The precipitation takes place in an air-tight wooden chamber, divided into compartments, so arranged as to cause the gas entering at one extremity to pass in a zigzag direction to the other. The top is formed by the bottom of a tank, into which the liquor contain- ing copper in solution is pumped. The bottom of this tank is pierced with holes, through which the liquor trickles through an atmosphere of sulphuretted hydrogen, by which the copper is precipitated in the form of sulphide. The liquor now escapes at the bottom, and is again pumped into the cistern at top, and so on until the precipitation is complete. It is sub- sequently run off into reservoirs, where the black precipitate is allowed to settle, and the clear liquid afterwards drawn off. The precipitate is first dried, and afterwards run down into a regulus yielding 70 per cent. of copper, from which metallic copper can be made in one operation. The solution, which usually contains large quantities of iron, should not be much exposed to the atmosphere previously to being subjected to the action of the gas, since by this means ferric oxide would be formed, which, by becoming reduced to ferrous oxide, would cause a serious waste of sulphuretted hydrogen. At the date of the experiments which were made in this country by Mr. Sinding and Mr. P. J. Worsley, the process was stated to have been for several years in successful operation in Norway; it does not appear, however, to have ever been introduced, on a working scale, into any part of the United Kingdom. The Bede Metal Company, at Jarrow-on-Tyne, for some time employed sulphuretted hydrogen for precipitating their COPPER. 427 copper, but the bulky nature of the precipitate obtained was found to be a great objection to the process. "HENDERSON'S PROCESS."-In 1860 Mr. William Henderson filed a specification for "Improvements in Treating certain Ores and Alloys, and in Obtaining Products therefrom." "These improvements relate, first to the treatment of copper and several other ores, when they exist as or have been reduced or converted to the state of oxides, carbonates, or other salts of copper, or other metal, and especially when associated with silica and other matter insoluble in dilute acids. "Secondly, to the treatment of ores of copper, lead, zinc, antimony, silver, cobalt and several other metals, when they occur as sulphurets, mixed or singly, and combined with sulphur and iron, as iron pyrites, con- taining all or either of these metals, or partially calcined or burnt, and being then a mixture of oxides, sulphates and sulphurets, with or without silica. "And thirdly, to similar compounds when they exist wholly as oxides. or salts, and associated with much silica." Ores of the first class he proposes to attack, either with or without a preliminary roasting, by sulphuric acid, and to evaporate the resulting sulphate of copper to dryness in leaden pans, the anhydrous sulphate of copper being subsequently so heated as to drive off the sulphuric acid which is condensed in a leaden chamber. The resulting oxide is then mixed with carbonaceous matter and a small quantity of siliceous ore, and is smelted in a reverberatory furnace in the usual way; the products will be blister-copper and slag free from regulus. "The second class of ores I treat as follows: If the proportion of sulphur existing in the ore is more than one and a half times as much as the metal or metals to be extracted, it should be reduced to at least that amount by calcination, or if the ore contains much silica the proportion of sulphur may be even lower than an equal proportion. The ores are re- duced to fine powder, the finer the better, and mixed with from 5 to 50 per cent. of common salt. The mixture is then placed in retorts or close calcining furnaces, having flues or pipes communicating with the interior of the furnace or retort, and a condensing apparatus. In these furnaces. the mixture is subjected to various degrees of heat, according to the nature of the ore and the metal or metals contained in it. If the ore contains much sulphur and little silica, the heat must be applied carefully at first and gradually increased, stirring at short intervals. When the ore is one of copper or zinc, and has been previously burnt or calcined, the mixture of salt and pulverised ore may be at once subjected to a bright red-heat; the volatilised chlorides passing into the condensing apparatus are con- densed with water. The ore is withdrawn from the furnace whenever it ceases to smoke strongly, and if any copper or other metal still remains in the calcined ore it is only necessary to wash it with the hot acid solu- tion that runs from the tower or condensing apparatus; by these means the last trace of copper or other metal is readily extracted. The The copper or other metal is obtained from these solutions by precipitation with iron, 428 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. lime, or an alkali, and the sulphate of soda may be afterwards obtained by evaporation and crystallisation. When a mixed ore is under treat- ment containing metals whose chlorides volatilise at different tempera- tures far removed, such as copper and tin, copper or zinc and arsenic, lead and antimony, I employ a furnace with two or more beds, all heated by the same fire or fires, each bed having a separate condenser. By these means the arsenic, tin,* or antimony are volatilised in the upper or colder beds and separately condensed, and the copper, lead, or zinc in the lower and hotter beds. “The third class of ores I treat exactly as the second class, the silica taking the place of the sulphur and decomposing the salt at a red-heat." It will be seen that the method of treatment patented by Mr. Hender- son for ores of the second and third classes does not materially differ from that of Mr. Longmaid, excepting that the former proposes to volati- lise and subsequently to condense a large proportion of the copper. The amount of copper thus volatilised is, practically, found to be of little importance, but considerable quantities of chlorine and hydrochloric acid are evolved from the furnaces in which the calcination of the mixture of ore and salt is effected; these are condensed and advantageously employed for the lixiviation of the roasted ores in the way shortly to be described. At the period when Mr. Longmaid was carrying out his invention the supply of ores suitable for his process was exceedingly limited, and was chiefly derived from the mines of Cornwall and Devon; by the time, however, his method, in a more or less modified form, had been incor- porated into the patents of Mr. Henderson, Spanish and Portuguese cupreous pyrites had found their way extensively into the English market. These, after being used as a source of sulphur, furnish an excellent material for such treatment, and various works were shortly afterwards established for extracting copper from "burnt ores" by calcination with salt and subsequent lixiviation. Although Mr. Henderson failed to effect the volatilisation of copper to the extent he appears to have expected, and the other portions of this method had, for the most part, been anticipated by Mr. Longmaid, there can be no doubt that to Mr. Henderson is due the credit of first appreciating the peculiar suitability of burnt Spanish and Portuguese pyrites for treatment by calcination with common salt. Mr. Henderson seems, however, to have considered himself entitled to more than this, since he commenced an action against the proprietors of certain works in which he alleged his patent had been infringed; these proceedings were, however, withdrawn before the case came to trial. TREATMENT OF BURNT CUPREOUS PYRITES.-About 400,000 tons of cupreous pyrites are annually imported into this country from Spain and Portugal, in addition to which a few thousand tons are each year ob- tained from the Stavanger Mines in Norway. The Spanish and Por- * When ores containing stannic oxide are thus treated chloride of tin is not formed. COPPER. 429 tuguese pyrites are remarkably uniform in their composition, and the limit of variation in the amount of copper present may be taken at about 1 per cent. A specimen of this mineral from the mines of San Domingos, in Portugal, which yield nearly one-half of the cupreous pyrites consumed in this country, was found by Mr. F. Claudet to have the following composition:- S 49.00 As 0.47 • Fe 43.55 5- Cu Zn Pb CaO 3.20 • 0.35 0.93 0.10 • H₂O. Siliceous residue. 0.70 0.63 1.07 100.00 Oxygen and traces of} This pyrites, after being burnt for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, leaves a residue representing about 70 per cent. of the weight of the raw ore, and which is treated in the wet way for the copper it contains; an average sample of burnt San Domingos pyrites was found on analysis to have the following composition :— S • As 3.76 0.25 Fe • 58·25=83% Fe2O3 Cu 4.14 Zn 0.37 • Co traces • Ag traces · • Pb CaO H₂O • O, loss, &c. 1.14 • 0.25 3.85 • 26.93 • Insoluble residue. 1.06 . 100.00 The treatment of these residues for copper comprehends the four following operations:- I. Grinding and sifting. II. Calcination with salt. III. Lixiviation. IV. Precipitation of the copper by iron. I. Grinding. For this purpose the ordinary Cornish crusher is com- monly employed, and, in order to insure uniformity of mixture, the salt is added to the burnt ore previously to grinding. Coarsely-crushed rock-salt, added in the proportion of from 12 to 15 per cent., is generally used. Before, however, proceeding to grind the burnt ore, it is necessary to ascertain the exact amounts, respectively, of copper and sulphur which it contains, since on the relations existing between these bodies depends, to a great extent, the success of the operation. In the majority of cases the amount of sulphur should exceed that of the copper 430 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. by about per cent. The estimation of the former is effected by means of barium chloride, and the resulting sulphate of barium weighed; the latter is estimated by the use of a standardised solution of cyanide of potassium. When the proportion of sulphur in the burnt ore is less than that above stated, an addition must be made of finely-ground unburnt pyrites; if, on the contrary, sulphur is present in excess, the ore must be mixed with other burnt pyrites from which the sulphur has been more com- pletely expelled. The mixture of burnt ore, salt, and, when necessary, raw pyrites, is passed through a sieve having five meshes to the linear inch, and is then ready for the next operation. k k k Fig. 126.-Roasting Furnace; longitudinal elevation. II. Calcination. The furnaces in which this mixture is subjected to calcination vary considerably in their construction; at the various works. belonging to the Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company muffle furnaces are exclusively employed; at the Bede Metal Company's works at Jarrow- on-Tyne, automatic furnaces, with revolving hearths, are to a considerable extent used; but in the majority of cases long open furnaces fired by gas are preferred. n Z г 万 ​b Fig. 127.-Roasting Furnace; longitudinal section. Figs. 126, 127, 128, and 129, represent the ordinary open gas-furnace in use in a great number of the Lancashire extraction-works. The first is a longitudinal elevation, the second a longitudinal section, and the third a horizontal section through the working doors; fig. 129 is a transverse section through the centre of the fire-box, ɑ. This furnace is 30 feet in length, and 11 feet in width, outside measure. The gas from the pro- ducers is conveyed to the different furnaces through the flue, A, fig. 129, and, entering the box, a, is admitted to the five parallel flues, b, separated COPPER. 431 from each other by the brickwork pillars, c, the supply being regulated by dampers, d, fig. 127. A sufficient amount of air to consume a portion of this gas is admitted by apertures, e (fig. 127), at the end of each flue, which can be closed by sliding doors, while the portion which remains unconsumed is burnt by the aid of a further supply of air admitted by the openings, f, into the chimneys, b', situated at the opposite extremity of each 6 Z 김 ​Z Z Z Z h Fig. 128.-Roasting Furnace; horizontal section through fire-doors. of the five flues. In this way a long flame is made to travel in the direc- tion indicated by the arrows (fig. 127), and the bottom of 4-inch rebated tiles, g, is, at one end of the furnace, most strongly heated from beneath, while, at the other, the greater portion of the heat is communicated from above. By this means a tolerably equable temperature is maintained throughout the whole length of the apparatus, and the products of com- bustion, together with the gases and vapours evolved from the charge, h I h h non o n 0 m A a Fig. 129.-Roasting Furnace; transverse section through fire-box. escaping by h, are conveyed to the main flue, I, and pass through an ordinary condensing tower, filled with open brickwork, in their way to the chimney. The mixture of ground ore and salt is charged, by means of a high- level railway, through the hoppers, k, and is at once evenly spread over the surface of the hearth, where it is kept at a dull red-heat and fre- quently stirred by paddles or rakes, through the doors, l, until an assay 432 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. indicates that it is in a fit state for drawing. This is determined in the following way:-A fair sample of the charge is obtained by removing a small portion with a paddle from every part of the hearth; about one ounce of this is taken, and after being finely ground in a cast-iron mortar it is boiled with water, which is subsequently poured off. This operation is repeated, successively, three times, and the residue afterwards boiled with dilute hydrochloric acid, which is in its turn poured off, and excess of ammonia added to it; finally, the residue from hydrochloric acid is boiled with nitric acid, and ammonia added in excess. If it be found by these trials that the attack by hydrochloric acid only acquires a slightly blue tint, and that the nitric acid solution is entirely, or very nearly, colourless, the charge is ready to be drawn, since it indicates that, prac- tically, the whole of the copper has been rendered soluble in water. When, on the contrary, the nitric acid solution contains copper, it shows that calcination has not been continued for a sufficient length of time, and should the hydrochloric acid solution, on the addition of an excess of ammonia, become decidedly blue, it is probable that the amount of sulphur present in the charge is not sufficient to effect the necessary chemical transformations. The fire-bridge, m, at the far end of the furnace has pillars, n, extending to the arch, which give it stability and prevent its destruction by the tools of the workmen; the flame con- sequently enters the hearth through a series of rectangular apertures, o. • During the process of roasting, the sulphur becomes oxidised, and sulphate of sodium and soluble cupric chloride are formed; unless, how- ever, the charges are properly compounded and carefully worked at a suitable temperature, a large quantity of comparatively insoluble cuprous chloride will be produced, and a serious loss of copper in the residue will be the result. The charge is 3 tons 5 cwts., and the time required for fur- nacing is about six hours; the hydrochloric acid and chlorine which are evolved, together with a small quantity of iron and copper chlorides, are passed into a condensing tower, packed with open brickwork, through which a constant shower of water is caused to descend. These waters, which are somewhat acid, are employed for the lixiviation of calcined ore, and, in addition to hydrochloric acid and chlorine, contain iron and traces of copper. III. Lixiviation.-The calcined mixture of burnt ore and salt is raked from the furnace, through the doors in one of its sides, and, while still hot, is charged into lixiviating tanks, which are usually from 10 to 11 feet square, and somewhat less than 4 feet in depth. These are made of wood tightly caulked, and are provided with a removable false bottom, either of per- forated tiles or of fire-bricks, supported on other bricks resting, on edge, on the floor of the tank. Upon this is placed a layer of cinders three inches in thickness, forming a sort of coarse filter, on which are charged about 15 tons of the calcined ore. The plug-hole between the bottom of the tank and the filter bottom is now closed, and either hot water, weak liquors, or tower-liquors are run in, until the surface of the ore has been covered to a depth of several inches. This is allowed to remain about two hours, when it is run off into proper receivers, and the tank again filled COPPER. 433 with hot water, weak liquors, or tower-liquors. In this way each tank receives from nine to ten successive washings, and at about the seventh washing a little hydrochloric acid is sometimes added; all the liquors which drain from the several tanks after the addition of acid are collected in a separate receiver, and, instead of being run into cisterns containing scrap-iron for the precipitation of the copper, they are employed under the name of "weak liquors" for washing the next series of tanks filled with freshly-furnaced ore. The operation of washing occupies about forty-eight hours, and the residual purple ore, which is sold for fettling puddling furnaces, as well as for other purposes, and of which an analysis is given, page 281, should not contain above 0.15 per cent. of copper. The testing of the tanks is conducted in a very similar way to that of the furnaces. Considerable quantities of fume are deposited in the flues connecting the various furnaces with the condensers; these are from time to time cleaned out, and the deposit treated for the copper it contains. A sample of dry dust, obtained in cleaning a flue at the Widnes Metal Works, in connection with eight calciners working on San Domingos ores, was found to have the following composition :- A$203 Bi₂03 • Sb2O3 ZnO Fe₂03 РЬО 2.97. 2.21 0.23 4.06 15.98 2.00 CuO Al2O3 CaO MgO K₂O Na₂O 25.33 • trace 2.38 trace • 0.23 • 1.81 NaCl SO 3 2.73 40.32 SiO 2 trace • 100.25 This analysis is chiefly interesting as showing the large number of metals contained in the ores treated. IV. Precipitation.—In establishments in which the silver is extracted from burnt pyrites by Claudet's process, the liquors from the first three washings, which contain, practically, the whole of that metal, are first treated with a soluble iodide, and the iodide of silver is allowed to settle. The copper-liquors drawn off from the iodide of silver are, in such cases, added to the weaker solutions from subsequent washings; but when the silver is not thus separated the whole of the copper solutions, with the exception of the weak liquors, are at once run directly into the preci- pitating tanks. These are commonly 12 feet square and 4 feet in depth, and are partially filled with clean scrap-iron; precipitation of the copper being accelerated by boiling the liquors by the introduction of a jet of steam. In the course of about eight hours complete precipitation of the copper will have taken place, and, when stains of this metal are no longer 2 F 434 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. deposited on a brightly-polished knife-blade when dipped into the liquors, they are first allowed to settle, and are subsequently run off. In order to separate the precipitated copper from the undissolved iron the mass is turned over with an iron fork and the larger pieces of that metal picked out. The remainder is now washed on perforated cast-iron plates, through which the particles of precipitated copper pass into a properly-constructed receiver; the fragments of iron are raked off their surface and returned to the precipitating tanks. The precipitate thus prepared will contain from 70 to 80 per cent. of metallic copper, and may be either smelted directly for blister-copper, or, what is preferable, fused with fine-metal, and afterwards subjected to a process of roasting. MODIFICATIONS OF THE ORDINARY WET PROCESS.-The Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company calcine the mixture of ore and salt in close furnaces so constructed as to completely separate the vapours and gases eliminated from the charge, from those which are the products of combustion; the former are passed through an ordinary condenser filled with coke, while the latter are taken directly to the chimney. This arrangement has the advantage of effecting better condensation than can be obtained by the use of the open furnace, but the expenditure of fuel is considerably greater. In some establishments, instead of precipitating the copper by the use of scrap-iron, sponge-iron is employed. This is prepared by heating a mixture of coke-dust and purple ore in a reverberatory furnace, and drawing the reduced metal into cast-iron vessels, which are hermetically closed until they and their contents have become nearly cold. When sufficiently cooled, the spongy metal is ground under edge-runners, and sifted through a very fine sieve. The precipitation of copper is very rapidly effected by the use of sponge-iron, but the precipitate obtained invariably contains a considerable percentage of iron. The amount of sulphate of sodium produced during the treatment of burnt pyrites in the wet way is very considerable, and various attempts have, at different times, been made to effect its recovery by crystallisation or otherwise. For some time operations of this nature were conducted in different works with somewhat satisfactory results, but the recent great advance in the price of every description of fuel has rendered the majority of these processes unprofitable. At the Bede Works the waste liquors were for some time converted into soda-ash by a process invented by Mr. T. Gibb, the manager; sul- phate of sodium in the waste liquors was converted into sodium sulphide by balling with coal-dust, and carbonic anhydride passed through the liquors obtained by lixiviation. Carbonate of sodium was thus formed, and the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved was employed for the precipitation of copper from the solutions obtained by washing calcined ores; we believe, however, that the processes adopted were of a somewhat complicated nature, and that experiments on this method of treatment have, for the present, been suspended. { COPPER. 435 ALLOYS OF COPPER. The addition of zinc materially affects the colour of copper; if added in small proportion only, the alloy assumes a golden-yellow colour; if the percentage of zinc be greater a pale-straw colour is obtained, and if zinc predominates, the colour of the alloy is greyish-white or iron-grey. Various alloys of this kind, of which the most important is known by the name of brass, are employed in the arts. The proportions of the two metals best calculated for the production of fine brass seem to be about two parts by weight of copper to one of zinc. Brass solder consists of two parts of brass and one of zinc, to which a little tin is occasionally added; but when the solder is required to be very strong, as for uniting the edges of tubes intended subsequently to undergo the process of drawing, two parts of common brass and two- thirds of a part of zinc may be employed. Mosaic gold consists, approxi- mately, of 65 parts of copper and 35 of zinc. of about 78 parts of copper and 22 of zinc. gold are merely different names for an alloy which is composed of three parts of copper and one of zinc, separately melted in different crucibles, and afterwards mixed and incorporated by stirring. Bath metal is composed Pinchbeck and Mannheim similar to Prince's metal, Copper is sometimes externally converted into brass by exposure, when at a red-hcat, to the vapour of zinc; in this way are prepared the copper bars from which the so-called "gold wire" of Lyons is manufactured, Copper is also extensively alloyed with tin, in combination with which it yields many valuable compounds, variously named in accordance with their respective compositions and uses. Gun-metal, of which cannon are made, consists of, about, copper 91, tin 9. Bell-metal is composed of, about, copper 78, tin 22. The alloy of which gongs and cymbals are manufactured has usually the following composition: copper 80, tin 20. Alloys of copper and tin, although still important, were evidently more so before iron was extensively used, since prior to that period they were employed in the manufacture of cutting instruments. For this purpose a mixture of 90 parts of copper to 10 of tin was most commonly used, although a little lead was occasionally added, apparently with a view of imparting to the alloy a certain degree of toughness. The preparation and fusion of these different mixtures is, according to the quantities required, conducted either in a reverberatory furnace, or in strongly-heated crucibles. German silver, an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel, has been long known and extensively used in China, and was formerly imported into Europe under the name of packfong. In 1776 it was first recognised as an alloy of copper and zinc with nickel, and from being afterwards largely manufactured in Germany it received the name of German silver. It is now extensively prepared in various parts of England, but particu- larly at Sheffield, where it is manufactured into spoons, forks, and various 2 F 2 436 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. other articles for domestic use; these are plated by the electrotype pro- cess, and employed as a substitute for silver. The following analyses, given by Lamborn, serve to show the com- position of several varieties of this alloy :— Cu. Ni. Zn. Chinese packfong 43.8 15.6 40.6 English German silver 61.3 19.1 19.1 Berlin argentan 52.0 26.0 22.0 Sheffield German silver 57.0 24.0 13.0 A spoon made by Messrs. Zernecke of Berlin, and analysed so long ago as 1826, was found to be composed of an alloy consisting of cop- per 57·1, manganese 19.7, and zinc 23.2 per cent. Mr. J. Fenwick Allen, of the firm of Messrs. Newton, Keates and Co., St. Helens, who men- tions the above fact in a paper 'On the Alloys of Copper, Tin, Zinc, Lead and other Metals with Manganese,' read at the Liverpool meeting of the British Association, 1871, has devoted a considerable amount of attention to this subject, and has prepared several tons of an alloy of copper and manganese, to which he has given the name of "standard metal." This is produced by heating, in a Siemens regenerative furnace, a mixture of carbonate of manganese with oxide of copper and charcoal. As a simple alloy, in which the proportion of manganese ranges from 5 to 30 per cent., it is both malleable and ductile, and possesses a tenacity considerably greater than that of copper. With zinc, a compound alloy, resembling in some of its qualities German silver, is obtained. The alloy of copper and manganese combines with tin, lead and other metals, and from these mixtures castings are made, and applied as bearings for machinery, and for other similar purposes. The waste of manganese from oxidation which occurs every time an alloy rich in that metal is subjected to fusion is very great, and will, it is feared, materially restrict the practical application of such compounds. Although the foregoing are some of the more important alloys of copper, there are numerous others which are occasionally employed by the artisan. With iron it appears to combine in very small proportions only, with aluminium it forms an alloy of considerable malleability and great hardness, and which is capable of taking a high polish. BRASS.-Brass, for which the old name is latten, is essentially an alloy of copper and zinc. The first brass-works erected in England are said to have been put into operation in 1649 at Esher, in Surrey, where rosette copper, imported from Sweden, was exclusively employed in the manufacture; the pro- prictor having, however, become involved in a disastrous lawsuit, the establishment was ultimately broken up. Birmingham, where the trade is stated to have been first introduced in 1740, by the Turner family, is now the principal seat of the brass industry of this country. Brass is COPPER. 437 harder than copper, and consequently better calculated to resist wear; it is also in a high degree malleable and ductile, so that it is easily rolled into sheets and readily hammered into vessels of any required shape. It can, moreover, be worked by the process of stamping into numerous orna- mental and useful objects, and admits of being drawn into fine wire; it fuses at a lower temperature than copper, and is capable of receiving a more delicate impression of the mould. Finally, it turns easily in the lathe, its colour is agreeable, it is capable of receiving a high polish, and it possesses over copper the advantage of greater cheapness. Until a comparatively recent date brass was exclusively made by the old process of cementation, which has become almost entirely superseded by directly alloying copper with metallic zinc. The general name of brass is applied to alloys of copper and zinc into the composition of which the two metals enter in very different pro- portions. The following table, compiled from Mr. Mallet's figures (Report of the Meeting of the British Association at Glasgow, 1839), gives the proportions and peculiarities of several varieties of brass:- Cu. Zn. Colour of Alloy. Fracture. Remarks. 88.60 11.40 83.02 16.98 Reddish-yellow Finely crystalline. Yellowish-red. Rolled brass. 79.65 20.35 "" 74.58 25.42 Pale yellow • 66.18 33.82 Full yellow 49.47 50.53 31.52 68.48 Silver-white · 24.50 75.50 Ash-grey "" "" "" Coarsely crystalline. Conchoidal Finely crystalline Mosaic gold. German brass. (German watchmaker's brass. Very hard and brittle. Brittle. Manufacture of Calamine Brass.-This very ancient process, by which for a long period brass was exclusively manufactured, seems to have disap- peared from among the industries of the United Kingdom. The various operations of this process are conducted in the following way: The furnace employed consists of a circular chamber lined with fire-bricks, contracted above to a circular opening serving as a chimney; the bottom is closed by a cast-iron plate, in which are twelve holes, symmetrically arranged around one larger hole in the centre. Through this central hole are withdrawn the ashes and clinkers, which fall into an ash-pit, communicating, by means of an arched air-way, with a long passage or vault by which air is con- veyed to the furnace from the outside, and through which access to the ash-pit is obtained. Over the holes in the bed-plate, with the excep- tion of that in the centre, are placed cast-iron tuyers or nozzles, 6 inches in length, 2 inches in diameter at bottom, and 1 inch at top, inside measure; the space between the nozzles is filled up level with their upper extremities with refractory bricks set in fire-clay, so as to form a level floor 6 inches in thickness. This forms a substitute for the ordinary fire- grate; the air necessary for sustaining combustion entering through the different nozzles. Several of these furnaces are usually constructed in a 438 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. row, and over the whole is built a brickwork chamber terminating in a cone open at the top like that of an ordinary glass-house. These furnaces have no chimney excepting the mouth, which is kept more or less closed by a sliding cover consisting of a circular fire-tile set in an iron framing. The crucibles employed are round, and are made of fire-clay, each being 12 inches in height and 8 inches wide at top; the central crucible, sometimes called the king pot, is often a little larger than the others, being capable of holding 120 lbs. of metal, whereas the others contain only 84 lbs. each. The charge consists of 100 lbs. of finely-ground and well-calcined cala- mine or blende, and 40 lbs. of ground coal. These are intimately mixed, dry, and then passed through a sieve of eight holes to the linear inch h; this mixture is subsequently damped and then passed through a much coarser sieve, after which it is mixed with 66 lbs. of granulated copper, bean-shot, and is then ready for charging. As the operation of making brass is carried on continuously, the mix- ture is introduced into the crucibles while they are still red-hot from the treatment of a previous charge, and their mouths are severally covered by large pieces of coal, while the spaces between the different crucibles are filled with coal broken into pieces of the size of the fist. The mouth of the furnace is now partially closed for one hour and a half, for the purpose of transforming the coal into a kind of coke; the orifice is then still further closed for a short time, and the coke properly arranged between the dif- ferent pots, care being taken to keep all the air-holes open. The heat is now progressively raised by the gradual removal of the cover, and, if skil- fully conducted, the operation will be completed in about ten hours. In order to collect the brass which has been formed, the king pot is first taken out, and its contents well stirred with an iron rod flattened at the end; one of the side pots is next removed, treated in the same manner, and the brass, which collects at the bottom, poured into the king pot. All the other side pots are successively treated in the same way, and the brass which has been collected in the central pot is finally skimmed and poured into moulds. Dr. Percy states, on the authority of an old calamine-brass maker, that good pots lasted, on an average, sixteen days, and were not allowed to cool during that period. Direct Preparation of Brass.-This may be effected by melting together a mixture of copper and zinc, either in crucibles or in a reverberatory furnace. When this operation is conducted in crucibles the zinc should be added to the copper immediately after the latter has entered into fusion, and the ingots of copper should be heated to redness previously to their introduction into the pots. In making castings, and in the re- inelting of brass, there is always a considerable loss of zinc through volatilisation, for which allowance must be made when arranging the mixture. Granite moulds were formerly used for casting ingot-brass, but iron is now generally employed. Muntz's metal, or yellow-metal, which has entirely superseded copper- sheathing in the merchant service, is generally prepared in reverberatory furnaces, the ziuc being gradually added to the melted copper. Before TIN. 439 tapping, samples of the alloy are taken out of the furnace in the same way as the copper proofs made use of in the process of refining; these are cast into oblong ingots, hammered, and broken in a vice; the quality of the mixture being judged of in accordance with the appearance presented by the fracture. This should be close and finely-granular, but if the first trial should not prove satisfactory more zinc is added, and the mixture well stirred; this is repeated until the fracture of a sample ingot indicates that the right proportions of the two metals have been reached. The necessity for this method of testing is caused by the great facility with which zinc becomes volatilised, and consequently, although the proper quantities of the two metals may have been charged into the furnace, it is impossible to make accurate allowance for the amount of zinc which may be driven off. It also frequently happens that the charge of a furnace is made up with a mixture of old yellow-metal, new copper, and zinc; in such cases the difficulty of making due allowance for loss of zinc will be still greater. When ready the metal is tapped into a large ladle and either poured or laded into close cast-iron ingot- moulds, the interior of which has been either oiled and subsequently dusted with charcoal, or more commonly washed with a mixture of wood-ashes, or clay, and water. Yellow-metal may contain from 50 to 63 per cent. of copper and from 37 to 50 per cent. of zinc. From the circumstance that tin is not, practically, a volatile metal, the preparation of bronze is, comparatively, an easy operation, and may be conducted either in crucibles or in an ordinary reverberatory furnace. TIN. Tin is a white metal, with a lustre closely approaching to that of silver, and with a specific gravity of 7.29; it possesses a characteristic taste, and has an odour which becomes evident when a piece of this metal has been slightly warmed by being held for some time in the hand. It is very malleable, and may consequently be reduced to thin leaves by hammering; at the temperature of 100° C. this property is considerably increased. This metal, although flexible, is not elastic, and when bent emits a peculiar crackling sound, which is most distinct in the purest specimens; a perceptible elevation of temperature is caused by the repeated bending and straightening of a bar of tin. It melts at a temperature of 227.8° C., and when very strongly heated, gives off distinct fumes, but experiences only a slight loss of weight. Tin exhibits a great tendency to crystallise; this property may be readily made apparent by slightly attacking its surface by some acid capable of removing the exterior. When this has been done, the metal assumes a mottled appearance, caused by the irregular reflection of the fern-like crystals brought to light by the action of the acid. A process of this kind is sometimes resorted to for the purpose of improving the appear- Uor M 440 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ance of articles made of tin-plate, which, after being thus treated, and subsequently covered by a coating of transparent and slightly-coloured varnish, present a variegated and somewhat prettily-marked surface. Tin may be obtained in the form of crystals, by fusing a considerable weight in a ladle, or crucible, and allowing it to cool gradually on a heated sand-bath; as soon as a solid pellicle has formed on the surface, it is pierced by a hot iron bar, and the internal portions, which still exist in a liquid state, are allowed to run out. By operating in this way crystals of considerable size, though rarely exhibiting sharp and well- defined edges, will be found lining the cavity from which the liquid metal has been removed. Tin may be deposited from its solutions in a crystallised state by electric agency, and is by this means obtained in the form of brilliant elongated needles. The tin of commerce is never quite pure, but is more or less con- taminated by the presence of various other metals, particularly arsenic. To obtain tin in a state of great purity, granulated tin may be attacked by nitric acid, and the resulting insoluble residue washed, first with hydrochloric acid and subsequently with hot water. The residue is now reduced to the metallic state by fusion, with the addition of a little charcoal, in a brasqued crucible. Tin is but slightly affected by exposure to the air at ordinary temperatures, but when fused its surface is rapidly covered by a crust of a greyish colour, consisting of a mixture of metal and stannic oxide. This oxidation of tin takes place very rapidly at high temperatures, and when the metal is heated to whiteness, is attended by distinct combustion; at a full red-heat it decomposes water, with evolu- tion of hydrogen gas. It is dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid, and its solution is also effected when it is attacked by warm dilute sul- phuric acid; concentrated sulphuric acid, aided by heat, acts upon metallic tin, with liberation of sulphurous anhydride and sulphur, and the eventual production of stannic sulphate Sn(SO4)2. Tin is not attacked by the strongest nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.52), but by acid of a density of 1·42 it is violently acted upon, with formation of a white, crystalloid, in- soluble substance, metastannic acid, Su,O₁₂H2,4H2O or Sn¸О105H2O. Tin is oxidisable by fused caustic potash or soda, and more readily so by a fused mixture of an alkaline nitrate with an alkaline hydrate or carbonate. 5 11 TIN ORES. CASSITERITE; OXIDE OF TIN; Etain oxydé; Zinnstein. Tetragonal.- The tin of commerce is obtained from the native oxide of that metal, which belongs exclusively to the older formations, and is chiefly met with in veins traversing granite, gneiss, or mica-slate. Oxide of tin has a specific gravity varying from 6-3 to 7.1. Its colour is usually brown or black, but sometimes red, grey, white, or yellow. It has an imperfect conchoidal fracture, a grey streak, and a highly adamantine lustre. When pure, this mineral consists of tin 78.62, oxygen 21.38. It is, however, frequently associated with other metals, particularly arsenic and iron, and, more rarely, with columbium. TIN. 441 A specimen of cassiterite from Cornwall, analysed by Klaproth, gave the following results:- Sn 77.50 • 21.50 0.25 0.75 100.00 Fe2O3 SiO 2 The composition of this mineral is expressed by the formula SnO.. The most commonly-occurring crystals are rectangular prisms termi- nated by four triangular planes, which may be more or less modified on their edges and angles. It sometimes also affords modifications which give rise to the formation of eight terminal planes at each summit, which may, themselves, also be modified. Oxide of tin is infusible when heated alone before the blowpipe, and is not readily reduced to the metallic state without the aid of fluxes. It is insoluble in acids; but when heated on a charcoal support, with the addition of carbonate of sodium, readily affords minute globules of metal. Cornwall is one of the localities most productive of this mineral; it occurs associated with copper and iron pyrites, wolfram, mica, talc, and tourmaline, together with axinite, and other silicates. Tin mines are also worked in Saxony, Austria, and Bohemia; in Peru and Bolivia; in China, Malacca, and especially on the islands of Banca and Billiton, in the Indian Archipelago, whence large quantities are annually imported into this country. This oxide also occurs in Galicia, Spain; in Sweden; in the Department of the Haute Vienne in France; in Greenland, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Chili, Australia, and the United States of America. TIN PYRITES; Etain sulfuré; Zinnkies. Probably tetragonal. This mineral has hitherto been found in a crystalline state only in Huel Rock Mine, in the parish of St. Agnes, Cornwall, whence rectangular crystals, possessing cleavages parallel to the faces of the primitive form, have occasionally been obtained. Tin pyrites is of a yellowish-grey colour, and has a strong metallic lustre; it commonly occurs in granular amorphous masses, and has a specific gravity of 4.35. It affords a black streak, and presents an uneven fracture. When heated before the blow- pipe, sulphide of tin fuses into a black slag, which is extremely difficult of reduction. It is attacked by nitric acid, and affords on subsidence an abundant white precipitate of metastannic acid. Two analyses of tin pyrites yielded the following results :— Kudernatsch. Klaproth. Sn 25.55 26.5 • Cu 29.39 30.0 • Fe 12.44 12.0 S 29.64 30.5 97.02 99.0 442 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. This mineral does not occur in sufficient quantity to admit of being metallurgically treated, and cannot, therefore, be strictly regarded as an ore of tin. DISTRIBUTION OF TIN ORES. Tin has, more than almost any other metal, a characteristic mode of occurrence, being invariably found in the older crystalline and meta- morphic rocks. The only ore yielding tin in commercial quantities is cassiterite, which occurs in four different forms of deposit. Firstly, in true veins or lodes, from which the larger proportion of the tin annually produced in this country is obtained. Secondly, in beds or flats, usually connected with true veins, but passing into the inclosing rocks, and often forming beds parallel to their stratification. Thirdly, in Stockwerke, which chiefly occur in granite, and consist of numerous minute veins of cassiterite passing through the rock in all directions. Fourthly, as stream-tin, which consists of water-worn nodules and grains of tin oxide occurring in alluvial sands and gravels. This variety of tin ore is obtained by a process of washing very similar to that employed for the separation of alluvial gold. Although this metal has been in use from remote anti- quity, Cornwall, up to a comparatively recent date, produced the prin- cipal portion of that annually brought into the market. About the year 1710 rich deposits of tin ore were discovered in the island of Banca, in the Malay Archipelago, and more recently in the neighbouring island of Billiton, and in various parts of Australia. In the county of Cornwall, where ores of this metal have been con- tinuously raised from the time of the Phoenicians, the deposits compre- hend all the different varieties previously enumerated; those of stream- tin have, however, become almost entirely exhausted. Tin veins usually occur either in granite or in killas, which is a metamorphic clay-slate, and are generally most productive in the vicinity of the line of junction of these rocks. The gangue of stanniferous deposits consists in most cases of quartzose matter, and the minerals associated with cassiterite are remarkably constant, consisting of wolfram, mispickel, apatite, topaz, mica, tourmaline, &c. During the years 1835 to 1838 the annual production of tin in Corn- wall and Devon amounted to between 4,000 and 5,000 tons; since that time it has steadily increased, until in 1871 it amounted to 16,898 tons of black tin, equivalent to 11,320 tons of metal; during the same year the imports into the United Kingdom were about 9,000 tons, and the exports about the same quantity. In Saxony a small quantity of tin is annually raised, but the amount appears insignificant when compared with that produced in England, of which it has been estimated at about one-fifteenth. The chief Saxon and Bohemian localities are Altenberg, Geyer, Zinnwald, and Auersberg in the Erzgebirge, and Schlaggenwald near Elbogen. At Geyer the rock in which the ore occurs is a granite, consisting chiefly of decomposed felspar, and containing apatite, tourmaline, and TIN. 443 fluor-spar. The tinstone is in small parallel veins and is disseminated through the adjacent rock; the veins, which are rarely more than 2 inches in width, merge into the inclosing rock without exhibiting any distinct walls. At Zinnwald the tin occurs in masses of granite which rise through porphyry, the most productive deposits being composed of quartz and cassiterite in nearly horizontal layers; in some cases, however, the whole rock is stanniferous. At Altenberg true Stockwerk deposits occur, consisting of a por- phyritic rock, intersected by numerous small interlacing veins of tinstone. In 1854 Whitney estimated the annual value of the tin raised at Alten- berg at £10,000. From France and Spain tin is to a great extent absent, rarely occur- ring in workable quantities; a few tons are, however, annually produced in both countries, the ore being obtained from Brittany, and from several localities in Galicia. The second great centre of production includes Banca and Billiton, or Blitong, in which all the ore worked is in the form of detrital or stream-tin. Veins have, however, been found in considerable numbers, but not of sufficient size to pay for working. The alluvial deposits are in most cases covered by beds of variously-coloured clays to a depth of from 10 to 15 feet, and rest on a stratum of white clay, which is con- sidered an infallible indication of the limit of the stanniferous beds. It is stated that the stream-tin of Banca is derived from the granite or rocks immediately contiguous to it, and that tin is only found in valleys the streams of which take their rise in these rocks. In addition to the tin produced by these islands, there is also a certain quantity annually raised on the Malayan peninsula. In 1871 the quantity produced in Banca amounted to 134,906 slabs, weighing 4,320 tons; whilst that raised in Billiton during the same year is estimated at 99,700 slabs, weighing 3,190 tons. In the United States of America cassiterite has been found in several localities, but never in workable quantities. Small quantities have been raised at Temescal, near Los Angeles, in California. In South America tin mines are worked in Bolivia and Peru. The annual production of this metal in South America is estimated at 1,200 tons. Stream-tin has been found in several localities in Mexico, notably in Guanaxuato and Zacatecas, as also in Durango, where it is associated with topaz. Within the last few years tin has been found in large quantities in Australia, but up to the present time mining for this metal has been but little developed. Mr. T. F. Gregory, Mineral Land Commissioner, reports that in Queensland the richest deposits have been found in stream-beds and fluviatile flats on their banks, the paying ground varying from a few yards to five chains in width.* The aggregate length of these alluvial * 'A Report on the Tin Discoveries in Queensland,' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. Feb. 1st, 1873, p. 1. 414 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. deposits is stated to be about 140 miles on the River Severn, and some 30 more on its various tributaries; 10 tons per linear chain of the creck- beds is stated to be a fair average yield of oxide of tin, though in some instances the quantity reaches as much as 30 tons. The tin-bearing veins have not as yet been fully investigated, but appear to be of cou- siderable promise. Up to July, 1872, 850 claims had been taken up, most of which had their frontages on watercourses. The inhabitants of the tin-fields number from 1,200 to 1,500, but if all the claims be worked at least 5,000 miners will be required. Mr. G. H. F. Ulrich, in an article on tin-ore discoveries in New England, New South Wales, tells us that the predominant rocks are granite and basalt, inclosing subordinate areas of metamorphic slate and sandstone.* The richest mining area is that of the Elsmore Company, near the township of Inverell, where the cassiterite occurs in quartz veins running through a porphyritic granite. The most important deposits, however, are in dykes of a softer granitic rock, of which 75 per cent. consists of greenish mica, and the remainder of felspar, quartz being rarely present. Through these dykes tinstone is thickly disseminated, not only in small crystals, but in irregular veins, and in nests and bunches, yielding lumps of pure cassiterite of as much as 50 lbs. in weight. The conclusion arrived at by Mr. Ulrich is, that the granite of the district is one vast Stockwerk. The drift is also exceedingly rich, and consists of recent granitic detritus; samples washed in the prospecting dish yielded from 3 ozs. to 6 lbs. of black tin per 20 lbs. of material. It appears, however, that scarcity of water may interfere with the pro- fitable working of some of the deposits. In conclusion, Mr. Ulrich says that "the produce of such as can be worked will doubtless, in no long time, sensibly affect the tin markets of the world; in fact, it seems not unlikely that the production of tin ore in this part of Australia will reach, if not surpass, that of all the old tin- mining countries combined." The quantity of tin lying on the surface in Australia has been estimated at twenty-five times the annual produce of this metal in Cornwall. The present total annual production of tin in the world may be roughly estimated at between 25,000 and 28,000 tons. ASSAY OF TIN ORES. PREPARATION OF THE ORE.-Before proceeding to the assay of any description of "tin-stuff”† it is necessary to first isolate the oxide of tin from the siliceous gangue and the various sulphurous and arsenical ores with which it may be associated. This may be accomplished, in a somewhat rough way, by treatment * Observations on some of the Recent Tin-Ore Discoveries in New England, New South Wales,' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Feb. 1st, 1873, p. 5. † Any veinstone or other rock containing a workable amount of oxide of tin is called "tin-stuff." TIN. 445 similar to that by which the concentration and purification of tin ores are conducted on the large scale. With this view the pulverised mineral may be first roasted, and afterwards washed in an evaporating basin, or in some other convenient vessel, until the lighter substances with which it is associated have been removed. In the tin-mining districts of Cornwall and Devon a large round-pointed shovel is employed for this purpose, and after cach successive washing the heavier portions, which have not been carried off in suspension, are further reduced in size by grinding under a heavy hammer, of which the faces are slightly rounded; the assay is subsequently roasted and again washed. Roasting has for its object the decomposition of arsenical pyrites and of various associated minerals containing sulphur, which, from their greatly-reduced density after calcination, are then easily removed by water. In Saxony, a small hand shaking-table is employed for the same purpose, but it possesses no advantage over the ordinary vanning-shovel. Instead, how- ever, of resorting to washing and roasting, the removal of arsenical and sulphurous minerals may be more completely and expeditiously effected by boiling the pulverised material in excess of nitro-hydrochloric acid, by which arsenical and common pyrites, copper ores, &c., are completely dissolved. The insoluble matters remaining in the flask will chiefly consist of tin oxide and silica, with sometimes a certain amount of tungstic acid, which latter may be removed by digestion with ammonia. What now remains will be a mixture of oxide of tin with silica, from which the latter may be removed either by careful vanning, or, still better, by digestion with hydrofluoric acid in a platinum dish. When arsenical or ordinary iron pyrites containing tin is to be assayed for that metal, it may be attacked by nitro-hydrochloric acid, washed by decanta- tion, and treated with ammonia. It is then transferred to a platinum dish and digested with hydrofluoric acid; these operations must be repeated until pure cassiterite remains in the capsule. In the majority of cases it will be unnecessary to treat with ammonia after any but the first attack by aqua regia. ASSAY OF BLACK TIN.-The nearly pure oxide, in the state in which it is delivered by the miner to the smelter, or after the gangue has been attacked first by aqua regia and subsequently by hydrofluoric acid, in the way described, may be reduced to the metallic state by various processes. In Brasqued or Black-Lead Crucibles.—A weighed quantity of from 200 to 400 grains of the oxide may be placed either in a brasqued crucible and carefully covered, or it may be mixed with one-fifth its weight of ground charcoal or anthracite, and introduced into an ordinary plumbago pot and placed in an assay furnace. During the first quarter of an hour the heat must be gradually raised to dull redness, after which it is elevated to a full bright redness, at which it should be kept for about ten minutes. The crucible and its contents are now carefully removed from the fire, without knocking, and allowed to cool, when the pot is broken, and the button of tin removed and weighed. In order to recover any particles of metal which may be 446 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. disseminated through the brasque in the form of minute globules, it must be removed and carefully washed; the weight of the metal so obtained is added to that of the original button. In the same way, any unconsumed charcoal-powder or anthracite added to the assay in the black-lead crucible must be carefully vanned, and, should any metal adhere firmly to the sides of the pot, it must be removed, cleaned, and its weight added to that of the original button. Cornish Method of Assay.—In Cornwall, assays of black tin are usually conducted in a naked plumbago pot, which is first made red-hot, and the assay, consisting of 2 ozs. of washed ore mixed with a little culm, introduced. In case the assay should not fuse readily, a little fluor- spar is added, and after exposure during a quarter of an hour to a full red-heat, the tin is rapidly poured into a small ingot-mould, and the slag examined for metal by pounding and washing. Fusion with Potassium Cyanide. The crucibles employed for this pur- pose, when 200 grains of black tin are operated on, should be of about 3 ozs. capacity, and must be prepared by ramming into the bottom of each a layer, of about half an inch in thickness, of commercial cyanide of potassium. The requisite amount of finely-powdered tin ore is now intimately mixed with from four to five times its weight of potassium cyanide, and placed in a crucible prepared as previously directed. This, with its contents, is now moderately heated in an assay furnace, and, after having been kept for about ten minutes in a state of tranquil fusion, the pot is removed, gently tapped to facilitate the formation of a single button, and allowed to cool. By operating in this way very accurate results are obtained, and with ordinary care, a difference of more than per cent. should not occur between two assays of the same ore. In estimating the amount of tin present in pyrites, or in any other very sulphurous or arsenical material, it would be inconvenient to operate on a quantity exceeding 400 grains. The amount of tin oxide obtained by treating such a quantity with nitro-hydrochloric acid, and subsequently with hydrofluoric acid, will, in many cases, not exceed a few grains, and a very small crucible must consequently be employed for its reduction by cyanide of potassium; this crucible may either be inclosed in a larger one and heated in the assay furnace, or be placed naked in the muffle. On breaking the crucible after complete fusion, the reduced tin will be found to have assumed the form of a button of almost silvery whiteness covered by a layer of glassy flux. In order to collect any traces of metal occurring in the form of minute shot, the flux must be dissolved in hot water, and any metallic globules which may be found weighed with the principal button. ROASTING TIN ORES. Tin ores, after the most complete concentration which can be effected by washing only, are usually contaminated with variable quantities of arsenical and ordinary pyrites. ROASTING IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES.-For the removal of these the ores are taken to the burning-house, where the sulphides and arsenides TIN. 447 are decomposed by roasting in reverberatory furnaces. These are from 12 to 15 feet in length, and from 7 to 9 in width; the hearth is hori- zontal; and the arch, which is about 2 feet in height in the neigh- bourhood of the fire-bridge, sinks gradually towards the chimney. This arrangement is provided with but one opening, closed by an iron door, placed at the extremity furthest removed from the grate, and imme- diately under a brick hood, by which the sulphurous and arsenical fumes are directly carried off into the chimney, without annoyance or injury to the workmen. In connection with the flues of these furnaces are condensing chambers, in which the arsenious oxide is deposited in a crystalline form. This is subsequently purified by a second sublimation, in order to convert it into the white arsenic of commerce. From 6 to 10 cwts. of ore constitute a charge for one of these furnaces, and this requires from twelve to eighteen hours, according to the amount of pyrites present, before it is sufficiently roasted. The charging of the furnace is effected by a small hopper in the centre of the brick arch; and as soon as the proper quantity of ore has been intro- duced it is regularly spread over the surface of the bottom. At the commencement of the operation the heat is very gradually raised until it reaches dull redness, at which temperature it is afterwards kept during several successive hours. At intervals during the process of calcination the mineral is stirred with an iron rake, so as to expose new surfaces. When the ore has been sufficiently roasted, which is indicated by its ceasing to evolve white fumes, an iron plate fitted into the floor of the furnace is removed, and the charge, while still red-hot, is raked through the aperture, and falls into an arched chamber beneath, where it is allowed to cool. The calcined ore is now again subjected to the process of washing; and the impurities, which have been decomposed and chiefly transformed into ferric oxide, are, from their reduced specific gravity, readily removed. When the ore is contaminated with copper pyrites, it is, after being carefully roasted, allowed to remain for some time ex- posed to the atmosphere previously to being again washed, as a portion of the sulphide of copper is thus oxidised and converted into sulphate, which, being soluble in water, is readily removed. If tin ores contain much copper, it is usual to treat them, after their removal from the burning- house, with dilute sulphuric acid, by which copper oxide is readily dis- solved, while the oxide of tin remains unaffected. After this treatment with sulphuric acid, the ore is washed in pure water, and under the name of black tin, is ready to be transferred to the smelter. The old reverberatory furnace has to a great extent been superseded by Brunton's calciner, with a rotative hearth, in which manual labour for turning the ore is entirely dispensed with. OXLAND AND HOCKING'S CALCINER.*Brunton's rotative calciner has now to some extent been replaced by the calciner of Messrs. Oxland and Hocking, figs. 130, 131, which is especially adapted for the treatment of rank ores, containing a considerable amount of arsenic and sulphur. * We are indebted to Mr. Oxland for the drawings and description of this apparatus. A A D k n 0 р mr. Fig. 130.- Oxland and Hocking's Calciner; plan, partly section. I C У h k Ն n C m M 1 Fig. 131-Oxland and Hocking's Calciner; elevation, partly section. 448 TIN. 449 This apparatus consists of a fire-box, A, from which the heat and products of combustion pass through an iron tube, B, made of boiler- plates, lined with fire-bricks placed on edge. The tube, which is from 30 to 40 feet long, is supported in an inclined position, but varying in in- clination according to the character of the ore treated. It is supported on three pairs of friction-wheels, C, and rotated by gearing, D, generally driven by a turbine or by a water-wheel. At the lower end it passes into the fire-chamber, and is so arranged as to deliver the ore passing through it, by an opening, e, in the arch, into the ore-chamber or wrinkle, F. At the upper end it communicates with the flues or condensing chambers, G. The ore, brought from the floors in a wet condition, is dried by being spread on the cast-iron plates, g, covering these chambers. It is fed into the hopper, h, by a boy who also attends to the fire. The tube revolves at the rate of from three to eight revolutions per minute; the ore is raised by four projecting lines of bricks parallel with the axis, leaving room for the continuous running-in of the dry ore from the hopper. When the ore has been raised sufficiently high on one of these shelves it falls off in thin streams through the hot gases passing up the tube. It thus becomes sufficiently heated for the sulphur and arsenic to take fire, and to burn with such energy that before the ore arrives half-way down the cylinder the greater portion of the arsenic and much of the sulphur is driven off. The heat evolved by the combustion of arsenic and sulphur is thus rendered available for heating the upper portion of the tube. As the partially-calcined ore passes onwards beyond this point, the remain- ing arsenic and sulphur are not in sufficient quantity to produce the tem- perature required for the completion of the calcination; hence the provision of a small fire-place, H, for supplying the deficiency. Through- out the whole of the tube, the lines of shelf perform the duty of passing the ore in finely-divided streams through the heated gases, in such a way that no particle can escape full exposure to the oxidising influences required for perfect calcination. It is found that the arsenic burns off first, and that its removal is completed some time before the last por- tions of the sulphur are eliminated. The calcined ore, passing from the lower end of the tube into the burnt-ore chamber, at a bright red-heat, contains only traces of arsenic and but a small proportion of sulphur. When required it is withdrawn from the chamber, F, through the door, f. Heated air for the perfect combustion of the coal in the fire-place, and for the oxidation of the sulphur and arsenic, is supplied through the channel, i, at the back of the arch. By carefully controlling this supply of air and maintaining a small consumption of coal, economy of fuel is not only effected, but another important result is obtained, namely, the passing of a minimum quantity of air through the calciner. The arsenious anhydride produced is con- sequently condensed more easily than by the use of the reverberatory furnace or of Brunton's calciner, and perfect condensation is effected with less costly condensing chambers. The consumption of fuel is small, and the condition of the calcined product is well suited for subsequent operations. By the rotation of the 2 G 450 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. tube the crown, after being fully heated, is brought down under the ore, becoming in its turn the bed; thus preventing the loss of heat necessarily incurred in other furnaces from the crown only being exposed to heat, while the bed is covered by the ore. The condensation of the arsenious oxide is much promoted by covering the condensing chambers with cast-iron plates, so that the damp ores placed upon them to dry, may, by rapidly cooling them, cause a pro- portionately rapid condensation. Until recently, condensing flues and chambers were usually constructed with thick walls covered by stone arches: but at Devon Great Consols and at East Pool Mines, Cornwall, great advantage has been derived from building flues of thin brick- work, and covering them with cast iron plates; the openings used for removing the arsenic are in like manner closed by cast-iron plates. Any fine ore carried off by the draught is deposited in the divisions k and l of the condenser, and is removed from time to time by the first door m. The arsenious oxide is deposited in the compartments n, o, p, &c., and removed through other doors, while the sulphurous anhydride passes on by the main flue to the chimney. Large quantities of crude arsenious oxide are produced in the mines of Devon and Cornwall. At New Great Consols, near Tavistock, nearly 200 tons of arsenious oxide are obtained per month in the production of about 20 tons of marketable tin ore, and at East Pool from 50 to 60 tons per month are produced in dressing about 25 to 30 tons of black tin. This crude arsenic, of a grey colour, is sold to the arsenic manufacturers, by whom it is refined before it is finally sent to the market. The calcined product obtained consists principally of oxides of iron and copper, containing sulphur and traces of arsenic, occasionally cobalt and nickel, and in some localities a large proportion of wolfram, with silica and alumina; oxide of tin is usually present in quantities varying from 5 to 20 per cent. The ore is removed from the receiving chamber and cooled by moisten- ing with water; it is now known as burnt witts, and is taken to the burning-house floors, where, by treatment in circular buddles, the tin is concentrated by the removal of the oxides of iron and earthy matters, until it contains from 50 to 60 per cent. of black tin. It is then again calcined for the separation of the last traces of sulphur and arsenic, again passed through the circular buddles, washed in kieves or tubs, and finally con- centrated until it will produce by assay from 60 to 70 per cent. of "white- metal," i.e. metallic tin. SEPARATION OF TUNGSTEN; OXLAND'S PROCESS. If wolfram be present in large quantities, the black tin, with which it is associated, is much reduced in value. This mineral cannot be separated from tin ore by any process of washing, since their specific gravity is nearly the same. The calcining operations already described have no effect on this sub- stance; but a process introduced by Mr. R. Oxland, first at Drake Walls, and subsequently at East Pool, is said to effect a perfect separation. This process consists in the conversion of wolfram (tungstate of iron and manganese) into tungstate of sodium, which being readily soluble TIN. 451 in water is thereby removed, leaving the oxides of iron and manganese in a finely-divided state, and so light as to be readily separated from black tin by washing. A reverberatory furnace is used, of which the peculiar characteristic consists in the employment of a cast-iron bed. The charge is introduced into this furnace through a hopper in the crown of the arch and is spread upon the iron bed, and exposed to the flame passing from the fire-place through the body of the furnace. The products of combustion pass over the bridge down to a flue formed by a diagonal partition of brickwork, which conducts it to the front of the furnace under the iron bottom, and then, returning on the other side, to the chimney. Thus, the whole of the bed is enveloped in the heated gases passing off from the fire-place. The charge consists of from 10 to 11 cwts., according to the quality of the ore, and is prepared by mixing soda-ash with the dry ore in such proportions as to contain so much sodium as to be slightly in excess of that necessary to combine with tungstic acid. If the mixture be comparatively coarse-grained, a larger quantity can be operated on at a time than when it is in the state of slimes. The charge is carefully turned over, so as to bring the whole to a bright red-heat. It is known to be working well when it frizzles, becomes apparently moist, and is slightly adhesive to the tools used in stirring. If well worked, the charge should be drawn in from two and a half to three hours, and is then in better condition than if exposed to a stronger heat or for a longer time. It is drawn in successive quantities, as soon as it is ready, through an aperture in the hearth, into a vault beneath, whence it is taken as wanted to the lixiviating vats, where, by treatment with water while still hot, the tungstate of sodium is dissolved and run off into receivers. By successive affusions of water the whole of the saline matters are obtained as a clear liquid, the mass of the ore serving as a filter. The strong solutions obtained are either set aside to crystallise, or are evaporated to dryness in iron pans, affording crude tungstate of sodium, containing about 70 per cent. of the dry salt. After lixiviation has been completed, the residue in the vats is conveyed to the dressing-floors, where, by washing with water, the oxides of man- ganese and iron, the residual constituents of wolfram, are carried off in suspension, making the water thick and of a reddish-brown colour. This process was for many years in operation at Drake Walls Mine, but the wolf- ram having now disappeared from the lode there is no longer any necessity for its use; at East Pool it is still employed. Salt-cake or crude sulphate of sodium may be advantageously substituted for the more expensive soda-ash, but as it requires skilful management it is not generally used. Tungstate of sodium commands a limited sale for dyeing, for the manu- facture of non-inflammable starch, for the production of bronze-powder, and for some other purposes. METALLURGY OF TIN. Tin-smelting is in this country invariably conducted in reverberatory furnaces; blast-furnaces were, however, formerly employed for the pur- pose, and old smelting works, called Blowing-Houses, where this method 2 G 2 452 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of treatment was at one time followed, are still to be found in a dis- mantled state in various parts of Cornwall and Devon. TREATMENT OF TIN ORES IN THE REVERBERATORY FURNACE.—The treatment of tin ores in the reverberatory furnace comprehends three distinct operations, namely, smelting, refining, and re-smelting the slags and residues; all are conducted in a furnace of which fig. 132 is a longitu- dinal and fig. 133 a horizontal section, a little above the level of the hearth. The form and dimensions of these furnaces vary in different establishments, but the length of the hearth in that given as an illustra- tion, which is in daily use at the present time, is 12 feet and its greatest width 8 feet. Smelting. The ore, which usually contains about 65 per cent. of tin, is mixed with one-fifth of its weight of small anthracite, culm, and is C · · - - Pa - - - - - T E Fig. 132.-Tin Furnace; longitudinal section. slightly sprinkled with water, for the double purpose of rendering it more easy to charge, and also to prevent any portion from being carried off mechanically by the draught. The charge is thrown upon the bottom, A, through the door B, and the heat of the furnace is maintained by the fire- place, C, which is supplied with coal through the door, D; the charge is subsequently spread by means of tools inserted through the door, E. Each furnace is provided with a separate chimney, with which it is con- nected by means of a diagonal flue, not shown in the drawings. The temperature is gradually increased during the first five hours, at the ex- piration of which time the charge is well worked up with a rabble; this stirring is repeated at the end of five hours and three quarters, and in six hours from the time of charging, the tapping usually takes place. Three products are thus obtained-metal, "glass," and slag. The slag, which is in reality a mixture of unconsumed culm with metallic tin and various associated impurities, is raked through the door E, and is subsequently stamped and washed. The tin and glass are run off through the tap- hole, ƒ, into the float, G, which is lined with fire-clay, and has sometimes a nearly rectangular form. TIN. 453 The glass (vitreous slag), when sufficiently chilled, is removed from the surface of the tin in the float, which is skimmed and laded into moulds which give to it the form of slabs. Refining. This operation comprehends two distinct operations, eliqua- tion and poling or tossing. The slabs of metallic tin resulting from the first operation are arranged on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in all respects similar to that employed for smelting the ore, and the temperature is gradually raised. By this treatment, the more readily. fusible tin is eliquated, and flowing over the surface of the hearth, and escaping by the tap-hole, f, is collected in the cast-iron pot, H, which is H A B C ດ E Fig. 133.-Tin Furnace; horizontal section. set over a small independent fire-place. A less fusible product, con- sisting chiefly of a mixture of iron, tin and arsenic, remains on the bed of the furnace. The charge of the kettle, H, consists of about 7 tons of eliquated tin, which is kept hot by the fire beneath it. This is refined by forcing into it, by means of a crutch, supported by an iron jib, a piece of green wood; that of the apple-tree is generally preferred. When tin of second quality, or, as it is called, "unrefined tin," is being prepared, this boiling is continued during one hour only; the dross which has risen to the surface is then skimmed off and thrown back into the furnace, after which the tin is laded into ingots. Tin still continues to flow into the kettle during the time the metal is being dipped out, and cast into ingots. In making "refined tin” the bath of eliquated metal is poled during several hours; the dross removed from the surface is nearly identical with the hard-head remaining, after liquation, on the bottom of the furnace. 454 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Instead of boiling the metal by the introduction of billets of green- wood, the same effect is sometimes produced by tossing. When this process is employed, the agitation is produced by the workmen con- tinually lifting the melted metal in a ladle, and letting it fall from a considerable height into the refining-pot. The scum thus brought to the surface is carefully removed by skimming, and the metal finally laded into moulds. Re-smelting of the Slags and Residues.-The slags in the basin sepa- rate into bottle-slag, so called on account of its resemblance to bottle- glass, and a heavy black slag. The bottle-slag is thrown away, but the heavy black variety is re-smelted in the furnace with lime and, occasion- ally, a little fluor-spar. The crude metal thus obtained, together with the slag, is run off, and the greater portion is now obtained as bottle- slag; the heavy black residuary slag is again separated, and subsequently stamped and washed for the extraction of the buttons (prillions) of metal disseminated through it. The comparatively infusible residues resulting from the process of liquation are preserved, and, when a sufficient quantity has been collected to form a charge, it is subjected to liquation at a more elevated tem- perature than is necessary for ordinary tin; the crude tin thus obtained is again returned to the furnace to be liquated, and the resulting metal is either boiled or tossed. A specimen of hard-head, from which as much as possible of the tin had been removed by the processes described, afforded by analysis the following results:- Fe Sn 62.50 17.25 • As S 19.02 • 1.26 100·03 Tin slags are essentially ferrous silicates, containing a little tin, and often a considerable amount of tungsten. The total consumption of fuel per ton of metallic tin produced varies from 30 to 35 cwts. SMELTING IN THE BLAST-FURNACE.-The furnaces formerly used in this country were 6 feet in height from the bottom of the hearth to the throat by which the ore and fuel were introduced. This was placed near the opening of a flue, by which the dust and fumes carried away by the blast were conducted into a chamber at the base of a high and somewhat narrow chimney. This chamber was not over the mouth of the furnace, but was placed behind it in such a way that the flue had a slightly- inclined direction. The furnace, the masonry of which was of granite, was lined with fire-bricks, and had an opening in the side opposite the charging-hole, through which were inserted two nozzles supplied by a wooden blowing machine set in motion by a water-wheel. The tuyers were inserted at a short distance from the bottom, which was gradually sloped down to a receiving basin of the usual form. A short distance TIN. 455 from this, and at a lower level, was a second basin, somewhat larger than the first; near this, and at a still lower level, was a third, in which was conducted the process of refining; the fuel employed was charcoal. In smelting with this furnace it was necessary to keep it constantly filled with a proper mixture of ore and charcoal; and the reduced metal, received in the first basin, was subsequently run off into the second, in which it was allowed to stand for some time. The slags which collected on the surface of the first basin were removed when sufficiently hardened, and divided into two classes, for subsequent treatment. Those containing metallic shot were stamped and washed, whilst those which retained tin in a combined state were broken with a hammer and taken back to the furnace. The tin forming the upper zone of the second basin was suf- ficiently pure for refining, and was therefore laded into the third re- ceptacle, where it was subjected to boiling by the introduction of blocks of green wood, and afterwards laded into moulds. The heavier metal which sunk to the bottom of the receiving-basin was subjected to liqua- tion. The refining-pot was of cast-iron, and was kept warm by a small fire placed beneath it. In the Erzgebirge, a blast-furnace of about 10 feet in height is em- ployed. The sides are formed of large pieces of granite, and the hearth is a block of the same material, lined with. brasque, and having a con- siderable fall towards the breast. The fused matter escaping from this cavity, flows continuously into an exterior basin of granite lined with brasque. This is furnished with a tapping-hole, by which its contents may be withdrawn into a small iron vessel placed at a lower level. The charcoal and ore are introduced by successive charges, and the blast is furnished by a blowing machine. The slags produced float on the sur- face of the metal collected in the basin, whence they are removed by an iron hook, as soon as they have sufficiently consolidated. When the reservoir has in this way become filled with metal, the tapping-hole is opened and its contents are run into the iron vessel, where the process of refining is conducted by boiling with green wood. The slags are divided into two classes: the richer are, without any mechanical preparation, fused with succeeding charges of ore; the poorer, after being stamped, are washed for the purpose of separating the metallic granules which they contain. 6 10 By this process every ton of tin smelted requires for its reduction 1 ton of charcoal, and the percentage loss of metal is much greater than in the reverberatory furnace. From this it is evident that the latter is, generally, the more economical method of treatment. Grain-tin is prepared by heating blocks of that metal, and when the temperature has been sufficiently elevated to render the mass brittle and to cause the block to assume a crystalline structure, it is broken either by a fall or by a blow from a heavy hammer. ALLOYS OF TIN. Tin is extensively employed for the manufacture of tin-plate, which is thin sheet-iron, externally coated with that metal. Pewter is an alloy 456 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of tin and lead, in the proportion of four parts of the former to one of the latter. Solders are also alloys of tin and lead in varying proportions; fine solder is composed of two parts of tin and one of lead; tin solder, used in the manufacture of articles of tin-plate, consists of a mixture of equal proportions of the two metals; plumber's solder is made by mixing together one part of tin with two of lead. Large type are made of an alloy of lead and antimony only, but tin enters somewhat largely into the composition of the mixture used for the smaller descriptions; type of the size ordinarily employed for printing newspapers contains from 1 to about 20 per cent. of tin. Tin alloyed with antimony constitutes Britannia metal, the best varieties being com- posed of tin with just sufficient antimony to give it hardness. The addition of bismuth to alloys of tin and lead has the effect of lowering their melting-point to an extraordinary degree; an alloy of two parts of bismuth to one of lead and one of tin melts below 100° C. Tin combines with copper in all proportions; ordinary gun-metal is a mixture of 10 per cent. of tin with 90 of copper. Genuine bronze is a compound of copper and tin only, but that used for statuary usually contains a certain proportion both of lead and zinc. Bell-metal is a bronze containing a very large proportion of tin. "Tom of Lincoln" is composed of 22 per cent. of tin and 78 of copper; "Big Ben" of about 24 per cent. of tin and 76 of copper. ANTIMONY. Antimony is a brilliant metal, of a white colour, slightly inclining to blue. It fuses at a temperature just below redness, and contracts but little in becoming solid. It is extremely brittle, and possesses a strongly-crystalline texture, so that when broken it exhibits well-defined facets, indications of which may be observed on the surface of the cooled ingot. It is slowly but dis- tinctly volatile at a white heat in a closed vessel, but admits of being distilled with tolerable facility in a current of hydrogen gas. Antimony is not sensibly affected by exposure to air at ordinary tem- peratures, but is rapidly oxidised when exposed to it in a state of fusion. When fused and strongly-heated antimony is allowed to fall from a certain height, combustion, accompanied by the production of a thick white smoke, immediately takes place. This white vapour is chiefly antimonious oxide, Sb2O3. This metal does not occur in commerce in a state of purity, but is contaminated with variable quantities of iron, lead, arsenic and sulphur. To separate these, it may, after being reduced to a fine powder in an iron mortar, be intimately mixed with one-tenth of its weight of nitre, and subsequently fused in an earthen crucible. By this treatment, the impurities, together with a portion of the ANTIMONY. 457 antimony, become oxidised, and on breaking the vessel, after having allowed it to cool, the antimony is obtained as a metallic button, the surface of which will be covered with a fern-like crystallisation. The purification of this metal may likewise be effected by fusing it, when in a finely- divided state, with a small quantity of its oxide. Fineness of grain is regarded as an indication of the purity of metallic antimony. When in a state of fine division, antimony is attacked by hydro- chloric acid with the evolution of hydrogen gas, but is not acted on by dilute sulphuric acid. When attacked by hot concentrated sulphuric acid, it becomes oxidised with evolution of sulphurous anhydride. Nitric acid attacks antimony; the degree of oxidation varying with the strength of the acid. Aqua regia readily attacks antimony, and gives rise to the formation of a trichloride, soluble in an excess of hydrochloric acid. ANTIMONY ORES. Antimony, although occasionally found in a native state, is usually combined with sulphur, and is often associated with galena. It also exists in combination with oxygen and arsenic. Native antimony crystal- lises in forms derived from the rhombohedron, and is often associated with small quantities of iron and silver. SULPHIDE OF ANTIMONY; Antimoine sulfuré; Grauspiessglaserz. Or- thorhombic. This substance, which is the only mineral sufficiently abundant to be regarded, practically, as an ore of antimony, is of a lead- or steel-grey colour, which is liable to tarnish on exposure. The cleavage is parallel to the shorter diagonal, and the crystals are commonly divergent, columnar, or fibrous. It also occurs in granular amorphous masses. Its specific gravity varies from 4.50 to 4.62; its streak has the colour of the mineral itself, and on being heated on char- coal before the blowpipe, abundant white fumes and an odour of sulphur are evolved. This ore, which is commonly associated with iron, zinc, lead, silver, quartz, and sulphate of barium, occurs in veins traversing granite, clay- slate, &c. Its most celebrated localities were formerly Felsöbanya and Schemnitz, in Hungary; Stolberg, in the Hartz; and Auvergne and Dauphiny, in France. Mines of sulphide of antimony have also been worked in Spain, Corsica, and in the county of Cornwall; of late years the chief supply of antimonial ores has been obtained from Borneo. The analysis of a specimen of this mineral from Arnsberg, West- phalia, afforded Schnabel the following results:- Sb S Fe 72.02 27.85 •13 100.00 It is consequently a sulphide of antimony, of which the composition is represented by the formula Sb,S3. Antimonious oxide, Sb2O3, occurs, though rarely, as a mineral 458 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. (Valentinite), in shining white crystals belonging to the trimetric system. It is found in veins at Przibram, in Bohemia; at Braünsdorf, in Saxony; and at Malaczka, in Hungary. It occurs also in regular octahedra, namely, as Senarmonite, in the province of Constantine, Algeria; it is therefore dimorphous. Tetroxide of antimony, sometimes called anti- monious acid, Sb2O4, is found native as Cervantite, or antimony ochre, at Pereta, in Tuscany. Antimony also occurs as red antimony, antimony blende, or kermesite, Sb.,O,+28b,S3; likewise as sulphide combined with various other metallic sulphides, particularly with those of lead and silver. We have been unable to obtain any reliable statistics with regard to the annual production of antimony, but the amount raised in this country is exceedingly small. The imports of antimonial ores into the United Kingdom, chiefly from Borneo, are said to be about 2,000 tons annually. ASSAY OF ANTIMONY ORES. From the ready fusibility of this metal its ores admit of reduction at a moderate heat. For the purpose of assay, ores of antimony may be divided into two classes: the first comprehends all compounds in which the metal is either native or combined with oxygen, and in which little or no sulphur is present; the second consists of native sulphide of antimony, and all other antimonial compounds containing large quan- tities of sulphur. . Class 1. All substances belonging to this division are, when free from earthy or siliceous impurities, readily reduced to the metallic state by being moderately heated with finely-divided charcoal. Their assay may be conducted in an earthen crucible lined with charcoal, without the addition of any flux. The volatility of this metal renders it necessary to avoid the appli- cation of too strong a heat; and when the ore examined is contaminated with siliceous impurities the addition of some suitable flux becomes neces- sary. For this purpose the ore may be either intimately mixed with two parts of black flux, or with one part of carbonate of sodium, and 0.25 of finely-powdered charcoal. In this case, lining the crucible is unneces- sary, and after it has remained in the fire until its contents are in a state of tranquil fusion, it should, on being withdrawn, be gently tapped against some hard body, to collect the fused metal into a compact button. When the crucible has become cold it is broken, and the button extracted and weighed. Care is, however, necessary in detaching it from adhering slag, since, from its brittleness, it would otherwise be liable to become broken, and a portion consequently lost. This method is likewise applicable to substances which, although principally composed of oxides of antimony, nevertheless contain small quantities of sulphur; as the sulphide yields with black flux just one- half of its antimony, only a very small portion can, in such cases, be retained in the slags. When oxide of iron is present in the substance treated, that metal is reduced at the same time as the antimony, and ANTIMONY. 459 uniting with it forms an alloy, by which the result obtained is to some extent vitiated. Class 2. The assay of substances belonging to this class may either be made by first roasting the sulphide, and subsequently fusing the oxidised residue with black flux, or by directly fusing the crude mineral with the addition of black flux and finely-divided metallic iron or with iron scale. The roasting of sulphide of antimony is, from its fusibility and the facility with which it is sublimed, an operation requiring much care in its execution; it must consequently be conducted at a very low heat, and be constantly kept stirred with a slight iron rod, until all smell of sulphur ceases to be evolved. The residue is then fused with three parts of black flux, and a button of antimony is obtained, as in the treatment of oxidised minerals belonging to the first class. The antimony contained in the sulphide of that metal is also readily liberated by fusion with metallic iron in a state of fine division. The sulphide of iron thus produced has, however, so very nearly the same density as metallic antimony, that their separation can only be obtained by keeping the contents of the crucible for a considerable time in a state of fusion. When this precaution is taken, two distinct buttons are obtained on breaking the crucible; the one, which is at the bottom, is of a white colour, and crystallised in large plates, whilst the other is of a bronze-yellow tint, and consists of sulphide of iron containing slight traces of antimony. These are carefully detached from one another, and the button of antimony weighed. The long-continued heat necessary to produce this separation has, however, the effect of causing the loss of a notable amount of antimony by sublimation, which is an inconvenience that cannot be entirely obviated by the most careful manipulation. In operating in this way, it is also of importance that only the amount of iron necessary to combine with the sulphur present should be added to the pounded sulphide, as any excess of that metal would combine with antimony, giving rise to an antimonide, of which one portion would contaminate the reduced metal, whilst another might be retained in the slag. For the reduction of pure sulphide of antimony, 42 per cent. of iron in the form of filings is required; these should be free from rust, and in the finest possible state of division, as when larger pieces are employed a considerable amount of antimony is lost by volatilisation before they can be fully acted upon by the sulphide. Cast-iron must not be employed for the reduction of sulphide of antimony, as it is not only less readily acted on by sulphur than is wrought-iron, but the slag produced adheres so firmly to the reduced metal as to be difficult of removal. If, instead of employing iron and sulphide of antimony alone, a certain proportion of carbonate of sodium and charcoal be added to the contents. of the crucible, similar results are obtained, and a slag is produced con- taining sulphide of iron and sulphide of sodium. A good mixture for this purpose consists of 100 parts of sulphide of antimony, 42 of metallic iron, 45 of carbonate of sodium, and 5 of finely- powdered charcoal. When thus treated in a lined crucible, and at a 460 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. moderate temperature, pure sulphide of antimony affords from 65 to 67 per cent. of metal. Instead of using metallic iron for this purpose, the oxide of that metal, iron scale, or any ferruginous matter may be employed, provided it be capable of affording, when heated with charcoal and an alkaline flux, a large percentage of metallic iron. When iron scale is employed, it should be added to the sulphide in the proportion of 45 parts of the former to 100 of the latter; this, with the addition of 100 parts of car- bonate of sodium, and 15 of charcoal, will, with careful firing, afford 67 per cent. of metallic antimony. Mitchell states that the best method of assaying sulphide of antimony is to mix it intimately with four parts of cyanide of potassium, and after- wards to heat it gently in an earthen crucible. The heat required in this case is so extremely low, that little if any of the metal is lost by sublimation; while by all other processes, a notable quantity, often amounting to 5 or 6 per cent., is driven off. It is consequently evident that the assay of antimony must rather be considered as a commercial approximation than as being rigorously exact; when pure sulphide is operated on its examination will be of but little value, since every 100 parts of that mineral correspond to 72.8 of antimony. METALLURGY OF ANTIMONY. ELIQUATION OF THE SULPHIDE.-From the fusibility of sulphide of antimony, its separation from the siliceous and earthy gangues with which it is associated is readily effected by a simple liquation conducted at a moderate heat. On the Continent this operation is carried on in vertical retorts; but in this country a reverberatory furnace has some- times been employed. At Malbosc, in the department of the Ardèche, France, the separation of sulphide of antimony from its associated gangues is effected by means of an apparatus, of which fig. 134 represents a vertical section. For this purpose the mineral is placed in large earthen retorts, R, of which four are set in each furnace. An aperture is left at the bottom of each, which corresponds with a similar opening in the tile, by which they are sup- ported. Beneath these, in separate chambers, C, are the earthen pots, P, in which is received the melted sulphide as it descends from the cylinders above. The fuel consumed is fir-wood, and the sulphide obtained is converted into metallic antimony, by roasting in a reverberatory furnace, and sub- sequent reduction by a mixture of 20 per cent. of pulverised charcoal, previously saturated with a strong solution of carbonate of sodium. REDUCTION TO THE METALLIC STATE. To obtain metallic antimony, the sulphide is sometimes roasted in a reverberatory furnace until the sulphur has been expelled, and a grey residue remains. This is after- wards mixed with one-tenth its weight of crude tartar, and reduced in large earthen crucibles. The metal obtained by this process is, with the exception of a certain admixture of iron, tolerably pure, and is at once ANTIMONY. 461 ready for the market. The English process for antimony-smelting is conducted in large crucibles made of refractory clay, mixed with small quantities of plumbago, which are heated in circular wind furnaces. In order to obtain metallic antimony from its sulphide, by the English process, three distinct operations are required, namely, Singling, Doubling, and Melting for Star Metal. The furnaces used in this process are 3 feet in depth and 14 inches in diameter. The crucibles are 15 inches in depth, 103 inches wide at top, and 9 inches at bottom, inside measure; the fuel used is coke. NAWA R MANA NAK WANN Fig. 134.-Liquation Furnace; vertical section. Singling.-This consists in fusing 40 lbs. of raw ore with from 20 to 22 lbs. of the clippings of tin-plate, by which treatment two products, sulphide of iron and impure metallic antimony, are obtained. In some cases a small quantity of slag from the next operation is also used. Each fusion requires about 13 hour, and at its termination the charge is poured into a conical mould, and, when sufficiently cold, the antimony is separated from the ferruginous matt by which it is covered. Doubling. The impure metal from the first operation is subsequently fused in a similar crucible with the addition of sulphate of sodium and a small quantity of slag from the third process. The charge of each crucible is 80 lbs. of crude antimony, 2 lbs. of salt-cake, and a small quantity of slag from the star metal. This fusion occupies 1 hour and 20 minutes. Melting for Star Metal.— About 60 lbs. of the metal obtained from the doubling process (bowl metal) are broken into small fragments, to which are added 2 lbs. of pearlash and 5 lbs. of the slags obtained during a previous fusion for star or French metal. The fusion usually occupies somewhat less than 1 hour, and when it is completed the metal is cast into rectangular ingots, care being taken that each shall be completely covered with slag. If this be not attended to the necessary crystal- 462 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. line surface is not obtained. The ores operated on in this country chiefly consist of the rich sulphides of antimony from Borneo. In works where antimonial ores are smelted by means of crude tartar, the scoria which cover the surface of the metal are not thrown away, as they retain a certain proportion of antimony in combination, from which a secondary product, constituting a coarse kind of kermes mineral, is ob- tained. These slags contain sulphide of potassium and antimonious oxide, and, on being treated with water, undergo a decomposition by which kermes is precipitated: this, under the name of "kermes by the dry way," is sold as a veterinary medicine. The brittleness of this metal prevents its being extensively employed in a pure state, but its alloys are much used. The most important of these is type metal. Antimony, in the form of a soluble tartrate of anti- mony and potassium, is the tartar emetic of the apothecary; and antimony, with a mixture of lead, forms the alloy on which music is engraved. A similar mixture is much used in alkali works for pumps and taps, for raising and drawing off sulphuric acid. * ARSENIC. Arsenic is a brittle metal, of a steel-grey colour, and possessing a strong lustre. When heated to 180° C., it sublimes without first entering into fusion, and at the same time emits an odour resembling that of garlic. In close vessels it may be sublimed without change; but, if air be admitted, it is rapidly converted into a white oxide. When exposed to air and moisture, it usually acquires, on its surface, a dark film, which is only superficial; but it has been observed that some specimens may be kept in open vessels for several years without losing their lustre, whilst others are in a short time oxidised throughout their whole substance, and fall into powder. This difference has been accounted for by supposing arsenic to exist in two allotrophic conditions, namely, as As and as As2. The first of these, which is deposited in the hotter parts of the receivers in which it is collected, is of a whiter colour than the other, and is highly crystalline; the second is found in the cooler portions of the receivers, is amorphous, darker in colour, and is more readily oxidised. Arsenic is combustible, and burns with a bluish white flame, and the formation of arsenious oxide As03. This oxide, which is generally known by the name of “white arsenic," is the most common preparation of this metal. It is obtained by roasting, in a reverberatory or other furnace, ores containing arsenic. The white arsenic of commerce is pro- cured during the treatment of arsenical ores of tin, arsenical ores of cobalt, and ores of copper. ASSAY OF ARSENICAL ORES.-Digest the finely-pulverised ore in strong nitric acid until all action, on the addition of fresh acid, is at an end. ARSENIC. 463 Evaporate nearly to dryness, to expel excess of nitric acid, dilute mode- rately with water, and filter. The filtrate will contain the arsenic in the form of arsenic acid, probably with sulphuric acid, resulting from the oxidation of sulphur; solution of nitrate of lead is added, and a mixture of arseniate and sulphate of lead will be thrown down. The liquid is removed by decantation, and the precipitate digested with weak nitric acid by which the arseniate of lead is dissolved, while the sulphate of lead remains. This is separated by filtration, and the filtrate neutralised with sodium hydrate, which throws down the arseniate of lead; this must be collected, dried, and weighed. Every 100 parts of this precipi- tate corresponds with 22.2 of metallic arsenic, or 29 parts of arsenious oxide. The above process, which is comparatively expeditious, is recom- mended by Mitchell in his 'Manual of Assaying,' but we have not had occasion to test the accuracy of the results obtained. Arsenic may be estimated with considerable accuracy as a magnesium arseniate; but in the presence of iron and various other bodies, the operation becomes a • process of quantitative analysis, for which some text-book on that subject should be consulted. MANUFACTURE OF WHITE ARSENIC.-None of the makers of white arsenic in Devon or Cornwall, excepting the Great Devon Consols Com- pany, manufacture it directly from raw ore; the grey flue-deposit of the tin mines is generally employed. At Devon Consols raw ore is roasted in Oxland and Hocking's calciner, and much of the arsenic pro- duced is, without further preparation, sufficiently pure for the market. When any of it is found to be a little grey it is re-sublimed. A common reverberatory furnace is used for the re-sublimation of crude arsenic, but, to prevent discolouration by smoke, either coke or an- thracite is used as fuel. A large proportion of the sublimed white arsenic is deposited in an amorphous state, but some of it is found in the form of beautiful octahedral crystals. The whole is ground between French burr- stones, and packed in casks for the market. All the white arsenic pro- duced in this country comes from Devon and Cornwall. Devon Consols collects 200 tons of white arsenic monthly; New Great Consols about 200 tons, and East Pool from 50 to 60 tons of grey arsenic. Freshly-prepared arsenious oxide is perfectly colourless and trans- parent, but becomes opaque by exposure. It is largely employed by glass-makers, and in the manufacture of emerald green. The production of arsenious oxide in this country in 1872 was 5,171 tons, of the total value of £17,964. PREPARATION OF METALLIC ARSENIC.-Arsenious oxide when heated with carbonaceous matter becomes reduced to the metallic state. Metallic arsenic is prepared either by the reduction of arsenious oxide, or by the direct decomposition of arsenical pyrites at a high temperature in retorts, usually arranged in a gallery. At Altenberg, in Saxony, a mixture of 1 cwt. of arsenious oxide with a cubic foot of powdered charcoal, is submitted to reduction and sublima- tion in iron pots. A charge so constituted necessitates the consumption of eight cubic feet of large coal and three and a half cubic feet of slack. 464 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. At Reichenstein, in Silesia, the mixed Schlich operated on contains on an average 23 per cent. of arsenic. The furnaces employed for working these ores have each twenty-six glazed earthen tubes or retorts, varying in length from 26 to 28 inches, and each 5 inches in diameter; they are provided with receivers resting upon supports of masonry. Of these twenty-six retorts, thirteen are placed on either side of the furnace, seven in the lower row and six in the intermediate spaces above. The chamber inclosing the receivers is provided with an iron door, which is kept shut till the close of the operation; the arsenical fumes and products of com- bustion escape through apertures in the arch, which is covered by a conical chimney, like that placed over a cementation furnace. This fur- nace is charged with 5 cwts. of schlich, which in the course of ten hours yields 100 lbs. of arsenic, of which 90 lbs. are sold in the light-coloured crystalline state, and the remainder as dark-grey arsenic. Arsenic is used in small quantities in the preparation of various alloys, and particularly in the manufacture of shot. When a small quantity of this metal is mixed with lead, it is found not only to impart to it a certain degree of hardness, which is advantageous, but it likewise gives to it a tendency to form into regular globules, which facilitates the manufacture. ZINC. Although the ores of zinc have probably been employed from remote antiquity for the purpose of converting copper into brass, the metal itself does not appear to have been known in Europe prior to the commence- ment of the sixteenth century; as we find it first distinctly mentioned by Paracelsus, who died in the year 1541. It is, however, stated by Beck- mann and others to have been first described, under the name of “ marcha- sita aurea," in the thirteenth century by Albert of Bollstädt, commonly known as Albertus Magnus. Its colour is bluish-white, and when re- cently broken it presents a brilliant crystalline surface. At ordinary temperatures zinc is a brittle metal, but when heated to between 120° and 150° C. it becomes both ductile and malleable. When the heat is in- creased to about 210° it is again brittle, and may at this temperature be readily pulverised in an iron mortar. Zinc fuses at about 412° C., and when slowly cooled exhibits a highly lamellar and crystalline texture. The zinc of commerce is not chemically pure, but is invariably contami- nated with the presence of various other metals, such as lead, cadmium, iron and copper. It may be obtained in a state nearly approaching to purity by the following process:-A fragment of the purest commercial zinc is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and in the solution is placed a slip of the same metal, which is allowed to remain for some hours. The liquid is now filtered, carbonate of potassium added, and the precipitate, after being well washed, heated with powdered charcoal in an earthen retort. The zinc, which is volatile at a white beat, is thus distilled over ZINC. 465 into a vessel of water placed beneath for its reception; care must be taken that the neck of the retort be short and wide, as it will other- wise be liable to become choked by an accumulation of the condensed metal. When a brilliant surface of clean and polished zinc is exposed to dry air, it remains unchanged at common temperatures; in a damp atmosphere, on the contrary, it is speedily tarnished and soon acquires a grey colour from the formation of a superficial coating of oxide. When heated in contact with air at a temperature above that of its point of fusion, it takes fire, and burns with an extremely vivid white flame. The bril- liancy of this flame is caused by the combustion of metallic zinc, which gives rise to the formation of zinc oxide, the flores zinci, nil album, or lana philosophica, of the early chemists, a body which may, practically, be con- sidered as fixed at all temperatures; this becoming white-hot communi- cates to the flame its peculiar intensity of colour. Oxide of zinc obtained by this means is largely employed, when ground with oil, as a pigment, in lieu of white lead; from its perfect whiteness, as well as from the cir- cumstance of its not becoming blackened by sulphuretted hydrogen, it is for many purposes to be preferred to the different preparations of the former metal. Zinc is soluble in hydrochloric and in dilute sulphuric acid, with evolu- tion of hydrogen gas; the action of these acids is more energetic on ordi- nary commercial zinc than on that which is chemically pure. This metal decomposes water with the formation of zinc oxide and the evolution of hydrogen; when zinc is in a state of fine division this reaction commences at a temperature slightly exceeding 100° C. Zinc is also soluble, with liberation of hydrogen, in boiling solutions of potash or soda. If, at the same time that the zinc is inserted in the alkaline solution, a slip of iron be placed in contact with it in the same liquid, the decom- position of water may be effected at ordinary temperatures; in this case the zinc alone is attacked, the iron merely serving as the negative element of a voltaic couple, by the action of which the decomposition is much facilitated. ZINC ORES. Zinc usually occurs in combination with either sulphur, oxygen, car- bonic acid, sulphuric acid, or silica, and is also occasionally found asso- ciated with alumina, as in a variety of the species spinel. Before the blowpipe the ores of zinc are almost completely infusible, but when strongly heated on a charcoal support, give off, with greater or less facility, fumes of zinc, which becoming oxidised are deep yellow when hot, and are deposited on the cooler parts of the charcoal as a white incrustation. The zinc of commerce is chiefly obtained from the natural carbonates and silicates of this metal, and from the native sulphide, or blende. The ores of zinc occur either in veins traversing the older rocks, or in floors and branches in more recent formations. The first mode of occurrence is perhaps the most frequent, but the more recent deposits are generally most productive. 2 H 466 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. NATIVE ZINC.-A specimen is stated to have been found, near Mel- bourne, in a cavity in basalt; but the occurrence of this metal in the native state requires confirmation. RED OXIDE OF ZINC; Zincite; Zinc oxydé ferrifère; Zinkoxyd. Hex- agonal.-Red oxide of zinc, although rarely occurring in the crystalline form, has sometimes been met with in crystals belonging to the hexagonal system. It is found at Mine Hill and at Stirling Hill in New Jersey, where it is associated with franklinite and calcite. According to an analysis by Whitney, this mineral is composed of— ZnO Mn2O3 96.19 3.70 · 99.89 Its specific gravity varies from 5-4 to 5.5; lustre adamantine; affords when scratched an orange-yellow streak; colour red, of various hues, sometimes inclining to yellow. It possesses two distinct cleavages at an angle of 120°; is brittle, and presents a conchoidal fracture. Alone, before the blowpipe, this mineral is infusible, but with the addition of borax a yellow transparent glass is obtained. Its surface becomes dull, and ultimately white, by exposure. A specimen of this mineral, of extreme purity, and weighing 16,400 lbs., was forwarded to the Great Exhibition of 1851. SULPHIDE OF ZINO; Zinc sulfuré; Blende. Isometric.-This mineral occurs either massive, or in dodecahedra, octahedra, and other allied forms. It admits of six distinct cleavages parallel to the faces of the dodecahedron; streak white to reddish-brown. Colour, resin-yellow to dark-brown or black; specimens having a green or a red tint are occa- sionally met with. Lustre waxy or resinous, and when recently broken a brilliant and frequently submetallic surface is obtained. Specific gravity 4.0 to 4.1. Some specimens become electric by friction. This ore, par- ticularly when of a dark colour, frequently contains sulphide of iron, and the red variety is sometimes associated with from 1 to 2 per cent. of sulphide of cadmium. When heated alone, or with the addition of borax, before the blowpipe, it is infusible; when a charcoal support is employed, it yields metallic fumes, resulting in a deposit of oxide of zinc. Blende occurs in rocks of all ages, and is generally associated with the ores of lead, as also, though less frequently, with those of iron, copper, tin, and silver. The blende found in this country is, from the amount of iron sulphide it contains, usually of a dark colour, and is hence called Black Jack by English miners. This sulphide is found abundantly in Corn- wall, Cumberland, and Derbyshire, as well as in Transylvania, Hungary, the Hartz and elsewhere. A transparent variety of a bright-yellow colour accompanies bourno- nite and fahlerz at Kapnick in Transylvania; still more beautiful speci- mens of an olive-green tint are procured from Schemnitz in Hungary; transparent red blende occurs in Spain; whilst Sweden, Bohemia and Saxony are famous for the brilliant brown and black crystals they afford. ZINC. 467 The zinc and sulphur of which this mineral is composed are combined in the proportion of 1:1, and its composition will consequently be expressed by the formula ZnS. Two analyses of this substance from different localities afforded Arfwedson and Berthier, the following results :- Sulphide of Zinc, Lamellar, from in Crystals; Arfwedson. England; Berthier. Zn 66.34 61.5 Fe S ·00 4.0 33.66 33.0 100.00 98.5 From the difficulties formerly experienced in its metallurgical treat- ment, this mineral was until a comparatively recent date but sparingly employed as an ore of zinc, although after careful roasting, it readily yields, by distillation with carbonaceous matter, a large proportion of the metal which it contains. CARBONATE OF ZINO; Calamine;* Zinc carbonaté; Zinkspath. Rhombo- hedral. This substance is found in crystals, in concretionary and compact masses, and in pseudomorphic forms. When pure, its colour is yellowish- white; but when much contaminated with iron, it is frequently brown or reddish-brown. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly; streak, white; cleavage parallel to the faces of the rhombohedron. Specific gravity from 4.30 to 4·45. Smithson, who analysed two specimens of this mineral from Derbyshire, found them to contain- 1. 2. ZnO 65.20 64.64 CO₂ · 34.80 35.36 100.00 100.00 These numbers correspond to the composition represented by the formula ZnO,CO2, or ZnCO3. It is soluble in acids with evolution of carbonic anhydride; when strongly heated before the blowpipe, this gas is eliminated and oxide of zinc remains. This is one of the most important ores of zinc, and, together with the silicates with which it is almost invariably associated, is extensively employed for the produc- tion of that metal. A compact, fibrous, semi-transparent variety of this * The Calamine of some writers is the Smithsonite of others, and vice versâ; this causes great confusion. Dana and most of the continental mineralogists call the silicate Calamine and the carbonate Smithsonite; thus reversing our use of the terms. : 2 H 2 468 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. mineral, of a pale-yellow colour, and disposed in concentric laminæ, occurs at Alston Moor in Cumberland, where it is found associated with blende and galena in a calcareous rock. It is likewise abundant in Derbyshire, as also in the Island of Sardinia, in Siberia, Hungary, Silesia, Carinthia, and near Aix-la-Chapelle, as well as in many parts of the United States of America. SILICATE OF ZINC; Smithsonite; Zinc oxydé silicifère; Galmei. Ortho- rhombic. This mineral was for a long time confounded with car- bonate of zinc, although they differ materially from each other both in their chemical and physical properties. It occurs in mammillated, botryoidal, and fibrous forms; also massive, granular, and crystallised. Its usual colour is white, sometimes with a bluish or greenish shade, also yellowish to brown. Streak white. Transparent or opaque; vitreous lustre and uneven fracture. Specific gravity 3.3 to 3.6. Crystals of this mineral, when heated, become electric, and the same effect is sometimes produced by friction. Specimens of this mineral, analysed by Hermann and Schnabel, gave the following results:- From Nertschinsk. From Santander. Hermann. Schnabel. SiO2 25.96 23.74 ZuO 65.66 66.25 H₂O 8.38 8.34 Fe₂03. 1.08 100.00 99.41 These results indicate that this mineral may be represented by the formula 2ZnO,SiO,Aq, or Zn,SiO+H₂O. This is a valuable ore, and is commonly associated with the carbonate in veins containing ores of iron and lead, together with sulphide of zinc, or zinc blende. Considerable quantities occur at Bleiberg and Raibel in Carinthia, as also at Fribourg in Brisgau, at Rezbanya in Hungary, Tarnowitz in Silesia, and near Aix- la-Chapelle. Concentric botryoidal masses are also found in the Mendip Hills, and at Wanlockhead in Dumfriesshire; pseudomorphous crystals of the same substance occur in some parts of Derbyshire, and at Schem- nitz in Hungary. Before the blowpipe it decrepitates, intumesces, and loses its transparency. When reduced to fine powder, it is soluble in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids on the application of a gentle heat, and, on cooling, silica is deposited in a gelatinous state. WILLEMITE; Anhydrous Silicate of Zinc. Rhombohedral. This mineral occurs in minute crystals, massive, disseminated in grains, and sometimes fibrous. Lustre, vitreo-resinous. Colour, whitish- or greenish- yellow, to green or brown, when impure; streak uncoloured; trans- parent to opaque; specific gravity, 3.89-4.18; brittle, with conchoidal fracture. ZINC. 469 The following analyses of specimens, from Stirling, are by Vanuxem and Keating, who, together, first described this mineral:— 1. 21. SiO2 25.44 25.00 Mn2O3 2.66 6.50 · • 67 Fe₂03 ZnO 68.06 71.33 100.00 99.66 From these results the formula 2ZnO,SiO2, or Zn2SiO4, may be deduced. Willemite occurs at Vieille Montagne, near Moresnet, in Belgium; at Stolberg, near Aix-la-Chapelle; at Raibel, in Carinthia ; and also in Servia and in compact quartz in Greenland. In New Jersey, at Franklin and Stirling, it occurs in such quantities as to constitute an important ore of zinc. A variety known as Troostite is also found in the last-named localities, in crystals of as much as 6 inches in length by 1 inch in diameter, imbedded in franklinite or in calcite. The following minerals, although interesting to mineralogists, are not found in sufficient quantities to be of any metallurgical importance :- SULPHATE OF ZINC; Goslarite; White vitriol; Zinc sulfaté; Goslarit. Orthorhombic. Its formula may be taken as ZnO,SO,+7H₂O, or ZnSO4 +7H20. It is a soluble salt of a white colour, and is usually associated with blende, by the oxidation of which it is probably produced. It occurs at Holywell in Wales, at Goslar in the Hartz, at Fahlun in Sweden, and at Schemnitz in Hungary. OXYSULPHIDE OF ZINC; Voltzite; Leberblende.-In implanted spheri- cal globules; colour, dirty rose-red to yellow. Its composition may be expressed by the formula 4ZnS,ZnO. Occurs at Rosières, near Pont- gibaud in France; at the Elias Mine, near Joachimsthal in Bohemia; and in Cornwall. A hydrous phosphate and an anhydrous sulphate of zinc are also stated to occur. DISTRIBUTION OF ZINC ORES. Of all the minerals containing zinc three only are of much importance to the metallurgist; these are blende, calamine, and silicate of zinc. These ores may be divided into two classes, according to their geological position and mode of occurrence. First, those which occur in the older formations in veins, generally associated with other metallic sulphides; blende is the only important ore of this class. The second group, which includes the most important ores, occurs chiefly in calcareous or dolo- mitic rocks, often belonging to the Carboniferous system; the ores are either intercalated with the strata, or occupy depressions in them. By far the largest proportion of the zinc ore raised in Europe is obtained મ 470 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. from Germany, Belgium, Spain, and the Island of Sardinia; that pro- duced by other countries being comparatively unimportant. The chief deposits of Germany are situated in Upper Silesia, some also occurring in the Rhenish provinces and in Westphalia. The most important Belgian deposits are those of La Vieille Montagne, La Nouvelle Montagne, and Corfalie. The production of zinc in Great Britain has been decreasing for some years; the Mineral Statistics for 1872 show that the quantity of zinc ores raised in the United Kingdom during that year amounted to only 18,542 tons, equivalent to 5,191 tons of metallic zine; of this quantity 4,292 tons were raised in England, chiefly in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Cumberland, and Salop; 10,493 tons were obtained from Wales, chiefly from Denbighshire, Cardiganshire, Flintshire, and Montgomeryshire. The Isle of Man during the same year produced 3,123 tons; Ireland, 634, and Scotland none. The principal zinc- works in this country are situated at Swansea, and in the counties of Cumberland, Durham, Denbigh, and Flint. The ores treated include blende, chiefly obtained from various lead mines, together with calamine and silicate of zinc. The two latter are, for the most part, the pro- duce of foreign mines, considerable quantities of carbonate being im- ported from Spain and Sardinia, whilst silicates are, to a small extent, derived from the United States of America, where, according to Prof. B. Silliman,* the annual production of zinc and zinc oxide is as follows:- Zinc (Spelter), the annual make is about. Distributed as follows:- Lehigh Zinc-works, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, New Jersey Missouri (two works) Other Western companies, say Zinc Oxide, the annual make is about Distributed as follows:- Lehigh Zinc-works, Pennsylvania Tons. 4,500 Tons. 1,500 750 1,250 1,000 4,500 8,500 • 2,500 · 3,000 • • 1,000 · 1,500 500 8,500 Passaic "" New Jersey Mercer " "" New Jersey Page & Co., St. Louis, Missouri • • • Total product of metallic zinc and zinc oxide in United States, 1873 13,000 • The New Jersey Zinc Company and other companies in New Jersey work the remarkable deposit or vein of Sussex County, so familiar to mineralogists, and which furnishes red oxide of zinc (zincite), wille- mite, and franklinite, with a little blende and carbonate of zinc. These ores are treated in muffle furnaces with anthracite-dust, and the oxide produced is wafted by blowers to chambers, where it is collected in huge bags of muslin. The residuum of manganiferous-iron is reduced in * Private communication. ZINC. 471 blast-furnaces to spiegeleisen, and the fume from the condensers, attached to the tunnel heads of the blast-furnaces, is reduced to spelter in Belgian retorts. This spelter is of remarkable purity, and commands a higher price than European zinc for casting gas-fittings and other imitations of bronze. The Lehigh Zinc-Works use ores raised by them from a large deposit of smithsonite and blende in the paleozoic limestones of the Saucon Valley, Pennsylvania. The vein is extremely wet, requiring an engine of 110-inch cylinder and 10-feet stroke, with two 36-inch pumps, to keep down the water. This company use the Wetherill furnace- low arched furnace, with a force-blast through the charge of crushed ore and dust of anthracite, condensing the product by the American system. Their spelter is made chiefly from massive blende, of which the quantity is large. The Belgian system is used, and a large part of the product is rolled at the works into sheet-zinc. This spelter is also exceptionally pure. The Missouri and other Western ores are chiefly "dry bone" (cala- mine). But little zinc oxide is made as yet in the Western States. The zinc-works at Elizabethport, New Jersey, are confined to reviving the zinc from "galvanised iron," and hence their product is not exclu- sively American. The Bartlett Company reduces a considerable (but not declared) quantity of zinciferous galena, from the Erie Lead Mines, to pigs of “ zinc-lead,” which are all consumed by the company itself in producing a kind of mixed lead and zinc paint known as "Bartlett lead," and said to be a good pigment. The make of zinc in the United States, and especially of zinc oxide, is increasing. There are deposits of zinc in Tennessee, Wisconsin, and elsewhere, which are stated to be in the course of development. It appears from statistics kindly furnished by Mr. H. H. Vivian, who himself works large quantities of this material, that the total annual production of zinc ore in Sardinia is about 49,200 tons, representing 16,690 tons of spelter; this ore is chiefly exported to Germany, Belgium, and to the United Kingdom. Through the courtesy of M. St. Paul de Sinçay, Director of the works of the celebrated Vieille Montagne Company, we are enabled to give the following particulars relative to the present annual zinc-produc- tion of Europe:- Belgium Germany *Austria *Great Britain France Spain Tons. 45,745 -I 55,744 3,000 15,000 4,400 4,400 128,289 This, with 4,500 tons of spelter produced annually in the United States, will make a total of 132,789 tons. * Amouuts marked thus * are approximations only. 472 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 1 ASSAY OF ZINC ORES, &c. The zinc-yielding materials which are likely to come under the notice of the metallurgist may be classified as follows:- 1. Ores of zinc in which the metal exists in the form of oxide, uncom- bined with silica. 2. Ores in which zinc is present as oxide, but wholly or in part com- bined with silica. 3. Ores in which this metal exists wholly, or in part, combined with sulphur. 4. Alloys of zinc. The estimation of the amount of zinc contained in an ore of that metal may be effected either by dry, or fire assay, or by humid assay. The determination by the former method is a somewhat troublesome and uncertain process, since zinc, being oxidisable and volatile at high temperatures, cannot be obtained in the form of a metallic button, as in the case of the more fixed metals. FIRE ASSAY. BY DISTILLATION.-Ores of the first class, being readily reducible, only require to be mixed with carbonaceous matter and heated to whiteness in a porcelain retort. The metal is by this means volatilised and condenses in the neck of the retort, which, during the operation, must be kept open by the occasional insertion of an iron rod, as other- wise an explosion might ensue. When the operation is completed, which is usually the case in about an hour, the retort is removed from the fire and laid on its side to cool; it must then be broken, and the zinc detached from the neck as completely as possible, together with any globules which may have condensed in the dome; this separation is more readily effected if the neck has been previously coated with plumbago. Any zinc which cannot be thus mechanically detached must be removed by immersing the fragments of the retort in hot nitric acid; the solution thus obtained is evaporated to dryness, the residue, of nitrate of zinc, being converted into oxide by ignition. This is weighed, and four-fifths of its weight added to that already obtained by weighing the zinc obtained in the metallic state. Ores of the second class are also reducible by carbon, but it is found. advisable to add some base, such as lime, which combines with the silica set free on the reduction of the zinc oxide, and forms a fusible slag. Ores of the third class must, previously to treatment by the same process as those of class 1, be subjected to careful roasting to free them completely from sulphur. To prevent clotting, the temperature must be kept low during the first portion of the process, but must be considerably raised towards the end, in order to insure decomposition of any sulphates which may have been formed. BY DIFFERENCE.—An approximation to the quantity of zinc contained in an ore may be arrived at by calcining a given weight of the ground material, re-weighing, and then mixing with carbon and fixed fluxes of known weight. This mixture is placed in a brasqued crucible, and kept at the temperature of an iron assay for half an hour. The residue ZINC. 473 is weighed, and its weight subtracted from that of the original mineral and fluxes (a correction being sometimes made for the ash left by the charcoal used to effect reduction). The difference is the weight of zinc oxide, four-fifths of which will represent the amount of zinc originally in the sample. If much iron be present, the residue left in the crucible consists of a button of slag containing globules of cast-iron. This is first weighed intact; and is then crushed in an iron mortar, and the grains of iron removed with a magnet and weighed, the weight of the slag being readily ascertained by difference. The weight of oxygen lost by the iron during reduction is now, by calculation, added, and on subtracting the sum of these numbers from the amount of flux and mineral employed, we obtain the weight of oxide of zinc present in the ore. By deducting, on the other hand, the weight of fixed flux used from that of slag obtained, the weight of the earthy matter and unreducible oxides associated with the ore may be arrived at with tolerable precision. These results have been expressed by Berthier in the following manner: Let W be the weight of crude ore, and w that of the ore after calcina- tion; t, the weight of the flux added; f, the weight of the cast-iron found; s, the weight of slag; o, the weight of the oxygen combined with the iron; and z, the weight of the oxide of zinc sought. Then we have- W crude ore = calcined do w Fixed fluxes added Give- Iron f Total ƒ + s Slag's Oxygen 0 t w + t f+s+o Zinc oxide z = w + t − ƒ — 8 — 0 Flux added t Earthy matter S t If the ore of zinc be contaminated by any lead-mineral, this method of assay is quite unreliable. Galena, if present, is during calcination converted into oxide and sulphate of lead, which, when heated with carbon, are respectively reduced to metallic lead and sulphide of lead, and the latter, if iron be present, is reduced to the metallic state, iron sulphide being formed. If lead be present as carbonate it is changed by calcination to oxide, which is subsequently reduced to the metallic state by the action of carbon. A considerable loss in weight also occurs by the volatilisation of some of the reduced lead. The methods of determining zinc by fire-assay, although formerly in general use, have been entirely superseded by the more expeditious and more accurate methods, which will be described under the head of Humid Assay; they are now rarely used excepting in the absence of liquid reagents. HUMID ASSAY. BY DIFFERENCE.-This process is based on the solu- • 474 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. bility of zinc oxide in solutions of ammonia and ammonium carbonate, and is not suitable for ores in which the zinc is present as silicate, upon which the above-named re-agents have but little effect. On this account the process may be found useful in determining, approximately, the amount of zinc oxide present in an ore in which that metal also exists as silicate. The process is conducted as follows:-A weighed quantity of the ore is calcined in a muffle or over a gas-flame until all volatile matters have been expelled. The calcined ore is then re-weighed, placed in a beaker or flask, and digested for about twenty minutes with a solution of ammonia and ammonium carbonate. The insoluble residue is collected on a filter, thoroughly washed with hot ammoniacal water, dried, ignited and weighed. This weight deducted from that of the calcined ore employed gives, by loss, the weight of zinc oxide; from which, by subtracting one-fifth for oxygen, we get the weight of zinc present in the ore operated upon. If the ore be in a state of fine division and tolerably pure, the zinc oxide may be almost completely extracted by ammonia and ammonium carbonate. If, however, much earthy matter or oxide of iron, more espe- cially the latter, be present, some of the zinc oxide is retained in the insoluble residue. To obviate this the process may be modified as follows:----After calcination, the ore is treated with hydrochloric and a little nitric acid; to the solution obtained ammonia and ammonium car- bonate are added in excess. The insoluble residue, together with the precipitate of ferric hydrate, &c., is collected on a filter, washed with hot ammoniacal water, dried, ignited and weighed. The difference between this weight and that of the calcined ore used, indicates the quantity of zinc oxide dissolved. By this treatment, not only the zinc existing as oxide, but also that present as silicate, is removed; silicate of zinc being decomposed by the acids employed. VOLUMETRIC ASSAY.-The volumetric estimation of zinc by a standard solution of sodium sulphide is one of the quickest and most reliable methods at present known, and is therefore commonly used for com- mercial purposes. When sodium sulphide in solution is added to an ammoniacal solution of zinc, the latter metal is thrown down as a white precipitate. By using a standard solution of sodium sulphide, the quan- tity of zinc present may be calculated from the amount of the standard solution required for its precipitation. Various methods have been em- ployed to determine when the whole of the zinc has been precipitated, the following being most usually resorted to. The first of these will generally be found most convenient. Flakes of freshly-precipitated ferric hydrate may be added to the ammoniacal solution of zinc; these will retain their colour until all the zinc has been precipitated, but will become blackened directly the sodium sulphide is in excess. A drop of the zinc solution may be transferred, by means of a glass rod, to a piece of lead-paper, when the presence of excess of sodium sulphide will be indicated by the blackening of the paper. Instead of this a drop of a solution of pure nickel sulphate, or lead acetate, may be placed on a white porcelain slab and touched with a ZINC. 475 glass rod, which has previously been dipped into the zinc solution. If there be any excess of sodium sulphide, a black precipitate will be formed; if, on the contrary, a portion of the zinc still remains in solution no change will occur. The preparation of the necessary reagents is conducted as follows :— Ferric Chloride Solution.-3 grammes of iron-wire are dissolved in hydrochloric and a little nitric acid, and the solution diluted to one litre. 5 c.c. of this solution will contain about 0·015 gramme of metallic iron. Standard Solution of Sodium Sulphide. About 100 grammes of crys- tallised sodium monosulphide are dissolved in about 2½ litres of distilled water. The solution should be either filtered or decanted, in order to free it from any black precipitate which, in small quantities, may be formed; it is then ready for use. Standardisation is effected by dissolving two or three pieces of zinc, each weighing from 0·5 to 0·75 of a gramme, in hydrochloric and a small quantity of nitric acid; each solution is put into a separate flask and diluted with water to about half a litre; ammonia in excess is then added. Into each flask 5 c.c. of ferric chloride solution, to which ammonia has been previously added, are introduced. Solution of sodium sulphide is now allowed to run slowly from a graduated burette into the cold ammoniacal solution, which must be kept in constant mo- tion, until the zinc is completely precipitated and the ferric hydrate is blackened. The number of divisions of the liquid which have been run into each flask is then read off, and the mean of the results taken as the standard; from the quantity of this solution required to precipitate a known weight of zinc, the weight of that metal which each c.c. of sul- phide solution will precipitate is readily found by calculation. When sodium monosulphide is unobtainable about 300 grammes of caustic soda may be dissolved in 1 litre of water, and the solution divided into two equal portions. Through one of these, sulphuretted hydrogen is passed to saturation; the other portion of the solution is then added, and a preliminary trial of the strength of the mixture is made. It may then be diluted to approximately the required strength, and standardised in the usual manner. Estimation of the Zinc contained in an Ore.-From 0·5 to 2 grammes of the pulverised ore are heated with hydrochloric and a little nitric acid, a large excess of acid being avoided. When the decomposition is complete, the solution is somewhat diluted, and ammonia and ammonium carbonate added in excess; it is then kept at a gentle heat for twenty or thirty minutes, filtered into a half-litre flask, and the residue on the filter well washed with hot ammoniacal water. To the ammoniacal solution 5 c.c. of the ferric chloride solution should be added. It is, however, pre- ferable first to add ammonia to the 5 c.c. of ferric chloride solution, and then to pour the liquid containing precipitated ferric hydrate into the am- moniacal zinc solution; this mode of procedure prevents the coagulation which would be liable to occur if the ferric chloride were directly added. When the solution is cold the sodium sulphide solution is gradually run in from a burette, until the zinc is completely precipitated and the ferric chloride is slightly blackened. The number of divisions of the solution 476 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. run in is now read off, and the weight of zinc which that quantity of the standard solution is capable of precipitating is determined by calcula- tion; the result being the quantity of zinc contained in the weight of ore employed. During the addition of the sodium sulphide solution the contents of the flask must be kept in continual agitation, otherwise the zinc may be entirely precipitated, in one portion of the solution, and the ferric hydrate blackened, before the precipitation of the whole of the zinc has been effected; should this occur, the results obtained would be entirely unreliable. The examination of an alloy of zinc usually involves a, more or less complete, chemical analysis. Orės of zinc are frequently contaminated by the presence of other metals, which would vitiate the assay unless previously removed. Iron.—When this metal is present in small quantities only, the assay may be made without filtration; it is, however, preferable to filter off the ferric hydrate from the solution of zinc in ammonia and ammonium carbonate, and to add to the filtrate a definite amount of the ferric chloride solution. When the quantity of iron is considerable the ferric hydrate is liable to retain zinc oxide; in this case, after allowing the ferric hydrate to subside, the ammoniacal solution is decanted, and the former again treated with ammonia and ammonium carbonate before filtration. Manganese is sometimes present in red zinc oxide, &c. On the addi- tion of ammonium carbonate, the manganese is not completely separated; but its complete precipitation may be effected by the application of heat and the addition of a few drops of bromine to the ammoniacal solution. Copper, if present in small quantities, cominunicates a blue colour to the solution; it may be removed by the addition of a few drops of sodium sulphide solution to the ammoniacal zinc solution, whilst hot, until the blue colour is discharged. The precipitated copper must be separated by rapid filtration, and the zinc estimated in the filtrate, after cooling, in the usual manner. If copper be present in large quantity, the ore must be treated with dilute sulphuric acid, and the copper thrown down by immersing in the solution a clean plate of iron. The precipitated copper is thrown on to a filter, and, if necessary, may be washed, dried and weighed; to the solution a small quantity of nitric acid is added, to peroxidise the iron, and after adding ammonia and ammonium carbonate the assay is proceeded with in the usual manner. Lead and Cadmium do not interfere with the accuracy of the results, since the former remains partly in the insoluble residue, as sulphate, and the remainder is precipitated on the addition of ammonium carbonate, whilst cadmium is insoluble in the ammoniacal solution. Silver is rarely present in sufficient quantity to interfere with the assay, but if necessary it may be separated by filtering the solution of zinc oxide in hydrochloric acid, previously to adding ammonia; the silver will thus be left with the insoluble residue on the filter, in the form of chloride. ZINC. 477 METALLURGY OF ZINC. When calamine is the ore operated on, it is usually first submitted to calcination, for the purpose of rendering it less compact and more. readily acted on by the carbon used for its reduction; at the same time carbonic anhydride and water are driven off. The latter, if present during reduction, would lower the temperature of the retort and be liable to carry off with it, mechanically, particles of undecomposed zinc oxide. The loss by calcination is from 25 to 30 per cent. In some cases the larger pieces of ore are roasted in kilns, the calamine being interstratified with layers of fuel. A modified form of kiln having an independent fire-place is used in southern Spain. An apparatus of this description will yield from 5 to 8 tons of calcined calamine in twenty-four hours, whilst one having two grates will calcine as much as 10 tons, with a con- sumption of from 8 to 9 per cent. of coal. This, though possessing fewer disadvantages than ordinary kilns, is apt to yield a product of which the degree of calcination is not uniform. It is, however, more usual to conduct the calcination in reverberatory furnaces, but the ore must not be in large fragments, which would make the charge difficult to turn and to thoroughly calcine. The furnaces employed are of the ordinary reverberatory description, and may be heated either by an independent fire-place or by the waste gases from the distilling apparatus; when the latter are employed, considerable economy of fuel is the result, but the draught and, consequently, the temperature of the retorts nearest to the calciner are liable to be decreased, especially after a charge of cold, and sometimes damp, ore has been thrown into it. At Moresnet, near Aix-la-Chapelle, furnaces fired directly and furnished with two hearths calcine about 8 tons of calamine in twenty-four hours, with a consumption of 27 cubic feet of coal. The silicates of zinc are not always calcined previously to being treated for the metal they contain, but are frequently mixed with yari- able quantities of slaked lime, in addition to the coke-dust used for their reduction. » The process of roasting blende, which has for its object the conver- sion of zinc sulphide into zinc oxide with the elimination of sulphurous anhydride, is by no means so easily accomplished as the calcination of cala- mine; when blende is roasted zinc sulphate is formed, and this can only be decomposed by a strong red-heat. Kilns are not suitable for the roast- ing of blende, the product obtained retaining too much sulphur to admit of the subsequent separation of the metal by distillation; they are, however, occasionally employed for preliminary roastings having for their object the rendering of the blende friable. Roasting can only be satisfactorily accomplished after the blende has been reduced to a uniform powder capable of passing through a sieve of about thirty-six holes to the square inch. The reverberatory furnaces employed are often divided by steps, 4 inches in height, into three separate beds. Their total length is gene- rally about 36 feet, and the internal width 10 feet. The fire-bridge is 9 inches in height, and the grate 24 inches in width by 7 feet 9 inches in 1 478 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. length, whilst the rise of the crown above the bed is about 25 inches. The bed most remote from the fire-bridge is charged every eight hours with 12 cwts. of raw ore, and the mineral is successively removed from the different beds until it is ultimately drawn from that nearest the grate. In this way the total length of time necessary to effect the calcination is twenty-four hours, whilst the weight of ore in process of elaboration at one time is 36 cwts.; during this process the ore is frequently stirred by means of iron paddles. In some few cases the ore is roasted in muffle- furnaces, in order that the sulphurous anhydride which is evolved may be collected and utilised. The calcined or roasted ore is usually reduced to powder in edge- mills, a coarser powder being used for the Silesian than for the Belgian process. In many cases roasted blende requires no further crushing, having been ground sufficiently fine previously to roasting. The pul- verised calcined ore is mixed with a proper proportion either of finely- divided non-caking coal or a mixture of this with small coke, by which, when strongly heated in earthen retorts, its conversion into metallic zinc is determined. The reduction of the oxide is effected at the expense of the carbon present, carbonic oxide is evolved, and the metallic zinc liberated is condensed in proper receivers adapted to the retorts in which the operation is conducted. The arrangement of the apparatus in which these reactions take place is varied in different localities in accordance with the qualities of the mineral treated and the nature of the fuel employed. ENGLISH PROCESS. The process formerly in general use in this country for the reduc- tion of zinc ores is called distillation per descensum, and is conducted in a furnace in many respects similar to those used in glass-houses for the fusion and preparation of glass. These furnaces were either square or round in transverse section, but that represented in fig. 135, and which was usually preferred, has the latter form. The fire-place, F, is raised to a convenient height above the surface of the ground, and is situated in the centre of the arrangement. Around this are disposed the crucibles, c, which are charged with the mixture of ore and fine coal from which the zinc is distilled. The conical hood is pierced with openings, d, corre- sponding to each crucible, through which the charge is introduced. The bottom of each pot is furnished with an orifice, which is stopped by a plug of wood; this, being converted into charcoal during the process, is rendered sufficiently porous to admit of the passage of the volatilised metal, but at the same time prevents the escape of the small coal or calcined mineral. Each crucible is covered by a lid secured in its place by a lute of fire-clay; the volatilised zinc is condensed in a sheet-iron tube fitted beneath the opening in the bottom of each crucible; these tubes are frequently made in two portions, the shorter being funnel- shaped and so arranged that it can be raised or lowered at will in order to keep the flange at its upper end in close contact with the bottom ZINC. 479 of the crucible. The longer piece of tube is fitted loosely on to the shorter, but is not placed in position until the zinc begins to distil off. The condensed metal falls, in the form of drops, into a sheet-iron vessel, r, placed for its reception. As the tubes are liable to become choked by the condensed metal, it is necessary to clear them from time to time by the insertion of a long iron rod, since they might otherwise become entirely closed, and give rise to explosions. The zinc collected in this operation in the form of drops and very fine powder, mixed with a certain proportion of oxide, is afterwards melted in a large iron pot, set in brickwork, and heated by a fire beneath. The dross which collects on the surface of the fused metal is skimmed off and returned to the d Fig. 135.-English Zinc Furnace; vertical section. crucibles in a succeeding operation, whilst the zinc itself is cast into rectangular slabs or ingots, in which state it is sent into the market. Five distillations may be made by a furnace of this kind in fourteen days, in the course of which 5 tons of calcined ore are treated, yielding about 40 cwts. of metal. About 25 tons of a mixture of binding and free-burning coal are employed in the extraction of 1 ton of metallic zinc. The duration of each crucible may be calculated at about four months; when unfit for further service, they are removed through apertures made in the surrounding brickwork. New pots, before being set, are heated to redness in a reverberatory furnace, and carried to their places by a large pair of iron tongs slung in chains, and supported by a kind of overhead railway, similar to that used for replacing ordinary glass-house pots. When set in their places, the brickwork is repaired and a cover fitted in the usual way. At the close of each operation, the crucibles are discharged by removing the condensing pipe from the bottom, and withdrawing the residue through the aperture, after breaking with a rake the piece of charcoal by which it was closed during the 480 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. process of distillation. Any cracks which may occur in the pots during the process are stopped with fire-clay. The consumption of fuel in this apparatus is too large in proportion to the metal obtained to enable it to compete with the Belgian and Silesian furnaces, and we are not aware that the English furnace is any- where in use at the present time for the treatment of zinc ores. BELGIAN PROCESS. The minerals employed for the preparation of zinc at the works of the Vieille Montagne Company, in the neighbourhood of Aix-la-Chapelle, are the silicates and carbonate of zinc, which are either compact and earthy, or crystalline and nearly pure. The gangue of the local ores is almost exclusively composed of clay, which occurs in the form of masses, occupying cavities in the middle of the calamine. In order that this may become softened and be readily removed, the mineral is left exposed to the air for several months before it is employed, by which treatment the greater proportion of the im- purities becomes detached and is carried away by the rains. When very impure, the mineral is sometimes washed under a stream of water, by which the clay is removed. At these establishments the ore is divided into two classes, the white ore and the red, distinguished both by their appearance and by their chemical composition. The second of these contains a larger amount of iron than the first, and is less rich in zinc, but is nevertheless more readily treated than the whiter variety. The white ore contains, on an average, 46 per cent. of oxide of zinc, and the red only 33. The peroxide of iron contained in these two ores amounts respectively to 5 and 18 per cent. The mineral, after it has been washed, is calcined in conical kilns similar to those employed for burning lime. These kilns are heated by two lateral fire-places, covered by an arch and are provided with a flue, which is divided at a short distance from the hearth, and enters the kiln by about twenty different apertures, arranged at regular intervals. Each opening is 4 inches square, and is lined with fire-bricks. At the bottom of the furnace are two rectangular openings, destined for the removal of the roasted ore after having passed through the higher and more intensely heated parts of the arrangement. Two slabs of cast-iron, inclined at an angle of 45°, divide the descending column of ore, and facilitate its removal through the doors. The ore is charged by the mouth of the kiln, and the smaller and larger fragments are so mixed together as to allow a sufficient passage for the heated air and flame entering through the openings. By this treatment the mineral loses the whole of its water and the larger proportion of its carbonic anhydride. The loss experienced is 25 per cent.; the fuel employed is ordinary pit coal. This operation is continuous, and, in proportion as the roasted ores are removed from the lower part of the cone, fresh mineral is intro- duced by the upper opening, around which is a platform, where a supply is kept constantly in readiness. ZINC. 481 The roasted ore, after. its removal from the kiln, is ground under heavy edge-runners, sifted through sieves, and sent to the furnace, in which its reduction is to be effected. Four distinct furnaces are united in one mass of brickwork; each of these has the form of an arched recess, A, fig. 136, whose greatest height is about 8 feet 8 inches above the surface of the floor. The back of this opening is composed of a brick wall, and is slightly inclined in the direction a b, fig. 137; the face, c, d, is, on the contrary, left quite open for the introduction of the retorts. The fire-place, F, is placed 1000000 HOOLS 0 100 A oolcolco སལ་ MAL Hall ZA 12 Will Z -p EE BLEEEEVEEMEKE Fig. 136.-Belgian Zinc Furnace; front eleva- tion, partly in section. Fig. 137.-Belgian Zinc Furnace; transverse section. beneath the surface of the ground, and the flame and heated air enter the interior of the furnace through four apertures, e, fig. 136. In the arch are placed two separate flues, G, which terminate in a central chimney, C, divided into four compartments, and closed by dampers, D, corresponding to each division. In each of these furnaces are placed forty-eight or more cylindrical retorts, r, closed at one of their extremities, and made of re- fractory clay. Each retort is 3 feet 8 inches in length, and about 8 inches in diameter on the inside. In the open end of each is introduced a conical adapter of clay, o, 11 inches in length, and on this, which forms the mouth of the condenser, is fitted a cone of wrought-iron, p, of which 2 I 482 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the smaller end does not exceed an inch in diameter.* The earthen retorts are usually placed in the furnace in eight rows raised one above the other, and with this view the back wall a b, fig. 137, is furnished with as many successive steps or projections, on which are supported the closed ends of each row of tubes. On the open face of the furnace, cd, are arranged eight plates of cast-iron, protected on the inner side by rebated fire-tiles; these are destined for the support of the outer ends of the retorts, to which are attached the adapters already described. The height of the steps at the back of the furnace and that of the iron plates in front of the opening, is so arranged as to give to the retorts a slight inclination downwards, by which the distillation of the metal and the removal of the residual matters are much facilitated, and any corrosive silicates which may be present flow forward into the cooler portion of the retort, where their action is less destructive than in the hotter portion. During two months the firing of a furnace of this de- scription is kept up without intermission; but at the expiration of that time it is commonly found necessary to allow it to go out, in order to repair its internal lining. When a new furnace, or one which has been recently repaired, is first lighted, the open face of the arched cavity, A, is closely built up with bricks or fragments of broken retorts, after which the temperature is very gradually raised until a white-heat has been attained. At the end of four days the furnace is considered, under ordinary circumstances, to be suf- ficiently heated; the temporary stopping is gradually removed, and the refractory tubes, previously heated to redness in a special oven, are sepa- rately introduced into their respective places. The interstices existing between the different tubes are now closed with fire-clay, so as to make good the front of the furnace, and the adapters are secured in their places by a luting of the same material. When the retorts are thus arranged in the furnace, a small charge only of powdered ore and carbonaceous matter is at first introduced; the charges are successively increased until, at the expiration of three or four days, the apparatus has got into a regular way of working. The mineral mixed with fine coal, or with a mixture of coke and coal, slightly moistened with water, is brought to the furnace in wooden boxes. The charge of each consists of 1,100 lbs. of calcined calamine and 550 lbs. of coal or of non-caking coal-dust and coke, which has been previously reduced to the state of powder. These substances are intimately mixed before being introduced into the retorts. Before charging the retorts, the residue remaining from the preceding operation must be carefully with- drawn, and the inside of each, as well as of the adapters, be thoroughly cleaned with an iron scraper. The charging, which usually commences at six o'clock in the morning, begins with the lower tubes. The mixture * On the Continent the sheet-iron cones are sometimes fitted to the adapter in a reversed position, the larger end being outwards. This is closed, with the exception of a small hole left in the centre, which permits the uncondensible gases to escape. The clay adapter and iron cone may in some cases be advantageously replaced by the Stolberg condenser, which consists of a clay tube expanded in the middle, so as to form a sort of well in which the condensed zinc is collected. ZINC. 483 of ore and coal is introduced by the aid of a semi-cylindrical shovel attached to an iron rod as a handle; and as soon as the charging is terminated, the fire is increased by raising the damper on the top of the chimney, and by the addition of a fresh supply of fuel. After a short time, a large quantity of carbonic oxide gas is evolved, which burns with a blue flame at the openings of the adapters. At the expiration of a further period the brilliancy of the combustion is considerably increased, and the flame at the same time assumes a greenish-white tint and gives off copious white fumes. The distillation of the metal has now begun, and the conical tube of wrought-iron is placed in position. At this point great care is requisite, in order so to conduct the firing that the heat of the tubes in every part of the furnace may be, as nearly as possible, equal; in spite of every precaution, however, those in the higher rows are invariably less heated than the others, and are con- sequently only charged with such ores as are most easy of reduction. With this view, the retorts in the higher rows are charged with ore containing much iron, whilst the lower series is supplied with whiter and more refractory kinds. At the expiration of two hours, the work- man removes the wrought-iron adapter with suitable tongs, and strikes it sharply above a vessel in which is collected the oxide of zinc or cadmie, which is detached, and reserved to be added to the mixture of ore and carbonaceous matter in a future operation. When this has been done, an assistant holds a large iron ladle, called a poêlon, under the beak of each retort, at the same time that the foreman draws out into it with an iron scraper the distilled zinc, which accumulates in the liquid state at the shoulder formed by the junction of the retort and the adapter. He also detaches with his rake the metal which has condensed in the form of drops on the inside of the clay cone. liquid zinc thus collected in the poêlon is covered by a scum, prin- cipally consisting of oxide of zinc, which is removed before pouring the metal into moulds, where it receives the form of flat rectangular ingots, weighing from 25 lbs. to 35 lbs. each. When these operations are com- pleted, the cone is replaced, and, after firing continuously for a second period of two hours, another tapping is made in the same way, and a further supply of liquid zinc obtained. These manipulations are re- peated at intervals of two hours until five o'clock in the evening, when the distillation has commonly terminated. The The tubes are now cleaned out, and entirely freed from any earthy residue, so as to be ready to receive the second charge, to which has been added the oxide of zinc formed during the progress of the preceding operation; in this way two charges are worked off in twenty-four hours. Calamine, when thus treated, yields about 30 per cent. of metal, and retains about 10 per cent. in the residue subsequently removed from the retorts. The zinc which is retained in the residue exists in the form of silicate of that metal, which is not easily reducible by the action of carbon alone. 212 484 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. SILESIAN PROCESS. In Upper Silesia, where considerable quantities of zinc are annually produced, the apparatus employed differs very materially from that used for the Belgian process. Its form will be understood by reference to figs. 138, 139, and 140,* which represent the furnace employed at Llan- samlet, near Swansea; a furnace of similar construction, but without a high chimney, is commonly employed in Silesia. The bed is flat, horizontal, and very nearly square; on each side of it rise six similar and equal arched recesses, a, fig. 140. In front is a vertical wall, b, in which is the fire-hole, c, fig. 139; at the back there is a similar wall, d, behind which rises the stack, e; the furnace is covered S ዘክ S 9 A 7. e ས ་ Fig. 138.-Silesian Zinc Furnace, Llansamlet; longitudinal section. by an arch, ƒ, extending from side to side. Below the fire-place is an arched passage, g, which serves for the admission of air to the fire, and allows the stoker to get ready access to the grate. The vertical partition walls, h, are made of single large fire-tiles. A series of rectangular niches, i, (fig. 140) correspond with the lateral arched recesses in the upper part of the furnace; these are covered by cast-iron plates, with the exception of a small rectangular orifice, through which the iron adapters of the retorts pass into the lower niches. Flues, l, fig. 138, pass along the top of the furnace at each side, and, at the back, to the stack. These are covered with flat, movable tiles, and communicate with the interior of the furnace by the smaller flues, m. The course taken by the gaseous current in passing to the stack is indicated by the arrows. * Copied from Percy's 'Metallurgy,' by permission of the author. ZINC. 485 Most commonly the furnace is built of common brick and lined with fire-brick, the whole being held together by iron bracings. In each arched recess are placed two retorts, A (fig. 139), the open spaces around their mouths being filled in with pieces of brick, and well plastered over with clay, to prevent the admission of air. During the working of a charge, each recess is closed by a movable sheet-iron plate, in which is a small peep- hole closed by a slide; the temperature is thus kept sufficiently high to prevent the solidification of zinc in the nozzles. The condensed zinc is conveyed by iron adapters into the lower recesses, i, where it is received in iron trays. The retorts, which are each about 3 feet in length, are a h h C A A h h d α a α |_ GU e Fig. 139.-Silesian Zinc Furnace, Llansamlet; horizontal section. made of a mixture of equal parts of best Stourbridge clay and powder of old glass-pots, from which the vitreous matter has been removed pre- viously to grinding. This mixture, suitably moistened with water, is well tempered by working with a heavy wooden rammer; and after being allowed to stand for a few days may readily be formed into retorts by means of wooden moulds, capable of being divided longitudinally into two pieces. The walls are made thicker towards the end furthest from the nozzle, as will be seen by reference to fig. 142, A. Each retort, after being air-dried during about three months, is strongly fired in an oven, heated either by a separate grate or by the waste heat from a dis- tilling furnace, and is then ready for use. The opening, n, figs. 141, 142, serves for the introduction and drawing of charges; while the furnace is in operation it is kept closed by a tile. On each side of the mouth of the retort is a small projection, o, supporting a bridge-piece, on which rests 486 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the clay nozzle, p, which is provided with an opening, q, closed during the working of the apparatus by a luted clay door, through which an iron rod may be introduced for the purpose of clearing the nozzle from condensed zinc; to the clay nozzle, p, a cast-iron pipe, r, is fitted, and to this is attached a wrought-iron adapter, s. i a A 7 9 a i Fig. 140.-Silesian Zinc Furnace, Llansamlet; transverse section. A new furnace requires first to be air-dried for several days, and then to be heated by a gentle fire; after some time the muffles are placed in position, their sides being protected from the flame by temporary brick walls surrounding them. All openings are now closed and the heat is gradually raised, until, after seven or eight days, the furnace has become D * 72. CA P n A Fig. 141. Fig. 142. sufficiently hot for charging. The protecting walls are now removed, and the spaces between the muffles and the openings in the front are closed by pieces of brick plastered with fire-clay. Three or four light charges are worked off before the retorts are in a condition to receive full ones; new retorts always absorb a considerable quantity of zinc. ZINC. 487 The ore treated in these furnaces is either blende or calamine; in either case it is previously calcined. When the former is used, it is in the state of a fine powder, whilst the latter is introduced into the retorts in pieces of the size of peas. The charge for a furnace containing twenty-four retorts consists of about 1,500 lbs. of calcined ore, together with 100-150 lbs. of skimmings or dross, and about 7 cwts. of a mixture of coal and the fine cinders, which fall through the bars of the grate. This mixture is not equally distributed amongst the retorts, those nearest to the grate receiving a somewhat larger amount than those further removed from it. In charging a furnace which is in regular work, the clay door, n, beneath the nozzle is removed, as also is that closing the orifice, q; the spent charge is then raked out, and the nozzles freed from any condensed zinc. The retorts are re-charged through the orifice, n, by means of a sheet-iron scoop; the cleaning and re-charging usually occupies from three to four hours, two men being employed in the operation. Before and during the time of charging, the fire is allowed to burn somewhat low, but afterwards the heat is gradually raised to incipient whiteness. When a furnace has been charged and all leaks have been stopped, one man only is required to look after it and attend to the firing during the night; a uniformly-high temperature must be kept up, and the condensers require frequent attention, since, should they get too hot, the zinc in them would take fire; when this occurs, the doors closing the recess must be taken down, and not replaced until the tem- perature has become sufficiently lowered. On the other hand, should the condensers get too cold the zinc in them solidifies, and must be removed by the introduction of a heated iron rod. A considerable loss of zinc is sometimes occasioned by cracks in the retorts; these must be immediately stopped by brushing them over with a mop previously dipped into a mixture of fire-clay and water. The ore treated at Llansamlet is an argentiferous blende, which is very finely ground, and subjected to a careful roasting during twenty- four hours; the silver is extracted by a special process, and from the residue zinc is distilled. Various opinions are entertained with regard to the number of retorts which should be placed in each furnace to obtain the maximum of economy, many holding that furnaces containing twenty retorts give better results than those with a greater number. There are, however, some furnaces of this description employed at the Vieille Mon- tagne Co.'s Works containing as many as forty retorts each. The loss experienced during the calcination of the ore and the reduction of the zinc to the metallic state is equal to about 9 per cent. of the metal present; the greater portion of this is retained in the residues. At the Llansamlet works about 11½ tons of coal are neces- sary for the production of 1 ton of zinc, at a cost for labour of about 2s. 8d. per cwt. of the metal obtained; this will however vary, since a given weight of zinc can be more cheaply extracted, both as regards fuel and labour, from a rich ore than from a poor one. A furnace may be kept in continuous operation from twelve to thirteen 488 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. months, at the expiration of which time it will require to be let out for the purpose of repairs. Every four years the furnace must be taken down as far as the grate, and rebuilt. The zinc obtained by this process requires to be re-melted before it is ready for the market; it is fused in an iron pot set in brickwork over a properly-constructed fire-place; this pot usually contains about 8 cwts. of metal, which is melted down in from half to three-quarters of an hour, the surface being covered with a mixture of oxide of zinc and finely divided metallic zinc; this is skimmed off and added to the next charge to be subjected to distillation. The zinc obtained is toler- ably free from impurities, with the exception of lead, which may to a considerable extent be separated by allowing the fused metal to cool nearly to its solidifying point before being laded into moulds; the lead, on account of its higher specific gravity, thus falls to the bottom, and the greater portion of it will be found in the last ingot. The ingots containing lead are put aside until a sufficient number have accumu- lated, when they are re-melted and the heavier metal allowed to settle as before. In Silesia the crude metal is melted in clay vessels, in order that it may not be contaminated by contact with iron. It would be somewhat difficult to institute a comparison between the various processes employed for the extraction of zinc. It is, however, certain that the consumption of fuel is greater in the English furnace than in either the Belgian or the Silesian furnaces. Under similar con- ditions the produce of zinc in the Belgian and Silesian processes is about equal; the amount of labour required is greatest with the Belgian, and least with the English process. The former, moreover, requires more skill, and the labour is more severe, whilst the quantity of fuel expended is less than in either of the others. Ores containing much fusible gangue are most advantageously treated by the Belgian method, since the retorts are more frequently cleaned out; and moreover, from their inclination forwards, the corrosive slag flows into the cooler end, where it does comparatively little damage. This advantage is somewhat counterbalanced by the fact that a Silesian furnace can be worked, continuously, longer, without being taken down for repairs, than is possible with the Belgian furnace. A large proportion of the zinc annually produced is employed in the form of thin sheets. For this purpose it is necessary again to melt the ingots, obtained by the treatment of the ores, as above described. This is effected in a reverberatory furnace with an elliptical hearth, having a slight inclination towards one side. At the lowest point of the hearth, which is made of refractory clay, is placed a hemispherical reservoir, in which the fused metal is collected; the ingots to be re-melted are introduced through one of the doors and piled near the fire-bridge on the highest part of the hearth. The fused zinc is dipped out of this reservoir by means of iron ladles, and is poured into moulds which give to it the form of plates convenient for the purpose of rolling into sheets. MERCURY. 489 These plates are subsequently re-heated in a second furnace built in the same mass of brickwork as the first, and which is heated by the waste gases escaping from it. Here they are elevated to a temperature not much exceeding 100° C., and are then passed through the rolling mill, by which they are reduced to the form of sheets of different degrees of thickness. MICHIGAN University GENERAL LIBRA MERCURY. Mercury, or quicksilver, differs from other metals in being liquid at ordinary temperatures. It has a silver-white colour, with a strong metallic lustre, and is not, if quite pure, tarnished by exposure, in the cold, to a moist atmosphere. If, however, it contains traces of other metals the amalgam is rapidly oxidised, and the surface of the bath quickly becomes covered by a grey powder. This metal is solid at a temperature of -40° C., and is then both ductile and malleable. In polar latitudes the cold is sometimes so intense as to cause the congelation of mercury; a similar result may be obtained by a freezing mixture composed of ether and solid carbonic anhydride. The same effect is also produced by a mixture of pounded ice and crystallised chloride of calcium. If a rather large quantity of mercury be placed in a platinum dish, and gradually ex- posed to a proper refrigerating mixture, distinct octahedral crystals are obtained. The mercury in this case becomes congealed around the sides of the vessel, and, on pouring out the portion which still retains its liquidity, brilliant crystals, belonging to the cubic system, are found coating its sides. Considerable contraction takes place at the moment of congela- tion; for while its density at 0° is 13-596, that of frozen mercury is 14.4. Mercury is distinctly volatile at all temperatures above 19° C. That mercury is volatile at common temperatures is readily shown by suspending a sheet of gold leaf in the upper part of a bottle in the bottom of which a little of this metal has been placed. On removing this arrangement to a cool place, and allowing it to remain a few days without being disturbed, that part of the gold which is nearest to the surface of the mercury will be found to have become whitened by its vapour, whilst that portion of the sheet which is in the highest part of the bottle remains unaltered. From the feeble volatility of this metal at ordinary temperatures, its vapour merely forms a thin stratum im- mediately over the surface of the metallic bath. Mercury boils at 350° C. The mercury of commerce, when it comes directly from the furnace, is in most instances nearly pure, but is sometimes contaminated by holding small quantities of other metals in solution. With a view to the separation of these impurities mercury is frequently distilled from an iron retort, and again condensed in a vessel containing cold water. For this purpose one of the wrought-iron bottles in which quicksilver is imported may be 490 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. conveniently employed. One of these, after being about half filled with the metal, should have attached to it a piece of iron gas-pipe bent nearly at right angles, and furnished at its open extremity with a covering formed of several layers of linen or cotton cloth, of which the end is made to plunge into a basin containing cold water. The open extremity of the iron pipe, together with the piece of linen hose attached, is moistened by a constant stream of cold water, which is made to flow upon them through a small stop-cock, and the iron bottle is heated in a fur- nace until vapour of mercury begins to be plentifully given off. The ebullition of the metal is often attended with explosions, and care must be taken to so regulate the heat as to prevent the projection of any part of the charge through the iron tube into the receiver. By operating in this way, the greater portion of the foreign metals will be retained in the retort, whilst the mercury passes over in a purified state into the vessel containing cold water. A certain portion of the impurities is, however, by this process carried over into the receiver; and consequently, when a nearly pure specimen is required, their separation should be effected by some other means. The best method of doing this is to treat the mercury to be purified with nitric acid diluted with about twice its volume of distilled water. The whole is then heated to about 50° C., and mercurous nitrate will be rapidly formed. This nitrate reacts on the foreign metals present, which are removed in solution in the form of salts. Any oxide of mercury present is also dissolved by the nitric acid, with formation of nitrate. The action is continued during twenty-four hours, and the mixture occasionally agitated. Lastly, the water is separated by decantation, and the nitrate obtained in a crystalline form by concentrating the solution. The metallic mercury, after being washed with distilled water, is dried first with bibulous paper, and subsequently by exposure under a bell-glass to the desiccating influence of caustic lime. When mercury is merely soiled by a slight admixture of oxide, it is readily removed by brisk agitation in a glass bottle with a small quan- tity of strong sulphuric acid. By this treatment the metal is divided into extremely small globules, which expose a large surface to the action of the acid. At the expiration of from three to four days the acid may be poured off, and the purified mercury washed and dried. Mercury is not attacked by strong hydrochloric acid, even when its action is aided by ebullition. Dilute sulphuric acid likewise fails to dissolve it; but if concentrated acid be employed, it is, with the aid of heat, rapidly converted into mercuric sulphate, and sulphurous anhydride is evolved. Nitric acid attacks this metal with great energy, even in the cold, and when moderately diluted with water; nitric oxide is plentifully evolved. Mercury combines with great readiness with certain other metals, such as gold, silver, zinc, tin, lead and bismuth, and forms, when in suitable proportions, solutions of those metals. These mercurial alloys are called amalgams; this property of the metal is extensively applied in MERCURY. 491 ; extracting gold and silver from their ores, as well as in gilding, plating, and the manufacture of looking-glasses. Mercury is, besides, the basis of many powerful and valuable medicines, and is, on account of its great density, and the regularity of its expansion and contraction under the influence of increased and diminished temperature, preferred to all other liquids for filling the tubes of thermometers and barometers. This metal, when united with tin and zinc, forms the best excitor which can be applied to the rubbers of electrical machines. Mercurous nitrate is some- times employed as a wash for rabbit and hare skins, and gives to the fur the property of readily felting. MERCURY ORES. NATIVE QUICKSILVER; Mercure natif; Gediegen Quecksilber. Isometric. -In liquid globules, disseminated through the gangue; occurs in most of the mines producing the different mercurial ores. It is usually much dis- seminated through the rock, but sometimes becomes so accumulated in cavities as to admit of being collected. CINNABAR; SULPHIDE OF MERCURY; Mercure sulfuré; Zinnober. Rhombohedral. This substance crystallises in rhombohedral prisms, but most commonly occurs in the amorphous state. Sulphide of mercury is, properly speaking, the only ore of that metal, and is distinguished by its red colour and bright scarlet streak. Sp. gr. 8.998. Its lustre is, when amorphous, semi-metallic, but when crystallised, adamantine. It is sectile, and in most instances nearly opaque. Two specimens of this mineral, analysed by Klaproth, yielded the following results:- Hg S Fe₂03 Cu Bituminous matter Gangue From Japan. From Idria. 84.50 81.80 14.75 13.75 0.20 0.02 3.30 1.20 99.25 100.27 The composition of this mineral is therefore expressed by the for- mula HgS. Cinnabar mostly occurs in connection with talcose and argil- laceous schists, or in some other stratified rock; it is not found in large quantities in crystalline or igneous rocks, although small specimens have sometimes been observed disseminated through granite. When the ores of mercury are met with in stratified rocks they are usually found in the form of veins or lodes; but when, as is sometimes the case, the matrix is 492 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. sandstone, they are commonly disseminated in minute grains throughout the mass. NATIVE CALOMEL; Mercure chloruré; Quecksilber-Hornerz. Tetra- gonal. Colour white; lustre adamantine. Sp. gr. 6·48. Occurs at Moschellandsberg, in the Palatinate, coating the cavities of a ferruginous gangue, associated with cinnabar; also at the quicksilver mines of Idria in Carniola, at Almaden in Spain, &c. Chlorine, 15-10; mercury, 84.90=100. Formula, HgCl. Coccinite.-Found sparingly in Mexico; has been described as an iodide of mercury. This mineral requires further examination. Onofrite. A sulpho-selenide of mercury from San Onofre, Mexico. Ammiolite.—Contains antimoniate (antimonate) of copper and sulphide of mercury. A specimen from Chili, analysed by Rivot, contained 14.8 per cent of tellurium. DISTRIBUTION OF MERCURY ORES. The ores of mercury are very unequally distributed, being confined to a comparatively small number of localities, in many of which they occur in considerable abundance; nearly the whole of the metal furnished to commerce is consequently supplied by a few mines. The geological range of these ores is exceedingly wide, as they are found in the most ancient as well as in the most modern formations. Some of the principal mines of this metal are worked in rocks of the Silurian period, while those inclosing the celebrated deposits of New Almaden in California are of Cretaceous age. In proof of the very modern origin of certain deposits of cinnabar, it may be stated that many of the fumaroles, at the Sulphur Bank near Clear Lake, in California, are at the present time depositing sulphide of mercury, together with various other minerals. The vapours and gases issuing from the different crevices, appear to be the agents by which the various mineral substances in course of deposition are brought to the surface. Sulphur is being condensed on the sides of many of the fissures, either in crystalline groups, as stalac- tites, or as translucent amorphous masses. This substance is sometimes intimately mixed with cinnabar, but more frequently with minute crys- tals of iron pyrites, and with pulverulent silica, often blackened by some tarry hydrocarbon. On the sides of many of the cavities gelati- nous silica is deposited, coating chalcedony and opalescent silica in various stages of formation, varying from a gelatinous state to that of the hardest opal. This silica is sometimes colourless, but is more fre- quently permeated by cinnabar and iron pyrites, or blackened by the tarry matter before mentioned. When the bituminous matter occurs in large quantity cinnabar is often replaced by minute globules of metallic mercury. Some of the silica intermixed with specimens from this deposit was, when first broken, so soft as to readily receive the impression of the nail, but on reaching England, it had assumed the hardness and appear- ance of ordinary chalcedony. MERCURY. 493 An analysis (in duplicate), made in 1873, of a specimen of this deposit, brought by the author from Clear Lake, in 1866, afforded the following results :-- I. II. H₂O(combined * {hygroscopic 11.85 11.82 7.13 7.12 Sio,t 38.71 38.53 A1203 CaSO Fe 1.50 1.46 • 2.56 2.84 4 • 9.25 9.31 Hg 7.08 7.08 S fcombined \free. 10.21 10.39 11.71 11.42 100.00 100.00 Ores of mercury have been found in several localities in France, but they do not occur in sufficient quantities to admit of being profitably worked. The mercury mines of Rhenish Bavaria were formerly of con- siderable importance, and up to the beginning of the seventeenth century afforded from 150,000 to 180,000 lbs. per annum, but have now almost ceased to be worked. At Idria, in Carniola, mines of mercury have been in operation for several centuries and are still of some importance; the ore, which is chiefly cinnabar, associated with a little native metal, is disseminated in shale and black compact limestone belonging to the Jurassic period. The average yield of these mines from 1843 to 1847 was, according to Professor Whitney, at the rate of 358,281 lbs. per annum. Bohemia formerly produced mercury in small quantities, and Hungary furnishes a small amount from cinnabar associated with copper ores. The present annual production of Austria and Germany is estimated at about 500,000 lbs. The mercury mines of Spain are the most important in Europe; they are situated in the province of La Mancha on the frontier of Estrama- dura, the chief workings being in the neighbourhood of the town of Almaden. Mercurial ores are, however, found over a wide belt extending from the town of Chillon to that of Almadenejos, where mining opera- tions on a considerable scale are being carried on. Pliny asserts that the Greeks procured vermilion from the mines of this district 700 years before the Christian era, and according to the same authority they annu- ally yielded to the Romans 100,000 lbs. of cinnabar. The mines of Almaden are opened upon three parallel beds belonging to the class of contact deposits, and are situated at the junction of the Silurian slates with a metamorphic rock locally called fraylesca, which forms a belt between the stratified deposits and the eruptive rocks. The metalliferous * By difference. † Gives, with the combined water, the formula H₂O,SiO2. Dissolved out by carbon disulphide. 494 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. beds are from twenty to fifty feet in thickness and follow the flexures of the stratification of the inclosing rock. These mines have now attained a very considerable depth, and, according to Le Play, the main vein at the bottom of the principal working is from forty to fifty feet wide, and entirely unmixed with barren rock. The average yield of the ore is from 7 to 10 per cent., but, on account of the imperfect nature of the metal- lurgical processes adopted, the loss of mercury is very large. The present annual yield of the Spanish mercury mines appears to be 35,000 bottles, or about 2,695,000 lbs. Since the year 1645, they have been worked solely on account of the government. At Ripa, in Tuscany, mercury is obtained from several veins travers- ing mica-slate; the quantity annually produced is, however, exceedingly small. Ores of this metal are found in numerous places in Peru, and were known to the inhabitants long before the invasion of that country by the Spaniards; the mines of the province of Huancavelica, both as regards numbers and richness, are the most important. Those of Santa Barbara have been worked since 1566; but although at one time very productive, their annual yield is believed to have now fallen below 100,000 lbs. According to Humboldt, this mine yielded, from 1570 to 1782, 1,040,452 quintals,* or about 47,300 tons of metallic mercury; the average annual yield was less than 6,000 quintals; but in the best years it sometimes reached 10,500 quintals. From 1790 to 1845, the total yield amounted only to about 66,000 quintals. Various other mines of the ores of this metal are worked in different parts of Peru, but they are of less importance and extent than those of Huancavelica; the total yield of the country was, according to Whitney, in 1854, about 203,000 lbs., of which one-half came from the mine of Santa Barbara. Although an immense quantity of mercury is consumed in Mexico for the process of patio amalgamation, almost the whole of that employed is imported from other countries. At the beginning of the present century the annual consumption of mercury in Mexico amounted to 16,000 quintals. This was furnished by the Spanish government, who retained the sole right of supplying the metal, which was chiefly derived from the mines of Almaden and Huancavelica. At the time of Humboldt's visit, about the commencement of the present century, only two mines producing mercury were being worked in the country; one called the Lomo del Toro, and the other Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, yielding, together, only 70 to 80 lbs. per week. A mercury mine was being wrought about the year 1844, near Guadalajara, but the results having been unsatisfactory, it was ulti- mately abandoned. The existence of mercury in California was known, and works were established for the treatment of its ores, considerably prior to the first gold-discoveries in that country. In 1845, a company was formed to work an extensive deposit of cinnabar at New Almaden, in one of the side- valleys of San José; this has been a very productive and remunerative * Each of about 1 cwt. MERCURY. 495 mine. The only other mines which have been worked to any considerable extent are the New Idria, the Redington, Guadalupe, and the San Juan Bautista. With regard to the geological position of the cinnabar deposits. of California, it may be remarked that although this mineral has been found in formations of nearly every age, as far as is yet known, there are no large and valuable deposits excepting in those belonging to the Cretaceous period. According to Mr. T. F. Cronise, the total yield of the New Almaden mine, and the average percentage of metal obtained from July 1850 to December 1867, were as follow:- Dates. Ore consumed; Pounds. Per- centage. Flasks. Pounds. July, 1850-to June, 1851 1851 1852 "" "" 4,970,717 4,634,290 35.89 23,875 1,826,437 32.17 19,921 1,523,956 1852 1853 "" "} 4,839,520 27.94 18,035 1,379,677 1853 1854 "" 7,488,000 "" 1854 1855 "" "" 26.49 9,109,300 26.23 31,860 26,325 2,013,862 2,437,290 >> 1855 1856 10,355,200 20.34 28,183 "" "" 2,155,999 1856 1857 10,299,900 18.93 26,002 1,989,153 1857 "9 "" 1858 10,997,170 20.05 29,347 1,245,045 1858 Oct., 1858 3,873,085 20.05 10,588 809,982 Nov., 1858 Feb., 1861 " Jan., 1861* 1862 "5 13,323,200 18.21 34,765 2,659,522 1862 " 1863 15,218,400 19.27 40,391 "" "" 3,089,911 "" 1863 Aug, 1863 7,162,6€0 18.11 19,564 1,496,646 Nov., 1863 ,, Dec., 1864 | 25,646,100 16.40 46,216 3,535,524 Jan., 1865 1865 31,948,400 12.43 47,194 "" "" 3,610,341 1866 1867 1866 26,885,300 11.62 "" "" 35,150 2,688,975 "" "" >> 1867 26,023,933 7.05 21,461 1,871,266 Totals + 461,877 31,333,586 The total production of mercury in California in 1867 was 44,386 flasks, or about 3,400,000 lbs. ; the present annual production of this metal in the world may be estimated at 6,670,000 lbs. avoirdupois. ASSAY OF MERCURY ORES. DISTILLATION WITH QUICKLIME IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF HYDROGEN.—All ores containing mercury, whether in the metallic state, or as oxide, sul- phide, selenide, chloride, or iodide, admit, after being reduced to a fine powder, of being assayed with considerable accuracy by distillation with caustic lime, in an atmosphere of hydrogen gas. This operation may be conducted as follows:-A tube of hard glass, a b, of the diameter employed for making organic analyses, is drawn out at one of its extremities, in the way shown in fig. 143, and in this part a bulb, B, is so blown as to be be- tween two parts of the narrowed tubing. The contraction at a is now loosely plugged with asbestos, so as to allow of a free circulation of gas * Mine closed by injunction. † Ore on hand equivalent to 5,000 flasks. 496 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. or air, while it prevents any solid matter from being drawn into the smaller elongation between a and B. Powdered quicklime is afterwards introduced into the tube, and slightly consolidated by pressure with a piece of glass rod, care being at the same time taken that the aperture be not hermetically closed; a weighed quantity of the mercurial ore to be assayed is then mixed with caustic lime and deposited at c. When the mixture has been placed in a Fig. 143. the situation above indicated the remainder of the tube is filled with lime, and its end closed with a perforated cork, into which a piece of small glass tubing is accurately fitted. The prepared tube, after being tapped on the table to form a small space above the material, is now placed in an ordinary gas combustion furnace, and a current of dry hydrogen is introduced by the extremity, b. The part of the tube between b and c is first warmed, and the heat is progressively advanced in the direction of a. The mercurial ore is by this treatment decomposed, and the volatile metal being carried forwards by the current of dry hydrogen, is condensed and collected in the bulb, B, which is kept cool for that purpose. A small quantity of watery vapour is also condensed at the same time, but by a continued evolution of dry hydrogen this is ultimately carried off. At the close of the experiment, when the whole of the mer- cury has been condensed and the watery vapour has all passed off, the tube on either side of the bulb, B, is cut with a sharp file, and the bulb itself weighed with the mercury it contains. The metal is then poured out, and any portions which may still adhere to the glass removed by washing, first with a little nitric acid and subsequently with distilled water. After being thoroughly dried, the bulb is again weighed, and by subtracting the weight of the empty glass from the result first obtained the quantity of reduced mercury is ascertained. In conducting this experiment, it is of importance that a large quantity of moisture should not be contained in the substance operated on, since by its condensation in the bulb, and subsequent evaporation, a sensible amount of mercury is carried off. DISTILLATION WITH QUICKLIME AND SODIUM BICARBONATE.-Instead of operating in the way above described, the following process may be adopted. An ordinary combustion-tube of about 18 inches in length, and closed at the end before the blowpipe, is filled for a short distance with sodium bicarbonate; this is pushed down to the closed end, so as to occupy a length of about 2 inches, and a little quicklime subsequently introduced. The ore to be assayed is intimately mixed with excess of quicklime, and then introduced into the tube, where it should occupy about 4 inches of the central portion; any particles which may have adhered to the mortar are removed by the aid of quicklime, and the lime which has been used for this purpose is likewise introduced into the MERCURY. 497 tube. A layer of 6 inches of pure lime is placed upon this, and a loose stopper of asbestos is then pushed a distance of 4 or 5 inches down the tube; the anterior end of the tube being finally drawn out and bent at a somewhat obtuse angle. A few gentle taps on the table will suffice to shake together the contents of the tube in such a way as to leave a free passage above them throughout its whole length. The tube, thus prepared and arranged, is introduced into a combustion furnace, and its point placed in a receiving flask half full of water; the point is made to rest upon the surface of the water in the flask in such a way that its aperture may be partially closed. The tube is now slowly heated from the open to the closed end, as in the case of an organic analysis, and the last traces of mercurial vapour are finally expelled by heating the sodium bicarbonate, occupying a space of 2 inches, at its closed extremity. Whilst the tube still remains red-hot the neck is cut off and carefully rinsed with a wash-bottle, transferring the rinsing-water to the receiving flask; the small globules of mercury that have distilled over into the latter are then united into one large globule by agitation, and after the lapse of some time the perfectly-clear water is decanted or drawn off by a syphon, and the mercury transferred to a weighed porcelain crucible, from which any adhering water is removed by means of blotting-paper. The mercury is finally dried over sulphuric acid under a bell jar, and the drying con- tinued until its weight ceases to vary. This method, if carefully executed, yields very accurate results; soda-lime may be employed in place of quick- lime for mixing with the mercurial ore, but it does not appear to offer any special advantage. METHOD EMPLOYED AT IDRIA.—In establishments where many mercury assays have to be made daily, a small reverberatory furnace is usually employed. That used at Idria has, on one side, an iron plate with twenty- six holes for the insertion of a corresponding number of assays. Eight assays, each weighing four ounces, are taken from the charge of every furnace; these are mixed with two or three spoonfuls of powdered quick- lime, and the several assays are introduced into eight iron retorts, and placed in the furnace above referred to. The receivers are then attached, the space between the two carefully luted, and the assays heated to bright redness; the distillation is finished when drops of mercury are no longer deposited in the receivers. The distillation must be performed with a slowly-increasing heat, and care taken that a sufficient temperature is attained by every part of the retort. Should the mercury obtained not flow well together, it is simply boiled in water for a few seconds; the last remnant of adhering water is removed by blotting-paper in the usual way, and after drying the mercury at a temperature of about 40° C., it is transferred to a tared watch-glass and weighed. The assay is considered successful when the results of the various duplicates closely agree, and no undecomposed cinnabar is deposited in the receiver or in the neck of the retort. This method of assaying may be conducted with a sufficient degree of accuracy to serve either to control 2 K 498 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the operation of reduction, or for determining approximately the value of the ore; but the results obtained are in all cases somewhat below the truth. The lower, however, is the amount of mercury contained in an ore, the greater will be the difference between the true percentage and the assay result; even with an ore containing 5 per cent. of mercury, the quantity found by this method will be considerably lower than that which it actually contains. Various methods have been proposed for the volu metric assay of ores of mercury, but none of them admit of general use. METALLURGY OF MERCURY. 2 2 The extraction of mercury from cinnabar, which may be considered, practically, the only ore of this metal, is effected either by the oxidation of the sulphur by atmospheric air, and the volatilisation of the liberated metal, or by the use of fluxes, with which the sulphur enters into com- bination, while at the same time the liberated mercury distils over, and is subsequently condensed. When cinnabar is decomposed through the oxidation of its sulphur, the reactions which take place are expressed by the following equation: HgS+0₂ = SO₂+Hg. When lime is present with cinnabar, and heat is applied, the following decompositions take place: (HgS), + (CaO) -(CaS) + CaSO, +Hg. The choice of the method adopted for the metallurgical treatment of mercurial ores is chiefly influenced by their richness, quantity, the size of the fragments, and the cost of fuel and materials. When the ores are rich and the quantities to be treated small, the gallery furnace is frequently resorted to; but if the quantities are large and the ores massive, kilns are more usually employed. Condensation is often effected in large brickwork chambers, which are found more efficient than the clay tubes formerly employed; and the latter are now sometimes advantageously replaced by cast-iron pipes kept cool by water. 4 3 The following are the principal methods employed for the extraction of mercury from cinnabar : 1. Decomposition of the ore by roasting. a. Roasting in mounds; applied in Hungary to the treatment of cupreous ores containing mercury. b. Roasting in kilns, carried on either by short intermittent opera- tions or continuously; apparatus of various kinds are used for condensing the metallic vapours. c. Roasting in reverberatory furnaces, and condensing in iron pipes ; this method is adopted for working schlich and other finely-divided ores. 2. Decomposition in close retorts by lime. a. Process carried on by a series of distinct operations. b. Operations continuous. EXTRACTION OF MERCURY BY SUBJECTING CINNABAR TO A PROCESS OF ROASTING. This method of extracting mercury from its ores is cheaper, and requires less time and fuel, than that by the use of fluxes in close MERCURY. 499 vessels; on the other hand, mercury in the state of vapour becomes mixed with the products of combustion of the fuel made use of, and, being carried forward by the necessary draught, condensation becomes difficult, and great loss of metal is the result. At Idria, Almaden, New Almaden in California, and at Ripa in Tuscany, large chambers, externally cooled by water, are employed as condensers, while at some other establishments they are so constructed as to allow jets of water to play into them. At the Pioneer Mine, in Cali- fornia, the condensers are traversed by troughs, through which a stream of water constantly flows. The porous masonry of large chambers is, how- ever, found to imbibe a very considerable quantity of mercury; and they have, consequently, been partially replaced at Idria by cast-iron pipes cooled externally by water, and connected with condensers provided with a suitable chimney. These tubes are, however, found to be acted upon somewhat rapidly by the sulphurous vapours passing through them, and have in consequence been, in some instances, replaced by wooden pipes. Wooden pipes possess the advantage of being cheaper and more durable than iron ones, and can, by means of small doors, be easily opened and cleaned; the mercurial fume which collects in them is also free from oxide of iron, and is consequently more readily removed and worked. It is however probable, that, if tried, the ordinary towers used by alkali manufacturers for the condensation of hydrochloric acid would be found effective as condensers for mercury; they should, however, for this purpose. be packed with open brickwork, in the way commonly adopted in copper- works where that metal is extracted by the wet process. The treatment of mercurial ores on a large scale is for the most part conducted in kilns working intermittently, and which, after the exhaustion of each charge, require to be allowed to cool before it can be withdrawn and replaced by a fresh one. This circumstance not only causes con- siderable loss of time, but, from the alternate heating and cooling of the masonry, the walls are liable to become cracked, and thus allow of the escape of an amount of mercurial vapour resulting in a serious loss of that metal; at the same time most deleterious effects are produced on the health of the workmen employed. The loss through this and other causes is so great as, in some cases, to amount to above 40 per cent. of the mercury contained in the ores operated on. a. ROASTING IN MOUNDS.-In various parts of Hungary, as at Szlana, Altwasser, &c., copper ores are found containing from 1 to 16 per cent. of mercury, but probably averaging from 2 to 2 per cent. of that metal. These ores are roasted in heaps preparatory to their fusion for copper regulus, and during the operation a portion of the mercury is collected ; the mounds are usually about 40 feet in length, 20 in breadth, and 3 feet 6 inches in height, and are provided with flues and chimneys similar to those sometimes employed for the preparation of coke. Hot embers are thrown into the vertical shafts, which are subsequently filled with small coals; the decomposition of the sulphides very shortly commences, and mercury condenses in drops on the outer and colder layers of ore. As soon as the uppermost layer becomes so far heated that mercury is 2 K 2 500 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. re-volatilised, it is covered by a fresh stratum, as are also all places where any sinking of the outer covering has taken place. The process of roasting is usually complete in about three weeks, and the upper layers of the mound will then be found to contain mercury resulting from the condensation of mercurial vapours expelled from the more central portions of the pile. These upper layers are carefully removed, and afterwards washed upon an iron sieve in a tub of water, in which the mercury and fine ore accumulate; while the coarser portions which remain on the sieve form the lower layers in the next mound prepared for cal- cination. The fine ore is subsequently washed on very close sieves, which allow the mercury to pass through them and to unite into large masses, while the fine ore, to a large extent, remains behind; this is added to the next mound for roasting. The upper layers are thus treated so long as they continue to yield an appreciable amount of mercury, and the lower ones, which have been completely roasted, are taken to the furnace in which the first fusion for regulus is effected. 1 By this method of treatment ores are stated to yield 79 per cent. of the mercury indicated by assay, and the collection of mercury from copper ores containing only per cent. of that metal is said to be attended with profit; in 1861, Hungary produced 31 tons of mercury from the washing of copper ores of this description. b. TREATMENT OF MERCURIAL ORES AT IDRIA. Old Process.-The ores treated are here divided into two classes: the mineral in lumps varying from the size of a nut to a cubic foot, and those fragments of which the size ranges from that of a nut to the finest dust. The first class comprises three subdivisions, namely, the poorest kind, affording only 1 per cent. of mercury; the massive sulphide, con- sisting of the richest selected fragments, often containing 80 per cent. of metal; and lastly, the splinters arising from the breaking and sorting of the different ores, which yield from 1 up to 40 per cent. The second class is also subdivided into three varieties, and com- prises the fragments extracted from the mine in small pieces, and which, on an average, afford from 10 to 12 per cent. of metallic mercury; bits of ore separated by washing on a sieve, and containing 30 per cent. of metal; and lastly, the sand and schlich obtained by stamping and washing the poorer ores; this generally affords a produce a little superior to 8 per cent. The metallurgical treatment of these several products consists in subjecting them to a process of roasting in a large kiln-like apparatus, in which the sulphur is converted into sulphurous anhydride, whilst metallic mercury is set free and condensed in a series of chambers arranged on either side of the furnace for that purpose. This apparatus consists of a large roasting kiln, A, figs. 144, 145, furnished on either side with a series of chambers, C, in which the mercurial vapours are condensed. The larger fragments of the mineral treated are closely piled on the hollow arch, a, until the space between it and the next has been entirely filled. On the second perforated arch, b, are placed fragments of smaller MERCURY, 501 dimensions; and on the third, c, were formerly deposited, in earthen vessels, the slimes arising from the mechanical treatment of the poorer ores. This washed schlich is now formed into bricks, and charged into the furnace, mixed with ordinary lump cinnabar. When the furnace has been thus charged a fire is lighted on the grate, and the heat is progressively raised until the decomposition of the mineral begins to take place. The sulphide of mercury placed in imme- diate contact with a current of heated air, which enters the furnace through apertures opening into the spaces, G, H, is sublimed and rapidly decomposed; the metal being conducted by proper channels into the condensing chambers, C. The greater portion of this mercury becomes, condensed in the first three chambers and is conducted by the gutters, Ꮳ ន X Fig. 144.- Furnace at Idria; longitudinal section. Y ER Z Z y Fig. 145.-Furnace at Idria; horizontal section. x, y, z, to covered reservoirs prepared for its reception beneath the level of the floor. In the last chambers of the series a considerable amount of water, and but little mercury, is condensed. These products are, on account of the impurities they contain, carried off by a separate set of gutters, to a tank, in which they accumulate. The mercurial dust, associated with the metal obtained from the last chambers, is subsequently separated by filtration and mixed with some of the finer ores, to be again treated in the furnace. In order to condense, as far as possible, the last traces of mercury passing through the apparatus, a stream of cold water is constantly made to flow through the chambers, D, on inclined tables, extending from one wall nearly to the other, and between these the vapours and gases are obliged to circulate before escaping, through E, into the atmosphere. The mercury is afterwards filtered through thick linen bags to separate 502 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. solid impurities, and subsequently packed in wrought-iron bottles for exportation. This arrangement, which is perhaps the largest single metallurgical erection in the world, is charged in three hours by the united labour of forty men. The wood employed as fuel is usually beech, and the distil- lation lasts from ten to twelve hours, during which time the whole interior of the kiln is kept at a cherry-red heat. A complete charge for the double apparatus is from 1,000 to 1,200 quintals of ore, which produce from 80 to 90 quintals of mercury. The furnace requires, according to the season of the year, from four to five days to cool; and therefore, when the time necessary for charging and withdrawing the residue is included, only one distillation can be made in the course of a week. This furnace is 180 feet long and 30 feet in height; it was first erected at Idria in the year 1794, before which time an aludel furnace, similar to that of Almaden, was employed. In the year 1812 the mines of Idria yielded 56,686 quintals of mechanically-prepared ore, which afforded 4,832 quintals, or about 81 per cent., of metallic mercury. Continuous Process.-The furnaces employed for this process were constructed by Hähner, and have since 1850 been used with great advan- tage for the treatment of all but the more finely-divided varieties of ore; but even these can be advantageously treated if first mixed with clay and afterwards made into bricks. The furnace is a cylindrical kiln furnished at bottom with a movable grate constructed of iron bars, each of which may be separately withdrawn, and beneath which a small waggon can be placed for the purpose of removing the exhausted residues after calcination. This cylindrical kiln is fed at top by means of a hopper closed by a valve, and is connected, by a lateral flue immediately below it, with a series of six condensing chambers, built of masonry, and exter- nally covered with iron plates, kept cool by a continuous flow of cold water. The chimney is built in tiers, each of which is cooled by water, while the chambers, which communicate with one another alternately at the bottom and top, have floors of clay, tightly rammed in on foundations of masonry. When this arrangement is lighted, a few pieces of broken brick are placed on the bars so as to diminish the interstices between them, and on these are laid some brushwood and charcoal, on which the first layer of mercurial ore is charged. The kiln is now filled with ore and charcoal, in alternate layers, to a height of about 12 feet; the wood upon the grate is kindled, and the fire makes its way slowly upwards through the Charges of 7 cwts. of ore, with from 3 to 4 per cent. of charcoal, are let down through the hopper every forty-five minutes, whilst the ex- hausted ore is from time to time withdrawn by removing some of the bars at the bottom, and allowing it to fall into small iron waggons running on a tramway. The ores remain twenty-two hours in the kiln, and those containing 3.11 per cent. of mercury by assay yield 1.90 per cent. on the large scale by this method of treatment. mass. Ure's furnaces, which were formerly employed at Ripa, in Tuscany, MERCURY. 503 were afterwards superseded by those of Cossigny, and these, in their turn, have been replaced by the Hähner furnace. At the works at Castellazara the condensers attached to this apparatus are provided with hemispherical cast-iron bottoms, with a pipe in the centre, through which the mercury escapes into a vessel placed beneath for its reception. The ores operated on in this establishment are extremely poor, but the cost of treatment does not exceed 2s. 4d. per ton. b. ALUDEL FURNACE OF ALMADEN.-This apparatus, figs. 146 and 117, F 您 ​b Fig. 146.-Aludel Furnace; longitudinal section. b Fig. 147.-Aludel Furnace; sectional plan. E Fig. 148.—Aludels. of which the first is a vertical section and the second a sectional plan, was introduced in 1646 by Juan Alonzo Bustamente, from Huancavelica, in Peru. These furnaces, which are called buytrones, consist of a circular kiln, A B, separated into two compartments by a brick arch, k, pierced with numerous apertures. The ore is piled in the space, B, above the arched diaphragm, the larger masses being placed first, and the smaller frag- ments upon them. The top is then covered with bricks formed of clay, kneaded with fine schlich. At the upper extremity of the cavity, B, is arranged a system of openings, ƒ, which communicate with a series of 504 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. earthen adapters, fitting into one another, and resting on the doubly-inclined surface of the terrace, a, b, c. These earthen pipes, or aludels, fig. 148, are merely thrust into one another, and luted with a little softened clay, by which the leakage of the joint is partially obviated. The condensed mercury partly remains in the aludels, but another and larger portion flows through a hole pierced in the aludel placed at the lowest part of the series, and is collected in the gutter, b, by which it is conducted through wooden spouts into the receiving basins, r. The uncondensed gases, mixed with mercurial vapours, pass through apertures, c, into the chambers, C, where, passing under a diaphragm, e, a certain portion of the metal is deposited in a vessel, i, filled with water. What still remains uncondensed passes into the upper part of the chamber, whence a considerable portion of it escapes into the atmosphere through a chimney, E. The mercurial soot which accumulates on the sides of this chamber is occasionally swept down, and, after being kneaded into bricks, with the addition of softened clay, is again treated in a subsequent ope- ration. The fuel employed is brushwood, which being ignited in the space, A, beneath the arched diaphragm, affords the amount of heat necessary for working the furnace. The aludels are placed in twelve ranges of twenty-five in each; the fuel is introduced through the open- ing, D, and the smoke and other products of combustion are principally carried off by the chimney, F. a is a flight of steps for mounting on the top of the furnace, and g a gutter by which rain-water is carried off. The ore is introduced into the furnace through the door, h, and opening, o, which are afterwards securely luted. The firing is continued during twelve or thirteen hours, and the apparatus is then allowed to cool for three or four days, at the expiration of which time it is cleaned out and charged for another operation. Furnaces similar to those used at Idria have been employed at Almaden since 1860; their capacity is two and a half times greater than that of the aludel furnace. About 13,500 tons of mercurial ore, yielding, on an average, about 8 per cent. of mercury, are treated annually in two Idrian and eight aludel furnaces. b. New AlmadEN, CALIFORNIA.—The furnace here made use of is a sort of brick-kiln of a rectangular form, furnished on one side with a fire-place which is separated from it by a perforated partition wall. This kiln is in communication with eight or nine, walled, condensing chambers, terminating in a wooden tower, through which a continuous shower of water is made to descend; the uncondensed vapours escape through a wooden chimney at the end of the series. The fire is kept up during sixty consecutive hours, and the apparatus requires forty-eight hours for cooling, after each operation. The larger furnaces are capable of receiving a charge of 100 tons of ore mixed with limestone, but the yield of mercury is said not to exceed 62 per cent. of that which it contains. Mr. F. Claudet found considerable quantities of mercuric sulphate in the condensing chambers at New Idria. c. EXTRACTION OF MERCURY IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES.—At Idria, reverberatory furnaces are employed for the treatment of the smaller and MERCURY. 505 poorer ores; the results obtained are said to be satisfactory. The ore is introduced into the furnace by means of a hopper placed at the extremity. nearest the chimney, and is divided into three charges, which are gradu- ally worked towards the fire-bridge, while the exhausted matter is with- drawn, through an opening, into an arched chamber beneath. Condensa- tion is effected by means of cast-iron pipes, through which the volatilised mercury, together with the products of combustion, first pass to a large condensing chamber, and thence back again, through a considerable length of similar pipes, to another chamber, near the furnaces, which is in com- munication with a high chimney. These tubes are kept cool by a spray of water constantly falling upon them from parallel wooden spouts, pierced with holes, placed above them, and condense rather more than 95 per cent. of the total amount of mercury obtained. Two of these furnaces, placed side by side so as to form one block of masonry, work 13 tons of fine ore and 10 tons of schlich daily, with a loss of about 8 per cent. of the mercury indicated by assay, and with a consumption of 50 cubic feet of wood per cwt. of mercury obtained. This is about twice the quantity of fuel required to treat the same amount of ore in the large kiln- furnaces, but in them the loss of mercury is considerably greater. DECOMPOSITION OF MERCURIAL ORES IN CLOSE VESSELS BY LIME. a. GALLERY OF THE PALATINATE. In the district of Zweibrücken, where considerable quantities of mercury are extracted, a peculiar appa- ratus called a gallery is employed. The mineral here treated consists of a mixture of sulphide of mercury and calcite, which is heated in earthen or cast-iron retorts or cucurbits, of which several are arranged in one furnace, as shown in fig. 149. The number of cucurbits, A, con- tained in one gallery varies from 30 to 50, and to each of these is adapted a stoneware receiver, B, partially filled with water. Into each of the retorts are introduced from 56 to 70 lbs. of cinnabar and from 15 to 18 lbs. of quicklime, a mixture which should fill about two-thirds of its capacity. EF F F F F F F EERS The sulphide of mercury is in this case decomposed by the lime; sulphide of calcium and sulphate of calcium are formed, and the liberated metal is condensed in the stoneware bottles. The fuel employed, which is pit-coal, is burnt on a grate situated at C. The dome is perforated with openings for the purpose of creating a draught. Fig. 149.—Gallery; transverse section. b. RETORTS AT LANDSBERG.-With the view of obviating the incon- 506 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. venience and loss experienced by the older methods of distilling mercury, an apparatus was erected, in 1847, under the direction of the late Dr. Ure, at Landsberg, near Obermoschel, in Bavaria. This arrangement consists of a series of retorts, a, fig. 150. These are set in masonry, precisely in the same way as those employed in the manufacture of coal gas, and are fitted at one end with an eduction tube, b, and at the other with an air- tight stopper, kept in its place by an iron screw. The eduction pipes are each furnished with a nozzle, L, closed by a screw plug, through which a large wire may be introduced to ascertain that the tube is clean and free from any obstruction occasioned by adhering mercurial soot. In connection with the pipes, b, is a large condenser, C, of cast-iron, 18 inches in diameter, and filled with water to p, a little above the level he k a ודי VETEN Fig. 150.-Retorts, Landsberg; elevation, partly section. of the pipes. It is also furnished with a valve, g, by which any danger from sudden expansion or condensation is obviated, and the tempera- ture is further reduced by placing the condensing-pipe in a large wooden trough, i, through which a current of cold water is constantly made to flow. The cylinder, C, is likewise made slightly to incline towards D, so that the condensed quicksilver may readily flow along its bottom, and passing through the vertical pipe, be collected in the closed iron chest, E, which may be secured by a lock at h. The tube D, is, from the commence- ment, sealed at bottom, by terminating in a shallow iron chamber, filled with mercury, and the progressive accumulation of quicksilver is indi- cated by the position of the graduated iron float, k. These retorts, like those employed in the manufacture of gas, are constantly maintained in a uniform state of ignition, and any damage to the joints is thus obviated. Each retort will contain a charge of ore weighing 5 cwts., which is mixed with quicklime and from which the metal is expelled in the course of about three hours. At Ripa, in Tuscany, where this apparatus was introduced, it has long since been superseded, and we are not aware whether at the present time it is anywhere in use. Retorts on a somewhat similar plan have been tried in some of the mercury mines of California, but they have not been found economical. At the Enriquita mine, rotating retorts are employed, and the results obtained are believed to be satisfactory. BISMUTH. 507 BISMUTH. Bismuth possesses a greyish-white colour, but at the same time presents a distinctly-red tint when compared with zinc, antimony, or any of the whiter metals. It is brittle, and consequently cannot be drawn out under the hammer, and when broken presents a highly crystalline fracture. Very beautiful crystals of this metal are readily obtained by fusing a con- siderable quantity in an earthen crucible, and afterwards setting it aside and allowing it to cool very gradually. For this purpose, the ladle or crucible in which the fusion has been effected should be removed from the fire to a sand-bath, and covered with a hot iron plate, on which are placed a few pieces of ignited charcoal. At the expiration of a certain time, the external crust of solidified metal is pierced by a hot iron, and the interior portions, which still retain the liquid form, are rapidly poured out. The upper crust is now removed, and beautiful crystals of bismuth are found coating the sides of the vessel. These are really rhombohedra, but having angles of nearly 90°, they have the appearance of cubes, and from a slight covering of oxide, varying in its thickness, they frequently assume very beautiful prismatic colours. • Commercial bismuth is never pure; but as the other metals with which it is associated are commonly more oxidisable than itself, they may, in a great degree, be separated from it by fusing the powdered alloy in an earthen crucible, with one-tenth part of its weight of nitrate of potas- sium. On heating this mixture until the nitre has been completely decomposed, a portion of the bismuth, together with the major part of the impurities, will have been oxidised and will remain with the slag, whilst a button of purified bismuth collects in the bottom of the crucible. To purify bismuth, dissolve the crude metal in nitric acid and con- centrate by evaporation. Pour the clear concentrated solution into a large quantity of distilled water, and wash the basic nitrate which is precipitated by decantation. Boil with a very weak solution of caustic potash to remove traces of arsenic, &c., wash, and dry. Mix the dried basic nitrate with its own weight of black flux, and fuse it at a moderate heat in an earthen crucible. On breaking the crucible, after cooling, a button of nearly pure bismuth will be found at the bottom. This metal fuses at a temperature of 259° C. It is volatile at a high heat, and may be distilled. Bismuth is placed by Faraday at the head of diamagnetic substances; it transmits heat less readily than most other metals. At a white-heat bismuth boils, and is sublimed, and at this tem- perature is stated by Regnault to decompose the vapour of water; it is not affected by exposure to dry air, but when placed in a humid atmo- sphere gradually becomes covered with a thin pellicle of oxide. When strongly heated in air, bismuth burns with a bluish flame and gives off fumes of a light yellow colour. It is attacked with difficulty by concentrated hydrochloric acid. Sul- phuric acid, unless concentrated and hot, does not attack it, and in this case sulphurous anhydride is evolved. Nitric acid attacks it with great facility, with the formation of a soluble nitrate of bismuth. 508 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. BISMUTH ORES. Bismuth occurs native, and also in combination with sulphur, oxygen and tellurium. Its ores readily fuse before the blowpipe, and in the oxidising flame afford an oxide by which the charcoal support is stained of a brownish-yellow colour. NATIVE BISMUTH; Bismuth natif; Gediegen Wismuth. Crystallises in the rhombohedral system. Is found massive, granular, reticulated, and arborescent. Colour greyish-white, inclining to red; lustre metallic, and streak unchanged. Frequently contains small quantities of arsenic, and is often associated with silver, and sometimes with iron. Native bismuth accompanies various ores of silver, lead, zinc, cobalt and nickel, and usually occurs in veins traversing either gneiss or clay- slate. Its principal localities are the silver and cobalt mines of Saxony and Bohemia, at Altenberg, Schneeberg, Annaberg, Joachimsthal, and Johanngeorgenstadt; at Löling in Carinthia, and at Fahlun in Sweden. Native bismuth also occurs at Huel Sparnon, near Redruth in Cornwall; at Carrack Fell in Cumberland; at Alloa, near Stirling, Scotland; and in Bolivia. Native bismuth supplies nearly the whole of this metal which is employed in the arts; the greater portion was formerly derived from the mines of Schneeberg, where it is found associated with ores of cobalt. Bismuth is also found in combination with other bodies, but these compounds are by no means of common occurrence. Sulphide of Bismuth occurs in Cumberland, Cornwall, Saxony, Sweden, and in South Australia. It is found both in the massive state and in the form of acicular crystals; is composed of bismuth 81.3, sulphur 18-7. This mineral is by no means plentiful, although its localities are com- paratively numerous. Bismuth Blende is a silicate of bismuth which occurs in minute do- decahedral crystals of a dark hair-brown or wax-yellow colour. Its more general appearance is that of implanted globules, which rarely exceed the size of a pin's head. A specimen of this mineral, which occurs at Schneeberg in Saxony, was found to be composed of oxide of bismuth, 58.8; silica, 23.8; arsenic anhydride, 2.2; gangue, 9.1; cobalt, copper and iron, 5.9. Acicular Bismuth is a sulphide of bismuth, copper, and lead, which occurs in the mine of Klutscheffsky, near Beresof, in Siberia. It is found in acicular crystals of a yellowish-white colour, and contains from 34 to 37 per cent. of bismuth. Tetradymite is a compound of tellurium and bismuth, and occurs in Sweden, Brazil, &c. Oxide of Bismuth occurs as a pulverulent coating on some of the other ores of this metal; it is found in Bohemia, in Siberia, at St. Agnes in Cornwall, &c. It is of a yellowish-green colour, and contains 86 per cent. of bismuth. A vein, containing ores of bismuth and wolfram, has been recently worked near Meymac, Dep. of Corrèze, France. The bismuth occurs as oxide, associated with native metal and sulphide. BISMUTH. 509 Carbonate of Bismuth. This mineral occurs at St. Agnes, at Schnee- berg, and at Johanngeorgenstadt. The total annual production of bismuth, a considerable portion of which comes from South America and South Australia, probably does not much exceed 20 tons. ASSAY OF BISMUTH ORES. Assays of the ores of bismuth are conducted like those of the oxi- dised ores of lead. When the substance operated on contains metallic bismuth only, no reducing flux is, theoretically, required; but as there is, in almost all cases, a portion of oxide present, a little powdered charcoal should be added. On account of the volatility of this metal, it is of importance that a readily-fusible slag should be obtained, and for this purpose large quantities either of carbonate of sodium, of borax with charcoal, or of borax with black flux, should be employed. 3 In the wet way, bismuth is usually precipitated from its solutions by carbonate of ammonium, which when added in excess throws down the whole as carbonate, provided the liquid be allowed to stand for several hours in a warm place. The precipitate, after being washed and dried, is separated from the filter and ignited in a porcelain crucible; the filter is burnt separately, and the residue added to the ignited precipitate. This consists of bismuthous oxide Bi₂O, containing 89.74 per cent. of metal. When sulphuric or hydrochloric acid is present in the solution, carbonate of ammonium must not be employed for precipitation, since the precipitate would, in the former case, contain basic sulphate, and in the latter, oxy- chloride of bismuth. In such cases bismuth must first be precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the resulting sulphide attacked by nitric acid. From the solution thus obtained the bismuth may be precipitated by carbonate of ammonium. METALLURGY OF BISMUTH. SCHNEEBERG PROCESS.-The bismuth of commerce is chiefly obtained from the native metal, of which a large proportion was formerly procured from the mines of Schneeberg, in Saxony. The metallurgical treatment of these ores is extremely simple, as it is sufficient to heat them in closed vessels; by which treatment the metal becomes fused and flows out into proper receivers, whilst the gangue and infusible impurities remain behind. At Schneeberg, liquation is effected in cast-iron retorts, a, b, fig. 151, set in an inclined position in brickwork, A, and provided with a grate, g, for the fuel employed. The ore treated is sorted by hand, broken into pieces of the size of a hazel nut, and separated as much as possible from associated gangue. The charge of each pipe consists of about 56 lbs. of broken ore, which is introduced at a, and occupies three-fourths of its length and rather more than one-half its diameter. A sheet-iron door at the end, a, is now shut, and, when the whole of the tubes in the series have been charged in the same way, heat is applied; the liquid metal soon begins to flow through the apertures, b, left in the lower ends of the tubes, 510 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. and falls into small pots, c, kept slightly heated by a few pieces of ignited charcoal, introduced into a space left beneath them for that purpose. Whenever the metal ceases to run freely, an iron rod is inserted through the aperture, b, and the ore is moved about in the retort in order to remove the obstruction. The fuel employed is wood, and each operation requires about an hour for its completion. As soon as the flow of metal has entirely ceased, the residuum is scooped out with iron rakes into the water-trough, t, and a fresh charge of ore is at once introduced into the retorts. The contents of the pots, c, are dipped out with iron ladles, and cast into ingots varying from 25 to 50 lbs. in weight. By this apparatus 20 cwts. of ore may be treated in eight hours, with a consumption of 63 cubic feet of wood. The annual production Fig. 151.-Bismuth Liquation Furnace; vertical section. of bismuth at Schneeberg formerly amounted to about 5 tons, but it is now considerably less. JOACHIMSTHAL PROCESS. —At Joachimsthal, ores containing from 10 to 30 per cent. of bismuth are treated in large earthen crucibles. The ore is ground and mixed with 28 per cent. of iron-turnings or other finely- divided scrap-iron, 15 to 20 per cent. of carbonate of sodium, 5 per cent. of lime, and 5 per cent. of fluor-spar. The crucibles employed are 23 inches in height and 16 in diameter at the mouth; they are filled with the mixture above specified and its fusion is effected in a wind furnace. When in a state of tranquil fusion the contents of the pots are laded out into inverted conical iron moulds, in the bottom of which the bismuth col- lects; this is covered by a speiss, which, in addition to cobalt and nickel, contains about 2 per cent. of bismuth. The speiss is separated from the bismuth for subsequent treatment, and the slag, which covers both, is thrown away. The bismuth thus obtained contains a certain amount of silver, which may be separated by subjecting the mixture to cupellation, and subsequently reducing the oxide of bismuth produced. An alloy of silver and bismuth works on the cupel quite as well as a mixture of silver and lead. PRODUCTION OF BISMUTH AT FREIBERG.-We are indebted for the BISMUTH. 511 following description of the method employed at Freiberg (1870), for the extraction of bismuth from argentiferous ores, to Mr. W. M. Hutchings, who, when a pupil at the Royal Mining Academy, possessed the necessary facilities for making himself acquainted with the process. None of the Freiberg ores contain an appreciable amount of bismuth, and indeed the quantity present in any of them is so small that it was never detected by direct analysis. On an analysis being made, however, of the hearth of the silver refinery in which a charge of Blicksilber from the German cupelling furnace had been refined, it was found to be rich in bismuth. Further analyses proved this to be always the case; some of the hearths containing as much as 20 to 25 per cent. of bismuth, showing that the small quantity originally present in the ores had become concen- trated in the Blicksilber, and had finally passed into the refining hearth. A process for its extraction was consequently introduced, and was carried on at intervals, whenever a sufficient accumulation of material had been collected. For this purpose the hearth was finely ground and passed through a sieve, to remove all metallic shot. The fine powder was then submitted to the extraction process about to be described.* At a later period a class of ores from another part of the Erzgebirge, and containing more bismuth, was sent to be smelted at the Freiberg works ; these ores contained nickel and cobalt, which were concentrated into the speiss produced in smelting. In order to obtain the bismuth from these ores it was no longer sufficient to treat the refining hearth only by the extraction process, since towards the close of a cupellation the litharge produced was so rich in bismuth that it was found necessary to keep it apart and to send it to the bismuth works. It was also found advan- tageous not to complete cupellations in the cupel furnace, but to stop the operation some time before the Blick, and to transfer the alloy to the refining furnace, in which cupellation is completed and the silver refined; both the litharge and the hearth being rich in bismuth. The litharge is finely ground, like the hearth, and both are treated as follows: The powdered hearth or litharge is treated with hydrochloric acid in glazed earthenware pots, 2 feet high, having an internal diameter of 1 foot 11 inches at bottom and 2 feet 8 inches at top. Twelve of these pots are ranged upon a platform at one end of the room, with a water-pipe placed above and parallel with them, so that water can be let into each as required. A steam-pipe is also provided, in order that, when necessary, steam may be blown into the several pots to heat their contents. From 80 to 100 lbs. of hearth, or litharge, are placed in each pot, and measured quantities of acid and water are introduced, in accordance with the previously-determined richness in bismuth of the material operated on. Thus, for example, 100 lbs. of hearth may receive 120 lbs. of acid and 45 lbs of water. The acid used is common yellow hydrochloric. The reaction is strong, and a considerable amount of heat is evolved; the mass is actively stirred and is prevented from forming lumps. Stirring is * A specimen of a cupel bottom brought from Freiberg by Mr. Hutchings was found to contain 10 37 per cent. of bismuth. 512 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. frequently repeated during seven or eight hours, after which more acid is added, in quantity regulated by the amount of bismuth present, so that the pot can be filled with water without any precipitation of bismuth taking place. The vessel, when so filled, is allowed to stand thirty-six hours, to let the contents thoroughly settle. The clear liquid is then removed by means of leaden syphons, and conveyed along wooden gutters to the pre- cipitating tubs, which stand upon a platform on a lower level. These tubs, made of pine-wood, are 4 feet 8 inches high, with an internal diameter of 3 feet 7 inches, and sides 2 inches in thickness. Each tub has two taps, one quite at the bottom and the other some 5 inches higher up. A wooden gutter runs over all the tubs, and has a hole and plug corre- sponding with each; the liquid syphoned out of the extraction pots is conveyed to this main channel by short movable gutters, and, by means of plugs, can be let into any one of the tubs in the series. At the same time that this liquid is run in, water is introduced, from the pipe extending over all the tubs, in sufficient quantity to ensure the precipitation of the bismuth as oxychloride; the whole is stirred and the precipitate is allowed to settle. The residues in the extraction pots are again treated with acid and water, and the solution precipitated as before; this treatment is repeated until the solution obtained is so weak that on adding a large quantity of water no appreciable precipitate is formed. The residues are then removed, strained, dried, and when a sufficient quantity has accumulated, are passed through the blast-furnace. When the oxychloride of bismuth has completely settled in the pre- cipitating tubs, the clear liquid is lot off by the upper tap, and conveyed along gutters into large wooden settling tanks, in order to catch any small quantity of the precipitate which may be carried over. From these the liquors are run off, leaving the precipitate in the bottom. Another charge of liquid is now run into the precipitating tub and treated in the same way; several precipitations thus take place in each tub, until the precipitate nearly fills the space between the taps. After the clear liquid has been run off by the upper tap, the precipitate is stirred, drawn off by the lower one, and conveyed on to filters similar to those used in the Ziervogel and Augustin silver processes. Each filter-tub is connected with a safety-tub of the same size, into which the filtered liquid runs before going to the settling tanks. This first precipitate obtained upon the filters is not sufficiently pure to be reduced at once to the metallic state. It is, therefore, taken from them, treated with acid and water, and re-precipitated; for this purpose there is a special set of three smaller pots and three separate precipitating tubs. The second precipitate is almost pure; this is dried, and afterwards reduced by fusion in iron crucibles, heated in a wind furnace with 50 per cent. of carbonate of sodium, 7 per cent. of charcoal-powder, and 3 per cent. of powdered glass. The bismuth thus obtained is refined by re-melting in iron crucibles, LEAD. 513 and the removal of the scum which forms. The resulting bismuth is commercially of good quality. The most important alloy of bismuth is that known as "fusible metal," which consists of one part of lead, one of tin, and two of bismuth. This mixture melts at a temperature of 93.75° C, and expands in cooling. On account of this property of expanding while still in a pasty condition, it is employed for taking impressions from dies, &c., as even the faintest lines are accurately reproduced. LEAD. Lead is a soft metal of a bluish-grey colour, and when recently cut possesses a strong metallic lustre; on exposure to the air it becomes rapidly tarnished, and acquires a superficial coating of plumbous carbonate. Lead is both malleable and ductile, possessing the former property to a considerable degree; but its tenacity is inferior to that of nearly all the other ductile metals. It is flexible and inelastic, and fuses at about 325° C. When slowly cooled, imperfect octahedral crystals are readily obtained. At a red-heat, lead becomes sensibly volatile, but not to a sufficient extent to admit of its distillation. When kept in a state of fusion, in contact with the air, rapid oxida- tion takes place. At first the surface of the metallic bath becomes covered by an iridescent pellicle, which is quickly converted into a powder of a reddish-yellow colour. At a red-heat this oxidation of the metal proceeds with great rapidity; and it becomes necessary, in order to continue the operation, that the oxide, which gradually melts, should be removed for the purpose of exposing a fresh metallic surface. Lead, exposed to the influence of a damp atmosphere, quickly absorbs oxygen, and when acid vapours are present this action is much accele- rated. Oxidation is induced by the presence of carbonic anhydride, which gives rise to the formation of a white carbonate of lead. Even distilled water determines the oxidation of the metal, and from this cause leaden cisterns are rapidly corroded when used as reservoirs for pure water. A bar of lead, placed in distilled water and exposed to the air, becomes rapidly covered with a white coating of hydrated oxide, which is subse- quently converted into a hydrated carbonate of lead, frequently forming distinct nacreous scales on the surface of the metal. In such cases the water is invariably found to hold a portion of lead in solution, which is readily shown by its becoming brown on passing through it a current of sulphuretted hydrogen. From the tendency exhibited by lead to form soluble salts it ought not to be used for the manufacture of tanks in which water for domestic purposes is to be kept, since, from the poisonous nature of these com- pounds, the most disastrous effects have not unfrequently resulted. 2 L 514 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The action of water on lead is, however, found to be much diminished by the presence of small quantities of various salts, and particularly sulphate of calcium, which has the property of preventing, to a great extent, the oxidation and solution of this metal. The lead of commerce often approaches to a state of chemical purity, and is then extremely soft and malleable. When lead of still greater purity is required, it may be procured by reducing, in a lined crucible, oxide of lead obtained by the calcination of crystallised nitrate of lead. Lead is somewhat feebly attacked by hydrochloric acid, even when con- centrated and boiling. Weak sulphuric acid does not act on lead when air is excluded; but if heated in very strong sulphuric acid, SO, is evolved and sulphate of lead is slowly formed. The proper solvent for lead is nitric acid, which forms with it a salt readily crystallising, on cooling, in opaque octahedra. LEAD ORES. Lead is very rarely found in a native state, but usually in combination with one of the non-metallic elements, particularly with sulphur. It also occurs in combination with oxygen, selenium, arsenic, tellurium, and with various acids. The ores of lead are fusible before the blowpipe, and when fluxed with a little carbonate of sodium on a charcoal support yield a globule of metallic lead. The metal thus obtained gives off fumes, particularly when heated in the outer flame, and stains the charcoal of a yellow colour. NATIVE LEAD; Plomb natif; Gediegen Blei. Isometric.-The characters of native lead are precisely similar to those of ordinary commercial lead. It is a rare substance, of which specimens have been found, associated with galena, in the county of Kerry, Ireland, and in an argillaceous rock near Carthagena, in Spain. Native lead has also been procured at Alston Moor, in Cumberland, where it occurs, disseminated with galena, in a siliceous rock. OXIDE OF LEAD; Massicot; Bleiglätte. Orthorhombic.-Is a pulveru- lent mineral of a bright red colour, sometimes mixed with yellow, and is a mixture of different oxides of lead, affording a metallic globule when heated on a charcoal support before the blowpipe. It is some- times a volcanic product, but usually occurs associated with galena, and is found in small quantities in many lead mines. From the compara- tive rarity of this ore it is of but little practical importance to the metallurgist. CHLORIDE OF LEAD; Plomb chloruré; Salzsaures Blei. Orthorhombic.— This rare mineral, known as Cotunnite, is found in the lavas of Vesuvius. An oxychloride of lead, termed Mendipite, occurs in the Mendip Hills, in the form of lamellar, shining masses, of a greyish-white colour, deposited on a matrix of black oxide of manganese. It has a specific gravity of 7·07. When treated before the blowpipe it decrepitates, and fuses into a globule of a yellowish-white colour; if heated on a charcoal support, metallic lead is obtained. Another oxychloride of lead, and a chloro-carbonate of lead, occur in Derbyshire. LEAD. 515 SULPHIDE OF LEAD; Galena; Galène; Bleiglanz. Isometric. This mineral occurs both in the primitive and invariously-modified forms. Its cleavage, which is cubical, is extremely perfect. It more rarely occurs in a finely-granular state, and is sometimes found in fibrous masses. Com- pact specimens, although occasionally met with, are of comparatively rare occurrence. Its colour and streak are lead-grey; fragile; lustre metallic; specific gravity from 7.5 to 7·7. When pure, it is composed of lead 86-55, and sulphur 13.45. Its composition is represented by the formula, PbS. The lead in this mineral is invariably associated, to a greater or When silver is present in considerable quantity, the ore receives the name of argentiferous galena, and becomes a valuable source of that metal. less extent, with silver. The analysis of an argentiferous galena from Schemnitz afforded Beudant the following results: Pb Ag Ꮪ 79.60 7:00 · 13.40 • 100.00 In addition to sulphide of silver, galena sometimes contains variable quantities of sulphide of antimony. This substance appears to alter in a certain degree the character of the mineral; those specimens of which the lamina are curved, as well as those which present a bright steely fracture, will often be found to contain antimony. Galena occurs in granite, limestone, argillaceous and sandstone rocks, and is frequently associated with ores of copper and zinc. The matrix on which this ore has been deposited is, in the majority of cases, either quartz, calcite, fluor-spar, or sulphate of barium. The rich lead mines of the West of England occur in clay-slate; those of Derbyshire, and the other northern districts, are principally in limestone, as are also the extensive deposits of Bleiberg and the neighbouring districts of Carinthia. In the Upper Hartz, and at Przibram, in Bohemia, the lead mines are in clay-slate; at Freiberg, in Saxony, in gneiss; at Sala, in Sweden, in crystalline limestone; and at Leadhills, in Scotland, in the older grits. Valuable deposits of galena are worked in various parts of France, and particularly at Huelgoët and Poullaouen, in Brittany; at Pontgibaud, Puy-de-Dôme; and at Vialas, in the department of Lozère. In Spain, sulphide of lead is found in Catalonia and Granada, in the granite hills of Linares, province of Jaen, and elsewhere. Galena occurs in Belgium, at Védrin, not far from Namur; in Savoy; in Bohemia, at Joachimsthal, where the ore is principally worked for silver; and in Siberia, where argentiferous galena occurs in limestone in the Daouria Mountains. Extensive deposits of this ore are likewise found in America, particularly in the States of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. Cuproplumbite is a variety of galena containing 24.5 per cent. of sulphide of copper. It is a rare mineral, obtained from Chili. Dufrenoysite is an arsenical sulphide of lead of a dark steel-grey colour, from the dolomite of St. Gothard. 2 L 2 516 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Selenide of Lead or Clausthalite, is a mineral of a lead-grey colour and granular fracture. When heated before the blowpipe it gives off the odour of horse-radish. It occurs in quantities too small to render it of any practical value as an ore of lead. CERUSSITE; Carbonate of Lead; Plomb carbonaté; Kohlensaures Blei. Orthorhombic. This mineral generally possesses a white colour and an adamantine lustre. It is found in acicular crystals, in radiated and compact masses, in concretions, and in earthy deposits. All these varieties, with the exception of that last-mentioned, possess the peculiar lustre belonging to white lead. It sometimes happens that crystallised specimens of this substance are nearly black: this arises from the pre- sence of small quantities of sulphide, probably due to the action of sul- phuretted hydrogen, resulting from the decomposition of galena, with which carbonate of lead is generally found associated. It is an extremely brittle mineral, and, when amorphous, exhibits a conchoidal fracture. When treated with nitric acid, it dissolves, with evolution of CO₂; before the blowpipe it decrepitates, but when heated on a charcoal support affords a button of metallic lead. Its specific gravity varies from 6·46 to 6.48. Two specimens of this mineral afforded on analysis the following percentage results:- Crystals, from Leadhills. By Klaproth. Crystals, from Teesdale. By J. A. Phillips. Pbo. 82 83.55 CO2. 16 16.52 98 100.07 2 These results indicate a carbonate of lead, having the formula PbO,CO₂ or PbCO3. The amorphous and friable varieties are gene- rally more or less contaminated with siliceous and earthy impurities. This mineral is found in splendid crystals at Leadhills, at Wanlockhead, in Derbyshire, and in some of the Cornish mines, as well as in many other localities. When abundant, it forms a valuable ore of lead, some- times yielding above 75 per cent. of that metal. From its dissimilarity to the other ores of lead, it was for a long time considered by miners to be of no value; large quantities, which had been formerly buried in rubbish, were subsequently excavated and worked with great advantage in many of the Spanish mines, as also at different points in the valley of the Mississippi, United States of America. The artificial white lead of commerce so extensively used as a pig- ment, is a carbonate of lead containing variable quantities of the hydrated oxide of that metal. For this purpose it is prepared artificially by exposing metallic lead, cast into thin bars, to the united action of acetic acid and CO2, by which means the subacetate at first formed is changed LEAD. 517 into carbonate by the presence of a large excess of CO2. The acetic acid employed is usually obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, whilst a constant supply of CO2 is procured by the decomposition of thick layers of spent bark from the tan-yard. The lead to be operated on is laid over pots containing dilute acetic acid, and after being loosely covered with boards is buried in tan to the depth of about 10 inches. On this is again placed another series of pots containing acetic acid; these are covered by a second layer of tan, and so on until eight or ten layers have been placed in the stack, which, from the fermentation which is rapidly set up, soon begins to evolve large quantities of CO2. This action or working of the stack continues during from ten to twelve weeks, and when it has nearly ceased, the layers of tan, lead, and pots are suc- cessively removed, and the white lead formed is beaten from the surface of the unattacked metal to which it adheres. The lead carbonate is now ground in a mill with a due admixture of water, and when it has assumed the form of an impalpable paste is run off into large reservoirs, where it deposits in accordance with its density. The wet lead, after being removed from these cisterns, is first dried in large stoves by steam-heat, and subsequently ground in oil for the market. ANGLESITE; Sulphate of Lead; Plomb sulfaté; Schwefelsaures Blei. Orthorhombic. This substance crystallises in prisms, which have an im- perfect lateral cleavage and are often slender and implanted. Specimens of sulphate of lead in amorphous masses and in lamellar and granular fragments, are also found. It is colourless, sometimes inclining to grey or green. Lustre adamantine, vitreous, or resinous. May be either opaque or perfectly transparent. When pure, it consists of 73 per cent. of oxide of lead, and 27 of sulphuric anhydride. If heated with car- bonate of sodium before the blowpipe it affords a globule of metallic lead. Its composition is represented by the formula PbO,SO, or PbSO4 This mineral is usually associated with galena, by the oxidation of which it appears to be formed. Fine specimens of this ore are found in the lead mines at Leadhills and Wanlockhead, as well as at Huelgoët in France, at Monte Poni in Sardinia, and in the States of Missouri and Wisconsin in America; it does not, however, occur in sufficient quantities to be regarded as an important ore of lead. Its density is about 6·3. Linarite, or Cupreous Anglesite, is a blue hydrated double sulphate of lead and copper, sparingly found at Leadhills and at Roughten Gill. PYROMORPHITE; Phosphate of Lead; Plomb phosphate; Buntbleierz. Hexagonal. This mineral occurs in hexagonal prisms, of a bright green or brown colour. These crystals, which have a lateral cleavage, are often nearly transparent, and have sometimes a fine orange-yellow colour, derived from the presence of chromate of lead. Pyromorphite has a specific gravity varying from 6.5 to 7.1, and affords a white streak. Besides being found in crystals, it sometimes occurs in mammillary 518 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. and reniform masses, with a radiated structure. The composition of two specimens of this substance examined by Karsten was as follows:- From Bohemia. From Cornwall. Pb3(PO4)2 89.268 89.110 РЬСІ, 9.918 10.074 Ca,(PO4)2 0.771 0.682 PbF2 0.137 0.130 100.094 99.996 This composition indicates the proportion of three atoms of phosphate of lead to one of chloride of lead; formula 3(3 PbO,P2O5)+PbC12, or Pb5(PO4)3Cl. Phosphate of lead is found in many of the lead mines in this country, and particularly in those of Cornwall, Leadhills, and Wanlockhead. The phosphate of lead from Huelgoët, in Brittany, con- tains large quantities of alumina. Arseniate of Lead much resembles in appearance the phosphate of that metal, but when heated evolves the odour of garlic. Chromate of Lead is a mineral of a bright red colour, which crystal- lises in rhombic prisms, and blackens before the blowpipe; when heated on a charcoal support it forms a shining slag containing numerous globules of metallic lead. It has a specific gravity of about 6·0. A specimen of chromate of lead, analysed by Berzelius, gave the following results :- РЬО CrO3 • 68.50 31.50 It follows from the above numbers, that this mineral is a simple chromate expressed by the formula PbO,CrO3, or PbCrO4. Chromate of lead is the “chrome-yellow" of painters, but is for this purpose artificially prepared by adding a solution of chromate of potassium to a soluble salt of lead. Native chromate of lead occurs in small quantities only, and is chiefly obtained from Brazil and from Beresof in Siberia. Melanochroite is another chromate of lead, and Vauquelinite is a chromate of lead and copper. Plumbo-resinite is a rare ore of lead, obtained at Huelgoët, in Brit- tany, and from the Missouri mines in the United States of America. A specimen of this substance from Huelgoët, analysed by Berzelius, was found to be constituted as follows:-Oxide of lead, 40·14; alumina, 37·00; water, 18.80; insoluble gangue, 2.60. This mineral has a yel- lowish or reddish-brown colour, and possesses a lustre much resembling that of gum arabic. All the other minerals containing lead are more or less rare, and in no instance occur in sufficient abundance to allow of being metallurgically treated as ores of this metal. LEAD. 519 DISTRIBUTION OF LEAD ORES. The ores of lead are abundantly distributed through the geological series, but appear to be most abundant in rocks of Silurian and Car- boniferous age, and frequently occur in deposits which cannot be regarded as true veins. Lead veins are often rich in one stratum of rock, and become suddenly and entirely impoverished on entering another more or less differing from it in composition. Galena always contains a certain amount of silver, but lead ores are not, generally speaking, argentiferous to any considerable extent, unless they occur in crystalline metamorphic rocks. The more argentiferous ores are, for the most part, found in true veins occurring in the older rocks, and these, although not so productive for lead as deposits in limestone, are generally more persistent in depth. The ores of lead found near the surface embrace various oxidised combinations, resulting from the decomposition of galena; among these carbonate, sulphate and phosphate of lead are the most common. The lead-producing districts of the United Kingdom are scattered over England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; but that of the north of England is, from the quantity of ore raised, the most important. It lies chiefly in the vicinity of Alston Moor, where the three counties of North- umberland, Durham, and Cumberland meet, and where the ore is obtained from veins inclosed in the Mountain or Carboniferous Limestone. A nearly horizontal bed of eruptive rock, known to the miners as the "whin-sill," is intercalated between the limestone in an irregular manner. The principal workings are on rake-veins, or true lodes; but there are two other classes of deposit, known respectively as pipe-veins and flat-veins. The rake-veins commonly exhibit the usual characteristics of regular veins, although they sometimes do not descend through the strata in an uninterrupted course, but are arranged in zigzags, one portion having a general parallelism with other parts of the same vein above or below it, and being connected with it by horizontal prolongations. The lead-region of Derbyshire is in many respects very similar to that above described, but is more complicated in its details, being much broken up by faults; and instead of one bed of whin-sill, as in Cumber- land, there are three. The ordinary gangue of these veins is calcite, fluor-spar and sulphate of barium. The lead mines of Cornwall and Devon are worked on true veins, and the ores raised contain a notable amount of silver, but the production has of late years considerably fallen off. At the time Borlase wrote (1758) only one lead mine was worked in Cornwall, and in 1839 the whole produce of the county was somewhat below 180 tons. In the years from 1845 to 1850 over 10,000 tons were annually raised, from 3,000 to 4,000 tons of metallic lead being produced annually from East Huel Rose alone. This mine has long since ceased to be productive, and according to Mr. Hunt's statistics, the present annual production of Cornwall is about 4,098 tons of lead, containing 207,700 ozs. of silver. In Devon- shire the Combe Martin and Beer Alston Mines, which formerly yielded ores containing from 80 to 140 ozs. of silver per ton, have long since 520 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ceased to be extensively worked; the most considerable lead mine now in operation in that county is at Frank Mills, in the vicinity of Exeter. The Snailbeach Mines in the county of Salop, the Grassington Mines in York- shire, and the Minera Mines in Denbighshire, have long been celebrated for their large production. The lead-region of Cardiganshire and Montgomeryshire extends over a length of about forty miles, and varies from five to twenty-two miles in width. The usual strike of the lodes, which are inclosed in rocks of Lower Silurian age, is east-northeast; the gangue chiefly consists of fragments of slate cemented together by quartz and calcite. The total quantity of lead ore raised and sold in the United Kingdom during 1872, of lead and silver produced therefrom, and the value of each respectively, were as follow:- Lead ore Lead Silver Weight. Value. "" 83,968 tons £1,146, 165 60,455 628,920 ozs. 1,209,115 157,230 In Belgium, galena and other ores of lead are found, associated with zinc, in limestone. The annual production of the country is probably equivalent to from 800 to 1,000 tons of lead. In Prussia, lead mines of some importance are worked in the Siegen district. The veins of the Upper Hartz are concentrated in two groups, the one near Clausthal, and the other in the vicinity of Andreasberg. In the neighbourhood of Clausthal and Zellerfeld the veinstone is chiefly made up of a breccia of "country rock" cemented together by calcite, carbonate of iron, quartz and heavy spar. The principal ore is argen- tiferous galena, with small quantities of copper ore and blende; in some cases the ores widen out into a Stockwerk 300 feet in width, and from such aggregations of narrow veins, rich returns of ore are not unfrequently obtained. The system of veins in the neighbourhood of Andreasberg is included within a space about a mile in length and two-thirds of a mile in width; in addition to argentiferous galena, they yield silver ores proper, including pyrargyrite and light-red silver ore. Besides the mines of Andreasberg and Clausthal, there are in the Hartz those of Rammelsberg, situated in the neighbourhood of Goslar. Here the principal mass of ore dips in the direction of the inclosing argillaceous slates, and, at a depth of about 40 feet, sends off a branch at a considerably less angle. The length of this mass is about 1,800 feet, and its greatest thickness 150 feet, but these dimensions gradually de- crease in depth. This remarkable mass is almost entirely composed of sulphides of iron, zinc, lead and copper, without any notable admixture of gangue. There are also extensive workings in the great lead-bearing sandstones of Mechernich, in Rhenish Prussia, where from rock yielding only 1 to 2 per cent. nearly 20,000 tons of lead are produced annually. LEAD. 521 The total annual production of lead in Prussia was, in 1871, about 49,500 tons. In Nassau lead ores are raised from a group of veins extending from Holzappel on the Lahn to Welmich and Werlau on the Rhine; about thirty small mines are worked on these veins, and are estimated to yield 800 tons of lead annually. The greater proportion of the lead produced in the Austrian Empire is obtained from the celebrated mines of Bleiberg and Raibel in Carinthia. The village of Bleiberg is situated near Villach, in the Carinthian Alps, and the mines extend along the valley of the Nötsch from Bleiberg to Kreuth, a distance of five miles. The ore, which is chiefly galena and carbonate of lead, with a little blende and calamine, occurs in deposits in a rock, believed to be of the age of the Muschelkalk, although this point does not appear to have been satisfactorily determined. Next in importance to the mines of Bleiberg are those of Przibram in Bohemia, where the galena forms contact deposits on the sides of dioritic veins occurring in rocks of Lower Silurian age. The metal- liferous portions of these veins, which are generally too poor to repay the expense of working until a depth of fifty fathoms has been attained, consist of a mixture of galena, sulphide of antimony, blende, and iron pyrites, with occasionally a little grey copper ore. The total average production of the Empire is estimated at about 10,000 tons of metallic lead annually. The annual production of lead in Russia, Sweden, and Norway is small. Spain has long been celebrated for her lead mines, which were de- scribed by Strabo, Diodorus Siculus and Pliny, as exceedingly nume- rous and extensive. Under the Moorish dominion, mining operations were conducted with considerable activity, but upon the expulsion of the Moors from the country the art appears to have rapidly fallen into decay. The discovery of America and of its mineral riches, which took place shortly after the expulsion of the Moors, caused the mines of Spain to be comparatively neglected; but after the loss of her American colonies it was found necessary to make an effort for the development of her own mines. By a decree of Ferdinand VII. the mines of Spain were, in 1825, laid open on tolerably liberal conditions to the enterprise of all, whether natives or foreigners, and in 1849 this law was supplanted by a new one, by which still further privileges were conferred. One of the first points to which Spanish mining enterprise was directed, after the promulgation of the ordinance of 1825, was the lead- district of the Sierra de Gador, in the province of Almeria, where, in 1826, operations had been commenced on above three thousand different grants. For a time the production of this region was almost fabulous in quantity; in the year 1827, according to Whitney, these mines yielded the enormous amount of 42,000 tons of lead, so reducing the price that the miners entered into a mutual agreement to work during one-half the year only. These deposits are not in veins, and are compared by 522 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Le Play to an immense amygdaloid, in which the paste is limestone and the amygdules galena. The limestone is of Silurian age. From the nature of the deposits, it is evident that so large a produc- tion could not be continuously kept up; and from 1827, when it attained its highest point, the falling-off was rapid; at the present time these mines are considerably less productive than formerly. At present the principal lead-producing districts in Spain are Linares, in the province of Jaen, Carthagena, province of Murcia, and various mining-fields in the province of Almeria.* Lead ore is also produced in the provinces of Granada, Estremadura, Badajoz, and to a small extent in some of the northern provinces. The Linares district may be said to embrace the neighbouring districts of Bailen, Baños, Vilches, La Carolina, and Santa Elena, an area of about 84 square miles; but three-fourths of the production comes from Linares proper, an area of not more than 12 square miles. The veins occur principally in granite, but occasionally also in clay-slate, the Bailen mines being the most important ones in the latter rock. The ore obtained, principally galena, is dressed to a produce of 75 or 78 per cent., and contains from 6 to 10 ozs. of silver per ton of ore. So-called carbonates are also pro- duced, which, although containing a certain amount of earthy carbonate of lead, depend principally for their value on partially-decomposed galena; they are chiefly obtained from the smaller mines insufficiently supplied with washing apparatus, and contain from 35 to 60 per cent. of lead. A certain amount of slag is also obtained from washing the heaps left by the ancients; their tenure in lead, when sold, being from 30 to 50 per cent. The production of the Linares district is not less than 60,000 tons of galena per annum, to which may be added 10,000 tons of carbonates and 10,000 tons of slags. The carbonates and slags are nearly all smelted at Carthagena. The Carthagena district may be said to include Herrerias, Porman, Aguilas, Cabo de Gato, Sierra Almagrera, and others. When Carthagena stood at the head of the list of Spanish lead-producing districts slags were the principal source of produce. Including what is received from Linares, about 30,000 to 35,000 tons of pig-lead are now produced annually, principally from earthy carbonates found in layers in the lime- stone rock. Excluding imports from Linares, it is not probable that more than 8,000 to 10,000 tons of galena are smelted. The carbonates of, say, 20 per cent. produce, are reduced, partly in numberless little smelt-mills scattered all over the district, and also at Escombrera, three miles from Carthagena, as well as at Carthagena itself, where there are large smelting establishments. Almeria, including Motril, Guadix, Sierra de Baza, Solana, Berja, &c., has greatly diminished its production within the last ten years. It for- merly produced nearly 80,000 tons of ore annually; its present production may be 20,000 to 25,000 tons of galena, yielding about 78 per cent. of lead. * We are indebted to Mr. T. Sopwith, jun., for our information relative to the present production of pig-lead in Spain. LEAD. 523 The three districts named are the only ones in which mines are worked on a large scale; an additional 7,000 or 8,000 tons will cover all the remaining production of Spain. The total production of the country is believed to be nearly as follows:-- Linares, exclusive of slags and carbonates, 60,000) Tons of Pig-lead. tons at 76 per cent. (giving 70% nett), or say Carthagena, including slags and carbonates from 42,000 Linares Almeria 35,000 • 20,000 Other districts, 8,000 tons at 76 % (or 70% nett) 5,600 102,600 or say, on an average, 100,000 tons of pig-lead annually. In the Piedmontese Alps, the mines of Pesey and Macot have been worked during the last 150 years, and, together with that of Saint Jean de Maurienne, produced, according to Burat in 1846, about 250 tons of lead and 19,000 ozs. of silver annually. In the island of Sardinia there are numerous mines, producing considerable quantities of lead and silver. Thirty-nine different mines are at present in operation, their annual production of lead being about 14,000 tons, containing 364,500 ozs. of silver; in addition to this, Sardinia annually affords about 900 tons of lead and 15,000 ozs. of silver, obtained by smelting Roman and other ancient slags. The total annual produce of the kingdom of Italy is estimated at 15,500 tons of lead, containing 385,000 ounces of silver. The most important mines of argentiferous galena in France are those of Pontgibaud in the Puy-de-Dôme, which are worked under the superintendence of Messrs. J. Taylor & Co., of London. The ore, which is much mixed with silica, contains a large amount of silver, and is smelted in blast-furnaces of peculiar construction, after having been sub- jected to a preliminary roasting. The annual yield of the Pontgibaud mines is about 1,500 tons of lead and 145,000 ounces of silver; the total annual yield of lead in France is estimated at 2,500 tons, containing 185,000 ounces of silver. The principal lead deposits of the United States of America are situated in the Mississippi Valley, and are embraced in the States of Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. Attention was first directed to the lead deposits of this region by the famous expedition of Le Sueur, who, in his voyages up the Mississippi in 1700 and 1701, noticed many lead veins along its banks. The mines of Missouri had, however, been worked for some time before any further attention was given to the comparatively remote region of the Upper Mississippi; but in the year 1788 a Frenchman named Julien Dubuque, who had previously settled in the district, commenced mines on the western bank of the river on a tract of land which includes the now flourishing town of Dubuque. The principal mining centres are Galena, in Illinois; Mineral Point, in Wisconsin; and Dubuque, in Iowa. The lead is almost exclusively found in a certain portion of the Lower 524 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Silurian formation, and there are no deposits in the Valley of the Mississippi which can be considered as coming under the head of true veins. In many localities lead ore, called "gravel mineral or "float mine- ral," is obtained by washing the superficial detritus. The principal deposits are, however, in vertical fissures, with dark red ferruginous clay, in which loose masses of ore appear to be promiscuously scattered; besides the clay and ore in these fissures there are often intermixed with them fragments of veinstone and pieces of the inclosing rock. The ore is also often found in flat sheets or horizontal deposits, and as in such cases it is accompanied by gangue and is unmixed with clay, this is probably the original form in which the larger portion of the lead was deposited. The lead of this region is extremely poor in silver, seldom containing much above one ounce to the ton. Numerous true veins containing galena occur in the Eastern States of North America; but although these afford ores which are richer in silver than those of the deposits of the Mississippi Valley they are but little worked, and their yield of lead is comparatively small. The present annual production of lead in the United States is pro- bably about 40,000 tons, and the total production of the world is estimated at about 300,000 tons. ASSAY OF LEAD ORES. The ores of lead may, for the purposes of assay, be divided into two classes. The first class comprehends all ores of lead and other plumbiferous substances which contain neither sulphur nor arsenic, or in which these bodies are present in small proportion only. The second class comprises sulphide of lead, or galena, together with all lead ores containing either arsenic, phosphorus, or sulphur. From the facility with which lead is sublimed when strongly heated it is necessary to conduct the assay of its ores at a moderate temperature, as a notable quantity of the reduced metal would otherwise be driven off in the state of vapour. The furnace best adapted for making lead assays is constructed similarly to that used for the fusion of the ores of iron and copper, but may be of somewhat smaller dimensions. For this purpose, the internal cavity for the reception of fuel should be about 9 inches square, and the height of the throat from the fire-bars about 13 inches. A furnace of this kind should be connected with a chimney of at least 20 feet in height, and requires to be supplied with good hard coke, broken into pieces of about the size of eggs. ASSAY OF ORES OF THE FIRST CLASS. -The assay of ores belonging to this class is a very simple operation, care being only required that a suffi- cient amount of carbonaceous matter be added in order to effect the com- plete reduction of the metal, whilst such fluxes are supplied as will afford, LEAD. 525 by combining with the siliceous and earthy matters present, a liquid and readily-fusible slag. The mineral to be assayed is first pounded in an iron mortar, and passed through a sieve of wire-gauze. Those portions. which remain on the meshes are again crushed until the whole has been passed through, since if this were not attended to, a fair sample of the ore could not be obtained; as the more sterile portions, being usually the hardest, are the last to become sufficiently reduced in size. When the ore has been properly ground, 400 grains may be weighed out and well mixed with 600 grains of dry carbonate of sodium, and from 40 to 50 grains of powdered charcoal, according to the supposed richness of the mineral. This is now introduced into an earthen crucible of such a size as to be not more than one-half filled by the mixture, and on the top of the whole is placed a thin layer, either of carbonate of sodium or of common salt. The crucible and its contents are then placed in the furnace and gently heated, care being taken so to moderate the temperature that the mixture of ore and flux, which soon begins to soften and enter into ebullition, may not swell up and flow over the sides. If the effer- vescence becomes too strong, it must be checked by partially removing the crucible from the fire, and by a due regulation of the draught by means of the damper. When the boiling has subsided and gas is no longer given off, the heat is again raised during a few minutes and the assay completed. During the process of reducing the metallic oxide or carbonate the heat should not exceed rather dull redness; but in order to complete the operation and render the slags sufficiently liquid to admit of the accumu- lation of the lead in one button at the bottom of the crucible the temperature must subsequently be increased to bright redness. To remove When the contents of the pot have been reduced to a state of tranquil fusion, it must, by the aid of proper tongs, be removed from the fire, and the assay poured into an iron mould; or, after having been tapped gently against some hard body, to collect the lead in a single globule, it may be set aside to cool. When the operation has been successfully per- formed, the cooled slag will present a smooth concave surface, with a distinct vitreous lustre. As soon as the crucible has become sufficiently cold it is broken, and the button of lead carefully extracted. from the metal, obtained either from the mould or by breaking the crucible, the particles of adhering slag, the button is hammered on an anvil, and afterwards washed and rubbed with a hard brush. If any portions of the slag adhere so firmly as not to admit of being readily removed by mechani- cal means, it may, in most instances, be separated by placing the button for a short time in a little dilute sulphuric acid, by which the slag is dissolved, whilst the metallic button remains unaffected. When the ore has been properly fluxed, and a liquid slag consequently obtained, the whole of the metallic lead will have collected in one mass at the bottom of the pot; when a sufficiently fluid slag has not been produced, it must be broken down in an iron mortar, and any metallic lead it may contain separated by washing. 526 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Instead of employing carbonate of sodium and powdered charcoal, the substance to be assayed may be fused with twice its weight of black flux, and the mixture slightly covered by a thin layer of borax. Very good results are also obtained by mixing together— 400 grains of plumbiferous matter, 500 200 "" "" carbonate of sodium, and crude tartar. These ingredients, after being perfectly incorporated, are placed in an earthen crucible and covered with a thin layer of borax. The three foregoing methods yield equally good results, and afford slags containing but a very small portion of lead. The assay of very rich lead products belonging to this class may be conducted without the use of any kind of flux, as, when heated to redness in a lined crucible, they are readily and completely reduced. It is, however, desirable in all cases to add about 10 per cent. of sodium carbonate, by which the adherence of any metallic globules to the char- coal lining is prevented. This method, although requiring a longer time than those already described, does not, even when rich ores are operated on, afford more satisfactory results. When the substance operated on, in addition to lead, contains other metals-such as copper, silver, tin, or antimony--the button obtained will retain a greater or less proportion of these metals in the form of an alloy; if zinc be present in the ore, traces only of that metal will be discovered in the resulting button of lead. For commercial purposes the resulting button of lead is seldom subjected to chemical examination, as the purity of the metal is usually judged of in accordance with its colour and soft- ness; but when a more accurate knowledge of its constituents is required, it must be made to undergo the usual routine of analysis. The carbonates of lead are the most important minerals belonging to this class. ASSAY OF ORES OF THE SECOND CLASS.--This class not only com- prehends galena, which is the most common and abundant ore of lead, but also comprises the sulphides resulting from various metallurgical pro- cesses, as well as the sulphates, phosphates, and arseniates of that metal. Galena. The assay of this ore is variously conducted, but one of the following methods is most commonly employed for commercial purposes. The ore to be examined, after having been properly crushed and sifted, is fused, either— 1. With sodium carbonate or black flux; 2. With metallic iron; 3. With sodium carbonate or black flux and iron; or, 4. With a mixture of nitre and carbonate of sodium. First Method: Fusion with an Alkaline Flux.—This operation is con- ducted in an earthen crucible, which is to be left uncovered until its contents have been reduced to a state of tranquil fusion. The powdered ore, after being mixed with three times its weight of dry sodium carbonate, is slowly and gradually heated in an ordinary assay LEAD. 527 furnace until the mixture has become perfectly liquid, when the crucible is removed from the fire, and, after having been gently tapped to collect any globules of metal which may be in suspension in the slag, is set aside to cool. When cold, the crucible may be broken, and a button of metallic lead, which must be cleaned and weighed, will be found at the bottom. Instead of carbonate of sodium, either carbonate of potassium or black flux may be used; but when the last-named substance is employed, a little longer time is necessary for the complete fusion of the mixture. Every 100 parts of pure galena will, by this method, afford from 75 to 77 parts of metallic lead, indicating a loss of from 7 to 9 per cent. on the contents of the ore. Some of the older assayers were in the habit of first expelling the sulphur by roasting, and afterwards reducing the resulting oxide with about its own weight of black flux. This process, from the extreme fusibility of the sulphides and oxides of lead, requires very careful manipulation, and, at best, the results obtained are far from satisfactory. Pure galena, by this method, can rarely be made to afford above 70 per cent. of metallic lead. Second Method: Fusion with Metallic Iron.-This process depends on the circumstance, that when galena is fused in contact with metallic iron, that metal becomes converted into protosulphide, whilst the lead originally combined with the sulphur is at the same time liberated. The amount of iron actually required for the decomposition of pure sulphide is about 22.5 per cent.; but it is advantageous, in practice, to add a small excess of this metal, and 30 parts of iron to every 100 parts of galena may therefore be employed. The iron used should be either in the form of small nails or in that of wire cut into short pieces. This mixture of ore and metallic iron is placed in an earthen pot, of which it should not fill above two-thirds the capacity, and is covered with a thin layer of either carbonate of sodium or borax. The crucible and its contents are afterwards heated to full redness, by which a well-fused and perfectly-liquid slag is produced. When the contents of the pot are observed to be in a state of tranquil fusion, it is removed from the furnace and allowed to cool. It is then broken, and at the bottom will be found a button, which at first sight appears to have throughout a uniform composition, but on being struck with a hammer readily separates into two distinct parts. The upper portion consists of a bronze-coloured sulphide of iron, which at once crumbles under the hammer and is readily removed; whilst the lower part consists of a button of malleable lead, which must be carefully cleaned and weighed. This process affords, from pure galena, about 78 per cent. of metallic lead. The loss appears to arise principally from the volatility of galena, which begins to be driven off at a lower temperature than that required for its decomposition by the iron. In the mining districts of North Wales this method of assay is some- times conducted in a manner somewhat different from that described. Instead of adding finely-divided iron to the ore, the pounded mineral is 528 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. itself heated, without the addition of any kind of flux, in a ladle made of that metal. This ladle or dish is formed out of a thick piece of plate- iron and is provided with a lip, by which the reduced metal is to be poured off, and with four projecting corner-pieces, which afford a holdfast for the tongs by which it is removed from the fire. The ore to be operated on is first coarsely powdered and well mixed, so as to insure a fair sample. Eight ounces are now weighed out and placed in the dish, which is covered with a lid of thin sheet-iron, and gently heated in the fire of a smith's forge until the ore ceases to decrepitate. The temperature is then raised to full redness, and at the expiration of about five minutes the decom- position of the sulphide will be completed. At this point the dish is removed from the fire and the reduced lead poured out into a cast-iron mould, whilst the slags and sulphide of iron formed are kept back in the dish by a piece of wood held before the spout for that purpose. The dish, together with the slags and iron sulphide, is afterwards again placed on the fire and heated to bright redness during another five minutes, by which the last portions of metallic lead adhering to the slags are obtained. The contents of the dish are now thrown away, as not con- taining any further amount of lead, whilst the metal which has been run off is carefully weighed. This apparently rude method affords, in experienced hands, remarkably good results, which are likewise con- sidered to approach very nearly to the practical returns obtained during the metallurgical treatment on the large scale. By this process, pure galena yields from 79 to 83 per cent. of lead; but with the poorer varieties of ore, such as those obtained from some of the Cornish mines, satisfactory results could not be obtained, since, from the infusibility of the associated gangue, &c., a considerable amount of lead would be re- tained in the slag. The ladles used for this purpose are rudely made of plate-iron, which, if about one-fourth of an inch in thickness, will last during three or four separate trials. Third Method: Fusion with Carbonate of Sodium or Black Flux and Metallic Iron.—When galena and sodium carbonate are fused together out of contact with the air, a large proportion of the lead is liberated in the metallic form, but the slag still retains a certain amount of that metal in the state of a double sulphide of lead and the alkali-metal. If finely divided iron be now introduced, the sulphide of lead con- tained in the slag will be decomposed; metallic lead is liberated, and the slag contains a double sulphide, in which iron will have replaced the lead formerly present. The earthy and siliceous matters constituting the gangue are also dissolved in the slag without, to any great extent, impairing its fluidity. The quantity of black flux or sodium carbonate employed varies with the richness of the ore operated on; but even for the poorest varieties two parts of the alkaline reagent will usually be found sufficient. The iron, which is merely used to separate that portion of the lead which has been dissolved by the alkali in the state of sulphide, need not be present in sufficient amount to effect the reduction of the whole of the lead contained in the ore treated. Two parts of black flux or sodium car- LEAD. 529 bonate, and from 10 to 15 per cent. of metallic iron, either in the state of filings or in the form of small nails, will be found a convenient quantity for this purpose. When the fusion is made with black flux, and the iron is in the state of filings, it will be proper not to add too large an excess, especially if the assay be conducted at a high temperature, as in that case the result- ing button of lead will contain a portion of iron. If, however, carbonate of sodium be employed, the addition of a small excess of iron is attended with advantage, as it ensures the complete desulphurisation of the galena without affecting the purity of the resulting lead. Iron filings, when employed for this purpose, are also liable to become mechanically intermixed with the lead, and thereby, to a certain extent, falsify the results. This inconvenience is obviated by the use of small iron nails, which are corroded only on the outside, and, at the termination of the assay, are found fixed in the upper surface of the button, from which they can without much difficulty be separated. Pure galena, when thus treated, yields from 75 to 78 per cent. of metallic lead. Mitchell, in his 'Manual of Assaying,' recommends the following pro- cess, which is a slight modification of that long employed at the École des Mines of Paris. Two earthen crucibles are prepared by smearing their insides with black-lead, such as that used for domestic purposes, and in each of these are placed, with their heads downwards, three or four large flooring nails. Mix the ore to be assayed with its own weight of sodium carbonate, and, after having placed it in the pots, press it tightly down about the nails. On the top of this, place about half an ounce of common salt, and above it an amount of dried borax equivalent to the weight of the ore operated on. The whole is now introduced into the furnace and gradually heated to redness; at the expiration of ten minutes the tempera- ture is increased to bright redness, at which it is kept for another ten minutes, when the flux will be fused and will present a perfectly-smooth surface. When this has taken place, the pot is removed from the fire, and the nails are separately withdrawn by the use of a small pair of crucible tongs, care being taken to well wash each in the fluid slag until perfectly free from adhering lead. When the nails have all been withdrawn, the pot is gently tapped, to collect the metal into one button, and then laid aside to cool; after which it is broken, and the button of lead removed and cleaned in the usual way. The result is then verified by a second assay, made in the other pot. When carefully conducted, this process is said to afford, from pure galena, from 84 to 843 per cent. of metallic lead. It is, however, liable to the objection, that the lead produced often contains fragments of iron, arising from the nails being most energetically acted on at the point of contact between the flux and the galena, which, when the slag becomes fused, occupies the lower portion of the crucible; by this means portions of iron become detached and frequently adhere firmly to the button, from which there is sometimes considerable difficulty in removing them. We have never obtained by this process above 82 per cent. of metal from the purest specimens of galena, but notwithstanding it affords 2 M 530 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. results sufficiently accurate for most commercial purposes. In all cases where earthen crucibles are employed the assay may be poured into an iron mould, instead of breaking the pot; the crucible can be thus preserved and used for a second assay. In place of adding metallic iron to the mixture of ore and flux intro- duced into the crucible, it is much better that the pot itself should be made of that metal. For this purpose, a piece of half-inch plate-iron, of good quality, is turned up in the form of a crucible and carefully welded at the edges; the bottom is closed by a thick iron rivet, which is securely welded to the sides, and the whole is then finished up with a light hammer on a properly-formed mandrel. The crucible, when finished, should have the form represented in fig. 152. To make an assay in a crucible of this description it is first heated to dull redness, and when sufficiently hot, the powdered ore, intimately mixed with about its own weight of a mixture of one part of sodium carbonate and two parts of dried borax, is intro- Fig. 152. duced by means of a long copper scoop of the form repre- sented in fig. 153, and the crucible, which, for the introduction of the mixture, has been removed from the fire, is immediately replaced. The heat is now gradually raised to redness, during which time the contents } Fig. 153. become liquid and give off large quantities of gas. At the expiration of from ten to fifteen minutes the mixture will be observed to be in a state of tranquil fusion, and the pot is partially removed from the fire and its contents briskly stirred with a small iron rod; any matters adhering to its sides are also scraped down to the bottom of the pot, which, after being again placed in a hot part of the furnace, is closed with an earthen cover and heated during three or four minutes to somewhat bright redness. The crucible is then Fig. 154. Fig. 155. seized by strong bent tongs on that part of the edge which is opposite the projecting lip, a, (fig. 152) and, after being removed from the fire, its con- tents are rapidly poured into a cast- iron mould, fig. 154. Another form of mould is represented in fig. 155. The sides of the pot are now care- fully scraped down with a chisel-edged bar of iron, and the adhering particles of slag and of metallic lead are added to the portion first LEAD. 531 obtained, by sharply striking the edge of the pot, firmly held in the jaws. of the tongs, against the top of the cast-iron mould. When sufficiently cold the contents of the mould are readily removed, and the button of lead, after having been separated from the adhering slag, is carefully cleaned and weighed. By this process pure galena yields, on an average, 84 per cent. of metallic lead, free from iron and perfectly malleable. This method of assaying is that which is in almost universal use in lead- smelting establishments, and has the advantage of yielding good results with all the ores belonging to the second class. A larger amount of lead is, however, obtained by assay than can be produced from the same ores in the large way; on this account the smelter always makes an allow- ance in accordance with the nature of the ore treated. Instead of using iron pots, or adding metallic iron to the ores, they may be fused with a mixture of black flux and oxide of iron; this method, however, does not afford satisfactory results, and is not so convenient as the processes in which an iron pot is employed. Fourth Method: Fusion with Carbonate of Sodium and Nitre.--When galena is treated with nitrate of potassium, the whole of its sulphur is converted into SO, before any portion of the lead is oxidised; and it consequently follows, that if a suitable amount of nitre were employed the desulphurisation of the metal would be completely effected, and the whole of the lead obtained in the metallic state. To prevent any loss which might arise from the deflagration which takes place, the ore is mixed with twice its weight of sodium carbonate, and to this, in accord- ance with the richness of the ore, is added from 30 to 35 per cent. of nitrate of potassium. When too large a quantity of nitre is employed, a portion of the metal will be oxidised and will remain in the slag, causing a corresponding deficiency in the weight of the button obtained; there- fore, as the proper amount can only be ascertained by repeated experi- ments, this process is but ill adapted for the assay of ores for lead. When, on the contrary, an ore contains silver, and that metal only is to be estimated, regardless of the amount of lead present, this process may sometimes be employed with considerable advantage, although it is generally less to be recommended than fusion with borax and sodium carbonate in a wrought-iron pot, as before described. The assay with nitre is very easily conducted; the fusion takes place readily, and with- out bubbling, and the slag, which is very liquid, contains no metallic globules. In conducting this operation, the amount of nitre should, if possible, be so arranged as to afford the largest quantity of metallic lead; but it is of especial importance that enough to decompose the whole of the sulphide should be employed, since if the slag retain any unoxi- dised sulphur-compound a loss of silver may be experienced. When, on the other hand, too large a proportion of nitre has been made use of, the accuracy of the silver estimations will not be impaired, as lead alone is oxidised, and the whole of the silver will be contained in the residual metallic button. ASSAY OF GALENA CONTAINING ANTIMONY.-Many of the ores of lead contain a certain proportion of antimony, and from such minerals, 2 м 2 532 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. according to Berthier, the assayer can obtain, at will, either pure lead, or a mixture of the two metals in the form of an alloy. To extract pure lead the ore may be fused in an open crucible, with three times its weight of sodium carbonate, when the lead will be liberated in the metallic form, whilst the antimony, becoming oxidised, unites with the alkali and remains wholly in the slag. The presence of antimony in the slag also prevents its retaining any portion of the lead, and from this cause a tolerably exact separation of the two metals is obtained. When, in addition to lead and antimony, the ore contains silver, it should be assayed by being heated with a mixture of sodium carbonate and nitre, by which the antimony will be oxidised and retained in the slag, while the lead and silver are obtained in the state of an alloy. In this case it is only necessary to add a sufficient amount of nitre to effect the total decomposition of the sulphides, as even when the whole of the antimony and a portion of the lead have been oxidised no loss of silver (which combines with the remaining lead) is experienced; but when, on the contrary, the slags still contain undecomposed sulphide of antimony, a small proportion of the silver is lost. When it is required to reduce at the same time both the antimony and lead, the ore may be fused with a mixture of borax and sodium carbonate in an iron pot, in accordance with the process before described for assay- ing lead. Sulphate of lead is readily reduced by simple fusion with black flux and sodium carbonate in an earthen crucible; but when phosphates and arseniates are present in ores of this metal their assay should be con- ducted in an iron pot, with a proper admixture of carbonate of sodium and fused borax. Various methods have been proposed for the estimation of lead by means of standardised solutions, but none of them appear to have been successfully applied to the assaying of lead ores. ESTIMATION OF SILVER IN LEAD Ores. From the amount of silver contained in many varieties of galena and other ores of lead it becomes necessary, in order to determine their commercial values, to ascertain with great exactitude their yield of this valuable metal. To ascertain this, the button of lead, obtained by any of the processes already described, is subjected to cupellation in a furnace properly arranged for that purpose. This process is founded on the circumstance that silver, when exposed in a state of fusion to the action of the air, neither gives off perceptible vapours nor is sensibly oxidised, even when a more oxidisable metal than itself is not present. In order, then, to extract the silver contained in the buttons obtained by the assay of lead ores, it is only necessary to expose them, on some absorbent medium, to such a temperature as will oxidise the lead, whilst the silver itself is not so affected. The litharge produced is absorbed by LEAD. 533 the porous mass on which the assay is supported, and nothing but a small button of pure silver ultimately remains in the metallic state. These supports, called cupels, figs. 156 and 157, the first of which is a section, are made of bone-ash, slightly moistened with water, and tightly consolidated by pressure in an iron mould. A convenient furnace for the purpose of cupellation is Fig. 156. Fig. 157. represented in figs. 158 and 159, of which the first is an elevation and the second a vertical section. The material of which this furnace is made is m d a Fig. 158. Fig. 159. wrought-iron, lined with fire-tiles, as shown in the drawing. The muffle, m, is a small D-shaped retort of fire-clay, closed at one of its extremities only, and sometimes furnished with holes or perpendicular openings in the sides and end, in order to allow of a free circulation of air internally through it. Fig. 160 repre- sents such a muffle before its introduction into the furnace. When fixed, it is so ar- ranged that whilst one of its extremities is supported by a proper shelf the other cor- Fig. 160. responds with the opening d', to the sides of which it is luted by a little moistened fire-clay. This position of the muffle allows of its being 534 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. heated on every side by a supply of ignited fuel, whilst a current of air from the opening, d', circulates through the interior. The cavity of the muffle is in this way constantly traversed by a highly-oxidising current of air, and the draught of the furnace is increased by the addi- tion of a chimney of sheet-iron, c. To light this apparatus a little ignited coke or charcoal is introduced through the opening, d; the fur- nace is afterwards filled with the same fuel, and all the openings, excepting the ash-pit, a, are closed by their proper slides. When the charcoal or coke is properly ignited, and the muffle has become red-hot, six or eight cupels, which have been warming on the ledge around the chimney, are taken by the tongs, fig. 161, and placed on the floor of the muffle, which, to prevent its becoming corroded, if any lead should be spilt upon it, is previously covered by a thin layer of ground bone-ash. Fig. 161. The opening, d', is now closed by its door, so as to prevent the intro- duction of cold air, and the cupels are raised to the temperature of the muffle itself. When this is the case, the door is again removed, and into each of the cupels is introduced, by a pair of slender steel tongs, a button of the lead to be assayed. The door is now, a second time, closed during a few minutes, to facilitate the fusion of the metal, and on its removal each of the cupels is found to contain a bright convex metallic disc, in which state the assays are said to be uncovered. The air thus admitted rapidly converts the lead into litharge, which, as fast as it is produced, is absorbed by the bone-ash of the cupel, and at the same time there arises a white vapour, which partially fills the muffle, and either escapes at the mouth, or is carried off through the openings in its sides. An annular stain, which gradually extends, is at the same time formed around the metal, and penetrates into the substance of the cupel, in proportion as the metallic globule itself diminishes in size. When nearly the whole of the lead has been thus converted into litharge, and has been absorbed, the remaining bead of rich alloy appears to become agitated by a circular movement, by which it seems to be made to revolve with great rapidity. At this stage of the operation the agitation will be observed suddenly to cease, and the button, after having for a moment emitted a bright flash of light, becomes white and immovable. This phenomenon is called the brightening of the assay, and a button of pure silver now remains on the cupel. If the cupel were at this period abruptly removed from the muffle the metallic globule would be liable to sprout or vegetate, by which a portion of it is not unfrequently thrown off and lost, while its surface is covered by numerous arborescent asperities. To prevent this from taking place, and to guard against the loss of metal which would be liable to ensue, the cupel on which the button of silver has brightened may be LEAD. 535 covered by another, kept red-hot for that purpose. The two are sub- sequently withdrawn together, and allowed to remain on the ledge before the muffle until the metal has become solidified, when the upper cupel may be removed, and the globule of silver may be detached and weighed. From the circumstance that silver is sensibly volatile at very elevated temperatures, it becomes necessary to make cupellations for this metal at the lowest heat by which the absorption of litharge can be readily determined. If, however, the cupel be not sufficiently hot, an annular incrustation of crystalline litharge will begin to accumulate around its edges, and if, at this point, the fire be not immediately attended to the deposit of oxide spreads over the whole surface of the metal, and its further oxidation is entirely stopped. The temperature best suited for this operation is obtained when the muffle and the inclosed cupels are at a full blood-red heat, and the vapours which arise from the alloy curl gradually away and are promptly removed by the draught. When the muffle is heated almost to whiteness, and the vapours rise to the crown of the arch, the temperature is too high, and when, on the contrary, the fumes lie over the bottom, and the sides of the openings in the muffle begin to blacken, more fuel must be added through the door, f, and the heat gradually raised. When the operation is conducted at the proper temperature, the cupel should be of a full-red colour, and the fused alloy bright and convex. At the com- mencement of the operation the heat must be a little raised, for the purpose of fusing and uncovering the button, and just before the globule is about to brighten a slight elevation of temperature is again advan- tageous, but if a good red-heat has been kept up during the working of the assay, this is by no means necessary. The success of the operation is likewise considerably influenced by the force of the draught passing through the muffle. When the current is too rapid, the cupel becomes cooled, and the lead is oxidised with greater rapidity than it should be; in this case the litharge produced is sometimes not absorbed by the test as fast as it is generated, and con- sequently the surface of the alloy is covered by a layer of oxide of lead, by which it may ultimately become protected from further oxidation. When, on the contrary, the current is too feeble, the assay remains too long in the muffle. If an assay has been properly conducted, the button of silver is round, bright, and smooth on its upper surface, and beneath should be crystalline, and of a dead-white colour; it is easily detached from the cupel, and readily freed from adhering litharge. This globule is now removed and squeezed between the jaws of a pair of pliers, by which the oxide of lead, which attaches itself to it, becomes pulverised, and is easily removed by scratching with a small brush made of stiff hogs' bristles. The cleaned metallic bead is afterwards weighed in a balance capable of turning with Too of a grain. 1 1000 The fuel employed in the furnace above described, after it has once got into steady action, consists of small pieces of hard coke. When, in addition to silver, ores of lead likewise contain gold, the button 536 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. remaining on the cupel will consist of an alloy of these metals, the separation and estimation of which will be treated of under the head of parting when describing the assay of gold ores. In laboratories in which assays of gold and silver are constantly made, the furnace above described, which has holes in two opposite sides closed by stoppers, t, (and can consequently be used as a tube-furnace), is some- times found inconvenient, on account of its small size, &c. For this reason, either fire-clay furnaces bound with iron, or stationary furnaces, forming part of the building of the laboratory, are frequently used. For commercial purposes, the silver contained in any given ore is estimated in ozs., dwts. and grains; one ton being, in all cases, taken as the standard of unity. TABLE SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF SILVER TO THE TON OF ORE, CORRESPONDING TO THE WEIGHT OBTAINED FROM 400 GRAINS. lf 400 Grains of Ore give Fine Metal One Ton of Ore will yield If 400 Grains of Ore give Fine Metal One Ton of Ore will yield gr. oz. dwt. gr. gr. Oz. dwt. gr. ·001 0 1 15 · 200 16 6 16 ·002 0 ·003 ون جهر 6 · 300 24 10 0 4 21 • · 400 32 13 8 ·001 6 12 ⚫500 40 16 16 ·005 8 4 · 600 49 0 0 ·006 0 9 19 •700 57 3 8 ·007 0 11 10 ⚫800 65 6 16 ·008 0 13 1 •900 73 10 0 ·009 0 14 16 1.000 81 13 8 ·010 0 16 8 2.000 163 6 16 ⚫020 1 12 16 3.009 245 0 0 ⚫030 2 9 0 4.000 326 13 8 ·040 3 5 8 5.000 408 6 16 ⚫050 4 1 16 6.000 490 0 0 ⚫060 4 18 0 7.000 571 13 8 ⚫070 5 14 8 8.000 653 6 16 ·080 6 10 16 9.000 735 0 0 ⚫090 7 7 0 10.000 816 13 8 • · 100 8 3 8 The bone-ash employed for making cupels is first passed through a sieve of wire gauze, and afterwards mixed with water until sufficiently moistened to retain the mark of the fingers, when a handful is taken up and tightly squeezed. To cause the cupels when made to be sufficiently firm and resistant, a little potassium carbonate is often added to the water employed for moistening the bone-ash. The amount of alkaline carbonate required for this purpose is exceedingly small, as a fragment of the size of a nut will be sufficient to add to a pint of water. Instead of water, some persons use sour beer, and in this case dispense with the use of alkali. The mould in which the cupels are formed, fig. 162, usually consists of a bevelled steel ring b, and a die, a, made of the same metal and often fitted with a wooden handle. To make the cupel, this cavity is nearly filled with the moistened bone-ash, which is first compressed LEAD. 537 slightly by the hand and afterwards with the die, which is tightly driven into the ring by the use of a wooden mallet, fig. 163. When sufficiently consolidated the die is withdrawn, and, by introducing a wooden cylinder exactly filling the aperture, the cupel is without difficulty removed. The use of the wooden cylinder is sometimes liable to crumble the edges of the cupel; and for this reason a loose iron plate, c, exactly a fitting the bottom of the mould, is often introduced before the bone-ash is placed in it. When this precaution is taken, b the iron protects the bottom of the cupel, and enables the operator to use consider- c able force without injury to the edges of the newly-made test. The iron plate has obviously to be replaced at each operation, and, with the cupel before it, is again forced out of the mould; in establishments in which a large number of cupels are used they are frequently made by the aid of a screw- press. When made, they are set aside to dry, and are then ready for use; but it is better, if possible, to keep cupels at least three or four weeks before using them. Fig. 162. METALLURGY OF LEAD. Fig. 163. By far the larger proportion, probably above nine-tenths of the lead annually produced, is obtained from galena, which before coming into the hands of the smelter is usually freed, by careful mechanical preparation, from the principal part of the earthy and siliceous veinstone with which it was originally associated. The metallurgical treatment of the ores of lead may be effected by either of the following general processes :— First. By what is known as the method of double decompositions, or, as it is sometimes called, method by reactions. This is founded on the fact that when PbS is roasted at a gentle heat, it is partially converted into PbO and partly into PbSO4, and that on raising the temperature the fol- lowing reactions are set up : 2PbO+PbS=3Pb+SO, PbSO₁+PbS=2Pb+2SÖ₂. Secondly. By roasting and subsequent reduction of the oxidised pro- ducts, chiefly by carbonaceous matter. Thirdly. By what is known as the precipitation process, in which the desulphurisation of the lead is effected by metallic iron. Two of these processes, and sometimes even all of them, may be combined in the treatment of a lead ore. Lead-smelting is conducted in three distinct varieties of apparatus, which may be thus classified : 1. Reverberatory furnaces. 2. Blast-furnaces. 3. Shallow hearths. 538 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. SMELTING IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. FLINTSHIRE PROCESS.-This, which is essentially a method by double decompositions, comprehends the following distinct operations:- a. Calcination at a low heat in order to produce a certain amount of oxide and sulphate of lead. b. So raising the temperature as to determine the fusion of the cal- cined products, thereby causing the liberation of a large amount of lead by the reaction of its oxide and sulphate upon the unchanged sulphide. c. The incorporation of the residue with lime, and the reduction of the unchanged sulphide, with formation of a larger amount of oxidised lead-compounds than is required to effect the decomposition of the sulphide of lead. d. Tapping the reduced lead, and the subsequent removal of the pasty grey slag by drawing. The furnace employed for the reduction of lead ores by the Flint- shire process varies somewhat in its construction and dimensions; the length of the hearth is usually about 11 feet, and its width 9 feet, and under this is an arched vault, extending the whole length of the bed to the fire-bridge. The hearth is made of slags, moulded into the proper form when in a plastic and semi-fused state, and has towards its centre a depression in which the fused metal accumulates, and at the bottom of which is situated the tap-hole. The fire-place is at one end, and before reaching the cavity of the furnace the flame has to pass over a fire-bridge, about 2 feet in width and from 12 to 14 inches below the arch; at the opposite extremity of the hearth are openings communi- cating with a flue in connection with a lofty chimney. The fuel is supplied through a door at one end of the fire-place, in addition to which the furnace is furnished with six working doors, usually about 9 by 12 inches, protected by heavy cast-iron frames built into the brick- work, and closed by iron plates, which can be easily removed when required. The slag bottom of this furnace is made nearly level with the doors on one of the sides, but is inclined towards the other in such a way as to be from 18 to 20 inches below the middle door, where it com- municates with the tap-hole. A cast-iron tapping-pot is set in the ground beneath the tapping-hole, and on the top of the furnace is a large hopper, from which a fresh charge of ore is let down as soon as that which is being worked is withdrawn. The charge of such a furnace is usually, in North Wales, 21 cwts., but as much as 24 cwts. are sometimes operated on at one time. In the neighbourhood of Newcastle the charges are considerably smaller. As soon as the lead from the preceding operation has been tapped off, and the slags cleared out and removed, another charge of ore is dropped from the hopper upon the hearth, which is at this time but barely red-hot. This is spread in a tolerably even layer over the surface of the bed, care being taken to prevent any portion of it from falling into the deep part of the furnace or well. The charge is now frequently stirred during two hours, the supply of air being regulated by the partial opening or LEAD. 539 closing of the various doors, and the highest temperature, compatible with keeping the charge free from clotting, is maintained. At the expi- ration of this period the fire-bars are clinkered, and fresh fuel is thrown upon the grate. The charge now begins to assume a pasty condition, and any portions which may have run down towards the tap-hole are brought back to the higher parts of the hearth. The doors are then opened for the purpose of lowering the temperature, and as soon as the charge has acquired the consistency of stiff mortar, it is spread before the fire-bridge and upon the portions of the hearth furthest removed from the tapping- hole. This accomplished, the fire- and furnace-doors are again closed, the charge is run down as quickly as possible into the well, and a couple of shovelfuls of slaked lime are thrown upon its surface and incorporated with the mass by stirring with a rake. By this means, the slags and unreduced ores are rendered sufficiently pasty to allow of their being again arranged or set-up on the sloping sides of the hearth, where they are calcined for about half an hour, and again run down; during this latter portion of the operation, a little coal-slack is sometimes thrown upon the charge. When the whole of the charge has again collected in the bottom, a further addition of slaked lime is made, and the slag is pushed off from the surface of the metal upon the inclined sides of the well, where it is allowed to drain; the lead is now tapped, and the grey slag is withdrawn in pasty lumps through the doors at the back of the furnace.* The slags and matts which accumulate on the surface of the tapping- pot contain a considerable amount of mechanically intermixed lead, to separate which a paddle is inserted and the whole is well stirred. Some coal-slack is now thrown in and well worked up with the contents of the pot; this gives off a considerable amount of gas, which being ignited affords sufficient heat to liberate the metallic lead. The surface is then skimmed, the skimmings being at once thrown back into the furnace, and the lead is laded out into cast-iron moulds; after this the tap-hole is again opened, and the lead from the skimmings run out into the pot, where it is allowed to remain until that resulting from the next charge is withdrawn. The tap-hole is now closed, and another charge let down into the furnace from the hopper placed above it. The lead ores treated by this process in Flintshire generally contain * The following analysis of grey slag from a Flintshire furnace was made in Dr. Percy's laboratory by Mr. C. Tookey :— PbS. PbSO РЬО. ZnO CaO A1203 • • Fe2O3 Sio, (combined). Insoluble residue 0.90 9.85 48.87 7.52 12.68 3.01 • 2.86 12.52 1.45 99.66 540 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. from 75 to 80 per cent. of lead, and a charge of such ore may be worked in from five and a half to six hours, yielding about 90 per cent. of the total quantity of the lead obtained; the remaining 10 per cent. being sub- sequently extracted from the slags and fume. MODIFICATION OF THE FLINTSHIRE PROCESSES AT COUËRON.-Through the kindness of Mr. W. Hutchison, manager of the Lead-Works, at Couëron, Loire Inférieure, France, belonging to Messrs. P. Bontoux and R. Taylor, we are enabled to give some particulars of the process of smelting by double decompositions, as modified in that establishment. The construction of this furnace will be readily understood by refer- ence to the accompanying woodcuts. Fig. 164, is a longitudinal section; fig. 165, a horizontal section on the line C D; and fig. 166, a transverse section through the tapping-hole. The fire-place, A, is of the usual 3 2 2 2 -D a Ta A W.J.WELCH.SC Fig. 164. Smelting Furnace, Couëron; longitudinal section. dimensions, and the hearth, B, instead of being on an arch, as is com- monly the case in North Wales, is supported on iron bars, on which is laid a course of flat tiles. On these is placed a course of fire-bricks on edge, on which is arranged the usual slag bottom. The furnace has the ordinary number of working doors, a, with a fire-door, b, and tapping- hole, c; there is a small fire-place below the pot, d, to prevent the too rapid chilling of the lead during the process of lading into moulds. Although similar in form and dimensions to the ordinary Welsh furnace, it differs from it in one important particular, namely, in having the tapping-pot placed near the flue end instead of under the middle door. This arrangement gives a larger surface to the hearth for roasting the charge, and permits of the lead being collected in the coolest part of the furnace, where it is least exposed to loss from volatilisation. The mode of working employed varies with the nature and composi- LEAD. 541 tion of the ores treated. This variation depends principally on the length of time required for roasting the ores before subjecting them to the higher temperature of reactions. Pure ores, especially those containing a a a a a b Fig. 165.-Smelting Furnace, Couëron; horizontal section on C D. a B d Fig. 166.-Smelting Furnace, Couëron; transverse section through tapping-hole. notable proportion of carbonate or sulphate of lead, require very little previous roasting, whilst those containing blende, pyrites, &c., must be calcined for a considerable time before smelting. In general, the ores treated are derived from Sardinia, and contain, 542 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. on an average, 81 per cent. of lead and but little silver. They are toler- ably free from impurities, being composed of galena associated with car- bonate and sulphate of lead, and a calcareous gangue, in which are found small quantities of blende, calamine, ferric oxide and silica. The cobbed ores, before delivery to the furnace, are ground between rollers, and passed through sieves of eight holes to the linear inch; a charge of ore weighs 27 cwts. Two men are employed at each furnace, one of whom, the chief, works on the fore side, and takes a leading part in the work to be done. In the treatment of rich ores, the ordinary method of working consists in roasting them in such a manner that upwards of one-half of the sulphide of lead present in the ore is converted into a mixture of oxide and sulphate. On raising the heat in the furnace to bright redness, the oxide and sulphate, formed in roasting, react on the undecomposed sulphide in the charge, and produce metallic lead, sulphurous anhydride, and a residue of slag. The process is thus divisible into two well-marked and distinct opera- tions :- a. Calcination or oxidation. b. Smelting or reactions. a. Calcination.—Supposing a charge to have been just worked off, and the residual slags withdrawn, the furnace will be empty and at a red- heat. The damper having been lowered, the charge of ore in the hopper, e, is let down through the opening in the arch, and spread evenly over the furnace bottom by means of rabbles. This done, the working doors are closed, but the fire-door is left open and the fire damped with cinders, in order so to moderate the heat that the charge may become gradually red-hot without clotting. The charge is thus left undisturbed for some time. During the first hour it is once or twice lightly rabbled; at the expiration of that time, after being well turned with the paddle, it will be found red-hot throughout. The damper is then lowered so as to leave just sufficient draught for the free escape of the gaseous products of calcination. The working doors are now left partially open to admit the air necessary for the oxidation of the galena, and under its oxidising action the charge soon acquires a high tempera- ture. Care must however be taken to prevent the heat from so much increasing as to cause softening of the ore. When the heat is properly managed, a white crust consisting of a mixture of oxide and sulphate of lead, in which the former predominates, is rapidly formed on the surface of the charge, and no fumes are visible. The surface is renewed from time to time, about every quarter of an hour, either by rabbling or by paddling. The requisite heat is maintained in the furnace during this process by firing with cinders only, which are preferable to coal for that purpose; not merely on account of their lower value, but also because they give a steadier heat and do not yield gaseous hydrocarbons to interfere with oxidation. The alternate raking and paddling of the charge is continued at LEAD. 543 regular intervals, until, on examination, it is thought to be sufficiently desulphurised, which is generally the case at the end of from four to four and a half hours. The grate is then freed from clinker, coal is thrown on the fire, the damper is opened, and a brisk fire is got up; in a few minutes the heat in the furnace is thus raised so as to lead to a commencement of the period of reactions. b. Smelting.—As soon as the firing has commenced, the ore lying at the back and extreme end of the furnace is raked towards the bridge. With the increase of temperature which now takes place, the roasted ore soon begins to soften and to give off white fumes, thus showing that the reactions which result in the liberation of metallic lead have commenced. Great care and attention on the part of the smelter are, however, necessary, in order to prevent too great a loss of lead by volatilisation, during the heating-up of the charge. The ore must on no account be allowed to liquefy, and as often as it shows a tendency to fuse, some slaked lime in powder is thrown on the charge, and well worked into it with a rake. By this means, and by carefully regulating the draught, the charge can be heated to the required temperature without fusion; lime must be fre- quently added during the process, but in small quantities at a time. The consumption of lime amounts, altogether, to about 2 per cent. of the ore treated. Shortly after reaction commences globules of lead may be seen on the surface of the charge, and before an hour has elapsed a certain quantity of lead has drained down the slope of the hearth into the well. The charge, having in due time attained the temperature of bright redness, must not be fired too hard; both the draught and the firing are so regu- lated as to keep up the heat to the required degree without going beyond it. The reactions are much aided by frequently rabbling and turning the ore; but as the working doors must remain open for this purpose, it follows that a large quantity of air enters the furnace, thus oxidising the sulphide in the ore, and so cooling the charge that the flow of lead becomes interrupted. When the cooling is judged to have been carried sufficiently far, the charge is rabbled, the doors closed, and the fire so urged as to fill the furnace with flame during several minutes; on re- opening the doors and paddling, the flow of lead re-commences as before. At the expiration of from two and a half to three hours from the com- mencement of the reactions, a considerable amount of lead will have accu- mulated in the well. A first tapping is then made, the lead being received in the tapping-pot, under which a small fire has been previously lighted in order to warm it, and to maintain the lead in a melted condition; the tap- hole is stopped with a plug of stiff clay. The thick dross which rises to the surface of the lead, and which contains a certain quantity of sulphide removed from the charge by the hot lead, and again separated on cooling, is skimmed off with a shovel and put back into the furnace. A little fine coal, together with some burning cinders and lime, is now thrown on the lead, which is vigorously 544 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. agitated with a small paddle and stirred until it is clean. It is then skimmed, the skimmings being put on one side, and the clean lead laded into moulds. The firing, paddling, and cooling of the charge are repeated several times, until at last the residue becomes dry, and gives out but little lead. Thereupon the heat in the furnace is considerably increased, but not in a degree to fuse or flow down the charge, and towards the close of the operation the matters remaining on the hearth consist, to a great extent, of oxides. The pot-skimmings, composed of cinders and lead matt, are now thrown into the furnace, and well paddled with the charge; the reaction of the sulphide of lead and cinders on the oxide and sulphate producing a further yield of lead. When this has ceased, and it is seen that no more can be extracted without a very high heat and the addition of coal to the charge, the grey slag is raked out through the middle door at the back of the furnace, and the second and last tapping is made. The whole period of reactions occupies from five to five and a half hours. After the withdrawal of the slags, the bottom is examined, and if cor- roded into holes, or in any way injured, it is repaired by putting into the cavities a mixture of grey slag and lime, and beating it smooth with the paddle. It is of great importance to maintain the bottom perfectly smooth and with a good slope on all sides towards the tap-hole. A little lime is now spread over the bottom, and a fresh charge is at once let down into the furnace; the damper having been previously lowered to prevent loss of fine ore by the draught. The weight of coal consumed is equal to 40 per cent. of the ore smelted. The produce of lead per charge of 1,350 kilos of ore at 81 per cent. is 15 pigs, weighing 901 kilos, and 290 kilos of slags containing 50 per cent. of lead. Hence the total loss of lead in the reverberatory furnace is 3-52 units by volatilisation, but of this a certain proportion is recovered from the fume collected in the condensers and flues. A larger percentage of lead in pigs might be obtained by adding more coal to the charge, towards the end of the process, and firing hard, in order to reduce part of the lead remaining in the slags. It is, however, considered more economical to limit the produce in the rever- beratory to about 80 per cent. of the lead contained, and to carry the richer slags to the blast-furnace. This is especially the case when the blast-furnace is connected with good condensers and long flues. It will be seen from the foregoing description that the process of reverberatory smelting adopted at Couëron differs principally from that generally employed in England, in there being no melting or flowing- down of the charge, as also in the long preliminary calcination of the ore before the reactions are commenced. The position of the tap-hole near the flue end of the furnace gives a longer slope to the hearth, and allows of heavier charges being worked; at the same time the lead produced is collected in the well at a greater distance from the fire. CORNISH PROCESS.-This process is still employed at Par, near St. LEAD. 545 Austell, where are situated the only lead-smelting works at present in operation in Cornwall; it was also formerly in use at Point, near Truro, as well as at the Falmouth Smelting Works; but smelting operations at the last two establishments have been for some time abandoned. The lead ores treated by this method consist principally of galena, usually containing a considerable amount of silver, with blende and various sul- phurised ores of copper, associated with a siliceous gangue; their average yield of lead is between 60 and 70 per cent., and of silver about 35 ozs. per ton. This process comprehends two distinct operations, each conducted in a separate furnace: a. Calcination or roasting, b. Flowing or smelting. a. Calcination. The furnaces used for this purpose vary considerably in size, some of them working charges of only 25 cwts., while others are capable of taking charges of 3 tons; the average charge for such furnaces may be taken at from 1 ton 18 cwts. to 2 tons. The Cornish calciner has generally three working doors; two being in the longer sides and oppo- site each other, whilst the third is at the extremity of the longer axis of the hearth, in the immediate vicinity of the flue leading to the chimney. The widest part of the hearth is that between the two lateral doors; at the fire-place it has little more than one-third its maximum width, and at the opposite extremity its dimensions are gradually contracted to the width of the working door. Immediately within the two lateral doors are rectangular holes in the bed, through which the calcined ore is raked into an arched vault situated beneath. A passage through the fire-bridge, of which one side is formed by a strong supporting bridge-plate of cast- iron, admits of the free circulation of air; the charging is effected through a hole in the roof, which is usually covered by a fire-tile. Externally this furnace is built of ordinary rubble-work, but is internally provided with a nine-inch lining of fire-brick; the working doors have either strong cast-iron frames, or their sides are protected by large blocks of granite; the calciner is usually worked by two men on each shift. Cal- cination is effected at a high temperature, and the charge is turned over once every hour; the operation is usually continued during from 15 to 18 hours, and a little lime added from time to time to prevent clotting; about 6 cwts. of coal are consumed per ton of ore calcined. b. Flowing. The furnace employed for this operation is very similar to that used for the Flintshire process; the length of the hearth is about 14 feet, and its width 8 feet. This furnace has five working doors, two on either side, and one in the end opposite the fire-bridge; the bottom, like that of the Couëron furnace, is supported on iron bearers, and is finished with slags. The charge, which consists of 2 tons of calcined ore, is thrown in through the back doors, and is spread evenly over the sloping bed; the doors are then closed, luted with clay, and the heat raised. At the expiration of from two to three hours the charge has run down into the well, and, when rich ores are operated on, a first tapping is made at ; 2 N 516 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. this period. The fused material is then dried up by being mixed with lime and culm, and is again spread over the upper portions of the bed. About 2 cwts. of scrap-iron are now thrown into that part of the well nearest the tapping-hole, and a little fluor spar is sometimes scattered over the surface of the charge. This done, the doors are again closed and luted, the charge re-melted, and the furnace subsequently tapped; this is accomplished by the use of a pointed iron bar, and the lead, which first flows into the pot, is followed by regulus chiefly derived from the action of the scrap-iron upon galena. This regulus, slurry, sometimes together with a little of the lead, flows over the lip of the tapping-pot into a small pit in the floor, and as soon as the slag begins to make its appearance the tapping-hole is enlarged and the lip of the pot is closed with ashes. The slag now flows out upon the surface of the metal in the pot, which is almost surrounded, at top, by a strong iron hoop, and the molten slag is thus directed into a gutter, through which it flows into a pit outside the building. From the time of charging to the final tapping-off of the slag the operation commonly occupies about eight hours; two men are employed in each shift, assisted by an attendant during the day shift. The con- sumption of coals is from 8 to 9 cwts. per ton of calcined ore treated; and the slags, which usually do not afford more than from one-half to one per eent. of lead by dry assay, are sufficiently poor to admit of being thrown away. The principal portion of the copper contained in the ore becomes concentrated in the slurry, which is re-smelted in order to extract the lead and silver which it contains, and the resulting matt is then suf- ficiently rich in copper to be sold to the copper-smelter. The lead produced by this process is usually hard, and requires to be softened by a process which will be described hereafter. When, however, two tappings are made during the course of the operation, the lead obtained from that which takes place after the first running-down of the charge is much softer, and also more argentiferous, than that resulting from the final tapping. The flowing furnace is used in North Wales and in various other localities, and is constructed and worked essentially in the same way as in Cornwall. It is employed for the reduction of the rich grey slags from the Flintshire furnace by the aid of scrap-iron and carbonaceous matter, and is also used for smelting rich foreign silver ores and jewellers' sweep. In this process a large proportion of the lead is obtained by the mutual decomposition of galena and of the oxidised products resulting from calcination; the yield is, however, augmented by that reduced by culm and by the decomposition of sulphide of lead by metallic iron. It may therefore be regarded as a mixed process, comprehending the whole of the various reactions upon which is based the metallurgical treatment of lead ores. SPANISH Furnace, or BOLICHE.-According to Pérès de Vargas, who lived in Spain during the reign of Philip II. (1556), and who wrote on LEAD. 547 the metallurgy of that date, the boliche had been known from time imme- morial, having been used by the Romans when in occupation of that country. Alonzo Barba, the celebrated priest of Potosi, states, on the contrary, that it was an Indian invention, introduced from America about the year 1640. M. Petitgand, the author of an excellent mono- graph entitled 'Exploitation et traitement des Plombs dans le Midi de l'Espagne,' * infers from this that it was first introduced from Spain into America and subsequently re-imported into Spain, where its use and method of construction had become forgotten. However this may have been, there can be no doubt but that the boliche is an exceedingly ancient form of furnace, and that for a very long period it was almost exclusively employed in the south of Spain for the reduction of lead ores. It is usually constructed of rubble-work cemented together with a mortar formed either of clay or of vegetable soil, and is generally with- out any support from iron bars, or binders. In place of these it is provided with strong buttresses at the angles; these are frequently carried upward, so as to form supports for the roof of the shed by which it is covered. The interior is protected by a lining of fire-brick, the hearth being composed either of laja or laguena, a description of clay resulting from the decomposition of talcose schists, or of a nixture of this clay with broken galena. The boliches employed by the various English companies established in the neighbourhood of Linares are con- structed entirely of sandstone, without any kind of lining, and are bound together by ordinary iron braces. This furnace essentially consists of two arched chambers, one of which is employed for the reduction of the ore, while the only use of the second, which is situated between it and the chimney, seems to be to moderate the draught. These two chambers are separated by a fire-bridge, the second being generally in connection with a chimney about 30 feet in height. At Linares the boliches are worked in connection with the long condensing flues of the establishment, which terminate in a single tall chimney. The fire-place is without a grate, and is 2 feet 2 inches in width and 5 feet 6 inches in length; the fuel, which consists of brush- wood, such as cistus, broom, lavender, rosemary, juniper, &c., is supplied through a door at the end of the fire-place. The smelting hearth inclines towards the only working door, at the extremity of its longer axis, and immediately within which is a receptacle in the floor for the collection of the molten metal; this door, and that through which the fuel is intro- duced, are the only openings in the furnace, with the exception of a smaller one supplying air to the fuel, and through which the ashes are withdrawn. The hearth, which is about 7 feet 6 inches in length by 6 feet 6 inches in width, has its angles rounded, and is sometimes made nearly circular in form. The second chamber, serving to moderate the draught, is lenticular in shape; its length, transversely to the chimney, is 12 feet and its width 4 feet. At the extremity of its longer axis are doors, which are usually bricked up, but which are from time to time opened for the removal of fume and dust. * 'Revue Universelle,' t. ix. 1861, p. 297. 2 N 2 518 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. According to Dick, the smelting of a charge of lead ore in the boliche at La Fortuna, Linares, occupies eight hours, and comprehends three operations:- a. Caldeo, or calcination, lasting from one to one and a half hour. b. Blandeo. This is analogous to our sweating, and occupies from four and a half to five hours. c. Corrida. Analogous to our running down, and occupies the re- mainder of an eight-hours' shift. M. Petitgand, however, says that under favourable circumstances a liga or charge may be smelted in from 4 to 5 hours. Mr. J. L. Thomas, among other details furnished to Dr. Percy, states that a charge of ore, weighing 60 arrobas, or 13 cwts. 1 qr. 16 lbs. English, and yielding by assay 77.5 per cent. of lead, can be worked in from 5 to 6 hours. It is evident, however, that the time necessary for working a charge will be much influenced by the richness and fusibility of the ores treated. The ore, which is thrown in through the working door by means of a scoop with a handle on either side, is spread evenly over the bottom and is stirred from time to time. When the operation of calcining is considered to be sufficiently advanced, the temperature is increased and the running-down of the charge commences. For drying up the slags the ash and breeze falling into the ash-pit are alone employed. At the close of the operation the lead is tapped off into a vessel, where it is first stirred up with dry leaves, and from which it is subsequently laded into moulds. The yield of the boliche is about 80 per cent. of the contents of the ore by assay; the grey slags, which are drawn in the usual way, contain from 45 to 50 per cent. of lead, and amount to from 15 to 17 per cent. of the ore charged. They are reduced in a blast-furnace blown by bellows worked either by treadles or by horse power. For smelting, a charge of 60 arrobas of ore from 1,550 to 1,750 lbs. (avoir- dupois) of brushwood are required. From having been subjected to a less elevated temperature, the lead smelted in the boliche is believed to be somewhat softer than that obtained from the Flintshire furnace, but the difference in quality is by no means marked. The reactions which take place in this apparatus are of pre- cisely the same character as those which occur in the furnace employed in North Wales, and the process is essentially one of double decompositions. At Linares, boliches have been constructed with fire-places adapted for the consumption of mineral fuel; but thus modified, it appears to offer no advantages over the ordinary English reverberatory furnace; the amount of ore worked in a given time is smaller, and the proportionate consumption of fuel somewhat larger. The boliche, although an ingenious contrivance for the reduction of rich lead ores by means of brushwood, is nevertheless inferior to the ordinary reverberatory furnace, when coal is to be obtained at a moderate price. BLEIBERG PROCESS. The galena treated at Bleiberg in Carinthia occurs in Jurassic limestone, and is accompanied by blende, calamine, LEAD. 549 willemite, cerussite, anglesite, and molybdate of lead. The ores of zinc, removed as completely as practicable by a careful system of mechanical treatment, are sold to zinc-works for reduction; while the lead ores are delivered to the smelter, either in a somewhat rough state of division, containing from 65 to 70 per cent. of lead, or as slimes, of which the yield is usually about 5 per cent. less. The furnace employed at Bleiberg differs essentially from those used in this country, since the hearth, instead of being broad, with a well in the middle and a tap-hole at the side, is long, and has a regular slope towards the door, which is placed at the extremity of its longer axis. The working bed is about 10 feet in length, and, at its widest part, 4 feet 10 inches in width; but it is gradually contracted towards the working door, which is 1 foot square. Besides having a regular slope towards this door, the hearth is hollowed from the two longer sides towards the middle, so that the metal may flow from every part of the bed into a receptacle in front of the working door. The fuel commonly employed is wood, and the fire-place is parallel to the long axis of the bed; the grate, which has a still greater inclination than the bed, is of stone, traversed by openings for the admission of the air necessary for com- bustion. These furnaces, which are usually constructed in pairs, are mainly built of red sandstone, and the working bottom, which is 6 inches in thickness, is made of a mixture of clay, old bottoms, poor slimes, and dressed slags fritted together by heat. Brown coal is sometimes used as fuel in place of wood, and in such cases a grate consisting of iron bars is substituted for one of stone. Furnaces with two hearths placed one above the other were for some time employed at the Imperial Lead-Works, at Bleiberg, but although the consumption of fuel was thereby considerably reduced, the frequency of the repairs required and the uncertainty of the results obtained ulti- mately caused them to be abandoned. The process of smelting is conducted as follows:-As soon as the hearth has become heated to dull redness the charge, weighing about 370 lbs. avoirdupois, is thrown in through the door, and, by means of a rake, is spread evenly over every part of the bottom. The temperature is now kept so low that calcination may be effected without softening or agglomeration, and the ore is at short intervals turned over with a rake, and fresh surfaces thus exposed to oxidising influences. At the expira- tion of from three to three and a half hours the roasting is generally found sufficiently advanced, and the temperature is then so raised as to determine the usual reactions between the unchanged galena and the oxidised products resulting from calcination. The rabble is now worked assiduously for the purpose of effecting a complete mixture of the charge, thus facilitating the production of metallic lead through the mutual decomposition of its sulphide and the oxidised products of roasting. This operation generally lasts from three and a half to four hours, and the lead, which is constantly liberated, flows down the inclined hollowed surface of the bottom, into the receptacle placed in front of the working door for that purpose; this lead, from its supposed purity, has received 550 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the name of " virgin lead,” Jungfernblei, and in order to indicate its source of production was formerly sold in the form of irregular lumps as it fell from the furnace. At the expiration of the period above stated from 125 to 150 lbs. of lead will have been collected, sulphide of lead will have almost entirely disappeared, and the residual grey slag will contain lead in an oxidised state only. This slag is now dried up by the addition of ashes and breeze from the ash-pit, and the mixture, after being well worked with the rabble, is withdrawn from the furnace and laid aside to be treated with that result- ing from the next operation. Another charge is introduced and the process is conducted as before. At the completion of the second stage the grey slag remaining on the bottom of the furnace is in its turn mixed with breeze, while that result- ing from the working of the previous charge is added through the working door, the furnace thus containing the slags resulting from the treatment of two distinct charges of ore. The temperature is now raised, small char- coal is added when necessary, and the whole intimately mixed, with the rabble, in order to effect the reduction of the various oxidised compounds of lead. This reduction of the slag occupies from seven to eight hours, and results in the production of from 150 to 220 lbs. of lead; it consequently follows, that for the complete treatment of two charges, weighing together about 740 lbs. avoirdupois, from twenty-one to twenty-three hours are re- quired. The yield of lead is usually, when the ores are of average rich- ness, about 23 per cent. less than that indicated by wet assay; the con- sumption of wood is about 11 cubic feet per Austrian centner (123·460 lbs. avoirdupois) of lead produced. The workmen are paid at the rate of 1.80 florin per centner of lead extracted, and are debited 6·40 florins per klafter for the wood consumed. They also receive a bonus of 0·07 florin on each pound of lead produced in excess of the prescribed quantity, and are fined the same amount for every pound less than the amount allowed. According to M. Landrin, the following allowances between the assay-results and furnace-produce, were in force in 1857 :— Assay result 82 per cent.: tolerated loss 2 per cent. 80 78 3 "" "" 76 99 74 "" "" 72 "" >> 70 "" "" 68 4537∞Q 6 "" >> 8 9 "" ?? 66 10 >> "" "" 64 11 >> "" 62 12 "" "" 60 13 "" "" "" >> The charge of the Bleiberg furnaces has recently been increased to 3 Austrian centners. REDUCTION BY METALLIC Iron in ReverberaTORY FURNACES.—Silicate of lead, as well as the sulphurised and oxidised compounds of that metal, LEAD. 551 is reduced when strongly heated in contact with metallic iron; this operation is usually conducted in a low blast-furnace, Krummofen, but a reverberatory furnace has also occasionally been employed for the purpose. The treatment of somewhat siliceous ores by fusión in a reverberatory furnace with either scrap-iron or cast-iron, was formerly carried on to a limited extent in France, but was ultimately discontinued, on account of the great cost, added to the unsatisfactory nature of the results obtained. The furnace employed sloped from the fire-place to the chimney, placed at the opposite extremity of the hearth, where there was a working door with a tapping-hole beneath it, in front of which was situated the usual reservoir for the reception of the reduced metal. The charge consisted of about 400 kilos of galena, containing nearly 80 per cent. of lead, mixed with from 100 to 120 kilos of scrap- or cast-iron. When the temperature had become sufficiently elevated the charge was stirred at frequent intervals, and lead became reduced at the expense of the iron, which was converted into sulphide. From galena containing 80 per cent. of lead from 67 to 70 per cent. of metal was extracted, the matt containing from 5 to 12 per cent. of lead; 4 per cent. passed off by volatilisation, and the slags retained from 4 to 5 per cent. The entire contents of the furnace were run off into the tapping-pot which retained the lead, while the principal portion of the matt and slag flowed over upon the floor. The last two products may be re-treated in a blast-furnace for the lead which they contain, but the process of smelting raw ores with iron in reverberatory furnaces is both wasteful and expensive, and therefore, practically, unsatisfactory. The processes employed in different localities for the reduction of lead ores in reverberatory furnaces are exceedingly various, their adoption being, in the majority of cases, determined by the nature of the ores, the quality and price of fuel, and the nature of the fluxes available. The methods described may, however, be considered as typical of those employed in the principal lead-producing centres, although they are sometimes more or less modified in order to suit the exigencies of local circumstances. SMELTING IN BLAST-FURNACES. SLAG-HEARTH.-The various rich slags resulting from the different operations of a lead-smelting establishment are either treated in the fur- naces in which they are produced, as in the case of the Cornish and Bleiberg processes, or they are reduced in a blast-furnace specially employed for that purpose. In this country the slag-hearth is still fre- quently used, although its application is no longer so universal as it formerly was. This is a deep hearth, or shallow rectangular furnace, blown by one tuyer, made of fire-brick and cast-iron, incased, with the exception of the front, in an exterior covering of ordinary brickwork, and bound by iron 552 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. braces. The casing is extended upwards so as to form a sort of chimney, which at the top is connected with the general system of flues for the con- densation of lead fume with which every well-appointed establishment is now provided. The depth of this furnace from the front to the tuyer is usually about 30 inches, its width may be 22 inches, and its height a little more than 3 feet. The bottom is composed of a thick cast-iron bed-plate, laid with a slight inclination from the back towards the front of the furnace ; on the bed-plate are placed cast-iron bearers, which carry the side walls of the furnace. The front is partially closed by a plate of cast-iron, called the fore-stone, and the back below the tuyer is formed of another thick plate of the same metal; a space of from 5 to 7 inches is left between the bottom of the fore-stone and the cast-iron plate forming the bottom of the arrangement. In front stands the lead-trough, divided into two unequal portions by a division forming part of the casting; the larger one corre- sponds, in width, with the bed-plate under which its edge is introduced, and at the bottom of the partition is a hole through which the molten metal flows into the smaller division of the trough. The slags, escaping from this furnace through an opening in the stopping of the breast, pass over the edge of the larger division of the lead-pan and then flow into a cistern sunk in the ground, through which flows a small stream of cold water. This determines the disintegration of the slag, and allows of the separation of any inclosed metallic shot. Before beginning to work a furnace of this description, the bed-plate is covered with a layer of well-burnt and coarsely-sifted ashes to within about an inch below the level of the tuyer; and the ash bottom thus formed is made to slope in the same direction as the plate itself. The space between the bearers in front of the ash bottom is now closed with clay, &c., up to the lower edge of the fore-stone, and in this stopping, an opening is subsequently made for the escape of the molten slag. The bottom of spongy cinders, which is somewhat closely beaten-together, acts as a filter, by which the metal is separated from the slags which flow off over its surface, escaping by the opening in the breast; while the heavier lead falls to the bottom of the hearth and, percolating through the ash bottom, is conducted by the bed-plate into the lead-pot. The larger division of this pot is likewise filled with cinders, which, as in the former case, act as a filter, by means of which the molten lead is separated from the less dense and somewhat more viscous slag. The fuel employed is peat and coke, and the products obtained are slag-lead and a vitreous black slag, which is sufficiently poor to be thrown away. Blocks of peat are first piled upon the cinder bottom of the furnace, and one of these is ignited and thrown before the tuyer. When the peat has thus become fairly ignited, coke is thrown in; and as soon as this appears to be properly lighted, grey slag, with some browse (partially- reduced slags removed from the hearth at the termination of a previous operation) and a little black slag, are introduced. From this time the hearth is supplied with alternate charges of fuel and slag, and when a sufficient quantity of the latter has been melted, which happens shortly after the furnace has been set in operation, the smelter, with an iron bar, LEAD. 553 makes a hole in the centre of the stopping, between the bed and the lower edge of the fore-stone. Through this the molten slags make their escape, and the furnace being now in its normal working condition, the several operations are repeated, throughout the shift, without variation. At the close of each shift, which often lasts about eight hours (six of which will be employed in smelting and the other two in cleaning and preparing the hearth for the next working period of similar duration), the blast is continued for about half an hour without any further addition of either fuel or slag. As soon as the blast has been cut off, the clay stopping beneath the fore-stone is removed, and the ash bed, with as much as possible of the adhering slaggy matter, is taken out; this, under the name of slag-hearth browse, is reserved for treatment during the course of the next shift. Finally a few bucketfuls of water are thrown into the hearth, in order to put out the fire and to cool it previously to the clearing or stubbing-out necessary before commencing another shift. The hearth is worked by two men-a smelter and his assistant. The duration of a shift varies in different localities from eight to sixteen hours, and the production of lead and consumption of fuel are greater or less in accordance with the nature and richness of the materials treated. According to H. L. Pattinson, the slag-hearth shift in the north of England (1832) lasted from fourteen to sixteen hours, and produced from 10 to 21 cwts. of lead; from 15 to 18 cwts. of coke were required to produce 21 cwts. of lead. From the nature of the material from which it is obtained and the high temperature employed for its production, slag-lead is invariably more or less hard, and requires softening before it can be applied to the purposes for which ordinary lead is used; it is laded out from the smaller division of the lead-pan and cast into pigs. When grey slags are found to work with difficulty in the slag-hearth, the addition of tap-cinder often proves advantageous. The material smelted in the slag-hearth should not contain above 35 per cent. of lead, and when richer than this must be mixed with black slag or some other poor material. The Spanish slag-hearth, which has been adopted at some of the lead- works in this country, is circular, and blown by three water-tuyers. Its general construction very closely resembles that of the Castilian furnace, but it is without iron columns, and is connected with the main flue by a sort of chimney. It is worked in the same way as the Castilian furnace, but the slags are often run into water. CASTILIAN FURNACE.-This furnace, which is circular, is usually about 3 feet in diameter, and is constructed of fire-bricks, so moulded as to fit together and allow all the various joints to follow the radii of the circle described by the brickwork. Its height is about 8 feet 6 inches, and the thickness of the masonry is 9 inches. In this arrangement the breast is formed by a semicircular iron pan, furnished with a lip for running off the slags, and a longitudinal slot for the convenience of tapping. On the top of this cylinder of brickwork a box-shaped covering of masonry is supported by a cast-iron framing resting on four pillars, and in this is 551 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. placed a door for the purpose of feeding, and the outlet by which the various products of combustion, &c., escape into the flues. The lower part of this hood is fitted closely to the body of the furnace, whilst its top is closed by an arch of 4-inch brickwork laid in fire-clay. The bottom consists of a mixture of fire-clay and coke-dust slightly moistened and well beaten in to the height of the top of the breast-pan, which may be about 3 feet above the level of the floor. Above the breast-pan an arch is so turned that, when the breast has been built up, it may form a niche 18 inches in width and rather more than 2 feet in height. When the bottom has been properly beaten, up to the required height, it is so hollowed out as to form an internal cavity communicating freely with that of the breast-pan, which is likewise filled with brasque, and subse- quently hollowed to the depth of the internal basin of the furnace. The blast is applied by means of three water-tuyers, 3 inches in diameter at the smaller end and 5½ inches at the other extremity, into which the nozzles are introduced. The air is generally obtained by means of a fau, and is conveyed to the tuyers through brick channels formed beneath the floor of the shed in which the furnace is situated. The ores or other plumbiferous matters treated in this apparatus ought never to contain above 30 per cent. of lead, and if richer, should be reduced to this tenure by the addition of a proper amount of poor slags. In charging, it is of importance that the coke should be thrown in the middle, whilst the matters to be treated are spread around next the brickwork; by this means the furnace is prevented from becoming too hot, and the bricks are consequently preserved for a much longer period than they otherwise would be. For the purpose of allowing the slags to escape into the breast-pan, an arch is turned over the front at the height of the fore-hearth, which, in order to prevent the cooling of the slag, is constantly kept covered by a layer of coke-dust or cinders. From the breast pan the slags flow continuously through a spout, provided for that purpose, into cast- iron waggons, where they consolidate into masses, having the form of inverted truncated pyramids, of which the larger base is about 2 feet square. When a sufficient amount of lead has accumulated in the bottom of the furnace, it is tapped into an iron pot by removing a plug of clay from the tap-hole situated in a slot in the breast-plate, and, after being properly skimmed, is laded into moulds. The waggons into which the liquid slag is received run on a tramway, by which, when one is removed, its place may be supplied by another. When cold, the bodies of the waggons are turned over and the blocks of slag removed. One of the advantages obtained by this method of work- ing arises from the circumstance that, should the furnace at any time run lead or matt, without its being observed by the smelter, the whole of it will collect at the bottom of the waggon, where the block is cou- siderably contracted, and from which any metal or regulus is removed when the mass has become sufficiently cold. These furnaces will smelt rich slags and other plumbiferous matters, with an expenditure of about 10 per cent. of coke, whilst the slags LEAD. 555 • obtained from them should, in no instance, contain above 1 per cent. of lead. In working this furnace a little scrap-iron is generally used, and care should be taken to prevent flame from appearing at the mouth; since, provided the slags are liquid and flow readily off, the cooler the furnace can be kept at top the less will be the loss of lead through volatilisation. In addition to great attention being paid to the working of the furnace, it is necessary, in order to obtain the best results, that the establishment should be provided with capacious and extensive flues, in which con- densation of the fume may take place before arriving at the stack through which the more volatile matters make their escape. As an instance of the economical working of these furnaces, it may be stated that slags giving, by assay, 8 per cent. only of lead, with traces of silver of no com- mercial value, have been treated with considerable advantage. In Derby- shire, where large heaps of slag of the above percentage were treated, some fifteen years ago, by the Castilian furnace, 3 per cent. only was directly obtained in the metallic form, whilst 4 per cent. was obtained from the flues in the state of fume, and subsequently reduced in a reverberatory furnace; so that the results yielded in practice were nearly equal to those indicated by assay. When ores of lead are treated in the blast-furnace, they are usually either smelted in the raw state with metallic iron, or first roasted and subsequently fused with iron or some ferruginous flux. SMELTING RAW ORES WITH METALLIC IRON.—This process was at one time extensively employed at various places on the continent of Europe for the reduction of siliceous lead ores. At Tarnowitz, in Silesia, where it was long used, it has been replaced by reverberatory smelting, and in the district of the Upper Hartz it has become superseded by a process in which basic silicate of iron, in the form of finery-slags, has been sub- stituted for metallic iron. The reduction of lead ores, consisting principally of galena associated with a siliceous gangue, was some years since conducted at Clausthal as follows:- The mixture treated consisted of 34 quintals of ground ore and schlich, equivalent to 24 quintals of pure galena; 4 to 5 quintals of cupel bottoms strongly impregnated with litharge; 1 quintal of Abstrich, or impure litharge, formed on the surface of the German cupel; 39 quintals of slags, derived either from the first fusion of the mineral treated, or from the re- melting of matts; 4 quintals of granulated cast-iron. The fusion of this mixture was conducted in a small blast-furnace of from 20 to 25 feet in height, and about 3 feet square in the widest part. The hearth of the furnace employed for this process is so arranged as to extend beyond the breast into a small raised platform situated immediately before it. The lining of the hearth consists of refractory fire-stone, and the bottom is hollowed out of brasque in such a way as to afford a gentle slope from the side of the tuyer to beyond the front wall. A tapping-hole enters at the lowest part of this basin, and affords a means of drawing off its contents when accumulated in sufficient quantity. 556 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. This receiving basin, a, fig. 167, is placed on a level with the floor and at some distance from the breast of the furnace, which is supplied with a blast forced through two nozzles situated at t, fig. 168, which represents a vertical section of the same furnace on a somewhat larger scale. In charging the mineral, care is taken to direct it towards the side of the tuyers, whilst the fuel is chiefly thrown towards the breast. The cold air constantly entering through the tuyers rapidly cools the slag pro- duced in their vicinity, and forms around the nozzles circular prolonga- tions of six or seven inches in length, on the proper management of which depends, in a great measure, the success of the operation. One of the principal effects of these nozzles is to prevent the oxidation of the lead the blast being by this means brought into immediate contact with the d d Fig. 167.-Clausthal Furnace; front view. fuel, without having to pass through the mineral charged at the back of the furnace, cannot so readily give rise to the formation of fusible silicates of lead. With this view the smelter must bestow attention to the proper regu- lation of the length of the slag-nozzles, as by them the economical working of the furnace is materially affected. It is also necessary, by regulating the supply of air and fuel, to so arrange the temperature that the upper part of the shaft may not become too strongly heated, as in that case considerable quantities of lead are driven off. With all these precautions, there is, however, a constant loss from sublimation, and therefore the whole of the gases passing from the tunnel-hole, T, are LEAD. 557 made to pass through chambers, C, before escaping into the atmosphere. by the chimney, D. In these chambers large quantities of fume gradually accumulate; this is occasionally removed through the doors, d, fig. 167, for the pur- pose of being mixed with other lead products, and again treated in the furnace. During the whole time this arrangement is in action the slags flow continuously into the fore-hearth, where, being solidified, they are seized by a labourer with a stout iron hook, and dragged down the inclined plane, p, to the foundry floor. When the basin, b, has become filled with metallic lead, the plug is removed from the tapping-hole communicating with the reservoir, a, into which the fused metal is rapidly drawn off. 12/ C НИИВИ เ KERKZREBKAMERE JAARRREZ D 122222222 NNNNNNNAINA WANAW או או או AVAVAVA Fig. 168.-Clausthal Furnace: vertical section. The products thus run off into the outer basin readily divide into two parts: the lower portion is metallic lead, whilst the higher consists of sulphide of lead, more or less mixed with sulphides of other metals originally present in the ore, and particularly with sulphide of iron, resulting from the decomposition of galena by that metal. This sub- stance, which readily solidifies, is the first matt, and is removed from the surface of the bath by an iron eye, around which a circular cake is allowed to solidify, and is stowed in a proper situation for sub- sequent treatment. The lead is afterwards laded into moulds. The poorer slags are removed and thrown away, whilst those which contain granules of metallic lead are added as flux in a future operation. When 558 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. a sufficient quantity of rich slag is not to be procured, some of the poorer slags are likewise used for this purpose; but this never takes place excepting when a proper supply of the richer variety is not to be obtained. The products resulting from a mixture having the composition before given, consisted of 19 quintals of metallic lead and 8 quintals of first matt, containing from 30 to 35 per cent. of lead. When a considerable quantity of these first matts has accumulated in the establishment, they are roasted in heaps, laid on a stratum of fuel, and by this means large quantities of sulphur and sulphurous anhydride. are disengaged. This first roasting occupies from three to four weeks, at the expiration of which time the heap is carefully picked over and the products divided. into two classes; those portions which have been sufficiently roasted. being again taken to the furnace and re-treated, whilst fragments which still retain a considerable amount of sulphur must be subjected to a second process of roasting. By this process four successive roastings are necessary before the whole of the matt is obtained in a fit state for smelting. When sufficiently roasted, the matts are fused in a small blast- furnace, after being mixed in the following proportions with various other bodies: 32 quintals of roasted matt. 30 "" 4 to 5 "" 2 2 "" 1 of rich slags obtained from the direct treatment of the ore. of cupel bottoms. of Abstrich. of slags from the reducing furnace. of granulated cast-iron. The furnace in which this mixture is introduced is about 5 feet in height, and is considerably contracted in the vicinity of the hearth, which, as in the case of the larger apparatus, is provided with a sloping fore- hearth, and a distinct tapping-basin for the reception of the metallic products. The fuel employed is coke, and the blast, supplied by a single tuyer, is conducted into the furnace through a slag-nozzle of about 3 inches in length. During the process of roasting, the larger proportion of the sulphide of iron passes to the state of oxide, and during the subsequent fusion, this oxide, which is partially reduced by the carbon of the fuel, becomes protoxide, and unites with the siliceous matters present to form a vitreous fusible slag; which, flowing through the aperture of the fore- hearth, is continually removed. The sulphide of lead is at the same time reduced through the agency of metallic iron, and new matts somewhat analogous in their composition to the first are obtained. These, when sufficiently solidified by cooling, are removed in the way already described, after which the lead is taken out in iron ladles and cast into pigs. The treatment of 32 quintals of roasted matt, with its associated fluxes and other products, afforded, at Clausthal, 12 quintals of metallic lead and 8 quintals of second matt. LEAD. 559 The second matts are subjected to a treatment similar to that em- ployed for those obtained by the direct treatment of the ores. They first undergo one or more roastings, and are subsequently treated in the same furnace and with the same additions as are employed in the case of first matts. In this way a further amount of metallic lead and a third matt are obtained; this is again roasted, fused with a proper addition of fluxes and other matters, and metallic lead and a fourth matt are the result. The copper, of which a small quantity only is contained in the original ore, having a greater affinity for sulphur than is possessed by lead, con- tinually accumulates in these matts, which, after the fourth roasting and fusion, become rich in that metal. The sulphide last obtained, known by the name of copper matt, is subsequently treated for coarse copper. It has been already stated that the use of basic silicates of iron, such as refinery-cinders, has lately, to a very great extent, superseded that of metallic iron in the smelting works of the Hartz. Still more recently highly ferruginous copper slags have been employed for the same pur- pose in the Rachette furnace, and satisfactory results are stated to be obtained. TREATMENT OF LEAD ORES BY ROASTING AND SUBSEQUENT SMELTING WITH METALLIC IRON.-The method of smelting employed at Pontgibaud * affords an example of the treatment of highly siliceous ores by roasting and subsequent fusion with scrap-iron in a blast-furnace. The average produce of the stuff, as extracted from the mines, is about 6 per cent., and consequently large quantities have to pass through the various pro- cesses of crushing and washing, in order to obtain the large amount of ore, containing on an average 50 per cent. of lead, and about 40 ozs. of silver per ton, annually treated in the establishment. As much cobbed ore as practicable is, however, selected, by hand picking, in order to avoid, as far as possible, the loss incident to mechanical preparation. The ores, which vary considerably in richness both as regards lead and silver, are delivered to the works in a ground state; the gangue is always sili- ceous, but blende, sulphate of barium, and arsenical and ordinary iron pyrites are also present. All assays are made in an iron crucible, and, when properly con- ducted, yield results which are quite as high as those obtained by the wet way; this is doubtless owing to the impurities in the button of lead compensating for the loss by volatilisation. The process employed at Pontgibaud for the treatment of argentiferous galena comprehends two distinct operations, namely:- a. Roasting in a reverberatory furnace. b. Smelting the roasted ore with metallic iron in a blast-furnace. a. Roasting.—Although the ores do not materially differ as regards the nature of their gangue, they vary considerably in richness, and con- sequently in the proportion of earthy matter which they contain. It has therefore been found desirable, before commencing their treatment, to * The mines and smelting works of Pontgibaud, Puy-de-Dôme, France, have, since 1853, been successfully carried on by an Anglo-French Company under the direction of Messrs. John Taylor and Co., of London. 560 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. prepare a uniform mixture from all the parcels of ore available. On this greatly depends the regularity of the subsequent operations, and in a great measure also their economical working. As it would be difficult to thoroughly mix the whole of the various parcels of ore, often amounting to several hundred tons, a lit de grillage of 20 tons, or a little more than the quantity usually roasted per diem, is prepared. This is done by weighing out and spreading in thin layers, one above another, the exact proportion of 20 tons which each parcel bears to the total quantity in stock. The bed being thus prepared, the charges are obtained by cutting down, perpendicularly, with a shovel, the pile of stratified ore, in such a way that every ton of the mixture removed shall have the composition of the entire mass. To this mixture of ores are added the calcined matts resulting from smelting in the blast-furnace; these usually contain about 17 per cent. of lead and 14 ozs. of silver per ton, and constitute about 10 per cent. of the charge. The object of adding this to the lits de grillage is, that the oxide of iron may serve as a flux at the close of the operation of roasting. As the ores are usually very quartzose a little mill-cinder is generally added in addition to the roasted matt. This mixture is roasted in very large reverberatory furnaces, worked from both sides, 40 feet in length, outside measure, and 15 feet in width at the widest part. The exterior is built of cut lava, and the sides, bottom, and roof are of fire-brick. This furnace is provided with twelve working doors, and is, as before stated, furnished with a brick bottom. Of the six doors on either side of the furnace, two correspond with each charge, and enable the workmen to turn or advance the ore when re- quired. The different parts of the furnace occupied in succession by each charge may be distinguished as follows:- 1st. Drying-bed immediately under the charging hoppers and furthest removed from the fire place. 2nd. Desulphurising or oxidising bed, occupying the middle and widest part of the furnace. 3rd. Agglomerating bed, next the fire-place. The first two are on the same level, and the third about 6 inches lower than the others. At intervals of six hours, a charge of fused ore is withdrawn by tap- ping, and the other charges in the furnace are advanced a stage in the direction of the fire-place, while a fresh charge is let down from the hoppers upon the drying bed beneath them. The time each charge re- mains in the furnace is consequently eighteen hours; 8 tons (8,000 kilos) are thus roasted in the course of twenty-four hours, with a consumption of about 2 tons (2,000 kilos) of coal, and the addition of 6 per cent. of lime. The amount of iron slag added is usually about 7 per cent.; but what- ever the proportion of this flux or of lime may be, the weight of ore charged remains constant. Four men are employed at each furnace per shift of twelve hours, and the loss of lead during the operation is esti- mated at from 2 to 3 per cent. LEAD. 561 b. Smelting. The lits de fusion are usually composed as follows:- Kilos. Roasted ore 10,000 Scrap-iron. 1,000 Limestone Fluor-spar • 1,600 300 The above figures give the average quantities of flux in the furnace mixtures; they are, however, modified with the nature of the ores, the proportions of limestone and fluor-spar varying most considerably. The fusion of the roasted ore and fluxes is effected in Castilian furnaces constructed of blocks of cut lava, of which fig. 169 represents a b WELCH.SC Fig. 169.-Blast-Furnace, Pontgibaud; elevation. front elevation. Their height from the slag-overflow, a, to the charging door at the back, is 5 feet, and their internal diameter is 35 inches; dia- meter of tuyers, 3 inches; pressure of blast, 4 inches of water. The blast is supplied by the nozzles, b, of which there are three in connection with the mains, c; the tapping-hole is in the opening, d. Water-tuyers are not employed. The mode of charging is similar to that employed for other furnaces of this kind, the ore being principally distributed around the sides, and the coke kept in the middle and towards the breast. This furnace is 20 562 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. maintained constantly full, and care is taken not to allow flame to appear above the top of the charge; the breast-pan is large and will hold from fifteen to twenty pigs of lead. From 14 to 16 tons of roasted ore are smelted in the course of twenty- four hours, with a consumption of 1 ton of coke; the quantity of lead obtained during the same time is from 100 to 120 pigs, or from 5 to 6 tons. In addition to lead, the ores yield from 7 to 10 per cent. of matt. The slags formed under the most favourable circumstances contain nearly 2 per cent. of lead; when they exceed 3 per cent. they are re-smelted. It has been found, by assay, that the slags which are poorest in lead con- tain at least 40 per cent. of ferrous oxide, but that this may be partially replaced by lime, especially when fluor-spar is added to the charge. Slags in which oxide of iron has been replaced by lime are, however, never so poor in lead as those having the normal composition, while the amount of that metal volatilised is considerably increased. The proportion of slags produced is from 65 to 70 per cent. of the ore smelted, and as they flow from the furnace they are received into cast-iron waggons, which when full are drawn to the waste heaps and tipped. The two cylinders of the blowing machine are each 52 inches in diameter; length of stroke, 52 inches; number of strokes per minute, 12. The lead obtained contains almost the whole of the silver originally present in the ores smelted, excepting the small proportion either combined with the matts or retained in the slags. The usual assay of the matts is from 15 to 20 per cent. of lead and from 12 to 16 ozs. of silver per ton; the average amount of silver per ton of lead is 96½ ozs. The whole of the silver in the matts, and a portion of that in the slags, is recovered during subsequent operations, but traces of that metal are nevertheless unavoid- ably lost. According to assay, this loss amounts to 6.12 dwts. per ton of slag, or 0.568 per cent. of the total quantity contained in the ores. A certain amount of silver is also volatilised with the lead, but how large a proportion is lost from this cause cannot be accurately determined; that it is, however, very small is probable, from the known properties of silver, and from the amount found in the fumes collected from the flues and condensers. The proportion of silver thus carried off, and again recovered in all the different processes, including cupellation, amounts to only 0.470 per cent. of the total quantity contained in the ores. The loss of lead in smelting ores in the blast-furnace amounts to 17 per cent. of the total quantity contained in them; 2 per cent. of this is, however, subsequently recovered from slags by re-smelting, and about 3 per cent. from fumes. The actual loss, therefore, in the operation is equal to 113 per cent. of the total quantity contained in the ores as indicated by assay. The fume obtained from the flues is subsequently mixed with sili- ceous ores, and fused in a common calcining furnace; the fused mass thus obtained is smelted in the blast-furnace like ordinary roasted The fume and ore are mixed in the following proportions, and ores. LEAD. 563 are charged into the calcining furnace, through the working doors, upon the middle bed. Fume 60 parts, assay 62.7 per cent. lead. Ore 40 40.0 "" Each charge weighs 2 tons, and five charges, or 12 tons, can be passed through a furnace in twenty-four hours; the loss of weight experienced is about 15 per cent. The same number of men are employed as for roasting ore; the consumption of coal is 17 per cent. and of lime 3 per cent. of the weight of stuff roasted. The furnace mixtures, for fume and ore, are composed as follows: Kilos. Fume and ore 10,000 Iron. 1,200 Limestone Fluor-spar. 3,500 300 15,000 The above quantity is smelted in twenty-four hours, with a con- sumption of 9 per cent. of coke. The quantity of fume annually collected is about 150 tons, averaging 57 per cent. of lead and 4 ozs. 5 dwts. of silver per ton. Its richness varies considerably in different parts of the flue, but in general the per- centage of lead increases, while the proportion of silver decreases with the distance from the furnaces. The lead obtained from fume amounts to 78.57 per cent. of the quantity contained in it, as indicated by assay; or 3.67 per cent. of the total weight contained in the ore. The whole of the lead produced from the blast-furnace requires to be purified before it can be desilverised by Pattinson's process. This is effected by exposing it at a low red-heat to partial oxidation in a rever- beratory furnace in the way shortly to be described. Losses of Lead and Silver.-From 100 parts of lead contained in the ores treated, 85.75 parts are obtained, either directly from them, or from fumes and slags, namely— "" From ores fumes slags • • 80.04 per cent. 3.67 "" 2.04 85.75 In desilverising the lead thus obtained a loss of 3.25 per cent. is ex- perienced, the total weight of poor lead produced for sale being 82.50 per cent. of the quantity contained in the ores. The loss in desilverising is distributed as follows:— Refining and reducing Improving 1.25 per cent. 2.00 "" 3.25 2 o 2 564 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The loss of lead in the three principal divisions of the Pontgibaud process is therefore— In roasting ,, smelting desilverising 2.50 per cent. 11.75 3.25 17.50 The percentage losses on the total quantity of silver contained in the ore, are- In slags market lead 0.568 per cent. 0.533 1·101* By the process now employed, the annual production of silver is from 3 to 4 per cent. in excess of that indicated by assays of the ores treated. Of 100 parts of silver produced 98.82 are obtained direct from the ores, 0.64 "" 0.54 "" from the slags, fumes. "" The quantities of lead and silver produced at the Pontgibaud smelting works (from local and purchased ores) for the year 1872, were as follow :- Lead Silver • 1,484 tons. 185,816 ozs. C The system of treating lead ores at Pontgibaud has undergone im- portant changes since the publication, in 1851, of Rivot and Zeppenfeld's Description des Gîtes Métallifères, &c., de Pontgibaud,' which appears. to be still regarded by metallurgists as a description of what is actually being done at the present time. In confirmation of this statement, it may be observed that in a lengthy paper on the metallurgy of lead, published in the 'Revue Universelle des Mines,' in 1863, an engraving of the old roasting furnace is reproduced. from Rivot and Zeppenfeld's work, and that in an elaborate, and usually accurate, work on lead-smelting, published in this country in 1870, the Pontgibaud process is given as it existed, before the abandonment of the old and the introduction of the present method, in 1852.† TREATMENT OF SILICEOUS ORES AT COUËRON.‡This treatment compre- hends two distinct operations:- a. Calcination in the reverberatory furnace. b. Reduction in the blast-furnace, with lime and basic silicates of iron as fluxes. * Indicated by assay of slags, and market-lead; the actual production is in excess of that found by the assay of ores. † For a detailed description of this process as now conducted, see 'Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver,' by J. Arthur Phillips, p. 468. Spon. The information relative to the treatment of siliceous ores at Couëron has been kindly supplied by Mr. W. Hutchison, the manager of the works. LEAD. 565 pur- a. Calcination. The reverberatory furnace employed for this pose is similar in form and dimensions to that represented in figs. 164, 165, 166, pages 540, 541; the only difference in the two being that the one used for roasting has no tapping-pot, and has the bottom filled with black slag, level with the working doors, so as to form a flat hearth on which the charge may be uniformly spread and exposed to the fire. The ores roasted in this furnace contain from 50 to 60 per cent. of lead with variable proportions of silica; they are worked in charges of 1,400 kilos, or about 28 cwts., each. Each charge is placed ready in the hopper above the furnace in order that it may be let down when required, without loss of time. Ores which are not sufficiently divided are ground, and sifted through sieves with meshes of an inch in diameter. 5 The interior of the furnace being red-hot, the charge is introduced, and at once spread evenly over the hearth; the damper having been previously run down to the lowest point so as to reduce the draught, and thereby prevent mechanical loss of fine ore. The working doors are now closed, and the charge is left undisturbed, until decrepitation has entirely ceased and the ore has become partially red-hot. It is then carefully rabbled, so as to expose the under part to the heat, and in a few minutes afterwards is turned with paddles. In about an hour the charge will have acquired a uniform dull-red heat. More air is then admitted by partially opening the fire door, together with the two working doors nearest the bridge. The damper is at the same time so adjusted as to afford only sufficient draught for the free escape of the sulphurous fumes. The charge is turned or rabbled at intervals of about a quarter of an hour, so as to expose fresh surfaces to the oxidising action of the air, and, by that means, to convert the sulphides into oxides and sulphates with evolution of sulphurous anhydride. The partial opening of the doors for the admission of air has the effect of cooling the charge below the temperature requisite for oxidation, and in order to maintain it at the proper dull red-heat, it is necessary to close, from time to time, all the doors and to throw a few shovelfuls of fuel on the fire. The fuel preferred at this stage of the process is cinders, since they yield but little flame in burning; care must however be taken not to raise the heat beyond the proper point, or it will cause the ore to clot, thereby rendering its subsequent desulphurisation, within a reasonable time, difficult if not impossible. Whenever it evinces a tendency to soften, the doors are at once opened and the damper is raised, until the charge has cooled to the proper temperature. The alternate heating and cooling of the charge is repeated at frequent intervals during the entire process, and in such a way, that, while furnished with a plentiful supply of air, it is maintained without clotting, as nearly as possible, at a dull red-heat. The ore is raked and turned at regularly- recurring intervals, until at the end of six hours it contains a sufficient amount of oxide and sulphate of lead to effect the decomposition of a large portion of the remaining sulphide of lead during the subsequent stage of agglomeration. Six hours are generally found to be sufficient to 566 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. determine the necessary desulphurisation of ordinary ores. At the expira- tion of that time the heat is considerably increased in order to effect the L 10: O < K C S d d e D A 9 F V.J. WELCH. Sc Fig. 170.-Five-tuyer Furnace, Coueron; vertical section. agglomeration of the charge and to give it the cohesion necessary for passing through the blast-furnace. The grate is therefore cleaned from clinker, LEAD, 567 the damper drawn up, and fresh coals put on until a good fire is obtained. Under the influence of the increasing temperature the charge soon begins. to soften, and at the same time it is constantly raked, turned with the paddle, and advanced towards the bridge. In proportion as it melts it is raked through one of the working doors upon the floor of the furnace- house. At the expiration of about two hours the whole of the charge will have been agglomerated, and is withdrawn. A fresh charge is now let down from the hopper, spread evenly over the sole as before, and the operation of roasting is again repeated. In this way three charges, of 1,400 kilos each, are worked in twenty-four hours; two men are employed per shift of twelve hours, and the consumption of coal amounts to 22 per cent. of the weight of the raw ore treated. b. Reduction of Roasted Ores and Grey Slags.-The form and arrange- ment of the blast-furnace now employed at Couëron will be understood from the accompanying woodcuts, figs. 170 and 171; of which the first is a vertical section through the fore-hearth, and the second a horizontal O O O D Fig. 171.-Five-tuyer Furnace, Couëron; horizontal section. section through the tuyers, but without the slag-lip, l. It is considerably higher than the ordinary Castilian furnace, and is charged at the top; the brickwork of the lower portion of the furnace, which is usually burnt through very rapidly, being replaced, to a height of about 3 feet, by an annular cylinder of cast-iron, A, kept cool by the circulation through it of a constant stream of water. The whole of the upper part, B, is clad with strong sheet-iron, well riveted together so as to prevent the escape of fume. The cast-iron body is made in one piece, with five tuyers, c, equi- distant from each other, and converging towards the vertical axis of the furnace. The number of tuyers, and their position, are matters of considerable importance as affecting the working of the furnace. Were fewer tuyers employed, and were they placed farther from the breast, as is generally the case, the cooling effect of the water in front would be prejudicial to the regular and prompt descent of the charge. In this furnace as much as 25 to 30 tons of stuff are smelted in twenty-four hours, the slags being reduced at the same time to a yield of toper cent, of lead. 568 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. In casting the hollow casing, A, it is important that the founder should not only place the tuyers equidistant from one another and converging towards the central axis of the furnace, but also that they should be perfectly round, and have their axes placed horizontally. During the working of this apparatus particular attention must be paid to keeping up a regular supply of cold water. The arrangement shown in dotted lines on the vertical section, fig. 170, is the most convenient for the escape of the warm water, since it enables the workman to see at a glance the quantity and temperature of the water as it flows from the outlet-pipes, d, and falls into a funnel, e, placed beneath and in connection with a drain. On the side opposite that from which the warm water escapes an inlet-pipe is fixed, which conducts cold water to the bottom of the casing; this is about 1½ inch in diameter, and is pro- vided with a stop-cock to regulate the supply. The sheet-iron hood, f, shown in fig. 170, is placed over the fore- hearth, g, for the purpose of carrying off the fume which sometimes escapes from the breast, and might injuriously affect the health of the charger working on the top. This hood is so arranged as not to interfere with the work at the fore-hearth, since, when necessary, it can be pulled up on its hinges out of the way of the workmen by means of a chain, h, and pulley, i; the cast-iron cylinder with five tuyers can be adapted to the ordinary furnace charged at the side or back in the usual way. It is nevertheless thought that this system of charging on the top through the iron cylinder, C, closed by the cover, K, is to be preferred for lead furnaces to the old plan, as preventing, to a great extent, the entrance of atmospheric air into the flue. The products of combustion, &c., escape by the flue, L, and the bottom of the furnace, D, is cut out of a mass of brasque, E, in the usual way. The adoption of the water-casing has led, at Couëron, to a consider- able saving in repairs, bricks, clay, iron, and wages. The most important economy, however, is in smelter's wages. Owing to the fact that the time required at the old furnaces to patch up the sides is now entirely employed in smelting, a proportionately larger quantity of stuff is worked through. The greater regularity in the working of this furnace has the effect of rendering the slags much poorer than formerly. There is, therefore, not only a saving of lead from this source, but also a reduc- tion of cost consequent on there being no rich slags to re-work. The quantity of siliceous ores smelted at Couëron being relatively small, it is more convenient and economical to mix them with grey slag, fume, &c., than to treat them alone. The following is the usual compo- sition of the mixture smelted :- Kilos. Grey slags from reverberatory furnaces. 10,000 Calcined ore Agglomerated fume Iron slags • 2,000 2,000 3,000 17,000 On lighting the furnace the iron casing is filled with water by opening LEAD. } 569 the feed-cock at the back, and a small fire only is at first made, with wood and coke, for the purpose of drying and heating the brasque bottom, E. This fire is kept up until the bottom becomes perfectly dry and sufficiently hot to prevent the first slags formed from setting and lessening the capacity of the breast-pan. Coke is now charged at frequent intervals, until the furnace contains a mass of burning fuel to a height of 3 feet above the tuyers. The natural draught is at first sufficient to carry on combustion, but when the mass has become thoroughly ignited a light blast is introduced through the tuyers. Before turning on the blast from the fan, however, the fore-breast is cleaned out, and some burning coke is pulled forward to the level of the lip, 7; this is covered with a shovelful of cinders, and the opening closed by stiff clay. A hole is made with a pointed bar between the cinders and the clay, so as to allow a jet of flame to escape for the purpose of heating the fore-breast and preventing the first outflow of slag from adhering to the front. After a few minutes this jet of flame is stopped by putting a lump of coke before the hole, together with two or three shovelfuls of cinders. Should these not suffice, some clay is pressed down on the cinders to increase their cohesion. The tap-hole is likewise left open for a short time after the blast has been put on, and is afterwards closed with a plug of stiff clay. The furnace is at first charged with slag only, until fused slag begins to appear before the tuyer. The charging of the furnace mixture, alter- nately with the requisite proportion of coke, is then begun and subse- quently continued with but little interruption, until the furnace has become filled to the height of the hopper, C, below which the charge must not be allowed to sink. The mixture to be smelted is introduced equally all round and against the sides in such a way that a depression is left in the middle after each charge for the reception of coke. From the moment the charge has attained a proper height in the furnace, the blast is increased to its full force, the tuyers being worked with a very short nose of slag and kept almost constantly bright. During the heating-up of the furnace the water in the iron casing be- comes boiling hot, and must be constantly renewed by the regular admis- sion of cold water through the feed-tap. This supply is so adjusted that its temperature at the outflow may be always under the boiling-point, or about 80° C.; but comparatively little water is required after the slag has come down, since a portion of it adheres to the sides and interposes a layer of non-conducting material between the iron and the fuel in the furnace. The fused products in their descent collect in the cavity, D, in the bottom of the furnace, formed of brasque, and arrange themselves ac- cording to their respective specific gravities. Lead being the heavier, sinks to the bottom, whilst the supernatant slag flows out through the opening made with a bar in the stopping of the fore-breast, and thence over the lip, l, into the conical cast-iron waggon, F. These waggons are made to run on a small railway to a distance from the furnace, where, on cooling, the slag is tipped out and examined for lead previously to being thrown away. 570 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The flow of slag from the furnace now becomes continuous, or nearly so, and is only checked by the gradual cooling of the stream as it runs over the lip. The cooled slag is, however, from time to time detached with a slice, and its flow maintained unchecked until it is found, by sounding, that the lead in the breast-pan has risen to near the level of the lip. A bar is then forced into the tap-hole for the purpose of breaking the clay stopping and drawing off the lead into a tapping-pot sunk in the floor; at the same time the slag-opening in the breast is temporarily stopped with ashes or clay to prevent the blast from escaping on the lowering of the slag-level, which follows the tapping of the lead. As soon as slag makes its appearance the tap-hole is immediately stopped, either by an iron bar driven into it, or by a plug of clay stuck on the end of a pole and adroitly wedged into the aperture; the lead collected in the pot, after having been cleaned and skimmed, is laded into pig-moulds. For a short time after tapping, the wind is shut off, the fore- breast is opened, and the bottom is cleaned from any lumps of slag, which, if allowed to remain, would interfere with the proper working of the furnace. This cleaning-out having been accomplished, in a few minutes the breast is again closed with clay and cinders, and the blast is turned on full as before. Shortly afterwards, as the slag rises above the level of the outflow, a hole for its escape is again made in the breast by means of an iron bar. The furnace bottom is not generally cleaned out after every tapping; unless they happen to be not very frequent, two or three cleanings per shift are usually sufficient; but this depends on the working of the furnace and the nature of the stuff smelted. It is observed that this furnace generally works faster and better for some time after the with- drawal of the unfused matters from the bottom. The number of lead tappings per day depends very much on the size of the breast-pan and the richness of the matters treated. Ordinarily, four or five tappings, each of sixteen to twenty pigs, are made per shift of twelve hours. The average quantity of stuff smelted in twenty-four hours is from 22 to 25 tons, which can be increased to 30 tons with free-running slags. A smelting campaign lasts three months without any interruption, and would probably last six, or even twelve months, were the supply of stuff unlimited. Considerable attention and experience on the part of the smelter are required in order to avoid mishaps, and to prevent a prema- ture stoppage of the furnace. In any case, there is no necessity to stop for ordinary repairs, as in the Castilian furnaces built entirely of bricks. The consumption of gas-coke of inferior quality is 10 per cent. of the furnace mixture. No iron is added, and no matt is obtained. A little iron is reduced in the furnace from the iron slags employed as flux, and perhaps this accounts for the poorness of the slags produced, which very seldom exceed per cent. for lead. The slags are sometimes so highly basic that it is necessary to add sand to the mixture in order to render it sufficiently fusible, and to prevent the furnace from gobbing; the most fusible slags contain about 30 per cent. of silica. The number of men employed at this furnace is five, and the loss of lead, exclusive LEAD. 571 of fume collected in the flues, is 6 per cent. This method may be taken as an illustration of smelting by a process belonging to the second class. It may be mentioned that the furnace is connected with long flues and condensers for the condensation of lead fumes. HORNO DE GRAN TIRO, OR PAVO.-This furnace, which is used in some parts of Spain, and particularly in the district of Carthagena, for smelting poor carbonates of lead, is a cylindrical slag-hearth, which, instead of being supplied with an artificially-produced blast, is worked by a strong draught obtained by the aid of a chimney of about 45 feet in height. This is connected with the furnace by an inclined flue at the top, while the air enters through six horizontal tuyers, of refractory clay, arranged radially around it a little above the level of the hearth, which is formed of brasque in the usual way. Coke is the fuel employed, and the ores treated commonly yield, by assay, about 12 per cent. of lead; the average production of metal is from 8 to 9 per cent., and the con- sumption of fuel from 30 to 32 cwts. per ton of lead obtained. The methods of treating lead ores in the blast-furnace, and the form and dimensions of the furnaces employed, vary in accordance with the nature of the ores and the description of the fuel available, and admit of almost endless modification. In this country, where the ores treated are delivered to the smelter in a concentrated state, and where fuel is com- paratively cheap, the blast-furnace is seldom employed, excepting for the reduction of slags and other furnace products. SMELTING IN SHALLOW HEARTHS. BACKWOODS HEARTH.-The early settlers in Missouri, in the United States of America, were in the habit of extracting lead from galena by means of a rude hearth constructed of earth and rough stonework, but without the aid of any sort of artificial blast. The front wall of this hearth was about 8 feet in length and 6 feet in height, the internal cavity was 8 feet long and 2 feet wide at bottom, but gradually widened towards the top. This sloped regularly towards the front wall, in which, on the prolongation of the longer axis, was an arch inclosing an aperture through which the molten metal made its escape. In the bottom of the cavity thus formed, a layer of heavy logs was laid, longitudinally, and then followed a stratum of split billets; upon these the galena was deposited, and the whole covered by a layer of smaller branches chopped into short lengths. The fire was kindled through the front arch, which, with the exception of a hole for the escape of metal, was subsequently closed, and the reduced lead, flowing continuously through it, was collected in a basin in front. The time occupied by this operation was twenty-four hours, and nearly pure galenas afforded one-half their weight of metal; the lead and slags re- maining in the ashes were subsequently treated in a rough substitute for the slag-hearth called an "ash-furnace." This very primitive method of smelting, although of comparatively recent date, is now obsolete, but 572 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. is probably very similar to some of the processes employed in remote antiquity for the production of lead from its ores. ORE-HEARTH, OR SCOTCH FURNACE.-In some parts of England, and particularly in the counties of Durham, Cumberland, and Northumber- land, the smelting of lead ores is often conducted in the ore-hearth or Scotch furnace. This consists of a rectangular cavity of masonry, 22 inches square; its depth varies from 22 to 26 inches, and the whole of its internal surface is lined with cast-iron. The bottom, which consists of but one casting, is surrounded by a ledge; excepting, sometimes, on the side facing the work-stone, a, fig. 172, which may be 2 feet 10 inches in breadth, and about 1 foot 10 inches in the other direction. 黑 ​0 Fig. 172.-Ore-Hearth. This is provided with a narrow ledge, b, on each side, and is placed with a fall of a few inches on its length; its higher side c, rests on the ledge surrounding the hearth bottom, or in some instances is united to it, and forms only one casting. When this is not the case, the joint between the two is closed, and made lead-tight by a cement composed of bone-ash moistened with water and well kneaded together. On the back edge of the bottom is placed a prism of cast-iron called a back- stone, about 6½ inches square and 28 inches in length; on this rests the nozzle of the tuyer, over which is again placed another iron casting called the pipe-stone, of the same length as the back-stone, and 10 inches square. This has, at the centre, a cavity for the introduction of the tuyer, and projects about 2 inches over the hearth; on it is again placed another back-stone of the same dimensions as the first, which completes this side of the hearth, and makes its total height from the bottom 25 inches. Along the lateral edges of the bottom are placed two prismatic castings called bearers; these are each 26 inches in length and 5 inches LEAD. 573 # square, and consequently project slightly over the upper edge of the work-stone. At the height of 5 inches above these bearers, and at a distance of 13 inches from the back of the hearth, is supported another bar of cast-iron, called the fore-stone, which has the same form and dimensions as that on which rests the tuyer of the blowing apparatus. The space at each end of the fore-stone is now closed by lumps of cast- iron measuring 10 inches of a side, called key-stones. Before the work-stone, a, and set in masonry inclosed in a circular cast-iron jacket, G, is the lead-pot, E, into which the melted metal, as it issues from the hearth, is conducted by the oblique channel, f, sunk beneath the surface of the iron plate. In the woodcut this pot has not been placed sufficiently near the furnace. To prevent the escape of fumes into the smelting house, which might seriously injure the health of the persons employed, the entire hearth is sometimes inclosed in a hood of arched masonry, H, communicating with the chimney, and in which is left a small door, I, for the introduction of the ore and fuel. The iron plate, k, admits of being raised or depressed at pleasure, accord- ing to the degree of draught required; and the blast communicating with the tuyer is regulated by a valve placed in a pipe approached by the arched opening, L, which is left for this purpose. The brickwork is con- solidated and bound together by the iron straps, l, kept in their places by screw-bolts passing through the masonry beneath the foundation of the hearth. Roasting. The ores smelted in the Scotch furnace were, to within a comparatively recent period, merely subjected to a careful mechanical preparation, previously to their direct metallurgical treatment. It has, however, been sometimes found advantageous to roast them, so as to effect their partial desulphurisation and oxidation, before treating them for the metal they contain. The furnace employed for this purpose varies considerably in its dimensions in order to suit local circum- stances, but always consists of a flat hearth, covered by a low arch, and is heated by a fire-place situated at one end; there are also, in most cases, two doors, on either side, for the withdrawal and the working of the ore treated. From 9 to 11 cwts. of galena, or other ore of lead, usually constitute the charge of a furnace of this description, and require from two and a half to three hours to become sufficiently roasted. The mineral, which is introduced into the furnace without any kind of flux, is first spread evenly over the surface of the bottom, and the fire is afterwards so arranged as to keep it constantly at a temperature below the melting-point of galena. Copious sulphurous fumes are presently seen to escape from its surface, and if any portion should, from ap- proaching too nearly the point of fusion, become softened, fresh surfaces are presented to the air. In this way a certain proportion of the sulphur is driven off, and the slimes and other friable substances are so agglutinated as to resist the force of the blast without being liable to be carried off into the flues in the form of dust. Smelting. — At the termination of each shift a quantity of ore remains on the hearth in a semi-reduced state, called browse, and is more or less 574 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. mixed with fragments of coke and clinkers, from which it is afterwards roughly separated. To commence a new shift, the cavity of the furnace is filled with peat cut into rectangular blocks: those at the back part of the hearth are heaped up without any kind of order, but those placed towards the front are arranged in the shape of a regular wall. The bellows are now set in action, and an ignited peat is thrown immediately before the nozzle, which quickly communicates the combustion to the whole mass. On the top of this a few shovelfuls of coal are afterwards sprinkled, for the double purpose of binding and consolidating the mass, and also to increase the temperature. The browse resulting from the preceding operation is then thrown on the surface of the ignited mass; and shortly after- wards the larger portion of the material contained in the hearth is stirred by the aid of a poker, and a portion of it drawn out on the work- stone. The grey slag is now removed with a shovel, and is thrown aside for subsequent treatment. The browse, cleaned from slag, is again thrown back into the hearth, with the addition, if it be required, of a little small- coal. If, as sometimes happens, the browse has not been properly freed from slag, but becomes pasty and evinces a tendency to fuse, it must be hardened by the addition of lime, which dries the mixture and facilitates the subsequent extraction of the lead. When, on the contrary, the ore is found too refractory, a small addition of lime is also made; but in this case a less quantity is employed, as it is only intended as a flux for the refractory matters present, and not, as in the other instance, to act as a dryer of the too fusible scoriæ obtained. The lumps of slag which are thus formed contain a considerable proportion of the lead originally present in the ores, and are therefore collected for the purpose of being afterwards treated in the slag-hearth. When the whole of the browse has been thrown back into the hearth, a few shovelfuls of ore are sparingly thrown on the top of it; before doing this, however, it is necessary to remove the slags, and to place a lump of peat before the tuyer, which not only prevents any of the mineral from entering the nozzle, but likewise serves to spread the blast equally through the different parts of the mass. After an interval of about twenty minutes, the contents of the furnace are again partially drawn out on the work-stone, and another portion of metallic lead is carried by the channel, f, into the pot, E. The grey slag is removed by the use of the rake, and another lump of peat is placed before the tuyer. The browse, together with a proper quantity of coal and quicklime, is again thrown on to the fire, and on the top of the whole is laid a fresh supply of raw or roasted ore. Two men are employed on each shift, the operations being con- tinued during from twelve to fourteen hours; at the expiration of that time, a production, varying with the nature of the ore, of from 1 to 2 tons of metallic lead is obtained. Towards the end of the shift no addition of ore is made, and, after stopping the blast, all the browse is taken out, and separated from grey slag. The bottom of the hearth is now filled with lead, which is laded back from the receiving pot, and in this way the charge is constantly LEAD. 575 kept floating on a bath of metallic lead. The bottom is thus protected from the corrosive action of the slags. The lead prepared by this process is said to be usually purer than that produced in the ordinary smelting furnace; this may arise from the circumstance that, being exposed to a less elevated temperature, the more fusible constituents of the ore are alone obtained, while in the smelting furnace the heat employed is often so great as to effect the reduction of some of the foreign metals contained in it, which, by entering into com- bination with the lead, tends to impair its quality. When ores, assaying from 75 to 80 per cent., are operated on, from 1 to 2 cwts. of coal and about four small cartloads of peat are required to produce a fodder (21 cwts.) of lead. The cost of lead-smelting in the ore-hearth is, how- ever, considerably in excess of that by the reverberatory furnace, and its use is consequently gradually becoming more restricted. 2 2 THE AMERICAN HEARTH.-This hearth was first introduced at the Rossie mines, in the State of New York, which are now abandoned; it has a cast-iron bottom, 24 inches square, 12 inches deep, and 2 inches in thickness. The work-stone, which is 32 inches wide and 22 inches from front to back, is provided with raised sides, and has the usual diagonal groove for directing the reduced metal into the receiving-pot. An air- chest, 14 inches in height, of cast-iron, forms a wall on the sides and back of this hearth; its outside width is 6 inches, and, as the thickness of the metal is of an inch, a vacant space is consequently left within, a little more than 12 inches in height and 4 inches in width. The blast passes into this box on one side, and escapes at the other through a curved pipe which conducts it to a tuyer occupying the usual position at the back of the furnace; in this way the sides and back are kept cool, while the blast is at the same time heated before entering the fire. The bottom is, like that of the ordinary ore-hearth, kept full of molten lead, on which the charge floats during the operations of smelting; the fuel employed is exclusively wood, and the galena to be treated must be broken into pieces, which should not be larger than of a cubic inch. This hearth remains continuously in blast during six days of the week, and is worked by four men, namely, two on each shift. About a quarter of a cord of wood is consumed per ton of lead obtained, or the wood burnt reduces a little more than 2 times its weight of metal. The daily consumption of wood in a hearth of this description is three-quarters of a cord, and the yield of lead is about 7,500 lbs. 8 An experimental ore-hearth on this principle was in operation at Bleiberg, in Carinthia, during the years 1849, 1850 and 1851; the average assay produce of the ores treated during those years was 71.16 per cent. of lead, and the average loss, exclusive of that in the slag, of which a portion would be recovered, was 10.51 per cent. The average consumption of wood was 3.36 cubic feet per centner of ore treated, or 5.26 cubic feet per centner of lead produced.* According to more recent observations made by Plattner, 25 centners of · * Vicuna centner = 123 46 lbs. avoirdupois. "" cubic foot = 1·075 English cubic foot. 576 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. raw ore, containing by assay from 70 to 71 per cent. of lead, were treated in twelve hours and yielded from 61 to 62 per cent. of lead, exclusive of that contained in the slag. The richer parcels of ore, yielding by assay 74 per cent. of metal, smelted more rapidly and afforded better results; since 45 centners were treated in the course of twelve hours, and yielded from 66 to 67 per cent. of lead, exclusive of that retained in the slags. At Przibram, in Bohemia (1856), the ore contained 74-88 per cent. of lead, and the direct yield in the American hearth was 60.68 per cent., exclusive of that subsequently obtained by treating the slags. In the course of twenty-four hours from 60 to 74 centners of ore were treated, with a consumption of 53·4 cubic feet of wood and 50·1 cubic feet of charcoal. EXTRACTION OF SILVER FROM LEAD. Before the discovery, by the late Hugh Lee Pattinson, of the process by which the silver in argentiferous lead may be concentrated in a com- paratively small amount of that metal, the whole of the lead obtained by smelting was, when sufficiently rich, subjected to cupellation. When, however, it contained less than about 8 ozs. of silver per ton it was not considered to pay the expenses of the operation; whereas, by the method of crystallisation, lead containing 2 ozs. only of silver per ton may sometimes be desilverised at a profit. A considerable proportion of the lead produced, both in this country and in others, contains a less amount of silver than is necessary to pay the cost of its extraction by direct cupellation, and consequently, until the discovery of the Pattinson process, the whole of this silver was lost to commerce. This process is founded on the circumstance, first noticed by Mr. Pattinson in the year 1829, that when lead containing silver is melted in a suitable vessel, and afterwards suffered slowly to cool, with constant stirring, at a temperature near the melting-point of lead, small metallic crystals begin to form within the liquid alloy, which, as rapidly as they are produced, sink to the bottom, and on being removed are found to contain less silver than the lead originally operated on; the still-fluid alloy from which the crystals have been separated is at the same time rendered proportionately richer in silver. The work-lead obtained from the smelting furnace usually, however, contains antimony, copper, and other oxidised impurities, and these are sometimes present in sufficient amounts to materially interfere with the concentration of silver by crystallisation; they are, therefore, previously removed by a process known as improving or softening. IMPROVING OR SOFTENING.-This operation consists of fusing the lead in a reverberatory furnace of peculiar construction, and allowing it to remain, when in a melted state, exposed for a more or less considerable period to the oxidising influences of the air. By this treatment the anti- mony and other metals, together with a portion of the lead, become gradu- ally oxidised, and are removed from the surface of the bath by an iron LEAD. 577 rake; thus constantly exposing a fresh surface to the action of the heated gases, until the greater portion of the impurity is removed, and a pure, or nearly pure, alloy of lead and silver obtained. The hearth of the furnace in which this operation is conducted often consists of a large cast-iron pan about 1 inch in thickness, which may be 10 feet in length, 5 feet 6 inches in width, and about 10 inches in depth. The fire-place, which is about 20 inches in width, has a length equal to the width of the pan, from which it is separated by a low bridge about 2 feet in width. The arch at the bridge end is 16 inches above the edge of the pan, while at the other extremity its height from the same point is only 8 inches. All the angles of the casting are carefully rounded in order to prevent breakage from expansion or contraction, and the softened lead is, when required, drawn off into a cast-iron pot by means of a hole bored in the bottom near its outer edge. This, when necessary, is stopped by a turned iron plug kept in its place by a weighted lever. The charge, which is about 11 tons, is first fused in an iron pot set in brickwork at the side of the furnace, and is subsequently laded into the pan through a sheet-iron gutter prepared for that purpose. When the metal is in a fit state for tapping, a small portion taken out in a ladle, and poured into an iron mould, will be observed on cooling to present on the surface a peculiar flaky subcrystalline appearance, which, when once seen, is easily again recognised. As soon as this appearance presents itself the fire is lowered, the plug loosened, and the contents of the pan are drawn off into a pot, from which they are afterwards laded into moulds. In some cases, as at Pontgibaud, much larger furnaces than that above described are employed for the operation of softening. At that establish- ment the improving pans are each 13 feet in length by 6 feet 6 inches in width, and are capable of working charges of 20 tons. The time necessary for softening hard lead necessarily depends on the proportion of impurity it contains; consequently some varieties will be sufficiently purified after the expiration of twelve hours, while in other cases it becomes necessary to continue the operation during several days. Ordinary hard lead from the Cornish flowing furnace, or from the Cas- tilian blast-furnace, is usually softened in about thirty-six hours, with a consumption of about 2 cwts. of coal per ton. In some smelting estab- lishments the hard lead is softened in an ordinary reverberatory furnace, provided with a slag bottom. When a furnace of this description is employed, calcination takes place at a higher temperature, and the opera- tion is conducted more rapidly than in iron pans; the consumption of fuel is about the same, but the loss of lead by volatilisation is somewhat greater. The calcined dross, removed from the surface of the pan, is treated in the reducing furnace, and the resulting cinder in the slag-hearth, or in some other form of blast-furnace. The very hard lead thus obtained is again subjected to a process of softening in the improving furnace; a cal- cined dross is ultimately obtained affording a brittle alloy, which is 2 P 578 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. usually sold to type-founders. The quantity of this very hard lead annually produced, even in large establishments, amounts to only a few tons. DESILVERISATION. PATTINSON'S PROCESS.-This operation is usually conducted in a series of from nine to twelve cast-iron pots, which, if worked by hand, contain 6 tons of metal each, but when cranes are em- ployed 10-ton pots are more generally used; these are ordinarily 5 feet 4 inches in diameter and 2 feet 6 inches in depth. A pot at one end of the series has generally a capacity equal to two-thirds only of that of cach of the others, and is known as the market-pot. Each pot is provided with a separate fire-place, and is heated by a cir- cular flue passing round it, which can be closed when required by means of a damper; the products of combustion finally escape into a flue below the level of the floor, running parallel with the line of pots. In order the more easily to follow the process, we will suppose the lead operated on, which, according to its quality, may or may not have previously under- gone the process of improving, to contain about 21 ozs. of silver per ton. If the market-pot be called No. 1, this lead will be introduced into No. 6, fig. 173;* when fused it is carefully skimmed with a perforated ladle, in order to remove the covering of oxide or pot-dross, and the fire is at once withdrawn. The cooling of the lead is now promoted by sprinkling water on its surface, and while its temperature is being thus lowered it is kept constantly stirred with a chisel-pointed iron bar called a slice. All those portions, which become solidified and adhere to the sides of the pot are also removed, and forced under the surface of the liquid metal, where they again become melted. By this treatment crystals soon begin to make their appearance; in proportion as these form and accumulate at the bottom they are removed by a large perforated iron ladle, in which, after having been well shaken, they are first allowed to drain into the pot whence they have been removed, and afterwards carried over and depo- sited in the next kettle (No. 5), in the direction of the market-pot. This is continued until two-thirds of the lead in pot No. 6 has been transferred in the form of crystals to pot No. 5, when the lead remaining in No. 6 will contain about 40 ozs. of silver per ton, while that transferred to No. 5 yields only about 11 ozs. per ton. The enriched lead in the bottom of No. 6 is now laded into No. 7, next on the left, which eventually becomes filled with lead containing 40 ozs. of silver per ton. A fresh supply of lead of the same tenure in silver is now introduced into pot No. 6, and the resulting crystals passed in the direction of the market-pot, while the enriched lead, re- maining in the bottom, is laded into the pot next to it on the other side. Each pot in succession, as it becomes filled by crystals from the one side, or by bottoms from the other, is in its turn crystallised. * The system adopted in numbering the pots in different establishments is not always the same. In many cases the numbers are made to commence with the kettle next the market-pot, which is called No. 1; for the purpose of describing the pro- cess it has, however, been considered more simple to begin with the market-pot, which thus itself becomes No. 1. LEAD. 579 "down the In this way the crystals obtained from the pots as they go house" towards the market-pot will become gradually poorer, while the pot-bottoms passing "up the house" in a contrary direction are progres- sively increasing in richness. The final result, consequently, will be that at one end of the line of kettles the lead will contain but little silver, while at the other it will have become very much enriched. Any lead that may be on hand assaying about 40 ozs. of silver will be introduced into pot No. 7, while lead containing 11 ozs. will be melted in No. 5; the other pots in the series may, in the same way, from time to time receive lead yielding the same amount, or a nearly similar amount, of silver per ton as the metal which they severally contain. When this system, which is known as the method of thirds, is strictly adhered to, the lead in each pot will be, approximately, twice as rich in silver as that which is next to it in the direction of the market-pot. If, however, a different lead has been introduced into any of the pots, the ratio of this progressive increase in silver may be more or less interfered with. In the richer pots the separation of silver is less complete than in the poorer ones, and consequently the progressive enrichment will not be so rapid. In working the last pot the whole of the bottom is not always laded out, as it is sometimes found advantageous to subject it to a treatment by which the richness of the alloy is still further increased. When the ordinary quantity of two-thirds of the lead has been transferred in the form of crystals to the pot next to it down the house, the remaining one- third will consist of a mixture of crystallised and uncrystallised alloy. The latter being much richer than the former, is separated as completely as possible, and this portion, only amounting to a little more than one- half the bottom, is sent to the refining furnace. This separation is effected by pressing the mixture with the curved side of one of the large perforated ladles, when the still-liquid alloy enters the bowl and is. removed by a small unperforated dipper; the lead thus obtained will evidently be richer in silver than the portion remaining in the kettle in the form of crystals. The desilverised metal, or market-lead, should not contain above 10 dwts. of silver per ton, while the rich lead is usually concentrated so as to contain from 400 to 600 ozs. per ton. During the whole of these operations oxidation of lead is continuously going on, and it may be estimated that lead assaying 20 ozs. of silver per ton will produce 25 per cent. of its weight of dross. At Pontgibaud, where the lead usually operated on contains 96½ ozs. of silver per ton, nearly one-third of the weight of the market-lead produced is skimmed off the various pots and is passed to the reducing furnace.* In an establishment in which the usual amount of silver in the lead * Before skimming a pot a little sawdust or spent tan is usually scattered over the surface of the metal, and well incorporated with the scum floating on the top. This facilitates the separation of metallic lead, when the dross is removed in a small perforated ladle, and also, to some extent, acts as a reducing agent during the sub- sequent treatment of the oxides in the reverberatory furnace. 2 P 2 580 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. operated on was about 21 ozs. per ton, assays of the several pots afforded the following results:— No. 1, market-pot • "" "" "" 2345 6, charging-pot 784 "" 9 • Silver per Ton. Oz. dwt. gr. 090 Market-lead. 0 18 6 2 0 0 4 5 5 0 11 4 0 21 9 41 1 79 8 0 129 Bottoms of No. 10 gave 10 . 219 16 0 · 358 ozs. 8 dwts. of silver per ton. At Pontgibaud, where the lead operated on is very rich, and a series of twelve pots is employed, the assays of the various kettles were, in 1867, as follow :- No. 1, market-pot " 3 * 2 3 • Silver per Ton. Oz. dwt. gr. 0 9 15 Market-lead. 0 19 7 1 18 14 3 17 4 7 7 21 12 17 5 9 6717 UAWN 4 5 22 10 3 36 19 12 59 9 16 "" 10, charging-pot 96 9 4 11 "" 167 3 2 12 273 6 1 Bottom of No. 12 gave 514 ozs. 9 dwts. 18 grs. per ton. The ladle employed, when manual labour is made use of, is 16 inches in diameter, 5 inches in depth, and is pierced with -inch holes. When cranes are used, the ladles are 20 inches in diameter, 6 inches in depth, and are picrced with -inch holes; thickness of iron, 2-inch; length of handle, 9 feet 6 inches. The large baling-ladles used for turning back the bottoms are 14 inches in diameter and 8 inches deep, having a handle 7 feet long. 4 When, during the operation of fishing out the crystals, the ladle becomes chilled and the holes partially closed, it is heated to the proper temperature by being placed for a few seconds in the pot of hot lead, into which they are turned over. It was formerly usual to provide small pots for this purpose filled with lead, called heaters, in front of the larger pots, but these are now generally dispensed with. Two crystallisers are em- ployed in working each pot, and one fireman is required for each set; the working of each pot occupies about two hours, and by the use of cranes 10-ton pots can be worked as expeditiously as 6-ton pots by hand. When the lead operated on contains about 24 ozs. of silver per ton, the average expenditure of coal per ton of lead treated is 7.14 cwts. At LEAD. 581 Pontgibaud the desilverisation of the rich work-lead there produced is attended with a consumption of about 9 cwts. of coal per ton. Figs. 173 and 174 represent a plan and elevation of a set of Pattin- son's pots as arranged for working with cranes. No. 1 is the market-pot, 10 d B 7 d d 4 B Fig. 173.- Pattinson's Pots; plan. having two-thirds the capacity of the others, which are working-pots; a long ash-pit, A, extends the whole length of the set, and is partially covered by the iron platform, B, supported on pillars; each of the fire- places, a, is provided with an iron door. In order to desilverise by the aid of this arrangement, the potman sinks the ladle sideways to the bottom of the kettle; and having turned WISON WK MA Fig. 174.-Pattinson's Pots; elevation. it over so as to become full of crystals, he attaches a hook to the cross- handle, a', of the ladle, fig. 173, which is then withdrawn by the other workman, who turns the winch. In doing this the iron shank slides over a roller on the end of the crane, d, and as soon as it is withdrawn from the metal, the first workman, who guides the handle during the operation, slips it into one of the cheeks, c, at the back, where it becomes securely fixed. The ladle, filled with crystals, is thus suspended over the pot whence it was withdrawn, and after being allowed to drain for a short time it receives a few shakes by smartly jerking the handle, which for this purpose is released from the cheek at the back of the crane. This is now swung round, the shank of the ladle slipped from under the catch, and the crystals deposited in the pot next on the right. This is con- tinued until the necessary amount of crystals has been withdrawn, when the enriched lead, remaining in the bottom, is taken out by a ladle with- out perforations, and is turned over in the next pot on the left. Although the method by thirds is that usually adoped for the desilver- isation of lead moderately rich in silver, no general rule can be laid down with regard to the system of working to be employed, as this may be more or less varied in accordance with the particular requirements of 582 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the case. For the desilverisation of poor argentiferous lead a system called the method by eighths is sometimes employed, when, instead of re- moving two-thirds of the contents of each pot in the form of crystals, seven eighths are taken out in that state. The treatment of poor argenti- ferous lead may, however, be effected by a combination of the two systems; beginning by the method of eighths, the enriched lead may be further concentrated by the method of thirds. MODIFICATIONS OF PATTINSON'S PROCESS.-A patent was granted to Mr. P. J. Worsley, in 1860, for "Improvements in the Separation of Silver and Lead," but although sundry experiments carried out at the Rotherhithe Lead-Works sufficiently demonstrated the efficiency of the process, it was ultimately abandoned, on the ground of the expensive nature of the necessary alterations in the plant, and on account of the time required for the workmen to acquire the requisite amount of experience. A very similar arrangement for effecting the same object has, how- ever, been introduced at lead-works at Rouen and elsewhere, under the name of the "système Laveissière." The arrangement employed for this process essentially consists of two cast-iron vessels, the first of which is called the melting-pot, and the other the crystallising-pot, which must be placed at such a level that the metal from the melting-pot may be run directly into it. Below the level of the crystallising-pot must be one or more receivers for the reception of the enriched lead. The melting-pot is provided, on the side next the crystalliser, with a discharge-pipe closed by a slide valve. The crystallising apparatus is a cast-iron pot, provided with a vertical stirrer, which, at opposite sides of the bottom, has discharge- pipes fitted with slide-valves. Each of these is heated by a fire to prevent its becoming obstructed by the cooling of the metal within it, and below are placed pots for the reception of the liquid alloy, which, on opening the valves, drains from the crystals retained in the pot above. The stirring apparatus consists of two vertical shafts of wrought-iron working vertically in the centre of the pot; one of these is solid, and stands on a step cast on the bottom, while the other, which incloses it, is a tube, and is supported by a collar. Each axle has, at its upper extremity, a mitre-wheel, and the outer one being shorter than the other, another mitre-wheel is made to work horizontally between them in such a way as to cause the two shafts to revolve in contrary directions. To the lower extremity of each is attached an iron stirrer provided with knives, which almost touch the sides of the pot, so as to protect them from any incrus- tation of chilled lead. The object of this stirrer, which receives its motion, by a belt, from a steam-engine or water-wheel, is to promote throughout the mass the production of that uniformity of temperature necessary for the crystallisation of the metal, and to so compress the crystals formed as to cause them to separate readily from the liquid alloy. With the formation of increasing quantities of crystals the resistance to stirring becomes greater, and when a certain quantity has accumu- lated, a considerable amount of power becomes necessary. The appa- LEAD. 583 ratus employed should therefore be provided with a tightening pulley, or some similar contrivance, by which the belt is made to slip when the desired accumulation of crystals has taken place. These conditions may be so adjusted as to suit any system of working; but when the liquid alloy is to be reduced to one-third the weight of the total contents of the pot, the stirrer must be arrested as soon as two-thirds of the charge have assumed the crystalline form. The pots are heated by separate fire- places, and above those, into which the liquid alloy is run out, is a crane by which the cnriched lead is lifted, by means of iron eyes cast into the metal, and is brought back to the melting-pot, to be again treated. In working with this apparatus, such a quantity of the lead to be operated on must be melted as corresponds to the capacity of the crys- tallising vessel, and as soon as it is fused it is run into the crystalliser, and the operation of stirring commences. The formation of crystals is effected in the usual way by gradually lowering the temperature, and as soon as the required amount has been formed the lateral valves are opened and the liquid alloy is run into the receiving-pots. Lead, containing the same amount of silver as the crystals remaining in the crystalliser, is now fused in the melting-pot in such quantity as to make up with them another charge; this is tapped in upon the crystals, and a second quantity of enriched alloy is obtained as before. These operations are continued until rich alloy suited for cupel- lation is obtained on the one hand, and poor lead ready for the market on the other. As soon as a sufficient amount of each class of lead has been accu- mulated to make up a full charge, with the crystals remaining in the crystalliser, the process may be continued with unbroken regularity. It is stated that by this method the cost of labour is only one-half of that by the ordinary process, and that, in addition, a considerable saving of fuel is effected. At the lead-works of MM. Luce & Rozan, at Marseilles, a process of crystallising by steam has been introduced. The apparatus employed is similar in form and arrangement to that employed by M. Laveissière, at Rouen; but instead of using machinery for stirring the lead, the same object is more simply and effectually accomplished by introducing a jet of high-pressure steam into the molten metal. The agitation caused by the ascent of the steam through the mass of lead is very great, and necessitates that the sides of the pot should be much higher than usual above the surface of the metal, and also that it should be provided with a strong iron cover, having four segmental openings fitted with hinged flaps, which the workmen open, one after the other, as required. To this cover is fitted a large iron pipe, through which the escaping steam and dust are carried into condensing chambers communicating with the chimney. The steam is maintained at a uniform pressure of 45 lbs. per square inch; experience having shown that a lower one is insuffi- cient to overcome the resistance offered by the mass of crystals, and that steam at a higher pressure acts too energetically as an oxidising agent. Before turning on steam, care must be taken to let out any 584 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. condensed water that may have collected in the steam-pipes, or otherwise an explosion would ensue. Mr. W. Hutchison, who visited the works of MM. Luce & Rozan with a view to ascertaining the relative cost and efficiency of their method as compared with the old system of working with cranes, is of opinion that its adoption would, in the case of rich leads, result in an economy of at least 30 per cent. on the old Pattinson process. DESILVERISATION BY ZINC. PARKES'S PROCESS.-When lead and zinc are melted together, and the fused mixture is allowed to cool slowly, the zinc solidifies first, forming a layer on the surface of the metallic bath, which may be readily removed in the form of a crust containing nearly the whole of the silver present in the original lead. Patents for the desilverisation of lead by this means were granted to Mr. Alexander Parkes, of Birmingham, in the years 1850, 1851, and 1852; in 1859 this process was in operation at the works of Messrs. Sins, Willyams, Nevill and Co., of Llanelly. As it was there carried out, the process is conducted as follows:-A charge of 7 tons of the lead to be desilverised is fused in a large cast-iron pot, close to which is placed a smaller one for the fusion of the necessary zinc. As soon as the whole of the lead has become melted it is made to boil, by the insertion of a green pole, and the oxides, which rise to the surface, are removed by a perforated skimmer. The temperature of the metal is now raised to the melting-point of zinc, and zinc is added in the fused state in the proportion of about 1½ lb. for each ounce of silver contained in the lead operated on. The mixture is now well stirred during about two hours, the fire subsequently withdrawn, and the metal allowed gradually to cool; during the process of cooling, any of the zinc alloy which may adhere, in the form of solid rings, to the sides of the pot must be removed by means of a piece of wood, and as soon as the surface has sufficiently hardened it is collected by skimming with a perforated ladle. The alloy thus obtained is a mixture of lead and zinc containing silver, and is subjected to a process of liquation in an inclined iron retort, where it is heated somewhat above the melting- point of lead. The eliquated lead thus obtained should assay about 10 ozs. of silver per ton, and the residual zinc will contain, in addition to a considerable amount of silver, about 50 per cent. of lead. This cliquated lead is allowed to accumulate until the quantity is sufficient to form a charge for the melting-pot, when it is fused and skimmed in the usual way, but without addition of zinc, as the proportion of that metal present is sufficient for the removal of the silver. The zinc, after being as far as possible freed from lead by liquation, is distilled in a Belgian furnace, in admixture with lime and coal-dust; the residue in the retorts consists of lead and pulverulent matter. The former is re-melted, skimmed and cupelled; and the latter added to the charges, of an ordi- nary lead furnace. The lead which remains in the melting-pot, after the removal of the argentiferous alloy from its surface, contains a certain amount of zinc which must be removed by treatment in the ordinary softening furnace. The furnace used for this purpose may be of the usual dimensions, and LEAD. 585 the melted lead is maintained at a full red-heat for a period varying with its quality. A calcination of from nine to twelve hours will generally be found sufficient, but samples must be taken, from time to time, for the purpose of testing the progress of the operation. The lead is skimmed twice: once about three hours after charging, and a second time shortly before tapping. After a comparatively short trial, Parkes's process was abandoned at the Llanelly works, as practical difficulties were experienced which could not at the time be overcome. In 1851 this subject was carefully investigated by Karsten and Lange at Friedrichshütte, near Tarnowitz; but the process was finally abandoned on the following grounds: first, that it was difficult to so completely separate the zinc from the desilver- ised lead as to render it easily marketable; secondly, that the silver could not be extracted from the zinc alloy without considerable loss; and thirdly, that the separation of zinc from the lead was equally difficult to accomplish. MODIFICATIONS OF PARKES'S PROCESS IN Germany and ELSEWHERE. The desilverisation of lead by means of zinc was again taken up in Germany in 1866, since which date the process has been in operation at the works of Messrs. Pirath & Co., of Commern, and at those of Herbst & Co., near Call. At the works above mentioned the process is conducted as follows:-The lead is melted in a large iron pot, and is sufficiently heated to fuse a piece of zinc when placed upon its surface. The zinc is added in three successive portions: first, two-thirds of the quantity required, then one-fourth, and lastly one-twelfth. After addi- tion of the first portion, the two metals are intimately mixed by stirring with a perforated ladle for about half an hour; during this period the temperature is well maintained, and at the expiration of that time the fire is damped down with wet fuel, and the pot allowed to cool. As soon as the crust of zinc which accumulates on the surface has become sufficiently solidified it is removed, and any portions that may adhere to the sides are carefully detached; the skimming is continued until the lead begins to crystallise and to set on the surfaces of the pot. The lead is now again heated to the melting-point of zinc, the second portion of that metal is added, and the stirring and skimming are conducted as before. Finally, the third addition of zinc is made, and the contents of the pot are again stirred and skimmed. On account of the richness in silver of the zinc which now comes to the surface, it becomes necessary that in this case the skimming should be performed with a more than usual amount of The proportion of zinc added is regulated in accordance with the amount of silver present in the original lead. care. For the complete desilverisation of argentiferous lead the following proportions of zinc have, in practice, been found necessary :— Lead containing 250 grammes of silver per 1,000 kilos requires 14 p. c. of zine. 500 1,000 "}} "" "" "" 11}{} 1/1 "" >> 17 1,500 "" >> "" 3,000 >> "" >> "" 4,000 2 >> "" 586 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. It will be observed that the quantity of zinc necessary is by no means proportionate to the amount of silver contained in the lead. No reason can at present be assigned for this, but the accuracy of the figures above given has been confirmed by the results of a series of trials made at the silver-works at Clausthal. The argentiferous zinc removed from the mixing-pot retains a con- siderable amount of lead, which is partially separated by liquation by means of two iron pots, one placed at a higher level than the other; to the bottom of the upper pot is cast a pipe, which can be opened or closed as required. The zinc skimmings are strongly heated in this pot, and the eliquated metal which collects in the bottom is tapped into the lower vessel, while the argentiferous residue remains in the upper one in the form of a pulverulent mass. The eliquated metal carries with it a little silver and zinc, and after slowly cooling, it is skimmed, the skimmings. being again subjected to liquation. The residual lead, which is now poor in silver, is added to the original metal previously to the introduction of the third portion of zinc. The argentiferous zinc residues are finally melted in a small blast-furnace with an admixture of lead slags and tap- cinder, and the lead obtained is cupelled in an English refining furnace. At the works of Herbst & Co. the dezincification of the desilverised lead is cffected by the aid of chloride of lead. For this purpose the poor lead from which the zinc is to be removed is kept melted at a moderate temperature, for about twenty-four hours, under a layer of chloride of lead, when, by frequent stirring, the zinc is converted into zinc chloride with the separation of a corresponding amount of metallic lead. The chloride of lead used is prepared by treating fume from the flues with hydrochloric acid, and is consequently by no means pure. At the lead-works of Pirath and Co., at Commern, common salt has been employed for the same purpose; and at the Imperial works at Clausthal experiments have been made on the substitution of the natural potassium salts of Stassfurt for chloride of sodium. These salts, which contain chloride of magnesium, are by the aid of frequent stirring said to have afforded results quite as satisfactory as those produced by the use of chloride of lead, while a mixture of sulphate of lead and Stassfurt salt is stated to have been more advantageous than either chloride of lead or the salt alone. As, however, there is not the slightest difficulty in removing, in the course of a few hours, the zine from desilverised lead in an ordinary softening furnace by the aid of a moderate heat, it appears very doubtful if any advantage is to be derived from the use of the salts specified. It is believed that their use is now almost entirely abandoned. According to Illig the dezincification of desilverised lead may be effected by passing it through a small blast-furnace with the addition of sand and tap-cinder. There can be no doubt but that the zinc may be thus removed, although a considerable loss of lead must necessarily ensue, and the lead so treated would be more or less hardened; this method of treatment is, in point of fact, a fusion in the slag-hearth. In the year 1866, Clemens Fleming Flach, "of Call, in the kingdom LEAD. 587 of Prussia," obtained letters patent in this country for " Improvements in Extracting Silver from Lead." By the system described in the specification of this patent the lead is first desilverised by two or more successive additions of zinc in the usual way, and the resulting argenti- ferous alloy is melted in a low blast-furnace with siliceous slags. The zinc is removed from the desilverised lead by fusion with slags in a blast-furnace, and by boiling the lead produced, when in a state of fusion, by the introduction of green poles. Several lead-smelters in this country, and among others the Par Smelting Company, Cornwall, Messrs. Locke, Blackett and Co., New- castle-on-Tyne, and Messrs. Glover and Robinson, Widnes, Lancashire, are at present working under licenses from the representatives of the late C. F. Flach.* This process has also been introduced into various large Continental establishments, such as that belonging to the Mecher- nich Company, near Duren, Prussia, and at the lead-works of Guillem and Co., at Marseilles. As, however, might have been anticipated, the process for separating zinc from the desilverised lead in the blast-furnace has not been adopted. This process in its modified form is exceedingly simple, and is con- ducted in the following way: At a height of about 8 feet from the level of the floor three cast-iron pots are placed in brick-work over sepa- rate fire-places; the largest of these is of a capacity to contain a charge of about 12 tons of lead, while the other two are much smaller, each holding about 3 tons of metal. The lead to be desilverised is melted in the larger pot, where the usual quantity of zinc is added, in three successive portions, and the argentiferous alloy is removed, in the way already described. This is deposited in one of the smaller pots, in which a portion of the associated lead is separated by liquation; this collects at the bottom, and the con- centrated argentiferous alloy is skimmed from its surface by the aid of a shallow perforated ladle. When one of the smaller pots has become filled with skimmings from the large one it is subjected to liquation; the other in the mean time serving for the reception of skimmings from the larger pot. The argentiferous alloy, from which as much as possible of the lead has been previously separated, is smelted with an admixture of lead slag and tap-cinder, in a blast-furnace, 2 feet square and 9 feet in height, blown by three tuyers. The lead thus obtained is finally subjected to cupellation. During the process of smelting in the blast-furnace the zinc becomes volatilised, and is carried off by the flue in the form of zinc oxide; the draught is accelerated by the introduction of a steam-jet into the flue leading from the top of the blast-furnace to the chimney. The lead eliquated in the smaller pots, from the skimmings removed from the large one, is added to the next charge of original lead. That remaining in the large pot, after the removal of the zinciferous crust, is tapped into the pan of an improving-furnace, situated at a lower level, where it is kept at a full red-heat during about twelve hours, and is occa- * Flach died in 1868. 588 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. sionally skimmed with an iron rake; at the cxpiration of this time it is drawn off into a cast-iron pot and laded into moulds as market-lead. At the Par Smelting Works, where this system has been in operation for several years, a saving of nearly 40 per cent. has been effected over the cost of desilverisation by Pattinson's process, and the excess of silver is somewhat larger than is obtained by that method; the loss of lead is stated to be slightly over 2 per cent. Guillem & Co., of Marseilles, state that by this system their rich lead is concentrated so as to contain 9 per cent. of silver, and that they estimate the saving in cost, as compared with the ordinary Pattinson process, at 45 per cent. Messrs. Glover and Robinson have also entirely discarded the process of crystallisation, and inform us that they find desilverisation by zinc considerably more advantageous. By Cordurie's process, for which a patent was obtained in this country a few weeks prior to the date of Flach's, the dezincification of desilverised lead is effected by the agency of steam. Superheated steam is passed through the desilverised lead, heated to redness, until hydrogen gas ceases to be evolved. By this means the zinc is oxidised by the oxygen of the steam with an equivalent evolution of hydrogen, while the lead is but slightly attacked; the zinc oxide which rises to the surface is subsc- quently skimmed off. The argentiferous crust of zinciferous alloy is also exposed to the action either of hot air or of superheated steam; the zine is thus oxidised, together with a certain quantity of lead, and the mixed oxides are separated from the residual argentiferous lead either by liquation or by skimming. The rich lead resulting from this treatment is cupelled. A description of Cordurié's process, as conducted in the works of Messrs. Rothschild, at Havre, has been published by M. Gruner,* who pre- dicted that it would shortly supersede every other process of desilverisa- tion. We, however, agree with Dr. Percy, that as zinc can be readily removed from desilverised lead in the improving furnace, it is not probable that superheated steam will ever be generally employed for that purpose. In a pamphlet by Sièger on the comparative merits of the systems of Flach and Cordurié, without date, but, we believe, published in 1870, it is stated that several establishments which had made trial of Cordurié's process had subsequently abandoned its use. CUPELLING OR REFINING.-In this country the cupellation of argenti- ferous lead is conducted on a hearth composed of bone-ash, which forms the movable bottom of a reverberatory furnace. The cupel, or test, is contained in an elliptical iron framing, seldom less than 5 or 6 inches in depth, usually about 4 feet in its greater and 3 feet in its lesser diameter. To support and strengthen the bottom of the test, this frame is provided with four parallel cross-bars, 4 inches wide, and, like the ring itself, half an inch in thickness. There are also two bars of wrought- iron called "strap-bars," connecting the first transverse bar at the wider end with the ring. This framing, or test-ring, is most frequently made of wrought-iron, the cross bars being attached by rivets, but in some cases * Annales des Mines,' 6 Sér. 13, p. 395. 1868. *. LEAD. 589 it is formed of cast-iron, and is then, including the bars across the bottom, cast in one piece. To prepare a test, the frame is filled with bone-ash well beaten in layers, after having been previously moistened with a little water, holding a small quantity of pearl-ash in solution; the presence of a minute pro- portion of this substance has the effect of giving consistency to the cupel when heated. After the framing has, in this way, been filled with slightly- moistened bone-ash, solidly beaten down, a cavity is carefully scooped in its upper surface, until the sides are left 2 inches in width at top, measuring from the iron ring, and gradually widening to about 3 inches at bottom; the thickness of the bottom itself may be about 1 inch. At the front, or wider end of the test, three holes are usually bored 7 k i h B Fig. 175.-Refinery; front elevation. through it; of these the central one is made to communicate, by means of a channel, with the fluid litharge in the annular cavity, formed between the test and the slightly-curved edge of the metallic bath. This allows the fused oxide of lead to escape as rapidly as it is produced, and when it becomes so much corroded by the action of litharge as to be no longer serviceable, it is closed by a little moistened bone-ash, and a new channel is opened in connection with one of the other holes. The test thus prepared must be kept for some time in a warm place, to become thoroughly dry, and may be then placed in the refining furnace, of which it forms the bottom. Figs. 175, 176, 177, represent, respectively, an elevation, a horizontal section, and a vertical section, through the longer axis, of the refinery employed at the Couëron Lead-Works. The size of the fire-place, A, varies with the other dimensions of the furnace, but it is usually nearly square, and may measure about 2 feet by 2 feet 4 inches. This is separated from the body of the furnace by a 590 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. bridge, from 14 to 18 inches in width, so that the products of combustion pass from it directly over the surface of the test, and escape to the main flue by two separate apertures, a. The test, B, is maintained in its position, so as to form the furnace bottom, by being tightly jammed, by means of the wedges, b, of which there are four, supported by two iron C a B Fig. 176.-Refinery; horizontal section. bars, against the iron ring, c (fig. 177), firmly built into the masonry of the furnace. The application of heat to the test must, at first, be regulated with care, since if the temperature were too abruptly raised it would be liable to crack and exfoliate. As soon as it has become properly annealed -$2 k a . B Fig. 177.-Refinery; transverse section through tuyer. it is heated to redness, and a charge of the lead to be operated on is intro- duced. In the majority of cases this is previously fused in an iron pot, C, set over a firc-place, and provided with a gutter, d, through which the molten lead is laded into the cavity of the test. When first introduced into the furnace, the liquid metal becomes covered by a greyish dross; but as LEAD. 591 soon as it has acquired the full temperature of the test, the surface of the bath uncovers, and fused litharge begins to make its appearance. The blast is now turned on through the nozzle, e, and the melted litharge is thus driven from the back of the test up towards the breast, whence it escapes by a channel or gate, ƒ (fig. 176), in connection with the central aperture, g, through which it falls into a shallow cast-iron pot, mounted on wheels, and furnished with a long handle. When the channel, f, has become so much acted upon by the litharge as to be no longer service- able, a new one is made, as shown by the dotted lines, communicating with one of the holes situated to the right or left of the longer axis of the test. Fuel is supplied to the grate through the door, h, while that marked i is used for the purpose of watching and regulating the opera- tion; the fumes are carried off by the hood, k, and the iron chimney, l. Sometimes, instead of feeding the test with rich lead in a fused state, the metal is introduced into the furnace in the form of pigs. In such cases the furnace is provided with one or more iron-lined openings, called pig-holes, through which the metal is introduced at the back of the furnace, in the vicinity of the blast-pipe. The blast, which is usually supplied by a fan, not only furnishes the oxygen necessary for the formation of litharge, but also sweeps the fused oxide along the surface of the metal towards the breast. In some cases, a blast, produced by means of a jet of steam, is employed, instead of a current of air from ordinary blowing machinery. In proportion as the surface of the metal in the test becomes depressed, through constant oxidation, and the continual removal of the resulting litharge, additional lead is supplied, either from the melting-pot, C, or in the form of pigs, so as to keep it nearly at the original level. In this way the operation is continued until the lead has become so much enriched as to render it desirable that it should be tapped. When the lead operated on contains about 600 ozs. of silver per ton, this operation is generally performed at intervals of eight hours; during this time about 32 cwts. of lead will have been introduced, and from 4 to 6 cwts. of enriched alloy will remain in the bottom of the cupel. The removal of the highly-con- centrated argentiferous lead is generally effected by making a hole in the bottom of the test by means of a drill contrived for that purpose, and running it off into a cast-iron pot, on wheels, placed under the cupel for its reception; in some cases, lading out the rich lead is resorted to instead of tapping. When the concentrated rich lead has been thus drawn off, the tapping-hole is closed, by a pellet of bone-ash, kept in its place by an iron plate, and another charge is immediately introduced. The reason for thus removing the enriched argentiferous lead from the cupel is to avoid the carrying-off of too large an amount of silver in the litharge, which would be the case if fresh lead were continuously added to a constantly-increasing accumulation of silver. In works where the concentration of silver is effected by the use of zinc, it is not customary to tap the highly-enriched lead from the cupel; since it is found more advantageous to carry on the operation without interruption, and to add the metal resulting from the reduction of litharge to the original lead, before the introduction of zinc. When tapping or lading out is resorted 3 592 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. to, the whole of the lead operated on is thus further enriched, and the resulting highly argentiferous alloy is finally subjected to cupellation, either in the same test, or in another specially prepared for the purpose. The appearance of the surface indicates the precise period at which the operation is terminated; the blast is then turned off, and the fire removed from the grate. The plate of silver is thus allowed to set, and as soon as it has done so, the wedges, b, are removed from beneath the test-frame, which, together with its contents, is lowered upon a small iron bogie-waggon, and taken away to cool. The silver is subsequently detached from the cupel, and any adhering particles of litharge, slag, or bone-ash, are removed by scraping with a wire brush. An ordinary refinery works off from 4 to 5 cwts. of lead per hour, and consumes from 6 to 7 cwts. of coal per ton of lead oxidised. The plate obtained may vary in weight from 5,000 to 10,000 ozs. and usually con- tains from 997 to 998 parts of silver in a thousand. The loss of lead experienced during the operation of cupelling is about 7 per cent. of the weight worked; the process is conducted by one refiner on each shift, occasionally assisted by a labourer. The test bottoms, which are saturated with litharge, and contain a certain amount of silver, are broken up and smelted, either in the blast-furnace or other- wise. In smelting establishments in which the lead produced is first Pattinsonised, and the silver afterwards obtained by cupellation upon the English test, the annual surplus of that metal, in excess of the amount, indicated by assay, of the ores, is seldom less than 2 per cent. REDUCING.-The reduction to the metallic state of litharge from the refinery, the pot-dross, and the dross from the calcining pans, is, in this country, effected in a reverberatory furnace, somewhat resembling in form that used for smelting; excepting that its dimensions are smaller, and that the sole, instead of being lower beneath the middle door than at any other part, gradually slopes from the fire-bridge to the flue at the opposite extremity. Here there is a depression in which is the tap-hole; this constantly remains partially open, and from it the reduced metal continually flows into a small iron pot, placed on the side of the furnace. Under this pot a fire is lighted, and the lead is subsequently laded from the pot into moulds. Before being thrown into the furnace, the litharge is mixed with small-coal, and is then charged on that part of the hearth which lies before the fire-bridge. To prevent the fused oxide from attacking the bottom of the furnace, and also to afford a sort of hollow filter for the liquid metal, the workman, before charging the oxide to be reduced, covers the hearth with a layer, about two inches in thickness, of bituminous coal. The heat of the furnace soon causes the ignition of this stratum, and it quickly becomes burnt to the state of a spongy cinder upon which the mixture of litharge and carbonaceous matter is charged. The small- coal in the charge causes the reduction of the litharge, which, assuming the metallic form, flows gradually through the interstices in the cinder, and falls into the depression at the extremity of the hearth; whence it gradually flows through an iron spout into the external pot in which it is LEAD. 593 collected. The surface of the charge is, during its elaboration, frequently stirred with an iron rake, for the double purpose of exposing new surfaces to the action of the furnace, and also to allow the reduced lead to escape more readily. Additional quantities of the material operated on, mixed with coal, are from time to time charged into the furnace; at the termination of the shift, which commonly extends over twelve hours, the tap-hole is fully opened, and, after the escape of the whole of the lead, the residual lead- cinder is withdrawn. A new floor of cinders is then formed, and the operation continued as before. A furnace with a bottom 8 feet in length and 7 feet in width, will reduce 53 tons of lead from litharge, in the course of twenty-four hours. About 3 cwts. of coal are required for the reduction of each ton of litharge. No fresh material is charged for a considerable time previously to the termination of a shift, and the lead- cinder then withdrawn, is, in the majority of cases, smelted in the slag- hearth or in some other form of blast-furnace. GERMAN CUPELLATION. The old German cupelling furnace, which is still in use in many Con- tinental establishments, is represented in figs. 178, 179, of which the first is an elevation, and the second a horizontal section. This apparatus consists of a kind of reverberatory oven, having a cir- i L Fig. 178.-German Cupelling Furnace; elevation. cular hearth, A (fig. 179), and a lateral fire-place, B. The bottom, which is regularly hollowed from the sides towards the middle, is composed of fire- bricks closely set on edge upon a solid stratum of firmly-compressed slag, 2 Q 594 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 1 and is again covered with a coating of marl, carefully beaten down by iron rammers; this is always re-laid previously to the commencement of a fresh operation. This layer of marl corresponds to the test employed by English refiners, and is covered by a dome of iron plastered over with marl, and capable of being either removed, or lifted into its place, by means of chains attached to a lever supported by the movable crane, C. In the sides of this furnace are five openings; by the largest of these, d, the flame passes from the fire-place into the interior of the hearth; the two openings, l, serve for the introduction of the tuyers, by which a blast п Fig. 179.-German Cupelling Furnace; horizontal section. is thrown on the fused metal, for the purpose of assisting its oxidation and, at the same time, forcing the litharge formed on its surface towards the aperture, E, from which it escapes in a fused state; finally, F is the opening, through which a portion of the lead to be operated on is inserted, in the form of hemispherical pigs. At the commencement of the opera- tion the opening, E, is partially closed by the marl of the cupel, but in proportion as the operation advances channels or gateways are succes- sively cut down by a serrated iron bar, to the level of the litharge con- tained in the furnace. The litharge which escapes from this opening flows down to the floor of the building, where it accumulates. Before commencing a cupellation it is necessary to arrange the cupel, and for this purpose, after having removed the dome, the old cupel bottom, strongly impregnated with litharge, is broken up and carried away to be treated for the lead which it contains. The brick bottom is now moistened with water, and covered by a thick layer of marl, well consolidated by the use of a heavy iron rammer, and the furnace is ready for immediate use. About 5 tons of ordinary lead are usually cupelled at one operation, and of this a little less than three-fourths is introduced into the furnace LEAD. 595 before lighting up; the remainder is added at successive intervals during the progress of the cupellation. As soon as the marl cupel has been completed, about 75 cwts. of lead are charged, in the form of small hemi- spherical pigs, which are placed with their convex surfaces downwards, so as not to injure the bottom. On the centre of the heap of lead thus formed are placed some billets of wood; these are ignited by means of a shovelful of burning charcoal, and the movable cover, after being care- fully dropped into its place, is luted round with fire-clay. The blast is then turned on, and a fire of billets is made upon the grate. From three to five hours are required for the complete fusion of the mass, and when this has been accomplished the surface of the molten lead is found to be covered by a scum, to which the Germans give the name of Abzug. In order to facilitate the removal of this, by skimming, and to render it as liquid as possible, the temperature is now raised, and it is drawn through the litharge-channel, E. This skimming occupies about an hour, during which time fresh quantities of scum are continually rising to the surface. The bath of lead gradually acquires a gentle circular movement, and becomes bright and clear, but is quickly obscured by a pasty covering of impure litharge, or Abstrich. This, which is removed through the litharge- channel, ordinarily begins to flow about an hour and a half after the skim- ming-off of the last Abzug, and continues to escape during about the same length of time, after which pure litharge makes its appearance. Litharge subsequently continues to flow from the furnace until the Blick, or brightening of the residual silver, takes place; this generally occurs in from thirty to thirty-three hours after first turning on the blast. As soon as the flow of Abstrich has ceased, two pigs of lead are in- troduced through the opening, F, which, besides being used for this purpose, serves as a passage for the escape of a large portion of the pro- ducts of combustion. The lead thus added is placed on a part of the upper border of the bottom, which is raised for that purpose slightly above the ordinary level. In thus adding the second portion of the lead' to be cupelled, a hard refractory mass of Abzug is left behind on the part of the bottom where the fusion of the pig is effected; this is from time to time loosened and removed. Towards the close of the operation the temperature requires to be considerably increased for the purpose of keeping the alloy, which is then rich in silver, in a sufficiently liquid state. The nozzles of the tuyers supplying air to the cupel are sometimes covered by small valves called "butterflies," which, being hung before them, serve to spread the blast over the surface of the metallic bath. The operation is thus continued until the greater portion of the lead has been removed in the form of litharge, and a plate of nearly pure silver remains. Immediately after the brightening has taken place, the workmen throw water over the surface of the metallic residue, and the Blicksilber, which is not pure, but still contains a little lead, &c., is removed from the furnace for the purpose of being refined. A depression is made in the furnace bottom for the reception of this residual silver, which is consequently 2Q 2 596 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. obtained in the form of a flattened cake, presenting, roughly, the shape of the cavity made in the bottom of the cupel. The average loss of lead during cupellation by the German process estimated at 8 per cent.; but when, as was formerly the case, the bed was formed of lixiviated wood-ashes mixed with a little lime, this loss is stated to have been sometimes as high as 14 per cent. According to Winkler (1837) about 250 cubic feet of cord-wood are required for the cupellation of 5 tons of argentiferous lead in the state in which it is obtained from the smelting furnace. At Freiberg (1860), where what is called “refined lead" is operated on, about 18 tons are cupelled at one operation ; of this, 63 tons are placed on the bottom at the beginning, and the remainder added after the flow of litharge has commenced. On account of the purity of this lead, the amount of Abzug formed does not exceed 6 cwts., and there is no Abstrich; the amount of litharge produced is about 17 tons, of which from one-quarter to one-sixth is red litharge, which is sold as such, while the remainder is reduced to the metallic state, and Pattinsonised. Each cupellation occupies about eighty hours, and the quantity of wood consumed is from 162 to 165 cubic feet; the loss of lead is said to be from 8 to 10 per cent. The cupel bottoms are subsequently taken to the lead furnaces to be smelted. REFINING THE BLICKSILBER.-This operation, which is called Fein- brennen, may be performed in various ways, all founded on the principle of the separation of impurities by oxidation, at a temperature somewhat above the melting-point of silver. The most ancient process appears to be that of refining by means of a blast on an open test, of which the general arrangement is somewhat similar to that of the ordinary blacksmith's forge. This method of refining is described by Agricola in his 'De Re Metallica' (1561), and five illustrative woodcuts are given of the apparatus then employed; it essentially consists of a large cupel beaten into an iron dish, and of double bellows for supplying a constant blast. The test was formerly made of a mixture of two-thirds lixiviated wood-ashes, and one-third bone-ash ; subsequently a mixture of bone-ash and sulphate of barium was made use of, but latterly marl similar to that used for the furnace bottom was employed. A hollow is cut with a curved knife in the centre of this test, which is placed in a cavity prepared for its reception in the top of the hearth. The Blicksilber is cut into pieces, and piled upon the test, which is surrounded by a sheet-iron hoop filled with charcoal; ignited charcoal is placed before the nozzle, and the blast is turned on. The fusion of the silver is usually complete in the course of about half an hour, when the iron hoop is taken away, and the charcoal removed from the surface of the metal. Small billets of dry wood are now laid before the tuyer; these are replaced by fresh ones as fast as they are consumed, and care is taken to remove any ash that may fall upon the surface of the metallic bath. During this operation the silver is occasionally stirred with an iron rod, and, as soon as the pear-shaped drop of metal which adheres to its extremity is observed to vegetate on cooling, the blast is stopped, LEAD. 597 the fire removed, and the cake of fine silver cooled with water until it is solidified. It is then removed from the test, and, after being cleared from adhering particles of slag and litharge, is ready for the market. Instead of refining on an open test, the operation was sometimes con- ducted under a muffle into which a blast was admitted; the refining of Blicksilber is now usually conducted either in a movable test, like that employed in the English process, or in a fixed cupel forming the bottom of a reverberatory furnace. LEAD FUME. Lead, being to a considerable extent volatile at high temperatures, a notable loss of that metal is experienced during the operations of smelt- ing, refining, reducing, &c.; various means are consequently employed for the purpose of collecting these fumes and for rendering them avail- able as a source of lead. The most efficacious method of collecting the lead carried off in the state of fume is by the use of long flues of con- siderable transverse area. Numerous other contrivances, such as drawing the fumes through water, passing them through condensing chambers, the introduction of water in the form of spray, blowing steam into the flues, &c., are sometimes resorted to, but usually with less satisfactory results. The following are the respective lengths of the flues at the various smelting works belonging to Mr. Beaumont, as furnished by Mr. Sopwith to Dr. Percy:- At Allen Smelt-Mill (one the other "" Allenheads Mill Rookhope Mill Yards. 4,451 4,338 • 3,424 2,548 14,761 The total length of the above flues is consequently about 8 miles; their transverse area is not uniform, but their average height is 8 feet and their width 6 feet. In one year 800 tons of lead have been extracted from the fumes obtained from these flues. At Keld Head (1857) 96 tons 13 cwts. of lead were obtained from fume resulting from the production of 1,374 tons, or in the ratio of 7·03 per cent. At Pontgibaud, where the flues are 500 metres in length, and the ores are smelted in blast-furnaces, 3.67 per cent. of the lead which they contain is obtained from fume. At the Wildberg Smelting Works, Germany, where the flues were 800 feet in length, and smelting was conducted in the Castilian furnace, 1 per cent. of the assay produce of lead was (1859) obtained from fume. The lead contained in fume exists to a large extent in the form of sulphate, and is obtained by roasting and smelting it either alone or in admixture with lead ores. Fume-lead is considerably poorer in silver than that derived directly from the ores from which it was produced. The following are the results obtained by a series of assays of the 598 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. lead fume at Wildberg, where the average assay for silver of the lead produced was about 21½ ozs. per ton: SAMPLES TAKEN FROM THE TOP OF MAIN FLUE AT DISTANCES OF 100 FEET APART. Lead. Silver. Per cent. Oz. dwt. gr. No. 1, near blast-furnace • 49 2 9 0 "" 2, near reverberatory furnace 3, 100 ft. in advance of No. 2 20 3 5 8 70 3 4, 100 5, 100 "" "" 6, 100 OOTH LO 3 44 3 5 4 48 2 17 0 47 3 5 8 "" 7, 100 6 46 3 "" "J 8, 100 7 40 2 "" "" 9, 100 က 8 42 3 5 8 "" "" 10 Stop of chamber at throat) 49 22 17 8 "" of refinery • SAMPLES TAKEN FROM BOTTOM OF MAIN FLUE AT DISTANCES OF 100 FEET APART. Lead. Silver. Per cent. Oz. dwt. gr. No. 1, near blast-furnace 53 2, near reverberatory furnace 59 29 0 290 "" 3, 100 ft. in advance of No. 2 63 3 5 8 4, 100 3 61 29 0 99 5, 100 4 49 2 17 0 "" "" "" 6, 100 5 64 2 5 "" "" 7, 100 6 "" "" "" 8, 100 7 "" "" "" 9, 100 8 "" "" 10 (bottom of chamber at foot) 9888 46 3 6 6 5 58 1 12 5 62 2 17 0 66 3 5 8 "" of chimney. In the same way that, from the greater volatility of lead, the metal obtained from fume contains a less proportion of silver than that directly extracted from the ore, so also, on account of the greater oxidisability of lead, is that obtained from slags less argentiferous than that reduced from the corresponding ores. SHEET-LEAD AND LEAD PIPE. Lead is chiefly employed in the arts, either in the form of sheets for covering houses, making gutters, &c., or for the manufacture of pipes for the conveyance of water and other liquids. In order to make lead into sheets, it is first moulded in a cast-iron frame into the form of a plate; when this has sufficiently cooled it is lifted from its mould by a crane, and placed on the machine by which it is to be rolled into sheets. This consists of a long frame or bench (fig. 180), about 3 feet in height, 8 feet in width, and from 70 to 80 feet in length. At intervals of every LEAD. 599 foot are placed the rollers, a, all on exactly the same level, and so arranged that a heavy body may be pushed from one end to the other with great facility. In the centre of this stage is the rolling machine, consisting of two heavy rollers, of which only the upper one, A, is seen in the woodcut, and which, by means of powerful machinery, are made to revolve in contrary directions. Each of these cylinders is about 18 inches in diameter, and is turned perfectly smooth and level on the surface. By the screws, b, and the connected pinion-wheels, the distance between these may be regulated with great accuracy on turning the hand-wheel, c, which for this purpose is furnished with a graduated plate and pointer. The motion of the rollers also admits of being readily reversed by a simple mechanical arrangement. The plate of lead, prepared by casting, a Fig. 180.-Sheet-Lead Rolling Mill. is afterwards brought between the rollers, by which it is strongly com- pressed, and gradually drawn through to the other side, when the distance between them is diminished, and, by reversing the motion of the mill, the sheet is again drawn back to the part of the platform on which the original plate was first laid. This process is repeated a greater or less. number of times, the plate, B, first passing from the left to the right, and then from right to left, until its thickness has been sufficiently reduced. The motion of the leaden plate is much facilitated by the small wooden rollers, a, and when the length obtained by the reduction of its thickness becomes inconveniently great, it is divided into two parts, and each half milled in a similar manner. The lead is in this way sometimes passed between the rollers from two to three hundred times; its thickness being diminished and its length increased by each successive operation. The original plate is by this treatment extended into a sheet, which, when intended for roofing pur- poses, may be about 400 feet in length and 7 feet in breadth. This is 600 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. afterwards cut up into convenient lengths, for the use of the plumber, whose business it is to adapt it to the various purposes to which sheet- lead is applied. D The manufacture of lead pipe by the ordinary method combines, like that of sheet-lead, the double process of casting and elongation. What- ever may be the dimensions of the pipe required, it is first cast in the form of a short and thick cylinder, which is afterwards reduced to the proper size by being forcibly drawn, when placed on a mandrel of the exact size of its proposed internal diameter, through a succes- sion of progressively-de- creasing steel dies. By this process, however, although affording pipes of good quality with regard to soundness and finish, lengths of from 20 to 30 feet only can be obtained, B 02 MAIN| |||||| A V P B יד Τ P Fig. 181.-Lead-Pipe Machine; partly in section. and, consequently, when very long pieces without a joint are required, recourse is had to the hydraulic pipe-press (fig. 181). This machine SILVER. 601 consists of a hydraulic press, T, connected with a double force-pump, A, by which water is pumped beneath the piston, B, through the small metallic pipe, p. Above the top of the press, and on a level with the floor of the workshop, is a heavy casting, supported by the stout iron pillars, P, and containing the cylindrical reservoir, C, for the reception of the lead, and an annular fire-place, F, charged with coal, and communicating with a chimney for the escape of smoke. At the upper extremity of the cavity, C, is secured a steel die, of the diameter of the outside of the pipe to be made, whilst a inandrel, m, which passes directly through its centre, has the dimensions of the inside of the pipe to be produced. To use this apparatus, the piston, B, is brought into the position shown in the woodcut, and the space, C, is filled with molten lead, through the spout, S, which is immediately removed, and the aperture firmly stopped by an iron plug, kept in its place by a strong key. The pressure is now established by admitting water through the valve, v, beneath the piston, B, which forces the other extremity, accurately fitting the cylindrical cavity, C, gradually upwards, and causes the lead to escape in the form of a perfectly-finished tube through the annular space existing between the mandrel and the fixed collar. The pipe, in proportion as it escapes from the press, is coiled around the drum, D, from which it is afterwards removed, and cut into convenient lengths. The pipe made by this machine is of good quality, and may be manufac- tured of almost any required length. On admitting the pressure above the piston by means of the valve, v′, the plunger again descends to the bottom of the cavity. Several alloys of lead with other metals are employed in the arts, but the most important of these are type metal, and the various mixtures of lead and tin, known by the name of " solders," already described. SILVER. On SILVER is the whitest of the metals, and is capable of receiving a lustre inferior only to that of polished steel. Its malleability and ductility are, next to gold, greater than that of any other metal. Pure silver is harder than gold and softer than copper; its specific gravity is 10-50; when pure it enters into fusion at a full red-heat, corresponding to 1,023° C. Fused in open vessels it absorbs oxygen in considerable quantity, some- times amounting to twenty-two times the volume of the metal itself. becoming solid, however, the whole of this gas is again expelled; this circumstance is probably, in some degree, the cause of the metallic vege- tation which takes place on the surface of silver buttons, when suddenly cooled on the cupel. Heated very strongly in a blast-furnace this metal gives off sensible metallic vapours, and between two charcoal electrodes in connection with a powerful voltaic battery it is volatilised. By fusing a large quantity of silver, and afterwards allowing it to cool very gradually, 602 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. cubical and octahedral crystals may be obtained on piercing the solidi- fied crust and running off the still-liquid metal. When solutions of silver are decomposed by the action of feeble electric currents, the pre- cipitated metal often assumes a crystalline form. Silver does not absorb oxygen at ordinary temperatures, but speedily becomes blackened on ex- posure to an atmosphere containing traces of sulphuretted hydrogen, which is decomposed by it with great facility. Heated to redness in contact with the caustic alkalies, it is not in the least affected, and is for this reason employed for making crucibles, to be used when attacking various substances by caustic potash. In the pre- sence, however, of fused alkaline silicates, silver vessels become acted on to a small extent, and the silicate is stained of a light yellow colour. Oxide of silver is reduced by heat alone, and a globule of metal is obtained. Unless in a state of extreme division, silver is not attacked by hydro- chloric acid, and even then it requires to be heated to the temperature of ebullition, before decomposition of the acid is effected. By dilute sul- phuric acid no effect is produced, but strong sulphuric acid, when heated, is readily decomposed, with the formation of sulphate of silver and the evolution of sulphurous anhydride. Nitric acid readily attacks silver, even at ordinary temperatures; nitric oxide is evolved, and nitrate of silver is produced. By chlorine, iodine, and bromine, silver is readily attacked, even in the cold. i SILVER ORES. Silver occurs not only in the native state, and alloyed with various other metals, but also mineralised by non-metallic elements, such as, sulphur, selenium, chlorine, bromine, or iodine; and, perhaps, in combina- tion with certain acids. NATIVE SILVER; Argent natif; Gediegen Silber. Isometric.-Native silver is found accompanying all the ores of this metal, and more par- ticularly the sulphides and chlorides; it is also frequently associated with red silver ores, &c. It occurs either in a crystalline form, or in the state of divergent branches, of which the extremities are often composed of numerous minute crystals, similar to those observed in specimens of native copper. - This metal likewise occurs in amorphous masses, in long filamentary strings, and in the shape of compressed plates of greater or less extent. One of the largest masses of metallic silver ever obtained in Europe was procured from the mines of Kongsberg, in Norway: this specimen, which is preserved in the museum of Copenhagen, weighs about 500 lbs.; others of still larger size have been cited as coming from the same locality. Crystals of native silver are seldom very distinctly defined, as they do not usually occur in an isolated state and are generally more or less dis- torted. The cube, the octahedron, and the dodecahedron, are among the forms which it most commonly assumes. Native silver is often found disseminated through ferruginous rocks, as at Huelgoët, in Brittany, and SILVER. 603 in the mines of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, where these argentiferous iron ores receive the names of "pacos" and "colorados." Native silver is also found in the Hartz, Saxony, Hungary and Dauphiny; large quantities are afforded by the mines of Peru and Mexico; and in the United States of America beautiful specimens of native silver are found associated with the copper procured from the district south of Lake Superior. Native silver is often alloyed with gold, copper, or antimony. NATIVE AMALGAM; Argent amalgamé; Natürlich Amalgam. Isometric. -This mineral, which is of a silver-white colour and bright metallic lustre, occurs both in distinct crystals and in irregular amorphous masses it also not unfrequently assumes the form of thin compressed plates, occupying fissures existing in the veinstone. Its specific gravity is about 14; when heated before the blowpipe, mercury is expelled, and a fused button of metallic silver remains. The composition of this amalgam is, according to Klaproth— Ag Hg 08 08 36.00 64.00 100.00 This composition would appear to correspond with the formula AgHg, although some other analyses indicate the presence of a larger percentage of mercury. This mineral is found in many localities, but the finest specimens have been procured from Moschellandsberg in the Palatinate. Arquerite, another variety of this substance, forms one of the sources of silver in the rich mines of Arqueros, in the province of Coquimbo, From its malleability and general appearance, this compound was for a long time thought to be metallic silver. According to the analysis of Domeyko, of the Mining School of Coquimbo, this amalgam consists of- Ag AH an an Hg • 86.50 13.50 1 • 100.00 From which it appears to be composed of silver and mercury in the pro- portions represented by the formula Ag₁₂Hg. 12 ARGENTITE; VITREOUS SULPHIDE OF SILVER; Argent sulfuré; Silber- glanz. Isometric.-Occurs massive, and crystallised in cubes and dodeca- hedra. Its colour is a blackish lead-grey, and its streak, which is of the same colour, is shining. The fracture of the massive varieties is slightly conchoidal, sometimes approaching to vitreous. It is fusible even in the flame of an ordinary candle, and before the blowpipe, on charcoal, gives off sulphurous vapours, and yields a button of metallic silver. This mineral is at the same time one of the richest and most abundant ores of silver, and furnishes a large proportion of that annually produced by various foreign mines. It occurs in those of Saxony, Bohemia, and Hungary, and is par- ticularly abundant in the mines of Guanaxuato and Zacatecas in Mexico. It occurs with stephanite, native gold, &c., in the Comstock lode, Nevada. 604 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The composition of argentite is, according to Klaproth :- From Himmesfürst. From Joachimsthal. < Ag S 86.50 86.39 • 13.50 13.61 100.00 100.00 Formula Ag₂S. STEPHANITE; BRITTLE SILVER ORE; Argent sulfuré fragile; Schwarz- gültigerz. Orthorhombic.-This mineral is of an iron-grey colour, in- clining to black, with a metallic lustre and unequal conchoidal fracture. It has a specific gravity of 6-2, is extremely brittle, and when broken yields a black powder. Before the blowpipe, on charcoal, it affords a button of metallic silver, after having given off sulphurous and antimonious fumes, in which the peculiar odour of arsenic may frequently be detected. When crystallised, it is found in small six-sided prisms. This mineral, which occurs with other ores of silver at Freiberg, Schneeberg, and Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony, as well as in the mines of Bohemia and Hungary, and in those of Chili, Peru, Mexico, and Nevada, has, according to the investigations of Rose and Klaproth, the following composition:- From Freiberg; ! From Schemnitz.; By Klaproth. By H. Rose. Ag 66.50 68.54 Cu & As 0.50 0.64 Fe 5.00 Sb 10.00 14.68 S 12.00 16.42 94.00 100.28 Formula 5Ag₂S+Sb₂S₂, or Ag, S₁Sb. 5 POLYBASITE; Polybasite; Eugenglanz. Orthorhombic.-Crystals usu- ally short tabular prisms, with the bases triangularly striated, parallel to alternate edges; cleavage basal, imperfect. Also massive and dissemi- nated. Colour, iron-black, excepting when in thin crystals, which appear cherry-red by transmitted light; streak black. Specific gravity, 6·21. Heated in an open tube it fuses, giving off sulphurous and antimonious fumes; on charcoal, before the blowpipe, fuses into a globule with evolu- tion of sulphur, and sometimes arsenic, coats the support with an anti- monious deposit; it occurs in the mines of Guanaxuato and Guadalupe-y- SILVER. 605 Calvo, in Mexico; at Trespuntas in Chili; at Freiberg in Saxony; and at Przibram, &c. Also in Nevada, Idaho, and other localities in the United States. Two specimens of this mineral, analysed by H. Rose, afforded the following results:- From Mexico. From Schemnitz. Ag 61.29 72.43 Sb 5.09 0.25 • As 3.74 6.23 Cu 9.93 3.04 SZE Fe 0.06 0.33 Zu 0.59 17·04 16.83 100 15 99.70 Its composition may be represented by the formula (Ag,Cu), (Sb,As)S.. DARK-RED SILVER ORE; PYRARGYRITE; Argent sulfuré antimonié; Dunkles Rothgültigerz. Rhombohedral.-Colour black to cochineal-red; streak red; transparent to opaque; fracture conchoidal. Specific gravity 5.7-5.9. Two analyses of this mineral afforded the following percentage results:- From Mexico; By Wöhler. From Chili; By Field. Ag 60.02 59.01 Sb 21.80 23.16 S 18.00 17.45 99.82 99.62 The above figures indicate that the composition of pyrargyrite may be represented by the formula 3Ag₂S+Sb₂S,, or Ag,SbS.. Fused with car- bonate of sodium on charcoal, before the blowpipe, it affords a globule of metallic silver. Dark-red silver ore occurs with calcite, native arsenic, and galena, at Andreasberg, in the Hartz; also in Hungary, Saxony, Norway, at Guadal- canal in Spain, &c. It is extensively mined as a silver ore in Mexico. Beautiful crystals of this substance are obtained in Chili from the mines near Copiapo, and it also occurs in the Austin district, Nevada; in the Poorman lode, Idaho, it is found in amorphous masses weighing several pounds. CHLORIDE OF SILVER; Argent corné; Hornsilber. Isometric.-This mineral constitutes one of the richest and most abundant ores of Chili and Peru, where it is frequently associated with native silver, apparently 606 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. resulting from its decomposition. It also occurs in massive amorphous fragments in connection with sulphide of silver, but still more frequently disseminated in the ferruginous rock known in Peru under the name of pacos, and in Mexico as colorados. The chloride of silver of Huelgoët is also of this description, and is disseminated through a cavernous hydrated oxide of iron, around the cavities of which it sometimes assumes the form of small cubo-octahedral crystals, the largest of which do not exceed in size the head of an ordinary pin. The colour of this mineral is white or yellowish-white, which becomes violet by exposure to light; the massive fraginents, when broken, pre- sent a vitreous conchoidal fracture, the edges being transparent, or at least translucent. Chloride of silver is extremely soft, and admits of being cut with a knife or scratched by the nail with great facility. It is fusible before the flame of the blowpipe, and, when supported on a piece of charcoal, affords a pearl-like button, which, by continued exposure to the reducing flame, yields a globule of metallic silver. On being moistened with water, and afterwards rubbed with a piece of metallic zinc, its surface becomes covered with a film of reduced silver. Chloride of silver, when pure, consists of silver 75·3, chlorine 24·7; and its composi- tion is therefore represented by the formula AgCl. Sp. gr. = 4·45. Specimens of this mineral, although of comparatively rare occurrence in European mines, are obtained from Norway, Siberia, Saxony, the Hartz, Cornwall, and elsewhere. In addition to the foregoing, the following combinations in which silver occurs are known to mineralogists, although, from their rarity, some of them are of but little commercial importance :- Hessite: Telluride of silver; found in Siberia, Transylvania, &c. Naumannite: Selenide of silver; occurs in the Hartz. Eucairite: Selenide of copper and silver, found in Sweden and in Chili. Stromeyerite : Sulphide of copper and silver, containing iron. Dyscrasite: Antimonial silver. Sternbergite: Sulphide of silver and iron. Miargyrite: Sulphide of silver and antimony, with a little copper and iron; very rare. Proustite, or Light-Red Silver Ore: A combination of silver, arsenic, sul- phur, &c., not uncommon in Mexico and Chili. Freieslebenite: Antimonial sulphide of lead and silver, not uncommon in many silver mines on the continent of Europe. Xanthoconite: Arsenio-sulphide of silver; occurs in the Himmelsfürst mine near Freiberg. Embolite: Chloro-bromide of silver, found in Chili. Iodide of Silver: Found in Mexico, Chili, Spain, &c. Bromide of Silver: occurs in Mexico, Chili, &c. Selbite: regarded as carbonate of silver, but probably merely a mechanical mixture of certain carbonates with other minerals which are argentiferous. DISTRIBUTION OF SILVER ORES. The rocks inclosing veins yielding ores of silver differ very widely both in composition and age. Silver ores often occur in lodes inclosed in the older crystalline and metamorphic rocks, and many of these have been worked to great depths without permanent change in character or SILVER. 607 apparent diminution of productiveness. Some of the veins of Norway and Saxony are remarkable examples of this mode of occurrence. In South America a large proportion of the silver is obtained from veins in cal- careous rocks; the silver-bearing strata of Peru and Bolivia are believed to be of Carboniferous age; whilst the rocks, in which the famous silver mines of Chañarcillo and Trespuntas, in Chili, are worked, are said to be Lower Cretaceous. Those inclosing the celebrated Comstock vein at Virginia City, in the State of Nevada, are eruptive and volcanic, belonging, according to Richthofen, to the latter part of the Tertiary and beginning of the Post-Tertiary periods. Nearly the whole of the silver obtained in the United Kingdom is extracted from argentiferous lead ores by processes which have been described, when treating of the metallurgy of lead; the amount thus annually produced is about 52,400 lbs. troy. The celebrated Kongsberg mines, in Norway, were discovered in 1623, and have been worked with but little interruption up to the present time; their yield of silver in 1864 was 7,365 lbs., but they were formerly much more productive. Sweden also produces a certain amount of this metal from the mines of Sala, in Westmannia, which annually produce about 1,250 lbs. of silver. The total annual production of Scandinavia is estimated at 15,000 lbs. Hungary, Transylvania, and the Banat annually produce about 92,000 lbs. troy, while Saxony produces 80,000 lbs. annually; and of this amount the mines of Freiberg alone yield 97 per cent. The annual yield from the Hartz mines is about 27,500 lbs. troy. The total production of silver in the German empire during the year 1871 was about 178,000 lbs.* The annual production of Russia is estimated at 50,000 lbs. In France there are, at the present time, no mines in operation on what can be regarded as silver veins, although those of La Gardette and Chalanches, in the department of Isère, were formerly worked for silver. Huclgoët, in Brittany, although strictly speaking a mine of argentiferous galena, yields an ochreous clay containing about 30 ozs. of silver, in the form of chloride, per ton of ore. The mines of Pontgibaud, Puy-de-Dôme, produce large quantities of argenti- ferous galena, very rich in silver, which is extracted by smelting in low blast-furnaces, and subsequently subjecting the lead to crystallisation and cupellation. The yearly production of silver in France is estimated at 16,500 lbs. The annual yield of Italy, chiefly from the lead ores of Sardinia, is about 32,000 lbs. In Spain silver mines were formerly worked at Guadalcanal and Cazalla, to the north of Seville. These occur in mica-slate, and were, at one time, very productive, but they are now of little importance. The most impor- tant silver mines of Spain are those of Hiendelaencina, in the province of Guadalajara, about seventy miles north of Madrid. They were discovered in 1843 by a native of the district, who had worked in the mines of Mexico. This man, on his return to his native village, remarked the re- semblance which a large stone on the road-side bore to some of the silver * Some portion of this silver was probably produced from imported ores. 608 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ores he had seen in the mines of the New World. On being analysed it was found to be a rich ore of silver, and the stone proved to be the out- crop of a regular vein. The ore at Hiendelaencina is chiefly freies- lebenite. The production of these mines from 1846, when they were first worked, up to June, 1866, amounted to 631,544 lbs. troy, but their returns since the year 1858 have materially diminished. The present annual production of Spain is estimated at 100,000 lbs. troy. The most important mines of North America are probably those of Mexico, although of late very large amounts of silver bullion have been produced by the states of Nevada and Idaho. Colorado also yields valu- able silver ores, and in Utah argentiferous lead ores have recently been discovered in large quantities and of unprecedented richness. At the date of the publication of Humboldt's 'Essai Politique' (1825) the mining districts of Mexico, arranged in accordance with the import- ance of their several yields, followed each other in the subjoined order: Guanaxuato, Catorce Zacatecas Intendency of Guanaxuato Real del Monte Bolaños >> Guarisamey Sombrerete 99 Tasco >> Batopilas "" Zimapan >> Fresnillo "" Ramos Parral "" San Luis Potosi Zacatecas Mexico Guadalajara Durango Zacatecas Mexico Durango Mexico Zacatecas San Luis Potosi Durango It is stated, by the same author, that the silver extracted from the mines of Mexico from January 1st, 1785, to December 31st, 1789, amounted to 7,314,344 lbs. troy. The War of Independence caused a great falling-off in the annual production of the precious metal, which between the years 1810 and 1845 probably did not average more than 800,000 lbs. of silver and a little over 400 lbs. of gold. Since 1850, however, the mines of Mexico have partially regained their ancient pro- sperity, and their present annual produce of silver may be estimated at 1,000,000 lbs. Although the discovery of silver in Nevada only dates from the year 1859, its extraordinary production has already rendered its mines more famous than those of many countries in which mining for this metal has been continually carried on for ages. The mines on the great Comstock vein in the immediate vicinity of Virginia City were the first extensively worked, and have already produced bullion to the amount of not less than £25,000,000, of which value about one-third is represented by gold. In addition to those on the Comstock vein there are important silver mines in the Austin district, at White Pine, and in other portions of the State. The ores found on the Comstock chiefly consist of argentite and stephan- ite, whilst many of the mines in the neighbourhood of Austin yield con- siderable quantities of dark-red silver ore. At White Pine the ores are chiefly chlorides. Idaho affords large quantities of massive pyrargyrite. SILVER. 609 The silver of Colorado is chiefly derived from various mixed sulphides, and the fine ores of Utah appear to be the result of the decomposition of rich argentiferous galenas. Native silver is also found associated with the native copper of Lake Superior, and some mines are at present being worked for that metal on its northern shore. The annual production of silver in the United States and Territories is now probably not less than 1,400,000 lbs. troy. Comparatively little is known of the geology of Central America, excepting that the predominant rocks are granite, gneiss, and mica-slate, and that the abundance of igneous rocks bears witness to extensive volcanic action. Silver is found in various parts of that country, and some years since mines, worked by an English company, in the mountain of Alotepec, afforded, in the course of the eight years they were in opera- tion, 53,000 lbs. of silver. 66 The silver mines of Peru, Bolivia and Chili, stand next in importance to those of Mexico and of the United States of America. At the mines of the Cerro de Pasco, the most celebrated in Peru, the principal ores worked are of the description known as pacos," which are analogous to the Gossans of the Cornish miner. These argentiferous gossans have been found in such enormous quantities that at Pasco or Yauricocha they had been worked since the commencement of the seventeenth century, and, although during the last twenty years of the eighteenth century they had produced above five million marks of silver, very few of the workings had then penetrated to a depth of a hundred feet. In addition to the Cerro de Pasco there are various other districts in Peru which have produced large quantities of silver. Among the most important of these are Caxamarca, Pataz, Huamanchuco and Hualgayoc. The total annual pro- duction of the silver mines of Peru is estimated at about 200,000 lbs. troy. The mining district of Potosi, which was once included in the vice- royalty of Buenos Ayres, now forms a portion of the Republic of Bolivia. In this locality above thirty principal veins, besides others of less import- auce, have been worked, and have at various times, since their first dis- covery in 1545, yielded almost fabulous amounts of silver. Many of them are situated in an isolated mountain called Hatun-Potocsi, the summit of which reaches an elevation of 16,000 feet above the level of the sea; the ores obtained, from the period of their discovery up to 1571, when the process of amalgamation was first introduced, were treated exclusively by fusion. The period of the greatest productiveness of the Potosi mines was during the century immediately following their discovery, when the average annual amount of the silver produced was about 600,000 lbs. troy. Shortly after the commencement of the seventeenth century their yield began to decline, and at its close, only amounted to an annual money value of from six to eight hundred thousand pounds. Rich deposits of silver ore have recently been discovered in the district of Caracoles ; * * The district of Caracoles is claimed by both Chili and Bolivia, but we have included its annual production of silver in the Bolivian estimates. 2 R 610 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the quantity exported from Antofogasta and Mejillones de Bolivia (the ports of Caracoles) from November, 1872, to July, 1873, was 10,115 tons, containing about 300,000 lbs. of silver. The present annual yield of Bolivia is estimated at from 448,000 to 460,000 lbs. troy. The most important silver mines of Chili are those situated in the neighbourhood of Copiapo. The principal workings are in the vicini- ties of Chañarcillo and Trespuntas, the first 16 leagues south, and the second 30 to the north-east, of Copaipo. In Chili the development of the mineral resources of the country has been of more recent date than in the other South-American States; but its comparatively flourishing poli- tical situation has enabled workings to be established on an extensive scale, and within the last few years a considerable increase has taken place in the amount of silver annually produced. Its present yield is estimated at about 300,000 lbs. The Santa Anna mines in the province of Mariquita, New Granada, were formerly of some importance, producing from 11,000 to 12,000 lbs. of silver annually, but their yield has much fallen off since the year 1869. It has been estimated that the total annual production of the known silver-producing countries of the world is about 4,100,000 lbs. troy, of an approximate money value of £13,000,000. ASSAY OF SIlver Ores. BY FUSION WITH LITHARGE, &C.-In assaying silver orcs, the object sought is to obtain the silver in the form of an alloy with lead, which is afterwards passed to the muffle and cupelled in the ordinary way. The method of assaying lead ores containing silver has been described when treating of lead. Argentiferous minerals containing copper may be assayed cither by scorification, or by fusion with oxide of lead, as if silver alone were pre- sent, since the resulting button of alloy admits of being readily cupelled with a proper addition of metallic lead. In roasting such ores it is generally necessary to employ a very low temperature, as, from their great fusibility, they would otherwise be liable to agglutinate, by which the further expulsion of sulphur would be rendered difficult. Ores of silver in which the metals (after roasting or otherwise) exist in the form of oxides are commonly fused with a mixture of litharge, or red lead, and finely-powdered charcoal, by which an alloy with lead is ob- tained, which is subsequently subjected to cupellation. The proportion of litharge employed for this purpose must be varied according to circum- stances, as the resulting button of alloy should not be too rich, since in that case a portion of the silver might be lost in the slag; nor too poor, as the cupellation would then occupy a long time, and a loss through sub- limation and absorption by the cupel would be entailed. In ordinary cases, if 400 grains of ore be the quantity operated on, a button of 200 grains will be a convenient amount for cupellation; and this may be ob- tained by the addition of 500 grains of litharge, and from 12 to 15 grains SILVER. 611 of finely-powdered charcoal or lamp-black. The whole is to be well mixed with 200 grains of carbonate of sodium, on a sheet of glazed paper, and afterwards introduced into an earthen crucible, of which it should not fill more than three-fifths the capacity. This is covered with a thin layer of borax, and fused in an ordinary assay furnace, care being taken to withdraw it from the fire as soon as a liquid and perfectly-homogeneous. slag has been obtained, since the unreduced litharge would otherwise be liable to cut through the pot and thus spoil the results. When it has sufficiently cooled, the crucible is broken, and the button of alloy ob- tained is passed to the cupel.* In this and all similar experiments it is necessary to ascertain by previous experiment the amount of silver con- tained in the lead resulting from the reduction of litharge, in order to be possessed of data from which to make the requisite deduction from the result obtained. With poor litharge, however, the resulting lead contains so small an amount of silver, that, for many commercial purposes, its presence may be neglected. When other minerals than oxides or carbonates are to be examined, the addition of charcoal, or any similar reducing agent, becomes in some instances unnecessary, as litharge readily attacks the sulphides, &c., and oxidises nearly all their constituents, with the exception of silver, whilst a proportionate quantity of metallic lead is set free. The slags formed in this way contain the excess of litharge added, and the button of alloy produced is subjected to cupellation in the usual manner. The propor- tion of oxide of lead added to ores of this description must vary in accord- ance with the amount of oxidisable substances present; but it should in all cases be in excess, since, if the slags retain traces of any undecom- posed sulphide, the whole of the silver contained in the ore may not be collected in the button of alloy obtained. An objection to this method of assaying is to be found in the large amounts of lead which are produced for cupellation; as one part of pure iron pyrites affords 83 parts of this metal, whilst sulphide of anti- mony and grey copper ore yield from 6 to 7 parts. This inconvenience may be obviated by effecting the partial oxidation of the mineral either by roasting or by the aid of nitre, by the skilful use of which a metallic button of almost any required weight may be obtained. When this reagent is employed in excess, it determines the oxida- tion of all the oxidisable constituents of the ore. But when, on the con- trary, the mixture contains a large amount of litharge, and nitre has not been added in sufficient quantity to decompose the whole of the sulphides present, reaction takes place between the undecomposed sulphides and the oxide of lead. This gives rise to the liberation of metallic lead, which, combining with the silver, affords a button of alloy, from which the latter metal may be obtained by cupellation. The amount of nitre to be employed for this purpose will depend on the composition of the ores operated on, but it should be borne in mind that 24 parts of nitrate * Instead of breaking the crucible its contents may be poured into a cast-iron mould. 2 R 2 612 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 3 of potassium are sufficient to completely oxidise 1 part of pure iron pyrites, and that 1 and their respective weights are, in the case of sulphide of antimony and galena, sufficient to produce the same effect. SCORIFICATION.-This is a simple and convenient process for assaying silver ores, as well as some varieties of gold ores. It consists in exposing the finely-ground ore, mixed with granulated lead, and placed in a cup-shaped vessel or scorifier, to the action of a bright-red heat, in an ordinary assay muffle. Part of the lead is thus converted into litharge, and this, as fast as it is produced, reacts on the various substances contained in the ore, form- ing with them a clean slag, in which no appreciable amount of the precious metals is met with; practically, the whole being found alloyed with the lead remaining after the operation. The cup-shaped vessels or scorifiers, employed for this process, should be of close-grained fire-clay and well baked. It is important that they be compact in structure, so as to resist the corrosive action of the fused litharge; they should also be capable of bearing sudden changes of temperature without cracking. A sufficient number of these scorifiers having been selected for the assays to be made, 100 grains of the ore, ground to a fine powder, and carefully dried to expel moisture, are taken and intimately mixed with a certain quantity of granulated lead, and a small proportion of pounded borax both being previously placed in the scorifiers, which are ar- ranged in order on the assay table. The proportion of lead added varies in accordance with the greater or less refractoriness of the ore; namely, from five to eight times the weight of the mineral operated on. In all cases, however, it is advisable to add a considerable excess of lead, as the slags are thereby rendered more liquid. The lead used should, if possible, be free from silver; but, in many cases, such lead cannot be obtained, and it is consequently requisite to estimate beforehand the amount of silver present and make a corre- sponding deduction from the weights of the several buttons afforded by assay. The scorifiers being charged with a due proportion of ore, lead, and flux, and the muffle brought to a full red-heat, they are removed to the furnace, and as many are introduced as there may be room for in the muffle. The introduction of the scorifiers at first greatly reduces the temperature of the muffle, and, in consequence, some pieces of charcoal may, with advantage, be placed in the entrance to assist in raising the heat. The door of the muffle is now closed, and in a few minutes the lead enters into fusion. White vapours are seen rising from the assay, and the formation of litharge quickly takes place. As the borax melts, and the quantity of litharge increases, the mass in the scorifier softens. With increase of temperature, it becomes more liquid, and the lead is seen to collect in a large globule in the centre. When the assay is thoroughly heated, which generally occurs in ten or fifteen minutes from the commencement of the operation, the door of the muffle is removed; SILVER. 613 atmospheric air now enters in greater quantity, and oxidation of the lead proceeds more rapidly. As the litharge accumulates, the slag, formed by its combination with siliceous and other matters contained in the ore, is increased, and gra- dually extends itself over the whole surface of the lead. The mouth of the muffle is now allowed to remain open for ten or fifteen minutes; after which period it is closed, and the temperature raised to bright redness for about five minutes, in order to render the slags as liquid as possible before pouring, and, at the same time, to facilitate the union of any disseminated globules of alloy. The scorifiers are now withdrawn from the muffle by means of proper tongs, and their contents rapidly poured into suitable moulds. When cold, the buttons of lead are readily separated from the adhering slags, by a few blows with a hammer. The lead obtained should be soft and ductile; if it be at all brittle, either an insufficient quantity of lead has been added, or the scorification has not been carried suffi- ciently far. When the operation has been successfully conducted, these buttons contain what may be considered, practically, as the whole of the precious metals present in the ore, and may be subsequently treated by cupellation. It is essential that the slags should be perfectly and uniformly liquid at the time of pouring from the scorifier; if they be hard or contain pasty lumps, part of the mineral may be left unacted upon, and small metallic buttons may either be inclosed in the lumps, or remain attached to the sides of the scorifier. If the slags should not appear perfectly liquid, when a sufficiently high temperature is maintained in the muffle, and the other conditions of the process have been attended to, it will be neces- sary to add more borax, and, in some instances, even a little nitre. In a few cases it may be requisite to stir the slags with an iron rod, in order to divide the lumps which may have been formed, and to incorporate them with the more liquid slags. This method of assay is applicable to all kinds of argentiferous and auriferous ores, without exception, when they are of moderate richness, and from its convenience and the short time required, it is very generally employed in establishments, where a great number of assays of silver ores have to be made daily. When, however, poor ores have to be examined, fusion with litharge is preferable; since, by that method, a greater quantity of mineral can be operated on, and consequently more accurate results obtained. ASSAY OF SILVER BULLION. FIRE ASSAY.-The assay of silver bullion, by the dry way, is con- ducted as follows:-First, a fair sample of the alloy to be operated on is accurately weighed in a delicate balance; secondly, this weighed portion of the bar is cupelled with lead; and, thirdly, the button of silver remaining on the cupel is weighed. The difference between the two 614 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. weighings will represent the amount of impurity which has been removed. The furnace employed for this purpose may either be of fire-clay bound with hoop-iron, or may be constructed of a wrought-iron shell lined with fire-tiles, figs. 158, 159; in either case, it must be provided with an arrangement for easily regulating the draught. In this country the quantity taken for examination is usually a repre- sentative of the troy pound, which is subdivided into ounces and half- pennyweights; that being the lowest denomination to which silver bullion is reported. The assay pound may be represented by any actual weight chosen by the assayer, but either 1 gramme, or half that weight, is the quantity most frequently employed; the smaller weights are made to correspond with ounces and half-pennyweights.* Assayers formerly made their calculations in ounces, pennyweights, and grains, but it is found more convenient to employ decimals, and, when commercial esti- mations are required, to convert the decimal into trade expressions by means of tables calculated for that purpose. Pure silver is represented by unity divided into 1,000 parts, and English standard silver, which contains, in the pound, 11 ozs. 2 dwts. of that metal, with 18 dwts. of alloy, will be 925 thousandths. All excess of alloy over the English standard is called "worseness," and Mexican dollars, which consist of 10 ozs. 16 dwts. of silver, with 1 oz. 34 dwts. of alloy, would be reported as worse" 5 dwts. Indian rupees, on the other hand, are composed of 950 parts of silver united with 50 parts of alloy. This is equal to 11 ozs. 8 dwts. of silver, combined with 12 dwts. of alloy; hence their trade report would be "better" 6 dwts. In making an assay of silver bullion the first step to be taken is to flatten out the cuttings taken from the several bars. The edges of these are removed by the use of a pair of shears, and from each are prepared two representative assay pounds, which are carefully put aside with one- half the lead necessary for effecting their cupellation. The amount of lead necessary to be added to an alloy of silver and copper varies in accordance with the composition of the mixture to be treated, and should be greater in proportion as the quantity of copper becomes more considerable. In making this addition, it is necessary to bear in mind that the lead must be present in such quantity that the litharge formed may be enabled to dissolve the other oxides produced, aud at the same time remain sufficiently liquid to be readily absorbed by the cupel. If this necessary amount be not added the litharge formed becomes pasty, and speedily covers the surface, whilst, if too large a quantity be employed, the assays remain a long time in the fire, and a loss of silver is experienced. English standard silver requires about six times its weight of lead for its cupellation. The affinity exercised by silver for copper renders it necessary, in these operations, to add a larger amount of lead than would be required if pure copper alone were to be dealt with. *When the alloy to be examined is over 800 fine, 1 gramme is generally employed; if under 800 half a gramme only is taken. SILVER. 615 The following table shows the amounts of lead necessary to effect the cupellation of various mixtures of silver and copper:- Amount of Silver. Amount of Copper. Quantity of Lead required for one Part of the Mixture. 1000 0 950 50 1 3 900 100 7 800 200 10 700 300 12 600 400 14 500 500) 400 600 300 700 16-17 200 800 100 900 Pure copper 1000) The lead employed should be as free as possible from silver, and the amount of that metal thus introduced into the assay must be deducted from the results obtained. The duplicate weighed portions of the several bars of bullion to be assayed must be wrapped in lead-foil, and arranged in the compartments of a divided tray, having somewhat the dimensions of the bottom of the muffle in which the cupellations are made, so that the place of each may correspond with its position in the furnace. When the muffle has attained a uniform bright red-heat, the cupels are introduced, and its mouth is closed for a short time, either by a door of fire-clay or by a large piece of charcoal, the latter being by prefer- ence employed for this purpose when the temperature of the furnace has been considerably lowered by the introduction of cold cupels. As soon as they all present the proper bright-red colour, one-half of the lead necessary for cupellation is introduced by the aid of suitable tongs, and, when it has become fused, the assays, wrapped in the other half of the lead required, are dropped into each cupel in the order in which they stand in the divided tray. When all have been arranged in their proper places, the assayer again closes the mouth of the muffle for a short time, and shortly afterwards opens it to a greater or less degree, for the pur- pose of admitting a current of air, by which the starting of the several cupellations is effected. When this takes place the metallic bath becomes uncovered, with the exception of some small patches of fused litharge, which are observed to move rapidly from the centre towards the edges of the cupel. As soon as the working is thus fairly begun, the draught must be adjusted by means of the various openings in the furnace, which are more or less completely closed, so as to maintain a uniform tempera- ture in all parts of the muffle. When the furnace is working satisfac- torily but little fume should be seen to arise from the assays, and the litharge formed must be absorbed by the cupel as fast as produced. In this way the metallic globule goes on steadily diminishing in size until, 616 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. after the expiration of about twenty minutes, the whole of the lead and of the base metals has become oxidised and absorbed by the cupel, and the brightening of the silver takes place. If the operation has been properly conducted, the "going-off" of the assays will commence with the first row, and successively pass back from row to row to the last. If, on the contrary, the working-off takes place irregularly, or commences at the far end of the muffle, it is an indication that the draught has not been skilfully regulated; and in such cases the results obtained are usually less to be depended on than if the brighten- ing of the buttons had taken place regularly from the mouth of the mule towards its further extremity. The several assays, as soon as they have gone off, are drawn to the mouth, and, after being allowed gradually to cool, are removed into a divided iron tray in the same order in which they were placed during the operation. When the buttons thus obtained are rounded on top, or are only slightly depressed in the centre, and can be easily removed from the cupels, it is an evidence of the operation having been properly conducted. If, on the contrary, they adhere firmly to the cupels, or throw out pro- jections near the bottom, they are not fine. When they exhibit a flat- tened appearance, it is an indication that they have been cupelled with an insufficient amount of lead. It now remains to clean and weigh the assays and to compare them with a well-ascertained standard of comparison, consisting of weighed quantities of silver, of which the degree of fineness has been previously determined, and which have been cupelled under similar conditions, and at the same time with the assays of which the composition is required. It will be found that in all cases a certain amount of loss has been ex- perienced; this is partly due to volatilisation and partly to absorption by the cupel. The proofs which have been cupelled at the same time and under similar conditions will, however, experience a corresponding loss, and thus afford data for correcting the results indicated by the balance. The other metals, besides lead and silver, present, usually afford indi- cations from which it is easy to judge of their nature, and, roughly, also of the amount in which they exist. Pure lead stains the cupel of a straw- yellow colour, sometimes verging on orange. Copper gives a grey or dark- brown tint, according to its quantity. Iron produces a black stain, which is chiefly formed shortly after the commencement of the operation, and gives rise to a dark ring around the sides of the cupel. Zinc leaves a yellowish stain, and produces, during the process of cupellation, a lu- minous white flame and abundant fumes of the same colour, which carry off with them a notable amount of silver. Tin produces a grey slag, and antimony leaves spongy yellow scoriæ, which cause the circumference of the cupel to effloresce and to split off. The two last-named metals render the cupellation of the mixtures in which they exist difficult, and necessitate the employment of a large quantity of lead in order to carry off the infusible oxides formed. When assays of alloys containing silver have frequently to be made by cupellation, it will be found convenient to keep in the laboratory a supply of lead-foil, ready weighed out into SILVER. 617 pieces of 1 and 2 grammes, whilst poor milled lead is kept in pieces of from 1 up to 6 grammes. Instead of weighing the larger pieces, they may he prepared with sufficient accuracy by casting in small bullet- moulds. By this means, the amount of silver in the lead being pre- viously known, it becomes easy, by merely counting the number of pieces. added, to know exactly what deduction is to be made for the silver in the lead at the termination of the cupellation. HUMID ASSAY.-On account of the difficulty experienced in obtaining perfectly accurate results by the ordinary method (cupellation), a Com- mission was appointed, in 1829, by the French Government for the pur- pose of examining the different processes then employed in the Parisian Mint for the assay of alloys containing gold and silver, and to report on any modifications which it might be thought advantageous to introduce. Gay-Lussac, who was one of the Commissioners to whom this question was submitted, proposed the adoption of the humid method of assay now generally employed, and published, in the name of the Commission, the details of the various necessary operations. To this report, to Regnault's more recent description of the methods and apparatus employed in the French Mint, and to Mr. F. Claudet, assayer to the Bank of England, &c., we are indebted for many of the following particulars. This process consists in determining the standard of the alloy examined by means of a solution of chloride of sodium, of which the strength has beforehand been accurately ascertained. The solution of salt employed is so regulated that a decilitre is capable of exactly precipitating 1 gramme of pure silver. To determine the composition of an alloy, 1 gramme may be dissolved in 5 or 6 grammes of nitric acid, and to this is carefully added the standard solution of common salt from an accurately-graduated pipette until the introduction of a fresh quantity ceases to be accompanied by a deposit of silver chloride. Towards the end of the experiment, when the point of satura- tion has been nearly arrived at, care must be taken to well shake the bottle after the addition of each successive drop of the saline solution, as by this means the liquor is rendered clear through the precipitation of the chloride formed. When the whole of the silver has been thus thrown down, the number of divisions of the burette which have been employed in its precipitation are read off, and from the amount of chloride of sodium used the percentage of silver present is ascertained. When an accurate assay has to be made of an alloy of which the composition is beforehand approximately known, as in the case of silver coin or silver plate, the process is considerably simplified, and at the same time affords results of the most exact description. For this purpose two distinct solutions of common salt are employed: the first, or standard solution, is of such a strength that one decilitre will precipitate 1 gramme of pure silver; the second, called the decimal solution, is ten times weaker than the first, and consequently contains in a litre of liquor the amount of chloride necessary to effect the precipitation of 1 gramme of pure silver. The better to understand this process, let us suppose that an alloy 618 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. intended for the French coinage is to be examined, which, in order to be accepted, should contain at least 0.897 of silver. We will assume that the alloy in question contains only 0.896 of silver, and consequently that 1.116 gramme of the mixture will correspond to 1 gramme of pure silver.* This quantity is cut off, and, after being accurately weighed, is placed in a bottle, capable of being closed by a glass stopper, where it is dissolved in from 5 to 6 grammes of pure nitric acid; and, as soon as the solution has been completely effected, exactly 1 decilitre of the normal solution of common salt is introduced. It is evident that if, as was first supposed, the alloy really contains 0.896 of silver, the whole will be precipitated by the quantity of solution added, and that the supernatant liquor will contain no trace of chloride of sodium in excess. If, on the contrary, the proportion of silver is greater than that assumed, there will still remain a portion of that metal in solu- tion; whilst, if it be less, the whole will have been completely precipi- tated, but the liquor will contain an excess of chloride of sodium. To ascertain which of these results has been produced, the bottle is now carefully closed with its glass stopper, and briskly shaken, until the pre- cipitated chloride has subsided and the solution has become clear. When this point has been attained, a cubic centimetre of the decimal solution of common salt, capable of precipitating 0.001 gramme of silver, is introduced. If any silver remain in solution, the liquor now becomes cloudy, and after being again shaken, another centimetre of the decimal solution is added. If, on the addition of this second centimetre of the solution, the liquor again becomes turbid, it is, after being well shaken, allowed to clear, and a third centimetre of the decimal solution poured in, and so on, until no further turbidity is produced on the addition of a fresh quantity of the decimal solution. If we suppose that five of the cubic centimetres of the decimal solution, successively added, have produced a precipitate in the liquor, whilst the addition of the sixth has in no way affected its transparency, we may conclude that after the pre- cipitation of 1 gramme of pure silver by the decilitre of the standard solution, the liquor still contained at least 0.004 gramme of silver. From the circumstance of the fifth cubic centimetre of decimal solution having caused a turbidity, whilst the sixth produced no kind of effect on the solution, it is also evident that the liquor at most did not contain more than 0·005 gramme of silver; and therefore, in taking it at 4 thousandths we arrive at the result to within 0.0005 of the truth. The propor- 1,000+41 1.116 = 900 tion of silver in the alloy examined will therefore be thousandths. When, on the contrary, the cubic centimetre of the decimal solution gives no further precipitate in the solution of silver which has already received the decilitre of the standard liquid, it is evident that the silver in the alloy must be inferior to 0.896, and consequently the mixture is below the legal standard. If in this case its exact com- position be required, recourse must be had to a standard solution of nitrate *When the amount of silver present is not known, a preliminary assay is first made by cupellation, in order to ascertain the approximate fineness. SILVER. 619 of silver, called the decimal solution of silver, so adjusted that one litre of the liquor may contain exactly 1 gramme of silver. To use this, a cubic centimetre of the decimal silver solution is first dropped from a pipette into the bottle containing the assay, and removes the chlorine contained in the same volume of the decimal solution of common salt, which was added for the purpose of ascertaining whether the whole of the silver had been precipitated. The liquor is now bright- ened by agitation, and another cubic centimetre of the silver solution added. If a turbidity is produced the bottle is again shaken, and a third measure of the solution is introduced after the chloride formed has been completely deposited. This is continued until the addition of the silver solution ceases to cause a precipitate in the solution to be assayed. If, in this case, the first five cubic centimetres of the silver solution (without counting that used to neutralise the effect of the cubic centimetre of decimal solution of common salt, first added to ascertain if any silver remained in solution, after the addition of the decilitre of standard solu- tion), gave rise to the formation of a precipitate, and on the introduction of the sixth the liquor remained perfectly clear, it is probable that the fifth cubic centimetre was not entirely decomposed. It is therefore customary to admit that 4 cubic centimetres of the silver solution have been sufficient to effect the decomposition of the excess of chloride of sodium remaining in the liquid after the introduction of the decilitre of standard solution. It is consequently evident in this case, that it will be necessary to subtract 4 thousandths, and that the correct composition will be ex- 1,000 - 41 pressed by 1.116 =892 thousandths. In establishments where large numbers of assays of silver alloys are made daily, the apparatus is so arranged as materially to facilitate the performance of the various operations above described. In the French Mint, where this method of assaying was first employed, the apparatus, shown in figs. 182 and 183, has been adopted. The standard solution of common salt is kept in a large vessel, V, made either of stoneware, or of sheet copper tinned on the inside. This reservoir, for the purpose of preventing evaporation, is covered by an immovable lid, provided with a tube, a, by which the air enters the chamber to supply the place of any portion of the solution that may be drawn off. This vessel, which is supported on a shelf fixed near the roof of the laboratory, is provided with a tube, b, c, d, bent at right angles at c, which admits of being closed by a stop-cock, t. The pipette, P, which contains exactly a decilitre of the liquid, is connected with the tube, c, d, by means of the glass tube, d, e, which contains a thermometer accurately graduated. The metallic connector by which the tube, d, e, As chloride of silver is, to a certain extent, soluble even in weak solutions of sodium chloride, it is, in practice, usual, when the whole of the silver has been pre- cipitated by the decilitre of normal solution, to add a given number of cubic centi- metres of the decimal silver solution, and subsequently to estimate the amount of silver present, in solution, by the use of the decimal solution of common salt. 620 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the is fastened to the pipette, P, is provided with two stop-cocks, t' and t", of which the uses will be presently explained. In conducting an assay, the operator closes the extremity of the pipette with the fore-finger of the left hand, fig. 183, and, with the right, opens the taps, t' and t', latter being opened first; by the first of these the solution enters the pipette, whilst from the second the air escapes in proportion as it becomes filled by the solution of chloride of sodium. When the pipette has become filled by the liquor to a little beyond the mark m, the cocks t' and t' are both closed, and the instrument remains charged with the solution. p FYINGINERENSINMASI d m P B S C R G Fig. 182. LETTRICED TREATIN G G nu P Fig. 183. On the table immediately beneath this apparatus is placed a sliding support, W, in which is secured by means of a ring of copper, C, the bottle, B, containing the solution, in nitric acid, of the alloy to be assayed, whilst immediately in connection with it is a small stand, S, on which is fastened a sponge, q, situated at the exact height of the beak, p, of the pipette. The assayer now slides the plate, W, between the guides, G, in such a way that the sponge may come in contact with the extremity of the pipette, and by carefully admitting air through an aperture in the tap t'', allows the liquid to descend until it exactly reaches the level of the line m, marked on the glass by means of a scratching diamond. The sponge removes the last drop of the solution, which would otherwise remain attached to the beak of the instrument, and in proportion as it becomes saturated with moisture, the liquid falls through the hollow support, S, into the cup-shaped receiver, R, where it is collected. The operator now draws SILVER. 621 the slide towards the right until it is stopped by a peg, which arrests it when the neck of the bottle is immediately under the extremity of the pipette, and by admitting air through the cock, t', he allows the solu- tion to flow directly into it. The last drop of the liquor invariably remains attached to the burette; but, as the instrument is gauged with due attention to this circumstance, its addition is unnecessary, and would in fact vitiate the result. As in most instances several assays are being made at the same time, the weighed quantities of alloy are commonly dissolved in numbered bottles, which are sometimes arranged in a metallic frame somewhat similar to a cruet-stand, and which, after the introduction of the acid, may be placed in a water-bath or on a sand-bath for the pur- pose of facilitating their solution. b Que a e When the various samples have become completely dissolved, the nitrous fumes are removed from the bottles by slightly blowing into each, with bellows, through a glass tube, and a decilitre of the standard solution is introduced into each by the method already described. The bottles are subsequently placed in a metallic case, C, fig. 184, generally made with a cover to keep the stoppers in their places, which, besides being provided with compartments for each bottle, is suspended from the extremity of a steel spring, a, b, and is steadied from below by the elastic spiral, c, d. These bottles, after being carefully closed by their stoppers and fastened in their several compartments, are well shaken by an assistant, who takes hold of the handle, e, f, and briskly agitates the whole apparatus during several minutes. As soon as the liquors have in this way been ren- dered sufficiently clear, the bottles are removed from the frame, C, to a blackened table, fitted up with divisions numbered to correspond with the num- bers on the bottles themselves, care being taken that each assay be placed in the compartment to which it belongs. The decimal solution, which is contained in a phial having a pipette passing through its cork, is now employed for the purpose of determining the exact amount of silver in the various assays. This pipette is so marked, by a line drawn on its surface, as to allow the operator to exactly measure out one cubic centimetre of the liquid which it contains. To do this, the point of the fore-finger is applied to the upper extremity of the tube, which, whilst thus closed, is raised above the surface of the liquid in the bottle, and is allowed to drop, by the careful admission of air, until the liquid has fallen to the level of the line marked on its surface. The opening is now closely stopped, and the cubic centimetre of fluid is transferred to the first bottle of the series, into which it is permitted to flow on removing the finger from the upper extremity of the pipette. Fig. 184. www.www The same quantity of solution is afterwards successively added to each of the other assays. The assayer now examines each bottle in succession, and makes a mark with chalk on the blackened table before 622 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. those in which a precipitate has taken place. These are a second time transferred to the shaking apparatus, in which they are briskly agitated until the liquids have again become clear, when they are taken back to their respective places on the blackened table, and another cubic centi- metre of decimal solution is added to each in which a precipitate was obtained by the last operation. By degrees the several bottles in which no precipitate has taken place are thus eliminated, and on counting the number of marks set before them the number of cubic centimetres of the decimal solution which has been added to each assay is readily ascertained. From this number must be deducted half a centimetre, as only a portion of the last addition may be supposed to have suffered decomposition. The standard solution of sodium chloride employed is prepared at 15° C.; but as this, in common with all liquids, expands and contracts in accordance with the temperature to which it is exposed, it was formerly customary to construct a table of corrections, to be employed in cases when the liquid is used at temperatures either above or below this point. For this purpose the thermometer in the tube, de, was consulted, and the correction read off from tables prepared for that purpose; it is now generally preferred to make use of the following method, by which all error arising from any alteration in the solution is at the same time guarded against. With this object the assayer makes each morning experi- ments on 1 gramme of pure silver, at the same time that he is conducting his regular assays of the usual alloys, and from the result obtained by these checks he is enabled to correct for any little irregularity in the constitution of the solution employed. The standard solution of chloride of sodium is made from common salt, without any preliminary purification, and is usually prepared in considerable quantities at a time. For this purpose 500 grammes of common salt may be dissolved in four litres of water. The liquid is filtered, and the amount of water that would be necessary to make a solution of the requisite strength, supposing the chloride to be pure, is added. By this means a solution roughly approximating only to the composition of the normal liquor is obtained, and of which the exact standard must be ascertained by adding a decilitre to a solution of one gramme of pure silver in nitric acid. The liquor is clarified by agitation, and by the addition of successive centimetres of the decimal solution, either of nitrate of silver or of chloride of sodium, the exact amount of silver or of chloride of sodium, as the case may be, remaining free after the addition of a decilitre of the solution, is ascertained. When this is known it becomes easy to calculate the quantity of water or of sodium chloride which must be added in order to arrive at a correct standard; and when this addition has been made, experiments of a similar description are repeated, until satisfactory results are obtained. The decimal solution of chloride of sodium is readily prepared by pouring a decilitre of the standard solution into a bottle of the exact capacity of a litre, and afterwards filling it with distilled water. To prepare the decimal solution of silver, one gramme of pure silver is SILVER. 623 dissolved in nitric acid, to which distilled water is afterwards added until an exact litre of the liquid is obtained. When the alloy operated on contains mercury, the results by humid assay are no longer exact, as this metal, being precipitated at the same time as the silver, decomposes a portion of the standard solution, by which the experiment becomes vitiated. The presence of mercury in the alloy examined is detected by exposing the bottles containing the precipitated silver chloride to the action of light, since the presence of a very minute trace of mercury prevents the usual darkening of that salt. The assay of alloys containing mercury may, however, be made by the humid process, if a solution of acetate of sodium be added to the solution of silver previously to the introduction of the standard solution of chloride of sodium, as this reagent has the property of preventing the precipitation of mercurous chloride. METALLURGY OF SILVER. Galena and all other lead ores are argentiferous; and although in some instances the amount of silver is so small as not to repay the expenses of extraction, yet in the majority of cases it is present in such proportions as to render its recovery a matter of commercial importance. Whenever lead ores are treated for silver the lead is first obtained in the metallic state by one of the processes described in the article on the metallurgy of that metal, or by some modification of one or other of them; the silver is afterwards separated from the alloy, either by cupel- lation alone, or by concentration and the subsequent cupellation of the enriched lead. Argentiferous copper ores were formerly first treated for that metal, and the black copper afterwards fused, with the addition of metallic lead. This was subsequently removed by eliquation, and took along with it a large proportion of the silver, from which it was finally sepa- rated by cupellation in the ordinary way. In some instances, instead of fusing black copper with metallic lead, the argentiferous copper ores are smelted with the addition of galena or of some plumbiferous metallurgical product, by which copper matts and metallic lead con- taining the principal part of the silver are produced. The separation of silver from copper ores may also be effected by the amalgamation of matts obtained by their treatment for copper, either in blast or reverbe- ratory furnaces; or such matts may be subjected to some process by which the silver is removed in a state of solution. Ores containing silver, associated with so small an amount of any other useful metal that its extraction would not be attended with remunerative results, are classed as dry silver ores, and may be smelted either with the addition of an ore of lead, or with some metallurgical product rich in that metal; on the other hand, they may be subjected to treatment by amalgamation, or may be worked by one of the processes for liquid extraction shortly to be described. All silver ores can be treated by fusion with galena or with litharge, and the yield of silver thus 624 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. obtained is generally in excess of that produced by amalgamation. In smelting operations, however, the expenditure of fuel is necessarily large, and consequently, in districts where this essential is scarce and expensive some process of amalgamation is generally resorted to. The amalgamation of silver ores is conducted in various ways; but of the different processes employed the following are the most important : Firstly, the Mexican process of amalgamation in heaps; secondly, the barrel process, formerly employed at Freiberg, and still in use at Con- stante in Spain, in the State of Nevada, and elsewhere; thirdly, the Washoe process, by which unroasted ores are amalgamated in iron pans. In the various processes adopted for the extraction of silver from its ores by smelting, advantage is taken of the affinity possessed by lead, when in a state of fusion, for this metal, which consequently performs, when in that condition, a somewhat similar service to that which is rendered by mercury at lower temperatures. The presence of gold in an ore of silver in no way modifies its treatment in the furnace, since the former metal invariably accompanies the latter in the lead produced, and is ultimately separated from the alloy, obtained by cupellation, by the process of "parting.' As all silver ores may be treated by fusion with plumbiferous materials, and the silver afterwards separated from the alloy obtained, the various processes described for smelting lead ores are applicable to those of silver. When, however, the extraction of silver is the chief object in view, some form of blast-furnace is often employed, although the flowing furnace, made use of for the treatment of refractory Cornish ores, is likewise well adapted for the purpose. In all such cases the primary result obtained is an alloy of lead and silver, which may be either softened and concentrated before cupellation, or be passed directly to the cupel. Where silver ores have to be worked in a district in which fuel is moderately abundant, but ores of lead are with difficulty obtained, it will generally be found advantageous to cupel the argentiferous alloy without any preliminary concentration, and to employ the resulting litharge in the next operation of smelting a fresh quantity of argen- tiferous material. For this purpose the Continental system may be employed if wood be abundant, but long flues must be constructed for collecting the lead fumes, which can be used, mixed with litharge, for the collection of silver. When silver ores are treated by fusion with plumbiferous materials, it will be necessary to arrange the several furnace mixtures nearly in accordance with those indicated for smelting lead ores in the various furnaces which have been described. The place of galena may be supplied by litharge, &c.; and although the nature and quantity of the fluxes required can be approximately ascertained by analysis, yet the most suitable proportions to be employed can, in each case, only be exactly determined after repeated and carefully-conducted trials. As the descrip- tions of the furnaces and processes employed in lead-smelting are equally applicable to those made use of for the treatment of silver ores, we shall proceed to describe some of the methods adopted for the extraction of SILVER. 625 silver by amalgamation. Before doing so, however, it may be necessary to observe that when silver is found associated with large quantities of iron pyrites or other sulphides, other than galena, the ores are frequently fused for a coarse matt previously to fusion with litharge or other plumbi- ferous material. The matt thus obtained is then either roasted and subsequently smelted with some material capable of affording lead, or is first concentrated by a second fusion, followed by another roasting. Nearly the whole of the silver originally present in the ores treated will thus be concentrated in the matts produced, and their subsequent metal- lurgical treatment is, consequently, much simplified. TREATMENT OF SILVER ORES BY AMALGAMATION. MEXICAN OR PATIO PROCESS.--The ores treated by this process do not ordinarily admit of being previously concentrated by mechanical preparation, and even had the results obtained been more satisfactory than they are generally found, the supply of water in the districts in which they occur is, in most cases, so limited as to render washing operations on an extensive scale impossible. This method of extracting silver from its ores by the use of mercury and common salt, without the assistance of artificial heat, was discovered in the year 1557 by Bar- tolomé Medina, a native of the town of Pachuca, in Mexico, and has been uninterruptedly employed from that period up to the present time, without having undergone any material modification. The silver in the ores operated on chiefly exists either in the metallic state, or combined with sulphur, chlorine, iodine, or bromine. Arsenic and antimony, which are present in certain classes of ore, not only render their treatment difficult and expensive, but also materially aug- ment the loss of both silver and mercury. When sufficiently rich, such ores are frequently set aside for treatment by smelting, but they are often so disseminated throughout the veinstone, and so intimately mixed with it, as not to admit of separation by any system of hand pick- ing. The gangue in which they are contained consists principally of quartz, more or less associated with pyrites or with oxide of iron, and, in addition to small quantities of other minerals, often contains from 5 to 10 per cent. of calcite or dolomite. Near the surface such veins are generally much decomposed, and the ores then present the appearance of a friable ferruginous quartz, in which a large proportion of the silver occurs either in the native state or as chloride. Although the loss of silver by the patio system of amalgamation is very large, and much time is expended on the various necessary opera- tions, it nevertheless possesses great advantages over all others, in the barren and arid districts in which it is chicfly carried on, inasmuch as it requires neither fuel nor a large amount of water; the only materials necessary being salt, cupreous pyrites and mercury. Rough stamping.-The ores to be treated by patio amalgamation are first crushed dry in a molino or stamping mill, and are subsequently ground with water in the arrastra (or arrastre) until reduced to the neces- 2 s 626 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. sary state of fine division. The stamping mill generally consists, in Mexico, of a series of wooden lifters or stems, shod with iron, and set in motion by cams arranged round an axle, worked either by a water-wheel or, more frequently, by a vertical shaft, carrying a beam, to which is harnessed a team of four mules. The vertical shaft is provided with a large wooden wheel, which communicates its motion to another, fixed on the cam-shaft of the mill. Ore is supplied to this arrangement in pieces of the size of the fist, which, when sufficiently reduced in size, fall through sieves or screens, made either of metal or of dried hides per- forated with numerous round holes, and which are fixed in an inclined position before each battery. The particles of ore which pass through these holes are removed for fine grinding in the arrastra, while the coarser portions continue to be acted upon by the pestles, until sufficiently re- duced in size to admit of their passing through the screens. In most cases these mills are worked by relays of mules, which are driven at a rapid rate, and frequently replaced by a fresh team. Fine grinding. The arrastra, or tahona, consists of a circular pavement of stone, about 12 feet in diameter, on which the ore is ground by means of two or more stone mullers dragged continually over its surface by mules attached to a horizontal arm. Around this circular pavement of hard stone is constructed a kerbing, either of flat stones or of wood, form- ing a kind of tub, about 2 feet in depth, in the centre of which a piece of hard wood is firmly fitted between the blocks of which the flooring is composed. Working on an iron pivot, in a step let into this central post, is an upright wooden shaft, sccured at its upper extremity to a hori- zontal beam by another journal; this is crossed at right angles by two wooden bars forming four arms, of which one is sufficiently long to admit of two mules being harnessed to it abreast. The voladoras, or mullers, are generally made either of porphyry or of granite, although basalt is sometimes employed for this purpose, and have a length of somewhat less than the radius of the arrastra, with a thickness of about 16 inches. each of them are bored two holes into which wooden pegs are driven for attaching the chains, or thongs of raw hide, by which they are connected with the arms traversing the central vertical shaft. These mullers are so hung that their edges, in the direction of their motion, are raised about an inch above the surface of the stone pavement, while the other side trails heavily upon it. A sectional view of a Mexican arrastra is given in fig. 185, in which A is the upright shaft, B, arms to which the mullers, C (of which one only is shown), are attached, and D the central block of hard wood in which the lower bearing works. In At Guanaxuato, where the ores are more finely ground than in any other district of Mexico, and where in addition to silver they contain a certain proportion of gold, from 6 to 11 quintals* of granza, or coarse sand from the stamping mills, are charged into the arrastra with one barrel, or about 10 gallons of water, at four o'clock in the morning; at nine o'clock a second barrel is poured in, and a third at twelve; at three o'clock three barrels, and at four, five barrels, of water are added. * The Mexican quintal 100 lbs. avoirdupois, nearly. SILVER. 627 At the expiration of twenty-four hours, when the grinding has been com- pleted, the lama, or argentiferous mud, is baled out into barrels, in which it is removed to reservoirs formed of masonry, where a portion of the water is evaporated by exposure to the sun and air, and the mass is ultimately left in a condition fit for subsequent treatment in the patio. In some es- tablishments, instead of the lama being taken away in barrels it is baled into wooden spouts, by which it is conducted to proper receptacles, whilst in others it is tapped from a plug-hole at the bottom of each arrastra, directly into properly-arranged spouts. The mules by which the machines are worked are changed every six hours, and the arrastras are generally arranged in rows in long sheds called galeras. At Zaca- tecas, where the ores contain no gold, the grinding is not so long con- tinued, and the lama is removed in a less finely-divided state. In this О A Fig. 185.-Arrastra; partly in section. district each arrastra grinds 10 quintals in the course of thirteen hours, but the lama is much coarser than at Guanaxuato, and the results obtained are less satisfactory. Where, as at Guanaxuato, the ores contain, in addition to silver, small quantities of gold, the arrastra is kept constantly charged either with a certain amount of mercury or with an amalgam of silver or copper. By this means the gold becomes concentrated in the amalgam ultimately obtained, and highly profitable results are realised. In such cases, care must be taken, in removing the lama daily obtained, not to disturb the amalgam in the bottom of the arrastras, which is collected at periods of from three to six months, and, after being strained and retorted, is melted into bars which are afterwards subjected to the operation of parting. The yield of gold by this method is considerably less than the total amount contained in the ores treated, the loss experienced generally varying from 25 to 40 per cent. on the assay produce. A certain loss of mercury also takes place during the process, which is apparently caused by the decomposition of sulphide of silver with the formation of a 2 s 2 628 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. proportionate amount of sulphide of mercury. The loss of this metal is usually found to correspond very closely with the weight of silver taken up by the amalgam during the progress of the operation. The Patio. This is a large courtyard, generally paved with stone slabs, the joints between which are carefully cemented in order to pre- vent loss of mercury. A slight inclination is given to the surface of the patio, in order that any water that may fall upon it may readily flow away. The ground ores are, as before stated, taken from the tahonas to walled receivers (lameros), in which they become partially dried, and where they are allowed to accumulate until there is a sufficient quantity to form a heap, or torta, which, at Guanaxuato, usually consists of 60 montones, about 96 tons.* When the necessary amount of lama has been thus collected it is taken to a circular area on the patio, from 30 to 50 feet in diameter, according to the weight of ore operated on, surrounded either by a low wall of stone or by a border of planks made tight by filling all the crevices with clay or with mule dung. Into this the lama is introduced until it forms a stratum of about a foot in thickness, and is allowed to remain until, by the evaporation of the water, it has assumed the consistence of a moderately thin mud. As soon as this con- dition has been reached, the amalgamator proceeds to add from 3 to 5 per cent. of salt, and when this has been done the torta receives the first treading (repaso), after which it is allowed to stand until the following day. A larger amount of salt would, in many cases, expedite the working of the torta, but on account of its high price this is seldom added. In addition to common salt, imported from the coast, a large quantity of impure chloride of sodium, obtained from various lagunes, was formerly employed, but the cost of transporting considerable amounts of such an impure material, added to the great increase in bulk of the tortas pro- duced thereby, has caused its use, in a crude state, to be almost entirely abandoned; this salt is, therefore, now concentrated and purified by lixiviation and evaporation before being carried to the mines. The day after salt has been thus mixed with the ore, addition of mer- cury and magistral takes place. Magistral is prepared by slowly roasting, in a reverberatory furnace, copper pyrites containing a considerable admixture of iron pyrites, to which a small quantity of common salt has been added. By this process, the minerals present in the raw ore become oxidised with the formation of cupric and ferrous sulphates, together with a small proportion of chlorides. The cupric sulphate varies in amount from 20 to 40 per cent. of the whole, and is the chief agent in the reduction of the ores, although the iron salt, which is present in amounts varying from 6 to 12 per cent., also exercises a beneficial influence on the results. Before the addition of magistral, the torta is, if necessary, brought to *The weight of the monton varies in different localities- In Guanaxuato a monton usually contains Real del Monte, Pachuca, and Tasco Zacatecas and Sombrerete Fresnillo Bolaños • 32 quintals 30 20 • 18 15 ** SILVER. 629 a proper consistence by the addition of water, and the roasted sulphides are then thrown evenly over its surface by means of wooden shovels. The proportion of this reagent added, is varied in accordance with the amount of cupric sulphate it contains; but in the generality of cases, when magis- tral of average strength is employed, something less than 1 per cent. is found sufficient. As soon as the magistral has been spread over the surface of the torta, it is again trodden by mules for about an hour, when the mercury necessary for the completion of the operation is added. Formerly, the whole of the quicksilver required was not introduced at one time, but at various periods during the progress of the operation. It is, however, now more usual to add all the mercury immediately after the introduction of magistral. This is done by straining it through a piece of canvas, by which its particles are divided into minute globules, the quantity added being from 3 to 4 lbs. for each mark* of silver supposed to be contained in the heap. After the addition of mercury the torta is again trodden, to effect its intimate mixture throughout the mass. When magistral and mercury have been added to a torta, and it has received its first treading, chemical action commences, and the amalga- mator closely watches its operation by means of samples taken from all parts of the heap. To make an assay or tentadura, a fair sample of about 8 ozs. of the ore is washed with water in a small bowl (jicara), and from the results obtained the azoguero (amalgamator) is enabled to judge of the progress of the operation. Shortly after the first treading of the torta samples are taken, and a tentadura is made, and, after washing off the earthy and lighter particles, the remaining polvillos, or metallic sulphides and mercury, are carefully examined. At this stage the mercury con- tains but little silver, and its colour and state of division afford the only indications of the working of the torta. Should it be found divided into small globules, or its natural colour be but slightly changed, it indicates that the amount of magistral added is not sufficient. If, on the contrary, the mercury has acquired a deep grey or leaden hue, the quantity of magistral is too large, and the torta is said to be hot, in which case the addition of a small quantity of lime may be necessary in order to avoid an undue loss of quicksilver. When the heap is in good work- ing order, the surface of the mercury presents a light-grey appearance, and the aspect of the tentadura, taken the day after treading, will have considerably changed. If now pressed by the thumb against the side of the bowl, the mercury will be found to contain silver amalgam, and what on the previous day was broken-up quicksilver (desecho), has become limadura de plata, of a whitish colour and in the form of thin scales. Three tentaduras are usually made daily on each torta: one in the morning before commencing to tread, another after it has been trodden for some time, and a third when the repaso has been completed. The samples selected for this purpose must be taken from the middle of the heap, as well as from the surface, since the top, from being exposed to the action of the air and sun, is always in a more advanced condition * Mark = 3,550·5 grains. 630 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. than the interior. The treading, which must be repeated daily, or as often as tentaduras indicate a necessity for doing so, has the effect of stimulating the action of the magistral. When chemical action has almost ceased, and nearly the whole of the silver which the process is capable of extracting from the ore has been taken up by mercury, the limadura becomes "weak," and on being rubbed by the thumb shows but little solid amalgam. As soon as it is found to be free from amalgam, and unites in globules at the bottom of the jicara, the operation is con- sidered finished, and the torta is said to be rendido. For some years, however, amalgamators have not entirely relied on the results obtained by washing, but have also been assisted by fire assays made on average samples taken from each torta; in this way its total content of silver is readily ascertained. Another weighed sample is washed in the jicara, and the mercury and amalgam carefully collected; the assay of these afford data for calculating the proportion of silver which still remains. unacted upon in the ores. The treading is generally performed by mules, which are blindfolded and tied together four abreast; one mule for every two montones of ore is, at Guanaxuato, required for the effectual treading of a heap. A driver, who stands in the centre of the torta, guides the animals with a long halter, causing them first to tread at the outer edge, and gradually diminishing the radius of the circle described. The time necessary for working a torta varies from fifteen to forty-five days, according to circumstances. Washing.—When the working of a heap has been completed, a quan- tity of fresh mercury, called a baño, is sometimes added, but this practice. is by no means universal. At Guanaxuato the washing apparatus (lava- dero) consists of three circular tanks built closely together within an inscribing circle; these are constructed of stone slabs with carefully- cemented joints. The depth of each tank is 5 feet 4 inches, and its diameter 9 feet 6 inches; they communicate with one another by means of openings, of which one is at a height of 8 inches and the other at a distance of 30 inches from the bottom. The last tank is provided with two separate discharge holes; the first 6 inches from the bottom, and the other, which is used only for cleaning up, is situated close to it. In the centre of each tank is an upright shaft carrying agitating arms; the whole being set in motion by a shaft provided with a spur- wheel working in pinions on the shafts of the different washing vats. The shaft carrying the spur-wheel passes through an upper flooring, where motion is communicated to it by a team of mules attached to an arm let into it at right angles; the pinions of the agitators in the second and third tanks are a little larger than that working the stirrer in the first, and their motion is consequently somewhat slower. The first tank into which the metalliferous mud from the torta is charged is called the tina cargadora, whilst the third, from which it runs off, after passing through the second, is called the descargadora. Before being washed, the torta is divided into several parcels, each of which is softened by treading and the addition of water, and then taken to the washing house in bateas, dusted on the inside with dried mule dung to prevent adherence. SILVER. 631 About three montones of lama are now gradually introduced into the first tank, water being at the same time run in, and the machinery is made to revolve rapidly, by driving the mules at a gallop. When the whole of the lama has been introduced, the speed of the agitator is gradually slackened, until the mules move only at a gentle walk, and samples of the slime are, from time to time, taken out and washed, in order to ascertain if it still retains an appreciable amount of mercury. When samples taken from the tinas afford only minute metallic traces, the plug furthest from the bottom of the descargadora is removed, and, as soon as the slimes have run off, they are replaced, and the operation is continued until the whole of the torta has been washed. The bottom plug is then removed with suitable precautions, and the whole of the mercury and amalgam carefully collected. At Guanaxuato, the heavier constituents of the torta, which remain with the amalgam at the bottom of the tinas, are separated from the latter by washing in bateas, and the resulting relaves are subsequently re-ground in arrastras. By this treatment they are made to yield a certain amount of auriferous amalgam, but they are not always again subjected to patio amalgamation. In this district the slimes from the lavadero are now sometimes concentrated by means of the round buddle. At Zacatecas and Fresnillo the washing is conducted in a single cir- cular cistern, and as soon as the azoguero considers that a torta is ready he adds to it about 80 per cent. of the amount of mercury which it already contains. At Guanaxuato, as has been already stated, the lama is taken direct to the lavadero without any further addition of quicksilver. The speed of the agitator is greater than in cases where three tinas are em- ployed and about two and a half montones of lama are passed through each cistern in the course of an hour. A considerable loss of amalgam is the result of this system of washing, and in order to recover it, the heavy residues collected in a cistern beneath the discharge-orifice of the tina are re-washed on a planilla, or washing table. These, when sufficiently rich, after being previously roasted in a reverberatory furnace, are re- ground in an arrastra, and a second time treated by amalgamation in the patio. In certain districts, and particularly in those situated nearest to the city of Mexico, the washing of the tortas is conducted in a wooden tank, of which one end is pierced with numerous holes at different heights, which admit of being closed by plugs provided for that purpose. At the opposite end a stream is admitted, and as soon as the cistern has become nearly filled with water the lama to be washed is thrown in and briskly stirred with shovels; when the ore is thus well incorporated with water the plugs are successively removed, beginning with the upper one. The lighter earthy matters are in this way first drawn off, and afterwards the heavier metallic sulphides, until the amalgam, in a tolerably pure state, alone remains in the bottom. After escaping from the tank, the slimes are conducted through riffle-boxes for a distance of from 70 to 80 feet, in which a considerable portion of the amalgam and mercury, which would be otherwise lost, is retained. Filtration of Amalgam.—The amalgam obtained is first purified from 632 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. 1 adhering particles of mineral, and then filtered through a cone-shaped bag (manga), of which the upper portion is cased with leather, while the lower part consists of stout canvas only. This is hung, point downwards, from a strong beam, and the mixture of mercury and amalgam introduced; the former gradually passes through the meshes of the canvas, and is col- lected in a vessel placed beneath for that purpose. The amalgam remaining in the manga contains mercury to the extent of from four to five and a half times the weight of silver present, and has a granular and plastic consistency, which readily admits of its being moulded into bricks. As soon as mercury has ceased to drop from the point of the manga it is emptied on a table covered with leather, and the amalgam is beaten into triangular bricks (bollos), from 3 to 4 inches in thickness, and so shaped, that when six of them are placed together they form a circular cake, having a hole in the centre for the escape of mercurial vapours, during the subsequent process of distillation. Retorting. The separation of mercury from the silver is effected by distillation under a large cast-iron bell placed over the amalgam, and around which is lighted a charcoal fire. A circular casting is let into the floor of the retorting house, through which a current of cold water constantly circulates, and on this is placed an iron support, on which the bricks of amalgam are arranged. When thus prepared the bell (capellina) is lowered over it, and the bottom carefully secured by a luting of clay. Unburnt bricks (adobes) are now built around it in the form of a hollow wall, so as to leave an annular space, 8 inches in width, between them and the capellina; this is filled with ignited charcoal, and in proportion as the mercury becomes volatilised, it is condensed by the action of the current of water, and escapes through an iron pipe into a receptacle pre- pared for that purpose. Instead of the wall of adobes an iron cage is some- times placed around the bell, for the purpose of retaining the charcoal. The resulting silver (plata piña) has a porous frosted appearance. The spongy silver thus obtained is fused and cast into bars in the ordinary way, and is generally above 990 fine. Results obtained, &c.-The loss of silver experienced in patio amal- gamation is always considerable, but varies in accordance with the nature of the ores and the amount of skill brought to bear upon their treatment. At Guanaxuato the average loss on docile ore is from 9 to 14 per cent. on the assay produce; at Fresnillo the deficit is often 28 per cent., whilst, according to Duport, the loss at Zacatecas, where the ores contain a large proportion of antimonial sulphides, was, at the time he wrote (1843), from 35 to 40 per cent. of the yield indicated by assay. The loss of silver in patio amalgamation at Real del Monte (1864-65), as furnished by Mr. Buchan, was 9 per cent. The loss of mercury experienced at the same period in that establish- ment was 11 ozs. per mark of silver obtained; but this may be taken as a favourable result, as the average expenditure of quicksilver may probably be estimated at from 12 to 16 ozs. per mark of silver extracted. The cost of patio amalgamation varies in different localities; at the Hacien la Nueva, belonging to the Fresnillo Company, the cost of treatment SILVER. 633 of a monton of 2,000 lbs. (1840-41) was $20.74, while at the Ophir Com- pany's works, Nevada (1864), the cost of working the same weight of ore was $23.25. The chemical reactions which take place during the progress of patio amalgamation are of a complicated nature, and the whole of them are not yet thoroughly understood; the ore contains a mixture of native silver, chloride of silver, and various sulphides, &c., containing silver. Common salt is decomposed by cupric sulphate in the magistral, giving rise to sodium sulphate and copper and iron chlorides. Cupric chloride in its turn reacts on silver sulphide with the production of silver chloride, which is dissolved in the excess of sodium chloride added to the torta, and the silver is subsequently reduced to the metallic state by a portion of the mercury, which is ultimately converted into calomel, whilst the reduced silver forms an amalgam with unattacked mercury. The cuprous chloride formed is dissolved in the excess of sodium chloride, and converts another portion of silver sulphide into chloride, which is subsequently reduced by mercury, and finally forms an amalgam with that metal. The copper is, ultimately, chiefly converted into sulphide, and mercuric sulphide is sometimes also found in the torta; this has been supposed to be the result of the action of mercurous chloride on silver sulphide. It has, however, been shown that this substance may be produced by the direct decomposition of silver sulphide by metallic mercury, and it is highly probable that this reaction takes place, to a certain extent, in the torta. It has been contended, by persons practically acquainted with patio amalgamation, that silver chloride is not necessarily formed during the process; but the various phenomena brought forward in support of this view appear to be capable of being otherwise explained. STOVE AMALGAMATION.-In some of the colder and more humid districts of Mexico a modification of patio amalgamation has been occa- sionally resorted to. The ground ore from the arrastra is placed in a shed where the salt, magistral, and mercury, are added, and the process is conducted in the usual way. When the operation is about half com- pleted it is removed to a stove (estufa), consisting of a chamber with flues, so arranged beneath the floor as to communicate to the mixture the heat of a fire-place with which they are connected. It is here exposed to a gentle heat during from two to three days, and is then taken back to the shed, where the operation is completed by the ordinary method of patio amalgamation. In this way the time necessary for the reduction of the ore is diminished, and the yield of silver somewhat augmented; the loss of mercury is, on the other hand, more considerable. HOT PROCESS.-In parts of South America where the ores contain a large amount of native silver, or where that metal occurs in combination with chlorine, iodine, or bromine, amalgamation is sometimes effected by the aid of the cazo. This apparatus consists of a vessel formed either of blocks of stone or of wooden staves, like those of a tub, the bottom of which is made of a slab of copper 2 inches in thickness, but which becomes gradually thinned by use. This metallic bottom is retained in its place by a groove running round the interior of the vessel, in the 634 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. same way that the head of a cask is secured, and all joints are carefully luted with clay. The copper plate rests upon the walls of the hearth, forming the roof of a fire-place, which has neither fire-bars nor chimney, and which has but one opening for both the introduction of fuel and the egress of smoke. After being roughly stamped, ores intended for cazo amalgamation are ground in the arrastra; but as they are subsequently subjected to a process of washing care is taken not to carry the operation too far. The ordinary dimensions of the cazo are, diameter at top, 3 feet 3 inches; at bottom, 2 feet; depth, 18 inches. About 100 lbs. of con- centrated ore forms the charge of a cazo, in which it is mixed with as much water as will convert it into a liquid paste. When the contents of the vessel have been made to boil, from 5 to 10 per cent. of salt is added, and the workman, who squats by the side of the furnace and keeps the mixture constantly agitated with a wooden stirrer, begins the addition of mercury. More mercury is from time to time added, and numerous samples are taken and washed in order to ascertain to what extent the ores have become exhausted of their silver. The total amount of mercury added is usually twice the weight of the silver supposed to be contained in the charge, and the duration of the entire operation is six hours; the liquid contents of the cazo, together with the slimes, are now dipped out into reservoirs, whence they are subsequently removed for further treat- ment by patio amalgamation. By this process the silver which exists. in the ores in a native state, as well as that combined with chlorine, iodine, or bromine, is readily made to unite with mercury, but silver sulphide does not easily yield its metal to cazo amalgamation, and hence the necessity of re-treating the residues in the torta. They do not, how- ever, require the addition of magistral, since they contain a sufficient amount of chloride of copper to convert the whole of the silver sulphide into chloride. In the district of Catorce the dimensions of the cazo are sometimes much enlarged, and, under the name of fondon, this contrivance is some- what extensively employed for the reduction of argentiferous ores. The diameter of the copper bottom of the fondon is from 5 feet 6 inches to 7 feet 6 inches, and, instead of the necessary motion being imparted to the charge by a wooden stirrer, worked by hand, it is obtained by blocks of copper dragged over the bottom by an arrangement similar to the arms of an arrastra. It may, therefore, be regarded as an arrastra in which the stone paving and voladoras are replaced by a plate and blocks of metallic copper, and to which a mule is harnessed in the ordinary way; a fire-place is built below the bottom, which is provided with a plug-hole for tapping off the slimes at the termination of each operation. The charge varies from 1,200 to 1,500 lbs., and its treatment is completed in six hours, as in the case of cazo amalgamation. The loss of mercury experienced during the treatment of silver ores in the cazo and fondon is extremely small, not amounting to more than 2 to 3 per cent., since by this process chloride of silver is finally reduced at the expense of the copper bottom of the apparatus, instead of by the action of mercury, as in the case of patio amalgamation. SILVER. 635 AMALGAMATION IN BARRELS.-The amalgamation of silver ores by this process was conducted with great skill and economy at Halsbrücke, near Freiberg, from the year 1790 up to 1856. This system was, however, abandoned in the course of the year last named, on account of the expense of manipulation and of the unsatis- factory results which it afforded when applied to certain classes of ore. The changes of more than half a century had also so modified the rela- tions originally existing between the prices of labour and fuel, that, at the latter date, it was found advantageous to abandon the use of mercury, and to smelt the argentiferous ores with others containing lead. The usual constituents of the ores treated at Halsbrücke are sulphur, anti- mony, arsenic, silver, copper, lead, iron, and zinc, which are more or less mixed with various earthy minerals, besides sometimes containing small quantities of bismuth, gold, nickel and cobalt. In the selection of these ores they were so assorted as not to contain above 4 per cent. of lead, or 1 per cent. of copper, as from combining with the mercury added, these metals give to the amalgam a pasty consistency, and thereby render the treatment both difficult and expensive. The different ores selected for amalgamation varied in richness from 15 to 200 ozs. per ton. At one period the mixtures of these ores were so arranged that the charges of the furnaces should always contain from 75 to 80 ozs. per ton. Latterly, however, it became usual to work the poor and rich ores separately, since it was found that the total loss of silver in the residues was thereby considerably diminished. cess. The mixtures of the poorer ores contained, on an average, from 30 to 40 ozs. per ton, whilst the amount of silver in those of the richer ores varied from 90 to 130 ozs. per ton. It is essential that both mixtures should contain a certain proportion of sulphide of iron, for the formation of sulphate of iron, which is necessary to the success of the roasting pro- The quantity of sulphide of iron present should not be less than about 25 per cent. If the amount of iron pyrites, naturally occurring in the ores, did not equal this proportion, addition was made either of that mineral or of ferrous sulphate. Frequently, however, the ores at Freiberg contained much more pyrites than was required, and in such cases a few of the most sulphurous varieties were subjected to a previous roasting without salt, in order to reduce the average amount in the whole to the right proportion. The ore when prepared was laid on a large floor, 40 feet in length and 12 in width, and on the top of it was thrown 10 per cent. of common salt, which was let drop from another room, through spouts placed in the floor for that purpose. The heap, when it had been thus made up of alternate strata of ore and common salt, was well mixed by being care- fully turned over with a shovel, and then passed through a coarse sieve. It was subsequently divided into small parcels, each weighing from 4 to 5 cwts. The salt annually employed for this purpose at the Hals- brücke works amounted to 500 tons, and was supplied by the Prussian salt mines. The mixture of ore and salt was now roasted in reverberatory furnaces, 636 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. provided with long flues, for the reception of the pulverulent matters taken over by the draught. The prepared charge was spread on the bottom of the hearth, where it was at first gently heated, for the purpose of expelling the moisture, which to a greater or less extent it invariably contained. During the process of drying, which usually occupied from twenty to thirty minutes, the charge was kept constantly stirred by a long iron rake. The lumps, which were formed by this operation, were then broken down by means of an iron beater, provided with a long handle. The heat was afterwards raised, white fumes were given off, and, in about two hours from the commencement, the whole mass had become red-hot. The charge was occasionally turned, so that every particle of ore might be equally exposed to the fire, and during the whole time the mass was diligently stirred with the rake. The fire was now allowed to burn down, and the oxida- tion of the sulphur aided by constant stirring. This went on without intermission until the mass became quite dark, and a sample taken from the furnace no longer evolved any odour of sulphurous anhydride. During this period, the ore increased in volume, and the particles hung so loosely together that the movement of the rake was scarcely at all impeded. The heat was again raised for about three-quarters of an hour; the iron sulphate, formed by the oxidation of pyrites, reacted on the common salt, and caused the evolution of chlorine and hydrochloric acid gases, which, coming in contact with various silver compounds, con- verted them into chloride. Chlorides of the other metals present were at the same time formed, together with sodium sulphate. When the roast- ing was terminated, the charge was raked from the furnace into an iron barrow, and thence removed to an adjoining floor. The ore was afterwards raised to an upper story for the purpose of being passed through a set of sieves, by which the finer powder was separated from the agglutinated lumps. These were broken to a proper size, and a portion re-roasted by adding a small quantity to each of the ordinary charges. The remainder was mixed with 2 or 3 per cent. of salt, and calcined in the usual way. The finer particles, which passed through the sieves, were, on the con- trary, taken to heavy millstones, where they were reduced to the state of an impalpable powder. After roasting, the charge consisted chiefly of oxide of iron, basic sulphate of iron, and protochlorides and perchlorides of iron and copper; together with oxide and sulphate of copper, sulphate of lead, oxide of antimony, and zinc, and a small quantity of metallic sulphides, in addition to gangue, various earthy salts, sulphate of sodium, and the excess of common salt employed. The compounds of silver, originally present in the mineral, were converted into chloride, with the exception of traces of metallic silver, and perhaps also of a minute quantity of sulphide of silver, which remained in the residues. The charge in roast- ing suffered a considerable diminution in weight, amounting to about 10 per cent. This loss is due to the escape of sulphur, chlorine, particles of salt, zinc, antimony, arsenic, chloride of iron, &c. SILVER. 637 The amalgamation of the prepared ores was performed in twenty wooden casks, arranged in four rows, each turning on cast-iron axles, secured to their ends by means of bolts. These barrels, which were internally 2 feet 8 inches in length, 2 feet 8 inches in diameter at the ends, and 2 feet 10 inches in the middle, were made of pine, 3 inches in thickness, and were strengthened by iron hoops and binders, fig. 186. On one of the ends of each barrel was a toothed-wheel, w, figs. 187, 188, communicating with a shaft, x, which received its motion directly from a water- wheel. 1t 230 TIJ Fig. 186.-Amalgamating Barrel. Above each of the barrels so arranged was a wooden case, C, into which was thrown the prepared mineral. To the bottom of this case was fixed a wooden spout, to which was attached a hose made of strong cloth, and terminated by a short cylinder of tin-plate, for the purpose of introducing the powdered ore into the different barrels, B. Each cask was furnished with a circular opening, a (figs. 186, 187), 5 inches in diameter, fitted with a wooden plug, through which had been bored a small hole, provided with a h พ B B พ 3 Fig. 187.-Amalgamating Barrels; transverse section. pin made of hard wood, for the purpose of running off the argentiferous mercury at the termination of the process. Below the barrels, and a little above the surface of the floor, were placed triangular troughs destined to receive the residual matters at the close of the operation. At the com- mencement of the process 3 cwts. of water were run into each barrel, 638 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. after which 10 cwts. of the ground and finely-sifted ores were introduced through the hose, h. Each cask contained from 80 to 100 lbs. of wrought- iron, cut into fragments of about 1 inch square and 3 of an inch in thickness, and which, in proportion as they became dissolved by the action of the substances with which they were associated, were replaced by fresh pieces. As soon as the barrels were charged, and the plugs firmly secured in their places by binding screws, the apparatus was thrown into gear by means of a screw and sliding block, b (fig. 186), and made to rotate with a rapidity of from twelve to fifteen revolutions per minute. At the expiration of two hours the machinery was again stopped, for the purpose of examining the state of the metalliferous paste. If the charge was too firm a little water was added, but if, on the contrary, it was B B W {/ UNLIMIT PE Fig. 188-Amalgamating Barrels; plan, partly section. found to be too soft, a small quantity of ore was thrown in. When this had been attended to, 5 cwts. of mercury were poured into each cask, and the barrel, after being securely closed, was again thrown into gear, and kept constantly revolving for about sixteen hours, at the uniform rate of thirteen turns per minute. During the first eight hours of this period they were twice examined for the purpose of seeing whether the paste which they contained was of the proper consistence, for if too thick the mercury becomes too finely divided, and if too thin, it remains at the bottom of the cask, and is not sufficiently mixed with the different constituents of the charge. In the first case, it is necessary to add a small quantity of water; and in the second, a little powdered ore. After the introduction of the mercury the temperature of the casks becomes considerably raised by the chemical changes constantly going on within, so that even in winter it sometimes stands as high as 40° C. At the expiration of eighteen hours the amalgamation was ordinarily complete, and the casks were now entirely filled with water, and again made to turn during from one and a half to two hours with a velocity of only six or eight revolutions per minute. The mercury was by this means separated from the slimy matters with which it was mixed, and collected in one mass at the bottom of the barrels. When this union of the globules of mercury had been accomplished, the different casks were successively thrown out of gear and stopped with their apertures upper- SILVER. 639 most. The small peg in the bung was now removed, and in its place was inserted a hollow plug, to which was attached a small leathern hose, with a screw and clasp for choking it when required. The cask was then turned round so that the plug, a (fig. 187), was immediately over the spout, o. The hose being put into the iron tube, p, the mercury was allowed to run off into the gutter, v, by which it was conducted to a receiver prepared for that purpose. The workman closely watched this period of the operation, and the moment any of the earthy matters began to flow from the orifice it was again tightly closed. The casks were now turned with their apertures, a, upwards, the small hose-plug was removed, and the bung loosened by a few taps with a mallet. The bung-holes were then again turned downwards, the bungs with- drawn, and the muddy residuum discharged into the trough situated immediately under them, from which it flowed into large washing vats placed on the ground floor below the barrels. During the first two hours that the casks were in motion, and before the introduction of mercury, the chlorides contained in the ore were reduced to the state of protochlorides, the saline matters dissolved by the water present, and the particles of silver chloride thereby exposed. If, instead of this, the mercury were immediately introduced into the casks, it would, by reacting on ferric chloride, &c., have become partially con- verted into calomel, which, not being again reduced during the subse- quent stages of the operation, would have resulted in a considerable loss of that metal. This inconvenience is, however, avoided by the action of metallic iron, as the resulting protochloride is without action on metallic mercury. The chloride of silver contained in the roasted ore is decomposed by agitation with the metallic iron and quicksilver; the chlorine combines with iron in the form of chloride of iron, whilst the silver is dissolved in the liquid mercury. The chlorides of lead and copper which may be present are also reduced at the same time as the chloride of silver, and those metals enter into the composition of the amalgam produced. The slimes, conducted to the washing vats before mentioned, were mixed with an additional quantity of water, and kept constantly stirred by rods attached to iron arms fixed to an upright shaft in the centre of each vat, and turned by a small water-wheel. These vats were furnished with openings at various distances from the bottom, by which the muddy water was successively drawn off into tanks, where the solid matters were allowed to settle. These, if they contained as much as 4½ ozs. of silver to the ton, were removed to a drying floor, and subsequently re-roasted with 15 or 16 per cent. of pyrites, and 5 or 6 per cent. of salt. The calcined residues were afterwards sifted in the usual way, and then, with- out being re-ground, subjected to amalgamation in barrels for a somewhat shorter period than was customary in the case of ordinary ores. The quicksilver collected in the bottom of the washing vats was drawn off every five or six weeks, and, from the large proportion of impurities it contained, was treated apart from the ordinary amalgam obtained by tapping directly from the barrels. The mercury and amal- 640 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. gam removed from the casks were afterwards filtered through canvas bags, by which the liquid quicksilver was separated from the pasty amalgam, which was retained by the closeness of the web, whilst the mercury passed through into reservoirs prepared for that purpose. The amalgam which was retained in the bags consisted of a mixture of 6 parts of mercury and 1 of an alloy composed of about 80 per cent. of silver and 20 of a mixture of copper, antimony, zinc, lead and some other metals. The amalgam was subsequently heated in iron retorts placed in suitable furnaces, and the mercury separated by distil- lation from the non-volatile constituents which were obtained in the solid form. The employment of retorts had latterly almost entirely superseded the iron bells at one time used at Freiberg for this purpose. It was, however, found necessary that the condensing tube of the retort should be somewhat large, and of such a length that the vapours of mercury might be condensed without the aid of water; explosions would otherwise be liable to take place. Three retorts were employed, and in cach were placed 450 lbs. of amalgam on iron dishes, which yielded about 70 lbs of Teller-silber. The time required to complete the distil- lation was generally about ten hours. The silver thus obtained was alloyed with various other metals, which, with the exception of a certain proportion of copper, were removed by a process of refining in a large iron crucible, conducted in the following way :- The crucible being placed in the furnace and made red-hot, the lumps of silver alloy were successively introduced and brought to a state of fusion. Powdered charcoal was then thrown on the fused metal, and the crucible covered temporarily with a thin plate of iron. This, after the lapse of a few minutes, was again removed, and the impurities which had risen to the surface were, together with the unconsumed charcoal, skimmed off by means of a perforated ladle. More charcoal was placed on the liquid metal, and the scum subsequently removed as before. These operations were repeated, with occasional stirring of the metallic bath, until the metal had become perfectly cleaned. The process generally occupied from six to eight hours, and, when completed, the metal should be malleable and dissolve completely in nitric acid, to which solution the addition of an excess of ammonia should impart a clear blue colour only. The silver was now cast into ingots, and in this state was sent to the Saxon Mint. The dust obtained from the flues was from to time removed, and, after having been sifted, was mixed with and treated as ordinary ore. The slags, sweepings, &c., from the melting operations, were crushed, and afterwards fused with carbonate of potassium and nitre, by which means the silver which they contained was obtained in the form of a metallic button. The supernatant liquor, run off from the tanks in which the schlich from the barrels was allowed to settle, chiefly consisted of a solution of sodium sulphate and common salt, together with small quan- tities of iron sulphates and various other soluble salts. The loss of silver by this process was from 5 to 9 per cent. of the amount contained in the ore, and the mercury expended varied from one- fifth to one-fourth of the weight of fine silver produced. According to SILVER. 611 Winkler, the average loss of mercury at Freiberg during seven years was about 3 ozs. per lb. troy of silver produced. At Constante, Spain, the loss of quicksilver was (1856) 8.9 ozs. per lb. of silver, and the loss of the latter metal, on the assay produce, 12 per cent. At Real del Monte, Mexico (1864-65), the loss of mercury was 7.6 ozs. per lb. of silver obtained, and the loss of silver 13 per cent. The loss of mercury at the Ophir Company's Works, Nevada (1867), was 2.96 ozs. per lb. of bullion, and that of silver 10 per cent. on the assay produce. The cost of barrel amalgamation necessarily varies in accordance with the nature of the ores treated and with the locality in which the works are situated. At Constante the total cost of treating one ton of ore, containing on an average 100 ozs. of silver, was (1855) £2 5s. 6d., while at Real del Monte (1864–65) it amounted to about £3 10s. per ton. The cost of treatment by barrel amalgamation at the Ophir Works, Nevada (1867), was $20.14 per ton of 2,000 lbs. Amalgamation of Copper Matts. In the copper-works of Mansfeld, silver was formerly extracted from the last matts by a process of amal- gamation in many respects similar to that employed for the direct treatment of argentiferous ores, but they are now treated by Ziervogel's process of extraction by means of hot water. The matt operated on by this method is first stamped and sifted, and afterwards reduced between millstones to the state of powder. This fine powder, after being slightly wetted with water, is roasted in a reverberatory furnace, provided with condensing chambers, for the purpose of retaining the fume and finely- divided ore which may be carried over by the draught. The matt to be roasted is first heated very gently, whilst the calcination of a preceding charge is being completed on the hotter portion of the bed, which, from being the nearest to the fire, is the most strongly heated. Each charge of powdered matt weighs 4 cwts., and is evenly spread over the surface of the floor, and kept constantly agitated by an iron rake, with the view of exposing fresh surfaces to the oxidising influence of the air. At the expiration of three hours this roasting is sufficiently advanced, and the ore is then raked out, through a door in the side of the furnace, into a bin, where it is allowed to cool. The ore thus prepared is now mixed with 10 per cent. of common salt and the same weight of finely-powdered carbonate of calcium. To this mixture water is added, and the whole is worked into a paste, which is subsequently dried in properly-arranged stoves. The dried mass is then ground in a mill to the state of an impalpable powder, and is subjected to a second roasting at a much higher temperature than the first. The carbonate of calcium added in this case is for the purpose of effecting the decomposition of the sulphates of iron and copper, which would otherwise be produced in such large quantities as to give rise to con- siderable loss of mercury during the subsequent amalgamation. In order to ascertain if the roasting is sufficiently advanced, the workman with- draws, from time to time, a small sample from the furnace, and intimately mixes it, in a wooden bowl, with water and with a certain proportion of mercury. This pasty mixture is subsequently washed in a larger quantity of water, by which the lighter earthy particles are removed, whilst the 2 T 642 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. : heavier amalgam is collected at the bottom, and from the aspect of this it may be judged whether the operation is progressing favourably or not. When the appearances thus observed are not satisfactory, addition is made either of salt, lime, or roasted matts, in the proportions which may be judged necessary. This second roasting occupies from one and a half to two hours, at the expiration of which time the charge is withdrawn from the furnace, and amalgamated in casks similar to those employed for the same purpose when silver ores are treated. Each barrel is charged with 5 cwts. of roasted ore, 75 gallons of warm water, and 80 lbs. of scrap-iron. The tubs are now made to turn for a sufficient time to effect the decomposition of perchlorides, and 3 cwts. of mercury are introduced. The apparatus is then kept in motion during fourteen hours, at the expiration of which time the barrels are filled with water, and kept slowly turning for about two hours, to determine the separation of the liquid amalgam from the carthy matters with which it is mixed. The tubs are afterwards emptied by the same process as that formerly employed at Freiberg, and the copper schlich obtained is afterwards mixed with 15 per cent. of plastic clay, and moulded into cakes, which, after being dried at a gentle heat, may be treated in a blast-furnace for the copper they contain. The silver remaining in the distillatory apparatus after the expulsion of the mercury, is fused in large black-lead crucibles, which are filled with the metal to within 2 inches of the top, and the silver is briskly agitated with an iron rod whilst in a fused state. The liquid metal soon begins to give off fumes, and throws up a dark-coloured scum, which is skimmed off, and a fresh coating of charcoal thrown on its surface. The crucible is afterwards covered, and again briskly heated; any fresh slag which may have been thrown up is skimmed off, and the operation is repeated as long as any slag continues to be formed. The silver, which is still contaminated by from 15 to 18 per cent. of copper, is cast into ingots, which are afterwards refined by cupellation. WASHOE PROCESS OF AMALGAMATION. Shortly after the discovery of rich silver mines at Virginia City, in the State of Nevada (1859), it became evident that on account of the prevailing high prices of labour, fuel, forage and all other necessaries, none of the processes employed in other localities for the treatment of silver ores could, in that district, afford profitable results, if applied to material assaying from $30 to $60 per ton, of which the Great Comstock lode was capable of yielding vast quantities. Under these circumstances it was most important that some means should be devised for extracting the silver from such ores, without the preliminary roasting required for the barrel process on the one hand, and without the great expenditure of mercury, time and labour necessary for patio amalgamation on the other. In addition to the expense and other disadvantages of the latter process, it was found, after numerous trials conducted on a large scale, that the climate of Nevada materially interfered, during a large portion of the year, with the chemical reactions of the torta. The experiments undertaken with a view of overcoming these various difficulties, finally resulted in a system of amalgamation SILVER. 643 in iron pans, which, from having been first introduced in the Washoe district, is generally known as the "Washoe process." The applicability of this method to the treatment of argentiferous ores depends, to a very great extent, on their composition, as well as on the nature of the various minerals with which they may be associated. The veinstone obtained from the Comstock mines chiefly consists of crumbling white quartz, with which is mixed a certain amount of clay and country rock; a closer inspection generally shows the presence of iron and copper pyrites, and a still more careful search, particularly if aided by the use of a hand-lens, reveals the presence of blende, galena and argentite; more rarely stephanite and polybasite may also be dis- tinguished among the ores. Specimens may be found in which many, or all, of these minerals may be distinctly recognised. Gold occurs in the ores from the Comstock vein to the amount of nearly one-third of their total value. For the purpose of metallurgical treatment they were formerly, and still are, to a certain extent, divided into three classes. The first class embraces those ores whose assay value is above $150 per ton of 2,000 lbs. the second class includes ores whose assay value ranges from $90 to $150 per ton; and the third class comprehends all workable ores of lower value than the foregoing, the average assay value varying considerably in different mines. The silver of ores of the first class is so intimately associated with lead, antimony, arsenic, iron and other base metals, as to render its extraction difficult, and they consequently cannot be profitably treated by the simple processes to which the more docile ores, of the second and third classes, are subjected. Ores of the first class are crushed dry, roasted with common salt in reverberatory furnaces, and then amal- gamated in barrels. The ores of the second and third classes are treated by the Washoe or pan process; the chief difference, where any exists, in the details of treatment of the two classes consists in the time required for amalgamation, and the amount of quicksilver and "chemicals employed. وو The ore treated by the Washoe process is drawn from the mines in fragments of various dimensions, and before being subjected to amalgama- tion requires to be brought to a state of minute division. Blake's me- chanical stone-breakers, or sledge-hammers, are employed for reducing them to a suitable size for feeding into stamping mills, in which they are crushed wet to the state of fine sand, and thence pass off, in suspension in water, through iron screens perforated with small holes, and are col- lected in suitable reservoirs, from which they are subsequently removed for the purpose of being ground in cast-iron pans or amalgamators with hot water and mercury, with or without the addition of certain chemicals. The amalgam thus obtained is separated from redundant quicksilver by straining in the usual way, and is afterwards retorted, and the residual alloy melted into bars. Stamping Mill.—The stamping mill consists of a series of heavy iron pestles, which are successively lifted to a height, varying from 9 to 15 inches, and allowed to fall with their full weight on the ore beneath 2 T 2 644 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. P โด fo A C M 3 0 T T LL B F F 回 ​JE j 10 i W. WELCH S Fig. 189. Stamping Mill; front elevation. SILVER. 645 R KELWED C વા P n C R m • 1 י. F D ค T W. WELCH.SC. Fig. 190.-Stamping Mill; section on A B. 646 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. them. These stampers are inclosed in a mortar or battery-box of cast- iron, which is kept constantly supplied with the ore to be crushed, and from which it can only escape by passing through screens, the degree of fineness of the apertures in which regulates its state of division. The mortars are rectangular in form, and usually contain five stampers, forming what is called a "battery "; they are supported on a solid wooden founda- tion, and the whole machine is established within a substantial framework of timber. Motion is given to the stampers by means of a series of cams keyed on a cam-shaft placed immediately in front of the battery, which is made to revolve, either by water or steam power. Fig. 189 is a front elevation of two five-stamp batteries, and fig. 190 a transverse section of the same machine, on the line A B. These draw- ings have been reduced from the magnificent work, published by the United States Government, on the 'Mining Industry of the Fortieth Parallel,'* under the direction of Mr. Clarence King. The stampers move vertically between guides of hard wood, G, g, forming part of the battery-frame. The foundation for the battery consists of heavy tim- bers, F, standing vertically, placed close to one another, and firmly bolted together; the side timbers, T, and the battery-posts, C, are securely fastened to the foundation, being strengthened by the iron bars, R, and stays D. The mortars, M (fig. 189), are placed directly on the founda- tion of vertical mortar-blocks, and are secured by bolts, as shown in the figures. The mortar most generally employed for wet crushing is a cast- iron box, from 4 to 5 feet in length, 3 feet 6 inches in depth, and about 12 inches in width, inside measure, cast in one piece. The feed-opening, l, through which the ore to be crushed is introduced, is about 4 inches in width and nearly as long as the mortar. On the opposite side is the dis- charge aperture, furnished with a screen, i, through which the crushed ore is made to pass; this opening also is nearly of the same length as the mortar; the lower edge being raised from 2 to 3 inches above the tops of the dies, d, fig. 190. The screen is attached to a wooden frame, j, which is secured in grooves cast in each end of the mortar, and by two lugs, o, cast in front of the discharge opening; it is firmly held in its place by means of the wedges, w. Screens are sometimes placed vertically, but they are more frequently inclined as shown in fig. 190; they may be made of fine brass wire-cloth, having from forty to sixty meshes to the lineal inch; but for wet crushing, Russian sheet iron, perforated with holes varying from to of an inch in diameter, is generally preferred. A piece of canvas is usually hung loosely before the screens, to prevent splashing. 1 24 1 40 The mortar is furnished with dies, d, which are so fixed in the bottom as to receive the blows of the stampers, and to sustain the wear which in its absence would be experienced by the bottom of the mortar. This die is a cylindrical block, corresponding in diameter with the shoe of the stamper, which falls upon it and is about 6 inches in height. In order to keep it in its place the lower end is cast with a square flange, which 'Mining Industry of the Fortieth Parallel,' by James D. Hague, with geo- logical contributions by Clarence King. SILVER. 647 fits into the bottom of the mortar and prevents it from moving. Some- times, also, those parts of the mortar which are exposed to constant wear, have a lining of iron plates, which, like the dies, can be taken out and replaced when necessary. The top of the mortar is covered with planks, q, resting on flanges cast on the inside, which, meeting in the middle, have semicircular notches in each, so as to form holes, through which the stems of the stampers work. Each stamper consists of a stem or lifter, s, a head, h, attached to the lower end of the stem, and a shoe, e, which sustains the wear of the operation, and can be readily changed when required; it is also pro- vided with a collar or tappet, t, by which the revolving cam, c, lifts the stamper previously to its fall. The stem is a turned bar of wrought- iron, about 3 inches in diameter and from 10 to 12 feet in length. The stamp-head is a cylindrical piece of cast-iron, 8 inches in dia- meter and 15 inches in length, hooped at either end with wrought-iron; this hoop is shrunk into a recess, so that it does not project beyond the general surface of the cylinder. In its upper end is a slightly-conical socket corresponding with the axis of the cylinder, in which the stem is secured by thin wooden wedges. In the lower end of the head is another similar socket, into which is secured, in the same way, the shank of the shoe, which is a cylinder of hard cast-iron of the same diameter as the head, and 6 inches in length; this is provided with a tapering shank 5 inches long. At the bottom of the sockets in the head, for the reception both of the end of the stem and shank of the shoe, an oblong hole is generally cast across the diameter, for the purpose of drifting them out when necessary. The collar or tappet, t, is a piece of cast-iron of a cylindrical form, 8 inches in length, and bored out so as to closely fit the stem, to which it is tightly secured, either by a gib and keys or by means of a steel- pointed binding-screw. The rotatory motion imparted to the stamper by the friction of the cam against the tappet is one of the advantages afforded by the use of round stems and shoes, and has not only the effect of increasing the grinding power of the machine, but also causes both the shoe and die to wear more evenly than when the stamper falls without such a circular motion. The cams, c, are curved arms keyed to a shaft, K, (fig. 189) so placed in front of the battery that by its revolution they are successively brought in contact with the tappets on the different stampers, causing them to be raised to a height determined by the length of the cam, and falling at the moment of release of contact. In the silver districts of Nevada the cams are generally double-armed, as shown in the woodcuts, although single-armed cams are also sometimes employed. The form of a single-armed cam will be seen on reference to the elevation of a stamping mill illustrating the method employed for the treatment of gold quartz. Motion is communicated to the cam-shaft by means of the pulley, P, keyed upon one end of it, from which a broad belt, made of alternate layers of canvas and india-rubber, passes over another pulley, p, on the driving- shaft, k; this belt is tightened by the pulley, m. The order in which the 648 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. stampers are made to fall is not always the same in different mills; in a five-stamp battery, however, a common arrangement is first to let fall the middle stamper, then the end one on the right, then the second on the left, afterwards the second stamper on the right, and, finally, that on the extreme left. When it becomes necessary to hang a stamper, so that the cam may revolve without reaching the tappet, it is supported by the articulated prop or stud, n, of which there is one for each stamper, arranged on a small iron shaft placed across the battery and passing through the uprights, to which it is secured. Each stud is of such a length as to support the stamper, when placed under the tappet, at a height of about an inch above the highest throw of the cam. In order to bring the stud in this position the workman lays a smooth stick, about 1½ inch in thickness, on the face of the cam as it rises towards the tappet, and holds it there while the stamper is being lifted. By this means it is raised sufficiently high to allow of the support being dropped into its place, which being done, the tappet is hung above the reach of the cam. When it is desired to again set the stamper in motion the operation is repeated, the stud being withdrawn at the moment when the stick placed on the face of the cam has lifted the tappet clear of its support. The weight of the stampers in most general use is from 600 to 700 lbs.; their usual speed is from 60 to 90 blows per minute, and their ordinary drop from 9 to 12 inches. The higher the speed of the stampers the smaller is the amount of drop given to them. A mill of this descrip- tion, discharging through screens of the usual degree of fineness, will, on an average, pulverise two tons of ordinary ore from the Comstock lode, per stamper, in the course of twenty-four hours. The amount of water required in the battery varies with the character of the ore and with the degree of fineness to which it is to be reduced. The usual consumption in the Washoe district is from 250 to 300 cubic feet per ton of rock treated; but this includes the water used in the pans, which does not pass through the batteries. In California and throughout the gold regions of the Pacific coast the stamping mill employed for the reduction of auriferous quartz is similar, in all essential particulars, to that above described, and it will consequently require no further description when the treatment of gold ores has to be considered. The ore to be stamped is usually supplied to the mill by a shovel through the aperture, l, but some machines are constructed in such a way as to be self-feeding. Settling Tanks. The stuff discharged from the battery is conveyed, in suspension, by the water escaping through the screens, by means of troughs, to settling tanks, of which there is a series arranged in front of the stamping mill. These tanks, which are generally constructed of planks, are 6 or 7 feet square and from 3 to 4 feet in depth; they are so disposed as to communicate with each other, near the top, in such a way that the stream carrying the crushed ore in suspension, having entered one tank, flows into the next, and so on from one to another. A deposit of the solid material thus takes place in each tank, until the water flowing from the last in the series escapes in a tolerably clear state. The number SILVER. 649 of tanks must be sufficient to allow of some of them being emptied, whilst others are collecting the crushed ore, and the troughs in con- nection with them are provided with gates, by which a certain number can be shut off from the others when required. In this way the larger proportion of the solid matter is deposited in the tanks; but the water which escapes is still charged with slimes, consisting of ore which has been reduced to a state of impalpable division, and which can only be obtained by a process of settling extended over a considerable time. For this purpose the stream is conducted either through another series of large settling tanks or into a large pond outside the mill. The slimes thus collected form an important but variable proportion of the total amount of ore crushed, and in some instances represent as much as 10 per cent. of the material operated on; but although they afford, by assay, a considerable yield of silver, they have been only recently treated with profitable results. As soon as one of the tanks has become filled with finely-divided ore, the stream is diverted thence into others which have space for receiving a further supply, and the full tanks are cleaned out. The crushed ore taken from the settling tanks is now subjected to the process of pan amalgamation. Pans. The pans employed for this purpose vary considerably in the details of construction, but all essentially consist of a round tub, of which the bottom is of cast-iron, but of which the sides are sometimes of wood. A hollow pillar is cast in the centre, within which is a vertical shaft projecting above its top, and to which motion is communicated by gearing situated below the pan bottom. To the top of this shaft is keyed a yoke or driver, by which the muller, or upper grinding surface, is made to revolve. On the inside of the pan is fixed a false bottom of iron, cast either in sections, called "dies," or in one piece which has a diameter somewhat less than that of the pan; this is provided with an aperture through which rises the central pillar. The false bottom furnishes the lower grinding surface of the machine. The muller, forming the upper grinding surface, is a circular plate of cast-iron, corresponding in size with the false bottom, and having a flat, conical, or conchoidal surface, according to the shape of the pan bottom. There are various contrivances for raising or lowering the muller, in order that it may rest its whole weight on the bottom, so as to produce the greatest grinding effect, or be maintained at any desired distance from it, when less friction or more agitation is required. Numerous devices have also been adopted for communicating a proper motion to the pulp, so that when the muller is in action the material may be constantly kept in circulation, passing between the grinding surfaces and coming in contact with the mercury with which the pan is charged. Some pans are cast with a shallow chamber in the bottom for the admission of steam for the purpose of heating the pulp, whilst in others "loose steam" only is employed, which is conducted directly into the pulp through an iron pipe. The flat-bottomed pans of Varney and Wheeler, and that of Hepburn and Peterson, with a conical bottom, have been long employed with satis- 650 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. factory results, although within the last two or three years other makers have introduced new pans, of which the characteristic features are increase of size and great simplicity of construction. Among these the large flat-bottomed pans of McCone, Horn, and Fountain are worthy of notice, as combining economy in first cost and a capacity which enables them to treat in the same time a much larger quantity of ore than could be worked in the pans formerly employed. Varney's pan, which is very extensively used, is represented in figs. 191, 192, 193, of which the first is an elevation, the second a vertical sec- CHORODAT A E B A H CARZUARY Fig. 191.-Varney's Pan; elevation. tion, and the third a view from above. The body of the amalgamator con- sists of a tub, A, 4 feet 4 inches in diameter and 18 inches deep, with a cover, B, in which is an opening for the introduction of the crushed ore to be ground and amalgamated. The pan is supported on suitable frame- work, and from its centre, extending from the bottom, to which it is cast, some distance above the cover, is the tube, D (fig. 192), through the inte- rior of which is a hole passing vertically through the pan, in order that the shaft, C, may work within it. On the bottom of the pan, and secured to it by the bolts, e, is fixed the lower muller, a, consisting of a circular cast-iron plate, having a round hole in the centre considerably larger than the base of the tube, D. This die or false bottom may, if desirable, be cast in sections. That portion of the aperture through the lower muller not occupied by the tube, D, is filled with wood, d, so as to present a flat SILVER. 651 surface from the tube to the circumference. The diameter of the muller is somewhat less than that of the interior of the pan, by which means a space, a', is left, to be filled with quicksilver. Above the lower muller is the upper one, b, of similar general form and size, having twelve shoes, c, the form and relative position of which will be understood by supposing a plate, of the diameter and thickness of the lower muller, attached to the under side of the upper one, and sawn into twelve equal parts on lines drawn from the circumference of the plates to the outside of the tube, D. The saw must also be supposed to be inclined at an angle of about - A 7' Z C E A p X X X X \ Fig. 192.-Varney's Pan; vertical section. forty-five degrees, thus producing grooves from the central opening to the periphery. Each shoe is fastened to the upper muller either by a bolt f, or by a wrought-iron rivet cast into the shoe and riveted into a counter-sink in the upper side of the muller, as seen in fig. 192; the bosses and recesses, j, keep the die firmly secured in its place. In the lower muller are radial slots, similar to those in the upper one. These slots may be either inclined or made vertically, and are filled with wood, set with the grain perpendicular to the plate; this wears slightly in advance of the surface of the die, thus forming cavities for the admission of pulp, by which the grinding capacity of the machine is materially increased. Over and around the tube, D, but not in contact with it, is placed 652 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. the larger tube, E, exactly perpendicular to the lower face of the upper muller, and having around its lower extremity the flange, V, upon which rests the ring, h, which forms part of the upper muller. This is con- nected with the muller by means of six curved arms, i, two pairs of which are nearer together than the others, and the space between them is filled by a projection from the periphery of the flange, V, for the purpose of carrying with it the upper muller when the flange makes a revolution. With the shaft, C, the larger tube, E, is connected by the key, k, and the set-screws, 1, in the boss, G. The shaft, C, passes through a babbet- metal bearing at m, and through the boss, F, of the driving-wheel, in which is a feather sliding vertically in the shaft. This shaft is stepped ་ " fecd hole $ C 2 Fig. 193. Varney's Pan; as seen from above. into the vertical sliding-box, H, which is itself held in the box, O. The step-box rests upon an iron bar, one end of which is supported by the bolt, u, fig. 193, and the other is connected with a screw and hand-wheel, x, by which it can be either raised or lowered, raising or lowering the upper muller at the same time. Within the body of the pan are suspended three curved plates, r, ex- tending from near the surface of the upper muller upwards, and stretching in length from the inner side of the pan around to a point near the out- side of the larger boss, opposite to that from which they started. The lower edges of these round plates are bent inwards, as shown at s, forming flanges, and the inner ends are secured to the ring, q, which is of sufficient diameter to surround the tube, E, without touching it. The whole is suspended by iron rods attached to each plate, which, passing SILVER. 653 through the cover, can be adjusted by means of the hand-wheels, J. The outer ends of the curved plates slide vertically in grooves in the projec- tions, t, fig. 193, cast upon the inner side of the pan. The operation of this apparatus is as follows:-The space, a', around the periphery of the lower muller, is charged with quicksilver, and the pan is nearly filled with a mixture of water and stamped ore, in such pro- portions as to form an easily-flowing paste; the upper muller is now made to rotate at a speed of from sixty to eighty revolutions per minute. By means of the centrifugal force thus developed the pulp between the mullers is made to pass out through the radial channels left by the dies, as well as betwixt the grinding surfaces of the mullers themselves, and coming continually in contact with the mercury, with which the machine is charged, amalgamation is effected. This outward motion of the pulp pre- vents the mercury from coming into contact with the grinding surfaces, by which it would be broken, and a considerable loss be the result. The rotation of the upper muller causes the pulp in the pan to revolve with it, and this current, being met by the curved plates, r, is directed towards the aperture in the centre of the upper muller. The radial slots between the shoes allow considerable currents to pass, with a suffi- cient velocity, to produce a partial vacuum, by which the pulp in the bottom of the pan is set in motion, causing a rapid and abundant flow downwards at the centre and upwards around the inner surface of the pan. In this way the pulp is ground, and made to circulate, until the pulverisation of the ore and amalgamation of the precious metals have been satisfactorily effected. Hepburn and Peterson's pan has a capacity about equal to that of the Varney pan, but the form of the bottom is that of an inverted cone. This bottom is lined with four conical dies, secured in their places in the usual way, and is never made with a steam-chamber, steam being always introduced directly into the pulp through a piece of gas-pipe. In the centre is a hollow pillar, through which passes the driving-shaft; the form of the upper muller corresponds with that of the bottom, and it has, in the centre, a hollow vertical cone by which it is connected with the driver. Its under side is furnished with shoes, between which are left radial passages for the circulation of the pulp. There are also radial grooves between the shoes, cast in the muller itself, so that when they have been reduced in thickness by use there may still be a sufficient channel for the passage of pulp. A similar passage is left between the dies lining the interior of the bottom. The movable inverted cone, to which the shoes are attached, is raised or lowered by a screw and hand-wheel, the bottom of the screw resting on the top of the driving-shaft, with which the boss of the bottom pillar is connected by a sliding-key. In this apparatus circulation of the pulp is effected without the use of the wings or guides employed for that purpose in some other pans. When this pan is in action the pulp, passing between the grinding sur- faces from the centre to the circumference, is made to descend towards the centre; this movement being promoted by the shape of the pan and the motion of the muller-plate. The muller is usually worked at the rate 654 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of from sixty to seventy revolutions per minute. The pans of McCone, Horn, and Fountain are flat-bottomed, and of larger dimensions than those above described; they are sometimes provided with steam-chambers beneath the bottom. The ordinary charge of the pans most generally in use is from 1,200 to 1,500 lbs., but those of McCone and Fountain, which are 5 feet in diameter and about 25 inches in depth, will work charges of from 4,000 to 5,000 lbs. In charging a pan the upper muller is raised a short distance from the bottom one, water is supplied by a hose-pipe, and ore, from the settling pits, is at the same time thrown in with a shovel. The mixture is now heated, either by blowing steam into it or by means of a steam-chamber. In the latter case it is somewhat difficult to obtain the most desirable temperature (85° C.); but on the other hand, when loose steam is blown directly into the pan, considerable attention is necessary, in order to pre- vent the charge from becoming too liquid, through the accumulation of condensed water. To avoid this, in many mills, the temperature of each charge, after being first raised by the admission of loose steam, is sub- sequently maintained by means of a steam-jacket. The muller is gradu- ally lowered, and, in the course of about two hours, the ore will have attained the state of a finely-divided pulp. When this has been accom- plished, or, in some mills, at the beginning of the operation, the mercury is introduced; this is done by pressing it through a piece of canvas, by which it becomes equally spread over the surface of the pulp in the form of minutely-divided globules. The usual amount of quicksilver thus added is from 60 to 70 lbs. to an ordinary charge of from 1,200 to 1,500 lbs. of ore. The muller is now raised, so as to act rather as an agitator than as a grinder, and its action is continued during two hours. With the view of promoting amalgamation, it is usual to add to the charge, either at the time of its introduction into the pan or shortly afterwards, various materials generally known as "chemicals," and which usually consist of cupric sulphate and common salt; the quantity of each employed in different establishments varies considerably, but is usually from 1 to 3 lbs. to each charge of ore. The action of these substances, however, is but imperfectly understood, and their efficiency is open to considerable doubt, since in many mills in which both cupric sulphate and common salt were formerly employed the use of either one or the other has been discontinued, without in any way affecting the results. In other cases the employment of chemicals has been altogether aban- doned, and yet, under all these varying circumstances, an equally good production of silver has been realised. After two hours have been devoted to grinding, and from two to three more hours have been employed in amalgamation, the operation is usually regarded as complete, and the contents of the pan are run off into a sepa- rator or settler. The discharge of the pan is facilitated by the addition of water, supplied under pressure, through a flexible hose, which, at the same time, dilutes the pulp and allows it to flow more readily into the separator. After having been emptied and roughly washed out by a SILVER. 655 stream of water, the pan is again supplied with a fresh charge of ore, and the operation of grinding at once resumed. At stated times, or whenever it is desired to ascertain the exact yield of a parcel of ore which has been under treatment, the pans, settlers, and all other apparatus containing amalgam, are thoroughly cleaned up. For this purpose the mullers must be raised, the shoes and dies removed, and all the parts scraped with a knife, in order to remove the hard amalgam adhering to the surfaces. In many cases, above one-fourth of the total amount of bullion yielded by the ore is obtained in this way. Separators. Separators or settlers, figs. 194, 195, like pans, differ to a certain extent in the minor details of construction, but are generally round tubs, of either wood or iron, with cast-iron bottoms, and resemble pans in many of their general features, although they are of considerably greater diameter. A hollow cone, C, fig. 195, is cast on the centre of the bottom, through which passes the vertical shaft, S, which is connected with gearing below the tub. To its upper extremity is attached the yoke or driver, D, which gives motion to arms, A, extending from the centre nearly to the circumference. These armis carry a number of ploughs or stirrers, P, usually made of hard wood, which rest lightly on the bottom, and which, when in motion, communicate to the pulp the amount of agitation necessary for facilitating the separation of any mercury or amalgam with which it may be mixed; this stirring apparatus makes from twelve to fifteen revolutions per minute. The separator is placed immediately in front of the pans, but at a lower level, so that the latter may be readily discharged into it. In some establishments two pans are discharged at the same time into one settler, in which case the operation occupies the same length of time as the grinding and amalgamation of a charge in the pan, or from four to five hours. In other mills only about two hours are allowed for settling, and the two pans connected with each settler are discharged into it alternately. The water employed in discharging the pan considerably dilutes the consistency of the pulp, and this dilution is often further increased by the addition of fresh quantities during the progress of the operation. The degree of fluidity of the pulp, and the speed of the stirrers, materially affect the results obtained, since if the paste be too thick the amalgam and quicksilver will remain in suspension, and if, on the contrary, it be too thin, sand will settle with them on the bottom of the vessel. It is evident that a too rapid, or a too sluggish, motion of the revolving arms would also produce similar effects. The degree of dilution yielding the most satisfactory results with a given speed of the agitator, can only be determined by experience. A discharge-hole, near the top of the tub, allows the lighter portions of the pulp to run off, and at successive intervals the point of discharge is lowered by withdrawing a lower plug from a series of holes, h, in the side of the settler. In this way the whole of the materials, with the exception of amalgam and quicksilver, are finally removed; the latter are subsequently collected by the aid of various devices. There is generally for this purpose a groove 656 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. in the bottom of the separator, leading to the bowl, B, from which the fluid amalgam may be dipped; or it may be drawn off by removing the plug, p, from the end of the outlet-pipe. The quicksilver, charged with amalgam, is cleaned by repeated washings with water, and by care- fully removing from its surface any particles of sand, pyrites, &c., that may adhere to it. In some mills the cleaning of the quicksilver and amalgam is effected in a small iron pan, resembling a settler in its construction, in which it is washed by slow agitation with plenty of clean water. When sufficiently cleansed the amalgam is separated from the redundant mercury by straining through a canvas bag, of the form and dimensions a -A ローロ ​h a -0-0- B ·A- P Fig. 194.-Separator; as seen from above. of that employed in Mexico for a similar purpose, which has been de- scribed when treating of patio amalgamation. Agitator.—After leaving the separators the pulp is generally passed into wooden tubs, varying from 6 to 12 feet in diameter, and from 2 to 6 feet in depth, in which are collected small portions of mercury and amalgam, as well as heavy particles of undecomposed ore, which have been carried off in the pulp discharged from the separators. A simple stirring apparatus, somewhat resembling that of the separator, keeps the material in a state of gentle agitation; the revolving shaft carries four arms, and makes from ten to fifteen revolutions per minute. In some establishments there are several agitators, but in most cases only one, whilst in others they are entirely dispensed with; the stuff that accumu- lates on the bottom is shovelled out, at intervals of three or four days, SILVER. 657 and is again worked over in the pans. Beyond the agitators are blanket- sluices and various other contrivances for concentrating and collecting the more valuable portion of the tailings. Retorting and Melting.—The amalgam having been strained in bags, and pressed, in order to expel as much as possible of the fluid quick- silver, is subjected to a process of distillation, by which the remaining mercury is separated from the gold and silver. The cast-iron retort employed for this purpose is from 2 to 3 feet in length, and from 9 to 12 inches in diameter, the casting being about 1 inch in thickness. This rests either on two heavy cast-iron bearers, the ends of which are built into the brickwork, or on an arch of fire-bricks, and is placed beneath another arch, from the crown of which the products of combustion are D oh Oh A Ок Oh B Fig. 195. Separator; vertical section. carried off to a chimney, through rectangular apertures in communi- cation with a flue. The open end is fitted with a cover like that of a coal-gas retort, and from the other end an iron tube carries off the volatilised mercury. This is screwed to a downcast pipe, and is so arranged that, by means of screw stoppers, every facility is afforded for cleaning the pipes. The vertical tube is inclosed within another, so as to form a Liebig condenser, through which a current of cold water is constantly passed, the heated water escaping at the top. The downcast pipe opens into a small chamber without a bottom, immersed sufficiently low in a vessel of water to keep it air-tight, but still to so small an extent as to prevent the occurrence of accidents from the passage of water up into the heated retort. This retort is provided with cast-iron semi-cylindrical trays, which 2 U 658 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. are easily slid into their places, and are generally divided into two parts by a transverse partition. In some cases the amalgam is introduced directly into the retort, the use of trays being dispensed with. Before the amalgam is placed in the retort or trays, the interior is coated with a thin wash of clay or of milk of lime, or a lining of paper may be employed instead; by this precaution the retorted amalgam is prevented from adhering to the iron, and much trouble avoided. The amalgam, having been placed in the retort, the cover is luted either with a little clay or with a mixture of clay and wood ashes, and is fastened in its place by a screw-clamp, or otherwise. A fire is now lighted, and the heat slowly and gradually raised, until the retort assumes a bright d C C C h Ꮽ C h Ъ α a a a B A C Fig. 196. Retort and Setting; longitudinal section. cherry-red colour, and is so maintained until mercury ceases to distil over; this usually occurs at the expiration of eight hours, and the charge of amalgam operated on, at one time, may vary from 800 to 1,200 lbs. The retort is now allowed to cool gradually, and, when sufficiently cold, the crude bullion is withdrawn; this amounts to about one-sixth the weight of the original charge. A form of retort frequently employed in the vicinity of Virginia City for the distillation of amalgam is represented, in longitudinal section, in fig. 196. The ash-pit, A, is beneath the fire-place, B, which communi- cates, by means of the flues, a, with the chamber, b, inclosing the retort, C, from which the products of combustion are conveyed by the flues, c, through the cavity, d, to the chimney. Dampers in the flues, c, may SILVER. 659 be regulated so as to heat the retort to the same temperature throughout its length. The tube, D, conducts the mercurial vapours to the vertical pipe, E, where they are condensed by the current of cold water flowing through F. The condensed mercury collects in the reservoir, G, from which it is drawn off through an iron pipe. Any mercurial vapours that may escape through leakage, or the removal of the door, are collected by the hood, e, and conveyed into the flues. The arrangement for secur- ing the cover, g, is similar to that employed for gas-retorts; the trays, h, are used for holding amalgam, and the iron braces for binding the brickwork are indicated by the letter, f. The retorted amalgam is broken up, melted, and cast into ingots; the fusion being most commonly effected, with the addition of a little borax, in an ordinary plumbago crucible. The loss in weight experienced in melting retorted amalgam is between 2 and 3 per cent. The ingots thus obtained are chipped and assayed in the usual way, and commonly con- tain, in 1,000 parts, 24 parts of gold and 840 of silver, the remaining 136 thousandths consisting chiefly of copper. Tailings.*—The pulp, after issuing from the settlers, in which it has been, as far as possible, separated from amalgam and mercury, is variously treated in different mills. In some the whole mass is passed through agitators, for the purpose of collecting a portion of the amalgam, mercury, and undecomposed sulphides carried off from the separators; in others concentrators of various kinds are employed with a similar object, by the use of which a certain amount of undecomposed sulphides is obtained in a concentrated form. In cases where there is a sufficient supply of water, and the inclination of the surface admits of such an arrangement, blanket-sluices are laid down, over which the stream of tailings is allowed to flow; the heavier and more valuable particles being arrested by the blankets. Dams are also constructed at convenient points for the accumulation of tailings, which, after exposure to the weather for several months, are again worked at a profit. The ordinary result obtained by pan amalgamation varies between 65 and 70 per cent. of the assay value, and this, by the subsequent treatment of slimes and tailings, is sometimes increased to 85 or 90 per cent. In the Washoe district the cost of treatment, where water power is employed, is from $5 to $5.50, and in steam-mills from $6 to $6.75 per ton. The tailings, &c., collected in the various reservoirs established for that purpose, contain, on an average, by assay, gold and silver of the value of $15 per ton, from which $9.75 are extracted, by re-treatment, at an expense, in steam-mills, of about $5.50 per ton. General Arrangement of Reduction Works.-The batteries are commonly arranged in one straight line, behind which, on the feed side, is the breaking-floor, where the ore is reduced to a suitable size for the stamping * The term "tailings" is applied to the pulpy and sandy residues which escape from the separator or agitator after the treatment of ores by pan amalgamation. By "slimes" is generally understood those portions of the ore which have been reduced in the battery to such an impalpable state as to be carried through the settling tanks in suspension in water; the more pulpy portions of tailings are some- times called “pan-slimes.” 2 U2 660 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. mill, either by a mechanical stone-breaker or by hammers. When the slope of the ground permits such an arrangement, large bins are frequently constructed behind the breaker, and at a higher level, into which are tipped the contents of the waggons bringing ore out of the mines. The stamping mills discharge the crushed ore into troughs, which convey it to settling tanks standing immediately in front of the batteries, and a platform is provided for the reception of the ore shovelled out of the tanks. In the majority of cases the pans are arranged in a straight line, parallel to that of the batteries, while the separators stand in another line parallel to the pans, and on a sufficiently lower level to admit of the contents of the pans being tapped directly into them. Below the sepa- rators are the agitators, or other contrivances for preventing the escape of gold, silver, and amalgam. Power is communicated from a steam- engine or water-wheel, either by gearing or by belting, to a shaft in front of, and parallel with, the batteries. On this shaft are pulleys opposite to those on the several cam-shafts, to which motion is communicated by suitable belting. The same shaft imparts motion, through a counter-shaft and belting, to the stone-breaker and pans. For the purpose of working the latter a line of shafting is arranged under them, from which the various separators and agitators are also driven by means of belting and pulleys. The power required for each stamper of ordinary weight is about 11-horse, whilst that necessary for each pan varies from 3- to 6-horse power, according to its size and construction. The expenditure per ton of ore stamped, ground and amalgamated, varies according to the size of the mill and the degree of perfection of its arrangements, but may be taken on an average at 2-horse power. Chemical Reactions of the Washoe Process.—Mr. James D. Hague, who has carefully investigated this subject, has arrived at the following conclusions:— * That the ores chiefly consist of native gold, native silver and sulphides of silver, associated with varying proportions of blende and galena. The action of sodium chloride and cupric sulphate produces in the pan cupric chloride. The presence of metallic iron causes the formation of cuprous chloride. Both cupric and cuprous chlorides assist in the reduction of the ore, by the chlorination of silver sulphide, and by decomposing blende and galena. Cupric sulphate augments the amalgamating energy of mercury by the formation of small quantities of copper amalgam, and also tends to remove lead from the quicksilver. Notwithstanding the action of these reagents, as above indicated, the quantities usually added in the Washoe mills are too small to produce any very beneficial results. Mercury and iron, under the influence of heat and friction, are the * ‘Mining Industry of the Fortieth Parallel,' p. 293. SILVER. 661 chief agents in the extraction of the precious metals by the Washoe process. It is an essential condition that the mercury be kept perfectly bright and pure, in order to effect direct contact of that metal with silver sulphide and metallic iron. In the Washoe process the consumption of mercury is chiefly mechanical, the loss through chemical action being comparatively small. THE STETEFELDT FURNACE. The most expensive item in the cost of working first-class ores in the Washoe district, by barrel amalgamation, is roasting or chlorination, which alone is generally estimated at $15 per ton. Within the last five years a furnace has been invented by Mr. Stetefeldt, of Austin, which promises to effect a considerable saving in the expense of this operation. Its action essentially consists in allowing very finely pulverised ore, mixed with common salt, to fall against a current of heated air rising through a shaft, by which means the particles of the various metallic sulphides are transformed into oxides, whilst sulphurous anhydride is evolved. By the action of this and watery vapour on common salt, hydrochloric acid is generated, and by the reaction of this acid on the oxides formed, metallic chlorides are ultimately obtained. The chemical action of this apparatus is very similar to that of the ordinary reverberatory furnace; but, as the ore is made to fall in a shower of finely-divided particles, it is more thoroughly exposed during its descent to oxidising and chlorinising influences. In consequence of this its effects are stated to be more rapid and complete, whilst the expenditure of labour is exceedingly small. This furnace consists of a shaft, about 20 feet in height and from 3 to 4 feet square at the base; at two opposite sides are fire-places, from which short flues communicate with the main shaft. At the top is the feed- ing apparatus, which supplies, in a continuous shower, the ore in a state of extreme division. At a short distance below the top of the shaft is a flue, through which the gases escape and by which they are conducted to a series of chambers, where any portions of the ore which may have. been carried over by the heated current are deposited. An auxiliary fire- place, in communication with the flue, serves the double purpose of keeping up the temperature and of extending the region of active chemical action. A discharging door is left at the bottom of the main shaft, whence the principal portion of the ore treated is withdrawn. Similar doors are arranged at convenient points along the main flue, and communicate with the several chambers. The chimney for the final escape of the gases is at the end of the dust-chambers, and is about 40 feet in height. The ore is first mixed with salt on a drying floor, and is then crushed by dry stamping; it is afterwards raised by an elevator to the hopper of the feeding apparatus at the top of the furnace, whence it is supplied continuously to the chlorinising column. The temperature of this is maintained as uniformly as possible, the heat employed being sufficient 662 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. to keep the ore, which accumulates at the bottom, constantly red-hot. Mr. Stetefeldt states that the results of the actual working experience of one of his furnaces, erected at Reno, near Virginia City, go to show that it gets through a larger amount of work with a smaller expense for labour, fuel and salt, than any apparatus previously employed for the same purpose. It is further stated that about 90 per cent. of the silver present in the ore is converted into chloride. One of these furnaces, worked by eight men, is said to accomplish the chlorination of as much ore as ten rever- beratory furnaces requiring the labour of thirty-six men. The fuel con- sumed in the Reno furnace averages about two cords of wood in twenty- four hours, and it will treat an amount of ore per day, which, in ordinary calciners, would require the consumption of ten cords. From 3 to 6 per cent. of salt is required, according to the richness of the ore; whilst in the reverberatory furnace at least twice that quantity would be necessary. It is also maintained that the bullion produced from ores roasted in this furnace contains less impurity than that from those treated in the ordinary way, and consequently that it is well adapted for working ores containing a large amount of "base metal." The expense of roasting 1 ton of ore with salt in the Reno furnace was, in 1870, between $6 and $7; but it was expected that the cost would be materially reduced by the application of certain improvements then projected. The woodcuts, figs. 197, 198, will afford a correct idea of the con- struction of the furnace at Reno. Shaft through which the ore falls, a; b, top of shaft, on which the feeding apparatus is arranged; c, damper, inserted when the screens of the feeding machinery are exchanged; d, door through which the roasted ore is discharged upon the cooling floor; e, fire-places; f, flue through which the gases escape; g, triangu- lar flue-bridges of cast-iron; h, cast-iron plates, forming the bottom of the flue, and which allow the dust, which settles in this part of the apparatus, to fall into the chamber, i; k, discharging door; 7, fire-place, which heats the lower portion of the flue, ƒ; m, flue connected with the dust-chamber, o; n, discharging doors. The principal dust-chamber at Reno is 24 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 10 feet high; from this the gases pass under the floor of a kiln, on which the ore and salt are dried, 39 feet in length and 7 feet in width. A flue, 3 feet 4 inches wide, 4 feet 6 inches high, and about 180 feet in length, leads from the drying-kiln to an iron chimney, 2 feet 6 inches in dia- meter, situated on the hill-side. The top of this chimney rises 40 feet above that of the furnace. The fire-places and arches are built of fire- bricks, but the other parts of the apparatus with common bricks. The walls are built double, with spaces between them, and the furnace is bound with iron rails and 3-inch rods. At first much difficulty was experienced in providing suitable feeding apparatus. Gerstenhöfer's feeder, consisting of fluted rollers, which force the ore through slits in the top of the furnace, was not found to answer, as it caused the one to fall in lumps, which arrived at the bottom of the shaft in an almost unaltered state. This is caused by the tendency pos- sessed by the particles of all finely-pulverised minerals to adhere to each SILVER. 663 other if a slightly-compressed mass be allowed to fall through the air. After various trials, the machine adopted for this purpose was arranged as follows:- A hollow cast-iron frame, kept cool by a small stream of water, rests on top of the furnace. In this frame is a cast-iron grating, covered by a 3 A α k B... m n n n Fig. 197.-Stetefeldt Furnace; vertical section. screen of finely-punched sheet-iron, similar to those ordinarily employed for wet crushing. Immediately above the punched screen is another, made of coarse wire-cloth, which is fastened to a movable frame. This is provided with flanges resting on adjustable rollers on the outside of the hopper, and receives a reciprocating motion from a crank. The 7 d f m a Fig. 198.-Stetefeldt Furnace; section on A B. course of this is 13 inch, and in order to avoid the motion of a stratum of pulverised ore with the coarse sieve, a number of thin iron blades are so arranged across the hopper that their lower edges almost touch the upper surface of this sieve. These blades serve to keep the finely-divided ore from being displaced when the crank is set in motion, whilst the meshes of the iron screen cut through it and cause its particles to fall 664 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. through the apertures of the punched screen beneath. The number of revolutions of the crank-shaft varies from thirty to seventy per minute, and by this means the ore is regularly and continuously introduced into the furnace. The principal changes contemplated in this apparatus are the con- struction of larger dust-chambers, the employment of gaseous fuel obtained from gas-producers of the ordinary construction, and the sup- pression of the chamber, i, whilst the flue, f, will be brought down on the side, r, of the furnace, seen in the section on A B. PROCESSES FOR EXTRACTING SILVER BY THE WET WAY. The processes by which silver is extracted from ores and metallur- gical products by the various wet methods are all comparatively modern, and belong to that recent period during which the practical metallurgist has availed himself of the assistance to be derived from chemical research. In many instances these methods have now supplanted the older processes of liquation and amalgamation, and may often be advantageously employed for the treatment of argentiferous materials, particularly of those in which the amount of copper is large and that of lead comparatively small. Under favourable circumstances the methods of silver-extraction by the wet way possess advantages over smelting and amalgamation; but, in the case of some of them, in order to obtain satisfactory results it is necessary that the material operated on should not contain any consider- able amount of either lead, zinc, antimony, or arsenic. Ores containing these metals in large quantities are not adapted for treatment by the wet processes, and the fact of these metals being frequently associated with silver ores has tended to prevent their more extensive application. AUGUSTIN'S PROCESS.-When ordinary argentiferous ores, or sulphurous metallurgical products containing silver, are roasted with common salt, chloride of silver is formed, which is soluble in a heated and concentrated solution of salt. From this solution the silver may be precipitated by metallic copper, which can in its turn be thrown down by iron; the residual liquors, until by repeated use they become too much contaminated with sodium sulphate, may be employed for dissolving fresh quantities of silver chloride. The solubility of chloride of silver in a solution of common salt is a fact long known to chemists, but was first taken practi- cal advantage of (1849) by Augustin, one of the officers of the Mansfeld Mining Company, as the foundation of a process for the extraction of silver from its ores. This process is less applicable to the direct treat- ment of ores than to such products as speiss and matt, since raw ores frequently contain substances which interfere with the complete chlorina- tion of the silver. Copper matts, yielding from 50 to 70 per cent. of copper, but free from metallic granules, and containing no lead, zinc, antimony, or arsenic, afford the best results when treated by Augustin's process. The presence of an excess of copper sulphides is favourable to the production of residues poor in silver, but a mixture of metallic copper, in SILVER. 665 the form of shot, results in a loss of that metal. It is often found advan- tageous to submit copper matts to a process of concentration before sub- jecting them to treatment for silver by this process. When lead is present, it should be transformed into chloride and subsequently removed by hot water, previously to the treatment of the roasted matts by salt water. The desilverisation of copper matt is effected by the following series of manipulations:- First Roasting. The matt is first finely ground and sifted, and then roasted at a low red-heat on the upper hearth of a double reverberatory furnace; this operation is completed in about five hours, the ordinary charge being 4 cwts. The ore is then transferred to the lower hearth, where it is roasted during two hours at a moderate temperature; the heat is then raised, and the roasting continued during three additional hours. By this treatment the silver contained in the matt will, for the most part, be transformed into sulphate, while the iron and copper will have become converted into oxides mixed with basic sulphates of these metals. A sample drawn from the roasted charge should, when treated with hot water, afford a solution of a faintly blue colour, in which the addition of a drop of solution of common salt should produce a precipitate of silver chloride. Roasting with Salt.-As soon as a sample taken from the furnace affords the above-described results, the charge is withdrawn, and after being allowed to cool, is ground between millstones. The ground ore is then passed through a bolting-sieve, and placed, in charges of 3 cwts., in the same furnace in which it was previously treated, where it is mixed with from 3 to 5 per cent. of common salt. It is now roasted at a low temperature, by which the chloride of sodium is decomposed by the sul- phuric acid of the sulphates; chlorine unites with silver, and nearly the whole of that metal is transformed into the state of chloride. This second roasting usually occupies from two to three hours, and the mix- ture, after being withdrawn from the furnace and allowed, to a certain extent, to cool, is taken to the lixiviating house. Lixiviation and Precipitation.—A lofty shed is generally devoted to the lixiviation of the chlorinised ores. At Freiberg, where Augustin's process was employed from the year 1849 to 1862, but finally abandoned in favour of a process for the treatment of roasted matts by sulphuric acid, the operations were effected by means of a plant of which fig. 199 represents a side elevation. The lixiviating tubs, a, arranged in a straight line on a floor considerably above the ground-level, were each provided with a false bottom supporting a filter. On the bottom of the tub was laid a wooden cross, upon which rested a disc made of planks perforated with large holes; this was covered by a uniform layer of twigs; a linen cloth was stretched over these twigs and made tight against the sides of the vessel by a wooden hoop. These tubs, provided with wheels, were each charged with about 8 cwts. of roasted matt, and could be transported by the waggon, b, running on the tramway, c, and were finally arranged in their 666 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. respective places by means of cross-rails on the platform, d. Hot brine was conducted to the several tubs from the reservoir, e, supplied from the larger tank, f, through the trough, g; the solution of salt employed for this purpose was heated to the necessary temperature by the aid of properly-arranged steam-pipes. The heated brine, on coming in contact. with silver chloride, dissolved it, and flowed off through the filters into a trough, by which it was conducted into a tank above the level of a series of tubs. From this reservoir the fluid was conducted into four tubs, in which the silver was precipitated by cement-copper. The copper used for this purpose was placed on filters similar to those arranged on the bottom of the lixiviating tubs. From these tubs the liquors flowed into three tubs, h, charged in the same way as the upper ones with precipitated copper, and where the last traces of silver were thrown down. The cu- preous liquors now falling successively into the series of tubs, i and k, MB d ہم f 9 Fig. 199.-Augustin's Process; side elevation of apparatus. charged with metallic iron, deposited the greater portion of their copper, and were finally conducted into a tank, l, where any traces of copper still retained in solution were precipitated by coming into contact with an additional amount of iron. The brine, thus freed from its silver and copper, was pumped back again into the reservoir, f, to be re-heated and again used. When the tubs, a, had been exhausted of silver, they were taken on the waggon, b, and placed on a line of rails at right angles to the tram- way, c, where they were washed, first with liquors resulting from previous washings, and finally with water. The washing waters, when sufficiently concentrated by repeated use, were treated as silver solutions. After the third lixiviation, for which pure water was employed, the tub was taken to the tipping platform, m, where it was turned over and its contents dis- charged into a suitable drainer, n. SILVER. 667 The process of lixiviation may be divided into two periods: the first, during which the ore is treated with concentrated solutions of common salt, occupying about twenty hours. The first period was considered as terminated when a piece of bright copper held in the escaping liquor was no longer whitened by a deposit of silver, and the tubs were then removed upon the waggon, b, for the purpose of receiving the second washing; first with weak liquors, and subsequently with water, as above described. The products obtained were-Firstly residues in tubs, containing from 40 to 65 per cent. of copper, with more or less considerable traces of silver. When found to contain more than 0.03 per cent. of silver they were put aside to be again operated on; when affording less than that quantity they were passed to the smelting department for the production of copper. : : Secondly cement silver, in a finely-divided state, which, after being washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, and subsequently with water, was pressed into balls, thoroughly dried, and taken to the refinery. Thirdly: cement copper, employed for the precipitation of silver during succeeding operations. Fourthly liquors freed from silver and copper, from which a portion. of the iron precipitates as a basic salt; these may be employed in lieu of fresh brine, but require to be occasionally freed from sodium sulphate by crystallisation. The expense of treating copper matt by this process must necessarily vary in accordance with the cost of salt, fuel and labour, in the locality in which the works are situated. The loss of silver is usually from 8 to 12 per cent. Speiss yields its silver to this process with more difficulty than copper matt. Augustin's process was, in the year 1857, replaced at Mansfeld by the cheaper and more effective method of Ziervogel, which, from the great purity of the matts there produced, has been found peculiarly adapted for their treatment. ZIERVOGEL'S PROCESS.-Augustin's process for the extraction of silver by hot brine had not long replaced the old method of amalgamation at Mansfeld, before it was, in its turn, superseded by the simpler and cheaper plan introduced by another officer of the Company, Hütten- meister Ziervogel. This method is founded on the circumstance, that when a mixture of copper and iron sulphides, containing silver, is roasted in a state of fine division, in a reverberatory furnace, with certain precautions, ferrous sul- phate is first formed; this by further roasting, becomes ferric sulphate, which is finally decomposed into ferric oxide. At this period sulphide of copper is transformed into cupric sulphate, and on the temperature being further increased, cupric oxide is produced and sulphuric acid expelled. Finally, silver sulphide is converted into sulphate of silver; a salt readily dissolved in water, while nearly all the other ingredients of the roasted matt are insoluble in that menstruum. If the roasted material be now lixiviated with hot water, the silver will be obtained in a solution, from which it may be readily precipitated in the metallic form. 668 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Ziervogel's process, although admirably adapted for the desilverisation of the pure copper matts of Mansfeld, is not generally applicable to the treatment of silver ores contaminated by arsenic, antimony, lead, or zinc. The quantity of silver in the refined copper produced at Mansfeld, from residues partially resulting from amalgamation, and partly from treatment with hot brine, was (1846-1849) from 0.0388 to 0.0631 per cent.; whilst in 1861, that resulting from Ziervogel's process only contained 0·0215 per cent. The copper matt operated on at Mansfeld is first concentrated and granulated, and afterwards reduced to the state of an impalpable powder between granite millstones, driven by water-power. Its average compo- sition is as follows:- Cu₂S 79.9 · FeS 11.0 • PbS 2.0 • ZnS 5.0 · • MnS 0.2 Nis 0.5 CoS 1.0 Ag₂S 0.4 • 100.0 The matt, after being ground, is bolted through cylindrical sieves, having from 1,400 to 1,500 apertures per square inch; and all the particles which are too coarse to pass through the meshes of this apparatus, escape at the lower end of the cylinder, and are returned to the mill for the purpose of being re-ground. Roasting. This operation is conducted in a furnace provided with two distinct hearths, 10 feet in length and 8 feet in width, placed imme- diately over each other; the upper one is heated from below by the flame and gases passing from the fire-place, through that beneath it, whilst from above it receives its heat from the same gases which are conducted over its arch in zigzag flues, answering the purpose of condensing chambers. These flues are covered by cast-iron plates, forming a floor on which the discharged residues are dried previously to being smelted for copper. The gases are finally conducted into a chimney, 154 feet in height, which is in communication with seven similar furnaces. In order to regulate the admission of air beneath the grate the ash-pit is closed, but is in connec- tion with an arched channel running below all the furnaces, and com- municating finally with the atmosphere. The amount of air admitted into the ash-pit through this passage is easily regulated by means of an opening, which can be more or less completely closed by a sheet-iron door, attached to a regulating bar. There is also an opening in the bottom of the upper hearth, through which the partially-roasted charge may be transferred to the lower one. During the process of roasting this is closed by an iron plate. It is evident from the foregoing description that this apparatus, in point of fact, consists of two distinct furnace-hearths, placed one over the other. The lower one is open, and through it the gases from the fire-place SILVER. 669 pass freely on their way to the chimney. The upper is, on the contrary, a close furnace or muffle, which is heated on its under side by the gases passing through the lower one, whilst, from above, it receives its heat from a series of flues, through which the products of combustion are finally conducted. Each hearth is provided with a working door, and a small flue, for the escape of moisture and fumes, connects the upper hearth with the condensing chambers. Each charge for this furnace consists of 5 cwts. of finely-divided copper matt, 70 lbs. of imperfectly-desilverised residues from a pre- ceding operation, and 25 lbs. of lixiviated lumps, which have become caked during the process of roasting. According to Steinbeck, this mixture, without taking into considera- tion the amount of oxygen present, has the following composition:--- S Cu Fe Pb Ag Zn Mn Ni Co Insoluble residue 19.32 58.00 9.18 2.48 0.28 4.31 0.15 0.44 • 0.84 1.08 The roasting may be divided into three periods: The materials are first properly mixed and then spread on the upper hearth, still hot from the previous charge, and are allowed to remain without stirring for about half an hour, in order that they may become perfectly dried; about 5 lbs. of dry and finely-powdered brown coal are now added, and the whole is well worked, with the rake, for about one hour. As the air, entering by the working door, passes directly to the flue, the roasting in that portion of the furnace progresses more rapidly than towards the opposite end; consequently at the expiration of a certain time it becomes necessary to change the position of the charge. The material between the working door and the flue is now turned back toward the further extremity of the hearth, whilst that which originally occupied the space between the door and the back of the furnace is spread on the hearth between the door and the flue. The mass is then raked for another hour, subsequently again turned, and afterwards raked during two hours and a quarter, by the two workmen in charge of the furnace, alternately. At this period of the operation 25 lbs. of powdered brown coal are added to the charge, with which it is well mixed, and the whole, in a brightly-glowing state, is raked through the aperture in the bottom of the first hearth on to the bed beneath. The first stage of the operation of roasting occupies about five and a half hours. No fuel is thrown on the grate during the second period; the partially- roasted charge is evenly spread over the surface of the red-hot lower hearth, where it is continuously raked during about an hour, in order to prevent its caking. The flue between the furnace and condensing chambers is also 670 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. closed by a damper, in order to prevent a further rise of temperature by the rapid oxidation of sulphur, and the combustion of the brown coal which has been added. In the course of half an hour the brown coal has become almost entirely consumed, and, after being continuously raked during an hour, the position of the different portions of the charge in the furnace is changed. The damper is now withdrawn and oxidation is accelerated by the admission of air during one hour and a half; from this period the temperature of the mass gradually diminishes, and the charge ultimately assumes a dark colour. In order to determine the progress of the operation, and to ascertain whether this period should be further prolonged, a sample is now taken from different parts of the hearth; this is cooled on a tile, and any lumps which it may contain are carefully picked out. The more finely divided portions are spread on the surface of an ordinary white plate, and a suf- ficient amount of water is added to moisten it thoroughly throughout. If the resulting solution be of a blue colour, and the addition of common salt produces a white precipitate, it indicates that the formation of silver sulphate has commenced, and that the second roasting period may be con- sidered finished. Should the washing of the sample yield a greenish solution, indicating the presence of salts of iron, the operation must be further continued. The second period of roasting usually occupies two hours and a quarter. The fuel employed during the third roasting period should be oak, beech, birch, or some other hard wood; but fir must be avoided, since it produces a smoky flame, which exercises a reducing action unfavourable to the progress of the operation. The flame rises from the grate to the arch of the furnace, and does not come into direct contact with the charge lying upon the hearth; the draught is regulated by dampers in accordance with the state of the weather and the direction of the wind. The roasting mixture is now thoroughly and continuously worked over by the rake; at the expiration of an hour it has acquired a dull red- heat, which is afterwards increased to full redness. But few lumps or clots should be formed during the progress of roasting, and these are not broken down but become more compact in proportion as the temperature increases. At the expiration of an hour and a half, that portion of the charge lying nearest the fire-bridge is, under ordinary cir- cumstances, sufficiently roasted; this is determined by lixiviating a sample, which should afford a solution of a light blue colour and yield a dense precipitate of chloride of silver on the addition of common salt. The charge is now turned over, and that portion which was originally furthest from the fire-place is brought to the bridge end of the hearth; the whole is constantly stirred, until a second sample, taken from different parts of the mass, shows that it is ready for drawing. If too much heat is applied during this operation, silver sulphate becomes decomposed, in which case the liquid resulting from washing a sample will be quite free from cupric sulphate, and entirely without colour. The third period of roasting usually occupies five hours and a half, thus making the total SILVER. 671 period necessary for the complete elaboration of a charge, on the two hearths, thirteen hours and a quarter. The loss of silver experienced during the operation of roasting amounts to 7.06 per cent.; 91.736 per cent. of the silver originally present is in the form of sulphate in the roasted ore, and 1.20 per cent. is insoluble. The fume resulting from the treatment of matts in the roasting furnace is collected from the flues and condensing chambers, and smelted, for matt, in cupola furnaces; these matts are rich in silver. Lixiviation and Precipitation.—On being withdrawn from the furnace the roasted material is cooled to 87° C., and placed, in charges, each of 5 cwts., in the tubs, A, fig. 200, of which there is a series of ten. These are provided with false bottoms, and with filters constructed in a similar way to those employed for the extraction of chloride of silver by means of hot A E F N H M Fig. 200.-Ziervogel's Process; transverse section of apparatus. brine. A leaden tube, b, 2 inches in diameter, conveys from 2 to 3 cubic feet of water heated to 87° C. upon the top of the charge, which is covered with oakum for its better distribution over the surface. As soon as the liquors begin to flow from the tap, c, inserted beneath the false bottom, the tap on the pipe, b, is closed, and another, communi- cating with the pipe, a, of larger diameter, is opened, by means of which about 5 cubic feet per hour of water, heated to the temperature before indicated, and slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid, are supplied to the lixiviating tub. This is continued until the addition of common salt to a sample of the liquors flowing off no longer produces a precipitate of silver chloride. The solution of sulphate of silver flows from c, into the first compartment, B, of a tank 30 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 1½ foot high. From B the liquors enter the compartment, C, by flowing over a division which does not quite reach the top of the vessel, and are then distributed, by means of an equal number of taps, into ten precipitating tubs, D, provided with 672 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. false bottoms. This clarifying box, as well as all the other reservoirs employed, is provided with a float, d, indicating the height of the liquid. Upon the filters of the tubs, D, are placed layers of cement-copper about 3 inches in thickness, above which are laid about twenty copper bars 14 inches long, 5 inches broad, and 1 inch thick. The greater portion of the silver is precipitated in these tubs, and the liquors, on leaving them, are received in the lead-lined trough, E, 15 inches in width and 6 inches in depth, on the bottom of which is a layer of small pieces of sheet-copper. They then flow into the tubs, F, which have false bottoms, and contain a little granular copper and a few bars of the same metal. The desilverised liquors, which have now a temperature of about 56° C., are conducted by the gutter, g, into a leaden reservoir, whence they are pumped into a leaden pan, capable of containing about 70 cubic feet, where they are heated to 87° C., and again employed for lixiviation. Half a pound of sulphuric acid is added to each charge of the leaden pan, and has the effect not only of facilitating the solution of silver sulphate, but also of preventing the separation of basic salts. The precipitated silver is removed from the tubs, D, every twenty-four hours, and the filters are taken out and cleaned once a week. The precipitated silver is chiefly contaminated by the presence of copper and gypsum; it is reduced to powder by being pounded with wooden pestles, and the lumps of copper are separated by washing. It is subsequently lixiviated for seven days with sulphuric acid, diluted with eight times its volume of water, in nine tubs, H, in order to remove as much as possible of the remaining copper salts and gypsum, and is finally washed with hot water. The liquors resulting from washing rise through L, and are conducted, by the trough, M, first over metallic copper, and afterwards into tanks containing scrap-iron; the water from the final washing is run off at N, and conducted, by the gutter beneath, to a lead-lined tank. The washed silver, about 0·865 fine, is moulded into blocks dried in a kiln, and refined in a reverberatory furnace. When the residues are found by assay to contain less than 0.03 per cent. of silver, they are removed, to be treated for black copper; but if they yield a larger amount of this metal they are again roasted and lixiviated. The desilverised liquors are from time to time purified, by throwing down the copper by metallic iron, and the precipitated copper, obtained in the ordinary course of working, is divided into two classes by washing and decantation. The more granular portion is employed for the preci- pitation of silver, whilst the other, which is contaminated by basic salts, is treated directly for the production of copper. Dr. Lamborn, in his 'Metallurgy of Silver and Lead,' (p. 191), gives the following table, showing the cost and results of various methods of extracting silver from cupreous products at Mansfeld :- Amount of Silver left in Copper. 0.100 per cent. 0.059 Extracting the silver by— Cost. £ s. d. Liquation from 1 cwt. of copper 1 10 0 Amalgamation 0 16 6 • "" "" Augustin's method 0 13 6 0.059 • >> Ziervogel's method 0 7 6 . 0.029 >> >> "" SILVER. 673 This process can be only successfully carried out where the material treated is of a pure and unvarying character, as in the case of the products obtained from the Kupferschiefer of Mansfeld. Considerable care and experience are also required on the part of the workmen employed, since the preliminary roasting, on which the success of this method chiefly depends, is an exceedingly delicate operation. VON PATERA'S PROCESS.-The extraction of silver from its ores by this process comprehends the following manipulations:-1st. Roasting with common salt, until the silver present has been converted into chloride. 2nd. Dissolving out the silver chloride by means of a cold dilute solu- tion of hyposulphite of sodium. 3rd. Precipitating the silver in the form of sulphide, from its solution in sodium hyposulphite, by the addition of sodium sulphide. 4th. The sulphide of silver thus obtained is reduced to the metallic state by exposure in a muffle at an elevated temperature. Dr. Percy, in a paper published in 1848, first suggested the extraction of silver from argentiferous ores by its conversion into chloride and sub- sequent solution in sodium hyposulphite; this paper, which ultimately fell into the hands of Von Patera, resulted, in 1858, in the introduction, at Joachimsthal, of the process which now bears his name. The ores from that district are remarkable for the diversity of their constituents, and in addition to silver, frequently contain copper, lead, bismuth, iron, nickel and cobalt, associated with sulphur, arsenic and antimony. Mining operations in the vicinity of Joachimsthal, although less productive than formerly, still yield a certain amount of argentiferous ores of extraor- dinary richness; those treated by the process now under consideration contain, on an average, between 2 and 3 per cent. of silver, and small parcels are sometimes operated on which yield as high as 15 per cent. of that metal. The only fuel to be obtained at a moderate price in the district is lignite, but labour is abundant and moderately cheap. Roasting.—The ores, on arriving at the works, if not sufficiently reduced in size, are coarsely ground, and then roasted in a furnace, into which steam is introduced during the progress of the operation. This apparatus, instead of having the usual long narrow hearth, broad fire-bridge, and short wide fire-place, has a bearth 9 feet 6 inches. in width, and measuring but 6 feet from the bridge end to the take-up of the flue leading to the chimney. The grate, which is only 9 inches in width, is four-fifths the length of the longer axis of the hearth, from which it is divided by a fire-bridge consisting of an iron tube, protected with clay, and pierced with a number of small holes on the side furthest removed from the grate. A charge of 400 lbs. of the ore to be operated on is spread on the hearth of this furnace, and the heat is gradually and cautiously raised, in order to avoid agglomeration. No steam is admitted during the first stage of the operation, but as soon as the charge has attained a red-heat as much is turned on as can be introduced without materially affecting the temperature of the furnace. At the expiration of four hours from the time of charging, the ore is withdrawn, and, after being allowed to cool, it is ground in a mill to the state of a fine powder, with the addition 2 x 674 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of from 6 to 12 per cent. of common salt, and from 2 to 3 per cent. of sulphate of iron. A charge of this mixture, weighing 300 lbs., is introduced into a furnace similar to that employed for the first roasting, and the second roasting is commenced. The mixture is evenly spread over the surface of the hearth, and as soon as a red-heat has been obtained steam is admitted as before, care being taken, by constant stirring, to prevent agglomeration; the temperature is gradually increased, and at the ex- piration of from ten to sixteen hours, according to the richness and composition of the ores, the operation is complete. The addition of ferrous sulphate to the partially-desulphurised ore is for the purpose of effecting the necessary decomposition of common salt in case a sufficient amount of other metallic sulphates should not be produced. The introduction of aqueous vapour is thought to facilitate the chemical decompositions going on in the furnace, and to assist in the condensation of fumes in the flues and chambers prepared for that purpose. The roasted and finely-divided ore, containing silver in the state of chloride, is now taken to the lixiviating room. Lixiviation with Water.—In addition to chloride of silver, which is in- soluble in water, the roasted ores contain variable quantities of copper, zinc, iron, nickel, and cobalt, which, being present chiefly in the form of chlorides and sulphates, are readily dissolved by washing. In each of a row of tubs are placed 400 lbs. of roasted ore, and hot water is allowed to percolate through the several charges during a period of six hours. By this means all the soluble salts are removed, and the liquors passing through the filters are conveyed by a trough, b (fig. 201), into a tank, where the metallic oxides are precipitated by lime-water; the precipi- tate thus obtained is subsequently fused with a mixture of residues and poor ores in a blast-furnace. The liquors draining into the trough are from time to time tested by sodium sulphide, and as soon as a precipitate is no longer obtained on the addition of a drop of this reagent, the operation is considered finished, and cold water is allowed to pass through the tubs for the purpose of lowering the temperature of the residues. Lixiviation with Sodium Hyposulphite.—The residues remaining in the several tubs, A, after the removal of the various salts soluble in hot water, are transferred to the tubs, B, which are also provided with filters and false bottoms. At Joachimsthal seven of these are employed, and are placed on a level with the tubs, A (of which there are several), between which and the vessels, B, is a tramway, on which is the waggon, c; the tubs, B, stand on trucks, c', which can be run on to the waggon, c, and then made to traverse, either backwards or forwards, immediately in front of the row of tubs, A. The vessel, B, after receiving a charge of 200 lbs. from the tub, A, is removed to its position on the other side of the tramway, where it is treated with the solution by which the removal of the silver is to be effected. This consists of a cold solution of hyposulphite of sodium, 1 cubic foot SILVER. 675 of which is capable of dissolving 0-753 lb. of silver, which is brought by the trough, b', and allowed to filter slowly through the mass. In this way the silver chloride is gradually taken up in the form of a double salt, which, passing beneath the false bottom into the trough, d, is conveyed to the precipitating tubs. The duration of this operation is, to a considerable extent, influenced by the richness and composition of the ores, as well as by their state of mechanical division. Parcels containing 15 per cent. of silver are not sufficiently impoverished by lixiviation in less than forty-eight hours, whilst ores containing 1 per cent. can be treated in about twelve hours. Ores which do not contain above 7 per cent. of silver require but one chlorination and lixiviation, but when richer samples are operated on two successive roastings and lixiviations become necessary; during the second roasting addition is again made of salt and ferrous sulphate. The lixi- viation is considered complete when the liquors dropping from the tubs HA e -m B Fig. 201.-Von Patera's Process; transverse section of apparatus. no longer afford any traces of a precipitate on the addition of a drop of sodium sulphide; the residues are dried and fused in a blast-furnace with addition of pyrites, &c. Precipitation of Silver.-The liquors passing through the filters at the bottom of the tubs, B, are conducted by the trough, d, into the vessels, E, F, of which there are ten; six holding 40 gallons each, and four of the capacity of 80 gallons. The precipitant employed is prepared by fusing soda-ash with sulphur, and subsequently boiling the product dissolved in water with excess of sulphur. The solution thus obtained, which contains sodium pentasulphide, together with a small amount of hyposulphite of sodium, is conveyed to the precipitating vessels in large stoneware jars, and is poured into the argentiferous solutions so long as a precipitate is thrown down on the addition of a further quantity. The contents of the tubs are first well stirred, and then allowed to settle, and a sample of the clear liquid having been taken in a test tube, a few drops of the precipitating solution are added. If a dark-coloured precipitate is the result it shows that a certain amount of silver still 2 x 2 676 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. remains in solution, and a further addition of the precipitant is necessary. If, on the contrary, no precipitate takes place, it becomes probable that too large an amount of sodium pentasulphide may have been added. In order to determine this point, some fresh liquor, holding the double salt of silver in solution, is added to a sample taken from the tub under treatment. Should a precipitate be thus obtained, argentiferous liquor must be cautiously added to the tub until no further reaction takes place. When this point has been attained all doubt as to whether the whole of the silver has been precipitated, on the one hand, and no excess of the precipitant has been employed, on the other, is removed by taking two samples of the supernatant liquors, to one of which a few drops of a weak solution of common salt are added, whilst into the other a small quantity of solution of acetate of lead is introduced. If the addition of common salt produces no precipitate of silver chloride, it shows that the whole of that metal has been removed, and should no discolouration take place on the addition of the solution of the lead salt, it indicates that the precipitant has not been added in excess. The exact neutrality of the residual liquid is necessary in order to obtain the most satisfactory results, since the liquors from which the silver has been precipitated are employed in the next operation. The presence of sodium sulphide would evidently convert a portion of the silver into insoluble sulphide, whilst the addition of too small a quantity of this precipitant would leave a certain amount of chloride of silver in solution, and thereby diminish the solvent powers of the liquors for that salt. Six hours after the addition of the precipitating solution the flocculent precipitate has sufficiently settled to admit of the supernatant liquor being syphoned off into a tank, situated below the level of the floor; it is thence pumped to the level of the trough, b', to be again used in the process of dissolving. The slimy sulphide of silver is drawn off by the taps, e, f, and is placed in a filter-bag of canvas to drain. Instead of any loss of sodium hyposulphite being experienced during the working of this process, a gradual increase of that salt is the result; this arises from the action of the air on the precipitating liquors, and consequently the solutions employed for dissolving chloride of silver require to be occasionally diluted by the addition of water. The yield by this process amounts to 88 per cent. of the silver present in the ores treated; from 1 to 2 per cent. is lost, and the remainder is found in intermediate products. The cost of materials and labour amounted, in 1862, to about 8s. 6d. per cwt. of ore operated on, or 4s. 4d. per lb. of silver produced. Treatment of Silver Sulphide.-The sulphide of silver, removed from the tubs, E and F, is placed in conical canvas bags, G, supported on wooden frames, and allowed to drain. After standing about half an hour the bags, with their contents, are placed under a screw-press, and as much as possible of the remaining moisture is carefully expressed. The precipitate is now removed from the bags, dried in a warm room, and afterwards replaced in similar filters and washed with warm water. The SILVER. 677 silver sulphide, thus freed from soluble salts, is again dried and sub- sequently heated to redness in a muffle to which atmospheric air has free access. In this way the greater portion of the sulphur is burnt off, leaving a residue which contains from 60 to 80 per cent. of silver. This residue is fused in large graphite crucibles, and any sulphur which it may still retain is removed by the addition of metallic iron; the ferruginous sulphide thus produced is skimmed off, and added to the roasting mixture, instead of ferrous sulphate. The surface of the metal is finally cleaned by adding a small quantity of a mixture of bone-ash and wood-ashes, which, on being carefully scraped off, leaves metallic silver of from 0·940 to 0.960 fine; this is refined. Residues. The residues, containing nickel and cobalt, together with the precipitate by lime-water, and ores poor in silver, are smelted with addition of 10 per cent. of pyrites, 12 per cent. of slags, and a variable amount of lime. This, if the spent ores contain 0.23 per cent. of silver and 3-4 per cent. of nickel and cobalt, affords a matt yielding about 1.25 per cent. of silver and 17 per cert. of nickel and cobalt. The matt thus obtained is re-smelted with addition of sodium sulphate, moistened, allowed to fall into powder by exposure to the atmosphere, and subsequently lixiviated to remove soluble salts. The residue, which contains from 1 to 2 per cent. of silver, is fused with arsenical pyrites for the production of speiss and copper matt. The former is purified by re-smelting, and the copper matt is treated for silver and copper. EXTRACTION OF SILVER AND GOLD BY SULPHURIC ACID. This process consists in treating argentiferous copper matts or black copper with hot dilute sulphuric acid, by which the copper, in the form of cupric sulphate, is dissolved, whilst a large proportion of the silver and nearly the whole of the gold remain in the residues. The products treated by this method should be as free as possible from iron, which, if present, would, to a certain extent, pass into the sulphate of copper produced, and dimi- nish its commercial value. The residues are afterwards smelted either with lead ores or plumbiferous products, and the silver is extracted in the usual way. This method is chiefly applicable to the treatment of products containing such impurities as lead, antimony, and arsenic, and yields a large proportion of the assay value of the gold when that metal is present. It is generally found more advantageous in this process to treat black copper than copper matt, since the former simply requires to be so far refined, previously to treatment, as to be freed from iron, whilst the latter requires sundry preliminary roastings and fusions. We are indebted to Professor F. Ulrich, formerly of the Imperial Smelting Works at Oker, Lower Hartz, for the following description of the method of conducting this operation in that establishment. The copper produced at Oker is of two kinds; that which is of good quality is poor in silver, while that of an inferior description contains, in addition to silver and gold, various substances exercising a prejudicial influence on the copper. The first variety is converted into rosette 678 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. copper, and is sold in the metallic state. Up to 1858, the copper contain- ing silver was treated by liquation. At that date a better process was introduced, by which the copper is obtained in the form of a nearly pure sulphate, and the silver and gold as a muddy residue, mixed with various other substances constituting the impurities of the original copper. The metal is first finely granulated, by being poured in a fused state into water, and then moistened with warm dilute sulphuric acid, and exposed to the air. Oxidation of the copper rapidly takes place, and the granules become covered by a dark film. A fresh supply of warm dilute sulphuric acid is now added, by which the sulphate thus formed is dis- solved. The acid solution of sulphate of copper obtained is made to pass through a long leaden gutter, in which, as it cools, imperfectly- formed crystals of sulphate of copper are deposited; after cooling, this liquor contains only a small quantity of copper, but a large amount of free sulphuric acid. This liquor is collected in a reservoir, and, after being re-warmed, is again run into the vessels containing the granulated copper. This process is continuously repeated, the sulphate of copper being dis- solved in weak sulphuric acid, and the strongly-acid mother liquors again run over the granulated copper. The silver and gold are carried off in suspension in the acid liquors, and deposited, with the crystals of sulphate of copper, in the leaden gutter; these are from time to time removed for re-crystallisation, when the inclosed metallic mud is liberated, and obtained in a separate form. This mud is afterwards smelted with litharge, and yields lead containing about 2 per cent. of silver; the clear liquors deposit crystals of almost pure sulphate of copper. The copper treated by this process at Oker contains, on an average, 0·16 per cent. of silver, and, after granulation, is placed in large wooden tanks lined with thick sheet-lead. On the bottom of these tanks is first laid a layer, 6 inches in thickness, of large fragments of copper, and upon these is placed the granulated metal to a depth of 3 feet 6 inches. From a hole in the bottom, the liquors run into a slightly-inclined lead- lined gutter, of which the length must be such that the liquors in running through it may become sufficiently cooled to deposit nearly the whole of the sulphate of copper which they contain. The strongly-acid mother liquors are blown by an injector into a lead-lined cistern, where they are re-heated by steam, and from which they are run, as required, through a syphon, upon the granulated copper; their density is 30° Baumé, and they are heated to from 87° to 100° C. Each time the liquors are run off the copper is exposed, during fifteen minutes, for the purpose of oxi- dation, and sulphuric acid is run on until the copper has again regained its metallic appearance. When the crystallised deposit in the gutter has attained a thickness of about 3 inches, it is removed and thrown upon an inclined plane, from which the adhering liquors drop back into the gutter. This crude sul- phate of copper is taken to leaden boiling pans, 12 feet in length, 11 feet in width and 23 feet in depth, where it is dissolved, either in water or in SILVER. 679 weak acid liquors. The quantity of liquid is so regulated that a solution is obtained which, at 87° C., has a density of 30° Baumé. This solution is allowed to settle during twelve hours, care being taken to avoid, as far as possible, any decrease of temperature; at the expiration of this time the liquor, which is perfectly clear, is run into crystallising pans, 10 feet long, 5 feet wide and 4 feet deep, in which are hung numerous strips of lead. On these, in the course of from twelve to fourteen days, are formed beautiful crystals of sulphate of copper, which are subsequently removed and packed for the market. The mud, containing the silver and gold, which settles in the boiling pans, is taken out and mixed with litharge. This mixture is smelted for lead, and the quantity of litharge is so regulated that the resulting alloy shall contain about 2 per cent. of silver. The lead thus obtained is passed to the cupelling furnace, and affords silver containing from 1.5 to 1.7 per cent. of gold. In the year 1870, 402,600 lbs. of copper were dissolved at the Oker Works during 350 working days, in 873,152 lbs. of sulphuric acid, of 50° Baumé. Three dissolving pans were employed, and the resulting crude sulphate of copper was dissolved in four boiling pans, having an aggregate capacity of 800 cubic feet. It was re-crystallised in forty- eight crystallising tanks, having a total capacity of 9,600 cubic feet, and the sulphate of copper obtained weighed 1,531,877 lbs. The consumption of coal was 10,433 ctrs. The mud containing the silver and gold was treated for the precious metals with a loss of 8.4 per cent. of the lead employed, and the silver obtained slightly exceeded the amount indicated by assay. CLAUDET'S PROCESS.-The object of this process is the recovery of the silver which, in the form of chloride, is dissolved in the liquors resulting from the treatment of cupreous pyrites by the wet method of extraction. These contain a large amount of undecomposed common salt, which dissolves the silver chloride, and from which, until recently, it was found impossible to precipitate the silver in a concentrated form. It has long been known to those engaged in copper-extraction that the copper-precipitate produced from Spanish and Portuguese ores con- tains not only a notable quantity of silver, but also distinct traces of gold. No successful attempt to separate the precious metals and to turn them to profitable account had, however, been made up to the commence- ment of the year 1870, when Mr. F. Claudet patented a process for their separation from ordinary copper-liquors by the addition of a soluble iodide. The amount of silver present in burnt ore seldom exceeds 18 dwts. per ton; but as the whole of this is never obtained in solution, it follows that, in order to obtain satisfactory commercial results, in dealing with such minute quantities, the process employed should be both cheap and expeditious. The vats in which burnt ore, which has been roasted with salt, is lixiviated, generally receive some eight or nine successive washings, either with water, with weak liquors, or with water acidulated by hydro- 680 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. chloric acid; and of these the first three only contain a sufficient amount of silver to be worth working. For the purpose of removing the soluble salts from the ground and roasted ore hot water is first employed; and, as a large proportion of the sodium chloride used remains undecomposed, it acts as a solvent for the silver chloride produced during the process of furnacing. The analysis of a first washing from a copper tank, gave Mr. Claudet the following results :- ANALYSIS OF STRONG LIQUORS. Sp. Gr. 1.240. Contents per Gallon. Grains. Na₂SO NaCl 4 Cl (combined with metals) Cu Zn Pb Fe • Ca Ag • 10,092 4,474 4,630 3,700* 480 • • 40 · 32 52 個 ​3.06 · 7,347-12, 106 NaCl 5,686 2,274 sulphur. As, Sb, Bi, &c., not estimated. Total Cl "" SO3 Proportion of Cu to Ag=10,000 : 8.2. The respective amounts of copper, chlorine, sulphur and silver con- tained per gallon in nine successive washings of one tank of ore, are given in the following table:- LIQUORS RESULTING FROM NINE WASHINGS OF ONE TANK OF ORE. No. of Washing. No. of Grains per Gallon. Sp. Gr. Cu. CI. S. Ag. 1st 1.285 5,230 10,798 1,324 4.06 2nd 1.250 4,600 9,079 1,455 3.25 3rd 1.175 1,935 3,215 1,881 1.05 4th 1.080 646 717 1,255 0.19 5th 1.095 666 643 1,436 0.12 6th 1.070 692 544 1,588 0.06 7th 1.060 342 217 938 0.03 8th 1.030 200 434 0.06 9th 1.020 117 294 0.04 Washings 1 and 2 contain "} 82.50 per cent. of total silver. 1, 2, and 3 contain 94.30 "" The several operations for the extraction of silver are conducted in the following manner; and as the first three washings contain nearly 95 * 405 grs. of this copper existed in the state of cuprous chloride. SILVER. 681 per cent. of the total amount of that metal dissolved, these alone are treated. The liquors are first run into suitable wooden cisterns, each having a capacity of about 2,700 gallons, where they are allowed to settle. Estimation of Silver in the Liquors.—The yield of silver per gallon is now ascertained by taking a measured quantity, to which are added hydro- chloric acid, potassium iodide, and a solution of acetate of lead. The precipitate thus obtained is thrown upon a filter, and, after being dried, is fused with a flux consisting of a mixture of sodium carbonate, borax, and lamp-black. The resulting argentiferous lead is passed to the cupel, and, from the weight of the button of silver obtained, the amount of that metal in a gallon of the liquid is estimated. Precipitation of Silver.-The liquor from the settling vat is allowed to flow into another of slightly larger capacity, whilst at the same time the exact amount of some soluble iodide (a solution of kelp may be employed for this purpose), necessary to precipitate the silver present, is run into it from a graduated tank, together with a quantity of water equal to about one-tenth of the volume of the copper solution. During the filling of the second tank its contents are constantly stirred, and, when filled, it is allowed to settle during forty-eight hours. The supernatant liquors are, after being assayed, run off, and the tank is again filled; the precipitate collected at the bottom is, about once a fortnight, washed into a vessel prepared for its reception. This precipitate is chiefly composed of a mixture of lead sulphate, lead chloride, silver iodide, and subsalts of copper, from which the latter are readily removed by washing with water acidulated by hydrochloric acid. Thus freed from copper salts, the precipitate is decomposed by metallio zinc, which completely reduces the silver iodide, and also the lead chloride. The results of this decomposition are- First, a precipitate rich in silver, and containing a certain amount of gold. Second, zinc iodide, which, after being standardised, is employed in subsequent operations to precipitate further quantities of silver. The more important constituents contained in a sample of the pre- cipitate were estimated, with the following results:- ANALYSIS OF DRIED SAMPLE. Moisture 25 per Cent. Oz. dwt. gr. 4.455 per cent. =1,455 6 cent.=1,455 6 0 per ton. Ag Au. 0.0595 • Zn 15.440 • Pb 56.400 Cu 0.600 CaO 1.10 Fe. 0.70 6.68 7.60 = 19 8 12 "" SO 3 Insoluble. The results obtained by this process at the Widnes Metal Works show, that 0·65 oz. of silver and 3 grains of gold may be extracted from ; 682 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. each ton of ordinary Spanish pyrites; at a total cost, including labour, loss of iodide, &c., of 8d. per tou, or 12.3 pence per oz. of silver produced. If from this amount be deducted the value of the gold, the expense of working a ton of ore is reduced to 2d.; thus leaving a profit of about 3s. on each ton of ore treated. GOLD. Gold is possessed of a characteristic yellow colour, and is the most malleable of the metals. One grain of pure gold may be beaten into a leaf having a superficies of 56 square inches, and which, from this measurement, and the known specific gravity of the metal, is calculated to have a thickness of only one two-hundred-thousandth of an inch. When in extremely thin leaves, gold is, to a certain extent, trans- parent, and, on being held between the observer and the light, appears of a greenish colour; on rendering the film non-lustrous by heat the colour becomes ruby-red. When large quantities of gold have been fused, and allowed slowly to cool, cubes more or less modified on their edges and angles are frequently obtained. Native gold likewise affords numerous well-defined crystals belonging to the cubic system, but of these the greater number are affected by the faces of the regular octahedron, or the rhombic dodecahedron. The specific gravity of gold is 19.50. Gold fuses at a temperature of 1,102° C., and when still more strongly heated, affords sensible metallic vapours. If a powerful electric dis- charge be passed through a fine gold wire, it becomes entirely dissipated, and a sheet of white paper held beneath, becomes stained with a purple line caused by a deposit of minutely-divided metallic gold. If, instead of a sheet of white paper, a plate of polished silver be employed, it is traversed by a brightly-gilded line, which is firmly attached to its surface. A globule of gold, exposed between two charcoal electrodes to the action of a powerful voltaic battery, enters almost immediately into fusion, and gives off abundant metallic fumes, by which its weight is rapidly diminished. When precipitated from its solutions, gold assumes a dark brown colour, but on being rubbed by a piece of polished steel, or other hard body, it readily assumes its ordinary colour and metallic aspect. If pre- cipitated gold in this form be strongly heated, and, when in that state, struck repeatedly with a hammer, its particles readily become welded and united into a solid mass, without their having undergone actual fusion. The gold used in the manufacture of jewelry, as well as that em- ployed for being coined into money, is invariably alloyed with some other metal, such as copper, and is therefore never absolutely pure. Pure gold may be indefinitely exposed to the action of air and moisture without becoming in the least degree tarnished, nor is it oxidised by being kept in a state of fusion in open vessels. Neither sulphuric, hydrochloric, nor nitric acids attack gold, even when in a fincly-divided state; but by aqua GOLD. 683 Gold regia it is readily attacked, and dissolved in the form of chloride. may also be dissolved by hydrochloric acid, to which some substance capable of liberating chlorine has been added; among these may be men- tioned chromic acid and peroxide of manganese. Bromine, even in the cold, attacks this metal, although by iodine it is but sparingly acted on, even by the aid of heat. Gold is not directly attacked by sulphur at any temperature; but when fused with the alkaline sulphides, it is rapidly acted on with the formation of double sulphides. It is also soluble in aqueous cyanide of potassium in open vessels. Gold probably always occurs in the metallic state, alloyed with more or less silver, and frequently with minute quantities of copper and iron. It is also occasionally found in combination with the rare metals palla- dium, rhodium and tellurium, as well as with mercury forming a native amalgam. These compounds are, however, mineralogical curiosities only, and are of little commercial importance. Native gold generally presents the characteristic yellow colour pecu- liar to this body when in a state of purity, but its natural surfaces some- times require to be rubbed with some hard substance before they assume the ordinary appearance of manufactured gold. The hardness of gold is less than that of iron, copper, or silver, but greater than that of either lead or tin. When broken by repeated bendings it presents a matted silk-like structure, which is more or less fine, in accordance with the purity of the specimen. Native gold occurs crystallised, in branches, in filaments and plates, in disseminated grains, and in pepitas mixed with, and forming part of, various alluvial deposits. The greater portion of this metal is procured in the latter form; but as these sands are them- selves the product of the destruction of auriferous rocks, the metal which they contain must be regarded as the débris partially resulting from the disintegration of the matrix in which it was originally inclosed. Crystal- line specimens are likewise numerous, the cube being in all cases the primitive form. Crystals seldom occur isolated, but are more frequently grouped together in the form of irregular branches. Their faces are often dull, and sometimes slightly rounded, even in specimens directly extracted from the vein, which, consequently, cannot have been exposed to attrition. The small branches of gold which sometimes occur in auriferous veins, when closely examined appear to consist of a series of minute octahedra, implanted one upon another, so as to form a sort of chain. The grains and fragments found in alluvial deposits vary considerably in size, but are generally small. When of the size of a nut and upwards they receive the name of "nuggets"; and in some localities such pieces are not of unfrequent occurrence. A nugget was once discovered in Cabarrus county, North Carolina, weighing 37 lbs. troy. In Paraguay, masses of gold varying from 1 to 50 lbs. in weight were some years since obtained at the foot of one of the highest mountains. Various lumps varying from 16 to 17 lbs., and one weighing 27 lbs., have been found in the Ural district; and in the valley Taschku Targanka a fragment was met with, in 1842, which weighed 684 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. nearly 100 lbs. This specimen has been deposited in the Museum of Mining Engineers at St. Petersburg. Some very large specimens of gold have been obtained from California, and masses weighing considerably above 1 cwt. have also been procured from the Australian diggings. The composition of various specimens of gold, obtained from different localities, is given in the following table :- Locality. Au. Ag. Fe. Cu. Analyst. Transylvania, Vöröspatak Barbara 60.49 38.74 Rose. 84.80 Beresof 91.88 14.68 0.13 0.04 8.03 97 >> Siränovski, Altai 60.98 38.38 0.33 "" Brazil 94.00 5.85 Darcet. Bolivia, Ancota "" Tipuani 94.73 5.23 0.04 91.96 7.47 trace Forbes. N. Grenada, Bogota 92.00 8.00 Bouss. Trinidad 82.40 17.60 "" Peru, Carabaya 97.46 2.54 Forbes. · .. "" Yungas 79.89 20.11 Nova Scotia, Tangier 98.13 1.76 trace 0.05 Marsh. California 90.70 8.80 0.38 Rivot. 90.96 9.04 Oswald. "" Canada, Chaudière 89.24 10.76 S. Hunt. Australia 99.28 0.44 0.20 0.07 Northcote. Bathurst 95.68 3.92 0.16 :) Henry. Mitta Mitta 89.57 10.43 Ward. • Tasmania, Giandara 92.77 7.23 "" Black Boy Flat 94.95 4.66 0.08 "" DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD. Gold appears to be as generally distributed as the other metals, but it usually occurs in such exceedingly minute quantities as either to escape observation or not to repay the cost of extraction. Native gold, in situ, is most frequently met with in quartz veins in- tersecting metamorphic rocks, and is, almost invariably, associated with iron pyrites and other metallic sulphides, such as galena, blende, &c. It is, however, sometimes found in combination with bismuth, tellurium, palladium and rhodium, and also with mercury in the form of native amalgam. The metamorphic rocks inclosing gold veins are mostly chlo- ritic, talcose, and argillaceous slates, and, less frequently, they are met with in mica schist, hornblendic slates, gneiss, diorite, or porphyry. Auri- ferous veins also occur in granite. A laminated talcose quartzite, called itacolumite, is common in some gold regions, as in Brazil and North Carolina, and schists containing specular iron or granular magnetite sometimes inclose gold. The gold of quartz veins occurs in the form of plates, strings, and thin scales, as well as in crystalline grains of greater or less dimensions these are frequently apparent to the eye, but rock showing no visible traces of gold is often sufficiently rich to admit of being treated with profitable results. GOLD. 685 Native gold invariably contains a certain amount of silver, and often traces of copper and iron. According to Dana, the average proportion of gold in the native gold of California is 880 thousandths. Australian gold is usually purer than Californian, and averages from 900 to 960 thousandths of pure metal. The gold of Canada contains from 10 to 15 per cent. of silver, whilst that from Nova Scotia is often very pure. It is not however from the treatment of auriferous quartz that the principal portion of the gold of commerce is derived; a very large pro- portion of it being obtained from alluvial diggings, in which gold is separated from associated sands and gravels by various systems of washing. }.. In these deposits nature has, on a vast scale, performed the operations of crushing and washing, and has finally deposited the precious metal in positions from which it can be cheaply and conveniently extracted. To this circumstance are mainly attributable the sudden fluctuations which have, from time to time, taken place in the gold-production of the world. On the discovery of a new and extensive gold-region a large amount of unskilled labour is at once applied to the extraction of gold from alluvial diggings, whilst to obtain the same weight of metal from quartz veins would necessitate the application of skilled labour and the expenditure of a large amount of time and money. Indeed, had not this natural dis- integration and concentration taken place, the larger portion of the gold annually collected could not have been advantageously brought into the market. In California the auriferous gravel-beds are of vast extent, and have sometimes a thickness of 250 feet. Alluvial gold occurs in the form of flattened grains or scales of dif- ferent degrees of fineness, the size depending partly on its original form of occurrence, and partly on the distance to which it has been transported by the agency of water. As before stated, gold is widely distributed over the surface of the globe; it occurs in rocks of various ages, from the oldest up to the Cretaceous. But although this metal occurs in many regions of metamorphosed and crystalline slates, it is in comparatively few localities that it exists in sufficient quantities to render its extraction remunerative. In Cornwall and Devon the tin-streams afford occasional specimens of gold, but not in sufficient quantities to make its collection a matter of commercial importance. The older slaty rocks of North Wales, and par- ticularly those of Merionethshire, have long been known to inclose veins which are more or less auriferous. This gold-bearing district would appear, however, to be confined to an area of about twenty-five square miles, principally lying on the north of the road leading from Dolgelly to Barmouth. It has been ascertained that many of the quartz veins occurring in this neighbourhood contain gold, but the amount found has, in all cases, proved insufficient to pay working expenses. In 1861, nearly 3,000 ozs. were obtained from the Vigra and Clogau mines alone; and this result, having become widely known, caused considerable local excitement, which led to the extensive exploration of nearly all the quartz veins of the 686 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. district. These operations were carried on, with gradually-declining acti- vity, during some four or five years, at the end of which period those embarked in the enterprise had generally become satisfied that gold mining in Wales was not likely to be remunerative. The total quantity of gold raised from the commencement of operations in North Wales up to the 1st of April, 1866, amounted to 12,800 ozs., of which the Vigra and Clogau produced 11,778 ozs. The chief portion of the gold in these mines was met with in the form of a short deposit, which soon became exhausted, and the undertaking is now abandoned. In Scotland, gold occurs at Leadhills in Lanarkshire, and at Glen Coich in Perthshire, but in very small quantities only, although in the time of Elizabeth extensive washings for gold were carried on in the alluviums of Leadhills. More recently gold has been discovered in Sutherlandshire, and three or four years since numerous articles appeared in the newspapers with regard to the alleged richness of these diggings. Such reports attracted to the district numerous returned Australian and Californian miners; but their labours were comparatively unproductive, and the so-called "Sutherlandshire gold-fields" are no longer heard of. Towards the close of the last century, a considerable quantity of gold was discovered in the county of Wicklow, disseminated in a quartzose and ferruginous sand. This gold was found chiefly in the form of nuggets of considerable size, and one was obtained weighing 22 ozs. For a short time this gold was collected on a comparatively large scale by the peasantry of the neighbourhood, who, in the course of two months gathered an amount for which £10,000 sterling was paid. The working of the deposit was subsequently undertaken by Government, but the supply soon became exhausted, and, after having been about two years in operation, with unprofitable results, the works were abandoned. France possesses no gold mines, but the sands of some of her rivers are, to a small extent, auriferous. The only quartz vein which has been known to contain gold is that of La Gardette, in the Department of Isère, which was discovered in 1700, and on which workings were in- termittently carried on up to the year 1841; but the production was ex- ceedingly small. The Rhine has, for centuries, produced small quantities of gold, its sands having been more or less extensively worked in the neighbourhood of Strasburg, &c. In 1846, M. Daubrée made a report to the Academy of Sciences, in which he states that the most productive gravels were those deposited below sandbanks or gravel islands, which had become eroded by the action of the river, and that gold was found in a somewhat concentrated state only in the coarser gravels, from which the finer sands had been removed by running water. The yield of the year 1846 was estimated by M. Daubrée at £1,800, the washers earning, on an average, from one and a half to two francs per diem. The Rhone and several other French rivers have produced small quantities of gold, and the Ariège is said to have derived its name from the amount of auriferous sands it formerly deposited. Gold mines were successively worked in Spain by the Phoenicians, Romans, and Moors, and, although the amount now obtained from that GOLD. 687 country is insignificant, it is stated to have, at one period, produced large quantities of the precious metal. The present small yield is derived from washing the sands of rivers and streams, and the total annual value obtained may be estimated at £1,500. A great number of localities in Italy were known to the ancients as producing gold, and at one period this metal was worked so extensively, that the quantity produced is said to have caused a reduction of one-third in its price throughout the country. At present, the only gold mines of any importance are in the north of Piedmont. The chief amalgamation works are situated on various small streams near the foot of Monte Rosa, where a considerable amount of gold is found in the valleys of Anzasca, Toppa, and Antrona. The principal mines are those of Vallanzasca, Val Toppa, and Pestarena, which are being worked by English capitalists, and where the ores consist of a compact auriferous pyrites. The aggregate produce of these mines during the year 1866 amounted to 5,952 ozs. of the total value of £19,150 9s. 8d. Their production has since very materially declined. The amount of gold annually produced in Germany is small, although in some localities washing and mining operations in pursuit of this metal have been interruptedly carried on from remote antiquity. In Tyrol and Salzburg a little gold has been long obtained by the treatment of exceedingly poor ores. At Zell, in 1847, the average yield of the vein-stuff treated was 21 dwts. per ton. The annual production of the mines of Tyrol and Salzburg may be estimated at 65 lbs. troy. The most important gold mines of Europe are those of Hungary and Transylvania, where gold is found in veins of auriferous pyrites asso- ciated with galena and sulphides of silver. The mines of Hungary have been worked since the eighth century, and all the operations are con- ducted with much skill and economy. In those of Königsberg gold is disseminated with ores of sulphide of silver, which occur in veins inclosed in a decomposed feldspathic rock. At Schemnitz, Kremnitz, Neusohl, and Libethen, the ores afford both silver and gold, together with a suffi- cient amount of galena to materially assist in their metallurgical treat- ment. In Transylvania some of the mines afford a rare combination of gold and tellurium. The production of gold from the mines of the Austrian Empire amounted in 1865 to 4,900 lbs. troy. In Sweden there is a mine at Edelfors, in Småland, where gold occurs in auriferous pyrites, but the produce of the country is totally insig- nificant. The gold mines of the Russian Empire are situated partly on the eastern flanks of the Urals and partly in the districts of Perm, Tomsk, and Yenisseisk, &c., in the interior of Siberia. The auriferous detritus of the Russian possessions is, however, poor in comparison with deposits which have been found more recently in California and Australia; for although some considerable masses have occasionally been met with, much of the auriferous ground now profitably worked in Russia, where labour is cheap and water abundant, would, if situated in California or Australia, be totally valueless. 688 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. The produce of the Russian washings from 1850 to 1860 amounted to 687,025 lbs. troy. Gold is found in the rivers of Syria and other parts of Asia Minor, and the Pactolus, a river of Lydia, was anciently celebrated for its golden sands. Gold mines are also known to be worked in Thibet, where this metal is found in quartz veins traversing a crumbling granite, of a reddish colour. It is also met with in Hindostan, as well as in the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. Gold-washing is likewise carried on in China and Japan, both of which countries are believed to afford a considerable annual yield; comparatively recent advices from China state that new gold-fields have been opened up in Shangtung, Chufoo district. Africa was probably the source of a large proportion of the gold pos- sessed by the ancients; and nearly all modern travellers who have pene- trated into the interior of that continent agree in their accounts of its wealth. The whole of the gold which Africa now supplies is in the form of dust and water-worn grains, evidently obtained from alluvial washings. The gold of Sennaar and Southern Abyssinia occurs in quartz inclosed in granite, and is associated with hæmatite and iron pyrites; gold is also found in alluvial deposits of an ochreous character. A considerable amount of interest was recently excited by a report of the discovery of gold-fields at the Cape of Good Hope, adjoining the frontier of the Transvaal Republic. No practical results, on an exten- sive scale, appear, however, to have been hitherto obtained, and we must consequently await the further development of this region before arriving at any conclusion with regard to its extent and importance. The annual amount of gold now annually furnished by Africa is esti- mated at about 3,800 lbs. troy. The gold-fields of the United States of America may be divided into two great geographical sections, viz., those of the Atlantic slope, or the Appalachian gold-region, which has been worked to some extent for the last fifty years, and that of the Pacific States, of which California may be considered the most important, which, within six years after its discovery, in 1848, had produced more than twelve times the total amount of gold which had, up to that period, been obtained from the region on the Atlantic shores. The Appalachian gold-fields are included within the States of Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama, although some others have occasionally afforded specimens of the precious metal. The first notice of the discovery of gold occurs in Jefferson's • Notes on Virginia;' Drayton, in his View of South Carolina' (1802), also mentions the finding of a small piece of this metal on Paris Mountain. The first United States gold was coined in 1825, and from that time up to 1830 four-fifths of the gold coinage of the country was of American gold. From 1804 to 1827 North Carolina furnished the whole of the gold produced in the United States, amounting to $110,000; but in GOLD. 689 1829 Virginia contributed $2,500, and in the same year South Carolina yielded $3,500. In 1830 Georgia made its first deposit at the Mint, amounting to no less than $212,000. Previously to 1825, all the gold of North Carolina had been procured from washings, but in that year auriferous veins were discovered. This turned attention from the deposit mines" to "vein mines," and led to the discovery of gold veins in various localities in that and the adjoining States. CC In 1852-53, the discoveries which had then been recently made in California, produced great excitement with regard to gold mining gene- rally, and attention was, as a natural consequence, directed to the auri- ferous districts of the southern States. Many English and American companies were formed for the purpose of working the mines of the Atlantic coast, and for a time mining operations were actively prosecuted. In this case, however, as on a former occasion, wild speculation was carried on to a greater extent than legitimate mining, and although many of the undertakings might perhaps have afforded satisfactory returns if judiciously carried out, the results were, a second time, gene- rally disastrous, and the southern gold-region, after a short period of spasmodic activity, again subsided into comparative disrepute. Although it had long been known that gold had occasionally been found in California, yet until the acquisition of that region by the United States of America but little was known either of the country or of its productions. The first practical discovery of this metal was made either late in February, or early in March, 1848. Colonel Sutter had contracted with a Mr. Marshall for the supply of a large amount of lumber, and in order to execute this contract a saw-mill was erected on the south fork of the American River, at a place now called Coloma. When this was set to work, the water, rushing rapidly through the tail-race, exposed certain bright metallic particles, which were recognised as gold. It was at first sought to keep this discovery secret, but this was soon found impossible, and the news shortly after reaching San Francisco caused an excitement which quickly emptied it of its inhabit- ants, amounting then to only a few hundreds in number. From this time the rush to the diggings became so great, that when the governor of the State visited the district in the following July, he found that 4,000 people were already employed in washing on the American River and its tributaries, and were extracting gold of the value of from $30,000 to $40,000 daily. The fame of these extraordinary discoveries became widely spread during the latter months of 1848 and the spring of 1849, and a rapid influx of immigration commenced, which has, with more or less activity, continued to the present time, and has already resulted in an addition of at least 3,500,000 lbs. troy of gold, value £175,000,000, to the available bullion of the world. The great sedimentary auriferous belt of California lies on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, beginning in the vicinity of the Téjon Pass, and extending through the State to its most northern limit. The prin- cipal gold-producing region may, however, be said to occupy the western 2 Y 690 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. portions of the counties of Mariposa, Tuolumne, Calaveras, Amador, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra, and Plumas, with portions of the eastern sides of Yuba and Butte counties. The slates of the auriferous belt are principally Jurassic, although the presence of Triassic fossils indicates that a certain portion of them belong to that age. The gold of California and Australia is derived from the three fol- lowing sources :— 1st. From auriferous veins, most frequently inclosed in metamorphic slates. 2nd. From deposits of alluvial gold occupying ancient river- courses. 3rd. From deposits in which the gold of ancient river-systems has been re-distributed by modern streams. Auriferous veins, like all others, are exceedingly variable, not only in their dimensions, but also in their productiveness. It is, however, generally observed that the widest veins are not usually the richest, and that some of the quartzose bands running parallel with the inclosing walls are uniformly more productive than others. As a general rule those veins are most auriferous which contain a considerable amount of various metallic sulphides, more particularly iron pyrites, and but few which do not afford a notable percentage of this mineral are found permanently remunerative. Contrary to an opinion very generally entertained a few years since, gold veins are not found to be more liable to impoverishment in depth than other metalliferous lodes, some of those on the Pacific coast having been worked, on their inclination, to a depth of more than 1,400 feet without experiencing any perceptible diminution in yield. In many localities, and particularly between the south and middle forks of the Yuba River, the auriferous gravels belonging to the second class have, under ordinary circumstances, a thickness of 120 feet; and when, as is sometimes the case, these ancient river-beds have been pro- tected by a capping of basalt, their thickness not unfrequently exceeds 250 feet. These deposits are principally worked by a process known as hydraulic mining, and yield one-half of the gold annually produced in the country. These ancient river-beds, or deep placers, are believed to be of Pliocene age, and frequently inclose trunks of large trees which have become entirely silicified. The attention of the first miners was exclusively directed to deposits of the third class, or shallow placers, in which gold lay near the surface and within the reach of those who, without capital, were only in possession of ordinary mining tools. These shallow diggings, however, gradually became exhausted, and at the expiration of some five or six years attention was generally directed to deeper deposits. The greatest exportation of gold from California took place in the year 1852-53, when the amount was estimated at about 240,000 lbs. troy ; from that period the export of gold bullion has been gradually diminish- GOLD. 691 ing, and the present annual production of the State is probably not above 80,000 lbs. It must not be forgotten, however, that California is by no means the only gold-producing State or Territory west of the Rocky Mountains. Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and Washington, all produce gold; and it is believed that the total annual yield of this metal in the United States cannot now be far short of 180,000 lbs. troy. Although the most productive known gold-fields of North America are comprehended within the limits of the United States, several of the British possessions on that continent annually afford a certain amount of gold. The existence of this metal in Canada first attracted attention in 1847, although it is stated that a French Canadian had found specimens of some value long before that date. In 1850 gold was discovered in the alluviums of the Chaudière and various neighbouring streams; and at the Great Exhibition of 1851 specimens were exhibited by Sir William Logan, the Government Geologist, and by the then recently-formed Chaudière Gold-Mining Company. Up to the present time the results obtained, both from the alluvial washings and from quartz-mining operations, have been unsatisfactory, and the gold production of Canada still remains exceedingly small. Mr. Douglas, the governor of Vancouver's Island in 1856, reported the discovery of gold in British territory north of latitude 49°, but stated that in consequence of the hostile attitude assumed by Indians the number of diggers was small. In 1858, however, the stream of immigration set in with sufficient force to overcome the opposition of the natives, and from that period British Columbia has become permanently recognised as a gold-producing country. It has, however, been found, that although the country is unquestion- ably rich in gold, the winters are so exceedingly severe as to preclude the possibility of continuous mining during the colder months, and, consequently the miner has to expend in winter a large portion of the money which he had economised during the summer months. This severity of the climate has caused British Columbia to be somewhat un- popular among gold miners, and their number has consequently decreased within the last four years. Nearly the whole of the gold produced now finds its way to San Francisco; but as a large proportion reaches that city through private hands it is impossible to obtain exact statistics. The total annual yield of British Columbia is, however, probably between 12,000 and 15,000 lbs. troy. A few years since attention was called to the Province of Nova Scotia by an article published in 'Blackwood's Magazine,' in which it was stated that gold would be found in the hills south of Annapolis; and a compari- son was instituted between that locality and the valley of the Sacramento. Many persons were induced, by this article, to leave their ordinary occupa- tions to seek for gold, but their researches in all cases proved unsuccessful, and the explorations were finally abandoned. So long ago also as 1855 Dr. Dawson, in his Acadian Geology,' when describing some of the meta- 2 x 2 692 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. morphic rocks of the country, observes: "Quartz veins, however, occur abundantly in some parts of this district, and it would not be wonderful if some of them should be found to be auriferous." In the month of March, 1861, a man who was stooping to drink at a rivulet observed a piece of gold among the pebbles at the bottom. During the course of the following June gold was discovered in quartz veins in the cliff near Lunenburg, and subsequently, in the sands on the beach beneath the headland, in which auriferous veinstone had been previously met with. Gold-discoveries now followed each other in rapid succession at Lawrencetown, Dartmouth, Sheet Harbour, Isaacs Harbour, Sherbrooke, Waverley, Oldham, and elsewhere. Auriferous drift occurs in Nova Scotia only in patches of very limited extent, and almost the whole of the gold hitherto obtained has been the produce of the treatment of gold quartz. The veins are, generally speak- ing, small, but tolerably rich in gold. The present annual production of gold in this Province is about 1,200 lbs. troy. Mexico, although rich in silver, yields comparatively little gold, almost the whole of the latter metal being separated from argentiferous ores. Little is known respecting the auriferous districts of Central America except that Costa Rica and some other States annually produce a certain amount of this metal, and that an English company is engaged, with somewhat doubtful prospects of ultimate success, in gold mining in Nicaragua. The most important gold country of South America is Brazil, where the principal mines are situated in the province of Minas Geraes, and are chiefly wrought on extensive veins and deposits of auriferous pyrites. The Morro Velho mine, belonging to the St. John d'El Rey Company, was, up to within the last seven years, the largest and most prosperous gold mine in Brazil, having, since 1839, produced a net profit to the pro- prietors of over a million sterling. This undertaking is, however, at present suffering from the effects of a disastrous fire, probably caused by the heat resulting from the oxidation of pyrites, producing combustion of the timber-work; and it, unfortunately, cannot be re-established in its former highly satisfactory condition without the expenditure of a large amount of time and capital. Brazil afforded its largest yield of gold about the middle of the eighteenth century, before the comparative exhaustion of its rich alluvial deposits, when the amount on which the royal fifth was annually paid varied from 17,000 to 21,500 lbs. The production of Minas Geraes, by far the most productive mining district of the country, was estimated in 1866 at 6,000 lbs. troy per annum. The first authenticated discovery of gold in Australia was made in 1839, by Count Strzelecki, who communicated the fact to Sir George Gipps, then governor of the colony of New South Wales. The presence of the precious metal was again specially noticed in 1841 by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, of Sydney. The attention of the colonial public was not, however, seriously directed to this subject until the existence of an GOLD. 693 extensive gold-field, almost throughout Australia, was announced in 1851 by Mr. E. H. Hargreaves, a returned Californian miner. It would appear from the investigations of Mr. A. R. C. Selwyn that the age of the gold-bearing strata of Victoria is much greater than that of the auriferous rocks of California, and further, that they most frequently belong to the Silurian epoch. With regard to the occurrence of the precious metal in Victoria, Mr. R. B. Smyth, Secretary of Mines for the Colony, remarks (Intercolonial Exhibition, 1861'): "Gold is now found to occur not only in quartz veins and the alluvial deposits derived from these and the surrounding rocks, but also in the claystone itself; and, contrary to expectation, flat bands of auriferous quartz have been discovered in dykes of diorite, which inter- sects the Upper Silurian or Lower Devonian rocks. Quartz of extraor- dinary richness has been obtained from these bands, and the new experience of the miner is leading him to look for gold in places hitherto entirely neglected. It is probable that some time may be lost, and that his labours may not always be well directed or successful, but it is com- mendable that he should not be deterred from explorations by warnings and remonstrances founded on surmises often baseless. If he had closely followed the older precepts we should, at this moment, have been de- pendent for our yield of gold on the shallower alluviums and the surface only of the veins of quartz." In Australia, as in California, the gold first obtained was entirely derived from washing the more recent gravels; but ancient river-beds, often covered by a thick capping of basalt, have since proved highly pro- ductive. As in California, quartz veins are now advantageously worked to very considerable depths below the surface. The largest gold-yield of Victoria was in the year 1856, when the total produce was 249,000 lbs. troy; its annual production is, at the present time, about 130,000 lbs. troy, worth £6,500,000. The total amount of gold produced in the colony, from 1851 to the present time, is estimated at about 3,000,000 lbs. troy; worth, approximately, £150,000,000. The produce of the gold-fields of New South Wales, since their dis- covery in 1851, is estimated at some 400,000 lbs. only, representing a value of £20,000,000. South Australia and Tasmania both produce annually a certain amount of gold, but the quantity is comparatively small, since from 1851 to the close of 1860 the total weight exported, including that coming from New Zealand, was only valued at £374,000. Queensland also yields a certain quantity of gold. Gold was first discovered in New Zealand in 1842, and the principal portion of that which has been since exported from the colony has been the produce of the South Island. In 1864 the gold exported from the North Island amounted to 280 lbs., whilst the South Island furnished 1,400 lbs. troy. Various important mining districts have, however, been discovered since that period, and quartz crushing is now being actively prosecuted. The annual yield of this colony is therefore believed to be, at present, in excess of the above amount. 694 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. Various other localities annually afford small amounts of this metal, either from alluvial washings or from regular mining. The total yield of such operations is, however, comparatively so small that any special mention of them would be superfluous. The total annual yield of the world is believed to be, now, about 460,000 lbs. troy, representing an approximate value of £23,000,000. ASSAY OF AURIFEROUS MINERALS. Minerals containing gold are assayed in precisely the same way as ores of silver, but as the former usually contain a very small propor- tion of the precious metal, it becomes necessary to operate on a larger quantity of the substance to be examined. When these compounds con- tain lead they may be conveniently fused with a proper quantity of black flux; if, instead of containing lead, they consist of oxidised bodies, but are free from that metal, the assay may be advantageously conducted by the addition of a mixture of litharge and powdered charcoal or black flux; when chiefly composed of siliceous and earthy matters mixed with oxidisable substances, such as mispickel, or iron or copper pyrites, their fusion may be effected by the use of litharge only; and lastly, when these substances so preponderate as to yield too large a button of lead for convenient cupellation, a mixture of litharge and nitre may be used with advantage. It is, however, necessary to remember, that when any of these compounds contain sulphur it is of importance that the whole of it should be either removed or oxidised during the process of assaying, as otherwise, and particularly in presence of alkaline sulphides, a portion of the gold might enter into combination with the slags in such a way as not to be separated by lead. CUPELLATION. The buttons of alloy thus obtained are cupelled, with the precautions enumerated when treating of the assay of alloys of silver, although, when gold is the metal sought, the process is in a slight degree varied. When the resulting button consists merely of an alloy of lead, silver and gold, together with a small admixture of one or more oxidisable metals, its cupellation presents even less difficulty than in the case of alloys of lead and silver only, because in the first place gold is less volatile than silver, and consequently may be exposed to a greater heat, and in the second place less loss is experienced at high temperatures by absorption into the cupel. When, in addition to gold, silver, and lead, the button obtained by assay likewise contains copper, it must be cupelled like the similar alloys of silver; but as copper possesses a much greater affinity for gold than it has for silver, a large addition of lead must be made in order to insure the production of a pure button. PARTING.—When, as is almost universally the case, the button obtained by the fusion of the ore contains, in addition to lead and gold, a notable proportion of silver, it must be cupelled at a moderate temper- ature, and, if necessary, an additional quantity of silver added. By T GOLD. 695 operating in this way, the button obtained on the cupel consists of an alloy of silver and gold, which is afterwards treated with an excess of nitric acid; this effects the solution of the silver, and leaves the gold untouched in the form of a brown powder, in the bottom of the flask in which the experiment has been conducted. In order, however, to obtain exact results, it is necessary that a certain relation should exist between the amount of the two metals of which the alloy is composed, since if the silver be not present in sufficient quantity the mixture is not com- pletely attacked by the nitric acid; whilst on the other hand, when too large a proportion of this metal is added, the gold remains in a pulverulent form, which renders its collection for the purpose of weighing somewhat difficult. The above-described operation, which has received the name of "parting," succeeds best when the alloy contains a little less than three parts of silver to one of gold; and therefore, in all cases, the addition of silver must be so managed as to agree as closely as possible with this proportion. If the alloy contain less than two and a half parts of silver to one of gold, the solution of the silver cannot be completely effected, since in this case some of its particles are so enveloped in gold as to resist the action of the acid. The operation of adding the proper amount of silver to an alloy to reduce it to the right standard for the process of parting is called " inquar- tation." The quantity of silver necessary for this purpose is estimated in accordance with the approximative composition of the alloy produced by direct cupellation of the button obtained by assay, which may be judged of, in many instances, by a simple inspection of its colour and hardness. The inquartated button, when obtained, should be carefully flattened with a polished hammer on a steel anvil, and afterwards attacked in a small flask or large test tube by nitric acid of specific gravity 1·18. After having been boiled for about ten minutes with acid of this strength, the liquid is carefully poured off, and the residue heated to ebullition, during a few minutes, in acid of the specific gravity 1·28. The acid is now carefully decanted, and the residual gold, after being completely washed with distilled water, is transferred to a thin porcelain capsule, from which the water is partially removed, and the remainder evaporated by exposure in a water-bath. When perfectly freed from moisture, the pulverulent gold may either be weighed directly in the capsule in which it has been dried, or be folded in a little poor lead-foil and again passed to the cupel, so as to obtain it in the form of a metallic globule. ASSAY OF GOLD QUARTZ, ETC.—To make an assay of auriferous quartz, the sample to be operated on must be finely pulverised, and may be sub- sequently mixed with red lead or litharge, together with a little carbonate of sodium, borax, and an amount of pounded charcoal, sufficient for the production of a button of lead of a convenient size for cupellation. In the case of very poor ores, the silver derived from the oxide of lead will frequently be sufficient for the purpose of inquartation; whilst, 696 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. for the examination of richer ores, the addition of a little pure silver, at the time of placing the button on the cupel, becomes necessary. If, besides gold, the ore contains iron pyrites, or any other sul- phurised mineral, the addition of a reducing agent, such as charcoal, may sometimes be dispensed with, and the fusion may be made either with oxide of lead alone or with oxide of lead and a little borax. When pyrites, or any other metallic sulphide, is present in large quantities, the sample should be first roasted until all traces of sulphur have ceased to be evolved, and then treated as in the case of substances not containing that body, but with the addition of a larger proportion of charcoal and borax. It must, however, be borne in mind, that when any compound containing sulphur is to be assayed for gold, all the sulphur should be either expelled by a preliminary roasting, or be oxidised during the operation; it may otherwise give rise to the formation of alkaline and other sulphides, which are liable to cause a portion of the gold to enter into combination with the slags. It may be here remarked, that although it is easy to estimate with a considerable degree of accuracy the amount of gold contained in a given quantity of ore, it is much more difficult to obtain a fair average sample of the total produce of a vein. When the metal is in a state of fine division, and uniformly disseminated throughout the matrix, this presents comparatively little difficulty; but when, on the contrary, it is granular, and occurs in irregular deposits, much care is necessary in order to insure trustworthy assays. It is therefore of importance, that whenever ores are to be assayed for gold, great care should be taken in procuring the samples on which the experiment is to be conducted. With this view, the heaps should be well cut through, and 2 or 3 tons taken out of each. The ore thus ob- tained must be reduced to fragments of the size of beans, which, when proper crushing machinery is not at hand, may be accomplished by breaking with a hammer on an iron plate. The ore thus prepared must now be thoroughly mixed, made into a heap, and again cut through, taking out of it this time 3 or 4 cwts., which are reduced to the state of a fine powder, either in a crushing mill, in a large mortar, or on an iron plate. After being again mixed, the powdered ore is cut through, and about 20 lbs. weight taken for the purpose of being still further reduced in size; this must be passed through a sieve of fine wire-gauze. On the sample thus prepared, five or six different assays are to be made, and the mean of the results is taken as the produce of the ore examined. By operating as above described, great accuracy may be insured; but when a less degree of exactitude is sufficient, the quantities of ore crushed may be somewhat reduced, and the number of assays fewer. Fusion with Litharge, Carbonate of Soda, &c.—When the quartz con- tains traces only of iron pyrites, or of any other sulphide, 1,000 grains of finely-divided ore, may be carefully mixed with three times its weight of litharge, or red lead, 200 grains of carbonate of sodium, 200 grains of borax, and from 15 to 20 grains of pulverised charcoal. This mixture GOLD. 697 must be introduced into an earthen crucible, of which it should not occupy more than one-half the capacity, and after being thoroughly fused in an assay furnace, the pot and its contents are removed by the use of proper tongs, and allowed to cool. When sufficiently cold, the crucible is broken, and the button of lead removed for the purpose of being cupelled. If, in the first experiment, the button obtained weighs less than 100 grains, a little more charcoal ought to have been added. Instead of breaking the pot, the crucible, on being removed from the fire, may be held between the bent jaws of a pair of tongs, and its contents poured into a conical cast-iron mould. Fusion with Red Lead or Litharge only.-In cases where the sample of quartz to be operated on contains a sufficient amount of pyrites to reduce a convenient quantity of lead for cupellation, the assay may be effected by fusion with litharge, or red lead alone. When this method is em- ployed, the oxide of lead must be used in large excess, and 1,000 grains of the ore may be fused with from four to five times its weight of red lead or litharge. If the button obtained in this way be not sufficiently large, its size may be increased, to any desired extent, by the judicious addition of lamp-black or powdered charcoal. Auriferous Pyrites.—In order to determine the amount of gold con- tained in auriferous pyrites, the sample should be first pulverised and then roasted, until all odour of sulphur has ceased to be evolved. Mix the roasted ore with half its weight of dry carbonate of sodium, twice its weight of red lead or litharge, a proper amount of charcoal and some fused borax; in other respects treat as before. The cupellation of buttons thus obtained is to be conducted as described under the head of "Estimation of Silver in Lead Ores.” · Inquartation.—It has already been stated that in order effectually to dissolve out silver from an alloy of gold and of that metal, it is necessary that the weight of the silver should be nearly three times greater than that of the gold present. When, therefore, the amount of gold contained in the leaden button is approximately known, the piece of silver added should be of such a weight as to satisfy, as nearly as possible, this condition. The only inconvenience, however, attending the addition of too large an amount of silver, is that the gold obtained by the subse- quent action of acid is thereby rendered flocculent. Parting.—The button remaining on the test after cupellation is, when sufficiently cold, flattened, and carefully cleaned with a hard scratch-brush. After being examined by the aid of a lens, to satisfy the assayer that it is free from extraneous matter, the flattened button is taken between the jaws of a pair of forceps, and dropped into a long- necked flask of about 2 ozs. capacity, containing pure and somewhat- dilute nitric acid. The flask and its contents are now heated until all action on the alloy has ceased, and the liquid is carefully decanted. A little more nitric acid is now poured on the assay, and again made to boil; water is added, and the liquid poured off as before. The residual gold is then carefully washed by decantation, and finally turned out, by a little care- 698 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ful manipulation, into a small porcelain capsule, in which it is slowly dried, by being placed in a water-bath; it is finally heated to redness, and subsequently weighed. If, in addition to gold, the mineral also contains silver, and it be desirable to ascertain its amount, it is necessary to first cupel the button of lead without the addition of silver; the alloy thus obtained is weighed, and its weight noted, deduction being made for the amount of silver derived from the reduced oxide of lead, which must be ascertained by experiment. It is also necessary to examine the red lead, or litharge, in order to ascertain if it contain traces of gold, and in case of that metal being likewise present, due allowance for the amount found must be made on the produce obtained. If the silver be not sufficient for the purposes of parting, more is added, by folding the bead, together with a bit of pure silver, in a piece of lead free from the precious metals, and again cupelling. Lastly, the alloy obtained is treated with nitric acid, and the amount of gold present determined by weighing. The weight of silver contained in the ore will evidently be represented by that of the button of alloy from the first cupellation, less the united weights of the gold in the ore, and of the silver and gold (if any) afforded by the reduced oxide of lead. In conclusion, it may be observed, that when proper precautions are taken to obtain a fair average sample, and the mean of a sufficient number of assays is taken, there is no difficulty in ascertaining, with a considerable degree of accuracy, the yield of auriferous quartz. ASSAY OF GOLD BULLION. For the purpose of coinage and for the manufacture of jewelry, gold is never employed in a pure state, but is almost universally alloyed with a certain proportion of copper; this has the effect of hardening it, and thus preventing excessive loss of weight through handling, or friction against other bodies, whilst its colour and general appearance are not sensibly affected. In this country the proportion of gold present in an alloy is often estimated in carats. Unity is thus supposed to be divided into 24 carats, whilst each carat is itself subdivided into 32 thirty- secondths; so that unity may be considered as being actually made up of 768 thirty-secondths of a carat. In this way the gold coinage of the United Kingdom is said to have a fineness of 22 carats, or, in other words, every 24 parts of an English gold coin consist of 22 parts of pure gold and two parts of copper. Estimated decimally, the British standard for gold coin is 916.66 parts of fine gold in 1,000. The standard made use of for the gold currency of France and of the United States of America, is 900 thousandths. The usual standard of good English jewelry is 18 carats, and articles made of this alloy have generally the hall mark of the Goldsmiths' Ccm- pany impressed upon them. A large proportion of the commoner kinds of jewelry however, is made of from 12- to 9-carat gold. In order to ascertain the value of a given weight of gold bullion, it GOLD. 699 is necessary that it should be accurately assayed, and consequently a piece is carefully cut from each bar and forwarded to a recognised assayer, who determines the exact amount of the precious metal present. For this purpose half a gramme of the alloy is carefully weighed and subjected to cupellation with a proper quantity of lead, together with an amount of pure silver equal to two and a half or three times the weight of the gold supposed to be present. The button removed from the cupel is squeezed, laterally, between the jaws of a pair of strong pliers to loosen any adhering litharge, which is re- moved by the aid of a stiff brush, and is afterwards flattened, by a smooth- faced hammer on a polished anvil, into an elongated disc about 2 of an inch in length. This, after being annealed, is passed repeatedly through a flatting mill until it has assumed the form of a thin strip from 2 to 3 inches in length, which is again annealed, and coiled upon itself by rolling between the finger and thumb. The cornet is now introduced into a long-necked flask containing about an ounce of pure nitric acid of 22° Baumé = 1∙18 sp. gr., and boiled until red fumes have ceased to be given off. This acid is carefully poured off, and the cornet again twice boiled, each time for about ten minutes, in acid of 32° Baumé = 1.28 sp. gr. In the last two boilings a piece of charcoal, consisting of half of a charred pea, is intro- duced for the purpose of preventing ebullition from taking place irregu- larly, and with explosions, by which either the cornet might be broken, or a portion of the liquid projected out of the flask. The acid is now poured off, and, after the third attack, the cornet is twice washed with distilled water. The flask is now filled with water and reversed into a small crucible of fine clay covering its neck; by this means the cornet is deposited gently, and without breaking, in the bottom of the crucible, and the water which covers it is poured off. The crucible and its contents are heated to redness in the muffle, care being taken to avoid the fusion of the gold. From the weight of the cornet obtained, the fineness of the alloy is calculated, but in all cases where great accuracy is required at least two separate assays are made of each bar. After boiling in nitric acid, the cornet is of a brownish-yellow colour, of a spongy texture, and exceedingly fragile, so that it could not be touched by the fingers without breaking; it is therefore transferred to the crucible, together with a portion of the water contained in the flask. By heating it in the way described, it acquires an amount of cohesion which admits of its being readily handled without danger of breaking, and at the same time it assumes a decidedly metallic aspect; its volume is also considerably diminished. In establishments in which large numbers of assays of gold bullion are habitually made, the use of glass flasks for the attack of the cornets by nitric acid, is now frequently dispensed with, and instead, an apparatus made of platinum is employed. This consists of a shallow dish, furnished with a rack, in which are inserted a number of small vessels, also of platinum, having nearly the shape of an ordinary thimble, with apertures which admit of the free entrance of the acid contained in the dish in which they are inclosed. Into these the cornets are inserted, and nitric 700 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. acid of the required strength is poured into the outer dish, which is heated, either over a sand-bath or a gas-burner. As this acid serves for the attack of all the cornets inclosed in the several small platinum cullenders, a considerable economy of time is effected, since by one operation the acid is charged on the whole of them. While the attack is being made the apparatus is covered by a funnel-shaped dome of glass, communi- cating, by means of a glass tube, with a condenser in connection with the chimney of the laboratory. In this way a considerable amount of the acid is recovered, and all unpleasant fumes are avoided. CC Formerly the return was made to the Bank to the one-eighth of a carat, "better" or worse" than standard, and tables were used for readily converting one form of return to the other; but returns are now made in thousandths and thirds of thousandths. The amount of lead necessary for passing an alloy of gold on the cupel depends on the quantity of copper which may be present. The following are the proportions which, after careful experiment, have been generally adopted: Amount of Gold in Alloy. Amount of Lead necessary for Cupellation. 1 part 10 parts 1,000 900 800 • • 16 " 700 22 600 24 500 26 400 300 34 200 100 In the case of ordinary gold bars, in which the proportion of copper is invariably small, the half gramme employed for assay is passed to the cupel with two grammes only of lead. A piece of copper wire weighing 15 milligrammes is also often added, to render the button malleable, and prevent it from cracking when flattened under the rolls. However care- fully and skilfully the parting of the resulting button may be conducted, the cornet of gold will frequently be found to retain minute traces of silver, by which its weight will be, to a small extent, increased. This increase of weight or surcharge is most observed in cornets obtained from bars containing a very small quantity only of copper, since when the proportion of that metal is considerable, and a large amount of lead has consequently to be employed during its cupellation, a loss of gold takes place by absorption into the pores of the cupel. In the assay of bars of bullion of an intermediate composition, the loss of gold during cupella- tion, and the surcharge of silver remaining after parting, not unfrequently counterbalance each other, and the true fineness of the alloy is directly obtained with a sufficient degree of accuracy. It is however necessary, in order to ascertain the amount of surcharge, to have check assays or proofs made of pure gold and copper, according to the supposed quality of the alloys. The following results of numerous experiments made in the Paris GOLD. 701 Mint upon mixtures of fine gold and copper in the proportions indicated in the Table, afford data for calculating the necessary corrections:- Copper. Gold. Result obtained. Difference. · 100 900 900·25 +0.25 200 800 800.50 +0.50 300 700 700.00 0.00 400 600 600.00 0.00 500 500 499.50) 600 400 399 50 • 700 300 299.50 -0.50 800 200 199·50 900 100 99.50) The last traces of silver may be removed by heating the cornet before it has been exposed to the annealing action of the muffle, with fused acid sulphate of potassium in a small clay or porcelain crucible. When sufficiently cooled the whole is treated with water containing a little sulphuric acid, and the cornet subsequently dried and ignited. Determination by the Touchstone, &c.-The method of assay already described, although perfectly adapted for the determination of the value of bullion and other unmanufactured products, cannot be conveniently applied to the examination of jewelry, since it would be necessary to destroy the object in order to ascertain its composition; a method is, therefore, employed by which its standard is readily determined to within 1 per cent. of the truth, whilst the most delicately-chased article is in no way disfigured by the trial. This process essentially consists in rubbing some convenient part of the object to be examined on a hard siliceous stone of a black colour, on which it thus leaves distinct metallic traces; from the aspect of these marks, and from their behaviour when treated with nitric acid or with a weak solution of aqua regia, the assayer judges of the purity of the gold subjected to examination. The material employed for this purpose, which is generally known by the name of touchstone, is a fine-grained, dark-coloured variety of quartzite, said to have been anciently brought from Lydia, although stones of equally good quality are obtained in Saxony, Bohemia, and numerous other localities. In order to be enabled to judge of the value of an alloy from the nature of the mark left by it on the surface of the stone, the assayer is furnished with a series of small bars, or touch-needles, formed of alloys of copper and gold, of which the composition has been accurately determined. The trace left on the stone by the alloy to be examined, is successively compared, both before and after the action of an acid, with the different marks obtained from these several needles, and it is supposed to possess a similar composition to that of the needle whose mark agrees most closely with it under both these circumstances. The acid most commonly 702 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. employed for this purpose is nitric acid of sp. gr. 1·28, to which about 2 per cent. of hydrochloric acid is sometimes added. In making these assays, the first streak obtained on the stone cannot be employed to ascertain the composition of the object examined, as the surface of jewelry is rendered, by the process of "colouring," of a higher standard than that of the alloy of which it is throughout composed. For this reason, there- fore, the object must be passed once or twice over the surface of the stone, in order to remove the superficial coating of richer alloy, before making the streak from the comparison of which with those of the needles the commercial value of the mixture is to be determined. This method, although affording much less accurate results than those obtained by inquartation and parting, is nevertheless for many purposes sufficiently exact. The colouring, as it is called, of jewelry, is effected by externally dissolving out the copper with which it is alloyed, and thereby exposing a superficial facing of fine gold. To produce this effect, the object to be coloured is first heated in a gas jet or spirit lamp, and then plunged into a weak solution of nitric acid, by which the copper on its surface is removed. The same effect is also produced by placing, for a few minutes, the object to be coloured in a paste composed of a mixture of alum, common salt and saltpetre. The gilding of metallic ornaments is either performed by rubbing their surfaces, rendered perfectly clean by immersion in dilute nitric or sulphuric acid, with an amalgam of gold and mercury, and then expelling the latter metal by heat, and subsequently burnishing down the deposited gold; or, when the object to be gilt is entirely composed of copper, it may be made to receive a covering of gold by being first cleaned and amalgamated by being dipped into a solution of nitrate of mercury, and then, after being carefully washed, placed in a vessel containing a boiling solution of chloride of gold in carbonate of potassium. The objects gilt by this method are afterwards coloured by dipping them into water con- taining a mixture of nitre, sulphate of zinc, and green vitriol; they are then dried, and subsequently washed in clean water. These, and all the other processes by which gilding was formerly effected, have, however, within a few years, become in a great measure superseded by the various processes of electro-gilding, which consists in depositing, from its solu- tions, by electric agency, a layer of gold of any desired thickness. The solution most commonly employed for this purpose is cyanide of potassium, containing cyanide of gold; the object to be gilt is attached by a wire to the negative pole of the arrangement, whilst in con- nection with the positive is a piece of pure gold, which is dissolved in proportion as the metal is deposited on the object to be gilt. By this means, therefore, the thickness of the coating is not only entirely under the command of the operator, but the strength of the solution is also constantly kept up at the expense of the ingot of gold in communication with the positive pole. GOLD. 703 MECHANICAL AND METALLURGICAL TREATMENT OF GOLD. The mining and metallurgy of gold are so intimately connected, and the metal is so frequently converted into bars on the mines and diggings where it is separated from the siliceous and other materials with which it is associated, that it would be difficult to treat intelligibly of the one without also giving a concise description of the other. From the great difference existing between the density of gold and that of siliceous alluvial gravels, it is easily separated from them by washing; the methods employed for this purpose, however, vary not only with the localities in which the operation is carried on but also in accordance with the nature of the minerals with which the gold is associated. Gold is obtained by two distinct processes, viz., placer mining and vein mining. In placer mines the metal is found imbedded in strata of clay, sand and gravel; while in vein mines it forms one of the con- stituents of mineral veins or lodes. In placer mining the auriferous earthy material, usually called "pay-dirt," is exposed to the action of water, by which the clay is carried off in suspension, and the sand and gravel removed by the force of the current; the gold, on account of its high specific gravity, either remains behind in the apparatus employed, or is caught and amalgamated with mercury. In quartz mining the gold-bearing veinstone is ground to a fine powder, and the gold is either caught on the rough surface of blankets or skins, over which the finely-divided material is borne by a stream of water, or it is amalgamated by bringing it in contact with metallic mercury. PLACER MINING. Water is the great agent employed by the placer miner, and its abundance or deficiency is to a great extent the measure of the work to be performed and of the profits to be realised. Placer mines may be divided into two classes, deep and shallow. In the former the pay-dirt lies at considerable depths, whilst in the latter it is found near the sur- face. Many deep diggings are worked on what have evidently been ancient river-beds, and are sometimes covered to a considerable thickness by flows of basalt or lava. Shallow diggings, which are chiefly found in the beds of gullies and ravines, as well as on the bars of rivers, often owe their richness to the re-distribution, by modern streams, of the gold of ancient river-systems constituting deep placers. The appliances made use of by the placer miner are usually exceed- ingly simple, but at the same time often singularly ingenious and effective. PAN. This is the simplest of all contrivances for washing auriferous materials. It is used in all branches of gold mining, either for washing, or as a receptacle for gold, amalgam, or for rich dirt. The pan is made either of stiff tin-plate or of sheet-iron, with a flat bottom about 12 inches in diameter, and has sides from 5 to 6 inches in height, sloping outwards 704 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. at an angle of 45°. Sheet-iron is to be preferred to tin-plate, because it is usually stronger and does not amalgamate with mercury. The process of washing is conducted in the following way :-After being about three- fourths filled with dirt the pan is placed in water, which should not be more than a foot in depth, so that it may rest on the bottom, while the miner inserts his fingers in and under the mass, in order to lift and stir it, in such a way that it may become thoroughly wetted throughout. The pan is then held by the two sides, that portion of it which is towards the body being raised, and the opposite edge lowered. He now commences shaking it from side to side, taking care that the whole of the dirt is under water, and that a little of it can escape over the outer edge. Assisted by the shaking, and by the rolling of the gravel from side to side, the clayey portion of the dirt rapidly becomes suspended in water and forms a thin mud which escapes over the side, whilst clean water is con- tinually flowing into the pan. The light sand follows the mud, while the larger stones and lumps of tough clay remain. The stones and pebbles collect on the top of the clay, and are scraped together with the fingers, and thrown out. This process is continued, care being taken to gradually lower the outer edge of the pan until all the clayey matter has been swept away by the water, and until gold and a certain amount of black magnetic iron-sand alone remain. To get rid of this black sand, the contents of the pan are dried, and a small quantity is placed in a "blower," consisting of a shallow tin scoop open at one end. The miner holds this with the open end from him, and gently blows out the sand, leaving the particles of gold behind. During this operation the blower must be occasionally shaken, so as to bring all the particles of black sand within range of the current of air. The pan is also constantly employed for separating amalgam from sand or pyrites, and for cleaning up rich dirt collected in the cradle, long tom, or sluice. CRADLE. The cradle, or rocker, is, after the pan, the cheapest and most simple apparatus employed for gold-washing. It rests on two rockers, and its general appearance is not unlike that of a child's wooden cradle. The cradle-box is 40 inches in length, 20 in breadth, and is at one end from 18 inches to 2 feet in depth, whilst at the other it is sloped off to about 4 inches only. On the deeper end of the cradle stands a hopper or riddle-box, 20 inches square, with sides from 4 to 6 inches high. The bottom of the riddle is of sheet-iron, perforated with holes half an inch in diameter, and the box itself is so constructed that it can be either slipped into its place or lifted off without difficulty. Under the riddle is placed an apron of wood or cloth, attached to the sides of the cradle and sloping towards the upper end of the arrange- ment. Across the bottom of the cradle-box are nailed two riffle-bars, each about an inch square, one near the riddle and the other at the shallow end. The dirt to be washed is shovelled into the hopper, and the cradler sits beside his machine; with one hand he pours water, dipped with a ladle from a pool at his side, upon the dirt, and with the other he GOLD. 705 imparts to it a rocking motion. By means of the water, aided by the rocking, the dirt is disintegrated and carried through the riddle, falling on the apron, by which it is carried to the head of the box, whence, as the bottom has an inclination towards the shallow end, it runs downwards and escapes, leaving the gold, black sand, and heavier particles of gravel behind the riffle-bars. The pay-dirt contains many large stones, and such as give a too con- siderable shock to the cradle, by rolling from side to side, are picked out by hand, and, after being examined to see that no particles of gold are adhering to them, are thrown away. All the smaller ones are allowed to remain until a hopperful has been washed, so that nothing but clean stones remain, and then the cradler, rising from his seat, removes his hopper, and, with a jerk, throws out all its contents. The whole process of washing with this arrangement is merely a repetition of the manipu- lations described. The hopper is about one-third filled with pay-dirt, and water is poured in by means of a ladle held in one hand, whilst with the other the cradle is rocked. The cleaning-up is done by removing the hopper, taking out the apron, scraping all the dirt from the bottom of the cradle with an iron spoon, putting it into a pan, and washing off the impurities as already described. Mercury is sometimes, but not generally, used in the cradle. TOм.—The tom, or long tom, was formerly much used by Californian miners, but is now seldom employed by them, having become generally superseded by the sluice. It consists of a wooden trough about 12 feet in length, 18 inches in width at its upper end, and gradually widening to 30 inches at the lower. Its sides are 8 or 9 inches high, and at the lower end, its bottom is of sheet-iron perforated with holes half an inch in diameter. This sheet-iron is turned up, so that the water cannot flow over it, but passes down through the perforated riddle into a riffle-box furnished with transverse bars. The tom itself is arranged at a considerable angle, and a stream of water is admitted at the higher end. The pay-dirt is thrown in at the head, and kept constantly well stirred with a shovel, care being taken to throw back to the upper part of the trough such pieces of clay as are not sufficiently disintegrated. The tom can be most advantageously employed where the amount of stuff to be washed is not large and the gold is coarse. The riffle-box is charged with mercury, and, as its contents are constantly kept in motion by the falling into it of the water from the riddle above, a considerable proportion of the gold is caught, although there is always a notable loss of the finer particles. PUDDLING BOX.-The puddling box ordinarily consists of a rough wooden box about 18 inches in depth and 6 or 8 feet square, and is employed for the disintegration of very tough clay. Into this box the pay-dirt is thrown, a certain amount of water being at the same time introduced, and the miner stirs up the mixture with a hoe until all the finer earthy particles are in a state of complete sus- pension. He then removes the plug from an auger-hole about 4 inches 2 z 706 · ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. i from the bottom, and allows the thin mud to run off, whilst the heavier materials, including the gold, remain at the bottom. The plug is after- wards again introduced into the hole, and the operation is continued until a sufficient amount of auriferous sand and gravel has been accumulated, when it is cleaned up, either by the aid of the pan or of the cradle. This .contrivance is only employed in claims worked on a very limited scale, and is never resorted to where the sluice has been introduced. SLUICE. The sluice is now the great washing apparatus of California, and washes nearly all the pay-dirt and produces the greater portion of the placer gold of that country. It is generally a long wooden trough, through which a stream of water constantly flows, and into which the auriferous material is continuously shovelled. Its length is always several hundred feet, and sluices more than a thousand feet long are not unfrequently employed. The width is often about eighteen inches, but is sometimes as much as six feet. It is made of rough pine-planks, 1½ inch thick, in sections or boxes, from 12 to 14 feet in length, the bottom plank being sawn 4 inches wider at one end than at the other. By this means the narrow end of one box is made to fit into the broad end of the next, and the sluice is composed of a long succession of boxes fitting each other by spigot and faucet joints, but not otherwise fastened. These boxes stand on trestles, and have a descent or grade" varying from 8 to 18 inches in 12 feet. The amount of inclination given to them is necessarily varied in accordance with the nature of the stuff to be washed. The dirt often contains numerous large stones and boulders, all of which must be carried off through the sluice by the action of the water rushing down its channel. When much clay is present the sluice should have a considerable grade, and as a rapid current is more liable to carry off fine particles of gold than a slower one, the length of the arrangement should be proportionately extended. Economy and facility of working require that the sluice should not be much above the surface of the ground, and the inclination is therefore, to a certain extent, modi- fied in order to conform to local circumstances. Sometimes the upper portion of a sluice has a steep grade for the purpose of more readily disintegrating the dirt, whilst the lower end has a less inclination given to it with the view of more effectually collecting the gold. The clay of ordinary pay-dirt is completely disintegrated in the first 200 feet of a sluice with a low grade, and its prolongation beyond that point is only of use for collecting the liberated gold. In certain cases, however, the clay met with is so exceedingly tenacious that it will roll in large balls. through a quarter of a mile of a high-grade sluice with a large head of water, and be scarcely diminished in size. The bottom of the sluice is provided with riffle-bars for the purpose of retaining the gold, which would readily pass off the surface of the boards, and these would themselves be rapidly worn out, unless thus protected. Most commonly the false bottom is composed of longitudinal riffle-bars, from 2 to 4 inches in thickness, from 3 to 4 inches wide, and about 5 feet 6 inches in length. Two sets of bars are fitted into each box, and are wedged in, from 1 to 2 inches apart, with a transverse bar GOLD. 707 of the same width and thickness, placed between each set of riffles. The bottom of the sluice is therefore divided into parallelograms about 5 feet 6 inches in length, from 1 to 2 inches wide, and from 2 to 4 inches in depth. In these spaces the gold, amalgam, and quicksilver are retained. The larger pieces of gold would be readily caught with- out the aid of mercury, but its use is now almost universal, and its employment becomes the more necessary in proportion as the grains of gold contained in the dirt are more minute. Instead of riffle-bars sawn longitudinally with the grain of the wood, "block-riffles," cut across the tree and standing in the sluice with the grain upwards, are often employed. These are found to be much more durable than those of the ordinary kind, but require a somewhat different arrangement in the boxes. In some sluices, and particularly those em- ployed for hydraulic mining, the block-riffles are placed transversely in the box, and kept at a distance of about 2 inches apart by means of strips of wood interposed between them at the bottom, but of consider- ably less depth than the blocks themselves. In small sluices the riffles are sometimes placed in zigzag on the bottom of the boxes, but not touching the side at one of their extremi- tics. These are set at an angle of 45° with the axis of the sluice, and just below the open space left between the first riffle and the side of the box, another bar starts at right angles to the first, and an open space is again left at the lower end of this bar. This is continued down to within a short distance from the end of the sluice, where ordinary riffle-bars are commonly inserted. In sluices thus constructed, much of the water and light mud flows directly over the riffle-bars, whilst the heavier materials are obliged, from falling to the bottom, to assume a zigzag course. A vessel containing mercury placed near the head of the sluice allows it to fall drop by drop into the trough, and this, follow- ing the course of the riffle-bars, overtakes the gold, which takes the same direction. These zigzag riffles are retained in their places by being nailed to the bottom of the box. The height of the sides of sluice-boxes varies from 9 inches to 2 feet, and the stream of water employed has never a less depth than 2 inches over the bottom. In most instances the sluice extends throughout the length of the claim in which it is situated, and the auriferous dirt is thrown in with shovels, of which from four to twenty are constantly at work. In nearly all sluices quicksilver is put in above the riffle-bars, at various places along the boxes, and mercury that has been before used is considered better for gold-catching than that fresh from the flask. Oil and grease tend to prevent amalgamation, and must therefore be care- fully avoided. The most usual method of arresting very fine gold is to cover the surface of a copper plate with quicksilver, and to allow the dirt and water to pass slowly over it, with a depth of not more than a quarter of an inch. The amalgamation of a copper plate is effected by adding a few drops of nitric acid to water, covering a little mercury in the bottom of 2 z 2 708 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. a saucer, and then rubbing the product with a rag over the surface of the metal. Decomposition of the nitrate of mercury formed quickly covers the surface of the copper with a bright coating, to which the metallic mercury readily adheres. A plate which has been once thus amalgamated does not again require similar treatment, but a little additional quicksilver must from time to time be sprinkled upon it, as the gold will gradually collect and form a solid amalgam. The plate employed, which is often about 3 feet wide, and 6 feet in length, is set nearly level. In very large sluices the stream is divided, so as to flow over several distinct plates, in order to secure a slow and shallow current. It is evident that with a rapid current, or with deep water, many particles of light gold would pass off without coming in contact with the surface of the amalgamated plate. When the surface of a plate has become covered by auriferous amalgam it is believed to act more efficiently than a new one, and at the time of cleaning up it is sometimes coated with a hard brittle mass to a thickness of an inch. To remove this the plate is warmed until the hand cannot long remain in contact with it, by which treatment the amalgam becomes softened, and is then readily scraped off. The plate, after being sprinkled with mercury, is again ready for use. The mixture of mud and water is admitted to the copper plate through a riddle made by piercing a thin iron plate with holes about of an inch in diameter. This is often placed above the copper plate, and prevents its surface from being swept by the gravel and coarser materials which pass along it. ΤΟ Shortly after the water and dirt have begun to pass through the sluice all the space between the different riffle-bars becomes filled with sand and gravel, which is, however, in a constant state of agitation, and presents irregularities in which the principal portion of the gold is caught. The coarser grains are arrested near the head of the sluice, whilst the finer particles are carried to more considerable distances. In sluices where the dirt operated on contains much coarse gold, the mercury is often introduced from 40 to 60 yards below the head, as the coarse metal, by virtue of its greater density, becomes readily separated from the earthy matters with which it is mixed. The separation of the gold, amalgam, and mercury from the sand and gravel in the bottom of the sluice is called "cleaning up," and the period which elapses between one cleaning-up and the following is called a "run." A run ordinarily extends over eight or ten days, but in most instances the work is only carried on during daylight, although in some cases it is continued both day and night. When the period fixed on for cleaning up arrives the throwing-in of dirt ceases, and the water is allowed to run until it becomes perfectly free from turbidity. Five or six sets of riffle-bars at the head of the sluice are now taken out, and the dirt, which has accumulated between them, is washed away, whilst the gold and amalgam are arrested by the first of the remaining sets of riffles, whence they are removed by the aid of a spoon or scoop, and are placed in a washing pan. More riffle-bars are now removed, and the gold and GOLD. 709 amalgam are again collected; this is repeated until all has been taken out, and the whole of the gold and amalgam is transferred to the iron pan. The quicksilver and amalgam taken from the sluice are put into a buckskin or piece of canvas, and pressed in such a way that the liquid metal passes through, while the amalgam is retained. This amalgam, from which the mercury has been carefully pressed out, contains about one-third of its weight of gold. The amalgam is then heated to drive off the mercury, and the gold, which remains after the operation, is in the form of a spongy mass of a light yellow colour. The removal of the mercury may be effected either in a close retort or in an open iron pan. In the first case the quicksilver is recovered for subsequent use, whilst in the second, it is volatilised and lost. The pan is, however, generally preferred by placer miners. Large sluices are not unfrequently paved with stones, which make a more durable bottom than wood, and also one that catches fine gold more effectually. On the other hand, cleaning up is more difficult, as is likewise the re-laying of the bottom afterwards. The stones used are water-worn pebbles, of a somewhat flattened form, of which the greatest diameter is from 6 to 8 inches. The ordinary sluice, as already described, mainly consists of a series. of wooden boxes, but, in some cases, these are dispensed with, and the arrangement is then called a "ground-sluice." This contrivance is chiefly employed for washing dirt in localities where water is abun- dant for a few weeks only after heavy rains, and where it, consequently, would not pay to erect large wooden sluices. To prepare a ground-sluice a stream is first directed through a small channel, which the miners, aided by the current, endeavour constantly to enlarge, and when it has become sufficiently deep they detach, by means of crow-bars, the high banks, so that the pay-dirt falls into the ditch, where it becomes rapidly disintegrated. A few large pebbles should be introduced at intervals into the bed of the ground-sluice, for the purpose of arresting the gold, since, if the bottom were smooth, and without irregularities, the chief portion of the precious metal would be carried away by the current. No mercury is employed in the ground-sluice, but the concentrated dirt collected is finally cleaned up in a wooden sluice, or long tom. HYDRAULIC MINING.-Hydraulic mining is resorted to only in situa- tions where the pay-dirt is of great thickness and where water is abun- dant; it may be regarded as the highest branch of placer mining, since by it a larger amount of dirt is washed in a given time, and at a less expense, than by any other process. Hydraulic claims are usually situated in hilly districts, as it is not only necessary to be provided with a column of water of considerable height, but also to find in the valleys below the sluices a receptacle for the enormous amount of débris resulting from the operation. Whatever may be the depth of the auri- ferous deposit, the whole of it should be removed, to the bed-rock. This is, as far as possible, effected by the action of water issuing at a high pressure from metallic nozzles, and directed against the more or less indurated 710 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. alluviums to be operated on. This disintegration of the auriferous material goes on simultaneously with the washing of the resulting gravel, and is effected by the same supply of water. In California, the water employed in hydraulic claims is generally purchased from one of the large public companies formed for supplying the gold-diggings with this essential requirement of the miner. Its cost is from 10 c. to 20 c. per miner's inch per working day, and the con- sumption of each mining claim, worked on a tolerably extensive scale, may be taken at about 300 miner's inches. A miner's inch is the quantity of water which will flow during ten hours through an aperture 1 inch square, under a mean head of 6 inches; and 300 miner's inches are equal to 284,210 cubic feet, or about 1,772,000 imperial gallons.* Under ordinary circumstances, from 3,000 to 3,500 cubic yards of gravel and soft conglomerate may be removed and washed daily by this expen- diture of water. The installation of a hydraulic washing is commenced by bringing in a stream, by means of a flume" or aqueduct, to the head of the mining ground at a height of from 120 to 150 feet above the level of the bed-rock, where it is conducted through a wooden trough or tank, into which it constantly flows. This is provided with a suitable valve, and from it the water is most commonly conveyed to the bottom of the claim through wrought-iron pipes from 8 to 12 inches in diameter. These terminate at their lower extremity in a strong cast-iron box, in which are apertures provided with slide-valves and union joints, to which are attached flexible hose, fitted with gun-metal nozzles, 2 to 2 inches in diameter. The flexible hose are made of strongly-sewn canvas, which will, without any external support, withstand the pressure of a column of water 50 feet in height. As however, the pressure employed is usually much greater than this, they require to be strengthened, either by iron rings or by a net- work of cordage. When metallic bands are used they are placed over the hose at intervals of from 3 to 4 inches, and are connected with each other by longitudinal cords, dividing the circumference into four equal parts. These tubes, which are called "crinoline hose," are very flexible, and will sustain, without danger of bursting, the pressure of a column of water 180 feet in height. When a netting is employed as a means of strengthening the hose, it is made of rope, half an inch in diameter, and forms meshes about 3 inches square. In some cases, the cast-iron boxes at the bottom of the columns are dispensed with, each nozzle being in direct and independent communication with the cistern or tank at the head of the claim; sometimes also, the hose are directly connected with the iron piping by the use of T-pieces. The amount of manual labour necessary for carrying on the operations of a hydraulic claim, is exceedingly small in proportion to the amount of work done, since, in addition to the men engaged in directing the various nozzles, only one person is usually employed in attending to the sluice, so as to remove obstructions, and prevent its becoming choked by the dirt and *Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver,' by J. Arthur Phillips, p. 61. Spon, 1867. GOLD. 711 boulders washed from the face of the stope. In order to render evidenț the enormous advantages possessed by this method of working over every other system of placer mining, it may be stated that it has been estimated that, taking a miner's wage at $4 per day, the cost of treating a cubic yard of gravel by the various processes which have been described will be approximately as follows: By, the pan cradle. $20.00 5.00 "" "" "" long tom 1.00 sluice 0.33 "" • hydraulic process 0.05 The quantity of dirt, however, that can be washed by a hydraulic pipe in a given time, depends on various circumstances, such as the supply of water, the height of the column, the tenacity of the material, and the amount of moisture it may happen to contain. More work can usually be done in winter than in summer, since, from the greater dampness of the stuff during that season, it becomes more easily disintegrated. In some hydraulic claims, in which the pay-dirt is cemented into a kind of friable conglomerate, blasting is resorted to as a means of facilitating its removal by the subsequent action of water. For this purpose a tunnel is driven along the upper surface of the bed-rock into the hill, which may be 150 feet in height, and a number of kegs of powder (frequently above a hundred) are introduced. The tunnel is now re-filled with earth, and the powder is exploded by the use of a properly-arranged slow-burn- ing fuse. The explosion, which often makes comparatively little noise, loosens and shatters thousands of cubic yards of the surrounding hill, and materially facilitates its subsequent removal by the water thrown against it through the various nozzles. In order to avoid the danger that would result to workmen from land- slips on an extensive scale, the pay-dirt, when above 100 feet in thick- ness, is often worked in two or more terraces or steps, the upper one being first operated on.* In hydraulic claims, generally, all the alluvium is removed to the bed-rock, but in some cases working has to be sus- pended long before this point is reached, from the circumstance of the conformation of the country not allowing of an outlet for the water at that depth. The cheapness and expedition of this process admit of very poor alluviums being treated with advantage; and in some cases, claims in *Mr. G. Attwood informs us that since the date of our last visit to California (1866) the height of the columns and the diameter of the nozzles employed for hydraulic mining have been considerably increased, and that it is now not uncommon to work with jets five inches in diameter, under a pressure of four hundred feet. When such powerful apparatus is resorted to, the lower pipes, which sustain the greatest pressure, are made of thick, double-riveted, sheet-iron; to these the nozzles are attached by ball-and-socket joints, and are worked by pinions and toothed seg- ments. The amount of work daily accomplished by such an arrangement is described as enormous. while, from the distance at which the men are enabled to stand from the face of the pay-dirt, banks of a great height can be worked without danger from land-slips. The pressure employed is also so great that gunpowder is not required, excepting in the case of the hardest cements. 712 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. which the dirt only affords gold to the value of 3 c. per ton of 15 cubic feet, have been worked with satisfactory results. The accompanying woodcut (fig. 202), from a photograph of the Palm claim, Timbuctoo, Yuba county, California, will afford a good idea of the general appearance of an extensive hydraulic washing. >..... Fig. 202.-Hydraulic Mining; Timbuctoo, California. In the majority of cases a larger amount of water is required for piping down the bank than for washing the dirt removed, and conse- quently, when the sand and gravel are strongly cemented together, the sluice cannot always be kept properly supplied without the aid of gun- powder. EXTRACTION OF GOLD FROM AURIFEROUS VEINSTONE. The methods employed for the extraction of gold quartz from the mine differ in no respect from ordinary mining operations applied to the systematic working of mineral veins. After the quartz has been obtained by the operations of mining, it is necessary that it should be reduced to a state of fine division before the separation of the gold it contains can be effected. Various contrivances are employed for this purpose, and one of the simplest and most primitive is the arrastra. ARRASTRA. — This apparatus, as constructed for the treatment of auriferous ores, consists of a circular bed of stone, from 10 to 12 feet in diameter, on which the mineral operated on is reduced to an impalpable state of division, by means of one or more large stone mullers, dragged continually over its surface by horse or mule power. The rudest form of arrastra is commonly employed, and is made of a pavement of unhewn flat stones, usually laid in clay. In the centre of this circular bed is an GOLD. 713 upright wooden shaft, which turns on a pivot working in a step cut in the central stone, and, at its upper extremity, is supported by a beam, to which is attached the other bearing. Through this post horizontal bars are passed, projecting on three sides to the outer circumference of the pavement only, whilst on the other there is a sufficient projection beyond this line to admit of one or more mules being harnessed to it. (See fig. 185, p. 627.) On each arm of this bar is attached, either by chains or strips of raw hide, a flat stone, weighing from 300 to 500 lbs. These are so hung that the side in the direction of the line of rotation hangs about an inch above the bed, whilst the other drags upon the surface of the pavement. The periphery of the arrastra is formed by a stone wall, 12 inches in height, which serves to keep the mineral operated on constantly within the area traversed by the mullers. * The charge of such an arrastra is about 4 cwts. of quartz, previously broken into fragments of the size of beans, and requires to be ground during from four to five hours, in order to reduce it to a sufficiently-fine state of division. Water is now added and the mill again started, in order that the ground ore may become thoroughly incorporated with it. Care is, however, taken that the resulting mud be not too liquid, as in that case the mercury, when added, would fall to the bottom, and a large proportion of the gold thus escape amalgamation. The paste having assumed the consistency of thick cream, quicksilver is scattered over its surface, by being squeezed through a piece of canvas, in the proportion of about an ounce and a half of that metal to every ounce of gold sup- posed to be contained in the quartz. The grinding is now continued for a further period of two hours, by which the quicksilver becomes divided into minute globules, which are disseminated throughout the mass, and by which the amalgamation of gold is effected. When the amalga- mation is supposed to be complete, more water is let in on the surface of the paste, and the mullers are again set slowly in motion. By this treatment the lighter earthy particles become suspended in water, while the heavier amalgam gradually collects at the bottom. This result is supposed to have been obtained at the end of about half an hour, and the mud is then run off, leaving the gold and mercury at the bottom. Another charge is now introduced, and the operation repeated as before, with similar precautions. The run with a rude arrastra of this description generally extends over a week, but sometimes over a considerably longer period. For the pur- pose of cleaning up, the paving-stones of the bed require to be taken up, in order to collect the amalgam which settles between them, and the whole of the mud must be removed and carefully washed. In some cases a more expensively-constructed arrastra, similar to those described when treating of the amalgamation of silver ores in Mexico, is employed; in such cases, the cleaning-up is much less trouble- some, and is therefore more frequently repeated. The amount of work performed by this machine is exceedingly small in comparison with the power expended; but the proportion of gold 714 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. extracted is generally larger than is obtained with more expeditious and more complicated apparatus. The arrastra is, therefore, not unfrequently employed as a means of making a practical trial of the value of gold quartz, before proceeding to erect expensive machinery for its treatment on a large scale. In California this extremely-primitive contrivance for working auriferous quartz has now almost entirely disappeared. Those, however, who travelled through that country about the year 1854 will remember not unfrequently falling in with a family of Mexicans, who, in some secluded valley, with a couple of miserable mules harnessed to a rude arrastra, managed to pick up a scanty living by working the outcrop of some quartz vein. CHILIAN MILL. In the early days of quartz mining, the Chilian mill was much employed for grinding auriferous ores, but this machine has now even more completely disappeared than the arrastra. It consists of a paved circular floor, of considerably smaller diameter than that of the arrastra, on which two large runners of hard stone revolve on their edges. In the centre of the bed is an upright post, on the top of which is a pivot for the axle on which both the stone rollers turn. One end of this axle is prolonged beyond the periphery of the bed, and to this is harnessed a mule, which walks continually round. The method of amalgamation in the Chilian mill is very similar to that employed in the arrastra, but the results are less satisfactory than those obtained with the last-named machine. .. STAMPING MILL.-Nineteen-twentieths of the quartz crushed for the purpose of extracting the gold it contains is pulverised in the stamping mill. In fact, this may be said to be the only machine now extensively employed in any part of the world for the reduction of auriferous vein- stone. It essentially consists of a series of heavy pestles inclosed in a rectangular mortar; each of these is successively lifted by means of a cam, and then allowed to fall with its full weight on the ore to be operated on. A constant supply of mineral is kept up in the mortar, while that which has become sufficiently reduced in size is gradually removed, by suspension in water, through the apertures of properly-arranged sieves or screens. In some cases the stems or lifters are made of wood, as in the old German and Cornish stamping mills, but the modern machine, figs. 189, 190 (pp. 644, 645), is now more frequently employed. The size of the apertures in the screens is varied in accordance with the dimen- sions of the particles of gold in the rock under treatment, but it is evident that with very small apertures the amount of rock crushed, all other con- ditions being equal, will be less than when a coarser grating is employed. Screens are commonly made of thin sheet-iron, in which are punched, at regular intervals, holes of the diameter of a rather large sewing needle. The auriferous material having become reduced to the state of finely- divided sand, it becomes necessary to find means for the concentration and separation of the gold. This may be effected either with the aid of mercury or without it. Amalgamation in Battery.-When quicksilver is used the batterics are often furnished with amalgamated copper plates of about 5 inches in width, GOLD. 715 extending the whole length of the battery-box or mortar. One of these is placed on the feed side, and the other on the side of the discharge, the former being protected by the iron lining of the feed-hopper, and each having an inclination of about forty-five degrees. When these are not em- ployed, the auriferous amalgam accumulates in the spaces between the dies, as well as between the dies and the sides of the box. The quartz, previously broken to a convenient size, is supplied by the feed aperture. A small stream of water flows into the battery-box through a gas-pipe, and a little quicksilver is sprinkled into it, by the feeder, at intervals of about an hour, and in quantities varying with the estimated richness of the rock which is being worked. One ounce of gold requires for its collection an ounce of mercury, but when the gold is in a finely-divided state the ad- dition of a small excess of mercury is considered advantageous. The proper proportion is, however, readily arrived at by closely watching the discharge. When any particles which may pass through the screens are observed to be dry and brittle more quicksilver must be added; if, on the contrary, they appear soft and pasty, or globules of mercury pass off, the supply of that metal in the battery-box requires to be diminished. The amalgamation of gold is satisfactorily effected when the proportion has been properly adjusted, excepting in cases where the gold is coated by minerals which interfere with its combination with mercury. When the rock contains coarse gold, and a proper supply of quicksilver has been regularly introduced, from 60 to 80 per cent. of the precious metal is caught in the battery-box. When, as is sometimes the case, the gold is in a very finely-divided state, and is associated with ores of silver or other sulphides, less satisfactory results are obtained. In some instances, when such ores are under treatment, the alloy obtained, after the removal of mercury by distillation, only yields about one-third of its weight of gold, and the amalgam produced is spongy and of a dark colour, con- sisting of an aggregation of minutely-divided particles. Amalgam of this description is exceedingly light, and is therefore difficult to collect, either by riffles, amalgamated copper plates, by blankets, or by any of the other appliances usually employed for that purpose. When, therefore, the rock operated on is of such a nature as to yield an amalgam of this description, amalgamation in the battery is not to be recommended, since this spongy product is more difficult to catch than the most finely- divided gold, and is liable to float off, in spite of all the precautions that may be taken to arrest its progress. For the purpose of collecting the particles of gold and amalgam which escape through the screens, various contrivances are resorted to. As, however, these differ but little in detail, whether quicksilver be added in the battery-box or otherwise, it will be sufficient to describe the system most commonly employed in a well-conducted modern quartz mill. Blankets. In many of the most efficient quartz-crushing establish- ments of California the sand and water, escaping through the screens, are conducted over the surface of blankets forming the lining of shallow troughs or sluices, inclined at an angle of from three to four degrees with the horizon. Beyond the blankets are amalgamated copper plates, 716 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. W.J.WELCH.SC B Fig. 203.-Stamping Mill, with Blanket-Sluices and Riffles; longitudinal section. GOLD. 717 VIRUM D E Fig. 204.-Stamping Mill, with Blanket-Sluices and Riffles; plan. W.J.WEL.CH.SC 718 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. which are again followed by some contrivance for collecting the auri- ferous materials which may not have been arrested in the upper por- tion of the apparatus. Finally, there is generally a long tail-sluice for collecting any auriferous sulphides which might otherwise escape and be lost. The troughs in which the blankets are placed are from sixteen to eighteen inches in width, with a regular longitudinal slope, care being taken to lay them perfectly level in a transverse direction, so that an equal depth of water may flow over every part of the bottom. The blankets used for this purpose are generally woven from long grey wool, and are of such a width that when wetted and fitted closely to the bottom and sides of the trough they extend about an inch beyond the latter. In laying them in the sluices they are so placed as to overlap each other like the slates or tiles on a roof, in such a way that the water flowing from the upper one may run directly over the next in the series, without any of the sand finding its way between the bottom of the sluice and its covering of blankets. The troughs are made in two or more lengths, and are so disposed that the sand and water flowing from the first, fall upon the second from a height of three or four inches. The arrangement of the batteries and sluices will be understood by refer- ence to the woodeuts, figs. 203, 204, of which the first is a longitudinal section, and the second a plan of the apparatus. In front of the battery- box, A (fig. 203), is a water-tight trough, B, of the same length, and which has an opening, b, communicating with the sluice, C. There is also a second aperture, b', at the end, which, like the first, can be closed, either by a wooden plug or by one of wet blanketing. Before each battery is a sluice, C, and between each pair is a third, C' (fig. 204), which is used when either of those on each side of it is thrown out of action in order to remove the blankets. When the batteries are in their ordinary course of working, the water, carrying the crushed ore in suspension, passes through the troughs, C, and, flowing over the blankets with which they are lined, a large proportion of the gold and heavier minerals with which it is asso- ciated becomes entangled with the fibres of the wool, whilst the lighter particles of quartz are carried off by the current, and escape from the lower end of the arrangement. After the expiration of a certain time the fibres of the blankets become so charged with the heavier particles of crushed ore as to cease to act, and to obviate this, they are frequently washed, and subsequently replaced in their respective troughs. The blankets at the upper end of the sluices are generally removed and washed every fifteen or twenty minutes, and in order to do this the orifice, b, communi- cating with one of the sluices, C, is closed, and the aperture, b', in con- nection with the central sluice, C', standing between the two batteries, is opened. By this means the water is turned off from the sluice, C, whilst the discharge from the battery is directed through the central trough, C'. As many of the blankets in the first trough, C, as may require it, are now taken up, and while doing so, are so folded as to prevent the loss of any of the adhering matter. They are then taken to a cistern or tank pre- pared for that purpose, and, after being carefully washed, are again laid in the trough, from which they were removed. The discharge from the GOLD. 719 battery is now cut off from the sluice, C', and again admitted into its ori- ginal channel, the same operation being repeated whenever it is found necessary to wash up the blankets on the sluices, C, belonging to the same or to other batteries. When it is found requisite to remove the blankets from the intermediate trough, C', it is done during the time that those on either side of it are in operation. Instead of the arrangement described, two sluices are sometimes connected with each battery, and, in such cases, one is being cleaned up while the other is in use. The blankets in the upper sluices only are removed so frequently as above stated, and those on the lower ones, D, D', often remain some hours without being washed. The gold retained in the battery, added to that collected on the blankets, will, in the majority of cases, amount to at least eight-tenths of the total produce from the rock operated on. A valuable proportion, how- ever, of the precious metal escapes over the blankets, and means have to be adopted to arrest the largest possible percentage of this light gold. For this purpose amalgamated copper plates are generally employed. Amalgamated Plates. In the majority of cases, the water and sand escaping through the screens, after flowing over two blanket-sluices at an angle of about three and a half degrees, are conducted through troughs, E E', laid somewhat more horizontally, and lined at bottom with amalgamated copper plates. From these the current passes through another set of troughs, F, F', set at a still less inclination, also lined at bottom with amalgamated plates, whilst at the end are reservoirs for the collection of tailings. The riffle-plates in the troughs, E, E', are made to slide easily in and out of their places, for the purpose of being cleaned or re-amalgamated, and are usually from eight to ten inches in length. Those in the troughs, F, F', are also movable, but are commonly made considerably longer than those in the first sluice furnished with an amalgamated lining. Cleaning up.—The stamping mill is usually kept continually at work day and night, and the frequency with which the battery-boxes are cleaned up is to a great extent regulated by the richness of the rock which is being operated on. When mercury is introduced into the battery the boxes are cleaned up every three or four days, but, in estab- lishments where no quicksilver is used in the mill, this operation is generally put off until the end of the week. In the former case a very large proportion of the gold is taken from the battery in the form of amalgam, and, even when quicksilver is not introduced, the cleaning-up of the battery-box furnishes a considerable percentage of the produce, which accumulates in the spaces between the dies, as well as in those formed between the dies and the sides of the box itself. When it has been determined to clean up a battery the props are placed under the tappets, so as to keep the stamp-heads raised to their full height; the screens are now removed, and the dies taken out. The whole of the sand and other auriferous material is then carefully collected in a pan by the aid of an iron scoop, and, after everything that may be adhering to the dies has been washed off into the same pan, they are again intro- duced into their respective places. When quicksilver has been employed 720 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. in the battery, in addition to removing the dies and collecting the sand and amalgam, the copper plates, if any have been used, require to be scraped and re-amalgamated. When this has been done the screens are fastened in their places, and the props taken from under the different tappets, when the cam, belonging to each stem, is in such a position as to facilitate its withdrawal. The coarser the gold is in the rock treated, the larger will be the percentage of the total produce retained in the battery. In order to separate the gold and amalgam from the sand and pyrites with which they are mixed in the battery the materials resulting from a cleaning-up are generally washed by panning. This is often done in the cistern used for washing the blankets, since by this means any- thing of value that may pass over the edge of the pan is collected for subsequent treatment. Amalgamation of Blanket Washings.-The amalgamation and separa- tion of the gold from pyrites and other matters caught on the blankets, and subsequently collected in the washing tank, are effected in various ways. In some cases they are ground with water and mercury in a Chilian mill or in an arrastra, of which the bottom is an iron pan, to which motion is imparted from the shafting connected with the stamping mill. Sometimes one of the pans previously described, when treating of the processes employed in Nevada for the amalgamation of silver ore, is used; but, in the Grass Valley district, and in some other localities in California, a very simple contrivance is employed. This apparatus consists of two wooden rollers, eight inches in diameter and about two feet in length, furnished with numerous flat pieces of iron arranged radially on their circumference, with the thin edges at right angles to the axes of the cylinders. These rollers are, by means of belts, made to revolve in a shallow cistern of mercury, in a direction contrary to that of the current of water flowing through the machine, and above them is placed a hopper, in which is introduced the sand, &c., to be washed. Below the cylinders is a riffle-board, with an inclination of seven degrees, generally covered with removable plates of amalgamated copper, but, if copper plates are not used, the steps of the riffles are reversed and filled with mercury. The auriferous sand and pyrites, taken from the cisterns in which the blankets have been washed, are placed in the hopper, and a stream of slightly-warm water is allowed to fall into it in such a way as to gradu- ally wash it under the rollers, and thence over the surface of the riffle- board, which is either covered with amalgamated plates or charged with quicksilver. The material operated on being always highly concentrated, great care is taken to insure its equal flow over the bottom of the sluice- board, and a person is constantly in attendance for the purpose of skim- ming off any oxide or other impurity that may accumulate on the surface of the plates or on the mercury of the riffles. These skimmings are, with other auriferous materials, subsequently treated in a pan, or in a small arrastra with a cast-iron bottom. The sulphides, such as galena and iron pyrites, which pass off over GOLD. 721 the riffle-board, are collected in a receiver at its extremity, and are treated for the gold which they inclose, either by grinding in a pan, by smelting, or by chlorination. At Schemnitz, and in some other localities, where gold is extracted from auriferous iron pyrites, the Hungarian mill, represented in fig. 205, is employed as an amalgamator. A number of these machines are so arranged one above another that the products escaping from the first may flow into the second, and so on throughout the whole length of the series. The pyrites to be treated is first reduced by stamping mills to the state of a fine powder, and while held in suspension by a stream of water is conducted into the upper mill by the spout, S, and, flowing through it, passes by the spout, S', into the second, from which it may S y d b Ś g C Մ w TERMOSI . Fig. 205.-Hungarian Mill; elevation, partly section. be subsequently conducted into other similar mills by the spout S'. The fixed part of these mills consists of a cast-iron basin, a, b, c, d, fastened by screws to the top of a strong wooden table, A. The centre of this casting is furnished with a tubulature traversed by the rotat- ing axis, x, and set in motion by the toothed wheel, w. The upper and movable part of the arrangement, ƒ (shown in section in the right- hand figure), is composed of hard wood, and is attached to the upright spindle by the iron collar, g. This movable part of the apparatus has externally the same form as the internal cavity of the fixed iron casting, from the surfaces of which it works, at a distance of about half an inch; it is also furnished with several raised iron ribs fastened to its under side, and which come almost in contact with the bottom of the pan. The upper surface of this wooden muller is hollowed into the form of a funnel, into which is conducted the liquid slime, which penetrates into the space remaining between the surfaces of the upper and lower parts, and then flows over the side of the basin by the spout placed there for that purpose. On the bottom of the iron pan is about 56 lbs. of mercury, which forms a stratum of rather more than half an inch in thickness, and with which, when the machine is set in motion, the pounded mineral is constantly agitated by means of the projections. attached to the bottom of the revolving wooden block. The spangles 3 A 722 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. ! of gold are thus dissolved by contact with mercury, and those which escape combination in the first amalgamator are arrested by the others following in the series. After this apparatus has been at work during four or five consecutive weeks, the mercury is drawn off, for the purpose of obtaining the gold which it contains. Tailings, &c.-The tailings which escape over the blankets and other contrivances employed for arresting gold, are collected in settling pits, and are carefully washed for the purpose of concentrating the auriferous sulphides. This may be effected by the use of tyes, buddles, rockers, shaking-tables, &c., and a valuable amount of gold, that would otherwise be lost, is thus recovered. In many instances the use of settling pits and reservoirs is dispensed with, the concentrating appliances being so arranged that the tailings to be treated pass directly into them from the mercury-sluices or riffles. The addition of a minute quantity of metallic sodium, or of a little sodium amalgam, to the mercury employed for the collection of gold has been recommended, and at least two distinct patents have been taken out for the use of sodium amalgam. Dr. Wurtz, of New York, applied for an American patent in November, 1864, and Mr. Crookes made a similar application in this country in February, 1865; it may, therefore, be assumed that both were experimenting on its properties at the same time, and each without any knowledge of what was being done by the other. Shortly after the publication of these patents, the employment of sodium amalgam was extensively tried both in Australia and California, but the evidence obtained with regard to its efficiency has been of a somewhat conflicting nature, and its adoption by those employed in the treatment of gold quartz has consequently been far less general than was at first anticipated. It is, however, believed that the addition of a very minute amount of sodium amalgam to the quicksilver used for separating gold from auriferous pyrites, as well as from pyritous sands, such as those collected on the blankets, is sometimes attended with beneficial results. Retorting, and FUSION INTO INGOTS.—The amalgam collected during the various operations for the treatment of auriferous products is first filtered, either through canvas or buckskin, as in the case of that obtained from placer sluices, and afterwards retorted, and the gold melted into bars. Generally, the redundant mercury is first separated by filtration through a prepared skin, in which the pasty amalgam remaining is wrung, until it assumes the form of a somewhat granular mass, having the con- sistency of moderately hard putty. This contains about 35 per cent. of gold, and before being introduced into the retort is moulded into lumps of the size of oranges. The retort employed is of cast-iron; it has the form of an ordinary black-lead crucible, and varies in size in accordance with the quantity of amalgam to be treated at each operation. The top is turned flat, and is provided with a well-fitting cover, secured in its place, either by a screw-clamp or by iron cotters; into this is screwed an inch gas-pipe with an ordinary bend at right angles, and, at a distance GOLD. 723 of about three feet, this is again bent downwards, so as to form another nearly right angle. Before introducing the balls of amalgam into the retort its interior surface is slightly covered by a thin coating, either of clay made into a thin paste with water, or with a mixture of water and wood-ashes; this is done in order to prevent the adhesion of the gold, in case of its being accidentally too strongly heated. The cover should also be luted with a little clay, before being fastened in its place. When the balls of amal- gam have been put in, and the cover has been fixed in its place, the ves- sel, with its contents, is introduced into an ordinary wind furnace, like that employed for the assay of iron ores, and a fire of coke or charcoal is made around it. The open end of the pipe will now be within a short distance only of the floor, and beneath it is placed a pan of water, into which a piece of canvas, bound around it so as to form a sort of hose, is allowed to dip to the depth of about an inch. In order to prevent accidents from the ascent of water into the retort, the level of that in the pan must be carefully kept below the end of the metallic pipe, and the descending limb of the apparatus is cooled by being bound with wetted cloths. Instead of cloths cooled by the constant application of water, a Liebig condenser is sometimes employed; this has the advantage both of being neater, and also of requiring less attention on the part of the person in charge of the operation. When the apparatus has been thus arranged the fire is lighted, and the heat gradually increased, until the vessel has acquired a dull-red colour, care being at the same time taken to insure perfect condensation of the mer- cury. In this way the heat is kept up for several hours, but when the pipe begins to cool, and drops of quicksilver are no longer observed to fall from its extremity, the operation is considered finished; the fire may now be withdrawn, and the retort removed from the furnace. The cover should not, however, be removed until the retort has become nearly cold, since mercurial vapours, if inhaled, would be highly injurious. When very large quantities of auriferous amalgam have to be dealt with, a fixed retort, similar to that employed for the treatment of silver amalgam, may be used with advantage. Retorted gold is generally fused, for the purpose of being cast into ingots, in the furnace used for heating the retort during the distillation of amalgam. Either coke or charcoal may be employed as fuel, and the black-lead pots in which the melting is effected should be well annealed, by being gradually heated, before being exposed to the full heat of the fire. The spongy gold, which at the commencement of the operation filled the pot, gradually becomes fused, and, in that state, occupies much less space than it did before; so that as soon as the first charge has become melted, the cover may be taken off, and a further addition of re- torted gold made. A little borax is added with each charge, and when the crucible has become sufficiently full of fused metal, it is withdrawn by the aid of a pair of stout tongs, and its contents poured into open cast-iron moulds. The cost of extracting the gold from a ton of auriferous quartz by 3 A 2 724 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. stamping, &c., will vary materially according to the cost of labour, fuel, and other circumstances. In 1861, Mr. Ashburner calculated the average expense of treating one ton (of 2,000 lbs.) of gold quartz, in California, as follows: In water mills, water free "" :) "" purchased • $1.22 1.60 2.14 steam The cost, both of labour and materials, has however been reduced since the date of this estimate, and, consequently, at the present time, it may be regarded as being somewhat too high. CHLORINATION PROCESS. This method, usually known as Plattner's process, is based on the fact that chlorine gas transforms metallic gold into a soluble chloride, without materially attacking the metallic oxides with which it may be associated. From the solution of chloride of gold in water, thus obtained, gold may be precipitated, in the metallic form, either by metallic iron or copper, or by a solution of ferrous sulphate, &c.; or it may be obtained in the state of sulphide by sulphuretted hydrogen. No metallic sulphides or arsenides. must, however, be present, as these substances would be transformed into chlorides, causing an unnecessary expenditure of chlorine. The presence of sulphur is also injurious from giving rise to the production of chloride of sulphur, which, in the presence of water, becomes transformed into hydrochloric and sulphurous acids, and a certain amount of the metallic oxides is consequently dissolved. The whole of the sulphur must, there- fore, be expelled by careful roasting, while the iron is, at the same time, converted into peroxide; the chlorine employed should also be freed from hydrochloric acid. In California, the extraction of gold from auriferous pyrites by the chlorination process is thus conducted : The concentrated tailings are first roasted in a reverberatory furnace, heated by a wood fire, until no further smell of sulphur is perceptible; a little charcoal is sometimes introduced towards the close of the operation for the purpose of decomposing any sulphates or arsenical salts that may have been produced. This roasting is effected at a low temperature in order to avoid agglomeration of the ore, and, at the expiration of from six to eight hours, the charge is withdrawn and spread evenly on the floor to cool. When sufficiently cold it is repeatedly turned and sprinkled with water, so that it may become sufficiently and regularly moistened throughout. The success of the subsequent operations depends, in no small degree, on the amount of water thus added, and the uniformity of its mixture with the ore. After having been properly moistened, the roasted pyrites is charged into large wooden tubs, 7 feet in diameter and 2 feet 6 inches in depth. These are provided with perforated false bottoms, beneath which the chlorine is introduced, and thence ascends through the damp and finely-divided auriferous oxide of iron, which ulti- mately becomes permeated by the gas. The chlorine is produced from a GOLD. 725 mixture of common salt, peroxide of manganese, and sulphuric acid, con- tained in a leaden generator, which communicates with the space beneath the false bottom by means of a lead pipe. There is also a plug-hole in the bottom of each tub for the purpose of draining off the auriferous solution obtained. After being charged with moistened ore each tub is closely covered by a wooden lid, and chlorine is introduced beneath the false bottom. At the expiration of some hours, the whole mass has become strongly penetrated by chlorine, which, as a greenish gas, lies heavily above the tailings. In this condition the tub and its contents are allowed to remain from ten to fifteen hours, at the expiration of which period, the cover is removed and clean water introduced. As soon as the water has risen to the surface of the charge, the plug-hole at the bottom is opened, and the water containing the dissolved chloride of gold is run off into glass carboys. The gold is subsequently precipitated in the metallic form by the addition of ferrous sulphate, and forms a brownish- black deposit on the bottom of the carboys; this reaction is expressed by the following equation: 2AuCl₂+6FeSO¸ = Au¿+Fe¿Cl¸+2Fe2(SO4)3⋅ 3 The precipitated gold thus obtained is collected on filters, dried, and afterwards fused with borax in black-lead crucibles; the ingots of gold prepared in this way are usually 995 fine. When the gold is in a finely-divided state this process affords satisfactory results; but the larger particles of metal not being completely dissolved in the time necessary for the solution of the smaller ones, a loss must necessarily result unless the time during which the ores are exposed to the action of chlorine is sufficiently prolonged to effect the solution of the largest fragment of gold present. It therefore follows that the chlorination process is most advantage- ously applied to ores in which the precious metal is uniformly and finely divided. Any silver that may have been present in the original sulphides treated, as well as that constantly alloyed with the gold, is by this process converted into chloride of silver, which is insoluble in the auri- ferous solution, and therefore remains with the residues in the tubs. At Reichenstein, in Upper Silesia, this process was formerly em- ployed for the extraction of small quantities of gold from the residues remaining after preparing arsenical products from pyrites by roasting. In this establishment 0·045 oz. of gold was obtained per cwt. of the material treated by chlorination, whereas only 0-026 oz. was, at a former period, afforded by the processes of smelting and cupellation employed when the ores were treated for lead. The roasted ore operated on was introduced into clay pots, in which it was subjected to the action of chlorine, in charges of 14 cwt., and the gold afterwards precipitated from the resulting solutions by sulphuretted hydrogen. At Reichenstein, this process is at present abandoned, as the old residues have all been worked up, and the arsenic-works no longer produce a sufficient amount of roasted material to render its treatment profitable. At Schemnitz, auriferous matts have been treated for silver by Ziervogel's method, and the gold 726 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. afterwards extracted from the residues by Plattner's process; but we are not aware whether this system of working is still in operation. PARTING BY SULPHURIC ACID. When the separation of gold from silver is conducted on an extensive scale, the use of nitric acid would be attended with great expense, and should therefore only be resorted to when the proportion of the more valuable metal is considerable. This difficulty is entirely obviated by the employment of sulphuric acid, although it is necessary, in order that the alloy be completely attacked, that it should not contain more than about 25 per cent. of gold, and from the slight solubility of sulphate of copper in strong sulphuric acid, it is also of importance that it should not contain much beyond 10 per cent. of copper.* The alloy, after the additions necessary to bring it to the proper standard have been made, is fused either in large crucibles or in a small reverberatory furnace, and granulated by being poured, while in a liquid state, into vessels containing cold water. The granulated mixture is now placed in large cast-iron boilers, into which are thrown 24 times its weight of strong sulphuric acid of sp. gr. 1-840, and the whole is at once heated to ebullition by a fire placed beneath the pans. The quan- tity of alloy treated in each vessel varies from 5 to 10 cwts., and to pre- vent the evolution of noxious gases into the laboratory, a leaden dome, connected with a well-drawing chimney, is placed over them during the time the attack is being made. The strong sulphuric acid under these circumstances is rapidly decomposed, sulphate of silver is formed, while sulphurous anhydride is evolved; this, for the sake of economy, is fre- quently conducted into a sulphuric-acid chamber, where it again becomes oxidised, and is fitted to be employed in a repetition of the same process. At the expiration of four hours the attack is completed, and at this stage of the operation a certain quantity of sulphuric acid is added of the sp. gr. 1-69, obtained by the concentration of the acid mother liquors remaining after the crystallisation of the sulphate of copper produced during the precipitation of metallic silver, as will presently be described. The liquors are now made to boil during a few minutes, when the fire is withdrawn from beneath the pans, and the liquors are diluted and allowed to stand, in order that the finely-divided gold may be deposited on the bottom. When this has taken place, and the supernatant liquor has become clear, it is drawn off by a syphon, while still hot, into leaden evaporators partially filled with the mother liquors remaining from the crystallisation of sulphate of copper. These are heated by a series of steam-pipes until the whole of the sulphate of silver which begins to fall, on cooling, is re-dissolved, when a further deposit of gold is obtained, and the liquor is again syphoned into another series of evaporators, in which * When gold bullion is to be refined, it is first alloyed with the requisite amount of silver, and is then granulated and treated in the same way as bars of silver con- taining gold. GOLD. 727 are suspended a number of copper bars, by which silver is rapidly pre- cipitated in the form of a crystalline powder. In the course of a few hours the last traces of silver are by this means completely removed, and the metallic deposit, after being carefully washed, is compressed, by a powerful hydraulic ram, into the form of solid rectangular bricks. These, when dry, are fused in large earthen crucibles, and cast into ingots. The silver thus obtained contains from 3 to 5 thousandths of copper. · The pulverulent gold obtained by this first attack still contains a considerable quantity of silver, and is therefore usually subjected to the action of strong sulphuric acid in platinum vessels heated from a fire placed beneath. The solution of sulphate of copper produced during the precipitation of the silver by copper bars is evaporated in a shallow cistern lined with lead, and heated by a series of steam-pipes laid in zigzag across the bottom. When the liquors have in this way been concentrated, they are syphoned off into large tubs lined with lead and bound with copper or wooden hoops, as, from the readiness with which sulphate of copper acts on iron, bands of this metal would be rapidly attacked by any of the liquor accidentally spilt over the sides of the vessels. After having been filled, these tubs are closely covered to prevent their too rapid cooling, and, after the expiration of about ten days, the mother liquors are drawn off, and the crystals of sulphate of copper adhering to the sides carefully removed. These mother liquors, when again concen- trated, yield a further supply of crystallised salt, after which they are set aside, to be employed in place of sulphuric acid in the second stage of the operation, as already described. When sulphate of copper of very superior quality is required, the crystals first obtained are sometimes subjected to a second crystallisation, but in the majority of cases they are merely washed on a wicker sieve, and, after being allowed to drain in a large leaden cullender, are packed in strong casks for the market. From the great economy with which this process is conducted, and the comparatively low price of sulphuric acid, it sometimes admits of being advantageously applied to the refining of silver containing 0·0005 only of gold. When an alloy consists chiefly of copper, and contains at most from twenty to thirty per cent. of the precious metals, the parting is not attempted until a portion of the copper has been oxidised by roasting in a reverberatory furnace. The granulated alloy, after having been thus treated, is acted on by weak sulphuric acid, by which oxide of copper is alone dissolved; and when the mixture has in this way been enriched, until it contains the requisite proportion of silver, it is subjected to the usual process of refining by strong sulphuric acid. This method of enriching the alloy by the oxidation of its copper was first employed at Belleville, near Paris, where it has been for many years employed with great success; it was also for some time practised at Freiberg for the purpose of separating copper from the silver obtained by amalgamation; but as the alloy there treated contained small quantities of several other น 728 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. metals besides copper, the fine silver obtained was found to be rather brittle, and for this reason the process was ultimately abandoned. During the time it was employed, the metal to be refined was subjected to three successive roastings and attacks, and in this way silver contain- ing only 4 thousandths of impurity was obtained. Platinum vessels were at one time extensively employed for parting alloys of silver and gold by means of sulphuric acid, and porcelain has likewise been used for the same purpose; but as cast-iron resists the action of concentrated sulphuric acid sufficiently for all practical uses, and also possesses the advantage of cheapness, it has now almost entirely superseded all other materials for the construction of such vessels. The parting of gold and silver may also be effected by the use of nitric acid, but this process can seldom be employed when the resulting nitrate of silver cannot be advantageously utilised. Gold bullion has also sometimes been refined by attacking with aqua regia and subsequently precipitating the gold from the solution, by the use of ferrous sulphate or otherwise, but cases in which such a method can be now employed arc altogether exceptional. REFINING BY CHLORINE GAS.* The process of refining by chlorine gas was invented by Mr. F. B. Miller, assayer in the Sydney Branch of the Royal Mint, and is applied with great advantage to the treatment of bars obtained from melting down placer gold, of those resulting from working auriferous quartz, or whenever the proportion of silver present is not materially in excess of 10 per cent. This method of refining consists simply in passing a current of chlorine gas through the gold while in a melted state, which is easily done by thrusting into the molten metal a small clay tube connected with a stoneware vessel in which chlorine is generated. The chlorine, on coming in contact with the silver in the molten alloy, at once combines with it, forming chloride of silver, which, being of less specific gravity, rises to the surface of the melted gold, while this latter remains in a purified condition beneath. Chloride of silver has always been considered a somewhat volatile substance, but, in practice, it is found that its volatility is not nearly so great as might have been anticipated, and that, if its surface is coated with a layer of fused borax, it may be kept melted at a high temperature without very material loss. The furnace required for the operation is the ordinary 12-inch square gold-melting furnace, the principal points to attend to in its construction being that the flue should be as near the top as possible, so as to allow of the crucible standing high up in it without being cooled by the draught, and that the furnace itself should not be too deep, so that, when the pot is placed in the fire, the bottom of it may not be more than 3 inches above the bars. *The following description is an abstract of a paper read by Mr. Miller before the Royal Society of Victoria. GOLD. 729 The covering of the furnace should consist of two fire-tiles, 7½ inches wide and 15 inches long, one of which should have a long slot or hole in its centre, for the clay chlorine-pipes to pass through. An iron cover will not answer, as it soon becomes much too hot for convenient working. The crucibles in which the refining is performed should be French white fluxing-pots; ordinary black-lead pots will not answer, owing to the reducing action they exert on the compounds formed. To prevent the infiltration of the very fluid chloride of silver into the pores of the clay pots they are prepared by filling them with a boiling saturated solu- tion of borax in water, which is allowed to stand for ten minutes, and is then poured off, the crucibles being afterwards set aside to dry; the borax forms a glaze on the inner surface of the crucibles when they become hot in the furnace. 1 2 When used for refining, these French clay crucibles are placed within black-lead pots, as a precaution against loss, should the former crack, which, however, seldom happens. The crucibles are covered with loosely- fitting lids, with the requisite holes bored through them for the passage of the clay chlorine-pipes, &c. A pipe, inch in diameter, 22 inches long, and of-inch bore, has been found to answer all requirements. The chlorine generators should consist of the best glazed stoneware acid- jars, each capable of holding from 10 to 15 gallons, and furnished with two necks. One of these openings should be stopped with a sound cork, or vulcanised india-rubber plug, through which should pass tightly two glass tubes, the eduction-tube and the safety- or pressure-tube; the length of the former being a few inches, and the latter 8 or 10 feet. The other opening, intended for introducing the oxide of manganese, &c., should be closed with a leaden plug, covered with a short piece of india-rubber tube, and well secured. Each generator should be charged with a layer of small quartz pebbles, down nearly to the bottom of which the pressure-tube should extend. On this layer should be placed from 70 to 100 lbs. weight of binoxide of manganese, in grains about -inch cube, sifted from powder; this quantity will be sufficient to effect many refining operations, and will obviate the necessity of repeated dismantling of the apparatus. Each generator should be suspended to about half its height in a galvanised-iron water-bath. The chlorine gas is produced, when required, by pouring common hydrochloric acid down the safety-tube, the apparatus being warmed by means of gas-burners beneath the water-baths. The gas is conveyed from the generators by means of a leaden pipe fitted with branches to supply the several furnaces, all intermediate connections being formed by means of vulcanised india-rubber tubing, which, if screened from direct radiation from the fire, stands the heat well, even immediately over the furnaces. Screw compression-clamps on the india-rubber tubes give the means of regulating the supply of gas as required, and enable the operator to shut it entirely off as soon as the refining is over. The chlorine then, having no means of escape, accumulates in the generator, and soon forces 730 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. t all the acid up the safety-tube into a vessel placed above to receive it, and, the acid no longer acting on the oxide of manganese, the supply of gas ceases. Two such generators, and three ordinary gold-melting furnaces, are capable of refining about 2,000 ounces of gold containing about 10 per cent. of silver, between 9 A.M. and 2 P.M. As soon as the gold is melted, from 2 to 3 ozs. of borax in a state of fusion are poured upon its surface. If the borax is added sooner, it acts too much on the pot; and, if thrown in cold, is apt to chill the gold. The clay pipe which is to convey the chlorine to the bottom of the melted gold is now introduced. At the moment of its entering the melted gold, the screw compression-clamp is slightly loosened, so as to allow a small quantity of gas to pass through it, and thus prevent any metal rising and setting in the pipe, which is then gradually lowered to the bottom of the molten gold, where it is kept by means of weights attached to the top. The compression-tap is now relaxed, and the gas is heard bubbling through the melted metal, sufficient hydrochloric acid being, from time to time, added to the generators to keep up a rapid evolution of chlorine. The column of liquid in the safety-tube, acting, as it does, like a barometer, affords a ready means of knowing the pressure in the genera- tor, and of judging of the rate of production of the gas, as well as at once showing, by its fall, if anything irregular has occurred--such as a leak or a crack of the chlorine-pipe or pot. From 16 to 18 inches in the safety-tube correspond to and balance 1 inch of gold in the refining- crucible. When the chlorine is first introduced into the melted gold, fumes are seen to pass up from the holes in the crucible lid; these are not chloride of silver, but the volatile chlorides of some of the baser metals, and they are especially dense when much lead is present in the alloy under treatment, forming a white deposit on any cold substance presented to them. After a time, longer or shorter, according to the nature of the impurities in the gold, these fumes cease. So long as any decided quantity of silver is present in the molten gold, the whole, or nearly the whole, of the chlorine is absorbed; little, if any, appearing to escape. As soon as the operation is nearly over, fumes of a darker colour than those observed at the commencement make their appearance; and the end of the operation is indicated by a peculiar flame or luminous vapour of a brownish-yellow colour, occasioned by the escape of free, and now waste, chlorine. This, however, is not a sufficient indication: the process is not complete until this flame imparts to a piece of white tobacco-pipe, when held in it for a moment, a peculiar reddish or brownish-yellow stain. When these appearances are observed, usually in about an hour and a half from the introduction of the chlorine, the gas is shut off, and the pots are removed from the fire; the white crucible is lifted out of the black one, and, together with its contents, is allowed to stand several minutes, until the gold becomes cold enough to solidify. The chloride of silver, GOLD. 731 which remains liquid much longer, is then poured off into iron moulds. The crucible is now inverted on an iron table, when the still red-hot gold falls out in the shape of a cone; this is slightly scraped, and then thrown, hissing, into a concentrated solution of common salt, to free it from any adherent chloride of silver. An alloy containing originally 89 per cent. of gold, 10 per cent. of silver, and 1 per cent. of base metals, will yield, on an average, a cake of chloride weighing, with a little adherent borax, 16 ozs. for every 100 ozs. operated on. The gold is now fine, and simply requires casting into ingots. As before stated, it is found that all these operations can readily be performed, and about 2,000 ozs. refined per day in three common melting furnaces, in about five hours; 98 per cent. of the gold originally con- tained in the alloy operated on is then ready for delivery. The other 2 per cent. remains with the chloride of silver, partly in the metallic state, and partly in a state of combination with chlorine, and probably with silver. 1 8 To free the chloride of silver from this combined gold (that mechani- cally mixed being eliminated at the same time), it is melted in a boraxed white pot, with the addition of from 8 to 10 per cent. of metallic silver, rolled to about inch thick. The chloride of gold is, by this means, reduced at the expense of the metallic silver, chloride of silver being formed; while the liberated gold sinks, and, together with the excess of silver, melts into a button at the bottom of the pot. As soon as the whole is thoroughly melted, the pot is removed from the furnace, and allowed to stand about ten minutes; the still-liquid chloride of silver is then poured into large iron moulds, so as to form slabs of a convenient thickness for the next operation, namely, its reduction to the metallic state. The fineness of the gold produced by this process varies from 991 to 997 in 1,000 parts, the average being 993·5. The remaining 63 thousandths are silver; this compares favourably with any of the previously-known practical processes, none of which leave less silver in the resulting fine gold. If the refined gold be subjected to a re-refinage by chlorine, the amount of silver left in it can be reduced to 0.2 per cent., just as in refinage by the ordinary sulphuric acid process the same result can be ob- tained by subjecting the refined gold to a further refinage with bisulphate of potassium. For practical working, however, this would probably never be attempted. The silver resulting from this method of refining is tough, but its quality varies somewhat according, to the gold originally operated on; if the alloy treated contains much copper, the greater part of this remains with the resulting silver, but the other metals are nearly all eliminated. The fineness of the silver hitherto obtained has varied from 918.2 to 992-0 in 1,000 parts, the average being 965.6. An analysis of the silver resulting from refining gold, known 732 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. originally to have contained, among the base metals in the alloy, copper, lead, antimony, arsenic, and iron, gave the following results:- Ag Cu 972.3 25.0 Au 2.7 Zn and Fe. traces 1,000.0 Miller's process for the purification of gold, by means of chlorine gas, has been successfully introduced into the Royal Mint by Mr. W. Chandler Roberts. A PLATINUM. It In its pure state, and especially when refined by the process of Deville and Debray, platinum is nearly as white as silver; it is capable of receiving a high polish, has neither taste nor smell, and is very ductile and malleable. Platinum is softer than silver, but its hardness is much increased by the presence of small quantities of iridium. resists the strongest heat of a wind furnace, but may be fused by the electric current or by the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, before which it is dis- persed with scintillation. According to Deville and Debray, it absorbs oxygen in the fused state, and when melted in considerable masses spirts like silver on cooling. Platinum, which has a specific gravity of about 21.50, is the heaviest of all known substances, excepting osmium and iridium, of which the density is equally high, or even higher. Pla- tinum is not oxidised by the air at any temperature, and is not attacked by any of the simple acids; by aqua regia it is dissolved with formation of platinic chloride, PtC14. Platinum is attacked by the caustic alkalies, and by the alkaline earths, at a red-heat, particularly by the hydrate of lithium or of barium; but it is not affected by the alkaline carbonates, even when exposed to their action at very elevated temperatures. A mixture of nitre and caustic potash produces this effect with greater rapidity than the alkali alone; and laminated platinum, when heated in presence of arsenic, sulphur, or phosphorus, loses its malleability and ductility. When these bodies are brought, at a high temperature, in contact with platinum in a fine state of division, combination readily takes place, and brittle fusible compounds are the result. Platinum is also attacked at high temperatures by acid sulphate of potassium. A mixture of silica and charcoal attacks platinum at high temperatures, producing silicide of that metal, and for this reason platinum crucibles, which have been frequently ignited in an open fire, become rough on the exterior, and lose their flexibility. Platinum vessels should never be exposed to the direct action of a furnace, but should be inclosed in an earthen crucible containing a little magnesia, or caustic lime. PLATINUM. 733 Platinum alloyed with silver is soluble in nitric acid, and consequently, gold containing small quantities of this metal may be assayed by inquar- tation with silver, and the subsequent removal of silver and platinum by boiling in nitric acid. Platinum possesses the remarkable property of causing the combina- tion of oxygen with hydrogen, and with other inflammable gases. This property is exhibited even by clean surfaces of platinum, in a greater degree by platinum in a spongy state, and still more by that metal in the extremely-divided form known as platinum-black. Spongy platinum is obtained by the ignition of ammonio-platinic chloride. Platinum-black may be prepared in various ways. A common method is by boiling a solution of platinic chloride, PtCl, with carbonate of sodium and sugar. In this case, formation of chloride of sodium takes place, platinum is precipitated in the metallic state, a portion of the sugar is decomposed, and carbonic anhydride escapes during ebullition. It may also be made by dissolving platinous chloride, PtCl2, in boiling caustic potash, and gradually adding small portions of alcohol to the solution. Rapid evolution of carbonic anhydride takes place, and the metal is precipitated in a state of extreme division. The same result is obtained by decomposing platinum sulphate by heat and strong alcohol. Platinum-black prepared by one of the foregoing processes is some- times employed in eudiometrical experiments. This substance, when dried, resembles lamp-black, and soils the fingers in the same way; it may be heated to full redness without any change of its appearance or properties, but at a white-heat it assumes a metallic aspect. Platinum in this state, like charcoal, absorbs and con- denses gases within its pores. Platinum works well under the hammer, forging and welding like iron. DISTRIBUTION OF PLATINUM.-This metal is found in a native state, and occurs alloyed with various others in alluvial deposits similar to those from which gold, its frequent associate, is obtained; the sands producing platinum lie principally in valleys traversing serpentine. Native platinum generally presents the appearance of small flattened grains, of a greyish-white colour, approaching to that of tarnished steel. These grains are commonly flattened, and appear to have been polished by friction against other hard bodies. Their size usually varies from that of linseed to that of hempseed, but a few fragments of much larger dimen- sions have occasionally been discovered. One piece brought from Choco, in Peru, by Humboldt, and presented to the Berlin Museum, weighs 1,088 grains, or above two ounces avoirdupois. The Madrid Museum pos- sesses a specimen found in 1822, in the gold mine of Condoto, in South America, which is as large as a turkey's egg, and weighs 11,641 grains. A specimen of this metal was found, in the year 1827, in the Ural Mountains, near the Demidoff mines, which weighed 11.57 lbs. troy. The largest specimen yet discovered weighs 21 lbs. troy, and is in the cabinet of Count Demidoff. The grains of native platinum are far from pure, the metal being usually combined with osmium, iridium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthe- 734 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. nium, besides gold, silver, iron, and copper; they are also frequently associated with various heavy minerals, such as magnetite, titaniferous iron, chrome iron ore, and iron pyrites. Four specimens of native platinum afforded, on analysis, the following results: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pt 80.87 $2.60 85.50 80.00 Au 0.20 0.80 1.50 Fe 10.92 10.67 6.75 7.20 Ir 0.06 0.66 1.05 1.55 Rh 4·44 1.00 2.50 Pd 1.30 0.60 1·00 Cu 2.30 0.13 1.40 0.65 Os Iridosmine 0.11 3.80 1.10 1.40 Sand 2.95 4.35 • 100.00 98.06 101.15 100.15 1. Ural, by Osann; 2. Borneo, by Böcking; 3. California, by Deville and Debray; 4. Choco, by Deville and Debray. Platinum was first discovered (1735) by Ulloa, a Spanish traveller, in the alluvial deposits of the river Pinto, in the district of Choco, South America. It has since been found in the Ural mountains, in the island of Borneo, in the sands of the Rhine, in those of the Jacky in St. Do- mingo, and in the gold-regions of Brazil, California, &c. The gold-washings in Peru furnishing the largest quantity of pla- tinum are those situated between the second and sixth degrees of south latitude. Among these may be mentioned the mines of Condoto in the province of Novita; those of Santa Rita or Viroviro; of Santa Lucia, and the ravine of Iro, and at Apoto between Novita and Taddo. The deposit of platinum here occurs in the alluvial gravel, at a depth of about 20 feet from the surface. The grains of platinum are separated from gold by amalgamation. From an apprehension that platinum might be employed for the purpose of debasing gold, it is said to have been formerly thrown into the rivers with a view of preventing fraud, and that through this practice, large quantities of this valuable metal have been lost. The grains of platinum which are found in the sands of the river Jacky, near the mountains of Sibao in St. Domingo, are extremely brilliant, and are intermixed with a siliceous sand, which is frequently ferruginous. The largest proportion of the platinum at present produced is ob- tained in the Ural districts from the auriferous sands of Kuschwa, Nischne Tagilsk, and Goroblagodat. Russia annually affords about 35 cwts. of this metal, which is about five times the amount of the united products of Brazil, Borneo, St. Do- mingo, and the United States of Columbia. PLATINUM. 735 The production of Borneo is estimated at about 500 lbs. per annum. ESTIMATION OF PLATINUM.-This metal is, for the purposes of analysis, weighed either in the metallic state, or in the form of ammonio-platinic chloride, 2NHCl,PtC1, which is collected on a tared filter, and dried at a temperature of 100° C. When platinum exists in a solution in the form of chloride, the liquor is first concentrated by evaporation, and subsequently mixed with about twice its volume of pure alcohol. Solution of chloride of ammonium is now added in excess, and the liquor again concentrated by evaporation. in a water-bath; by this means ammonio-platinic chloride is precipi- tated, and after being carefully washed, first with dilute solution of sal- ammoniac, and afterwards with a mixture of alcohol and ether, is dried in a water-bath. From the weight of the double salt obtained, the per- centage of platinum is readily deduced, as every 100 parts of the former correspond to 44-30 parts of metallic platinum. Instead of deducing by calculation the weight of platinum from that of the double salt obtained, its amount may be at once determined by decomposing the ammonio-salt by ignition, and weighing the metallic spongy platinum which remains. For this purpose the double chloride should be exposed to a full red heat in a closed porcelain crucible, protected from direct action of the fire by being inclosed in an ordinary earthen pot: the decomposition of this salt may likewise be effected in a gas-furnace, in which case the ex- ternal crucible of fire-clay may be dispensed with. This decomposition of the salt by heat requires to be conducted with great care, since if the evolution of ammonium chloride be too rapid, a notable amount of metallic platinum will be carried off. Instead of using chloride of ammonium for the precipitation, chloride of potassium may be employed; the potassium salt, 2KCl,PtC14, which is in this case produced is either dried and weighed, as when chloride of ammonium has been employed, or is decomposed, by heating to redness, into metallic platinum and potassium chloride. The latter is separated by solution in hot water, and the for- mer dried and weighed in the metallic state. The separation of platinum from other metals is often effected by taking advantage of the insolubility of its double chloride, deposited on the addition of either chloride of ammonium, or chloride of potassium, to solutions containing chloride of platinum. The insolubility of this metal in all the acids, excepting nitro-hydrochloric, is another property which frequently affords a ready means of separating platinum from other bodies. When platinum is alloyed with a considerable proportion of any metal soluble in nitric acid, it becomes itself attacked by that reagent, and consequently, although pure platinum is untouched when thus treated, many of its alloys are completely soluble in this menstruum. Native platinum cannot be assayed in the dry way, and its complete analysis is a long and difficult operation, which can only be success- fully undertaken by an experienced chemist.* The commercial assay *The first somewhat complete examination of platinum ore was made by Dr. Wollaston; both Berzelius and Vauquelain have added much to our knowledge of the chemistry of platinum. The processes employed by the former for the analysis 736 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. of platinum is conducted by performing, on a small scale, one of the various processes now to be described. METALLURGY OF PLATINUM. WOLLASTON'S PROCESS. The platiniferous grains subjected to metal- lurgical treatment, besides containing the principal metal sought, also yield variable quantities of the constantly-associated metals, palladium, osmium, iridium, rhodium, and ruthenium; they also frequently contain, in addition to these, gold, silver, iron and copper, together with various heavy minerals, such as titaniferous and chrome iron ores. When gold is present in sufficient quantity, the ore is first subjected to amalgamation for the purpose of its extraction, and the residue, after a careful mechanical preparation, and washing, first with nitric acid and subsequently with hydrochloric acid, is treated for platinum. The concentrated ore is attacked by aqua regia, containing an excess of hydro- chloric acid, either in large glass carboys or in stoneware vessels, heated on a sand-bath placed under a chimney, by which the evolved fumes are carried off. The aqua regia by which the attack is made is always diluted with water, as by this means a smaller quantity of iridium is dissolved than when the acids are employed in an undiluted state, and when this metal is present even in small quantity the platinum produced is rendered hard and its tenacity impaired. The aqua regia is several times renewed before the solution of the ore is completed, and care is taken to avoid the inhalation of the escaping fumes, which, from the presence of osmium compounds, are extremely prejudicial to the work- men. The solution thus obtained is now set aside, in order that it may brighten by subsidence, and the clear liquid, after being drawn off by a glass syphon, is treated with solution of sal-ammoniac as long as a yellow precipitate is deposited. The mother liquors from this precipitate still contain a considerable amount of platinum, together with variable quan- tities of the other metals originally present; these are precipitated by bars of zinc, by which a deposit of a dark colour is produced, from which a certain amount of platinum is obtained. With this view the dark-coloured deposit is first washed clean with hot water, and the residue subsequently re-attacked by aqua regia containing a large quantity of hydrochloric acid; the excess of hydrochloric acid prevents the precipi- tation of any palladium or lead contained in the solution. Sal-ammoniac is now added to the clear solution, and a second precipitate of ammonio- platinic chloride obtained. The double chloride thus obtained is heated to redness in large black- of platinum ores will be found described in Gmelin's 'Handbook,' vol. vi. p. 259. Claus, in 1854 (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Platinmetalle), proposed a simpler and in some respects more accurate method. More recently another method has been devised by Deville and Debray (Ann. Ch. Phys. (3) lvi. p. 385). Abstracts of the two processes last referred to are given in Watts's 'Dictionary of Chemistry,' Art. 'Platinum.' PLATINUM. 737 lead crucibles, and by this means chlorine and sal-ammoniac are expelled while metallic platinum, in a spongy state, remains. This spongy platinum is next finely pulverised, by being rubbed between the hands, and afterwards intimately mixed with water, so as to form a dense black slime. This is carefully passed through sieves of fine wire-gauze, and the coarser particles, which remain on the meshes, again crushed, and ultimately made to pass through. In conducting this operation, it is of importance to avoid the use of any hard body, by which a commencement of aggregation between the particles of metal might be produced; scrupulous cleanliness on the part of the workmen is also necessary, to prevent the introduction of any ex- traneous matter into the finely-divided mass, which might be sufficient to cause a serious imperfection in the forged platinum produced. To avoid this, the metallic powder is repeatedly washed, by decantation, previously to its consolidation into one mass. The platinum paste is now introduced into an apparatus consisting of a gun-metal cylinder, accurately fitted with a steel piston, and inclosed at the lower end in a steel foot-piece, by which the escape of the pasty mass is prevented. Care is taken that the mass to be compressed be entirely free from air-bubbles, and, after first ramming with a wooden pestle, the steel piston is applied. The water is thus separated from the metallic particles, and their closer compression is afterwards effected by a hydraulic or powerful screw-press. The discs of platinum thus formed are subsequently heated to whiteness, and then hammered on an anvil, until a perfectly homogeneous mass has been obtained. MODIFICATION OF WOLLASTON'S PROCESS.-A considerable proportion of the platinum of commerce is prepared by the direct addition of sal- ammoniac to the solution obtained from the ore, but when greater purity is required the process is thus modified. The solution, which is gene- rally deep-red, and evolves chlorine from the presence of tetrachloride of palladium, is boiled; whereupon chlorine, is expelled, and the palladium present reduced to the state of dichloride. Chloride of potassium is now added to the solution, which precipitates the platinum as sparingly-soluble double chloride of platinum and potas- sium, leaving the palladium in solution. This precipitate, which, when pure, has a yellow colour, but is red when iridium is present, is collected on a filter, and washed with a dilute solution of chloride of potassium. The double salt of platinum is ignited with twice its weight of carbonate of potassium, and the platinum thus reduced to the metallic state while a portion of the iridium remains as trioxide. The soluble potassium salts are subsequently removed by washing with hot water, and the platinum dissolved by nitro-hydrochloric acid, which leaves the trioxide of iridium undissolved. In order to effect the complete separation of iridium, it may be necessary to repeat the precipitation by chloride of potassium and the re-solution of the platinum several times. The pla- tinum solution thus freed from iridium is mixed with sal-ammoniac, and the metal thrown down as double chloride of platinum and ammonium. 3 B 738 ELEMENTS OF METALLURGY. This is ignited, and the resulting spongy platinum treated as before described. When platinum ore is attacked by aqua regia, a portion consisting of grains of iridosmine, besides various foreign substances which have not been entirely removed by washing, always remains undissolved. DEVILLE AND DEBRAY'S PROCESSES.-Platinum prepared as above de- scribed is never quite pure, but contains small quantities of osmium, silicon, &c. In order to remove these impurities, and at the same time to render it more compact and freer from cavities, it is fused in a furnace composed of blocks of well-burnt lime, by means of a hydrogen or coal- gas flame supplied with a current of oxygen. In a furnace of this description, Deville and Debray succeeded, with a consumption of about 43 cubic feet of oxygen, in melting and refining 25.4 lbs of platinum in the course of forty-two minutes; very much larger masses have since been melted by this method. During the operation of fusion, the osmium is expelled in the form of tetroxide, while silicon is removed in the state of silicate of calcium, which, forming a fusible slag, is ultimately absorbed by the walls of the furnace. Lime is so bad a conductor of heat that a basin of this substance less than an inch in thickness may be filled with melted platinum without the temperature of the exterior being raised much beyond 150° C. Deville and Debray have likewise introduced the following process for the treatment of platinum ores in the dry way. A small reverbera- tory furnace, of which the bottom consists of a hemispherical cavity of fire-brick lined with refractory clay, is, after being heated to full redness, charged with a mixture consisting of 2 cwts. of platinum ore and the same weight of galena. The charging occupies some time, as small quantities only are introduced in succession, and the whole is kept constantly stirred until a fusible matt has been produced. A small quantity of powdered glass is used as a flux, and by degrees a weight of litharge, equal to that of the galena employed, is thrown in; the reaction which takes place between the galena and litharge results in the expulsion of sulphur and the reduction of the lead to the metallic state. The reduced lead forms with the platinum a readily-fusible alloy, which is allowed to remain for some time undisturbed in a melted state; in this way the iridosmine, which has not been attacked, and of which the specific gravity is very high, collects at the bottom of the metallic bath. The upper portion of the platiniferous alloy is now drawn off into ingot- moulds, while the residue, containing iridosmine, is added to the next charge. The platiniferous lead is subsequently subjected to cupellation in the ordinary way, and the crude platinum obtained is refined on a bed of lime, by the heat evolved during the combustion of a mixture of coal- gas and oxygen. The platinum thus prepared is nearly pure, is very ductile and malleable, and works well under the hammer. The inalterability of platinum at high temperatures, together with its power of resisting the action of a great number of the most powerful PLATINUM. 739 chemical agents, renders it a useful material for the manufacture of crucibles, evaporating dishes, &c., for laboratory use. Large platinum stills are also sometimes employed for the concentration of sulphuric acid; vessels employed for this purpose are strongly gilt on the inside, as unless thus protected, platinum prepared by Wollaston's 'process soon becomes sufficiently porous to admit of the transudation of the acid. An attempt was made some years since, in Russia, to introduce a platinum coinage, but not having been found convenient, the coins were ultimately withdrawn from circulation. 3 B 2 (741) INDEX. ABEL. A. ABEL on state of carbon in chill-castings, &c., 114 Abstrich, 595 Abzug, 595 Acicular bismuth, 505 Acids, effects of, on grey and white iron, 114 Agitator, Washoe process, 656 Agricola, ancient process of cupellation, 596 Air-dried peat, water in, 35 wood, 29 Alloys, 13 use of, in blast-furnaces, 242 , specific gravities of, 14 action of acids on, 15 action of air on, 15 of iron, 120 of aluminium, 364 of copper, 435 of tin, 455 of antimony, 462 of bismuth, 513 Alluvial gold deposits, 685 Almaden, aludel furnace of, 503 > , arrangement of aludels at, 504 annual production of mercury at, 504 Alston Moor, lead ores at, 519 Altenberg, roasting kilns at, 186 , preparation of metallic arsenic at, 463 Aludel furnace of Almaden, 503 Aluminium, properties of, 362 minerals yielding, 362 estimation of, 362 metallurgy of, 363 discovery of, 363 alloys of, 364 preparation of, from cryolite, 364 Amalgam, native, 603 filtration of, 631 bricks of, 632 retorting of, 632 condensation of the mercury evolved in retorting, 723 Amalgamation, methods of, 624 Mexican or patio process, 625 stove, 633 hot process of, 633 in barrels, 635 ANTHRACITE. Amalgamation of copper matts, 641 Washoe process of, 642 America, charging of charcoal furnaces in, 231 American bloomery, 168 economising waste heat from, 169 daily production of iron in, 169 hearth, 575 at Bleiberg, 575 observations by Plattner on, 575 at Przibram, 576 Ammiolite, 492 Ammonia, attempted collection of, from coke-ovens, 88 Analysis of fuel, 24 estimation of ash, 24 of hygrometric moisture, 25 of sulphur, 25 of carbon and hydrogen, 26 of nitrogen and oxygen, 26 of iron ores, 156 estimation of water, 156 attack by hydrochloric acid, 156 estimation of insoluble matter, 157 of lime and magnesia, 157 of sulphur, 158 [158 of phosphoric anhydride,, of carbonic anhydride, 158 of titanic oxide, 159 of insoluble residue, 159 Anchor coke-oven, 79 -, cooling of coke from, 79 Ancient mines on borders of Ural Moun- tains, 2 tools found in, 2 smelting in Siberia, 3 distinction between argentum vivum and hydrargyrus, 3 alloys of copper, 5 zinc-brass coins, analyses of, 6 steels, 7 use of sulphide of antimony, 8 Anglesite, 517 -, cupreous, 517 Annealing, 10 Anthracite, 48 composition of, 48 formation of, 48 use of, in blast-furnaces, 242 objections to use of, 259 furnaces, 259 • dimensions of, 259 charges for, 259 742 INDEX. ANTHRACITE. Anthracite furnaces, spiegeleisen made in, 260` for spiegeleisen, dimensions of, 260 Antimonial nickel, 359 Antimonious oxide, 457 Antimony known to the ancients in the metallic state, 8 properties of, 456 ores, 457 sulphide of, 457 tetroxide of, 458 ochre, 458 blende, 458 AUSTRIA. Assay of iron ores, crucibles, brasquing of, 150 -, regulation of temperature in, 150 testing buttons produced, 151 conclusions deduced from colour of slag, 151 Swedish process for, 152 wet, 152 Marguerite's process, 152 Penny's process, 154 of copper ores, dry, 378 > Cornish method, 378 " annual production of, 458 reduction of sulphide of, by iron, 459 by iron, 460 metallurgy of, 460 eliquation of the sulphide of, 460 reduction of, to the metallic state, 460 English method of smelting, 461 > singling, 461 doubling, 461 melting for star metal, 461 alloys of, 462 slags from smelting, 462 ores, assay of, 458 class I. containing oxides, 458 class II. sulphides, 459 Aphanesite, 373 Armour-plates, 308 Argentite, 603 Arquerite, 603 hammered, 308 Arrastra, 626, 712 Arsenic, properties of, 462 white, manufacture of, 463 metallic, preparation of, 463 at Altenberg, preparation of, 463 at Reichenstein, preparation of, 464 Arsenical ores, assay of, 462 Arsenious oxide, condensation of, 450 , production in Devon and Cornwall, 450 Artificial fuels, preparation of, 50 Ashburner, on cost of extracting gold from gold quartz, 724 Ashes of woods, 32 of peat, 35 of American peat, 37 of lignite, 42 of coal, 46, 47 of Boghead cannel, 47 Assay furnace, 144 of iron ores, dry, 144 fluxes, 146 -, apparatus necessary for, 144 preliminary operations and classification of ores, 146 classification and proportion of fluxes, 148 proportion of fluxes in Ger- man iron-works, 149 assay, 149 method of conducting crucibles used for, 150 German, 383 , wet, 385 , precipitation by zinc, &c., 385 Pelouze's process, 387 by cyanide of potassium, 388 of tin ores, 444 of antimony ores, 458 of arsenical ores, 462 of zinc ores, dry, 472 ? of mercury ores, 495 , wet, 473 volumetric, 474 distillation with quicklime [496 with sodium bicarbonate, method employed at Idria, in current of hydrogen, 495 of bismuth ores, 509 of lead ores, 524 [491 [flux, 526 by fusion with alkaline with metallic iron, 527 with carbonate of sodium and metallic iron, 528 nitre, 531 of silver ores, 610 of silver bullion, dry, 613 wet, 617 of auriferous minerals, 694 , cupellation, 694 parting, 694 of gold quartz, 695 bullion, 698 Atacamite, 373 Aubel on fusion of nickel, 361 Augustin's process for extraction of silver, 664 " first roasting, 665 roasting with salt, 665 lixiviation and precipitation, 665 , arrangement of apparatus, 665 , precipitation of silver and copper, 666 products obtained by, 667 , expense of, 667 Auriferous minerals, assay of, 694 veinstone, extraction of gold from, 712 the arrastra, 712 Chilian mill, 712 stamping mill, 714 Australia, discovery of gold in, 692 , yield of gold in, 693 tin ores in Austria, Bessemer process in, 335 blowing engines in, 215 INDEX. 743 AYRESOME. Ayresome Iron-Works, furnace hoist at, 237 > kiln hoist at, 238 empty waggon drop at, 241 Azurite, 370 weekly production of iron at, 256 B. BALLING or re-heating, 302 Bankart's process for extraction of copper, 423 Barrel amalgamation, 635 640 ? at Halsbrücke, 635 roasting the ore with salt, 635 reactions during roasting, 636 of roasted ores, 637 loss of silver by, 640 , arrangement of barrels, 637 wrought-iron used in, 638 addition of mercury, 638 discharging the barrels, 639 reactions in, 639 treatment of slimes, 639 filtration of amalgam, 640 , retorting, 640 fusion of silver alloy, 640 treatment of flue-dust, slags, &c., loss of mercury at Freiberg, 641 at Constante, 641 Real del Monte, 641 in Nevada, 641 Barrow-in-Furness, method of collecting waste gases at, 231 materials used in the production of one ton of iron at, 257 Bessemer converters at, 338 Bath metal, 435 Baudrimont's table of tenacity of metals, 11 Bauerman on composition of cast-iron and steel, 116 Bauxite, analysis of, 191 Beechwood charcoal, composition of, 61 Belfast, iron ore from, 191 Belgian process for extraction of zinc, 480 naces, 482 > minerals employed in, 480 precaution in lighting new fur- charging the retorts, 482 tapping the condensed zinc, 483 cleaning the tubes, 483 loss of zinc in, 483 Bell, I. L., on heat absorbed in blast-furnace, 261 observations of, on dissociation of car- bonic oxide, 197 Bell-metal, 435, 456 Bérard's process for manufacture of steel, 339 Berthier's process for estimating calorific power of fuel, 19 inaccuracy caused by pre- sence of hydrogen, 20 for extraction of nickel, 360 BLANKET. Berthier on composition of Mansfeld schist, 407 Bessemer's process, pressure of blast in, 327 formation of burnt iron by, 327 modifications of, 327 method of conducting, 332 , pig-iron free from phosphorus required for, 333 -, analysis of slags from, 334 action of silicon in, 335 action of manganese in, 335 analyses of metal at various stages of, 336 in Austria, 335 converter, 328 -, lining of, 328 , description of, 329 list of works using, 338 plant, 330 at Neuberg, 333 pig-iron, 247 steel, classification in Sweden of, 334 analyses of, 337 rails, preparation of, 337 appliances for manufacture of, at L. & N. W. R. works, Crewe, 337 loss of weight in converting pig-iron into, 338 Best-selected copper, 401 401 principles involved in making, Birmingham, nickel-works of, 360 Bismuth, properties of, 507 commercial, 507 purification of, 507 action of acids on, 507 ores, 508 -, native, 508 sulphide, 508 blende, 508 acicular, 508 and tellurium, 508 oxide of, 508 carbonate of, 508 annual production of, 509 ores, assay of, 509 metallurgy of, 509 extraction of, Schneeberg process, 509 2 Joachimsthal process, 510 production of, at Freiberg, 510 occurrence of, in refinery hearths, 511 , alloys of, 513 Bituminous coal, 45 Blackband ironstone, 140 -, analysis of, 141 Black Brush ore, 134 Black plates, 310 Black tin, assay of, 445 in brasqued or black-lead crucibles, 445 nide, 446 Cornish method, 446 fusion with potassium cya- Blankets, use of, in collection of gold, 715 744 INDEX. BLANKET. Blanket-washings, amalgamation of, 720 Blast cylinder at Dowlais, 211 212 reservoir in connection with, Blast, hot, history of, 216 Blast-furnace and accessories, 196 " reactions in, 197 primitive form of, 198 stack or body of, 198 boshes, 198 throat, 198 belly, 199 hearth, 199 tymp, 199 dam-stone, 199 dam-plate, 199 fore-hearth, 200 } tymp-arch, 200 • ? tuyer-holes, 199 cinder-notch, 200 cinder-tub, 200 cinder-fall, 200 roughing-hole, 200 tap-hole, 200 at Oldbury, 201 at Stockton Iron-Works, 201 at Ditton Brook, 201 obstruction of hearth of, 246 fuel used in, 241 coke suitable for use in, 242 use of raw coal in, 242 of anthracite in, 242 of turf in, 242 of air-dried wood in, 242 weight of air thrown into, 242 blowing-in of, 243 proportion of charge for, 243 -, number of workmen employed about, 243 descent of charges in, 243 mixing of charges for, 244 distribution of materials in, 244 tapping of, 245 " effects of various methods of charg- ing, 244 261 coal suited for use in, 259 heat absorbed for work done in, slags, 192 analyses of, 192 from treatment of spathic ores, analyses of, 193 height of, 205 dimensions of, 206 in the Cleveland district, 210 -, capacity and production of, 250 -, modern, increased production of, 251 , pipes and nozzles, 227 connections for cold-blast, 227 -, hot-blast, 227 Blauöfen, 251 Bleiberg process of lead-smelting, 545 BRICKS. Bleiberg process, fuel employed in, 549 method of conducting operation, 549 , payment of wages, wages, 550 ore-hearth at, 575 Blende, zinc, 466 -, roasting, 477 bismuth, 508 Blicksilber, 595 refining of, 596 Blister-copper, 399 Blister-steel, 115, 316 Bloomery, American, 168 169 > economising waste heat from, daily production of iron in, 169 high or Stückofen, 170 in Carniola, 171 fuel required for, 171 Blowing engine at Dowlais Iron-Works, 212 air discharged by, 212 dimensions of beam, 213 , fly-wheel, 213 boilers for, 215 Slate's, 215 Thomas and Laurent's, 215 Fosseys', 215 Austrian, 215 in Rhenish Prussia, 216 engines in the north of England, 214 at Creuzot, 214 high-speed, 215 power, reserve of, 216 in of a blast-furnace, 243 out of blast-furnaces, 246 Blowing machinery, 210 Blue billy, 281 Boghead cannel coal, composition of ash of, 47 Bog iron ores, analyses of, 138 Boliche or Spanish furnace, 546 history of, 547 dimensions of, 547 caldeo, 548 blandeo, 548 corrida, 548 at La Fortuna, Linares, 548 , yield of lead from, 548 Brass, 436 436 composition of different varieties of, calamine, manufacture of, 437 direct preparation of, 438 solder, 435 Breckon and Dixon's coke-oven, 76 nature of improvements in, 77 quality of, and quantity of coke made in, 79 Bricks, fire, 104 additions made to clay in manu- facture of, 104 manufacture of, 105 composition of, 105 labour and fuel required in manufacture of, 105 INDEX. 745 BRICKS. blue, 106 Bricks, fire, Dinas, composition of, 106 Britannia metal, 456 British coals, composition of, 45 British Columbia, occurrence of gold in, 691 Bronze, 14, 456 Brown coal, charring of, 89 iron ores (older), 134 analyses of, 134 -, newer, 135 from Oolite, analyses of, 136 Brunton's calciner, 647 Bull-dog, 195, 281 slag, 196 Bullion, silver, fire assay of, 613 calculation of results, 614 > , quantity of lead required for cu- pellation, 614 alloyed with copper, lead required for cupellation, 615 618 humid assay, 617 standard solution, 617 decimal solution, 617 method of conducting an assay, , apparatus employed, 618 correction for temperature of standard solution, 623 -, preparation of standard solution, 623 , gold, assay of, 698 Burden, effects of, on character of slag, 194 Burnt cupreous pyrites, treatment of, 428 -, grinding and sifting, 429 calcination, 430 lixiviation, 432 process, 434 , precipitation of copper, 433 modifications of ordinary recovery of sodium sul- phate from waste liquors, 434 , composition of, 429 , proportion of salt and sul- phur required for roasting, 429 , assay for determining when completely calcined, 432 tals from, 679 iron, 310 cess, 327 extraction of precious me- formation of, by Bessemer's pro- Cadmia, 6 Cake-copper, 401 Caking coal, 43 C. effects of different methods of treatment on, 44 effect of exposure to air on, 44 effects of inorganic matter on, 44 unsuitable for metallurgical pro- cesses, 45 Calamine, 467 CAST-IRON, Calamine, calcination of, 477 brass, manufacture of, 437 Calcination and roasting, distinction between, 391 Calcining kilns of Cleveland district, coal used in, 256 California, gold-fields of, 689 Californian coal, 42 Calomel native, 492 Calorific intensity, definition of, 16 of fuel, 23 Calorific power, definition of, 16 of fuel, 16 of carbon, 18 of carbonic oxide, 19 of hydrogen, 19 o fuel, Berthier's method of esti- mating, 19 of coal, 22 determination of, by means of litharge, 27 Calorific powers, table of, 21 Calorimetric experiments of Rumford, 17 Canada, gold raised in, 691 Cannel coal, 47 Capacity and production of blast-furnaces, 250 Carbon, products of combustion of, 19 calorific power of, 18 > state of, in steel, 114 percentage of, in cast-iron, 115 state of, in cast-iron, 262 graphitic, estimation of, in iron and steel, 348 combined, estimation of, in iron and steel, 349 determination of, in iron and steel, Eggertz's process, 351 Carbonic oxide, calorific-power of, 19 Carbonisation of coal in heaps, 66 construction of heaps, 66 regulation of combustion, 67 Carinthia, refinery process in, 268 puddling in gas-furnaces in, 284 Carinthian process for making steel, 321 Caron on state of carbon in steel, 114 Case-hardening, 115, 319 Cassiterite, 440 Castilian furnace, 553 ores suitable for, 554 removal of slag from, 554 -, expenditure of coke in, 554 use of scrap-iron in, 555 in Derbyshire, 534 Cast-iron, nitrogen in, 116 Bauerman on composition of, 116 state of silicon in, 117 effects of silicon on, 118 strength of, 250 state of carbon in, 262 silicon in, 262 partial decarburisation of, by cementa- tion, 343 746 INDEX. CAST-STEEL. CLAYS. Cast-steel, 344 manufacture of, 345 time occupied in melting, 346 fuel consumed in making, 346 Catalan process, for direct reduction of iron ores, 163 168 description of furnace, 163 -, hearth, 164 blowing-machine, or trompe, 165 regulation of air supply, 166 hammer employed in, 166 method of working, 166 , massouquettes from, 167 greillade, 167 reactions in, 167 , massoques, 168 time employed in working charge, weight of ore treated, 168 character of metal obtained, 168 Cementation, 115, 313 315 converting furnace for, 314 —, charging of, 314 time required for, 315 trial-bars, 315 preparation of charcoal for use in, 315 iron from Swedish ores, suited for, increase of weight experienced by iron during, 316 physical properties of bars before and after, 316 of cast-iron, 343 Cerussite, 516 Cervantite, 458 Charcoal, 50 relative advantages of quick and slow charring, 51 60 determination of yield of, 51 quantity of, yielded by different woods, , quantity of, produced by various methods of burning, 60 absorption of gases and water by, 61 peat, 61 from beech wood, composition of, 61 and coke manufacture of, by Mr. E. Rogers, 70 from brown coal, 89 piles, irregular contraction of, 53 -, yield of, per acre of forest-land, 241 Charcoal-burning in piles, 51 ? , disadvantage of, 57 in rectangular heaps, 55 collection of pyroligneous acid, 57 in long piles, 57 lation, 57 collection of products of distil- in China, 57 Charcoal hearth, methods of manufacturing iron in, 276 Charcoal kilns, varieties of, 58 grates of, 58 Charcoal kilns, for saving both tar and char- coal, 59 uncondensible gases evolved from, used as fuel, 60 253 furnace, Swedish, 206 utilisation of waste gases from, 206 furnaces, iron, 251 Styrian, ores treated in, 251 Von Fischer's, 252 Von Fridau's, 252 of Sweden, 252 > temperature of blast, 253 weekly production of, 253 consumption of charcoal in, Charring of wood, loss of bulk occasioned by, 56 in furnaces or kilns, 57 of peat in ovens, 63 of brown coal, 89 Chenot's process for direct reduction of iron, 172, 317 > construction of furnace, 172 cooling reduced metal, 173 charge of furnace, 172 balling of sponge, 173 Chili and Bolivia, copper supplied by, 377 Chilian mill, 713 Chill-casting, effect of, on carbon in iron, 114 China, charcoal-burning in, 57 Chlorination process for extraction of gold, 724 method of conducting, in Cali- fornia, 724 ? precipitation of the gold, 725 at Reichenstein, 725 at Schemnitz, 725 Chodnew, analysis of Obuchow's steel, 341 Chrysocolla, 372 Cinder-pig, 118, 195 Cinnabar, 491 modern deposits of, 492 Circular hot-blast stove, 219 -, passage of air through, 220 Claudet's process for the extraction of silver from burnt pyrites, 433, 679 681 analysis of strong liquors, 680 estimation of silver in the liquors, precipitation of silver, 681 analysis of silver precipitate, 681 Clausthal, reduction of lead ores at, 555 use of slag-nozzles, 556 collection of fume, 556 first matt, 557 , roasting first matts, 558 second matt, 558 third and fourth matt, 559 , copper matt, 559 Clausthalite, 516 Clay ironstones, 139 -, analyses of, 140 Clay's process for direct reduction of iron from cres, 171 Clays, fire, 101 INDEX. 747 CLAYS. Clays, fire, composition of British, 102 foreign, 103 effect of impurities on, 104 Cleveland ironstone, 141 district, roasting kiln in, 190 in, 231 in, 256 blast-furnaces in, 210 modifications of cup and cone used furnaces of, 253 ore smelted in, 256 -, average production of a furnace Cloez, method of extracting nickel, 360 Close-regulus, analysis of, 403 Coal, calorific power of, 22 -, composition and origin of, 38 occurrence of, 38 formation of, from woody tissue, 38 , nitrogen in, 39 sulphur in, 39 inorganic matter in, 39 red and white ash, 39 occurrence of minerals in, 39 brown, or lignite, 39 occurrence of, 40 Californian, 42 free-burning, 43 -, caking, 43 cretaceous, composition of, 43 bituminous, 43 effect of heat on the caking property of, 44 ashes, composition of, 46 cannel, 47 best suited for blast-furnace, 259 Coals, British, composition of, 45 , foreign, composition of, 46 Coarse-metal, granulation of, 379 Cobalt, 354 , ores of, 355 bloom, 355 glance, 355 and nickel, estimation of, 355 -, preparations of, 356 > separation of, from nickel, 356 oxide of, 356 blue, 358 Coccinite, 492 Cogging mills, Ramsbottom's, 337 Coke, 65 first employment of, 65 good quality, properties of, 66 influence of mode of preparation on, 66 making at St. Etienne, 74 produced in ovens, properties of, 76 composition and properties of, 88 , power of absorbing water, 88 suited for use in blast-furnaces, 242 furnaces, iron, 254 in Siegen district, 254 Coke-oven, 71 without fire-place, Rive-de-Gier, 74 lining of, 75 COPPER. Coke-oven, construction of, 74 charging of, 75 > , regulation of draught in, 75 charge, amount of, 75 continuous operation of, 76 duration of process, 76 Breckon and Dixon's, 77 nature of improvement, 77 quality and quantity of coke made in, 79 > , anchor, 79 cooling of coke from, 79 Pauwel's and Dubochet's, 81 use of, at St. Etienne, 82 Pernolet's, 82 products obtained by, 82 chief features of, 83 charge of, 83 condenser applied to, 86 washers, 86 time occupied in working charge, 87 treatment of impure coal in, 87 Coke-ovens, charge of, 72 drawing charges of, 72 near Newcastle, 73 cooling of, 73 collection of tar from, 80 Silesian, 80 -, charge of, 81 -, regulation of combustion, 18 coal used in, 81 waste heat from, 88 collection of ammonia from, 88 Coking in mounds, 67 70 dimensions of mound, 68 lighting of mounds, 68 in rectangular kilns, 68 , charging the kilns, 68 , airways left in, 69 -, regulation of draught, 69 time occupied by the process, yield of coke, 70 in ovens, 71 regulation of draught, 72 time taken in working a charge, 72 Cold-short iron, 310 Colour of metals, 8 Colouring of jewelry, 702 Combustion, products of, 16 Condensation of arsenious oxide, 400 Condie's steam hammer, 294 Condurrite, 373 Converter, Bessemer, 328 "2 number of charges of steel worked daily in, 338 Converters at Barrow-in-Furness, 338 Copper, importance of, in ancient manufac- tures, 4 ancient alloys of, 5 -, occurrence of, in peat, 37 nickel, 359 preparation of chemically-pure, 365 748 INDEX. COPPER. COWPER. Copper, properties of, 365 ร > effects of acids on, 365 met with in commerce, impurity of, 365 blue carbonate of, 370 sulphate of, 373 selenide of, 373 annual production of, in the world, 377 supplied from Chili and Bolivia, 377 available supplies of, since 1865, 377 estimation of, by potassium cyanide, 388 -, principles involved in metallurgy of, 391 refining of, 399 best-selected," 400 overpoled, 400 dry, 400, 404 tough-pitch, 404 cakes, 404 tiles, 401, 404 ingots, 404 precipitated from mine waters, 420 alloys of, 435 Copper-smelting, roasting the fine- or white- metal, 399 refining and toughening, 399 , making of "best selected," 400 modifications of English method, 402 Napier's method, 404 Rivot and Phillips's method, 406 Continental method, 407 in blast-furnace, Mansfeld, 410 Copper-extraction, wet processes for, 419 Cordurie's process, dezincification of lead, 588 Cornish assay of copper ores, 378 379 379 alloyed with manganese, &c., 436 matt obtained in lead smelting, 559 383 mica, 373 ? native copper, 366 cuprite, 366 melaconite, 367 redruthite, 367 copper pyrites, 368 erubescite, 369 tetrahedrite, 370 blue carbonate of copper, 370 green carbonate of copper, 371 chrysocolla, 372 ores, 366 iron, 385 " distribution of, 374 dry assay of, 378 wet assay of, 385 by precipitation by zinc or Pelouze's process, 387 by cyanide of potassium, 388 Copper-extraction, wet, German hydrochloric- acid process, 420 process, 421 rites, 428 at Twiste, 420 > Henderson's hydrochloric-acid Longmaid's processes, 422 Bankart's process, 423 Linz processes, 423 Sinding's process, 425 Henderson's process, 427 treatment of burnt cupreous py- Copper-smelting, English method of, 392 calcination of mixed ores, 393 fusion of calcined ores with raw ores, slags, &c., 396 calcination of granulated or crushed coarse-metal, 398 fusion of calcined coarse-metal with ores, slags, &c., 398 > > , apparatus employed, 378 preliminary examination, method of conducting assay, fusion for regulus, 379 calcination of the regulus,381 fusion for coarse copper, 382 refining, 382 treatment of slags for copper, method of assaying tin ores, 446 , process of lead-smelting, 544 > calcination, 545 flowing, 545 time occupied by, 546 Cornwall and Devon, lead ores in, 519 Coronarium, 5 Corsican process for direct reduction of iron ores, 169 up, 170 2 [169 roasting, reduction and fusion in, forging massé into bloom, 170 duration of roasting and working , expense of production by, 170) fuel used for, 170; yield, 170 Cost of blast-furnaces at Newport, 260 Cotunnite, 514 Couëron, lead-smelting at, 540 ores smelted at, 541 calcination of lead ores at, 542 smelting at, 543 repairing of furnace bottom at, 544 coal consumed at, 544 weight of charges, &c., 544 treatment of siliceous lead ores at, 564 calcination, 565 -, five-tuyer furnace, 566 reduction of roasted ores and grey slags, 567 568 , > water-casing of furnace, 568 composition of smelting mixture, lighting the furnace, 568 , management of furnace at, 569 quantity of material smelted, 570 loss of lead, &c., 571 silver refinery at, 589 Couplings of rolling mills, 300 Cowper's hot-blast stove, 222 INDEX. 749 COWPER. Cowper's hot-blast stove, action of, 223 temperature of blast from, 224 arrangement for prevention of choking, 224 Crace-Calvert, F., on estimation of sulphur in coal and coke, 26 Cradle, gold-washing in, 704 Cretaceous coal, composition of, 43 Creuzot, blowing engines at, 214 Crucibles, 106 , properties required in, 106 highly refractory, mixture for, 107 action of metallic oxides on, 107 and refractory materials, testing fusibil- ity of, 108 burnt and unburnt, 108 London, 108 , Cornish, 108 Hessian, 109 > French, 109 • plumbago, 109 for making cast-steel, 345 Crucible tongs, 145 Cryolite, preparation of aluminium from, 364 Crystallisation, 9 Cuprite, 366 D. Damascening, 347 Danks's rotative puddling furnace, 288 , description of, 289 supply of air to, 289 , separation of silicon and phos- phorus from iron in, 289 —, weight of ball from, 290 Dannemora iron ores, composition of, 129 Darlaston, method of collecting waste gases. at, 229 Davy, discovery of aluminium by, 363 Derbyshire, lead ores in, 519 by zinc, 584 FERROUS. Drying of peat, 34 Dry wood, elementary composition of, 31 distillation, 48 puddling, 278 method of conducting the opera- tion of, 283 copper, 400 Ductility of metals, Table, 11 Dufrenoysite, 515 Dumas's table of hardness of metals, 9 Duplex hammer, 295 E. EASTWOOD'S mechanical stirrer, 286 Eggertz's processes for analysis of iron and steel, 351 Eggertz on carbon in Swedish iron and steel, 352 Ekman's re-heating furnace, 305 Elasticity, 12 Electrum, 2 Elementary composition of dry wood, 31, 32 of dry peat, 35 Elevated temperatures, measurement of, 23 Elutia, 4 Embolite, 606 English method of copper-smelting, 392 ores treated by, 392 conditions to be observed in making mixtures, 392 393 calcination of mixed ores, fusion of calcined ores with raw ores, slag, &c., 396 calcination of granulated or crushed coarse-metal, 398 fusion of calcined coarse- metal with ores and slags, 398 metal, 399 Desilverisation of lead, 578 Detroit, composition of charges at, 254 Deville, Sainte-Claire, manufacture of alumi- nium by, 363 478 Deville and Debray's processes for treatment of platinum, 738 Dinas fire-brick, composition of, 106 Direct and indirect production of iron, appa- ratus for, 197 Dissociation of carbonic acid in blast-furnace, 197 Distillation, dry, 48 Distribution of iron ores, 127 Ditton Brook Iron-Works, 201 working of new furnace at, 257 Double shear-steel, 317 decompositions, lead-smelting by, 537 Dowlais, roasting kilns at, 187 capacity of furnace at, 258 blast cylinder at, 211 blowing engine at, 212 refinery at, 263 , roasting the fine- or white- refining and toughening, 399 modifications of, 402 process for the reduction of zinc ores, " fuel employed in, 479 duration of crucibles, 479 introduction of new pots, 479 , compared with other pro- magnetic iron ores, 130 cesses, 480 Erinite, 373 Errors in analysis of coal, Dr. Percy on, 26 Erubescite, 369 Erzgebirge tin-smelting in the blast-furnace, 455 Eucairite, 606 Euchroite, 373 Expansion of metals by heat, 13 FAHLERZ, 370 Ferrous silicates, 117 F. 750 INDEX. FETTLING. Fettling, materials used for, 281 effect of, on iron produced, 282 of Danks's rotative furnace, 288 Finishing rolls, 299 Finspong, composition of charges at, 253 Fire-bricks, 104 qualities required in, 104 manufacture of, 105 composition of, 105 labour and fuel required in manu- facture of, 105 -, blue, analysis of, 106 Fire-clays, properties and occurrence of, 104 Flach's process for extracting silver from lead, 587 method of conducting, 587 > , advantages of, 588 Flatting mill, 10 Flintshire process of lead-smelting, 538 543 " charge of furnace, 538 , grey slag from, 539 ores treated by, 539 modifications of, at Couëron, Flowing furnace, lead-smelting in, 546 Flue-cinder and tap-cinder, 304 Fluxes, effects of, on fusibility of slags and condition of iron in blast-furnace, 193 and slags in smelting iron ores, 190 Foreign coals, composition of, 46 metals in iron and steel 350 Forge- and mill-cinders, 195 -, sulphur and phosphorus in, 195 Forge-cinders, preparation of, for the blast- furnace, 196 Forge machinery and operations, 290 hammers, 291 tilt hammer, 291 helve hammer, 291 foundation for, 291 weights of castings for, 292 Forges, open, particulars of, 320 Forging press, Haswell's hydraulic, 297 Formall, 5 Fossey, blowing engine of, 265 Franklinite, 123 Free-burning coal, 43 Freiberg, production of bismuth at, 510 -, reduction of oxychloride of bismuth at, 511 refining of bismuth at, 512 -, cupellation at, 596 Freieslebenite, 606 Frémy on the composition of steel, 312 Fresenius, analysis of spiegeleisen, 549 Fuel, definition of, 15 constituents of, available as source of heat, 15 • calorific power of, 16 calorific intensity of, 23 Fume, lead, 597 ? GALENA. treatment of, at Pontgibaud, 562 Furnace, regenerative, 96 -, temperature of gases escaping from, 97 for, 97 > -, economy of fuel in, 97 accumulation of heat in, 97 material used in construction of, 9 surface of brickwork required re-heating, description of, 98, 303 , assay, 144 blast, Plymouth Iron-Works, 198 Oldbury, 202 Stockton, 203 Ditton Brook, 204 Swedish charcoal, 206 the Rachette, 207 top at Darlaston, 229 at Grosmont, 232 hoist, Newport, 234 -, Ayresome, 236 -, Styrian charcoal, 251 anthracite, 259 -, puddling, 278 at Neustadt, 285 , converting, 314 calcining, copper, 394 -, melting, 396 " rectangular, Mansfeld, 410 six-tuyer, Mansfeld, 412 roasting, 430 , tin, 452 , antimony liquation, 461 English zinc, 479 Belgian zinc, 481 Silesian zinc, 485 , mercury, at Idria, 501 aludel, 503 bismuth liquation, 510 cupelling, 533 lead-smelting, Couëron, 540 , Clausthal, 556 blast, lead, Pontgibaud, 561 five-tuyer, Couëron, 566 silver refinery, 589 German cupelling, 593 Stetefeldt, 663 97 Furnaces and crucibles, refractory materials for, 100 Fusibility of metals, 11 of refractory materials, testing of, 108 Fusible metal, 513 GALENA, 515 " G. containing sulphide of antimony, 515 occurrence of, 515 assay of, 526 , gaseous, 90 Fuels, artificial, preparation of, 50 Fume in copper calciner flues, 433 526 by fusion with sodium carbonate, by fusion with metallic iron, 527 INDEX. 751 GALENA. Galena, assay of, by fusion with carbonate of sodium and metallic iron, 528 in iron pots, 530 fusion with carbonate of sodium and nitre, 531 containing antimony, 531 Gallery of the Palatinate, 505 Gases, absorption of, by charcoal, 61 from peat, 91 Gas-furnaces, puddling in, 284 Gas-producer of Siemens, 92 fuel employed in, 92 reactions in, 92 temperature of gases from, 93 , composition of gases from, 95 analyses of gases from, 96 of copper ores, 383 German assay roasting, calcining, 384 melting for coarse copper, 384 refining, 384 cupellation, 593 GOLD. Gold, discovery of, in California, 689 occurrence of, in California and Aus- tralia, 690 in Canada, 691 in British Columbia, 691 in Nova Scotia, 691 in Mexico, 692 in Brazil, 692 in Australia, 692 total annual yield of the world, 694 employment of, by the Romans, 2 quartz, assay of, 695 fusion with litharge, carbo- nate of sodium, &c., 696 litharge only, 697 fusion with red lead or auriferous pyrites, 697 inquartation, 697 parting, 697 bullion, assay of, 698 lead necessary for cupelling, 700 surcharge, 700 effect of copper in various pro- portions, 701 determination by the touchstone, 701 quality used for jewelry and coinage, silver, 435 -, composition of different varieties, 436 refinery, 267 , weight of charge, 267 time occupied in working charge, 698 267 mechanical and metallurgical treatment loss of metal in, 267 of, 703 change produced in, 268 German or Walloon forge, 271 Gerstenhöfer's feeder, 662 Gibbs's process for recovery of sulphate of sodium from spent copper-liquors, 434 Gilding, 702 Gjer's calcining kiln, 189 Gleiwitz and Königshütte, refinery at, 267 Göthite, 124 Gold, properties of, 682 • fusion of, 682 precipitated, 682 action of acids on, 682 occurrence of, 683 native, 683 crystals of, 683 nuggets, 683 native, composition of, 684 distribution of, 684 in quartz veins, 684 712 placer mining, 703 , pan, 703 cradle, 704 tom, 705 puddling box, 705 sluice, 706 hydraulic mining, 709 extraction of, from auriferous veinstone, ings, 720 722 [685 721 the arrastra, 712 Chilian mill, 714 stamping mill, 714 amalgamation in battery, 714 blankets, 715 ·, amalgamated plates, 719 cleaning up, 719 amalgamation of blanket-wash- treatment of tailings, &c., 722 retorting and fusion into ingots, by chlorination, 724 from pyrites in Hungarian mill, use of sodium amalgam in, 722 amalgam, retorting and fusion, 722 cost of extracting from auriferous quartz, 723 extraction by the chlorination process at Reichenstein, 725 parting by sulphuric acid, 726 refining by chlorine gas, 728 -, analysis of silver resulting from the refining of, 732 native, quantity of silver in, 685 alluvial, 685 occurrence of, in Devon and Cornwall, in Wales, 685 in Scotland, 686 in Ireland, 686 in France, 686 in Spain, 687 in Italy, 687 in Germany, 687 [687 in Hungary and Transylvania, in Sweden, 687 in Russia, 687 [687 in Africa and other countries, " 752 INDEX. • GOSLARITE. IRON. Goslarite, 469 Grain-tin, preparation of, 455 Granulation of coarse-metal, 397 Grecanic, 5 Gregory, T. F., discoveries of tin in Queens- land, 443 Grey pig-iron, 247 cast-iron, conversion of, into white, 262 Grosmont, method of collecting waste gases at, 231 Guanaxuato, patio process at, 627 roasting apparatus at, 630 Guide train, 306 Guillotine shears, 302 Gun-metal, 14, 435, 456 Hæmatite, 123 H. Hammer used in German refinery, 274 -, steam, 292 Hammered iron, advantages of, 306 Hard wood, 30 head, 453 composition of, 454 Hardness of metals, 9 Hassenfratz on steel-making in 1812, 341 Haswell's hydraulic forging press, 297 -,.compressive power of, 297 Hawkins's process for making steel, 313 Heat, capacity of metals for, 13 pyrometric degree or intensity of, 16 unit of, 17 effect of, on the caking properties of coal, 44 261 effects of, on fuels, 48 waste, from coke-ovens, 88 objections to utilisation of, 88 absorbed for work done in blast-furnaces, Heath, Mr. J. M., on manufacture of Wootz, 317 Heaton's process, 268 , analysis of products from, 269 removal of silicon by, 269 Henderson's process for production of iron, 269 for the extraction of copper, 421, 427. Henry, Mr. T. H., on cause of blisters in blister-steel, 316 on composition of wootz, 317. Hepburn and Peterson's pan, 653 Hessite, 606 High temperatures, terms used to express, 24 Hindoo process for manufacture of steel, 317 History of metallurgy, 1 Hoists or lifts, 235 Hollow fire, 277 Homogeneous metal, 318 Horno de Gran tiro or Pavo, 571 Hot-blast, history of, 216 Hot-blast, temperature of, 217 stove, common, 217 modifications of, 218 222 circular, 219 -, passage of air through, 220 pistol-pipe, 221 at Neustadt, 221 use of waste gases for heating, Cowper's, 222 Whitwell's, 225 Hot process of amalgamation, 633 the cazo, 634 at Catorce, 634 Hungarian mill, 721 Huntsman, introduction of cast-steel by, 345 Hydraulic mining, 709 water required for, 710 work accomplished by, 710 cost compared with other methods, 711 2 , use of gunpowder in, 711 Hydrogen, calorific power of, 19 I. Idria, mercury ores at, 493 > treatment of mercurial ores at, 500 , apparatus used at, 500 charging the apparatus at, 500 condensation of last traces of mercury at, 501 fuel employed at, 502 -, weight of charges at, 502 , , production of mines, 502 continuous process, 502 extraction of mercury in reverberatory furnaces at, 504 Ilmenite, 123. Improving of lead, 576 hard lead, 577 pans, 577 Inorganic matter in coal, 39 Inquartation, 695 Iron, employment of, in early times, 7 , properties of, 109 -, impurities in, 109 -, pure, preparation of, 110 electro-deposited, property of occluding hydrogen, 111 111 " employment in the arts in three forms, black oxide of, 112 , wrought, texture of, 111 fusibility of, 112 magnetism of, 112 rust, &c., of, 112 solution of, in acids, 113 and carbon, 113 state of carbon in, 113 , grey, white, and mottled, 114 INDEX. 753 IRON. Iron, cast, per cent. of carbon in, 115 effect of sulphur on, 115 silicon in, 115 and silicon, 117 and sulphur, 118 and phosphorus, 118 and nitrogen, 119 and manganese, 119 influence of other metals on, 120 alloys of, 120 sands, titaniferous, 130 metallurgy of, 159 reduction of ores to metallic state, 160 for tin-plates, 276 merchant, labour bestowed on the manu- facture of, 305 advantages of hammering, 306 plates and sheets, classification of,309,368 red-short, 310 168 cold-short, 310 burnt, 310 malleable, direct production of, 161 in India and Borneo, 161 in Africa, 161 in Catalan forge, 163 in American bloomery, 168 high bloomery or Stückofen, Corsican process for, 169 Clay's process for, 171 Chenot's process for, 172 Yates's process for, 173 Siemens's process for, 174 indirect method of obtaining, 176 , preparation of, by reverberatory pro- cess, 277 native, 121 meteoric, 121 ores, 121 > analyses of, 122 magnetic, 122 Franklinite, 123 titaniferous, or ilmenite, 123 KERMESITE. Iron ores, Berthier's process for the estimation of lime and magnesia in, 147 146 fluxes, 148 dry assay of, 146 preliminary operations and fluxes, classification of, 146 classification and proportion of —, proportion of fluxes in German iron-works, 149 for, 150 " method of conducting assay, 149 crucibles used for assay of, 150 , dry assay of, brasquing crucibles -, regulation of temperature, 150 > testing of button produced, 151 conclusions deduced from colour > of slag, 151 152 Swedish process, 152 wet assay of, by Marguerite's process, Penny's process, 154 -, advantages of, 155 dry and wet methods of assaying compared, 155 shire, 181 , analysis of, 156 estimation of water, 156 attack by hydrochloric acid, 156 estimation of sulphur, 158 -, phosphoric anhydride, 158 carbonic anhydride, 158 titanic oxide, 159 insoluble residue, 159 reduction of, 160 mechanical preparation of, 176 weathering of, 178 roasting or calcination of, 179 in open heaps, 179 at Königshütte, 180 in S. Wales and Stafford- between walls, 181 in furnaces or kilns, 182 removal of sulphates from, after specular, iron hæmatite, 123 Göthite, 124 roasting, 186 brown, 124 red, 125 iron pyrites, 125 carbonate of iron, siderite, 126 distribution of, 127 red, distribution of, 131 Dannemora, 129 analyses of, 133 older brown, 134 from Belfast, analysis of, 191 Ironstone, clay, 139 blackband, 140 Cleveland, analyses of, 142 J. newer brown, 135 , Spanish, 135 tertiary and post-tertiary, 137 bog, 138 of Cleveland, 141 quantities of, raised in the United Kingdom in 1871,142 2 Berthier's process for the estima- tion of water in, 147 JEWELRY, colouring of, 702 Joachimsthal, process for extraction of bis- muth at, 510 Von Patera's process at, 673 Jungfernblei, 550 K. KARSTEN, analyses of slags from spathic ores by, 193 Kermesite, 458 3 c 751 INDEX. KERMES. Kermes mineral, 462 Kilu hoist, Ayresome Iron-Works, 238 Kilns, charring in, 57 for charcoal-making, varieties of, 58 in which portion of the wood acts as fuel, 59 ployed, 59 in which independent fuel is em- Klaproth, analyses of cinnabar by, 491 Krupp, casting of steel, 344 Kupfergaarherd, 416 slags from, 417 Kupfernickel, 359 Kupferschiefer, 407 Lake Ores, 137 L. Lake Superior, furnaces and fuel for iron. smelting at, 258 Lancashire and Cumberland, weekly produc- tion of iron per furnace in, 257 Landsberg, retorts for mercury extraction at, 505 Langen's apparatus for collection of waste gases, 230 modification used at Hörde, 230 Lang's process for preparation of forge-cinder for use in blast-furnaces, 196 Lead, properties of, 513 • action of air and water on, 513 purity of commercial, 514 -, preparation of pure, 514 action of acids on, 514 ores, 514 , native, 514 oxide, 514 chloride, 514 sulphide, 515 and copper sulphides, 515 arsenical sulphide, 515 selenide, 516 " carbonate, 516 sulphate, 517 phosphate, 517 arseniate, 518 chromate, 518 ores, distribution of, 519- production of, in the United States, 520, 524 " in Belgium, 520 in Great Britain, 520 529 in Prussia, 521 in Austria, 521 in Spain, 523 in Italy, 523 in France, 523 assay of ores of, 524 assaying, method given by Mitchell, assay in iron pots, 530 sulphate, assay of, 532 LINZ. Lead, estimation of silver in ores of, 532 extraction of silver from, 576 improving or softening, 576 Pattinson's process for desilverisation of, 578 modifications of, 582 Parkes' process for desilverisation of, by zinc, 584 modifications of, 585 extraction of silver from, by cupelling or refining, 588 592 reduction of litharge from refinery, fume, 597 length of flues for collecting, 597 condition of lead in, 597 sheet, 598 pipe, 598 silver in, 598 alloys of, 601 metallurgy of, 537 Lead-smelting by method of double decom- positions, 537 by method by reactions, 537 in reverberatory furnaces, 538 Flintshire process, 538 at Couëron, 540 Cornish process, 544 in the flowing furnace, 546 in the Spanish furnace or boliche, 546 Bleiberg process, 548 with metallic iron in reverberatory furnace, 551 in blast-furnace, 551 slag-hearth, 551 -, Spanish slag-hearth, 553 > Castilian furnace, 553 at Clausthal, 555 at Pontgibaud, 559 , roasting of ores and subsequent smelt- ing with metallic iron, 559 at Couëron, 564 in the Horno de Gran Tiro or Pavo, 571 in shallow hearths, 571 in the Backwoods hearth, 571 in the ore-hearth or Scotch furnace, 572 in the American hearth, 575 Libethenite, 373 Lifts or hoists, 235 at Newport 235 prevention of overwinding, 236 Lignite or brown coal, 39 occurrence of, 40 composition of, 41 ashes, composition of, 42 Lime, use of as flux in blast-furnaces instead of limestone, 191 Linarite, 517 Linz, processes employed at, for copper-ex- traction, 423 424 treatment of poor sulphides at, 423 , poor oxides and carbonates at, INDEX. 755 LITHARGE. Litharge, determination of calorific power by means of, 27 from refinery, reduction of, 592 Longmaid's processes for the extraction of copper, 422 Lucas's patent for manufacture of steel, 313 for cementation of cast-iron, 344 Luce and Rozan's modification of Pattinson's process, 583 MAGISTRAL, 628 M. Magnetic iron ores, distribution of, 128 English, composition of, 130 Magnetite, 122 Malachite, 371 Malleability of metals, 10 Malleable iron, direct preparation of, 161 in India and Borneo, 161 in Africa, 162 cess, 163 168 > by Catalan or French pro- in the American bloomery, Corsican process, 169 in the Stückofen, 170 Clay's process for, 171 Chenot's process, 172 Yates's process, 173 Siemens's process, 174 Manganese and iron, 119 in Bessemer steel, 335 estimation of, in iron and steel, 349 alloyed with copper, &c., 436 Mannheim gold, 435 Mansfeld district, composition of, 407 copper schists treatment of copper schists of, 407 fuel employed in, 408 blast-furnace used in, 410 burning the schist, 409 > stein, 410 smelting for production of Roh- circular furnaces in, 413 , roasting the coarse-metal, 414 smelting for "Spurstem" or fine-metal, 414 415 &c, 415 > grinding granulated fine-metal, roasting ground fine-metal, 415 dissolving out sulphate of silver, fusion for black copper, 415 refining, 416 obsolete processes at, 417 liquation at, 417 amalgamation of copper matts at, 641 Ziervogel's process at, 668 -, composition of copper matts at, 668 comparative cost of silver extracted by various processes, 672 Marguerite's process for the estimation of iron, 152 METALLURGY. Marguerite's process for the estimation of iron, reactions in, 152 ing, 152 , operations necessary for conduct- -, preparation of standard solution, in, 153 solution of the ore, 153 determination of the iron, 154 Market lead, 579 Massicot, 514 Massoques, 168 Massouquettes, 167 McCone, Horn, and Fountain's Mechanical rabbles, 286 Melaconite, 367 Melanochroite, 518 Melting-house, 345 Mendipite, 514 pans, 654 Menelaus, experiments on mechanical pud- dling by, 287 Merchant iron, labour bestowed on manufac- ture of, 305 " best best, 305 treble best, 305 coal consumed in making, 305 Mercury, first mention of, 3 -, properties of, 489 commercial, 489 purification of by distillation, 489 by nitric acid, 490 alloys of, 490 uses of, 491 native quicksilver, 491 sulphide, 491 native calomel, 492 coccinite, 492 onofrite, 492 ammiolite, 492 ores, 491 > distribution of, 492 at Idria, 493 in Bohemia, 493 in Spain, 493 in Tuscany, 494 in Peru, 494 discovery of, in California, 494 annual production of, 495 , assay of, 495 extraction, from cinnabar, 498 principal methods of, 498 by roasting cinnabar, 498 , condensers, 499 by roasting in mounds, 499 at Idria, 500 filtration of mercury, 501 at New Almaden, 504 in reverberatory furnace, 504 ores, decomposition in close vessels, 505 Metallic oxides, action of, on crucibles, 107 Metallurgy, history of, 1 of iron, 159 of copper, 391 of tin, 451 3 c 2 756 INDEX. METALLURGY. Metallurgy of antimony, 460 of zinc, 477 of mercury, 498 of bismuth, 509 of lead, 537 of silver, 623 of platinum, 736 Metals known to the ancients, 1 -, physical properties of, 8 colour of, 8 lustre and opacity of, 8 -, crystallisation of, 9 -, specific gravity of, 9 hardness of, 9 precipitation of, from solution, 10 malleability of, 10 fusibility of, 11 elasticity and sonorousness of, 12 odour and taste of, 12 , power of conducting heat of, 13 capacity of, for heat, 13 expansion of, by heat, 13 volatility of, 13 effect of alloying, 14 Miargyrite, 606 Mill for rolling sheet-lead, 599 Mills and forges at work in Great Britain, 311 Mill-piles, 301 Mill rolls, 229, 305 -, three-high train, 306 Millerite, 359 Miller, F. B., process for refining gold, 728 , generation of chlorine, 729 results afforded by process, 731 separation of gold from silver chloride, 731 fineness of gold and silver resulting from, 731 Minary and Soudry process for preparation of forge-cinders, 196 Mine-pig, 118 Mispickel, cobalt in, 355 Mosaic gold, 435 Mottled pig-iron, 247 Muntz's metal, 438 Müsen district, spiegeleisen made in, 255 Mushet's steel, 313, 318 N. NAIL-rods, rolling of, 310 Napier's method of copper-smelting, 404 Native iron, 121 copper, 366 antimony, 457 zinc, 466 mercury, 491 bismuth, 508 lead, 514 silver, 602 gold, 683 ORES. Native platinum, 733 Naumannite, 606 Neuberg, Bessemer plant at, 333 carbon in Bessemer steel at, 335 Neustadt, hot-blast stove at, 221 waste gases used in, 222 gas puddling furnace, 285 New Almaden, California, extraction of mer- cury at, 504 Newport, lift at, 235 New South Wales, tin discoveries in, 444 Newton, process for making steel, 313 Nickel, 358 and cobalt, estimation of, 355 ores, 358 glance, 359 metallurgy of, 360 use of, in the arts, 361 fusion of, 361 oxide, reduction of, 361 Nitrogen in coal, 39 in cast-iron, 116 Noad, analysis of metal and slag from Parry's refinery, 267 North of England, blowing engines in, 214 Nova Scotia, gold in, 692 O. OBUCHOW's steel process, 321 -, analysis of, 341 Occlusion of hydrogen by electro-deposited iron, 111 Oersted's method of preparing aluminium from its chlorides, 363 Oker, extraction of silver and gold from Cõpper at, $77 678 granulation of the metal, 678 crystallisation of sulphate of copper, treatment of "mud" containing silver and gold, 679 -, quantities worked at, 679 Oldbury, blast-furnace at, 201 Ollaria, 5 Onofrite, 492 Oolites, analysis of brown iron ores from the, 136 Ore-furnace slag, 396 Ore-hearth, lead-smelting in, 572 roasting, 573 smelting, 573 browse, 573 quality of lead produced in, 575 cost of melting in, 575 Ores of iron, 121 cobalt, 355 nickel, 358 copper, 366 tin, 440 antimony, 457 zinc, 465 INDEX. 757 ORES. PIG-IRON. Ores of mercury, 491 lead, 514 silver, 602 Orichalcum, 5 Oven, coke, description of, 71 Overpoled copper, 400 Oxland and Hocking's calciner, 447 Oxland's process for separation of tungsten from tin ores, 450 Packfong, 435 P. Palatinate, gallery of, 505 Pan, gold washing in the, 704 Pans, Washoe process, 649 Varney's, 650 Hepburn & Peterson's, 653 McCone, Horn, & Fountain's, 654 charging of, 654 , heating, 654 addition of mercury, 654 > , use of chemicals, 654 Parkes's process for desilverisation of lead, 584 585 at Llanelly, 584, 585 modifications of, 585 -, proportion of zinc required for, dezincification of the lead, 586 Flach's improvements on, 587 Parry's refinery, 266 result of one week's working at Ebbw Vale, 266 267. analyses of metal and slag from, Parting of silver from gold, 694 by sulphuric acid, 726 treatment of the separated gold, 727 , precipitation of the silver, 727 recovery of sulphate of copper, 727 of alloys containing large quantities of copper, 727 nse of platinum vessels for, 728 use of cast-iron vessels for, 728 by means of nitric acid, 728 Patio process for extraction of silver, 625 -, rough stamping, 625 2 fine grinding, 625 at Guanaxuato, 626 at Zacatecas, 627 yield of gold by, 627 the patio, 628 addition of magistral and mercury to the torta, 629 -, assay or tentadura, 629 treading of the torta, 630 washing, 630 filtration of amalgam, 631 -, retorting of amalgam, 632 results obtained by, 632 chemical reactions of, 633 Pattinson's process for extraction of silver from lead, 576 Pattinson's process for extraction of silver from lead, method of thirds, 579 at Pontgibaud, 580 by manual labour, 580 by use of cranes, 581 method by eighths, 582 modifications of, 582 -, système Laveissière, 582 crystallising by steam, 583 Pauwels & Dubochet's coke-oven, 81 Pea iron ore, 125 Peat, origin of, 33 and turf, distinction between, 34 cutting of, 34 dredging of, 34 ashes, 35 dry, elementary composition of, 35 air-dried, water in, 35 2 composition of, 36 obstacles to the use of, 36 , processes for improvement of, 36 occurrence of iron pyrites in, 37 of organic salts of calcium in, 37 of copper in, 37 , gases from, 91 , charring of, in heaps, 62 in ovens, 63 -, apparatus used for, at Crouy-sur- Ourcq, 63 -, by superheated steam, 64 Peat-charcoal or coke, 61 unsuitability of, for metallurgical purposes, 61 Pelouze's process for estimation of copper, 387 Penny's process for volumetric estimation of iron, 154 Pentlandite, 359 Percy, Dr., on errors in analysis of coal, 26 Pernolet's coke-oven, 82 chief features of, 83 charge of, 83 condenser applied to, 86 washers, 86 time occupied in working a charge in, 87 87 , precautions necessary in working, treatment of impure coal in, 87 difference between Pauwels & Du- bochet's and, 88 Peters, on composition of spathic ore at Müsen, 250 Pewter, 456 Phosphorus in iron, 118 effect of, on iron, 119 estimation of, in iron and steel, 349 Physical properties of metals, 8 Pig-boiling, 278 Pig-iron, amount produced by various coun- tries, 143 , white, 247 , grey, 247 mottled, 247 758 INDEX. PIG-IRON. Pig-iron from Franklinite, 247 ? composition of, 248 Swedish, sulphur in, 253 Piles for heavy plates, 309 for boiler-plates, 309 for large sheets, 309 Pimple-copper, 404 Pinchbeck, 435 Pipe, lead, 598 Pistol-pipe stove, 221 Placer mining, 703 pan, 703 cradle, 704 Tom or long Tom, 705 " puddling box, 705 sluice, 706 Placers, 690 amalgamated copper plates, 708 ground-sluice, 709 hydraulic mining, 709 Plates and sheets, rolling of, 308 Platinum, properties of, 732 black, 733 distribution of, 733 , occurrence of, 733 , native, impurity of, 733 } analyses of, 734 amount yielded by various countries, 734 estimation of, 735 > metallurgy of, 736 uses of, 738 Plattner's process for extraction of gold, 724 Pliny's description of properties of mercury, 3 of occurrence of gold, 1 of iron, 7 Plumbo-resinite, 518 nigrum, 1 Plumbum candidum, 4 Plymouth, blast-furnaces at, 198 Polybasite, 604 Pontgibaud, lead-smelting at, 559 ? roasting, 559 lit de grillage, 560 reverberatory furnaces, 560 smelting, 561 lit de fusion, 561 loss of silver and lead, 562 treatment of fume, 562 Pattinson's process at, 580 Precipitation of metals from solution, 10 Precipitate, copper, percentage of copper in,434 Price & Nicholson's process, 342 Prince's metal, 435 Printers' blue, 358 type, 14 Products of combustion, 16 of carbon, 19 Proustite, 606 Prussia, charcoal furnaces in, 254 Przibram, ore-hearth at, 576 Pseudo-malachite, 373 Puddling of iron, 277 varieties of fuel used for, 277 PYROMORPHITE. Puddling, reactions of, 277 • wet, 278 dry, 278 , operations included in, 282 282 286 method of conducting the operation, melting the charge, 282 mixing the iron and slag, 282 elimination of the carbon, 283 balling, 283 in gas-furnaces, 284 in Carinthia, in gas-furnaces, 284 at Neustadt, 285 in Siemens's regenerative gas-furnace, tools employed jn, 286 mechanical, 286 of steel, consumption of fuel in, 324 Puddling furnace, 278 " lining of, 281 charge of, 284 coal consumed in, 284 Danks's rotative, 287 Spencer's, 290 Puddling rolls, 299 speed of, 301 box, 705 Puddled iron, yield of, 302 302 bar, 300 conversion of, into merchant iron, Puddled steel, 321 323 unon, 323 iron most suitable for, 322 furnace used for manufacture of, fluxes used in manufacture of, 323 action of highly-oxidised slags charge, 323 324 deductions from appearance of stirring of, 323 -, balling of, 324 shingling of, 324 time occupied in working a heat, at Lohe, 325 at Geisweide, 325 at Zorge, 325 treatment of balls, 325 reaction in manufacture of, 326 slags from, 326 Purple ore, 281, 433 Pyrargyrite, 605 Pyrites, copper, 368 iron, 125 from Elba, 126 from Spain and Portugal, 126 , cupreous, composition of, 429 Pyrometric degree or intensity of heat, 16 Pyrometer, Wilson's, 23 Siemens's electric, 24 Schinz's, 24 Pyromorphite, 517 INDEX. 759 QUEENSLAND. Q. Queensland, tin-discoveries in, 443 Quicksilver, native, 491 R. Rabbles, mechanical, 286 Rachette furnace, 207 description of, 209 -, arrangement of tuyers, 209 Rails, removal of rough ends from, 302 Rail-piles, 305 ingots, 337 Ramsbottom's duplex hammer, 295 cogging mill, 337 Raw steel, 319 Reactions in blast-furnace, 197 lead-smelting by, 537 Réaumur on manufacture of steel, 340 Rectangular heaps, charcoal-burning in, 55 kilns, coking in, 68 coking kilns, regulation of draught, 69 yield of coke, 70 Red iron ores, 131 Redruthite, 367 Red-short iron, 310 analyses of, 133 Reduction works, general arrangement of, 659 Refining of iron, 262 at Dowlais, 263 crude pig-iron, method of conducting operations, 264 Refinery, melting-down, 264 , running-in, 264 ? charge worked in, 265 action of slag in, 265 time occupied in working charge, 265 " blast required for, 266 , weekly production of, 266 fluxes used in, 266 Parry's, 266 German, 267 Refinery process in Carinthia, 268 Heaton's, 268 -, Henderson's, 269 Refinery-slag, 399 Refining copper, in Cornish assay, 382 of gold by chlorine gas, 728 Refractory materials, testing fusibility of, 108 • for furnaces and crucibles, 100 fire-stones, 100 siliceous sand, 101 fire-clays, 101 plastic property of, 101 , British, composition of, fire-clays, foreign, composition of, 103 Regenerative furnace, 96 ROUGHING ROLLS. Regenerative furnace, temperature of gases escaping from, 96 -, economy of fuel in, 97 accumulation of heat in materials used in construction of, 97 97 for, 91 Regulare, 5 surface of brickwork required in, Siemens's, advantages claimed Regulus, fusion for, in Cornish assay, 381 Re-heating furnace, description of, 98, 99, 302 304 " time occupied in working a heat, weight of piles for, 304 Ekman's, 305 Reichenstein, preparation of metallic arsenic at, 464 Retort at Virginia City, 658 Retorting of amalgam, 657 and fusion of auriferous amalgam, 722 Retorts at Landsberg for extraction of mer- cury, 505 Reverberatory furnaces, use of, in English method of copper-smelting, 393 Reversing rolls, 300 Rhenish Prussia, blowing engines in, 216 Rich lead, 579 Riepe's process, specification of, 321 Riley on iron and steel, 289 Rinmann's green, 358 Rive-de-Gier, coke-ovens at, 74 Rivot and Phillips's method of copper-smelting, 406 Roaster-slag, 399 Roasting and calcination, distinction between, 391 Roasting or calcination of iron ores, 179 Roasting kiln, in Styria, 182 ว Altenberg, 186 Dowlais, S. Wales, 187 of Gjers, 189 at Cleveland, 189 Rogers on manufacture of charcoal and coke, 70 Rolling metal, 10 Rolling mill, Wagner's, 306 Ramsbottom's, 307 size and speed of, 308 of armour-plates, 308 Rolls, communication of motion to, 299 roughing, 299 finishing, 299 -, couplings of, 300 reversing, 300 three-high train of, 301 puddling, speed of, 301 Rotative puddling furnaces, 287 Tooth's, 287 Danks's, 288 Roughing rolls, 299 760 INDEX. RUMFORD. Rumford's calorimeter, data required for, 18 table of calorific powers of woods, 21 Rust, formation of, accelerated by presence of carbonic acid, 112 by electric action, 112 Sand bed, 246 S. Sardinia, zinc ore raised in, 471 Schemnitz, Hungarian mill at, 721 Schilling on reactions in puddling for steel, 325 Schinz's pyrometer, Schneeberg, process for extraction of bismuth at, 509 Scorification, 612 Scotch blast-furnaces, produce of, 258 Selbite, 606 Selenide of copper, 373 Senarmonite, 458 Separators, Washoe process, 655 Settling tanks, Washoe process, 648 Shallow hearth, lead-smelting in, 571 Shears, 301 guillotine, 302 Shear-steel, 316 Sheet-lead, 598 zinc, 488 Sherman, refining of iron by iodine or iodides, 270 Siberia, ancient smelting in, 3 remains of furnaces found in, 131 Siderite, 126, 138 Siegen district, steel-making in, 321 Siemens's electric pyrometer, 24 regenerative furnace, advantages claimed for, 91 gas-producer, 92 remarks on cooling of gaseous current from producer, 93 296 gas-producer, fuel used in, 92 reactions in, 92 temperature of gases from, 93 regenerative gas-furnace, puddling in, , process for direct reduction of iron oles, 174 175 176 -, description of apparatus, 174 working of apparatus, 174 bauxite used in, 174 time occupied in working charge, making cast-steel in, 175 addition of spiegeleisen, 165 ferro-manganese, 175 compared with indirect methods, theoretical quantity of iron pro- ducible in, 176 Siemens-Martin process for the manufacture of steel, 342 -, assays of metal from, 343 SILVER. Siemens-Martin process, mixtures employed by M. Martin, 343 Silesian process of extracting zine, 484 description of furnace, 484 manufacture of retorts, 485 , precautions in starting new fur- nace, 486 ores treated by, 487 charging the retorts, 487 ore treated at Llansamlet, 487 loss in calcination, 487 duration of furnace, 487 re-melting the zinc, 488 Silicates, ferrous, 117 Silicon in cast-iron, 115, 262 353 state of, in cast-iron, 117 effects of, on cast-iron, 118 in Bessemer process, 335 estimation of, in iron and steel, 348, Silver, estimation of, in ores of lead, 532 volatility of, 535 536 " per ton of ore, table for calculating, cupelling or refining, 568 absorption of oxygen by, 601 action of caustic alkalies on, 602 action of acids on, 602 annual production of, in the United Kingdom, 607 Norway and Sweden, 607 France, 607 , Germany, 607 , Spain, 607 Italy, 607 North America, 608 Peru, 609 Bolivia, 610 Chili, 610 Silver bullion, fire assay of, 613 humid assay of, 617 metallurgy of, 623 extraction by patio process, 625 , by stove amalgamation, 632 by hot process, 633 by amalgamation in barrels, 635 by Washoe process, 542 , by Augustin's process, 664 by Ziervogel's 666 by Von Patera's 673 "" 679 "" by Claudet's and gold, extraction by sulphuric acid, native amalgam, 603 677 native, 602 arquerite, 603 " argentite, 603 stephanite, 604 , polybasite, 604 , pyrargyrite, 605 chloride, 605 iodide, 606 bromide, 606 INDEX. 761 81 Silver ores, 602 " 607 SILVER. distribution of, 606 production of various countries, discovery of, in Spain, 607 in Nevada, 608 , assay of, 610 by fusion with litharge, 610 by "" by scorification, 612 ST. ETIENNE. Spencer's revolving puddling machine, 290 Spiegeleisen, 114, 247 -, analysis of, by Fresenius, 249 composition of charges for production of, 255 treatment of, in the open hearth, 321 use of, in Bessemer process, 327 Sponge-iron, use of, for precipitating copper, 434 -, preparation of, 434 nitre, 611 treatment by fusion with plumbi- Squeezers, 295 ferous materials, 624 Sinding's process for precipitation of copper, 425 Single shear-steel, 317 Sireuil, Siemens-Martin process at, 342 Six-tuyer furnace, Mansfeld, 413 temperature of blast in, 413 Slags, blast-furnace, composition of, 192 " analyses of, 192 fiom treatment of spathic ores, analysis of, 193 effects of burden on, 194 found in refinery, 265 from puddled steel, 326 from Bessemer process, analysis of, 334 Slag-hearth, 551 men employed in working, 553 use of tap-cinder in, 553 Spanish, 553 Slate's engine, 215 Slimes, collection of, 649 Sluices, 706 riffles in, 706 use of mercury in, 707 amalgamated copper plates in, 707 cleaning up, 708 treatment of amalgam from, 709 ground, 709 Smalt, preparation of, 357 Smaltine, 355 Smithsonite, 468 Smyth, R. B., on occurrence of gold in Vic- toria, 693 Snelus on stages of the charge in Bessemer process, 336 -, report on Danks's furnace, 289 Soft wood, 30 Solder, fine, 456 plumber's, 456 , tin, 456 South Staffordshire, iron made in, 255 ores used in, 255 " flux, coal, 255 "" 255 "" Spain, mercury mines of, 493 Spanish iron ores, 135 Spathic iron ore, 138 at Müsen, 250 Specific gravity of metals, 9 of alloys, 14 of woods, 30 of charcoal, 60 Spring-steel, 316 reciprocating, 295 , rotary, 295 single and double, 296 Squeezer used in Danks's process, 298 Stamping mill, gold and silver, 645, 714 -, general arrangement of, 718 Steam hammers, 292 " single and double acting, 293 advantage of, 293 weight of, 293 small, 293 Condie's, 294 foundations for, 294 foundation for Krupp's, 294 at Woolwich arsenal, 295 Steel, ancient, 7 , composition of, 111 state of carbon in, 114 properties of, 312 methods of production of, 312 making, by addition of carbon to malleable iron, 313 312 317 by direct reduction of iron ores, spring, 316 shear, 316 Hindoo process for the manufacture of, Mushet's, 318 production by partial decarburisation of cast-iron, 319 in open hearths, 319 -, puddled, 321 334 loss in making, 324 Bessemer, classification of, in Sweden, analyses of, 337 treatment of, at Crewe, 337 manufacture of, by fusion, of a mixture of cast- and wrought-iron, 340 by fusion, of cast-iron with ferric oxide, 340 manufacture in England, A.D. 1812, 341 Obuchow's process for making, 341 -, cast, 344 hardening and tempering of, 346 analysis of, 347 Bessemer, carbon in, 335 and iron, carbon in, 352 St. Etienne, coke-making at, 73 762 INDEX. Stephanite, 604 STEPHANITE. Stetefeldt furnace, 661 Stetefeldt furnace, preparation of the ore, 661 > advantages of, 662 feeding-apparatus for, 662 Stibium, 8 Stockton Iron-Works, 201 Stove amalgamation, 633 Stromeyerite, 606 Stückofen, or high bloomery furnace, 170 in Carniola, 171 fuel used in the, 171 Styria, charcoal furnaces of, 251 Styrian kilns, 182 process for making steel, 321 steel, copper in, 336 Sulphide of antimony, ancient use of, 8 Sulphur, F. Crace-Calvert, on estimation of, 26 in coal, 39. effects of, on cast-iron, 115 estimation of, in iron and steel, 348 > Eggertz's process for, 352 Sulphuric acid, extraction of gold and silver by, 677 Swansea, anthracite furnaces in neighbour- hood of, 258 Sweden, manufacture of iron in charcoal hearth in, 276 Swedish charcoal furnace, 206 TAILINGS, 659 T. treatment of, 729 Tap- and flue-cinder, 304 Tapping of blast-furnace, 245 Tar, &c., collection of, from coke-ovens, 80 Temperature of hot-blast, 217 Tempering of steel, 246 Tenacity of metals, alterations of, by change of temperature, 11 Tertiary and post-tertiary iron ores, 137 Test, preparation of, for refining, 589 Tetrahedrite, 370 Tetradymite, 508 Thenard's blue, 358 Thin sheets, rolling of, 310 · Thomas and Laurent's blowing engine, 215 Three-high mill train, 306 Tile-copper, 401 Tilt hammer, 274 at Finspong, 177 Tin, alloys of, 455 physical properties of, 439 preparation of pure, 440 action of acids on, 440 ores, 440 cassiterite, oxide of tin, 440 pyrites, 441 distribution of, 442 mode of occurrence, 442 VARIATION. Tin ores, assay of, 444 447 -, roasting of, 446 in reverberatory furnaces, 446 Oxland and Hocking's calciner, advantages of, 449 separation of tungsten from, 450 metallurgy of, 451 ores, treatment of, 452 smelting, 452 refining, 453 Tin-plates, iron for, 276 Tin, refined, 453 Tin-smelting, treatment of slags and residues, 454 > in blast-furnaces, 454 fuel employed, 455 in the Erzgebirge, 455 , quantity of fuel used in, 455 poling, 453 tossing, 454 , consumption of fuel in, 454 Tom or long tom, 705 Tongs, crucible, 145 Tools employed in puddling, 286 Tooth's mechanical puddling furnace, 287 Touchstone for testing gold, 701 Tough-pitch copper, 400, 404 Trompe, 165 Tungstate of soda, uses of, 451 Tungsten, separation of, from tin ores, 450 Tunnel head, 201 Turf, 33 Turf and peat, distinction between, 34 Turf, use of, in blast-furnaces, 242 Tuyers, 201 209 arrangement of, in Rachette furnace, number of, in different furnaces, 227 Twiste, copper extraction-works at, 420 Type, printers, 14, 456 U. Uchatius's process, 340 Ulrich, G. H. F., tin ore discoveries in N.S. Wales, 444 Unit of heat, 17 United Kingdom, production of iron ore in, during 1871, 142 United States of America, gold-fields of, 688 ? annual zinc-production of, 470 Ural mountains, ancient mines on borders of, 2 Ure, Dr., apparatus at Landsberg for mercury- extraction, 506 Utilisation of waste gases, 227 Valentinite, 458 Vanning, 445 V. Variation in pressure of blast, 216 INDEX. 763 Varney's pan, 650 VARNEY. -, operation of, 653 Vauquelinite, 518 steel, 318 Vickers, W., patent for production of cast- Victoria, occurrence of gold in, 693 Vieille Montagne, zinc ores used at, 480 calcination of ores at, 480 washing of ores at, 480 furnaces at, 481 Vignoles's patent for charring of peat by super-heated steam, 64 Voltzite, 469 Von Patera's process for silver extraction, 673 2 roasting, 673 lixiviation with water, 674 lixiviation with sodium hypo- sulphite, 674 time occupied in lixiviation, 675 precipitation of the silver, 675 preparation of the precipitant, 675 silver obtained by, 676 cost of, &c., 676 treatment of silver sulphide, 676 residues, 677 W. Waggon drop, pneumatic, 241 Wagner's rolling mill, 306 Walloon forge, 271 > cess, 273 " " charge for, 273 manner of conducting the pro- cooling the hearth, 274 treatment of slags from, 274 hammering the bloom, 274 hammer employed, 274 tilt hammer, 275 weight of bloom from, 276 Washoe process of amalgamation, 642 classification of ores for, 643 breaking of ores for, 643 stamping mill, 643 settling tanks, 648 collection of slimes, 649 , pans, 649 , separators, 655 , agitator, 656 retorting and melting, 657 , tailings, 659 general arrangement of reduction works, 659 results obtained by, 659 chemical reactions of, 660 Waste gases, utilisation of, 227 > first attempts for utilisation of sensible heat of, 228 228 improvement by James P. Budd, inflammable, utilisation of, 228 from charcoal furnaces, 228 WOOTZ. Waste gases, method of collecting, at Darlas ton, 229 of, 230 230 2 coal, 233 Langen's apparatus for collection collection of, by cup and cone, in Cleveland, 230 at Grosmont, 231 at Barrow-in-Furness, 231 composition of, 232 from furnaces working with raw from blast-furnaces, solid matter carried over by, 235 collection of, at Mansfeld, 413 Water, absorption of, by charcoal, 61 -, coke, 88 Water-tuyers, material used in construction of, 227 balance, 237 Weathering of iron ores, 178 Welsh blast-furnaces, ores employed in, 257 Wet puddling, 278 assay of copper ores, 384 extraction of copper, 419 White cast-iron, advantages of, for manufac- ture of malleable iron in open fires, 270 , production of, 263 nickel, 359 lead, manufacture of, 516 arsenic, manufacture of, 463 annual production of, 463 White-metal, 399 Whitwell's hot-blast stove, 225 dimensions of, 225 225 at Consett works, 225 ❤ material used in construction of, hot-blast and gas-valves for, 225 , arrangements for cleaning, 226 time occupied in cleaning, 226 , economy of, 227 Willemite, 468 Wilson's pyrometer, 23 Winslow's squeezer, 298 Wire, manufacture of, 11 Wöhler's method of obtaining aluminium, 363 Wollaston's process for treatment of plati- num, 736 modification of, 737 Wood, calorific power of, 21 composition of, 29 proportion of water in, 29 air-drying of, 29 dried at 136° C., 30 hard, 30 soft, 30 ash of, 32 , quantity of charcoal yielded by deter- mination of, 51 Woods, various, quantities of charcoal yielded by, 60 Wootz, 317 764 INDEX. WROUGHT IRON. Wrought or malleable iron, 111 texture of, 111 fusibility of, 112 magnetism of, 112 rust, &c., on, 112 production of, from cast-iron in open fires, 270 shire, 284 superior quality made in York- , analysis of, 347 X. XANTHOCONITE, 606 YATES's process, 173 Yellow-metal, 438 Y. ZINCITE. Zinc, metallic, first mention of, 7 history and properties of, 464 , preparation of pure, 454 combustion of, 465 oxide of, as a pigment, 465 ores, 465 native, 466 red oxide of, 466 sulphide of, 466 carbonate of, 467 silicate of, 468 anhydrous silicate of, 468 sulphate of, 469 oxysulphide, 469 ores, distribution of, 469 annual production of, in U.S.A., 470 ores raised in Sardinia, 471 annual production of, in Europe, 471 ores, assay of, 472 fire assay of, by distillation, 472 -, by difference, 472 humid assay of, by difference, 473 volumetric assay of, 474 contained in an ore, estimation of, Z. ZACATECAS, patio process at, 627 washing apparatus at, 631 475 Zaffres, 357 assay of, interference of foreign metals, Zaratite, 359 476 Zechstein, 407 " Ziervogel's process for the extraction of silver, 667 materials suitable for treatment by, 668 , roasting, 668 672 , composition of charges. 669 testing roasted ore, 670 use of oak as fuel, 670 loss of silver in roasting, 671 lixiviation and precipitation, 671 treatment of precipitated silver, 480 metallurgy of, 477 roasting ores of, 477 grinding calcined ore, 478 English process for extraction of, 478 Belgian process for extracting, 480 ores, loss experienced in calcination, furnaces at Vieille Montagne, 481 , arrangement of retorts, 482 Silesian process of extraction, 484 re-melting of, 488 comparison of the different methods of extracting, 488 per, 672 employment of precipitated cop- sheet, 488 Zincite, 466 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CHOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS, SCIENTIFIC WORKS BY W. J. 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