B 428179 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING EDWARD CRESY. TA 145 .C92 1872 LONGMANS & CO. ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VALOVER KUKU EXC PLURIBUS TUEBOR SI QUARĪS PENINSULAY AMŒNAMÉ CIRCUMSPICE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TA WORKS BY SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, BART. C.E. LL.D. F.R.S. F.G.S. &c. Useful Information for Engineers: Being a FIRST SERIES of Lectures delivered before the Working Engineers of Yorkshire and Lancashire. With Appendices, containing the results of Experimental Inquiries into the Strength of Materials, the Causes of Boiler Explosions, &c. Fourth Edition, revised; with Plates and Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price 10s. 6d. 'Sir W. FAIRBAIRN's name is a guarantee for the soundness of this work. It treats of steam, fuel, and boilers, the working classes, as they will one day be called; with an appendix on wrought iron,-the workman's jacket stuff. Though a professional book, it is as much adapted for the general reader as such a book can be.' ATHENÆUM. Useful Information for Engineers, SECOND SERIES: containing Experimental Researches on the Collapse of Boiler Flues and the Strength of Materials, and Lectures on Popular Education and various Subjects connected with Mechanical Engineering, Iron Ship-building, the Properties of Steam, &c. Second Edition; with Plates and numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price 10s. 6d. Useful Information for Engineers, 6d. THIRD SERIES, as comprised in a Course of Lectures on the Applied Sciences, and on other kindred subjects; together with Treatises on the comparative merits of the Paris and London International Exhibitions, on Roofs, on the Atlantic Cable, and on the effect of Impact on Girders. With a Plate and 56 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price 10s. 'All Sir W. FAIRBAIRN's papers are written in a clear and popular style, and, as far as possible, divested of mechanical technicalities, so that they may be read with interest not only by amateur or professional engineers, but by the general public. Much of the information conveyed possesses a wider appli- • cation than is suggested by the title, and the work is really an attractive one even to the ordinary reader. It is not too tech- nical nor abstruse, and may be read with pleasure and profit by all who take an interest in either civil or mechanical engineering.' GLASGOW HERALD. A Treatise on Mills and Millwork. New Editions, carefully revised, of both Volumes. VOL. I. The Principles of Mechanism and Prime Movers; with 8 Plates and 176 Woodcuts. VOL. II. Machinery of Transmission, and the Construction and Arrangement of Mills; with 10 Plates and 146 Woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo. price 32s. cloth, or separately 16s. each volume. 'THIS valuable work is now complete, and we doubt not that it will receive from engineers the reception to which its merits fully entitle it. It is a book which no engineer's library should be without.' SPECTATOR. "THE whole subject is so ably and syste- matically treated that we believe there is no question connected with millwork upon which the practical man is likely to require informa- tion that he will not find fully elucidated in Sir W.FAIRBAIRN's work. It is a work which com- mends itself to all engaged in the engineering MINING JOURNAL. profession.' 'The entire work forms a most valuable book of reference. The engineer, even if inexperienced in the construction of any particular class of machinery, need never be at a loss for the correct solution of a minute question of detail. The tables interspersed give the speeds of all the machines treated of, from the smallest to the largest; while general information is put before the reader in a pleasing and accessible form. We cordially recommend the book to the mechanical engineer as one of the best of its kind.’ MECHANICS' MAGAZINE. 'As the most successful and most extensive master-millwright in the world. Sir W. FAIR- BAIRN has done good service to the profession of engineering by the publication of this work. The subject is one on which there has been a singular dearth of published information; most other important branches of engineering have been treated at length by more or less able authors, but the mysteries of the mill- wright's craft have been hitherto preserved mainly in oral traditions and empirical rules. No fitter person than Sir W. FAIRBAIRN could have been found to give this floating informa- tion a shape. Commencing his work as a millwright some fifty years ago, he found the practice of millwork in a most primitive condition. By the application of new prin- ciples, by the concentration of motive power, the substitution of cast-iron wheel-work for the old and cumbrous forms of wooden gear, the improvement of water-wheels by the invention of ventilating buckets, the use of the steam- engine as a prime mover, and last, not least, the introduction of wrought-iron shafting of small diameter, he brought about just such a revolution in the millwright's art as the increasing commercial activity of his time demanded.' JOURNAL of SCIENCE. London: LONGMANS and CO. 14-5 692 1872 Works by Sir W. FAIRBAIRN, Bart. C.E. The Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged, with Corrections and Additions. To which is added a Short Treatise on Wrought Iron Bridges, with Additions, &c. With 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. THIS work, which is entirely of a practical character, has been carefully revised by the Author. The new edition comprises, in addition to its former contents, an account of the most recent improvements in fire-proof buildings, the employment of wrought-iron instead of cast-iron beams, and experimental Iron Ship-Building: 8vo. price 16s. researches on the effects of vibration on beams, girders, and bridges. The new APPENDIX includes, amongst other papers, an account of the bridge intended to cross the Rhine at Cologne; followed by some remarks on the fall of a Cotton Mill arising from defective beams and defective construction. Its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches on the Laws of Strain; the Strengths, Forms, and other con- ditions of the Material; and an Inquiry into the Present and Prospective State of the Navy, including the Experimental Results on the Resisting Powers of Armour Plates and Shot at High Velocities. With 4 Plates and 130 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 18s. 'THIS is a complete history of the rise and progress of Naval Construction from the time when IRON was first employed for that purpose. As a work of reference and instruction to Shipbuilders, it is the most comprehensive and practical ever published.. It is a Cyclopædia of facts, figures, and theories on ship-building in every branch, including even cupola ships and their armaments.' ..... SHIPPING GAZETTE. 'Sir W. FAIRBAIRN's treatise begins with an historical sketch of the progress of naval construction since IRON was first used for that purpose. It then treats fully of the law of strains, properties of the material, and how it should be jointed to meet the force of wind and sea. This part of the work includes experimental researches on cellular construc- tion, with a view to the construction of unsinkable ships. The comparative merits of wood and iron in ship-building; the general question of the different forms of the con- struction of ships of war; the questions of ordnance and its trials before the Iron-plate Committee; properties of iron armour plates, and their resistance to shot and shell, are then successively discussed. Next follows a treatise on the building of IRON SHIPS; and the book ends with recapitulations, Mr. TATE adding a treatise on the strength of materials considered in relation to the construction of iron ships,' EXAMINER. 'A work on the subject of iron ship-building from such a pen as that of Sir WILLIAM FAIR- BAIRN is calculated to excite interest in this part of the world, where that department of industry is, we may safely say, the most im- portant and wide-spread branch of manu- facture. The volume before us has already been acknowledged by practical men to be the most comprehensive and valuable ever published. After a brief account of the rise and progress of iron ship-building from 1812 (when it was applied to canal boats) to the present day, when it has culminated in the Great Eastern, the Professor goes deeply into the subject-matter of the work, dividing the latter into fourteen chapters, seven of which are devoted to the construction of ships of war and the resistance of armour plates to projectiles; the letterpress being profusely illustrated by drawings. Nothing can be of greater importance to the profession for whom the treatise is intended than the remarks upon the law of strains, the jointing of iron plates, the form of joints, and the comparative merits of iron and composite ships. We hope we have now said enough to show the value of this contribution to scientific literature, in which the Author pays a high and well-merited tribute to the Clyde ship-builders for their energy and enterprise in this branch of trade.' GREENOCK ADVERTISER. London: LONGMANS and CO. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING LONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, HISTORICAL, THEORETICAL, AND PRACTICAL. BY EDWARD CRESY, Architect and Civil Engineer. ILLUSTRATED BY UPWARDS OF THREE THOUSAND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD, BY R. BRANSTON. NEW IMPRESSION. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. .* 1872. PREFACE. CIVIL ENGINEERING must almost necessarily have been coeval with the world's existence, and that its practical usefulness was fully appreciated by the ancients seems to be shadowed forth in one of their earliest fables; for when the waters which covered Thessaly were to be drained, the land rendered serviceable for agriculture, and the air freed from miasma and pestilential vapours, no mortal could be found competent to perform the task, and Hercules was implored to cut off the Hydra's head, or to dam up the watercourses which were the cause of the inundation: but vain were the several first attempts of the hero to destroy the enemy; two heads appeared for every one removed; and until the method of searing up the wound was discovered, he failed in accomplishing his purpose. The Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, gave active employment to the Civil Engineer, in draining marshes, mining, constructing sewers, bridges, aqueducts, baths, amphitheatres, roads, canals, moles, harbours, lighthouses, &c. &c., the remains of which are not only traceable, but sufficient to justify our conviction that they were executed by a class of men thoroughly acquainted with the principles of geometry, and many branches of natural philosophy. After the destruction of the Roman Empire, all engineering works were under the direction and superintendence of the Freemasons, Brothers of the Bridge, and other fraternities; but Civil Engineering can scarcely be said to have taken its place among the sciences until the desire to recover the submerged lands in Italy called into action the powers of those philosophers and mathematicians of the seventeenth century, whose writings laid the foundation of our knowledge of hydrodynamics : hydraulic architecture as practised in Italy soon spreading over the greater part of Europe. Galileo, Torricelli, Castelli, Gulielmini, Poleni, Manfredi, Žendrini and others, became distinguished for the laws they propounded upon the active properties of water. The torch of theory was then kindled by practice, and again gave back to the artificer and mechanic a light more brilliant than they had before enjoyed. In France, Belidor about the same period collected all the information that might be useful to the Civil Engineer, which he published under the title of " Architecture Hydraulique; a work deservedly esteemed, and considered as the primer of the modern school of engineering in that country. In England, the profession of the Civil Engineer was scarcely known until the middle of the last century, when the important discovery of the application of steam by James Watt, and its rapid development, called into existence a new class of mechanics, who gave a fresh impetus to manufactures by the improvement of all kinds of machinery. The vast commercial enterprise which attended this movement, and its great and growing success, have necessarily led to the enlargement of our harbours, and the improvement of our inland navigation; the progress, too, of an enlightened civilisation in its regard for the sanatory condition of the empire, requires that our towns and cities shall be amply supplied with water, lighted, drained, &c.; while innumerable other causes are almost daily arising to call for the reconstruction of our quays, bridges, and every other work executed before this great and general movement in civilisation was made. During the last half century hundreds of millions sterling have been devoted to these important objects, and, great as the amount may appear, it is infinitely less than what will be expended upon railroads alone if the country remains at peace, and its prosperity unimpaired. 4 338800 iv PREFACE. The first portion of the present work is devoted to the history of the past; for it has been thought that a knowledge of the manner in which others have accom. plished works similar to those we are called upon to execute at once facilitates our labour and inspires us with confidence in what we are about to undertake. In treating of Geology, Mineralogy, and Chemistry, the only aim has been to point out the nature of these subjects, and give a general idea of the properties of the materials which form the earth's crust, with an account of their composition, as far as might be generally serviceable to those who employ them in the arts of construction, or operate upon them mechanically. Geometry, as the very foundation of the acquirements of the Civil Engineer,- embracing, as it does, levelling, surveying, the mensuration of planes and solids; trigonometry in all its practical applications; drawing, perspective, mapping, laying down charts, and all the preliminary steps to great undertakings, as well as their execution, should be made the first study of all who are desirous of becoming acquainted with the other sciences; for without it, in fact, no portion of them can be rightly comprehended. Mechanics are also a most important subject. The ancients, indeed, knew the principles of the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, the lever, and the pulley, and by their application were enabled to move the vast weights accounts of which are transmitted to us; but the improvements made in machinery in modern times have undoubtedly enabled us to execute works of vast magnitude with a great saving of manual labour. From experiments upon the strength and properties of the metals, and the application of geometry to mechanics, we can construct machines, which from their variety of movement, and the useful purposes to which they are applied, are inventions and novelties which belong to the present age. The tools and engines employed by the Civil Engineer are instances of the advancement in this branch of physics. Hydrostatics, with the theory of the motion of fluids, and the various hydraulic machines that have been invented, facilitate the operations of the Engineer in raising water, directing its course usefully and efficiently, whether for sanatory, domestic, or agricultural purposes; and without an almost complete command over this element, he can scarcely be considered worthy of his high vocation. The nature of the Atmosphere, and its properties as a moving power, has greatly occupied the attention of mechanics in all ages, and its services cannot be too highly appreciated. For the construction of windmills and similar contrivances, numerous experiments have been made, replete with benefit to the millwright. Warming and Lighting are daily becoming matters of public attention, and must therefore occupy the consideration of every man of science; but the Civil Engineer must beware of fanciful theories: whatever may be bis system, it must be based on a thorough knowledge of the elements which he is to direct, and he must never lose sight of the requisite balance to be maintained between the heat generated and the ventilation. Lighting our coasts has occupied the attention of such philosophers as Professor Faraday, whose interesting discoveries have greatly improved our light- houses, and elevated this subject into an important science. Gas Lighting has its engineers, who have improved the methods of distilling coal, and laid down principles to direct the proportions of every part of the establishment where such works are conducted. Steam, considered as a moving power, is the most extraordinary discovery of this or any other age. By its application manual and horse labour have been greatly economised; machinery of every kind is set in motion; and millions of human beings are transported in a short space of time from one end of the empire to the other. This branch of our subject, it is unnecessary to add, particularly deserves our study. Carpentry, which embraces the construction of timber roofs, bridges, centres, scaffolding, &c., with a thorough knowledge of the use and properties of timber, has been treated at considerable length; though not more so than the importance of the subject demands. Although iron has in this country superseded the employment of timber in many instances, there are occasions in which the carpenter's art cannot be dispensed with; moreover, the principles embraced by it are also those practised by other artificers, and deserve to be understood, if on that account alone. Masonry is another branch of artificer's work necessary to be thoroughly PREFACE. ν understood by the Civil Engineer. The construction of every variety of arch and dome occupies several pages: while the mathematical calculations upon the strength of stone, the effects of thrust and pressure, are dilated upon in several parts of the work. The examination of the qualities of the various stones used in construction, together with an analysis of them, has been also fully detailed from parliamentary and other documents that may be relied upon. As a science the mason's art has not in this country been made sufficiently prominent, nor excited sufficient interest to call forth a treatise on the subject; but a volume would be necessary to exhibit the varieties of construction, the skill displayed in overcoming the many difficulties that arise, and the gradual progress of this highly important branch of the profession. Stone Bridges, and the principles upon which they are constructed, should be thoroughly studied by the Hydraulic Engineer, as they embrace all the knowledge required for the formation of docks, harbours, piers, jetties, quays, &c. which are among the most triumphant efforts of the engineer. Of the machinery invented to aid these works, and for which we are indebted to the bridge-builders of the last century, ample accounts have been given in that portion of the work devoted to machinery. The stone bridges over the Thames at London are highly deserving of attention; they may be considered as the result of great study, and the best examples of the application of science to such structures. Canals, though now superseded by Railways, ought not on that account to be entirely neglected: for should steam navigation be still further improved, it is not improbable that the data which have occasioned their disuse may prove more favour- able for their future construction, and hence the principles which belong to their formation should be thoroughly understood by the civil engineer, as there are many localities where canals would have a decided preference over railways. Draining and Embanking have from a very early period occupied the attention of the government as well as individuals. To confine rivers within their banks, and draw off the surplus waters from the surface of the land, are not only benefits conferred on agriculture, but on its cultivators, by rendering the atmosphere more salubrious and agreeable. Towns and cities also require attention to their sewerage, and the cleansing of the streets; and several local acts of parliament have been passed to enable these objects to be carried into effect; but one grand compre- hensive view is still wanting for this to be thoroughly accomplished, and it will never be attained until the united efforts of a number of engineers, well-instructed in Geology, shall suggest for every district the best means of attaining it. Railroads have given an extraordinary impetus to the profession; but it is time that the principles of their construction should be better comprehended: the public, at whose expense these highly important works have been executed, having hitherto generally preferred the mechanic to the artificer, as the director of the chief lines that have been completed. The construction of a railroad requires a great combi- nation of talent before it can be brought to perfection. The selection of the country through which it is to pass, the building of bridges and viaducts, laying down rails, &c., are even more important considerations than the locomotive engine, which draws vast loads along the line. We have already had numerous failures, where the arts of construction have been employed, and it is to be desired that the engineers entrusted with the expenditure of such vast sums as are embarked in these speculations would qualify themselves, at once to comprehend these arts, and to practise them beneficially. The Principles of Proportion which regulate the quantity of material to be em- ployed in the arts of construction should be diligently studied both by the Architect and the Civil Engineer. To this subject the author has devoted the most careful con- sideration, having measured a vast number of buildings of all ages, for the purpose of forming an opinion upon the difference of character expressed in the Doric, Ionic, Byzantine, and Mediæval styles. For economic purposes this enquiry is worthy of great attention, it being apparent that if an entire building or a portion in the Byzantine style be cubed, one part out of twelve only is devoted to material; in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, two parts; in the Chapter-House at Wells four: in the Ionic porticoes six; in the Doric eight; a variation between a twelfth, a sixth, a third, a half, and two thirds of the entire cube being employed for supports, and the remainder for space. One of the great features of the age is the division of labour, and as the popula- vi PREFACE. tion increases, and the influence of knowledge spreads, it seems likely to be still further carried out. The province of the Civil Engineer at present extends over the works performed by the artificer, miner, and mechanic; he is entrusted with the direction of all that is difficult and scientific in construction, whether upon land or water, as well as with designing the machinery necessary for these important pur- poses. This knowledge was formerly demanded of the architect, who in addition was required to be acquainted with the fine arts. His qualifications, according to Vitru- vius, were to embrace all that could be known; and many illustrious names could be adduced to prove that the requirements of the great Roman architect were ful- filled to the letter. To design an edifice that shall have "Commodity, Firmness, and Delight," or to render it both serviceable and expressive of its purpose, requires a variety of talent; and it is to be feared that the architect who confines his attention solely to that portion embraced by the fine arts will eventually lose his power: for without studying the principles of construction, he cannot give character to his design, and is not qualified to be entrusted with the execution of a work. On the other hand, should the Civil Engineer be required to act as architect, he must pursue the course adopted by Sir Christopher Wren, set out upon his travels, and examine and study those buildings which have received the approbation of the most competent judges; and he will find that Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, and Medieval architecture, have each its peculiar principles and character of expression. Equal application is required for a perfect initiation into the knowledge of architecture as a fine art as for that of the science of construction. St. Paul's, London, which is a masterpiece of construction, gives but too strong evidence that the genius of the mathe- matician had not profited sufficiently from his journey in search of what was con- sistent and perfect in architecture; he did not even advance so far in that study as his predecessor Inigo Jones. We admire this splendid edifice, not for its architec- ture, but for the principles developed in its construction. Those who pass judgment on a design should be in possession of all the elements necessary for such a task. They should be acquainted with construction generally and in detail, and should understand the proper relative proportions of every part of the edifice. The public are enabled to pronounce the Menai Bridge to be both beautiful and useful: but before the engineer can decide that it is a perfect work of its kind, he must be satisfied, not only that every tie rod and strut is rightly proportioned, but that all of them in their respective characters express their functions, producing a whole combining security, solidity, and utility. It is impossible to dismiss this portion of our subject without expressing feelings of the most painful regret at the position which Architecture now appears to hold in this country. In France, Germany, and throughout Europe, it occupies its rightful place, as the chief and most important of the arts of design: there the architect is prepared for the exercise of his profession by a long course of study, tested by strict examinations in elementary mathematics and the sciences of construction, while all the student's talents and energies are called forth by the spirit of emulation produced by contests for medals and academic honours. Foreign governments powerfully contribute to the encouragement of successful merit by bestowing thereon their patronage and protection, by conferring civil orders and decorations, and by endowing academies and professorships, which enable the man of science to devote his leisure to the cultivation and advancement of his art. The Engineers, estimating at its true value the power acquired by combination, have wisely united "for the general advancement of mechanical science, and more particularly for promoting the acquisition of that species of knowledge which constitutes the profession of a Civil Engineer." They have defined the nature and objects of their Institution; they encourage the student to cultivate the sciences ancillary to his profession, and, by the distribution of medals and prizes for the most able memoirs, incite him to the study and description of engineering works at home and abroad. Nor has the means of furnishing the aspirant with opportunities for acquiring theoretical knowledge been neglected: the engineering classes at King's and University Colleges, and at the University of Durham, communicate much valuable information, which would have been inaccessible in the office or workshop. For the architect no such means are provided, nor has the Institute defined the art in a manner to make the public feel its value or necessity. Let the architects follow the wise example of the engineer, and they will have done • PREFACE. vii much to acquire for their art the respect and encouragement of their coun- trymen, and to place it in the elevated position which elsewhere it so deservedly occupies. For the information contained in this Encyclopædia, the author is indebted to several eminent writers, and to numerous tours which he made for the express purpose of observing the engineering works both of this country and on the con- tinent. The practical observations are the result of thirty years' employment in his profession; but he has freely borrowed the opinions suitable to his undertaking from every trustworthy source to which he has had access, and more especially from the following foreign authors, a more extended perusal of which he earnestly recommends to every student. Gauthey, "Traité de la Construction des Ponts, &c. ;" M. Belidor," Architecture Hydraulique; " M. Rondelet, "L'Art de Bâtir;" M. Bruyere, "E´tudes relatives à l'Art des Constructions; " M. Perronet's "Description des Ponts, &c.; " M. Prony's "Nouveau Architecture Hydraulique," and "Description Hydrographique et His- torique des Marais Pontins; " M. Boistard's "Observations faites sur différens Tra- vaux ; "M. Berard's "Statique des Voutes;" M. Hachette's "Traité des Machines ; MM. Lanz et Bétancourt, "Sur la Composition des Machines; " M. Borgnis, "Traité complet de Mécanique appliquée aux Arts; " M. Mallet, "Géométrie pratique, &c. &c;" the several Essays comprised in the "Raccoltà d'Autori Italiani, che trattano del Moto dell' Acque," whose names are frequently introduced where this subject is discussed; Alberti, "l'Architectura;" and above all, the "Opera M. Vitruvii Pollionis," edited by Poleni and Stratico, 4 volumes. He has also to acknow- ledge assistance received from his eldest son, Edward Cresy, who, whilst studying his profession, executed nearly the whole of the drawings, so ably cut on wood by Mr. R. Branston, of St. Andrew's Hill, Doctor's Commons, to whom he offers his best thanks for his care and attention during the progress of the work. To conclude: the author's great desire has been to embody in one volume all the leading principles and multifarious details on which the science of Civil En- gineering is based; and to produce a work that might at once instruct the pupil, and prove a useful guide to him in his professional career. The work, he believes, is the first on the subject which has been published in this country. The labour bestowed upon its compilation has been of no ordinary kind; and he terminates it with regret, feeling assured that one individual could not do justice to a subject involving so many considerations of public importance. Should he, however, be so fortunate as to awaken in the mind of the young engineer a love for his pro- fession per se, and a sense of the honourable position in which he may place himself by careful study and an undeviating course of integrity, he will not think that he has laboured in vain. South Darenth, near Dartford, Kent. January, 1847. E. CRESY. CONTENTS. BOOK I. HISTORY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. CHAP. I. Phoenician : Ports of Sidon, Tyre, Carthage, &c. CRAP. II. Page 1 Egyptian: Pyramids; Port of Alexandria; Smelting and refining Metals; Hydraulic Architecture; Stone Quarries; Obelisks; Bridges CHAP. III. 7 Grecian.- Ports of Athens, Piræus, Eleusis, Ægina, rene, Samos, Tenedos, Troas, Chios, Smyrna, Teos, Ephesus, Crete, Phalasarna, Cyprus, Nea- paphos, Paros, Delos, Cnidus, Halicarnassus, Cos, Myndus, Palermo, Syracuse, Agrigentum, Selinus, Ægesta, Taorminum, Messina, Posidonia, &c.; Walls of Cities; Gates; arts of Construction 40 CHAP. IV. Roman Engineering. Walls of Cities, their con- struction; Gates, &c.: Rome, Circeium, Au- gusta Prætoria, Nismes, Augustus at Fano, Autun; Distribution and situation of the Build- ings within the Walls of Roman Cities; Materials used in the Arts of Construction; Bricks, Tiles, and Conduit Pipes of Clay; Sand, Sea-Sand, Lime, Pozzolana; Stone used by the Romans; Marble, &c.; Timber; Pavements; Tempering Lime for Stucco; Stucco Works in damp Places ; Colours employed for Decoration and Preserva- tion; Strength of Building, &c. ; Of the Forum and Basilica: Theatres, Greek and Roman; Am- phitheatres, &c.; Circus, Riding Schools, &c.; Baths, their arrangement; Harbours and Build- ings in Water; Ports of Centocellæ, Ostia, Claudius, Trajan, Civita Vecchia, Terracina, Adria, Naples, Cuma, Miseue, Baiæ, Puzzuoli, Portus Julius, Leghorn, Sinus Lunensis, Genoa, Venice, Ancona, Antium, Tarentum, Brundusium, &c.: Roads, their Magnitude, Beauty, and Con- struction; Bridges; Supply of Water to Towns and Cities; Instruments used for Levelling; Conducting of Water; Fire Engines; Forms of Water-pipes; Piscina; Filters; Aqueducts; Canals; Drainage of the Pontine Marshes; Cloacæ; Drainage of the Alban Lake, and the Lake Fucino; Tombs of the Romans; Mausolii; Machines and Engines; Principles of Mechanics; Engines for raising Water; Water Mills; Water Screw; Hydraulic Organs; Saw Mills; Mea- suring Distances; Hydraulic Architecture; Lazarettoes CHAP. V. 83 Holland and Germany; Drainages and Bridges, 213 CHAP. VI. France.-Ports and Harbours at Dunkerque, Grave- lines, Cherbourg; Breakwaters, &c.: Havre, Dieppe, Marseilles, Rochefort, Toulon, Rouen; Lighthouse at Cordouan; Navigable Canals; Bridges; Supply of water; Aqueducts; Abattoirs; Markets; Bourse; Artesian wells; Railroads 215 CHAP. VII. America.—Harbours of Quebec, Halifax, Montreal, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charlestown, New Orleans: Canals: Supply of Towns with Water; Railroads 293 CHAP. VIII. * Britain, Ports and Harbours of: Docks on the Thames: Chatham, Sheerness, Harwich, Orford, Southwold, Lowestoft, Yarmouth, Wells; King's Lynn; Wisbeach; Boston, Grimsby; Barton- upon-Humber; Goole ; Kingston-upon-Hull; Lighthouses at Spurn Point; Bridlington harbour, Scarborough, Whitby, Hartlepool; Sunderland, Lighthouse at; Harbours at South and North Shields; Berwick-upon-Tweed.; Eyemouth; Dunbar; Leith; Dundee; Bell Rock Lighthouse; Harbours at Arbroath, Montrose, Gourdon; Stone- haven, Aberdeen, Peterhead, Frazerburgh ; Burghead; Findhorn; Banff; Avock; Cullen; Fortrose; Cromarty; Mahomac; Tain; Wick; Pulteney Town; Orkney Isles; Kyle; Rhea; Tobemory; Tarbet; Jura Small Isles; Feoline; Corran ; Glasgow ; Greenock ; Ardrossan ; Troon; Ayr; Carlisle; Workington; White- haven; Ravenglass; Lancaster; Preston; Liver- pool; Birkenhead; Aberconway; Bangor ; Caernarvon; Beaumaris; Holyhead; Aberystwith; Milford Haven ; Swansea; Cardiff; Bristol; Bridgewater; Watchet, Minehead; Ilfracombe; Barnstaple; Bideford; Hartland; Padstow; St. Ive's; Penzance; Falmouth; Fowey; Plymouth, Breakwater; Eddystone Lighthouse: Harbours at Dartmouth; Exmouth; Sidmouth; Axmouth: Lyme Regis; Weymouth; Poole; Christchurch; Southampton; Portsmouth; Little Hampton ; Shoreham; Newhaven; Cuxmere; Hastings Rye; Folkestone; Dover; Sandwich; Ramsgate; Broadstairs; Margate; Douglas; Port Patrick; Belfast; Dublin; Howth; Kingston; Cork; Jersey, St. Aubin's, &c. : Walls and Gates of Cities and Towns; Castles, &c. ; Bridges; Roads; Draining and Embanking; Drainage of Towns ; Supply of Towns with Water; Rivers, Canals, and Inland Navigation; Steam Engines; Steam Boats; Locomotive; Railroads; Atmospheric ; Electric Telegraphs; Gas Lighting; Prisons, &c. 306 X CONTENTS. BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. CHAP. I. Geology, different Strata; Water; Tidal Currents; Rivers; Formation of Deltas; Sand Banks; Downs; Beach, &c. 617 Plumbers' Blocks; Friction Rollers; Changing of Motion by several methods, and its application to a variety of Machines 915 CHAP. XII. CHAP. II. Composition and Use of Minerals; Mines; Strength of Metals; Coal Fields; Boring, &c.; Coke Making, &c. CHAP. III. 643 On Stone : Sandstones; Limestones ; Marbles; Granite; Resistance of Stone to the Crush 697 CHAP. IV. Bricks and Tiles; their Manufacture and Va- riety 708 717 725 CHAP. V. Mortars and Cements; their Composition CHAP. VI. Of Pisé; and manner of making CHAP. VII. Tar; Pitch; Resin; Glass 728 CHAP. VIII. Geometry; Shadows; Sciography; Perspective; Isometrical Perspective; Levelling and the Instruments used; Compound Levelling; Drawing the Section or Profile of a Country; Trigo- nometry; Measuring Heights and Distances; Piquets; to draw the Map of a Country; Demi- circles; Geometric Square; Sector; Astrolabe; Compass and Magnetic Needle; Jacob's Staff; Plane Tables; Theodolite; Surveying Cross; Optical Square; Prismatic Compass; Sextant; Hadley's Quadrant ; Barometer; Chain and Offset Staff; Gunter's Chain; Parish Surveying; Sub- terranean Surveying; Maritime Surveying; Tide Gauges; Sounding; Trigonometrical Surveying ; Signals and their Construction; Meridian Line; Mensuration of Superficies, &c.; Copying and making Plans; to reduce Multilateral Figures to Triangles and Squares, &c.; Mensuration of Solids, &c. CHAP. IX. Valuation of Property СНАР. Х. 733 891 Machines, Tools, &c., employed by the Civil En- gineer the Winch, the Gin, the Capstan, the Crab, the Jack, the Crane; Tackle for hoisting Weights 997 CHAP. XIII. Carriages for transporting Weights, Boats, &c.; Waggons, Trucks, Railway Carriages, Buffing Apparatus; Boats for the Transport of Stone, &c.; Machines for proving the Strength of Materials, &c.; Making Screw Bolts; the Lathe; Drilling Machines, Boring Machines, Machines for punching Boiler Plates, &c. ; Riveting Machines ; Shears for cutting Iron; Slotting and Key Grooving; Screw Cutting; Cutting the Teeth of Wheels; Planing Iron; Forge Bellows: Hammers; Block Machinery; Saw Mills; Hand Mills; Horse Mills; Mills for grinding Corn; Mortar and Cement Mills; Diving Diving Bells; Pontoons; Raising Vessels sunk at Sea; the Hedgehog; Floating Clough; Dredging; Arte- sian Wells; Boring Instruments; Machines for measuring the Strength of Men and Animals; the Dynanometer 1017 CHAP. XIV. On Piles; Pile-driving, cutting off the heads, &c.; Pile Engine; Withdrawing Piles; Cutting off Piles; Steam Pile-driving 1071 CHAP. XV. Mechanical Agents, or the first movers of Machi- nery; Velocity with which a man moves; Daily labour of a man, when moving a load on a Wheel- barrow ; when acting on pulleys; of a man pushing or drawing; Swiftness of men; Useful effect of such moving power; Force developed; Horse considered as a mover; his tractive power; Strength of, taken as a dynamic unit; Observation the daily labour of; the measure of the 1087 greatest effect of an animated mover on CHAP. XVI. Hydrostatics.-Level of liquids and their equilibrium; On the vertical action of water; Against inclined surfaces; Centres of impression; Specific gravities, and Table of 1096 CHAP. XVII. Value of Artificers' work in Engineering; Ground- work; Dredging; Fascine work and Fencing; Carpentry; Masonry ; Bricklayers' work; Smiths', Tables of various measures, Painters', &c.; Tables of 895 &c. &c. CHAP. XI. Mechanics. Physical Properties of Matter; Me- ehanical Labour of the Forces; Centre of Gravity; Action of Bodies when placed over each other; Equilibrium of an Inclined Plane; the Wedge; the Screw; the Lever; the Steelyard; the Pulley; Wheel and Axle; Elementary parts of Machines ; Wheelwork; of the Plane Epicycloid; Teeth of Wheels, Construction of; Face Wheels; Strength of Wheels; Shafts and Axles, Proportion and Strength of; Journals; Gudgeons; Couplings; Universal Joints; Bayonet and other Clutches ; Theory of the Motion of Fluids.-Measurement of water which flows through Tubes and Pipes; rectilinear through and vertical orifices; through vertical and circular; through orifices under pressure; Of the communication of motion on Fluids when at rest; On the shock of Water against plane Surfaces; To find the velocity of a current; Motion of water in Conduit-pipes and Canals; Quantity discharged by orifices of different forms from vessels kept constantly full; Quantity discharged over a weir; On the motion of water in rivers; Smeaton's experiments relative to un- dershot Water-wheels; Its dynamic effects; Con- struction of Undershot wheels; Overshot wheels: Barker's mill; Tide mills; Breast wheels; Or Bodies plunged in water; Equilibrium of float- ation; Sinking bodies; Fountain of Hero; Hy- draulic ram; Siphon ram; Suction ram; Verra's 1 CONTENTS. Machine; Hydraulic cane; Machine of Vialon ; Centrifugal force machine; Archimedean screw; Suction pump; Forcing pumps; Suction aud forcing pump; Double piston pumps; Chain pumps; Ship pumps; Fire engines; Engines for raising water; Pistons and Valves; Hydraulic machines, useful effects of; Persian wheels; Scoop wheels; Chapelets; Bucket wheels; Marly machine; Belidor's machine for raising water by means of a fall; Denisard's and Dueille's machine; Bucket machines 1126 CHAP. XXIII. xi Timber Bridges, Principle of; Piers; Bays and Arches; Floors and Parapets; Swing Bridges; Single and double Turning-bridges; Draw-bridges ; Rolling bridges; Rope bridges; Bridges of boats ; Floating bridges; Centres of various kinds used for. Bridges, Tunnels, &c.; Strength of, how determined; Scaffolding; Suspended scaffolds; Turning scaffolds : Various kinds kinds of Knots used 1348 CHAP. XVIII. CHAP. XXIV. Supply of Towns with Water.-Self-cleaning Filters; Cost of raising water; Laying down mains; Height 1210 that a jet of water will rise CHAP. XIX. Atmosphere as a moving Power.—The Air-pump; Post Windmills; Tower Windmills; Self-adjusting cap; On the relative effect of Windmill Sails; Comparison of the Effects of mechanical Agents as Blowers and Ventilators CHAP. XX. 1216 Warming and Lighting. Grates; Stoves; Hot water apparatus; Warming by steam; Warming by air; Ventilation; Lighthouses; Lighting, Gas- lighting; Retorts; Hydraulic Mains, Conden- sers, Purifiers, Gasometers, Meters, Gas gover- nors; Laying down Mains; Sliding and Hydraulic valves; Pressure indicator; Quicksilver valves; Construction of burners; Oil gas apparatus; Beale's Light, &c. 1223 Masonry, various kinds of Walls; Opus incertum ; Opus reticulatum ; Pseudisidomum, Diatonus, Isodomum; Placing the Stone, and the form given to wrought stone, for Walls, Abutments, Piers, &c. Dimensions of Stones; Stone Pipes; Arches, how formed; Varieties of; Vaults, conical, spherical; Bracing Caissoons; to trace the stones forming an arch with parallel faces; Development of perpendicular, oblique, and circular arches on the plan; Skew arches; Intersecting semicircular Vaults; Oblique ditto; Descending Vaults inter- secting at right angles, and obliquely; Groined Arches; Groined Vaults, on an irregular and on an hexagonal plan; Hexagonal groined Vaults, with pointed Ribs; Circular Vaults with groined Ribs; Gothic Vaults with Ribs uniting in Keys at the centre; Hanging Keys; Gothic Vaults formed of inverted Parabolic Conoids; Arris Vaults; Conical Vaults; Trompes; Spherical Domes; Vaults on a square plan; Hemispherical Niches; Spheroidal Vaults; Conoidal Vaults; Pendentives; Groined Vault over a circular plan; a circular plan; Construction of Staircases 1419 · CHAP. XXI. ; Steam considered as a Moving Power. - Steam-en- gine; Atmospheric engine; Single-acting engines ; Double-acting; Boilers; Materials for making; Piston-gauge; the Dynanometer; Water-gauge; Glass-gauge; Feeding apparatus; Safety-valves; Chimneys; Piston-rods, Beams, cylinders and metal pipes; Pistons; Valves of various kinds Four-way cock; Plug-tree; Valves opening by weights; Eccentric Rollers; Mode of opening valves, cocks, and slides; the Eccentric; Fly governor, Centrifugal pump regulator; Parallel motion; the cycloidal parallel motion; the Crank; Fly-wheel; the useful effect of an engine; the portable condensing engine; Application of Steam-engines for raising Water, for raising Coals and Ores; to Waterworks; to Steam-boats; Loco- motive, Boilers, Fire-Box, Axles, Framing; Feed- pumps; Chimneys; Tenders; Regulator Box; Safety-valves; Gauges ; Cylinders; Valves; Drivers; Pumps; Steam-whistle; Dimensions of parts of Locomotives; Consumption of Fuel; Hy- draulic Traversing Frames CHAP. XXII ; 1242 Timber and its Properties. -Different species used in construction; Felling timber; Seasoning tim- ber; Causes of Decay in timber; Resistance to a Transverse strain; Cohesive strength; Resistance to compression in the direction of its length, or its vertical bearing strength; For timber placed ver- tically in Posts, &c.; in an inclined Position ; Joints and joining timbers; Fishing a beam; Scarfing, Notching, Cogging, Pinning, Wedging; Tenons; Mortises; Fox-tail wedging; Bond timbers; Wall- plates; Dovetailing: Lapping; Girders; Posts; Kings; Queens; Partitions; Framing; Floors; Strength of Joists; Girders, &c.; Roofs and cover- ing of buildings, varieties of; Sheds for Ship-build- ing; Domes and cupolas CHAP. XXV, On Stone Bridges, Situations of; Water-way; Num- ber and span of Arches; to estimate the quantity of water to which the bridge must allow a passage; of the form to be given to the Arches; on their width; on the breadth of Bridges: Arches, vari- ous forms of; Semi-circular, formed of three cen- tres; Elliptical Arches; Thickness to be given to the Keystones of Arches; to the Abutments; Thick- ness of Piers; Form of Piers ; Quay Walls ; Founda- tions; Cofferdams; Sounding the Soil; Excava- tions; Dragging; Construction of Piers and Abut- ments; Raising the Centres; Construction of the Arches; Spandrills and Wingwalls 1477 CHAP. XXVI. On the Construction of Fascines; Basket-work, &c. for Jetties; River and Sea Walls; Dock and Wharf Walls 1522 CHAP. XXVII. Canals, Cutting; Oblique ditto; Quantity of water expended by Boats; Locks, form to be given to the Chambers of; Talus of Walls; Dimensions to be given to the several parts of a Lock; Wing- walls; Platform; Pointed Sills; Gates of Locks; Sluices; Paddles; Iron Lock Gates; Inclined Planes and Lifts on Canals; Means of making the water enter and leave the Locks; Bridges and Towing Paths; Stop Gates and Lets-off; Reser- voirs and Aqueducts 1533 Chap. XXVIII. Draining and Embanking; Surface and Subsoil Draining; Sluicing; Tunnelling 1557 CHAP. XXIX. 1283 On the Construction of Machinery 1561 xii CONTENTS. CHAP. XXX. Railroads, Formation of Cuttings; Gradients; Width between Rails; Foundations for Stone; Blocks and Sleepers; Rails of Iron; Chairs; Railway Curves ; Turn-tables; Passing from Line to Line; Switches; Crossing-rails; Planes; Engines for double Planes; Self-acting Planes CHAP. XXXI. 1566 Principles of Proportion; Architecture; Dorians; Tetrastyle Porticoes; Hexastyle Porticoes; Octa- style Temples; Doric Columns; Ionic Proportions; Ionian Tribes; Pantheon at Rome; Triumphal Arches; Poliphele's Proportions; Roman ex- amples; Byzantine, Romanesque, Lombardic, Sax- on, Norman, Saracenic, and Pointed Architecture; Proportion of mass and void in Cathedrals; Tra- cery and Geometric Forms on Mouldings and Win- dows; Groined Vaults, their thrust, and relativý dimensions of Piers; Sections of Cathedrals, &c. &C. INDEX 1579 1731 SUPPLEMENT 1 1637 CIVIL ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. CHAPTER I. PHOENICIAN ENGINEERING. As commerce and the art of war equally require the assistance of the engineer, his employment may be dated from the time when history notices the one, or relates the success which attended the other. War, in the early ages of the world, being considered more honourable than the arts of peace, traffic and the handicraft trades would be but little esteemed; and so few good workmen were then to be met with, that we read of such a hero as Ulysses being obliged to construct his own boat, as well as to decorate the fur- niture his rude palace contained. As the knowledge of navigation improved, and traffic became more general along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the inhabitants found that the high precipitous cliffs, broken into headlands, and the numerous indented islands, by the assistance of art might be made to afford better protection to their vessels against the sudden storms to which that sea is subject. To the architect, whose studies comprised all the sciences which had been developed by society, and united in his employment what was then known of construction, the lifting of heavy weights, and the arrangement of machinery, was confided the adaptation and improvement of nature's works; their defence from aggression of every kind; the formation of the city, the roads, the supply of water, and all that was deemed necessary or essential for the wants or the pleasures of the inha- bitants. To the Phoenicians, who so long enjoyed the dominion of the Mediterranean Sea, we must give the credit of first encouraging the art of civil engineering: they were among the earliest descendants of Noah that settled on the coasts, and who made navigation sub- servient to commerce. These people, named Canaanites, which, in the Eastern language, signifies merchants, first inhabited a city called Sidon, in consequence of its being built by the eldest son of Canaan, whose name it bore. The country around not being fruitful, the inhabitants were obliged to turn their attention to manufactures and commerce, and use every means to induce other nations to trade with them, and take off their surplus produc- tions in exchange for the necessaries of life. In the days of the patriarch Abraham the settlers here had become so powerful a people, that when Jacob blesses his children, he tells Zebulon "that he shall dwell at the haven of the sea, and he shall be for a haven of ships, and his border shall be unto Sidon." The Phoenicians lost the greater part of Canaan which they held, in the time of Joshua, when the land as far as Sidon was given to the tribe of Asher. The inhabitants were not, however, destroyed, but suffered to extend their commerce, and to send out colonies to the shores of Africa and Europe. Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece, Sicily, Sardinia, Gaul, and Spain, received settlers from the Sidonians, who taught the native inhabitants the first rudiments of science. Twelve hundred and fifty years before Christ we find these enterprising merchants passing through the Straits of Gibraltar, and founding the port of Cadiz, where they laid up in extensive warehouses the produce they freighted from all parts of the then known world. Gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, and iron, they supplied in abundance, and these metals they obtained either by exchange with the natives, or by working the mines which they discovered. Sanchoniatho, who was supposed to have been a contemporary of Joshua, has left us many traditions of the Phoenicians. . Б 2 Воок I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Sidon is at present a town of considerable importance, known as Saide or Seide. This ancient port is nearly choked up with sand; the houses which rise from it, and contain upwards of 15,000 inhabitants, are built along the shore, and impart, as the traveller HEAVY SURF ! 2 SCALE OF SEA MILE 3 S LICABLES TRACES OF THE ANCIENT CITY º TOMBS jur ´KILLA AL BAHN .12 ་་་ BERCOUD GOOD HOLDING GROUND CUNS SAID ISLAND 12 CUNS SANSOUL ROCK CUN ROMAN BAY MINT ROMAUN Fig. 1. SIDON. approaches, the idea of a place of some extent. Considerable employment is still given to the spinners of cotton and manufacturers of leather, and at a short distance from the shore is the island of Said, once connected by a mole with the main land, and forming a second well-sheltered harbour. The Roman bay is commanded by a modern battery, and behind this Turkish fortress are traces of the ancient city; and the remains of several tombs. Homer, in the 15th book of his Odyssey, mentions this city; and in describing the arrival of one of its ships, tells us how it was freighted, and that it contained toys and fancies of every sort. The same poet often alludes to the works of art, the mantles of various hue, the dyes, the silver goblets, the beads of amber rivetted on gold, and other articles of luxury that were sent from Sidon; and that the fair Sidonians were highly accomplished in embroidery and other ornamental works. Sidon was rendered important from the mercantile disposition of its inhabitants, who were also skilled in producing all kinds of manufactures then in demand; the mountains of Libanus in their rear afforded them abundance of timber for ship-building, with which they constructed vessels that carried their surplus produce to the most distant lands. Had Faccardine, the emir of the Druses, who dreaded the constant visits of the Turkish fleet, not demolished the ancient mole, we might have had it in our power to describe a structure of the golden age, or of the time when giants are said to have given their aid: for vast indeed in dimension are many of the stones that lie scattered along the coast, and which once formed the mole that shut in their harbours. Some of these stones are reported to be long enough to have extended through the whole thickness of the mole. At present a ledge of rock affords the only shelter to vessels which frequent this port; this is a short distance from the coast, and stretches itself in front of the citadel towards the north. This ancient port for a long period enjoyed the sovereignty of the entire Mediterranean; and as the surrounding country was barren, the inhabitants could not have subsisted without commerce, which brought in its train the arts. Some of their early bronze and silver medals bear proof how highly they were advanced, and history attests the success which attended their navigation. Homer, according to Strabo, speaks only of Sidon, when he alludes to the inhabitants of Phoenicia. Tyre, or Sor, called "the daughter of Sidon," stood also on the sea, at a distance of about 200 stadia southward. We must be careful not to confound the three different cities which had this name. The first in order of time was old Tyre, on the continent; then Tyre on the island; and Tyre on the peninsula, after the island was joined to the main land. It had two harbours; one lying north, and the other south, or towards Egypt, which were formed by the isthmus; the latter was a close harbour, and the opening through which ships entered was fortified by drawing a chain across it. An artificial mole still defends this bay; and probably the rocks on the other side were once built upon, thoroughly to enclose it. Northward, at the head of the island, stretches out, from a ruined light-house, another mole, which protected the northern harbour. Since the uniting of the island a gully has been formed, as if the sea had again broken through, and once more separated it from the continent. Tyre on the island, and old Tyre on the main land, for a long time constituted one city: according to Pliny, the island was 700 paces from the continent; but, according to Strabo, 30 stadia, or nearly three of our miles. The same author states that the walls which encompassed it were 150 feet in height, proportionally broad, and built of large and massive blocks of stone, embedded in morfar Modern travellers place the island at about a third of a mile distant from the CHAP. I. S PHOENICIAN. shore. Old Tyre was first destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, after a siege of thirteen years, the inhabitants having removed all their treasures to the island. The conqueror was ROCKS GULLY AS IF THE SEA HAD BROKEN THROUGH RUINS LOOSE DRIFT FOUNTAINS" 'SAND RUINS RUINED LIGHTHOUSE AQUEDUCT.4 FLWIDE SOME PARTS UNDERCROUND ALL VERY SOLIDLY CONSTRUCTED CULTIVATED LAND ØST.PAULSHA ROAD TO A CRE CRAVES RUINED FORT BIRKET EL ESKUUNI ISPRINGS 4 SPRINGS IN TANKS OF STRONG MASONRY MILLS SCALE OF 1 SEA MILE S 10 1 CABLES Fig. 2. TYRE. therefore obliged to rest satisfied with destroying the town on the main land, after which he set out towards Egypt. The Tyrians were then compelled to submit to the rule of the Babylonians; and, for seventy years, were governed by kings of their nomination. The Persians then restored to them their independence, whom they assisted when Xerxes carried on his wars against the Greeks; and Herodotus informs us that the kings of both Tyre and Sidon formed part of the Persian monarch's council of war. TOWER ROADSTED ARTIFICIAL MOLE Fig. 3. TYRE. DARSENA MATIN ROCK About 332 years before Christ these cities were destroyed by Alexander, who, in his march towards Egypt, compelled all the cities of Phoenicia to sub- mit to him. Tyre obstinately refused him entrance, when he immediately commenced the memorable siege, which ended by his taking the city by force of arms: the height of the walls, the strength of the navy, and the abundance of all things for defence, made it a difficult and almost hopeless attempt. He began, says Diodorus, by demolishing old Tyre, and employed his army to carry away the stones, and raise a mole, 200 feet in breadth, which was speedily advanced. Whilst this was doing, the Tyrians determined to send their wives, children, and old men to Carthage, and keep their young men to defend their walls; but this was not carried into execution: the walls were covered with new-invented engines, and especially on that side where the mole was in progress. When the mole was carried within a short distance, or the cast of a dart, a large whale was thrown upon it, much to the alarm of all parties: the citizens being struck with the increase of the mole, sallied out in small boats, accompanied by slingers and archers armed with engines of all kinds for the discharge of arrows and darts. A violent storm of wind arose, and destroyed a portion of the work, and broke through the mole. This was speedily repaired, by causing large trees, cut down in the mountains, to be thrown in, with their branches entire; on which was heaped a quantity When the mole was of earth, to render it strong enough to resist the violence of the sea. complete, and within a short distance of the walls, Alexander commenced battering them down, discharging at the same time darts and arrows out of engines at the besieged. The Tyrians, to guard against these missiles, had contrived wheels with long spokes of B 2 4 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 0 their battlements, which, turning constantly round, shivered all the darts that came in con- tact with them to atoms; and they checked the violence of the stones thrown by the balista, by woolpacks placed in proper situations to receive them. INER PORT ALEXANDERS MOLE Fig. 4. TYRE. The Tyrians did not relax in their exertions. They built within their outer wall another, ten cubits broad, and five cubits distant from the former, and filled in the space between with earth and stones. Alexander then constructed a battery, by joining many of his ships together, and then placing the rams against a portion of the wall, beat down 100 feet of it, when he attempted to pass through the breach, but was repulsed by the Tyrians, who during the night again rebuilt the wall which had been battered down. The Mace- donians then approached with towers as high as the battlements of the Tyrian walls, and, casting out planks, formed a bridge. Here they were again repulsed by the Tyrians, who had contrived long tridents, or three-forked hooks, to grapple and wound those placed on the top of the towers; these grapples, attached to ropes, they flung over the shields of the assailants, and tore them out of their hands. Nets were thrown over those who attempted to pass over the bridges formed of planks, and they became so entangled, that many of them tumbled headlong to the ground. They also filled their iron and brazen shields with sand, and after they had made it scorching hot by placing them over fires, it was by means of a machine cast upon the besiegers, and getting between their breastplates and coats of mail, burnt their flesh, and many died in consequence. The Tyrians sent off fire darts, heavy stones, and all kinds of missiles, and with long poles, armed with sharp knives and hooks, they cut the cords of the battering rams in pieces: they also discharged out of their machines masses of red-hot iron; they plucked men off the ramparts with iron instruments shaped at the end like a man's hand. Alexander was undismayed, and unwearied in his exertions: he continued to batter the walls, and discharge ponderous stones out of his engines, and all sorts of missiles from his wooden towers. Marble wheels placed upon the walls, and kept constantly turned, were made to throw them off, and render them ineffectual: hides and skins were also sewn together, which, being soft and pliant, were placed in other situations for the same purpose. At last, Alexander perceiving that the wall next the arsenal was weaker than the rest, he brought all his galleys which contained his best engines chained fast together to that place; here he cast a plank from a wooden tower with one end upon the battlements of the walls, thus forming a bridge, and alone mounted the rampart, to the astonishment of all, neither regarding the danger nor the assaults of the Tyrians: his Macedonians quickly fol- lowed: he came first in contact with the enemy, and killing some with his spear, others with his sword, and tumbling others down with the boss of his shield, he overcame his adversaries. During this time the battering rams had made another breach in the wall, and the Macedonians entering, joined the party fighting with Alexander, and by this means at last was the city taken. The Tyrians, throughout this siege, made a most valiant defence; but instead of their bravery awakening in the breast of the conqueror an admiration for their courage, to his lasting disgrace he ordered two thousand of the chief inhabitants to be crucified, and sold thirty thousand for slaves: eight thousand of its chief soldiers perished in the combat, and the city itself he burnt to the ground. Nearly twenty years afterwards we again find Tyre able to resist an attack made upon it by the fleets and armies of Antigonus, who, after a fifteen months' siege, captured it CHAP. I. 5 PHOENICIAN. It subsequently fell under the dominion of the Roman empire; and the Latins were not finally driven from Syria until about a century after the death of Saladin. In the year 1188, Conrad of Montserrat was hailed as the prince and champion of Tyre, which was then besieged by the conqueror of Jerusalem. The Egyptian fleet was allowed to enter the ancient harbour, the chain was immediately drawn across the entrance from mole to mole, and a thousand Turks were slain. Saladin was obliged to burn all his engines, and make a disgraceful retreat to Damascus. Afterwards, Tyre was a place of rendezvous to the ships of Genoa, Pisa, and Venice, and eventually it became a part of the Turkish dominions. The insular Tyre, destroyed by Alexander, is now "a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea," as Ezekiel prophesied; the mole which the conqueror raised was washed away by a storm, and thus the peninsular state of Tyre was destroyed. Aradus was also a city belonging to the Phoenicians; and another, called Tripoli, was built by the inhabitants of Aradus and Tyre, and hence its name. The settlers at a very early period excelled in the sciences, and brought the arts and manufactures to great perfection. They were the inventors of astronomy, and from them the Greeks received their letters. The glass, the purple dye, and fine linen, produced here, was celebrated all over the then known world; they were skilled in the working of metals and carving of timber; and were so perfect in the arts of construction, that we hear of them, in the time of Hiram, being employed by king Solomon in the construction of his temple, more than 1000 years before our era. As merchants, they had the commerce of the world; as navigators, they were the most experienced; and the greatest discoverers as well as planters of colonies; and for many ages they had no competitors. They carried on considerable trade with Syria; and, having convenient harbours, and excellent timber furnished them, they built great numbers of ships. Carthage, according to Velleius, was founded 65 years before Rome; while many writers imagine that it was built 130 years before the imperial city, by Dido, the sister of Pygmalion, king of Tyre, and wife of Sichæus; and the Tyrians she carried with her, to colonise this new settlement, were among the most skilful in the arts of the then known world: the form of government she introduced was by Aristotle said to be the most perfect in existence. NEAPOLIS NEAP NOW NABAL CORUBIS NOW CORRA TUNIS SITE OF CARTHACE SOLIMAN BACRADA NOW.R.MĄJERDEH LAKEI („SI SARĄ PORTA EARINA.. BIZERTA C.TY LA TORRE P MAXULA NOW CAPE BORO PROM DE MERGURIO Fig. 5. CARTHAGE. Carthage was situated at the extremity of a gulf, upon a peninsula 360 stadia or 45 miles in circumference; and the isthmus which united this peninsula to the continent of Africa, was 25 stadia or more than 3 miles in breadth. On the west projected a long slip of land, half a stadium in breadth, which separated the sea from a lake, which was strongly protected by rocks on both sides. In the middle of the city was the Acropolis, called Byrsa, where was a temple to Æscu- lapius. On the south side of the city was a triple wall, 30 cubits in height, and at every 480 B 3 6 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. feet was placed a tower, which had its foundations laid at a depth of 30 feet, and was four stories in height, being carried up two stories higher than the walls. There were two harbours, so disposed that they communicated with each other, although they had but one common entrance, which was 70 feet in breadth, secured by chains. One was devoted to merchant ships, and the inner port, as well as the island called Cothon, in the midst of it, which was surrounded by spacious quays, was made secure for the reception of 220 ships of war. Magazines, storehouses, and all the re- quisites of an extensive arsenal, were constructed around it; and the entrances to the harbours were decorated with marble porticoes, so that the whole might be said to be encompassed by two magnificent galleries. Upon the island was the residence of the governor, facing the mouth of the harbour, so that he could see all that was passing both within and without the port. When the merchant ships entered, it was not possible for them to view what the inner port contained, as it was shut in by a double wall, and each port had its particular gate. The city had three divisions : Byrsa, Megara, and Cothon. Byrsa was three miles in circumference, and stood nearly in the centre of Carthage, surrounded by Megara, which contained the houses of the citizens: these, at the time of the third Punic war, were numbered at seven hundred thousand. Livy gives twenty-three miles for the measure of its circumference, and Suidas affirms it was the most powerful city in the world: it enjoyed the dominion of the sea for more than six hundred years, and had an extensive and lucrative commerce. The Carthaginians possessed three hundred cities in Africa, and their territory extended from the western confines of Cyrenaica to the Pillars of Hercules, a distance of upwards of fifteen hundred miles. Spain, Sicily, and all the islands of the Mediter- ranean also belonged to them. The Carthaginians, who disputed the empire of the world with the Romans for a hundred and eighteen years, were destroyed as a nation a hundred and forty-six years before Christ. Emilianus, the Roman general, made two attacks, one against Byrsa, and the other against Cothon; and having become master of the wall which surrounded the port, threw a considerable force into the great square of the city; soon after which, Asdrubal abandoned the Carthaginian troops, and went over to the Romans: his wife could not survive such perfidy, and committed herself, children, and followers to the flames which then enveloped the citadel and temple. Soon after, the victorious Romans demolished Carthage, as well as the cities dependent upon it, and the territory was declared a Roman province. The enormous wealth that had been amassed by this commercial people is stated by Pliny at upwards of four millions four hundred and seventy thousand pounds weight of silver, which was carried away by Æmilianus. Carthage is now at a considerable distance from the sea; the north-east wind and the Merjedah have closed up its ancient harbour. The place is called El Mersa; the port lies to the north and north-west of the city, and forms, with the lake of Tunis, the peninsula on which Carthage was built. AL TO MARSA MARSHY CROUND SBIKLEN ROCK ZZARETTI BLANDINCFLACZ FORT Fig. 6. CARTHAGE. ANCIENT AQUEDUCT GITY WALK RUIN OF BURSAY JOMPE MR CARTHAGE HACE COTHON EMAINS OF OUAYS AND BAT HIS RISALMILK HALR AL WAD 37, CUNS FOMM ALWAD MOUTH OF RIVER CHAP. II. 7 EGYPTIAN. Upon the other side, Carthage has been a loser by the encroachment of the sea, a corsider able tract that was land being now under water. The traces of Cothon, though scarcely a hundred yards square, may be yet seen. Along the shore the openings of the common sewers remain; and also, at a short distance, the great reservoirs and aqueduct, near the western wall of the city. There are more than twenty of these water-cisterns, each a hundred feet in length, and thirty in breadth, and the water was conveyed to them through earthen pipes, still visible. CHAP. II. EGYPTIAN ENGINEERING. Egypt boasts of as great antiquity as any other nation of the earth. It may be called the cradle in which the sciences were first nursed, and the source from whence the Greeks, in after times, drew their knowledge; and we must admit that a great portion of our modern skill, particularly in engineering, had its rise on the banks of the Nile. This country is bounded on the east by the Isthmus of Suez and the Red Sea, on the south by Nubia, on the west by Libya, and on the north by the Mediterranean; its length from north to south is about 500 miles, its greatest breadth 250, while at some parts it is very much less. It lies between the twenty-first and thirty-first degrees of north latitude. The waters of the Nile which pass through it, have their rise in the Gebel Alcomri, and the course of this noble river measures upwards of 2000 miles, whilst its breadth seldom exceeds the third of a mile, or its depth twelve feet. The Delta, which is a luxuriant district, is composed of pure black unctuous mould, and for the purpose of vegetation needs no manure: it is entirely alluvial, and formed by deposition of matter brought down by the waters of the Nile. This delta is not wholly covered by the inundation of the Nile, though throughout the habitations are built upon mounds raised considerably above the level of the standing water; and it is from the formation of these earthworks, and the cutting of canals for the irrigation of the land, that the rudi- ments of civil engineering may have had their origin. The Nile was perhaps one of the earliest rivers devoted to the purpose of inland naviga- tion; and, according to Gibbon, "the servitude of rivers is the noblest and most important victory which man has obtained over the licentiousness of nature;" and, without doubt, agriculture would first derive advantage from their subjection, occasioning them to be confined within certain limits by artificial embankments. The earliest cities were founded on the banks of rivers; and the first operation performed by their inhabitants, both for salubrity and convenience, would be the cutting of dikes, for the purposes of drainage and occasional irrigation. In Egypt, before the time of Menes (Herodotus, lib. ii. c. 99. ), who lived 2320 years before the Christian era, the Nile continued its course along the sandy mountain on the side of Libya; but this king, by constructing a bank at the distance of a hundred stadia from Memphis towards the south, diverted the course of the river, and led it, by means of a new canal, through the middle of the valley: and it seems that in the days of the historian, during the time of the Persian dominion, this artificial canal was annually repaired and maintained. At the period referred to, the whole of Egypt, with the exception of Thebes, was an extensive marsh; and to Menes is attributed the forming of water- courses, by cutting and embanking, for carrying off the superfluous waters. Herodotus (lib. ii. cap. 137.) further states, that when Sabacus, the king of Ethiopia, governed Egypt, he made it a rule not to punish any crime with death; but, according to the magnitude of the offence, he condemned the criminal to raise the ground near the place to which he belonged, by which means the situation of the different cities became more and more elevated: they were somewhat raised under the reign of Sesostris, about 1659 years B. C., by the digging of the canals, but they became still more so, under the reign of the Ethi- opian. To prevent the water of the Nile from continually overflowing the country, and to maintain a supply for the purposes of irrigation, the lake Moris was formed, which, according to Herodotus, was 450 miles in circumference (lib. ii. cap. 149.), and was termi- nated about 1385 years B. C. By some authors it is said to have been in places 300 feet deep; for six months in the year the Nile supplied this lake with water, by means of a canal, which during the remaining portion of the year returned to the river. This canal, a stu- pendous effort of art, is still entire; and, according to Savary, is forty leagues in length: there were two others, with sluices at their mouths, from the lake to the river, which were alternately shut and opened, as the Nile increased or decreased: thus the water, which would have been carried off to the sea, was retained for the moistening the earth after seed-time. Diodorus Siculus (lib. i. cap. 4.) states the canal to have been 80 furlongs in length, and 300 feet in breadth, and that the sluices were of such a nature that they could not be opened or shut at a less charge than 50 talents (12,9167. 138. 4d.); and in all probability it was necessary to cut through the embankments to attain the object desired. B 4 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. Among the other benefits conferred by Sesostris on the people of Egypt, we find that of cutting many canals and deep dikes, at right angles with the river, as far as from Memphis to the sea, for the quick con- veyance of corn, other provisions, and merchandise (Dio. Sic. lib. i. cap. 4.), the barter of which would supply fresh luxu- ries to the inhabitants of this agricultural! country; and thus the advantages arising from this external commerce would sti- mulate an ardour for further internal com- munication; and unquestionably the best means that could be employed by an in- telligent governor to procure competence to every class of citizens, would be the fa- cilitating the transport of provisions; and the most simple and efficacious means of attaining this desirable end, is the uniting the different provinces of an empire, by improving the navigation of rivers, and forming artificial ones, where nature seems to have denied that assistance. Doubt- less, the extensive commerce which must have been carried on under the sway of this prince, gave rise to many of the canals with which Egypt was afterwards inter- sected; for we find from Diodorus Siculus (lib. i. cap. 4.), that he sent forth a navy of four hundred sail into the Red Sea, and was the first Egyptian that built long ships, which, it is true, were principally designed for the purposes of conquest; but the general character of Sesostris gives the idea that the internal grandeur of his country and the improvement of his peo- ple were never neglected. At a later period, about 610 years before Christ, Necos, son of Psammeticus, commenced the difficult undertaking of uniting this sea with the Mediterranean by means of a canal, which was opened about twelve miles to the north-east of the modern town of Belbays, called by the Romans, Bubastis Agria; and after a course, nearly east, of thirty-three miles, it turned to the south-south-east, and continued sixty- three miles further, to the extremity of the Arabian Gulf. This canal was wide enough for two triremes to pass abreast; and it is stated that 120,000 Egyptians perished in the prosecution of the work. Several monarchs continued it; but, ac- cording to Pliny (lib. vi. cap. 29.), it pro- ceeded no further than the lakes called the Bitter Springs, when it was abandoned, from fear of the greater height of the waters of the Red Sea. This author states its breadth at one hundred feet, and its depth forty, and the distance from the western entrance to the Bitter Lakes thirty-seven miles. Strabo asserts that ships of the largest size could navigate it. After the time of the Ptolemies it was neglected, until the caliph Omar, in 644 a.d., re- opened it, and cut another canal, called that of the Prince of the Faithful, south D " 141 3319 Mita 1 ----------- ט! ----------- of Cairo: it was used for more than 120 years, until the commerce of Hexandra was destroyed. CHAP. II. 9 EGYPTIAN. 1 By a series of levels, that were carefully taken by the French engineers at the end of the last century, it was found that the surface of the Arabian Gulf at Suez, at high water, was thirty-two feet six inches above that of the Mediterranean at Tyneh at low water; and it is interesting to inquire how the waters were retained in the canal, with such a difference of level. Diodorus Siculus (lib. i. cap. 1.) states, that gates or sluices were ingeniously constructed, which opened to afford ships a passage through, and then were quickly shut again; and Strabo (lib. xvii.) mentions a euriplus (a single or perhaps a double gate), which Ptolemy II. (Philadelphus) constructed, when he completed this work, and which afforded an easy passage from the sea to the canal. Pyramids. Of the numerous pyramids found in Upper and Lower Egypt, only those of Geezeh are mentioned by Herodotus, and were the first examined by the moderns. In Nubia, there are remaining upwards of eighty, constructed in stone, and burnt or unburnt brick; at Abooseer, Abooroash, Sakkarah, Dashour, Assur, Nourri, and many other places, at a distance of several hundred miles apart. The date of the earliest has been assumed as upwards of 2000 years, and of the latest as 600 years, before Christ. The absence of all hieroglyphics, as well as any indication of an arch, in those of Geezeh, near Cairo, have occasioned most writers to consider their origin as earlier than the others. These pyramids, nine in all, are built on a projection of the Libyan chain of mountains, where the calcareous rock has been reduced to a level platform; but what quantity of the original mountain was left to form a core of the several structures has not as yet been thoroughly ascertained. Had the emperor Napoleon's orders been carried out, we should, by the demolition of one of those most ruined, had the means of accurately judging of their construction. These royal sepulchres bear so strong a resemblance to earth-works and tumuli, that they appear to have had a common origin; the sepulchral chambers, which contained the entombed, are usually hollowed out of the native rock; above which is a mass of super- structure, either of solid masonry, or, as we suppose, only partly so. The kings of Egypt appear to have been the first who thought of covering their mounds with regular courses of masonry. That mountains could be easily transformed into pyramids we can readily con- ceive; and by a judicious cutting, as much might be taken away as would afford a sufficient quantity of stone to build up the several courses to the apex; and in all probability such a practice suggested to Denocrates the idea of converting a mountain into a nobler figure, and astonishing the world by carrying out a more useful application of such labour. The platform upon which these pyramids are based is in length about 6890 feet, and in width, from north to south, about 4920 feet. The rock contains many fossils common to limestone, as nummulites, belemnites, oysters, &c. &c.; the French engineers took great pains in ascertaining its height above the mean level of low-water in the Nile, which they found to be about 164 feet. What is most interesting in the study of these vast and ancient structures, is the manner in which the materials were worked, transported, and lifted to their respective levels; and finding, as we do, among the earlier pictures and bas-reliefs discovered in Egypt, the same tools represented in the hands of the mason as we use at the present day, as the round- Fig. 8. - GREAT PYRAMID. 4 10 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. headed wooden mallet and chisel, we have no difficulty in accounting for the fine surfaces and the nicely made joints which, the stones in some instances present to us; and the causeway extending in length more than 3000 feet, with a breadth of 60, and height of 48 feet, we can also imagine the same facilities for the transport of materials were con- trived and adopted as by us at the present day. Herodotus says, "that when the Great Pyramid was designed, that the workmen might more easily move the stone, this cause- way, which is contiguous to it, was formed: its length was five stadia, its breadth ten orgyes, and its height eight." This was not the causeway seen by Pococke, the length of which he traced for upwards of 1400 feet, after which it was buried in the alluvial deposit of the inundation. It was, at a later time,-probably when used by the caliphs and Mem- look kings to carry away the stones for the construction of the several mosques they raised, - repaired and strengthened by sixty-one circular buttresses, placed about 30 feet apart, and each having a diameter of 14 feet. The causeway mentioned by Herodotus still remains in part, and reached to the west side of the canal which communicated with the Nile; and hence the blocks of stone, brought from the east side of the Nile, were easily moved along this inclined plane, to the level platform where they were required for the casing of the pyramid. The base of the Great Pyramid is a square of 764 feet. This measurement was taken by M. Jomard, on the side to the north, after digging down to the true base; and the total perpendicular height was also found by him to have been 479 feet. Since that period, Mr. Perring has given us the following dimensions, from accurate measurement : — The former base The present do. Perpendicular height Former inclined height Present do. Perpendicular height by casing stones 764 ft. 0 in. 746 0 450 9 611 0 568 3 480 9 The total area of the base was 13 acres, 1 rood, 22 poles, and at present it covers 12 acres, 3 roods, and 3 poles. And supposing the rock to average 8 feet in height only over the whole extent of base, after deducting the hollow passages and chambers, Mr. Perring calculates that the quantity of stone originally used amounted to 89,028,000 cubic feet, or about 6,848,000 tons. The present quantity of masonry, supposing it solid, is about 82,111,000 cubic feet, or 6,316,000 tons; the space occupied by the chambers and passages being taken at 56,000 cubic feet. Dr. Clarke observes that the stone used was a grey limestone, and rather more compact than that called clunch, and that when it was struck with a hammer it exhaled a fetid odour. Denon describes this pyramid to have had 208 courses in height. The outside casing stones were found (fig. 9.), at the bottom, in their original position, Fig. 9. near the centre; they were quite perfect, and had been hewn to their required angle before they were built in, and appear to have been afterwards polished down to one uniform surface. They were cut to an angle of 51° 50′, and were in height 4 feet 11 inches. At the base they measured & feet 3 inches, and on the inclined side 6 feet 3 inches. Where they were jointed, the cement which interposed was so remarkably fine a layer, that it was scarcely perceptible. CHAP. 11. 11 EGYPTIAN. The entrance to the Great Pyramid is at a height of 49 feet from the base, and the distance from its centre is 24 feet 6 inches from the centre of the pyramid. It is now accessible by means of the accumulation of the rubbish at the base. The opening by which it is entered is only in breadth 3 feet 6 inches, and in height 3 feet 11 inches. Over it, to discharge the weight, lies a stone lintel, 12 feet 6 inches in length, and 8 feet 6 inches in height; above which lies another horizontal stone, not quite so long, over which four others, inclined in the manner of a pediment, act as an arch. two lower of these inclined stones are 7 feet in height, and the two upper 6 feet 8 inches. (See fig. 10.) The passage from the entrance con- tinues of the same size as the aperture, and descends, at an angle of 26° 41′, to the length of 320 feet 10 inches, where it terminates in a chamber, the roof or ceiling of which is 90 feet 8 inches below the base of the pyramid. The length of this chamber from east to west is 46 feet; its breadth from north to south, 27 feet 1 inch; and its height 11 feet 6 inches. The northern side of this room, hollowed out of the rock, is 8 feet from the centre of the pyramid northwards, and its eastern side is 26 feet from the centre of the py- ramid eastwards. This chamber was left unfinished; and in the wall opposite the entrance is a small passage, extending 52 feet in a southerly direction; and in the floor has been recently excavated a well 36 feet in depth, which has not led to any further discoveries in that direc- tion. In the inclined passage, at about 100 feet from the entrance, a granite block closes up the way, which has occasioned an opening to be made at the side of it: passing through this is the ascent to the great gallery, on entering which to the right is a well, communicating with the inclined passage which led to the lower : Fig. 10. The chamber this passage is 28 inches square; at first vertical, then inclines, is again vertical, and then, with two other inclinations, unites with that below: the well is nearly 200 feet in depth, and by it the workmen are said to have descended, after they had closed the lower end of the upper passage with the block of granite above described: they then descended to the lower passage, followed it to the mouth, and made their exit. Passing the entrance, and proceeding about 63 feet, instead of a continued descent, there is an ascent by another passage, which commences at this point, and which is in length 124 feet 4 inches, which conducts to the great gallery of the king's chamber. The angle at which this passage inclines is about 26° 18', its height is 3 feet 11 inches, and its breadth 3 feet 5 inches. The great gallery follows in the same inclination with this passage, and is in length 156 feet; the breadth 3 feet 5 inches, besides the breadth of each ramp, which is 1 foot 8 inches; and the vertical height of this inclined gallery is 28 feet. The At the foot of the great gallery, or rather where it unites with the passage that inclines upwards, there is at the point of junction another horizontal passage, 109 feet 11 inches in length, which conducts to what is called the queen's chamber, which measures, from north to south, 17 feet; from east to west, 18 feet 9 inches; and the height, to the commencement of the roof, is 14 feet 9 inches; the extreme height is 20 feet 3 inches. The roof is formed of blocks of calcareous stone, resting, like those over the entrance, with their ends against each other. This chamber is situated nearly under the apex of the pyramid; and the stones are so well squared that their joints are hardly discernible. floor is about 408 feet below the original summit, and 71 feet below that called the king's chamber, which is at the top of the great gallery, and entered by a horizontal passage, in length about 22 feet. This horizontal passage is in height 3 feet 8 inches, and in width 3 feet 5 inches: at the end are four portcullises, in granite, each 12 feet 5 inches in height, which slide in grooves cut in the same stone at the sides, and which, when closed, com- pletely blocked up the entrance to the king's chamber, which is in length, from east to west, 34 feet 3 inches, and in breadth, from north to south, 17 feet 1 inch; the height is 12 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 19 feet. The sides are lined with granite; and the roof, which is flat, is formed of the same quality of stone, having nine slabs, which cross the breadth of the chamber. At the upper end is a sarcophagus of similar red granite to the lining of the walls: its length is 7 feet 6 inches, its breadth 3 feet 3 inches, and height 3 feet 5 inches; so that it was just admissible through the portal or entrance passage. There are upon it neither sculpture nor hieroglyphics. The most remarkable feature or accompaniment of this chamber, is the two air-channels, or funnels, which pass directly to the outside, and commence at a height of 3 feet from the floor. The air-channel to the north is 233 feet in length, its breadth is 9 inches, and its height 9 9/12 inches. The length of that on the south is 174 feet 3 inches, its breadth 8 inches, and its height 9 inches. Where they pass through the outer face of the pyramids,they are, as measured on the inclined face, 333 feet 1 inch from the base. These tubes no doubt were intended to produce a free circulation of air through the chamber, and bear a resem- blance to the funnel of a chim- ney by an admission of air the lamps were probably kept burn- ing some time after the chamber was closed. From the base of the pyramid to the floor of the king's cham- ber is 138 feet 9 inches; and the northern side is distant from the centre about 16 feet 3 inches southwards, and the eastern side is 26 feet 3 inches eastward of the centre line. Over this chamber are five others, which are about 38 feet by 16, and their heights vary Fig. 11. KING'S CHAMBER, from 1 foot 4 inches to 8 feet 7 inches (fig. 11.); the height from the floor of the king's chamber to that of the upper of the five is 69 feet 3 inches. These five chambers were evidently contrived for the purpose of relieving the weight from the ceiling of the king's chamber below, as they were only entered by cutting or forcing a passage through the solid mass to arrive at them. These rooms are divided by immense granite blocks, and the upper one has inclined blocks like those at the entrance. The great gallery is formed by projecting the courses of stone as they are laid one over the other, so that at the top the sides approach nearly, to allow of its being more easily covered. The outer stones of this pyramid are laid in regular courses, and we find them, as described by Herodotus, very strongly cemented together: this author also informs us how these immense blocks, some more than 30 feet in length, were raised; he says that after the first course was laid, machines, constructed of short timbers, were placed upon it, which hoisted from step to step the various blocks as they were brought along the inclined plane. Goguet has given the form of such a machine, which consists of a timber frame con- taining a fulcrum, to which a long lever could be applied, worked by many men at one time, and capable of raising weights far greater than any we find used here. Each course being so much within that below, it formed a sort of stairs, so that such a machine as is now described could be readily applied, and would serve to raise the blocks from one step to the other. Such is the manner probably adopted by these early engineers to pile one stone upon another; and, by the magnitude of the masses they constructed, they hoped to render their work immortal. They are as solid as they are immense; and all the means that could be found to render them so were adopted. No timber enters into their construction, and the stoņes used are of great dimensions, and always solidly bedded. CHAP. II. EGYPTIAN. 13 Second Pyramid. — Its construction, though similar, is inferior to that already described, Fig. 12. the sarcophagus was sunk. ול SECOND PYRAMID. and by Herodotus is called that of Chephren. The lowest tier of stones was granite, but the rest has been brought from the Ara- bian mountains, the Troici lapidis mons of Pliny, or from the Mokattam limestone quarries. The passages are also similar to those of the first pyramid, and there is only one chamber, in the floor of which There were two original entrances, but no gallery. The casing has been removed to within 130 to 150 feet of the present summit. The original base measured, according to Mr. Perring The present do. - The former perpendicular height was The present Former slant height The present do. do Feet. In. 707 9 690 9 454 3 - 447 6 572 6 563 6 The angle is 52° 20′, and the size of the square platform at the top 9 feet. This pyramid does not rise from the level of the natural rock, but out of an excavation made in the solid rock, there being a deep cut entirely around it. It was opened by Fig. 13. Belzoni, who found the entrance (fig. 13.) on the north side, which was 4 feet high, 3 feet 6 inches in width, and formed of large granite blocks. This entrance was east of a vertical meridian plane bisecting the pyramid. At this upper entrance, which was 37 feet 8 inches above the base, the passage descended at an angle of 25° 55'; its length is 104 feet 10 inches. This passage was cut out of the solid calcareous rock. After passing a portcullis formed by a block of granite sliding in grooves, at the end of a horizontal passage was the main chamber, also cut out of the solid rock, in length 46 feet, and in width, from north to south, 10 feet 2 inches; the height at the sides, 6 feet, and in the centre, 8 feet 5 inches; the roof slanting, and covered with blocks of calcareous stone. Making an allowance of 8 feet of solid rock over the whole area of the pyramid, the 14 BOOK J. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. original quantity of masonry has been estimated at 65,980,000 cubic feet, or 4,883,000 tons; and the original base has an area of 11 acres, 1 rood, 38 poles. Fig. 14. The lower entrance was at a level of 40 feet below the base line, and was completely filled up with solid masonry, closely jointed and well cemented together: the stones were 10 feet in length, or more. (See fig. 14.) Third Pyramid, is that of Mycerinus, son of Cheops (fig. 15.). According to Hero- dotus, its entrance was also, like that of all the others, on the north side. or Mycerinus, Moscheris, Mencheres, as he has by other writers been called, succeeded Suphis, Saophis, or Cheops, who was cotemporary with Abra- ham, about 1920 years before Christ. The memory of My- cerinus was greatly revered by the Egyptians, because he ex- celled all his predecessors in the equity with which he adminis- tered the laws; and Herodotus observes, that this monarch was never happy after the oracle at Butos had informed him that his ---- Fig. 15. THIRD PYRAMID. death would be certain at the end of six years. He endeavoured to forget the destiny which he knew was immutable, and caused a number of lamps to be made, by the light of which, when evening approached, he passed his hours in the festivity of the banquet. Before a platform could be obtained for this pyramid, it was necessary, on the western side, to build up a foundation with two tiers of very large blocks of stone. This structure was more carefully executed than the two already described; it varied from them also in being built in regular steps or stages; the angles between the upright and horizontal faces being afterwards filled in with polished granite to form a casing. The entrance was above the level of the base, at a height of 13 feet; and all the passages and excavations to form chambers were cut in the solid rock. The exterior presents one continued line to the eye, but the courses of stone diminish in height as they approach the top. The base, which is square, is in length on each side The present perpendicular height The present inclined height The former perpendicular height Feet. In. 354 6 203 0 261 4 218 0 The former inclined height 278 2 The angle at which the casing is laid is 51°, and the square platform at the top is about 16 feet. CHAP. II. 15 EGYPTIAN. The inclined passage is on an angle of 26° 2′, and is in length 104 feet; in breadth, 3 feet 6 inches; and in height, 4 feet: at a distance of 4 feet 3 inches is an ante-room, which, from north to south, is 12 feet in length, 10 feet 5 inches in breadth, and in height 7 feet. There are then three portcullises, in length 13 feet 5 inches; and an horizontal passage, 41 feet 3 inches in length, 3 feet 6 inches in breadth, and 5 feet 10 inches in height. At the end of this is a large apartment, which had a flat ceiling, the total length of which is 46 feet 3 inches, and breadth 12 feet 7 inches, the height being about 13 feet 6 inches. Beyond this was the sepul- chral chamber, the length of which, from north to south, was 21 feet 8 inches; and the breadth 8 feet 7 inches; the height at the sides 8 feet 9 inches, and in the centre 11 feet 3 inches. In this chamber Colonel Howard Vyse found the stone sarcophagus which contained the wooden coffin now in the British Museum, which has on it the name of the King Mencheres or Mycerinus. The plan of the inclined passage conducting to the se- pulchral chamber shows its direction and the situation of the portcullis, where an addi- tional width is given for the purpose of rendering this part more secure. The whole forms apparently an impas- sable barrier; and without a knowledge of the construction of this portion of the gallery, and the aid of machinery, a passage could not have been obtained. Over the great cham- ber the position of the large stones which cover it are indi- cated. The section over the plan exhibits two inclined galleries, one above the other, and nearly parallel: the upper gallery has not been traced to the outside, but may conduct to another chamber not yet discovered. As the latter inclined gallery has its communication with the upper part of the chamber which contained the sarcophagus, it is by some supposed to have been used merely as an air- shaft; but this is only a conjec- ture, its dimensions being con- siderable. The masonry of both the inclined galleries is exe- cuted with the same care, these being apparently cotemporary with the original structure. Fig. 10. PYRAMID OF MYCERINUS, SECTION PLAN 16 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The entrance to this inclined passage, which was at the height of 13 feet above the level of the base, was formed by a square hole (fig. 17.), or rather by the leaving out of one large stone: the joints of the masonry around it were very imperfect, and many of them seem to have been disturbed as if injured by attempts to force an opening at some time or other. Fig. 17. The ante-room, which occurs in the lower passage, at 104 feet from the entrance, is pecu- liar for the contrivances which are introduced to prevent any one from proceeding beyond it. Where the three portcullises are placed (fig. 18), across from east to west, the passage is PASSACE TO LARGE APARTMENT PORTQULLIS Fig. 18. ROOM ENTRANCE PASSAGE 13 feet 6 inches in length; after which the passage proceeds to the large apartment in nearly a horizontal line. Immediately above, in the section of this portion of the pyramid, may be seen another passage, nearly horizontal at first in its direction, and afterwards inclining upwards: it however terminates at that part of the pyramid where the artificial construc- tion commences; which seems to indicate that it never had any communication with the exterior. Fig. 19. □ ! CHAP. II. EGYPTIAN. 17 The other end of this passage, where it is attached to the large apartment, is very much cut by ropes, the stone indicating, by the grooves worn in it. that hoisting had been much practised here: probably the stones from the excavations may have been drawn out by means of this passage, and after- wards used in the upper constructions, which now effectually close the other end. The centre of the py- ramid is immediately over the cross, marked on the plan of the large apartments in fig. 16. At the bottom of the southern side of a passage which leads from the sepulchral chamber, a recess has been formed, on the opposite side of which is a flight of seven steps which conducted into the southern end of a room that had its floor 3 feet below the level of that of the passage. This room was of a rectangular form, but was not set out square with the great chamber; it contained four niches or compartments on the east- ern side, and two on the northern. The large apartment shown on the plan, fig. 16., and lying at right angles with the entrance passage, had a flat ceiling of very large and massive stone, and was divided in its length by two projections. or pilasters, one of which was attached to each side, and beyond was the recess R.BRANS TOYS4 Fig 20. or sepulchral chamber, in which the sarcophagus was found: the hole in front conducts below. (See fig. 20.) The original quantity of masonry in this pyramid has been estimated at 9,132,000 cubic feet, or 702,460 tons, and the extent of its base at 2 acres, 3 roods, 21 poles. The discovery of the sarcophagus settles the question relative to the destination of the pyramids. The chamber which contained it is given in fig. 21., and indicated in the plan, fig. 16., where the recess is shown beyond the two pilasters. All the ancient writers bear testimony to the extreme anxiety of the Egyptians, in common with other nations, to preserve their remains until a period unanimously anticipated, when their bodies should be resuscitated. Indeed, the Egyptians, according to Diodorus Siculus, set little value on the shortness of this present life, but put a high esteem upon the name and reputation of a virtuous life, after death; and they called the houses of the living, inns, because they sojourned there a short time; but the sepulchres of the dead they denomi- nated lasting habitations, as in them they were to abide for infinite generations. For this reason they did not bestow much care on the building of their houses; but in beautifying their sepulchres, they left nothing undone that could be thought of. When a king died, there was a universal mourning and a rending of garments. Temples were shut up, and feasts and solemnities stayed, for the space of seventy-two days; casting dust upon their heads, and girding themselves under the breasts with linen girdles. When these and other observances had been performed, all things were then prepared in a stately manner for the funeral; and on the last day, the coffin, with the body inclosed, was brought C 18 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. to the entrance of its final sepulchre, where, according to the laws of Egypt, all the actions of the individual during life were rehearsed, and any one had free liberty to expatiate on his faults. The priests, then, with many thou- sands of the people, amidst profound silence, assisted in depositing the coffin in the sarcophagus prepared to receive it, which was adorned with painting. It is not improbable that the hole in the pavement in front of the sar- cophagus (fig. 21.), communicated with a channel which carried off the water brought down by the inclined passage, should any filter through the walls or rocks with which it was connected. When Belzoni advanced some distance along the passage which led to the apartment con- taining the splendid sarcophagus in the museum of Sir John Soane, be found a well 30 feet in depth, and 14 feet by 12 feet 3 inches, which was contrived for the purpose of receiving the rain water, and keeping the other chamber dry. Heavy rains fall at Thebes occasion- ally, once in every four or five years, when it may enter through the porous stone in sufficient quantity to wash down the rubbish stantly found deposited within these passages and chambers. con- Fig. 21. Fourth Pyramid. Its square base is only 102 feet 6 inches long on each side, and its total height 69 feet 6 inches. It is constructed with large blocks of stone; but it is doubtful whether the exterior was ever completed. The The sepulchral chamber measures 19 feet 2 inches from north to south, its breadth 8 feet 9 inches, and its height 10 feet 4 inches. The entrance to this pyramid is by a square aperture. (See fig. 22.) Fig 22. The fifth Pyramid was 145 feet 9 inches on each side at the base, and its original perpendicular height 93 feet 3 inches. Its chamber, from east to west, was 25 feet 6 inches, its breadth 10 feet 5 inches, and its height 8 feet 9 inches; its entrance is by a descent. (See fig. 23.) CHAP. II. 19 EGYPTIAN. והווווהיי 1 + MUST Fig. 23. The sixth Pyramid measured at its base 102 feet 6 inches, and had a total height of 69 feet 6 inches. It contained, besides its passages, an ante-room, and sepulchral chamber, which was in length, from north to south, 26 feet, in breadth 11 feet 4 inches, and in height 24 feet: the entrance here is by descent also. (See fig. 24.) Fig. 24, The seventh Pyramid had its passage lined with masonry, and its sepulchral chamber with highly-wrought square slabs of stone: its dimensions were, from east to west, 11 feet 8 inches, and from north to south 9 feet 9 inches. The length of one side of its square base was 172 feet 6 inches, its perpendicular height 111 feet, its inclined height 140 feet, and the angle of its side 52° 10′. When the enterprising Belzoni was in Egypt, he attempted to open most of these pyramids, and had considerable difficulty in finding out the entrance, which was not always in the centre, or at an equal distance from the angles; much time was spent in vain upon the pyramid in question, and it is to Mr. Perring and his patron that we are indebted for the means of describing the entrance shown above. The stones in this pyramid, like the others, were laid in distinct courses, diminishing successively in size as they approached the top: each course was so much within the other below, that it formed a sort of stair previous to the casing stones being laid upon the outside, which rendered the work complete. These steps served for the placing of the € 2 20 BOOK L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. machines mentioned by Herodotus, by which the stones were successively raised step by step, and imbedded in their proper places; after which the coating or casing commenced at top, and the work was finished by progressing downwards; at least so it is reported by the father of history. ・ Fig. 25. The eighth Pyramid had a square base, the side of which was 172 feet 6 inches in length, a perpendicular height of 111 feet, an inclined height of 140 feet, and the angle of its side was 52° 10′. The sepulchral chamber was in length, from east to west, 12 feet 9 inches, and its breadth 10 feet 3 inches; its entrance is very much broken. (See fig. 26.) Fig. 26. The ninth Pyramid measured on each side at its base 160 feet: its perpendicular height was 101 feet 9 inches, and its inclined height 130 feet 6 inches. The angle that its sides formed was 52° 10′. Like the others, it had passages, an ante-room, and a sepulchral chamber, which was in length 12 feet 3 inches, in breadth, from north to south, 3 feet 6 inches, and in height 8 feet 6 inches. The entrance is very much broken, and appears to have been greatly disturbed; it was by descent, like most of the others; the stones which formed it were of enormous dimensions, and laid with great care; that which served as a lintel weighed many tons, and must have required the aid of a powerful lever to lift it into its place. By means of an inclined plane, these large blocks were rolled from their quarries, after which the machine mentioned by Herodotus was made use of. These pyramids astonish us by the enormous manual labour bestowed upon them. CHAP. II. 21 EGYPTIAN. Herodotus describes hundreds of thousands of persons as employed for their construction, who were changed every three months; years were consumed in the preparation of the material; millions sterling were expended in the purchase of food whilst they were in progress; and, according to some inscriptions remaining, this food consisted of leeks, garlic, onions, and other vegetable diet. In the early ages of the world, a rapidly increasing population required support before means could be found to employ it beneficially, and the sovereigns of Egypt might have been induced to construct these splendid tombs, to afford occupation to their subjects. யராம் Fig. 27. Campbell's Tomb, as it is now called, is here given on account of the arch which it contains, and which, it is asserted, was known at the time of the first Osirtasen, who reigned when Joseph was in Egypt. A A Fig. 28. C Fig. 29. In the ground plan the chamber A A is 30 feet 6 inches from east to west, and 26 feet 3 inches in the other direction: the depth of this excavation is 53 feet 6 inches. The part lettered B is the arched tomb, and C is a trench cut all round, 5 feet 4 inches in width; but it is not at an equal distance from the centre excavation on all sides. It forms a square, measuring on the inside about 57 feet 3 inches. This trench is cut to the depth of 73 feet, which is a little more than 15 feet 6 inches below the surface of the inundation in 1838. c 3 22 Book L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. On a bed of sand, 2 feet 6 inches in thickness, slabs of stone about 5 feet in length were laid flat, and upon them were carried up a few courses with smaller stones. In the centre was placed a large block (A) scooped out to receive the sarcophagus, which contained the body; over this, at B, was another large stone placed, covering the whole, and on the lower edge was an inscription, or row of hieroglyphics. This sarco- phagus, of black basalt, is now in the British Museum. The entrance was by the pit k, and the roof of the chamber was formed of four stones, the two outer being set edge- ways, and inclined inwards, having the two others placed upon them, forming as it were the first rudiments of an arch. Over these was turned an arch, the radius of which was 6 feet 2 inches, and the span 11 feet, which is a little less than that of a semicircle. It is composed of four courses, 3 feet 10 inches thick; the stones are described to have been 4 feet long, and 15 inches in breadth; at the back the joints were packed with chips, and the whole had been grouted with fluid mortar. (See fig. 31.) 66 ა C | VIJINI RESITELLITE IRUTTINI IN EXE331113 13 UPEKE BLI ULCELET ER IN PELEN KEURINN FEFERSON ESTEEFKEN TOTEND" || (MUNUUMUTAMRITINE The antiquity of the arch is said by Mr. Wilkinson, in his Egypt and Thebes," to be traced to the time of Amunoph the First, who reigned 1540 years before Christ; and arches of stone and brick are met with in several tombs of a very early date. He also observes, that if the chambers of the brick pyramids at Memphis, erected by the successor of the son of Cheops, were vaulted, as he supposes, the antiquity of the arch might be carried back nearly 700 years prior to the reign of Amunoph, which is 2020 years before our era. Fig. 30. When blocks of stone, cut like truncated wedges, are so placed that they support each other by their mutual pressure, they constitute an arch in our acceptation of the term; and it does not seem improbable that such a system of construction should result from the use of bricks, in a country where timber was not readily obtained, to serve as lintels or discharging pieces. Brick arches seem the first upon record; here the opening is gathered over by three stones set in the or- dinary Egyptian manner, and the arch in question, turned over them, bears no weight, but acts simply as a covering; there is no indication of an abutment necessary to render the work solid and durable. 21111 RESPITE PLANETA" Mr. Wilkinson observes that arches, or similar constructions, in brick, were in use 3370 years ago, as the name of Amunoph is preserved on the stucco which coats the interior of the vaulted tomb at Thebes. The stone arch at Saccara still exists, of the time of the second Psam- meticus, who reigned about 600 years before our era, and, from its peculiar construction, there is little doubt that the Egyptians had been long accustomed to the erection Fig. 31. CHAP. II. 23 EGYPTIAN. • of stone vaults. The want of timber in that country would render such construction almost necessary. In the time of the first Osir- tasen, who was cotemporary with Joseph, the arch was made use of in the tombs at Beni Hassan. In Egypt, then, we must acknowledge we find the first rudiments of the arch; and from that country it was brought into Europe. The principle of the arch, with all its voussoirs radiating to a common centre, is certainly shown to exist in many buildings which modern travel- lers have surveyed in Egypt. The length of the tomb is 14 feet 9 inches, the breadth is 10 feet 5 inches, the height to 11 Fig. 32. the springing of the arch is 19 feet 4 inches, and from the springing to the top of the arch is 7 feet 8 inches. A tube of earthenware in a stone stopper had formed an opening between the two apartments, and above it another, with a similar stopper in the arch, for the purposes of ventilation. The Pyramids of Middle and Lower Egypt are thirty-nine in number: they are situated on the western side of the river, on desert hills, which form the western boundary of the Nile. They are comprised within 29° 16′ 56″ and 30° 2′ 30″ north latitude, or a space equal to about 53 English miles. Pyramid of Abou Roash is situated five miles to the north-west of those at Gizeh. The base, which is all that remains, is 320 feet square. The mass, formed of hard chalk, of which the mountain is composed, has been cut into the form: this was cased with hard stone, none of which remains. There is an inclined entrance passage, and an apartment lying east and west, cut out of the solid chalk, and lined with fine calcareous stone from the Tourah quarries. The passage inclines at an angle of 22º 35′, and is about 160 feet in length. The chamber is 40 feet by 15, above which was apparently another. The level space around the pyramid is about 510 feet above the plain: the northern side has been sloped away, and an inclined causeway, 4950 feet in length, and 30 in breadth, leads into the plain below this causeway is in some parts nearly 40 feet in height, and walled with masonry. Pyramid of Zowyet el Arrian has its base about 300 feet square, and in height its remains are 61 feet above the rock: the material with which it is built is a hard limestone, in which are many fossil shells: the blocks were not squared, nor were they laid in - regular courses, clay or loam being used instead of mortar. Pyramid of Reegah is situated about three quarters of a mile north-west from those of Abouseir; its base measures 123 feet 4 inches square. This pyramid had two inclinations given to it: the lower was at an angle of 75° 20′, and the upper, covered with calcareous stone, an angle of 52°. Pyramids of Abouseir are three in three in number: they are about seven miles S. S. E. of those at Gizeh, and three miles N. N. E. of Saccara. The material with which they are built is the stone ound upon the spot, laid in Nile earth nstead of mortar. The exterior casing of all of them has been removed. The interior chambers and passages are similar to all the others. The northern pyramid was originally 257 feet square, and the perpendicular height 162 feet 9 inches; the angle of the casing being 51° 42′ 35″. Fig. 33 C 4 ་་་་་ 24 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The passage descended at an angle of 27° 5' for 14 feet, and then went horizontally: at the distance of 27 feet from the inclined plane, it had been closed by a granite portcullis 1 foot 3 inches in thickness. The distance from the present entrance to the apartment was in length 71 feet 4 inches; the apartment measured from north to south 11 feet 8 inches; the height at the sides was 9 feet 4 inches, and in the centre 12 feet 6 inches. This apartment was in the centre of the pyramid, and there had been three tiers of roof blocks, the footings of the upper rows being carried beyond those of the lower, in order that the pressure should be more equally distributed. These roof blocks were 35 feet in length, 12 feet thick, and 9 feet wide. The middle Pyramid had for each side of its square base 274 feet, and its perpendicular height 171 feet 4 inches. Here was also an inclined passage and a portcullis; beyond which a horizontal passage extended 63 feet in length, 5 feet 10 inches in height, and 5 feet 1 inch in width. The width of the apartment at the end was 14 feet; the roof of which had been formed of three tiers of blocks, 48 feet 6 inches in length. Great Pyramid, which was on steps, covered with flat stones, the space between these and the pyramidal casing being filled up with rubble. The lower parts of the casing, as well as portions of the entrance passage, were of granite: the mortar in general was formed of Nile earth, with a small proportion of lime. • Its base originally measured 359 feet 9 inches, and perpendicular height 227 feet 10 inches. The entrance passage inclined 26° 3'; and where it was continued horizontally, it was constructed of large blocks of Tourah stone, with a roof of inclined stones. The apartment was covered with a pointed roof, of three courses of blocks, 45 feet in length. Small Pyramid, originally measured at its base 75 feet 5 inches on each side: the apart- ment within was in length, from east to west, 12 feet 2 inches; from north to south 10 feet 6 inches, and in height 8 feet 7 inches. At the south-eastern corner was a recess, 5 feet 1 inch in breadth, and 3 feet 5 inches in depth. The horizontal passage was in length 14 feet, in height 8 feet 7 inches, and in breadth 2 feet 5 inches. The inclined passage was 27 feet in length, and 2 feet 10 inches in breadth; the angle being 22° 10′. Pyramids of Saccara.-The first, much decayed, is a mass of ruins; its present base measures on each side 210 feet, and its height 59, the platform at the top being about 50 feet square. The second Pyramid is built with large unsquared stones; the length of the side of the original base is 231 feet 3 inches, its height 146 feet 6 inches. The angle of the inclined passage is 26° 35′, and its length 78 feet 9 inches. The horizontal passage to the portcullis is in length 31 feet 3 inches; the thickness of the portcullis is 2 feet 3 inches, and from thence to the chamber 26 feet 9 inches, making the total length 60 feet 3 inches: its width is 4 feet 2 inches, and height 6 feet 1 inch. The two principal apartments have pointed roofs, and are lined with calcareous stone. The outer apartment is in length, from east to west, 13 feet 7 inches, in breadth, from north to south, 10 feet 3 inches; the height at the sides is 10 feet 5 inches, and in the centre 14 feet 2 inches. The inner apartment is in length, from east to west, 25 feet 7 inches, and in breadth, from north to south, 10 feet 3 inches. The rooms at the side, one of which runs from east to west, is 18 feet in length and 8 feet in width. Another, from north to south, is in length 34 feet, and in width 7 feet 3 inches. The third or Great Pyramid, or that of degrees, stands about 91 feet above the level --------- Fig. 34. SACCARA. CHAP. II. 25 EGYPTIAN. was of the plain; an inclined way, by which the stone drawn up, being cut in the sides of the rock. It differs from most of the other pyramids in its construction, and from its having four entrances and several chambers: originally it had on the exterior six steps or truncated pyramids diminish- ing upwards. The core or mass of masonry is rubble, enclosed by eleven walls, each about 9 feet in thickness, inclining inwards. These walls are built of rudely squared stone, laid on mortar made of the gravel of the desert and lime, or of Nile earth. The length of the sides of the original base from 1 Fig. 35. SACCARA. பட north to south was 351 feet 2 inches, and from east to west, 393 feet 11 inches. The total area was 15,372 square yards. The plan of this pyramid indicates the passages and galleries which led to and from the square sepulchral chamber, shown nearly in the centre; intricate as they now are, they appear to have been set around the principal room at regular distances, whatever may have been their level or height, and the re- gularity with which the walls are built with very very coarse material, shows some advancement in the knowledge construction. concrete rubble employed here is a very early indication of the of The or use of artificial ce- ments, which have continued to be adopted throughout the civilised world at all periods: the due proportion of lime and the other compounds expe- rience soon taught, it being one of the II I Fig 36. D D SACCARA, ག་ properties of matter to mix only in definite quantities. The concrete of the pyramid 26 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. of the Coliseum, and our feudal castles, differ only in the quality of the lime made use of, some being so excellent, or so perfectly pure, as to unite with a greater quantity of stone than the other. The platform at the top measured originally, from north to south, 42 feet 10 inches, and from east to west 85 feet 8 inches. The height of the first step is 37 feet 8 inches; of the second, 35 feet 11 inches; the third, 34 feet 3 inches; the fourth, 32 feet 7 inches; the fifth, 30 feet 10 inches; the sixth, 29 feet 2 inches. The face of each story makes an angle with the horizon of 73° 30′. At the distance of 52 feet from the pyramid, and 11 feet to the westward of the centre, is the entrance by means of a sunk pit; here commences a hori- zontal passage, 120 feet in length; this afterwards takes a winding di- rection, and descends to the large chamber. The general inclination is 23° 20′, and the width of this pas- sage is in the centre 3 feet 5 inches; its length is 176 feet 5 inches; and its entrance to the chamber is 7 feet 6 inches above the level of the floor. There is another passage, 179 feet 6 inches in length, and in breadth and height 4 feet 2 inches, excavated out of the rock: this commences at 5 feet to the eastward of the northern front, at about 5 feet distance from the building. This passage communicates with a recess, in the upper part of the western side of the large chamber, where appa- rently a wooden beam had been in- troduced, to which a rope had been suspended: this passage was nearly straight and lying horizontal. + At a distance of 7 feet to the eastward of the southern front was another pit, 14 feet square; from this proceeded a horizontal gallery 166 feet 3 inches long, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet 4 inches high, with a recess at the south-western angle of the large chamber; this recess was 70 feet above the level of the cham- ber. The whole of the passage was cut out of the rock, and its covering or roof was supported by a row of 22 columns, made of compact lime- stone: these columns, which are partly covered with hieroglyphics, have been wedged up above and below with wood, to catch the bearing of the superin- cumbent weight, to which most of them have yielded. Fig. 37. PLAN. SACCARA. The large chamber is excavated out of the rock: its western side is 25 feet 6 inches to the eastward of the centre of the pyramid, from north to south; but it is immediately under it from east to west. Its dimensions are 24 feet by 23; and its height was 77 fee from the floor to the ceiling, which was found to have been formed of planks, supported by a platform of timber, consisting of two principal beams, and cross bearers: one of these beams remained in its situation, though broken in the middle. The floor of the chamber was formed with blocks of granite, 10 feet long, 5 feet 4 inches wide, and the same in height; its entrance was closed by a conical block of granite (A, fig. 38.), weighing about 4 tons. The granite blocks which compose the floor of the large chamber are in thickness about 4 feet, and supported on pillars of loose stone wedged up with wood. From the south-western angle of the large chamber a passage communicates with the smaller rooms. The first is 20 feet 6 inches from north to south, 5 feet 11 inch in width, and 6 feet 5 inches in height; the other is 18 feet 8 inches in length, from east to west, and of the same width and height as the last. The sides of these apartments were lined with calcareous stone, and ornamented with bluish green porcelain; the ceiling and floor was the native rock, smoothed and plastered over CHAP. II. 27 EGYPTIAN. The several chambers and galleries which conducted to them were finished and decorated in a similar manner to the houses or palaces occupied by the living, which were usually coated with a fine stucco within and with- out, and ornamented with devices by the painter. In some of the tombs, bronze pins have been no- ticed in the floors, within the openings, on which the wooden doors turned which shut in the several chambers; sometimes holes or mortices in the pavement and stone lintel above the opening are discovered, in which the pivot at the top and bot- tom of the door was in- serted. Many bolts and bars, which secured the openings, have also been found, as have iron keys. The floors not of stone were covered with a composition, and the ceilings in many instances exhibit remains of paint- Fig. 38. SACCARA. A ing; among the designs of some may be traced all that is admired in the ornaments of Greece and Rome; the fret and other familiar forms are here first met with in all their variety. The fourth Pyramid has not been accurately measured, but it is about 220 feet square, and the height 62 feet, the platform at top being 30 feet. The fifth Pyramid is the only one entirely constructed with quarried stone, the others being only cased with that material. The base measures 250 feet, and its height is 40 feet. The sixth Pyramid measures at present at its base 270 feet, and in height, 80 feet. The seventh Pyramid at its base is 140 feet. The eighth 240 feet, and the ninth 245 feet: these have most of them causeways, and are built on steps. Pyramids of Dashoors are situated near the village of Mensheeh, and are about three miles from Dashoors: they consist of two of brick, two of stone, and another, northern brick Pyramid, is composed of crude bricks, and has been covered with stone from the Mokattam quarries. This was supposed to have been that described by Herodotus, as built by Asychis, the successor of Mycerinus. Many of the stones which formed the casing were at their base 8 feet 3 inches in length, 6 feet in width, and 1 foot 11 inches thick; the ends being sloped with the inclination of the pyramid they were not laid in regular courses, but in the manner termed polygonal; several of them were held together by dovetail cramps, made of stone. The body of the pyramid was built of bricks, which were about 16 inches in length, 8 inches in width, and from 4 to 5 inches thick: they were mostly composed of alluvial earth; some with less sand, but containing a quantity of straw; and others made from a dark-coloured tenacious earth without any straw: they were all laid in regular courses, occasionally crossed by others, the interstices being filled up with dry sand. The original base measured 350 feet, and the height 215 feet 6 inches, the angle at which the casing was laid being 51° 20′ 25″. This pyramid has at present baffled all attempts at discovering its chambers. The northern stone Pyramid has its exterior casing, the lining of its passages, and chambers of a white compact limestone, which was brought along the two causeways from the quarries, lying in a westerly direction, or by two others which conduct to the Nile, where the stone night have been brought from the opposite side of the river. The original base measured 719 feet 5 inches, its perpendicular height 342 feet 7 inches, and the angle of its casing 43° 36′ 11″. The top was formed of one block of Arabian stone, which rested upon a course formed of four others, 4 feet 9 inches in thickness: those immediately below averaged 2 feet in thickness, and near the bottom 3 feet. and were all laid in regular horizontal courses, 23 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 豐 ​and well built. The entrance has its centre 12 feet 6 inches to the eastward of the centre of the northern front, and the bottom of it is 94 feet, higher than the base of the building. Its The passage is 3 feet 6 inches wide, 4 feet high, and inclines at an angle of 27° 56′. original length was 205 feet 6 inches: the lower portion, and a horizontal passage, 24 feet 4 inches long, leads to the first chamber, which is 27 feet 6 inches in length from north to south, and 12 feet from east to west, having its floor level with the base of the pyramid. The four lower courses of the walls, to the height of 11 feet 84 inches, are perpendicular; over these are eleven other courses, each of which overhangs the other nearly 6 inches; so that the ceiling is only 14 inches in width: the two first courses, which project, are each 3 feet in thickness, whilst the others are about 2 feet 6 inches: the height of this chamber is 40 feet 4 inches. From the south-western corner of this chamber is a passage 10 feet 4 inches long, 3 feet 6 inches wide, and 4 feet 6 inches high, which leads to another similar chamber, at the end of which, at the height of 25 feet 3 inches from the floor, is a passage running southward, 24 feet in length, to another chamber, 27 feet 3 inches long from east to west, and 13 feet 7 inches in breadth: the sides are perpendicular to the height of 12 feet, after which there are fourteen courses overhanging each other; its total height being 48 feet. Southern stone Pyramid is singular, from its having two inclinations: the mass or body is formed of stone, and its casing appears to have been brought from the quarries of Mokattam. Its base measured 616 feet 8 inches, and its total present height is 320 feet. The angle of the casing of the lower portion is 54° 14′ 46″, and that of the upper 42° 59′ 26″, the platform at the top being about 40 feet square. There are two inclined passages: one has its entrance in the centre of the northern front, about 35 feet perpendicularly above the base; the other at 44 feet, to the southward of the centre of the western front, at a perpendicular height of 97 feet 8 inches above the base. The entrance from the western front of the pyramid was by a passage 222 feet 8 inches long, and 3 feet 4 inches wide and high. At the end was a horizontal passage, 65 feet 6 inches in length, and in it were two portcullises: these were slipped down inclined planes Fig. 39. DASHOOR. into their position to cover the opening of the passage: at the eastern end of the horizontal passage was a chamber, 21 feet 6 inches long, 13 feet 6 inches wide, and 52 feet 6 inches high. This pyramid was the only one that had its inclined passage from any other quarter than the north. Small Pyramid was built of roughly hewn blocks, and was cased with Mokattam stone. Its base measured 181 feet, and its height 106 feet 9 inches; the angle of its casing being 50° 11′ 41″. Southern brick Pyramid. The bricks contain a quantity of straw, pieces of broken pot- tery and stone, and vary in size; they are in length from 13 to 15 inches, and in thick- ness from 3 to 73 inches. This pyramid had been cased with stone from the Mokattam quarries: its original base measured 342 feet 6 inches; and its height, perpendicularly, 267 feet 4 inches, the angle of its casing being 57° 20′ 2″. The interior of these brick pyramids has not been examined. Pyramids of Lisht. The northern at the base now measures 360 feet, and the southern 450 feet. Pyramid of Meydoom has a base 530 feet square: it is built in three heights or degrees, forming so many truncated pyramids, the angle being 74° 10′. The lower degree measures at its base 199 feet, and is 69 feet 6 inches in height; the second is 127 feet, and 32 feet 6 inches high; the upper is about 22 feet 6 inches high. The blocks are of a compact limestone, about 2 feet thick, laid at right angles, and well CHAP. II. 29 EGYPTIAN. put together; the whole being originally cased with others: it has not had its interior described. Pyramid of Illahoon is built round a knoll of rock, which has been faced with crude brick; the body of the pyramid being formed of the same material, is supported by stone walls, which cross the pyramid at its two diagonals, and others proceeding out of them, running parallel with the sides. The bricks are laid in mortar, and measure 16 inches by 8 inches, and are 5 inches or more in thickness: they are formed of Nile earth and chopped straw The outer casing was of stone, and the present base measures 360 feet, and height 130 feet. The use of unburnt bricks was general throughout Egypt, and their manufacture gave employment to a great body of la- bourers; this simple material, in our own day, is often found more economical than stone, quarried or obtained upon the spot; gardens, and even inclosures to the temples of the gods, in Egypt, were often surrounded by walls of crude brick, merely baked in the sun. The demand being at one period so great for bricks, the government under- took to manufacture them, and to supply the public at a reasonable price; to do this in a manner to improve the revenue, the seal of the king or his authorised agent was stamped upon them, and all persons forbidden to engage in the manufacture. Fig. 40. ILLAHOON. Pyramid of Howara is constructed of crude bricks, containing chopped straw: they measure 17½ inches by 83, and are 5½ inches thick, laid on a fine gravel: originally it was cased with Its present base measures 300 feet, and its height 106 feet. stone. Southward of this pyramid are the ruins of an extensive labyrinth, as it is supposed. Pyramids of Biahhmoo are five miles from Medeénet el Faioum: they consist of two masses, about 30 feet by 22, and about 30 feet in height. Pyramid of El Koofa, in latitude 25º 10', has its present base 59 feet 6 inches square : there are 27 courses, built in three several degrees, 38 feet 6 inches in height above the rock. Ethiopia. The Island of Meroe, which is formed by the conflux of the Astapus and Astaboras, according to Diodorus Siculus is in length 375 miles, and in width 125. It is situated between the twelfth and eighteenth degrees of north latitude, and was long the seat of empire of the kings of Ethiopia. The Pyramids at Meroe, which at this day remain, are above 80 in number, and some of them contain hieroglyphics and sculpture of no ordinary kind: they are all constructed of red sandstone, from quarries in the neighbouring hills, which lie to the east of them: the stone is of a soft quality, and of a brownish red tint, and the blocks, which are 2 feet 6 inches long, are laid in regular courses, a foot high. These pyramids vary in dimension from 20 feet square to 63, and their height is about the same as the length of their base; at the angles of some, instead of an arris, or sharp edge, is a bold bead, and in many, at about 12 or 14 feet from the top, is a small window. But the most singular part of their arrangement is that of having on their east sides a portico 36 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. کریں کیا کہوں S " Fig. 41. MEROE. which contains a room varying in width from 11 feet 6 inches to 12 feet 6 inches; and in some instances there are two rooms. The height of these porches in some instances are 18 or 19 feet, and they bear, with their doorway, 3 feet wide, a strong resemblance to the Egyptian propylon. Above the doorway is an architrave, over which is a square fillet, and then a bold carved cornice, ornamented with a winged globe. One of the best proportioned of these propylons or entrances has the doorway 11 feet 6 inches high, and to the top of the cornice, 14 feet. On each side the wall slightly battered. At the bottom they measure 7 feet 6 inches in width, and at the top 7 feet. These porticoes do not much vary in dimensions, although the pyramids to which they are applied differ. These pyramids do not appear to contain any passages or rooms, and they are all probably constructed over wells, in which the dead were deposited. One of the porches is arched, and consists of four or five stones constructed in a regu- lar manner, said to be of the highest antiquity. It is stated to be the earliest known, Fig. 42. MEROE. CHAP. 11. EGYPTIAN. 31 and that in all probability the Egyptians derived their knowledge of this kind of con- struction from the Ethiopians. Diodorus Siculus informs us that it was from them the Egyptians learned to honour their kings as gods, to bury their dead with so much pomp, and also that from them they received their instruction in sculpture as well as in hierogly- phical representations; that the Egyptians were a colony drawn out by Osiris, after Egypt was formed by the deposit of the Nile; that the Egyptian laws were the same as those of Ethiopia, &c. —Lib. iii. cap. 1. At Gibel el Berkel, three and a half miles east of the small town of Meroe, and about 5200 feet from the Nile, are several remains, among which are those of a fine temple, said to have been built by Tirhakah, who was the Ethiopian king that assisted Hezekiah MA Fig. 43. GIBEL EL BIRKEL. when he was at war with Sennacherib, king of Assyria. These several temples are of con- siderable dimensions, and agree in their architecture and sculpture with what is found in Egypt. On the western side of the mountain, from whence the stone was taken for the building of these several temples, remain seventeen pyramids, which were the burial-places of a dynasty of unknown kings: they resemble those of Meroe. They vary in height from 35 to 60 feet, and usually consist of from 30 to 60 steps, which recede about 6 inches, so that they form convenient means to mount to the top. Fig. 44. A GIBEL EL BIRKEL. Pyramids of Nouri. There are traces of thirty-five, fifteen of which are in tolerable preservation. They vary in dimension from 20 to 110 feet square. Eight of them are 80 feet square, and four 70; their height is usually as much as the length of their side. The largest is built up in three stages, and the interior of most of them seem composed of a conglomerate, or puddingstone, and the casing generally of soft sandstone. The pyramidal form seems to have been generally adopted by the Egyptians and Ethio- pians, who considered their palaces only as inns where they tarried for a day, but inade their sepulchres habitations of rest for ages: there are no such remains in Greece; yet we find them in Etruria. According to Pliny, the Etruscans built the tomb of Porsenna in this form, or rather it had five small pyramids. At Rome, the monument of Caius Cestius is pyramidal, and constructed of marble: its base measures 96 feet, and height 121 feet. Caius Cestius, who is supposed to have died when Agrippa was consul, was descended from a noble family, and appointed one of the epulones to prepare the banquets for the gods, at $2 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. the ceremonies of the lectisternium, so frequently mentioned by Livy the historian.. From the peculiar form of this monument, and its being the only one at Rome of the kind, we RIMA. D-DILDO @ should almost fancy that it had been derived from some of those in Nubia, with which it so ex- actly corresponds in arrangement and dimension. Had Caius Cestius held office under the Roman general Petronius, in his expedition against Queen Candace, when he penetrated into Ethiopia, and took the towns of Pselchis, Premmis, and Napata, about twenty years before the birth of Christ, we should have supposed that he had been struck with the respect paid to the dead in some of their necropoli, and selected the same form for his own place of sepulture. In the interesting ㅁ ​Fig. 45. Fig. 46. travels of G. A. Hoskins into Ethiopia, is the description of an elliptical brick arch (fig. 46.), which he discovered in a tomb at Thebes, situated near the valley of the sepulchre of the queens. The roof or ceiling was painted upon a plaster ground, and along the centre was a line of hieroglyphics, which contained the name of Amunoph I., which proves the existence of the arch in that part of Egypt fifteen centuries and a half before the Christian Its span is 8 feet 6, and its rise 3 feet 4 inches. era. Another brick arch is also described on the road from the Memnonium to the valley of the Hassaseef, in a small tomb, which is also vaulted. This has a lower arch of brick resting on a shelf cut on each side of the native rock: the access to this tomb is through a hole in the ceiling from the floor of another tomb above it, where the construction of the arch is seen. The whole is covered with plaster, and on the jambs of the recess are inscribed the titles and prænomen of Thothmes III., Sun, Esta- blisher of the World, fifth king of the eighteenth dynasty, who reigned fifteen centuries before Christ. In the pyramid at Gibel el Berkel is a semicircular arch, the key-stone of which is 1 foot 9 inches in length. The only stone arch said by Mr. Hoskins to be met with in Egypt is at North Der, at Thebes. The vaulted tomb at Memphis is of the time of Psammeticus, who reigned im- mediately after the Ethiopian dynasty; and it is inferred that the Egyptians learned the use of the arch from the Ethiopians. Alexandria. — This ancient port was improved by Alexander the Great, after his success against Tyre, and, according to the historian Gibbon, the undertaking was as noble as any ever executed by the son of Philip. Having journeyed through Egypt, and observed the highly productive state of the country, and that it was watered by one of the largest rivers of the world, which discharged itself by seven mouths into the Mediterranean Sea, he imagined that its only want was a convenient haven. Pelusium, at the eastern mouth of the Nile, was not capable of improvement. Canopus, on the eastern side of the western mouth, was still more inconvenient, although it had a landing-place for ships. Alexander, who was liberal and magnificent, found among his countrymen engineers qualified to second his bold ideas, and he had, what is a rare quality among princes, the talent to select the best fitted to execute them. On this occasion he appointed Dinocrates his architect and engineer, ho had already acquired great celebrity in the construction of the temple at Ephesus, dedicated to Diana. CHAP. II. $3 EGYPTIAN. The site selected for the new city was on the western side of the Nile, between the river and the lake Mareotis,—for which nature had done much, and which seemed capable of being made by art all that was desirable; and an opportunity was afforded to humble the Tyrians, to divert that commerce which they had long enjoyed; to change the current of the Indian trade by Suez, the Nile, and its canal, to the new city of Alexandria. In the midst of the capacious bay on the shores of which the city was marked out, and at some distance from the mainland, lay the island of Pharos, which acted as a natural breakwater, and which, in the time of Strabo, was of an oblong form; this Dinocrates united with the mainland by an extensive causeway, or earth wall, and, from its length being 7 stadia, it was called the heptastadium. This grand terrace divided the bay into two harbours, which communicated with each other by means of two openings left for vessels to pass from one to the other. Fig. 47 ALEXANDRIA. The city was marked out with great regularity: its form was that of a Macedonian mantie or cloak, and three hundred and twenty years before Christ the walls were con-- D 94 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. siderably advanced. All the streets were set out at right angles with each other, and more than a third of the area comprised within the walls was devoted to public purposes. Every private dwelling had its reservoir of water provided for it, which was supplied by subterranean conduits from the Nile; all built of stone, with flat terraces at the top, which answered for their covering, timber being sparingly used in the construction. The cisterns and conduits were lined with a fine cement, which remains perfect at the present day. To render the harbour approachable at all times, a lighthouse was built on a rock some distance from the eastern extremity of the Isle of Pharos, which was long considered one of the wonders of the world, and which has given a name to all others. A mole united the rock with the mainland, and Sostratus of Cnidos, who was so esteemed by Ptolemy Philadelphus that he was surnamed the friend of kings, was the engineer employed for its construction. This pharos was in height 450 feet, and could be seen at a distance of 100 miles. It was formed of several stories, decreasing in dimension towards the top, where fires were lighted in a species of lantern. The ground-floor was hexagonal; the sides alternately concave and convex; each a stadium in length; the second and third stories were of the same form: the fourth was square, with a round tower at each angle; and the fifth circular, continued to the top, to which a winding staircase conducted. The whole, exquisitely wrought in stone, was surrounded entirely by a sea-wall: on entering the harbour, this wonderful structure was on the right hand, and the pro- montory of Lochias to the left, where was placed the palace or royal residence, near which was the island, called Antirhodus, which contained a small harbour, devoted entirely to the reception of the royal vessels. The ancient causeway now forms the site of part of the modern town, and is in length about 4000 feet; on the easternmost side is the great har- bour, and on the western that of Eunostus, or, as it is now called, the ancient port. Here is a basin or kibotus, which by means of a canal communicates with the Lake Mareotis, the dimensions of which Strabo says were 300 stadia in length, 100 in breadth, and that it contained 8 islands. Alexandria was second in importance only to Rome itself: its circumference was 15 miles, and its population estimated at 300,000 free inhabitants, besides an equal number of slaves and dependents. In its streets idleness was unknown: some were employed in blowing glass, in weaving linen, and manufacturing papyrus. When Cæsar arrived at Alexandria, he sent to Rhodes, Syria, and Cilicia for his fleet; and upon reconnoitring the town, he found all the avenues and passes shut up by a triple wall, 40 feet in height, built of squared stone. The lower portions of the city were de fended by lofty towers, ten stories in height. There were many timber structures of the same height, movable on wheels, which could be drawn by horses. We also learn that he found Alexandria almost hollow underneath, from the many aqueducts that furnished the private houses with water from the Nile, where, being received into cisterns, it was allowed to throw down the earthy matter, and become perfectly clear. Ganymed, the Alexandrian general, to deprive the Romans of a supply in that part of the city of which they had taken possession, stopped the current through these subterraneous passages which led from the Nile, and turned salt-water into them, which caused great wonder as well as inconvenience to the Romans. Cæsar, on the discovery, ordered his soldiers to find water by digging wells, telling them that on all sea-coasts fresh springs abounded; and the alacrity used was so great, that they arrived at fresh water in abundance the first night after the digging commenced. Smelting and refining metals. The Egyptians began this process by pounding their golden ore, and reducing it to very small grains; they then put it into a mill, and ground it to powder; after which it was spread on boards slightly inclined: water was then made to flow over it, which carried away the earthy particles. After the watering had been frequently repeated, it was rubbed by the workmen for some time between their hands, and wiped with small sponges, until nothing was left but the gold. It was then put into earthen pots, and mixed with certain proportions of lead, salt, tin, and barley meal: after this it was poured into other vessels, which were luted with great care and placed in a refining furnace for five days and nights; these were then taken out and suffered to cool, when the gold was found to be quite pure. They do not appear, according to Pliny, to have used quicksilver, for the refining of either gold or silver: lead was the menstruum, and by frequent meltings the pure metal was obtained. The great quantity of gold used by this people convinces us that the art of mining, smelting, and refining that metal was well understood. Forging metals was known in Egypt at the earliest time; most of the arms, tools for husbandry and the mechanical arts, were usually made of copper or brass, though in the time of Moses we find iron well known. He describes its hardness, speaks of mines, and mentions the iron furnaces, and tools for cutting stone, made of iron. Hydraulics. In the school of Alexandria, which flourished under the patronage of the CHAP. II. 35 EGYPTIAN. Ptolemies, the first machines for the purpose of raising water seem to have been in- vented. After Hippocrates had constructed tables which showed the exact motion of the sun, Clepsydræ, or water-dials, were brought to great perfection by Scipio Nasica, the cousin of Scipio Africanus, who about two hundred years before Christ introduced them into Rome. Ctesibius, who flourished in the reign of Ptolemy Physcus, an hundred and twenty years before Christ, brought these machines into very general use, and invented the hydraulic organ, which was operated upon by air and water. In the clepsydra he introduced, probably for the first time, toothed wheels: this instrument for the measurement of the hours was a cylinder resting upon a pedestal; two figures were placed upon the latter, one of which dropped water from its eyes, whilst the other pointed with a wand to the hour marked on a vertical line drawn upon the cylinder. This cylinder turned on its axis once a year, and on it were drawn curved lines, which exhibited the inequality of the hours on different days, by their being marked at unequal distances. The manner of working this machine was to allow the water to rise through a tube, which, passing through one figure, was discharged by the eyes, into a reservoir, M, from which it passes by a hole near m, into the pipe B, C, D. In this pipe a piece of wood A B Fig. 48. A L B M E D SECTION. K ELEVATION. floated upon the surface, and by its ascent, as the pipe filled, it raised the small pillar C, D, on which the other figure rested, and as the float rose in the pipe the wand was made to point to the different hours. Every twenty-four hours the vessel became filled, as did the inverted siphon, which communicated with it. The water was then drawn off by the siphon, and falling in its descent into the buckets of the wheel below, put that into motion. This wheel had six buckets, and therefore made one revolution every six days. Its axis carried a pinion of six teeth, working on another wheel of sixty teeth: this also carried another pinion of ten teeth, and drove a wheel of sixty-one teeth, which by its axis turned the pillar once round in 366 days. These machines indicate considerable hydrodynamical knowledge, and derive their origin from the previous discoveries of Archimedes. Another clepsydra received the water in a reservoir, which was always kept full, and descended by a pipe into a hole formed in the great drum. This hole corresponded to one of the openings in the groove round the circumference of the small drum. The aper- tures of the groove in the small drum were of different sizes, to admit different quantities of water, according to the length of the day; and the proper aperture for the given day was found by placing the index opposite the sun's place on the zodiac, shown at N, the index O being used for the night hours. The water which descended through the open- ings in the small drum was conveyed by the pipe F, through the aperture at G into the reservoir H. As the water rose in the reservoir, the inverted vessel, suspended by a chain, which passed round the axis R, and balanced by the counterweight, ascended and moved the hour hand, which pointed to the dial plate. D 2 36 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. Hero, the disciple of Ctesibius, wrote a treatise on mechanics, wherein was described at length the various mechanical powers, which were all reduced to the lever; he left also another work, called Spiritalia, in which is an account of the forcing pump, which raises water by the elasticity of the air, and was probably suggested by the Egyptian noria, a contrivance in which a number of earthen pots were attached to the periphery of a wheel for the same purpose. The Great Wall of crude brick, built by Sesostris, on the east side of Egypt, to defend it against the irruptions of the Syrians and Arabians, extended from Pelusium along the edge of the desert by Heliopolis, for 1500 stadia, or about 187 Roman miles. Amasis, who was a great promoter of the arts, erected at Sais a magnificent propylæum, in honour of Minerva, where stones of prodigious magnitude were used in the construction; Herodotus says these stones, of amazing thickness, were brought from the quarries of Memphis, and part from the city of Elephantine, which is distant from Sais a twenty-five days' journey; but that, in his opinion, the work most to be admired was an edifice which Amasis brought from Elephantine, constructed of one entire stone. To transport this, 2000 men, all of whom were selected from the sailors, were employed for a period of three years. The length of this structure on the outside was 21 cubits, its width 14, and its height 8. Its length inside was 22 cubits and 20 digits, 12 cubits wide, and 5 high. It was placed at the entrance of the temple, and the reason assigned for its being carried no further was, that the architect, in consequence of his continual fatigue, was heard to sigh by Amasis, who, construing it into an evil omen, obliged them to desist. Some affirm, however, that one of those employed to move it by levers was crushed, for which reason it was moved no further. This resembled probably the red granite monolith at Tel-et-mai, which measures in height 21 feet 9 inches, 13 feet in breadth, and 11 feet 7 inches in depth, outsitle; and 10 feet 9 inches, 8 feet, and 8 feet 3 inches, inside. At Memphis, a colossal recumbent figure, 75 feet long, was, according to Strabo, placed before the dromos of the temple by this king, as were also masses of granite, 20 feet in height. At Thebes and other places, as well as the quarries at Syene, are numerous inscriptions, which indicate the removal of granite blocks of enormous weight, for the decoration of edifices raised by this prince. Quarries in Egypt. The granite was obtained from Syene, which is a district reaching from the island of Philæ, along the whole line of the cataracts; that of the finest quality is obtained on the banks of the river. The beautiful pink or rose-coloured granite, the syenite of the ancients, is very hard, and composed of large crystals, which receive an excellent polish. Two thirds of the mass is rose-coloured feldspath; sparkling mica and glassy quartz fill up the intermediate spaces, mixed with hornblende occasionally. Pliny sometimes designates obelisks made of this granite as Thebaicus lapis, because it came from the region between Thebes and Syene, Another granite, more resembling that of the ordinary kind, is found contiguous to it, with particles occasionally much coarser or finer. To these may be added, the fine- grained granite; the grey, with grey-coloured feldspath; black and white granite, which has white feldspath with black flakes of mica, and oriental basalt; and a very dark kind, which is owing to the abundance of mica. The sandstone quarries of Hadjar Selseleh furnished the chief part of the building stone for the temples: they are situated in the sandstone district, and, according to some, the stone resembles the grès de Fontainebleau. When first taken from the quarry it is easily worked, and may be obtained in lengths of 30 feet or more. We find stone quarries of great extent on the borders of the valley of the Nile. Limestone was generally employed in all the early buildings; and quarries, from whence large quantities were taken, may be seen at Masaralı, where there are tablets remaining, cut in the time of Ames or Amasis, the leader of the eighteenth dynasty, who ascended the throne about 1500 years before Christ; and from these quarries all the compact magnesian limestone used in the construction of the pyramids of Gizeh was taken. There are other quarries at Téhneh, on the point of a hill, where is a thin deposit of crystallized carbonate of lime; numerous nautili are found imbedded in the limestone, some of which are more than 6 inches in diameter. In examining these excavations, we obtain some knowledge of the early Egyptian practice of detaching masses of stone, and also a valuable lesson on the saving of both material and labour. To the Egyptians the difficulty of onstructing a pyramid was scarcely more than the removal of stone from the quarry, and building it up in the manner in which it lay previous to its being detached from the original bed; the only difference was, that the top stones of the quarry became the foundation stones of the pyramid: they were taken away in layers, all of the same thickness, and built in courses; and as the work proceeded the quarry might represent as many steps from bottom to top as the pyramid. The stone was sure to lie the right way of its bed; and it would be scarcely necessary to mark an oblong stone, after it was detached; its depth being uniform with the others, would indicate sufficiently its true position. CHAP. II. 37 EGYPTIAN. QUARRIES CONTAIN ENCHORIAL WRITING IN RED OCHRE Fig. 49. BLANK.TABLETS QUARRIES SUPPOSED ENCHORIAL WRITING, OF PYRAMIDS ON ROOF RAILWAY MASSARA QUARRIES. TABLET. OF CLEOPATRA. TABLET. OF PTOLEMY SOTER SMALL TABLET CARTOUCHE SUPPOSED OF PAVEMENTS QUARRIES It was ; The manner in which a quarry was worked is deserving of our attention. commenced by levelling the surface of the rock and marking out a square area of sufficient dimensions to afford the quantity of stone required; around this was cut a deep trench at parallel distances, 7 or 8 feet apart, according to the size of the stones, other parallel trenches were made, and then similar lines at right angles, dividing the whole into as many squares. After this the blocks were cut to their required thickness: layer after layer was thus removed, according to the depth of the quarry, or as long as it yielded good stone. At other times, after the square was marked out on the top of the intended quarry, which was usually selected on the side of a hill, or where its face was perpendicular to the plain below, an horizontal trench was driven through the middle of the square, and then the masses of rock were detached on each side of this first groove; and as each layer was removed, new trenches were cut, until the whole assumed the character of a series of steps on each side of the centre, which rose from the bottom to the top of the quarry, The same machinery which lifted the stones from resembling the form of a pyramid. their beds or steps answered to elevate them to their new position. Limestone continued in use for many years, after which a fine sandstone was employed, which was discovered to be of far greater durability. The quarries of Silsilis are extensive, and situated between Edfoo and Gébel Silsileh. From them most of the sandstone was obtained which was used in the Egyptian temples and other public buildings. Tourah and Mussara Stone Quarries — The Troici Lapidis Mons. The Pasha has here a railroad for conveying stone to the river, which is then transported to Cairo, a distance of between six and seven miles. These quarries supplied the stone to many of the pyramids and temples, and afforded employment to a vast number of men. On a range of sand hills, on the edge of the Desert, which extends the whole length of the quarries, was discovered up- wards of 150 sarcophagi, made of compact limestone, which no doubt contained the bodies of those employed in extracting the stone. One sarcophagus was formed of earthenware in a single piece, having a lid of the same material. Many skeletons without coffins or sarcophagi were also found these bodies appear to have been interred in their clothes, or wrappers of coarse woollen cloth. There were also heads of oxen, with the horns, and several hundred coffins, and many tombs covered with slabs of calcareous stone, where the bodies were preserved in bitumen, and the coffin not made use of. Among the several articles within them was the model of a pyramid in calcareous stone, 26 inches square at the base, and of the same height; also two pieces of bronze, which resembled the heads of hatchets. There were several inscriptions to the local divinities, put up when fresh work was commenced in the quarties, the earliest supposed to refer to the reign of Amonemhe IV. : another to the time of Necho. : At the Tourah quarry is a tablet, dedicated to the Son of the Sun, Amonemhe, beloved of Phtah, the rampart of the south, and of Anubis: the opening of the quarries is also alluded to, and orders given for the cutting the good and white stone, which is calcareous, for the temples of the gods. Some of the tablets are in the form of a propylæon, having the hieroglyphic inscription on the lintels: one refers to Amenophis II., and has been inter- preted as commanding the opening of the quarries to draw the good and white stone for the repairs of the temples for a series of years; the whole apparently being under the direct superintendence of a military chief, "attached to the heart of the king, for his knowledge and skill in architecture, one who had adorned the temples in Mesopotamia and in Libya, and was put over the Bearers of Egypt, of all the gods of the north and of the south.” Libya and Mesopotamia are said by M. Champollion to have been conquered by Ame- noph II., or by his predecessors. These tablets are signed by the royal scribe, Saph, the architect or surveyor engaged to design the public buildings. Another of these tablets refers to Amenoph III., or Memnon, who is seen offering a symbolic cye in a basket which he holds in both hands. In the hieroglyphic inscription, he is D 3 & 33 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. termed, the "Establisher of the Houses of Stone;" and he orders the opening of the quarries to procure good and white stone. In the Massara quarries, which were worked from north to south, are tablets referring to Amasis, Psammeticus II., and to some of the Ptolemies. Beneath one of the hierogly- phic inscriptions of Amasis and his wife Nofreareh, is represented a block of stone drawn by six oxen on a sledge, attended by three men: and the interpretation of the writing is, that the quarries were opened in the forty-third year of Amonemhe, were again worked in the twenty-second of Amasis, when the temples of Phtah, and of Amon in Thebes, were built, the kings of the sixteenth and seventeenth dynasties at that time having their capital at Abydos. These tablets allude also to Thebes, which superseded Memphis as the capital after the kings of Egypt had grown more powerful. There are other tablets of the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus. The quarries at Silsilis are of vast extent, and masses of any di- mensions might be hewn from them. When a quarry was opened, if the stone could not be drawn from the perpendicular face, they drove a horizontal shaft into it, at the level which would afford them the quality they required. They then worked the masses in horizontal steps, which they made of the necessary depth and width, and in quarries of considerable extent they left pillars at intervals to support the superincumbent earth. The stone, after it was quarried, was placed on sledges, and drawn by men or by oxen. Inclined planes were often used to facilitate its movement. Many instances may be found of a private mark on the stones, which indicated the number, drawn by the slaves employed for this purpose. In a grotto between Antinoë and El Bersheh is a painting, where a colossal statue is moved by a number of men dragging ropes. This painting is a very early pro- duction, and shows the method employed at that time for moving great masses. in four rows of forty-three each, pull the ropes attached to the front of the sledge, on which the statue, a seated figure, is placed. On the knees of the figure stands a man, directing them to move together, and to pull uniformly. The statue is secured to the wooden sledge by ropes: these are doubled, and further tightened by the insertion of long pegs, which were twisted round, and made perfectly secure. Some of the obelisks, brought from the quarries of Syene to Thebes and Heliopolis, a distance of 800 iniles, are of a single stone, varying in size from 70 to 93 feet in length, and one of the largest at the great temple at Karnack has been calculated to weigh upwards of 297 tons, and must have been brought about 138 miles. 172 men, In the plain of Qoorneh there are two colossi of Amunoph III., each of a single block, and 47 feet in height, containing 11,500 cubic feet. At the Memnonium is another of Remeses II., which, when entire, weighed 887 tons, and which, from the nature of the stone, was probably brought 138 miles. The shrine of the goddess Latona, at the Sebennitic mouth of the Nile, in the large city of Butos, astonished Herodotus, who says that it was 40 cubits or 60 feet in height, breadth, and thickness, and was cut out of one single stone: after it was hollowed out a stone 4 cubits in thickness formed its roof. The internal dimensions, or the thickness of the walls, are not given; but if of granite, as those monolithic temples were, the weight must have been some thousands of tons. Obelisks, in their removal, required skill and strength; but to elevate them, considerable knowledge of mechanics must have been brought into application. They are often raised to a great height, and placed, with the utmost precision, in a perfectly perpendicular position. Some very large blocks of sandstone, and particularly one which forms the lintel to the gateway leading to the grand hall at Karnack, is 5 feet two inches square, and 40 feet 10 inches in length; and it seems difficult to understand by what means it was lifted to its present position; but the Egyptians were learned in the mechanical arts, and were evidently as capable of raising weights as we are at the present day. In one of the quarries at Syene there remains a broken obelisk, where it was separated from the rock, and the depth of the quarry is so small, and the entrance so narrow, that the stone could not be turned 1ound; it must have been lifted up from its bed, as was the case with all the shafts hewn out of this quarry. One of these obelisks, 99 feet in height, and on which 20,000 workmen were employed, was raised by Rameses. Pliny mentions the method usually adopted to float these masses from the quarries down the river. Two flat-bottomed boats were lashed together, side by side, and then had a trench cut for them into the Nile. They were laden at first with as much ballast as equalled the weight of the obelisk to be transported; when they were introduced under the weight, the ballast was taken out, and the boats rising as they were lightened, bore the obelisk in lieu of it. These large masses of granite may have been detached from their beds in the same manner as is still practised in the East, where, after cutting a groove in the stone through- out the entire length, a fire is made upon the rock, which, when sufficiently heated, the burning ashes are swept suddenly off, and water as cold as it can be obtained is then poured simultaneously by a number of individuals into the groove, and a clean fracture takes place throughout the whole line. CHAP. II. EGYPTIAN. 39 Another method was, after the groove had been cut, to bore on the line small perpen- dicular holes, 18 inches or 2 feet apart, into which were introduced as many chisels: these were beat from one end of the line to the other by a number of men for two or three days together, when the mass detached itself with a clean fracture, and ropes were afterwards used to remove the piece so detached. Metal wedges were sometimes applied to separate large blocks from the quarries, which were struck simultaneously throughout the line of the intended fracture; and often wooden wedges in a dry state were introduced into holes made to receive them, when they were saturated with water, and by their expansion a force was obtained which split off the granite. Quarries of oriental alabaster are found in the Desert, where, at a latitude of about 28° 40', the mountains which continue to Abyssinia are formed of Egyptian porphyry, various granites, serpentines, and other primitive rocks; but in the valleys running into the Wadee Moathil, the oriental alabaster is found among the mountains composed of limestone. In the division of Ababdeh they obtained the green breschia, slate, micacious, taliose, and other schists. Near the coast, a short distance from the sea, is another ridge of lime- stone hills, among which rises Ghareb, a lofty peak of granite, the summit of which is 6000 feet above the level of the sea. The porphyry quarries that supplied Rome are twenty-seven miles from the Red Sea, near Gebel e Dokhan, and about twenty-four miles to the south-east are the granite quarries which were worked in the time of Trajan. Obelisks, or single blocks of stone. The largest are formed out of the red granite of Syene : they are at the base of a quadrilateral form, diminishing gradually to the top, which is finished by a small pyramid: their opposite sides are equal, but vary at times a few inches in dimension. These obelisks in their original situation were placed in pairs, one on each side of the propyla, or entrance to the temple, or in front of the gateways. At Alexandria are two of red granite, one of which, called Cleopatra's needle, is erect. They probably decorated the entrance of either a temple or a palace, as Pliny mentions that was their position. They are 65 feet in height, and about 8 feet wide at the base, and the weight of one has been calculated at 284 tons. They were of the time of Remeses the Great. At Luxor, obelisks 80 feet in height are found, generally on the site of most of the ancient cities, lying on the ground. Such mark the position of Tanis, the Zoan of antiquity, and of Heliopolis: there are others at Medinet el Faioum, at Axum in Abyssinia, at Jebel Barkal in Arabia Petræa, and several other places. At Arles in France there is an obelisk; and at Constantinople are several, of the granite of Syene. Obelisks at Rome. Most, and perhaps the whole, of the twelve were taken from Egypt by Augustus, or the emperors who immediately succeeded him. After having been thrown down by the enemies of the Imperial City, many of them were again mounted on pedestals, either by Popes Sixtus V. or Pius VI. That of St. John Lateran is the most lofty, and the same erected in the Circus Maximus by the emperor Constantius. It was broken into three pieces, and before it could be again set up, it was necessary to cut off from the larger end between 2 and 3 feet, so that the length of the shaft is abridged of that quantity, and now only measures 105 feet 6 inches. The breadth of the sides is not equal, two being 9 feet 8 inches, and the others 9 feet only. The circumference at the base is 37 feet 6 inches, and at the top 24 feet 10 inches. Its solid contents have been estimated at 5960 cubic feet; and as it is composed of red Egyptian granite, its weight is about 440 tons, or a little more. It is covered with figures, and originally stood at Heliopolis, from whence it was re- moved to Alexandria by the father of Constantius; from which place it was taken to Rome, on a vessel constructed for the express purpose, moved by 300 rowers; and Ammianus Marcellinus tells us that when it arrived at the banks of the Tiber it was passed through the gate of Ostia, and the piscinam publicam, on rollers. After its arrival at Rome a forest of timber was employed for a scaffolding, and by the aid of 1000 men and much tackle it was suspended in the air, and finally placed on its pedestal. This obelisk was again raised by Fontana, in the year 1588. The Vatican obelisk, in front of St. Peter's, in the year 1586 was moved by Fontana, from the Vatican circus, where it had been placed by the Romans, and dedicated to Augustus and Tiberius. It is without hieroglyphics, and still entire, being 83 feet 2 inches in height, each side of the base 8 feet 10 inches, and at the top 5 feet 11 inches. According to Pliny, it was cut by Nuncoreus, the son of Sesostris, by Herodotus called Pheros, and who is said to have erected two obelisks, each 100 cubits in height. Santa Maria Maggiore obelisk, broken into three or more pieces, is without hierogly- phics, and was erected in its present situation by Fontana. Its height is 48 feet 4 inches. That of Flaminio del Popolo, re-erected by Fontana, is broken in three places, and has hieroglyphics. Its length is 78 feet 6 inches. It formerly stood in the Circus Maximus, and was one of the two crected there by Augustus. The sides are unequal: two are 7 fect 10 D 4 40 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. inches at bottom, and 4 feet 10 inches at the top; the others are 6 feet 11 inches, and 4 feet 1 inch. That of Piazza Navona, or the Pamphilian obelisk, has some hieroglyphics, is 54 feet 3 inches in height, and has the name of the Emperor Domitian cut on it. That of Minerveo della Minerva has hieroglyphics, and was placed by Bernini, in 1667, upon the back of an elephant. It is about 17 feet in height. This was found among the ruins of the Iseum, in the Campus Martius; its sides incline more than either of the other obelisks at Rome. That of the Pantheon has hieroglyphics, and is 19 feet 8 inches in height: it was placed in its present situation in 1811. Monte Cavallo, on the Quirinal, has no hieroglyphics, is 47 feet 8 inches in height, and was broken into two or three pieces. Sallustiano della Trinita di Monte has hieroglyphics, and was placed in its present position in 1789: its height is 43 feet 6 inches; it has been much broken, and is joined together in an imperfect manner. Monte Citorio. The height of this obelisk is 71 feet 6 inches, and was placed in its present position in the year 1792. Two sides at top measure 5 feet, the others 5 feet 1 inch, at the base 8 feet. It was found, broken into four pieces, among the rubbish on the Campus Martius, where it had been erected by C. Cæsar Augustus. Pliny tells us it was brought from Heliopolis, and was the work of Sesostris; but modern writers have assigned it to the time of Psammeticus II. Monte Pincio has hieroglyphics, and is 30 feet in height. Vella Mattei, on the Coelian hill, is another small obelisk. There were formerly many other obelisks at Rome, besides the twelve above mentioned. At Florence there are two, one very small, not more than 5 feet 10 inches high. In a work by Zoëga, "De Usu et Origine Obeliscorum," is an account of most of the obelisks known, with much valuable information. Of the bridges of the Egyptians we have no account left us: occasionally we find a dyke passed by laying across it large stones one upon another, without any indication of an arch, DRY االالا Fig. 50. the stability depending upon the goodness of the material employed: in all probability the narrow streams and watercourses were passed by this simple means; and large rivers that could not be so forded had a ferry. CHAP. III. GRECIAN ENGINEERING. GREECE, though in its general aspect rugged, has a climate highly propitious; its mountains contain many valuable metals, and the finest marbles: this celebrated country is comprised between the thirty-sixth and forty-first degrees of N. latitude. Among its mountains are Olympus, Ossa, Pindus, Eta, Parnassus, Helicon, Citharon, and Parnes. Every acropolis has its plain, fruitful in corn, wine, and oil; and the coast is surrounded by excellent harbours, Agriculture, by the refined Greeks, was left to the management of their slaves. Although nature was so bountiful, and the Greeks possessed what might be called a maritime country, they were slow to use the advantages which their good harbours afforded, or to benefit from that commerce which the islands by which they were surrounded were likely to induce. Little progress was made by them in either navigation or commerce CHAP. III. 41 GRECIAN. till after Xerxes' expedition to the Peloponnesus. Athens and the other states then formed a navy, and the expedition of Alexander, when his ships sailed down the Indus, may be considered as the earliest instance of the Greeks navigating the ocean. Corinth, Athens, and the smaller states, as Megara, Sicyon, Cos, Cnidus, and others, devoted themselves to the cultivation of commerce; but the fine arts always most par- ticularly attracted their attention; and the vigour, chasteness, and grandeur they threw into their several designs, continue to call forth the admiration of the world. The seas which surround the coasts of Greece are broken by headlands, islands, and lofty mountains, and are subject to sudden and violent storms. These, apparently ad verse to improvements in the arts of navigation, were the cause of making the inhabitants excellent boatmen. The Greeks depended upon their oars, and seldom hoisted the sail; for where the seas were landlocked the stoutest vessels experienced the greatest danger: light vessels could not only creep along the coast, but could in sudden tempestuous weather seek refuge in shallow water, or upon an emergency be drawn, as at present, out of danger, on to the beach. The vessels were without decks, and anchors were unknown. When moored, it was usual to fasten them to some object on the shore; but they were generally hauled out of the water. We cannot therefore expect to meet with any important engineering works on the borders of the Mediterranean. Capacious harbours, formed by nature, were resorted to by their numerous small craft, and many a retired nook amidst their lofty cliffs was made inaccessible by throwing a chain across its entrance, thus preventing any molestation from Wherever their ancient towns are met with on the coast, we find the remains of jetties, causeways, and landing-places, and, in some instances, the foundations of the buildings which formed their arsenals. Some ancient pictures, which have been rescued from baths and tombs, as well as fragments of sculpture and coins, convey to us ideas of the form of their ships, and their method of protecting them when on shore. an enemy. Athens had three ports near each other, the Piræus, Munychia, and Phalerum; and the first, whilst the city was in a flourishing state, was the emporium of all Greece: it was formed in a recess of the shore, and protected by a peninsula which extended into the sea. A rocky eminence called Munychia separated it from the other ports of Munychia and Phalerum, which indented the narrow isthmus on the eastern side. The city was twenty stadia distant from the sea at Phalerum; and from the Piræus forty stadia. Phalerum was named after Phalerus, who accompanied Jason in the Argonautic expedition, and from it Theseus sailed when he set out for Crete, and Menestheus for ΣΑΧΑ 2 ཏི 1:|:ཀ ན ༔ ཙ Fig. 51. PIRÆUS. The Troy it continued to be the harbour of Athens until the time of Themistocles. entrance is narrow; its form approaches the circle, and through its clear and transparent water is perceived a fine sandy bottom. Munychia is of an oval form, and somewhat larger, having its entrance narrow. The chief port was the Piræus, which had its entrance flanked by two rocky points, one belonging to the promontory of Eëtion, the other to that of Alcemus; within were three stations for shipping. Themistocles recommended that this triple harbour should be given up, and the more 42 Βουκ Σ HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. R OUTER PORT.! PIRÆUS. TOWN MUNYCHIA INNERN PORT. AONEDUCTS, MUNYOHIA CEPH PHALERUS LOW CANDY. SKORE BAY OF PHILERUS. Fig. 52. THE THREE HARBOURS. capacious, that of Phalerum, made use of: about 407 years before Christ the great way. was commenced by him, which was to serve for its protection; it was of hewn stone, put together without any cement, cramps of iron run with lead being used to the external courses, to hold them more firmly together. This wall, of a sufficient width to allow loaded carriages to pass each other, was 40 cubits high. Hippodamus, to whom the city of Rhodes owed the great beauty of its structures, wat employed, during the Peloponnesian war, in the construction of this port: he built five porticoes, which, uniting, formed the long portico-an agora or market; and also another, farther from the sea, called Hippodamia. Adjoining the port were constructed dwellings for the mariners, a theatre, and temples for the use of all who resorted hither; so that the Piræus rivalled Athens itself. All the ground of Munychia where houses could be built was occupied by them. About 330 years before Christ, Demetrius of Phaleres ordered Philon, the celebrated engineer, to enlarge the port of Piræus, to construct an arsenal sufficient to house all the arms and marine stores, and whatever was required to be preserved for the use of the city. He succeeded so well in carrying out the wishes of the people of Athens, and in giving an account to the public assembly of what he had performed, that they, pleased by his eloquence and happy mode of expression, declared him to be equally a fluent orator and admirable engineer. Philo also built around the port sheds or roofs for 400 triremes, which were said to have been first used at Rhodes, and originally contrived by Hippo- damus. These sheds were necessary to protect their vessels from the action of the weather, and it is probable they formed the chief constructions. This port was secured by chains stretched across it, as well as the others: it was a part of the project of Themistocles to unite the city with the Piræus by long walls. Those on the side of Phalerum were first commenced, the foundations being formed of massive stones, mixed with lime wherever the ground was at all soft or marshy. This was completed by the architect Callicrates in the time of Pericles, who also erected the wall on the other side, and the fortifications around the port. About 410 years before Christ, when the Four Hundred Tyrants governed Athens, the promontory Eetion was walled in, and soon afterwards the long walls built by Themistocles, with the exception of about 10 stadia on each side, were demolished by the Lacedemonians, during the reign of the Thirty Tyrants; after their expulsion by Thrasybulus, Munychia was again fortified. Conon afterwards rebuilt the walls of the Piræus, as well as the long walls; and, that they might be rendered more secure, a double ditch was cut, under the direction of Demosthenes. In this state the port remained until Scylla set fire to the arsenal and armoury, ana demolished the walls, putting it into a defenceless condition. In the time of Strabo, who lived under Augustus and Tiberius, the long walls and the fortress of Munychia were totally destroyed: there was a temple to Jupiter, which retained some curious paintings as well as statues; and as late as the second century of our era, this temple, another to Minerva, with bronze statues, a temple to Venus, a portico, and the tomb of The- mistocles, remained, together with the sheds or coverings which sheltered the triremes. CHAP. III. 43 GRECIAN. The walls around the Piræus were constructed with the stone brought from the quarries close at hand, mentioned by Xenophon. When the writer visited the Piræus in 1818, there was nothing left to indicate its former importance; its temples, porticoes, theatre, arsenals, and other magnificent structures, having all disappeared; the two lions, 10 feet high, of admirable sculpture, which were taken away by Morosini, now adorn the arsenal at Venice. At the mouth of the port two ruined piers are to be seen, which were united by a chain, stretched across for its defence; the deepest water is at the mouth of the inner port, the Aphrodisus of the old Piræus. It seems difficult to understand how, in the time of Constantine, 200 ships could have found anchorage here, or that it ever could have contained the whole of the Athenian navy, which at one period was said to consist of 300 ships of three banks of oars, the whole length of the harbour, from the outer mouth to the innermost recess, being not more than a mile and a quarter. The ground of the peninsula called Munychia is both high and rocky, and not capable of being applied to cultivation; its shores are indented with four small natural bays. The walls which fortified it may be traced in various places nearly all round, particularly across the neck between the port of Munychia and the Piræus. The old harbour of Munychia is of a circular form, and there are the remains of several walls running into the sea, and parts of the piers on each side of the mouth, which reduced the entrance to this port, and made it much less than that of the Piræus. The walls which surrounded it are traceable on the eastern side of the harbour, and the whole extent of them appears to have been about four miles. Between Munychia and Phalerum, and at the top of the cliff, between these two ports, is an excavation made in the rock, decorated with a pilaster on each side, rather rudely cut, which probably served for the sentinel placed there to reconnoitre. The port of Pha- lerum is smaller than that of Munychia, and is in its form elliptical; at its very narrow mouth are the remains of the two stone piers that formed its entrance; on the north-east side of this port the land is high and rocky, and beyond is the bay of Phalerum, two miles or more in length, terminated by the low promontory of Colias, where was obtained the clay from which the most beautiful pottery was made. From one point of this bay, which lies south-south-west from Athens, the sea may be computed at a little more than twenty stadia distant from the city; and Pausanias, who lived in the second century, gives us an account of two roads which led from thence to the ports, one to Phalerum, and the other to the Piræus: on the side of the latter, in his time, remained a part of the walls erected by Conon, and the sepulchral monuments of Menander and Euri- pides, that of the latter being a cenotaph or mound of earth without his ashes. These ports were united to Athens by the long walls, traces of which on the right of the present road, which conducts from Athens to the Piræus, may still be seen. The walls of Athens, when in its prosperity, together with those which connected the Piræus, were in length 195 stadia, or 24 miles and 2 furlongs; those enclosing the Piræus and Munychia comprising of this quantity 60 stadia, the long walls which joined the Piræus to the city on the north side 40 stadia, and on the south side 35 stadia; and the exterior city wall, which joined the ends of the two long walls, was 43 stadia; the middle or interior wall between the long walls was 17 stadia. The circuit of the city wall alone, without the long walls, was computed at 60 stadia or 7 miles and a half, the portions towards Hymettus and Pentelicus were constructed of brick. Thucydides informs us, that when the Athenians raised their walls after their de- struction by the Persians, they used so much haste, that they united stones of various kinds and dimensions, many columns taken from tombs, and whatever came first to hand. The breadth of the walls about the Piræus was sufficient to allow two carriages to pass upon it, and although so thick, they were entirely built of squared stone throughout, and cramped with iron run with lead. Eleusis. The site of the ancient town, with its walls, was a short distance north-east from the port, where are the remains of three ruined moles: two of these formed the port, which was an oval; the other, which nearly divided it, seems rather to have been a landing-place; attached to this is a modern one, which springs from it nearly at right angles. The sacred way from Athens is still discernible, as is the road from Megara. A ridge of the Icarian range of mountains separates Eleusis from the plain of Athens. Eleusis is situated in the Thriasian plain, where Ceres first gave her instructions in agriculture; the citadel stands on a low rocky hill, about 300 yards from the sea ; on the declivity which faces the south-east is formed a terrace, and on this was founded her celebrated temple, which was backed by the Acropolis. Around the base, and along the margin of the Bay of Salamis, were numerous villas and residences of the inhabitants, together forming a picture of a very imposing kind. The propylea or entrance to the Acropolis equalled in beauty that at Athens. A little beyond the Sacred Way are some remains of tombs, and at about a mile distant, near the river Cephissus, 44 Book 1 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. --------- which is dry in the summer, are considerable ruins; the rise of this river is near Eleuthera in Mount Citharon, and in its course it passes the hill of Magoula, where the ancient stone quarries are situated; the river then divides, and both channels enter the 11 *х 1 Fig. 53. ELEUSIS HARBOUR. Bay of Salamis at about a distance of 1500 yards from each other. There are some remains of embankments to confine the water along the eastern side of the western river, and others to protect the delta formed by the Cephissus. There are some other engineering works apparent on the shore, and the ruins of an aqueduct which supplied the inhabitants of the town with water. Corinth stands on the isthmus, on the side of the Peloponnesus, and its ports were once celebrated for their convenience and extent; hither resorted ships from Asia and Europe; it was the centre of commerce, and its citizens became the most wealthy persons of the world. Around the Peloponnesus the navigation was tedious and dangerous: it was found more easy to carry the merchandise across the isthmus from one sea to the other, and sometimes the smaller craft were transported in this way. The merchants attained to such wealth and luxury, that it was a common saying, that "every man was not rich enough to live at Corinth." The port towards Asia was called Cenchreæ, and that towards Italy Lechæum; the latter lay beneath the city; the road to it was between long walls, 12 stadia or a mile and a half in length. In the time of Xerxes, the Peloponnesians destroyed the Scironean way, and erected a wall entirely across the isthmus, from the port of Cenchree to that of Lechæum. The isthmus which divided the two seas at Schænus, the narrowest place, is 40 stadia or 5 miles, and here was the Diolcos or drawing-place, where vessels were con- veyed across on machines a curious and early contrivance, answering the purpose of a railway. Demetrius Poliorcetes had the two gulfs surveyed, and it being reported that the water stood higher in the Corinthian than in that at Cenchreæ, he abandoned the project of cutting a canal through the isthmus: it was feared by the engineers of the day that such a work, if carried into execution, would have flooded the island of Ægina, and done considerable mis- chief; in after times Julius Cæsar and Caligula turned their attention to this subject, and Nero commenced a cutting from Lechæum, and continued it for a length of 4 stadia, or CHAP. III. 45 GRECIAN. half a mile. Pausanias tells us, that all who have endeavoured to form the Peloponnesus into an island have failed; that none ever cut away the native rock, which still remains un- touched; so difficult was it in those days for man to force nature. The Corinthians were either put to the sword or sold as captives by the Roman army under the command of Lucius Mummius; and the historian Polybius, present at the siege, relates that he saw splendid pictures and exquisite works of art destroyed, and those that were conveyed to Rome became its greatest ornament. The city remained deserted until Julius Cæsar converted it into a Roman colony, when the sepulchres were ransacked, and their contents sent to the imperial city, which was said to be filled with the decorations of the tombs. Strabo, who was at Corinth after this time, describes it thus: "A lofty mountain, 3 stadia in perpendicular height, ending in a pointed summit, was the Acrocorinthus, which was approached by a winding path 30 stadia in length. At the foot of this citadel, on a level area, was the city, the circuit of which was 40 stadia, and all that was not sheltered by the lofty mountain, was walled in; the whole circumference was about 85 stadia or 10 miles: the view from the summit is magnificent. To the north lies Parnassus and Helicon, covered with snow; and below these, to the west, is the Cris- sæan Gulf, bounded by Phocis, by Boeotia, and the Megaris, and opposite to Phocis, by Corinthia and Sicyonia. Beyond are the mountains called the Oneian. Pausanias visited New Corinth after it had flourished 217 years, and he notices several temples, statues, and the agora or market-place; there was an odeum, a theatre, and gymnasium, all of which have disappeared.” The Port of Agina was once so celebrated, that, according to Strabo, it enjoyed naval dominion, and disputed with Athens the prize of superior glory in the battle of Sa- lamis, when the Persian fleet was defeated. The Island of Ægina is sur- rounded by Attica, Me- gara, and the Pelopon- nesus, each distant a little more than 12 miles or 100 stadia. Its entire circumference was 180 stadia or 22 miles. The port is now diffi- cult of access, and only fit for the entry of very small vessels; a part of the ancient mole is still to be seen, constructed of large stones piled one on the other, near which, when the writer visited it some years ago, were standing two Doric co- lumns, which formed part of the temple of Venus. A modern lighthouse and lazaretto occupy the sites of more ancient structures, and among the ruins of the town may still be traced the museum and school or academy. In the interior of the island are re- mains of the splendid C.SKENDINOTÍŲ о O Fig. 54. (MOLE) TEMPLE of VENUS ANCIENT MOLE) ов LAZZARETTO SCALE OF.. 茶 ​MILE LCABLE Z.CABLES LICHTHOUSE C.MYLOS EGINA. ... £ ៖ THE TOWN ais SCHOOL MUSEUM temple of Jupiter Panhellenius, with its numerous columns erect, standing above the north- eastern coast of the island; it was reckoned among the finest of the Greek places of worship, and considered famous for its sculpture. Vases of terracotta of great antiquity are found on the island. Island of Rhodes, in the Mediterranean Sea, lies nearly opposite the coast of Lycia and Caria, from which it is distant about twenty miles. It is in circumference about 120 miles, 46 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. has a fertile soil, produces fine fruits and wines, and has an atmosphere of great serenity, no day ever passing without sunshine. This island was occupied by a colony of Greeks, some from Crete, and some from Thessaly, at a very early period; and Homer tells us that Tlepolemus, son of Hercules, took with him a colony from Argos to Rhodes, and after- wards joined the expedition against Troy at that time the wealth and power of its in- habitants were considerable. He divided the island into three independent states, Lindus, Camirus, and Ialysus: the first of these, which gave birth to Chares, the architect of the celebrated Colossus, stood on the east coast of the island; Camirus, on the western coast, and Ialysus on the north side. Some time afterwards, during the Peloponnesian war, these three states were united, and the city of Rhodes, built in a very advantageous situation, became the common capital of the island, flourishing in commerce, arts, and arms, and extending its dominion over a large portion of the contiguous continent. It was situated on the east coast, at the foot of a gently rising hill, in the midst of a plain, abounding with springs and fruit trees. Strabo informs us that in ancient times few places were preferable to it. Hippodamus, a native of Miletus, who had gained great reputation by his works at the Piræus, already alluded to, arranged the plan of the new city, and superintended the erection of the walls, gates, and public buildings. According to Strabo, its form was that of a vast amphitheatre, surrounded with walls, like those of Munychia, embellished with straight and wide streets, large squares, and numerous splendid edifices, among which was the Haleum, or temple to Apollo. The haven or harbour was of considerable extent, and the entrance to it was by a passage between two rocks, 50 feet apart. The Rhodians, for centuries, were famous for the study of the sciences, and by many, Rhodes was reckoned equal to Athens for the number of its learned men; the in- habitants were in amity with all nations, and their merchants, from the trade they carried on with Egypt, became so enriched, that the whole city was supported by them. It was on the occasion of Antigonus not being able to separate them from the cause of Ptolemy, that he sent his son Demetrius Poliorcetes, or city taker, with ships to intercept the trade between the ports of Rhodes and Egypt. The Rhodians, however, were successful in all the combats; at which Antigonus became so incensed, that he furnished Demetrius with additional ships, and all manner of engines to besiege their city. The fleet consisted of 200 men of war, and 170 vessels, which carried 40,000 soldiers, besides horse and auxiliaries. A thousand other vessels, belonging to merchants, followed in the train. Demetrius drew up his fleet, which contained engines of every kind, capable of producing destruction, in the following manner :-those which discharged darts or arrows, three spans long, in front; the vessels which contained the cavalry in the second rank, and in the rear the transports, which contained corn and provisions; the whole sea being, as it were, covered with vessels. On his arrival, he landed all his men, and took his station within the cast of a dart from the walls of the city, throwing up an earth wall, fortified by large trees, as a pro- tection against any sally from the Rhodians; he then commenced dredging the port, and rendered it sufficiently deep and spacious to hold his fleet. His next operation was to construct two engines called testudoes, which he placed upon the decks of two transports, one of which was to guard against the stones thrown by the enemy, and the other the darts and arrows discharged by the machines on the walls. Plutarch informs us that Demetrius had a thorough knowledge of mechanics, and that in every thing he did, there appeared a grandeur of design, and so much invention, that his enemies, pleased with the beauty of his contrivances, stood looking with admiration at his galleys of fifteen or sixteen banks of oars, and his engines, which were called helepoles, in consequence of their employment in taking a city. The largest had a square base, each side of which measured 48 cubits, and its height was 66 cubits, but it diminished on all sides towards the top, and therefore resembled the frustum of a pyramid. It consisted of four stories, each having an opening for the discharge of missiles. Vitruvius informs us that these engines were made by Epimachus, an Athenian, whom Demetrius Poliorcetes had in his train, and that it was secured by hair cloths and raw hides, so that it might withstand the shock of a stone 360 pounds weight, thrown from a ballista. The entire machine, it is said, weighed 360,000 pounds. At this time, Diognetus the architect was paid an annual salary for his skill in main- taining the walls and places of defence; but during the siege, Callias, an architect of Aradus, arrived and exhibited a model of a wall with a revolving crane, by means of which he could suspend an helepolis near the spot, and swing it within the walls. When the Rhodians saw this, they dismissed Diognetus, and appointed Callias to fill his situation, and to prepare his machine against the helepolis, and swing it within the wall, as he had promised; when he was obliged to confess his inability. Diognetus was then entreated to aid his countrymen, and he consented, upon the condition of having the machine if he suc- ceeded in removing it: this being agreed to, he ordered a hole to be made in that part of CHAP. III. 47 GRECIAN. the wall opposite the machine, and water, filth, and mud to be thrown on the other side and discharged through the hole during the night: when the helepolis advanced, it sunk in the quagmire, and Demetrius drew off his army. Diognetus then removed the machine within the walls, and placed it in a public situation, thus inscribed: - Diognetus presented this to the people out of the spoils of war." Demetrius also had upon the sea a floating tower, with loopholes at the sides, from whence darts could be discharged; this was formed upon a number of boats, which were attached and floored over with a common platform. The Rhodians had in this memorable siege contrivances of the same kind, and placed them at the mouth of the small harbour; in which were engines for the throwing of stones, darts, and arrows of all sizes. Demetrius was at first prevented entering by a storm, but was afterwards enabled to seize upon the highest rampart of the great harbour, and throw up a mud wall around it, fenced and secured with piles and planks as well as stones; here he landed 400 of his men, who were within five plethras of the walls. Demetrius continued his assault for many days, some- times burning and destroying the vessels in the harbour, at other times making breaches in the walls; but the bravery of the Rhodians at last obliged him to desist. The Rhodians had scarcely repaired the walls which were beaten down by the engines brought against them, when Demetrius again returned with other battering engines, and with his ships entered the harbour, throwing firebrands among the Rhodian ships, which were soon ex- tinguished. The Rhodians then manned three of their strongest vessels with their ablest men, and ordered them to act against the enemy's vessels which contained the engines; these they violently charged, and though they were fenced with iron, they broke them in pieces with the prows of their ships, and shattered them, taking Execestus, who com- manded the galleys, prisoner. Demetrius made another engine thrice as large as the former, which was destroyed in a storm as it advanced into the port; he then abandoned his attacks by sea, confining his assault of the city to the land, and framed another helepolis much larger than either of the former; its base was square, the length on each side being 50 cubits, formed of four square pieces of timber, united together by plates of iron at the angles. Strong transverse timbers were laid from one side to the other, a cubit apart, on which was the floor for those to stand upon who moved the engine. The whole rested on eight strong wheels, the fellies 2 cubits in thickness, also covered with iron; over the spokes were antistreptas, which enabled them to turn the engine round when required. At each angle was a perpendicular piece of timber 100 cubits in height, with floors thrown in at regular distances, which tied them together, and made the machine nine stories. In the lowest were forty-three beds, and in the highest nine; three of the outer sides were cased with iron plates, to prevent fire or any other injury to which it might be subjected from the besieged. In the front, each story had a number of loopholes, guarded with shutters lined with skins stuffed with wool, which deadened the force of any stone shot against it, and two ladders: to move this vast machine 3,400 men were appointed, some being placed within, and others around it. Testudoes, or artificial covers, made of timber covered with raw skins, protected the men employed in levelling the ground to the city wall, over which this engine was to be moved; and when the helepolis was against the city wall, its breadth occupied the space of six divisions between the turrets, and the seven turrets: the workmen and artificers of different kinds employed are said to have been 30,000. The Rhodians built within the outer wall of their city another, and employed for its construction the stones of the theatre, several houses and temples, and in a general as- sembly proposed to destroy the statues of Antigonus and Demetrius. The city was, however, by this time undermined, when the Rhodians cut a deep trench along the wall that it was intended should be thrown down, commenced countermining, and soon met the enemy under ground, and prevented any further progress being made. The helepolis, with eight testudoes made for filling up the trenches, and others con- taining battering-rams, which were 120 cubits in length, strongly armed with iron, and resembling the beak of a ship, were moved forward on wheels by the help of a thousand men. The several stories of the helepolis were filled with archers, and at a given signal the walls trembled under the strokes of the battering-ram, one of the strongest towers was thrown down, and the entire wall between it and the next so shaken, that the besieged could not pass along it. Ptolemy having sent a fleet with succour, inspired the Rhodians with fresh energy; they made an attack on the enemy's engines, and by means of fire-balls and weapons of all kinds, at last succeeded in destroying the iron plates which protected the helepolis, and then with firebrands set light to it. Demetrius endeavoured to quench the spreading flames, to move the engines from the reach of the darts discharged against them, and to make a general reparation of them. The Rhodians, in the mean time, commenced a third wall, built in the shape of a half moon, which enclosed the gap already made. Deme- 48 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. trins renewed the attack with all his vigour, and at night determined to carry the city by assault: a great slaughter on both sides was the result; but the Rhodians were triumphant, and forced Demetrius to accede to the following terms: "That the city should be subject to its own laws, and be left without a garrison. Thus the Rhodians, after a twelvemonth's siege, put an end to the wars, soon afterwards repaired the theatre, and rebuilt the temple and walls. "" By some historians it is asserted that Demetrius was at last so reconciled to the Rhodians, and so much admired the courage they had displayed, that he presented them with all the engines he had employed, and that it was by the sale of these for 300 talents, that they raised the famous Colossus on the two rocks at the entrance of the port, which was a statue of brass, erected in honour of Apollo, the tutelary god of the island; it was 70 cubits or 125 feet in height, and vessels could pass between its legs. Pliny describes it as the work of Chares of Lindus, a pupil of Lysippus, and observes that its thumb was a fathom in circumference; that it was made hollow, and had a lining of stone, to render it steady on its feet. It stood erect for sixty years, and was thrown down by an earthquake, which Polybius tells us destroyed the walls and naval arsenals at the same time. The Colossus, however, lay where it fell for 894 years, until Moavias, the sixth caliph of the Saracens, sold the metal to a Jew, who loaded 900 camels with it, the weight being estimated at upwards of 300 tons. The Rhodians, after its fall, and the injury their city had sustained, solicited help from the kings of Egypt, Macedon, Syracuse, Syria, Pontus, and Bithynia, to enable them to restore it. From Hiero and Gelo they received 75 talents of silver, some silver caldrons, and other presents, which together were valued at 100 talents, and also 50 catapults of the length of 3 cubits. Ptolemy engaged to furnish them with 300 talents of silver, a million measures of corn, timber to build 10 quinqueremes, and 10 triremes, some square pieces of fir, the contents of which were 40,000 cubits, 1,000 talents of brass coin; 3,000 weight of hemp, 3,000 pieces of cloth for sails, 3,000 talents for replacing their Colossus; 100 architects, and 350 labourers; with 14 talents by the year for their subsistence; 12,000 measures of corn for the sacrifices and games, and 20,000 for the 10 triremes. Antigonus gave them 10,000 pieces of timber that would cut into scantling from 8 to 16 cubits; 5,000 planks of 7 cubits; 3,000 weight of iron; 1,000 measures of pitch, and ,000 measures of tar, as well as 100 talents in money. Chryseis, his wife, sent 100,000 measures of corn, and 3,000 weight of lead. Seleucus, the father of Antiochus, gave 10 quinqueremes completely equipped, 200,000 measures of corn, 10,000 cubits of timber, and 1,000 weight of hair and resin. By all these and other gifts, Polybius tells us, the Rhodians soon restored their city to its former magnificence; but they were ordered by the oracle at Delphos not to replace the Colossus, but to use the presents they received for other purposes. Isene is another ancient port, which once contained a fine harbour: its ruins proclaim SO WELLS AQUEDUCT Fig. 55, ISENE. TOWER THEATRE VE VENETIAN CHAP. III. 49 GRECIAN. its importance. Walls of the theatre, aqueduct, and public buildings may yet be traced, around the site of the castle erected in the middle ages by the Venetians. Samos was a name common to three islands, Cephalonia, Samothracia, and Samos, which lay between the continent of Asia and the island of Icaria, being divided from the former by a strait, which, according to Strabo, was equal to 1000 paces in breadth, and from the latter by another 8 miles across. At the present day all the vessels going from Constantinople to Egypt and Syria pass through either one or the other of these straits. The island of Samos measures about 87 miles in circumference, and from Vitruvius we learn that Samos, and the thirteen Ionian towns, were built by Ion the Athenian. Samos was very populous, wealthy, and strongly fortified; and most deserving the notice of an engineer, from the three remarkable monuments of art mentioned by Herodotus; one of which was a passage cut through a mountain, 150 orgyia high; the length of which is 7 stadia, and 8 feet in width and height: by the side is a canal 3 feet in breadth, and 20 cubits deep, also made by art, which supplied water from a copious spring. Eupalinus, the son of Naustrophus, an inhabitant of Megara, executed this work. Tournefort observes that in the valley, near to the aqueduct, are several caverns artificially cut: the spring which fed this canal was doubtless that of Metelinous, the best in the island: but it does not appear that the levels were accurately taken, otherwise the depth need not have been so great; and indeed it does not seem very practicable to dig a trench 20 cubits deep and only 3 wide. The second was a mole, which projected from the harbour into the sea, 2 stadia in length, and 20 orgyia, or upwards of 120 feet, in height. The third was a temple erected by Rhocus, son of Phileus, who was the inventor of the art of making moulds with clay. Long before the Bacchiades were driven from Corinth, Rhocus and Theodorus of Samos made casts in brass, and formed statues. The tunnel through the mountain has been long filled up, but the entrance may still be discovered; there are no vestiges of the stupendous mole, which must have been a wonder among the Greeks at such an early period. That the Samians were devoted to maritime affairs, we learn from their having, 300 years before the Peloponnesian war, employed Aminocles the Corinthian, the most skilful ship-builder of his time. They traded to Egypt, Thera, and Spain, and, according to Pliny, they were the first who built vessels for the transport of cavalry. Samos was famed for its earthenware, and had a considerable manufacture of it. In all parts of Europe, we find examples of Samian ware; in the tumuli and monuments of the Romans, vessels of this manufacture are discovered; sometimes admirable for the beautiful forms they present, the ornaments with which they are covered, and always for the perfection of the workmanship. Vases, lacryma, lamps, and cups, made at Samos, the writer has discovered at Athens, Sicily, and in Italy. In the broken pottery, which the tumuli in France and Italy often afford, fragments of Samian ware, covered with intricate chasing and highly ornamented, are often found. Tenedos is a rocky but fertile island; its position, near the mouth of the Hellespont, has caused it at all times to be a place of considerable importance. Its circumference is about 10 miles, equal to 80 stadia. The port was enclosed by a mole, but at present there is no portion to be seen above water; the ancient foundations remain, on which are piled loose stones, for the purpose of breaking the force of the waves; a ridge of mountains surrounds the harbour, which gives shelter to vessels bound to Constantinople. Here the Emperor Justinian erected a magazine, 280 feet in length, 90 feet in breadth, and many stories in height, for the purpose of warehousing the corn brought from Egypt, as it often occurred that stormy weather during the Etesian winds prevented the ships from pursuing their voyage. On this island still remains an ancient stone building, in which the water used by the inhabitants was collected, after it was brought from distant springs, in earthen pipes. Troas. The port has a hill rising around it, in a semicircular form, covered with ruins; and near the shore are many small columns of granite, injured by the spray of the sea, and partly buried in the soil, to which were made fast the vessels trading to this port. At present the smaller basin is dry, and a bar of sand closes up its entrance, but the larger has shallow water in it. These two basins were both the work of art, and intended only to receive galleys and small vessels; larger ships being obliged to cast anchor in the road, outside the mole. Alexandria Troas is the name given to the town, it being one of the eighteen called after Alexander the Great, who caused cities and temples to be erected, and improvements to be made, throughout the countries he subdued: it was first called Antigonia; but its name was afterwards changed by Lysimachus in honour of the deceased sovereign. Augustus showed it considerable favour, under whom it increased in wealth, and was benefited by a Roman colony. The city, which is several miles in circumference, has its wall, of considerable thickness, still standing; at regular distances it is strengthened by square towers. aqueduct which supplied it with water may be traced for several miles; the piers are 5 feet 9 inches in width, 3 feet 2 inches in thickness, and the arches, though destroyed, were upwards of 12 feet in height. This was one of the structures erected at the private cost E The 50 CHAP. III. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. of the Athenian Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes, who was appointed to preside over the free cities of Asia. When this munificent and illustrious proconsul found that Troas was not supplied with water, he requested of the Emperor Hadrian, that he would not allow this ancient maritime city to be without a plentiful supply, but that he would bestow 300 myriads of drachms to procure it. Hadrian complied, and appointed Atticus Herodes to superintend the constructions necessary. Upwards of 700 myriads were expended, and the emperor complained; when Herodes in reply stated, he had given the overplus of the sum to his son, and he to the city. This munificent Athenian was the grandson of Hipparchus, who, though wealthy, had his estates confiscated, and his family reduced to the greatest want: but his father, Julius Atticus, discovered a vast treasure in a house which he inhabited, near the theatre at Athens; of which he informed the Emperor Nerva, and requested to know his pleasure in the appropriation of it. The emperor replied, "Use what you have found, and abuse, if you will, what Mercury has given you." After this Julius married a wealthy lady, and their son, Atticus Herodes, who was born at Marathon, inherited a vast property: his education was superintended by the most learned masters; and he became as eminent for his mental acquirements, as for his wealth: in the year 143 he was made consul with Torquatus at Rome. Chios. This island was computed by Strabo to be 900 stadia in circumference, or about 112 miles, and about fifty miles from the island of Mitylene. The ancient city of Chios had a good port, large enough to admit eighty ships. The present town of Scio occupies the 品 ​CITADEL 5 Fig. 56. + MILE CHIOS. site, and there may still be traced the remains of the ancient mole, which above the level of the water is now covered with large loose stones. The entrance to the port beyond this mole is narrow, and encompassed by rocks. A modern citadel takes the place of a part of the more ancient town, the ruins of which still remain. Smyrna was founded by Alexander the Great, for the Smyrneans, a people then living in the neighbourhood of Ephesus; and the situation chosen indicates the judgment which the Greeks always bestowed upon such occasions. This city, like others of their founding, is on rising ground, near a plentiful supply of marble, and where in the side hills might be cut the stadium and the theatre. The port originally reached to the foot of the Acropolis, at which time it was a spacious basin in the midst of the city, encompassed with strongly-built and lofty walls, the stones being laid in regular courses; a great part of which may be still seen. Tamerlane ruined the ancient port by not allowing the sea its free ingress, and thus permitting the waters of the rivers to deposit their mud, without means being adopted to remove it. This emperor, who ravaged Asia, at the commencement of the fifteenth century, commanded every soldier in his army to throw a stone into the mouth of the harbour, which soon choked it up. The ancient city was two miles and a half from the modern Smyrna, and was built on the sea- shore, with the fine and clear river Menes running at the foot of the walls. The Gulph of Smyrna, about 10 leagues in length, is well sheltered, and affords ex- cellent anchorage. The mouth of the Hermus is on the north side, within two leagues and a half of the modern city. The mountain which bounds the bay of old Smyrna on the north extends westward to a plain through which the river runs. Near the mouth of the river is a shoal or sandbank, and the channel is very narrow. The Hermus appears to have frequently changed its course, and in time the plains around the modern city will probably be covered with water, thus placing it in the midst of a vast lake. Teos. This ancient port is now partly dry, and many sandbanks have been thrown up CHAP. III. 51 GRECIAN. above the level of the water; the town itself has long been deserted, though there are traces of its walls, which appear when perfect to have been 5 miles in circuit. Pliny describes Teos as an island, and the rocks around it furnished excellent building materials. It was thirty stadia from Geræ, and fronted the sea on the south. Ephesus is situated on a plain, watered by the Cayster, and the wall erected by Lysimachus, which is of excellent masonry, may still be traced in many situations, par- ticularly at the back of the stadium near Mount Prion, where it remains 20 feet in height; from thence again over Mount Corissus, where it is nearly entire. Mount Prion contained the quarries of marble made use of for building the celebrated temple of Diana. The port, which received the flux and reflux of the sea, has now its once wide entrance choked up with the deposits of the river Cayster; and Attalus Philadelphus and his engineers were of opinion that by contracting the entrance the harbour would have recovered its depth, and have been rendered capable of receiving vessels of considerable size. The ancient port is now a morass, and the wall, erected to embank the stream, and by confining it to give it additional force, is of excellent masonry, formed of large stones in regular courses throughout, and at the ferry a considerable portion may yet be seen. Crete. This island, now called Candia, is one of the largest of the Mediterranean, being 287 miles in length, and 65 miles in the widest part. It lies between the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth degrees of north latitude, and was by the ancients celebrated for its fertility. At one time it boasted of its hundred cities, ninety of which were established before the Trojan war; and after the Dorians had founded the other ten, it was called Hecatompolis. Gnossus, anciently Ceratus, was the capital, and here Minos held his court: it was 30 furlongs in circumference, but modern travellers have not yet decided where it was situated. Gortyna eclipsed all the other cities of Crete in splendour and magnificence, the ruins are still traceable, six miles from Mount Ida, at the commencement of the plain of Messaria. Tournefort describes one of the gates, with a beautiful arch, and part of the wall which Ptolemy Philopater, according to Strabo, erected. There were also some The walls were columns of granite fluted in a spiral manner, of exquisite workmanship. washed by the river Lethe. Rethymna, now Retimo, had at one time a convenient haven, and Heraclea, which was opposite the island of Vea, was the seaport of the Gnossians, and occupied the site of the present Candia. In the island are many creeks and bays, with several safe and capacious harbours. Phalasarna, on the western extremity of the island of Crete, has on its northern side many remains of its city walls, which appear to have extended to the sea, and cutting off the Acropolis and city, so as to form a small promontory. The walls near the sea on the north side exhibit the remains of many square towers, the distance between being about 120 feet, and some 230 feet. One of these towers measures on the face 36 feet, and projects 20 feet from the wall. The walls are not continued in regular lines, and in some parts are the remains of another, placed at a distance of 16 feet from the first; and it seems probable that originally the whole city had a double wall from one sea to the other, where the distance is about 500 yards. Cyprus or Erosa. This island extends from east to west along the coast of Cilicia for about 180 miles, and is in breadth about 45 miles. It lies between the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth degrees of north latitude, and is one of the most productive islands of the Medi- terranean. It was first peopled by a colony from Phoenicia, about 1045 years before Christ, and the principal cities were on the north side of the island. Neapaphos, according to Strabo, was founded by Agapenor, the nephew of Lycurgus. It was famous for its harbour, which was totally destroyed by an earthquake. There was an abundance of copper, formerly found in metallic masses, employed by the ancients for fabricating their agricultural implements and weapons of war; the inhabitants of this island having been well instructed in the arts by the Phoenicians. The ancient harbour of Arsinoë, where the modern town of Famagusta stands, is now choked up with sand. In the Gulf of Larnica stood the town of Citium, still a place of some trade; but Salines, which takes its name from the Salt Lakes, is the chief port. Paros, so famous for the whiteness of its marble, is 36 miles in circumference, and has several safe and capacious harbours, and formerly carried on considerable commerce. The city of Paros was one of the largest in this archipelago, and the modern Parichia is formed out of its ruins; the walls which surround it are composed of fragments of temples and public and private buildings. This island was first peopled by the Phoenicians. Delos contained at one time a city which was considered the richest after the de- struction of Corinth; it became the emporium of commerce, and was as renowned for its trade as for its celebrated oracle. Among the ruins of Delos, which extend from one coast E 2 52 CHAP. III. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. to the other, are the remains of a curious arch and many stately buildings. The trunk of the famous statue of Apollo, which is described by modern travellers, is of a gigantic size, though cut from a single block of marble; the circumference of the thighs are 9 feet and Fig. 57. DELOS. an inscription tells us that it was dedicated by "the Naxians to Apollo." According to Plutarch, there was set up by Nicias a large palm tree made of brass, which a violent wind threw down, and, at the same time, destroyed this celebrated statue. This island was only 7 or 8 miles in circumference, though there is another island of the same name, of double this size. The smaller Delos was the sacred island of Apollo, and in the time of Polycrates it was united to the island of Rhea by a chain. There was held here an ancient festival, described in one of the Homeric hymns, as celebrated by the long-robed Ionians; and on one of these occasions Nicias, who was the Theorist appointed to conduct the sacred chorus, displayed his wealth and munificence by constructing a bridge, 600 yards or more in length, across the channel which separated Delos from Rhea; this bridge, hung with tapestry and paintings, served for the procession to pass. An ancient inscription, brought to England by the Earl of Sandwich, the date of which is 374 years before Christ, mentions these ceremonies, and gives some account of the offerings on the occasion. Plutarch says in the life of Nicias, that he took care to have this bridge constructed before he left Athens, and that it was magnificently gilded, adorned with garlands and rich hangings; and then, in the night after his arrival, and before the break of day, he had it thrown across the strait, ready for the procession and the chorists, who were richly habited, to pass over. This, in all probability, was a timber construction, resting on boats, or some other buoyant arrangements. Cnidus has two harbours, separated by a narrow isthmus, the smaller opening to the north, the other to the south, near the extremity of which are the remains of the city walls; inserted in them are many stones of considerable dimensions, which probably formed a part of the foundation of a tower on the edge of the sea. The broken cliffs extending along the shores show the ruins of the Acropolis, surrounded with strongly-built walls, and strengthened with towers at regular distances. Here are the remains of a theatre with its marble seats, the arches and walls of the proscenium, and the ruins of one or two magnificent Corinthian temples; also a forum or agora, with a long colonnade of the Doric order, probably a stoa. An arched gateway of plain and solid masonry terminates the street which ran from the port towards the Acropolis. Above are many platforms cut out of the rock, which have served for sites of either temples or public edifices; and amongst the ruins are several marble slabs, channelled out for water conduits. The narrow isthmus, which separates the two harbours, in Strabo's time was an artificial mole, built over a channel of the sea; and the western part of the town stood on an island united by this isthmus to the continent. An arch still remains by the side of it, and probably formed a part of the mole; but the ruins have so accumulated, and the sand so spread over them, that a neck of land is now formed 60 or 70 yards across. Strabo tells us that the port on the north was shut in by gates, and two towers may be traced at the entrance, to which these gates were attached: it contained, he says, twenty triremes. CHAP. III. 5:3 GRECIAN The southern port is much larger, and protected from the sea by a mole of large, rough- hewn stone, which still remains. ་་་་་་ Southern Port ป Fig. 58. CNIDUS. Beyond the ports, to the west, the city rose on a hill, the form of which Strabo com- pares to a theatre, bounded from the mole, on the south, by rocky precipices, and on the north by the walls, which descended from the ridge to the gates of the northern harbour, in a semicircular sweep. On this side of the city are still many foundations of ancient houses to be traced, but no buildings of marble. The entire circuit of the walls is about 3 miles, including the two ports within them. Halicarnassus, now the port of Boudroun or Bûdrûn. Its entrance is from the south- WELL CULTIVATED CARDENS OF FICS AND CORN Fig. 59. MOSQUE SCALE OF 200 YARDS G ARSENAL BAZAAR 700 HALICARNASSUS. E 3 MO 54 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. CHAP. IIL west; on the right and left of which a great quantity of sand has accumulated, and the passage, now free, is not more than 60 yards in width: there are some yards for the building of vessels. The small town now inhabited stands on the east side of this large and deep port. Off the bay lies the island mentioned by Strabo as Arconnesus (lib. xiv.). Behind the town are the remains of an edifice of the Doric order, composed of grey marble, but not of the same proportions as those of the purer days of Greece, which is sup- posed to have belonged to the agora mentioned by Vitruvius. Where the modern Turkish fortress called the Castle of Bûdrûn is, at the eastern end of the greater port, stood the palace of Mausolus, the smaller port being formed by the island of Arconnesus. Vi- According to Vitruvius, Mausolus was a powerful king, and constructed here a mag- nificent residence, which was standing in the time of Pausanias (lib. viii. cap. 16.). truvius informs us that it was built of brick, covered with slabs of Proconnesian marble, so highly polished that they sparkled like glass: he also tells us that this king was born at Mylasa, and established himself here on account of the situation being so well fortified by nature, and the port admirably adapted for commerce. The site of the city resembled an amphitheatre in the lowest part, near the harbour, was built the forum: up the hill. in the middle of the curve, was a large square, in the centre of which stood the Mausoleum reckoned among the seven wonders of the world. On the summit of the hill was the temple of Mars, with its colossal statue sculptured by Leocharis : on the right was the temple of Venus and Mercury, near the fountain of Salmacis. This place was colonised by Melas and Arevanias, who were driven out of Argos and Trozene by the Carians and Lelegæ. The palace of Mausolus commanded on the right, a view of the forum and the harbour, as well as the whole circuit of the walls, and on the left, it overlooked a private harbour, which was so contrived amid the mountains that no enemy could pry into it. From this palace Mausolus could direct both his soldiers and sailors. Upon the death of Mausolus, the Rhodians, indignant at his wife, who succeeded to the government of Caria, fitted out a fleet for the purpose of seizing her kingdom. When the queen, Artemesia, heard of it, she commanded her fleet to remain quiet in the secret harbour, and her soldiers to man the walls. On the Rhodian fleet entering the large harbour, she ordered the citizens and those who were on the ramparts to hail them, and to promise to surrender up the town. The Rhodians eagerly left their ships, when Queen Artemesia suuucnly opened a canal, brought her fleet round, and entered the large harbour, whence the Rhodian fleet, thus abandoned, was easily carried out to sea. The Rhodians, having all retreat cut off, were surrounded and slain in the forum, Artemesia, then embarking her own sailors and marines on board the Rhodian ships, set sail for Rhodes; where the inhabitants, seeing their vessels decorated with laurels, imagined their fellow-citizens had returned victorious, but received their enemies. When Artemesia had taken Rhodes, she slew the chief of the citizens, and raised two brazen statues to commemorate her victory: one of these represented Rhodes, the other herself, imposing a mark of infamy on the city, which, as it was always contrary to the religion of the Rhodians to remove a trophy, they encircled with a building. The remains of walls and square towers are visible for a great extent, continuing for a distance of six miles from the western horn of the port, along high grounds to a con- siderable eminence, and then to the eastern promontory, on which the modern castle is built. On the highest point of this eminence are traces of the ancient walls, indicating the arx media, mentioned by Vitruvius, where the temple of Mars stood. At the foot of the hill are the remains of a theatre fronting the south, cut out of the side of the hill, where the steps show the position of the marble seats. The modern castle stands on a tongue of land at the eastern extremity of the port, which it commanded: it is constructed of materials brought from some more ancient buildings. This may be the site of one of those fortresses described by Strabo, lib. xiv., as remaining when Alexander took the city. The Fort of San Pietro was taken by Philibert de Nailar, the Grand Master of Rhodes, and was in the possession of the knights until it was surrendered to the Ottomans in the year 1522. The Island of Cos, now called Stanchio, was an ancient port, at present defended by a fortress of considerable strength, with a moat on the land side. Columns of cippolino, breccia, granite, and marble are found in the modern buildings, which attest the importance as well as splendour of the former city. The mosque is entirely of marble, brought from the ruins of temples; and the antiquary, by searching within the walls for inscriptions and ornaments, may understand the character of the original structures which have been demolished, The ancient port is filled up with soft mud, and there are no remains of any mole ; though probably, by a diligent search among the foundations of the fortress, some might be CPAP. III. 55 GRECIAN. discovered. The modern landing-place has extended farther into the sea, which is here entirely landlocked towards the north. In the wall of the quay, facing the port, are worked up fragments of ancient statues. ANCIENT PORT 1.FOOT SOFT MUD. MOSQUE ANDING PLACE Fig. 60. t Cos. SCALE OF A MILZ The island of Cos gave birth to Apelles and Hippocrates, the members of whose schools were consulted by the inhabitants of all the neighbouring islands; the remains of an aque- duct which conveys water for a distance of three miles into the town, still bear the name of the latter; the top has been destroyed, to allow the women of the island more readily to obtain it, which is excellent, as it flows from a mountain of limestone, of which this island, as well as the others in these seas, is composed. Myndus. Here are the remains of a long stone jetty, built with two parallel walls, 13 feet in width, connecting the island with the mainland; this ancient port is not far distant from Halicarnassus, and a modern jetty now nearly shuts in the mouth of the harbour. The part which constituted the island is covered with walls, amid which are the traces of ancient foundations. The Libs, or south-west wind, often commits great ravages on this coast, and renders navigation difficult. Herodotus informs us that the first maritime power in these seas was obtained by Minos the Cnossian, who, according to Diodorus Siculus, established many cities in Crete, and founded some equitable laws for the government of the inhabitants. With his fleet he con. quered all the islands in these seas, and was the first of the Greeks who acquired dominion; after which he arrived at a high pitch of glory by reason of his justice and valour, and died in Sicily whilst carrying on a war against Cocalus. Thucydides observes, that this naval hero commanded the islands called Cyclades, expelled all the Carians from them, and sent colonies under his own sons to supply their place. The Carians settled on the continent of Asia, where Myndus was one of their chief ports. Pliny names several free cities near it, as Palæmyndus, Nariandus, Neapolis, Caryanda, Termera, and Iasus, in the gulf so called. Rhadamanthus, brother of Minos, also reported to have been the progeny of Jupiter and Eu- ropa, shared in the government of the islands above mentioned, and Chios became the seat of government soon afterwards under a son of Minos and Ariadne. The heros or captains of this fleet had bestowed upon them either an island, or a port upon the continent; and Diodorus Siculus gives Lemnos to Thoas, Cyrnus to Engyeus, Peparethos to Pamphilus, Maronea to Euambeus, Paros to Alcæus, Delos to Arrion, and Andros to a hero of the same name. Neither the ships, nor ports which received them, are described by any ancient authors in a manner to give us an idea of their form or adaptation. Some of the paintings taken from the walls of the houses at Herculaneum and Pompeii, show us the forms of the vessels, character of their landing places, and stupendous moles; but it has not been possible to identify these representations with what remains at any of the ancient ports. Medals also exhibit the ships in use, but not in a manner to convey a very clear idea of their figure. E 4 56 CHAP. III. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 61. 마 ​SCALE OF MILE MYNDUS. Palermo. This harbour is very much exposed to the swell of the sea from the north-eas, and the anchorage for ships is dangerous when the wind blows from the west. In former PORT FELICE CASTEL AMARE PORT CALITA TH OFFICE ก Baa SCALE Σ CHURCH/ STABLES LIGHTHOUSE BATTERY MAQAZINE ARSENAL BARRACKS FORTY MOLE 11 MILE Fig. 62. PALERMO. times the harbour was composed of two long creeks, about 150 feet in breadth, which extended into the city, and was enclosed towards the sea by a boom; but about 1550 it became so silted up that it was built over. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, and Normans have all contributed to form this beautiful harbour, which is now shut in by Port CHAP. III. 57 GRECIAN. Flemmirium Mmmm Cailita, or Health-office, on one side, and the mole terminated with its lighthouse on the other: here stands Palermo amidst its plains covered with convents, villas, and palaces, forming one of the most splendid prospects in the world. The Marina, a raised public walk, more than a mile in length, and 240 feet in breadth, is defended by a parapet wall. Syracuse. This ancient maritime city, built upon a rock, may, at the present day, be traced in many places, as may the excavations in the natural stone, where the walls of both public and private buildings were raised. The direction of the principal and transverse streets may be followed by the channels cut to the depth of six inches in the rock by the carriage wheels. Port Desd FORTYCIA Port Neapoli Acradîna m Tica Fig. 63. BYRACUSE. The boundary walls, constructed of stones of large dimensions, worked perfectly square, and laid without either cramps, cement, or mortar, in many situations remain perfect, to the height of 6 or 7 feet. Syracuse was one of the most populous as well as powerful cities of antiquity. When it was besieged by Marcellus, about 213 years before Christ, it contained 1,800,000 inhabit- ants. It was divided into four quarters, separated from each other by lofty walls. Cicero, in one of his orations, observes, that Syracuse was the largest and most magnificent city in Greece, that its two ports were almost enclosed by nature, and that at their junction an island was formed, which was united to the city by means of a bridge thrown across the strait. The first part of the city called Ortygia, was on the island above mentioned. This, advancing into the sea, covers the entrance to both ports; and on it was situated the palace of Hiero. The second part of Syracuse was called Acridina, containing a spacious square, porticoes, a prytaneum, or building in which the council assembled, a temple dedicated to Jupiter, and a wide street running from one end to the other, with others at right angles, in which were the private houses. The third division was Tyca, which had a temple to Fortune, a gymnasium, and several public buildings. This quarter was the most populous. The fourth division was the last built, and called Neapolis: here are the remains of a large theatre, two temples, one dedicated to Ceres, the other to Proserpine. The boundary of the ancient walls, according to Strabo, was 180 stadia, or 22½ miles, including the Epipolæ, one of the suburbs, which commanded the whole city. The Great Port is about 5 miles in circumference, and to render it more secure against an enemy, a strong chain was stretched across it from the island to the opposite rock, Plemmyrium, a distance of about half a mile. 58 CHAP. III. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. On the other side of Ortygia is the lesser port, called formerly the Portus Marmoreus, in consequence of its being paved with marble. One of the most memorable events in history is the taking of Syracuse by Marcellus, a little more than two hundred years before Christ in its defence was employed Archimedes, the greatest engineer among the ancients, who was singularly skilled, according to Livy, in the science of astronomy and geometry; and also eminent for his invention and construction of warlike engines, by means of which, with very slight exertions, he could baffle an enemy. When Marcellus marched against Syracuse, Appius Claudius commanded the land forces, and himself the fleet, which consisted of sixty galleys of five banks of oars, full of all sorts of arms and massive weapons. The consul Appius stationed his army round the Scythian portico, from whence the wall was continued along the shore to the mole of the harbour: he employed a great number of artificers for five days to prepare everything necessary for the siege; but, according to Polybius, he had not calculated upon the great skill that would be opposed to him, nor had he considered that the mind of a single man on some occasions was far superior to the force of many hands. Syracuse was a place of great strength; the wall that encompassed it was built upon lofty hills, whose tops, hanging over the plain, rendered all approach from without difficult. Towards the sea such a quantity of instruments for defence had been contrived by Archimedes, that the besiegers were baffled on all sides. Appius, however, with his blinds and scaling-ladders, advanced towards that part of the wall which was joined to the hexapylum, on the eastern side of the city, and at the same time Marcellus directed his course towards Achridina, with his fleet filled with soldiers armed with bowstrings and javelins, in order to drive the enemy from the walls. There were eight other vessels, from one side of which the benches of the rowers had been removed, from the right side of some, and the left of the others. These vessels were joined in pairs and rowed by oars on opposite sides, and in them were placed machines called sambucca or sackbuts. These machines contained a ladder about 4 feet in breadth, and of a height equal to the walls against which they were to be raised. On either side was formed a high breastwork or tower. The ladder was laid at length upon the sides in which the two vessels were joined, but extending far beyond the prows, and at the top of the masts pulleys were fixed with ropes. At the proper time ropes were attached to the top of the machines, and while some, standing on the stern of the vessels, drew the ladder up by the pulleys, others at the prow at the same time assisted in raising it with levers. The vessels being then rowed near the shore, they endeavoured to fix the machines against the walls. At the top of the ladder was a small stage, guarded on three sides by blinds, and containing four men, who, engaging with those upon the walls, were to endeavour to make fast the machine, and when fixed, these men, being raised above the top of the wall, threw down the blinds on either side, and advanced to attack the battlements and towers. The rest at the same time ascended the ladder without any fear that it should fall, because it was strongly fastened with ropes to the two vessels. This machine was called a sackbut, because it resembled that instrument when it was raised. Archimedes was prepared to meet the attack made by the Romans, and while the vessels were at a distance, he employed against them catapultæ and balistæ of enormous size, worked by powerful springs, which discharged darts and stones, throwing them into great disorder. When the darts passed beyond them, and the vessels came nearer, he used other machines proportioned to the distance. Thus repulsed, Marcellus gave over till the night arrived; but when the vessels again approached, they were exposed to new danger from another invention of Archimedes. He had made openings in many parts of the wall, equal in height to the stature of a man, and a palm in breadth, and having stationed archers on the inside, and small scorpions, he discharged such a multitude of arrows through the holes, as to disable the soldiers on board. When they again attempted to raise the sackbuts, there suddenly appeared above the walls other machines which he had caused to be raised along the whole length on the inside, and which were concealed from view: these stretched their long beaks far beyond the battlements, and many carried masses of lead, and stones of ten talents in weight. When the vessels approached, the beaks were turned by means of ropes and pulleys, and then let fall their stones on the sackbuts and vessels below, and all attending them were thus thrown into the greatest danger. The combatants upon the prows of the vessels were all forced to retire from the discharge of the darts through the openings in the wall, or from the large stones thrown down upon them. One of the inventions of Archimedes on this occasion was a large iron hand, hanging by a chain from the beak of a machine, which was thus applied: — the beak was guided like the gib of a crane, over the prow of a vessel, and then the hand or grapple was let fall, which attached itself to the prow; the opposite end of the gib was pulled down on the inside of the wall, and acting then on the principle of a lever, raised the vessel on its stern, when the chain was suddenly loosened by means of the pulleys, and the vessels were some CHAP. III. 59 GRECIAN. thrown on their sides, some bottom upwards, and others sunk, and as Marcellus jestingly observed, "his vessels were treated as buckets to draw water. " Appius was also obliged to abandon his designs on the land side, for similar obstacles prevented his success: the iron hands or grapples were employed here to lift men with their armour into the air, and then dash them against the ground. So wonderful seemed the power of this one eminent engineer, that they were obliged to withdraw their forces, and at last attempt to destroy the city by famine: the place was closely blockaded, and all supplies of provisions cut off both by sea and land. Archimedes, who was the greatest mechanic among the ancients, was born at Syracuse, about 290 years before the Christian era, and was nearly related to Hiero, the king of that city. He was educated in the sciences of his native country, and afterwards travelled into Egypt, which had been for centuries the resort of many of the Grecian philosophers. Here he remained for several years, and probably became acquainted with the combinations of the mechanical powers, which enabled him to produce the wonderful machines he afterwards used; for in Egypt the lever was applied long before his arrival, in lifting and moving masses of stone to heights far greater than is usually supposed. The discoveries of Archimedes in geometry were highly important. In the two books which he wrote upon the sphere and cylinder, he demonstrated that beautiful theorem, that the surface as well as the solidity of any sphere is equal to two-thirds of its circumscribing cylinder, and that the surface of each cylindrical segment, comprehended between planes perpendicular to the axis, is equal to the superficies of the corresponding spherical segment. In his treatise upon the circle, he also showed that the ratio of the diameter to the circumference was as 7 is to 22; this result he discovered by taking an arithmetical mean between the paremeters of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons. In his treatise on conoids and spheroids, he shows the mutual relation between these solids, as well as to cylinders and cones of the same base and altitude. The solidity of the parabolic conoid, he found, was one-half that of the circumscribed cylinder, or three- fourths of a cone of the same base and height; and that the area of the parabola is four- thirds that of the inscribed triangle, or two-thirds that of the circumscribed parallelo- gram. He made us acquainted with the properties of the spiral curve, and the method of drawing tangents to it: also that the sector of the spiral is one-third of the circular sector which incloses it, and consequently that a spiral, which has made one revolution, is equal to one-third of the circle in which it is comprehended. The fundamental properties of the lever are fully given in his book De Equiponderantibus, or Isorropica: he there proves that a balance with unequal arms will be in equilibrio if the two weights in the opposite scales are reciprocally proportional to the arms of the balance. He shows also that the fulcrum sustains the whole weight, and that there is the centre of pressure or gravity, and that this centre of gravity is to be found in the parallelogram, triangle, trapezium, or parabola. His treatise De iis quæ Vehuntur Influido contains the principles upon which the science of hydrostatics is founded: he shows that when fluids are in equilibrium, each particle is equally pressed in every direction: he also inquired into the state of solid bodies floating in water. It appears singular that it should not have been previously known that the weight a body lost when floating in water, was only counteracted by the upward pressure of the liquid. Archimedes was a man of wonderful sagacity, and laid the foundation of all the sciences, the prosecution and improvement of which are the boast of the present day. He was slain by a soldier during the assault made at the taking of Syracuse, about 212 years before Christ. The ingenious and simple method of raising water by means of a pipe twisted round a cylinder in the form of a corkscrew, and laid in an inclined position with one end immersed in the water, which, when made to revolve about its axis, caused the water to run out at the top, is called the Archimedian screw, and was invented by him whilst he studied at Alexandria, in the school of the Ptolemies. When this rich and splendid city fell into the hands of the Romans, Marcellus, viewing from a height its beauty and extent, is said to have shed tears. The booty found in it was immense, the royal treasure was carried to Rome, and to the success of Marcellus has been attributed the subsequent degeneracy of the Romans: the statues and pictures which were carried away from Syracuse introduced a taste for the fine arts, and led to that effeminacy of manners which brought about the ruin of the empire. There remains some part of the temple of Minerva, one of the most ancient in Sicily, of which Cicero gave a very minute description: he describes the doors of gold and ivory, and twenty-seven pictures it contained: it was of the Greek Doric hexastyle, and had fourteen columns on the flank, comprising the outer; their height, including their capital, was 28 feet 8 inches, and their diameter 6 feet 6 inches. There are also two columns be- longing to a temple of Diana; and in that portion of the city called Neapolis are the remains of a Grecian theatre, hewn, as they generally were, out of the solid rock. It has three ranges of seats, separated by platforms or galleries, which afforded access to them: 60 CHAP. IIL HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the proscenium is entirely destroyed, and the lower seats are buried: from these ruins the most delightful prospect is obtained of the luxuriant plains below, watered by the Anapus. The steps are perfect in many places, and there is also a portion of the covered portico, or loggia, which surrounded the upper part of this once superb edifice. Beyond is an amphitheatre of an oval form cut out of the native rock in a similar manner; its longitudinal diameter 316 feet, and its transverse about 214. It was con- structed no doubt at the time the Romans became masters of this city. Contiguous is one of those reservoirs for water generally found near an amphitheatre, cut out of the solid rock, and the aqueduct which supplied it: the reservoir is 57 feet long, 23 wide, and 10 feet deep. The latomiæ or quarries, where the stone was obtained for the various buildings erected in the city, are curious: that near the theatre is about three quarters of a mile in circum- ference, and excavated to a depth of 120 feet below the level of the adjoining ground: within are many subterraneous grottos cut out of the solid rock, one of which is called the DOSABBA BARASSBAŁA A BUBU860EW 1886880 8888 AGAADAAMİ 己 ​BABBAR שוןןןןן BE88B8E", ARHABRA88A}} BOBUBUBL ABAABAA AAAAABARAAAA, JOBBOYEDBE Be 18086 BESAB ABGAEBABBABBE AB BARA BBBEE8 Fig. 64. CATACOMBS. Ear of Dionysius, it having been formed by him. This grotto is serpentine on its plan, about 170 feet in length, 20 to 35 in breadth, and about 60 feet in height: near the top is a small aperture, which communicates with a chamber 6 feet by 4, said to have been the place where the tyrant resorted for the purpose of listening to the conversation of the prisoners confined within it. The catacombs, or rather subterraneous city, used for the burial place of the ancient Greek inhabitants, give us some idea of its vast population. The principal street, which passes through them, is 20 feet wide and 8 feet high, and more than a mile in length. On both sides are quarried out tombs, with semicircular headed openings: these formed the sepulchral chambers, and some are admirably worked. Streets at right angles pass from the main line, and here the ceiling takes a dome or spherical shape, in the centre of which is an aperture to admit light and air. There are many of these catacombs or underground works, cut out of the native rock, to be found along the shores of the Mediterranean; at Malta they extend for a very considerable distance, and appear to have been resorted to in the middle ages by the pious, and dedicated to religious purposes. By some writers their excavation is attri- buted to the Phoenicians, who were in the habit of depositing their corn and merchandise within them for security when they traded with the native inhabitants. In some instances, as at Paris, these subterranean streets may have been formed by drawing out the stone for the purposes of construction. Agrigentum, inhabited by a Grecian colony, became celebrated for the refinement of its inhabitants, for the skill displayed in the fine arts, and particularly for the mechanical powers which were employed in raising ponderous masses of stone for the construction of their public buildings: it was situated about 18 stadia or 2 miles from the sea, between CHAP. III. GRECIAN. 61 two rivers, the Agragas and the Hypsa. Polybius thus describes it: "The city of Agrigentum surpasses most other cities, not only by its fortifications, but also by the Fig. 65. AGRIGENTUM. beauty and magnificence of its edifices, and being only 18 stadia from the sea, is abundantly supplied with fish. It is completely fortified both by nature and by art, and its walls are built upon a rock, which forms an excellent foundation; above all, it has been rendered inaccessible by the labours of men, where it was not so of itself. Besides, this city is partly surrounded by rivers, on the south by the Agragas, and on the west by the Hypsa; and on that side regarding the east is the citadel, which is surrounded by a deep ravine. There are erected on the heights of this citadel a temple of Minerva, another of Jupiter; and as Agrigentum was originally colonised from Rhodes, the worship of the god is the same as that of the Rhodians. Among many other things with which this city is enriched, are several beautiful temples and magnificent porticoes; as the temple of Jupiter Olympus, which is the most sumptuous, yielding to none in Greece either in beauty or grandeur. "Agrigentum was admirably adapted for commerce, from whence it derived all its wealth. Situated on the southern coast of Sicily, it carried on a vast trade with both Tyre and Sidon. Its territory was highly fertile, extending over 1000 square miles, and, according to Diogenes Laertius, this small territory contained 800,000 inhabitants. They exhibited considerable taste in the fine arts, and it was observed by Plato, they built as if they were to live for ever, and feasted as though they were to die on the morrow. It is impossible to account for the great magnificence of this city, where all the merchants were princes. The most flourishing period in its history was comprised in one century, which terminated about 405 years before Christ, when the Carthaginians besieged and destroyed it, at which time, says Diodorus Siculus, the temple of Jupiter was the most considerable on the island, and that when the Agrigentines were on the point of roofing it in, war put an end to their operations: after that the city was so far reduced, that they no longer had the means to finish it." The length of this temple is 369 feet 6 inches, the breadth 182 feet 8 inches, which by no means accords with the dimensions left us by Diodorus, who gives 340 feet for the length, and 60 feet only for the breadth. In the front are seven columns, and double that number on the flanks, the angles included, disposition usually met with in the early Greek temples. The columns are built in a wall, and project a little more than half their diameter: they are 13 feet in diameter, and their projection 7 feet 7 inches; they have eleven flutes; from centre to centre they measure 26 feet 9 inches; from the outer face of the column to the face of the internal wall, which united with it, is a thickness of 15 feet. The height of the steps on which the bases of the columns rest is 14 feet; the base of the column, which is an unusual feature in the Greek Doric, is 4 feet in height; the column, capital, and base 62 CHAP. III. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. are 61 feet 9 inches in height, the entablature 25 feet 9 inches and the pediment pro- bably as much more: the whole height may have been 100 feet. The podium formed a magnificent platform for the reception of the temple: it stands upon a native rock raised on solid courses: throughout the whole plan to the level of the CARICATORE OF GIRCENTI TOMONTE MOUNT TAURUS CARTHAGINIAN CAMP Fig. 66. MOLE HEAD LIGHT. AMED FROMANO RUPA ATHEN, SPITE DE AGRIGENTUÍ QUARRY VALLEY TEMPLE OF T OF A STOR & POLLUS PISCINA CITY WALLS UNO LUGINA GIRGENTIı. ČOLLISVOLCANEUS TOMB OF THERON ACRICENTINE BURIAL GROUND S.AMBROSE. BOINI.ST.LEON. floor these courses are alternately placed diagonally, and a perpendicular joint separates them from the wall of the peristyle. The columns are constructed also in courses, with a core alternately circular ana octangular; a key or dowel is inserted in their beds; but the writer could find no trace of metal cramps; their diameter is 13 feet; the flutes are sufficiently large, as Diodorus observes, to receive a man within them: the echinus of the capital is formed of two stones only, each weighing at least 21 tons: these are united by plugs or dowels to the centre stone of the abacus. The abacus is formed of three stones, two of which are 11 feet 9 inches in length, 5 feet wide, and 2 feet 9 inches in depth: the centre stone is 11 feet 9 inches long, 5 feet 9 inches wide, and 2 feet 9 inches deep. The architrave is 11 feet in height, and is constructed of three courses of stone, each being about 9 tons in weight; the distance from column to column on the lower course is 17 feet 8 inches. It required great skill to construct this portion of the work, and the engineer used all his ingenuity to accomplish it. The two stones forming the lower course are carried on a beam of hard wood, inserted into a dovetailed channel of their soffites, the ends of each stone resting on the abacus, acting as a corbel at the same time. are The triglyphs are all of one stone, weighing 12 tons each; the metopes composed of two stones: on each side of the triglyphs remain the square holes which sustained the scaffolding. Each end of these large stones had channels cut in them of the form of a horse-shoe, into which the ropes were placed, by which they were raised, for the stone was too soft in its quality to permit the use of either the lewis or the forceps. These triglyphs are 10 feet 2 inches in height, 5 feet 10 inches in width, and 4 feet 10 inches in thickness. In the small portion of this temple remaining, parts of four distinct giants are to be seen: built up in courses, each composed of twelve, alternately solid, divided by a vertical joint down to the legs, and occasionally connected with the pilaster behind them; their height was about 25 feet when entire. The temple to Jupiter was a compound a compound of two others, or pseudo-peripteral, the peristyle being formed by columns inserted in the walls of the naos; the columns of the east and west fronts were probably insulated as Diodorus expressly mentions porticoes. On the pediments were sculptured the war of the giants, and the siege of Troy: it was CHAP. III. 69 GRECIAN. called the temple of the giants, from having figures in the manner of Caryatides supporting some part of the edifice. According to Diodorus Siculus, it was the largest temple in Sicily, and might be compared with the grandest and most magnificent monument that ever existed. : Not far distant from the ruins of this temple, are the remains of the famous Piscina, which, according to the same writer, was 7 furlongs in circumference, and 20 cubits in depth the water was conducted into it from the neighbouring streams: this was probably executed by Pheaces, under whose direction were made the several sewers which carried off the water from the city, and which were afterwards called by his name; he lived in the time of Gelon, or about 500 years before Christ. These sewers, therefore, were subsequent to the great Cloaca at Rome. This city was surpassed by few in the beauty of its temples, and for the luxuriance of the country around: there are the remains of a temple to Hercules, Castor and Pollux, Juno Lucina, and Concord, all in the style of the Greek Doric. The modern town of Girgenti is near the ancient mole. Selinus was founded about 725 years before Christ, 107 years after Syracuse; and took its name from the river Silenus. Its first inhabitants were a colony from Megara, a city on the eastern coast of Sicily, which was called Megara of Attica, from whence its inhabitants migrated; 250 years after its foundation it was besieged by Hannibal, carried by assault, the citizens put to death, and the walls of the city rased to the ground. Soon after this, Hermocrates repaired the walls, and assembled many of the wandering natives who flea before Hannibal's army had arrived in the neighbouring states. It became again a place of importance, and the temples, which had only been robbed of their treasures, remained nuul a second siege by the Carthaginians, when they were thrown down; the city was then abandoned, and Strabo enumerates it among the ruined cities of Sicily. The great quantity of fallen stones which here present themselves lead us to fancy the buildings must have been the work of giants, as, from the enormous size of some of the blocks which composed them, it does not seem possible that they should have been moved by men. PLAN OF SELINOS Fig. 67. The plan of the city, which is traceable from the existing walls, is somewhat in the shape of a horse-shoe, whose two ends are towards the sea: these were terminated by towers: the port, which lay between them, exhibits no remains. On the western side, the walls are quite perfect, as are also two vast flights of steps, by which the inhabitants ascended from the port to the city. The time when the six temples were thrown down, and the means by which their ruin was accomplished, is unknown: it has been supposed it was the result of an earthquake, as their immense solidity must have defied all human means. The columns of the larger temple have all fallen in one uniform direction, thrown down by one effort; but surely the power which could have raised the immense blocks might also, when applied to their destruction, be competent to produce this effect. All these temples were of the Greek Doric order; some of the blocks of stone used in their construction were immense; one, which formed the architrave of the greater temple, supposed to be dedicated to Jupiter, is 21 feet in length, 5 feet 8 inches in width, 64 CHAP. 11. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The and 6 feet 9 inches in depth, containing 803 cubic feet, weighing probably 50 tons. manner adopted by the ancients to lift such a ponderous mass, and place it safely upon the capitals of columns, upwards of 40 feet from the ground, deserves our highest admiration. Most of these temples, like others of the best periods of Greek architecture, were painted, either entirely or in part; the Egyptians and the Etrurians probably set this example. On sandstone, which had not an even surface, previous to painting, they spread a coat of fine plaster or calcareous composition: the metopes of one of these temples, of a very early date, are painted red, blue, and green; some of the parts were also gilt; and we fina similar vestiges in the temples at Athens and elsewhere. Egesta, according to Cicero, was founded by Eneas, after he fled from Troy. It has always been considered one of the most ancient towns in Sicily. This city survived many vicissitudes of fortune, and retained its importance till the Saracenic conquest, when it was almost destroyed. The temple that remains is situated to the east of the ancient city, placed upon the brow of a craggy precipice: the solidity of its construc- tion as well as simplicity of its architecture, have occasioned it to be classed among the earliest existing monuments of Sicily. The stylobate consists of three steps, the upper of which is tooled perpendicularly: each stone forming these steps has a knob projecting, similar to those in the Propylea at Athens, probably left to afford facility in raising them. The temple is hexastyle peripteral, has fourteen columns in the flanks, including those at the angles: the columns, unlike all others, are not fluted, although it was not unusual to work such portions after the buildings were constructed. There is no part of the cell remaining: the total length is 190 feet, and width 76 feet 8 inches. There are considerable ruins of a theatre, which has some stones in its construction of an enormous size: it is erected upon a very irregular surface, partly resting on the native rock, and partly on stone piers and solid walls: there is no vestige of an arched corridor, but the seats are placed upon solid masonry: part of the proscenium wall as well as many of the ancient steps remain. At Taorminum is a similar theatre, which, from its fine state of preservation, is worthy of being studied. The Greeks seem to have found a situation where little was required to be done but to excavate the seats out of the native rock, and then erect the exterior and interior portico which surrounded it. This theatre stands upon an eminence overlooking the sea, almost entire; all that is not excavated out of the rock is formed with brick, and the columns with which it was adorned were of marble, probably from the neighbour- ing quarries. The summit of the mountain is of the shape of the portico which surrounds the theatre, and formed a beautiful promenade: its site is precisely what Vitruvius recommends, being elevated, and well calculated to convey the sound. The spectators ascended the rock to the level of the portico by means of several staircases, then entered the theatre, and descended to their seats. In the interior face of the wall which surrounds the theatre are niches, which originally contained statues. The interior, with its orchestra, pulpitum, and proscenium, partly remains: the pulpitum was ordinarily formed of wood supported by walls, and here such foundations are still apparent. The proscenium had three doors or entrances, were called aula regia, and aulæ hospitalia. Some magnificent views of this theatre, made by Lusieri, were forwarded to England some years ago, and are deposited in the British Museum. Messina stands upon elevated ground, at the extremity of a range of mountains which runs through Sicily. There is a broad modern quay, where vessels of almost any burden may lie close in deep water. At the western extremity is a small fort and a gate: the other end is closed by the citadel, which is a pentagonal structure, standing on the isthmus of San Raniero: near this is the Lazaretto. The entire circumference of the port, which is in the form of a sickle or zancle, is about 4 miles, and is said to owe its formation to the effects of an earthquake, which opened a chasm, afterwards filled with water, upwards of 70 fathom in depth. Near the lighthouse is the pool Charybdis, formed by the crossing, or rather meeting, of many opposite currents. The first inhabitants of this celebrated port were the Siculi, driven out by the Cumæans ; who in their turn gave way to the Samians and Messinians. The straits which divide Sicily from Calabria are so narrow, that small fishing boats alone are employed to convey the inhabitants from one side to the other; and many instances are said to occur in which individuals swam across. St. Francis, in modern times, is reported to have spread his cloak upon the waters, and with one end raised upon his staff, to have thus passed from one shore to the other. From the contiguity of Messina to the coast of Italy, it has at all times enjoyed consi- derable commerce: here landed the Normans under Maniaces when Sicily cast off the yoke of the Arabian conquerors in the year 1037; but within the present city there is little remaining to indicate the Norman sway; there are no vestiges of either of the two churches or other buildings completed by Count Roger-though in the crypt of the cathedral may be seen some parts of the work of his son, afterwards king. Richard Cœur de Leon, assisted CHAP. III. 65 GRECIAN. the renowned Roger again to expel the Mahometans, and wintered here on his way to Palestine. ACQUA LADRONE CASTELLA MESSINA སཱཨཱ་བྷཔ CARCURA INFER ་་་་་ནམ་ لال السنة UPER STACATAAN ROTTO PT. PACE PARADISE /!BAY SANITA ROUN LAKE ENCLISH CANAL VĒĻOJUS TOWER FERLITTO VERELLI POINT REZZO BATT TELEGRAPH.TOW, STORE HOUSES FOS SA NAN APONNARA PALACE A.COSMO CHARYBDIS NIGHTHOUSE CITADELLO ARSENAL FORT CHIM Fig. 68. MESSINA. Posidonia, or Pastum, was happily situated both for the purposes of agriculture and commerce, placed in the midst of a plain, bounded by the rivers Silarus and Accius on the north and south, sheltered on the east by the mountain Alburnus, and open to the bay on the west. The port Alburnus was near the mouth of the Silarus, and some remains of it may still be traced; it was frequented by merchants of all nations. Strabo tells us the original inhabitants, driven out of Sybaris on the shores of Tarentum, crossed the Apennines, and settled in the plains of Posidonia. The Sybarites soon made their new town both important and powerful; for two centuries they continued in a state of perfect tranquillity, which was at last disturbed by the tyrant Dionysius of Syracuse, who invaded the Grecian territories established in Italy: he afterwards, uniting with the Lucanian aborigines, gained several victories, and Posidonia fell, about the year of Rome 413. Seventy years afterwards it was made a municipal town, and its name changed to Pæstum. From the neglect of proper cultivation and the drainage of the marshes, the stagnant waters, emitting pestilential vapours, obliged the inhabitants to seek a new situation. The walls which surrounded this city remain to a considerable height in many places, as do the towers at the angles, and the ancient gates: its form is that of an irregular polygon, about 3 miles in circumference. There are three temples, an amphitheatre, and some other buildings. One of the temples, supposed to have been dedicated to Neptune, possesses in a high degree all the characteristics of Greek architecture: solidity, combined with grace and simplicity, prove it to have been erected before the arts were on the decline. The stone used for its construction, as well as for that of the other buildings, was brought from quarries in the mountain Alburnus: it is a stalactite formed by a calcareous deposit, of the same nature as travertino. A thin coat of stucco was laid over the whole to fill up the in- terstices of this porous stone. The form of the temple dedicated to Neptune was hexastyle, with fourteen columns on the flanks, counting those at the angles: the upper step of the stylobate was in length 195 feet 4 inches, and its breadth 78 feet 10 inches: the columns are 6 feet 10 inches in diameter, and 29 feet in height, including the capitals, while that of the entablature is 12 feet 2 inches. This temple was probably hypethral, as there are two inner rows of columns, above which is another of less dimensions which supported the roof Those of F 66 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the lower range are 4 feet 8 inches in diameter, and 19 feet 9 inches high, and the upper have their shafts in accordance with the upper diameter of the lower order. The second temple, or Basilica, as it is sometimes called, is pseudo-dipteral, has nine columns in the front, and consequently three columns placed between the antæ; thus differing from all other examples. The A range of columns passed through the middle of the cell longitudinally, probably to support the roof. Its length, measured on the upper step, is 176 feet 9 inches, and its breadth 80 feet: the diameter of the columns is 4 feet 10 inches, and their height, including their capitals, 21 feet: the shafts diminish in a curved line, and are channelled with twenty flutings. The entablature is not perfect, but the frieze was composed of two upright courses of stone, the exterior one of which, with the whole of the cornice, is gone. lesser temple is hexastyle-peripteral, with thirteen columns on the flanks, counting those at the angles: its length, measured upon the upper step, is 108 feet, and its breadth 48 feet. The columns are 4 feet 3 inches in diameter, and their height, including their capital, 20 feet 6 inches; they are about a diameter apart all round; they have 24 shallow flutings, and were placed upon circular bases slightly projecting. Bridges of the Greeks. The Gephyreans, who inhabited Eretria, formed a part of that body of Phoenicians which, according to Herodotus, Cadmus brought with him into Greece, and were acquainted with science as well as letters. When the Cadmeans were expelled by the Argives, they fled to the Encheleans, and the Gephyreans were driven by the Boeotians to find succour at Athens. They settled on the borders of the Cephissus, a small river which separates Attica from Eleusis, and here they are said to have built a bridge. Larcher, in his notes upon the above passage of Herodotus, observes that the author of the Etymologicum Mag- num pretends that these people were called Gephyreans in consequence of their constructing this bridge; Gephura signifying originally a dam, dyke, or mound; also the space which occurred between two hostile armies in Homer; but generally it is significant of a bridge in other authors. Pindar uses Pontou Gephura for an isthmus. The origin of the compound word was Gea, earth, and Phero, I bear, as affording a passage from bank to bank. In another passage in Herodotus we learn that when Croesus passed the river Halys with his forces, it was by means of bridges, although the Greeks generally asserted that Thales the Milesian assisted him in cutting another trench for the purpose of dividing the river, and that then he was enabled to ford it readily; it being much less labour to divert the waters of the river than to build a bridge. There were in Greece few rivers which might not have been rendered fordable, and it seems probable that the usual method adopted in early times to pass a river, was by throwing in stones or earth to form a dyke or dam, which would occasion the water to become sufficiently shallow for the passage both of men and cattle. Fords could be more easily contrived than bridges, and it is certain that the latter were not much used by the Greeks. When Darius had resolved to make an expedition into Scythia, he prepared a fleet, and ordered a bridge to be thrown over the Thracian Bosphorus. Gibbon observes, that the most skilful geographers that have surveyed the Hellespont give sixty miles as the length of its winding course, and about three miles for the ordinary breadth. But the narrowest part of the channel is found to be northward of the old Turkish castles, between the cities of Sestos and Abydus. It was here that the adventurous Leander braved the passage of the flood, and where the distance between the opposite banks does not exceed five hundred paces. Xerxes imposed here his stupendous bridge of boats for the purpose of transporting into Europe his 170 myriads of barbarians. Herodotus says the breadth of the Bosphorus where the bridge was erected was 4 stadia, and that Darius was so much delighted with its construction, that he made many valuable presents to Mandrocles, the Samian, who constructed it. Mandrocles, in consequence, caused a representation of the bridge, and the king seated on his throne reviewing his army as it passed, to be made, which was consigned to the temple of Juno, where it remained for some time. After Darius crossed into Europe, he ordered the Ionians to pass over the Euxine to the Ister, to erect another bridge, and await his arrival. When Xerxes passed the Hellespont, 480 years before Christ, numbers were employed in constructing a bridge betwixt Sestos and Madytus, in the Chersonese of the Hellespont; and the work was commenced on the side next Abydus. The Phoenicians in his army used a cordage made of linen, and the Egyptians the bark of the biblos; and this bridge, which is briefly mentioned by Herodotus, was no sooner completed than de- stroyed by a tempest. Whether made of boats or floating timber, we are not informed. After this a bridge was constructed by different architects, who performed it in the following manner : — -they connected together ships of various kinds, some long vessels of fifty oars, others three-banked galleys, to the number of 560, on the side towards the Euxine Sea, and 313 on that of the Hellespont. The former were placed transversely, but the latter, to diminish the strain of the cables, in the direction of the current, when these vessels were secured on each side by anchors of great length; on the upper side, because of the winds which set in from the Euxine; on the lower, towards the Ægean Sea, on account CHAP. III. 67 GRECIAN. of the south and south-east winds. They however left openings in three places sufficient to afford a passage for light vessels, which might have occasion to sail into the Euxine or from it. Having performed this, they extended cables from shore to shore, stretching them from large capstans of wood; the cables being made of white flax and biblos: two of one being united with four of the latter, they were alike in thickness, but those made of the flax were the strongest, and every cubit in length weighed a talent. After the boats were fixed, large timbers were laid across the cables, and bound fast to them; these were floored over, and a platform made in the usual way, upon which was placed a layer or stratum of earth, and a fence raised on each side to prevent the horses looking down into the sea. Polybius, in alluding to the first bridge built by Darius, says that the width of the strait between Sestos and Abydus was not more than two stadia, that both shores were covered with inhabitants, and that they sometimes threw a bridge across the strait and passed from one side to the other on foot; at other times vessels were seen sailing upon it; and also that the city of Abydus was enclosed by the promontories of Europe, and had a safe harbour, in which ships might be sheltered from every wind; but that at its entrance it was not possible for a vessel to anchor, on account of the violence with which the waters rushed through the strait. Cyrus is said by Xenophon, when he marched from Sardis, after passing through Lydia, to have crossed the river Mæander, where it was two plethra in breadth, by a bridge supported on seven boats. Supposing this distance to have been 200 Greek feet, it would not have been difficult to throw a timber platform from one boat to the other, and make a substantial roadway. The usual method of crossing rivers is perhaps that described by Xenophon in his march through the desert, when he came to Carmande on the Euphrates: here the soldiers purchased provisions, and afterwards passed over the river on rafts, made by filling the skins they used for their tents with dry hay, and sewing them together, so that the water could not enter. The Roman soldiers, as well as the Greeks, made their tents of skins; and we learn that Alexander, in his victorious march through Asia, used this method of crossing a river. In this manner he passed the Oxus, which was a wide, deep, and rapid stream; and Arrian informs us that this passage occupied five days. The Mole, which united Chalcis in the island of Euboea with Aulis in Boeotia, is described by Diodorus Siculus as formed over the Euripus, the name of the straits that separated the island from the mainland. When Mindarus, the commander of the Peloponnesian fleet, arrived at Abydus, and had repaired his shattered boats, he sent for succour to the Lace- demonians, determining to lay siege to the Athenian cities in Asia. The Chalcedonians and the inhabitants of the island of Euboea, at that time had deserted from the Athenians, and the latter were greatly alarmed from fear of an invasion, the Athenians being the masters of the sea they therefore solicited the Boeotians to help them to stop up the Euripus, and attach the island to the continent. In this narrow strait the sea was supposed to ebb and flow seven times in twenty-four hours, and Aristotle destroyed himself because he could not ascertain the cause of this phenomenon. The Boeotians readily consented, as it would make Euboea part of their continent. All the people that could be assembled took part in this great work, and commenced a mole at Chalcis, and another at Aulis, on the Boeotian side; and each was advanced over this unquiet, and then raging passage of the sea, until the way was so narrow that there was only room for one ship to pass; after which forts were constructed, and a wooden bridge thrown across the opening. The port of Aulis would at one time contain fifty ships, and was famous for its manu- facture of pottery; the opposite port, which is now the town of Vathi, is completely land- locked, which accounts for the extreme narrowness of the Euripus itself, now crossed by a wooden bridge: this leads to a Turkish fort, then a marsh, where is another wooden bridge, which conducts to Negropont. Walls of cities. There can be no doubt, that in the primitive ages of society, security was one of the chief considerations, and that no exertion was spared by any of the nations of antiquity to carry up works of defence. Throughout Greece are remains of cities, where we have evidence of the labour bestowed upon the walls, which, when in a complete state, were regarded as the performance of persons something more than human. The walls of Tiryns and Mycenæ are perhaps the most ancient and the most cele- brated. Homer mentions the former, a proof of their existence in his time: they are said to have been constructed by a colony of Lycians, under the direction of Protus, the brother of Acrisius, long before the Trojan war. The city of Tiryns occupied a rising ground in the plain of Argos, and was of no great extent, being 220 yards in length and 60 in breadth, according to Pausanias, it was founded by Tirynthus, the son of Argus, who employed the Cyclops to construct the walls: these were built of large masses or blocks of stone, each requiring two oxen to move it: after one was placed, another was brought, and laid adjoining, the interstices being filled up with fragments and : F 2 68 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. smaller stones to render the work more solid. Some of these masses measure more than 9 feet in length, 4 feet in breadth, and as much in thickness. It had three gates, the chief flanked by a solid tower, which could only be ascended by a flight of steps running parallel with the wall for some distance, and afterwards turning at right angles, before it reached the gate. Euripides is among the first who designates the construction with polygonal blocks, Cyclopean; they were probably the work of the Pelasgi, who were the earliest inhabitants of Greece of which we have any account. These people may be traced throughout every part of Greece, Peloponnesus, Thessaly, Attica, Boeotia, Phocis, Macedonia, and even at Delphos, where the oracle was Pelasgic. Dardanus, the ancestor of Priam, was of this race. The Pelasgi remained in possession of Arcadia until the second Messenian war; and they were finally expelled, or conquered, throughout Greece, it is supposed, at a considerable time before the Trojan war. After their expulsion the Hellenes were established; Danaus founding Argos; Cecrops, Athens; and Dardanus, the Phrygian cities. Diodorus allows the Pelasgi, however, to have retained dominion at sea, from 1088 to 1004 years before Christ; they are said by Dionysius to have finally settled in Italy at an earlier period, and that they began to decline about 1170 years before Christ. In the most ancient part of the walls of Tiryns there is, for the length of 90 feet, a gallery, supposed at one time to have continued through the whole circuit of the external walls, which must have been of great advantage to the inhabitants in the defence of their city. It is 5 feet in width and 12 in height, formed of large stones, laid in horizontal courses, gathered over towards the top, where they incline against each other, thus pre- senting in the section of the gallery the form of a pointed arch. At every 9 feet distance is contrived a recess, to retire during the time it was required for another to pass. doubtedly this is one of the earliest examples of a practice afterwards universally adopted both by Greeks and Romans. Un- The walls of Tiryns were destroyed, according to Pausanias, for enlarging Argos; what remains is upwards of 43 feet in height, though originally much higher. Mycenæ, in the neighbourhood of Tiryns, far exceeds it in extent: according to Pau- sanias, it was founded by Persicus, and the circuit of its walls followed an irregular line, en- closing an area, in length about 330 yards, and in breadth 220 yards. ་་ ་ CU LIG - initia TREASURY Fig. 69. MYCENÆ. The walls consist of polygonal blocks, so large and solid, that they have defied the de- struction offered both by time and by the hand of man. The Argives commenced the destruction of this city about 468 years before the Christian era; but they could not break down the whole of the walls, the stones being so firmly united together. The blocks with which they are built, on the outside present a fair and even face, and their CHAP. III. 69 GRECIAN. ends and sides are fitted to each other. And there are evidences that stone-cutting was new adopted. No mortar or cement was made use of; the massive blocks received their - མ༠༠༩{ti། Fig. 70. stability from the manner in which they were wedged in, many passing entirely through the whole thickness of the wall, and bonding it together. On the north side of the acropolis may still be seen remains of the walls built by the Pelasgi, and which are usually denominated Cyclopean. The sites of these early Greek cities were generally chosen upon rising or elevated ground, and the form of the hill or eminence usually decided that of the city. On the highest ground was placed the acropolis or citadel: such was the method adopted in setting out Athens, and, where the wall made an angle, it was sometimes further strengthened by throwing out some additional work, which may have led to the introduction of towers. Fig. 71. Gates or entrances to the Greek cities were of four different kinds: the earliest and the most usually found, perforating their ancient walls, had its sides perpendicular, and the opening above closed, by the polygonal blocks advancing until they met in the middle at top, like the gallery at Tiryns; there are many remains of this kind of gate, as that at Signa. (See fig. 74.) In the Isle of Delos is another of great antiquity, which is formed by the inclination of stones resting one against the other. (See fig. 57.) This very curious remain forms the part of a gateway, or opening, through the walls of an ancient fortification, around the lower part of the mount Cynthus. Ten large stones, inclined towards each other, form the covering to the opening, and very much resemble some of the examples met with in the pyramids, where the weight over the passages and galleries is discharged in a similar manner. Should this portion of the walls be as early as the time of Minos, we must consider that he employed the same construction as the Dorians, or Cyclopeans as they have been called. Delos, after having been the abode of pirates, was converted into a colony of Athens by Erysichthon, son of Cecrops, who erected the first temple to Apollo, afterwards held in such high veneration by all the Greeks, and even respected by the Persians, who laid waste F 3 70 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I most of the other islands in this sea. Pericles, according to the historian Thucydides, seized upon the treasury established here by the states of Greece, which amounted to 10,000 talents, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of erecting the Parthenon at Athens. Mount Cynthus was the birthplace of Apollo and Diana, and from hence the Hyper- borei, or most northern people of antiquity, transmitted annual offerings. The altars at Delos were circular; it being the custom for the votaries of Apollo to run around and strike them with whips, their arms bound behind them at the same time: they afterwards bite the olive, which was a symbol of the motion of solar light, and of their desire that its rays might pervade all space. Numerous fragments of architecture and sculpture are met with in this favourite island; among them, heads of bulls arranged on the entablature in a similar manner as found at Persepolis, which might allude to the worship of the celestial bull, or the sun when occupy- ing the place of that sign. Before Zoroaster reformed the Persian worship, under the auspices of Darius Hystaspes, such emblems were common, and formed part of the Mithraic ceremonies in Persia; and even among many of the Cyclades under Persian rule, where the religion of the Magi had not been received. The second sort was like the gate at Arpino; an opening in the form of a lofty pointed arch, which, from its being inconvenient for the reception of a wooden door or entrance, could only be closed by rolling into it a large stone, or entirely walling it up. (See fig. 72.) In this example we have the form without the principle of the pointed arch; the stones overhang like corbels, and are not radiated to their respective centres: after the form was given, probably the setting out of the voussoirs according to the right principle followed. In many parts of Greece we find open- ings in the walls so arranged, and the weight over them similarly disposed; this system led to the practice adopted in the conical structures, where a series of con- centric rings, gradually diminishing, have the same support as this system of cor- belling or gathering over. Walls con- structed of regular masonry, and after- Fig. 72. ARPINO. wards perforated or cut through, would present such an aperture in the course of a short time; the different courses would chip off till something like the form of the equilateral triangle was assumed, which, if assisted by a little art, would give the rudiments of a pointed arch. Where such was the result of undermining or a settlement, the stone would incline at the heading joints, and the principle of an arch would be partly developed. When the writer refers to the sketches he made in his tour through Greece, he finds abundant examples of openings through walls or entrances, formed by the mere taking out of stones, originally laid in the Cyclopean manner; some of these exhibit the arch entirely. In fig. 71. the lower course might be removed, and a segmental figure obtained, the stone work above remaining unaltered: the mere observance of such an accident would lead to a knowledge of the arch, and show that superincumbent weight might be safely discharged. To minds possessing the acuteness of the Greeks, such an accidental circumstance would not be lost, or the lesson taught thrown away; when once the wedge theory was taken up, there can be little doubt but the value of pressure on each of the voussoirs of an arch would be practically understood. The rudeness of the examples left by no means implies that others of a more perfect and refined character did not exist; their destruction being easy, may account for our not discovering any remains. No work, which Persian ambition could desire to annihilate, could be more readily destroyed than the abutments of an arch, which would bring into ruin all in connection with it; a bridge, or entrance to a city, had the arch been introduced, could be easily displaced, whilst the rude Cyclopean wall would exhibit difficulties and danger to any attempting its overthrow, the stones being so placed upon and against each other, that the removal of their abutments would not be sufficient for their demolition. It would be required to move each stone in the order in which it was built up. The example which follows exhibits a third kind of entrance, where a horizontal stone is resting on the side walls to discharge the weight, which could not be applied to very large openings. Such an example exists at Alatri (fig. 73.) in a wall of Cyclopean construction, where the courses are irregular, and the perpendiculars not kept. CHAP. III. 71 GRECIAN. Where a lintel or stone could not be found sufficiently long to extend from one jamb to another, the upper course on one or both sides required inclining, as in the gate at Signa (fig. 74.) where the early Greek construction is adopted; to trace the regular arch from these rudiments is difficult, as we do not discover in any of them the next step by which the process was completed. Among the researches of modern travellers, an account of a L Fig. 73. ALATRI. Fig. 74. SIGNA. perfect arch is not to be found; and the writer looked through Greece for a specimen, in vain. That such a form was unknown to them, can hardly be supposed; but it certainly is curious, that no examples are left us. By a combination of the second and third kinds, and the introduction of upright posts or jambs, we have a gateway of the fourth sort, of which we find many examples, particularly that called the Gate of the Lions at Mycenæ. Pausanias informs us that it existed in his time. (See fig. 75.) mm AN UNUTU KALINTI • DELETED FIRULLI ANNEN LILA DEM | {MIN TORBICHAE TITULATUMAI ALESLIELO DUNKIN NOMILANS 1 Fig. 75. MYCENÆ. This gate, like others of the early Greek cities, which formed the chief entrance, is not built in the continued line of wall, but recessed at the end of a narrow passage, at a considerable distance within the outer circuits. This arrangement was undoubtedly contrived for defence, it not being possible for a number to make an approach through this narrow defile at the same time. This gate is 8 feet in width, and the horizontal stone which serves as a lintel is 12 fect in length; the lions mentioned by Pausanias are cut in relief out of a single stone, 9 feet in height and about 13 in width: it may date as among the earliest works of sculpture in Greece. 1 F 4 72 Βουκ Ι. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Such gates were defended with more ease from their being recessed; at Norina we have another example (fig. 76. ), which shows more perfectly the method adopted by the Greeks to annoy an enemy whilst attacking them. ! Fig. 76. NORMA. The Scean Gate had an advanced mole or wall, carried out for some distance on the left hand on coming out, which was used by the military or guard for the discharge of mis- siles against those who were attempting to enter without permission. The reason assigned for the left side being preferred, was, that an attacking party would cover their left sides with their shields, and hold their spears in their right hand, which would present to the besieged the only uncovered part that was assailable; consequently, by this arrangement, the right side of the attacking troops became open to the weapons of the besieged, and the darts or projectiles from the wall in advance could be brought fully to bear against the most vulnerable parts of the besiegers. Delos exhibits an arched gallery, already described, of the same construction as that in the wall of Tiryns, and among the towns in Greece are found many subterraneous passages, like that mentioned by Strabo as existing at Preneste, which was underground, and served usually the purposes of a sewer, conveying the water from the city into a deep valley, and at other times for a sally port. These galleries or passages were cut in the rock, sometimes in the natural soil, and often mined or excavated like a tunnel through the neighbouring country. Another description of wall which surrounded the cities of Greece showed an im- provement in construction: these had the courses of stone or marble laid in a more regular manner; and to which were added towers of a square, circular, or polygonal form, placed at regular distances. Such were those at Argos, Messene. (See fig. 78.) Messene was a city at the foot of Mount Ithome, and celebrated for the wars carried on by its inhabitants against the Spartans, about 700 years before the Christian era. The Thebans, who under Epaminondas defeated the Spartans abovt 370 years before Christ, are supposed to have constructed the walls and towers of this city, which remain. Epami- nondas, according to Pausanias, being assured that the site of Messene was admirably adapted for a city, desired that the Augurs might be consulted on the subject; and favourable omens being obtained, he commenced the foundations, and ordered the stone to be brought from the neighbouring hills. The Gulph of Messene lies a little distance from the city on the south; to the west spreads Arcadia; and Ithome rises above the plain with Mount Eva to the south. On the top of Ithome are the remains of the citadel. After the numerous defeats which the Messenians sustained in their contests with the Spartans, Pausanias informs us, they abandoned their other fortified cities, and retired to Ithome, which Homer alludes to And those that on the steep Ithome dwell. They increased the citadel, and rendered it, by several engineering works practised on the steep rocks, difficult of access. From this place they sent messengers in their distress to Delphos to inquire of the oracle what they were next to do, when they were ordered to sacrifice a pure virgin to the infernal demons. All their efforts, however, were useless in the CHAP III. 73 GRECIAN. battles in which they afterwards engaged; and the inhabitants of Ithome were obliged to seek refuge at Argos, Sicyon, and Arcadia, or Eleusis, and the Spartans razed the citadel to its foundation. The Messenians, after being continually harassed, at last settled at Rhegium, on that part of the Italian coast opposite to Messina. This event happened about 723 years before Christ. Anaxilas, one of their leaders, took possession of the territory belonging to the Zanclæi in Sicily, where he built a city, and strongly fortified it; and the new inhabitants turned their attention towards maritime affairs. Such, Pausanias tells us, was the end of the wanderings of the Messenians. We can account for the construction and systems adopted for the defence of the cities in Sicily, resembling those met with in Greece, when we learn that their builders were driven out from among the people who occupied the latter country: when they fled, they carried with them a knowledge of the arts, and laid the foundation for their promul- gation throughout the new settlement. The circular court remaining at Messene forms the northern entrance to the city, from whence the route to Megalopolis took its departure. On each side of the entrance are the foundations of two towers which defended this approach. Around the walls of the circle are two niches or recesses, with square heads, and slightly de- corated. The diameter of the circle is 63 feet, and the largest aperture by which it is entered, '23 feet: the other, about 17 feet, was covered by a lintel, the dimensions of which were 18 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 4 inches high, and 4 feet wide: such dimensions re- quired some support from beneath, or the weight should have been discharged from Fig. 77. MESSENE. above, that the lintel might have rested securely, without danger of fracture. After passing the gates, the road, formed of large blocks of stone, conducts to the city; these blocks are not polygonal, but ob- long in their form. The walls which remain at Messene are of regular blocks of stone, and at every 7 feet or more, there were cross walls at right angles to tie in the two faces, the thickness being too much for any other kind of bond. These walls, as restored, exhibit an arch over the principal en- trance, for which there is no au- thority, although there can be little doubt but that such an arrangement was made over the wide entrances of the Greek cities. If we are right with regard to the time when the arch was used by the Egyptians, we may cer- tainly suppose its adoption by a people who borrowed greatly from their inventions: we trace the embrasure and battlements Fig. 78. PAPAAAAAAAAAAA MESSENE. in Egypt; the arrangement of the masonry, and securing the several blocks, indicates a similar origin. Time alone, and further research, must clear up this doubtful statement, and satisfy us upon a subject on which almost all writers differ. 74 Βουκ Ι. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The internal diameter of the circular tower is 17 feet 4 inches; it projects from the wall about 16 feet, the thickness of the masonry being a little less than 2 feet. internal dimensions of the square tower are 17 feet 8 inches by 16 feet, and the open- ings on each side 3 feet 4 inches. The thickness of the walls 20 inches. The platform or walk along the battlements was in width 8 feet. These towers were each two stories in height, probably entered by wooden ladders, as there are no remains of stone staircases. Square open- ings for the purpose of assailing those employed in the attack, were secured by internal metal bars. The lower tier of win- dows was splayed, that the archers might have a greater Such range for their aim. remains of military architec- ture among the Greeks, at once show us that the practice at this period was the same throughout all the countries which bordered the Mediter- ranean Sea. Pausanias de- Fig. 79. FIMID MESSENE. The scribes similar fortifications; those by Homer differ but little from the examples here given. Fig. 80. MESSENE. Fig. 81. MESSENE. The battlements have been added from specimens met with in other parts of Greece, and the section of the wall shows the filling in between the two faces, also the method adopted to tie the whole together. Some of the apertures, or small windows, are finished CHAP. III. 75 GRECIAN. with triangular heads, cut out of the single stone which serves as the lintel. The towers were only raised a story above the ordinary level of the walls. Argos had a similar tower, 20 feet 3 inches by 17 feet 7 inches in the clear, with walls about 3 feet 4 inches thick around it, supposed to have been the part of a Pharos, that served to alarm the inhabitants of the country around Tegea and Mantinea. The external walls were made to batter considerably, and if carried up would have assumed a funnel-like appearance, well suit- ed for the purpose of a beacon. Many writers de- scribe the manner in which these towers were set out, what should be their dia- meter, distance apart, and height, as well as the method of their construction; and that pieces of oak timber, four cubits in length, were introduced in the middle of the wall, to facilitate a repair in case a breach was made. The walls of Athens were restored after the in- vasion of Philip, son of Demetrius, in great haste, when many public buildings were destroyed, and the materials used for the purpose: we see on the north side of the acropolis such a wall, where columns, triglyphs, metopes, and cornices are used, without order. The long wall of the Piræus, which has been already mentioned, was not commenced, according to Thucydides, lib. ii. cap. 75., until those around the city were completed; but it was set out near the Piræus of such a width that two carts Fig. 82. Fig. 82. TOWER AT ARGOS. loaded could conveniently pass. The length of the Phalerian wall to that part of the city where it joined was 35 furlongs; that part between the long walls and the Phalerian, 35 furlongs; and the length of the long walls down to the Piræus was 40 furlongs; and the whole compass of the Piræus, together with the Munychia, 60 furlongs. The engineer's skill was called forth by the early inhabitants of Greece, in the erection of the walls which surrounded their cities, and in the design and construction of the machines placed upon them for their defence. The artifice displayed in protecting or defending a long line of wall so fortified, was often matched by the besiegers, and we find improvement continually made, both in maintaining and taking a city, by the careful attention of those upon whom these duties devolved. The architect, well skilled in the arts of design, would be the best qualified to erect a stone barrier, either against a flood, or an armed body of men, as well as for raising heavy weights, and transporting them to any required distance; in the early age of society, he would be the most efficient director for all that now devolves upon the military and civil engineer. And as we learn from the ancient historians, that the architect had entrusted to him, not only the defences of the towns and cities, but also their arrangement, drainage, and general superintendence, we may infer that there existed no distinction between him and the engineer. But the most important knowledge to him employed in the defence of a city or pro- viding for its health and salubrity, would be a thorough acquaintance with the sciences, without which no great work could be devised or undertaken. Vitruvius, who had the care of all the engines of war entrusted to him by Augustus, tells us frequently in his writings, that those selected as engineers deeply studied the opinions of Pythagoras, Empedocles, Epicharmus, and other philosophers: Metagenes, Ctesiphon, Evangelus, Pæonius, Pephasmenos, Cetras, Polydus, Diades, Choereas, Agetor, Diognetus, Trypho, and many other eminent names, might be cited among the Greeks, who were practically acquainted with the use of machinery, and its applications, to the destruction of towns and cities, when called upon by the great generals of the age to exert their ingenuity. 76 Book i. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The construction and demolition of their walls needed the aid of machinery, and among the Greeks a knowledge of all its proportions was thoroughly understood. The battering- ram, the balistæ, the catapultæ, the crane, the tortoise for filling up ditches and other purposes, and the several machines described for defence, show a thorough acquaintance with the properties of the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw; and Euclid's Elements, collected about 280 years before Christ, for the instruction of the pupils assembled at Alexandria, attest their advance in geometry. The walls which remain in part at Platea more distinctly show the arrangement of the towers, battlements, and galleries be- tween them. In some of the towers are staircases, and the whole is con- structed of large stones. J The double walls of the Pelopon- nesus, also described by Thucy- - dides, were formed in portions of a double circle, one towards Platea, and the other towards Athens. They were distant from each other about 16 feet, and the space so ob- tained was divided into rooms by cross walls, which tied and united the whole together. At every tenth battlement was a tower, extend- ing through both walls, and having its passage through the middle over the rooms, to which, during incle- ment weather, the guards might re- tire, and keep watch through the loop-holes contrived for the purpose. (Lib. iii. cap. 21.) Amidst the discoveries in Lycia, made by Charles Fellowes, Esq. a few years ago, and published by that indefatigable traveller, were several gates of peculiar construction. That at Penara is Cyclopean, and formed Fig. 83. L L FTT of massive upright stones, with another laid over as a lintel, now Fig. 84. PLATEA. broken. (See fig. 85.) There is also one which forms the entrance to a tomb having a pointed arch surmounted by the horns of a bull. (See fig. 86.) Fig. 85. PENARA. $10 Fig. 86. PENARA. There are great varieties of form given to the ancient portals, and it is curious to trace the changes from the rude Cyclopean method of discharging a weight over an opening, by the gradual projection of the stones meeting in the middle, to the formation of an equilateral triangle, as used by the Egyptians at a very early time, two stones, like the chord of two arcs, being placed one against the other. The approach to the regular portal is made at the gate of Penara, and this is rendered beautiful by the improvements added in that at Sidyma, CHAP. III. 77 GRECIAN. where a simple cornice with lion's heads protects the massive stones which form the square portal. (See fig. 87.) In a tomb at Telmessus in later times we find the bold semicircular arch containing within the square portal formed of regular voussoirs, and set out with a thorough knowledge of its construction. This is thought to be of Roman work. (See fig. 88.) The walls of Etruscan cities exhibit a more perfect construction; the Tyrrhenians in the Fig. 87. SIDYMA. Fig. 88. TELMESSus. walls of Volterra, Cortena, Populunia, Roselle, Fiesole, Cosa, Luna, throughout Latium, and even at Pompeii, followed the manner adopted by the Pelasgi or Cyclops in Greece, though in the later example there is a nearer approach to regular masonry. The blocks at Volterra are laid in nearly horizontal courses; and those at Cosa resemble the construction at Mycena. At Roselle, on the Ombrone, are vast ruins scattered over a hill, and the walls are nearly a mile and three quarters in circumference, constructed of a coarse limestone, or large masses of travertine, the outer face of which is perfectly level throughout. Some of these blocks are 15 feet in length, and their thickness is so great, that only two of these stones side by side are required for the entire thickness of the wall. Cosa, near Orbitello, has its walls nearly entire, and those at Luna, an ancient maritime establishment of the Etruscans, were built in this manner. of pure marble, taken from the neighbouring quarries of Carrara. Many of these walls have their horizontal courses laid nearly parallel, whilst the joints which should be perpendicular are inclined; so that the stones are cut more in the form of a trapezium or rhomboid, their ends, in par- ticular situations where strength is required, are dovetailed one within the other At Circei remains a rude entrance, which has a Cyclopean character, built up with stones without cement; and it would seem that among the Etruscans the progress of improvement kept pace with the Greeks: we have entrances to their towns, exhibiting the same style of construction, and in some in- stances vastly superior. That at Volterra has a semicircular arch, adorned with heads. (Fig. 89.) Another at Tusculum has its square-headed opening now inclosed within a regular pointed arch, which seems to have been constructed at the same time as the walls themselves, known to be of very great antiquity. Among the Etruscan remains this peculiar form of the arch is frequently found, but in the present example all the stones radiate to their respective centres, and leave no doubt as to the principle being thoroughly known; indeed, it is nothing Fig. 89. VOLTERRA, 78 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. more than the result of taking out the middle voussoirs and bringing the other portions of the arch nearer together, or, in other words, narrowing the original opening, making use of the same stones which served for a semicircular arch. Such an accidental adaptation may have been the cause of the pointed arch. In some of the cities of Etruria, particularly at Tusculum, are the remains of arches similarly constructed with that in fig. 90., but its date remains uncertain. This example has been adduced as an early specimen of the use of the pointed arch; it forms a por- tion of a subterrraean course or conduit, through which the water was brought to the re- servoir distributed to the lower portion of the city. The aper- ture, which formed the entrance to the emissary, is narrower at top than at bottom, and co- vered by a single stone lintel. Had we any authority for affix- ing a date, we should no longer be in doubt as to the origin of the pointed arch; but we have not evidence by which we can trace its introduction, or decide whether it is not the work of a much later epoch than that assigned to it. The great resemblance the walls of the Etruscan cities bear to those of Greece indicates a common origin, or that they were the work of the same tribes, though scattered on va- rious shores. Tarchon, the son of Tyrrhenus, a Lydian prince, was supposed by Cato to be their great leader to the plains of Italy; and if his followers were drawn from the shores of Asia Minor, we have no diffi- Fig. 90. TUSCULUM. culty in accounting for the remains, appertaining to the arts, dug up at Naples, Capua, Verona, and Padua, resembling those discovered throughout Greece. Etruria, bounded by the Tiber on the east, by the Maira on the west, by the Tyr- rhenian sea on the south, and by the Ap- penines on the north, according to Polybius and Herodotus, had its inhabitants from the Asiatic coast; their language nearly ap- proached the Hebrew or Phoenician, and their alphabetic characters were the earliest used in Italy. Of the inscriptions remaining, there is enough to indicate, particularly in the latter period of their institutions, a Greek connection. Etruscan artists were always held in high repute, and in the early history of Rome, we find them selected to construct what was necessary for the em- bellishment of the city. If the Pelasgi or Fig. 91. TUSCULUM. Phoenicians were the civilisers of the shores of the Mediterranean, we must follow them, to account for the similarity of manners and customs. About 2080 years before Christ, they founded in Egypt the dynasty of the Hucsas, which Sesostris drove out about 500 years afterwards. Greece received its first colony under Inachus, 1986 before Christ, which was followed by others under Danaus, Cecrops, Cadmus, Deucalion, Pelops, and various Phoenician or Pelasgic chiefs. In the course of time, the settlers driven out by Deucalion from Thessaly, who had settled at Epirus, retired or went over to Italy, carrying all that was valuable, and established themselves first on the coast. This seems probable, and enables us to account for the similarity of their habitations and arrangements as well as in their engineering works. Treasuries were generally added to the Greek cities at a very early period. According CHAP. III. 79 GRECIAN. to Pausanias, Minyas, who governed in Boeotia, erected the first at Orchomenos, and the wealth contained in that at Delphos is mentioned by Homer, where Achilles rejects the offer of Agamemnon. The treasury of Atreus at Mycenæ, and another at Hyrieus, is described by Pausanias. When the writer measured the first-mentioned building in 1818, there was no portion the doorway which inclosed its in- terior, although much might be traced to indicate its position and thickness. It was supposed to be of bronze, and with this metal the interior, is said to have been cased. By some the building in question is considered as a tomb; it is of a conical shape, about 50 feet in di- ameter. The courses of stone are all laid horizontally, and, by gra- dually projecting one over the other, assume the character of an arch, or rather that of a cone (fig. 93.), the form adopted by Sir Christopher Wren in the brick construction which carries the timber dome at St. Paul's. This method of gathering over concentric rings has been prac- tised by people of all nations; we find it not only in Greece, but in Italy, where as late as the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries it was made use of at Pisa, in the bap- tistery. Around the Treasury at Mycena the earth is bedded up to the stones, and the entrance was by a passage closed by ornamental Fig. 92. MYCENE. jambs, with a door or gate. Within the first circular chamber was a second, entered by a square door, which had a large stone for its lintel, the weight above being discharged by a gradual gathering over of the courses. It is nearly 50 feet in diameter and in height; two stones cover the entrance passage, one of which is 27 feet long, 16 feet broad, and 4 feet thick. Sli Fig. 93. MYCENÆ. The Greeks, the inventors of many of the arts of construction, have left us, in their tombs, forms serviceable to the civil engineer, and which tell us also of the gradual progress made in architecture. In Mr. Fellowes's volume, the method adopted by the Lycians of cutting their tombs out of the solid rock is admirably given; in some examples we have imitations of timber 80 Воок 1 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. construction, in which the covering is carved to represent rafters, &c. In another, at Myra, is a window, admirable for its lightness and deli- cate proportions, as is the other variety here. selected. The first prin- ciples of architecture are indicated. All the ties to hold in the up- right timbers, which bound the figure, are expressed as they would exist in a timber con- struction. The rafters have the characters of round timbers, laid side by side, or as made out of the tops of the cedar or fir tree. There is in this picturesque Fig. 94. LYCIA. fragment a beautiful proportion reigning throughout; it shows the great taste and happy execution of the masons employed in designing and working these chambers for the re- ception of the dead. (See fig. 94.) The same may be found executed in the walls of the Sicilian towns, particularly at Agrigentum, though by no means of so perfect a design. That architecture had its origin among a people who used timber for their construction has been generally admitted, and, indeed, most of the parts of the Greek orders seem to have their proportions from the scantlings of wood. In the "Antichità della Sicilia per Dominico lo Faso Pietrasanta Duca di Serradifalco." the engineer and architect will find ample historical and practical information to satisfy him, upon the embellishment and defence of the early Greek cities, throughout that elegant and erudite work, we have evidence that every stone has been turned and examined that could lead to an understanding of its use; the great taste evinced in the arrangement, the correct- ness of the maps and plans of the several harbours on the coast, render it highly important that all who take an interest in the study of this subject should have it in their possession; it contains an ample account of the labours and studies of the civil engineer, throughout Sicily, during a period the most interesting. Wherever a staircase, conducting up a slope to one of these sepulchres, required a parapet to protect the sides, the stones were cut out of the solid, and formed the last of each course; by this arrangement considerable strength was obtained, and, by the manner in which they were placed, cramps were dispensed with. Stones so united or tied together, were well adapted for a staircase between two walls. (See fig. 95.) The science be- longing to architecture was derived from the Greeks, and differs materially from the art itself: in the former, theory and practice constitute the essence; in the latter, the imagination is necessary. One, then, is the system of knowledge reduced to practice and unerring rules, which, on all occasions, must guide the engineer and architect in the carrying out of his designs; such a science is deducible from truths, and their relation to one another. After the rude artificer had discovered the essential supports requisite for the construction of his cabin or residence, he would then endeavour Before the to give it a form pleasing to the eye, or an expression denoting its purpose. main supports of an edifice assumed the character of columns, or the timber which rested- on them that of the architrave, a more simple and rude manner of framing was expressed. The square upright, mortised through to receive the tenons of the horizontal timbers, is the most simple holding or tieing together that can be well imagined; to execute which, few tools, or not more than those said to have been invented by Dedalus, were required. Practice soon taught the strength of the various qualities of timber, and the necessity of cutting off from the tree all that was sappy or likely to be affected by the weather: hence squared pilasters, or antæ, were probably first preferred to round trees, which more resembled a column. Fig. 95. CHAP. III. 81 GRECIAN. + Timber exposed would require care, whilst that which formed the rafters, and was protected by the roof or covering, might be allowed to retain its original rotundity, as the exterior could not be affected by the weather. In these few examples we fancy we can trace the germ of all that was afterwards rendered beautiful by art, and in them the rudiments of that fine fancy which guided the Greeks to the excellence we admire in all their designs. It was Cadmus, according to Hero- dotus, who intro- duced into Greece an entire change in architecture; the Phoenicians that ac- companied him had among them a body of Gephyrians, who wherever they went carried a knowledge of the sciences and letters; the poet Lucan tells us the Phoenicians were first acquainted with the mystery of let- ters, and could write down or figure the thoughts of the mind; from them the Egyptians ac- quired their know- ledge. To these Gephyrians, who came from Eretria, a city of Euboea, has been attributed all the changes which architecture under- went in Greece that they com- menced buildings of stone in imitation of the wood huts for- merly used. Cad- mus, who lived about 1500 years before Christ, introduced the Egyptian and Phoenician forms of worship to the Greeks; and the Fig. 96. MYRA. system of working and building in stone, as practised by the people of that nation, may be attributed to the Gephyrians at the same epoch. It has been assumed that the various elements of Greek architecture were drawn from the buildings constructed by the inhabitants before the arrival of these scientific colonists, who were struck with the features presented by the original hut, and engrafted in their designs all that was so pleasing and agreeable to the eye. Our great author, Vitruvius, tells us distinctly, that the Doric order had its origin from wooden buildings; and if so, to timber constructions we must refer for the invention and forms of all we find executed in stone; and the mason called upon to shape the rock or give its face an architectural arrangement may have had a wooden model for his imitation, which may also account for the resemblance to timber framing in the ex- ample before us. The principles of construction ought, however, always to be in ac- cordance with the material, the property of stone differing from that of wood; the latter may be applied to tie and hold a building together, by the toughness and strength of its longitu- dinal fibres, whilst stone, however strong or tough, so used, would readily be torn asunder. Among the ornamental works of the Greeks we have frequently animals, plants, and flowers imitated in marble, but always with so much delicacy that the material loses its character, and seems to become identified with its subject. G 82 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The civil engineer, when called upon to work out masses of rock, has opportunities afforded him to imitate these original conceptions, and pro- duce an effect upon stone which al- most indicates the employment of an- other material; not that the eye should be wantonly deceived at any time. In these sepulchral abodes the character aimed at is that of an habitation; the hewer of stone here has, perhaps, impressed upon his material the resemblance of the dwelling once tenanted by the oc- cupier of the tomb; from so humble an effort we have handed down, in an imperishable material, the style of construction used by the Lycians at a very early period, and so uni- versally adopted by the nations spread along the shores of the Mediterranean. We must not in- quire into the fitness of the material employed to give expression, but allow praise to the design, on ac- count of its conveying to us a re- semblance of what was most dear to the deceased when living; here we have an abode provided for the dead, far more cheerful in its character than the pyramid or conical mound of earth. Fig. 97. L LYCIA. That the inhabitants of Lycia retain the forms of their earlier constructed buildings, we have evidence in the ex- amples before us, where the several cottages and storehouses resemble tem- ples. (See fig.98.) Others built of mud and straw are covered with tim- bers, on which is spread a layer of stone, above which is laid a tenacious earth, kept pressed and rolled down till it becomes perfectly water- Fig. 98. LYCIA. Fig. 99. tight. Plants spring up on this artificial terrace, which may have suggested the various forms which the Greek architects gave to the covering of their buildings. (See fig. 99.) The maritime works of the Greeks are now only known to us by reading the accounts handed down by their historians. Most of their harbours are destroyed, and their constructions in stone overthrown, yet, by a careful examination of the remains, much might yet be discovered: the smallness of their vessels did not require very deep water for their security; shallow seas or inlets from the main were usualy preferred by their ma- riners, around which they constructed arsenals, magazines for stores, lighthouses, and other buildings necessary for commerce and for protection. CHAP. IV. ROMAN. 83 CHAP. IV. ROMAN ENGINEERING. ITALY, whose history is involved in obscurity, at an early period was divided into the states of Liguria, Gallia Cispadana, Gallia Transpadana, Etruria, Umbria, Sabinum, Latium, Picenum, the country of the Vestini, Marrucini, Peligni, Marsi, Frentani, Samnites, Herpini, Campania, Picentini, Magna Græcia, Apulia, and others. The Etrurians were among the first to distinguish themselves by their victories over the neighbouring tribes, and by their attention to commerce and the arts of peace, which they learnt from the Phoenicians. The islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Elba afforded them materials for ship-building, and metals for the fabrication of all sorts of tools. Military architecture by the Tuscans was greatly improved, and the ruins of their towns on or near the coasts at Luna, Pisa, Leghorn, Civita Vecchia, and many others, prove them to have been also a maritime people. To them succeeded the Roman Empire, which could boast of dominion over 1197 cities in Italy, 360 in Spain, 300 in Africa, 500 in Asia, 1200 in Gaul, and several in Britain. Roads of the best construction were every where made to unite these cities; and the coasts which did not afford a natural protection to their ships were furnished with artificial ports. The power which grew up in this vast empire diffused its advantages over the whole world. Agriculture, which was made a science and lauded by the poets, introduced plants of every kind to soils of distant lands where they were likely to flourish. The sciences followed in the train of their conquests, and engineers of talent were attached to their armies on their march, and established in every great city of their empire. Emperors distinguished themselves in the prosecution of great and important engineering works, and all who became enriched by the spoils of their enemies expended some portion for the benefit of their.country: thus the blessings and luxuries of life became universally distributed over the whole of Europe. By the Romans civilisation was spread far and wide; they made use of the talent which every where sprung up, and by their encourage- ment naturalised it and made it their own. Architecture and civil engineering are both treated at great length by Vitruvius, and we cannot do better than follow the order, as well as description, of that able writer, who, it must be remembered, is our only early guide, without whose labours we should need an explanation of some of the simple terms made use of in the descriptions left us by other authors. The inventions of many Greeks would not have been known to us if he had not handed them down. He lived and wrote when Rome was at its greatest pitch of glory; and we have no reason to doubt that the rules he gives for construction were different from what were in those days most approved. The Romans founded towns wherever their arms were victorious, and paid great atten- tion to the selection of their site, that it should not be under the influence of noxious or pestilential vapours, but well provided with all the conveniences necessary to sustain life and health. Vitruvius informs us the neighbourhood of marshes was avoided, and that the aspect for towns should not be directly south or west when founded on the sea-shore, otherwise the scorching heat of the sun would be inconvenient. By the Greeks air was called Pallas, and by Homer Glaucopis, which indicates a quality clear and transparent; but the ancients were not acquainted with its properties, or the manner it which it administered to the nourish- ment or support of life; the lightest and clearest they considered the healthiest, and, by inhaling pure air, that their imaginations were improved. On this account the Athenians were considered more intelligent than the Thebans, who were living in a humid at- mosphere. The Romans, in setting out a camp, commenced by sacrificing animals, the livers of which they carefully examined: if they found any disease, they subjected others to a like test; if the greater number proved to be healthy, it was then considered that the soil and water were fit for the use of man, and the encampment was completed. In the same manner, previous to the foundation of a city, every necessary inquiry was made upon all these sub- jects, and also upon the best system by which the drainage could be effected. If circum- stances required it to be established in a marshy situation, near the sea-coast, a northern, north-eastern, or eastern aspect was preferred, care being taken that none of its foundations should be so low as to render it incapable of being thoroughly and effectually drained. The sewers were laid out so as to discharge all superfluous waters into the sea; the lands G 2 84 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. round the city were thoroughly drained, and by this means all the cities in Cisalpine Gaul, Ravenna, Aquileia, and others, were rendered healthy. It is recorded that the inhabitants of Salopia in Apulia, being continually out of health, applied to Marcus Hostilius for permission to remove their town to a more healthy spot, when a site near the sea was purchased by consent of the senate and Roman people, and the new work commenced, each citizen having a portion of ground allotted him at a moderate price. A communication was after- wards made between the lake and the sea, by which the former was converted into an excellent harbour for shipping. The Salopians thus acquired a healthy situation four miles from their former city, and had all the advantages they desired. The Romans always thought of the best means for providing the inhabitants with the necessaries of life, and for holding communication with other portions of the empire. They would not have followed that advice which the architect gave to Alexander, to cut Mount Athos into the figure of a man holding a city in one hand, and collecting the waters of the mountain in the other, if the country around had been barren or unprofitable. A region more accessible both by land and water would have been preferred by the Roman engineers, where water was of a quality not injurious to health, and sufficiently abundant for the wants and luxuries of the citizens. They carefully examined into the health of the people that occupied the region where a new city was to be founded, they observed the effects on the buildings which existed, and the trees, whether they indicated, by their bending in one direction, any prevalent or continued high winds. They also observed the surfaces of the natural stones and those used in the dwellings of the natives, whether any decomposition had taken place, or the atmosphere had acted injuriously upon them. After the site was determined upon, wells were sunk to try the nature of the soil; if fit to bear the weight of the constructions intended to be put upon it, they commenced their foundations for the outer walls, which were always based upon a solid stratum; the workmanship as well as the materials employed for this purpose were the best that could be obtained on the spot or in the immediate neighbourhood,—square stones, flint or rubble, burnt or unburnt bricks, bonded together with timber, as that of the olive, or some other equally imperishable wood. The works were conducted by the military or civil engineers, and every means adopted that could render them proof against the attack of an enemy. Vitruvius recommends that the plan of the city should be polygonal, because the angles of a square or parallelogram are defended with more difficulty. The towers should, he observes, be also round or polygonal, the square towers being more easily injured at the quoins by the battering-ram. When the wall which surrounded the city was constructed on the side of a hill, buttresses were added, distant from each other as much as the height of the wall, or, if requisite, nearer together. They were gathered in gradually, to give additional strength. Every precaution was taken against assault by an enemy; angles jutting out were avoided, as they were considered to assist the enemy when making an assault, and to be in- jurious to the inhabitants in the defence, and that they were weak against the military engines brought to act upon them. Whatever form was adopted for the walls, they were made of such thickness as would permit two armed men to pass each other behind the parapet, of a sufficient height to prevent the scaling ladder from being applied to them, and built so firmly as to resist the battering-ram. Varieties of military engines were employed to demolish or break down the walls, and some to undermine the foundations; as a security against these, a deep ditch usually surrounded the outside of the wall. These ditches were often without water, and made sufficiently wide and steep to defy the approaches of the moveable towers, or tortoise, brought to act against the fortifications. The city had two walls, if it was of much im- portance, a space being left about 20 feet in width, or more, between them, which space was filled with the earth taken out of the ditch, well rammed in: this inner wall was provided with flights of steps in every convenient position, that it might be easily mounted from the side towards the city. When there was no ditch, the space between these two walls was left open, where the soldiers were ordinarily assembled. Cæsar informs us, that in Gaul most of the walls had beams of timber laid within them at regular distances, in a parallel direction, braced together and tied diagonally, the spaces being filled in with large stones, so that neither fire nor the battering-ram could injure them. The towers which project from the outer walls, whether round or square, were usually carried up higher than the wall itself. And the inner wall of these towers, on the face towards the town, was left open, that, if an enemy got possession of them, he was not protected from the assaults of the inhabitants: they were often crossed by wooden plat- forms or bridges, which could be easily demolished, and thus the walk along the top of the wall, or behind the battlements, destroyed. The walls and towers externally were finished by a bold projecting cornice, which re- ceived the battlements, and gave greater width at the top of the wall, as well as prevented the easy application of the scaling-ladder. Where the city was entered by the inhabitants on ordinary occasions, the gate was flanked by two towers, larger than the others, and more CHAP. IV. 85 ROMAN. strongly fortified. The floors were of timber, not fastened very securely together, so that they could be easily removed if necessary. The city of Rome is of great antiquity at a very early period it occupied only the Palatine hill, which being cut away at its slopes, a perpendicular face was given to it, strongly fortified by a stone wall built upon its edge. As the inhabitants increased, the original city became the citadel, and buildings were constructed around it. Roma was the name it bore at the time it was inhabited by the Pelasgi, the Tyrrhenians, or Sicelians. Around the ancient citadel Romulus added a space, which was inclosed by a wall, called the pomærium, signifying a suburb, or place admitted to the privileges of the city. Tacitus (Ann. xii. 24.) says it may be a matter of some curiosity to mark out the foundations of the city, and the boundaries assigned by Romulus. The first outline began at the ox market, or Forum Boarium, where is still to be seen the brazen statue of a bull, that animal being commonly employed at the plough. From that place a furrow was carried on, of sufficient dimensions to include the great altar of Hercules. boundary stones, fixed at proper distances, the circuit was continued along the foot of Mount Palatine to the altar of Consus, extending thence to the old Curiæ, next to the chapel of the Lares, and then to the Roman forum. By Another suburb afterwards was added with a wall of earth toward the Subura: this was on the Carinæ near S. Pietro in Vincoli. At the bottom of the ascent which led to it was the Porta Janualis mentioned in the Sabine wars. The Agonian hill, inhabited by the Quirites, and called Quirinal, was a town at a very early period; this was next united with the Capitoline, on which was the citadel. Where these two hills joined at the foot stood the Forum Ulpium. The Palatine was separated from them by a marsh or swamp, the Quirinal being at one period occupied by the Sabines. Roma and Quirium were separated by walls, and formed two distinct cities, at first each having its king and senate of an hundred men; these met together in the comitium situated between the Palatine and Capitoline hills. After these two cities were united, the Temple of Janus was built, on the way leading from the Quirinal to the Palatine, with a door or gate facing each city; this temple was kept open in time of war, and shut during peace, the object being, in the one case, to afford succour to each other when harassed by an enemy, and, in the latter, to prevent the inhabi- tants of either from quarrelling, the result of too frequent an intercourse. The Via Sacra marks the limits of the two cities; this commenced at the top of the Velia, between the Quirinal and the Palatine, after making a turn, passed between the latter and the Capitoline, and, arriving at the temple of Vesta, it bent across the comitium towards the Palatine gate. This was the Sacred Way, and seems to have served the purpose of the in- habitants of both cities during their religious processions. The cities were afterwards united, and called Populus Romanus et Quirites. The Capitoline, Quirinal, and Viminal, were first surrounded with walls and incorporated with Rome, and afterwards the other hills. In the age of Tiberius we find the city consi- derably increased, and divided into seven districts - the Palatium, Velia, Cermalus, Cœlius, Fagutal, Oppius, and Cispius, which had each its own festivals. The Velia was the rising ground between the Palatine and the Carinæ, where is the temple of Peace and that of Venus and Rome. Oppius and Cispius are the hills now called the Esquiline. Cermalus is the land at the foot of the Palatine, subject to be flooded from the Velabrum. The Fagutal district was probably that plain which lay between the Palatine and the Cælian, the Septizonium and the Coliseum. These several districts were not encompassed by a wall; and the Romans never reckoned more than seven hills, or as many regions. On the side of the Via del Colosseo, Romulus's pomærium reached the rising ground that protected the Carina; beyond, in the valley, was the village of Subura. The Cispius and Cælian hills were fortified by a wall and ditch where the banks could not be cut down perpendicularly, and the Aventine being insulated was strongly protected. The low land between the Palatine and Cælian hills was full of springs; these were collected in a ditch cut from the edge of the Aventine to the Porta Capena, and the earth thrown up as a wall to protect it: this was done by the Quirites in the time of Ancus, who, Livy tells us, after the conquest of Politorium, a city of Latium, first numbered its in- habitants among the Roman citizens. At that time the Romans occupied the ground around the Palatine, the Sabines the Capitol, and the Albani the Cælian. The Aventine was allotted to the new citizens; and some time after, on the reduction of the Tellenæ and Ficana, a considerable addition was made to the inhabitants. Ancus afterwards admitted many thousands of the Latins as citizens, and allotted them ground near the temple of Murcia, and united the Aventine to the Palatine. The Janiculum was taken in at the same time, and joined to the city by a wall, and a wooden bridge, the first built over the Tiber. G 3 86 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Servius Tullius added the Quirinal and Viminal hills, and extended the limits of the Esquiliæ, where he established his own residence. He also surrounded the city with a rampart, trenches, and a wall. By this means, the pomærium on each side of the wall was extended, which space it was the custom of the Etrurian augurs to consecrate. On the inside of the wall no buildings were admitted, the space being required for defence. MIH 1 t F BEEN Fig. 100. WALL OF SERVIUS TULLIUS. The wall built by Servius Tullius surrounded the entire city, the Colline and Esquiline region being connected by a mound 7 furlongs in length, formed with the earth thrown out of a ditch 30 feet in depth, and above 100 feet in breadth: here was raised a wall 50 feet wide, above 60 feet high, and, although chiefly built of puzzolana, faced, towards the moat or ditch, with hard stone, and defended with towers. The Colline gate was situated where the Quirinal was nearly flat, and from thence, up the acclivity of the hill, a similar wall was constructed. The Viminal hill, so called from the osiers it produced, was then taken into the city, which, at this time, measured about 6 miles in circumference. The city of Rome remained in this state for centuries; but the ramparts which defended its citizens were not suf ficient in the time of the Emperor Aurelian to satisfy them. Beyond the wall around the seven hills, numerous buildings which had been constructed in the suburbs were now in- closed; the city and its inhabitants covered the field of Mars, and also extended their dwellings for a considerable distance on the various roads which led from it. The new walls, built by this emperor, and finished by Probus, were in circuit about 21 miles, and comprised nearly the whole of the suburbs. Probus also built a stone wall from the Rhine to the RARAS ARRA 容 ​Fig. 101. AURELIAN'S WALL. 目 ​CHAP. IV. 8" ROMAN. Danube, of a considerable height, and strengthened it by towers at regular distances: it. passed from Newstadt and Ratisbon, over hills, valleys, and rivers, as far as Weimpfen on the Neckar, and terminated at the Rhine, after a winding course of 200 miles. This wall was overthrown by the Alemanni, and its scattered ruins may be seen in several places. A portion of the wall which remains between the Porta S. Giovanni and the Amphi- theatre Castrenses is constructed in the manner called opera laterizia, and is defended with square towers, having a base of squared stone of an earlier construction. On the inside the gallery is carried on a series of arches, and is arrived at by staircases in the towers; the total thickness of the wall is about 14 feet, and the width of the gallery about 4 feet. The towers are in width about 24 feet, and project 12 feet. (fig. 101.) Rome was comprised within the circuit of the walls built by Servius Tullius, who also more strongly fortified the Capitol, by surrounding the edge of the rock with a stone wall, strengthened by square towers, placed at regular distances. Part of this may be seen on the western side of the Capitoline hill, but the greater portion was destroyed in the time of the Caffarelli, when its thickness was found to be upwards of 20 feet, built of squared blocks of pepperino. very large Near the ruins of the baths of Diocletian, and between the Viminal and Esquiline hills, are the remains of the celebrated Agger of Servius Tullius: it continues for up- wards of 100 feet in length, and to a height of 30 feet. In the middle was placed the Viminal gate: the Agger was formed with the earth taken out of the trench in front of the wall. The wall here was formed of squared stone laid in regular courses, and strengthened by square towers, (Dionysio, lib. ix. Strabo, lib. v.): it has been restored and repaired at various times: the city at present is entered by sixteen gates. Pliny tells us that the wall of Romulus had only three, and that of Servius Tullius seven. In the part which Aurelian added on the other side of the river were also three. In the time of Pliny, in the reign of Vespasian, there were twenty-four gates; and when P. Victor wrote during the reign of Valentinian, thirty-seven. In the year 1749, the whole circuit of the walls was MARUNG QJUICE Imme Fig. 102. GATE OF ST. PAUL. repaired, and, although built at various times, are to the antiquary highly interesting. In the present gate leading to St. Paul, out of the walls, the various changes that have been made may be traced: on the left is the Pyramid of Caius Cestius. (See fig. 102.) A portion between the Porta del Popolo and Pinciana is built on arches, with deep recesses, and sometimes with two rows of arches, one above the other. The masonry is composed of opus reticulatum, which was much used in the time of Vitruvius, who considered it not very durable. The Muro Torto remains, although much out of the perpendicular: Procopius, who wrote in the sixth century, informs us that near the Pincian gate he saw this rent wall, which seemed to have been long in that state; and that when Belisarius wished to pull it down, he was prevented by the Romans from doing so. Near the Porta Maggiore is G 4 88 Book 1 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. a part of Aurelian's wall, having open arches at the top, which served as an aqueduct; this portion is of greater antiquity, probably of the time of Claudius. In the time of Pope Leo IV. the Vatican was walled in, and six gates admitted to its enclosure. In the year 1143, Urban VIII. built another wall on the outside of the Leonine city. Circeium, or Circeia (fig. 103.), not far from Anxur, is situated on the low land bor- dering on the sea. The promontory upon which it stands, in the days of the Argonauts, is said to have been occupied by the Turrheni. The Volscians are reported to have taken possession of it, in whose hands it remained until Tarquinius Superbus conquered it, when he sent his son with a Turrhenian colony to settle there. The Volsci again recovered it, and drove out the Romans, in the time of Coriolanus, and it afterwards became a Roman municipium. Fig. 103. CIRCEIUM. An area of about 600 feet by 300 is enclosed by a wall of polygonal blocks, laid after the manner of the cyclopean, and the single gate which enters it at the north-east angle is curious for the size and disposition of the stones which discharge the weight over the opening, one of which, nearly 8 feet in length, lies like a lintel in a horizontal position upon two others which project over the perpendicular line of the jamb, to relieve its bearing. (See fig. 104.) Fig. 104. CIRCEIUM. Spello in Umbria affords us an excellent example of a gate flanked by polygonal towers: there are three entrances decorated with simple pilasters, and a gallery above. The stair- cases within the towers are circular, and the tops have the first indications of machico- lations. The battlements remain, crowning portions of the walls which once surrounded this ancient city, and in them we recognise the Greek or Etruscan origin, which was not departed from during the middle ages. (See fig. 105.) Chap. IV. 89 ROMAN. 0 J*1 [ ས། ༥/ 0 0 0 Fig. 105. GATE OF spello. City and Gates of Augusta Prætoria, in the valley of Aosta, between the Alps Graiæ and Penninæ, or the Great and Little St. Bernard. This city was founded after the defeat of the Salissi, who inhabited Cisalpine Gaul, and who were continually at war with the Romans. In the days of Augustus the gate was built it is an admirable specimen of the entrance to a Roman city. The walls are set out at right angles. The two longer Fig. 106. I GATE AT AOSTA. 90 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. sides have each two gates, and the others one, placed in such a position as to permit the streets to traverse in a parallel direction. The towers, built on the outside of the wall, are square, and placed at from 150 to 200 feet apart. The whole city was therefore contained in a parallelogram, whose sides were 2700 and 2200 feet in length. The six gates resembled each other, and were defended by towers, in which were stair- cases to ascend the walls, the breadth of which at top was upwards of 20 feet. The three openings were closed with wooden gates, and above the archways, the wall, which was carried over them, was pierced with eleven semicircular-headed apertures, so that the guard traversing the walk behind the battlements could see who approached, or was about to enter or go out. (See fig. 106.) An architraved cornice surmounted the whole, bearing at each end upon a Corinthian pilaster. As the wall was double that surrounded the city, the space between was strengthened by arches, and the inner was carried up to a con- siderable height above the outer, both being surmounted with battlements. Another fine example of a very early gate or entrance to a city is at Perugia, which has probably undergone very little change since the time of its construction. (See fig. 107.) ERUSIA : TT Fig. 107. • PERUGIA. The walls at Nismes, erected in the time of Augustus, are 30 feet in height, and, though varying in thickness, were generally about 9 feet; they are faced on both sides with regular courses of stone laid in cement; the interior is filled up with rubble, strongly united with mortar or cement as hard as the stone itself. The walls were covered with flags of free- stone, which projected over each side; these flags were about 10 feet in length, and formed a platform for the movement of the soldiers engaged in the defence of the city: an external and internal parapet was constructed upon them. The towers were generally round, and the thickness of their walls 5 feet 6 inches, their interior diameter 24 feet 6 inches: they projected from the walls, as shown in the other examples. At Nismes the gateways are constructed of stone; one has two entrances of the same width, each about 12 feet, and 20 feet high; on on each side was a smaller for foot passengers, 6 feet in width and 14 feet in height; above the side openings are niches. A level cornice surmounts the whole, and terminates against the two round towers; above this was an attic, now destroyed. The towers are 31 feet in diameter. Another gate remaining has only one entrance, 13 feet in width, and 21 feet in height. The walls at Pompeii are usually rubble, faced with reticulatum, 20 feet in width, including the thickness of the two walls which crowned the ramparts: they varied CHAP. IV. 91 ROMAN. in height from 25 to 30 feet, according to the inequality of the ground: at unequal intervals, towers were built, 27 feet by 33 feet, which projected 7 feet from the outer face: their walls were 3 feet in thickness, also formed of rubble. Embattled walls were raised upon the inner as well as outer edge of the rampart, that next the city being some feet higher than the other; these were formed of large stones 2 feet 6 inches thick, and each battlement had a return wall more effectually to protect the defender. Between these walls was a wide walk that passed through arched door- ways made through the towers. The outer walls of the towers have fallen; generally they were divided by a wall, for the purposes of strength, and arched over at the top, to allow the walk to continue uninterrupted around the battlements. The entrance to the city from Herculaneum consisted of an outer and inner wall, each having three arched openings, the space being left open to the sky: this was about 42 feet in extent, and 47 feet in depth. The lateral gates for foot passengers were two arched openings on each side. The centre was guarded by a portcullis about 7 feet distance from the face of the front wall. In Italy, the south of France, and the towns scattered over Asia, may be found the walls and defences as set up by the Romans: they afford us the best commentary on the art of war, and the ingenuity practised by their engineers. A work of great interest might be compiled upon this fruitful subject; the architect would find study for the best construction, and the proportions which many of the entrance gates of these Roman cities exhibit are extremely beautiful. The Gate of Augustus at Fano is a fine example of the entrance to a city, the lower portions of which are of great antiquity. Fanum Fortunæ was the name the city formerly bore, which, for its sumptuous buildings, was greatly admired. There are three entrances, flanked by circular towers, which rise to a considerable height, the two upper stories being lighted by semicircular-headed openings, and crowned with a bold projecting cornice, A SULLEDE LA! Ancasonal A ነ Is" Iter Fig. 108. FANO. over which is the battlement. Immediately over the three entrances was a gallery, formed by seven arches, between Corinthian pilasters, and surmounted by a regular enta- blature. The repairs these walls underwent during the reign of Constantine somewhat changed their character, and since that period the upper story was destroyed by a cannonading which took place when this town opposed Julius II. Various inscriptions remain amid the several works of restoration, 92 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The triumphal character of the entrance to a portion of the city of Autun, called St. Andrè, also deserves our notice. Most of the cities in Provence, and throughout the south Fig. 109. GATE OF AUTUN. of France, were embellished by the emperors at various times; and so similar in design and construction are these structures to those of the imperial city, that they cannot for a moment be considered but as erected by Roman engineers. Architecture on some is more lavishly introduced than on others, and in that at Autun the Attic is beautifully proportioned and executed. Distribution and Situation of the Buildings within the Walls.-The circuit being com- pleted, the next work was to set out the streets, and mark the sites for the public as well as private dwellings. The Roman engineers are described by Vitruvius to have laid down first a marble pavement in the centre of the ground comprised within the walls; after they had made this smooth and polished, they raised upon it a brass gnomon; at the fifth ante- meridional hour, the shadow that it cast was noticed, and its extreme point accurately determined. Around the gnomon was then described a circle, the radius of which was made equal to the length of the shadow. When the sun had passed the meridian, it was again remarked when the shadow of the gnomon reached the circle. From these two points on the circumference, two arcs were described, intersecting each other, through which intersection, and the centre of the gnomon, a line was drawn which indicated the north and south points. On the circumference to the right and left of the north and south points, one sixteenth part of the circumference was set out, and lines through the centre of the gnomon drawn to connect them; one eighth part of the entire area of the circle repre- sented the region of the north, another the region of the south. The remaining portion was divided into three equal parts on each side. The directions of these several lines mark out the wide as well as narrow streets; for it was considered that if they were set out parallel to the direction of the winds, the latter would rush through with greater violence, and that during a gale or strong wind, the angles of the different divisions of the city dissipated it, and prevented it doing any mischief to either the buildings or inhabitants. When the city was near the sea, the Forum was placed close to the harbour; when inland, in the centre. The temples of the gods were mounted on an eminence that commanded the city: that of Mercury was established in the Forum; of Isis and Serapis, in the great public square; Hercules, near the Circus; Mars, out of the walls; and of Venus, near the gate. Materials used in the Ancient Edifices of Rome. The materials which the Romans em- ployed were either for the purposes of construction or for ornament. The first, as lime, pozzolana, clay, and stone, the immediate neighbourhood furnished; those which luxury CHAP. IV. 93 ROMAN. called into use were brought from distant parts of Italy or the provinces, as the marbles, granites, and porphyries. Vitruvius treats of bricks, but confines himself to the description of those which are unburnt. Scammozzi imagined that the houses in Rome were originally built of unburnt brick, and that none are found, he observes, is in consequence of the frequent fires that city was subject to, which had the effect of thoroughly burning them. Pliny (lib. vii. cap. 56.) mentions unburnt bricks as having been in use. Gellio Doxius, son of Coelus, was the inventor of clay houses, taking the example from the nests of swallows. Burnt bricks came into very general use for public buildings about the time of Augustus, continued till the fall of the empire, and were considered as durable and solid as stone. Bricks have undergone various changes, not only in form and colour, but also in the man- ner in which they were employed. In the time of Augustus, they were made of a red earth, less than an inch in thickness, of a triangular shape; they were not equi- lateral, as the base was the longest side. Such bricks may be seen in the gardens of Sallust, the house of Augustus, and other buildings erected in the time of Tiberius. In the prætorian camp at Preneste they were rather thicker, and of a deeper red colour, or mixed with yellow. In the time of Nero, these colours were generally united, as may be seen in the aqueduct constructed in his time, near the Porta Maggiore, where the bricks are somewhat thinner than those used in the time of Au- gustus or Tiberius; they were also thicker at the base, that the face might allow the edges almost to touch, and not show any joint or mortar. The walls, built of brick, by Augustus and Tiberius, show a joint of mortar almost equal to the thickness of the brick. Some remains of the Circus Maximus, under the Palatine, and on the Palatine itself, though of the time of Nero, have large joints, and are not so regularly laid. Fig. 110. Of the time of Vespasian and his successors, we have brick constructions, as in the Coli- seum, the baths of Titus, and the villa of Domitian at Albano, all of which have more of the Augustan workmanship than that of the time of Nero. The remains belonging to the time of Trajan, on the Quirinal, and called the baths of Paulus Emilius, and the villa of Adrian, prove that the same style was adopted. In the buildings constructed at the latter period of these reigns, bricks are mixed with the opus reticulatum; although there is an evident decline in the taste and execution of the ornaments in the time of Caracalla, the construction was excellent. One of the best examples is the wall at the back of the great central hall of that emperor's baths. After this period, the construction declined in excellence, bricks were made of various thicknesses, and the quantity of mortar was increased. There are scarcely any remains of brick construction between the times of Caracalla and Diocletian; the walls of Rome, usually attributed to Aurelian, probably belong to Honorius, as we learn from the inscription remaining over the gate of St. Lo- renzo, as well as from a passage in Claudian, which affirms such to have been the case. The baths of Diocletian show a falling off, not only in style, but in construction, which rapidly deteriorated; in the basilica of Constantine, erected on the Via Sacra, in the time of Maxentius, and the baths of Constantine, on the Quirinal, we see still greater negligence in the selection of materials, with an inferiority of workmanship. After this period, from economy, or desire to save bricks, a mixed construction of bricks and tufa was introduced, as in the restoration of the tomb of the Scipios, in the circus called Caracalla's, though of a date much posterior to that emperor; the ruins adjoining to that circus; and the hippodrome of Constantine on the Via Nomentana. The basilica and churches founded in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries, as those of S. Croce in Gerusa- leme, S. Giovanni e Paolo, &c. &c., show the same poverty of construction, irregular bricks being used with quantities of mortar of an inferior quality. With the decline of Roman institutions, the art of construction lost its excellence; no care was taken in the selection of the materials, but those purloined from other edifices were indiscriminately employed. For bricks, they used stone of a similar shape, tufa, pepperino, and a variety of other ma terials; which practice was adopted at Rome in all the constructions till the end of the fourteenth century, and which has been denominated Saracenic work. The bricks which Vitruvius describes as unburnt were formed of white earth or chalk, 94 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Book I. and red earth or rough sand; which materials were preferred on account of their lightness. Other kinds, heavier, which do not adhere to the straw, or are dissolved by wet, were objected to. Bricks were made in the spring or autumn, as the drying then was more regular; those made during the summer solstice suffered injury from the heat, the interior seldom drying regularly, and their exterior hardening rapidly cracked. Those were the best which had been made two years; they were hardly considered dry before that time. Three kinds were used; by the Greeks called didoron, a foot long and half a foot wide, pentadoron, and tetradoron. Half bricks were made to work with them, which enabled the artificers to break the joint, and to have a vertical joint over the middle of the brick below. Some bricks were moulded of an earth so light that they would swim on water, as those of Calentum in Spain, Marseilles in Gaul, and Pitane in Asia. Of Tiles and Conduit Pipes made of Clay. The same earth used for making bricks served for forming flat and curved tiles, and different sorts of conduit pipes. Roofs were covered with alternate flat and curved tiles, and tubes or pipes were used to conduct water from them, as well as to convey it to the fountains. In the thermæ of Antoninus, water was supplied to the baths by cylindrical pipes, gathered in at one end sufficiently to be inserted into the adjoining one; in the baths of Titus, square pipes were used for the same purpose. In the fountain of Egeria, long conical pipes, one end inserted in the other, are to be seen, which conducted the water from the aqueduct to the fountain. Tiles, two feet square, with a small foot at each angle, were placed upright against the walls, at the baths of Livia, thus leaving between the face of the tile and the wall, pressed against, by the four feet, a narrow space, which prevented any moisture injuring the wall; they are fixed by T cramps of iron. The Romans built hollow walls and domes, with pots and tubes of earthenware, which practice was continued down to the end of the middle ages; they seem, also, as we shall have occasion hereafter to observe, to have preferred earthenware pipes for their supply of water to those of metal. The Sand, used in Roman construction, we find to have been obtained either from the pit, river, or the sea, as circumstances or convenience permitted. Several sorts were used, as black, white, deep red, and bright red; that which produced a grating sound, when rubbed between the fingers, is said by Vitruvius to have been preferred; that which was earthy, and which did not possess the roughness above named, was fit for the purpose, if it merely left a stain, or a particle of earth, on a white garment, which could be easily brushed away. The carbunculum, or bright red sand, was dug out of mountains of volcanic origin; it was of a much softer nature than tufa, but more solid than the common earth. The property which all sand has of hardening and consolidating with lime renders it of great value in construction; it has been observed, that the sand on the sea-shore, nearest the action of the waves, is the firmest and most solid, and this by the ancients was accounted for upon the principle, that the larger the masses the farther they were projected; for the hand cannot throw small bodies to a great distance, in consequence of their lightness. Several stones driven together on the sea-shore would also have the lighter particles of sand washed among them, and fill up their interstitial spaces, and thus form a consolidated mass. Between sabulum and arenam, as used by Vitruvius, there is a considerable difference: some writers observe that sabulum is a larger kind of sand, or arenam grossiorem. But arenam is not sabulum, one having the character of earth, the other of stone. Sabulum has a fine white or yellowish grain, is found in hot climates more than in cold and temperate ones, as in the deserts of Africa, where the surface of extensive tracts are agitated by the wind in the same manner as the sea. Sea-sand was objected to for plastering, or for mixing with mortar, as it dried slowly; when dug from a pit, and exposed any length of time to the action of the weather, a vegetation was encouraged, which injured its properties, and rendered it unfit for use. River sand was always preferred on account of its grit, and was allowed to make the best mortar. Lime, either burnt from white stone or flint, called by Vitruvius silice, was obtained, in all probability, from the same calcareous beds as the limestones of the present day, by the Italians called palombino. That which had a close and hard texture was preferred for mortar, and the lighter and more porous kinds for plastering. "When slaked for making mortar," Vitruvius says, "if pit sand be used, three parts of sand are mixed with one of lime; if river or sea-sand, two parts of sand are given to one of lime." Potsherds reduced to a fine powder and passed through a sieve were added: when river and sea-sand were used in the above proportion, the mortar was considered the best. The cause of the mass becoming solid, according to our Roman authority, was that sand and water added to lime formed an artificial stone, for all stones were supposed to be compounds of these elements; those which contained a quantity of air were of a soft nature, those which had a large proportion of water were tough, of earth hard, and of fire brittle. Stones which when burnt might make an excellent lime if pounded and added to sand, without burning did not possess the property of adhesion, nor set hard; passing through the kiln they lost their natural tenacity, and their pores were left open and inactive. The moisture and air CHAP. IV. 95 ROMAN. they contained were driven out, whilst a portion of heat was acquired and retained, which was dissipated by immersion into water. For this reason limestone was said to be heavier before than after it was burnt, and that it lost one-third of its weight, although in bulk it remained the same. The pores of limestone being rendered open by the expulsion of air and water, enabled the sand more readily to mix with and adhere to it. Neither pure earth nor sand without lime could form a cement or mortar, or unite together polished bodies; and the Romans evidently well understood the method of pre- paring their lime, as well as mixing it with other materials for the composition of their mortars and cements: all the works left us in which these are employed, time has hardened into a mass equal in strength to the stone or tile which is imbedded. Pozzolana, called a species of sand, or arenarium, is found abundantly in the neighbour- hood of Rome, was used mixed with a proportionate quantity of lime to form a cement. The colour of Pozzolana varies, and the catacombs were probably formed by the extraction of this material. The ancient Pulvis Puteolana, mentioned by Vitruvius, was drawn from the neighbourhood of Pozzuoli, and its application may be seen in the ruins of Caligula's bridge in the port of Anzio, and in the mole of Pozzuoli. That found about Baiæ, when mixed with lime and rubble, would harden as well under water as in ordinary buildings, and this Vitruvius attributes to the heat of the earth, and the sulphur, bitumen, or alum, which the water holds in solution. Inward and subterraneous fires render this earth light and dry, but when moisture supervenes, the particles cohere in such a manner, that neither the waves nor the force of water can disunite them. Spong or Pompeian pumice-stone, burnt from another species of stone, is acted upon by the fire in a similar way. Hot springs and heated vapours in the bowels of the earth were supposed to do what was effected in the lime-kiln, and that the moisture driven out was, when quickly supplied by water, able again to unite the particles in a more solid state than before, by means of the heat common to both bodies. Some lands afford sand-pits in abundance, as the Apennines towards Tuscany, while on the other side none are to be met with; and some mountains are not earthy, but of stone. The force of the subterraneous fires, escaping through the chinks, burns that which is soft and tender: thus the earth of Campania, so burnt, becomes a powder, and that of Tuscany, which is of a harder quality, is converted into coal. Both of these materials are of great use, one being serviceable for constructions on land, the other for works under water. In Tuscany the quality of the material is softer than sandstone, but harder than earth, and constitutes that sort of sand called carbunculous. Stones used by the Romans. The practice adopted by the engineers of Italy of the present day, in the selection of their building materials, has not at all changed since the time of the republic: the territory of Bolsena and Stratone is still renowned for stone, which neither fire nor weather will affect; and a beautiful white stone, easily cut with the saw, and bearing a fine polish, is found throughout Lombardy, and applied in situations where frost cannot affect it. The limestones of Istria are used in Venice and elsewhere at the present day. The ancients do not seem to have thoroughly understood the strength of the several qualities of stone; but were satisfied that no weight they could expose it to under ordinary circumstances would be too much for it to bear, or occasion it to crush; if in a mountain miles high it could carry the superincumbent weight, they had no fear of the result when used in a structure of ordinary height. In the Campagna of Rome, a stone is found of a dark colour, which is easily worked, and resists both the action of fire and the atmosphere, but it has the peculiar property of absorbing all the water from the mortar or cement in which it is bedded, and therefore is only applicable to walls or constructions in a dry situation. Most of the building stones readily obtained are those of recent formation, occasioned by deposits from water holding lime in considerable quantities dissolved by carbonic acid; these deposits gave the ancients the notion that stone grew the banks of the river Neva so increased, that the valley became closed up and formed it into a lake, and in other situations masses of stone were seen to grow almost daily, from the deposit and evaporation of the water. Such stone is always soft when first cut from the bed, and hardens as the water it contains is evaporated from it. From the quality of the water many of the aqueducts became encrusted in a similar manner, and their channel considerably diminished. The travertine, the tufa, the pepperino, and the gabina were used in foundations, for ex- ternal walls, and for the filling in of walls and vaults. The selce was only used for paving streets, and the internal parts of walls; the pumice stone, from its lightness, for the construction of arches and domes. Tufa abounds in the neighbourhood of Rome, and particularly where the ancient excavations were made, beyond the Porta Maggiore, five miles from the Via Collatina, on the left. Strabo, lib. v. p. 164., describes this material as a volcanic product of a reddish hue, not very compact, and easily decomposed by the action of the air alone. In foundations we find it abundantly used, as on the Palatine hill, in the temple of Fortuna Virilis, and in the aqueduct of Claudius. When used for construction above ground, the exterior was covered with a coat of plaster: it was quarried in large masses, 96 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Tufa was much employed for reticulated work, which style of construction came into use at the decline of the republic; and as there are few known examples of the time of Caracalla, it is supposed The that during or after that emperor's reign it was discontinued. pepperino is a volcanic production, found at Albano, by which name it is sometimes called; it is of a green- ish brown colour, and the resem- blance it bears to finely powdered pepper has given it the modern name. This stone, having undergone the action of intense heat, resists the action of fire, equally with that stone called gabina. It was on that ac- count that Nero, after the great con- flagration in his reign, ordered the houses to be faced with either one or other of these stones. Pepperino is more solid than tufa, and resists the action of the weather better ; al- though to a certain degree it be- comes affected. The walls of Ser- vius at Rome are built with it, as may Fig. 111. be seen in the remains near the Quirinal; also the walls which enclose the forum of Nerva, and the cell of the temple of Antoninus and Faustina. The gabina is a volcanic pro- duction, found near Gabii, distant ten miles from Rome. In colour it resembles the pep- perino; it is harder, though of a more porous texture, and was much used for millstones. The travertine, or, as it was formerly called, tiburline, is found near Tivoli, on the banks of the Tiber; the ancient quarries remain, near the bridge of Lucano. This stone is calca- reous, formed from the mixture of some sulphureous water with that of the Arno. It is very porous, resists the action of the atmosphere, and becomes harder the longer it is exposed : it is easily calcined by fire. In the Coliseum, the sepulchre of Metella, and many monu- ments in the Via Appia, this stone has been used; at first drawing from the quarry it is white, but the air acting upon it soon gives it a yellow tint, which increases by time: from its hardness it was used for plinths and substructions, for isolated columns, ornaments, cornices, capitals, &c. We see it in the Tabularium, the temple of Fortuna Virilis, the arch of the Goldsmiths, &c. It was ordinarily quarried in large quadrangular masses, and the smaller chippings were used for filling in. Fig. 112. ARCH OF THE GOLDSMITHS. CHẤP. IV. 97 ROMAN. Siliceous stones, or what are called selce by the ancients, cannot be understood to mean the same as those so designated by mineralogists of the present day: those have an iron colour, are very hard, and are basaltic, and used only for street paving. Near the sepulchre of Cecilia Metella, on the Via Appia, and many other localities, it was abundantly found. Pumice, brought from the vicinity of Vesuvius, was used in the vaults of the Coliseum, and in the palace of the Cæsars, the dome of the Pantheon, &c. The most ancient edifices of Rome were constructed of the Albano stone, put together with metal cramps. Alba being the first important conquest made by the Romans, it was most likely they would employ the ex- cellent material found in that neighbour- hood, which had become a portion of their dominions, in preference to seeking for it out of their territory. This stone was used not only under their kings, but also after the decline of their republic. The Mammertine prison, built under Ancus Martius, and the Cloaca Maxima, under the Tarquins; the walls of Servius, re- maining near the Quirinal; all that por- tion of the tombs of the Scipios not tufa, or which have not been restored; one of the three temples of S. Nicola in Car- cere; the substruction of the Capitol; the aqueducts of Appius, Old Anio, and the Marcian, are all built of it. After the conquest of Tivoli, in the year Fig. 113. of Rome 417, the travertine stone was introduced, and used in conjunction with that of Albano, and from its greater hardness was better suited to those portions of an edifice most Teal لة Fig. 114. VIVARIUM. liable to injury, as arches, architraves, cornices, &c., as seen in the remains of the Vivarium. In the Tabularium we find it in the Doric capitals, the architraves, and imposts of the in- ternal arches: in the temple of Fortuna Virilis the isolated columns are formed of it, as are also the Doric and one of the Ionic temples of St. Nicola in Carcere, the arch of Dolabella on the Cælian Mount, the façade of the Mammertine prison, which bears the name of the consuls C. Vibio Ruffinus and M. C. Nerva, who restored it. Under the kings, and during the republic, it appears from the remains, that the public buildings were usually of squared stone (fig.115.); but on the decline of the republic, H 98 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 115. SQUARED STONE. that kind of construction called opus incerta prevailed, which must not be confounded with the work we see at Preneste, Cora, and other ancient cities of Latium. confirms us, and several ruins still show that the opus incerta was composed of small polygonal stones, set in mortar, specimens of which may be seen in a ruin behind the temple of Romulus, in the temple of Vesta at Tivoli, of Fortune at Preneste, and in many other ruins scattered over the Campagna; whilst the walls of the ancient cities of Latium are formed of polygonal stones 4 or 5 feet in diameter, laid together without any cement. cement. The opus incertum is the ex- ternal coating of the wall, being backed or filled in with all sorts of material. Fig. 116. (See fig. 116.) To the opus incertum succeeded the opus reticulatum, which was in ordinary use at the time Vitruvius lived, and continued till the time of Caracalla. At the same time burnt brick was introduced. The opus reticulatum (fig. 117.) has the stones formed like wedges, and put together to resemble the meshes of a net; the stones found in the country were used, whatever they might be composed of, and as the angles or quoins of their buildings could not be executed properly with them, they used for this purpose tiles, or brick, or stone of a rectangular form like them. In the gar- dens of Sallust at Rome, the house of Mæ- cenas, which afterwards served for the sub- structions of the baths of Titus, we see the opus reticulatum used promiscuously with brick. Brick was early used for construction, became general in the time of Augustus, and continued in use till the fall of the Roman empire; it is as solid, and perhaps more durable, than stone. Thus the Romans used squared stone during the time of their kings and the republic; OPUS INCERTUM. Fig. 117. OPUS RETICULATUM. Vitruvius CHAP. IV. 99 ROMAN. 1 on the decline of the latter, and under Augustus, the opus incertum; the opus reticulatum, with and without brick, ceased to be used under the Antonines; and brick was after- wards employed alone to the end of the seventh century—though after the time of Constantine it was mixed with strata of volcanic stone, and took the name of Saracenic work. The brickwork, from the time of Augustus to Constantine, was formed of triangular bricks; at cer- tain heights were introduced courses of square or rectangular tiles, which passed through the entire thickness of the wall, and bonded the whole together; this tied in the facing, called by the modern Italians, cortina. Such work may be seen in the baths of Antoninus, temple of Venus Erycine, and on the Palatine. Before stone was used for building, it was usual to expose it for two years to the action of the weather, and that which was most convenient to Rome was drawn, as Vitruvius says, from the countries of the Pallienses, Fidenates, and Albanæ; those which were soft after the two years' exposure were allowed to be used in the foundations; which perhaps would be contrary to modern practice; but the excellence of their cement compensated in some degree for this use of a friable material. Fig. 118. BRICK. The principal Marbles were the Carrara, abundantly used in the structures of the imperial city, and also in the provinces. Strabo, who wrote in the time of Tiberius, observes, that at Luna, a city in Etruria, slabs of white as well as veined marble for tables, and shafts of columns in one single piece, were quarried; and the greater part of the edifices of Rome and other cities of Italy were enriched with it: it was easy to remove it from the quarries to the sea, from whence it could be freighted up the Tiber. This passage of Strabo leads us to suppose that most of the edifices after the time of the emperor Augustus were adorned with this marble. At the time of Pliny these quarries yielded a kind that surpassed the Parian in whiteness, and Mamurra, a Roman knight, decorated his house on the Calian mount with columns of it, which was the first instance of its being so applied at Rome. The grain, though finer than that of the Greek, is not so pure a white when polished. The marble brought from Hymettus, near Athens, was as celebrated as the Pentilican. Xenophon mentions them both as used by the Athenians for their temples, altars, statues, and other works. Strabo admires its beauty, and Horace intimates that he en- crusted the walls of his house with it. It was employed at Rome, before any other foreign marble was introduced, for columns, and Pliny tells us that Lucius Crassus the orator brought six, not more than 12 feet in height, to decorate the atrium of his house on the Palatine, 91 years before the Christian era: for which reason it was called by Marcus Brutus the Palatine Venus. The Pentilican marble, composed of white with greenish veins, was quarried in the neigh- bourhood of Athens. By the Roman writers it is seldom mentioned; by the Greeks it was held in high estimation, though not much employed in the buildings at Rome. Plutarch implies that the columns of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus were formed of this marble, brought from Athens. The Parian, found in the Isle of Paros, so much admired by the ancients, was chiefly taken from the quarries of Marpessa, and of a pure white; it was confined to the use of sculp- ture. Procopius tells us that the walls of the mausoleum of Adrian were covered with slabs of this marble, which no longer remain. It is also called Ligdino and Licnite. The Proconnesian marble was white, diversified with black veins, sometimes proceeding in straight lines, often obliquely and winding; it was found at Proconneso, an island in Propontis: and at Cizicus it was used for building. In the time of Constantine, Justinian employed it for incrusting the walls of S. Sophia, as well as for the columns which adorned that building. The Tatian marble, according to Pliny, was white and full of spots, and much used in the time of Nero and Domitian, after which we do not often find it employed. It resembles the Lesbian, but is clearer. Some have supposed the square blocks of the pyramid of C. Cestius to be of this marble, though they are more probably from the quarries of Luna. The Fengite, called so from its pure whiteness and splendour, was first noticed in the time of Nero, at Cappadocia, and was employed by that emperor in the construction of the H 2 100 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. ་ Temple of Fortuna Seja, which formed a part of his golden House. Domitian had the walls of the arcades, through which he alone passed, inlaid with it, that he might observe what was passing behind him. This was possibly the Marmo Salino. Of the coloured marbles, the most famous was that of Carystos, the modern Castel Rosso, a city of the Negropont; it has a greenish colour, with lines and undulations, resembling the waves of the sea: the quarries at Mount Ocha were called Marmarion: it was much used in Roman edifices, and was one of the earliest marbles introduced into that city, and became very common in the time of the emperors. The columns of the temple of Antoninus and Faustina are formed of it, and in consequence of their resemblance to the cipollo (onion) are called Cipollino. It was used also for pavements; the Basilica of Con- stantine, or temple of Peace, has slabs of it; there are many columns still among the ruins, and in modern churches, made of the Cippolino. ; The Lacedemonian marble is of a green colour and very hard; it is found at Taigeto in Laconia, and its quarries were used in the time of Strabo under Augustus and Tiberius it is likened by some to the emerald and to the verde antique; it bore some resemblance to the Thessalian, and from a passage in Pausanias we learn that at a village in Laconia, at the foot of Taygetus, quarries of marble or hard stone were worked, which being cut into form were polished by immersion in the river, and became so beautiful, that they were applied to adorn the temples of the gods. The marble we call serpentine is mentioned by Strabo, and is the ophite of Pliny. The qualities which the ancient writers quoted give to this marble agree with the serpentine, which is of a grassy colour and very hard, being especially adapted for tessera; such is that of the grotto of the nymph Egeria. Lampridius says that Heliogabalus lined the arcades of the Palatine with Lacedæmonian marble and porphyry, that is, serpentine and porphyry, a method improved upon by Alexander Severus, from whom it was afterwards called Opus Alexandrinum, and was in great use during the decline of the arts, most of the early churches being cased with it: one of the finest examples of which is that of S. Giovanni and Paolo, on the Cælian mount, which was decorated in the fourth century. The ancient writers mention that the Lacedæmonian marble was used for incrustation, but do not say it was employed for the shafts of columns : in the baptistery of the Lateran, before the chapel of St. John the Baptist, are two columns of red porphyry, of the Corinthian order, with capitals and bases of Lacedæmonian marble. Serpentine in small pieces is very common in Rome, and was much employed for pavement in consequence of its hardness. In the baths of Antoninus, the pavement was composed of small tesseræ, or coarse mosaic, of Lacedæmonian and Numidian marble, viz. serpentine and giallo antique. The Atracian or Thessalian was another variety of green marble, obtained from the banks of the Peneus, 10 miles from Larissa. Paolus Silenziarius says it was a green marble, re- sembling the emerald, mixed with deep blue spots, a light black and snowy white, and was much prized by the Greeks. This is no doubt the verde antique, specimens of which are in the Basilica of the Lateran. The marble of Chios, from the island of that name, is of various colours, the light black most predominating, resembling the African. The Arch of Drusus on the Via Appia has columns of this marble; they are also found in the Pantheon, and in the Basilica Ulpia of the forum of Trajan, which was partly paved with it. The Phrygian marble, called Pavonozzetto, very much esteemed, was found near Docimea in Phrygia. It is white, with purple veins. Twenty-four columns of this marble decorated the Basilica of Paulus Emilius in the Roman forum, and now form the chief ornament of - the Basilica of Ostia. This marble is common at Rome, being found in almost all the churches. The figures of the Prisoner Kings on the arch of Constantine are made of it, as are the statues found among the ruins of the forum of Trajan. From a passage in Strabo we learn that quarries which at first only yielded small masses of this marble afterwards produced columns of one block, and notwithstanding the distance from the sea they were transported to Rome. During the decline it was used in the decoration of the churches, particularly by Justinian at S. Sophia at Constantinople. The Lydian marble was of two kinds, one red mixed with a pale colour, which we now call red brescia; the other black, called by the ancients basinite and chrysite, both found in Lydia, a province of Asia Minor. Nero Antico, or black, quarried at Tenarus, a promontory of Laconia, has a beautiful sur- face, and is at the present day highly prized. Columns of it at Rome are to be met with as early as the time of Augustus, at which time it was much used in Greece. The Of the Timber used by the Romans. Great attention was paid in the selection of timber for construction, and all belonging to the fir species were usually cut down when they put forth their young shoots, that the bark might be more readily stripped. maple, the ash, the elm, the lime, and the oak were felled in winter, the latter being considered subject to worm if cut down in the summer. Vitruvius prefers the autumn for felling of timber; for the fruits being ripened, and the leaves dry, the roots draw CHAP. IV. ROMAN. 101 the moisture from the earth; the trees, he says, are then recovered from their exhaustion, and restored to their pristine solidity. In felling them, he recommends cutting through the trunk of the tree, then leaving it for a time to allow the juices to drain off, by which means future decay is prevented. When the tree has drained sufficiently, it may be cut down and applied to building purposes. Hesiod says, when the trees shed their leaves is the proper time for felling. Oak, elm, poplar, cypress, and fir were all used for building, and the holm oak, or esculus, was greatly preferred. The green oak (cerrus), the cork tree, and the beech were considered liable to rot, which was accounted for by their containing equal quantities of water, fire, and earth, which rendered them incapable of balancing the quantity of air they contained. The white and black poplar, the willow, and the lime tree (tilia) were also used. The alder was selected for piles, as it was found not to decay under water. The city of Ravenna had its foundations entirely on such piles. The larch, growing on the shores of the Adriatic and banks of the Po, was considered not subject to decay, and con- sequently was highly esteemed; it had considerable density, and would not float in water. Julius Cæsar first called it Larigna, or larch, after the name of a fortress constructed entirely of this timber near the Alps, which, when besieged and surrounded with bundles of fire-wood and torches, was not ignited. A wood that would not burn was considered admirably adapted for the plates and rafters of dwellings, as they would neither ignite nor become charred. It was brought down the Po to Ravenna, and used at Ancona, &c. The palm possessed the peculiar property of bending upwards when any weight was placed upon it; and the juniper, said by Pliny to have the same properties as the cedar, and to be even more durable, was also used. The olive was greatly esteemed, as was the wood of the box tree; for exterior works the chestnut was much employed; for the fittings of houses, for tables, benches, &c., the fir, as was the pitch pine and cypress; for thin planks, the beech was in general preferred to either the chestnut, the elm, or the ash. The mulberry was considered durable, and admired for its getting blacker by age. Cato advises, for the making of levers, holly, laurel, and elm to be employed; for bars, the wild cherry tree, or the corneil; for stairs, the wild ash or maple; for water pipes, the pine, the pitch tree, and the elm, which were buried entirely in the earth to prevent decay. For the use of the turner, they selected beech, mulberry, and the box, as well as ebony. Poplar was employed for statues, as was the hornbeam, the service tree, the elder, and the fig; these, from their dryness and evenness of grain, were easy to work, and fitted to receive the colour they were to be finished with. Woods which differed in quality were seldom brought together, as it was supposed that those which were of a hot nature could not be united by glue to those grown in moist and cold places; wood of a close texture and fine grain could not be glued together, and oak was said to be unique in this particular, as it would not unite with itself, or any other wood of the same nature. The ancients, as Vitruvius advises, did not glue planks of beech and oak together, con- sidering that woods differing so much could not be firmly united. All this is owing to the unequal shrinking of the several kinds, which must, whenever it takes place, detach the planks brought together; were both equally dry, the one would absorb more moisture than the other, swell or expand in proportion, and have also a tendency by this action to detach itself. Pavements, when used for floors, were very highly decorated, much attention being required to prepare the soil to receive them, and to select the material of which they were formed. When on the ground, it was carefully examined, and rendered solid Fig. 119. PAVEMENTS. When laid between it and the Holm timber was After the joists throughout, after which it was spread over with a layer of some dry material. upon a timber floor, walls were not built under it, but a space left floor, that the drying and settling should be equal throughout. preferred to oak, less likely to split and warp, and thus cause cracks. were laid, thin boards were fastened down to them by two nails, driven through the edges of each, which prevented their rising. Fern or straw was then spread over the whole, to prevent the lime coming in contact with the timber, which would have immediately H 3 % 102 caused it to decay. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. Over this was a layer of rubbish, the stones of which were as large as would lie in a man's hand on this layer the pavement was afterwards laid. New rubbish required that every three portions should be mixed with one of lime; and old, five parts to two of lime. Wooden beaters were employed, which by repeated blows reduced it to the thickness of nine inches. An upper layer, composed of three parts of potsherds and one of lime, was spread over this to a depth of six inches, on which was laid the slabs of marble, stone, or tesseræ, care being taken that the whole should lie in a proper inclination : it was then rubbed off, and the joints or edges of the ovals, triangles, squares, hexagons, or other figures, made perfectly smooth. After rubbing and polishing, marble dust was strewed over; then lime and sand run into the joints. Pavements in the open air had over the first flooring another layer of boards crossing them, properly secured by nails, so that the joists were doubly covered. The pavement first laid was composed of two parts of fresh rubbish, one of potsherds and two of lime. After the first layer, a composition was spread over it, pounded into a mass, not less than Fig. 120. PAVEMENT. twelve inches thick. The upper layer being spread, the pavement, consisting of tesseræ, each about two inches thick, was laid on, with an inclination of two inches to ten feet, to prevent the frost from injuring it at the joints: before the winter it was saturated with dregs of oil. When great care was required, the pavement was covered with tiles two feet square, properly jointed, having small channels an inch in depth cut in the edge on each side. These, filled with lime, tempered with oil, had the edges rubbed in and pressed together. The lime in the grooves or channels growing hard, neither water nor any thing else would pass through. After this precaution, the upper layer was spread and beaten with sticks; over which, either large tesseræ or angular tiles were laid with the proper inclination. Tempering lime for stucco received considerable attention, that the lime should be of the best quality, and prepared long before required for use. When lime was not thoroughly slaked, and fresh from the kiln, it was found to blister, and destroy the evenness of the stucco. After it was properly slaked, and laid in a heap, it was chopped with a hatchet, when, if any lumps appeared, it was considered not sufficiently slaked; when the iron of the instrument used came out dry and clean, the lime was considered poor and weak; but if it had any glutinous substance adhering to it, it indicated richness, and that it was thoroughly slaked, and properly tempered. This was used to form the com- partments and last coat of the walls. Stucco work, for arched ceilings, was executed by setting up parallel ribs about two feet apart, made of cypress, it not being so liable to rot as other woods. These ribs were cut to fit the curve, and secured in their place by iron nails: being fixed, Greek reeds, previously bruised, were tied to them in the required form, with cords made of the Spanish broom. On the upper side of the arch a composition of lime and sand was laid, to prevent any water, that might fall from the floor above, penetrating through it. When Greek reeds could not be obtained, common reeds were used, tied together in bundles of appropriate lengths, but of equal thickness, observing that between each two ligatures there should not be a greater distance than two feet. These were bound with cord to the ribs, and made fast with wooden pins. The remainder of the work was performed as before described, The arches being prepared and interwoven with the reeds, a coat was laid on the under side. The sand was afterwards placed on it, and then po- lished with chalk or marble. When the vault was polished, the cornices were run over the springing, which were made as light as possible. A small quantity of plaster only was used, and the stuff was of a uniform quality, such as marble dust; plaster was apt to set too quickly. CHAP. IV. 103 ROMAN. When the cornices were completed, the first coat was laid on the walls as roughly as possible, and while drying, the sand coat was applied, setting it out in the direction of its length, by the rule and square, and attending to the perpendicular lines at the angles. After these two coats were thoroughly dry, a third was laid on, and its perfection greatly depended on the soundness of the sand coat. Sometimes three sand coats were laid on, and over them the coat of marble dust, which was so prepared, that when used it did not stick to the trowel, but came off the iron easily. Whilst the stucco was drying, another thin coat was well worked and rubbed, and then another still finer than the last. Three sand coats, and the same number of marble dust coats, rendered the walls solid, and not liable to crack. When the work was well beaten, or hand floated, the under coats made perfectly solid, and afterwards smoothed by the hardness and whiteness of the marble powder, any colours put upon it exhibited great brilliancy. Colours, when used with care on damp stucco, do not fade, but are very durable, as the lime, deprived of moisture by burning, becomes porous and dry, and readily imbibes whatever is placed over it. The Greek plasterers, Vitruvius continues, not only made their work hard by this means, but after the plaster was mixed, caused it to be beaten with wooden sticks by a number of labourers, before they used it. Slabs were often taken from the walls so plastered, and used for tables, it being thoroughly hardened. When stucco was applied to timber partitions, the spaces were filled in first with clay, over which reeds were nailed, side by side, then a coat of clay, and another layer of reeds nailed on the former, but crossed in the opposite direction, one being upright, the other horizontal: after this the work was proceeded with in the usual way, finishing with the sand and marble coats. Stucco works in damp places. Every precaution was taken to guard against the damp or moisture creeping up or passing through a wall; and Vitruvius is very particular, though perhaps not perfectly clear, in his description of the manner in which this was to be effected. When apartments were on the ground floor, the walls, to the height of three feet from the pavement, had a rough coat of mortar spread over them, which was composed of potsherds instead of sand, to keep out the damp. When continual moisture was dreaded, a thin wall was built within-side the outer, at as great a distance as was possible, leaving a space or cavity for the air to circulate freely through. Openings were left both at top and bottom to assist this circulation, and prevent its becoming stagnant; the wall was afterwards plastered with potsherd mortar, and finished with the last coats. When space was an object, another mode of construction was practised: within the outer wall a channel was formed, having its ends open to the outer air: on the inner wall of this channel small piers were built of eight-inch bricks, on the outer edge of the channel, and on these small piers were laid two-feet tiles, a palm distant from each other. Over these flat tiles, square bent tiles, edge to edge, were fixed upright from the bottom to the top of the wall, the insides of which were previously coated with pitch, that any condensed vapour might not be absorbed, or penetrate the tile. These square tiled flues were open both at top and bottom, and on the side towards the apartment they were lime-whited over, to make them adhesive to the first coat of plaster, which from their dryness in burning they would not readily have done. The first coat being laid on, the coat of pounded potsherds was spread, and the remainder finished in the ordinary way. The pavements of their rooms were carefully formed: first, they took out the ground to the depth of two feet, well rammed the bottom, and spread over the whole dry rubbish or potsherds, giving the work a fall towards the drain. On this was laid a composition of charcoal, lime, sand, and ashes, six inches in thickness, inade perfectly level and smooth. This became hard and solid, and admitted of being rubbed with stone, and polished, when it acquired the resemblance of a black pavement. "Such," says Vitruvius, "is not only easily kept clean, but persons walking over it with bare feet are not likely to take cold." The marble used in plastering, and which produced such a fine stucco, was not calcined, but simply pounded; the chips, left by the masons, were selected for the purpose; these, after being reduced to powder, were passed through three varieties of sieves; the larger particles were used with the sand and lime, then the second in order, and afterwards the finest; the work was then polished, and made fit to receive the colouring. The colours used by the Roman painters are vivid even at this day; among them was red ochre, brought from Sinope in Pontus, Egypt, and the Balearic islands, near the coast of Spain, and many other places; green chalk from Smyrna; orpiment from Pontus; red lead from Pontus; vermilion from the Cilbian fields of the Ephesians. This latter colour peroxidises, and in consequence, immediately after it was used, and sufficiently dry, it was covered with a mixture of Punic wax and oil, put on with brushes, and afterwards made to lie in an even manner, by heating the wall, which was done with live coals in- closed in an iron pan; the whole was then rubbed with rolls of linen cloth. Lamp black, of the best kind, was formed by burning the lees of wine in a furnace, and H 4 104 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. grinding it with size; the common sorts, used by plasterers, was charcaol obtained from burning pine branches, pounded in a mortar with size. Blue was thus formed: sand was ground with sublimed sulphur, until it acquired the fineness of flour; to this coarse filings of Cyprian copper were added, and the whole, by the addition of water, made into a paste, rolled into balls, and afterwards dried; they were then put into an earthen vessel, and placed in a furnace, when a blue colour appeared. A purple was obtained by plunging a lump of yellow earth, heated red hot, into vinegar. White lead, verdigris, and red lead were in common use: purple was obtained from marine shells, which afforded the scarlet dye; the shells were collected, and broken into small pieces with iron bars, when the purple colour, which oozed out like tears, was collected into mortars, and ground. Madder root was employed to tinge chalk, and green was formed by mixing blue with the herb weld. The houses at Pompeii are usually constructed of a great variety of inferior material, and on the strength of the mortar depended their stability; the walls were coated with plaster, formed precisely after the method described by Vitruvius. After the rough coat, a second, composed of sand and lime, called arenatum, and then the marmoratum, composed of sand and pounded marble, which was put on very thin, and rubbed and polished until a surface was obtained equal to marble. Whilst this coat was in a humid state, the colours were laid on, which, according to our author, incorporated themselves with the incrustation, and were not liable to fade: three coats of arenatum, and as many of marmo- ratum, were used in the best works, which received a polish capable of reflecting objects. Strength of building. When lintels or beams are loaded, they are apt to sag in the middle, and cause fracture in the work above; but when posts are introduced, properly wedged up, this is prevented: by the insertion of two inclined pieces of timber, it may also be acomplished. (Vitruvius, lib. vi. cap. 11.) The weight of the wall may be discharged by arches formed of wedges, concentrically arranged; these, turned over the beams or lintels, relieve the weight, and prevent them from sagging. In all buildings where piers and arches are used, the outer piers are to be made wider than the others, that they may resist the thrust of the arches. Where walls were constructed to resist the pressure of a bank of earth, their thickness was proportioned to the weight they had to resist, and buttresses were added, which were placed as far distant from each other as the height of the wall, and made of the same width; they projected at bottom as much as the wall was thick, and gradually diminished to the top. On the inside of the wall, towards the mass of earth, it was indented like the teeth of a saw, which teeth were made to project from the wall as much as its height; the pressure of the earth was thus distributed over a larger surface. The Romans sometimes formed walls entirely of rubble, or blocage, as it is termed by French writers; depending entirely upon the goodness of the mortar for their strength, Fig. 131 MINERVA MEDISA. - CHAP. IV. 105 ROMAN. small, irregular formed stones were thrown together, without any apparent order. In the large vaults of the baths of Caracalla, a species of porous lava was used, which was as light as pumice-stone. The vaults of the baths of Diocletian, the Coliseum, and the temple of Minerva Medica, are so constructed. These vaults, as well as those of Caracalla and the Villa Adriana, were turned on centres, formed of boards laid longitudinally, the marks of which may be seen where the stucco which finished their soffites has peeled off. On the boards was first spread a thickness of mortar of more than a foot, on which was laid flat tiles 2 inches in thickness, and nearly 2 feet square. These tiles were covered by others, and a second layer of mortar, but not so thick; the tiles were about 8 inches square, and 1 inch in thickness, laid in courses in such a manner as to break joint with the first layer. Of the Forum and Basilica. No city of the Roman empire, however small, was without its place of assembly and its market for the sale of all sorts of goods. The forum was originally intended for this purpose, and was surrounded by a colonnade, over which was a gallery or covered portico, from whence the gladiatorial shows might be seen, which were exhibited before the introduction of the amphitheatre. Trades were carried on under its porticoes, and at the end of it was the senate-house; the curia, where meetings on solemn and religious matters were held, the comitia for the common people, the treasury, and other public buildings, adjoined it. Such was the Roman forum, and that at Pompeii, the size of which was proportioned to its population: its width was usually two-thirds its length; the columns of the upper colonnade were made one-fourth less than those below, following the order of nature, which in the fir, cypress, and pine, preserves a gradual diminution throughout their height. The basilica, in which all legal business belonging to the city was transacted, had its precise form and arrangement. Vitruvius, who constructed one at Fano, gives its distri- bution, and describes what is necessary for its interior. The middle vault between the columns was 120 feet in length, and 60 feet in width; the portico, or space between the outer wall and columns being 20 feet in width. height of the columns, including their capitals and bases, 50 feet, and their diameter 5 feet. 'The columns in the direction of the breadth of the vault were four in number, and on the side which joined the forum eight, including those at the angles in both cases; on the op- posite side there were six, because the two central were omitted, that the view of the Pronaos of the temple of Augustus might not be obstructed. The tribunal was in the form of the segment of a circle, the width being 46 feet, and the depth 15 feet. The two-fold di- rection of the roof, Vi- truvius states, pro- duces an agreeable effect on the exterior, as well as from the lofty vault within; and for economy such a building would always be preferred, no ar- rangement affording greater accommoda- tion, with the same о о Fig 122. о о о о о BASILICA AT FANO, quantity of material used in its construction. The Numerous basilicæ remain to attest the truth of his descriptions, which at Rome now serve for churches: their form, being convenient for the assénibly of vast numbers, has been 106 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. imitated down to the present time, in all buildings erected for that purpose. The examples at Pisa show how admirably adapted it was for the Catholic worship, and the Norman and Saxon ecclesiastics continued to make use of such models for whatever new erections they undertook. | | | | |! TOO! 1 Fig. 123. BASILICA AT FANO. was of the greatest The forum, graced The basilica, which adjoined the forum, in the Augustine age, importance: whatever was imposing in architecture was applied to it. with porticoes, statues, temples, triumphal arches, was by the citizens made their common place of resort, to which in time were added libraries and places of amusement. Of the Theatre. The extent of some of the theatres which remain, and the manner of con- structing them, deserve some attention, as they were first cut out of the sides of a hill, the proscenium being added to suit the locality, which required great skill on the part of the engineers who excavated them. In the early examples, the seats were cut out of the solid rock, and, from the convenience they afforded for the assembly of numbers, were often used or other purposes than the drama. The seats, elevated one above the other, afforded the spectators an opportunity of viewing the country, which rendered it necessary in after times to limit their vision to the theatrical representations, when the whole was inclosed within a lofty wall. Vitruvius tells us how these buildings were set out : within a circle was inscribed three squares, the angles of which were to touch the circumference; that square, the side of which was nearest the scene, and which cuts off a segment of the circle, marked out the extent of the proscenium, and another line drawn parallel to this last, and forming a tangent to the circle, determined the front of the scene. Through the centre a line was drawn parallel, which separated the pulpitum of the proscenium from the orchestra. In the orchestra, the seats for the senators were placed, and the other portions of the theatre were so divided, that the angles of the triangles, which touched the circumference, pointed to the directions of the ascents, and steps between the cunei, on the first precinctories or stories. Above these the seats were placed, which formed the upper cunei, in the middle of those below. The angles pointing to the staircases were seven in number, the remaining five, marked the points of the scene; that in the middle, the royal entrance; those on the right and left, for the attendants. The seats on which the spectators sat were not less than 20 inches, or more than 22 inches in height, and their width from 24 to 30 inches. All the spectators were so situated, that they saw equally well, and the voice of the actor was heard by all. The seats were so arranged, that a cord drawn from the lowest to the highest touched the edge of each; and at the top a covered portico sheltered the spectators during the intervals of the drama from the heat of the sun. The Proscenium was adorned, towards the theatre, with columns, niches, and statues ; the stage was formed of wood; beneath which were various machines for adapting the scenes, and imitating thunder. Painted scenes, and triangular slips, which could be turned round, with devices upon them, and a quantity of machinery of various kinds, were introduced, to heighten the effect of the representations. The top of the scene was level with the roof of the portico, so that the voice was distinctly conveyed to those on the upper seats. Behind the scenes were porticoes, which, in case of sudden showers, might be resorted to, which communicated with verdant and pleasant walks, dug out and drained to the lowest possible level; to the right and left, sewers were constructed, which served for this purpose. The walks were carefully formed, taking out the earth to a certain depth: the space was filled with charcoal, on which a layer of gravel was spread, and Vitruvius tells us that in a time of siege, these walks were sometimes opened, and the charcoal taken out, and divided among the inhabitants. thus they contributed to health during peace, and preservation in the time of war. CHAP. IV. 107 ROMAN. Every city had its theatre, fragments of which remain. Herculaneum and Pompeii possess them in a tolerable perfect state: that of Marcellus at Rome, Arles, Orange, and other places in France, attest their grandeur and excellent construction; every attention was paid to the approaches of their seats, and to the shelter and protection of the assembled multitudes during a heated atmosphere, or inclement weather. Drains were contrived on each story, which below assumed the character of sewers, maintaining their cleanliness and comfort; all the rain that fell was collected by earthenware or metal pipes, and carried to the several conduits, studiously and carefully built up within the outer walls and inner piers. Sicily, and the provinces generally, boasted, according to their population, of a well arranged place for theatrical amusement. It became, at an early period of the Roman empire, as necessary an appendage to the city as the forum. The Greek Theatres were also formed by excavating the side of a hill: a vast number of these are remaining in Asia Minor; and the only part constructed, or built from the foundation, is the wall of the scene. Many of the Roman theatres differ in their construction: being built with walls radiating to a centre, and arched from one to the other, to support the inclined plane, on which the marble seats were placed for the spectators. Between these walls all the spaces which were not left for communication from the several corridors were occupied by staircases, which served to mount to the precinctories, and for the egress of the spectators after the amusements were over, or during the intervals which were allowed between the performances. These buildings, erected for the accommodation of the people, were the result of the munificence of individuals; and in the smaller provinces, distant from the seat of empire, there seems to have been frequently a difficulty in completing them. The citizens of Nicea, after having expended a considerable sum in the erection of one, could not terminate it, as we learn from one of Pliny's letters to the Emperor Trajan. Augustus and Tiberius enlarged two theatres at Antioch, by adding a zone, or range of seats to the upper part of the structure: the former emperor, at his own cost, erected a very large theatre at Laodicea, placing in it a statue of himself in marble. At Rome, in the first instance, these structures were of wood, raised at the expense of ediles, or other candidates for popular favour, and repaired or renewed as occasion required. Pompey, Balbus, and Marcellus were the first to build them of stone; and their use seems to have been for the exhibition of gladiators, more than for the drama. Suetonius, in his life of Augustus, says, that women were admitted to the upper porticoes to see the games; but that afterwards, it not being thought decent that they should be present, they were prohibited from entering. These regulations were soon laid aside, as we learn from the sixth satire of Juvenal. Of the Theatre of Marcellus little now remains: twelve or thirteen arcades, with their Doric columns and entablature, and as many above of the Ionic order, which formed a part of its magnificent exterior, is all that can be seen. It is of Tiburtine stone, and the profile of the orders is well proportioned and executed. Augustus is said to have raised it in honour of his nephew Marcellus; when dedicated, six hundred wild animals were sacrificed; and for the first time tigers were exhibited confined in cages. It was a semicircle, the diameter of which, probably, from out to out, was 270 feet; one half of this radius was applied to the walls and corridors, over which were the seats, and the other to the orchestra; the dimensions given to the proscenium, as well as its arrangement, are not at present known. The building seems to have been set out very regularly, judging from what remains in the palace of Savelii Orsini, and from the plans left us by the architect, Baldassare Perruzzi of Sienna, who built the latter. An outer and two internal corridors sweep round semicircularly, and on the outside were forty piers with 39 arches. From the inner piers, diverging to the common centre, were 40 walls, constructed as those of the Coliseum, though not with the same material. The Theatre at Arles was a semicircle of more than 300 feet in diameter, and the proscenium had a depth of at least 180 feet: its exterior had three orders of Doric pilasters with arches between, surmounted by a bold modillion cornice; it was built of large masses of stone, in regular courses. Like the Coliseum, it had two outer corridors, and the walls diverg- ing from a common centre composed the stairs, vaults, and vomitories, arranged in a similar manner. The Amphitheatre was formed of two theatres, or semicircles united in such a manner that the spectators had an equal view of what passed in the arena: for which reason the Romans gave them the name of visorium: they were used for gladiatorial shows, combats of wild beasts, and other games. They were of large dimensions, made in the form of an oval: the arena or middle space was surrounded by rows of benches elevated one above the other. The Etruscans introduced amphitheatres and gladiatorial shows: the Romans borrowed from them this taste, which degenerated into a fury among that warlike people, with which they inspired all the nations they subdued. The remains of amphitheatres are met with throughout the Roman empire. The first were probably mere excavations, the spectators being elevated on banks of earth; the more persons they wished to accommodate, 108 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the more necessary it was to deepen the area: this may be seen at Pæstum, which also shows the manner of construction adopted when formed on the side of a hill; one half of the seats being on the natural slope, and the upper portions being raised on con- structions. This method, from its economy, was perhaps the earliest; and thus the first theatres, as already observed, were formed out of the sides of rocks and hills. The seats were afterwards made with planks, and removed when the shows were concluded. This being found inconvenient, others were constructed in a more solid and substantial manner: many having been destroyed by fire, stone was at last resorted to. The first amphitheatres at Rome were temporary structures, and situated in the Champ de Mars, without the city. Statilius Taurus erected the first of stone, A.u.c. 725, which, with the Coliseum, were the only two within the walls. The amphitheatres of Castrenses, erected by Tiberius, on the Esquiline hill, of which some remains are still seen, near S. Croce in Jerusalem, was built of brick, and of the Corinthian order. Another built by Trajan, in the Campus Martius, was destroyed by Adrian. Fig. 124. CASTRENSE. Nothing gives us a higher notion of the knowledge possessed by the Romans in the arts of construction, than the numerous and vast remains of their amphitheatres, erected in almost all their towns and provinces. At Fedena, five miles from Rome, Attilus built an amphitheatre, in which, in consequence of the foundations giving way, 25,000 persons perished. At Placentia was one of the largest in Italy, built of timber, without the walls of the city. At Arezzo, Florence, Fisole, Adria, Lucca, Palermo, Cassano, Minturno, Benevento, Alba, Capua, Pompeii, Puteoli, Otricoli, Catania, Agrigentum, Syracuse, Pæstum, Pola, Nismes, and Verona, Frejus, Arles, Autun, Saintes, Bordeaux, Orange, Narbonne, Die in Dauphine, Cahors, Drenaül on the Cher, Toulouse, Lyons, Vienne, Paris, Neri, Grand Drevant, Bruieres, Valonges, Besançon, Metz, Perigeaux, Nice, Doue sur l'Ilgers in Poictou. In Spain, at Hispalis near Seville, Tarragona, Saguntum, and many other places. At Smyrna is one of stone, in good preservation; also at Sardis, the capital of Lydia, Jerusalem, Argos, and Melos; Udena, near Tunis, is another, very perfect and beautiful, and Constantinum, Istria, Tergeste, Ægeda, Parentium, and Pola, each had their amphi- theatre. Those of Nismes, Udena, the Coliseum, and Verona, are the most perfect that remain. Amphitheatre of Vespasian, called Coliseum, finished by the Emperor Titus about the 79th year of the Christian era, is of an oval form, its diameters being 620 and 513 feet, measured to the face of the outer wall, from which the semi-columns project. The entire height of the building is 157 feet, divided by four orders of architecture; the upper has pilasters, the others half columns. Its entire area may be estimated at 249,804 superficial feet, or nearly six acres; the cubical contents of the mass and void at nearly 40,000,000 of cube feet. The arena, 287 feet in length, and 180 feet 3 inches in width, is an area about one- CHAP. IV. 109 ROMAN. sixth of the whole, or a little less than an English acre. It has been estimated that 500,000 tons of material were used in the construction of this amphitheatre. Each of the three lower stories has 80 arches; and medals show that the two upper ranges were decorated with statues. In the year 1813 the arena was excavated, when substantial walls, finely worked with pepperino stone, were discovered, that had supported the timber floor: they were formed into corridors and receptacles for wild animals collected for the shows. The podium, surrounding the arena, was of a sufficient height to protect the spectators from attack of the animals: from thence to the summit were steps or seats of marble, which were 17 inches in height, and about a foot or 13 inches in width. BERMAINA افست Fig. 125. COLISEUM. Five corridors of communication extended round the building; the two outer formed of open arches, which, as well as the piers, were constructed of travertine stone; the whole paved with thick travertine slabs, extending nearly 6 feet beyond the face of the outer wall. From the inner corridor arose two varieties of staircases, which conducted to the Ionic range: from the third corridor other staircases also conducted to the same level. Fig. 126. COLISEUM. 110 Book L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The division walls, which radiate from the third to the two outer corridors, have each four distinct piers of travertine stone, with spaces between filled with pepperino, the horizontal joints of which do not always correspond. The walls between the third and fourth cor- ridors are faced with tiles in regular courses; the outer pier is alone of travertine. and forms a break. The vault of the fourth corridor is entirely destroyed; the marble pavement remains, 5 inches thick, which seems to indicate that this was the approach to the podium, where the emperor and persons of rank were seated. The rain which fell upon the several seats and the arena, and the water which flowed through urinals, and other arrangements made for the convenience of the multitude assembled within the walls, drained into wide and spacious sewers, which were conducted into the Cloaca Maxima. A large drain in the second corridor, 30 inches wide, received the water, brought down by perpendicular pipes worked in the solid masonry, or placed in indents, lined with tile. The drain of the third corridor, 17 inches wide, and 3 feet in depth, is lined carefully with tile and coated with a fine cement. On the outer side of the third corridor, a similar drain, with a fall towards the last described, caught all the water brought by the several branches from the arena. The total area of this building has been stated to be about 249,840 feet; that of the arena, within the present podium wall, 40,575 superficial feet: consequently, the area occu- pied by the walls, piers, and corridors, will be the difference of these two quantities, which will be found to be 209,229 feet. The true points of support are the following: 80 outer piers, the area of which is 80 second piers, the area of which is 80 third piers, the area of which is 80 division walls to the third corridor 80 division walls to the fourth corridor 80 portions of the arena wall · 5,360 ft. 3,600 2,640 - = 14,400 6,640 9,200 41,840 The points of support are, in area, 41,840 feet, about one-fifth of the mass, or one-sixth of the total area of the entire amphitheatre, which is about the proportions that exist between the total area and the points of support in St. Paul's, at London. The 80 piers and division walls are not set out very exactly; they diminish in thickness as they radiate to the four centres of the ellipsis. The Exterior elevation, consists of 4 stories of different orders formed of travertine stone. height of the lower, or Doric, including its attic above, is 40 feet 7 inches, which is level with the pavement of the first story. The height of the Ionic order and its attic, level with the pavement of the second story, is 38 feet 7 inches. The height of the Corinthian order and its attic, nearly corresponding in level with the pavement of the upper internal corridor, is 40 feet. The height of the upper wall, with the pilasters and its entablature, is 38 feet 4 inches. The total height of the present wall is, as stated, 157 feet 6 inches. The openings of the arches average 14 feet 4 inches, which is the height up to the top of the impost moulding, on which the semicircular arches rest. The upper order, above the three ranges of corridors, has its cornice perforated for the insertion of wooden masts, which supported the velarium; the total number were 240. The interior portion of this wall is faced with tiles in regular courses, behind which, placed in indents, and well bedded in cement, are circular earthen pipes, that conveyed the water from the wooden platform above to the drains below. The piers are all formed of travertine stone in large blocks, many extending the whole depth of the pier, which is 8 feet 8 inches; the joints are well worked, and each stone securely cramped with metal, all of which, that could be removed, have been taken away. Each of the arches is formed of 11 voussoirs; the key-stone, as well as many of the others, extending through the whole depth of the wall. These voussoirs have on their sides mor- tices and tenons, which prevent their sliding, also iron cramps. The Sections through the building exhibit its construction most perfectly. The back face of the outer piers and wall above is perpendicular, the outer face retreating on each story. At the top it is 6 feet 9 inches in thickness; at the Corinthian story, 6 feet 3; at the Ionic, 8 feet 5; and at the lower, 8 feet 9 inches. The width of the outer corridor in the clear is 17 feet, that of the second 14 feet 6 inches, that of the third 14 feet 6 also, and the fourth corridor 11 feet 6 inches. The main piers are all of travertine stone; the division walls between the third and fourth corridor, and those between the second and third on the first story, are faced with tiles filled in with rubble work. The division walls between the second and third corridors have four piers in CHAP. IV. 111 ROMAN. travertine, with the three spaces between filled in with pepperino, or a softer stone. The vaults over the corridors and staircases are turned with rubble, very roughly executed, the good- ness of the mortar or cement constituting its strength. After the piers and division walls were carried up to their proper heights, boarded centres were placed, on which the rubble was laid and grouted together: many of the divisions still show the marks of the planks used, which were laid longitudinally. The vaults being turned over the entire space, comprised within 116 feet, or from the face of the present podium to the back of the wall, which shut out the corridors on the level with the Corinthian order of columns, and floated to a uniform inclination, received the marble seats, which were 3 feet 5 inches in width, placed one upon the other, so as to allow a seat of 2 feet 5 inches wide. Some idea may be formed of the number of persons it contained, by allowing a space of 15 inches to each, or an area of 3 superficial feet: as the total area of seats which covered the interior was 209,229 feet, the number that might be accommodated was 70,000, without comprising those seated on the podium, now destroyed. The staircases conducting to the several vomitories were admirably constructed, and built of stone. From the second corridor was the ascent to that immediately over it, by twenty flights of double staircases, easy in their rise, each having three spacious landings. The same corridor was arrived at by sixteen other staircases, which commenced in the third corridor: these had an easy rise, and a wide landing in the middle of the flight. From the last named corridor, sixteen other staircases led to the seats over the fourth corridor; there being fifty-two staircases from the ground floor to the corridors and vomitories above. Sixteen flights of twenty-eight steps conducted from the third corridor of the Ionie order to the first mezzonine obtained under the vault of the second corridor of this story: sixteen other staircases led from hence to the corridors of the Corinthian order. From the second corridor of the Ionic range were sixteen staircases, which led to the third range of vomitories. Twenty-four flights passed through the upper mezzonine, and eighteen conducted to the top of the platform, on which the arrangements were made for the adjustment of the vela. The fourth corridor, on the ground floor, was paved with marble, 5 inches in thick- ness; the others with travertine in large slabs; and great attention was paid to the carrying off the waters, and effectually draining the entire building. In the year 1818 the writer was occupied for many months in measuring this splendid edifice; and to the numerous drawings published in the "Roman Antiquities," he must refer the reader for a more detailed account of its arrangement and distribution, being able to vouch for the dimensions there given. The Amphitheatre at Nismes, from some fragments of an inscription found, is supposed to have been built between the years 77 and 82 of the Christian era. Its plan is that of an ellipsis, the longer axis of which, measured on the external facing at the pedestals of the eastern and western entrance, is 437 feet 6 inches; and the short axis, ineasured also at the faces of the pedestals, 332 feet 6 inches. The interior, measured within the podium, the longer diameter is 226 feet 8 inches, and the shorter diameter 125 feet 9 inches; from thence it results the thickness or depth of the construction from east to west is 103 feet 4 inches, and from north to south 103 feet, which difference is accounted for by the projection of the pedestals at the east and west ends. The four entrances, answering to the four cardinal points, were the only communications with the arena. It appears by the dimensions, that those to the east and west were destined for the use of the spectators, the others being reserved for the service of the arena. The east and west entrances were 13 feet 4 inches wide, and those north and south only 3 feet 6 inches; the former led to the arena by an inclined plane, the latter by steps. All the division walls are set out at equal distances on the out as well as on the inside. The exterior circumference, and interior, around the podium, were divided into sixty equal parts, setting off from the two axes, on which were the centres of all the stairs, porticoes, and rampant vaults. Between the centre of each of these sixty divisions a line was traced, on which the walls were set out. The divisions and their corresponding parts are of a uniform width, which must have occasioned great difficulty in the execution, although affording facility for the internal distributions. The plinth of the exterior porticoes is elevated 7 feet 9 inches above that of the wall of the podium. The total height of the amphitheatre is 70 feet; the lower order, 33 feet; the upper, 29 feet 8 inches; and the attic, 6 feet 4 inches. The foundations of the external pilasters are placed 8 feet 10 inches below the plinth, and the wall of the podium rests on a simple plinth a foot in height. If to this is added 7 feet 9 inches, the height of the external plinth above the podium, we have a height of 8 feet 10 inches, which is the depth of the external foundations below the plinths. It is evident, therefore, that all the foundations were made on a level. After the plan was traced, the ground was taken out to a depth of three feet, and filled with concrete. Sixty arcades 1.12 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. formed the elliptical boundary of the amphitheatre. Their openings, with the exception of those to the north, the east, and west, were all 12 feet 5 inches; the other three 13 feet 2 inches. The width of the external piers, 8 feet, the pilaster of which occupies 3 feet, and the faces on each side 2 feet 6 inches. The exterior has two orders surmounted by an attic; the lowest without bases. The pilasters are in height 26 feet 3 inches, from the zocle to the top of the capital. The second story, comprising pedestal, column, and entablature, is in height 29 feet 6 inches; the pedestal, 3 feet 6 inches; the column, 20 feet 6 inches; and entablature, 5 feet 6 inches. The column projects two-thirds of its diameter, and at the base is 2 feet 7 inches in diameter. The height of the attic is 6 feet, and its face is fair with that of the column below: two strong stone corbels, pierced with circular holes, between the pedestals, supported the masts that received the cords of the vela or covering. There are thirty-five ranges of steps or seats, besides those which divided the whole into precincts. There are four precincts, each having its separate staircases and vomitories. The lowest precinct, nearest the arena, reserved for the principal inhabitants, was formed to receive four seats only, each 1 foot 8 inches in height, and 2 feet 7 inches in width; to protect the lowest of these seats, towards the arena, a podium or wall of one stone, 6 feet 6 inches in height, and 3 feet 3 inches, was built up. The second precinct was separated from the one mentioned by a wall 3 feet 4 inches in height; this consisted of eleven seats, and forty-eight vomitories, sixteen of which had their entrance from the interior gallery of the ground floor, and thirty-two from the gallery of the entresol. The third precinct, with ten rows of seats, was separated from the second by a step, in a similar manner to the others. These were approached by thirty vomitories out of the gallery of the first story. The fourth or upper precinct had ten seats, the last of which rested on the attic wall. They were arrived at by thirty vomitories whose entrances corresponded with the gallery of the second story. The Staircases were numerous: twenty-eight conducted from the external gallery of the ground floor to the gallery of the entresol; a like number from thence to the first story; thirty-two led from the gallery of the ground floor to the vomitories of the first and second precinct. A similar number from the gallery of the entresol to the vomitories of the second precinct. Thirty others from the gallery of the first story communicated, first, to the thirty vomitories of the third precinct, and then to the double staircases, which led to the second story, where the thirty vomitories of the fourth precinct were placed. These last were contrived in the head of the vault of the gallery of the first story, and received their light from small openings pierced on each side of the capitals of the columns on the lower story. The five several galleries held the spectators during the intervals of the exhibition or violent storms: in a few moments the whole amphitheatre might, by means of the 130 vomitories, have been cleared; and in a small space of time the spectators could, without confusion, have again taken their seats. The amphitheatre has been calculated to contain 23,362 spectators, each person occupying only fifteen inches superficial. The total length of the steps or seats is 30,660 feet; but some allowance must be made for the loss by vomitories, &c. For carrying off the superfluous waters, which might collect in such vast edifices, the most ingenious contrivances were thought of and introduced at the very commencement of the work, and so admirably arranged as not to weaken the walls or piers which contain them. Many of these conduits served the double purpose of urinals, and numerous are the pre- cautions taken to prevent their becoming offensive, and to provide for their proper and thorough cleansing. The Roman engineers have taught constructors a lesson which has not been sufficiently appreciated nor imitated in the public buildings of modern times, where vast numbers remain for many successive hours. By a careful study of the drainage of an amphitheatre, we shall be enabled to understand the attention paid to the setting out of the sewers of a city. The Coliseum and many large buildings retain all their pipes and drains, showing us how admirably this object was carried out; modern practice has not yet devised a more perfect or effectual method. Fifty-six drains, constructed within the thickness of the walls which supported the stair- cases of the ground floor, served for the rain water to pass off, and for the convenience of the spectators placed in the third and fourth precincts. Their upper opening was on the landing of the entresol, above the gallery of the first story; half the openings of these drains were placed opposite the stairs which led to the gallery above, or that of the second story; the other half was enclosed, and formed into a recess, which concealed them from the view of those passing by. We presume the first were for the convenience of the men, and the others for the woinen. These drains were formed of cylindrical pipes 12 inches in diameter, hollowed out of the middle of large masses of freestone 20 inches in height, the beds of which were CHAP. IV. · 119 ROMAN. alternately placed square and jutting out, the better to unite them with the adjoining masonry; almost all the latter formed the thickness of the walls, within which were the pipes. The upper bed of each stone, 6 inches round the opening, is cut in the form of an inverted cone, as is the lower bed, the other part of the bed being level: all these beds or joints, being placed one within the other, formed an ascend- ing joint 2 inches in height, and pre- vented any filtration of water into the body of the masonry. These drains carried off all the urine and rain water. A hole, 2 inches in diameter, sunk in the middle of a stone, slightly dished, formed the entrance of all the drains of the lower stories, from which it is concluded they were used for a similar purpose. Besides the upper openings of these fifty-six drains, in the landings above the gal- lery of the first story, there was a similar number, and also in the pas- Fig. 127. DRAINS. sages of communication with the two corridors of the ground floor; they are at 1 foot 9 inches above the ground, and might serve to cleanse the issue of the gargouille which poured forth the waters into the outer aqueduct. The drains communicated by a gutter or channel of freestone to a well or cesspool, 2 feet 4 inches in dia- meter, under the stairs of the ground floor, in the mass of masonry which supported them; the bottom of this well communicated with a small aqueduct, 13 inches wide by 18 high, having a considerable fall, the lining formed with the greatest care in moellon and mortar the base and covering being executed with large stones. This aqueduct conducted diagonally to the middle of the under side of the stairs, where it united with that of the corresponding drain; at this point the two emptied themselves into one of 18 inches in width by 22 in height, the issue of which was made under the pavement of the exterior corridor, in the centre of the portico, which carried the great stairs of the lower floor, and at 3 feet below the pave- ment of this same gallery: this issue was formed by a large stone, so placed against the covering of the aqueduct, that at the two sides a passage was left for the water. The external gallery of the ground floor, under which the drains discharged themselves, and all the passages which communicated from the two gal- leries, were entirely filled up with chippings of large pieces of freestone, from the level of the foundations, to within 6 inches below the plinths. This latter height was occupied by an inclined floor of cement, serving as a pavement to the two corridors as well as the other passages. The waters easily filtered through thin chippings of freestone, and the humidity and disagreeable odour was prevented from affecting the galleries, by the interposition of the bed of cement which covered these fragments. The water and urine ran off by infiltration into the drains, which could only serve for the purposes indicated, particularly as their entrances, still preserved in the vomitories of the first and second precincts, are only an inch and a quarter in diameter. Fig. 128. UPRIGHT DRAINS. Sixty-four other drains, found in the passages of the vomitories of the first and second precinct, corresponding with the interior gallery of the ground floor, were for the same purpose. A drain placed on each side of the set-off of these passages, with a hole 2 inches in diameter, formed in freestone, slightly dished out. I 114 Βουκ Ι. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. received the rain water and conducted it outside. A like number of drains is also contrived above the set-off of the staircases which led to the entresol and the first story. The gargouilles, placed over each other, follow the direction of the stairs, then cross the walls which support them, pass behind the stone jambs of the porticoes and galleries of the entresols, then return under the landings and the stairs of the ground floor, and are at last collected in the receptacle connected with the great drains. The draining so large a building occupied great consideration; the forethought displayed in these arrangements evinces great ingenuity and simplicity. The surface of the arena was rather higher in the middle, and sloped ㅏ​나니 ​ S0-0-0 0-0-0- 나​나나나 ​--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 DOCANN 7-7-71 gradually and uniformly towards the podium. This form had the double advantage of di- viding the rain water, and preventing the in- jury which a collection in the centre would have occasioned, and of placing the spectacle on a plane, which by its form brought it nearer to the spectators. The convexity of the arena required the oval aqueduct to be placed at a little distance from the walls of the podium, to receive and conduct away all the waters. It was consequently 7 fect 6 inches distant from the wall of the po- dium, 3 feet 6 inches in width by 4 feet 9 inches in depth. The walls are of moellon laid in cement. Small channels very close to each other are cut from the base of the podium, to conduct the water to the aqueduct. This aqueduct was covered with stone 8 inches thick, which rested on a bed of free- stone 6 inches high, forming a slight projection on the internal face; the upper part is an inch and a half below the base of the podium, by which the sand that co- vered the arena extended also over the flags which covered the aqueduct sufficiently to prevent any injury occurring to the gladiators when they fell. These flags rest 8 inches means at each end on the bed of freestone which crowns the walls; they are also attached by a dovetail half an inch in depth. The inclination or fall given to the bottom of the aqueduct is regular throughout. Fig. 129. PLAN OF DRAIN. AAAAAAH 40-0-0 1-7-7-7-700-2 The thickness of its side walls is 18 inches. The outer part is backed against the concrete in which the aqueduct is entirely surrounded. The wall on the side of the podium is open opposite the two east and west gates to receive the water of a second inner aqueduct, which will be hereafter described. All the waters of the arena flowed into the inner aqueduct, and it remains to show in what manner that which fell on the seats, in the vomitories and in the galleries was carried through the opening of the great outer porticoes. Fig. 130. SECTION OF PIPES AND PLAN. he Romans might All the seats had an inclination of the sixteenth of an inch forward, which facilitated the flowing of the water from the upper to the lower step, and from one to the other. The first precinct was defended in front by a parapet which rose 2 inches above the step, so that the rain water which fell on the four rows of seats and te step of the first precinct, being stopped by the parapet, could not flow into the arena. easily have pierced this parapet at the level of the step, and discharg precinct into the arena; but such an arrangement would have injured of the podium. The water of the first precinct was therefore made to pass off b base of the first seat on the level of the step, to which, for this purp made towards the seat. Circular openings cut in a conical form, allowed the passage of the water from the first four rows of seats, and wall of the podium, by a small conduit made in the stone step; after at the foot of this wall into a small channel two feet wide, which, tra. L the water of this e ornamental effect an opening at the • a slight fall was inches in diameter, arried it behind the ards it was received sing the lower part CHAP. IV. 115 ROMAN. of the first precinct, and the foundation of the parapet wall of the second, arrived at the great circular inner aqueduct. Twelve of these discharges sufficed for carrying off the water of the first precinct, which was only composed of four rows of seats. The second being protected like the first by a parapet, the same method for discharging the water as those already explained was adopted, this second precinct receiving also the water from the cornice of the attic. Twenty-four discharges at the level of the step of this precinct carried the water behind the wall of the second podium, and through the middle of the vault which covered the chamber through which the great circular aqueduct passes. At the summit of this vault, against the wall of the second podium, a large stone pierced with a hole four inches in diameter received the collected waters. These holes have led some to presume that they received the posts intended to support the tent which covered the amphi- theatre. Their nearly horizontal position, and their conical opening, at once show their destination. The water which fell on the arena and seats of the amphitheatre was conducted into two circular aqueducts, that of the arena, and that of the interior. The latter, which followed the contour of the building, is 30 inches wide; its base, on the same general level as the foundation, is formed of two walls, faced with dressed stone 6 feet 6 inches high, having its course through the chambers which receive the water of the first and second precinct it is arched in the thickness of each wall, under the issues of the vomitories of the first and second precinct, corresponding to the inner gallery of the ground floor, and under the passages of the north and south doors. It also communicates with, and empties itself into, the aqueduct of the arena, under the two great passages of the east and west doors, by two square openings, 30 inches wide by 20 inches high. The aqueduct under the great east and west passages is covered with large landings resting on walls built on each side. The inner aqueduct received all the water which fell through the openings of the thirty- two vomitories of the first and second precinct, the entrances of which corresponded to the inner gallery of the ground floor. This water, which during storms is abundant, was stopped on the landing of the passage of each vomitory by a step whose tread was hollowed out to a depth of half an inch. A hole two inches in diameter, opened at each extremity of this step in the recesses of the vomitories, served as a urinal, as well as received the rain water, and then passed into the aqueduct immediately below. By this means the water falling through the openings of the vomitories could never come into the inner gallery on the ground floor. The rain water driven by the wind into the outer gallery of the ground floor through the openings of the sixty arches of the façade would soon have inundated this gallery if means had not been provided for getting rid of it by a rapid and successive discharge. The paving of the outer gallery, and that of all the passages of communication, had a fall of 6 inches towards the inner gallery, so that the rain which the wind blew into the outer gallery ran into the second. At the foot of the piers which divide the passages of the vomitories, it met with a discharge into a small aqueduct, which conducted it into the great inner circular aqueduct the smaller opening into the larger by a hole 3 feet high, 18 inches wide, and 16 inches above the base of the great aqueduct. A similar discharge remains in the middle and at the foot of the first step of the great staircases, which admits under the paving of the outer gallery, a part of the waters of this same gallery. : : The inner circular aqueduct received all the water of the seats and steps from the attic to the podium, that of the thirty-two vomitories whose entrances corresponded to the inner gallery of the ground floor, and that which the wind carried into the outer gallery through the openings of the entrance porticoes all this water united formed a considerable quantity during storms; but it was so divided, and so well directed, that it was impossible any stoppage could take place, or that it could ever inundate the galleries and passages, much less injure the solidity of the masonry. By such means the Roman engineers, who were masters in the art of construction, effectually drained the upper galleries and vomitories. The inconvenience arising from the chance of the water penetrating into the passages and galleries through the openings of the thirty-two vomitories of the first and second precincts, was obviated at all the upper stages to which the issues of the other vomitories correspond, the same pains being taken to get rid of it quickly. The gallery of the half story of the first floor could easily be inundated by the openings of the thirty-two upper vomitories of the second precinct, to which this mezzonine gallery was solely destined, but the first step of the stairs of each vomitory was slightly hollowed and pierced in the middle with a vertical hole, an inch in diameter. Below this step and hole is a stone cut in the form of a cistern 5 inches deep, 12 long, and 8 wide. At the end of this cistern is a gargouille 4 inches wide, closed at one extremity, and pierced with a perpendicular hole. The pavement of the half-story gallery, which throughout is tooled, is formed opposite each vomitory by a stone similar in all respects to the tread of the first step of the staircase of the vomitory: this is slightly hollowed and pierced with an aperture which corresponds with a small hole made through the vault, which carries the inclined winder and the second revolution of the great staircase of the ground floor. The water which fell in the passages of the vomitories, on I 2 116 BOOK ì. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. arriving at the first step above the pavement of the gallery of the half-story, was received into the perpendicular hole with which this first step is pierced, then fell into the cistern placed below, ran down the gargouille, at the extremity of which it fell into the chambers under the great staircase, where it was quickly absorbed. If the abundance of water was such that the first step could not receive it, the excess fell on the stone placed below on a level with the pavement of the gallery, where it followed the same course as the rest, and ran under the same vault by a similar contrivance, so that it was impossible any could come into the half-story gallery. The water which the wind drove into the first-floor gallery, through the openings of the porticoes, fell on the first step, by which it descended to the half-story gallery. There it was received into the hollows of the first step, at the extremity of which were two holes an inch in diameter, below which were stone gutters communicating with discharges made on each side of the recesses of this staircase below the winders just mentioned. The water then followed the course indicated above: a double advantage was thus obtained, that of cleansing the urinals and getting rid of the water, which, without this precaution, would have inundated the inner gallery. The great discharges of the second flight of steps, fifty-six in number, received the water of the vomitories of the third and fourth precinct. The construction of the great outer aqueduct, which brought the water from the fountain of Nismes, is next to be considered. It was discovered when excavating in the middle of the outer gallery of the ground floor, opposite the north gate, where an aqueduct was supposed to exist under this gallery and throughout its circular development. This great aqueduct has a breadth of 32 inches, and a height of 6 feet from the bottom to the under side of the key-stone which covers it. Like all the others, it was filled with earth and mud up to the top: on the north side it was found perfectly preserved, built of tooled stone, as was the semicircular arch which covers it. This vault has been replaced by landings of freestone, where it crosses the north passage from the door of the present guard-house to the circular aqueduct of the arena. It traverses the arena to the centre of the ellipsis, then deviates to the south-west, leaving the building at the sixth portico east of the south door. Its con- struction, precisely the same as that on the north side, is covered with landings. The excavation was continued from where it issues from the amphitheatre, for a length of 40 feet, at which distance it was broken and could not be further traced. Two manholes for descending into this aqueduct existed in the outer gallery on the ground floor, one at its entrance at the north gate, the other at its issue through the sixth portico west of the south gate. These manholes are perfectly preserved: they are 2 feet square, covered with a landing: below the pavement a square hole 30 inches wide, by 16 inches high, is cut, 3 feet 6 inches above the bottom, on each side of the aqueduct, in the middle of the outer gallery on the ground floor, to allow the water which filtered through the pavement to run into the great aqueduct. Three quarries were worked by the Romans to obtain the stone requisite for the ex- ternal works of this amphitheatre: the greater part of the seats, and facing of the podium of the first and second precinct, and some portion of the interior arcades, were of stone, brought from the quarries of Baruthel; some steps and the worked moellon came from Roque- maillère. Nearly the whole of the arcades of the lower story, the entresol, the first and second story, are executed in the stone from the quarries of the Pont du Gard. They are all calcareous, and of a grain more or less fine. That from the quarries of Baruthel is compact, firm and fine; its weight about 515 lbs. per cubic foot: when employed as it is found in the bed, it is an excellent stone, in many instances where this precaution has been omitted the courses are entirely decomposed. The stone from Roquemaillère is stronger and harder, and weighs about 460 lbs. per cubic foot; it is of an excellent quality, and has undergone little change. That brought from the quarries of the Pont du Gard is a coarse grit, and stands well when used internally: being porous, when subject to exposure or rain, it is greatly in- jured: a cubic foot weighs about 333 lbs. The difficulties arising from the oblique direction of the whole of the constructions, externally and internally, are admirably over- come. The vaults of all the stories are executed with great precision, as are those of the corridors; but the same care has not been taken in the construction of the arches of the exterior, which are oblique on their plan and elevation. The Romans in this example of oblique work had not quite arrived at perfection, as they have not been sufficiently attentive to the true setting out of each stone. All the freestone is laid in cement, and the bed cut with the utmost precision; a hole in the centre of gravity of each stone indicates that it was lifted by the aid of the Lewis; and it appears, by the nicety of the workmanship, that the upper stone, previous to being bedded, was suspended by the Lewis, and, water being thrown over the under bed, was then gradually lowered: all the rough particles that might remain between were brought down by friction; and when the stones easily worked against each other, the upper was definitively fixed By no other means can we account CHAP. IV. 117 ROMAN. for the excellence of the joint: the small particles of the stone rubbed down, mixing with the water thrown on the lower, formed a cement, filling up the void between them. All the workmanship of the amphitheatre is of a colossal kind: many of the stones contain from 25 to 35 feet cube; their beds are from 12 to 15 feet superficial, which adds much to the difficulty of the execution. The facings were not so carefully attended to as the joints and beds, it evidently being intended they should be dressed after the completion of the work, which was the common practice with the Romans. In all their constructions they took the precaution of uniting the stones together by two oak wedges cut in a dovetailed form, placed over each joint, sunk in the stone to a depth of 21 inches; these were about 4 inches in length, and all that remains, upon a careful examination, is a ligneous dust, the wedges having perished long ago. The cutting of the moellon, employed in the walls and the vaults, is admirable; the courses are from 5 to 9 inches in height, and the stones are from 8 to 10 inches in length. Their faces are coarse, and the joints and beds so cut that the stones may be united closely at the edges with an exactness almost incredible. The edges or arrises of the moellon are as sharp as if of freestone: the same nicety of execution runs throughout the vaults where moellon was employed, and the voussoirs, which are from 15 to 20 inches in height, and from 7 to 9 inches in width, are cut with the greatest care, relatively to their conical and rampant projection. All the moellon was bedded in cement; but little is to be seen, on account of the extreme fineness of the joint. The filling up of the masses, spandrels, &c. was with rubble stones of all shapes, run in a coarse cement, which has become as hard as the stone itself; this was composed of equal parts of quicklime, gravelly sand, broken tiles and bricks. Wherever iron is used, it is run with lead; the iron cramps for placing the stones of the podium are so cased. · The velarium or covering. For several ages, the spectators in the amphitheatres were uncovered, as we find the ancient historians often allude to the necessity of quitting their seats, on account of the rain which fell. And St. Chrysostom reproves the people (Hom. 4. e. 16.) for having stood bare-headed with the sun scorching them in the theatre. We also learn, from many inscriptions which are in the collection made by Gruters, that the theatres were provided with covered porticoes, to shelter the people assembled. Pliny and Valerius Maximus both state that Quintus Catulus was the first who contrived a vela, or shade, for the people assembled in the theatre; and the first of these authors gives the name of Valerius of Ostia as the engineer employed to execute the work. Lentulus Spinter (Pliny, 1. 19. c. 1.) formed the vela first of linen cloth, and Dio (lib. 43.) tells us that Cæsar introduced one of silk, to keep off the heat of the sun's rays at the amphitheatre, constructed of wood. Silk, in the time of the emperor Aurelian, was in value equal to its weight of gold, and therefore must have been a great luxury. The emperor Nero spread over the theatre a vela bespangled with golden stars, on which was represented Phaton driving the chariot of the sun, the material of which has been supposed was wool, as some- times, in its description, the word Apuliæ is made use of, and dyed wools were brought from that country. Lampridius (in Com. a Militibus, Classiariis) informs us that the management of the vela was left entirely to sailors, as they were more expert in going aloft amidst ropes, and under- stood the tackle which regulated the spreading of it better than others. There can be no doubt that it required considerable dexterity on the part of the engineer to keep steady an awning containing 113,345 superficial feet, which would be required for the amphitheatre at Nismes, and for the magnificent Coliseum nearly 250,000 superficial feet, or more than double; the weight of which, at only one pound per foot, comprising the ropes and tackle, would amount to 112 tons or thereabouts. So vast a weight disposed and upheld by tension only creates our wonder and admiration. At the level of the attic story are 120 projecting consoles, each having a circular hole about 10 inches in diameter, corresponding with a circular mortice of the same size, and 6 inches in depth, made in the projection of the cornice of the second order. The upper opening of the hole in each console has externally a groove 2 inches in height, destined for an iron collar, to which was attached a tie, which secured it to the wall of the attic at the level of the top of the console: the holes which contained these have some portions of the iron run with lead remaining. The hole of each console received a round mast, which, passing through it, rested in a hole sunk in the cornice below, the iron collar preventing it from acting against the sides of the console and fracturing it. The masts alone would not be sufficient to support the weight of the vela, extending over an elliptical area, the axis of which, in one direction, was 436 feet, and in the other, 331. To aid in the support other posts were introduced through mortices about 10 inches in length, placed opposite each console, at the projecting part of the moulding which crowns the interior of the attic; on each side, 4 or 5 inches from the edge of the attic, are holes still containing the lead which secured the iron ties that beld 13 118 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. these latter posts in their places. Under the mortice holes are others, 8 inches square, and 2 feet in depth, made in the upper step of the attic to receive the second posts. posts were afterwards securely braced. Over the centre of the arena was an oval covering, perma- nently fixed, which in the Coliseum was ornamented with an immense golden eagle. Round the edge of this oval covering was at- tached a large cable. 120 pair of cords, of equal length, stretched from the masts on the exterior to this cable, were worked by pulleys; thus forming as many compart- ments. Each pair of cords was furnished with rings, to which the covering was at- tached, so that it could be drawn backwards and for- wards at pleasure. The whole of these were called the vela or velaria, and each single compartment velarium. The distance between the ropes on which the vetarium ran was greater towards the attic than at the centre; con- sequently, to make the vela- rium run freely on its rings, it was necessary that it should be of an equal width through- out when spread, towards the attic it was stretched, whilst towards the centre it sagged, and formed as it were a fold. To prevent the sun passing through the opening thus made by the sagging, an internal hanging was attached around the fixed permanent oval. Fig. 131. POSTS OF THE VELA. The two The weight of the vela was sufficient to make it drop considerably in the middle, what- ever caution was used in tightening the ropes: another inconvenience to be guarded against was, the action of the wind upon it. At the back of the podium wall are remain- ing many holes, which contained iron rings, run with lead, supposed to have been used to secure the blocks, through which passed perpendicular ropes, which being kept tight would obviate this inconvenience, Amphitheatre at Verona. The longest axis of the ellipsis is 495 feet; the shortest, 396 feet. That of the arena within the podium is 240 feet, and the shortest diameter 141 feet. The total circumference of the exterior wall is 1419 feet; the height which remains is about 88 feet, though originally it is said to have been upwards of 130 feet. There are forty-five ranges of seats or steps remaining, exclusive of the first, and it was calculated that 22,000 persons could have been accommodated within the walls. The outer wall is nearly demolished: it had three orders, and an attic built of coloured and white marble: the three lower had arches separated by pilasters. The mouldings of the upper story, as well as the capitals and cornices of the other two, are of white marble. All the seats are of red marble. The stones used in the construction are of large dimensions, and pass through the entire thickness of the wall; but the courses vary in height. On each story were seventy-two arches, and each had its number engraved upon it. The staircases are well contrived, and in some degree resemble those of the Coliseum. There were in all sixty-six entries, including the two great gates: six led into the arena; twelve straight passages conducted to the seats over the podium, and each had five steps. The wedges or cunei above were entered from the outer portico, by eight single stair- cases and four double ones. The fourth round had sixteen vomitories or openings, and was ascended by eight smaller staircases. CHAP. IV. 119 ROMAN. There were sixteen long rooms of considerable height, and eight smaller under the stairs. Twenty-eight dens or caves and other rooms were contrived in various parts for the animals and those who attended. The Amphitheatre at Pola in Istria, situated out of the town, is not in a very perfect state. The longest diameter from north to south is 436 feet 6 inches; the other, 346 feet 2 inches its height, 97 feet. : The exterior is rusticated, and has two orders of pilasters, the lower placed on pedestals, above which is an attic. Around the ellipsis are seventy- two arches, the extreme being both higher and wider than the others. It is built of stone from the neighbourhood, in appearance resembling marble, and based upon the solid rock. The architect who constructed this edifice placed it on the side of a hill, to economise the masonry. This amphitheatre was probably erected by Diocletian, or by Maximin: the interior is quite destroyed, not any of the division walls or seats remaining, a wide area extending to the outer wall. Amphitheatre at El Jemm in Africa is one of the most perfect, vast, and beautiful remains of this kind of structure that exists. It is situated at a short distance from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in the beylek of Tunis, from which place it is about eighty miles distant to the south, and not far from the shore of the ancient Syrtis Minor. It is probably the ancient Tysdrus or Thysdrus, five miles south-east from Elalia, and thirty-three miles from Leptiminus. This amphitheatre has four stories, each of the three lower adorned with sixty-four arches and columns: the upper is a pilastrade, with a square window in every third interpilaster. With the exception of one breach, the circuit of the walls is entire; the interior is less perfect. The inclined plane on which the seats rested remains, as do all the galleries and their vomitories. Beneath the arena are deep pits of hewn stone. The length of the building from east to west is 429 feet, the breadth 368 feet. The arena measures 238 feet by 182 feet. The floor of the first arcade is 33 feet from the level of the exterior pavement, and the height of the outer wall was probably 100 feet. The elder Gordian was proclaimed emperor in this city; and on the medals of the younger Gordian is an amphitheatre, which has occasioned some to attribute this building to him. The Amphitheatre at Arles is of an oval form, its greater diameter being 455 feet, and its smaller 338 feet. It was two stories in height, and had around it sixty arcades, built of square stone throughout; it is now so occupied by buildings of various kinds, that it can scarcely be recognised as an amphitheatre. The Circus. The chariot races of the Romans, which constituted their games during the time of the republic, supposed to be of Etruscan origin, were celebrated in the circus, which had an oblong form, terminated with a flat curve at one end, and a semicircle at the other. The arena was divided longitudinally by a spina, round which the chariots drove. The first circus was on the site of the Circus Maximus, though the buildings around were not erected till after the reign of Tarquinius Priscus In the time of Julius Cæsar, it is said by Dionysius Halicarnassus to have contained 150,000 spectators. It appears to have been considerably augmented after that period by Trajan, as Pliny tells us it would accommodate 250,000. It was enlarged by Constantine, by adding to the number of seats, without increasing the dimensions of the course, so as to contain 360,000. For a long time this was the only circus in Rome; but another was formed in the Campus Martius, without the Flaminian gate, by the consul of that name, of which not a vestige remains. Livy mentions the circus Agonalis, where the piazza Navona now stands: this was probably instituted by Numa Pompilius. The circi of Flora, of Sallust, of Nero, Hadrian, Helio- gabalus, remain only in name, not one stone being left upon another. Previous to the games, a procession of the images of the gods, drawn in sacred cars, took place, and before they commenced, the cars intended for the race were drawn up in front of the carceres, and prevented from passing out by a rope stretched to two termini: when the signal for starting was given, which was usually done by the emperor, this was dropped or withdrawn. A line, or furrow, filled with white chalk, called the alba linea, denoted the boundary that must be passed to win the victory. The circus called Caracalla's is distant from Rome about two miles: much of the walls that supported the seats, and the foundations for the two obelisks which formed the spina, remain. Its length is 1602 feet, its breadth 260 feet: the length of the spina is 922 feet. The distance from the carcere, where the horses started, to the first meta or goal, was 550 feet. These structures were in the form of a parallelogram, one end of which was semi- circular, and the other, where the carceres were placed, was the segment of a circle. Seven ranges of seats were placed around, on arches, in the same manner as in the theatres and amphithe tres. The segmental end was so arranged that the horses at starting should all have an eval stance to proceed to reach the first meta. Ridin's, of a circular form, for training, triumphal arches for the victors in the 1 4 120 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. games to pass under, all faced and adorned with marble, formed part of these magnificent establishments. The construction of this circus differs so materially from what we see in the baths of this emperor, that it is very doubtful whether it is not of a much later date. It certainly remains more perfect than any other known, and by some is considered the work of Gallienus. Baths. These monuments of Roman magnificence contained all that could contribute to the health of the body, the improvement and amusement of the vast population. Vegetius tells us that the reason the senate ordered the Campus Martius to be formed near the Tiber was, that, after exercising, the Roman youth might bathe; and 440 years after the foundation of the city, a piscina publica was constructed at the foot of the capitol near the Tiber: about the time of Augustus, baths were very generally in use; we find remains of them in England, and throughout the Roman provinces. As the names of the various apartments of the thermæ are all of Greek origin, it is inferred that the invention of them originated with that people: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Hippocrates, refer to them. To the original baths in the course of time were added the gymnasium, palæstra, spheristerium, &c., all foreign to the purposes and arrangement of the bath. At one time there were more than 800 baths in the imperial city: those of Paulus Emilius, Julius Cæsar, Agrippa, &c., were for the purpose of bathing only, and most of these were established by private individuals: but all yielded to the magnificence of the therma which succeeded them; the most remarkable of which were those of Agrippa Nero Vespasian Titus Domitian Trajan Adrian Commodus Antoninus Caracalla Alexander Severus A. D. 10 64 68 Philip 75 Decius - 90 Aurelian 110 Diocletian - 120 · 188 Constantine A. D. 217 - 230 - 245 - 250 - 272 - 295 324 The Vestiges of these are to be found in various parts of the city, but the immense destruction to which they have been subject renders it impossible to trace them with any satisfactory result: those of Titus, Caracalla, and Diocletian, alone yield any instruction to the engineer. restoration of those of Caracalla by M. Abel Blouet are so complete as to give a new existence to this species of edifices. They were the most extensive and the most magni- ficent of the edifices that adorned the capital of the ancient world; situated at the foot of Mount Aventine, between the walls of Rome and the Triumphal Way: as their name im- ports, they were founded by Caracalla, and finished in the fourth year of his reign, 217 of the Christian æra. There seems to have been great symmetry in the arrangements and proportions of the exterior, but no decoration, that being reserved for the interior, which was regulated according to prescribed rules. Some idea may be formed of their magnificence, not only by the debris now visible of the various ornaments throughout the whole of the interior, but also by the monuments of sculpture which have been found there. The most remark- able are the Hercules of Glycon, the ancient Torso, the Bull called the Farnese, the Flora, two gladiators, the two vases of granite in the Piazza Farnese, the two beautiful urns of green basalt, now in the court of the Museo Vaticano, various terra cottæ, and an infinity of other sculptures and works of art. The last granite column of the great hall was removed from these thermæ, in 1564, and given by Pope Pius IV. to the Grand Duke Cosmo de Medicis; it is now on the Piazza Trinita at Florence, where it supports a statue of Justice in porphyry. The general mass of the baths of Caracalla forms on the plan a quadrangle of 1011 feet by 1080. The principal entrance is on the smallest side, by an external portico, composed of two stories or rows of arcades one above the other, 53 in each row. These arcades have their piers ornamented with half columns, Doric above, Ionic below. They lead into a long gallery, and the piers which form it are ornamented with columns having pilasters opposite them. The three other sides of the quadrangle show external walls without decoration, two of them being backed by Mount Aventine, a part of which was cut away for them. The decoration was reserved for the internal façades, the enclosure of which contained the most important body of building, both for its ornament and the richness of its architecture. It was placed in the centre of this enclosure, between two spaces, that on the side of the portico being smaller, the other double the first, both having walks planted with trees. The internal façade of the grand enclosure in face of the portico exhibited a sort of amphitheatre or range of steps. The construction of these baths is like most of the Roman works of the kind called CHAP. IV. 121 ROMAN. Emplecton, that is to say, masonry faced with triangular bricks, the whole bound together by rows of large quadrangular tiles, placed at certain distances over each other, and traversing the whole thickness of the walls; these were coated with cement; sometimes laminæ of marble were employed entirely to face them. From a review of all that remain we find that the most complete baths consisted of six principal apartments: the first, called the Apodyterium, was appropriated to undressing, and had shelves all round on which to place the clothes, and attendants, called capsarii, took charge of them. This apartment was also called Spoliatorium: all baths had not an apodyterium, and it appears from Lucian, that where this apartment was omitted, the frigidarium was used for its purpose. The apodyterium is not named either in the gymnasium of Vitruvius, or in the palæstri described by Lucian; it is probable that there was none in the gymnasium of the Greeks, and that the frigidarium supplied the defect. The second apartment was the cold bath, called by the Romans Frigidarium; it was usually exposed to the north, and used as already stated. Galiani insists that the tepi- darium and frigidarium were the same, but the paintings that remain to us prove the contrary, nor is it the opinion of Mercurialis and Baccio. The third was the Tepidarium: its principal use seems to have been to prevent, by the temperate air which it contained, the dangerous effects of too sudden a transition from the extreme of heat to that of cold; thus in the paintings of the baths of Titus, it is seen between the frigidarium and the comamerata sudatio. According to all historians the frigidarium was united to the warm bath; hence Pliny calls it the middle chamber (cella media). Galen gives it the same name, and adds that thus it should be called, not only on account of its situation, as being the centre, but also with relation to its heat, "this chamber being as many degrees colder than the third, or the warm bath, as it was warmer than the first, or frigidarium." Although there were occasional bathers in the frigidarium and the tepidarium, still they were not generally so used, it being more common to walk through these halls or chambers at a slow pace, for it was the temperature of the air, and not that of the water, which induced so many to frequent them. The fourth apartment was that called Laconicum, from the name of the stove which warmed it, and which was introduced from Laconia: it sent forth a dry heat, by no means, says Galen, calculated for warm temperaments. Dion tells us that those who sweated in the laconicum oiled themselves, and then entered the cold bath; it was originally intended for old men and infirm persons. According to Vitruvius and the various paintings which remain from the baths of Titus, it was contiguous to tne tepidarium, and com- municated to it a more temperate heat; it was a species of stove placed generally in the angle of the apartment, circular, and surmounted by a little cupola open at top; the flame of the hypocaustum entered the laconicum, and was lessened or increased by a brazen shield suspended to a chain, by means of which, says Vitruvius, the degree of heat to be given to the apartment was regulated. In the baths of Titus, instead of the brazen shield, a globe is represented attached to a chain, which, placed over the opening through which the flame arose, served to disperse and increase its power. It is undoubted that the laconicum was only the stove or furnace: the mistakes which have arisen concerning it were occasioned by its name being frequently applied to the apartment in which it was placed; this apartment in the above painting is called comamerata sudatio, and at length the part was taken for the whole but Vitruvius makes an evident distinction, (lib. 5. chap. 10.) and he explains himself still more clearly in the following chapter, in which he reckons the stove among the apartments of the palæstri; "it should have," says he, "in one of its angles the laconicum, and in the other the warm bath." If, then, the laconicum was to be in one corner of the stove, it is clear that it was not the stove, but only a part of it; had it been so, as some insist, of what use was the comamerata sudatio? and why two stoves? The laconicum, or the stove, according to Vitruvius, had niches called sudationes, in which those who used these dry baths placed themselves, as shown in several ancient paintings. These niches were as high to the curve of the head as they were wide. The fifth apartment was the Balneum, or warm bath, called Thermolousia; it was the most frequented. Its size, says Vitruvius, "must be proportioned to the number of bathers, its width a third less than its height," without comprehending the gallery called the schola, which was continued round, and terminated on the side of the basin, by a little wall of support; this gallery was large enough to accommodate those who waited for their turns. The middle was occupied by a basin called piscina, or by a bath called alveum, as shown in a painting of the ancient balneum : the place in which they bathed was immediately under ,the window from whence the light proceeded, so that no shadow should be cast by the persons walking about. The sixth apartment was the Eleothesium or Onctuarium; in it were kept the oils and perfumes used by the bathers both on going in and out of the bath; it was so constructed as to receive a considerable quantity of heat from the hypocaustum. The Hypocaustum was a subterranean furnace, the bottom of which formed an inclined plane, gradually falling towards the opening, by which the wood was put in; Vitruvius 122 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. calls it Suspensura. It should be formed, says he, of a pavement made of large tiles of a foot and a half, laid with such inclination that if a ball were thrown in, it could not remain, but must return to the mouth of the furnace. By this means the flame rose more readily, and extended over the whole suspended floor. This was formed of large tiles placed on little piers two feet high, made of clay, so prepared as to resist the action of the fire. The hypocaustum extended under the greater number of the apartments before named. Besides the apartments especially destined for the use of the bath, there were several others connected with the exercises used before and after, such as the spheristerium, conisterium, coryceum, stadium, ephebeum, all of which made part of the gymnasium, but which did not exist in all baths, particularly in those of private individuals. The arrangements cited were variable according to the fancy and pleasure of the owner. See Pliny's Laurentium. The following description taken from the Hippias of Lucian may give an idea of the various apartments in the ancient baths. After passing the grand vestibule, we enter a spacious hall, for the use of those domestics who wait on their masters. On the left are the chambers, where they retire before quitting the bath; these are the most beautiful and agreeable of all; advancing, we enter the bath room, intended for the most opulent persons; through this apartment, on either side, are the places for putting the clothes; the centre of the space is very lofty, and well lighted, and contains three baths, of cold water, ornamented with Lacedæmonian marble; there are also two ancient marble statues, one of the Goddess of Health, the other of Esculapius: leaving this part by an oblong vaulted passage, there is a visible increase of heat throughout the building, though not disagreeably so, and you are conducted to a well lighted hall, in which are the oils and essences; it is on the right hand, and communicates with the palestræ; the two jambs of the doors are encrusted with Phrygian marble: in the contiguous apartment, this marble shines everywhere, even in the ceiling, consequently this is the finest of all; it is suf- ficiently large to permit of walking and taking exercise in it, and there are many convenient situations for sitting down. On leaving this, we enter the warm passage, which is ex- tremely long; it is encrusted with Numidian marble, and leads to a well lighted and beautiful hall, painted in purple; here are three warm baths. To go out of it, it is not necessary to retrace your steps; a shorter way leads to the cold bath across the warm room, the heat of which diminishes by degrees; all these apartments are well lighted from the top. Hippias has shown much judgment in constructing the hall which contains the cold bath, so that it has the north in front; as for the others, which demand a greater degree of heat, he has exposed them to the south, south-east, and west. By this description it appears that there was no apodyterium in the bath of Hippias ; there were only shelves for the clothes at each end of the frigidarium, which contained three cold baths. The bathers then entered the warm passage which led to the onctuarium, whence, after anointing themselves, they passed into the spheristerium, which was the largest and finest apartment; when the exercises were ended, they went to the warm bath, by a passage in which there was sufficient heat to keep up that which had been produced in the spheristerium. Thus, when arrived at the warm bath, the bathers found little difference between it and the heat of their bodies, and after having taken it, they traversed an apart- ment in which the heat gradually diminished until they arrived at the frigidarium, in which were their garments. The following description of the Greek baths is from Vitruvius. After describing the different apartments of the gymnasium, he says, at the right of the ephebeum was the coryceum, an apartment for shaving, dressing, &c.; near this was the conisterium, in which was kept the sand for the use of the wrestlers; in the corner of the peristyle is the loutron or cold bath; near this latter was the frigidarium, on going out of which was a passage which led to the propigneum; near the furnace in the corner of the portico further on, but by the side of the frigidarium, was the vaulted room for the sweating; its length was gene- rally twice its width, and the laconicum was placed at one of its angles, opposite to that of the warm bath. The arrangements of each of the apartments above named differs still more in the thermes of the Romans, although there is a certain uniformity in the plans: as there were two peristyles, we are justified in concluding that there was a double set of baths, as Varro and others prove incontestibly that the women's apartments were separated from those of the men; the observations of Martial and St. Cyprian by no means contradict this opinion; the improprieties they refer to relate to females of a licentious character. The separation of the baths is remarked in those of Caracalla; at least a large portion is pre- ceded by a vestibule, which enclosed the principal body of the building. This part is divided into fifty vaulted rooms, separated from each other, but perfectly similar; some of the baths still remain, and from one nearly entire we can deduce the manner of its arrange- ment. It is preceded by a small vestibule; the place for the bath is 31 feet long, and 15 feet 3 inches wide. The basin which receives the water is in masonry with a course of freestone, which separates it 18 inches from the wall at bottom, and from the two return CHAP. IV. 123 ROMAN. walls. The open space of the basin, between the edges, is 12 feet wide and 15 feet long; the descent to it in front was by seven or eight steps, the whole width of the bath, four to arrive at the edge, and three or four to descend to the bottom, so that those who washed might seat themselves on the edge. The bath was lighted by an opening in the upper part of the lower wall. In this part of the thermæ a thousand persons might bathe at once: the water was only lukewarm, because it came from the warm baths of the thermæ, of which these latter formed the enclosure; it then flowed out by means of pipes into a large piscina, for the use of those who wished to exercise themselves in swimming. In the return of the façades to the right and left were other baths for individuals of opulence or superior rank. Instead of basins were bathing vessels, of copper, marble, porphyry, granite, or basalt; there were also seats of marble or porphyry, a great number of which are still seen in Rome. Olympiodorus asserts that in the therma of Caracalla there were 1600 seats of this kind. The rotunda or great hall was 111 feet in diameter; this was supposed to be the cella solearis or the hall of sandals, of which Spartian speaks in these terms: "Architects and mechanicians agree in saying that the cella solearis is an inimitable thing." There is reason to believe that it received the name of solearis because the bars of copper and brass which formed its floor, according to some, and its ceiling according to others, somewhat resembled the interlacing of the sandals of the ancient Romans. There were also plates of copper or brass which ornamented the architraves of the windows and doors, and other parts of the rotunda: it contained a great number of bathing vessels for warm water. • No subject has caused more discussion among the learned than the manner in which the numerous baths and bathing vessels were supplied with warm water. For if we suppose, which is by no means an exaggerated computation, that each vessel in the baths of Dio- cletian was capable of containing six bathers, eighteen thousand could be accommodated at once in the building. As there remains no vestige which can decide the various conjectures as to the means by which the water could be conducted into these vessels, it has generally been agreed to adhere to the explanation of Vitruvius. Baccius has treated this subject better than any other modern writer; he has imagined that the water might come from the reservoirs outside the thermæ, and that they were obliged to make use of machines to raise it to the height which his examination of the baths of Diocletian induced him to suppose was necessary: this idea was suggested to him, in consequence of finding that a vast number of pipes were taken out from an area, where there had never been any buildings, and were all surrounded by other pipes which came from the hypocaustum; the various difficulties in which this view of the subject is involved induced him, after serious reflection, to abandon any further hypothesis. Piranesi has given the sections of two reservoirs which show that the quantity of water required to supply the baths of Antoninus Caracalla was easily obtained; it flowed from the aqueduct of Antoninus Caracalla, a part of which passed by the Appian Way. It appears by the plan of this vast reservoir, that immediately above the hypocaustum were twenty- eight vaulted chambers, forming two ranges of fourteen each, and communicating with each other; the sections show that above these chambers there were twenty-eight others, although one only communicated with the lower rooms by means of an open- ing, through which the water passed into the lower chambers immediately over the hypocaustum. Over all the rooms was a spacious reservoir, not very deep, but which occupied the whole length of the great reservoir, and in which the water was considerably warmed by the sun before passing into the chambers; this reservoir did not receive the water immediately from the aqueduct, but from a cistern, through which it was made to flow as slowly as possible, so that its surface should not receive the slightest agitation, which would greatly prevent the effect of the sun's rays upon it. When not required for the baths in the lower rooms, it flowed out of an opening in the side of the cistern, the water in the reservoir remaining the while in perfect repose. Thus the cistern answered two purposes, the preventing any agitation in the reservoir, and the carrying away the surplus water. When the twenty-eight vaulted apartments, which were immediately above the hypocaustum, became warmed, the heat they acquired augmented with the greater rapidity, as there was only one of the chambers which communicated with the outer air. Pipes were employed to give the water sufficient heat for the use of the bath; there were also pipes from the hypocaustum, which acted as reservoirs of tepid water to the lower rooms. When the hour for the bath arrived, the valves were turned, to allow the warm water in the lower rooms to flow into the baths, which it did with great rapidity; it rose in the therma to a perpendicular height equal to the surface of the great reservoir; its course was accelerated, in consequence of its great tendency to dilate or expand after being shut up in the rooms. If the pressure of the column of tepid water was not greater than the diameter of the column of warm water which flowed from the lower rooms, it was at least equal to it. To prevent the water from cooling in passing through the subterranean pipes, care was taken to surround them with other pipes which came from the entrance of the hypocaustum, so that these latter were in the centre of a 124 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. species of cavity, and acquired a considerable quantity of heat before the water entered them. Each of the chambers was within the walls, 49 feet 6 inches long, 27 feet 6 inches wide, and about 30 feet high; the number of superficial feet of the bottom of the chambers was 38,115, allowing 30 feet for the mean height; the quantity of water contained in the lower rooms amounted to 1,143,450 cubic feet, and it must be supposed that the upper rooms contained an equal quantity of water; consequently, if we give to each bather 8 cubic feet of warm water, supposing that the water preserved its heat for half an hour, sufficient time for a person to bathe, 18,000 persons consumed 144,000 cubic feet of warm water; according to this calculation, there was for the space of three hours, or till five o'clock in the evening, a sufficient quantity of water in the thermæ for 108,000 persons; it must, however, be acknowledged that the water cooled gradually in flowing from the upper rooms. The ancients do not inform us how they discovered the method of heating such large volumes of water, nor do we know whether it was an invention of the Romans or Orientals. We may reasonably suppose that it does not date further back than the time of Augustus, as Dion Cassius informs us, that it was in his reign Mæcenas built the first warm bath for swimming. This, or some other similar method, must have been adopted in the thermes of the Romans. It is evident that the vases described by Vitruvius would have been inadequate to furnish water to those vast buildings which Ammianus Marcellinus compares to provinces; but they were used in private baths, as we shall relate. The water for the baths, says Vitruvius, was heated by means of three copper vessels, so arranged that it flowed from one into the other; one was called the caldarium, the other the tepidarium, and the third the frigidarium; these vases were placed so that the Fig. 132. FRIGIDARIUM. TEPIDARIUM. CALDARIUM. one which contained the warm water received as much tepid water from the tepidarium, as the latter did cold water; thus the same quantity was constantly maintained. "It is not easy," says the Marquis Galiani, "to form a very correct idea of the situation of these vases on the furnace." Cæsare Cisarano and Caporali have figured them one over the other, or one within the other, placing the frigidarium on the tepidarium, and this on the caldarium, which stood immediately over the furnace; but the great difficulty in this arrangement is that the heat, by the tendency of the flame to ascend, would be more likely to act upon the frigidarium. Perrault, on the contrary, places the three vases on a level, and imagines there must have been syphons to conduct the water from one vase to the other; but without a piston, or some other expedient, the water could not rise to descend again. This Perrault does not explain. From what we can judge of the paintings in the ancient baths of Titus, it would appear that the three vases were placed on three steps, so that the bottom of the water in one is on a level with the opening of the other, whence it is easy to understand how they can flow one into the other; the Marquis Galiani, however, does not believe this to be the true arrangement, and imagines that it is made so in the picture merely to convey a better idea of this transversion from one vessel to the other. The following are his conjectures on the subject. "I think that these three vases are all on a level, the caldarium immediately over the furnace, the tepidarium a little further off, so as to experience the reverberation of the fire, rather than the fire itself; the frigidarium still more removed, on a heap of masonry which the flames could not touch. There was in the bottom a tube of communication from one vase to the other. From the caldarium to the baths was a pipe, whence by a tap the quantity of water required was drawn. Another pipe brought the water from the reservoir to the frigidarium, and maintained itself at the same level. All the drawings hitherto given to illustrate the descriptions of Vitruvius appear to require the superintendence of a servant to effect the transversion." Nevertheless this author leaves us to understand, that the operation was effected by itself, and without CHAP. IV. 125 ROMAN. the assistance of any one; according to him, it appears clear that three volumes of water being level, a vase fills in proportion to what it loses, attention being paid to the placing the bottoms of the vases each a little higher than the other, so that the caldarium should be the lowest, and the frigidarium the highest; there was no fear that the order of the trans- version should be reversed; that inconvenience might even be obviated by stoppers placed at the entrance of the tubes of communication. "We There was also another manner of heating the baths, which Seneca describes thus. have a species of high narrow vases, in the form of dragons and other things, in which pipes of thin copper are placed in a spiral order, that the water, by frequently circulating through the same space, may become heated. As the warm water flows out, the cold water flows in, and all that passes acquires the same degree of heat." Seneca shows the advantage of this proceeding, and tells us, that the tube through which the fluid descended, having no communication with the fire, the vapours were not mixed with the smoke. Probably this was not a general method; there is reason to believe that it was only adopted by the rich. These vessels derived their name either from the animals which they represented, or from the quantity of water which they contained; there was necessarily a hole towards the bottom of the basin to conduct the warm water, and when the proper warmth was obtained for use, and the tap was turned to let it flow into the lower extremity of the pipe, the cold water entered the pipe by the upper, and descended as the warm water was drawn out: when the water which had first been heated had passed through the spiral tubes, the cold which had come in descended to the bottom of the pipe, after having been warmed in its passage, in proportion to the length and diameter of the pipe, to the quantity of water in the vessel, and to the degree of heat at which it had been maintained by means of the fire. The water was enclosed in such a manner as to prevent its sudden evaporation, which would have occasioned the introduction of cold water, and this would have abstracted from the pipe the degree of heat necessary for the use of the bath. It is improbable that all these refinements of luxury and effeminacy were known to the Greeks, with whom the baths were only part of the gymnasium, whilst under the emperors the gymnasium formed part of the baths; it is quite certain that all such delicacies were not practised among the early Romans; in the best ages of the republic, the pro- ceedings and customs of the bath were as simple as the edifices which contained them. It will be interesting to recal the parallel which Seneca has made between the bath of Scipio Africanus and those of his time. "There are persons who consider Scipio as unrefined, for not having wide win- dows to his warm bath. How unhappy was he, say they; he knew not how to enjoy life! It is true that he did not always bathe in limpid water; it was often troubled, and even muddy in time of rain. But it was unimportant to him what water he used, for, using no perfumes, he washed merely to cleanse his body. His bath was small and dark, according to the custom of the ancients, for our ancestors imagined that a bath could not be warm without darkness. How delightful is it to compare the manners of Scipio with ours. This, then, is the hovel in which that great man bathed,—he who was the terror of Carthage, and to whom we owe it that our city was only once taken: he lived under that humble roof, he walked on that vile pavement; now, who would bathe thus? We think ourselves poor and miserable if we do not trample under foot mosaics and precious marbles; the marbles of Numidia are united to the stones of Thasus; the light is reflected from crystal, the water flows into the baths by taps of silver, and this is only for the people: what if I were to describe the baths of our freedmen, the crowds of statues, the multitudes of columns supporting nothing, only placed there for decoration, and on account of their dearness? With what noise does the water precipitate itself into the places destined to receive it. Our luxury has arrived at such a point, that we will no longer walk on any thing but precious stones. Instead of windows, the bath of Scipio had small openings in the stone walls, which, without diminishing their strength, only give the requisite light; now the baths would be called caves, if the windows were not of an immeasurable height, so as to admit the rays of the sun during the whole day, if we did not burn in bathing, and if from one's seat we did not see the country or the sea: formerly the baths were of small number, and without ornament, &c. &c." We learn by this letter of Seneca to what a point of magnificence luxury was carried in the edifices destined for the bath, and the recital is quite conformable with the remains that are still left us; in the greater number we see the rich covering of the walls. In the bath room or hall recently discovered at Otricoli are still preserved fragments of the rarest mar- bles; its pavement was formed of that mosaic which is now the principal ornament in the Musæum Vaticanum. In the baths of Titus the walls were covered with marble to about the height of 10 feet, to preserve the paintings which decorated the walls from being injured by the splashing of the water. It appears that in these baths, a portion of the rooms, par- ticularly those intended for the warm baths, had no window; at least none has been dis- covered. When it became a custom to frequent the baths at night, luxury took advantage of the $126 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. necessity, by lighting them with lamps and candelabræ, which contributed greatly to their decoration. The most magnificent we now see at Rome were found in the therma; their light was thrown on crystal balls, according to Seneca, placed in the vaulting, or on the walls, so as to produce the most dazzling reflection: the introduction of glass as a decoration belongs to the time of Pliny, who calls it a modern invention; it did not exist according to him in the time of Agrippa, whose baths were decorated with coloured tiles, or a stucco called Albarium Opus; in one excavation, the vaultings were thrown into compartments of stucco, painted and gilt. All the walls and masses composing them were built in rough masonry, filled up with smaller stones, the facings of which were of brick covered with stucco, ornamented with paintings, marbles, and precious stones. Generally every apartment was vaulted in the same kind of masonry; but in order to produce more lightness, tufa, pumice-stone, or extremely light lava, were used. The large apartments in the baths of Caracalla were vaulted. The pavement was formed of masonry covered with stucco or mosaic. The six apartments of which the ancient baths were composed were thus arranged: In the first there was nothing remarkable but the shelves or closets, in which were placed the clothes of the bathers. In the second was the cold bath, called Lavacrum by the Romans, where was the basin, in which several persons could bathe at a time. It was of granite or marble, and sometimes of masonry covered with a strong cement, or capped by an edge of freestone: this cement acquired by time more hardness than stone; vessels were often made of a single piece, impe- netrable to water; and as it is in the angles that square vessels generally became injured, care was taken to round them all internally; the bottom was so hollowed as to be deepest in the middle; they were finished by an edge or return on three sides only, called the labrum, and the centre alveum. Vitruvius, lib. 6. cap. 10. says, that the size or capacity of the basin should be proportioned to the number of persons intended to bathe, but they should not be less than 6 feet wide, two of which were given to the lower step and the lip; the length should be one and a half the width. The fourth side of the basin, which was that by which it was entered, was occupied by the steps which led to the bottom; beyond the edge or lip, and around the three sides, was a balustrade to separate those who were bathing from those who waited for their turn, on which account, between the balustrade and the walls of the hall, there was a gallery called schola, which was required to be sufficiently wide to accommodate all who were to replace the bathers; this gallery was paved in marble; the walls, as well as the cement which covered them, required to be made with care and precaution, on account of the humidity occasioned by the evaporation of the water. Perrault, in his translation of Vitruvius, imagined that the baths were lighted by an opening in the centre of the vault; but it appears that Vitruvius himself says, that the bath should be placed under the light of the window, so that the shadow of those who are around it should not intercept the rays, which would lead to the supposition that there was no gallery on the side of the window. There are several of these cold baths in the thermæ of Caracalla, one of which remains in a vaulted hall, preceded by a small vestibule with a portico, said to have been added by Septimius Severus. The apartment is 31 feet long, and 15 feet 3 inches wide; the basin is in masonry, with an edge in freestone, which separates it 18 inches from the bottom wall, and the two returns: the hollow of the basin between the edges is 12 feet wide, by 15 feet long: the descent is in front, by seven or eight steps, which are the whole width of the hall, viz. four to arrive at the edge of the bath, and three or four to descend to the bottom, so that those who washed could sit on the edge, which was round the three sides. The bottom and sides are covered with a very thick and hard cement; the surface being crystallised, which probably greatly contributed to its hardness; such incrustations are apparent in all reservoirs and receptacles for water throughout Rome, the water having the property of petrifying, if we may so term it, the surface of all cements, which are moreover well mixed, and made with the greatest care. This hall was lighted by a semicircular window opened at the top of the lower wall, against which the baths were formed. Along the side of the therma which is to the north-east there are fifty apartments, apparently destined for the same purpose, so that a thousand persons might bathe at a time; the water must have been tepid, for it appears by the pipes and conduits which are left, that it came from the warm baths of the great thermæ, of which these baths formed, as it were, the inclosure; between the baths, and at nearly equal distances, were the remains of four large staircases, of two rampes, which led to the thermæ, the soil of which was 20 feet higher than that of the baths. The whole edifice was built on the declivity of the mount Aventine, so that the first served as the substructure or foundation of the upper soil. All the walls and vaults are in masonry, faced in brick, and covered with cement of mortar; the pavement is in masonry, which proves that the baths were only destined for the common people. CHAP. IV. 127 ROMAN. Construction and Arrangement of the Furnaces and Conduits for Heat.- Vitruvius gives very circumstantial detail on this subject. "We must begin," says he, "by making an inclined area, laid with large bricks 1 feet square. This area should be so disposed, that a ball thrown in at the door of the furnace should not be able to stop in any part, but should return to the door; in this manner the flame or heat should extend through all the turns and voids of the conduits formed under the pavement. Fig. 133. HYPOCAUSTUM. To form the double floor which covers these voids, and which Vitruvius calls Suspensura, there were constructed at equal distances little brick pillars, 8 inches square, at 2 feet distant from centre to centre. These pillars should be about 2 feet high, in the part where the inclination was the lowest. When well levelled, bricks 2 feet square were so placed, that each pillar re- ceived the angles of four bricks, and there remained round each pillar 16 inches of void above this brick floor, carried by the pillars, was spread a layer of broken tile mixed with chalk, co- vered with a fine ce- ment, or a pavement of mosaic; that the bricks which rested on the pillars might not break before the whole had acquired sufficient consistency to sustain itself inde- Fig. 134. PLAN OF PIPES OF TERRA COTTA. I O Fig. 135. SECTION OF PIPES AT POMPEN. pendently of the brick, the space between one Fig. 136. Fig. 137. pillar and the other was arched. Among the ruins of Pompeii are the remains of a private bath with stoves; the double floor in suspensura formed nearly in the same manner, with this difference, that instead of little pillars in brick, they are pipes of terra cotta, made on purpose; these pipes are ter- minated by two square tiles, with a hole in the middle; they are 19 inches high, and about 4 inches in thickness about the middle: the square at bottom is 8 inches, and that at top 6 inches; no doubt this form was given for the purpose of a greater base; the pipes were placed upright on an inclined bed, as prescribed by Vitruvius; this is laid in large bricks, 8 inches square, each pipe so placed that it covers the joint where the angles of the tiles unite, so that they are 18 inches apart from centre to centre. Above the pipes is a plat- form made by a double row of bricks, also 18 inches square, each placed on four pipes ; on this double platform is a bed of mortar, made of pozzolana, covered with a mosaic pave- ment. The place which served as a stove was small; its plan is a rectangle, 10 feet long, by 5 wide, terminated by a niche forming a seat at bottom; the entrance is by a very small door, which is at the other extremity in an angle: as the walls are half demolished, and they have scarcely more than 2 or 3 feet of elevation, it is not possible to ascertain whether it was 128 Боок І. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. vaulted, which is very probable, but it is still less possible to decide in what manner it was lighted. The pavement of this stove, as well as of the warm bath at the side, is raised about 2 feet 6 inches above that of the place in which is the entrance of the furnace. There is also the remains of a leaden pipe which conveyed the water into the warm baths; its external diameter is about 2 inches. In these apartments were the vases or kettles in which the water was warmed; there is no vestige of the laconicum, but at the side of the furnace there is a square recess in the wall with a bench, the situation of which must have been much warmer than that of the niche at the bottom, so that persons could place themselves either in one or the other, according to the greater or less degree of heat desired. In another part of the same ruins was a stove of a circular plan, with a step and niches around; it is lighted by a round hole about 1 feet in diameter, made in the middle of the vault; this hole might have been the situation of the brazen shield, to be raised or lowered for the purpose of increasing or diminishing the heat. A bath was discovered at Rome, in which the basin was covered with a coating of cement so hard, that it was impossible to dissolve it sufficiently to analyse its substance, it was a Roman palm thick, and capable of resisting not only the heat of the water, but the action of any heat whatever. The Romans having introduced the use of the bath wherever they had carried their arms, we find remains of them in their most distant provinces. At Wroxeter in the county of Shropshire was discovered a small square room, the pavement of which was con- structed in the folllowing manner : — there were four rows of pillars in brick 8 inches square, put together with very fine red cement; they were placed on a bed of bricks a foot square; the platform above the pillars was formed by bricks 2 feet square, and of extraor- dinary hardness; the bed above was composed of a mortar of broken tiles and large gravel; round the internal walls were fixed by iron clamps pipes whose inferior extremity abutted against the platform of large bricks, which formed the floor above the pillars; the other end came to the surface of the upper pavement; it was covered by a row of bricks; each pipe had two opposite holes to communicate the heat. Six miles from Chester, a part of a bath recognised as Roman construction was discovered. in which was a hypocaustum surrounded by walls cut in the rock. The lower pavement was of brick laid in cement; the platform was supported by brick pillars, which appeared to have been polished, and had in several places holes above which were brick tiles, to distribute the heat. On some of the bricks were inscribed LEG. XX., whence it was inferred that this hypocaustum had been constructed by the twentieth legion, which was called the "Victorious." With regard to the vaults of the warm baths, Vitruvius says that it is better to make them in masonry than in carpentry, but when a floor is required, there should be underneath a filling-up of terra cotta, made in the following manner. Bars or arcs of iron must be sus- pended to the carpentry with clamps of the same metal, placed sufficiently close, that from one to the other there may be put flat tiles without edges, so that a vault may be formed isolated from the floor and entirely suspended by iron; over it should be laid a coating of clay mixed with hair, and the under side towards the pavement should be first covered with cement, and then finished with polished stucco; the vault would be better if double, in order that the vapour, which might penetrate the first, should be stopped by the second, and thus preserve the carpentry from humidity. The Therma discovered in 1824 at Pompeii are highly interesting, as they exhibit the arrangements of such an establishment out of the Imperial city; they occupy an irregular quadrilateral space north of the forum, and were entered from the street by a small passage which opened into a court 60 feet in length, on two sides of which was a Doric portico, on the other a crypt, over which was a second story. At the opposite angle of the court was another exit, where was situated the latrina; to this succeeded a sort of pronaos with seats, which was vaulted and lighted at night by a lamp, so placed that its rays fell into the ehambers around. This lamp was protected by a circular convex glass, the fragments of which were discovered. From the court the bathers passed to another chamber, in which were found above 500 lamps, made of terra cotta, with various devices upon them; this room was the frigidarium, and served also as the spoliatorium, apodyterium, or apolyterium, or the place where the clothes were left; many holes still remain in the walls in which the pegs were inserted, on which were hung the garments of the bathers, and which were called Caprarii, probably from resembling two horns. This spacious chamber is vaulted from a projecting cornice, decorated with griffins and lyres richly painted. The vault is panelled, coloured red and white, and the pavement is mosaic. The walls were coloured yellow, around which was a stone seat with a step a little elevated above the floor. At each end was a window, similar to the one remaining on the south end, and which opened upon the cemented roof of one of the chambers. This window had a plate of thick glass, slightly ground on one side, and secured by copper bars. Another room contained the natatio, or swimming bath; in the time of Pliny, it was called baptisterium. This chamber is perfect; CHAP. IV. 129 ROMAN. nothing is wanting but the water to fit it for its purposes, which gushed from a copper pipe, about 4 feet from the floor, and fell into the cistern. The plan of this room is a circle enclosed in a square; in the angles are four alcoves; the diameter is 18 feet 6 inches, and round the whole runs a walk about 2 feet 4 inches wide. The piscina, 12 feet 10 inches in diameter, is surrounded by a seat, 11 inches wide, at about 10 inches below the lip, and 2 feet 4 inches from the bottom; so that the water was about 3 feet in depth. A convenient step led out of the bath, and proper channels were provided to empty it. The whole of this arrangement was of white marble. The dome or roof was conical, painted blue, and had an aperture near the top toward the south-west, which admitted light and air; the side walls were painted yellow with portions green. The alcoves, which were 5 feet 2 inches wide, and 2 feet in depth, were painted blue, and the hemispherical parts red. The cornice surrounding the room was 8 feet from the floor, 18 inches high, and coloured red; this was ornamented with stuccoed figures on foot, on horseback, and in chariots. This The tepidarium, a beautiful vaulted apartment, discovered in 1824, contained three bronze seats, inscribed with the name of the donor, Marcus Negidius Vacula. The legs re- sembled those of the cow, the head of the animal forming an ornament to the upper parts. This apartment was warmed by a large foculare or brasier given by the same person. bronze vessel with thirteen battlemented summits, and a lotus at the angles, was 7 feet long, and 2 feet 6 inches broad. In the centre was a bronze cow. To resist the heat of the embers the bottom had brass bars, on which were bricks, supporting pumice-stone, for the reception of the wood ashes or embers. The pavement of the tepidarium was of white mosaic with two small black borders; the ceiling was painted, the walls crimson. Under the pave- ment was a continued hypocaustum to warm the apartment. Round this room, 4 feet 3 inches above the pavement, and 1 foot 2 inches in height, was a sinall cornice, on which figures of giants, about 2 feet in height, formed of terra cotta, were placed, projecting about a foot from the wall, and distant about fifteen inches apart; their arms stretched out to assist in bearing the superimposed weight of an entablature 1 foot 5 inches in height, which rested upon the heads of these telami. The caldarium, on account of the steam that was produced by the laconicum, was not very highly decorated; there was not only an hypocaustum under the floor, but the walls were constructed so as to allow warm air to circulate around it. This was effected, not by flues, but by a lining of tiles, connected with the outer wall by cramps of iron, a space of 4 inches being left for the hot air to ascend from the furnace below; it was lighted by win- dows from the top. The walls are painted yellow, the pilasters and cornice red, and the alcove blue and red. In the centre of the latter was the labrum, of white marble, 8 feet in diameter and 8 inches in depth, in the middle of which was placed a brass tube for throwing up the water. This chamber was 37 feet long and 17 feet 4 inches in width. From the pavement of the caldarium, which was of white tessera with two small black borders, the bathers ascended by two steps to a third, also of marble, 16 inches in breadth, which formed the brink of the vase of hot water. A step, dividing the whole depth of the cistern, which did not exceed two feet, permitted them to immerse themselves by degrees in the hot water. The entire length of this cistern is 15 feet, and the breadth 4 feet, so that ten persons might at one time occupy it. The hot water entered at the angles immediately from a cauldron placed on the other side of the wall. In the roof were four openings for the ad- mission of light, which probably were glazed or closed with vela of linen cloth. The caldarium was the bath, or the vessel containing the hot water, adjoining which was the laconicum, for the purpose of producing respiration. The furnace contained three cauldrons, placed one above another, in which were three varieties of water, that at the top being the coldest, that immediately over the furnace always boiling, and as it was dis- charged, a fresh supply was obtained from the middle cauldron, which was in a tepid state. These cauldrons were supplied by pipes from leaden cisterns called Miliaria. When we survey the ruins of the baths, we cannot but regret that we have not es- tablishments in all modern cities, where the inhabitants, both rich and poor, might attain the first elements of health: cleanliness by the ancients seems to have been much more considered and encouraged than by us, for there were hot and cold water baths established in every town. The following verses of one of the poets give some idea of what a Roman underwent before he commenced his toilet. "Scabor, suppilor, desquamor, pumicor, ornor, Expilor, pingor," &c. &c. And to accommodate the multitude, many of these washing and bathing establishments were upon such a scale as to resemble towns, where every citizen, whatever his condition, could enjoy daily, without trouble or expense, the luxury of the bath. Our crowded and populous manufacturing towns need the use of thermæ more than the provinces of the Imperial city; the workmen, early and late, should have the opportunity as well as induce- K 130 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. ment to enter the bath; and in all well regulated workshops, it ought to be made a duty of the first consideration, to adopt habits of cleanliness: were this done, health would be assured, and longevity be much more frequently met with. At Bath the Romans had several establishments for bathing; hypocausts and tubulated tiles are constantly met with when fresh ground is broken. This city in the Itineraries of Antoninus and Richard of Cirencester is called Aqua Solis; and there are found also altars to Sulinis Minerva, the Solar Minerva, or the Minerva Medica, which clearly indicate that it was much resorted to by invalids in those days. Baths at Baden-weiler, a plan of which is given in the edition of Vitruvius published at Berlin by Rode, contains a set of baths for men and women, with the apartments required by those who attended them. A, was the position of the hypocaust, B, the furnace, C, the K I E B D D A 100 1 K Fig. 138. BATHS AT BADEN-WEILER. caldaria; D, vaulted sudatories; E, tepidaria; F, frigidaria; G, rooms which had floors, like those of the caldaria, heated by the stoves; H, vestibules; I, elaeothesia, and K, exedrae. This arrangement forms one of the best illustrations to the description given us by Vitruvius, although upon so small a scale. Baths at Stura.-Near Antium, at the mouth of the small river Stura, now called the Conca, are the remains of some baths built in the sea. A, is a grand court surrounded by Fig. 139. M HE 00 E D C 00 蛋蛋 ​K BATHS AT STURA. L CHAP. IV. 131 ROMAN. columns; B, is the vestibule conducting to the baths; C, a hall communicating with the sea baths; D, is now occupied by the tower of the Stura; E, projects into the sea, at the ex- tremity of which is the mole; F and G, are large, and H and I, smaller swimming baths, sur- rounded by rooms for the convenience of the bathers; L, M, are passages and approaches from the side towards the town. Baths at Nismes, situated north of the city, are supplied by a clear stream, and have been decorated with considerable taste: Palladio, Clerisseau, and many French architects, have shown great skill in their restoration. A, is a large court, surrounded by a covered peristyle, B; the lower portion of the baths is shown at C; the source of the water is at D, which is entered by winding stairs at E, E; a bridge over the canal remains at F; M H L A 10:0 G ЛЕГИНИАНЕНИНИЙ E Fig. 140. BATHS AT NISMES. another reservoir is shown at G, which passes by the canal H into different private baths; I, is the direction given to the waters on issuing from the baths; L, is a small temple dedicated to the presiding divinity, and M, another small reservoir. For warming their houses the Romans had a very simple and admirable method; the word caminus, from the Greek kaminos, whence our word chimney is derived, would in- dicate that they had flues something like our own. The etymology leads to this sup- position, but we must take into consideration the various uses and forms to which it alluded. The terms caminus and focus were applied both to the place in which the fire was lighted and to the fire itself; hence it is doubtful to which they referred. Focus is used indifferently for a brasier or any of the portable fireplaces in which charcoal was burnt, or for a place where wood was consumed. Vitruvius, in his account of houses to be built in the country, used the word focus when alluding to the kitchen fireplace. The kitchen, this author states, should be placed in the warmest part of the court, adjoining to which should be the stalls for the oxen, with the mangers at the same time towards the fire and towards the east, for oxen with their faces towards the light and fire do not get rough coated. The word caminus probably meant at first a furnace for melting metals, in which a crucible was made use of; and Pliny has the word applied to a smith's forge. It also in- dicated a hearth. Seneca, in his 90th Epistle, gives us an account of a method introduced in his day to warm an apartment. A large stove, or several, were formed in a vault under a building, and these being filled with burning embers, the heat was conveyed away into the several rooms by means of pipes built up in the walls, the upper ends of which were ornamented with a lion's or a dolphin's head, and through their mouths passed the warm air; these could be shut or opened at pleasure. These pipes, made square, of terra cotta, were laid in indents in the side walls around the whole apartment in a perpendicular direction, and acted as so many flues or chimneys from the fireplace below. This was a species of hypocaustum under the floor, like that described in the baths, and the little smoke produced by burning wood in the prefurnium passed up the numerous perpendicular flues in the wall; these, being made of thin burnt clay, radiated all the heat they absorbed into the room, and very little could have passed away after having circulated through such a length of pipe, where the draught was so much divided. The manner of warming our greenhouses bears some resemblance to this method, par- ticularly where the flues are carried under the pavement, within a walled trench, into which K 2 192 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. air is admitted, and, after warming, is suffered to pass through apertures in the pavement prepared for the purpose. In the Roman hypocaustum the fire was laid at the mouth or at the foot of the prefurnium, and the air passed over it, in the same way that it does in a malt kiln, into a chamber under the floor of the apartment to be warmed. The floor, being larger than the top of the kiln, was supported by small pillars, and the heat, instead of passing through it, was made to circulate around the walls and lose itself in its cir- cumambulation. These species of hypocausta were common in the country houses of the Romans. Under the rooms of many of their villas are found a hollow space, from 2 to 3 feet high; the floor being supported upon flat tiles which rest upon a series of small brick pillars built with fire-clay, or with a cement not containing any calcareous matter likely to be acted upon by a strong heat. Along the sides are still found the square pipes of burnt clay which carried off the rarified air from this subterranean chamber into the apartments around or above the triclinium or room immediately over the space first warmed. A narrow passage usually led to the mouth of the furnace; this being vaulted, and having an aperture at the end to admit air, acted as a blower to the furnace or blazing wood placed at the mouth of the hypocaustum. De la Valle observes that the Persians warm their apartments by stoves made under ground; these are a species of cauldron, in size and shape like a small barrel, which are placed in an iron vessel filled with burning coals. The barrel or stove is covered with a wooden top over which is laid a carpet; the embers are excited to burn more strongly by means of a small tube, which acts as a blowpipe: here the air admitted into the barrel becomes warmed, as it does in the oven of a French poele, and may be diffused throughout the apartment. By the introduction of warm air, thus admirably circulating throughout a Roman house, there was no need of a chimney shaft like those we require to carry off the smoke from a coal fire; and Vitruvius makes no mention of such contrivance. He says that cornices and carved mouldings should be omitted in rooms where fires are lighted, because they are subject to be injured by the smoke. It is true they had open fires, as they have in Italy at present, made in chafing-dishes or brasiers, which were placed in the middle of the apart- ment. These are very handsome, and are supported upon a tripod, or made to resemble a walled town with towers in miniature. The wood used was the white and common willow, which produced little smoke and few sparks. They first peeled off the rind, and then laid it some time in water, after which they exposed it to the sun and air to dry. Sometimes this wood was soaked in oil lees, or had oil poured upon it, or was partly burnt in the open air, before it was introduced into an apartment, when it was called ligna cocta, and under such a term it was sold at Rome. The warehouses called tabernæ coctiliariæ were very numerous, and many persons were employed to prepare wood for fuel, or to rid it of its smoky qualities. Harbours and Buildings in Water.-When a harbour was to be formed, the Romans made choice of such situations as would ensure safety to their vessels in stormy weather, and preferred those bays which were protected by long promontories jutting considerably into the sea, and forming curves and angles. Around these, porticoes, arsenals, and market-places were esta- blished, and the mouth of the harbour was secured by iron chains, suspended by means of machinery contained in two towers at the entrance. When nature had not so provided, and the shore was flat, they constructed piers by throwing into the sea heaps of stones, which they projected to a vast distance in the following manner. An earth was procured between Cuma and the promontory of Minerva, which, when mixed in one proportion of lime to two of the earth, had the property of hardening under water. When the situation of the pier was determined upon, dams were formed in the sea by driving oak piles, secured firmly together with chain pieces. Between two ranges of piles thus driven, the earth was taken out, and the bed properly levelled; mortar, composed as above, was then thrown into the space between the piles, together with a proportional quantity of stones, until it was entirely filled. If the sea was too deep or violent for this method to be pursued, they constructed on the margin of the sea a foundation of the greatest possible strength, with courses of stone laid horizontally throughout rather less than half its length; the remainder, which was towards the sea, was made to incline. On the side towards the water, and on the flanks of the inclined plane, walls were built, projecting over the face eighteen inches, after which the whole was filled with sand to the level of the horizontal part. On this sand they commenced building a wall, which was raised as high as possible without incurring danger; this was left for a couple of months exposed to the action of the air, that the whole might harden. The walls inclosing the sand were then removed, and the sea, washing against the sand, speedily carried it away; the whole mass then sliding on the inclined plane, was shot into the water, and this sort of operation was continued until a sufficient number of artificial blocks were constructed to form the mole or pier required. Sidonius Apolli- naris, in his panegyric of Anthemius the consul, says: "The new land advances into the sea, and its mass contracts the old ocean; Dicarhean dust when thrown into the water becomes solid, and the hard mass sustains fields, thrown into the foreign waves." This kind CHAP. IV. 133 ROMAN. of work was accomplished by merely throwing into the ocean the earth obtained from Puteoli, which, when immersed in the sea, became as solid and compact as a hard rock : this earth was a compound of alumina, bitumen, and sulphur, not differing much from that found at Cyzicena, which, when cut into large blocks and sunk under water, had the property of hardening. The younger Pliny, lib. vi. let. 32., writing from the neighbourhood of Ostia, describes the progress made at the port of Centocellæ, thus enabling us to judge of the method by which the Romans conducted such operations. "The left hand of the port is defended by exceeding strong works, and they are now employed in carrying on the same on the opposite side. An artificial island, which is rising at the mouth of the haven, will break the force of the waves, and afford a safe Fig. 141. CENTOCELLE. ! channel to ships on each side. In the construction of this wonderful instance of art, stones of a most enormous size are transported either in a large sort of pontoon or raft, and, being piled one upon another, are fixed by their own weight, and gradually accumulate in the manner of a natural mound. It already lifts its rocky back above the ocean, while the waves which beat upon it, being tossed to an immense height, foam with a prodigious noise, and whiten all the sea around. To these stones are added large blocks, which, when the whole shall be completed, will give it the appearance of an island just emerged from the sea. The above was written from his villa at Centocellæ. "" Ostia was formed into a port in the year of Rome 132, by Ancus Martius, who also con- structed the first wooden bridge over the Tiber; and here, in after times, were three separate ports, affording secure retreat to vessels on that dangerous coast, constructed by Augustus, Claudius, and Trajan: the latter, that alluded to by Pliny, was destroyed by the changes which took place in the bed of the Tiber. The ancient port of Ostia was about half a league from the sea, and five leagues south-west of Rome, near the mouth of the Tiber. At Porto, now a small village, and a league from Ostia, on the other side of the Tiber, are considerable remains of the town which the emperors Claudius and Trajan caused to be built. The basin of the ancient port of Trajan may be seen, with fragments of many of the buildings represented on his coins. The port constructed by Claudius, in advance of that of Trajan, was amongst the boldest executed by Roman engineers: :—an oval sheet of water, enclosed from the ocean by broad and spacious moles, affording a safe haven for vessels which navigated the western shores of Italy: an artificial island lay between the horns of these two moles, with towers at each extremity, containing machinery and tackle of various kinds, by which the boatmen could at all times enter safely. These constructions must have been a work of prodigious labour; their solidity is attested by the writers of the time, particularly by Pliny. In the middle of this island stood a pharos, before which was the colossal statue of the emperor Claudius. Fire was placed, at the approach of night, in the upper story of this lofty structure, which could be seen from a considerable distance. Orders of the purest architecture decorated three of the stories, and ingeniously K 3 134 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. @ contrived rooms and staircases served for the use of the officers and men to whom this part of the port was entrusted. Covered galleries and porticoes standing high above the sea, and stretching far into the ocean, invited mariners to enter, and produced an imposing effect to all who navigated these seas. The port of Claudius united to that of Trajan gives us an idea of the arrangements in use during the reign of these emperors: magazines for stores of all kinds, docks, slips, and other buildings usually found in a modern port, were here executed in a manner equal to those of the imperial city. |DIVO·AVGVSTI-CAES NERO-CLAV D⚫ CAES. AVC-CER- PM-TR-P-IMP-P·P- Fig. 142. O PHAROS. N Fig. 143. SECTION THROUGH CLAUdins' port. CHAP. IV. SEA. OFFE CLAUDIUS' FORT. Fig. 144. ++ ROMAN. Temples, triumphal arches, rostral columns, and trophies, occupied the spaces not used by the mariners, and noble roads conducted the merchandise and warlike stores from thence to every part of the empire. MMKMMA 苗 ​TRAJAN'S PORT. RUM .. HHHH HE HAI Road. མ་ HHH SITE OF THE CITY. TRAJAN'S CANAL. 135 K 4 136 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Modern nations have neither excelled the Romans in works of this kind, nor rivalled them in boldness, by lifting out of the ocean walls so lofty and durable as many they have left us; their engineers formed artificial islands as well as breakwaters, and in what- ever they undertook, they seem to have blended the arts with a thorough knowledge of construction. The medals of some of the Roman emperors show the taste bestowed upon these public works; and no bounds seem to have been set to the area they walled in from the sea. One of their ports must have had the character of an extensive island, as its con- nection with the land could hardly be seen, at the first view, from its length and the stretching out of its moles. The ports called angiportum were very narrow, and considerable skill was required to work vessels into them. Juvenal notices the extent of some of the moles constructed in his day, and observes that such ports as those of Claudius, the work of nature and of art, were wonderful for the extent of their foundations, laid at the bottom of the sea. CLAUDIU WPORT -- RAJA) Fig. 145. PORT OF Ostia. We find Roman harbours well calculated to receive and protect the vessels which entered them: at the mouths of rivers they drove in ranges of piles, planked over, and covered with pitch; at the extremity of each mole was a tower or contrivance by which a chain or boom could be stretched across the entrance, and protect the port from any sudden attack of an enemy. When an artificial port was formed on the coast, for the security of ships, they constructed a mole, in a circular shape, or with vast arms, like crabs' claws (chelai), or, as Cicero terms them, with cornua: Epist. ad Attic. lib. ix. ep. 19. A Roman harbour, or Claustra, was entirely shut in, and none could gain admission without the consent of the mariners who occupied the watch towers at its entrance. That part of the harbour by which you entered was called Ostium and fauces, or the mouth between the arms of the semicircle: when the vessels had entered, they were made fast to the shore, or lay at anchor. Where a flat shore presented itself, the vessels on their arrival were run backwards upon it, with their heads towards the sea, when the rowers, inhibere remos, hung up their oars out of the reach of the waters, that they might not be broken: sometimes they were attached to the sides of the vessel; according to Ovid, "to the ship's sides the seamen hung their oars.” The port of Ostia, or mouth of the Tiber, having silted up, we trace those of Claudius and Trajan, and the diversions of the river far from the present shore; the whole features of the coast are now materially changed, and a wide marsh lies in front of the port of Claudius. CHAP. IV. 137 ROMAN. Fig. 146. HARBOUR. CIVITA VECCHIA. All these ports have long become useless, and the modern one of Civita Vecchia, which is now at the mouth of the Tiber, is forty miles from Rome, and fourteen leagues distant from Ostia ; it was the ancient Cen- tocellæ, so called from its having an hundred arcades, to which as many vessels could be moored. The Roman ships were called Triremis, Quadriremis, and Quin- queremis, as they exceeded each other by a bank of oars: there were vessels still larger, as the hexeres, the hepteres, the octeres, &c.; and the ship Philopater, Plu- tarch informs us, had forty banks of oars; three banks of oars were raised in a sloping direction one above the other, consequently those with the greatest number were the most lofty vessels; when in port they were placed often under ar- cades, and protected from the wea- ther, as we see represented in an ancient picture. Fig. 147. 商 ​ARCADES AT OSTIA. Terracina. The size of this port and the walls which surround it show that its establish- ment was calculated for commerce, as well as for the protection of a numerous navy. Two straight sides united by a gentle curve form this harbour, the entrance to which is 367 feet in width; the length of the other three sides, or its perimeter, is 3705 feet. Its greatest diameter is 1319 feet, and the least, which is perpendicular to the pass on the land side, is 1247 feet. Its total area is estimated at 128,107 square yards. Near the right bank of the port is an accumulation of earth, called Monte Cello, collected from the frequent cleansing. The canal, which now communicates with the port, and which brings down the waters from the Pontine marshes, enters through a breach made in a rectilinear part of the enclosure. The wind, which blows directly into the mouth of the harbour, is the north- east, but its force is destroyed by the heights of Pisco Montano, on which, probably, was 138 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. placed the pharos, and by a projection of the shore into the sea, forming a small cape, com- prised between the Pisco Montano and the Torre Gregoriano; from the latter point to the extremity of the port, the slope of the shore is from north-west to south-east. external part of the wall of this enclosure has a considerable talus; the ancient rocks still remain at its base. The facing on the internal part is perpendicular, and holes in marble blocks remain, through which the cables were passed when the vessels were moored. The The mole, which forms the enclosure, was raised 12 feet in height above low water; its width at the top is 40 feet, and there are few works more substantial or solid to be met with. Some remains of columns and their entablature lie at the foot of the mole, and in all probability they once adorned a structure on the platform which was the residence of the officers of the port. The foundation or establishment of these works are of great antiquity, and are said to be the first regular constructions of this kind in Italy. In many parts the opus reticulatum may be seen: we know that it was restored by Antoninus Pius. Adria, whence the Adriatic derived its name, was the ancient Atria; it is 32,000 metres from the sea; Rimini is 1500, and Ravenna 8000. At Rimini terminated the two great roads, the Emilian and the Flaminian; here was a triumphal arch and a bridge, which were erected in the time of Augustus. A canal conducts small craft from this once famous port to the sea. A variety of methods was employed in the construction of double dams, formed of piles and planks, chained or tied together, and filled in with clay and marsh weeds, well rammed in or puddled, to keep out the water. When this was effected, the water was pumped out by the various machines then in use, and which were most effective for the purpose. The Archimedean screw and water wheels were employed, after which the foundations were dragged or dug out; when, if soft, alder, olive, or oak piles, previously charred, were driven in, and the intervals between their heads filled with charcoal or some other equally imperishable material. On this, walls of squared stone, in regular courses, were laid, taking care that the longest were employed as bond-stones, to pass into the thickness of the wall, and thus tie in the others. The inside of the wall was then filled with rubble or masonry, and on such work, towers were built. The arsenals around a port usually had a northern aspect, the heat being supposed to encourage the teredinos and other destructive worms, and they were generally constructed of a material not likely to take fire. These buildings were for the purpose of receiving the largest ships, which were drawn on shore, and protected under them. Naples is in 40° 50′ north latitude, and 14° 14' east longitude; this city is of Grecian origin. Livy mentions it as joining with the inhabitants of Palæpolis and the Samnites JUUULL SCALE OF FRET 100 6a0 Fig. 148. NAPLES. against the Roman power. It is situated in the bosom of a capacious bay, and the har- bour is formed by a mole, built in two directions, having its lighthouse at the bend. Within the mole, the ground is soft, being covered with three or four fathoms of water. This city, from the number of its inhabitants and its beauty, has been styled the Queen of the CHAP. IV. 139 ROMAN. Mediterranean. Its position is in the form of an amphitheatre on the shores of a bay, shut in by the Isle of Caprea, 17 miles distant to the south, and Procida and Ischia. Vesuvius on the east may be seen, lifting its fire-scathed summit above the villages of Portici and Torre del Greco, and on the other side is the grotto of Posilippo. The atmo- sphere is usually bright and cloudless, and it was made by the wealthy Romans a most delightful place of residence, the shores of its picturesque bay being covered with their villas. On our way from Naples to Pozzuoli, we find, on approaching the latter place, lofty and precipitous cliffs of indurated tuff, between which and the sea lies a low level tract of fertile land. This cliff, now far inland, may be seen opposite the island of Nisida, two miles and a half south-east of Pozzuoli: pursuing our course northwards, we find the sloping sides of Monte Barbaro, terminating also in an inland cliff, which indicates that the sea once washed its base. Great has been the change to which this coast has been subjected; and we have every evidence that the land has been both depressed and upheaved several times the firm earth and the inconstant sea have frequently changed their relative positions. The physical causes now in operation, as formerly, enable us to account for the situation of cliffs where the sea has now retired, and for estuaries, where high tides once rose, being silted up, and rendered dry land. The volcano and the earthquake on these shores have effected, in the memory of history, wonderful changes: both, no doubt, have a common origin; and they continue occasionally to shake the whole district around Vesuvius, to alter the current and quality of the waters, and the character of the mineral substances that come within their effects. In this neighbourhood is found the earth puzzolana, so valuable to us as an hydraulic mortar, and which the ancients made so much use of in the formation of their moles and breakwaters; they had only to cast it into the sea, between proper limits, and an island was at once formed. Cuma, Miseno, Baia, and Pozzuoli. These ports were at one time celebrated for their commerce with the greater part of the habitable globe. Capua, one of the noblest and most splendid cities of the Romans, surrounded by plains of great beauty and fertility, was supplied with its merchandise and luxuries from the vessels which resorted to its coast. Strabo, lib. v. cap. 4. mentions Cuma as a very ancient city, which, with its amphitheatre was situated, at N, on a rock overlooking the sea. Miseno occupied the promontory at M, CUMA. N M H E Fig. 149. CUMA, MISENO, BAIE, AND POZZJOLI. and its port, which was double, F and G. The town and basin of Baiæ are shown at C, whilst Pozzuoli stood on the outside of the bay, at H, and was joined to the castle at Baiæ by the celebrated bridge, E, of Caligula. The lake Avernus, at A, communicated with another port at Lucrinus, B, or Porto Guilio. The island of Nisida, at I, detached from the main land, bounded the eastern part of this beautiful bay. Behind the promontory of Miseno, I, 140 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. lay a large lake, K, called Acherusia, which communicated by means of a canal with the seas on the western coast. Cuma was founded by a colony of Greeks from Chalcis in Euboea and from Cumæ in Eolis: although it was the first Grecian establishment in Italy, for many centuries it was the chief in power, opulence, and population. Its peculiar situation fitted it for commerce, and its oracle, sibyl, and teinple, brought to it many votaries and visitors. When Juvenal wrote, the neighbouring towns of Baia and Puteoli or Puzzuoli were pre- ferred on account of their salubrity to the marshy district around Cumæ; soon afterwards its population declined, and in the sixth century we read of it as a mere military post. The ruins of the ancient city may yet be traced, in a solitary wood, which has grown up over its once busy streets, where the wild boar is now sought and destroyed by the hunters, this district forming part of the royal chase belonging to the king of Naples. The Lake Fusaro, or the ancient Acherusia palus, situated on the south towards Misenus, is a long and shallow piece of water, called by Strabo a muddy irruption of the sea; there is a small island with the remains of a castle, and at the end of the lake is a pool, called l'Aqua Morta. Baia has a bay, in the form of an amphitheatre, and is situated on the western coast opposite to Pozzuoli, from whence it is about three miles distant; ruins of Roman villas, baths and temples, may be seen at the bottom of the sea, which indicate a much larger extent at one period. Here the emperor Nero had a palace and splendid baths, which Suetonius tells us contained a reservoir, in which the thermal waters of the surrounding district were collected. Nero had intended that his palace should have extended over the whole country lying between Lake Avernus and Misenus, a distance of at least three miles and a half. Portus Julius was formed by Augustus, for draining the Lake Avernus, and to admit the waters of the ocean for the purpose of dispelling the noxious vapours that constantly hung over the Infernal Basin. When this work was undertaken, the anger of the gods or infernal divinities was supposed to be raised, and a violent tempest accompanied the descent of the waters of the lake into the ocean, which was probably no more than the effect of removing the barrier of earth which confined them, and kept them from flowing into a lower level. After the waters had passed through the new port, the Lake Avernus was stripped of its horrors; on the margin are many ruins; near the shore may be traced those of an extensive mole, that appears to have formed an outer port, and may be a portion of the harbour of Agrippa, mentioned both by Virgil and Horace. The Lakes Avernus and Lucrinus being united, formed a most capacious harbour, and beyond is pointed out some remains of a mole, now crossed by a road, said to have been constructed by Hercules. The Lucrine Lake is covered with rushes; the bottom was uplifted in the year 1538, and now forms a conical hill, instead of deep water as formerly. The Lake Avernus is about 1½ miles in circuit, surrounded by gardens and woods, and bears no resemblance to the description left us by the poets. Pozzuoli or Puteoli, a town of Greek origin, first called Dicæarchia, was erected by the early settlers at Cuma; the Romans strongly fortified it about two centuries before the Christian era, and made it a port of considerable importance. Its site, in the centre of a fine bay, surrounded by lofty coasts, watered by rivers, cannot be surpassed for a commercial port. The Romans here purchased all that an extensive commerce with the east could procure for them: it was injured by the earthquakes to which it was subject. In one of its squares there still remains a pedestal in marble, on which is represented in bas-relief the fourteen cities of Asia Minor, which were rebuilt by Tiberius after their destruction by an earthquake. Behind the city, to the north-east, are the remains of its amphitheatre, and near the coast, on the western side, those of the temple of Jupiter Serapis, near which are the ruins of the famous mole that formed the port. Several of its piers remain sunk in deep water, which supported the open arches, said to have formed a part of Caligula's celebrated bridge, which extended from the port of Puteoli to Baix. But little reliance can be placed on this statement, as in all probability the mad scheme of this emperor was nothing more than a floating raft or bridge of boats, carried across the bay, in imitation of that constructed by Xerxes. Seneca, Ep. 77. speaks of this mole or pila, and Strabo designates it as a work carried out far into the sea, at which vessels of considerable burthen might with great convenience discharge their cargoes. Antoninus restored this splendid mole after it had received some damage; it had been probably built long before, in the manner commonly practised by the Romans. It deserves our attention, both for the economy evinced in the quantity of material employed, and for the means it afforded of allowing a free current for the waters, consequently diminishing the chance of the bay silting up. The great strength of this work, exposed at times to a heavy sea, mainly depended upon the fine cement obtained on this coast, which when used under water acquires the consistency and strength of marble. CHAP. IV. 141 ROMAN. In a picture found at Pompeii is the representation of one of these open moles with seven arches, which allow the sea to pass freely under them; the upper part or road is 000000 0000 Q R M C D E D £ Q A ALA AR DADO O O DOC GU Fig. 150. ANCIENT port. decorated with trophies. There is also shown an island with various buildings con- structed on it, probably for the purpose of containing the stores required in the equipment of vessels, or for the residence of the guardians of the port. At the end of the fifteen arches of the mole at Pozzuoli was the light- house, of which there are now no remains. In setting out the openings or piers which sustained the arches, their span was made equal to their depth, the piers being in width half as much more as that of the apertures; thus great strength was obtained, and the force of the waves beating against such a structure would lose a part of their power, being allowed a passage through to the other side. The section through one of the arches of this mole exhibits the portion towards the sea, and by the side is shown the level at which the water usually stood with reference to the arches, which were not semicircular. The great distance that some of these open moles were continued into the sea, where there was a considerable depth of water, would lead us to imagine Fig. 151. PLAN AND ELEVATION OF POZzuoli. that the piers could not have been constructed without the aid of very strong cofferdams; and we learn that such were used resembling ships, and sunk where the work was to be executed. There can be no doubt that the Roman engineers were accustomed to drive piles in deep water, as the descriptions left us of Cæsar's and Trajan's bridges fully prove: to unite these piles as a barrier against the sea, and afterwards pump out the water by the machines in use, would not be a difficult task: the tide in the Mediter- ranean does not rise sufficiently to interrupt the progress of such undertakings, and where the faces of the piers are worked in regular courses of masonry, no other method could have been adopted: by heightening the sides of one of their large galleys, a carpoon might be formed, in which they could pile up their material, and thus effect their object. 142 Boox I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 152. MOLE. SECTION. The Island of Nisida, or Nesis, is situated at a small distance from the eastern promontory, and on it is now placed the modern lazaretto to the Bay of Naples. Misenus with its port occupied the opposite promontory or the western side of the bay; among the ruins may be traced many hollows in the rock, which probably served as docks for shipbuilding. The double port of Misenus had but one entrance, guarded by a mole, in the usual manner of the Roman ports. Near this part of the coast stood the mansion of Lucullus, afterwards occupied by Tiberius: the poet Phaedrus observes, "that from its summit might be seen the shores of Sicily." Pliny the younger and his mother resided here, near the sea, their house being separated from the water only by a small court. The Piscina mirabile, a vaulted edifice, divided by four rows of arcades, and situated near the port, is supposed to have formed part of the great reservoirs constructed to retain fresh water for the vessels that entered the harbour of Misenus, which lies immediately under the hill on which it is constructed, and, according to Suetonius, it was one of the works commenced by Nero. He alludes to it in the following quotation: "Inchoabat piscinam a Miseno ad Avernum lacum, contectam ; porticibus conclusam, quo quidquid totis Baiis calidarum esset converteretur." The port of Misenus is protected by high lands on all sides, and its small haven is always in a tranquil state: Augustus made it capable of retaining all his fleet. It is separated from the Mare Morto by a narrow neck of land, through which was cut a canal, crossed by a bridge, without interrupting the navigation into the inner port thus formed. The mountains of Procida and Selvaggi afford a shelter from the north along the shores extend the famous Elysian fields. The mole at Misenus is a fine example of another system practised by the Romans; a double range of arches is so set out, that the piers of one line are placed directly opposite the opening of the others. The force of the waves and currents were by this arrangement broken; at the same time there was no chance of any deposit being made between the piers, or within the mole; and no method can be more economical or judicious. ELEVATION, Fig. 153. I LAN. I [ OPEN MOLE. Leghorn, in latitude 43° 35' north, and longitude 10° 16′ east, is a considerable sea-port belonging to Tuscany. Its outer harbour is defended by a fine mole, half a mile in length, thrown out in a north-north-west direction; and within the outer is an inner harbour, with a depth of 8 feet water. CHAP. IV. 143 ROMAN. In the outer narbour the rise of the tides is estimated at 14 inches, and at the end of the mole there is a depth of water of upwards of 18 feet. South-west of the mole, on a rock, is constructed the lighthouse, which exhibits its light at a height of 170 feet above the level of the sea. This port was the ancient Livorno, Liburni portus, or Liburnum, and is situated opposite the small island of Malora. The town is nearly square, and about 13,000 feet in circuit; the mole is a favourite promenade, and from it may be seen the islands of Gorgona, Capraia, and Corsica. The ships are moored beyond the mole, attached to large iron rings. There are three lazarettos, an arsenal, and extensive warehouses. The Bay of Spezzia, or Sinus Lunensis. This bay is one of the most magnificent in Europe, and has a spring of fresh water in the centre; it is encircled by lofty mountains; the Apennines approach the sea, towards Carrara, and adjoin the Alps beyond Genoa. Fig. 154. BAY OF SPEZZIA. The ancient town of Luna, now called l'Erice, takes its name from Erycis Portus: the beauty of the bay and the marble quarries in the neighbourhood are often described by the Latin poets. Pliny, in his thirty-sixth book, giving an account of the various marbles then in use, enumerates some of a white and sparkling quality, then recently quarried about Luna. This marble was called lychnite, in consequence, Varro says, of sparkling in the lamplight when hewed out of the quarry. At a later period, vast quantities of Luna marble were shipped from this port, and the temples and other public buildings at Rome were built with it. From the rising ground around this port, Strabo, lib. v. cap. 3. informs us that the island of Sardignia might be distinctly seen. Genoa has a splendid harbour, formed artificially, by the construction of two moles; that on the east side, called the old, projecting from the centre of the city, is 260 fathoms in length; its direction is west by south, and near the middle is constructed a modern battery. The new mole, on the opposite side of the port, projects from the shore 21C fathoms in an east-south-east direction. The opening between these two moles, which allows of the passage of ships into the harbour, is in width 350 fathoms. The harbour is in form a half amphitheatre, its diameter being nearly 8000 fathoms; there are no diffi- culties to encounter on entering it; and there is a good depth of water near the new mole, where men of war and larger vessels may anchor at a little distance from the shore. 144 Воок І. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Within the outer harbour are two smaller, for galleys and merchant ships used by the coasting trade. PASSO DI STLAZARO DORIA DALACE LIMBO SCALO.ST THOMASO HARD CLAY ARSENAL GARSINNE PORSAGG PONTE LEGN PONTE SPINOLK FONTE REAL PORTA DELLA LANTERNA LOOSE GROUND MUD PONTE DI MERÇANTK PORTE FRAN EN ANDRAGGI OLD MOLE LANTERN PASSO NUUVO NE MOLE HTHOUSE POINT AND BATTERY O.MALARA ם ם 10000 0000 3003 品 ​DONNA ›DI CARIGNANO 20 Fig. 155. GENOA. On the west side, without the harbour, on an extreme point of land, is the lighthouse, a square building of many stories, based upon a rock, which may be seen at sea for many miles. The latitude of Genoa is 44° 45′ north, and the longitude 8° 50′ east, and its situation is on the northern shores of the Mediterranean; the town is about 6 miles in circumfe- rence, inclosed in a double rampart. By Strabo it was called the Emporium Totius Liguria: it was at a very early time the chief city of the Ligurians; commerce then, as in the latter period of its history, was always the favourite pursuit of its inhabitants; the nobles in the middle ages were both its merchants and defenders, and in the twelfth century they sent out a fleet consisting of twenty-eight galleys and six other vessels to assist in taking Cesarea. Venice, in north latitude 45° 25', and in east longitude 12° 20', is on the north-eastern coast of Italy: it may be reckoned one of the earliest as well as the most considerable com- mercial cities of modern Europe, having been established soon after Attila invaded Italy, in the year 452. It is built upon a number of small islands, near the northern extremity of the Adriatic Sea, or Gulph of Venice, and separated from the main land by a marshy lake, about five miles in breadth and covered with water to the depth of 3 feet. A canal, 1200 yards in length, and about 100 feet in breadth, separates the city into two nearly equal divisions; from this branch off many other canals, which are crossed by upwards of 500 bridges, most of them constructed of stone, and some of great beauty. The inhabitants pass from house to house in gondolas or small boats, and the merchandise is landed at once from the barge to the doorways of the warehouses. The Venetian ships of the largest dimensions were called galeasses or argosies, some of which carried crews of 600 men, and mounted 50 pieces of cannon; they must have entered many of the ports of England at a very early period, for we find from our own records, that in the year 1325 they had a charter, and full liberty to discharge their cargoes, and return in safety. There was a mag- nificent arsenal situated near the eastern end of the city, defended by a rampart; and before the entrance were the two lions in granite that once adorned the Piræus at Athens. The houses are constructed both of brick and stone, and their foundations formed upon piles; many are more than four stories in height. The bell tower or campanile is the CHAP. IV. 145 ROMAN. loftiest of the public buildings, its height being above 300 feet, and it does not exhibit any settlement. Ancona was founded by a colony from Syracuse, which settled there about 400 years before Christ, and the Romans constituted it one of their principal naval stations on the shores of the Adriatic. + - Fig. 156. ANCONA, The emperor Trajan constructed the splendid mole which now remains, as well as the fine triumphal arch which adorns it. The mole, a solid mass of masonry, rises to a considerable height above the sea; the stones that compose it are large, and cramped together firmly with iron; below it is another mole with a triumphal arch, the work of Vanvitelli. At the extremity is the lighthouse, all solidly constructed, and equally creditable to him as a civil engineer, as is the arrangement of the lazaretto. Antium was once a considerable port, the capital of the Volsci; it was greatly improved in the time of Nero, and much resorted to by the opulent Romans, who had villas in the neighbourhood. The road to it runs along the Alban hills, over the Campagna, and then through a forest which for many miles borders the sea coast. CAPE OF ANTIUM منية المتعلمنا بلدان -COAST LINE IN 1700. ANCIENT COAST: LINE IN 1819 ADEM IN=1822 PORT :::::::::::: MODERN PORT PAMPHILE MOLE Fig. 157. PRESENT state of ANTIUM. The town of Meltuno may be the remains of this once famed port, which had two moles stretching out into the sea, with a narrow entrance between; at the mouth was an artificial L 146 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. island, on which was erected the pharos. At the extremity of each of the moles was a tower, in which was placed the machinery for extending a chain across the opening. FETT ל. Fig. 158. Nero's port at antium. Tarentum consists of two ports, the outer called Mare Grande, the inner Mare Piccoli. A bridge of seven arches unites the present city to the continent on the north side, through R.LAVANDRA R.CALERO TARANTO LAZZARETTO,VECCHIQ, CAPUCCINI MARE PICCOLO Պա CONVENTO.DI.STI.TERESA IPS.PAULO 10.6.PIETRO Fig. 159. R. LUOGO.VIV R.SAVERN PULSANO VILLA NOVA SATURO CIARDINODI S.ERANCISCO ORRE.DI.SATURO LE. VIGN T.DĮ. S. FRANCESCO TORRE DELLAT T.DI.TRAMONTANU APS.VITO.CON.TORRE TARENTUM. which the sea flows with great impetuosity; this formerly was the entrance into the harbour, which will now only admit small boats. In the time of the Romans there were drawbridges, to enable the military in the citadel to command the inner port. The enemy's fleet in the second Punic war was so completely blocked up within it, that it could not regain the sea. Between the arches of the bridge was a wooden frame, to which nets were attached for CHAP. IV. 147 ROMAN. catching fish, and the aqueduct that still supplies the town passes over it; it was built about 1543. The water is brought from the mountains of Martina, a distance of 14 niles, where, after being collected into reservoirs, it was led under ground to deep cisterns at Tre- miti. At La Follia it pursues an open course for 7 miles, then passes an aqueduct con- structed over 203 arches, then through channelled stones fitted one into the other. Tarentum has preserved but little of its Grecian foundation, and none of the ancient walls that enclosed it; fragments of Etruscan vases have been discovered in all directions. Of the temples, gymnasia, theatres, and other splendid monuments, nothing now remains, not so much as a single column, to tell us where the city stood. The moles which protected and shut in these ports were constructed with massive masonry, and with piers and open arches. That portion which was solid was carried out progressively, until the arms were completed; these arms were called left and right, and are described by Suetonius as well as Pliny, in their accounts of the ports of Ostia and Centocelli. That part between the ends of the two moles was called the mouth, and that between the island and the moles the jaws or fauces. Brundusium. Though there is now but little remaining of this once extensive city, the port, which is double, was reckoned one of the finest in the Adriatic Sea. The outer was formed by two promontories, which as they advance leave a narrow channel between them. At the mouth lies an island now called St. Andrew's, which secures the whole from the violence of the sea. At the bottom of the bay the hills recede in a circle, and form the ELIGOLO C CALLDE OTOR DEL PENNA Fig. 160. BRUNDUSIUM. CASTELLO ORT DEL MARE TELKOT TERRA ÖNVENTO DI CAPPOCCINI FIUME PIL FIUME GRANDE inner harbour, which is 24 miles in length, and 1200 feet in breadth, encompassing a great part of the city, which has somewhat the form of a stag's head and horns; in the old Messapian language, the head of a deer being called brundusium. There is a fine soil, depth of water, and safe anchorage; and the destruction of this place as a port may be partly owing to the silting up of the channel between the two havens, which was probably caused when Cæsar attempted to block up Pompey's fleet, by driving piles into the neck of land between the two ridges of hills, and throwing in earth, trees, and ruins of houses. When Don Vito Caravelli was employed, at the latter end of the last century, to improve this port, in deepening the channel, he found several medals, and had many of the piles which were driven in by Cæsar drawn up: they were small oaks stripped of their bark, and at that time quite sound. Cæsar's description of what he did at Brundusium on this occasion is interesting: he states, as the work could not be carried quite across the port, in consequence of the sea's depth, he prepared double floats of timber, 30 feet square, which were secured by an anchor at each corner; these extended to two moles, which he threw up, one on each side the haven, where the entrance was the narrowest and the water shallow. After the rafts were securely moored, he covered them with earth and fascines, and made them sufficiently strong for his legions to pass over with ease, and also have firm footing to defend them. The fronts and sides of these rafts were protected by parapets or hurdles, and every fourth float had a tower of four stories constructed on it, the better to guard the work from fire, and protect it from the boats which might be sent against it. L 2 148 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Pompey made use of several ships which were in the port, and fitted upon them towers of three stories in height, which he filled with engines and darts, and then sent them down to break through the floats which Cæsar had contrived, and destroy his works: in this, however, he did not succeed; but before Cæsar had quite completed his blockade, Pompey found means to embark on board his ships and effect his escape. Roads. The immense extent of roads constructed by the Romans, their duration and stability, the obstacles which they surmounted in carrying them over marshes, lakes, and mountains, have, in all ages, excited astonishment and admiration. Twenty-nine great mili- tary roads centred in Rome, some of which were carried to the extreme points of the vast empire. For fifty miles' distance from the capitol, each side was decorated with temples, baths, hippodromes, tombs, and superb edifices. Buildings used for lodging-houses and for changing horses were erected at the public cost, at regular distances; and at these several posts, were maintained relays of horses for the couriers, as well as mules, asses, oxen, and carriages for the transport of the materials for the army, and mansiones for the lodging of the soldiers were constructed at distances from 30 to 36 miles. The whole Roman empire comprised eleven regions, viz. Italy, Spain, Gaul, British Isles, Illyria, Thrace, Asia Minor, Pontus, the East, Egypt, and Africa, and these were divided into 113 provinces, traversed by 372 great roads, which, according to the Itinerary of Antoninus, were together in length 52,964 Roman miles. Under the kings there were no paved roads, and the first seems to have been commenced by Appius Claudius, about 442 years after the founding of Rome, whilst he held the office of censor; this was not only the earliest but the best constructed; and Statius the poet designates it as the Queen of Roads in his time. Appius Claudius was honoured with the highest offices which the republic could bestow; he was censor, twice consul, prætor, curule edile, and lastly dictator, when he conquered the Sabines, and obtained several victories over them and the Etruscans; after which he erected the temple of Bellona. The celebrated road, or Appian Way, is mentioned in a variety of inscriptions, and by most of the ancient authors: Procopius, in his "de Bello Gothico,” says that its length was so great that it could not be passed by a traveller going at a swift pace in less than five days; that its breadth was sufficient to allow two chariots to pass without inconvenience, and that it was paved with large blocks of stone, brought from distant quarries, dressed and squared with the chisel, and joined very exactly without the aid of metal or any other material; the work was so perfect, that it seemed as if nature had performed it rather than man, for the very joints were hardly perceptible. Whether the whole way from Rome to Brundusium was executed by Appius is doubtful, and it is less certain that it was paved by him the whole length; the probability is, that his way terminated at Capua. Strabo, describing Terracina as situated near the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea, proves that the paved Appian Way approached it, and Horace, in his Journey to Brundusium, describes it as paved throughout. The road from Capua to Brundusium is longer than the portion from Rome to Capua, and the whole was, according to Strabo, 360 miles in length: that Appius Claudius only conducted it to Capua, a distance of about 142 Italian miles, is most probable, as in his time the provinces beyond were not under the dominion of the Romans. It is difficult to say at what time the latter portion of the work was completed, which it evidently was before the time of Augustus. Plutarch observes that Julius Cæsar was appointed commissary of the Appian Way, and that he expended large sums of money upon it, and to him probably may be attributed its termination. Quitting Rome the first station on the Appian Way was distant sixteen miles, at Ariciam; from thence seventeen miles to Tres Taburnæ; eighteen miles to Appii Forum; eighteen miles to Terracina; sixteen miles to Fundi; thirteen miles to Formiæ; nine miles to Minturnæ; nine miles to Sinuessa, and twenty-six to Capua; in all 142 miles: and this is the distance Procopius imagines could be accomplished in five days by an expeditious traveller. From Capua to Equotuticum, "ubi campania limitum habet," was a distance of fifty-three miles, viz. to Caudium twenty-one miles; Beneventum eleven miles, and Equotuticum twenty-one miles. From Equotuticum to Hydruntum, where they embarked, was another 235 miles; viz. to Eeas eighteen miles; to Erdonias nineteen miles; Canusium twenty-six miles; Rubas twenty-three miles; Bruduntum eleven miles; Barium twelve miles; Turres twenty-one miles; Egnatiam sixteen miles; Speluncas twenty miles; Brundusium nineteen miles; Lupias twenty-five miles; and Hydruntum twenty-five miles. The Domitian Way commenced at Sinuessa, and branched out of the Appian Way, continuing its course along the sea-shore, crossing the rivers Savo and Volturnus, skirting Mount Gaunus, and Massicus, fertile in wine; continuing its direction through the marshes of Linturna, and between the Lakes Avernus and Acherusia, passing by Cumæ, ter- minated at Pozzuoli, Strabo, in speaking of these three excellent roads, places first the Appian, which he CHAP. IV. ROMAN. 149 describes as far as Sinuesša; Dion carries it beyond: and afterwards says that it united the seven hills of Rome with Baiæ. The Domitian Way, though of no very great extent, was of the greatest use, as it enabled travellers to pass marshes and quicksands, by means of bridges and causeways constructed at a vast expense. In many portions masses of concrete were thrown into swampy places, and the distances formerly passed greatly shortened. All the long detours were avoided, and Statius tells us that a triumphal arch was raised to Domitian by the senate and Roman people, in gratitude for the benefits bestowed upon them by this work. The public roads, among the works of Roman magnificence, ranked preeminently high; vast labour and expense were bestowed upon them, and their construction, as we now behold them, seems to have been intended to outlast their empire. Such arteries, as they were termed, which conducted to the heart of the imperial city, were not thought un- worthy of the attention of the greatest men of the republic; none but those of the highest rank were even eligible to the office of superintending them, and during the empire Augustus himself took charge of them. The Romans, however, notwithstanding the good- ness of their roads, were not very fast travellers, for Augustus, when he went to Præneste, a distance of only twenty-five miles, usually halted for the night about half-way. And Horace tells us that he performed his journey to Brundusium, which was distant about forty-three miles, in the same time, but he observes that an expeditious traveller could perform the journey in a day. Among the Romans the various roads were distinguished by the names Via, Actus, Iter, Semita, Trames, Diverticulum, Divertium, Callais, &c. Via, answers to our common roads; its breadth was 8 Roman feet, so that carriages could pass without collision. Actus, was a road for the passage of a single carriage; it derived its name from a measure used in surveying land, of which the breadth was 4 feet, and the length 120. Iter, was a road for pedestrians and horsemen, the breadth of which was 3 feet. Semita, was only half the breadth of the Iter, and when it crossed fields it was called Trames, Diverticulum, and Divertium. Callais, was a road through mountainous districts, for the purpose of attending the flocks. These roads, peculiarly adapted for civil purposes, united with other great lines, which traversed the numerous provinces of the empire, which were called military, consular, or prætorian, or were named after the consuls and emperors who had con- structed them, as the Appian, Flaminian, and Domitian; they were sometimes designated Fig. 161. ROAD WITH MARGINES. by the names of the provinces, as the Latian, Tiburtine, Campanian, and Prænestine ways. The great military roads were divided into three distinct parts; that in the middle was the most elevated, and called agger, and had a convex form or curve; this was usually paved with large stones of various shapes. Most of the roads in the neighbourhood of Rome, as the Appian, Latian, Labicum, Tiburtine, and the Prænestine, had the paved part 16 Roman feet in width, or 15 feet 6 inches English; this portion was separated from the two sides, called margines, by a curb, 2 feet wide and 18 inches high, which served as seats for travellers. The middle portion was destined for the infantry, and the margines for horses and carriages: the breadth of each margin was half that of the road in the middle, so that the entire breadth of these military ways was from 36 to 40 Roman feet. The streets in the towns were sometimes called Via Militaris, as were the chief of those in Rome, which were the commencement of the great roads; under these were constructed L 3 150 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Book I. vast sewers, which, according to Pliny, ranked among the greatest works ever undertaken. The subterranean fosses, or continued bridges of great length and breadth, sustained enormous weights, as columns, obelisks, and other pieces of stone, daily passing over them. Pliny relates that when M. Scaurus wished to transport 360 marble columns, each 38 feet long, from the place where they had been used, in his theatre, to the Palatine Mount, the inspectors of the sewers demanded some security to repair any damage which might occur. After Scaurus had completed his house, the sewers were examined, and found not to have sustained any injury; they formed a portion of the roads under CARRIAGe road. Fig. 162. which they passed, and were intended not only to effectually drain all that might be injurious to health and cleanliness, but also to afford a better foundation. Over these vaults was laid a bed, on which rested the materials forming the road, which was paved in the same manner as the bridges. In Rome there were 31 principal streets, and about 422 lesser. According to Pancerolus, one is mentioned as made by Heliogabalus from his palace, called Plateas Antoninianas, which was paved with stone or marble from Lacedæmon, of a beautiful green colour, mixed with porphyry. The Materials used by the Romans for road-making were of two kinds; the stones which formed the mass, and the cement which united them. According to Vitruvius, there were three sorts of stone quarried, of different degrees of hardness. The soft, when first taken from the quarry, was easily cut and rendered useful for building purposes, and when protected from the weather, and not in contact with the ground, had considerable dura- bility. That stone which sustained weight, and the action of frost, without splitting, was mostly used on the great roads, and was called Saxum or Silex. In the formation of their roads, the Ro- mans used every kind of stone that could conveniently be obtained; after the line was set out, excavations were made at the sides, from whence was extracted any ma- terial that was serviceable; and, establish- ing a solid and durable bed, by closing the ground with iron rammers made for the purpose, they spread the different strata which composed the area or mass of the road. These were called statumen, rudus, nucleus, and summa crusta, which to- gether were in thickness about 3 feet. In the great military roads, the statumen or lowest bed was formed of two courses of flat stones laid in mortar: over this was the rudus, or rubble, well beaten; then the third layer, called the nucleus, a sort of beton, was spread; this was formed of coarse gravel and lime, used hot; on this was bedded the summa crusta. Fig. 163. SECTION. PLAN. A When the road was carried over marshy districts, a framework of carpentry was provided, called "contignata pavimenta," and the CHAP. IV. 151 ROMAN. frame itself contignationes. The joists or sleepers were termed coaxationes or cassationes, and were made of an oak called esculus, because it was not subject to warp or shrink. To protect this timber from the effect of the lime mixed with the other materials, they covered it with a bed of rushes or reeds, and sometimes straw. On this stratum of reeds or straw was laid the statumen or foundation. The second bed was made of broken stones mixed with lime, which Isidore calls rudus. When this material was composed of stones freshly broken, it was called rudus novum; to three-fourths was added one-fourth of quick-lime. But when the material came from old buildings, it was called rudus redivivum, and then an additional portion of lime was used, two parts to five, and the work termed ruderationem; the rammer or beater was employed to strengthen, equalise, and smooth it. This composition, whether formed of gravel or debris, was 9 inches in thickness after it was thoroughly rammed. Over this tarras or ruderation, a cement was laid for the third bed, composed of brick, potsherds, broken tiles mixed with lime, using one of lime to three of brick. This was spread over the ruderation in a thin layer, to receive the fourth bed or paving, which served as a covering to the entire work, and was called in consequence summam crustam. The third bed or nucleus was the softest layer of the whole, interposed between what was harder. The stones and cement which formed the road were not less than 6 inches in thickness, and the entire mass laid upon the framework of carpentry was 15 inches. The unpaved roads of the Romans were called by Ulpian vias terrenas, to distinguish them from those dressed with stone or gravel; and they were regulated by similar laws and ordinances as the others. The road from Spain into Italy, through Nismes, was of this kind, and only passable during the summer months. In the winter and spring, it was in a soft state, from the water which came down from the neighbouring mountains, though Strabo mentions several wooden and stone bridges and ferries. These roads, so liable to be broken up by the torrents, were exposed to the action of the sun and wind, all shade being removed, that they might speedily dry. Appian Way, or road to Capua, a distance of 120 miles, was paved with polygons of lava. In A.U.C. 451, the first mile, from the Porta Capena to the temple of Mars, was paved as a way for walking and riding on horseback (semita), with hewn stones (pepperino); and in A. U. C. 453, the whole road was paved with lava as far as Bovillæ. (Livy x. 23. 47.) Semita, signifies without any reference to width, a cordonata, or a road up-hill, made with sunken broad and low steps, where sumpter cattle walk safely and comfortably; carriages, if at all, can only come down: clivus is a carriage road. A well-known inscription tells us, that there Fig. 164. APPIAN WAY. was a clivus on the Appian road, near the temple of Mars, by the side of which the semita now necessarily assumed the form of a cordonata. The Alta Semita, which led from the Subura along St. Agata to the Quirinal Hill, was such as the locality clearly shows. We find, in the gates of the so-called Cyclopean towns, Roman or Latin cordonatas, constructed entirely on the same plan as in the present day. The Appian Way is remarkable for its foundations, its constructions over deep valleys L 4 152 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. and hills, its bridges, and for the canal which accompanies it through the Pontine marshes, for the double object of draining the land and conveying the material of war from Latium to Terracina; this was important to a state not master of the sea. The Setian was the military road to Campania from Velitræ to Terracina. To reach Terracina in one march from Cisterna would be impossible in summer; to encamp between the two places in the latter season and autumn would be fatal, in the rainy seasons equally impossible; in the hot months, one single night spent by an army in the neighbourhood of Cisterna would produce fever. Forum Appii on the canal was also built by Appius Claudius. The Pontine marshes were in all probability originally a bay behind the downs on the sea-coast; when this became filled with mud, by the river flowing into it, a marsh was slowly but gradually raised. · Prænestine Way. Where this magnificent road crosses the low marshy ground, con- structions of the most solid kind were made, with arches turned in a symmetrical and perfect manner, rivalling the aqueducts for their beauty. The spandrills were filled in with rubble, Fig. 165. VIAS TERRENAS ON THE PRÆNESTINE WAY. and walls were carried on it, for the support of the level road above; the direction of this road is given in most of the Itineraries, and a description of the several statues which were situated upon it. Fig. 166. PRÆNESTINE WAY. The Bridges of the Romans are remarkable for their solidity, and for the almost universal adoption of the semicircular arch; the stone used in their construction is the hardest that the neighbourhood afforded; many have stood the force of violent torrents, and at the pre- sent day exhibit their original design, whilst others have undergone such changes, that their primitive features can scarcely be discerned. One peculiar feature of Roman arches of great dimensions, and particularly of their bridges, is the leaving a projecting stone on each side, at about thirty degrees above the spring- ing, upon which their centres were strutted, consisting of a longitudinal piece of timber, with inclined and perpendicular supports. Vitruvius, in lib. vi. cap. 11., observes that care CHAP. IV. 153 ROMAN should be taken to discharge the weight of walls by arches consisting of wedges concen- trically arranged; and further "that on buildings which are constructed on piers and arches, with wedges whose joints are concentric, the abutments should be wider than the piers, that they may have more power to resist the action of the wedges, which, when loaded, press towards the centre, and have a tendency to thrust them out." No particular rules are laid down for their proportion, which was probably left to the judgment and ex- perience of the engineer. There is seldom much depth given to the voussoirs, which are of equal thickness throughout; and when the semicircle was complete, the spandrills were filled in with a concrete or rubble, which has hardened into a solid mass. The Pons Milvius, or Emilius, two miles from Rome, on the Flaminian Way, consisting of four large arches and two smaller, has been altered at various times. The masonry es Fig. 167. PONS MILVIUS. of the arches and tower at the extremity, as shown in the figure, with the openings in the piers, are said to remain as they were when Constantine pursued Maxentius, as he attempted to escape into the city, after his terrible defeat: being, however, pressed by the crowds who were flying to the narrow pass, he was forced into the water, and his body, weighed down by his massive armour, was afterwards found in the bed of the river. The arches vary in their opening from 51 to 79 feet 9 inches, but the whole of the water-way is in the clear 413 feet 3 inches; the breadth of the bridge is 28 feet 9 inches. Pope Nicolas V. made some alterations in this bridge, and Piranesi, who has given an account of the change it then underwent, describes the two arches nearest the city as the most ancient: when the writer was at Rome, it was repaired under the direction of Valadier, who recased the ruined tower at the extremity, and gave it the character of a FELSTU CE | FFÈTE STM 23 FORCES ITEMFIR BEETRISTM FEFET) 173- • 534 2233 87578731111; LEESTI JETTITI SEIFLIE ہیں مسرع 10 Fig. 168. PONS MILVIUS. 154 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. modern fortress. The views representing this bridge show the various alterations that have been made in it, and will enable the reader to form some idea of its construction. آپ کے Fig. 169. PONS MILVIUS. Pontus Salarius, Ponte Salaro, on the Teverone, is composed of three semicircular arches, 54 feet 6 inches to 69 feet span, and of two smaller arches, of 22 feet 4 inches span. It was built by Tarquinius Priscus 600 years, and restored by Justinian 570 years before Christ. The breadth is 29 feet: the stones which form the arches are large. It was near this bridge Manlius Torquatus took the collar of gold from the Gaul. Ponte Rotto or Senatorius, on the Tiber, was the first stone bridge erected in the city; another was built on its site, at the time Fulvius was censor, which was completed by Scipio Africanus, and lasted till 1364. It was entirely rebuilt, in the year 1575, by Gregory XIII., and was nearly destroyed twenty-three years after by a flood; at present only one arch remains, to exhibit its former magnificence: the piers are ornamented with lions' heads holding a metal ring, and they have niches adorned by columns; the arch is composed of one row of voussoirs, of equal thickness, accompanied by an archivolt, the mouldings of which follow the curve: it is also decorated with the sculpture of two marine horses, admirably executed; the span of the arch is 80 feet, and the breadth 42 feet 8 inches. Seven bridges formerly conducted over the Tiber to the Janiculum and Vatican Mount: these were, the Pons Sublicius, afterwards called Æmilius, built, as its name implies, of wood, and erected by Ancus Martius, according to Livy; this bridge stood between the Aventine and the Ripa Grande, where the foundation of one of its abutments remains. Pons Palatinus, or Senatorius, now Ponte Rotto; the Pons Fabricius, now Ponte de Quattro Capi, from a thermæ with four faces placed on it; Pons Cestius, now Ponte di San Bartolomeo; Pons Junicularis, of which there are no remains, though the Ponte Sisto occupies its site. Pons Triumphalis, opposite the hospital of Spirito Santo, has a vestige remaining, and here passed into the Campus Martius the victorious consuls to whom the senate decreed triumphal honours, followed by their soldiers, captives, and spoils: after entering the Porta Triumphalis, they passed the circus of Flora and Flaminius, the theatres of Pompey and Marcellus, the portico of Octavia, and the Circus Maximus, tra- versed the Via Triumphalis, entered the Via Sacra, passed between the Coliseum and temple of Venus and Rome, crossed the Roman Forum, and halted at the temple of Capi- tolinus. The Pons Elius, or Ponte San Angelo, the ancient piers of which remain, was the seventh bridge over the Tiber, which, a few miles above Rome to the sea, is in width about 300 feet on an average, therefore not difficult to span by a bridge. Its banks above and below the imperial city, once adorned by graves and gardens, in which were the villas of the wealthier Romans, as well as the villages and palaces on its meandering banks, are now only traceable in their ruins. “Deo gratissimus amnis," the distinguished Tiber, has been so woven into the recollections of the classic traveller, that it can never be forgotten. CHAP. IV. 155 ROMAN. Ponte Sulara, on the Anio, consists of one large arch, nearly semicircular, 95 feet 9 inches span, and two lesser openings. The date of its construction is not ascertained. Fig. 170. ртут PONTUS SALARA. mess The Bridge Nomentano, over the Anio or Teverone, near Mons Sacer, so celebrated as the spot where Menenius Agrippa met the plebeians, and told them the story of the belly and members; the consequence of their disagreement he likened to the dissension of the Fig. 171. 101 101 馬刀 ​PONTUS NOMENTANO. 156 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. commons and the patricians, and by this fable won over the people from their attempts to put the consuls to death. The stone arch, a part of the ancient bridge, now sustains a tower, constructed probably in the fifth or sixth century, which has undergone several changes during the middle ages, when it was used as a fortress: in its present state it is a very picturesque object. Many of the Roman bridges had towers either on them, or at their extremities, encircled with battlements, which served to defend the passage, as also to collect their dues. It is to be regretted that Vitruvius has not left an account of the manner of building bridges in his time, or that he should not in the slightest degree have alluded to the subject: all that we know of them is by studying the numerous remains which span the rivers of Europe, where the great roads required them. The vaults are worked much in the same manner as those of the triumphal arches: large blocks were generally selected, and truly cut; one course of deep voussoirs supported a mass of rubble, on which the road- way was laid; precautions were also taken to defend the piers, and to carry off the water from the road, by means of pipes and drains. All the refinement adopted by modern constructors is traceable to the examples left us by the Romans, and we cannot too highly prize their design, and economical use of material: solid stone was employed where necessary, with a filling in of concrete equally durable, resisting in many instances all the efforts of time and weather. Pons Juniculum or Ponte Sisto has been several times rebuilt; the present was executed in the time of Sixtus IV., in 1478. It is composed of four arches, from 53 feet to 70 feet span in the distance is seen the Farnese palace. ичи Fig. 172. PONTE SISTO. Pons Fabricius, and Pons Cestius. These bridges, now called Ponte Quatro Capi and Ponte Ferrato, are situate at Rome, on the two arms of the Tiber, which surround the Fig. 173. 奶 ​PONS FABRICIUS AND CESTIUS. CHAP. IV. 157 ROMAN. island of St. Bartholomew. The first was repaired in 1680, by Pope Innocent XI. ; the second, in 380, by the emperors Valens and Valentinian. The Pons Cestius consists of a single arch, 78 feet 9 inches span: the width is 49 feet 3 inches; the two arches of the Pons Fabricius are 82 feet span. In the pier which separates them is a passage accompanied with pilasters: the cornice which surmounts the bridge is ornamented with mutules; the breadth is 49 feet 3 inches. The Ponte Rotto, in its present state, occupies the left of the view. These two bridges were founded, it is said, on a bad soil, by means of a mass of masonry, consisting of right and inverted arches, carefully cut in freestone. Piranesi gives the details of this remarkable construction, but does not pretend to guarantee its authenticity. Bridge at Rimini, built by Augustus, was regarded by Palladio as the finest he had seen, and most of his designs are copies of it. It consists of five semicircular arches; the two outer are 23 feet 5 inches span, the three intermediate 28 feet 9 inches. The thickness of the piers is nearly equal to half the void of the arches; they are formed by a pedestal rising 13 feet 1 inch above the water; this is surmounted by niches, accompanied by columns which support an entablature; the cornice which crowns the bridge is sustained by modillions in very good taste. Bridge of St. Angelo. This splendid monument, which formerly bore the name of Pons Ælius, from the prænomen of Hadrian, was constructed by him in a. D. 138, opposite the tomb which he had erected. The piers were surmounted by eight colossal columns bearing bronze statues; these columns were destroyed during the troubles in Italy, when a great crowd occasioned by the procession of the jubilee thrust the parapets into the Tiber: Pope 紅茶 ​Fig. 174. Bridge oF ST. ANGELO. Clement IX. restored them in 1668, according to Bernini's designs. It was then decorated with pedestals of white marble, bearing ten colossal statues of angels. The semicircular arches, from 26 feet 3 inches to 62 feet 4 inches span, have archivolts around them : they form a water-way of 370 feet 7 inches. The breadth of the bridge is 50 feet 9 inches. Pons Mammea, on the Teverone, four miles from Rome, consists of three arches, 53 feet 2 inches and 64 feet span. It was erected by Antoninus Pius, about A. D. 147, and restored in 229 by Mammea, mother of Alexander Severus, whose name it bears. The centre arch is ornamented with a Roman eagle holding a thunderbolt in his claws, surrounded by a laurel crown. The cornice is sustained by large consoles; the breadth of the arch is 29 feet 3 inches. The Berghette Bridge, on the Tiber, consists of three arches, 83 feet 4 inches span. The upper part of the piers is pierced, and presents semicircular arcades. Bridge on the Bachiglione, near Vicenza, consists of three arches, one of which is 68 feet 11 inches, and the two others 55 feet 5 inches; it is one of the finest bridges in Italy. The piers are decorated with niches containing statues, and two composite columns, which 158 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. are surmounted by an entablature. The cornice, level over the centre arch, and inclined over the two others, is sustained by strong modillions. The breadth is 55 feet 9 inches. Ancient bridge at Vicenza, has been described by Palladio: the centre arch, 34 feet 8 inches span, is very ancient; the two others are modern, their span is 25 feet 11 inches. The width of the piers is 5 feet 9 inches; that of the bridge, 27 feet 7 inches. The versed sine of the arcs of which the arches consist is two-thirds of their diameter. They are adorned with archivolts: the cornice is sustained by modillions. Pilantio Bridge, over the Teverone, near Rome, on the road to Tivoli, is composed of three arches, arcs of circles. The thickness of the piers is one-fourth the span of the arches, they have no starlings. It is constructed with very large stones; the total length is 170 feet 8 inches. Bridge and Aqueduct of Spoleto, was built near the town which bears that name, in a. n. 741, by Theodoric king of the Goths. It consists of ten large Gothic arches, each 70 feet 3 inches in span, and sustained by piers 11 feet 10 inches thick. The centre arches over the river Moragia are above 328 feet in height. The others are much lower, the two slopes on which they are built being very steep. At the upper side of the bridge, thirty small Gothic arcades sustain an aqueduct, serving to convey water into the town. monument, of a very bold execution, and built of small hard stones, remains entire, and still conveys water to Spoleto. The total length is 810 feet 5 inches, the breadth 42 feet 8 inches. This Bridge and Aqueduct of Civita Castellana. This work is part of a causeway, constructed about 400 years B. C., to approach Castellana, 820 feet long, 33 feet wide, and 128 feet high, pierced in the centre by nine great arches loaded with about 13 feet of earth. The three centre arches are 87 feet 3 inches in span, the others 63 feet 11 inches. Some of the piers are strengthened by counterforts, and others by flying buttresses with a detached base. Bridge on the Cremera, at Civita Castellana. This bridge, celebrated as the place where the Veii gained an advantage over the Fabii, B. c. 447, is constructed of brick, stone, and marble. It consists of three arches, the centre is 74 feet 5 inches span, and the two others 50 feet 2 inches; the breadth is 34 feet 2 inches. The foundation is established on a radier or timber platform, on account of the instability of the soil, on which are inverted arches of the same span as those of the bridge. Trajan's Bridge over the Danube. This colossal work, the most magnificent in Europe, was built under Trajan by Apollodorus, his architect, about A.D. 120. The rapidity and depth of the current in the place where it is situated added to the difficulties of the work: a general foundation was constructed by means of large barges filled with stones, lime, and sand, sunk at the bottom of the river; sacks of different sizes were thrown into the interstices, filled with the same materials. On this base the piers were established. The bridge consisted of twenty semicircular arches, 180 feet 5 inches span. Their springings were raised 46 feet above the general level of the river; the thickness of the piers was 64 feet, they were 85 feet 3 inches wide; the stones used were enormous, but it was de- stroyed a short time after its construction. Some of the piers are still to be seen with the springings of the arches which they supported. M. de Marsigli, in his work on the Danube, charges Dion Cassius with having asserted that the arches of Trajan's bridge were of stone, and says that they are representea as wood on the bas-reliefs of Trajan's Column. Bridge near Terni, on the Nera, whose ruins still exist, consisted of seventeen arches, 131 feet 3 inches span; its piers were 27 feet 6 inches thick, and 111 feet 6 inches to the springing its total length was 2592 feet, and its width 32 feet. : It was constructed of large blocks of stone, and the piers had no starlings; the foundation of intermediate piers may be seen, which divided the opening of each arch into three parts, intended probably to support the centres during the construction of the vault, and afterwards demolished. The bridge has no parapets, and in their place are white marble blocks, between which chains are suspended as guards. Bridge of Capo Dorso, believed to have been built in Sicily by the Romans, consists of one semicircular arch 96 feet span. Its small width may cause us to doubt its Roman construction, being only 17 feet. The Bridge de Boisseron, upon the Domitian Way, near Nismes, said to have been con- structed by C. Domitius Ænobarbus, has five semicircular arches; the centre spans 30 feet 9 inches, the two contiguous 28 feet 9 inches, and the others at the extremities 19 feet 6 inches; the piers are 9 feet 4 inches; the entire width of the bridge, 11 feet 6 inches. All the arches spring from the same level, consequently the roadway and parapets incline from the centre. The piers between the springing of the arches are perforated, to afford more water-way, and to prevent too great a pressure at the time of floods. In this bridge the projecting voussoirs, on which the timbers, struts, or centres, were supported at the time of its construction still remain; in almost all the examples where hard stone was used for the turning an arch, these projecting blocks are to be seen, as in the CHAP. IV. 159 ROMAN. Pont du Gard. Few works have undergone less change than the Bridge of Boisseron, or retains more of the primitive character. Fig. 175. NN BOISSERON. NN INN The Bridge of Sommieres, over the Vidourle, a short distance from Nismes, consists or seventeen arches, all semicircular, built with a durable stone from the quarries of Pondres, situated near the city. All the stones which form the level courses are dressed with great care, and their horizontal and vertical joints worked with precision, little mortar being used; they appear to have been first bedded, then run with a fine cement or liquid mortar. Fig. 176. SOMMIERES. The middle arch spans 32 feet, the others 30 feet, and the piers are 10 feet; the whole length of this fine remain is 620 feet, and the entire width from face to face 22 feet 2 inches. The Bridge of Ambrussum, upon the Domitian Way, over the Vidourle near Nismes, was constructed by Augustus about four years before the commencement of the christian era. Fig. 177. AMBRUSSUM. It seems to have resembled in workmanship that at Boisseron. The arches, formed of four circles of voussoirs, are all destroyed excepting two, which remain in the middle of the stream. The Triumphal Bridge of St. Chamas, over the small rivers called Tolubre, has an arch at each extremity, a perfect and unique example of this kind of bridge. It was built by Augustus, or in his time, as an inscription on the frieze indicates. L. DONNIUS. C. FLAVOS. FLAMEN. ROMÆ. ET. AUGUSTI. TESTAMENTO. FIEREI. JUSSIT. ARBITRATU. C. DONNEI. VÆNÆ. ET. CATTEI. RUFFI. By this inscription we learn that it was erected according to the will of Donneius Flavos, priest of Rome, and Augustus, under the direction of Donneius Væneus and Caffeus Ruffus. But it does not assert that Donneius Flavos was cotemporary with Augustus, or which of the emperors of that name is referred to. 160 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The character of the architecture is the best met with in Gaul; the stone was brought from the neighbouring quarries of Hassissane, and the courses are regularly laid and jointed. អ VIKINIAITCA Fig. 178. bridge at ST. CHAMAS. The span of the arch is 42 feet, and measured on the soffite its breadth is 19 feet 9 inches; there are 39 voussoirs, 3 feet 5 inches in depth; on each side one projects 13 inches, to support the centre. The clear width of the roadway between the parapets is 15 feet 6 inches, and the length between the triumphal arches at each extremity 74 feet 9 inches. The opening of each of the triumphal arches is 11 feet 8 inches, and the height to the springing 9 feet 4 inches; the total height to the top of the cornice 23 feet, and the entire width, as measured along the frieze, 24 feet, forming nearly a square. שער. PER FLAVIO Fig. 179. BRIDGE AT ST. CHAMAS. Some of The writer in 1817 found this beautiful bridge as perfect as here representea. the stones had been repaired, and a few of the upper courses had smaller introduced; based upon a rock, and constructed with the greatest care, it promises to remain as many centuries as it has already done, a monument of the taste and skill of Roman engineers. Palladio and other architects have designed bridges with triumphal arches and covered ways, in CHAP. IV. 161 ROMAN. imitation, and none have surpassed in merit this simple and unique example, which deserves much to be studied. At Vaison are the remains of a bridge of one arch, which, when in a complete state, must have somewhat resembled the preceding; the voussoirs are admirably worked, having } Fig. 180. VAISON. retained their original position; the curvature of the arch has not undergone any change, and the whole is as solid as when first constructed. The Bridge over the Allier, at Brioude, is also Roman, consisting of one arch; in the southern part of France are many such remains, particularly on the ancient routes; through ୮ Fig. 181. །:མས་ Brioude. Provence, the stones are laid in regular courses, and but little mortar used, the voussoirs cut very true, and bedded with care. Bridge at Saintes over the Charente is an ancient structure: above the centre pier, in 1812 was erected a triumphal arch brought from Mediolanum, or Civitas Santonium, Fig. 182. SAINTES. which once formed the termination of a bridge, as at St. Chamas. The proportions given to the architecture are not elegant, and on inspecting it, we are induced to believe, that M 162 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. originally its height equalled its entire width: it has been said by some writers, that the two arches were not so coupled in the situation from whence they were brought, but that a MMD M Mi m m GELL Fig. 183. MEDIOLANUM, single opening terminated each end of the original bridge, as was the practice of the Roman engineers. In Italy we often have the foundations of piers of triumphal arches, and pedestals for statues on the abutments of bridges; these not only added weight, where it could give additional strength, but contributed much to the beauty of the structure; masses of stone built over the springing of an arch assisted in preventing any spreading or slipping upon the haunches; a triumphal arch placed at each extremity would have the same use, and contribute much to the effect. A vast catalogue of Roman bridges might be made, and it is somewhat remarkable that a selection has not been measured by the modern engineers, and classed according to the span of their arches and boldness of construction. The great rivers of Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and Portugal, all afford examples, some erected where the water is broad, rapid, or deep, or on foundations which presented con- siderable difficulties. Timber platforms on piles were universally adopted on soft ground, and a concrete, formed of hydraulic mortar, is found to have been made use of very gene- rally throughout Italy, wherever it could be applied. In Italy, the Roman bridges have generally served for foundations for the modern; many have had their semicircular arches altered during the middle ages, and in some instances, timber constructions are formed upon the massive piers, which time and the floods have spared. One great cause of their destruction was the elevation of the beds of the rivers, in some instances so great, that the openings have entirely silted up, and been closed by the deposit ; in consequence the structure, not affording sufficient water-way, has been carried away by the flood. Pavia over the Tessin.-A covered bridge, of Gothic construction, built of brick, con- sists of seven arches, each 70 feet span, and 64 feet in height. The piers, whose breadth is 16 feet, have a rounded form, but longer in the direction of the stream than across it. The tympanums of the arches are pierced, resembling a curvilinear triangle two sides of which are parallel to the entrados of the vaults; thus the weight in a great mea- sure rests against the keystones, the thickness of which is 5 feet 6 inches. The bricks with which these vaults are constructed have the form given to them suited to their position as voussoirs, and are pierced in the middle to diminish the weight. The piers are covered with white marble, the arches have an archivolt, and the whole is crowned with a Gothic parapet of the same material, worked out to give it the greatest possible light- each footway has a covering supported by two rows of small coloured marble columns, 9 inches in diameter, 14 feet 4 inches apart, whose bases and capitals are of white marble. The vaulted coverings are ornamented with gilt arabesques, on an azure ground, and sustain two terraces, which are ascended by steps, placed at the extremity of the bridge. The thrust of the vaults is opposed, as in many other Italian buildings, by iron rods placed on a level with the springing. This beautiful work was executed by Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, to which prince the city owes the Charter House, Hospital, and Lazaretto. ness; Bridge of the Goldsmiths, at Florence, over the Arno, called Ponte Vecchio, was rebuilt in CHAP. 1V. 163 ROMAN. 1345, after the designs of Taddeo Gaddi; it has three arches, the segments of circles, from 94 feet 6 inches to 85 feet span; and from 15 feet to 12 feet 10 inches rise. The thickness of the key-stone is 3 feet 3 inches, the springing line of the arches is 11 feet 5 inches above the level of low water. The thickness of the piers is 20 feet 4 inches, and the breadth of the bridge 105 feet. It is built on piles, and a general framework; on the upper side of the bridge is a covered gallery constructed by the Medici, and forming the continuation of a passage from the Pitti palace to that of the old Ducal. Under this gallery, on the middle of the bridge, are left open three arcades; the goldsmiths' shops occupy the sides. The bridge of the Goldsmiths is one of the first modern bridges where a segment was employed; its springing is near the level of high water. Bridge of the Carraja at Florence, rebuilt by Taddeo Gaddi, consists of five arches, which are segments, 57 feet 5 inches to 88 feet span; the versed sines are 12 feet 5 inches and 26 feet 10 inches; it is built on piles. The facing walls are of squared stone, the rest, as well as the arches, are in moellon. Bridge of Alexandrie on the Tenaro, was built anterior to the year 1487, when four of its arches were taken out, and reconstructed. It has ten arches, segments of circles, from 52 feet 5 inches to 95 feet 2 inches span. The upper part forms a covered gal- lery, 24 feet wide, the roof of which is supported by small arches, 7 feet 8 inches span; during the time Piedmont was occupied by the French, they constructed a general platform underneath this bridge, to form a movable sluice, by which they could fill the ditches of the citadel in case of siege. Ponte Felice, over the Tiber at Rome, was built in 1587, under Sixtus V., by Dominica Fontana; it is composed of four arches; the two outer are 38 feet 9 inches, and the two middle 51 feet 2 inches span, nearly semicircular, and supported by piers 24 feet 7 inches thick. Over the arches are sculptured bas-reliefs. Bridge over the Arno at Pisa, called the middle, was constructed after those at Flo- rence, in 1660, by François Nave. It is composed of three segmental arches, from 68 feet to 73 feet 7 inches span, and from 12 feet 2 inches to 14 feet 2 inches in height. The piers are 19 feet 3 inches in thickness; the outer work is marble, and the rest brick; the left pier is surrounded by a starling, which serves to strengthen the foundations. Bridge on the Rialto at Venice was built in 1578 by Michael Angelo, and has a single arch 96 feet 10 inches span, and 20 feet 7 inches high. The footways are supported by corbels provided with ballusters; on the two sides are rows of shops, formed by marble arcades; the interval which separates them constitutes three passages, the middle being the largest; this bridge is not intended for carriages. The approaches are steep, aided by marble steps. Bridge at Vicenza resembles the Rialto; the slope is still more steep, and is only used by foot passengers; it has a single arch 101 feet 4 inches span, and 30 feet high. Ponte. Corvo near Aquino, over the Melza; in the fourteenth century, it was in vain attempted to construct a bridge in this situation; the bad quality of the foundation and the rapidity of the torrent rendered all the efforts of the kings of Naples useless. Stephano del Piombino at last proposed to construct one on a circular plan, whose convexity should be opposed to the action of the current, and this idea was adopted, it being considered that such a form would ensure solidity. This bridge was raised on a timber framework, whose surface lay 6 feet 6 inches below the mean level of the water. The piers are formed of large blocks of stone, securely cramped, and defended by several rows of piles, their base has four courses of stone, from 13 feet to 16 feet 5 inches long, also cramped, and presenting large sets-off; as has been observed, the foundations have a circular plan, whose radius is 577 feet 6 inches. The arches are seven in number; they are from 74 feet 5 inches to 93 feet 10 inches span; the thickness of the piers varies from 10 feet 8 inches to 12 feet 9 inches; the breadth of the bridge is 42 feet 7 inches. The torrent being dry for a considerable part of the year, the foundations were laid in one campaign; a great number of workmen as well as soldiers were employed; the following year they raised the piers above the mean level; Stephano died before the completion, and was succeeded by his son, Au- gustino, aided by Joconde of Verona, who was afterwards called to Paris to construct the bridge of Notre Dame; it was finished in 1505. Its solidity is not increased by the circular form given to its plan, but by the construction of the frame-work, which would equally have resisted the action of the current had it been in a right line; if some wearing away had occurred, it would only have been partial, and it is impossible that the bridge could have been carried away in one piece, which might happen to a dam 30 or 40 feet long the disposition adopted has the inconvenience of obliging the piers to be inclined towards the current, which presents more resistance to the stream, and consequently injures the solidity of the bridge. Bridge of the Trinity at Florence was constructed in 1750 by Ammanati, a celebrated architect. This bold work consists of three arches, nearly elliptical, the curve being The portions of two parabolic arches, whose angle at the top is masked by an escutcheon. span of the arches is from 87 feet 7 inches to 95 feet 10 inches; the springings are 7 feet M 2 164 Bec HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. I. Book 2 ELEVATION. PLAN. Fig. 184. BRIDGE OF THE TRINITY AT FLORENCE. : CHAP. IV. 165 ROMAN. * 10 inches above low water, and the rise is one-sixth of the span; the arches are 3 feet 2 inches thick. The breadth of the piers is 26 feet 3 inches, and that of the bridge, 33 feet 9 inches. The facings of the piers are worked stone, with well executed mouldings. The other parts of the structure are of rubble; the foundations rest on a general framework, surrounded and crossed by several rows of piles. A defect which occurred under one of the piers of the bridge was repaired in 1811 by the elder Goury. Bridge of Verona over the Adige consists of three arches, 36, 50, and 160 feet span; the latter is the largest arch found in Italy. Bridge on the Marachia, near Rimini, has five arches, from 23 feet 3 inches to 28 feet 9 inches span. The upper part of the piers has niches and columns, supporting entabla- tures. Water. The Romans bestowed unwearied pains to obtain pure and wholesome water; their military and civil engineers were always on the alert to ascertain its nature and pro- perties throughout the countries where they were employed. Vitruvius observes that when C. Julius, the son of Masinissa, lodged with him, they frequently conversed on sub- jects of natural history, and that he had read most of the Greek authors, as Theophrastus, Herodotus, &c., with the greatest care and attention, for the purpose of ascertaining the qualities of the different streams and rivers. The vast sums of money expended to provide abundance of pure water for the inhabitants of the imperial city and the other towns of that vast empire, gave employment to many engineers; it is curious to examine the opinions of Greek and Roman philosophers upon the nature and properties of this element. Thales, the Milesian, taught that all things originated from, and the priests of Egypt believed that all things were composed of, water; that it was essentially necessary for the purposes of life, for pleasure, and for daily use, was universally felt and admitted. When the Roman engineer wished to discover the source of a stream, he was instructed to lie down on the ground a little time before sunrise, and to notice where the vapours rose into the air; he was then to dig at that spot and commence his search. In clay it was supposed the supply was small, and not of the best quality; but in veins of gravel that it was well flavoured; when the bulrush, the wild willow, the alder, reeds, ivy, and similar plants abounded, abundance was always relied on. In situations where these indications were not met with, they adopted the following plan: a hole three feet square was dug, at least five feet deep, and in it, about sunset, a brass or leaden vessel was placed, rubbed inside with oil. Thus prepared it was inserted, and the upper part of the excavation covered with reeds or leaves, over which the earth was thrown. If on the following day, on opening the hole, the inside of the vessel exhibited any drops of water, it was ex- pected that a quantity might be obtained. When the vessel placed in the pit was made of unburnt clay, it was often found destroyed by the moisture, which was considered a sure indication of the presence of water. A fleece of wool was often placed in a similar pit, and when water on the following day could be pressed out of it, an abundant supply was inferred. Lamps full of oil were placed in the pit and covered over, and when examined, if not exhausted, but still retaining some of the wick and oil, and presenting a humid appearance, it was shown that water might be found, as it was supposed that heat invariably drew moisture towards it. Such were the rude trials recommended previous to the sinking of a well, which were continued until the head of the spring was found; other wells were then dug around it, and by means of tunnelling connected with it. Rain water was considered by Celsus the physician the most pure, and formed of the lightest vapours. Aristotle supposed that these vapours rose from the earth, into a cold region of the air, were then compressed into clouds, and afterwards condensed into rain; that such water collected into showers was cleansed by its passage through the air. And Vitruvius tells us further, that showers do not so frequently fall upon plains as upon high ground, because the vapours are driven to the mountains. The winds convey the water when heated by the sun, from the low grounds to the higher, and thus keep up a constant circulation; and he further illustrates this by his observation of the drops of water which collect on the ceiling of a hot bath; hot vapours ascend at first from their lightness, and do not fall down, but when condensed, they drop on the heads of the bathers; so it is with air warmed by the sun, it raises moisture from all places, and gathers it into clouds, whilst the winds which blow from cold quarters bring dry air and not vapours. } Some hot springs produced excellent flavoured water, and many cold ones had both bad taste and smell; the Romans arranged these, made them serviceable to a variety of purposes, and had baths supplied with water adapted, as they supposed, to every species of malady. Some springs, where the water was acid, as those found at Lyncestis in Italy, the Velinus, and in the Campana near Theanum, had the property of dissolving the stone which forms in the bladder; eggs placed in such water had their shells softened and dissolved; lead became white by the application of an acid, and brass verdigris. Pearls and flint stones, upon which fire would have no effect, were speedily dissolved in the same way by the application of acids. Such were the qualities and properties they found in some of the waters, and the Romans seem on all occasions to have exercised their knowledge, M 3 166 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. when they selected a spring, on which they considered the health of mankind so much depended. Before an open or running stream was laid on to a town, they examined the inhabitants of the neighbourhood; if strongly formed, fresh coloured, sound legs, and without blear eyes, they considered the water good. By throwing a drop of water into a clean brass vessel, if it left no stain, it was thought pure. And after boiling, if no sedi- ment was deposited, it was equally so. If in the spring it appeared limpid and transparent, and no moss or reeds generated near it, the water was considered light and wholesome. Instruments used by the Romans for Levelling. The libra aquaria and the dioptera were not for this purpose considered so correct as an instrument called the chorabates, which was a rod or plank, about 20 feet in length, mounted on a leg at each of its extremities, both of equal length. The rod and the legs were fastened or secured by diagonal cross pieces or braces, on which were marked correctly vertical lines. A plumb line attached at each extremity and acting over these diagonal braces indicated whether the instrument was level. When the wind prevented the plumb bobs from remaining stationary, a channel cut in the upper edge of the horizontal rod was filled with water, and if the water touched equally both extremities, the level was supposed to be correct, and then the observation of the descent or elevation of the ground was made with accuracy. Vitruvius observes that although Archimedes asserts that water is not level, but takes the form of a spheroid whose centre is that of the earth, yet the two ends of the channel on the rod will nevertheless sustain an equal height of water. If it be inclined towards one side, that end which is highest will not suffer the water to reach to the edge of the channel on the rod. So that though water poured in may have a swelling and curve in the middle, yet at its extremities it will be level. When this instrument was used, if the ground was very unequal, the feet were propped up, and supported till they were brought level. The other two instruments, as the water-level and the dioptera, are not very accurately described. Conducting of Water. This was effected in various ways by the Romans, either in channels built to convey it, or in earthen or in leaden pipes. When channels or aqueducts were adopted, they were solidly and substantially executed, with a fall of not less than six inches in a hundred feet, and arched over at top, to prevent the sun from affecting the water. When the water arrived at the walls of the city, a reservoir or castellum was built, which contained three cisterns to receive it. In the reservoir were three pipes of equal diameter, so connected, that when the water overflowed at the extremities, it was discharged into the middle one, which supplied the pipes for the fountains; a second pipe supplied the baths, and a third the private houses. The water for public use was never deficient, nor could it be diverted if the mains or pipes were properly constructed. The private houses had a tax levied upon them, which was expended in keeping the aqueduct in repair. When hills intervened between the spring head and the city, tunnels were driven under ground, with a fall of one in two hundred; when the material cut through was stone, a channel was formed in it; when of earth or gravel, side walls were built, and an arch turned over, through which the water was conducted. Wherever these tunnels were formed, perpendicular shafts were sunk every 120 feet distance. When the water was brought in leaden pipes, a reservoir was made near the spring, and other pipes of sufficient diameter conducted it to the city reservoir; these were made in lengths of not less than ten feet, out of sheet lead of different widths and weights; hence a sheet of 100 inches wide would make a pipe weighing 1200 pounds; 80 inches wide, 960 pounds; 50 inches wide, 600 pounds; 40 inches, 480 pounds; 30 inches, 360 pounds; 20 inches, 240 pounds; 15 inches, 180 pounds; 10 inches, 120 pounds; 8 inches, 96 pounds; and 5 inches 60 pounds. When pipes of this kind were used, the lead varied in weight, though it was generally at the rate of fifteen pounds per superficial foot; if there was a uniform and proper fall, any little impediment was made up by means of substructions, or by taking a circuitous course, provided it was not too far about; the pipes were all laid with a regular and proper current. If the valleys were long, they took the slope of the hill, and when the water arrived at the bottom, it was carried across the valley by a low substruction at as great a distance as possible; a venter here prevented the water on its arriving on the opposite side or acclivity from bursting or destroying the joints of the pipes. Over the venter were placed lofty upright pipes, by which the violence of the air escaped. Thus when water was conducted through leaden pipes, due attention was paid to the fall of its descent, its circuit, its vent, and the compression of the air. It was, however, always found expedient, after the fall from the spring was obtained, to build reservoirs, at distances of 20,000 feet, to allow of repairs. These reservoirs were not made on any descent, nor on the venter, nor on a rise, nor in valleys, but only on plains. When economy was considered, earthen tubes were substituted, not less than two inches in thickness, so made, that one end fitted into the other. The joints were then coated with a mixture of quick-lime and oil, and on the elbows made by the level part of the venter, instead of the pipe, was placed a block of red stone, so perforated, that the last length of inclined pipe, and the first length of the level part, were received into it. On the opposite sides, where the acclivity commenced, a block of red stone received the last length of the CHAP. IV. 167 ROMAN. venters, and the first length of the rising pipe. By this attention the tubes in their ascent and descent were never put out of order. In aqueducts there is generated a great rush of air, says Vitruvius, of force sufficient to break stones, unless the water is softly and sparingly let down from the head, and unless in elbows and bending joints it be restrained by means of ligatures or a weight of ballast. When the water was first let down from the head, ashes were put in, which closed the joints where they were not sufficiently coated; earthen pipes were considered in some instances preferable, as when damaged, almost any one could repair them, and the water conducted by them was of greater purity. purity. The Romans preferred earthen vessels to silver at their daily meals, the water preserving its flavour better in them. When wells were dug, they were steined or walled round, to exclude filtration, and tanks and cisterns were frequently used to collect the rain, which were carefully built with the purest and roughest sand and broken flint, гр among which no single piece weighed more than a pound; very strong lime and sand, mixed in the proportions of five of sand and two of lime, formed the mortar. The flints combined with the mortar lined the sides and bottom of the excavation. Several divisions were made in these cisterns coated with cement, and the waters passing from one to the other, depositing its im- purities, was rendered wholesome and fit for use. Pliny, lib. xxxi. cap. 31., informs us, that when water is to rise, the pipes must be made of lead, and that water will always ascend by itself to the height in the castellum from which it is delivered, or, in other words, find its own level; but that wherever there is a bend in the pipe, the lead must be increased in thickness at that place. Fig. 185. PLAN OF WELL. Fire Engines.-There can be no doubt but that the Romans had contrivances by which they could extinguish fires, for we learn by one of Pliny's letters to the Emperor Trajan, that when the town of Nicomedia, in Bithynia, was almost destroyed by fire, its ravages were increased by the laziness of the inhabitants, and the want of a proper machine- sipho―for extinguishing the flames. When Strabo, lib. v., alludes to the subterranean conduits at Rome, he mentions, that all the houses had siphones or water-pipes, and which probably could be applied to put out any accidental fire. Apollodorus, the architect, in his description of warlike machines, mentions the sipho for extinguishing fire, and observes, that if it is not at hand, leathern bags filled with water may be fastened to hollow canes, in such a manner as by pressing the bags the water may be forced over the flames. Such a sipho might throw water to a great height, and in the fourth century they were made use of. The Romans had many ordinances for the extinguishing of fires, and Ulpian, Digest, xxxiii. 7. 18., when mentioning those things which ought to belong to a house when sold, names the siphones, which have been supposed to be fire-engines. Seneca observes that the height of the houses at Rome rendered it impossible to extinguish fire, in consequence of the narrowness of the streets. Form of the Pipes. These were not truly cylindrical, as has been commonly supposed, but their section that of a pear; the upper part being gathered in formed an edge where it was soldered. On some found is inscribed the name of the maker, and the situation they occupied. Where strength was required, over the joint was soldered a capping or ridge, hooped round with narrow cuttings of lead. Pliny gives us (lib. xxxiii. cap. 30.), the method adopted for soldering the different metals; for gold, borax was used; for iron potter's clay (argilla); alum for brass; resin for lead; and in lib. xxxiv. cap. 48., the same writer tells us that tin is used as a compound to solder conduit pipes, and that the best common black lead, beaten with hammers into sheets for the making of the conduit pipes, was brought from Britain, where it was found on the surface of the ground in great abundance. To stop the water in the pipe, or to turn it on, a metal cock was used, and many have been found, similar in their construction to those of modern date. Vessels resem- bling a deep pan of lead are met with, supposed to be for the purpose of measuring off a certain quantity of water. Pipes of earthenware or terra cotta, called tubuli fictiles, are found in the walls of the baths and Coliseum of various diameters, none less than two fingers or digits, which was required to prevent any accumulation of deposit. Canales lignei, or wooden pipes, were common in ordinary structures, on account of their economy. Piscina and cisterns were differently constructed for the reception of water: that called the Sette Sale, which served the baths of Titus, is one of the most perfect. The Sette Sale, where the water was collected for the supply of the baths of Titus, contains nine large reservoirs; it is situated on the Esquiline Hill, in a lonely vineyard near the Palombara. By some writers it is assumed, that the quantity of water they contained M 4 1G8 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. was not needed for the baths, but was intended to supply the arena of the Coliseum, when converted into a naumachia. The walls are solidly built above and below, and all the arches and vaults well turned; the outer wall is buttressed up, and the spaces between formed into hemispherical recesses. The stucco which has lined the walls is encrusted with a tartareous deposit, similar to what we find in the channels of the aqueducts, and the Piscina mirabile at Baiæ, and is so hard that it bears a polish equal to marble. J The Fig. 186. THE SETte sale, various communications between these halls are set out with great regularity, and standing within either, looking diagonally, a fine effect is obtained. Piscina were intended for the same purpose as our cisterns, and by Frontinus they are designated Limaria when they were used for allowing water to deposit its impurities; such a piscina remains on the Latian Way, built in the manner already alluded to the water flowing in and out of apertures made at right angles with each other. When a reservoir was covered by an arch, it was termed contectis piscinis; such received the waters of most of the aqueducts, and kept them from any influence that the sun's power might produce; when left exposed, vegetable matter would form on the surface, and render the water unwholesome. Frontinus describes a variety of arrangements to keep water pure, and in a piscina near the Latian Way are three divisions, which formed a perfect system of filtration; from the Fig. 187. LIMARIA. galleries above it could be drawn out in any state of purity, and every precaution was Fig. 188. CONTECTIS PISCINIS. ப PLAN. CHAP. IV. 169 ROMAN taken to provide means to cleanse at proper times each division; these were sometimes called conceptacula, and had considerable sums of money expended upon them. Sextus Julius Frontinus, who flourished in the time of Vespasian, was of a patrician family; Tacitus mentions that he was prætor of Rome, A.D. 70. We find that he held the office of consul three times, and that during the expedition to Britain, he was the proconsul; he was appointed by Nero to superintend the Roman aqueducts, and during the period he filled that office, for the benefit of his successors, he compiled the work, " De Aquæductibus Urbis Romæ," which contains an account of the aqueducts built in his time, as well as the names of all the waters brought to Rome, and by what consuls, from the foundation of the city; from what places and the miles distant; what distance they ran under ground, how much above over arches; their height, their breadth, their laying out, how much without, as well as within the city; the quantity of water delivered to each region by measure; the number of public reser- voirs, as well as private; what was effected at the charge of the public, and what of private individuals; the quantity brought from lakes; and also the penalties imposed on contumacious persons by decrees of the senate, and by the commands of the emperor. For 440 years after the foundation of the city, the Romans were content to use the water drawn from the Tiber, or from wells and springs; many of the latter were supposed to be under the protection of deities. Fig. 189. FILTER. The Aqua Tepula was conducted to Rome 126 years before Christ, and took its source on the borders of the Latian Way, from some springs which communicated with the Anio; its length was 2000 Roman paces. The Aqua Julia was conducted to Rome in the days of Julius Cæsar, by Agrippa; a separate canal being added for this purpose to those of Tepula and Marcia. Its length was PLAN Fig. 190. AQUA JULIA AND TEPULA. 15,126 paces, 7000 of which were above ground, and 6472 on arches. Agrippa at his own expense also repaired the two which were first constructed and found out of order. • 170 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The Anio Vetus, about the year 481 from the foundation of the city, was commenced by M. Curius Dentatus, and the expenses defrayed by the spoils taken from Pyrrhus. The VANHA > GM Mindy Hu Fig. 191. VETUS AND CLAUDIA. water was drawn from the Anio, above Tivoli, and the whole work was completed some time after the death of Dentatus, by his successor F. Flaccus. The total length of this aqueduct was 43,000 Roman paces, 221 of which were subterranean. These two aqueducts in the year 608 from the foundation of the city needing con- siderable repairs, the Prætor Marius was directed to perform them, and to conduct a further supply from the neighbourhood of Subiaco, situated among the mountains 20 miles beyond Tivoli; the water of the Anio was there found in a purer state, and less contaminated with earthy matter. The length of this aqueduct was 61,710 Roman paces, 7463 above ground, and the remainder 54,247 subterranean. Where streams or valleys were crossed, arches were constructed which measured 463 paces. The Aqua Appia, was the first brought to Rome, in the consulship of Valerius Maximus and P. Decius, in the year of Rome, 442. Appius Claudius directed this work during the time that Crassus was censor. This aqueduct commenced in Agro Lucullano, on the Prænestine Way, between the sixth and eighth mile stone, turning on the left 780 paces; its length from its head to the Salinas, at the Trigemenian gate, was 11,190 paces. It was conducted under ground for 11,130 paces, and the whole was arched over. Above ground it was carried for a distance of 60 paces, (but of this no traces now remain,) to the Capuan gate, where it united with the old Anio, at the confines of the gardens of Torquatianus. The Aqua Virgo was introduced a few years afterwards, and some portions of it may be traced, crossing the three roads, which lead from the gates of Lorenzo, Pia, and Salara. Fig. 192. AQUA VIRGO, CHAP. IV. 171 ROMAN. It was 14,105 paces in length, 12,865 underground, 1240 above. and 700 on arches, some of which were of great beauty. The plan, elevation, and section, is from the work of Alexander Donatus, as it existed in his time. This aqueduct had its commencement on the Via Collatina, about eight miles from the city. The covered piscina, situated near the Pincian Hill, has two stories, and is a curious and perfect example of a part of the aqueduct; these cisterns in all probability were so named from having become recep- tacles for small fish. The con- ceptacula was the vaulted cistern, covered in a manner to protect the water from the sun's influence, which was preferable to the open reservoir or limaria. The water here entered at the top of one alley and descended by the other to the lower compartments, where it de- posited the earthy matter it held. The contents of this piscina were accurately known, and the water could always be let out in any given quantity. The plan and elevation of the stairs which conduct above are well contrived for the access of the superintendents to the passages above. Fig. 193. CONCEPTACULA, AQUA virgine. Fig. 194. PLAN. SECTION OF STAIRS. The arches which decorate some portion of this aqueduct are not only well proportioned, but receive further embellishment from a re- gular order of Corinthian columns: where the passage is preserved through the line, the elevation is increased by an additional height. The section at the side shows the channel for the stream, which flowed in the attic, built above the order, covered in by a vault carefully worked and well tied together: here every precaution seems to have been taken to guard against leakage, which, if it ever happened, would be immediately discovered, by the pouring out of the water at the defective place; and along the whole line of aqueduct, materials were deposited, that there might be no delay in the work; there would be also less to perform than to take up a whole length of mains laid under a solid and hard pavement, rendered impassable during the progress. Such an inconvenience in crowded streets, the Romans wisely avoided, and continued to prefer the system of raised aqueducts to those buried in vaults under ground. DRENALINI ZALMEIRA DUANES JA RETULI. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Fig. 195. AQUA VIRGINE. 172 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. # The castellum of Aqua Julia is situated near the Porta Esquilina; in it we can trace the triple immissarium from which the waters were distributed. The castellum (Vitruvius, lib. viii. cap. 7.) or reservoir, constructed near the walls of the city, had a triple cistern attached to it to receive the water. Three conduits, of equal dimensions, were connected in such a manner, that when the water was more than necessary for the supply of the outer, ப SECTION AAAA! I LAN Fig. 196. CASTELLUM AQUA JULIA. it was discharged into that of the middle, which served all the pipes of the public foun- tains: one of the mains supplied the baths, the other the private houses. The object of this contrivance was to provide first for the public wants, then the baths, and afterwards private individuals. At the end of each of these three conduits was a receptacle (receptaculum), from whence the general distribution was made; at the sides were two others (caduca) to take off any superabundant quantity. By such an arrangement the various supplies were regulated with the greatest nicety. The total width of this castellum is 115 feet; and the plan and sections show its general arrangement, its staircases, passages, and receptacles for the water. No expense was spared in the construction of these stupendous edifices, which, attached to the numerous aqueducts of Rome, must have resembled palaces. Built of squared stone, and lined with brick coated with a fine cement, every precaution was taken to prevent leakage or infiltration. The several conduits and pipes were provided with valves and corks for shutting off or turning on a supply to any direction. Here the superintendant could direct the flow of water to the several localities in his neighbourhood, without going into the castellum: he could also judge of the quantity discharged in each direction, by the simple instruments he was provided with: experience soon taught him what quantity flowed through the respective apertures, and he always knew, by guaging the several cisterns or reservoirs, what had flowed out. A constant flow from the aqueduct enabled him at the castellum to regulate its distribution, and without great arrangement, when the time came for supplying the numerous baths, there would have been found a deficiency: there needed some precautions to prevent this. As the waters brought by these several conduits deposited a considerable quantity of earthy matter, it was necessary that the castellum which received it should be provided with conveniences, by which all the silt that accumulated could be readily removed. For this purpose chambers were attached to the several cisterns, where the water was not dis- turbed by the efflux or letting it out, and from them the deposit was washed, by either letting it off into the public sewers, or removing it by manual labour. In some of the cisterns or reservoirs discovered, the bottom was made with a considerable fall or inclination CHAP. IV. 173 ROMAN. towards a pit sunk in the middle, or like a shallow basin, with a circular hole in the centre, through which might be scoured out all the accumulations of sand or lime deposited; these holes were simply closed or secured by a plug, or by a hard stone in the form of the frustum of a cone. The arch which supports the triple aqueduct of Julia, Tepula, and Martia shows the last-mentioned water conducted through the lowest channel in the section, and that of Julia in the uppermost : it is situated near the Porta Esquilina, and on it is the following inscription IMP. CAES. DIVI JULI F. AUGVSTVS PONTIFEX MAXIMVS COS. XI. TRIBVNIC. POTESTAT. XIX. IMP. XIII. RIVOS AQVARVM OMNIVM REFECIT. Underneath is another inscription, showing when it was re- paired. IMP. TITVS CAESAR DIVI F. VESPASIANVS AVGVST. PONTIF. MAX. TRIBVNICIAE POTESTAT. IX. IMP. XV. CENS. COS. VII. DESIGN. VIII. RIVOM AQVAE MARCIAE VETVSTATE DILAPSVM REFECIT ET AQVAM QUAE IN VSV ESSE DESIDERAT. REDVXI. Three streams, conducted by artificial channels one over the other, and differing in quality, required particular care that they did not leak one into the other, and that the better should not be deteriorated by communicating with that which differed from it in salubrity and clearness: we consequently find that the channel for each is based upon a thick stone, passing into the sides of the aqueduct, which is covered with tiles and a coat of cement with the greatest care: the only chance of any rupture or crack would arise from a settlement of a division of the arcade, which would imme- diately be discovered by the leakage, and would speedily be re- stored. Doors from the outsides admitted the attendants occa- sionally to examine the several conduits; and it was the duty of the supervisors and sub-engineers to report constantly upon their efficiency and condition. Fig. 197. SECTION OF AQUEDUCT OF AQUA 身 ​ANA MINUUT JULIA TEPULA, AND MARCIA. Fig. 198. AQUA JULIA, TEPULA, and marciaA. And below this, immediately above the middle arch upon the architrave which sup- ports the cornice, is cut another. IMP. CAES. M. AURELIUS ANTONINUS PIUS FELIX AUG. PARTHIC MAXIM. BRIT. MAXIMUS PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. AQUAM MARCIAM VARIIS KASIBUS IMPEDITAM PURGATO FONTE EXCISIS ET PERFORATIS MONTIBUS RESTITUTA FORMA ADQUISITO ETIAM FONTE NOVO ANTONINIANO IN SACRAM URBEM SUAM PERDUCENDAM CURAVIT. 174 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Seven aqueducts were sufficient to supply Rome until the time of Caligula, when two others were commenced, which were finished by the emperor Claudius: these were — Aqua Claudia. - Few aqueducts exhibit greater beauty of construction or design, and JIGA. Mu Fig. 199. what remains is a mo- nument of the munifi- cence of the emperor: it was extended from the Porta Maggiore to the brink of the Cælian Hill by Nero. When we examine this structure through- out its entire length of nearly 50 miles, we can- not allow the Roman engineers who con- structed it to have been ignorant of hydrostatics. After the source of the springs had been disco- vered, to have conducted the water by a regular fall to the castellum, and then distribute it to the several portions of the city, could not be accomplished without a thorough knowledge of the levels of the country through which the aque- duct was to pass: one regular fall was main- tained throughout, that the water might not be AQUA CLAUDIA AND ANIO NOVUS. SECTION. either unnecessarily agitated or retarded: and it would be far more difficult to regulate such a fall on a lofty structure of arches, than in a system of pipes laid under ground. Such knowledge indicates that the Roman engineers were pro- foundly instructed in the sciences, and ELEVATION. PLAN. Fig. 200. AQUA CLAUDIA AND ANIO NOVus. CHAP. IV. 175 ROMAN. thoroughly understood the properties of running water. This aqueduct received two streams, which flowed from near the Via Sublaceni, a road which follows the valley of the Anio, above Tivoli. Its total length was 46,406 Roman paces, 36,230 subterranean, and 10,176 on arches. Fig. 201. AQUA CLAUDIA AND NOVUS. The other was the Anio Novus, the most considerable and curious in its construction. It was in length 58,700 Roman paces, 49,300 under ground, 9400 above, and 6491 carried on arches, some of which exceed in height 100 feet. Before the water was admitted into this aqueduct, it passed through a reservoir, where the sediment was collected. Both these aqueducts, after passing on arches and under ground, were united, although the waters were kept separate. The Tiber, at Rome, was considered to be 91½ feet above the level of the Mediterranean ; and the various heights above the level of the Tiber there that these several aqueducts delivered their water may be thus stated. The Anio Novus was above the level of the Tiber The Aqua Claudia The Aqua Julia The Aqua Marcia The Anio Vetus The Aqua Virgo The Aqua Appia Feet. 158.88 148.9 129.4 125.4 - 82.5 34.2 - 27.4 The nine aqueducts which supplied Rome with water in the time of Frontinus are stated to have furnished a quantity as follows: --- The Aqua Appia - The Anio Vetus The Aqua Marcia The Aqua Tepula The Aqua Julia The Aqua Virgo The Aqua Alsietina The Aqua Claudia The Anio Novus - - 4398 quinariæ 4690 - 1398 2524 14018 - 4607 4738 For construction and architectural arrangement the most beautiful was the Aqua Claudia, built entirely of squared stone; that of Marcia, which ran almost parallel with it, had its arches 16 feet span, constructed of different kinds of stone, red, brown, and yellow; the waters were conducted in canals, one above the other, and the arches in many places were more than 70 feet in height. Others were of brick and marble, subject to dilapidations, and cost vast sums to repair. ㅁ ​ㅁ ​ㅁㅁ ​ㅁ ​ㅁㅁ ​ப ㅁㅁ ​Fig. 202. SECTION. PLAN OF RESERVOIR. 176 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The reservoirs, attached to most of the aqueducts for cleansing and filtering the waters, were constructed and attended to with the greatest care. The emperor Nerva formed many deep reservoirs by the sides of the aqueducts, to collect the sediment in its passage, and also ordered that the Aqua Marcia should not be used for any other purposes but that of beve- rage, it being the coolest as well as most transparent of the waters brought to Rome. When these structures required repair in the first instance slaves were employed, 240 being engaged by Agrippa for that purpose. In the time of Claudius, regular fountaineers were appointed, to the number of 460 persons, distributed into overlookers, keepers of the castellum, stone-cutters, masons, plasterers, stuccoers, and others. The works were con- ducted in the winter, it being thought that the heat of summer would occasion the masonry to dry too fast for its solidity. In Rome every house had its fountain, and the water laid on, for the use of the inhabit- ants, and it was not considered that a dwelling was fit to receive a tenant, however humble his lot, unless it was provided with an abundant supply of water—an instance of consider- ation worthy the imitation of modern times. Aqua Alsietina, in length 22,172 paces, was brought by Augustus to Rome; the water was of a quality only fitted for the purposes of irrigation, being considered unwhole- some to drink. 358 arches formed a part of its construction. Aqua Aniene nuovo and Claudia are carried over the Porta Maggiore on two stone arches, highly decorated; the water of the Anio Novus flows above that of Claudia, as indicated in the section. Fig. 203. PLAN. SECTION. The front, which is situated on the Via Prænestina and Labicana, exhibits the following three inscriptions. TI. CLAUDIUS DRUSI F. CAISAR AUGUSTUS GERMANICUS PONTIF. MAXIM. TRIBUNICIA POTESTATE XII. COS. V. IMPERATOR XXVII. PATER PATRIAE QUAS CLAUDIAM EX FONTIBVS QUI VOCABANTUR CAERVLEUS ET CURTIUS MILLIARIO XXXXV. ITEM `ANIENEM NOVUM A MILLIARIO LXII. SUA IMPENSA IN URBEM PERDUCENDAS CURAVIT. IMP. CAISAR VESPASIANUS AUGUST. PONTIF. MAX. TRIB. POT. II. IMP. VI. COS. III. DESIG. IIII. P.P. AQUAS CURTIUM ET CAERULEAM. PERDUCTAS A DIVO CLAUDIO ET POSTEA INTERMISSAS DILAPSASQUE PER ANNOS NOVEM SUA IMPENSA URBI RESTITUIT. IMP. T. CAISAR DIVI F. VESPASIANUS AUGUSTUS PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. TRIBUNIC. POTESTATE X. IMPERATOR XVII. PATER PATRIAE CENSOR COS. VIII, AQUAS CURTIUM ET CAERVLEAM PERDUCTAS A DIVO CLAUDIO ET POSTEA A DIVO VESPASIANO PATRE SUO URBI RESTITUTAS CUM A CAPITE AQUARUM A SOLO VETUSTATE DILAPSAE ESSENT NOVA FORMA REDUCENDAS SUA IMPENSA CURAVIT. Alexander Severus embellished Rome with many stately buildings and magnificent por- Near Labicana, four miles from the city, are the remains of an aqueduct which ticoes. Fig. 204. ALEXANDRINA. conveyed the water called Alexandrina to Rome. This emperor was murdered A. D. 235, and left this fine specimen of construction for our admiration. He was accomplished, fond CHAP. IV. 177 ROMAN of literature, moderate at his table, and partial to men of genius, from amongst whom Ulpian was selected to be his constant companion. The Aqueduct at Nismes, or the Pont du Gard, was, perhaps, the earliest constructed by the Romans out of Italy, and is supposed to have been executed by Agrippa, who was governor Fig. 205. PONT DU GARD. of that city in the time of Augustus, and declared curator perpetuus aquarum. arrangement affords us the best means of judging of such works. Its perfect It has three tiers of arches, one above the other; the lowest, under which the river Gardon passes, is composed of six arches, the second of eleven, and the upper or third tier of thirty-five, besides two openings made at the side, at the time of the invasion of Gaul. The arches are semicircular, and rest upon piers more or less elevated. Above the upper row was the conduit for the water, which passed the valley of the Gardon at a height of more than 157 feet above the river below. The length of this splendid monument at the level of the string course surmounting the first tier is 562 feet, and at the level of the second string course 885 feet; it is nearly the same length above the crowning stones of the aqueduct, between the extremities where broken down. The total height is 161 feet, viz. 66 feet for the first story from the bed of the river to the first string course, the same to the second string course, and 29 feet to the top of the stones which cover it. The divisions of the arches and piers of the first and second stories correspond; the largest arch of the first story, under which, when there is little water in it, it generally passes, is the centre of the monument, and the second from the left bank of the Gardon. On the first and second story, on each side, are arches of a smaller space, which are succeeded by others still less. The difference in the span of these arches, and their all being semicircular, obliged their springing to commence at different levels, which has a singular effect. The large arch through which the river passes is 80 feet 5 inches in diameter; the three on the right side are 63 feet, and the smaller are 51 feet. All the arches of the upper story are equal in span, 15 feet 9 inches: their piers vary in width, and do not come immediately over those of the two stories below; consequently, in this tier there is no symmetry maintained with those beneath them, nor are the perpendiculars kept. The thickness of the Pont du Gard, from the face of one side to that of the other, is at the first story 20 feet 9 inches, at the second story 15 feet, at the third 11 feet 9 inches. Each story forms a considerable set-off, three feet nearly on each side of the first story, and 1 foot 6 inches at the second, where the string course or cymatium was increased a little more than a foot in its projection, to allow foot passengers to traverse the valley with more facility, The lower piers are strengthened and protected by buttresses of a triangular plan, which directed the waters of the valley in time of floods. The construction of the Pont du Gard exhibits great skill; the stones are all laid according to their natural beds in the quarry, and their dimensions are considerable: they were brought from the neighbourhood, on the left bank of the river, and are of the same quality as those employed in the amphi- theatre at Nismes. Corbels or projecting stones are left in various parts, for the purpose of supporting the centres and scaffolding, which were not removed, that they might be ser- viceable for after repairs. The foundations were established upon a rock 6 feet above the bed of the river, and the thickness of the piers is formed of only two or three stones of large dimensions. The courses are in general 2 feet in height. The key-stone of the large arch is 5 feet 3 inches, and that of the others 5 feet in depth; those of the arches of the upper story 2 feet 7 inches. The lower arches are formed of four separate rings in their soffites, those of the range above of three, and those of the upper or smaller range of single rings or courses of voussoirs: N 178 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. this kind of construction is unique; the voussoirs seem to be carried side by side, and the soffites of the arches exhibit the joints not broken, but continuing round in one line. The thickness of the arch consists of three distinct arches not tied or bonded together. The whole is of freestone, from the foundations to the third course above the cymatium, which covers the piers of the third story. Moellon or rubble was employed for the filling in of the piers, spandrills, and haunches, of the first and second stories. The stones are laid without cement, and owe their solidity to the weight of each block, and the nicety observed in the working of their beds and joints. Each stone was dropped into its place by means of the lewis, the holes for the insertion of which are still seen exactly placed over the centre of gravity of each. The work above the small arches of the third story is of masonry filled in with rubble work: here a considerable quantity of cement is used, which has become as hard as the stone itself, forming one impermeable mass, and pre- venting any filtration, which would, if suffered, have been detrimental to the structure. The channel for the water is placed between two walls of masonry, 2 feet 9 inches thick ; the bottom has an inverted arch, which with the walls are covered with a cement 2 inches in thickness, composed of fine sand, powdered brick and quick-lime. Its strength is equal to that of the hardest stone, and there is no apparent change in it, since it was first laid This layer of cement is covered with a fine mastic, very thin, and of a deep red colour, laid on with a brush, giving the whole a face as smooth as highly polished marble. on. The waters of the Eure and Airan were conducted along this course, which was 4 feet in width, and 4 feet 9 inches in height. The walls are of moellon or rubble, and had over them a covering or slab, 2 feet 6 inches in height, formed of two courses of freestone projecting 2 feet; over these were laid slabs of freestone, which covered in the aqueduct, 12 feet in length, and 3 feet 3 inches in width, projecting over the walls below 9 inches. The fall given to the water is four-hundredths of a foot for every hundred feet, throughout the entire length of the aqueduct, which brought the waters to the inhabitants of Nismes, from the sources of the Eure and Airan in the valley of Uzes; after these rivers have supplied many mills, they fall into the Gardon, near the Pont du Gard. Several portions of the two aqueducts which conveyed their waters respectively to the great aqueduct still remain, between Uzes and the village of S. Maximin. The commencement of the aqueduct was to the south of S. Maximin; it followed all the sinuosities of the hill, so that the level was always maintained; it was entirely under- ground, and often cut in the rock itself. The Romans constructed small bridges over the rivulets, which were permitted to pursue their course to the Gardon. One of these, thrown across the cascade of the Bord Negré, remains. After having passed the Château d'Argellies the side of the hill is lower, and the summit is below the level of the waters, conducted to this point; here the aqueduct is carried on a series of arches, similar to those of the upper part of the Pont du Gard, with which they unite, passing behind the village of Vers, and describing on their plan considerable bendings, that they may follow the crest of the hill, which precaution was necessary, to economise the height of the piers. Thus the waters of the Eure and Airan arrived at the Pont du Gard by a circuitous flow of 50,855 feet; after it had passed the Pont du Gard, the aqueduct was lost in the sides of the mountain as far as Lafoux; it then reappeared, and was carried on arches more or less elevated across the gorges met with in its passage, some of which remain. It was then carried on the eastern side of the hill, behind St. Bonnet, under the village of Sarnhac, and crossed the great road to Nismes near Besonce, to arrive at the mountain of St. Gervasy, which it followed as far as Nismes. The whole distance from the Pont du Gard is 83,665 feet: whence it results that the total length of the aqueduct between the extreme points was 134,515 feet. The relations of both Vitruvius and Pliny on the construction of aqueducts, the engineer here finds carried into effect in the most admirable manner, and he must be convinced that the knowledge possessed by the ancients of the laws of hydrodynamics was far greater than they have received credit for. If their writers have not handed down to us the calculations made previous to the commencement of these vast and laborious undertakings, the works show practically their engineers thoroughly understood the art of levelling, and the laws by which water in its course was governed: though the fall given to the slope of the channel of this aqueduct is but small, it is regular throughout, and from the masterly manner in which it is conducted, we cannot but give the constructors the credit of having under- stood thoroughly the nature and properties attendant upon running water, and that they must have observed and studied the slopes and beds of the rivulets and larger streams before they could have arrived at the knowledge displayed in these surprising monuments; as much care was required, or perhaps more, to set out one of these water conduits, than is demanded for a modern railway. We find the principles to perform both nearly similar, the locomotive, in one case, is to be moved along a level or inclined plane at a certain angle, while the water is to keep one uniform and constant course; both in mountainous districts must be con- ducted over valleys on artificial constructions, and along the sides of steep hills, and this must be performed without creating any abrupt turns or angles. In drawing a comparison between the experience of the men employed in engineering works in times past and at the CHAP. IV. 179 ROMAN. present day, the aqueduct and railroad might be taken as a fair test of their ability; to effect the one is as difficult as the other, and the same kind of talent is required in both; he who could perform the one might safely be entrusted with the other. If this opinion is correct, we ought not to be satisfied that during the last two thousand years we have made suf- ficient progress, and the historian may, perhaps, be induced to say we had not yet arrived at the excellence attained in former times. When the writer visited this splendid Roman work in the year 1817, it was about to receive a considerable repair: no monument is more deserving of being upheld than the Pont du Gard; it is an evidence of the talent and skill of the Roman engineers in their best days, and worthy of being studied by all who have the conducting of water to a great and important city. Aqueduct of Volsci, an ancient city of Etruria, the date of which is not accurately ascer- tained, though its manner of construction indicates the period of the empire, of which it is a splendid specimen. < Fig. 206. AQUEDUCT NEAR VOLSCI. Modern writers wonder why aqueducts were built in preference to the humble and ordinary method of conveyance of water in pipes, and condemn Sextus V., Nicholas V., and Paul V., who during their sovereignty as Popes used similar means to bring three noble streams. of water into Rome. In the first place, any metal pipes laid across the Campagna or marshy land in the neighbourhood of that city, would not only have perished ultimately from the abundance of carbonic acid contained in the waters of the soil, but this dissolving the lead or iron would poison all the inhabitants: in the next, the pipes would have been more costly than masses of masonry, if the bore was sufficient to conduct the quantities which the arched aqueducts were enabled to do. By taking the levels accurately at first, and allowing the proper fall throughout, a regular supply was maintained, and the water, perfectly pure throughout its whole course, was delivered into castelli, or reservoirs at a height above the level of the city which rendered any mechanical power unnecessary for its elevation: it could from them be distributed to the baths, fountains, and private houses, by simply opening the sluices at particular hours appointed for the purpose. The ancient aqueducts for nearly 2000 years have conveyed running streams constantly, and if an estimate was made of the cost of their first construction in stone or brick, after the Roman manner, and another upon our system of pipes, their wear and tear, with the daily and hourly expense of steam-engine-power to raise the water, the balance would be found greatly in favour of the ancient method. The purity of the water and its abundance, which could keep hundreds of fountains of the imperial city, and still does, constantly playing, is another reason in their favour. Aqueduct at Lyons. Augustus, Tiberius, and Claudius, all contributed to the embellishment of this ancient town, then called Lugdunum. A palace erected by the latter emperor in the Fig. 207. AQUEDUCT AT LYONS. 10000 hignest part of the city requiring to be supplied with water, an aqueduct was constructed with arches built of rubble stone, faced with opus reticulatum. The manner in which this N 2 180 Booz I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. · A work was performed was as follows: level pavement was formed of brick, on which was raised a frame or caissoon of timber planks; against the sides of this, squared stones were laid in regular courses, and their interior filled in with rubble, in a dry state, after which a grouting of liquid cement was poured in to consolidate the whole. Lime, fine gravel, or sand, mixed with a due proportion of water formed this grouting; after a sufficient time had been allowed for the work to consolidate, the caissoon was mounted upon another course or layer of tiles, and similar oper- ations to the first took place. The bricks or tiles used are 1 foot 9 inches in length, 12 inches in breadth, and an inch and a half in thickness. The whole of the water conduit was coated with cement; at the bottom its thickness was 6 inches, at the sides an inch and a half: 24 inches from the bottom of the canal, at every 30 inches distance, iron ties were inserted to hold the side walls together, and prevent their being pressed outwards. L PLAN OF CASTELLUM. U ARCHES IN THE VALLEY, 0000000001 PIER OF ARCHES. The three aqueducts of the ancient Lugdunum were traced for many miles to the source of the waters they conducted, by M. Delorme, who, in 1759, gave to the séance de l'Académie an account of his researches. The Mont de Pile derived its supply from the river Gierre and some smaller springs in its vicinity. These waters having been conducted over eight bridges, across the valley where the ninth was situated, the syphon was carried over. The valley at the foot of the heights of Soncieu is very deep, and where the aqueduct crosses, was a large reservoir, constructed on the south side of the river Garon. Fig. 208. LYONS. Here we have an example showing us that the Romans well knew, when water was brought down one side of a hill, how to make it rise on the other: why this plan was adopted in preference to building a series of arches, like the Pont du Gard, we are not informed; but the arrangement proves that they practically understood that water would find its level, what precautions to take to expel the air, and the advantages of a venter. Leaden pipes of large dimensions, bedded on the sides of the valley, conducted the water to others, laid over a bridge in an inverted curve; they were then continued up the opposite sides of the valley, and delivered the water into another reservoir, of corresponding level to the one on the hill before described. The aqueduct then took the name of Chaponest, from the hill where the last reservoir was situated, and the waters were conducted underground along the west side of the village. A bridge of 90 arcades carried it to another reservoir, when it again descended into the valley in similar leaden pipes, passing over the river Baunan in an inverted curve, and again mounted to a second reservoir at St. Foi. A series of arcades con- ducted it to level ground, sometimes above, at others below; it continued its current till it reached the gate of St. Irenee, where was another reservoir; leaden pipes conducted it through the fosse of St. Irenee, when it mounted once more, and was discharged into another reservoir, near the Gate of Trion; in this instance the pipes were bedded in a mass of solid masonry, and not carried over a bridge. The total length of the course of this aqueduct was 13 leagues, in which distance it had a fall of upwards of 350 feet. The reservoir, which emitted the water at the aqueduct bridge of the Garon, was built at the top of a tower; its length was 14 feet, and its breadth 4 feet 6 inches. On the side towards the valley 9 oval holes were made, at 9 feet from the bottom, about 12 inches in height, and a little less in width; through these passed the leaden pipes, which descended into the valley, crossed over the bridge of arches, and rose on the other side in the regular and uni- form curve of a great syphon. When the water reached the reservoir destined to receive it on the opposite side, it entered at the top, and was emitted at the bottom : the leaden pipes were 8 inches diameter in the clear, formed of metal of an inch in thickness, and the water in the emitting reservoir was always a foot lower than in that which received it. One CHAP. IV. 181 ROMAN. portion of the aqueduct was formed by opening a trench 5 feet wide and 10 feet deep, with a uniform fail of 12 inches for every hundred toises. The channel for the water was lined with masonry, the bottom of which was 12 inches thick; on this two walls, 18 inches in thickness, were raised to the height of 5 feet; the space between, being two feet in width, was covered by a semicircular arch, 12 inches in thickness, over which earth was laid to an average thickness of 2 feet. At the bottom of the watercourse a coat of cement, 6 inches in depth, was laid, and the sides were coated in a similar manner, to the thickness of an inch and a half; the width between the walls being reduced to twenty-one inches. The walls were formed of small angular stones, laid in mortar, composed of coarse rough sand; the cement used for the lining was made of very fine sand, lime, and powdered brick; that employed for the first coat was of a coarser kind, the powdered brick being as large as a pea; but the lime seems to have been fresh from the kiln, and well-tempered at the time. Where the aqueduct was tunnelled in the side of the mountain, and its watercourse was considerably below the surface, putei or wells were sunk, to allow the vapours which arose to disperse freely; these shafts were made at the distance of an actus, or 120 feet, many of which are found with their sides steined in very perfect order; they admitted light and air, and also the workmen who were required to repair any defects, or remove any deposit that might by accident accumulate within the channel. The putei must not be confounded with the columnariæ, or vent-pipes, which were perpendicular tubes, the tops of which rose considerably above the aqueduct, for the purpose of maintaining an equal pressure and ventilation throughout. Health was the consideration which caused so many contrivances to maintain the water pure; the ancients knew that pent up, and not allowed its due proportion of air, it lost that sparkling effect for which it is admired; they preferred the walled aqueducts on this account, as they delivered the water in a whole- some state. Where the works are above ground, the walls, 2 feet in thickness, are faced with reti- culated work, the size of the lozenges varying from 3 to 6 inches square, and worked without any intermediate course of brick. The arches were roofed over, to throw off the rain; and the entrance to the aqueduct was by iron doors placed to open internally. Those portions underground were approached by man-holes, brought up a little above the level of the soil, and the entrance of the water into the aqueduct was by a valve, which, sliding up and down, could be regulated at pleasure. When the aqueduct was formed above ground, a footing of masonry 6 inches in thickness was set out, and the span of the arches varied according to their height; all were semi- a11. Fig. 209. ST. JUST AT LYONS. ་ circular, and if of 12 feet span, the piers were made equal to half, and where the arches required to be built to the height of 31 feet, the width of the opening was 15 feet 6 inches, and the piers 7 feet 9 inches; so that the piers were half the opening, and the opening or span made equal to half the height. Where the canal for the water was formed on this portion of the aqueduct, an offset was made on each side, increasing the thickness to 6 feet. The piers and masonry throughout are of a corresponding style, formed of small square stones, laid in a thick bed of mortar, and known as the opus reticulatum, a beautiful kind of work, described by Vitruvius in lib. ii. cap. 8. : it is, however, very subject to split, from its not having the necessary bond; its whole strength depends upon its quoins being propor- tioned to the space given to the reticulated division which must always be regarded as a simple filling in. The two or three courses of tiles or stones which lay horizontally through the entire wall serve to tie on the two faces of the work, in part, but there is not that sta bility in a pier so constructed, as is found with either English or Flemish bond; the cement, N 3 182 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. when excellent, makes up for this defect, but we frequently find in reticulated work- openings and cracks, which prove it is not calculated to support a heavy and constant weight. At every 4 feet in height, two courses of brick bonded or tied the work together, the bricks being 2 inches in thickness, and twenty-two inches square. The quoins of the piers are formed of squared stone, but as these were not properly worked, they have been detached and created con- siderable injury. The voussoirs of the arches are com- posed of stone, 3 inches in thickness, and an alternate one of brick; over the extrados is laid a brick, which by its pro- jection forms a label, on this two courses of tile or brick are bedded, which continue through the whole length without pro- jecting. On this course of double tile the water channel is built. The valley between Soucieu and Cha- ponost has a depth of nearly 200 feet, and for nearly 2500 feet the water is con- ducted over an aqueduct composed of five stories of arches; that between Chaponost and St. Foi is nearly 300 feet in depth, has eight stories of arches, and the third valley between St. Foi and Fourvieres had three stories of arches. Some of the leaden pipes found at the extremity, where the water entered the palace, were from 15 to 20 feet in length, and bore the marks of Tiberius Claudius Cæsar. རྔ་རྟsཅཔོ' བ་ཞུ་བ། Fig. 210. PIER AT LYONS. The Aqueduct near Frejus, called Esterelle, where it passes through the country of Gar- gallon, or Agreeable Valley, is a noble structure. Its piers are strengthened by buttresses, the winds of this valley being at times powerful and very destructive: the water is brought 4000 އޔ -- ނކ Fig. 211. ESTERELLE ARCHES. from the river Siagne, running near Mons, 5 miles from Frejus. The country is very uneven, and full of rocks, which in many parts have been tunnelled. The whole circuit made by this aqueduct, in consequence of the difficulties presented by the country through which it passes, is more than ten leagues. All the provinces in the south of France were as well supplied with water as Rome itself, and the various engineering works as admirably performed as in the imperial city. Rich, indeed, is this district with amphitheatres, theatres, temples, baths, and public build- ings, and no one can doubt, who has travelled through this delightful district, of the pro- gress made in the arts and civilisation at a very early period. Aqueduct at Metz, was another beautiful piece of construction that conducted the springs found in a valley beyond Gorze, now called les Bouillons, for a distance of 11,373 toises, with a face of about 70 feet. They are first led through a channel 3 feet in breadth, and 6 feet deep, formed in a bed of masonry, composed of rough stones and mortar. On the inte rior the walls are faced with masonry in regular courses, and where the watercourse is laid against the side of the hill, an additional wall, varying in thickness from one to two feet, is CHAP. IV. 183 ROMAN. built to resist the thrust of the earth. The channel for the water is arched semicircularly, and the voussoirs are at the top 3 inches thick, and at their intrados only 2: they are generally 12 inches square. PARTS OF CASTELLUM. Fig. 212. METZ. The remains at Jouy are considerable, and are situated at about one league from Metz, in a beautiful valley, through which the Moselle flows. There are sixteen arcades, the openings unequal; six before arriving at that which forms the entrance to the village, the others are in a meadow; the aqueduct afterwards crosses the Moselle. The work is executed with small stones, in the form of bricks, laid in regular courses; and in the neighbourhood is a quarry where many of these stones remain, and the hatchets which prepared them have sometimes been found. The erection of this aqueduct is attributed to the Roman legions at the time they were commanded by Drusus, who obtained a victory over the Germans; he was the son of Livia, and brother to the Emperor Tiberius; his monument is at Mayence, where he died at thirty years of age, in consequence of a fall from his horse. The plan of the Castellum and of the Pis- cina limaria may be accurately traced, the arches and construction of which are highly ingenious. ம PLAN OF CASTELLUM. CHANNEL. Fig 213. PLAN OF PISCINA -LIMARIA AT METZ. The length of the series of arcades which crossed the Moselle was about 570 toises; the thickness of the piers 12 feet, but the opening of the arches, and the width of the piers, varied; these were sometimes 14, and at others 15 feet. N 4 184 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. PARTAM 111 ሕራ Fig. 214. JOUY. In one part of the aqueduct was a double channel, formed by a division wall, which was considered serviceable in case of a repair being required. The quantity of water which flowed to Metz was calculated at upwards of a thousand cubic feet per minute. Aqueduct of Evora in Portugal, in the province of Alemtejo, was constructed, as well as a temple to Diana, by Sertorius. This town, the third of importance in the kingdom, abounded with Roman remains. The aqueduct is in good preservation, the arches are 13 feet 6 inches in span; the piers 9 feet in breadth, and 4 feet 6 inches in thickness. In some instances additional strength is given by buttresses. All the work is executed in stone, with the exception of the arches, which are in tile or brick. The castellum, of fine proportions, remains very perfect; its form is circular, 12 feet 6 inches in diameter; on the exterior are eight Ionic columns, between which are as many niches, with hemispherical heads, through one of which is an entry to the interior. Over this order is another formed of pilasters, and the chamber was covered by an hemispherical dome. The Aqueduct at Carthage. Its ruins may be traced for a distance of fifty miles, at the village of Arriana, near Tunis; one range of arches is entire, 70 feet high, with piers 16 feet square, built of a hard durable limestone, and excellent mortar. Many of the cisterns for the reception of the water, built of rubble and cement, remain, though converted into dwellings and stables. Other smaller cisterns, 93 feet in length, 20 in width, and 27 in height, to the vault, are met with. Temples were erected over the fountains which supplied this aqueduct; the conduit for water was 6 feet in height, and 4 in width, gathered in at the top like a pyramid, and lined internally with a beautiful cement, in high preservation. This aqueduct passed by a tunnel through the hill, and at every 180 feet perpendicular shafts, 4 feet in diameter, were formed of courses of squared stone, which were carried up 4 feet above the surface of the ground; these shafts were used for drawing up the soil, and afterwards left for ventilation. Near Udena is another aqueduct, built by the Carthaginians; a thousand arches of beau- tiful masonry remain, which are upwards of 100 feet in height; some writers say this was the work of the Romans after they had subjugated the country. The Aqueduct of Segovia, built by Trajan, of squared stone, laid without mortar, extends upwards of 2220 feet across a valley; in many places it is nearly 100 feet in height. Fig. 215. PLAN. CHAP. IV. 185 ROMAN. The Aqueduct at Constantinople was erected by Hadrian before the foundation of the new eity by Constantine; afterwards it bore the name of Valens, as well as that of Theodosius. It consists of two tiers of arches, built with alternate layers of stone and brick, in a similar manner to the walls of the city. The Aqueduct at Lisbon, where it crosses the valley of the Aliantara, about a mile from the city, consists of thirty-five arches, one of which, measured to the soffite, is 231 feet, and the entire height of the structure at this place is said to be 263 feet. The span of the principal arch is 108 feet, and the thickness 23 feet 8 inches. A vaulted cor- ridor, 9½ feet high, and 5 feet in breadth, passes over three arches, on each side of which corridor is a semicircular channel for the water to flow, 13 inches in diameter. Aqueducts were built throughout the eastern as well as western provinces, and Pliny, in one of his letters to the emperor, says, that the inhabitants of the city of Nicomedia had expended 3,000,229 sesterces (about 24,000l.) in building an aqueduct, which did not answer the purpose, and, consequently, was abandoned to ruin. A second attempt in another situation was made, at an expense of more than 2,000,000 of sesterces, which also failed. Pliny himself then examined some springs from whence the water might be con- veyed over arches, as was attempted in the first design, and in such a manner, that the whole city might be supplied; he recommends the use of brick for turning the new arches, as it was cheaper and easier to carry up a work in that material; he also requested the emperor to send some engineer skilled in the management of waterworks to undertake the construction. Trajan, in his reply, observes, that every province is provided with men of skill and ingenuity, and that Greece supplied most of the architects that came to Rome. Canals in Italy and the Roman Empire.-Canals in the early history of Italy seem to have been formed, either for the transport of an army, or for draining a morass or marsh: that cut through the Pontine marshes, 162 years before Christ, was for the purpose of rendering the country more salubrious. Before this period the Etruscans had cut many canals, and they executed the Fossa Phillistina and the Fossa Carbonania, which drew their waters from the Po; indeed the country watered by this river has always been the scene where the great undertakings in Italy connected with inland navigation have been car- ried out. The consul Caius Marius, about 51 years before Christ, was sent into Provence at the head of an army, to defend it against the incursions of the northern barbarians, and established himself in the neighbourhood of Arles, on a spot where he could with facility receive his supplies by means of the Rhone from the sea. The river was difficult of entry, in conse- quence of the shoals thrown up at the mouth, and this consul undertook to dig a canal, and conduct the waters of the Rhone from the left bank, opposite his camp, into a haven called Fos, where the vessels lay. This canal, called the Fossa Mariana, supplied him with all that was required, and may be traced to Marseilles, where the inhabitants benefited con- siderably from it. The difference of level between two seas was not so readily overcome by the Greeks, when they attempted to cut through the Isthmus of Corinth, in the time of Demetrius Poliorcetes, at which period it was the practice to transport light vessels across the isthmus, a distance of five miles, on machines constructed for the purpose, which was continued in the wars of the Turks and Venetians. Julius Cæsar, Caligula, and Nero, renewed the at- tempt to unite the Ionian Sea with the Archipelago, but were frustrated, by finding that the water in the Corinthian Gulf was much higher than at Cenchreæ, and, consequently, the Island Egina would have been flooded, and the canal rendered unserviceable. It was the important part of the business of the Roman proconsuls in the distant parts of the empire to lay before the emperors the best method of changing the courses of rivers, for the purpose of more readily communicating from the sea to the centre of the provinces ; of this we have many examples. Lucius Verus, general of the Roman army in Gaul, under- took to unite the Saone and the Moselle by a canal, and to open a communication to the Mediterranean and German Ocean, by means of the Rhone, the Saone, the Moselle, and the Rhine; his death prevented the execution of this project. The object of these works was to facilitate, in the first instance, the expediting the pro- consular legions, which every year were sent from Rome to the remote provinces. The great Fossa Drusiana, supplied by the Rhine, was executed by Drusus Germanicus, to in- crease the river Yssel, by which he transported his army into the north. Corbulon afterwards, either to establish a more convenient passage for his troops into the British Isles, or to drain the stagnant waters of the Rhine, which overflowed extensive tracts, made so large a cut in that river at Batavodurum, that he diverted almost all the water from it, and led it into bis canal, which acquired the name of Fossa Corbulonis, now called the Leek, the waters of which, under the name of the Meuse, run into the Northern Sea. Emilius Scaurus united the waters of the Po, near Placentia, to drain the marshes, and there is no river in Italy that was not made by the Romans useful for the passage of troops or provisions. The river Marrechia, near Rimini, was ennobled by Augustus Cæsar 186 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. with a magnificent bridge, that still remains entire, and has defied all the ravages of time; it is an early instance of a skewed bridge, and was afterwards adapted to form the port of a canal or basin, for the convenience of the boats provided for the consular army, which marched by the Emilian way to the provinces. Pliny's correspondence with the emperor Trajan proves the importance attached to this subject; the consul in a letter (50.) points out such designs as were worthy the glorious and immortal name of Trajan, "they being no less useful than magnificent." He describes an extensive lake near the city of Nicomedia, upon which the commodities of the country were easily and cheaply transported to the high road, from thence were conveyed on carriages to the sea-side at great charge and labour; to remedy this inconvenience, he recommends that a canal should be, if possible, cut from the lake to the sea, observing that one had already been attempted by one of the kings of the country, but whether for the purpose of draining the adjacent lands, or making a communication between the lake and the river, was uncertain: these useful works, in common with all others, fell to decay with the decline of the Roman empire: during the disastrous period which succeeded, until the time of Charlemagne, Europe is deficient in any examples of similar undertakings: this sovereign commenced the projects of uniting the Rhine to the Danube, and of opening a new com- munication between the German Ocean and the Black Sea. The Italian republics, in the twelfth century, revived the arts and sciences, and the first signs of returning activity was to open the navigation by sea and by rivers long neglected. The Venetians, driven by Attila from the neighbouring lands of Italy, assembled them- selves in the marshes of the Gulf of the Adriatic, which, in process of time, gave rise to a new maritime city, preserving a semblance in its laws to the ancient Roman republic; they soon converted the marshes into ports of great security, and the waters were covered with numerous fleets, which enabled them to carry on a commerce with the east, by which they became the merchants of all Europe. Between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, various improvements were effected in the navigation of the Brenta, from Padua to Venice; the Mincio from Mantua to the Po; the Arno from Pisa to the sea; the Reno from Bologna to Primaro; the Tesino and Adda to Milan: and on this latter occasion, the Italian architects adopted the use of movable gates to sustain the falls of the river, and afford a passage to boats, whether the level rose or fell; for this discovery in the improvement of internal navigation we are indebted to Italy. Mantua, after the death of the Countess Matilda, became a republic, and one of its first efforts was to improve the navigation of the Mincio, so celebrated by the poets. Its waters then overran the country, and becoming stagnant, rendered all the air around it unwholesome; in its course towards the Po, it formed three arms, and discharged itself with so much rapidity, that it was useless for navigation. In 1188, Alberto Pitentino erected that famous structure of stone, resembling a bridge and portico, which unites the gate of Cepetto with the neighbourhood of the ports, the object of which was to form the upper lake by the drainage of the marshes; he converted the Mincio into a canal, and restored it to its ancient course, uniting it with the Po, from whence it had been diverted in the time of the Romans by Quintus Curtius Hostilius; this great work consumed ten years in the execution, and the rise and fall was regulated at Governolo, in such a manner that boats could ascend to Mantua and descend to Po, and the depth of its waters was so equally maintained, that it was navigable for a distance of twelve miles: it is from this period we must date the application of locks. The Lake Maggiore is the source of the Tesino, which in its course is divided into several streams, but which are again united before it enters the Po, near Pavia. For the whole distance it is navigable, although at Pan Perduto, where the fall is considerable, it is sometimes hazardous. Immediately below this spot commences the canal to Milan, which at Abbiate divides into two channels. The entire length of the excavation is about 32 Italian miles, and its breadth 70 Milanese cubits. The Canal della Martesana, by some supposed to have been executed by Leonardi da Vinci, was made in the year 1460, under the Duke Francis Sforza; Leonardi da Vinci joined the two canals some time during the reign of Francis I. The Canal della Marte- sana, which is drawn from the Adda, is in length 24 miles, and width about 18 cubits; but when constructed at first, the water it contained was barely sufficient for navigation for more than two days in the week, and this, when all the openings for the purposes of irrigation were closed. One of the branches of this canal was carried for several miles by a stone dyke, and afterwards passed through a deep cutting; the other branch had its course through the rock, after which it was supported on one side by a lofty embankment, where it crossed the Molgara river by an aqueduct of three stone arches. Before the introduction of locks, contrivances called conches were in use to moderate the too great declivity of the rivers, and which were opened to allow vessels to pass through these openings were 16 or 18 feet in width; a balance lever, loaded at the end, was made to turn on a pivot, and with it three hanging posts, united by an iron bar, : CHAP. IV. 187 ROMAN. which crossed them immediately above the sill; besides these three perpendicular hanging posts were two others, let some inches into the side walls. These five posts were all on the same face, and the spaces between them were all equal. When the balance beam turned upon its pivot, the three middle posts alone opened, and allowed the boats to pass, after which the balance beam was turned back to its former position. At a little distance was placed another balance beam, having attached to it a wide plank, to allow the lock keeper to pass over, as well as to place in the grooves of the hanging posts the small planks which served to exclude the water, by closing up the intervals; these were on the side opposed to the current, and in number sufficient to keep the water at the required level. Such gates, or contrivances for damming up the waters of a river, were in use at a very early time in Italy, and two such were constructed at Governolo, in the twelfth century, to pen up the waters of the Mincio on the side of Mantua. Zendrini, in his twelfth chapter, Delle Acque Correnti, has informed us of the change made on this system in the year 1481, by the two brothers Dionisio and Pietro Domenico, of Viterbo; they were the first who used a lock chamber, inclosed by a double pair of gates. So important an invention was made known and introduced throughout Europe, and Leonardi da Vinci united the two canals of Milan by means of six such locks, having a fall of seventeen braces; this was completed in the year 1497, as an inscription placed over the last sluice stated. CATARACTAM IN ELIVO EXTRUCTUM UT PER INÆQUALE SOLUM AD URBES COMMODITATEM ULTRO UTROQUE NAVES COMMEARENT. ANNO 1497. All the other canals in Italy soon adopted them, and the whole system of inland navi- gation was greatly altered as well as benefited. Zendrini's account of the lock formed by the two brothers, Dionisio and Pietro Do- menico, clock-makers of Viterbo, is as follows: :-"In the year 1481, they obtained from the Signiori Contarini a certain site in the Bastia di Stra, a place well known near Padua, to form in it a soratore of the Piovego, which was a canal from Padua to Stra; and in a petition made by these two brothers, of the same year, it is expressed that they will so act, that the boats will pass from the inclosure at Stra without any danger, managing it in such a way that the water shall flow out with ease, and the boats shall neither be unloaded nor required to be drawn; the conditions added are, that they shall form the ingegno, or execute the work, and also maintain it; this being granted with the revenue they demand, in which is expressly comprised the lock of Stra. The aforesaid brothers being required to form a buova, for the further perfection of the work." The State of Venice, according to Zendrini, has the honour of being the first to adopt this invention; and this is all the information that can be obtained. In the Milanese territory are several other canals, many for irrigation; near to Ollegio is a canal, which is fifteen miles in length, used for the purposes of navigation: it passes Buffolaro, Biagrasso, and Arsago to Milan. At Abiato is a branch eleven miles in length; its breadth at top is 130 feet, and at bottom forty-six; this canal was made in the thirteenth century. The great canal of Tesino and the branch from Pavia unite at Milan: the Muzza, which commences at Cassano, is in length forty miles, and has its other termination at Castiglione. In Piedmont are many considerable canals. The Naviglio d' Inea is in length thirty-eight miles; this unites the Doria Baltea with the Sessia: whilst another branch, thirteen miles in length, unites the Gardena river. A canal passes from Dora Baltea, 27 miles in length, to the Po, which it joins four miles below Casal. The Naviglio novo also falls into the Po, ten miles above Turin. Along the Po, below the Milanese, the canal called Albinia falls into that river, ten miles above Pavia. At Cremona the Naviglio della Communila unites the Lerico and the Oglio, whilst other branches connect with the Po. The Fossa di Puzzola is fifteen miles in length, unites the Mincio with the Tartaro: the canal of St. George, 6 miles in length, connects the Lake of Mantua with the canal of Puz- zola; and that of Martenaro, 8 miles in length, which passes to Borgo Fute, under the same lake with the Po. The Fossa Maestra is 5 miles in length, and joins Ozoma to the canal of Montanara. The Fossero, 7 miles in length, commences at the Mincio. From Secchio to Panaro, by Modena, is a canal 16 miles in length, with several branches for the purposes of navigation and irrigation. Fossa Rangone in the papal states is cut parallel to the Panaro, and two branches are made from it, one to Po mort. From Mansolino is a canal 22 miles in length; a portion of it is called Condotto di Conti. The Canal from Bologna to Ferrara is called di Naviglio, and terminates in the extensive marshes after a length of 24 miles. At Primaro, the Canal di Medicina falls into the Po. From the Great Po to the Po mort is the Canal 188 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. di Bianio, the Naviglio Ferranese. The Gulf of Venice is connected with the Po by a canal, 6 miles in length, called Val d' Albama. Besides these are a vast number of branches, which are solely used for the purposes of irrigation. Ferrara is connected with Venice by the Po and several canals; the canal Ponfilio con- ducts to Pont di Lago Oscuro; here the Po is entered, and its navigation continues for forty miles; when passing four miles along the canal of Cavenella, the village of Laurio is arrived at. At nine miles upon the Adige are the sluices of Brondo, which are only 28 miles from Venice; soon after the Venetian lagunes are entered. The Bachiglione was formerly the chief navigation at Padua; at Vicenza it unites with the Rherone, and then it becomes navigable for vessels of considerable burthen. After passing Padua for fifty miles, its course is winding, and it then enters the Levant at Bundolo. Between Padua and Vicenza are several sluices. These sluice gates, or pertuis, as they have been designated, were thus contrived. The lower beam of each gate was framed with the head and heel posts, so as to allow a space of 6 inches between it and the sill. From the middle beam to the top, the gates were planked over in the ordinary way; the lower part was left open, or in skeleton framing, and was closed by paddles or sluices, which were moved up and down by a rack and pinion. When the paddles were let down, they descended three or four inches lower than the surface of the floor on the lower side, which acted as a rebate, against which they pressed, and effectually shut the lock. They also had a bearing against the lower cross- beam of the gate, and the head and heel posts rested on square stones, made fast in the sill. To make use of gates upon this construction, it was necessary first to raise the paddle as high as the lower cross-beam, which permitted the water to pass through at the foot of the gate. The paddles were then elevated to the height of the middle beam, which was placed at the ordinary level of the water, usually 4 or 5 feet deep upon the sill. These gates were easily opened, as the boarded part was entirely out of the water, and a deposit on the floor of the chamber of the lock could form but little obstruction, as from the scour of the water, the greater part would be washed away. The only serious objection to this early contrivance in aid of internal navigation is the injury that vessels might sustain at the time they were passing through, when one half of their length would be out of the water, producing a considerable strain upon them. The water passing through a space, walled in on both sides, would, to a certain extent, allow the barge or vessel to slide down an apparent plane; but, before it could again resume its level position, it would be subjected to another strain. These side walls were, however, made of considerable length, a foot being usually allowed for every inch of fall; a timber floor was laid through- out, to prevent the force of the water from deepening and undermining the foundations. Bassanallo had a canal 11 miles in length, at the commencement of the thirteenth century; in its passage it passed two aqueducts, and the vessels loaded with stone to Venice chiefly navigated it. The Brenta is navigable fifteen miles above Padua, and it unites with the Bachiglione a few miles beyond that city. There is also a communication with the Adige by a canal six miles in length. Another cut, 20 miles in length, passes from Padua to Venice; its fall of 50 feet is divided into four locks. In the lagunes are several canals; one which skirts them, called the Novella Brenta, is 36 miles in length. At Leghorn is a fine canal 15 miles in length, 45 feet in breadth, and 4 feet in depth, which receives its supply from the Arno. Men usually haul the vessels, the fall being scarcely perceptible. Drainage. The Pontine marshes derive their name from an ancient town called Po- metia, whose exact site is not known, and which had totally disappeared before the time of Pliny. They comprise that part of the Campania or ancient Latium situated on the south- east of Rome, and on the confines of Naples. Their length is about 42,000 metres, ex- tending from Cisterna to Terracina; their width is not so much their longitudinal axis is from south-east to north-west, the direction of the celebrated Appian Way, which, in crossing their marshes, is almost parallel to the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. : At the south-eastern extremity is the ancient Auxur or Terracina, the distance of which place from the house now called Bonificazione, to the port S. Sebastian, or Porta Capenna at_Rome, where the Appian Way formerly issued, is 91,841 metres, about 621 ancient miles, each of which is equal to 1471-2 metres. The distance from the above points to the Porta S. Giovanni, which is the route now followed, is 101,120 metres: this modern route pursues the Appian Way for 45,000 metres, which is comprised between Terracina and Cisterna. The shortest distance between the house of Bonificazione and the gates of S. Sebastian and S. Giovanni, are 90,421 metres, and to the latter 91,025 metres. Starting from Terracina, and following the edge of the marsh, we find it separated from the sea by a narrow down: a similar tract of land, much more considerable, and an CHAP. IV. 189 ROMAN alluvial deposit, interposes between the sea and the marshes on their western side, in a direction parallel to their longitudinal axis. Their eastern side is bounded by a lofty chain of calcareous mountains, called Monte Lepino, which extend from Terracina to Cori, Rocca massimi, Monte Ferlino, &c. &c. Their southern limit touches the neck, which joins the northern extremity of the chain just mentioned to a group of mountains, among which Artemisia is distinguished, and which has Velletri on the opposite side; Gensanno, Albano, Castel Gondolfo, &c. on the western side: the height of this neck is the common summit of the two inclined planes; one descends into the Pontine marshes, the other into the valley of Sacco, separated by the Lepino mountains from the former, to which it is superior; this is called the basin of the Lake Celano, formerly the Lake Fucinus and that of the Anieno. The neck of land at Velletri is covered with a volcanic bed, occupying a considerable extent on the south-east and north-west of Rome; this has been thrown from several craters which are now formed into lakes; of these there are at least ten in number: thus the Pontine marshes are bounded on the north by a volcanic soil, on the east by a cal- careous chain, and on the south and west by an alluvial deposit. At the point of the angle formed on the sea-shore by the two latter directions is a remarkable calcareous pointed hill, detached from the great calcareous chain by the downs and marshes, to which are attached by a solid and resisting mass two other downs, the southern and western extremity of which protects the marsh against the action of the waves. This hill is Circe, or the Monte Circeo, and rises 525 metres above the sea; it is entirely isolated at the extremity of the vast plain, which it commands, and was probably an island originally; it now serves as a contrefort to the alluvium of the Pontine marshes, which were formerly an archipelago of small islands opposite the Gulf of Gaeta and the road of Terracina. The nucleus of Circe is a primitive rock, whose subterranean union with the calcareous masses of the Apennines, is now marked by thick beds of alluvium of volcanic products. The western down, which separates the sea from Machia di Cesterna and the Machia Terracina, appear to have been first formed, bounded on the north by the Cape of Astura, and on the south by Monte Circeo; the southern down is much narrower, and altogether of a later formation. These marshes were probably for a length of time a gulf, or species of lagune, afterwards covered by alluvium, brought down by the various rivers that traverse it. Soundings were made in 1811 near the sources of the Uffente, at the foot of the mountains Sezze and Piperno, at 16,000 metres distance from the present sea-shore, and carried to 22 metres of depth under the waters of the river, or 17 metres below the actual bed, when marine sand, shells, debris of marine plants, in good preservation, were brought up; this proves that the sea must have once bathed the feet of the mountains which now bound the eastern side of the marsh, and that its bed had a rapid fall from this ancient shore. The Pontine marshes may then have afforded to vessels an asylum or harbour, where the largest might have anchored; one of the principal entrances to which was pro- bably at a little distance from Terracina, where is the present mouth of the Badino. The soundings made at the foot of the mountains arrived at the marine sand at 17 metres; other soundings, made near Circe, brought up sands and marine shells at a much less depth; thus proving that the ancient bed of the sea gradually inclined from Circe to the shore, at the foot of the mountains, where it again suddenly rose; other observations show that in the Pontine marshes formerly high beds and islands existed, which greatly favoured the formation of the downs; for over a large portion of them, a stratum of very hard matter is found, the breaking up of which is attended with considerable diffi- culty; this stratum is under the peat, and might have been formed from a deposit of the waters, which flow from the foot of the mountains, one of the sources of which is called Aqua Puzza, or stinking water; these waters spread themselves in various directions, and deposit the earthy matter they hold in solution, thus forming beds of hard stone. The filling up of the Pontine marshes has been the result of the several rivers and torrents, which, descending from the mountains, have carried in their course a large quantity of deposit; the alluvium is of considerable thickness over the greater portion, and is covered with a thick mud, produced from the decomposition of plants, which apparently has been going on for ages. The whole of the land to the north-west, beyond the Cape of Astura, is classic ground; at every step we find places described and celebrated by the Roman poets. The adventures of Ulysses and his companions on the Isle of Circe, those of the warrior Camillus and his father, Metabus, who reigned at Piperno, are to be found in Virgil. The scenes of the last book of the Eneid were laid in the country situated to the east of Cisterna, Albano, and Velitri, towards the sea-coast, where Ardea still remains, the ancient capital of the Rutuli, where Turnus was king, and towards Lavinium, now Pratica, Laurentum, &c. &c. The waters of the fountain Ferronia, which Horace mentions, still run near Terracina, at the place where stood the temple of the goddess. The first inhabitants of this district, the Volsci, were a warlike and powerful people governed by a king, but afterwards divided into several republics. This latter kind of 190 BOOK. I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. government produced many private and independent interests, which eventually caused this people to be subdued by the Romans. There is not a vestige or tradition of any hydraulic works executed by them, though there are considerable remains both of their sculpture and architecture. The first work recorded is the Appian Way, undertaken in the four hundred and forty- second year from the foundation of Rome, and finished in five years by Appius Claudius, called Cœcus; during his censorship, which was prolonged beyond the legal term, he also constructed the first aqueduct. To form this road, it must have been necessary to drain the marshes to some extent, but of this we are not informed. A hundred and forty years afterwards, the Consul Cornelius Cethegus undertook to do this more effectually; but various causes interrupted the progress of these works until the time of the perpetual dictatorship of Julius Cæsar, who intended to have performed vast projects, which were prevented by his death. Augustus, who undertook to turn the course of the Tiber from Ostia, commenced his works on a more extended plan, and it is supposed that during his reign, the canal on each side of the Appian Way was formed, which served for the purposes of navigation as well as drainage. This emperor also cut another large canal along the western side, between the Lakes Monaci, Caprolace, and Paola, passing the foot of Monte Circeo, and afterwards continued it towards Terracina. Besides this canal, parallel to the shore, there are on the other side two exca- vations, evidently made for drainage only, one of which is the Gorgo Leccino, intended to conduct the water from the upper part of the marsh out of their basin towards Fosse Verde; the other is the Rio Martino, whose line of direction is more in the centre of the marshes; this was the greatest work ever undertaken, but history does not mention when it was executed, or who was its engineer. Nerva and Trajan improved the Appian Way, constructed many bridges, and several inscriptions show the interest the latter emperor took in forming the road, but it does not appear that the drainage occupied any portion of his attention. There is very little mention of these marshes until the time of Theodoric, who confided their drainage to the Patrician Decius, and several inscriptions found at Terracina mention works he performed at the end of the sixth and commencement of the following century. From the thirteenth to the middle of the eighteenth century, the draining of the Pontine marshes was a subject that occupied the attention of the successively appointed popes. Leo X. and Sixtus V. expended vast sums, and the first gave to Julius de Medici, not only authority, but money to pursue the work; it is to him that we may attribute the cutting of the canal, Portatorre di Badino, the works being conducted under an engineer of the name of Jean Scotti: Fiume Sisto was a canal executed under the latter pope, the course of which nearly follows that of the ancient Fiume Antiquo; this excavation was performed about the year 1588, under the direction of the civil engineer, Ascanio Fenizi. In the year 1759, Clement XIII. turned his attention to this important matter, and ordered a detailed account to be drawn up of the state of the Pontine marshes, and an estimate to be made of the expense that would be necessary to complete one portion of the work; but a famine happening in the year 1665, when the inhabitants of the papal states were much reduced, the funds collected were exhausted for food, and consequently nothing was done in the way of draining. Clement XIV. Ganganelli, who was his successor, did nothing; and it was not until Pius VII., in the year 1775, was elected pope, that the works were recommenced; he altered, during his sovereignty, the character of these marshes, and performed several very important excavations for the purpose of completing the drainage. These marshes contain an area of 1,106,370,000 square metres, though by some it is estimated at 1,302,610,700 square metres; and it is calculated that the average quantity of rain that falls into this vast basin amounts to 930,064,042 cubic inches. The volume of water that is discharged, however, is more than double that quantity, being estimated at 2,352,573,939 cubic metres. In the calculation from whence the above is taken, the greatest discrepancy seems to arise in the allowance made for evaporation and infiltration; the water which pours into them, and so adds to the quantity beyond that produced by the rains, is brought down by the rivers Ninfa, Cavata, Fiume coperta Cavatella, and Uffente. The canal Pio, which discharges a considerable quantity, has a very regular fall throughout; for its first length it is only 00072 metres in a metre, and afterwards •000068 metres in a metre for the remainder of its course. The fall of these waters in a length of 3728 metres being 0-734 metres high water, and 525 when at its lowest. Various methods are adopted to keep open these canals, and for several centuries it was the practice to drive herds of buffaloes through them, which either trod down, or destroyed the aquatic plants which are here produced in abundance. A cylinder about 18 inches in diameter, and 10 feet in length, was afterwards used; this roller, armed with scythes, by means of a chain was moved along by a punt or boat; twelve buffaloes were attached to drag it when required for use; another method was to mow down the weeds and plants CHAP. IV. 191 ROMAN. by a scythe of a novel form, of iron, about ten feet in length, with a cord attached at each end. A man walking on each bank, by means of ropes, drew this concave cutting knife along the bottom, when the plants bending in a contrary direction to the movement of the scythe, became easily separated; it was found that when the roots were left, the plants, after cutting, shot up much stronger. The Cloaca Maxima, or great sewer of Rome, is constructed with large blocks of Albano stone, called Pepperino; it carried off the waters from the Forum, and drained the public a Fig. 216. CLOACA MAXIMA. buildings into the Tiber. It is about 14 feet in width, and 32 feet in height; the arch which covers it is semicircular, and formed of three rings of voussoirs. the Tiber, the banks are protected by walls of a similar construction; at present, from the eleva- tion of the bed of the river, the upper part only, which is arched over, can be seen; this great work is said to have been executed in the time of the kings; its solidity is remarkable, and its arch is sufficiently strong to bear any weights that could pass over it. When the habitations of the Romans were mere huts, it seems extraor- dinary that so costly a construction for the pur- poses of drainage should have been executed, but it shows that in the early history of their city, all that was undertaken for public utility was carried out with a spirit and magnificence surpassing any thing done by other nations who have advanced more in civilisation and refinement. ELEVATION. PLAN. Where it enters HHHHHH One of the chief causes of the unhealthiness of Rome at the present day is the imperfect state of its drainage. This vast sewer, buried by the filling up of the river, no longer serves to convey the accumulations of filth, or the waters from the low valleys between the hills, where it is now suffered to pass off either by evaporation or fil- tration. When the Coliseum was examined some years ago, and the earth taken out between the walls that supported the arena, a quantity of water drained into the excavations, and remained there, the Cloaca Maxima no longer carrying it off, as it formerly did in the most effectual Fig. 217. CLOACA MAXIMA. 192 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. manner; consequently, fearing the pestilential effects of such a vast pool, the earth was again thrown in, and all the substructions of this interest- ing building hidden from sight. Fig. 218. This sewer is not of larger dimensions than another dis- covered in 1742, which passed under the Comitium and Forum, 40 palms below the present surface; every part of the imperial city had its sewers, and many are formed of pep- perino stone, so universally used before the introduction of the travertine, which did not take place till long after. The Bocca della Verita is a large marble covering to one of the sewers of the Forum, which admitted the surface water into it. When we recollect that the quantity of water conveyed by the aqueducts into the imperial city sur- passed that which any modern town receives, we naturally enquire by what means the baths and fountains were cleansed, or the surplus quantity carried off; and on examining the various buildings, we find admirable and ample provision for their draining, and what is of far more importance, a dimension given to the sewers sufficient to render them effective; their sectional area was increased as they advanced, and there appears to have been in Rome one general direction, which proportioned the parts as well as the whole. Had Rome been di- vided into districts, each with its board of di- rectors, sewers might have been built, as in London, like an inverted telescope, growing less as they advanced, instead of greater, or two sewers might have been conducted into one, whose sectional area was not equal to either. SECTIONS OF ROMAN SEWERS. Fig. 219. ·BOCCA DELLA VERITA. Alban Lake.—The plan for piercing a tunnel through the wall of the lava, instead of directing the course of the stream, which was running over on the lowest side of the lake into a re- gular channel, was adopted for two reasons; first, as a preventive against the violent floods that would have taken place whenever the waters received any extraor- dinary increase; and, secondly, as the space between the level at which the lake overflowed and that of the tunnel, where the banks are six miles round, was of great value, even supposing that the land in those days, as now, was employed to grow wood. The object was not to gain new land, but to recover what the pro- prietors had been deprived of; indeed, that which was regained may perhaps not even have em- SECTION. Fig. 220. EMISSARY PLAN. CHAP. IV. 193 ROMAN. braced the whole of what had been lost in the interior of the crater, by the rise in the surface of the lake. The nature of the stone cut through to form this tunnel made the execution a task of great dif- ficulty. It is a lava as hard as iron, through which a passage was broken, high enough for a man to walk in it, 3 feet 6 inches broad, and 6000 feet long. On the line of its course, fifty shafts were sunk to the bottom of the pro- jected tunnel, whereby its level and direction were accurately kept and determined. After these shafts were sunk, the workmen com- menced cutting away till they met, and the stone was lifted out by means applied at the top of the shafts. When the tunnel was nearly finished, and a thin parti- tion only separated it from the lake, a small hole was made through it, which let off the water ELEVATION. Fig. 221. ARCH OF the emiSSARIUM. by degrees, and enabled the workmen to construct the wall of masonry around the mouth. Fig. 222. LAKE ALBANO. Fig. 223. 194 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The Emissarium is one of the most extraordinary among the works of the Romans; by it was discharged the waters of a lake, which, situated in the bosom of a mountain often rose to a con- It siderable height, and threatened damage to the plains below. was commenced about 398 years before Christ, at the time the Romans were besieging Veia; the waters had then risen to a height of 310 feet above their ordinary level, and Rome itself was in danger of an in- undation. The oracle of Apollo at Delphos was consulted on this occasion, and it replied, that the Romans would take the town of Veia when they should have drained the waters of the lake, by turning their course towards the sea. A prisoner taken by the Roman soldiers, who said he was spired, made the same answer, and produced the same impression among that credulous in- Fig. 224. SECTION. کر PLAN EMISSARIUM. people not doubting the necessity of the work, they undertook it with vigour, and com- pleted it in one year; they tunnelled the mountain on the margin of the lake at the place where is now the Castle Gondolfo, and formed the canal, in which the water usually ran 3 feet in depth: at each extremity is a building or water tower, one at the commencement of the canal opposite the lake, the other where the canal issues into the plain; these were constructed so solidly, and with such nicety of workmanship, that at the present day they serve for the purpose intended, without having needed any repairs. This Roman work astonishes us, from the difficulty of piercing the mountain, composed of rock, in so short a time, the canal being so narrow that two or three workmen only could have been employed at once. This excavation was made by sinking shafts at regular distances, which descended to the line of the canal; by this means the works at several places were carried on at the same time. There must have been still greater difficulty after the emissarium was completed, in opening its communication with the lake, when the water stood at so great a height above it. This work indicates great knowledge in hydraulic architecture as well as in levelling. Of the several shafts sunk one only is uncovered, the remainder are filled up. When the writer examined this surprising effort of engineering skill in the year 1819, the arched channel was in a very perfect condition; supplied by the guides with pieces of wood on which lighted tapers were mounted, he had the opportunity, by floating them along the gentle current which continued in a straight line, to observe during their progress towards the discharge into the plains below the finely constructed vault. This work was undertaken nearly 400 years before the Christian æra, and we have still the means of studying the arch as constructed at that period, which deserves our highest commendation: an ilex of con- siderable dimensions had rooted on the blocks of stone which form the side walls encom- passing the emissarium, which had displaced some of the upper courses. A wooden penstock was in use to let off the water from the lake, composed of boards fastened to an outer frame that worked within a groove in the stone at each side, and which seemed to have been the original arrangement made to comply with the words of the oracle, Livy, lib. v. cap. 16. -" Roman, beware lest the Alban water be confined in the lake; beware lest thou suffer it to flow into the sea in a stream; thou shalt form for it a passage over the fields, and by dispersing it in a multitude of channels get rid of it.” cr It was long the custom of the Romans and the Volscians to celebrate together an annual festival in commemoration of the success of this work; they sacrificed on the occasion a white bull to Jupiter, whom they called latialis, and by such ceremonies were maintained a constant inspection and attention to this surprising and early example of tunnelling through the sides of a mountain. CHAP. IV, 195 ROMAN. At the Lake Fucinus is a similar work, of greater magnitude: Pliny says it was one of the most memorable of the time, and intended to drain the lake; it was commenced by order of the emperor Claudius: 30,000 men were employed for ten years, and it was Fig. 225. LAKE FUCINO. finished, after a vast expense, in the year A. D. 52. Rocks were pierced through, and many hydraulic machines applied to draw off the water, which constantly obstructed the workmen. Fig. 226. SECTION THROUGH side. When the canal was perfected through the mountain, a vast assembly of persons was present to witness the passage of the waters from the lake, and previous to their being con- ducted into the emissarium or great sewer, the emperor gave a vast naval spectacle or combat. Narcissus, his freed-man, superintended, and he allowed the waters to rush with such impetuosity that much mischief was done: we are informed by Tacitus, that the whole was badly conducted, and that the bed of the emissarium or canal was not sufficiently deep to allow the water from the lower part of the lake to drain off; this was attempted to be remedied under the reign of Nero, but the enterprise was abandoned before completed. The masonry constructed at the mouth of the emissarium is very similar to that already described: two staircases conduct to the platform below, in which are the conduits and sluices to let off the water; the channels are lined with masonry in an admirable manner, and the arch is well executed. The lake, situated in the country of the Marsi, at the north of the river Liris, is sur- rounded by a high ridge of mountains called Celano, which are said to be in circuit nearly 50 miles; but the water comprised within their boundary is not more than 10 or 12 feet in depth. Tacitus, Ann. lib. xii. cap. 56., gives a very interesting account of this work, and Virgil alludes to the lake (Æn. 7. v. 563.) as being well known: "Est locus, Italiæ in medio sub montibus altis, Nobilis, et famå multis memoratus in oris, Amsancti valles." The Liris, or, as it is now called, the Garigliano, separates Campania from Latium, and 0 2 196 Book L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. CONDUIT. SECTION. PLAN. Fig. 227. SECTION. SECTIONS. Fig. 228. falls into the Mediterranean Sea, south of Mola di Gaieta, where was Cicero's famous Formianum Villa. The Tombs of the Romans in many instances were in imitation of that which Queen Artemisia raised at Halicarnassus in honour of her husband Mausolus, which ranked among the most celebrated constructed by the ancients. All the towns of Italy had beyond the walls avenues or roads, along which the inhabitants were buried; at Pompeii the Street of the Tombs conducts the traveller to the city gates. Tumuli were raised over the dead by Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans. In Greece the bodies were first consumed, the ashes put into an urn or earthen vessel, and then deposited in a vault or excavation, made a little below the surface of the ground, sometimes in the recesses of rocks. At Syracuse and Agrigentum many of these are found in the walls which surround them, although the sarcophagi or urns, once within them, containing the burnt remains, have long since disappeared. In Rome, the practice of burning was not very early introduced; at first the bodies were consigned to their native earth, although among the Etruscans we find mention made of the funeral pile. Sylla, it is said, introduced the custom of burning the body, having fear that his might be ill treated after death. In the Roman sepulchres that have been ex- amined, the skeleton is found with the arms laid close to the sides, a vase with a narrow neck placed upon the breast, another on each side of the head, one on each hand, and one between the legs; a dish once containing eggs, fruit, or birds, and a coin, are also met with. Neither the Greeks nor Romans were allowed burial within their walls, and CHAP. IV. 197 ROMAN. Cicero (De Leg. lib. ii.), observes, "Hominem mortuum in Urbe ne sepelito neve urito.” Plutarch mentions as an exception to this general rule, that all who had gained a triumph might be buried in the Forum, and the ashes of Trajan were deposited within his triumphal column. Mausoleum of Augustus, though ruined, still exhibits sufficient to indicate its former mag- nificence: in it was deposited the body of Marcellus, the nephew of Augustus, and those of J. Cæsar, Augustus, and Ger- manicus. Strabo (lib. v.) in- forms us, that it was built upon immense foundations of white marble, and covered with ever- greens; on the top was a statue of Augustus in bronze; in the vaults below, the ashes were deposited, and around were numerous groves. The same author describes the place where the bodies were burnt: "in the centre of the plain stands the tomb itself, finished in white marble, with iron palisades round, and poplar trees planted within. The inner circular wall still exists with the opus reticulatum, but formerly, as it seems, there were three walls at equal dis- tances, the intervals between which were marked out into certain spaces, so as to produce a greater number of vaults, for the interment of each per- son separately." This tomb was circular; five concentric walls formed the foundations, which were vault- Fig. 229. TOMB OF AUGUSTUS. ed to support the upper stories. Thirteen circular vaults composed the outer range, and in the centre a cylindrical stairs conducted to the several chambers and gardens above. Fig. 230. SECTION OF TOMB OF AUGUSTUS. The entrance was by a noble portico, and a passage conducted to the several corridors and staircases; on the outside, the walls were carried through the marble casing, and between each circle were planted the evergreens alluded to by Strabo: the statue was elevated 400. feet from the foundations on a pedestal, lifting it above the evergreen forest which covered the conical structure. Little now remains of this once splendid mausoleum but a circular mass of brickwork, of o 3 198 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. enormous thickness; the conical vault has disappeared, and the interior, when the writer was at Rome, was fitted up with seats to form an amphitheatre, where bull-fights were occasionally exhibited. In the views given by Pietro Santi Bartoli, in his work on the se- pulchres of Rome, &c. the entrance and outer walls are shown. The Tomb of the Scipios, discovered in 1780, in a garden to the left of the Appian Way, near the gate of S. Sebastian, is one of the most ancient: it is cut out of tufa, and consists of a series of dark chambers, in one of which is the sarcophagus of L. Scipio Barbatus, the great-grandfather of Scipio Africanus, who was buried, it is supposed, at Liternum, about 565 years after the building of the city, according to Livy. The Pyramid of Caius Cestius, which stands near the gate of St. Paul, is partly within and partly without the walls; its height is 121 feet, its breadth at the base 96; it is con- structed of white marble, probably from the quarries at Luna. It contains a room about 20 feet by 16, and 17 feet high, upon the walls of which are some paintings, representing two females sitting, two standing, with a victory between them; there are also vases and candelabra. Pliny, lib. xxxvi. cap. 13., tells us the tomb of Porsenna was of a pyramidal form, although the Greeks and Romans seldom used this figure. From an inscription in the Museum Capitolinum, found near the monument of C. Cestius, we learn that five persons were named heirs by his will, and that Pontius Claudius Mela and Pothos erected this pyramid. Trajan's column was a monument to that emperor, or rather of his victories over the Dacians. Apollodorus is supposed to have been the architect to whom its construction was entrusted, about the year 115 of the Christian era. Dion Cassius states that Trajan himself erected it the year before he set out for Parthia; but from the inscription on it, it would appear to have been raised by the senate and Roman people, when Trajan had for the seventeenth time the tribunitian power, which happened the year the emperor was absent from Rome. Trajan died at Seleucia; his ashes were brought home, and deposited in a golden ball, on the summit of the column, which was contrary to the usual custom of allowing a burial within the walls. The pavement from which this splendid marble column rises is 15 feet below the ordinary level of the streets, the ground having accu- mulated since its foundation on all sides. Engineers at the present day are astonished at the simplicity of its construction, and the dimensions of the blocks of marble that compose it. The column is nearly perfect; its pedestal consists only of seven blocks; the cornice is a single piece 20 feet square, and 6 feet 4 inches thick. The shaft of the column is composed of nineteen courses, each 5 feet in height, and the entire diameter; in the centre a newel is left, around which are cut the stairs that conduct to the summit. The capital, or last of the nineteen blocks of the shaft, is 14 feet square, ornamented with eggs, well sculptured, under which are indications of doric flutings. The shaft is covered with spiral revolutions of sculpture, representing in full relief the various exploits of the emperor. The height of the pedestal is 17 feet 11 inches; that of the shaft, capital, and base, 97 feet 9 inches, and the ancient part of the pedestal remaining above 9 feet 6 inches, making a total height of 125 feet 1 inch. The lower diameter of the column is 12 feet 2 inches; the upper 10 feet 9 inches. One hundred and eighty-two steps conduct to the gallery formed above the abacus, on which rises the pedestal that supported the statue of the emperor, as some of his coins show. Two thousand five hundred figures are sculptured on this beautiful monument, among which the emperor is represented more than fifty times; the figures are 2 feet in height at the bottom of the shaft, and increase as they mount or get farther from view, being at the top nearly 4 feet. Antoninus Pius also had a similar column dedicated to him by Marcus Aurelius. The height of its present pedestal is 26 feet: the column with its capital and base consists of 19 blocks of white marble. It is in height 97 feet 3 inches, with a pedestal above 6 feet in height: the lower diameter is 13 feet 2 inches; a similar staircase conducts to the summit, and a spiral decoration, like that of Trajan's, winds round the outside; but the subjects are not so well sculptured. Both these columns are admirably executed, and interesting to the civil as well as mili- tary engineer for the attempts made by the sculptor to represent the various bridges, ports, ships, fortifications, implements used to destroy as well as protect; both have been ad- mirably engraved, from casts taken from the columns when scaffolding was erected around them to hoist the present statues of St. Peter and St. Paul, which now terminate them ; the author also measured them, and their dimensions are more fully given in the " Antiqui- ties of Rome.” The Mausoleum of Adrian, on the other side of the Tiber, apparently was intended to rival that of Augustus: it had three stories resting on a square basement. Procopius informs us that two stories were decorated with columns and statues, and at the top was the statue of Adrian, "The tomb," he says, " of the emperor stands without the Porta Au- relia, at about a stone's throw from the walls, and is well worth a visit, for it is built of Parian marble; the stones with which the basement is constructed are joined alternately to CHAP. IV. 199 ROMAN. each other without cement, and its four sides are all equal. In height it tops the walls of the city; there are also statues on it of men and horses, finished with wonderful skill out of Parian marble. The inhabitants observing some time ago, that it stood like a tower over- looking the city, carried out two arms from the walls to the tomb, and by building them into it united it so that it became a part of the walls." And the same writer tells us that in his time, during the siege, the Goths under Vitiges, having broken the statues, which were of marble and of great size, they threw down large stones made out of their fragments upon the heads of the enemy. Luitprandus, who wrote in the time of Pope Boniface IV., alludes to this tomb, then a fortress: "in the entrance to the city, there is a castle of great strength and astonishing construction. In front of the gate is a bridge over the Tiber, which is the first in going in or out of Rome: nor is there any other way of passing except over this bridge. But this cannot be done, except by permission of those that hold the castle, which is so high, that a church built at the top in honour of the archangel Michael is called St. Angelo: there is a figure of an angel on the top." The present fortifications were made about 985, by Cres- cenzio, since whose time it has undergone many changes, though the chamber which con- tained the porphyry urn, now in the Vatican, and in which were the ashes of the emperor, is still shown. Fig. 231. SECTION OF TOMB of adrian. The columns which surrounded this fine tomb formed a part of the church of St. Paul. out-of-the-walls, and in the conflagration, which destroyed that building a few years ago, they perished. The tombs of the rich citizens were commonly built of marble, and the ground around, enclosed with a wall or iron railing, was planted with trees, as Pausanias, lib. ii. 15. mentions was the practice among the Greeks. Many of these tombs were built during the lifetime of the Romans, as upon some remain such inscriptions as V F, vivus fecit; V F C, vivus faciendum curavit; V S P, vivus sibi posuit, and Se vivo fecit; and Pliny severely (Ep. vi. 10.) censures those friends who neglected to complete the tomb after the decease of the individual. Sepulchres common to many families, constructed at vast expense under ground, were called hypogaa; such catacombs are found in the neighbourhood of all large cities and towns in Italy. In them were recesses and niches for the urns which contained the ashes of the dead; they were styled columbaria, in consequence of bearing a resemblance to the arrangement of a dovecote. 0 4 200 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. The Remains of the Tomb of Alexander Severus show two chambers which contained sarcophagi, and the passages which led to them. Fig. 232. Machines and Engines used by the Romans are by Vitruvius divided into three kinds : the scaling machine, constructed for the purpose of ascending without danger, to view works of considerable altitude, formed of timber, put together by the carpenter, and braced strongly in every direction. Ladders of all kinds, particularly those attached to the masts of ships, all came under this first denomination. Machines for lifting stones and heavy weights, employed for the purposes of construction, were made as follows:- Three pieces of timber, sufficiently strong for the purpose, were connected together at the top by an iron pin, in such a manner that they could be made to spread extensively at their feet: when these were raised by means of ropes made fast at the top, which assisted in keeping them steady, a block was attached in which were two pulleys, turning on axles, one above the other. Over the upper pulley a leading rope passed, which was let fall, and made to pass under a lower pulley in a bottom block; it was then returned over the bottom pulley of the upper block; the rope again descended to the lower block, to the eye of which it was firmly fastened. The other end of the rope was connected with the axle, which, as it was wound round, elevated the stone or weight to the required height. The axle worked in two gudgeons, sockets for which were made in two pieces or cleets (chelonia), affixed to the back of two of the pieces of timber when they were spread out. Levers, entering mortices, made at each end of the axle, were used to turn it. Iron shears were made fast to the lower block, which opened, and their teeth entered two holes cut in the stone to be raised. A block containing three pulleys was called trispastos; when the lower system had two pulleys and the upper three, pentaspastos; and when very heavy masses were elevated, longer and stouter beams were required; the pins which united them at top, as well as the axle below, were all made stronger in proportion. When used, guy ropes were attached to the shoulders or top of the three pieces of timber, and if there was no other place con- venient to fasten these to, they were fixed to sloping piles driven in the ground, which were well rammed round. A block slung to the head of the machine had a rope carried round it to another block, previously fastened to a pile or stake; passing over its pulley, it returned to the block at the top of the machine, round which the rope passed, and descended to the axle at bottom, to which it was lashed. By turning the axle with the levers, the machine was used without any danger, the guy ropes attached to the piles keeping it perfectly steady. When heavier weights still were to be raised, the common axle was not strong enough to be trusted; it was, however, retained, but surrounded with a drum or tympanum; the blocks employed were constructed after a different manner from that already described; at both top and bottom were two ranks of pulleys, the rope passing through a hole in the lower block, so that each end of the rope was equal when extended. It was then bound and made fast to the lower block, and both parts of the ropes so retained, that neither of them could swerve either to the right or left. The ends of the rope were then returned to the outside of the upper block, and passed over its lower pulleys, whence they descended to the lower block, and, passing round its pulleys on the inner. side, were carried up right and left, over the tops of the higher pulleys of the upper block; whence descending on the outer sides, they were secured to the axle on the right and left of the drum wheel, about which another rope was now wound, and carried to the capstan. When the capstan was turned, the drum wheel and axle, as well as the ropes fastened to it, being set in motion, the weights were gently raised, and without danger. Sometimes the drum wheel was made sufficiently large to allow men to walk within it, by which means greater power was obtained than with the capstan. CHAP. IV. 201 ROMAN. Another machine of an ingenious contrivance, called polyspaston, but which was only used by the most experienced artificers, was a single pole, maintained in its position by four guy ropes placed in opposite directions. Under the place where the guy ropes were attached at top, a couple of checks were fixed, over which was tied the block. Under the block was placed a piece of timber, about 2 feet long, 6 inches by 4. The blocks had three pulleys side by side, and three leading ropes were conducted from this part of the machine down to the lower block, where they passed through its upper pulleys from the side next the pole. They were then carried to the upper block, passing from the outer sides of the lower pulley of the upper block. Again descending to the lower block, they passed round the second rank of pulleys from the inner to the outer sides, and were then returned to the second rank of pulleys in the higher block, over which they passed and returned to the lowest, whence they were again carried upwards, and passing round the uppermost pulley returned to the lower part of the machine. A third block fixed near the bottom of the pole, called artemo, was made fast at a small distance from the ground; this had three pulleys, round which the ropes passed for the men to work them. By this means, three sets of men working without a capstan could raise a weight to any required height. A single pole was considered most convenient, as there was dispatch and facility in its use; the situation of the weight, whether before it or to the right or left, was of no con- sequence. These machines were generally employed for the loading and unloading ships, and the ships themselves were usually drawn on shore by blocks and ropes only. Ctesiphon's method for removing great weights was well known to the Romans, and Vitruvius tells us that when he was employed to remove the shafts of the columns from the quarry to the site of the temple of Diana at Ephesus, he did not employ the usual means, lest the wheels of the carriages should sink into the soft ground which they had to traverse; he constructed a frame with four pieces of timber, two of which were the length of the shaft of the column, and the other two were placed at the ends, as transverse pieces, to secure them together. Iron pivots inserted into the ends of the shafts, run with lead, worked in gudgeons, were fastened to the transverse pieces, and the pivots having power to turn freely when the oxen were attached to the frame, the columns rolled round, and were conveyed the required distance. Metagenes, his son, adopted the same method to remove the massive entablatures; he constructed, in addition to the frame, wheels about 12 feet in diameter, and fixed the ends of the blocks of stone into them; the pivots turning in the gudgeons, when the wheels revolved, the blocks remained like axles. Pæonius attempted to remove from the same quarry a base for the statue of Apollo; this he placed or rather fitted into two wheels, and round their circumference he attached pieces of timber 2 inches square, forming an entire cylinder. A rope was coiled round this, and to the end a yoke of oxen was attached; as the rope uncoiled, the stone by means of the wheels rolled forward; but Pæonius, who had entered into a contract for its removal, had not sufficient funds to complete the work, much additional labour being required to prevent its swerving from a direct line. powers, Principles of Mechanics. Our knowledge upon this subject is chiefly derived from Vitruvius, but the study of the mechanical sciences commenced with Archimedes in the school of Alexandria, established by Ptolemy Philadelphus, and was extended by Ctesibius and Hero, about 150 years before Christ: these two philosophers first, by an analysis of all the mechanical engines into their primary elements, reduced the actions of which they were capable to the combinations of five simple principles, which they called mechanical and their system was known and practised by the Romans, as it is by us at the present day. Vitruvius explains fully the nature and difference of direct and circular motion, and observes, that rectilinear without circular motion, or circular without rectilinear, are of little use in raising weights. He remarks that the pulleys revolve on axles, which go across the blocks, and are acted upon by straight ropes which coil round the axle of the windlass; when that is put in motion by the levers, it causes the weight to ascend. pivots of the windlass axle being received into or playing in the gudgeons of the cheeks, and the lever being inserted in the mortice hole prepared for them, are moved in a circular direction, and thus cause the ascent of the weight. Thus an iron lever applied to a weight moves what many hands could not do. When a lever is placed under the weight upon a fulcrum, one man's strength at the end will raise the weight; this is accounted for by the fore part of the lever being under the weight, and at a shorter distance from the fulcrum or centre of motion, whilst the longest part, which is from the centre of motion to the head, being brought into circular motion, the application of a slight power to it will raise great weights. The When the tongue of the lever is placed under the weight, instead of the end being pressed down, it is lifted up; the tongue then, having the ground for a fulcrum, will act on that, as in the first instance it did on the weight, and the tongue will press against the side thereof, as it did on the fulcrum, though by this means the weight will not be so easily 202 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. moved. If the tongue of the lever be placed too far under the weight, and the end be too near the centre of pressure, it will have no effect; the distance from the fulcrum to the end of the lever must be greater than from the fulcrum to the tongue. The steelyard or stateræ is an instance of this principle, and was in common use among the Romans, and our author observes, when the handle of suspension, on which as a centre the beam turns, is placed nearer the end from which the scale hangs, and on the other side of the centre, the weight will be shifted to the different weights of the beam; the farther it is from the centre, the greater will be the load in the scale which it is capable of raising, and that through the equilibrium of the beam; thus a small weight, which, placed near the centre, would have but a feeble effect, in a moment acquires power to raise a very heavy load. The rudder turns a ship, though ever so deeply laden, from the action of the lever, but Vitruvius also notices that the sails, if only half mast high, will cause the vessel to sail slower than when the yards are hoisted up to the top of the mast, because, not then being near the foot of the mast, which is as it were the centre, but at a distance therefrom, they are acted on by the wind with greater force. For if the fulcrum be placed under the middle of a lever, it is with difficulty that the weight is moved, and that only when the power is applied at the extremity of the lever, so when the sails are no higher than the middle of the mast they have less effect on the motion of the vessel; when, however, raised to the top of the mast, the impulse they receive from an equal wind higher up causes a quicker motion to the ship. Perrault disputes this doctrine in his Commentary, and properly observes that, whether the sails are higher or lower, the motion of the vessel is not affected by it, for the whole moves together, and there is no fixed point to serve as a fulcrum or centre of motion; it is not therefore comparable to a lever, nor can it act as such it is simply pushed forwards by the wind, and the only advantage in having the sails higher is that the wind is there stronger, while there is a disadvantage from the head of the ship being plunged deeper in the water, which necessarily impedes its course. Vitruvius continues: "Oars made fast with rope to the thowls (scalmi), when plunged into the water and drawn back by hand, impel the vessel with great force, and cause the prow to cleave the waves, if the blades are at a considerable distance from the centre which is the thowl. “So also, when loads are carried by four or six men on a pole, the weights are so placed in the middle, that each may bear his portion; for if they passed the centre, one set of men would bear more than the other. "Oxen also have an equal draft, when the piece which suspends the pole hangs exactly from the middle of the yoke; and when oxen are not equal in strength, by judiciously shifting this suspended piece, one may be made to draw more than the other. "It is the same in the porter's levers as in the yokes, when the suspending tackle is not in the centre, and one arm of the lever is longer than the other, namely that to which the tackle is shifted; for, in this case, the lever turning upon the points to which the tackle has slid, which now becomes its centre, the longer arm will describe a portion of a larger circle, and the shorter a smaller circle. CC Now, as small wheels revolve with more difficulty than larger ones, so levers and yokes press most on the side which is at the least distance from the fulcrum; and on the contrary, they ease those who bear that arm which is at the greatest distance from the fulcrum. "All these machines regulate either rectilinear or circular motion, by means of the centre or fulcrum, as also waggons, chariots, drum-wheels, wheels of carriages, screws, scorpions, balistæ, presses, and other instruments, which produce their effects by means of rectilinear and circular motions." The_Romans The Engines for raising Water. Tympanum. —The Romans were acquainted with various methods for raising water, and probably after Egypt became a province, many of the machines used by that people were introduced among them, as we have already seen that Vitruvius was well informed upon all the sciences taught in the school of Alexandria, and to him we are indebted for an account of much that otherwise would have been lost. tympanum he describes might have been long in use, and was calculated not to raise water to any great height, or beyond that of the radius of the wheel, but to lift a large quantity in a small period of time. A shaft or axis turned in a lathe, or made cylindrical by hand, was hooped with iron at each end, to prevent it splitting. This axis was made to turn on tops of posts cased with iron; into this were fitted eight arms or spokes, for the purpose of supporting the rim of the tympanum, which was thus formed; the horizontal face was closely boarded; around it were small apertures about 6 inches in width, to admit the water. When the tympanum was used, it was moored like a vessel, having another wheel attached to the side of it on which a number of men could tread, by which means it was turned round; the water received through the apertures in front of the wheel was elevated by the arms or division thus raised beyond the horizontal position; it flowed towards the axis, at the end of which it ran into a trough prepared to conduct it either to gardens, or to dilute salt in pits. CHAP. IV. 208 ROMAN. When this machine was employed to raise water to a higher level, its diameter was increased to correspond with the requisite height. Round the circumference of the wheel were attached small wooden buckets, made water-tight by properly pitching them; the men treading the wheel turned it round, the buckets then mounted to the top full of water, and as they returned with their heads downwards, they discharged their contents into a conduit prepared to receive it. Brazen buckets, each holding a gallon, were attached to a double revolving chain, and when it was required to raise the water still higher, this was mounted on an axis, and made sufficiently long to descend to the lower level; by turning the wheel the chain was turned on the axis, and the buckets were brought to the top, where being inverted, they passed their contents into conduits as before. Water-mills were introduced at Rome, about 70 years before the Christian æra, as we learn from Strabo, lib. xii., and the first was erected on the Tiber. Antipater, who lived in the time of Cicero, in a beautiful epigram, alludes to one of these, where he addresses the maids who were in the habit of labouring at the mill, and tells them to cease their work, and to retire to rest, to let the birds sing to the ruddy morning, for Ceres had commanded the water-nymphs to perform their task, who, obedient to her commands, threw themselves on the wheel, forced round the axle, and by this means turned the heavy.mill. Vitruvius describes their construction as similar in principle to the tympanum; that round their circumference were fixed floats or paddles, which, when acted upon by the force of the stream, drove the wheel round; attached to this axis was another wheel which had cogs or teeth, and which turned with the water-wheel; a large horizontal wheel, toothed also, and corresponding with it, working on an axis, the upper head of which was made in the form of a dovetail, was inserted in the mill-stone. By this means the teeth of the drum-wheel, which was made fast to the axis, acting on the teeth of the horizontal wheel, produced the revolution of the mill-stones; in the machine a suspended hopper sup- plied the grain by the same revolution. Public water-mills seem to have been used in the time of Honorius and Arcadius, about the year A. D. 398, at which time it would seem they were first established. Mills were erected on the canals and aqueducts which brought water to the city, some of which were stationed round the Mount Janiculum; we are informed that Belisarius placed upon the Tiber boats in which were contrived mills driven by the current of the stream; this was done when the Gothic king Vitiges besieged Rome, and caused the supply of water from the fourteen large aqueducts to be cut off. Procopius, lib. i. says, when the aqueducts were cut off by the enemy, the mills were stopped for want of water; and as cattle could not be found to drive them, the Romans, closely besieged, were deprived of every kind of food, for with the utmost care they could hardly find suf- ficient for their horses. Belisarius, however, found a remedy: below the bridge which reaches the walls of the Janiculum, he extended ropes well fastened and stretched across the river from both banks; to these he affixed two boats of equal size at the distance of 2 feet from each other, where the current flowed with the greatest velocity under the arch of the bridge, and placing large mill-stones in one of the boats suspended in the middle space a machine by which they were turned. He constructed at certain intervals on the river other machines of the like kind, which, being put in motion by the force of the water, drove as many mills as were necessary to grind provision for the city. These mills, called molina or farinaria, were generally after this time common throughout Europe. Water-wheels put in motion by the current were very early employed to raise water; around the paddle-wheel buckets were attached, which were carried to the top without the aid of treading, and discharged as we have already described. The Water Screw, still used, is said to have been invented by Archimedes when in Egypt, for the purpose of enabling the inhabitants to free themselves from the stagnant water left in the ditches after the inundation of the Nile, and Vitruvius says, it was contrived on the principle of the screw, and raised water with considerable power, but not so high as the wheel: his instructions for its formation were as follows: :- a beam, whose thickness in' inches is equal to its length in feet, is made cylindrical, its two circular ends are divided into 4 or 8 equal parts, and as many diameters drawn thereon; these lines are drawn in such a manner, that when the beam is laid in an horizontal position, they cor- respond with each other. The entire length of the beam is then divided into spaces equal to one-eighth part of the circumference; thus the circular and longitudinal divisions will be equal, and the latter intersecting lines, drawn from one end to the other, will be marked by points. When these lines are accurately drawn, a flexible rule, made of willow, smeared over with pitch, is attached to the first point of intersection, and made to pass obliquely through the remaining intersections of the longitudinal and circular divisions; whence, progressing and winding through each point of intersection, it arrives and stops at the same line from which it started, receding from the first to the eighth point, to which it was first attached. Thus as it progresses through the eight points of the circumference, so it proceeds to the eighth point likewise. Fastening thus similar rules obliquely through the circumferential and the longitudinal intersections, they will form eight channels round 204 BOOK L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the shaft, in the form of a screw. To these rules of willow others are attached, also smeared with liquid pitch, and to these others, until the thickness of the whole be equal to one- eighth part of the length. The slips or rules fastened all round are saturated with pitch, and bound with iron hoops, in such a manner that the water will not injure them. The ends of the shaft or axle, also strengthened with iron hoops, have iron pivots inserted into them. On the right and left of the screw are beams, with a cross-piece both at top and bottom, into which is inserted a gudgeon of iron, in which the pivots turn. Men are employed to tread it in the usual way, and by this means the screw is made to revolve The inclination at which the screw is worked is at an angle of forty-five degrees; for if the length is divided into five parts, three of these will give the height that the head is to be raised; thus four parts will be the perpendicular to the lower mouth. Although the above is the description left us of this instrument or machine, as it was in use by the Romans, in all probability they found out at an after period, that it was not essential to preserve the in- clination to one angle, but that it might be either more or less than that of forty-five degrees, for the nearer we approach to a right angle with the cylinder, the more the head of the cylinder may be elevated, and the higher the water will be raised. It is, how- ever, necessary that in inclining it, the channels should decline somewhat from the plane of the horizon, that the water may, as the screw turns, continually descend in its course. When many channels are used, they must of course be made narrower than where there are few, in order to preserve the same inclination, so that less water will be raised by each re- volution of the machine. How the tread-wheel was attached to the cochlea or screw we are not informed, the men employed must have been able to preserve their upright position, and probably an additional wheel was provided for the purpose. Machine of Ctesibius for raising water to a considerable height. About 150 years before Christ, the mechanical arts had made considerable progress in the school at Alexandria, and many of the principles left by Archimedes were studied more fully, and brought into prac- tice; at this time the common pump seems to have been partially, if not thoroughly, known; and its principles must have been understood before the more complete forcing- pump, which was the invention of Ctesibius. Vitruvius has left us a description of this machine as used in his day. It was made of brass; at the bottom were two buckets, near each other, with pipes annexed in the shape of a fork, united to a basin in the middle. this basin were valves, neatly fitted to the apertures of the pipes, which, closing the holes, prevented the water, which had been forced into the basin by the pressure of the air, from returning. Above the basin was a cover like an inverted funnel, riveted so securely on it, that the water could not, under any pressure, force it off. On this was fixed an upright pipe, called a trumpet. • In Below the lower orifices of the pipes the buckets were furnished with valves, over the openings below. Pistons made round and smooth, and well oiled, were fastened to the buckets, and worked from above with bars and levers, which, by their repeated alternate action, pressed air into the pipes, and the water being prevented from returning, by the closing of the valves, was forced into the basin through the mouths of the pipes, whence the force of the air, which pressed it against the cover, drove it upwards through the pipe; by this means, water on a lower level might be thrown into a reservoir for the supply of fountains. Ctesibius, the greatest mechanic of antiquity after Archimedes, invented a clepsydra, or water-clock, an air-gun, and some others, which, as Vitruvius observes, prove that liquids in a state of pressure from the air produce a variety of effects, and for their description refers to the writings of that philosopher, which were extant in his time. This pump was in all probability the very same in its application of force to the modern fire-engine. Hydraulic Organs.-These were blown by the action of water, and it has been doubted whether they were not played by the fingers, by means of keys; the description given us of such an organ by Athenæus is that it was invented in the time of Ptolemy Euergetes by Ctesibius, and that the idea was first given by Plato, who invented a clepsydra or water-dial, which played upon pipes the hours of the night at a time when they could not be seen by the index: the descriptions left us by Vitruvius are not sufficiently clear to enable us to comprehend its construction; that by Claudian indicates that it resembled a modern organ, blown by water instead of bellows. Saw Mills for cutting Slabs of Marble were invented, as Pliny tells us, in Caria, to cut the marble employed to encrust the palace of Mausolus, king of Halicarnassus, as early as 350 years before Christ. The sand which Pliny says was employed for this purpose was the cutting power, and not the saw, which was used for merely passing down the sand, and rubbing it against the marble; the coarser the sand employed, the longer the time neces- sary to polish the marble, and Cornelius Nepos tells us that Mamurra, who was born at Formia, and employed to superintend the labours of the masons, smiths, and carpenters, CHAP. IV. 205 ROMAN. attached to the army of Cæsar in Gaul, was the first Roman who covered the walls of his house with slabs of marble. Measuring Distances when Travelling, Vitruvius says, was discovered by the ancients, and found useful in his time; his account exhibits the manner in which such mechanism was employed at sea and on land. When adapted to a chariot or travelling carriage, the wheels were made of such a diameter, that every revolution would advance the carriage 12 feet, thus 400 revolutions passed over 5000 feet, or a Roman mile; the diameter of the wheels was therefore nearly 4 feet. A drum wheel was securely fixed to the inner side of the nave of the wheel, which had one small tooth projecting beyond the face of its circumference; and on the body of the chariot was a small box with a drum wheel, placed so as to revolve perpendicularly, and fastened to an axle. This latter wheel was equally divided, on its edge, into 400 parts or teeth, which corresponded with the teeth of the lower drum wheel; besides this, the upper drum wheel had on its side one tooth pro- jecting out before the others. Above, in a third enclosure, was another horizontal wheel, similarly toothed, and which corresponded with that tooth which was fixed to the side of the second wheel. In the third wheel, just described, were as many holes as are equal to the number of miles in an ordinary day's journey. In all the holes were placed small balls, and in the box or lining was made a hole, having a channel, through which each ball might fall into the box of the chariot, and the brazen vessel placed in it: as the wheel turned round, it acted on the first drum wheel, the tooth of which, in every revolution, striking the tooth of the upper wheel, caused it to move on, so that when the lower wheel had revolved 400 times, the upper wheel had revolved but once, and its tooth, on the side, would have acted on only one tooth of the horizontal wheel; 400 revolutions of the lower wheel caused the upper wheel to turn but once, and thus showed that 5000 feet, or 1000 paces, had been performed. By the dropping the balls, and the noise they made, it was known when they had performed a mile, and at the end of every day's journey, the number of balls col- lected in the bottom showed the number of miles passed over. In navigation, nearly the same means were used; but an axis passed across the vessel, projecting over each side; to this were attached wheels four feet in diameter, with paddles dipping into the water. That part of the axis within the vessel had a wheel with a single tooth standing out beyond its face, at which place a box was fixed with a wheel inside it having 400 teeth, equal and corresponding to the tooth of the first wheel, fixed on the axis. On the side of this also, projecting from its face, was another tooth. Above, in a box, was enclosed another horizontal wheel, also toothed, to correspond to the tooth fastened to the side of the vertical wheel, and which in every revolution, working in the teeth of the horizontal wheel, and striking one each time, caused it to turn round. In this horizontal wheel were holes, wherein the round balls were placed, and in the box of the wheel was a hole with a channel in it, through which the ball descending fell into the brazen vase, and made it sound. A vessel impelled either by oars or by the wind gave motion to the paddle wheels, which, driving back the water forced against them, turned the axle round, and the drum wheel followed, whose teeth in every revolution acted on the tooth of the second wheel, and produced moderate revolutions. When the wheels were carried round by the paddles 400 times, the horizontal wheel had made one revolution, by the striking of that tooth on the side of the vertical wheel, and thus in the turning caused by the horizontal wheel, every time it brought a ball to the hole it fell through the channel. By sound and number were found the number of miles the ship had passed. In the early Italian editions of Vitruvius, particularly that by Cæsar Cesarinus, wood- cuts exhibit these paddle-wheels attached to the sides of the vessels. Hydraulic architecture is greatly indebted to the Italian engineers, who have been successively employed in draining the marshes of Italy, confining the rivers to their natural bounds, and the ocean to its limits; before the seventeenth century there were scarcely any principles laid down to direct the civil engineer, and Europe could hardly boast of any eminent man in that profession. Rome had left marks enough of her greatness: as far as construction went, or the handling of materials, there could be no want of models to guide the labours of the artificers; in building, enough was to be found to imitate, both in the science and the art. But hydraulic architecture had been neglected; the rivers, in consequence, were left to pursue their natural course, their beds became elevated, and their openings to the sea silted up all the ancient harbours were for the most part destroyed or unfit for the reception of vessels of larger burthen, which commerce had intro- duced. Lombardy, the richest district in all Italy, and with a soil more fertile than any other in Europe, is watered by the Po, which receives its supply from both the Alps and Apennines, and has its course for upwards of a hundred leagues through Sardinica, Pavia, Placentia, Cremona, Mantua, and Ferrara to the Adriatic Sea; its importance is so great, that it is navigable to Turin. The snows which cover the mountains that bound Lombardy during the summer afford 206 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. BOOK I. it abundant water to irrigate the lands of Piedmont, where this practice has been adopted from time immemorial. Near Bologna, Ferrara, and towards the Adriatic Sea, the land is often under water, and the inhabitants of this district are subject to breathe an impure and malignant air in con- sequence; this is chiefly owing to the attempts made in the middle ages to keep out the Po, by constantly throwing up dykes, for the purpose of penning back the water in the river; this naturally, in the course of years, from the deposit, tended to elevate the bed con- siderably above the country it flowed through. At the mouth of the Po, vegetation flourished amidst these deposits and overflows, pro- ducing the worst kinds of malaria, and that portion of the coast of the Adriatic, which intervenes between Mount Pesaro and the port of. Brondolo, and which formerly exhibited a deep hollow curve for its section, was by the alluvium elevated to a considerable height; in consequence all the roads were rendered impassable, and the various streams which flowed into the sea, at this portion of the coast, as the Po at Goro, the ancient Po of Primaro, the Lamone, the Ronio, the Savio, Usa, Marrechia, and many others, which brought down in their course a quantity of deposit, had their beds considerably elevated; this occasioned the banks which confined them to be raised in proportion, and when these from neglect gave way, in the time of floods, the whole country became one vast lagune or swamp. Ravenna contained upwards of 14,000 inhabitants, and was founded, according to Strabo, by a colony of Thessalians, on the borders of the sea, from which it is now, in consequence of the deposit from these rivers, more than two leagues distant, and that place, which was a port in the time of Augustus, and served him to assemble his fleet, is now land. Even so late as the time of Theodoric, it was a place of so much importance, that after his conquest of Italy, he made it his capital, and highly embellished it; it contains his tomb, which is a curious structure of Istrian stone, 34 feet in diameter, covered by a single block, placed 40 feet above the floor; the lower part of this circular edifice is now filled with water. Ravenna was built, like Venice, in the middle of the waters, and by the Romans it was united to the main land; it is now situated between the mouths of the ancient Po of Primaro, of those of Lamone, of the Ronio, and of the Montone, and this once celebrated marine establishment is now an extensive marsh. The lagunes of Commachio once formed a portion of the sea; they are now situated between the ancient beds of the Po of Primaro and of the Po of Volano. When the tongue of land, or bank, which separates these lagunes from the sea was thrown up is not known. Neglect during the middle ages of these great and important rivers was the chief cause of the changes which have taken place on this coast; their deposits have filled up the sea where they have discharged themselves: Ravenna is now 8000, Rimini 1500, and Adria 32,000 metres from the coast; and each of these places ranked as ports in the time of the Romans. Rimini was the spot on which the Emilian and Flaminian roads terminated, and in the time of Augustus it was a port of importance; here was his arch of triumph and his bridge. Upwards of 160 square leagues of country was desolated by these overflowings of the various rivers in the sixteenth century, and it was a constant cause of dispute between the inhabitants of Bologna and those of Ferrara. In the twelfth century the Po had passed near Ferrara, and in 1155 it changed its course, and in the year 1600 it was deemed advisable to separate the Panaro and Rheno, which flowed over its ancient bed, called the Po di Primaro, and which inundated the valleys of Commachio. About 1604, the Pope ordered that the Rheno should be turned into the valley of Santa Martina, but all that could be done could not prevent their being overflowed, for the banks gave way several times, and a very considerable sum of money was spent to no purpose. These terrible inundations alarmed the whole of the inhabitants of this part of Italy; the evils were daily increasing, and the most eminent scholars of the day, (for there were no engineers,) were consulted upon the occasion; it may be considered highly fortunate for Europe and the world in general, that these disasters directed the labours of the greatest philosophers of the age, when science began to revive, to the study of hydraulic architecture: all we at present know has its origin in their experiments; all the useful inventions applicable to modern practice, we owe to the writings of Francesco Mengotti, Mario Lorgna, Pietro Zuliani, Francesco Focacci, Antonio Tandini, Isidoro Bernareggi, Barnabita, Giovambatista Masetti, Vittorio Fossombroni, Pietro Paoli, Antonio Lecchi, Bernardino Ferrari, Giuseppe Bruschetti, Carlo Perea, Eustachio Man- fredi, Giovanni Poleri, Paolo Frisio, Tommaso Perelli, Giovanni Bacciali, Eustachio Zanotti, Ruggiero Bosvich, Leonardo Zimines, Bernardino Zendrini, Dominico Gugliel- mini, Galileo Galilei, Benedetto Castelli, Alfonso Borelli, Evangelista Torricelli, Guido Grandi, Famiano Mechelini, Tommaso Narducci, Lorenzo Albozi, Geminano Mon- CHAP. IV. ROMAN. 207: tanari, and several others, which are all printed, and form almost an encyclopædia on the subject. Galileo Galilei was a native of Pisa, and born in the year 1564; on one of his visits to the beautiful Duomo, at an early age, he observed the swinging of the large chandelier, and from thence he set about constructing the first pendulum. Mathematics at this time was at a very low condition, not only in Italy, but throughout Europe; but Euclid and Archimedes were now generally revived and studied by all who had any pretensions to science; after Galileo had studied the writings of the latter, he published his first work, which was an essay on the hydrostatic balance, in which he proves himself thoroughly acquainted with the principles of specific gravity. His learning then became generally known, and in the year 1589 he was named professor of mathematics at Pisa, where he received a salary of sixty crowns per annum. The phenomena of nature now formed his chief study, and he began to inquire into the mechanical doctrines of Aristotle, although he can hardly be considered the first who impugned his high authority. Leonardo da Vinci had indulged in investigations which astonished his cotemporaries, and which were entirely unknown to the philosophers of the time. Galileo succeeded Moleti in the professor's chair at Padua in 1588, and soon after took up the study of the thermometer, which was to a certain extent the result of the Greek mathematician Hero's contrivances. Galileo's tube was made of glass, the bulb having the air expelled by heat, and then filled with water; after which the degrees were marked upon it, which indicated the expansion of the air when subjected to a change or increase of tem- perature. In the year 1609, he invented the telescope, and three years afterwards published his Discourse on Floating Bodies, after which he turned his attention to the sucking-pump, and when he found it would not act beyond a certain depth, he imagined some injury had occurred to it, and sent it to the maker to have it repaired. The maker assured him that no pump would raise water beyond the depth of eighteen cubits, when Galileo observed, in his explanation upon this phenomenon, that a rod or column of water, when raised to the height of eighteen cubits in a pump, its weight overpowers the attraction of the piston and the cohesion of the particles of the fluid. He died in 1642. Evangelista Torricelli, born in 1608, was the pupil of Galileo at the same time with Cas- telli: he became highly interested on the subject of the pump, and made it his particular study; the year after Galileo's death, he made an experiment upon the vacuum left between the piston of a pump and the water which it raised; after which he filled a glass tube with mercury, hermetically sealed at one end, and closed at the other with his finger, and then inverted it into a basin of mercury, when he was surprised to find, upon the with- drawal of his finger, that the mercury stood twenty-nine inches in the tube. This indicated at once that the column of mercury was maintained by the weight of the column of atmo- sphere, and that the thirty-three feet of water in the pipe of the sucking-pump was sup- ported in the same manner as the twenty-nine inches of mercury. Considerable advance was made in the science of hydrodynamics by this able disciple of Galileo. He was one of the first who showed that when water is let out at the side or bottom of a vessel, it issues with the same velocity as that which a body would acquire by falling from the surface of the fluid to the orifice. Torricelli gave us the means whereby we might measure the density of the atmosphere, and constructed the first barometer. But it is from his treatise, "De Motu Gravium naturaliter accelerato," that we learn, for the first time, something of the complex theory which regulates the motion of fluids, when the orifice has a magnitude which is considerable compared with the section of the vessel taken horizontally. Benedetto Castelli was born at Breccia in the year 1577; he was among the distinguished disciples of Galileo, and may be considered as the originator of a new theory of hydraulics, relative to running waters, on which subject he compiled a treatise," Della Mesura dell' Acque correnti," published in 1638. Urban VIII. having requested him to report upon the means of completing the several works which were then in progress to drain various parts of the papal dominions, was the cause of his writing the above treatise. It contains several explanations of various phenomena relative to rivers; and he states, what some have hesitated to admit, that the absolute velocity is proportional to the declivity of the bed, or to the height of the water. He died at Rome, 1644. Dominico Guglielmini was born at Bologna, 1655: at the age of thirty he had so dis- tinguished himself in the various branches of science then studied, that he was appointed chief engineer of the territory belonging to the Bolognese, -a very important office, as it had under its superintendence the confining of the numerous rivers which intersect that country in all directions, and which frequently, if neglected, subjected it to inundations. In the year 1690, he was made professor of mathematics, and four years afterwards a new chair was created for him, under the title of that of Hydrometry, which, from that period, 208 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. - was accounted deserving of being ranked among the cultivated sciences. Among his writings that "Della Natura de Fiumi," published in 1697, obtained him the greatest celebrity. It treats of the equilibrium of fluids, the origin of springs, the motion of running water, either falling perpendicularly or on an inclined plane, together with the consequences of friction, the resistance offered by the air, &c.; of the beds of rivers, their breadth, width, and depth, as well as slope, the uniting of rivers, as well as their discharge into the sea, the consequence of increase after heavy rains, the supplying artificial canals, the drainage of wet lands, and the precautions that should be taken when the course of a river is altered or shortened. Guglielmini, in this work, puts forth a variety of new suggestions well deserving the attention of all who profess hydraulic architecture. He devoted his life to the pursuit of the sciences: his naturally robust constitution yielded to over-excitement, and he died at the age of fifty-four, in the year 1710. Giovanni Poleni (Marchese) was born at Venice in the year 1683, and at an early age he distinguished himself in the acquirements of the sciences, and was entrusted by the Venetian state with the care of all the hydraulic works. His eminence was admitted by those sovereigns whose territories were subject to inundations throughout Italy, and he was fre- quently selected as the arbitrator to decide upon the conflicting opinions which arose when a river running through one state did injury to another. All his decisions were given in a manner to satisfy, as well as to increase his reputation, and in 1719, we find him appointed to succeed Niccola Bernoulli in the chair of mathematics at Padua. Poleni was one of the most celebrated writers on hydraulics; and his work, "Del Moto misto dell' Acqua," is highly interesting, although the subject, perhaps, had been ably treated before by some of the Italian philosophers. He in this work, however, has some ingenious ideas; he supposes the bed of a river to be a rectangular canal, and a per- pendicular section of it an orifice, and calls that dead water which is between the surface and a certain point, where all the fluid molecules are in equilibrium, which he supposes are governed by the same laws as solid bodies. The water which is between this certain point and the bottom of the canal is called living water. And he further considers that the motion of the water which flows through the orifice is occasioned by the action which the living water acquires from its fall, and from the pressure exerted by the dead water, and thus that motion is produced by the mixed waters. Another of his essays is entitled "Delle Pescaie o Cateratte dei lati convergente, &c." in which are many valuable observations; but his principal work was that which appeared in the year 1718, entitled "De Castellis per quæ derivantur Fluviorum Acquæ." He died 1761, aged sixty-eight. Eustachio Manfredi, was born at Bologna in the year 1674, and died in 1739; he published some valuable remarks in an edition of the works of Guglielmini on Rivers, also another entitled "Opere Idraulicke," which relates chiefly to the opinions of the various engineers upon the proposed change in the course of the Po and the Rheno. Manfredi was appointed by the Bolognese in 1704 their chief engineer, was equally eminent with his predecessor Guglielmini, whom he succeeded. Bernardo Zendrini, was born near Breccia in 1679, and died in 1747; received his instructions under Dominico Guglielmini at the university of Padua, where he became learned in mathematics, astronomy, and medicine, which latter he practised for some time as a profession; among his first scientific treatises was one on the hurricane which happened at Venice in 1708, in which he enters upon the weight and electricity of the air; the origin and varieties of gas; the cause of wind, &c. He then excited public attention by his analysis of a problem which still continues to present extreme difficulties,—if a fluid in motion is confined within a given channel, the sides of which are susceptible of erosion, their surface will take the form suitable to the establishment of the resistance and the erosive power of the fluid; this depends on the relation between the rapidity of the molecules and the nature of the material that compose the sides. A curved surface is the usual form they acquire; and the hypothesis of the transverse section being polygonal, with a flat bed and sloping sides, he says is not that which nature carves out. To have regard to the rapidity of fluid threads which traverse this section, it must not be supposed that they augment from the bottom to the surface, where they would attain their maximum force; they on the contrary augment from the entire surface as well as the sides, to a thread situated somewhere in the interior of the fluid mass, the position of which depends on its form and other circumstances. A memoir upon this subject was published in 1715, entitled "Modo do ritrovare ne' Fiumi là Linea di Corrosione." It contains a description of a very simple instrument to ascertain the various rapidity of the current. The plains which lie between the towns of Bologna and Ferrara being at this time inundated by the Reno, the inhabi- tants of Bologna wished to change the mouth of the river to beyond Ferrara into the Po of Lombardy, and the most celebrated Italian engineers, Castelli Guglielmini, Gabriel and Eustachio Manfredi, supported them in their views in opposition to the inhabitants of CHAP. IV. 209 ROMAN. Ferrara, who were desirous of conducting the Rheno to the southern extremity of the Lake Comacchio, and carrying its waters to the sea through the Po di Primaro. Zendrini was invited, on the death of these celebrated engineers, to confute the opinions which they had given in their reports, and which the inhabitants of Bologna were inclined to adopt on this occasion appeared his celebrated work, entitled "Considerazioni sopra la Scienza delle Acque correnti, e sopra la Storia naturale del Po;" this was published in 1717. After this work appeared, the Duke of Modena appointed him his chief engineer; and in the year 1720, by the decrees of Venice, he was nominated superin- tendent of the waters, rivers, canals, lagunes, and ports belonging to that city. republic always appointed two of its most eminent philosophers to act as engineers, and maintain the watercourses of the city in proper condition: some of these were men famous for their knowledge in hydraulics; among them was Christopher Sabbadino, nominated Prote in the year 1542. This Zendrini occupied himself during the superintendence of these important works at Venice with compiling an account of the ancient and modern state of the lagunes, which was published about sixty-four years after his death; it is entitled "Memorie storiche del' Stato, antico e moderno, delle Lagune di Venezia, &c.," printed at Padua, in two quarto volumes. This history comprises the period between 1300 and 1700; Zendrini cites a letter of Cassiodorus, which gives a tolerably exact account of the state of the lagunes and Venice between the fifth and sixth centuries, which is highly interesting; and the numerous plates given are curious with regard to levels, and the means adopted to execute the different works which were required to keep the canals open. Zendrini was employed to survey the country round the port of Viareggio in the re- public of Lucca; his report was printed at the time. In it are many observations on the level of the sea; he commenced and executed works in this part of Italy, which ameliorated the condition and health of the inhabitants; the good effects of which were destroyed by the intestine animosities that happened afterwards. Clement XII. employed him in 1731, to report upon the state of the country about Ravenna, which was occasionally inundated by the waters of the Roneo and Montone; these rivers he turned into new channels, and in 1741 published at Venice an account of what he had performed. Soon afterwards appeared his famous work, "Delle Acque correnti," to which subse- quently was added the work entitled "Relazione per la Diversione de Fiumi Roneo e Montone." In the first of these the author gives general observations on the nature of fluids, treats of their motion when issuing from reservoirs by simple orifices, as well as by pipes; he then takes up the subject of running water, the methods adopted to ascertain its velocity, and its effects upon the beds and banks of rivers or canals: he also treats of the breaking down of dykes and dams, the means by which these effects may be prevented, and the different methods usually adopted to divide a stream; the `draining of lands: a description is added of various improvements, that in his opinion might be made in some hydraulic machines. This work shows distinctly the state of hydraulic knowledge at the time of its pub- lication; it rectifies many ancient theories, and is enriched with ideas new at the time they were made known; it was justly considered a chef-d'œuvre by his contemporaries, and, notwithstanding the progress that has been made since on these subjects, it is a book which every intelligent engineer should possess. Zendrini died in the year 1747, and the Venetian senate decreed him great honours. Lazarettos in Italy. That at Genoa is near the sea, and comprises two spacious courts, one of which is devoted to goods which are infected, and the other to those which may or may not be so. In the middle of each of these courts is a chapel; three sides are sur- rounded by buildings three stories in height; the fourth contains the apartments of the physicians and medical attendants. At the entrance is a guard-house; three sides of the courts are occupied by corridors, 10 feet 9 inches in width, separated by doors, so that the crew and passengers of different vessels may be kept apart. From these corridors the rooms are entered, which are occupied by those in quarantine; they are 15 feet 7 inches, by 14 feet 3 inches, and 11 feet 6 inches in height. On the upper floors there are in front thirty-six rooms, besides twelve occupied by the governor; on one side are ten, on the other eleven rooms, all of one size, viz. 16 feet 9, by 14 feet 9, and 11 feet 6 inches in height; each has two windows opposite one another, so that a thorough ventilation can be obtained; they are placed at a height of 6 feet above the floor, and are 4 feet by 3 feet. The floors are paved with brick, and the rooms are vaulted; they have a fireplace in one angle, and in another a small closet containing the urinal and drain. All these upper rooms open into a spacious corridor, 11 feet in width, the windows of which are towards the court; and there are also doors so contrived, that they can shut off three or four rooms as may be required. The windows are barred with iron and have shutters, but are not glazed. P 210 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING On the second floor are three ranges of warehouses, 16 feet 6 inches in width, approached by brick steps from the outside; the floors are of stone, and the windows are 3 feet by 2 feet 9 inches. In the front are three elevated towers, and through the court flows a clear stream of spring water, which is conducted from the neighbouring mountains; it then runs through all the sewers, and scours the drains most effectually. Leghorn Lazarettos.-There are three; that called San Leopoldo is very conveniently arranged; at the upper end is the statue of the Grand Duke, at whose expense the buildings were constructed; it has served as a model for all others in Italy. It contains spacious rooms, and every sort of accommodation for those whose ill fortune consigns them to the necessity of a purification; the several courts are so placed, that the cargoes and crews of OCK обдо Fig. 233. LAZARETTO at LEGHORN. the vessels arriving at the port may all be separately lodged, though they are not so. Isolated buildings arranged along an open shore, or on an island in the ocean, afford the best guarantee for the continued health of the individuals within them; should infection be brought by the cargoes of one vessel, it is highly necessary that those who without cause are obliged to undergo the ordeal of a lazaretto should not be exposed to the infection they have escaped by their own caution, or from being placed in more fortunate circumstances. The Lazaretto at Varignano in the Bay of Spezzia is situated on a promontory stretching into the sea, and forming a beautiful object on the coast. The court nearest the gulf is for aired goods, as are the buildings on each side of the second court. A wide walk divides 89 ☐ C) D cL a doo oak — do. 0 Fig. 234. LAZARETto at vaRIGNANO. the great square inland, and a wall at right angles again subdivides it into four courts, one of which is devoted to the infirmary, and the others to infected goods. Around the whole is a wall and apartments for the officers and attendants. The great defect of this establishment is, that the several lodgings set out for the crews CHAP. IV. ROMAN. 211 are built against the outer walls, which renders the ventilation imperfect, windows not being permitted on the outside. The docks for the shipping are convenient, and there are plentiful supplies of fresh water but the want of a free circulation of air, and the too great proximity of the different buildings, are serious objections. Great attention and skill is demanded in the selection of a site, as well as in the arrange- ment of hospitals of this kind. The In Italy, engineering works continued to be carried on with great success: in Rome la santa, Napoli la gentile, Genoa la superba, Milano la grande, Ferenze la bella, Bologna la grassa, Ravenna l'antica, Padua la dotta, and Venezia la ricca, all can boast of objects worthy the attention of an engineer. The latter city deserves admiration for the various difficulties overcome in laying the foundations for the noble buildings it contains. province of the Roman Venetia was bounded by the Adda, the Rhætian and Julian Alps, and the Po. About 450 years before Christ, the inhabitants of Aquileia and Padua, driven out by the Huns under Attila, took refuge in the islands along the coast, and laid the first foundations of the future Venice, on the island of Ripa Alta or Rialto. In A. D. 570, the patriarch of Aquileia fled before the Lombards with his flock, and settled himself at Grado, afterwards called New Aquileia; his successors became the first ecclesiastical primates, and about the middle of the fifteenth century they removed to Venice. The modern city is built upon two islands, separated from each other by the great ser- pentine canal, which is crossed by one bridge, called the Rialto; its total area has been es- timated at one square mile and a half. The two islands are subdivided by many smaller canals at right angles with the larger, and as the streets or alleys are seldom more than 8 or 9 feet wide, the communication from house to house is chiefly carried on by means of boats, almost every doorway having a landing stair at the water side. The houses are of brick, or of Istrian marble, which bears a fine polish; the floors are composed of fine plaster and pounded brick, into which, when in a soft state, black and white marbles are imbedded, and when dry, are polished; the foundations of the buildings are either upon piles or masses of concrete. The entrance of the Laguna is guarded by the fort of Lido, distant about two or three miles from Venice; the Laguna is separated from the sea by a line of narrow sandy islands, which have required the most vigilant attention, in order to prevent the embankments or barriers from being forced into the channel. There are two other passages through these narrow sandy deposits, one at the port of Malamocco, and the other at Chiozza, where mas- sive stone walls have been constructed to defend it against the action of the sea. Within these sand-banks, produced by the deposits brought into the Adriatic by the several mouths of the Po, the Laguna forms an extensive bay, a great portion of which is dry at low water; the tide rises about 3 or 4 feet, and occasions a current sufficient to work the mills on the island of San Georgio Maggiore. To keep the various canals open, a dredging machine was used at a very early period, which underwent many changes and improvements before its introduction became general. Cassiodorus, appointed præfect of Venice by the Emperor Theodoric, has left us an interesting account of the lagunes at the commencement of the sixth century, when the chief exports were fish and salt. From the summit of the lofty Campanile in the Piazza San Marco, a fine view of the city rising amidst the Laguna is obtained. To the north lies the Julian Alps, reaching from the Lake of Garda to Trieste, often covered with snow; to the west is Monte Selice, formed of porphyry and trap, probably of volcanic origin. The arsenal was a noble establishment, and contained slips for ship-building, and arrangements for the manufacture of all that was required for their equipment and efficiency in time of war. Here the camel was first used for floating large vessels out of the Laguna, which consisted of four cases, with concave sides, so made as to embrace the whole ship; they were towed under it, and united securely together; the water was then pumped out of the camel, and it became sufficiently buoyant to float its burthen in very shallow water; such a method was adopted by the ancients to move obelisks and heavy masses, where there was not depth enough for their large craft to navigate. In constructing the foundations at Venice, every precaution was taken to collect the waters which rise from the springs at the bottom of the lagunes; they are conducted into a basin or well left to receive them, in the bed of concrete upon which the walls were built; where a spring did not occur, the well was converted into a tank to receive that which fell from the roofs of the buildings during the rainy season. These supplies, however, frequently failed, and it was then conveyed in boats from the shores of the main land, and disposed of to the inhabitants. Trade and commerce have departed from Venice, and its population is in consequence greatly diminished; but the city remains, to interest the historian, the architect, and the civil engineer. The finest designs of Falladio, and the manner in which he laid his foundations, may be seen in various parts of the city, and form the best commentary upon that portion of his treatise on building. All the chief men of P 2 212 Book J. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 1 Italy, celebrated for their acquirements in hydraulic architecture, met with employment and encouragement in Venice, and she must for centuries have been a school for the instruction of engineers. Before we leave this portion of our subject, and proceed with an account of the works executed since the destruction of the eastern and western empire, it is due to the engineers of Italy to acknowledge how much we are indebted to them for the science handed down through the middle ages, upon which our modern practice in the arts of construction is founded. The ancient writers are scanty in such observations as practical men seek after, and it is to be regretted that information upon many important and vast undertakings of the em- perors of Rome is not more fully given. Cities, harbours, roads, bridges, supplies of water, baths, drainage of vast districts, public edifices of all denominations, were laid out and executed in a manner never yet surpassed, the majestic ruins of which are spread far and wide for our wonder and admiration. The whole circle of the building arts was employed in deep seas, in rapid rivers, and on most difficult sites, where foundations were raised to bear the extraordinary weights imposed upon them. We must blush at the expensive but too often ill-directed efforts of the present day, when we reflect on the well-proportioned and majestic structures which still remain in and around the Imperial city. It must also be admitted, that we have not improved on their knowledge of construction; and if Vitruvius, to whom we have so often referred, be studied by a mind bringing with it a spirit and judgment equal to the information found in that author, it will be convinced that there is nothing new in the works of modern times. The builders of later generations too generally present to us only the lifeless form, while their brethren of yore stamped on their erections all the glow and beauty of vitality. About the middle of the fifteenth century, the arts were again encouraged. Leon Battista Alberti wrote his treatise, "De Re Edificatoria," which, from its close resem- blance to the author alluded to, proves that Vitruvius was held in the highest consideration. When Alberti was employed by Pope Nicholas V. to repair the aqueducts at Rome, particularly that of Aqua Virgine, he devoted himself to the study of Frontinus, and acquired a thorough knowledge of the principles which guided the ancient engineers. Hydraulic architecture, after the splendid discoveries of Galileo and his successors, became more refined by the abstract and mathematical reasoning to which it was subjected; but many of the calculations were formed upon erroneous and inefficient data, and con- sequently have become of little value, - a very common result when such calculations are not accompanied by a practical acquaintance with the subject in question. Theory and practice must go hand in hand; the calculations of the one must be based on the experience of the other, while the active energies of the practical man may be materially assisted by the silent process of well-directed reflection. The authors of Italy, during the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, revived the writings of the classic period; and in commenting upon the subjects they described, Palladio and other practical men were required to pro- vide illustrations: thus were the bridges of Cæsar, Trajan, and the emperors brought under the notice of the engineers of that period. The baths of the Romans also met with their share of enquiry, and little was left upon these subjects to the moderns in the way of in- terpretation; they had only to apply their reasoning to what remained of the structures. To the Romans we stand indebted for the knowledge that is interesting to us as a maritime nation. They first established in Britain ports and havens, marked out and formed roads from one end of our island to the other, which excite wonder even in the present day for the straightness of their course, and the solid manner in which many of them are executed. They established beacons on our coast, remains of which may be traced on some of the heights which girt our isle; within the circuit of the walls of Dover Castle, their pharos is still shown. It would be impossible to do justice to the people of this mighty nation: wherever they established themselves they introduced improvement, drained marshes, cleared lands, brought them into cultivation, and encouraged commerce. Their stone cutting and artificers' work of all kinds have served us for models; our very nomenclature upon the subject is derived from them. Of the solidity of their constructions we have ample proof; and had they been left to the hand of Time alone, we might have derived many useful lessons from the study of those structures over whose ruins we now linger with wondering regret. CHAP V. 213 HOLLAND AND GERMANY. CHAP. V. ENGINEERING WORKS IN HOLLAND AND GERMANY. THE level of a great portion of Holland being below that of the sea, the construction of dykes, or banks, to keep out the water has given employment to a vast number of indi- viduals, and called forth the ingenuity of the greatest mathematicians of the age, to economise their labours, or to direct them in the most efficient manner. The dykes are in many places raised 30 feet above the ordinary level of the country, and have sufficient width at the summit to form a roadway: towards the sea, both above and below the level of the action of the water, is a strong matting of flags, or reeds, which retains the earth towards the summit of the mound, and on the land side, piles and planking are adopted, to give the requisite strength; these are filled in with stones covered with earth and turfed. The matting of flags, of which we have no notice before the end of the six- teenth century, has been found very successful: they are twisted together in bundles, and laid horizontally, at distances of three or four yards from each other, and then secured to the ground by wooden stakes, or by large stones. Above these layers of flags piles are driven in, to which a number is attached, that the surveyors or engineers entrusted with the maintenance of the banks may refer. Enormous sums of money have been expended on these sea-dykes, and when the sea rises to a great height, the inhabitants are obliged to cover them with sails to prevent their washing away: the water which passes over them is afterwards pumped out, either by windmills or other means. The Rhine, the Leck, the Vaert, the Yssel, the Maes, and other rivers which are dis- charged into the sea on the coast of Holland, have their banks maintained in a similar manner. The great Lake of Haarlem, 12 miles long and 9 broad, situate between the towns of Haarlem, Amsterdam, and Leyden, is remarkable for its sluice, which effectually resists the inroads of the sea. Where the canals in these districts do not unite but are separated by a dyke, there are contrivances to transport vessels from one to the other by means of wheels and rollers. As a great portion of the richest land in Holland has been gained from the sea, it is of the highest interest to inquire by what means this was effected: the districts in the north consist of the Zype, the Beenister, the Wormer, and Schermeer. The first was commenced about the beginning of the sixteenth century, when an extremely strong embankment or mole, formed of timber, filled in with large stones and covered with earth, was constructed at an enormous cost. The draining the lakes of Purmur and Beenister were the next operations carried on, when many thousand acres of the most profitable land in Europe were redeemed, planted with orchards, converted into garden ground and meadow. Dugdale, in his "History of Embanking," gives it as his opinion, that Holland consisted of a three-fold earth; viz. sandy to the sea, clay to the rivers, and moorish in other places, and that it was the gift of the ocean, and of the rivers which pass through it, as was Egypt of the Nile; and, quoting the historian Nannius, states, that "Holland was the gift of the north wind and of the Rhine, and was in the beginning no other than a more high place than ordinary, over which the tides do usually flow; whereby through the increase of the sands, which the north winds, fiercely agitating the waves, stirred up, it first grew to be a shore, and afterwards raised those sandy heaps, which we daily see both to be made and destroyed." And further, "that the waters of the Rhine, by this stop, being kept up as it were with a bank, settled the mud brought down by the stream about the shores, and so by long and frequent inundations produced those pastures. For it cannot be imagined, saith Bertius, that the face of this country was always as it now is discerned to be, or that it soon arose from its former condition, unto this fertile and pleasant state, in which we behold it at present; there being much time, extraordinary labour, excessive study, vast expenses, and great diligence necessary thereto. Nature therefore first inviting, the inhabitants bordering near unto it to make those banks of sand, as a defence against the north wind, and necessity also spurring them on (than which no master is more ingenious and powerful), in time those their accustomed endeavours became a second nature to them, it being not unusual to see the very boys and girls, when they come to the sea-side to recreate themselves, to put off their stockings and shoes, and taking up the sand with their fingers to make walls therewith against the ocean, within which, thus encompassing themselves, they disperse the force of the waves." The Batavians first occupied these districts, then the Danes and Normans, and after- wards the Saxons; to each of these people some praise is due for the manner in which the first embankments have been maintained, and "for the performance of these eminent works,” P ? 214 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Book 1. continues Dugdale, "it required extraordinary knowledge and skill, which ancient times had not attained to, and foreign nations now admire. The engines of several kinds made use of for raising the water and casting it off were framed by men of singular judgments in mathematical learning, and suitable to the depth of the water, er opportune for carrying it away. Friseland, which lies very much beneath the surface of the ocean, is preserved by the wall raised in 1567, by a Portuguese in the employ of Philip II., King of Spain; the author before alluded to asserts that it would require a volume to give an account of all the works of this nature in the Low Countries, and the several banks, ditches, and sluices. The provinces of Belgium which formed a portion of Gaul were in the time of Cæsar full of woods and fens, which latter were not effectually drained till the work was taken in hand by Baldwin I., who married Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald. In the year 1169, Floris, carl of Holland, demanding the Isle of Walcheren, in Zealand, trom Philip, earl of Flanders, obtained it, on condition that he sent to Count Philip 1000 men expert in making ditches, to stop the breach near unto Dam or Sluse, whereby the country was drowned at every high sea; "the which the Flemings could by no means fill up, neither with wood, nor any other matter, for that all sunk as in a gulf without a bottom, whereby in process of time Bruges and all under its jurisdiction had been in danger of being lost by inundation, and to become all sea if it were not speedily repaired. Whereupon the Count Floris sent the best workmen that he could find in his territories, who being come to the place, they found a great hole, near unto this dam, and at the entrance thereof a sea-dog, that for six days together did nothing but cry and howl very terribly. They not knowing what it might signify, resolved to cast this dog into that hole, whereupon a mad- headed Hollander, getting into the bottom of the dyke, took the dog by the tail, and cast him into the midst of the gulf with earth, and turf after him, so as, finding a bottom, they filled it up by little and little." They named the place in consequence Hontsdam, or Dog's Sluice; dam, in Flemish signifying a sluice, and hont, a dog. The town still has a dog in its armorial bearings. The banks from Dam to Sluse thus rescued from the sea, in 1180, all the land that had been submerged. At Antwerp the Emperor Napoleon raised on the banks of the Scheldt, which is here upwards of 2000 feet in breadth, and 40 feet in depth, dockyards, slips for ship-building, and one of the most magnificent quays in Europe. Engineers were sent from France to conduct these works, upon which vast sums of money were expended, and Antwerp became one of the most important ports on the coast; it is situated in an extreme plain on the eastern bank of the Scheldt, and is divided by eight canals which traverse the city, on which are warehouses for the reception of goods. The exchange, which was the model for that constructed by Sir Thomas Gresham in London, and the celebrated warehouse or magazine, in which all the merchandise that once enriched this distinguished city was deposited, still remain. Some of the bridges erected in Germany deserve to be mentioned, and we shall commence with that over the Elbe. Bridges of Germany. Bridge over the Elbe, at Dresden, was restored from 1727 to 1731, by Poepelmann, in the reign of Augustus, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland. The ancient piers, which are the work of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and which were paid for by indulgences, are the nuclei of the present. Originally there were twenty-four, but several were carried away at different times, and when the fortifications of Dresden were extended to the Elbe, some were destroyed. The bridge is now composed of eighteen arches, distributed without order, nor can this be a matter of surprise when it is considered how they were constructed. The total length is 1447 feet, the breadth of the road is 25 feet, and that of the footway 4 feet 7 inches. Notwithstanding all its irregularities, it is one of the longest in Europe, that of St. Esprit and another at Prague only surpassing it, and it may be regarded as one of the finest. The piers are very thick, being in some instances nearly equal to the span of the arches, which vary from 40 to 62 fect. They rise to the level of the footway, and serve as recesses for benches. On one is placed a bronze figure of Christ on the cross, richly gilt; the parapet consists of an iron railing, strengthened over each pier by pedestals, which sustain vases. The bridge is entirely The roadway is nearly level, and forms a superb promenade. constructed of squared stones, and the voussoirs are rusticated. Bridge at Prague, on the Moldaw, was commenced in 1638, by Charles IV., Emperor and King of Bohemia, who laid the first stone, and finished under Charles VI. Its length, 1706 feet, is greater than that at Dresden, but it does not equal it in its construction. The breadth is 35 feet 8 inches. The eighteen semicircular arches of which it is composed are constructed of squared stone, and ornamented with an archivolt: the piers are surmounted by pedestals, which support statues; that of St. John Promucena is placed over the very spot where King Venceslas threw him into the river, for refusing to violate the secret of confession. The masonry of this bridge is excellent: when the Swedes seized upon Prague, CHAP. VI. 215 FRANCE. and were desirous of destroying it, they found the mortar so hard, that they were obliged to give up the undertaking. Bridge at Ratisbon, over the Danube, began in 1135, by Henry the Superb, Duke of Bavaria, consists of fifteen arches, and its total length is 994 feet. The piers rest on piles, and are defended by jetties and large starlings. It is only 21 feet 4 inches wide; it is paved with square stone; the footways are only 1 foot in width, and the parapets are fortne of flag-stones, placed on edge, united by iron cramps, and run with lead. At about one-third of the length there is a descent upon an island, by means of a staircase contained between two walls. The arches are semicircular, and are from 33 feet to 53 feet span. Bridge of Zwettau, over the Torgau, on the Elbe, was built by King Augustus, in 1730. It consists of twelve arches; of the eleven piers five have starlings; the others have only a set-off. The fall of this bridge is very considerable. Bridge at Wurtzbourg, over the Meine, consists of eight semicircular arches, 32 feet 9 inches span; the starlings of the piers are semicircular, and rise to the level of the parapet; the work is simple, and very solidly constructed. Statues are placed on the piers, and among them is that of St. John Promucena, regarded in all Germany as a patron of bridges. Bridge of Kosen, on the Saal, near Naumbourg, presumed to have been constructed in the tenth or twelfth century, consists of eight arches; the five in the middle of the current are pointed, the others are semicircular. Bridge of Mossen on the Mulde, in Saxe, is composed of three semicircular arches; was constructed from 1715 to 1718, by Daniel Poepelmann, under the reign of Augustus. Bridge at Nurembourg, called ABC over the Pregnitz, built under the Emperor Charles VI., who laid the first stone, was finished in 1728; it is formed of two arches 46 feet span. In the interior of the pier is a vaulted passage; this pier is surmounted by two obelisks, erected to the honour of the emperor; the parapets are ornamented with pe- destals surmounted by a ball. Bridge of the Boucherie, at Nurembourg, over the Pregnitz, constructed in 1599 by Peter Carlo, presented many difficulties in its foundations; it consists of a single segmental arch, 97 feet 2 inches span, and 12 feet 9 inches high; the thickness of the arch is only 4 feet, the breadth of the bridge is 40 feet. CHAP. VI. ENGINEERING IN FRANCE. We have seen that wherever Imperial Rome extended her sway, she has left memorials of those useful works which have rendered her name immortal among the nations, and it is not too much to conclude, that after the long night of barbarism which succeeded the overthrow of her mighty power, when civilisation again dawned, they would be the guide for whatever improvements might be required, and we have sufficient evidence that they were the models from which the after inhabitants derived the knowledge they possessed on the subject; but we can hardly say that the engineer was fully called into practice earlier than the middle of the seventeenth century, about which period Bernard Forrest de Belidor wrote his "Architecture hydraulique," which awakened great attention, and laid the foun- dation for those theoretical studies, which had been entirely neglected by practical men throughout Europe. This writer, an officer in the artillery, was requested to suggest some system to guide the military engineer, which eventually led to the establish- ment in the year 1720, of the Ponts et Chaussées, first composed of an inspector-general, or chief architectural engineer, three other inspectors, and twenty-one assistant engineers. The number was afterwards increased to twenty-five and twenty-eight, and in the year 1770, fifty inspectors were added, taken from the sub-engineers, the numbers of which depended upon the necessities of the service. This important and erudite body, acquainted both with theory and practice, directs the education of all who intend to act as civil engineers, or un- dertake the construction of roads and bridges; and they require those who aspire to the superintendence of these works to possess a knowledge in geometry, mechanics, mineralogy, and the natural properties of all the materials employed in the arts of construction. Among the engineers of this institution are registered the names of the most celebrated mathematicians of France, who have contributed to the formation of a theory upon what- ever subject they may have been employed. Such an establishment for carrying out the P 4 2.6 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. national improvements could not fail of being successful each enterprise submitted to the board is duly and properly considered, with reference to works, that might be in future undertaken; one uniform system is laid down for bridges and their construction, and volumes have been written on the properties of stone, cements, hydraulic mortars, the thrust and pressure of arches of every kind of curvature. Timber has been examined thoroughly with respect to its strength, toughness, and powers of resisting, torsion, and much larger scantling than ever tried in this country, have been tested by the engineers of France. The best works upon engineering are found among the writers of France and Italy, and should be studied by all who desire to excel in the profession Rondelet, Bruyere, Prony, Boistard, Berard, Gauthey, and Perronet, particularly should be enu- merated for their high attainments and professed knowledge of the subjects upon which they treat. Before the establishment of this important body, the roads in France were scarcely defined, and the bridges were left to the control and management of the local masons, who executed their repairs or reconstruction in a manner devoid of both proportion and solidity. Under the Emperor Napoleon, great advances were made in the management of all public works; his penetrating eye soon discovered what was wanting, and his industrious and business-like habits changed the routine observed in the building of bridges, the for- mation of roads, construction of lighthouses, beacons, telegraphs, arsenals, canals, working of mines, and the reducing of metals. France is divided into eighteen districts, and placed under the inspection of this estab- lishinent. The roads are classed or divided into three orders, as the Royal road, for which the state provides, the departmental roads, which are kept in repair by the respective provinces, and the rural roads, which are maintained by the immediate inhabitants of the district through which they pass. The Royal roads are subdivided into three classes, the first of which is 42 French feet in width of this class there are 28, or altogether 1258 leagues; of the second class, which are 66 feet in width, there are 717 leagues; of the third class there are 5241 leagues. : The rivers, as far as used for the purposes of navigation, are under the same direction, and 1877 leagues are annually reported upon. The canals finished extend over 370 leagues, and those under construction amount altogether to near 2000 leagues, and constitute another branch to which the engineers of this government board have to attend; and that due attention may be paid to this highly important subject, the duties are divided into lines, and are annually reported upon. The first line passes by the south and east of France, comprising the Rhone, the Saone, and the Canal of Monsieur, which unites the latter river with the Rhone. The second line passes by the south and north of France, and comprises all that is at- tached to the Rhone and Saone in that quarter; the canal of Bourgoyne, which unites the Saone to the Yonne; the Seine; the Oise; the canal of Manecamp and Chauny; the Canal Crozat; the canal of St. Quintin, joining the Oise to the Escaut; the canal of the Somme or of the Duke d'Angoulême; the course of the Escourt; and all the canals in the neigh- bourhood of Calais. The third line, in the centre, on the south, comprises the Rhone, the Canal Lateral, course of the Saone, Canal du Centre, of Dijon, Chalons on the Saone, which unite the Loire with the Saone; Canal de Berri; of Dijon; and Bec d'Allier; the canal which joins the Loire from Bec d'Allier to Briare; the Canal Briare and the Loing; the course of the Seine and Oise. The fourth line, passing by the south and north-west, comprises the Rhone, the Saone, the Canal of Burgundy, the Yonne, and the Seine, to the mouth. The fifth line, passing from the south to west, through the centre of France, has the Rhone, the course of the Saone, the Canal of the Centre, the canal de Berri, the branch canal to the Basse Loire, from Tours to Nantes, and the canal of Nantes to Brest. The sixth line, passing by the south and south-west, has the canal of Marseilles, to the port of Bouc by the Lake de Berre; the canal de Bouc to Arles; the branch canal to the Rhone, from Arles to Tarasçon; the canal de Beaucaire, the canal de la Radelle, the canal of Mauguio and des Etangs, the canal of Languedoc, and its extension to Moissac by Montaubon; the Garonne from Moissac to Bordeaux. Seventh line, passing from La Manche to the sea, by Gascoigny and the Mediterranean, or the canal from Dunkerque to Bayonne and Marseilles; the canal de Bourbourg, the navigation of the Aa; the canal of Aire to Bassée, joining the Lys, to the H. Deule; the canal of Deule; part of the course of the Scarpi; canal of Sensée; the course of the Escaut ; the canal of St. Quentin; the canal of Crozat; the course of the Oise; canal of the Oise to the Seine; canal of St. Denis and St. Martin; the Seine as far as the canal of Loing; canals of Loing and Orleans; the Loire from Orleans to the mouth of the Vienne; the Vienne to Chatellerault; the canal of Poitou, joining the Vienne to the Charente, by the Clain river; the Charente to Angoulême; the canal from Angoulême to Libourne; the Dor CHAP. VI. 217 FRANCE. dogne from Libourne to Cubzac; the canal of Cubzac to Bourdeaux; the Garonne to the mouth of the Bayse. When this line is prolonged, it will take a course towards the west, following the canal of Landes, and the river Adour to Bayonne; and towards the east it will comprise first the course of the Garonne to Moissac, the canal of Moissac to Toulouse, by Montauban, the canals of Languedoc, des Etang, Mauguio, La Radelle, Beaucaire, from Tarasçon to Arles, from Arles to Bouc, and from thence to Marseilles. Among the ports of France, that of Dunkerque, before its demolition in the year 1714, was the great school for engineers, and presented more examples for study than any other in Europe; here was found an assemblage of every kind of hydraulic architecture, of which single or detached specimens existed elsewhere. Julius Cæsar found it a mere village inhabited by fishermen, attracted thither by the ex- cellence of its natural harbour; the neighbouring country, mostly under water, was supposed at one time to have been an arm of the sea, which extended to St. Omer, anchors and parts of vessels having been found there whilst constructing the fortifications. The land around has been rendered serviceable to agriculture by the cutting of several canals, to drain off the waters, and carry them into the sea. The opinion that the sea has retired is, perhaps, not correct, for the level of the water is above that of the neighbouring plains, which would be subject to inundation but for the formation of the dunes or banks of sand, which serve the purpose of an embankment. The shore along the entire coast is composed of sand, which the slightest wind drives in the direction from north to south, depositing it in irregular ridges, which sometimes rise to small hillocks; these the early inhabitants rendered more compact by mixing with them layers of bushes, branches of trees, yellow broom, or any other material which occasioned the sand to bind; in process of time a barrier was formed, which resisted further encroachments from the sea. At several places the sluices, introduced for letting off the fresh water, were closed, when the sea again flowed in by constant manual attention. The name this port bears arose from the circumstance of St. Ely, Bishop of Meyon, in the seventh century, founding a church on these downs, which was called Dune- kerque in the Teutonic language. In the year 863, Charles le Chauve bestowed the town and the country around upon his son-in-law, Baldwin, who was created Count of Flanders. Baldwin III., his great-grandson, surrounded the town, which had obtained by that time some importance, with a strong wall: as a port it was afterwards much frequented, in consequence of its abundant supply of fresh water, which fed the canals, and formed its most important defence. In the twelfth century, it acquired the dignity of a maritime port, and contained several vessels of war, some of which were adapted for long voyages. Various improvements successively followed, and Dunkerque in the course of a few cen- turies became a highly important station; in the year 1677, the great Vauban was desired by Louis XIV. to construct a channel between two jetties, at the head of which were es- tablished the two forts, Verd and Bonne Esperance, also the famous Risban on one side, and the Chateau Gaillart. These great works were completed in 1683; and two years after wards, the basin was lined with a stone wall, and the quays formed. At its entrance a grand sea lock, 42 feet in width, which allowed vessels of considerable burthen to float within the harbour was constructed. The fort of Revers was built in 1689, and several contrivances were adopted, which, aided by the waters of the two canals, deepened the port, and kept it clean and scoured. M. Clément, who directed these latter operations, became one of the most eminent civil engineers in Europe. In the year 1701, a new risban, called the Fort Blanc, was erected at a distance of 800 toises from the town. Chateaux Verd and Bonne Esperance were situated, the first on the east, the second on the west on entering the port, at a distance from the town of about 1000 toises. They were formed of timber, raised on piles, rendered extremely solid, and each mounted with thirty pieces of cannon. Passing between the two jetties which formed the channel, which was 40 toises in width, on the west, stood the celebrated fort called Risban, constructed of stone, and containing commodious barracks, a cistern, magazines, and other requisites for a garrison. It communicated with the town by means of a jetty. On the rampart were forty-six cannon, which could be placed on three sides; the form of the fort being that of a triangle. To the east was a smaller, called the Petit Risban or Fort Blanc, also of masonry, which had twenty pieces of cannon. Towards the harbour, on the same side, stood the Chateau Gaillard, a timber construc- tion, and communicating with the eastern jetty by a small bridge. The form was rectan- gular, and contained twelve pieces of cannon; one side defended the jetty, and the other crossed the range of Fort Blanc; on the other side of the channel was the battery of Revers, built of masonry, which had sixteen pieces of cannon. The jetties, formed of timber and large stones laid on carefully at a vast cost, were the admiration of all engineers. The basin contained forty line-of-battle ships afloat at the time of low water; the entrance lock was 42 feet in width, and the whole was surrounded by arsenals and storehouses for the marine. The harbour was supplied with every means for cleansing and deepening; its chief sluice • 218 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. for this purpose was at the end of the canal of Bergues, in width 26 feet, with a double pair of gates (Portes Busquées); one of these supported the waters of the canal, the other that of the sea at high water, so that vessels could pass from the canal to the port, and from the port to the canal at certain times of the tide; this arrangement was one of the earliest of its kind. The sluice had others attached to it, which turned when the sea was low and the harbour dry, to allow the waters which served as a reservoir in the canals to flow out with so much violence and velocity that they thoroughly scoured the harbour and the channel between the jetties; its effects were felt to the extent of 1600 toises, the distance of the sluice from the head of the jetties. At the mouth of the canal of La Moere, a sluice of a different construction was established, which served a similar purpose; when they acted singly or together, they produced a force which perfectly answered the desired purpose. A third sluice at the canal of Furnes, within the town, contributed to clear the channel, and from 1701 to 1710, the port was cleaned and scoured out to the depth of 15 feet by these contrivances. The grand sluice to the basin at Dunkerque, constructed by Marshal Vauban, in the year 1684, was considered throughout Europe the masterpiece of its kind. Its width was 42 feet, and the gates supported a weight of water, 20 feet in height. The foundations were laid on a moving sand, into which were driven eight rows of piles; these carried as many pair of binding pieces, through or between which were driven a double row of sheet piles, care being taken that those of one row covered the joints of the other. Between the heads of the piles was laid a foundation of brick, carried up with mortar made of Dutch tarras, and the whole was brought up 18 inches in height, and made level with the tops of the binding pieces; other piles were driven under the walls. Between the first and second row of sheet piles were laid ten cross timbers; between the second and third, fifteen; between the third and fourth, two; between the fourth and fifth, six; between the fifth and sixth, two; between the sixth and seventh, eleven; and between the seventh and eighth rows, ten; these cross timbers extended throughout the whole width of the founda- tions that were to be occupied by the sluice. Between these timbers the spaces were filled in with masonry, and the whole brought to a level; a floor of oak plank was then laid over, dowelled, pinned, and securely caulked at the joints. On this floor was a second row of cross timbers immediately over those below, excepting in that part occupied by the four principal pieces which came under the base of the framing of the pointing sills, which were 54 feet in length, entering at each end 3 feet into the walls, and their scantling was 24 inches square, or a double thickness. Forty-three lon- gitudinal timbers at right angles with the two rows of transverse timbers were now halved down, and securely pinned. On these were laid a third range of transverse timber, which formed a second grillage, and after the intervals were filled up with masonry, a second floor of planking was laid over the whole, and pinned and caulked down as the other. quantity of timber employed in this construction seems, however, to have been more than was necessary. The The masonry of the side walls was then carried up, leaving in each a small aqueduct, arched with stone; they were 3 feet in width internally, and lined throughout with hard and durable stone, to resist the violence of the water; these were the more necessary as the gates, which were curved, had no small sluices for the passage of the water. The counterforts were made equal to sustain any pressure to which the side walls might be subjected; and two others were placed to receive the iron ties that secured the collars of the gates. The aqueducts were closed by paddles, 3 feet 6 inches wide, each of which sustained a considerable pressure. In the construction of the side walls, four iron uprights were introduced 6 feet below the top, at the groove where the paddles worked, two being placed on each side, and the whole four at an equal distance, occupying a square of 3 feet each way. Each of these iron up- rights had at the lower end an eye, with an iron key passed through it, 8 feet in length and 3 inches square; these were attached to iron anchors, 7 feet in length and 3 inches square, the whole for the purpose of rendering it solid. On the top of the masonry were four solid blocks of timber, 18 inches square; on these was placed the box with a groove in which was the nut of the screw. The nut was turned by means of levers, and the screw mounted, which carried with it the paddle below. The Sluice at the Mouth of the Canal of Bourbourg, used for scouring the harbour of Dunkerque, had a clear width of 14 feet, and the side walls were sufficient in length to allow of two sea and two land gates, with a swing bridge between. After the several rows of piles which carried the binding pieces that confined the sheet piling were driven, the cross timbers were placed under the sills, their extremities being allowed to pass through the side walls. Ôn a series of longitudinal timbers was laid a course of transverse ones; after the intervals were closely filled with masonry, there was laid a floor of plank. Above this, and immediately over the first transverse timbers, was another, which was doubly floored; the upper planks crossing the lower at right angles. 1 CHAP. VI. 219 FRANCE. Between the rows of piles, and particularly in the front towards the sea, was a filling-in of clay. The turning gate revolved upon a pivot, at the end of a middle post; on each side of this post, and framed into it, were five braces; over the skeleton framing towards the side on which the water was retained, it was closely boarded; and had two openings which were shut by paddles, worked by a rack and pinion. The top of the middle post had a collar, through which it passed, and in which it could turn freely round. This turning gate was made two feet more in width than the lock, and shut against a reveal on each side in the side walls, constructed for the purpose. To keep this gate firmly closed, a wedge-shaped piece of timber work was pressed against it, which was moved by means of a rope attached at the top. When it was required to open the turning gate, the small paddle was first removed, and as the water escaped, the gate was gradually slacked by a cable attached to a capstan. The tide as it mounted shut the gate again, by mere pressure; the lock-keeper dropped the wedge and closed the paddle, when the water required was ad- mitted. Sluice of the Canal of Bergues is a good exemplification of the manner in which M. Clement laid the timber foundations, where the soil, as in this case, was a moving sand. The outline of the platform being set out, piles were driven, from 10 to 12 feet in length and about 11 inches square. Four double rows of piles were driven to carry the binding pieces, morticed at the head of the sheet piling, driven in at the two extremities of the platform; others were placed under the sills, and a single row at the angles, made by the side and cross walls; the planking was laid against, and not morticed, as in other instances, into these binding pieces. These ten rows of double and single piles were capped by as many binding pieces; the piles were driven at every six feet, and so dispersed, that in the double rows, one came opposite the intervals of the others. The binding pieces, placed four inches apart, formed a groove or space regulated by the thickness of the planks introduced between them, which were by this means kept in a line. These were also guided at the foot by another fixed piece of timber, which prevented their being driven out of place; these pieces were secured at regular distances by round pins passed through holes made at every six feet, and were kept in their places by keys passing through their ends. When a sheet pile came in contact with one of these pins, it was taken out, and a hole cut to allow it to pass; when the sheet pile was again driven, other square pins were substituted, passing through the sheet pile and its two binding pieces, the rows of which extended throughout the entire width of the foundation, and three or four feet beyond the projection of the buttresses, to prevent the current of water from entering the foundation, which is the main use of sheet piling. Several divisions are necessary in structures of this kind to ensure perfect success. With respect to the other piles, as many rows were driven as there were cross timbers viz. three between the first and second rows of sheet piling, six between the second and third, five between the third and fourth, six between the fourth and fifth, and three between the fifth and sixth, these rows being three feet apart from centre to centre. The number of piles in each row was encreased according to the nature of the bottom, but they were more frequent under the wing walls than under the platform, where there were scarcely any, except under the timbers which run lengthwise; sometimes they were omitted, whilst under the wings and piers, where the lock had several passages through heavy masses of masonry, more precautions were taken, and a greater number of piles driven, they having the effect of bearing the additional weight, and also serving to consolidate the soil, which is compressed in a ratio proportionate, inversely, to the reduction of the volume of earth. After the piles were driven, they were cut off about 3 feet 6 inches above the bottom where the filling in masonry commenced; their heads were levelled, except those to which were attached the binding pieces, which confined the sheet piling. The head of each pile had a tenon cut on it, which passed through the mortices of the cross timbers, formed a capping, and were held fast by an iron pin passing through them. The longitudinal and cross timbers were about 30 feet in length, and 12 inches square. When all the piles were ; driven and the loose earth taken out between the heads, the spaces were filled with good masonry to the depth of about three feet, after which the cross timbers were laid, the under parts of which were filled with mortar and closely bedded. The cross timbers which came under the two sills, as well as the masonry, were raised a foot higher above the piles than the others, to form that part of the chamber of the sluice against which the gates rested. The cross timbers being placed, they formed the first layer, which entered partly into the masonry; above these was another platform of longitudinal timbers, crossing the others at right angles, and being halved in and well secured at the intersections by irons. One line of longitudinal timbers was laid under the face of each wall, both back and front; the others in the intermediate spaces, so that there were four under each wall. The platform between the walls was divided into four equal parts, and at each division was laid a longitudinal timber, and some short lengths under the counterforts. When the double layer of timber was completed, the voids were filled up with masonry; 220 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. when brought to a level, a bed of mortar was spread over the whole; and on this, in the space comprised between the chamber walls, was a floor of three-inch oak plank, secured down upon the cross timbers, for the purpose of preventing the springs from working upwards. Under the walls it was omitted, that the masonry might unite more firmly with the foundations. The floor was again crossed by other timbers placed directly over those below, and halved on the five longitudinal pieces forming a third layer, or grille, which extended only over the chamber; these were pinned down with iron; when these timbers were laid, others, which formed the sills to the chief parts of the lock, were placed. The intervals of this timber platform were then filled up with masonry, and levelled as before. A floor of three-inch oak plank was pinned down to the chief timbers; over this, in a contrary direction, was another floor two inches thick, a fall being preserved of one in forty-eight in the direction of its length, to allow the water to run off when repairs were required. After six lines of sheet piles had been driven in different directions, the Maréchal Vauban added a double row at the pointing sills, which, with the other parts of the construction, were then commenced. The side walls and their counterforts were set out, and the various courses of facing were all cramped and worked with care; a backing of clay, 5 or 6 feet in thickness, was rammed down as low as the first course of masonry, and brought up to the level of high water. Sluice of the Canal of Bergues, which was used for the purpose of deepening the port of Dunkerque. It consisted of two gates, one contrived to hang within the other; the lesser opened seawards, and the whole turned so as to admit boats into the canal. The outer gate, being scarcely anything more than a margin to the first, carried a triangular piece of framing, which was requisite in order to render the inner gate secure; this is called a port busquées, and is more curious than useful. At low water the triangular frame was unhooked from the great gate, and the lesser one being relieved, opened suddenly and allowed the water to pass through with violence, pushing any obstructions before it. At high water the small gate was again closed, and the triangular piece of framing called a valet was hooked to the outer frame, and effectually prevented its opening. A turning gate in the canal of Bergues, as designed and executed by M. Clément, in the year 1705, is an excellent example. The width of the lock was 27 feet 6 inches, so that each gate was in width half that dimension. The ports were 15 by 17 inches, as were the horizontal rails: these together formed the skeleton framing, in which revolved the turning gate, 13 feet 6 inches in width, and 10 feet in height. Where the rails entered the uprights, they were secured on both sides by strong irons. The upper horizontal rail was 15 by 13, and the braces 11 by 9. The gate was supported when closed in a reveal on each side, and turned upon its centre; when this was required, it was only necessary to raise one of the paddles, and to keep the other closed, for as the water was allowed to pass through one opening freely, the closed one receiving the entire weight, was on that side more pressed, and consequently impelled forward by the weight of water against it. Both sides were then closed, and the force, being equal over each half, prevented it from turning either way. Sluice at the Mouth of the Canal of the Moere, about 15 feet in width, was not con- trived for the purposes of navigation. It had one pair of gates and a sluice gate, raised by a wheel and capstan, or a wheel termed hérisson, formed by a number of handspikes. The gates were opened at low tide, and after the water had left the canal, the sluice gate was raised to a height sufficient to allow the proper quantity of water to pass, and the force with which it ran out effectually scoured the mouth. The sea again entered the canal, where it was confined by shutting the gates, when the sluice was afterwards lowered; at the time of low water it was let out, and the operation continued as long as it was deemed necessary for scouring purposes. The vanne of the canal of Moère was about 16 feet in width, and 13 or 14 feet of water usually pressed against it; its thickness was about 8 inches, and it was firmly secured by eight bands of solid iron. To raise it, a species of tread-wheel, upwards of 29 feet in diameter, was placed on each side, worked by men; to the axle that turned round, ropes were attached, and by the aid of blocks and pulleys, the vanne or gate was lifted to the height required. The channel of the port of Dunkerque was at first bounded by jetties constructed with fascines, which were laid in the year 1679, at the time Louis XIV. became possessed of the port. It being found necessary that the sluices should operate more powerfully, and deepen the channel, the jetties were carried out to a greater distance. Jetties formed with fascines are admirably adapted to receive the surf, but require a constant outlay to maintain them, and should therefore only be used as a temporary expedient, or to facilitate the arrangements of more solid constructions, for which purpose, when properly formed, they are exceedingly useful. The breadth given to the base was three times that of the height, which here was CHAP. VI. 221 FRANCE. 25 feet 6 inches. To limit the width of the foundation, two lines were set out not quite parallel, because the depth increasing as they proceeded, rendered it necessary to increase the width, at the same time that of the channel was made equal throughout, the difference being given to the exterior face of the jetty. Some of the earth being removed, the first bed of fascines was laid, and to prevent the sea from undermining the work, a trench was dug and filled in with well-rammed clay; fascines united in masses were covered with heaps of clay, which filled up the inequalities and holes in the shore, before the work was brought to a level. When the necessary trenches were cut, several layers of fascines were laid within them 6 or 7 feet in length, and from 18 to 20 inches in circumference; when laid across the intended jetty they formed a bed of about 12 inches in thickness. The ends of each layer were dressed to the form required by the slope; small stakes 3 feet in length were driven through them at the distance of 18 inches, and rows were so formed at every 3 feet. Rods 15 to 16 feet in length were then worked round the heads of the stakes, and the whole securely wattled together. The beds of fascines were repeated in a similar manner, until the whole mass was brought up to the height required, care being taken that the rows of stakes were placed in various places to unite the upper layer with that below it. This work was only carried on after the tide had retired, and it was found necessary to load it with large stones, to avoid any movement that might take place from the rolling in of the sea. The entire surface was covered with a grillage of fir timber, 4 or 5 inches square, leaving compartments of 2 feet square. Piles were required to maintain them in their position, one being driven slantways in each mesh of the square, they were from 12 to 13 feet in length, and 12 inches in circumference at top, gradually diminishing towards the point; a hole was bored at the head, through which a stake about 18 inches in length was passed, to retain the timber grillage, and prevent its moving. The squares were filled with stone, laid dry, placed on edge, and well rammed with wooden rammers, that the stone might not fracture. The crevices were filled with smaller pieces of stone, or the chippings from the quarry. The whole of the work was protected by piles, to prevent any injury from the passage of the vessels to and from the harbour, and these also served to support a small continued line of bridges that communicated with the forts. The slopes and top being completed with fascines, a series of framing was laid throughout, at distances of 9 feet, similar to those used in the construction of quays. Each frame being formed of a protect- ing pile from 36 to 40 feet in length, 16 or 17 inches square at top, and capped with timber about 12 inches by 8, so as to unite the whole line together. These piles were retained in their position. by tyes, which ran through the entire width of the jetty; each bay was strengthened in various directions by cross timbers, 12 inches square. The jetties so constructed of fascines did not continue more than twenty years, when it was found necessary to construct them more solidly, and Maréchal Vauban approving of the plans suggested by M. Clément, he was directed to form them of timber and stone. The old fascines were removed to within 3 feet of high water mark; those below had become so consolidated by the deposit of sand and other matter, as to be rendered strong enough to support the weight intended to be put upon them. Lines were drawn at every 20 feet, and piles driven at about 2 feet 9 inches apart, which were cut off at a uniform height, leaving a tenon to mortice into the longitudinal timbers placed over them. Rows of piles were driven between these lines, and these were repeated at every 8 feet, the width of each bay. On these rested the sill of the framing, halved on to the longitudinal timbers, and morticed to the heads of the five intermediate piles, on which was constructed the framing. The piles were 9 or 10 inches square, and the long timbers which capped them 13 or 14 inches square, 25 feet long, and their scarfing joints 3 feet long. The transverse timbers which formed the sill of the frames were 25 feet in length, and 13 inches square; their ends were dovetailed into the longitudinal timber to the depth of three inches. The middle horizontal timber was 13 inches square, and the upper one 12 inches square; these were dovetailed into the side timbers which formed the slopes. The St. Andrew's crosses were formed of timber, 9 inches square, morticed and tenoned at the ends. The struts were 9 inches square, dovetailed at the ends, and the upright post was of the same scantling. The slant parts of the exterior were 12 inches square. The binding pieces the same scantling, and 25 feet in length. The whole was planked throughout, and capped at the top. After the framing was complete, it was filled in with hard stone, laid carefully by hand and without mortar, fine gravel being substituted. The celebrated Risban or fort, which was constructed in masonry to guard the entrance of the port of Dunkerque, was distant 550 toises from the bastion, and 50 from the mouth of the canal: the length of each of its three sides was fifty toises, and it rose 46 feet above the 222 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. level of low water. Eighteen embrasures were formed for cannon, and so arranged, that sixteen could be brought to bear upon vessels in the roadstead: on the other side it com- manded all the approaches to the citadel. The lower floor, which was entirely below the ground, served as a deposit for stores; the upper for the use of the garrison, above which was the magazine for powder. On the first floor was a chapel, and on the second a room for the deposit of biscuit. Over the roof was contrived a lighthouse or beacon, 8 feet in diameter, with a small dome covered with lead. On one side of the fort was the lodging for the commandant, consisting of kitchen, dining-room, and two chambers, with all the necessary offices, from which was a ready communication with the whole of the ramparts. On the opposite side was a lodging for six artillery men, a covered shed for the cannon, and the magazine, in which ammunition was kept adjoining these were the barracks, consisting of twelve rooms capable of accom- modating an hundred men. Three staircases conducted to the several parts of the ramparts, and the whole was well provided with water, which was kept in two large cisterns, placed opposite the governor's house. Vauban executed this work without a coffer-dam, at the time of low water, the tide rising about 13 feet. Piles were first driven round the site to be built upon, and four-inch plank in six feet lengths secured to them, and further kept in their places by binding pieces on each side. These were surrounded by sheet piles. The Canal of Mardick, cut after the demolition of the fortifications at Dunkerque, to discharge the superfluous waters, was completed in the year 1715, under M. Le Blanc; and the lock he constructed was considered the finest in Europe. It was divided into two passages, one 47 feet in width, the other 27 feet; its length was 295 feet; that of the middle wall 32 feet, and each of the side walls without the buttress, 25 feet. It was distant from the sea 3384 toises: the width of the canal was 50 toises, and its depth 21 feet. The turning gates employed at this sluice were remarkable for some ingenious con- trivances in particular, that placed in the widest passage; that in the smaller resembled one already described in the lock at Bergues. When required to be closed, one paddle was lowered, and the other raised: each opening being made a little more than 6 feet square. The weight on the fresh water side being greater than that towards the sea, it was necessary to provide an additional contrivance to keep the turning gate secure in the reveals against which it lodged. For this purpose, two locking bars, moved by a perpendicular rod, were introduced; a simple jack at top elevated the rod to which the latches or locking bars were attached, and which being raised relieved the gates. To raise the paddles, the lock-keeper descended by a ladder, placed on the land side, against the gate, and by means of a rack and pinion lifted it up; the other paddle being previously lowered, that the sea might close the gate on that side when the canal had received the quantity of water required. Capstans and cables were attached to the lower half of the gate, and facilitated both its opening and shutting. A chain secured to each side by means of rings prevented the gate from closing, and supported it against the violence of the water as it rushed through. Gravelines is situated on the river Aa, which runs through a fertile portion of Artois, and empties itself into the sea, amidst the sands and dams thrown up on the coast, which being at this point extremely flat, there was a constant accumulation of stagnant water in the ditches, for which it was difficult to obtain any outlet. Gravelines became the tomb of all the garrisons sent there. At the commencement of the seventeenth century, Philip III., King of Spain, turned his attention to its improvement, and constructed a canal near Gravelines to carry off the water by a shorter course; and at about 900 toises from the counterscarp, where high water flowed, a large sluice with a double pair of gates was formed: this was soon afterwards destroyed by order of Cardinal Richelieu. In 1659 it was ceded to the French, and in 1737 Maréchal Vauban commenced im- proving the drainage of the district. He formed a new lock, divided by a wall of masonry into two unequal passages, intended to aid the discharge of the waters of the river at the time of land floods. Its length was 105 feet and its width 100 feet. Coffer-dams were made use of, and after the earth was taken out to a sufficient depth, piles 8 or 9 feet in length, and 12 inches square, were driven entirely over the whole site; others were added to the side and middle walls, altogether amounting to nearly a thousand, all placed in parallel lines, morticed and tenoned into the longitudinal and cross sleepers above. After these and the necessary rows of sheet piling were driven in, the ground was levelled, and the earth taken out to the depth of 30 inches; the spaces were then filled with masonry. In this was laid the lower grillage or timber platform, composed of twelve longi- tudinal timbers 12 inches square, so placed that they lay under each side wall, the same number under the middle wall, one in the narrow passage, and two in the other. These were secured to the heads of the piles by pins 12 inches in length and 1 inch square. Upon CHAP. VI. 223 FRANCE. this was laid a second platform of timber of the same scantling, crossing the first, and securely pinned to it by barbed irons, 14 inches long and 1 inch square. These cross timbers were placed 21 inches apart, and the spaces filled up with brick laid in tarras, or mortar made of lime and sand, with a proportion of one third of Dutch tarras. An oak floor, 3 inches thick, was laid over the spaces between the intended walls, formed of planks, none of which were less than 20 feet in length, fastened by spikes, 7 or 8 inches in length, as well as wooden pins; after which the joints were caulked. In the passages was a range of longi- tudinal timbers, and three others under each of the three walls, care being taken that one of these should be under the face of each wall: these longitudinal pieces were secured to the cross timbers below them by barbed iron pins, 17 to 18 inches long, and 14 inches square. Upon this third platform was another course of cross timbers, each in one length, placed immediately over those below: their length was only 4 feet more than the width of the passages. These cross timbers were united to the longitudinal ones below by similar iron pins to those described, 18 inches in length. The spaces between were filled up with brickwork to the level of the top, on which was laid a coat of mortar and a layer of moss, over which was another floor of plank, 2 inches in thickness, but not extending beyond the water-way. As this work advanced, the main timbers for the pointing sills were laid down, and the two ends of the platform were secured by rows of sheet piling confined at the head by binding pieces 12 inches square. The chief timbers under the pointing sills were 28 feet 6 inches long, and nearly 2 feet square. Those of the smaller passage were of the same scantling, but less in length. The sill which sustained the heel parts of the great gates was 28 feet long and 2 feet square. The pointing sills were 10 feet long and 24 inches square, all secured by iron pins. The sill of the smaller passage was 23 feet long, and 2 feet by 1 foot 9 inches square; that of the turning gate was 25 feet 6 inches in length, and 2 feet square: to give it ad- ditional strength, two timbers of the same scantling were laid at right angles with it in the middle of the water way. After the whole was carefully set out, and the site for the walls traced, the masonry was commenced with stone from Landretun, which was laid in regular courses 10 inches in height, and having their beds not less than 20 inches. These stones were cramped wherever there was any pressure, particularly where the turning gate was placed, and the reveal carried up to receive it. The walls were backed with brickwork laid in cement, to the thickness of from 2 to 3 feet, above which common mortar was used. The bricks were dipped in water previous to being laid. The side and middle wall being carried up 4 feet above the level of the highest floods were finished by a course of flat stones. The turning gate was composed of two upright posts besides the middle, which had the pivot on which it turned. There was a bottom, a top rail, and two horizontal between, which were braced from the middle post; and at each mortice and tenon the joints were secured by strong irons. The middle or turning post, 17 feet in height, and 18 inches by 16 inches square, worked its gudgeon in a collar. The outer posts were 12 feet 9 inches in height, 13 inches by 11 inches. The gate was 1 foot more in width than the water way, that it might rest securely agrinst the reveals prepared to receive it when closed. One side of the turning gate was wider than the other, that the sea, at the time of flood, should have the power of shutting it: it was not quite at right angles, but presented an inclined face to the action of the water. A valet was contrived on the inside to keep the gate closed, and prevent the fresh water from running out of the canal at the time of low water. This valet or key to secure the gate was formed of a turning point, 11 feet in length, and 12 by 7 inches, and a branch 15 feet in length of the same scantling, united by two ties framed into it and rendered secure by iron straps; when used, a rope or chain was attached to the upper hook, which pulled it round on its pivot, and when brought flat against the turning gate, it was secured to the middle post, and prevented the water from the sea-side from forcing it open. The Port of Cherbourg, in the department of La Manche, in 49° 38′ north latitude, and 1° 37' west longitude; it is situated on the most northern coast of the peninsula of Contentin in Normandy, and the bay between Cape de la Hogue and Barfleur, and has the form of a crescent. There are two harbours which communicate by means of gates, and at the entrance two piers have been carried out; that on the east side extends nearly half a mile in length, and the other about half that distance, the width at the entrance being 210 feet. The outer harbour is in length 360 yards, in width 250, and has a depth of water at low spring tides of 30 feet. The quay, 200 feet in width, is built of stone, and extends in a straight line from Fort du Hamet to Fort du Gallet: the inner basin is entered between two circular returns. Napoleon expended vast sums of money in the construction of docks, slips, and quays, using the granite obtained from Barfleur. This port is cleansed by sluicing, at the time the tide is low, or when there is not more than 224 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. POINTE DES FOURGUETS POINTE ET FORT DE QUERQUEVUIE ROCHE SAUQUEU LAQUE RRE ROCHE CHAVACHAC ANSE-STÆNNE POSITION OF THE BREAKWATER AS DESIGNED BY.M.CESART BREAKWATER AS EXECUTED FORMED BY EIGHTEEN CONES LINE OF SOUNDIN WATER CROCHE LA BRUNE PIPIR HAPEOUT ROCKE -BRETONNÉ FORT FORT MET LINE.DE ROCHE NAZAR Low WATER OF:25. SOUNDINGS OF 25. ISLE PELEE AT LOW WATAR LINE OF SOUNDINGS OF 20.1 FORT DU CALET ROCHES FLAMAND LES BECOM: CHANTE REINË BATTERIE CHERBOURG ONCLE REDOUTE DE 'TOURLAVILLE DUMES Fig. 235. PORT OF CHERBOURG. two or three feet water: the gates of the large sluice being opened, the river Yvettes is let into the inner harbour, and by means of pontoons and other contrivances is made to plough SECTION. PLAN OF LOCK. U U D U U TIP Fig. 236. LOCK AT CHERBOURG. CHAP. VI. 225 FRANCE. mud, and bear it away to sea; and the force is so great that it keeps the outer harbour scoured, where there is always a depth of 17 or 18 feet of water. The lock between the outer and inner basin was commenced in 1736, under the direction of M. de Caux; the foundations and platform were constructed in masonry: its width is 40 feet, and its length 27 toises. It is placed on hard sand, 2 or 3 feet below which is a stratum of marl or clay, and 7 or 8 feet lower a bank of rock, the thickness of which could not be ascertained. To prevent the encroachment of the sea during the process of laying the foundations, it was necessary to encompass the entire site by a cofferdam, 5 toises in thickness, faced with stones placed on their edges, supported at every 2 feet by rows of hurdles on a bed of heathers: this was done especially towards the sea, to prevent the washing away of the sand. A small lock was made towards the port to allow the water which the machines had already pumped out to pass off at low tide. An excavation was then made to the depth of 16 feet, sufficiently wide to allow room for the workmen around the foundations. Several obstacles occurred to prevent this depth being obtained, occasioned by the innu- merable springs, which required twelve inclined mills to keep up the pumping, and which cleared out 180 cube toises per hour during the time of high water: these, however, not proving sufficient, five more were added, with vertical caps, 16 feet in height, and from 6 to 7 inches in diameter; these latter succeeded so well that the inclined mills were reduced to four. The excavation was effected by clearing away the earth for 3 toises in width, at the extremity of the port, by the inclined mills only; and when arrived at a certain depth, the piles were driven in, on which were placed the vertical mill. As the column of water which was to be raised was from 14 to 15 feet, winches were applied proportionate to the labour to be performed, which were easily moved by twelve men, relieved by the same number every two hours, so that each mill pumped out 16 cube toises of water per hour. When this piece was dug throughout the entire width of the lock, the same system was adopted for another width, drawing back the mills into the new position, and this was done so rapidly, that in six months the whole foundation was complete. The pumps at first used were upon the balance principle, by which, without taking friction into account, four men raised half a cube foot of water to the height of 15 or 16 feet; but the sand in this instance accumulating, they could not be continued, and the common mills were substituted. In digging out a foundation where the springs are numerous, it is desirable if possible to turn their course, or, if this be not practicable, to conduct them outside by means of a trough fixed to the masonry, which forms a current for the water: when they arise from a neighbouring river or the sea, they may be excluded by forming inverted funnels, the sides of which touch the mainland: a small pipe of 4 or 5 inches in diameter, laid a little higher than the level of the spring, is attached to the funnels, and the water in the pipe remaining in equilibrium ceases to flow externally; the masonry is then carried up to the summit, and the pipe filled with concrete. After the rows of sheet piling were driven at the extremities of the platform, the first course of stone on the side of the entrance to the port was laid; it was formed of large rough blocks throughout the whole extent, and under the platform was placed a course of squared stone, of from 17 to 18 inches in height. A mass of the ordinary kind, 4 feet in thickness, was then raised; another a foot in thickness was added, laid in cement, on which was a bed of cement, 3 or 4 inches in thickness. The portion of the mass at the pointing sills was formed of several courses united together by cramps run with lead: that which formed the pointing sill was 2 feet in height, so that, being elevated 16 inches, there remained eight embedded or bonded to the pavement of the platform. Great care was taken to select the hardest stone, of from 36 inches to 40 inches cube to bed the pivots: these stones were so placed as to be tied in by the walls at the side and under the sill. The whole of the platform was paved with stones from 4 to 6 feet in length, and 2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet in width, and from 18 inches to 20 inches thick, all having a convex surface. The strongest were selected for the pointed sills, and the whole were laid in cement, and jointed with mastic; care was taken to unite the lower course of the side walls with the stone platform, which was done by cutting the stones in such a manner that they formed a part of the facing as well as the pavement. Bolts run with lead were introduced in the situation required for the screws which were to secure the quarter circles of iron upon which the rollers of the gates run. The pavement being completed all the joints were run with mastic, then the entire extent of the platform was covered with a bed of clay 2 feet in thickness, that the masonry might be consolidated, and the salts of the lime prevented from escaping. The best method of constructing a platform in masonry is to form a course of headers, dovetailed into the adjoining stones so firmly that no action can detach them; this kind of work costs considerably more at first, but is infinitely stronger. Q 926 Book L. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. After the platform was finished, the side and wing walls were carried up with all possible solidity. The plan shows only one pair of gates on the side towards the harbour: the omission of side-gates is a great defect, the vessels entering the port being frequently thrown against the jetties. The facing of the walls is carried up to the height of the iron collars which confine the gates, and every method is adopted to fix the ties and iron keys firmly into the masonry. In the profile and plan are shown the largest, which is fixed, and has three arms, forming a goose foot; the two extremes are placed horizontally, whilst the middle one inclines ten degrees below the others, so that the arms being united with the ties, the centre may have the same inclination, and enable it to bear the weight of the masonry. The ties, 3 inches square, are each composed of three pieces; their whole strength depending upon the thickness of the mass in which they are embedded, the pieces should be well tied together, at the same time easily separated. The ties have several holes pierced in them, to receive the keys, some of which are placed vertically in the masonry, others horizontally in large stones introduced for the purpose. The two first are horizontal, and the other is inclined ten degrees. To give additional strength to the keys two arcs are made in the stone, one 6 feet or 7 feet radius, and the other from 14 feet to 15 feet, which ties the stone against which the horizontal keys rest more solidly; grooves being cut to receive the ties, the vertical keys were fixed into eyes prepared for them. The side walls were raised to within 6 feet of the entire height. In arranging the turning bridge, it was necessary that the surface towards the abutments should be on a level with the pavement; when finished, one half therefore turned on a platform, and the other into a recess. The jetties had their foundations laid 12 feet below the ordinary level of the shore; and the works were carried on without cofferdams during the period of low water. Each jetty was formed of two stone walls united by transverse walls at every 60 feet; their intervals were filled with clay mixed with a small portion of lime. The thickness above the set-off was nearly 30 feet, and at the summit 21 feet; the slope or talus being 4 feet 6 inches. When the walls were within 5 feet of their intended height, an arch was con- structed, over which was formed the crowning platform. The lines which limited the width of the jetty having been traced, sheet piling was driven in to encase the foundations; the earth was then taken out between, and the depth of the trench made as low as the heads of the sheet piles, and no more earth taken out than would allow of its being built over in the time of low water, which was about three hours and a half. Two chapellets were employed to draw the water from the trenches, which, occupying an hour, left only two hours and a half for work. Twelve feet in length of sheet piling were driven at each time, tongued and grooved and maintained in their places by two binding pieces. The thickness of the sheet piles was 6 inches, and their width 13 inches, their length being proportionate to the nature of the soil, which usually re- quired about 12 feet; they were shod with iron, as the sand into which they entered was very compact. As soon as the piles were driven the part of the trench which they enclosed was imme- diately filled up, to prevent the labour of additional pumping, and the sea from deposit- ing sand or injuring the works. A dyke, 3 feet in height, was raised throughout the whole length, formed of fascines and covered with stones. When the foundations were laid, 12 feet in thickness was given to each wall, the first bed of facing wall was laid on plank, 4 feet below the top of the sheet piling, and after the masonry had been carried up 3 feet, its thickness was reduced to 10 feet for the first set-off, where the heads of the sheet piles were united to keep them in their place, and to fix the binding pieces firmly to the masonry, iron ties were introduced at every 8 feet. Two feet above the first set-off was another, which reduced the two walls to 9 feet in thickness, after which they were carried up with an external talus equal to one-sixth of their height, the interior face being kept perpendicular, reducing them to about 3 feet in thickness at 25 feet above the last set-off, without taking into consideration the addition by filling in solidly the spandrils of the arches. The arch of the vault, 18 inches in thickness, was formed also of stone well cut and carefully constructed. At the level of high water, rings and anchors were introduced into the masonry at regular distances. Above the vault was laid a paving of a hard stone, 3 feet in length, 8 feet in thickness, and 18 feet in width; the joints were well secured by cement, and a fall of 4 inches was given to their surface to throw off the water. On the side towards the sea, a parapet was built, 3 feet 6 inches high, and 2 feet 6 inches in thickness, coped with stones strongly cramped. At every 60 feet cannons were placed for the purpose of defence. The toe of the jetty towards the sea was protected by an additional embankment 16 feet in width, which had in front a row of jointed piles, from 7 inches to 8 inches in thickness, and of a length proportioned to the nature of the soil. The space between this and the jetty had other piles driven in, and their heads cut off with an inclination: on these a platform of timber was laid; the earth was then taken out for a depth of 18 inches; CHAP. VI. FRANCE. 227 fascines well bound were laid in, and the coffers of the grillage filled carefully with ma- sonry. The celebrated breakwater, commenced by Louis Alexander de Cessart, in the year 1783, was the most extraordinary work at this port; it was necessary to obtain a sufficiently extensive harbour for the anchorage of the French fleet after the destruction of Dunkerque, there being no other refuge on the coasts. The difficulties were great, both in forming and defending it, some portions being carried up to the height of 80 feet, as a rampart against the impetuosity of the waves or the attack of an enemy. To weaken the power of the sea, Cessart suggested the use of large truncated wooden cones, base to base, loaded with stone, and placed in a line at half a league from the shore: they were prepared on land, floated to their destined position, filled with stone, and sunk; after which, all above the level of low water was to be built up with good masonry, faced with granite, and laid in mortar composed of puzzolana. When all that belonged to the construction was complete, the intervals between the tops of the cones was either to be closed by iron chains suspended from each other, or guarded by a floating boat or pontoon, and it was supposed that such a construction would present a barrier to the power of the ocean, and afford at all times protection to 100 sail of the line. Batteries were afterwards to be erected, which should rake the entrance at each end, and annoy an enemy approaching the harbour. Numerous projects and experiments were tried by the engineer, in the port of Havre, upon the effects of floating a truncated cone of 150 feet diameter at bottom, 60 feet at top, and 70 feet in height. It was calculated that ninety such cones placed contiguous to each other would form a perfect breakwater. All the experiments upon the model having וח W HE Fig. 237. PLAN OF CONE. succeeded, the government, after making it a subject of grave discussion, and examining many competent engineers and nautical men, ordered the works to be commenced. Cessart being instructed to revise and make various deviations from his original plan, constructed on a platform previously laid down on the shore a truncated cone, the lower diameter of which was 150 feet: around this were set up ninety timbers, at a distance of about Q 2 228 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 5 feet 3 inches from centre to centre, so inclined that at the top they were gathered into a circle of about 64 feet diameter; the perpendicular height of this cone was nearly 70 feet. Each of the inclined timbers consisted in length of five or six pieces, arranged alternately: in those having five the lower length was 25 feet 3 inches, the second length 25 feet 10 inches, the third 25 feet 4 inches, the fourth 24 feet 10 inches, and the fifth 30 feet 10 inches; altogether 132 feet 1 inch. Where six lengths were used, the four lower pieces were as those already described, the fifth was in length 24 feet, and the sixth 19 feet 7 کممم inches. Fig. 238. J U U U V U T T T T I I I I I I I ELEVATION OF CONE. The scantling of the timbers at bottom was about 13 inches square, gradually dimi- nishing to 8 inches at the top: where they were joined, a dovetailed scarf was cut, 18 inches in ength, and the two ends were secured by iron bolts. Square holes or openings were left in the timbers, 8 feet wide and 9 feet in height; one at the bottom for the purpose of admitting the casks which floated it, and the other at the fifth course, to remove them when cut from the base and floated to the surface. After the inclined timbers were hoisted, which was effected by a very ingenious process, they were bound together by six horizontal timbers on the outside, and twenty-four on the inside. On the outside beech as well as oak was used; in the first, third, fifth, and sixth courses oak, and in the second and fourth beech: these were scarfed at their ends, one 30 inches, and the oak 36 inches in length, and so placed that they corresponded with the twenty-four internal horizontal timbers in the fol- lowing order: — The first external with the first internal, the second with the fourth, the third with the eighth, the fourth with the twelfth, and the sixth with the twenty-fourth. All the internal horizontals were halved 4 inches into the inclined timbers, and their scantling was 13 inches square. Iron bolts with nuts and keys alternately were used to secure them in their places. A double course was afterwards added at the bottom to attach the casks, and ninety blocks were inserted between for the cables. After the slanting or inclined timbers were fitted together upon the platform, they were hoisted by eight pairs of shears, worked by as many gangs of men; when the whole ninety were in their place the horizontal timbers were fixed, which when secured, the next length was raised, and so on till the whole was completed. After this part of the operation was performed, other horizontal filling-in pieces were introduced, varying in scantling from 10 inches by 6 to 12 by 8, at the distance of about 6 feet or 7 feet apart; fifteen of these were placed below water and as many above; the former were fixed before the cones were floated, the others after they were sunk in their respective situations; the whole was secured by iron pins, which passed through the inclined timbers, and were fastened by nuts. Five circular courses, put round the interior of the cones at the lower 36 feet of their height, prevented any injury when the casks were attached. The ninety ends of the timbers at the summit were capped by others 6 inches in thick- ness and 3 feet in width; besides which other timbers were thrown across, radiating from a centre, acting as supports as well as forming a platform for the workmen. This bold undertaking of Cessart attracted the notice of the most learned men of the time, and numerous publications issued from the press condemnatory_of the principles avowed by the engineer, and for the purpose of frustrating the work. The sea, it was ob- served, was subjected to three great movements caused by the various winds, by the tides CHAP. VI. 229 FRANCE. and the currents, resulting from the changes of temperature to which the Northern Ocean is subjected. When the particles of a fluid are driven in one direction, as they are by the wind, the adjoining water is required to fill up the vacant space, and restore the equilibrium which has been destroyed; waves formed by this means, it was observed, and impeded by the proposed line of timber cones, might render the water on the opposite side comparatively tranquil, but the force at the two extremities would be so great, that it would be impossible for a vessel to enter or approach the harbour. The violent impulse given to waves in a storm continues long after the gale which has produced it has subsided, and an oscillatory motion remains, and for some time works upon the great mass of water, which in this instance, it was said, would be suffi- ciently powerful to displace any arti- ficial contrivances in carpentry. The agitation produced by the wind does not, however, affect the waters at any great depth; their surface is alone dis- turbed, for in the roughest weather at 80 feet the sea is always tranquil. The force of the tides was still more likely to be injurious; for, being in- terrupted in their current, it was urged, the water would so accumulate in height, when obstructed by the pier, that it would have sufficient force to remove it from its position; and the currents which set in so violently at the bottom of the ocean would be powerful enough to displace any ar- tificial obstruction. The two polar currents, which float mountains of ice from the frigid to the temperate regions, and which are encoun- tered as far as the fortieth degree of latitude, were also supposed to be capable of driving away a barrier, or breakwater, placed in their course. was also maintained, that no obstacles on land could turn aside the currents, or oppose a barrier to the grand move- ment of the ocean, and it was vain to attempt it: but these arguments did not weigh with Cessart. When his timbers were all firmly bolted together, and secured by the best means he could contrive, he commenced his prepar- ations for floating them. It The execution of these immense timber constructions was confided to ship carpenters, and the whole was planked and bolted together in the same manner as the sides of a vessel : to float them seems, perhaps, the most ingenious part of the contrivance, though the method adopted was by no means new, for casks have been em- ployed on the English coast for cen- turies, to buoy masses of stone re- quired to form a mole or termination to a jetty. Pliny has described the · ם ם O D ם ם Fig. 239. ㅁㅁ ​ㅁ ​ㅁㅁ ​од ם ច FRAMING OF CONE, ☐ ☐ ㅁㅁ ​m 口 ​means adopted by the ancients to float heavy bodies, and in all probability the system they practised has never been entirely forgotten: in this instance the casks seem to have been preferred to vessels; they were more under the control of the engineer, and could be more easily detached. Q 3 230 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The casks were 12 feet in length, 7 feet in diameter, and it was calculated that each was capable of buoying up 28,000 pounds. ם 0 ם Fig. 241. PLAN OF CASKS. When all the casks were fastened to the bottom, the cones were towed to the position where the boats were to be attached: it had been previously ascertained by experiment, that four men rowing could tow one cask from 15 to 20 toises per minute against tide, and twice as fast when the tide was in their favour. Upon this calculation 250 men would be required in calm weather to tow out the cone, weighing, it was supposed, upwards of 2,000,000 pounds; but De Valon's capstan being employed, forty-two men only were required to do the same work, and they could in five or six hours move it a distance of 3000 toises; after which it would be in a position to float at all times of the tide, and could be then towed by sailing boats or by rowing. By the 6th of June, 1781, all was in readiness with the first cone; a circuit of strong cables was placed immediately above the line of im- mersion, and another above the line of floatation, crossing the bottom with a grillage of ropes tending to the centre, to resist the force of the water, and to prevent the timbers spreading. For cutting away the casks after the cone had been floated to its destined position, there were a number of hatchets or cutting instruments attached, one over the rope which held each cask; they were made to move upwards by a rope, and, from being loaded with lead, dropped by their own weight, like a pile-driving machine, and severed the rope upon which they fell. Thirty-five casks were attached to the inside, and forty-nine outside. Thirty-one of a smaller kind were added to increase the buoyancy, and ladders were provided for the numerous work- men employed. It would have been practicable to have floated the cone after it was detached from the platform upon which it had been framed and put together, by allowing the tide to rise around it, but the following arrange- ment was preferred. Fig. 240. SECTION OF CONE. In proper situations anchors were fixed, provided with tackle and blocks, that were CHAP. VI. 281 FRANCE worked by a capstan on land. There were also four pontoons with similar capstans, and numerous boats, some with forty, others with eighteen oars to assist. The pontoons were placed at regular distances, and the cone was towed out by attaching the capstan ropes to the double cable that surrounded it. A few minutes before 8 in the morning, the sea had risen 9 feet up the cone, and a slight motion indicated that it was afloat: it stood perfectly erect, balanced in every part, and needed no ballast or adjustment. The water rose a few inches higher, when a gentle south wind moved it about its own diameter from the land, which indicated that little labour would be re- quired to tow it forwards. The great towing cable and the hawsers were fastened to the double cincture of rope, a signal was given to slacken the ropes which attached the cone to the land, and it was immediately moved for- wards by the rowers; standing out of the water 54 feet, it glided gently after the boats. About the middle of the day the vessels hoisted their sails, when it proceeded so rapidly that boats loaded with stones were fastened to it, which somewhat impeded its progress. The vessels then reefed their sails, let go their anchors, and were attached to the girdle of the cone; the wind growing stronger, the second pontoon was gained, at forty minutes past 12; the third soon after, and at a quarter past 3 it had ar- rived at its destined position. The workmen were then ordered to their posts. Cessart had arranged that the cables which held the casks should be cut at points diametrically opposite to each other, when he gave from the shore the signal to do so, which he did at half past 3; the engineers then let fall four anchors, and moored the cone to them. The ropes which held twenty-two of the casks being cut, it immediately sank 18 feet; the cords had acquired addi- tional toughness from their strain and immersion, and although the cutting knives were loaded with forty pounds of lead, it required two strokes to separate them. Fig. 242. PLAN OF MOORING. The two ropes which circumscribed the cone, and which were nearly 2 feet in circum- ference, were then taken off. Twenty-one cones were put together, but eighteen only were made use of, the other three being sold during the revolution. According to Cessart, the first was placed in its situation the 23d of June, 1786, and the last, the 19th of June, 1788. These were not, however, placed at regular distances from each other. Cessart's plan was departed from; and the destruction of the timber work of the cones, a few years after- wards, was the consequence. The second cone was placed 513 feet distant from the first, measuring from centre to centre. The third was at 159 feet; the fourth at 184 feet; the fifth at 381 feet; the sixth at 416 feet; the seventh at 407 feet; the eighth at 448 feet; the ninth at 453 feet; the tenth at 492 feet; the eleventh at 737 feet; the twelfth at 817 feet; the thirteenth at 880 feet; the fourteenth at 905 feet; the fifteenth at 893 feet; the sixteenth at 1845 feet; the seven- teenth at 1630 feet; and the eighteenth at 1310. The total length was 12,470 feet, measured from the centre of the two extremes; the distance of the centre of the first cone to the fort on the Isle of Pelce, 3269 feet; and that Q 4 232 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. of the last cone to the Fort De Querqueville, 7685 feet, making the total width of the harbour 23,424 feet. After the cones were placed, they were loaded with stone, and a great quantity were thrown in around their bases, and between their several intervals for the purpose of breaking the force of the sea: by the 1st of October, 1795, there had been deposited upwards of 100,000,000 cube feet of stone; or, as Cessart has given it, 381,789 toises, 4 feet, 7 inches cube. Each of these conical cases contained as follows: -29,040 cube feet of oak, and 8705 feet of beech, an allowance of 7549 cube feet being made for waste, so that there appears to have been used for the construction of one entire cone 45,294 cube feet of timber, which was delivered at the price of about one shilling and ten pence per foot cube. The total cost including labour, iron work, cordage, and the other materials required, amounted to about 8418 pounds sterling, or about double the first cost of the timber. Cessart has given a full and detailed account of the cost of the barrels, vessels, building sheds, tackle employed, as well as ropes, and all other matters, from the commencement on April 1, 1783, to January 1, 1791. The timber and iron work of the eighteen cones Workmanship and the immersion of the eighteen Stones thrown into the cones, and to form the dyke Buildings and various other expences Expences for superintendence, &c. Making a total of · E 8 £102,600 65,024 620,004 98,312 16,500 902,440 expended upon this breakwater. The timber of the ones, in consequence of neglect and the work not having been finished, soon went to dec, and the stones they contained fell into a natural slope with those around them. From the statement made by Cessart, it appears that those placed near together lasted three or four years, and almost all the others were entirely destroyed the year of their immersion, as he had foretold. The National Assembly in the year 1791 commissioned Cessart to prepare plans for the completion of the breakwater, when he suggested that the dyke which then existed should be covered with large masses of stone. The talus or slope towards the bay was found to have remained at an angle of 45 degrees, while on the other side, having been formed on too rapid an inclination, it had been destroyed to within 14 feet below low water, and the stone rolling out to sea had produced a talus of one in ten. He then laid down a plan for constructing a breakwater by throwing in a further quantity of stone, and covering all those parts which appeared above low water with blocks of granite, as large as could be ob- tained; this, however, was not executed, although in the year 1804 a number of large blocks were raised in the centre, and a battery formed upon them. Havre de Grace is a sea-port strongly fortified, and situated at the mouth of the Seine, on its northern bank; it is in 49° 29′ north latitude, and 0° 6' east longitude. The harbour contains three basins, within the walls of the town, calculated to receive 450 vessels. On Cape de la Heve, which is two and a half miles from the harbour, on the northern extremity of the Seine, and nearly 400 feet above the level of the sea, are two lighthouses, each 50 feet in height, about 325 feet apart. At the mouth of the harbour is a round tower, constructed by François I., in 1509, over the door of which was his equestrian statue; it was the intention of the monarch to have made Havre one of his principal ports, and to have given it the name of François de Grace; he fortified the harbour, which then contained fifty large vessels, sixty smaller, and twenty-five galleys. This fleet was prepared to oppose Henry VIII. in his attacks upon Boulogne. Henry II. made some improvements, and it was decided that the direction of the entrance, which was south-west, was too much exposed to the south-east and north-east winds; but no alteration was then made. De Cessart prepared a design, which was not carried out, for three basins which would have contained 300 vessels, and the outer port 250 vessels. Honfleur, with its two basins, contains sixty. The lock gates which communicate with the basin are 40 feet in width; and getting out of repair, De Cessart was employed to put in a new platform, and restore the injuries pro- duced by time. After having secured the new planking to the old platform by means of iron bolts, he laid down new sills 44 feet in length, which entered the masonry of the side walls at one end, and were secured by iron screw bolts at the other. After the grillage was complete, and thoroughly pinned down to the old work, the intervals were filled in with brick, laid in cement. CHAP. VI. 233 FRANCE. ENTRANCE Fig. 243. ARSENAL INCOVILLE BASIN JO OLD BASIN SLUICE PERREL FRANC.L TOWER SCOURING SLUICE PORT RESERVOIR 더 ​BASIN OF LA BARRE EXTENSION OF PORT HAVRE De grace. 0 םםם SAIYAAVA (a CANAL OF HARFLEUR MOUTH OF THE 8BNE Fig. 244. LOCK. Treport is situated in La Manche, at the mouth of the river Bresle, a league from Eu. The valley, at the extremity of which this river disgorges itself into the sea, is formed by two hills, 250 feet in height: the entrance of the port is situated at the foot of the west hill, on the slope of which stands the town. The village of Merse occupies the foot of the other hill, on the side of the valley, the breadth of which is here 800 toises. 234 Boor I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. • • RIVER RESERVOIR OF 20″000, CUBE TOISES OF WATER FOR SCOURING HARBOUR BRESLE Fig. 245. IT TREPORT. MERSE FISHIN PORT EAST TERY JETTY The mouth or entrance is exposed to the winds between west-north-west and south- south-east. This position renders it easy for the access of vessels, as when they miss the port, they can run out again without being exposed to the danger they incur at Dieppe. When vessels bound to Havre, Fecamp, or Dieppe, entering the channel by winds blowing between west-south-west and north-north-west, miss the entrance of these ports, they in- variably run aground at the mouth of the Saone; this they would avoid by making for Fig. 246. ELEVATION OF SCOURING SLUICE. Treport; its position is therefore most important as a refuge harbour. Du Cessart im- proved this port in the year 1778, and constructed the scouring sluice by which the harbour is kept constantly cleansed; it has two passages for the water, each 21 feet in width, separated by a pier 8 feet thick, terminated at the two sides by walls 10 feet in thickness, with wing walls and returns. The platform fills the space between the walls, both above and below; below the apron is a row of sheet piling, which keeps the earth of the foundation from washing away. Above these are two rows of sheet piles, which prevent the work from being undermined. Each of the two passages is closed by two gates, 12 feet in height; a wooden bridge, 13 feet in width, affords a communication across the sluice. The upper platform is con- structed of timber, so that a reparation can be effectually made, without the walls sustaining any injury. The pivots and sockets on which the gates move are of cast-iron, each weigh- ing 193 pounds: the lower rail of the gates is kept 2 inches above the level of the platform, a sill of the same height fills the space, and prevents the loss of water. Turning gates made in the ordinary way lose a great quantity of water in the upright joints, as well as through the space between them and the facing of the piers; to remedy this De Cessart made a circular indent in the side walls, radiating from the centre of the turning post, and by this means effectually closed the joint at the side. There is also an objection in their being centred at two-thirds of their width, the one side being double the other. The gates open with great velocity, which strains them as well as injures the plat- form: when the sea is violent the waves striking the gates at low water forces them open, and they remain so until the water they retain is in equilibrio with the power applied to it. The wave then suddenly returning, the gate is closed with great force against the shutting post, which materially injures not only the post but the work. To remedy this incon- venience De Cessart centred these gates in such a manner that the difference of their sides CHAP. VI. 235 FRANCE. was not more than 6 inches, which sufficed to open them. The sea at Treport rises 8 feet higher at spring than at neap tides; by establishing the top of the gates at the level of Fig. 247. PLAN OF SCOURING SLUICE. high-water spring tides, the sea would only mount 12 feet above the platform once in a tide; but to retain this weight of water longer, he made the platform 13 feet 10 inches lower, which gave the advantage of using the sluice five or six times during each tide. De Cessart proposed the construction of a vast reservoir to contain 20,000 cube toises of water, and to turn the river, but this project was not fully carried into effect. Dieppe is situated at a distance of 22 leagues from the English coast, and is the only port in the Channel where the ordinary spring tides rise 30 feet, and the equinoctial from 32 to 34 feet. ROADSTEAD ROCK WORK 250;FE ABOVE LOW WATER FORTIFICATIONS EROM ROUEN TO DIEPPE INNER MARBOI OUTER HARBOUR QREAT RESERVOIR WEST PIER ENTRANCE EAST PIER ROCK WORK 250. FL ABOVE LOW WATER · FROM DIEPPE TO EU Fig. 248. DIEPPE. The town is situated in the midst of a valley, 600 toises in breadth, watered for two leagues of its length by the river Argues; the valley lies north and south, and the wind seldom continues to blow in this direction more than forty-eight hours at a time. It is 236 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. also sheltered by two hills which rise from 200 to 300 feet above the level of the sea, affording to the vast basin a calm water, of great value to all vessels that frequent this coast. The port of Dieppe being situated at the mouth of a river, a deposit of sand had been allowed to accumulate from time immemorial, and the utility of it as a refuge for ships was destroyed; the rising of the ocean had also produced another evil; the right bank of the valley was covered with shingle, as well as with the debris of the left, which had been washed away; by these obstructions the course of the Argues was changed, and a mouth opened for it at the foot of the east hill. The works at this port, as the construc- tion of the timber jetties, were carried on at various times, as necessity suggested, and without any regular plan being laid down; nevertheless vast sums were expended upon the west jetty, as well as upon the prolongation of the Polet; and when this costly work was aban- doned, the gravel accumulated to a height of 12 feet above low water; so that in the year 1775, it had become only a retreat for small fishing boats. Another great inconvenience was the want of fresh water in the harbour. De Cessart, who was named engineer-in-chief for the improvement of the port, finding that off the coast the tide rose to so considerable a height, did not venture to adopt the usual practice of building in cofferdams, where they could only work at certain hours, but used caissoons, taking care to surround them with one or more rows of sheet piles, driven until they ceased to answer the ram. In excavating foundations for marine works, he observes that it is rare to meet with earth whose particles are sufficiently adherent to prevent filtra- tion, the deposits on the shore being so various that the water freely passes through them. The vessels usually frequenting this port required from 15 to 20 feet of water, and allowing for the plunging of the vessel, the natural ground ought to be at least 22 feet below the level of high water. Many cofferdams have been constructed of this height, and the works constantly carried on; he mentions one formed by Thumberg in the Baltic at Carlscrona, which was 84 toises in circuit, sustained 20 feet of water, and contained a space of 4000 superficial toises. The jetties are composed of masonry 50 toises at the base, crowned by a platform 42 feet above the level of low water, and 7 feet 2 inches below that level, so that the total height from the foundation to the parapet was 49 feet 2 inches; De Cessart only formed the earthwork preparatory to this construction, which was sufficiently ingenious to admit of a Fig. 249. MOLE. description: it was partly executed, but in 1793 it was demolished, and the timber sold. A base of about 50 feet was laid out by driving piles into a hard bottom; these were capped at the extremities, and the heads filled in with stones; on this were placed three timber caissoons, 36 feet in height, framed and planked over, and the interior filled with earth: the slopes were made to vary. The mole stood 6 feet above the level of high water; on the side towards the sea the in- elination was at an angle of 60 degrees. The whole may be considered to consist of three CHAP. VI. 237 FRANCE prismatic caissoons, two forming the base, the others placed above them; these were boarded on the outside, and filled with stone, gravel, and earth. The length of the mole was 160 toises; six drains were formed to carry off any water that might find an entry to it. De Cessart also executed the sluice for scouring the harbour by means of a caissoon, in length 54 feet 8 inches, in width 93 feet, and in height 15 feet; the area was 5080 feet. To put the platform together ten rows of piles, each containing eighteen, were driven; they were in length 10 feet, and 9 inches square, the heads of the piles were capped, and the whole brought to a level; on this was put the bottom of the caissoon, composed of four outside timbers, 14 inches square, and four others laid within of the same scantling. The width was divided into three bays, of 21 feet 4 inches each; these bays were filled in with timber 10 inches square, nicely jointed, and made level at the bottom; over these were other transverse timbers securely bolted to the bottom, and between them a course of 4-inch planks, also crossing the lower timbers at right angles. The whole was secured by four iron bars, 2 inches in thickness, which were screwed up and rendered the platform a compact mass. After this was done, a course of timber 10 inches by 8 was laid around the outside, and above this, four others of the same scantling, into which the uprights of the sides were to be framed; these were 15 feet in height, and composed of ninety-six up- right timbers, 12 inches by 6, lined on the outside with 6-inch planks, and again crossed by others 4 inches thick; additional strength was given by forty interties, 18 feet 6 inches long, and 12 inches by 10. When the cais- soon was ready to float, a layer of moss and clay was introduced beneath it, to prevent any infiltration from taking place. Fig. 250. FRAMING. The weight of the caissoon was 761,342 pounds, and it drew 2 feet 1 inch and 4 lines of water. It was towed out by two capstans and ropes, and in less than ten minutes was firmly fixed in its place. By some ac- cident the bottom carried with it some of the small timbers of the platform, upon which it was constructed, which pre- vented the caissoon from being laid on the bed of moss prepared to receive it. These were removed by passing small rollers by means of ropes under the bottom, which fished out all that ob- structed it. אחושית Fig. 251. H CAISSOON. H To attach the lower course of masonry to the timber platform, each alternate stone was usually fastened by two bolts, one entering the stone, and the other the main timber on which it rested, but De Cessart, not finding this always effectual, adopted another plan; after the first course of stones was placed upon the platform, he secured the second by irons, and the timbers which were worked into the masonry to receive the planking of the aprons above and below the lock, were attached by bent irons placed at regular distances of 3 feet, 14 lines in thickness. Bordeaux is a fine harbour on the Garonne, and although situated at a distance of about seventy miles from its mouth, there is sufficient depth of water in this noble river to enable large vessels to come up to the quays of the city. Fig. 252. ELEVATION. At the entrance into the river, the distance between Point de la Coubre on the north and Point de Grave on the south is nearly four leagues; there are, however, extensive sand-banks which are dangerous to the navigation, and some considerable rocks, on one of which is placed the celebrated Tour de Cordouan, which has now a revolving light, some- times showing brilliantly, then feebly, and then eclipsed; in clear weather it may be seen for eight or nine leagues. Marseilles is a sea-port of great antiquity, and situated in 43° 17′ north latitude, and 5° 22' east longitude. The harbour, surrounded by strong fortifications, is a capacious 238 Book 1 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. basin, 525 fathoms in length, and 150 in breadth; the depth at the entrance is 18 feet, and in the harbour from 12 to 24 feet, which is maintained by the constant employment of the dredging machines. The lighthouse is situated on the Fort St. Jean, which is on the north side of the entrance to the port, and at some distance from the north of the city is the lazaretto. On the island de Planier is another lighthouse, 131 feet in height, which from the excel- lence of its revolving lights may be seen in clear weather at a distance of seven leagues. There is a slip for ship-building constructed of stone, the length of which is sufficient to admit a man-of-war, and the width at top 47 feet. The whole is ingeniously roofed in, with flights of steps descending to the various levels. Rochefort, a fine maritime city, had its port greatly improved in 1664, under the orders of Louis XIV. The slips for ship-building were the finest in France; they were connected with each other and had but one entrance, with a pair of lock gates to shut out the sea. The first entered was calculated from its depth to receive vessels of the first rate; the second had its platform 7 feet higher, two vessels could enter, and the water at low tide being suffered to run out, the gates were closed, and the two vessels were in a situation to be caulked at the same time. In the side walls were small aqueducts, by which the water could be admitted, when it was required to float them again out to sea. To use the upper slip for the construction of a vessel, without being deprived of the lower one, grooves were contrived in the portion where the separation took place, into which planks were dropped, which kept the water from entering, as the intervals between the two ranges of planks were filled with clay in the manner of a cofferdam. In the construction of this double slip, as great inconvenience was experienced from the working of the springs, a well was sunk in the bottom of the upper slip, which, by means of drains, collected all the water that would otherwise pass under and around the works: from the well it was pumped out by an hydraulic machine made for the express purpose. It is undoubtedly most important to keep slips perfectly free both from the action of the springs, and from the water intended to pass through the locks, but this should be accom- plished without the aid of machines. At low water they should be perfectly dry, to effect which it is necessary that the bottom should be laid a foot higher than the ordinary level of low water in the port to which they belong. Vessels drawing from twenty to thirty feet of water when loaded require less when their freights are discharged, and the height to which the tide rises must determine the level to be given to the slip. To render the entrance gates at Marseilles water-tight, they are stopped at all the crevices and joints by caulking, and the water is thus effectually shut out. When the wooden platform is laid too low, it is liable to be covered with mud, and to prevent the opening of the gates; this was guarded against in the present instance. The length and width were also made proportionate to the vessels they were intended to receive. In the slips at Rochefort the entrance lock was first formed with sluices at the bottom, which allowed the water from the springs to drain off. To form the foundations the same precautions were adopted for laying the timber platform as for that of a lock of a canal; planking and piling were made use of throughout, and the masonry fixed with great care after the heads of the piles were cut off. When all the intervals between the heads of the piles were filled in, a mass of brickwork or masonry 3 feet in thickness was laid in hydraulic mortar or cement over the whole area; then cross timbers were so placed upon it, that they formed sleepers to an inclined plane, made by the longitudinal timbers which rest upon them. All the intervals were again filled up with masonry, and an inclined floor was then laid, having a fall of 8 or 9 inches from the upper end. The piling was carefully executed, and every precaution taken to render the platform firm and secure. Toulon, which takes its name from Telo Martius, is a very considerable port, on the shores of the Mediterranean, and distant from Paris 220 leagues. The arsenal and magazines are the finest in France, and there is every requisite for a maritime establish- ment; a quay wall and slip were built in deep water by means of a caissoon, which Belidor thus describes: "The quay being too narrow, the walls were advanced 40 feet or more into the sea, where it had 20 feet depth of water. The lines being set out, two machines were employed to raise the mud between them until a good bottom was obtained, which was perfectly levelled; the foundations were then formed, 18 inches in width, of a be of gravel, and chippings of stone, spread level with great care.” Caissoons, or cases of timber, upwards of 60 feet in length, 13 in width, and 25 in depth, well caulked and pitched, were made use of in deep water; these were afterwards taken to pieces, and all except the bottom again served for other caissoons to lengthen out the work; about 200 feet in length being operated upon at one time. After these caissoons had been put together on shore, they were launched, floated to their right situation, and then maintained in an upright position by ropes which passed CHAP. VI. 239 FRANCE. through rings attached to piles driven conveniently for the purpose. When the masons entered, they commenced their work, by filling up the voids between the bottom timbers with puzzolana and lime, mixed with gravel and chippings of stone; upon this, properly levelled, was built a stone wall 8 feet in thickness, the external faces of which were carried up with blocks from 12 to 14 inches square, dovetailed into each other; the space between being filled with moellon. As the caissoons sunk as they were loaded, it became necessary to keep them from swerving or getting out of their line, and greater attention was required when they had reached within a short distance of the bottom. Proper examination being made of their position, when found correct and perpendicular, they were loaded with the rest of the materials to be employed in the construction, which, when raised within 2 feet below the level of high water, was allowed to remain for a considerable time to acquire the requisite hardness, after which the several partitions which separated the caissoons were removed, and the spaces of 2 feet between them filled up, and the wall completed throughout its whole length. This portion of the work required that sheet planks shod with iron should be driven in a manner to surround the several intervals, after which beton was let down into them, and the facing brought up on both sides to unite with the others, when it was made good throughout. In the ports of the Mediterranean slips were made at very early times for the con- struction and launching of vessels of considerable draught, and also for the purpose of hauling vessels that needed repair on shore. When they required careening, a frame made of timber, and called a cradle, was placed under the vessel and supported it in a state of equilibrium, until it was brought to the stocks and shored up. This cradle, of a very early invention, was formed of three longitudinal timbers, 20 inches square, which extended the whole length of the ship, one being under the keel, and the others at the side a little above. The vessel was girded with strong cables to these timbers, which were mounted on eight rollers that were turned by means of handspikes. The form given to the slips was that of a wedge, the inclined plane of which was in length about 220 feet; the bottom projected into the sea, where a timber platform terminated it. Its inclination, like that of the stone bottom, was equal to a fourteenth, the rise being about 5 inches to every 6 feet, which permitted the vessel when launched to glide easily into the water, without subjecting it to any sudden shock or interruption. As the vessel had neither its cargo nor ballast, 16 feet water was reckoned sufficient for it to float. Another slip at Toulon was commenced by taking out the ground to a solid foundation, for 220 feet in length, and 60 in width, using for the latter part of the operation the dredging machines employed for cleansing the harbour. The bottom had a sufficient fall or in- clination towards the sea, at the point where the slip was commenced. The stocks were established 18 feet below high water at one end, and 22 feet at the other; the construction was carried on by the means of caissoons, 60 feet in length, and of a depth sufficient to maintain 4 feet above the level of the water at the highest state of the tide. They were fixed in their places and inclosed in a space 230 feet in length, and about 60 in width, and in this case the caissoons were not loaded, but the water was suffered gradually to enter and sink them; afterwards they were loaded with the stone intended for the constructions, and the openings which admitted the water being closed, the water they contained was pumped out. Another precaution, taken after the caissoons were grounded, was to plank and pile around them at the points of their junction, and form a clay dam, so that when the ends or divisions which separated the caissoons were taken out, the work might be made good and the wall continued in its construction without any interruption. This arrangement had very considerable advantages over the preceding, and was another step towards improvement. Quay at Rouen, built by De Cessart. The great road from Paris to Havre and Dieppe, passing along the ancient quay of Rouen, it was found inconveniently narrow, and in 1779, a new quay was completed, 120 feet in advance of the original wall. The total length of the new quay was 110 toises; this was divided into seven equal distances, by caissoons 66 feet in length, 16 feet wide, and 14 feet high, their base containing 1056 square feet. Ninety-two piles were driven, 3 feet 6 inches apart, in the thickness of the wall, and 3 feet in the length of the caissoon; each pile bore the weight of 18,633 pounds, for the wall alone, and adding one half more for the weight of merchandize placed on it, would then have 27,000 pounds. All the piles were from 12 to 15 inches thick, driven with a ram weighing 1200 pounds, falling 20 feet, each pile receiving a percussion equal to 300,000 pounds. The heads of the piles were cut off 6 feet below low water, at 12 feet behind the wall; piles were driven at every 6 feet, to attach land ties, which supported the masonry; sand and gravel were then thrown from the inside of the wall, to form a slope on the river side of sixty degrees, which extended 60 feet into the river, so that vessels of 400 tons could approach the quay at low water. - Book I. 240 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The most ingenious part of this arrangement is the formation of an embankment in the bed of the river, into which the piles were driven, and of a second embankment over it, in which the caissoons were placed. After the wall was constructed, the whole was then backed in by earth brought from the neighbourhood, and the spacious quays thus obtained Fig. 253. QUAY WALL, ROUEN. Fig. 254. NEW QUAY, rouen. were paved throughout. To maintain a level above low water, where some difficulties occurred in cutting off the heads of the piles, arches were turned 7 feet span, and the whole most ingeniously connected. Sp Cordouan Lighthouse. Since the time of the ancients there has never been a more important and superb pharos erected than that of Cordouan; it is situated on a rock forming an island at the mouths of the Garonne and Dordogne, and but for the warning it affords, the vessels entering or leaving would be always in danger of wrecking. It serves as a sea- mark during the day and a lighthouse at night; there are only two passes, the one called the pas des anes, between St. Saintonge and the tower of Cordouan, the other between the tower and Medoc, called the pas des granes, both equally dangerous to vessels that may be unfortunately surprised by a heavy westerly wind. The tower is in 45° 35′ latitude, and 16° 53′ longitude, two leagues from Bordeaux. All around it are rocks covered only 3 or 4 feet, against which the billows rise to a great height, and break with tremendous violence, rendering the access to this tower very difficult; vessels of three tons only can approach it by a single channel, about 100 feet in width; at 600 feet from the tower there is a sand on which they can run aground at the moment of low water, of which advantage must be taken, the rest is nothing but unapproachable rocks. This magnificent tower, 169 feet high from its foundations, was built in the reign of Henry II. by Louis de Foix, who com CHAP. VI. 241 FRANCE. menced it in 1584, and finished it under Henry IV. in 1610. Navigators consider it the finest in Europe, and the boldest in execution. 原 ​I Fig. 255. plan of tHE LIGHTHouse at CORDOUAN. The island upon which it is built, being dry at low water, and wholly covered by the tide at high water, exhibits a bare rock 500 fathoms in length from north to south, and 250 fathoms in width from east to west; the base of the edifice is a circle of 135 feet diameter, over the whole extent of which the constructions are of solid masonry, except where the stone stairs are introduced, which commence at the level of high water; near them a cavity is formed 20 feet square, which serves as a cistern to hold fresh water, this rises about 8 feet, including the arches which cover it: the remainder of the area is entirely composed of solid stonework, brought up to a level platform, which, as the walls batter all round, reduces the diameter to 125 feet. The staircase, which is carried up in the solid, commences 4 feet above the rock in the east side, and serves to mount to the platform; the ascent to it is by a ladder, and the opening is closed by strong wooden doors. On the platform is a circle of 100 feet diameter, around which is a wall 12 feet 6 inches in thickness, battering up to the height of 12 feet, where its thickness is only 11 feet; its object being to resist the action of the western seas. On this circular platform is constructed the tower which forms the lighthouse, the diameter of which is 50 feet, and the whole is carried up to the height of 115 feet: the several stories diminish as they approach the summit, on which was originally a stone lan- tern, or rather dome, supported upon eight stone mullions, with openings between them for the passage of light. The 25 feet space between the tower and the outer circular wall was occupied by several small apartments, which served as lodging rooms for the attendants and store rooms. The building is composed of four stories, and the apartments they contain were highly R 742 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. decorated; externally, the lowest is of the Doric, the second the Ionic, the third the Corinthian, and the uppermost or lantern of the Composite order. On the ground or lower floor is a vaulted hall, the dimensions of which are 22 feet square, and the height 20 feet; it contained two wardrobes, and many other conve- niences obtained out of the thickness of the walls. Over this is the grand saloon 21 feet square, and 20 feet in height, a vestibule, two wardrobes, and other conveniences, the whole vaulted with flat elliptical arches. The third story was appropriated to the chapel, which was of a circular form, covered with a dome; the internal diameter was 31 feet, and the height, including the hemi- spherical dome, 40 feet. The interior was decorated with paintings and mosaic; the light was admitted through eight windows, and in the centre was a circular opening 4 et diameter, protected by a balustrade. LEVEL, ப Fig. 256. ELEVATION of the LIGHTHOUSE. The diameter of the lantern, which formed the third story, is 14 feet, and around the exterior is a stone balcony, the internal diameter of which is 21 feet, forming a solid covering to the chapel below it. On the outside are eight Corinthian pilasters, which answer to the mullions, between which are as many glazed windows, 2 feet 6 inches wide, and 7 feet high. The inside of this story is 20 feet in height up to the square, which is covered by a hemi- spherical cupola, making its whole height 27 feet; this cupola, which is formed with stone, and built very solidly, serves as a basement to the lantern, originally 5 feet diameter internally, and 9 feet externally, and the height above the cupola 17 feet; in the middle was an opening 18 inches diameter; through this the smoke passed into a smaller funnel, 2 feet 6 inches diameter, in which were a number of small holes that allowed its escape. The upper funnel or turret was capped with solid stone, 31 feet above the floor of the lantern light. CHAP. VI. 243 FRANCE. The total height of the building above the base of the tower, is 146 feet, and above the surface of the rock 162 feet. In 1727, the summit underwent a change; the former lantern having been destroyed, one of iron was substituted. This was done under the direction of M. Betri, engineer-in- chief at Bordeaux, who contrived a cage of iron, or lantern, formed of four principal pillars, supporting a cupola, finished with a large ball and vane 36 feet above the platform; the lantern was entirely open, and the smoke could escape on all sides; the ceiling, which was circular, was formed into a hollow cone or funnel, the top of which was bent downwards, about 3 feet; the entire sloping surface of the cone was covered with tin plates, which became so many reflecting surfaces, and occasioned the light to be seen from a greater distance. Reflected light was made use of here for the first time about the year 1780, when יח LEVEL Fig. 257. SECTION OF THE LIGHTHOUSE. M. Borda introduced an Argand lamp in the focus of a parabolic mirror; the reflector was a sheet of copper plated with silver, with a focal length of about 3 or 4 inches; the diameter of the outer edge was 21 inches. The curvature of the reflector was truly parabolic; the light issued from a mathematical point, and the rays were reflected from a mirror, placed exactly parallel to the axis of the ge- nerating curve; the beam of the projected light was that of a cylinder having a diameter equal to that of the mirror. The light, however, in this form, was nearly useless, and it was found necessary to give the rays a divergence, that they might extend to a greater portion of the horizon. To effect this, the burner, which was about an inch in diameter, was made to produce the luminous rays at a small distance from the focus, and instead of being reflected in a mass of cylindrical or parallel rays, they were projected in a cone having a divergence of about forty degrees. To obtain a sufficient quantity of light it was necessary to have a number of parabolie R 2 244 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. mirrors; and sometimes as many as eight are employed, mounted upon a frame, their axes being all parallel to each other, and so placed that the light reflected by them is formea into one conical beam. A revolving light was produced by at- taching the frame to a horizontal axis, made to turn round by the aid of ma- chinery. A stationary light only requires the re- flectors to be placed round a circular frame, with their axes on the radii of the circle. The illumination, however, is not equally intense at all azimuths, but strongest in the direction of the several axes, and weakest in that of the lines bisecting the several angles formed by each pair of contiguous axes. Auguste Fresnel, of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, advised that refracted light should be generally introduced into the lighthouses in France, having a plane convex mirror with a focal distance of about 3 feet, formed of crown glass, which was thought less liable to striæ than flint. The first lens was polygonal, and consisted of several pieces of glass, separately prepared, and united together, but afterwards sphe- rical lenses accurately ground supplied their place. The divergence of a cone of light pro- jected by such a lens, is not more than 5° 9', and is much less than that produced by the parabolical reflector. The largest lens at the French light- houses projects a cone of light equal in intensity to eight mirrors of the best kind. The luminous cone in one case is only that portion of light which falls on the surface of the lens, and it might be imagined, that this could never equal in effect that pro- duced by the parabolic mirror; but the polish of the latter not being perfect, a great quantity of incidental light is lost, which is a chief reason in favour of the lens. Fig. 258. LANTERN. When refracted light is adapted to the revolving system, the frame which carries the lenses has eight sides, to each of which one is attached; the whole, however, are so arranged, that all their axes are in the same horizontal plane, and meet in the common focus where the amp is situated, forming one large octagonal prism. To prevent any loss of light, a second frame is placed above the first, the sides of which form the frustum of an octagonal pyramid, and incline fifty degrees; on each of these sides is another lens, having its focus in the flame of the lamp. The rays which fall on the inclined lenses are refracted parallel to the axis of the lens, and are then reflected into the horizontal direction, by plane mirrors, placed above the upper frame. Curved reflectors are sometimes used, above the frames which contain the principal lenses. Fresnel also substituted a very elegant contrivance for the upper lenses and mirror : a series of triangular prisms had their axes arranged in horizontal planes, and so adjusted that the light falling on the face next the flame was thrown upon the back of the prism, where it was totally reflected; and by a second refraction at the third side of the prism, it obtained its horizontal direction. For fixed lights of this description, a sufficient number of lenses are required to form with them a cylinder, so that an equal diffusion of light should be spread over every part of the horizon. Some French lighthouses have a refracting apparatus consisting of a belt of thirty-two lenses, arranged polygonally. Such a light is described by Fresnel in his memoir on the subject, published in the year 1822, and his system is applied to most of the lighthouses on the French and Dutch coasts. The Argand fountain lamp, with a burner an inch in diameter, tipped with silver, is made use of; and Fresnel invented one with a series of concentric burners; for lights of the first class, there were usually four, protected from the excessive heat by a superabundant CHAP VI. 245 FRANCE. supply of oil, which by means of machinery was made to overflow the wicks continually, and a sufficient quantity of air was obtained through the aperture of a lofty chimney; the oil of colza, which is produced by the seed of the wild cabbage, is made use of, and in some instances coal gas has been employed. Navigable Canals in France.-Among the first formed since the Roman æra was that of the Centre or of Charolais, which extended from the Saone to the Loire: its utility will be seen at a glance on the map; the great facility of execution it presented, and con- sequently its small expense, compared with that of other canals, had long attracted the attention of the government, and it was begun at the commencement of the reign of François I., the epoch of great undertakings. In 1555, Adam de Crapone, who executed the first canals used for irrigation in France, proposed to Henry II. the cutting that of Charolais, and some portion of the work was probably done by this engineer. Under Henry IV. in 1605, it was continued, and the canal of Briare, executed to form a junction of two great rivers, was commenced, when Sully perceived that, if the latter was united to that of Charo- lais, it would form an important line of communication: the most ancient account of this work in detail is by Charles Bernard, printed in 1613, and dedicated to Jeannin, Minister of Finance under Henry IV. It is there stated, that those who have examined the dif- ferent projects proposed for joining the two seas in the centre of the kingdom, are agreed that the Lake of Longpendu, equidistant from the Loire and the Saone, which are only 17 or 18 leagues from each other, should be the point of junction; that from this lake issued two rivers, one called Bourbince, which flows into the Loire at Digoin, and the other called the Dheune, which runs into the Saone near Verdun; that the country is sufficiently level; that there are several other lakes and rivulets, by which the two rivers may be abundantly supplied, and that with locks and gates they might be made navigable: but he adds that the Bourbince has 69 feet fall, and the Dheune 75 feet, by which it appears they had not taken the falls, or not accurately, since that of the Bourbince is four times greater, and that of the Dheune nearly six times, than what is stated. He makes from six to seven millions cube metres of earth to be removed, which is nearly the truth. The president Jeannin also caused a detailed examination to be made of the different projects which had been pro- posed for the canals of Burgundy, and it was determined to execute that of Charolais, in preference to one passing through Dijon; and in 1605, the canal of Briare, which forms a portion of it, was began. In 1612, Descures, Intendant of the river Loire, was sent by the king to examine the project for the junction of the Saone and the Loire, by the means of the rivers Bourbince and Dheune. In his report he shows the possibility of uniting them, and in 1613, the order was given for its commencement, the contract being for 800,000 livres; this was probably for only a portion of it; the project was, however, then abandoned; the Marquis Effiat made a new attempt in 1627; a procès verbal was drawn up in 1632 by Gerard, Lieutenant-general of the Charolais, commending its utility; the canal of Briare begun in 1605 had been discontinued; it was re-undertaken in 1638 by order of Cardinal de Richelieu by a number of contractors, who finished it in 1642. As this canal only united two rivers which flowed into the same sea, and the principal object in view was their junction with the Saone, which flows into the Mediterranean, after having united with the Rhone, the minister in the same year undertook this last project, and appropriated for its cost 950,000 livres; the execution, however, was delayed, probably from the cardinal dying that year; it was renewed in 1655 under Colbert; the intendant and members for Burgundy were charged to examine the project in conjunction with Franchini, a skilful engineer, then employed in the water-works at Versailles. The Sieur Chamois, architect of the king, also assisted. They thought that by rendering the rivers Dheune and Bourbince navigable by means of locks, the purpose would be answered; and they made a design which was approved. In 1665 the king demanded of the States of Burgundy a contribution to defray one-half the expenses of this canal; 600,000 livres was granted, payable in four years, on condition that the king con- tributed the remainder, without the province being called upon to furnish a larger sum, and that the 600,000 livres should be specially employed to re-imburse the proprietors. king, at their request, established a duty on salt; the act was published in 1666, in the towns of Dijon, Chalons, Beaune ; at the same time Riquet was superintendant for the pro- jected canal of Languedoc; he had already made experiments for bringing water to it, which decided the government on the subject; in 1666, a design was made, and its com- mencement took place in the same year: the 19th of February, 1667, an order in council was issued, by which the king postponed for a time the canal of Charolais, and authorised the members for Burgundy to employ the sum of 600,000 livres, which had been granted by the states, in establishing manufactories, and partly in liquidating various debts: the canal of Languedoc was completed in 1682. Louis XIV. was desirous to bring the river Eure to Versailles, and commanded the aqueduct of Maintenon to be constructed, which was afterwards abandoned; the expenses incurred by various fortifications preventing this monarch from employing any money in civil improvements. Vauban, however, studied the commercial interests of the kingdom, and seeing that the junction of the Saone and The R 3 246 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the Loire was the principal object to which the attention of the government should be directed, in 1689, employed Thomasin, a royal engineer, to examine the projects of the canals proposed in Burgundy; this engineer chiefly directed his attention to the canal of Charolais, and it appears that he took the levels from the Saone to the Loire, but the un- fortunate termination of the reign of Louis XIV. was not favourable for such works. Under the Regency, Thomasin was employed in 1719, at the request of Vauban, the nephew of the Marshal, and the members for Burgundy, to examine two other projects; but he finally determined on that of Charolais; he laid down a plan in 1720, and made a report which was approved by Sebastien, member of the academy, and M. Regemort. Many other engineers were at various times employed in surveying and reporting upon this celebrated canal, but it was not till 1783 that letters patent were issued, when Gauthey the engineer, traced out the line, and the work was commenced at the end of April in that year. Com- panies of pioneers and ground diggers were appointed with clerks of the works over them, and troops assisted in the various operations. Each regiment employed sent at a time 372 men, commanded by ten officers, two of whom were present; each company of twelve men encamped together, and the work was so set out, that a certain quantity was completed every twelve days. The soldiers did not take out the lowest excavations, that being left to stronger men. At the end of every fortnight, a measurement was taken of the work per- formed by each company, as well as of that which remained unfinished; and a report was made by the surveyor, which was sent to the engineer-in-chief, and submitted in case of dispute to the superior officer of the departments; three hours per day were allowed for meals; a change took place about every fortnight. The troops were employed for three years, and performed work to the amount of 288,400 livres, which was about a tenth of the sum required for the completion. The whole length of the canal was divided into eight and then into ten stations, to each of which a commissioner was attached, who made every day a survey of the works in their divisions, numbered the workmen, planted the piquets for the direction and levels, and took care that the work was executed conformably to the instructions given; they also measured the masonry, and gave in the accounts of the con- tractors, no new measurement being made till the former one had been paid. They re- gistered the number of workmen employed, and the quantity of work done, and at the end of the month abstracted the whole; the tools, of which they defrayed the expense, were also under their care, those lost being replaced at the cost of the workmen. The heights of the various locks were set out by the engineer of the canals, who made the drawings for their execution. This celebrated canal, uniting the Loire at the Saone, has its mouth on the first of these rivers at Digoin; it follows the Arroux, then the left bank of the Bourbince, passing through Paray, Genelarde, Ciry, Blanzy, to the Lake of Mont Chanin, where the navigation commences; at some distance from the lake, the canal separates the Lake of Longpendu into two parts, and then passes by the side of the left bank of the Dheune to St. Julien, where it traverses the valley, following the right bank of the Seine, and passing through St. Berain, St. Leger, Dennevis, St. Gilles, and Remigny; it afterwards traverses by Chagny, near the left bank of the Thalie, and passing through Fragnes and Champfergueil, runs into the Saone at Chalons. The level of the "point de partage" being determined, the line of the canal was set out, by fixing stations on the hills, by means of the spirit level, and the platforms of the locks were determined, the ground between each lock was then accurately levelled, and profiles were drawn on the ground at the distance of every 64 feet, on which the centre of the canal was marked; care being taken to regulate the cuttings, and make them equal to the embankments, agreeable to a table previously constructed, which indicated the depth they were to dig, according as the fall was greater or less; the points were set out on the ground, and rectified so as to avoid too great a bend, and form rather right lines or great curves: the level lines being drawn above or below a lock, a right line was sought about 390 feet in length, which should unite with the two preceding, without making too sharp an angle; in the midst of which was placed the lock, except where the ground offered a proper fall. The ordinary breadth of the canal is 32 feet at the bottom, and 48 feet at the level of the water, the depth being 5 feet; at this level is a set-off, 18 inches in width, on which grows the flag or some other aquatic plant; at 18 inches above the water are two other sets-off, one serving as the towing path, having from 10 to 20 feet of width; the other being 6 feet wide, unless the height exceeded that dimension; in all cases the width was made equal to the height. The fall of its talus in good ground is one and a quarter, on sandy ground one and a half, and where subject to inundation, two. The sets-off have a counter slope of one-forty-eighth to prevent the rain water entering the canal; at the foot of the bank, on the land side, is a ditch of various widths to receive the rain water, which is conducted under the aqueducts traversing the canal; its ordinary width at the bottom is 65 centimetres. In the parts where the canal is backed by steep hills, two ditches are made at some distance apart, one above the other; there is also a ditch at the foot of the talus on the valley side, to receive the water which may filter from the canal, and to prevent cattle from doing injury to the banks. Care was taken CHAP. VI. 247 FRANCE. in tracing the canal, that the water was not contained by the made earth to a greater depth than from 2 to 3 feet; when the earth was not of a nature to hold water, the banks were lined with clay 2 feet thick, founded on the solid earth or on layers of shells, or in defauit of these at 4 feet below the bottom of the canal. This lining rises vertically to the level of the water, at 2 feet distance from the smaller set-off; where the canal is raised above the land, the bottom is lined 2 feet in thickness; the slope of the banks is either sown with hay seeds or turfed. In places where stone was common, the interior of the canal to the level of the water was faced with dry stone, 97 centimetres thick at the summit, giving it a slope of one and a quarter; in such places the canal is only 33 feet wide at the bottom. Locks all have a fall of 10 feet, except the two guard locks. The length between the gates is 108 feet, the breadth of the lock is 17 feet; at 6 feet above the bottom the facing to the side walls slopes one-sixth; the thickness at the summit is 4 feet, and at the base 9 feet; the height above the bottom is 16 feet, the water rising to within 18 inches of the summit; the side walls are prolonged by winged and return walls; the platform at bottom is formed of a concave arc, 9 inches versed sine, its least thickness being 26 inches. In light soils it is made 3 feet 4 inches; in bad foundations piles were driven, and the platform laid on arches. The wall over which the water is discharged is curved in front to give additional strength to the frame of the gates, its projection is 5 feet 3 inches; under it are the channels through which the water passes to fill the lock; they are 20 inches in diameter, and spring from the middle of the recess in which the gates are placed; they were closed by a wooden plug, which was found inconvenient from the pressure of the atmosphere after the water was lowered, and they were afterwards exchanged for valves, which answered better. The entrance is furnished with a frame, to which a sector is adjusted, closing it perfectly. The sector is moved by a lever, acting on a stone arranged for the purpose at the top of the walls of the lock. The water passes from one lock to the other by channels formed in recesses made in the side walls, so that it cannot in any way injure the platform of the lock. All the masonry of the walls is in freestone 14 inches thick, and generally cramped with iron run with lead. The whole is lined with beton, 8 centimetres thick, to prevent filtration; at the back of all the walls is a coating of clay 28 inches thick. Gates of the Locks. The upper gates are 10 feet, and the lower 19 feet in height, so that the top rail rises 18 inches above the ordinary level of the water. The width of the gates is 10 feet 8 inches, the frame 12 inches square, the sills are 9 inches, and the braces 6 by 7 inches ; they are covered with deal 2 inches in thickness, and the joints are securely caulked. The hanging posts are cut partly circular, the diameter being 12 inches, and in part bevelled; the framework is morticed and tenoned together; the iron work let into the rails is an inch wide, and half an inch thick; the pivots and socket are of cast iron; the collars at top are 12 inches in diameter, their height 2 feet, and their thickness about an inch; they carry a female screw; the male screw passes into timber secured in the masonry; they are 10 feet long, and an inch thick; the timber under water is pitched, all the other is painted in three oils. Houses of the Lock-keepers; they are in length 33 feet, and 23 feet wide, outside di- mensions; they contain a chamber 9 feet square, a smaller one, and a scullery; in this is a staircase to the garret and cellar; there is also an oven 5 feet in diameter, the cellar is vaulted, and extends under the smaller chamber and scullery, the height of the chamber is 9 feet. The aqueducts and drains are five in number, and from 3 to 9 feet span; where a greater span is made use of, there are several arches, their breadth varies according to that of the towing path; platforms of timber are laid under all; the height of the piers is at the least 3 feet, and their thickness 20 inches; it is 3 feet 4 inches when the span of the aqueduct is 9 feet. The piers of the arches of 6 feet span are 18 inches thick, and those of the arches of 9 feet are 21 inches; the thickness of the vaults is 18 inches; the facings of the head and wing-walls are of freestone, the rest is of moellon. It was attempted to make the aque- ducts pass as near as possibly under the mur de chute, by which one wall was saved; and the canal being there more elevated, it was easier to make the aqueduct pass below it. Experience shows some inconvenience from this arrangement, as it is not possible to construct the mur de chute as it ought to be—to guard against the pressure or weight of water when the lock is full; and to prevent the water filtering through the wall, care was taken, whenever an aqueduct was reconstructed, to place it above the lock, and to separate it entirely. Bridges. Those on the great roads are from 25 to 26 feet in width, those for the cross roads are 18 feet 6 inches, their span is everywhere 25 feet, and their height, from the bottom of the canal to the soffite of the vault, is 18 feet. The arches are segments of a circle, one-sixth of their circumference; the thickness of the arch is 2 feet 3 inches on the face, and 2 feet on the interior; the abutments are perpendicular before and behind, their thickness is 6 feet 9 inches, that of the wing-wall is 3 feet 6 inches. The slope for bridges on great roads is one-twenty-fourth, and one-twelfth for those on cross-roads. A quay wall faces the towing path, in breadth 8 or 9 feet between the parapets; the thickness of the wall is 3 feet at the summit, 3 feet 6 inches at the base, and its height is 6 feet. The bridges over the locks are the same height and breadth as the others, but their span is only R 4 248 Book L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 17 feet; they prevent the lower gates of the lock from opening in the usual way, and are consequently worked by hooks. The construction of the bridges is the same as that of the locks, the facings of the walls being of freestone, and the rest moellon rusticated; there are several skew bridges; those for uniting the lands of individuals are for the most part constructed of timber, and are formed over the lock gates; they are composed of three beams, sustained by struts, resting on the gate post, and by a wheel on the side walls; the roadway is 9 feet wide, and formed by planking. Mouths of the Canal in the Loire and the Saone. -The bed of the Loire being subject to change, the current tends to run from the right bank on which is the lock, and the margins become silted up; to avoid this a stone dyke is constructed on the opposite side of a curvilinear form, for the purpose of directing the current to the mouth of the canal, which is up the stream, and forms an acute angle with the bank; this does not quite answer the purposes intended, and cleaning the entrance of the canal cost annually from 3000 to 4000 francs; in 1811 a coffer-dam was formed in front, which is too high, and tends to produce an undermining at the foot of the opposite banks; this has been prevented by throwing in stones; since the termination of this work, the cleansing costs annually only 300 or 400 francs. The Mouth of the Saone; the direction of the canal forms a right angle with the bank of the river, and the guard lock, instead of being placed on the bank, is 200 metres distant from it; this interval is constantly dragged to allow a passage for the boats. This canal unites the Loire to the Saone; from Dijon to the summit level there are thirty locks, rising about 240 feet in 6300 metres; and the length of the summit level is about 3940 metres; the descent to the Saone is by fifty locks, or 400 feet, in a distance of 4700 metres. The whole length of the canal is 114,322 metres, the length of each lock 100 feet, and breadth 16 feet; the breadth of the canal at top 48 feet, at bottom 30 feet, and the average depth 5 feet 3 inches. Canal of Languedoc was executed in the reign of Louis XIV. from designs furnished by François Andreossy, an Italian engineer, by whom locks were introduced into France, pro- ducing a new epoch in the history of canals, and without which inland navigation never could have been brought to its present state of perfection. The canal of Languedoc crosses the isthmus which connects Spain with France, and passes through the valley between the Pyrenees and the river Rhone; and it appears that a contract for its completion was made with Paul Riquet on the 14th of October, 1666. This canal is united with the Garonne below Toulouse, and by means of eight locks passes round the western side of the city, then along the south side of the river Lers, and by thirteen locks it ascends to Villefranche, rising another five locks. From the Garonne to the summit, a distance of nearly 24 miles, it rises by twenty-six locks, a height of 207 feet; the length of the summit level is 3 miles, after which the canal descends to Castelnaudary, an ancient town occupying the site of Sostomagus, where the great basin is constructed; it soon after falls into the Aude near Carcassonne, having crossed several small streams, and descends by thirty-seven locks. It then traverses the northern side of the Aude and the town of Treves, to the long level near the Olonzac ; in this latter course it passes over several streams, and descends by twenty-two locks. Near Olanzac commences the long level, and where it crosses the Cesse, the canal of Narbonne branches off; the canal of Languedoc passes to the north of Capestang by several windings around Mount Ecurene, and then by a tunnel of 281 yards, under a ridge of mountain called Malpas; eight locks afterwards ascend to Fonseranne; the level is then 17 miles in length. After passing these locks it crosses the Orb, near the south side of Bezieres, then the rivers Libron and Herault, and north of Agde winds round to the Lake Bagnes, enters the Lake Thau, and passes through to Cette, on the coast of the Mediterranean; there are five locks during the latter part of its course. The distance from the summit of Naurouse to Cette the port, is 1214 miles, and the fall 621 feet 6 inches. The length of the canal altogether is 148 miles, and the lake Thau 94 miles, which being very shallow at the western end, the canal is carried through it for a considerable distance by means of artificial dykes. This canal cost 14,000,000 livres; the king defrayed one-half, and the province of Languedoc the other. There being some difficulty in making an arrangement with the proprietors of the lands through which it passed, in 1666, the king issued an edict, which states "that Paul Riquet, the undertaker of this work, should take all lands and heredita- ments necessary for the construction of the canal, together with all streams, warehouses, banks, roadways, locks, &c. &c." which were to be paid for, after a valuation made by com- petent persons, named by commissaries appointed by the king. The design was fur- nished by M. Clerville, the most eminent engineer in France, who had also the direction of the work; the first stone was laid on the 29th July, 1666, at Cette, and in May, 1681, the communication between the two seas was complete, after fifteen years' labour. The canal CHAP. VI. 249 FRANCE. is divided into two principal parts, the starting point being near Castelnaudary; one descends towards the Mediterranean, being in length 6,165,000 feet, the other, 1,879,000 feet, descends to the Garonne near Toulouse. After an exact levelling taken between these extreme points, it was found that the point of setting out was 640 feet above the level of the Me- diterranean, and 198 feet above the waters of the Garonne. To pass vessels from Cette to the highest point, there are seventy-four locks, with chambers of a little more than 8 feet rise, and twenty-six locks to descend to the same point on the Garonne, which is navi- gable from Toulouse to the sea. There are altogether one hundred locks; the eight near Beziers form a cascade nearly 1000 feet in length, with a fall of 68 feet equally divided. There is a circular lock common to three branches of the canal, each having its own gates communicating to a common chamber; there are forty-five aqueducts, and ninety- two road bridges; the canal passes above six of these aqueducts, the finest are those of Repude, Cesse, and Trebes; the thirty-nine others pass under the bed of the canal, for the drainage of the land. At the surface the canal is 64 feet in breadth, at the bottom, 34 feet, and 6 feet 4 inches deep. The vessels which navigate it are 80 feet long, about 18 feet broad, draw 5 feet 4 inches of water and carry about 100 tons. Canal of Narbonne is connected with the canal of Languedoc, and was commenced early in 1664; this was extended by Paul Riquet to Beziers. It sets out from the great level near Argelins, leaving the river Cepe on the right, and all the locks upon it are placed at regular distances from each other, which has occasioned a useless expenditure. Canal of Burgundy, intended to unite the Saone with the Seine, was commenced in 1775, under the direction of Perronet, who has left numerous plans, reports, specifications, and estimates of this great work. The canal commences at Brianon, and the intention was to reach a summit level, which would have been 888 feet above its junction with the river Yonne, and 674 feet above the waters of the Saone. The whole length of the canal was to have been nearly 148 miles; 13 leagues were completed under Napoleon, and the navi- gation was perfect from the Soane to Pont de Parry, five leagues west of Dijon; on the side of the Yonne, the navigation extended to the town of Ancy-le-Franc. Canal of Malshum, in Alsace, in length eleven leagues, was executed under the direc- tions of Vauban; it has eleven locks. Picardy has two principal canals, one called Crozat was completed in 1738. But the chief canal was that undertaken in 1766, for the purpose of joining the Somme to the Scheldt, between S. Quintin and Cambray, the cost of which was estimated at twenty millions of livres ; after repeated alterations in the plans it was completed in 1810; the length is about 32 miles, and the rise to the summit of the lock of Tronquoi is by five locks, or 33 feet 6 inches; the summit is 13 miles in length, including two tunnels, that of Tronquoi 1200 yards, the other called Riqueval 31 miles, each of the tunnels 26 feet 3 inches in width; from the end of the latter tunnel to Cambray is fifteen miles, and in that distance there are seventeen locks, each 97 feet in length, and 17 feet in breadth ; the whole fall is about 124 feet. Canal of Loing was completed in 1724, and proceeds from Montargis to the Seine, a distance of 33 miles; this was also executed under Regimorte. It has 21 locks, with a fall of 136 feet 8 inches: it is 44 feet wide at the surface, and 34 feet at the bed, and the depth of water is 5 feet. } Fig. 259. SKEW ARCH UNDER THE CANAL. Canal of Briare was begun in 1605, and completed about 37 years afterwards. It commences a mile from Briare on the Loire, and ascends along the banks of the 250 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Trenzi, where there are seven locks, which are supposed to be the first introduced into France, by the engineer Hugues Cromier; they are from 125 feet in length to 165, and in breadth 14 feet 6 inches; their rise varies from 5 feet 4 inches to 14 feet; the breadth of the canal also varies from 25 to 32 feet, the boats draw a little less than 3 feet water. Canal of Orleans is in length about 45 miles, and has 28 locks, varying from 136 feet to 178 feet in length, and from 5 feet 6 inches to 12 feet 6 inches rise. The breadth of the canal varies from 25 feet to 32 feet at the surface, and the depth is about 4 feet 6 inches. The boats are about 100 feet in length, and nearly 14 in breadth; this work was completed by Regimorte in 1725. Bridges. The examples left in the southern districts of France by the Romans have been partly described; and after the dismemberment of the western empire scarcely any constructions in stone were commenced till the twelfth century, when necessity produced throughout France and Germany a religious association, which took the name of "Brothers of the Bridge; " they established houses of accommodation for travellers, and built bridges when the rivers were dangerous or difficult to ford. One of the earliest constructed was at Durance, below the ancient Chartreuse at Bonpas, but due consideration not having been given to the water-way, it was soon demolished by the floods to which this river is subject. Another was built at Avignon about 1177, and the funds were obtained by a pretended miracle, the procès verbal of which is still retained in the Town Hall. The bridge of St. Esprit and of Guillatiere at Lyons, built at the time Pope Innocent IV. inhabited France, and that of the Saut du Rhone, on the road from Vienne to Geneva, were erected by the "Brothers of the Bridge." During the reigns of Charles VIII., Louis XII., and Francois I., many bridges were constructed, which sustained mansions or buildings of defence, and it became general throughout Europe to adopt this system, particularly in cities, where building sites for the increasing inhabitants could not be obtained. The Bridge and Chateau of Chenonceaux, commenced by the chamberlain, Thomas Bohier, who died in 1524, is an excellent example of such structures; upon the piers of this bridge the architect Ducerceau constructed a gallery for the Queen Catherine de Medicis, who was charmed with the beauty of the surrounding scenery. Fig. 260. CHENONCEAUX. To the great bridge built on the Rhone succeeded some of single arches of great span: those of Ceret, Nions, Castellane, Ville Neuve d'Agen, are from 98 to 164 feet span. The bridge of Vieille Brioude, over the Allier, was the boldest of all; its single arch is above 177 feet. It was built in 1454 at the expense of a lady of that place. In 1545, Cardinal de Tournon constructed a bridge near the town of that name over the torrent of the Daux of a single arch, 160 feet span. These bridges are built very economically, and have nearly the same character. Their breadth is generally from 13 feet to 16 feet, and few exceed 20 feet. Except those on the Rhone, which are very well constructed, the faces only of the arches are of squared stone, and the voussoirs are very small; the rest is of rubble. The haunches are filled with earth. The piers are always very thick, and above high water their facings only are of stone. The interior is generally filled with earth or sand; they seldom have side walls; some portions of walls, founded upon piles, and attached to the abutments in the line of the heads, generally take their place; the erection of all these bridges may be dated between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries, and, considering the extreme economy of their construction, it is surprising that they have lasted so long. Arches of great span, consisting of the segment of a circle, whose height is nearly equal to the diameter, could hardly be erected in towns, where they would encumber the neigh- bouring houses; in such cases a greater number of arches and less span is far preferable; the most ancient of the kind now remaining is the bridge of Notre Dame at Paris, built in 1507. Until this date the city had only wooden bridges, which were frequently carried away by the ice and inundations, which in 1196 occurred to them all. In 1280, two CHAP. VI. 251 FRANCE. more experienced the same fate. In 1412, where the present bridge of Notre Dame now stands, the first of stone was constructed at Paris; this was soon carried away, and houses having been built upon it, the magistrates, through whose bad management the accident had occurred, were condemned to reimburse the proprietors, and not being able to do so, died in prison. The government, fearing a recurrence, sent for Jocondi, of Verona, from Italy, whose construction of the Ponte Corvo had gained him great credit. This architect, who was employed after the death of Bramante, conjointly with Raphael and Julien de Saint Paul at St. Peter's, built the bridge of Notre Dame as it now exists. About sixty years afterwards, the Pont Neuf was begun, and during the interim those of Chatellereau and Toulouse. The breadth of these bridges is very considerable compared with those which preceded them; they appear to have been the first in which flat arches were employed, and to have been built and ornamented with considerable attention. From the completion of the Pont Neuf, in 1604, to 1656, the Pont St. Michel, Hotel Dieu, Pont au Change, Pont Marie, and La Tournelle, were built. François Blondel gave the designs for the Pont da Saintes in 1666, and Frére Roman, the architect of the bridge of Maestricht, was invited to Paris by Louis XIV. in 1683, to commence one of the piers of the Bridge of the Tuilleries, which was then in progress after forty years' delay; from this period to that of the bridge at Blois, including those built by Mansard at the latter end of the reign of Louis XIV., no considerable work of this kind was under- taken. Before the time of Louis XIV there was but little commerce, and transport was mostly effected by mules, which accounts for the narrowness of the bridges, although many were of great length; the foundations are seldom much deeper than the bed of the river, and those of Chalons and Macon are built on piles 5 feet long, and many so con- structed have given way; but those that still remain form a very solid mass, occasioned by the hardness of the cement: when required to be enlarged, the starlings may be used as foundations for the new constructions, which is always more economical and safer than building in a new situation. After the establishment of the Ponts et Chaussées, the designs for bridges were made by the engineers attached to it, and submitted to the examination of a board composed principally of the inspectors-general and some of the divisional inspectors, who, to the knowledge acquired by study, added that which is the fruit of experience. The bridges of the last century are, consequently, much more carefully constructed than those of the preceding, and since this epoch the art has made rapid strides. The first in order of time is the bridge of Blois, built in 1720, by Pitrou, after the designs of Gabriel, the royal architect and chief engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées, in which Pitrou first proposed his trussed centres for great arches. These arches are ellipp- tical, a form which has since been frequently adopted, as in the bridges of Tours, Moulins, and Saumur, built nearly at the same time over the Loire and the Allier. The completion of the last, in 1764, is the epoch of the introduction of the method of founding by cais- soons; in France its application to bridges was due, as we have seen, to Belie, and Cessa.rt was the first to practise it. The bridge of Neuilly, begun in 1768, by Perronet, united the effect produced by great artists by simple decoration with all that perfection of execution of which this kind of work is capable. A short time after its construction, the arch of a bridge received the form of a segment, whose springing is nearly level with high water. The bridge Fauchai d, projected by Voglie, and built by Limay; the bridge of Pesmes, built in 1772, by Ber- trand; that of St. Maxence, built in 1784, by Perronet, afforded examples of this kind of construction, which was followed by several other engineers. In 1787, Perronet began the Pont de la Concorde at Paris, in which he reduced the thickness of the piers and arches to less than had ever been done. The first, as The bridges hitherto erected in France may be divided into two sections. we have seen, comprised those constructed from the twelfth to the end of the fifteenth centuries, all of which are founded on rubble work at but little depth, are extremely narrow, and although some are very long, they have all the traces of great economy: the other comprises the bridges from the beginning of the sixteenth to that of the eighteen th century, when stone bridges were erected in the interior of towns, of greater width and superior construction and decoration. The third section comprises all bridges from the establishment of the Ponts et Chaussées to the present time. Bridge of Avignon, on the Rhone. This has been already mentioned as the second bridge built in France after the fall of the Roman empire, and constructed by the association known by the name of " Brothers of the Bridge," in consequence, according to tradition, of a miracle performed by Saint Benezet. It was begun in 1177, and was not entirely con- pleted till 1187, although it was rendered passable in 1185. At Avignon the Rhone divides and forms an island, and it appears that there were at first two separate bridges over the two arms, in a direction nearly perpendicular to the current of the river; one of five and the other eight arches: they were then united by 252 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Book I. eight new arches, built on the island which separated them, in a curved line, so as to unite the two parts already existing; these latter have many sinuosities, although no reason can be assigned for such a deviation from the straight line; the whole number of arches was then twenty-one, of about 180 feet span, and the total length was about 2953 feet. : In 1385, Boniface IX., who resided at Avignon, demolished some arches to ensure his own safety in 1410, the inhabitants of the town, to rid themselves of a Catalan garrison which Benedict XIII. maintained, blew up the tower which defended the bridge; care- lessness in repairing a fallen arch, in 1602, caused the fall of three others, and in 1670 the Rhone having been frozen, the melting of the ice threw down some more, leaving only four entire on the side of Avignon, where the bridge is 21 feet above the soil, no other means of ascent remaining than that afforded by the natural inclination of the ground. The bridge is terminated at each end by two towers; on the Villeneuve side the ascent is more than one in three. Its breadth is only 13 feet between the parapets, the thickness of which is a foot. These circumstances render it doubtful whether carriages ever passed the bridge, mules being formerly the only means for conveying burdens from one place to the other. On the second pier is a chapel formerly dedicated to St. Nicholas, patron of navigators, one part of which is supported on corbels. The piers are constructed of squared stone as high as the level of the river, and the rest of small rubble work; their upper part and the haunches of the arches are pierced by round apertures. The remaining arches are well preserved; they consist of fine squared stones, 2 feet 10 inches high, and so disposed as to form four separate arcs, which in the first arch present no apparent connection; there is only one in the second, and seven or eight in the third. The heads are a little distance from the centre in the first; some iron cramps remain which united the arcs to each other. Bridge of La Guillotière over the Rhone, at Lyons, consists of eighteen arches from 26 feet to 105 feet span; its total length is 1870 feet; its water-way 1204 feet. It was built by Pope Innocent IV. during his sojourn at Lyons, partly at his own cost, and partly by granting indulgences to those who concurred in this useful enterprise. An inscription on a tower, since destroyed, preserved the memory of the fact; but on one of the squared stones of the bridge, the following inscription has since been discovered : — PONTIFEX ANIMARUM FECIT PONTEM PETRANUM. Pope Innocent having resided at Lyons about 1245, the foundation of the bridge may be assigned to that epoch. But the disparity which exists in the construction of the piers and arches appears to prove that they were built at different, and perhaps very distant, periods; they are all semicircular. Bridge of St. Esprit. Its foundation dates from the year 1285, one hundred years after that of Avignon. The first stone was laid by the prior of the monastery of St. Saturnine du Port, and the original documents are found in the archives of the hospital; its con- struction was effected by the alms which the "Brothers of the Bridge" solicited through- out Christendom. It was completed in 1305; its plan is bent in three directions, and consists of nineteen great arches and six small, which were afterwards constructed under the ascent. The span varies from 80 to 109 feet. The total water-way is 2021 feet; the length 2690 feet. The piers are more than one-third the span of the arches which they support, and are carried by a foundation of considerable breadth, presumed to be of rubble work. They are surrounded with starlings projecting 9 feet 9 inches, and rising about 6 feet 6 inches above low water; they are formed by double courses of blocks, 6 feet 6 inches long, and 2 feet 3 inches thick, and are further strengthened by jetties, which are maintained with the greatest care. A tax was formerly imposed on salt ascending the Rhone, to defray this expense as well as that of the banks above; in 1790 it yielded 28,000 francs, but it has since been suppressed. The slope of the jetties being one in one and a half, the surface of the water-way is rendered exceedingly narrow, notwithstanding the great length of the bridge, a serious inconvenience, considering the rapidity of the current in floods, and even at ordinary times. The starlings do not overtop altogether the very high levels; there are holes in the upper part through which, however, the water but seldom passes. The arches are constructed of squared stone, the voussoirs are disposed so as to form four separate arches, united at every four courses by an intermediary one of only three stones, and their thickness is 5 feet 11 inches. The bridge is very strongly constructed, and the only injury that has hitherto occurred to it are some slight settlements in the first arch on the town side; its breadth is 17 feet 6 inches, but that of the roadway is reduced by the parapets, to 14 feet 11 inches: this is not wide enough to allow of two carriages passing easily, on account of the great length of their axles. From this cause, or from fear of other injury being sustained, the passage was not freely opened to the public; the waggons were unloaded before they were permitted to pass, and the goods transported CHAP. VI. 253 FRANCE. on sledges with low wheels, heavy contributions being laid on the merchants by those inte- rested in the continuance of this manœuvre, so injurious to commerce, and who contrived to make the public believe that it was necessary for the preservation of the bridge. It being, however, perceived that the masonry of the arches was as solid as possible, and that no inconvenience could arise by letting the heaviest waggons proceed, spaces were formed over the piers to permit them to pass easily, the pavement of the bridge was relieved, where it lay immediately over the vaults they were covered by a thick bed of gravel, and the bridge is now perfectly free, without any injury having been sustained. Bridge of Cêret, on the Tech, was built in 1336, on the road from Perpignan to Pratz de Mouillon. It consists of a single semicircular arch, 147 feet 8 inches span, of squared stone, the remainder is of brick. It is remarkable for the arches in the haunches and abutments, which are from 23 to 26 feet span. This bridge is in good preservation: it is only 12 feet 9 inches wide. Bridge of Castellane, on the Verdon, near Sisteron; its arch is a segment of a circle, whose chord is 115 feet, and its versed sine 28 feet 9 inches. It was built in 1404, from the pro- duce of indulgences granted by the pope. Its breadth is 6 feet 6 inches, and it is founded on a rock. Bridge on the Isere consists of four arches, from 70 feet 2 inches to 91 feet 6 inches span. The arches are segments of circles, and the piers which support them are very thick, being 30 feet. The breadth of the bridge is 19 feet 8 inches, it is almost entirely of rubble work. Bridge of Villeneuve d'Agen on the Lot. This bridge, of about the same date as the preceding, consists of a great semicircular arch 114 feet 9 inches span, two others from 29 feet 6 inches to 32 feet 9 inches, and a smaller one of 5 feet 11 inches. The upper part of the great arch is in a bad state, and tends to separate in several places, but as it is tied together by iron rods uniting two iron arches, one on each side, it may still last for some time. Bridge of Vieille Brioude on the Allier, situated near the Roman bridge, was built in 1454, by the contractors Grenier and Estone, at the expense of a lady of the place. It consists of a single arch, the segment of a circle, 133 feet 4 inches span, and 70 feet 4 inches versed sine. This is the largest arch existing in France, and probably in Europe; it is 16 feet wide, as are the abutments on which it rests; it is formed of 2 and 3 rows of voussoirs, placed one upon the other without any tie, one is of volcanic stone, and the other of very hard sandstone. The stones are only from 8 to 9 inches thick, by 2 feet 2 inches long. The whole thickness of the circle is 7 feet 5 inches. The bridge is founded on two rocks rising above low water; its great height and its small width, the steepness of the roads cut in the rock by which it is approached, as well as some settlements which induced fears for its solidity, have caused the road to be turned, and another bridge constructed half a league lower, at Bajace; this was begun in 1750, consisting of three flat arches, rising one third, from 70 feet 3 inches to 76 feet 8 inches span, with abutments 18 feet, and piers 13 feet 8 inches thick, and was finished in 1753. The foundations were on piles. The great arch was 4 feet 9 inches thick, but being, with the exception of the face, constructed of soft stone, which requires a long exposure to the air in order to harden, it cracked directly the centres were removed in the upper part, and fell as far as the twelfth or thirteenth row of voussoirs from the springing, the faces being drawn with it by their connection with the rest of the arch. One of the small arches was, however, finished, the attendant pier serving as an abutment until the following year, when the great arch was reconstructed with better materials, and made 3 feet 3 inches thick. The soil on which this bridge stands is a compact gravel, into which the piles are driven with difficulty, yet liable to be carried away by the current; it was attempted to prevent this by constructing above a coffer of piles, between which all the gravel was dredged, and its place filled with rubble work. Notwithstanding this precaution the bridge was carried away by a flood, and as the abutments still remain, it is proposed to reconstruct it by raising a single pier, and founding it in a caissoon. Bridge of Sisteron, on the Durance, was constructed in 1500, and is remarkable from having an arch 85 feet 4 inches span, of an elongated, elliptical form, 57 feet 5 inches in height. It is probable that it was at first pointed, and that the angle at the two arcs was afterwards rounded, which conjecture is further strengthened by the circumstance of the upper and lower parts of the arch being of a different construction. Bridge of Tournou, on the Daux, built by an Italian engineer in 1545, at the expense of some cardinal. It has one great segmental arch 156 feet 10 inches span, built like the bridge of Vieille Brioude, on rock, and only 16 feet 5 inches wide; it is constructed of pieces of soft, dressed sandstone, except the faces, which are of squared stone. The remaining portion is of rough rubble. Bridge of Claix, on the Draie, consists of a single arch, the segment of a circle, 150 feet 3 inches span; its breadth is 20 feet 4 inches; it was constructed in 1611, near Grenoble, by the constable Lesdiguières. It is a subject of much admiration with the historians of 254 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Dauphiné, who consider it superior to the Rialto at Venice; before the demolition of the entrance gateway, the following inscription was legible upon it ; — ROMANOS MOLES, PUDORE SUFFUNDO. Although built in the 17th century, it is placed in the first section, on account of its anti- quated construction. Bridge and Aqueduct of La Crau d'Arles, traverses a marsh, and conveys the water of the canal of Crapone, erected in 1558 by a gentleman of that name. Its length is 2050 feet; the arches are semicircular, and their span is 19 feet 2 inches; the thickness of the piers is 12 feet 9 inches, and the width of the aqueduct 17 feet at the upper part; the faces are slightly inclined. By the side of the aqueduct is a bridge 32 feet wide, which carries the high road, sus- tained by arches of the same span as those of the aqueduct; the foundations of the two constructions are supported in the most dangerous places by timber framework. Bridge of Nôtre Dame at Paris, on the Seine.-A wooden bridge was constructed here in 1413, under Charles VI., who gave it the name of bridge of Nôtre Dame; it was It destroyed the 25th of October, 1499, and rebuilt in stone in 1507 by Frère Joconde. consists of six semicircular arches, from 31 feet 2 inches to 56 feet 8 inches span. The piers are 12 feet 9 inches thick. The plinth which crowns the bridge is sustained by mo- dilions. It is well preserved, and although the stone of Paris is not generally good, this appears to have been well selected, very little decay being perceptible. It was covered with houses, which were demolished a few years ago. Its breadth is 77 feet 5 inches. The pump below one of the arches was constructed by Daniel Jolly, in 1671. Bridge of Toulouse on the Garonne, was begun in 1543, under Francis I., after the designs of the architect Souffron. It was not finished till 1632, after the Pont Neuf and Pont de Chatelleraut. It has seven elliptical arches, from 47 feet to 113 feet span, symmetrically disposed. The upper part of the pier has openings of a nearly circular form; they are not all placed on the same level, hence the high water little more than reaches those in the great arches; the vaults are 2 feet 8 inches thick. It is of brick, except the archivolts and the starlings, which are of squared stone. Its breadth is 64 feet. The footways are 12 feet 9 inches; the slope of the pavement is about 1 in 26. At the entrance is a triumphal arch, built by Mansard, which supported an equestrian statue of Louis XIII., destroyed in 1793. Bridge of Chattelleraut, on the Vienne, begun in 1560, under Charles IX., and finished by Sully in 1609. It consists of nine arches, 31 feet 10 inches in span; they are elliptical, except the centre one, which is semicircular, and elevated on piers 8 feet 6 inches high, crowned by a plinth. Judging by the heights to which the floods attain, the water-way appears perfectly proportioned to the volume, to which it gives a passage. The breadth of the bridge is 71 feet 2 inches; on each side are two footways beyond the parapets, 4 feet. 6 inches wide, formed by flags sustained on consols 3 feet 3 inches apart. Bridge of Marche Palu, or Little Bridge at Paris. This was much damaged by the floods of 1649, 1651, and 1659. It was reconstructed in 1695. The 27th April, 1718, two barges of burning hay were carried against it, and most of the houses consumed by fire. It was repaired in 1719, and the houses were not rebuilt. It is situated on the lesser arm of the Seine, next to the bridge of Notre Dame, and consists of three semicircular arches from 21 feet to 32 feet span. Pont Neuf, on the Seine. was Androuet du Cerceau. year, but the. wars of the League interrupted its progress. under Henry IV., by G. Marchand, and partially opened in 1604, but not entirely finished till 1607. The funds were provided by a tax of ten sols on every muid of wine imported into Paris. Henry III. laid the first stone, May 21st 1578; the architect The four piers of the northern part were carried up the same It was recommenced in 1602, The bridge consists of two parts abutting at the extremity of the island of the city, and in the space between stands an equestrian statue of Henry IV. That to the right bank of the Seine has seven semicircular arches from 46 feet to 62 feet 4 four inches span. The first is too high, which renders the ascent of the bridge very steep. The second part consists of five arches, their span varying from 31 feet 3 inches to 48 feet. They are also semicircular, and have small cornes de vache. The width of the bridge is 72 feet, of which 22 feet 3 inches is given to the road-way, 26 feet for the two footpaths, and 4 feet 3 inches for the two parapets. These dimensions are sufficient, although the Pont Neuf is one of the most frequented bridges in Paris. The starlings of the piers are triangular, and rise to the cornice, which is very salient, sustained by large consoles ornamented at their feet with masks of satyrs in very good taste, supposed to be the work of Germain Pilon. The starlings are surmounted by portions of towers which support the shops erected in 1775 by Soufflot. The bridge was repaired in the course of the same year. The footways were lowered and widened. The pavement between the footways was reinstated in 1821, and the ascent diminished. CHAP. VI. 253 FRANCE. In 1608, a timber building called the Samaritaine, containing the pumps for raising water for the service of the Louvre and the Tuilleries, under the direction of a Fleming named J. Lintlaër, was placed in the tenth arch on the side of the Quai de l'Ecole Militaire. Henry IV., on this occasion, overcame the obstacles which the municipality of Paris op- posed to him from fear of the injury which might result to navigation. The pumps were the first of the kind established in Paris. It was almost entirely reconstructed in 1715 and 1772, and demolished in 1813. Bridge of St. Michael, at Paris. The first of this name of which we have any account was of timber, and was replaced by one of stone in 1373. This was partly destroyed in 1408, and rebuilt of timber in 1416. Others shared the same fate, the last, with all the houses upon it, being carried away by the thaw of 1616. That which now exists was built in 1618. It consists of four arches, two of 46 feet, and the two others of 32 feet span. The starlings are surmounted by niches crowned by a cornice, except the centre one, on which is still the pedestal that supported the statue of Louis XIII. This bridge is 112 feet wide, and on each side houses were constructed, which were de- molished in 1809, when the approaches were improved. Bridges of the Hotel Dieu, at Paris; one called St. Charles, and the other au Double, were built about 1634 by the governors of the Hotel Dieu. One consists of two arches, 42 feet span, and the other of two arches 38 feet 4 inches span. They were covered with buildings welonging to the hospital, leaving a passage only 10 feet 8 inches wide for the use of the public. Bridge of Juvisi, near Paris, is remarkable for a serious error of construction. The piers on which it is built not being thick enough to resist the thrust of the earth, it is retained by eight stone arches built from one wall to another, instead of carrying up one arch lower and larger, which method has been adopted in a similar case, for the causeway at Cravant, where the arch being too large and too high, a second was constructed, the old walls were demolished, and the vacant space filled up, by which the original error was entirely rectified. Murie's Bridge, at Paris, was built by Christopher Marie, the principal contractor for bridge-building in France, and united the Isle of St. Louis to the other portions of the city. It was begun in 1614, and finished in 1635. In 1658 a flood carried away two arches and the houses upon them. They were rebuilt, first of wood, and then of stone, by means of a toll granted for ten years. The houses were not rebuilt, and the others were demolished in 1789. The Pont Marie consists of five semicircular arches 45 feet 6 inches to 58 feet 5 inches span. The piers are ornamented like those of St. Michael's Bridge. Its breadth is 77 feet 9 inches. Bridge of La Tournelle at Paris, also by Christopher Marie, was built of wood in 1614, and carried away by the ice in 1637, and rebuilt of wood; again carried away in 1651, re-constructed of stone, and finished in 1656. It consists of six semicircular arches from 51 feet to 58 feet span, and is ornamented in the same manner as the last-mentioned: the breadth is 53 feet 4 inches. Bridge of the Exchange, at Paris. A wooden bridge which existed in this place was carried away by the thaw of 1408, again destroyed in 1510, again at a time not exactly known, and a fourth time in 1579. Another thaw damaged it greatly in 1616, and threw down several of the houses built upon it. Lastly, it was burnt in 1621, at the same time with another wooden bridge called Marchand Bridge, only about 30 feet distant from it. The stone one now remaining was begun in 1639, and finished in 1647. It consists of seven semicircular arches, from 35 feet 2 inches to 51 feet 6 inches span. Its breadth is 107 feet: there were two rows of houses demolished in 1788. This is the largest bridge in Paris. Bridge of Maestricht, on the Meuse, built in 1683, by Frère Romain, a Dominican friar; it consists of eight stone arches, from 39 feet to 44 feet span, and a timber platform, which, in case of siege, could be easily removed. The arches are ornamented with archivolts. The plan of the starlings is an equilateral triangle on one side, and a half octagon on the other. The salient angle being, too sharp was destroyed by ice: it has been repaired, and the angle rounded off. Bridge of the Tuilleries, or royal bridge. A wooden bridge was constructed in 1632 by a contractor named Barbier, in the direction of the Rue de Beaune. This was burnt in 1656, as well as the Machine de Jolly, which raised water from the Seine. Cardinal Mazarine proposed to pay for its construction by means of a lottery, but this could not be effected, and it was rebuilt of timber, which was destroyed by a flood the 20th of February, 1684, and the foundations of that which now exists were laid the 25th of October of the following Louvois had just succeeded Colbert as superintendent of buildings. year. The designs were made by Mansard, and the construction carried on by Gabriel. The foundation of the first pier on the Tuilleries' side presenting some difficulties, on account of the bad quality of the soil, Frère Romain was sent for from Maestricht, who was we 256 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. believe, the first to use dredging machines, which he applied in this instance to prepare the earth on which the pier was to be built, and sunk a large barge filled with stones, sur- rounding it with piles and a jetty. A kind of chest was then sunk containing courses of stone cramped together, which were rendered more secure by long guarding piles, and the space between the walls was filled with rubble and puzzolana, then used for the first time in Paris. The foundation was loaded by a weight much greater than what it would have to sustain after the bridge was built, and as at the end of six months' trial it only indicated a com- pression of three-fourths of an inch, which was attributed to the contraction of the mortar, the pier and two collateral arches were carried up in perfect security. In the former were deposited all the inscriptions and medals. The bridge consists of five elliptical arches, from 68 feet 9 inches to 77 feet 2 inches span: the breadth is 55 feet 9 inches: the thickness of the arches 5 feet 6 inches. They are arranged with more regularity than in any of the preceding bridges of Paris. The two entrances are widened by forming over half of the last arches recesses, supported on trompes, which greatly facilitates the passage of carriages. The river is narrower at this point than at any other, consequently the current has a greatet depth and rapidity, and much of the bed is every year carried away, to prevent the evil results of which, materials are con- tinually thrown in. The cost of this erection was 742,000 livres. Bridge of Blois, on the Loire, was the first built after the establishment of the Ponts et Chaussées. It was begun in 1720 by Pitrou on Gabriel's designs. It consists of 11 elliptical arches, from 54 feet 9 inches to 86 feet 4 inches span. The starlings are in the shape of an equilateral triangle up the stream, and a semi-hexagon down it. The three first piers are 16 feet thick, the two centre 17 feet, and the two others 24 feet 6 inches; and these doubtless were intended for abutments in case some of the arches should be carried away. The other piers, however, appear thick enough to resist the pressure. The slope of the paving is about 1 in 200: it is too great: the water rises to the key of the lesser arches, while in the middle arches a considerable space remains useless. This bridge appearing after its construction not to give sufficient water-way to the Loire, a new channel for the water has been opened above. Bridge of Compeigne, on the Oise, was built in 1733 by Hupeau, engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées. It consists of three elliptical arches rising one-third: two of them are 70 feet 3 inches in span, and the other 76 feet 9 inches. It appears that in this bridge starlings were used for the first time, whose plan is a triangle formed by two arcs, each equal to one- sixth of the circumference. Bridge of Têtes, on the Durance, was built, in 1732, by Henriana, a military engineer, to connect the road between Brançon and Têtes. The arch is very nearly semicircular, and has a span of 124 feet 8 inches. The voussoirs are alternately 4 feet 9 inches and 5 feet 4 inches in length. The breadth in the middle is only 16 feet; but it is widened towards the entrance, and a considerable talus is given to the abutments, which no doubt adds to the stability of the edifice; and we have many other examples, still it appears more ad- vantageously applied to timber than to stone bridges. The thickness of the Bridge of Cravant, on the Yonne. This was built by M. Advyné in 1760, and has three elliptical arches, rising a third, from 57 feet 5 inches to 64 feet span. piers is 12 feet 9 inches. Fig. 261 CRAVANT bridge, Bridge of Charmes on the Moselle, built in 1740, consists of ten semicircular arches 64 feet, and two lesser semicircular arches 34 feet 2 inches span. As the stream does not rise higher than 7 feet 5 inches, the water-way is evidently too great. The lesser arches are separated from the rest of the bridge by massive piers 128 feet thick. The starlings are of squared stone, but the arches and spandrils of rusticated rubble. Bridge of Toul, on the Moselle, built in 1754 by Gourdain, has seven elliptical arches from 48 feet to 54 feet 6 inches span: it is constructed of squared stone. CHAP. VI. 257 FRANCE. Bridge of Trilport, on the Maine, projected and executed by M. Chezy, who began it in 1756 and finished it in 1760; the outlay was 489,000 livres; it consists of three elliptical arches; the centre is 81 feet span, the two others 76 feet 9 inches. The thickness of the piers is 7 feet 5 inches, that of the abutments 19 feet 2 inches. The breadth of the bridge is 32 feet. The arches are skewed, their axes making an angle of 72 degrees with that of the bridge; the foundations are on piles and a timber framework, and the water was pumped out by means of a vertical chain pump and a bucket-wheel driven by the current. To avoid the acute angles which the joints of the voussoirs would have formed with the bridge, from the skewing of the arches, Chezy introduced half-voussoirs or cornes de vache on each side of the bridge, the breadth of which is 5 feet 3 inches at the springing, gradually diminishing to nothing at the summit of the arch; the half- voussoir is comprised between the plane of the head and another vertical plane. The surface of the intrados is described by a horizontal gene- rator, perpendicular to the plane of the head, passing through the intersection of the vertical plane just mentioned, with the vault of the arch. The planes of the joint of the voussoir pass through the intersections of the planes of the joint of the vault with this same vertical plane, and through the generators of the voussoirs. The details and working drawings of these arches are given in a treatise by M. Bruyère, en- titled, "Etudes relative à l'Art de Construction." The bridge of Trilport was destroyed in 1815, the middle arch was removed, and the two piers yielded to the pressure of the lateral arches. Bridge of Port de Piles, on the Creuse, erected in 1747 by Bayeux: it consists of three ellip- tical arches rising one-third, and from 99 feet to 103 feet 8 inches span. The voussoirs were laid on beds of mortar beaten with a mallet, and in their joints, to the sixth course from the key-stone, long and wide wooden wedges were introduced, by means of which the compression was so regulated that when the centres were removed, the great arch sank only an inch, and the two others rather less. Bridge of the Pope, on the Erieux, constructed in 1756 by Pitot, consisting of seven arches nearly semicircular, 48 feet 6 inches span. It is of squared stone; the abutments are founded on a rock, but all the piers are built on piles. A general framework was constructed by driving two rows of piles capped both up and down the stream. Bridge of Orleans, on the Loire, begun in 1751 from designs by M. Hupeau. The work was carried on under his orders by Soyer, and was finished in 1760. Pitrou had made a nearly similar design, except that the situation was a little different, and the radius of the arches at the springing was greater, which tended to increase the water-way. It consists of nine elliptical arches rising a fourth, from 98 feet 1 inch to 106 feet 7 inches in span. The piers are from 6 feet 3 inches to 10 feet 7 inches high, and from 18 feet 2 inches ý the .ހދ Fig. 252 BRIDGE OF TRILPORT ON THE MA¡NE. 258 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. to 19 feet inches thick: the abutments are 23 feet 5 inches thick; the middle arch is 7 feet, and that which joins the abutments 5 feet 10 inches thick. The breadth of the bridge is 49 feet. The plan of the starlings is formed by two arcs, one-sixth of a circle up the stream, and a semicircle down it. The foundations are established on piles carrying a framework and platform of carpentry : the soil is a bed of sand from 4 feet to 13 feet in thickness, which covers irregular layers of marl and tufa. A foundation of this kind being very permeable to water, the pumping was attended with great difficulties. In the sides of the cofferdams, with which the abutment and piers were successively surrounded, several springs worked, which it was impossible to exhaust. They were at length enclosed in cisterns, in which the water was allowed to rise and round which a cofferdam was constructed with planks and clay: the nature of the soil also rendered pile-driving in some places very irregular; it often occurred that by the side of a pile which would only drive 6 feet into the tufa, another would go 16 feet, according to the nature of the beds they traversed. The arches were constructed on trussed centres, which being found too weak were strengthened by adding some pieces in the upper part, but after their completion, a settle- ment was perceptible in the seventh pier from the town, and a load of rubble weighing 1 tons was added to the two arches which it supported; the pier gradually sank 1 foot 7 inches, and the weight remained on it for five months afterwards. The pier and haunches were then relieved by small vaults in the upper part, which do not appear on the outside, being concealed by the facings. The same precaution was taken for the fifth, sixth, and seventh piers. The two arches adjoining the seventh pier have not experienced any accident and have only a slight irregular curvature, hardly perceptible. The only reason which can be assigned for the settlement is, that under the bed of tufa there was probably a soil, so light, that it only acquired sufficient consistence by the weight and compression to which it was subjected. The year after the construction of the bridge a sinking of the earth under the tufa took place under three of the arches and some of the starlings, to the depth of 2 feet 2 inches, and it was deemed necessary to drive two rows of piles close to each other, and 12 feet 9 inches apart, the whole length of the bridge, and 6 feet 6 inches below the starlings; they were cut off 3 feet 3 inches below the surface, and the space between was filled with rubble. All the other portions that had settled were treated in the same manner. The cost of Hupeau's design amounted to 2,084,000 livres, and the additional outlay was 587,000 livres. It was opened in 1768 by Perronet, who has published the details of the construction, Bridge of Saumur, on the Loire. The designs were made by M. de Voglia, the engineer- in-chief, and presented to the Ponts et Chaussées in 1753. The works were begun in 1756, and finished in 1764, under the superintendence of De Cessart. Fig. 263. SAUMUR. This bridge consists of twelve elliptical arches of 64 feet span, rising a third. are 12 feet 9 inches thick; some are 17 feet high from the springing. Fig. 264. PLAN OF PIERS, SAUMUR. The piers CHAP. VI. 259 FRANCE. The first soundings indicated a bed of gravel from 13 to 16 feet thick, and the length of the piles was fixed at from 26 to 30 feet. The foundations of an abutment and the ad- joining pier were first laid, but the exhaustion of the water was so difficult, that only one pier could be finished in the first season, and the piles were cut off 4 feet 4 inches below the surface. The abutment was finished the next season, and the piles cut off 4 feet 4 inches below low water. It being found impossible to establish cofferdams for the piers in the middle of the river, a proposal was made to adopt the method indicated by Belidor, which consisted in cutting off the piles under water, and sinking a platform loaded with masonry, by means of several screws firmly fixed. M. de Cessart invented a saw to perform this operation, but more careful consideration induced the engineers to use the caissoons, which Labelye had just employed at Westminster Bridge, and which were merely placed on the ground carefully levelled. The bottom of these caissoons was composed of pieces from 10 to 11 inches thick, which could rest on the piles throughout; the sides were moveable, and might be adapted to a new bottom after sinking the former one. All the other piers and the second abutment were founded in this manner. The piles of the second pier were cut off 7 feet 6 inches, and some 12 feet 9 inches below the surface. Care was taken to dredge the sand between the piles as much as possible, and to fill up the intermediate space with rubble, the upper surface of which was levelled 6 inches below the heads of the piles, so as not to affect the placing of the caissoons. The piles were driven by a ram moved by a wheel adapted to a horizontal axle; this saved one-half the expense and number of men. The saw for cutting off the heads, which has since been employed in several other places, was completely successful. The invention of this machine may be considered as a very important era in the art of building under water, and one of the most powerful methods at the disposal of constructors to overcome the difficulties which nature opposes to them; it has sometimes cut off twenty-two piles in a day. Founding the piers at the bridge of Saumur, by means of a caissoon, by De Cessart in the year 1757, was thus accomplished. The bottom of the caissoon was 48 feet in length, and 20 feet in width, from outside to outside. The ends were in the form of an isosceles triangle, two sides of which were 13 feet 3 inches. The outside timber of the frame-work was 18 by 16 inches, scarfed in their length, in the manner termed traits de Jupiter, and rebated on the inside edge to a sufficient depth to receive the timbers which crossed from side to side, and were dovetailed at every 3 feet, the со --------- ၁ဝဝဝဝဝဝဝဝ о о Fig. 265. O o O o O o o p o O o O o O o SAUMUR PIERS. оо O 60000 ဝဝဝဝဝဝဝဝဝဝ others between them being laid with square edges; they were secured by wooden pins an inch in thickness, not driven entirely through, in order that the bottom of the caissoon should present no inequality to the heads of the piles on which it was to rest. To fasten them, however, more effectually, a wedge was driven into the points of the pins previous to their being inserted, which forced them upwards, and formed beneath a second head, ren- dering their withdrawal almost impossible. After the first planks were laid and pinned down, another piece, 10 inches in width, and 8 inches in height, was spiked over their ends and united to the main timber by iron bolts, 15 lines in diameter, at every 3 feet; on this was laid another longitudinal timber, 12 inches high and 8 inches in width, bolted through the planks, and laterally through the main timbers: the space between these outer timbers was then covered with planks. S 2 260 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 266. SECTION OF THE CASSOON. inches thick, laid longitudinally, and crossing at right angles those previously laid; thus the bottom became 14 inches thick, and the superficial area of the base 1160 square feet. The height of the sides was 16 feet above the bottom, and composed of 24 squared timbers, the scantling of which was 9 by 6 inches, laid on edge; these were of oak, and the length of each course was 72 feet; at the angles they were lapped one over the other each two courses were alternately pinned together, making one solid mass. To strengthen the angles, the timbers were doubled, pieces 4 inches in thickness being placed vertically; one in the angles, 18 inches in width, between two others 12 inches in Fig. 267. JOINTS OF THE CARPENTRY OF THE CAISSOON, width, well pinned into the outer timbers, the wedge being driven into the heads of the pins to render them more secure. CHAP. VI. 261 FRANCE In addition, there were three knees or curved pieces, 8 feet long and 8 inches square nicely fitted, and pinned very securely with oak pins. Within the caissoon were placed perpen- dicularly other planks at the ends, 4 inches in thickness, and 12 inches in width, pinned with great care; between these and the angle ties were five others, at equal distances apart, sustained by diagonal sheets, all securely pinned. For closing the joints the outer edges of ㅁ ​O Fig. 268. SIDES OF CAISSOON. Fig. 269. Carpentry of caissoon. the timbers were all chamfered, and moss of the oak was forced into them by means of chisels with rounded edges, driven by iron hammers till it became very hard, and effectually closed the joints. Oak laths soaked in water, an inch in width, rounded on one side and flat on the other, were nailed over the joint of moss, care being taken to drive the nails alternately above and below the joint; this manner of caulking with moss had been previously used with success for all the large barges which navigated the Loire. To attach the upright sides to the bottom of the platform of the caissoon, De Cessart made use of a very simple contrivance, so that by drawing a wedge the whole might be released at one time. We have observed that the sides were composed of layers or courses of squared timbers; in the inside and outside of these were others placed perpendicularly, and dovetailed into the sides of the main timbers of the lower platform, which dovetails were so cut, that they allowed the timber to be wedged home by an upright piece placed along their sides, and at the bottom a void of 2 inches in depth was left, which, after the screw which Fig. 270. CAISSOON. s 3 262 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. held the main upright in its place was withdrawn, permitted it to descend, and the wedge piece by its side to be drawn up; when this was done the whole side was easily re- moved. This caissoon was constructed in a convenient situation, and commenced by driving three parallel rows of piles 3 feet from centre to centre, forming twenty-four piles, united by cross pieces 22 feet in length; the first row was cut off level with the water line, the second and third 3 feet higher, in order that the inclined plane might facilitate the floating of the caissoon. The whole was made level to receive the platform by blocking up with timbers, 30 feet in length, and of a scantling 15 by 12 inches. In the middle was a pro- jecting bracket and other contrivances, so that when the bottom of the caissoon was raised to an angle of 20 degrees, it would slide easily into the water. In laying out the bottom, care was taken to place its centre of gravity 6 inches within on the land side, and after the caissoon was constructed, it was filled with water by means of a pump, to prove the caulking. To fix the upright timbers which were attached to the horizontal layers that formed the sides of the caissoon, four iron bolts, 20 inches in length and an inch in diameter, were passed through them, with their heads on the outside and the nuts within, that they might be easily unscrewed; these were well caulked round with moss to keep the water from pene- L OGOO Fig. 271. CAISSOON. trating, and eight chains were attached to them to facilitate their drawing. To prevent the caissoon from collapsing when placed in the water, five diagonal struts were introduced, which could be easily moved: after all was prepared, the wedges towards the land were withdrawn, and the centre of gravity being 6 inches nearer that side, an inclination to move was given to it; sixteen men at eight jacks raised it a trifle, and then allowed it to slide gently towards the river; when afloat it drew 24 inches of water; the bottom was forced up about 3 inches in the centre for every 1000 feet superficial of base, 31 inches for 2080 feet, and 5 inches for 5084 feet. It was towed to its position on the Loire by six rowers, and before the heads of the piles were cut off, the lower course of masonry was commenced, 14 inches in thickness, over the lines previously drawn for the position of each stone. After this it was found that the caissoon drew 41 inches of water, and remained perfectly level. An inclined plane was formed of two pieces of timber, on which ran a small carriage, that brought down the blocks of stone, and facilitated the operation of the masons. When the heads of the piles were all cut off, the caissoon was towed to its place, every precaution being taken to moor it in its exact situation; the second course of stone was then Îaid, 20 inches in height, formed of 30 blocks; the caissoon then drew 61 inches of water, its position was again verified by stretching a piece of timber across the intended span, and when half the third course was laid, it was settled on the heads of 116 piles, driven to receive it; a verification was then made that it had taken up its exact distance from the piers already constructed on the land. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh courses of stone were then laid and cramped, and in the eighth course, which formed the springing of the arches, were introduced three mooring rings on each side, tied at their ends by irons 14 feet in length. All the masonry being completed, the joints well dressed, and covered with powdered lime and fine sand, which hardens in water like puzzolana, the sides of the caissoon were CHAP. VI. 263 FRANCE. removed by first taking out the irons at the ends, cables were attached to the rings of the chains, the bolts which held the upright pieces were withdrawn, and the stays inside were removed; the water then entered; the upright timbers, which have been described as dove- tailed at their ends, were driven downwards, and the wedges at their side being released, were drawn up by hand; these were all taken out in succession, and the sides drawn out by means of three crabs placed in a barge, after which they were towed away to be applied to the bottom of another caissoon for the next piers. To relieve the centres after the arches were turned, De Cessart adopted the plan of cutting away a portion of the ends of the braces; he removed the wood by making as it were three mortices, and leaving the whole centre supported upon two tenons at its ends, 2 inches in width only; these were afterwards cut away, and the whole dropped in a body. Bridge of Tours, on the Loire, begun 1755 by Bayeux, is the longest bridge in France, except those of St. Esprit and La Guillotiere, over the Rhone at Lyons. • It was finished in 1762, and consists of fifteen elliptical arches, rising a third, and 80 feet span. The piers are 16 feet thick; the breadth of the bridge is 48 feet; it was founded partly by cofferdams, and partly by caissoons; the length and water-way appear great when compared with the neighbouring bridges; several accidents have nevertheless occurred. The bottom is a sand bank from 6 to 10 feet thick, under which, and from 19 to 23 feet below low water, is a bed of tufa, in which the piles penetrate about a foot. This foundation appeared sufficiently secure; the piles of one pier have, however, yielded to the superin- cumbent weight, and it has sunk about 3 feet, and gone over about as much. The arches were demolished, and the pier removed, as well as another construction on the old foundation; this accident is attributed to the bad quality of the timber of the piles, which had remained a long time underground, and were partly rotten. A thaw then occasioned the sinking of three other piers, the ice formed a kind of bar above the bridge, and the water running rapidly under the arches on one side only carried away the sand between the piles, and laid them bare, and four arches fell in. The recon- struction of the piers was very difficult, the ruins of the first pier were removed with great labour and expense, and the foundations were consolidated and rendered secure; the second pier was still more difficult, the piles having gone over 3 feet on one side, and it was pro- posed to suppress the three last arches, which would have given a greater water-way than was necessary; this plan was therefore not adopted, and a method was suggested for es- tablishing a cofferdam on the platform of a caissoon, which projected 4 feet 3 inches beyond the masonry, and the latter faces were thus restored. The interior was then to be emptied, and the courses and bottom would be easily removed, it being impossible to ar- range a cofferdam in the usual manner, from the great depth, and the ruins of the arches. This method did not entirely succeed, because the piles had yielded unequally; those on the outside having resisted more than the others, the bottom was broken and the pier had passed through it. These injuries rendered the total exhaustion of the cofferdam im- possible; the remaining courses were raised piecemeal by multiplying the machines and pumps, and the bottom of the caissoon being entirely destroyed, it was removed by thirty- six chains attached to different machines, worked by ninety-six men, who raised about 911 tons at once; it was brought ashore by 150 casks and two boats. Bridge of Moulins, on the Allier, was begun in 1756, and finished in 1764, under the direction of M. de Regemorte, and consists of 13 elliptical arches, 64 feet span. The piers are 11 feet 8 inches thick; the breadth is 42 feet 8 inches. The construction of this bridge was very difficult; three bridges had been erected in the same situation in 35 years; two, of stone, had been successively carried away. The last was by Mansard, it consisted of three great elliptical arches supported by thick piers, which only gave a water- way of 377 feet. The length was 830 feet. The fall of these bridges was attributable both to defects in their construction and want of width, a circumstance which the nature of the bottom rendered very dangerous. The bottom is a coarse sand of great depth, into which it is difficult to force piles of from 10 to 12 feet, although the floods frequently tear it up to a depth of 16 or 20 feet. M. de Regemorte perceived the necessity for increasing the water-way considerably, in order to diminish the velocity of the current, and the sequel has proved that what he gove it was far from being too much. In 1790 the water rose to within 3 feet of the crown of the arch, and it was thought that if the right bank had not given way, it would have run some risk. The increase of width did not remove all fear for the safety of the bridge; it was thought that the least obstacle in one arch might occasion the soil to be carried away from under the others; to avoid this a framework was constructed under the bridge, 6 feet 6 inches thick, having the upper surface 3 feet 3 inches below the level of the water: the breadth is 111 feet 6 inches. This precaution set all anxiety at rest. There are few cases where the arrangements have been made so perfectly in accordance with the natural circum- stances of the place, or have been worked out in so intelligent a manner. The details of the construction have been published by M. de Regemorte. s 4 264 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Aqueduct of Montpellier, is one of the finest works of the kind in France, and conducts water from the sources of St. Clement and Boulidou to the town of Montpellier. It was built in 13 years by Pitou. There are two tiers of arches, the lower is 70 in number, their span is 27 feet 8 inches, the thickness of the piers 12 feet 3 inches. Those of the upper tier are only 9 feet. The greatest height of the aqueduct is 92 feet. It is entirely constructed of squared stone; one of its terminations is in the Place de Peyrou, which it traverses on three arches, where there is a reservoir. The total length is 3215 feet. Aqueduct of Carpentras, on the Auzon, has 33 semicircular arches, 38 feet 4 inches span, and 12 lesser arches of 25 feet 7 inches, without comprising a segmental arch of 76 feet 9 inches, on which it crosses the Auson. The thickness of the piers is 12 feet 9 inches. Its width is 7 feet 3 inches above and 17 feet below; the greatest height is 82 feet, and the total length 2560 feet. Bridge of Dole, on the Doubs, begun in 1760, and finished in 1764 by Guéret, consists of 11 elliptical arches rising a third, from 52 to 62 feet in span. The piers are from 10 feet 8 inches to 11 feet 6 inches in thickness. Their foundations, 7 feet 6 inches below the water, are supported by little piles about 13 feet long. The facings are of squared stone, and the bridge appears to have been carefully built. A sort of false framework was constructed below bridge, and some jetties made round the piers; two, however, sunk, which has occasioned the fall of the corresponding arches. The piles which supported them had been entirely deprived of the materials which re- tained them, and it had been thought sufficient to place jetties round the piers, without filling up the void formed in the interior of the foundation. Bridge of Mantes, on the Seine, where the river is divided into two principal branches, each about 360 feet wide, and one lesser branch: the old bridge, called that of Limay, was AAA Fig. 272. MANTES. constructed on the first of these; the second, called Fayol, from the name of the engineer, is composed of thirteen arches, comprising one for the towage; there is also a third, with the same number of arches, below which a new bridge was commenced. Fig. 273. PLAN OF MANTES BRIDGE. The stone employed was brought from the quarries of Saillancourt, Cherance and Veteiul, all of which were of excellent quality. In Perronet's work is shown the con- struction of the centres, and the methods adopted to supply the various material to the workmen, which are novel and interesting. The cofferdam was formed in a similar manner to that constructed at Neuilly; the piles were shod with iron and driven with heavy rams, some with a force of half a ton; and after the whole were placed, the dragging commenced, and was continued until all the mud and sand were removed; the machine used being that contrived CHAP. VI. 265 · FRANCE. by M. Regemorte for the same purpose at the bridge of Moulins. The space between the piles was then filled with clay, and, when water-tight, the pumping out was com- menced, and the whole of the vast interior rendered dry: pumps and chapelets worked by men, and an undershot-wheel, being constantly in use for this purpose; the whole was under the directions of M. Hupeau, who made the designs and commenced the foundations in 1757, and was finished by M. Perronet in 1765; it consists of three eilip- tical arches, 115 and 128 feet in span. Their springings are 3 feet 3 inches below the surface, and the platform of the foundations 6 feet 6 inches; the height of the middle arches 37 feet 3 inches, and of those at the two sides 35 feet 8 inches. The piers are 25 feet 7 inches, and the abutments 28 feet 9 inches; the width is 35 feet 5 inches. 0000000OQNO O OF со Fig. 274. COFFERDAM AT MANTES. In constructing the arches of this bridge, they commenced by one of the side arches, which was almost finished, when there were only ten courses of voussoirs on the middle arch. The inequality of pressure resulting from this on the intermediate pier thrust it in a horizontal direction. The piles took a slight inclination, and, although the voussoirs of the great arch were placed with the greatest possible celerity, the motion was not stopped till the pier had moved 43 inches; the arch was, however, continued, and, to prevent the effect of pressure on the other pier, care was taken to preserve the distance from the centre by ties composed of pieces scarfed together. This precaution succeeded perfectly, and after putting in the key-stones, the first pier was carried back 24 inches towards its proper position. The details of the construction have been published by M. Perronet. Bridge of Bord, on the Oeil, built in 1764 by M. Leclerc, is on the road from Moulins to Autun. It consists of a single arch 69 feet 3 inches span. All the facings are of squared stone, and the work is very good. Bridge of Nogent, on the Seine, built between 1766 and 1769, by M. Perronet, consists of one elliptical arch, 96 feet in span, 29 feet 9 high from the springing to the key. The thickness of the abutments is 19 feet, they have shoulders and terrace walls. The arch is of very hard sandstone, and its thickness is from 4 feet 3 inches to 5 feet 2 inches. The bridge of Nogent has been the subject of an interesting experiment on the motion and rupture of arches. Before the centres were removed, a portion of the masonry of the haunches had been constructed, which partly prevented the joints of the voussoirs, which had opened during the progress of the work, from closing as they generally do; added to this, the centres were struck immediately after the arch was finished, which increased the settlement; these different circumstances rendered the points where the acting parts of the vault separate from the resisting parts very visible, and particular arrangements have been made with the view of ascertaining them exactly. It consists Bridge of Albias, on the Aveyron. This was built in 1770 by M. Boesnier. of three elliptical arches 76 feet 9 inches and 83 feet in span. Its width is 39 feet. Bridge of Sorges, on the Anthion, constructed by M. Regemorte; it consists of 7 arches 19 feet 3 inches in span. Gates are attached to them by means of which the water may be 266 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. entirely shut out. The object of this is to prevent the inundation of the Loire, which covered an extensive country, and made the Anthion flow back to a great height. Bridge of Carbonne, on the Garonne, constructed in 1770 by M. Saget. It consists of three equal elliptical arches rising a third, 102 feet in span. The vaults are extradossed, and with the starlings are of squared stone, the rest is of brick. The width is 25 feet 7 inches. Bridge of Montignac, on the Vézère, begun in 1766 and finished in 1772 by Tardif. It has two semicircular arches, 42 feet 8 inches in span, and one elliptical of 66 feet. The abutments and one pier are founded on a rock. The other pier is supported on piles. Bridge of Brives, on the Loire, constructed 1772 by Grangent. It consists of five elliptical arches from 51 to 59 feet in span, and two lesser arches of 10 feet span, placed behind the abutments. Its breadth is 28 feet 6 inches. It is built on a rock, and in great floods the water rises to the cordon without injuring it. This is the first bridge under which the Loire passes, being at this point a rapid torrent. Bridge of Pesmes, on the Ougnon, constructed 1772 by Bertrand; consists of three seg- mental arches, 44 feet 9 inches in span. The piers are 6 feet 4 inches thick, and the abut- ments 12 feet 9 inches. The arches are flattened, and only rise 3 feet 10 inches, or nearly one-twelfth of the chord. The thickness of the vault at the summit is 3 feet 10 inches. The height of the piers, 11 feet 8 inches from the platform. The bridge of Pesmes is the first in France in which arcs of circles were used whose springings are on a level with high water. The arches sank considerably when the centres were struck, and the want of thickness in the abutments has occasioned some important settlements in one of them, the consequences of which were only prevented by using extraordinary precautions. Bridge of Pontlieu, on the Huisne, built in 1773 by Voglii. It consists of three elliptical arches, which rise between a third and fourth of the span, which is 57 feet 4 inches. The thickness of the abutments is 14 feet 5 inches. This bridge having no plinth, the parapet forms one, projecting 1 foot 7 inches from the faces of the bridge. Bridge of Ingersheim, on the Fecht, constructed in 1773 by M. Clinchamp, a military engineer. It consists of three elliptical arches, rising between a fourth and a fifth, with a span of from 50 to 60 feet. The thickness of the abutments is 21 feet 3 inches. It is built on piles 6 feet 6 inches below low water. Bridge of Drôme, constructed in 1774 by M. Bouchet, on the road from Lyons to Mar- seilles, with three elliptical arches, rising a third, from 85 to 96 feet span. This bridge is of very beautiful construction, but the foundations are now too high. The bed of the river has sunk below bridge, and as the foundations are of squared stone, a fall is produced which might occasion the earth to wash away; this has been provided against by driving piles, between which large stones are thrown, to resist the action of the current. The bridge itself is also too high, the floods never rising above half the height of the arches, which is the more evident on comparing its height with that of the banks above the bridge. Perronet, Jean Rodolphe, a celebrated engineer attached to the Ponts et Chaussées, was born at Surène, near Paris, in 1708. His father was an officer in the French service, and a native of Vevei, in Switzerland, after whose death he devoted himself to the study of architecture, and in 1725 he became a pupil of Debeausire, one of the architects of Paris. When scarcely seventeen years of age, he was entrusted with the superintendence of the great sewer of that portion of the quay, called l'Abreuvoirs, between the bridge of Louis XVI. and the Tuilleries; and also of the projecting footway of the Quai Pelletier, near the bridge of Notre Dame. In 1747, the minister Trudaine founded the School of the Ponts et Chaussées, and placed Perronet at its head; he had been for ten years an associate of this body, and had obtained the office of inspector and engineer-in-chief of the department of Alençon. In becoming a director of the new establishment in February, 1747, he received the title of Chief Engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées in France, and in the administration of this celebrated establishment he fully maintained the high idea his talents had inspired, and the great works which were entrusted to him confirmed his reputation. Thirteen bridges were executed from his designs, and eight which were projected show his ability and in- vention. All are remarkable for some peculiar beauty, and some are masterpieces, never having been surpassed, as Neuilly, Nemours, St. Maxence, and that of Louis XVI. at Paris. Neuilly was the first example of a level bridge, and was commenced in 1768; all the court were present when the centres were struck, in September, 1772, the whole belonging to the five arches were lowered in three minutes and a half. St. Maxence is remarkable for the boldness of its design; that of Nemours, finished in 1805, has undergone some change, but the design was Perronet's. That of Louis XVI., at Paris, may be considered as peculiarly his own; it unites every species of elegance, convenience, solidity, and easy approach; it was to have been decorated with trophies, but the statues of illustrious men who have done honour to France have been CHAP. VI. 267 FRANCE. substituted for them. Perronet was desirous of perforating the piers and abutments, which would have added to its beauty; but he was obliged to abandon the intention, in conse- quence of the fears entertained by some that such a construction was insecure: he returned to this idea in the bridge of Maxence, and experience has proved that these fears were chimerical. It is a remarkable circumstance, as M. Bertrand has observed, that at the time Perronet was studying architecture at the Louvre, the Academy having proposed a prize for a design for a bridge to be constructed opposite the church of the Madelaine, Perronet was the successful competitor. His claims to public gratitude are not confined to these works: to him France was indebted for the Canal de Bourgoyne; he also proposed to render the river Yvette navi- gable, an extremely bold project, which has been superseded by the execution of the Canal de l'Ourque. During the space of thirty years, in the neighbourhood of Paris alone, more than 600 leagues of road were formed and planted with trees; a vast number were widened, levelled, and rendered convenient for every kind of traffic; and before 1790 nearly 2000 bridges, of various span, were placed under the superintendence of the Ponts et Chaussées. He was appointed inspector-general of the salt works in 1757, which he held till 1786. He invented several ingenious machines; among them a saw for cutting off the heads of piles under water; a cart, called after him, which unloaded itself; a drag for cleaning har- bours and rivers; a plane table carrying a pencil; a double pump, with a continued action; and an odo-metre, applicable to pumping out. This latter instrument, which may be adapted to all machines, shows the number of turns of the winch made by the workmen employed, and by this means regulates the quantity of work and price; it is also used for measuring the distance travelled on foot or on horseback, which renders it peculiarly useful for military men; and it is so exact as to indicate the retrograde steps. Perronet was a member of the Royal Societies of London, Stockholm, Berlin, &c., and several other learned bodies. The court of Russia, in 1778, desired him to prepare a design for a bridge over the Neva, which was of a very magnificent character. Perronet bequeathed his bust, in marble, presented by his pupils, his books, his models, &c., to the Ponts et Chaussées. His great age, and the respect his services had acquired, preserved him from the revo- lutionary tempest, and he died universally regretted in 1794. His published works consist of an account of the bridges of Neuilly, Mantes, Orleans, &c., several memoirs inserted in the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences, a memoir on conducting the waters of the Yvette and Bievre to Paris, and on the means which might be adopted to construct arches of stones from 200 to 500 feet span. The roads formed by him and various designs were published in three volumes, folio, at the expense of the government. M. Lesage published, in 1805, an eloquent discourse upon M. Perronet, who may be considered the most distinguished civil engineer in France who had been instructed by the writings of Belidor, in which the first attempts were made to embody what was known of hydraulic architecture: the Italian philosophers at that time had, by their discoveries, awakened in the schools of France an inquiry into the principles of science, and had already pointed out the connection that existed between practice and the mathematical sciences. It was not, however, the high scientific attainments of Perronet that exalted his name, or caused him to be the founder of a new era in bridge-building, but his nice observance of the prevailing modes of construction, which he set about reducing to a system, and which turned to the best account the movements and employments of workmen and artificers of every denomination; he showed where labour might be saved by the in- troduction of machines, and instructed them how many difficulties which occur in laying the foundations of buildings in water might be overcome, then unknown or forgotten. We cannot turn over the engravings which represent the labours of this eminent engineer without acknowledging how much we owe him; he evidently belonged to the school of utility, upon which is now engrafted in France the refinements of mathematical analysis: those youths who now aspire to be eminent as civil engineers undergo a scrutinising ex- amination in the physical sciences, and are not admitted to the post of sub-inspector, nor are they introduced to any practical employment, until they have shown a perfect acquirement and thorough knowledge of geometry, mathematics, chemistry, mineralogy, and the sciences connected with them. The practical man is considered as the entrepreneur, or contractor, and never charged with the superintendence of any great work, nor is his opinion valued farther than as regards his capability of performing what he is entrusted to execute: the design in France is left to the learned, and the carrying into effect to the artizan. ♫ 268 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Of Perronet's bridges, those at Orleans, Mantes, and Neuilly, exhibit the most profound knowledge of construction, and the principles of the art. The rise of the arches is between a third and quarter of their span; and the manner in which the cofferdams were formed is also deserving of our attention; although to an English engineer there ap- pears to be a lavish employment of material, and too much expended upon the temporary bridges, and tackle to supply the stone &c. for the construction of the piers. In the bridge at Neuilly there was a novelty introduced in the formation of the soffites of the arches, which were shaped to suit the contracted vein of water, as formed in the entrance and exit of pipes. This was ingeniously exe- cuted, by making the general form of the arch elliptical, but the headers followed the segment of a circle: thus, whilst the elliptical arch rose a quarter of the span, the segment of the circle had given to it a ninth rise; by this arrangement it was supposed the flood waters obtained a better passage, and also superior lightness of effect given to the bridge. Mansard, Gabriel, Hupeau, Gautiers, and Perronet, by means of cofferdams, constructed the piers of bridges on very rapid and deep streams; and in the published works of the latter, the engineer will find all the detail of their operations very beautifully given. Water wheels were usually employed to work bucket wheels, which threw up the water as much as twelve feet, and thus kept the interior of the cofferdams dry. Bridge of Neuilly, on the Seine. This celebrated work was built from the designs of M. Perronet, and was conducted under his superintendence by M. de Chezy; it was begun in 1768, and finished in 1774, and is placed in the axis of the palace of the Tuilleries, and the centre walk of the Champs Elysées; the line is prolonged by the road along the rising ground of Chante Coq, where it divides, one branch to St. Germain, the other to Bezons. It consists of five elliptical arches, rising a quarter, 128 feet in span. Their springings are on a level with low water, and there is a distance of 7 feet 5 inches between high water and the neck of the arch. The thickness of the piers is only 18 feet 10 inches. The plan of the starlings is a semicircle; they are slightly curved at half their height. Behind the abutments, the thickness of which is 35 feet 5 inches, are arches for warehouses 15 feet in span. The roads to the warehouses are paved for a great distance, and the slopes are sustained by walls extending 331 feet on each side. The width of the bridge is 48 feet; 31 feet for the road, and 6 feet 6 inches for each foot pavement. The arches are brought to a level with the face of the bridge by cornes de vache, terminated by the prolongation of the arc which forms the summit of the ellipsis. The foundations are on piles, and were pumped out by cofferdams 7 feet 6 inches below low water; the breadth of the mass on which the piers are built is 22 feet 4 inches; it projects 2 feet 1 inch round the whole of the foundations. The facings are of large squared stone, and the mass of construction is filled in with rubble to 26 feet above low water. The river formerly divided into two branches at the point where the bridge is built; one part of the island was re- moved to enlarge the arm on the side of Courbevoie, and the other was filled up; had not this been done, the bridge must have been in two parts. Compared with the other Paris bridges, the water-way is too great, and we must regret that a work so perfect in all its details should have so great a defect in its general arrangement. The incon- veniences resulting from this are already perceptible, by an evident silting up in the islands between which it is situated. ELEVATION OF THE BRIDGE of Neuilly. Fig. 275. Fig. 276. SECTION OF THE BRIDGE OF NEUILLY. CHAP. VI. 264 FRANCE. THE SECTION. C Fig. 277. PLAN OF COFFERDAM AT NEUILLY. The bridge was terminated for 2,305,000 livres, and the terraces and roads cost 1,172,000 livres more. Bridge of Horbourg, on the Ill, constructed in 1775 by M. Clinchamp, and having five elliptical arches, rising two-fifths, from 55 feet 5 inches to 68 feet 2 inches in span. It is not quite so flat as Ingersheim, but the general arrangement is very similar. Bridge of Neuville, on the Ain, built in 1775 from Aubry's designs; it consists of two elliptical arches 95 feet 9 inches in span, and is carefully constructed and decorated; the rapidity of the water under the vaults is remarkable. It is built on a rock, which was even excavated to obtain a solid foundation; great difficulty was experienced in constructing the bank which abuts against it; this was carried away several times, and could only be finished by working with great celerity when the water was low. The fall renders the passage extremely dangerous for the floats of timber which come down the river, and which run the risk of being broken on the rocks. Bridge of Fouchard, on the Thouet, at Saumur, was begun in 1774, under the direction of M. de Voglie, and finished in 1782, under M. de Limay; it consists of three segmental arches 85 feet 3 inches span, and 8 feet 7 inches high. The piers are 12 feet 9 inches thick Fig. 278. ARCH OF THE BRIdge of fOUCHARD. M below, and 9 feet 10 inches above, and are 4 feet 3 inches below the surface, and the piers are 17 feet high. The abutments are formed by a mass 38 feet 4 inches thick con- 270 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. solidated by three buttresses, each 9 feet 2 inches long, and 6 feet 6 inches wide. The section of the voussoirs is continued for a length of 13 feet beyond the opening. The arches were raised 1 foot 1 inch higher on the working drawings. They remained a year on the centres, at the end of which time the mean sinking of the arch was 33 inches; المبدل بالان = ELEVATION. Fig. 279. BRIDGE OF FOUCHARD. forty days after the centres were struck, it was 6½ inches. The parapets and the pavement having been laid very soon after, a new settlement took place, and the parapets over each arch assumed a slight curvature, the versed sine of which was 1 inches in 1792, and 13 inches in 1806. These settlements were accompanied with an opening of the joints of the extrados at the springing of the arches, and are less perceptible in the middle than in the two other arches. The vaults were placed on trussed centres, according to Perronet's system. Bridge of Lavaur, on the Agout, constructed in 1775. It consists of a great elliptical arch approaching a semicircle, with a span of 160 feet 9 inches. The breadth is 38 feet 4 inches, and it has very high return walls. The thickness of the arch is 10 feet 8 inches at the key, and is greatly the cause of the wearing away which has taken place. The accidents cannot be ascribed to a want of strength in the abutments, which are very thick. The sustaining walls, whose convex form tends to diminish the resistance, could not sustain the pressure of the earth, and they have been reconstructed and consolidated on the interior. The water-way appears too great. It is too highly decorated for its situation. Bridge of Semur, on the Armançon, was built in 1780 by M. Dumorey; it has a single semicircular arch 76 fect 9 inches span. The retaining walls support more than 43 feet of earth, they are 9 feet 7 inches thick, and are strengthened by buttresses. Although there was only a thickness of 13 feet 6 inches of earth between the parapet walls of the bridge, they were not sufficient; large buttresses were constructed to prevent the thrusting out, which seemed evident when the earth was only three-fourths of its present height. Bridge of Navilly, on the Doubs, built in 1780 by M. Gauthey; it consists of five elliptical arches rising a third, 76 feet 9 inches in span; the piers are 16 feet thick, and are elliptical on the plan; the height of the piers is 8 feet 6 inches, and the platform is 4 feet 3 inches was very below low water. The curvature of the faces of the piers, and the springings of the arches, is prolonged to the starlings, so that the water does not meet any angle or face opposed to the direction of the current, and the contraction it undergoes in passing the bridge is as slight as possible. The arches are constructed with coins of squared stone, the intervals being filled with worked rubble, so as to form natural caissoons. Bridge of Chalons, on the Saone, is an old bridge of five semicircular arches, from 42 feet 8 inches to 64 feet span, the breadth is 19 feet 2 inches. It was enlarged by Gauthey to 32 feet; above bridge the starlings were triangular, and the enlargement was effected by cornes de vache; below they were rectangular, and archivolts were formed. On the pro- jecting part of the starlings are obelisks for supporting the lamps, they are set half into the wall as high as the parapet. Besides the five great arches, there is a smaller one through which the towing horses pass, and it would be easy, by means of a small iron balcony, to pass the rope under the next arch, which would prevent any interruption in the towing. Bridge of St. Maxence, on the Oise, begun in 1774, and finished 1784, after the designs of M. Perronet; the works were conducted by M. Dausse and M. Dumoustier. It is com- CHAP. VI. 271 FRANCE posed of three segmental arches 77 feet, 9 inches in span, and 6 feet 4 inches high. The thickness of the piers is 9 feet 6 inches; the abutments were to have been 24 feet thick, strengthened by three buttresses 19 feet long, but they were carried up in a solid mass ELEVATION. SAINT MAXENCE, PLAN. Fig. 280. SECTION. HI FE TH FE Fig. 281, SAINT MAXENCE, ABUTMENTS, 租 ​H E 肝 ​EX GET E 272 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 64 feet thick, which rises to the under side of the pavement. The height of the piers is 19 feet 3 inches, and their foundations are laid in steps which project altogether 6 feet 5 inches. The platform is laid 8 feet 6 inches below low water, which gives a total height of 27 feet 9 inches to the springings, the thickness of the arches is 4 feet 9 inches at the summit. The breadth of the bridge is 41 feet 6 inches; the arches were turned on trussed centres, according to Perronet's system. The piers are not as usual a solid mass; they, as well as the half piers attached to the abutments, are composed of two groups of columns, leaving a space of 9 feet 7 inches between them. The base of the interval is formed by a reversed arch, and the top is covered by a lunette, which penetrates the vaults of two adjacent arches. The courses of each column are formed by pentagonal newels, which occupies the centre, and five stones cut like wedges applied to each side of the newels; an iron rod passing through the axis of the column traverses the newels from top to bottom; the wedges are united to one another, and to the newels, by cramps; the courses are bolted together, the five first courses of voussoirs, the fourteenth, fifteenth, and twenty-sixth rows are entirely cramped; in the other courses, except the twenty-eighth and the keys, the faces only are cramped. During the construction, advantage was taken of the force of the current to drive the piles, so that there were only three men to each engine, and the stones were raised by cranes. The arch adjoining the left bank was blown up in 1814, but was not entirely destroyed. On the upper side of the bridge a zone 8 feet 6 inches wide remained, in which the voussoirs, especially at the summit, were fractured and displaced. The middle arch had suffered a slight settlement of 3 inches on the upper, and 63 inches on the lower side, in consequence of which the joints opened at the intrados of the summit, and the extrados of the springings. The group of columns to the first pier have of columns to the first pier have gone over inch up the stream, and 1 inch down it. The arch on the right bank was not injured. After having strutted the pier, the arch was restored by constructing in succession a first zone to the front arch, a second in the middle, and a third to the other front, replacing that which remained after the explosion. Some of the voussoirs were left out to be placed after it had settled; the whole was finished in 1816, and the details, which are extremely in- teresting, are given in the "Etudes pour l'Art de Construction," by M. Bruyère. Bridge of Rumilly, on the Cheran, built in 1785 by M. Garella, consists of a semicircular arch 128 feet in diameter; the springing is 10 feet 8 inches below low water. The width is only 23 feet 5 inches. This is the largest semicircular arch constructed in France during the last century. Bridge of Vizile, on the Romanche, constructed by M. Bouchet, on the road from Grenoble to Briançon. It consists of a single elliptical arch 137 feet 5 inches in span, and 38 feet 4 inches high. The thickness of the keystone is 6 feet 4 inches, and that of the abutments 32 feet. Bridge of Lempde, on the Alagnon, built 1785, by M. Mauricet, is an elliptical arch 101 feet in span. Bridge of Homps, on the Aude, constructed 1785 by M. Ducros, consisting of three seg- mental arches, one-sixth of a circle, with a span of 70 feet 2 inches; the arch on the faces is flatter than that of the centre of the vault, and small cornes de vaches are constructed, which terminate on the crowns of the starling. Bridge of Chateau- Thierry, on the Marne, begun 1765, finished 1786, after a design by M. Perronet: it consists of three elliptical arches rising a third, 51 feet 2 inches and 47 feet 3 inches in span; the breadth is 35 feet 2 inches; the thickness of the piers is 14 feet 4 inches, and that of the abutments, which are strengthened by return walls, is 15 feet. The foundation is laid on a frame of carpentry, supported on piles 13 feet 7 inches below the springing of the arches; the thickness of the keystone is 4 feet in the centre arch, and 3 feet 9 inches in the two others. Bridge of Mazères, on the Lers, built in 1787, by M. Pertinchamp; it is composed of an ancient segmental arch, 70 feet 2 inches in span, and two modern semicircular arches, 44 feet 7 inches and 48 feet 6 inches in span. They are decorated with an archivolt, and the pier, which has no starlings, is faced by pilasters. The decorations have a tolerably good effect, but the omission of starlings is in most cases attended with inconveniences. Bridge of Chavannes, at Chalons-on-the-Saône, constructed in 1787, at the extremity of one of the faubourgs, by M. Gauthey. It consists of seven elliptical arches, rising a third, 42 feet 8 inches in span; the height of the piers is 8 feet 6 inches, and the thickness 15 feet, the width is 32 feet. The situation not permitting the pavement to be sufficiently elevated, high floods rise to the key of the arches, and in order to compensate for the diminution of water-way the river undergoes in rising, oval openings 8 feet 6 inches wide are made in the upper part of the piers. The foundation is a coarse gravel, so compact that the piles could not be driven more than 4 feet 3 inches into it. Constructions raised on such soils being very liable to settlements, a timber platform was placed under the bridge, 52 feet 6 inches wide, and 3 feet 3 inches thick, the upper surface being 3 feet 3 inches below low water. CHAP. VI. 273 FRANCE. Bridge of Rosoi, on the Hyeres, erected in 1787, from a design by M. Perronet, and con- sisting of two segmental arches equal to one-sixth of a circle, 25 feet 6 inches in span; the thickness of the abutments is 12 feet 9 inches, and that of the pier 6 feet 4 inches; the thickness of the keystone is 3 feet. The arches and facings are of very hard sandstone carefully dressed; the breadth is 35 feet 2 inches. Bridge of Brunoi, on the Hyères, constructed in 1789, and, like the preceding, from M. Perronet's designs; it consists of three arcs equal to one-sixth of a circle, and 19 feet 2 inches The thickness of the piers is 3 feet 9 inches, and that of the abutments 10 feet in span. SUSASSSS 25252525252525 ELEVATION. SECTION. Fig. 282. BRIDGE OF BRUNOI. 8 inches; the springings of the arches are 7 feet 5 inches above the last set-off; the thickness of the keystone is 21 feet. The bridge is entirely constructed of squared stones, and the foundations are laid on a platform 3 feet 3 inches thick; the total width is 30 feet 4 inches. Bridge of Louis XVI. at Paris, begun 1787, and finished 1791, from M. Perronet's design. It has five segmental arches of 75 feet 9 inches, 85 feet 3 inches, and 94 feet span: the per- pendiculars are 6 feet 4 inches, 8 feet 9 inches, and 9 feet 9 inches. The thickness of the piers is 9 feet 6 inches. The starlings are formed by columns 9 feet 6 inches in diameter, rising to the cornice; three-fourths of their radius are, however, hidden within the piers. The abutments are 51 feet 3 inches thick. The width of the bridge is also 51 feet 3 inches, and each footway is 8 feet wide. The thicknesses of the keystones are 3 feet 2 inches, 3 feet 3 inches, and 3 feet 8 inches, not comprising 10 inches for the prolongation of the lower part of the architrave. The springings of the arches are 19 feet 2 inches above low water. The piers and abut- ments are built on steps with a projection of 6 feet 4 inches. The platform is 5 feet 6 inches below low water. The stone was from the works at Gare and the ruins of the Bastille. This bridge was constructed and decorated with the greatest care. The elevation is crowned by an entablature supported on modillons; the parapet is formed of balusters. Above the starlings of each pier are square socles intended for the support of iron obelisks, but for which colossal marble statues have now been substituted. It is to be regretted that their proportions, as well as those of the pedestals, are too large. In the bridge of St. Angelo at Rome this point is much better attended to. Bridge of Gignac, on the Herault, begun 1777, finished 1793, by M. Garipuy: it consists, of two semicircular arches 83 feet in span, with cornes de vache, and a great elliptical arch rising a third, 160 feet 9 inches in span, on piers 8 feet 6 inches high, ornamented with an archivolt: their thickness is 25 feet 7 inches. Bridge at the union of the Southern Canal with that of Narbonne. The bridge is built at the point where the southern canal makes an elbow, so that it is the means of uniting three branches of canals and three of roads. The arches are arcs of circles, in order to accommodate the towing-paths of the canals. The faces of the bridge are curved to facilitate the junction of the roads. M. Belidor has described a similar bridge situated at the junction of the Ardres and Calais canals, which unites four arms of canals and four of roads. The arches are semi- circular. Bridge of Herault, on the road to Nice. This arch, designed by M. Grangent is 105 feet in span, and 19 feet high; both extremities are on the rock. T 274 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Bridge of Nemours, on the Loing, constructed by M. Boistard from designs by M. Per- ronet. It was completed in 1805, and has three segmental arches 53 feet 3 inches in span, and 3 feet 9 inches high. The thickness of the piers is 7 feet 2 inches, their height 13 feet 10 inches above the water, and 19 feet 2 inches above the platform. The footings pro- ject 3 feet 2 inches all round. The thickness of the abutments is 16 feet 10 inches, and they are consolidated by three buttresses 17 feet long, and 6 feet 4 inches thick. The thickness of the keystone is 3 feet 2 inches. The width of the bridge is 41 feet 6 inches. This work was constructed with the greatest care, and notwithstanding a considerable flattening of the arches, no settlement manifested itself. M. Boistard has published some experiments which he made during its progress, and on the effect of the machines used in pumping out the water. Bridge on the Road of the Simplon consists of two bays 42 feet 8 inches in the opening. They are built partly on a rock and partly on a pier from 20 feet to 23 feet thick and 95 feet high. This arrangement was adopted in order to afford an opportunity of breaking it down in case of war; otherwise the rocks might have been united by a single arch 98 feet 5 inches in span. 1 Bridge over the Ravines of the Côte de Maires. This as well as other bridges of the same kind was built on the road from Viviers to Puy. The two arches, placed one above the other, are from 33 feet to 40 feet high. Although constructed of granite and basalt, they are considerably decayed; for after floods the ravines which they traverse bring down masses of rock from 10 feet to 12 feet square, which break the stone, and in some cases carry it away. In such localities it would be infinitely preferable to raise a thick wall to block up the valley, which is soon filled up with debris. The water then falls in cascades to the bottom of the wall, which, being founded on the rock, cannot be injured. Bridge of Roanne, on the Loire, was begun in 1789. It consists of seven elliptical arches rising a third, 76 feet 9 inches in span. The thickness of the piers is 15 feet, and the bridge is further strengthened by a general ground-work 3 feet 3 inches thick, and 3 feet 3 inches below low water, composed of a bed of beton, 2 feet 1 inch thick, which was suffered to harden for a year previous to covering it with masonry. Above and below it rows of piles were driven, and, in addition, on the lower side a jetty of rubble was con- structed, 8 feet 6 inches deep, maintained in the same manner. The width of the bridge is 38 feet 4 inches, 25 feet 7 inches for the road, and 5 feet 10 inches for each footpath. There were formerly two wooden bridges, separated by an island, which have been suc- cessively carried away: one arm being in a great measure filled up, and not allowing a sufficient water-way, the bridge which crossed it was destroyed by a flood. The other shared the same fate a few years after, from the effects of a bar formed by poplars, which the river brought down in great numbers. Bridge of Bellecour, on the Saône at Lyons, begun at nearly the same time as the prece- ding. It has 5 elliptical arches, 68 feet 2 inches in span. It is situated in a very con- tracted part of the river, where the depth was from 16 to 20 feet below low water, It was built by caissoons, and the piles are cut off 9 feet 10 inches below the surface. Bridge of Montlion, on the Durance, commenced in 1805 by M. Delbergue-Cormont; it is a single elliptical arch, rising one-fourth, and 101 feet 8 inches in span. On one side the foundations are on the native rock, and on the other on piles. Bridge of St. Diez, on the Meurthe, constructed from designs by M. Lecreulx, and consisting of three segmental arches, 39 feet 4 inches in span, and two small semicircular arches 13 feet span. The height of the first is 3 feet 3 inches. It is raised on piers 5 feet 3 inches both in height and thickness. Bridge of Montélimart, on the Roubion, is on the road from Lyons to Marseilles, and consists of three elliptical arches 63 feet 11 inches in span. Its width is 28 feet 9 inches. Bridge of Maligny, on the Serin, built by M. Werbruge. It consists of a nearly semi- circular arch, 84 feet 3 inches in span. The foundation is 4 feet below low water; it is entirely rubble, from 3 to 4 inches thick, and from 10 to 11 inches long, chisel-dressed, and squared like regular masonry.; the waste was great, the stone being reduced to one- half its original bulk. To prevent the centres from starting at their summits during the construction of the arch, and to avoid loading them, the arches were begun in different places, and were locked together by three keys; they remained fifteen days on the centres. The bridge was solidly built, but the form has become slightly altered, the two heads having started from their original position, and assumed a curvature of 7 inches perpendicular. Bridge of Rieucros, on the Douctoire, begun 1770, finished 1790, by M. Garipuy. It consists of three elliptical arches, 55 feet 5 inches in span; the piers have no starlings. Bridge of Mireppis, on the Lers, also the work of M. Garipuy, was begun 1776, and com- pleted 1790. It has seven arches, one-sixth of a circle, 64 feet span. The plan of the starlings is a mixtilineal triangle: the width is 25 feet 6 inches; the foundations are 19 feet 8 inches deep, on a solid soil. Bridge of Frouart, on the Moselle. This fine bridge was constructed in 1788, by M. Lecreulx, to replace an old one which had been founded at the level of low water, and CHAP. VI. 27.5 FRANCE. was carried away by a flood in 1788. It consists of seven elliptical arches, with a span of 64 feet, and rising between a third and a fourth; the thickness of the piers is 13 feet 10 inches; the plan of the starlings is semicircular, and they have a flattened spherical top. The abutments are formed of a mass 35 feet 2 inches thick, and 47 feet wide; the width of the bridge is 32 feet. The foundations were laid by means of cofferdams, on a platform 6 feet 6 inches below low water, and were surrounded by a row of piles; the soil is a solid gravel; the arches were constructed on trussed centres. It cost about 440,000 francs. In placing the voussoirs around the elliptical arches, a greater depth was given to those of the upper part, which formed the flattest portion of the arch, or rather those which had the longest radius. We find that most of the bridges erected at this time in France had the depths of the voussoirs proportioned to their several radii: the very reverse of this system was adopted by Mr. Ren- nie in those he built over the Thames; that able en- gineer gave the greatest length to those voussoirs which commenced the arch, and gradually diminished it towards the key. We shall find, by a comparison with one of the arches of London Bridge, that in our present example this difference is very evident; but those we shall describe afterwards in France are constructed in a different manner, and several writers upon bridges point out the necessity of doing what was, perhaps, first practised in England, viz. that of placing the first voussoir upon an inclined, in preference to a horizon- tal bed, as was commonly done by such an arrange- ment, there was less pro- bability of the whole sliding off the pier, or along the abutment, and the pressure of the arch was delivered below the springing. ELEVATION. PLAN. 머 ​SECTION. Fig. 263. BRIDGE OF FROUART ON THE MOSELLE T 2 276 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 284. BRIDGE OF FROUART. Bridge of Rouen, on the Seine: the remains of a stone bridge built by Matilda, wife of Henry II., Duke of Normandy and King of England, about 1160, are still visible at Rouen. It was 480 feet long, and composed of thirteen arches; several of these having fallen, and others carried away, the thoroughfare was closed in 1564, and in 1626 it was replaced by a bridge of boats. The new bridge was decided upon in 1810. The designs were made by M. Lemasson, and the work begun in 1811. In 1812, it was placed under the direction of M. Lamandé, who proposed several changes, the chief of which related to the manner of founding the piers. It consists of two equal parts, which may be considered as two distinct bridges, separated by a circular mass which forms the lower extremity of the island of La Croix. They are not in a line with each other, their axes comprising an angle of 146°, which arrangement was adopted in order that the two bridges might be perpendicular to the current of the two arms of the river, and directed to the points of commencement of the two new roads. Each bridge consists of three segmental arches. The span of the middle one is 101 feet 8 inches, and the versed sine of the arc of the intrados 13 feet 9 inches. The span of the lateral arches is 85 feet 3 inches, and their versed sine 10 feet 7 inches. The spandrils are decorated by a semicircular niche, placed over each pier. The springings are 16 feet 9 inches above low water. The thickness of the arches 3 feet 5 inches. The piers, ter- minated by semicircular starlings, are 10 feet 5 inches thick at the springings, and 11 feet 10 inches at the base. The width of the lowest course of footings is 16 feet 8 inches; the piles which support it are cut off 9 feet 9 inches below low water. The abutments are formed by a mass 59 feet thick and 60 feet 9 inches wide, in the middle of which an arch is constructed, 13 feet span, and 12 feet 4 inches high to the key-stone. This mass was founded on piles 3 feet 6 inches below the surface. The cornice on each side has a fall of 1 in 34 from the middle of each bridge, which slope extends to the approaches. The total width is 49 feet 2 inches, of which 29 feet 6 inches is for the roadway and 7 feet 10 inches for each foot pavement. The embankment required was nearly 16 feet in depth, and extended to the houses. The abutments were founded by cofferdams, on piles 39 feet 4 inches long, 4 feet 3 inches apart they are defended by a row of piles touching each other. The depth at low water is 28 feet 6 inches, and the side rises about 6 feet 6 inches. The piers were founded by caisscons on piles 49 feet 2 inches long, and 3 feet 3 inches apart. The foundation is surrounded by a row of piles touching each other, retained by bands; it is farther strengthened by a similar row 5 feet 2 inches wide, forming a starling round the piers, the heads of which are 19 feet 8 inches below low water. The interior both of the piers and the starling was dredged, and filled with concrete, and the exterior defended by rubble work. The arches were placed on fixed centres formed by three pairs of principals, supported by two rows of piles. Bridge of Sevres, over the Seine, on the road from Paris to Versailles, was designed by CHAP. VI. 277 FRANCE. M. Becquey de Beaupré, and executed by M. Vigoureux; it was finished in 1820, allu consists of nine principal semicircular arches, 59 feet in span, and two lesser 16 feet 4 inches in span for the towing path. The thickness of the piers is 11 feet 5 inches; the width of the bridge 42 feet 7 inches. It occupies the situation of an old wooden bridge, and the axis is in | the direction of the dome of the Invalides. The piers were founded by means of caissoons. The arches were constructed on trussed centres, which did not change their form during the placing of the voussoirs. All the arches were keyed in July, 1815, except the first on the right bank, where there still remained fourteen courses of voussoirs to place, when orders were given to break down the bridge, and the centre of this arch was first set on fire, and the fourth blown up by two discharges, which caused the rupture of some of the inner voussoirs of the arches, and it was afterwards discovered that settle- ments had taken place in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth piers, the greatest of which was 23 inches. In 1818, the sixth pier was loaded with 112 tons, without any movement resulting; it was thought fit, however, to discharge the weight by means of arches in the piers. The foundation piles were 3 feet 11 inches apart, and each carried a weight of fifty-two tons; the voidings, however, diminished this weight by about five tons and a half. A general foundation was also con- structed by throwing in rubble. The settlements are attributed to the effect of the explosions; but they would not, perhaps, have taken place had the piles been less loaded, or the intervals between them been filled in with hydraulic masonry to a height of 6 or 8 feet between the ground and the tops of the piles, instead of with ma- sonry laid in common mortar, which does not harden under water. In this beautiful example, the roadway is kept perfectly level throughout, and the arches are all of the same span; this was ren- dered necessary, as the banks on each side of the river were low, and it was not deemed advisable to raise the crown of the roadway, which might have been done on the Paris side, but towards the town of Sevres, it would have been more difficult to accomplish, as the houses on each side of the street, and the entrance to the royal park, would have been equally inconvenienced. The piers, all of the same dimensions, are of great strength, their width being nearly equal to a fifth of the span of the arch. The faces of the voussoirs, which are rusticated and rounded, increase in depth towards the springing; the effect is improved by this arrangement, and we have an additional strength given where it is most required. For the piers, abutments, and arch stones, the best stone which could be obtained was made use of, and apparently the atmosphere has produced little change upon it: as the stones laid in the quarry, so are they bedded, and their dimensions and proportions are well defined for their respective situations. In the spandrills and wing-walls, there does not appear to have been sufficient attention paid to the backing, and inferior material is said to have been used. This bridge, which has a decidedly Roman character, is one of the best where semicircular arches have been preferred to the elliptical; the same centre would serve for all the arches, and there is some economy in such an arrangement; but the piers occupy together upwards of 90 feet, while the breadth between the abutments or water-way does not exceed 622 feet: by the adoption of a flatter arch, fewer piers would have been required, and consequently more water-way would have been obtained: but the whole is deservedly much admired, and its design seems in harmony with the scenery around, and with the character of the river: over a stream where the tide rose considerably, or the navigation was more important, a bolder design might have been introduced. The elevation and section through the piers show its solid con- struction, and the form also of its starlings: over the arch are well contrived drains, which lead off the waters that fall upon the road- way, and conduct them behind the spandrills into the stream below: the blocking course, which forms the parapet, is supported upon a bold block cornice, and the absence of all balustrade and railing BRIDGE AT SEVRES. ~ Fig. 285 T 3 278 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 286. PIER OF BRIDGE AT SEVRES. Fig. 287. SECTION OF BRIDGe at sevRES. greatly adds to the effect of the structure. The roadway is paved throughout, and at the sides beyond the water channel is a footway, laid with a gentle inclination. Bridge on the Serrière, near Neufchatel, constructed by M. Ceart; the foundations are on a rock, and it consists of a semicircular arch 69 feet 3 inches in span. The thickness of the arch is 5 feet 2 inches; that of the abutment, which does not rest against the rock, and which forms a pier 14 feet 1 inch high, is 16 feet 5 inches. This bridge, 26 feet 3 inches wide from one head to the other, is a good example of bridges of one arch constructed over small rivers in the departments of France: the engineers cotemporary with Ceart, and particularly those who, like him, had studied the Roman remains in Provence, seem to have universally adopted the semicircular form for their arches, and to have constructed their abutments with great solidity: the refinements which have been introduced in modern times have greatly economised material, the thickness of the voussoirs at the crown has also been reduced. Boistard and Berard have pointed out how erroneous it is to consider the strength of an arch as dependent upon the weight of its key-stone: the great depth in the present example is an unnecessary load, and by its adoption every other portion, down to its abutments, has been proportionably increased, without the whole acquiring any ad- ditional strength. CHAP. VI. 279 FRANCE. The Bridge of the Military School, formerly bridge of Jena, on the Seine at Paris, is situated in the prolongation of the axis of the Military School and of the Champ de Mars. erection of a bridge in this situation was decided on in 1806, the arches of which were to have been of cast-iron; but in 1808, Lamandé obtained permission to execute it on the present design, which is composed of five equal segmental arches, 91 feet 10 inches span, and 10 feet 9 inches high. The thickness of the arches is 4 feet 8 inches; their spring- ings are 20 feet 1 inch above the surface. The piers are 9 feet 10 inches thick, and have semicircular starlings; they were founded by caissoons on piles cut off 5 feet 4 inches below the surface, and 3 feet 9 inches apart. The abutments are formed of a mass 49 feet 2 inches thick, and 59 feet wide, 13 feet 1 inch high at the level of the springing, of rough stone, bonded horizontally and vertically. The width of the bridge is 46 feet, that of the road-way 30 feet 7 inches, and of each footway 7 feet 10 inches; it is crowned by a level cornice supported on consoles. There are at the entrance four pedestals for equestrian statues. The arches were constructed on centres formed by three courses of principal timbers, disposed according to the system of M. Perronet, but strengthened by two rows of piles. The motion of the arch during the placing of the voussoirs was scarcely perceptible. The centres were easily struck by first removing the struts applied against the piers, and then the intermediary piles. The total sinking of the arch was at most 6 inches. The semicircular arch having its springing upon the hori- zontal line, or diameter, its load or weight acts perpendicular, or in the direction of its gravitation, and it has not that ten- dency to spread and exert a lateral thrust, and consequently does not require such solid abutments, as that which is the portion of a circle or a segment; but the semicircle cannot be always introduced, as its height would require that all the ap- proaches should be elevated, and where the banks of a river, as in the present instance, are low, it is not very practicable. The segmental arch obviates this objection, and also can be executed with less material, but the lateral pressure being augmented, more consideration is required for the strength of the abutments; in an arch of this description, the thrust increases as the angular measure of the length of the arc diminishes. The arches of the bridge of Jena are very nearly those produced by the side of a hexagon, and its portion of the circle: they seem to have been set out by striking a curve round one side of an equilateral triangle, which is as flat a segment as has hitherto been introduced. The horizontal thrust of such an arch requires a provision not only that it may bear its own weight, but also any which may be added to it; the piers may be made light, where the arches comprise only sixty degrees, as the weight is carried to the extremities. In the five arches of this ex- ample the abutments received the greatest attention; their thrust, it was considered, acted upon the two extremities of the bridge, where the masonry was sufficiently strong to resist it. The flatter the arch or the greater the segment, the less width is required to be given to the piers, but the masonry saved in the piers must be given at the abutments. During the occupation of Paris by the foreign powers in 1814, the Prussian army were desirous of destroying a monument consecrated to one of Napoleon's most brilliant victories, and preparations were made for undermining the lower part of the piers; but this act of barbarism was coun- termanded, and the evidences of it have since been effaced. The bridge of the Ecole Militaire combines both sim- plicity and elegance, and may be considered to possess the highest degree of beauty that can be imparted to con- structions of this description. Fig. 288. BRIDGE OF JENA. T 4 280 Boor L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 289 SECTION OF BRIDGE OF JENA. Fig. 290. BRIDGE OF JENA. Bridge of Bordeaux, on the Garonne, consists of seventeen stone arches resting on sixteen piers and two abutments. The length between the abutments is 1590 feet, and the width 48 feet 6 inches. The arches are segments of circles, whose versed sine is one-third of the chord. The seven middle arches, which are equal, are 86 feet 11 inches span, and the five first on each side are successively 68 feet 10 inches, 72 feet 6 inches, 76 feet 1 inch, 79 feet 8 inches, and 83 feet 3 inches. The thickness of the piers at the springing of the arches is 13 feet 9 inches. The Garonne has a general depth of 22 feet, and in some places of 33 feet at low water. The tide rises twice a day to 13, 16, and even 20 feet above this level. The currents in both directions have occasionally a velocity of more than 10 feet in a second. The river flows over a bed of sand and mud easily displaced. The borings gave a resisting soil at 39, 49, and 52 feet below low water. Two hundred and fifty fir piles were driven under each pier, and cut off 12 feet 3 inches below low water with a circular saw. Before the piles were driven, a large frame was sunk 1 foot 6 inches below the plane of cutting off, to regulate their position and their distances apart, formed of strong pieces of timber placed longitudinally and transversely; the stones which fill the spaces between the piles, from 3 feet 3 inches to 8 feet 2 inches above the bottom, kept the heads of the piles steady, and are levelled even with the foundation. All the bases of the piers, and the water-way under the arches, are covered with a pavement of rubble work, the stones which compose it being enveloped by the mud which is deposited in their interstices, presents, as the experience of fifteen years proves, a mass impervious to the erosive action of water. The masonry of the piers was raised in a caissoon of a pyramidal form at the base, and the upper part of the sides rising vertically to a height of 25 feet 10 inches above the plane of the heads of the piles with a length of 78 feet 8 inches, and a breadth of 27 feet 2 inches at the level of the same plane. CHAP. VI. 281 FRANCE. The centres for the arches were composed of fifteen pair of principals, each of which formed as it were a single voussoir; the pieces were put together on two boats united and raised in a body by means of crabs placed on the scaffold of the piers. By this simple and economical process the whole centre of an arch 86 feet 11 inches in span was placed in three days. Before the arches were commenced the piers were proved by loading each with a weight of 3924 tons, in the form of a pyramid composed of stone blocks and rubble; the weight of the arches was also diminished by lightening the internal mass of the tympanum and every portion that was not necessary for the stability of the extrados, by constructing galleries the lengthways of the bridge; these again were traversed breadthways by vaults of the same form and span. These precautions effected a diminution of 3280 cubic feet in the weight borne by the piers; greater facilities were thus afforded for examining the interior of the bridge, ascertaining if any filtrations or settlements had taken place, and making any requisite repairs. this Squared stone and brick were both employed in the masonry; the archivolts are entirely of freestone, and they are united by rows of voussoirs in horizontal lines, so as to form caissoons filled with brick; the heads are relieved by openings, in order to facilitate the passage of the various substances carried down by the rapid currents of floods, which, without great precaution, might seriously injure the arches. The Garonne rises occasionally to very great heights; in 1770, the increase was more than 23 feet above low water required an extraordinary elevation to be given to the bridge, which, added to the ne- cessity of uniting two banks sometimes 3 feet under water, have prevented the causeway from being made entirely on the level, which is only maintained over the seven middle arches and half of the two next; the remaining portion has a fall of about one in eighty. Quay walls, 574 feet long, are retained on each side of the abutments, at the ex- tremities of which steps descend to the river. The river forming too great an elbow just at the bridge a dyke has been raised on the right bank above bridge, of rubble work, 16,404 feet long; in some places 46 feet high, and more than 98 feet base. Its effects were such that in a few months the bar called "la Manufacture" was entirely removed. The bed of the Garonne was deepened on the left bank, and the property on the right bank increased by a clayey deposit of 100 hectares in surface, of which several portions are now covered with vegetation and plantations, and some are under cultivation. Since 1820, a diving-bell has been used for any repairs that might be required in the rubble work, and its general stability has thus been satisfactorily ascertained. Bridge of Libourne, on the Dordogne, consists of nine semicircular arches, each of 65 feet 7 inches span, resting on eight piers 12 feet 6 inches thick at the springing. All that has been said of the bridge of Bordeaux, both as to form and system of construction, applies to that of Libourne. The piling, the frame, the rubble work, the caissoons, the centres, the voussoirs, the mixture of brick and stone, the voiding of the upper mass of the piers, the double slope from the middle, and the architectural decoration, were projected and executed on the same principles. The roadway on this bridge like that at Bordeaux is formed by a brick arch carrying masonry laid in hydraulic mortar, covered with a dressing of broken stones. The footways at Bordeaux are paved with small pebbles of different colours laid in con- crete, forming lozenged-shape compartments. Those of Libourne are paved with brick laid flat in mortar. Each entrance of both bridges has two lodges, one for receiving toll, the other for the police. Their architecture is simple; those at Bordeaux are ornamented with a porch formed by two pilasters and two columns. The foundation piles at Bordeaux and Libourne were shod, for the first time, with conical cast-iron shoes, with a wrought axis in the centre; this method has since been employed in several great hydraulic operations in France, on account of the resistance it affords, and its great economy. The two bridges were built from the designs and under the direction of M. C. Des- champs, inspector-general of the Ponts et Chaussées. The Pont du Louvre, or des Arts, was the first iron bridge constructed in France under the auspices of M. de Cessart, inspector-general of the Ponts et Chaussées, and its execution was confided to M. Didon. It is composed of nine arches, each measuring between the piers 56 feet 8 inches, the piers being 6 feet 6 inches in width. The arches are composed of five ribs, placed about 6 feet 8 inches apart; the ribs are cast- iron, 6 inches deep, and about 3 inches wide, formed in two thicknesses. The chord of the arch is 60 feet 8 inches, and its versed sine 12 feet. When iron was first applied to bridges in France, its properties were by no means understood by the engineers; they, in general, attributed to it a greater strength than it possessed, and consequently the first constructions in this material were very faulty and defective: what had been executed in England they greatly admired, and were anxious to imitate, but the cost of iron being much higher in France, they adopted too strict an 282 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 291. BRIDGE of the Louvre. ་ • SECTION. Fig. 292. PLAN. CHAP. VI. 283 FRANCE. economy in its application, and some of their first iron bridges over the Seine gave way, or were afterwards remodelled or removed. Fig. 293. BRIDGE OF THE LOUVRE. Fig. 294. BRIDGE OF THE LOUVRE. Poyet, an architect of considerable eminence, who gave the design for the beautiful façade of the Chamber of Deputies, turned his attention to constructions of iron, and laboured much for its general introduction. This foot-bridge has been greatly admired for its lightness; but, as constructed in the first instance, its strength was not found sufficient, and some upright supports were added; the alterations made are shown by the additional strength given to the ribs and platform above; and also by the diagonal braces of iron introduced in the outer divisions. Pont du Jardin du Roi, at Paris, commenced in the year 1800, and finished six years after- wards, was designed by M. Lamnande. It has five arches, resting on stone piers, 9 feet 10 inches in width, and 21 feet in height, above the level of the water. The arches are parts of circles, the chord of which is 105 feet, and the versed sine 10 feet. There are seven ribs at the distance of 7 feet apart, formed of a series of voussoirs, 4 feet 9 inches long, attached to each other by a number of wrought iron bolts. The spandrils are filled with other frame-work, composed also of portions of circles, united by radiating and upright piers of iron: the principals are connected with rods of cast-iron. The timber frame, or platform, which covers this bridge is gravelled, and the footways are paved with stone. After its construction, it was perceived that several of its parts near the abutments had yielded, and a considerable fracture was the consequence: this gave rise to many inquiries into the properties of the metal employed, and since that period other iron bridges have been constructed: but there is no treatise on the subject by the French engineers. Where stone abounds of such excellent quality, there seems to be no inclination to substitute iron for its use and as that metal is not obtained at a very reasonable rate, it is not probable that it will be employed so generally as in England. The iron bridges in which the principles of timber construction have been preferred to the introduction of the voussoirs, or the practice of the mason, are decidedly superior in effect: the experiments of Mr. Telford to form a suspended centre for his intended Menai Bridge gave rise to much of the constructions employed upon iron bridges in 284 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. France; and no one has done more to explain the principles defined in our examples than M. Dupin: there is yet wanting, however, such daring efforts as the Southwark Bridge; and there has been no attempt at the construction of an arch equal in span to those of 3000OCOCCCCCCCCCC0000000000 0000000000000C C C C C C D C C 000000000000000CCCCCCroce, SODOOOOOOO.CCCCC0000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOOIO0000000000000000000000000000cc00cc00 ELEVATION. Fig. 295. PONT DU JARDIN DU ROI. stone, and the state of the iron trade in France does not promise that much will be done with that material for the purposes of building. After the bridge had been finished three years, its defective construction was apparent and it became necessary to introduce a considerable addition of iron work to render it secure, and to prevent the effects that change of temperature had produced upon the several voussoirs. HEA 000 0000 I 6000 18 Fig. 296. Pont on the Crou, near St. Denis, was built in 1808; its span is 39 feet 3 inches, and its versed sine 30 inches. It is composed of three principal ribs, a little more than 5 feet apart. About nine tons of iron were used in it, and the cost was 15,879 francs. CHAP. VI. 285 FRANCE. HAT HH ELEVATION. CHAHHHHHHH) : Fig 297. BRIDGE ON THE CROU. SECTION. Fig. 298 BRIDGE ON THE CROU. Supply of water. Aqueduct of Arcueil, near Paris; this ancient work was repaired in 1613, by Jacques de Mosse, at the command of Mary de Medicis, Queen of Henry IV., who required a better supply of water at the Luxembourg, which was collected from the neighbouring plains, and conducted by the aqueduct to the palace. Its length is nearly 1250 feet, and its breadth 11 feet 9 inches: it is strengthened at distances of 40 feet by buttresses, between which are nine arches, each 25 feet 7 inches span; the greatest height is 72 feet, and the whole construction, which is of squared stone, is most admi- rable. The fountains which embellish the gardens and public squares at Paris require a great supply of water, and have always been distinguished for their taste; those of modern Italy can alone compare with them. The palaces of St. Cloud, Luxembourg, Palais Royal, Tuilleries, volumes of water are consumed for ornamental purposes, and serve to cool the atmosphere, and render it refreshing during the warm seasons, and at all times contribute to the beauty of the scene around: what in London is distributed for domestic comfort, is in France exhibited in artificial display. The Cité d'Orleans, in the Rue St. Lazare, the writer constructed, and supplied from the Canal l'Ourq with water, laying on the same to the several houses in the manner practised in London, introducing at the same time other luxuries not then common in Paris. These, however, could not be rendered so efficient as in London, from the want of the public sewers. Generally, at that time, the houses were supplied by the water- carriers, who sought for it at the public fountains. 1688. Aqueduct of Maintenon. This immense work was undertaken 1684, and abandoned in The levels and calculations were made by Lahire, and the project itself is Vauban's, who directed the construction; had it been finished, it would have surpassed in grandeur and magnificence all ancient or modern erections of the same kind. 286 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING, span, It was to have formed part of a canal intended to bring water from the Eure at Pongoin to Versailles, a distance of nearly twenty-five leagues. The canal passed under ground in several places for a length of 4233 feet. The length of the aqueduct, which was in masonry, was 16,090 feet. It was to have presented five parts of different construction. First, 940 feet of 17 great arches, each 41 feet 8 inches in diameter, with piers 26 feet 7 inches thick, the greatest height 83 feet. Secondly; a length of 4815 feet 9 inches in two rows of arches, 70 in the lower row, 42 feet 8 inches span, and 140 in the upper, 18 feet 7 inches span, the piers 25 feet 7 inches thick, and the greatest height 135 feet. Thirdly; 3203 feet 8 inches in 3 tiers of arches, the first 47 arches, 42 feet 7 inches and 83 feet high, with piers 25 feet 6 inches thick, the height of the first row 97 feet 6 inches, of the second, 90 feet 6 inches. The third formed of little arches, two of which corresponded to one of the lower rows, its height was 46 feet 4 inches. The piers and buttresses were inclined. The canal supported by the third row was 7 feet 6 inches wide, and 4 feet 3 inches deep, with footways of 4 feet. The total height was 90 feet 6 inches. The breadth of the construction was 21 feet 4 inches at the impost of the arches of the third row, 30 feet 10 inches at that of the second, and 15 feet 1 inch at the first. Fourthly; 5377 feet 4 inches, of 77 lower arches similar to those of the second part. Fifthly; 575 feet 6 inches, of 11 arcades similar to the first portion. The different parts of the construction were to have been united by corkscrew staircases. The piers in the upper rows were pierced with arches. Forty-seven arches on the first row of the third portion were constructed. The piers are built of very hard sandstone, and well put together. The interval is filled with masonry of rough work, which has decayed from the bad quality of the cement. The arches are mostly of brick, and, where care was not taken to carry the quoins through which strengthen the piers, this decay is most evident. The whole is in a far worse state than are many of the buildings of antiquity. Several rivers were rendered navigable, and a canal was dug for the purpose of transporting the materials; and it is said that 22,000,000 francs were expended in this useless work. Aqueduct of Buc, near Versailles, was constructed to bring water from the plain of Sacle to Versailles. It consists of two rows of arches; the upper are nineteen in number; the lower range carries a bridge 13 feet 2 inches wide, over which the road crosses the valley, and is continued on a terrace of earth, so that the lower arches are entirely buried. The length is 1345 feet, and the height 42 feet 8 inches. mill-stone, strengthened by quoins of squared stone. place is supplied by giving a great slope to the sides. 10 inches. The masonry of the piers is a kind of There are no buttresses, but their The thickness of the piers is 13 feet Aqueduct of Marly, is intended to conduct water from the Machine de Marly to Versailles, and begins at the reservoir, at the foot of which the machine is placed, and is 2113 feet in length; it consists of a single row of arches 25 feet 6 inches span. The piers are also 25 feet 6 inches wide; their thickness is 19 feet 2 inches below, and 6 feet 6 inches above. The greatest height of the aqueduct is 82 feet. Abattoirs are buildings appropriated to the slaying of animals intended for food, collecting and cleansing the offal, and preparing the various substances which it yields, as glue, gelatine, oils, bone, hides, horn, &c. It must be evident that nothing can be more injurious to health than allowing such operations to be carried on in densely crowded districts; no where in Europe is there so thorough a neglect of all sanitory considerations as in England; among the ancients, whom we profess to surpass in refinement, no slaughter-houses were permitted near the market where the meat was exposed for sale. The Emperor Napoleon, about the year 1810, ordered five of these establishments to be commenced at Paris, and they were executed at the cost of the city. A commission was formed of five architects, assisted by the vice-president of the council of public works, the secretary, and a retired master butcher, named Combault, who were instructed to examine several plans that had been presented, and to report upon their efficiency; but eventually M. Gauché, one of the five architects, was commissioned to furnish the designs which were adopted. The five abattoirs were those of Roule, Villejuif, Grenelle, Menilmontant, and Mont- martre; their dimensions were defined by the number of persons that each district con- tained; the two first had each 32 slaughter-houses, that of Grenelle 48, Menilmontant and Montmartre each 64, making a total of 240. To each of the abattoirs are attached houses for the melting of tallow; reservoirs and water laid on by lead pipes wherever required; every means for cleansing; stables, sheds, for the use of the butchers; inclosures for the cattle; and apartments for the superin- tendents. A vaulted sewer receives and carries away all superfluous water; there are also buildings for preparing tripe, trotters, &c. &c. Scalding-house, used by the butchers for slaughtering. All the abattoirs have two or more ranges of these, each composed of two buildings divided by a yard. The stalls where the CHAP. VI. 287 FRANCE. beasts are knocked down are formed of walls of wrought stone, and are 16 feet wide, and 32 feet in length: each has two entrances, one in the yard, by which the animal enters, the other on the outer side, to permit the removal of the meat, &c. Each stall is provided with a supply of water for cleansing, with a drain, and a windlass and pulleys, by which the carcase can be drawn up to be flayed. Two pieces of timber are placed across the building at 7 feet of height, fixed into the wall at one end, and carried or supported at the other by a stirrup iron on these seven or eight carcases may be suspended, exposed to the air previous to their being taken to their several destinations. There are pegs and hooks around for the calves, sheep, and lambs. The stalls, as well as the yard, are flagged with thick stones, the joints of which are filled with cement, that nothing offensive may pass through them. The bottom of the doors are cut, so that the air passes under them freely. The roofs project 3 feet beyond the ex- ternal walls, which has the double advantage of sheltering the stalls from the sun's rays and forming a cover for the carts which remove the meat. Sheds, for the oxen and sheep on their arrival, where they are housed previous to slaugh- tering: they are 9 feet in width in the interior; one side is occupied by oxen, the other by sheep, calves, &c. Large stone arches support a floor above, over which are separate divisions for the several butchers to stow away the forage belonging to them. on for the use of the cattle. Melting-houses, where the fat is converted into tallow. Water is laid Reservoirs. An abundant supply of water and facilities for distributing it is most essen- tial in such establishments. In the five abattoirs in Paris 75,000 oxen are slaughtered in a year, and the mean quantity of water for the service is from 240 to 300 cube metres per day, to provide which there are two reservoirs to each, each containing 180 cube metres, formed in masonry, and lined with cement. Keepers' Apartments. At the entrance of each abattoir are two small houses for the persons who have the charge of the establishment. Stables and Sheds, &c. are provided for the carts and horses, commodiously arranged. Sewers. These are most carefully constructed of a hard gritty sandstone: their dimen- sions are 3 feet in width and 6 feet in height; to prevent any smell from escaping, a trap is introduced, which answers admirably well: there are pits for the dung, which is removed every day. No towns of any importance on the Continent are without these establishments, as Mantua, Lyons, Blois, Rochefort, La Rochelle, Grenoble, Brussels, Orleans. Those at Strasburgh, Marseilles, Vicenza, &c., are of considerable extent. Markets. The great points to be considered in these establishments are position, solidity, convenience, and health, and in Paris it was decided that their situation should be within the reach of the greater portion of the population of the district. Fig. 299. MARKET. The strength requisite for an edifice is particularly required in one intended for the public service, and where the slightest accident might be of great importance. Convenience and salubrity require that all who attend should be sheltered from the 288 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING, inclemency of the weather; that the arrangements should be suitable for the provisions bought and sold; every possible means adopted for thorough ventilation, and every pre- caution taken to maintain the most perfect cleanliness. The walls of a market should be carried up to a certain height in masonry or brickwork: the lower openings should be provided with Louvre boards, to exclude the sun, rain, and wind, without too much shutting out the light and air. Other openings must be provided under and in the roof, to afford additional light and air. A certain width should be given to the markets, so as not to increase the extent of the outer walls; and pillars internally should not be introduced, as they obstruct and occupy room; where they are indispensible they should be of stone or iron, and placed as distant from each other as possible. The width of the building depends upon the number of stalls, which should be in pairs, so that one walk approaches two rows. Experience proves 6 feet 6 inches a sufficient width for the walk, and the same for the stalls: hence a market may be in width from 6 to 7 metres, from 12 to 13, and from 18 to 20. The four new markets constructed at Paris, of stone, are of these dimensions. A public fountain is indispensible, and constitutes one of the chief ornaments. The architecture should be simple, yet imposing from the mass, the arrangement, and the proportions. The divisions should be so arranged that all parts should be equally eligible without any just grounds for preference; nothing should be sold out of the enclosure, that the entrances and streets leading to it may be free from all obstructions. The whole should be shut at night. When the market is of any extent certain accessories are requisite, as vaults, &c., for warehousing unsold goods. The market at Naples is a large square, with a semicircular termination on one side: the butchers' stalls are arranged around it. Those at Florence, Bologna, and Rimini are admirably contrived, and answer their purpose effectually. Marché Saint Gervais was built to supply the place of another, which was not open, in the الماااا Fig 300. ROOF OF A MARKET. Place St. Jean. It was originally intended to have had stalls for the use of those who attended; but such divisions being found destructive of the good effect and an impediment to that free intercourse so necessary for those who attended, the idea was abandoned. M. Labarre was the architect, and the structure is in every way highly commendable, being well ventilated, and affording convenient and easy access on all sides. CHAP. VI. FRANCE. 289 : The markets first established were held in an open square, or in the streets, and it was not until about the latter end of the last century that any were covered in the advantages derived by all that attended were so great, that Napoleon ordered arrangements to be made for erecting structures which should exclude the inclemencies of the weather, and be convenient to both buyer and seller. Paris set the example to other great communities, and hence an important and beneficial change has been effected in these establishments throughout Eu- rope. L Fig. 301. IIIIII TTTTTTT Fig. 302. MARKETS. Marché Saint Martin was rebuilt on an ancient site between the Rues St. Denis and St. Martin, a few years since, and is an admirable example of its kind. It entirely covers the garden of the old convent, now appropriated to the reception of various models, and known as the Conservatoire des Arts et des Metiers. The garden was bounded on three sides by the convent walls, affording a favourable situation for a market. M. Peyre, the architect, was instructed to design a suitable structure, which being approved was carried up under his superintendence. Marché Saint Germain was erected from the designs and under the superintendence of M. Blondel, and is the most important in Paris. Other smaller markets have been established in imitation of that at Florence, in various parts of the city, and in most of the towns throughout France. Great taste has been dis- played in these structures, and the manner in which they are covered is highly creditable to the engineers, who have displayed a thorough knowledge of ventilation. They are therefore peculiarly worthy of our attentive study. Every large town in France has its market, conveniently situated, and of dimensions pro- portionate to the number of its inhabitants. Vegetables, fish, meat, flowers, all have either a portion set apart, or a building devoted entirely to them. The timber roofs, and in some instances iron, span the entire area; and, when covered with ornamental tiles, produce an elegant effect; they are always lofty, well ventilated, and sufficiently supplied with water. Italy seems to have afforded the model for most of these structures; arches resting on columns, with a simple and bold projecting cornice, all kept within the laws of proportion, Fig. 303. MARKET. constitute their ordinary design. Their entire area is paved, and, mounted upon a bold plinth, are easily cleansed. U 290 を ​Fig. 304. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. O O ELEVATION. O PLAN OF MARKET. Book I. The Bourse at Paris, erected from the designs of M. Brogniart, and completed by M. Labarre, is a fine model for an exchange, where the public business of a large com- 배미 ​Fig. 305. mercial city is to be carried on. PLAN OF bourse. The external character is that of a Greek temple, having fourteen columns at each end, and twenty at the sides. In the middle is a covered court, ✪ BOURSE ET TRIBUNAL DE COMMERCE O Fig. 306. ELEVATION OF BOurse. where the merchants congregate, and around are a variety of apartments devoted to their especial use: on the floor above, the several tribunals connected with commerce are held. The roof is of iron, ingeniously contrived to support the skylight of the great court. There is throughout great simplicity in the arrangements, and beauty of proportion in the architecture, with a sufficient quantity of decoration. CHAP. VI. 291 FRANCE. The plan, section, and elevation explain its character and proportion: it is executed with a hard and durable stone, in a most admirable manner. Its length is 212 feet, and width The roof is formed entirely of iron and copper, and the court or area occupied by the merchants is 116 feet long and 76 feet broad, and it is calculated will contain 2000 128 feet. חד Fig. 307. SECTION OF BOURSE. persons. The agens de change, or brokers, have a portion railed off for their especial ac- commodation; and around the great court are the tribunal and chamber of commerce, the court of bankruptcy, and several other halls for the convenience of the merchants and others, and the cost was upwards of 300,000%. sterling. The exchange marks the importance of a city, and should always be erected in the midst of the most thronged part, and rendered capable of receiving not only the native, but all foreign merchants who attend: in its architecture we expect to find that the best talent the country can produce has been employed, and certainly in this example we are not disap- pointed. Artesian wells have long existed in Italy, in Austria, in the Crimea, Siberia, Sahara, Palmyra, Balbec, Tyre, and Egypt; their modern name arises from their having been im- memorially used in Artois, one of the departments in France. Belidor mentions one in 1749 at the monastery of St. André, near to Aire, and in the ancient convent of the Chartreux, at Lillier, in the same neighbourhood, is another more than 700 years old. About the year 1824, M. Péligot, one of the superintendents of the hospitals at Paris, suggested the idea of sinking a well upon the Artesian principle, and workmen were sent from Artois for the purpose; whilst this was being effected, M. Mulot, a smith, became in terested in the operation, and turned his attention to the subject; he was consequently employed by the Marchioness de Groslier to sink one at Epinay; success attended his efforts, and he was nominated to attempt one at Grenelle. The primitive soils, according to M. Arago, are but rarely stratified, or are found in regular beds. The fissures in granitic rocks, the crevices separating the contiguous masses, have but little width or depth, and do not frequently communicate with each other; in such soils the waters of filtration have but limited outlets, each film or thread terminating its course alone, without receiving any increase from others in their descent. The springs being numerous in the neighbourhood, it was not thought probable that any vast quantity of water could be obtained, as the whole of the rain penetrating the earth was supposed to pass off through various openings in the sides of the hills. The secondary soils, which are composed of a variety of rocks, in general take the form of immense reservoirs or basins, the centre being considerably depressed, or the extreme boundaries of it greatly elevated: within this basin hills, and often mountains, arise, apparently destroying its original character. The stratification of the secondary formation is in regular beds, some of which are of enormous thickness, coinposed of sand or grit, and very permeable; these permeable beds, as they rise towards the extremities of the basin, be- come bare on the sides of the mountains and hills. The rain water which falls on the earth, after penetrating it, forms one continued sheet, which pursues its course with great rapidity when the beds have a great declivity, and, reaching the lowest point, is accumulated in vast quantities. One chalky or calcareous stratum, which is furrowed out in all directions, and particularly in the upper portion, allows the pluvial water to pass with great facility, and also to circulate through the mass to a great depth: and in this peculiar stratum the wells both of Grenelle and Rouen have been bored. The tertiary soils are stratified, and composed of many beds placed over each other, and U 2 292 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. separated by clean and well defined joints, like the secondary on which they rest; these basins are of less extent, and derive their form from the rectifying of the beds, the elements of which they are constituted being the same as those found on the neighbouring hills; the several beds are arranged in a regular manner, and their separation is formed by a layer of sand, through which the water freely percolates; in these several sandy fissures it acquires force as it descends, and at great depths, its pressure being augmented, the flow is rendered constant. These soils are undoubtedly the best for sinking Artesian wells, because they have at their base courses of sand lying on impermeable clays, and are less subject to dislocation or rupture than rocks of the older formation. Such strata are easily examined, and are usually found rising from the centre of the basin, and following an inverse direction to that of the inclination of the water, which like a subterranean river pursues a downward course till it meets with an outlet. They frequently become broken when the water they contain weeps into small rivulets, and is carried away on the surface. Where the well has been bored at Grenelle, the upper stratum or tertiary deposit is 41 metres in thickness; the next is composed of chalk mixed with flint, 99 metres; then a grey chalk, without any silex, 25 metres; to this succeeded a grey chalk, in which were iron pyrites, 341 metres; then a wealden clay, grey sand, and a sandy clay, in which were found ammonites and other fossils; the whole depth bored through being 548 metres, or about 1798 feet. The work was commenced on the 30th of November, 1833, by M. Mulot, and water was obtained in February, 1844, at an expense of 303,000 francs. The railroads of France, Belgium, and Germany are progressing, and will probably become the only communications between the various towns and cities of the continent; and in a few years the diligence and post carriage will only be remembered as ancient modes of conveyance. The railroads already laid down in Belgium and Prussia are worked in an admirable manner, and at far less cost than those of England; the engineering difficulties overcome beyond Liege, on the way to Cologne, the cutting and tunnelling and completing the lines, rival any that have been hitherto executed. The greater part has been done by the government: as most of the rails, carriages, and machinery employed upon these under- takings were first sent from England, no particular description of them is required; and although the several foreign governments have established manufactories of their own, most of them are provided with models and workmen from this country. When the whole of the lines projected are completed, it will be a highly interesting task for the engineer to draw up an account of their difficulties and cost, and compare them with what has been performed during the same period of time at home. ; Of the continental railways completed, first may be cited those in France: that of St. Ger- mains, 112 miles in length; Versailles, the right bank, 14 miles; the left bank 10 miles the Strasbourg, which is open from the Rhine to Switzerland, 87 miles; Paris and Orleans, 82 miles; Paris and Rouen, 84 miles; Rouen and Havre, 57 miles; Montpel- lier and Cette, 163 miles; Mulhausen and Tham, 112 miles; St. Stevens and Lyons, 31 miles, and many others are in progress. Of the Belgian railroads complete, there is the north line, from Brussels to Antwerp, 27 miles; west line, Malines to Ostend, 764 miles; east line, Malines to the Prussian frontier, 822 miles; south line, Brussels to the French frontier, 51 miles; Ghent to the French frontier and Tournay, 48 miles; and Braine la Compte to Namur, 41 miles. The whole 326 miles cost about 4,114,354l., or 12,611l. per mile. Among the German lines opened may be mentioned the Leipzig and Dresden, in length 71½ miles; Leipzig and Magdeburg, 72 miles; Berlin and Potsdam, 18 miles; Berlin and Stettin, 89 miles; Berlin and Frankfort on the Oder, 48 miles; Altona and Kiel, 63 miles; Brunswick and Oschersleben, 30 miles; Brunswick and Hanover, 40 miles; Cologne and Aix-la-Chapelle, 54 miles; Cologne and Bonn, 20 miles; Dusseldorf and Elberfeld, 17 miles; Frankfort and Wiesbaden, 26 miles; Manheim, Carlsruhe, and Kiel, 70 miles; Nuremberg and Furth, 5 miles; Vienna and Gloggnitz, 53 miles; Breslau and Friburg, 40 miles; Budweis and Gemunden, 120 miles; and several others of great extent, nearly ready to be opened, and in progress. CHAP VII. 293 UNITED STATES. CHAP. VII. ENGINEERING IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. United States. Of late years there have been some extensive engineering works practised throughout this country which bid fair to rival those of the Old Continent. Admirably adapted for commerce, its enterprising population are exerting every effort to improve its harbours, internal navigation, and railroad communication. The rivers are noble and important, being navigable to a considerable height, intersecting the country in all directions, and forming deep bays at their mouths. The Hudson for 160 miles will admit vessels of 80 tons, and the Susquehannah, the Potowmac, the Dela- ware, are all valuable as the means of internal navigation, as are the Catahouche and the Alabama, which both fall into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi rises in the latitude of 47° north, and flows south across 18 degrees of latitude, through a course of 2000 miles. About half way from its source it receives the Missouri, a larger river, which has a course of 2300 miles. Other noble rivers offer every facility to trade and commerce; it has been estimated that the inland navigation amounts to upwards of 23,000 miles, and the basin of this great system of rivers is computed to con- tain 1,099,000 square miles. Timber, from its abundance, is generally used in the construction of quays, docks, and railroads throughout America; and we are indebted to their engineers for some ad- mirable applications of this material to bridges, &c., which are noticed in our account of carpentry. It is not possible to give more than a brief outline of some of their leading works, which are increasing rapidly over the whole extent of their vast territory. The harbours of America are mostly capable of receiving the largest class of vessels, and are all connected by means of inland navigation with the principal towns. In Canada are the harbours of Quebec, Halifax, and Montreal; and in the United States the chief are Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charles Town, and New Orleans, all of which possess great natural advantages, and afford well-sheltered anchorages in deep water. Quebec, the capital of Canada, is situated on the St. Lawrence, about 340 miles from its mouth. The harbour lies between the town and the island of Orleans, and is very com- modious, the water being about 28 fathoms deep, with a tide rising from 17 to 18 feet, and at springs from 23 to 25 feet. It is protected by a citadel built on the headland, called Cape Diamond, 345 feet above the level of the sea; the fortifications are very strong. In 1812 the first steamboat that plied on the St. Lawrence was launched at Quebec, and now the line of steam navigation extends from the Atlantic to Amhurstburg, a distance of more than 1500 miles. Quebec commands the whole of this internal navigation, which can only be carried on between April and November, in consequence of the frozen state of the rivers, large masses of floating ice being kept in constant motion by the tide. Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia: the harbour, one of the finest in America, can be entered at all times, being rarely impeded by ice. There is a very extensive dockyard, and the port is the seat of a considerable fishery. The town is situated on a peninsula on the west side of Chebucto Bay. Boston, one of the largest towns in New England, is the capital of Massachussetts: it is situated on a peninsula near the bottom of a large and deep bay; it is united to the main- land towards the south, by a narrow isthmus called the Neck. Charlestown lies on the north side of the bay, and Dorchester on the south, with both which places Boston communicates by means of extensive wooden bridges: the bay containing upward of 75 square miles, and studded with many islands; it extends along 50 miles of coast, between Cape Ann and Cape Cod. The harbour at its mouth is confined between two necks of land, which allow but a narrow passage from the Atlantic. The quays are simply constructed of earth and timber. A row of piles driven close together forms the face of the quay, secured perpendicularly by walings bolted on to the face of the quay, and running throughout its whole extent; diagonal ties are made fast to the insides of the piles, and large pieces of timber, connected with the facing piles, are laid behind them, which being embedded as well as the braces by the earth filled in, the whole is rendered tolerably solid; these diagonal timbers serve the double purpose of struts and ties, and operate against any lateral pressure to which the quay may be subjected. The filling in with earth is continued to a level of about 5 feet above the ordinary spring tides; U 3 291 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. at that height the heads of the piles are cut off level, and the platform of the quay is covered with planking. The whole of these works are executed with unsquared timber, and are neither painted nor covered with pitch or tar. On some of the quays which extend for a considerable distance into the harbour, rows of warehouses are constructed. At Boston are the only graving docks which belong to the government of the United States: one is in length 341 feet, in breadth 80 feet; the depth of water is 30 feet, but the fall of the tide being only 13 feet, 17 feet are pumped out by means of a steam-engine whenever a vessel is admitted for repair. These docks are constructed in an admirable manner in granite, at an expense of upwards of 150,000l. each. They were executed under the able direction of Mr. Baldwin, the government engineer. To connect some portions of the neighbourhood of Boston as well as to form a large basin, an embankment of earth 8000 feet in length has been thrown up, confined between two stone walls; and the water contained in the basin is made to turn machinery connected with some manufactories. New York, the capital of that state, is situated on the southern extremity of Manhattan Island, at the point of confluence of the Hudson with the east river. The inner bay is perhaps the finest in the world: it is completely land-locked, and affords excellent anchorage; the entrance through the narrows is very beautiful and picturesque, the shore being studded with trees down to the water's edge, mixed with farms, cottages, and villas. From New York to the Bar between Sandy Nook Point and Schryers Island, which separates the outer harbour from the Atlantic, is 17 miles. The tide flows up the Hudson for 160 miles above New York as far as Troy, and these natural advantages have been further improved by an extensive system of canals, which connect with the Lakes Erie and Ontario. One omission has, however, rendered this beautiful harbour a source of serious evil; from there not being any sewers in the town, the harbour becomes the receptacle of every impurity, and fevers of the worst kind are the con- stant results of the effluvia. There are screw and hydraulic docks; the latter are worked with a Bramah's press, and by means of a timber platform, swung between two frames, the loaded vessels are lifted above the water. Twenty chains or more, on each side of the timber platforms, pass over iron pulleys supported above, and the platform bearing the vessel rises by the injection of water with a cast-iron cylinder attached, which moves a horizontal beam fastened to the suspended chains. The cylinder and ram are surrounded by masonry, and rendered perfectly stable; the ex- ternal diameter of the cylinder is 28 inches, its internal 12 inches, and that of the ram which works it 11 inches, and 10 feet in length, which has a power sufficient to raise a vessel of 800 tons. The water is injected into the cylinder by a steam-engine of high pres- sure and six horse power; when the vessel is to be lowered, it is merely necessary to let the water escape slowly from the cylinder, and the platform gradually descends. Philadelphia is the city and sea-port of the state so named, and is at the conflux of the Delaware and Schuylkill. Vessels of the largest burthen ascend the river as far as New- castle, but those drawing 18 or 20 feet water cannot reach Philadelphia, in consequence of a bar a little below the city. The harbour is a vast arm of the sea, navigable for 100 miles from the Atlantic. Baltimore, a city of Maryland, is on the north side of the Patapsco river, about fourteen miles above its entrance into the Bay of Chesapeake. The harbour is a fine expanse of water, and capable of containing upwards of 2000 vessels. Charlestown in South Carolina, is built upon a point of land between the Ashley and Cooper rivers; the harbour is spacious and convenient, but the entrance has many sand- banks. The depth of water on the shallowest part of the bar at ebb-tide is 12 feet, and at flood from 17 to 18 feet; whilst in the middle channel at low water, it does not exceed 9 feet. A lighthouse has been erected 80 feet in height, with a revolving light. New Orleans is stiuated on the eastern bank of the great Mississippi, about 105 miles from its mouth; the depth of water opposite the city is about 70 feet, but the ebb and flow of the tide do not extend to it. The Canals in the United States exceed in length more than 3000 miles; wherever in- ternal navigation cannot be obtained by the removal of obstructions in the great rivers, an artificial cut is introduced; no labour has been spared to render water conveyance com- plete. Many of the canals are carried over wide rivers on timber viaducts, and often pass for miles through dense uninhabited forests. Some are so wide and deep as to admit the passage of steamers through them. By one the Gulf of Mexico is united to the Mississippi and St. Lawrence: a river and canal navigation extends from New York to New Orleans, a distance of upwards of 2700 miles, 672 of which are by the Erie and Ohio canals. The Erie Canal is one of the most important in the United States; its entire length is 363 miles; after leaving Albany, it passes along the right banks of the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, crossing the latter at Middleton: it then continues its course for twelve miles on CHAP. VII. 295 UNITED STATES. the north bank of the Mohawk, and by the upper aqueduct again crosses it, and is carried along the southern bank to Utica, distant from Albany 108 miles; still winding along the southern bank of the Mohawk, another 160 miles, it arrives at Rochester, where by means of an aqueduct it crosses the Genesee. This aqueduct, formed of eleven arches of hewn stone is 804 feet in length. The canal after leaving Rochester runs in a westerly direction towards Lockport, a dis- tance of 63 miles, where it ascends the mountain ridge by five double combined locks, each rising 12 feet 6 inches; at Pendleton, which is nine miles farther, it enters Tonne- wanda Creek, and twelve miles beyond, this magnificent canal terminates at Buffalo. The breadth at top is 40 feet, at bottom 28 feet, and its depth 4 feet. On the main line are eighty-four locks, 90 feet in length, and 15 feet in width; the total lockage being 688 feet. There are eight feeders, eighteen aqueducts. From Buffalo to Rochester the fall is 4 feet; then a rise of 630 feet, and again a fall of 62 feet; the total rise and fall being 692 feet. One of the aqueducts which crosses the Mohawk is 1188 feet in length, and the great embankment between Palmyra and Pittsford, about 245 miles from Albany, is 72 feet in height. Albany, in the state of New York, is situated on the right bank of the Hudson; and in order to improve the navigation above the town, a dam 1100 feet in length, and 9 feet in height, has been erected across the river; the lock united with it is in length 115 feet, and in breadth 30 feet. Albany is the great depôt, and the vessels which navigate the canal are received in a large basin, the area of which is about thirty-two acres. This basin is formed by a mound of earth, 4300 feet in length, and 80 feet in breadth at the base, thrown up in a line with the Hudson, for the purpose of shutting in a part of its waters. The lower end of the bank is unconnected with the shore, a passage being left for the vessels to pass; and the upper end is usually closed, in order to prevent the floating ice from entering and injuring the vessels within; but there are means for allowing the passage of the water at the upper end which acts as a cleanser, by driving the mud before it. On the top of the earthen embankment are erected the warehouses, and around it is constructed a timber wharf for the vessels to load and discharge their freights. Great improvements have re- cently been made on the canal, which was commenced in the year 1817: it has been in many parts increased in width, and deepened. A new aqueduct has been erected over the Genesee river at Rochester, which is 858 feet in length, and 28 feet in height from the base of the piers to the top of the parapets. It has seven arches 52 feet span, and the six piers and two abutments on each are 10 feet in thickness. The width at the base is 75 feet 6 inches, and at the coping 67 feet 8 inches. The clear width of the water-way is 45 feet, which allows for a double boatway. The old locks, which were of timber, have been replaced by those of stone: the cutting through the rock at Lockport extends 21 miles, for a width of 62 feet, with vertical sides. From the Erie canal branches off the Champlain, the Chenango, the Black River, the Oswego, the Cayuga and Seneca, the Crooked Lake, the Chemung, and the Genesee Valley. The Champlain Canal commences 9 miles from Albany, and is 11 miles in length, besides a river navigation of 76 miles; the width at top is 40 feet, at bottom 28 feet, and the depth 4 feet. There are 21 locks, each 90 feet in length, and 14 feet in width ; the total rise is 134 feet, the fall 54 feet, the lockage being 188 feet. Chenango Canal is in length 97 miles, its rise from Utica is 706 feet, its fall 303 feet. The total lockage is 1009 feet; there are 116 lifts, and one guard lock; five are of stone, and the others of stone faced with timber. There are 19 aqueducts, 52 culverts, 21 waste weirs, 56 road and 106 occupation bridges, 53 feeder aqueducts, 12 dams, and 7 re- servoirs. The Black River Canal is a succession of slack water pools and canals, and the total length of its navigation is 85 miles; the ascent and descent from Rome to Carthage is 1078 feet. The Oswego Canal is of a similar kind, and its length is 38 miles: there are 14 locks constructed of stone, and 6 guard locks, which are in length 90 feet, and breadth 17 feet; the total descent is 123 feet. The Cayuga and Seneca Canal is 23 miles in length, and has eleven locks, descending 73 feet. The Crooked Lane Canal is 73 miles in length, and has twenty-seven lift and one guard lock, built of timbers; the total lockage being 269 feet. The Chemung Canal is in length 23 miles, and has one guard lock and 52 lift locks of timber, which accomplish an ascent and descent of 516 feet; there are 76 bridges, 5 culverts, and 3 aqueducts. The Genesee Valley Canal, for the first 36 miles after leaving Rochester, passes through a rich low country, and then rises 95 feet by means of 10 locks. On leaving Mount Norris, it passes through a natural and precipitous rocky defile, upwards of 400 feet in depth; V 4 296 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. there are then numerous locks, and a tunnel. The summit level is 978 feet above Lake Erie, and 1546 feet above high water; the total lockage is 1063 feet. The Ohio Canal extends from Portsmouth to Cleveland, a distance of 307 miles, and the summit level is 499 feet above the Ohio at Portsmouth, 405 feet above the waters of Lake Erie, and 973 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. The whole district comprised by the Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan states, is highly favourable for the construction of canals, as there are few natural impediments. The Ohio valley is one extensive inclined plane, watered by numerous streams; the hills which are cut through are generally either lime or sandstone mixed with mineral coal. The Ohio valley is divided by the river which flows in a deep ravine, and is in length from the city of Pittsburg to the Mississippi, in a straight line, 548 miles, but measured by its windings 948 miles. The height of the hills at Pittsburgh is about 1290 feet above the level of the sea. The length of the Mississippi river below the point where the Ohio falls into it is 1100 miles, and, allowing 3 inches fall per mile, we shall have 321 feet for the elevation of the spot where the junction of the two rivers takes place. The whole valley of the Ohio was at one time a dense forest, the central plain excepted, which, as far as the sources of the Muskingum, was an open savannah covered with grass. Lake Erie is said to be 565 feet above the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, and Pittsburgh, which is 747 feet above the same gulf, is also 830 feet above the tide water in the Atlantic bays of Chesapeake, Delaware, Hudson, and St. Lawrence. Pittsburgh is therefore 265 feet above Lake Erie, and distant from it in a straight line 106 miles, and it has been sup- posed, that if a channel could be cut from the Ohio at Pittsburgh to the lake, the rivers Allegany and Monongahela would, instead of flowing into the gulf of Mexico, rush into the Lake Erie, with a fall of 265 feet in 105 miles, or at the rate of 2 feet per mile. It is a curious fact, that the Allegany river should have its source within 5 miles of the Lake Erie, and after winding from thence 200 miles should then be 265 feet above the surface of the lake, while the Ohio does not sink in its course to the level of the lake, until it arrives at Marietta. At the surface of the Mississippi, immediately at the mouth of the Ohio, the level is 321 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. Lake Michigan is 35 feet higher than Lake Erie, or 600 feet above the level of high water in the Atlantic. The Illinois river, which runs from the Lake Michigan, resembles in its course a winding canal, there being only a fall of 279 feet in the distance of 520 miles, where it unites with the Ohio, which is about 6 inches in a mile. The valley of the Ohio, as well as that of the river Allegany, is in its inclination remarkably gentle; from Olean, in the county of Cataraugus, to the Mississippi, a distance of 1148 miles, there are no natural impediments in the way of navigation, except those which occur at the rapids of Louisville. The Monongahela is more rapid, and the Tennessee and Kanaidha, which rise on the high table land of Allegany, 2000 feet above the level of the sea, are very rapid in their course, and impeded by many falls. The Ohio canal has been admirably executed, and has a lockage of 1185 feet, which is overcome by 152 locks; the width of the canal at top is 40 feet, and the depth 4 feet. The canals in the United States are usually constructed on the principle of utility alone, little attention being paid to minutiæ; their embankments are seldom dressed evenly or turfed, and timber being exceedingly abundant and easily obtained, it has been used even for the construction of locks; where, however, these have shown decay, stone has been substituted, and more finish is given in the general arrangements. Delaware and Raritan Canal, in the state of New Jersey, is in length 42 miles; it is 75 feet in width at the surface, 7 feet in depth, and has 14 locks, each 100 feet in length, by 24 feet, besides a tide lock at New Brunswick; the total lockage being 116 feet; there are 17 culverts, 29 bridges, and 1 aqueduct. This canal is supplied with water by a feeder 23 miles in length, and between 50 and 60 feet in width, and 6 feet in depth. Its fall is 2 inches in a mile, and has 1 lift and 2 guard locks; there are 37 bridges, and 15 culverts. ; Morris Canal, in the same state, commences at New Jersey, and is in length 1013 miles its ascent is 915 feet, and descent 759 feet, making a total rise and fall of 1674 feet, which is principally overcome by inclined planes, ingeniously contrived to convey the boats from one level to another. At each end of these is a lock, in which the boat is adjusted for its ascent, and another at the top, to elevate it to the level above; when adjusted, the whole is drawn up by means of machinery, which serves also to lower the boats in their downward passage. The elevation at Easton is 161 feet, and summit level 915 feet above the Atlantic. The width of the canal is 32 feet at top, 20 feet at bottom, and 4 feet deep; the boats which navigate it are about 70 feet in length, and 8 feet 6 inches in breadth across the beam; their freight is usually about 30 tons; they are drawn up the inclined planes by CHAP. VII. 297 UNITED STATES. being first placed upon a timber carriage, which has beneath it, at each extremity, an iron truck, running upon four wheels, working upon iron rails laid down on the inclined planes. When the boats are placed with their load upon the timber carriage, they are prevented from falling sideways by a piece of trussed vertical framing, which is coupled at top by means of chains. The railway extending for some distance into the canal, the carriage is made to pass under the boat with great facility; when secured, the machinery put in motion, the whole is drawn by a chain up the inclined plane, to the lock prepared to receive it, which has gates at each end; after the boat is deposited, one pair is shut and the other opened, when the water being admitted, it is floated off the car, and continues its course along the canal. A boat going in the opposite direction is let down into the lock, passed down the inclined plane, and on its arrival at the lower canal is floated in a similar manner. There are in all twenty-two of these inclined planes, and the machinery to work them is admirably contrived to effect the object, without subjecting the boats to any material injury; their average inclination is two in twenty-one. There are 4 guard locks, 5 dams, 30 culverts, and 12 aqueducts, including one of stone at the little falls of Passaic, which has an arch of 80 feet span, and another of wood over the river Pompton, which is 236 feet in length, and is supported by nine stone piers; there are also 200 bridges of different descriptions. The central division of the Pennsylvania canal forms with the Columbia and Portage railroad the great chain of communication between the Delaware and Ohio rivers. Its length is 172 miles, and its total lockage 670 feet 6 inches. Its width at the top is 40 feet and at bottom 28 feet; the depth being 4 feet. There are 18 dams, 33 aqueducts, 108 locks, besides the two guard and outlet locks at Columbia. The locks are 90 feet in length and 17 feet in width. The western division is in length 1044 miles, 21 miles or more consisting of slack water navigation. The canal is in width 40 feet at top, 28 feet at bottom, and 4 feet deep. Its lockage is 471 feet, which is performed by 66 locks 90 feet by 15 feet within the chamber. The average fall is about 8 feet per mile, from Johnstown to Blairsville, and from thence to Pittsburg about 3 feet. There are two tunnels, 64 culverts, 39 waste-weirs, and 152 bridges. By this line the route by railroads and canals is complete to Pittsburg, and is the great thoroughfare from Philadelphia into the west; the entire distance which can be performed by it is 394 miles. Schuylkill navigation is a succession of canals and pools extending from the dam of Fairmount, near Philadelphia, to Port Carbon, in the county of Schuylkill. The length by the canals is 58 miles, and by pools 50 miles. The canals are 36 feet wide at top, 22 feet at bottom, and 3 feet 6 inches in depth. There are 129 locks, 80 feet in length and 17 feet in width; 34 dams, and one tunnel 385 feet in length. It is not possible within our limits to enumerate the whole of the canals in the United States; they are mostly on the same construction, and executed in a similar manner to those we have described. The cost of a canal depends, as in all other countries, upon the nature of the soil and climate, the price of labour and provisions, as well as other local circumstances. The excavation of a prism, 3 feet in depth throughout, where the soil is either sand or gravel costs about six cents per cubic yard, and for clay or stony matter eleven cents. Excavation of loose rock costs fifty cents, and of solid rock a dollar per cubic yard, the dollar being worth about 4s. 3d., and the cent a hundredth part; the cost of embankment is a little more. It has been found that the resistance to boats 13 feet 6 inches wide, and 3 feet draft, in a canal 60 feet wide and 6 feet deep, is 81 pounds. In a canal 48 feet wide and 5 feet deep, 100 pounds; and in one 40 feet wide and 4 deep, 130 pounds, and that 18 per cent more can be transported by the same power on the former than on the latter canal. The canals of the United States are usually 4 feet in depth; the inner slopes are 12 to 1, the outer 1 to 1; the towing bank is 10 feet wide at top, and that opposite the towing- path 6 feet. When the country is flat, the ground is excavated to the depth of 2 feet 9 inches, which affords sufficient soil to elevate the banks for a depth of 4 feet of water, and when the ground is not perfectly level, 3 feet cutting is usually allowed. The walls of the locks, culverts, and aqueducts are now usually built of stone. As the canals belong to the different states, the boats are the property of individuals, who pay a moderate sum per mile for them, and each passenger conveyed by them. They are about 80 feet in length, 15 in breadth, and weigh about 20 tons, and usually draw about a foot of water, when the passengers are on board. They have about forty yards of tow line, and are drawn by three horses, at the rate of a little more than 4 miles an hour. Many of the towns in the United States are supplied by means of Supply of water. 298 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. wheels; at Richmond, water is raised from the James River to a height of 160 feet by two wheels, 18 feet in diameter, and 10 feet in breadth, with a fall of 10 feet. There are two force pumps, with barrels of 9 inches in diameter, and stroke about 6 feet in length; one wheel can throw upwards of 65,000 cube feet in 24 hours into the two reservoirs, each of which is nearly 200 feet in length, 100 in breadth, and 10 feet in depth. The iron main that connects the pumps with the reservoirs is 8 inches in diameter, and 2400 feet in length. The Fairmount water-works, commenced in 1819, for the supply of the city of Phila- delphia, are the largest and finest of their kind in America. They are situated on the east bank of the Schuylkill, two miles north-west from the city, and contain an area of thirty acres, the greater portion of which is occupied by an oval-shaped mound, 100 feet in height, with the sides variously inclined according to the nature of the formation; on its summit, at an elevation of 100 feet above mid-tide of the river, and about 50 feet above the highest ground in the city, are four reservoirs, which contain together 22,000,000 gallons, one of which is divided into three sections and serves as a filter. The reservoirs have a gravel walk around them, and are arrived at by several inclined planes. A dam is erected across the Schuylkill, 1600 feet in length, 150 feet wide at the base, and 12 feet at top, its height varying from 12 to 36 feet. It is formed of earth and stone ; the length of its overfall is 1204 feet, the eastern embankment 270 feet, and the head arches through which the water flows into the mill-race 104 feet. At the western end of the dam is a short canal, with two guard and two lift locks, for the use of the navigation company. In January, 1839, the water rose 10 feet 2 inches above the top of the dam, but did not seriously injure it. The mill-race is a parallelogram, excavated through a compact mass of gneiss rock, 419 feet in length, and 38 feet in depth; its width is 90 feet, and its depth is 6 feet below the overfall of the dam. A paved avenue, 253 feet in length, and 26 feet in width, bounds it on one side, and on the other rocky cliffs 80 feet in height; at the north end are head arches, which permit the passage of a body of water, 60 feet in width and 6 feet in depth, into the race. There is a waste gate to draw off the water, whenever it is required, and discharge it below the dam. The buildings which contain the machinery are constructed of stone, and are in length 238 feet, and in width 56 feet. The lower floor is divided into 12 parts, 4 of which contain the double forcing-pumps. The others are occupied as fore bays, which lead to the water-wheels. The water-wheels, five of which have been put in motion, are 15 feet in diameter, and 15 feet in width, and formed of wood with iron shafts, each of which weighs 5 tons; the wheels work under 1 foot head and 7 feet fall, and each forces 1,250,000 gallons of water into the receiving basin in the space of 24 hours, with the stroke of the pump of 41 feet, the diameter of which is 16 inches, the wheel making 11 revolutions in a minute. When the wheels make 13 revolutions, which they occasionally do, 1,500,000 gallons are pumped up. The water-wheels are sunk below the ordinary line of high water; this does not, however, produce much effect, until there is a depth of 16 inches on the wheel. The pumps are worked by a crank on the water-wheel, which is connected with the piston at the end of the slide. They are fed under a natural head of water from the fore bays of the water-wheel, and are calculated for a 6-feet stroke, but they are generally worked with not more than five. They are on the construction of the double-forcing, and are each connected with an iron main 16 inches in diameter, which is carried along the bottom of the race, to the foot of the mount, and thence up the bank into the reservoir, 92 feet in height. The lowest estimate of the quantity afforded by the river in dry seasons is 440,000,000 gallons in twenty-four hours, and the average quantity of water raised by each wheel and pump is 530,000 gallons daily; but when the whole six wheels are put in motion, 5,000,000 gallons can be thrown up in twenty-four hours; and it is calculated that the average daily consumption is not more than two-thirds of that quantity. The reservoirs are lined with stone, and paved with brick, underneath which is a bed of strong tenacious clay, and a thick lining of lime cement, made water-tight; they are in depth 12 feet. The water is conducted into the city from the centre reservoir by two iron mains, one 20 inches and the other 22 inches in diameter; each is nearly 10,000 feet in length. In the year 1821, iron distributing pipes were substituted for those of wood, which had been laid down only three years previously, for a distance of thirty miles; up to January, 1840, there were 109 miles of iron main, the greater part of which was obtained from England. There are upwards of a thousand fire-plugs throughout the city; the cost to each family per annum for its supply of water is five dollars; the hotels and public buildings pay in proportion to their consumption. CHAP. VII. 299 UNITED STATES. Cincinnati water-works are on the Ohio; horse-power was originally used, but there are now two steam-engines, one of which works a double force pump, 10 inches in diameter, with a four-feet stroke, and throws up into the reservoirs 1000 gallons per minute; the other works a pump 20 inches in diameter, with an eight-feet stroke, and throws up 1200 gallons per minute. From the reservoirs, which are built in stone, and cemented, the water is conducted by iron mains, 8 or 9 inches in diameter, into the basin, where it is distributed by leaden pipes. Pittsburg receives its water from the Ohio, by a steam-engine of eighty-four horse power, which, by means of its pumps, throws a million and a half of gallons into a re- servoir, 116 feet above the level of the river, from whence it is distributed by iron mains 15 inches in diameter, into the town. Albany, on the Hudson, and Troy on the same river, obtain the purest water from the high ground in the neighbourhood; reservoirs are formed at a sufficient elevation, and of the requisite capacity, from whence it flows through iron mains to the different quarters of the town. Boston originally derived its supply from wells, and according to a report furnished to the state, there were 2767 for public use, 33 of which were Artesian. Montreal, and many other towns, are now supplied with water by means of steam power, which, no doubt, will become universal; and when all the works contemplated at New York are completed, the town, which is now inadequately served, will be wonderfully benefited. The Croton aqueduct, upwards of 40 miles in length, is a subterranean brick tunnel, ascending at the rate of nearly 14 inches per mile from New York to Croton; after the trench was cut, and the aqueduct built, the earth was backed over the aqueduct, to a depth of 4 feet on the crown, where it was levelled down to a width of 8 or 10 feet, the sides being sloped with a talus of one and a half to one. Wherever a valley is crossed, a solid wall 15 feet in width at top, with sides battering one-twelfth to one, is built with stone, on the top of which a bed of concrete is laid, and on it is constructed the covered aqueduct, which is at bottom 6 feet wide, at top 7 feet, and 8 feet in height; the side walls being of stone, in courses, 39 inches thick at bottom, and 27 inches at top. Across the river at Croton is thrown a dam; and 500 or 600 acres of water form the great reservoir, which for every foot in depth is calculated to contain 100,000,000 gallons of water. The dam is 100 feet in length, 70 feet wide at bottom, 7 feet at top, and the average height is 40 feet; it is built of stone and hydraulic cement. The water passes from the reservoir by the corporation tunnel, 180 feet in length, and a mile further it crosses Lounsberry brook, by a culvert 6 feet in diameter and 66 feet in length; where it crosses the valley, the grade line is 40 feet above the brook, and 55 to the top of the aqueduct. Soon Five miles beyond, the Indian brook is crossed by a culvert 8 feet in diameter, and 142 feet in length, and the aqueduct is conducted through Benvenue tunnel, 720 feet in length, and the Ackers brook tunnel, 166 feet in length. At half a mile from Indian Brook is Hoagshill tunnel, 276 feet in length; from thence to Sing Sing are several valleys; it then passes through a tunnel 336 feet in length, cut in the solid rock. after a chasm 70 feet deep, worn by the Indian brook, is crossed by an aqueduct bridge of 88 feet span, with an elliptical arch rising 25 feet, resting on stone abutments; the aqueduct is lined with cast-iron plates. A mile further are the two state prison farm tunnels, one 416 feet, the other 375 feet in length; and half a mile further Hollis Brook tunnel is entered; here, in crossing the valley, the grade line is 35 feet above the stream, and the top filling of the aqueduct 49 feet. The culvert is 131 feet in length, and 6 feet in diameter. A mile beyond is Ryders Brook, where the foundation wall is 20 feet high from the bed of the stream, and 34 feet to the top line of the aqueduct. The culvert is 100 feet in length, and 6 feet in diameter; a viaduct then crosses the road. built of stone, with an arch 20 feet span. The Austin Farm Tunnel, 186 feet in length, being passed, there occur several valleys, and when it arrives at Mill River, the grade is about 72 feet above the surface of the water, and the aqueduct is 87 feet in height. The culvert is 25 feet in diameter, and in length 172 feet. After quitting Mill River, the aqueduct passes through five culverts, and two miles below is the White Plains Tunnel, which is 246 feet in length. At Jewells Brook the aqueduct crosses by an embankment 62 feet in height, where there is a culvert 148 feet in length, and 6 feet in diameter, and another for the road 141 feet in length, and 14 feet in width. At Wiltseys Brook, 18 miles from the Croton dam, the aqueduct crosses, and the culvert is 137 feet in length, and 6 feet in diameter, and at Dobbs Ferry Tunnel it passes entirely through earth for a length of 262 feet. At Storms Brook is a culvert 137 feet in length and 6 feet in diameter; as it proceeds from Dykemans Brook, the top of the embankment is 35 feet above the surface of the country. The tunnel at the Saw Mill river is through earth and rock for a distance of 684 feet; 300 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the foundations are afterwards 42 feet above the valley. The culverts here are 90 feet in length and 25 feet in diameter, and are double. At Nodines Run, the aqueduct passes at a considerable elevation by a tunnel in the solid rock, 810 feet in length; the line then crosses the valley of Tibbetts Brook, where the culvert is 107 feet in length, and 6 feet in diameter. At Harlem River, where the aqueduct is to cross, there is a depth of water of 26 feet at ordinary high tides, and its width is about 610 feet; here it is intended to build a bridge 1420 feet in length, 18 feet in width, between the parapet walls, and 27 feet from out to out. There are to be sixteen piers of stone, six of which will be in the river, and ten on land. The river piers are to be 40 feet by 20 feet, and to have a height of 84 feet, to the springing of the arches diminishing as they rise. The arches are to span 80 feet, whilst those on land will span only 50 feet. In the centre the arches are projected to be 100 feet above the level of high water; the height to the top of the parapet walls will consequently be 116 feet, and the total height about 138 feet; when finished, it is intended to carry the water over in iron mains, 2 or 3 feet in diameter. At the Manhattan Valley iron pipes or inverted siphons are to be used, as the valley is upwards of 100 feet below the grade line of the aqueduct. Twenty-six miles of the works were completed in April, 1840. Ventilators are to be placed at every mile distant, and the water on its arrival at New York is to be received into a reservoir 35 acres in area, the northern half of which is to have a depth of 20 feet, and the southern portion 25 feet; and it was estimated that the quantity of water would be about 160,000,000 gallons. Pipes or mains, 30 inches in diameter, are then to convey the water to another reservoir on Murray Hill, of five acres, and capable of con- taining 20,000,000 gallons, the difference of level of which and that of the pool at Croton being 46 feet, which allows a fall of about 14 inches per mile. According to the engineer's report, the whole work, with the exception of the bridge over Harlem Strait, would be completed in 1842; it was proposed, after the cofferdams were constructed, to lay down pipes which would supply the water, whilst this, the most difficult part of the operation was in hand. Various impediments have occurred during the progress of this gigantic undertaking, which have prolonged it beyond the time specified; it is, however, nearly terminated: its cost is estimated at two millions sterling. Railroads. The internal improvements that have taken place in America during the last thirty years, particularly in the extension of railroads, is truly astonishing; the states of the Union have endeavoured to rival each other in contributing lines to form one great national means of communication; it seems intended that railroads should spread through- out the whole of this vast continent like the meshes of a net, and embrace every spot occupied by its inhabitants. The progress already made is sufficient to indicate what will be done in a few years: when the great works now in hand are completed, commerce will derive such increased advantages, that we may hope, not only that the bond of union be- tween the states will be thoroughly cemented, but that the whole people will be brought more closely together, and become as it were one family with a common interest. The railroads, first projected for the purpose of connecting certain towns and districts, were designed without regard to any general plan; the lines being undertaken by com- panies independent of each other, various and often conflicting regulations were adopted ; and much evil has arisen from this want of unanimity in the several operations. Whenever chartered companies have united and appointed a board of directors to carry out a plan suited to their common interests, the most beneficial results have been produced. The first great chain of railroad commences at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, and has almost an uninterrupted course to Pensacola, in Florida. Another line from the same place extends to Boston, Providence, and Stonington, in Connecticut, where it crosses Long Island Sound to Greenport, and then continues to Brooklyn, near New York; after crossing the river Hudson, it proceeds to Jersey, New Brunswick, Trenton, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wilmington, and Washington. From thence to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Gaston, in North Carolina, Raleigh, Columbia, Branchville, and Augusta, in Georgia, then to West Point, Montgomery, and Pensacola, in Florida. Of this extensive line of communication nearly the whole is complete, and in the year 1840 upwards of 1600 miles were travelled over. From Boston commences another grand chain, which passes Worcester, West Stockbridge, Albany, Schenectady, Utica, Syracuse, Auburn, Rochester, Attica, and Buffalo. The length of this line is about 530 miles. From New York lines are in progress which, when finished, will extend upwards of 500 miles. From Philadelphia is a line to Sunbury, Williamsport, and Erie, on the lake of that name, a distance of 420 miles. By means of railroads and canals a distance of 400 miles is accomplished, from Philadel- phia to Columbia, Hollidaysburg, Johnstown, and Pittsburg. CHAP. VII. 301 UNITED STATES. From Baltimore to Wheeling, 280 miles, the canal and railroad extend throughout; and the same kind of communication exists from Richmond, in Virginia, to Covington and the Ohio river. From Charlestown to Louisville, Cincinnati, and the Ohio, the line, when complete, will be upwards of 700 miles. The great Atlantic line is considered the main trunk to which all others seem united; the western states are carrying out lines of railroads and canals of not less than 2000 miles in length. The first lines laid down were with iron rails and chairs, on stone blocks, which were frequently so split by the frost, that it was necessary to remove them; the rails also became deranged, and extremely dangerous for the passage of carriages. Numerous methods have been adopted in the states to remedy the inconvenience arising from the great changes of temperature, as will be seen in this brief account of their railroads. The usual breadth be- tween the rails is 4 feet 8 inches, and when two lines are laid down, the distance maintained between them is usually 6 feet. In the southern states, where a line is carried over low and marshy ground, and a diffi- culty is found in obtaining earth to construct the embankments, a series of timber trusses are substituted, which often rise 10 or 12 feet above the level of the plain; on these the longitudinal timbers are laid to carry the rails. Piles of from 14 to 16 inches in diameter, not sharpened, are first driven in, forming two lines the width of the way; when these are perpendicular, inclined struts are placed on the outside, which passing at the upper end under the transverse timbers, and abutting at the lower upon another short pile, render the woodwork tolerably secure. Another method is to drive four slanting piles, two one way and two the other, each pair uniting at top under the longitudinal timbers, and in the middle of the width at bot- tom, where transverse binding pieces are firmly bolted to them, and secured either by additional piles or cross sleepers. Occasionally a double series of St. Andrew's crosses are used, but they have generally been found subject to considerable movement when in con- nection with the locomotive engine. The cost of the American railroads is considerably less than in England: many of the single tracks have not exceeded 4000l. a mile, and, including buildings and all requisite apparatus, the average expense does not seem to exceed 20,000l. per mile. One system frequently adopted seems extremely economical sills of white oak 7 feet 10 inches long, and about 9 inches in depth, are laid across the road, at a distance of 5 feet from centre to centre; and notches are cut at the ends, into which are laid longitudinal pieces of heart of pine wood, 9 inches in depth, 5 inches in width, and 4 feet 7 inches apart. On their inner edge, plates of rolled iron 2 inches wide, and half an inch thick, are spiked down with wrought iron spikes, 5 inches in length; and where the plates form a junction, there is an additional plate of sheet iron one-twelfth of an inch in thickness; this system is found to answer when the locomotive engines are from fifteen to twenty horse power, and the cost per mile in America does not exceed 6001. The locomotive engines, when their boilers are filled, seldom weigh more than 15 tons, and their driving wheels are placed in the fore part near the fire-box; they are 5 feet in diameter; the front of the engine running on four wheels, half the diameter of the large ones. On the truck which runs on the fore wheels are a number of friction rollers, placed in a circle, in the centre of which is a vertical pivot, working in a socket of the frame-work which supports the engine. The friction rollers support the cylinder and part of the boiler, and the truck of the carriage acting on the pivot aescribes a portion of a circle, which is of great service when the engine is not running on a level road; at each side of the engine a guard is usually attached to prevent it being thrown off the rail; this is nothing more than a strong piece of timber, fixed to the front axle, and supported by two wheels, of 2 feet in diameter, which run on the rails a few feet in advance. This piece of timber is on the outside, shod with iron, slightly bent upwards, which clears away any ob- struction that may be offered to its progress. The Boston and Lowell railroad is in length about 26½ miles; it has eighteen viaducts, one of which is 1600 feet in length, and fifty-one bridges. The maximum rise is 1 in 528, or 10 feet per mile, and the least radius of curvature is 3000 feet. Where the line approaches Lowell, the cutting for 1000 feet is through the solid rock, which at the top is 60 feet in width, at the bottom 40 feet, and the mean height the same. At the commencement fish-bellied edge rails, weighing thirty-five pounds per yard, on cast- iron chairs, were laid down. The chairs were fitted on stone blocks, which rested on stone cross sills; the bearings were about 3 feet from centre to centre, and the blocks and sills were carried throughout by a longitudinal wall constructed of rubble, laid dry, 3 feet in height, 2 feet 6 inches wide at the footing, and 2 feet at the top. The space between these walls was packed in with clay, and other earth that could be easily obtained. The construction not being found to answer, the foundations have since been laid in with sand and gravel; a trench being opened for its reception, 3 feet in depth, and 7 feet in width, it was well rolled and rammed; sills of stone, 6 feet in length, and 12 by 6 feet 302 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. were then laid down; and the H rail in 15 feet lengths was adopted; the weight of which was fifty-five pounds per yard. The Boston and Worcester line is in length forty-four miles, and has several deep cuttings and high embankments; where it crosses the Charles river is a viaduct of masonry and trestle work. The rail used is that of the T form, weighing about 38½ pounds to the yard. The bars are about 15 feet in length, carried by iron chairs, weighing about 15 pounds each they are tightened by means of two wrought iron keys. ; The chairs are placed on sleepers of cedars 5 inches square, and in lengths of 7 feet; these are laid crossways at regular distances of 3 feet from centre to centre, and bedded on piers of rubble masonry; this was, however, found insecure, and a longitudinal under sill of chestnut 8 inches by 3 inches has been added throughout. sea. The_Western railroad, extending from Worcester to the valley of the Hudson, is in length more than 116 miles; and the four summits are from 900 to 1500 feet above the level of the The width of the track is 4 feet 8 inches; the rails are of a parallel form, 3 inches in depth, 4 inches on the base, and 2 inches at the top; the weight is fifty-five pounds per yard. They are laid upon sleepers of chestnut, 7 feet in length, 7 inches in depth, and 12 inches wide. These sleepers rest upon others of hemlock wood, laid longitudinally, 8 inches in width, and 3 inches thick, so placed, that they measure 4 feet 10 inches from centre to centre; where the joints of the iron rails occurs, there are four cross-timbers, 3 feet in length. The rails are kept in their place in the usual manner, and the chairs are spiked into the sleepers. The maximum inclination is 60 feet in a mile, and the minimum radius of curvature 1146 feet. The Boston and Providence line is in length 41 miles, and the least radius is 5730 feet ; the highest inclination is 25 per mile in the direction towards Boston, and on the other side 37 feet 6 inches; the highest elevation is 256 feet above the level of the sea. The Granite Viaduct at Canton is 700 feet in length, and where it crosses the Neponset river is 60 feet in height. The wooden bridges on this line are 1200 feet in extent, and their spans vary from 30 to 125 feet. The rails are of the H pattern, in lengths of 15 feet, weighing 55 pounds per yard. The iron chairs weigh ten pounds each, and are only used where the rails join each other; they are let into the sleepers, and secured by four spikes. The rail is fastened by broad spikes, four on each sleeper; 6 inches in length, half an inch square, and weighing nine ounces each. There are cross ties of white cedar under the rails, laid 3 feet from centre to centre. Providence and Stonington railroad is 47 miles in length, has rails of the H pattern, in lengths of 15 feet, weighing fifty-eight pounds per yard, with square ends. The cast-iron chairs weigh ten pounds each, and are spiked down to the sleepers, with spikes nine ounces each. The sleepers of white cedar are laid 3 feet apart, are 7 feet in length, and 6 inches in thickness; they rest on sills of hemlock, 8 inches by 3 inches, and where the joints occur, there are additional piers 5 feet in length laid under them. The highest elevation is 302 feet above the level of high water, and the maximum rise not more than 33 feet in a mile; the minimum radius of curvature 1637 feet. Norwich and Worcester railroad is in length 58 miles; its maximum grade is 20 feet per mile, and the average inclination is 11 feet per mile. Long Island Railroad is in a state of progress, and one portion of the line rises 200 feet in a mile. The other gradients do not exceed 40 feet in a mile, and the minimum radius of curvature is 5280 feet. The rails are of the T pattern, weighing thirty-eight pounds per yard, resting on cast-iron chairs; these are confined on stone blocks, placed on cross ties of timber. The sleepers are of red cedar, in lengths of 8 feet, and 6 inches square. The iron chairs weigh fifteen pounds each when they are placed on the sleepers, and twenty pounds each on the stone blocks. An iron tie crosses the road, and holds the opposite stone blocks together; it is a bar of half an inch thick, 2 inches in width, and 4 feet 8 inches in length. The top part of the rail rests on the chair, and is secured by a double key. Harlem Railroad, twenty-six miles in length, is a double track, and is travelled for three-fourths of its length by steam power. The tunnel through which the line passes is cut through a solid rock, composed of quartz and hornblende, of so compact a nature that masonry was unnecessary. It extends 844 feet, and is in width 24 feet, and 21 feet in height. On this road the plate rail is laid down; it is 21 inches in width, and five-eighths thick; it is secured to longitudinal timbers 77 feet long, laid across ties of locust and cedar, placed 3 feet 6 inches apart. New York and Albany Railroad at one point attains an elevation of 770 feet, but the gradients seldom exceed 30 feet per mile. The length of this line is 1473 miles, and the radii of curvature is seldom above 1500 feet. Camben and Amboy Railroad, in length sixty-one miles; the radii of its curves are CHAP. VII. 903 UNITED STATES. about 1800 feet, and the usual gradients 20 feet per mile. The rails are the H pattern, in lengths of 16 feet, weighing forty-one pounds per square yard. The rails are supported on stone blocks, 18 inches square, and 12 inches in depth, placed in a continued trench, at regular distances. Where the rails join, there are cast-iron plates spiked down below them, which, by means of a notch cut in the rail, prevent its moving endways; the rails are attached to each other at the ends by an iron plate 4 inches in length, which is riveted to each rail; the rivet has a play to allow of contraction and expansion. On the top of the stone blocks is a piece of wood 2 inches in thickness, to adjust the placing of the rail. Wherever the clay occurred, it was taken out, being so readily affected by frost, sand and gravel being substituted. New Jersey Railroad, thirty-four miles in length, has its least radius of curvature 2000 feet, and the steepest gradient 26 feet per mile. The rails are of the T form, and weigh thirty-seven pounds per yard; they are in lengths of 18 feet, with square ends. The rail rests upon its two upper flanches on chairs, a single key keeping it in its place. The chairs weigh fifteen pounds each, and are placed at equal distances, measuring 3 feet from centre to centre; they are secured to cross sleepers of cedar wood and chestnut. There are two timber viaducts, one over the Possaic, the other over the Hackensack, which are worthy of notice. At Bergen Hill is a deep cutting, a mile in length, and at one part 50 feet in depth, 35 feet of which is through hard rock; more than 500,000 cubic yards were excavated. The Viaduct at Raritan is on the plan called after Colonel Long; its length is 1700 feet, and its spans vary from 112 feet to 145 feet; the depth of the truss being 22 feet, and the width between the rails at the top 31 feet. There are seven piers and two abutments, faced with granite, and filled in with blue and red shale stone; this viaduct has two stories in height; the lower floor is supported by trusses, and a double roadway is carried by means of joists laid 4 feet apart. The chairs that confine the rails rest on strong pieces, 11 inches in width and 4 inches thick, pinned down to the floor at top, which serves as a roof. The braces of the truss-framing abut upon thin plates of sheet iron. Parts of the floors draw up, to allow the passage of vessels at certain appointed times. Columbia and Philadelphia railroad is 811 miles in length; the maximum gradient is 30 feet per mile, and the minimum radius of curvature 631 feet. The deepest cuttings are between 30 and 40 feet, and the highest embankment is 80 feet. There are 75 stone culverts, varying in span from 4 to 25 feet, 20 viaducts, the piers and abutments of which are stone, the structures above of timber, and 33 bridges. The Schuylkill viaduct is of timber, formed into distinct trusses, the whole width, from out to out, being nearly 50 feet, which is sufficient to allow three separate ways, two of 18 feet 6 inches, and the other of 4 feet for foot passengers. There are six piers and seven spans the whole length of the viaduct is 1045 feet; the height of the floor above the water- line is 38 feet. Valley Creek viaduct has four equal spans of 130 feet clear, and the stone piers vary in height from 56 to 59 feet. The woodwork consists of a lattice bridge, with the railway carried over the top. East Brandywine viaduct has four spans, two of 88 feet 6 inches, and two of 121 feet 6 inches. The clear width is 18 feet 6 inches, and the whole length of the platform 477 feet, the clear height above the water 30 feet. The West Brandywine viaduct has a platform 835 feet in length, which is 72 feet above the water; the line is carried over the top of the framing. Big Conestoga viaduct is in length 1412 feet, the platform is 60 feet above the water. The greatest span is 120 feet, and the lattice timber-work is upon Town's plan. Little Conestoga viaduct has also stone piers and abutments, the length of the platform is 804 feet, and its elevation above the water 47 feet. Mill Creek viaduct is 540 feet in length, and is 40 feet high. Peguea viaduct is a single span of 180 feet, it is in timber, on the plan of Mr. Burr. The length of the single track is 163 miles, six miles of which have granite sills, on which are flat iron bars; 16 miles with wooden string pieces, plated in a similar way with iron; two miles with stone blocks, and sills with edge rails; and 137 miles, with stone block and edge rail, with timber sills across the track. The granite track has trenches cut in the line of its direction about 22 inches in depth, into which is compactly placed layers of broken stone. Granite sills are then laid, varying in length from 3 to 12 feet, and 12 inches square; into these holes are drilled five-eighths of an inch in diameter, and 3 inches in depth, into which plugs of locust wood were securely driven. The iron bars, 15 feet in length, 24 inches wide, and five-eighths of an inch thick, are spiked to these wooden plugs. As horse-power is used, there is a pathway of broken stone and gravel 6 inches in depth. The timber track. — Trenches were dug across the road 4 feet apart, 8 feet in length, 12 inches wide, and 16 inches in depth; broken stone was thrown into them and well rammed, 804 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. then sills of chestnut and white oak were laid down, in lengths of 7 feet 6 inches, and 7 inches square, notched, to receive a yellow pine string piece, 6 inches square, which is spiked down securely. On this are the flat iron bars, and the horse-way is formed as before described. Edge Rails on Stone Blocks and Sills.—Trenches were dug in the direction of the length of the road, 28 inches wide, and 24 in depth; at every 15 feet these were connected by a cross-trench, 16 inches in width: broken stones were rammed into them, and blocks and sills were settled by the means of heavy rammers. The granite blocks are 20 inches long, 16 wide, and 12 deep. The sills, also, of stone, 6 feet 6 inches long, and 12 inches square, are sunk in the trench at every 15 feet. The rails have a bearing on the blocks at every 3 feet. The chairs, which are of cast-iron, weigh 15 pounds, and are secured to the sills and blocks by bolts driven into cedar plugs inserted in the stone. Each chair has two bolts, weighing 10 ounces each, and between the chair and stone block is a piece of tarred felt. The rails are of rolled iron, 15 feet in length, parallel top and bottom; their depth is 3 inches, and their weight, per yard, 41 pounds. The rail is fastened to the chair by two wrought-iron wedges, each weighing 10 ounces. The horse-path is similar to the others. Edge Rails on Stone Blocks and Locust Sills.—The locust sills are 15 feet apart on the straight lines, and 9 feet on the curves, and the remainder of the work is the same as the edge-rail track already described. There are turn-outs for the horses at certain intervals. On this line of railroad all the bars used belong either to individuals or to companies, whilst the motive power is found by the state. The locomotives run daily about 77 miles. There is an inclined plane at the Philadelphia end 2714 feet in length, and rising 185 feet. Another at Columbia is 1914 feet in length, and rises 90 feet. The cars are moved up and down by a stationary engine of 60 horse-power, and an endless rope 9 inches in circumference, which passes round horizontal grooved wheels, placed at the top and bottom of the planes. ; Allegany Portage Railroad, its length is a little more than 36½ miles, and its total rise and fall 2570 feet, of which 2007 feet are overcome by planes, the inclination of which varies from 40 to 510, or from 7 feet to 10 feet, for every 100 feet base. They are all straight, both on plan and section. The total length of their base is a little more than 44 miles the rest of the gradients are about 15 feet per mile. All the embankments are 25 feet in width; at the top there are four viaducts of considerable extent: that over Connemaugh is a single arch of 80 feet span, the top of the stone work is 70 feet above the surface of the water; there are 68 culverts, 85 drains, several bridges, 10 inclined planes, 11 levels, and one tunnel, 901 feet in length, 20 feet wide, and 19 feet in height to the soffite of the arch. The edge rails are parallel, and made of rolled iron, weighing 40 pounds per yard; they are supported by cast-iron chairs, weighing 13 pounds each, and the rail is secured in them by an iron wedge. The stone blocks under them contain each about 3 feet 6 inches of cube stone, and are placed on a bed of broken stone, at a distance of 3 feet from centre to centre. At the head of each inclined plane are two stationary engines of 35 horse-power each, which work an endless rope, and can draw up four cars loaded with 7000 pounds weight, and let down four at the same time; from six to ten changes can be made in an hour. A safety car is in attendance in case of any accident occurring to the rope. In the formation of this railroad there were 337,220 cube yards of common excavation. 212,034 566,932 210,724 14,8.57 967,060 67,327 perches 13,342 slate or detached rock. hard pan or indurated clay. solid rock. solid rock in the tunnel. embankments carried over 100 feet. slope wall. vert and wall in drains. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad is 59 miles in length, and in one instance the gradient is 19 feet to the mile; the others vary from 18 inches to 11 feet in the same distance, there are three tunnels on the line. The H rail is used; the weight is 45 pounds 2 ounces per yard; the lengths are 18 feet 9 inches, with square ends. About eight of these lengths weigh a ton; the sleepers upon which they are secured are of white oak, laid transversely about 7 feet in length; they are brought to a face on the under as well as upper side, in order that a true bearing might be obtained throughout; they are 7 inches in depth, and laid at a distance of 3 feet 1 inches from centre to centre. Under them is a foundation of broken stone, in a trench excavated to the depth of 14 inches, and in width 12 inches; the length was 2 feet more than that of the sleepers bedded on them. After these walls were laid, and the timbers placed, the spaces between them were filled up level with clay, or any other material at hand. The CHAP. VII. 305 UNITED STATES. 14 rails are let in about of an inch throughout, except at the joinings of the rails, where the chairs occur. The chairs are 6 inches square at the base, and § of an inch in thickness, and the rails are bolted down to them securely, the hole in the rail being made a little larger than the bolt, to allow for expansion. The bolt and nut weigh 7 ounces, and the chair 10 pounds; the latter is held by four spikes, 6 inches in length, the heads of which passed over the edge of the chair. In a mile of road there were 71 tons of rail, 5910 pounds of chairs, 4524 pounds of spikes, and 481 pounds of bolts and nuts. About 30 miles from Philadelphia is a tunnel, the length of which is 1932 feet, the width 19 feet, and the internal height 17 feet. The sides are cut quite perpendicular, as high as 10 feet 9 inches, and above this the section is a half oval, rising 6 feet 8 inches; there is no lining of masonry except at the ends, the rock it passes through being the Grauwacke slate, and sufficiently strong without it. Beyond the northern end of the tunnel, the Schuylkill is crossed by a stone bridge, 18 feet 4 inches wide; there are four spans, each 72 feet, and 3 piers of 8 feet; the roadway is 24 feet above the level of the river. The versed sine of the arches is 16 feet 6 inches; the arch is the segment of a circle whose radius is 47 feet 6 inches. Below the water the foundations are carried down to 10 or 12 feet in depth; Roman cement was used instead of mortar, and the whole of the superstructure is executed with cut stone. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad extends 80 miles, the road bed is in width 26 feet; 41 miles from Baltimore there is an inclined plane, in length 2150 feet, rising 80; this is followed by another, 3000 feet in length, and 100 feet rise; the summit is 813 feet above mid tide, and is called Parr's Spring Ridge. From thence the line descends by an inclined plane, 3200 feet in length, and 160 feet in height, and by another 1900 feet in length, and 81 feet in height, after which the gradients vary from 37 to 52 feet per mile. The viaducts are all of stone excepting two; between Baltimore and the Potomac there are thirty-three. The rails are sometimes laid on granite sills, and at others on timber sleepers; the iron rails are in 15 feet lengths, each pierced with eleven oblong holes, to receive iron pins. Baltimore and Port Deposite Road is 95 miles in length, its maximum inclination is 20 feet per mile, and its minimum radius of curvature 2000 feet. Under each line of rails is a sill sawed out of white pine, 8 inches by 6 inches, in lengths of from 12 to 40 feet. These are laid flat in longitudinal trenches; on these, at distances of 3 feet from centre to centre are cross timbers of white oak and chestnut, 8 feet in length and about 8 inches by 6; each has four notches, two on the lower side, 8 inches wide, and two on the upper, 7½ inches, in which is a wedge for the purpose of making fast the longitudinal piece; the thickness left between the upper and lower notch is always 21 inches. The lower notches embrace the under sills, and are made to fit, so that no lateral movement can take place. The rails are nearly rectangular on their section, and weigh 40 pounds per yard; they are 2 inches wide at bottom, 24 at top, and 12 inch in height; their length varies from 17 feet 9 inches to 18 feet 3 inches, and their ends are cut obliquely to an angle of about 60°. Each is vertically perforated by five holes, by means of which they are secured to the longitudinal timbers; the ends of the rails are lodged on plates of rolled iron, inch in thickness, and about 53 by 4 inches. On the upper side of these plates are two small ledges, extending their whole length parallel to each other, through which the rail passes, and is prevented from having any lateral movement. Two 9-inch bolts keep the plates secure. 14 Baltimore and Susquehanna railroad is in length 56 miles; its summit level is 1000 feet above that of high water; its steepest ascent is 84 feet per mile, and descent 59 feet. The least radius of curvature is 950 feet. Lexington and Ohio railroad is 923 miles in length, the minimum radius of curvature is 1000 feet, and its maximum inclination 30 feet per mile. Where it descends the valley of the Green River is an inclined plane 4000 feet in length, and 240 feet in height. To these may be added the Portland, Saco and Portsmouth in the department of Maine, in length 50 miles; Concord, in the same department, 35 miles; in Massachussetts, the Boston and Maine, 17 miles; Berkshire, 21 miles; Felchburg, 50 miles; Naschua and Lowell, 14 miles; Northampton and Springfield; Old Colony, and some others. In new York is the Attica and Buffalo, in length 31 miles; Auburn and Rochester, 78 miles; Auburn and Syracuse, 26 miles; Buffalo and Magara, 22 miles; Erie, 53 miles; Long Island, 96 miles; Utica and Schenectady 78 miles; Reading, 94 miles; South Carolina and Columbia, 202 miles, and a great many others in progress; those already completed amount to nearly 2700 miles in length. X 306 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. t CHAP. VIII. CIVIL ENGINEERING IN BRITAIN. AMONG the great nations of antiquity and of modern Europe, we find the engineer trusted and employed by the governments, and when great works were undertaken, their cost pro- vided for out of the public funds. The peculiar nature of our constitution has caused a contrary course to be pursued; the increase of commerce in Britain, and its augmentation of capital, have directed the attention of individuals not only to the improvement of machinery, but to the best method of conveying their manufactured goods to the port from whence they are to be transmitted to foreign lands. Hence arose the necessity of improving the roads and bridges, forming canals, convenient harbours, lighthouses, &c., and latterly, spreading over the whole face of the country a network of railway communication. To commercial enterprise, and not to the government, is due whatever improvements have been made in the science of engineering: private study, and not an Institute, produced Brindley, Jessop, Rennie, Chapman, Huddart, Watt, Priestley, Smeaton, and others, who, in the last century, gave a character to the science, and permanently established it as a profession. Mechanical knowledge formed the groundwork of their acquirements, and the increasing wants of the commercial world called them into active operation; the necessity of an undertaking was no sooner made known than intellect and energy contrived to execute it. The prosperity of Britain is based upon her industry, and the success which has attended the speculations of manufacturers has induced the formation of companies for the establishment of canals, docks, harbours, and other public works. As it is our boast that the management of public improvements is entrusted to those who pay for them, the government interferes no further than is necessary for the pro- tection of private property: when a project is decided on, plans are forwarded to some public place of meeting in the county or counties interested in it, and notices are trans- mitted to the inhabitants of the towns and villages, as well as to each individual whose property is in the slightest degree interfered with. The names of the owners and occupiers of the soil are registered, with their assent to or dissent from the measure; this document is forwarded to the office of the justices of the peace of each county, previous to applying to parliament. The London Gazette and the country journals then announce the proposition, and make it as public as possible. A petition drawn up and presented to the houses of parliament is sent with a draught bill, prepared by the engineers and solicitors of the company, which is duly considered by a committee of the legislative houses, and if no important objections are taken, the measure is assented to; when the whole of the subscribers are summoned to appoint a managing committee, treasurer, engineer, and assistants, to carry out the work. Plans and specifications are then advertised of the several portions of the undertaking, and contractors offer tenders for its performance, the lowest being generally selected; the contractor is bound to give the work his personal attendance, to submit to the superin- tendence of an inspector, appointed by the committee of management, and to the works being measured every month, when an order is given for the amount to be paid; he is also required to furnish securities for the completion by a certain time; when this is effected, the management devolves upon a committee appointed by the great body of shareholders. The engineer thus becomes instrumental in advancing the welfare of the nation; without him none of these improvements could be carried on, and hence the absolute necessity for acquiring all the various branches of knowledge connected with the undertakings alluded to. Science and art are too often considered to have no reference to each other, and hence the principles of construction have been fostered by the Institute of Civil Engineers, whilst what relates to taste and fancy has been considered the province of the Royal Academy. The future historian of Britain will not refer to her architectural remains, but to the vast works of the engineer, by which to judge of the habits and civilisation of the age. The architect is too generally confined to the pencil, in other words; to the production of a beautiful drawing, a point by no means to be undervalued; but of what use is the creation of designs, when unaccompanied by a knowledge of the construction by which they can be carried into effect? A picture will not show whether the material has been well selected or judiciously employed, or if the voids and supports are properly proportioned: on the other hand the study of the engineer is often too exclusively directed to the display of mere mechanical skill, without the attempt to produce a good effect; still the demand for the ability in question is now so great, that without an increased energy on the part of CHAP, VIII. 307 BRITAIN. the architect, he will be superseded by the engineer; there is no reason why the labour of necessity or usefulness should not be embellished by taste, and a great nation has a right to expect the union of science and art, based on the severest integrity, in those to whom millions are entrusted for her improvement. It is not possible to form an estimate of the sums expended by individuals and companies during the last century on roads, bridges, canals, harbours, docks, and mining operations, where the services of the engineer were demanded; that the amount exceeds that of the national debt there can be no doubt, and a thousand million sterling would not be overrating the total outlay. Many of the bridges have cost upwards of a million, and the railways completed considerably more than a hundred million; how much of this vast sum has been improvidently expended cannot now be estimated, but probably more than half. We may consider that to the middle of the last century, the drainage of the land, the embankment of rivers, and the extracting of ores, was performed by individuals who had no claims to the title of civil engineers; it was his knowledge in mechanics that induced a member of the Royal Society to select Smeaton as the builder for Eddystone Lighthouse. In the middle ages towns and cities were walled in, and castles and cathedrals built, by the enterprising confraternities of Masons, who travelled from place to place under the direction of a governing body: to them were confided constructions of every kind, and the intelligent head of the Lodge acted as architect and engineer; old London Bridge, and the walls which surrounded Dover, Hartlepool, and other harbours, evince their skill in such constructions. The same causes which led to their dissolution buried for a time the knowledge which had rendered such important service to the country; but when internal tranquillity was restored, the whole extent of our coast, and the navigable rivers which discharge themselves into the ocean, received improvement, though this was often effected by men who had obtained a reputation abroad; vast tracts of land were redeemed from a state of marsh by engineers from Holland: all these important undertakings were conducted in a rude and imperfect manner; the philosopher had not directed his studies to what was useful, and mathematical knowledge was slighted by the unlearned practitioner. The Ports and Harbours of Britain first claim our attention, and although it is not possible to do more than briefly describe them, we may, where information is afforded, give an account of some of the improvements they have undergone; it must, however, be admitted that much remains to be performed, before they will answer the growing wants of our great commercial intercourse. The Thames, that gentle, deep, majestic king of floods, seems to have been the resort of commerce at a very early period, and on its banks, where the capital is now situated, formerly stood Llyn-Din, or the town on the lake. This river, which is of such im- portance to British commerce, passes through a rich and fertile district; the basin of the Thames, or the land it drains, has been computed as equal to an eleventh part of England and Scotland, and as containing nearly a fifth of the entire population. It rises on the Coteswold hills, and receives its supplies at first from the Lech, the Colne, the Churne, and the Isis; the latter flows by Cricklade, and is rendered navigable for small craft at Lechdale, on the confines of Gloucestershire and Berkshire. The Windrush and Evanlode run into it a little below, and at a short distance further the Thame enters it near Dor- chester; the whole is then called Thame Isis. After passing Reading, it receives the Kennet, and below Staines the Wey; when flowing through the metropolis, it has other tributaries in the Lea, the Ravensbourne, the Darent, and the Medway. From Lechdale to London Bridge, the distance by the river is 146 miles, with a total rise from low water mark, at the bridge, of 248 feet; the tide flows up 183 miles, to Teddington, where is the first lock to aid the navigation. The low water surface of the river falls about 16 feet 9 inches from Teddington lock to London Bridge, or 103 inches per mile on an average. The high water mark at Teddington is 18 inches above the high water mark at London Bridge, and the time of high water is later by about two hours. The fall of the bed of the river in this distance is about 12 inches in a mile. The Thames flows with a regular and steady current, and is of a considerable depth above Greenwich; at ebb tide it is generally from 12 to 13 feet; the tides at London Bridge rise ordinarily about 17 feet, and at extreme springs as much as 22 feet. Ships of almost any tonnage can get up to Deptford; those of 1400 or 1500 tons to Blackwall, whilst St. Katherine's Docks will not receive vessels of above 800 tons. The whole course of this noble river measures upwards of 200 miles, and it drains a surface of country equal to about 5000 square miles; its meandering is considerable, as a straight line drawn from its two extremities is not much more than half the before-men- tioned distance. Its velocity varies from mile to 2 miles per hour, and the mean has been computed at about 2 miles per hour. On the southern banks, below London Bridge, are many docks, and the government establishments of Deptford, Greenwich, and Woolwich, and on the Medway, Chatham and Sheerness. On the northern banks are several docks, belonging to the St. Katherine, x 2 308 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. London, and East and West India Companies, and many private establishments for ship- building. St. Katherine's Docks. A company was incorporated by an act passed 6 Geo. 4. c. 105, and the docks were opened the 25th of October, 1828. The capital raised by shares amounted to 1,352,800l. and an additional sum of 800,000l. was borrowed on the security of the works which had been performed; the engineering department was under the direction of Mr. Thomas Telford, and the warehouses under that of Mr. Philip Hardwick. 籽 ​-- WESTERN. JUL ་ . • ་ • BASIN. • 、 • ་ · EASTERN DCCK. • * Fig. 308. ST. CATHERINE. These docks occupy a space between Tower Hill and East Smithfield, and communicate with the river by a lock 180 feet in length, and 45 feet in width; its construction admits vessels of 600 tons burthen, 3 hours before the time of high water. The depth of water on the sills at spring tides is 28 feet, at dead neaps 24 feet, at low spring tides 10 feet, and at low water neap tides 12 feet, Trinity datum. The area occupied by these docks within the walls is 24 acres, 11 of which are water; the two docks communicate with each other by a basin, and are surrounded by wide quays and lofty brick warehouses, where the goods are at once housed by cranes out of the holds of the vessels. Between the docks and the Tower is a wharf, having a frontage towards the river of 187 feet. Before these docks were commenced, numerous borings were made to the depth of 40 feet. The lock entrance, and the sills under the two middle lock gates, are fixed at a depth of 10 feet under the level of low water mark of an ordinary spring tide. The vessels pass from this lock into an entrance basin of about two acres, and thence, through a single pair of gates, 45 feet in width, into the eastern dock, and by similar means into the western, each of which contains nearly two acres. The bottom of the docks and basin is 4 feet above the outer and middle lock sills, and the height of the quays is 8 feet above the water in the docks, which is always preserved at the same level by means of two steam engines of 80 horse power each, which can fill the lock in seven minutes, and the process of lockage may, without affecting the water in the basin, be continued, as long as there is sufficient depth of water outside the lock gate. The small area of these docks, and there being but one entrance, suggested the employ- ment of steam engine pumps, as well as the laying the lock sill so much under the level of CHAP. VIII. 309 BRITAIN. low water on the shore; by which means a greater number of vessels can be admitted every high water. The two steam engines can be separately worked, but are connected by a line of triple cranks, which move six double-action pumps. The pumps are 3 feet in diameter, and have a stroke of 4 feet 6 inches; these are united to a horizontal iron pipe, 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, bent at one end, where it descends into a well, 8 feet in diameter, the bottom of which is 3 feet below low water mark. Communicating with this well is a culvert, 8 feet wide, 6 feet 6 inches high, and 170 feet in length, formed, as is the well, of ashlar masonry; the bottom is laid 2 feet below low water, at spring tides; over the outer end is placed a grating, to prevent any matter from entering and entangling the pump valves. The water raised by the pumps can be discharged either into the entrance lock or the basin. At spring tides the depth of water on the sills of the outward lock gates is, at the first hour after flood, 16 feet; at the second hour, 21 feet 2 inches; at the third, 24 feet; at the fourth, 26 feet 6 inches; and at the fifth hour after flood, and at high water, 28 feet. At the first hour after high water it is 24 feet 6 inches; at the second, 20 feet 10 inches; at the third, 18 feet 2 inches; at the fourth, 15 feet 7 inches; at the fifth, 13 feet 2 inches; at the sixth, 11 feet 3 inches; and at low water, 10 feet. ; During neap tides, the depth of water at the first hour after flood is 13 feet 6 inches at the second, 16 feet 10 inches; at the third, 20 feet 3 inches; at the fourth, 22 feet 7 inches; and at the fifth hour, and at high water, 24 feet. And at the first hour after high water, 21 feet 11 inches; after the second 18 feet; the third 16 feet 2 inches; the fourth 15 feet 6 inches; the fifth, 14 feet; the sixth, 12 feet 10 inches; and at low water, 12 feet. The entrance lock is built of grey stock bricks, laid in mortar made with lias lime; the platforms, hollow quoins, bond stones, and copings of the lock walls, are of Bramley Fall ப T Fig. 309. SIDE OF Entrance LUCK. stone, and the whole so cemented that they form a solid mass. As the site of the docks and quays is upon a hard stratum of gravel, it was found necessary to line the bottom of the docks, and puddle the back of the walls, as well as to place the counter- forts upon foundations impervious to water. An artificial concrete, composed of blue lias lime mixed with eight parts of coarse sand, was kneaded into a thick mortar, and spread over a bed, a foot in thickness, of sufficient size to receive the breadth of the wall of the counter- forts and puddle. A wooden sill was laid under the front edge of the wall, and a row of sheeting piles, 14 feet in length, and 9 inches in thickness, was driven along the side of it, their joints for 3 feet downwards being closely caulked. The facing wall of the whole of 11.6 45.0 Fig. 310. SECTION OF ENTRANCE LOCK. 11.6 x 3 310 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. E Fig. 311. PART OF side of LOCK. 45.0 Λ 52.4 10.0 Fig. 312. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. Fig. 313. SECTION IN MIDDLE. the quay, to within 14 inches of the top, was laid in blue lias lime mortar, and the re- mainder worked with Dorking lime. The brickwork was flushed, and every four courses varied in their diagonal direction. Commercial Docks are situated on the opposite side of the river to the West India Docks, and nearly opposite their upper entrance. There are six docks, the largest of off 12 ACRES 93 ACRES DOCK SURREY CANAL 3 DOCK 10 ACRES DOCK DOCK 181 ACRES 15 ACRES L Fig. 314. RIVER THAMES COMMERCIAL DOCKS. 山 ​CHAP. VIII. 311 BRITAIN. which, the Greenland, covers 92 acres. The next dock westward, 12 acres, No. 3, 33; No. 4, 10 acres; No. 5, 15 acres; No. 6, 181 acres. The space comprised altogether by these spacious docks is 70 acres, of which 58 are water. London Docks were established by a company of merchants, under the authority of an Act of Parliament, obtained in June, 1800. The act had for its outline, that the holders should have 5 per cent. interest annually, guaranteed upon the capital they advanced, and the dividends were never to exceed 10 per cent. The capital of the company at first was to be 1,200,000l., with the power of adding another 300,000l., and the interest of all loans destined to complete this capital was to be paid before the other dividends. The pro- prietors of from 500l. to 10,000l. or more had votes in respective proportions, but no one was to have more than four. Nine proprietors were sufficient to call a general meeting, independent of the half-yearly meetings, for the examination of the current accounts. The basis upon which the purchase of lands or property necessary for the docks, quays, and warehouses was distinctly established, and the company was empowered to erect a wall of inclosure, and to supply the basins from the Thames; to construct all necessary bridges, and to lay down water pipes and form sewers, subject to the superintendence of the com- missioners of sewers. The company engaged to complete the works in seven years, to preserve a certain depth of water before the entrance of the docks, but was forbidden to build any vessels. JUULU ST CATHERINES DOCK WESTERN DOCK RIVER THAMES EASTERN Fig. 315. Gang LONDON DOCKS. The dock rates were fixed at per ton, according to the official guaging of the vessels, as follows: - For every ship, trading between London and the ports of Great Britain, 1s.; Ireland, parts of France, Flanders, Germany, and Denmark, 1s. 3d.; to the Baltic, 1s. 6d., and to other places in proportion, whilst the highest duties were to eastern Asia and the East Indies, 2s. 6d. per ton. The merchandise shipped or unshipped within the docks pays the same duty as in the port of London, for anchorage, moorage, and housing. All vessels laden with more than twenty pipes of wine or brandy are obliged to enter the London Docks; and there are numerous other clauses referrible to the nomination of officers of management, &c. The lower communication from the river is by a long cut, which is called the Wapping entrance, and higher up the river is another called the Hermitage. Along the sides of the docks, and near the edges of the quays, are erected ranges of sheds, of a very simple construction: behind these sheds, which first receive the cargoes from the ships, and in a parallel direction with them, is a line of warehouses, four stories high, containing beneath them spacious arched vaults: and covering an area of 120,000 square yards. In front of these splendid masses of building, and along the whole length of the sheds, are iron railways, with others at right angles, which lead from the quays to the several loop-hole entrances of the warehouses. These works were commenced in 1800, under the superintendence of Mr. Rennie, and in five years the establishment was opened for merchant vessels; during the progress, a steam-engine of twenty horse-power was constantly at work, to pump out the water which filtered into the excavations. This engine, made by Boulton and Watt, raised nine X 4 312 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 316. cubic yards of water per minute to the height of 33 feet, and consumed two bushels of coals per hour; it turned a drum bearing an endless chain, which glided in an horizontal direction upon rollers, and passed over a second circular drum; to which was attached an eccentric pin, the action of which raised the piston of a powerful pump. In order to prevent the links of the chain from becoming loose by their expansion, and to make them always press equally upon the two drums, so that they should transmit and receive motion from each other, there were two parallel upright posts, between which the chain passed; here was introduced a heavy roller, which mounted or descended in grooves and rested on the upper part of the chain, thus, by its constant weight, exerting an equal tension on the two drums. There are two capacious docks; the western covers an area of 20 acres, being 420 yards long, and 320 yards wide. The eastern dock has an area of about 7 acres. The entire area within the boundary walls of the whole is a little more than 71 acres. The tobacco warehouses, on the north side of the tobacco dock, which is more than an acre in extent, are the largest and most convenient to be met with. They cover 5 acres of ground, and will contain 24,000 hogsheads of tobacco. The vaults under the warehouses include an area of 18 acres, and can admit 6000 pipes of wine. East India Docks were erected after the passing of the act in July, 1803, which au- thorised the formation of a company consisting of thirteen directors, elected in fourths every IMPORT DOCK EXPORT DOCK ENTRANCE EAST INDIA DOCKS. THAMES RIVER year. Every fourth year four nominations are made instead of three: each director to possess at least twenty shares, and four to be directors of the East India Company. The general interests and accounts of the company are laid before two meetings, held in January and July every year. Persons who do not possess five shares are not allowed to vote. The import dock contains 19 acres, the export nearly 10 acres, and the basin 3 acres; the two docks are connected with the basin by two short locks, making a total superficies of 32 acres. The depth of these docks, measured from the levels of the quays, is 27 feet. Vessels enter from the Thames by a lock opening in the west side of the basin, over which is a light iron bridge, 4 feet in breadth, for foot passengers. The import dock is 1410 feet in length, and 560 feet in breadth. feet in length, and 463 feet in breadth. The export dock is 760 The various works were executed under the direction of Mr. Ralph Walker and Mr. John Rennie. Fronting the river is a quay nearly 700 feet in length, and the export dock has a lofty building in which is machinery to mast or unmast the largest vessels. Since the dissolution of the East India Company as a commercial corporation, these docks have been opened to vessels from all parts of the globe. RIVER CHAP. VIII. 313 BRITAIN RIVER THAMES Fig. 317. Brunswick Wharf, in front of the East India Docks. In 1834 this quay was found to be in a state of decay, and being required for the accommodation of a large class of steam vessels, Messrs. Walker and Burgess were employed as engineers to put it into a proper state, and the new iron piling and wharfing were executed. A trench 6 feet wide was opened in the direction of the intended line, and the guide piles were then driven; the main piles, which are of iron, were placed at intervals of feet, and the intermediate bays were filled in with the iron plates. The piles are each in two pieces, the upper one fitting into a socket-head formed on the lower, the union being made perfect by a strong screw bolt: each sheet pile is secured at the top by two bolts to the uppermost wale of the woodwork immediately behind them; they are of iron 14 inches in thickness, and the weight of each is 17 cwt. These plates filling up the spaces over the sheet piling are bolted to the main piles, and to each other, and the joints stopped with iron cement, and where the mooring rings are introduced, they are cast concave with a hole to allow a bolt to pass through, which is secured as well as the land ties from the main piles to the old wharf, which was not disturbed. The West India Docks are considerably larger than the London, and are situated about 1 miles below them in the Isle of Dogs, on a peninsula formed by the winding of the Thames. These docks were commenced on the 12th of July, 1800, and as early as the LIMEHOUSE BASIN IMPORT DOCK EXPORT DOCK SOUTH DOCK OR CANAL WEST INDIA docks. II TIMBER DOCK BASIN month of September, 1802, vessels entered the import dock. There are two docks, each about 890 yards in length, running parallel to each other; the largest, 500 feet in breadth, and destined for vessels returning from the West Indies, contains about 30 acres; the other, 400 feet broad, about 25 acres. The docks, basins, and locks, together form an area of 68 acres, whilst the total superficies, including the quays and warehouses, is 140 acres. 204 vessels can be admitted into the import, and 195 into the export dock, forming a total of 120,000 tons. At the upper end is the Limehouse basin, containing 2 acres, and at the lower the Blackwall basin, containing 6 acres. The docks lie almost from west to east, and the principal entrance, that of the import dock, is from the west; at the upper and lower end is a basin with three locks; the first communicates with the Thames, the water being retained by double gates; the second and third locks also have double gates, and communicate with the export and import docks. By these arrangements vessels can enter the basin whatever may be the state of the tide, and remain as long as may be required. As the water in the docks is very little higher than that in the basin, there is no stress upon the lock gates, and remaining some time in the basin before it is passed into the docks the sediment is entirely deposited. Parallel with the northern quay of the import dock is a range of sheds, 880 yards in length, which communicate with the warehouses, six stories high. The sheds are supported by cast- 'RESERVOIR RIVER THAMES 314 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. iron columns, and paved with´ slabs of granite, except at the water's edge, where there are iron plates for the more easily working of the trucks, which are drawn by two men, who transport the various casks to the entrance of the large warehouses. Along the southern quay is a shed with an iron roof covered with slate, and also sup- ported by iron columns; this shed is 443 yards in length. To counteract the effects of ex- pansion and contraction, of which the metal is susceptible, the iron tie-beams which rest on the columns are not closely united, but a sufficient interval is allowed to admit of some play. Under the sheds are spacious cellars, with octagonal pillars of stone, supporting flat brick arches; they are lighted by vertical openings taken from the interior of the sheds above them. Where two vaults intersect, a cylindrical well is built up, through which the light descends from a lantern. On a level with the floor of the sheds, plates of cast-iron cover these wells, and in them are fixed five lens or glass illuminators. Reflectors have also been most ingeniously introduced to distribute light in various parts. Iron railways are not used on the quays, but in their stead large slabs nicely fitted toge- ther, upon which the friction of the wheels is inconsiderable. In the middle of the pave- ment there are two rows, running parallel with the quays and warehouses, and opposite to each crane a double row conducts to the warehouse doors, or the sloping passage to the vault. East of the docks is the mahogany shed, which is remarkable for the machine used in piling up the vast logs imported from the West Indies; five men, by the aid of this machine, move logs weighing as many tons with facility. William Jessop furnished the plans for the West India docks, and superintended their execution, as did Mr. Gwilt those for the warehouses. Deptford is situated on the southern bank of the Thames, not far from the mouth of the little river Ravensbourne, which rises at Keston, in Kent, near the remains of the Roman camp. Henry VIII. established there a royal dock, or king's yard, which has been considerably improved since that time; at present it comprises upwards of 31 acres, contains wet docks, slips for men-of-war, basin, mast ponds, and several storehouses. The old storehouse is a quadrangular pile, and was built in 1543. The roofing, which covers some of the slips, is a fine example of carpentry. At a short distance on the north is the victualling yard, with steam mills for grinding corn, ovens for baking biscuits, cattle-sheds, slaughter-houses, a cooperage, and packing-rooms. There are houses for the residence of all the officers be- longing to this most important establishment. Woolwich, on the same bank, farther down the river, has a much more extensive dockyard, which was established at a very early period. The ship Harry Grace de Dieu, of 1000 tons, was built here in 1512. The dockyard has been enlarged from time to time; at pre- sent it is about 5 furlongs in length and 1 in breadth. Within this area are dry docks, mast ponds, slips, smithery, anchor manufactory, model lofts, storehouses of various descrip- tions, mast houses, sheds for timber, and dwellings for the superior officers. Several of the largest vessels in the British navy have been built there. The dry dock, erected under the superintendence of Mr. Walker, is one of the most com- modious lately built. After the site was excavated, a foot of brickwork was laid over the whole, then a course of granite 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. The base is 230 feet in length, and of a proportional breadth; the dock will contain vessels of 300 feet in length, owing to the excellent manner in which it is arranged. Another dock, similarly constructed, 360 feet at the base, will admit vessels of 400 feet in length on the upper deck. Many timber piers have been carried out from the banks of the Thames within the last few years, for the convenience of the steamboat passengers, some of which are between 300 and 400 feet in length; the most important of these are at Erith, Greenhithe, and Grays; it is difficult to say how long the timbers may remain uninjured by the Teredo navalis, which does great injury below Gravesend. Gravesend, which contains a population of nearly 20,000 persons, being much resorted to during the summer months, has grown into considerable importance: steamboats are con- stantly arriving and departing. In 1833 an act was obtained to construct a new landing- pier, and thirteen months afterwards the present town pier was opened to the public; W. T. Clark, Esq. was the engineer employed by the corporation, and Mr. William Wood contracted to perform the work for 87007. It extends 127 feet from the front of the town quay, and is 140 feet wide, being built upon cast-iron arches of that span, with a rise of 6 feet; the land arch springing from the stone wall of the quay, and all the others from columns. The transverse arches and framing, also of cast-iron, are supported by eight columns on foundations of Bramley fall-stone. At the extremity of the platform is a T head 76 feet in length, and 30 feet wide, under which are contrived the steps which communicate with a floating vessel, which rises and falls with the tide, and is always level with the packets alongside. 1 CHAP. VIII. BRITAIN. 315 The T head is supported upon cast-iron diagonal framing, 6 feet deep, on 18 columns, which are protected by transverse timbers, 13 inches square, bolted securely together. Under each of the columns are three cast-iron piles, 14 feet long and 15 inches in diameter; these were driven into the bed of the river until their tops were 15 inches under water, at low water ordinary spring tides. On the heads of each of the piles is an iron plate, upon which the column was placed. The twenty-six columns of cast-iron which support the whole pier are each 18 fect high and 33 inches in diameter. The platform of the pier is enclosed by an open parapet, and the ends of the T are formed into pavilions, which afford shelter in inclement weather. At the end of the pier is a cast- iron column 35 feet in height, including the base and lantern, which is lighted every evening with gas. Particular attention was re- quired to have the heads of the iron piles, which were driven into the chalky bed, perfectly level before the bases were put on, and this was effected by means of a wooden cylinder, 9 feet in diameter, and 9 feet in length, made of 3-inch deal battens, firmly keyed and hooped together, the lower end being shaped like a sheet pile, and shod with iron. This cylinder was lowered over each set of three piles, and loaded sufficiently to cause it to sink through the soft mud of the shore, when it was driven into the hard ground. The water was then pumped out, and the mud removed low enough to enable the workmen to reduce the Fig. 318. T IT T town pier, Gravesend, 1998898 heads of the piles to a uniform level by chipping, so that the bases of the columns were fitted down to the tops of the piles, metal and metal, and this operation was repeated as. often as was required. Upon the columns are placed cast-iron ribs, 40 feet in length; each arch is composed of two, secured together by 1 inch screw bolts and nuts. The whole structure consists of four such arches, which are strutted by other castings, firmly screwed to them. The various portions of the iron framing, for the support of the platform, were fitted together in a temporary manner on shore, previously to their being applied to the columns, which prevented any cutting or chipping away of the iron work already placed. Fig. 319. TOWN PIER, Gravesend. At the Terrace Gardens, lower down the river, another cast-iron pier has just been com- pleted, under the direction of Mr. J. B. Redman, which projects into the river 200 feet at 316 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. high water. The total length, including the abutments, is 250 feet; it is terminated by a T head, 90 feet in length, and of the same width as the main portion of the pier, which is 30 feet. The platform is supported by 22 cast-iron columns, with girders of the same material. There are three columns on each tier, with girders of 22 feet span, and three main spans to where the T head commences; the first two are each 50 feet, the other 51 feet. The columns are 28 feet in length, except in the first tier, which are shorter; their bases MUD SAND SPRING TIDES SILT SAND GRAVEL FLINT CHALK CONCRETE Fig. 320. TERRACE pier. Fig. 321. TERRACE PIER. are laid level with low water spring tides, and their caps 8 feet above the level of high water spring tides, which rise 20 feet, so that there is never less than 8 feet headway throughout. By means of a tide guage, employed whilst the works were in progress, it was found that the greatest rise of the tide was 22 feet 9 inches, and the lowest ebb was 1 foot 9 inches CHAP. VIII. 317 BRITAIN. below the zero on the scale; which gave the total lift of the tide 24 feet 6 inches; but on October 18, 1841, the tide rose one foot higher. The excavations for the several works are carried down one foot below the level of low water spring tides, and rest upon a bed of flints, which cap the chalk. The first tier of columns, 15 feet long, is placed upon stone bases, which rest on brick piers 7 feet 6 inches square; and the other columns were fixed by means of cast-iron cylinders 6 feet in diameter, formed of segmental plates, firmly bolted together. When the first cylinder had been forced into the mud, others were placed upon them, and secured by iron bolts, thus forming a species of coffer-dam. To base some of the columns, it was found necessary to have cylin- ders 7 feet in diameter, supported with pieces of timber; when these cylinders were above high water mark, others, 6 feet in diameter, were made use of. ·30 ft. For the foundations of the T head, the outer cylinders or coffer- dams were not used, guides being substituted for them, formed by placing timbers on the land, bolted to the fender piles, and so placed as to enclose a tier of three cylin- ders; across these timbers planks were laid down and nailed, so that there was a square space through which the cylinders could sink; they were guided above at the level of high water by a ring of wrought iron, held by four guy chains se- cured to the fender piles; to the metal ring were attached four iron rollers, which enabled the cylinder to slide freely through it, by which means they were placed very correctly. Fig. 322. TERRACE PIER SECTION. The cylinder plates are five-eighths of an inch in thickness, and when placed, they were weighted with five or ten tons of stone, according to the resistance presented. After the several cylinders were sunk to their required depth upon the solid chalk, a floor was formed of two courses of dry brick, and a thickness of 18 or 24 inches of brick- work was brought up in Roman cement, with two courses of plain tiles, also in cement; this was done for the purpose of keeping out the spring water, which, in some of the found- ations, was found to rise in considerable quantities; it was led up through a pipe 6 inches in diameter, bedded upon the dry courses below, to the mouth of which drains were formed, from where the water was most abundant. The water was pumped out by this means, and kept below the level of the work as it proceeded. When the bottom was found sound the pipe was filled with concrete, formed of Thames sand and Roman cement, and a blank flanch secured over the top. After the cement foundation was completed, a cast-iron cross, with a wrought-iron holding down bolt through it, was bedded on the work; the rest of the brickwork was car- ried up in mortar, composed of blue lias and puzzolana in equal proportions, with two and a half measures of clean river sand, and iron hoops were laid between the several courses to bind the whole together. The iron bolt was frequently plummed upright as the work proceeded, and a space of some inches was left around it to afford facility for its adjustment; after which it was filled up with concrete. Upon this brickwork was laid a circular base of Bramley Fall stone, bored to pass over the bolt; and being properly bedded, the columns were lowered and placed upon it. Each is in one casting, 26 feet long, 4 feet in diameter at bottom, and 3 feet at top; one column, which rather exceeded 1 inches in thickness, weighed 10 tons, the others averaged about 9 tons each. They are held together at top by cast-iron cross-bracing frames, fitted and bolted between the caps. The three girders which rest on the first three columns, and those of the T head, are cast to one section; six of them are 54 feet 9 inches long, and the three, next the T head 55 feet 9 inches long. The Doric entablature which surrounds the pier and forms the casing to the external girders and parapet is 7 feet in height, and rises 2 feet 9 inches above the platform. 918 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The platform is of Memel timber; the joints are caulked down upon the girders, and are covered with 3-inch plank. The front of the pier is protected by dolphins, one in the centre, and one outside each wing, and the whole of the piles are sheathed with copper. The dolphins keep the barge at a parallel distance from the T head, where the platform is approached by two flights of stairs, with landings at convenient levels between the outer rows of columns, and a trans- verse flight from above. The roof of the pier is of iron; the principals are formed of two pieces of wrought angle iron, with a wood flitch between them, to which the slate boards are nailed; they are trussed with wrought-iron, with a cast-iron strut on either side. The supporting brackets are secured to the gutters by two wrought iron bolts, which are carried through the gutter. Six small skylights are placed over the platform at the entrance, to admit light when the shutters at the side are closed. The lighthouse over the T head is supported upon four inclined truss bearers; the centre of the lantern is 40 feet above the datum level of high water; and the total height from the base of the outer foundations to the summit of the vane is 82 feet. The pier, lighted by gas, was opened to the public two years after its commencement, in April, 1843. Messrs. Fox, Henderson, and Co. were the contractors. Chatham has a dockyard and arsenal on the banks of the Medway, which were established about the reign of Queen Elizabeth; and Camden describes it as "stored for the finest fleet the sun ever beheld, and ready at a minute's warning." James I. formed the ordnance wharf, on the site of the old dock; since which time capacious wet docks, slips, mast houses, rope walks, sail lofts, smiths' shops, and other buildings, have been erected upon a very extensive scale, and some of the largest ships in the navy have been con- structed there. Near the town of Rochester is a victualling office, composed of several extensive ranges of building, appropriated to the use of the shipping at Chatham, Sheer- ness, and the Nore. Sheerness is another dockyard on the Medway, near where that river unites with the Thames; it is the chief town of the Isle of Sheppy, and situated at its extreme southern point. This yard was chiefly established for the repair of vessels that were but partially damaged; but during the last fifty years vast sums of money have been expended upon it to render the docks complete, and fitted for other uses. DINANG BOAT BASIN STORE SAW PITS HOUSE LITTLE BASIN. RIVER MEDWAY.. DOCK BASIN. DOCK DOCK. Fig. 323. SHEERNESS. It is well supplied with spring water from a well sunk in 1781, 328 feet in depth. When the workmen had penetrated through the chalk, and were trying the strata with an auger, it suddenly dropped, and the water gushed up with such velocity, that the men could with difficulty be drawn out; in six hours the water rose 190 feet, and in a few days was within 8 feet of the top, and though constantly in use, it has never been lowered more than CHAP. VIII. 319 BRITAIN. 200 feet; its quality is soft, and its temperature higher than that obtained from ordinary wells. Docks and slips have been constructed upon the best principles, and a sea-wall, founded upon a solid bed, is built along the entire frontage. After quitting the Thames, and continuing on the line of coast northward, we arrive at the river Crouch, which has left many deltas; one of these, called Foulness, advances con- siderably into the sea; the river itself is navigable for more than eleven miles. Ten miles north of the Crouch lies Blackwater Bay, into which the Chelmar and other small streams empty themselves; some years ago the Chelmar was made navigable for small vessels to Chelmsford; the Colne carries small craft to Wivenhoe and Colchester, which are employed in the oyster trade. One of the streams which pour forth their waters into this spacious bay is the Idumanum, on which Maldon is situated. Fifteen miles farther north is another bay, into which fall the Stour and Orwell; both are of a considerable width at their mouth, and the first is navigable for 28 miles to Sudbury, where the Flemings established a manufactory for cloth in the fourteenth cen- tury. Harwich, a populous sea-port and a market town, is situated at the north-east extremity of Essex, on a point of land bounded on the east by the sea, and on the north by the estuaries of the Stour and Orwell. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in ship-building, and vessels of considerable burthen have been launched from the convenient yards established here. The harbour is deep and spacious, and the anchorage good. More than 100 sail of the line and 400 colliers are reported to have been seen riding in safety at one time. Numerous vessels are fitted out from this port engaged in the fishery trade, and there is a constant communication between it and the ports of Holland and Germany. On the south side of Harwich the cliff which divides Orwell haven from the bay con- tains a stratum of a blue clay, about a foot in thickness, on which is another of the same thickness, of stone, containing numerous fossils. Immediately opposite to Harwich, and at the south-east extremity of Suffolk, is a strong fortification, called Langard Fort; it is built upon a point of land united to Walton Colness, except at the time of high water, when it becomes an island, nearly a mile distant from the shore. The Orwell is navigable to Ipswich, but the port is still much silted up, although in the reign of George III. an act of parliament was obtained to improve the course up to Stow- market. The Deben discharges itself at Felix Stow, north of Harwich Bay, and is navigable to Woodbridge, a distance of ten miles. Orford, situated on the confluence of the Alde and Ore, was once a place of considerable importance: the keep of the ancient castle remains; its plan is polygonal, having 18 sides described within a circle whose radius is 27 feet; three square towers, placed around it at equal distances, flank the walls, each measuring about 22 feet in width, projectimg 12 feet, and 90 feet high. The walls at the base are 20 feet in thickness; the whole is surrounded by ditches, and was formerly by a circular wall 40 or 50 feet in height; this Norman castle is chiefly built of Caen stone. The decline of the town is ascribed to the loss of its harbour, occasioned by the bar thrown up, at the mouth, which has caused the sea to retire altogether. The accumulations of sand on this coast have also destroyed the importance that Aldborough once possessed, which is situated on the same river. Southwold, on an eminence overlooking the German Ocean, is nearly surrounded on every side by the river Blith, which here discharges itself into the sea. The herring fishery once contributed to its wealth and importance. About the middle of the last century a pier was erected on the north side of the port, and a few years afterwards another on the south. Two docks were also laid down by the Free British fishery, and numerous magazines for depositing stores were constructed. Southwold Bay, or Sole Bay, as it is commonly called, was rendered celebrated in 1672, by the action fought in it between the combined fleets of England and France against the Dutch, commanded by De Ruyter. Lowestoft is situated on the easternmost part of the English coast, upon a lofty eminence commanding a fine view over the German Ocean; and near the edge of the cliff, north of the town, stands the upper lighthouse, erected in 1676, which is a circular tower of brick, 40 feet in height, and 20 in diameter. This lighthouse originally had its upper story or chamber glazed all round, and within was kept burning a coal fire, which was visible at night for a great distance at sea. In 1778 the brethren of the Trinity House altered this arrangement, and erected at the summit one of the newly contrived cylindrical lanterns. Another lighthouse, of timber, is placed below, so that vessels coming into Lowestoft roads are directed to the Stanford Channel,, which lies between the Holme and Barnard 320 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. sands. This channel is mile broad and mile from the shore, and is continually changing 11 its direction; it is, therefore, necessary constantly to move the position of this timber light- house, in order that it may be placed in such a manner that it covers the great lighthouse, to vessels entering. The herring fishery forms the principal trade, and the ships employed are about 40 tons burthen. Farmouth is admirably situated for the commerce of the north of Europe, and for the inland navigation of the county of Suffolk, from which it is separated by the Waveney. The town, which is in the county of Norfolk, is placed upon a bank of sand that became firm ground, and was first inhabited about the time of the Norman conquest, when a wall was built around the town, and a broad moat formed outside. The haven has been a constant source of expense; the present is the seventh which has been formed, and it is yet subject to all the inconveniences of the former. It was executed under the direction of Joas Johnson, a Dutchman of some experience, who commenced his ope- rations by driving and hedging down on the north side large stakes and piles to render the foundations firm; upon the south side the same system was adopted, that the refluent tide might be forced to run out by a north-east channel. Piers and a jetty were erected to prevent an overflow, and to preserve a sufficient depth of water for vessels to float at all times. The north pier, which was the principal, was made 40 feet wide at bottom, 20 feet at top, and 235 yards long. The whole was executed with timber of large scantling braced together, and bound with iron. This pier was defended by a jetty, 265 yards long, 16 feet wide at the base, and 8 feet above. The south pier, 340 yards long, 30 feet broad, and 30 high, 24 feet of which were under water, was built to prevent the waters of the old haven from running out southward. The haven measures between the two piers 1111 yards, and is constantly receiving some improvement. There are two lighthouses on the coast for the benefit of Yarmouth Roads, one at Caister and another at Garleston; this coast is very dangerous, and it is recorded that more than 200 sail of vessels and 1000 men perished in one night, in the year 1692. Numerous sand-banks on this coast are continually shifting, but the sea has not encroached upon the shore since the sixteenth century. The great estuary, in the time of the Saxons, reached as far as Norwich, which was then situated on an arm of the sea. Since Yarmouth was first occupied, the sands have wonderfully increased, and a line of dunes is formed across the entrance of the entire estuary, which increasing both in breadth and height effectually has shut out the tides, and narrowed the passage of the river, which has varied its course several times; the tides at the river's mouth now only rise 3 or 4 feet, and at springs 8 or 9. Thousands of acres have been reclaimed in consequence, which are interspersed with upwards of sixty fresh water lakes, varying in depth from 10 to 30 feet, and in extent from 1 acre to 1000. The Yare passes through some, and by depositing its earthy matter tends to render them a productive soil, if the sea does not again break in upon them, which sooner or later must be the case, as the shore about Yarmouth is constantly wearing away by the current which sets on it from the north-west, preventing any per- manent delta from forming on this coast. The Waveney, which separates Suffolk from Norfolk, is navigable for 25 miles to Bungay; and the Yare, which also empties itself here, for 22 miles is navigable to Norwich. Wells, a small sea-port town on the coast of Norfolk, possesses a good harbour with a deep channel, but difficult of access, in consequence of the shifting sands. About the year 1719 the river which constitutes the harbour was improved, and a considerable quantity of land, redeemed from the marshy state, was rendered valuable for agricultural purposes by embanking it, and preventing the sea from any longer overflowing. Holkham marsh, including the creeks, consisting of 560 acres, was embanked at the expense of Lord Leicester, and 108 acres, called Wells marsh, at the expense of Sir Charles Turner; soon after, upwards of 1500 acres more were reclaimed; and in the year 1738, immediately below the town a sluice was formed called Friestone, after the name of the builder; it was constructed with fascines, stakes, piles, &c.; these in a very few years went to decay, the mouth widened, and it became necessary to reconstruct it, which was effectually done in the year 1765, when the harbour and channel down to the pool or mouth, which opened into the German Ocean, were perfectly scoured. This second sluice soon required repairs, in consequence of the timber of which it was composed being eaten by the worm. In the year 1782, so much mischief had accrued, that it became necessary, to prevent the loss of the harbour, that something effectual should be undertaken, and Mr. John Smeaton was called in to report upon the best means of performing the necessary works. This en- gineer found that as long as the sluice had been maintained in proper order, it had answered the intention of clearing and keeping in good condition the whole of the harbour and channel which intervened between the mouth of the sluice and the upper or south end of the pool; that since its decay the pool had so filled up, that at low water there was not more than 6 feet CHAP. VIII. 821 BRITAIN. depth; and that about twenty years before this survey, the direction of the harbour out to sea was north-west, and that vessels could be easily brought, during all the time of flood, in the direction of the channel. The entrance had veered, so as to be north-east or north- Fig. 324. WELLS Harbour. east by north, which rendered it difficult for vessels to enter. The distance from the quay to the channel was then between three or four miles, and the course of the waters was through broad and open sands, from the northward or out end of the pool to its outfall into the sea; the sand is perfectly clean, and so free from any particles of other matter that produce tenacity, that when dried by the sun it is moved easily by the wind, and is also considerably acted upon during storms; these sands now extend very consi- derably more in breadth than formerly. Smeaton observed that the annual rains did not, in any way, increase the waters of the ocean, so as to cause it to swell its limits, exhalation raised by the power of the sun and winds keeping it at a constant level, but that the floods and rivers carried with them earthy matter, which was left either in the channels of rivers, or was borne out to sea; that these matters were not returned to the land, as water is by evaporation, but was left to a slow increase, and by the flux of the tides, and the agitation of the winds, was con- stantly in a state of motion, not only about the mouths of rivers, but in more distant parts; that there is no power of nature to return these particles of earthy matter to the coasts or high grounds, from whence they may have been disintegrated, and that, by their accumu- lation in the ocean, they must always be on the increase, and so continue, till the place of their reception is entirely filled up. At one period probably the whole of this coast presented nothing more than a naked sand, lying against the bare shore, upon which the town of Wells now stands; in the course of time, the breadth of this sand increasing, and the declivity becoming too smal for the tidal water left by the flood to make its retreat, so as to keep pace in its return with the ebb at sea, a body of water would be left behind, which having a sensible declivity towards the sea, made its way into the lowest slades, and there cut a gully, which was again enlarged by the influx and efflux of the tide; a scour thus produced would keep the passage open, by letting a certain quantity of water in and out; but the breadth of the sands gradually increasing, a greater body and surface of water would require a passage, which would increase its power of scouring: the gully by this means would be widened into a fleet or creek in the course of time. By this process, the sand furthest distant from low water being mixed with clayey matter, brought in by the tide, is on the constant rise, and after the salt water has left it, and it has been some time exposed to the action of the sun and air, the surface is fitted for vegetation. and in time becomes a salt marsh. These marshes at Wells having increased in height as well as in breadth, a greater body of water is left upon them; the gullies or creeks multiplied with the increase of breadth, and the larger ones increase in size and depth: at Wells, these having been collected into one now serve to scour the channel. Y 322 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The marshes increasing in breadth and height have a greater surface of water upon them, but not an increased depth; and yet, there is more water requiring a passage to the sea than before; for as long as the depth of water is considerable upon these salt marshes, the water makes its way to sea, by settling gradually, and passes off, in the nearest direction over the marsh surfaces, without having any need for the gullics and creeks as drain. last foot in depth, over the whole surface, is what produces the scour, in the several gullies; and this is increased to a great degree, in consequence of the water having retreated from the gullies, and allowing the full force of their draining off to operate upon their channel. The Whilst the neap tides were suffered to cover the surface of the marshes, the scour would be on the increase, and the harbour improved; but as soon as this scour was diminished, the gullies would become choked up, and the harbour in proportion injured. The elevation of the surface of the salt marshes, from the fresh deposit of mud at every time they were overflowed, would not stop at the neap tides, but would gradually rise higher and higher towards the high water of spring tides, until they became so high that no embankments were necessary; and the same effect would happen in all the creeks and gullies, which would elevate their beds in the same proportion. The surface of the marshes, rising higher and higher from the neap to the spring tide mark, they became less overflowed, and the gullies, not having so much water down them, would grow less capacious; the creeks would suffer from the same cause, and eventually the main channel. The tide water, however, at the same time flowing in through the creeks and gullies to the several extremities of its branches, must flow back the same way, and their extremities would be the first to silt up; this progress continuing, and there being no natural tendency at work as a remedy, it alone could be changed by employing human ingenuity and labour The harbour of Wells was kept open by the reflow of the tidal water, or, as it is called, the back water; and whatever has cut off or diminished this has been a detriment to the scour, and to the maintenance of the channel. When a backwater, assisted by a large freshwater river, makes its way through moveable sands, its direction will be that where there is the greatest declivity; and if that happens to be in the shortest direction, it has no natural tendency to gain a longer course, which would necessarily lessen its force; and wherever we find water flowing in a course that is not the shortest, we may conclude that it has a more speedy descent in that direction than in any other, and thus it is that many streams have a meandering course. "The bar at the mouth of the harbour appears not to have been noticed by Smeaton, as of much importance to the hindrance of the navigation, nor did he fancy that it formed any injury to the entrance for the shipping. Between Hunstanton and Weybourne on this coast are numerous low dunes or hills 50 or 60 feet in height, which are formed along the shore, and are composed of blown sand; these in the course of time are united into a solid and compact mass by the roots of the Marram, or Arundo arenaria; and such is the present set of the tides along this shore, that the harbour is now securely defended by these natural barriers. "The harbours of Wells, Clay, and many others, arc defended from all encroachments by the ocean, by such deposits which have entirely altered the contour of the coast. King's Lynn Harbour was a place of importance at the time of the Norman conquest. It is situated on the Great Ouse river, where its breadth is very considerable; the town is on the eastern bank, at a distance of about 10 miles from the ocean, and four small rivers or fleets divide it into several parts. "Mr. John Smeaton, who reported upon the state and improvement of this river harbour, in the year 1767, found that the course of the Ouse was in as good a condition as it had been described in former accounts, and that there was no material cause of complaint. A bar had formed itself on the upper mouth of the west channel, and the current at low water was confined to the east channel, which was proportionally improved in consequence; nature, in spite of all the objections made to the contrary, had taken this course, and Smeaton was not willing to propose any thing which should counteract her intentions. "It had been suggested some years before to build two jetties, to prevent too much swell running into the harbour, which should serve also to remove the bar forming in the east channel; but Smeaton was of opinion, that where a channel must be maintained through a vast mass of sand, capable of shifting by winds, seas, currents, and other powers, the more directly the waters make their passage out to sea the better. Any check given to the indraught of the raging tides, which was complained of, would also check the moderate ones, and the greater the efflux, which in some measure depends upon the influx, the better the channel would be made and maintained. Too great tides may be a partial evil, though a fault on the right side, and in this, as well as in many affairs of human life, the judgment consists in choosing the least of two evils. "It was not wise to affect the indraught of the tides, or to diminish the quantity of fresh water coming down the river from above, but to leave nature to do what was required; for CHAP. VIII. 323 BRITAIN. wherever there are many acting forces and disturbing causes, the goodness of the channel may by turns be better or worse; but the grand principles of preservation being main- tained, after a wrong turn happens, a right one will succeed, as experience has shown in the present case; when nature tends rightly, leave her alone; it is time enough to help her when we are sure she is going wrong." Fig. 325. ان KING'S LYNN. Having already discouraged all attempts to prevent the free influx and efflux of the tides and land waters, in order to preserve the channel out to sea in the most effectual manner, upon which the navigation and drainage by the Ouse entirely depend, he then speaks of the banks of the river, and says that they ought to be made stout and high enough to stand against all extremes; he disapproves of all jetties built into the stream, as a defence for saving the banks and foreshores from the action of the water, as they seldom failed of pro- ducing a deep pit, either opposite to or on the downstream side of the jetty, which tends to undermine the banks as well as the jetty itself. "All works attempted for the preservation of the foot or bank of foreshores, when too hard a set of the water tends to undermine them, ought to be disposed parallel, or according to the direction of the stream, so that the water, instead of being stopped or thrown off, shall glide gently by, with the least interruption possible; for thereby the water gets away with the least action upon the banks, and wears them or their defences the least. On this account, all angles and sudden turns should be avoided, and when a turn must be made, let it have as easy a sweep as possible, keeping it near to the natural bend of the river, cutting or rounding off all small sudden turns, angles or exuberances, which may happen in the general sweep. "All jetties do mischief, and wherever the sides of a river or foreshore grind away by too great stress of water, the most infallible, secure, and lasting method of remedying this is, after the irregularities of the curve are taken away, as low as the water will admit being performed by hand, to line up the foot with rubble stones thrown in promiscuously so as to form their own natural slope against the shore, till they appear above low water. This being done, nature will form for herself such a slope to neap tide high water mark as will need no artificial defence. “The base of the banks and foreshores being secured, and the slope being naturally formed up to the high water mark of neap tides, it will be then sufficiently defended against waves and currents; above this there is no better way of finishing the wall than by turfing it. No wood should be used at the foot of the turf about neap tide high water mark, but the whole reliance should be upon a lay of rubble stone, and if some of this be broken, to fill up the interstices of the larger pieces, this will form a more complete union between the rubble and turf than if composed of large stones only. “Boarded wharfing is not calculated to stand long against the action of the waves, and soon goes to decay; when the sea dashes against the end of a faggot or a stone, these Y 2 324 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. having no solid connection with their neighbours, the impression goes no farther, but the tremulous motion raised in one part of a boarded wharfing is communicated over a large area, which in time loosens the earth behind, and, as the tides enter by degrees, brings the whole to ruin. "Wherever the foreshores are not broad enough, from low water to neap tide high water mark, to stand by a natural slope, they should be reduced to a slope of two to one, that is to batter two feet to one perpendicular; and this being covered a foot thick with rubble stones of all sizes, bedded together and footed upon the rubble, thrown in to support the ground under low water mark, will make a lasting and durable defence, and will resist any ordinary force, but, if exposed to the waves of the open sea, the cover must be increased in weight and thickness. This method will answer if the batter is three to five, or even one to one, but the first inclination is preferable. "Banks, to be secure against inundations, must not only be high enough, but sufficiently strong, and experience here is the best guide. They are proof only when they stand at least a foot higher than the level the waters are known to rise. It is not, however, necessary to preserve the same slope above the high water mark of equinoctial spring tides to the extremest height as below that mark, because they will seldom come to such a stress, yet they ought to be sufficient to answer if they are put to it. "In order to do this, they should be at least 3 feet broad at the extreme height, and three times as much broader at the level of the equinoctial spring tide mark, as the extreme height exceeds their height. "The artificial banks below that mark should be at least four times as much broader in their base or seat, upon the natural level of the ground, as the perpendicular height of the said extreme tide mark is above the natural level of the ground, whereon each part of the said bank stands: when the earth is loose, sandy, or moorish, the bases or seats and tops should be respectively broader." The harbour has undergone considerable improvement at various times, since Mr. Smeaton was called upon to make his report, but the anchorage is not good, in conse- quence of the oozy bed of the river, which has several times changed its direction. The Great Ouse now carries its water by a new cut from Littleport Chain to Rebeck, and the Little Ouse is a narrow stream. There can be no doubt that the harbour has sustained considerable damage from the obstructions, which prevented the ascent of the tides up the river; it is not a quarter of a mile in breadth at Lynn, though six miles below its width is four times as much; on some occasions the tide flows in so rapidly, that it has received the name of the Bore, and its violence frequently changes the curvature of the channel. This town, distant ten miles from the coast, enjoys considerable commercial advantages, and by means of the Ouse and its tributary rivers communicates its navigation with eight counties; its inhabitants have received from various sovereigns as many as fifteen charters; four small rivers, called fleets, divide the town, which is surrounded by a deep ditch, flanked by a strong wall which originally was strengthened by nine bastions. Wisbeach, the most northern town in Cambridgeshire, derives its name from its situation on the banks of the Ouse, or Wis, which flows through it into the sea, about 8 miles distance. All the waters, which were directed by a channel, cut in the reign of Edward I. to benefit Lynn, once passed through this place; the town, however, from its situation, carries on considerable trade. Boston, situated on the Witham, about 5 miles from its mouth, is an important port of the gulf called the Wash; some few years ago the channel of the river was considerably deepened, and an iron bridge of a single arch, 86 feet span, designed by Mr. Rennie, was thrown across it; the width of the carriage way was 39 feet, and the abutments are so kept down, that there is not much rise from the horizontal direction. The tower of the church, somewhat resembling that of the cathedral at Antwerp, 282 feet in height, has a lantern at top, which formerly served as a guide to the navigators of the Boston deeps. The whole of the country around Boston is subject to inundations; in 1820, a high spring tide, accompanied by a violent tempest, broke through the sea embankment, and did considerable damage. Grimsby, formerly the emporium resorted to by merchants from Norway and the western islands, had its commerce destroyed by the silting up of its famous harbour: this, however, has been partly improved, and a dry dock, constructed at a vast expense, has restored some of its former prosperity. Barton-upon-Humber, about three quarters of a mile from its banks, carries on considerable trade, from its position on the Ancholme canal and the basin of the Humber. Port of Goole, Yorkshire, is on the Ouse, at some distance from where it falls into the Humber, and near to where the Dutch river forms a junction with the former; this port, therefore, is considerably more inland than Hull, and has two wet docks and a basin. The CHAP. VIII. 325 BRITAIN. ship dock is 600 feet in length, and 200 feet in width, and will contain fifty-four sail of square-rigged vessels, seventeen of which can lie at the quay at the same time. The barge dock is 900 feet in length, and 150 feet in width, and will contain 200 sail. The basin is 250 feet by 200 feet, has a depth of water of 19 feet, and the timber pond is calculated to contain 3000 loads. The warehouses are capacious for bonding goods of all kinds: it was made a bonding port in the year 1828. A canal unites Goole with Ferry Bridge, at which place it joins the river Aire, so that Leeds and Wakefield are by this means connected. Kingston-upon-Hull, was first made of importance by King Edward I. ; when he returned from his expedition into Scotland, this monarch made inquiries concerning the depth of the river, the height to which the tides flowed, and afterwards sent for the Abbot of Meaux, who was lord of the soil, and exchanged some lands for what he possessed. The manor- house being converted into a palace, obtained for the town its royal appellation. A new harbour being formed in 1299, a charter was granted to the inhabitants of the borough, who constructed new walls around the town, 2610 yards in circuit, and of considerable strength. From this period the commerce improved, and the merchants became wealthy. The old dock was the first constructed, an act for which was obtained in April, 1774. Previous to this period, the only harbour for vessels was that portion of the river Hull which extended from the North bridge to the end of the Garrison jetty, a distance of 2940 feet, and the width at high water of spring tides averaged about 165 feet; the total CASTLE STREET NEW ROAD. QUAY DOCK! 10 QUAY JUNCTION DOCK HUM BER QUAY BASIN. QUAY பபட பப்ப THE HUMBER QUMA OLD DOCK. QUAY ~OLD HARBOUR. CARRISON RIVER HULL Fig. 326. HULL DOCKS. area might be estimated at 11 acres, the depth of which was 22 feet This harbour was found inadequate to the growing trade of Hull, as well as inconvenient, from the violence of the stream some hours before low water preventing vessels from coming up; the fall being from 4 to 5 feet, from the outer end of the old dock basin to the harbour month, and the velocity of the ebb from 3 to 4 miles per hour. The old dock, formed under the superintendence of Mr. Grundy, the engineer, is in length 1703 feet, and in width 254, containing an area of nearly 10 acres. The walls are of brick, coped with stone from Bramley Fall; and in front, at every 10 feet, are oak fenders, 9 by 7 inches, tenoned into three oak sills, 12 inches by 6; these are POND Y 3 $26 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. built into the brickwork, and secured by oak brackets on each side, as well as by strong iron bolts. The walls are built upon longitudinal sleepers, 12 inches by 6, laid flat, and trenailed on to pile heads; across these are laid 3-inch planks, all of fir timber. The piling having given way, and the walls bulged out in some places, a great portion was obliged to be rebuilt. Lock and basin. The original lock, 36' feet 6 inches in width, 24 feet 6 inches deep, and 200 feet in length, was built upon a wooden floor; 4-inch planks were laid upon transverse and longitudinal joists, bedded on 1245 bearing piles, 12 feet in length: across the lock were six rows of grooved sheet piling, 14 feet in length. The walls, constructed of brick, were faced with Mexborough stone, and the hollow quoins and coping were of Bramley Fall, all set in puzzolana. The basin was constructed in the same manner, and was in length 212 feet, and in width 80 feet. The entrance lock and basin, in the year 1814, was entirely rebuilt, under the direction of Mr. Rennie, the old one having become decayed. After the water was drawn out of the dock to within 4 or 5 feet of the bottom, a coffer-dam was made at the outer end of the basin, next the harbour, and a dam of clay on the side next the dock, and the lock and basin walls were removed, when the piles, sleepers, and planks were found perfectly sound, although in many places the foundations had considerably gone down. The new lock is 120 feet 9 inches in length, within the gates, 38 feet wide at the top, and 24 feet 6 inches high, above the sills. The inverted arch is brick laid in puzzolana, as well as the side walls, which were faced with Bramley Fall stone; the lowest course was all headers, 4 feet in length, and 18 inches in thickness. The hollow quoins are of Rotherham stone, and the coping of coarse sandstone from Bramley Fall, 15 inches in thickness, and 4 feet in width. The gates are constructed of English oak, except the planking, which is of fir, 21 inches in thickness. They are each 23 feet wide, 24 feet 3 inches high above the pointing sill, 16 inches thick at the heel, and 14 inches at the head. There are 10 bars or ribs, slightly curved, tenoned into the heel-posts, and secured by iron straps and screw bolts. The sluices are of cast-iron, 2 feet 6 inches square in the clear, and are worked by a wrought-iron screw and brass nut, with bevel gear at top. To move the gates, at the side of the lock, is placed machinery which turns a cast-iron roller, round which is a revolving chain made of 7-inch iron; these chains are fixed from 2 to 4 feet above the bottom sill for shutting, and 7 feet for opening the gates; to assist the latter operation, there is a counterbalance weight, which prevents the chains from running off the roller. In front of the lock walls, at about 10 feet above the sills, is placed one horizontal and two vertical rollers, with another large horizontal one, at the foot of each wall, around which the chain turns whilst working the gates. The heel-post has a cast-iron socket at the bottom, 3½ inches in diameter, and 12 deep : this turns on a cast-iron pivot securely fixed on the bottom. The brass friction roller, which moves on a segment of cast-iron, is 10 inches in diameter, and 4 inches in length, fitted into a cast-iron box or frame near the meeting post; to this is attached a wrought-iron regulating rod, which reaches to the top of the gate, to adjust the roller. The bridge over the lock, of cast-iron, is 15 feet in width, the road for carriages being 7 feet 6, and the entire length 81 feet. It is formed of six ribs, 1 inch in thickness in 1½ the middle, and 3 inches thick at the flanch; they are 9 inches deep where they meet in the middle, and increase a little towards the sides. The bridge turns on a cast-iron shaft, 8 inches square, with four round bearings, working in plummer blocks, fixed in cast-iron carriages bolted firmly into the masonry. To open this balance bridge, a lever is applied to lift a cast-iron flap, which turns on an axis 4 inches square: when this flap is lifted, the bridge rises, and the flap forms a barrier against passengers, and when the bridge is again lowered, it forms part of the roadway. The bridge is covered with oak plank, 3 inches in thickness, bolted to the iron ribs, and where the wheels of the carriages pass it is lined with 1 inch elm. The footways are also ined in the same way, and stand up about 5 inches above the road on each side, guarded by a cast-iron curb, and wrought-iron bars and chains. As this bridge ascends, the outer end descends into a cavity, prepared for the purpose, and one man can raise or lower each portion in half a minute; its weight, exclusive of the timber, is about 80 tons. Basin of entrance is 213 feet in length, 80 feet 6 inches in width at the top, and 71 feet at the bottom. It is cased with brick, and coped with stone from Bramley Fall; 14 feet from the bottom is a bond course of the same stone, passing through the whole thickness. CHAP. VIII. 327 BRITAIN. The side walls are supported by brick inverted arches, which are built across the bottom, 6 feet wide and 18 inches deep; the spaces between are 10 feet in width, and the whole is levelled down with earth to the top of the lock sills. The Humber dock, in length 914 feet, and in breadth 342, was designed and completed under the superintendence of Mr. Rennie and Mr. William Chapman; the act of par- liament for its establishment was obtained in 1802, and it was commenced soon after. It comprises an area of a little more than 7 acres. To keep out the tide, during the exe- cution of the work, at the south end a coffer-dam was formed; its span was 280 feet, and its versed sine about 140. It was constructed of two rows of Dantzic piles, 7 feet 6 inches apart; the piles were of whole timber, and well bolted and braced together. In the middle, at the bottom, was a trunk, and in the space between the rows of piles, bricks laid in sand were built up to the level of high water. The perpendicular head of water pressing against it being sometimes 30 feet in height, shores and braces were required to counteract its efforts to drive in the dam. The water was pumped out by a steam-engine of six horse-power, which worked two eleven-inch pumps; this engine also raised two rams of 7 cwt. each, for driving the various piles. After the water was pumped out, the excavation was carried to an average depth of 24 feet, the soil being alluvial and stiff clay. To excavate the basin, on the outside the coffer-dam, which at every tide was overflowed, horse-runs were established to remove the soil; and what could not be moved by this means was conveyed away in ballast lighters. The foundations of the dock walls are piled, with a row of 6-inch grooved sheeting piles in front; the other piles are 9 inches and those under the counterforts 8 inches in diameter. To drive them, a ringing engine, with a ram of 4 cwt. worked by fifteen or sixteen men, was employed. On the heads of the piles were bolted longitudinal sleepers of half timber; and the sheeting piles were securely spiked to an inner waling of the same scantling. Over the sleepers was laid a transverse covering of 4-inch plank, on which was commenced the wall. The piles were of Norway and the other timber Memel. The dock walls were built of brick made out of the excavated clay, and where the bottom of the fenders terminate is a course of stone, 15 inches thick, passing entirely through the wall; and between the tides are worked three other courses, all of Barnsley stone. The whole is coped with stone from the same quarries, 15 inches thick, and 4 feet in width, the joints being secured by square dowels. Warmsworth blue lime and sharp fresh water sand were used for the mortar, the lime being previously ground dry, and afterwards mixed, and used hot. The oak fenders to protect this wall are 12 inches square, and project from the brickwork 8 inches, the rest being sunk into the brickwork. At their feet they are dovetailed into stone corbels, and at the top they are secured by oak ties and wrought-iron fastenings. The two rows of horizontal fenders are 7 inches square, tenoned into the upright ones; and pieces are laid under and above them, of an angular shape, to prevent vessels catching as the tide rises or falls. The entrance lock within the gates is in length 158 feet, its top width 42 feet, and its height above the pointing sills 31 feet. The average depth of water at high water spring tides is 26 feet, and at neaps 20. The foundations are built upon four rows of bearing piles, with two others under the counterforts. These piles are from 15 to 20 feet long, and on the heads is securely bolted sleepers of half timber, laid longitudinally. These are again crossed by others of the same scantling, laid on edge, and the interval covered with 4-inch close planking; the spaces between are filled up with solid brickwork, on which is constructed the inverted arches and the side walls. Across the platform are five rows of 6-inch grooved sheeting piles, from 15 to 20 feet in length; the bearing piles are distant about 3 or 4 feet each way; on these lay longitudinal sleepers, 12 inches square, with two courses of transverse sleepers close together, for 13 feet in length, from the main sill, on which the pointing sills are bolted. The other part of the platform is covered with 6-inch close elm plank, into which the cast-iron segments in which the gates traverse are sunk. At the tail of the lock is an apron, about 50 feet in length, covered with 4-inch plank; this is spiked to the transverse sills, which are bolted to the heads of the bearing piles; the outer end is protected by a row of 6-inch grooved sheeting piles. Norway timber was used for the piles, the planking is of Dantzic, and the pointing and main sills are of English oak. The side walls have six counterforts on each side, each 6 feet square; the walls are in width at the top 6 feet 9 inches, and are built of brick, faced with stone, from Bramley Fall. The hollow quoins are of stone from Dundee, and for some length a part of the wing-walls are faced with the same material. A Bramley Fall stone coping, 13 inches thick, and 4 feet wide, terminates the wall. The lock gates are in height above the pointing sills 31 feet 4 25 feet 6 inches, measured on the curve; they camber 143 inches. inches, and in breadth At the head they are Y 4 328 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. in thickness 14 inches, and at the heel 16 inches; each gate, which may be considered a solid mass of oak timber, the planking only being fir, has two cast-iron sluices, 3 feet square, with a rod, worked at the top by an iron screw. To open and shut the gates, there is a 6-inch iron pinion, which works in a cog wheel, 4 feet diameter, round the cast-iron axis of which the gate chain winds. Over the centre of this lock is an iron swivel bridge, in length 81 feet 9 inches, and in breadth 12 feet 3 inches; it forms a segment of a circle, and meets in the middle. It is composed of six cast-iron ribs, 2 inches thick at top, and 24 inches on the lower edge, united and braced together, and covered with 24-inch oak plank. A cast-iron plate, 11 feet 9 inches diameter, is firmly bedded on a pier of brickwork on each side: this has a pivot in the centre, which works in a socket underneath the bridge; revolving between this circular plate and another on the underside of the bridge are twenty conical rollers, 10 inches in diameter at one end, and 93 inches at the other; these are 6 inches long, and are fitted into a frame. A man can open and shut this bridge by means of the machinery attached, which consists of two 8-inch bevel pinions, one of which receives the handle; at the bottom of the other is a vertical shaft, which has fixed on it a 9-inch pinion, which works in a spur-wheel, 4 feet in diameter; on the axis of this is another pinion, 12 inches in diameter; this works in a toothed segment at the outer end of the bridge, and turns it. The entrance basin to this dock, 267 feet in length, and 435 feet in breadth, has its walls constructed in a similar way to those to which it belongs; at the top they are in thickness 6 feet, at the bottom 10 feet; they are faced with stone from Bramley Fall, and have a similar coping. The walls rest on three rows of piles from 16 feet to 18 feet long, and in front is a row of sheeting piles, with transverse sleepers, closely planked over. The mooring posts are placed 30 feet apart, and about 12 feet from the sides of the lock. The Junction Dock, 645 feet in length, and 407 feet in breadth, was commenced in 1826, from the designs of Mr. James Walker, and contains an area equal to 6 acres. Two coffer-dams were employed; that next the Humber dock was 220 feet in length, forming a curve, the versed sine of which was 61 feet. It was formed of two rows of close piles, 6 feet apart, and after the mud was taken out, filled in with well puddled clay the piles were of whole timber, about 40 feet in length. In front, on each side, were forty-two gauge piles with two rows of waling pieces, 13 inches by 8, well bolted. Rough iron tie rods were also introduced to prevent the work from yielding; against this dam was a pressure occasionally of 28 feet of water, which found its way along the cross braces, but was speedily stopped. : The other coffer-dam, at the west end of the old dock, a curve of 115 feet in length, with a versed sine of 14 feet, was formed in a similar manner. The water was pumped out by two six-horse steam-engines, and the sides of the dock were excavated with a slope of one horizontal to one vertical. The average depth of the excavation was 19 feet, and the quantity of clay and earth removed was about 300,000 cubic yards. ; Under the dock walls were driven 2401 piles, containing 18,500 cubic feet of timber, and 2140 feet in length of sheet piling, 12 feet in depth, and which cubed to 12,840 feet on the heads of some of these piles it has been calculated there is a superincumbent weight of 20 tons. Below the sleepers, the space is filled up with brick rubbish puddled or grouted with hot lime and sand, and at the foot of the wall is a similar bed of concrete. The wall is of brick, partly faced with Bramley Fall stone, in 12-inch courses; this extends from the coping about 11 feet 9 inches downwards; the two lowest courses are, however, of stone from Barnsley or Whitby, both fine sandstones, and each 15 inches thick; every two stretchers have one header, which are each 3 feet 6 inches long: the whole is coped with similar stone, 4 feet in width, and each joint is secured with a 4-inch square dowel. The walls are curved about 7 feet on the east and west sides. The locks within the gates are in length 120 feet, and in width at the top 36 feet 6 inches: they are in height above the pointing sills 25 feet. The lock gates, formed of English and African oak, are cased with 3-inch fir planking ; they are hung at top with a wrought-iron collar, in a cast-iron anchor, let into the stone- work; the heel-post has an iron socket, which turns on a brass pivot; the outer end of the gate is supported on a brass roller, 12 inches diameter, and 4 inches wide; to this is attached an adjusting screw: the roller moves in a brass segment, let into and screwed down to the platform. To work these gates, on each side is the machinery, which is fixed into a cast-iron box; it consists of a 7-inch pinion, which works in a spur-wheel 4 feet diameter, on the axis of which is a cast-iron roller, 3 feet long, and from 12 inches to 9 inches diameter; a three-quarter inch chain winds round this, and passing under a roller at the bottom of the wall, and over another, in the face of the walls, is fastened to the gate. There is attached, as in the other locks, a counterbalance weight and chain. Each gate CHAP. VIII. 329 BRITAIN. weighs upwards of 20 tons, and has two sets of sluices, working on brass facings, in iron grooves, and so constructed that one set is raised whilst the other is lowered; this is effected by having the sluice rod attached to a rack that turns a spur-wheel working in another rack attached to the other sluice rod; thus a capacious opening is obtained without weakening the gates. The bridges over are on the balance or lifting principle, and are moved by means of four crabs, two on each side; the handle is applied to a 6-inch pinion, which drives a spur- wheel 4 feet in diameter, on the axis of which is a 12-inch pinion, working in a toothed segment, the radius being 5 feet 9 inches; this is attached to the outer rib of the bridge. Each bridge weighs nearly 100 tons, and it can be opened or shut by three men in less than a minute. Cleansing the Docks of the mud deposited by the waters of the Humber, is a matter of considerable moment, as it is said the quantity annually deposited in the Humber Dock was 36,000 tons. The dredging machine employed is placed on a flat-bottomed vessel, 80 feet in length and 20 feet in breadth, drawing 5 feet water. It is worked by a steam- engine of six-horse power; its stroke is 2 feet, forty times a minute; by means of a bell crank, motion is given to four cog-wheels; on the axis of the upper one is a square tumbler, with a corresponding one at the lower end of the bucket-frame. There are twenty-nine iron buckets, revolving on an endless chain, which deposit the mud they bring up, by means of a spout, into lighters. This endless chain turns on an axis at the upper end, and the lower end passes through an opening in the middle of the boats, and is raised or lowered by a crab, and tackling fixed over it; by this means, the buckets are placed at the proper level for dredging. An engine man and three assistants are required to manage this machine, and two others to attend the lighters. Sixty tons per hour is sometimes raised, but usually twelve boats, each of 500 tons, are employed, and the ordinary work performed is about 45 tons per hour. The mud boats are flat-bottomed, and draw 4 feet water; they are in length 48 feet in width 17 feet 6 inches, and carry about 40 tons. The tide basin is scoured by two cast-iron mains, 4 feet in diameter next the lock, and diminishing to 2 feet 6 inches. At the outer end, branching out of these on each side, are ten 18-inch pipes, which discharge through the basin wall, about 5 feet above the level of the sills; other mains are connected with the docks, but they only scour where the water is discharged, and leave the bed in furrows, to be cleared away by other means. In consequence of the waves of the Humber acting with violence against the outer gates of the dock, it was found necessary to build two piers to protect them. The main piles are 14 inches square, the outer waling the same scantling, and the inner wales 12 inches by 6; the cap sill 12 inches by 10; joists 7 inches by 4; ties 12 inches by 6; sheet piling 6 inches in thickness, and the planking 3 inches in thickness. Spurn Point Lighthouses were commenced near the Humber mouth by John Smeaton, in the year 1771; they were built of brick, and his instructions were to make the largest 90 feet in height from the mean surface of the ground to the centre of the light, and the smallest 50 feet high; both were to be provided with inclosed lanterns for fire-lights. The original lighthouse was a strong brick building of an octangular form, 60 feet high: the light was hoisted on a swape, a provincial term for a lever, fixed upon a centre which could be turned in any direction by the hand. A naked coal fire was employed, which 口 ​" Fig. 327. FLANS OF spurn POINT LIGHTHOUSE. burnt with unequal force; during the storm of 1703, the draught was so great that it melted down the iron bars on which it was laid like lead. In the year 1777, the two new lighthouses were completed; in design they did not differ, but the lower one con- ----- 330 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. sisted of fewer apartments, there being only a coal vault, a dwelling room, pipe room, and lantern. In the larger one there was a coal vault, a smith's shop, and machine for hoisting the coals. A vacant room, a dwelling room, with two fireplaces, to be used according to the direction of the wind, two chambers, one over the other, a pipe room, wherein were two of the eight pipes that conveyed air from the external hopper mouths to the receptacle, which was lined with thick plate iron; the bottom being stone, when the door was shut, the air ascended through a large funnel and the hearth to the fire-grate. The flame was seen in every direction, through the windows of the lantern, and the smoke was collected in its passage through the decagon conical roof, composed of ten Elland edge flag-stones, and then through the copper funnel at the top. The coals to supply the fire were drawn up in a tub through an opening by means of a roll, wheel, pinion, and wrench. A rope from thence, ascending through all the floors, passed over a large pulley suspended from the roof, and thence downwards through the hole in an arch to a large square wooden pipe, ter- minating in a hopper mouth, proper for receiving the burthen. The ashes and hot cinders, passing through the grate, fell into the bottom of the recep- tacle, and by heating the air therein pro- moted a sufficient draught in the calmest weather, which could be augmented and regulated, when there was a breeze, as any of the air-pipes could be enclosed at pleasure. The ashes and cinders were thrown into a # E ㅁ ​ㅁ ​Fig. 328. SPURN POINT Fig 329. SECTION OF LIGHTHOUSE. CHAP. VIII. 331 BRITAIN. hopper, and conveyed down a square wooden pipe, through a funnel formed in the brick- work, and from thence into a bingstead in the court-yard. The corner pillars of the lantern were of cast-iron, the sash frames of oak. • པས ས ས པ མ མ པ པ པ ས མ པ འི ད ད ད ད ད པ ས ས ས པ - 8 - о 2 O Fig. 330. The year after the completion of the lighthouses, the lower one was washed away, and totally destroyed, when a new swape light was erected: in the year 1816 the coal fires SPURN HEad tempoRARY LIGHT. 3:32 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. were discontinued, and a new brick building was erected, with lamps and reflectors. In the year 1828 this was destroyed, and a wooden tower erected further inland, which was removed, three years afterwards, 50 yards further inland, to avoid the encroachment of the sea. The swape, including the walls on which it stood, exhibits at the height of 56 feet. The fire basket of iron turning upon its axis places itself level, in every position of the mast. This loaded with a weight counterbalances the iron work and fuel at the top; the whole being steadied and clipped into an iron frame, that turns in equilibrio upon the horizontal axis, supported by pillars and braces. To renew the fire, the attendant, laying hold of one of the winches of the roll, turns it round, so as to wind the rope upon it, which, after going obliquely towards the ground, passes a pulley in a stud, fixed therein, at some yards' distance, and thence rising obliquely upward, it lays hold of the mast by a small chain. By the motion of the roll the fire basket is brought to the ground, where it is fed with coals. While the rope is winding upon the roll, the rope, being coiled thereon the contrary way, was unwinding; and this being attached to the extreme of the lower end of the mast, and at equal distanee, in rising carries the rope with it. The fuel being renewed, the winch is turned the contrary way round, by which that end of the mast is brought down, and the fire basket carried up into the position shown. The lower end of the mast is steadied against the cross piece, the roll being then fastened. The projecting part is a small umbrella of sheet iron, to throw off the cinders. Bridlington Quay opens directly upon the harbour, which is formed by two piers, extending a considerable distance into the sea; that to the north is a promenade, from whence a fine view of Flamborough Head and the spacious bay is obtained. South- westerly winds occasion a considerable deposit here, and the force of the waves is very much broken by the Smithick sand, which extends in a direction nearly north-east and south-west across the bay, on which there is only from 12 to 20 feet of water at the recess of the tide. Scarborough is the only port on this coast, between the Humber and Tynemouth haven, where ships can find refuge in violent gales; it is easy of access, and has a sufficient depth of water at full tide for vessels of considerable burthen. As there is no natural stream to scour the harbour, it is subject to be warped up by the sand which is deposited in it, and is only cleansed by the violent agitation of the sea, produced by the strong gales from the east. Quay Street once bounded the old harbour, and is now only reached by the water at high spring tides, which proves how much deposit has taken place. Whitby, at a very early period, had timber piers for the protection of its shipping, but it was not till about 1702, when two acts of parliament were obtained for the improvement of the port, that the present east pier was built, 200 yards westerly to the channel of the Eske, which affords a great security against the violence of the sea, when the wind is at north- east, which flows over the rock with a strong current into the harbour. About the same time, a staith was erected on the west side of the river, the Scotch head built, and the western pier formed, which extended 200 yards towards the sea, contiguous to the channel of the Eske. The sand that daily warped into the harbour, around the west pier, and the bed of sand that continually lay at the head of that pier, seemed to threaten its destruction, when it was proposed to lengthen the pier on the west, and extend it sufficiently towards the north, that its head might shelter the east pier from the run of the sea, setting along the coast. An act of parliament was obtained to carry out this project, but it was only partly effected. The western pier is regularly built of stone, brought from a quarry near Woodlands, four miles south-west of Whitby, and extends 520 yards into the sea, where it is terminated by a circular head. One of the other piers, which extends from the east cliff, so contracts the entrance, that in hard blowing weather the harbour is difficult of access. The town is built on two declivities, on the banks of the Eske, which empties itself into the harbour; a drawbridge is so constructed, that the inner harbour can be entered by vessels of 200 tons burthen. There are several dry docks, and ship-building is extensively carried on; the depth of water in the harbour at neap tides is 12 feet, at common tides 18, and 24 in the great equinoctial springs. Hartlepool, situated on a promontory, is nearly surrounded by the German Ocean, and in front is a capacious bay, favourable for the reception of vessels at all times. "Few places," says Mr. Hutchinson, "give so perfect an idea of the fortifications of a former period; a long extended wall, strengthened by demi-bastions, are placed at intervals, some rounded, others square; various gates and sally ports, secured by machicolations and the portcullis ; some of the gates defended by angular, others by square turrets, all the variety of style ap- pearing as they had successively grown into use." As the wall runs along the edge of the creek, behind the point of land which projects into the sea, and from thence turns to cross the isthmus to the opposite cliff, the figure it forms is not regular, giving first a triangle, and then running with a sweep or bend north and eastward. CHAP. VIII. BRITAIN. 883 At the ness end or north-east point of the wall to the sea, it finished with an acute angle, rising on the brow of lofty rocks; the foundation has of late years wasted by the washing SLAKE HARBOUR VICTORIA NOCK LOCK וכו RAILWAY STATION OLD HARBOUR JETTY PIER Fig. 331. HARTLEPOUL. of the waves, and that part of the wall has now fallen; it was exactly similar to the ness or point of the Roman wall, opposite to the castle at Carlisle. The whole of the wall is much broken for a considerable distance from the sea. At about twenty paces are the remains of a square bastion; from thence about forty paces is a round bastion, projecting from the wall, about two-thirds of a circle, in girth nearly 30 feet: in the front of the bastion, at the dis- tance of about 5 yards, is a high ridge of earth, probably cast up by assailants. From the second bastion, at about 40 paces, is a square bastion, about 10 feet in front, and projecting about 7 feet from the line of the wall; from thence, at 46 paces, is a second bastion some- what larger than that before mentioned, making a projection of about 10 feet, not so pro- minent as the others. In all the portion described, the wall forms a straight line, the ground gradually inclines, and falls from the edge of the cliffs; where the wall begins at a distance of 30 paces, it forms an obtuse angle, guarded with a turret or bastion, from whence is a kind of horn work, projecting into the field for a considerable distance, of an angular figure, having two terraces, one above another, with the remains of the glacis, the mason's work appearing through the broken turf; from whence there is an extensive pro- spect of the sea and coast towards Sunderland, commanding Hawthorn Hive, or the Beacon Point, Essington, Elwich beacon, and a long tract of country. Thirteen paces from the angle, there is the appearance of a sally-port; but the wall has been repaired and altered in modern times, so that it is not possible to ascertain more concerning it. At the distance of about 60 paces is a round bastion, and 80 paces further, the great Land gate, the chief entrance of the town from Durham, opening upon a road, formed over a level marsh, easily broken up or flooded in a siege. This gate seems to have been strengthened by a wet ditch, and probably a drawbridge. The whole wall, towers, and gateways are of excellent masonry, built of limestone, of so soft a nature in the bed or quarry, that it may be squared with an adze, but when exposed to the air becomes remarkably hard and durable: the arch of the gateway is ribbed, and besides double gates had a portcullis; the width of the passage is 10 feet, and of the whole gateway tower about 30 feet; the projection is not much above a foot from the face of the wall; it appears to have had a strong tower for its superstructure, entered at each side from the parapet of the wall. The approach to the town from this gate was by the side of the haven, which must have made a fine appearance; as the basin, if we may judge from the 334 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. present slake or morass, consisted of several acres, where a hundred sail might be moored. From this gateway commences the wall, which secured the haven, and runs in a direct line, the water at high tide coming up to the gate. It is somewhat more than 8 feet thick, faced on each side with dressed stone; the parapet is guarded by a breast-wall and embrasure, now greatly decayed. There is a water gate in the wall, formed by a low pointed arch, above 24 feet in span, and 10 feet high, for the small craft to pass in and out of the haven, without removing the boom chains afterwards noted; the gateway projects from the wall about 18 inches; it has had flood gates, and also a watch tower, as we apprehend from the remains of the superstructure. From thence, at about the distance of seventeen paces, is a square bastion about 8 feet in front; and nearly a hundred paces distant is another square bastion, and from thence about seventy paces is a lofty round tower, remaining very perfect, save the parapet and embrasures; opposite to it, at the distance of 36 feet, stood another tower, exactly similar in dimensions, as the fascia and foundations plainly show. This was the grand entrance into the haven, and by the space between the towers one may judge of the size of those vessels which were moored therein, a thirty-gun ship being 32 feet wide. This entrance was guarded by large boom chains, stretched from tower to tower, the re- mains of the hoops belonging to such chains being still visible in the walls of the tower. At ten paces distant are the foundations of a round bastion, near which is a modern gate, where, it is presumed, was formerly a small doorway, for the convenience of persons landing from boats; at 24 paces distant the wall forms an angle; this angle is defended by a half moon. The entrance into the haven had the peculiar security that vessels coming from the sea must necessarily double the cape or point of the isthmus, and then proceed along the whole range and stretch of the south wall, within reach of the engines and instruments of war, and At the distance of 60 paces pass the half moon which guarded the angle of the wall. from the angle is a square bastion, and near it is a large breach in the wall; from the square bastion, about 120 paces, is a round bastion, and next stands the gateway, now called the water-gate, which only communicates with the land at low water, and leads to the High Street; the arch of this gateway is pointed, about 8 feet in width, and defended on each hand by angular terraces, with fronts projecting, a figure not commonly met with in old fortifications. From this gate the wall advances to, and abuts upon, the rock near its point, where the pier and mole begins; the whole of this south part being much more modern than the north and west sides." Bishop Pudsey, in the year 1189, probably raised the walls and increased the forti- fications of Hartlepool, and by the Normans it was always held as an important place of security. The docks were greatly improved by the late Mr. Rennie; a considerable sum of money has since been expended upon them, and they afford us now one of the best examples of a sluicing harbour that exists. The eastern dock next the entrance is 460 feet wide, the west dock 230 feet wide next the entrance, and 1075 feet in length, and the tidal harbour upwards of 700 feet in width, between the slake bank and quay wall. The scouring sluice and tunnels between the slake and the tidal harbour were built in a most admirable manner; the channel for the water was 15 feet in width, having a flat arch at bottom as an invert, 22 inches in thickness, and another above, to cover the watercourse, 2 feet 3 inches deep, rising about 18 inches. The height of the side walls, between the springing of the top and bottom arch was 4 feet, and their thickness 5 feet 6 inches. The side walls, throughout their entire length, were further strengthened by external buttresses, 3 feet 6 inches thick, and 4 feet projection. Sheeting piles were driven in at each end of the sluice, and also under the sluice gates or paddles. The entire foundation of the tunnel was floored with 3-inch plank, laid on stout timbers. The gates of the sluice are of cast-iron, lifted by well-arranged machinery, and the whole is made to operate most effectively. The retaining walls have a curved face, the radius from which they are struck being 80 feet. The toe of the wall in the interior of the dock is 5 feet below low water, and those of the quay next the tide harbour 7 feet. The exterior quay walls are founded on piles, well protected, and carried up with excellent stone in regular courses, and coped through- out with stone 3 feet 6 inches in width. Oak fenders, 12 inches by 10, are fixed opposite each counterfort, at a level of 6 feet above low water, strong iron shoes being cast to retain them. The retaining walls of the docks are at the base 12 feet in width, and diminish gradually to the top, where they are only 6 feet in width. The tops of the fenders are capped with cast-iron bollards; holding down stones, with Lewis eye-bolts, are everywhere provided for the fastening of the hawsers in a perfectly secure manner. The bank wall between the tide harbour and the slake has a slope 4 to 1 next the tide- harbour, and 2 to 1 next the slake or reservoir, with a puddle wall carried up in the interior to prevent the water percolating. CHAP. VIIL 335 BRITAIN. The frames of all the sluices are made of cast-iron, as are the sluice gates. There are also some admirable cast-iron turning bridges, 45 feet 6 inches span, which work upon pivots and conical rollers, about 9 inches in diameter; each leaf of these bridges is made to open by a sector rack, attached to the tail plate of each leaf, having a pinion with a spur and pinion, working into each other. Sunderland, 20 miles south-east of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, occupies the right bank of the mouth of the Wear, and Wearmouth the other, and the two towns are united by an iron bridge of 236 feet span, and 98 feet from the underside to the level of high water. The Wear is not navigable to Durham, as it is not swelled by many tributary streams. From Sunderland bridge to the sea, a distance of a mile, the Wear forms an extensive dock, which is full of vessels engaged in the extensive coal trade carried on here. This is kept constantly open by the dredging machine, and there is a floating dock formed with convex gates; where the river empties itself into the ocean, the passage is confined by two piers, and from the force with which the tidal water mounts, there is never any obstruction at the mouth. The piers are composed of stone, laid in short horizontal courses, terminated at equal intervals by vertical timbers, so that if any part is broken through and carried away, it can be easily repaired. At the end of the southern pier is a lighthouse, built of timber, and at the distance of 90 feet from the point of the north pier stands the great lighthouse. The entrance to the harbour lies east-north-east; and on the eastern side is a ledge of rocks, which extends a quarter of a mile to seaward; this is covered at high water; the harbour is sheltered on all sides, except from the north-east. The tide ebbs about 100 yards from the head of the north pier, and the harbour is dry at low water; spring tides rise about 18 feet; between the jetties at the entrance there is 6 feet at low water; neap tides rise only 9 feet, at which time there is only 6 or 7 feet water in the harbour. Removal of the Lighthouse at Sunderland. This building, which is octagonal on the plan, is of stone; its height is 62 feet 2 inches from the base to the cornice, and the lantern above was 16 feet, making a total height of 76 feet 2 inches. Its breadth at the base was 15 feet, and it diminished to 8 feet 6 inches. The lighthouse was erected in 1802, at an expense of 1400 pounds sterling; and in consequence of a breach made by the sea in the year 1841, it was required to be moved to a foundation prepared to receive it, a distance of 447 feet. This operation was performed very successfully, in the following manner :- holes were cut through the stone walls on the north and south sides of the building, through which were passed six timbers, intended to be framed into a temporary platform. Where these main timbers came in contact with the masonry, they had spread over them a sheet of lead, to prevent their being unequally acted upon. Screws were then placed under these timbers, and they were forced to a bearing; after this upright timbers were introduced under them, and the screws were taken away. Four other timbers were then introduced, laid parallel to the first, which were screwed up and supported in a similar manner. A hole was then cut on the eastern side, opposite the door, and through it were intro- duced two transverse timbers, which were firmly screwed to the others, and when shored up, the screws under them were taken away. Timbers were then introduced with rails fixed to them; those in the centre, below the upper beams, were first fixed, and then bedded on the stone pavement around; the sheave balks to each were then threaded through the building, wedged to the timbers above, as well as to the rails below, by a series of wedges. The other rails and sheave balks were then similarly fixed underneath each timber, and when all the wheels were brought to a proper bearing, the stone work, which had been allowed to remain at four angles of the building, was cut away, and then two other timbers were introduced and secured. The octagonal lighthouse had a three-inch plank from bottom to top laid against it at each angle, and these were hooped round with five iron hoops 24 inches broad, and 78 inch thick; ropes and wedges were employed as well at regular distances, the whole made to embrace the building, and by means of screws were drawn closely up to the upright planks. Under the cornice a hole was cut on each of the eight sides, where the walls were 10 inches in thickness; through these were pushed horizontal timbers from the inside, and these were drawn back until they met in the centre. Iron plates covered the joints above and below the timbers, and screwed bolts passed through both. This upper timber platform was connected to that below by a large chain, which passed round a strong bar of iron at the top, and another at the bottom, which was tightened by a screw. Eight upright timbers, a foot square, were tenoned into the hori- zontal timbers under the cornice, and brought close to the outer wall of the building, at the base, where they were secured by stirrup straps and bolts; these uprights were 336 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING, ROCKS united by three tiers of chock pieces; three iron straps passed round these as well as the uprights, and the whole screwed tightly together. After this, raking braces were added, and the whole firmly bound together; then diagonal braces, to prevent the timbers from springing or twisting. When the whole of these works was completed, five pulling screws were attached to the glacis of the pier, and the chains were fastened to them; 24 men were employed to turn these screws, four forcing screws, worked by three men at each, being applied behind the cradle to help propel. The total number of men employed amounted to fifty. The platform or cradle that carried the whole weight, which was 338 tons, was supported on 144 wheels, which moved on eight parallel lines of rails. The cradle timbers were of American oak, and all the rest was Memel; the cast-iron rails upon which the wheels moved were laid upon a plank of African oak 1½ inches in thickness. There were employed, during the operation at the winches, 18 men, and their power may be estimated as equal to 562 pounds. The radius of the handles of the winches was 14 inches, worked by a cog-wheel of 44 inches diameter, turning a spur-wheel of 30 inches, and a barrel of 10 inches in diameter. The additional power of the two-fold and three- fold sheave blocks, made the whole power of the 18 men equal to 52,480 pounds, whilst the gross weight was 757,120 pounds. The speed with which the whole was moved was about 84 feet per hour, when at the quickest; and the time occupied to move the whole distance was 13 hours 24 minutes. The foundations prepared to receive the lighthouse after its removal were formed of solid blocks of stone, and when it had arrived over its destined position, the timber uprights were again wedged under its cradles, and the various sheaves and railway timbers drawn out. The masons then underpinned it by degrees, striking the upright supports as the building had obtained its proper bearing. Mortar, composed of blue lias lime, sand, and puzzolana, was made use of, and great çare was taken to pin up the last course; a sheet of lead being introduced to equalise the pressure. Since its completion the works have stood remarkably well, and no settlement has taken place. The accomplishment of so arduous and novel a task as removing a lighthouse reflects the highest credit upon the engineer, John Murray. From this port upwards of 1,300,000 tons of coal are annually shipped, and it is reckoned in importance the fourth port of the United Kingdom. South Shields and North Shields occupy the banks at the mouth of the Tyne. Tyne- mouth, which is about 1 miles distant from the former, has a lighthouse 61 feet high, which rises 168 feet above the level of the sea. SAND HILLS HICH WATER ORDINARY SPRING HERD SAND HOW WATERSPRINGETIDE UPPER. ĮDLICHTHOUSE. LOWER. (EICHT HOUSE. TIDES SCALP MIDDINGS IGH WAT TIDES SPRING Fig. 332. BERWICK UPON TWEED. PRIORS HAVEN 。 LICHTHOUSE - Newcastle is situated on the Tyne, and on the banks are many yards for ship-building. The average rise of the spring tides at North Shields is about 14 feet, at Hepburn CHAP. VIII. 337 BRITAIN. about 12, and at Newcastle 11 feet 6 inches. The velocity of the current of the flowing tides in springs above Shields is about 3 knots an hour at half flood, but about half ebb it is increased half a knot. Jarrai Slake, which is covered at half flood, contains nearly 350 acres. Berwick-upon-Tweed, is on the left bank of the river, and has a pier, erected under the direction of the late Mr. Rennie, at the end of which is a lighthouse. The harbour is by no means a convenient one; and the river, which is here crossed by a bridge of fifteen arches, is the second in point of importance to any in Scotland. 0 D RIVER BERWICK TWEED AHOSPITAL SAND BERWICK BAY Fig. 333. BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. Here, originally, was a pier, constructed in the reign of Elizabeth, which afforded shelter from storms from the north-easterly wind. Spring tides rise here about 15 feet, and neaps about 9 feet; and at high water of an ordinary spring tide, there is 19 or 20 feet water on the bar, and from 14 to 15 feet at the quay; at neap tides there is not so much by 3 or 4 feet. Eyemouth Harbour, is advantageously situated at the corner of a bay, where ships can work in and out at all times of the tide, and lie at anchor secure from all winds, except the northerly or north-easterly. . Mr. John Smeaton, in the year 1767, who was consulted upon the best means of im- proving it, found that the mouth of the river being open to northerly winds, the vessels could not lie secure without going beyond the elbow of the quay, where there was but very shallow water, and the breadth was much contracted. At a full sea, the mouth of the harbour being wide admitted the waters with so much impetuosity, that they found their way round the elbow and disturbed the quiet of the vessels which took shelter there. To enlarge the harbour, and to increase its security, he advised the construction of a north pier to defend the mouth, and which was to be based upon a natural ledge of rocks. The entrance to the harbour was at right angles with the direction into and out of the bay; and at spring tides there was 20 feet of water; and between the pier heads, there was several feet at low water, at the lowest ebbs; and at neap tides it was calculated there never would be less than 16 or 17 feet in the harbour, which would be capable of receiving vessels of from 300 to 400 tons burthen. The length of the pier from the elbow and round the head into the flank was to be 240 feet, its mean height 22 feet, and the mean thickness of the two walls 5 feet. The length within, from the elbow to the said flank, was 132 feet, and the mean thickness of the walls 3 feet. The width of the base was 30 feet, and as the casing walls were built with falling- in faces, the interior was filled in with rough stones placed by hand, and well packed. The faces of the wall and parapets only were built in regular courses of freestone, which were laid in mortar, hammer-jointed and faced. Dunbar Harbour, though situated advantageously at the bottom of a bay, was with difficulty to be entered, as the passage for vessels was extremely narrow; and the sloping of the rocks on the starboard or north-west side, going in, contributed to increase the evil, for vessels being obliged to keep close to the pier were often driven on it by the recoil of the sea from the rocks. John Smeaton, in 1772, to remedy this inconvenience, recom- mended that the rocks should be sloped off, level with the bottom of the rest of the pas- Ꮓ 338 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. sage, and the face built up above high-water mark; by which the passage to the harbour would be widened to 5 yards, and in the narrowest part from 45 to 60 feet. The sea would also be prevented by this means from breaking upon the sloping rocks, and the new pier being carried up sufficiently above high water mark, by means of rope, vessels might he towed when they did not come in with sufficient fresh way to keep them clear of the entry. He also advised that a pier should be carried out upon the ledge of rocks which at low water were dry, on the south-east side of the entry from the north angle of the present pier to the Beacon rock, which would defend the passage from the surge of the sea, and serve as a help, by its projection, to the throwing a rope on board a ship on the larboard side. As the construction of a pier that would resist the full stroke of the sea ought to be of great strength, and consequently its expense might be objected to, he devised a gangway, to extend as far as the Beacon rock, where men could give the necessary assistance by heaving a rope on board, which might be executed at a moderate cost. This structure was proposed to be composed of few materials, for it was found that it was generally better to elude the force of the sea than to resist it, and the less matter opposed to its action the better, provided that be securely and permanently fixed. The rocks were to be bored by a jumper, 1 inch diameter; to these the eye-bolts were to be forged, a little tapering, and larger than the holes, so that they might be driven tight, by means of an iron maul; and if they were found too small, strips of iron plate were to be introduced, and in a short time the rust would prevent their being moved or drawn out. As this proposed pier would receive the full stroke of the sea, when the wind was south-easterly, it was not only necessary that it should be built very firmly, but in such a manner that the ordinary seas should not break over it; he therefore proposed that it should be raised 9 feet above high water at spring tides, which is 22 feet above the low water line at the pier head, and that it should have an inclination, as it continued from the south-west towards the land. Such a height would carry it considerably above the rocks, where it was built, and therefore, instead of so large a quantity of backings as would be necessary to make the whole good to that level with the land, he proposed it to be built upon the other side. The rocks at the foot of the pier were to be removed before the pier was built, and where the pier was founded, the rocks were to be cut off level, so that the lower course of stone had a proper bearing. Dunbar had its harbour originally at Belhaven, some distance from the town, though within its liberties. Cromwell began the eastern pier of the present harbour, and some years afterwards the latter was deepened by taking away, over its whole surface, 8 feet of the solid rock. After this work of great labour and expense, a new pier was built. Between the harbour and the fortress are some basaltic rocks which dip towards the south, and are crystallised into either triangles or hexagonal figures like those at the Giant's Causeway. Leith, the port of Edinburgh, stands at the mouth of a small river of that name; the harbour at neap tides has about 8 feet water, and at high spring tides nearly 16 feet. There is a communication with Edinburgh by a causeway nearly two miles in length, and 50 feet in breadth. In 1777 great improvements were made in the harbour; the pier was continued to a considerable distance into the sea; a quay, basin, and docks, were at the same time constructed at a great expense; and in 1801, Mr. Rennie commenced a new dock, since which others have been suggested and partly carried out, and to raise the vessels there are slips with iron ways; the ship is supported by a cradle which runs upon wheels. Adjoining to Edinburgh, on the north, is the Frith of Forth, or ancient Bodotria, which is from five to seven miles in breadth; the largest of its bays is that of Musselburgh, which advances several miles to the south of the village, whilst the harbour of Leith occupies the angle or peninsula formed by the line of the Frith of Forth on the north, and the Bay of Musselburgh on the east. The trade of Leith is considerable, and one of the docks for building ships formed at the entrance of the new basin presents three quadruple rows of steps, 29 inches high, and 11 inches in breadth, which gives a total depth of 21 feet. The division of the rows is marked by a bench 20 inches in breadth. The breadth of the dock at bottom is 44 feet, and the entrance to it is about 35 feet; the entire breadth at the top or level of the ground is 70 feet. An iron bridge, 12 feet 6 inches in width, composed of 6 ribs, and which cost 1365l., is placed over the entrance to the basin. On the south side of the Forth, at Newhaven, is the chain pier constructed by Captain Brown, Leith is protected by a fort, which was considerably strengthened by Cromwell; since whose time a battery has been constructed on an eminence behind the docks, which extends to Newhaven; this is surrounded by an intrenchment, and defended by bastions. In the CHAP. VIII. 339 BRITAIN. year 1485 a law was passed, prohibiting the inhabitants of Leith from engaging in any commercial intercourse with the people of Edinburgh, and also forbidding the latter to admit the former into partnership, on pain of forfeiting the privileges of the city, so great was the jealousy between the two rivals for commercial advantages; and it was not till the AVIEN PIER LOW WATER SPRING TIDES OTOWER HARBOUR DOCK. DOCK. SAND PORT FORT DOCK STREET CUSTOM HOUSE Fig. 334. LEITH HARBOUR. citizens of Edinburgh purchased the surrounding land of the feudal lord that any thing like unity or harmony was established, and their common interests found to be identical. Dundee Harbour is entirely formed by art, and by considerable difficulty it has been made to answer the purpose of sheltering vessels, and render them safe and quiet; but the OVERGATE: NETHERGATE MICH WATER YEAMANS SHORE EQUINOCTIAL SPRINGS LOW WATER HICH ST HARBOURD BUOT HARD GROUND Fig. 335. SHORE CHARBOU SEACATE DUNDEE IRON FOUNDRY CEORCE GRAY DUNDEE CAS COMPANY! PAVING POWDER MAGAZINE MUSSE THE BRYCES FOWLER Rock GRYCES ELEVATION OF FERRY PIER .N.SIDE DUNDEE HARBOUR. EXCON ROCK SECTION WATER FORT ➡CAROLINA means adopted to make the entrance convenient and easy of access has rendered it more liable to the deposit of mud and sand; the method formerly employed to cleanse the harbour from the silt was by allowing a quantity of water to pass through sluices from the basin, and at the same time causing a number of men to throw into the current the z 2 * 340 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. mud, that it might be washed out to the mouth, and afterwards carried away by the tides. John Smeaton, in the year 1769, finding that during spring-tides, at the tide of ebb a strong current set past the end of the pier, which was diverted from the harbour mouth, suggested that openings should be made, by which the water might pass, for the purpose of clearing away the mud accumulated near the middle of the harbour: he recommended two sets of tunnels to be made, three and three together, 12 feet wide each; these tunnels to be arched over, so as to form a level platform at top, and the passage for the water to be made through the rocks, down to the level of low water mark. He also suggested that the channel should be turned, and that the small pier already constructed should be removed, and the rock levelled, that the water in its passage from the tunnels should meet with no impediment; and then the tidal water would pass with more force, and act more efficiently in scouring away the deposits. Fig. 336. SECTION OF SLIP LONGITUDINALLY. Thus, by means of strong currents, and the aid of men, as before, it was calculated that the harbour might be kept tolerably clean; and he advised that the sluices should be made larger, as well as the basin; and that the water should not be let off in small quantities, as that was not making the best use of it, for a quantity of water, when a certain power was given, would move that very expeditiously, which, applied in a less degree, suffered the matter to remain. Fig. 337. SLIP AT DUNDEE. The water in the basin, discharged at once in a body, would remove obstacles, which would remain, if the capacities of the openings were only such as to allow the waters to be a quarter of an hour running out. Fig. 338. • SECTION OF SLIP TRANSVERSELY. Smeaton recommended that the sluices should be made quite water-tight, and that the doors should not be cut, so as to form a valve to let in the water, but that one door should CHAP. VIII. 841 BRITAIN. be opened at a time by hand, for this purpose; and to prevent any accident he suggested that a small tunnel with a valve should be used, in part to let in, and effectually to keep in the water. Without the use of men, it was imagined the harbour might by this means be kept clean; and occasionally they might be employed to remove what the sluices could not effectually do. This harbour, which is on the left bank of the Tay, is often greatly inconvenienced by the quantities of sand deposited within it. When the tide ebbs, it is brought down the river, and when it flows it is brought from what has previously been carried out to sea. Mr. Telford, in 1815, repaired and extended the quay, and constructed a new dock, 250 yards long, and 150 yards broad. An act of parliament was obtained in the year 1815, for the improvement of this harbour, and the management vested in commissioners. Mr. Telford was employed to carry on the several works, and a floating dock, 750 feet in length, and 450 feet in breadth, with an entrance lock, 210 feet long between the gates, and 55 feet in width, has been constructed, as well as a graving-dock, the floor of which is in length 265 feet, and breadth at bottom 40 feet, and at top 68 feet. On the site of the entrance lock, at ordinary spring tides, is a depth of water of 19 feet, and at neaps, of 14 feet. And the total cost of these works was 119,8351. The ferries at Dundee required proper landing-places. One was formed on the north, nearly 150 yards in length, which has a parapet and raised footpath, as well as an inclined slip for carriages and cattle, 30 feet in width; it is supported on arches, so that the flux and reflux of the tide is not prevented from scouring the back of the protecting pier of the western harbour. On the south side are two connected slips with a protecting wall between them, so that there is shelter provided against all winds; and in every state of the tide, embarkation may go on, and boats be under shelter. The cost of these slips and approaches was 24,600l. Bell Rock Lighthouse is situated in west longitude 2º 22′, and north longitude 56° 29′, eleven miles south-west from the Redhead in Forfarshire. The rock on which it stands is a red sandstone, of a fine grain, and containing minute specks of mica; the surface is very rugged, and full of cavities, owing to the fracture and overlapping of the strata. It con- sists of an upper and lower level, being highest at the north-east end, which is partially left by the tide at low water of neaps, whilst the lower level is only seen at spring tides; at which time its dimensions are about 427 feet in length, and 230 feet in breadth. The ordinary rise of spring tides is about 15 feet, and of neap tides 9 feet; but the state of the weather varies this materially. The course of the flood tide in moderate weather is south-west, and of the ebb tide north-east; and the spring tides have a velocity of about 3 miles an hour near the rock; and neap tides about 1 miles. This celebrated rock is 11 miles from the nearest land, and is the obstacle to the navigation of the firths of Forth and Tay; it is also dangerous to all vessels trafficking the North Sea and German Ocean. In the year 1806 an act of parliament was passed to construct upon it a lighthouse, and Mr. Robert Stevenson was appointed engineer to carry the same into effect. The design approved of by the commissioners was one on the same principle as the celebrated Eddystone. A work-yard was established at Arbroath, and a quantity of granite was procured from Aberdeen for the outside casing, and sandstone from Dundee; these materials being prepared, and implements for lifting heavy blocks being provided, the works were begun on the rock on the 17th of August, 1807. The workmen commenced by boring a number of holes, to receive the lower ends of six large beams and six smaller ones, which were to support a wooden beacon, or temporary residence for the workmen during the summer months. Pieces of Memel timber 50 feet in length were placed round a circle 36 feet in diameter, and met together at the top, on which was constructed a wooden house, which consisted of three floors. The lower one was store-house and kitchen; the second, in which the beams crossed, was made into two cabins: one was occupied by the engineer, the other by his foreman; the upper room was fitted up with three rows of beds for thirty workmen. Below these three apartments, at a height of 25 feet from the rock, was a temporary floor, on which the mortar was prepared, and a smith's forge for sharpening the picks and workmen's tools was fixed. The violence of the sea at times, however, was sufficient to lift this floor, and send all that rested upon it adrift: yet during the five years that operations were carried on, this beacon, which was immersed every tide from 8 to 12 feet in water, was found of the greatest utility. During the first part of the work, it was necessary at every tide to go to and fro in row boats, each of which contained sixteen persons. In the winter months, the workmen were employed on shore preparing the various stones, which, after being carefully fitted together, were all numbered and marked as they were to be placed in the building; and z 3 342 Boox I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. this was highly necessary, as the several courses were dovetailed together, so as to form one mass, from the centre to the circumference. The stones were all bored for trenails of oak and joggles of stone, in the same way as practised at the Eddystone. The lighthouse is 42 feet in diameter at the base, and 13 feet at the top. The part constructed in masonry is 100 feet in height, and including the light room it is 115 feet; the mortar used was sand, pulverised lime, and puzzolana, in equal quantities. The ascent from the rock to the top of the solid part, or lowest 30 feet, is by a trap ladder; and from the entrance doorway a circular staircase leads to the first apartment, which con- tains the fuel, water, and stores. The other apartments are approached by wooden stairs; they consist of a light store-room, a kitchen, bed-room, library, and light room; in all, six stories. The three lower rooms have two windows each, and the upper four, all glazed with thick plate-glass, and guarded on the outside from the violence of the spray of the sea by wooden shutters. The light-room, which is 88 feet above the medium level of the tide, has around it a projecting balcony with an iron railing; the interior dimensions of this octagonal room is 12 feet in diameter, and 15 feet in height. It is framed of cast-iron, and glazed with plate-glass, each plate being 30 by 27 inches; it is terminated with a dome roof, with a circular ball; and the light used is from oil, with Argand burners, placed in the focus of silver plated reflectors, hollowed to the parabolic curve by hammering only. These reflectors measure 24 inches across, and the light is so powerful that it may be seen, when the atmosphere is clear, 6 or 7 leagues. The above lighthouse is the most important in the northern division; the others, erected on the points or promontories connected with the main land, or upon the islands on the coast of Scotland, including the Isle of Man, are more rudely constructed. That at the Mull of Kintyre in Argyleshire, almost inaccessible by sea, from the rocky and precipitous state of the coast, stands 240 feet above the level of the sea, and so difficult is the approach, that the stores cannot be landed nearer than at a spot six miles distant. The Pentland Skerries in Orkney consist of two islands surrounded by a reef of sunken rock: one of these is about 15 acres, and has been entirely stripped of its soil by the sea washing over it; the other, called the Great Skerry, contains 75 acres: on both are light- houses, not, however, remarkable for their construction. The methods adopted till lately on these coasts for distinguishing one light from another, where the distance and bearing by the compass were not sufficiently marked, was effected by double and single stationary lights, a method expensive and not to be relied on as a guide to the navigator, from the frequency with which they were made to occur on the coast in many districts; the revolving light has been substituted to great advantage, which varies its character by the different tints given to the glass. These several lighthouses are under the direction of a board of commissioners, except those of the Tay, which come under the management of the Trinity House; the Com- missioners of the Northern Lighthouses were established about the year 1780, and six years afterwards a bill was brought before parliament, to enable them to erect several new buildings on the coast, which had become frequented by the vessels engaged in the fisheries. Arbroath, which stands on the river Brothwick, has a small harbour of a rectangular form, defended from the sea by a wall of hewn stone on the north, and by a pier on the south side. The entrance is closed by a floating boom, which slides between a double row of piles, and is made to ascend by a capstan. Montrose is situated in a fine bay, and at its quay vessels of 400 tons burthen ride in perfect security, sheltered on the north by the town, and on the south by lofty hills. The town is situated on the north bank of the South Esk, a torrent which descends with considerable violence from the Grampian Hills, and forms a vast bay, near where it dis- gorges itself into the sea; over the entrance, which is very narrow, is the bridge leading to Montrose, 244 yards in length; the piers are of timber, and have been considerably injured by the ravages of the worms, of the genus Oniscus, particularly on the side towards the sea. An opening is formed in the middle of the bridge, by lifting a portion to admit vessels into the bay. At the mouth of the river on one side are dangerous rocks, and on the other a shallow bottom of sand, without consistence, extending several miles into the bay, which, by an easterly wind, is blown into the harbour, and again removed by the Esk, as the tide ebbs, driving it outwards. The North Esk runs parallel with the South Esk, and empties itself a little to the north of Montrose; it is crossed by the stone bridge of Money Kirk, of four arches, built at the cost of 10,000l., after the design of Mr. Stevenson. Gourdon is a small fishing town, two miles south of Bervie, in the county of Kincardine- shire. Bervie, the ancient port on the river of that name, has an elegant bridge, on the abutments of which is built the town hall. King David, in 1342, made it a royal town or borough, in consequence of the reception given him by the inhabitants after a violent storm. CHAP. VIII. 843 BRITAIN. A pier, 350 feet in length, was constructed here under Mr. Telford's direction, on one side of the harbour, which is defended by the west rock on the opposite side. Nature has MARSH DYKE VIÊ ROAD WEST ROCK HARCOUR VILLACE OF COURDON PIER SECTION THROUCH AB HICH WATER EAST WESS 0 ORDINARY SPRINC ·BOTTOM OF NAVICATION CHANNEL Fig. 339. GOURDON HARBOUR. done much in scooping out many natural bays on this coast, some of which have deep water. Stonehaven, 15 miles from Aberdeen, has a secure harbour or a natural formed basin, sheltered on the south-east by a high rock, which runs into the sea, and on the north-east by a quay. Aberdeen Harbour, which is 106 miles from Edinburgh, was extremely difficult to enter, in consequence of a bar formed just outside the mouth of the Dee, composed of a shifting bed of sand, gravel, and shingle, deposited on the north side of the entry; this, with a north-easterly wind, was driven into the main channel, and choked it up; the quantity driven depended upon the state of the tides, the land speats, and floods or freshes of the river, which here falls into the sea. MILI BARN ΦΥΛΥ WATERLOO QUAY wer DCCK OF 18 ACRES INCHES. 36. Acres TIDE HARBOUR CAPSTAN JETTY NEW CHANNEL FOR THE RIVER DEE NEW CHANNEL FOR THE FLOOD WATER CAPSTANO TOWER OBSERVATOR CAPSTAN JETTY Fig. 340. ABERDEEN HARBOUR. CAPSTAN When Mr. John Smeaton, in the year 1769, sounded at the mouth of the harbour, he found 4 feet upon the bar at low water; on the sixth day after new moon, and at high z 4 344 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING.. water, full 14 feet; but at ordinary spring tides there was the same depth upon the bar at high water, and at low water it was left with only the run of the river over it. The neap tides usually made 10 feet water upon the bar. Outside this bar the water gradually deepened, and ships rode conveniently at low water, protected from all winds, except the north-easterly and easterly, which blew into the harbour's mouth. The bar, according to Smeaton, was thus formed; the whole coast, which stretches away northerly, is for miles a flat and sandy shore, and the north-east wind acting obliquely upon it brings the sand and gravel intermixed coastwise towards the south; and as the coast, from the south side of the entry, stretches away nearly east for mile, these sands would be deposited in the angle of the coast formed at the harbour's mouth, if the waters of the Dee did not force its way through them, which they do, and maintain more or less an open channel; a hard gale of wind at north-east, bringing the sand and gravel coastwise south- ward, puts also in agitation that which has been previously lodged on the bank on the north side of the mouth of the harbour, and at the same time forces it into the entry, and if at that time it happens to be spring tides, and little fresh water in the river, a strong ၁ • 0000 000 Fig. 341. PLAN OF BEARING AND SHEETING PILES. tide of flood is the consequence; this, together with the wind, carries the gravel and sand into the channel of the river, and the fresh water being short at the time, the reflux will be languid, and, impeded by the impetus of the sea, and it cannot return. Fig. 342. SECTION of pier. A continuance of land floods, either at spring or neaps, when the wind is moderate from the north-east, scours the sand and gravel away from the mouth of the harbour, and carries Fig. 343. PLAN OF THE PLATFORM. 다 ​it into the roadway, from whence it gets round the point of Girdleness; and if there is with a strong land fresh low spring ebbs, which give the current the greatest fall to sea, and at the same time run bare over the bar, with a moderate wind to the north-east, the stony CHAP. VIII. 345 BRITAIN. body of the bar will be cleared of sand, and the harbour's mouth found in the best state. To prevent this constant state of fluctuation that the harbour was subject to, Smeaton recommended the erection of the north pier, which not only confined the land freshes till they arrived at deep water, but prevented the sand and gravel from being driven in. The first stretch of this pier carried out was 400 feet; this part not being subject to be over- flowed by the tide, the base was 20 feet, the width at top 12 feet, and the height 12 feet. The second stretch, another 400 feet, with a mean base of 28 feet, 14 feet 6 inches at top, and 20 feet high; the third stretch was 546 feet beyond the last, having at a mean 36 feet base, 24 feet top. The sides at a medium were 4 feet 6 inches thick, filled in with rough stones. The pier head was to have had a base of 60 feet diameter, 48 feet at top, and 24 feet high. The parapet, the whole length of which was 1400 feet, had a base of 4 feet 6 inches, and 3 feet width at top, and was in height 4 feet, and the estimated cost was 10,000l. In the year 1778 Smeaton found the pier completed according to his suggestions, and it had produced the increase of depth and freedom of passage he expected; but the swell at high water, meeting with nothing to control it, made its way through the clear passage between the two piers, where meeting with nothing to break or disperse it in the bay, they turned round along the shore, and spent their fury upon any objects they came in contact with. To remedy this inconvenience, he suggested that at the commencement of the old Sandness Point, a deposit should be made of rough stones, projecting towards the middle of the open space, rising towards the pier, and sloping towards the low water; this was to be of rough granite. This catch pier he fancied would have the effect of quieting the harbour, and leave a clear water-way of 300 feet of navigable channel, and it was not thought requisite to carry this breakwater higher than spring tide mark, the seas being suffered to break over it at high water. There is nothing which tends to quash and disperse a wave when it is raised so well as allowing its breaking upon a sloping beach; on this account the continuance of the south piers so far to the westward has an injurious effect, in preventing the seas from spending and breaking, as they would do, upon the naturally sloped shore; and this south pier was required to be removed, as the use of the new catch pier was to throw the seas more effectually over to the south side, and, unless there was a sloping beach for them to break upon, they would again be reflected back from the side towards the north, and pro- duce effects disagreeable to some part of the harbour. This catch pier was formed of blocks of split granite, which was done at the quarries ; they were cut into wedge-like pieces, and made of parallel shapes, and each alternate stone composing the circular end of the pier was a header, and the others tended towards the centre, whilst those lying between were retained in the manner of a dovetail; and the header stones themselves being anchored at their tails, that is, at their inward or smaller ends, to an anchor or cross stone, by means of an iron cramp to each, the whole were held compactly together. It was particularly requisite that the wedge stones should be made to fit properly. The wedge-like header stones which formed the turn to the head, and which held the in- termediate stones between them, were tied to the anchor stones at their tails by iron cramps, an inch square, turned down and rounded at each end, to go into jumper-holes, and fixed in them with wood wedges without lead, as the weight of the courses above them was sufficient to keep them from starting. The This harbour seems to have been viewed by Smeaton as a tide harbour. River Dee, which admitted the tide to flow upwards about 2 miles, and spread itself over some very flat ground, did not acquire sufficient strength, to carry out all the deposits that were borne down from the country above, through which the river flowed. The tide, meeting the fresh water, occasioned the sand, stones, and mud, to be deposited, and at last a bar was formed, which almost obstructed the entrance for large vessels. Smeaton finding the river spread over a space upwards of 500 yards in breadth, imme- diately had recourse to confine it in a narrower channel; and for this purpose it was that he founded the north pier, which continues 700 feet eastward from ordinary high water mark, and then starts off to the north for another 500 feet, in order that the current might have a proper direction given to it. Another pier was also built on the south side of the river about half the length of the other, and two small jetties and a small basin were formed by Mr. Smeaton, in conformity with the act of parliament obtained in 1773. In the year 1810, another act for the improvement of this port was obtained, and Mr. Telford employed to carry out its object. He commenced by ascertaining the quality of 346 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the soil by boring, the nature of the land floods and tides, and drew up a report upon the subject; his object being to provide wharfage and floating docks, and new ground for ship- building on the mud banks called the Links, to place locks and graving docks capable of admitting vessels on the best foundations, and to provide the means of scouring the docks, and cause the flux and reflux of the tide, as well as the land floods, to act most effectually on the existing bar and prevent future accumulations there, so as to preserve 4 feet addi- tional depth of water, and by this means admit large vessels at neap tides, and form a com- munication between the Aberdeenshire canal and the new harbour. The pier on the south side, which was constructed by Smeaton, having been destroyed in 1807, Mr. Telford commenced his works of improvement by erecting another in cut granite, and finished it with a slope of five horizontal to one perpendicular; this was completed in October, 1809. In the following year the north pier was commenced, and by the aid of a railway its entire extension of 300 feet was completed within the twelvemonth; this was found so beneficial to the harbour, that it was afterwards extended another 865 feet beyond Mr. Smeaton's head, which was performed in three seasons, in the full expanse of the German Ocean. The outer head having in the following winter received considerable injury, its slope was altered, and made five to one, since which it has stood perfectly well. The foundations resting on loose sand and gravel, it was found necessary to consolidate the work under low water by dropping from lighters large stones, and filling the interstices up with smaller, until it was brought to within a few feet of low water, at which level the ashlar line commenced. The stones were not laid horizontally, but at an angle of 45°, and in this way was the masonry worked, until it arrived within 18 inches of the top, when it was built level. I 4j1.6 By this means the work was more rapidly advanced, and less liable to temporary de- rangement, for while the ashlar wall was being carried up on both sides, the middle was built, which was performed by a care- ful backing of large rubble stone to within 18 inches of the top, when the whole was coped with granite, 18 inches in depth, over which, on the north side, was added a cut granite parapet the whole length of the pier. The outsides of the pier are built with roughly dressed granite ashlar, the headers being 3 feet 6 inches in length, and the hearting of large rubble, the in- terstices being filled up with smaller stones. The rocks in the neighbourhood are chiefly a gneiss formation, and as it is diffi- cult to dress this stone into a regular shape, the masons call them heathens; some of these, of large dimensions, weighing from 5 to 30 tons, were slung by the aid of machinery between the bows of two lighters, which had counterweights at the stern, and by this means floated to the pier head, and deposited in the situations allotted them. A railway laid down along the old pier, with a double crane at the end, movable on rollers, and advanced as the work pro- ceeded, was found of the greatest con- venience. Besides this, six lighters of 40 tons each, with a crane mounted on each, were em- ployed to bring the stone used in the lower part of the work. 16 feet 20 feet 12 feet Fig. 344. TRANSVERSE SECTION. PUDDLE The pier on the south side was carried out, to correspond in extension with the other; it was not, however, made parallel with the north pier, but formed a solid breakwater from the south shore, in a north-east direction, with a space at its entrance of 250 feet. Within this breakwater there was a sloping beach, that the surge might spend itself freely, and not agitate the waters within the harbour. The length of the breakwater is 800 feet, and it is constructed of large rubble stones, as they came from the quarry, except the head, which is formed of roughly dressed ashlar, laid to a slope of 450 where exposed most to the sea's action, and about CHAP. VIII. 947 BRITAIN. half that slope on the inside. It is raised 5 or 6 feet above the level of high water at ordinary spring tides, and the top is covered with large blocks of roughly hammered stone. The breakwater is protected by a shoeing of rubble stone; by narrowing the entrance, it materially deepens the channel; a permanent depth of 5 or 6 feet water has been obtained. By means of a dredging machine, worked by a steam-engine, the interior of the harbour was deepened; an additional 3 or 4 feet of water has been obtained, throughout the whole extent, for more than a mile in length, so that vessels of any description arrive at the quays, and there is no necessity for lighters. In the year 1815, 900 feet in length of the new wharfs and the capstan towers were built, as well as the embankment formed, on the south side of the wet dock; the works remained in this state till 1830, when 1350 feet of new wharf was built, and the embank- ment of the wet dock was proceeded with, as well as other portions of the work. The whole breadth of the new wharf is 100 feet, and its foundations are laid on a plat- form of timber, resting on piles, with a row of sheet piling in front; the outside face of the other wharfs is built with granite ashlar, backed with hammer-dressed masonry, laid in lime mortar, and the outside joints pointed with Parker's cement. The general bottom of the harbour is sand and gravel, so that it was necessary to have coffer-dams, for the purpose of constructing the foundations for the various buildings erected, and chain pumps were used. The right bank of the new channel was completed in 1832, its length being 1630 feet, and that of the spill or water bank, 4107 feet. The cost of these works was as follows: £ Extending the piers and breakwater 81,955 Dredging the inner harbour 17,999 Constructing new wharfs and common sewer 39,738 Forming a new channel for the river, including the cap tan, towers, and jetty, also constructing bulwark and embankment 15,398 Making a communication bridge to the Inches 5,500 £160,590 Since these works were performed, a new channel for the Dee has been opened, and a spill water channel formed, by which means the river is kept entirely out of the harbour. A cast-iron turn bridge has been constructed across that part of the harbour called the Inches, which, by means of an embankment, has been considerably enlarged. A wall has been built, 3200 feet in length, forming a spacious quay, 100 feet in breadth, and paved throughout; this is in addition to the 920 feet length previously built. A quay wall 1200 feet in length has been also built on the Inches. There is now altogether 6290 feet of quay berthage to this harbour, and a building slip, of a size sufficient to receive the largest steamers, has been built according to a patent obtained by Mr. Morton. Mr. Morton's mechanical slip was patented in the year 1818, and it has been put down at most of the ship-building ports in the kingdom; the patentee, in giving his evidence before a Select Committee appointed to inquire into its merits, enumerates about forty slips built a few years after its invention. The chief feature is that of placing a complete wheel carriage underneath the bottom of the vessel, which carriage has a long straight beam extending beneath the whole length of the keel, with blocks fitted upon it for the vessel's keel to rest upon. As all vessels are straight at the underside of the keel, or have some determined curvature, it is easy to dress the blocks, which are placed on the middle beam of the carriage, to either a straight or curved line, before the ship is taken up; and the slip is so constructed, that the form of the carriage undergoes no alteration when the weight of the ship is placed upon it; and the carriage is substantially borne by three parallel lines of iron railway, founded upon either timber and piles or masonry, upon which it traverses upon numerous wheels or trucks of cast-iron. The ship, when placed upon the carriage, is kept in its perpendicular position by cross bearers, on which is adapted other timbers fitted to the curvature of its sides, forming a cradle; it is then, by means of tackle, drawn up an inclined plane, by men working at a capstan, or at winches with cog-wheels, the chain being attached to the carriage, and exerting no strain on the ship. Between the railways is laid a cast-iron rack having serrated teeth, into which strong palls catch, and which prevent the carriage from running down the inclined plane, in case the tackle gives way. Previously to this system being adopted, it usually cost 170% to haul up a ship of 348 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 500 tons, and by Mr. Morton's principle this was reduced to 31, without any risk whatever. A durable and substantial slip may be constructed, under ordinary circumstances, at the tenth part of the expense of a dry dock; and the apparatus employed may be moved from one place to another. The vessel may be hauled up at the rate of 21 feet per minute, by 6 men to every 100 tons, so that the expense of taking up and launching a vessel of 500 tons does not exceed 60s. Peterhead, is situated on the most easterly point of Scotland. The town is built upon the edge of an extensive bay, which affords to the vessels frequenting this coast a very WEST JETTY BATTERY TOWN OF PETERHEAD QUAY PORT HENRY SOR FISHERMAN, HARBOU SOUTH HARBOUR QUAY BALLA HICH VAT GRAVING DOOK GREEN 19LAND FISH TOWN NORTH BAY 70 F1 Fig 345. PETERHEAD HARBOUR. secure anchorage. Besides the old south harbour with its south pier, west jetty, and ballast quay, there is a new harbour formed to the north, with a capacious graving-dock, excavated out of Green Island. The north jetty is carried out 470 feet, and its interior wall was constructed on caissoons, as was the jetty-head which bears to the west, in length 80 feet. This portion in 1819 was partly destroyed by the violence of the sea, and has since been reconstructed upon a broader and firmer foundation. Peterhead, so famous for its sea bathing, had its harbour considerably deepened by Smeaton, who recommended blasting 30,000 cubic yards of rock, but this operation has not been attended with the success that was expected: wooden boxes or cases were made use of by the workmen employed for this purpose; these movable cofferdams had occasionally the water pumped out of them, and enabled the operation to be carried on at all times without difficulty. There is 18 feet water at the entrance at the top of an ordinary spring tide, but only 14 feet at the eastern extremity of the pier. The granite found here, called by the people who work it Pacey Whin, is the best material for building that can be obtained; it is scattered over the whole face of the country in large irregular lumps, and is so hard that it resists the finest tempered edge tool; but is admirably split into blocks of any size required, by the masons accustomed to the work, who are perfectly aware that they cannot split the stone in any other direction than that of its natural "greet," which they ascertain with great facility, and with such certainty, as seldom to be mistaken. After it is split they draw a straight line in the direction of the "greet," and then sink a row of holes along it with a weighty hammer, having blunt points at both ends, and highly tempered; with this pick they unite the holes and form grooves, into which they place a wedge made of the best steel, with a point cut over square, so as to leave a triangular cavity below it; they then strike the wedges in succession with a heavy hammer along the whole line, till the stone splits asunder; the fissure going through to the bottom of the stone, in the direction of the line first marked out, cleaving it into two parts, nearly as straight, though not so smooth, as if cut with a When the stone is cut into a number of slabs, they are split into lengths at right saw. CHAP. VIII. 349 BRITAIN. angles with the former cutting; they are picked over their surface, and smoothed by a tooi in shape of a small hatchet, with much labour, and at a cost of 6d. per superficial foot. head. Frazerburgh harbour lies at the foot of Mount Kennaird, and is 50 miles from Burgh- The jetty has three bends; the first is in length 272 feet, the second 440 feet, and the end, which returns at nearly right angles, 100 feet. The thickness of the pier at top is 33 feet 7 inches without the parapet wall, which is 4 feet 6 inches in addition; towards the sea the height is 20 feet 6 inches above low water, and batters considerably; towards the harbour the face is curved. This harbour, lately so much improved, is now one of the best on the eastern coast. TOWN OF ERASERBURGH 272-2 SECTION THROUGH A.B. 33.7 440.7 100.0 Fig. 346. FRAZERBURGH. Burghhead, in the county of Moray, has a small harbour well sheltered by a rocky promontory from the north. The trustees, who have the management, expended upon this 570.FL ROMAN STATION AFTERWARDS DANISH. FORT TOWN OF BURCH-HEAD IL Fig. 347. BURGHHEAD. rectangular dock 6000%, and the commissioners 2000l.; but the whole is dry at ebb tide. Findhorn is another port on the coast, the bay of which contains upwards of 1000 acres of stiff clay, which is only covered by the flux of the tide, as a bar of sand crosses the mouth of the river, and prevents all violence of the surge; this sand is constantly moving, and the present harbour is at least of a mile farther down the firth than it was 150 years ago. 350 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Banff, is situated on the side of a steep declivity at the mouth of the Doveran, which rises in Aberdeenshire. A new harbour has been recently formed here, and at the same مل النار HARBOU BOBBY OLD HARBOUR Fig. 348. BANFF. time that the jetty of Peterhead was thrown down, a portion of this pier, which was laid The new harbour has a fine quay 370 feet in length, on upon caissoons, was destroyed. which was expended upwards of 14,000l., the commis- sioners for public roads ad- vancing half the amount. The harbour is, notwith- standing the improvements made on it, still inconvenient, from the continual shifting of the sand-banks at the mouth of the river. The section through the pier shows its dimensions. LOW Fig. 349. RIGH SECTION OF PIER 20.-FT WATER WATER Avock, upon the northern shore of the Bay of Inverness, had in 1811 a dry dock con- structed; and within the bay are many other small harbours, convenient for fishing vessels, **WATER Fig. 350. AVOCK HARBOUR. 1 150.Fb J 70.F 150. Ft CHAP. VIII. 351 BRITAIN. Cullen, is another port in Banffshire, to the west of which the river Spey enters the ocean, and forms the north-western boundary to the country. The harbour was by no means convenient until the construction of the jetty, which is 250 feet in length. Low 300.F* MARK MARK Fig. 351. FISHING VILLAGE CULLEN HARBOUR. Fortrose is at the entrance of the bay, opposite to Fort George, and stands upon the Moray Frith, which, at the south-western point, is exceedingly narrow: after passing the 150 Ft 120.Ft 60.Ft 18 Ft HICH WATER LOW WATER SECTION OF PIER Fig. 352. TOP OF PARAPET TOP OF PIER ·SURFACE OF BEACH FORTROSE HARBOUR. 2.6 SURFACE OF BEACH SECTION of mound HICHIWATER SPRINCO 352 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. ferry between the two forts it widens considerably. On the side of Fortrose a jetty has been built for the convenience of disembarkation, and a mound has been formed on the other side upon a tongue of land. The pier is raised 18 feet above the level of low water, and is 22 feet thick at top: both sides are faced with squared stone, and filled in with rubble. Cromarty stands on the inner extremity of the bay, on the banks of the Petter. Two quays have been recently constructed at Dingwall, where vessels drawing 9 feet water may discharge their cargoes. The Bay of Cromarty has several landing-places, lately built for the convenience of those who frequent this magnificent coast, as Invergordon, Balinghead, &c. &c. Mahomac, in the Firth of Dornock, which is separated from that of Murray by a prominent tongue of land, has a pier recently constructed for its protection, 450 feet in MARK Fig. 353. IN TER NEW PIER VILLAGE OF PORTMAHOLMACK HIGH WATER SECTION 18. SPRING TIDES MAHOMAC. LOW WATER 30.9 SPRING TEDES length, with an end or jetty of 68 feet, returned at right angles. The wall towards the sea batters, and has a parapet for its defence; that towards the harbour is curved on the face, both built of squared stone and filled in with rubble. Tain is another harbour in this gulf, which is exceedingly narrow. Wick, in the county of Caithness, has a small harbour protected by a jetty at the mouth of a small river; beyond this resort for fishing boats is seen Cape Duncansby, which terminates the western coast. Harbour of Pulteney Town. Caithness in Scotland, situated in the latitude of 58° 26' north, and 3º 5′ west longitude, has been improved by the British Fisheries Society, partly under the late Mr. Telford. A stone bridge connects the improvements with the town of Wick, formed of three arches, having a clear water-way of 156 feet, which was built in 1805. The rise of the tide at neaps is 5 feet, and at ordinary springs only 9 feet 6 inches; at extraordinary springs, from the lowest ebb to the highest flow, 13 feet. The north harbour, only adapted for small vessels, being found very insufficient for the growing trade of this improving fishing port, in 1823 the south harbour was undertaken; the quays are built with stone of a hard quality, and vary in length from 3 feet to 20 feet, and 3 feet 8 inches in breadth, and in thickness from 8 to 15 inches. These were set on edge, and the courses placed diagonally in the slope; in the front walls the courses were laid flat, and perfectly horizontal. The foundations of the slope were formed of stones weighing from 15 to 20 tons each, which were floated to their place by means of casks made of fir; each weighed about 25 cwt., and displaced about 445 cubic feet of water, so that two of these casks would lift 34½ tons of stone. Four of these casks were made use of, and sometimes they were found useful to lift the vessels loaded with stones; when the water was low in the harbour, they exercised a lift equal to 44 tons, by means of chains passed under the keel. These casks, which did not cost more than 87. each, were found of great service in moving the stone, which cost only 18. 6d. per ton, when they were moved three miles, and lowered into their respective situations. When the casks were applied to stones under low water, a wooden frame was made use of for boring holes in the stone, for the insertion of a Lewis of rather a novel form: the shank which was inserted was about 2 inches in diameter at the bottom, and tapered upwards, diminishing to 1 inch at the top, where, into the eye, welded at the CHAP. VIII. 353 BRITAIN. top, was inserted the ring, into which was secured the chains. This shank being dropped into the hole prepared to receive it, a wedge was driven in, and by this means secured it most effectually. After the stones were thus prepared and attached to the casks, at the flow of the tide, they were floated to their destination. These casks were strutted inside in the manner of the spokes of a wheel, and hooped strongly round on the outside; the stones were attached to them by means of chains, which were passed round each of a pair of casks, the chains being drawn through the eye of the lewis; each stone has inserted in it two lewises, so that it was firmly and securely held by the two casks to which it was suspended. One lewis, even if placed immediately over its centre of gravity, would have been inefficient to prevent the unsteady motion of the stone, and its derangement would have constantly taken place; this ingenious part of the operation was superintended by Mr. James Bremmer, in a most masterly manner. The south harbour was completed in 1830, at a cost of 20,9001. The Orkney Isles, being much frequented by vessels employed in the fisheries, consider- able attention has been paid by the Government to some of the ports and landing places during the last few years. These remarkable islands, forming the group known to the ancients by the name of Orcades, are situated between Caithness and Shetland; from the former they are about four miles distant, and from the latter, upwards of twenty leagues; they are separated from one another by sounds, friths, and ferries, some of which are only a mile in breadth, and others more than five; though so connected, the whole are of considerable extent, being seventy miles across from the south-west point to that at the north-east, and forty miles in the other direction. The islands are sixty-seven in number, thirty-nine of which, called Holms, are not inhabited, but afford occasional pasturage for cattle. Lobsters and crabs are found in great abundance, and the cockle, which, as an article of food, is greatly esteemed. The turbot, sole, flounder, plaice, holibut, ling, whiting, haddock, cod, and numerous other marketable fish, are taken during the season, and forwarded to the different cities and towns of the empire. The coasts of the whole of these islands, with a few exceptions, may be seen at a distance of ten leagues, where the sea is fifty-two fathoms in depth, which continues within a league of the shore, where it is not less than fifty fathoms. The flood tide comes from the north- west, it is high water at full and new moon about half an hour after nine, the ordinary spring tides rise 8 feet perpendicular, and extraordinary ones 14 feet. At the quadratures the usual neap tides rise 3 feet, and sometimes 6 feet. The greatest rapidity of the spring tides is nine miles an hour, whilst the neaps have only a fourth of that velocity. Kirkwall Bay is in one of the Orkney Islands, called the Mainland or Pomona, which forms the centre of the group; its latitude is 58° 33', and its longitude 0° 25' west; the town is built upon a neck of land, washed on one side by the bay, and on the other by the sea, which flows at the backs of the houses at high water. This ancient town was formerly Low -WATER HARBOUR THÍCH WATER BASIN ONLY COVERED AT HICH WATER 91.F PIER 961. MARK Fig. 354. KIRKWALL. BAY. a place of great resort, and contributed with the boroughs of Wick, Dornock, Tain, and Dingwall, to choose a burgess to represent them in parliament. The harbour is broad, safe. and capacious, with a bottom of clay so firm, and a depth of water so convenient, that vessels of considerable tonnage take anchorage here. The new pier extends beyond ordinary low water, and returns at the head 91 feet. Kyle, in the Isle of Sky, is situated on the shore of the narrow channel which divides it from Inverness; this island, the largest of the Hebrides, lies at a distance of about 18 miles south-west from Harris: on the south-east it approaches near to Glenelg, on the coast of Scotland. The length of the island is between 50 and 60 miles, and its breadth 40 miles. A a 354 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 350 . F #HIGH OLD CASTLE FISHERMEN HOUSES Fig. 355. KYLE HARBOUR. At the village of Portree or Rhea is a newly constructed landing quay; the country around is mountainous, and some of the highest land is covered with snow at midsummer. FERRY RIER CATTL 198 H4 BH 20 BULWARK .120.F$ Fig. 356. RHEA FERRY. ZMIGANINI CHAP. VIII. $55 BRITAIN. There are many fertile plains, and rivers abounding with fish, and sometimes the Mytilus margaritifera found here contains pearls of considerable value. Tobermory, in the Isle of Mull, is a considerable port, with a pier continuing eastwards for 300 feet, or a little beyond low water mark. The British Society for the Encouragement ELEVATION PRESENT WHARP MOUND OF RUBBLE STONES SECTION 18.0. HCIH WATER LOW WATER Fig. 357. TOBERMORY HARBOUR. of the Fisheries have an establishment here; the bay is well sheltered from the ocean by the small Isle of Calve, and it is situated in the track of the shipping which pass from the south northwards. Tarbet is situated on a small isthmus in the sound of Islay; the strait or sound of Jura is a large and deep gulf, extending along the western coast of a tongue of land, 60 miles in length, which the canal of Crenan divides from the county of Argyle; this canal, UNHIDEHITI OF ملام EAST TARDET ATE R·K ས་ས Fig. 358. EAST TARBET. 9 miles in length, enables vessels to avoid a very dangerous navigation; the coasting vessels pass through the peninsula of Cantyre to the extremity of Loch Fine, and then by the canai of Crenan. AA 2 256 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Jura Small Isles pier, situated between the ferries of Lagg and Feoline, and constructed under the direction of his Majesty's commissioners, is extremely well executed, and can be approached at all times; the double bend given to it secures the safety of passengers landing at all times. The width at top is 16 feet, and the two faces are carried up with squared stone. FROM FEOLINE TO LUCO STORE HOUSE |LEVEL or DOOR STEP HCIH WATER LOW WATER SECTION 16. There are two very fine harbours on the east side of the island, that to the south, where the above pier is situated, and another to the north, called Lewland- man's Bay: they are with- in a few miles of each other; the island of Jura, 30 miles in length, and 7 miles in breadth upon an average, is the most rugged of the western group, being composed of rocks piled one on the other, in most admired disorder: Mr. Pennant, who ascended Bienn-an-Oir, with con- siderable difficulty, de- scribes the grandeur of the prospect from the summit. Sir Joseph Banks found the height of Bienn Sheunta to be 2359 feet above the level of the sea, and Bienn-an-Oir, 2420 feet. The stones forming these mountains are white and red granite, and the shores are covered with a fine sand, great quantities of which are annually carried away in vessels employed for the purpose, to be used in the manu- facture of glass. In this island are several cairns, rude obelisks, and duns; the climate, like that of the other western isles, is extremely moist: the winds blowing from the west are loaded with vapour, drawn from the broad surface of the Atlantic ocean, and when they are inter- cepted by the high lands, the rain often descends in torrents; but although the climate is ap- parently so unfavourable, there are instances of great longevity among the inhabitants. Gillour Mac Craen is said to have kept 180 Christmasses in his own house; he died in the reign of Charles I.. At Feoline we have an admi- rable specimen of a stone land- ing-place for all states of the tide. Upon a base of not more than 50 feet are two inclined planes, with a jetty dividing them, in- tended to be used at high water, and to protect those landing from boats at either high or low water; when the wind blows Fig. 359. HICH WATER LOW WATER 12... 0 SMALL ISLES PIER. 20. ELEVATION 46..6 SECTION 12.0 from the south, the lofty jetty screens the north landing-place, Fig. 360. FEOLINE. and so with that on the other side when the wind is in the contrary direction. CHAP. VIII. 35T BRITAIN. Corran Ferry incloses a basin for the vessels to receive their freight, and is most admirably adapted for the convenience of shipping cattle; the whole is built of stone, and the walk around is of a sufficient width to be serviceable at all times. + PE Fig. 361. CORRAN FERRY. Port Glasgow is 20 miles from the city, on the Clyde, and is built around a basin, which was the first excavated in Scotland: its form is that of a rectangle, but it is not inclosed by lock gates. Beyond this dock is a wide quay, extending along the Clyde for a considerable distance. The river Clyde has been improved greatly since the period when the inhabitants of Dumbarton, Renfrew, and Glasgow, undertook jointly to remove the deposits in the river by statute labour. Smeaton, in 1755 and 1758, directed his attention to the clearing away of the numerous obstructions in its navigation, and afterwards an act of parliament was obtained for the construction of locks, which was never carried into effect. In 1769 the river was sounded by Mr. J. Watt; and Mr. J. Goulbourne, of Chester, com- menced his improvements by inclosing the river between two artificial embankments, when water was obtained of sufficient depth for vessels drawing 7 feet to reach Glasgow. To contract the bed of the river, walls of stone were built, in a direction at right angles with the stream, at some distance from each other; these were united by dikes, which were thrown up to make the bed of the river one uniform width throughout. The government of the river Clyde is placed by act of Parliament under the magistrates and council of the city; and all the revenue, arising from tonnage, craneage, and harbour dues, collected at the Broomielaw, are kept distinct from the funds of the corporation, and are laid out in deepening and improving the river and harbour. In 1808 a company was incorporated for supplying the city of Glasgow and its suburbs with water, and works of some magnitude were soon after established at Cranston Hill, about a mile below the city; filtering beds are attached to the great reservoirs, and by means of powerful steam engines and iron mains, water is delivered throughout the streets and lanes of the city in a pure state. The first steam boat introduced on a navigable river in Great Britain plied between Glasgow and Greenock in the year 1811; it was the property and contrivance of Mr. Henry Bell, an engineer of this city; the name given to the boat was the Comet, and the distance, twenty-two miles, was performed in three hours and a half, with an engine of three horse power. Greenock, on the gulf of the Clyde, has an open basin, around which are many yards for ship-building. Androssan. To defend the harbour from the violence of the sea, a long pier has been constructed upon a ridge of rocks, which may be seen at low water; it forms a salient angle, whose sides extend from the land towards the west, and from the west towards the north at some distance from the mole stands a lighthouse, to protect vessels from the shoals at the entrance of the harbour. A wet dock has been constructed within the mole, capable of holding 100 vessels, drawing 16 feet water; a building dock, of stone, has been added. ; AA 3 968 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. PRODICA CASTLE- LAMLASH 5.END OF ARRAN· AILSA CRAIC- HORSE ISL PROPOSE! EAGLE ROCK WEST CUMBRAES PENCORSE TRANGE DOCK DOCK 7 CANAL OLD CASTLE CAMPBELLS ROCK Fig. 362. CASTLE CRATC These works were directed by Mr. Telford, who employed chains and wooden cranes for raising the large masses of stone used. Troon has a mole, built in the form of a horse-shoe, the outside and inside courses of which are composed of granite, cut at right angles with the joints, and left rough externally. The several courses lie with an inclination of 45°, which occasions the seas to glide off more easily. There is a large wet dock, of a quadrangular figure, also built of granite, and the entrance is from the north. To the east is a building dock, with gates 36 feet wide. Ayr Harbour is at the mouth of the river of that name, where it falls into the wide and open part of the Firth of Clyde, where the coast is flat, and composed of drift sand, which has formed a bar before the mouth of the harbour; the river, which is of a considerable width and force, and subject to great speats in rainy seasons, drives the sand out to sea, and prevents the entrance from being entirely choked up. By the erection of the north and south dikes or walls, the channel of the river has been confined, and made to pass over the flat sands, which has maintained a tolerable depth of water in the harbour. When Smeaton saw this harbour in the year 1772, he advised the raising of these walls to the level of high water mark, and that they should be so lengthened that a greater force might be obtained, and the back waters being driven in a north-west direction might be prevented from acting on the banks; he calculated that by judicious management a con- siderable additional depth of water might be obtained. The harbour commences below a bridge of four arches, and two piers of stone and timber extend 550 yards right and left of the river, to which the vessels are moored. リ ​ROAD FROM GREENOCK BURNFOOT CHAP. VIII. 859 BRITAIN. In the town of Ayr, Cromwell established a fortress. Carlisle on the Eden is situated some distance beyond Maryport, which is at the mouth of that river, the banks of which are protected by stone quays and wooden piers. Workington is a small port at the mouth of the Derwent, here crossed by a bridge of three arches, which does not interrupt the passage of small vessels to Cockermouth, a town on its banks, where the Cocker enters. Whitehaven is a port with a lighthouse and mole, of considerable business, and the coal works in the neighbourhood give employment to numerous coasting vessels. Ravenglass, at the mouth of the Esk, has a deep gulf, extending to Ulverstone, where are numerous manufactories. Lancaster on the Loyne has a harbour, whose entrance is obstructed by a bar thrown up by this torrent stream. On the left bank of the river there is a long quay for the accommo- dation of the shipping. Preston, situated on the Ribble, at a short distance from the sea, carries on a considerable trade. Liverpool, on the Mersey, ranks next to London in point of importance and commercial wealth, although Leland tells us that in his time (Henry VIII.), "Lyverpoole, a paved towne, hath but a chapel. Walton, a four miles off, not far from the Le, is paroche chirch." Irish merchants then resorted to it, on account of its small port dues. From the time of William III. this place has continued to increase in importance. Situated on the eastern bank of the estuary, it has long been considered the key of its commerce: the river gradually widens towards the sea, and at spring tides the water rises 30 feet, and at dead neaps only 13 feet. The shore, however, is remarkably flat, and though vessels rode safely in the offing, it was found necessary to form a more secure place for them; and in the reign of Queen Anne the first floating dock for ships, called the Old Dock, was constructed; in the reign of George II. the Salt House Dock was formed, and a pier erected. In the following reign St. George's Dock was formed; piers to secure the outer harbour, and two new lighthouses, were built. The King's, Queen's, and other docks have been since added, as have graving-docks and dry basins for the convenience of the shipping resorting here. These docks were the first constructed in England for the accommodation of merchandise, and consist of wet, dry, and graving; the latter, by means of flood-gates, can admit or exclude the entrance of water at pleasure. The Old Dock is 198 yards by 85 yards; Salthouse Dock 213 yards by 102 yards; St. George's Dock 246 yards by 100 yards; King's Dock 272 yards by 95 yards; Queen's Dock 280 yards by 120 yards. The principal basin of the West India Dock measures 2600 feet by 510 feet, and is 29 feet deep; contiguous to it is another of the same length, 400 feet wide; the first contains 30 acres, and will hold nearly 300 sail; the latter contains 24 acres, and is used for the vessels about to proceed outwards. The London Dock, for unlading, is 1262 feet long, 699 feet wide, and contains about 20 acres. The East India Dock, for unlading, is 1410 feet long, by 560 feet wide, and contains 18 acres; that for loading is 780 feet long, 520 feet wide, and contains 9 acres. Between all these docks there is a communication, so that vessels pass from one to the other, and into the several graving-docks, without going into the river. Large tunnels pass from one dock to the other, for the purpose of scouring them; so that when a dock is to be cleansed, it is left dry at low water by closing the gates; the sluices are then opened in different directions, and a number of navigators enter with spades and shovels, to throw the mud into the channels or currents made by the sluices; this, continued for several days or a fortnight, once in the year, keeps them tolerably free from accumulation. Formerly such an operation was effected by means of flat-bottomed boats, and the sluicing here introduced was a vast improvement. The Bridgewater Dock is for the use of the barges that belong to the several canals. The five old docks, without including the Bridgewater basin, and the two others, have 3600 yards in length of quay, or a superficies of 28 acres. The dimensions of these docks were increased by the late Mr. Rennie to an area of 62 acres; this was effected by suppressing one dock, enlarging three others, and constructing two new ones, one to the north, and the other to the south. The new bridges are on the best principle, and the cranes of superior construction: the capstans for opening and shutting the gates, the rollers and chains, are all of iron. The distance between the quay at Manchester and these docks is 33 miles; but the channel or natural course in the Mersey was 15 miles further; but this has been lessened considerably, and reduced now to a little more than 41 miles. At Manchester the river is 108 feet in width, at Warrington 140 feet, at Fidler's AA 4 360 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Ferry 170 feet, and at Cuerdly Point 650 feet: from thence it rapidly widens to 3500 feet; it is then narrowed at Runcorn Gap to 1200 feet, and at a short distance beyond its width is 4200 feet, after which it extends to nearly 21 miles, and is again diminished at Liverpool to 3300 feet. The level of the highest tide intersects the bed of the river at Woolston, a distance, by the course of the channel, of nearly 26 miles; and the bed of the river at Manchester is 49 feet above the bed of the river at Woolstan. At Warrington is the first weir, after which the distance to Manchester is divided into ten pools. The At Liverpool, the spring tides rise 33 feet, at Run- corn 16 feet 6 inches, and at Warrington 8 feet. lowest of the neap tides at Liverpool is 23 feet 6 inches, and the depth of water with a high spring tide is 89 feet; but the bed of the river rises so much that at 9 miles there is only 33 feet. Birkenhead, on the Mersey, nearly opposite to Liver- pool, on the Cheshire coast, is becoming a port of great importance; the formation of numerous docks, and the rapid increase of its inhabitants, have occasioned a new market, a town hall, and various other public edifices to be erected. The area of the market is 430 feet in length, and 130 feet in breadth; its roof is supported by forty-six cast-iron columns, 25 feet in height. Aberconway has a small port or dry harbour, and its ancient town of Conway, surrounded by high walls 12 feet in thickness, with twenty-four circular and semi- circular towers, give us some idea of a Greek or Roman city. The walls and four gateways remain, now in- closing a wretched collection of dwellings. On the eastern side of the wall of the town is a quay of some extent; and here was a ferry of so much importance that it formed the landing-place for those who returned from Ireland. The spring tides rise about 12 feet, and at low water the river Conway is not more than 150 feet in breadth. The sandy bed of the river still produces the pearl oyster or muscle, as it did in the time of the Romans, and the limestone in the neighbourhood abounds with copper ore. Bangor, so famous for its slate quarries, is situated at the Menai Straits, which separate the Isle of Anglesea from the main land. Caernarvon, the Segontium of the Romans, is highly interesting to the antiquary for the remains of the ancient city, which occupies an oblong square, containing seven acres at a short distance from the present town. The port affords excellent anchorage in 10 or 12 fathoms of water, although the Aber sand bank forms a dangerous bar to vessels entering. The quay is of con- siderable extent on the side of the castle, and has lately been greatly improved. Beaumaris, a port of the Isle of Anglesea, has con- siderable trade, and in the neighbourhood are rich and extensive copper mines. Menai lighthouse, constructed on a sunken rock about 200 yards from the coast of Anglesea, was designed by Messrs. Walker and Burgess, and its total cost is said to have been 12,800l. It resembles a circular tower, 40 feet in diameter, 75 feet in height, and 20 feet 6 inches in diameter at top, where it is capped by a castellated parapet of Anglesea marble. The base of this tower is solid to the height of 22 feet 6 inches, after which the walls diminish at regular sets-off, of 9 inches each, and at the level of high water the diameter is 22 feet. BRUNSWICK ·DOCK. CANNING ALTHOUSE KINGS DOCK. QUEEN DOCK GEORGE CLABENCO NISVS) BASIN PRINCES DOCK LIVERPOOL DOCKS. LOW WATER SPRING TIDES Fig. 363. The interior is divided into six stories; all the stones are laid perfectly water-tight, and are each secured to the one below by a slate joggle, and two oak trenails passing CHAP. VIII. 361 BRITAIN. entirely through it, and entering 8 inches into the lower stone. On the upper bed of each course is a projecting fillet, which enters a groove formed to receive it in the upper course, and by this means no water can be admitted. A gallery is formed above by pro- jecting the courses inside and out; this supports the lantern, which is of cast-iron. The light is stationary, red, dioptric, of the first order, without mirrors. The burner has four concentric wicks, the largest of which is 34 inches in diameter, and consumes a pint of oil per hour. The mortar used in the construction consisted of three of sand, one of lime, and one of pozzolana. A foot-bridge unites this lighthouse with the shore. On a rock at a short distance is a beacon formed of a cone of masonry, 20 feet in diameter at the base, and 37 feet high: on the top is a staff and globe, which rise 13 feet above the apex; the globe, 4 feet in diameter, formed of copper bands, is 36 feet above high water mark. Lighthouse lamps, as now supplied with oil, are of the Argand or Fresnel construction, and great attention is requisite to the ventilation of the chambers; where a quantity of oil is burnt in a short space of time a great quantity of carbonic acid is produced, which renders the atmosphere unwholesome. A pound of oil in combustion produces 1.06 pounds of water, and 2.86 pounds of carbonic acid; this increase of weight being due to the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere, one part of hydrogen taking eight parts by weight of oxygen to form water. An Argand gas-burner in four hours, when placed in the window of a shop, produces 24 pints of water. Lighthouses are now usually fitted with one large central lamp, the outer wick of which is 3 or 4 inches in diameter, or with many single Argand burners, each having a parabolic reflector, Professor Faraday has contrived a method to keep the air in the chamber pure, and to ventilate the lamps by flues which maintain fresh air within the lantern; this is performed by means of a chimney or copper tube, 4 inches in diameter, not in one length, but in three or four; the lower end of each portion, for about 1½ inch, is opened out into a conical form, measuring 5 inches in dia- meter at the lowest part. When these pipes are put together to form the chimney, the upper end of the bottom piece is inserted about inch into the cone of the next piece above, and fixed there by three ties or pins, leaving at the same time plenty of air-way. After the ventilating chimney is thus completed, it is placed in such a manner, that the lamp chimney enters about inch into the lower cone, and the top of the ventilating chimney enters into the cowl or head of the lantern. The ventilating flue, thus ingeniously contrived, is found to carry off all the products of combustion into the cowl; none passes into the conical apertures from the flue into the air of the lantern, but a portion of the air passes from the lantern by these apertures into the flue, and thus ventilates it. A sudden gust of wind striking the cowl does not in any degree affect the steadiness of the flame, the ventilating flue carrying up every thing, and bringing nothing down. In lighthouses, where many separate lamps and reflectors are made use of, a system of gathering pipes is resorted to; these are brought together behind the reflectors, and enter one large pipe, which passes off to the cowl at top. A seven-eighth inch pipe is found sufficient for a single lamp, and this is made to pass downwards through the aperture in the reflector over the lamp, and dips an inch into the lamp glasses, when the draught upwards is such, that not only do all the products of combustion enter the tube, but air also passes down between the top edge of the lamp-glass and the tube, and is finally carried off with the smoke. The tube should not dip more than inch into the lamp-glass, or the whole of the burnt air would not escape. Holyhead, or the Caer Cybi of the Britons, is situated on a small island at the north-west extremity of Anglesea; here are the remains of many Roman constructions, as well as British. This port, being the nearest to Dublin, has occasioned it at all times to be much frequented; latterly it has undergone considerable improvement, and a new lighthouse been erected. The piers in front of the port are upwards of 1300 yards in length, and the base 90 yards in breadth. The slope towards the sea is made 5 to 1, and the breadth at top is 8 feet. At 8 feet below the top a way is formed, 48 feet in breadth, which answers the purpose of a quay. At the end of the pier the quay is 47 feet above the level of low water mark, and 6 feet above high water. All the masonry is executed with granite obtained in the vicinity, and towards the head of the pier is formed a jetty or spur which advances 60 feet, and has a width of 164 feet. It appears from Tacitus (in Vita Agricolæ), that the Romans had a settlement here, and carried on a considerable trade with the people of Ireland. No place could be more advantageously situated for such a purpose, as it projects far into the Mare Vergivum of Ptolemy, and lies in the neighbourhood of the Roman stations on the western shores of Flavia Cæsariensis: Mr. Pennant has described a Pharos at the summit of the mountain called Pen Caer Cybi, 10 feet in diameter, and at no great distance a regularly faced wall, 10 feet in height and 6 feet in thickness, which surrounds three sides of a parallelogram, the fourth being open to the harbour. At each angle was a circular tower. By some these fortifications are supposed to be the work of the celebrated chieftain Caswallon Law-hir, for the purpose of repelling the Picts, who infested these coasts after the final departure of the Romans. 362 BOOK L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. TOWN du BLACK ROCK! HOLYHEAD, THE SOUND CUSTOMS ENGINEER'S PHOUSE HARBOUR MASTERS OFFICE ROYAL HOTEL THE BAY. TRUE NORTO THE PLATTERSE -WEST OUICHTHOUSE, THE PIER YNYS RUG OR PARRY'S ISLAND TO PENRHO'S SOUTH ENGINE HOUSE TURKEY SHORE. Fig. 364. DIEW ROAD TO LONDON HOLYHEAD HARBOUR. Towards the south is another pier, and within is a wet dock, containing upwards of 22 acres, with a depth of water of 19 feet. To the south of the port, on the rocks, stands one lighthouse, and another is placed at the head of the mole. Aberystwith has a small port, and in the neighbourhood are extensive lead mines, which afford employment to the shipping. Milford Haven, surrounded by lofty mountains, penetrates far inland, and has sufficient depth of water for the largest vessels of war. At Pembroke is an arsenal. Swansea, an excellent seaport, formed by the construction of moles, by Captain Huddart, is situated on the western side of the river Tawe. Cardiff is a port at the mouth of the Taff, about three miles from Rumney Bridge, and the town was once surrounded by thick and lofty walls. The new cut to the quays admits EAST CHAP. VIII. 963 BRITAIN. shipping of 200 tons; in the neighbourhood are many canals and railroads, which greatly contribute to the business of this port. Bristol is one of the most important cities of the empire, and the great emporium of the western counties; in the eleventh century, we find its inhabitants trading with Ireland, Norway, and every part of Europe: though the city is situated at a distance of 8 miles from the ocean, yet the Avon and Frome are of sufficient importance to allow vessels of any burthen to arrive at it. The quay and harbour have received improvements at various times, and a company was established in 1804, that undertook the formation of extensive docks, which were completed about five years afterwards, covering 82 acres of ground; they extend 21 miles, and at all hours vessels may pass from Dunhead to the quays, and discharge their cargoes while afloat: the arms of Bristol, which consist of a ship and a castle, have the motto Virtute et industriâ, which should be ever remembered by commercial men. The Frome, below its junction with the Avon, resembles a vast basin, which traverses the greater part of the city; around this artificial port are a range of quays. The vessels coming up the Avon are first admitted by a lock into an entrance dock, called Cum- berland lock, which can be made dry; then, by a second and third lock, they enter the great basin. The Cumberland dock is built of stone, and its subterranean aqueducts, with elliptical openings, are admirably contrived for sluicing and clearing away the mud. Here are docks for building and careening vessels, spacious timber-yards, and numerous basins, where ships may always remain afloat. This port is greatly indebted to the skill and knowledge displayed by its engineer, Mr. William Jessop, whose father was engaged to superintend the erection of the Eddystone lighthouse, under the direction of Mr. Smeaton: the engineer employed at Bristol was born at Plymouth, in the year 1745, and died in 1814; the improvements he made were highly important, and chiefly consisted of the conversion of the river Avon into an immense floating dock, which extended over 70 acres; this was effected by diverting the river Avon for a length of two miles, and then cutting a canal to carry off its waters at the back of the city; by such a project three miles of the rivers Avon and Frome were converted into a deep wet dock, an entrance basin, with double lock chambers opening into the Avon below, and a single chamber into the old river above. Bridgewater is a port where the tide rises 40 feet, and frequently occasions damage to the shipping. The most considerable portion of the town formerly occupied the east side of the river; now it is on the western; there is an ancient bridge of three arches, built in the reign of Edward I., to the north of which is the quay. Watchet and Minehead are two small ports on this coast, and from the first named is shipped the lime so celebrated for hydraulic purposes. Ilfracombe has its port, surrounded by a semicircle of hills, which contribute much to its security. Barnstaple, at the mouth of the Taw, is a town of importance, and vessels can safely anchor under its long and spacious quay, which extends for a considerable distance be- yond a bridge of sixteen arches, which crosses the river. At the mouth of the Tawe a bar is thrown up, which prevents vessels exceeding 200 tons entering the river. Bideford is another port, south of Bristol, where merchant vessels may anchor alongside a spacious quay, built at the side of the river. Hartland is a small artificial port, built in the reign of Elizabeth, for the convenience or the fishermen frequenting this coast. Padstow, on the south bank of the Camel, is the best port on this coast; here is a channel for ships at low water, 18 feet deep, and 400 feet in width; and vessels can at all times come alongside the quay, and to the custom-house built adjoining it. St. Ive's Harbour is situated five leagues north-east of Cape Cornwall, and upon the entry of the British Channel lies nearly opposite Mount's Bay; this harbour is in depth about 2 miles, and in width 4 miles, having in the middle, at low water, full 10 fathoms. The bottom is clean, and composed of a fine white sand, or the fragments of sea-shells; under- neath this is a blue clay, forming excellent anchorage ground. A bold rocky promontory, called the Island, is situated at the north-west corner of the bay; this is joined by a narrow neck to the main land, and projecting towards the east forms an harbour on the north-west side of the bay, which is well defended from all winds, except those from the north-east. This interior harbour is almost left dry at low spring tides; but the fine soft sand that lines the bottom of this bay affords an easy bed for ships when left by the tides; for larger vessels there is an excellent road, where they may ride safe from all north-westerly, westerly, south-westerly, southerly, and south-easterly winds, in 6 or 7 fathoms of water, at low spring-tides. Mr. Smeaton visited this port in the year 1766, and furnished a design for a pier, 60 fathoms in length; and he advised that if upon an examination of the soil, there should not be found any rock upon which the foundations might be laid, they should work upon the principle the French call pierre perdu, or cast-stones, that is to 964 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. say, by dropping a large quantity of rough stones in a proper direction and width, so as to form an artificial rock or base for the pier; these stones, sinking by degrees into the sand, SECTION OF PIER. Fig. 365. ST. IVES HARBOUR. and being followed by others, will rest upon the former, and so on, till the lowest become firm; for the sand, lying very close and compact, will bear any weight when not affected by the action of the sea. By this method more stone is required than if the pier be built upon a regular base; but the whole being of very rough stone, and executed without timber work, it will be cheaper and more secure than any thing can be made upon a foun- dation of piles and timber upon sand. The pier, so raised to half tide, or even to the top, was to act as a breakwater or defence against the sea, and Smeaton estimated that the cost would be 7s. 6d. per cube yard. The highest spring-tides being 26 feet above the surface of the sand, the pier was to be carried up solid to the height of 30 feet; and supposing the settlement in the sand to be 6 feet, the whole height would be 36 feet. The pier was to batter half its height on each side, and as the top was to be 24 feet in breadth, the base would be 60 feet, and the mean breadth 42 feet; this multiplied by 36 feet, the height, gave a sectional area of 168 yards. Smeaton recommended that the shores should be planted with sea rushes, which were found to entangle the sand, prevent its blowing about, and retain it in the north bay, where it arises, and by this means the breadth of the neck of land that joins the island would be increased. Penzance harbour has a mole to protect it, but the port is dry at low water. Falmouth has a spacious port and quay, from whence the packets bound to Spain, Por- tugal, and the West Indies, take their departure. Fowey is a small port at the mouth of a river of that name, and the town is built upon its western bank. Plymouth Sound, on entering, has to the east the celebrated breakwater; after passing which a natural basin is arrived at, into which the Tamar and Plym discharge themselves, forming the harbour, comprehending the three divisions of the Hamoaze, the Catwater, and the Sound. CHAP. VIII. 365 BRITAIN. RAME HEAD In the time of the Saxons, this haven was called Tameorweth; by the Normans South Town, and in the reign of Henry VI. it received the name of Plymouth. We have an ہر CAUSAND HEICHTS RAMG CHURHCA RAME KEICH IS SOUTH DOWN TOR POINT ENCROACHMENTS. WOW: HSLBANY JE DOOK'MARRIE PLYMOUTH KAVERN STORES, BOM PRITCHA BOLJ Пока CALLECH HARBOUR ROCK HAMOAZE EASSADE. BỞI V STONENOUSE POOL MAKER HEICHIS PENTER HEIGHTS PEN EMPTY.CO CHURCH MOUNT) EDCECUMBE NEW ROCR CAUSAND BAY ESTEKING ROYAL HOSPITALI *MILL. FRISON. OLD CHURCHÁ MUD, GLOVES KAL MILL OR HON BAY KING< NEW CHURJE PLYMOUTH FOSCONSIDE BY TADEL MALLARR WWEEN ANNE BATXI DEADMANE BAY CATWATER [MED RIBESTON BAY RAVENS.FT 'ANIA:R WINTER.R. NICHOLAS LAND RØDDEN P FOUL CROUND DONCASTER.D TOUL CROUND OSCOTS CROUNDS SHOVEL ROCK BREAKWATER PANTHER.R: KNAERS MIDDLE.R OR TOUL GROUND STADON.PT MANE.R. PIER CARLOS.R. TESTADON BATTERY BOUVIS AND POUL 'CROUND BAYY POINT FOUL 'GROUND VADDER ROCK WESTERN TINKER 油 ​401 897 ar NEARLY FINISHED. KBO EMERNKED NIPU MAKING) SULLRAN QUAL MUD OSTONE. LOWER HOGE SJADON REICHTS. EASTERN TINKER.R. FOUL CROUND. @HAWKINS.POINT BLACK ROCKS Fig. 366. PLYMOUTH SOUND. account of the town in the reign of Elizabeth, and of its new charter, then granted at the request of Sir Francis Drake, who brought water to all the houses by means of leaden pipes from a reservoir which he formed above the town, the property of which he vested in the mayor and commonalty, and their successors for ever. The water was conveyed to the reservoir, through a winding channel of 24 miles, from some springs at Dartmoor: this enterprise of the gallant admiral is perhaps the earliest example in England of sup- plying a town with water brought from a distance. Plymouth has had at various times considerable fortifications erected around it for its security: its most ancient fort, built in the reign of Edward III., is by Leland styled "a strong castel quadrate, having at each corner a great round tower." This fortress, which stood on the south of the town, near the pier, is now nearly demolished, as are the numerous block-houses which were erected at different points of the harbour in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Some traces of them may perhaps yet be seen on the site of the fort which occupied Hoe Cliff, where the citadel now stands. The view from the citadel comprehends Maker Tower, Mount Edgcumbe, the town of Dock, now Devonport, Mount Wise, and the Tamar, the beautiful bay of Causand, the Sound, the Bristol Channel, and, in fine weather, Eddystone lighthouse, the scenery around Saltram, Plympton, Mary Vale, and the lofty hills of Dartmoor. St. Nicholas Isle, also fortified, is connected to the south-west shore by a range of rocks, which are uncovered at low tides. Near the Devil's Point is the victualling offices, where are granaries, bakehouses, and every requisite for the supply of a large navy. The docks, situated about 2 miles from Plymouth, on the eastern bank of the Hamoaze, are defended by strong fortifications, and acknowledged to be the finest examples of a maritime establishment in the world: they contain upwards of 72 acres, and are surrounded by a stone wall 30 feet high. Basins, docks, slips, rigging houses, artificers' shops, mast-houses and ponds, rope-houses, mould lofts, and all that can be deemed necessary for the navy of a great nation, are provided on a most perfect and extensive scale. The basin, made in the reign of William III., has within it a dock 198 feet in length, 66 feet wide, and 23 feet deep. Adjoining the south jetty are the rigging-houses, 480 feet in length, three stories high; and on the other two sides, forming a square, are various store-houses. Beyond these, to 3S6 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the south, is a slip for hauling up and graving the bottoms of ships, and farther on is a canal 70 feet wide, which has a basin at the upper end for small boats. An anchor manu- factory and smith's workshops adjoin the wharf, near which are three slips; northward lie the mast-house and pond. The rope-makers' buildings are 1200 feet in length, and two stories in height; in the upper twine is made, and in the lower cables are layed or twisted together, the largest of which are more than 24 inches in circumference, and weigh upwards of 8 tons. The double dock, situated near the north jetty, will contain two vessels, lying one a-head of the other, but divided by gates. The Union dock, 240 feet in length, 87 feet wide, and 27 feet deep, is faced with Portland stone, having blocks of granite to support the shores. The New Union or North New dock is 260 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 28 feet deep, and these, as well as the whole of the work executed before the year 1790, were by Mr. Barlby. Plymouth Breakwater is composed of three arms or bends; the centre is in length 3000 feet, and each of the others 1050 feet, both inclining on an angle of 20 degrees. The length Fig. 367. PLYMOUTH BREAKWAater. of the whole, measured at the top, is 5100 feet, and at low water line 5310 feet. At the western extremity, a circular foundation was prepared, to receive the lighthouse, 570 feet in diameter. The general depth of water varies from 36 to 60 feet at low water spring tides, which generally rises about 18 feet, and at neaps from 12 to 14 feet. 12,¸µ0 :×16×6. ×12,0x.. 50.3. 45.0 Fig. 368. SECTION THROUGH BREAKWATER, This work was executed by Mr. Rennie, in the centre of Plymouth Sound, the first stone being deposited on August 12. 1812. The entrance into the harbour on the eastern side is mile in width, and here there are 6 or 7 fathoms of water: the western, which is 1242 the entrance most used by the shipping, is about the same width, and varies in depth from 7 to 9 fathoms at low water spring tides. 450 Fig. 369. SECTION THROUGH BREAKWATER. The work is chiefly composed of limestone obtained at Oreston, about 4 miles distant, where the quarry is situated at the mouth of the river Laira. The exterior slope, below the line of low water, was formed by the sea, and is now ascertained to lie at from 3 to 4 feet horizontal to 1 of perpendicular; and from the low water line upwards, it is 5 to 1. The inner slope is 2 feet horizontal to 1 of per- pendicular from the base to the top, which is laid 2 feet above high water spring tides. The width here is 45 feet, and in the centre it forms a ridge 12 inches higher. Beyond the slope towards the sea there is an additional work or foreshore 30 feet in width at the east end, 50 feet in the centre, and 70 feet at the west end; this rises about 5 feet above the level of low water, and is intended to diminish the force of the sea, and to prevent the undermining of the chief work beyond it. The stone was raised in large blocks, some of which contained 10 tons, and were thrown into the sea, in the direction set out for the breakwater, care being taken that the greater number were deposited upon the outer slope. After a number of these large masses had been lowered, a smaller class of stones, quarry rubbish, rubble, and lime screenings, were thrown in to fill up the interstices, and close all the cavities; these found their position, by the action of the sea, and the great mass became as it advanced perfectly wedged together; in the storm which occurred in November, 1824, the sea made the outer slope CHAP. VIII. 367 BRITAIN. • 5 feet to 1 perpendicular, and drove all the rubble from the outer to the inner slope, making its area equal to the other. Time was requisite to give the whole its perfect con- solidation, which being obtained, and no movement in the masses being apparent, the slope on the side towards the sea down to the foreshore was cased with regular courses of masonry, which was dowelled, joggled, dovetailed, and cramped together, to lay the lower courses of which the diving bell was made use of. The three lower courses were all granite, laid horizontally on their natural beds; these were dovetailed, lewised, and bolted to each other. The mortar was compounded of one part of Italian puzzolana, one part Aberthaw lime, mixed with two parts of fine sharp freshwater sand: this com- position, before it was used, was well worked together in a mill, with as little water as possible: this, when applied to the masonry, speedily became hard. Roman cement was employed for the outer joints and for some distance within, and to increase its setting. For the interior of the work, a concrete was made use of, composed as the first, but with a greater quantity of sand. To transport the stone from the quarries to the breakwater, vessels of about 60 tons' burthen were employed; these had two railways laid along them, parallel to each other, and towards the stern they formed an inclined plane, which prevented the trucks from running too far. The blocks of stone were placed upon trucks, and then in parallel lines on the railways. After the vessel had arrived at its destination, the trucks were dis- charged of their load by heaving them up; this was done by windlasses placed on the deck; when the truck had arrived at the inclined plane, it was tilted over by its own weight, and the stone was at once let go, and deposited into the sea; the truck then made way for another, and after the whole was discharged, the vessel returned, to be again freighted at the quarry: to economise time, steam-tugs were made use of, and consequently many voyages were performed in a day. To guide the vessels, and to enable them to shoot out their load in the proper place, buoys were laid down in the line at every 30 feet; an account was kept of the quantity deposited, and the level it rose to, so that at all times the actual state of the work was known. This important work is so situated, that vessels can enter the Sound with either an easterly or westerly wind; and the two entrances are so set out, that the tidal and fresh water keep them at all times clear, and prevent any deposit or accumulation of sand from obstructing them. The heaviest gales are those from the south and west, when the breakwater is exposed to the whole violence of the vast Atlantic; hitherto it has been found to stand against this power, and effectually to check the waves which uninterruptedly roll through the Bay of Biscay. 3,369,261 tons of stone are computed to have been used in this stupendous un- dertaking from the year 1812 to March, 1841, when it was completed at a cost of nearly 1 million sterling. A calculation has also been made upon the entire cubical contents as compared with the quantity of stone deposited, and it is found that the interstices occupy about 37 per cent. of the whole, which arises from the employment of large blocks of stones. Messrs. Walker and Burgess have constructed at the western end a lighthouse, designed by the late Mr. Rennie. The dimension of this lighthouse, which is circular, is 14 feet clear diameter, and the centre of the light is placed 55 feet above the top of the breakwater. It is built of granite, and divided by floors into store, dwelling, bed, and watch rooms. The lantern is 12 feet in width, and 7 feet 6 inches high, in which is a dioptric fixed light with mirrors; the south side shows red lights, and the north white, which distinguishes it from the other lights on the coast. Where this lighthouse is placed, the diameter of the head of the breakwater is 390 feet at the level of low water, and at the top 75 feet. All the lower courses are secured with slate dowels, and vertical and horizontal dowels 18 inches long and 6 inches square at the centre, sunk 8 inches into the lower course of stone; both ends are also dovetailed, and secured in their places by plugs of copper, and by wedges driven into the lower stone. Eddystone Lighthouse is built upon a rock, which lies nearly south-west from the middle of Plymouth Sound, according to the true meridian; and the nearest point of land is the promontory called Ramhead, which is distant about 10 miles, and bears from thence south, scarcely one point west, or, by the compass, south-west by south, allowing two points of variation of the north end of the magnetic needle to the westward. These rocks have derived their name from the set or current of the tides which are observed there. An eddy of the tide is a current setting in a direction contrary to the main stream, and is occasioned by some obstruction; this eddy may be either a smoothness on the surface of the water, or a current in the opposite direction to the tide, according to the velocity of the stream, or the size of the island or rock which interposes to produce it. The rocks are situated in west longitude 4º 5', and north latitude 50° 10', and consist of three principal ridges, called the House, South, and East Reefs. They lie north and south, in which direction their greatest extent is 600 or 700 feet; there is also a small rock, called the North-east, seen only in spring tides, which lies about 1000 feet from the House Rock. They are either granite or gneiss, called in Cornwall moorstone; they 908 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. abound with felspar, which is of a brownish colour, and contain a number of irregular- shaped white specks; they dip towards the north-west, at the rate of about one perpen- dicular to two horizontal. On the days of full moon it is high water at the Eddystone at a quarter past five o'clock; the tide of flood sets easterly, or up Channel, and the ebb tide sets westerly; spring tides rise from 16 to 18 feet, and neap tides from 10 to 11 feet: at these rocks, and upon the opposite shores, it is high water about 21 hours sooner than in the middle of the Channel. The first lighthouse was commenced in the year 1696 under the general powers lodged in the Masters, Wardens, and Assistants of the Trinity House, who were empowered in the reign of Elizabeth to erect and set up beacons, marks, and signs for the sea, needful for avoid- ing the dangers, and to renew, continue, and maintain the same. Mr. Henry Winstanley, of Littlebury, in the county of Essex, was the engineer bold enough to undertake this building, which oc- cupied three years in constructing; he com- menced by making twelve holes in the rock, and introducing as many irons 3 inches in diameter, around which he carried up a mass of masonry 14 feet in diameter, 12 feet high upon the upper side, and 17 feet on the lower; on this was constructed the upper stories, which were probably of timber. The base was afterwards increased, so that its diameter was 24 feet; above this, the structure had a polygonal form of twelve sides, and the upper or look-out room had eight; the whole underwent a thorough change, or reconstruction, and the lighthouse, as completed in 1699, bore no resemblance to the first design. On November 26. 1703, a violent storm carried away the lighthouse; and Mr. Win- stanley, the workmen employed in its repair, and the light-keepers, all perished. Mr. John Rudyerd, a silk-mercer upon Ludgate Hill, was in the year 1706 em- ployed to reconstruct it; and whatever he required as a mechanist was ably supplied by two shipwrights from the king's yard at Woolwich. A circle was the form he selected for the plan of the new building, and after making a number of holes in the rock by means of jumpers, he inserted the iron branches, to hold his work firmly to the foun- dations prepared for it. The holes were 21 inches in diameter, and the extremities of the two which formed the breadth for the branch at the surface of the rock were about 7 inches, and these holes were bored slanting, so that at the bottom they were full 81 inches apart. Between every two holes was bored a third, and afterwards the rock between them was broken away by square-faced pummels, when a hole of a dovetailed shape was obtained 21 inches wide, 7 inches broad at top, and 8 inches at bottom, and in depth 15 or 16 inches. These holes were not exactly alike in dimension, and it became necessary to forge an iron expressly to fit each. Fig. 370. WINSTANLEY'S LIGHTHouse. CHAP. VIII. 369 BRITAIN. The main pieces of each branch were, at the surface of the rock, 4 inches in breadth, and at the bottom 6 inches; when introduced into the hole, there was space left to admit a key, which, at the bottom, was 2 inches, and at the top 3 inches, which, when driven, fixed the whole in the manner of a dovetail or lewis. The holes being fitted with the branches, a quan- tity of melted tallow was poured into each; the branch and key being heated to a blue heat was put into the tallow, and the key firmly driven, so that the space which the iron did not occupy was filled with tallow; after this was done, and whilst the iron was warm, a quantity of pewter, made red-hot, was poured in from a ladle, which being heavier than the tallow drove it out. Many years afterwards, when these irons were cut out, the iron, pewter, and tallow were found unaffected by the action of the sea-water, which apparently apparently never penetrated into the holes which contained them. had After these irons were fixed, a layer of squared oak timber was placed lengthways upon the low- est step of the rock, and of a depth to reach to the level of the next above. Over these were laid cross- wise another layer of timber; and above this, others, taking care to cross each alternate course, until a mass of timber was piled up two complete courses higher than the highest part of the rock, and these were all trenailed together. In the middle of this series of timber platforms stood an upright mast, which was firmly secured to the rock by two stout irons; this mast served as a centre for guiding all the rest of the superstructure, as there were altogether 36 of these branch irons, in each of which was bored a hole, seven-eighths of an inch in diameter, aud through these 252 holes Fig. 371. WINSTANLEY'S LIGHTHOUSE. passed as many bearded spikes, or jag bolts, which held the several layers of timber together. B b 370 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Two courses of solid oak timber, squared, were laid one upon the other, to form the basement; and on this five courses of Cornish moorstone, each a foot in thickness; these were well jointed, but laid without any mortar or cement, and retained in their place by iron cramps; the outer courses being further bound together by upright ones, which also prevented their being lifted by the action of the waves. After this 5 feet of moorstone was laid on, which weighed 120 tons; two other courses of timber crossed them, and where the timbers presented their ends, circular or compass timbers were laid, which were scarfed together, each course breaking joint over the other; these outside timbers were jag-bolted to the interior parallel pieces. Above the basement so constructed, a well-hole, 6 feet 9 inches square, was left for the stairs; and at 8 feet above the highest part of the rock commenced the step of the entrance doorway. After constructing the building with courses of moorstone and layers of compass timbers up to the top of the central mast, the height of which was 33 feet, a floor was laid over the whole, composed of 3-inch oak plank. The upper part of the building com- prised four rooms, one over the other, formed of upright timbers, having a kerb or circle of compass timber on each floor, to which the upright timbers were screwed or connected, and upon which the floor timbers rested. These upright timbers were jag-bolted and trenailed to another, and in this manner the whole was carried up to the height of 34 feet above the floor, which was placed over the top of the central mast. The floor of the lantern was made of 3-inch oak plank, around which was fixed the balcony. one The whole building was in form the frustum of a cone, 22 feet 8 inches in di- ameter at the bottom, and 14 feet 3 inches at the top, and the height above the cir- cular base was 61 feet; so that the base was a little more in diameter than one- third of its height, and the diameter at top was somewhat less than two-thirds of the base at the greatest circle. The up- All 用 ​用 ​right timbers were united at the ends by scarfing and overlapping; they varied in length from 10 to 20 feet, but were so united that no two scarfings came close together. The number of uprights around the entire building were 71, their breadth at the bottom nearly 12 inches, and their thickness 9 inches, diminishing towards the top, both in breadth and thickness. the outside seams were well caulked with oakum, and well pitched. The weight of the various beds of moorstone was calcu- lated to be 270 tons, and served to act as ballast to keep steady this work of ship- carpentry. All the windows, shutters, and doors, were composed of double plank, crossed and clamped together; they shut into a rabbet, so that there was no crevice left for the sea-water to penetrate. Fig. 372. RUDYERD'S LIGHTHOUSE. CHAP. VIII. 371 BRITAIN. This building, finished in the year 1709, was repaired at various times, and answered perfectly its purpose; but in December, 1755, it was totally destroyed by fire. The Earl of Macclesfield, then President of the Royal Society, being requested by the proprietors to recommend an engineer to reconstruct it, named Mr. John Smeaton, a philosophical in- strument maker, as a man capable of executing the work; he was at that time in the north of England, but upon being made acquainted with his nomination, waited upon the pro- prietors, and having received their instructions, commenced his designs, though he admits that he was a total stranger to such structures. Smeaton has, however, informed us that he reflected much, previously to making his design, upon the several structures that had occupied the rock, and that he had a wish to retain as much of Rudyerd's as was con- sistent with the different nature of the material he had in view; and he observes further, "It appeared most evidently that had it not been for the moorstone courses, inlaid with the frame of the building, and acting therein like the ballast of the ship, it had long ago been overset, notwithstanding all the branches and iron work contrived to retain it; and that in reality the violent agitation, rocking, or vibration, which the late building was subject to, must have been owing to the narrowness of the base on which it rested, and which the quantity of vibration it had been constantly subject to, had rendered, in regard to its seat, in some degree rounding, like the rockers of a cradle. It seemed, therefore, a primary point of improvement to procure, if possible, an enlargement of the base; it also seemed desirable to adhere strictly to the conical form, where the necessary consequence would be, that the diameter of every part being proportionably increased by an enlargement of the base, the action of the sea upon the building would be greater in the same pro- portion; but as the strength increases in proportion to the increased weight of the materials, the total absolute strength to resist the action of the sea would be greater by a proportional enlargement of every part, but would require a greater quantity of materials; on the other hand, if we could enlarge the base, and at the same time rather diminish than increase the size of the waist and upper works; as great strength and stiffness would arise from a larger base, accompanied with a less resistance to the acting power, though consisting of a less quantity of materials, as if a similar conical figure had been preserved. A stone edifice having been determined upon, the engineer gave to it the form of the waist or bole of a large spreading oak; and made a model, by roughly turning a piece of wood, with a small degree of tapering, and then fitting it to the oblique surface of another block, which re- sembled that of the Eddystone rock; and found that by arranging the several curves carefully, they could be firmly united, to form an efficient foundation. The model having given ample satisfaction, it was ordered that the works should be proceeded with. Fig. 373. In the year 1757, all the necessary preparations being made, and the rock cut away for the reception of the first course, Mr. Smeaton, on the 12th of June, laid the first stone of the new lighthouse, which was of moorstone or granite, and weighed 24 tons. In the ་་ BB 2 372 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. first course there were altogether 4 stones, in the second 13, in the third 25, in the fourth 28, in the fifth 26, and in the sixth 26; these six courses brought the platform up N W F Fig. 374. FIRST COURSE OF MASONRY level with the top of the rock, and the laying of these 123 stones occupied 61 days; the whole were of moorstone, and cemented together with lime and puzzolana. PE E 0 D 0 D Fig. 375. SECOND COURSE OF MASONRY CHAP. VIII. 373 BRITAIN. Each stone was separately. worked on land, marked or numbered, and lines were drawn across the middle of each, tending to the centre as well as to the concentric circles, E N Fig. 876. W THIRD COURSE. S to denote their position in the contrary direction; they also had a notch cut in the edges where they were to unite with those adjoining. Each stone had cut, from the bottom to the top of the course, two grooves, 3 inches in N W Fig. 377. FOURTH COURSE. · E n BB 3 374 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. width, and 1 inch in depth, into which oak wedges, somewhat less than 3 inches in breadth, 1 inch thick at the head, nearly 3 inch at the point, and 6 inches long, were introduced 2 N Fig. 378. FIFTH COURSE. 1 S The mortar used was compounded of blue lias lime and puzzolana, in equal quantities, being prepared by beating it up in a strong wooden bucket made for the purpose, each N... Fig. 379. E W SIXTH COURSE. --S mortar beater having his own bucket, which he placed upon any level part of the work, and with a rammer or wooden pestle first beat the lime alone, using a quarter of a peck CHAP. VIII. 375 BRITAIN. at a time, to which, when formed with sea-water into a thin paste, he gradually added the puzzolana, and at the same time kept continually beating it. When the mason had fitted the stone to its place, it was hoisted by a light movable triangle, furnished with a double tackle; then properly bedded, afterwards beat down with a heavy wooden maul, and levelled with a spirit level. The carpenter then placed the oak wedges in the grooves prepared for them, one upon its head, and the other with its point downwards, so that the two wedges were head and point together; then, by means of an iron bar, 21 inches broad, inch thick, and 2 feet long they were driven down one wedge upon the other, very gently at first, so that the opposite pair of wedges being equally tight- ened, would equally resist each other, and the stone, therefore, keep its place; as the wood, when first inserted, was in a dry state, by its swelling with the moisture, it became tighter. To pre- vent the stones from being broken by driving these wedges, a couple of others were pitched at the top of each groove, the dormant wedge, or that with the point upward, being held in the hand, while the drift wedge, or that with its point down- wards, was driven by the hammer; the whole that re- mained above the surface was then cut off with the saw; a couple of thin wedges were also moderately driven at the butt end of the stone, the tendency of which was to force it out of its dovetail; these were calculated to unite the mass, and prevent any violent agitation of the sea from displacing them. The oak wedges served effectually to bind the stones together in their several courses; but to prevent their being lifted up be fore the mortar became hard, oak trenails were used. A couple of holes, 13 inches in diameter, were bored on shore, through the external or projecting end of each stone; after they were placed, and the wedges fixed, one of the tinners, or Cornish men, with a jumper continued the hole into the course Fig. 380. WW! חור EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. below, and bored it about 8 or 9 inches in depth; but the lower hole was not so large in diameter as the one above by inch. The trenails, being nicely planed down to drive freely BB 4 976 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. through the upper hole, drove stiffly into the lower; after driving as far as possible, a saw- cut was made in the end to the depth of a couple of inches, into which a wedge, of inch 18 R- Fig. 381. SEVENTH COURSE. Each trenail was in thickness at bottom, and double that at the square end, was driven. then cut off even with the top of the stone, and its upper end wedged cross and cross. E N S Fig. 342. W FOURTEENTH COURSE. CHAP VIII. 377 BRITAIN. There were two trenails to each stone; and it was found impossible, by ordinary means, to pull them asunder, or lift the stones after their introduction. N Fig. 383 FIFTEENTH COURSE. E N S Fig. 384. W EIGHTEENTH COURSE. 378 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. > K N 9 N Fig. 385. X Fig. 386. W TWENTY-THIRD COURSE. E W TWENTY-FOURTH COURSE, S CHAP. VIII. 379 BRITAIN. A quantity of liquid grout, made of the puzzolana mortar, was then poured into the joints by means of iron ladles. CC E Smeaton informs us, in his interesting account, of the pains he took to consider how the blocks of stone could be bonded to the rock and to one another, so that the whole and each individual piece should form but one mass, and be proof against the violence of the sea; and he plainly saw that every portion of the work was liable to be acted upon by storms. Cramping, as generally performed, amounts to no more than a bond upon the upper surface of a course of stone, without having any direct power to hold it down, in case of its being lifted upwards by an action greater than its own weight, as might be expected fre- quently to happen at the Eddystone, whenever the mortar of the ground bed it was set upon was washed out of the joint, or attacked by the sea, before it had time to harden; and though upright cramps, to confine the stones down to the course below, might in some degree answer the end, yet as this must be done to each individual stone, the quantity of iron, and the great trouble and loss of time that would necessarily attend this method, would in reality render it im- practicable; for it appeared that Mr. Winstanley had found the fixing 12 great irons and Mr. Rudyerd 35 attended with such a consumption of time, (which arose in great measure from the difficulty of getting and keeping the holes dry, so as to admit of the pouring in of melted lead,) that any method which required still more in putting the work to- gether upon the rock would N in consequence inevitably, and to a very great degree, pro- crastinate the completion of the building. It therefore seemed of the utmost conse- quence to avoid this, even by any quantity of time and mo- derate expence that might be necessary for its performance on shore, provided it pre- vented hindrance of business upon the rock; because of time upon the rock there was likely to be a great scarcity, but on the shore a very suffi- cient plenty. "This made me turn my thoughts to what could be done in the way of dovetailing. In speaking, however, of this as a term of art, I must ob- serve that it had been princi- pally applied to works of car- pentry; its application in the Fig. 387. D W TWENTY-NINTH COURSE. masonry way had been but very slight and sparing; for in regard to the small pieces of stone that had been let in with a double dovetail across the joint of larger pieces, and generally to save iron, it was a kind of work even more objectionable than cramping; for though it would not require melted lead, yet being only a superficial bond, and con- sisting of far more brittle materials than iron, it was not likely to answer our end at all. Somewhat more to my purpose, I had occasionally observed in many places in the streets of London, that in fixing the kerbs of the walking paths, the long pieces or stretchers were retained between two headers or bond pieces, whose heads, being cut dovetail-wise, adapted themselves to and confined in the stretchers; which expedient, though chiefly intended to save iron and lead, nevertheless appeared to me capable of more firmness than any superficial fastening could be, as the tie was as good at the bottom as at top, which was the very thing I wanted; and therefore if the tail of the header was made to have an adequate bond with the interior parts, the work would in itself be perfect. Some- thing of this kind I also remember to have seen in Belidor's description of the stone floor of the great sluice at Cherbourgh" (this is shown in fig. 236.), "where the tails of the 880 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. upright headers are cut into dovetails, for their insertion into the mass of rough masonry below. "From these beginnings, I was readily led to think, that if the blocks themselves were, both inside and out, all formed into large dovetails, they might be managed so as mutually to lock one another together, being primarily engrafted into the rock; and in the round and entire courses above the top of the rock they might all proceed from, and be locked to, one large centre stone. "It is obvious that this method of dovetailing, while the slope of the rock was making good by cutting the steps formed by Mr. Rudyerd also into dovetails, it might be said that the foundation stones of every course were engrafted into, or rather rooted into the rock; which would not only keep all the stones in one course together, but prevent the courses themselves, as one stone, from moving or sliding upon each other. But after losing hold of the rock by getting above it, then, though every stone in the same course would be bonded in the strongest manner with every other, and might be considered as consisting of a single stone, which would weigh a considerable number of tons, and would be further retained to the floor below by the ce- ment, so that, when completed, the sea would have no action upon it but edgeways; yet as a force, if sufficiently great, might move it, notwithstand- ing its weight and the small hold of the sea upon it, and break the cement, before time had given it that hardness which it might be expected N to acquire afterwards, I had formed more expedients than one for fixing the courses to one another, so as absolutely to prevent their shifting." The six lower courses of stone, already described, were thus engrafted in dovetail re- cesses, cut out of the solid rock, and were therefore perfectly immovable from any force acting horizontally against them; as the work would not now have this natural ad- vantage, it was necessary in the seventh course to adopt some means which should pro- duce a similar effect; in the course number six, at the centre, a hole was cut, I foot square, and eight others, 1 foot square and 6 inches deep, were disposed at regular distances round the centre; into these Fig. 388. E W FORTY-THIRD COUrse. S were introduced cubes of marble, which were to act as joggles. A plug of strong hard marble, from the Plymouth rocks, 1 foot square and 22 inches in length, were set in mortar in the central cavity, and there fixed by wedges; this plug stood up 9 inches, and the centre stone of the seventh course, which had a square hole made in it, covered this plug, and, after being properly grouted, was held firmly together. After this centre stone was fixed, the four that surrounded it were placed, united by as many dovetails, projecting from the four sides of the centre stone; these were secured by dovetailed wedges and grouted as before, and each held down by a couple of trenails. The whole formed a circular stone 10 feet in diameter, and weighing 7 tons, which was held by a centre plug and 12 trenails, the circumference of which admitted eight dovetailed recesses to be made in it, and to receive eight other stones of about 12 cwt. each, and in this manner did the work proceed until the whole of the solid part was complete. One plug in the middle, of a foot square, and each joggle of a foot cube, with the trenails, added to the strength of each course. On the fourteenth course was set out the winding staircase and entrance doorway. CHAP. VIII. 881 BRITAIN. The building was carried up solid as high as there was any reason to suppose it would be exposed to the heavy stroke of the sea; that is, 35 feet 4 inches above its base, and 27 feet above the top of the rock, or common spring tide high water mark. At this height it was reduced to 16 feet 8 inches in diameter, the rooms here occupying 12 feet 4 inches, and the walls 26 inches or 13 inches thick. These were built with single blocks of granite or moorstone, and 16 were used in each course, cramped together with iron, and joggled at each joint. The joggles were made of sawn marble, 8 inches long, 4 inches broad, and 3 thick; each end of each block, therefore, occupies 4 inches in length, 4 inches in breadth, and 1½ inch in the height of each joggle. To prevent any water or moisture passing through the upright joints, a groove was made in the end of each stone, into which an upright piece of stone, 6 inches broad and 2 inches thick, was slid into the cavity or groove prepared for it; these were mostly of Purbeck, selected for their firmness, and were run in with mortar; they also served to bond the work together. When in their places, the cramps were let in, which were flat bars of iron, 13 inches in length, 2 inches broad, and § inch thick, and were turned down at each end about 3 inches in length, forming a cylinder 11 inch in diameter. E N. - * * * * * * * * A - ---- ----------------- mar én do a de un me a 4 t - - -- -S Fig. 389. W FORTY-SIXTH COURSE. The cramps being previously fitted to the stones, all that was necessary was to put each into a kettle of lead made red hot, and let it remain till it had acquired the same state. About a spoonful of oil was then poured into the cramp holes, and the cramp put into its place; the ebullition of the oil caused by the heat of the iron gave an oily surface to the whole cramp, as well as to the cavity of the stone; then the hot lead being poured in, the unctuous matter caused the metal to run into and occupy the most minute cavity, and thus defend the cramp from any action that might be produced from the salts of the sea. At the twenty-eighth course was introduced the vaulted floor which formed the ceiling to the upper store-room; here was the first circular iron chain, which was lodged in a groove cut round the middle of the upper surface of this course. The ordinary way of fixing the several courses by joggles and joint stones, and also the bonding them together by cramps, has been already described; by a reference to the section, it will be seen that each floor rests upon two courses, and that the circumference of the floors is not supported upon the sloping abutments of an arch, in lines tending towards the centre of the sphere, of which the underside of the floor was a portion, but upon a triple ledge carried round the two supporting courses: if each floor had been composed of a 382. Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. single stone, lying upon the horizontal bearings furnished by the ledges, it would, while it remained entire, have no lateral pressure or tendency to thrust out the sides of the en- compassing walls, and the several pieces of which the floors were composed might have the property of a whole stone; the centre stone was made large enough to admit of a man hole, with dovetails on its four sides, like those of the entire, solid, by means of which the others were connected with it, consequently the whole, like a single stone, rested upon the ledge, without any tendency to spread the walls, which was further provided against by an iron hoop or cir- cular chain. Sir Christopher Wren, in the construction of the cupola of St. Paul's, had already adopted with success the same construction, and to this Smeaton refers for his model. Each of the four floors had two endless chains, the bars of which are composed of links 11 inch square, and the grooves that received them were 4 inches in depth and width, and when placed each chain was run with 11 cwt. of lead. The height of the six Ft. In. foundation courses to the top of the rock 8 49 The height of the eight - 12 01 The height of the ten courses to the entry door courses of the well hole to the store-room floor 15 21 The height of the four rooms to the balcony floor Height of the main co- lumn, containing forty- six courses - 34 4/1/ - 70 0 The lantern is formed mostly of copper; there are 16 frames with 9 panes each, and the bal- cony is covered with thick plates of lead; there were 16 sheets put together with strong ribbed joints; the whole of this work was very securely braced, and the copper funnel adapted to let out the smoke from the candles. metal conductor, to guard against the effects of lightning, was added. A Fig. 390. LANTERN OF EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. The lower diameter, immediately above the rock, is 25 feet, and the upper 15 feet, in- cluding the thickness of the walls; the height of the lantern is about 24 feet, and the diameter 9. The building was completed in October, 1759; and upon the rock the workmen were employed 2674 hours; the number of pieces of stones used was 1493, independent of 75 large cubic joggles and centre plug-stones, 162 cubic joggles of 6 inches, used in the well- hole courses, 399 flat joggles in the courses of the rooms and lantern, 399 joint stones in ditto, 1800 oak trenails. 1 inch in diameter, used in the solid, 4570 pair of oak wedges for* CHAP. VIII. 983 BRITAIN. steadying the stones of the solid, 8 large circular chains, two used at each vaulted floor, 221 strong iron cramps in the walls of the rooms and lantern, and 5 others in the foundation. The whole time occupied between the first stroke upon the rock and leaving the light- house complete was 3 years, 9 weeks, and 3 days. The stone employed was partly obtained from the neigh- bouring coasts, and from the Isle of Portland. For the lower part of the building Smeaton contracted for 240 tons of moorstone or granite, which was considered to be preferable in point of duration, the price of which was 25s. per ton, roughed out according to the moulds, and 4d. per foot superficial for working the beds; this was the price delivered into the yard, and did not comprise the ex- pense of carriage to the rock; the rest of the stone was brought from the Isle of Portland. The lantern, as originally contrived by Smeaton, contained a chandelier 6 feet 4 inches in diameter, made for 16 candles ; and a smaller, 3 feet 4 inches in diameter, for 8; they were so disposed as to affect each other as little as possible by their heat. In the year 1807 the Trinity House had the building tho- roughly examined and some trifling repairs performed, re- moved the chandeliers and introduced in their place a reflector frame, fitted up with Argand burners and parabolic reflectors, formed of copper, covered with highly polished silver. The Granite used for this work was obtained from the quarry, by splitting it with a number of wedges, applied to holes or notches, cut or pooled into the surface, made at a distance of about 4 inches apart, or ac- cording to the size required or the strength of the stone. These pool-holes were sunk with the point of a pick, in the way hard stones are usually quarried. The harder the granite, the more exactly it may be made to split to the size required; in many parts of Devonshire and Cornwall, the moorstone or granite is split into posts, 12 ΟΙ 14 feet in length, and a scantling of 8 or 9 inches square, and the sides perfectly even. Fig. 391. SECTION OF EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE, 884 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. At the Beare quarries, on the sea coast, near the south-east corner of Devonshire, Smeaton found the bed of freestone was of considerable thickness, and with so great a cover of earth upon it, that it was worked in underground ca- vities, the superincumbent earth being supported by pillars, formed of the de- tached parts of the stratum left standing. This calca- reous stone resembled the Bath, but its bed was so thick, that blocks of any size might be drawn from it. It is very compact, free from fissures, and yet so soft that it can be cut with the com- mon saw; after exposure it becomes hard, and in the buildings at Beare, where it is used, is covered with a mossy coating, and remains perfectly sound and free from decay. : Sand and limestone have each their peculiar lichen, and their respective qualities may be known by a careful examination of the plants produced upon their sur- faces granite and gneiss rocks are often found co- vered with Lecanora gelida, Lecidea petræa, Silacea, La- picida, Verrucaria glaucina, &c. The rock crystal is known by its being the ha- bitat of Lecanora fusco-atra var. dendricata. The rocks of porphyry exhibit on their surface the Lecidea pustu- lata and confluens, Parmelia ciliaris and furfuracea, and the Gyrophora deusta. The mica slate rocks are found covered with Cornicularia tristis and exilis, Gyrophora polyphylla, and of the va- riety frigida of Lecanora tartarea. The clay slate abounds with such lichens as Lecidea cupularis, Leca- nora decipiens, &c. Sand- stone near the sea is fre- quently found covered with the Ramalina scopulorum, Lecanora parella and atra. Limestone is furnished with the Lecidea immersa, Col- lema nigra, Verrucaria mu- ralis, Urecolaria calcarea, and Thelotrema exanthe- matica. And any one ac- quainted with the charac- teristics of the several lichens may at once distinguish the variety of stone used in a building, where, in the Fig. 392. ELEVATION OF EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. course of time, they generally are covered with specimens of one kind or the other. CHAP. VIII. 385 BRITAIN. The stone which Smeaton selected from the Isle of Portland was obtained where it lay in beds nearly parallel with the surface of the land, and is covered with a small quantity of earth. There are several beds, varying in thickness from 2 to 4 feet and upwards: these are covered with a stratum called a cap, which is formed of shells of various kinds; some of them, as the Cornua Ammonis, are upwards of two feet in diameter; this capping is very hard, and is usually detached by blasting with gunpowder. After this cap has been removed, the quarry-men proceed to cross-cut the large flats, which are laid bare with wedges, and split off the Portland, not in a very even manner, but in masses, the quarry-men, with a tool called a kevel, which is at one end a hammer and at the other an axe, whose edge is short and narrow, like a pick, reduce it to something like a cube, or regular shape. The face of the kevel is not at the hammer end quite flat, but a little hollowed out, which gives rather a sharp edge to two of its opposite sides, which are parallel to the handle; and by this means it is made to bite more keenly upon the stone, and to bring off a spawl or large shivers. The edge at the pick end is about half an inch in breadth. Dartmouth Harbour is not only beautifully situated, but very safe for vessels, and capacious enough to hold 500 sail. It is defended by a fort, situated where the ancient castle stood. The Dart is navigable to Totness, where are numerous manufactories. Exmouth, at the mouth of the Exe, is situated near the shore, where the cliffs open as it were to receive it. It is sheltered from the north-east and south-east winds by lofty hills; this was the birth-place of Sir Walter Raleigh, who was the author of the History of the World, as well as its greatest navigator. Sidmouth was formerly a good sea-port, where the small river Sid flows toward the ocean and loses itself among the pebbles on the beach, in consequence of the alluvium with which the harbour is almost choked up. Axmouth, on the river of that name, is another small port, monthly resorted to by fishermen. Lyme Regis, situated on the river Lyme, near the west bay, in a cavity between two rocky hills, has a spacious quay, and round the harbour are several forts for its defence; the chief is called the Cobb, which is very ancient, and composed of fragments of rock, in huge masses piled together; this fabric is of the greatest importance on this coast, as there is between Start Point and the Portland Road no other shelter for shipping. The Cobb, distant about mile from the town, is in the shape of a half moon, with a bar in the middle of the concave part. The stones are not cut or bedded in cement, and the surge plays in and out through the interstices. When a reparation is requisite, the new stone obtained on the coast, of as large a size as possible, is floated by means of casks chained together, with a man mounted on one to steer them. Such is the description given by Lord Keeper Guildford in his time, and reported in North's life of that nobleman. This is a very early example of a breakwater formed with pierre perdu. Weymouth is situated within a fine bay, admirably protected by lofty hills on all sides. Leland observes, "that the tounlet of Waymouth, lyeth strait agayn Milton (Melcombe) on the other side of the haven, and at this place the haven is but a small brede; and the trajectus is by a bote, or a rope bent over the haven, so that in the ferry bote they use no oars." He mentions also, that there is "a trajectus into Portland, by a long causey of pebble and sand. Poole, on the north side of the bay, stands on a peninsula, connected by a narrow isthmus with the main land, which is & mile long, and mile in breadth. This is surrounded by a spacious quay. At the east end of the bay, about 3 miles north-west of Studland, is the Isle of Brownsea, 1½ in length, and 2 in breadth. 94 Christchurch Harbour, Hampshire, is situated at the bottom of a deep bay, lying between the Isles of Wight and Purbeck, and at the mouths of the Avon and Stour. These rivers form in their passage to the sea an inland basin, which is defended from all winds; in former times the mouth of this harbour was much more extensive, as the heads of land which bounded it, being formed of loose sand and iron-stone, have been, to a very con- siderable extent, washed away; much of this sand now forms a range of hommacks or sand hills, extending from Christchurch Head north-eastward, to the south point that now con- stitutes the harbour's mouth; here a bank has been thrown up, which separates the basin of Christchurch from the sea; the sands have thus driven the mouth of the river to the north-east. The two rivers, which drain a considerable track of country in time of floods, pour down a quantity of water and keep the channel open, but in consequence of the small rise of the tides, which is not more than from 5 to 7 feet spring tides, and from 4 to 6 at neaps, it is not very practicable to obtain a very great depth of water in the harbour, and the increase of the sands, their constant motion, and the flatness of the bottom of the bay, also contribute to prevent any great improvement being carried out. C c 386 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Christchurch quay lies 2 miles up the river from the harbour's mouth, about a furlong from which, in the reign of Charles II., was carried out a pier or jetty in a straight line, Fig. 393. formed of round lumps of iron-stone, its direction being south-east, and its extent, beyona high water mark, 770 feet; its top gradually declines from the shore towards the sea, the whole being uncovered at low water, but at high water the greatest part is covered. This pier was intended to secure a better passage to the harbour, and was made by cutting through the hommacks, to let the water out, and to direct its course to the south-west side of the pier. Smeaton, in the year 1764, reported upon the condition of the harbour, and designed and estimated for an additional pier. Southampton has of late years risen into considerable importance, from its regular com- munications with the coasts of France, Spain, and Portugal; it ranks among those towns which have a Roman origin, and was of great extent when the Saxon kings resided at Winchester; the walls and gates which remain are probably some of the constructions of that time. In Domesday Book, Southampton or Huntune is styled a burgh. The Test, Anton, and Ilchin, here unite and form the Southwater, in which vessels of 1500 tons may sail.· Spacious and commodious docks have been formed since the railway has been completed, which opens a direct communication with the metropolis. Portsmouth and Gosport had their origin, it is supposed, by the retiring of the sea; according to Camden, Portchester on this account was deserted for the Isle of Portsea; Edward IV. improved its fortifications, and increased the size of its port, and Leland notices having seen "in a great dok for shippes, in which lyeth part of the rybbes of the Henry Grace de Dieu, one of the biggest shippes that hath been made in hominum memoria.” The dock-yard and gun-wharf on the side of Portsea are very extensive, and contain all that a navy can require; storehouses, residences for the officers, anchor manufactories, docks, basins, jetty heads, rigging houses, &c. &c., where first-rate ships of war are constructed and refitted with an extraordinary expedition. In time of war upwards of 5000 artificers were employed here, and the activity of the whole establishment had nowhere its parallel. Barracks, magazines, forts, mills, victualling yards, and other extensive establishments, surround this important depot. Government has been furnished with a most complete survey of this harbour and its various lakes by naval officers, and it appears that the soundings entirely over are nearly the same as they were sixty years ago. The bar, off the south sea landmarks, is also un- changed in its dimensions, and is composed of flint, chalk, and gravel; this concrete could be easily removed, and without very great expense. Little Hampton is formed by the channel of the Arun, which flows into the sea between two piers, composed of piles with an extension of Dicker work. The depth of water in the entrance between the piers is 2 or 3 feet below the level of high water, but a bar extends outside the Dicker work across the mouth, which rises about 2 feet above the general surface, and is left dry at low water. The lift of average spring tides is about 16 feet, and of neaps 11 feet. The larger vessels which enter usually remain near the river's mouth, but a vessel of 13 feet draught, when she has passed the bar, can proceed to Arundel Bridge, a distance of 6 miles, the bottom continuing of an uniform level throughout that extent. The tide flows 25 miles up the river, but the backwater is of little use to cleanse the mouth, from the narrowness of the channel and sluggishness of the stream. Shoreham is at the mouth of the Adur, which formerly entered the sea nearly at right CHAP. VIII. 387 BRITAIN. angles with the line of coast, but it has, by the accumulation of the shingle, been diverted very considerably. This shingle now forms an embankment nearly 300 yards in width, and an artificial channel has been cut through it, about a mile from the town, the opening is preserved by wooden piers 218 feet apart, and which run in a south-west direction across the shingle into the sea. Within this entrance a third pier has been built out from the shore nearly across the harbour, for the purpose of diverting the waters on the ebb, from the eastern and western sides of the inlet, directly to the mouth. The great body of water which thus ebbs and flows through the entrance serves to keep the channel open, and, though the width is so considerable, the stream runs between the pier heads at the rate of 5 or 6 miles an hour. The harbour mouth is nevertheless subject to a bar, which rises occasionally above the low water level, and shifts its position from 60 to 160 feet from the pier heads. The lift of spring tides is about 15 feet, and neaps about 9 feet; the depth of water near the bar at high water is from 14 to 17 feet, according to the tides. Newhaven is formed in the channel of the Ouse at its entrance into the sea, by wooden piers carried out in a southerly direction across the beach. The river is navigable as far as Lewes, and open to the flow and ebb of the tide 4 miles higher, or 12 miles altogether, and affords a powerful backwater for scouring the entrance. The average rise of spring tide at the harbour's mouth is from 19 to 20 feet, and of neaps about 14 to 15 feet. The bar, however, is left dry at low water spring tides; but within the pier there is about 2 feet water at such time, and this depth continues uniform for a mile up the channel. The distance between the pier heads is 106 feet: on the western side of the harbour, the wooden pier, which extends about 250 yards, has been continued onwards by a stone embankment nearly mile in a straight line; and the bar, which formerly extended from the western side nearly across the mouth of the harbour, has been considerably reduced since the completion of this work; the eastern pier has been extended, and other improvements have been made by straightening and deepening the river above the town. During flood tide and fine weather, the harbour is easy of access from the indraught and eddy tide which set towards the mouth; but from the rapidity of the stream during the ebb, it is not considered safe for a sailing vessel to enter, and the flag at the pier head is consequently lowered at high water. The piers only extend to the line of low water on the beach, and this harbour, like others on the south coast, is greatly affected by the accumulation of beach and shingle, which cannot be effectually scoured or washed away by any means yet attempted. The latitude of New- haven is 50° 48′ north, and its longitude 0° 5' east of Greenwich; it lies directly in the course of vessels sailing up or down the channel. The original name of Newhaven was Meeching. Cuzmere Haven, on the western side of Beachy Head, is an artificial harbour; the shingle beach crosses the entrance, and rises several feet above low water, and the interior of the haven is left dry at three quarters ebb. Hastings has a small tidal harbour for the use of coasting vessels; here the coast runs, with little deviation, in a straight line nearly east by south, and is entirely exposed to the prevailing southerly and westerly winds. There is no natural breakwater, nor the facility of forming one; the shore is composed of shingle, and not above 4 fathoms of water at the distance of mile from the beach, which would give but a limited area of 12 feet at low water, in proportion to the size of the harbour, were piers to be carried out to such an extent. In Jeakes's History of the Cinque Ports, we find that before the Conquest three only were incorporated, viz. Dover, Sandwich, and Romney; the Conqueror is supposed to have added Hastings and Hythe: the arms of the cinque ports are, per pale gules and azure, three demi lions, or, impaling azure, three semi ships argent. The chief prerogatives of these ports, in addition to their naval jurisdiction, are some ceremonies and honours at the coronation; the Lord Warden's power extends from Redcliff, near Seaford, to Shoe Beacon, near the Isle of Sheppey, and he has free warren over a considerable district in Kent. Hastings formerly had a pier, which was destroyed by a storm in the time of Elizabeth, who granted a contribution towards making a new harbour; the remains of this pier may be traced at low water, and it was called previous to its demolition the Strade, because vessels were wound up and let down the acclivity by a strong capstan, worked by three or four horses. Boat-building is carried on to some extent, from the facility of obtaining fine oak timber, and the pleasure-boats constructed are said to be superior to all others. Rye Harbour, one of the ancient cinque ports, stands on the edge of Sussex towards Kent, and is supposed by some to have been the Portus Novus of Ptolemy. The town was walled about in the reign of Edward III., and is now under the government of a mayor and jurats. As long as the tide was suffered to flow up the Rother, there was a good tide harbour; but a sluice placed some years ago about 6 miles above the town, and another at 3 miles, stopped the mud and sand brought in by the spring tides from running out, and C c 2 388 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGİNEERING. the whole became silted up. Before this, the harbour was sufficiently capacious and deep to shelter large vessels at low water; the sea being suffered at every tide to overflow what are now extensive marshes in the neighbourhood, by which means a vast body of water was collected, which, draining off, opened and maintained a spacious channel. In all similar situations, where the land has been walled in and converted to the purposes of agriculture, the tidal waters, from being confined and lessened in quantity, have lost their power of cleansing, and wherever there is not a sufficient quantity of land or flood waters to supply the purpose of scouring, the tendency must be to silt up. Besides this, a quantity of shingle or beach, derived probably from the constant wearing away of the chalk cliffs on this coast, was thrown up to the westward, which, being driven on the shore, was then carried by the currents in a direction nearly west-south-west and east-north-east; the wind at any point between south and south-west, now causes the sea to strike the shore ob- liquely, and to heap up greater quantities of beach, and drive it along the shore in the direction of east-north-east to the bottom of the bay or mouth of the harbour. Thus, by the silting within, and the throwing up the shingle at the mouth, a surface of several hundred acres of land is formed, and the harbour has lost its value. As early as the year 1698, a report was drawn up, which states the harbour to be entirely lost, and in no condition to be preserved for any purpose of navigation. In the year 1719 the Admiralty Board, under whose direction the former report was made, sent down three competent gentlemen to make another survey, after which a new harbour was projected, which was partly carried into effect by Captain Perry, who had previously executed many considerable engineering works in Russia. The mouth of the new harbour was put 2 miles westward of the old one, where the coast for several miles extends itself in a straight line, its entrance is nearly at right angles with the coast, and points south-south-east, or rather south-east by south. In the year 1763, Mr. John Smeaton reported upon its then condition, and found that there was no increase of beach in the harbour; and at the foot of the beach, which is low water mark at neap tides, there was a fine firm sand, regularly inclined towards low water, which at spring tides was about 257 yards from the foot of the beach; and from thence inclined by very regular and gradual soundings, so as to make 20 feet at low water spring tides, and about 23 feet at low water neap tides, at the distance of 1 mile right out of the harbour's mouth; these soundings gradually increasing further out, where the bay formed excellent anchorage ground. The tides here he found to have the greatest rise of any along this coast, for the common spring rose above low water mark 23 feet, and neap tides about 14 feet, viz. 17 feet above low water mark spring tides. The direction of the tides was nearly along shore, and very gentle in consequence of their distance from the main channel tide, which was of great importance to the harbour. The design of the new harbour was that of an extended canal; it had two stone piers projecting into the sea, as far as the foot of the beach, and the distance between them, which formed the mouth, was 120 feet; but a quantity of beach having collected at the back of the west head, it was prolonged by constructions in timber and stone, until it overlaid the east pier 210 feet. From the pier head the harbour enlarged to a width of 200 feet, and at the distance of 730 yards within the pier is a large stone sluice. Between the pier head and the sluice, the harbour is formed into the arch of a circle of about 45°; so that no part of the mouth can be seen from the sluice, nor any part of the sluice from the mouth of the harbour. The sluice was built of Portland stone, and consisted of two openings, one of 40 feet, shut by folding gates pointing to landward, the other had 30 feet clear water-way, shut by 5 draw-gates of 6 feet wide each. By this contrivance the tide received into the canal above the sluice was shut in, and kept the vessels afloat during the whole time of tide, or was let off at low water by means of the draw-gates, for the purpose of scouring out the harbour. The length of the canal above the sluice is about mile, and at the surface had a mean width of 150 feet, at the 14 bottom 70 feet, which was the level of the sill of the sluice. The canal, exclusive of the harbour, would contain about 200 sail of vessels, but not a sufficiency of water to answer all the purposes of keeping the outer harbour clean; it was constantly receiving deposits of mud from the Rother and its branches, which brought the waters from upwards of 100,000 acres of land. When Smeaton examined the harbour, he found that the bottom of the channel, between the pier-heads, was about 6 feet above low water mark at spring tides, and about 3 feet above the sill of the sluice, and that in the course of a few years, as the scouring force was inefficient, the whole would be filled up, if some effectual means were not adopted to prevent it. He therefore advised that the Winchelsea channel should be widened and others made. the Rother dammed across, and new sluices built upon it, and that the tidal waters shoula be suffered to pass the great sluice into all these proposed new channels, and which were calculated to contain five times as much water as the original canal above the sluice. CHAP. VIII. 389 BRITAIN. In order that the drainage of the lands might in no way be injured, the tides were never to be shut in by the great sluice, so as to pen upon the aprons of any of the sluices for drainage, at a time when the levels were under water. Smeaton's instructions were in part followed, and considerable sums of money were ex- pended in endeavouring to arrest the movement of the beach from the west towards the east; the groins raised to stop it filled as soon as they were carried out, and the surplus beach was forced into the harbour's mouth. The stone sluice falling to decay some years after was carried away by a river flood, when the inhabitants of Rye opposed its restoration; the absence of the impediment having given in one year 3 feet additional water in the harbour channel at the town quay. The piers, wharf, and sluices, were in a few years completely silted up, when the masonry was dug out, and the stones sold. This harbour has been entirely ruined in consequence of excluding the tide, and depriving it of the benefits of its natural backwater; in shutting out the sea and preventing its flooding the lands which were originally covered, much valuable pasture has been gained and improved, but Rye, as a port of importance, has ceased to exist. A wooden pier on piles has been carried out on the eastern side, and embankments have been thrown up on the western, leaving an entrance between of 160 feet in width. The average rise of spring tides is about 17 feet, and during neap tides from 9 to 12 feet at the pier-heads, whilst the lift in the bay is 22 feet; at low water the harbour is left dry. The depth of the channel up the river gradually decreases to the town, where there is 14 feet water at the top of spring tides, but during neaps seldom more than 9 feet. The approach from the bay to the entrance of the harbour is very intricate and difficult, from the accumulation of sand and the winding course of the channel; the shingle, which extends on both sides of the harbour's mouth, accumulates with winds either from the westward or eastward of south, and forms banks, which, with the sand, block out the sea, and render the channel uncertain. Folkestone. This artificial harbour, formed by rubble stone piers, encloses an area of 14 acres; the western arm extends in a south-south-west direction, 140 yards across the beach, and is united with the main pier, which is carried in a straight line east and by south about 317 yards; a projecting pier has since been run out from the shore on the eastern side, towards the south-west, 236 yards, leaving an entrance of 123 feet in width, open to the east and by south. Near the eastern extremity of the main pier, a groin has been constructed, which extends at right angles 130 feet seaward, intended to stop the accumulation of shingle, but in spite of this caution, it forms a bar at the harbour's mouth. The rise of the spring tides is about 18 or 20 feet, and neaps 12 or 14 feet, but the harbour is entirely dry at low water, and the greater part of the interior is blocked up by a bank of shingle, which rises several feet above the level of high water, leaving only a narrow channel alongside the main pier. At the north-western side, a small stream is pent up, for scouring the harbour at low water, which, with the assistance of manual labour, keeps the watercourse open, so as to allow vessels of 10 or 12 feet draught to come alongside the pier at high water. Folkestone was the Lapis Populi of the Romans, the Folcestane of the Saxons, and the Fulchestan of Domesday Book; in the time of Leland it was "mervelusly sore wasted with the violence of the se," since whose time greater ravages have been committed on the whole extent of the coast. This town ranks among the Cinque Ports, and formerly was a place of considerable importance. Dover Harbour, or Portum Dubris, is of great antiquity, deriving its name probably from the British word Dwfyrrha, which signifies a steep and hilly place; this by the Saxons was changed into Dorfa and Dofris, which in Domesday Book is made Dovere. The Romans had a town on the south side of the river which flows into this harbour, and the Watling Street took its departure from it, where Biggin Gate formerly stood. The straits of Dover have always been the medium of intercourse between this country and the continent, and no port in England is of more importance; it is worthy of remark, that before the pier was carried out there were no banks or shelves of beach to be seen, but all was clean sea between Archcliff Tower and Castle Cliff. In ancient times the sea flowed over the greater part of the valley in which the town is now situated, and the harbour was considerably more inland, towards the north-east, than at present. Little is recorded of it until the time of Henry VII., when a round tower was built on the south-west side, to which vessels were moored to rings let into it, and as they rested secure here, it was called the Little Paradise. In the following reign the pier was commenced under the direction of Sir John Thompson, who held the living of St. James in the town of Dover; it was carried out on the south-west side of the bay, directly eastward into the sea, for a distance of 131 rods. It was formed of two rows of main piles, 26 feet in length, shod with iron, and driven into the main chalk; these were fastened together by fc 3 390 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. iron bolts and ties. The whole of the space between was filled in with large stones, some weighing 20 tons, which were freighted on rafts, supported by empty casks, from the neighbourhood of Folkestone; at this time more than 80,000l. were expended. Soon after the formation of this pier, a vast bar or shelf was formed across the harbour, by an immense 口 ​PENT. BASIN. ALE TRAD Goop! дая HARBOUR DILP FOW-WATERS THE CASTLE Fig. 394. DOVER HARBOUR. quantity of beach being thrown up, which totally impeded the passage, there being only a small outlet left for the current of the water of the river. Every exertion was made to improve the entrance into this port, and it appears from a survey made about 1652, that it had 22 feet water at spring tides. Since that time various acts of parliament have been passed, and enormous sums of money expended ; jetties have been erected towards the east, to prevent encroachments of the sea, and though the south-west winds still throw up large quantities of beach at the mouth of the harbour, they are partly dissipated by sluicing, the depth of water at spring tides varying from 18 to 20 feet, and at neaps about 14 feet. • This harbour has undergone many changes, the mouth at present being in a very different position to what it was formerly, which seems to have been occasioned by the constant motion of the beach or shingle, which is driven coastwise from west to east: the British Channel opens towards the west, and contracts eastward, so that the seas are much more violent and heavy from the south-western than from the south-eastern quarter. The violent storms, however, at south-east move the shingle westward, though the general prevalence is the other way, from west to east. This shingle or beach is composed of flints produced by the destruction of the chalk cliffs, which when undermined are precipitated in large quantities into the sea; the chalk is dissolved, and the flints, rounded by attrition, form a constant succession of beach, an immense quantity of which is in continual motion along the coast, from west to east, part of which lodges and fills up every recess where it can be deposited and lie quiet. This beach was the cause of the destruction of the old harbour, and it seems that the mouth has been shut up more than once, and has remained so for years; the mouth of the present harbour is nothing more than a cut through the beach to allow the land waters, pent up on the inside of the harbour, to have a passage, which in time was improved and defended by two piers composed of wooden piles, filled in with rough and heavy stones; after passing these, vessels arrive in a capacious harbour, defended from all winds, but having an open communication with the sea, the water flows and ebbs, and at low water spring tides the harbour is dry; it is divided by a dam or cross wall, in which, when Smeaton made his survey in 1769, was an opening 38 feet wide at top, and about 36 feet at bottom; in this was placed a large pair of gates pointing to landward, through which vessels at high water might pass from the outer to the inner harbour or basin, and be kept afloat. Besides these great gates, there were two other openings in the cross wall, 12 feet wide, furnished with a pair of draw-gates. The interior harbour was again divided by a second cross-wall with an opening of · CHAP. VIII. 391 BRITAIN. 20 feet for the passage of smaller vessels, which was also furnished with a pair of gates pointing to Landward; this cross-wall had three draw-gates, through which the water could pass for the purpose of scouring out the basin. This upper reservoir is called the Pent, and here the fresh water river which springs from the chalk hills north of Dover empties itself, and makes its way through both sets of gates through all the three harbours, and lastly through the pier heads into the sea. Smeaton observed that no arrangement could be more judicious, and that it corresponded with what had been done so effectually at Cherbourg, where immense sums of money had been expended, which was in a most perfect state before it was destroyed by the English. When there are hard gales of wind and seas from the south-western quarter, a quantity of beach is brought round the western head, and lodges itself between the heads; the basin and pent are then filled, partly by taking in the sea water, and partly by fresh water afforded by the river, and there retained until low water. The draw-gates of the sluices in the cross-wall are then opened with all expedition, and the body of water contained in the basin or pent, by making its way through the pier- heads, cuts down and removes the bar of the beach, which at the time of spring. tides is done with great effect, and at two tides the mouth is effectually cleared. When there are hard gales from the south-western quarter, and at the same time short or low neap tides, such a quantity of beach is accumulated, that it is with difficulty an entry can be made into the harbour. The natural direction of the entry is east-south-east by the true meridian, and by the magnetic meridian, when Smeaton took his observations, it was south-east. The western head was carried out in the natural direction of the harbour's entry, for about 30 feet in a line at or about south-south-east, when it suddenly turned to south- south-west, in which direction, after being carried 60 or 70 feet, it terminated by a salient angle, pointing to the same quarter. The line of direction of this flank of the pier being continued in an opposite direction, cut within the eastern pier-head about 60 feet, so that all the winds betwixt south-south-west and east-south-east occasioned the sea to strike obliquely, and, acting in the manner of a tunnel, bring the seas, when the wind is south or south-south-west, and the beach into the harbour's mouth; the south-eastern seas are so short, that they do not much affect it, but by the pier turning so much to the west, it greatly facilitates the beach, after it has passed round this salient point, to get along its flank, whose line of direction being overlapped by the eastern head is thereby caught and retained when the wind is more to the west than the south-south-west direction of this flank. To lessen as much as possible the quantity of beach from getting round and lodging between the pier-heads, Smeaton recommended that the first mentioned line of head should be prolonged in its direction, south-south-east, until it was advanced sufficiently far to come into a south-south-west direction with the extremity of the east head, which would require an addition of about 90 feet. This additional work would form a sort of triangle, the base of which would be the south-west flank, whose projection forwards towards the south-east, in a line perpendicular to the base, would be but little above 60 feet further out. By the elongation of these piers, it was not thought that the beach would be effectually prevented from entering the harbour's mouth, but that it would be lessened in quantity, and more readily removed. The outer harbour at present contains 7 acres, the inner basin 6 acres, and the pent 11 acres; a wet dock of 1 acres opens into the western side of the outer harbour, which again communicates with a graving-dock. The entrance between the pier-heads, now formed of stone and brick, faced with timber piles, is 110 feet in width, and opens to the south-south-east. The rise of average spring tides is from 18 to 19 feet, and of neaps from 12 to 13 feet; but the depth of high water in the harbour at spring tides is only 17 or 18 feet, in the basin from 16 to 17 feet, and about 3 feet less during neaps. The harbour therefore is left dry at low water. Vessels on entering, when the south-westerly gales prevail, find great difficulty, as there is then a heavy sea at the harbour's mouth, from the bar of shingle which is thrown up, and which renders it inaccessible for several weeks together. In addition to three sluices or culverts connected with the inner basin by means of a pipe, there is in the western pier a brick reservoir, communicating by means of a tunnel 30 feet in width, and 16 high, with the inner basin and pent. From this reservoir five new sluices, 7 feet in diameter, lead to the extremity of the pier-head, and from the powerful volume of water thus discharged, and the impetus acquired by the proximity of the reservoir, it has been found sufficient, with the assistance of the sluices in the cross-wall between the basin and the outer harbour, to remove the shingle from the pier-head, and keep the channel clear to a level below the bottom of the harbour; but this shingle again returns or is thrown up with particular winds. The tide flows from the south-west, at the rate of four miles per hour. C C 4 392 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Sandwich Haven was a flourishing sea-port at the time the Isle of Thanet was surrounded with navigable water. Great changes have occurred by the silting up of the channels, which have been caused by the deposit of mud from the sea water, which is suspended in the water as long as it is agitated and kept in motion, but immediately it becomes at rest in an arm of the sea, or within shore, it subsides and is deposited. Wherever the quantity and agitation of the water is too little, or the mud too great to be kept in motion, then its natural tendency is to rest. Every creek, inlet, or bay," says Smeaton, "that has not a sufficiency of fresh water to keep it open, by being discharged through it, has a tendency to become land. While such a creek or bay remains deep, a quantity of tide water flowing in and out twice a day, tends to keep the mud in agitation and from settling; but as the tide of ebb is naturally weaker than the flood, the ebb will not carry out all that the flood has brought in; and when the deposition is so far advanced as to contract the breadth of the water, and render it to a certain degree shallow, the quantity of water flowing in and out being lessened, its power is weakened." the The natural means whereby an inlet is kept open is the discharge of a freshwater river through it, which opposing the influx of the tide, and adding to the force of its ebb, will always maintain a certain channel, in proportion to the quantity of land water that requires to be discharged. The tendency of nature is to contract the channel to such a size that power of the stream can just maintain it, and in this state the wide extended arm of the sea, anciently flowing by Sandwich, and up the general valleys, as now called, seems to have been at the period that the new cut at Stonar was projected and executed. The Stour was never adequate to keep open so large an arm of the sea as that through which it flowed, and the force of its current was impaired by its meandering course. The declivity of its bed in time becoming less, and the drainage of the lands more imperfect, they turned the river through the narrow neck of land at Stonar, where in the space of of a mile there was a fall of a fathom. The land floods, after heavy rains, are the clearers of the channels of rivers to sea, and this is chiefly effected when the tide is out, and most of all when they happen at the low ebb of a spring tide; at such a time more is done in a few hours than in months where the reflow is leisurely and moderate; one tears away all deposit with violence, the other grinds away but small particles of mud or sand, and a gentle reflow does not disturb a particle; but, on the contrary, if the preceding tide of flood has brought any silt with it, such a reflow will allow it to be deposited, and where nothing is done towards its removal in one tide, no number of repetitions will effect it. As long as the top waters are drawn off through the flood-gates of Stonar and the dribbling of the floods, and the ordinary current of the river left to go quietly round by Sandwich, no improvement can take place in the harbour. John Smeaton, who made his report in the year 1789, observes fully upon the greas injury sustained by the harbour, in consequence of the changes made for the sole purpose of draining the land, and improving its condition; he professes himself as great a friend to drainage as to navigation, and observes that the flooding of low grounds in the valleys of rivers is an advantage, provided it is done at suitable seasons of the year, and that the soil and manure brought down from the high lands and deposited on the surface of the low lands greatly improve their fertility; that the lands are not injured by the height or depth of water which remains upon them for a short time, but the contrary: the damage arises from the continuance of a small depth of water, which must be entirely removed from the soil before its fertilising powers can be called forth. For the improvement of this harbour, he suggested that during the winter months, instead of drawing the gates when the water was just above the mark, after a dry season, they should remain shut for a few days, that the water might be permitted to overflow the meadows, and run again in its ancient course; and that as much of the top waters as could be made to pass Sandwich Bridge should be directed or allured that way in order that the whole channel of the Stour should be kept open. A scouring power, acting by intervals, through Sandwich Harbour, together with the aid of the hedge-hog and spade in some particular places, might keep it clear. The harbour has, however, grown both narrower and shallower, and the contraction of its section is a natural consequence of the loss of the force of the top waters of the land floods. Whenever a fresh water river makes its way to the sea through the loose sand and silt that the sea has deposited, its course is continually varying; and when curved, the water, acting on the side, tends to increase its departure from a straight line; to alter this by the spade is a useless and endless work, and jetties are inefficient, as they will make fresh. curves where there were none before. Ramsgate Harbour.-As early as the reign of Edward VI. an attempt was made to form an harbour from Sandwich into the Downs, and traces of a canal may be seen between CHAP. VIII. 393 BRITAIN. Sandwich and Sandown Castle, which formed a part of the project. In the reign of Elizabeth, a commission was appointed to make a new survey; but nothing more was at- tempted until the year 1736, when M. Labelye, the engineer to Westminster Bridge, laid down a scheme for sheltering ships in the Downs, by means of a navigable canal and basin in the direction of the old cut, and by aid of sluices, which joined the river Stour. T Fig. 395. M RAMSGATE Harbour. Parliament was afterwards applied to, and an order in consequence issued from the Ad- miralty by which five persons were named to report upon the means of making a better and more commodious harbour than the present haven of Sandwich; they proposed that two stone piers should be carried out, each 2096 feet in length from the shore, to 12 feet depth of water, at low water, and that a clear opening should be left between the heads of these piers of 300 feet, to narrow from that to 100 feet, and that the middle line should point south-south-east, half east by the compass, that is nearly south-east by the true meridian. The estimate for this work was 389,1687. 13s. 2d. exclusive of the value of the ground to be purchased. This grand project, however, was never undertaken, and it was not until a violent storm, on the 16th December, 1748, when several vessels were wrecked, and a few found safety in the little harbour of Ramsgate, that attention was turned to this port, and soon after an act of parliament was passed, when Mr. Robins and Mr. Turner, engineers of Gosport, were appointed to mark out the site of Ramsgate harbour. It was found that in consequence of the pier constructed in 1715, having been lengthened, a bar had been cast up, which was about 2 feet 6 inches in thickness, and as this accumulation was the result of 34 years, it was reasonably presumed that when a greater depth of water was made by two piers in- stead of one, the filling up would be less considerable than before. 394 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. It was also observed that the sea-weed which drove in came from the westward; and that from the east there was a drift of large shingle, which it was thought would be of advantage to the new piers. When vessels broke loose from their anchors in the Downs, it was usually from three-quarter flood to one-quarter ebb, when the current of the tide is to the north and north-east, which carried them right into the harbour at Ramsgate. The Goodwin Sands constitute the Downs as a roadway, and at low water these sands form a breakwater to all the easterly winds, and even at high water they are too shallow to admit the great seas to pass, without being broken and dispersed, and it is not till the tide turns to the north, which is at about three-quarter flood, that the combined force of wind and tide causes the ships to break from their moorings. The most advisable bearing for the entrance to the new harbour was then determined to be south-south-west; for if placed full south, the tide near high water would run so across it, that it would be difficult for vessels to get in; and if at south-west, there would be too great an indraught of sullage. - At the commencement of the works, Mr. Etheridge, who had been employed as foreman under Mr. King, the carpenter at Westminster Bridge, held the appointment of resident engineer; he laid the foundations of the piers in cases or caissoons, and showed the method of excavating a trench under water, and levelling it, which, being attended with certainty and dispatch, is the practice still followed; and the whole progressed under this engineer's superintendence until the works were ordered to be stopped; in the year 1755 a staircase called Jacob's Ladder was made from the top to the bottom of the cliff, which was the last work executed by Mr. Etheridge. The east pier was, at this time, carried out 757 feet from the shore, and the west 849 feet. In the year 1774, the works being incomplete, Mr. John Smeaton was called in to make a report, when he found that a large mass of silt, consisting partly of mud and chiefly of very fine sand, had been brought into the harbour by the tide; the tide water upon this part of the coast being charged with these matters whenever agitated by the wind, and accompanied by a quick flowing tide. This silty water, finding repose in the harbour, deposited its heavy matter, and the water only was taken back at the ebb tide; this is the tendency of all harbours, unless artificial methods are found to prevent it. The most natural means to disperse it is by a fresh-water river, which continually tends towards the sea, and in time of floods carries with it whatever forms an obstruction to its course; where this means does not exist, such a harbour as that at Ramsgate must in course of time become dry land: when Smeaton made his report, there was found to be 268,700 cube yards of silt in the harbour; that the two barges with ten men each took out about 70 tons of silt per day; supposing 1 ton of silt to be 1 cube yard, it was calculated that they would be 12 years in clearing it out, even if there were no fresh accumulations. The whole harbour contained 46 acres, and the external harbour, where the greatest quantity of silt was deposited, was about 30 acres; and supposing that the whole was covered to the depth of inch per day, there would be 410 cube yards, which, at the rate of clearing 70 tons per day, would require a week. It was calculated, that all which had been deposited was the result of 12 years, which was the time when the curves enclosing the harbour were raised to the level of half tide; the increase of silt was thought to be at least inch per week. 183 Smeaton, therefore, proposed to make use of an artificial backwater and sluices, and constructed a basin to take in the sea water, the tide having considerable rise and fall. To prevent the basin itself from silting up, he advised that it should be divided into two parts, by a partition with a sluice or sluices capable of retaining the water in either while the other was empty, so that they might be used for alternately cleansing each other. The harbour at Ramsgate was admirably suited for the execution of this plan; the bottom was composed of a hard chalk, and declined with an even fall towards the sea. The set of the tide runs across the harbour's mouth, so that when the sand was washed out by the artificial current, the natural current of the tides would carry it away, and effectually prevent any bar being formed. Two basins of 4 acres each were proposed, and four draw-gates were to be made in the westernmost and five in the easternmost basin, the whole pointed in three different directions; two towards the curve of the western pier, four towards the harbour's mouth, and three towards the curve of the eastern piers. To give these sluices their full effect, it was sug- gested to construct a caissoon, shaped like the pier of a bridge, which being floated to its place, and there sunk in a proper direction, might be used to divert the current to the right or left, as was required. Before this plan was put into execution, the committee of management ordered a lighter of 50 tons to be scuttled, 17 inches deep, and 14 inches broad on the starboard bar, and when placed at the end of the cross-wall to be filled with water. When the sluice was opened at low water, it ran out in a few minutes, and made a cavity in the sand some feet in depth and width; and afterwards, the water being confined in a channel guarded by CHAP. VIII. 395 BRITAIN. planks, a cavity was made in the sand when the water was discharged from the sluice, 7 feet wide and 6 feet deep; it was again tried, and the hole, after three discharges, was found to be 10 feet wide upon the surface of the sand, 6 feet deep to the chalk, and 3 feet wide upon the bed of the chalk, the channel being full 100 feet in length. The piles were driven, and part planked, for the cross-wall to enclose the basin, in the year 1779, and soon after the sluices were completed; when all the men employed about the works applied themselves with handles to start the sluices; the spindles upon which the wheels were fixed broke upon the first attempt; but two of the sluices were raised at last by means of tackle blocks, when the force and power of the stream was so great, that it not only forced up the chalk to the depth of 6 or 7 feet, but carried away pieces weighing from 3 to 4 cwt. to a distance of 60 or 70 feet, and in its course cleared away the silt down to the chalk to low water mark, the stream continuing 200 or 300 feet beyond the harbour's mouth. They could not raise more than two sluices at this time, but after some alteration this was rendered easy; the planking of the sluices was put to draw cross ways of the plank, which operating on a rough groove of stone caused considerable friction; when they were altered, and the spindles repaired and made of wrought-iron, the water was again pent up in the basin, and the whole discharged together, and it was found to have such power, that there was fear lest the cross wall should have been undermined; they therefore were obliged to construct proper aprons to prevent this. The committee further reported, that since the cross wall had been built, the sea which before broke and spent itself upon the shore had now become so agitated that vessels were unsafe; that the sea mostly ranged along the western pier, and that the cross wall stopping and repelling the swell, it returned, not having any vent or outlet, and that this was the cause of the great disturbance and agitation complained of. To remedy this the committee then ordered that 200 or 300 feet of the cross wall should be taken down, and that from thence a wall should be built up towards the cliffs, and also that 80 or 100 feet of the timber pier should be taken away, beginning at the end of the cross wall, the opening to extend towards Jacob's Ladder; it was also recommended that another sluice should be made from the angle in the old pier, to scour the upper or northern angle of the east pier. In the year 1781 the sixth sluice being completed, a new channel was dug through the sand, and a couple of barges were laid so as to direct the water through it; in a few minutes the bank was considerably diminished, and the water of this sluice flowed so high that it overtopped the conduit wall, and it was the general opinion, that by these means the harbour might be kept cleansed; in the channel under the east pier there was found 19 feet water at spring tide. Mr. Smeaton afterwards gave a design for a new dock, and the first stone was laid July 31. 1784, but the walls were carried up without any timber floor; after this dock was built, the natural springs which rise in the chalk bed broke not only through the cement, but in many places issued with such violence as to break the paving-stones with which it was covered. It was then proposed to take up the whole of the pavement, and to do what had been done at Plymouth on a similar occasion,-lay down large blocks of stone 3 feet by 4, and 2 feet 6 inches deep, each stone weighing 1½ tons. After these blocks of Portland stone were all laid, and the dock shut in at the time of high water, the whole pavement was again hoisted, and 100 feet of the north wall lifted with it. Mr. Smeaton was then requested to examine its state, and he reported to the committee, that on the day he arrived the tide rose 13 feet 4 inches upon the apron of the gates of the dock, but that before it had risen 2 feet it began to spring through several joints of the stone floor, which had been laid with the solid Portland blocks 2 feet 6 inches in thickness, in the form of an arch. As the height of the tide increased upon the apron, the leakage through the joints increased, so that when it was high water, there was a depth of 5 feet 3 inches water upon the floor. The cause of these derangements was owing, he states, to the pressure of the water under the bottom, endeavouring like a vessel swimming in the water to buoy it upwards; and which, with 8 feet pressure, was calculated to produce that of 1000 tons over the entire area of the floor; and he was of opinion that had the wooden floor been introduced according to the original plan, it would have been subjected to the upright pressure only, and not to a lateral pressure as in stone arches. It was found that it was produced by the springs issuing from the area of the chalk on which the dock was founded, and that this would not have been the case had the soil been a compact clay or rock that would not have suffered the water to percolate through its pores. Mr. Smeaton, who hitherto had been only occasionally consulted, was in the year 1788 appointed engineer to the harbour, and Mr. John Gwynn, who had already executed many works under him, resident surveyor. They immediately commenced rebuilding the dock, a timber floor was laid throughout, and an additional thickness given to the walls; here 396 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Smeaton again turned his attention to the formation of a diving-bell, to be used in laying the foundations of a new advanced pier. Instead of the form of a bell, he used a square iron chest weighington; it was 4 feet 6 inches high and long, and 3 feet in width; and there was sufficient room for two men to work under it, who were supplied with a constant influx of fresh air, by a forcing air-pump placed in a boat upon the water's surface. The advanced pier was built in caissoons, twelve of which being fixed, extending 120 feet, the masons commenced their work; this constituted about one-third of the intended length. The timber breakwater, at the external angle of the east pier, being washed away, it was determined that its reconstruction should be of stone, and in the year 1790 this work was commenced. In the year 1791, the dry dock built in the basin was tried for the first time, since it had been found necessary to introduce a timber floor, which was constructed in a new and peculiar manner, ou account of the springs in the chalk rising so powerfully under it as to force up the stone floor, with which it had before been twice tried; the experiment showed that its construction was complete, and all that could be desired; and the advanced pier was very nearly finished. The harbour now contains between its substantial stone piers an area of 42 acres, the piers extending 1310 feet into the sea. The inner basin is used as a wet dock, and contains a dry dock, where vessels of from 300 to 400 tons can be repaired. The entrance to the outer harbour is 200 feet wide, and opens to the south-west. The average rise of spring-tides at the pier heads is from 13 to 14 feet, and of neap tides 9 feet, giving to the entrance 19 feet at high water of spring-tides, and 16 of neaps. The sluices for scouring the harbour are very powerful, and are constructed through the cross-wall of the inner basin; the water they discharge serves to keep open the channel, and the gullies which extend round the harbour at the foot of the piers, in certain portions of which, near the entrance, the depth increases to about 6 feet at low water. The mud in the middle of the harbour serves as grounding banks, and affords a soft bed, on which vessels entering can ground with safety. The opening of the gates of communication between the outer and inner harbour is 42 feet. In the outer harbour has been laid down one of Morton's patent slips, on which steam-vessels of too great beam to enter the graving-dock in the inner basin can be hauled up and repaired. There is no natural breakwater to this tidal harbour, so essential for the purpose of scouring, nor does the line of cliff offer shelter against any winds but those which blow from off the land; it is, however, at present the best to be found on the south-eastern coast of England, and affords a place of refuge to vessels of considerable draught of water that run for protection at tide time. The entire management of this harbour is vested by parliament in trustees. Broadstairs had a wooden pier in the time of Henry VIII., erected for the security of the fishing boats; this pier is now about 100 yards in length, and extends from the northern side of a small bay. The entrance faces the south-west, and the harbour is much exposed to the sea, which is driven in by winds from the eastward. At spring-tides there is about 16 feet water at the pier-head, and 10 feet at neaps; but the whole harbour is dry at low water, and during spring-tides nearly 100 yards outside the pier is left uncovered. Margate had a pier at a very early period, near which was a small creek; the land on each side was, in the course of time, washed away by the sea, when it was necessary to protect the shores by additional piling and piers. The harbour is situated in a small bay, between two extensive flats of chalk rocks, the Nayland on the west, and the Fulsam on the east, both of which are covered before high water. The artificial harbour is formed by a stone pier, which commences on the eastern side of the bay, and extends 800 feet to the westward, in an irregular course, leaving the entrance open to the north-west. The rise of average spring-tides at the pier-head is about 13 feet, and that of neap tides 8 feet; but spring-tides ebb outside of the pier-head, and leave the harbour dry at low water. A wooden jetty has been run out from the root of the pier, over the Fulsam rocks, to the distance of 1100 feet, for the convenience of passengers landing from the steam-packets at low water. Douglas, in the Isle of Man, has an extensive bay on the eastern side, its width, between Douglas Head on the south, and Banks How, on the north, being 21 miles. Between the head and Quarry Point it is only 1 mile and 5 furlongs wide, and about 7 furlongs in depth, at right angles with this line, and which may properly be considered the bay. It is bounded by steep and perpendicular rocks of clay-slate, and has a depth of water at low spring-tides of from 2 to 5 fathoms. The southern shores of the bay stretch as far as Douglas Head, on which the lighthouse CHAP. VIII. 397 BRITAIN. is placed. The town lies at the south-west extremity of the bay, at the mouth of a small river, which has a course of 10 miles, and which discharges itself into a smaller bay, sepa- rated from the greater by the Pollock Rocks, which ebb dry about 800 feet beyond high water mark, and are, upon an average, 15 feet above low water; there is another rocky island which is dry at low water, upon which there is a small tower of refuge for the mariners that may be driven upon it. St. Mary's, or the Connister Rock, is another shoal, between which and the Pollock the channel is not more than 300 feet in width, which is nearly dry at low water of extraordinary tides. The harbour is formed of a pier, which extends, from high to low water mark, a distance of 650 feet, terminated by a circular head and a lighthouse. Quay walls are continued from thence along both sides of the river for a distance of nearly 2000 feet, and the harbour comprised may be computed at 11 acres; it is dry at low water of spring-tides, and the bottom is composed of fine shingle. The tides vary here considerably; the height of the springs occur two days after full and change of the moon at noon, when the tide rises from 19 to 20 feet, and extraordinary equinoctial tides rise 3 feet higher, and the neaps from 10 to 14 feet. Port Patrick Harbour is the nearest port in Great Britain to Ireland, and is only 7 leagues from the opposite harbour of Donaghadee: when John Smeaton was called upon to report upon its condition, in 1770, he found it as nature had left it, with the addition only of a small platform for the convenience of the landing and shipping of passengers; it had, however, many advantages-it was easy of access, vessels of considerable size could remain afloat at low water, and they were protected from storms coming from seven-eighths of the whole compass, and had the other eighth, he observed, been as well guarded as the rest, the harbour would be complete. The harbour is formed by two ledges of rocks running out almost parallel from the shore, so as to inclose between them a small bay of about 220 feet clear width, and about 550 feet in depth. The bottom is covered with a clean sand, and the soundings gradually increase from the shore to 20 feet at low water in the mouth of the bay, leaving from 9 to 10 feet at dead low water mark in the middle of the harbour. As the Irish coast extends from the south-west to north-west, and being so very near, the swell, when the wind is right, is not considerable; from the north-west and north points, the fetch of the sea is not of great lengths, being to a certain degree land-locked by the Ila, Mull of Cantire, &c., &c.; and being well screened by the ledge of rocks, immediately on the north side of the harbour, which rise considerably above high water, no violence is experienced on that side. The land lies from north to south, so that nothing can happen from the eastern point; it is only from south to south-west inclusive that the harbour lies unprotected. The rocks, which run out in the direction west by south on the south side of the harbour, point to the lighthouse of Donaghadee, and would, if higher, afford considerable shelter in all these winds; but the Irish Sea being open from these points, and the rocks being in a great measure covered at high water neap tides, and at three-fourth flood at spring tides, the seas break over them with so much violence in times of storms, that vessels lying there were beat against the sandy beach at the bottom of the bay, where they were retained by ropes as their only means of protection. The vessels entering this port were, in consequence, obliged to be built very strong, and of so flat a construction that they would not sail except with wind on the beam or abaft. All the westerly winds prevent their sailing from Port Patrick to Donaghadee, and all the easterly winds from their returning, so that they cannot go and return unless the winds are southerly or northerly, and not then, if it were not from the strong current of the tides, which up and down this narrow channel change twice each way in 24 hours; so that sailing at a proper time of the tide, they are prevented by the current from sailing to lee- ward, but could vessels constructed upon proper principles be protected here, they would be enabled to turn to windward, and consequently make their passage good in all winds in moderate weather, an advantage that arises from the particular set of the tides. For the improvement of this harbour, Smeaton proposed to run out a pier from the point of the rocks upon the mainland, crossing the gully between that point and the detached rocks called the South Ledge, and then follow their general direction. This pier was to be raised 6 feet above the high water of a spring tide, with a parapet 6 feet upon that; so that the whole being raised 12 feet above high water, vessels would be effectually screened from the south and south-westerly winds, as well as from those nearer the west. The flow of the tides here was reckoned to be 15 feet at spring tides, and 12 feet at neap tides, but these varied with the winds. When the work was advanced sufficiently to break off from that part intended for the interior harbour the great seas that roll in with the southerly and south-west winds, an additional pier was proposed, the position of which was nearly north-east, and this extended from the main pier 175 feet, leaving an opening into the interior harbour of 100 feet, between the pier head and the nearest point of the platform rocks, which served the effect 398 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. of a counter pier. from 30 to 40 tons. Vessels then could at all times enter, and shelter be obtained for any of The width of this pier at the base is described to be 40 feet, and after fixing up leading marks from the first erected pier to the shore, stones were dropped in between them to form the foundation. These stones, which were rough masses of rock, were suspended by tackle in slings, and hooked or secured by a loop made of as many turns of rope yarn as would hold it, and by cutting the loop when the stone was in its proper position, it was dropped. After the outlines were established, the internal stones were tumbled into the area comprised between them. The first stones dropped penetrated the sand, the second and third courses also dis- appeared in the same way, but after they had settled to a firm base, the rest of the construction was carried on by dropping the stones in a similar manner, taking care that the faces fell back on each side, and that the wall diminished in thickness gradually; and when any settlement occurred, or the stones were displaced by a storm, they were imme- diately set right and the injury repaired. The diameter of the circular part of the head was 2 feet more than the common breadth of the pier, and the foundation was 43 feet. The masonry of the upper parts was built with stones laid flat on their beds with mortar; the joints of the head of the pier radiated from a common centre, and every third course was securely cramped, and the centre stones retained by iron dogs. The cap or pier head had every stone cut like a dovetail, and was so put together that its strength was suffi- cient to resist the force of the seas opposed to it. Belfast is situated on the river Laggan, near where it discharges itself into an inlet of the Irish Channel. The tides flow for a short distance up this river, but ebbs entirely out at low water, leaving a narrow and winding course through the sands for the river to flow out. Spring tides rise in the roadstead 12 feet, and neaps 8, so that vessels which draw 10 feet water cannot reach the quays at neap tides, but are obliged to lighten their cargoes at Garmoyle. Bay of Dublin. On entering the nearest point of land, on the north and south are the promontory of Howth, and the island of Dalky, which are distant from each other 63 miles; from the line uniting these points, to the end of the lighthouse of the south wall, the distance is 33 miles; from the same line to Ringsend, 63 miles. · Towards the south Howth presents a bold ascent, interspersed with rocks and adorned with heaths of various colours; the mountains of Wicklow rise beyond in harmonious confusion, and the whole produces, on approaching this beautiful bay, great picturesque attractions. On the north and west are two dangerous sand banks, produced by the channel of the Liffey, and which extend to the lighthouse on the south wall. The channel between them is not very wide, and the entrance is difficult, the depth of water at the recess of spring- tides not being more than 5 feet. Near the northern extreme line of the banks called the South Bull, a pier has been constructed, which is much admired; it commences at the vil- It is lage of Ringsend, and continues as far as the pigeon-house, a distance of 7938 feet. formed by two stone walls, filled in with gravel, and completed about 1756. The Pigeon House, before the harbour at Howth was constructed, was the place where the packets received and landed passengers; and there is here an artificial basin, 900 feet in length, and 450 feet in breadth, which is nearly dry at low water. Beyond the Pigeon House the pier is continued eastward 9816 feet, where it is terminated with a lighthouse; this division of the pier was originally timber, but in 1796 two parallel walls of hewn granite were built, without the aid of cement, and the intermediate space filled in with shingle and gravel; it is 32 feet broad at bottom, and tapers to 28 feet at top. As it is merely a sea-wall, parapets have been dispensed with; the lighthouse at its eastern extremity, built in 1768, is a truncated cone, three stories in height, with a stair- case on the outside, which leads to an octangular lantern; the whole is built of the moun- tain granite. The pier secures the harbour from the sands of the South Bull, and with the quay walls forms one continued barrier, from the lighthouse on the east, to Barrack Bridge, at the op- posite point of the compass, a distance of 6 miles. The situation of Dublin Bay cannot, however, be considered favourable to the formation of a deep or commodious harbour; were it not for the discharge of the waters of the Liffey and Dodder, there would be scarcely accommodation for the smallest class of vessels. The Liffey, being confined to a narrow course, the channel it cut through the sands was of very small width, regular in its depth, but constantly altering its direction. Captain John Perry, who was employed to stop the breach made in the Thames wall at Dagenham, at the commencement of the last century, made some improvements in this harbour by forming a pier of drift work, damming up the waters of the two rivers before CHAP. VIII. 399 BRITAIN. mentioned, and constructing a stone sluice in the embankment, of sufficient width to adinit vessels within at the high water of spring tides. IRISHTOWN SANDY MOUNT BALDOYCE OF CUSH CLONTARF CLONTARE BANK NORTH DUBLIN AND KINGSTOWN RAILWAY NORTH BULL. THE [RELANDS STACK' EYE HOWTH "RALSCADDON ENTOSE OF HOWTH, CUSNA ROCK FRESHWATEK JAY BATTERY MAUDYO BLACK SMUOY • WHITE FOOLBEG. LIGHT. SHEEP HOLE`RTZ DRUMLOCK BAILY LIGHTHOUSE RULL. WILLIAMSTOWN' BLACKROCK! LIGHT KINGSTOWN HOUSE HARBOUR. DUBLIN BAY NW. -NE BURFORD BANKI W- -E KINGSTOWN TOWERO TOWER MAIDEN ROCK. FLARE R. МАРАЛЬ BELI -SE MUCLUN R. ➜DALKEY ISLAND SLANDS ENQU Fig. 396. BAY OF dublin. In the year 1711, when the soundings were taken, there was from 19 to 21 feet water on the bar at high water; and in the year 1800, Captain Bligh found that little alteration had taken place in either the soundings or set of the tides. Howth. The ancient name of this small port was Ben-hy-dair, or the Promontory of the Oaks, or, as some imagine, of birds; this is connected with the main land by a sandy isthmus, about mile in width. 124 The new harbour is formed on the north side of the peninsula, in the sound, between the promontory and the island termed Ireland's Eye. From the northern shore of Howth, on the one side, and the south-east point of the island on the other, are two ledges of rock, which are mile apart. Between the north-west end of the island and the sands of Baldoyle there is a similar passage, and by these two passages the sound or harbour is entered. Ireland's Eye is distant about a mile towards the north from the shore, and is little more than a mile in circuit. In this harbour, a pier has been formed on the ridge projecting from the main land, 200 feet in width at the base, and 85 feet at high water mark; it is 38 feet in height, and runs 1503 feet from the shore, where it forms an obtuse angle with its first direction, and proceeds north-west for the distance of 990 feet, at the extremity of which stands the lighthouse. On the west has been raised a pier 170 feet wide at the base, and 80 feet broad at high water mark; it is 36 feet in height, and runs 2020 feet on the north-east, to meet the return of the other, the entrance between being 300 feet in width, and the area inclosed not less than 52 acres. The inside of the pier is faced with cut granite, and under low water, was built by 400 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. means of the diving-bell. The first stone was laid in 1807, and the whole was completed for the sum of 305,000l., under the direction of the late Mr. Rennie. SPIT OF BALDOYLE. ROAD TO DUBLIN LICHTHOUSE VATER RUIN CHURCH YARD MARTELL TOWER ORDNANCE GROUND CATHOLIC PEL CHA TOWN OF HOTEL HOWTH 110 BALSCADDAM BAY Fig. 397. HOWTH HARBOUR. Kingstown, formerly called Dunleary, is distant from Dublin 5 miles; here is a small bay, naturally formed by an indentation of the coast, and from an early time there was a pier of rude construction, which afforded shelter to vessels under stress of weather. RESERVOIR DUNLEARY. QUAY Fig. 398. KINGSTOWN HARBOUR, PIER CHAP. VIII. 401 BRITAIN. The new pier is formed half a mile further to the east, or nearer to Dalkey, at the com- mencement of a rocky tract, called Codling Rocks, to the westward of which, within shelter of the pier, the bottom is of fine sand. The first stone of the new pier was laid in 1817; it extends 2800 feet, and has four arms, the first running directly from the shore, to the distance of 1500 feet, in a north-east direc- tion; the next continues north, the third north-west, and the fourth west, each 500 feet in length. The base of the pier is about 200 feet in breadth, terminating in a perpendicular face towards the harbour, and battering towards the sea; on the top runs a quay, 50 feet in width, which is protected by a parapet wall, 8 feet high. At the extremity is placed the lighthouse. The depth of water at the pier-head is 24 feet at the lowest springs, which at all times is sufficient to shelter large trading vessels and ships of war. The estimate for the completion of these works, as laid before Parliament, was 505,000l. The Harbour of Cork, 8 miles from the city, is one of the most capacious and secure in the British empire. The outward entrance is barely half a league, but having passed a bank, called the Turbot, on which there is 30 feet water, the entrance narrows to half a mile. In this great basin lie the two islands of Spike and Halbowlin, placed as it were to form bulwarks against the winds and the ocean; so that vessels may lie in the harbour land-locked. Extensive barracks and a dockyard are formed on these islands, which are distant from Dublin about 125 miles. Jersey Harbour.-St. Helliers, when Smeaton reported upon it in 1788, had a pier, which he denominated a screen, and he suggested some improvements, which have since been par- tially carried into effect; but he observed, "that no small harbour could be made quiet, Fig. 399. JERSEY HARBOUR. for the magnitude of the waves are supposed the same to all, and the necessary width of the mouth for a ship to enter the same: seas, then, that will inevitably sweep round the heads, will affect a smaller harbour more than a large one, though of similar constructions ; for the effect of the waves in disturbing a harbour is greater in proportion as the lineal width of the mouth is to the whole area of the harbour: for this reason St. Helliers must pen- always be defective. Another circumstance tends to render such a harbour unquiet, and that is, when they are bounded by walls. The waves of the sea follow the laws of the dulum, which, when once set vibrating, would never cease if not stopped by friction and the resistance of the air. The same would happen to the libration of the water if there were nothing to stop it; for, meeting with walls and objects comparatively smooth, the waves are not destroyed, but reflected into another direction, and from that into another, till they are gradually dispelled by friction. The speediest way by which waves are destroyed (that is, by friction,) is by forming a surf, and breaking upon a sloping beach, sand, or rocks, in which the harbour of St. Helliers is defective." The catch pier, suggested by this engineer, extended into the harbour 550 feet, and the spring-tides rise here upwards of 40 feet, but the neaps run very short. There not being in the inner harbour any backwater to scour away the sand, it accumu- lates in large quantities, and Smeaton advised the making of arches through the pier, as was practised by the Romans, and which had the effect of disturbing the deposit, which was' partly carried out to sea on the retreat of the tide. Dd 402 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. St. Aubin's Harbour is also in the Island of Jersey, and upon it Mr. Smeaton also drew He observes : — up a valuable report when he visited the last mentioned harbour. " Ex+ perience having shown that the new pier of St. Aubin, called the Upper Pier, intended to bring up ships and vessels close to the town, for the convenience of fitting them out, loading and unloading, is, from its situation, liable to fill, from the great quantity of gravel which the sea washes in from the back of it, and that the depth of water is, from that Fig. 400. ST. AUBIN'S. 99 action of the sea, diminishing more and more. And he further states, "that where a sloping shore is interrupted by the erection of a wall, as a wall has not that tendency to spend and destroy the waves of the sea that a sloping shore constantly has; wherever walls are erected in the confines of a harbour, it is rendered, in a degree, less tranquil by this means. 19 The reason of the gravel accumulating at this upper pier seems to have arisen from the west end of the Island of Jersey lying so exposed to the Atlantic, without any land to shelter it; the south-westerly winds, therefore, drove forward the gravel brought coast- wise, towards the bottom of St. Aubin's Bay, where it met the upper pier. Smeaton suggested that a pier should be carried out in a north-easterly direction, which, flanking the current with a considerable obliquity, might prevent this accumulation. Having now enumerated most of the harbours of Great Britain, upon which vast sums have been expended, it is a subject of regret that few answer the purpose of sheltering vessels at all times from the heavy gales our 2000 miles of coast are subject to. Milford Haven, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Cork, and a few others, may be entered at all times of the tide, whilst the harbours on the eastern shores in particular are nearly all choked up, and incapable of receiving large vessels, excepting at the highest state of the tide. A good harbour requires a depth of water which will permit the largest vessels at all times to enter, and that it should be easy of access, with quay and piers, at which ships could load and unload their cargoes without inconvenience. Most of our harbours being formed by piers, not sufficiently carried out from the main land, are consequently dry at low water, have bars at their entrances, and do not afford any shelter to ships of the largest class. Mere tidal harbours are serviceable only to coasters, as their draught of water is usually very inefficient. It has been very properly observed by the parliamentary commissioners, that deep water harbours can only be formed in the sea by means of breakwaters detached from the main land. Dover Bay affords an excellent site for such a harbour of refuge, there being at a distance of 400 fathoms from the shore a depth of 2 fathoms at low water of spring tides, and but 6 fathoms at 1100 yards, which affords sufficient space for the construction of a capacious deep water harbour, without getting into such a depth for the site of the piers or breakwaters as would add greatly to the expense. A breakwater at a distance of about 1000 yards from the shore, with piers projected from the land towards the eastern and western ends, having four entrances, according to the plan there given, would form a most effectual harbour. It is also suggested that the piers should be built with hard chalk, CHAP. VIII. 403 BRITAIN. and faced with stone; the space inclosed to be about 450 acres, the expense of which is estimated at two millions sterling. Other sites, as Margate Sound, off Long Nore Spit, at Foreness, and off Beachy Head, have been considered equally eligible for the construction of a harbour of refuge. River harbours are subject to constant silting up, and to deposits at the mouth, which sluicing very inadequately removes; therefore to form a perfect establishment to receive vessels at all times, it should be at a distance from the main land, with entrances to suit the prevailing currents and winds: to form a hollow island in the ocean, which should enfold within its arms the ships of Britain, and protect them against the elements, often so fatal to many, would, indeed, be worthy of the nation, and rival the great works performed by the Romans. To see an artificial zone rise from the ocean, covered with buildings containing all that our marine required, and within its circuit ships from all nations riding in safety, would call forth admiration equal to that expressed by Pliny when the port in view of his villa was being formed: a nation's wealth could not be more beneficially employed than in such a work, and though millions might be expended in its formation, in a few years it would be repaid by the securities it offered and afforded. To execute such a project is by no means difficult, as our shores and tidal currents are so thoroughly known. To attempt to form a harbour on any part of the coast where there is an accumulation of beach, which is moved forwards by the prevailing winds, and lodged in layers along the shore until it rises to nearly high water mark, is useless; no breakwater can be provided sufficient to scour and keep open a passage for vessels in such situations, and a good harbour cannot be obtained. Under Beachy Head, Dungeness, and several projecting parts of the coast, the beach finds shelter, and forms a bold face, where the water is deep, to the shore, and where, as in the Isle of Portland, a vessel may lie afloat with her bowsprit over the beach, such situ- ations might be rendered fit to hold a large navy. Walls and Gates of Cities and Towns.-There can be little doubt but that the Romans walled in our chief towns, and taught the Britons a more secure method of defending themselves against a foe who menaced their dwellings than was afforded by earth-works and timber constructions, which Cæsar describes as surrounding their camps and places of resort. London was encompassed with walls as early as the third century; and in all pro- bability, Helena, the mother of Constantine, added considerably to their strength in the following century. Maitland imagines that the greater portion was rebuilt by Theodosius, who was governor of Britain in 379 a.d. The direct course of the city walls was as follows: beginning at the Tower, they con- tinued by the Minories, between Poor Jury Lane and the Vineyard, to Aldgate; they then curved to the north-west, between Shoemaker Row, Bevis Marks, Camomile Street, and Houndsditch, to Bishop's Gate; from thence in a straight line by Fore Street to Cripple Gate. They then turned southward to Monkwell and Castle Street, Noble Street, Dolphin Court, to Alder's Gate; then south-west, by St. Botolph's, Christ's Hospital, and Old Newgate and southward to Ludgate; from thence to Little Bridge Street and the Thames. Stow makes the whole circuit of these walls about 2 miles 1 furlong. Another wall was continued along the banks of the Thames, 1 mile 120 yards in length, to the Tower. These walls were defended at different distances by strong towers and bastions, three of which remained when Maitland wrote his history, in the vicinity of Hounsditch and Aldgate; the height of the walls was about 22 feet, and that of the towers 40 feet. The area comprised within them is computed at 380 acres. A portion of the foundations was measured in 1707 by Dr. Woodward, in Camomile Street, near Bishopsgate, who states them to be about 8 feet below the roadway, and that to the height of 10 feet they were composed of Kentish rag-stone, with single layers of broad tile interposed, at the distance of 2 feet from each other. The tiles were Roman, 17 inches long, 11 inches in breadth, and 14 in thickness; the mortar was very firm and hard, and the entire thickness of the wall was 9 feet. A portion still remains near Tower Hill. Numerous tesselated pavements, coins, and other Roman remains, are constantly dis- covered over the entire area of the ancient city. York was strongly fortified by the Romans, but the walls which they constructed were probably rebuilt in the reign of Edward I.; in that of Edward III. an order was again issued to strengthen them, and the following is Leland's description of them in the time of Henry VIII. "The towne of Yorke standeth by west and est of Ouse River, running Thus through it, but that part that lyeth by est is twice as gret in building as the other. goeth the waul, from the ripe of Ouse, of the est part of the cite of York. Fyrst a great towre, with a chain of yron to cast over the Ouse, then another towre, and so to Bowdam Gate; from Bowdam Gate or Bar, to Goodram Gate or Bar, ten towres, thence foure toweres to Laythorp a postern-gate; and soe by a space of two flite shotts, the blind and deep water of Fosse, coming out of the Forest of Galtres, defendeth this part of the cite DD 2 404 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. without waules: then to Waumgate three toweres, and thence to Fishergate stopped up, since the communes burned it yn the time of King Henry VII. Thence to the ripe of Fosse have three towres, and in the three a postern, and thence over Fosse by a bridge, Fig. 401. INSIDE OF THE CITY WALLS, YORK. to the Castelle. The west part of the cite is thus ynclosed; first a turrit and soe the waule, runneth over the side of the dungeon of the castelle on the west side of Ouse, right against the Castelle on the east ripe. The plotte of this castelle is now called Ould Baile, and the area and ditches of it doe mani- festly appeare. Betwixt the beginnyng of the first parte of this west waulle, and Micklegate, be nine towres, and betwixt it and the ripe agayne of Ouse, be eleven towres; and at this eleven towres be a postern-gate, and the towre of it is right agayne the est towre, to draw over the Chain on Ouse betwixt them. The four gates or bars, by which this city is entered, are admirable examples of those castellated defences of which there are some traces in all our walled towns. Bootham Bar stands on the north-west side, on the way to Durham, Newcastle, and Edinburgh. On the front are two shields with the city arms, and another much defaced. This bar suffered considerably in the time of Charles I. Fig. 402. BOOTHAM BAR. -- CHAP. VIII. 405 BRITAIN. Monk Bar is the en- trance from the Scarbo- rough road; the lower arches are circular, and built of a hard grit-stone, probably at a very early period; the upper por- tions with the pointed arch, and the picturesque towers at the angles, are of the time of Edward III., and bear the shield of France and England. In this tower are two stories of vaulted cham- bers. The plan shows its general arrangement: A, is the bar, B, the bar- bican, C, the groove of the portcullis, D, the city walls, E, the guard room, F, the stairs, G, the gates, H, the sally port: the clear width between the walls is about 25 feet; the thickness of the walls 6 feet 3 inches, and the total length about 50 feet; the thickness of the two walls equals half the clear opening, and the entire length length is double the entire width. The view of this bar towards the city shows the room over the gate- way, which has a stone arch of considerable strength; there is a se- cond room, similarly arched, containing the portcullis and windlass. Such entrances graced and adorned all our large towns, and Leland de- scribes the walls of New- castle-on-Tyne as having the pre-eminence. "The strength and magnifi- cence of the wauling of this towne far passeth all the wauls of the cities of England, and of most of the touns of Europe." General Roy, in the "Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain," and Mr. King, in his "Munimenta Antiqua," have shown a great va- riety of examples of the fortifications of the middle ages; and it will be found that the whole were designed and ex- ecuted after the models Fig. 403. MONK BAR. Fig. 404. fי Autall 3 MONK BAR, INSIDE. ED 3 406 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. : of others, erected during the period of the lower empire of Rome: most cities and towns were defended by castellated walls, a castle, or citadel. In England the Romans constructed a vast number of fortresses; for in every province they conquered, they marked out a camp, and founded mi- litary strongholds: to these succeeded the Anglo-Saxon tower and castle, which was made of considerable extent and strength in the time of King Alfred Arundel Castle exhibits much of the construction of that monarch. When the Danes arrived, some change was introduced in the style; they, it is said, founded Norwich, and threw up those high mounds of earth at Castle- ton and Coningsburgh. The Saxon princes have left us much of their constructions at Winchester, Exeter, Canterbury, Bamborough, Durham, Porchester, Pevensey, Castleton, Guildford, Corff, Bridgenorth, and Goodrich, and in them we discover that the builders have made use of the H B D C Fig. 405. --A- ---------------- PLAN OF MONK BAR. E D tiles and materials which had formed a portion of the Roman fortresses that probably occupied their sites; this is observable at Colchester, Arundel, and Eynesford Castles in particular. When the Normans arrived, they introduced various means of defence by military stratagems, as concealed sally ports, galleries under ground, doorways and staircases which led to nothing, and dungeons only to be approached by trap doors. Even the bishop's palaces were for- tified and made strong- holds, and the citizens of large towns adopted the same means of defence, as was practised by all the inmates of the larger re- ligious houses throughout Britain. Micklegate Bar. The royal arms displayed are those in use before the time of Henry V. This beautiful gate forms the chief entrance from Lon- don; it is built of grey grit-stone, and the towers, which probably are of a later period, are of fine limestone. The portion which is of grit-stone is supposed to be Roman, though Sir H. C. Engle- field (Archæologia, vol. vi.) has refuted this opinion. The upper parts were probably built in the time Tonal Fig. 406. MICKLEGATE BAR. MANU of Edward III.; the outwork or barbican, with its angular towers complete, must have added much to the beauty of the entrance. CHAP. VIII. 407 BRITAIN. The portcullises of some gates were of oak covered with iron, and Leland mentions one at Pembroke composed "ex solido ferro." The Magècolles or machecoulis, under the parapet over the gate, between the salient towers at the angle, contributed greatly to the defence of the entrance: they were intro- duced into Spain by the Arabs, and subsequently adopted by the Normans and Lombards wherever they established themselves. The gateways of Caernarvon, Pembroke, Raby, Warwick, Canterbury, and many others, exhibit the perfection of this style, and are models of proportion and construction. Walmgate Bar is the entrance from Hull; on the front are the arms of Henry V. The fronts and sides are embattled, and the barbican was similar to the other bar this ARC. Fig. 407. WALMGATE BAR. gate suffered greatly in the siege of 1644, and has since been subjected to still greater injury. The walls adjoining the bar are built upon arches in the foundations, and appear to be of great antiquity. Chester was a Roman city; its walls were rebuilt by Ethelred and Ethelfleda, about the year 608, and their form is so entirely Roman, that the Saxons made no great changes in the system adopted by their great precursors. These walls are about 13 miles in circumference; the top is paved sufficiently wide for two persons to walk abreast; there are four gates or principal entrances over the north-east bridge and water-gates, besides several posterns. Around the walls were for- merly several towers; that called the New, which projected towards the Dee, erected in 1322, was 24 feet in height, and we learn from the archives of the city that the architect was John Helpstone. To the exterior are attached large iron rings for holding the vessels, which, before the harbour was choked up with sands, were admitted up to the walls. Leading to the water tower was another, called Bonewaldesthorne, and the Phoenix tower, from which Charles I. saw his army defeated on Rowton Heath. The Gobelin's tower is nearly destroyed, and the Sadler's tower was taken down in 1780. Chester is divided by four principal streets, crossing each other at right angles, and the road for carriages is on a level with the basement of the houses, over which are covered galleries or rows, for the accommodation of the foot passengers; these galleries are approached by flights of steps at the intersection and ends of the streets, and the houses extend over them, being supported on stone and timber pillars. Winchester. The Saxon walls on the north side of the city are built of flint and hard mortar; at regular distances the ruins of the towers that formerly flanked them may be traced, and in some situations they remain to their full height, being crenated, em- battled, and coped with freestone. The form of this ancient city was that of a paral DD 4 408 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. lelogram, rounded at the angles, and its gates terminated the principal streets, which crossed at right angles: West Gate, which was the entrance from Rumsey, remains nearly perfect. A ditch, or rather running water, protects the walls on the outside. At Southampton portions of the walls are said to be Roman, Saxon, and Norman, and it is extremely difficult to discriminate between the works of the several people. The en- closures of a town were usually set out of a sufficient thickness to allow of a walk at the top, which was guarded externally by an embattled parapet. The wall was constructed of the material the country afforded, either stone quarried in the neighbourhood, or flints picked from the surface of the land. Bricks and tiles are occasionally found in the arches to the drains or other openings, and sometimes forming a course through the entire thick- ness; these walls, like those of the churches and castles of the same epoch, were con- structed between cases of timber framework, in a similar manner to the pisé walls; and there is sufficient evidence that after the facing was laid on both sides, the filling in or stuffing was made with every variety of material that could be collected, sometimes imbedded in mortar, at others run with liquid grouting, in either case making a hard concrete, capable of enduring for centuries. Rochester, situated on the Watling Street, was fortified by the Romans, and much of the walls constructed by King Ethelbert remain: they were built in the direction of the four cardinal points, and extend from east to west about half a mile, but from north to south not more than a quarter; they are 4 feet in thickness, and on the east side the height was 30 feet. Edward I., in the year 1290, gave permission to the monks of the convent "to pull down part of the south wall, and to fill up the ditch without the wall, on condition that they built a new stone wall, 5 rod and 5 feet from the former, 16 feet high and well embattled, to stand on their own ground, and to be repaired by them." There were several gates, all of which are destroyed. It is not possible to enumerate all our city and town walls; they varied in height and thickness according to their locality or importance. Their general character was Roman, and their gates and approaches were defended in the same manner as those of the castles of the wealthier and more powerful barons. What a different spectacle to the traveller must England have then presented! Walled and fortified towns, resembling many on the con- tinent; castles defying admission; religious establishments and colleges within enclosures, resembling fortresses. The gates of cities and towns throughout Europe during the middle ages bore a strong resemblance to each other. Those at Constantinople, perhaps, served as the prototype of many. The walls of this city extend, on the western side 3 miles, and are fortified by 100 towers. The battlements, machicolations, and entrance gates, are of the same character as those of the castles and walls constructed in England by Edward I. That sovereign, when engaged in the holy wars, as they were falsely termed, had the opportunity of observing the arrangement of the castles in Asia, and the fortifications of the cities, which were surrounded with lofty embattled walls, strengthened by towers of various forms, out of which projected machicolations, galleries, and various other contrivances, both for defence and ornament. Caernarvon Castle, both a garrison and a palace, has a beautiful entrance, built by Edward I. after his return from the Crusades. It is an hundred feet in height; the gateway has a succession of sharply pointed ribbed arches; there are grooves for three portcullises, above which are circular holes for the discharge of missiles, or for pouring down molten lead. The Eagle tower has three angular turrets; that appropriated to Queen Eleanor is polygonal, and contains four stories. There can be no doubt that for the style of our castles we are indebted to the inhabitants of Asia; many towns in India are still surrounded by lofty stone walls, embattled, machi- colated, defended by round towers, and with gateways and barbicans in every particular resembling our own. The Castles of England afford study for the engineer of the most instructive kind; in them all the arts and science of the age are exhibited, and as their plans and forms are adapted to peculiar situations, they do not resemble each other: hitherto they have been regarded solely as contributing to the picturesque character of the country, and as afford- ing subjects to the artist and the historian; they have not been sufficiently studied by the engineer with regard to their construction, nor have they been accurately measured for the purpose of examining their merits as places of defence. A perfect collection of English castles has never been made, which, as they crumble away or are removed to make room for modern changes, will hereafter be regretted. Hertmonceaux, Bodiam, and some others, have been very accurately described, which only tends to awaken feelings of regret that more have not had the same attention bestowed upon them. The square, the circular, the polygonal keeps, which occupy a portion of the area within the outer walls, are generally fine examples of the contrivances of our ancestors; in them were apartments of noble dimensions, well secured and defended from outward attack. Warwick CHAP. VIII. 409 BRITAIN. Ragland, Barnard, Richmond, Pontefract, Ludlow, Goodrich, Caernarvon, Conway Chepstow, Caerphilly, and others, might be enumerated, all of which had accommodation within the circuit of their walls to lodge a considerable body of men. It is not possible in the present work to do more than select one or two examples, as illustrations of this highly interesting subject; but from measurements, the keep of Coningsburgh and gateway of Saltwood Castle have been selected, as exhibiting in their arrangement and construction the chief and peculiar features belonging to castles of that date. Coningsburgh Castle, Yorkshire, is a fine example of a fortress at a very early period of our history; and when the sketches of the keep were made, it was, as far as the masonry is concerned, in a perfect condition. It is an evidence that the engineers then understood the setting out of geometrical forms, and the arrangements necessary for the weapons of attack and defence then made use of: Vauban himself could not have contrived a tower capable of greater resistance. Fig. 408. С PLAN. 10 20 40 50 60 FIRST STORY. In the time of Edward the Confessor, Arundel Castle is said to have existed, and Domesday Book enumerates forty-nine, after which the Normans laid the foundations of many, and that at Coningsburgh is supposed to have been erected by W. de Warrein about 1070. Fig. 409. SECOND STORY. THIRD STORY. A Norman fortress was a considerable engineering work; a deep ditch was generally cut, the earth taken out and carried within the circuit, to form in some convenient situation a mound, on the summit of which was built a keep or lofty tower, containing several stories appropriated to different purposes. In the wall on the inner edge of the ditch was an entrance gateway, before which was 410 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. a barbican or watch tower, communicating by means of hidden passages with the strong tower on the mound. The Normans constructed a castle in every lordship, and when material was not easily obtained, they frequently imported stone from Caen for casing the walls, and for the ornamental portions of the interior, the internal and external facing being filled in with a concrete composed of pebbles, flint, or chalk, run with fluid mortar. The great thickness given to the walls enabled their engineers to practise within them staircases, guard-rooms, chapels, and every kind of accessory apartment that the inhabitants could require during a siege. The keeps of London and Dover, Hedingham, Norwich, Porchester, Scarborough, Colchester, and others, though dismantled, convey to us an idea of the great discernment and skill of those under whose direction they were raised. At the entrance story of Coningsburgh, the internal diameter is 22 feet 1 inch, the thickness of the walls where the buttresses are attached the same. Between the buttresses it is only 13 feet 7 inches. The entire diameter, measured through to the flat outer face of the buttresses, is three times that of the interior. The six buttresses are half hexagons, and on this floor solid throughout; each of their sides internally measure 8 feet 10 inches, the distance apart is 12 feet 4 inches, and from angle to angle in a straight line 26 feet. The entrance, 24 feet from the ground, is approached by a lofty flight of steps, and is only 4 feet 4 inches in width; after passing through half the length of this passage, on the right, in the middle of the wall, is a stone staircase conducting to the apartment above, to which the only light admitted is from the aperture shown between the buttresses. In the centre of the floor of this apartment is a circular hole communicating with a lower apartment, at the bottom of which was probably the well that supplied the tenants of the keep with water during a siege. Some writers suppose that this keep was constructed by the Saxons, and that William the Conqueror bestowed it upon the husband of his sister Gundred, but of this we have no direct evidence: the castles of the Saxons were often entered as this was, by an aperture at a considerable height from the ground, either by ropes or a wooden ladder. The reader is referred to the "Archæologia" for a description of a castle at Eynsford in Kent, by the author. The only entrance is at the top of the wall, and no one could have gained ad- mittance without being hauled up, or supplied with a wooden ladder. The first story has a fireplace of a curious construction, perhaps the earliest example we can produce of such a contrivance in England. Light is admitted over the entrance door- way by a double opening; and in one of the buttresses is a closet, entered through a passage 2 feet 6 inches in width. A staircase in the thickness of the wall conducts to the floor above. The mantel of the fireplace is formed of nine stones, so cut as to hang on each other, and preserve a level line below, show- ing all the properties of a flat arch. Above this arch runs a level mould- ing, on which the ma- sonry rests, rests, bevelled over so as to gather the flue into the thickness of the wall; the chimney at Coningsburgh seems to have been built up at the same time as this portion of the keep; the opening is 7 feet 3 inches, and depth 18 inches; on each side is a triple column, with capitals and bases. The thickness of the walls at this story is 13 feet 6 inches, and around the interior face the stone corbels that carried the timber floor still remain. The second story, 27 feet in diameter, ap- pears to have been en- tirely devoted to the baron and his family; Fig. 410. CHIMNEY OF CONINGSburgh Castle. CHAP. VIII. 411 BRITAIN there is a fireplace, closet, chapel, and other conveniences, hollowed out of the buttresses and walls. The chapel, with an inner room adjoining, remains in a very perfect state, and the architecture which decorates it is in the pure Norman style; the zig-zag is peculiar, and the ornaments comprised in the plain faces have a truly Greek character. The light is admitted by quatrefoil openings, of a very early date; the whole is vaulted, with the ribs resting on very enriched capitals attached to the walls. There are several niches worked out of the walls in various places; some contain stone sinks or troughs, and a water-closet at the end of a winding passage in this floor is contrived with admirable skill. The clear width of the fireplace on this floor is only 5 feet 4 inches, and height about the same; the weight of the breast of the chimney is discharged by a flat arch of eight stones, constructed like that below. The corbels around the walls remain, on which the timbers rested which carried the oak floor. The light in this apartment is nearly sufficient for any modern building. The conve- niences attached, and easy access to the rooms above and below, give an excellent idea of what the barons considered essential to their wants; and a family at the present day would have no difficulty in finding accommodation in a structure so arranged. טויטי VITA Fig. 411. CONINGSBURGH CASTLE, YORKSHIRE. The upper floor has within one of the buttresses an oven, sufficiently large to have cooked all the provisions for the entire garrison; the other five buttresses have recesses within them, for the protection of the guard, who were constantly on the watch to announce the approach of an enemy, and prepare for defence against an attack. The battlements and machicolations around, which must have greatly added to the effect of the upper portion, have long disappeared. The thickness of the main wall is here 12 feet 4 inches, and the outer face is perpendicular from the level of the ground floor, the diminution in thickness being always caused by giving an addition to the internal diameter. The village of Coningsburgh, situated a short distance from this beautiful remain, is 51 miles from Doncaster, on the road to Sheffield; it was no doubt a British station, as the site was called Caer Conan, or the Royal Town. By the Saxons it was known as Cyning or Conan Byrgh, and it very probably formed the stronghold of Hengist when he was defeated in 487 by Ambrosius. The tumulus near the entrance has been supposed to cover the body of the Saxon chieftain. * Saltwood Castle, Kent. This entrance gateway is in a very perfect state, and shows the style of architecture adopted for such edifices in the 14th century. Archbishop Courtenay resided here, and under his directions the castle received many additions and embellishments; his arms are quartered on the shields over the gateway, whence we may infer that it was built during the time he possessed it. The gateways of cities, religious houses, and castles, during this epoch, combined architectural beauty with defence. The lofty towers, which flanked the entrance, were carried up high above the battlements of the curtain walls that shut in the court-yards; 412 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. FEIEGES these were crowned with a parapet, resting on corbels, and in the centre division between the towers were deep and projecting machicolations, from which might be hurled a variety of missiles upon the heads of those who had crossed the drawbridge, or were endeavouring to force the portcullis or fire the gates. Fig. 412. GROUND PLAN OF SALTWOod castle, and first STORY PLAN. Catapultæ, mangonels, balistæ, springals, tribuli, arcubalistæ, multones, barfreni, skaffauts, and various other instruments and machines were here lodged, ready either for defence or attack. All On comparing these defences with those attached to the entrances of Roman or Greek cities, we find that the orders of architecture are omitted, but many oriental contrivances are substituted, which give a peculiar effect and character; there is the same solidity of con- struction and quality of material in both, as well as great similarity of workmanship. the vaults and arches, winding stairs and passages, are formed in the same manner; concrete is universally employed, to fill in between the outer faces of the walls in the castles of the middle ages as in those of the Roman fortress. The construction is Roman, and the military features are mostly of eastern origin. The lower or entrance floor of Saltwood Gateway has considerable strength; it is flanked by two circular towers, which contain hexagonal apartments. From out to out this gateway measures 56 feet 6 inches, and the space between the towers is 12 feet 2 inches. The entire depth, from the face of the wall between the towers to that at the rear, is 56 feet 6 inches. The floor above contained many convenient apartments, admirably proportioned, and so arranged as to be used for defence when occasion required. Each of the towers had a chamber, 13 feet 2 inches in diameter, lighted by two narrow windows, between which was a fireplace, the flue being continued to the summit of the tower. A spacious room, 29 feet by 17 feet, and another 16 feet by 15 feet, occupied the space over the gateway; the walls are 5 feet in thickness, except where the towers unite with the straight portions, and there is a square mass of masonry and rubble, solid throughout, except where hollowed out for the purposes of obtaining a guard room, 8 feet by 4 feet. Bridges. — We have no evidence of any bridges of consequence being erected previous to the Norman conquest, and the names of our principal towns on the banks of rivers, having the word ford attached to them, seems to confirm the opinion that none existed. Following the course of the Watling Street, or great Roman road over the Medway, we meet with Aylesford; over the Darent, Dartford; the Cray, Crayford; the Ravensbourne, Deepford ; and so with most other rivers in England. The capital in all probability would first have a bridge in preference to a ferry, which is noticed over the Thames. We have an account of a timber bridge constructed by Etheldred in 1002, which lasted many years, and also of another built in 1165. The first stone bridge was begun in 1176, by the celebrated Peter of Colechurch, who continued the work during the reigns of Henry II., Richard I., until the second year of the reign of King John, when he died, and was buried in the crypt of the chapel erected over the centre pier. It appears to have been the custom with the society called the Brothers of the Bridge, when any member died during the superintendence of any important work, to have his CHAP. VIII. 413 BRITAIN. remains entombed within the structure; and as all great bridges were provided with a chapel and crypt, every means was afforded for the performance of the annual rites that were usually instituted. The great bridge at Avignon, when built by S. Benezet, or Johannes Benedictus, the first brother and founder of the order, had such a chapel, where he was buried in 1222. At the death of Peter of Colechurch, the work was not delayed; another brother, of the name of Isembert, master of the fraternity at Xaintes, and who had recently completed bridges at that place and Rochelle, was appointed to carry it on; in a few years the bridge and its chapel were entirely completed; the latter he endowed with two priests and four clerks, constantly to perform service therein. The chapel was dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury, and contained a table, on which were inscribed the names of all the lands and gifts given for its support. This stone bridge was 926 feet in length, 15 feet in width, and 60 feet in height above the level of the water. It contained a drawbridge, and nineteen broad pointed arches, with massive piers, varying in solidity from 25 to 34 feet, raised upon strong elm piles, covered with thick planks, bolted together. The breadth of the first arch on the city side was 10 feet, the second 15, the third 25, the fourth 21, the fifth 27, the sixth 29 feet 6 inches, the seventh the same, the eighth 26 feet, the ninth 32 feet 9 inches, the tenth 25 feet 6 inches, the eleventh 16 feet, the twelfth 24 feet 6 inches, the thirteenth 25 feet 8 inches, and the breadth of the drawbridge, or fourteenth arch, 29 feet 4 inches. The breadth of the chapel which stood on the centre pier was 20 feet, and its length 60. Mr. George Vertue engraved this bridge and its stately chapel and crypt, and published them in 1748; after his death his widow presented the plates to the Society of Antiquaries. The water-way between the piers was not more than 336 feet 9 inches, and if we make some allowance for the footings or increased size of some of the starlings, we shall find that nearly two-thirds of the stream was occupied by piers, and only one-third allowed for water-way. When the bridge was demolished, the tomb of Peter of Colechurch was found embedded in the tenth pier from the city side; it was 7 feet in length, 30 inches wide, and 24 in height; it was also discovered that the piers were formed upon piles driven into the bed of the river, cut off at low water-mark, with a filling in between the heads of stone and chalk : on the top of the piles blocks of Kentish rag were bedded in pitch. The Traitor's Gate, at the north end, was built about 1426; in 1437 the great stone gate, on the Southwark side, fell into the river, and according to Stowe destroyed two of the arches adjoining. Monnou Bridge, over the river of that name, where it joins the Wye at Monmouth, as it existed some years ago, was a fine example of a fortified bridge; the arches were constructed much in the same manner as the severy or division of a cathedral church; ribs were framed Fig. 413. MONNOU BRIDGE. IINI ނ -- from one abutment to the other; after they were gathered over, and united at the top of the vault, the spaces between were filled in with masonry; the whole bore some resem- 414 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. blance to a work in carpentry, and though executed in stone could only be deemed the centre or contrivance on which was laid a bed of beton or concrete, which hardened into a mass, and formed the solid construction of the bridge. The mason and carpenter during the middle ages employed the same principles; wood and stone were often treated in a similar manner, and the same mouldings and forms were given to both, without reference to their different qualities. Bishop Auckland Bridge over the Wear, erected in 1388, has two segmental arches, the largest of which spans 100 feet 5 inches, and has a rise of 22 feet; the other has 91 feet 5 inches span, and rises 20 feet. Each of these arches is built of three rows of voussoirs, 22 inches in depth: this example is, perhaps, the earliest in England where the segment was introduced. The three rows of voussoirs performed the office of as many ribs, and by this arrangement a simple centre might be made to serve for the execution of the whole. There are several small bridges remaining, in which the Gothic ribs are admirably pre- served; that which crosses the moat at the palace at Eltham is a fine example: another over the Darenth at Eynesford in Kent, though small, is a good specimen. Rochester Bridge, Kent. In a line with the principal streets of Rochester and Strood formerly stood a wooden bridge, which is mentioned as existing at the commencement of the 13th century. Lambard, the historian of this county, has given several regulations for its repair, copied from manuscripts in the library of Rochester Cathedral, which were collected by Bishop Ernulphus, who was elected to that see in the year 1115. From these ancient writings we learn that the bridge consisted of nine stone piers, placed at equal distances, and the width of the river was 26½ rods, or 440 feet, nearly the same breadth as it is at present. These ten divisions were each 43 feet from the centre of one pier to the centre of the other, so that the cills or beams were 43 feet long; and each bay had three of these timbers to make out the width of the bridge. Across these beams were thick plankings, probably about 10 feet in extent. It would appear that the sides were not protected, as in the Registrum Roff. mention is made of a rash young man, son of Earl Aufrid, who, in the reign of Edward I., not alighting from his horse, as was customary, when passing the A wooden bridge, the beast took fright, leaped into the river, and both were drowned. tower, constructed with marvellous skill at the east end of the bridge, was used as a gate as well as a defence. This bridge was probably erected at the cost of the proprietors of the manor, who after- wards kept it in repair. The manors are all mentioned, and two of the holders were annually elected as wardens and overseers of the bridge. This wooden structure was burnt in 1264, by Simon Montfort, Earl of Leicester, but the timber work was soon after restored, for in the year 1281 we find, that after a severe frost, the ice struck with such impetuosity against the stone piers, that some of them were swept away, and the others much damaged; in this state it was left until the reign of Edward III., when it was again put into repair. Sir Robert Knolles, after his return from France, where he had attended Edward III., in all his successful campaigns, founded a stone bridge at his own cost, probably about the year 1387, for it was completed in the fifteenth year of Richard II., as appears by a statute made "for repairing and supporting the new stone bridge of Rochester," which is stated to contain more in length than the old bridge. The sum of the various portions allotted to the places and manors for the repairs in future amounts to 566 feet, 1 inch. This bridge was considered one of the finest at that time in England; the breadth was 14 feet; it had stone parapets and eleven arches, resting on substantial piers, well secured on each side with starlings. At the east end, and fronting the passage over the bridge, is a chapel which was erected by Sir John de Cobham. It appears that after this bridge was completed over the river, at about 40 yards higher up the stream than the old bridge, it was enacted by two statutes, one made in the fifteenth, and the other in the twenty-first year of Richard II., that it should be repaired by the manors and places there specified. The statutes also enact that the persons, manors, places, and bounds, should be considered as a community, and that they should choose two men annually, who should be called wardens, and have the superintendency of, and provide for the repairs of the said bridge. It also allowed them to purchase lands to the amount of 2001. per annum, and to hold them as wardens of the said bridge; they were to be accountable to auditors to examine the receipts, disbursements, &c.; and in the ninth year of Henry V. a statute was made confirming the two former acts, and allowing the wardens to have a common seal, and to plead in any court by the name of the War- dens of the New Bridge at Rochester. Sixty years after it was finished, it required some repair, which was partly done by the prior and convent of Rochester, assisted by Henry VI.; and in the year 1489, John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury, published a remission from purgatory for forty days of all manner of fines, to such persons who would give any thing towards the repairs, as at that time the bridge was very much broken. CHAP. VIII. 415 BRITAIN. Lambard says that in the time of Elizabeth, the revenues were converted to private uses, and that the county was charged with a toll, and fifteenth, to supply the public wants; yet the bridge went out of repair, and was threatened with absolute destruction. Sir William Cecil obtained from Queen Elizabeth permission for certain knights and gentlemen of the county to examine and report upon the defects, and a statute was passed in the eighteenth year of that queen's reign, for the perpetual maintenance of Rochester Bridge. Another statute, passed nine years after, makes some further provisions, the former funds proving inadequate. About the middle of the eighteenth century three of the arches were rebuilt, and the approaches greatly improved, out of the funds derived from the estates belonging to the bridge. Timber bridges of very simple construction were long made use of over the wide rivers in England, but no skill was exhibited in the framing, nor any further mechanical principle than that of strength; trees merely squared, were laid side by side, at right angles with the stream, supported on a single row of perpindicular piles, or several rows parallel to each other, capped and cross braced, and sometimes planked over to the height that the water rose, the space between being filled in with stones. The roadway was cross-planked, covered with chalk and gravel, and frequently required repair, in consequence of the air not being admitted to the upper side of the planking. Battersea Bridge over the Thames, nearly 900 feet in length, still remains an example of such rude and primitive style of construction, and several others might be named. Croyland Triangular Bridge is alluded to in a charter of the year 943, under the title of "The Triangular Bridge of Croyland," and though the present structure does not warrant so early a date being assigned to it, the construction is nevertheless curious; its style belongs to that in use at the commencement of the 14th century. This bridge is situated on the west side of the abbey, at the confluence of three streams, the Welland, the Nyne, and the Catwater or Catch-water Drain, all which unite and pass under it, and proceed thence by Spalding to the German Ocean. Three pointed arches, having their bases or abutments placed on the points of an equilateral triangle, meet in the middle, and thus form three distinct watercourses, as well as three roadways; the singu- larity of its arrangement has always made it an object of the greatest curiosity, and it is, perhaps, unique as a specimen of bridge building, though its utility is somewhat destroyed by the steepness of the ascent, which is almost too great for horses. Each arch has three stone ribs, and the whole nine meet together in the centre; the bridge is of stone, and had it not been raised on such lofty abutments, long ere this the torrents which flow occasionally under it must have swept it away; the roadways are paved with pebbles, and have more the character of steps, so that carriages generally pass under, and not over it; the construction is thus rather calculated to excite wonder for its pecu- liarities, than admiration for its utility. When Croyland was established, and the arts began to revive in Europe, we find the same skill evinced in the construction of bridges, so necessary for the security and convenience of the neighbourhood, as in the religious edifices themselves, and this might have arisen from the example set by the fraternity before alluded to, the Order of the Brothers of the Bridge. Croyland Abbey, which is near the bridge, was situated in a morass, and the foundations of its stone church were laid, according to Ingulphus, who was abbot at the commencement of the eleventh century, on innumerable large timber piles, driven into the ground, the softer parts being covered with earth brought in boats from a distance of several miles. Bridge over the Ouse at York, taken down some years ago, was remarkable for the span of its pointed arch; it was constructed in the reign of Elizabeth. The chapel and abutments were probably built before the commencement of the thirteenth century. Laythorpe Postern and Bridge belong to the same period; the tower had gates defended by a portcullis. Many of the chapels constructed in bridges during the thirteenth century, like this example, were rich in architectural embellishment, and endowed with estates of considerable extent for the maintenance of the bridge, and for the support of the priests appointed to perform the service within them. The chapel sometimes occupied the middle pier, and each extremity of the bridge was protected by a machicolated and strongly embattled gateway. The chapels were usually dedicated to St. Nicholas, he being the patron saint of sailors, and the Brothers of the Bridge scarcely ever terminated their work without creating some memorial to this favourite saint, or votive offering to that Holy Spirit which presided over them and their designs. The bridges being very narrow, it was necessary, as the use of wheeled carriages became more general, to destroy these highly ornamented and picturesque structures, to obtain a convenient access to the cities and towns with which they communicated. The passengers seated on the roof of the mail and ordinary coaches could not pass without danger under the arches of the gateways, and where it was not practicable to turn the thoroughfare, they were necessarily demolished. It would be an endless task to enumerate all the bridges erected in England by the free- 416 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. masons of the middle ages; many were built, as has been observed, in the same manner as the vaults of the chapter houses and cathedral churches; after the piers were carried above 注 ​"IHE Fig. 414. OUSE BRIDGE, AND ST. WILLIAM'S CHAPEL, YORK. the level of the stream, ribs of stone spanned the opening from one pier to the other, and supported a rubble construction laid above them, an arrangement combining both economy Π Fig. 415 OUSE BRIDGE, AND ST. WILLIAM'S CHAPEL, YORK. and convenience. In subsequent instances we see one or more rings of voussoirs spanning a river, upon which slabs of stone are laid, and the bridge completed; but it must be borne in mind that such ribs simply serve the purpose of centres, and cannot have the strength of our modern bridges, where a wedge-like form is given to every portion of the stone. Between the towers of Lincoln cathedral, and above the vaulting, is a stone girder, com- posed of numerous voussoirs, arranged within the segment of an arch, whose radius is 91 feet; the abutments are extremely solid, and the girder, which exhibits a horizontal surface above and concave below, is about 20 inches deep at its abutments, and 11 inches in CHAP. VIII. BRITAIN. 417 the centre; the shallow depth given at the key proves that there strength is not required, so long as the extremities are well maintained in their position. The arrangement of the stones, as in this curious girder, is a strong proof that at its introduction the theory of the arch was understood, and, its use not being apparent, we are tempted to imagine that it was so placed as a model for study, and an evidence of its practical strength. After the reign of Henry VIII. bridge-building underwent a considerable change; timber constructions again became very common, and some of the principal rivers were crossed by them. In the year 1636, Inigo Jones erected a bridge at Llanwast in Den- bighshire, after the method practised in Italy, which was the model for some of the suc- ceeding structures. It was formed of three segmental arches, the middle spanning 58 feet, with a versed sine of 17, and the breadth of the soffite of the arch 14 feet. The depth of the voussoirs, measured on the face, was 18 inches, the piers were 10 feet in thickness. The pointed arch was no longer used, and the defences of towers and gateways were unnecessary: the passage was made more convenient, and the roadway approached a horizontal line, in consequence of the substitution of vehicles for the pack-horse for the transit of merchandize. At the commencement of the eighteenth century we find evidences of an attempt to improve the bridges throughout England, but there is no account of any principles by which the engineer could be directed, nor are there any names upon record to whom such constructions were particularly entrusted; what had been done in Italy does not seem to have found many imitators here, and though Newton had discovered the principles upon which mechanical science was based, it was long before the equilibrium of the arch occupied the consideration of practical men. Dr. Hooke had, however, drawn attention to the figure which a heavy chain or rope assumes when suspended at the two ends, and shown the pro- perties of the catenaria; but it was not then applied to the construction of bridges. One of the first essays on the subject was written by Isaac Gadsdon, and published in 1739; he sets forth very clearly the nature and properties of arches, mechanically considered, with respect to their shape and duration; and, as this essay is interspersed with some remarks on the intended bridge at Westminster, some portion of its contents may be in- teresting as evidences of the state of knowledge on this subject at the period he wrote. By the word arch is to be understood some regular curve or crooked line, which, when applied to practice in building, is always put with the convex side uppermost, in order to support some weight. But without the abutments it would not support itself, for the action of gravity pressing upon it would soon tumble it down; and if a flexible or mal- leable body, would soon reduce it to a straight line. From hence it is plain that the strength of all arches depends upon the abutments, and that dependency is in proportion to the height they rise from the chord line of their respective arches. "The truth of this will plainly appear by setting up two pieces of wood in the shape of levers, one against the other, in the nature of a pediment. The pediment requires a greater A Fig. 416. 0 e e a B C Fig. 417. weight or resisting power, to be placed at the foot e, e, to keep it from falling in the arch A, than in the other; therefore the arch B will support a greater weight than the arch A, if their abut- ments are equal. The reason of this is, that the lines a, a, are nearer a perpendicular than the lines o, o, for if those before-mentioned pieces of wood were placed perpendicular one against the other, with a hinge at the top, and wheels put in the bottom, for the sake of experiment, to take off the friction, they would in that position want no abutment to keep them together at bottom; but if they are a small space asunder at the bottom, they will want an abutment to keep them in that position, otherwise they will run one from the other, and the further they recede from each other, the greater must be the resisting power or abutment be to keep 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 them from falling. From what has been said, it appears that gravity acts on these two levers, according as they are elevated or depressed, and if so, it must be in some proportion, which proportion may very nearly be determined by the following figure G, where the theory depends upon that of the steelyard, which, for the better understanding of what is to follow, I shall endeavour to explain by the figure E "Let the line cand o represent the beam, and O the centre of a pair of steelyards, 2 G א Fig. 418. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and suppose two weights, as n and r, were to be hung at equal distances from the centre E e 418 BOOK I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. . E b a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i C d Fig. 419. But O, and the other part of the beam cut off, they would then hang in equilibrio, that is, n and r would be equal. But if the other part of the beam was to be added, and the weight n was carried on the beam as far as the number 10, and suppose the weight was but one pound each, then I say that the weight r must have 9 pounds added to it to make it balance the weight n, when re- moved so far from the centre. But here it is necessary a to observe, that in making these instruments, the weight that is occasioned by the length of the beam is always accounted for before they begin to divide, and it is very easy to discover what weight did belong to a pair of steelyards, supposing it to be lost, by taking the dis- tance between the centres of the hooks, that is, between O and r, and apply it to the proper edge, and the di- vision there will tell you what the weight should be, for it is that distance multiplied into the whole length, as you may see in the figure. here in this present case the beam is only imaginary, for it is the distance from the centre that occasions all those different gravitations, for if we suppose the circle a, b, c, d, to be a wheel, and o its centre, and a weight of one pound to be fixed at its periphery at b, and the wheel to be turned round, the weight when it is got to a will be 3 pounds, and at z 5 pounds, and the gravitation of such a weight will increase in the same proportion as if it was carried along the beam e, as you may see by the divisions. By this useful instrument may also be discovered the power of the lever, from a perpendicular to a horizontal position, and may very justly be called a scale, to measure all mechanical powers that act from centres, and notwithstanding our present subject be two levers set up one against another, yet I believe the next figure will make it appear very plain that they also depend on the same theory, and are subject to the same laws of gravitation. For as the two levers a, a, in the figure G, support one another at the top, and prevent their falling or acting like levers, yet I conceive that gravity will act on the bottoms, when the friction is taken off by wheels, in the same proportion as if they were turned end to end, according to the left hand side of the figure G when turned upside down, that is, to put the confined end downwards, and let the upper ends fall one from the other: I say, in the fall of such a lever, the gravitation would be increased in the same proportion as is there set down, for if the lever a, by falling from the perpendicular line G, should have gained a force of 1 pound, it would at e have gained 3 pounds, at z 5 pounds, and so on in proportion, as was gained by the weight at the peri- phery of the wheel in figure E, until it becomes horizontal. In the same proportion I conceive gravity to act at the bottom of the two levers, a, a, that is, if at a they should want an abutment of 1 pound at each foot to keep them in their position, at e they would want 3, and at z 5, and so on in the same proportion, as they are set down in the right hand side of the figure G, until they become so far extended, as to lie level on the plane they moved on: from what has been demonstrated from figure G, it is plain that gravity acts on pediments, according as their sides are elevated or depressed; and if so, it must certainly act on all arches in the same proportion, as their inscribed pediments are to one another in respect to their height. And from hence may be discovered how much weight one arch will bear more than another that is the same width, and hath the same abutments to support it; that is, if the lower arch D will bear 500 pounds weight, the arch a will bear 600, and the arch b 700, and so on ac- cording to what height you rise may the weight be increased, which will always be in proportion, as the sides of the inscribed pediments are to one another, when their chord lines or widths are the same. Notwithstanding I have given this method to show how much one arch will bear more than another of the same width and abut- ment, yet I do not pretend to know 1 b 2 3 D 6 Fig. 420. how much weight any arch will bear, for there is no arch that I know of that can be said to bear all the weight that is built perpendicularly over it, because that part hath commu- nication with the rest of the building, and cemented to it in such a manner, that takes off a considerable part of the weight that would otherwise press upon it if that communication was destroyed; and I may venture to say, that it is from this reason that arches some- times become so loose, that their keystones are almost ready to drop for want of sufficient weight to keep their parts together. From this observation it is plain that all arches want CHAP. VIII. 419 BRITAIN. a weight proportionable to the height they rise, to keep their parts firm in the situation they are first placed, for it is very reasonable to think, that the arches of London Bridge would not have remained so entire to this day, if it was not for the weight of houses that are erected thereon, which must certainly prevent those frequent shocks and shakings that it must otherwise have suffered, by loaded carts and cars, and other vehicles of burden, that daily pass and repass thereon. A "But to proceed to make some observations on the shape of arches in respect to their duration. I think the most common sort that are to be found amongst our modern buildings are either semicircles, segments, or semi-ellipses, which I must own have an agreeable effect on the eye, because they are part of regular figures, and make a good ap- pearance in a building if they are well proportioned and well introduced; but this is not always observed by our modern builders, for I have often seen a passage of 3 feet wide with a semicircular arch, and a gateway of 10 with an elliptical one, whose height from the springing hath not exceeded 20 inches; such a one cannot be supposed to be of any long duration without very strong abutments, unless the weight be discharged by a concealed breastsummer, or very little laid thereon: in such cases ornament is consulted more than strength, for the arch of 3 feet being a semicircle will bear above ten times more weight than the elliptical one of 10 feet with the same abutments, by reason of its flatness and double centres, which must render it very weak and unfit to support a great burthen, I mean such an ellipsis whose transverse diameter is placed bori- zontal; but if you take an ellipsis the other way for an arch, and let the conjugate diameter be horizontal, then it will become altogether as strong, and may very justly be esteemed the best sort to support a great burthen, excepting those formed by the catenarian, which I shall endeavour to prove the strongest of all, and the most durable. But for the truth of what I have asserted in respect to the elliptical arches, I must refer to a very easy and familiar experiment, which is, to take an egg, and try whether it will not bear a great deal more weight on the ends than it will on the sides before it burst; such an experiment seems to me to put this matter out of the reach of contradiction, and will justify the theory I have hitherto endeavoured to explain, namely, that all arches will bear a weight proportionable to the height they rise from their springing, if their chord lines or openings are the same, let the shape be what it will, although it must be allowed that some sort of shape will bear more weight than another of the same height and abut- ments; for if the elliptical arch was a segment of a circle of the same height, it would add much to its strength, by reason that a curve would be more uniform, and approach nearer to a catenarian than it was before, in the flat elliptical form, for it is my opinion that the strength of all arches would be increased the nearer they approach that firm arch of nature, for so I must call it, by reason it is formed by action of gravity, which must be allowed to be a natural cause. B Fig. 421. “This curve or arch may be discovered by suspending a chain, or flexible line, that is not very light, from two horizontal points or nails; the curve or arch that such a line or chain will form is called the catenarian. This line, as I before observed, is formed by the action of gravity, which acts on all bodies according to their density or quantity of matter they contain, if their form and shape are the same; therefore, if gravity by its action on a slack line or chain form the arch a, it is very plain that if it were turned upside down it would form the arch K, which, consequently, must resist that action in the same proportion as the other gave way, that is, K would become an arch of equal strength in all its parts, and for that reason must be certainly the best shape for any arch that is to bear a great burthen. D K A Fig. 422. "But as the properties of the catenarian arches are so far con- cealed that it would be very difficult to assign any centres that would strike the same, for if they are very flat they appear like segments of large circles, but if you endeavour to form a semi- circle by letting the line drop half its opening, it will then appear elliptical, and as you drop it lower, it seems to approach the hyperbola, so that the distant appearances it makes in these dif- ferent stations must render it very difficult to find out proper centres to strike them out. But those that have occasion to apply them to practice, may observe the following method, which may answer the purpose very well if it be carefully observed, that it is to take such a line as before mentioned, and rub it with chalk or charcoal until it be fit to leave an im- pression; then, on some flat plane or board that is large enough for the use, fix in two nails horizontally, according to the width or span of your arch, and from thence let the line fall as far below the horizontal line as you would have the arch to rise above it; then carefully press the line hard enough to leave the impression, and that will be the arch required then · EE 2 420 Boox I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. G 2 C X move the nails from o to K, according to the margin you intend to show in the front, and K from them let fall the arch m, and that will limit the border or margin, which may be divided, and a mould made to fit the curve in the same manner as if the arch was in any other form, as you may see in the figure, which in practice must be turned upside down; but, as I observed before, that the lower the line was let fall, the nearer it approached an hyperbola, therefore it cannot be expected that the lines n and m will be parallel or appear con- centric like arches struck from the same centre, but those that should think it disagreeable for the margin of an arch to be wider at top, may easily prevent it by making the moulds parallel to the inward arch, which would be a matter of indifference in respect to its strength. 1? Fig. 423. "But, notwithstanding all those distant appearances before-mentioned, that are made by the catenarian line, yet I cannot help thinking that they are all of the hyperbola kind, for as the hyperbola is that section of the cone cut any where when parallel to its axis, I say that it is no hard matter to imagine a cone large enough that will admit of the flattest as well as the highest arches to be cut off by such a section; now, I believe it will appear from what I have already said, that catenarian arches are the best shape for duration, and for that reason the most proper form for the new bridge on the river Thames, if it be built with stone. "A cask or tub may very justly be said to have the same properties as an arch, for the staves may be considered as so many stones, whose joints point to one common centre, and the hoops that circumscribe them as their weight or pressure; then I think it cannot be denied that the tighter these hoops are drove on round such a vessel, the more compact it must keep the staves, and the stronger the vessel will be for such a weight or pressure; therefore it appears to me that weight on an arch will have the same effect as a hoop hath on a tub, if the weight be well proportioned. "But in order to give my opinion in this affair, the actions of gravity on solid bodies ought to be understood, and the shape of the arch well considered before a judgment can be formed about the weight it will carry, or on what part to bestow it to the best advantage; therefore I shall lay down the following theorems: "I. When any weight presses on the sides or haunches of an arch, the weight on the crown must be considered as an abutment to that weight on the haunches, and in proportion to the height they rise from the chord lines of their respective segments will the weight on the crown be required. "II. And as the weight on the crown is an abutment to the weight on the haunches, so is the weight on the haunches an abutment to the weight on the crown. "III. And as the weight on the haunches wants to reduce the curvature thereof to a straight line, contrary to that doth the weight on the crown want to make it rise higher or push it out at foot, if there is no abutment placed there to prevent it, and both would produce that effect if it was not for a counterbalance of power, as will be best explained by the following figure. d b 10 9 8 7 6 5 "If the segment aec will bear five hundred weight, the semicircle a b c will bear six with the same abutment, and the cate- narian a dc will bear the weight in respect to the abutments below, but if they are both considered as having no weight on their haunches, the catenarian must be the strongest by reason that the curvature of its haunches are nearer a right line than those of the semicircle, for was there as much weight laid on the crown of the catenarian arch as it would just bear, the same weight if applied to the semicircle would occasion it to burst out and fall down, which plainly sheweth that the semicircle wants a greater weight on its haunches to counterbalance the same weight on the crown; and how much more weight is required on the haunches of the semicircle to counterbalance the same weights on the crowns of both may be nearly discovered by the same method, for drawing the chord line o, will cut off one haunch of both, which may be considered as whole arches, and the difference of weight be discovered in the same manner, for if the haunch of the catenarian requires nine hundred weight, the semicircle will require α 6 5 4 3 2 1 с Fig. 424. CHAP. VIII. 421 BRITAIN. ten, to enable it to support the same weight on the crown as the catenarian, and the haunch of the segment aec is likewise subject to the same rule, and requires but seven, by reason the haunch is not so much elevated, which gives the weight a greater gravitation. "In like manner may the difference of weight be discovered in any two arches, which will always be in proportion as the chord lines of their respective segments are to one another, or in proportion as the sides of the inscribed pediments are to one another, which implies the same thing. To shew the application of the steelyard to the nature and properties of the arch, let a b c represent the arch proposed: now if we suppose that the half arch bc was in one stone, and its weight 28 tons, and that it was by some power to be lifted upon its pier w, until it come to its centre of gravity, which may be supposed to be at d, then it is very plain that the pier must bear all its weight, and if from thence it was to be let down to a horizontal position as at x, and a support put under the end at o, the support o would bear 141 tons, and the pier w would bear the same weight; and was it from thence to be lifted up to its proper place at B and there supported, then will the pier w bear 201 tons, and the support at B bear 84 tons, for the end B being elevated, the support o is released of 6 tons weight, which consequently must be added to the pier, for as this half arch is supposed to be in one stone, it may be considered as a lever, and be subject to the same laws of gravitation as hath before been demonstrated, and may be explained by the figure. "This method seems to me to give some insight whereby the real weight of the abutments may be discovered; for if the support o was taken away, and the other half arch, A B, was set up against it, in its proper a position, that must certainly throw the whole weight of both on their respective piers; but as A B is set at the same angle A 1 B ---- 38 28 O 21. 14 7 Fig. 425. n as B C, they would thrust each other down, if there was not an abutment placed at A and C to prevent it. Now, if we consider that before A B was set up against B C, the support o supported 81 tons, the thrust of AB must be equal to that weight, if there was no friction at c; and if so, it appears very plain to me, that a weight of 8 tons, placed at A and C, will be a sufficient abutment for the arch, A B C; for as such a weight is a counterbalance to the thrust, there will be the friction of A B C on the piers, for a further security; which, considering the great weight of A B C, may perhaps be equal to 2 tons more, but this must be referred to experiment. "And if the arch A B C was to be considered in parts as the half A B, the weight or pressure would still be the same; for drawing parallel lines, from the joints to the chord lines, plainly sheweth how the weight is diminished, as appears by the figure. By what I have endeavoured to demonstrate, it appears very plain, that the centre which is to support the arch, A B C, will be released of 12 ton weight, in the thickness of the whole breadth, which is supposed to be 40 feet, and the number being multiplied by 12, the product is 480, which being deducted from 2320, which is supposed to be the weight of the whole, the remainder is 1840, which will be nearly the weight, when that of the key-stone is deducted out, that will lie on the centre, before it can be relieved by the keystone. How much of the spandrills' weight will press on the arch is very diffi- cult to discover, because it hath a communication with the upper pier or breast-work, which takes off a great deal of the pressure; but if that communication be destroyed, and it be considered as one stone, and no friction on the arch, it could then be only said to lean on the arch, and what weight that leaning is may in some measure be dis- covered by the same rule as the former; that is, to draw a line as d, in such a manner that if the spandrill was lifted up on its lower point, until that line become perpendicular, it would then be the centre of gravity, and if the line d was continued to cut the arch P, and from thence let fall a perpendicular to the chord line, which if divided according to the weight of the whole spandrill, it will give the weight that will press on the arch if the line d be so drawn as the quantity of matter on both sides are equal, which ought to be regarded in the half arch, B C, as well as in the present case. "This method will not exactly discover the weight or pressure of any arch, but it will be EE 3 422 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. near enough, I believe, to let a man know what he is about when he either designs or erects one. "In respect to arches, their strength doth not so much depend on their shape, as the weight they bear being well adapted to them; for although it must be granted that catenarian arches, if considered inde- pendent of any weight but their own, are the strongest of all others, yet if the weight on their crowns is not proportionable to the height they rise, they may be said to be weaker than a semicircle, or arches of any other form, when their weight and abutments are well proportioned." Westminster Bridge was the commencement of an entirely new system for laying foundations in deep water, as well as the construction of centres for arches required to span great rivers. An act of parliament for its erection was passed in 1736, and another fixing its site, two years afterwards. The first design was a curious wooden structure, by Mr. James King, resting on stone piers. The two large middle piers were contracted for soon after, and the wooden superstructure was to have been placed upon them and com- pleted in a year after all the piers were finished, for the sum of 28,000l. Mr. Charles Labelye, a native of Switzerland, presented to the com- missioners, in 1738, a design for a stone bridge, which was approved of, and preferred to many others, and it was resolved that the piers should be erected as high as the springing of the arches, viz. about a foot above the level of low water mark, and over these broad piers, smaller ones of solid stone, each to be the width of the bridge in length. The design for the stone bridge consisted of thirteen semicircular arches, springing about a foot above the level of low water mark; the middle arch 76 feet span, and the others decreasing in width equally on each side by 4 feet, the two next the middle arch being 72 feet wide, and so on to the least of the large arches, which are 52 feet wide. two small ones nearest the abutments are 25 feet wide. The The length of every pier is 70 feet from point to point, and each end terminates with a salient angle. The two middle piers are 17 feet wide at the springing of the arches, and the others decrease in breadth equally on each side by 1 foot, the two next the largest being 16 feet wide, and so on to the two least of each side, which are 12 feet wide at the springing of the arches. The piers are 4 feet wider at their foundations than at their top, and each of them is laid on a strong grating of timber, the same shape as the pier, about 80 feet long, 28 feet wide, and 2 feet thick. The depths and heights of every pier are different, and none of their foundations are at a less depth than 5 feet under the bed of the river, nor at a greater than 14 feet. This difference of depth is occasioned by the nature of the ground, for although all the piers and abutments are laid on a bed of gravel, which on boring was found harder as the depth increased, it was still more difficult to penetrate on the Surrey side than on the Westminster. In July, 1738, Labelye, with a company of London masons, arrived at the Isle of Portland, and commenced quarrying and working into proper scantling all the stone necessary for the two largest piers. About the same time the carpenters began to make and erect on the Surrey shore twelve frames of timber, supported in a vertical position, parallel one to another, and kept in their proper places by short piles driven into the ground. These frames reached about 2 feet above the common high water mark, and were braced together so as to be kept upright and steady, till the caissoon should be formed and finished on the top of them. The ground sills or bottom pieces of these frames were made cylindrical, that by taking the braces away they might serve as so many axes or centre pieces, round which the frames could revolve all together, for the lowering or launching of the finished caissoons at high water without danger of racking or straining. In September the engine for driving the piles, which was contrived by Mr. James Vauloüé, a watchmaker, was completed, and on the 13th of that month the first pile was driven. WESTMINSTER Bridge, Fig. 426. The piles were of fir, 13 or 14 inches square, and 34 feet in length, shod with iron: round their tops were thick iron hoops, which were taken off after driving, and used again; they were driven 13 or 14 feet below the surface of the bed of the river, and were placed about 7 fect asunder, in lines CHAP. VIII. 423 BRITAIN. parallel to the two short sides of each end of the piers, and about 30 feet distance from them; the use of which fenders or guard piles was to secure the works from the approach of barges; the smaller boats were prevented passing between the piles by booms or long pieces of timber, which floated up and down with the tide alongside the piles, to which they were fastened by wooden rings, and proper iron work. By means of these booms the boats and vessels were secured from damage during the progress of the works. By the 26th of October, 1738, all the piles necessary for building the two middle piers were driven, and were found to stand so firmly, that the plates, whale pieces, ties, and braces, originally intended to be introduced were omitted. The number of piles used for building the first large pier was thirty-four long and twenty-two short ones; and for the other large pier twenty-six long ones only. The engine employed to drive the piles had a ram or weight of 1700 lbs., and the height of the strokes at a Fig. 427. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. mean was 20 feet perpendicular: with two horses, it gave 48 strokes per hour, and with three horses, 70 strokes per hour. When it had worked sufficiently long for the gudgeons P Fig. 428. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE, or pivots to be rubbed smooth, and the stiffness of the ropes destroyed, three horses, going at a common pace, gave 5 strokes in 2 minutes, on the ram being raised from 8 to 10 feet. At the commencement of October, the grating for the first pier was finished, and the sides of the caissoon were placed upon it; these were made of fir timber, laid horizontally and close, one over the other, pinned with oaken trunnels, and framed together at all the corners of the caissoon, except the two points or salient angles, where they were secured by proper iron work, which being unscrewed permitted two halves to be removed from the caissoon, which were planked across the timbers, inside and outside, with 3-inch planks in a vertical position; their thickness being 18 inches at bottom and 15 inches at top, and for further strength, every angle but the two points had three oaken knee timbers, properly bolted and secured. The bottom was formed of squared timbers, planked on the underside with 3-inch planking, and across the upper was laid timber 9 inches square, making the entire bottom 2 feet thick. The length of each caissoon from point to point was 80 feet, the breadth 30, the height, including the thickness of the bottom, 18 feet, and the form that of the intended piers; it contained 150 loads of timber, and in capacity was equal to a man-of-war of forty guns. After the pier was built sufficiently above low water, and the masons could work with- E E 4 424 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. out it, the wedges being drawn up, liberty was given to clear the straps from the mortises, when the sides by their own buoyancy quitted the grating under the foundation of the pier. The sides of the caissoons were prevented from being pressed inwards by means of a ground timber or ribbon, 14 inches wide, and 7 inches thick, pinned upon the upper row of timber of the grating, which exactly filled the space contained between the sides of the caissoon and the first course or lower plinth of the stone pier; and the top of the sides was secured by a number of beams laid across, which also served to support a floor, on which the masons and labourers stood to hoist the stones out of the lighters, and lower them into the caissoon. In October the ballast men commenced making the excavation for the westernmost of the two piers; when they dragged and excavated a pit 6 feet in depth, of the shape of the Fig. 429. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. caissoon, and 5 feet wider all around, with a slope of such a form that the ground would not fall into it; short grooved piles, reaching 4 feet above low water mark, were also driven before the two ends, and partly along the sides of the intended piers, parallel to the fenders Fig. 430. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. or guard piles, and at a distance of 15 feet from the sides of the caissoon, to prevent any silting. Two rows of boards let into grooves were also applied between these piles. Gauges formed of flat stones, 15 inches square, and 3 inches thick, with a wooden pole CHAP. VIII. 425 BRITAIN. or stem fixed in the middle, 18 feet in length, divided into feet and inches, were used to examine the level of the bottom, and to ascertain if the bed was ready to receive the caissoon. The caissoon being finished, with a sluice towards the bottom, all the seams well caulked, and the bottom and outsides pitched over, on the 15th January, 1739, it was launched and fixed in its position, by means of a lighter that had been previously moored 200 feet distance from the shore; from the head and stern of which two cables passed to the two ends of the caissoon, guiding its motion, after it was launched, without any person on board to direct it. The masons then began hoisting the stone into the caissoon, and as soon as the first course was laid, the gate of the sluice was raised near the time of low water, and the caissoon was sunk to ascertain how it sat and grounded. Some loose stones having fallen in, the sluice was again shut, and after two hours' pumping, the caissoon floated; the ground was again levelled, and two days afterwards it sunk to its proper bed when it was a second time raised, and after the masons had cramped the stone of the first course, and set and cramped the second course, the gate of the sluice was raised, and the caissoon sunk, when it was found to bed itself, and set perfectly level on the hard gravel. The water was then pumped out of it, and it floated as before. The third course of stones being cramped, the caissoon was sunk for the last time; the stone-work of this pier was brought up within 2 feet of the common low water mark. About two hours before low water, the sluice was let down, and by the help of four pumps of 8 inches square, three men to each, and a small spare pump of 3 inches in diameter, worked by one man, the water was pumped out without waiting for the lowest ebb of the tide, for the masons to set and cramp stones of the succeeding courses; before the tide had again flowed or risen sufficiently high to endanger the caissoon and stone-work, the masons desisted for that tide, and the sluice was again opened. By the masons working at every low water, night and day, the first course of the solid shaft was finished by March 24th. The sides of the caissoon were floated off over the sides of the pier on the 30th March, and applied to the caissoon of the other large pier. When this was done, the masons placed their crab or engine, with which they hoisted the stone, on a temporary floor, fastened to some fender piles, which guarded the north point of the pier. On the 20th April the last stone of the torus or cordon was cramped, when the sheers and the crab, as well as the other necessary apparatus were taken away, and the first pier was so far completed. This new method of building piers having succeeded so well, the commissioners con- tracted for the two abutments, including the two small arches and the two abutment piers close in-shore, and it was decided that the wooden structure might be dispensed with. In April, 1740, the masons' work for the three middle arches was contracted for by Andrew Jelfe and Samuel Tuffnell, who had already built the pier. Mr. James King also contracted to supply the three centres, and subsequently five others, his design for them being preferred by Labelye to his own. The Portland stone was brought by sea upwards of 250 miles, and the Purbeck from Sandwich in Dorsetshire, a distance of 220 miles. The moorstone was from Devonshire or Cornwall, and the Kentish rag from Maidstone. The soffite of every arch is turned, and built quite through, the same as in the fronts, with large Portland blocks, over which, bonded in with the Portland, is another arch of Purbeck stone, 4 or 5 times thicker on the reins than over the key. The breadth of the Thames where the bridge is built is 1220 feet. The length of the two abutments is 226 feet, the section of the twelve piers 174 feet, and the span or opening of the thirteen arches 800 feet, the voids or water-way being double that of the solids. The breadth of the bridge is 44 feet, which was also the clear width of way at the top; the parapet walls being fixed over the sally or projection of a cordon or rustic cornice, which serves also as a weathering to the stone work. The road-way is 30 feet in breadth, and each foot-way 6 feet. Over each pier are recesses for shelter. The piers are terminated by a right angle at each end. The spandrills of the arches were filled in with regular rubble stones, with proper bond, and the joints of the work preserve a tendency to the centre. The entire construction of this bridge occupied 11 years and 9 months; it was completed the 10th day of November, 1750, and the total sum expended upon it is said to have been something under 400,000 pounds. Some delay occurred from the unequal settlement of one of the piers, occasioned by the removal of some gravel from the bed of the river intended for the roadway of the bridge; this took place near the third pier on the western side of the centre arch; the gravel slipping from under the platform, in consequence of the hole made below the foundations, the pier sunk so much that it was necessary to take down the two arches which rested upon it. On the pier being examined, it was found to have settled 18 inches at one end, and that 426 BOOK L HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. it was loaded with 700 tons; after casing it round with strong piles, to prevent a further slipping of the gravel, it was taken down to the level of low water, and rebuilt; to lighten the work which rested upon it, arches were constructed in the spandrills. The Bridge over the Taaf, near Llantrissart, in South Wales, was commenced in 1746 by William Edwards, a country mason; it consisted of three arches, and was admirably executed; two years and a half after its completion, it was carried away by a flood, and as the builder had engaged to maintain it for seven years, he commenced rebuilding it. second bridge was of one arch, the span or chord of which was 140 feet, its height 35 feet, the segment being that of a circle of 175 feet; the breadth is 15 feet, and the thickness of the arch 2 feet 6 inches. When completed, with the exception of the parapets, the thrust was so great that it pressed in the haunches, and the middle of the bridge sprung up, when the key-stones were forced out. This second misfortune did not quell the courage of our mason, and he undertook his task a third time. In each of the haunches he introduced three cylindrical holes through the whole thick- ness, and by this means so reduced the weight that no farther danger was anticipated. The holes or cylinders rise above each other, ascending with the form of the arch; the diameter of the lowest is 9 feet, the second 6, and the uppermost 3 feet; this was finished in the year 1755; the chord line and versed sine were the same as those of the second bridge which fell four years before; besides the cylindrical holes, the spaces between them were left hollow, and filled up with charcoal. The fame of this latter work spread far and wide, and Edwards was employed to build the bridge at Usk in Monmouthshire, another of three arches over the Tawy, and Pont ar Tawy, over the same river, ten miles above Swansea; this had but one arch, its chord being 80 feet; over each haunch was one cylindrical hole. Bettws Bridge, in Caermarthenshire, consisting of one arch 45 feet span. Londonvery Bridge, in the same county, with one arch 84 feet in the span, and one cylinder over the haunches. Wychbree Bridge over the Tawy, 2 miles above Morriston, which has one arch, 95 feet span, 20 feet in height, with two cylinders over the haunches to relieve them. Aberaven Bridge, in Glamorganshire, consisting of one arch, 70 feet span, 15 feet high, but without any cylindrical holes. Glasbury Bridge, near Hay in Brecknockshire, over the Wye, which consisted of five arches. Edwards, born in 1719, was the youngest son of a farmer residing in Glamorgan- shire, and some of his first works in the art of construction were the stone walls for the inclosure of the lands on which he was employed; they were so well built, that they attracted considerable attention. An opportunity being afforded him of seeing the tools used by the regular masons, he procured some of them, and commenced squaring the stone for building a workshop, which was so well executed, that it met with the approbation of all who saw it, and it is said that he there introduced the properties of the arch. His first bridges, consisting of only one arch, were evidently too high, which he avoided by flattening the arch, as he became better acquainted with the subject; he proceeded, however, with caution and judgment, having no other guide than his own experience, and he at length learnt that where the abutments are prevented from spreading, arches of little rise are perfectly secure. As the Castle of Caerphilly was in the parish in which he lived, it is more than probable he derived all his knowledge of construction from that ruin, all his masonry, and the manner of hewing and dressing the stone, being so similar to what he doubtless admired there. The science of bridge-building had already considerably advanced, and various ideas were then published on the form of arches, in which the merits of the circular, elliptical, and cycloidal curves were discussed. The elliptical seems to have been considered as pos- sessing particular advantages for forming the intrados of an arch, as at its springing the curvature was more considerable, and it rose more perpendicularly, affording an extensive and commodious opening for vessels to pass; and towards the summit or crown the curv- ature decreased, so as to form almost a horizontal line, which was the best adapted for the roadway; on this account it was probably preferred for some of the bridges afterwards constructed. The cause of the stability of an arch was not at this time sufficiently under- stood, nor had the engineers given attention to the subject of increasing or decreasing the depth of the voussoirs, or what constituted the absolute weight to be provided for in the abutments: it was not then the practice to consider, that for an arch of equilibration it was necessary to have the curvature of the intrados different from that of the extrados; the principles of the catenarian had not been applied, but in the course of a few years it was generally adopted by our most celebrated builders; and the laws which nature has laid down prescribe the form to be given to the extrados of an arch intended to be lasting. Dr. David Gregory had, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1697, stated, "that none but the catenary was the figure of a true legitimate arch, and that when an arch of any other CHAP. VIII. 427 BRITAIN. figure is supported, it must be because in its thickness some catenary was included; notwithstanding, no attempt was yet made to introduce its form into the arches of bridges, nor had the cathedral vaulting been sufficiently noticed by our engineers. Blackfriars Bridge. — During the time that the improvements of London Bridge were carrying on, the Common Council undertook to open a new and magnificent entrance into the centre of the metropolis, by a stone bridge at Blackfriars. After discussing this project for several years, it was at last referred to a particular committee, and a report was made in answer thereto, in September, 1754; this was followed by a design, made by Mr. Dance, the surveyor to the city works, the estimate for which was £185,950, exclusive of purchases of property, and if the foundations for the bridge required piling, the cost would be increased. The City afterwards applied to parliament, and obtained an act to erect a bridge, with a grant of a reversionary toll, and a power to borrow £160,000 upon the credit thereof. This act was passed in the year 1756, and two years afterwards, twelve aldermen and twenty-four commoners were appointed to carry the same into effect. Designs were afterwards advertised for, and on the 4th of October, 1759, many drawings and models were received by the committee; objections were made to the form of the arches in the design presented by Mr. Robert Mylne, as deficient in strength and stability, which objections were ordered to be laid before eight gentlemen of the most approved knowledge in building, geometry, and mechanics, for their opinion and advice. In February, 1760, their opinions were delivered in, and it was then determined that Mr. Robert Mylne's design should be adopted. The proceedings of the commissioners for Westminster bridge were then consulted, and the committee advertised for proposals, which were to be accompanied with a specification of different prices for peace and war, a caution never before practised, but by which a saving was made of £5,839. After the proposal had been received, and all duly examined, the masons' work was given to Mr. Joseph Dixon, the carpenters' work to Mr. John Spencer, the smiths' work to Mr. Bryant, and the ballast work to Mr. Cox and three others. In forming the contracts particular care was taken not to admit a doubt, about either the manner of execution or payment; explicit rules were laid down for the admeasurement of every species of work; the first stone was laid on the 31st day of October, 1760. A careful examination was made by boring for the foundation of every pier, and the piling was in proportion to the respective textures and solidities, the architect having convinced the committee of the practicability of driving piles under water, and of cutting them level with the bed of the foundations, by an invention of his own. In fixing the position of the bridge, it was desirable that two objects should be obtained; one, that its direction across the river should be at right angles with the streams of ebb and flood, the other, that its situation, with regard to the bed of the river, should fully answer the purpose of navigation. The great inequality in the bed of the river, where the depth of stream was thrown towards the Surrey shore, made it expedient to place the great arch nearer the latter than the former, as otherwise most of the arches on the London side would at low water have stood upon dry ground, and a great part of the bridge would have been rendered useless to the navigation, and in consequence of this position being taken, the northern abutments were extended to a greater length than the southern. As soon as a part of the bridge was passable, a temporary arrange- ment was added, by which the public were enabled to cross, and the toll received was added to the building fund. In December, 1770, the surveyor applied by a memorial, as the bridge was nearly finished, for the monies due to him to be settled and paid; and the committee, after several days' consideration, determined that he was entitled to receive a commission of five per cent. on works done, of one per cent. on purchases made, being the same as allowed at London Bridge. BLACKFRIARS BRIDGE. Fig. 431. 428 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 432. BLACKFRIARS BRIDGE. Fig. 433. BLACKFRIARS BRIDge. The total cost for the building and completing Blackfriars Bridge, and making the avenues thereto, was as follows: - To Joseph Dixon, mason To Messrs. Cox and Co. To Dixon and Spencer, carpenter To William Bryant, blacksmith To sundry other artificers - £ S. d. · 111,569 2 81 35,844 8 5 10,687 16 T 3,555 11 4 9,194 14 111 £ s. d. 170,851 13 111 Surveyor's commission of 5 per cent. on all artificers' bills, and 1 per cent. on the purchases and sales of premises 9130 1 0 5 years' salary for his constant attendance on the meetings of the committee, and for inspecting and taking care of the bridge, streets, roads, sewers, new buildings, and various matters relating thereto, from 1 June, 1773, to 1 June, 1778 By salaries and gratuities to the clerks of the committee from Michaelmas, 1758, to Michaelmas, 1778 By ditto to the chamberlain's clerk, for keeping the accounts from Michaelmas, 1760, to Christmas, 1777 By ditto to the hall keeper and his man for summoning the committee from Midsummer, 1759, to Michael- mas 1776 525 0 0 1683 2 6 693 15 O Incidental expenses Interest paid on £144,000 Purchase of ground and premises 1 433 0 0 12,464 18 6 4,507 8 8 Cash to Watermen's Company for the purchase of the Sunday ferry 25,920 0 0 35,584 1 11 12,250 17 6 Total £261,579 061 CHAP. VIII. 429 BRITAIN. The bridge consists of nine elliptical arches; the middle one is 100 feet span, and the others decrease gradually to 98 feet, 93 feet, 83 feet, and the two outer ones each 70 feet, leaving a clear water-way of 788 feet. The breadth across the bridge is 43 feet 6 inches, and the total length from wharf to wharf is 995 feet. The breadth of the carriage-way was 28 feet, and that of the footpath on each side 7 feet; this, however, has recently undergone con- siderable alteration, and the effect of the original design is entirely destroyed. The piers were built in caissoons, like those at Westminster, but previously to their being moored and placed in their respective situations, the whole of the space to be occupied by them was closely piled over. They are smaller in proportion to the arches than those of Westminster bridge, and the whole work shows that considerable advances had been made in buildings of this character. The Ionic columns resting on the piers, which diminish in height, taking the curvature of the roadway, have been censured, but there is much to admire, if we take into consideration the period of its erection. The caissoons were made of fir timbers, as were all the piles; the sides and bottom of the former were constructed like those at Westmin- ster, but their form was rectangular; their length was 86 feet, their breadth 33 feet, and their entire height 29 feet. The sides were secured to the bottom by strong iron straps, six on each side, and three at each end, 20 feet in length. At one end a portion about 10 feet was hung on short hinges, and a floor at 16 feet from the bottom served to brace and secure the sides, and to receive the machinery which worked a chain pump. Level with the top was a similar floor, on which was placed the capstan for lifting the stone; there was also a triangle for the same purpose, and a windlass for lifting the mortar. Four upright pieces of timber were secured to each side of the caissoon, which, with the assistance of barges, enabled them to be removed. When the stone-work was built up to the level of low water, a barge was laid alongside, and fixed to the upright pieces, so that when the tide raised the barges they lifted up the caissoon, care being taken to disengage the long iron straps and the movable piece at one end; and when the caissoon was sufficiently raised to clear the bed of the river, it was floated off. The height of the caissoon rendered barges necessary, particularly as all the machines were attached to the upper floor. Many stone bridges were erected in England during the eighteenth century, some of which exhibited considerable talent, particularly those executed under the directions of Mr. Gwynn, a native of Shrewsbury. Kew, Maidenhead, Henley, and Oxford had stone bridges over the Thames, but one of the boldest designs was by Sir Thomas Robinson, who, in 1762, constructed a single arch at Winstone, over the Tees, with a span of 108 feet 9 inches; the versed sine being 45 feet, the diameter of the circle of curvature at the vertex 112 feet, and the height of the key-stone 3 feet. : The bridges built by John Smeaton do not display any boldness of design, nor remark- able science in their construction; we have already noticed much that he performed for the improvement of our harbours, and also his great undertaking and masterpiece, the Eddystone lighthouse. This celebrated man, and perhaps first practical civil engineer in England, was born at Austhorpe, near Leeds, on the 28th of May, 1729; he very early dis- played a fondness for mechanics, and at twenty-one we find him employed as a mathematical instrument maker. About 1750 he transmitted to the Royal Society an account of the improvements in the mariner's compass by Dr. Knight, and two years afterwards he furnished the same society with those he had made on the air-pump, and an engine for raising water by fire, a subject upon which the French philosophers were then busily en- gaged he was soon afterwards admitted as a member, when he introduced his ideas upon the pyrometer, and several other subjects. About this period he was induced to travel into Holland and the Netherlands, where he had the opportunity of examining the system of draining and management of locks on the canals, and several important engineering works then progressing under the direction of very able men: and on his return to England he occupied himself in inquiries relative to the powers of water and wind, on their appli- cation to machinery, where circular motion was required; and after great patience and labour he was enabled to exhibit their results to the learned men of the society in several models of undershot, breast, and overshot wheels, which he accompanied with calculations of their relative value: the novelty as well as utility of his observations obtained for him the Copley gold medal, and, what was far more important, he was selected as the builder of the Eddystone lighthouse by the Earl of Macclesfield, who was then president. We have already seen with what diligence he set about preparing himself for that great work, and how ably he accomplished the very arduous and difficult task: after its completion, the public seem not to have encouraged his talent as he merited, for we do not find him em- ployed again until 1761, when he was associated with Mr. James Brindley in surveying for several canals in Staffordshire. Among his reports dated after this year are some on canals, improvements of rivers and harbours, draining, and a description of many useful inventions and applications of foreign methods for constructions in water. His reports are exceedingly valuable, and show that he was admirably qualified for all he undertook. He was a great observer of nature, and applied his mind diligently to examine her works: 430 Book I, HISTORY OF ENGINEERING when called upon to shorten the course of a river, or improve its channel, he directed his attention to the causes which had produced the results he was required to amend. This eminent engineer died the 16th of September, 1792, to whom we are indebted for many improvements in air and water-mills; before his examination into the force of water, our machinery was in a very rude state; he called forth the inquiries from which the present generation are now reaping advantage. Bristol Bridge.—When Smeaton was consulted upon the rebuilding of this bridge in 1762, he observed, that no limit was yet fixed for the span of arches, or the proportion of their rise, since the widest and flattest that had been attempted upon right principles had succeeded as well as the narrowest and highest, provided the abutments were good, and the stone and cement of a firm texture. One of the peculiarities in this engineer's designs was that of perforating the spandrills of his arches by a circular opening, and also employing segmental or elliptical arches in preference to semicircular. The skill with which he managed his centres cannot be too highly admired; the strength is always greatest where most required, and there is no un- necessary quantity of timber made use of. Of the various bridges that are mentioned in his reports are those of Perth, Stoneham Creek, Glasgow, Dumbarton, Old London, Howick, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Coldstream, Newcastle, Hexham, Berwick, Banff, Dumballock, Braan, Altgran, Bewlic, Conon, Sutton, Walton, Harraton, Carlton Ferry, and Montrose, and others, several of which he entirely rebuilt. The utmost span given to his arches was 75 feet, the width of the piers being made about a fifth; the same proportions we shall find at Perth bridge, which he built about the time that Blackfriars was completed. Bridge over the River Tay, at Perth.-In 1763 Smeaton was consulted by the justices of the peace for the county on the practicability of building this bridge; and, after the necessary surveys, he gave a design for one of stone, having seven principal arches, extending 605 feet 9 inches, and in the whole length 893 feet. The width is 22 feet in the clear between the parapets; the span of the two outer arches 70 feet, the next 72 feet 10 inches, the next 74 feet 6 inches, and the centre arch 75 feet, leaving a water-way of 509 feet 9 inches. The piers of the middle arch were in width 17 feet, the other four isolated piers each 16 feet. An estimate accompanied the design, supposing the foundations to be laid 8 feet under the bottom of the deepest part of the river, which was based upon the information he had received, that there was a stratum of hard gravel 8 feet below the bed of the river, upon which the piers were to be placed, without either piles or grating. The river at its ebb had not more than 2 feet depth of water, and at ordinary spring-tides did not rise more than 8 feet above this mark, and he considered that a dam capable of keeping out the water 4 feet above its low state would enable the men to work nine or ten successive days between each spring-tide; and that a dam of this height was not only less expensive in its construction, but also less likely to be injured, than another raised high enough to keep out the spring-tides. A sluice made in this dam let the water in and out, and it was so formed, that a clear space of 16 feet was left round the pier for the convenience of the workmen. The dam was ellip- tical, the better to resist the tides and floods. Cofferdams, materials in, and cost. 26 gage piles, of 10 feet long, at 10s. - 2328 feet supl. of plank piling, 91 feet long, at 1s. 2d. 122 feet cube of timber in strong pieces for supporting the pile heads, at 3s. Extra work to sluice for letting in and out the water Timber work in one cofferdam To pile shoes for 26 gage piles, at 1s. £ s. d. £ s. d. 13 O 0 135 16 0 18 6 0 2 10 0 • 169 12 0 1 6 0 To plank pile shoeing 245 running, at 6d. To 25 bolts for the string pieces, at 28. 6 2 6 To extra iron work about the shuttle, and contingencies 2 10 200 Iron work about one cofferdam 11 18 6 A cofferdam complete 181 10 6 A cofferdam complete The materials for the first pier are supposed to be of half value towards each succeeding pier, which will therefore be No. 6, at 907. 158. 3d. Cofferdams for the whole 181 10 6 544 11 6 726 2 0 CHAP. VIII. 431 BRITAIN. Excavation and Drainage. To excavation of the matter, 722 yards for each pier, at 6d. To drawing off the water, supposed equal to 50 days, at 20s. per day per pier £ s. d. £ s. d. - 18 1 0 50 0 0 68 1 0 The excavation and drainage of six piers, the two abutment piers, and foundations for the wing-walls, being supposed equivalent to two piers, the whole will be equivalent to eight piers, at 68%. Is. each Masonry in the piers and abutments, below the springing of the arches. To 1080 feet supl. of ashler in each pier below water, at 7d. To 1176 ditto above water, at 8d. The whole pier in solid contains 467 cube yards, including labour, carriage, tarras mortar, six inches in the outside joints, and all materials, at 5s. per yard - N. B. The ashler being at least 20 inches bed, and cubed into the solid, at 5s. per yard, is supposed to pay for the tarras mortar and extra labour in setting thereof. To capping the pier with solid blocks, jointed between the springer stones, 600 cube feet, at 6d. To capping the ends of the piers, 148 feet supl., at 8d. To six piers and two abutment piers, each reckoned as a pier, that is No. 8., at 2071. 7s. 8d. - To walling in the west land stool, to bring it up to the springers to be at a medium 5 feet thick, containing 490 cube yards, at 5s. - To hammer-dressing that part of the wall that comes in view below the plinth, containing 666 feet supl., at 1½d. To working the plinth, being before reckoned as solid, con- taining 990 feet supl., at 3d. To 78 cube yards of masonry, in the east land stool, to bring it up to the height of the springers, at 5s. To setting under the west abutment arch, to prevent the water from affecting the foundations, 1353 feet at 4d. 31 10 0 39 4 0 116 15 0 15 0 0 4 18 0 1659 1 4 122 10 0 4 3 3 12 7 6 19 10 0 22 11 0 G 544 8 0 Masonry in the piers, and abutments below the springing of the arches 1840 3 1 Centering for the arches. To timber in one rib 416 feet cube, and for six ribs To timber in 30 bearing piles and 5 capt-trees, for supporting the ribs - 2496 cube ft. 750 To stays and bracings between the ribs to keep them upright To covering for the centres in square scantlings To additional work to make the centres fit the large arches 75 525 188 To timber in a centre complete 4034 at 3s. 605 2 0 To iron work in the six ribs, 1852 lbs. at 5d. To ditto in pile shoes and hoops, 662 lbs. at 5d. To spikes, nails, and other contingent articles £38 11 8 13 15 10 5. 0 0 The iron work for one centre One centre complete To a set of piles and cap pieces, ready prepared for driving in the second arch before the first centre is struck, containing 750 feet, at 2s. To 5 booms, containing 375 feet of timber, at 2s., to be fixed as struts between the piers of the second arch while the centre is taking down from the first and putting up in the second To taking down the centre, drawing the piles, driving ditto, and setting up the centre 6 times, repairing and making good what is wanting, at 9d. per cube foot upon the timber, which being 4034 feet, comes to 1517. 5s. 6d. each time, and for 6 times Taking down and putting up the booms 5 times, at 6d. per foot To centering for one of the small arches, at 20s. per square To taking down, removing, and setting up ditto in the other arch Centering for the bridge complete - 57 7 6 662 9 6 75 0 0 37 10 0 907 13 0 46 17 6 20 0 0 500 1754 10 0 432 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Masonry in the superstructure. To 15,850 feet supl. in the soffite of the main arches, being 3 feet thick, set in place and mortar included, at 20d. To 2000 feet supl. in the soffite of the abutment arches, at 1s. To blocking up the spandrills of the arches solid 6 feet high, containing 473 cube yards, at 58. £ 8. d. - 1320 16 8 100 0 0 To cube masonry in the spandrill walls, abutments, and wing-walls, from the top of the piers to the top of the cordon, containing 3776 yards, at 5s. To hammer-dressing the plain superficies thereof, containing 33,984 feet at lid. In the parapet, 11,856 feet supl. on both sides, being 15 inches thick, stone, workmanship, mortar, and setting ditto, at 6d. To 18,382 feet supl. in the faces of the arches, bands and keys, the cordon, mutules, capping, and pedestals, which being before reckoned in solid, except their projecting parts, and all square work, at 4d. 118 5 0 944 0 0 212 8 0 269 8 0 306 7 4 To 2160 feet supl. in the 12 eyes, and 640 feet in the terminating pillars, in the whole 2800 feet supl. of circular work (being before included in the solid), at 6d. 70 0 0 The walking path, being 4 feet wide, contains 3641 feet supl. of stone, working and laying, at 7d. 106 12 0 Masonry in the superstructure 3447 17 0 410 11 0 · 1000 0 0 Gravel. To 10,948 cube yards, to fill up the spandrills and wing-walls, and form the road, at 9d. Contingencies. To piling engines, pumps, and other utensils, supervisal, unforeseen acci- dents, and expences Abstract. To cofferdams Excavations and drainage Masonry in the piers and abutments Centering for the arches Masonry in the superstructure - Gravelling the bridge Contingencies - 1 Total # 726 2 0 544 8 0 1840 3 1 1754 10 0 3447 17 0 410 11 0 1000 0 0 · £9723 11 1 In the batterdeaus and centres there remained at least 5763 cube feet of timber, which if sold at 9d. per foot cube would amount to 214l. 2s. 3d., besides iron work, engines, and utensils; which, it was presumed, would be sufficient to make the road to and from the bridge. The prices in the preceding estimate include all labour, carriage, mortar, and setting up in place, unless otherwise particularly expressed. Description and method of fixing the foundation of the second pier and the cofferdam. The gravel proving harder than was expected in this last pier, much time being occupied in driving the piles of the cofferdam down to their proper depth, and so much difficulty being experienced in drawing them, that they were severely injured when drawn, it was proposed that for this pier there should be as many additional piles, as should set the whole at the distance of 9 feet from the sheeting of the base of the pier, and that they should be driven no further than to fix them firmly in the ground, even should that happen at only 2 feet. To prevent the filtration under the bottom of the piles, gravel and corn-mould earth were thrown in on the outside, after being well mixed together; and this was sloped against the piles, and extended to a width of 6 feet all round. Method of forming the excavation. The pumps being fixed, and the water pumped out, the excavation was made to the size of the pier; and after having got down a space in the middle to its proper depth, the width and depth were increased, till the area was clear for driving the piles, upon which the foundation frame was to rest, and no more, leaving the matter on the outside of the area to form its own slope towards the cofferdam, so that the rest of the area remained solid, to support the sheeting of the dam. The depth of the excavation was determined after the following rule. It must be exca- vated at least 3 feet at a medium below the natural surface of the gravel where the pier stands; but if this did not carry down the base of the pier within 2 feet of the level at which CHAP. VIII. 458 BRITAIN. the base of the first pier was fixed, the depth of the excavation must be increased, till it is within 2 feet of the former depth. Method of fixing the foundation according to the plan. The excavation completed, let the 21 piles upon which the frame is to rest be driven into their proper places; these piles are to be 10-inch heads, and 6 feet long, supposing the gravel of equal strength with the last; the pile heads are then to be reduced to a level, and the frame laid thereon, and trenailed down upon the pile heads. Then the sheeting piles are to be driven; and these may be of oak, elm, beech, or fir, and about 6 feet in length, as these piles are to be rebated, and if possible driven without splitting. To save timber, it was recommended to groove the piles on both sides, and to nail in the tongue, which might be of hard wood if fir piles were used; these tongues were to be 1½ inches in thickness, and 13 inches broad; and to be let in 3 inch where it fastens, and to stand out 1 inch. The tops of the sheeting piles, being reduced to the same level as the string pieces to which they were to be spiked as they were driven; the outside was to be reduced to a regular breadth, and the notched stones taken in a line. When this was per- formed, the rest of the bearing piles were to be driven, beginning with the outside rows, and cut to a level with the tops of the string pieces; the piles were to be 6 feet, more or less as found requisite. The setting was to be completed by first underpinning the string pieces and tie-beams as firmly and equally as possible, by driving stones under them, and then the other spaces to be set and well driven down as before; but before ramming down, the joints were to be filled, by sweeping in dry lime mixed with sand and small gravel, so that the whole when driven down should be thoroughly compacted together. After the pier was raised above low water, the matter was to be taken out 4 feet in width all around, down to the level of the top of the notch course, and then filled with good lagging as before, standing somewhat higher than the natural bed of the river, and the rest of the space covered with rubble to the sides of the dam. The bearing piles were to be driven until the ram made them descend 1 inch for every 20 blows, and the sheeting piling, until it required 40 blows to drive the same quantity; and the latter were to be driven to a regular depth throughout. Coldstream Bridge over the Tweed, designed in 1763 by John Smeaton, has five arches. That in the centre is in span 60 feet 8 inches, the two adjoining 60 feet 5 inches, and each of those on the land sides 48 feet. They are all parts of the same circle; the smallest arches being one-third, and the others rising higher in proportion to their span. The height of the piers above low water, including the impost, which is 2 feet, is 12 feet precisely, so that the shaft of the piers before the impost was put on is 10 feet. Fig. 434. COLDSTREAM BRIDGE. The engineer in one of his reports upon this bridge remarks, that he found the gravel of the Tweed lie very open, and not wrecked up with sand and matter in the usual manner, and though generally objecting to piling foundations, which are tedious and expensive, and getting down to the rock, would from the nature of the gravel make the drainage exceedingly so, he in this case recommended piling the foundation 3 feet below the bed of the river; in general he observes that in similar cases it was usual to lay down a grating and build upon it without any piles at all; but that here the floods might take away the gravel and leave the grating bare, which would eventually undermine the pier; and that to defend the foundations in the usual way, by building starlings round the piers, ter- minating above low water, would also be objectionable, as the water-way would be too much contracted. Hexham Bridge, as designed by John Smeaton, had nine elliptical arches of different spans, and extended 518 feet between the abutments, and 568 feet comprising them; the width measured on the soffite 20 feet, and the clear between the parapets 18 feet. The span of the centre arch was 51 feet, the piers 12 feet 6 inches; the adjoining arches 50 feet 7 inches; the piers 12 feet; the next arches 49 feet 11 inches, the piers 11 feet 6 inches; the next arches 48 feet, the pier 11 feet 6 inches, and the two outer arches span 37 feet. This bridge, which was destroyed by a flood in 1782, was a considerable loss to the contractors. Five of the piers were built in a caissoon, the internal width of which was 16 feet, the length on the flat side 22 feet; the bottom was formed of 3-inch plank laid crosswise, and the sides of 3-inch plank placed upright, supported by three ribs of timber, two on the inside and one on the out, all secured at the angles by iron bolts in a proper manner. F f 434 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. On the upper rim iron studs were screwed, over which an iron chain could be cast when the caissoon was moored, a pile being driven above and below bridge for this purpose. All the joints of the planking and sides, and the cross and upper planking of the bottom were grooved about 2 inch in depth; and a lath 1½ inches in breadth, and inch thick, was 14427 let into it with tar; and over the joints was nailed a strip of thick flannel covered with tar, 3 inches in breadth upon the outer edge. During the excavation, the floods carried away the gravel under the caissoon, the fourth pier from the south abutment settled about 18 inches; in many places, the gravel was removed to the depth of 30 inches, and several of the stones were driven out of the cutwater of the pier. This damage was remedied by enclosing the se- veral foundations with a row of sheet piling, which prevented the gravel from further washing from under the base of the piers; and then filling up the cavities below the bed of the river with rough rubble stones, and the inside of the piles with smaller quarry rubble and clean sand, in the proportions of 2 of stone to 1 of sand. To underpin the piers effectually, it was necessary to make use of a diving machine, the principal part of which was an air-chest, 3 feet 6 inches in length, 4 feet 6 inches in depth, and 2 feet in width, pro- vided with a copper air-pump which threw in a gallon of air at a stroke; it was sunk with the proper tackle, by attaching 16 pigs of lead to it. A board was put across for a man to sit on, with another for his feet, and a pane of glass inserted at top to admit the light. The pump was formed of a copper cylinder 10 inches in diameter, and 12 inches high; wired at top, and a flanch at bottom 14 inch broad, by which it was screwed down to the top of the air-chest; the copper is described as being the thickness of a half- penny. The sides of the air-chest had 21 plank for the ends and bottoms, and 13 inches for the sides. Kelso Bridge, over the Tweed, consists of five arches, each 72 feet span, with a versed sine of 20 feet 9 inches; the diameter of the circle of curvature at the vertex being 114 feet. This beautiful work, completed by Mr. Rennie about the year 1799, was the model for Waterloo Bridge; the estimate for its construction was 12,8761., which was not exceeded. The old bridge at Kelso was constructed of six semicircular arches, with a water-way of 318 feet, where the river was 561 feet in width. The roadway of this bridge is perfectly level; over each pier are two columns, which sustain an en- tablature that runs the entire length; these columns project about three quarters of their diameter, and are of graceful proportions. The width of the bridge measured on the soffite of the arches is 26 feet. The scenery around this structure is admired for its beauty, and the conflux of the Tweed and the Teviot rivers is enriched by the engineer; at the period this bridge was constructed, similar works were carried on in France, but none excel this example in simplicity or style of execution. objections made to the introduction of columns at the bridge of Blackfriars do not hold good in the Kelso Bridge, for they are of one proportion throughout, and are not diminished in height towards the abutments to adapt them to the cur- vature of a cornice, which rakes with an inclined The Fig. 435. bridge at Kelso, CHAP. VIII. 435 BRITAIN. roadway; there can be no doubt, however, that it would have been better to have omitted the columns altogether, as they can hardly be supposed fit decorations for the piers of a bridge. BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER CREE. Fig. 436. Bridge over the River Cree at- Newton Stewart, executed also by Mr. Rennie, consists of five arches, all segments of circles; that in the middle is 50 feet span, with a versed sine of 6 feet 6 inches, its two piers are 8 feet in thickness; the arch on each side of the centre is 46 feet span, with a versed sine of 2 feet 9 inches, and the outer piers are diminished in width 6 inches; the two arches on the land sides are 39 feet in width, with a versed sine of 4 feet 9 inches. The roadway, which takes the same curve as the cor- nice of the bridge, is 20 feet in width between the para- pets. Bridge over the Esk at Musselburgh was also con- structed from designs by Mr. Rennie, about the year 1803. It consists of five segmental arches of considera- ble radii; that in the middle is 45 feet span, with a versed sine of 6 feet 6 inches; the arches on each side of the centre are 42 feet span, with a versed sine of 5 feet; the outer arches, or those adjoining the abutments, are 37 feet span, with a versed sine of 3 feet. The piers are all 7 feet in width above the set-off, and are rusticated to the underside of the cornice, which has a circular form, and follows the curvature of the road. curves. In the bridges over the Cree and Esk the flat seg- mental arches produce the most elegant and pleasing effect. Ammanati, in his beautiful design executed at Florence (Fig. 184.), had already shown how much grace could be obtained by the introduction of arches that approached the elliptical form. Perronet, some years afterwards, also with great success, adopted others which formed a portion of the circle, or were very flat St. Maxence on the Oise (Fig. 280.), and Brunoi on the Hyeres (Fig. 282.), executed by that celebrated engineer, served as models for many ex- ecuted in France; among which may be reckoned that of Jena at Paris, erected in 1808 by Lamande (Fig. 288.); but all these bridges, though their arches are of an increased span, and of bolder construction, do not surpass the examples we are describing. The cur- vature given to the roadway, to accommodate the level of the banks of the river, differs from the French ex- amples, but is admirably accomplished in the Kelso bridge, where the effect is improved by the cornice being maintained horizontally throughout. The enormous sums of money that have recently been expended to lower the crowns of Westminster and Blackfriars bridges, so as to render the draught over them less laborious, ought to satisfy those who are partial to a curved line of road, that utility and elegance equally recommend its discontinuance; and that, wherever a level surface can be obtained, without too much increas- ing the expense of the abutments, it should be adopted. Independent of this the eye is better satisfied with such an arrangement, as the ends of the bridge, where all the strength is required, gain importance by elevating it above the ordinary level of the shore, and an idea is conveyed of power to resist the combined thrust of the arches, by the additional loading it receives from the increase of height. A reference to Waterloo Bridge will convince the most fastidious that the level line not only possesses the greatest convenience, but beauty also; the latter arising out of the fitness of the several parts for the uses to which they are devoted, BRIDGE OVER THE ESK. Fig. 437. FF 2 436 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. It is Stoneleigh. Bridge, in the county of Warwick, was constructed by Mr. Rennie. built of stone, and the centre arch is 92 feet span, with a versed sine of 13 feet. The abutments are solid, and very ornamental; they have an opening in the middle of each 12 feet wide, with a semicircular head. The Doric entablature, which runs through the I Fig. 438. STONELEIgh bridge. entire length of the bridge, has a good effect; it is surmounted by a balustrade, and the roadway is kept horizontal. Wellington Bridge, over the river Aire, at Leeds, erectea under the direction of Mr. Rennie. It spans the river where it is 100 feet in width, and the banks 8 feet in height. The arch is the segment of a circle, 91 feet radius, with a versed sine of 15 feet. Coffer- dams were made use of to construct the abutments, which were protected by sheet piling and wales; each of these abutments is in length 30 feet, and 28 feet in width at the bot- tom, diminishing by offsets to 27 feet in length and 21 feet in width where the arch springs. These abutments are built with radiating courses within, but on the face they are horizontal, and the stones used are from 14 to 18 inches in thickness, and were accurately cut from templates made to suit each course. All the lower courses of the footings were laid without mortar, but had their joints well grouted; the others, up to the water-line, were laid in mortar, made from magnesian limestone; the proportions used were, one of lime, one of clean river sand, and one of forge scale, well mixed and tempered, and used quite hot. The masonry of the arch was put together with mortar, of equal proportions of lime`and sand. After the abutments were completed, the piles were driven to carry the centre, the lagging of which was laid 5 inches higher than the proposed arch, to allow for its settlement. There were six of these ribs or centres, of Memel timber, and the whole contained 2220 cube feet. The striking wedges were of oak, 6 inches in width, and 9 inches in height; the middle one being the largest. The voussoirs in front were 7 feet on the bed at the springing, diminishing to 4 feet at the crown; but the interior arch stones were on an average 3 feet in length, and 18 inches thick. After the arch was turned to the extent of one-third on each side, the centre was loaded at the crown with 20 tons of stone, and the haunches were not further loaded until after the key was placed, which was about three or four weeks from its commencement. The centre was enabled to bear the weight of a thou- sand tons, yet it was found that the wedges were forced into the timber, and it was necessary to cut them out. The arch, during the progress of the work, was squeezed down 21 inches, and after the centre was struck another 2½ inches. The stone used was a coarse red sand- stone, or millstone grit, from Bramley Fall, a quarry about four miles above the bridge. It was delivered scappled, ready for dressing, at 9d. per cube foot; the dressing and setting, exclusive of the cornice, cost 41d. per cube foot, including the mortar 15d., and the cornice and parapet walls about 4d. extra. The total quantity of masonry was 80,000 cube feet, and the entire cost of the bridge was 75301. Waterloo Bridge, commenced on the 11th of October, 1811, after the designs of Mr. Rennie, may be considered to form a new era in the art of bridge-building. Caissoons in this instance were abandoned, and cofferdams made use of instead, for laying in the foundations. The width of the Thames in this part is 1326 feet at high water, which is spanned by nine equal semi-elliptical arches of 120 feet opening, with a versed sine of 32 feet, and a rise of 35 feet above the surface water of spring-tides, so that the clear water-way is 1080 feet. The diameter of the circle of curvature at the vertex of these arches is 225 feet, the depth of the key-stone 4 feet 6 inches. The abutments are 40 feet in thickness at their base, and gradually diminish to 30 feet at the springing of the arches, and are 140 feet in length, including the stairs. The piers are 30 feet wide at their base, diminishing to 20 feet at the springing of the arches, and their extreme length is CHAP. VIII. 437 BRITAIN. 87 feet. The sides of the bridge are defended by an open balustrade; the carriage road is 28 feet wide, and the footpath on each side 7 feet. The roadway is nearly horizontal throughout, and level with the terrace at the back of Somerset House. This was nearly the first bridge so constructed, and great credit is due to the engineer in thus triumphing over the vulgar prejudice, that it was necessary to incline the thoroughfares to obtain a greater elevation of the middle arch in the arrangements at Blackfriars the columns are made to diminish in height towards the abutments; in the present case they are of the same altitude throughout; consequently the entablature is not distorted, and from the excellent effect produced by this level line of cornice being preserved, the bridge is justly considered the most beautiful structure of the kind. The cofferdams were formed of three concentric rows of piles, placed about 3 feet 6 inches apart; the stratum into which they were driven was gravel; each elm or beech pile was 12 inches in diameter, and about 20 feet in length. The form given to the cofferdams was that of an ellipsis; and the heads of the piles, after they were driven into the gravel, were cut off, about 5 feet above the level of high water mark spring tides; to secure them more effectually, wrought-iron screw-bolts were passed through them, as well as three rows of waling pieces, the ends of which were covered by stout cleets. Cross and dia- gonal braces of whole timber connected and strutted the several rows of piles; the dam was braced longitudinally in several places, and struts were introduced in every position where they were not found to interfere with the masons in their work. The water which accumulated or passed into the cofferdam could be let out at low tide by means of a short tunnel formed in the end; and a sluice, moved by iron racks and wheels, enabled the workmen to open or close the mouth of the tunnel at pleasure. The spaces between the piles were filled with well puddled clay, that had been beaten and prepared for the purpose before it was put on board the lighter which conveyed it to the cofferdam. In the execution of this work great attention was paid by the engineer to obtain a perfect command over the water at all times, and thus prevent any interruption to the men employed upon the masonry of the piers, which was completely effected by means of a steam-engine erected for the purpose: neither hand-buckets, pumps and machines worked by men or horses, nor the numerous contrivances described by the French engineers, could have emptied the space comprised within the area of a cofferdam in so short a time as it was accomplished by this; hence the labour was continued almost without interruption, on many occasions being proceeded with for twenty- four successive hours, a most important advantage in constructions of this kind. The application of the steam-engine to bridge-building has wonderfully eco- nomised both labour and time; piles are driven, their heads cut off by its power: manual labour has thus been greatly abridged, and the use of horses almost rendered unnecessary; in the present instance, the stone and other materials were so laid upon the temporary platforms or timber constructions, as to be within the command of the power of the engine at all times, and heavy weights were moved by very simple tackle and machinery. Fig. 439. WATERLOO bridge. The arches being all equal, and of an elliptical form, produce an admirable effect; the depth of the key-stone is between a twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh of the span, which is FF 3 438 BOOK I.. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 440. Elevation of arch, WATERLOO bridge. exceedingly small as compared with all previous examples, and it is no more than a fiftieth of the diameter of its circle of curvature. In the theory of the arch the thickness given to the voussoirs forms the most important consideration; and here we have them admirably proportioned, so as to diminish the pressure on the arch, and increase in strength towards the springing, that is to say, in proportion to the accumulated tangential pressure. At sixty degrees from the top the voussoirs are lengthened, and continue to receive some addition down to the springing. The bridge at Neuilly, built by Perronet, is at the crown 4 feet 8 inches in thickness, and its span is 128 feet, with a versed sine of 32 feet the crown of the arch being the portion of a circle whose radius is 150 feet, its horizontal thrust is very considerable, and the key-stone is made 4 feet 8 inches in height; nevertheless, the arch sunk when the centre was struck nearly 2 feet, whilst those of Waterloo descended only a few inches. The form given to the starlings at Waterloo Bridge is well contrived to split the stream in its current, and carry the water quietly under the arches. Fig. 441. WATERLOO bridge. The centres made use of were admirably contrived, and put together in such a manner that they could be readily dropped, if required, by means of the wedges introduced upon the heads of the inclined piles. The piers and abutments being raised to their necessary height, to receive the arches, the timber centres or ribs were set up, framed together, as represented in the elevation of the arch: these centres were remarkable for their strength, and calculated to support the weight of the voussoirs placed upon them, throughout the entire progress of the construction of the arch until finally keyed by the introduction of the last stone. The form of the arches has undergone no change, which is the best indication that can be adduced of the excellent manner in which the centres were framed and supported. They were laid upon whole timbers, which capped the piles; and under each set of ribs the wedges were introduced, which were made to extend across the entire CHAP. VIII. 439 BRITAIN. width; so that when it was required to ease the centre, wedges were driven along each other, and slid down the inclined plane into larger spaces than they had previously occu- pied: the whole centre, consequently, could by this means be made to descend very gently, and remain so during any part of the operations. The inclined piles, which carried the weight of the ribs of the centre, had their bearing on the offsets of the stone piers, which afforded a most effectual and perfect abutment; and it must be acknowledged, that the skill shown in putting together a centre of such vast weight and dimensions is a strong evidence that improvement in bridge-building has been greater here than on the Continent. The section through the piers shows their construction, which is of solid granite throughout; over the spandrills are rows of columns, which carry the roadway, and a pipe conducts the water from the channels of each gutter to an opening immediately above the last set-off, where the pluvial waters are discharged into the river. Fig. 442. SECTION THROUGH PIER of WATERLOO BRIDGE. Great attention was paid to have the spandrills of the arches constructed with solid masonry, laid in regular horizontal courses, and of one uniform thickness throughout, and where bedded upon the extrados of the arch, they were very carefully worked, so that the whole was made solid and secure before any course was proceeded with, the last executed was dressed on the surface, and rendered perfectly even, that the layer of fine mortar intro- duced under the beds should have a uniform thickness: over these were constructed in- verted arches, the stones of which increased in dimension with the radius, and these also were carefully dressed, so that they should perform their office effectually, contributing additional strength at the back of the main arches, where these were likely to spring, without adding unnecessarily to the weight on the piers: this feature in the construction of the arches of a bridge was, perhaps, first introduced at Westminster, but was not there so admirably executed as in the present example. FF 4 440 BOOK I.. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The section through the arch exhibits the twenty-four voussoirs which lock the whole, the top of which is level with the upper portion of the architrave that rests on the two Doric columns. Fig. 443. SECTION Through arch of waTERLOO BRIDGE. The abutments are of singular beauty, and comprise within them staircases to descend to the river at all times of the tide; from the increase in their width, both above and below Fig. 444. ABUTMENTS of wateRLOO BRIDGE. the bridge, greater security is given to the structure, and the eye is pleased by the additional masonry. CHAP. VIII. BRITAIN 441 వి IB B ען Fig. 445. SECTION THROUGH THE STAIRS of WATERLOO BRIDGE. The section through the stairs, arch above, and solid masonry resting on the piles below, give some idea of the precautions taken by the engineer to render his abutments per- fectly solid; beyond these, and continuing for an immense distance on the Surrey side, is a series of brick arches, on which the roadway is carried, which gradually inclines towards the obelisk in St. George's Fields. On the Strand side the ground rising rapidly, the same extent of arches was not required. Waterloo Bridge is an imposing and beau- tiful structure, which has received most un- qualified praise from all capable of judging of its merits: as the works were generally constructed in a similar manner to those of London Bridge, it has not been thought ne- cessary to enter more upon them here, but to refer to that specification for further inform- ation upon the subject; the whole surface of the piers and abutments, as well as the arches, are of Cornish granite, and the filling in is of Cragleith and Derbyshire stone. Fig. 446. PLAN OF STAIRS. London Bridge, at the commencement of the nineteenth century, was in such a state of dilapidation as to require either that a large sum of money should be expended upon it, or that a new structure should be erected; an application was made to parliament on the subject, when a select committee was appointed to consider what was necessary to be done. On the 28th of July, 1800, this committee reported, that notwithstanding large sums had annually been expended upon the bridge, the methods hitherto adopted for its secu- rity had not proved effectual; that the bed of the river suffered injury from increasing shoals, partly from its natural course being obstructed, and partly from the dispersion of materials employed to strengthen the piers. That the bridge was in such a state that it could not be substantially repaired; that its foundations were daily undermining, from the force of the agitated water rushing through the confined arches; and the committee was of opinion, from the enquiries they had instituted, that the rebuilding of London Bridge upon improved principles would be a measure of economy. 442 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. The report made by Mr. Robert Mylne on the state of the River Thames and its bed, on the structure of London Bridge, and the navigation of the river above and below it, in the year 1800, contains the principal information on those subjects furnished to the select committee. In this report he states, that whilst the alterations were making at London Bridge in 1761 and 1762, and during the removal of the pier under the great arch of 70 feet span, he was consulted by Parsons, the contractor, as to the best manner of performing his contract; and he advised that a hole should be made in the ashler works forming one side of the old pier, on which the two Gothic arches rested, which was to be removed. On examination it was found that the pier rested on four rows of piles, driven closely together round its outer edge; the tops of which were at a very considerable depth below the present low water mark. Around these and forming the starlings were others, which he drew up by means of powerful screws fastened to the heads, and then, by destroying some of the ashler work, he was enabled to displace and draw some of the outside quadruple row, on which the foundations of the pier were laid; the pier quickly became a ruin, and dissolved away in the midst of that impetuous agent, the fall under the bridge. The outer piles being carried away, the heart or middle of the work was borne off so suddenly, as hardly to leave any time to consider and measure its substance and texture. All that could float was dispersed up and down the river; but some of the original piles were pre- served, which were stated to have been there about 586 years. The original bed of the river, under the substance of the pier, had never been exposed to such a rapid stream before; it was then much higher in level than any parts above as well as below the bridge; its substance was soon worn away by the powerful friction, and in proportion as the space and depth were enlarged, the violence of the stream increased in power, by the current being drawn from both shores and from the small arches, augmenting the volume of water, which was greater than had ever before existed. This corrosion at both sides of the old pier spread across the bottom of the locks adjoining, and attacked the stability of the starlings under the old piers of the new arch; unfortunately the outer faces of these starlings were so close to the stone piers, and only 6 feet broad underneath the haunches of the great arch, that no pile engine could act, and there was but little space to stand and perform any efficient works. Mr. Smeaton was immediately called in, and he advised the only probable remedy for the urgency of the case, which was to throw as much stone as possible into the vacuities of the foundation, to preserve it from further corrosion; accordingly, the stones belonging to the old city gates, which had recently been pulled down and sold, and which were stored up at no great distance, were repurchased and thrown into the gulf which had been formed from the deep water above to the deep water below the bridge. This remedy seems to have been suggested from the manner in which Gautier states the bridge of St. Esprit to be supported, and maintained at a constant and great expense, yet the whole of the advice was not followed. Increased velocity formed ad- ditional danger, and eddies were thus created, in which all sorts of vessels became entangled. After a great deal of discussion, a compromise was effected between those who contended for having the current as gentle as possible under and through the bridge, and those who were for maintaining as strong a current as might be, in order to work the water wheels attached to the bridge. And the report further states, "that if the bridge was totally removed, and nature restored to its full power and original possessions at this place, there cannot be any doubt but the navigation would be here, as at any place upwards to Fulham Bridge, free, open, and unencumbered for all the variety of craft which navigate that extent of the river. Boats would pass up or down against the stream, equally as well as they do now any where else; and a greater quantity of tidal water being admitted, by the removal of that which obstructs its influx at present, the intercourse inland would be en- larged and extended by as much further as the tide would certainly flow. The reflow of that newly and enlarged quantity of water would scour out the sand shoals and muddy shores, and hurry off the filth produced from the common sewers, which through a certain sluggishness in the stream is not cleared away at present. The west country barges, and other large craft, would not be detained in certain parts of the river for want of water in dry seasons. The upper end of the tidal water would swell the natural waters a long way further up, and thereby release the craft from a demurrage, which increases the cost of the voyage, this question pervading the inland trade as far as Reading and Oxford. If the pass at London Bridge was free, the land floods of the Thames would have a ready passage to the tide way and the sea, and thereby pass off the useless superabundance more readily, and in such a manner that the shores and towing paths would be used, and barges pass more freely under the floors of the scaffold bridges at Chelsea, Fulham, and Kingston. The high waters of the tides respectively would be so much higher in this district, and the velocity so much stronger upwards, that the voyage would be done in less time, and with more safety, through a deeper water at each period of the tide. Some of the walls, it is true, would be found between this bridge and Kew not quite adequate thereto, and would have to be raised by their respective owners." The area or space of water-way of the whole river at London Bridge before the same was CHAP. VIII. 443 BRITAIN. built was, by Mr. Mylne's measurements, " 19,586 feet superficial nearly, taking the width equal to the length of the bridge, and the depth from the face of its bed, underneath the arches, up to the visible marks of the flow of the tide on the modern stone-work. It is reasonable to suppose, the bridge being removed, that would be the space through which the tidal waters would flow. The water-way of all the arches or locks added together, taken from the surface of the starlings (which are 1 foot 10 inches out of a level endways, and not altogether on a level with one another across the river) down to the floors of the locks respectively, was, in 1767, 3530 feet superficial. The water-way of all the said arches above the starlings to high water mark, above mentioned, deducting the triangular spaces at the haunches of each arch, forms a space of 4470 feet superficial. Now, these added toge- ther form the whole space of 8005 feet nearly, and this is very much diminished in its powers by being divided into nineteen parts, one very large, and many others exceedingly small. It is further diminished in its effects by stages and piles, stretching 290 feet along the bridge; and by as much as the water-wheels at their periphery do not move so fast as the current of the stream in the face arches, and thereby producing a considerable retard- ation of the due effect there would be if they were not there. Many of the floors of the locks have been raised to a degree of no small danger, and the outsides of the starling have been covered with planking since 1767, all of which last make considerable deductions from the quantity of 8005 feet; yet if that space alone be deducted out of the area of the whole, there remains of solids in this bridge 11,581 feet superficial. This is nearly a proportion of the solid parts, occupying three-fifths of the river, and leaving only two-fifths for the passage of the whole river." The water-way at Westminster Bridge was, before it was built, 19,010 feet superficial, and now 14,768 feet, so that the piers occupy 4242 feet superficial only. The water-way at Blackfriars was, between the present shores before the bridge was built, 19,083 feet superficial; the water-way of all the arches or openings is 15,081 feet super- ficial, and the piers occupy a space of 4001 feet superficial. The proportions then are as follows:- London Bridge Westminster Bridge Blackfriars Bridge - • Area of River. 19,586 19,010 Solid. 11,581 19,083 4,242 4,001 Water-way. 8,005 14,768 15,082 When the committee of the House of Commons had determined upon the erection of a new bridge, Mr. George Rennie, at the desire of his father the late Mr. Rennie, made the design as it is now executed; and as the country lost the services of Mr. Rennie by his death in 1821, the execution of this important undertaking devolved upon his sons, and Mr. George Rennie holding at that time a situation under the government, his brother Sir John, who was his junior, was named the acting engineer. Messrs. Joliffe and Banks were the contractors, and the cost, including the approaches, amounted to £1,458,311 8s. 11 d. The first pile for the cofferdam was driven on the 15th of March, 1824, and the dam was finally closed on the 1st of April the following year, and after the water had been pumped out 29 feet below low water mark, it was found remarkably tight. On the 27th of April the workmen commenced their excavations in a stiff blue clay, after which the sills and planking were laid ready for the foundations, which were com- menced on the 15th of June: the first stone laid was a piece of Aberdeen granite, 5 feet g of an inch long, 3 feet 63 inches broad, and 2 feet 10 inches deep, containing 50 feet 7 inches cube, and weighing 4 tons. The cofferdam for the second pier was completed soon after, and pumped out by the 24th of August; in 1826 the foundations on the Southwark side, comprising the abutment and wing-walls, were carried up, and the second pier was commenced. The coffer-dams of the first and second piers being no longer required, a portion of the piles were cut off on both sides, to prepare them for the support of the centres; and after the horizontal wedges were fixed on the heads of the coffer-dam piles, on the 30th September the first rib was set up by means of large sheer poles and powerful hoisting tackle, and by the 10th November, the whole ten ribs were placed. When the masonry of the second pier was sufficiently advanced, the centre, which had been framed in the Isle of Dogs, was floated up the river, and being hoisted upon a large double barge, was raised into its place by means of screws, assisted by the tide. The cofferdam of the third pier had by this time advanced, and soon afterwards that of the fourth pier, when it became necessary to provide more water-way by removing the pier between the fifth and sixth locks of the old bridge, and forming a wooden tressel frame of whole timbers for the traffic to pass. This was performed at the cost of 8000l. by demo- lishing one half of the arch at a time, after which the pier below was taken away 4 feet below low water mark. By the 4th of August, 1827, the first arch was completed; by the end of the year the second arch was keyed in, the foundation of the third pier completed, and that of the fourth laid. In 1828, the water being pumped out of the north abutment dam, and the excavations made, the first pile was driven on the 1st of February, and the 444 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. व Fig. 447. LONDON BRIDGE. CHAP VIII. 445 BRITAIN. C entire foundations completed on the 1st of March following; the masonry was then carried up to the springing of the arches. The first arch turned having now stood the entire winter, the wedges were struck 2 inches back on each side, and the crown lowered § of an inch; the wedges were then driven back 4 inches more on the following day, when the crown of the arch sank another half inch. On the third day they were driven back 6 inches, when the crown of the whole arch was clear, and shortly after the wedges were entirely driven back, when the soffite of the arch was accurately examined, and found to have preserved its form entire, although it had lowered 1½ inch. By this time the centres of all the other arches were placed, and the masonry considerably advanced in 1829 and 1830 the centres of the middle, fourth, and fifth arches were shifted back, and when released of their load, the middle arch sank 2½ inches, the fourth 24 inches, and the fifth 13 inch. The centre arch is 152 feet span, and rises 29 feet 6 inches above Trinity high water mark; the arches on either side span 140 feet, and rise 27 feet 6 inches above the same line, and the abutment arches span 130 feet each, and rise above the same line 24 feet 6 inches. The entire water-way being 692 feet, the total length of the bridge 1005 feet, its width from out to out 56 feet, and its height above low water 60 feet. The two centre piers are 24 feet in thickness, and the two others 2 feet less. So important a national work requires us to enter more into particulars, and to give the specification and forms of the contract, which are perfect models of their kind, and will serve as such for similar undertakings. 66 Cofferdams for the abutments.-These dams are to be of a circular form, and of the size and dimensions in every respect as shown in the drawings exhibited; they are to be com- posed entirely of the best Memel, Dantzic, Riga, or Stettin, fir timber. The piles are to be composed entirely of whole timbers, that is, none to be less than 12 inches square when measured in the work, and as much larger as the timber will allow; the main part of the dam is to be composed of two rows of piles, not less than 5 feet apart, the inner row to be driven not less than 10 feet, and the outer row not less than 8 feet below the lowest parts of the foundations, that is, the square parts of the piles are to be driven to this depth besides the shoes, and when driven, both rows are not to be less than 5 feet above high water mark of spring tides, according to the Trinity House standard. These two rows of piles are to be properly secured together with three rows of double waleing, not less than 12 inches square each; these three rows of waleing are to be secured together with the best wrought- iron screw bolts, 2 inches diameter, passing through each set of waleings at every 10 feet, and having their ends secured with the best wrought-iron plates, not less than 10 inches long by 8 inches wide, and 1 inch thick, and wrought-iron screw nuts 5 inches square, and 2 inches thick, and wooden cleats not less than 12 inches square and 3 feet long, the whole to be well fitted and screwed up to their bearings. There is to be a third or outer row of piles, to be composed entirely of whole timbers as before, and to be not less than 6 feet asunder from the main rows of piles; these piles are to be driven not less than 8 feet below the lowest part of the foundation, that is, the square part of the piles are to be of this depth besides the shoes, and their heads are not to extend higher than the level of half-tides, or 7 feet below high water mark of spring tides, according to the Trinity House standard, except that there are to be two piles at such distance as are shown in the drawings, to be of the full height of the inner rows. This outer row of piles is to be connected together with not less than three rows of double whole timber waleings, as before described, and to be connected to the main dam with long wrought-iron screw-bolts, 2 inches diameter, passing through the three rows of piles at each row of waleings, and at the centre of every space between the bolts belonging to the inner rows of piles, and having their ends secured with cleats and nuts as before described, and well fitted and screwed up to their bearings: the whole of the three rows of piles above described are to be planed and straightened on the edges, and the joints of the two inner rows are to be caulked and covered over with pitch, so as to be perfectly water-tight; they are also to be braced firmly together by transverse and diagonal braces, composed of half-timbers firmly fitted and spiked together, and having their ends supported by cleats where required; the whole of the piles are to be properly hooped and shod with the best wrought-iron, and the hoops and shoes to average 56 pounds weight each. The spaces between the three rows of piles are to be well fitted with the best tough well-beaten clay, thoroughly puddled, so as to be impervious to water; the space between the two inner rows of piles is to be filled with the above clay to the level of not less than 2 feet above high water of spring tides, according to the Trinity House standard, and the space between the outer and middle row of piles is only to be filled with clay up to the level of 2 feet below the upper waleing of the second row of piles, and to incline downwards to the heads of the outer row of piles; besides the diagonal and transverse braces above described, there is to be a series of main, transverse, and longitudinal bracings for the interior of the dam; at the level of each row of waleings these transverse and longi- tudinal braces are to be composed entirely of double whole timbers, firmly scarfed, bolted, and strapped together with the best wrought-iron bolts and straps, and supported by piles, > 446 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. as described in the drawings; the minor transverse and diagonal braces are to be composed of whole timbers only. "The whole of these braces are to be firmly united together with wrought-iron straps and ties at their ends, in order that their dams may be firm and immovable in every part; there is to be a tunnel, not less than 3 feet square, placed towards the centre of the dam, and at the level of low water mark of spring tides, it is to be secured with a proper sluice worked by machinery, as shown in the drawings, in order that it may be raised or lowered at pleasure; this tunnel is to be properly secured on all sides to the piles, and to have its joints well caulked, so that it may remain perfectly water-tight. There will be two of these dams. "Pier Cofferdams.—These dams are to be of an elliptical form, of the size and dimensions as shown in the drawings; they are to be composed entirely of the best Dantzic, Memel, Riga, or Stettin fir, all the piles to be composed of whole timbers, and none to be less than 12 inches square when in the work, the main dam to have two rows of piles, not less than 5 feet asunder, and when driven to be not less than 5 feet above high water mark of spring tides, according to the Trinity House standard; they are to be properly secured and connected Fig. '48. PLAN OF COFFERDAM, LONDON KRidge. together with three rows of double whole timber waleings, having the best wrought-iron screw bolts, 2 inches diameter, passing through them at every 10 feet, and well secured at their ends with wrought-iron plates and nuts, and wooden cleats as before described; there is also to be a third or outer row of whole timber piles, not less than 6 feet from the second row; the heads of this row of piles are not to extend higher than the level of half tides, that is, seven feet below high water mark of spring tides, according to the Trinity House standard, only that there are to be two piles at such distances as shown in the drawings, to the full height of the inner rows; this row of piles is to be connected together with three rows of double whole timber waleings, not less than 12 inches square, and to be secured to the main dam with long wrought-iron screw bolts, 2 inches diameter, with plates, cleats, and nuts as before described, passing through three rows of piles at each row of waleings; at the centre of every space between the bolts belonging to the two main rows of piles, the two outer rows of piles are to be driven not less than 8 feet below the lowest part of the foundation, and the inner row not less than 10 feet, that is, the square part of the piles are to be of this depth besides the shoes; the spaces between the three rows of piles are to be properly filled with tough well-beaten clay as before described, the whole of the exterior joints being previously well caulked and covered with pitch. There are also to be proper sets of cross and diagonal half-timber braces to connect the rows of piles together, and the whole dam is to be braced longitudinally and transversely with double and single whole timber braces, struts, and wrought-iron straps and ties; at the upper, middle, and lower tiers of waleings, as shown in the drawings, there is to be a tunnel at one end of the dam, 3 feet square, secured by a sluice worked by proper machinery, as shown in the drawings, in order that the sluice may be raised and lowered when required, the above tunnel to be CHAP. VIII. 447 BRITAIN. well fitted and secured to the piles as before described; the whole of the piles are to be straightened and planed on the edges, and shod with good wrought-iron shoes, and properiy Fig. 449. FRAMING OF THE TIMBERS of cofferdam. headed and hooped with strong wrought-iron hoops of the same weight as before described, so as to prevent the piles from splitting whilst driving. There will be required four pier dams. "Foundations. -The earth for the foundations of the abutments is to be excavated to such a depth, that the tops of the platforms at the front shall not be less than 34 feet 6 inches below high water mark, according to the Trinity House standard, and at the back 25 feet below the said Trinity House high water mark, and as shown in the drawings. "The earth for the foundations of the two side piers is to be excavated to such a depth, that the tops of the platforms shall not be less than 40 feet below the said Trinity House high water mark. "The earth for the foundations of the middle piers is to be excavated to such a depth that the tops of the platforms shall not be less than 43 feet below the said Trinity House high water mark. When the earth has been excavated to the required depth, piles are to be driven to sustain the weight of the superstructure; these are to be of elm, fir, or beech timber, not less, on an average, than 12 inches diameter in the middle, and 20 feet long, properly shod with good wrought-iron shoes, not less than 35 pounds weight each, and good wrought-iron hoops 30 pounds weight each, so as to prevent the piles from splitting whilst driving. The piles under the foundations of the abutments are to be driven at right angles to the inclination of the foundations, and those for the piers are to be driven perpen- dicular, as shown in the drawings; all these piles are to be driven not less than 18 feet below the under side of the respective platforms of the piers and abutments, that is, the square parts of the piles, besides the shoes are to be driven to this depth. The piles are to be driven in rows about 4 feet asunder from centre to centre, as shown in the drawings. When all the piles are driven to the requisite depth, their heads are to be cut off level and even, and the earth from between is to be excavated to the depth of 9 inches below the pile- heads, and the spaces between are to be filled with Kentish ragstone, well beat down and racked in with sharp gravel and lime screenings to the level of the pile-heads, in the pro- portion of one part of lime to five parts of gravel, after which sills of beech, elm, or fir timber, not less than 12 inches square each, are to be laid and fitted solidly on the pile- heads, in the transverse direction of the foundations, and firmly spiked to each pile with jagged wrought-iron spikes 18 inches long, and 1 inches square; between these sills, except at the extremities, which are to be filled with square blocks of stone, the spaces are to be built up with good sound brickwork, composed of the best sound, hard, well-burnt grey stock bricks, set in mortar, composed of four parts of clean sharp river sand to one part of well-burnt Merstham, Dorking, or other lime equally good; above these sills there are to be laid and properly fitted other rows of sills longitudinally over the pile-heads below, 448 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. and at right angles to the other sills: these rows of sills are to be of the same materials and dimensions as the former, and to be firmly spiked down to the lower rows of sills with Fig. 450. 4 • • • SECTION THROUGH PIER OF LONDON BRIDGE, 18-inch jagged spikes, as before described. The spaces between the upper rows of sills are to be well fitted and built up level with Bramley Fall, Painshaw, or other stone equally good, Fig. 451. set in and grouted with mortar similar to that above described, and when made level with the top of the sills, the whole of the foundations are to be covered with 6-inch beech, elm, or fir planks, to be bedded in mortar, as before described, and to be well-fitted, close-jointed, and firmly spiked down to the sills with the best wrought-iron jagged spikes, 12 inches long, and inch square, and upon this platform the masonry hereinafter to be described is to be 3 å built. Along the front of the abutments, and on each return, and round the entire found- ation of the piers, sheeting piling is to be driven to the depth of not less than 12 feet below the top of the above described platforms of the abutments, and 14 feet below the top of the platforms of the piers, that is, the square parts of the piles are to be of this depth, besides CHAP. VIII. 449 BRITAIN. the shoes. These piles are to be of clean beech, elm, or fir timber, not less than 6 inches thick, except those for the piers, which are to be fir timber, not less than 12 inches square, the whole to be well straightened, planed, ploughed, and tongued on the edges, and driven perfectly close, and to be connected together with half timber fir waleings, well bolted and secured to the piles. These piles are to be hooped and shod with wrought-iron hoops and shoes, averaging 26 pounds weight each for the small and 36 pounds weight each for the large piles. The above sheet piling to be pitched not less than 18 feet long each pile, and to be commenced previous to the main foundation, in order to facilitate getting down to the required depth for the foundation. “Stairs. The foundations for the stair walls in front are to be excavated to such a depth that the upper side or top of the platform may not be less than 34 feet 6 inches below the said Trinity House standard high water mark, decreasing backwards in depth according to the inclination of the abutments, as shown in the drawings; bearing piles of beech, elm, or fir timber, not less than 12 inches diameter in the middle, are then to be driven not less than 12 feet below the under side of the platform of the foundation, that is, the square parts of the piles are to be of this depth, besides the shoes, and 4 feet from centre to centre; the heads of these piles are then to be cut off and levelled, and the earth from between is to be excavated to the depth of 9 inches below, and the spaces are to be filled with Kentish rag- stone as before described, well beat down, and racked in with sharp gravel. One tier of sills not less than 12 inches square is then to be laid and solidly fitted on them, and well spiked down to the piles with 18-inch best wrought-iron jagged spikes, not less than 1 inches square; between the sills there is to be brickwork well bedded in mortar com- posed of three parts of clean sharp river sand to one part of the best lime, and the whole is to be well grouted and made solid to the level of the top of the sills. The whole area of the foundations is then to be covered with a flooring of 6-inch beech, elm, or fir plank, well bedded in mortar as before described, properly jointed, and firmly spiked down to the sills with the best wrought-iron jagged spikes 12 inches long, and of an inch square; 934 the whole of the sills and planking are to be laid so that they may break joint not less than 4 feet beyond each other. B HE BHE CHE Fig. 452. SECTION THROUGH STAIRS OF LONDON BRIDGE, "All piles that break or split in driving, or that are wrong placed, or that do not go in their proper direction, are to be taken out and replaced at the expense of the con- tractor. "The masonry of the abutments up to the springing of the arches is to be built or com- G g 450 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. posed of ashler, in courses of not less than 15 inches nor more than 24 inches thick in the front, and the beds in the interior are to incline parallel backwards, as shown in the drawings; but the courses next to those under the springing of the arches are to be of the thickness and projection as shown in the drawings. The exterior stone, for an average depth of 5 feet 6 inches to within 3 feet below the springing of the arches, is to be com- posed of the best English, Scotch, Irish, Jersey, or Guernsey granite, to be approved of by the principal engineer; the interior stone is to be composed of one half of the best Bramley Fall, and the remainder of Painshaw, Derbyshire, or other stone equally good. "The masonry is to be formed of header and stretcher courses alternately; the headers to be on an average 5½ feet long, but not less than 41 feet long, and of the average breadth of 3 feet, but no stone to be less than 2 feet 3 inches wide. “The stretchers to be on an average 5 feet long, and none less than 4 feet, and an average width of 3 feet, but none to be less than 2 feet 3 inches wide. The backing or hearting to be laid in courses of headers and stretchers alternately, the headers being opposite to the stretchers in front, and in size and thickness suitable thereto, so that the whole masonry, exterior and interior, may be completely solid and bonded together throughout every part, and double joggles to be used where and when considered necessary by the principal engineer, according to the mode shown in the drawings, and the upper bed of each course is to be dressed off smooth and even before the next course is commenced. The whole of the exterior stone is to be smooth and fine hammer-dressed on the face. "The horizontal beds are to be fine dressed and rusticated 2 inches each way; but the upright or vertical joints are to be plain and perfectly straight and fine dressed for at least 15 inches inwards; the remainder of the stone to preserve its full dimension, and to be fine picked and straight between the whole of the backing or hearting, to be straight dressed in the beds and joints, and the upper bed of each course to be dressed off smooth previous to commencing the next course; all the backing belonging to each course is to preserve an equal thickness, and upon no account must it be permitted to run one course into another, except where joggles or dowels are directed to be used; the whole of the above described masonry is to be set flush in beds of the respective kinds of mortar hereinafter to be described, and properly grouted. “The masonry of the piers up to the springing of the arches is to be built or composed of ashler, laid in horizontal courses of not less than 15 nor more than 24 inches thick, except the course next to those under the springing, which is to be of the thickness and projection as shown in the drawings. The whole of the exterior stone for 5 feet 6 inches inwards, except within 3 feet of the springing (which is to be of granite), is to be composed of the best granite as before described. The interior stone is to be composed of one half of Bramley Fall, and the remainder of Painshaw, Derbyshire, or other stone equally good. “The masonry is to be formed with headers and stretcher-courses alternately, the headers to be on an average 5 feet long, but none less than 4 feet long, and on the average breadth of 3 feet, but none less than 2 feet 3 inches. The stretchers to be on an average of 5 feet in length, and none less than 4 feet long, and an average width of 3 feet, but none to be less than 2 feet 3 inches wide. The backing or hearting is to be laid in courses cor- responding in thickness with the outside courses of ashler, header and stretcher alter- nately, the headers being opposite the stretchers in front, and in size and thickness suitable thereto, so that the whole of the masonry, exterior and interior, may be solid and bonded together throughout every part, and dowels and joggles are to be used where and when considered necessary by the principal engineer, and the upper bed of each course is to be dressed off smooth and even before the next course is commenced; the whole of the exterior stone is to be smooth, and fine hammer-dressed on the face; the horizontal beds are to be perfectly straight and fine dressed, and rusticated 2 inches each way, but the upright or vertical joints are to be perfectly straight and fine dressed for at least 15 inches inwards; the remainder of the stone to preserve its full dimensions, and to be fair picked and squared between. The whole of the backing or hearting is to be fair dressed on the beds and joints, and the upper bed of each course is to be dressed off smooth; and previous to commencing the next course, all the backing belonging to each course is to preserve an equal thickness, and upon no account must it be permitted to run one course into another, except where joggles or dowels are directed to be used; the whole of the above described masonry is to be set flush in beds of the respective kinds of mortar herein- after to be described, and properly grouted. These walls are to be con- "The stair walls to the level of the springing of the arches. structed agreeably to the drawings, and to be composed of hard, well-burnt stock bricks for the interior; the exterior, to the level of the bed of the river or adjoining ground, to be composed of the best Bramley Fall stone or other stone equally good, laid in courses not less than 15 nor more than 24 inches thick, to be laid header and stretcher alter- nately, and on an average depth, the bed not less than 3 feet 6 inches, and above the bed of the river, to the level of the springing of the arches; the exterior to be composed of the best granite as before described, and in courses not less than 15 nor more than CHAP. VIII. 451 BRITAIN. 21 inches thick, laid header and stretcher alternately, and an average depth on the bed of not less than 3 feet 6 inches; the upper bed of each course to be dressed smooth and even before the next course is commenced; the faces, beds, and joints of the exterior stone- work, as well as the setting, to be executed similar to that described for the abutments and piers. "The Centres. There are to be four complete sets of centres, on which the arches are to be turned; each set of centres is to consist of eight ribs properly braced together, and to be executed according to the drawings; they are to be composed of the best Dantzic, Memel, Riga, Stettin fir timber, except the springing pieces, which are to be of elm, and the 200 र Fig. 453. PIER OF LONDON BRIDGE. striking wedges are to be of oak of the best quality, entirely free from sap or wane, and cased on the upper and lower sides with fine sheet copper, one-tenth of an inch thick, and to be well greased previous to being put in their places. "The iron work to be composed of the very best English iron, and to be executed as described in the drawings; the supports or trussels for carrying the centre to be of the best fir timber of the quality above described; the trussels and centres when fixed to be firm and strongly braced longitudinally and diagonally, so as to make them firm and secure. "The covering of the centre for carrying the arch-stone is to be of good sound fir, half timber, 7 inches thick, to be carefully laid, properly levelled, and firmly packed and wedged up to the curvature of the respective arches. “ Arches. The arches are to be of semi-ellipses. The centre arch to be 152 feet span in the clear, and 29 feet 6 inches rise when finished; the voussoirs, or arch-stones, to be 4 feet 9 inches deep at the crown, and not less than 10 feet at the springing. The two arches next the centre are to be 140 feet span each, and 27 feet 6 inches rise; the voussoirs at the crown to be 4 feet 7 inches deep, increasing to not less than 9 feet at the springing; the two side arches to be 130 feet span each, and 24 feet 6 inches rise; the voussoirs, or arch stones, at the crown to be 4 feet 6 inches deep, increasing to not less than 8 feet 6 inches at the springing. "The whole of the arch-stones are to be headers, except where the engineer shall allow stretchers to be used. They are all to be 18 inches thick at the intrados or inside of the curve, and to increase in thickness to the extrados or outside of the curve, according to the radius of curvature at the respective places where they are to be used. Of these arch- stones none are to be less than 2 feet 6 inches wide, and none of them to overlap at the joints in their respective courses less than 15 inches. The length of the arch-stone is to GG 2 452 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. increase where the inverted or the abutting arches on the piers commence, agreeably to the ratio shown in the drawings, and in the abutments they are to be continued on the same line of radius to the full extremity of the abutments, diminishing from the top of the Fig. 454. Elevation of centre ARCH, LONDON BRIDGE. abutments until they come to the regular depth of the arches, as shown in the drawings; the outside or quoins of the arches are to continue in length to meet the horizontal courses in the spandrils between the arches. "The arch-stones are all to be dressed perfectly smooth and straight on the beds, sides, and faces, without any deficiency whatever. The faces and soffits are to be fine-dressed and rusticated as before described; the extrados to be formed according to the drawings, and rough hammer-dressed, except where the inverted arches join, and these are to be smooth dressed, so as to bear and fit solidly in every part. "The whole of the arches, interior and exterior, are to be composed of the best granite as before described; there are to be four sets of connecting bars, composed of the very best wrought-iron in each arch, of the forms, dimensions, and position shown in the drawings; the whole of the arch-stones are to be properly bedded and jointed in mortar hereafter to be described. “Solid spandrils over the piers to the under side of the inverted arches; these are to be made up with solid masonry in horizontal courses, corresponding in thickness, and closely fitted to the extrados or back part of the arch-stones at their respective places as shown in the drawings; these are to be composed of the best granite as before described. "The top bed of each course is to be dressed off smooth and even before the next course is commenced; the whole of the above courses of stone are to be firmly squared and dressed in their beds and joints, so that they may fit solid and close in every part, and they are to be set in beds of fine mortar hereafter to be described. "Inverted Arches. The inverted arches over the piers are to be constructed as shown in the drawings, and the depth of these inverted or abutting arches is to be 6 feet in the middle for the two centre piers, and 5 feet for the two side piers; these inverted arches are to be composed of courses not less than 18 inches thick at the soffit, and increasing in thickness according to the radius, and they are to rest on the solid spandrils before described, and to be close and accurately fitted to them and the extremities or extrados of the arch-stones; they are to be composed of the very best granite as before described; the whole of the above described inverted arch-stones are to be finely dressed in every part without any deficiencies whatever; they are to be set in fine mortar hereafter to be described: there is to be a circular opening of 18 inches diameter through the centre of each pier and through the solid spandril and inverted arches, and through the pier below the level of low-water mark, as shown in the drawings, where it is to communicate with the river to carry off the leakage or soakage water that may accumulate from above. "The outside spandril walls, between the arches and against the abutments, are to be 5 feet thick, and fronted with granite, as before described, in courses of suitable thickness to those of the arch-stones, against which they are to abut, and fit closely as represented in the drawings. CHAP. VIII. 453 BRITAIN. "These courses are to be laid headers and stretchers alternately; the headers not to be less than 2 feet 6 inches wide in the face, and run generally through the whole thickness of the wall, but no stone to be less in the bed than 3 feet 6 inches long; the stretchers are 阿 ​Fig. 455. SECTION THROUGH ABUTMENTS OF LONDON bridge. not to be longer than 5 feet, nor less in breadth, on an average, than 2 feet 6 inches, and no stone less than 2 feet broad: and whenever a header or stretcher is used less than the dimensions above given, the next stone is to exceed the average dimensions as much as the stone in question is under it. The backing is to be of the best Bramley Fall, Painshaw, Derbyshire, or other stone equally good, and laid in courses in thickness corresponding to those in front. The top of each course throughout to be dressed off smooth and even before the next course is commenced. The horizontal joints or beds of all the spandril courses are to be rusticated as before; the vertical joints to be plain and fair-dressed, and the outside face to be fair hammer-dressed; the interior joints to be square, close, and well- fitted. The covering or cap-stones on the point of the piers to be fair-dressed on the exte- rior and on the beds and joints, and they are to be secured to the facia course below with proper sized stone dowels 6 inches square, and to be of the best granite, as before described. The whole to be set in mortar hereafter to be described. "Buttresses.-There is to be a rectangular buttress over each pier and abutment, as shown in the drawings, the outside to be faced with the best granite for at least 3 feet 6 inches in- wards; the plinth or lower part to be plain and fair-dressed on the face; the faces and beds and joints to be properly dressed, and secured to the course below with sufficient stone dowels, and the masonry above to be in courses corresponding with those of the span- dril walls, and header and stretcher courses alternately; the backing to be composed of the best Bramley Fall, Painshaw, Derbyshire, or other stone equally good, laid in courses equal in thickness with the front or outside courses, and to be straight, square, and fair punched in the joints, and dressed on the beds; the top beds of each course to be dressed off smooth before the next course is commenced, and the horizontal joints of the outside courses are to be rusticated as before, and the faces hammer-dressed in every respect as the spandril walls. "The outside of the abutments and wing-walls above the springing of the arches is to be executed in every respect as described in the drawings, to be faced with the best granite, as before mentioned; to be upon the average not less than 3 feet 6 inches, and to be backed with Bramley Fall, Painshaw, Derbyshire, or Red Castle stone. The wing-walls to be of the thickness described, and the backing to be in courses corresponding in thickness with GG 3 454 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. those in front. The horizontal joints to be rusticated, and to be in every respect executed in the same manner as the spandril walls and buttresses over the piers, the whole to be set in mortar hereinafter to be described. "Waterman's Stairs.-The walls above the level of the springing of the arches are to be executed as described in the drawings; they are to be composed of the best hard grey stock bricks for the interior, the exterior to be composed of the best granite, as before described, and in courses of not less than 15 nor more than 21 inches thick, laid header and stretcher alternately, and average depth in the bed of not less than 3 feet 6 inches, the upper bed of each course to be dressed smooth and even before the next course is commenced, and the horizontal joints are to be rusticated as before. "Interior Spandril Walls.-Previous to these spandril walls being commenced, the whole of the joints on the back of the arches and of the inverted arches are to be well cleared out, and if any opening can be found it is to be properly filled with grout, and afterwards the joints are to be well and firmly pointed with Roman cement, and the whole surface of the arches between the termination of the inner spandril walls on each side of the crown of the arches to be covered with a sufficient coating of Roman cement of the best quality; the interior spandril walls are to be composed of the best hard well-burnt grey stock bricks, laid flush in mortar of three parts clean sharp river sand to one part of well-burnt Merstham, Dorking, or other lime equally good; the interior mortar to be composed of four parts of sand to one part of lime; these are to be six in number over each pier, and to extend from arch to arch, the walls to be 2 feet 3 inches thick; on the tops of these walls are to be stone corbels 18 inches deep, projecting on each side over the walls not less than 12 inches, and there are to be corbels projecting 12 inches from the inner side of the retaining outside spandril walls; these are to be composed of Bramley Fall, Painshaw, or Derbyshire stone. "The whole surface over these walls, and for 1 foot on each of the retaining or outside spandril walls, to be covered with good strong Yorkshire landings not less than 9 inches thick, the longitudinal joints in all cases to be over the centre of the interior spandril walls: these coverings are to be fair-dressed, and close and well-jointed, and firmly and solidly bedded on the corbels underneath, in mortar hereafter described. "Roadway over the Bridge.—When the whole of the arches and spandril wall coverings have been carried up to the level for receiving the roadway, the whole surface of the bridge is to be covered with a bed of sound, tough, well-beaten clay, 15 inches thick, thoroughly puddled, and well-beaten together, so as to become perfectly impervious to water. The clay is then to be covered with 3 inches of fine sand; there is then to be a course 12 inches thick of fine flint stones, broken into small pieces, so that none are to be larger in size than 2 inches diameter; the whole is then to be well-dressed and rolled. The foot paving is to be composed of granite, as before described. These stones are to be the whole length of the footpath, that is, 7 feet 6 inches long, 8 inches thick, and 3 feet and upwards wide; on the one end they are to be properly bedded on the cornice; and at the other end they are to be supported by curbstones not less than 4 feet long, 9 inches wide, and 12 inches deep, set edgeways, to be of the best granite, as before described, and properly bedded and jointed, and set in mortar. The intermediate spaces are to be filled with fine gravel or sand, so that the paving may be bedded throughout. Along the front of these stones there are to be gutters or watercourses, paved with granite pitching paving 9 inches deep on each side, for the width of 5 feet 6 inches from the outside of the foot paving. It must be observed that the roadway is to be curved 6 inches in its transverse direction, and the clay and pavement is to incline inwards towards the gutters, as shown in the drawings. "Cornice and Parapets. The cornice and parapets are to be constructed of the best granite, as before described, and are to be executed in every respect agreeably to the drawings; they are both to be finely dressed and jointed; none of the stones belonging to the cornice, plinth, dado, or coping of the parapet to be less than 4 feet 6 inches long, and to be bonded and dowelled properly over each other, the coping to be dowelled at every joint by a projecting dowell 2 inches square, fitted into an equal recess in the adjacent stone. All the stone is to be perfectly free of blemish and deficiencies of any kind whatever. CC Approaches. The approaches are to be formed of solid embankments and arches where the height will admit, as shown in the drawings; in the former case the embankments are to be supported on the sides with brick retaining walls, as shown, and where arches are adopted the piers are to be founded 6 feet below high water mark, according to the Trinity House standard, and the retaining walls 3 feet below the said high water mark; the un- sound earth, for at least 6 inches below, is to be removed, and to be replaced with sound gravel and lime, in the proportion of five parts of the former to one of the latter, to be well mixed and puddled together, and to be allowed time to harden; there is then to be laid Yorkshire landings 6 inches thick, and not less than 2 feet wide, and at every 6 feet to be 4 feet wide each for the whole width of the foundations; upon the top of these landings there is to be laid a course of Bramley Fall, Derbyshire, Painshaw, Red Castle stone, 15 inches thick, 4 feet wide, and not less than 4 feet long, to be so laid as to break bond over CHAP. VIII. 455 BRITAIN. the landings, not less than 18 inches each stone. The piers are then to commence, and to be 4 feet wide at the bottom, and set off until at 4 feet high, they are to be reduced to 2 feet 3 inches wide. The cross walls, where necessary, are to be done in the same manner. The retaining walls above and below the springing of the arches are to be 2 feet 3 inches thick, and to batter, as shown in the drawings, at the springing of the arches; over each pier there is to be a complete course of Bramley Fall, Painshaw, or Derbyshire stone, 18 inches thick, well-dressed and bedded in mortar, hereafter to be described. "The arches are all to be semicircular, 16 feet span each, and 18 inches deep at the crown, and increasing in the haunches, as shown in the drawings. The brickwork is to be com- posed of the best hard well-burnt grey stock bricks laid flush in mortar of three parts of clean sharp river sand to one of the best well-burnt Dorking, Merstham, or other lime equally good, the interior mortar to be composed of four parts of sand to one of lime. "The roadway to be formed with 18 inches of sound tough clay, well-beaten and puddled together, so as to be impervious to water, 3 inches of sand and 12 inches of flints, broken equally into small pieces about 2 inches diameter, and mixed with a small portion of chalk at the surface, and well-dressed and rolled together; the clay, sand, and flint are to be laid inclining towards the gutters. "On each side of the road is to be a foot pavement 9 feet wide, to be composed of the best Yorkshire landings, 4 inches thick, and laid in courses not less than 2 feet 3 inches wide, and no stone to contain less than 4 superficial feet; they are to be fair-tooled on their upper beds, and squared in their lower beds; the joints are to be properly dressed and set in mortar, before described; at their side they are to be bordered by curbstones of the best granite, as before mentioned, not less than 12 inches wide, and 9 inches thick, and + feet long, to break bond well with the landings, and to be properly fitted to them, the whole of the paving to be laid in the best manner. There is to be a paved gutter on each side of the road, to be done with the best granite pitching paving, as before, not less than 4 feet wide and 9 inches deep, done in the best manner. “Mortar.—The mortar of the different parts of the bridge is to be composed of two kinds, namely, lime mortar and pozzolano mortar; the former is to be composed of the very best Dorking, Mersthamn, or other lime equally good, well-burnt and ground up in a mortar mill on the spot to a fine powder in its dry state, and afterwards mixed with the requisite proportions of clean sharp river sand and water under the mortar mill. The lime mortar for the whole exterior of the bridge and arches, with the exception hereafter to be mentioned, is to be composed of three parts of sand and one part of lime; the exterior must be understood to extend 3 feet inwards; the interior mortar to be composed of four parts of sand to one part of lime, except where otherwise mentioned. The exterior mortar for the piers and abutments, from the foundations up to the Trinity House high water mark of spring-tides, is to be composed of one part of the best pozzolano, one part Dorking or Merstham lime, and two parts of sand, to be well-mixed and ground up together under the mortar mill, as before described. "The whole of the workmanship and materials above described to be of the best descrip- tion of the respective kinds, and to be executed to the entire satisfaction of the principal engineer appointed to direct and superintend the works, who shall have full power during the progress of the work to reject all improper workmanship and materials, or to make such alterations or additions in the plans and specifications alluded to, as the nature of the foundations or the circumstances may, in his opinion, require; proper allowances being made to the contractor where additions are made, or deductions where diminished, according to the scale of prices to be delivered in and approved of at the time of making the contract; and if any difference should arise between the engineer and the contractor as to any matter, clause, or thing in the specification or plans above alluded to, the same to be decided by the principal engineer, without reference to any other party or parties whatsoever." The contract contained the following covenants on the part of the contractors: "To execute and perform in a substantial, perfect, and workmanlike manner, and to the satisfaction, and according to the directions, of the principal engineer for the time being, without reference to any other person or persons, all the cofferdams, excavations, foundations, abutments, piers, centres, arches, spandrils, buttresses, stairs, walls, cornices, parapets, embankments, and other works of every description, which shall be required to be done and executed in and about the building, executing, constructing, finishing, and completing the new bridge, and the approaches thereto, and the road and footway over the same, according to the plans, and under and subject to the directions, rules, regulations, and explanations and restrictions mentioned or referred to in the above specification, with such alterations, if any, as may from time to time be directed by the principal engineer in manner hereinafter mentioned. "To find and provide all the stone, timber, iron, bricks, mortar, lime, sand, chalk, gravel, clay, and other materials necessary for executing the works of the kinds and descriptions mentioned in the specification, to be directed by the principal engineer, or the resident GG 4 456 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. engineer acting under his directions, and of such quality as shall be approved of by the principal or resident engineer. "To find, provide, and erect from time to time to the satisfaction, and according to the directions of the principal engineer, such steam engine, or steam engines, with proper pumps and machinery of every description, as shall be necessary to keep the works clear of water. "To find and provide to the satisfaction, and according to the direction, of the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, all such places for depositing and working materials, and all such temporary roads, railways, gangways, stages, scaffold- ings, pile engines, cranes, crabs, blocks, shears, tackles, chains, barrows, ropes, planks, and all such other engines, machines, tools, implements, utensils, and labour, as shall be necessary for the execution of the said works, as well at the said intended bridge as at the place or places to be provided for by the contractor for depositing and working materials; and also all such boats, barges, carriages, and labour as shall be requisite for conveying the said materials, engines, machinery, and implements to and from the places where the same respectively are to be used for clearing away superfluous earth and rubbish. "To drive and provide such guard piles, dolphins, moorings, and other fences and pro- tectors as shall be necessary for the safety of the works, to bear all risk and responsibility whatever attending the execution of the works, and without any delay to make good all damages of every description which may happen to the works, or any parts thereof, during the progress of the same; and pay the expenses of, or make good all settlements or defects which may happen to any wharfs or buildings near the works, and all other damages which may be occasioned by, or in consequence of, the works or any of them. "To make and contract according to the satisfaction and according to the directions of the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his directions, such works as shall be necessary for preventing the possibility of injury or damage to the present bridge or the starlings thereof, by the execution of the works, or in consequence of removing the nosings of the western extremity of the sterlings of the present bridge, which the contractor, with the approbation of the principal engineer, is authorized to take away for the more convenient erection of the cofferdams, or in consequence of any alteration in the present bridge, which shall be made with the approbation of the committee and of the principal engineer. "In case any injury or damage shall happen to the present bridge, or the sterlings thereof, during the progress of the works, the contractor is without any delay to make good and repair the same. "To construct, remove, and fix the cofferdams, guard piles, and moorings, and other temporary works in such places, at such times, and in such manner as the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his directions, shall direct. "The execution of the works to be arranged in such manner that a free and sufficient passage shall at all times be preserved for such vessels as can now pass through the present London Bridge. "To provide during the progress of the works such watchmen, gate-keepers, and other persons as may be necessary for the protection thereof. "The contractor shall constantly attend to the works during the progress thereof, and to the due execution thereof in manner aforesaid. "All the works shall be performed, finished, and completed to the full and entire satis- faction of the principal engineer in the manner aforesaid, and according to the true intent and meaning of the contract, in or before the day of day of "To clear away before the said all the dams, scaffolding materials, and rubbish, and remove all other obstructions occasioned by the building of the bridge, except such part thereof (if any) as shall be directed to be left for any further time by the principal engineer. "In case the principal engineer shall, at any time or times during the progress of the said works, think proper to cause any alterations in, or variations from, the original plans and the above specification to be made on account of the nature of the foundations, or any other circumstances, either by increasing the works, or the scale of magnitude thereof, or altering the quality of any part thereof, or omitting some part, or diminishing the works, or the scale of magnitude thereof, or altering the quality of any part of the works, or the materials to be used therein, or otherwise; and shall give notice in writing to the contractor of such alterations or variations, the contractor is to execute, perform, and complete the works according to such alterations or variations in the manner, and within the time, in which the works ought to be completed according to the true intent and meaning of the contract; and such alterations and variations shall not vacate or lessen the validity of any of the covenants or agreements contained in the contract, but such sum of money shall be added to or deducted from the sum agreed to be paid to the contractor, as the principal engineer shall estimate to be the value of such alterations or variations, according to the measurements thereof, at the prices mentioned in the scale of prices to be delivered by the contractor at CHAP. VIII. 457 BRITAIN. the time of making his tender, and to be approved by the principal engineer, and in case any works or materials shall be included in any alteration or variation, the price of which is not mentioned in the said scale of prices, or cannot be determined according thereto, then the value thereof shall be estimated by the principal engineer at a fair and reasonable price. "In case any day work shall be required by every such alteration or variation as is not pro- vided for by the said specification or the said scale of prices, the contractor is to deliver in every week to the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, an account of such day work as shall have been performed on account thereof; and in case any day work shall have been done of which such account shall not be delivered in within one week after the same shall have been performed, the contractor shall not be entitled to any payment or compensation in respect thereof. "If any materials provided to be used in or about the works shall not be approved of by the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, previous to their being brought into use, he shall be at liberty to reject the same, and if the contractor, his executors or administrators, shall not, within twenty-four hours next after notice of such rejec- tion shall have been given or left at his usual or last place of residence, or with his foreman or clerk of the works, clear away and remove the same, it shall be lawful for the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, to order the same to be carted to the city greenyard, and forthwith to sell the same, and out of the money arising from such sale to pay all expenses occasioned by such removal and sale, and to pay the surplus only (if any) to the contractor. "In case the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, shall disapprove of the workmanship or execution of any parts or part of the works, the same shall be immediately taken down and re-executed, or altered to his satisfaction, and in case the contractor shall not within three days after notice in writing of such disapprobation shall have been given to him, or left at his usual or last place of abode, or with his foreman or clerk of the works, proceed to take down, alter, amend, or rectify such disapproved part of the works, then it shall be lawful for the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, to employ other workmen to take down and amend and rectify the same, and that the contractor shall permit the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London, or the committee, to retain out of the money which may be due to the contractor on account of the works, the amount of the bills of such other workmen, for and in respect of their work, labour, and materials which may have been done, performed, and used in and about the rectifying or amending such part of the works; and in case the monies due on account of the works shall not be sufficient to satisfy the bills of the said other workmen, then the contractor shall, on demand, pay unto the said mayor and commonalty and citizens, or their successors, or to the said committee, so much of the amount of the bills as the said monies shall be insufficient to satisfy. "In case the contractor shall refuse or neglect to perform the works, or any of them, in manner hereinbefore described, or in the specification mentioned, or to obey and comply with any orders or directions to be given by the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his directions, or in case at any time during the progress of the said works there shall appear to the principal engineer to be any unnecessary delay in the carrying on of the works, or any part thereof, either by not employing sufficient number of workmen, or otherwise howsoever, or in case any of the works shall not be performed to the satisfaction of the said principal engineer, or shall not be finished within the time hereinbefore men- tioned for completing the same, or in case the said contractor shall depart this life before the said works shall be fully completed, then, and in any such case, it shall be lawful for the said committee, if they shall think proper, any time before the said works shall be com- pleted, by any writing signed by their clerk, to be given to the contractor, his executors and administrators, or left at his or their usual place of residence, to revoke and make the con- tract void, and every clause, matter, or thing therein contained, so far as relates to the subsequent part of the works, and the same shall be thereon null and void; and in case such declaration as last aforesaid shall be made during the progress of the works, that only part of the money to be paid to the contractor shall be paid in respect of such part of the works which shall have been executed, as shall be estimated by the principal engineer to be the value of such part according to the scale of prices before mentioned, and in consequence of any omission in the scale of prices, any part of the works cannot be estimated thereby, the value of such part thereof shall be determined according to the judgment of the principal engineer. "In case the said committee, in pursuance of the powers before given them, shall make the contract void, the contractor, his executors or administrators, shall not remove or be entitled to remove or take away any of the dams or engines made or erected and placed in or upon or rear to the works for the purposes thereof, or any of the materials found or provided for carrying on the same, until the principal engineer, or the resident engineer acting under his direction, shall permit the same to be removed, but the value of such materials, and of the 458 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. use and employment and wear and tear, or the purchase (as such engineer may think most expedient) of such engines, dams, and works as the said principal engineer shall think proper to be retained shall be estimated and determined by the principal engineer, and shall be paid or allowed to the con- tractor, his executors or administrators, to- gether with such sum of money as he or they shall be entitled to in respect of the part of the works which shall have been executed. "The direction, certificate, valuation, and opinion of the principal engineer re- specting the execution of the works, the quality of the materials employed, the value of the works executed, any alter- ations or variations from the plans and specification hereinbefore mentioned or re- ferred to, or of any part of the works which shall have been executed, or of any engines, dams, machinery, or materials, or the con- struction of any matter, clause, and thing contained in the contract, specification, or scale of prices, or either of them, or other- wise, respecting the premises, shall be final and conclusive on the contractor without reference to any other party or parties whomsoever." This splendid bridge, which has not its equal in the world, reflects the highest credit on all concerned in its erection, and, as long as it majestically spans the Thames, will be considered a masterpiece of con- struction. It was opened to the public on the 1st of August, 1831, with great pomp, after having been in progress seven years and three months. The general depth at which the found- ation of the piers is laid below low water is about 29 feet 6 inches, and the total quan- tity of stone used in constructing the bridge and its abutments was 120,000 tons; the number of piles of 20 feet in length under the piers and their abutments was 2092, and the total number for the coffer- dams 7708. There were four sets of timber centres, each weighing on an average 800 tons. The amount of Messrs. Joliffe and Bank's estimate for the bridge alone, including an extra set of centres, was only 425,081l. 9s. 2d., the remainder of the sum previously men- tioned being swallowed up in the purchase of land, houses, compensations, and law ex- penses. Staines Bridge is a very beautiful struc- ture of five segmental arches of equal span, with a smaller through the abutments, which serve for the use of the towing- horses; it was completed in the year 1832, under the directions of Mr. George and Sir John Rennie, sons of the eminent en- gineer to whose works we have already alluded. The span of each arch is 74 feet, and the versed sine 9 feet 3 inches; the dia- meter of the circle of curvature at the vertex is 156 feet, and the height of the key-stone is 3 feet. Fig. 456. ELEVATION OF STAINES BRIDGE. CHAP. VIII. 459 BRITAIN. The cofferdams, though much smaller, were constructed in a similar manner to those of London Bridge; a double row of piles, diagonally braced and firmly bolted together, con- fined the clay and puddle, which kept out the water during the progress of the works. Fig. 457. STAINES BRidge; cofferdams. Under the piers piles were driven, as shown in the plan, which were crossed with strong timbers, and planked over for the footings of the piers; a row of sheet piling was driven Fig. 458. STAINES Bridge; ArCH AND ABUTMENT. all around at the toe or outside of the planking, to maintain the solidity of this portion of the structure. Fig. 459. SECTION OF ARCHES. 460 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. PART OF COFFERDAM. The arches are light and elegant, and remarkable for their boldness and little rise; the voussoirs are admirably proportioned, increasing in depth towards the abutments, where Fig. 460. SECTION of pier. greater strength becomes necessary; the abutments are admirably constructed, the several courses which receive the thrust or pressure of the arches being made to radiate to the centre of the circle, from whence the segment of the arch is struck. The section through the arch exhibits the foundations, sheet piling, and manner that the crown supports the roadway, which has a footway on each side, and paved channel to col- lect the water which falls upon the bridge, and which is conducted into pipes and carried off below. The piles are shod with iron, and driven till they come into a hard bed of gravel, and the cofferdams were securely tied together with iron bars, which could be screwed tighter, when necessary, by means of the nuts at their ends. Hyde Park Bridge, erected from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. George Rennie, is a beautiful structure of three arches, each 40 feet span, with a versed sine of Fig. 461. ELEVATION OF PART OF HYDE PARK BRIDGE. 4 feet 10 inches; the radius from which the arches are struck was 45 feet, and the round of the segment is 42 feet. It was commenced in 1824. The construction does not materially differ from the bridge last described. Fig. 462. SECTION. CHAP. VIII. 461 BRITAIN. Fig. 463. PLAN. It must be admitted, after the description given of the bridges erected in England at the commencement of the present century, that our engineers have exhibited great science, and introduced such a method of construction as has greatly economised material. The thrust and pressure of the arch on its several points are better understood, and the nature of the materials employed is also more thoroughly known: the qualities of all used in such con- structions have been tested by Mr. George Rennie upon a large scale, and their capacities of expansion and contraction under the various changes of temperature examined and reported upon most satisfactorily by that eminent engineer. He has also subjected the metals, stone, timber, and brick, to severe pressure, and ascertained their relative strengths and fitness for construction. Chester Bridge, for which an act was obtained in 1825, is one of the last designs of Mr. Harrison, an architect of that city; it has one segmental arch of stone over the Dee 200 feet span, the largest yet constructed; the key-stone is 54 feet above the level of low water mark, and the roadway is 33 feet in width. This bridge is situated between the castle and the village of Overlegh, immediately at the head of the harbour, where the tide rises 12 feet at ordinary springs. The abutments are founded on the solid rock, except for a small portion, where it was necessary to pile. The arch is the segment of a circle whose radius is 140 feet, and the rise, or versed sine, 42 feet. The voussoirs at the crown are 4 feet deep, and increase towards the springing, where they are 6 feet. The centre, executed by Mr. Trubshaw, the contractor, consisted of six ribs in width; the span of the arch was divided into four spaces by three piers, at regular dis- tances, built up in the river, from which the timbers spread like a fan towards the soffite, so that each timber received its weight in the direction of its length; the lower ends of these radiating supports rested on cast-iron shoes, placed on the tops of the stone piers, and the upper ends were bound together by two thicknesses of 4-inch plank, cut and arranged to follow the form of the arch; on these were laid the lagging or covering, 4 inches thick, which was supported over each rib by a pair of folding wedges 16 inches long, and 1 foot broad, tapering about 1½ inches; each course of voussoirs had six pair of striking wedges. The horizontal timbers of the centre were 13 inches deep, and the six ribs were tied toge- ther transversely near the top by bolts of inch iron; the timber used was fir, and the quantity required about 10,000 cube feet. When the centre was removed the crown sunk only 21 inches. The cost of the bridge was 42,4004, and the approaches 7500l., making a total of 49,9007. One of the chief bridge-builders at the end of the last and commencement of the present century was Thomas Telford, who rendered his name celebrated throughout Europe by the erection of the Menai suspension bridge; he was born at Westkirk, in the district of Eskdale, the 9th of August, 1757, and died the 2d of September, 1834, aged 77. Few men have done more to advance the profession of the civil engineer: he commenced life as a mason, on the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, and afterwards worked at Somerset House, under Sir William Chambers, about 1787; his talent and industry gained him the good opinion of Sir William Pultenay, for whom he had done some repairs at Shrewsbury Castle, and by him he was appointed surveyor to the county of Salop. His first public work was a bridge over the Severn, at Montford, four miles west of Shrewsbury; it consists of three elliptical arches, one of 58 feet, the others 55 feet span, and measuring 20 feet across the soffite; here he made use of cofferdams for the construction of the piers, and the whole was satisfactorily performed with the red sandstone of the country for 5,800. Buildwas Bridge, mentioned among those constructed of iron, was his next work, after which he built upwards of forty stone bridges in the county of Shropshire, the span of the arches varying: two were 85 feet span; three of iron, 55 feet; one of stone, 50 feet; four of stone, 40 feet; two of stone, 35 feet; one of iron, 27 feet; two of stone, 24 feet; nine of stone, 20 feet; and sixteen less than 24 feet span. For the last twenty-eight years of his life he was engineer under the commissioners for making the Highland roads, bridges, &c. 462 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. : Gloucester Stone Bridge, built by Mr. Telford, has but one arch, of 150 feet span and 85 feet rise. The idea of this bridge is taken from that over the Seine at Neuilly built by Perronet. The voussoirs or external arch-stones have the same chord as the inner arch, but its segment only rises 13 feet. By this means the arch has the form of a funnel, which suits the contracted passage of the waters, and lessens the flat surface opposed to the current when the waters rise above the springing of the ellipse, that being at 4 feet above the level of low water. This work was commenced in July, 1826, upon a soil, the stratification of which was found by boring through to be from the surface of the ground, 11 feet of loam, 12 feet of blue silt, 5 feet of peat moss, 5 feet of brown clay, 3 feet of strong coarse indurated gravel, and 8 feet of finer gravel or coarse sand, in all 44 feet. Fig. 464. GLOUCESTER BRIDge. The foundations were laid upon the indurated gravel, at about 15 feet below the bed of the river. A space of 40 feet square was excavated to the depth of 33 feet below the surface of the meadow, and a very strong cofferdam was made to protect it, as the floods occasionally rise 6 feet or more above the banks of the river. The cofferdam was formed of piles of Memel timber, 32 feet in length, with a space of 5 feet between the outer and inner circumference of piles; this space was filled with clay worked into water-tight puddle. This After the gravel was made level, a course of large and flat bedded rubble stone was laid over the whole space, and upon this was carefully bedded the timber platform. consisted of thirteen pieces of Memel timber made straight and level; those laid at right angles with the stream were 37 feet in length, and those placed up and down the stream, 40 feet in length. These pieces of timber were crossed, and laid at equal distances, the square spaces between them being filled with rubble masonry well grouted. Upon these pieces of timber, or sleepers, was a covering of 4-inch beech plank, planed, closely jointed, and spiked down, thus forming a level platform, 40 feet by 37 feet, and upon this the masonry was laid. The stone employed for backing above low water mark was brought from the quarries at Highley and Alveley, 6 miles from Bewdley; its thickness varies from 14 to 24 inches, and its weight from one to three tons. They were squared on all sides, and well bedded; every course was brought to a level and grouted before any of the next were set. All the external masonry was from the quarries of Colford and Quitchurch in the Forest of Dean. The abutment on the west side of the river was of the same dimensions, the only difference being, that the gravel was found at 27 feet below the surface of the meadow. No piling or platform was used to the wing-walls, and they are in consequence defective on the eastern side. The centre was supported by six parallel rows of piles, fixed in the current of the river, each row being connected by cross braces and caps; each supported a rib which formed the actual centering. The whole was steadied by diagonal braces; and between the caps of the piles, and the ribs which rested on them, the wedges were placed by which the centering was slacked or lowered after the masonry was keyed. The depth of the arch-stones at the springing is 5 feet 6 inches, and at the key 4 feet 6 inches; this sunk 10 inches after striking the centre. The thickness of the abutments at the springing of the ellipse is 27 feet 2 inches, besides the wing-walls, which are 7 feet each, the spandrill walls are 3 feet 6 inches thick, exclusive of the pilasters. The four longitudinal walls of the interior, which support the platform of the roadway, are each 2 feet thick; the width of the carriage-way is 27 feet, with a footpath of 4 feet on each side. Centering.-A platform was prepared, perfectly level, rather larger than the intended centre, on which it was struck out the full size, the centres of the different radii being fixed. Dantzic timber was employed in scantling 15 inches square. The piles were of Memel, with wrought-iron shoes, and caps at the top to the proper CHAP. VIII. 463 BRITAIN. height. On these were laid another tier of beams, lengthways to the centre, one under each rib; upon these beams the wedges were fixed, which were of three thicknesses, the bottom one being bolted down to the beams; the tongue or driving piece in the middle was of oak, well hooped at the driving end; the top side of the upper piece was laid perfectly level and straight, both transverse and longitudinally. The wedges were rubbed with soft soap and black lead before they were laid upon each other. Each rib of the centre was then brought and put together upon a scaffold made upon the top of the wedge pieces, and lifted up whole, by means of two barges on the river and two cranes on shore. The scaffold was extended 30 feet beyond the striking end of the wedges, to lay the last ribs upon, previously to raising, and for the workmen to stand upon for finally striking. After the ribs were properly braced, After the ribs were properly braced, they were covered with the 4-inch sheeting piles which had been used in the cofferdams. This centre was so well formed, that when the arch was keyed, its sinking was not more than an inch, and it was struck in the short space of three hours. This was performed by placing beams upon the top of the work directly over the ends of the wedges; to these beams was fixed a tackle, and at its lower end was slung a heavy ram of 12 cwt., with which the piles were driven; this ram was swung to and fro, so as to strike the driving end of the tongue-piece of the wedge. This operation required eight men to pull it back, and two men to bring it forward; after twenty or thirty blows the wedges started, they then slid easily, and pieces were put in to stop their going further than was required. The covering was then taken off, and the ribs were let down, in the same order in which they were put up; and when taken to pieces were carried on shore. The bearing piles were then drawn by two 42 feet levers and strong chains. Bewdley Bridge, over the Severn, in Worcestershire, being injured by the great flood of 1795, an act of parliament was obtained to raise money, and levy a toll, that a new bridge might be constructed; and Mr. Telford furnished the design for one of stone, of three V G Q G Q G 6 5 O OD SUUTOS! Fig. 465. BEWDLEY Bridge. arches, the centre having a span of 60 feet, and the two outer 52 feet each; the breadth, measured across the soffite, is 28 feet. The versed sine of the centre arch is 18 feet, and that of the two others, 16 feet 9 inches each. This bridge was completed in 1798, at an expense of 92641. Bridge at Tongueland, near Kircudbright in Scotland, over the river Dee, has but one arch with a span of 112 feet; the width measured across the soffite is 24 feet. The depth of water at ordinary spring tides is 30 feet, and it required considerable skill to support the centre to an arch of such magnitude. In order that the arch should not be unnecessarily ME Fig. 466. TONGUELAND BRIDGE. loaded, a number of longitudinal walls were carried up to the level of the road, where they were covered with flat stones, by which means the state of the arch may be at any time examined; this system is a considerable improvement upon the usual practice of filling in the spandrills with loose earth, which frequently produced an external pressure and destroyed the work. The foundations of this bridge were laid in March, 1805, and completed in November, 1806, at the cost of 77107. Glasgow Bridge, built by Mr. Telford, consists of seven segmental arches, diminishing in their span towards the abutments; that in the centre has an opening of 58 feet 6 inches, and a versed sine of 10 feet 9 inches; the two adjoining are 57 feet 9 inches, with versed 464 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. sines of 10 feet 5 inches; the next two 55 feet 6 inches, with versed sines of 9 feet 8 inches and the two adjoining the abutments are each 52 feet, with versed sines of 8 feet 3 inches. Fig. 467 GLASGOW BRIDGE, CHAP. VIII. 465 BRITAIN. The piers of the centre arch are 9 feet in thickness, the next 8 feet 6 inches, and the other 8 feet; the water-way in the clear is 389 feet, the thickness of the piers 51 feet, and the clear width between the abutments 440 feet. The clear width between the parapets of the bridge is 58 feet, and measured on the soffite of the arches 60 feet. The subjoined specification shows the manner in which the works were executed, and requires nothing further. to convey a clear notion of its construction. Cofferdams. Before any works can be proceeded with, it is necessary that all the stones that lie upon the bed of the river, where the cofferdams are to be constructed, should be cleared away; and afterwards the foundation deepened as far as practicable with safety, so as not to alter the level of the water above bridge by too much lowering the bed. The cofferdams are to be formed by driving two rows of gauged piles at a parallel dis- tance of 5 or 6 feet apart; the area comprised within the inner row being not only sufficient to allow the foundations of the pier to be laid, but also a width of a 3 or 4 feet clear space entirely around it, for the convenience of the masons and other workmen employed. “The timber employed may be either Dantzic, Memel, or red American pine, care being taken to select that which is perfectly sound; these gauge piles, when about 30 feet in length, are to be made of whole timber, about 12 inches square, pointed and shod with iron, each shoe weighing about 12 pounds; the heads also to be hooped with the best scrap iron, not less than 3 inches in breadth, and § inch in thickness, to prevent their splitting when under the weight of the pile-driving machine. A bench mark is established, to the level of which all the piles are to be driven, and which serves as a guide to the work- men. "That each row of gauge piles are to be closely wedged together, and driven 6 feet apart from centre to centre; care being taken that they are quite perpendicular, and truly range with each other. Double waling pieces, 12 by 9 inches, are to be laid hori- zontally on each side, and secured to the heads of the gauge piles by -inch iron screw bolts; and at 8 or 9 feet below them to be attached another horizontal row, forming a double groove to receive the sheeting piles, which are to be wedged in closely between the gauge piles. “The dam sheeting piles, 12 by 6 inches, are also to be shod with wrought-iron shoes, of about 9 pounds weight, and to be hooped with the best scrap iron, 21 inches broad, and inch thick. These sheeting piles are to be driven down to the level of the gauge piles, and in a manner that the last firmly wedges all the rest in the bay, and makes them join closely together. "The engines employed to drive the gauge piles are to carry a ram of not less than 12 cwt., and for the dam sheeting pile 2 cwt. less; and it is necessary to construct scaffolding and proper stages for the performance of these works in the most convenient situations. "After the dam is completed, the soil is then to be taken out between the two rows of piles to the depth determined by the engineer, and a sluice trough introduced, for the purpose of letting water into the dam, when it rises on the outside to a height which would endanger its stability; in rivers subject to floods this is of the highest importance, otherwise the dam might at such times be liable to be blown. "After the soil has been removed between the two rows of piles, the gauge piles of the respective rows are then to be connected by round iron screw bolts, made to pass through them, as well as through the centres of the two rows of waling pieces. Each of these screw bolts is 14 inch diameter, and is provided with a wrought-iron washer 3 inch thick, and 4 inches square, placed under the head of the nutt, to prevent the wood of the waling yielding to the strain. "When this is performed, pounded clay well puddled is to be introduced between the two rows of piling, and the whole worked together, until the dam has become perfectly water-tight; then the pumping out of the water to be commenced by means of a steam- engine. "In pumping out the water, and excavating the soil from the interior of the dam, it is necessary to guard against and prevent the sand from blowing up through the bottom: this may sometimes be done by driving the foundation piles, which consolidates the sand and allows of its being taken out to the required depth; at other times it may be requisite to drive extra piles all around, before it would be safe to take out all the earth to the re- quired depth. "As the works of excavation proceed, the dam will require bracing, otherwise the outward pressure would force it inwards, which is to be done according to the directions given by the engineer. Piling for the foundations. The outside rows of foundation piles are to be either Memel, Dantzic, or sound American red pine; and the gauge piles 12 by 12 or more, as the length exceeds 30 feet, to be driven 6 feet from centre to centre. Waling pieces are to be bolted to them as before directed, for keeping the intermediate sheet piling between them in a regular line. After these sheet pilings have been driven to the required Hh 466 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. depth opposite to each joint, others of the same thickness and half the breadth are to be driven, and then the whole firmly united by walings and iron bolts. "The piles driven inside, and which support the foundations, are to be made of beech or newly-cut Scotch fir cleared of its bark, shod and hooped as before described; after they are driven to a bench mark, all the heads to be cut off to an exact level, to receive the sleepers and the timber platform; but before this is established, the soil is to be taken ם • a Fig. 468 GLASGOW BRIDGE. out between the heads of the piles to the depth of 1 foot or more, and the space filled in with hand-set rubble, well packed, and laid flush in good water-lime mortar. "Foundation sleepers.— Upon each transverse row of piles is to be laid a sleeper, extending across the whole width of the pier or abutment, secured to the head of each pile by a wrought-iron ragged bolt of 2-inch round iron, 15 inches in length or more, according to the depth of the sleepers, and between each row of sleepers filled in with hand-set rubble, laid in good water-lime mortar. Platforms. Upon the sleepers are to be laid two floors of Dantzic, Memel, or Ame- rican red pine planking, to cross each other at right angles, spiked down with long spikes, and firmly united to the sleepers. "Masonry.—After the foundation platforms are completed, then the mason to commence with his work. — "Dressing of ashlar. -The whole of the stones which compose the piers and abutments must be truly squared throughout, and should have chisel drafts round the faces, beds, backs, and end joints, and be truly pick-dressed down the drafts. The outside face work, from the bottom of the foundation to the level of low water line, should be broached in horizontal lines, not coarser than eighteen to a foot. "Granite facings should be of uniform colour and quality, and laid in alternate courses of headers and stretchers; the headers, where they have 2 feet in length of face, are to have as much on the bed; the stretchers should be 6 inches longer, and not less than a foot in width on the bed. Each stone should be truly squared, and fair dressed on the beds and joints, full throughout, the backs scapelled, and the fronts rough picked; the front arris being axed or chisel drafted, so as to make a close joint on the face. “Ashlar hearting. — The hearting masonry to the piers or abutments to be squared ashlar, well dressed, and laid in courses of uniform thickness throughout, and agreeing with that of CHAP. VIII. 467 BRITAIN. the facing; no stone should contain less in its bed than 4 superficial feet, and should be of a size to break joint at least a foot with the stones adjoining. "Freestone masonry of piers and abutments should be laid in alternate courses of headers and stretchers; the headers not to present an outside face of less than 2 feet, and all to extend at least 3 feet in length into the body of the work; the stretchers not less than 3 feet in length, and in breadth 2 feet on the bed. "No stone used in the interior of the work to have less than 4 superficial feet on its bed, • • Fig. 469. GLASGOW BRIDGE; PLan of pier. The whole to be square and to be of the same thickness as the courses on the outside. dressed throughout, to be laid on its natural bed, flushed in with good lime mortar used fresh, and of a quality that will harden under water. "Arch-stones or voussoirs must be of the dimensions designed, and should break joint with the adjoining stones at least 1 foot; their beds should be truly radiated, chisel drafted round the edges, and neatly picked dressed within the drafts. The soffite faces neatly 口 ​Fig. 470. GLASGOW BRIDGE. broached in horizontal lines parallel to the beds, all carefully bedded, by bringing each stone down to its place with a wooden maul. Fig. 471. SECTION OF ARCH OF GLASGOW bridge. Spandrill facing, if of granite masonry, to have its stretchers 12 inches on the bed, and one fourth of each course made headers, passing at least 1 foot 9 inches into the solid wall, no course being less than 14 inches in height, the courses beneath generally being made HH 2 468 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. more; each stone should be at least 30 inches in length, and break joint 1 foot with those adjoining. "Rubble backing of spandrills to consist of hammer-dressed rubble masonry, laid in regular courses on their natural bed, not more than two stones in thickness for one of outside ashlar; all properly bonded with the facing stones, as well as among the others they are laid with. “Interior spandrills to be of good rubble masonry, hammer-dressed, and laid flush in good water-lime mortar. "Spandrill hearting to be built up solid between the backs of the arch-stones to the level of the water, and composed of good hammer-dressed rubble masonry, laid in regular courses on horizontal beds, well flushed in water-lime mortar. "Cross walls over each pier and abutment may be either of rubble masonry or brick. "Gutters and curb-stones. The gutter stone of granite, 14 inches wide, and 9 inches deep, to have cut in it a triangular water channel, 8 inches wide and 4 inches deep; the curb, 15 inches deep, and 12 wide, formed also of granite, should have its outer angle rounded off, and the interior angle checked down about 4 inches, to receive and support the footpath pavement. "The gutter and curb-stones should not be less than 3 feet in length, and axed on the faces which are seen; their joints being arris chisel drafted, or neatly axed, so as to make a close joint, and the whole set in good water-lime mortar. "Footpath pavement should be laid in regular courses, and if possible the stones to be of the length of the whole width between the curb-stone and parapet wall; they should never exceed three stones in width; where this cannot be accomplished, the joints should alternate, and the surface be neatly broached, and made with an inclination of an inch to 3 feet, or 1 in 36, towards the curb-stone, the top of which should be laid 6 inches above the gutter stone. "Road concrete. The stone shivers and dry rubbish having been well pounded, and filled in between the wing walls, the whole is then to be covered with a bed of lime and gravel concrete well mixed, in the proportions of four measures of clean gravel to one measure of water-lime mortar, used fresh. This bed of concrete should not be less than 9 inches in thickness on the outside, and 12 inches in the middle of the roadway, the surface forming a uniform curve. Upon this may be laid the paving or metal for the road. “Drain pipes, of iron, 6 or 8 inches diameter, are to be introduced to carry off the water, passing through the arch-stones of the bridge, and continued down the abutments. "" Number and dimensions of bridges built under the Highland Road and Bridge Act of 1803, by Thomas Telford; — 1,075 bridges of one arch, varying from 4 feet span up to 65 feet, and affording a water- way of 10,198 feet. 13 bridges of two arches, with a water-way of 643 feet. 16 bridges of three arches, with a water-way of 1236 feet. 2 bridges of five arches, with a water-way of 522 feet. 11 others with forty-three arches, and having a water-way of 2387 feet. Making a total of 1117 bridges, 1202 arches, and 14,686 feet of water-way. "General specification for the bridges. — Required that they should be built over each river or stream with stone and lime mortar, and that the foundations should be sunk to and laid on the rock, wherever practicable; where this could not be done, then the foundations were required to be sunk 2 feet at least below the lowest part of the bed of the river; and wher- ever the ground was loose a platform of timber was to be laid under the foundations of the masonry; this platform was to consist of two thicknesses, of 3-inch plank, laid crossing each other, and if necessary a row of pile planking driven all round the outside. If the ground was hard, instead of this timber platform, an inverted arch or pavement was to be laid and wedged between the abutments, the entire width of the bridge, and well secured above and below by means of rows of piles sunk deeply into the bed of the river. "The span of the arch to be according to the table annexed. The breadth of the road- way between the parapets to be 18 feet in the narrowest part. "The parapets to be not less than 18 inches in thickness, of the height mentioned in the table, coped with hammer-dressed stones, set on edge in lime mortar, not less than 9 inches in depth, with a large stone at each extremity of the parapet. "Wherever the ground required them, retaining walls are to be used, of dry stone of sufficient thickness, as described for breastwork, to support the made-up ground, and these walls to run from the extremity of the parapets into firm ground, unless the distance exceed 20 yards. "When the bridges are not set upon rock, bulwarks of dry stone are to be introduced above and below the abutments, 10 yards in length. The dimensions of the masonry to be as set out in the table below. “The spandrills of the arches to be filled with stone or coarse gravel, so that the rise and CHAP. VIII. 469 BRITAIN. fall of the roadway over the bridge should not exceed one in twenty-four in the steepest places. "The roadway to be formed of properly cleansed gravel to cover the top of the arch at least 14 inches. "Each bridge of one arch to be built so that the parapets when finished should have a curve horizontally of not less than 3 feet in 36 feet in length; and all the bridges to batter vertically at least 1 foot in 12 of height, and this height also to have a concave curve of 4 inches. Span of Arch. Thickness of the Walls of the Abut- ments on an Average. |_ Length_of Parapets from the Face of Abutments with Wings under. Height of Parapets above the Crown of the Thickness of Spandrills and Wings on an Average. Thickness of the inverted Arch. Rise of Arch. Depth of Arch Stones. Height of Abutments from Bed of River to the Springing. Arch. Ft. In. Ft. In. 4 0 1 6 Ft. In. 1 0 6 0 2 0 1 8 0 3 0 1 10 0 3 6 1 12 0 4 0 1 4 1000♡+ 2 3 2224 Ft. In. 6 Ft. In. Ft. In. 6 6 3 0 3 18 0 6 0 1 6 3 24 0 8 0 1 9 4 0 30 0 12 0 2 4 0 1222 ∞ † LO LO 6 9 0 Ft. In. 1 2' Ft. In. 0 10 0 2 2 12 0 3 2 6 12 3 2 3 0 14 0 3 2 4 6 18 3 2 5 0 24 0 4 2 1122222 £60 Ft. In. O 9 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 6 1 9 1 4 9 1 4 5 6 30 4 2 3 0 1 6 50 0 15 O 2 6 6 0 6 6 36 O 4 8 3 6 1 6 "The spandrills were all to be filled up between the outside walls with solid masonry, above the level of the springing of the arches, up to one-third of the height of the rise of the arches." Dunkeld Bridge, erected in 1809, has five large arches, and two smaller ones. The middle arch is 90 feet span, with a rise of 30 feet; the two adjoining arches are 84 feet span, and the other two 74 feet; the two smaller or land arches being only 20 feet span. The breadth, measured across the soffite of the arch, is 27 feet, that of the roadway between the parapets 25 feet. The thickness of each of the two middle piers is 16 feet, that of the two next 14 feet, and that of each of the two side piers 20 feet, and of the land abutments 7 feet. The cost of this bridge was 13,361l. Allness Bridge, on the Fearn Road, county of Ross, has one stone arch of 60 feet span and 20 feet rise. Helmsdale Bridge, on the Dunrobin road, Sutherland, has two stone arches, each 70 feet span, with a rise of 25 feet. Conan Bridge, near the town of Dingwall, consists of five arches of 65 feet, two of 55 feet, and two of 45 feet span. The cost was 6,8547., and the water-way 265 feet. Potarch Bridge, over the River Dee, near Kincardine O'Neal, has three arches, the middle spanning 70 feet, the others 60 feet. Lovat Bridge has five arches, the middle spanning 60 feet, two 50 feet, and two others 40 feet, the cost of which was 88027.; the water-way 240 feet. Ballater Bridge, over the Dee, has five arches, the middle one spanning 60 feet, and the total water-way being 238 feet. The cost was 42241. Alford Bridge has three arches, the middle arch spanning 48 feet, the others 40 feet; the whole water-way being 128 feet, and the cost 2000%. Fairness Bridge has three arches, the middle spanning 55 feet, the other two 36 feet, the total water-way being 127 feet; the cost was 1255l. These were all erected by Mr. Telford. Bridge at Edinburgh, over the valley of the North Loch, was built by Mr. Mylne, and consists of three arches each 72 feet span, and two smaller 20 feet span. The height from the surface of the ground to the springing of the arches is 17 feet 6 inches; the arches are semicircular, and the thickness of the voussoirs 2 feet 9 inches. From the top of the voussoirs to the top of the parapet is 9 feet 9 inches, making the entire height 65 feet. The breadth across the soffite of the arches is 42 feet 3 inches. The cornice and parapet curve downwards, which produces a bad effect. Bridge over the Teviott, erected by Mr. Elliot, consists of three arches; the middle spans 65 feet, and rises 17 feet: the whole are segments, and the width over the parapets is 23 feet. This bridge was completed in 1795. Peas Bridge, on the road from Berwick to Edinburgh, was designed by David Hender- son; it has 4 arches, the span of the greatest being 55 feet, and the entire height of the bridge 124 feet; it is constructed over a deep dingle. Bridge at Fochabers, over the Spey, was built by Mr. G. Burn; it consists of four arches, the two in the middle span 95 feet, and the breadth over the parapets is 21 feet 6 inches: as the number of arches are here even, a pier occupies the middle of the river, ян 3 470 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Hutcheson Bridge, over the Clyde at Glasgow, erected after the designs of Robert Stevenson of Edinburgh, consists of five segmental arches, whose radius is 65 feet. The middle arch spans 79 feet, and its versed sine is 13 feet 4 inches. The arches on each side are 74 feet 6 inches wide, and the outer 65 feet, and their versed sines are 11 feet 9 inches and 8 feet 8 inches. The rise of the road from each side is about one in thirty, and the breadth of the bridge, measured over the soffite of the arches, is 38 feet. The entire width between the faces of the abutments is 404 feet, 358 feet being occupied by the arches, the rest is taken up by the piers. The bed of the river consisting for 27 feet of gravel, sand, and mud, cofferdams were made use of, composed of two rows of piles 3 feet apart, filled in between with clay. The cost of this bridge was 23,000l. The voussoirs measure in length 3 feet across the soffite; the depth of the keystone is 3 feet 6 inches, and the other voussoirs gradually increase in dimensions, being at the springing of the central arch 4 feet 6 inches; the others diminish in proportion. One of the earliest bridges constructed across the Clyde was built by William Rae, who about the middle of the fourteenth century was Bishop of Glasgow; the next was the Broomielaw, opened in the year 1772; and the importance of the navigation between Greenock and the city, and the improvements made around Paisley, rendered necessary the Hutcheson Bridge, so called from two brothers, George and Thomas, who died in 1640 and 1641, bequeathing considerable sums of money to purchase land, the rental of which was to be appropriated for the relief of the aged and infirm, and also for the edu- cation of the young. Hutcheson Bridge is a fine piece of construction; the stones used are all of excellent quality; the heights of the courses vary from 12 to 16 inches, and are composed of alternate headers and stretchers; the former bond into the wall, 3 feet 6 inches, and on the outer face are not less than 2 feet in length; the stretchers are 2 feet in breadth on the bed, and 3 feet 6 inches on the outer face; the beds are droved round the outward edges to the breadth of 3 inches, and broached with mallet and iron within these draughts. The outward faces of the courses, below the level of summer water mark, have 1 inch chisel draughts round the edges, and are picked and hammer-dressed between; above the summer water- mark the face work of the abutments and piers are neatly broached, and the horizontal joints are chamfered to the breadth of 1 inch on the beds and faces; the hearting stones of the abutments and piers have also 1 inch chisel draughts round the edges of the horizontal beds, and are broached between, the vertical joints being dressed square with the pick or hammer. The springing course of the arches is 4 feet in thickness, and on the piers as well as the abutments consist of three rows of stone; the two outer are worked off on the faces to form the voussoirs, which have a soffite 9 inches in breadth, and a bed of 3 feet 6 inches on the pier; no stone being less in length than 2 feet 6 inches. On the piers the middle or closing row of stone is laid in two courses, and exactly fills the space up. The beds of all the voussoirs have their edges all droved round to the depth of 3 inches, between which draughts they are broached. The end joints are all chisel draughted and broached between; and the face work of the soffites is broached, and the bed joints across the arches; and the heads of the ring courses are chamfered to the breadth and depth of 1 inch on each side of the soffites. Stone Bridge, over the Whitadder at Allanton, executed from designs furnished by Messrs. R. Stevenson & Sons, has two arches, each spanning 75 feet, with a versed sine of 11 feet 6 inches, being segments of circles, the radius of which is 66-89 feet for intrados and 72-42 feet for extrados. The voussoirs are 3 feet deep at the springing, and 6 inches less at the crown. The breadth of the bridge measured across the soffite is 22 feet 1 inch, between the parapets 20 feet, and the width of the roadway 15 feet. The foundations are on a sandstone rock, and the whole of the masonry is of broached ashlar; the stone generally used is a soft red sandstone, and the mortar one part lime, two parts sand. bridge was completed in 1842, at an expense, including its approaches, of 6,0581. This Railway Bridges. It would not be possible to enumerate the whole of the viaducts constructed since the introduction of railways. Structures in timber, brick, iron, and stone of various designs have been erected, and in some instances there is a novelty of principle accompanied by great boldness of execution. The brick bridge at Maidenhead, constructed by Mr. Brunel for the Great Western Railroad, is one of the best examples in that material; it is composed of two elliptical arches spanning the Thames, each 128 feet, with a versed sine of 24 feet 3 inches. The piers between the two arches are 30 feet in width. The arch is 5 feet 3 inches high in the middle, and gradually increases in thickness towards the abutments; at about from the 14 springing it is 7 feet 2 inches high. + The width of the bridge, measured on the soffite, is 36 feet, and of the piers, in the same direction, 43 feet 3 inches. The clear width between the parapets is also 36 feet, as the thickness of the parapet walls is obtained in the projection of the cornice. CHAP. VIII. 471 BRITAIN. Six longitudinal walls rest on the back of the brick arch, which carry the platform on which the rails are fixed. Besides these two grand brick arches on each bank of the river are four others with semicircular heads; that on the abutments spans 21 feet, the six others are each 28 feet. Skew Bridges. One on the London and Birmingham line carries the railway 23 feet 7 inches above the level of the road, and the angle it makes is 32°, the square span of the arch being 21 feet, and the oblique span 39 feet 8 inches. The arch, 2 feet 6 inches thick, is the segment of a cylinder, the internal radius of which is 12 feet 6 inches, the versed sine 5 feet 8 inches. The angle at which the coursing joints of the soffite cross the axis of the cylinder is 53° 25', and that of the extrados is 58° 15′; the angle of the voussoirs consequently is 4° 50'. The joints of the face of the arch all converge to a point, 32 feet 6 inches below the axis of the cylinder, or 45 feet below the crown of the arch. Midland Counties Railway, presents another variety of skewed brick bridge, the span of which is 42 feet 6 inches, and versed sine 11 feet; the whole consists of six arches, 2 bricks in depth, and 4 feet in thickness: the total width of the bridge, measured through at right angles with the face, being 24 feet. Fig 472. BRIDGE OVER THE LOUGHBOROUGH AND STANFORD road. Another skew bridge on this line, over the Nottingham and Sawley Road, is of a different construction; the whole depth of the bridge, measured square with the face, is 27 feet, and span 53 feet, with a versed sine of 7 feet. the Fig. 473. BRIDGE Over the NOTTINGHAM AND SAWLEY road. A great variety of skew or oblique bridges has been erected in brick for several rail- ways, and by means of such arches the engineer has been enabled to avoid all awkward and injurious turns in the lines of rails to be carried over them; the lines of pressure are HH 4 472 BOOK 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. delivered upon the abutments, and are generally contained in vertical planes, lying parallel to the sides of the roadway: such arches, intersected by numerous planes, transmit their pressure from one to the other, in a direction perpendicular to those pressures. Bridge over the Ouse near York, constructed for the Great North of England Railway, consists of three arches, each 66 feet span; the piers are 10 feet in thickness, and the arch measured on the soffite 28 feet 7 inches. The thickness at the keystone is 3 feet 6 inches, and the voussoirs gradually increase towards the springing. This is another excellent example of a bridge of three arches, the curvature of which in the outer is continued to the footings of the abutments; by which means the voussoirs at the springing are extended considerably in length. The centering made use of was well ་་་་་ Fig. 474. BRIDGE OVER THE OUSE; PLAN AND ELEVATION. put together, and rested upon piles inclined towards the foundations on which they were placed; and the piers are capped with a single stone, from which the voussoirs commence, their thickness gradually decreasing towards the key, which lessens the pressure and increases the strength of the arch. The starlings or cutwaters are formed of two arcs of 0 Fig. 475. Bridge OVER THE OUSE; ARCH and centre. 60 degrees, described from the two angles of the piers, which perhaps are the best adapted for a rapid stream. It is generally supposed by most practical men that the strongest angle is that formed by an isosceles right-angled triangle, having its right angle facing the stream. CHAP. VIII. 473 BRITAIN. DOAR પ C 3¥<:]@ས་༨ Fig. 476. Bridges in Ireland. BRIDGE OVER THE OUSE, SECTIONS AND PLAN. Queen's Bridge, Dublin, over the Liffey, was finished in the year 1768, under the superintendence of Colonel Vallency; it consists of three arches, that in the middle spans 46 feet, and each of the others 35 feet; the piers are 7 feet in thickness, and the breadth between the parapets is 35 feet. Essex Bridge, in 1753, was commenced after a design of Mr. George Semple; it con- sists of five arches, one 58 feet span, three of 45 feet, and one of 37 feet; the thickness of the piers on each side of the centre arch is 6 feet, the breadth between the parapets 48 feet : a very interesting account of the building of this bridge was published by the architect in 1780. Previous to the work being commenced, the above ingenious architect directed his attention to the nature of the foundations of the old bridge, and found that where the piers were built upon a bed of sharp gravel, the lime had so penetrated that the whole surface seemed petrified or converted into stone; he then enters fully into the nature of the construction of walls, called by the Italians Reimpiuta, or cofferwork, and recommends that no stone used among the stuffing should in weight exceed 1 pound; but he more particularly dwells upon the nature and properties of lime, mortar, and grout, details many experiments that he had made, and informs us that he had heard a Scotch mason affirm, that in 100 years good mortar would become as hard as stone. In these descrip- tions we have the author's opinion upon the manner adopted in building the walls of churches and castles. "After the masons had laid the outside courses with large stones laid on the flat in swimming beds of mortar, they hearted their walls with their spawls and smallest stones; and as they laid them in, they poured in plenty of boiling grout, or hot lime, liquid among them, so as to incorporate them together, as if it were with melted lead, whereby the heat of it exhausted the moisture of the outside mortar, and united most firmly both it and the stones, and filled every pore, and so set that it grew hard imme- diately; and this method was taught to our ancient masons by the Romish clergy that came to plant Christianity in these countries; and this mortar," he affirms, “so run together, was harder to break than the stones that were imbedded it." There are many very sensible and useful remarks contained in his curious work, which relate to a variety of subjects connected with constructions in water, and which would interest the civil engineer. Sarah's Bridge was built by Mr. Stevens, in 1792; it consists of one arch, 110 feet span, with a rise of 22 feet; the breadth between the railing is 37 feet Carlisle Bridge consists of three arches, the middle 50 feet span, the others 40 feet each ; the thickness of the piers 10 feet, and the breadth between the parapets 63 feet. Wellesley Bridge, at Limerick, erected after the designs of Alexander Nimmo, consists of five segmental arches, each 70 feet span, with a versed sine of 8 feet 6 inches; the piers are each 10 feet in thickness, and the soffite of the arch, measured from one face to the other, is 43 feet. This bridge bears considerable resemblance to some of those constructed by Perronet, 474 -BOOK J. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. where the archivolt is made to partake of a different sweep to that of the soffite, in order to produce a greater lightness in the elevation, or the soffites of the arches are shaped to suit the contracted vein of water as formed in the entrance or exit of pipes. The roadway over this bridge is maintained throughout at a perfect level, and there is no break or distortion in the cornice or the balustrade: we have seen in some of those constructed by Mr. Rennie how much attention was paid to have the lines per- fectly horizontal, and although in France the slopes to the sides of bridges had been long aban- doned, it was some time before the system underwent a change in England: in the bridge at Limerick the approaches are well managed, and the effect of the structure is much to be ad- mired. The piers are elegantly capped and proportioned, and for the omission of columns, or of any useless ornament, the engineer deserves great praise: simplicity and proportion, coupled with good construction, are all that have been aimed at, and in this example we find nothing extra- neous. The section through the arch and pier shows the con- struction, and that every means has been adopted to lighten the weight, and to strengthen the parts which sustain it: the cur- vature of the intrados meets with a gentle inclination on the sides of the pier, and the alter- ation from the perpendicular line is a great improvement, not affecting the width of water-way, but adding to the strength of the footings of the piers. It is not possible to enumerate all the stone and brick bridges that have been constructed with- in the last half century,—those for the canals and the railroads alone amount to several thou- sands: it is enough, perhaps, for our purpose to have described examples of each variety, and thus exhibited the different phases of the science. Every county in the king- dom has had its civil engineer, and some of the works executed are highly creditable, although they do not generally show an acquaintance with the higher principles of construction. To the late Mr. Rennie we stand indebted for our most beautiful Fig. 477. WELLESLEY BRIDGE, NEAR LIMERICK. bridges, and for the introduction of scientific principles: that eminent engineer had CHAP. VIII. 475 BRITAIN. Fig. 478. SECTION OF ARCH AND PIER. attentively studied the various forms of curvature given to the arch by the French and Italian architects, but did not adopt either until he had practically tested the properties of all. The result of his observations is seen in the magnificent bridges that cross the Thames, which are monuments of his constructive skill; they have never been equalled, and cannot be surpassed. England may certainly now boast that her engineers have advanced in the knowledge of the principles which direct the bridge-builder; in tracing the history of the art through the last six or seven centuries, we find not a gradual progress, for it does not appear until the construction of Westminster Bridge, or a little time previously, that much change had been made, or that the proportions for the stones forming the voussoirs had been at all considered; and when Semple published his work very little was known. The bridge at Blackfriars possesses considerable merit, and indi- cates a march in the theory of construction; but until the latter end of the last century the science was not matured. We have only to compare the old with the new London bridges, and we shall be satisfied that in the former we have construction alone, whilst in the latter it is directed by highly scientific principles, producing an effect which is admired by the most unpractised eye, with an immense economy in the materials. Iron Bridges. Before we proceed with a description of several constructed previous to the close of the eighteenth century, we shall endeavour to show the opinions of some of the learned men on the principles of such construction; and we cannot do better than refer to a report which was laid before Parliament on the subject of one of the boldest conceptions ever formed, which was to span the Thames by a single arch of cast-iron, the segment of a circle 1450 feet in diameter. This arch was to have an opening of 600 feet, with a versed sine of 65 feet. It was to consist of seven ribs, having a roadway over the centre, 45 feet in width, and which towards the abutments was increased to double that dimension. It was computed to require for its execution 6500 tons of iron, 432,000 cubic feet of granite, and 20,029 cubic feet of brickwork for its abutments; the total cost of which was estimated at 262,2891. The originality of such a cast-iron arch was greatly admired, and Messrs. Telford and Douglas, who had presented the designs, were called upon to submit them to several scientific and practical men, that their opinions might be taken before any risk was encountered in the construction. To keep the attention of those consulted to the subject, several questions were drawn up, and their answers will enable us to form a tolerably clear idea of the state of science at that time in England. Some licence has been taken with the arrangement of the report, and portions are omitted, those only being retained which are applicable to iron bridges. The Parliament, however, after having received the various opinions, thought the experiment far too bold, and the bridge was not erected. The first question was, What parts of the arch are to be considered as wedges which act on each other by gravity and pressure, and what part merely as weight, acting by its gravity only, similar to the walls and other loading commonly erected on the arches of stone bridges; or does the whole act as one frame of iron, which cannot be destroyed but by crushing its parts? Dr. Nevil Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal, answered this question, by stating, that he considered the whole of the iron bridge as one great frame of iron, which could be destroyed only by breaking or crushing its parts by the weight of the whole, or by weights laid on it, or by passing over it. However, the wedging of the parts together, by the convergence of the frames to their centre of curvature, may be useful to secure the bridge from the con- sequence of the decay or failure of any of the parts in future times, as well as for the con- venience of easier putting it together. The Rev. A. Robertson, Savilian Professor of Geometry, supposed AB DEF to represent the bridge, bde the under part of the arch, and a cf the upper, bde and acf being concentric. Let c d, nk, m h, and lg, &c. be straight lines, and let the direction of each be to the centre of the circle; then will c n k d, n m hk, m l g h, &c., represent portions of the arched part of the bridge, and these portions only can be considered as wedges. 476 Book I HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. a B D E n m h k It is evident, that the strength of the arched part of the bridge will be as the length c d of the side of one of these wedges; as is the excess of n c, the upper or back part of the wedge, above kd, so will it be increased as c d is lengthened. The height of d and D the highest point in bde, and the highest point of the bridge above the horizontal line A F, limit the lengthening of cd, the side of the wedge. These wedges act upon one another by their own gravity and the gravity of the matter over them. The sides cd, nk, &c., of the wedges being accurately directed to the centre of the circle, occasioned him to consider the whole of the arched part of the bridge equally strong, as one piece of cast-iron, of the same form, dimensions, and weight; and that if the iron work above the arched part of the bridge be firmly connected together, and with the arched part, the whole may be considered as one piece of cast-iron, of the same dimensions and weight. b Fig. 479. Mr. Playfair, Professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh, in his consideration of this ques- tion, remarked, that iron bridges admit of being constructed more exactly on the principles of equilibrium than stone bridges, but that the equilibrium may be more safely dispensed with in the former than in the latter; as the frames of iron in the form of truncated wedges may be made of any depth, so that the whole mass from the interior to the exterior curve of the bridge may consist of such wedges, and every single ounce of matter may con- tribute to support itself. In bridges of stone, on the contrary, the depth of the wedges or key-stone is necessarily limited to a few feet. All the superincumbent load, being merely dead weight, the exact distribution of which, according to the law required by the equi- librium, is extremely difficult, or rather impossible to be attained. The truth of the second assertion, that an exact equilibrium of the parts may more safely be dispensed with in bridges of iron than in bridges of stone, depends partly on this, that the materials which compose the former are much lighter for their strength than those which compose the latter, iron being hardly three times heavier than stone, and more than an hundred times as strong. It depends also on this other circumstance, that the whole mass being connected, especially if it consist of truncated wedges, extending from the interior to the exterior curve of the bridge, even though an exact equilibrium does not take place, every part of the mass contributes its share to the support of the whole. The whole bridge, if we except the road over it, the parapet, and the framework, that immediately support them, is to be regarded as a system of wedges, resting against two immovable abutments, each of which wedges, whether the whole be in perfect equilibrium or not, contribute to its own support. This holds in the strictest sense in this instance, as the bridge consists of 63 wedge-form frames of iron, each 10 feet thick at its lower extremity, with the inclined sides all converging to the same point. This is without, doubt a most advantageous construction. Mr. J. Robeson, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh, observed that in this question was involved several others, and that taking the whole structure together, he thought that it must not be considered as in the condition of an arch of masonry, each part acting merely by its weight, and the whole maintaining its form by being equilibrated; and observed, I see, however, that the ingenious inventors have had this very much in their thoughts, because the profile is plainly divisible into several arch frames of different radii, all having a common tangent at the crown. The undermost may be considered as the main arch, which the superior ones are only intended to relieve, while they stiffen it, and connect it with the road-way. But in this way of considering the structure, it is very far from being fit for supporting itself by mere equilibrium. The main arch is abundantly able to do this, if alone, because a catenusea of the same span and base will not deviate from one of its circles 3 inches in any part. But when the upper arches are taken in, the road at and towards the haunches is vastly too great. I do not think, however, that this great want of equilibrium will make the bridge unable for its load, because the crown is still by far the weakest part, the total strength at the haunches being vastly greater than is necessary. I think the bridge abundantly strong, if united in a proper manner, but I think that it is rather in the condition of a frame of iron consisting of two pieces, leaning on each other in the middle. I think that our mathematical theories of arch vaulting are extremely defective, and that their defects arise from the very anxiety of the mathematicians to make them perfect. The joints are supposed to be without cement, perfectly polished, and therefore every where perpendicular to the curve or soffite of the arch; and the mutual pressure is supposed to be everywhere perpendicular to those joints. But the mutual friction of the parts and the connection of straps or of joggles introduces a force which has no place in those theories. It enables a load on one part to act on a far distant part trans- versely with the energy of a lever. By attending carefully to the way that old arches fail, CHAP. VIII. 477 BRITAIN. I think that they almost all act like the rafters, DA, BE, of a mansard or kerb roof, from which the middle tie-beam has been taken away. The D A C Fig. 480. crown breaks in by the opening below and crush- ing above, and it springs at some intermediate points, by the joints opening there on the upper side. Sir Christopher Wren considered an arch entirely in this way, and makes no use what- ever of the mathematical theory of cymlibration, although then carefully studied by the great mechanicians. The drawings do not clearly show how the different arch-stones or frames are united, yet plainly point out something like joggles in one frame fitting concavities in the one adjoining, by which they are prevented sliding on each other. I highly approve of this plan, because it connects at least half of this rib of frames: as a straight line can be drawn through, causing it to act as one rafter, I am confident that this ring alone, if con- sidered as consisting of six pieces, the joints of which a b c are connected with the roadway by uprights, aa', bb', and truss rafters, a g, fg, ah, bh abutting on the arch, would make it firm enough, stiff enough, and a great deal lighter b Ci V h ச g Fig. 481. than by the plan proposed. But I do not mean to prefer this method, because, although six points of bearing may be perfectly sufficient, it is far preferable, with so brittle a material as cast-iron, to make the bearings as numerous as possible, that no one point may be much more strained or compressed than another; yet I think that this is overdone in the pro- posed plan, and that it might be much lighter in the haunches. I should certainly construct the main or lowest ring as an arch of equilibration, making each of its frames bear on its neighbour, as a stone in an arch of masonry. I think that any cement would be inefficient, and would be hazardous in the extreme; I know no practicable cement whose cohesion will be of any significancy, none that will not be a little compressed by the enormous horizontal thrust of near 10,000 tons. The consequence of the compres- sion, by the arch taking its set, will be almost certain destruction, as I shall show by-and- by. The frames should all abut on each other with perfect accuracy. If they are to have this form, the radial joints must all be ground on each other lengthways, so that they may touch all over; should cement be put on such a joint, the smallest hard bit about the middle would cause the piece to snap without remedy. Grinding will procure a full contact and bearing, therefore the joggles should be loop pieces, like pound balls, that the grinding may be practicable. Perhaps this form may be still more secure against snapping, and not unsuitable to the style of ornament, which is very pure Gothic. I own that I prefer Mr. Burdon's construction of the ring, as the most susceptible of ac- curacy in the execution, the firmest union, by means of the wrought-iron straps, and perfectly free from snapping. I foresee immense difficulty in casting everything true, so as to have the radiated joints all straight, and all bearing, and for this reason am disposed to prefer a construction with loose pieces, butting endways, like rafters. The different expansion of different fonts of iron by heat will have some effect here; whenever a joint seems open, or not in an exact line with the rest of that radial joint, it should be filled up with a plate of good copper. A forged iron plate would perhaps exfoliate with the weather. I look upon this circumstance of accurate joining as the most important of all in this particular construction, and I apprehend that it was this difficulty that induced Mr. Burdon to fill up the haunches of his arch at Wearmouth with a series of circles, which serve merely to prevent the main arch from rising in the haunches, and to support the roadway. But if it can be attained, the bridge will be both stiffer and stronger. That the hazard from the compression of cement or the closing of bad joints may clearly appear, we must now consider the weight of the whole, and the different thrusts excited in its different parts. I consider it as two masses resting on the abutments, and leaning on each other in the middle; I suppose the carriage-way to have 2 feet of gravel, each cubic foot weighing 109 pounds. The footpaths may be paved hollow with free-stone, so as not to require more than 18 inches in thickness. One half of this, including the increasing width at the ends, will weigh about 1800 tons; this added to 3250 tons of iron work makes 5050 tons. I think that its centre of gravity is situated at nearly two-fifths of the half-breadth of the arch from the abutments, that is, at about 120 feet. We have, therefore, 478 Book 1. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. 5:2 whole weight : vertical weight at the crown, 13: 30= weight at the crown: horizontal thrust. 65: 60 = whole weight: horizontal thrust. Therefore the proportion of 13 to 30 is that of twice the height (65 feet) to the half of the span (300 feet). As the same load at the crown is produced by the other half of the bridge, this must be doubled, or say as 65: 60 :: 10100 tons : 9323; 10,000 tons being the whole weight, and 9323 the horizontal thrust. Some mathematicians consider the horizontal thrust as only the half of this quantity, but this is a mistake. Now this thrust is the same in every part of the arch, as is well-known; therefore the whole of this thrust is borne by the middle joint of the seven ribs, and amounts to above 1300 tons on each joint. Did the whole joint bear alike, there would be little danger, but when the arch is set up on its mold, and the middle frame or key-stone nicely fitted in, and the scaffolding removed, every thing comes into a new situation, all settles. The joints are squeezed close, and even the solid metal of the whole bridge suffers a compression: this is equivalent, as far as relates to the figure of the arch, to a yielding of the abutments. One inch of compression in the half arch will cause the crown to sink nearly 5 inches. A total compression of 3 inches in above 300 feet is no unreasonable supposition; this will produce a sinking of 15 inches at the crown: should this take place without a change of shape in the half arch, it is evident that the enormous pressure of 9000 tons will be borne by the upper end of the joints of the key-frame, and the lower end of the same joints will be much less pressed. The frames will be hanging by their upper angles, and the upper rail of the frame will be strained with the greatest part of the thrust. I should fear exceedingly that so brittle a substance as cast-iron would be very apt to chip off at the upper angles of the frames at the crown of the arch; if any cement be admitted into the joints, I apprehend that the sinking and the inequality of pressure will be vastly greater. If, indeed, the inter- mediate half arch between the crown and the abutments shall bend a little, this will tend to equalise the pressure on the joints at the crown. It may even bend so much, if ill-joined, as to make the middle joints bear most on the lower angles; but this is highly improbable, because the general shape of the half arch makes it almost incapable of bending, even though the radial joints are not very accurate. The method that occurs to me as the most effectual to prevent this risk is to form a middle piece of the arch, so as to keep the mutual pressure diffused over the whole joints, even though the whole arch should settle considerably. Thus, instead of making the joints straight lines, I would make them arches of circles of about 25 or 30 feet radius, or still less radius and more curvature, so as to lengthen as much as possible those joints which are to bear so great a strain. I would not, however, make more than two of these joints, because if these be allowed to slide a little on each other, having no joggles, the joints will keep close, like the joints of a sector. It will not hurt the style of ornament if this middle piece should differ greatly from the rest. I would also make this middle piece (cr key) entirely of wrought-iron, as much better suited for preventing chipping at the angles, and for affording fixtures for diagonal ties, which may be found necessary for stiffening this weakest part of the arch. For if such ties or struts be attached to parts of cast-iron, and much greater strain be exerted there than in other parts, they are in great danger of snap- ping. It should be carefully kept in mind in this structure, that when a bar is sustaining a very great compression endways, or in the direction of its length, it is more easily broken across by any transverse strain. I have made many experiments on this kind of strain; a piece of white marble inch square and 3 inches between the props bore 38 pounds. 1-4 When compressed endways with 300 pounds, it broke with 14 pounds. The effect is much more remarkable in timber and softer bodies, but is considerable in all, and this circumstance will make it hazardous to employ ties in the bridge. We extend their action to considerable distances, so as to create great strains on particular points. Yet I think that ties may be usefully and safely employed, diverging from the lower side of this middle piece, and connecting it with several frames on each side, in order to stiffen, by supporting the middle points. The part of the arch which requires the greatest accuracy in the construction is about 80 or 100 feet on each side of the middle and the lowest ring of frames all over, if those be close-jointed; the rest is free from all risk. The portion mentioned of the middle must be carefully jointed up to the roadway, so as to make one mass; this being set on the arch-ring will tend to force it up a little at the.haunches; but the work above it will effectually pre- vent this, although not executed with such accuracy. In the forming of this profile, by which the haunches are filled up, it is asked whether it is more advisable to cast the frames in long masses or in smaller frames. In carrying the principle of masonry through the whole, one is prompted to cast the pieces, so as to inter- rupt the lines of joint, or to break joint, as masons call it. I should think this hazardous. If one half of a radial joint be closer than the other half, there is a great risk of the sides of the frames snapping in the middle. Plates of copper should be employed for making up all such deficiencies, or even tin-foil, such as is used for the silvering of mirrors; perhaps some way might be fallen upon to apply heat to the pieces when set in their places, so as to CHAP. VIII. 479 BRITAIN. make the tin take hold of the iron, but this is not necessary. The great pressure and the bullet joggles will prevent all change of figure. After all, I own I still prefer Mr. Burdon's construction of the arch. His method of combining the abutments of the cast-iron rails of his frames with the wrought-iron straps seems finely calculated for procuring a close union of the parts. A judicious artist will perceive, that by a proper forming of the holes in the three pieces (the cast-iron rail between the two wrought-iron straps), the drawing of the keys into these holes will draw the two cast-iron ends closer together, and press them hard into each other. Thus, when keys are drawn into the holes, the two parts of the cast-iron bar which is between the straps will be forced hard together. I observe, also, that Mr. Burdon's arch has three rails, and the London arch has but two; at least the middle rail of pierced work does not seem to form a line of abutment supporting the middle of each subjoint. I think that this mode of framing at Wearmouth might be extended to the next circle, which is in the middle of the Gothic arcade. The effect of the straps which form this circle would be prodigious in strengthening the whole. Dr. Milner on this question supposes the whole mass of the bridge to be cut into a great number of thin slices, bounded by planes parallel to each other, and all of them parallel to the plane of the arch of the bridge; then it may be said, that all those parts of the iron work, whether they be called ribs, bars, rods, braces, frames, or by any other names, all that can be properly considered as lying in the above-mentioned planes, or so extending between any of them in the direction of the said plane, as to contribute to the formation of the arch, and also to the strength of it, considered as a geometrical curved line, or rather as a bent iron rod of small thickness; all the parts of the work coming under this description act as wedges, both by gravity and pressure, but all the parts which serve merely to bind together the above-mentioned slices, and which act in directions perpendicular to the said parallel planes, which are the boundaries of the slices of the bridge, are to be considered as weight only; and such portions of iron as come under neither of these descriptions must be divided by just reasoning, upon the well-known principles of the resolution of forces, and a due con- sideration of all the circumstances, and then be placed part to one account, and part to the other. It appears that in regard to an iron bridge of the magnitude of that proposed, not only the weight of the iron made use of, but also its elasticity, and still more its cohesion, are powers which enter into every part of the investigation of the construction. The con- sideration of these powers presents a very difficult subject, but unless something be settled respecting them, every conclusion that pretends to any thing like precision must be ab- solutely fallacious. How should the steps in an argument be probable, when the premises are all conjecture? As far as mere weight is concerned, the mathematicians very readily determine curves of equilibration as they are called, and it certainly deserves very seriously to be considered, whether after all it may not be the safest way to dispose of the weight in such proportion as to make all in perfect equilibrio, on the supposition that there was neither cohesion nor elasticity in the materials. If the natural powers of the iron in regard to its cohesion, elasticity, and strength in general, under all the circumstances in which it may be employed in this occasion, could be ascertained with any tolerable degree of exactness, then it would be undoubtedly the best method to take into consideration all those powers so estimated, and also the gravity of the materials, and reduce the whole to a rigid calculation proceeding upon a sound theory, and to rely upon the conclusion in practice; but if there be too much reason to suspect that the powers above-mentioned cannot be estimated from any known facts, with the requisite degree of probability of being near the truth, then the question will be whether in that case it may not be most prudent to compute merely upon the weight of the materials and their action as wedges, considered as the data, and so to determine the curve of equilibration. To a bridge constructed upon the principles last-mentioned, so that the tangential forces should be in perfect equilibrio, and destroy each other at every point of the curve, there might still be superadded all the advantage which a good mechanic can give to it, by making the most skilful use of the powers of cohesion, elasticity, &c. of the metal. There are, however, two objections to be offered, the first is, that though the above-men- tioned powers of cohesion, elasticity, &c., may be allowed to be entirely beyond the reach of computation; when we have in view a structure like this, yet we may still be sure that these powers are very considerable. We may in many cases be quite sure that a power is very great, though we are unable to say how great; and under such circumstances, it is not to be dissembled that no person can foresee whether the effect of a great unknown power may not be to overturn in a great measure the geometrical reasoning itself, respecting the curves of equilibration; or whether, therefore, it might not be better to hazard and compute upon some hypothesis or conjecture, respecting the strength and effect of these powers, rather than to leave them entirely in the dark, and proceed upon the partial consideration of mere weight and wedge action, when we are sure that other powers are actually present. The second objection arises from a considerable practical difficulty which must occur in executing 480 BOOK I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. the work, so that each point of the curve of the bridge shall feel the precise degree of vertical pressure which theory shall assign to it, and unless this difficulty can be got over, all the reasoning concerning curves of equilibration will be of no use. The engineers will be the best judges how far it can be removed, and it will no doubt occur to them, that this matter is much easier to manage in the case of stone bridges. Dr. Charles Hutton, of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, states it as his opinion that all the small frames or parts ought to be so connected together, at least vertically, as that the whole may act as one frame of iron, which can only be destroyed by crushing its parts. For by this means the pressure and strain will be taken off from every particular arch or course of voussoirs, and from every single voussoir or frame, and distributed uniformly throughout the whole mass. Hence it will happen that any particular part which may by chance be damaged or be weaker than the rest will be relieved and prevented from fracture; or if broken, prevented from dropping out and drawing other parts after it which may be next to it, either above or on the sides of it. By this means also the effect of any partial or local pressure, or stroke or shock, whether vertical or horizontal, will be distributed over or among a great number of the adjacent parts, and so break and divert the effect from the immediate places of action. By this means also will be obviated any dan- gerous effects arising from the continual expansion or contraction of the metal, by the varying temperature of the atmosphere, in consequence of which the bridge will altogether in one mass, in a small and insensible degree, keep perpetually and silently rising and sinking, as the arch lengthens by the expansion, or shortens by the contraction of the metal. This unity of mass will be accomplished by connecting the several courses of arch pieces together vertically, or the lower courses to the next above them, and also by placing the pieces together in such a way as to break joint, after the manner of common or wall masonry, and that, perhaps, in the longitudinal and transverse joints as well as the vertical ones. Mr. Attwood, of Sloane Street, states that, according to the plan of the bridge, the interior curve is a circular arc, and the whole of the iron-work between the arc and exterior ter- mination on the road is divided into sections of a wedge-like form, the sides of which being prolonged unite in the centre of the circular arch. The sides of the sections considered as plane surfaces, which are projected into the aforesaid lines, are placed contiguous after the manner in which blocks of stone are disposed which form the arches of a stone bridge; but in the plan of the iron bridge, the wedge-like form of the sections, instead of being confined to the arch adjacent to the interior curve, as in the case of stone bridges, is ex- tended throughout the whole structure as far as the road. The ties and fastenings applied to prevent the sections from changing their places in the direction of the sides of the wedges coincide with the lines in which the surfaces of the contiguous sections are united. For these reasons I suppose that the whole iron-work is to be considered as consisting of sections, which act as wedges by their pressure and gravity. It may also be observed, that if the iron-work above the immediate arch be divided by circular arcs or lines of division, drawn from centres situated in the vertical line which bisects the entire arc, the said cir- cular arcs will divide the whole of the iron-works into separate arches, the sections of which may be adjusted so as to form so many distinct arches of equilibration. These arches when united will become a single arch of equilibration. Colonel Twiss, of Woolwich, states, that every part of a bridge, whether formed in the shape of a wedge, or laid on in horizontal joints, such as the walls and other loading usually erected upon the arches of stone bridges, should be all considered as acting by gravity, and every heavy body so situated, being prevented from falling vertically, will produce a lateral pressure, varying according to circumstances; in considering the strength of arches, I never can suppose the whole to act as one frame, which can only be destroyed by crushing its parts. Mr. William Jessop, of Newark, says, respecting the practicability of constructing an arch of iron of 600 feet span, and the weight that such a material is capable of sustaining before it will crush with the pressure, I am inclined to believe that those who may critically in- vestigate this matter will remove all doubts on these heads. I can easily conceive that a cube of Portland stone, of 6 inches for instance, would require no great weight to crush it; that such a cube of granite or marble, though much stronger, might also be crushed; but I feel it difficult to form any conception of a weight that would crush such a cube of iron, and though a similar arch of stone would have more surface in contact, yet as its com- parative weight (allowing for the difference of specific gravity) would be nearly in pro- portion to the surface of its section, its advantages on the one hand, of having more points of bearing, will, in my opinion, be much inferior to the advantage, which, on the other hand, will be derived from the greater hardness and tenacity of the materials, and the great decrease of absolute weight. Presuming then, that there should be no doubt on this part of the subject, it will next be required that all its parts should contribute their due proportion of resistance to the pressure, and that when so constructed, every part should have a disposition to remain at CHAP VIII. 481 BRITAIN. rest, and that the whole should be so framed, as to be capable of resisting any force tending to alter its form or position, whether from external violence, or from imperfection, or in- equality in its parts. Although the parts of the bridge may be so put together as to become one united frame, I should think it right, nevertheless, so to construct the arch, that independent of the framing between the arch and the roadway, it should be equal to the support of the superincumbent weight; and in order that it should be so, it ought to have such a curvature as to counteract the unequal pressure created by the increase of width at the ends of the bridge, or an increased weight on the crown of the arch, or both; it is, therefore, advisable, that instead of the three circular members or segments above the arch, uniting into one on the crown of the arch, and thereby diminishing their weight, each of these segments might be continued distinctly, but resting on or touching each other at the crown; and in the plan also, each rib should be continued independent of the others. Mr. John Rennie, of Stamford Street, observes that were the arch a semicircle, ellipsis, or other curve, in which some of the frames or voussoirs had but a small inclination to the horizon, the friction arising from the gravity of those frames would be greater than their weight would overcome, and of course would act by pressure only; but in the present case, the arch is so flat, that I apprehend every frame may be considered as a wedge, if its sur- face were perfectly smooth and straight, and not prevented from sliding by joggles or other contrivances; but as each frame is proposed to be connected by proper joggles or con- trivances to the other, and the whole loaded so as to be in equilibrio, except as far as the materials will yield by the weight of the superstructure, I apprehend it may in a great degree be considered as a single frame, which can only be destroyed by crushing its parts. Mr. John Southern, Engineer, Soho, near Birmingham, observes, that the design repre- sents the parts as one frame; but I do not think it possible to execute it so as to have that effect, nor even that parts can be combined so accurately as to form wedges of so great a length as to reach from the arch to the road; nor do I think it desirable that it should be so constructed; because, as settlement will certainly take place in some degree, when the centres are struck, an immense pressure may possibly be brought on some of the eccentric arches in the spandrills, which are evidently not calculated for such an effect. It is better that the construction should be such as to direct the pressure of force on those parts intended and able to bear it. I therefore consider the lower part only of the bridge, or the arch, constituted by the concentric curves, and which I desire to distinguish by the name of arch, as answering the end of wedges or arch stones; all the superincumbent matter I consider as weight, the pressure of the greatest part of which is, however, increased by the declination from the perpendicular of the members or pillars which point to the centre of the arch, and which communicate to it this pressure. The eccentric members, which form arches in the spandrills, of less curvature than the principal arch, can only be used in keeping the long pillars from bending under the pressure they sustain. Indeed, were the whole pressure of the bridge, by any accident, to come upon any one of these spandrill arches, and were it made strong enough to resist the pressure, the pushing or hori zontal force acting against the abutments to overset them, would be increased in proportion to the flatness or radius of the said arch. The second question propounded by the committee was, whether the strength of the arch is affected, and in what manner, by the proposed increase of its width towards the two abutments, when considered both vertically and horizontally; and if so, what form should the bridge gradually acquire? Dr. Nevil Maskelyne apprehended that the strength of the bridge would be somewhat increased vertically, and also horizontally, according to the length of the bridge, by the increase of its width towards the extremities or abutments; but that it is increased princi- pally in the direction of its width, so as better to resist the stroke of the mast of a ship going up or down the river. The Rev. A. Robertson stated that the arch will certainly be affected by increasing the width of the bridge towards the abutments. Such a form will decrease the strength of the arch, to bear the roadway and any weight upon it, and on the other hand it will increase the strength of the bridge to resist any force tending to press it out of the vertical plane. The following are the reasons for this opinion: If the weights of the several parts be so proportioned, as to give the whole the greatest possible degree of strength, the quantity of matter over any point in the arch must be fixed according to the weight at the crown or at the abutment; it can neither be increased nor diminished, if that law is observed by which a maximum of strength is obtained. If, therefore, the bridge increase in width from the crown to the abutments, the quantity of iron being in an horizontal, it must be decreased in a vertical direction. Consequently, the strength of the bridge will .continually diminish in a vertical direction from the crown to the abutments. Mr. Playfair thought that the proposed increase of width at the extremities, though necessary to steady the bridge in the horizontal direction, and to preserve it in the same vertical plane, is an additional load towards the haunches of the bridge, and tends still more to remove the distribution of the weight from that which the equilibrium requires. JI 482 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. Though there seems to be in the manner of framing, and in the strength of the materials, abundant provision made to supply this want of equilibrium, yet as the tendency of so great an increase of pressure at the haunches must be to make the arch spring at the crown, it may perhaps be expedient to make the wedges near the crown deeper and heavier, in comparison of the rest, than is proposed in the plan. I am aware, at the same time, that the power of the iron bars that compose the framework of the bridge, to resist ex- tension as well as compression, and to draw as well as to thrust (quite different from what happens in stone, where it is the latter only which takes place), may render this pre- caution unnecessary. Those who have had experience in the construction of arches of iron are the only good judges in this case. Mr. J. Robeson did not think the mode of widening the bridge towards the ends can be materially improved. This additional width does contribute to increase the load on the haunches, which are already overloaded; but they are so stiff, if united with moderate care, that they are vastly stronger than is necessary, and will not be sensibly affected by this addition. It is in some degree hanging work, that is, hanging by the rest, and not by any regular abutment. This might be given it, as in the Pont Admirable between Calais and Ardres, which I examined with great attention many years ago. But this would require a most difficult framing, with oblique angles, each frame and each tie requiring a mould for itself, and it would not be one fiftieth stronger. Dr. Charles Hutton says, there can be no doubt but the bridge will be greatly strengthened by an increase of its width towards the two extremities or abutments, especially if the courses or parts be connected together in the manner mentioned in the answer to the first question; for thus the extent of the base of the arch at the impost being enlarged, the strength or resistance of the abutment will be increased in a much higher degree than the weight and thrust of the arch, and consequently will resist and support it more firmly. The arch itself will thus also acquire a great increase of strength and stability, both from the quantity and disposition of the materials, as well vertically as horizontally, by which, in the latter direction in particular, the arch will be better enabled to preserve its true vertical position, and to resist the force or shock of any thing striking against it in the horizontal direction and for the better security in these particulars, considering the immense stretch of the arch, it will be perhaps advisable to enlarge the width in the middle to 50 feet instead of 45 feet, and at the extremities to 100 feet instead of 90 feet, as proposed in the design. As to the form of this width or enlargement, the side of the arch might be bounded by a circular arch or by any curve that will look more graceful, perhaps a very eccentric ellipse will answer as well as any other curve, or better. ; Mr. Atwood observed, that the proposed increase of breadth near the abutment does not appear to affect the strength of the bridge in a vertical direction; but a more effectual resistance will be opposed in consequence of this form to any force which may be applied horizontally, and perpendicular to the plane of the arch to alter its position in that direction. Colonel Twiss stated, that the increasing breadth of the arch at the abutments seems to afford no advantage in the vertical section, on the supposition that no force except gravity could act upon it; but considering the length and breadth, it appears a wise pre- caution to resist any force acting in a horizontal direction, such as wind, the masts of vessels, &c., and as a guard against vibration; perhaps the strongest form of widening the bridge would be by constructing the sides in straight lines from the centre to the abut- ments, but the present proposal is cheaper, and may answer the object. Mr. William Jessop says, that widening the bridge towards the ends will be attended with many inconveniences, and a great extra expense; it is worth consideration whether it may not have sufficient strength to counteract any lateral bias by other means. I am much disposed to believe that if the braces which connect the ribs with each other, instead of being rectangular with the ribs, were to be connected diagonally, so as to form triangles, little more would be wanted to give it the necessary stiffness; but when, in addition to this I consider that the whole covering of the bridge under the roadway may be of iron plates, or reticular gratings with flanches, so that they may be put together with screw bolts and nutts of cast-iron, or with eye bolts and cotters, and form one great iron plate or grating of 45 feet in width; I have no conception of its being capable of any sensible flexibility edge. ways; and by liagonal braces, in a vertical as well as horizontal position, which I conceive may be applied without much difficulty, and without the aid of malleable iron. I should have no apprehension of its being liable to any material injury from any external violence, and upon the whole I believe, that an arch of 600 feet span, similar to that in question, .with such improvements as it may be susceptible of, is practicable, and capable of being rendered a durable edifice. Mr. J. Rennie observed, that the strength of the arch will be very much increased horizontally, by the increase of width towards its two extremities. But I do not think any advantage will arise to it vertically from this increase, but rather on the contrary; for, as the additional width will also increase the weight, it cannot be made in equilibrium unless CHAP. VIII. 489 BRITAIN. the iron work is made lighter. Vertical ribs seem the most natural and easy method, and if well braced might probably answer the purpose; but the increase of width towards the extremities is certainly the strongest method of steadying the arch. If the bridge was to be made 50 feet wide at the crown, and 100 feet at the extremities, it would, in my opinion, be sufficient. Mr. James Watt, of Heathfield, near Birmingham, thought that the width of the road- way of the bridge ought not to be less than 60 feet, including the parapets on each side. In respect to the effects of storms and common accidents, such an arch would be sufficiently stable, without being widened at the ends; but it would be more convenient if it were 90 feet wide at each end, such extra width decreasing gradually, so that, at 150 feet from each end, it should be reduced to the width of 60 feet, from which points the sides would be parallel for 300 feet of the length. It appears to me, that the uprights which stand upon the arch and support the roadway should be perpendicular, as well as the faces of the abutments above the spring of the arch, as the uprights would in that position be stronger. The segments of flat arches in the spandrills, if they acted at all as arches, would have a pre- judicial effect, as they would push with great force against the abutments, in points where they were less able to resist than at the spring of the real arch. One reason for enlarging the width of the bridge to 60 feet is, the very great concourse of carriages and passengers, which may be expected in that situation, and which I apprehend would be greater than now cross at either London or Blackfriars Bridge, and surely 60 feet is narrow enough for any principal street in London, as this should be considered. Mr. John Southern observed, that the pillars that carried the road being radii from the centre, the weight per foot long of the road ought to decrease from the crown, or summit of the bridge, towards the abutments, in order to obtain the equilibrium of the arch; and consequently, instead of increasing in width, the road ought to decrease towards the abut- ments, supposing it to have the same depth of section. If it keep the same width, or have parallel sides, it ought to get thinner towards the abutments, and still more so if it widen. By the plan it appears to be twice the width at the abutments that it is at the crown, in which case the thickness at the crown should be, to that at the abutments, nearly as two and two-thirds to one, in order to affect the equilibrium: this is, however, on the suppo- sition that the weight of the arch is of little consideration in comparison with that of the road, by which I mean the sleeper plates, Cornish flags, pavement, &c. It is hence evident that the road may take any form in the plan, by making its thickness correspond with the weight demanded by the equilibrium; but I must prefer parallel sides, because of the great, if not insuperable difficulty of making them curved; and because I do not perceive that much advantage can be gained towards horizontal stability by that form, which seems, as I conceive, to be the main object, but which may be better attained by diagonal braces. Mr. William Reynolds, of Colebrooke Dale, says, I have no doubt but the strength of the bridge is very materially affected by the increase of width towards the extremities, and which will operate in a favourable manner in every respect, as it not only strengthens the lateral bearing, but gives a greater abutment to the pressure endways, which will be very advantageous. Mr. Charles Bage, of Shrewsbury, observed, it was an excellent thought to make the bridge wider at the ends than in the centre, not only for the convenience of the passage over it, but for the opportunity it affords of giving firmness to resist tempests, or any other horizontal pressure. The third question to be answered was highly important, as it demanded in what propor- tion should the weight be distributed from the centre to the abutments, to make the arch uniformly strong? Dr. Nevil Maskelyne apprehended this question to relate to the principle of equilibration. But considering the question to be relative to the strength of cohesion of a perpendicular section of the bridge, as opposed to the stress arising from the weight acting against it to overcome it, it appears to me to make the bridge equally strong from one end to the other; the thickness of the rib frames should be diminished more and more in going from the centre to the extremities of the bridge, and that in the inverse ratio of the square of the height of the perpendicular section above the arch. This it is evident will much diminish the quantity of materials and weight of the bridge, and thereby further strengthen the bridge, and lessen the expense. This subtraction of the materials, however, in going towards the ends, is contrary to what is required for an arch of equilibration, at least of a circular one. 18845 Rev. A. Robertson, previous to answering this third query, stated the following particulars relating to the circle, of which the arch of the bridge would be a part. The diameter is or 1449, feet, the circumference 4554-10103763. The length of the arch of the bridge will be 618-59872427 feet, and its magnitude 48° 54'. Having ascertained these 13 II 2 484 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. + particulars, I proceeded, with a view to answer this third question, to calculate the propor- tional weight at the extremity of every fifth foot from the crown of the bridge, the weight at the crown being supposed to be one These are put down in the following table: the first column contains the length of arches in feet from the crown; the second column contains the weights at the extremities of these lengths; the length of arch and the weights at the extremity of that length being in the same line, and adjoining to one another. If therefore it be determined upon that the weight at the crown shall be any number as n, the weight at the extremity of every fifth foot may be obtained by multiplying the number in the second column of the first table by n. As the length of half the arch is 309-299, the last length is not a complete multiple of 5. If the weight over a portion of the arch at the abutment be given, the weight at the crown may be ascertained. Thus if the weight over a portion of the arch of 10 feet at the abutment be r, the weight x divided by 11-9911 will give the weight at the crown. 1st Col. 2d Col. 1st Col. 2d Col. 1st Col. 2d Col. 1st Col. 2d Col. 5 1.00007 85 1.0209 165 1.0816 245 1.1909 10 1.00027 90 1.0211 170 1.0866 250 1.1997 15 1.00063 95 1.0262 175 1.0923 255 1.2088 20 1.00114 100 1.0290 180 1.0979 260 1.2181 25 1·00178 105 1.0321 185 1.1039 265 1.2277 30 1.00256 110 1.0353 190 1.1099 270 1.2375 35 1.00367 115 1.0386 195 1.1162 275 1.2477 40 1.00458 120 1.0422 200 1.1226 280 1.2582 45 1·00581 125 1.0451 205 1.1293 285 1.2689 50 1.00717 130 1·0497 210 1.1371 290 1.2799 55 1.00870 135 1.0537 215 1.1433 295 1.2913 60 1.01034 140 1.0579 220 1.1507 300 1.3030 65 1·01210 145 1.0623 225 1.1583 305 1.3150 70 1.01410 150 1·0669 230 1.1661 309.299 1-3256 75 1.01620 155 1.0716 23.5 1.1741 80 1.01850 160 1.0765 240 1.1824 : From the form of the bridge, and the law by which the weights over the several parts must be regulated, it is evident from the table, that proceeding from the crown to either of the abutments the quantity of metal must be less and less in proportion than the spaces occupied; or, in other words, if I may use the expression, the metal must become more and more rarified. It therefore follows, that proceeding from either abutment to the crown, the metal must become more and more condensed. The limit of condensation at the crown, however, is that of solidity, and therefore a greater weight cannot be laid over a given portion of the arch at the abutment, than that which, regulated according to the established law, will render it necessary to use solid blocks of metal at the crown. Mr. Playfair replied, that the distribution of the weight, so that these wedge-form frames may be in equilibrio, and may support themselves even if they were not connected but by their mutual pressure, can easily be determined, but will give a construction hardly ap- plicable in practice. The equilibrium of the parts would require that the weights of the wedge, at the spring of the arch, should not exceed the weight of that at the crown, in a greater proportion than that of six to five, and that at all the intermediate points, this dif- ference of one-fifth should diminish, as the square of the distance from the crown diminishes. Thus the crown wedge being of the weight a, the wedge at the abutment should be of the weight a +; the first wedge from the crown, a+ the second a + α α 5+31 312; 4a ;; 5+312 the oa third a+ ; and so on for all the other thirty-one frames that compose one-half of the 5+31º bridge, computing the distance from the crown by the space between the crown and the middle point on the base of each frame. This is obviously so remote from the proposed figure of the bridge, and from any that it can possibly have, that the notion of making the parts balance one another, or support themselves by their weight alone, must be entirely abandoned. It may be abandoned too without any loss to the firmness and stability of the bridge, agreeably to what has been already remarked. The perfect balance of the parts is only necessary, if the frames are unconnected and free to slip on one another; the moment that any connection by diagonal braces or other means is established between them, the prin- ciple of equilibrium is in effect departed from, and therefore has never been had recourse to in any instance of an iron bridge hitherto constructed. When therefore it is asserted that the iron bridge over the Thames is not meant to stand on the principle of equili- trium. I do not mean in the slightest degree to object to its construction. CHAP. VIII. 485 BRITAIN. b Mr. J. Robeson could not answer this question without considering the manner of acting of every bar almost, to see what are in a state of compression, and what are on the stretch. Did the main ring alone act, and act like masonry, the load on every point of it should be as the cube of a line, drawn from the centre of the arch through the point, till it meet a horizontal line. Thus the weights on a, b, and c, should be as o d³, o e³, o ƒ³, o being the centre, and fd horizontal. But in a mass of frame-work like this, the equilibration theory is of very little use. Dr. Charles Hutton says, to make the arch uniformly strong throughout, it ought to be made an arch of equilibration, so as to be equally balanced in every part of its extent. When the materials Fig. 482. of an arch are uniform and solid, then to find the weight over every part of the curve, so as to put the arch in equilibrio, is the same thing as to find the vertical thickness of the arch in every part, or the height of the extrados, or back of the arch, over every point of the intrados or soffite of the under curves of the arch. In the case of the present design, a strict mathematical precision is not to be expected, or attained by mere calculation on ac- count of the open frame-works of iron in parts of various shapes and sizes. We must, therefore, be content with a near approach to that point of perfection, which can be accom- plished in a degree sufficient to answer all the purposes of safety and convenience. Now this can be conveniently done by a comparison of the present design of a bridge with the example of a similar intrados curve in the 4th prop. of my Treatise on Bridges. By that ex- ample it appears that the weight above every point on the soffite curve should increase exactly in proportion as the cube of the secant of the number of degrees in the arch, from the centre or middle to the several points in going towards the abutments. This proportion, though it require an infinite weight or thickness at the extremities of a whole semicircle. where the arch rises perpendicular to the horizon; yet for a small part of the circle near the vertex, the necessary increase of weight or thickness towards the extremities is in a degree very consistent with the convenient use and structure of such a bridge, as will be evident by a glance of the figure and curve of that example. For as the whole extent of the soffite arch in the present design is but about 48° 54′ or 24° 27′ on each side from the middle point to the abutments, that is little more than the fourth part of the arch in that example, therefore, by cutting out the fourth part of the arch, it will give us a tolerable idea of the requisite shape of the whole structure, and increase in the thickness when the materials are solid, or at least the increase in weight over every point in the soffite, that is, the figure exhibits a curve for the scale of such increase. Or if we compute the numeral values of the weights or thickness by the rule in that example, in the proportion of the cube of the secants, they will be as in the annexed table, which is computed for every degree in the arch from the middle, supposing the middle thickness or weight to be 10. And the Degree. Weight or Height. Degree. Weight or Height. Degree. Weight or Height. Degree. Weight or Height. 0 10.000 7 10.227 14 10.947 21 12.290 1 10.000 8 10.298 15 11.096 22 12.546 2 10.018 9 10.379 16 11.258 23 12.821 3 10.041 10 10.470 17 11.434 24 13.116 4 10.073 11 10.572 18 11.625 24/ 13.272 5 10.115 12 10.685 19 11.831 6 10.166 13 10.810 20 12.052 true representation of the figure as constructed from these numbers, or the extrados curve determining the true scale of weight or thickness over every such point in the soffite curve, is here exhibited. Here the thickness or height in the middle being supposed 10, the vertical thickness or height of the outer curve above the inner at the extremities is 13-272, or nearly 18, and the other intermediate thicknesses at every degree from the vertex are as denoted by the numbers in the latter column of the table. If the thickness at the top be supposed 7, 8, or 12, or any other number instead of 10, all the other numbers must be changed in the same proportion. Now the upper curve in this figure is con- structed from these computed tabular numbers, and exhibits an exact scale of the increase of weight or thickness, so as to make the whole an arch of equilibration, or of uniform strength throughout when the materials are of uniform shape and weight; and in this case the upper curve does not sensibly differ from a circular arch in any part of it; but as the convenient passage over the bridge requires that the height or thickness at the extremities or imposts should be a great deal more than in proportion to these numbers, denoting the equilibrium of weight, it therefore follows that the frame-work of the pieces above the arch in the filling-up of the flanks ought to be lighter and lighter, or cast of a form more 11 3 486 Book I. HISTORY OF ENGINEERING. and more light and open as in the design, so as to bring the loading in those parts as near to the equilibrium weight as the strength and stability of the iron frames will permit. Mr. J. Rennie observed, that different methods may be adopted of rendering the arch equally strong throughout. It may be balanced by the weight of the frames and loading charged on them towards the extremities, so as to counterbalance that at the crown of the arch, or it may partly be done by weight, and partly by longitudinal braces, placed in such a direction as to answer the same purpose. The latter method will be found very useful in this arch, particularly if put in addition to the weight which forms the equilibrio, for, as I apprehend, it will be impossible to prevent the iron from yielding in some degree; this yielding will be greatest where the depths of the materials are least, which is at the crown of the arch, in which cases the braces will act in opposition to it, with more effect than the simple gravity of whatever load may be placed upon it. Mr. Attwood stated that the distribution of weight among the sections, so as to form an arch of equilibration, depends on the angles of the sections which form the entire arch. If the angles should be equal, and of the magnitude stated, the weight of each section and the pressure on it appears from calculation to be as set forth in the table which follows. dimensions of the proposed bridge being Height of the middle arch Span Radius Number of wedges which form the arch Angle of each wedge or section - 65 feet. 600 - 724-8 - 63 The 46′ 34″-314. The inclination of the successive abutments to the vertical line is calculated from the angle of each section, 46′ 34″-314, a degree of exactness not necessary, except to prevent the small errors from accumulating. The angles of the abutments, entered in the second column of the table, are expressed to the nearest minute of a degree. The weight of the highest or middle section, denoted by the letter A, is assumed equal to unity, the weight of all the other sections being in proportion to it. Angular Distances of Sections. the Abutments from Weights of the Sections. the Vertical Line. Pressure on the Sec- tions next following. Sums of the Weights of the Sections, deducting the Weight of half the first Section. I Ꭱ ARCARFGH-K-ZZOLOFQ=PPBX>N Primary Limestone is met with in irregular beds, alternating with all the members of the primary series; it has a highly crystalline texture, is compact, and both large and fine grained; the purest and whitest are sometimes called saccharine limestone. In the mountains at Carrara it is abundantly found, and contains no fossils; it was once supposed that this marble was formed before the existence of organic beings, but it has been proved to be a mere change of the limestone of the oolitic period. The calcareous rocks around the bay of Spezia contain abundant fossils of the oolitic system, and exhibit a difference of character in proportion as they have been acted upon more or less by the Trappean and Plutonic rocks. Quartz Rock, being divided by natural joints, breaks into rectangular or rhomboidal forms; its structure is rarely compact and crystalline throughout; it is sometimes mixed with felspar, and sometimes with mica; it is of a white colour, but when impure it is either red or yellow. Talcose Schist consists of talc alone, or quartz and tale; it is found in thin beds, and often passes into argillaceous schist. Chlorite Schist is distinguishable by its green colour, and is saponaceous to the touch; its chief ingredients are chlorite and quartz, sometimes mixed with felspar and hornblende. It is most frequently found with mica schist, into which it passes. Hornblende Schist is chiefly composed of felspar and hornblende, containing occasionally grains of quartz; it is rarely met with in large masses, but is usually associated with gneiss. Mica Schist is a crystalline compound of quartz and mica in different proportions; its texture is foliated or laminar, and it may sometimes be split into coarse plates. When it 634 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. has a granular texture, the quartz grains are united by a crystalline cement of the same mineral. Gneiss is composed of quartz, fefspar, mica, and hornblende, the same ingredients which are found in granite, although the proportions vary. The character in which gneiss most differs is in its having the mica and hornblende arranged in planes parallel to the stratifica- tion, so that it may often be cleaved into plates. Its stratification is, however, irregular and contorted; it usually rests upon granite. The whole of the rocks of the gneiss system, after being deposited by water, have been acted upon by heat, and acquired a highly crys- talline character; they are wholly devoid of organic remains, and in Britain contain no dis- tinct fragments of other rocks, either angular or rounded. PLUTONIC OR UNSTRATIFIED ROCKS. Granite is a compound crystalline rock, containing quartz, felspar, and mica; each of these bodies are composed of several elementary sub- stances; they are intimately joined together, but without any base or cement: they vary in quantity: felspar usually predominates, and mica is less frequently present; they differ also in magnitude, alternating from large to small grains. In some varieties the con- cretions of felspar and quartz are several inches in size, and the mica occurs in plates upwards of a foot square, whilst in others the grain is so small that the granite appears nearly compact. The crystals of granite are seldom arranged regularly, as in gneiss, but are united in a confused crystallisation. The Graphic Granite is a variety compounded of felspar and quartz, arranged so as to produce a laminar structure. The felspar crystals seem first to have been formed, and afterwards the darker-coloured quartz. Aberdeen Granite sometimes has the mica replaced by hornblende, and there are varieties composed of hornblende and felspar. Porphyritic Granite contains large crystals of felspar, held together in a granitic base in which are specks of mica of an hexagonal form. The uniform character of granite seems to indicate that, after its elements were mixed together, they were crystallised at the same time and under the same process. The minerals which constitute the granitic as well as the volcanic rocks are silica, alumina, magnesia, lime, soda, potash, and iron, and the presence of these seven elements in certain proportions is more favourable to the granitic structure: the fine grain it sometimes assumes is perhaps owing to the manner in which it has cooled. Granite composed of quartz two parts, felspar two parts, and mica one part, is repre- sented in the first colt mn. Porphyritic granite in column the second, and composed of two parts quartz, three parts felspar, and one part mica. In the third column is shown a binary granite of three parts felspar and two parts quartz. Silica Alumina Potash Magnesia Lime Oxide of iron · Oxide of manganese Fluoric acid No. 1. 74.84 No. 2. No. 3. 73.04 75.1 - 12.80 13.83 10.9 7.48 8.51 9.8 0.99 0.83 0.37 0.44 0.5 1.93 1.73 0.4 0.12 0.10 0.21 0.18 Granite, when reduced to very fine grains, cannot be distinguished from felspar porphyry. : Syenite is a compound of compact or crystallised felspar, united with hornblende and quartz where the proportions are equal the first column shows the ingredients; when composed of equal proportions of quartz, felspar, and mica, they are found in the second column; and when of schorl rock and quartz in equal parts in the third column. Silica Alumina Potash Lime Magnesia Oxide of iron - Oxide of manganese Fluoric acid No. 1. No. 2. 69-91 63.96 No. 3. 68.01 10-37 14.32 17.91 4.55 5.94 0.35 soda. 4.86 3.73 0.14 6.26 5.94 2.22 2.69 4.06 6.85 0.07 0.21 0.81 0.50 0.65 1.79 Greenstone is composed also of compact and crystallised felspar, hornblende, or augite : its texture is sometimes earthy, but when crystalline it resembles syenite, the difference being only its green colour; its compounds are found in the first column. Hypersthene rock is of a white or red colour, and the felspar is compact or crystallised; its compounds are in the second column. CHAP. I. 635 GEOLOGY. Diallage or Serpentine may be considered as a hydrated subsilicate of magnesia; its com-. pounds are in the third column. It should be observed that the felspar and hornblende are in equal quantities in the greenstone; the felspar and hypersthene in equal parts in column two; and in the third column the proportions are two-thirds of common felspar and one-third of diallage. - Silica Alumina Potash Lime Magnesia Oxide of iron Oxide of manganese Fluoric acid Water - No. 1. 54.86 No. 2. No. 3. 59.14 58.42 15.56 10.59 13.86 6.83 6.83 9.10 7.29 1.13 4.87 9.39 7.00 8.13 4.03 12.62 2.00 0.11 0.75 0.20 1.06 Water. This important element occupies about three-fourths of the whole surface of the globe, and geological researches having dispelled the many fanciful theories that existed on this interesting subject, it is generally agreed that within its depths the various matters and crystallised bodies which now constitute the dry land have been precipitated, from the disintegration of other lands no longer existing. Of the period of time during which these changes were going on it would be useless to speculate; the "Medals of Creation will enable us to class in some measure the great transitions, but they afford us no fixed dates. "" At all temperatures above 32° water remains in a liquid state; when cooled below this it is congealed, and becomes solid, forming prismatic crystals, which lie across each other at angles of 60° and 120°. During the formation of ice the mass is increased in bulk a ninth part, and its expansive powers become greater, which, acting mechanically upon rocks or other earthy matter, breaks them up into smaller masses, and it thus becomes a powerful agent in the destruction of cliffs, or even mountains, though by slow degrees, and by successive operations. When the temperature of water is raised to 212º, it passes off into steam, though it is found in a state of vapour at all temperatures under pressure. The atmosphere contains a large quantity of water, and it may be called the great receptacle of that element; all the moisture carried away by evaporation from the ocean and land enters the atmosphere as vapour, where it floats, until, being driven against higher land, it is converted into water in the form of rain or snow by condensation, and again drained off to the ocean. Water in its ordinary state is frequently found to contain foreign matter, which renders it totally unfit for domestic uses. Rain water, if collected with care, is the most pure, but in it there are small quantities of carbonic acid and atmospheric air, as well as appreciable traces of vegetable and animal matter, which occasion it, when kept for a length of time, to become putrid. Water is sometimes designated hard and soft, and these states may be ascertained by dropping into it a solution of soap dissolved in alcohol, which will produce at once a milky effect, if it contains any earthy or metallic salts, the presence of which constitutes its hardness, and throw them down in a flocculent precipitate. There are five great seas or basins from whence the earth derives the supply of moisture so necessary for its fertility, and the existence of its various inhabitants. The Pacific Ocean is of vast extent, and derives its name from the quiet of its waters, particularly between 10° and 30° of north latitude, where it is almost always calm. This sea extends 3700 leagues from east to west, and 2700 in the other direction. The coasts of America and Asia are its boundaries, and in the midst of this world of waters rise up numerous islands and coral reefs, which have their foundation at immense depths, and present a perpendicular face from the bottom to their surface. The Atlantic Ocean, which receives the waters of some of the largest rivers of the world, is not more than half the area of the Pacific. The Indian Ocean is in length and breadth about 1500 leagues. The Arctic Ocean surrounds the north pole, and is a vast circular basin, which, by means of two channels, connects the Pacific and the Atlantic. The Antarctic unites the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. The Mediterranean is 2300 miles in length, and 650 in breadth; the Straits of Gibraltar uniting it with the Atlantic, and the Dardanelles with the Black Sea, beyond which is the Sea of Azoph: still further lies the Caspian, which has apparently no communication with the ocean. The Baltic Sea is 1200 miles in length, and nearly 100 in breadth, and unites with the German Ocean. + The water in the northern and southern hemispheres differs considerably in quantity · in the former the proportions between land and water are as 72 to 100, and in the latter only 636 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. as 15 to 100. It is impossible with our present means to define the height at which the waters stand, or the level of the ocean, from the constant motion to which it is subjected from winds and currents. Its greatest depth has never been fathomed, and it has rarely been sounded beyond a mile; 800 or 900 fathoms were reached by the sea-clamms by Cap.. tain Parry in latitude 74° 30′ north, and 78° 1' west longitude. The specific gravity of sea-water is the same in nearly all latitudes when examined at a distance, from the discharge of fresh-water poured in by the rivers; its mean is about 1-02757, though, from the impurities it holds in solution, this must necessarily differ; these consist of muriate of lime, magnesia, potash, and other matters. The colour of the sea varies, probably from the different animal and vegetable matters diffused through it in a putrescent state; it is often a blue green, and at the Tropics an azure blue, in the Mediterranean of a beautiful purple tinge. The temperature differs according to the latitudes and depths, and seasons of the year: at the equator it is from 80° to 82°; at the temperate zones it is higher in the winter than in summer. The decrease of heat is calculated at about one degree for each degree of lati- tude. The cold increases with the depth in the tropical seas, whilst in higher latitudes the reverse law is observed. The prevailing currents have two directions; those which originate in the Tropics go round the globe in a western direction, and those of the polar seas in the direction of the equator. Between thirty degrees north and the same of south latitude, the western current moves with a velocity of about ten miles a-day; in the Atlantic it takes two directions, one of which passes to the Cape Verde Islands round the Gulf of Mexico, through the Bahama channel, and along the coasts of North America; it again alters its course at Newfoundland, and proceeds in a south-eastern direction to the Canary Islands, and then joins the stream from whence it took its departure. The North Atlantic Ocean has a current between 11° and 43°, extending 3800 leagues, its velocity increasing as its breadth and depth becomes contracted; at the Bahama channel its breadth is 51 leagues, and its motion is as much as five miles per hour. This current returns to the Azores at the rate of seven or eight miles per day, where its breadth has been computed at 160 leagues. The space comprised between these two currents is still water, and is 140 leagues in breadth. These currents exercise a very powerful effect on the coasts, causing a continual erosion on those that are bold and rugged, whose detritus falls down into the ocean, and is carried away to be deposited in less turbulent waters, and perhaps become the foundation of some future island. The waves of the sea depend upon the force of the wind, which, by depressing or moving a body of water, at once alters its equilibrium. When water is placed in a bent tube, and made to ascend and descend alternately, its motion agrees with that of the pendulum, which Newton compared to the action of the waves, and found that their velocity was as the square roots of their breadths, as taken between the tops of their ridges; and he also found that waves moved through a space equal to their breadth in the same time in which a pendulum oscillated, whose length was equal to its breadth. Waves, whose breadth are 391 inches, will move over that distance in a second of time, and their motion is progressive; but an object floating on their surface seems to make little way, and their motion does not appear to be so considerable. The tidal currents, which alternately move in opposite directions, exercise a considerable destroying action on the land, as well as on the formations in progress at the bottom of the ocean. The motion of the tides and currents is produced by different means; the first is from the influence of the sun and moon, and their height and velocity depend upon the coasts within which they are enclosed. In narrow seas they rise higher, but when the waters meet with no obstruction and can freely expand, they do not exhibit so much elevation. In the Bristol Channel, where the passage is narrow, the tide runs at the rate of 14 miles an hour. In the ocean are permanent currents from 50 to 250 miles in breadth, which constantly flow in the same direction, in consequence of the influence of particular winds, or from the expansion and contraction that the waters of the sea are subjected to when acted upon by heat or cold, which change the condition of their temperature. The currents towards the Tropics from the poles are produced by the increase of specific gravity of the water as it becomes colder, which occasions it to sink, and thus allows that which is warmer, and consequently lighter, to float at the surface. Thus rising and de- scending currents are produced, the lower parts of the ocean in high latitudes become of higher specific gravity than those at the same depth between the Tropics; the cold water rushing to occupy the lower place of that more highly rarified, which, in its turn, moves forward in the opposite direction. The tides are not affected entirely by the moon's influence; the sun has considerable power, which has been estimated at about one-fourth of the whole. When the sun and moon are in conjunction or opposition, and exert their combined influence in elevating the waters of the ocean in the same direction, they rise to the height called a spring-tide; this CHAP. I. 637 GEOLOGY. effect is shown in the diagram, where the sun, S, and the moon, M, are supposed to be drawing the waters of the earth, A B C D. The moon's action alone is shown by the spheroid ch gf, and the combined effect of both sun and moon by the spheroid E F G H. When the moon is in quadrature with the sun, the action of the one diminishes the effect of the ་ h HD 20 A C M H BF k D M E A G g S G Fig. 581. Fig. 582. other, as shown in the figure e f g h; the moon would have produced the effect, but as the sun's attraction depresses the water at e and g, and raises it at ƒ and h, the combined effect of the two luminaries will be that shown at E F G H, and such an effect is called a neap-tide. The highest spring-tide does not occur immediately after the new or full moon, but about the third or fourth tide afterwards, and the lowest neap about the same time after the quarters. The magnitude of a tide is the difference between the highest flood and the lowest ebb during the same day. The high and low state of the tide occur twice during a lunar day, or at the rate of 12 hours 25 minutes and 14 seconds. The tide is, however, 9 or 10 minutes longer ebbing than flowing, and the higher it is at the ebb, the lower it generally sinks on the same day. The atmosphere is subject to elevations and depressions like those of the sea, and cause variations that affect the winds and weather; but their influence cannot be very great, for the addition of a few feet to the height of the atmosphere would be productive of little change. The height of an aerial tide must correspond with the height of the observable tides of the ocean, and the alteration of atmospheric pressure may be measured by the dif ference between the actual form and the spheroid of equilibrium. Near the equator there is a periodical variation in the state of the atmosphere far greater than in our climate, but which is not caused by the action of the moon, as it happens regularly at the same hour of both day and night. The atmosphere is affected by a current from east to west, like that of the sea, which is attributed to the attraction of both sun and moon. Since Newton explained his theory of the tides, and the effects of the laws of gravitation, the theory has been much improved by the labours of later mathematicians: but no problems are more difficult to solve than those which belongs to such investigations; and the causes and circumstances upon which they are dependent are so remote, that it is more than probable they will remain for a length of time unknown to us; and it is absolutely necessary, before we can arrive at a conclusion, that we should have ascertained the depth of the sea throughout the globe. The great wave which follows the moon, or the tide, is an undulation in which there is not much progressive motion, except where it approaches the shore; and the usual time of high water is about two or three hours after the moon is on the meridian. Where the passage of this wave is confined, the tides are not the result immediately of the sun and moon; the narrowing the mass of water elevates their level considerably; this is very evident where the waters of the Atlantic are opposed by the coast of Ireland, and divided into three different branches, one passing up the British Channel, another west of Ireland and Scotland, and the third into the Irish Channel. The first of these moves at a rate of 50 miles an hour, and passes through the Dover Straits, so as to reach the Nore at midnight during spring tides. The second branch is more rapid, reaching the north of Ireland six hours before; three hours afterwards it has arrived at the Orkney Islands, and three hours more, or at twelve o'clock, we find the same wave, extending eastward to the Naze of Norway; twelve hours afterwards, it has progressed through the German Ocean, and arrived at the Nore, meeting the morning tide, that left the mouth of the channel only eight hours previously, so that 638 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. these two tides make the circuit of Britain in twenty-eight hours, during which period the primitive tide has made the circuit of the globe, and nearly 45° in addition. High water on the Thames at London bridge takes place at the moment when it is low water at the mouth of the river, the surface of the water at London being 40 feet above its level at the German Ocean at the same time. Large rivers in which the tides occur do not have a regular descent of surface towards the sea, but a varied outline produced by con- tinual motion. The Bore, which is an accumulation of water in large rivers at the time of flood, arises from the narrowness of the outlet preventing the entire discharge of the water before the return of the next tide, which it meets as it flows in an opposite direction, and conse- quently causes an elevation of water above its natural level, and which is often extremely dangerous to small craft and to navigation. The wave so formed rolls with great violence up the river, pressed forwards by the accu- mulating force of the tide, until it is lost or dies away. In the river Severn the bore often rises 10 feet, and in the Amazon it is said to mount upwards of 100. A variety of instruments are made use of in our harbours to measure the tides; that which is found to answer the best is formed of a pole, 24 feet in length, and 6 inches in diameter, supported upon legs firmly lashed together with ropes, ballasted with pig-iron laid over the bottom. On the pole is placed a perpendicular graduated scale, made of deal or other wood, and the whole is kept steady by several guy ropes attached to the top. Measuring rods, made of inch deal, with a cork float at the bottom, in the form of a cube of 3 inches, work in boxes attached to the pole: these rods, graduated in feet and inches, pass through staples which steady them; and as the water is admitted into the boxes through a hole in the bottom, the rods rise with it, indicating to what height in a given time the tide rises or falls. Origin of Rivers. The condensation of vapour on the tops of the highest mountains is the origin of some of the largest rivers, and the source of all is dependent upon meteorolo- gical causes. That water which falls from the clouds and enters some depth into the earth again issues forth as a spring, and, gaining strength in its course by the addition of other streamlets, continues to flow on till it reaches the ocean, after being sometimes diverted in its course by the various obstacles that are opposed to it. On tracing the descent of a river, we perceive that the gradation from masses of rock to grains of fine sand is almost imperceptible. At its commencement the water trickles drop by drop from the ledges of the rock, whose cold and rugged sides have condensed the vapour brought from the ocean; these drops unite, and run down the acclivities in small veins, which in their course receive others, until by accumulation they attain the character of a river. The quantity of rain that falls must affect the state of a river. This varies in different districts; in the neigh- bourhood of Paris it annually amounts to 18 or 20 inches; at Milan, in the north of Italy, to 40, and in many mountainous districts to 90 or 100 inches; the summits of the Alps Fig. 583. TIDE GAUGE. CHAP. I. 639 GEOLOGY. and Apennines, and all mountainous regions, are usually covered with snow, so that there is a perpetual humidity in the loftier regions of the earth, until we arrive at that station where, for the greatest part of the year, the whole is congealed by extreme cold. The Seine has in the summer not more than 3 feet depth of water, though in time of high floods it has been known to rise nearly 23 feet. The Po, in Italy, during floods does not increase in breadth, but quadruples its height, so that the quantity of water poured down in one day is equal to eight times that which flows on ordinary occasions. river Thames drains an area of a little more than 5000 square miles, and taking the average depth of rain that falls in a year at 24 inches, it has been computed that 239,765,120,000 cubic feet of water annually pass down this great natural drainage into the ocean, to be again returned by evaporation. The Were it not for floods, the beds of rivers and their banks would undergo little alteration: when, however, they occur, as they do in many districts periodically, the large stones are moved forward, and rounded by attrition, whilst their debris, and the fine gravels and sands whose specific gravity varies little from that of the water, are carried along by the force of the current, and are not deposited till they meet with still water, or are taken out to sea, where the motion of the fresh water is opposed or staid altogether. Beds of rivers are constantly raised by the stones, gravel and sand brought down at the time of flood: this is evident, when we take into consideration the enormous quantities of ballast dredged from our rivers, in order to keep their channels open for the purposes of navigation. It thus becomes necessary to elevate the banks, which is often continued beyond the limits that are beneficial to the drainage of the neighbouring land. When a bar or shoal is thrown up, if not cleared away, it acts like a dam or artificial wall, pre- venting first the free passage of the heavy stones, which are consequently deposited until the bed is raised to the level of the impediment. In many instances where the foundations of buildings have been laid considerably above the level of the water, we find them now sunk one or more stories below it, and the whole drainage of a city destroyed by either natural impediments in the slope of rivers, or some artificial contrivance to benefit machinery constructed on its banks. Throughout England the proprietors of mills have been suffered to increase their fall, not by dredging the bed of the tail-water, but by raising the banks through which the water was conducted to the sill; thus destroying the use of a river as the natural drain of a country, by elevating its bed above the ordinary level of that part of the valley where the mill is situated. Wherever a head of water is created in a valley, it does an infinite mischief in penning back, by its weight, the springs which endeavour to find a vent at the foot of the hills, and which the river, when left to itself, would carry off. Mill-dams, when thrown across a stream, occasion a deposition of all that is brought down, and thus elevate the upper parts of the beds, as well as affect all the tributary streams that are within its influence. When a succession of drains occur, they materially change the natural slope of the bed; for whatever the water tumbles over occasions it to acquire an increased velocity, and deepens the channel for some distance, pushing as it were the bed forwards, so that if the section of such a stream were taken, we should find ascending concavities rising to the level of each successive dam instead of a regular slope. When the velocity of a stream depends upon its fall, it is materially altered by the introduction of a dam; and when the velocity is diminished the natural slopes in the bed are all changed, and new depositions are the consequence. In muddy streams, where no impediment occurs in the way, or any dam offers itself to oppose the force of the floods, the whole trunk becomes scoured out, and the natural slope is maintained. Where the slope of the bed of a river varies, there we always have a difference in the velocity of the running waters. By aug- menting the force of a stream, any deposits may be pushed onwards; and this may be done by uniting several others with it, thus increasing its height, or by making the course shorter through which it flows, which has the effect of distributing its fall over a less distance. Gravels will not always move forwards with the ordinary power that is exerted upon them; they will generally accumulate to such a degree as to drive the river from its channel, and find some new course. This is not the case with rivers flowing over a bed of sand, where the current is seldom changed from its original direction. When a river through a gravel is shortened, by making it flow in a straighter direction, the bed in the upper part is lowered, and the portions pushed forward elevate the bed below the point where the cut terminated, which will be the case with every successive portion, until in the course of time it ceases to admit the vessels or boats, which formerly navigated it, to the serious injury of the surrounding neighbourhood; such are the too frequent results, when improvements, so called, are suggested or undertaken by persons ignorant of the elements which they have to manage. In straight rivers we find the gravel more easily pushed forward than in those which have a meandering course, and it is first deposited at the bottom, at the greatest distance, where it gradually raises the lower parts, and then those higher up the stream: this in time requires the embankments to be elevated, to prevent an overflow when floods occur. 640 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Rivers that carry gravels should never have their course shortened without well considering all the consequences likely to ensue. When it is required to alter the course of a river, to shorten it, or to unite other streams with it, the new bed should always be made to pass below the utmost limits of the gravel. In all cases let nature be the guide; she often brings together, amidst rocks and mountain precipices, various streams, but seldom or never whilst they bear down gravel does she unite them in the plains with those which carry mud or sand. Wherever any cut has been made to shorten a river flowing over gravel, its success has been uncertain; and when it is attempted, care should always be taken that the fall of the new channel is not less than that of the old one. Streams may be united without much danger if they all carry the same substances, and there is sufficient fall and velocity to bear them to their utmost limits; the success of the undertaking may then be relied upon. The velocity with which water moves arises from the pressure of the upper parts, and is in proportion to the number of pressing particles, or as the height. These velocities are computed to be as the square roots of their heights, but it is not possible, for any practical purposes, to make use of the solutions of such hydraulic problems; the difficulties seem to increase with the several conditions of the examples, and the better way for the engineer is to resort to direct experiment. The velocity of water has but one law, and is always pro- portional to the square root of the height; this law is the same which belongs to all falling bodies, passing in a second of time through a given space. If a parabola be formed with its abscissa made to represent the space the falling body passes in a second of time, and the corresponding semi-ordinate to represent double that space, or what it would fall in two seconds; then all the other semi-ordinates will express velocities corresponding with the height of their respective abscissas; and by dividing the square of the semi-ordinate by its abscissa, the parameter of the parabola will be obtained. To ascertain the velocity at the surface of a river, it is only necessary to measure the space through which a floating body moves in any given time, or to notice the float-boards of a wheel, and count the number of times they strike the surface of the stream, and then count its revolutions in a given time, or to measure with a quadrant how far a weight suspended from its centre is diverted from the perpendicular by the force of the stream ; it being ascertained that the tangents of the elevations of pendulums ought to be pro- portional to the stroke and force of the stream, viz. to the velocity and the number of par- ticles which strike it in a given time, or, in other words, to the square of the velocity. After this has been done, ascertain what height will correspond with this velocity, or from what height a body must fall to acquire a velocity equal to that with which the surface of the river is moving, and then add this height to the whole height of the section, to obtain the effective height, with which the actual velocity agrees. The space run through in a second by a floating body at the surface, divided by the same parameter, will give the height due to the velocity of the surface, which, added to the actual height of the river, will give the whole effective or equivalent height. The square-root of the product of the equivalent height by the parameter will give the velocity at the bottom of the section. Two-thirds of the product of the velocity at the bottom, by the whole equivalent height, minus two-thirds of the product of the velocity at the surface, by the height added to the actual height, will give the mean velocity. Finally the product of the mean velocity by the actual breadth and the actual height will give the quantity of water that passes in one second through the rectangular sec- tion. Where the section is a trapezium it is necessary to calculate the quantity of water which passes through all the perpendiculars of the triangle formed about the greatest inscribed rectangle, but the method of calculation is the same. When the height of the water is stated, as well as the figure or form of the opening described through which it flows, it will be easy to ascertain the quantity given out in any certain time. Supposing the aperture to be square, one side of which touches the surface of the water at rest in a cistern or reservoir, or a circle inscribed in the square, or a triangle with the vertex upwards, or downwards, or with one having the same height and vertex, but with only half its base; then the quantity of water flowing through these apertures in equal times will be as 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, and it has been found that through a circular hole 1 inch in diameter, immersed below the surface of the water, there will flow out 13½ pints in 1 minute of time. The velocity of a river depends on its fall, or on the pressure of its upper parts: all the particles of which it is composed in descending are moved forwards by the ordinary laws. The acceleration from pressure puts them in motion, and the slope of the bed contributes chiefly to their progressive advancement, by the pressure of the higher parts of the stream and its current in the plains, where the slope of its bed is trifling, and the body of water is materially increased. СНАР. І. 641 GEOLOGY. Rivers near their discharge often obtain a much greater velocity than they had at their commencement, from the increase of their body of water. The slopes or beds of rivers differ materially in their inclination, and we often find them cutting deep chasms through lofty mountains, or taking their course through ravines or fissures caused by some convulsive movement of the earth itself. Where the river passes over or through a district of alkaline or calcareous rocks, which are soluble in water, the carbonic acid of the water dissolves them, and wears away by degrees these apparently hard and indestructible substances, often acting at the base of a hill or mountain, under- mining them, and masses fall into the torrent, to be carried lower down the next flood. When two rivers fall into one channel, the height of the water does not increase in pro- portion to the body by which it is augmented; so that when a considerable quantity of water is added to a stream, there is only an increase of velocity. If the height of the sections of twenty or more tributary streams were added to that of the trunk they fall into, this fact would be made evident. When the Mayne, which is more than half the size of the Rhine, unites with that stream, there is no apparent increase, and where divided into two or more channels, its height is not lowered. The Inn falls into the Danube, and both rivers, nearly equal in size, then pursue one course, without becoming either broader or deeper. The Po has no apparent increase after it has received the Secchio and Panaro; and the Tiber receiving the Teverone is neither deepened nor widened, and so it is with other rivers. Pliny, in one of his letters to the emperor Trajan, observes that the canal cut by Nerva to draw off the superfluous waters of the Tiber, did not in any degree prevent the inundations of which it was the cause. The two sections above and below this canal, called the Fiumicino, are nearly of the same breadth; the depth in the upper is 7 feet 4 inches, and the whole section is a rectangle; the depth of the lower is 6 feet 8 inches on one side, and 13 on the other; but when the areas of the two sections are accurately computed, they are found to be similar. Rivers which carry sands in the lower parts of their beds have less slope than at the upper; their declivity diminishes in proportion to the distance they have run from their sources; this is caused by the diminution of the size of the particles as they progress, which consequently require less force to push them forward, and are borne to the very ex- tremity before they are deposited; where these light substances are floated, less declivity is needed to keep the bed of the stream clear of obstruction. The body of water being the same, the slope of the bottom may be said to diminish in proportion as the matter brought down becomes smaller, and is more easily moved onwards on this account. Rivers which are increased by their union with others that are less require less fall than before; for if the slopes of all the small streams which unite to form one be measured, it will be found that their declivity is much greater before than after their junction, so that the greater the ordinary body of water in a river, the less will be the slope of its bed. Whenever the freshes of a tributary stream fall into another, the recipient flows back, depositing its sediment above the mouth, as well as below it, if the assistance which the former receives from the low waters is insufficient to compensate for the difference of fall which the tributary encounters in passing from its own into the common bed. It appears to be a common law that the greater the quantity of water a river carries, the less will be its fall, and the greater the force of the stream, the less will be the slope of its bed, and the slope of the bottom of rivers diminishes in proportion, as the body of water is increased. Tacitus relates in his Annals, that when a proposition was made to the Roman senate to divert into other channels all the rivers which flowed into the Tiber, the opinion of Piso was followed; he advised that no alteration should be made, since every one might see that nature knew how to provide for her wants much better than could be done by art; she assigned to rivers their sources, boundaries, and limits the most suitable. Nature, however, exhibits at times singular phenomena, where rivers discharge themselves into the sea, by spreading their waters over its surface. At a considerable distance from the land, they often run over a bottom having a very small declivity, but which at the mouth of the river is bent downwards, forming a deep concavity; this is the case with some of the largest rivers, where the tides are apparent at a considerable distance up them. The sea-water during the time of flood-tide, entering the river, and at ebb returning, helps to produce this effect, and to render the section of the bed a concave line, by sweeping away all the deposits lodged where this action takes place; so that shoals are not formed so long as a river can keep its mouth open on a flat shore, the particles brought down being deposited either above or below the spot where they discharge themselves. Deltas at the mouth of rivers arise from the deposit of the detritus they carry in their course; this in time rises to the surface, forms a bar, turning the river into another channel. On a flat coast there is usually the most deposit, and sometimes what is brought down is carried into a current in the ocean, and afterwards deposited on some other coast, Tt 642 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. or formed into islands elsewhere; the quantity of earthy matter depends upon the nature of the river that discharges itself. The Rhone, which passes through the Lake of Geneva, there deposits much of the matter it brings down from the glaciers of Mont Blanc, but it acquires in its after-course a con- siderable accession from the tributary streams of the Alps of Dauphiny. This river pours itself into the Mediterranean, which it discolours for a distance of 7 miles from its mouth, depositing a fine sediment in horizontal strata along the whole shore over which its water spreads: since the time this coast was under the dominion of the Romans its harbours have been silted up, and are now a league from the shore. The Po has poured out so much sediment, received from the Alps and Pyrenees, that where it is discharged in the sea not under the influence of a tide, it has added to the coast, for a length of 100 miles, a breadth of land in some places as much as 20 miles. Adria, a town of importance, and which gave the name to the sea that washed its walls, is now 20 miles within land; this increase of land has been more rapid as the embankments of the various rivers have been elevated. The Nile, which discharges 250 times as much water as the Thames, deposits its detritus in its course over the fertile lands of Egypt, which it irrigates; therefore its delta is small in comparison with that formed by other large rivers. The land of Egypt is calculated to have been raised above 6 feet in height since the commencement of the Christian æra; and the earth deposited is about half argillaceous, a fourth carbonate of lime, and the remainder carbonate of magnesia and oxide of iron. The delta of the Nile at its termination has a depth of sea of 2000 feet or more. The seven mouths of this noble river are no longer open; five of them are silted up, as is the Lake Maræotis. The Mississippi empties itself into the Gulf of Mexico after a course of 3000 miles, and often brings down with it whole forests, and large quantities of alluvial matter. The Ganges and Brahmapoutra, which bring the water from the Himalaya mountains, are discharged into the Bay of Bengal; the delta at the mouth reaches 200 miles along the coast, and commences 220 miles from the sea. The tide extends its influence to the head of this delta when the river is low, and the sea for a distance of 60 miles in times of floods is discoloured by the alluvial matter, which chiefly consists of sand and silt borne by the tidal current to a distance of 400 miles. In one direction a tract of land 40 miles square and 114 miles in depth has been washed away in the course of a few years; and it has been stated, on the authority of Major Rennel, that the deposits forming the Sunderbunds equal in extent the area of the whole of Wales. The Delta of the Niger stretches 300 miles along the coast, and extends 170 miles into the interior. Quantity of Water discharged by Rivers. This is found to be the annual produce of the rain that falls over the several districts, in which they act as a natural drain, after deducting about for filtration and evaporation, and the total expenditure of a river may be deduced by the products of its mean section and mean velocity. Buffon estimated the area of all the land to be equal to 63,728,938 square miles, and the mean quantity of rain to be equal to 36 inches; if then we calculate the quantity carried down by such a river as the Po, we shall find that it would be necessary to have 1400 such rivers; the Po having a mean breadth of 1000 feet, and its waters moving with a velocity of 4 miles an hour. The annual discharge of the Rhine at Bayle is estimated at 1,046,763,676,000 cubic feet. The Tay at Perth, in Scotland, 100,000,000,000 cubic feet. The Thames, which drains upwards of 5000 square miles, according to Dr. Halley's observation made at Kingston Bridge, 239,765,120,000 cubic feet per annum; but it is doubted whether any of these calculations are to be depended upon. Sand Banks. The Dogger Bank is 350 miles in length, and that in the Firth of Forth 110 miles, and their average height is about 80 feet. The area of these two banks is about of the German Ocean, and almost equal in extent to of England and Scotland; they are formed of sand mixed with broken shells and corals, and have been thrown up by the tidal current. Downs or Dunes are formed on a low coast, where the bottom is composed of sand: this being driven by the waves towards the shore is left dry on every reflux of the tide; the winds which blow from the sea then carry them inland, and form sandy flats and hills. These sometimes occur at the mouths of rivers, and such a sand flood, as it is termed, effectually stops the passage of the water, driving it into some new channel. The Beach may be divided into three portions: viz. that comprised between high water of spring and neap tides; that between high water at neaps and the extreme low water of spring tides; and the expanse of sand and gravel, of greater or less extent in proportion to the flatness or steepness of the shore, never laid dry, but covered at the lowest ebb by shallow water. These are termed high water, low water, and littoral sea beaches. first is usually composed of shingle or round pebbles, thrown up more or less steep. The second or low water beach usually presents a gently sloping surface, strewed with pebbles or patches of sand. The CHAP. II. 645 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. CHAP. II. OF THE COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. THE Constituents of minerals are resolved into fifty-four elementary bodies; and these are either gaseous, fluid, or in a solid state. In the gaseous bodies the particles that compose them have no cohesion; they yield readily to pressure, and when that is removed, they expand again into their original volume. The fluids are not elastic, and do not yield to ordinary pressure. The solids may be changed into fluids, and fluids into gaseous bodies by the agency of heat. Gazzolytes. Oxygen. Hydrogen. Nitrogen. Halogens. Chlorine. Iodine. Bromine. Fluorine. Metalloids. Sulphur. Selenium. Phosphorus. Metallic Bases of the Earths. Aluminum. Silicum. Yttrium. Glucinum. Zirconium. Thorium. Common Metals whose Oxides cannot be reduced by heat alone. Iron. Lead. Copper. Zinc. Antimony. Tin. Bismuth. Manganese. Chromium. Carbon. Boron. Metallic Bases of the Alkalies. Potassium. Sodium. Lithium. Metallic Bases of the Alkaline Earths. Barium. Strontium. Calcium. Magnesium. Cobalt. Arsenic. Nickel. Common Metals whose Oxides are reduced by heat alone. Mercury. Silver. Gold. Platinum. Palladium. These bodies all combine with each other with reference to their weights, and the absolute quantity of matter they contain; this constitutes the basis of the Atomic theory, proposed by the late Dr. Dalton, who established that great and important principle, which teaches that all bodies combine in definite proportions by weight, and never other- wise. Water, for instance, is composed of one volume of oxygen united with two volumes of hydrogen, the relative weights of which are as 1 to 8; the two volumes of hydrogen being considered as one atom or unity. All bodies which assume the gaseous form may have their atomic weight easily determined; carbon, for instance, which is incapable of assuming the gaseous form, will combine with oxygen and form carbonic acid gas, one volume of which weighs twenty-two times as much as the two volumes of hydrogen which we take as a standard. Twenty-two parts of carbonic acid contain sixteen of oxygen, therefore the other six must be carbon, which is the number or proportion in which this body combines with others Carbonate of lime contains twenty-two parts of carbonic acid, and twenty-eight parts of lime, therefore the latter number is its atomic weight. Atomic weights for almost all the bodies are now established, as is the relation in which they combine with each other; one of hydrogen combines with six of carbon, and with eight of oxygen, or, as has been stated, six of carbon combine with eight of oxygen. The equivalent or number for water, for instance, is usually stated thus, 9-oxygen 8+ hydro- Sliding scales are made use of by chemists for aiding the calculations with respect to different combinations, and it must always be borne in mind, that these gen 1. TT 2 €44 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. are either exactly double, triple, or some multiple by a whole number of the smallest proportion in which the body enters into combination with the other substance. Fourteen of nitrogen can only combine with 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 of oxygen, but with no inter- mediate proportion. 13 Oxygen is an invisible and permanently elastic gas, without taste, colour, or smell; its specific gravity, as compared with air, is 1.111 to 1·000; compared with hydrogen as 16 to 1, hydrogen being unity. At mean temperature and pressure 100 cubic inches of oxygen weigh 34.60 grains. When water is freed from air 100 cubic inches will absorb 3.5 cubic inches of oxygen; it forms of the weight of the atmosphere, & of the weight of water, and is so abundant a principle in the mineral kingdom, that in silex it forms 50 per cent., in alumina 47, in lime 28, in magnesia 40, in potash 17, and in soda 25 per cent.; in the sulphate and carbonates of lime, the two most abundant acids, it is the essential ingredient. Oxygen does not occur in nature except in combination with other bodies, and it is then said that the body so containing it is oxidised, or is in a state of oxidation; its combining number is 8. Hydrogen is the lightest form of matter known, its specific gravity, as compared with oxygen, being as 1 to 16; 100 cubic inches of pure hydrogen gas at a mean temperature and pressure weigh 2.1318 grains, and as compared with atmospheric air its specific gravity is as '0694 to 1. It does not form a very important element in the composition of rocks, though it occurs in the animal and vegetable kingdoms in abundance. It is one of the elements of water, constituting about 11 per cent. of that compound, or of the water of the globe. Pure water, when exposed to the action of voltaic electricity, is resolved into two volumes of hydrogen, disengaged at the negative pole, and one volume of oxygen at the positive. Water therefore, consisting of one volume of hydrogen, and half a volume of oxygen, their relative weights are as 1 to 8. Equivalent. Volumes. Hydrogen Oxygen - 1 1 11.1 1.0 1 8 88.9 0.5 1 9 100.0 Pure water, at the temperature of 62°, has its specific gravity equal to 1·000; a cubic inch weighs 252.5 grains, and a cubic foot 998.217 ounces avoirdupois, so that the specific gravity of any substance in reference to water is nearly the absolute weight of 1 cubic foot of such substance in ounces avoirdupois. Water is about 815 times the weight of atmospheric air, and at 32º it freezes, ice being of the specific gravity of 0·94. It boils at 212°, when the barometer is at 30°: 100 cubic inches of steam weigh 19,062 grains, the specific gravity of steam being 6249. At a mean pressure, and at a temperature of 212°, the bulk of steam is 1700 times greater than that of water. Pure hydrogen condenses half its bulk of oxygen when detonated by the electric spark, and is much employed by the chemist as a deoxidating agent; it refracts light powerfully, and is an imperfect conductor of electricity. Water has the power of absorbing many of the gases, 500 cubic inches absorbing of Sulphuretted hydrogen Carbonic oxide Nitrous do. Olefiant gas Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen - Volumes. - 233 - - 100 - 76 - 12.5 3.7 1.56 1.56 Water absorbs oxygen and nitrogen from the air, condensing more of the former than the latter, and air at the surface of the earth is always found to contain water, but is scarcely ever in a pure state. Peroxide of Hydrogen, or oxygenated water, is liquid, transparent, and inodorous; its specific gravity is 1-45, and it is decomposed by all metals except iron, tin, antimony, and tellurium. Silver and oxide of silver decompose it as well as platinum and gold. Lead and mercury more slowly disengage the oxygen. Hydrogen Oxygen - - · 1 2 Equivalent. 1 Volume. 5.9 1 16 94.1 1 1 17 100.0 Nitrogen or Azote is a colourless gas, without either taste or smell, incapable of sup- porting combustion or respiration. It has no action upon vegetable colours, or upon CHAP. II. 645 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. lime water, nor does water absorb it, except after it has been boiled for a considerable time. Nitrogen forms four-fifths, by bulk, of atmospheric air, and is found in coal, in the nitrates, and abounds in the materials of the animal kingdom. Its specific gravity, as compared with air, is 0.976. At a mean temperature and pressure, 100 cubic inches weigh 30 16 grains. Its specific gravity, in reference to hydrogen, is 14 to 1. Nitrous Oxide or Protoxide of Nitrogen, gaseous, colourless, with a sweet taste and slight odour, supports combustion brilliantly, and acts powerfully on the animal economy when inhaled. When agitated with water it is absorbed, taking up an equal bulk, and when heated it is evolved unchanged. At a pressure of fifty atmospheres, this gas has been obtained in a liquid form. Nitrogen Oxygen 1 1 1 14 8 22 63.3 36.7 100.0 1.0 0.5 } 1.0 30.16 17.05 47.21 By passing it through a bright red heat in a porcelain tube, it is resolved into oxygen, nitrogen, and nitrous acid. Nitric Oxide or Deutoxide of Nitrogen is a colourless, uncondensible gas, and cannot be respired. When mixed with air, it combines with the oxygen, producing red fumes of nitrous acid. Its specific gravity, compared with hydrogen, is 15 to 1. 100 cubic inches weigh 32.137 grains, and compared with air, its specific gravity is as 1.038 to 1000. is permanent over water. It is fatal to animals when breathed. It Nitrogen Oxygen · 1 2 14 16 1 30 46.67 53.33 1 1 100.00 2 Hyponitrous Acid forms distinct salts by combining with the salifiable bases. It is liquid, green and very volatile. Nitrogen Oxygen 1 14 36.8 1.0 3 24 63.2 1.5 4 38 100.0 Nitrous Acid is used as an oxidating agent, particularly when mixed with nitric acid. Its specific gravity, as compared with hydrogen, is as 46 to 1; to air 3·19 to 1, and 100 cubic inches weigh 98.8 grains. When liquid it is of an orange colour, specific gravity 1·452, and boils at 82°, and a red heat decomposes it. When nitrous acid is poured into water, it is quickly decomposed, nitric oxide is dis- engaged, and the fluid assumes a greenish colour. Nitrogen Oxygen · 1 14 4 32 1 46 30.4 1 69.6 2 100.0 1 Nitrous acid does not unite with bases, but forms with them hyponitrites and nitrates. Nitric Acid is transparent and colourless when pure, and is decomposed when passed in vapour through a red-hot tube. Its specific gravity varies between 14 and 1·5, and it always contains water. Nitrogen Oxygen 1 14 25.9 5 40 74.1 1 54 100.0 The salts called Nitrates are compounds of the anhydrous acid and a salifiable base; they are soluble in water, and crystallisable. The liquid nitric acid in its utmost state of concentration consists of Anhydrous nitric acid 1 Water 54 75 2 18 25 1 72 100 Nitric Acid is used to oxydise and dissolve the metals, and to separate them from those which are not acted upon by it, as gold and platinum. TT 3 646 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Aqua regia is a mixture of nitric and muriatic acids, which has the power of dissolving gold and platinum. Nitrogen and hydrogen combine (N +3 H) to form ammonia; and this gaseous compound is obtained from a mixture of quicklime and muriate of ammonia the specific gravity of ammonia, as compared with hydrogen, is as 8-5 to 1; with air as 590 to 1, and 100 cubical inches weigh about 18 grains: water at a temperature of 50° will take up 670 times its volume of ammonia. Ammonia and muriatic acid constitute the sal ammonia of commerce, or the muriate of ammonia. It is constituted of Ammonia Muriatic acid - - 1 17 1 37 54 31.5 68.5 100.0 1 Muriate of ammonia has been found serviceable in removing the incrustations formed at the bottom of boilers, which chiefly consist of carbonate of lime. A small quantity of sal ammoniac added to water in a boiler dissolves the carbonate formed, and converts it into a soluble muriate, without affecting the boiler. Sal ammoniac is made use of in tinning, to prevent the oxidation of the surface of the copper or other metal on which it is laid. Atmospheric air, or the atmosphere, comprising all those gaseous matters which sur- round the earth, is essentially composed of oxygen and azote, in the proportions of nearly one of the former to four of the latter; to which is added carbonic acid gas, and water in the state of vapour; or the quantity of each may, under ordinary circumstances, be stated thus, Oxygen Nitrogen or Azote Aqueous vapour Carbonic acid 210 775 14.2 .8 1000.0 The pressure or weight of the atmosphere upon all parts of the surface of the earth is estimated at 15 pounds upon a square inch, which is equal to a column of mercury of the same area, 30 inches high; this pressure decreases as we ascend above the earth in regular geo- metrical progression; for at three miles the density is only equal to a column of mercury, 15 inches high, and at 6 only 7 inches; at 9 miles of elevation 33, and at 15 miles only 1 inch. It has been consequently assumed that the atmosphere does not extend to a height of more than 45 miles, and that the greatest portion of it is comprised within 15 miles. Chlorine, at common temperatures and pressures, is a gaseous fluid, but may be con- densed into a liquid form at a temperature of 60°, and a pressure of four atmospheres. Chlorine gas is of a greenish yellow colour; its specific gravity, as compared with air, is 2.47, and 100 cubic inches at mean temperature weigh 76.59 grains. At a temperature of 60°, water dissolves two volumes of chlorine, and the solution has a specific gravity of 1.008. Chlorine has never been found pure, but in common and rock salt, it is combined with sodium in the proportion of 60 per cent. ; it has a violent action on some of the metals, which, when thrown into it in a state of powder, are burnt, and enter into combination with it. Chlorine destroys most animal and vegetable colouring matters, as well as odorous effluvia, by decomposing them, removing the hydrogen present, or by combining with the oxygen. Water absorbs about 1½ times its volume of chlorine. Protoxide of Chlorine (hypochlorous acid) is pernicious to respiration; water dissolves ten volumes of this gas, which is of deep yellow colour; it destroys most vegetable colours, pre- viously reddening the blues. The aqueous solution is rapidly decomposed by iron filings, but the other metals have little or no action upon it. Silver, however, combines with the chlorine, evolving at the same time a portion of its oxygen. Bromine, iodine, sulphur, phosphorus, selenium, and arsenic, are converted by it into their respective acids, chlorine being evolved. Chlorine Oxygen - 1 1 1 36 8 44 81.75 18.25 100.00 Peroxide of Chlorine is gaseous, transparent, and of a very deep greenish yellow colour. Its specific gravity, as compared with air, is 2.360; as compared with hydrogen it is 34 to 1. Chlorine 1 36 52.9 1 Oxygen 1 32 47.1 2 1 1 68 100.0 2 CHAP. II. 647 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. Chloric Acid is a sour, colourless liquid; it reddens vegetable blues; the compounds of chloric acid, giving off oxygen with facility when heat is applied, promote the rapid defla- gration of inflammable matter. It is decomposed by muriatic and sulphurous acids, and by sulphuretted hydrogen. Chlorine Oxygen 1 36 47.4 45 5 40 52.6 55 1 76 100.0 100 This acid cannot exist independent, without water or some other base. Perchloric Acid is a very stable compound, and is not decomposed by sulphuric or mu- riatic acid. Its specific gravity is 1·6, and it boils at 392°. Chlorine Oxygen - 1 36 7 56 1 92 39.2 1.0 60.8 3.5 100.0 Hydrochloric or Muriatic Acid.—This gas is unrespirable, is inflammable, and has a strong attraction for water, which takes up 480 times its bulk of muriatic acid gas, and forms the liquid muriatic acid. Its specific gravity is 1.269, as compared with air. Muriatic acid gas consists of Hydrogen Chlorine 1 1 36 1 37 2.75 97.25 100.00 1 1 2 Iodine has a bluish black colour, pungent odour, and acrid taste, melts at 227°, and is vaporised at 350°. Its vapour is of a fine purple colour. In a state of vapour 100 cubical inches weigh 264-75 grains. Its specific gravity, compared with air, is 8·7, and with hydrogen 125. It renders vegetable colour yellow. Oxide of Iodine. An alkali poured into its solution is rendered colourless. Iodic acid; 1 of iodine and 5 of oxygen. Bromine, at common temperatures and pressures, is a deep reddish-brown liquid, of a disagreeable odour; its specific gravity is 3°; 100 cubic inches of its vapour weigh 168 grains. Bromic acid is sour, inodorous, first reddens, and then destroys the blue of litmus. Bromine Oxygen 1 78 5 40 1 118 66.1 33.9 100.0 Fluorine is not found in an insulated state, but its equivalent number has been considered 16. It is a component of fluor spar, but supposed not to combine with either oxygen, chlorine, iodine, or bromine. Fluor Spar is composed of one-third of fluoric acid and two-thirds of lime; fluoric acid dissolves silica, and corrodes glass. Sulphur is a mineral product, and found crystallised and massive, most frequently in combination with iron, silver, lead, copper, &c. Its specific gravity varies from 1970 to 2, or is twice the weight of water. Sulphur is found in beds in the blue clay formation on the southern coast of Sicily, and in the gypsum of the salt deposits in Switzerland. The sulphurites and pyrites of the metals afford it in abundance. It begins to fuse at a temperature of 216°, and between 230° and 270° it is perfectly liquid; between 300° and 400° it becomes viscid, but regains its fluidity when cooled. It boils at 600°, and then sublimes into an orange-coloured vapour; when heated to 300° and poured into warm water, it acquires the consistency of soft wax, and hardens on cooling. Sulphurous Acid, at common temperatures, is a gaseous body, obtained by burning sulphur in oxygen gas; its specific gravity is 2.22; 100 cubic inches weigh between 68 and 69 grains: its specific gravity, as compared with hydrogen, is as 32 to 1. is one of those most easily condensed. This gas Sulphur Oxygen 1 16 50 2 16 50 1 32 100 This acid consists of 100 volumes of oxygen gas, and 16-6 of the vapour of sulphur, condensed into 100 volumes. It is gaseous, transparent, colourless, with a pungent and suffocating odour, and water absorbs about 33 times its volume. TT 4 648 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Sulphuric Acid is a limpid, colourless, and inodorous liquid, and has great chemical powers, displacing most other acids; it is decomposed by several metals, which become oxidised, and evolve sulphurous acid. When the metals are dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid, the water only is decomposed, and the oxygen, being transferred to the metal, forms a metallic oxide, which unites with the sulphuric acid to form a sulphate, whilst the hydrogen is evolved. The specific gravity of sulphuric acid is 1·84. Liquid sulphuric acid is a com- pound of one atom of dry or anhydrous sulphuric acid, and one of water. Anhydrous Sulphuric Acid. When caustic lime or baryta is heated in its vapour they become ignited, and are converted into sulphates. Sulphur Oxygen 40 1 16 3 24 60 1 40 100 The common or liquid sulphuric acid is composed of Dry sulphuric acid Water - 1 40 81 1 9 19 1 49 100 Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas, under a pressure of seventeen atmospheres, at 50°, takes a liquid form; it has a peculiar fetid odour, and is so diffusible that a very small portion escaping is sufficient to be perceptible in a large space. Its specific gravity, as compared with air, is 1.17 to 1; and compared with hydrogen, as 17 to 1. 100 cubic inches weigh 36 grains. Sulphur Hydrogen 1 16 94.1 1 1 5.9 1 17 100.0 The decomposition of the sulphurets is caused by exposure to the atmosphere; the oxygen combines with the metals to form an oxide, and the sulphur to form sulphuric acid. Selenium is a brittle, solid, opaque body, of a metallic lustre, resembling lead in its aspect; it has a ruby colour; its specific gravity is 4.32; it becomes semi-fluid at a temperature of 212°, and boils at 650°. Oxide of Selenium, -selenious oxide. Selenium Oxygen Selenious Acid. Selenium Oxygen 1 40 83.3 1 8 16.7 1 48 100.0 1 40 71.43 2 16 28.57 1 56 100.00 Selenic Acid is a colourless liquid, which, at a temperature of 554°, is rapidly resolved into selenious acid and oxygen; it has a strong attraction for water, and when mixed with it evolves great heat. Selenium Oxygen 1 40 62.5 3 24 37.5 1 64 100-0 Selenium combines with hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus. Phosphorus is solid, semi-transparent, colourless, or of a light yellow tinge; it shines in the dark, and, when pure, its specific gravity is 1.770. It is insoluble in water, and out of the contact of air it melts at 105°. Oxide of Phosphorus. Phosphorus Oxygen 8 I 3 48 85-78 1 8 14.22 1 56 100.00 Phosphoric Acid consists of 44 of phosphorus and 56 of oxygen, and enters into the com- CHAP. II. 649. COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. position of several minerals, forming phosphates; its combining proportion is said to be 18. Phosphorus combines also with hydrogen and sulphur. : Carbon of this the diamond is a specimen in its purest state, but it is usually found in charcoal, prepared from burnt wood; in ivory black, or animal charcoal; lamp black, or vegetable charcoal; or in plumbago, which is a compound of iron and charcoal. It is solid, black, porous and brittle, and when heated in air or oxygen produces carbonic acid. It is quite insoluble in water, and destroys the putrescent qualities of both animal and ve- getable matters. Carbon and Oxygen do not combine at common temperatures, though there are ex- ceptions to this rule in organic bodies. Carbonic Oxide (gaseous oxide of carbon). — The specific gravity of this gas, compared with hydrogen, is as 14 to 1, and to atmospheric air, as 0.972 to 1000, 100 cubic inches weighing 30-2 grains; when burnt with oxygen it produces carbonic acid. Carbon Oxygen 1 1 1 6 8 14 42.9 57.1 100.0 Carbonic Acid (fixed air) is gaseous, transparent, and colourless, and absorbed by an equal bulk of water; it is found to exist in a vast number of minerals, as a Carbonate, where it is united as a salifiable base, and particularly in lime, magnesia, &c.; it is contained in mineral waters and the atmosphere, and is distributed throughout the globe. Its specific gravity is about 1·52, and from its density it may be poured out of one vessel into another. As compared with hydrogen it is as 22 to 1; and 100 cubic inches weigh 47-25 grains, and when subjected to great pressure it becomes liquid, and is then limpid, colour- less, and extremely fluid; it has been obtained in a solid form. Carbon Oxygen - 1 2 1 6 27.27 16 72.73 22 100.00 Carbonic acid unites with ammonia, chlorine, iodine, bromine, and hydrogen, and with the latter forms the several important compounds called the hydrocarbons and hydro- carburets. Carburetted Hydrogen, or fire-damp, is a species of hydrocarbon, found in the cavities of coal mines, in stagnant pools of water, produced by the decomposition of vegetable matter; the specific gravity of this gas is 0.555, and compared with hydrogen it is as 8 to 1; 100 cubic inches weigh from 16 to 17 grains; 100 volumes of this gas require 200 of oxygen for its perfect combustion, the result of which is water and 100 volumes of car- bonic acid. Boron is a deep olive-coloured substance, insoluble in water and infusible; its specific gravity is about 2. Neither air nor water act upon it, but when heated to redness it takes fire, and burns into boracic acid. Boracic acid is found native among volcanic products, and also in borax. Boron Oxygen 1 6 1 · 20 48 68 29.41 70.59 100.00 Fluoride of Boron has a specific gravity of 2.371, and water takes up about 700 times its volume of this gas. Boron Fluorine · 1 20 6 108 1 128 16 84 100 Potassium is a white metal of great lustre, but soon loses its brightness by exposure to the air, and is converted into an oxide. Its attraction for oxygen exceeds that of all other bodies, and in consequence it is the most powerful de-oxidising agent we possess ; at ordinary temperatures it is solid, but becomes partially fluid at 50°, and completely so at 150°; it is lighter than water, and for a moment floats upon it, but soon after its contact it becomes inflamed. Protoxide of Potassium, or Potassa, is found combined with many of the earthy minerals, and particularly with mica and felspar Potassium Oxygen 1 40 83.34 1 8 16.66 1 48 100.00 650 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. Peroxide of Potassium : Potassium Oxygen 1 40 62.4 3 24 37.6 1 64 100.0 Potassium combines with chlorine, iodine, bromine, hydrogen, and nitric acid to form Nitrate of Potassa. Saltpetre is an abundant mineral production, being found in many soils, and particularly in old plaster rubbish, which sometimes, after washing, affords 5 per cent. of this product; it is also found in situations where animal or vegetable matter has been left in a putrefied state in contact with calcareous soils. Upon newly-built walls it sometimes shows itself, and is the result probably of the mortar containing hair, or other animal matter. Mortar made of lime, wood-ashes, and cow-dung produces in a short time efflorescent nitre. Oxygen Nitrogen Potassium 6 48 47.10 1 14 13.75 1 40 39.15 1 102 100.00 Gunpowder is a mixture of nitre, sulphur, and charcoal in the following proportions: Saltpetre Charcoal Sulphur - - Common. 75 12.5 12.5 Shooting Shooting. Miners' Powder. Powder. 78 76 65 12 15 15 10 9 20 Potassium unites with sulphur, selenium, carbon, cyanogen, and boron. Sodium is soft and malleable, and its globules may be welded together by pressure; in colour it resembles silver, but soon has its lustre changed by exposure to the air; it fuses at 190°, and becomes volatile at a white heat; its specific gravity is 0.9348; when thrown into water hydrogen is given out, and the metal rapidly oxidises. Sodium and Oxygen. Soda. Sodium Oxygen Peroxide of Sodium. Sodium Oxygen 1 24 75 1 8 25 1 32 100 1 24 66.7 12 33.3 I 1 36 100.0 Chloride of Sodium.- Common salt exists as a fossil, and is found abundantly in solution. It is taken up nearly in the same quantities both by hot and cold water; in solution it deposits crystals during evaporation, though it does not do so by cooling; 100 parts of water at 58° dissolve 36 of salt. Common Salt is the source of soda, muriatic acid, and chlorine. Sodium Chlorine 1 1 1 24 40 36 60 60 100 Chloride of Soda is a powerful bleaching agent; when exposed to the air it absorbs car- bonic acid, and evolves chlorine, which occasions it to be used as a disinfectant. Soda and Nitric Acid.- Nitrate of soda resembles common nitre; it is found native in Peru, forming a stratum of many miles in extent, covered with clay and alluvium. Soda Nitric acid 1 1 32 54 37.2 62.8 I 1 888 86 100.0 Sulphuret of Sodium is composed of Sodium 1 24 60 Sulphur 16 40 1 40 히 ​| 100 ? CHAP. II. 651 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. Sulphate of Soda.— Glauber's salt is a natural product present in many mineral waters. Dry sulphate of soda Water 1 10 1 72 90 162 44.4 55.6 100.0 Carbonate of Soda is a very important salt, obtained by burning sea plants, the ashes of which produce the alkali called soda. Its specific gravity in the crystalline form is 1.62; it is soluble in twice its weight of water at 60°, and in less than its own weight at 212°. Soda Carbonic acid Water 1 32 22.25 1 22 15.25 - 10 90 62.50 1 144 100.00 It is manufactured in large quantities by heating carbonate of lime, charcoal, and sulphate of soda, the charcoal tending to produce sulphuret of sodium, and the lime to remove sulphur or sulphuric acid. The carbonic acid of the carbonate of lime, and that from the flame of the furnace, being made to pass over the soda, give it the carbonic acid. It is then crystallised. Borate of Soda, Borax, is soluble in 20 parts of water at 60°, and in six parts of boiling water; at a red heat it forms a transparent glass, which by exposure to the air becomes opaque: the anhydrous borax consists of Soda Boracic acid Crystallised borax. Soda Boracic acid Water 1 32 31.4 1 68 68.6 1 100 100.0 1 32 16.85 1 68 35.80 · 10 90 47.35 1 190 100.00 Lithium, when first discovered, was supposed to be soda, but differs from it, and has peculiar properties. Lithia, or protoxide of lithium, is not very soluble in water, and con- verts vegetable blues green. Barium is metallic and of a dark grey colour, heavier than water, and attracts oxy- gen with great rapidity. Its specific gravity is 2°, and when gently heated, burns with a red light. Oxide of Barium, Baryta, is the heaviest of all the earths, its specific gravity being 4, and in all its leading properties bears a strong resemblance to lime. It is poisonous, as are all its compounds. Carbonic acid has a much greater attraction for baryta than for lime. Barium Oxygen 1 69 89.6 1 8 10.4 1 77 100.0 Nitrate of Baryta is composed of Barium 1 77 58.7 Nitric acid - 1 54 41.3 I 1 131 100.0 Sulphate of Baryta, or Heavy Spar, is found in great abundance in nature; when heated it decrepitates, and at a very high temperature is fused into a white enamel. It is harder than carbonate of lime, but not so hard as fluor spar. Sulphate of baryta in an anhydrous state consists of Baryta Sulphuric acid Carbonate of Baryta is also poisonous. Baryta Carbonic acid Its specific gravity is 4·7. 1 77 63.8 1 40 34.2 1 117 100.0 • 1 77 777-7 1 22 1 99 218 22.3 100.0 652 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Strontium is nearly as heavy as barium, and is a substance of rare occurrence. Protoxide of Strontium, Strontia, is a substance of a greyish colour, is distinguishable from lime by the insolubility of the sulphate; it is extremely infusible, but is less caustic than the fixed alkalies and baryta. Strontium Oxygen - 1 44 84.6 1 8 15.4 1 52 10Û·Ù Calcium has a white colour and a metallic lustre; when heated in the air, it is oxidated and converted into lime. Calcium and Oxygen-Oxide of Calcium-Quick Lime, is extremely infusible, but gives out a brilliant light when intensely heated; pure lime is of a pale grey tint, and has a specific gravity of 2.3. Calcium Oxygen - 1 1 20 71.4 8 28.6 1 28 100.0 Hydrate of Lime—Slaked Lime, is a compound of Lime - 1 28 75.6 Water 1 9 24.4 1 37 100.0 Nitrate of Lime is formed by neutralising nitric acid, diluted with water, by lime; is found in old plaster, and in mortar: in the anhydrous state it consists of Lime Nitric acid Sulphuret of Calcium is soluble in water. Calcium Sulphur · 1 1 1 1 28 54 1 82 །སྐྱ - 15880 20 16 36 1 34.1 65.9 100.0 Sulphate of Lime is found abundantly under the form of gypsum, selenite, alabaster, &c. all of which contain water of crystallisation, which is driven off before it can be made into plaster of Paris. It is soluble in 500 parts of cold water, and more so in boiling water, hard water being produced. Anhydrous sulphate of lime consists of Lime Sulphuric acid 1 28 41.1 1 40 58.9 1 68 100.0 The crystallised sulphate of lime consists of Anhydrous sulphate of lime Water 12 68 79 18 21 1 86 100 Native sulphate of lime or selenite is crystallised: the fibrous and earthy is called gyp- sum, and the granular or massive alabaster; the variety called satin gypsum is used for ornamental purposes. purposes. Massive and granular gypsum is applied to architecture. Marbre de Bergamo is a variety of sulphate of lime, called anhydrous gypsum, which sometimes contains common salt. Chloride of lime, or bleaching powder, destroys vegetable and animal colouring matters. and various effluvia. It is a dry white powder, smells of chlorine, and has an acrid taste : when exposed to the air it absorbs carbonic acid, and evolves chlorine. It probably consists of a chloride of lime, containing one proportion of chlorine and one of lime, with a pro- portion of hydrate of lime. Carbonate of Lime. Heat expels the carbonic acid, whilst muriatic and the other acids decompose it; it is the most abundant compound of the globe. Lime Carbonic acid 1 1 1 28 22 50 56 44 100 It occurs native in various forms, and in the Iceland spar is extremely pure and trans- CHAP. II. 653 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. parent. White granular limestone, or primitive marble, is another variety; and among the inferior limestones are several, as the oolite, common limestone, &c. Magnesium fuses at a red heat, then burns, uniting with the oxygen of the air to form magnesia. Oxide of magnesium, or magnesia, consists of— Magnesium Oxygen 1 12 59.3 8 40.7 20 100. Its specific gravity is 2·3, it is almost infusible, and nearly insoluble in water. Aluminum is difficult of fusion, requiring a higher temperature to melt it than cast-iron, and it is not oxidised by exposure to the air; water at a common temperature does not act upon it, nor is it affected by nitric or sulphuric acids; but in hot sulphuric acid it rapidly dissolves, and sulphurous acid is evolved. Sir Humphry Davy found that potassa was formed by passing the vapour of potassium over alumina at a white heat. When chloride of aluminum mixed with potassium is heated in a platinum crucible by means of a spirit lamp, and the substances begin to act, the temperature rises suddenly to rednets, and then care must be had that the chloride does not pass off in an undecomposed state, or that there is an excess of alkali in the residue. After the whole is cooled down, and washed with cold water, pure aluminum is found in the state of finely divided grey substance, with a small degree of metallic lustre. Aluminous rocks are abundant in every formation. Oxide of Aluminum.-Alumina is an insipid and insoluble compound, with a specific gravity of 2. It has a strong attraction for moisture, and will absorb about one-third of its own weight, which may be again expelled by ignition. Alumina is rendered plastic when mixed with water, and has a strong affinity for various organic compounds; and moist alumina is readily soluble in most of the acids. When ammonia is put to a solution of alum, in infusion of cochineal or madder, the aluminous earth is precipitated with the red colouring matter, and in this way the colour lake is formed. Alumina is known by its solubility in caustic potassa, and by its octohedral crystals of alum, which are formed on evaporating the sulphuric solution, with the addition of sulphate of potassa, and by the blue colour which it has when moistened with nitrate of cobalt strongly heated. Alumina does not combine with carbonic acid, but with other acids and the alkalies, and with the latter its compounds are soluble in water. The different hydrates of alumina are found in a native state, though their distinct atomic compounds are not yet ascertained. Alumina as a protoxide may be thus stated Aluminum Oxygen 1 1 1 10 55.5 8 44.5 18 100.0 Many chemists, however, consider its proportions to consist of two equivalents of alumina and three of oxygen. Alumina exists in all kinds of clay, and from an analysis made by Professor Faraday of the blue alluvial clay of the Medway, in its dark-coloured and moist state, it was found that 100 parts whose specific gravity was 1·46, contained - Water Sand Finer า Silica particles Alumina Peroxide of iron Carbonate of Lime Fragments of wood Organic matter - 50.9 14 14.8 - 10.8 3.4 1.5 1.5 3.1 100.0 In the brown pit clay of Upner, he also found, its specific gravity being 2.07, Water Sand Finer 1 Silica particles Alumina Peroxide of iron Carbonate of lime 19 30.5 29.8 16.5 3.7 •5 100.0 654 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Berthier has given a table of the compositions of various clays, and among them, that at Stourbridge, which contains Silica Alumina Oxide of iron Water •637 •207 •040 •103 •987 And those met with in the county of Devonshire, used for pottery, Silica Alumina Water •496 •374 •112 •982 Clay in general may be considered as a silicate of alumina, or a compound of silica, alumina, and water; and the best for pottery are those where the proportions are three of silica to one of alumina, or by weight 48 to 18. Sulphate of Alumina and Potassa, or common alum, consists of three equivalents of sulphate of alumina, one of sulphate of potassa, and twenty-five of water; its crystals are octobedrous. Aluminous slate, which is an argillaceous slaty rock, containing sulphuret of iron, when roasted so as to oxidise the iron and acidify the sulphur, produces a sulphate of alumina, and when to this sulphate of potassa is added, alum is obtained. Alum reddens vegetable blues, and dissolves in five parts of cold water, and in rather more of its own weight in boiling water: in its crystallised state it consists of— Sulphate of alumina Sulphate of potassa Water 3 174 1 88 25 225 1 487 35.73 18.07 46.20 100. Silicium is a simple non-metallic combustible, and has a strong resemblance to boron. It may be perfectly oxidised, and converted into silica or silicic acid by mixing it with dry carbonate of potassa, and heating it to redness, when a silicate of potassa is obtained. Silica is the most common, as well as the most abundant, of the earths; it constitutes the chief portion of hard stones and minerals. It is found in solution in many springs, but the water must be raised to a high temperature before it will hold any quantity in solution; and retaining a greater heat under the pressure of the sea than in the atmosphere, sub- marine springs are probably more charged with silex than those to which we have access. The waters of Ireland hold silex in solution in consequence of the presence of the alkali soda. The deposition of silica in an insoluble state is from the water, when cooled down, not being so able to retain it as at a high temperature, the evaporation of the water decomposing the compounds of silica and soda which at first existed. Fragments of wood and plants are often found completely silicified, or converted into stone, called petrifactions. Oxide of Silica, Silica, or Silicic Acid. It exists nearly pure in flint, and quite so in rock crystal; it is a white powder, insoluble in water, and infusible except by intense heat; its specific gravity is 2·66. Silicium Oxygen 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ 8 50 8 50 16 100 Fluo-silicic acid (Fluoride of Silicium). — The only acid body which acts energetically on silica is the hydrofluoric acid; it is gaseous, transparent, and colourless. Water condenses 365 times its volume; its specific gravity is 3 61 compared with air; 100 cubic inches of the gas weigh 112 grains Silicium Fluorine 1 8 30.8 1 18 69.2 1 26 100.0 Silicate of Potassa. — To obtain this compound silica is generally fused with the carbonate of potassa, the carbonic acid being expelled by the heat; with 3 of carbonate of potassa and 1 of silica, a glass is formed which is soluble in water; if there is an excess of silica, it is insoluble. Plate glass is made from soda and siliceous matter. Common flint glass contains 50 of silica, 34 of the oxide of lead, and 14 of potassa. Yttrium, Glucinum, Zirconium, Thorinium, are all extremely rare metals. CHAP. II. 655 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. Antimony is found native, and its principal ore is the sulphuret; the most common is crystallised into four and six-sided prisms; it is of a white colour, brittle, and of a crys- talline texture; fuses at about 800°, and its specific gravity is 6·712; it is prepared from the sulphuret by heating it in a crucible with iron filings, when a sulphuret of iron and the metallic antimony are formed. The composition of the oxides has been differently stated, and it seems that there are three distinct varieties. The oxygen in the protoxide is to that of the peroxide as 1-5 to 2.5, and that in the three oxides one atom of antimony is united with 1.5, 2, and 2·5 of oxygen. Sulphuret of antimony is artificially produced by fusing the metal with sulphur; it has a dark grey metallic colour, and a specific gravity of 4·36. Antimony Sulphur - 1 65 73 11/1/0 24 27 1 1888 89 100 Bismuth is found native, combined with oxygen, arsenic, and sulphur; it occurs crys- tallised into cubes and octohedra; it is a brittle white metal with a reddish tint; its specific gravity is 9.85; it is fusible at 496°, and always crystallises when cooling. Protoxide of bismuth is obtained by dissolving bismuth in nitric acid, which is precipitated by dilution with water, and heated, when dry, to a dull redness. Bismuth Oxygen 1 1 1 72 8 80 90 10 100' Chloride of Bismuth, or Butter of Bismuth, is of a grey colour, and fuses at 480°; when exposed to air it deliquesces. Bismuth Chlorine 1 72 66.6 1 36 33.4 1 108 100.0 Fusible metal is a com- Alloys of bismuth are formed with gold, platinum, and silver. pound of 8 of bismuth, 5 of lead, and 3 of tin, which liquefies at the temperature of boiling water. Soft solders contain bismuth. Manganese has a powerful affinity for oxygen, attracting it from air and water; in its appearance it resembles iron. It is a hard grey metal, brittle and granular; the specific gravity of which is 6.8. Oxide or Protoxide of Manganese : Manganese Oxygen 1 28 77.75 1 8 22.25 1 36 100.00 Manganesic Acid. When peroxide of manganese (which is 1 of manganese and 2 of oxygen) and nitre are heated, a compound is obtained called Chamelion. It consists of manganesious acid and potassa, gives in water a green-coloured solution, which becomes purple and red by exposure to the air; the red colour is formed by the manganesious compound attracting oxygen. Chromium. — In a metallic state its colour resembles that of iron; it is brittle, difficult of fusion, and is not easily acted upon by the acids. Its specific gravity is 6. Protoxide of Chromium is of a green colour, and when fused with borax produces that used in porcelain and enamel painting; the emerald receives its tint from it. Chromium Oxygen 1 28 11/ 12 1 40 70 30 100 Chromate of Lead, in its native state, is of a deep orange colour, approaching to redness, but when reduced to a fine powder is yellow; its primitive crystal is an oblique prism. Its specific gravity is 6. In an anhydrous state it consists of Oxide of lead Chromic acid 1 112 68.29 1 52 31.71 1 164 100.00 + 656 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The Dichromate of Lead, which contains two of oxide of lead and one of chromic acid, forms valuable pigments, used in oil and water-colours, dyeing, &c. Chromic Acid, which is a compound containing three of oxygen, combines with potassa, mercury, silver, chlorine, fluorine, &c. Cobalt. This mineral is of a grey colour with a reddish tint, is very heavy and brittle. It is found native, combined with iron, nickel, arsenic, sulphur, &c. Its specific gravity is 8-5, and it is used to give a blue colour to glass; it crystallises into cubes, octohedrons, and dodecahedrons. Oxide of Cobalt, or protoxide, is obtained by heating the carbonate of cobalt out of the contact of air; it is of a greenish grey colour, and imparts a blue tint to glass and enamel. Cobalt Oxygen 1 30 78.9 1 8 21.1 1 38 100.0 Smalt is a blue-coloured vitreous compound, produced by fusing zaffre, which is an impure oxide which remains after the arseniuret of cobalt has been heated to expel the arsenic, the cobalt becoming oxidated; this is mixed with twice its weight of finely- powdered flint. Smalt and azure blue are formed by fusing zaffre with glass, which in a hot state is dropped into water, and afterwards reduced to a fine powder. Arsenic is of steel grey colour, brilliant lustre, crystalline texture, brittle, and soon tarnishes on exposure to the air. Its specific gravity is 5.8, and it is readily volatilised at a temperature of 360°; and when exposed freely to the air produces arsenious acid. Arsenious Acid (white arsenic). It is white, semi-transparent, brittle, and becomes opaque by exposure to the air; it condenses into small octohedral crystals. It is soluble in sixteen of water at a temperature of 212°, a portion being again deposited in crystals as the solution cools. It is nearly tasteless, but highly poisonous. When arsenious acid is slowly sublimed, octohedral and tetrahedral crystals are formed, derived from a rhombic prism. Arsenic Oxygen 1 38 76 1 1/2 12 24 1 18 50 100 The arsenious acid combines with bases and forms the Arsenites. Those of potassa and soda are easily soluble and uncrystallisable; those of lime, strontia, baryta, and magnesia, are more difficult. Scheele's Green, a fine apple-green colour and used as a pigment, is a mixture of this acid with a solution of sulphate of copper. With lead, antimony, and bismuth, white pre- cipitates are formed. Nickel is a brilliant white metal, both ductile and malleable, and not oxidised by ex- posure to the air or moisture at common temperatures. Its specific gravity is 8.5. Protoxide of Nickel consists of Nickel Oxygen - 1 28 77.77 1 8 22.23 1 36 100.00 Nickel combines with chlorine, iodine, fluorine, sulphur, &c. Meteoric Stones have a black surface, when broken exhibit a coarse texture and a grey colour; they are compounds of silica, magnesia, iron, and nickel. Mercury has much the same colour and brilliancy as silver; it is liquid, forms round globules, which when brought in contact readily unite together; exposed to the air it quickly tarnishes; at 40° it loses its liquid state, and becomes solid and malleable, and in the frozen state its specific gravity is 15-6. At a temperature of 670° it boils, and becomes vapour; at 60° its specific gravity is 13.5. Native Cinnabar is the principal ore of mercury, and occurs massive and crystallised in six-sided prisms, rhombs and octohedra. It is sometimes of a steel grey, and at others a bright red colour; it is a bi-sulphuret of mercury. Oxide or Protoxide of Mercury is insoluble in water and muriatic acid, but is dissolvea by acetic acid. Mercury Oxygen 1 200 96.1 1 8 3.9 1 208 1000 Mercury combines with chlorine in two proportions. CHAP. II. 657 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. Protochloride of Mercury, or Calomel Mercury Chlorine 1 200 84.74 - 1 36 15.36 I 1 236 100.00 Perchloride of Mercury, or Corrosive Sublimate, has an acrid nauseous taste; its specific gravity is 5.2. It is soluble in twenty parts of water at a temperature of 60°; boiling water takes up about half its weight, and as it cools quadrangular prismatic crystals are formed. It dissolves without decomposition in muriatic acid, but is insoluble in concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids. Mercury Chlorine 13 2 1 200 72 272 73.53 26.47 100 00 Bisulphuret of Mercury, Cinnabar, or Vermilion, may be manufactured by mixing 8 parts of mercury in an iron pot with 1 of sulphur, and combining them at a moderate heat; this is put into a glass subliming vessel, and heated in a sand-bath to redness, after which it is rubbed down into a fine powder. Mercury Sulphur 12 1 200 86.2 32 13.8 232 100.0 Silver occurs native, and crystallised in cubes and octohedra; pure it has a brilliant white colour, and when polished a bright lustre, is extremely ductile and malleable. At a bright red heat it melts, and when pure absorbs oxygen, which as it cools it again evolves. The tarnish of silver is produced by the vapours of sulphur, and it is most apparent when the metal is alloyed with copper. When the argentiferous sulphuret of lead is placed in the reverberatory furnace, and a current of air suffered to pass over its surface, the lead is converted into litharge, and the silver is left in the metallic state. The sulphurets of silver are reduced by amalgamation; when these ores are washed and ground, they are mixed with common salt, and roasted; sulphate of soda and chloride of silver are thus formed; it is then reduced to a fine powder, and agitated with mercury, water, and iron filings; thus the chloride of silver is decomposed, and the chloride of iron being washed away, the silver and mercury combine into an amalgam, when the mercury is partly pressed out, and the remainder driven off by distillation; the specific gravity of silver is 10.5. Oxide of Silver is of a dark olive hue, and when employed in glass or enamel painting, gives a yellow colour. Silver Oxygen 1 1 108 8 1 116 93.103 6.897 100.000 Chloride of Silver is formed by adding to a solution of chlorine of muriatic acid or common salt a solution of nitrate of silver; it is precipitated in the form of a heavy powder, of a white colour, which by exposure to light becomes black. Silver Chlorine J - 1 1 1 108 75 36 25 144 100 When found native, it is crystallised in cubes and octohedra. Nitrate of Silver.—Silver is readily dissolved with nitric acid, when diluted with three parts of water. Nitrate of silver should be a clear and colourless solution; by exposure to light it becomes deep purple, and all animal substances, when tinged with it, are of a deep yellow colour. Ivory, marble, and other substances when soaked in this solution, and afterwards exposed to a strong light, become black. Nitrate of silver is an anhydrous salt, and consists of Oxide of silver Nitric acid 1 1 1 116 68.23 54 31.77 170 100-00 Alloys of Silver. The standard silver consists of 11·10 silver and 6·90 copper. Amalgam of silver is used for plating; when applied to copper, the mercury is evaporated by heat, U 11 6.58 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. and afterwards the silver is burnished. A plate of silver is sometimes applied to a plate of copper, and beaten or drawn out. Brass is silvered by a mixture of chloride of silver, chalk, and pearlash; when the metal is thoroughly cleaned, the above mixture, moistened with water, is rubbed over it: clock dials and scales for thermometers are silvered in this manner. Gold is found native and in a metallic state; it is either massive or crystallised in cubes and octohedra; it melts at a bright red heat, 2016°, and when fused is of a brilliant green colour; its specific gravity is 19.3. It is the most malleable and ductile of the metals, and is not tarnished or affected by the action of either air or moisture. It is Gold separated from copper by cupellation, and from silver by nitric or sulphuric acids. is so malleable that it may be beaten into leaves two hundred and eighty-two thousandths of an inch in thickness, and a grain of it may be made to cover 56 inches of surface; its ductility is so great, that the same quantity may be drawn out into 500 feet in length. The Protoxide of Gold consists of Gold Oxygen 200 96.25 8 3.75 208 100.00 The Peroxide consists of Gold Oxygen 1 200 89.5 3 24 10.5 1 224 100.0 The Perchloride of Gold is decomposable at a red heat, and is soluble in water, alcohol and sulphuric ether; the latter solution is used for gilding. The aqueous solution, or muriate of gold, is decomposed by several vegetable acids. Protochloride of tin, added to a dilute solution of chloride of gold, occasions a change of colour; the purple powder produced from the compound is used in enamel and glass painting to produce a fine red colour. Gold Chlorine 13 1 200 65 108 35 308 100 Platinum resembles silver, but has a less brilliant lustre; it is dissolved by chlorine and nitro-muriatic acid; its affinity for oxygen is extremely feeble; its specific gravity is In a minute state of division it promotes the union of the hydrogen and oxygen gases, absorbing them in large quantities. Protoxide of Platinum. 21.5. Platinum Oxygen - 1 96 1 8 92.31 7.69 1 104 100.00 Palladium, Rhodium, Osmium, and Iridium, have all been obtained from the ores of platinum; but they have not perhaps been either of them perfectly examined. Having described the composition of several minerals that compose the earth's crust, it is necessary to examine somewhat more in detail the methods adopted in extracting the ores of lead, iron, copper, and tin, and their conversion into a state to render them useful to the engineer. The report of the commissioners appointed to examine the mines, published in 1842, affords information of a highly interesting character, and which we have taken chiefly for our guide upon this subject. Lead is seldom or ever found in a pure state, but in combination with carbonic, sulphuric, phosphoric, arsenic, chromic, and other acids, together with oxygen and chlorine. It has a colour of a bluish white, is flexible and soft, melts at a temperature of 612°, and when air is admitted freely with heat it is converted into an oxide. At common temperatures air and water act slowly upon it; its specific gravity is 114. be Oxides of Lead. When air or water is charged with carbonic or other acids, they will oxidate lead; if the acid be either phosphoric, arsenic, sulphuric, or the hydriodic, an insoluble crust is formed on the surface of the lead, which protects it, and water may retained in a cistern or pipes made of it with perfect safety. Carbonic acid in abundance forms a carbonate, which, instead of encrusting the lead, mixes in a minute state of division with the water, and is highly poisonous. Protoxide of Lead, Massicot, or yellow lead, is insoluble, fusible at a red heat, and com- bines with many earthy and saline substances; when heated with charcoal it is decomposed, CHAP. II. 659 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. metallic lead being obtained. At a high red heat it fuses, and forms what is termed litharge, which is a lamellar vitreous mass of reddish brown colour. Lead Oxygen 1 1 1 104 8 112 92.857 7.143 100.000 Deutoxide of Lead, Red Lead, Minium, is a common red pigment, produced by exposing the protoxide to the action of heat at 700°, and air sufficient to oxidise without fusing it; its fine red colour loses its brilliancy by exposure to light. Lead Oxygen 1 1 1/2 1 104 89.66 12 10.34 116 100.00 Peroxide of Lead.-Lead 104 with oxygen 16 = 120. Chloride of Lead is obtained by heating laminated lead in chlorine; the gas is absorbed, and chloride of lead is formed; its specific gravity is 5.13. Patent Yellow is formed from the compound of chloride and oxide of lead. Lead Chlorine 1 1 1 104 36 140 74.3 25.7 100-0 Sulphuret of Lead, the galena of mineralogists, is found native, and is the chief source whence pure lead is obtained; its primitive form is that of the cube; it often contains a Galena is reduced by a simple pro- sufficient quantity of silver to be worth extracting. cess; the ore is broken and washed, then roasted in a reverberatory furnace, the temper- When the fumes of the sulphur are ature being sufficient to soften but not to fuse it. driven off it is then fused; the lead sinks to the bottom of the fuel which has reduced it, and is run out and moulded into pigs. Sulphuret of lead has a colour and lustre resembling pure lead; it is brittle, and requires a white heat for fusion; its specific gravity is 7.58. Lead Sulphur 1 : 1 1 104 86.66 16 13.34 120 100.00 Sulphate of Lead in its native state is crystallised into prisms and octohedra. Oxide of lead Sulphuric acid 1 1 1 112 40 152 73.68 26.32 100.00 Carbonate of Lead, White Lead, or Ceruse, is prepared by exposing sheet lead to the action of the vapour of vinegar, or by decomposing the acetate of lead by a carbonate; its specific gravity is 64: when found native it is one of the most beautiful of metallic ores; it is soft and brittle, sometimes tinged with carbonate of copper, and has a green colour; its primitive form is the octohedron, though it is found prismatic and tabular. Oxide of lead Carbonic acid 1 1 1 112 83.58 22 16.42 134 100.00 Alloys of Lead. Plumber's Solder contains equal parts of lead and tin, or, according to Mirrors are made in Sweden containing 0.39 of lead, others, two of lead and one of tin. This and 61 of tin. Common pewter consists of 80 parts of tin and 20 of lead. Of the Mines that produce Lead-Northumberland, Durham, and Cumberland. country, although politically distributed amongst the three counties, is one and the same in all its characteristic features. From it flow the Tyne, the Wear, and the Tees, and many branches which fall into these rivers. Along their banks are dales or valleys highly cul- tivated, but beyond them rise dark fells, covered with peat moss and heath, and between one vale and another is a wide range of high moorland, extending sometimes for many miles. In these upland districts are no inhabitants; thousands of black-faced sheep are scattered over them, and grouse are found in abundance. The rivers do not, as in rich, flat, clayey lands, form for themselves a winding serpentine The channel, of course, but flow onward in a straight line, and with a rapid current. UU 2 660 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. which the water occupies but a small portion in dry weather, is covered with boulders, some of an hundred weight, and small pebbles, and here and there an accumulation of sand. After rain, and in winter, the stream flows in a powerful flood. At short distances, on both sides of the rivers, are vales or gullets, with the banks feathered with wood, through which, with thundering noise, the smaller streams, called Burns, rush over the stones to join the great stream below. These deep fissures are of importance, as they often lay open to view veins of ore, and direct the operations of the miner to the places where it is met with in sufficient plenty to reward his toil. Weardale is held by many to be the most beautiful of these vales. It gradually contracts into narrower spaces, and the hills become loftier on proceeding westward from the low country; it is 15 miles in length, and considered to commence about 3 miles below the village of Stanhope, where the grass lands are interspersed with fields of wheat, oats, and turnips, the soil being fertile, and the crops abundant; there is much woodland, but gradually, as we ascend, this is less frequent; for some miles there is a considerable show of trees by the river banks, and thick plantations on the sides of the ravines, through which, over rocks and stones, the burns dash downwards: towards the upper part of the dale the trees are solitary, near habitations, or occasionally on the river-side. Beyond is Wearhead, a hamlet where two burns meet, and which give a name to the Wear; each rises a mile or two higher up to the centre of a wild, treeless, heath-covered hollow in the mountain. : Both sides of the dale, for mile, back from the river at Wearhead, and still farther down are clothed with the most beautiful green and rich vegetation. The whole of the dale is well inclosed with stone fences, and subdivided into holdings of about 5 acres each. Houses are distributed on both sides of the river, and form a continuous scattered village these houses, built of blocks of stratified hard sandstone, are covered with slate, and as lime is abundant, they are whitewashed, and present a clean, neat appearance, with the fronts towards the sun. Here and there is a little hamlet by the road-side, the residence of tradesmen, to whose stores and workshops the population of both sides of the vale resort. There is much travelling backwards and forwards along the road, but seldom do the inhabit- ants of the dale pass far beyond its bounds. They see few but themselves, and intermarry, so that, by nearer or more remote relationship and affinity, they constitute but one great family, and an attachment subsists between them which nothing can overcome: hence it is that, although by removing only 20 miles lower down, into the coal country, a young man might nearly double his income, and have the prospect of adding many years of health and strength to his life, he will not remove. He clings to his beloved dale, and follows an occupation which in most instances allows but a short life, the last years of which are spent in sickness and in sorrow; and this, too, is the effect on a population well educated, and of intellectual capacity and acquirement surpassing any met with elsewhere in England. The river Tees rises in a hollow, near the foot of Cross Fell, and is soon augmented by other mountain torrents; for many miles it flows through a desolate valley, with a little grass land on each side, a few houses, with only now and then a solitary tree; gradually the vale widens, and for 3 or 4 miles before arriving at Middleton-in-Teesdale it is well adorned with wood. On the Yorkshire side the rude hills approach very near the river, and in some places present lofty cliffs. Middleton is a pleasant village, einbosomed in woods, with the Tees flowing on its south side, and the Yorkshire hills receding for several miles. Below Middleton, and down to Barnard Castle, the country is beautiful, and the grass lands are interspersed with fields of grain. From Stanhope it is ten miles in a northerly direction to the mines and washing- floors on the Derwent. A turnpike road, then one made by the parish of Stanhope, and another by that of Edmondbyers, conducts to the parish of Hunstonworth. The fell is altogether uninhabited, and it may be stated as a proof of the severity of the climate in winter, that there are high posts of wood painted white, with the top black, to enable the traveller to find his way amidst the snow. The Vale of the Derwent, near the works of the Derwent Company, is not 100 yards wide; the miners and washers come from a distance, and for a time remain in the lodging shops provided for their use. The upper part of West and East Allendale, where the mines and washing-floors are situate, are wild, narrow vales, inclosed within lofty dark fells. From Weardale to Alston Moor the road lies over a high uncultivated dreary tract, which conducts to the busy village of Nenthead, with its smelting mills and washing floors, on which may usually be seen a multitude of children engaged at work. The little river Nent flows five miles to the town of Alston Moor, through a narrow vale, divided into small holdings, and studded with houses like Weardale, but with very little wood. The town of Alston is situated on the side of a hill close to the river Tyne, beautifully surrounded with wood. The vale of the Tyne below the town is richly cultivated, and ascends for about five miles between lofty hills, where the river rises in a hollow at the foot CHAP. II. 661 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. of Cross Fell, which lofty mountain on the south, and others on the west, give an interesting grandeur to the prospect from every place in the vicinity of Alston. The whole of the lead country possesses great beauty, though of a diversified character. Mining is the sole resource of the inhabitants, who are universally so attached to the country, and to each other, that they continue to engage in an employment which ið remunerates their toil, and brings many of them to an untimely grave. The Lead Country, in a geological sense, is below the coal measures and above the old red sandstone; the former consists of many strata of siliceous sandstone, limestone, clay, shale, with beds of indurated clay between them. The lead is found in all these strata, though not often in clay or in clay-shale, and a vein will descend from the surface down through all the strata, until it is so deep that it can no longer be followed on account of water and other difficulties. Amongst the most remarkable beds is the encrinital limestone, with abundance of its peculiar fossil remains; it may be seen in the bottom of a large burn which falls into the Wear, some miles below Stanhope, near Frosterly Bridge, at Bishop's Crag. Limestone boulders gathered from the bed of the Wear supply the lime-kilns; and there are large quarries worked about two miles below Stanhope, and near the commencement of the railway, adjacent to which are also beds of limestone of excellent quality, which are carried by the railway to furnaces in the coal districts. In this country the mines now worked all afford lead. There was a considerable quantity of copper found in one near Garrigill Gate, in Alston Moor, and in some other mines, but none is obtained at present. Much farther west, in Caldbeck Fells, is a mine called Roughton Gill, in which there are ores of copper and lead in the same veins, in the proportion of copper and lead. The population of this country has been devoted to mining as far back as records can be obtained. As Cumberland was not surveyed by the Conqueror, we have no account of it in "Domesday Book;" but in the Record Office, in the Tower of London, in the Patent Roll of the 20th of Henry III., A. D. 1235, is a copy of a charter, which shows that the mines were then worked, and had been so during the time of the former kings of England. Working the Mines. The entrance into the mines is generally by a level driven into the sides of the hills; in former times shafts were frequently sunk from the top, which is now seldom the case. The level is made about 6 feet, sometimes 7 feet high, and from 3 to 4 feet wide; where necessary it is arched with stone, and a railway for the waggons is laid at the bottom. By means of this level, the water is brought out of the mine; carts are drawn in by horses to a certain distance, and the ore put into them; the miners walk into their work, or at least to the places where they ascend or descend. The level is usually driven into the hill as far as possible in the stratum called plate or clay-shale, that stratum being softer and more economically worked than any other. The object in penetrating through the hill by a level is to arrive at a vein of ore, and when the working can be got on the first level it is most advantageous to all parties. In the level of the mine at Stanhope Burn, after proceeding nearly mile, there are several chambers in which the men work, breaking down the lead ore by hammers and picks, drilling holes, charging with gunpowder, and firing it; this extends through the vein of limestone rock as far as 200 fathoms. The tools used by the miners are few and simple, as, The Jumper, an iron chisel pointed with steel, the usual length of which is 18 inches, and sometimes 2 feet; one miner holds it against the rock, whilst another or a boy strikes the end with a hammer; from time to time the dust has to be taken out of the hole. The Hammer is used for striking the end of the jumper. The Pricker. After the cartridge is put into the hole, the pricker, which is a thin iron rod with the outside end formed into a ring, is driven into it and through the cartridge. When made of iron sparks are produced in siliceous rocks, or even in limestone, both from the hammer and the spade: a copper-pointed pricker obviates this risk. The Driver. This is a piece of iron with a broad head, to drive the shale down along the side of the pricker; the head is usually of copper. The Scraper is for taking out the dust from the hole made by the jumper and hammer. In breaking down the rock, the lead miners use a pick very like that employed in the coal mines, as well as a great hammer. They first drill a hole in the rock with the jumper and hammer, then insert a cartridge of gunpowder, in the same way as if charging a gun, although the hole may be bored perpendicularly, horizontally, downwards, or sidewards; boys and young persons drill the holes, but are seldom trusted to charge it with the powder. They then drive a pricker through the cartridge, keeping it there for a time, and place what is called plate, or pieces of black shale, at the sides of the pricker, which with the driver they force down as far as it will go, continuing this work until they have filled up the entire hole round the pricker, which is then drawn out by inserting the scraper in the ring at the end, leaving a hole open down to the powder, into which the men thrust a squib to which they apply a match: all except one man retire and get into the level, or some place where the stone directly coming from the explosion cannot hit them, and turn their backs to prevent any piece being reflected into their faces; the man who lights UU 3 662 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the match runs away, and after the shot has gone off with much noise, smoke, and dust, the men return and find a chasm made; then with hammers and picks they strike upon every projecting piece of rock, and bring it down. The chamber where they work is filled with smoke by every additional shot fired: if the rock be wet, the patent fuse, being a slow match inside a rope, is found convenient for blasting. When the miners have cut out the ore which is near the level, it is arched over, and they proceed working upwards; the deads or rubbish, or the rock not containing the ore, is let down behind them, as they ascend; different sets of men work above each other, protected by scaffolding. When the ore is removed, it is let down a channel, through an opening called a hopper, into the cart or waggon in the level. In some mines there is much work in the first level, and it is frequently necessary to ascend and make another; this is effected by drilling and blasting out the rock by gun- powder, and placing scaffolding, by which the miners climb to their work. In this upward work they make a small-landing place, and go from one stage to another, so that they are able to place ladders or pieces of wood from side to side, and afterwards climb up, having halting-places all the way. When arrived at the height thought best to fall in with the veins, they move forward horizontally, or in a line parallel to the first level driven in from the air; it may be necessary to work upwards a second time, and form another flight of ladders, and, after getting to a certain height, again to move forward, and so on several times, until the place of working be 500 or 600 feet above the first level. The miner who works in such a remote situation walks into the level, as far as the first descent by the ladders, down which he goes, with a load of tools on his back. He then proceeds to the second flight of ladders, and descends to the third, until he comes to the place where he has to perform his work: no air being admitted except from the level by which he has entered, there is nothing to produce a current; the air enters slowly about him, merely by the effect of a difference of temperature, and means are taken to diminish an evil which cannot be removed. Sometimes a body of air is forced by a fall of water from the top surface of the hill, an opening being made for it to descend to the level with great violence, driving a body of air before it, and running out along the bottom of the level from the mine. Machines or fanners, worked by boys, are used, and the air is carried along pipes to places to which it would otherwise very slowly penetrate. Forcing-pumps are sometimes employed to drive it in a similar way, and a supply is obtained by running a second level from the air into the hill, making a communication with the first; in this case the air put in action enters at one level, and goes out by the other. Sometimes a shaft is carried up or let down from the open air into the level, when a current is produced. Few mines have two levels communicating with the open air, or shafts from the outer air down to the levels, the sum required for the purpose being so great that the pro- prietor prefers to discontinue working rather than submit to the expense; but the men and boys, having no other means of existence, are often allowed to work in the mine with all these inconveniences. The ore dug out of the level, which is entered from the open air, is brought out by a horse and cart, the wheels of which run upon a railway; but that dug in the shafts, above the first levels, is let down holes or channels made for the purpose from one to another, and down to the first or chief level, when it is brought out: when taken from the low levels it is hoisted up by whinseys from one to another, until brought to the first level, where it is carried out to the open day; boys are employed to drive the horses for the whinseys and carts. The water is raised from great depths by steam-engines or by an hydraulic engine or great water-wheel, which works a pump; that at the surface falls into the buckets of the wheel, and by its gravity causes it to revolve, the water being discharged into the level. The pump brings up the water from a great depth below, and discharges it into the level, where it runs out. This machine is cheaper than the steam-engine, as it requires no fuel, and very little attendance, and works day and night. In the parish of Stanhope steam power is not used, but water power equal to that of 120 horses: in the mines of Allendale, there are 14 water-wheels, possessing a power equal to 300 horses. It is obvious that the hydraulic machine can be used only on the side of a hill, where there is a stream of water on the surface, which very often occurs in the lead country. The lengths of the levels, driven into the hills, are various: some are half a mile, and some double that distance; there are some much longer, as that nearly 5 miles in length, called the Nent Force Level; it begins near Alston, close by the fall of the Nent, and extends forward to Nent Head. For a long time there was water in this level deep enough to carry boats, by which the ore was brought out, which is now per- formed by carts, to the foot of a shaft near Nent Head, where it is hoisted up by a whimsey; several shafts, for the purpose of ventilation, are let down into this level. Of Hushing.. A quantity of ore is obtained by a method called hushing: where a great ravine has been formed by the streams on the side of a hill, and water comes down over the stones, clay, and earth, if ore has been discovered, it is a good place for hushing. A dam is made at the upper part, with a channel for the water, some of the larger stones CHAP. II. COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. 663 being laid on one side; when the dam is let out, the flood of water, rushing down, tears up the earth and stones, and lays bare new surfaces, when men and boys go into the ravine, and pick up all the ore left by the water. Hushing is chiefly carried on where the ravines disclose new veins, and the water running along tears up the stones containing the metal. Rainy weather, which enables a dam of water quickly to be collected, is favour- able to hushing. The work is as easy as washing the ore, and wages much the same. according to the ages of the boys or persons employed. There are many hushing places on the road-side from Weardale to Nent Head, in Alston Moor. Washing the Lead Ore. The object of washing the ore after it has been brought from the mine is to separate the lead from the limestone, sandstone, barytes, or other matter with which it is united or mixed up. Some men, and very many boys under 13, and young persons under 18, are employed; as this operation depends on a supply of water, it is necessarily suspended by the frost, and when it has permanently set in, the work is discontinued altogether until the spring; it is also partially liable to be interrupted in dry weather, in places where water is not abundant. It is a great advantage to a mine when it is situated near a river, or a large and copious burn of never-failing water; but frequently it is necessary to take advantage of the smallest streamlets, and artificial means are used to collect water by dams, the outlets of which can be stopped up at nights, or when the people are not employed. In East Allendale, there is a dam which covers 7 acres of land, but in general they are not so large. Formerly the washing of the ore was a very simple and rude operation. It was placed on a buddle or sunk space of ground, with a gentle declivity, so that water coming at one end might slowly flow over the stony bottom to the other, carrying off the loose dirt, clay, or pulverised stone; the solid pieces of ore were broken by a rude instrument called a bucker, not yet entirely out of use. This instrument consists of a flat piece of iron, about the size of a man's hand; at the back is a broad ring, through which is thrust a piece of wood for a handle. The boy takes this in his hand, and striking the ore, breaks it into pieces, by which means the water carries off the earthy matter, and leaves the metal behind. The large pieces of lead, thus separated from extraneous matter, are carried away in a state fit for the smelting mill: other pieces are put into sieves. In the distant fells, which will not afford the expense of machinery, and where, also, there may be but a small supply of water, this mode is still in use; a few persons are also employed as auxiliaries to washing establishments, working at buddles along the side of a gill, taking advantage of the streams of water which flow down after a heavy fall of rain. It is obvious that in this mode of washing many small particles of lead must be carried away, although this is in part obviated by the water falling into pits, and depositing much of the lead. About forty years ago crushing-mills were introduced, and other im provements have since been made, by which the lead is separated from the earthy matter at much less expense, and a greater proportion of lead is obtained: mines are thus rendered more profitable, and some, which, on the old system, would not have yielded a profit, can now be worked to advantage. Preliminary to the operation of the crushing-mill the larger portion of ores are picked out, and sometimes large pieces of pure Galena, without any earthy matter, which may be broken with the hammer from the stone, are carried at once to the bingstead, requiring no washing. The orcs are at all times placed upon bars of iron, called a grating, and a stream of water flows upon them; the smaller pieces are carried by the water through the bars, and down an inclined plane to a place below; those too large to get through remain upon the grating; some of these are dead pieces of stone containing no metal, which are picked off by boys and thrown aside; the remaining matter of ore and stone goes to the crushing mill. Much depends on the nature of the stratum from which the ore is obtained; some found in a stratum of barytes comes out in dust or small frag- ments, and may be carried by the waggons, so as at once to be let down, by opening the hole in the bottom of the hopper, which is over the mill; where the pieces are of a larger size, they must previously be broken and grated. The crushing mills require a plentiful supply of water to drive the wheel, as well as to perform the other subordinate operations; they are of various powers, and have the great water-wheel in the middle: on one side are the wheels which break the bouse ore, or the ore in its rough state, and on the other side are the chat mills, for breaking and bruising the ore which has been crushed or ground into sinaller pieces. The Bouse Ore is discharged from the hopper by a machine called a shoe, or a boy or young person gradually lets it out. In either case it falls between two rollers, deeply fluted, which revolve and work into each other; a body of water falls down between them at the same time. In passing between these fluted rollers the ore is crushed into smaller pieces, which with the rest fall down two inclined planes, one to the right and the other to the left, with a pair of rollers at the extremity of each: these are smooth, and between them the ore passes along with a body of water, and is further ground, and falls into pits below. A certain portion of the ore still escapes, as, when a large piece comes between the rollers, U U 4 664 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. they are forced to recede sufficiently to let it pass through, when other pieces of stone slip through unbroken, although but for this contrivance the mill might be damaged or choked up. The rollers are, however, immediately brought back to their right position by means of levers, at the end of which are attached large weights, usually stones, for effecting this purpose, and the depression of the lever brings up the roller attached to it to its proper position. From the pits below the crushing-mill the broken ore is drawn up to the chat mill, on the right side, by means of iron buckets on an endless chain, much in the same way as we see, on a larger scale, the ballast dragged up into the barges from the bottom of the river Thames. Every bucket, on arriving at the top, discharges its load upon a grating, by the bars of which the larger pieces are retained, and are passed again through the crushing mill, or sent to the stamping mill; the smaller pieces are made to pass the three pair of chat rolls, which are exactly on the same plan with the crushing rolls, only on a smaller scale, and adapted to ore of a smaller size. As the crushed ore comes down from the chat mill, a boy stirs it, and the small lead, with the dirt adhering to it, is carried by the stream of water to pits lower down. The stamping mill is used for breaking the hard refractory pieces of ore, which resist the rollers of the crushing and chat mills. In some establishments the stampers are separate and distinct from the crushing-mill, and in others the same water-wheel turns the rollers of the crushing-mill, and raises the stampers, the broken ore being carried down an inclined plane by a stream of water. When the matrix of an ore is soft and easily broken, the stamping mill may be dispensed with, but for very hard ore it is exceedingly useful. After the ore has come from the chat mill and the smaller portion has been carried off by water, it is taken up and put into a sieve, to undergo the process called hutching. The sieve, made of iron wire, is let into a box which is full of water. From the stalks or chains of the sieve proceed a long lever which rests upon a fulcrum; this is moved up and down by a boy, who places his two hands above his head, and pulls the end of the lever, and in consequence the sieve with the ore upon it is raised up and down with an agitated motion in the water contained in the box, which occasions the very small lead or dust, called Smiddum, to fall through the sieve, and sink to the bottom of the box; and of that portion which remains above the sieve, the lead, being the heaviest, works down to the lowest place next the wires of the sieve. Immediately above the lead are the larger pieces of stone, with portions of ore called chats, and above the chats are lighter pieces of stone called cuttings: the cuttings are removed by a limp or broad piece of iron, and given to the cutting cleaners, when it is again put into a sieve and treated as before; the chats are sent back to the mill to be ground again. It has been already stated that when the ore is laid on the grating, the smaller portions are carried through the bars to a pit below; by a stream of water, part of this matter is sludge or slime, but there is another portion much too large and weighty to be thus carried off: this is taken out of the pits, again put in the sieves, and hutched or jerked up and down in the water on the sieve, by the boy pulling the end of the lever and when sufficiently hutched, the stony matter is carried off by the limp, and the clean ore lying at the bottom is taken to the bingstead. ; The Smiddum is taken from the bottom of the boxes, in which the sieves were agitated, and removed to a running buddle, or space of ground with a stone floor made a little lower than the ground about it, and having a little declivity, over which water runs very gently; upon the upper end of this buddle is put the smiddum, and the water let in upon it. The boys and young persons then stir it with an instrument called a colrake, and the water carries away dirt, and the fragments of stone or cuttings, and the lighter ore or smiddum tails are brought to the lower end of the buddle, whilst the weightier ore is left at the upper. The two are thus separated, and the weightier ore is removed to the bingstead. It is a necessary consequence of the grating and crushing of the ore under the action of water, that a quantity of finely pulverised earthy matter has been collected, and much lead, in the form of minute detached particles, been brought away with it, carried down the stream with the water, and lodged in the pits into which it flows, where all this matter is merely mechanically diffused through it. This mass is more or less stiff, and that portion which is coarse and contains larger grains of lead, is called sludge, that consisting of smaller and finer particles slime: it is put into trunks and again agitated with water, then laid on the floors of the buddles, and streams of water made to pass over and through it, being stirred and rubbed against the bottom of the buddles whilst the water is flowing, the object being to separate the lead from the clayey matter. The last process is to put the slime into the dolly-tub, where by means of a handle the board is turned round which agitates the slime; the lead then falls to the bottom, and the other matter above is taken away. Many particles of the lead are, however, carried down in the muddy water of the river or burn, and the cattle for many miles below a washing place are not allowed to drink of it. The apparatus of the Roughton Gill Mine, invented by Mr. John Leathart, of Alston, in Cumberland, and put up in 1840, is found to be of use in facilitating these operations CHAP. II. 665 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. and also for washing poorer lead. Its principle is that of separating the different kinds of ore, by passing them through plates full of holes of various sizes. 12 The ore when brought from the mine is grated, that is to say, those portions are thrown aside which are considered not to contain lead, and the large pieces of ore are broken up with hammers, and made to pass through the crushing mill; after which it comes on to a separator, or broad plate with holes in it, of inch in diameter; that which remains on the plate and cannot get through the ¦ inch holes is sent back to the crushing mill to be re- 14 ground; that which passes through the holes is carried by the water down to plate No. 2., the holes of which are inch in diameter; what remains on this plate, or is too large to pass through the holes, is taken to the sieve or the shaking apparatus, where the small portions called smiddum go through, the cuttings are thrown out, and the small ore at the bottom is taken to the bingstead. The chats which come out of the sieves or shaking apparatus are ground, and come to a plate No. 1., and the rough, which cannot pass through the holes, is taken off and sent back to the chat mill again; what falls through is carried by the water to the surface of plate No. 2., which is laid in an inclined position; the smiddum passes over and the sludge goes through; the former is then put into the shaking apparatus, to be separated in the same manner as in other washing-places; the cuttings are taken out, and the lead is removed to the bingstead The Sludge Separator is carried by water to the surface of plate No. 1.; the holes are of an inch in diameter; the rough sludge is carried off by the water and the small falls through the holes, and runs into trunks or buddles, the rough passing through another buddle. The slime is made to pass over plate No. 1., when the lead drops through, and is carried to the inclined plate No. 2.; the rough passes over, and the small, which falls through, is afterwards treated as we have already described. The lead which remains at the upper end of the buddle or trunk is put into the dolly-tub, and the matter at the lower end is put into another separator of the same kind. The cuttings which come from the sieves are carried by water to a small grate; the stones remain above the grate, and are then removed and thrown away; what falls through goes on to an inclined plate with holes in it; the rough is put back again to undergo the same operation. The Smelting Mills are buildings for reducing the crude ore to lead, and separating the silver contained in it. The operations consist of roasting the ore; smelting the roasted ore at the smelting hearth; roasting and smelting the ore in one operation at the smelting furnace; refining the metal, by exposing the lead to the flames of a reverberatory furnace, by which it is converted into litharge, and the silver left behind; separating the silver and lead, removing the greater part of the latter, and sending to the refining furnace the portion containing the silver. Roasting the ore in a reverberatory furnace is precisely the same in principle as that adopted for puddling iron, and at the balling furnace used for heating the iron before passing through the polls. A bing of lead ore is introduced at one time, and heated to ignition, but not to melting; too little or too much heat is considered equally bad. The flame of the fire strikes against the ore, and when it shows a yellow flame, it is stirred with a paddle or iron rod with a broad end. The stirring must be repeated five, six, or seven times in a heat. This depends on the nature of the ore, varying from one hour and a half to three hours. A barrow, containing a bing of ore, is wheeled from the bingstead, and placed over the furnace ready to be let in when required. When the ore is sufficiently roasted it is raked forward by degrees and let fall into a cistern, and the heated water which flies up is prevented by an iron plate from reaching the workmen. A reverberatory furnace is one in which the flame and heat are carried forward by the draught of air, and dashed against the bodies to be smelted. When one heat is over, another bing is let into the furnace, and the same work is re- peated. Two men are engaged eight hours at a time; they are succeeded by two others, who work eight hours; the first set return and work another eight hours: in this manner they proceed day and night for four days in the week, it being considered a great saving of fuel not to let the furnace cool. Roasting the ore drives off the sulphur from the galena or sulphuret of lead, of which it is composed as well as the antimony and other matter more volatile than the lead. The small dust ore is made to adhere together, whereas, if it were to be put into the smelting hearth, and exposed to the blast, a great portion would be lost. The roasted ore is let fall into water to prevent its forming unwieldy lumps, as it would do if left to cool in a heap. The ore is then taken from the water and carried to the smelting-house. Of the Smelting Hearth. Its usual dimensions are 22 inches long and 22 broad, and about the same in depth; but these vary at different places. It is made of cast-iron, and charged with half-melted matter of former operations, with peat and coal, and the roasted 666 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ore. A large bellows throws its blast into the hearth, whilst two men working together stir the melted lead, and gradually add more ore. There is a small channel in the hearth in which the melted lead flows into a pot at the side of the brickwork in which the hearth is fixed, from which the men lift up large ladles of the metal, and pour it into moulds. At most smelting-mills the smelters are divided into three sets of two men each, who come in turns, ten hours each set at a time, so that each works ten hours and rests twenty. Lime is sprinkled on the edge of the hearth when melted slag is running off, which has the effect of uniting with the slag, and converting it into a solid. Smelting-furnace is of the same description as the roasting-furnace, already described; the roasting and smelting are both done in one heat, which occupies about five hours, coal being mixed with the ore to smelt it. A bing of ore is roasted and smelted at one shift; the smelting furnace, requiring more fuel than the smelting hearth, is not used where coals cannot be readily procured. The process of roasting being effected, the doors of the furnace are shut, and the heat is then increased sufficiently to melt the ore. Of the horizontal Chimneys. — It is important that the chimneys of smelting mills should carry off the effluvia, so highly injurious to the workmen. About twenty years ago hori- zontal chimneys were first used, some of which were more than 100 yards in length. The chimney at the Derwent Company's mines is a mile from the smelting mills, and proceeds under ground the whole of the way up the side of the hill to the foot of a lofty turret, carrying off the destructive smoke, but which, falling upon the ground, renders the grass poisonous to the horses and cows partaking of it. To prevent the land from being injured by the smelting-hearths an arched tunnel, a mile long, is usually conducted to a chimney shaft, which at the end of the year is cleaned, and the matter smelted, by which means a sufficient quantity of lead is obtained to remunerate the expense of making the tunnel. The chimney in Allendale is 3 miles in length, from which many thousand pounds worth of lead are obtained, the farthest smoke being the richest in lead. This tunnel or chimney is 3 feet wide and 6 feet high, so that it may be effectually cleansed. The smelting mills are generally placed in a low situation, on account of the water ne- cessary to turn the wheels which give motion to the blasts. It is obvious that a tunnel carried from such a situation up the side of a hill to a great height will have a strong draught of air, and consequently draw off the smoke and effluvia from the metal, and the noxious matter so ruinous to the health of the workmen. Refining the Lead and Silver. The process of refining the lead and silver depends on the principle, that lead exposed to heat readily imbibes oxygen from the atmosphere, and becomes oxide of lead, whilst the silver remains unaltered. It is carried on in a rever- beratory furnace, which allows the flames from the fuel to strike against the lead and silver; the lead is converted into litharge, and the silver, formed into a plate, remains below. Before the metal is put into the furnace a test is made from the ashes of bones or those of ferns or brakes (Pteris aquilina). This plant, when burnt, yields a vegetable alkali, or potash, which constitutes its value as a test. A mixture is made of the bone and fern ashes, beat up with water, and afterwards moulded into an oval form, and placed within an iron frame in the furnace, with the pig of lead upon it: some of the litharge is absorbed by this mixture, and its quality tested The flames change the lead into a semi-vitrified oxide or litharge, the melted lead abstracting oxygen from the air. On one side is an opening, and at the other the blast of a large bellows is introduced, which blows the litharge from the su face, and occasions it to fall through an opening into an iron vessel placed to receive it, which, when nearly full, is removed, and another put in its place. The test absorbs in two or three days such litharge as is below the silver, with a part of the silver. Of the Separation of Lead and Silver. The present mode of separating these two metals was discovered by Hugh Lee Pattinson, of Alston, an agent employed by the trustees of Greenwich Hospital to test the lead paid to them as their royalty, to ascertain the quantity of silver it contained, and to determine its value. In the course of conducting his opera- tions he observed that part of the lead crystallised before the rest, which induced him to attempt to discover the cause; and on analysis he found that the portion which continued longest liquid contained a larger proportion of silver. The operation, as now practised, may be thus described. Three cast-iron pots are set in brick along the middle of the chamber; when the lead is melted in pot No. 1., it is stirred with an iron rod, and every now and then the lead which adheres to the rod is removed with a great hammer. On the other side a man with another rod, at the end of which is a ladle full of holes, dips it into the pot of melted lead No. 1., and, pressing it on the edge of the pot as a fulcrum, raises up the ladle nearly full of lead, curled, crisping, and frosted, which runs out in a liquid metal from the holes in his ladle. This is held above the surface, and shaken till no more metal will run out, and then the lead is emptied into pot No. 2. This operation is continued until there be very little liquid metal left in pot No. 1., if there be a breeze of wind through the room, the lead cools faster, and the work goes on more rapidly. The metal in pot No. 1. is then brought into moulds and cast into pigs, CHAP. II. 667 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. and that put into pot No. 2. is melted, and is treated in the same way as the lead in pot No. 1. The lead taken away is then put into pot No. 3., and melted and treated in the same manner, when it is found to contain so little silver that it will not defray the expense of melting it a fourth time. In some mines the lead is richer, as at Greenside, where there are five pots in the separating room; the lead of this mine contains from 12 to 14 ounces of silver to the ton, and there is sufficient silver, after it has been melted and separated the third and fourth time, to cover the expense, and yield a profit in melting it again. Of the reducing Furnace. Under the new system, before the remaining lead and silver is subjected to refining, comparatively little litharge is made, although there is more than can be sold at a remunerating price, either to the glass-makers or the colour-makers ; much, therefore, is reduced to metal in the reverberatory furnace, at the bottom of which is placed a layer of coals, and the litharge, mixed with small coal, is put in and exposed to the flames. During the combustion the small coal abstracts the oxygen from the litharge, and pure lead is the result, which is cast into pigs of 12 stones each, and is in a malleable state, Reducing the Slag. The slag is put into a furnace, mixed with coke and heated by fuel beneath the oxygen of the slag enters into combination with the fuel, and the lead is separated and cast into pigs. This is less valuable than the other, and is easily broken. Cast Lead is manufactured by melting the pig-lead in a large iron vessel, and then ladling it out on a table 18 or 20 feet in length, which has been previously covered with fine pressed and beaten sand, brought to a level and smooth surface by passing a strike over it. The table has a rising edge all around it, on the top of which is a movable strike, which determines the thickness to be given to the sheet; this strike, when the metal is in a liquid state, sweeping before it the superabundant lead. When a very thin sheet is required to be cast, a linen cloth is stretched over another of wool, on which is poured the lead, care being taken that the heat is not sufficient to set fire to the paper, and it is requisite, as the lead cools rapidly, to be very adroit in passing the strike over it. Milled Lead is first cast in sheets, and then passed under rollers, placed at such a distance apart as is required for its thickness, the space between each pair of rollers it passes through diminishing gradually: the weight in pounds of a superficial foot is When of a sixteenth of an inch in thickness a twelfth a tenth an eighth a sixth a fifth - - lbs. 331 5 6 71 10 12 143 193 a quarter a third a half · 1 29 The weight of a cubic foot of lead is 709 pounds, and Smeaton found that a bar 12 inches long, 1 inch square, and weighing 4·94 pounds, was expanded by 1 degree of heat 2500. Lead melts at 612 degrees, and will bear a weight of 1500 pounds on each square inch, without altering its form materially. Compared with cast-iron its strength is 096; its extensibility 2.5 times, and its stiffness 0385 times. 62300* Casting of Leaden Pipes is comparatively a recent invention; for those used in water- works were commonly made of sheet lead wrapped round a wooden or iron core, and where IMF CAES ADRIANI AVC, DO Fig 584. LXMVOII PIPES FOund at LYONS. 668 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the edges met, they were soldered together: pipes so made are very liable to burst, from the soldered joint giving way. Some of the pipes found at Lyons, near the Roman aqueducts, were evidently made in this manner, and perfectly agree in form with those Vitruvius describes. Pipes are sometimes cast in an iron mould made in two halves, and afterwards united to form a hollow cylinder, into which a core or iron rod, the size of the intended bore, is intro- duced; the two halves of the iron mould are secured in their position by screws or wedges, which make the core that occupies the centre fit in such a manner that there is an equal distance all round to receive the melted metal, which enters it by means of a spout, care being taken to allow the air to escape. The mould is fixed to a long bench, and a rack moved by toothed wheels and pinions is fitted to one end of it, in a line with the centre of the mould, which by means of a hook connected with an eye at the end of the core enables it to be drawn out when the pipe is cast: when this is done, the iron halves which form the mould are separated, and the pipe is moved onwards, an inch or two of its end alone occupying the mould; the halves are then again secured together with the core between them, and its end entered again, an inch or more into the first piece of pipe; the mould is filled with melted lead, the heat of which unites it with the end of the first piece, so as to double its length, and the core being again drawn out is ready to be used for another piece. Any length of pipe may be thus cast, but the metal is very subject to air bubbles, and the joinings are far from sound. The usual method now is, to cast the lead in an iron mould upon a cylindrical rod of the size of the intended bore, leaving around the core a space three or four times the thickness of the intended pipe; after they are cast in short lengths, they are drawn through holes of steel plates, and reduced to the thickness required. Another process is to reduce the pipe by passing it through two rollers of a flatting mill, in each of which semicircular grooves are formed all round, so that the two បណ 日 ​ I Fig. 585. MACHINE FOR FORMING LEAD PIPES. rollers when united have circular cavities between them, which gradually diminish in diameter from one end of the rollers to the other. The pipe after passing through the largest cavity, then the others to the smallest, is diminished in its thickness or substance; and by this process also hardened and rendered stronger. The section shows the two half moulds screwed up in their place, with the core or treblet in its position; and great care is required that the interior surface of the former is truly cylindrical, and that the latter is accurately turned in a lathe, so that an equal space is left around or between the two, or the metal will be cast unequal in thickness. The inclined plane on which the process is conducted is necessary, in order that when the metal is poured in at the cup at the lower extremity, the air may pass out at a hole or vent left at the upper end, where the hook is connected with the rack. The core has a neck or smaller part at the end, which prevents its being drawn through the pipe; and by means of the rack and pinion, the pipe is drawn to its required length. The other machine has a strong timber framework with a cog-wheel moved by a steam-engine or water-wheel, and which can be put in motion by the handles or levers shown above the stage. The drum of the cog-wheel has a pair of spiral grooves formed on its circumference, for the reception of two chains, the ends of which are hooked to a little carriage on wheels, and which has at the back a double claw to engage in the notches made at the end of the core or treblet. In the middle of the bed is a cast-iron frame, CHAP. II. 669 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. securely fixed on a short cross-bearer; in this is a notch in the upright side nearest the roller, which allows the treblet and pipe to pass through, and also forms a hold for the steel plate through which the pipe is drawn: these steel plates or whirtles vary according to the sizes of the pipes, and are movable at pleasure; they are made rounding on one side, to allow a more ready exit and entry of the pipe, and diminish gradually, from the size of the rough cast pipe to that required. When the lead pipe is fitted to the treblet, it is laid upon the rollers on the bench, and the end of the treblet being put through the largest set of whirtles, it is hooked on to the carriage, and the whirtle lodged against the cheeks of the frame. The drum is then put into gear by means of the handles and levers, and, winding up the double chains, the pipe is drawn through the whirtle, and diminished in size as it is lengthened. After the pipe is drawn entirely through, the roller is cast off by shifting the levers; the treblet is then unhooked from the carriage, and pushed back into its former position, and a smaller whirtle being put on, the pipe is drawn through as before; the operation is repeated through smaller whirtles, until the pipe has acquired its proper thickness: this is sometimes performed through a dozen, when it is made perfectly even and smooth; the elevation and two sections of the whirtles are shown above the machine. By this means lead pipes are drawn out in lengths of from 10 to 12 feet; after which, by a process termed burning, they are united together; this is performed by passing through one pipe an iron core, which enters a few inches into the other, and a small iron mould put together in two halves over the ends of the two pipes, which are brought close together. Melted lead is then poured into the mould, which runs out by a hole in the bottom; when the stream of lead has run a sufficient time to fuse the ends of both pipes, a slider is made to pass over the hole, and the mould being left full is suffered to cool, when the pipe is removed. Zinc or Spelter has a crystalline texture, is brittle at ordinary temperatures, and of a bluish white colour: at 300°, it is both malleable and ductile, and at a white heat is converted into vapour. When pure zinc is exposed to air and moisture, it acquires a dull colour from partial oxidisement; and great electric action takes place when it is in contact with copper, and the zinc decays in consequence. Its specific gravity is 7, and it has a great attraction for oxygen; the weight of a cubic foot is 4394 pounds. Oxide of Zinc is obtained by intensely heating the metal exposed to air; it takes fire at a red heat, if the air is freely admitted, burning with a very bright flame. Zinc Oxygen - 1 1 1 32 80 8 20 40 100 Sulphuret of Zinc (Blende) is found native, and is a brittle soft metal of a brown and Elack colour; its primitive form is a rhomboidal dodecahedron, and it is a most abundant mineral. The pure metal is obtained from it by roasting the ore, and afterwards distilling it when mixed with charcoal. Zinc Sulphur 1 32 66.5 1 16 33.5 1 48 100.0 Carbonate of Zinc (Calamine): when found crystallised, its primitive form is an obtuse rhomboid. Oxide of zinc Carbonic acid - 1 40 64.5 1 22 35.5 1 62 100.0 Zinc is obtained from the sulphuret and carbonate; the ore when broken is submitted to a dull red heat in a reverberatory furnace, when the carbonic acid is driven off from the calamine, and the sulphur from the blende: it is then mixed with of its weight of powdered 10 charcoal, being first ground and thoroughly washed, and distilled by the application of a red heat; the metal being put into earthen pots with iron tubes cemented into the lower parts, dipping into water, where it is collected, and afterwards cast into cakes. A bar of zinc 12 inches long, and 1 inch square, weighing 3.05 pounds, expands in length at one degree of heat and melts at 648°; it will bear, without permanent alteration, a pressure on a square inch of 5700 pounds. Zinc is used for the preservation of iron, by electro deposition. The iron is first rendered perfectly clean and free from oxide, by placing it in a bath of heated sulphuric acid and water; then in a cold solution of sulphate of zinc. The positive pole of a galvanic battery is attached to a zinc plate, and the negative to the iron to be covered; the pure metal is deposited, and the zinc and iron are amalgamated. Wooden troughs are em- 670 Book f1. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ployed for the process, and iron plates so covered are extensively used for roofing, and do not after many months exhibit any signs of decay. The iron being coated with zinc in a cold solution does not in any way change its condition; but when the zincing of iron is performed, by steeping it in a bath of melted zinc, a combination takes place between the two metals, and a brittle alloy is the consequence, the iron losing all its tenacity. Tin is usually prepared from the native oxide, its oxygen being removed by charcoal: the purer kinds are called grain tin, and the others block tin. The common ores are known under the name of mine tin, and furnish a less pure metal than the stream tin. Tin has a silvery white colour; its specific gravity is 7-3, and air and moisture have little effect upon it: it melts at 442°, and is converted into a white oxide by exposure to heat and air. The specific gravity of the native peroxide of tin is 7, and its primitive crystal an obtuse octohedron. Protoxide of Tin: specific gravity 6·6: Tin Oxygen 1 58 87.8 1 8 12.2 1 66 100.0 Bisulphuret of Tin, (Aurum musivum, Mosaic Gold,) is a mixture formed by heating per- oxide of tin, which contains two of oxygen and one of tin, with its weight of sulphur. Bisulphuret of tin is also formed by decomposing perchloride of tin by sulphuretted hydro- gen; it is quite insoluble in the acids, except nitro-muriatic; it forms the bronze powder used by paper-stainers. Tin - Sulphur 1 2 1 58 64.4 32 35.6 90 100.0 The weight of a cubic foot of cast tin is 455.7 pounds, and the weight of a bar 12 inches long and an inch square is 3·165 pounds; it expands, according to Smeaton, at one degree of heat and melts at 442°. 72510' It will bear on a square inch 2880 pounds without any permanent alteration, and an extension of length of 10 Compared with cast-iron, its strength is 0.182 times, its extensibility 0.75 times, and its stiffness 0.25 times, cast-iron being considered as unity. 1600 Copper is found native, and of its ores the most remarkable are the oxide, sulphuret, sul- phate, carbonate, chloride, arseniate, and phosphate. It has a red and brilliant colour, is malleable and ductile, melts at a dull white heat, or at 2548°, and in oxygen gas burns with a green light; when long exposed to moist air a green crust of the carbonate is formed upon its surface. The weight of a bar 12 inches long and 1 inch square is 3-81 pounds, and its length is increased by one degree of heat 10900. Its specific gravity is 8.8, and the cohe- sive force of a square inch is 33,000 pounds when hammered. Copper is principally pre- pared from the native sulphuret of copper and iron, which is heated with a flux of charcoal and siliceous matter; the sulphur is first expelled, and the metals oxidated; the oxidated iron forms a slag with the flux, and the charcoal reduces the oxide of copper. When the ore is broken, it is heated in another reverberatory furnace, where it is fused, and the re- mainder of the slag removed from it, when it is cast into pigs, which are again broken up and melted with a portion of charcoal. The metal is rendered malleable by constantly stirring it when in the furnace with a pole of green wood, and it is afterwards cast into cakes 18 inches by 12, the weight of a cubic foot of which is 549 pounds. Oxide of Copper is black, insoluble in water, but with acids forms coloured salts. Copper Oxygen 1 1 1 32 8 40 80 20 100 Sulphate of Copper (Blue Vitriol) is formed by dissolving peroxide of copper in diluted sulphuric acid; its crystals are of a fine blue colour, and in rhomboidal prisms. The com- mon blue vitriol is obtained by exposing roasted sulphuret of copper to air and moisture, but it is often impure, from the iron and zinc it contains. When animal substances are im- bued with it and dried, they remain as it were preserved, and it has been employed in a state of solution to immerse timber for the purpose of preventing the dry rot. The crys- tallised sulphate of copper contains Oxide of copper Sulphuric acid Water 1 40 32 1 40 32 5 45 36 1 125 100 CHAP. II. €71 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. Sulphuret of Copper is an artificial compound. Copper Sulphur 1 32 50 1 16 50 1 48 100 Carbonate of Copper (Malachite) is found native, but never regularly crystallised; it is of a fine green colour, but sometimes of a beautiful blue. Oxide of copper Carbonic acid 2 1 1 80 78.43 22 21.57 102 100.00 ALLOYS OF COPPER. Ormolu is an alloy of copper and zinc in equal quantities, melted at the lowest temperature at which copper will fuse; they are then stirred together, and when thoroughly mixed, a further quantity of zinc is added in small quan- tities, until the alloy has attained in the melting pot the desired colour. It should be observed that the zinc will fly off in vapour if the temperature is too high, and the residue will become spelter, or hard solder only; but when the operation is properly managed the alloy will acquire first a brassy yellow, then, by adding a little more zinc, a purple or violet hue, and afterwards become perfectly white, which is the proper hue for the compound in a fused state. Sterling or Standard Gold consists of 11 of gold and 1 of copper specific gravity 17.157. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, usually in the proportions of from 12 to 18 per cent. of zinc; its specific gravity varies from 7-8 to 8.4. It may be also made by mixing 50 parts of oxide of copper, 100 of calamine, 400 of black flux, and 30 of charcoal powder; these melted in a crucible till the blue flame is no longer seen, a button of brass of a golden colour is found at the bottom, weighing about one-sixth more than the pure copper ob- tained from the same quantity of oxide. Pinchbeck, or Dutch Gold, contains more copper than exists in brass; a little tin is some- times added. Speculum Metal is an alloy of copper, tin, and arsenic. Bell Metal and Bronze: the former consists of 3 parts of copper and 1 of tin, the latter of from 8 to 12 of tin with 100 of copper; when a shrill sound is required zinc in a small proportion is added, and sometimes lead. Bronze requires its texture to be softened when heated, and then suddenly cooled. Tinned Copper.—Vessels intended to be tinned have their surface cleaned and washed with sal-ammoniac; a bit of tin then rubbed over it unites and covers the copper. Gun Metal: copper 663, tin 336; another variety, copper 764, tin 236. Bronze for Statues usually contains 0·20 parts of tin. In an ancient Egyptian poniard was found 85 copper, 14 tin, and 1 iron: in a mirror 62 copper, 32 tin, 6 lead. German Metal: copper 534, nickel 175, zinc 291; it resembles silver of 18 carats; it is employed in the manufacture of all ornamental works where silver is used: 90 parts of copper, 5 of zinc, and 5 of antimony, is the best alloy to make plummer's blocks for the iron or steel gudgeons of machinery to run in. The Copper and Tin Mines in Devonshire and Cornwall may be considered to commence at Dartmoor and terminate at the Land's End. The surface of the country is gently undu- lating, the loftiest hills rarely exceeding 1000 feet above the level of the sea, and the planes at their bases are in general from 100 to 200 feet above high-water. The highest peaks are granite, and the lower hills and the plains consist of various slates. The granite may be said to occupy Dartmoor, the neighbourhood of Rough Tor and Brownwilly, the Hengsbarrow district, the Cairn Bren range, which is separated from that of Wendron by a narrow slip of slate near Pendarvis, and the western tract, which extends from St. Ive's to the Land's End. Granite is also found at Kithill, Brenge, and St. Michael's Mount, and in a few other localities. All the other parts of Cornwall (except the Lizard district, which is of serpentine,) may be considered to consist of slate of various kinds. The granite, in general cross-grained and of porphyritic structure, contains felspar, quartz, and mica; but in some places the mica is replaced by talc; the rock is then called China-stone, the felspathic portions of which, when decomposed, are washed out and pre- pared as porcelain earth for the manufacture of earthenware. In some of the granite schorl abounds. In the year 1838, 28,000 tons of this porcelain clay and China-stone were exported from Coruwall to the Potteries. The slates are in general felspathic, and near the granite their structure is often com- pact, whilst at greater distances they are lamellar and schistose in their structure, and still farther off they become fissile, and make excellent roofing slates. The laminæ of the slates usually dip from the granite, round the flanks of which they are symmetrically arranged, 672 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. which has occasioned it to be observed, that the granite peaks rise like islands in an ocean of slate. The range or bearing of the masses of granite is about north-east and south-west, and the mines occur on both sides of it. Both the granitic tracts and the slates in their vicinity are intersected by veins or dykes of a porphyritic felspar rock (provincially called Elvan). These veins have been traced for miles, passing uninterruptedly through both granite and slate; their usual direction is about 20° south of west, and they are generally several fathoms in width where they fall in contact with the veins they appear as if they had been portions of the strata. The schistose varieties of the slate formation, considerably above the granite, contain beds of limestone, which coincide in position with the slaty laminæ, but are more generally irregular and unconformable. The metalliferous veins or lodes have an average direction of 4 degrees south of true west, but the general bearings are not the same in other parts of Cornwall: those of St. Just, for example, run about 35° north of west; in the same district, and even in the same mine, (as at Dolcoath, East Wheel Crofty, &c.), there are often two series of lodes, one bearing nearly east and west, whilst the others, called counter- lodes, are nearly south-east and north-west. The dip or inclination of the lodes is about 60° or 70° from the horizon, and four out of six may be said to incline towards the nearest mass of granite; the lodes near Dart- moor are for the most part flatter than those in the west of Cornwall. Taken on the whole they appear tolerably straight in direction and in inclination, but when examined in detail, it will be found that they exhibit almost continual curvatures or irregularities; still, however, these flexures seem projected on certain lines, which have considerable con- stancy. The width of the lodes on the average is about 3 feet, but they vary from a mere line to 40 or 50 feet; each lode seems to have a natural or casual breadth of its own. The composition of the lodes is as variable as the nature of the rocks through which they pass; the greater number is composed of earthy matter, of the nature of the contiguous rock, mixed with large quantities of quartz. These ingredients are sometimes in separate veins, but for the most part are mixed without regularity or order; through them the metallic ores are dispersed, sometimes thickly, or in irregular lumps connected with each other by small veins of ore; in other cases the ore is very sparingly sprinkled through the earthy matter of the vein, and in some rare instances forms the larger part of its contents. The masses of ore in the lodes usually dip from the granite, and the deepest parts of the mines are consequently farthest from where that rock appears at the surface. There is a second series of veins which run nearly at right angles to the lodes, called cross-courses when they are composed of quartz, and flucans when of clay. The general direction of the former is somewhere about south-east and north-west: their dimensions are variable, being perhaps on an average 2 feet; their dip fluctuates, but as a general rule, it is greater from the horizon than that of the lodes. It has been already mentioned that quartz and clay form the larger part of their ingredients: this clay is invariably of the same character as the contiguous rock. Tin and copper ores are occasionally found in small quantities in the cross veins, and in two or three instances silver and its ores have occurred to some amount. The chief metallic produce of this class of veins is lead ore, but they seldom yield it in the neighbourhood of lodes which are productive of other metals; it being a general law in Cornwall, that two series of veins, at right angles to each other, are seldom found productive in the same district. Both the lodes and cross veins ramify and divide, and whilst the one which is rich will sometimes within a short distance dwindle away, that which is small will often enlarge and become productive. As these two varieties of veins run at right angles to each other, they of course frequently meet and intersect. There are a few cases of the lodes traversing the cross veins, but in the larger number of instances the cross veins cut through the lodes, and occasionally simply intersect them, but generally a displacement attends their contact; the separated portions of the lodes not occurring exactly opposite to each other on both sides of the cross vein. These displacements are called heaves, and although they are usually for a few feet or fathoms only, yet some cases are on record where the discordances are as much as 20, 30, or 40 fathoms, and in one instance 72 fathoms. It is not easy to lay down a rule for finding again the second portion, but it is perhaps rather more frequent to discover it on the side of the obtuse angle formed at the intersection than on the acute. It is obvious that on whatever portion of the lode we approach the cross veins, the other will be found towards the same hand; the separated portions are more commonly found towards the right hand than the left. These heaves are the most intricate and baffling pheno- mena with which the Cornish miners have to contend. There is a third series of veins bearing parallel to the lodes, which are generally of small size, and consist of clay, called slides. These are confined to the slate districts, and seldom metalliferous: they interscet the lodes on the lines of their inclinations, and cut off the lower CHAP. II. 673 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. from the upper parts, producing similar displacements vertically as those which the cross veins occasion horizontally. Taking the granite and slate with the lodes which traverse them, it appears that the largest part of the tin ore obtained in the west of England is from lodes in the gra- nite, and that of copper ore from veins in the slate, though the richest masses of tin ore yet discovered have been in slate, whilst the bunches of copper ore found in the granite have in a few instances been as large as any which have occurred in slate. It is a prevailing and apparently well-founded opinion among practical miners, that the lodes are most productive near the junction of the granite and slate rocks; accordingly the mines, instead of being irregularly distributed over the face of the country, are clustered together near the lines of these junctions, and the heaps of rubbish separated from the ores may be traced in such situations for considerable distances on the lines of the chief lodes, rising in some cases amidst rich fields, and destroying the vegetation like streams of lava from a volcano. The St. Just mines form one group near the Land's End, those near St. Ive's another, at the opposite ends of the same granite mass; those of Breage a third, subordinate to the granite of Godolphin and Tregoning hills. The Crowan and Gwinear mines stand at the western extremity of the Cairn Brea and Wendron granite, whilst those of Camborne and Redruth skirt it on the north, and those of Wendron on the south, and the Gwennap dis- trict occupies its eastern flank. In like manner many of the St. Agnes mines are located near a small patch of granite at Cligger Point; those of St. Austell are grouped on the skirts of the Hengsborough granite; whilst the mines near Callington and Tavistock are contiguous to the Kithill and Dartmoor ranges. TIN ORE is also found in deposits generally considered diluvial, mixed with the debris of different rocks, covered with an alluvial bed. Repeated washing by means of running water being the chief process to which such tin is subjected, the designation of stream-work is commonly applied to this method of obtaining the ore. In a solitary instance at Carnon, this stratum of tin stuff is removed by subterraneous excavation, the alluvial bank or over- burthen being too thick to be taken off, and it is subject likewise to be covered by the sea at high water. Mines of iron and manganese, giving employment to a considerable number of persons, fall also within the district above described; among them those near Lostwithiel are the most important. The ore lies in a vein, nearly vertical, and of an average thickness of 10 feet. The greater part of this mine is worked open to the surface, and the access to the underground part is by levels: the greatest depth does not exceed 50 fathoms. The manganese mines, which are chiefly situated on the borders of the two counties, are like- wise very superficial, the workings being seldom carried more than from 20 to 30 fathoms from the surface. Antimony has also been raised to some extent, but the foreign ores of this metal have of late years almost monopolised the market, and very few persons are now employed in obtaining it. The mines of tin, copper, and lead, with the latter of which metals silver is generally united, are those which present the characteristic features of the mining of the west of England. When it is known or thought probable that a lode which will repay the cost of working exists in a particular locality, the usual course of proceeding is to sink a shaft vertically to a certain depth, which shall intersect the lode. If this cannot be done, a gallery or level is driven or excavated at right angles to the shaft, in the assumed direction of the lode, and continued till it is reached: in either case, when reached, a level is driven hori- zontally along its course, the miner working upwards and removing the rock from above. It must depend on the thickness of the vein and its inclination, whether it is necessary to excavate any of the adjoining rock, and to what extent. Meantime the shaft being sunk still deeper, another gallery or level is carried along the vein or lode, usually about 10 fathoms below the former, and the metalliferous stone intervening between the two levels is subsequently removed. This process is repeated again and again, and as the workings become more extensive in length, additional shafts become necessary. Horse and water power are made use of for effecting the earlier operations, but the steam-engine is employed in most of these mines; and as they increase in depth and extent, very powerful machinery is needed to raise the excavated rock and the water. Shorter shafts, called winzes, are formed at intervals between the levels, for the purpose of ventilation. In proportion to the dip or inclination of the vein, there must be an advance in a horizontal direction, as the depth of the workings increases, which renders a communication necessary from the lower levels to the surface, in a more direct manner than can be furnished by the shafts. At a very early stage of this process, a separation is established between the shafts by which the men pass to and from their work, and those in which machinery is employed. This separation is effected by a boarded division in a single shaft, or by devoting two distinct shafts to these purposes; excepting the occasional raising of men and boys in buckets through short distances, ladders are the universal means of ascent and descent in these mines. Many of the shorter shafts, or winzes, are provided with ladders, so that the course taken X x 674 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. by the miner is commonly not one of continuous descent and ascent, but varied by his traversing at different intervals a considerable length of horizontal galleries. Mr. De la Beche in his geological report has estimated the value of the mineral exported produce of Cornwall and Devon in 1837, as follows:- · Copper Tin Manganese Lead China-stone and clay Granite 952,855 415,518 40,000 3,000 43,000 24,500 The smallest height of the levels in Carnon mine from which a stuff is removed is 5 feet, and the thickness of the vein of ore 3 feet; 13 fathoms from the surface of the ground. £ 1,478,873 horizontal bed of tin and the ore is about St. Ive's Consols well illustrate the character of the greater part of the tin mines. The smallest height of the levels is seldom less than 6 feet; the thickness of the bed or vein of ore is from a few inches to 10 feet, and sometimes more than double that in width. The lodes in this district enter the rock at the surface, at an angle of 50°, 60°, or 70°, from the horizon, and sometimes almost vertically, and if productive, from any given level to another, are regularly cut away, after first supporting the sides and roof of the level with timber frame-work fitted to the angle of the lode, which in few cases proves otherwise than completely safe and secure. The workings below the level or surface of the ground vary from 30 to 147 fathoms, and 20 fathoms from the adit. In the Charlestown tin mines the smallest height of the levels is 7 feet, and the thick- ness of the bed or vein of ore is from 3 to 10 feet. In the copper mines in the central district, in the United Mines for instance, the levels in the ancient workings do not exceed 5 feet high and 2 feet wide; but those made recently are about 7 feet high and 4 feet wide. The veins are nearly perpendicular, and vary from 1 inch to 9 feet wide: the ores are got from between 40 to 220 fathoms from the surface. In the Consolidated Mines of this district, the deepest, the smallest height of the level is 6 feet, and width 21 feet: the openings in the platform, from one ladder to the other, 18 by 12 inches; the thickness of the vein of ore varies considerably, sometimes being 8 feet, at others a few inches only. The veins do not incline much from the perpendicular, and consequently the levels are driven 6 feet high, and the ground above is worked afterwards. The ore is sometimes found nearer the surface than the adit level; but in general it is worked from 20 fathoms from the surface, to the 260 fathom level below the adit, the deepest point being nearly 300 fathoms from the surface. In the large copper mines of the Levant in the western district, the height of all the levels is 6 feet, and from thence to the next level 10 fathoms or 60 feet; the thickness or width of the whole vein, where the ore is found, is on an average about 4 feet. The vein, almost perpendicular, having a small declination only, is worked by the side at first, and taken down afterwards. The adit or sea level is 30 fathoms under the surface, and the ore in work from 70 to 230 fathoms below the adit. In the Eastern Cornwall district, the Fowey Consols copper mine is the most con- siderable; the smallest height of the levels is not less than 6 feet, and often 7 feet or more, where air-pipes are required for ventilation. There are no horseways in these Cornish mines; the twenty lodes vary in thickness from 8 feet to only a few inches. When the lodes are perpendicular, and of a sufficient size for the levels to be driven, they do not cut away any of the overlay or underlay, as the lode is very rarely perpendicular. The air of these shafts and levels is more condensed than that on the surface, with a temperature higher in proportion to the depth. There is no reason to believe that any gas except carbonic acid is generated from the strata in these mines: where they have been carried beneath beds of alluvium, which are periodically submerged, some of the inflammable compounds of hydrogen are at times emitted. The natural temperature at different depths, and in different strata, is given by Mr. Henwood, who personally inspected 200 mines in Cornwall and Devon, and made several hundred observations on the temperature of the streams of water which flowed from the unbroken rocks. Depth in Fathoms. Surface to 50 50 to 100 100 to 150 150 to 200 200 and upwards - In Slate. 57° Fahr. 61.3 68 78 85.6 In Granite. 51.6° 55.8 65.5 81.3 When work is carried on, there is of course a rapid exchange of oxygen for carbonic acid, by means of the respiration of the miners, the burning of candles, and the blasting CHAP. II. 675 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. which takes place; when the gases generated by the explosion of gunpowder are diffused a thick smoke fills the shaft or level. The following analysis shows the extent of impurity of the air in the places in which the men are employed. From eighteen samples the summary of the analysis was, oxygen 17.067, carbonic acid 085, nitrogen 82.848, and in one instance the quantity of oxygen was reduced to 14·5], and in another the carbonic acid was 0·23. These results exhibit a lessening in the pro- portion of the vital ingredient of the air from its usual per centage, 21, and an increase in a directly noxious ingredient, carbonic acid gas, from 0·05, its ordinary amount, calculated to produce effects sufficiently injurious to those who for hours together inhale such a fluid. Ventilation is produced by the sinking of various shafts at short intervals, beneath the lowest levels, and establishing free communication between them as speedily as possible. But no method hitherto introduced is adequate to maintaining the air in a state of purity; every mine is more or less wet, as it constitutes a receptacle for the waters permeating the strata through which it passes. The Adit is the drain through which the water, lying above its level, and a great part of that raised by machinery, is discharged. One or more of the deepest shafts are appro- priated as wells, from whence the water is raised by steam power, a preliminary process involving the greatest difficulty and outlay connected with the working of many mines. Such a well or pit at the bottom of the engine shaft is called the sump, and when the water has been so far removed as to admit of the workings being carried on in the lowest levels, it is said to be in fork. Mines in slate are generally more wet than those in granite. When the mine is situated near the coast, its drain or adit generally opens on the surface, at a point a little above the level of the sea, and when inland the deepest valley in the neighbourhood is the place of its discharge. In some cases a large common adit has been driven a little above high water into the centre of an upland mining district, and the separate adits of the several mines opened into this general drain. In many mines a large quantity of water is constantly poured through the interstices and fissures of the strata, and it is often at a temperature so much lower than that of the air in which the miners are at work, that they are subject to very serious chills from this cause. Ladders are the universal means of ascent and descent, the distance between the levels being generally 60 feet; a single ladder in former times reached from one to the other, but the most usual length at present is from 4 to 5 fathoms. In the perpendicular shafts the inclination is commonly such that the ladder may nearly traverse the breadth of the shaft ; from 18 to 21 inches in the fathom is the inclination which experience has determined to be the best calculated to facilitate the progress of the miner, being that which enables him to stand upright on the ladder with the leg clear from the stave above, so that the effort is divided between the upper and lower extremities. The distance between the staves is generally 12 inches, in some old ladders they were 14 inches apart, but 10 inches is found the best for facilitating the climbing, by which one-fourth of the labour is estimated to be saved. The staves are of wood, though iron is in some instances preferred, in others it becomes slippery and rough from the corrosive action of water impregnated with copper, &c. Each ladder usually terminates on a sollar or platform, which leads to that below, which is generally placed parallel to that above; trap doors are provided over each man-hole to prevent accidents, but closing them obstructs the free ventilation. The principal tools used by the miners are picks for working the rocks, borers and mallets for making the holes for blasting; these are often sent up and down in the bucket (kibble) in which the ore or rubbish is drawn to the surface, but the miner very commonly carries with him from 10 to 20 lbs. weight of tools, there being a constant necessity for hardening and sharpening them, which is done at the smith's shop; in some mines this is established un- derground, which is very advantageous, the weight of coal sent down being only one-fortieth of that of the tools sent up. The dress of the miner is of woollen, consisting generally of trowsers, shirt, and jacket; he does not wear stockings, but puts on a pair of thick shoes, and covers his head with a strong felt cap, hemispherical on the crown, and broad-brimmed, about 2 pounds in weight; on this he usually sticks his candle by means of a lump of clay, attaching another to a button. These habiliments are, unless the miner lives near at hand, usually kept at the mines in the changing-houses, where the ordinary dress is left until he comes up from his work. The great body of the miners underground are employed in excavating the rock, whether for the sinking of shafts, the driving of levels, or the removing of the veins of ore, which operations require the almost constant application of the explosive force of gunpowder. The greatest part of the work consists in beating the borer, that is, in driving an iron cylinder terminating in a wedge-shaped point, by blows with a heavy hammer (mallet), whilst it is turned by another hand. The necessity or advantage of making the hole in a particular direction often constrains the miner to assume every variety of posture; he is even compelled at times to lie on his side. When the rock has been bored to a sufficient depth, the charge is introduced and rammed down with a X X 2 676 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. tumping iron, a particular clay being used for wadding, a certain length of safety fuse keeping up the communication with the powder; when fire is applied the miners retire till the explosion has taken place. It is not often that the safety fuse misses fire, but accidents now and then arise from its burning more slowly than usual, which may occur from too tight ramming down, when the impatience of the miner induces him too early to examine into the cause of the delay, and the explosion takes place before he withdraws. After the blasting the pick comes into requisition for the removal of the partially separated angular pieces of rock; in soft ground the use of gunpowder is only occasionally re- quired. These works are done by the piece; the miner contracts to excavate the rock in a certain situation at so much per solid fathom; this is denominated tut-work; or he undertakes to excavate the vein, and to fit the ore for the market, at the price of so much in the pound of the sum for which the ore is sold; then it is called tribute. Both these contracts are to a certain extent speculative; but whilst the former involves only the un- certainty of the nature of the ground, which in these strata is not ordinarily great, the latter is dependent on the character of the vein, as well as on its size and richness, which are ex- ceedingly variable in the majority of mines; the consequence is, that while the tut-workman receives pay approaching, in the regularity of amount, to that of the daily labourer, the tributer is on one occasion absolutely a loser, and on another receives a sum unusually large for a person in his rank of life; he is in fact a co-adventurer with the owners, but one who risks nothing but his time and labour. The methods by which the contracts are let tends, however, to equalise, in a great measure, the average monthly earnings during periods of considerable length; at certain stated times, generally at an interval of two months, the work to be done in different levels is put up to be contracted for. Each place of work (pitch) requires a certain number of men and boys, determined by the agent, the partnerships between the individuals being entirely voluntary. The greater part of the men who are employed in a particular mine are generally present on these occasions; at any rate one of each party is there to com- pete for the contract. The agent, who acts as auctioneer, commonly standing in the window of the counting-house of the mine, names a particular place of work, as the 140 West of Doctor's Shaft; some one immediately names a price, and in a great majority of cases this is one of the party who has been working in the place in question, and no one underbids him, but the agent states a lower price, which is accepted. Where the contract is taken by the party which had it before, it is generally throughout the mining districts a rule not to disturb those who have been in possession of a pitch: it is the assurance springing from this, which sometimes induces a party of miners when a new pitch, one which has not hitherto been worked, is set up, to take it for nothing, or next to nothing. They expect to establish themselves in the mine, and on the next setting day, they pro- bably obtain a remunerating price. There is of course an opposition of interests between the owners, whom the agent represents, and the labourers, and the object of the latter is to make the former believe the ground harder, and the veins poorer than they are. He, on the other hand, forms his own judgment on these points by an accurate examination within a day or two of the setting, and fixes his price for the most part so that average wages may be gained by the men. It is clear, however, that where a tribute pitch is at present poor, he must be cautious in giving a higher price, as there is always a possibility of a rapid increase in the size of the lode, and the value of its produce. The contracts are generally good from one setting-day to another, or for two months; but longer terms are often given, where the work to be done is known to be of equable value. The setting-day is usually the pay-day likewise; accounts are given to each party, stating the value of their work, and the deductions to be made from it. The sum due to the concern is received by one of its members, and divided afterwards among them. One considerable item in these bills is what is called the subsist, which is an advance made on account at the end of the first month of the contract, for the subsistence of the men and payment of the boys. Its amount is commonly determined by the value of the work already done: but in some mines the sum advanced is always nearly the same, and where the men are relied upon for continuing at their work, this pay is allowed for a number of successive months, until at length their contract becomes more profitable, and they are enabled to discharge the arrears. The most common ore of copper is the yellow sulphuret (bisulphuret), or rather copper pyrites, which is frequently combined with stony matter, blende, galena, mundic, oxide of tin, wolfram, and other substances in a smaller degree. The existence of either of these is matter of consideration for the smelter, in making a proper mixture of ores for the furnace. The smelting of copper ores in the West of England has been entirely discontinued, it being found more profitable to send them to Wales, as a return freight for the ships bringing coals to the mines. The Crushing Mill is not generally adopted on account of the difficulty of bringing the ore to exactly the proper size. The average quantity of copper contained in the ore is CHAP. II. 677 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. nace. rather less than 9 parts in 100; if it is pulverised too finely, which is difficult to prevent, especially when it is not very hard, there is a chance of loss in smelting, from the particles being carried up the chimney by the force of the draughts. For this reason copper ore, which has been pulverised in the stamping mill, generally sells rather lower than the other ores. In tin and lead ores there is also danger from the same cause as well as some loss, as they contain about two-thirds of their weight of metal when they are put into the fur- The other ores of copper are found in comparatively such small quantities that the large operation in preparing them for sale scarcely applies. The Grey Ore, chiefly a sulphuret with a small admixture of iron, is the second in importance, but relatively of rare occurrence. It requires no difference of treatment from that of the richer portions of the bisulphuret. The black ores, of which but a very small quantity is found (usually oxide of copper), are permitted to touch the water as little as possible, as they are often found in particles so fine as easily to be carried off by a small stream. There is probably no metal which exists in so few varieties as tin: except a little sulphuret, which has been found in combination with sulphuret of copper, all the tin ore is in the state of oxide. The tin and copper are sometimes so intimately mixed in the ore, and it is so difficult to separate them, that it becomes a subject of debate whether it should be sampled as copper ore, or carried to the smelting-house as tin. The tin ores raised in the west of England are smelted there, and the metal is brought to different degrees of purity for various purposes. stamping mill, as it merely requires some re- Parcels may be frequently seen, the greatest The richest stream tin is not taken to the duction of size to prepare it for the furnace. part of which consist of small pebbles, just as they were found in the stream, which require little or no calcination. But with this exception tin ore is all subjected to the stamping mill. The ore is in itself so rich, and consequently so heavy, that it is easily separated from the stony particles by the power of gravity. This mode would not be advantageous for the copper ores, as the trouble of effecting their separation would be far too great; none therefore of these ores are subjected to the stamping mill, except some of the halvans, which have been thrown aside from the other processes, to separate which pulverisation and subsequent dressing by water must be employed. The tin ore, which has connected with it the largest quantity of copper and iron pyrites, naturally yields the greatest proportion of arsenic. Copper ore is calcined by partial de- composition, to get rid of the sulphur and arsenic contained in it, and tin ore to decompose the ores of other metals connected with it, and to expel the sulphur and arsenic they contain; afterwards the tin ores are taken to the stamps, and a series of washings succeed, sometimes 100, before they are prepared for the calcining furnace. The portion of copper ores subjected to similar processes is comparatively very small, simple selection and pulver- ising being the only preparation necessary. In the preparation or dressing of the copper ores, the first step is the separation of the larger pieces raised from the smaller by a sieve called riddle or griddle. When this has been done, the process of picking the valuable portions of the latter from the worthless succeeds ; and this is the work which female children are first employed upon, whilst some of the youngest boys are engaged in washing up, or cleansing the stones previously to this selection: this is done in wooden troughs, through which a stream of water flows immediately in front of the pickers. The girls are seated or half recline on a table, and a small heap of the mineral being thrown before them, they select and it put into a basket, or otherwise separate the valuable pieces, and throw back the others into what are called the boxes, whence they are wheeled by boys to a large heap, which is again subjected to examination. This picking is carried on under a shed (hutch), open on both sides, for the convenience of washing in front, and of the carrying away the rejected portion at the back. The Riddling, mentioned as the first part of the separation of the larger from the smaller pieces of ore, is performed by girls of sixteen years old or more: the very large masses are broken or ragged by men; those somewhat sınaller are spalled by stout girls with long-handled hammers, much in the way in which the larger pieces of stone are bioken for the repair of roads. The riddling and spalling are performed in the open air. The fragments are next to be cobbed; this process is performed by girls, who are seated a little above the ground with an iron anvil at their side; they break the stones with a short-handled hammer, to about the size usual in the repair of roads, rejecting as they proceed the worthless and very inferior parts. The stones of ore are now taken to be bruised or bucked, where the further reduction of sizes is effected by the mill, called a crusher or grinder, now employed in pulverising of probably full half the copper ores raised. The manual process of bucking consists of pulverising by a sort of combined move- ment of percussion and trituration the pieces of ore already reduced to the weight of an ounce or two, being chiefly those brought from the cobbers; this is done with a broad square hammer 2 or 3 pounds in weight, worked with both hands, or sometimes with one only, whilst the other is employed in sweeping the ore within convenient range; the bucker x x 3 678 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. stands by a sort of counter, having iron anvils let into it at intervals. The pulverised ore is allowed to fall on the ground, from which it is afterwards swept up and measured into barrows, for each of which a certain price is paid. The substitute for this method of pul- verising copper ores is the crushing-mill; this consists of two parallel cylinders of iron placed nearly in contact, one of which is made to revolve, whilst the other is fixed so as only to yield to great pressure: the stones of ore thrown in from above are ground between these rollers, and a cylindrical sieve is placed beneath, which being inclined at an angle of 45°, and turning on its axis, allows the particles which have been sufficiently pulverised to pass through its holes, whilst the larger pieces fall out at the bottom and are returned to the mill. The working of this machine is attended with the suspension in the air of a great quantity of mineral dust, often of a very suffocating nature; when inhaled even cursorily it is found to produce ill effects upon the lungs; the ores are wetted for the purpose of lessening the escape of this dust, and any consequent loss. A further separation of the more valuable part of the pulverised ore is effected by the process called jigging, which consists of keeping the whole of the mineral particles suspended in water, for a time sufficient to allow of the subsidence of the more ponderous portion; this is done by the agitation of the water in the sieve in which the broken ore is placed; the more finely pulverised part passes through the interstices of the sieve, and the heavier pieces of larger size occupy the bottom, sufficiently separated to admit of the light and worthless stone being removed from the top with a piece of wood. The agitation of the water was formerly produced by hand labour, and in many instances boys are employed at this work the jigger is obliged to bend forward over the water, across which he generally strides and shakes the sieve (usually 1 or 2 feet in diameter) beneath the surface of the water; when the separation of the several portions of the mineral is judged to be effected, the sieve is lifted out and the refuse removed. Machinery has superseded this process in a large proportion of the works: two methods are in use, by one of which a succession of sieves are kept in motion under water, by means of a connection with a water-wheel or steam-engine; and in the other, the water itself, in which a number of sieves are immersed, is kept in a state of agitation by the motion of a body in the centre. Whichever of these contrivances is adopted, the only manual operations required are the supply of the mineral, and the removal of the worthless portions from the surface. The inferior portions of the copper ores, from which the metalliferous particles cannot be extracted by the methods described, is subjected to the stamping mill, as are almost all the ores of tin; the mineral is reduced by the action of these heavy hammers to a fine powder, which is carried by a stream of water through the perforations, made in a set of plates of iron surrounding the boxes in which the stamps work. A series of washings of this powder succeeds, the principle of which is the carrying off the lighter particles by a current of water of graduated power, and allowing the more ponderous to remain and subside. The number of these washings, amounting in some tin mines to about 100 from first to last, causes the employment of a large number of boys and girls. The operations called trunking, buddling, &c., chiefly fall to the lot of the former, together with the clear- ing out of the slime pits, in which the mineral mud is collected, and wheeling this slime for further dressing, all of which are carried on in the open air. The more delicate manipulations are generally intrusted to females: among these what is called framing in some districts, and recking or rucking in others, employs a great number; in this the girl stands at the side of a very shallow wooden frame inclined at a moderate angle, and open at the foot at the head of this, on a ledge more or less raised, a portion of the metal- liferous mud is extended, and being divided by a light rake, a gentle stream of water is allowed to find its way through it, and to carry it gradually to the frame below; by a skilful direction of the current, the lighter portion is carried off at the bottom, and the heavier is thrown beneath the frame by tilting it into a vertical direction upon the pivot upon which it hangs, and throwing water with the shovel upon its surface to wash off any portion which might adhere to it. The tin ores, after these successive cleanings, are removed to the calcining furnace, and are subjected to several further washings: in some of these the girls sit within and at the lower part of a long wooden trough, and direct the gentle current of water with a light brush or feather over the sur- face of the ore. Sampling finally preparing and dividing the ores for sale: this division into separate parcels is done by females; the general heap, containing some hundred tons, is sur- rounded by a number of pairs of girls with handbarrows, which are filled from the edge of the heap by a party stationed round in a regular succession, directed by a girl appointed to the post; the barrows are then carried off rapidly, as the germs of a certain number of distinct parcels, and to each of these a barrow-full is added in regular order, so that the total number in every one is the same: those who fill the barrows exchange places after a time with those who carry them; the latter have during their turn by far the harder work, the barrows usually containing about 1½ cwt. IRON. The ores of iron are extensively diffused throughout the mineral kingdom in CHAP. II. 679: COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. every part of the globe, and are found in small quantities in some animal and vegetable · bodies, in several mineral waters, and in every soil; it is also met with in combination with sulphur and with several acids. It is of a bluish grey colour, and a dull fibrous fracture, capable of being brought to a brilliant polish; it is fusible at a white heat, is extremely ductile, but cannot be hammered into very thin plates. It is the most tenacious as well as the hardest of the malleable metals. It is oxidated by air and by water, and by many other acids; but air in a dry state, or water free from air and acid, exert but little influence over it; the rust being occasioned by an exposure to a moist atmosphere. It is easily moulded into any shape, drawn into wires of the greatest fineness and strength, rolled into sheets or plates, hardened or softened, welded by heat and rendered permanently magnetic, and converted into tools of every description; indeed it is scarcely possible to limit the various purposes to which it may be applied, and it may be justly considered as the most useful of all the metals: its specific gravity is 7·77. It is obtained in England principally from the carbonate of iron of the coal formation, which usually yields about 30 per cent. of cast metal, or sometimes as much as 40 per cent. The carbonate of iron consists of two varieties, the compact and the sparry. The compact comprises most of the clay iron-stones, and those found in the coal measures of a flat spheroidal form; its colour is either a yellowish brown, brick red, or reddish grey, with a fracture close-grained; it yields a yellowish brown powder; it will not effervesce with either of the acids, and it has a slightly argillaceous smell when breathed upon. The slaty clay between the seams of coal affords abundant supply of this ore; it is frequently found in continuous beds, sometimes 18 inches in thickness. The sparry carbonate of iron has a lamellar fracture, a yellowish grey colour or brownish red; it slightly effervesces with nitric acid, and changes to a reddish brown: its primitive form, when crystal- lised, is an obtuse rhomboid, and the crystals often contain quantities of carbonate of lime. This ore is found in the mountains of gneiss, in combination or mixed with quartz, copper pyrites, oxide of iron, and carbonate of lime of different varieties. Natural steel is produced from it, and in England and Scotland it produces from 30 to 33 per cent. of cast metal. The richest specimen, analysed by Dr. Colquhoun, which had a specific gravity of 3·05, gave, in 100 parts, Carbonic acid Protoxide of iron - Lime Magnesia Silica Alumina - Peroxide of iron - Carbonaceous matter Loss 35.17 53.03 3.33 1.77 1.4 •63 •23 3.03 1.41 100.00 and its contents in metallic iron were 41.25. Three-fourths of the iron manufactured in Great Britain is obtained from the coal fields of Dudley and South Wales; the former is very favourably situated, as the ore, the limestone flux, and the clay for making fire-bricks, are all obtained with the coal. At Merthyr Tydvil in Wales, the iron-stone is found in abundance in about sixteen beds of slate clay, in nodules of various size, both below and above the coal seams; in this district there are upwards of thirty blast furnaces, and the iron is chiefly converted into bars. Of the Assay of Iron Ores.-To obtain all the iron contained in the ore, it must be first deoxidised, and the temperature so raised that the metals and earths will melt, when a button of iron will be found at the bottom of the crucible; to effect this, and to overcome any refractory earth, borax is usually added as a flux, taking care that the ore is finely powdered before being mixed with it; it is then placed in a crucible which is previously coated or lined with hard-rammed damp charcoal dust. The ore and flux is also covered with the same material. The crucible is then closed with a well-luted lid and fire-clay, and placed in a furnace, where the heat should be moderate at first, in order that the moisture of the damp charcoal should be slowly passed off, and the deoxidation completed. This is effected within the hour, when more fire is applied until a white heat is obtained, which is kept up for a quarter of an hour; the crucible being then allowed to cool, the button of cast-iron is weighed, and the result denotes the quality of the ore from which it has been obtained. This method of assaying is called the dry way, and requires a tempe- rature of 150° of Wedgewood. To effect the assay in the humid way 100 grains of the ore, finely powdered, are digested with nitro-muriatic acid, when, of the numerous compounds mixed with the iron, silica or alumina will alone be thrown down. Any effervescence that takes place in the cold dilute XX 4 680 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. indicates by the loss of weight the quantity of carbonic acid gas which has escaped. The acid contents are then evaporated to dryness and digested in water, when the silica is alone found insoluble. The solution somewhat acidulated, and oxalate of ammonia added, the lime is precipitated in the form of an oxalate. Alumina and the oxide of iron are also precipitated by ammonia. The manganese may be thrown down by hydrosulphuret of potash, and the magnesia by carbonate of soda. The red oxide of iron contains 69.34 of metal, and 30.66 of oxygen. To ascertain the quantity of iron contained in 100 parts without reference to the other materials comprised in the ore, a more simple method may be adopted. Hot nitric or muriatic acid is poured upon the ore, the solution filtered, and supersaturated with am- monia, when the iron oxide and alumina are alone thrown down. This red precipitate, digested with potash lye, gives the oxide of iron nearly pure. Native iron is occasionally found, and is considered as of meteoric origin, in consequence of its containing a small quantity of nickel, the usual alloy of meteoric stones. Iron and Oxygen.-Heat, air, and moisture, have the effect of oxidising iron, and con- verting it, according to circumstances, into either a protoxide or peroxide, and the two latter are salifiable bases. Protoxide of Iron is seldom found pure; it is of a dark colour, and usually contains a small quantity of the peroxide; it is obtained by burning iron in oxygen, which when heated red-hot drops in the state of oxide. It is insoluble in water, tasteless, and of a black colour. Its equivalent is 28, and it contains Iron Oxygen 1 28 77.6 1 8 22.4 1 36 100.0 Peroxide of Iron is in the state of a red powder, when sulphate of iron is decomposed at a very high temperature; the colour varies according to the method adopted to obtain it; sometimes it is of a yellow brown, which acquires a darker tint by heating. Iron rust consists of the peroxide in union with water, and traces of carbonic acid and ammonia are found in it, the acid being derived from the air, the ammonia from the nitrogen of the air combining with the hydrogen of the water. Iron Oxygen 1 28 70 11/1 12 30 1 40 100 Iron and Carbon.-Cast-iron and steel are bodies which contain more or less carbon, and, as already observed, it is from the carbonates of iron in a native state that the chief metal is obtained. The clay iron ore of our coal districts is an impure protocarbonate of iron. The Protocarbonate of Iron consists of Protoxide of iron Carbonic acid - 1 36 62 1 22 38 58 100 Iron unites with chlorine in two proportions, viz. the protochloride and a perchloride. Native Sulphurets of Iron. Among these are the magnetic pyrites, which is a proto- sulphuret of iron, and the common pyrites, which is a bisulphuret, crystallised in a variety of forms, having their origin in a cube; their colour is a brass yellow; they are used to produce green vitriol, or sulphate of iron, and as a source of sulphur in the pro- duction of sulphuric acid. The Bisulphuret of Iron contains Iron Sulphur 12 1 28 46.6 32 53.4 60 100'0 Sulphates of Iron are used in the preparation of ink, Prussian blue, peroxide of iron, and carbonate of iron. Protophosphate of Iron is found native in the state of a blue earthy powder, and sometimes in prismatic crystals; it is said to contain Phosphoric acid Protoxide of iron Water 31 41 28 100 CHAP. II. 681 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. Iron combines with cyanogen, and forms several important compounds, uniting in various proportions with other bodies. Prussian Blue is a ferrosesquicyanuret of iron, and has a peculiarly rich colour, of an intense blue with a copper tint on its surface; it is in- soluble in water, in alcohol, and in dilute acids; the anhydrous variety consists of Iron Carbon Nitrogen 7 196 45.5 - 18 108 25.2 - 9 126 29.3 1 430 100- Alloys of Iron. — Iron and potassium form a white soft alloy, which effervesces in water; that of iron and manganese is white, hard, and brittle, and is said to give a peculiar character to steel. Salts of Iron are generally soluble in water, and the solution by exposure to the air becomes of a reddish brown; with ferrocyanuret of potassium, a pale or deep blue preci- pitate; and with the hydrosulphuret of ammonia a black precipitate. The Persalts of Iron, as the permuriate and the persulphate, furnish a red precipitate, when the solutions are concentrated, upon the addition of sulphocyanic acid and the soluble sulphocyanates: none of the metals precipitate iron in a metallic state, zinc and cadmium excepted. The weight of a cubic foot of cast-iron is 450-5 pounds avoirdupois, and of wrought 468.8 pounds, the weight of a cubic inch of the former being 260 pounds, and of the latter 281. It has been found that 93,000 pounds upon a square inch of wrought iron is sufficient to crush it, and that it will bear 15,000 pounds without any apparent change in its particles. The quantity of pig-iron, manufactured in South Staffordshire in the year 1839, was es- timated by Mr. Mushet as amounting to 346,2133 tons, and in Shropshire 80,940 tons, being together nearly two-thirds of the whole quantity made in the United Kingdom. The materials for its manufacture are coals, ironstone, and limestone; the first, when intended for the cold-blast furnace, previously to its application, is made into coke; the ironstone undergoes roasting and calcining, and the limestone is broken into small lumps: after these operations they are mixed, or thrown into the blast furnace, in certain definite pro- portions. The Coke is made by burning the coal in large heaps 4 or 5 feet high in the open air, the pieces being placed side by side, care being taken that they lie sufficiently loose near the ground to admit of a free current beneath them; these heaps contain as much as 20 or 21 tons. In some parts of Staffordshire, a brick funnel 2 feet in diameter, with occasional side apertures, is carried up to the height of 4 or 5 feet, and around which the coal or slack is heaped and continually watered. After the fire has been burning for 4 days, the coke is sufficiently made, and water is thrown over it to extinguish the fire and carry off the sulphur: 2 tons of coal so treated produce 1 ton of coke. In Shropshire the heaps do not generally contain more than 13 or 14 tons, and are suffered to burn 10 or 12 days, when a light blue lambent flame makes its appearance; the sides are covered with wet coke dust, and afterwards the top. Calcining the Ironstone. The ironstone in Staffordshire and Colebrook Dale is argil- iaceous. In some pits it is in bands 1, 2, or 3 inches thick, with measures of indurated clay, perhaps several feet thick, between; in others it is in boulders distributed through a bed of indurated clay, or of clay and sand. The boulders vary in size from that of a small apple to masses weighing many hundred weight. The usual form is that of a flattened spheroid; after the ironstone is taken out of the pit, it is laid in heaps exposed to the sun and air, for the purpose of evaporating as much of the water as possible. Before calcination the larger boulders are broken into pieces about the size of a man's fist, that the fire may act equally on all. The ironstone is burnt on the ground like the coke, a layer of coals of several inches in height is laid down with the points touching the ground, so as to admit the air below; upon this is a layer of ironstone, then another of coals alternately, until the heap, becoming narrower with every layer, terminates in a point, after which small coal is spread over the whole, and fire is introduced at the bottom: this gradually spreads along the ground, penetrating upwards through the whole heap, and lambent flames are seen issuing between the pieces of the ironstone; in ten or twelve days the operation may be completed, and the ironstone being cooled is ready for the furnace. The effects of calcining the ironstone are, to drive off first the remaining water, which would materially diminish the quantity of iron produced in the furnace, and injure its quality; secondly, the sulphur, which would produce the same effect; thirdly, the carbonic acid, which adds considerably to its weight, as it does to that of chalk or limestone. If the fire be continued too long, the ironstone, and all metals similarly treated, imbibe oxygen, and its quality is injured. 682 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Blast Furrace generally resembles externally a round tower, or it is square at the bottom, and circular at the upper part; occasionally it is entirely square, but in either case its internal construction is the same. The exterior of the roof is flat, and from its centre rises a cylindrical structure, which serves as a chimney, from 20 to 25 feet high; it has an opening at the side called the filling place, into which the coke, ironstone, and limestone, are thrown. In many furnaces the external wall round the top is raised 10 or 15 feet higher than the floor, to protect the people employed from the cutting blasts of the wind. In Staffordshire, when the ground is level, the blast furnaces rise like the towers of an ancient castle, and the ascent to the top is by an inclined plane; the materials and the fillers are sometimes hoisted by the steam-engine, working ropes over a pulley at the top. In Shropshire advantage is often taken of the difference of level of the ground, and the furnaces are built on the lowest part, so that the top may be even with the surface above; by such an arrangement the materials can be wheeled and thrown into the furnace without any difficulty. In these furnaces A represents the regu- lating cylinder, 8 feet in diameter and height; B, the floating piston loaded with weights, proportionate to the power of the machine; C, the valve, 26 inches long and 11 inches wide, by which the air is passed from the pump- ing cylinder into the regulator: D, the aper- ture by which the blast is forced into the fur- nace, its pipe being 18 inches in diameter; the wider this can be made the less is the friction, and the more powerful the blast; E is the blowing or pumping cylinder, 9 feet high, and 6 feet in diameter, the piston within it having a stroke of from 5 to 7 feet; F, the TO E A B Fig. 586. S N M R L H I T SECTION OF IRON FURNACE. K. D blowing piston with its valve or valves, of which there are sometimes several distributed over the surface of the piston, the area of each being proportioned to the number; G is a pier of stone or masonry supporting the regulating cylinder, to which is attached the flanch and blowing cylinder; H is the safety-valve or cock, by the simple turning of which the blast may be admitted to or shut off from the furnace, passing to a collateral tube on the opposite side. I, the tuyere, by which the blast enters the furnace; the end of the taper pipe which approaches the tuyere receives small pipes of various diameters, from 2 to 3 inches, called nose pipes; these are applied at pleasure, as the strength and velocity of the blast may require. K, the bottom of the hearth, 2 feet square. L, the top of the hearth 2 feet 6 inches square. K, L, the height of the hearth, 6 feet 6 inches; L is also the bottom of the boshes, and where they terminate of the same size as the top of the hearth, only the former is round and the latter square. M, the top of the boshes, 12 feet diameter, and 8 feet perpendicular height. N, the top of the furnace at which the materials are charged, commonly 3 feet diameter; M N, the internal cavity of the furnace, from the top of the boshes upwards, 30 feet high; NK, total height of the internal parts of the furnace, 44 feet. lining; this is done in the nicest manner with fire-bricks made on purpose, 13 inches long and 3 inches thick. PP, a vacancy round the outside of the first lining, 3 inches broad, and filled with coal dust; this space is allowed for the expansion which might take place in consequence of the swelling of the materials by heat when descending to the bottom of the furnace. QQ, the second lining, similar to the first. R, cast-iron lintel, on which the bottom of the arch is supported. RS, the rise of the arch; ST, the height of the arch on the outside, 14 feet and 18 feet wide. V V, the extremes of the hearth, 10 feet square; this OO, the CHAP. II. 683 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. and the bosh-stones are always made from a coarse-gritted freestone, whose fracture presents large rounded grains of quartz, connected by a cement less pure. The height of the entire furnace is 55 feet, and its diameter at bottom 38 feet. The cost of a pair of blast furnaces in the Dudley district is about 18007.; when 40 feet in height they require for their construction 160,000 bricks, 3900 fire-bricks, and 825 boshes. A furnace 50 or 60 feet in height will produce 60 or 70 tons of cast-iron per week; from 50 to 55 feet high, 60 tons; and two of 45 feet in height together, 100 tons. 3½ tons of coal, including the coal of calcination, are required to obtain a ton of cast-iron, and the workmen's wages amount to about 15 shillings; 14 tons of coke, 16 of roasted ore, and 63 tons of limestone, being thrown into the furnace every 24 hours, allow a run of 7 tons of pig-iron every 12 hours. In many parts of Wales these furnaces are of much larger dimensions; that at the Plymouth iron works at Duffryn, near Merthyr, is 18 feet in diameter in the boshes, and 10 feet at the top or filling place, the height being 40 feet; it contains 7000 cubic feet, and when at work 150 tons of ignited materials for the smelting of the iron. In some of the largest furnaces 20,000 cubic feet of atmo- spheric air is forced into them every minute, by a pressure of 1½ lb. upon each square foot: their form varies in different districts, and when built against a Fig. 587. SECTIONS OF IRON FURNACE, side hill they have a flat wall, and the blast is admitted at the front. The air apparatus is put in motion by a steam-engine, and the noise may be heard for many miles; the rod is made to force down the piston to the blowing cylinder, E, when two valves open, which allows the air to pass above the piston; by drawing it back the valves are shut by the pressure of the air above them, which being brought into a smaller space forces open the valve as the pis- ton rises air rushes into the vessel, and : as the piston begins Fig. 588. PLANS OF IRON FURNACES. The to descend, the valve is shut close by the force of the air. The heavy weights upon the piston now press it down, and force the air through the opening, and along the pipe with great violence into the furnace, with a constant and unintermitting stream. air in the furnaces becomes very much heated, and passes up with great force through the materials, which by the heat are gradually melted, and slowly subside downwards, whilst fresh materials are put on at the top; about 36 hours is the time that it takes for a charge to get down to the hearth. Instead of the regulator, just described, several furnaces have a large vessel or a reservoir, made of plates of wrought-iron in the form of a cylinder, rounded at each end; the usual length is about 20 feet, and the diameter 8 feet. air is forced into this precisely in the same way as in the vessel, and passes from it in a continuous and powerful stream into the blast furnace. The diagram shows only one air-blast directed towards the furnace, but in practice there is one from the other side, and generally another from the back of the furnace; the melted metal is let out from the front; a roof over head shelters the men engaged under it in the operation of casting; this is called the casting-house. The The hot blast has been used with effect in Staffordshire and Shropshire; the general principle is, that instead of forcing the air into the blast furnace at the temperature of the atmosphere, it is previously raised to from 600° to 700° Fahrenheit by traversing a number of tubes which pass through a large fire made in a building at the back of the furnace. practice the air is considered sufficiently hot when a jet striking against a piece of lead will melt it and cause it to fall in drops. In The effects of this invention in the iron trade have been very great: the operations of the furnace go on more rapidly, a greater quantity of iron is made from the ironstone, and there is a saving in fuel and limestone; raw coals may also be used instead of coke, which diminishes the expense. In Staffordshire some hot-blast furnaces are worked with raw coals only, but in others a 684 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. mixture of two parts raw coal and one part coke is preferred. At those of Woombridge in Shropshire, the proportion is half coal and half coke; but even this is a great advantage. The iron produced by the hot-blast is not only less expensive, but for some purposes it is infinitely superior, for instance in fine castings, ornamented on the surface with delicate figures when poured into the moulds it will enter into every line, however fine, almost like a Daguerreotype. For all articles, on the contrary, that are made by passing wrought- iron through the rollers, a stronger iron is better adapted. : In the districts of Staffordshire and Shropshire about one-third of the furnaces are blown by the hot-blast, and two-thirds by the cold blast: that part of a furnace which first requires to be repaired is the hearth, or lower part of the interior, into which the iron glides down from the melted materials. The hearth is made of sandstone, which resists heat; the most noted quarries of which in Staffordshire are at Gornal, about two miles from Dudley, and belong to the geological formation called the millstone grit. A furnace may require to be renewed in four years, and sometimes it may last seven or eight. A new furnace takes con- siderable time to dry thoroughly, and afterwards to heat, and then to be gradually charged with materials, ironstone, limestone, coke, or coal, so as to bring it into a proper state for the making of iron. When it is intended to discontinue a furnace, it must be blown out, as it is called, for if the blowing were suddenly to cease, the melted and half-melted materials would all vitrefy into one solid mass, and adhere to the sides of the furnace, which would involve the taking it down: hence it becomes necessary to continue putting on fuel and blowing until the whole contents has descended in a melted state to the bottom, and been let off. A furnace in full operation is charged by a set of hands, consisting of men, young people, and boys: the boys fill coke into baskets or barrows, and ironstone and limestone into what are cal ed boxes, though they resemble baskets. The young persons and men convey these materials to the filling place at the top of the furnace, and a certain proportion of each is thrown in, according to the orders given from time to time; to ascertain the proper quan- tities, an acquaintance with the peculiar qualities of those found in the district is necessary. A skilful and trustworthy person is required to superintend the weighing of the ironstone and limestone, for which proper machines are provided; for the coal or coke the eye is sufficient. There are generally two furnaces together, sometimes three, and when one is charged the people proceed to the other; they have never many minutes to rest, until after 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when the furnace is usually quite full; the blast is then stopped for a time, until the melted iron and cinder be let off. In about ten hours, some- times a little more, a hole is bored in the sand and clay at the bottom of the hearth; the liquid iron flows out, and runs into a broad mould, with a number of smaller on one side, prepared for it in sand, on the floor in front of the hearth; these moulds are called the sow and pigs, and in conformity with this expression the iron is called pig-iron, and also crude- iron. Sand is sprinkled over it to prevent its cooling too rapidly, which would injure its quality. The cinder or liquid mass, composed of the clay and lime, with silex and a por- tion of iron, is then let off, and flows round a piece of iron, by which it is held fast when cooled, and to which a crane pulling a chain is attached; the whole mass is hoisted upon a waggon, and carried off from the surface to the further part of the cinder hill. If intended to be used as road materials water is thrown on it before it is quite cooled, and it readily breaks. The cinder has to be let off several times in the course of the twelve hours, gene- rally every hour and a half, or every two hours; in some furnaces it is allowed to keep continually running off. The furnace-master observes from time to time the appearance of the melted cinder, and from it he is able to ascertain the condition of the furnace, and gives his orders accordingly, as to the proportion of the several materials. The people are re- lieved every twelve hours; the day set takes the nightwork every alternate week; the change is effected by the set at work during the day on the Sunday continuing all night till 6 o'clock on the Monday morning, that is called the double turn. Moulding and Casting.—The pig-iron is found to be of various qualities, dependent on the quantity of carbon which has entered into combination with it during the process of smelt- ing. The iron called No. 1. in commerce is highly carbonated, the most fusible of all, and most fluid when melted, and therefore the best adapted for fine castings, giving a smooth surface, and filling up the finest parts of the figure moulded. That called No. 2. is less fluid when melted, but better adapted for articles requiring strength and durability. The No. 3. is used for castings where very great strength is demanded; it may also be made into bar-iron. In order to be made into articles of cast-iron, the pig-iron has to be melted a second time. Moulds in the form of the articles to be cast are made of a mixture of sand and clay in boxes, laid on the floor of the foundery: the iron is melted in a furnace, let out into large pans, and then carried and poured into the moulds and left to cool. A great deal of casting is made from the iron as it comes from the blast furnace, as water- pipes, rails for tramways, broad flat pieces of iron for the flooring in front of the iron furnaces, &c. &c. Refining of Iron. The furnace is generally small, being about 3 feet square at the base in the inside; the bottom is of hearth brick, and the front, back, and sides are of cast-iron, CHAP. II. 685 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. made hollow, so as to allow of a constant stream of water flowing through them to resist the neat of the iron; holes in the sides admit blasts of air, in the same way as in the blast- furnace. The pig-iron is laid in the refinery with the coke, and blasts of air passing through the flames are dashed against it, and the iron is melted; in about two hours or less, the metal is ready to be let off into a mould. In the process of refining a portion of the worst parts of the iron is left behind; the chemical change is effected by a separation of a part of the carbon united to the pig-iron; when cooled the iron is broken into pieces of a manage- able size. Much less iron is now melted in the refinery than formerly, a method of con- verting pig-iron into malleable iron having been discovered without refining, which for many purposes answers exceedingly well, and is more economical. Malleable or Wrought-Iron.-There are several kinds of pig-iron unfit for casting, but which undergo other processes in order to be made into malleable or wrought-iron, which is not brittle, like the former, and is so ductile that it can be drawn out to a considerable length, and to the fineness of wire. It may be welded, that is, two or more pieces may be hammered together into one: it is the iron ordinarily used by blacksmiths. For its con- version into malleable, the pig-iron has to be puddled, and then beat under the forge ham- mer, and passed through rolls or hollows in two iron cylinders, rolling round near to each other, which force it into long bars; it is then cut into pieces by a pair of shears, the pieces are laid over each other, heated in a furnace, and again passed between the rollers, by which it is forced into the shape intended. Puddling Iron.-To undergo this process the iron is put into a furnace, the fire being at one end, and a chimney of sufficient height to produce a strong draught at the other. The flames raised by the draught are drawn upon the iron, pass on, and the heated air goes up the chimney. In some iron works each puddling furnace has a chimney to itself, and twenty or thirty or more such chimneys may be seen; but in others the air from all the puddling chimneys is conveyed to one more lofty than the rest, creating a still stronger draught. In about half an hour or less the iron becomes soft; it is then heated until it is fluid, when it soon begins to boil. The puddler now stirs it with iron rods, bringing every portion of the iron under the action of the flames: after a time the boiling and fermentation cease, and the iron becomes thick and adhesive. The puddler now divides it into parts, and rolls each part separately, until it has acquired something like the form of a ball, when the pieces are taken out to be subjected to the action of the great forge hammer. The puddle furnaces, the forge hammers, and the puddle rolls are employed day and night, on account of the great labour and expense of fuel in heating the furnaces if allowed to cool, in order to bring them again into a fit state for working: two sets of hands are con- sequently required, who take the night and day work alternately. Forging the Iron. The iron being in ill-shaped masses, called balls, one is taken from the puddling furnace, by means of a rod of iron, with a sort of hook at the end, and is then laid down to be forged, which is effected either by squeezing it forcibly between large pieces of iron, worked by the steam-engine, called the squeezers, or subjecting it to the blows of the forge hammers, by which means the cinder mixed up with the pure iron is driven off in a shower to a considerable distance, and a piece of iron is formed, somewhat resembling a brick, but from four to six times as large. This is immediately passed between the Puddle Rolls, two huge cylinders, in which are grooves, similar in shape to the mass itself, so that when they revolve the iron passes through them, and is squeezed into a longer form. A boy on the side opposite to the workman lays hold with the tongs of the end of the iron, and places the end which comes out last against the upper cylinder, the motion of which carries it back again to the side where the workman called the roller stands, who then places the piece in the next groove, which as it passes through is still further elon- gated, and this process is repeated four times, when the iron becomes a bar, although a thick one. On a line with the two cylinders already mentioned are two others, their grooves being flat and broad, such as a bar may be laid upon, and there is a corresponding flat piece of iron in the upper cylinder to press upon it. The bar is now under the care of a second workman, who places it in the groove, through which it passes, and is elongated. It thus goes on through successive operations, becoming longer and more slender, until at last it is 10 or 12 feet long. It is then withdrawn, and laid on a large flat piece of iron, and beaten by boys with wooden mallets, while it cools; others stand by the bar, in order to keep it straight. The usual method until lately was to puddle only the refined iron, or that which had been smelted first in the blast furnace, and then again in the refining furnace. Of late years a practice has been introduced of puddling a mixture of pig-iron and refined iron, in Staffordshire called plate, thereby saving the expense of refining, and also the loss of metal always occasioned by that process; still greater economy is effected by dispensing with the refined iron altogether, the loss upon which amounts to about 12 per cent., which added to the expense of refining will make altogether a difference of 2 pounds per ton. It is true that the iron so manufactured will not be so good, and may lose some- thing more in passing through the rolls, but for most purposes it answers sufficiently 1 686 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. well; though there are many cases in which that made by the less economical indispensable. process is Rolling Mills.-The iron having undergone so many operations, having been smelted from the ironstone, refined, puddled, forged, and drawn through puddle rolls, might be supposed to be brought to a perfect state of manufacture; but there is still another process before it is fit for sale and common use. The puddle bars are cut into pieces of equal length by shears, made of hard steel and moved by the steam-engine, with apparently as much ease as if they were cutting paper : four or five, sometimes as many as seven or eight, of these pieces are laid upon each other and placed in a balling furnace, very similar to that in which it is puddled, and are heated by a hot blast, driven against them with sufficient force to render the iron soft, so as to be capable of welding or uniting together, but not to become fluid; they are then taken from the furnace, and passed between rolls, just in the same manner as in the puddle rolls, the inclosed space between the rolls becoming smaller and smaller, until the bar is drawn out to the intended length and size, when it is finished wrought-iron. This process is applicable to every variety of purpose, from the rails for a railway to the small bars or rods for making nails, plates for the boilers of steam-engines, and the various por- tions of iron boats or ships, and other things requiring great strength. Some of the plates are afterwards tinned for culinary vessels, &c., by being dipped into a solution of tin in sulphuric acid, which is called pickle; when withdrawn they are found coated with tin; the acid having a stronger affinity for the iron unites with it, and the tin is deposited on the surface. The plates are afterwards rubbed and polished. Steel is a carburet of iron, and of great value, in consequence of its being readily tempered to any degree between extreme hardness to softness. These different states are produced by raising the temperature, and then suddenly plunging the metal into cold water, or some other fluid; the hardness is destroyed by heating to redness, and then leaving it gradually to cool. At a white heat it becomes less malleable than at a red heat, and brought to a very high degree it fuses, and returns to its original state of pig-iron. Its increase in weight is from 4 to 12 ounces per hundred weight; there are three different qualities, as natural steel, steel of cementation, and cast steel; the first acquires some peculiar properties from the manner in which the ore is treated. Steel of Cementation, bar of blistered steel, is manufactured in bars, and none is superior to that made from Swedish iron; the furnace employed for this purpose has an hearth of an oblong quadrangular form, divided by a grate into two parts, on each side of which is a chest built of firestone grit; these are each from 10 to 15 feet in length, and from 2 to 3 feet in width and depth; the sides are 3 or 4 inches in thickness, and the space between them is about 12. These chests do not rest upon the sole of the furnace, but are so placed that the flame plays freely all round them; the heat is regulated by an opening in the arch, or sides of the furnace, which conducts to the chimney. The breadth of the grate varies according to the nature and quantity of the fuel em- ployed; the whole furnace is constructed under a conical hood or chimney, 50 feet high, which has a thorough draught, produced by numerous air-holes at the bottom of the grate. The furnace being prepared, bars of iron of a proper quality, a little less in length than the chests or troughs, are put upon the bottom, on which has been previously spread a layer of charcoal dust; layers of iron bars and charcoal are then alternately put in, and the whole covered over with clay to exclude the air, which, if allowed to enter, would destroy the pro- cess; the bars are not suffered to touch each other in the trough, and the fire is continued for three or four days, till the temperature of 100 degrees by Wedgewood is obtained, at which it is steadily maintained for six or ten days if necessary. When the cementation is complete, the workman draws out a bar, and examines the blisters on it: if not sufficiently changed, the air is again excluded, and the process continued, but if in the required state the fire is put out, and the steel is left to cool for eight days, when the process for making blistered steel is completed. The blisters are formed by the bursting of vesicles on the surface, filled with carbon in a gaseous state; on the interior blistered steel is irregular in its texture, has a white colour like frosted silver, and exhibits crystalline angles and facettes, which inrcease in size the longer the cementation has been continued, or the greater the quantity of carbon applied. The imbibing of the carbonaceous matter renders the steel unfit for any useful purpose, until it has undergone the operation of tilting, which is performed by submitting it to a powerful hammer, weighing 2 cwt., lifted by machinery, and giving from 300 to 400 blows per minute. Hammering improves the malleability, and renders the steel peculiarly adapted to the manufacturing of edge-tools and cutting instruments of all kinds; this property has acquired for it the name of shear steel. Cast-steel is made from blistered steel broken into small pieces and packed in fire-clay crucibles, with a small quantity of powdered coke; the crucibles contain about 30 pounds of steel, and generally serve for three charges. They are placed in a furnace the CHAP. II. 687 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. cavity of which is like a square prism lined with fire-bricks, and the smoke is conducted into a lofty chimney. Cast-steel will not bear more than a cherry red heat without becoming very brittle; it cannot be welded together, but will unite with iron through the intervention of a fine film of vitreous boracic acid, and the latter metal may be plated with cast-steel, by pouring the liquid steel from the crucible upon a bar of iron laid in a mould with the upper face polished; the adhesion becomes so perfect, that the two metals may be rolled out together, and instruments made of it will have the toughness of iron combined with the hardness of steel. According to Mr. Mushet, carbon combines with iron in the following proportions to form the different carburets: Soft cast-steel Common cast-steel White cast-iron Black cast-iron T20 100 23 1 13 and the specific gravity of steel varies from 7.31 to 7.91, which is that of the best ham- mered: so great is the affinity of iron for carbon, that it will absorb it from carburetted hydrogen or coal gas, and thus become converted into steel. Hardening Steel is performed by putting it into a charcoal fire, and when the metal has acquired a red heat, it is suddenly plunged into cold water; where these plates are required to be hardened, they are plunged into oil and tallow, or bees-wax and resin, as the water would render them too brittle, and cause them to crack. Tempering is effected by again submitting the metal to the action of fire; as the heat increases it becomes softer, and when the requisite degree is arrived at, it is withdrawn and quenched in cold water. To an experienced workman, the degree of temper is indicated by the colour; for springs or where elasticity is the object, it is quenched when the colour assumes a fine blue: when a fine edge is required it is brought to a straw colour, whilst the back of the instrument is left blue. For magnets, the ends of the bar only are brought to a blue colour, as the harder the whole bar is left the better is the magnetism retained, although communicated with more difficulty in the first instance. The heat required by Fahrenheit's scale to produce Very pale straw yellow, was Light purple Dark blue Pale blue and for all a free access of oxygen is required. 430° 530 570 590 Alloys of steel with platinum, gold, and nickel, may be made when the heat is sufficiently powerful. Founding or Casting of Iron. Iron intended for the foundery receives a high charge of carbon, whilst the bar or malleable iron must be deprived of it; consequently a different process must be adopted in the manufacture of these two varieties: that intended for the whitesmith, as already described, is put into a furnace where it is exposed to air and heat only, without the fuel coming in contact with it; that for the foundery must be remelted in close contact with the fuel, and excluded almost entirely from the air; hence as it melts it takes up an additional quantity of carbon when cast into pigs. There are varieties of pig-iron; the grey, which is the best, another of a medium quality, and one which is not much superior to the forge-iron. The finest soft iron, when struck with a hammer, scarcely yields any sound, like a mass of lead; its fracture shows little lustre and is coarsely granular, whilst the inferior quality is very brittle, easily broken by the hammer, and gives out a sound like a bell; its fracture is shining and of a silvery whiteness, with no granular appear- ance. Iron which after casting is required to be turned on the lathe, filed, or drilled, should be of the purest quality: where, however, great strength is required, and the casting is to be used as when taken from the mould, the medium quality should be preferred; when it is to be applied to the ram of a pile-driving engine, or for an anvil, the third quality should be selected on account of its hardness. These three varieties of iron owe their qualities to the carbon, the best containing the greatest proportion; when this is running from the furnace, a large quantity of carburet of iron floats on its surface, denoting it to be a superior kind. The Cupola and Air Furnace.—The first is used for small, the latter for large castings; the cupola requires a blowing machine of some kind, whilst the air-furnace has a sufficient draught created by means of a lofty chimney. The open Sand Casting is applicable to flat plates, where one side is rough or uneven; the mould is made of sand of a peculiar kind, having its grains of an equal size, and not of a nature to vitrefy when highly heated; this is mixed with enough loam to give it when moistened the property of being moulded into the form required; it must also be sufficiently open to allow the escape of air or steam when the hot iron is poured into it. 688 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The sand is usually passed through a sieve, and the surface made hard and level by continuous beating with a rammer, and then smoothed by a trowel: an edge of the same material to confine the casting is formed around it, by first laying laths of the thickness of the intended plate on the prepared bed, and then making the border or edge close to them; the laths are then removed, and the metal is poured into it. To prevent the casting from cracking as it cools, the moment it sets it is covered with a thickness of 3 or 4 inches of dry sand. Fig. 589. FLASK CASTING. Flush or Box Castings require a more perfect model or pattern, which is usually made with boxes or flasks as they are termed, either out of wood or metal, put together in such a manner as to admit of being lengthened or shortened, and thus adapted by bolts and screw fasten- ings to an endless variety of forms and sizes. To make a casting two boxes are required; one is placed nearly on a level with the floor of the foundery, which is previously covered with sand and which forms the bottom : into this is put the moulding sand, which is well rammed in until a sufficient bed is made for the introduction of the previously prepared pattern, the centre line of which should about range with the top of the box; the whole is then filled up level with moist sand; this being pressed or rammed in and made smooth at the top, a quantity of perfectly dry sand is sprinkled over the surface, to occasion a parting or separation when the upper box is placed upon it; before this is filled, it is necessary to provide a vent for the escape of the air when the metal is poured in, and for the gate, a funnel-shaped channel that is to admit it: these two openings are preserved by placing two upright rods, slightly tapering, in the position required previously to filling the upper box with sand, which when rammed in, the box is to be lifted up and the pattern taken out, leaving its impression in the sand: this requires some skill and adroitness on the part of the workmen, who, by moistening the pattern with a little water, consolidate the sand immediately around it, and its liberation is rendered easy; should any breaking down of the sides of the mould take place, it must be repaired and made perfect. When the casting is to be hollow, as in cylindrical pipes or columns, it is necessary to introduce a core which shall corre- spond in dimensions with the void required, and the formation of this core demands considerable skill: a core barrel is made by twisting hay bands round an iron column, wetted and bound carefully from one end to the other; this is covered with well- tempered wet loam mixed with cow hair; were clay used it would burn into a brick or hard substance. When the core is thus prepared, it is rendered true by turning in a lathe, after which it is hardened in a stove or oven constructed of bricks with racks or shelves in it, and closed with iron doors: when the core is taken out, it is covered with finely ground coal-dust mixed with water, and when dried it is ready to introduce into the previously prepared mould; the heat of the metal poured in burns away the hay, which separates the iron core from its coating of loam, and when the iron begins to set the barrel is withdrawn, and the loam is scraped or chiseled out. The process adopted by John Weichard Valvasor, of Carniola, of casting statues very thin is given in the Philosophical Trans- actions, vol. xvi.: he first formed with good clay that endured the fire, and would not crack either in drying or burning, the figure or statue to be cast: when the model was quite dry, small holes of moderate depth were made over its entire surface, into which were placed small pieces of metal, to keep the core and mould from touching each other, or from falling together; a portion of the clay was then scraped away to as much as was in- tended to constitute the thickness of the statue, and the mould was placed in a furnace and heated red-hot: when cold, it was rubbed over with an earth used by the German potters to colour their tiles, resembling black lead, for the purpose of making the metal flow freely over it; yellow wax, mixed with pitch or resin, Fig. 590. STAtue casting. was then spread over, to the thickness of the metal to be given to CHAP. II. 689 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. The the statue, which was performed with great care, and constituted a perfect model. whole statue was then covered with smaller pieces of wax, in the direction intended for the channels of the metal, and of the necessary size; some being, as shown, considerably larger than the others; the whole was then coated with similar clay to that which formed the core. The great channels met at the top of the model, and formed apertures where the metal was to be poured in, but there were others provided by which the air could escape when the metal entered; at the bottom, or at the feet of the statue, a hole or two was left, where the great channels and waxen statue join; the wax forming the covering and the channels then ran out, and the mould was again submitted to a red heat after this it was placed in a pit, and the same process adopted as for casting bells: to ascertain the quantity of metal, it is only necessary to weigh the wax, and compare it with the weight of metal to be used. The statue of Lord Hopetoun, erected in 1834 at Edinburgh, was cast in a somewhat similar manner at the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich: a model made in plaster of Paris was covered over with a thin shell, composed of a number of pieces fitted nicely together, and which could be taken asunder, and after the model was removed again built up; the work was commenced at the bottom by covering a portion of the shell with sand to about 1 or 1 inches in thickness, to which was added about 12 inches of plaster of Paris, which uniting with the sand, formed one block; the remaining part of the statue being com- pleted with similar blocks, so arranged that they could be removed readily without disturbing the sand when the whole was finished: tubes were introduced with the plaster for the ad- mission of the metal and for the escape of the air, and iron rings let into the blocks for the convenience of removing them. After the shell was complete, the whole was taken to pieces and removed to the casting pit, where it was carefully rebuilt, and the interior filled with the material to form the core; it was then a second time taken to pieces, leaving the core of the shape and dimensions of the original statue; from this sufficient was scraped off to allow for the intended thickness of the metal; the shell was then put together as before, and a space left between it and the core for the operation of casting. Green or dry Sand Castings.—In this process after the mould is made, the flask is placed in the stove, and there kept till the sand becomes perfectly dry before it is used a fire of char- coal is made all round it to heat the sand previous to the metal being poured into it, the casting of which is always of a superior kind, in conse- quence of its not being cooled down too rapidly; all castings intended to be turned or filed should be made by this process, moist sand rendering the surface of the iron refractory and hard, as well as injuring its quality. up Loam work is employed where large cisterns or cylinders are required, and is effected without moulds or patterns, by modelling in loam the object required. Supposing the work to be that of a steam-engine cylinder, upon a plate of metal is built a mould with very soft bricks laid in beds of loam; this being completed, it is plastered over with loam and hair, about an inch in thickness, dressed perfectly even by a striking board, which works on a pivot, and traverses freely round the whole cir- cumference: when dry, this is dressed over with a coating of coal and charcoal powder mixed with water. Fig. 591. LOAM WORK CASTING. The intended thickness of the metal is then set out, and another coat of loam without hair is put on, and being worked true by the striking board, which is adjusted for the purpose, represents the place of the metal; any bands or ribs may be moulded upon it, by cutting out their profile in the striking board. When this coat is dry it receives its black wash, which prevents one coat of loam from adhering to the other. Two semicircular plates of iron, having projecting arms and their insides made to the curvature, are now placed on the foundation plate; on these are built the external case of the mould, or the jacket, in two cylindrical halves, in the same manner as the core, but of Y y 690 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. greater thickness: the several parts, when dry, are then easily removed by a crane, con- veniently placed for the purpose, over a pit sunk in the ground deep enough to hold the casting. The two halves of the jacket are first removed laterally: the intermediate coat of loam which occupies the place of the metal is then broken away, and the core is lowered into the pit, by means of chains attached to the iron plate upon which the core was built. The two jacket pieces are then lowered and properly placed; the pit is filled up with sand solidly around it, and a cake of loam is placed over the whole, with the vent and gate holes ; it is then ready for the reception of the melted iron, which is usually run at once from the furnace to the gate of the mould by means of a channel. To get the casting out of the pit the sand is first removed, the jackets broken to pieces, and then by means of the crane it is hauled up. Great care is requisite in withdrawing the pattern from the mould, and if attention be paid by the pattern maker to form the lower portions a little smaller than those above, the difficulty will be lessened materially; regard must be had also to the contraction of the metal in cooling, which varies under different circumstances. Of the Strength of Cast-iron Beams. From grey cast-iron yielding so easily to the file when the external crust is removed, and being slightly malleable in a cold state, it is preferred by the engineer whenever iron is to be employed in construction; it is also less liable to fracture when it receives a blow than the hard metal: it has a granulated fracture, of a grey colour, with some metallic lustre, and is softer and tougher than the white cast- iron, which is, however, less liable to rust, and less soluble in acids; the white cast-iron, when cast smooth, makes excellent bearings for pivots or gudgeons, and is very durable; it may be employed where hardness is required, and brittleness is not a consideration. Soft grey iron was considered by Mr. Tredgold the best for constructions of all kinds, and his calculations were made upon it. When the weight laid upon an iron beam is dis- tributed equally over it, the deflection is found to be the same as when five-eighths of the load is applied at the middle; in calculating, therefore, the strength of a brestsummer or any other beam, which is to be uniformly loaded, we must take only of the load as sus- pended to its centre. In putting an inch square bar of cast-iron upon supports 3 feet apart it broke wben 850 lbs. were suspended from the middle; and as cast-iron has its elasticity destroyed by about of the weight that will produce fracture, its permanent load should never exceed }} that amount, so that 850 lbs. may be considered the weight which an inch square bar of cast-iron will bear when its length does not exceed 1 foot. The transverse strength of a beam is as its breadth to the square of its depth, and in- versely as its length; so that a beam increased to twice its width will carry twice the weight; increased to twice the depth, it will sustain four times; thus by doubling its breadth its strength is doubled, doubling its depth its strength is quadrupled. A plate of cast-iron, 2 inches thick and 8 inches broad, will carry twice as much as one 2 inches thick and 4 inches in breadth, and the same placed on edge four times. The strength of a rectangular beam of iron, supported at both ends and loaded in the middle, is found by multiplying 850 lbs. by the breadth and square of the depth in inches, and then dividing this product by the length in feet: the quotient gives the weight in avoirdupois pounds. A bar of iron an inch in breadth, 4 inches deep, and 20 feet bearing, will sustain 680 lbs., for 850 × 1 × 4º 20 13600 20 = 680 lbs. The breadth of a beam is found by multiplying the length in feet between the supports, by the weight to be supported in lbs., and dividing this product by 850, multiplied by the square of the depth: the quotient thus found expresses the breadth. 20 ft. x 680 850 x 16 1 inch, the breadth required. The depth is found by multiplying the length by the weight to be supported in lbs. and dividing this product by 850 multiplied by the breadth: the square root of the quotient is the depth required, 20 x 680 850 × 1 = 16, the square root of which is 4 inches. The weight of the beam may be found by multiplying the area of the section in inches by the length in feet, and that product by 3.2, which will give the weight in pounds; 3.2 lbs. being the weight of an inch square bar 12 inches long, 1 x 4 × 20 × 3·2 = 256 lbs. As iron differs much in its quality, the breaking weight of an inch square bar has been found to vary materially; some writers have therefore made their constant number 925 or 1000, instead of 850, which was preferred by Mr. Tredgold. When the weight is placed on the axis of an upright column, or over the centre of the section of a short rectangular block of iron, to find the area that will resist any given pres- CHAP. II. 691 COMPOSITION AND USE OF OF MINERALS. sure; divide the pressure or weight in pounds by 15,000, and the quotient will be the area of the section of the block in inches. For story posts of warehouses or other buildings, the following table was calculated by Mr. Tredgold. A Table showing the Weight that may be placed with Safety on Cast-iron cylindrical Columns from 1 to 12 Inches Diameter. Feet. 12 Feet. 14 Feet. Length or 2 Feet. 4 Feet. 6 Feet. 8 Feet. 10 Feet. 12 Feet. 14 Feet. 16 Feet. 18 Feet. 20 Feet. 22 Feet. 24 Feet. Height. Diameter in Inches.j Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 1 18 12 8 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1/1/20 44 36 28 19 16 12 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 82 72 60 49 40 32 26 22 18 15 13 11 2 129 119 105 91 77 65 55 47 40 34 28 25 3 188 178 163 145 128 111 97 84 73 64 56 49 3/1/2 257 247 232 214 191 172 156 135 119 106 94 83 4 337 326 310 288 266 242 220 198 178 160 144 130 4/1/ 429 418 400 379 354 327 301 275 251 229 208 189 5 530 522 501 479 452 6 616 607 592 573 550 7 1040 1032 | 1013 989 959 924 8 1344 1333 1315 1289 1259 | 1224 | 9 1727 1716 1697 1672 1640 1603 10 11 12 365 337 469 440 413 386 360 887 848 808 765 725 686 1185 | 1142 | 1097 1052 1005 959 1561 | 1515 | 1467 1416 1364 1311 2133 2122 2130 2077 2045 2007 | | 1964 1916 1865 1811 1755 1697 2580 2570 2550 2520 2490 2450 2410 2380 2230 2250 2190 2130 | | | | | | 3074 3050 3040 3020 2970 2930 2900 2830 2780 2730 2670 2600 A Table showing the Depths of square Beams or Bars of Cast-iron of different Lengths, to sustain Weights (its own being included) of from 1 to 500 Tons when supported at the Ends and loaded in the Middle; the Deflection not to exceed one-fortieth part of an Inch for each Foot in Length. 427 394 310 285 262 525 497 1603 | Lengths in Feet. Tons. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 28 36 38 40 20 | 22 24 | 26 30 32 34 2.5 3.0 3·5′ 3·9 4·3 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.0 6-3 6-5 6-8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.8 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.1 5.5 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7-2 7-6 7-7 8-0 8.3 8.5 8.7 9.0 9-2 33 40 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.1 6.5 6.9 7.3 7.6 7.9 8.3 8.6 8.9 9.2 9.4 9.7 10.0 10.1 3.5 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.4 7.8 8.2 8.5 8-9 9-2 9-5 9-8 10-1 10-4 10-7 11.0 | 10·410-711-0 4.5 5.2 5.8 6-4 6-9 7.4 7.8 8.2 8.6 9.0 9-4 9-7 10-1 10-4 10.7 11.0 11-211-6 | 55 61 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2 8.6 9.0 9.4 9-8 10-2 10.5 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.1 | 5-7 6-3 6-9 7.5 8.0 8.5 8-9 9-4 9-8 10-2 10.6 11.0 11.3 11-7 12.0 12-312-7 | | 5.9 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.3 8.8 9-3 9-7 10-1 10-6 10-9 11-3 11.7 12.0 12.4 12.8 13-1 | | | 6.0 6.8 7.4 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10·0| 10·4| 10·9] 11·3| 11·7 12·0| 12·4 | 12·8 | 13∙1 | 13.5 6.9 7-6 8-2 8-8 9-3 9-8 10-3| 10·7] 11·2] 11·6| 12·0 12·4 12·8 | 13∙1 | 13.5 | 13-8 7.1 7.8 8.4 9.0 9.5 10-0 10-5 11.0 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.7 131 13.5 13-814-2 7.2 7.9 8.6 9.2 9.7 10·2 10-8 11·2| 11·7] 12·1| 12′5] 13·0] 13·4 | 13·7 | 14.1 | 14-5 7.4 8.1 8.8 9.4 9.9 10·4 11·0] 11.5 11·9 12·4] 12·8 13·2] 13.6 14.0 14·4 | 14·7 7.5 8.3 8.9 9.5 10.1 10-6 11-111-7 12-1 12-6 13.0 13.4 13-8 14-2 14.6 15.0 7-7 8-4 9-1 9-7 103 10-8 11-4 11.9 12.3 12-8 13.2 13.7 14-1 14-5 14.9 15-3 7.8 8.5 9.2 9.8 10.4 11.0 11.5 12-0 12.5 13.0 13.5 13.9 14.3 14.7 15.1 15.5 7-9 8-7 9-4 10.0 10·6 11·2 11·7| 12·2| 12·7| 13·2] 13·7| 14∙1| 14·5 | 14·9 | 15-4 | 15-8 8.0 8.8 9.5 10-1 10.8 11-3 11-9 12-4 12-9 13-4 13-9 14.3 14.7 15-1 15.6 16-0 8.1 8.9 9.6 10.3| 10·9| 11·5 12∙0 12·6 13·1| 13-6 14-1 14.5 15-0 | 15·4 | 15·8 | 16-2 9.0 9-7 10-4 11.0 11.6 12.2 12-7 13.2 13-8 14.2 14-7 15.1 15-6 16-0 16-4 10.8 11.5 12·2 12·9 13·5| 14∙1| 14·7 15-2 15-7 16·3 16·8 | 173 | 17·7 | 18-2 12.4 13.1 13-8 14.5 15.1 15.7 16.4 16.9 17.5 18.0 18.5 19-119.5 13.9 14.6 15-3 16-0 16-6 17-3 17-9 18.5 19.0 19.6 20-120-7 14.5 15-3 16.0 16.7 17.4 18-1 18-7 19-3 19-9 20.5 21.1 21-6 15 1 15.9 16·7 17·4] 18·2 18-8 19-5 20∙1 | 20·8 | 21·3 | 22·0 | 22-5 17.2 18.0 18-7 19-4 20-1 20-721-4 | 22·0 | 22·6 | 23-2 17.8 18.6 19.3 20·0 20·7| 21-4 22-1 | 22·7 | 23·3 | 23-9 19.0 19.8 20-6 21-3 22.0 22.6 23-3 23.9 24.5 20.3 21.0 21.8 22.5 23-2 23.8 24.5 25.1 20-8 21.5 22.3 23-0 23-7 24-4 25.0 25-7 22-022-723·5 24·2 | 24·9 | 25.5 26.3 23-223-9 24·6 | 25·4 | 26·0 | 26-7 23.6 24.3 25.0 25.8 26.5 27-2 26.2 27-0 | 27-7 28.5 29-2 27.6 28.5 29-4 30-1 31-0 28.9 29-930-731-532-0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33-0 33.7 31-132-0 32.9 33.9 34-7 32.0 33.1 | 34-0 | 34-8 35-8 33-8 | 34.8 | 35-7 36-7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Deflection in Inches. 1 15 *2 25 •3 35 4 45 •5 55 .6 65 די 75 8 8.5 ⚫9 •95❘ 1.0 YY 2 Table showing the Weight or Pressure a Beam of Cast-iron, 1 Inch in Breadth, will sustain, without destroying its elastic Force, when it is supported at the Ends, and loaded in the Middle of its Length, and also the Deflection in the Middle which that Weight will produce. Calculated by Mr. Tredgold. Lengths. 1 Foot. 2 Feet. 3 Feet. 4 Feet. 5 Feet. Depth. lbs. defl. lbs defl. lbs.defl. lbs. 1 in. 850 02 425 08 283 18 212 1912-014 956 053 637 12 477 6 Feet. 7 Feet. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lb defl. 32 170 •5 142 72 121 98 21 383 33 320 .48 273 65 1700 04 1132 09 848 16 680 25 568 36 484 49 425 .64 2656·032 1769 0721325 |·128|1062| •20 887 *29 756 39 2547 06 1908 111530 167 1278 •24 1089 -33| 3467-052 2597 |·092|2082 |•143|1739| •205| 1482| •28 1298-365| 1164] •46| 1041| •57| 8 Feet. lbs.defl. 9 Feet. 10 Feet. 12 Feet. 14 Feet. 16 Feet. 18 Feet. 20 Feet. 22 Feet. 106 1.28] lbs. defl. 95|1.62 lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. 85 2.0 24 Feet. lbs. defl. 26 Feet. 28 Feet. 30 Feet. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. lbs. defl. 239 •85 214 1.08 1921.34 • 380 81 340 1.0 283 1.44 243 1·96 212 2.56 189 3.24 1704. 1544-84 142 5.76 131 676 121 7.84 113 9.0 662 51 594 65 531 .8 954-426 855 54 765 66 637 96 546 1.31 4781-71 425 2.16 382 2.67 347 3-23 318 3-84 • · • |•125|2272 3392 08 2720j 125 2272 18 1936 245 1700 32 1520405 1360 5 1133 72 971 98 4293 071 3442 111 2875 16 2450 217 2146 284 1924 36 1721 443 849/1.28 5 6 7 4250 • • 618 2.42 10621·6 966 1.93 15301-34 13601-61 29 3471 41 2975 58 2603 73 2314 93 20821·14 1893 1.38 7551-62 680 2·08 294 4.51 273 5.23 523 3.38 485 3.92 255 6.0 453 4.50 1180 1.29 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 127 28 130 135 287***** 32 33 34 36 · • 566 2.88 13560144 3050196 2650*256 2375 32 2125 4 1771 ·4 1771 ·58 1518 78 13281-02 885 2.30 817 2.70 759 3·14 708 3.6 5112 12 4356163 3816213 3420 27 3060 33 2548 48 2184 65 1912 85 1699 1.08 1274 1.92 1176 2.25 1092 2·61| 1019 3.0 6958·103 5929 14 5194183] 4655) ·23| 4165 1735 1.65 1602 1.93 1487 2-24 1388 2:57 9088 ·09 7744·123] 6784 ∙16 6080203| 5440 25 4532 36 3884 49 339664 3020 81| 27201·00 24721·21 2264 1·44 2092 1.69 1940 1·96 1812 2-25| 9801-109 8586-142 7695 18 6885 22 5733 32 4914 44 4302 57 3825 72 3438 89 31231-07 2862 1.28 2646 1.50 2457 1-74 2295 2.0 1210009810600 128 9500·162 8500| 2 7083 288 6071-392 5312-512 4722-648 4250 *8] 3863968] 3541|1·152| 3269|1·352) 30351·568 2833 1·8 26 7346 36 6428 47 571459 5142 73 4675 88 4285] 1.05 3955 1.23 36731-425 3428 1.64] 6796 •54 6120 67 5560] ·81| 5096| *96 4704 1.13 4368 1.31 4076] 1.5 2210260 307 8978 39 7980 49 7182 61 6529 74 5985 886 5525 1-04 5130 1.21 4788 1·38 2810412 36 9255 46 8330 57 7573 69 6941 824 6408 965 5950 1.12 5553 1·28] 19 13660 26 11952 34 10624 43 9562-533 8692-645 7967 75 7355 •96829 1.03| 6374| 1·2] 18128 18 15536 24513584 32 12080-403|10880 59888 63 9056] 72 8368 •84 7760 •98 7248 1.13 20500 17 17500 2315353] •313647 · 12826 117 11495 1510285-182 8570 15264107 13680·135|12240 1710192 16100 125 14400154 11971] 18600-115|16700 143 13883 15937 • • • • · • 24 8736 33 7648| ·43 • • 21 11900 • • ❤ • • *64 10584 -607|11725 607 11725 •75 9828 673 9447 79 8773 •92 8188] 1·06]| 87 9180 825|10161| 784 11332| 1.0 *95 •9 7512495 *86 71|13713) ·815] D *7110887 64513387 61514693 5916059 576 13076 67612140 *55 14417 52515823 517286 *48 18816 •46 20432 22100 42723832| 38 12282 47 11166-567 10235 22932 •1619656 •217|17208*284|15700 36|13752 44212492 ·54|11448| 25404 152 21800 207 19053 27 16935 34 15242 42 13857 51 12702 28332.144 24284 195 21248 256 18888-324 17000 *4 15452-48414164 31230 138 26770·186 23428 245 20825 3118742 38217036 •4515618| 34500 131 29300 -178 25712·235 22855 295 20570·365 18700 •44|17146 37600 127 32000 1728103 225 24980 282 22482 35 20439 42 18735 407681234944 163 30592 216 27184 27 24480 335 22240-40220384 37700 15633203 21 29514 26 26562 32 24148-387 22135 40900 15 35912-197 31922 25 28730 307 26118 375 23941-443 44000·143 38728 19 34425 24 30982 297 28166 3625819 47300 1441650*183 37022 23 33320 286 30290347 27766 44678-176 39714 223 35742 275 32493-333 29785 47808 170 42498-216 38250 266 34767 322 31869 51053 164 45380·207 40882-257 37148 31 34035 54400 1648371*202 43520 ·25 39563·302|36266| • • · · • · · • ► • 51425 196 46282 24242075 293 38568 54586 19 49130 235 44663 283 40941 57847-185 52062 228 47329 276 43385 [61200 1855080' 222/50073 269|45900 * The first column shows weight in pounds: the second the deflection in inches. •68 14988 78 565|17492] •665|16304| •75 •5418793 625|17708| •72 *52/20521] *607|19153] *695| •521130 *58 20655 667 •41/25630 •48 23800 •5621213 • 645 395 27494 .462 25530 *54/23828 •62 384 29421 450 27315 522 25497 •GO 37 31417 435 29173 505 27288 •58) •36,33477 •35 35602 336,37792 329 40048 •4231086 *4929013 •56 •41/33058 395 35093 47 30855 545 •46 32753 ⚫53 3242369 38637187 375 39343 448 34708 435 36720 514 •5 CHAP. 11. 693 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. The direct cohesion of cast-iron has been variously estimated: Captain Brown found that a bar 1 inch square broke with a force of 11.35 tons, and estimated its cohesion at 7.26 per square inch. Mr. George Rennie found it to be 8·104 and 8·14 tons, when he made his experiments upon a bar only of an inch square. 10 A bar of malleable iron admits of considerable torsion without having its strength much diminished, but cast-iron fractures easily when submitted to twisting. The cohesive power of cast-iron has by some writers been estimated at 10 tons per square inch of section; by others at 18,000 or 19,000 pounds avoirdupois, one-third of which may be taken as the permanent cohesive strength for practical purposes. Mr. George Rennie has given us some experiments, which he made upon the resistance of inch iron bars, when 14 subjected to a wrenching force; he made use of a wrought-iron lever, 2 feet in length, having an arched head of about 60 degrees, and 4 feet in diameter, of which the lever represented the radius; in the centre round which it moved was a square hole that received the iron bar to be twisted: the lever was balanced, and a scale hung on the arched head, the other end of the bar being fixed in a square hole in a piece of iron, and that again in a strong vice; it was found that inch bars cast horizontal twisted when 9 lbs. 15 ounces were placed in the scale, and that 10 lbs. 10 ounces were required to those bars which were cast in a vertical position, to produce the same effect. 6 70 Numerous experiments have been made upon the vertical strength of iron wires of dif ferent diameters, but there is a great discrepancy among them; in those from to of an inch in diameter, their strength per square inch has been estimated at from 30 to 40 tons; the mean strength of iron wire, which does not exceed the length of an inch in diameter, will not support more than 36 tons load. The cohesive strength of wrought-iron being from 55,000 pounds per square inch to 70,000; when it is required to find its ultimate cohesive strength, the area of its section must be multiplied by the relative cohesive strength, or rather by one-third of what it is supposed to be, when applied to practical purposes. As the transverse strength of wrought or malleable inch-round iron bars, 12 inches long, loaded in the middle, and lying loose at the ends is equal to 3152 lbs. avoirdupois, and for an inch square bar 4013 lbs., to find their ultimate strength, it is only necessary to mul- tiply this strength of the square bar by the breadth, and the square of the depth in inches, and divide the product by the length in feet; the quotient will be the weight in pounds avoirdupois. When malleable iron is subjected to the force of tension, its absolute resistance has been found to vary from 50,000 pounds to 80,000 pounds per square inch of section according to its quality, and its strength to resist torsion 15,360 lbs.: this is directly as the cube of one side, and inversely as the force applied, multiplied into the length of the lever; for if we multiply the strength of an inch-iron bar by the cube of one side in inches, and divide the product by the length of the lever in inches, the quotient will give the ultimate strength of the bar in pounds avoirdupois, or if the bar is round, the cube of its diameter must be divided by the length of the lever or the diameter or side of a square bar may be found by mul- tiplying the force applied in pounds by the length of the lever in inches, dividing the pro- duct by one-third of the ultimate strength of an inch bar, when the cube root of the quotient will be the diameter or side of the square in inches, capable of resisting perma- nently that force. : In revolving shafts for machinery, the strength is directly as the cube of their diameters and revolutions, and inversely as the resistance they have to overcome. A forty-horse- power steam-engine making 25 revolutions a minute is found to require a wrought-iron shaft 8 inches in diameter; the cube 8 multiplied by 25, and divided by 40, is equal to 320, a constant number or multiplier for all others; as for example, an engine 65 horse power making 23 revolutions per minute, 3 65 × 320 23 =9.67 inches diameter nearly. 200 is the constant multiplier or number made use of in general for all second movers, and 100, for that of shafts connecting the smaller parts of machinery. Corrugated Iron is employed in the covering of buildings, and it was first used at the Eastern Counties Railway shed at the London terminus, built in 1840. The plan is a rectangle, being 230 feet in length, and the width is divided into three spaces; that in the middle is 36 feet in width, and those on each side 20 feet 6 inches: the rows of cast-iron columns seventeen in each, and distant 13 feet 6 inches from one another; over their capitals they are connected by a cast-iron elliptical girder of an inch in thickness with open panels; over this is a cast-iron gutter. The centre roof rises 9 feet, and that of the side roofs 4 feet, the springing line above the rails being 22 feet 6 inches. The corrugated wrought-iron is of the sheets called No. 16. wire gauge, or in thickness the fourteenth of an inch; and the arch is formed by curving the sheets of iron in the transverse direction to the arches themselves, and riveting them together in the direction of their length. Y Y 3 694 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The superficial content of the middle span is 10,235 feet, and that of the two side roofs 10,810 feet, each being a little more than half that in the centre. As the weight of this corrugated iron is 3 pounds per superficial foot, the whole weight is 28 tons: the cost of erection was 61. 10s per square of 100 feet, or 13657. The water is carried off from the roof down the curves of corrugation, first into the gutter, then through the hollow columns, and afterwards by drains. A single sheet of this iron was found to bear 700 pounds weight in a vertical position without bending. Many other roofs of this description have been executed, and apparently stand well; one at the London docks is 225 feet in length, and 40 feet span. St. Catherine's Docks, the Birmingham, Blackwall, and numerous other railways, have made use of them. Galvanised iron, as it has been termed in France, is made by covering the metal with a coat of tin by a peculiar process, and for a time it resists the corrosive effects of the atmo- sphere as well as that of water: the surface of the iron is first rendered perfectly clean by the joint action of dilute acid and friction; after which, it is plunged into a bath of melted zinc, and moved about until entirely covered with the alloy; it is then taken out and immersed in a bath of tin, which covers it with a thin coat of alloy. It is stated that when iron thus heated is exposed to humidity, the zinc slowly oxidises, and protects the former from rusting within it whilst the outer tinned surface remains. Coal is found in many parts of the British Islands. The culmiferous series in Devonshire lies in a great basin, the axis of which extends 50 miles from east to west, with an average breadth of 30 miles; the upper beds of slate of the Devonian system are occupied by dark coloured limestone, over which occurs a stratum of siliceous flagstones; over these are sand- stones, carbonaceous and calcareous slates, which are surmounted by a bed of thick sandstone. The South Wales coal field extends about 90 miles along the shores of the Bristol Channel; its greatest breadth is not more than 20 miles; the number of bands of coal is considerable; their thickness varies from 18 inches to 9 feet, and the whole taken together amount to a depth of 95 feet in the deepest part they lie about 13,000 feet below the surface. The Somersetshire and Bristol coal field is of small extent; that of South Staffordshire has only eleven seams, but the main bed in the middle is upwards of 30 feet in thickness; this seam crops out near Bilston. The coal in the northern portion contains numerous impressions of plants. The Shrewsbury coal field is not very extensive: that in Flintshire is under the new red sandstone; this latter is about 40 miles in length, and 3 in breadth. But the most im- portant of all are those in the north of England, which form three districts: in the first is comprised Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and Nottinghamshire; in the second, Lancashire; and in the third, Durham and Newcastle. In the first the beds vary from 2 to 5 feet in thickness, and are of a bituminous qua- lity. In the Lancashire district, the extent from north to south is 46 miles, and about 40 in width: in some parts there are 75 seams, forming altogether 150 feet of workable coal. Coal Fields.-The chief in England is the Newcastle, and lies between the rivers Coquet and Tees, its length being nearly 50 miles, and its breadth upwards of 20; the area of this district, so important to British trade and manufactures, is computed at 800 square miles. It is divided by a great fault, which crosses it north of the Tyne, where the strata are thrown downwards on the one side, and uplifted to a height of 90 fathoms on the other; this fault is termed the main dyke. The most valuable working is the high main, where the coal is 6 feet in thickness. Boring is first resorted to for the purpose of ascertaining the best position for sinking the shaft by which the coal is to be drawn up; this is performed in the ordinary way by means of successive iron rods and machinery to work them, the cost of which is 12 shillings per fathom for the first ten, and an additional 6 shillings for each 5 fathoms beyond. The shafts are cylindrical, and seldom less than 10 feet in diameter; these are divided by a wall; some of the larger shafts are formed into three compartments, one of which is used for ventilation, another for drainage, and the third for drawing up the coal. Great expense and caution are necessary in the works appertaining to this part of the operation; the whole of the shafts require to be cased or lined with good bricks or stone, and where the springs are abundant there must be a tubing or a crib formed of whole deals attached to circular ribs or curbs; metal castings are now sometimes substituted, as better calculated to resist the extraordinary pressure to which the curb is subjected. These shafts commonly extend to the depth of 150 feet, and sometimes as much as 1800; that at the Wearmouth Colliery, near Sunderland, passes through the capping of magnesian limestone, the lower beds of which, with the lower new red sandstone, overlap the coal measures. After the shaft had been sunk 330 feet, the workmen tapped a spring, which poured out 3,000 gallons of water per minute; this, however, being subdued by the working of a steam-engine of 200 horse-power, a strong metal cylinder was introduced, and carefully placed around the shaft; the sinking was then continued to the depth of 1578 CHAP. II. 695 COMPOSITION AND USE OF MINERALS. feet, when a very valuable seam of coal was arrived at; during the ten years employed in sinking this pit upwards of 100,0007. were expended. In Staffordshire the coal is drawn out by means of a number of pits, which are not required to be of great depth. When the shaft is first sunk, two galleries are driven, one in an horizontal line along the strike of the coal seam, the other on the rise of the bed, at right angles to it. The first is termed the drift or watercourse, and the other the winning headway, through which the coal is brought to the shaft to be hauled up these cuttings are 9 or 10 feet in width, 6 feet in height, and are made convenient for the passage of the waggons, which in some cases run upon rail or tramroads. After the drift and winning headway are completed, other gal- leries, varying in dimension, are set out parallel to the latter; some are 9 or 10 feet in width, intersected by others at right angles, the pillars of coal which are left between the galleries for the purpose of support being generally 8 or 9 yards in thick- ness; and in the old method of mining these pillars were left, but since panel work was introduced, fifty years ago, they have been extracted: this is performed by dividing the entire mine into panels, separated by walls of coal from 40 to 50 yards in thick- ness, and then extracting the coal from each in succession, com- mencing work in that most distant from the shaft, shutting off all communication with the others till the whole panel is worked Pillars about 24 yards by 12 are at first left between the boards, as the largest galleries are called, and the transverse gal- leries or rooms, and when the first are completed the miners attack the pillars; the roof being supported by posts of Scotch fir, which are removed as the work proceeds, and the roof is then suffered to fall in. Thus the whole of the coal is now removed, and by allowing the galleries to be filled up, all danger from an accumulation of the noxious gases is prevented. out. The tools used by the collier are a mattock having both ends of the head pointed, and several kinds of chisels, crow bars, and hammers. The coal is generally blasted, and then broken up into small masses; the blasting is effected by piercing the lower part of the seam with a hole about 1 inch in diameter and 3 feet in depth, into which the cartridges are introduced, and the hole is plugged up with coal dust; the men who obtain the coal are called hewers, and those who load the waggons or corves the putters, who also conduct the horses to the bottom of the shaft, where the coal is drawn up. In the Dudley coal field, where the thickness of the seam is as much as 30 or 40 feet, it is worked in chambers, which are called sides of work. The strata of coal in England usually lie horizontal; in Wales and in Scotland they are inclined, sometimes at a considerable angle; where this is found to be from 450 to 60°, as in Pembroke- shire, the mine is worked by an adit level, which passes out on a hill side. Windlasses placed along the inclined vein draw up the coal after it has been extracted from the stalls; two sets of carts are used for the purpose, so attached to the windlasses that those which are full draw up the empty. The whim for raising coals from the shaft is now generally 100 - coal minE SHAFT. Fig. 592. worked by a steam-engine, which gives motion to a hollow drum on which the rope winds that brings up the materials. Fig. 593. WHIM FOR RAISING coal. YY 4 696 BOOK Il. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The ventilation of coal mines is effected by means of rarefaction; a furnace is placed at the bottom of the pit, which produces a rapid ascending column of warm air, and as this rises up the shaft its place is supplied by a current of cold air, which passes down one of the other compartments of the shaft, and is made to traverse the several workings of the mine before it is permitted to arrive at the furnace, where in its turn it becomes rarefied. In the Wallsend colliery the quantity of fresh air thus admitted varies from 2000 to 3000 cubic feet per minute; in some of the coal mines the air has so many miles of gallery to traverse that it is 12 hours before it arrives at the furnace, the rate at which it progresses being about 2 feet per second or a little more. The wall of separation in the shaft is called the brattice, and is of two kinds: one is permanent, and usually 2 or 3 feet in thickness; the other is of a more temporary kind, composed of 3-inch deals, so attached to a skeleton frame that it can be easily removed. Where the galleries are shut off, to prevent the cur- rent of air from passing, the wall is called a stopping; this is sometimes effected by trap-doors, made either single, double, or triple, as may be most convenient; the air course is called either the intake or return as it receives or emits the air. Lighting Coal Mines.-The means of effecting this, without subjecting the workmen to the dreadful calamities arising from the explosive nature of the gas when mixed with atmospheric air, had long occupied the anxious attention of scientific men, but without success, until the experiments of Sir Humphry Davy happily led him to construct a lamp by which the lives of incalculable numbers have been preserved. He found that no mixture of fire-damp would explode in tubes with a diameter of less than of an inch; and also that a much stronger heat was required to effect this than with mixtures of common inflammable gas, and that neither charcoal nor iron made red-hot would produce an explosion. Upon these principles Sir Humphry formed the lamp called after him: the flame is enclosed within a wire gauze of very small meshes, there being as many as 784 to the square inch; the security which it affords to those for whose use it was invented is not, however, sufficiently estimated, in consequence of its not affording a great abundance of light, and in many instances there has been much difficulty in enforcing its introduction. Besides the fire-damp there is another noxious gas, called the choke or black damp; this is a carbonic acid, and from its density will not rise to the surface, but sinks to the bottom of the mine. The heavy carburetted hydrogen is also found; this, when mixed with certain proportions of common air, is exploded by either charcoal or iron heated to a dull red heat. The Scotch Coal Fields are about 100 miles in length, and 30 in breadth; and the number of beds are said to be 337, 84 of which are coal; the total thickness of all these layers is computed at not less than 5000 feet. The Coal Fields in Ireland are nearly 150 miles in length, and 120 in breadth, covering a surface of more than 10,000 square miles. The coal is anthracitic, being often found in the state of pure anthracite. The first charter for the licence of digging coal was granted by Henry III., in the year 1239, and it is there called sea-coal; it became a common fuel soon afterwards, and a considerable quantity appears to have been exported to France. When Mr. Taylor, a few years ago, gave his evidence on the coal mines before the Committee of the House of Lords, he stated that the annual consumption of coal in Great Britain amounted to 19,540,000 tons. Coking of Pit Coal. The most common method is to throw up the coals in heaps of about 40 tons as loosely as possible, and cover them with the smaller pieces; fire is then applied at various parts, and the mass is suffered to burn until the whole is ignited; when this is effected, it is covered up with dust and ashes to exclude the air, and the heap is suffered gradually to cool: water is often poured over it to accelerate this last part of the process, which is said to improve the quality of the coke by making it harder. Ovens are used for making the better quality of coke; the best are usually elliptical in their form, about 12 feet in their longest diameter, and 11 feet in the other; the walls are 3 feet in thickness; the mouth is usually lessened towards the inside to about 2 feet 6 inches, that on the outer side being a foot more. At the back is the entrance into the flue which conducts to the chimney; this is regulated by means of fire bricks, which can be moved to increase or diminish the draught, so as entirely to consume the smoke. A series of eighteen ovens, with a flue at the back 1 foot 9 inches wide, and 2 feet 6 inches high, have been constructed at the station of the Birmingham railway; and the flues are conducted into a chimney 11 feet clear diameter at bottom, 17 feet outside, and 115 feet in height. These ovens are each charged with 3 tons of good coal, and entirely consume the smoke from the moment they are first lighted up; in about 40 hours it is sufficiently coked, when it is thrown out upon the ground and watered; it is then put into iron canisters and covered up: good coal will yield 80 per cent. of coke, weighing 14 cwt. per chaldron. The loss of weight when coals are coked in the ordinary manner is about 25 per cent., and coal which thus loses in weight gains † in bulk. 14 CHAP II. 697 ON STONE. CHAP. III. ON STONE. GREAT attention has been deservedly paid to the quality of the materials made use of in building, and the knowledge on the subject has been greatly advanced by the mineralogist and chemist. Vitruvius asserted that all bodies consist and spring from earth, air, fire, and water, but has not given us the quantity of each that enters into their composition: these original elements, he observes, are not only indivisible, but also incapable of change or of destruction; this is not exactly the case, for we find that stone is acted upon chemi- cally as well as mechanically, and that it exhibits, when applied to buildings, the same decomposition to which it is subject when attached to its native rocks. Stone is variously acted upon in different situations: in cities, when exposed to the influence of the smoke of coal, some varieties are rapidly decomposed; other kinds are affected by the alternations of dryness and humidity; particular streams rapidly destroy some limestones, and materially injure the granites. The limestones used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, have endured to this day: the sandstones employed in their temples and public edifices in many situations exhibit no decomposition, and the granite of all varieties remains perfectly entire; showing that the architects of antiquity knew how to select their material, and to apply it in such a manner that it was not subjected to any greater action by exposure than it had to encounter in its natural bed. Stone Quarries.—The stone found near the surface, and which has been exposed to the action of the atmosphere, is not so sound as that which is taken from a depth, where it has been subjected to great pressure, and the greater the depth, generally speaking, the greater is its hardness and density. On opening a quarry, the first consideration is the means of raising and delivering the stone in the least expensive manner; an excavation is usually made in the side of a hill, in preference to uncallowing the top, in order that the road leading from it should have as gentle an inclination as possible; for if the quarry be sunk very low, the difficulty and expense of drawing out the blocks of stone are seriously increased. The stone is generally found in beds or masses, divided by joints, at which divisions the natural adhesion is broken, and there is no difficulty in detaching the blocks, nor risk of breaking them: where vertical pressures exist, which is often the case, their removal is facilitated; but it is sometimes necessary to break the contiguous blocks, or blast them with gunpowder. Wedges of steel, driven in by a heavy sledge hammer, are often used to separate the stone from its bed: in order that the edges may not be broken, or rendered ragged by removal, they are elevated to the platform or truck by an instrument called the lewis, which consists of three pieces of strong iron, formed and held together by a shackle and screw bolt; two sides are parallel to each other, or the pieces are of the same thickness throughout, which varies from 1 to 3 inches, according to the weight it is destined to carry. The two pieces outside spread out, and at the bottom are twice the thickness that they are above; the middle piece is of the same size at top and bottom, consequently when the three pieces are put together, the width at the bottom is one third more than at the top; by taking out the screw-pin, and withdrawing the central piece, the two others are brought together, and introduced into a sunk groove in the stone, cut like a dovetail, or spreading at the bottom, of a sufficient dimension to take in the whole lewis, which is placed in separate pieces, the middle being the last; the bolt and shackle are then attached, and the lewis now occupying the whole cavity, no force can detach it; by this means enormous masses are lifted perpendicularly by blocks and falls, worked by a piece of machinery called a crab. The upper block, which sustains the weight, is attached to a crane or strong beam of timber, fixed as perpendicularly as possible, with its block over the stone, every precaution being taken to prevent its lower extremity from slipping. crab is so placed as to have the draught of the rope as nearly as possible in the direction of the pole, the top of which is either secured or moved by guy ropes, worked also by blocks and falls fastened to the ground; where the weights are great, two poles are sometimes used for more security. The When the stone in the quarry does not exhibit any natural joints or fissures, but appa- rently forms one compact mass, a line of holes is drilled at short and regular distances, into which are put conical steel pins, rather larger than the holes, which, being struck simul- taneously by the hammers of the miners, produce a separation in the direction desired. Wooden pegs are occasionally substituted, where the cleavage is easy, around which a clay wall is built, filled with water; in a short time the pegs swell and separate the stone. 698 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To drill the holes in very hard stone, it is necessary to have a steel cold chisel about 2 feet long, and the breadth of the hole required, the edge being double bevelled, and not too sharp; a workman holds this instrument where the hole is to be made, whilst another strikes it, taking care that the drill is turned partly round, or kept revolving during the succession of blows; as the indentations are made, the powdered stone or dust is removed from the hole. When rocks are blasted by gunpowder, the holes are drilled to a greater depth, usually 16 or 18 inches deep, and an inch or more in diameter; the powder is introduced into them, sewed up in a linen bag, with a cartridge made of tin; dry sand is put upon it and rammed down, and the top of the hole is filled with moistened sand. A train of powder in a fine tin tube is connected with the holes, to which is attached a slow match or some wild-fire, so arranged as, when fired, to give the workmen time to retire out of all danger from the scattering of the fragments, which occasionally is attended with great violence. Voltaic electricity, conducted by means of wires, has been effectually applied to the ignition of the gunpowder, which is attended with infinitely less casualties, inasmuch as if ignition does not immediately take place, it is not to be feared afterwards. In the selection of stone for the purposes of construction, regard must not only be had to the colour and texture, but also to its power of withstanding the exposure to atmo- spheric agency, or the decomposing effects of water. Stones are composed of various earthy substances in such a state of hardness as not to be softened by immersion in water under ordinary circumstances; they may be classed under three distinct divisions, viz. the sand- stones, limestones, and granites. Sandstones are formed of angular or rounded grains of different earths or minerals, which are either held together by a cement or base, or joined without any such basis by simple juxta-position: when the grains composing them are small, they are called sandstone, but when they increase in dimension, they are designated conglomerate, if the particles are rounded; if angular, they take the name of brescia. The consolidation of the various sandstones seems to have taken place not during the time they were forming under water, but when they were upheaved, or had the water drawn from them; this is implied from the fact that most sandstones, when first taken from the quarry, are softer than after exposure to the air; no doubt the water which they contain is speedily evaporated, and the minerals it holds in solution become deposited, and by their crystallisation give greater hardness and consistency to the mass, binding it more firmly together, and rendering it more difficult to cut; some varieties are so plastic, when first taken from the quarry, that they may be easily compressed, and afterwards, from the loss of the water they contain, become perfectly hard. Sandstones are divided into three varieties, according as the quartz or siliceous grains com- posing them are cemented by siliceous, argillaceous, or calcareous matter. In the siliceous kinds the particles are cemented by a base of quartz: in the argillaceous by a base of clay, usually impregnated with a red oxide of iron, which gives that tint to the whole rock; and in the calcareous kinds by a marly or calcareous cement, and it must be obvious that the quality of sandstone entirely depends upon the durability of its cementing properties. As the particles which are held together, being silex in nearly a pure state, are not acted upon by either air or water, its decomposition is found to commence by the de- struction of its base, which liberates the grains in the sandstone, or permits them to crumble into fine sand: when the base is highly impregnated with silica, it is very hard, has almost the character of porphyry, and seems to defy decomposition. In the varieties of sandstone with small grains, set in an argillaceous or calcareous base, the colours vary from red, grey, green, yellow, and brown, and are arranged in zones or bands dependent upon the oxidation of the iron in the base or cement. This variety of sandstone is found alternating with beds of red-coloured clay, or marl, which is sometimes slaty, or mixed with sand and mica, passing into sandstone slate; the beds are of great thickness. From sandstone being formed in strata, and laminated, it is obvious that when applied to building purposes, they should be so placed as to correspond with their natural beds, for if in any other position, or vertical to their planes of stratification, any weight placed upon them would tend to cleave or split them into laminæ. The sandstones that have undergone an analysis consist of: Cragleith. Darley Dale. Heddon. Kenton. Mansfield. Silica 98.3 98.40 95.1 93.1 49.4 Carbonate of lime 1.1 0.36 0.8 2.0 26.5 magnesia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.1 Iron alumina 0.6 1.30 2.3 4.4 3.2 Water and loss 0.0 1.94 1.8 0.5 4.8 Bitumen 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Specific gravity of dry masses 2.232 2.628 2.229 2.247 2.338 CHAP. III. 699 ON STONE. Cragleith. Darley Dale. Heddon. Kenton. Mansfield. Specific gravity of parti- cles Absorbent powers, when saturated under the ex- hausted receiver of an 2.646 2.993 2.643 2.625 2.756 air-pump 0.143 0.156 0.143 0.151 Disintegration-Quantity of matter disintegrated Cohesive powers 0.6 grs. 111 0.121 grs. 100 10.1 grs. 7.9 grs. 7.1 grs. 56 70 72 As a general remark it may be inferred that those stones which have the greatest specific gravity possess the greatest cohesive strength, absorb the least quantity of water, and disin- tegrate the least by the process which imitates the effects of weather, though we are not able to compare stones of different classes together, for while sandstones absorb the least water, they disintegrate more than the magnesian limestone, which absorbs a great quantity of water. Names of the Quarries specified. Weight in ordi- nary Slata in, Grain. Weight when well-dried in Grains. Cohesive Powers. Specific Gravity of the Solid Particles. Bulk of Water absorbed ; total Bulk considered as Unity. Cragleith - 4746.2 4737.4 4880-0 Ditto 4557.1 4553.8 4765-10 4594.0 4588.3 4698-7 4695.6 4859.0 163.4 0.080 Ditto - 4737.8 4734.3 Ditto Darley Dale Ditto Ditto Heddon 4685.2 4678.3 4826.5 148-2 0.6 60 111 1 1 2.266 2.646 0.143 88 100 2.230 2.666 0.163 211-2 0-104 10-1 26 56 Ditto 1 2.229 2.565 0.156 Kenton 4658.4 4647.9 4848.5 200-6 0.099 7.9 48 70 Ditto 4595.4 4581.5 Ditto 1 2.045 2.706 0.244 Mansfield 4700.2 4695.3 4906.0 210-7 0-104 7.1 28 Ditto Ditto - 4733.5 4719.4 1 72 2.338 2.756 0.151 Results of experiments upon cubes of 2 inches in diameter. Results of experiments on cubes of 1 inch in diameter. In the foregoing table the first column gives the name of the quarry where the specimen was procured. The second indicates the weights of the specimens in the state in which they are usually employed for the purposes of building, subjected only to the atmospheric influences since taken from their respective quarries and worked. The third contains the weights of the same specimens, after having been perfectly dried, by exposure in heated air for several days: their relative specific gravities are indicated by these numbers, subject to the errors arising from differences in the sizes of the cubes, which, on account of the accuracy of the measurements, varied but little from each other; the specific gravities, however, taken by the most certain method, will be found in columns 10 and 12. The fourth exhibits the weight of one set of the above-mentioned cubes, after having been immersed in water for several days, so as to become completely saturated, such weights having been ascertained immediately after the cubes were taken out of the water, and wiped. The fifth shows the difference of weight between the same specimen in its dried and in its saturated state, and indicates, therefore, the quantity (by weight) of water absorbed by each stone. The sixth shows the relative bulk of water absorbed, 8 cubic inches, or the bulk of the cube being taken as unity. The seventh gives the quantity of disintegration of the several stones in grains, after having been simultaneously subjected to Brard's process for eight successive days; the measures thus obtained may be considered very closely to represent the action of the atmo- sphere during successive winters on the various stones submitted to examination. The eighth and ninth columns contain the results relating to the cohesive strength of the stones, or their resistance to pressure. These experiments were made at the manufactory of Messrs. Bramah and Robinson with a 6-inch hydrostatic press, the pump of which was 1 inch in diameter: according to previous trials by Messrs. Bramah and Robinson, 1 pound weight at the end of the pump lever produced a pressure on the face of the cube equal to 700 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 2.53 cwt., or 71.06 lbs. on the square inch. The experiments with the stones were cautiously made; the weight on the lever was successively increased by a single pound, and in order to ensure greater accuracy, a minute was allowed to elapse previous to the application of each additional weight. The eighth column shows the pressure at which the stone commenced to crack, and the ninth the pressure at which it was crushed. The unit assumed is the pound weight placed at the end of the lever; the employment of this unity in the table is preferred to stating the calculated weights, because it is not wished to give a greater appearance of accuracy than can strictly be adjudged to the experiments; but if absolute measures be required, the pressure either upon the face of the cubes employed on 1 square inch of the surface may be estimated, as nearly as the means employed enabled it to be ascertained, by multiplying the figures in the table by either of the values of the unit above stated. The results having been obtained with the same press, and under the same circumstances, it is presumed that no objection can be made to them as comparative experiments. The tenth indicates the specific gravities of the stones, accurately taken by the means usually employed. The eleventh contains the specific gravities of the solid materials of which each stone is composed, on the supposition that the water absorbed, when the atmospheric pressure is removed, completely replaces the air which before occupied the pores. The twelfth shows the bulk of water absorbed by the stones when saturated under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, their entire bulk being taken as unity. The quantity of water absorbed in this process may be considered to represent space occupied by the pores or interstices in the substance, unless we suppose that in some cases the adhesion between air and the solid particles is so great that the entire removal of the atmospheric pressure is not sufficient to counteract the force. It is certain when this pressure is not removed, long immersion in water will not occasion the displacement of all the air contained within its pores. Sandstones on the continent, as well as in England, are less used in architecture than calcareous stones; there are nevertheless some kinds which are sufficiently solid, and may be safely employed in those districts where calcareous stones are wanting. At Paris the sandstones found in the environs are only used for paving, in consequence of the difficulty with which they are worked: many of the sandstones, which appear to be very friable, and readily affected by the air, are used with advantage in constructions under water. Limestones, or Calcareous Stones, are the most generally used in the construction of edifices, and are called calcareous, because, when exposed to heat, they are reducible to lime; they are also distinguishable by being soluble in acids, in which they strongly effer- vesce a drop of nitric acid falling on a calcareous stone, it bubbles and hisses, like hot iron plunged into water; when struck with the steel it emits no sparks. Limestones are most frequently used, not only because most abundant, but also because more easily worked than all others, and possessing sufficient tenacity to resist pressure, and preserve the mouldings, arrises, &c. The varieties are not, however, indifferently used; some have not sufficient cohesive power, as, for example, chalk, several granular calcareous stones, simple or micaceous, from the primitive and intermediate strata, which do not resist pressure; others, having their parts sufficiently compact, are too fragile, or, according to the opinions of the workmen, too dry, such as those which are very compact and formed of fine grains having a conchoidal or shelly fracture; these varieties are frequently filled with fissures injurious to their solidity, whether open or filled with calcareous spar. Calcareous stones, most suitable for construction, are the compact, with unequal fracture, flat, or irregular, of an earthy tinge, and these formed of shells, united by a cement, partly earthy, partly crystalline. These varieties abound in the secondary and tertiary formations, in de- posits analogous to those of the Jura, and similar to those in the environs of Paris; of these the greater number of the monuments of the civilised world have been constructed; the finest houses of Amsterdam and the mosques of Constantinople are built of this material. The stones of the secondary formation are also in general use; those in the second bed of tertiary formation are abundantly employed in Paris. The workmen class this under several varieties according to their application. The calcareous tufa or travertine used in Italy is whitish or yellowish, and is found in the substructions of most of the ancient temples, in the Coliseum and other public buildings in Rome: it must always be placed in the same position as in their natural beds, where it is deposited in horizontal layers; when laid improperly these exfoliate and split vertically; stone of a very compact and homogeneous structure, and forming beds of great thickness, will alone allow of their natural position being reversed. Calcareous spar is found in crystalline masses, or in colourless crystals; it is easily dissolved by muriatic acid; its specific gravity is 2.7; it loses 46 per cent. by the expulsion of car- bonic acid. The stalactitic carbonate of lime, or concretionary limestone, is formed of zones which have a fibrous structure arising from the successive deposits of the crystalline limestone from its solvent water. The stalagmite or alabaster limestone does not exhibit concentric zones, but spreads out in a waving and parallel direction. The stalactites are CHAP. III. 701 ON STONE. formed from the roofs of caverns in the limestone rocks, where the water percolates through them, which is charged with carbonate of lime held in suspension by an excess of carbonic acid, which is precipitated by exposure to air. Limestones are comprised under three denominations, the simple, the oolite, and the mag- nesian; these are the varieties usually employed in construction: the most crystalline are the most durable; some contain a quantity of silica; on many the atmosphere has a power- fully decomposing effect; water being first absorbed acts mechanically on the external faces of the stone, occasioning afterwards, by chemical action, an entire change in the constituent parts. Of the various limestones examined by the Commissioners appointed by the Government previously to the erection of the Houses of Parliament, their composition is as follows: — Chilmark. Silica Carbonate of lime of magnesia Iron alumina Water and loss Bitumen Specific gravities of dry masses of particles Absorbent powers, when saturated under the ex- hausted receiver of an air-pump Disintegration quantity of matter disintegrated Cohesive powers Name of the Quarry from whence Speci- mens were procured. Barnack. Hum Hill. 0.0 10.4 4.7 93.4 79.0 79.3 3.8 3.7 5.2 1.3 2.0 8.3 1.5 4.2 2.5 a trace a trace a trace 2.090 2.481 2.260 2.627 2.621 2.695 0.204 0.053 0.147 16.6 grs. 25. 9.8 grs. 101. 9.5 grs. 57. Weight in ordi- nary State in Grains. Weight when well-dried in Grains. Weight when saturated with Water in Grains. Weight of Water absorbed in Grains. Bulk of Water ab- sorbed, 2 Cube Inches con- sidered as Unity. Weight of Parti- cles disintegrated in Grains. Weight pro- ducing First Fracture. Cohesive Powers. Crushing Weight. Specific Gravity of the dry Speci- mens. Specific Gravity of the Solid Particles. Bulk of Water absorbed ; total Bulk considered as Unity. Barnack 4443-9 Ditto Ditto 4442.3 4729-4 287.1 0.141 4235.4 4233.5 16.6 16 25 2.182 2.687 0.180 Chilmark Ditto Ditto Ham Hill 4907.1 4897-0 5072-4 174.4 0.086 5.6 36 90 4935-9 4925.3 1 · 2.366 2.658 0.109 - 4700-3 4695.5 4930-0 234.5 0.115 9.5 22 57 Ditto [ 4685.3 4683-5 Ditto 2.260 2.695 0.147 M Results of experiments upon cubes of 2 inches sides in duplicates. Results of experiments upon cubes of 1-inch sides. Oolite. This is composed of oviform bodies cemented by calcareous matter of various coherency, and is liable to decomposition as the cementing qualities are chemically or mechanically acted upon that of Bath and Portland is extensively employed in building; it is worked with great ease, and has a good colour, which it, however, loses when long exposed to the action of the atmosphere; the same cause renders it unfit for fine carving, the delicate portions and arrises soon crumbling away. The oolites examined by the Commissioners are the following: I Ancaster. Bath Box. Portland. Kelton. Silica Carbonate of lime Iron alumina 0.0 93.59 0.0 94.52 1 20 95.16 2.0 92.17 of magnesia I 2.90 2.50 1.20 4.10 0.80 1.20 0.50 0.90 Water and loss 2.71 1.78 1.94 2.83 Bitumen a trace a trace a trace a trace Specific gravities of dry masses 2.182 1.839 of particles - 2.687 2.675 2.145 2.702 2.045 2.706 Absorbent powers when saturated under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump 0.180 0.312 0.206 0.244 Disintegration-quantity of matter disintegrated 7.1 10. 2.7 3.3 Cohesive powers 33. 21. 30. 36. 702 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Names of Quar- ries from whence Speci- mens are pro- cured. Ancaster Ditto Ditto Bath Box Ditto Ditto Portland Ditto Ditto Ketton Ditto Ditto Weight in ordi- nary State. Weight when well-dried in Grains. Weight when saturated with Water in Grains. Weight of Water absorbed in Grains. Bulk of Water absorbed; 2 Cube | Inches con- Cohesive Powers. Bulk of Water absorbed ; total Bulk con- sidered as Unity. - - 4585-4 4543-1 4512.0 3767.8 3766-8 4109-0 4584.0 4920-3 336.3 0.166 7.2 24 33 2.182 2-687 0.180 342-4 0.169 20.0 18 21 3876.3 3875.5 - - 4302.9 4300-4 4375-1 0.135 275-1 1 1.839 2.675 0.312 2.7 30 55 4306.9 4305.0 2.145 2.702 0.206 4412.8 4313.2 4409-7 4715-6 305.9 0.151 3.3 22 36 4309.5 2.045 2.706 0.244 Results of experiments upon cubes of 2-inch sides in duplicate. Results of experiments upon cubes of 1-inch sides. Magnesian Limestone or Dolomite, when of a crystalline character, and with nearly equivalent proportions of carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia, is preferred to most others, on account of the uniformity of its texture, and the facility with which it is worked. Like common limestone it can be formed into mortar, though it remains much longer caustic than quicklime made from the latter; this constitutes the important difference be- tween magnesian and common limestones when employed in agriculture; the lime made from the magnesian variety is hot and injurious to the fertility of the soil. Bolsover. Huddlestone. Roach Abbey. Park Nook. Silica Carbonate of lime 3.6 2.53 0.8 0.0 51.1 54.19 57.5 55.7 of magnesia 40-2 41.37 39.4 41.6 Iron alumina 1.8 0.30 0.7 0.4 Water and loss 3.3 1.61 1.6 2.3 Specific gravities of dry masses 2.316 2.147 2.134 2.138 of particles 2.833 2.867 2.840 2.847 Absorbent powers when saturated under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump 0.182 0.239 0.248 0.249 - Disintegration quantity of matter disintegrated Cohesive powers 1.5 grs. 117 1.9 grs. 61 0.6 grs. 1.8 grs. 55 61 Name of Quarry from whence the Specimen was procured. Weight in ordi- nary State in Grains. Weight when well-dried in Grains. Weight when saturated with Water in Grains. Cohesive Powers. Bulk of Water absorbed; total Bulk con- sidered as Unity. Bolsover Ditto Ditto 4890-8 4881-4 5042.0 160.6 0.079 5052.2 5043.0 1.5 70 117 2.316 2.833 0.182 Huddlestone 4493-5 4491.4 4735-0 243-6 0.120 1.9 34 61 Ditto - 4447·4 4445.9 4424-6 4422.5 Ditto Roach Abbey 4408-3 4406-0 4754.7 348.7 0-172 Ditto 1 2.147 2-867 0.239 0.6 24 55 Ditto 2.134 2.844 0.248 - Park Nook · 4356.6 4336-3 4784-7 448.4 0 221 1.8 26 61 Ditto Ditto 4519.2 4509.3 - · - 2.138 2.847 0.249 Results of experiments upon cubes of 2-inch sides in duplicate. Results of experiments upon cubes of 1-inch sides. The purity of all the limestones is readily determined by measuring the quantity of carbonic acid which is evolved during their solution in dilute nitric or muriatic acid: perfect carbonate of lime loses as much as 46 per cent, and when a smaller proportion is driven off, we may infer that there is less weight of calcareous carbonate. Marls or other earths containing lime may also be similarly tested by effervescing them with acids. CHAP III. 703 ON STONE. Statuary Marble—primitive Limestone. Of this entire mountains are sometimes formed: in other instances it is found in beds; its specific gravity is 2.7; it can be sawn into thin slabs, and will receive a brilliant polish: these qualities are only found in three varieties of limestone, the saccharoid, foliated, and the carboniferous: it never contains the remains of organised bodies, but sometimes quartz, mica, hornblende, and other substances. The white marble of Carrara is a fine grain, even and close, of equal colour, resembling white sugar; crystals are occasionally embedded in it, which prevent the working of the chisel: when diversified with spots and greenish or greyish veins, it is called Cipollinaccio; that of a coarser grain resembling salt, and thence called Saligno, is more difficult to work, and often contains a great deal of moisture: those which sound like a bell under the tool are called Campane; being exceedingly dry they are very hard. As these marbles are blasted, it is common to find them shaky in the interior of their mass, and containing veins: the Carrara marble will not admit of so fine a polish as that of Paros, but most modern statues are formed of it; probably the situation of the quarries affording greater facility for the working and transport. The Paros statuary is milk-white, greyish, and opaque; its texture varies from fine-grained to coarse; it is more difficult to work than the fine Carrara. The true Paros, with crystalline grains, is that which the Roman masons called Marmo greco a specchioni; that which they designated Paros is probably Coralitique. Pliny says that several marbles exceeded the Paros in whiteness; the Luni or Carrara had this advantage over it; but as this was the case with several others, it would be difficult to decide which were from Carrara and which from the Greek quarries. The works executed in Parian marble retain all the delicacy of wax with the soft lustre of their original polish. The Pentelican marble obtained from the mountains in the neighbourhood of Athens, and exclusively used in the temples there, is of a yellowish white, close-grained, frequently interspersed with greenish stripes, which causes it to decompose when exposed to the air; it is found in beds, and so easily separated that the ancients used it as bricks and tiles; the Romans call it Marmo cipolla; but it must not be confounded with the Cipollino, or marble of Caryste, which is undulated from a greyish white to green, and is not a statuary marble. The quarries at Pentelicus were admirably situated both for working and transporting the blocks of which the beautiful structures at Athens were constructed; being at a considerable elevation, a regular inclined plane was made from the entrance of the quarry to the city, and masses of marble were moved upon rollers with little labour, care only being required to guide them. The various tinted marbles, or those having coloured veins, are of the same crystalline character, affected by an oxide of iron; but the blue and green tints are occasioned by minute particles of hornblende, as in the siate blue variety called Turchino. The black marbles receive their dark colour from charcoal mixed occasionally with sulphur and bitumen. The Giallo Antico is a beautiful marble, of a regular yellow colour with light violet veins ; it is extremely rare, and is supposed to have been brought from Numidia; there are several varieties; the black marble of the ancients called after Lucullus, from his having introduced it, was a very fine unmixed black; when exposed to a high temperature in an open crucible it burns white; with sulphuric acid it forms a black-coloured mass, and when dissolved in nitrous and muriatic acids it leaves an insoluble black-coloured substance; it is composed of Lime Carbonic acid Black oxide of carbon Magnesia and oxide of manganese Oxide of iron Silica Sulphur Potash and water, &c. 1 · 53.38 41 50 •75 •12 •25 1.13 +25 2.62 100.00 The Rosso Antico is an Egyptian marble, the quarries of which are said to have been on the borders of the Red Sea; the best specimens are of a deep red without either black or white veins; the grain is very fine, compact, and takes a fine polish; it seems to be dotted or strewed over with very fine grains of sand. It has been occasionally used for the purpose of sharpening tools; pieces of it for this application have been found in the excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii. The Verde Antico is a kind of brescia, whose base or cement is a mixture of talc and limestone, the dark green fragments consisting of serpentine with spots of a lighter shade, pure white and fine black; the colours should be very distinct to constitute a fine specimen. It was found in Laconia and Thessalonica; several columns are extant, of great beauty and of large dimensions. 704 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The Cipollino has greenish rings or zones produced by green talc; the fracture is granular and shining. Alabaster Sulphate of Lime. -There are two varieties, the gypseous, which is a semi- crystalline sulphate, and the calcareous, which is a carbonate. The word alabaster is derived from the Greek, and signifies vases of perfumes, called at first alabastra, from having no handles, and this kind of stone being often used for the purpose the name became applied to it. The Oriental alabaster is a carbonate of lime, frequently variegated with beautiful colours, and is susceptible of a high polish. The common alabaster is composed of sulphuric acid and lime, though some varieties effervesce with acids, and contain a portion of the carbonate; it is much softer than marble, and usually forms the lowest bed of the gypsum quarries. At Carrara it is worked into vases, statues, and ornamental models, &c.; the hardest variety is preferred, particularly that which has a granular texture and a pure white colour; it does not polish so readily as marble, but it is easier to work. When carved it is smoothed down with pumice-stone, and afterwards polished with a mixture of chalk, soap, and milk, the hand being used to give it the last finish. Granite ranks as the most durable among all the stones selected for the purposes of building, but it is difficult and expensive to work. The Egyptians employed this material in enormous masses: we have an account of an edifice hewn out of a single mass of granite, and moved from the city of Sais to the Isle of Elephanta, which, after deducting the void, is stated to have been upwards of 1222 cube cubits; its weight therefore would be upwards of 200 tons. The temple of Latona at Buto, mentioned by Herodotus, had the sides of a single stone, and the roof also in one piece. The obelisks at Rome were quarried in Egypt, and transported at a great cost to the imperial city of twelve which remain eleven are erect; they are a large-grained red granite, covered with hieroglyphics with the exception of three, and the granite of which they are composed is of so imperishable a nature, that after exposure to the action of the atmosphere for 3000 years, the hieroglyphics are still entire; they are in relief, but this was effected by sinking the surface of the granite around them, the sinking forming the outline; so that the figure, not projecting beyond the ordinary surface, is not exposed to decomposition, but in some degree protected. Poggio mentions that in 1430, these obelisks were all prostrate, with the exception of that of the Vatican, which was in one single block, unbroken, and without hieroglyphics; its height is about 84 feet, and its weight may be taken at 300 tons. It was moved by Fontana to the Piazza of St Peter's, and is the largest mass of granite known to have been applied to purposes of art, with the exception of that at St. Petersburg for the statue of Peter the Great. Granite was also largely employed by the Romans for the shafts of columns; those of the Pantheon are of one single piece with statuary marble, capitals, and base. Egypt, as well as the island of Elba, supplied them with abundance of this material, not only for their temples, baths, and fori, but also for fountains, the basins of which were hollowed out of large masses. In England, granite does not seem to have been brought into use for the purposes of construction much before the commencement of the present century. The bridges at London over the Thames, erected by the Messrs. Rennie, may perhaps be mentioned as instances of its first application upon a large scale: its beauty and durability render it superior to all other material for works considered national, or intended as monuments of art to be bequeathed to future generations. In the selection of granite, attention should be paid to its quality, which evidently varies as it is produced from different quarries, that obtained from the surface being usually more or less in a state of decomposition : the quartz, mica, and felspar, composing the granite, do not seem to be held together by any base or cement, and the size of the crystals or grains differs in the various specimens, as do the proportions of the ingredients themselves. As the quartz, mica, and felspar, contain several elementary substances, to determine their constituents it is necessary to reduce a given quantity of granite to a powder, and then to fuse it in a platinum crucible with three or four times its weight of alkali, which will decompose it by uniting with one or more of the constituents. The mass so fused is soluble in dilute muriatic acid by the application of different re-agents; the constituents are precipitated, after which it may be filtered, carefully dried, and weighed. The quartz may be considered pure silex; it is an indestructible body, sufficiently hard to scratch glass, and when struck with steel will produce fire; it is also infusible before the blow-pipe; it is whitish, yellowish, or greyish white. The form of its crystals are generally six-sided prisms or pyramids; they may be cleared parallel to the faces of the primitive crystal, which is a rhomboid; its specific gravity is 2.6 to 2.7. Mica, as found in granite, is confusedly crystallised, and its primary form is said to be a right rhomboidal prism; its colour varies from white, yellow, green, brown to almost black; in some instances it is so very transparent that it is used as a substitute for glass; its specific gravity is about 2.0 to 2.5. The analyses of mica vary, but Klaproth gives that of two varieties, the first from Zinnwald, the latter from Siberia. CHAP. III. 705 ON STONE. * Alumina Silica Oxide of iron of manganese Magnesia Potassa 20.00 34.25 47.00 48.00 15.50 4.50 1.75 0.00 0.00 0.50 14.50 8.75 98.25 96.00 Felspar in the granite is found in rhomboidal crystals, and can be cleaved with facility into an acute-angled parallelopipedon; its prevailing colour is white, sometimes flesh red and green; its specific gravity is 2.54: when heated it gives out no water; before the blow-pipe it fuses into a white enamel; it is insoluble in acids. Silica Alumina Potassa Oxide of iron Water 64.50 19.75 11.50 1.75 •75 99.25 From an examination of these ingredients, it appears that granite contains more than its weight of pure silica, and the remaining third is alumina, potassa, and oxide of iron: the felspar is the first to decompose, the next is the mica, but the quartz is imperishable. The quartz may be known by its grey and translucent colour, the felspar by its greyish white or flesh-red tint, and the mica by its grey or black colour. On the Resistance of Stone to the Crush. The resistance of stone to the crush may be considered first with respect to the weight it is capable of sustaining; second, supposing it placed between two horizontal surfaces, what weight could it carry without being crushed or split under it? third, in supposing it held vertically by the upper part, what weight could be suspended at the lower extremity without the stone yielding? It very rarely occurs that weights are suspended at the extremities of the stones; on the contrary, whether in the construction of piers or of the vaults, they are pressed between two parallel surfaces. Although some experiments have been made on the resistance of stones held at one of their extremities, their strength, when thus applied, is not yet ascertained; but not so the resistance of stones bedded level; our knowledge on this subject, if not complete, is very far advanced. But a short time has elapsed since it was first attempted to discover the weight stones are capable of sustaining; and if we consider the great thickness which the ancients have every- where given to the points of support of their edifices, we shall be induced to think that they had little idea of the resistance of the material they used. The boldness of the architects of the middle ages, who sometimes carried immense masses on slender and lofty columns, would on the contrary lead us to believe that they had studied the properties of stone in this respect; but no traces remain to us of any researches, and, according to the state of the sciences in the ages in which they worked, it is natural to believe, that, with- out much reflection, they sought to excel each other in lightness till they arrived at limits which they might possibly have carried still further. As an example of the smallest surface of the points of support of Gothic architecture, we may cite two columns in the church of Toussaints at Angiers; their diameter is only 12 inches, and their height 25 feet; they support pointed arches, the mouldings of which are in freestone, and the weight carried by each is 35 tons. The discussions to which the dome of St. Genevieve gave rise were the occasion of the first experiments made on the resistance of stones; Mons. Patte published in 1770 a memoir, in which he raised doubts on the solidity of the piers of this dome, and asserted that they had not sufficient surface to enable the tower which supported the cupola to resist the thrust. Mons. Gauthey replied the following year to these assertions, showing that they were not in agreement with the rules then known for calculating the thrusts of vaults, and proved by applying these rules in a more exact manner, not only that the thickness of the piers was sufficient to carry the vaults projected by Soufflot, but that the solid mass of masonry might be suppressed, and the columns attached to them only preserved. This assertion supposed, however, that the stone of which the columns were composed would not crush under the weight it would have to sustain; and as this latter difficulty could not be resolved without knowing exactly the strength of the stone, Gauthey undertook for this object experiments which might then be regarded as entirely new; they were published in 1774, in the Journal de Physique of the Abbé Rozier. The construction of the piers of the church of St. Genevieve, considered with relation to Z z 706 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the strength of the stone compared to the weight which it supports, is holder than that of the columns of the church of Toussaints at Angiers: these piers are constructed in hard stone of Bagneux in the lower part, and in that of Mont Souris in the superior part: the beds formed of the stone of Bagneux are considerably split, those in the stone of Mont Souris have resisted much better. The weight supported by a surface of 9 square inches in the pillars of the church of St. Genevieve is 16 cwt.; the weight under which a cube of 2 inches in hard stone of Bagneux was crushed is 137 cwt.; the weights supported by a similar cube in the stone of Mont Souris was 68 cwt. Hence the pressure supported by the stone of Bagneux in the piers of St. Genevieve is from eight to nine times less than that which is necessary to crush it, and the pressure supported by the stone of Mont Souris is only four times less; it may then appear astonishing that the latter has resisted better than the preceding. The pressure supported by the key-stone of the vaults of the bridge at Neuilly is 127 tons per 3 feet 3 inches of length, and it appears that the weight carried is fourteen times less than that which will crush it: but we must observe that by the settlement in these vaults, the weight is not equally distributed on the whole height of the key; the principal effort is near the upper edge, and although we cannot exactly judge of the total weight car- ried by the adjacent parts of this arris, we may presume, on account of the great flatness of the vault, that this portion is very considerable, and that the bridge of Neuilly is as bold an edifice in this respect as it is in every other. We may add from Mons. Rondelet an indication of the pressure exercised on a surface of 9 square inches in the edifices regarded as the boldest : — Piers of the dome of St. Piers of the dome of St. Piers of the dome of the Peter's at Rome Paul's at London Invalides Piers of the dome of St. Genevieve Columns of St. Paul's without the walls Piers of the tower of the church of St. Méry Columns of the church of Toussaints d'Angers Pounds Avoirdupois. - 10221 1190 922 1840 1235 - 1837 2767/1/2 In the pier of the Chapter House at Elgin the stone supports a weight of 5½ tons on each 9 square inches: it was formerly loaded with a heavy roof covered with lead; the stone, which is a red grit, has resisted this pressure for several centuries; it is estimated that the resistance is from 7725 lbs. avoirdupois to 23925 lbs. on 9 square inches, whilst that of brick is 9150 lbs. ; consequently, 1520 lbs. for 9 square inches is a pressure which may be admitted with security for the voussoirs of an arch. This pressure would be perhaps too considerable for calcareous stones, and as a general rule, stones should not be made to carry a weight more than of that which has crushed them in small experimental cubes; this weight would be too great if we were not assured that the pressure would be equally spread over the whole surface of the joints: the voussoirs of the arches near the key, and the points of fracture, are exposed to inequalities in the partition of the powers they exert as supports, and we shall see by-and-by how we can appreciate these effects. The parts of a block of stone comprehended between the beds of a quarry are not exactly homo- geneous experiments have shown that the weight and the specific resistance are more consi- derable in the middle of the stone, and diminish proportionably in its approach to the upper and lower beds. By the experiments of Gauthey it appears, that the strength of the stone augments in a greater relation than the surface of its base; the results reported by Mons. Rondelet agres in general with this assertion. But as no experiments were made on surfaces of any con- siderable dimension, or differing much from each other, it does not appear possible to judge exactly of the manner in which the resistance of the stone does augment relatively to the surface of its base, and it is proper in the application to suppose the relation constant, which, moreover, cannot induce any dangerous error as this hypothesis, is favourable to the resistance. We know a little more positively the influence which form has on the resistance of stone. The experiments which have been made with a view to discover this influence have shown that the different solids, the bases of which had equal area, resisted best, as their figure approached a circle; and in general that for figures differing from each other, the resistance was nearly in the inverse ratio of the perimeter. When the base of solids remains the same, height influences their strength: a very thin stone easily fractures: if it is in the form of a cube it carries a considerable weight, but if the height is augmented, the strength, which first augmented also, finishes by diminishing; if a vertical prism is divided in several parts longitudinally, it will resist less than if it were in a single piece. On the Pressure to which Stones are exposed in Vaults. — The thickness which it is necessary to give to the vaults of bridges involves many considerations: and the pressure to which CHAP. III. 707 ON STONE. the voussoirs are exposed, and the degree of resistance of the stone, deserve enquiry; it is necessary to direct our particular attention to these objects when we are projecting arches of considerable span. Suppose Q the horizontal thrust of the arch, a the pressure that the two halves exert against each other, and which is the greatest possible force it will be necessary to apply horizontally in N to pre- vent a portion, mn and N M, of the arch turning from top to bottom on the edge m. B y A N N. Q M G q p D X The co-ordinates AO, NO, of the point M, counted from the point A, are designated by ab, and the length of the joint MN by c. The co-ordinates Ap, pm from the point m, are named x and y, the length mn of the joint z, and the angle which this joint forms with the vertical, 0. We represent by G the weight of the portion of the arch in NM, as well as the parts of the construction which it sup- ports, and by cc the horizontal distance from the centre of gravity of this weight to the point A. The value of the horizontal thrust at Q being known, we shall easily ascertain the pressure exerted perpendicularly against any joint, mn; in effect, this pressure can be no other than the result of the forces QG, to which is submitted the portion of the vault mn NM, discomposed perpendicularly at mn; that is to say, it is expressed by Fig. 594, G Sin. 0 + Q Cosin. 0 It is not, however, right to consider the horizontal thrust Q a force applied to the arris N, as the voussoirs at the summits of vaults necessarily lean against each other through the whole or a portion of the height of the superficies of the joint; the pressure then being extended over a certain space below the arris N, it acts to prevent the descent of the portion of the vault mn M N, with an arm of a lever less than is supposed, when we consider it as applied in N; consequently we find, as the effect of this supposition, the value of Q smaller than it really should be. The value of the normal pressure exercised on each joint should be exactly known, or we cannot deduce from it the efforts supported by the stone, since we are ignorant of the man- ner in which this pressure is spread over the surface of the joint; far from being able to admit that the pressure is equally distributed over all that surface, we know on the contrary that in all the arches, with the exception of a small number of joints, the pressure is prin- cipally exercised near one of the edges: this circumstance takes place above all at the summit, when the pressure exerts itself near the upper edge; at the joints of rupture, placed in the haunches, when it exercises itself near the bottom edge; and at the inferior joints below the springing, when the pressure exerts itself at the exterior edge. We suppose here, con- formably to what has so often taken place, that the inferior parts of the vault have a ten- dency to thrust outwards. The manner in which the pressure is spread over the surface of the joints is besides more uncertain, as it depends on the precautions with which the voussoirs are cut and placed, on the disposition of the wedges, on the consistency of the mortar, and the settlement of the vault, according to which the joints are more or less open. ZZ2 708 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II, CHAP. IV. BRICKS AND TILES. WHERE stone cannot be procured, bricks form an admirable substitute, being easily made from clay or argillaceous earth, which is found in most situations where stone is wanting: some advantages are derived from the use of this material over stone, which is not ob- tained from the quarry in a state or shape fitted for use, whilst the brick is of a con- venient size, and easily carried to the place where it is employed. An absorbent brick readily adheres to the mortar in which it is bedded, and in a short time becomes a solid mass; whilst it often happens that hard stones are less adhesive, and their surfaces do not combine with the mortar in which they are laid. Unburnt bricks are of great antiquity: the first were probably masses of clay, dried in the air by exposure to the sun; afterwards these masses were moulded into regular and uniform shapes, improved also in strength by mixing chopped straw with them: such bricks were not calculated to resist the humidity of our climate, although some found among the ruins of Babylon are as durable as if they had been burnt, which is entirely owing to the dryness of the air. The remains of what is considered a part of the famous tower of Babel are perhaps among the most ancient specimens of unburnt brick: these bricks are 12 inches square, and 4 inches in thickness, are bedded in bitumen mixed with sand, the joints of which are about 8 inches in thickness; and although they have stood the exposure to the dryness and heat of the climate, when soaked in water have quickly decomposed, which is sufficient proof that straw, reed, and such vegetable matter mixed with the clay, do not constitute a sound brick at Bagdad, where the bitumen is obtained from a lake in the neighbourhood, bricks are still used in most of the buildings. The immense edifices of unburnt brick constructed by the Egyptians remain almost entire one distant about 10 leagues from Cairo, and measured by Dr. Pococke, in 1738, was about 150 feet in height, with its base rectangular, one side being 210 feet and the other 157 feet. This brick pyramid was supposed to be that mentioned by Herodotus as built by Asychius, who is said to have inscribed on it the following: "Do not disparage my worth, by comparing me with pyramids composed of stone: I am as much superior to them as Jove is to the rest of the deities; I am formed of bricks, made of mud that adhered to the ends of poles, and drawn up from the bottom of the lake." These bricks are composed of a black, argillaceous earth, containing small pebbles, shells and chopped straw, and were of two dimensions, the largest 15 inches long, 7 inches broad, and about 4 inches thick. The Greeks as well as the Romans used, as we have seen, unburnt bricks: Vitruvius mentions the wall of Athens, on the sides towards Hymettus and Pentelicus; the walls of the temples of Jupiter and Hercules, the columns and entablature of which were of stone; the palace of King Attalus at Tralles, that of Croesus at Sardis, and of Mausolus at Halicar nassus: that author also describes the manner in which unburnt bricks were made, and observes that gravelly, pebbly, or sandy clay is unfit for the purpose, and that the most proper is a red earth, of a chalky nature, or containing sand; and that the proper season for making them is the spring and autumn, as they dry more equally. When plaster is laid on bricks which are not perfectly dry, they shrink, and the plaster no longer adheres to them the inhabitants of Utica would allow no bricks to be used which were not at least five years old, and had been approved by a magistrate. The three sorts of bricks in use were the doron, the tetradoron, and the pentadoron. The word doron signifies palm, designating a gift that might be borne on the palm of the hand, and it is supposed that the Roman palm was equal to it. The tetradoron is a cube of four palms, and the pentadoron five: there were half bricks of each sort: the least thickness the Greeks are supposed to have given to their walls was that of the doron, or one brick, to their ordinary walls a brick and a half, and to their thickest two bricks. building a wall there are alternate courses of whole bricks and half bricks, so that the joints are regularly broken. In In neither Athens nor Rome are found any remains of unburnt bricks, and the form of those mentioned by Vitruvius is not quite certain, though it is generally believed that they were cubical; it does not seem very practicable to build a wall and keep the courses regular where the three varieties are to be used; they seem intended for as many different kinds of work. The unburnt bricks still used by the nations of the east are made by treading the clay with the feet, and mixing chopped straw, after it has been duly prepared; it is then CHAP. IV. 709 BRICKS AND TILES. put into small wooden moulds, and, in order to give them firmness, they are plunged into a vessel of water, in which is a quantity of chopped straw, and after two or three hours' im- mersion, they are laid out in the shade, where they remain until they become dry. When walls are constructed with them they are coated with a layer of clay and chopped straw, which protects them from the rain; sometimes a coat of lime and plaster, beaten and mixed together is substituted, where a better effect is desired. Brick-making. The earth usually selected by brick-makers is of a tenacious character, and partakes of the quality of loam; a stiff clay makes a brick that falls to pieces in burning, whilst a milder earth is made by adding a quantity of sand to that which is too strong. The clay dug in the autumn is wheeled in barrows to a piece of ground previously levelled to receive it, where it has a quantity of breeze added, which renders it partly com- bustible, when submitted to the heat, which converts the clay into a brick. It is necessary that the brick should become red-hot throughout, and which would be difficult without the breeze, which also gives colour, hardness, and durability. After this mixture of clay, sand, and breeze is rendered ready for use by being worked together with the spade, and continually softened by water, it is exposed to the action of the frost, and usually small heaps are thrown up, so that the weather may penetrate them, and form one uniform, soft, and yielding mass: it is then tempered by adding water, or spreading it to dry; then the whole mass is pressed down, and preserved by a covering to prevent the sun or air further affecting it. The clay is now generally wheeled at the commencement of the spring from the place where it has been exposed to the action of the frost to the pug-mill, where chalk, sand, or other materials are incorporated with it, the mill being supplied with a quantity of water, which reduces the whole into a thin paste, running through a sieve or wire strainer into a reservoir formed for the purpose; when this is full the whole is suffered to subside, and the water is gradually drawn off: after it has acquired sufficient consistence, this finely divided paste is moved by barrows, and mixed with sifted breeze; a few days' exposure to the air makes it sufficiently dry for the moulder's use. The pug mill is a conical tub, secured by iron hoops, about 6 feet in diameter at the top, and as much in height: the bottom is made of day, or some other material imper- vious to water, and constructed so as to be perfectly firm and steady. The clay is put into it, and then, by means of revolving rakes, with iron teeth, like those of the harrow, and made in such a form that in their revolution, they lift up the clay, which falls down again towards the bottom; the masses so separated, and supplied with abundance of water, are soon reduced into a paste. The whole is prevented from adhering to the bottom by a constantly revolving scraper, which allows the pugged clay to find its way to the orifice at the bottom, where it is discharged. A long beam of timber, keyed on the upright shaft, has a yoke, to which a horse is at- tached, that walks round in a track not exceeding 16 feet in diameter; if larger the proper motion would not be maintained. A pump worked by hand, or by the machinery, throws the required quantity of water into the mill; the clay is put in from barrows, wheeled a platform made for the purpose. up The Moulder's Bench is usually attended by a lad or assistant, who cuts the clay into por- tions sufficient to fill the mould; these are taken up by the moulder, and thrust into it, which is previously passed through a mass of sand, to prevent the clay from adhering to it : after the clay has been well forced down, a flat wooden strike is made use of to remove all that is superfluous; the brick is then turned out upon a board, and taken away by a boy to the track in a barrow, covered with thin laths or strips of wood: one moulder's bench will supply 5000 bricks or more per day. The bricks are then laid upon each other in the hacks, arranged on their edge, and placed diagonally, so that the sun and air pass freely around them; they remain here some time, after which their position is changed, and in a week or 10 days, if the weather be favourable, they are fit to be burnt. The clamp is the general system adopted for burning them, which is formed by making a foundation of place bricks, and then arranging those to be burnt in layers, with a stratum of breeze or cinders, 2 or 3 inches in thickness between them. A fireplace is generally at the west-end, about 3 feet in height, from which various flues branch out that run in a straight direction throughout the clamp; these flues, filled with coals or breeze, are placed at distances of 5 or 6 feet apart when the weather is favourable a month is sufficient to burn off a considerable quantity. Kilns containing 20,000 are in the country often preferred for burning bricks; these are made 13 feet in length, 11 feet in width, and 12 feet in height; the outer walls incline inwards as they rise, and are a brick and a half in thickness throughout. The furnace is formed of three arches, which have apertures at the top to allow the heat to pass through to the charge, which is placed on a floor of lattice; a moderate and gentle heat is applied for the first three or four days, to drive off the water; the mouth of the furnace is then blocked up by a shinlog composed of brick, and room only left to zz 3 710 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. introduce the necessary quantity of wood for the purpose of maintaining the fire; when the flame has made its entire way through the whole of the layers, and appears at the top, the fuel is more sparingly applied, and in a short time the fire is suffered to go out, and the kiln gradually cools. Forty-eight hours is sufficient to burn off a kiln of bricks, if care is paid to the raising and slacking the heat, which requires some skill on the part of the burner. Murls, or malms, stocks, and place-bricks are so named, according to their fineness or quality. The first is of bright uniform yellow colour, partly obtained by washing chalk with a fine clay; from these are selected the cutters for arches, which, from their fine tex- ture, are calculated for rubbing. Seconds is another term for a second quality of malm, which are used for gauged work, and the facings of walls. Stocks are either red or grey, the first being the kiln-burnt, the other that usually from the clamp. Place-bricks are of an inferior quality, and, from the fire not having thoroughly burnt them, are generally fit only for purposes of building where soundness is not a requisite. Floating bricks, in imitation of those made by the ancients, were formed by M. Fabbroni out of a material which consisted of 55 parts of siliceous earth, 15 of magnesia, 14 of water, 12 of alumina, 3 of lime, and 1 of iron: this kind of brick does not become altered by fire, being infusible, and although it loses part of its weight, it is not in any way diminished in size: as these bricks are found to float on water, they have been very much used where lightness of construction was desirable. Fire-bricks, used for furnaces and the lining of stoves where great heat is generated, are moulded in various parts of England. At Hedgerley, near Windsor, where the loam con- tains a considerable amount of sand, they were made in large quantities; Welsh lumps and Stourbridge bricks are a similar quality, and will stand the action of great heat. Retorts for a variety of purposes are made with a mixture of clay and iron, particularly for the manufacture of gas; the iron retort receiving a casing of prepared clay, which permits the fire to act first on the clay, and thus prevents the rapid destruction of the metal. Retorts or bricks made of one part pure clay and three parts of coarse and pure sand, slowly dried and annealed, will resist a very high temperature, and are not readily fused; but if in contact with any metals in a fusible state, which are suffered to oxidise, they will then act upon the earthy matter, and cause it rapidly to fuse. A long continued white heat will soften the compound made of any of the siliceous and aluminous earths; therefore clay and sand are not so well adapted to bear a great heat as an entire clay; coarsely powdered and burnt clay being substituted for sand, the vessels which contain glass in the furnace, and which are subjected to intense heats, are thus made, and resist for a length of time the action of the saline fluxes they contain. Windsor loam, or a mixture of clay and sand, made by beating a thin paste, is employed as a lute to unite the joints of fire-bricks, or to set them in instead of common mortar; and if it is required that vitrefaction should take place with the clay so used, borax or red lead, mixed in small portions, will produce the effect; such a compound will destroy the porosity of earthenware, when exposed to high temperatures. The strength of brickwork depends entirely upon the manner in which the bricks are laid; at present the practice in England is confined to what is called Old English and Flemish Bond. The first, which is the preferable mode, bas a course of stretchers, and then a course of headers; the latter is alternate header and stretcher. In the Old English the stretching courses bind the wall together in the longitudinal, and the heading courses in the transverse direction; so that if any fracture occurs, it does not break at the joints, but as a solid mass. The Flemish bond, introduced into England about the reign of William and Mary, is, however, frequently preferred, because it presents a more regular face; wherever strength is an object it should be rejected, and the old English practice followed. Each course being alternately headers and stretchers, should have every brick in the same course laid in the same direction, and in no instance is a brick to be placed its whole length along the side of another, but to be so situated that the end of one may extend to the middle of those it adjoins, except in the outside of the stretching course, where three-quarter bricks must be used, to prevent a continued upright joint in the face of the work: and where a wall crosses another at right angles, all the bricks of the same level course should lie in the same parallel direction, in order that the angles may be completely bonded. In Flemish bond, to prevent the wall splitting, it is necessary to make use of iron hoops, in the horizontal joints between the two courses, and some bricklayers, to attain the same end, lay diagonal courses at certain heights from each other, but the latter system is far from efficacious; others lay all heading courses within the outside Flemish bond, making the face-work alternately of 9 and 4 inches in thickness; this prevents splitting, but destroys the stretching bond. CHAP. IV. 711 BRICKS AND TILES. Tiles are formed of a reddish or grey-coloured clay, which fuses at a red heat: these clays are probably mixtures rather than compounds of silica, alumina, and water. The common kind of tiles is made of the blue clay, obtained near London at a greater depth than the ordinary brick earth; this is excavated in the autumn, and exposed to the air during the winter, to properly temper it: after the tiles are moulded to their shape, they are burnt in kilns, surrounded by a conical structure with an opening at top. A kiln 20 feet square, with 3 furnaces, is calculated to burn about 34,000 tiles at one time; the space which contains them above the arches of the fireplace being 14 feet 6 inches square, and about 8 feet in height, this square chamber being open at the upper sur- face around it is built the frustum of a cone, with a clear diameter of 32 feet at bottom and 3 feet at top, the walls of which are of brick, 18 inches in thickness at bottom, and diminishing by three regular internal sets-off to 9 inches at the top: an entrance is usually left at opposite sides for the charging and unloading the kiln, the bottom of which is generally sunk about 10 feet below the ordinary surface of the ground, and a vaulted pas- sage leads to the furnace, where the fuel is applied: such a kiln is adapted for the burning of bricks as well as tiles, and is found to answer for both admirably well. The Earth used for making tiles should be pure and tough, and free from any foreign matter: after constant turning over and tempering, it is brought to a proper consistence and moulded into the desired shape. Plain Tiles are usually made § of an inch in thickness, 10 inches long, and 61 wide, weighing from 2 to 21 pounds each: these when laid lap over each other, and the part uncovered is called the gauge, which is generally 6½ inches: when so laid, 740 tiles will suffice to cover 100 superficial feet; they are hung upon the lath by two oak pins in- serted in holes perforated by the moulders before burning. Plain tiles are now made so that they may be placed side by side, in courses perfectly flat, without overlapping: this is a far more economical method, decreasing the weight nearly half: a groove is run in the edges which receives a corresponding fillet, both at the sides and at the top and bottom, communicating with each other, and should any water enter the joints it is carried down to the eaves in a continued line. Pan Tiles, first used in Flanders, have a wavy or convex and concave surface one way, and are made 14 inches in length and 10 inches in breadth; their gauge is usually 10 inches, and 170 are sufficient to cover 100 superficial feet; these tiles weigh from 5 to 51 lbs. each. Ridge and Hip Tiles are formed cylindrically, 13 inches in length, and girth 16, weighing on an average 5 pounds. Gutter Tiles are nearly the same size and thickness. Mathematical Tiles, for covering the upright surface of cottages, instead of lathing and plastering the outsides, are much in use in the counties of Kent and Sussex: these tiles are intended to resemble courses of brick, and are made to overlap each other; the face of each consists of two planes, the size of a common brick, and when placed in their proper position, they form a double thickness of tile; they are nailed on, and a fine mortar is in- troduced where they rest on each other, which is pointed in the same manner as ordinary brickwork. Weather Tiles differ from these: they lap over each other, and are made of various patterns, but having their size and thickness that of the common plain tile; they resemble the plates of chain mail, when in their position, and their exposed edges often receive a variety of outline, and form great diversity of pattern; when put on with proper nails, they are found very durable and keep out the weather. Various machines have been invented for the manufacture of tiles, one of which, patented by Mr. Hunt, has two wooden cylinders. round which revolve bands of cloth, which press the clay into one regular thickness through. out; this is conducted by a continued web over a covered wheel, curved on the rim, which gives the cylindrical form to the tile; they then pass through iron moulds, and are cut off to the length required. The Flat Tiles are made in somewhat similar manner: by this machine drain tiles, and the sole pieces on which they rest, are moulded with the greatest correctness. The Brick-making Machine, patented by the same inventor, has also two cylinders, each covered with an endless web, which are so placed that they form a sort of hopper on their two upper cylindrical surfaces, the ends being enclosed by two iron plates: well tempered clay from the pug mill is thrown into this hopper, and at the lower part it acquires the form and dimensions of a brick: beneath is worked an endless chain, by the movement of the cylinders, and at various marked intervals are laid the palette boards under the hopper; the clay is brought down by a slight pressure, and enters a frame, which has a wire stretched across it, which projects through the mass, and cuts off the requisite thickness; this is immediately removed by the forward motion of the endless chain; and this operation is renewed as often as a new palette board is advanced under the hopper: such a machine produces about 1200 bricks per hour, and is worked by two men and three boys. Bricks usually made with machinery are found to dry with more difficulty, in con- z z 4 712 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. sequence of the great pressure that has been made use of; the clay, being more compact, dries on the outside long before the centre parts with its humidity, and in consequence the surface is apt to peel off. This machine does not exercise more than a slight pressure, and the bricks made with it are uniform in size and quality. The Marble Tiles, which covered the Greek and Roman temples, have been imitated in clay, and when properly made have an elegant effect: flat tiles with raised sides extend Fig. 595. ROMAN TILES. from rafter to rafter, the upper ends having a rib that enters a groove formed on the under- side of the tile placed above it; after these are laid, the joints in the direction of the rafters are covered with other tiles, formed like the half of a frustum of a cone, and made to lap over each other; the ends over the eaves or cornice are closed by an ornament, as an eagle, honeysuckle, or flower. In other examples the long joints are covered by rib tiles, with a fine arris or edge at the top, which is calculated to produce considerable strength, and keep out the weather equally well. Fig. 596, GREEK TILES. The architects in Paris have made use of such to cover both public and private buildings, and some of the manufacturers produce them in all their varied forms by machines of a very simple kind: those which covered the temple of Jupiter Stator at Rome were of marble, and of considerable dimension, and since their discovery they have served as models for imitation. The Sunk Tile, with its lateral raised fillets, being laid side by side, had the upper edge overlapped by the succeeding course; the longitudinal joints, or those in the direction of the rafters, were covered by a rib, cut on the underside to saddle the fillets of the two tiles with the joint between them. The lower ends were covered by a perpendicular orna- mental tile or antifissa, the sculpture of which constantly varied: on some of those at the Temple of Vesta at Rome, which the writer discovered, is the representation of an eagle, and on others the honeysuckle. In Flanders, where moulding in clay was at a very early period carried to great perfec- tion, are many varieties of pattern; and they are contrived not only to produce a good effect as they lie, but to keep out the weather: the wavy, which is the most common, are laid on or taken off with very little trouble; they are made with a projecting knob : CHAP. IV. 713 BRICKS AND TILES. on the underside, for the purpose of hanging on the lath; the tail of the next overlapping, and by its weight keeping the other in its place. Fig. 597. SEMICIRCULAR FORMED TILES. The semicircular formed Tile lies like the plates of chain mail one over the other, and forms an admirable covering both for effect and utility. In these the fillet which bounds Z Fig. 598. WAVY TILES . the concave sides is elevated above the tile, and that dotted is raised beneath it, so that when placed it covers the others and keeps all the joints tight, as well as serves to hang them all together; this is a very ingenious and excellent mode of forming the tile. Most buildings might be improved by making their covering more ornamental, and when a graceful form is given to the tile, it contributes greatly to the effect. In the example three are made use of, and that which lies undermost forms the gutter, which conveys away the water that falls upon the roof; the wavy character of the arrangement is well adapted for rustic building, and worthy of imitation. These plates of clay baked in a kiln have been long used for covering the roofs of houses, and the moderns have generally adopted only one kind, whilst the ancients employed two : that placed in regular rows was called imbrex, and that which covered the joints of two so 714 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. laid side by side, the tegula; the ends at the eaves being finished with those ornaments we have termed the antefissæ. Pliny mentions them under the term persona, probably from their resemblance to masks, and says they were invented by a Sicyonian potter named Dibutades, who was established at Corinth, where they were called protypes, from being stamped in front only: other tiles fixed upon the ridge, executed by the same artist, were termed ectypes. Many very ornamental tiles were made use of, some of which were covered with plates of metal, either silver or bronze. ביר Fig. 599. CONVEX TILES WITH COVERED JOINTS. A more simple application consists of forming the tiles in such a manner that the cover- ing to the joints can be dispensed with; this is accomplished by making the lower tile Fig. 600. CONVEX TILES LAID WITHOUT COVERED JOINTS. with grooves at the edges, in such a manner that a portion of the upper may enter and keep out the weather. Tiles are sometimes laid diagonally, and with an undulating surface: the joints are then sufficiently covered, and do not require any further protection. CHAP. IV. 715 BRICKS AND TILES. Throughout France there are many varieties of pattern, and in laying their plain tiles, par- ticularly in Paris, they vary the arrangements; in some instances, a square plain tile is laid Fig 601. DIAGONALLY LAID TILES. diagonally, in others they have undulatory or polygonal surfaces, forming channels to con- duct off the water, and producing a good effect. The Tiles, which cover some of the abattoirs, are made in a similar manner to those manufactured in Burgundy; a concave tile is laid, with its position alternately reversed, Fig. 602. FLAT TILES LAID SIDE BY SIDE. and those which present a convex back, and form the outer surface of the roof, abut against a cylindrical tile which covers the joint. The Flat Tiles, one edge of which has a fillet, and the other a semicircular turn, seem to combine the use of the two tiles in the former example and to produce a much better 716 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. effect; they are more in accordance with the ancients; by forming them in such a manner that the ribs become portions of cones, they will fit each other and make a very strong covering. Fig. 603. TILES IN IMITATION OF THE ANTIQUE. Numerous other specimens might be given of the ornamental tile: among them the fol- lowing show the great variety of pattern that may be produced; and it is to be regretted Fig. 604. TILES ALTERNATELY CONVEX AND CONCAVE. that the covering of our buildings should continue to exhibit the monotonous plain and pantile, when so many picturesque designs might be substituted for them. To tiles as a covering for a roof there are some objections, and generally slate is now pre- ferred; but their manufacture is capable of great improvement, and when their surfaces are glazed, so as to render them impervious to wet, they are upon an equality with slate. Tiles, in the ordinary state, when exposed to moisture or to rain, will imbibe about a seventh of its weight of water, while slate, if of a good quality, will not take up more than a two-hundredth part: if tiles remain saturated with water for any length of time, they certainly injure the timber on which they are laid, and will probably occasion the rooms constructed in the roof to be affected by damp. Pavements are frequently formed of glazed tiles; those in imitation of the ancient tesseræ have a good effect: in the middle ages our churches were paved with a square tile, each of which had a different pattern, or formed figures and devices resembling those of a carpet. CHAP. V. MORTAR AND CEMENTS. 717 CHAP. V. MORTAR AND CEMENTS. CALCAREOUS Mortars and cements are said to acquire their hardness by the slow absorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere, though few mortars that have been submitted to the process of analysis have exhibited the quantity of acid necessary for the full saturation of the lime, every 28 parts by weight requiring 22 of carbonic acid. This idea was probably suggested by noticing that the outer surface of a lump of mortar first exhibited the greatest hardness, and then the portion nearest to it, and at last the centre. According to one theory a chemical affinity exists among the ingredients that compose the mortar, so that the lime acting upon the alumina and sand or silica enters into combination with them ; while another supposes that the particles are only affected by mechanical agency, and that the lime adds to their cohesive properties. The minute state of the lime, and its extreme division, allows it to spread over the entire surface of the particles of sand, bringing them more closely into contact, or it fills up their interstitial spaces, forming a matrix to hold them together. Lime is superior in its adhesive power to that of its cohesive, and therefore attaches itself to hard bodies in preference to its own softer particles. The hydrates of lime and alumina, when powdered and mixed with water, possess great adhesive powers, which is not the case with anhydrous substances, as carbon and silica: those bodies which harden quickest have the strongest affinity for water, though some substances which will not harden in this liquid will in others. Lime-paste slowly dried acquires considerable cohesive pro- perties rich limes, when mixed with sand or grains of silex to form ordinary mortar, being very soluble in water, remain in a soft state when excluded from the air for a length of time; but when a small portion of puzzolana is added in a finely comminuted state, the lime loses its solubility, and in a short time hardens under water, probably occasioned by a chemical combination taking place between the lime and puzzolana. : Hydraulic Mortars are composed of silica and caustic lime in general, and their peculiar property may be attributed to their forming a hydrated silicate of lime; when clay and magnesia are added, double silicates of greater consistency and strength are produced: the silica should always be in such a state that it is easily converted into a gelatinous paste by the addition of an acid, and should be prepared by calcining it with an alkaline earth at a bright red heat, after which it will dissolve in acids. Sand of the quartzose kind, when mixed with lime in the ordinary way, will not form hydraulic mortar; but if after, when reduced to fine grains, it be burnt with the lime, it becomes suitable for the purpose of building in water: those limestones which contain 10 per cent. of clay, when strongly burnt, form good hydraulic mortars; but if this proportion be increased to double or more, it requires to be well ground before it will set. Marls which contain 30 per cent. of clay make an excellent mortar without adding any other ingredient; when the proportion of clay is greater, it must not be subjected to any great or prolonged heat; if strongly cal- cined it becomes vitrefied, and requires pounding, or grinding very fine, as well as an addition of some strong lime to make an hydraulic mortar. When 1 part of silica and 4 of caustic potassa are fused together and slowly cooled, a part of the compound may be poured out of the crucible before the whole has solidified, and pearly crystals are formed in the residuary portion, composed of 1 atom of silica and 1 of potassa: when 1 part of silica and 2 of carbonate of potassa are fused together, the carbonic acid is expelled, and a bisilicate of potassa is formed; these silicates are soluble in water; this solution may be also obtained by digesting gelatinous hydrate of silica, or very finely divided silica, in solution of potassa. In Holland a substance called terras or trass has been from time immemorial used as a water cement; it consists of a substance called Wakke, a species of basalt, and has been employed in forming mounds or barriers against the irruption of the sea: according to Morveau compact basalt, after burning, made a similar cement to the Dutch terras; and a material very nearly resembling it is found in great abundance near the port of Leith, and in the vicinity of Edinburgh. The Mortar made use of by the Egyptians was formed of sand and lime, nearly in the pro- portions we now adopt: 100 grains taken from the pyramid of Cheops were carefully analysed; after being reduced to a fine powder, dried thoroughly, and immersed in 6 ounces of pure water for some time, they were heated to remove the soluble salts: when filtered after this operation the mortar was found to have lost 18 grains, which consisted of 15·3 sulphate of lime, and 3.2 of soda. The residue of 81½ grains had 4 cubic inches of dilute 718 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. · muriatic acid poured upon them, and there was then a loss of 4-7 grains of carbonic acid, the total weight of which in the mortar was 5 64 grains; and on completing the process the constituents were found to be Sulphate of lime and soda Carbonic acid Lime Alumina Alumina and crystals of selenite Water and loss Grains. - 18.5 5.64 10.7 0.3 - 54.7 10.16 100.00 This mortar does not appear to contain any siliceous matter, and is a compound of rich lime and coarsely powdered gypsum, as a substitute for sand, in the proportion by weight of 1 of lime to 5 of gypsum: it possessed considerable tenacity, and its specific gravity was about 1.98. The Greeks used a fine mortar, and well understood the composition of stuccoes; some that remain at the present day cannot be surpassed for whiteness, hardness, or polish: their floors were made of a cement resembling the finest marble, which dried so rapidly after washing, that there was no danger of any injurious effects, even when walked on without the sandal. The Romans, according to Vitruvius, paid great attention to the selection of their limes, and considered that of the finest quality which was made from the hardest and purest marble for hydraulic purposes they generally made use of puzzolana, being perfectly aware that common lime and sand would not set under water: all Roman mortars ex- posed to the action of the atmosphere seem to be alike; they are composed of pounded tile or brick, coarse sand or gravel, and lime, the latter often occurring in small lumps, as if not properly slaked: their artificial hydraulic mortars were composed of pure lime and large proportions of pounded brick, which, when broken, resemble a brescia of which lime is the matrix: with this they lined their reservoirs, first preparing it by beating, and floated it on the walls by means of sandstones, which they rubbed over the surface; upon this was laid a fine coat of plaster, and then one of red lead and oil; the first rough coating dried the plaster rapidly, by absorbing its superabundant water. These cements or mortars very frequently exhibit on their surface a coating of carbonate of lime, particularly in the con- duits of the aqueducts, some of which are extremely hard, and of considerable thickness. We have many remains of limestone quarries worked by the Romans; one, called Calcariæ in the Roman Itineraries, is situated at Tadcaster in Yorkshire. Lime is the essential ingredient of all calcareous cements, and is never found in a natural state quite pure; it is usually that of an earthy salt, which crystallised is called calcareous spar; when massive, limestone is found combined with carbonic acid in the proportions of 46 to 54 of lime. This gas, which is sparingly soluble in water, is a permanently elastic fluid under the ordinary pressure and temperature of the atmosphere. The whitest lime-- stones, as the white granular marble, for instance, are nearly pure, only containing a small quantity of siliceous earth; this, when subjected to calcination, falls into a coarse powder, and, as it cannot be burnt in an ordinary kiln, is not in use for the purpose of making mortar. Chalk, in consequence of its requiring less fuel to convert it into lime, is preferred; but as it is subject to be only superficially burnt, and to contain, in consequence, a quantity of core, it is not so eligible for the builder. Oolite Limestone is the next in quality, and superior to this is the grey limestone, which requires longer time, as well as more fuel to convert it. The swinestones and bituminous limestones, which are of a dark brown colour, become frequently black when heated red- hot, the carbonic acid is converted into carbonic oxide, which, having no attraction for lime, flies off, leaving the lime perfectly white, very caustic, and more porous than that produced from the compact limestones; this kind, when exposed to air, or the action of water, crumbles into a fine powder, and is useful for mortar. The Magnesian Limestone is found in the new red sandstone formation in thick beds, either of a reddish or yellowish tinge; they are compounds of carbonates of lime and mag- nesia, in the proportions probably of three-fifths of carbonate of lime and two-fifths of the carbonate of magnesia: after burning it retains its causticity for a long time. Grey Chalk or Chalk Marl, which contains a large proportion of iron and clay, formed the bottom bed of the great chalk deposit, and contains no flints; that which is used for hydraulic mortar has from 10 to 25 per cent. of clay, and when burnt has a pale yellow colour. The blue limestone, or the dark dove colour, when burnt into lime, becomes buff; it is found both in the transition and mountain limestone deposits, and constitutes nearly the whole of the lias formation: its position is between the lower oolite and the new red sandstone, and its entire thickness is 250 feet. Watchet, Aberthaw, and Barrow in CHAP. V 719 MORTAR AND CEMENTS. Leicestershire, are all on the same bed, and Smeaton found, upon a careful analysis, that the proportions of iron and clay in each were the same, or about 11 or 12 per cent. For the Eddystone lighthouse he used equal measures of Aberthaw lime, in the state of hydrate, and of fine powdered puzzolana, proportions which when reduced to weight, and allowing 24 per cent. for water, agree with those stated by Vitruvius to be in use among the Romans. The Dorking lime is used for land and water cements, as is the Merstham, both of which are obtained from the chalk marl, as is the Halling on the Medway. In the cements made from lias the oxide of iron they contain appears to combine with the lime during the process of burning, and sets without difficulty when mixed with a large proportion of sand. The Tournay mortar is a lias cement, and thus formed: after the lumps of lias are withdrawn from the kiln, what remains with the ashes of the slaty coal, in the propor- tion of three of ashes and one of lime, is sprinkled with water, just sufficient to slack the lime. It is then beaten by an iron pestle for half an hour; this is repeated three or four times, until it attains the consistence of mortar. It is then placed under cover, and in a few days beaten again, either with stone or brick; it acquires in a short time great hardness. The coal ash in this instance is burnt clay in a state of fine division, and therefore ready to combine rapidly with the argillo-ferruginous lime, which, being in a state of hydrate, and allowed to be some time in contact with the ash, a combination takes place, which is further increased by beating, the lime parting with its water, and combining with the ash. As it is of the utmost importance to understand the nature of the hydraulic limestones, M. Berthier recommends the following method of analysis: after the specimen has been reduced to a fine powder, it is passed through a hair-sieve, and a given quantity is put into a vessel; muriatic or nitric acid, diluted with a small quantity of water, is poured upon it, taking care to stir the whole with a glass or wooden rod. When the effervescence has begun, the solution is to be evaporated by a gentle heat, until the whole becomes a thick paste; this is put again into a small quantity of water, and filtered; all the clay contained in the paste will remain in the filter, and the substance which has passed through must be dried in the sun or by the fire, and afterwards weighed: or the specimen to be examined may be calcined to redness in an earthenware or metal crucible, and very clear water being poured into the solution, a precipitate will be formed, which is magnesia; this, washed in pure water, and dried speedily, is to be then weighed. The clay may be thus estimated, as well as any fine sand that it may contain. The only apparent difference between lime obtained from limestones and chalk is that of the greater retention or expulsion of the carbonic acid gas, and both Smeaton and Higgins have proved that when chalk or stone lime is equally fresh from the kiln, their qualities as cements are nearly equal;. but as chalk lime absorbs carbonic acid more rapidly from its spongy texture, it loses much of its cementing quality, and does not make so good mortar as the lime from stone. Limestones are sometimes found wholly composed of lime and carbonic acid: the best hydraulic limestones contain silica, alumina, magnesia, iron, and manganese; the silica being the most abundant. The rich or fat Limes are those which in slaking double their volume, and after having been immersed for a length of time retain their consistency, and in pure water will dis- solve to the last particle; they are derived from the pure limestones, which contain from 0.1 to 0·6 of silica, alumina, magnesia, and iron; they absorb in slacking nearly 300 per cent. of their weight of water. The poor Limes do not much augment their volume, and only partly dissolve, leaving a residue, which has little or no consistency; they are produced from the limestone in which silica is present in the state of sand, magnesia, the oxides of iron and manganese, and absorb about 200 per cent. of water. The moderately hydraulic Limes set in 15 or 20 days after they are immersed, and then continue to become harder in quality; at the end of a twelvemonth they acquire the con- sistence of soap, in pure water dissolve with difficulty, and expand in slaking. From Limestone, united with Clay, Magnesia, Iron, and Manganese, in the proportion of not more than 15 or 18 parts out of 100 of the whole, are obtained the hydraulic limes; these set after six or seven days' immersion, and continue to acquire hardness; such lime absorbs, on slacking, 250 per cent. of its weight in water. Some of the best hydraulic limes are obtained from limestones which have, in addition, a greater amount of silica, or where it occupies nearly half the whole quantity of the other substances; these kinds set on the second or third day after immersion, and in a month become hard and perfectly insoluble. Lime is said to set when it will bear without depression a rod the twentieth part of an inch in diameter, loaded with a weight of 10 or 11 ounces avoirdupois, or when it will resist any indentation made by the finger moderately pressed. By these observations it would seem that there are no definite proportions between the quantities of silica and alumina or of magnesia which unites with the calcareous matter; but it is well ascertained that no good hydraulic mortar can be made without 720 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. : silica, and that the best limestone for the purpose is that which contains a certain quantity, with alumina in the proportions usually found in clay. Limestones are made into lime by driving off the carbonic acid and water by burning them in open kilns. When limestone is in a pure state it will bear a white heat, but that which contains the properties to render it an useful hydraulic lime easily fuses; its calcination, therefore, requires more care; the heat should never exceed redness, and the burning should not pro- ceed too rapidly; if exposed to too great a heat, they become covered with an enamel, and the carbonic acid is not driven off, and consequently they will not slack. The forms of kilns used for this purpose vary in different districts, as they are cylindrical, conical, egg-shaped, or prismatic. Flare Kilns, intended for burning scares or faggots, have the limestone, with which they are fed, resting on one or two vaults, built up dry with the materials of the charge: a small fire is lighted beneath the vaults or arches, and this is gradually increased, as the draught gains strength. The air which rushes constantly through the flame passes through the charge, and by degrees renders the whole of the mass incandescent: the lime required for this kind of burning varies according to the size and quality of wood used. Vicat, who made many experiments upon lime and mortars, ascertained that if lime was plunged into water for a few seconds, and then withdrawn, it decrepitated and fell into a fine powder, which might be kept in a dry place for a considerable time, and would not again heat when water was added to it. When lime was slacked in the common manner 100 parts by weight of common fat or rich lime absorbed 236 per cent. of its weight of water, and its volume was increased to 310; when slacked by plunging for a few seconds, it absorbed 131 per cent. of water, and its bulk increased to 104; and when slacked by mere exposure to the air, it absorbed 148 per cent. of water, and its volume was augmented to 176. The same lime, therefore, will produce cream of lime of the same consistence, with different portions of water as either of the above processes are adopted. The great quantity of water absorbed by the common process shows us that the particles of lime are minutely subdivided, and, therefore, in a state to take up a greater quantity of sand. The quantity of water absorbed by the hydrate of lime has a material influence on its hardness. One hundred parts of rich lime, by weight, imbibing 137 parts by weight of water, acquired a hardness of '126; of 183 parts, 222; and when 315 parts, by weight, 068, so that the middle quantity gave the best result. The greatest tenacity in the common limes was obtained by the usual method of slaking, the next by spontaneous evaporation, and the least by immersion. The greatest tenacity of the hydraulic limes is also found to be in the same order. Water has no action on the hydrates of the hydraulic lime, but it dissolves and decomposes the rich lime; the latter, if slacked and made into balls and then exposed to the air, will in a month or two be covered with a carbonate of lime; if these balls are then broken and plunged into water the interior lime will dissolve, and the shell or carbonate will remain. The solidification of common mortar is therefore accounted for by the reformation of a carbonate of lime, the hydrate of lime attracting carbonic acid from the atmosphere: the water which holds the lime in solution for any length of time combines with the carbonic acid, and as evaporation proceeds slowly crystallisation takes place; this, according to some opinions, constitutes the hardness of old mortar. Where coal is used the limestone and coal are indiscriminately mixed, the quantity of the latter varying with the hardness of the limestone to be reduced: 1 bushel of coal will make 4 or 5 bushels of lime, the magnesian limestone requiring still less. Where there is any aluminous earth in the limestone, the fire must be kept down by means of a damper introduced in the kiln, or there will be danger of the lime becoming vitrefied in consequence of its affinity for silex and alumina: a white heat will often convert lime into glass; good lime may be made with a slow red heat. Common lime, when slacked under water, takes up more than it can solidify, and, as it cannot then throw off the superfluous quantity, remains in a state of paste : hydraulic limes, on the contrary, when slacked, and brought to the consistence of cream, if plunged into water, in setting give up the superfluous quantity, and if made into a thick paste before immersion, then absorb sufficient to set them. The hydraulic limes, when mixed with sand, make an excellent mortar for buildings that are out of the water, and the richest, which take up a greater quantity of sand, would be found the most economical for general purposes. When Limestone is to be converted into lime, it is not unusual to sprinkle it with water before it is thrown into the kiln, which aids the process. The carbonate of lime, if heated too violently, and in a close vessel, melts and crystallises again into a state of carbonate; when it contains any mixture of alumina, and is burnt in contact with charcoal, it is not so well adapted for hydraulic mortar as when burnt with coal. The best fuel is the blaze from wood or furze, for it has been found that charcoal has the effect of depriving it of CHAP. V. 721 MORTAR AND CEMENTS. the strength which it acquires from the flare or flame heat: pure lime and clay thus heated in a kiln will produce good hydraulic lime. When water is thrown upon a subcarbonate, however, it will form a hydrocarbonate, which will not set under water, and with an excess of base is more difficult to reduce into lime than a neutral carbonate by a second calcination; this will in some degree account for the difficulty of converting limestone into lime, when it has been chilled before calcination is complete. Artificial hydraulic lime, which is so necessary for all engineering works, is now generally prepared by mixing with a rich lime a certain proportion of alumina or clay, and then subjecting it to the process of calcination: with lime so prepared the beton, a mass composed of hydraulic lime and rubble, is made, the lime being slacked previous to its mixture; this sets under water, and is universally employed in France, where the piers of bridges are founded on a beton composed of sand, flint, and artificial hydraulic lime; it is often applied at great depths in a caissoon without a bottom, and after it has been deposited 8 months, has been found hard enough to bear 2500 tons on a surface of less than 100 square yards. Chalk is sometimes used, which being quickly reduced to a powder is formed into a paste by the addition of water, but does not produce so good an artificial lime, in consequence perhaps of the less perfect state of the combination of the materials. Cal- careous substances cannot, without slaking or subjecting them to heat, be reduced to the same state of fineness. The proportion of lime and clay for the manufacture of hydraulic lime must vary according to their quality; but 20 parts of dry clay added to 80 of rich unslacked lime, or 140 of carbonate of lime, is found to be a good proportion; the finest and softest clays are always preferred. Parker's cement was first patented in 1796: it contains 45 per cent. of clay, and 55 of car- bonate of lime, according to Sir Humphry Davy, and the mineral substance used for its manufacture is a reniform limestone, found in nodules in beds of clay; they are most abundant in the argillaceous strata, which alternate with those of oolite, and the clay stratum, which reposes on the chalk and often on the London clay. In Kent they are found on the coast of the Isle of Sheppey, and are called Septaria; the siliceous clay of which they are composed contains veins of calespar; after these Septaria or cement-stones are collected, they are subjected to calcination in kilns, and the cement is packed in casks; their analysis shows usually 55 parts of lime, 38 of alumina, and 7 of oxide of iron. In Yorkshire there is a cement made for hydraulic purposes, which contains 34 parts of clay, and 62 of the carbonate of lime, and that obtained at Harwich, which sets very quickly, has 47 parts of clay, and 49 of carbonate of lime. When this material is properly burnt it is of a light brown colour; the cement, when taken from the kiln, requires grinding before it is fit for use, and when mixed with water it regains all the carbonic acid that was driven off by burning. The stone or septaria of which this invaluable cement is made is fine grained, and susceptible of polish, its spe cific gravity being about 2·59. Its components after a careful analysis are found to be, Carbonate of lime of magnesia of iron of manganese f silica Clay Water { alumina I 657 5 60 19 180 66 13 1000 Two measures of sand and one of good cement powder form an excellent composition for ordinary building purposes, though many prefer equal measures of each; cement, however, unites more readily and powerfully with brick or stones when it is perfectly pure and unmixed with sand: for the lining of reservoirs or cisterns it is used pure, and if mixed with sand is seldom found to be water-tight; hence where a thickness is required, it is better to dub out with tiles as much as is necessary, using only pure cement. Kilns for burning Parker's Cement. That in Her Majesty's dockyard at Sheerness is circular, 17 feet in diameter from out to out, and about 21 feet 6 inches in height: an inverted cone occupies the middle, which has a clear diameter at top of 8 feet, and at bottom of 5 feet 6 inches, where there is a conical mass of brickwork, which spreads the cement as it falls through the ash-holes or eyes; there are four of these placed at re- gular distances, each 30 inches in width, and 18 inches in height, to the crown of the flat arch that covers them; within are fire-holes a foot square, which have iron bars to sup- port the brickwork above them. Around the entire cylindrical kiln are four wrought-iron hoops 3 of an inch in thickness, and 3 inches in width, for the purpose of holding the work 3 A 722 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. together: these are placed at regular distances from above the lower arches to the top, and are held by vertical iron bolts where they join: the kiln will hold a charge of 30 tons of broken cement-stones measuring 26 cubic feet to the ton, as well as the fuel re- quired for burning it. When used the bottom is covered with wood, and the coals and cement-stones are arranged in alternate layers, each about a foot in thickness: after it has been lighted three days the lower part may be drawn, and then by constantly filling up, this may be done every twenty-four hours: the cement-stones and coals are thrown in from the top, and every ton of cement-stone yields 21 bushels of cement powder. In the mill for grinding this cement, the materials are thrown by a labourer into a sieve containing seventeen wires to an inch, which is shaken by the machinery attached to the steam-engine, after which it is packed into casks and kept ready for use: two tons of cement powder are ground during the day. are the In France the materials selected for the manufacture of hydraulic mortar chalk of the country, and a clay which contains 63 parts of silica, 28 of alumina, and 7 of oxide of iron; after they are reduced into small lumps they are ground in a mill, the stones are placed on their edges, and followed by a strong wheel to which is attached a set of rakes; these are moved by a 2 horse-wheel in a circular basin 13 feet in diameter; in the middle is the pivot of the vertical axle which supports the machinery: water is al- lowed to flow into this basin as required, and the proportions of chalk are three measures to one of clay. When this has been subjected to the action of the mill for an hour and a half, it is drawn out in the state of a thin pulp into four or five successive reservoirs, in the last of which it stands until it has obtained its requisite consistency; the mass is then cut out into prisms, which are placed on shelves to dry, and in a short time they are sufficiently so to be subjected to the process of calcination. * Smeaton's observations on water cements show that the quality of lime does not depend either upon its hardness or its colour, for the white lias of Somersetshire, though approaching to a flinty hardness, and having a chalky appearance, he says, is not equal to the clunch lime, obtained near Lewes in Sussex, which is of great repute for all works executed in water. This clunch lime is a species of chalk, not found, like the lias, in thin strata, but in thick masses. It is considerably harder and heavier than common chalk, but yet of the lowest degree of what may be termed stony hardness, and inclining to a yellowish ash colour. When analysed, it contains three parts out of sixteen of its weight of yellowish clay, with a small quantity of sand, seemingly of the crystal kind, not quite transparent, but mixed with red spots: hence the fitness of lime for water building seems neither to depend upon the hardness of the stone, the thickness of the stratum, nor the bed or matrix in which it is found, but in burning and falling down into a powder of a buff-coloured tinge, and in containing a considerable quantity of clay; and he found all the water limes to agree in these particulars, among which that obtained at Dorking, he supposed, was stronger than that made from common chalk, it containing one-seventeenth part of light- coloured clay of a yellowish tinge. Sutton lime in Lancashire, he observed, had this buff cast, the stone itself being of a deep brown colour, its quality as a water lime not depending upon its colour before it is burnt: this limestone was found to contain three parts out of sixteen of its weight of brown or red clay, and one part out of forty-two of fine brown sand, making a lime very superior to all others for water-building. The mortar used at the Eddystone lighthouse was composed of equal measures of puzzo- lana and blue lias lime, slaked into a powder, forming a very strong cement, and setting well under water, though requiring considerable time to do so: in this sand was altogether omitted, and when two bushels of slaked lime powder were added to two bushels of puzzo- lana, the whole occupied 2.32 cube feet. For the common face mortar, to two bushels of lime powder were added one bushel of puzzolana and three bushels of common sand, which occupied 4.67 cubic feet. Smeaton also used a water-lime and minion, or siftings of the ironstone, after calcination at the iron furnaces, which were ground in a mill before being added to the powdered lime; this minion or forged scales, he considered, when well pulverised, and sifted clean from dirt and glassy slag, equivalent to as much puzzolana or tarras. Two bushels of lime, two bushels of minion, and one of sand was the proportion for face mortar; and for backing mortar, two of lime, bushel of minion, and three bushels of common sand, occupying 4·17 cubic feet. 14 When common lime was mixed with minion for ordinary face mortar he employed two bushels of lime, the same quantity of minion, and two bushels of sand, making 4.75 cubic feet, and for common lime, mixed with tarras, his proportions were for tarras mortar two bushels of powdered lime, and one of tarras or 1.67 cubic feet; and for the backing mortar, to the same quantity of powdered lime, only bushel of tarras, and three bushels of sand, or 14 3.50 cubic feet. Puzzolana, obtained near Naples, is of a violet red colour, and of volcanic origin: it is sometimes found in coarse grains in slag, pumice, or tufa, and often of a yellow, grey, or CHAP. V. 723 MORTAR AND CEMENTS. black colour: it is composed of silica and alumina, with a small quantity of other matters; a portion analysed by M. Berthier contained silica 44·5, alumina 15, lime 8-8, magnesia 4·7, oxide of iron 12, soda 4, potash 1.4, water 9.2, in 100 parts, and the only preparation to which it was subjected was grinding and sifting; when reduced to a fine powder, it is beaten with a due proportion of lime to a proper consistency. Puzzolana was obtained by the Romans near Baiæ, and, mixed with lime and small stones, Vitruvius tells us it acquired great hardness from the moisture it absorbed, and that it would resist the dashing of the waves and the action of sea-water. Acids will, however, act upon it, though some specimens are not at all affected by them; others, when washed with sulphuric acid, become covered with an aluminous efflorescence; puz- zolana thrown into limpid lime-water decomposes it more or less, but a sufficient quan- tity restores it to a state of purity. We find the mortars or cements used by the Romans in this island composed of chalk lime, sand, pounded brick or tile dust, occasionally mixed with ashes of wood or charcoal, the residue of the hearth where the lime was burnt, and the carbonic acid of the chalk driven off; their mortar is remarkably hard, generally of a pinkish tint, and often when broken exhibits cavities which contain crystals of the carbonate of lime. This kind of mortar is perhaps the most ancient of the artificial puzzolanas known, and we find it through- out Europe in every place occupied by the Romans; its weight and durability have occasioned it to be considered as more excellent in quality than that made at the present day; but this apparent advantage is entirely owing to time, which has permitted it to ab- sorb from the atmosphere a greater quantity of carbonic acid, and to become in consequence more solid, and capable of bearing greater weight. Numerous experiments were made during the last century by the French chemists upon the ochreous clays, in order to form a substance that would answer the same purpose as the Italian puzzolanas; and M. Bruyere has shown us that by a mixture of powdered clay and lime, in the proportion of three of the first to one of the latter, an active cement is formed, which sets under water in a few hours, but never arrives at a very great degree of hardness: all kinds of clay composed of silica and alumina, and a little oxide of iron, and no carbonate of lime, if soft and fine in their textures, will produce, by proper treatment, a very active and energetic puzzolana. A clay which does not effervesce in nitric acid, and when burnt has a brick-red colour, if after it is pulverised, it is thinly spread in a layer on a plate of iron, and heated to redness, allowed to remain about twenty minutes, taking care continually to stir or move it with a rod, so that all the particles may be properly and thoroughly calcined, forms an excellent artificial puzzolana, which, mixed into a stiff paste with half its weight of lime, becomes very hard in water. Pipe clay, which contains a considerable quantity of silica, but no carbonate of lime, after burning, will set, with the same proportion of lime as in the preceding example, into a very hard cement, after it has been immersed five or six months. Clay calcined at too great an heat loses its quality as a puzzolana, and it never should be so great as is required to burn a sound brick; the artificial puzzolanas, made by the ancients by pulverising old tiles, bricks, and the residue of their potteries, shows us that those materials in which there had been a deficiency of burning were employed in preference. Sand varies in the size of its particles, and where rubble-work is employed, after the coarse stones are filled in with the finer sorts, the interstices are run in with some cementing substance; to estimate the exact amount of all these spaces, a measure is made of each of the varieties, and afterwards of the quantity of water to fill them up. In pebbles of about half an inch in diameter, the void is equal to half the measure which contains them; in gravels, five-twelfths; common sand, two-fifths; fine sand, one-third; and very fine sand, two-sevenths. To ascertain what proportion of each, when mixed, would approximate a solid mass, or fill up all the voids, requires more consideration, though this is commonly done by first filling a measure with the larger stones, and then by degrees adding the finer; and when all in the proportions of their bulk have been calculated, they may be put together, and if the measure, when duly shaken, is no more than full, we are sure the interstices are filled up. The sand usually preferred for making mortar has a sharp grit, and is obtained from rivers; the proportions with which it is compounded with the lime varies in different districts according to the quality. Mortar for ordinary constructions is composed of one part of stone lime and three of sand mixed together; the lime, being in a perfectly dry state, is thrown into a basin formed by heaping up the sand around it; water is then sprinkled or thrown on to slack the lime, and it is immediately covered over with sand; after remaining some time in this state, and the whole of the lime has been reduced to powder, it is turned together, then passed through a wire screen, where all the core, or that portion of the lime which has not slaked, is taken out. The whole has then more water poured upon it, and being triturated or larryed, is rendered fit for the workman, 3A 2 724 Book II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The lime is sometimes placed in the middle of a heap of sand, and after water has been thrown on it, it is amalgamated together by hoes; after remaining in this state a few hours, it sets and is fit for use: by this means the lime takes up a larger quantity of sand; 72 bushels of good stone lime, and 18 yards of sand, when formed into mortar will have a cubical content of 315 feet. Sand is the produce of the spontaneous disintegration of the granitic, schistose, or cal- careous rocks, and their specific gravity is the same as that of quartz, a cubic foot of which would weigh 162½ pounds, but when in the state of sand it does not weigh more than 75 pounds, so that the interstitial parts are more than equal to the sand itself: the proportion of lime to fill up these spaces between the particles of sand must be ascertained before we can have a solid mass, and the difference between the weight in its loose and compact state ought to give us the quantity of lime requisite to bind the particles firmly together. Concrete is of very ancient use, and formed the foundations as well as hearting of the walls in the remotest ages, and among all nations: it is made by mixing lime, coarse gravel and sand together, with a moderate quantity of water. The lime should be reduced to the state of a fine powder, which is done immediately it is brought from the kiln, by grinding it in a mill, or by pounding it; when used it is slaked and not before, the ordinary method employed is to mix it with the other ingredients as quickly as possible, and then add the water immediately before it is put into the barrow and wheeled to its destination, or where it is to be thrown down. Neither gravel nor sand alone will form a perfect concrete, for when large pebbles are mixed with quicklime and water, they are not in any way held or cemented together, but when fine sand is used in the ordinary proportions of common mortar a concrete is formed; and a mixture of coarse with the fine sand renders the mass still more compact: when all the materials are properly mixed together, the lime combines with the fine sand only, and cements the pebbles or larger stones together, forming a rubble, so that the proportions of sand ought to be precisely those required to make mortar of the best quality. In the sea wall at Brighton the proportions were six parts of large shingle and well-sifted sand, and one part of grey chalk lime fresh from the kiln; these were not mixed together at one time, but three parts of sand and one part of lime were first made into mortar of the ordinary kind, which was thrown with an equal quantity of beach shingle into a pug- mill, where they were well mixed together before being used. Artificial stone has been formed of concrete, and the process patented by Mr. Ranger; the moulds have at the bottom a flat board, made larger than the size of the intended stone to be cast; the four sides are held together by iron cramps, tightened up by means of wedges: when the moulds are prepared they are laid out to receive the mixture of gravel, sand, quicklime, and boiling water, which is thrown into them as rapidly as possible, and kept constantly rammed down until the mould is full; the surface is then floated over with mortar and rendered quite smooth. Boiling water has the advantage of causing the lime to slack more rapidly, and therefore fewer moulds are required; in half an hour these artificial stones are sufficiently set to allow of the moulds being taken to pieces, after the trenails are drawn which kept the sides together; two holes are left in the concrete block to attach any tackle that may be required to hoist them to their destined position: when the boards which form the mould are all withdrawn, the blocks are put up to acquire hardness, which they do in two or three months. Whenever concrete is used for the foundation of a building, it should be thrown from as great a height as possible, which compresses it into a more solid mass: its depth when laid in trenches, or spread over an entire surface, should never be less than 4 or 5 feet, and where great weights are to be borne not less than 6 feet. The hydraulic mortar in the construction of the Menai Bridge in North Wales, made of Aberthaw lime and sand, was found to answer admirably well; it was composed of one measure of lime to two of sand; that used by Perronet at the bridge of Neuilly in France had equal measures of lime and pounded tile from the Neuilly kilns, ground very fine. The artificial hydraulic lime made by Guyton de Morveau at Lena, in Sweden, consisted, according to Bergman, of ninety parts of carbonate of lime, six of clay, and four of oxide of manganese. General Treussart's system for making artificial puzzolana is, first to reduce soft red bricks to powder and mix them with common lime which has been some time slaked, in the proportion of two measures of brick-dust to one of lime paste, with the addition of as much water as is necessary to incorporate them thoroughly. Common lime, sand, and brick-dust in equal quantities he also found to make a good hydraulic mortar he observes that all hydraulic limes set much quicker in summer than in winter, and may be considered good when either as hydrates, or mixed with sand, they set in the course of eight or ten days ir, the summer, and acquire a hardness sufficient to resist the pressure of the finger. : CHAP. VI. 725 PISE. CHAP. VI, OF PISÉ. THIS method of construction is far more simple than that where unburnt bricks are em- ployed, and by no means so costly; it is universally adopted in the departments of the Ain, Rhone, and Isère, in France, and forms fire-proof houses, far preferable for cottages to timber framing, and well suited for barns, stables, or sheds attached to a farm. Walls properly carried up in this material form one entire mass, and covered with a fine coat of plaster will endure for ages, and present an agreeable appearance. Rondelet informs us that he repaired, in 1764, an ancient chateau in the department of Ain, which had endured for upwards of 500 years, and that the walls had attained a hardness and com- pactness equal to ordinary stone; when desired to increase the size of the windows and other apertures, the workmen were obliged absolutely to use the same tools as in a quarry. The Romans practised this system at a very early period in Gaul, and we find men- tion made of it by Pliny, who in admiration observes: "What shall we say, do we not see in Africa and in Spain walls of earth called formacei, having the form given to them by planks and boards placed on each face: and between which prepared earth has been rammed? The earth so rammed, I can assure you, does continue for years in an imperishable state, and is neither affected by the beating rain, by wind, nor by fire, and neither mortar nor cement is used in them. In various parts of Spain we see the high watch-towers built by Hannibal, upon the summits of mountains, with this material."-Pliny, lib. 35. cap. 14. Manner of making Pisé. The ants probably suggested the process of preparing earth for building purposes, and in the tropical climates we discover these industrious insects almost rivalling man in the arrangement and strength of their habitations: the elevation of their houses exceeds in height 500 times that of the builders. The termites, which are scarcely a quarter of an inch in size, pile up dwellings 7 feet high, and sometimes as much as 20. Bishop Heber describes some in India which were as much as 7 or 8 feet in circumference; within were numerous galleries and cells, the principal of which was occupied by the king and queen, placed nearly in the centre; its floor was more than 1 inch in thickness, formed of clay, and the roof one solid well-turned oval arch of considerable strength. The Termes mordax and Atrox, or turret-building ants, form their habitations with a well-tempered black earth, often 3 feet in height, in form of a conical mushroom : all the varieties of ants select a fine clay for their cells, galleries, and bridges; lining their rooms with a composition formed of wood and gum, which these insects seem to have the instinct to prepare in a very fine state, and to lay on like a coat of cement : thus it is that man may receive instruction from a close observation of the habits of the animal creation. All earth is suited for pisé-work, but the best is clay which contains small gravel, and of such a consistence that it can be dug with the common spade: every kind of earth that will sustain itself, with a small slope, is adapted for the purpose, and may be successfully used. To prepare it, after beating thoroughly, it must be passed. through a screen to take away the stones beyond the size of a common hazel nut; and if not moist it must be watered, and turned over with a shovel until it has acquired a regular consistence, which is known by moulding it by the hand, or between the fingers, and then throwing it into a vessel, when, if it retains the shape given to it, it may be considered as fit for use. After the earth is thus prepared, it is put into a frame or move- able box, where it is forced down and beaten with a rammer. There is some attention necessary for the construction of this box, which is formed of deal planks put together, with their joints ploughed and tongued, and further strengthened with clamps on the outside, fastened on with clenched nails. These sides or frames rest, when in their places, on cross-pieces or putlocks, which pass entirely through the thickness of the wall; near the ends are mortises, into which upright pieces are placed, wedged firmly at the bottom up to the sides, already set, to the distance which is to constitute the thickness of the wall, usually about 20 inches at bottom, and gradually diminished as the height is increased; the diminution or inclination is uniform throughout, and in a house of two stories does not exceed I foot. The sides or frames are made 10 feet in length, and 3 feet high; the uprights 5 feet long, comprising the tenons, so that they stand up sufficiently above the sides to allow of being secured by ropes. The wedges are 9 inches in length, 11 at the base, and 20 inches at top, made to fit the mortises exactly, which should be deep enough to permit the bottom to be 2 inches below that of the wall, that the frame may hold within it a portion of the wall already made. The frames at top are steadied by small stieks, which 3 A 3 726 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. press them against the outside uprights, held together by the cords at their upper ends; between each pair of uprights it is found necessary to have a strut or one of these sticks; when placed, the cords above are tightened by twisting them with a small piece of wood Fig. 605. PISE-WORK. introduced between them. When the frames are thus fixed, the earth is thrown in, and worked in the same manner as concrete or common mortar; first well wetting the parts about the putlocks, to enable their being easily withdrawn; as many workmen are then em- ployed as there are divisions, one being placed in each compartment. After the bottom is well-cleaned and lightly sprinkled with water, the labourers bring to the masons the prepared earth in wicker baskets, and tread it with their feet so as to form a bed of an uniform thickness of not more than 3 or 4 inches; they then ram it down, reducing it to little less than half its former thickness; this first bed being compressed, the labourers bring more earth, and form another, spread out and beat in the same manner, and so on till the whole case is filled. The rammer is a block of wood 10 inches high; at the middle of its height it is square, and 6 inches by 5, diminishing in thickness, and terminated by rounded edges at the bot- tom: towards the upper part it is terminated by a circular surface 4 inches in diameter, in the centre of which a hole is sunk 1 inch in diameter and 2 inches deep; the circular part at the top being rounded off from the square below, the flat portion of the rammer at bottom must be perfectly smooth and even; a block of ash, elm, or hazel, is usually pre- ferred; the handle is 4 feet 2 inches long, and in ramming it is turned round at each stroke to make the work solid and to unite it with that previously done. When a wall is commenced, the first frame is put at one of its extremities, and the end is inclosed by two planks united by cleets, secured at the top by two iron cramps; the other part, where there is no end, is terminated by a fall of about 60°. The section of the wall serves to unite the first constructed with that which follows. CHAP. VI. 727 PISÉ. After the first stratum is finished, the case or frame is taken down, and placed further along, so that the plank entirely covers the inclined part, which terminates the preceding, uniting it with that about to be made, and the same process is continued. Lintels are placed over all apertures, and when the walls are finished, previously to covering them with plaster, it is necessary to let them remain to dry, according to the cli- mate and time of year. Experience has shown that in an or- dinary climate walls of 18 or 20 inches in thickness finished about the commence- Fig. 606. TOOLS USED FOR PISE-WORK. D "" 7 ment of May, are sufficiently dry in September or October for plastering; those finished in July or August may generally be completed before the frost and rain have any effect upon the work: although pisé is formed of earth scarcely wetted, whilst the unburnt bricks of the ancients were kneaded with straw and water, it is nevertheless prudent to regard Vitruvius's observation, "not to apply plaster unless the middle is dry.' The pisé which is made during the hot months soon dries in the exterior; but the moisture is con- fined to the centre, from whence it escapes slowly, rising by degrees to the surface; if covered with plaster, it insinuates itself between this and the pisé, occasioning the outer coat to fall off. There is no fear of the action of the air when it is well done, for the drier it is the better the plaster adheres; in the department of Isère there are ancient houses of pisé that have never been plastered on the exterior, and which still resist all the inclemencies of the weather: when the earth is poor, or not consistent enough, by being wetted with lime-water, or grouting formed of mortar, it hardens, the surface becomes improved, and a building might be carried up with its walls so even as not to require any coat of plaster. The Cob Walls, in Devonshire, formed of clay and chopped straw, are generally 2 feet in thickness, based upon either brick or stone foundations, 3 or 4 feet in height above the level of the soil. Houses so built are warm and healthy, and usually covered with thatch : like pisé-work they require to be carried up at several times, for if hurried the walls will not settle equally, but bulge and incline from the perpendicular. The earth selected is loam mixed with a certain proportion of straw, the whole being well beaten and pounded before it is used. The first height of 4 feet being carried up all round, and the divisions or walls brought to the same level, they are left some weeks to dry and settle, each succeeding rise being diminished in height as it is carried up. The workman stands on the wall to receive the cob, which is pitched up to him, or brought from below, he treading and pressing it down as it is thrown in: after a rise has been made in the wall, the sides are carefully pared down before the next addition is made to it; this is per- formed by an iron cob parer, which in shape bears some resemblance to a baker's peel. At the openings which are to be afterwards cut out, as the doors and windows, lintels are in- troduced, due allowance being made for settlement; these rest at their ends on templates or cross-pieces, to which they are secured. When the earth has sufficiently settled and dried, the apertures are cut out, and the sides or reveals carefully dressed; the whole is then coated with a fine stucco or plaster; if kept dry at top and at its foundation, and no water allowed to drip upon it, it will remain sound for centuries: where this con- struction is adopted for garden walls, it is necessary to thatch the top, or cover it with tiles, to prevent the destructive effects of every shower of rain. 728 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II CHAP. VII. TAR, PITCH, RESIN, &c. BITUMEN or asphaltum is used in the composition of hydraulic cements, and for varnishes and japans: it is a black substance found in the earth; in external character it bears some resemblance to coal; it is a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and generally obtained from the secondary and alluvial formations; its average density is 1·16, and it melts at the temperature of boiling water. The island of Trinidad contains a tar lake, 3 miles in circumference, and asphaltum is produced in great abundance from springs in many parts of Asia; it is also obtained in con- siderable quantities near Antibes in France, where it is made into a varnish by dissolving 2 portions of asphaltum with 12 parts of fused amber, 2 parts of resin, 6 parts of linseed oil varnish, and 12 parts of oil of turpentine. Bitumen has been applied as a covering for roofs and floors, and lining cisterns, and con- siderable quantities have been imported from the borders of the Lower Rhine: to every pound of bitumen when melted is added 4 or 5 pounds of powdered limestone, chalk or burnt clay; when thoroughly mixed and combined, it is poured out and spread into moulds, previously smeared with a thin coating of loam to prevent adhesion; after the whole has cooled, the mould is taken to pieces, and the bricks or contents are 18 inches in length, a foot broad, and 4 inches thick, weighing about 70 lbs. Asphaltum may be decomposed by alcohol and caustic potash; its origin is but little known; by some chemists it is supposed to be the product of coals decomposed by volcanic heat or by spontaneous combustion. Resins.—The Juice of Pine and Fir Trees, like that of the Pistacea terebinthus, has an austere stringent taste; it is viscid and transparent, readily inflammable, and easily becomes concrete. In distillation with water, it yields a highly penetrating essential oil, and the liquor is found to be impregnated with an acid, a brittle resinous matter remaining behind: diges- tion with rectified spirit of wine completely dissolves all the resinous parts, with which some portion of the insipid gum, or mucilage is also taken up. If this solution be filtered, and diluted largely with water, it becomes turbid, and throws off the greatest part of the oil, the gummy substance being retained: if the solution be subjected to distillation, the spirit carries with it some of the lighter oil, so as to be sensibly impregnated with its terebinthi- nate odour, and it leaves behind an extract, differing from the resin separated by water, in having an admixture of mucilage. The native juice becomes miscible in water by the me- diation of the yolk or white of an egg, or by that of vegetable mucilage, and forms a milky liquor: exposed to the immediate action of fire, the roots and other hard parts of the tree produce a thick, black, empyreumatic fluid, which, containing a proportion of saline ana other matter, mixed with the resinous and oily, proves soluble in aqueous liquors, and ac- cording to its several modifications constitutes the varieties of tar and pitch. The resinous residue of the several processes to which the matter extracted from pines may be subjected constitutes the varieties of resin, colophony, &c. &c. There are also other products, both natural and artificial, much employed in medicine and the arts. Tar and Pitch are extensively used for the purpose of retarding the decomposition of wood, cordage, and other articles. Tar mixed with grease or clay is used for greasing wheels, &c. Yellow Resin in the proportion of 3 cwt. to 10 cwt. of tallow, for common yellow soap. Shoemakers' Wax is a composition of pitch, oil, and suet, but it is also made of resin, bees. wax and tallow. Turpentine in all its different forms, is extensively employed in painting. Tar and Pitch, with a mixture of tow or beaten cables, used for paying over the seams of the sides and decks of ships after they are caulked, to preserve the oakum from any wet. Oakum is formed of untwisted old ropes steeped in tar, and in ship-building is indis-. pensible. Lampblack is used by painters, modellers, and other artists. Turpentine made from the Scotch fir is so inferior to that obtained from the silver fir that the latter is generally preferred. Tar is procured from the Scotch pine in great quantities in the north of Europe, and is considered superior to that produced in the United States from P. resinosa, Strobus Australis, &c. The process by which tar is obtained is very simple; it is chiefly from the roots of the Scotch pine. A conical cavity is made in the ground, generally on the side of & bank; and the roots, together with logs and billets of wood, neatly trussed in a stack of CHAP. VII. 729 PITCH, TAR, RESIN, ETC. the same conical shape, are let into this cavity; the whole is then covered with turf to prevent the volatile parts from being dissipated, which by means of a heavy wooden mallet, and a wooden stamper worked by two men, is beaten down and rendered as firm as possible above the wood; the stack of billets is then kindled, and a slow combustion of the pine takes place as in making charcoal during this combustion the tar exudes, and a cast-iron pan being fixed at the bottom of the funnel, with a spout which projects through the side of the bank, barrels are placed beneath the spout to collect the fluid as it comes away; as fast as these barrels are filled they are bunged, and are then ready for immediate exportation. The turpentine melted by fire mixes with the sap and juices of the pine, while the wood itself becoming charred is converted into charcoal. Pitch is made by putting the tar without any addition into large copper vessels fixed in masonry to prevent any danger from it taking fire, and is there suffered to boil for some time, after which it is let out, and when cold hardens and becomes pitch. Tar and char- coal are obtained in Russia, much in the same manner as in Sweden, from the bottoms of the trunks and roots of trees: in Germany the process is conducted with very great accuracy. Resin. The resinous matter which exudes from the pinaster is called by several names in France, even in its raw state: that which encrusts on the sides of the wound is called barras; it is nearly as white as wax, and is used for mixing with that substance for making tapers, to which it gives suppleness and elasticity: the barras is collected only once in the year at the end of the season, and is scraped off with an iron rake: the principal substance which flows from the tree is called galipot, or résine molle; this having been collected in the hollow cut of the tree, or in the trough attached to it, is put into large pits or reservoirs capable of containing 150 or 200 barrels each, which pits are dug in the earth, and lined with planks made of the pine trees, fitted so close together as to prevent the liquid oozing through: it is afterwards melted in large copper caldrons set in brick- work to free it from the impurities mixed with it, with a proper chimney to convey away the smoke, as should it be suffered to come in contact with the resin, the whole would probably take fire; it is also necessary to keep continually stirring the caldron to prevent the resin from burning to the bottom. When the matter is to be made into brown resin, some of the barras is to be mixed with it, and when it is thought to be sufficiently boiled a little is poured upon a piece of wood; when it becomes cold, if it will crumble between the fingers, the resin is ready. It is then poured through a filter made of straw laid horizontally, 4 or 5 inches thick, and run into barrels, where it is left to harden: in this state it is brown and brittle, and called by the French crai sec, which is the brown resin of the shops. Yellow Resin. -When the resinous matter is boiling a quantity of cold water is added, a few drops at a time; this makes the resin swell, and a trough having been previously fixed to one side of the caldron, the matter flows through it to a vessel placed to receive it; from this the operator raises it by a ladleful at a time and puts it back into the caldron, repeating the operation several times, till the resin has become yellow and as clear as wax; it is then filtered through straw into moulds hollowed in the sand, where it is formed into cakes, as sold in the shops. To make these moulds, a circle is first traced in the sand with a forked stick which acts like a pair of compasses; the sand is then hollowed out with a knife, and the bottom and sides of the mould are well beaten with wooden mallets to make them perfectly hard and smooth; the cakes of resin generally weigh from 150 to 200 lbs. each. Lamp-black is made from the waste materials used in preparing the resin, which are carefully preserved; the straw and pieces of wood are all burnt in a close furnace, or, when the wood of the pine tree is burned for tar, lamp-black is formed on the cover of the furnace. Pinus Australis, (the long-leaved pine): four-fifths of the houses in Carolina, Georgia, and the Floridas, are built with it; no other species is exported from the southern states to the West Indies, and it is preferred before all other pines in naval architecture: it is sent in large quantities to Liverpool, where it is called the Georgia pitch-pine, and is sold 25 to 30 per cent. higher than any other pine imported from the United States, where it supplies nearly all the resinous matter used for ship-building. The resinous products are turpentine, scrapings, spirit of turpentine, resin, tar, and pitch. Turpentine is the raw sap of the tree obtained by making incisions in the trunk; it begins to distil in the month of March when the circulation commences, and it flows with increasing abundance as the weather becomes warmer, so that July and August are the most productive months. The sap is collected in boxes, or notches cut in the tree, 3 or 4 inches from the ground, of a size to hold about 3 pints of sap, but proportioned to the dimension of the tree, the rule being that the cavity shall not exceed of its diameter : these cavities are made in January or February, commencing with the south side, which is thought the best, and going round the tree. The next operation is clearing the ground from the leaves and herbage: about the middle of March, a notch is made in the 730 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. tree with two oblique gutters to conduct the sap which flows from the wood into the box or cavity below; in about a fortnight the box becomes full, and a wooden shovel transports it into a pail, and it is then put into a cask: the edges of the wound are chipped every week, and the boxes after the first generally fill in about three weeks. The sap thus procured is used as turpentine without any preparation, and is called pure dripping. The Scrapings are the crusts of resin that are formed on the sides of the wounds; these are often mixed with the turpentine, which in this state is used in the manufacture of yellow soap, and is called Boston turpentine; in five or six years the tree is abandoned, and the bark never becomes sufficiently healed to allow of the same place being wounded twice. Spirits of Turpentine are principally made in North Carolina, and obtained by dis- tilling the turpentine in large copper retorts: six barrels of turpentine afford 122 quarts of the spirit; the residium after the distillation is resin, which is sold at the price of the turpentine. As soon as vegetation ceases in any part of a pine tree its consistence changes, the sap wood decays, and the heart becomes surcharged with resinous juice to such a degree as to double its weight in one year; this accumulation increases. Tar of the southern states of America is made from the dead wood of Pinus australis, obtained from trees prostrated by time, by fires annually kindled in the forests, or from the tops of those that are felled for timber, &c. : dead wood is productive of tar for several years after it has fallen from the tree. To procure the tar a kiln is formed in a part of the forest abounding in dead wood, which is collected, stripped of the sap wood, and cut into billets of 2 or 3 feet long, and about 3 inches thick, a tedious and difficult task, rendered so by the numerous knots with which the wood abounds. The next step is to prepare a place for piling the billets, and for this purpose a circular mound is raised, slightly declining from the circumference in the centre, and surrounded by a shallow ditch; the diameter of the pile is proportioned to the quantity of wood which it is to receive; to contain 100 barrels of tar it should be 18 or 20 feet wide: in the middle is a hole with a conduit leading to the ditch, in which is formed a receptacle for the tar as it flows out. Upon the surface of the mound, after it has been beaten hard and coated with clay, the wood is laid round, in a circle like rays. The pile when finished may be compared to a cone truncated at 3 of its height and reversed, being 20 feet in diameter below, 25 or 30 feet above, and 10 or 12 feet high; it is then strewed over with pine leaves covered with earth, and held together at the sides with a slight cincture of wood; this covering is necessary in order that the fire kindled at the top may penetrate downwards towards the bottom with a slow and gradual combustion, for if the whole mass were rapidly inflamed the operation would fail, and the tar would be consumed instead of distilled; in fine, the same process is observed as in Europe for making charcoal; a kiln which is to afford 100 or 130 barrels of tar is eight or nine days in burning. Strasburgh Turpentine, to be good, ought to be clear, free from impurities, transparent, and of the consistence of syrup, with a strong resinous smell, and rather a bitter taste: it is the only turpentine produced by any kind of pine or fir tree, which is used in the preparation of clear varnishes, and its oil sells at a higher price than any other. The pro- portions for making the oil are 5 lbs. of liquid resinous juice to 4 pints of water distilled in a copper alembic; this is the essential oil of turpentine; and if 1 pint of it be redistilled with 4 pints of water it is called rectified or æthereal oil of turpentine. Lamp-black. The apparatus employed for this purpose consists of a furnace, a chimney, and a small chamber or box for collecting the soot: the furnace is about 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 or 4 feet long, and 2 feet 6 inches high, and it is usually set in brick on each of the long sides this furnace has an opening near the bottom, which can be shut up at pleasure, by means of a little door attached to it. The furnace has a brick chimney made almost horizontal, to conduct the smoke into the chamber or box: the chimney is from 14 to 16 inches long, and 12 inches broad and high; at the place where the pipe of the chimney terminates is constructed a chamber or box, into which the pipe should enter some inches, so as to carry the smoke into its centre. This chamber is generally about 12 feet square, and 9 feet high in the roof; there is a door on one side, and in the upper part or ceiling an opening 5 or 6 feet square. The walls of the chamber are lined with thin planks of wood or plastered very smooth, and the door is fitted closely into a groove: over the opening in the roof is placed a flannel bag, supported by rods of wood in the form of a pyramid, composed of four pieces of coarse flannel sewed together. When the lamp-black is to be made, a little of the straw through which the resin and tar have been strained, and some of the other refuse, are put into the furnace ano lighted, fresh straw, impregnated with tar, being strewed over the fire, as fast as the other is consumed. The smoke passes into the chamber, and deposits its soot on the walls, and on the flannel bag, from both of which it is detached, after the whole of the straw and refuse have been burned, by striking the outsides smartly with a stick. The flannel pyramid acts as a filter to the lighter part of the smoke, retaining the soot, and permitting the heated air to escape CHAP. VII. 731 TAR, PITCH, RESIN, ETC. into the atmosphere. The door of the chamber is then opened, and the lamp-black, being swept up, is packed in small barrels made of the wood of the spruce fir for sale. In the Landes the furnace and the chimney are in the open air, and the chamber only covered with a tile roof; but in Germany the whole apparatus is constructed in a barn-like building, about 24 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 10 feet high. Glass. This transparent, impermeable, and brittle substance, consists of many varieties, which are differently composed, and applicable to as many purposes: the manufacture of glass is of the highest importance, and now that all restrictions are withdrawn to its improvement, we may expect to find it rendered not only cheaper but better. It was known not only to the Egyptians, but also to the Phoenicians, whom Pliny says were the inventors of the manufacture; both Sidon and Alexandria were famous for the production of beautiful glass, which was cut, engraved, and tinted with a variety of colours, some specimens of which equalled the precious stones in brilliancy of effect. Rome was also celebrated for its manufacture, and Nero is reported to have given as much as 6000 sesterces for two glass cups: before Colbert introduced an establishment into France for blown mirror-glass, Europe generally was indebted to Venice for all that appeared in commerce: it was not made in London until 1557. Glass is made by fusing silica with a due proportion of alkali, which serves as a flux to the silica, and makes the whole transparent: it may be said to consist of one or more salts, which are silicates, with bases of potash, soda, lime, oxide of iron, alumina, or oxide of lead. The silica ordinarily made use of is sea-sand, which consists chiefly of quartz, and the finest quality is obtained on the coast of Norfolk, near Lynn: the common black flint is also used; after it has been heated red-hot, and plunged into cold water, it breaks to pieces, and becomes so brittle that it is easily ground into a fine powder. The alkali is either potash or soda in a state of carbonate: borax is the flux for the finer sorts of glass, but for the more common kind lime is substituted: two oxides of lead are used, viz. litharge and minium, which give to the glass greater powers of refracting light, and that of sud- denly changing its temperature without cracking. The white oxide of arsenic is also a flux, and in any large quantity will give the glass a milky hue, which increases with time. Soluble Glass is a simple silicate of potash or soda, or of both these alkalies; crown glass is a silicate of potash and lime; common window-glass is a silicate of soda and lime, or red potash; bottle glass is composed of silicate of soda, lime, alumina, and iron. The common crown glass for ordinary windows is compounded after the following pro- portions; 450 pounds of kelp, dried and ground, 325 pounds of Lynn sand, and 25 pounds of slacked and sifted lime. The kelp, which is the alkali, differs so much in quality that its proportions continually vary arsenic is added to facilitate the fusion, and oxide of cobalt with ground flint introduced to improve the colour. By measure, five parts of fine sand and eleven parts of ground kelp or soda is another proportion for common crown glass. Flint Glass is composed of silex, to which is added carbonate of potash and red lead or litharge, the latter giving the glass its great specific gravity, its superior transparency, its ductility and powers of refraction. The materials after preparation are put into a crucible of Stourbridge clay, which holds about 1600 lbs. weight of fused glass; a double stopper covers the mouth of the crucible, and as it is not luted, the carbonic acid gas, or excess of oxygen, has the means of escaping: a strong, rapid, and intense heat for sixty hours is required to drive off the gases and to fuse the metal, during which process the surface is regularly skimmed of all the impurities that arise. Flint plate glass, for optical purposes, is thus prepared; seven pounds of the metal is taken out of the pot when at a certain point of fusion, in a conical-shaped ladle, and then blown into a hollow cylinder, which is cut open and flattened into a sheet 20 inches by 14, and varying in thickness from 3 to of an inch; the plate is then annealed, and afterwards cut and ground into the required form. When glass is not sufficiently annealed, it is put into tepid water, which is heated and maintained for some hours at a boiling point, and is then suffered to become gradually cold; unannealed flint glass, heated and suddenly cooled in water, resembles in its appearance a mass of crystals, from whence it has been supposed that the process of annealing renders the glass incapable of polarisation, in consequence of its becoming more compact. A barometer tube 40 inches in length, unannealed, heated, and suddenly cooled, would contract of an inch, and if done by the usual manner, its contraction would be double, or . The red tint given to glass by manganese is destroyed by annealing, and the best fuel for melting glass in the furnace is oven-burnt coke mixed with screened coal: in plate glass there is no lead; in consequence it is purer, and more homogeneous than common flint glass. Plate Glass.-Common salt or the muriate of soda is decomposed by the subcarbonate of potash, when both salts are in a state of solution and subjected to heat; an alkali so obtained is dried by being continually boiled: 1 pound of pure soda, and 4 pounds of sand, produce a hard glass, which neither water nor the mineral acids will affect. The best plates are formed out of 720 pounds of Lynn sand, 450 of alkaline salt, 80 of slacked quick- 732 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. lime, 25 of nitre, and 425 pounds of broken plate glass; this generally, if well managed, produces 1200 pounds weight of plate glass. On the continent the best mirrors are formed with 300 pounds of white quartz sand, 100 pounds of dry carbonate of soda, 43 pounds of lime slacked in the air, and 300 pounds weight of old glass; per cent. of the weight of soda is added in manganese. The atomic constitution of glass consists of five atoms of silicic acid, one of oxide of lead, and one of potash. After the materials are thoroughly prepared and refined, they are put into a cistern, the temperatare of which is previously raised to that of the glass, and when the cistern is full, it remains for a considerable time in the furnace, until all the air-bubbles are dispersed; after this operation it is ready for casting. The table for this purpose is formed of a cast-iron plate, supported on pillars of considerable strength; the metal is then suffered to flow readily and equally from the furnace into a cistern, which is carried to the table, it being first heated with hot ashes and carefully cleaned. The surface of the metal has the scum taken off by a copper instrument, and the cistern that holds it is then hoisted and swung by means of a crane over the end of the casting-table, where it is overset, and the metal immediately flows equally over it. A copper roller is passed over the fluid, and the surface is thus rendered comparatively smooth; by means of this roller the necessary thickness is given to the plate, as it runs upon a fillet placed on the edges of the table: after plates are cast, they are taken to the annealing chamber, where they remain for twelve or fifteen days, placed in a horizontal position. CHAP. VIII. 533 GEOMETRY CHAP. VIII. GEOMETRY. GEOMETRY, derived from the Greek words which signify land and the method of measuring it, is employed in estimating the length of a line, the area or superficial contents of a figure, and the cubical or solid contents of a body, and is usually divided into theoretical and practical. Egypt gave birth to the study; from thence it was imported into Greece, and among the refined and intelligent inhabitants of that classic land it arrived to a degree of perfection that succeeding ages have but little improved. Theoretical geometry is founded on ideas, or those perceptions of the mind which resolve and demonstrate the truth of any proposition; it is the method of defining exactly the notions we form of any particular figure. Practical geometry, so important to the civil engineer, is that division which enables him, by the aid of various mathematical instruments, to carry into operation the principles taught by theory, and to trace and define the boundaries of any figure that may be required to be set out for mechanical or other purposes. This branch is subdivided into Trigonometry, Planeometry, and Stereometry. A B Trigonometry is the art of measuring heights and distances by means of triangles; for example, it enables us to ascertain the distance between the two spires A and B, which are separated by a wide and deep river, and con- sequently inaccessible. It shows us an easy method of laying down the map of a country, and defining upon it the inequalities of the surface, as the depths of valleys or the heights of mountains; it enables the mariner to map an inaccessible coast, to form a chart which shall guide him through deep and safe channels, and to shun the rocks and shoals which would destroy his vessel. Planeometry is applied to ascertaining the area or superficial contents of any surface; it shows the land surveyor the method of finding the number of acres contained in a given district of country, or of subdividing it into any number of equal or unequal parts. Stereometry or mensuration is the art by which we ascertain the contents of a cube, or any solid figure; that is to say, the quantity of cube feet or yards it may contain. Fig. 607. The elements of practical geometry, or leading definitions, may be thus described: :—a point is the extremity of a line without dimensions, or even length, breadth, or thickness; hence, by some it is merely held as an idea; but Euclid, the earliest and ablest teacher of the science, considered it the beginning or nucleus of all quantity. It is therefore the smallest portion of matter, or of an object, that the eye can distinguish, or which may be defined or ex- pressed by a pencil, or instrument of any kind. A point may be established at any given place, and may be marked by a stake or staff, or by the end of a pair of compasses. The point of junction is that where two lines meet, as at Q. The point of intersection is where two or more lines cross each other, as at A. The point of incidence, A, is that from whence the line PA is reflected back from the line A C or BC. A point has neither length, breadth, nor thickness; a line has length only; a surface has length and breadth, and a solid has, in addition, thickness: one dimension is required then for a line, two for an area, and three for a solid body. The edges which bound a solid are lines, and where they unite may be considered points; these may all be imaginary, but they are necessary to establish, before we can arrive at the true B с Ω A Fig. 608. 784 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. S estimate of quantity, or the contents of either surfaces or solids. Tangent point is that at F, where the straight line V X touches the curve of the circle N, at a part of its circumference GO F, or at G, where two circles touch each other, without cutting; N is the central point of the circle: right lines drawn from this point to the cir- cumference are its radii; the two points which bound each being the centre, and a dot on the circumference. The diameter passes through the centre, comprises twice the radius, and may be defined as bounded by two points, situated somewhere on the outline of the circle. This circumference may be also supposed to be divided by points into a number of degrees, and the divisions between by others, ad infinitum, until the entire figure is composed of points, or forming a polygon with an in- finite number of sides. Station point is the place from whence an observation is made, and the spot immediately beneath the centre of the instrument used; R is such a point. Distance point is a stone or hole in an object, re- marked in taking an observation; V in the tower serves for such a point of sight, and is used to denote the hori- zontal or level line by which the height of the tower T may be ascertained. Inaccessible point is one that cannot be approached, as S, the water which surrounds the tower not permitting an easy access to it. Lines have length only, and are the boundaries of all figures; they may be considered to pass from one body to another, without being visible; CD is an ima- ginary line from the point of the pyramid to the stone. A right line, as that of GH, is straight, and lies evenly between two points, neither ascending nor de- scending, but is the shortest distance between the ob- jects. A curved line has no portion of a right line, but is concave on one side and convex on the other. GH is a perpendicular line standing on KL, the angles formed on each side being equal; GHL and GHK both being right angles. The plummet makes, when it is dropped, a perpendicular line, as at N. The column L is a perpendicular line standing on its base M, or rather it diverges or tends to the centre of the earth, the line with which it is perpendicular being a tangent to the earth's circumference: falling bodies tend towards a point at its centre, and our ideas of a perpendicular line must always be with reference to a limited base, or it must be considered a diverging line; for the sides of buildings continued to a great height, and maintained perpendicularly, would, according to our usual notions, require that the area of the upper floor or top should be larger than the one below: the walls or lines that bound them, to be upright, must be radii, and consequently diverge from each other as they are con- tinued upwards; in practice it is not necessary to have any other guide than the plummet, which dropped from a height falls to the centre, and any material disposed within such a line gravitates to the same point. Spires of churches are rarely found to have the point at their apex directly over the centre of the area of their base; that at Salisbury is nearly 2 feet inclined beyond it; it is extremely difficult to ascertain one point by the plummet that is directly over another, when the height is considerable. Columns are rarely found placed truly perpendicular; their internal faces, as those towards the cell of a temple, are sometimes less inclined or diminished K R V X F N Fig. 609. Fig. 610. C Fig. 611, G Fig. 612. M L Fig. 614. Ꮐ G [] T Fig. 613. D H inut. CHAP. VIII. 735 GEOMETRY. than those on the outside; hence some have supposed that such an arrangement was intended to produce a better effect. The line OP, in the triangle OQR, is a perpen- dicular, because it falls at right angles with the base; OPQ and OPR being both right angles. In prac- tice, a perpendicular or right angle is set out by the numbers 3, 4, and 5; for example, if QP is made 3 feet, PO 4 feet, and QO 5 feet, OP will be perpen- dicular; or if O P is made 3000 feet, PR 4000, and RO 5000, the result will be the same. ST is perpendicular to the side T, because it is at right angles with it; hence the radius of a polygon, when it falls on the middle of one of its sides, is also its perpendicular. An inclined line, as VX, is that which is neither pa- rallel nor perpendicular with another, as that of Y Z. Parallel lines are those like AB, CD, and E F, which may be drawn to any length, and yet never approach. All lines which preserve an equal distance from each other are called parallel lines. The two curved lines ST, VX are parallel, although they are not of an equal length. Some This subject has ever been considered difficult of ex- planation, and much has been written upon it. writers have exerted themselves to demonstrate that two parallel lines, when they meet a third, are equally inclined to it, or make the alternate angles with it equal. Euclid has shown that if a straight line meet two straight lines, so as to make the interior angles on the same side of it less than two right angles, these straight lines, being continually produced, will at length meet on the side on which the angles are which are less than two right angles; but this is not so evident, and many celebrated geometricians have attempted to make our author more clear upon this point. Some have as- serted “that straight lines are parallel which preserve always the same distance from each other;" but the Y A Q 0 R P Fig. 615. Fig. 616. E- V Fig. 618. S X T א Z B D Fig. 617. F T X correct definition would be, that "two straight lines are parallel when there are two points in the one from which the perpendicular drawn to the other, and on the same side of it, are equal." The difficulty in such a statement consists in showing that all the perpendiculars drawn from the one of these lines to the other are equal. Parallel lines by some are said to be those which make equal angles with a third line towards the same parts, or make the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite; this definition requires only that it should be proved that all the straight lines which are equally inclined to one given straight line are equally inclined to all the other straight lines which fall upon them. N Ordinates are lines in a parabola, RPQ, which are drawn parallel with the base, as GH, IK, LM, NO, P and are derived from the Latin ordine. A straight line drawn from any point in a curve perpendicularly to another straight line, which is called the absciss, is an ordinate. The absciss and ordinate together are called the co-ordinates of the point. The situation of a point in a plane is determined, when its distances from two straight lines in the same plane are known; and when a series of points are so situated in respect of each other that the co-ordinates of each have the same mathematical relation, they form a curve, the nature of which is ex- pressed by the relation of the co-ordinates. Horizontal line, or apparent line of level, is that which cuts or touches at right angles a line supposed to pass through the centre of the earth; the line ab, resting on the perpendicular cd, is horizontal, and all lines parallel with this are deemed horizontal. α L G Fig. 619. Fig. 620. R d H K V 736 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Level line is that traced out by the instrument made use of by bricklayers and other artisans; the face glis level when the plummet hanging at e falls perpendicular over a line traced to f, which is set out at right angles with it; the line of true level is, however, a curved line, which is at all points equally distant from the centre of the earth; for example, in a length of 5000 feet, an allowance must be made of nearly six-tenths of a foot, to reduce the line levelled to its true level. The plane of the sensible horizon is indicated in two manners, first by the direction of the plummet or plumb line, to which it is perpendicular, and by the surface of a fluid at rest: levels are therefore formed either by means of the plummet line, or by the use of a fluid applied in an instrument made to contain it. The Gunner's Level is a triangle with a scale, on which the plumb line falls; by which arrangement the inclin- ation of a straight line to the horizon can be measured. The plummet hangs from the point where the two equal legs of the level join at right angles, and this plays over a quadrant that is divided into twice forty-five degrees from the middle; so that when the plane on which the ends or legs of the level rest is horizontal, the thread of the plummet falls over zero; when it falls over any other point, the degree marked on the scale indicates the in- clination of the line to the horizon. Diagonal line, as that in the figure ABCD, which is drawn from A to C, cutting it into two parts, and dividing the rhombus into equal portions. Master Line is a term given to that which is set out or boned through a country or field to be mapped, (this latter technical expression being possibly derived from the French word borner, to limit or confine within bounds,) and from which spring a number of triangles or other figures. IF is a base or master_line, being the longest which can be traced in the plot E F G H I. The use of a map is to exhibit the boundaries of a country, and the relative position of the several parts, in reference to their just and proper proportions; this may be done very accurately on a globe, but without the same spherical surface; it is not possible to represent any considerable area in such a manner that the dis- tance of places shall retain the same proportions which they have on the globe; for small maps, or the plans of an estate, lines may be boned through for the con- struction of angles or other figures without difficulty. Heights.It is highly important that we should have the means of determining accurately the relative altitudes of points on the earth's surface: when it is required to ascertain the height of one point or station relatively to another, and also the relative heights of a number of points above a common horizontal plane, as for tracing the line of a railway, levelling is practised. The height of a figure is a perpendicular let fall from its highest point, as QT in the triangle QRS, or the line ab in the inclined pyramid c. E Y D Fig. 621. Fig. 622. Fig. 623. Y Sa b Fig. 624. M с C F N P H R Line of heights is that which descends from the top to the bottom of a building; OP, for instance, is such a line, from whence the observer, placed with the instru- ment YM, is enabled to mark out at N, or any other point, a determined distance or measurement. Scales are right lines of any length, divided into equal parts; the scale A B, for instance, is set out or divided into 50 feet, and one portion attached sub- divided into feet; the other is marked Fig. 625. 100 200 300 400 500 10 Fig. 626. 30 40 50 with 500, each portion containing 100, and this again subdivided into tens. A CHAP. VIII. 787 GEOMETRY. Plans always have a scale attached to them; in that of the fort Fits length and divisions are made with refer- ence to one of its sides, as H or I, which may be supposed either 50 or 500 feet in extent. In the figures M, N, the scales K and L may be made to agree with the length of either of its sides, and by reducing or enlarging the scale, the figures to be traced may be made larger or smaller, care being taken to set out the angles correctly. Working drawings are usually upon a large scale, as they are intended for the artizans to set out their respective labours; they should be of a size to express accurately the parts of the machine or other object to be executed: an out- line is generally sufficient for the purpose; sometimes a quarter scale is required, where the parts are intricate or small, at other times a 12th or 24th part of the real size: for fortifications or earth works the plans are made upon a scale of so many chains or feet to an inch, and when laid down accurately, they may be diminished or in- creased by adopting different scales. A very easy and simple method of performing this is by covering the designs with squares or lines parallel and at right angles with each other; when the plan is irregular, as that shown at M and N, it is necessary to bound them by a square, or, taking the longest sides for a base line, to construct one upon it, and then set out accurately all the angles, or, according to the degrees they measure, a dia- gonal line may be drawn from the points of the two extreme angles, and then parallelograms and squares may be constructed on each side of it to embrace the other portions of the plan, and afterwards the figure which bounds the whole may be reduced or enlarged; the sub- ordinate parts will all have the same relative value to each other, and one will be a fac-simile of the other, though on a different scale. Wavy or curved Lines rise and fall, as indicated at ACEDFB, and when a circle is struck from the centre V, the line N is a curve. We may suppose the surface of the earth to present a wavy or curved form, which it is required to ascertain; this is performed, as we shall hereafter see, by means of an instrument called the level; the wavy line is measured from another, which is set out by means of upright staves and rods with great accuracy, and where the inequalities are numerous, it is requisite to make the measurements frequently; when the eye of an observer is placed on a level with the plane which presents an undu- latory surface, it is difficult to measure the rise and fall without establishing a number of fixed points, or placing in each hollow a perpendicular staff that can be seen from the station point; if these rods were all so cut that the eye could see their tops in one continued line, the level might be established, or the inequalities measured sufficiently for ordinary purposes, but where great nicety is required, instruments carefully adjusted are necessary, as the eye is easily deceived in long distances. Spherical Lines are those which may be traced on the globe L. Spiral Lines proceed with a regular and gradual en- largement of distance round the volute P to the ter- mination at O. This name is given to all those curves which have the peculiar property of receding from the centre while they continue to revolve about it; there are many varieties, as the equable, the hyperbolic, the logarithmic, spiral, and others: the first was ably treated upon by Archimedes, who also showed the rules by which it could be generated. H Fig. 627. F M Scale K N 1 Scale L Fig. 628. B D C F E Fig. 629. N Fig. 630. Fig. 631. Fig. 632. L P 3 B 738 BOOK IT. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Of Angles. -Two right lines drawn from the same point, and diverging from each other, form an angle; the two lines A B and CB form the angle ABC, because these two lines touch each other, or cross at the point B. An angle is commonly designated by three letters, and it is usual to place in the middle letters which mark the point of divergence, which in this case is B. At the point D several angles unite, as the angle EDF, FDG, GDH, HDI. The magnitude of an angle does not depend on the lines which bound it, but upon their divergence from each other; the lines which proceed from the point D though continued to an indefinite length, do not in ary degree alter the angle; it is only greater than ar other when lines of equal length are placed at a greater distance apart. Opposite Angles are those formed by the intersecting of two right lines; the angle RPO is opposite the angle SPQ, and for the same reason the latter is opposite the former. The angle LIM is not opposite to that of MIN, be- cause it is not formed by the same prolonged lines. Euclid defines a plane angle to be the inclination of two lines to one another which meet together, but are not in the same direction: Apollonius, however, gives a somewhat more obscure definition; he calls it the col- lection of space about a point. Euclid's idea in strict- ness can only apply to acute angles, and from it we can form but very inadequate notions of angular magnitude. The angular point B, it must be remembered, is always considered to be the point of the angle ABC. The solid angle is formed by the meeting of two plane angles, which are not in the same plane, in one point; such magnitudes admit of no accurate comparison one with another; no multiple or submultiple of such angles can be taken, and we have no method of expounding the ratio which one bears to another; on this account our reasoning is limited to the plane angles which contain them. The visual angle is formed by two rays of light, or two straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object to the centre of the eye, which we may suppose at B. A Curvilinear Angle is formed by two curves, as the cog of a wheel; the lines DEF form such an angle struck from the centres F and D. A mixed Angle has a curved side united with a straight line, as GH I. The Central Angle of a figure is that which is formed on the centre of a figure by the intersection of two lines; the angle LKM is a central angle, because it is formed from the centre of the pentagon POMLN, by the meeting of the two right lines LK and MK. The Angles of a Polygon are those formed by the sides of the figure, as NLM. The Angle of a demi-polygon is that which is made by the line drawn from the centre and the side, as K ML. The Angle of a Circumference is that of which the summit bases on the circumference, as LMN. The opposite Angle to a side is that which is over against the side which serves for a base, as LKM. A Salient Angle is that whose point is towards the outside of the figure, as OPN. A re-entering Angle is that whose point is towards the inside of the figure, as OQ M. Adjacent Angles are those formed at the extremities of the same side, as KML and KLM. A R. C Fig. 633. F Fig. 634. Fig. 635. P E ID Z H B ( Ι M Fig. 636, E F Fig. 637. G Fig. 638. M Fig. 639. P K H B CHAP. VIII. 739 GEOMETRY. • An Inaccessible Angle is formed by two lines which meet in a point, as A B C, the point of the pyramid B being supposed inaccessible, or which cannot be reached so as to measure it. A solid Angle is the point where more than two planes or superficies of a solid touch each other. The point E is a solid angle between the three faces H, I, K: all points or angles of solid rectilinear bodies, of whatsoever figure, are solid, as more than two faces meet each other. The cube is bounded by six squares, and constitutes one of the five regular Platonic bodies, which being placed beside each other fill up the space about a point; there are here eight solid angles formed by the junction of the six planes. The duplication of this solid, or the finding of the side of a cube, containing exactly twice as much as another, was for a long time a problem of difficulty, and which cannot be solved by means of the straight line and circle, which were the only lines the ancients made use of in constructing their geometrical solids. The Opening, or Size of an Angle, is measured by the num- ber of degrees of the circumference of a circle contained between the two sides, the circle always having the summit of the angle for a centre. LMN is of 60 degrees opening, because there are so many contained between the lines LM and N M, or 60 parts out of 360 of the circumference, which is described, taking M as a centre. no 1 -- 2 In geometry generally, the term right is applied to such angles as have one line perpendicular to the other, as where the angle is one of 90 degrees. The Platonic school of mathematicians was frequently employed to dis- cover rational numbers, which should designate the sides of a right-angled triangle: Pythagoras gave the formula n n² + 1 and n where n is odd: Plato gave 2n, n²— 1, and n² + 1 2 where n is either odd or even. For practical purposes the numbers 3, 4, and 5, effect this: suppose P Q to be 4 feet, PO 3 feet, and the distance from Q to O to be 5 feet, then we know that we have a right angle, for if to the square of 4 we add the square of 3, and then extract the square root, we obtain 5. The Angle OPQ is for the same reason one of 90 degrees, because the distance between OP and PQ is a quarter of the circumference of the circle which encloses it. A Right Angle is that made by a right line falling perpen- dicularly on another, and which contains in its opening a quarter of the circumference; ABC is a right angle, because the line AB falls perpendicularly on that of BC; a right angle is square, and is used as such by all workmen. The square G, formed with either wood or metal, enables us to set out very accurately a right angle, or any other figure which has its sides perpendicular to the base; for drawing we have one limb fixed into a cross piece that gives it the form of a T: with such a square we can construct, by means of a drawing board nicely adjusted, lines both parallel and perpendicular. The square used by mechanics is formed like an L, and should be a true right angle; this can always be ascertained by drawing a line along the edge of the blade, and then re- versing it; if the line and blade in the new position correspond, the square is pronounced to be true. A rule or square, formed of wood or ivory, like a right- angled triangle, is used for drawing perpendicular lines; this is laid with one side to the given line, and the perpendicular required is drawn by the edge of that at right angles to the first. T squares are sometimes made of two equal pieces, kept together by a screw; the blade is fixed into one of these, flush Fig. 640. F H E 1 K Fig. 641. I, B N M Fig. 642. P Fig. 643. Fig 644. E 1 2 L C G F Fig. 645. Ꮐ 3 B 2 740 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IL with its inner face: if the other be applied to the edge of the drawing board, the former, with the blade, can be turned on the screw as a centre to any angle; the screw being then tightened, parallels forming that angle with the side of the board can be drawn; and, if applied to an adjoining side, the blade will be at a right angle to its first position ; these bevel squares are exceedingly useful to architectural draughtsmen and engineers. An Obtuse Angle is greater than a right angle, and con- tains more than a quarter of a circle or 90 degrees; the angle HIK exceeds the angle LIK, or that of the quarter of a circle described from I as a centre. The magnitude of an angle does not depend on the lines by which it is formed, but, as has been observed, upon their distance from each other; the obtuse is therefore greater than the acute, in consequence of the lines which constitute it being farther apart, or diverging more than those of the acute the legs of a pair of compasses may be made to exhibit this; when separated but little, we have an acute angle, and opened more and more we obtain the obtuse, the rule joint upon which the limbs move being considered the point of the angle. When a point of the compasses is applied to N, and a circumference described, the arc contained between the lines which diverge from the centre, as M and P, serve to measure the angle. An Acute Angle is less than a right angle, as M N O, be- cause also it is less than a quarter circle or 90 degrees. A Right-angled Triangle has two sides at 90 degrees from each other, and the line which unites them is called the hypothenuse, as KL. An Obtuse-angled Triangle is that which has its angle greater than a right one. An Acute-angled Triangle is that which has its angle less than a right angle: consequently an equilateral triangle is acute; in general every triangle has two acute angles. The triangle NOP is obtuse angled; ABC an equi- lateral triangle: RQS an isosceles triangle; FED a right angle; and LMK a scalene triangle. Rectilinear Figures are those which are contained or bounded by right lines, as TKL M. In the square the right lines which form the sides fall upon parallel lines, and make the alternate angles equal, and the lines being perpendicular to one of the two which are parallel, it necessarily follows it must be so to the other. In a quadrilateral figure the surface is comprised within four equal right lines, which are called its sides, with all its angles right ones. Curvilinear Figures are such as are bounded by curved lines, as NOP. All A plane figure contained by one line, called the circum- ference, is such that all straight lines drawn from the centre to it are equal to one another. The straight line and the circle are the only figures admitted into plane or elementary geometry, all questions in mathematics depending on the intersections of straight lines with straight lines, straight lines with circles, or of circles with circles. figures are formed by the intersections of planes with solids, and are termed problems, for the understanding of which it is necessary to have them bounded by straight lines and circles. The circle is a very important figure in trigonometry or the measurement of angles, and the ratio that the cir- cumference bears to the diameter is a calculation that long exercised the heads of the learned: in the two concentric circles of the figure, their relative circumferences are in pro- portion to their diameters, as NO and P. C H Fig. 646. Fig. 647. M K Fig. 648. N Fig. 649. A }' N P M X L K B R Fig. 650. D K E Fig. 651. L Σ M K T Fig. 652. N P Cont Fig. 653. CHAP. VIII. 743 GEOMETRY. Mixed Figures are bounded both by lines and parts. of eircles, as QR S. Regular Figures are all formed of equilateral and equi- angular polygons; circles can be described within and about such figures; such can also be explained by geometrical methods in particular instances. General expressions for the radii of the circles explained within and about them, and for their areas and angles can be given: thus if we denote the number of the sides of the polygon T by the expression n, and if uº represent the nth part of 1800, we shall have a being the side R={} a cosec. uº, r={}; a cot. uº, area= in a³ cot uº. That figure which has its sides all of equal length, and its angles equal, as those of the hexagon T, &c., is regular. Figure, in geometry, is often used in two different senses: in one it implies a space bounded on all sides, whether by lines or planes; in another it signifies the representation only of the object of a theorem or problem, and enables us to render its demonstration or solution more easily understood. An Irregular Figure is that whose sides are unequal, and its angles various, as V, the sides XY, YZ, Z5, being all unequal. Triangles are figures contained within three sides, and form three angles, as A B C. The following are some of the properties of plane tri- angles: the greater side is opposite the greater angle, and the difference of any two is less than the third side. Compasses have been formed with three legs for the construction of maps, by which three points can be taken off at one time; these have two legs that open in the usual manner, and the third made to turn round an ex- tension of the central pin of the other two, besides having a motion of its own on the central joint. A Rectilineal Triangle is formed by three right lines, as ABC. A Spherical Triangle, T, is that which has its three sides curved. Equilateral figures inscribable in circles are necessarily equiangular, but the converse does not always hold true: when the number of sides is odd, the equiangular figure inscribed in a circle is always equilateral; but when the number of sides is even, they may either be all equal, or one half equal to each other, and the other half equal to each other, though not to the former, the two sets being placed alternately this was well understood by the masons of the middle ages, as we see expressed in the tracery of the windows, and the mosaic patterns they have left us on the pavements and walls of their several buildings. Pisa is rich in such illustrations, and it seems to have been a favourite study to construct equi- lateral and other angles within the circle when the cathe- dral in that city was built. : An Equilateral Triangle has its three sides equal, as DEF. An Isosceles Triangle has two of its sides equal, and of the same length, the third being either greater or less: V and Y are mixed triangles. Among the pro- perties of the isosceles triangle is one in particular, viz. the angles at the base are always equal, and as the demon- stration given by Euclid is the first, and somewhat in- tricate and difficult for learners, it has been termed the pons asinorum. A Scalene Triangle has its three sides unequal, as GHI. A cone or cylinder is said to be scalene if its axis is inclined towards its base; but the term oblique would be more appropriate. R Fig. 654. Fig. 655. X Fig. 656. C Fig. 657. Fig. 658 V T A T D F E Fig. 659. Fig. 660. H Fig. 661. Y V B Z * 3 B 3 742 BOOK 11 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. triangle are equal to From the summit of The three internal angles of every two right angles, or to 180 degrees. the angles NOP describe circles, each divided into 360 de- grees, and if we add the degrees contained between the lines of the three angles, as PNO 68, NOP 60, O P N 52, we shall find the contents of the three angles together 180 degrees, or the double of two right angles. A Common Triangle is that which is comprised between two triangles, of which it contains an equal portion, and which has for its base the same as that of the two tri- angles comprised between the same parallels. The triangle GHI is common with respect to YHI and ZIH, because it is comprised between two triangles FIGURES OF FOUR SIDES, OR QUADRILATERALS: —— A Square has four equal sides, and four right angles, as A B C D. In the rectangle ABCD, the side B C is parallel to the side A D, and the side A B parallel to the side DC. The line A B is perpendicular to the two lines BC, AD, the two other lines are therefore parallel: in like manner the line A D is perpendicular to the two lines AB, DC; the two lines A B, DC, are therefore parallel. A Parallelogram has four right angles, but its sides are unequal, two being shorter than the others, as E F G H. The opposite sides of rectangles are equal; and a line falling upon parallel lines, as we have seen, make the alter- nate angles equal. By superposition the relative proportions of the square and parallelogram can be ascertained; this method was very much used by the ancient geometricians: when two figures so applied are found to coincide and to fill up the saine space, we infer that they are equal each to each. When Euclid endeavoured to prove that two triangles which have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, and also the angles contained by those sides, equal, he supposes one triangle to be placed over the other : on such a principle we compare rectilineal figures, for if it be shown that the square when placed over the parallelogram occupies only two-thirds of that figure, we infer that it requires half entirely its area in addition to cover it. It is easily de- monstrated also that any two equal rectilineal figures may, by resolving them into parts, be applied by superposition one above the other, so as entirely to agree in quantity. A parallelogram is bisected by each of its diagonals, for the triangles into which it is divided are equal to one another: and, consequently, if one angle of a parallelogram be a right angle, all its angles will be right angles. Hence we learn that a rhombus has all its sides equal to one another; that a rect- angle has all its angles right angles; and that a square has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. Euclid has clearly shown that the opposite sides and angles of parallelograms are equal, and that their diagonals bisect one another; and, conversely, if in any quadrilateral figure, the opposite sides be equal, or if the opposite angles be equal, or if the diagonals bisect one another, that quad- rilateral shall be a parallelogram. The same writer has also proved that the complements of the parallelograms which are about the diagonals of any parallelogram are equal to one another. A Rhombus has its four sides equal, but not at right angles, as KL MN. The rhombus has the peculiar property of its diagonals angles; and therefore whenever a quadrilateral has all its bisect one another at right angles, it is a rhombus. P 52 Fig. 662. Y G 380 N 68 H Fig. 663. A D Fig. 664. E H Fig. 665. K N Fig. 666. R Fig. 667. L 60 C P G 2 א crossing each other at right sides equal, or its diagonals A Rhomboid has its opposite sides and angles equal, as OPQR, without being equi- lateral or rectangular. The diagonals of all quadrilaterals are straight lines, which join the opposite angles, and consequently would divide the figure into four triangles. CHAP. VIII. GEOMETRY 743 A Trapezium is any other figure whose opposite four sides are not parallel, as ABCD. A Scalene Trapezium has two of its sides parallel, but its four sides unequal, as E F G H. A Rectangular Trapezium has two of its sides parallel, and two right angles, as I KLM. An Irregular Trapezium has none of its sides parallel, as PQNO. When one pair of opposite sides, as in the figure A B CD, are parallel, it is called a Trapezoid, and called a Trapezoid, and among the remarkable elementary properties of this trapezium are the following The sum of any three sides is greater than the fourth side: the sum of the squares of the diagonals is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides, and four times the square of the line joining the middle points of the diagonals. The lines joining the middle points of the sides form a parallelogram; and if the figure can be inscribed within a circle, the sum of each pair of opposite angles in two right angles, and the sum of the rectan- gles of each pair of opposite sides, are equal to the rectangle of the diagonals. When a diagonal is drawn in a parallelogram, and two other right lines parallel with the sides are made to cut it, the two parallelograms which the diagonal does not cut are called the supplements or complements. In the figure RSTZ the pa- rallelograms RXY and XVT are such. Land surveying requires that every plane figure should be resolved into some of the forms we have described, or con- sidered as composed of a certain number of triangles; for com- puting the area of which it is necessary that we should have the length of at least one side; and when this is ascertained, together with any two of its other parts, those remaining and the area may be computed by the rules of trigonometry. Polygons which are regular have their angles equal each to each, because they are contained the same number of times in the same number of right angles, and their sides about the equal angles are to one another in the same ratio. If the circumference of a circle be divided into any number of equal parts, the chords joining the points of division include a regular polygon inscribed in the circle, and the tangents drawn through those points include a regular poly- of the same number of sides circumscribed about the gon circle: therefore when we have a regular polygon inscribed in a circle, by drawing tangents through the angular points, we can readily construct another on the outside. Pentagon is bounded by five sides, and having within it as many angles; it is called regular when they are all equal, as the figure A. In the regular pentagon, if we inscribe within it a triangle, whose base corresponds with one side, and its point that where two opposite sides meet, we shall have an isosceles triangle: in such a triangle we have the angles of the greater double that of the less. An Irregular Pentagon is where the sides and angles vary, as B. Hexagon is a rectilinear figure of six sides and as many equal angles; this is called also irregular when the sides are unequal, as in the figure D. The side of a regular hexagon is equal to the radius of the circle in which it is inscribed, and it will also be found that the side of a regular decagon is equal to the greater segment of the radius divided medially, and the side square of a regular pentagon is greater than the square of the radius by the side square of a regular decagon inscribed in the same circle. hexagon is composed of six equilateral triangles, and its figure was much adopted formerly by architects, from the facility which it affords for subdivision. The M P D B A Fig. 668. f H E G Fig. 669. Fig. 670. N Fig. 671. R Y Fig. 672 Fig. 673. Fig. 674. B A X C D Fig. 675. S C T K L 3 B 4 744 THEORY AND PRACTICE Of engineeriNG. Book II. Heptagon is bounded by seven sides, E, and as many equal angles; it is called irregular, F, when these are not equal. Heptagonal numbers are those where the difference of the terms of the corresponding arithmetical progression is 5. Thus arithmeticals being called 1, 6, 11, 16, the hep- tagonals written under them would be 1, 7, 18, 34, &c., the latter being formed by the continual addition of the terms of the first: among the properties of these numbers is one very remarkable, viz. that if any heptagonal number is multiplied by 40, and 9 added to the product, the sum is a square number. Octagon is bounded by eight sides and angles, as A, and when these vary it is termed an irregular one, as B. It has been found that any regular figure, which has the number of its sides denoted by 2+1 and prime, may be inscribed in a circle without any other aid than that of plane geometry, that is, by the intersections of the straight line and circle only; and it is clear that by dividing the subtended arcs into two, four, or more equal parts, a re- gular figure of twice four times, &c., the number of sides of any may be inscribed. An octagon for instance may be drawn by bisecting the arcs which are subtended by the sides of a square. Nonagon is bounded by nine sides, as C, and has nine equal angles; when irregular, as the figure D, these all vary. This figure, by some geometricians called the Enneagon, has not yet had any rule laid down for its construction, and can only be inscribed approximatively. Decagon has ten equal sides and angles, E; when they vary, as in the figure F, it is not regular. This figure is the double of the pentagon; and Euclid has shown in his fourth book of the Elements, that the side of a regular decagon is equal to the greater segment of the radius of the circumscribing circle, divided by a medial section, or so that the rectangle contained by the whole radius and one of the parts is equal to the square of the other part. Undecagon has eleven equal sides and angles, and this may be the form of such a figure as H, which also has eleven sides, arranged neither within a circle nor after any particular form. This figure, also termed the endecagon, has no regular rule laid down for its construction; it can only be set out or inscribed within the circle by approximation. Duodecagon has twelve sides and angles equal, and is regular when so drawn as H, and irregular as shown in the side figure. A regular Polygon has all its sides equal, and likewise all its angles equal; and the centre is the same with the common centre of the inscribed and circumscribed circles, and the perpendicular, which is drawn from the centre to any one of the sides, is called the apothem: if any two adjoining angles of a regular polygon be bisected, the inter- section of the bisecting lines will be the common centre of two circles, the one circumscribing, the other inscribed in the polygon. The area of a regular polygon is equal to half the rectangle under the perimeter and apothem. An Equilateral Figure has all its sides equal, as in the square, pentagon, and hexagon, A, B, C. Those figures of four, five, and six sides when lines are drawn from their several angles to the centres, or when they are inscribed within circles, may have their separate and relative values easily calculated. Equiangular Figures are those which have their relative angles equal; the figures RST and V X Y are so, the angle R being equal to the angle V, the angle S to that of Y, an:l that of T to X. F E Fig. 676. B Fig. 677. C Fig. 678. A D E F Fig. 679. H G Fig. 680. H H Fig. 681. B Fig. 682. R T Fig. 683. 10 A V C CHAP. VIII. 745 GEOMETRY. Equal Figures contain equal quantities: the square G, for example, contains as much as the parallelogram D. Equilateral figures are those which have their sides equal to each other, and such, when inscribed in circles, are consequently equiangular, but the converse does not always hold true. In the square F, by drawing lines across from the divisions made on the respective sides, it may be made into nine equal parts, and if the length of one was set out equal to the divisions in G or D this figure would be in proportion of nine to four when compared with them. Isoperimetrical figures are such as have equal perimeters or circumferences. Problems which relate to them are extremely difficult of solution, and require a peculiar analysis; as, among curves having the same length, to determine that of which some assigned property is a maximum or a minimum; for example, among those having the same perimeter, to find that which has the greatest area; this constitutes one of the simplest ques- tions of the kind, and the curve to which the property be- longs is proved by elementary geometry to be a circle. In the figure G, the circumference equals the three sides of that shown at E, as well as the four of F in the preceding diagram. : Figures are similar when their relative angles are equal the side LK is to KM as ON is to NP, and they are said to be similar when their angles and sides exactly agree, as in the figure Q. Centres are the points in the middle of a figure: A, for example, in the pentagon BCDEF. Centre, in geometry and mechanics, has a variety of significations, and is numerously applied. The centre of a circle or an ellipse is the middle of any diameter; centre of a curve is the point where two diameters intersect each other; and in mechanics we have to treat of the centres of attraction, equilibrium, gravity, oscillation, &c. The centre of conversion is the point in a body about which it turns when a force is applied to any part of it, or unequal forces to its different parts. A rod, struck at one of its extremities in the direction perpendicular to its length, will turn it round, but there will be one point in it which remains at rest, or about which the other points turn; this is the centre. The point or fulcrum upon which a lever turns is its centre of equilibrium. H The Centre of an irregular figure is that marked by a S star in the middle of HIKLMNOPQRS, or there may be found the centre of each moiety of the figure, as GT, and then the star taken as a mean. The Point V is the centre of the circle XZ910, it being equidistant from the circumference in every part. The Foci or centres of an ellipsis are the points by which it is described, as 1 and 2. The focus of the parabola is a point in the axis, having this property, that a radius drawn from it to any point in the curve makes the same angle with the tangent at that point that the tangent makes with the axis. Hence a ray of light proceeding from the focus, and reflected by the curve, proceeds in a direction parallel to the axis; or if parallel rays fall on the concave side of a parabola, they are reflected into the focus. In the ellipse the two foci are situated in the greater axis, at equal distances from the centre, and if from both foci straight lines be drawn to the same point in the cir- cumference, the two lines make equal angles with the tangent at that point: a ray of light, therefore, issuing from the one focus is reflected by the curve into the other. There is a similar property in the hyperbola, but Ꭱ J 3 3 G F 3 12 3 Fig. 684, 12 G E 12 Fig. 685. I Fig. 686. K M Fig. 687. R C F A E D Fig. 688. H • D N P L K M G T N Fig. 689. X Fig. 690. 3 Fig. 691. V 9 P N 746 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IL with this difference, that one line falls on the concave and the other on the convex: or, the two lines drawn from the foci to any point in the hyperbola, make equal angles with the tangent on its opposite sides. The Centre of a globe, AZ 10, is that point which is equidistant from every part of its surface. The point Y is the pole of the circle 4. Lahire was the first who proposed the globular pro- jection, or the delineation of the terrestrial surface or any part of it on a plane; it is important that this subject should be thoroughly understood. The projection of any circle on the sphere, which does not pass through the eye, is a circle, and circles whose planes pass through the eye are projected into straight lines. The angle made on the surface of the sphere by two circles which cut each other, and the angle made by their projections, is equal. Gnomonic or central projection is that where the eye is situated at the centre of the sphere, and the plane of pro- jection is a plane which touches the sphere at any point assumed at pleasure: the point of contact is called the principal point, and the projections of all the other points on the sphere are at the extremities of the tangents of the arcs intercepted between them and the principal point. As the tangents increase very rapidly when the arcs ex- ceed 45°, and at 90° become infinite, the central projec- tion cannot be adopted for an entire hemisphere. The Centre of a geometric square is 11, or the point from which the greater circle is struck. And the Centre of a rule S is in A, or the pivot on which it turns. The Circumference is that line which bounds a circle whose centre is A. As we have seen there is a point in a circle, from whence a line may be drawn equidistant around it, and which is the circumference; the rectification of the circle, or the determination of the ratio that the circumference bears to the diameter cannot be expressed in finite numbers. Archimedes in his treatise De Dimensione Circuli showed that they were as 7 is to 22, or 113 to 355: De Lagnay found when the diameter was 1, that the circumference was 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288. areas of all circles are to one another in the ratio of the squares of their diameters, or the area is one-fourth of the circumference: Archimedes makes it nearly in the proportion of 14 to 11: the ratio the area of a circle bears to the square of its diameter has been thus expressed, 2 × 4×4 × 6 × 6 × 8 × &c. 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7 x 7 x &c. 8 24 48 The which is the same as X X x &c; the denominators 9 25 25 49 being the square of the odd numbers, and the numerators differing from the denominators by unity. Circles have similar circumferences when their dia- meters or radii are equal, as in those of CD and F G, or VB equal radius V E. The greatest Circumference of a sphere is that which is struck from the pole T as its centre, and which cuts it into two equal parts, the plane passing through the centre H. The curved surface of a Sphere is equal to the rectangle contained by its versed sine, and the sphere's circumference: 10 Fig. 692. 11 Fig. 693 Fig. 694. Fig. 695. B Y 5 A C V Fig. 696. E F כדי Fig. 697. 1 T Fig. 698. H A G V N A for the fluxion of the surface is obviously equal to the rectangle contained by the fluxion of the circumference, and the circumference of the circle of which the radius is the sine; it varies therefore as the sine; but the fluxion of the cosine, or of the versed sine, varies as the sine, consequently the surface varies as the versed sine. Now where the tangent becomes parallel to the axis, the fluxion of the surface becomes equal to the rect- angle contained by the sphere's circumference and the fluxion of the versed sine. CHAP. VIII. 747 GEOMETRY. The Sphere is divided then into two equal portions, as shown by the sections H of the globe K. The sphere is described by the revolution of a semi- circle about its diameter, or it may be defined as a body bounded by a surface of which every point is equally dis- tant from the centre. The curve surface of either of these zones or half globes is equal to twice the area of one of its great circles, or rather of the section made by the plane passing through the centre: the curve sur- face of a zone or portion contained between two parallel planes is equal to the curved surface of a cylinder of the same height with the height of the zone, or the dis- tance between the planes, and of the same diameter with the sphere, from whence we learn that the whole surface of the sphere is equal to the curved surface of the circumscribing cylinder. The solid content of a globe is equal to that of a cone whose altitude is the radius, and whose base is equal to the surface of the sphere; hence the content of the sphere is one-third of the product of its radius into its surface, and the sphere is also equal to two-thirds of its circumscribing cylinder. Hence the cone, the sphere, and the cylinder, whose diameters and heights are equal, are in the proportions of 1, 2, and 3, or the cylinder is equal to the sphere and cone taken together; the cone is equal to a third part of the cylinder, and the sphere is double the cone. In the Globe P the great circle dotted at M, the other at N, and the outer circumference QR P, are all equal to one another, because the planes by which it is cut pass through its centre. The globe is by this means cut into four equal parts, and the content of each, as well as their superficies, may be easily ascertained. A small Circle inscribed on a globe, as that shown at B on the globe A, must be struck from another centre. Globular projection, or the representation of the boundaries of planes which pass through the globe at right angles with its diameter, belongs more immediately to spherical geometry: a circle whose plane passes through its poles is called the meridian, and which cuts the planes of the equator, and all circles parallel to it at right angles. The plane of the horizon of any place touches the earth's surface, and divides the whole expanse of the heavens into two hemispheres. The earth's surface was by the ancient astronomers divided into five zones, founded on the different lengths of the longest day, as we proceed from the equator towards either of the poles : these were also denominated climates, and were each of such a breadth that the longest day at the boundary nearest the pole exceeded the longest day at the boundary nearer the equator by a certain space of time, as half an hour or an hour: within the polar circle the climates were supposed of such a breadth as to make the longest day at the opposite sides differ by a month. The Circle B of the globe C has its centre in the middle of the plane D, and the section made is common to both figures. Fig. 699. K H P M R Fig. 700. B Fig. 701. Р Fig. 702. A B L H C H F GI *** Fig. 703. K оо M- Fig. 704. Small equal Circles of the same globe have their Fig. 705. K N Q centres equidistant from its centre. In the globe E the circles F and G are equal to one another, because they are equally distant from the middle of the sphere. H and I are also so in the figure HIKL, and the two portions cut off are equal. An Arc is that portion of a circle which is less than a quarter of its periphery; the dotted portion EF is an arc of the circle EFGH, as is AD, CB of the other circle drawn in lines. The Point K of the arc I KL is the summit, and the line MN, as it touches the point P of the arc O Q, is also its summit. 748 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Circles of all sizes are divided into 360 degrees, as F is the centre of the circle BCD, to which they all radiate. Degrees are divisions which may be shown by right or curved lines, and are here drawn on the circum- ference of the circle E DC, as well as on the parallelogram, ADLCBK. By geometricians degrees are understood to be the 360th part of the circumference of a circle, or of four right angles: each of these degrees is divided into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds, and we find such a division re- cognised by the ancients. The Chinese divide the circle into 365 parts, so that the sun daily describes one of these degrees. The French mathematicians in some instances divide the quadrant or right angle into 100 degrees, and each degree into an hundred minutes, which suits better their decimal method of computation. A degree of latitude is understood to be that distance an observer must advance along the meridian on the surface of the earth to the north or south, in order to produce a variation of one degree in the altitude of the pole; the exact measurement of one of these degrees has been a study of the greatest interest, as by it is ascertained the dimensions of the globe itself. 290 At the present day this problem has acquired greater importance, in consequence of the discovery of the earth's ellipticity; for it is by the comparison of the lengths of 20 the meridional degrees at different latitudes, that we are enabled to ascertain accurately its true figure. The great irregularities of the surface of the earth render it difficult, but as the length of a degree depends on the radius of the circle on which it is measured, it will readily appear that the terrestrial degrees at different places, if measured on the external surface, must be unequal. To obviate this, and to reduce all the degrees to the same radius, the surface of the sea is supposed to be continued all round under the continents, and to this surface or level all the measurements are made to refer. The prin- ciple adopted is the following: two stations being as- sumed on the same or nearly the same meridian, the distance between them must be found with great exact- ness in feet or yards; this being done, the latitude of each of the stations is then determined, the difference of the two latitudes being the length of the celestial arc intercepted between the two stations, and by comparing this with the terrestrial measure, the number of yards or feet corre- sponding to a degree is known. An error of a second made in the measurement of the celestial arc corresponds to 100 feet on the ground, so that great nicety of observation is required before it can be as- certained with precision. From measurements made at various stations, the di- mensions and ellipticity of the earth are found to be, 250 A 340 820 350_360_10 C 310 300 290 70 180 B F D 90 88 1300 170 280 270 260 260 240 230 130 220 210 E 150 200 760 190 180 170 Fig. 706. 8004 240 310 E F 360 810 230 K A B 120 130 230 140 220 210 150 160 200 190. Fig. 707. A D B C Fig. 708. N I H F Equatorial diameter Polar ditto Difference of diameters Feet. 41,843,330 41,704,788 138,542 Miles. 7924.87 Fig. 709. 7898.63 26.24 A Circle is a plane bounded by a single line, called its circumference: the area dotted is a plane so cir- cumscribed by a line ABCD struck from the centre E, and equal circles are those struck from similar radii, as HNI and FL G. A Semicircle always contains 180 degrees, and is divided, as OPQ. A Protractor is such a figure, and used to set out de- grees its simplest form is a semicircular limb of metal 60 50 70 80 90 10011020 40 120 30 140 150 160 170 180 20 Fig. 710. CHAP. VIII. 749 GEOMETRY. divided into 180 degrees, and subtended by a diameter, in the middle of which is a notch to mark the centre: when this notch is placed at the angle of any figure, and the diameter laid along a given straight line, an angle of any number of degrees may be marked off. For complicated or large surveys the protractor is in the form of the entire circle, having its rim connected with the centre by four radial bars; over the centre is a disc of glass, on which two lines are drawn, crossing each other at right angles, their centre of intersection denoting that of the instrument. Round the centre, and concentric with the circle, is fitted a collar, which carries two arms; one of these has a vernier at its extremity adapted to the divided circle, and the other a milled head, which turns a pinion, working in a toothed rack round the exterior edge of the instrument. The rack and pinion give motion to the arms, each of which carries a fine steel pricker, which is pressed down when the protractor is placed in its required position. The Quadrant contains 90 degrees, and is divided as shown at ABC. This instrument, when attached to an artificial globe, is made of a thin pliable slip of brass, which when applied to its surface serves as a scale for measuring distances between points in degrees: it is graduated into minutes and seconds, and at one end is a nutt furnished with a screw, by which it can be attached to the brass meridian of the globe at any point. This point being placed in the zenith, and the quadrant applied to the globe, its zero coincides with the horizon, and consequently the altitude of any point along its graduated edge is indicated by the corresponding division. A Segment is a less portion, as DEFG. The segment of a circle is a part of the area comprised between an arc and its chord, and segments of different circles are said to be similar when their arcs have the same ratio to the cir- cumference of their respective circles, or when they con- tain the same number of degrees. A Sector is that portion which by two right lines passing through the centre, as KI, LI in the figure VN. A small sector is indicated by the dotted por- tion M, and the greater sector by N. Such a figure is a portion of the area of a circle, bounded by two radii and the intercepted arc: sectors of different circles are said to be similar when the sides or radii in- clude equal angles. The area of a sector is equal to that of a triangle whose base is equal to the length of the con- tained arc, and altitude equal to the radius of the circle. Cylindrical Ring is bounded by two circles, and void in the middle, as QO: its section, when solid, is that of a circle, the area of which multiplied by the length of its diameter gives its contents. Ovals have both a long and short diameter, which divide them into four equal parts: the line CE is the conjugate and BD the transverse diameters: F, F, are the foci. The Oval or Ellipse somewhat resembles the transverse section of an egg, and a variety of forms are given to it it is produced by cutting the cone by a plane passing obliquely through its opposite sides. The name of ellipse is derived from one of its properties ascertained, viz. that the squares of the ordinates are less than the rectangles under the respective abscissa and the parameter, or differ from them in defect. The ellipse is the curve in which the planets perform their several revolutions about the sun, and its properties enter into every investigation where physical astronomy is concerned. The curve it forms is defined by means of an C Fig. 711. A 10 Fig. 712. S 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 F E Γ Ꮐ Fig. 713. K Fig. 714. Q H N 0 Fig. 715. 1} F A F Fig. 716. ن R 750 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. equation between the radius vector, which is a line drawn from the focus to the curve, and the angle which it makes with the transverse axis: this is termed the polar equation to the ellipse. It is the property of this figure, that if a circle be de- scribed upon either axis, and from any point of that axis an ordinate be drawn, both to the circle and ellipse, then the ordinate of the circle is to the ordinate of the ellipse, as the axis to the other axis. Hence the whole area of the circle is to the whole area of the ellipse in the same proportion, and consequently the area of an ellipse is a mean proportional between the areas of the two circles described upon its transverse and conjugate axes. The Oval G approaches nearer a circle than that shown at H, the transverse diameter N O being greater than that of P Q An Ellipsis may be described by working a thread round the two foci Y Z, and holding it at S, so that it may pass TV X S, and thus form a true oval. A Parabola is a part of an oval cut off by a straight line, as shown in the figure 4567, or at 123. Spiral lines, as at S, bent in the manner of a volute, are struck from a variety of centres. The parabola is also formed by the intersection of the cone with a plane parallel to one of its sides, and the term is applied to all algebraic curves of a higher order determined by an equation of the form ym+n=amîn. The curve whose equation is y³ —a²x is called the cubical parabola, and that which has for its equation y =ax³, the semi-cubical parabola; this latter curve was the first that was rectified or found equal in length to an assignable straight line. A figure is said to be inscribed within another when it is bounded, as that of the triangle DEF is by the lines ABC. It is extremely useful at times to bound a regular as well as an irregular figure within another whose dimen- sions are known or can be easily computed: in an early Italian edition of Vitruvius, we see the sections of the cathedral of Milan covered entirely with equilateral triangles, for the purpose of accurately calculating its quantity: our freemasons, particularly those who were not thoroughly skilled in computation, could not adopt a more simple means of ascertaining the area of a body than by applying an equilateral triangle to it; six such would form a hexagon, as the four in the cut do that of the triangle of similar sides; this figure is capable of sub- division as well as multiplication, and presuming that the base of a pillar was comprised within any such form, the proportion of its relative parts could be easily computed. Bounding an irregular figure with a parallelogram, and afterwards dividing it into a number of equilateral tri- angles, its area could be obtained, and with as much pre- cision as by numbers. The Parallelogram LMNO has inscribed within it the irregular figure HIK. The Circle may have inscribed within it the square PQS R In computing the relative areas of the two figures, we have to consider only that the diameter of the circle is the same as the diagonal of the square; to obtain which we have to square two of the sides and add them to- gether, and then extract the square root, which will be the diameter of the circumscribing circle: when the square is formed on the outside of the circle, then the side of the square is the same as the diameter, and their areas may be easily found by the ordinary rules. I L R Y Fig. 717. 2 3 Fig. 718. A Р Q N H G K V 5 D E Fig. 719. 0 Fig. 720. 1 P Fig. 721. F X Z 7 G M + H 1 T Z CHAP. V111. GEOMETRY. 751 The Circle X is inscribed within the pentagon 1 2 3 4 5, whose sides are each the base of an isosceles triangle, the property of which is to have each of its angles at the base double that at the vertex; and if any two adjoining angles of a regular polygon be bisected, the intersection of the bisecting lines will be the common centre of the two circles, the one within, and the other circumscribing the polygon. The regular polygons, which have the same number of sides, are similar figures; for their angles are equal, each to each, because they are contained the same number of times in the same number of right angles, and their sides about the equal angles are to one another in the same ratio: it will also be evident that the area of a regular polygon is equal to half the rectangle under its perimeter and apothem, which is a per- pendicular let fall from the centre to the middle of one of the sides; therefore the sum of the sides multiplied by the length of the apothem will be the area. When the pentagon, hexagon, or heptagon, or either of them, are formed into triangles uniting in the centre, those must have equal bases and equal altitudes, and consequently are equal one to another; and whatever the shape of the polygon, it must contain as many of these triangles as it has sides, therefore it must be equal to half the rectangle under the perimeter and apothem. The Circle Z is inscribed within the hexagon Y. The Circle B contains inscribed within it a regular heptagon. The Axis is the straight line, real or imaginary, about which a body turns, in which sense it is sometimes called the axis of rotation or of oscillation, according to the motion of the body: it is, however, a straight line about which the parts of a figure are symmetrically disposed. The axis in peritrochio is one of the five mechanical powers, consisting of a peritrochium or wheel fixed immovably to an axle, so that both turn together round the axis of motion. The power is applied to the circumference, and the weight raised by the rope is wound round the axle: the power gained is the same as that gained by the lever, the longer arm of which is equal to the radius of the wheel, and the shorter equal to the radius of the axle. The Axis of a Circle is a right line, A B, drawn through the centre C, so as to divide X into two equal parts: E F is the chord, and C D the radius. The Axis of a Globe is a line passing through its centre I, on which it can move as on two pivots. Axis of a Cylinder is the line 47 passing through its middle vertically, and round which the plane 4567 may traverse to generate the figure. The axis of a column or frustum of a cone is a straight line drawn through its centre, and in the middle of its solid mass: all weight placed upon it should have regard to its true position. The straight line which divides a conic section symmetrically is called the axis: in the ellipse and hyperbola the axis cuts the curve in two points, which are termed the principal vertices of the ellipse or hyperbola: and a straight line intercepted be- tween them is called the principal diameter or transverse axis. The axis of any circle of the sphere is that diameter which is perpendicular to the plane of the circle; its extremities are called the poles. It is therefore evident that parallel circles have the same axis and poles, for a straight line which is perpendicular to one of two parallel planes is perpendicular to the other likewise: it may also be observed that two parallel circles cannot both of them pass through the centre of the sphere, or they cannot both be great circles of the sphere. Axis of revolution may be considered that straight line about which the figure revolves. 5 Fig. 722. Y Fig. 723. R Fig. 724. E X 3 N Q A Y I 00 8 F X C B Fig. 725. G Fig. 726. Fig. 727. Z 4 D 752 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 3 If a The Axis of the Ellipsis M is shown at KL. moving or generating circle roll along the concave circum- ference of a fixed circle in the same plane, and the radius of the former be half that of the latter, any given point in the plane of the generating circle within or without it will describe an ellipse; such a curve has been proved to be an epicycloid; when the circle revolves on the in- side of the circumference, the curve is sometimes called the hypocycloid. The revolving circle is the generating circle, the circle on which the revolution is performed the fundamental circle, and the portion of the fundamental circle on which the epicycloid rests is the base. The Axis of the Parabola P is the perpendicular line NO, which falls upon the line Q R. The Axes of Spheroids are the two lines which cross at right angles, TV being that which is horizontal. Solids have length, breadth, and thickness. The mass A has length from B to C, breadth from B to D, and thickness from D to E. The boundaries of solids are surfaces, and all the regular solids are terminated by regular and equal planes; they are five in number, as the tetraedron, the hexaedron, the octaedron, the dodecaedron, and the icosaedron; these are also called Platonic bodies, on account of their being treated of and described by Plato: besides these five there can be no other solids bounded by like equal and regular plane figures, and whose solid angles are all equal: three of these, as the tetraedron, octaedron, and icosaedron, are contained by equilateral triangles; one, viz. the cube or hexaedron by squares, and the other, the dodecaedron, by pentagons. The sphere may be inscribed in either of these, as may also another around or circumscribing it, the common centre of which may be found by bisecting any three of the dihedral angles, or by bisecting any three of the edges by planes at right angles with them. The solid content of any regular polyedron is equal to one-third of the product of its convex surface and apo- them, which is the radius of the inscribed sphere. The regular polyedrons of 6, 8, 12, and 20 faces, have for every face a face opposite and parallel to it, and the oppo- site edges of those faces likewise parallel; also the straight line which joins two opposite angles passes through the centre of the polyedron: any one of them may be in- scribed in a regular polyedron which has a greater number of faces, by taking for its vertices certain of the vertices of the latter, or of the centres of its faces, or of the middle points of its edges. Similar and equal bodies are those which have all these dimensions of one size, the square OKL and PMN being the same in both, as well as the other sides. In the Cube A the sides BCD are all equal. The hexaedron or cube has six faces, eight solid angles, and twelve edges; the centres of its faces are the vertices of an inscribed regular octaedron; four of its vertices are the vertices of an inscribed octaedron; its adjoining faces are at right angles to each other, and the diameter of a circumscribed sphere is to the edge as the hypothenuse to the lesser side of a right-angled triangle whose sides are as the side and diagonal of a square. The diameter of the inscribed sphere is equal to the edge of the cube. The Sphere has its surface represented by F. As a line according to Euclid is generated by the motion of a point, so a surface is generated by the motion of a line: if the generating line be a straight line, and move, subject to the condition of having always two consecutive positions in the same plane, the surface generated is developable, and can be stretched out on a plane, as that of a cylinder. K T Fig. 728. Fig. 729, Fig. 730. C Fig. 731. Fig. 732. P Ꭱ Fig. 733. P M N 0 R B A K L H M N A B C D Fig. 734. E Fig. 735, F E V L CHAP. VIII. GEOMETRY. 753 Р Z Y ر Fig. 738. The Column G has a circular plane at top and bottom and a cylindrical surface; the irregular figure P is bounded by numerous planes running through QRS, &c. To draw accurately such figures, it is necessary to intersect them by planes in a vertical as well as in a horizontal direc- tion: the form P indicates the taste which prevailed in the time of Louis XIV., and which took precedence over the simple shaft previously in use; to ascertain the quantity or weight of such irregular figures the greatest care in their measurement is required. The difference between the diameters at O and N in the column HI is termed its diminution, and the proportions which govern this in architecture should always be drawn from a study of nature. Smeaton, in preferring the trunk of the oak for his model of the Eddystone lighthouse to the column, showed that he had thought well on the subject, and by adopting the curve line for its section, he produced less resistance to the waves as they rose up its sides: where columns carry weights they must be proportioned to the load, and many writers have urged that eight or nine diameters is as much as should at any time be depended upon for stone or timber; when used as posts the ancients varied their marble columns from four to ten diameters in height, but on no occasion do they appear to load them, when applied to temples, beyond their own weight. K is an irregular cylinder, hollowed in the extent of its height, and formed of different horizontal planes. The contents of such forms are not very easily obtained, to acquire which a variety of dimensions are necessary to model them the turning lathe is employed: their curvature can thus be fashioned to the purposes for which they are intended. A Cylinder has three superficies, formed by a rectangular parallelogram; the solid A is generated by turning the paral- lelogram Z B C on its axis BC. The cylinder is a solid figure, the surface of which is partly plane and partly curved, the plane portions being two equal and parallel circles, and the curved portion such that any point being taken in the circumference of either circle, the straight line which is drawn through it, parallel to the line joining their centres, lies wholly in the surface. The base of a cylinder is the circular ends R and S, that at Q is shown in perspective. Wherever a cylinder is made use of, either for support or as a gudgeon attached to machinery, we must recollect that its stiffness, when compared to that of its circumscribing prism, is as three times its mass to four times that of the prism. When a cylinder is compared with a prism of the same length and weight, its vibrations, according to Dr. Young, will be less frequent, in the ratio of 300 to 307, or nearly of 43 to 44: then it may be said that the stiffness of a cylinder is to that of its circumscribing prism, as three times the bulk of the cylinder to four times that of the prism; the authority before cited also observes that the force of each stratum of the cylinder may be considered as acting on a lever, of which the length is equal to its distance x from the axis, for though there is no fixed fulcrum at the axis, yet the whole force is exactly the same as if such a fulcrum were placed there, since the opposite actions of the opposite parts would remove all pressure from the fulcrums; the tension of each stratum being also as the distance x, and the breadth being called 2y, the fluxion of the force on either side of the axis will be 2xyx, while that of the force of the prism is 2x and its fluent x³. But the 2 3 fluent of 2x²y x, or 2√(1-xx) x²x, calling the radius unity, is } (z—y³x), z being the area of the portion of the section in- cluded between the stratum and the axis, of which the fluxion is yx, for the fluxion of z — y³ x is yx — y³ x—3 y² x y = y x²x N I H Fig. 736. K Fig. 737. R S Fig. 739. Fig. 740 Fig. 741. D a о 3 C #54 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Sy³x У = 1 and y=0 = y x²x + 3y x²x=4y xx, and when z the fluent becomes z, while the force of the prism is expressed by 2 3 When the ends of a cylinder are not parallel it is an irregular figure, and it is said to be inclined when placed on one of its ends which is cut in a plane out of right angles with its lengths. Ballusters are a species of cylinder, which usually are made to swell in the middle; that as I has additional strength to that shown at E, the diameter at F being the same as at its base H. A regular Polyedron has all its faces or planes equal, as A. The apothem of such a figure is a perpendicular drawn from the centre to any one of the faces, and is equal to the radius of the inscribed sphere. Cubes, or cubic numbers, are those formed by the multiplication of any number into twice itself, thus 8 and 27 are cubes, the first being equal to 2 × 2 × 2, and the second to 3 × 3 × 3: the number thus pro- duced by multiplication is called its power, and the original number its root; this is called the square root if the power is square, and the cube root when the power is a cube. These powers are distinguished from one another by the number of times that the given number has been multiplied by itself: the square is called the second power, the cube the third power, and when multiplied again the fourth power, or biquadrate. The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth powers of 10, are 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, &c, which in algebra may be represented by a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, or a100 when a is raised to the hundredth power, a³ when a is cubed, and aª, a³, &c. when raised to the fourth or fifth powers: such terms are also in geometric progression, because each term is once greater than the preceding. Vitruvius informs us that the ancients called 10 a perfect number, but that mathematicians, on the other hand, pre- ferred 6, the number of sides of the cube; its divisors equal its number, for a sixth part is 1, a third 2, a half 3, two- thirds 4, &c. An irregular cube has them unequal, as those of CD in the figure B. A Pyramid is bounded by many planes, and terminating at a point, as in those at G and E. They are called pyra- mids from the resemblance they bear to a spire of flame; but the etymology of the term is perhaps derivable from the Egyptian words, which signify the separating or setting apart from common use, which was the case with such build- ings: the word pyramid, therefore, may denote a sacred fane or place set apart for some religious use. In geometry a pyramid is a solid contained by a plane polygonal base and other planes meeting in a point, which is called the vertex; the planes which meet in the vertex are called the sides, which are all triangles, and the slant height is the length of one of these sides measured from the point to the middle of one side of its base: every pyramid is equivalent to one third of a prism having the same base and altitude; consequently those which have similar bases and altitudes are equal: the solid content is found by multiplying the area of its base by one-third of its perpendicular height. The base of a pyramid is the plane opposite to its apex or points, or the side on which it rests; FGH is the base of the figure E. F, H, M, are pyramids with square bases, and the figure M is usually designated, when the top H is removed, the frus- tum: when a pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to its base, the frustum, as M, which is the part comprehended between the base and the section, is equal to the sum of three Fig 742. Fig. 743. G Fig. 744. A D [2] B C F E E F H G Fig. 745. Fig. 746. H E H M CHAP. VIII. *ES GEOMETRY pyramids, having for their common altitude that of the frus- tum, and of which the bases are respectively the lower base of the frustum, the upper base of the frustum, and a mean proportional between them. A truncated Body is that of a pyramid, where L is so called, when the top M is broken off. Obelisks are of this form, and may have any number of faces, one of which is a triangle or other rectilineal figure, and the rest triangles which have a common vertex, and for their bases the sides of the first triangle or rectilineal figure : the altitude of such pyramids is the perpendicular distance of the vertex from the base, and the truncated pyramid is said to be triangular, quadrilateral, or pentagonal, according to the figure of its base. When the pyramid has a part of its summit cut off by a plane parallel to its base, the part next the base is called the frustum, and sometimes a trun- cated pyramid. A Prism is a solid composed of many planes, of which the two opposite are equal; K, T, and S are instances of triangular, square, and hexagonal prisms. The prism is a solid contained by planes, of which two that are opposite are equal, similar and parallel, and all the rest are parallelograms. A right prism has its sides perpen- dicular to its ends; an oblique prism is that of which the sides are oblique to the ends. Tetraedron has four equal sides, formed by four equilateral triangles, H and I, or it is a triangular pyramid having four equal and equilateral faces, which are the least number pos- sible for a solid. If we assume a = If we assume a = the linear edge, b the whole superficies, c = to the solid content, r= the radius of the inscribed sphere, R = the radius of the circum- scribed sphere, then the following relations hold true, a = 2 r√6, b = 24 r² / 3, c = 8 r³ √ 3, R = 3 r. Hexaedron is a solid which is bounded by six equal sides, as E and A. This is one of the five regular or Platonic solids, the whole surface of which is equal to twenty-four times the square of the radius of the inscribed sphere, and to eight times the square of the radius of the circumscribed sphere, and its solid content is eight times the cube of the inscribed sphere. Dodecaedron is composed of twelve equal, equilateral, and equiangular pentagons, as the figure F. The surface of the dodecaedron is found by multiplying the square of its side or linear edge into the number 20-64578, and its solidity by multiplying the cube of its side by 7-66312. Icosaedron is a solid composed by twenty equal, equilateral, and equiangular triangles, as the figure G, and may be regarded as formed of twenty equal and similar triangular pyramids, whose vertices all meet at the same point; hence the content of one of these pyramids multiplied by 20, gives the whole content of the icosaedron. Parallelopipedon is a solid composed of six plane quad- rangles, of which the opposite sides are parallel, four of which are equal to one another. All the faces of one of the above named solids cannot be seen at the same time; in the cube A, we can from the point X only see the three faces A, D, and C, and the eye may be so placed above it that only the top face may be seen. In the representation of the several solids, it is necessary that we should attend to some rules, and that they should always be drawn, either as they appear to the eye, or ac- cording to a recognised scale. Isometrical perspective gives us, as we shall hereafter see, such a method of showing the various sides of a cube or other figure, and ascertaining from a scale its relative dimensions. When it is required that a solid should be projected in the plane of a picture with its P Fig. 747. K Fig. 748. H Fig. 749. 發 ​Fig. 750. G Fig. 751. Fig. 752. X C Fig. 753 A T B D F A S 3 c 2 ¹756 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. - actual dimensions, we may obtain the requisite measures from the properties of similar triangles; for instance, to find the position of the image of either of the right lines in the cube, we must determine the point in which a line parallel to it, passing through the place of the eye, cuts the plane of the picture; this, which is called the vanishing point, is shown at X, and all the lines which are under the same parallel will tend to it; when the lines are, however, parallel with the plane of the picture, the distance of their vanishing point becomes infinite, as we shall see when treating of the laws of perspective. In treating diagrams, geometricians usually make all lines which are on the return of a cube, or which represent its sides, tend to one point, and draw the face in front, as D, perfectly square. When a cube is represented with its sides equal, it is said to be geometrically drawn, but when shown as at K it is in perspective. A Sphere is a body comprised within a single super- ficies, in which all the lines drawn from a central point equal one another. LMNO is an hemisphere or half globe; a segment either less than a portion cut off, as at Q, or greater, as that part of the sphere at R. The zone is a portion taken out of the shown at S. Fig. 754. Fig. 755. K A L N P R M middle, as Fig. 756. The sector of a sphere has a portion of the outer surface, and terminates in a point as at T. The globe R, when cut in two, has the parts or planes shown as at T, V, which are called its sections, and S is an hemisphere. B is an armillary sphere, and used by astronomers to show the motion of the earth, and the relative position of the sun, moon, and stars, &c. This is an ancient astro- nomical machine composed of an assemblage of hoops or circles, representing the different circles of the system of the world, as the equator, the ecliptic, the colures, &c., arranged in their regular position. D shows the mounting of the sphere used to represent the earth, which is usually represented as round, or a true globe; this was inferred from the figure of its shadow, as seen on the moon's disc in lunar eclipses. The hypothesis of its being a true sphere is sufficient to explain the general appearance of the heavens as seen from different points of its surface: Eratosthenes, upwards of 2000 years ago, made the attempt to ascertain its diameter: he knew that on the day of the summer solstice the sun illuminated the bottom of a well at Syené; at the same instant he observed at Alexandria that the sun was 7° 12′ from the zenith, and it was supposed that Syené was due south from that place, and, therefore, that both were under the same meridian. Having determined the distance between the two places to be 5000 stadia, and accurately measured the sun's altitude, he found the earth's circumference to be 250,000 stadia: this method, which is not accurate, was afterwards adopted by many other philosophers. Artificial globes are used for explaining the rotation of the earth, the latitude and longitude, and the situation of places with respect to each other; they are, however, limited to general explanation: it is often highly necessary for the engineer to determine the meridian, or to draw a meridian line, and this requires the aid of a good telescope, a well-regulated clock, and the sextant, or an instrument for determining the altitude of the sun or star. By the sextant we can determine two instants of time; when the star has the same altitude, the clock will give the interval of time between them, and half this interval will be the time between each observation and the passage of the star over the meridian. If we next day note the time of the Fig. 757. T T R Fig. 758. B Fig. 759. Fig 769. C D CHAP. VIII. 757 GEOMETRY. clock when the star again attains that altitude, and add to that time the above mentioned half interval, we shall have the time by the clock when the star will be on the meridian; if at that instant a telescope, movable in a vertical plane, be directed to the star, so that in passing the meridian the star may be on the axis of the telescope, the position of the plane of the meridian will be obtained. If a meridian circle pass through the zenith of any place, the arc intercepted be- tween the zenith and the equator is called the latitude of that place: assuming this or any other meridian circle that passes through the zenith of any particular place as the first me- ridian, the arc of the equator intercepted between the first meridian and the meridian circle passing through the zenith of any other place is called the longitude of that place: by the zenith is meant the top of the heaven, or vertical point directly over head, or it may be defined as the pole of the horizon, from which it is 90° distant. When a cavity is made through a globe, as at E, it is said to be pierced. In the globe L it is comprised over its whole surface; the coating of a sphere is its superficies. In a part of a globe the area of the base or section must be added to that contained over the convex portion to obtain its superficies. In the figure EFGHIK, the upper and lower faces, as well as those of the ends, must be added together to make up the total surface or entire superficies. And when it contains a cavity in the centre, as a shell, it is a hollow globe or sphere. A Spheroid is an oblong sphere formed by the turning of an ellipse round its axis: if the generating ellipse revolves about its major axis the spheroid is said to be prolate, and about its minor, oblate. Supposing 2 a the axis of revolution, and 2b the dia- meter of the generating ellipse perpendicular to the axis, then the origin of the co-ordinates being at the centre, and r being taken on the semi-axis a, the equation of the sphe- roid is Fig. 761. Fig. 762. Fig. 763. E L M G E I H Fig. 764. K x as + = 1. b⁹ The solid content of such a figure is equal to two-thirds of its circumscribing cylinder. A Paraboloid is the half of such a figure, and is described by the revolution of a half parabola round its axis: sometimes the term is used to express the parabolas of the higher orders, and sometimes the solid formed by the rotation of a parabola about its axis, or the parabolic conoid. In the parabola the parameter of its axis is a third proportional to the abscissa and its ordinate. The focus is that point in the axis where the ordinate is equal to the semi-parameter; the diameter is a line within the curve terminated thereby, and is parallel to the axis; an ordinate to any diameter is a line contained by the curve, and that diameter parallel to a tangent at the extremity of the diameter. In a parabola the ab- scissas are proportional to the squares of their ordi- nates; and as the parameter of the axis is to the sum of any two ordinates, so is the difference of these ordinates to the difference of their abscissas. The distance between the vertex of the curve and the focus is equal to one-fourth of the parameter; the radius vector is equal to the sum of the distances between the focus and the vertex, and be- tween the ordinate and the vertex. The parabolic curve is that which some mathematicians call the curve of equilibrium for an arch, because it sustains a load uniformly when distributed over its length; it should be comprised in the depths of all flat arches, and it is the best form for suspension bridges. It is the curve described by a cannon ball, and by a jet of water when it F Fig. 765, Fig. 766. Fig. 767. Fig 768. G V D H 3 c 3 753 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. issues from a hole made in the side of a cistern or reservoir, and it forms the best curve for the reflection of light. The mouldings found in Greek temples, so worthily admired, are all of this form; they result from the inter- section of conic surfaces by planes parallel to the side of the cone in general. VX is the base of the parabola Y. The parabola is a curve consisting of two similar sides, which may be produced indefinitely, by being drawn in such a manner with regard to the axis passing through the vertex, that the abscissæ are to each other as the squares of the ordinates; so that if the former be 1, 4, 9, the latter will be 1, 2, 3, &c. When a body or projectile is thrown in a horizontal direction, its path through the air will be half of a parabola, whose vertex lies in the point of projection. When a body is thrown obliquely upwards, its path is that of a complete parabola, whose vertex will be the highest point reached by the body, which ascends one side and descends by the other: if the projectile forms any angle whatever with that of gravity, a body set in motion by these forces will not follow the direction of either of them, but will adopt a middle course proportional to both the forces; the course of the body, which is determined by the laws relative to the parallelogram of forces and the earth's attraction, will be that of a curved line resembling the parabola. The base of a paraboloid, as Z, is its circular end; in the frustum of a cone it is at 3, and the top at 2 shows the base of the part cut off, and 1 the slant height. In the parabola NOP the superficial content may be obtained by considering it as the portion of an oval. A Cone is a body comprised within two superficies, and is formed by revolving a right-angled triangle on its axis, as that at X. So is formed the paraboloid C when one side of the figure is curved. The base of a cone is the circle on which the figure stands: NO is the slant height. If a body be thrown vertically upwards, it will be re- tarded in an uniform manner, and not arrive either per- pendicularly or at the apex of the cone, but will, by the influence of gravity, assume the parabolic curve, which is one of the sections of the cone. This is in consequence of the effect of the projectile force becoming every moment less powerful by the earth's attraction on the ascending body, and which is exactly in the same ratio as it accele- rates its descent. The laws which regard the latter are in inverse application; a body will therefore lose its velocity after a certain time, and return to the surface of the earth in precisely the same time as was occupied by its ascent; the projectile force is momentary, and the action of gravity permanent; the motion is consequently a compound one, the forces acting sometimes in the same vertical, and some- times in an opposite or oblique direction. When a ball or other body is projected, its force as well as angle may be ascertained by using a spiral steel spring, which may be strained according to various degrees of tension; this spring, placed in a tube, and made movable about a pivot, may be made to act at any required angles by means of a graduated scale. The base of an angle is DC: B is the summit of the angle A. The base of any solid is the side on which it rests: LM is the base of the figure K. The amount of the weight of such a body is proportional to the mass, the measure of which, estimated by that of some other body which serves as an unit, is termed its ab- solute weight. Gravity and weight in mechanics always are to each other in the relation of action and re-action. Fig 769. D Z Fig. 770. N Fig. 771. Χ Fig. 772. N Fig. 773. D Fig. 774. L Fig. 775. Y Р R 1 ON 2 3 Z X C K M CHAP. VIII. 759 GEOMETRY. The superficies is that which has length and breadth : ABCD in the parallelogram bounds its area, and indi- cates its quantity. A B is the boundary of the straight line as CD is of the curved: E F G H are the boundaries of the parallelogram. Boundaries. It is curious to observe the principles adopted by the ancient geographers in their description of a country to express its form: Strabo tells us that Spain resembled a hide spread out, and we also learn that Alex- Britain andria was in the form of a Macedonian cloak. was represented by them as contained within a triangle, of which the base or longest side was that opposite to Gaul. The Greeks considered the several continents to be bounded by the sea. The general outline of a country must be obtained before we can accurately estimate its area, and in our descriptions we must notice its boundaries; England, for instance, is bounded on the south by the English Channel, on the east by the German Ocean, on the north by Scotland, on the west by the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel: in mapping a country or an estate, it is necessary that we should remark on the boundary lines, where it touches or comes in contact with the adjoining lands not comprised in our survey: from an accurate map of England and Wales, with its outline properly defined, the area was computed to be 57,960 square miles. A. A B C Fig. 770. G Fig. 777. K Fig 778. ها. Fig. 779. L M R P S R T B F D H The term England is derived probably from its trian- gular form: the base of the triangle is a line drawn from the South Foreland in Kent to the Land's End in Corn- wall; the eastern side, by a line drawn from Berwick to the South Foreland, and the western or longest side, by a line drawn from Berwick to the Land's End. In the maps which were drawn during the last century there was no approach to the accurate form of either England or Wales, nor was there any attempt made by the surveyors of that time to exhibit the rising ground, mountain chains, or principal features of the country. From such inac- curate surveys we cannot be surprised at the differences which appear in the various calculations of the area which have been made. Sir William Petty estimates the area of England and Wales at 28,000,000 acres, Gregory King Arthur Young 39,000,000, Dr. Halley 39,938,500, Arthur 46,916,000, Dr. Beeke 38,498,572, and Mr. M'Culloch at 36,999,680; the latter is much nearer the truth, as the statute acres he has given were deduced from the aggregate Fig. 780. measurements of the several counties in England and It is of the Wales of these Wales comprises 4,752,000, and England 32,247,680 acres. utmost importance that the boundaries of all kingdoms and states should be clearly defined; before this is done, or an outline of their coasts or form is obtained, it is not possible to compute their area, or to lay down a system of taxation or rates that the inhabitants should contribute to the state. The boundaries which relate to a district should also be well defined, as should those which nature has prescribed, as the basin or valley drained by a particular river: sufficient attention has not been paid to this part of the subject of map- ping, for all rivers have a limit or boundary, in their drainage of the superfluous waters, and the high ground from which they draw their supply is capable of being defined and having its outline established. In making the surveys for the parishes throughout England this might have been attended to, and the information conveyed would then have been invaluable to the engineer in all his future surveys, and to the government in controlling him. Of areas and solids it is not necessary to say any more of their boundaries than that the lines and surfaces which contain them are so called; as, for example, A B is the boundary of the straight line, &c. LMN is the boundary line of the half circle, as K is that of the whole figure I. PQR are the boundaries of the quarter circle, and R is that of the segment cut off S. When the curved line of a segment is less than half the circumference, as at R, it is the small segment. The boundaries of a sector are TV X, the radius or lines TV and TX comprising a part of the external circumference. 3c4 780 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The boundaries of a vessel of any kind, whether those of a vase, cup, or box, are those surfaces and lines which are visible to the eye; they comprise all within and with- out, and whatever presents a face. Zones or Girdles are those bands which encompass or surround a sphere, as that between B and D. GLI, HMK, indicate the zone be- tween F and E: a zone may embrace only a portion of a sphere, as that indicated at C in the two halves, A, A. Y Fig. 781. The globe is divided into five zones by the two tropics and the two polar circles; that comprised between the tropics is called the torrid, its breadth being 47°, or twice the sun's greatest declination; this is divided into two equal parts by the equator. That zone included between the tropic of Cancer and the arctic circle is called the north temperate zone, and that between the tropic of Capricorn and the antarctic circle the south temperate zone: each of these are in breadth 43°; that portion com- prised between the arctic circle and the north pole is the north frigid zone, and that between the antarctic circle and south pole the south frigid zone. • This division of the earth into zones probably arose from the difference observed in the temperature, which is higher in the equatorial regions than in any other part of the earth, in consequence of the sun's rays being more direct; to every point of the earth's surface whose zenith lies between the tropics, the sun is vertical twice in the year in the polar regions the temperature is lowest, in consequence of the obliquity with which the sun's rays fall, and the length of the winter night. In the countries situated between these two regions there is a medium temperature, increasing as the zenith approaches the nearer of the two tropics, and diminishing as it approaches the nearer of the polar circles. Zones are sometimes irregular, as N on the globe Y, the widths of OQ and PR being different. S is a zone on the globe T, as is V on that of X. Plans are of various form, as those of A, B, and C: any figure having superficial contents is so designated. The surveyor of land determines by measurement both the boundaries and superficial content of any portion of the earth's surface; the object being to ascertain the content of a single field, or the relative distances and bearings of the various buildings or other objects around or within it. In measuring land, all the lines and surfaces whose contents are to be found are reduced to the same horizontal plane, on the principle that as corn grows ver- tically, no greater quantity can be produced on the slant side of a hill than would grow on the area which its base covers: when the lines measured are not horizontal, they must be multiplied by the cosines of their respective inclinations to the horizon. When a country is surveyed, or a large geometrical map is to be formed, it is necessary to have regard to the earth's curvature and many other circumstances. Ichnographic plans, as shown at D, are made use of to exhibit the foundations of the walls of a building, or the arrangements of the several divisions or compartments. This term, derived from the Greek, signifies a model, and the drawing of it: in architecture it usually indicates the ground plan, as of a fortress, garden, or building: when either of these are laid down properly to a scale, any portion, as well as the whole quantity may be esti- mated, and if the walls or points of supports are distin- guished by colour, their proportions with regard to void Fig. 783. Fig. 782. A G LI F E HMK N B D P N Q T R Y Fig. 784. X A B с Fig. 785. Fig. 786. D CHAP. VIII. 761 GEOMETRY. may be also calculated; this is an important preliminary before any constructions are com- menced, and great accuracy in the drawing is requisite to make the estimates correctly. An orthographic plan shows the extent as well as eleva- tion of the several portions of the building. A scenographic plan represents the whole in perspective. Vitruvius informs us that architecture depends on fit- ness and arrangement, and also on proportion, uniformity, consistency, and economy: the first relates to the nice adjustment of the dimensions of the several parts to the whole, as well as to their use. Ordination is the word we have rendered into fitness, and in it is comprised the terms we are now using, as Ichnography, Orthography, and Scenography; as the first relates to the plan drawn geometrically, so does the second to the elevation; the last exhibits the front and receding side properly shadowed, the lines being drawn to their proper vanishing points. After such a description as is contained in the author above cited, it is not possible to fancy that the Romans were unacquainted with our method of making designs, and particularly when he further observes that the three systems of preparing them are the result of thought and invention, the first being an effort of the mind, ever in- cited by the pleasure attendant on success in compassing an object, whilst the other is the effect of this effort, which shows a new light on things the most recondite, and pro- duces them to answer the intended purpose: such are the ends of arrangement. Proportion is that agreeable har- mony which results from one and all parts agreeing with each other and the whole: uniformity is the parity or likeness of the parts to one another: consistency is the result found when the work exhibits a suitable detail, and economy is the due and proper application of the means afforded, and prudently employing it. The second chapter of the first book of Vitruvius should be studied by all who are desirous of becoming civil engineers. G-D DEEN 0-0-0 ご ​Fig. 787. C E A Fig. 788. E H C D F A E Of different sites or situations of planes with regard to the horizon, which is said to be either sensible or rational; the first is a plane which is a tangent to the earth's surface at the place of the spectator, extended on all sides till it is bounded by the sky; the latter is a plane, parallel to the former, but passing through the centre of the earth. These two terms are only relative, as they vary with the spectator's position; for when his eye is in the plane of the sensible horizon he can only see what is above it, but when it is raised above the horizon he can observe what is beneath. it. The sensible horizon is therefore properly defined to be the conical surface which has its apex in the eye of the spectator, and embraces the portion of the earth over which the eye can reach; the visual rays, which are tan- gents to the earth, are situated in this surface, and point below the true sensible horizon, or the rational horizon which is parallel to it; and the angle which a visual ray makes with the plane of the horizon is termed its dip or depression, and which is easily estimated from the known dimen- sions of the earth, and the height of the eye above its surface. An inclined plane is that which is neither horizontal nor vertical, but which slopes on the horizon, as the cliff at D. A may be considered the true level or the surface of the waters; B is the horizontal plane parallel with A; C is a vertical plane perpendicular to A, or parallel to the plummet let fall at E; D may be called an inclined plane. B G Fig. 789. Of Sines, Tangents, and Secants.—The sine of any arc of a circle is the straight line drawn from one extremity of the arc perpendicular to the radius, passing through the other ex- tremity. The sine of an arc is the half of the chord of the double arc. The tangent to a curve is a straight line which meets or touches the curve without intersecting it; the arc and its tangent have always a certain relation to each other, and when the one is given in parts of the radius, the other can always be computed by means of an infinite series; the Arabians were the first to introduce tangents into trigonometry, and which render important service in simplifying many calculations. The secant is a straight line drawn from the centre of a circle to one extremity of an arc, and produced until it meets the tangent to the other extremity. The secant of an arc is a third proportional to the 762 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. cosine and the radius, hence if the radius be taken as unit, the secant is the reciprocal of the cosine. The cosecant and cosine is the complement of an angle or arc. The sides of the triangle ABC are sines, because its sides are enclosed in the circle EFGBD, which has for its radius one of the sides A. A tangent is a right line which falls perpen- dicularly on the end of the radius, where it touches the circle, as HF: AH is a secant. To trace a line or any figure on the ground, the engineer is provided with staves or rods of various lengths which enable him to station the holder at any particular point where the observation is required to be made; such a staff or piquet is made use of, with various devices on the point, to set out a straight line through any district that is to be surveyed. Any one sta- tioned at either of the extremities of the line AD could direct others at the intermediate stations F, C, H, B, E, to plant their rods in the direct line; which when set out is to serve as the base or diagonal of a figure, from which the country around is to be mapped or levelled. Sometimes these piquets have placed upon them boards, either coloured or pierced with holes, or with curved tops, which enable them to be more readily distinguished. The staves made use of for levelling have a vane which slides up and down with facility, and can readily be lengthened; these are accurately divided in their height into hundredths of a foot, and are alternately coloured black and white: the lines denoting the tenths are drawn through the whole breadth, and every and foot is further distinguished by one or two conspicuous dots or marks. Smaller stumps or pins are made use of to mark out the line or figure after the survey is commenced; Q is a form made use of for one description of marks, and P for another. When the excavator commences his labour, he is generally instructed to leave witnesses of his work in the shape of small cones of earth, by which the depth of his excavation can always be obtained. B is the natural and original level of the man A. At every extreme height as well as depth, these marks should be left for the engineer to make his survey when he is desirous of verify- ing the quantity of earth which has been removed. In measuring such an excavation, it is the hole made in the ground that is to be measured, and not the earth removed, and when great depths are taken out, allowances in price are made accordingly; in large excavations the workmen are usually distributed in gangs; one digs, another fills, and a third wheels the earth away: when the distance exceeds twenty yards, a fourth man is employed, a stage being con- sidered that distance. The first man, who has to wheel the earth out of the work, generally has an inclined plane to mount, whilst the second runs his barrow along level ground; when this is the case, the stage or run is limited to a less distance, and when the level is an inclined plane, then the run is extended to twenty-five yards. There is a considerable advantage obtained in dividing the moving of earth into separate stages, but the engineer who has the direction of the D Fig. 790. N Fig. 791. Fig. 792. Fig. 793. B F L H A CHAP. VIII. 763 GEOMETRY. work should always set them out proportionably, which sometimes is rather a difficult task to perform. As the excavation proceeds it should be measured, as it is expedient that this should be done before any of the marks are obliterated or destroyed, which they are constantly subject to, particularly where horses and carts are employed in any great numbers. Rules, Sight Vanes, &c. - Rules are required of different lengths and thicknesses, with straight and bevelled edges, either to draw lines on paper in pencil or with ink; but when a line is to be drawn on the ground, it may be done more readily by stretching a line, as at C, from one stump to another. A B C Parallel Rules. There are several kinds in use; the best consists of a single rule with an axis, carrying two small rollers fixed at each extremity: these must be made of precisely equal diameters, and should be as far apart as the length of the rule will permit: an instru- ment rolling on two such wheels will be moved parallel to any position it was first placed in, and consequently parallels to any line to which its edge is set may be drawn. The edges of the wheels are grooved very truly, to prevent them from slipping instead of rolling, which would affect the parallelism. Fig. 794. The second variety consists of two plain rules connected by two equal pieces of brass turning on centres, and these must be truly parallel, so that in every position the four centres of motion may form a parallelogram: when used, the edge of one being set to any line, the other rule must be firmly held down by the hand, and the first moved till the same edge is brought to where the required parallel to the given line is to be drawn. The faces of these rules are generally provided with scales. E, D, or any other very long line, may be accurately set out by means of piquets placed at short distances, and making use of an instrument with an eye-hole, as at B, H, and which is made to traverse along the line, and having attached to this instrument a plummet so that its per- pendicular may always be maintained; parallel lines may afterwards be drawn in any number. Take also the shortest distance between the point A and the given line D E, by placing one foot of the compasses on the point A, and describing with the other an arc which shall touch the given line D E in the point F, than the interval A F will be the shortest distance from the point A; then with the same distance, from the point G, strike a similar curve, and lines may be thus drawn or set out parallel to each other. To draw through the point A a line parallel to K I, first draw from the point A the line A K, till it touches the right line K I in any point K; from this point A, and with any radius as O P, describe the arc O P, then with the same radius from A strike the arc Q N, and by setting off the same angle from N to Q, as that of O P, and then through Q drawing the line A Q, we have the parallel line required. Another method may be pursued with a pair of com- passes: after a straight edge is laid down, points may be marked at the required distance, through which the line may be afterwards traced. If through the piquet Q a line parallel to the railing B S is to be drawn, and you then place two piquets at B, S, and with the same length of cord strike two portions of a circle, as at Q T, a line drawn through two other pi- quets placed at the extremity of this radius will be at once equally distant from the railing and parallel with it. Perpendicular lines are those placed upon another in such a manner that the adjacent angles formed by their intersections are equal, and consequently each is a right angle. A straight line is perpendicular to a curve at a given point, when it is perpendicular to the tangent to the curve at that point, in which case it is sometimes called a normal to that curve. E B D نا Fig. 795. B F H D H A E G P F K I Fig. 796. S Fig. 797. A N OE B A straight line is perpendicular to a plane when it is at right angles with every straight line in the plane passing through the point of intersection: a plane is perpendicular to a planc, when any straight line in the first, which is perpendicular to the common in- tersection of the two planes, is also perpendicular to the second plane. 764 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To draw a perpendicular at the end of a line: place one foot of the compasses in the point A, and the other in the point C; then from C as a centre, and with the radius C A, describe the arc DAE; from the point F, where the circle cuts the right line A B, draw a line through the point C till it cuts DAE in G: a right line drawn from the point A to the point G will be perpendicular to the line AB. When the perpendicular is to be raised in the middle of a line, or let fall from I and K, equally distant from H, strike curves intersecting at N and O, and a line drawn through these points of intersection will be the right line or perpendicular required. Should the point not be in the middle, as is the case at X, on the line YZ, the points 1 and 2 must be set out at equal distances from it, and then arcs of intersection struck. Or if it should be required to drop a perpendicular to the line QR, from a point situated at P, then from P as a centre strike the curve ST, and where it crosses the line QR, with the same radius form the intersecting curves at V, and draw the line PV, which will be the perpendicular required. in S D M H C 3 1 2 X P Scale is a term applied to a mathematical instrument, containing an assemblage of lines and figures, by means of which certain proportional quantities can be taken; mensuration it signifies a line or rule of a definite length, divided into a given number of equal parts, and is used for measuring other linear magnitudes. An ordinary scale is usually set out by stepping the compasses along a given line, very lightly from one end to the other; the distance between the points being previously determined on. Some- times it is required to find out the scale by dividing the given line into a certain number of parts, and considerable nicety is necessary accurately to perform this: practice alone can effect it. 6 10 * Fig. 798. E B F T R K 70 PID B N M K 401 80: T EQ Y Fig. 799. X 100: R H To construct a scale, considerable care is requisite that all the portions or divisions may be set out equally: to form one of 80 feet for instance, it is only required to step the com- passes so many times along the line; or after 10 feet have been set out at one end, to take its extent, and then set out the remaining 80 feet. But when it is required to make a scale of 140 feet upon a given line, as GH, then it is better from G as a centre, first to strike the arc HS, and from H as a centre the arc G O, and then drawing the lines GB and H E, at the same angle from the line GH; these may be sub- divided into the same number of equal parts; then, by uniting the points KY, LX, MV, NT, OS, PR, they will cross the line GH, and leave all the divisions equal. When it is required to divide a long line into a consi- derable number of equal parts, it is best, if the number will admit of it, to resolve it into two factors, and first to divide the line into the number of equal parts indicated by the small factor, then subdivide each of these parts into the number expressed by the larger; thus, in dividing a line into 150 equal parts, it is better to divide it first into fifties, and then into tens; it is advisable always, when the number of divisions is considerable, to adopt a small number at the commencement, and continue to subdivide them into the required portions, and when all is performed, to verify them over the whole length of line. A M • P /D │E. | F | G\1\1 K 'I N R To construct two scales on two lines of unequal length, as suppose it is required to divide each of the lines MN and QR into ten equal parts; take, or step along the line AK, ten parts, all equal, but of any length; then from the points A and K at the extremity of the line, strike arcs which intersect at L; from this point draw lines through C, D, E, F, G, H, and S; then from the point L, with M and N as radii, strike arcs which will cut at O and P, and with O and R as radii, other Q Fig. 800. CHAP. VIII. 765 GEOMETRY. arcs cutting at S and T: then OP and ST will be the scales required; for as LA K is au equilateral triangle, the subdivisions on both lines, though of unequal length, must be equal. Or, the straight line ab may first be divided into five equal parts, and afterwards subdivided from a andb; an equilateral triangle may be set out; then parallel lines, as cd, being drawn, scales of any length may be taken from it, all equally divided. A scale divided into hundredths is very useful, particu- larly where the chain is made use of: ten equal distances are set out by as many horizontal lines, then from B to L, the equal distances, L, M, N, O, P, Q, are set out. Another division is set out, divided into tenths or hundredths at one end; on each horizontal is expressed a tenth by the sloping lines; on the horizontal line 22, may be measured two- tentlis, on the line 33 that of three-tenths, and by descend- ing, four, five, and six-tenths. Supposing, for instance, it is required to take off four chains thirty links, or three- tenths, placing the compasses on the fourth line horizontal a C n p q ሪ f g h i d m ″ 38 Fig. 801. B 8 9 10 F# / 44OD ** 2 L Q Р K 0 F Y X V D N N M L 10 80 80 70 90 100 L 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 ㄖ ​T S R 10 30 50 70 90:100 G Fig. 802. H of PX, and extending them to the slant line numbered 30, you have the dimensions re. quired, and so for any other within the limit of the scale, for it will be readily perceived 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G 1 1 2 3 4 5 i 6 1122 18 24 30 FG J. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200. ! Fig. 803. that the last division to the right contains the decimal arrangement. A B, CD, EF, GH, are scales of the same length, made to suit different measures, as those used in other 1 2 3 1 2 C E 5 6 7 8 9 10 B . 4 5 6 D 6 12 18 24 30 36 F 24 48 72. 96 120 144 168 192 216 H G Fig. 804. countries; or the first may be called a scale of tenths, the second feet, the third six times that scale, and the fourth six times that of the third. Scales are often used as ratios, or for drawing lines which shall be in relative proportion 766 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. A C. I .B D L to each other; so that the first shall bear the same proportion to the second that it does to the third. A third proportional is required to the lines AB and CD, the first of which is double the length of the latter; draw any angle less than a right angle, as E, F, G. Carry the line AB from F to H on FG; carry CD on FE from F to I, and draw the line IH; then carry CD from H to K on the line towards G; make LK parallel to IH, then IL is the third proportional re- quired. When a fourth a fourth proportional is required, an angle, as SFV, is set out at pleasure; from the point F, the line MN must be set out towards the point V, which will termi- nate at X. Carry the line OP on FS, where it will terminate at Y, draw the line YX; then carry QR towards V, and it will end at Z. Draw IZ parallel to YX, and the length YI will be the fourth proportional, as shown. A mean proportional, found between the lines AB and KG, is found to be CD: for example, draw the line EP at pleasure, and set upon it the line AB and KG, which will be found to terminate at H; then divide EH into two equal parts by the point I; from this point as a centre, describe a semicircle. From the point G, which answers to the length of the line AB, raise a perpendicular, which will cut the semicircle at K; the line G K is the mean proportional to the line AB, CD: or the line A B is to K G, as KG is to CD. Should it be required to find a mean proportional to the lines LM and OQ, draw the line EP at pleasure, and carry on it the two lines LM, OQ. Describe a semicircle, and raise a perpendicular as before: then from E as a centre, as with the radius EK, de- scribe an arc K R, which cuts the line EP in S; then the line ES is a mean proportional between the two given lines L M and OQ; that is to say, LM is to E'S, as ES is to OQ. Arithmetical Proportion is when four mag- nitudes are proportionals; A, B, C, D may A C. represent them numerically: then BD Three straight lines are in harmonical progression, when the first is to the third, as the difference of the first and second to the difference of the second and third. Pythagoras is said first to have noticed in chords of the same thickness and tension the sounds of the fifth and its octave. These lengths are as 1, 3, and, the first of which is to the third, as the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the second and third. 2 8 G F ti K Fig. 805. M N P Q R Y Y. T X 2 Fig. 806. ५. ♡ V P • E I G R H L -M S A K C Fig. 807. A M مس Fig. 808. D 10 Q B G D B 10 15 20 25 30 M... P R L K H If a musical string is called CO, and its parts DO, EO, FO, GO, AO, BO, CO, be in proportion to one another as the num- bers 1, 8, 4, 3, 3, 3,,, their vibrations will exhibit the system of eight sounds, which are expressed by the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. Harmonical Proportion, as it relates to architecture, is that where three numbers are in such relation, that the first is to the third, as the difference of the first and second, is to the difference of the second and third; thus 2, 3, and 6, are such numbers, because 2:6:: 1:3; and four numbers are said to be in harmonical proportion when the first is CHAP. VIII. 767 GEOMETRY. to the fourth, as the difference of the first and second, is to the difference of the third and fourth; 9, 12, 16, 24, are such; for 9: 24 :: 3 : 8. To trace on the ground a straight line equal in length to a circle, it is only necessary to divide the diameter AC of the circle into eight equal parts, and prolonging the line to F, upon which six of the divisions are to be set out. Through the point C, at right angles, draw G H, and from F as a centre, with the radius FA, describe IAK, when AK will be the length sought. When it is required to draw a straight line equal to a portion of the curve, as that of L, it may be done by dividing it into small portions as shown, set out from M, and transferring them to a straight line, as OP: by this means, it may be performed with sufficient accu- racy for ordinary purposes. To draw either on the ground or on paper angles of any kind, a protractor is some- times made use of: this is a semicircular limb of metal, divided into 180°, and subtended by a diameter, in the middle of which is a line and dot to mark the centre of the circle, to which all the divisions of the degrees radiate. By this simple instrument an angle of any number of degrees may be set out by laying its straight edge on a line previously ruled upon a sheet of paper, and then marking off the angle required; lines then drawn from the dot or centre will fully express it. E A When this instrument is made use of for surveying on a large scale, it is formed into an entire circle, with four arms radiating from the centre. A circular disk of glass is placed over a hole in the centre, on which two lines are drawn, crossing each other at right angles: round this is a small circular ring of brass, which carries two arms, one of which has attached to it a vernier, which moves over the outer circle, divided into degrees, and the other a head, which can be moved round, and made to turn a small pinion that works in a toothed rack round the outer edge of the protractor. The arms are moved by this rack and pinion entirely round the whole circumference, and the vernier can be set to any particular angle. The arms are made to extend over the outer rim, and each carries a fine point, which is pressed down when the in- strument is to be used, and these make a small dot or hole in the paper. To draw an angle of 30° on the line B C, for instance at the point B, the demicircle has its dot or centre laid at B; the number of degrees are counted off from D to E, and then, moving the protractor, a line is drawn from B through E, and ABC is the angle required. Or from the point G, on the right line IH, it is re- quired to set out an angle of 90°. Place the centre of the přotractor at the point G, and its diameter IK along the line IH; then counting off the number of degrees, and mark the point, as at L, remove the instrument, and draw the line GF through L, and HGF will be the angle required. The same may be done by placing the protractor at N, and its diameter along the line OP, and counting from this line OP on the circumference of the protractor 144°, as from R to S, draw then the right line NM through S, and the obtuse angle of 144º is obtained. As this is a right angle it is only necessary to raise a line perpendicular to another to obtain it: the side of a square makes an angle of 90°, and its diagonal one of 45°, or the half. The division of an angle into any number of equal parts is termed its angular section; and its trisection requires the aid of solid geometry, being equivalent to the solution of a cubic equation; the general division of an angle into any proposed number of equal parts, is a problem which mathematicians have not yet solved. To draw on a right line an angle equal to any given angle, as on the line A B, from the point A, to draw an Place one foot angle equal to the given angle CDE. .C B D Fig. 809. Fig. 810. R Fig. 811. C E F Fig. 812. L H 1 F L H K M P N -- A of the compasses on the point D, and strike the arc Fig. 813. FG: with the same radius, from the point A, strike a similar arc from H to F; then take the height from F to G, and transfer it from H to K: draw the line AL through K, and you have what is required. 768 ·BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. When angles are to be set out upon the ground, lines or cords are made use of; and if an angle of 144 degrees is to be set out from the line OP, the centre of the pro- tractor must be placed at the point N, or where the angle is required, and then the number of degrees counted from R to S, and then a string or cord attached to the point N is stretched over the division at S towards M, and OM is the angle required. Or, what would be the same thing, the smaller angle of 36° may be counted off from the base line towards S. By the same means, on the line MN, from the point O, an angle equal to CDE may be drawn, and so of other angles; but sometimes it may be required to make on the cord ST, at its extremity S, an angle equal to PRQ; we must then fix a stump or piquet at the point R, and another at each of the points P and Q, V and X. Then, with a cord, we must measure the distance from R to X, and set it off from S towards Y, and place a piquet there; from X we must take the distance to V, and set it off from Y to Z, describing an arc at Z. Then the length RY is set off from the piquet S, and an arc described cutting the other at Z: through this point of intersection a line is to be stretched, and then the angle Z SY will equal that of V R X. An Equilateral Triangle upon the base line A B is formed by striking arcs of a circle, having the same radius from the points A and B: where these intersect at E, BC and AD are drawn, and the figure is complete. Before any of these figures can be set out, it is neces- sary that a straight line should be first established, and the engineer commences by marking the two ends of the required line, by fixing at each point a piquet staff. Then taking up a position at a short distance behind one of them, and closing one eye, he looks along the edge of one staff, and directs his attendant to place between the two piquets first set up other intermediate ones at regular dis- tances, taking care that they are all so placed that they are in the line between the two first. This kind of ad- justment, which is termed boning a line through, requires considerable practice before it can be relied upon; and the assistant who follows the direction of the engineer must well understand the signals that are made to him by the motion of the hand to the right or the left, or the difficulty will be increased. The same practice is adopted in setting out a base or any other straight line when an instrument is used; and all lines which are to be measured should be previously set out in this manner, for then those who carry the chain will be guided in the right direction, and not be subject to a deviation, which, whether to the right or left, would increase the dimensions beyond the truth. All diagonals and angles require the same precautions to be taken, where accuracy is desired. After a base line is established, perpendiculars and angles may be raised upon any point of it in the manner already described. In an Isosceles Triangle the angles at the base are equal to one another, and if the equal sides are produced, the angles upon the other side of the base are likewise equal: to set out such an angle from the point F, with any radius greater than the base FG, describe the arc H, and from the point G describe with the same radius the arc I, cut- ting each other at K: draw FK and GK: KGF is the isosceles required. The isosceles triangle, which has the two equal sides less than the base, may be set out in a similar manner, using, however, from the points M and N a radius less than its length, which will intersect each other at L: LMN will then be the isosceles required. め ​M x N G R X Fig. 814. A Fig. 815. M F Fig. 816. Fig. 817. D Fig. 818. Z E K L Y T H G B ¿ A Scalene Triangle may be formed on the line OP of any required dimension; from the point O strike the arc which will intersect another struck with a different radius from P: and then by drawing through S the lines OS, PS, the angle is formed. CHAP. VIII. 769 GEOMETRY. Triangles, similar and equal to others, may be set out on straight lines by taking the length of the base of the given triangle, CED, and carrying the length DE on the line AB from A to F. Then from the points A and F, and with the radius AF, describe the arcs which shall cut each other at G: draw the lines GA, GF, when one will be like the other. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and likewise the included angles equal; their other angles shall be equal each to each, viz. those to which the equal sides are opposite, and the base or third side of the one shall be equal to the base or third side of the other. And if two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and likewise the sides lying between equal; their other sides shall be equal each to each; viz. those to which the equal angles are opposite, and the third angle of the one shall be equal to the third angle of the other. An isosceles triangle may be similarly imitated: take the length of the base LM, and mark it out from H to N; then from the points H and N, with the radius LK or MK, describe the arcs at 0; where they intersect at P, the lines HP and NP are to be drawn. The two isosceles triangles will then be similar. In an isosceles triangle, if a straight line be dropped or drawn from the vertex to any point in the base, or in the 'base produced; the square of this straight line shall be less or greater than the square of either of the two sides, by the rectangle under the segments of the base, or of the base produced. The scalene triangle X Y Z may be set out at STQ in a similar way; and either of these operations may be per- formed on the ground by means of cords and piquets. Whatever the form of the triangle, the square of the side which is opposite to any given angle is greater or less than the squares of the sides containing that angle, by twice the rectangle contained by either of those sides, and that part of it which is intercepted between the perpendicular let fall upon it from the opposite angle and the given angle; greater when the given angle is greater than a right angle, and less when it is less. In every triangle the squares of the two sides are together double of the squares of half the base, and of the straight line which is drawn from the vertex to the bisection of the base: every triangle is a mean proportional between two rectangles, the sides of which are equal to the semi-peri- meter of the triangle and the excesses of the semi-perimeter above the three sides. To draw a triangle similar to another, either with or without a scale, as that shown at ABC, the side A B measuring 90 feet, the side AC 70, and BC 42, make a scale of any convenient length, divided into feet, and then draw a similar triangle, using for radius the dimensions taken from the scale; by this means the figure may be enlarged or reduced according to pleasure, or to the di- mensions determined by the divisions of the scale. In the present example, 70 feet radius taken from the scale is made to cut that of 42: the two centres, being F and H, also set out at 90 feet distance on the base line G from the same scale. H A D Q B C F E Fig. 819. K P 0 N L M Fig. 820. 1 T R Z Fig. 821. } 90 H G D 70 K 70 Fig. 822. 42 A 90 B It must appear evident, if we make the three angles of the one triangle equal to those of the other, whatever may be the difference of the size, their shape will be similar; we may in one instance use a scale where each minute of a degree is an inch, and in the other a foot; still if we employ the same scale to each by which it was set out, the area or content will be the same. In doubling or quadrupling the contents of a figure, it is only necessary to prepare cor◄ S D 770 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. T rectly the scales by which they may be set out; irregular forms may always be cut up into squares or triangles, and master lines may be drawn generally from the extreme points upon which the out- lines may be constructed. The triangle TRS may be enlarged to YPG in a si- milar manner, or without a scale, by taking care to make their angles correspond. A Square may be constructed on the line AB, by setting out first the length of its side from A to C, and then using these points for radii, striking two arcs which will cross each other at F. Then divide the line FA in P; set off the distance FP towards H and G on the arcs struck from A and C; then draw AG, CH, and GH, and the four sides will be equal. A square may easily be set out by means of the pro- tractor, whose diameter being laid on the line IK, the perpendicular LI can be marked out: then from I as a centre, and L as a centre, strike the arcs NO, MO; unite KO, LO, and the square is formed. Every rectilineal figure may be divided into triangles, and every triangle being equal to half the rectangle under its base and altitude, contains half as many square units as is denoted by the products of the numbers which express how often the corresponding unit is contained in its base and altitude. Suppose the linear unit to be a foot, and it is required to find how many square feet there are in a tri- angle whose altitude and base are 10 feet, the rectangle of the sides of which is 100 feet; therefore the triangle contains half that area, or 50 feet. It is on this account we say that a rectangle is equal to the product of its base and altitude; a triangle to half the product of its base and altitude. The length of a line or a side is the linear units it con- tains: the area or superficies is the number of square units on its surface. A square whose side is 22 yards long is the tenth part of an acre, therefore 22 × 22 × 10=4840 square yards, which is the magnitude of the statute acre. The chain employed to measure land is of this length, so that 10 square chains make an acre. In Ireland 121 Irish acres are equal to 196 English, and 48 Scotch are equal to 61 English, and in France 40-466 acres are equivalent to 1000 English acres. In setting out any given area the simplest method is to resolve the whole either into squares or triangles; in the figure the radius represented is 22 yards: it is evident we should have an area of the tenth of an acre within the square AGH C, and the square root of 4840 would give us the length of the side that would contain the acre, which is 10 chains or 220 yards. The Parallelogram ABCF may be also set out in a similar manner, using for radius the length of their respective sides, and through the points of intersection drawing the lines which are to bound the figure. P D Ꮐ A L A C K S X Y Fig. 823. P Fig. 824. N M Fig. 825. B Fig. 826. H K E F D Ꭰ; K 1 M Q N-PO S R G Ù Fig. 827. L G B Trapezoids may be made either larger or smaller than others, as well as similar, by dividing them first into tri- angles by the diagonals MK and GP, and then taking care that the angles are made equal. At the point G, on the side GP, the angle PGQ is made equal to the angle KMI, and at the point P the angle GPR is made equal to MK I. Then the triangle SPG is similar to IKM, and the trapezoid SPHG is similar to that of IK ML. that shall be equal to a given circle, it is only necessary to draw a line equal to the circum- ference, and at one end to erect a perpendicular equal to radius, and then to unite this right angle by drawing an hypotenuse. To draw a triangle The area of a circle being equal to half the product of the radius and the circum- ference, and the area of the triangle being equal to half the product of its height and base, the surface or area of a triangle so constructed and that of the circle must be equal. CHAP. VIII, 771 GEOMETRY. METHOD OF Drawing MultiLATERAL FIGURES.-The Pen- tagon A is drawn by describing a circle from the point B of the given size: then from the centre B draw the two diameters CD and EF at right angles, and from the point G, which is half the radius of E B, describe the arc CH; the length CH will be the side of the pentagon, which may be traced round the circle. To inscribe a regular pentagon within a circle, divide the radius B F medially in the point H, so that BH may be the greater segment: draw the radius B C, at right angles to BF, and join CH: then because the square of CH is greater than the square B H by the square of the radius C B, and that BH is the side of the inscribed decagon, CH is the side of the inscribed pentagon. Therefore a chord equal to CH will subtend a fifth part of the circumference, and if the circumference be divided into five parts with chords, each equal to CH, a regular pentagon will be inscribed. To in- scribe a regular decagon, divide the radius medially, and divide the circumference into ten parts with chords each equal to the greater segment of the radius so divided. The Hexagon has its sides equal to its radius, and is made up by six equilateral triangles; the diameter of the circle which contains it, when cut by a perpendicular passing through the centre, forms right angles with the two sides it touches. The Heptagon M. On a circle of any given diameter fix the point N: with the radius NO describe the arc PO Q, and draw the chord line PQ; the half of this chord will be the side of the figure required. It must be admitted that we have no exact rule for setting out this figure, and we can only inscribe it within a circle approximatively. This is sometimes done by continuing the series 4, 8, 16, &c., which represents the number of parts into which the circumference may be divided by continued bisections, until a number be found which is greater or less by 1 than a multiple of 7. 64 is such a number, being greater by 1 than 9 × 7. Now, if the circumference be divided into 64 parts, and an arc be taken equal to 9 of those parts, which is less than a seventh part of the circum- ference by a seventh part, the error may be made up by a little calculation, and the side obtained near enough for most practical purposes. The Octagon S. Describe a circle, and draw the two diameters V X and YZ at right angles through its centre; then divide one quarter of its circumference into two equal parts, and so on with the rest. The octagon may also be set out by two squares, so placed that their diagonals are at right angles with each other, and also by bisecting the arcs which are subtended by the sides of a square. The Nonagon B. Describe a circle, and carry two- thirds of its radius nine times round it. The same method may be adopted for this figure as de- scribed for the heptagon: seven times the arc, which is as- sumed as the seventh of the circumference, falls short but little of the whole circumference; and 9 times the arc by about the same, therefore both are near enough for all practical purposes. C K C A E H B: G Fig. 828. Fig. 829. Fig 830, A S M R 2 Τ X Fig. 831. Fig. 832. D Any polygon may be decomposed into triangles, by drawing straight lines from one of its angular points to each of its opposite angles, and the area of the polygon is the sum of the areas of all the component triangles: their area may be found without this process, which, when the number of sides is considerable, leads to some labour; the theorem was established by L'Huilier, who found that the double of the surface of any rectilinear figure is equal to the sum of the rectangles of its sides, taken two and two, excepting one, multiplied by the sine of the sum of the supplements of the interior angles contained between each pair of sides. 3D 2 772 Воок 11 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING To investigate the general property of polygons, we must divide them into two classes, convex and concave, the first being those in which all the interior angles are less than two right angles, and the second those which have one or more re-entering angles. If we term those the interior angles of the polygon which belong to the interior of the figure, whether less or greater than two right angles, and those exterior angles which are obtained by subtracting each in- terior angle from four right angles, we shall have the two classes. The Decagon. Describe a circle, and divide the radius into two equal parts, as at M: from this point, with the radius MH, mark the point N; the distance GN will be the side of the decagon. By a reference to the pentagon we have also the means to set out this figure, the operation being nearly the same. The Undecagon. Draw a circle, and cut it in the centre, P, by two lines, QR and ST, drawn at right angles from the point R; with the radius RP, mark on the circumference the point V, and draw the right line VQ; it will cut the radius PS in X; the length PX will be one side of the undecagon. The area of the circle was computed by means of in- scribed and circumscribed polygons; and of all plane figures having equal perimeters, the circle contains the greatest area; and consequently, of all plane figures containing equal areas, it has the least perimeter. The circle, therefore, is a maximum of area and a minimum of perimeter. The Dodecagon is formed by carrying the length of one half the radius round the circle. Another method may be described for the setting out of these figures. On the line A B set out two equal parts, and at their di- vision, or the point D, elevate the perpendicular line CD; then from the point A, with the radius A B, describe the arc BE, which will cut the perpendicular CD in the point F. Then describe from the point F, with the radius FA or FB, a circle: the length AB carried six times round forms the hexagon. By dividing BF into зix equal parts in the points L, M, N, O, P, and F, and from the point F taking the radius FP, and describing the arc PQ, which cuts the perpendicu lar C Din R: from this point R as a centre, with the ra- dius RA, describe a circle, and carry the length AB seven times round it, and it will form a heptagon. To form an octagon take the second division F O and work before, and so on with all the other figures. Thus the whole of the regular polygons may be drawn by increasing the diameters of the circles by one division each time, which will give several points on the per- pendicular CD, whence cir- cles may be described on which may be carried the line AB as many times as may be necessary to con- struct the required poly- gon. Fig. 836. C R Q K S F II L M G N Fig. 833. 1 K T Fig. 834 u Y Fig. 835. M B b GEOMETRY 773 H of METHOD OF DRAWING POLYGONS ON RIGHT LINES BY MEANS OF DEGREES. —For the Pentagon divide 360 degrees by 5, and the quotient gives 72 degrees for the angle in the centre of the pentagon; then subtract these 72 degrees from 180, the value of the three angles of a triangle, there remains 108 degrees for the angle of the figure, the half of which, 54, will be the angle of the demi-polygon. Then make at the point A on the given line A B the angle B A C of 54 degrees by placing the centre of a protractor on the point A, and making its diameter coincide with AB: count 54 degrees on the circumference, which will terminate at D, and having re- moved the protractor, draw from the point A through the point D a line ADC, which will form an angle BAC of 54 degrees. The same process must be repeated at the point B, the other extremity of the given line AB, in order to draw the line BE, which will cut A Cin F and form a centre, from which, with the radius FA, a circumference may be de- scribed, on which, if we apply the line AB five times, we shall form the pentagon AGHIB, and by a similar method all the other polygons. METHOD OF DESCRIBING CIRCLES, OVALS, PARABOLAS, SPIRAL LINES, ETC. The following table of factors is sometimes made use of to construct a circle geometrically: suppose c to be the circumference of a circle, the diameter of which is unity, and r the side of a square equal in area to it, and let a be the area of the circle: then c=3.14159; 2c 3.14159; 2c = 6·28319; = 1.57080; 2 C P A E Fig. 837. K Fig 838. C D B M R L с =0·26180; 12 с 360 = 0.00873; = 0.31831; 2 E =0·63662; B A 360 с =114.59156; x=0·88623; and a=0·78540. To describe a Circle.-Place one foot of the compasses in the place where the centre is to be, and with the radius required describe the circle: to set out a circle on the ground, fix a piquet or staff in the place where the centre is to be, as at A, and tie the end of a cord to the piquet by a slip knot, so as to turn round easily. Then to the other end of this cord attach a staff, B, at the distance required for the radius, and then describe the circle by stretching the cord AB equally, and being careful to keep the staff B perfectly perpendicular, and not to allow the cord to touch the ground. To divide a Circle.-Divide the diameter A B into as many parts as it is required; then from the point A, with the length of the diameter, describe B C, and from the point B, with the same radius, describe A C. From their point of intersection, through the division marked 2, draw the right line CD until it touches the circle: the line AD will be one-fifth of the circumference, the diameter having been previously divided into five equal parts. By this means any circumference may be divided, so as to inscribe any regular polygon, remem- bering that we must always draw the line CD through the second point of the division of the diameter AB, whatever the diameter of the circle may be divided into: to form an equilateral triangle it must be drawn through both points of division. To draw a Circle through three given Points.-It is necessary that the three given points should not be in the same line. Let it be required to draw a circle through A, B, and C. If on the ground, take the distance between AB with a cord, or if on paper with the compasses, and describe above and below, from the points AC, the arcs D E and HI, and with the same radius from the point B intersect them: then draw lines through their points of intersection, and where they cross will be the centre, from which a circle may be described, that will pass through the three given points. This method of describing circumferences of circles is of D Fig. 839. E D Fig. 840. Fig 841. B F 3 4 en! B 5 F G 30 3 774 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. service to architects and others, enabling them to discover the entire form, when any portion of the figure has been destroyed. To find the centre of a circle or any portion of it, take any three points in the circumference of the circle, as A, B, and C: then from the points A, B, with the radius A B, describe four arcs intersecting at E and D, through which points of intersection draw at pleasure the right line ED; then from the points B and C with the radius BC, describe four other arcs intersecting at F and G, and through these points draw the line FG cutting ED in H, which will be the centre of the circle A B C. To find the centre of a portion of a circle, as that of IKL, draw the right line IL, and divide it into two equal parts in the point M; then raise a perpendicular from the point M, and prolong it towards the base until it cuts the portion of the circle IKL in K; then measure the distance I M, which here is found to be 6 parts, and the distance MK 4 parts; then multiply 63 by itself; the product 44 must then be divided by 4, and the quotient 11} must be counted as the line M N from M to C; then divide the length KO into two equal parts in the point P, which will be the centre of the circle. The centres of basins or reservoirs of water may be thus found, even when portions of them have been destroyed. + Method of describing Ellipses.-To draw the oval A, trace a right line CD of the length required for the oval, and divide this line into four equal parts by the points E, F, G; from the points E, F, and G, with one of these divisions as radius, describe three equal circles: on the point F, the centre of the line CD, let fall the perpendicular H I, which will cut the circumference of the circle FG in K and L; from the point K through the centre E, draw the right line KE, until it cuts the circle CF in M, and in like manner from the point I, through the centre G, draw the right line LG until it cuts the circle FD in M; then from the point K, with the radius KM, draw the line MO, and from the point L the line PN. The curved line CPNDOM is the oval. When it is required to draw a more rounded figure, as B, whose diameter is the same as CD, it is only ne- cessary to divide the line CD into three equal parts in Q R, and from the two points Q, R, with the radius of one part, as QC, describe the circles CR and QD; then at their points of intersection, S, T, draw the perpendicular ST across CD; then take two equal parts out of the three, and with the compasses, from the point S describe the arc VX, and from the point T the arc YZ: the line CYZDX V is the oval required. To draw an Oval when the two diameters are given, as CD for the longer, and E F for the smaller, take half the smaller diameter, as GE, and set it off on the greater diameter CD from G to H, and from G to I: divide GH into three equal parts, and carry two parts on to the smaller diameter E F from G to K, and from G to L. From the two points K and L, draw four right lines of any length through the points H and I: from the point H as a centre, with the radius HC, describe the arc NCM, and from the point I, with the same radius, de- scribe the arc O'DP; then from the point L, with the radius LM, describe the arc MEO, and from the point K, with the radius K N, describe the circle NFP; the line CMEODPFN will form the oval A on the two given diameters. To draw an oval similar to B, the two diameters of which, QR and ST, cross at right angles in the point V, take with a thread or cord the length of the greatest diameter QR, and double the thread; place its two ex- C 0 P M F " Fig. 842. Fig. 843. Fig. 844. Y X N B L E P M 6 4 ** H H K K N L T Q R Fig. 845. M Z D B D Q B T L Fig. 846 R CHAP. VIII. 775 GEOMETRY Draw in any part of the tremities X and Y on the greatest diameter QR, equally distant from the centre V, so that the fold or angle of the thread exactly reaches the point S and the point T; then place a pencil-point at the end of the doubled thread, and move it round until the extremities QR and ST have been passed through, which will form the oval required. To find the Centres of an Oval. oval the right line CD, and at any distance its parallel EF; divide these two parallel lines into two parts in G and H, and trace through these points the lines IGHK; then bisect this right line in the point L, which will be the centre required. To find the two Diameters of an Oval when the centre is known, it is required to find the lengths of the longer and shorter diameters of an oval whose centre is at L. Describe from the centre L a circle which shall exceed the oval both above and below, and note where the circle cuts the oval, as in the points MNOP, in order to draw through those points M and P the right line MP, to which a parallel line must be drawn, passing through the centre L, to the circumference of the oval, as QR, which will be the lesser diameter of the oval ; then cut the lesser diameter QR at right angles in the centre L by the right line ST, which will be the greater diameter of the oval. • Method of drawing Parabolas, &c. Trace the right line A B, of the length required for its base, and divide it into two equal parts in the point C; from this point raise a perpendicular CD, of the length required for the axis of the parabola; divide this axis into several equal parts in the points E, F, G, H, I, and D: through these points of the axis CD, draw transverse lines parallel with the base AB; prolong the axis CD to infinity, as to K. Divide the first space ID into two equal parts, as at L; take the length DI, and set it off from D towards M; then take the distance MI, and set it off from L to the extremities of the first transverse line, at the points N and 0; O; then take the length MH, and set it off on the second transverse line, as at P and A: take also the distance MG, and set it off from L, to the extremities of the transverse line C, as at the points R and S, and do the same with all the other lines: then through these ex- tremities so marked off, trace the line A X T, &c., which will give the parabola. Method of describing Spiral Lines, which are either simple or compound; the first are those which are formed by a single line, and the latter those which have a double one. A simple spiral is drawn by tracing the line CD, and making upon it the position of the eye of the spiral G; then from this point G, with the radius GE, describe the semicircle EHF; and from the point E as a centre, with the radius EF, describe the semicircle FIK; then from the point G, taken again as a centre, with the radius GK, describe the semicircle KLM; then from E as a centre, with a radius EM, describe the semicircle MNO. The same process must be repeated alternately from the centres G and E; and thus semi- circles must be traced at the interval where the preceding circle ceased, until the spiral is of the size required. To draw a compound spiral, a simple one must be first drawn; then set off from the point E to P, the ex- tent to be given to the width of the band, as EP; then from the point G, with the radius G P, describe the semi- circle PQR, and from the point E as a centre, with the radius ER, describe the semicircle RST: in like manner also, from the point G as a centre, with the radius GT, describe that of TV X, which must be continued alter- nately from the centres E and G, until the several spirals answer to the former. с E A D G Fig. 847. K L H K M H G D T X Fig. 848. R Р A L D M N L Q S V Y C B Fig. 849. N I 0/K/EGT M Fig. 850. H I B RX 3 D 4 776 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The Construction of Solids comes more under the denomi- nation of descriptive geometry, and on the Continent it has for many years formed a branch of study for engineers, both civil and military: it cannot be too highly esteemed, as it consists in the application of all the known rules of projec- tion, to exhibit on a plane the figures of the solids, as weli as to show their method of construction. The plane surfaces of all solids are bounded by edges, which can be expressed by straight lines: and in the construction of a solid we have to regard three varieties of angle: the first are those where the lines meet which bound the figure; the second, those which result from several faces meeting to form a solid angle; and thirdly, those which are formed by two planes or faces. We shall find that cubes contain six equal planes, twelve edges, and eight solid angles, and that in all solids with plane surfaces, the edges terminate in solid angles formed by them, or where they unite with each other: and to find the projections of the right lines which represent those edges, it is necessary that we should know the position of the solid angles where they meet, and these are formed generally of several plane angles. To make a Triangular Pyramid, draw the triangle DEF of the required dimensions, and then fix the point G where the summit is required, and unite lines from each of the points DEF of the base in this point, which will give the figure required. All other pyramids, as those with square or polygonal bases, are set out in the same manner. Pyramids may be regarded as solids standing on polygonal bases, their planes or faces being triangular, and meeting in a point at the top, where they form a solid angle. To construct a Pyramid or a Tetraedron in relief, in card, or other material, the base must be set out as at I; then at the sides the other triangles must be formed. These three outer triangles are then raised and united at the top, which will form the tetraedron required. If the faces which meet at the apex are required to be longer than the equilateral tri- angle, after the base is set out, the isosceles triangle must be traced of the height required, and when cut out, united at the point or summit as before. It will easily be seen that a tetraedron may be inscribed in a tetraedron, an octaedron in a cube, and a cube in an octaedron, an icosaedron in a dodecaedron, and a dode. caedron in an icosaedron. The mutual relation between the regular solids is very curious: when lines are drawn from the centre of the cir- cumscribed solid to its different angular points, these lines will be perpendicular respectively to the faces of the inscribed solid; so that if we cleave or cut away the solid angles of the circumscribed figure by planes perpendicular to these lines, and if we continue the process until we arrive at the centres of the several faces, we shall obtain the regular solid, which is inscribed, and which forms, as it were, the nucleus of the other. By cutting away the solid angles of the tetraedron, we also form the octaedron. To find the inclination of the two adjoining planes of a tetraedron, we have only to consider that the required in- clination is that of two angles of equilateral triangles, which, together with a third, form a solid angle, and therefore may be easily constructed: in a cube the angle of inclination will be a right angle. To draw or construct Prisms. Set out its base of the number of sides given; then from the angles of the base DCH, &c., elevate perpendiculars of the height to be given to the prism, in such a manner that we join the points I, C, N, &c. Hollow prisms may also be set out, by giving the thickness and drawing as it were one prism within the other. G a с E B C L K M N I P Fig. 851. K P H Fig. 852. Fig. 853. K L D P4 E R K M A CHAP. VIII. soy y GEOMETRY. To construct a Prism. T its sides XY, of the length required, and also the top V of the size and form of the base, and then the whole may be folded together to form the prism or figure required. In the figure shown at S, we have a simple right prism, the faces being all perpendicular to the ends; the developments are consequently all rectangles which are joined together at the edges and enclosed at each end. Form on each side of the base V shows the plan of an hexagonal prism, and its manner of uniting the sides Z to form a regular figure. To draw an inclined prism, we commence by tracing the profile parallel to its degree of inclination, and then de- scribing on its axis the plane which is perpendicular to it; afterwards by lengthening the lines which represent the edges, we may project the horizontal section, as is shown in the development of right and oblique cylinders. The Tetraedron. The three triangles which surround that in the middle, and which are made to meet in a point at the summit, form a figure with four faces. To form this out of paper or card, it is only necessary to partly cut through the lines to enable it to fold. A sphere may be circumscribed about a given tetraedron, as well as inscribed within it. The sphere or globe may be considered the chief or primary figure, and the standard of proportion to the tri- angular prism, the cylinder, and the cone: the discovery of the diagram of a sphere inclosed within a cylinder on a tomb at Syracuse led Cicero to pronounce it as that of Archimedes. In the triangle we might inscribe a circle, which would represent the base of the three secondary figures, and among the Saxon-sculptured ornaments we find the globe encompassed by an equilateral triangle, which is readily effected by sinking the stone without the circle, and then rounding off its edges to produce the hemisphere. Taquet, in his Theorems of Archimedes, has added "Una tribus ratio est to the diagrams in which is represented the prism, the cylinder, and globe. Length, breadth, and depth constitute a geometrical solid, and these three dimensions belong to the parallelopipedon, the tetra- edron, and the sphere: the first of these figures is said to be cubic, plinthic, and oblong; the second, equiangular, obtuse, or acute; and the third, right, oblate, and ovate; of these varieties there are many subdivisions. The sphere is the most perfect of the whole, as it comprehends all others in its centre, diameter, radii, and circumference. "3 To draw a Hexaedron or Cube, or to construct one, an exact square must be set out for a base; then on the sides the four squares RSTP, each equal to O, and attached to P another square Q, which, when folded together, forms the top. Care must be taken to make allowances for the joining or uniting at the angles. Cubes are variously represented: the top D may be shown of the same dimensions as the front C, or the double cube may be drawn with its top, I KLM, double the face or front GHIK; it may be shaded, as N, and the dotted lines EF omitted. Z Fig. 854. Fig. 855. C S L M E G Fig. 856. V T D Mr. Peter Nicholson, in his Practical Treatise on Stone- cutting, says, "Every stone bounded by six quadrilateral planes or faces forms a solid, of which the surfaces terminate on eight points, every three surfaces in one point: every three planes thus terminating is termed a solid angle or trihedral. The angles formed by the intersections of the faces with one another, or the three plane angles, are called sides of the trihedral, and the angles of inclination, by way of distinction, simply angles. The three sides, as well as the three angles, are each called a part, so that the whole trihedral consists of six parts, and if any three of these be given, the remaining three can be found: therefore, if bodies constructed of stone, which are intended to have their solid angles to consist 778 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The of three plane triangles, the construction of such may be reduced to the consideration of the trihedral: as to the remaining surface, which encloses the solid, completely making a fourth side to the trihedral, it may be of any form whatever, regular, or irregular, or consisting of many surfaces; it or they have nothing to do in the construction. portions of the trihedral, which may be obtained from three given parts, are the very same as the three found in a spherical triangle from three given parts: this is in fact spherical trigono- metry. This figure is easily compre- hended by the plan, on which, in the form of the cross, the six squares that are to make the sides are set out Q becomes the top, Sone end, and P the other, RT the sides, and D the bottom. A piece of card-board, partly cut through, where the lines are drawn, may be folded on the contrary side so as to exhibit this figure. It will ap- pear at once evident that each face has one opposite to it as well as parallel, and that the opposite edges are parallel; the straight line which joins two opposite angles passes through the centre of the cube. R A Fig. 857. V Q Р S # To draw and construct an Octaedron. Trace the square NOPQ of the given dimensions: on each side construct an equilateral triangle, which being folded to- gether will form one half of the octaedron; this repeated and joined to the first half constitutes the entire figure. The equilateral triangle, the square, and the pentagon, are the only forms which enter into the regular poly- edrons, whose angles and sides are equal; the solid angles of all, when cut away, regularly form figures, also symmetrical. The angles of the tetraedron may be so taken off, that we may obtain a polyedron of eight faces, composed of four hexagons and four equilateral triangles, forming a polyedron of fourteen faces. When it is required to show a bird's-eye view of the octaedron, it may be drawn either in simple outline, or it may be shaded to express its figure. The square CDEF, by its dotted diagonals, shows the plan of its sides; GHIKL its solid form, and M the figure with its sides tinted. To construct the octaedron on card board, it is only necessary to cut partly through lines which unite the triangles with the side of the square, and then to bring them into the position shown at NOPQ, and uniting the edges RR to form one half, as TR. Similar oper- ation for the other half V must then be performed, and the two brought base to base, to complete the model of the entire octaedron. S R D T P T Q K A Fig. 858. Fig. 859. C D G F IX L H Fig. 860. R R Ω N M R N S R R K T P K These regular solids have all been admirably cut by the aid of machinery, and are very useful in enabling us to com- prehend the structure of minerals, or to project the form into which a stone requires to be shaped for particular situations in masonry. In the academy of the Greeks consideration was deservedly given to the five Platonic bodies, so designated after their great discoverer, who always taught by example or with models before him. In France great attention has been paid to the subject of projection, and to the right understanding of the regular and irregular solids; rules are laid down in every treatise upon carpentry and masonry to enable the student to per- form these operations, and it is in proportion as he com- prehends form, that he can construct with strength and economy. If it were necessary in the Fig. 861. CHAP. VIII. 779 GEOMETRY. A Grecian schools to have a thorough and clear notion of form before an object could be rightly comprehended, it is equally so at the present day : let us remember what the artizans of Athens have left us, and then seek for the rules by which they were guided, and have before us the precepts of Plato in all our inquiries: that great philosopher in his " Phædo" observes: "If we are not able to find out truth, this must be owing to one of two reasons; either that there is no truth in the nature of things themselves, or that the mind of man is, from some radical defect, unable to discover it; upon the latter supposition, the inconstancy and uncertainty of human opinions can easily be accounted for, and therefore we ought to ascribe all our errors to the defectiveness of our own minds, and not to affirm, gratuitously, that there is any defect in the nature of things: truth is fre- quently difficult of access; therefore, before we arrive at it, we must proceed with great caution, examining carefully every step we take; and after all our efforts we shall often find ourselves disappointed, and forced to confess our igno- rance. The Dodecaedron is formed round a pentagon in a similar manner, as CA. The dodecaedron may have its angles so cut away as to produce a solid having twelve pentagons, united by twenty hexagons, and having altogether thirty-two sides; in this shape it nearly approaches that of the globe. represents the solid resting on one of its angles. A C N H P D I Fig. 863, To draw the dodecaedron, describe first a circle of the dimen- sions to be given it, and divide it into ten equal parts, as shown at DEFGKIHL MN: these are to be united by lines, as shown in the figure; then from five alternate points, as E, G, I, L, N, draw other lines to the centre; then set out PQRST to show the pentagon at top, and omit the dotted lines to render the figure complete. Fig. 862. E R G V X T &c } Z Fig. 864. To construct the dodecaedron in card, draw first the pentagon T of the size or dimensions of the face; then on each of its sides construct the other pentagons V, X, Y, Z, &c. of the same size; then, after cutting through the lines partly by which the latter are united to T, they may be folded and united together to resemble half the solid, as shown at A; a similar process must be adopted for the other half, and then the two united to complete the dodecaedron. The Icosaedron is formed by drawing twenty equal and equilateral triangles, and uniting them in a manner to form the figure Q, A, and B. This figure is formed of A Fig 865. B C L H D F Fig. 866. Fig. 867. twenty pyramids, whose bases are the twenty equal and equilateral triangles, the sum- mits of which terminate in the centre of the body, as shown at A; this figure re- presents one half of the ico- saedron, and the figure B the other. To draw this form, trace a circle of the dimensions to be given to it, and divide it into six equal parts, as shown at CDEFGH, then draw the sides CD, DE, EF, FG, GH, and HC, to complete the hexagon, in which is then to be inscribed the equilateral triangle HDF, and the parallelogram HDEG: then, from the point L, the centre of the side HD, raise the perpendicular L C, and from the same point L, draw the right lines LI, LK, to the points I and K, which are the points where the two sides HF and DF of the equilateral triangle HDF cut the side GE of the parallelogram HDE G. To construct it on card, twenty equal and equi- lateral triangles must be placed as shown at MN, and then, when the lines are partly cut through, they may be folded, as shown at Q. N M Fig. 868. Fig. 869. E 780 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Cylinders are formed by drawing a parallelogram equal to its external face, and folding it together, adding the top and base. A and B show two cylinders placed in a vertical position; and they are drawn by first making the circles BC and FG equal, and afterwards uniting them by the straight lines FB, C G, taking care that the centres E and Dare in the same perpendicular line. A cylinder lying in a hori- zontal position, as H, may be con- structed around the centres D, E, in a similar manner; BF and CG being drawn to unite the ends. Columns, which differ from cy- linders by their entasis, or swelling at a certain part of their height, or diminishing like the frustums of elongated cones, may be formed in the same manner; their summits P and Q must, in that case, be made of the dimensions calculated for their upper diameters. E F G D H B F C B G D Fig. 871. N K Fig. 870. M Z א A hollow cylinder, or one constructed in card, is commenced by drawing the parallelogram R, which has its sides ST, VX, the length of its circumference, and those of XT and VS the height of the figure: simply bending such a card, and uniting its edges, completes the figure, and by covering the two ends with circular cards, formed of the proper dimensions, a solid cylinder may be represented. The cylinder is a solid figure, the surface of which is partly plane and partly curved, the plane portions being two equal and parallel circles, and the curved portion such that any point being taken in the circum- ference of either circle, the straight line, which is drawn through it, parallel to the line joining their centres, lies wholly in the surface. Right and Oblique Cylinders may be treated as prisms with polygonal bases. The setting out a right cylinder is obtained by having a rectangle of the height required, and also the circumference of the circle which serves for its base: the twelve perpendicular lines may re- present the edges of a prism, and their distance apart is such that the whole bend round the plan is shown at the top and bottom. In the oblique cylinder, the same principles of setting out are attended to as already described for an oblique prism. Fig. 874. l'ig. 872. R T X TX Fig. 873. In making plans and elevations for the con- struction of an arch or vault, we may generally suppose that the vertical projection of a point is above the ground line, and that the hori- zontal projection is below: if the point be above the horizontal and before the vertical plane, its vertical projection will be above, and its horizontal projection below, the ground line: if the point be situated before the vertical and below the horizontal plane, the two projections will be below the ground line: if the point be situated above the horizontal and behind the vertical plane, the two projections will be above the ground line; and if the point be situated above the horizontal and behind the vertical plane, the vertical projection will be below, and the horizontal above the ground line. To construct a mould for a, cylindrical oblique arch terminating upon the face of a wall, in a plane at oblique angles to the springing plane of a vault, so that the coursing joints may be in planes parallel to the lines of the intrados of the vault, we must let the vertical plane of projection be perpendicular to the axis of the intrados, and conse- CHAP. VIII. 781 GEOMETRY. quently it will also be perpendicular to all the joints of which their planes are parallel to the axis. The vertical projection of the intrados will be a curve similar to the curve of the right section of the intrados. The vertical projections of the coursing joints will be radiant straight lines, intersecting the curved projection of the intrados. The vertical pro- jections of all the joints, which are in vertical planes parallel to the axis, will be straight lines perpendicular to the ground line: the vertical projection of all the joints, horizontal planes parallel to the ground line. In practice we may mould a cylinder to the form of the opening, which is to be arched or vaulted over, and after its ends have been cut to suit the faces of the walls with which it is to unite, we may make a correct model of this, and trace upon it the direction of each course, showing its plan and situation; or we may cover it with plastic clay, of a thickness correspondent with the first course of masonry, upon which we may define each particular joint, and thus arrive at a thorough knowledge of all the planes and their projections. Models at all times serve to help us to the right knowledge of form, and when cor- rectly made, there is no difficulty in giving their representation upon paper, whatever may be their situation with respect to the plane on which they are to be drawn. The same prin- ciples apply to cones and all other figures, whether right or oblique. Cones are constructed by describing a circle of a radius equal to its slant height, and then dividing the circum- ference into six equal parts; taking one of these parts, and uniting it together at the edge, the cone required is formed. When it is required to form a less acute cone, a greater portion of the circle may be taken, or that portion which equals the circum- ference of the base. Σ L K A H Ꭱ F G To draw a cone, either perpendicular to the horizon or reclining, a circle, G, must be first described, of the ex- tent to be given to the base, as E FCD: GH must be set out of the required height, and the perpendicular drawn, after which the sides H F, and HD, HC, and H E. Fig. 875. E C B H E Fig. 876. X R I Y In France the epure made by the engineers and architects for the use of the workmen are of the size of the objects to be formed; these, corresponding with our working drawings, are set out with the greatest precision. The position of every part or its plane must be carefully studied before any figure can be worked. If in the cone X it were required to take out a portion, as that of TS in the cone Y, it is only requisite to set out upon the card of which it is formed the dimension TS on its outer edge, and then lines drawn to the centre, from which the curvature is struck, will represent the omitted part. By a similar method the conical covering of Fig. 877. a tower or building may have developed upon it all the apertures or ornaments which form its decoration; which, when drawn upon the. flat surface, will be in their true position after the card is folded together, if projected truly. To cut out a piece of paper or card, so that it can be folded up into the form of an oblique pyramid: the position of the point must be shown on the plan or horizontal pro- jection, which corresponds with the apex of the pyramid; from this point must be described the arc of a circle, upon which are to be transferred the horizontal projections of the inclined arrises: then on the perpendicular raised from the plan to the apex is to be set the height of the pyramid above the plane of projection; from a point so established, lines, as dotted, are to be drawn to their seat on the horizontal plane, which will show the real lengths of the edges of the pyramids the small section shows the form at one-third from the top. Fig. 879. G T S Fig. 878. 782 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IL To draw an Oblique Prism, we must commence by tracing the profile of the prism parallel to the degree of its inclination: having defined the inclined axis of the prism in the direction of its length, and lines to show the surfaces by which it is terminated, upon the axis so drawn, the polygon which forms the plane of the prism is to be drawn perpendicular to the axis: thus the four edges of the prism will be obtained. Right and Oblique Cones may be formed in a similar manner: thus the base of a cone is the sector of a circle whose radius is equal to the side, and the arc equal to the circumference of the circle which is its base. If we regard the cone as a polygon with an indefinite number of sides, we shall have little difficulty in de- veloping it; in the example we have shown twelve sides, and the lines may be imagined to show the edges or arrises. • t Fig. 880. The Cone may be formed by setting out its superficies, and bending it round until it unites at the edges. The Base is a regular polygon, of an in- finite number of sides, and consequently its development is the sector of a circle, whose radius is equal to the side of the cone, and the arc equal to the circumference of the circle which forms its base. The ancients made considerable progress in the discovery of the properties of conic sections: Archimedes incidentally refers to the subject, but his writings do not explain the whole of the theory relating to it; he treats, however, of the areas of the sections, and the solids formed by their revolution about an axis; he also shows that the area of a parabola is two-thirds that of its circum- scribing parallelogram, and this for a long time was the only true quadrature of a curvilineal space known. This great geo- metrician also pointed out what was the proportion of elliptic areas to their circum- Fig. 881. scribing circles, and of solids formed by the revolution of the different sections to their cir- cumscribing cylinders. Apollonius, the Greek geometer, cultivated the science of conic sections, and made con- siderable advances on the subject: before his time the different curves were defined by sup- posing right cones to be cut by planes perpendicular to their sides, by which method it was necessary to have three different cones to produce the three sections, as a right-angled cone for the parabola, an acute-angled cone for an ellipse, and an obtuse-angled cone for the hy- perbola. Apollonius showed that the three sections might be obtained from any one cone, whether right or oblique. In setting out a series of courses or zones on the cone, it is necessary to define all the divisions intended on the base, as well as on the slant lines, and then form each portion separately; where a cone is to be cased with masonry the thickness of the stone, when applied, forms an outer cone, consequently two developments are required. Fig. 882. Upon a cone so set out may be traced the varieties of curves or sections which produce CHAP. VII1. 783 GEOMETRY the ellipsis, hyperbola, and parabola, so useful in the study of conic sec- tions, or in the development of mouldings used by the Greeks. The base of the cone may be divided into a number of equal parts, and from each point on them lines may be drawn to the apex, and either of the above-named figures may thus be portrayed. To set out an oblique cone, the position of the apex must be found on the plan, and the same method Fig. 883. A Fig. 885. Fig. 884. R Y of proceeding must then be adopted as in the preceding example: after the seat of all the lines has been found upon the plan, and their respective heights set out on the planes which represent the vertical, they may be transferred to the figure. Globes are constructed by drawing the paral- lelogram E F G H, which has its greater side EF twice the smaller one E H. Divide the small sides EH and FG each into two equal parts in the points I and K, and draw the line IK; divide this length into twelve equal parts, and prolong it at pleasure. Take nine parts from the twelve on IK, and placing one foot of the compasses on any division, as 7, observe where the other foot cuts the line IK, as at L: from the point L as a centre, with the radius L7, describe the arc M7 N: then with the same radius L7, placing one foot on the point 6, observe where the other foot falls at O, and from this point O as a centre, with the radius 06, describe the arc M6 N, which will form the spindle M7 N 6. Twelve of these spindles made with the same radius, and according to the same rules, cut and folded together, will form the globe Q. When it is required to cover a dome or any portion of a globe, these spindles or gores must be carefully drawn, and if the boarding or material is to be applied from the base towards the top, the diagram will show the method for cutting it out; if it is to be bent round, so as to exhibit horizontal joints, the several portions will be those of cones, as already described. Timber domes are frequently formed by adopting both processes, and many upon a small scale exist in Italy, hooped round with thin board, the first formation being that of a number of gores, cut as shown in the figure E F G H; three or four thicknesses of bent plank screwed firmly together will form a dome of sufficient strength to sustain a covering of lead or copper, and, when assisted by an iron hoop at the base, will endure a considerable weight without yielding. When the base of a dome is polygonal, the forms to be given to the gores may be easily found by a similar process. N H 9 10 11 L E Fig. 886. F M Fig. 887. To project a Sphere orthographically on the Plane of the Equator: the centre from which the circle is struck that represents the equator will be the projection of the pole; and the two diameters which are perpendicular to each other will be projections of meridians 90° distant from each other: each quadrant of the circle must then be divided on its circumference into six equal parts, and lines drawn as radii from these points will be the projections of meridians of 15º, 30°, &c. &c., dividing the equator into twenty-four equal parts, any one of which may be assumed as the first meridian. To project the parallels of latitude, divide one of the quadrants into nine equal parts, and drop from the points of division as many perpendi- culars, which will cut the diameter of the circle; then from the pole as a centre, describe other circles through these points on the diameter, which will be the projections of parallels of latitude at the distance of ten degrees. By a series of parallel circles, crossed by others perpendicular to them, we may fɔrm a 784 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. sphere into a polyedron, and these bands can be made to exhibit the faces of the truncated pyramids of which they are a portion. The mineralogist has taken the regular tetraedron, the cube, the rhombic dodecaedron, the octaedron, the six-sided prism, and the parallelopiped, as the primary forms upon which the several crystals are found in the first four, which are called the regular geometrical solids, we find all the planes of each equal and similar; the cubical crystal of fluors may have each of its solid angles removed easily, when its figure will exhibit eight triangular smooth planes instead, and then continuing to remove the several layers which compose these eight trian- gular planes, we arrive at the eight triangular planes of a regular octaedron By a study of the structure of a mineral substance, we shall arrive at a tolerably good idea of the principles of descriptive geometry: the sphere may be in the present instance considered the nucleus upon which the parallel deposits are formed. Fig. 888. The sphere is a polyedron, having a great number of plane faces, formed by trun- cated pyramids whose base is a polygon, and its development by conic zones is obtained in the same manner as for truncated pyramids, with this difference, that all the arrises are arcs of circles, described from the summits of cones, instead of being polygons. Fig. 889. On Shadows.-That part of a body from which light is intercepted by any object inter- vening is said to be in shadow. The rays of light, which we receive from the sun, proceed in straight lines, and opaque objects, not transmitting through them the light they receive, necessarily have their opposite sides to the luminary in shadow: a shadow becomes apparently darker as the illuminating powers which produce it are increased. A stream of light may be supposed to proceed from every luminous body which falls on all the objects around, and is again reflected by them to others, until it is entirely imperceptible. Shadows are produced by depriving the object of the direct rays of light, and the artist generally represents on his drawing a shadow equal in depth to the projection of the ob- ject which casts it, or at an angle of 45°. Light is either transmitted, absorbed, thrown back, or reflected, and the latter is always so thrown that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. Some colours reflect light stronger than others, and on this subject the painter must carefully study nature to obtain his knowledge: in a lofty building those parts nearest the ground receive the greatest portion of reflected light, and the upper the less, consequently they are darker: and the strength of colours is heightened or lessened from this cause. All shadows thrown from one object to another are darker than the object itself. and those parts which do not receive the direct light receive their brightness from reflection, and the shadow gets no reflection except from the object in shade. The cornice of a building, which casts a shadow on its perpendicular face, receives on its under side or soffite a proportionate quantity of reflected light, either from the ground be- neath it or the upright face of the wall; consequently it is not so dark as the shadow it casts, and hence the beautiful relief between one and the other: there is the positive light, the intermediate, and the shadow. CHAP. VIII. 785 GEOMETRY. All Opaque Bodies which are lighted up on one side cast a shadow on the opposite; and those which receive their light from bodies larger than themselves cast a shadow as at A: B C A Fig. 890. those that are of equal magnitude as those at B, and those that receive their rays from a smaller light, as that of a candle or lamp, as shown at C. All luminaries, as the sun, emit a stream of light by which objects are rendered visible, and those bodies which cannot be penetrated by it are called opaque bodies: the part which is deprived of light, or which does not receive it, is said to be in shade, and that part of any surface on which a shade is projected is called the shadow. The side of the body, as that of a prism, which is not opposite the light, is that which is in shade, as A K. Should the top of the prism receive the direct light, then the side K ought to have a teint, to distinguish it from the face which is so strongly illuminated: but if the rays fall at an angle of 45 degrees, the horizontal and vertical faces which receive them may be supposed equally bright. K A Sciography, or the principles upon which shadows are projected, will be the better understood as we advance in our knowledge of descriptive geometry, which explains as well as removes all the difficulty of understanding the position of the several planes, or their relation to each other: as the rays of the sun are reflected in all directions, the projecture of the prism prevents a part of the reflected rays from proceeding to the plane behind the prism, and consequently that plane would be a little darker than the face of the prism which is parallel to it; but as the side of the prism adjoining to the plane will throw a reflection, it is difficult to distinguish any difference between them. The difference of Fig. 891. light between the side of the prism which is perpendicular to the plane and the plane depends on the position of the luminary; if its plane be equally inclined to both, there will be the same light on each; but when it is more inclined to one than the other, then that which is the most oblique will be the darkest. In a cube that is doubly inclined, as in the figure, its projection upon a horizontal plane is a regular hexagon, and upon a vertical plane a rect- angle; thus showing the variety of shadows such a solid may cast. By dropping perpendiculars from the solid angles of the cube, we may, upon the horizontal plane, where the hexagon is shown, set out the seat of every portion of the cube which is obliquely placed above: by parallel lines we de- scribe upon the vertical plane the quadrangular figure which the cube exhibits, and which is similar to a section seen diagonally. In stone cutting, as we shall hereafter find, it is highly important that we understand the form of a cube in every position, and this is only to be exhibited by imagining a variety of planes, upon which the figure may be drawn: the cube may be made to contain the sphere or portions of it, the planes of which can be found Fig. 892. in every direction, and afford the student an opportunity of study and practice in drawing. 3 E 786 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. * * Book II. It is not possible thoroughly to compre- hend the seat of a shadow upon either a ver- tical or horizontal plane, without using the methods already described for projecting them: by the various positions in which the cube is placed, we can perceive that its shadow is dependent upon the same prin- ciples as those already described for the for- mation of a solid. The geometrical form of the cube, shown in the figure, would be as here represented. The diagonal lines dotted on the plan show the position of the upper edges of the cube; the perpendicular dotted line on side pro- jection shows its diagonal: by a variety of inclinations the projections of the cube may be made to exhibit the parts of machinery, for on every side may be drawn a wheel or other figure, and its projection found either upon the vertical or horizontal plane. Fig. 893. : 1 Fig. 894. A sphere or ball, whether its projection be on a ver- tical or horizontal plane, is always found to be circular. To project a curved line, when the surface in which it lies is curved, and it is not perpendicular to the plane of the projection, it is better to form a polygon, and then from each of its angles to drop a perpendicular, from which parallel lines may be drawn to the chords which subtend the arcs. But as the curved line has a double flexure, it is necessary to inscribe within it another poly- gon, which shall represent the surface in which the curved line is situated. If the plane on which the shadow of the globe is represented was not in perspective, the form of it would be circular; its diameters in every direction being the same, so must be that of its shadow. 4 0 t Fig. 895. The cone, when projected upon a perpendicular face, assumes the character of the pyramid, and on the horizontal plane the circle. The projection of any of these figures is exceedingly simple, and needs but little further observation. In the shadow of the cone the same rules must be adopted, the seat having been found on the horizontal can be readily, by means of parallel lines, transferred to the vertical; the direction of the vertical plane does not alter the height of the projected shadow, though its breadth depends upon its position. The shadows of curved lines being projections of those curves, they may be treated as such: that of a circle, in any position where the luminary is not in its plane, will be a conic section if the shadow be received on a plane, and the form of the curve, which will represent it, will depend on the relative position of the circle, the luminary, and the plane of the shadow; therefore the shadow of a circle can only be ob- tained by establishing a sufficient number of points in its curve, and then drawing lines through them. To find the shadow of any point it is ne- Fig. 896. CHAP. VIII. 787 GEOMETRY. cessary to fix its position on the plane of the shadow, and this can only be effected by the ordinary rules of projection: if we regard the cylinder of rays which produces the shadow of a circle as a solid capable of being cut by a plane in any direction, we shall find no difficulty in fixing the points of each ray upon the plane so cutting it, and through them tracing the form of the shadow. A pyramid may be projected on a plane or upright wall, by continuing the lines of its base, and then drawing per- pendiculars to them. The figure more clearly shows the orthographical pro- jection on two planes at right angles with each other, one of which is termed the horizontal, the other vertical: it simply depends upon representing a point on any space by drawing a perpendicular from it to both the vertical and horizontal planes, that on which the perpendicular falls being termed the projection of the proposed point; if we then imagine lines made up of points, we shall have no difficulty whatever in projecting the entire outline of any figure. Fig. 897. We may suppose the figure to represent a building, and if it be required to show the position on the plan of the tiles or slates with which it is covered, we have only to drop perpendiculars from them to the plane below, and find where their lines intersect: the apex of the pyramid, which may be the point of a hipped roof, would fall where the diagonals of the square cross on the plan below; it is therefore not difficult to transfer the seat of a point from one plane to another. ---- ---------------- Fig. 898. In the cylinder it is necessary, before we can project it, to imagine its surface covered by a system of lines or a series of points, after which each may be projected to a vertical or hori- zontal plane, and when these are united by lines, the figure will be projected. Cylinders may be re- garded as prisms whose bases are either circular or elliptical, and these may be resolved into poly- gons which have straight lines for sides, uniting in as many points. Solids, which have a double curvature, require that we should consider them as inclosed within a single surface, and surface, and as such bodies present neither angles nor lines, they must be re- presented by some apparent curve which will bound their superficies: this may accurately be shown by a series of tan- gents made parallel to a line drawn from the centre of the Fig. 899 solid, perpendicular to the plane of projection. When such solids are cut by other planes, we must by points and lines find their true figure upon them. ? 3 E 2 788 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. And the ring LB, which has its face in shade, casts a cir- cular shadow on the ground, which is darker than the ob- ject that has defined it: the globe M C receives its light in front. In a polygonal or circular ring, the boundaries of light and shade may be accurately defined, by having its ichnography and elevation properly drawn out. If the seat of the sun's rays be drawn on any plane, on which a cylinder is laid, with its axis perpendicular to the seat and parallel to the plane, the lightest line on the cylinder will be nearer to the plane in this position than in any other; but if the axis of the cylinder make oblique angles, then the line of light will be higher on the cylinder. And, should the axis of the cylinder be parallel to the seat of the sun, the lightest line on the cylinder will be at its greatest distance from the plane: these rules cannot be so well understood as by a reference to the model of a polygonal ring laid in a position to receive the sun's rays, and then its several planes may be traced geome- trically, and the principles of light and shadow rendered clear. In shading the globe, we must first consider the point upon which the rays of light directly fall, and then gradually diminish its effects until the shade commences. But we must not forget that the outer edges receive a reflected light, and that no part of the surface which bounds the figure is black. When the sun's rays fall upon a reflecting plane, the angles made by them will produce reflected light, which is received by every part of the object within its influence: the globe standing over a sheet of white paper would conse- quently have all its under side illuminated and rendered brighter. To project its shadow it is necessary to draw out the several planes, and pursue the course adopted in descrip- tive geometry. As the light of the sun falls perpendicularly or from above, the top edges and the interior of a hollow body will re- ceive a portion of it, and the sides N, O, P will be of different shades, as they are more or less removed from the position to receive the direct rays of light. E, F, D, will show the ordinary manner of shading solid bodies, the light being presumed ordinarily to proceed from the left hand, and where two objects are shown, as H, I, their several planes which are on the same parallels must be shaded in the same manner. As the rays of light proceed in straight lines, every opaque object on which they fall throws a shadow on the side opposite the luminous body; and this shadow is darker in proportion as the illumination is stronger. Shadows are either right or versed, according to the position of the planes which receive them: that which is thrown by an upright body, as the prism which is projected on the plane of the horizon, is a right shadow; that on a vertical plane, as a beam fixed perpendicular to the face of a wall, is a versed shadow. In both instances the length of the shadow is to the height of the opaque body, as the cosine to the sine of the angle which the luminous ray makes with the plane. The altitudes of objects may be thus taken by measuring the shadows they produce, and which was fre- quently done by the ancients. Sciography, or the science which teaches the projection of shadows, has been very successfully studied by many artists, and it will only be necessary to allude to a few more simple architectural forms to make the subject perfectly clear. I. B Q M C Fig. 900. N Fig. 901. E : F 2 D Fig. 902. Fig. 903. I A cylinder, having an abacus or square tile laid upon it, would, when the sun is at an angle of 45°, form a shadow in depth equal to its projection. A line drawn from the centre to the angle of the abacus is the seat or plane of a ray of light; perpendicular lines represent the surface of the cylinder, and when parallel lines to the rays of light are projected and made to intersect with those that are perpendicular, the points of intersec- tion express the extent of the shadow, and a line drawn through them indicates it. CHAP. VIII. 789 GEOMETRY. When the abacus is circular, then the cylinder beneath it will receive its shadow in the same manner; the process of projecting it is the same as in the preceding example. A prism with a polygonal base and a projection breaking round its top, when attached to a wall, will cast a similar shadow; it will not be difficult to cast the shadow upon the base, shaft, and capital of a column, if we suppose them to be cut into planes parallel with its axis, for the purpose of marking the points which receive the shadows; for it must be evident that if a ray of light enter any of these planes, every part of that ray will be in that plane, and the projecting parts upon the edges of those planes will cast a shadow at the several points of intersection. In shading mouldings, it must be remembered that where the end or side of a building on which they occur is in shade, they will not receive any reflected light, either from the ground or the surface of the building: and such mouldings will have a contrary effect to others in shadow, situate on the light side of an object. An ovolo laid level, whose greatest projection is above, when on the dark side of a building, will be lightest above, and gradually becoming darker towards its lowest edge. The cavetto will be the reverse of this when in the same situation; it will be continually lighter and lighter towards the under edge. Perspective is the art of drawing the forms of objects as they are seen this method of delineation differs materially from that called geometric, and is in fact the section of a pyramid of rays, proceeding from the object to the eye; suppose for example a line drawn from every point or angle of a cube to the eye, or threads substituted for such lines, and that they in their passage pass through a transparent plane, as a sheet of glass or paper; the holes made in this plane will indicate the boundary and form of the object, and consequently its perspective representation. Vignola, Seragatti, Brook Taylor, Priestley, and the Maltons, have by their writings rendered this subject perfectly clear, and the Young Painter's Maulstick by James Malton is an admirable practical treatise; and Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the first Discourse he delivered at the Royal Academy, showed its importance: for it had been by many supposed to bound the artist with laws that might cripple the beauty of the forms he was called upon to draw, but the President emphatically stated that "Every opportunity should be taken to discountenance that false and vulgar opinion, that rules are the fetters of genius; they are fetters only to men of no genius; as that armour, which upon the strong is an ornament and defence, upon the weak becomes a load, and cripples the body which it was made to protect. How much liberty may be taken to break through these rules, and as the poet expresses it, 'To snatch a grace beyond the reach of art,' may be a subsequent consideration when the pupils become masters themselves: it is then where their genius has received its utmost improvement, that rules may possibly be dispensed with: but let us not destroy the scaffold until we have raised the building." To the civil and military engineer a knowledge of the rules of perspective is highly im- portant, to enable him correctly to delineate all the objects within his sight, and to all it is the principles of the art of seeing, and should be generally understood. Drawing is as useful as the art of writing, and oftentimes the pencil in the hand of an experienced draughtsman can explain more than the pen of a ready writer: and in giving directions to a workman, a drawing accurately made is often all he requires; to those who are desirous of forming a clear and distinct notion of form, the study of perspective is neces- sary, for every thing we see is seen perspectively, and no object appears as it really is from any one point of view except it be the sphere. In the geometrical representation of a building all the forms are drawn exactly as they are, and it is necessary that such drawings should be made before we can exhibit its per- spective effect. Fig. 904. A visual ray is an imaginary line extended from the eye to any particular point, and a 3 E 3 790 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. number of these rays is called a pyramid: to find the perspective of the small house in the accompanying figure, it is only necessary to find the points of intersection of the visual rays, made with the visible angles of the object as they pierce the plane which cuts them. The point of view or point of sight is the eye of the observer. The plane of delineation or picture is the canvass or paper upon which the subject is drawn. The original object is the house or any other to be drawn. The original lines are the boundaries of the original objects, or of planes in those objects. The horizontal planes are any planes placed truly level, that is, to which the plumb line is perpendicular. The horizontal line is a line on the plane of delineation level with the eye of the observer, or point of view, and is supposed to be obtained by a horizontal plane passing through the eye of the observer produced till it cuts the plane of delineation. Vertical planes are planes perpendicular to horizontal planes. Ground plane is that upon which the objects to be drawn are placed, and also that on which the observer stands. Ground line is that on which the plane of delineation rests on the ground line. Station point is that on the ground plane perpendicularly under the point of sight or point of view. Κ R M G Fig. 905. L N P B પ A る ​33 a g 60 F H If d X C D S T a Ꮓ Z K m p W น b a g If n h d L Vanishing point is a point on the plane of delineation, which is the point of union or CHAP. VIII. 791 GEOMETRY, point of convergency that two or more lines will have, which are the representations of two or more parallel lines in an original object, placed inclined to the plane of delineation. Vanishing line is a line on the picture or plane of delineation supposed to be obtained by a plane passing through the eye parallel to any plane in an original object, and produced until it cuts the picture: the horizontal line is, therefore, the vanishing line of all horizontal planes, and all horizontal lines have their vanishing points in the horizontal line. To find the vanishing point of a line as well as all the others, the diagram introduced may be sufficient. The plan of a church is shown at ABCDE, and at the side an elevation on which the several heights are drawn: it is required to put this in perspective on a plane or sheet of paper, standing vertically on its edge upon the ground line, RT, the situation of the draughts- man being at S, the station point. `ST and SR are drawn parallel to the ends of the building through the station point S: and where they cut the ground line, RT, they fix the extent of the vanishing point. The line VZ is the horizontal line, and perpendiculars dropped upon it from the points R and T determine the vanishing points V, Z. On the plan, FE and FA are prolonged to the ground line RT: these dropped serve to set out the heights of the several parts: X Y is the height OP, which, when drawn through to its vanishing point, V, marks um, as the perspective height of the same line: X W shows the height ON, which is also drawn through the vanishing point in the same manner, and where it cuts the prolonged perpendiculars um at v, a line is drawn to its vanishing point z, and at o is found the point of the gable of the roof. Lines having been drawn from the points A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, of the plan to the station point S, the corresponding small letters on the ground line RT show where the perpen- diculars are to be dropped, on which the several heights are to be perspectively marked off. mo p qu show the end ED: ikmu the side E F, rski the side A F, rsyt the end A B. 00 is the height of the spectator, which, of course, may be varied at pleasure, and were the horizontal line V Z dropped to half the height, the perspective representation would be varied materially: the top of the tower bae, as well as the ridges wx and oz, would then all incline downwards towards the vanishing points, Z, V, which are supposed to be imme- diately over the points RT of the ground line. Sometimes, to enlarge the perspective representation, the lines are not drawn immediately to the station point, but are prolonged upon the ground line, and then crossed to the vanishing points, which have been previously found. In this example we have the effect of the capital above and below the horizontal line, and the small letters show the position on the plan, and the corresponding large ones; those of the plan above and elevation are shown in perspective. For convenience the plan to be put into perspective may be placed either above or below the line, and in the diagram three systems are shown of drawing a figure; the angle of vision or angle of view being the same in all. The Young Painter's Maulstick contains, among many other valuable hints, one with regard to the best angle for vision, or that within which objects should be viewed, so as to obtain the most agreeable representation; for as the angle of vision is enlarged or lessened by viewing the objects near or remote, their appearance will be altered. Objects may be placed too near the eye for their proper observance, and as the eye can contemplate only a point at one time, it is by its celerity and continual motion that it becomes perfectly sensible of a whole or of many forms; but when an object, or many objects widely ex- tended, are placed too near the traverses of the eye, to contemplate them becomes painful. In taking a view of a building turning the head should be avoided, as no view should comprise a greater extent than the eye can agreeably contemplate at one glance, or that can be seen by a pleasing and satisfactory traverse of the eye alone, which necessarily confines the extent of the matter, and of course the angle of vision, to certain limits. eye rests with composure on what it can contemplate with little trouble; not only too great an extent, but too many objects, however they may interest and delight at first, soon distract and tire the organ of vision. Smallness of object has nothing to do with the angle of view; a cube or miniature being placed too near the eye may form a large angle of view, and cause pain in observing it: a large extent of view, or a large picture. may be contemplated with as much ease as a small one; it is only to place the observer at a greater distance. The Isometrical Perspective is sometimes used to represent buildings, and is of great use in diagrams and drawings of machinery, as all perpendicular lines in them may be measured by a scale; the principles may be explained in the representation of a cube, into which figure all others may be resolved. The square or side of the cube is crossed by diagonal lines, and then another, as A C, is set out from A D, at an angle of thirty degrees; and where this cuts the other diagonal, as at B, you have the length of the side, as A B, for the radius of a circle which is to contain the isometrical cube; and if on this a scale is marked, all other parts may be measured by it. The sides, as well as radius and height in the figure, all exactly correspond in length, and, 3 E 4 792 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. consequently a straight edge or ruler, with a tri- angle having angles of 30, 90, and 60 degrees, will enable us to set out or sub- divide a cube into any number of parts. The cube is contained in a circle, and its centre becomes one angle of the upper face: lines drawn from the angles 'of the hexagon indicate the whole of the sides. One quarter of such a cube may be shown as extracted or cut out by dividing the sides into two, and raising three perpendiculars; or it may be represented as seen from the other angle. A mortise and tenon, or groove and tongue, are easily set out, as is a Greek cross, or three steps. By cutting a cube into a series of planes the interior of a building may be represented, and a scale applied, and in this exam- ple three sections are shown, which may be sup- posed 100 feet in width, and the same in height; consequently 50 feet a- part. Two others interven- ing would have been more in unison with the pro- portions found in churches, and could be easily in- troduced by dividing the side of the cube into four instead of two, and re- peating the method here laid down of drawing the respective lines. Where wheels are to be shown they must first be inclosed within a square, and then there is no diffi. culty in representing any combination of them. For minerals this method of drawing is very useful, and is becoming general. Curved lines and surfaces may be illustrated by this system and shown with great accuracy; suppose in the upper square we were to trace a circle, and beneath it in the lower plane another, of similar dimensions: uniting these A C B BaD - Fig. 906. Fig. 907. Fig. 908. Fig. 909. by drawing two perpen- dicular lines, we have the representation of a cylinder; between the planes which express its top and bottom, we may have any other number we require by setting out parallel CHAP. VIII. 793 GEOMETRY. squares circles. with inscribed The cone may be shown inverted by drawing two lines from the circum- ference of the circle on the upper plane to a point in the centre of the lower ; or it may be exhibited on its base by making the apex terminate in the centre of the upper square, using the lower circle for its base. Fig. 910. Setting out Points or Lines. To set out lines on the ground, where the situation is inaccessible, as supposing it were required to draw through the point A a line parallel to the inaccessible wall B C. Unite two straight edges or rulers about 3 feet in length by a screw, on which they could be made to open and shut like a pair of compasses. Place the end of this instrument against a piquet at A, and bone along the edge of the two rules, and open them until they cut the inaccessible points B and C ; then secure the open- ing of the two rules, by screwing on a cross piece which shall embrace the two arms. B A Fig. 911. C G --------------------------- L E H Then changing the position, walk to the side through which the parallel is to be drawn, looking along the two open arms of the rules till BC is seen, which will be the case when the station E is arrived at. Then removing the transverse rule from above the two others, and placing their head on the piquet E, open them, so that by boning along their sides the point B and the piquet A are discovered, and by which the angle BE A is obtained; this being found, fix the rules, and proceed to the station A, so as to see the point C along the limb of the angle BEA. Then a cord drawn along the other limb at F will be the parallel to the wall required. If it be required to let fall a perpendicular from any inaccessible place, as at B, from the point G, first mark out the parallel line, and then, by means of a square LIH, advance along the line, till the boning edge of the perpendicular comes opposite the point G. Of Levelling and Levelling Instruments. To the architect, as well as the civil engineer, this term is understood rather to mean the difference which exists between two planes or heights than the idea of a perfectly horizontal surface; the object generally being to dis- cover how much ground must be elevated or removed to facilitate the running of water, or the construction of a railroad over valleys or mountains. A level line infers a plane or surface parallel with the horizon of the place where it exists; so that if water were placed upon its surface, it would remain at rest, having no inducement either to mount or descend, 794 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. But in reality when we look at a distant object, our eye is in the direction of a tangent to the surface of the earth, which is not the true level; this follows the earth's curvature, and in constructing a canal the bottom should not be a straight line, but concentric : any drops of water placed in succession upon such a curved line, from their being equidistant from the centre of the earth, will remain in the position in which they are placed. In the levelling for the foundation of a building where the dimensions are small in com- parison to the circumference of the earth, they are generally treated as straight lines, and in practice this is sufficiently accurate; but all plummets gravitating towards the earth's centre, it stands to reason that a succession of lines taken with the common level must be polygonal. Telescopes, used to distinguish distant objects, consist of a number of glasses placed in a cylindrical tube, with their centres in a straight line. The Eye-Glass is placed in a small tube, which can be drawn out, and adjusted to different observations, and it has in its focus a thread marked E, which serves to regulate the sight. The Object Glass, at the other end of the telescope, is shown at C. The Optical Axis is the line proceeding from the eye when looking through the glasses, and which passes through them at right angles. The glasses are spherical, and of a convex form, their centre being thicker than their edges. Fig. 912. A D E B F G C K Fig. 913. I B TT The Focus of a Glass is the point in which the rays reflected from an object, having passed through a glass, unite in a point. In practice it is highly important that the cross hairs in the telescope should be properly adjusted, which is done by attaching them to a brass ring, and the eye tube must be drawn out until these hairs appear to occupy the focus of the glass, and can be distinctly seen. The telescope has a screw attached to the instrument, on which it rests, and which elevates and depresses it in a manner to be directed to any object. The horizontal hair in the telescope being in apparent contact with the object, the vertical one must be treated in the same manner until it also cuts it. The Spirit Level with a Telescope is made of brass about 12 or 18 inches in length, sometimes of a cylindrical form, and at others that of a parallelogram; it encloses a tele- scope D E, in which is a tube F, having an eye-glass, with a thread fastened in its focus, and which draws out to suit the various sights: at the other end of the telescope the object-glass is inclosed in a small frame, and which can be moved either up or down by a screw. This telescope is placed in the tube B C in a manner that it can be turned on its A F D X H Z M O N G C E K Fig. 914. axis half round, and back to its original position: against one side of the tube BC the spirit level H is attached at its two ends by the screws K and H; at H are two rings, one of which clasps the tube, and the other end is attached to the screw L, by which the level HI can be elevated or depressed at pleasure, so as to make the level agree with the visual ray of the telescope: below the square tube BC is a plate of brass, which can be elevated or depressed by the screws MN; to the centre of this plate the joint is attached, by which the level can be turned in any direction, and roughly adjusted. To centre the Telescope, it must first be mounted on a stand, and pointed towards the object, in order to observe where the thread of the telescope cuts, and which need not be on a level CHAP. VIII. 795 GEOMETRY. with the instrument. Then the telescope must be turned half round, or the other side up- wards, in order to see if the thread cuts the same point; if it does, it is sufficient proof that the telescope is properly centred, and has its sight parallel to the points of support; but if this point of sight or visual ray cuts above or below, then the screw must be turned which elevates A Fig. 915. or depresses the object glass, until the visual ray coincides with an intermediate point, and then again reverse the telescope, to see if it is properly centred. M L K I To rectify the Level, or to make the spirit level attached agree with the telescope, two piquets, as G and H, are planted not more than 300 feet apart; then from the station G observe the piquet H, the spirit level being adjusted until the bubble of air is in its centre, as at K; the card I must then be raised or lowered until it coincides with the visual ray of the observer at G. The observer at G must then place against his piquet another card K, at the height of his eye; when looking at the card I, he must then move the level to the piquet H, and place it horizontally at the same height as the centre of the card I, to observe the pi- quet G; then if its visual ray coincides with the centre of the card K, it is a proof that the visual ray is parallel to the horizon, and that the level is rectified. But if it happen that the visual ray cuts above or below the centre of the card K, as in the figure shown at L, then keeping the eye at the same height, lower the telescope until the visual ray cuts an intermediate point, as M; keep the telescope in this position, and adjust the spirit level until the bubble is in the centre, which is done by means of adjusting screws. Then proceeding to the piquet G, keeping the level at the same height as the centre of the card M, and bone the middle of the card I, which if the visual ray cuts in the centre, it proves that the visual ray is parallel to the horizon, and consequently that the visual ray of the telescope attached to this level agrees with the spirit level. To rectify the Level by a single Station. Having centred the telescope of the spirit level, place it on its stand; then knowing two points which are on a true level, and at a short distance apart, place the eye-piece of the telescope at the height of one of these points, so that the air bubble may be in the middle of the glass tube; then if on boning the second point it cuts the thread of the telescope, it is a proof that the level is properly rectified and fit for use. It is known that the point A at the corner of the house B is on a true level with the cill of the window of the inn D at C: centre the telescope to that level in such a manner that the thread always cuts the same point when turned either way. G Fig. 916. Fig. 917. H B D с The Spirit Level in general use, of the most convenient and improved form, has a telescope ab, supported at each end, and a spirit level below it, inclosed in a brass tube, with a piece of glass let in at the upper side, to observe the position of the air bubble: the instrument has a compass usually attached to it. By means of the socket F, and the screw below, the telescope may be raised or lowered at pleasure; on the plate M are four levelling screws, which pass through the upper plate, and by which it may be adjusted. The cross hairs in the telescope are fixed to a brass ring placed within the tube, and are kept in their position by four small screws, as seen at o on. The eye tube at a is to be drawn out until these hairs appear exactly in the focus of the glass, and are clearly seen. The telescope is then directed to some vertical object or piquet, and by turning the screw g it is raised or lowered to the required point. Clear and distinct vision of an object is obtained by turning the screw B, which by its connection with a rack and pinion contained in the tube which carries the object-glass, either lengthens or shortens it: when this has been done so that the horizontal hair is observed to be in contact with the object, turn the telescope half round, so that the spirit level is above, and see if the same point of contact is preserved; should it not be so, then the screw oo must be turned until it is right in both positions: the horizontal hair being adjusted, the vertical one must also be treated in the same manner; when both are properly adjusted, their intersection 796 Boox II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. appears in the centre of the telescope. The spirit level must then be adjusted in a manner that it shall be exactly parallel with the axis of the telescope, or what is called its line of collimation. The end of the level next the eye-glass has a screw by which it may be elevated or depressed at pleasure; having by means of this screw got the bubble in its right place, the telescope must be reversed again and again, until it is seen that the bubble steadily maintains its position. To take an observation, the three legs of the stand are opened and placed firmly on the ground, with the lower plate of the instrument as nearly level as the eye directs; then by turning the various screws the level can be soon brought into its proper position: three adjustments are always required for the Y spirit level: the first regards the wires of the telescope, which should be made to coincide very exactly with the axis of the rings on which the telescope turns; the second adjustment brings the level parallel to this axis; and the third sets the telescope perpendicular to the vertical axis, so that the level may preserve its position when the instrument is turned round upon the staves. D TOYNA. H K BE OZAREMURIYDIV Fig. 918. A A, the ends of the telescope. Spirit level. C, screw for adjusting the telescope. E, screws for elevating the instrument. G, the frame. I, screw to secure the instrument. L, rack for side motion. B, the screw. D, the spirit level. F, the Y's which support. H, the compass. K, screw to elevate the instrument. To adjust the line of collimation, the eye-piece being drawn out, you should direct the telescope to some fixed object, care being taken that you get a distinct view of the cross wires, and that you notice where their intersection cuts: after this, by turning the telescope round on its axis, you must observe whether the wires cut the same object in the same place: should they do so, the instrument is fit for observation; but if this is not the case, the wires must be moved by turning the small screws near the eye-end of the telescope until half the quantity of error is got over, and then trials must be made again, till the adjust- ment is correct. To place the level parallel to the line of collimation, the telescope must be moved till it lies in the direction of two of the parallel plate screws, and by then moving the screws the air-bubble is brought to the middle of the glass tube: the telescope should then be reversed endwise, that is to say, one end brought in the place of the other, and then the air-bubble examined again; if it be not in its proper place, the parallel plate-screws must be used to make it: repeated trials are needed to effect this properly. To set the telescope in a perpendicular position with its vertical axis, it should be first placed over two of the parallel plate-screws; then by unscrewing one, and screwing up the other, the air-bubble may be brought to the centre of the tube; then the instrument must be turned half round, and if not correct, then again adjusted; then turn the telescope one quarter round, and by repeated trials its adjustment may be completed. The Troughton's improved Level is preferred by many to that of the Y, in consequence of its adjustments not being so likely, after they are once perfected, to derangement. telescope rests at once upon a horizontal bar made to turn round upon the head of the staves which support it, in the same manner as in the theodolite. The spirit level is placed on the top of the telescope, and over it the compass-box: the wire plate has CHAP. VIII. 797 GEOMETRY. three threads, two of which are vertical and the third horizontal; there is also some- times a micrometer scale, fixed perpendicularly on the diaphragm in lieu of the wires: one edge of a fine slip of pearl with straight edges is applied for this purpose, which is divided into hundredth parts of an inch, and again subdivided into lesser quantities: in the fixing of this pearl micrometer the divided edge is placed so that it intersects the line of collimation, the central division indicating the point upon the staff where the level falls. The telescope generally shows the object inverted, consequently fewer glasses are required; and in this as in the Y level, the line of collimation and the level must be made parallel with each other, and the telescope brought into a position exactly perpendicular to the vertical axis, and so that the air-bubble when turned round horizontally should always preserve its position in the middle. This kind of spirit level being firmly fixed in its cell, the line of collimation has its adjustment given by the aid of two screws near the eye-end A D B Fig. 919. A B, the telescope. TROUGHTON'S IMPROVED LEVEL. E F, the spirit level. ef, capstan screws for adjusting the level. CD, horizontal bar. G, the compass-box. of the telescope. A bench mark made against a wall should be every now and then examined by the instrument placed at the same height from the ground, and any error in its collimation then would be readily discovered. Mr. Gravatt's Level is another modification of the above, and has an object glass of larger aperture and shorter focal length; it also has a diaphragm with cross wires, and the spirit level is placed above the telescope; there is also a small mirror so fixed on a hinge that the position of the air-bubble can be seen at all times by the observer; at the same time he reads off the staff. E T F D Levels were formerly constructed with two telescopes, as A B and CD, each about 20 inches in length, placed in such a manner that when the eye-glass of AB was at A, that of CD was at D: each of these was so con- trived that they could be elevated or depressed at pleasure, by screws placed at F and E. GI and HK were pivots placed at right angles with the bottom, and were the points on which the levels were supported: by turning the rule EF round on its pivots, the two tele- scopes were made to change their positions. To the support of the level IK is attached a weight at X, of a square form, and weighing 3 or 4 pounds, which is placed there to maintain the telescopes in a state of equilibrium, but so as not to prevent their motion on their axis at Q. At R is attached three rings which hold the eye or handle V: by means of the handle at T, which passes through the upper part of the box at S, the levels are raised or de- pressed when required; the box Z, which contains this spirit level, is made of mahogany, and is furnished with a screw at Y to adjust the level. I L Fig. 920. 2 N Such a box placed on its stand was much in use in France, and its rectification was effected in the ordinary way, by centring the two telescopes in such a manner as to make their visual rays always in a parallel with the pivots on which the circular motion of the telescope was made: the level being mounted on its stand at the same height as the object to be observed, the weight was permitted to remain at the bottom of the box, so that the telescopes were not subject to motion or to oscillate: then looking through the 798 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, b eye-glass of the telescope AB, at any line parallel to the horizon, as that of the line ab, on the house C, so as to cover it exactly with the thread of the telescope; then turning the telescopes half round on the two pivots G, H, so that the telescope A B, which was on the left, comes on the right hand; then looking through the same telescope AB, if the thread still covers the horizontal line ab, it is a proof that the telescope AB is well centred, and that its visual rays are parallel to the two pivots G and H: should it either cut above or below, the screw at E must then be turned until the visual ray cuts half way between e and ƒ; then turn the telescope round on the pivots, so that the telescope through which the observation has been made may pass from right to left; on looking through it, if the thread cuts the line ef, it is a proof it is well centred. The same rule must be observed with the other telescope, and both being properly centred, it is only then necessary to have the two visual rays parallel with the horizon, and this is done by putting the weight into equilibrium : after this is done, point the telescope towards the object, as the house C, and if in looking through the eye-glass of the telescope AB, its thread cuts the object in any point, as G, and having turned the whole level to make the eye-glass D of the telescope CD come to the same point, it is then a proof the visual rays are parallel with the horizon. The weight N, by being advanced or pushed back, changes at once the equilibrium of the level, and by the whole it may be truly and correctly adjusted. Fig. 921. Level lines and points are all equidistant from the centre of the earth; the points B, K, L, and C, are equidistant from the centre of the globe A. There are two de- scriptions of levels, one called the true, the other the ap- parent: the true level is that which follows the circum- ference; the apparent is that which is drawn perpen- dicular to the radius of the circle: BGIF, which is so drawn at the end of A B, is the apparent level. The term levelling implies the idea of bringing any thing to a level or flat; but, as engineers use it, it simply means the process by which the quantity of deviation from a true level is ascertained, the object being to find out if the surface be raised or sunk, or what is the slope or in- clination. Level lines or level planes are supposed to be perfectly flat, or parallel with the horizon where they exist, and a sheet of water at rest may be supposed to have its surface level, for if any part of the plane on which it rested was lower than another, it would run in that direction. It therefore follows that some allowance should be made in levelling through very long distances, as from E to D, D to E, and B to A, and for this very accurate tables have been com- pleted for all distances within the range of an observation. 27 A B G I F 'H K Τ E с A Fig. 922. D B C E Fig. 923. H G F K M J We have also to make some allowances for the refraction, which varies from to of the angle subtended by the horizontal distance of objects. In the ordinary state of the atmo- sphere, the refraction is about a fourteenth of the horizontal angle, and the radius of the cur- vature of the ray seven times that of the earth. The effect of refraction may be allowed for by computing the correction for curvature, and then taking one-seventh for the quantity by which the object is rendered higher by the refraction than it ought to be. Fig. 924. N Numerous tables have been drawn up to enable the engineer to correct the curvature and refraction for distances in chains, feet, or miles; the corrections for refraction are taken usually from one-seventh up to a twelfth of the apparent above the true level, which is affected by the state of the atmosphere. Suppose a spring to issue from the earth at G, the water would not flow along the line HF, which is the apparent level, but would flow towards K and L, in the circle N, and CHAP. VIII. 799 GEOMETRY. thus it is apparent the true level is the earth's curvature: all bodies at an equal distance from its centre are supposed to be level. In levelling for a Railroad or a Canal, it is often necessary to place the levelling staves 300 or 400 yards apart, and then it is important to make some allowance for the curvature of the earth, as we shall hereafter describe; but before we proceed, it is necessary to describe the staff or target made use of for determining the height of the several objects above or below the level line. The most common form is that of a rod 1 inches square, and 6 feet 6 inches long, made of mahogany, and inlaid on its face with a white wood to receive the divisions and figures: the staff consists of two pieces dovetailed into each other throughout their whole length, so that one half of the rod slides upon the other, in consequence of which the rod can be pulled out or extended to 12 feet long, and yet will leave a foot of the two halves joined together for maintaining the straight line of the instru ment: the divisions begin to count from the bottom of the staff. The vane is a thin piece of mahogany 10 inches long and 3 wide, having projections behind, which form a socket for fitting the rod, and enable it to slide up and down; this motion is rendered more certain by the addition of a flat spring placed in the socket. In the centre of the vane is pierced a hole, through which may be read off the figure on the staff, and the edges of this hole being chamfered, the horizontal wires which cross it can be distinctly perceived as they lie over the divisions of the scale beneath: when this staff is placed in a truly vertical position, its vane can be elevated or depressed, as the signal is given by the engineer who is at the levelling instrument ; for the telescope cannot be altered by elevation or depression, there- fore the vane is moved upon the staff until it is brought into exact coincidence with the horizontal hair of the instrument: so that when the cross-wire of the vane is raised so high as to intersect 6 feet, there is a stop to prevent its being pushed higher : when a greater height is required, the vane is put to this height, and then it is raised by sliding up the front portion of the staff, which carries the vane with Several methods of marking these rods are adopted, but all begin to count from the bottom of the staff: some have a double scale of divisions running up the middle of the front; on some the side consists of feet and inches divided into tenths, and others of feet divided into hundredth parts, without regard to inches. When the levels can be taken in inches and tenths, or in feet and hundredths, the calculations are rendered more easy and simple, and it has been suggested that the decimal di- vision should be adopted for rules and scales generally. ל • ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ 3 it. Fig 925. The staves now in use are generally without vanes, having their graduations distinctly marked in feet, tenths, and hundredths; these were introduced by Mr. William Gravatt, and are made of three pieces of mahogany with joints at the ends, to enable them to be united in one length of 17 feet or more; such staves can be packed up with the stand of the instrument, and are more portable. Mr. Sopwith of Newcastle has improved upon these, by adding a spring catch to that which slides, so that it is more easily retained in its place; but, however correctly these may be graduated, if the attendant who holds them is not very careful, errors of great magnitude may result, for when the face is turned from the last forward station to become the next back, an error of an eighth of an inch is sometimes the result of carelessly placing it on the ground: to remedy this the greatest attention should be observed, and the stave should be [31 Fig.926. 800 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. pressed firmly into the ground at each station, and then on turning the face, there will not be much change apparent in the level taken. When it is required to know whether the points E, E, are elevated or lower than the points C and G, place piquets at D, E, and having properly rectified the level, place it against the piquet at B C, and bone the line E through the telescope, and the card must be raised or lowered until the visual ray meets the centre of it at E; then measure the height that the centre of the eye-glass at C is above the base B, and set off from the base of the piquet D this same height BC, and the height then up to the point at E on the card, will be the difference of the levels. If the observed height fall lower than the sight point, as at K, it proves that the ground is lower than at I, as much as the difference is between K and H. When it is required to find the difference between the levels of the spring at A and another at B, piquets of the required length must be fixed at the stations D, C, and B, and the level may be placed at C; then by taking the necessary observations, measuring off the heights on the piquets, and deducting the height of the stand, it may be easily computed; or, sup- pose the height from B to F to be 16 feet, and that of AD 10 feet, the difference will be the variation in the level. If it be required to ascertain whether a well at the station at F is above or below the level at B; after rectifying the level, place it at D, where both piquets can be seen when the observations have been made on the piquets, their difference can easily be cal- culated, which will be the variation in the level. If it be necessary to plant piquets in a line from the trunk of the tree A to the descent at B, where hills as F, G, and H, intervene; a piquet must be placed at A D, and another at BE, and then the level must be stationed between the two objects AB, at any place where the piquet A D can be seen. From the station F, bone the piquet A D, and then looking through the other end of the level place in a line the piquets Q, R, S; and if this be found not to cut the piquet B, then from the last of these piquets bone R and Q, and take up another station, as at G, boning through the piquets P, O, N; we must continue our observations until by boning from the piquets A D and B E, we find BE in the visual ray with the other piquets; then a line drawn through the foot of the piquets planted on the hills and valleys between the two stations A and B, as A, N, O, P, and B, will mark the shortest road required. may When the district through which the levels are to be taken is much intercepted by trees or buildings, it is often found very useful to leave at convenient intervals marks which be cut in posts, stumps of trees, or painted on a fence or building: such a bench-mark will be valuable for future reference, and during the survey to check the levels made in different directions; and it should always be establish- ed at the end of every day's labour. 1 D F I C G Fig. 927. Fig. 928. Fig. 929. Fig. 930. F MILAS G C D - E I D E K G C B S E P B H N Fig. 931. CHAP. VIIL 801 GEOMETRY. If it be required to ascertain whether there is any fall from the point A to the little hillock at G, piquets may be placed first at A and K, and the level F, having made the necessary observations at the station E, may be removed to I, where the piquets H and D can be observed; then by a simple calculation the difference in the levels may be found. C F H A Fig. 932. D K F E B The difference between the levels of two houses E and O may also be found by planting piquets at G and L, and the level at D, H, and C: so may the inequalities of a country. B N C J L E C G H F Fig. 933. as from A to C, be marked, and a canal set out upon a dead level, K, O, P, being piquets, and LHT the position of the level used for making the observations: M and Q show the depth of cutting. In this latter example D, F, H, and T show the position of the level for taking the ob- servations, and KA, ON, PR the station of the piquet. A Fig. 934. T B H L P G F. E M Q R 8 The ordinary method of levelling the foundations of a building, or an area of moderate extent, for the pur- pose of forming a drain or watercourse, is by a level 10 or 12 feet in length, formed of wood, and having attached at A a string which holds a plummet that falls into a hole below; this simple instrument is blocked up until it is brought perfectly level; then the difference in the heights of the blocks is taken, which added together constitutes the variety in the level. The level shown at B has an upright straight edge, which when placed against a wall or building at once indicates, by the play of the plummet, how much in that length it is out of the perpendicular. These implements all depend upon the circumstances of a level line being a tangent to the earth's curvature and of a plumb line disposing itself into the direction of a radius of the earth, of course perpendicular to the middle of that tangent, and that the level direction is a right line. To prove the correctness of such an instrument it should be placed upon a surface known or ascertained to be perfectly level, and such may always be formed by wedging up a plank at one end or the other: after finding that the plummet hangs in its proper vertical direction, it should be reversed by turning the two ends of the level in an op- posite direction or position, when, if the plummet retains the same place over the line, the instrument may be depended upon. C and E are other varieties of levels which are in use for ascertaining how much a stone or other body may be out of a level; the plummet in the one falls over a mark on the cross piece towards D, when it is perfectly level at the feet, and in the other over a graduated arc of a circle. Fig. 935. Fig. 936. C D Fig. 937. B A E C 3 F 802 BɔOK. II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Small spirit levels are also used, which are made of glass, and mounted on brass tubes; M and V are small brass plates which have an upright and horizontal cut made through them, so that the eye can see from one to the other, and when the bottom OKP is placed upon any surface, by looking through MN a level may be ob- tained: sometimes a glass tube F is placed on the top of a box H, which is furnished with an eye-hole at O. K F Fig. 938. L 1 N H P The earth's diameter being nearly 41,796,480 feet, or 7916 miles, it has been estimated that the height of the apparent above the true level for every mile is a little more than 8 inches. To find the difference between the true and apparent level, the dis- tance levelled should be squared, and its product then divided by the mean diameter of the earth, when its quotient will be the difference required: for the differences of the heights of the apparent levels at different distances are as the squares of those distances; in short lengths the differences are small, but they increase rapidly as the distances increase: in ten chains it is ⚫12 of an inch; in twenty chains 5; in thirty 1·12; in forty 2; in fifty 3·12; and in 100, 12.50 inches. Compound Levelling is usually adopted where great accuracy is required, and this is per- formed by taking back and forward sights; by this means errors are easily corrected: the height obtained at a back or forward observation is deducted from the other, so that when these heights are compared together, the result may be depended upon, it being obtained upon the spot, sufficient correctness is arrived at in setting out a canal or railroad, it is usual to go over the same ground a second time in an opposite direction, beginning the first operation where the latter ended; and if the results turn out the same in both cases the correctness is sufficiently ascertained. It is, however, necessary to measure and set off the distances with the chain, and to reduce all the sloping measures to their horizontal value: the distance between the sights ought to be short, and the piquet-bearer should be careful to hold his staff upright, and to place it on the same spot for a forward or back observation. Drawing a Section or Profile of a Country after it has been levelled, to enable an estimate of the expense to be made, for the construction of a canal, railroad, or other work, is the next point to be considered. This drawing, to be useful, should be on a large scale, that is to say, from 8 to 16 inches to a mile: in the first instance an inch represents a furlong, and each chain the tenth of an inch; when this scale is doubled, it is usually called 5 chains to an inch. A straight line representing the base or level is first drawn, which may represent the horizon; on this is set out the several distances that have been measured upon the ground; the profile lines are then laid down, and after the heights are accurately set out, the surface of the country may be traced through them: by such a section a sufficient knowledge of the expense may be acquired for the formation of any en- gineering work that may be constructed. In the year 1742 it was proposed to the Academy of Sciences at Paris, to show on all maps by the means of contour lines the respective levels of the districts surveyed. The idea seems to have been suggested by the marks left around a hill after the waters on an inun- dation had been drawn off; supposing the valleys around a number of hills were to be inundated, and the water suffered for a sufficient length of time to stand at one level, then if piquets or stumps were driven around the margin, to mark the extent of the surface of the water, and their position mapped and a line traced through them, then such a contour line would show the various spots which were at the same level, and if it were possible to lower the surface by degrees, and draw off a foot of its depth at each time, and mark its various boundaries in a similar manner and map them as before, such a series of contour lines would accurately express the height of the ground, and show where the relative levels were to be found: we can imagine Shooter's Hill, which is 400 feet in height, immersed in water, and that it could be lowered or drawn off a yard in depth each time; then if stumps could be driven to mark the water's edge, as this was done, and these stumps or the figure they comprised mapped, we should then have expressed by contour lines the extent of the level planes at every yard of elevation. In public surveys where three chains are used to an inch, such a series of lines laid down would be found of the greatest possible service to the engineer about to cut a road or canal through the country so mapped, as he would at once see all the points which were upon the same level: for the supply of a town with water such a survey would be of the greatest importance, and facilitate the operations of the engineer. The engineer, when surveying a country through which a railroad or canal is to pass, must not only pay the greatest attention to the levels of the several districts, but also notice the manner in which the earth's strata are disposed; if he has an eye to judge accurately, he may, like Brindley, perform much of his task by walking over the intended line, and get a thorough knowledge of the difficulties he has to overcome: general ideas are too frequently CHAP. VIII. 803 GEOMETRY. thrown aside, and the entire attention devoted to minutiæ: in taking the levels of a valley through which a stream discharges itself into the sea, and where there are many mill weirs, and their fall can be ascertained, it will be of considerable service previously to decide the level of the river's mouth, its entrance into the sea, and also the slope of its bed, which may be calculated by adding the several falls together, and taking an average in- clination per mile of the stream: although this is not a very accurate way of proceeding, it will serve as a check to gross errors. Inland districts are not necessarily higher than the level of the ocean, and in the fens of Lincolnshire and elsewhere, the slope of the streams is so inconsiderable as to be hardly perceptible, the fall being frequently less than 2 inches to the mile; the Thames from Lechdale to London bridge is 146 miles, and in this distance the rise from low-water mark is 248 feet, consequently its fall averages about 20 inches per mile, though for a part of its course the slope of the bed is not more than a foot. Surveys made through a country where the falls of the rivers are known may be frequently rendered more accurate by com- paring the levels as taken with the instru- ment with those observed in the manner al- luded to. Trigonometry teaches the method of measuring all kinds of distances as well as heights by triangles; it enables the engineer to ascertain how many feet or yards there are in a right line from one place to another; to measure the breadth of a river; the length of a line of for- tification; the opening of a breach; the distance of a fort even when water intervenes, or the surrounding country is inaccessible: it also enables him to measure the heights of hills, mountains, and buildings of every kind with great precision: formerly these two branches of trigonometry were called longimetry and altimetry. By the first was understood the method of measuring in a right line from one place to another, as to find the width of a river, or the distance of one building from another, as the distance of the castle A from the church B: it is evident from the stations at G and H, two angles may be measured; that by computa tion afterwards the distance may be known accurately. By the second the height of the tower at C from the point D may be found from the sta- tion points where the instrument is placed. A Fig. 939 For suppose the circumference of a circle divided into 360 equal parts or degrecs, these each into minutes, and these into seconds, it will be easy to measure the angle taken by the demicircle with the points C and D; its mag- nitude may be expressed by degrees, minutes, and seconds; this division of the circle, called usually the sexagesimal, was that adopted by the ancients. Supposing the point occupied by the demicircle to be marked by the letter B, the ratio that CD bears to CB is called the sine of the angle, and the ratio of BD to BC the cosine of the angle, or, as they are usually written, DC BC =sin. A; =cos. A. BD BC Fig. 940. The ratio which the sine of an angle bears to the cosine is called the tangent of the angle; the inverse of the ratio the cotangent; the ratio of unity to the cosine of an angle the secant, and that of unity to the sine the cosecant. The difference between unity and the cosine is termed the versed sine, and the difference between unity and the sine of an an- gle the coversed sine. The depth of all places may also be found, as the depth and width of all ditches and cavities, as that of EF, and the breadth at the bottom. H E B C Fig. 941. 3 F 2 804 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The demicircle is placed at E, and the angle that the bottom of the well or surface of the water makes with the perpendicular line E F is accurately measured; then by means of a scale or trigonometrical calculation, when the diameter is ascertained, its depth can be readily found; or, if the angle be taken, and the depth ascer- tained by measurement, the width at bottom may be found. Whenever it is required to measure a distance or space that is not accessible, care must be taken not to make the angle more acute than absolutely necessary, and the same rule must be observed in planting over piquets to measure angles between other objects: in all instances we must endeavour to obtain them as large as possible. By means of the triangle ACB we can as- certain the distance from A to B, and by the triangle DFE that from the windmill to the church. A Fig. 942. D F B The exact situation of these points may always be determined by means of the triangle; but we cannot by instruments measure them exactly to resolve its value by construction, it is only necessary to establish the data of the things given, and then measure the lines and angles that are unknown; if the data be suf- ficient this representation on paper affords us the means of finding the lines and angles that are not given, and when these unknown quan- tities are drawn out proportionate to a scale of the known, it is only requisite to measure them by the same scale to ascertain their values. Suppose it is required that the distance between the inaccessible points A, B, should be known, as we can take up a station at C, and measure the distance from C to A and from C to B, the three terms of the triangle A B C, viz. the length of two sides and the angle comprised can be found. The distance from the windmill, D, to the church, E, may be also calculated when the angle from F is known, together with the length, FD and FE. The knowledge of the three angles is not enough to enable us to obtain the length of each side, as there may be many triangles like LMV and GHI equal to each other, and the length of their sides different: we must, therefore, always be enabled to measure a base line; as when the distance from one place to another is required, we must place our piquets in such positions with regard to our instruments that the angles made are not too acute or too obtuse. Trigonometry being based on the know- ledge of sides and angles, it is necessary to be very exact in our observations, as well as in the measurement of the line from which we calculate our angles, for if the ground-work be insecure, the building up will be in jeo- pardy. To find the distance between one place and another without actually measuring it may be done when it is allowed to approach them, as from the point F to that at G: a piquet planted at I was found to be by measurement 50 yards from F; the same distance was set out in a straight line towards K, where another piquet was planted. The distance from G to I was then measured, which was found to be 60 yards, and this distance was set out towards L, and a piquet planted: then F Fig. 943. 1 Fig. 944. H L M N FRALTENS 50 60 G the distance from L to Kwas measured, which was found to be 102 yards, the exact dis tance from F to G, afterwards measured with a cord. CHAP. VIII. 805 GEOMETRY. To measure the Distance between two Objects inaccessible from one to the other, but accessible from a station, as the distance from the tower A to the tree B, supposing it to be possible to place a piquet at C, whence we can proceed to the two objects A and B. Measure in a right line from A to the piquet C how many feet it is, as 70: then measure in a right line on A C prolonged to D 70 feet, so that A CD may be 140 feet. Then from the point B measure BC, in a right line, and call it 100 feet; measure the same distance on BC pro- longed; then measure the distance ED, 150 feet, and which is that of the inaccessible length or distance A B. By means of a Piquet to measure the Dis- tance from one Object to another, when it is only possible to approach one of them, as to measure the opening or bar of a river. - Plant at the point A a perpendicular piquet, 4 or 5 feet high, as at A C; place on the summit C, the blade of a knife with its back turned to the piquet; elevate or depress this blade until you see, looking along the back of it, the point B: then keeping the knife at the same opening, turn round to the land side, opposite a level piece of ground; replace the knife in the piquet C, and its back against this piquet, in order to look along the back of the blade until the visual ray cuts the ground, as at D: the distance AD will be that of the bar or entrance of the river A B. An observation similarly made at E G, and tried along the ground from H to I, where the base may be measured, gives the width of the river. By means of piquets, the length of the ridge of a roof may be found, as that of the church at NO. Piquets placed at PR on the line ab, drawn on the ground parallel to the ridge having on their tops two latbs arranged like a cross: these must be moved along the line till they are perceived to be opposite the points N, O, and then the distance PP being measured, the length of the ridge will be similar. To enable the observer to be more accurate, the piquets placed at P and R on the base line a may be mounted with cross staves, the arms ST and YX being in a line, and Y Z and Z2 at right angles with it: should the distance of the objects be considerable, the observations so made would be far from accurate; when within a few feet or yards, the dimension measured on the ground between the feet of the piquets might be suffi- ciently near the truth for ordinary purposes. This practice somewhat corresponds to the com- mon method of boning, or booming as it is some- times termed, which often leads to very erroneous calculations. In Holland, wherever difficulties are offered to the navigation of a channel by the overflowing of the coast, and the course not distinctly known, poles are set up to enable the sailors to steer in a straight direction, from whence probably we have the term; and in this manner lines are set out with booms or spars when a canal is to be cut; but without great care it is scarcely practicable to make a very long line straight by such means. E A B Fig. 945. Fig. 946. Fig. 947. الله N N F E G 2 S X T Y Y Z a P på B b 3 F 3 Fig. 948. 806 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING B By means of Piquets to measure the Distance between inaccessible Places, as that from the tower A to the windmill D. Trace on the ground, where you are to perform the operation, a line parallel to the given length to be measured, as the line SV; then attach two rules at right angles, placed in the form of a cross, on the heads of the two piquets, each 4 or 5 feet in height. Place these 8 K E M H G L D V two piquets at any points on the line SV, and look along them in such a manner as to discover the objects as well as the piquets, as at C; by the rule IK you may see the tower A, and by the rule E F the piquet D. Then from the piquet D, observe by the rule LM the mill B, and by the rule H G the piquet C, which may be done by bringing these two piquets nearer together or further apart, always keeping them in the line S V, until you can discover the objects before named, which nappens when at the points C and D : then the length CD will be equal to the inaccessible length, A B, between the tower A and mill B. Fig. 949. B To find the Height of an Object, AB, when it can be approached.- Place a mirror at C horizontally at any place on the ground, with its back downwards, so that the glass may be upper- most; retire from the mirror at a distance pre- cisely equal to the height of the eye from the ground, as at D, and standing perfectly upright, observe if the top of the proposed height can be seen in the middle of the mirror; if not, see if the mirror be too near or too far from the object, and place it either nearer or farther from it. When the view of the object in the mirror has been obtained, measure on the ground the dis- tance from the centre of the mirror to the foot of the proposed height, as from C to A, and it will be the height required. To measure by means of two Piquets Heights to which the Foot is accessible. Take two piquets, as E, C, one of which is half the length of the other ; elevate them perpendicularly in the ground, on a level with the foot or base of the height which is required to be ascertained, and so that the shorter piquet may be its own length distant from the longer one; look along their tops, and walk either backwards or forwards, keeping them the same distance apart, until by the same visual ray the summit of the object to be measured can be seen. The distance from the foot of the object to the foot of the short piquet, viz. from C to A, added to its length, gives the height of the object. To measure a Height, when the Base is accessible by means of a Piquet. Retire from the foot of the height to be measured as much as the height is supposed to be; plant a piquet upright on the ground, as at DE, on the same level as the foot of height, and as high as the eye: lie down on the ground with the feet against the piquet, and look along its top until in the same visual ray the sum- mit of the height to be ascertained is seen. distance from the foot of the height, A to C, to the place where the eye was when lying on the ground, will be the required height. The C A Fig. 950. B A Fig. 951. E D Fig. 952 B D ECG Examples might be multiplied of measuring heights by means of the piquet, and it is inen- tioned in several ancient writers. We may imagine that Archimedes and Apollonius, who enriched geometry with so many new theorems, made use of the staff or piquet for several purposes, particularly where the properties of similar angles were to be exhibited: seventeen centuries have passed since these great men taught in the academies: the principles they have left us have been but little added to, although they have been varied in their application. Wherever the piquet is employed, its perpendicular position should be CHAP. VIII. 807 GEOMETRY. regarded, and maintained, as the slightest inclination would affect the truth of the observa- tions made with it. To measure by means of a Piquet and the Rule of Three a Height of which the Foot is accessible. Place on the ground at some distance a piquet CE, of any length; then retire from this piquet till, by lowering the eye to the ground, as at D, the top of the piquet and the summit of the height, B, to be measured, is seen in the same visual ray. State the question by placing in the first term the distance from the point where the eye was placed when on the ground from the piquet; in the second term, the distance from the same point to the base of the required height, and for the third term, the height of the upright piquet: the quo- tient will be the required height. From DC we will suppose 5 feet, and from D to A 25 feet, and the height of the piquet, CE, 6 feet: then we shall have E A C B 5: 25 :: 6 : 30 feet for the height of A B. For if a line be drawn in a triangle parallel to one of its sides, it will cut the two other sides propor- tionally; and the line which bisects any angle of a triangle divides the opposite sides into two seg- ments which are proportional to two other adja- cent sides let the angle DEA of the triangle DAE be bisected by the line CE, making the two angles at E so bisected equal: then the segment DC will be to the segment CA, as the side DE is to the side EA, or DC will be to CA, as DE is to E A, and the line EC being drawn perpendicular or parallel to B A, cuts the two other sides proportionally, making DC to CA, as is DE to E B, or to its equal E A. : Fig 953. When the sun shines, if we set up vertically a staff of any known length, and measure the length of its shadow upon a horizontal or other plane, and measure also the length of the shadow of the object whose height is required, we may, by a similar rule, obtain it: as the length of the shadow of the staff is to the length of the staff itself, so is the length of the shadow of the object to the object's height. To draw the Map of a Country à la Cavaliere. We must be placed on an eminence which gives an opportunity of seeing the country to be mapped, and have some attendant acquainted with the names of all the places and objects before and around, as well as their distances from each other, that their relative positions may be set down. To transfer this rough map, or to draw it out fair, we must begin by drawing a line from the top to the bottomn, and on this form a scale divided into as many miles as there are between the most distant places; then mark the site of the different places which come on this line, by taking in the compasses the distance right or left from the first position, performing the same operation with all the others: rivers may then be traced, as well as the various objects between them. It would be advisable in mapping a country always to work upon a meridian line, and before any survey is commenced, its direction should be accurately laid down: where a number of parishes are surveyed, it is important that general instructions should be im- plicitly followed, that the whole when brought together may be examined: for example, all writing and figuring should be placed in the same direction; the top of the paper on which the representation is made should be considered north, and whatever the form of the plan, this rule should never be departed from: upon a sketch so made, a series of triangles may be extended at any time, and the respective sides calculated with precision. From an eminence or lofty site numerous towns and villages may be seen, and after the meridian line is established, their bearings from each other may be noticed upon the divisions of a card, which if drawn within a circle will serve to make the sketch. From a table showing the distance in miles of one place from another, this may be rectified and brought to ap- proach the truth or a circle may be traced on the ground, and after dividing it into 360 degrees, piquets may be set upon that part of its circumference which is in a line with the object, and the observer being stationed in the centre of the figure, the divisions of the circle may be noticed, and thus the sketch of a country may be made where instruments cannot readily be obtained, or a hasty survey is to be laid down. If an estate could be seen at once, and its meridian line be determined, there would be no difficulty in mapping it, and approximating its area, by walking across it in the longest direction, afterwards triangulating it from this line as a base, and then uniting it with the 3 F 4 808 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING meridian line already drawn. Either the time or the steps taken may be counted from one position or station to another; the writer found Sir William Gill's Itinerary of Greece a sure guide, although it contained only the bearings of the places, and the time occupied in riding or walking; when the traveller has no better map, he must find his course by such general directions, which have often proved his only security. Of Demicircles and their Construction.. They are usually made either of copper or of wood, and are 12 inches in length, 8 inches wide, and an inch in thickness; usually a sheet of white paper is glued on their surface, upon which the divisions are marked. To graduate the demicircle, divide its diameter AB into two equal parts in the point C; from this point, with the radius CA, describe the semicircle ADB, and from the point C elevate the per- pendicular CI on the diameter A B, which will cut the demicircle ADB in two equal parts in D. To graduate the semicircle AD B, open the compasses to the extent of the radius CA, and carry the opening three times on the semi- circle AD B, viz. from A to E, from E to F, and from F to B; also carry the same extent A C, on the semicircle, from D to G and H: then the summit ADB will be divided into six equal parts. To have the ten degrees, M P Q K L A 10 20 0 70 80 90 100 110 50 40 140 150 160 170 780] D E Fig. 954. C H divide each of these six parts into three other equal parts, as AG is divided in the points K, L, and G, and each of these must again be divided, and so on till the whole is divided into 180 degrees. Demicircles with sights (à pinnules) used for measuring angles, distances, &c., are usually about 15 inches in diameter; the degrees are numbered from each extremity of their dia- meter, where a sight is attached by a screw, as at C and D. At the centre E is a movable rule with a sight at each of its extremities ; in the middle of the semicircle is a compass to show the cardinal points. A telescope is frequently added to them, by which the angles of objects at a con- siderable distance may be very accurately taken, and the whole is placed on a stand: with such an instrument it is possible to determine the position of the several head- lands and principal objects on a coast, to complete a maritime survey, and afterwards to lay them accurately down upon paper. Suppose two boats are anchored at a known distance from each other, and the bearings of the several objects taken from each; then if the measured distance between the boats be drawn out to serve as a scale, and the various lines laid down according to the ob- served angles, their points of intersection would denote the positions of the objects that have been noticed; or the same might be done on land, by selecting a plain on which a base line could be measured, and then fixing station staves at the extremities; from these station staves the angles which the prominent features of the country make with each other may be taken, and the whole may be laid down to any scale, by adopting a similar process to that previously described. Fig. 955. Fig. 956. EN B G Fig. 957. A B E 이 ​G K K H The instrument called the station pointer does not materially differ from a demicircle, over the centre of which moves a number of arms that can be directed to any object; ge- nerally three rulers, connected by a common centre, are so arranged that they can be turned CHAP. VIII 809 GEOMETRY. so as to open and form at one time two angles of any given inclination; the middle ruler, which is double, has a fine wire or thread stretched in the opening, the others have one similarly placed from end to end, so adjusted that the three tend to the centre of the instrument: they can readily be directed towards an object, and their angles accurately measured: such a station pointer may be made by graduating an arc of a circle on a sheet of glass ground on one side, upon which, with a pencil, all the angles may be marked; this laid upon paper, may be easily set off and traced. When the demicircle is to be used, it has its plane placed horizontally for taking distances, and upright for heights; having a joint which works upon a movable socket, it can be easily adjusted; a plumb line at once indicates whether it is truly vertical or horizontal. To take an angle with this instrument, we turn it in such a manner that the object A is seen through the sights on its diameter, and then, without moving the demicircle, we look along the alhidade or mov- able rule, and when through its sights the object C is seen, the angle ABC can be laid down. The number of degrees contained in this angle may be counted off between H and I, which may then be written down. The demicircle now yields to the azimuth instru- ment, which measures angles with greater facility, whether vertical or horizontal, serving also the pur- poses of the theodolite; it does not possess the power of repetition, but should an error occur, it may be reduced or rectified by measuring the same angle upon different parts of the arc, which may be accomplished by turning the instrument on its stand, and adjusting it as required: such ob- servations frequently repeated, and a mean result taken, are free from any great error. To take the height of an object the demicircle is turned or placed upright, and adjusted by the plumb passing through its centre, when its base will be ho- rizontal and at right angles with the height to be taken. The alhidade is then turned until through its sights the object O is seen; the angle MNO will be ascertained, and the degrees may be counted off. Distances between places inaccessible may be ascer- tained and measured in the following manner : when the angle ABC is taken, measure on the ground the distance between BA and BC, and construct upon paper with a scale the angle taken, and pro- ceed as has been before described. It will appear evident that if upon the angle GEF, the dimensions are set off from E to F and E to G that have been previously taken from B to A and from B to C, by the scale the distance between the objects may be accurately measured. We may infer that this instrument was used first by the Arabians, from the index or ruler which carried the sights being called an alidade or alhidade, which, on the limb of the instrument, showed the number of degrees or minutes that the object was above the horizon. K A L B Fig. 953. Fig. 959. Fig. 960. Fig. 961. G C A * B Η E B D M A Besides the altitude and azimuth circle, we have now mural and reflecting circles for measuring the altitudes and azimuths of stars: the mural is so called because it is supported by a long axis passing into a wall, to which the plane of the circle is parallel; the reflecting circle carries a mirror, by which an object is seen by reflected vision; another object is viewed directly the two are brought to coincide, and the angular distance be- tween them is measured by the inclination of the mirror to the axis of the telescope, Fig. 962. E 810 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the repeating or multiplying circle is so contrived, that the observation made may be repeated or multiplied by reading it off successively on different parts of the graduated limb: the number of values thus found afford a mean result. Place Distances between places where one only is accessible may also be found. the demicircle at the foot of the tower A, and measure the angle CAB; then place the instrument at C, and measure the angle ACB; by setting out these angles on paper, the distance between A and B may be found by a scale of parts, or by calculation. A Fig. 963. C B G E K 30 112 Fig. 964. 34 L M L-'. 30 83 112 To ascertain the distance from the piquet at M to the angle of the building at N: place the demicircle at P, and measure the angle MPN; then draw the line RS, of the length or dis- tance that P is from M, and construct from the point R a similar angle to that observed from P. Suppose it has been found by measure- ment that the angle taken at P was 112º, the length of the line PM was 83 feet, and the angle PMN 30°; if all these are accurately drawn out by a scale, the distance may be easily ascertained. R to T being the same as the measured distance from P to M, and R to I that of P to N, it is evident that by the scale the distance from T to I on the line X may be taken off. Distances between places inaccessible on all sides, as between A and B, may be found by placing the demicircle on a point C, where both objects may be seen, as well as a piquet at D. The demicircle is then turned in such a manner that the piquet D is visible through the sights of the diameter, and the steeple B through the sights of the alhidade. The degrees contained between the diameter and the alhidade must then be read off; keep the diameter in the same line CD, and move the alhidade until through its sights the tower A is seen; then read off again the degrees contained between it and the base line; remove now the demicircle to the piquet D, and measure this distance from the new station; repeat the operation, and lay the angles so taken down upon paper with a proper scale, as K FIMHN, and the dis- tance between A B may be truly ascertained. M K D T R Fig. 965. A 123 32° ર E 10 20 80 40 50 60 70 Fig. 966. X B G N If it were required to ascertain how many yards distance it was between the points M, L, of a fortified town, by placing a piquet at N, and then measuring the angle, and the distance from N to L, and from N to M, the same might be laid down accurately on paper by M Fig. 967. 64 117 N L CHAP. VIII. 811 GEOMETRY. means of a scale: the opening of the angle, 117½ degrees, could be set out at Q, and the distance OS made 67 yards, and OV on the line T 64; then by the scale P the distance from V to S will be found 112 yards, which will be that also from M to L. To find the length of a building, as from T to L, select two stations, as Y and P, and plant two piquets: at the first take the angle PYL, which will be found to be one of 30°, and measure the distance between the two piquets, which is here 45 yards: then from the piquet P, con- struct the triangle YPL, which is also one of 30°. Then set out a scale, and draw bd equal to YP, and the angles bdg, answering to YPL, and kbh equal to LYT; the whole may then be measured, and in this case the distance from i to k will be found 102 yards, which is the length of the building TL. Maps may be laid down by means of the demicircle, and all the towns at A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, be accurately measured, and put at their proper distances from each other. First place the instrument at H, and a piquet at N; after having taken all the angles, move the instrument to N, and make a similar observation : measure the distance from H to N, which here is 200 yards, and then lay down the several T T P R 112 V S 117 Fig. 968. Fig. 969. Fig. 970. 120 30 KC 60 197 d k 9 I angles as observed accurately upon paper, and the lines at their intersection will give the positions of the towns. This system was practised in France as early as the seven- teenth century, when a base line was measured from the town stationed at N and L, and all the others shown on the map accurately laid down from drawing a series of angles taken at the two stations. Picard, in 1670, called the attention of the moderns to the measurement of a degree of the meridian, and his observ- ations were confined to a line stretching between the parallels of Malvoisine and Amiens: this was succeeded by the very ac- curate observations and the trigonometrical survey made by Delambre and Mechain; the terrestrial arch it embraced ex- tended over nearly 10 degrees, and it was was almost exactly bisected in the parallel of 45 degrees: these observations, made during the great revolution, led to a more exact method of measuring, and to the adoption of the trigonometrical system of surveying. After the labours of Delambre and Mechain, Biot and Arago carried a train of triangles southward as far as Tormentera, which is a small island near Ivica, in the Mediterranean. H 200 Fig. 971. N It must always be borne in mind, that the magnitude of the angles of the connecting triangles are affected by the earth's curvature, and these must undergo a correction corre- spondent with it before the length of the unknown sides can be accurately obtained; for we know that triangles drawn on the surface of the globe cannot be regarded as plane, neither can horizontal angles at one station be considered as in the same plane with those at 812 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. AUTEIUL PASSY ISSA VANVRE VAUGIRARD PARIS OBSERVATORY RIVER SEINE MON TROUCE GENTILLI AVRI CHA CHATILLON N BACNEUX Scale K ARCEUL BOURC DE LA REINE CONFLANT VILLE JUIFUE L MARNE VITRI Fig. 972. another: NL, the original base from whence the triangulation commences, may represent the meridian line; but before we commence our computations we must correct any imper- fections in our instrument, or carelessness in taking our survey; we shall afterwards find much advantage by adopting the approximating theorem of Legendre, who first demon- strated that if each of the angles of a small spherical triangle be diminished by a third part of the spherical excess, their sines become proportional to the opposite sides of the triangle, considered as spherical. The situations of Paris and the several towns in its neighbourhood were accurately laid down by the observations made from this base line, and hence com- menced the method now adopted in making a trigonometrical survey. In 1784 the British government turned its attention to this interesting subject, and by Mr. Fox's direction, who was then minister, it was ordered that by means of a series of triangles, the difference in the longitude between the observatories of London and Paris should be ascertained: the meridian of Paris having been already continued to Dunkirk, the Royal Society undertook, with the assistance of General Roy, to complete the task; and he commenced laying down a base line, rather more than 5 miles in length, upon Hounslow Heath. To connect the triangulations between Paris and Dunkirk, Cassini, Mechain, and Legendre were employed by the French government, and, as a check on their operations, another base line was laid down in Romney Marsh in Kent, where a steel chain, constructed on purpose by the celebrated Ramsden, was made use of. Romney Marsh is 60 miles from Hounslow, and when the two bases were united, by calculating the sides of all the triangles taken, so great an accuracy had been observed, that there was only the apparent error of 28 inches: the junction of the two observatories of Paris and Greenwich was completed in 1788. B E M L N Heights may be mea- sured by the demicircle. The height of the tower at A, the top of which we will suppose is not to be approached, may be mea- sured by placing the in- strument at C, in such a manner that by elevating its plane perpendicular to the horizon, through the pinnules of the diameter, which are parallel with the horizon, the tower A B is seen in some point, as at E. Then elevate the alhidade of the demi- circle until the top of the tower is visible through its pinnules: remark then on the demi- circle how many degrees are intercepted between the diameter and the alhidade, in order to ascertain the angle E DB, which is here supposed to be 20°. 90 45 A Fig. 973. 20 H 45 K Fig. 974. Then measure on the ground the distance from the station to the tower, and afterwards construct a scale and lay down a similar figure, the lines M, H, showing the plan of the CHAP. VIII. 813 GEOMETRY. tower, the distance, KH, being 45 yards; the angle taken at K, 20° being first set out, it will then easily be perceived that the height may be ascertained by the scale. P 10 20 The height of the observatory O P from the station at R, may also be accurately ascer- tained by constructing the angle YTV, and setting off the distance TX, and then measuring by the scale the height Xa. The angle ZXT is here a right angle, and the distance from T to X is 17 yards. Inaccessible heights may be measured by having two stations, as C and D: after the distance between them is ascertained, take the angles BCD from the sta- tion C, and the angle BDC Fig. 975. R a X א Z 80 Fig. 976. B M L N C D G H A 12 0 Fig. 977. Fig. 978. from the station D: then construct the angle LGO, and the angle GIM, and by means of the scale the height ON may be measured, which will correspond to the height A B. The height from P to R may be ascertained in a similar way: from the point S measure the angle TSR, and from the point T the angle STR, also the dis- tance between the sta- tions S,T: then con- struct a scale Q, draw the line VK, and set off the measurement of the distance taken between S and T, which is VX: at V and X set out the R P Q T Fig. 979. 术 ​ X Fig. 980. angles taken at the two respective stations; the height Z Y will be that of P R. N The height of the tower A B, which is inaccessible, may also be found by means of the demicircle placed at DC: after the observations have been made, draw the line B A K N M H D C P Fig. 981. Fig. 982. GH by the scale: from the point G draw the angle G K L equal to the angle CD A, and the angle IN M equal to DA B: the dimension or length of line PO by the scale will be the height of the tower A B. The height from one portion of a building to another may also be readily found, as the difference between the levels at R and S: place the piquets at V and T, and measure the four angles TV R, TVS, VTS, VTR, and also the distance between V and T. 814 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Then by aid of a scale up the base line, ZY, set out the angles so taken at a and Y, as ca Y, ƒYa, and draw the line gƒ from the point where the lines e,b cross, to where the lines cd intersect each other, and this line of measured by the scale will be the height required. T Fig. 988. S א 7. u Fig. 984. L 9 Keep- B E\ D The height of the tower A B may be ascertained from the station at D in a similar manner. First take the height of the tower CD, and then place the demicircle at D, in such a position that its diameter shall be paral- lel to the wall of the tower, DC: turn the alhidade towards the point A, at the foot of the great tower, and measure the angle CDA, the angle DCA being a right angle. ing the demicircle at D, place it in such a manner that its graduated limb shall be up- permost, its plane perpendicular, and its dia- meter parallel with the horizon, as well as with the ray DE: then turn its alhidade until the top of the tower B is seen the degrees intercepted between the diameter and the alhidade will be those of the angle E D B. Construct a scale K, and set out the figure NIK on the base line FG: make GI on the line H, the height of the small tower; and the height K N, on the line KL, will be the height by the scale. A C L N H M F G. K Fig. 985. The height of the tower OP may also be obtained by placing the demicircle at R, on the top of a lower building, the height of which must be measured. Having observed the two angles PRT and TRO, keeping TR as a level line, and setting off the same angle from Z by the scale, making XZ the height of the low build- ing, and raising a perpen- dicular on the line YZ, where the angle cuts the ground: where this cuts the line 42, as at 8, will be by the scale the height of the tower OP. Fig. 986 2 I T R Y X O Fig. 987. We must always bear in mind when measuring angles, that the circumferences of different circles are proportional to their radii, and that similar arcs of circles are also proportional to their radii, and vice versâ. Two arcs of different circles, which bear the same ratio to their respective radii, must be similar, and therefore consist of the same number of degrees, minutes, and seconds; it follows, then, that an arc of one second of all circles is contained the same number of times in their radii, and from the calculation of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, it is ascertained that this number differs from 206265 by only a fraction; therefore the radius of any circle CHAP. VIII. 815 GEOMETRY. π differs from an are of that number of seconds only the fraction of a second. In plane geometry we consider angles as belonging to triangles which do not exceed 180 degrees, but we may fancy them of unlimited increase or diminution: if a line, for instance, revolve round a central point, it will in a revolution move through 360 degrees, and in a revolution and a quarter, that number with the addition of 90. If we call 180 degrees π, the revolving radius in every revolution will move through the angle 2 π, and in every quarter of a re- volution and in every half revolution through 7. In general, if n be an integer, the radius 2 after a number of complete revolutions will have moved through an angle expressed by If it has exceeded a complete number of revolutions by an angle w, the angle which it has described will be expressed by 2 n π + w, and if it fall short of a complete number, it will be expressed by 2 n π-w. If the angle it has described exceed an exact number of revolutions by half a revolution, we shall get its expression by changing w into π in the former formula, which gives 2 nπ + T = = (2 n + 1) π. If, in like manner, the angle which the revolving radius has moved through exceed or fall short of a complete number of revolutions by a right angle, its expression will be found by changing w into in each of the formula, which gives 2 n π. IN 2nπ + π 2 (2 n + 1) π, and 2 n π — - ( 2 n − 1) π. 2 The angle 2 - w is called the complement of w, and the angle -w the supplement of w. To find the length of the inclined line AB, fix two piquets, one at C and the other at D, and measure the angles DCA and DCB, the first being 27°, the other 42°. Then from the piquet D, measure the angles CDB, 120°, and CDA, 142°: then measure the distance be- tween the piquet CD, which is 9 yards: construct the scale E, and set off on the line FG nine parts taken from the scales, and then con- struct the two angles IF H C D Fig. 988, B F G E Fig. 989. K L H and KG L, and the distance from their points of intersection will be the length required. Heights that are in- clined and inaccessible may also be measured, as that of the Leaning Tower at Pisa. From the stations R and S, from whence may be seen the base and sum- mit, plant two piquets : then place the demi- circle at the piquet R, and measure the angles SRO and SR P: place the demicircle at the piquet S, and mea- sure the angles RSP R S Fig. 990. P and RSO, and measure the distances between the piquets R, S: lay this down upon paper, and from the points where these angles unite or cut, B as at c and d, measure the length cd by the scale, and it will give the inclination of the tower, or rather its inclined height. Depths which are inaccessible can also be as- certained, as that of the well A: measure the diameter AB, and at the point B measure the angle ABC with the demicircle and by a scale of parts; the perpendicular A C, or depth, may be ascertained by drawing the right angle CFI, and setting out the angle HLK, and from the scale taking the height L F. 10 15 Fig. 991. b Y d A H G F Fig. 992. Fig. 993 816 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To measure the depth of a shaft, as MN, the width or diameter at top M O being 9 feet: place the demicircle at O in such a manner that the degrees may be downwards, and its diameter parallel with the horizon, as is the line OM. Then turn the alhidade until the bottom of the shaft at N is seen; measure the angles MON and OMN; draw the scale P, and the right line RS, and set off the 9 feet from R to T, then draw the angle TRY; and the height RY on the perpendicular RV, as measured by the scale, will be the depth required of M N The breadth of a ditch may also be found, as that of AB. Being stationed at C above the point A, take the depth CA, and measure the angle ACB. Then with a scale set out on the line EF, and from E draw the angle GEH, and at the point G the angle EGI, which answer to those previously measured. From the point L, where the two angles cut, measure the length GL by the scale, which will be the breadth required. Fig. 996. B M S T R Y X Fig. 994. Fig. 995. E C L 1. G A H The width of the ditch at N may also be found in like manner: from the point N, measure the angle KNM and the angle NKM, and draw the scale O. Draw the line PR, and set off the height taken from N to K, as PS. At the point P, draw the angle SPT, and from the point S the angle PSV; then from the point X, where they cross, measure SX by the scale, and the breadth of the ditch will be ascertained. The various methods of measuring heights by angles are supposed to have had their origin in Egypt, from whence they were introduced into Greece by Thales: there can be no doubt that after Pythagoras had discovered that celebrated pro- position concerning the square of the hypotenuse, trigonometry made rapid advances: we have mention made by Vitruvius of many philosophers who ad- vanced the science of computation by clearer de- finitions in geometry. The Geometric Square is an instrument for mea- suring distances and heights, &c., and is valuable for its portability as well as for the facility, by the common rule of three, of solving most of the problems arising from its use: it is made of brass about 12 inches square, or of wood 15 or 18 inches square: it is graduated from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, and may be called a quad- rant of 90 degrees. The two sides of the square which are opposite to the angle of the centre D, as on the sides AB and BC, are each divided into 100 equal parts, which commence at the two extre- mities of the quadrant, so that in both divisions the hundred-point finishes at the angle B, which is opposite to the centre D, and to facilitate the count- ing these degrees they are divided into tenths by short lines tending to the centre. A D Fig. 997. M K Р V X T Fig. 998. 60/70 70, 80:90 20 30/10/50/60 10 10 201 Fig. 999. 30 40 מז R 100\\90\80 \70\\\60 50 40 \30 120 80 60 70 108 ४ 120 B N The side DC represents the horizon at the centre D is fixed an alhidade by means of a screw, which equals the diagonal of the square A B C D, on which the same divisions are marked as on the side of the square, and as the alhidade is longer than the side of the square, it will contain more than 100 equal parts: two sights are attached to it, and a socket joint to one side for the purpose of turning or elevating it when required. CHAP. VIII. GEOMETRY. 817 Distances between objects when one is accessible are measured by placing the geometric square at the station R, in such a man- ner that by boning along its side DA, we can discover the point T, and by the other side DC, the piquet or point X at any distance from it; the line D T will then make a right angle with the line DX. Place the centre of the square at the pi- quet X, and turn it in such manner that by boning along the line DA the piquet R is seen, and by the sights of the alhidade the point T: then remark the A D 22 A Fig. 1000. number of equal parts in the angle made on the side CB, as at Y. R Place, in the first term of a rule of three sum, the number of equal parts from the point. C of the square to the point Y. In the second term, place the number of feet between the two stations or centres of the geometric squares D, D; and lastly, for the third term, the number 100 for the number of equal parts into which the side CB is divided. The quotient will give the distance in feet from the piquet R to the point T: if it be desired to find the length of the hypotenuse X T, place in the first term the value of DC of the square; in the second the number of feet from R to T, and in the third term the number of parts marked on the alhidade, which are counted from the centre of the square to the place where the alhidade is on the side CB, as at the point Y. The quotient will give the distance X T. Distances between objects which are inaccessible are found by the geo- metric square, by first placing it at the point R, where a piquet is fixed, and then boning a line along its side DA, until the point T is visible. Then in the visual ray formed by the side of the square DC plant the piquet V. Place the geometric A square at the piquet V in such a manner that by boning along its side DA the piquet R is seen, and by the alhidade the point S; then count the number of divisions comprised between the points C and Y, where the alhidade rests. Then by the rule of three proceed as before. D D A Fig. 1001. Heights may be measured by the geometric square when the foot is accessible, as by placing the instru- ment at the point R, and fixing its plane perpen- dicular to the horizon, in such a manner that the side CD shall be parallel to it: elevate the alhidade, until the point P is obtained through its sights, and remark when it stands on the side CB of the square, as at the point B, where the 100 divisions of the side CB are finished. T B A D R Then by the rule of three, place for the first term 100 for the side of the square CD; in the second the number of feet from the centre D of the square to the point O, and for the third term 100, the number of parts comprised from the point C to the point where the alhidade is at the angle B, as before mentioned. The quotient, which in this case is the distance, will be the height, to which, however, must be added the height the foot of the square is from the ground, when the observation is taken. F g. 1002. If it be required to measure a building with such accuracy that the proportions of its several ornaments and detail should be expressed in a drawing, the only method that can be adopted is, to take the dimensions of each portion in feet and inches with rules or rods prepared for the purpose. $ 3 G 818 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. } To find the height of the upper part of a tower, as that from 0 to P. First find the height from the ground at S to O, then measure the distance to the station R. Elevate then the alhidade until you catch the point P; remark where it stands on the side A B, as at Z; let R be distant 38 feet from S, and the height SO, for example, be 34 feet, and the number of parts on the instrument from A to Z 40. Then as 40: 38: 100: 95, to which add the height of the square, and we obtain the whole height of the tower; from this sum subtract the height SO, and the remainder will be the height from 0 to P. It is a well-known property of a right-angled tri- angle, that if the ratio of any pair of its sides be known, the angles and ratios of the other sides may be found; this is indeed the principle upon which trigonometry is formed; as there are three pairs of sides in a right-angled triangle, differently related to either of its acute angles, so there are three ratios which will determine the angle. Let w be the angle, y the opposite side, and r the containing side, and v the hypotenuse; the angle w may be indifferently determined by any of the three numbers, y y, r y The first is the sine of the T angle w, the second is the tangent, and the third Y X Z/ B A D P S R Fig. 1003. * is the secant. x • Heights of Objects which are not accessible may also be taken, for instance placing the geo- metric square at the station V, so that its centre is level with the point R: turn its plane obliquely in such a manner that by boning along the side DA, the point Tis seen, and by boning along the side DC, a piquet can be placed in the visual ray, as at X, measured at a certain distance from the station V. Then remove the square to the piquet X, and turn it in such a manner that by that by boning along its side DA, we see in the line the piquet V, and by the sights of the alhidade the point T. Remark the number of divi- sions from C to Y, where the alhidade stands, and state the rule of three sum by placing for a first term the number of divisions from C to Y; in the second term the distance in feet from the two stations V and X; and lastly 100 for the third term, being the side AD: the quotient gives the line VT. For the second operation, place the square at V, so that its centre shall be exactly in the same place as before, and its plane per- 1 B Fig. 1004. B C 4 Z B A D V pendicular to the horizon, and its side DC parallel to it. Then elevate the alhidade until the point T is seen through its sights, and remark where the alhidade stands on the side CB, as at the point Z. CHAP. VIII. 819 GEOMETRY. By the rule of three, place for a first term the parts on the alhidade, in the second the distance in feet from V to T, and in the third the number of parts in the instrument counted from C to Z. The quotient thus obtained, added to that found by the first opera- tion, gives the height of R to T. E Fig. 1005. Of the Sector, and its uses for mea- suring distances, &c. This is a more complicated instrument than the others previously described, and is usually made of either ivory, wood, brass, or silver, having its two limbs DB and DC 6 or 8 inches in length, when used for drawing, and 12, 15, or more, for making sur- veys; the largest sectors are the most accurate, on account of their divisions being larger. The limbs of the sector are perfectly flat, and contain all the lines necessary to be drawn on them; they are united at one end by a rule joint with a dot in the centre of the screw, round which it works: when the in- strument is closed, the two limbs are called the upper and lower each face of the sector has a particular name, as that which has the line of equal parts is called the face of equal parts, and another the face of chords. By the line of chords, the opening of angles is ascertained in making a survey, and upon this the sights F, F, are placed with screws for directing the visual rays. For surveying, the instrument is placed upon a staff by means of a joint with one or more screws, by which any motion may be given it, and a plumb bob is attached, which indicates on the ground the precise centre after an observation has been taken. The sector has two faces, one of which is that of equal parts, the other that of chords, and each face has two branches, which are again divided by three lines; be- sides the lines of equal parts which it contains, there are also the line of plans and polygons; on the face B, which is the reverse of A, the line of chords is added to those of solids and metals. The lines of equal parts is generally drawn from from the centre of the sector to the third part of the four into which the end of each branch is divided, and its length is that of the sectors, which is divided generally into 200 equal parts or more. This length is first divided in half, so that it may have the 100 marked in the middle; and each of these 100 is again divided in 50 points, and so on until the 200 parts are set out. Fig. 1006. F F H ક G A F B A B Chords * Metals } ©→X2 Saltas Chords C » Metals [* Solias The division of the line of plans is set out from the calculations of equal sides of equal squarea, as it comprises between its points the lengths of equal sides of a certain number of square planes, which commonly are enumerated up to 64, and a tolerable skill in the use of the square root is required to find the distances of these points: the first point on the 3 G 2 $20 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. line of plans is placed opposite the 25th division on the line of equal parts, and the second point opposite 35½, and continued as in the following table. 128416 1 opposite 25 17 opposite 103 33 opposite 143 49 opposite 175 35 18 106 34 146 50 1767 3 431 19 109 35 148 51 178/1 50 20 1117 36 150 52 1801/1 5 564 21 114 37 152 53 182 6122 1171 38 154 54 1837 7 66 23 119 39 156 55 185 8 703 24 1221 40 158 56 187/1 9 75 25 125 41 160 57 189 10 79 26 1271/ 42 162 58 1903 11 8227 130 43 164 59 1921 12 86 28 13211 44 166 60 193 13 14 15 16 ∞ THE LO C 90 29 135 45 1677 61 1952 93 30 137 46 169/1 62 197 96 31 1391 47 100 32 141/1/20 48 1711 63 173/1 64 1981/ 200 The lines of polygons are constructed by the division of circles, or by the proportion it bears to the line of equal parts. 12 is opposite 60 9 is opposite 806 is opposite 116 4 is opposite 163 11 65 8 88 5 136 3 200 10 72 7 101 The division of the line of chords or angles is so named from its forming all kinds of angles, either on paper or on the ground; it is generally the same length as that of the equal parts, and is always di- vided into 180°, the number of degrees which a demicircle con- *ains. From The line of chords is set out by describing from its middle, K, as a centre, with the radius KH, the semicircie HLC, which must be divided into 180 parts or degrees, so that the line of chords shall be the diameter of the demicircle HLC. the point H, the centre of the sectors, place one foot of a pair of compasses, opening them to the first point of the division of the demicircle, and describe an are from thence cutting the line of chords at the first point 10 30 L 100 90 110 80 120 70 130 60 50 10 40 150 \180 170 _130 140 150||160 H 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 740 K C B Fig. 1007. of its division: then from the same centre H, describe an arc from all the other division" of the demicircle cutting the line of chords HC: it will then be found that this line will be divided into 180°, commencing their enumeration from the centre of the sector at H. The ancients worked their trigonometry by means of chords and arcs, which, with the chords of their supplemental arcs and the constant diameter, formed all kinds of right- angled triangles. Beginning with the radius, and the arc whose chord is equal to the radius, they divided them both into sixty equal parts, and estimated all other arcs and chords by those parts; viz. all ares by 60ths of that arc, and all chords by 60ths of its chord or of the radius: this method is as ancient as the writings of Ptolemy, who used the sexagenary arithmetic for this division of chords and arcs. Menelaus, at the commencement of the Christian æra, wrote six books on the chords of arcs, and his system of trigonometry was greatly improved in the following century by Claudius Ptolemæus, who taught astronomy at Alexandria: in the first book of his Almagest he has a table of arcs and chords, with their method of construction; it contains three columns; in the first are the arcs for every half degree, in the second the chords, expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of which degrees the radius contains 60, and in the third column are the differences of the chords, answering to one minute of the arcs, or the thirtieth part of the differences between the chords in the second column. In this table we discover the property of any quadrilateral inscribed within a circle, viz. that the CHAP. VIII. 821 GEOMETRY. rectangle under the two diagonals is equal to the sum of the two rectangles under the opposite sides. This system of computation by chords was changed for that of sines by the Arabians, who improved the science left by the Greek school. The division of the line of solids is drawn below that of the chords, and of the same length. As the line of planes is founded on the knowledge of the equal sides of perfect squares, that of solids is founded on the cube roots of the equal sides of cubes, which are also marked up to 64. The first point of the line of solids is placed opposite the division 50 of the line of equal parts, and is as follows:— 1 opposite 50 1234567 17 opposite 1281 33 opposite 160 49 63 18 1873/ 189 1901/ 191 opposite 183}} 72 19 1341 34 133 35 162 50 184 1632 51 1853/ 79 20 135 36 165 52 1863 85 21 138 37 166 53 91 22 140 38 1681 54 95 23 142 39 169 55 8 100 24 144 40 171 56 9 108 25 146 41 172 57 1923 10 111 26 148 42 174 58 1933 11 114 27 150 43 175 59 194 12 116 28 1517 44 1761 60 195 13 117 29 153 45 178 61 196 14 120 30 1551 46 1791 62 197 15 123 31 157 47 1802 63 1982 16 126 32 1587 48 182 64 200 The division of the line of metals is divided according to the differences in the calibre of the balls, and each metal is distinguished by its particular sign: that of gold the sign is put opposite 146 of the line of equal parts, that of lead 172, that of silver 179, that of copper 1873, that of iron 195, and that of tin 200. A # Fig. 1008. To divide a right line into two or more equal parts by the sector, take its length with a pair of compasses, and carry it to the line of equal parts, then keeping the sector open, carry from the line of equal parts the number which exactly divides it. Supposing it is required to divide the line into five parts, which shall be equal, take its length and set it off on the line of equal parts on the sector at the opening of a number divisible into as many parts as the line is to be divided, viz. it must be remarked, first, what number is divisible by 5, and having observed that 200 is one of those numbers, as 40 is the fifth; place, therefore, the two points of the compasses containing the length of the line to be divided on each point of the 200, which is usually at the extremity of the sector, and keeping it open, then take the distance between the two 40 on the line of equal parts, which distance will be only one-fifth of the length of the line. : To divide a circle by applying a right line as often as is re- quired divide 360 by the number of times it is required to ap- ply the given line, and the quotient thus obtained is so many degrees. Then open the sector and carry the length of the given line to the line of chords, where the figures answer to the number of degrees previously obtained: keep the sector open, and take the opening between the two 60° on the same line of chords: this opening will be a radius to describe a circle, which may be divided by the given line into as many parts as is required, or into five, as shown at CDEFH. To divide a circle into equal parts by the sector, take in your compasses the length of the radius, and carry it to the two 60° on the line of chords; then divide 360 by the number, as already described. For example, it is required to divide the circle ABCDE into five equal parts: take the length of its radius FB, and carry it to the two 60° on the line of chords, opening and shutting the sector, until the two points of the compasses, open to the extent FB, fall exactly on the two 60° of the line of chords. Keeping the sector at this opening, divide 360 by 5, the number of equal parts required: we shall have 72 as the quotient, which must be taken from the line of chords as before; this opening will then precisely divide the circle into five equal parts. H B A Fig. 1009. C F Fig. 1010. A B F B E D C Fig. 1011. 3 G 3 822 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. D A B C Fig. 1012. To draw any angle on a right line. From the point or extremity of the given line describe an arc of any radius, keeping the compasses open; apply it to the sector, opening it until the points fall upon the two 60° of the line of chords: then take the opening on the same line of chords of the degrees of the proposed angle: place one foot of the compasses where the arc touches the given line, and let the other fall on the arc through this point, and that of the extremity of the given line whence the arc is described; draw a right line, and it will be the required angle. As, if it is required to construct at the point A, on the line AB, an angle of 56°, describe from the point A, the arc CD, of any radius: then with the same opening of the compasses carried to the two 60° on the sector, and placed on the line of chords, which must be done by opening the limbs of the sector: then take the distance be- tween the two 56° on the same line, which will be equal to the required angle, and apply it to the arc, when it will touch the point E: then draw a right line through this point from that of A, and the angle BAE will be one of 56°. By the same means the opening of any rectilineal angle may be measured, and its degrees ascertained: great care must be taken always to plumb down the centres of the piquets, as that of CE is found to be at D. A E B D Fig. 1013. When the sector is used for surveying, the larger it is made, the less C liable it will be to error, and too much care cannot be observed in placing the piquet, the centre of which, if planted obliquely in the ground as shown at C, will produce considerable error. E • F An angle in geometry denotes the inclination of one straight line to another, and in this simple acceptation must be less than two right angles; but in trigonometry the term angle has a more extended signification. Let A B be a fixed line and A a given point in it, and suppose A E to revolve in one plane about A; then the whole angular space described by AE in its revolution about A is called an angle, which may therefore in this case be of any magnitude; or if with the centre A and any radius, we describe a circular arc, subtending any angle A CD, this are cannot, according to the geometrical definition of an angle be greater than the semi-circumference of the circle; but according to the trigonometrical definition, the subtending arc may be of any magnitude, consisting of any number of circumferences, or any portion of a circumference. To form and measure angles by the sector : from the point A to form and measure the angle BAC. Place the sector at the station A, the face of the chords being uppermost, and bone by its sights one of the objects as B, and by the other limb the object C, and the angle BAC will be formed. To measure this angle, take in the compasses the distance between the two 60º on the line of chords, and putting one foot in the centre of the sector, let the other fall on line of chords which will be at 65°, which indicates the angle. To measure distances by the sector, by forming a triangle of which the two sides are known as well as the comprised angle: as to find the distance between BC, when the two sides DB and DC, with the comprised angle BDC, are known. Place the sector at D, in order to form and mea- sure the angle BDC, which we will suppose to be 83°: then measure the length of its sides, DB and BC, the first of which is 80 and the second 75 feet; this being done, remove the sector from its stand, and turn the under side uppermost, keeping it open at the angle BDC, 83°. Then place one foot of the compasses on the line of equal parts at the figure 80, the number of feet contained in the side DB, and open the other limb to 75 the number contained in DC: this opening of the compasses, measured from the centre of the scale along the line of equal parts, will give 108 feet for the distance from B to C. B B Fig. 1015. Fig. 1016. 83 D Fig. 1014. C CHAP. VIII. 823 GEOMETRY. The length of the building from I to K may be similarly found, by placing the sector at L, and then measuring the angle ILK, and the length LI and LK. To measure distances with the sector by forming a triangle, two angles of which as well as the adjacent side are known: as to find the distance A B, from the base line A C: construct and mea- sure the angle CAB, 84° from the station A, and the angle A CB, 47°, and the base line 134 feet: then to obtain the other angle, A B C, add together the two known angles, and sub- tract them from 180°, the value of three angles of any triangle, and the remainder, 49°, is the value of the angle ABC. To obtain the length of AB, take in the compasses the length of the side A C, 134 feet, from the centre of the sector along the side of equal parts; then turning the face of the sector, place one limb of the compasses open to 134 at the 98 point on the line of chords, which is twice 49, the value of the inaccessible angle ABC; then leaving the sector open, take from the same line of chords the value of twice the angle opposite the side A B, which will be 94°; this measured on the sector from the centre along the line of equal parts gives 129 feet for the side A B. The side CB may also be found by taking twice the angle CAB, 168°, instead of twice the angle ACB, and following out the same method. When angles are greater than 124, its double not being contained on the line of chords, we must, to find this double, subtract 124 from 180, the remainder, 551, doubled will give 111 for the double required. To measure distances with a sector when the objects are inaccessible, as that of the side AB: select two stations at pleasure, as C and D, 42 feet apart, or any other distance. From the station C, form and measure with the sector the angle DCB, which in this case we will suppose to be 4010, and then the angle DCA, 7610 from the station D form and measure the angle CDA, 7610 and the angle CDB, 12410. These three angles, with the distance between the stations C and D, form several triangles which may be done by the preceding rules, and it will be found that the side CA is 91 feet long, and the side DA also the same di- mension. The same rules apply to the other triangles, and the sides CB and DB may be found; and lastly the triangle DAB may be found, the side ĎA 91 feet, DB 108 feet, and the angle ADB 48°; then following the principle which has been previously explained, viz. the method of measuring by the sector the distances formed by a triangle of which we know the length of two sides, and the angle comprised by them, it will be seen that the length AB is 84 feet. Fig. 1017. B 47 134 84 A C Fig. 1018. A B Fig. 1019. D To obtain heights or distances by means of trigonometry, it is only necessary that the length of one line should be ascertained by measurement, the magnitude of the angles being taken by observation; the sector, as well as the other instruments, are graduated with great precision, but all observations require 3 G 4 824 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. correction by other methods, which do not depend upon the accuracy of the instrument nor the mechanical skill; one of the most important is the principle of repetition, by which any error in the graduation, and in reading off the number of degrees, to which a single observation is liable, is divided among many repeated observations, so that by a sufficient number of repetitions the required angle can be accurately obtained, or nearly so: another method for correcting erroneous graduation and reading off, consists in taking the mean of several readings upon different parts of the instrument. To find by the sector the three angles of a triangle, when the three sides are known. Take in the compasses from the centre of the line of equal parts the length of the side opposite to the angle to be ascertained, and carry this opening to the same equal parts, and open the sector in such a manner that each foot of the compasses answers to the two other known sides. Keep the sector at this opening, and turn it over; take in the compasses the distance between the 60° on the line of chords, which being mea- sured from the centre of the same line will give the required angle. B Fig. 1020. By the In the triangle ABC the three sides of which are known, viz. A B 10 feet, BC 7, and CA 13 feet, it is required to know the angle ABC. The side CA opposite the required angle being 13, take in the compasses the distance between the centre of A the sector and the 13 point in the line of equal parts. Apply this length to the sector, opening and shutting it until each foot of the compasses (open to the 13 parts) answers precisely to 10 feet of AB and the 7 of B C: keep the sector at this opening, and turn it over, taking in the compasses the distance between the two 60º on the line of chords; place one foot in the centre of the sector, and the other leg falling on the same line of chords will indicate 98° 31′ for the angle ABC. same process it will be found that the angle BCA is 49° 15′ and CA B 32° 14′. To measure with the sector heights whose feet are ac- cessible. The height of the line AB, whose foot B is accessible, is found by taking a station at any distance, as at F, 40 feet, and planting the sector there, mounted on its foot, with its line of chords or visual ray parallel with the horizon. Then lift the other limb of the sector, until the top on the point B is discovered through its sights: this will give 23° for the angle DCB, and as the visual ray cuts the line AB in a right angle at the point D, a triangle will be formed of which two angles and the adjacent sides are known, viz. the angle DCB, 23°, the angle CDB, 90°, with the adjacent side DC 40 feet. The angle CD B will be found by taking the known angle DCB 23° from 90°; the remainder, 67°, will be the unknown angle CBD. To have the side DB, take in the com- passes from the centre of the sector, and along the line of equal parts, the value of the known side DC, 40 feet, and carry this to twice the angle CBD, 67134 on the line of chords. Take in the com- passes on the same line twice the angle which is op- posite to the required side BD, which will be 46, the angle DCB being 23, and keeping this opening, turn the sector to measure it on the line of equal parts, which will give 16 for the number of feet from D to B, to which sum the height of the sector EC must be added for the whole height of the line A B. D C A E Fig. 1021. G B Fig. 1022. F In like manner, by placing the sector at B, the height F G may be ascertained. The sector is still much employed in France, where it is called the compass of proportion: its principle depends upon the fourth proposition of Euclid's sixth book, in which it is shown that equiangular triangles have their homologous sides proportionals. The scales now put upon sectors are divided into single and double; the former has a line with inches divided into eighths or tenths, a second into decimals containing 100 parts, a third into chords, on a fourth are sines, on a fifth tangents, on a sixth rhumbs, on a seventh and eighth latitudes and hours, &c. &c. The double scale contains a line of lines, a line of chords, another of sines, a fourth of tangents to 45°, a fifth of secants, a sixth of tangents above 45°, and a seventh of polygons. The single scales may be used when the sector is either open or shut, but the double require it to be opened. CHAP. VIII. 825 GEOMETRY. To measure with the sector inaccessible heights, as that of the line A B. B G Place two piquets or stations, as at CD, in a right line with the inaccessible line AB: measure the distance between the stations C and D, which is 72 feet. Place the sector at these stations, mounted on its foot, to form and measure the acute angle BCD 29°, and the obtuse angle CDB 130°, with the adjacent side DC, 72 feet. To find the sides BC and BD, follow the previous rule, and the unknown angle ABC will be 21°, the side BC 153 feet, and BD 97. To get the height GB and afterwards the whole height AB, observe the triangle DB G, in which the angles GDB and BDG are required: we shall have the first, GDB, by subtracting from 180° the angle CD B, 130°; the remainder 50° will be the value of the angle GDB, and if from 90° we subtract this 50, we shall have 40° for the angle D BG. In the triangle DBG, find the two angles G D B 50°, and D B G 40°, with the adjacent side DB 97 feet. The length GB is known, by the method before cited for measuring distances by means of a triangle, where two angles and the adjacent sides are known, and it will be found that the height G B is 74 feet, to which add 5 feet for the height of the sector, it will be found that the height A B is 79 feet. Fig. 1023. A F E D ரு D Of the Astrolabe and its application. This instrument is of wood or brass, and consists of a round plane, a foot or 18 inches in diameter, having two faces, one of which is sunk and called the sea, the other the altimetric scale; it is an ancient invention, and is said to have been in use as early as the days of Ptolemy. The sunk face of the astrolabe contains several lines or bands of metal; the first has engraved on it several stars, and on the others are circles of azimuth, &c. for different elevations of the pole, serving to examine and ascertain the motions of the stars. On the other face, C which is used by geometricians, and which comes more under our notice, are several graduated circles, serving to take the heights of various objects above the horizon. These circles are divided into four equal parts by the two diameters A B and CD, of which A B, descending from the ring of the in- strument, represents vertical lines, and the diameter CD, which cuts A B at a right an- gle in the point E, represents the horizon or the level of sea or land. Below the horizontal line CD is an oblong figure FGHI, which is called the altimetric scale, and is composed of two geometric squares, each having two of their sides divided into twelve equal parts. We count from the horizontal line CD, or from the points F and G, the divisions on the sides FI and GH, on which versed shadow is written, and those on the other two sides which compose the long side IH, on which right shadow is written, from right to left of the vertical line A B. Fig. 1024. B At the centre of the astrolabe is an alhidade fitted with sights, and at the vertical point A of the instrument a ring passes through a movable socket, which serves to suspend the astrolabe in a vertical position. Plant Measuring distances with the astrolabe, when only one of the objects is accessible: as the distance from the station M to the inaccessible point N, its edge being level with the ground at M. the staff M O, about 5 feet in length, perpendicular at the station M, and divide it into twelve equal parts, without comprising the portion which is planted in the earth. Then, holding the astrolabe by its ring, raise or lower it until in the same visual ray, when looking from the top of the staff O, through the sights of the alhidade, the point N is discovered. Observe then at what point of the altimetric scale the alhidade is standing, as at the third point of the side GH, versed shadow. Then M. Fig. 1025. 826 Book Il. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. divide 12, the number of parts into which the staff MO is graduated, by 3, the division of the altimetric scale on which is the alhidade: the quotient will give 4, for the number of times that the staff MO would measure in the length MN, and as this staff is 5 feet out of ground, the distance MN will be 20 feet. When a great length is to be measured, the observer must be mounted at a considerable height, as the astrolabe can only measure twelve times the length of the staff added to the height on which it is mounted. The width of the river from P to R may be ascer- tained by placing the observer at S, which we will suppose to be 12 feet above the level of the water; then suspending the astrolabe, raise or lower its alhidade until the point R is seen; remark at what point of the scale the alhidade stands, as in this case it is found at 1: divide the height 12 by 1, and the quotient will be 12, which denotes that PR contains 12 times the height of PS, or 144, which is the width PR. Fig. 1026. Measuring Heights, whose foot is accessible with the astrolabe, as the height KL. Then L Place the alhidade of the astrolabe in such a position that the line of the alhidade which answers to the visual ray of the two sights shall be exactly in one of the right angles of the alti- metric scale, which is found by one of the versed shadows and one of the right shadows. suspend the astrolabe from a staff, and holding it in the hand, look at the point L from the end of another staff, through the sights of the alhidade, moving the staff nearer or farther from the line KL, until the point N is seen: lay the staff N, down on the ground in a right line with KN, as at NV, the length VK will be precisely the height of KL. Measuring inaccessible Heights with the Astrolabe. It may happen that in taking up the two dif- ferent stations for measuring inaccessible heights, the.alhidade, which serves to guide the sight, may in the same operation fall in four different ways on the sides of the altimetric scale, viz.: when in two stations the alhidade is on the same side as the versed shadow; then observe at the first station, which is generally the nearest to the object, at what point on the side versed shadow the alhidade stands; with this number divide 12, and write down the quotient separately: remark at the second station B at what point on the same side versed shadow the alhidade stands, and with this number divide 12 again, and subtract this from the first, or vice versâ if it is greater, and with the re- mainder divide the number of feet between the stations, and the quotient will give the height required by adding that of the staff to it. M N Fig. 1027. K Secondly. When the alhidade at the first station stands at the point 12, or the angle in which the right shadow and the versed shadow meet, and at the second station on the side versed shadow; then remark the number at which the alhidade stands on the side versed shadow at the second station, and with this number multiply the distance between the two stations, and divide this product by the remainder of the points which the alhidade makes on the side versed shadow, to make 12 of the division; this quotient added to the height of the staff will give the required height. Thirdly. When the alhidade stands at the first station on the right shadow, and at the second on the versed shadow; then divide 12 by the number to which the alhidade points at each station, subtract the quotients from each other, the remainder will mark that the distance to be known is as many times greater as there are parts to be added to the remainder, besides the height of the staff. Fourthly. When the alhidade stands on the ombra at both stations, divide 12 by the number at which the alhidade stands at both stations, and subtract one from the other; CHAP. VIII. 827 GEOMETRY. multiply the distance between the two stations by 12, and divide this product by the remainder from the subtraction of the two quotients; the quotient of this last division added to the height of the staff gives the required height. For measuring inaccessible Heights with an Astrolabe, as that of AB, select two stations as C and D), distant from each other in this case 36 feet; suspend the astrolabe at the station C, look at the point A through the sights, and observe at what point on the altimetric scale the alhidade stands, as at the 6 point on the versed shadow. Perform a similar operation at the station D, that is to say, ob- serve the point A through the sight of the alhidade, noting at what point it stands, as at the third point of the versed shadow, which shows that the first of the preceding observations must be Fig. 1028. C D followed; divide 12 by 6, the number of divisions which the alhidade indicated on the versed shadow at the first station, and the quotient will give 2: then divide 12 by 3, the number indicated by the alhidade on the side versed shadow of the second station, the quotient will give 4; subtract these two quotients from each other, as 4—2—2, with which divide the number of feet distant between the stations C, D, 36, which leaves 18 to be added to the height of the staff 5, making 23 feet for the required height, A B. A Or if it is required to measure the height AB, in another case, choose the two stations. C and D, which here are 27 feet apart; then suspend the astrolabe at the station C: by the staff and by the sights of the alhidade bone the point A, and mark where the alhidade stands on the altimetric scale, which at the first station will be at the right angle figure 12, where the right and the versed shadows meet: suspend the astrolabe at the second station, and bone the line A through the alhidade, remarking where it stands on the altimetric scale, as at the 8 point in the versed shadow, in which case which case we must, to finish the operation, employ the second of the previous general rules therefore, multiply the distance between the two stations C and D, which is 27 feet, by the number of the side versed shadow at which the alhidade stood, viz. 8 × 271=220÷4, the number of points necessary to make up 12=55+ 5, the height of the staff, and we have 60 feet for the required height AB, which is found without approaching the line. B Fig. 1029. Another method to find the height PR may be described, which is an example coming under the third system. Take a station at any point S, and having planted the staff per- pendicularly, suspend the astrolabe from the left hand, elevating or depressing it until the point R is seen from the top of the staff, and by looking through the sights of the alhidades: observe at what point on the altimetric scale the alhidade stands, as at the 4th point of the right shadow, then, according to the third rule, we have 12÷4=3; then retire in a straight line to the station S, and plant the staff perpendicular to, and on a level with the point P, suspending the astrolabe also, until the point R is seen, by looking along the staff T, and through the sights of alhidade: after having observed where the alhidade stands, as at 10 on the versed shadow, this number 10 will serve to divide 12, the number of parts on the staff T; the quotient will be 1, which subtracted from 3, the quotient of the first division, there remains 2; this number 2 denotes that the height RP is twice as great as the distance between the station S and T; that is to say, if the distance ST is 8 feet, the height from P to R will be 16+5, when the height of the staff is added: if the difference had been 1 only, then the distance between the two stations with the height of the staff would be equal to the required height. Lastly, if the difference P Fig. 1030. C D S R 828 BOOK 11 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. were 3, we must triple the distance between the two stations in order to have a sum, to which the length of the staff must be added, to obtain the required height. N To illustrate the fourth remark, select the two stations R and S, in order that the height from M to N may be obtained; these stations are 40 feet distant from each other: at the station R suspend the astrolabe; bone through the sights of the alhidade the point N, and observe at what divi- sion, and on what side of the altimetric scale, the alhi- dade is, as at the third point of the side right shadow; suspend then the astrolabe at the second station S, and bone the point N through the alhidade, and having observed that it stands at the 10 point of the right shadow, adopt the fourth rule, previously given; ac- cordingly divide 12 by 34-3, being the number of points on the side right shadow indicated by the alhidade at station R: divide 12 by 10, the num- ber indicated on the side right shadow of the alti- metric scale at the second station S; the quotient 1, rejecting the remainder of this division, which is of little account, must be subtracted from the first quotient 4, and 3 remains: then multiply 40 feet, the distance between the two stations by 12, in order to divide the product 480 by 8, the remainder from the subtraction of the two quotients; the quotient of this last division will give 160 feet, to which add 5 feet, the height of the staff, which gives 165 feet for the total height of the line VN; if then we subtract the height from the ground to the point M, viz. V to M, we shall obtain the height MN. S S Fig. 1031. R V M M Measuring Depths by the Astrolabe. Required the depth of a well, as from PM to ON: first measure the opening of the mouth PM, which is 34 inches; then suspend the astro- labe, disposing it in such a manner that the vertical line AB of the altimetric scale, which divides the right shadow into two equal parts, shall be plumb or on the same line with the wall of the well PO: then turn the alhidade of the astrolabe until the bottom of the well N is seen through the sights of the alhidade: remark at what point on the right shadow the alhidade stands; if on the 4th point, as in this case, the depth MN is half the number 12, which is half the division of the long square; therefore, if the diameter of the well MP is 34 inches, the depth MN will be 102 inches, and if we subtract 6 inches for the height of the astrolabe, there will remain 96 inches for the depth of the well. If the alhidade fell on the 6th point of the right shadow instead of on the 4th, the depth of the well would only be twice the diameter of the mouth: if on the point 12, where the right and versed shadow makes a right angle, the depth would be precisely equal to the diameter of the well: if on the 1st point of the right shadow, the depth of the well would be twelve times the diameter of the mouth, and so on with the other points, taking their relation to the number 12. Measuring Heights or Depths with the Astrolabe, when the station is either above or below, as to get the height OP. We must so place ourselves at R that we can see the point 0; and at R suspend the astrolabe in such a manner that the line AB shall be perpendicular to the horizon; then turn the alhidade until by means of its sights we discover the point 0; observe then where the alhidade stands on the right shadow at the 2 point, counting from the vertical line A B, which indicates that the depth or height OP will be six times greater than the distance RP, because 2 is the sixth of 12, the division of the side of the square used in this operation. Therefore if we measure the distance RP, and find it 12 feet, we shall have to multiply 12 by 6, and the product 72 feet will be the height of OP. N Fig. 1032. R P Fig. 1033. CRAP, VIII. 829 GEOMETRY. A O B E Of the Compass and the Magnetic Needle. This is usually made of brass or wood in the shape of a small circular box, about 4 or 5 inches in diameter, mounted in a square mahogany case, as shown at GHKI. Each side is divided, and a line drawn across it at right angles; at C, the centre, several circles are described, the outer one divided into 360 degrees; in the centre is suspended the needle; on the top are two sights, through which the observations are to be taken; the box is covered with glass set in a brass rim, the margin of which is divided into 360 degrees. The compass when used is attached by a joint, which enables it to be moved in any direction on the stand provided for it; a ball and socket is usually found to be the most convenient for the purpose. D Fig. 1034. G F 'The mariner's compass has a circular card attached to its needle, which turns with it, on the circumference of which are marked the degrees, and also the thirty-two points or rhumbs likewise divided into half and quarter points. The pivot rises from the centre of the bottom of a circular box, called the compass-box, which contains the needle and its card, and is covered with a glass top to prevent the needle from being disturbed by the agitation of the air. The notation is marked out by dividing the circumference into four quadrants by two diameters at right angles, the extremities of which are the four cardinal points marked N, S, E, W. Bisecting each of the quadrants, the several points of bisection are denoted by placing the two letters at the extremity of the quadrant in juxtaposition; thus NE denotes the point which is half way between north and east, and so with NW, SE, SW. Let the octants next be bisected, the points of division are denoted by prefixing to each of the above combinations, first the one and then the other of the two cardinal points of which it is formed. Thus NE gives NNE and ENE, and so with the others: sixteen points having thus been A B G Fig. 1035. H E N N M. W C E W S C K H B LUG ¡. Fig. 1036. C E K Fig. 1037. fixed, their distances are to be bisected, and each of the points so found is expressed by that one of the preceding points already named to which it is nearest, followed by the name of the cardinal point towards which its departure from the nearest points leads it, the two being separated by the little letter b; thus the point half-way between N and NNE is NhĚ, that which is half-way between NNE and NE is NEbN: the whole of the thirty-two points are thus established. The variation of the needle is its deviation from the north; and to find the true meridian of a place by the sun, we may fix a piquet upon a horizontal plane, either perpendicular or inclined, as that at AB, with a plumb attached, as BC: from the point C, which is found by the plumb, and with the radius at which the point of the shadow D finishes before noon, describe the arc DF; then in the afternoon observe where the shadow touches the arc a second time, as at F, and draw the line DF; bisect this line, and raise the perpendicular CG, and this line will be the meridian. By placing the compass at I and K, its variation may then be observed from the true meridian. H B D A Fig. 1038. G I K 830 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IJ. The meridian may also be found by the plane table, as that shown at MLON; describe on it the arc of a circle MPO, and sink it to the depth of an inch, and then within it describe another arc, as Z, parallel with the first at L, place a small piquet or staff. Place this plane table on a level plane about nine o'clock in the morning, as is done at X, so that it stands on its side NO; and having OL towards the sun, turn it until the extremity of the staff at L casts its shadow on the circle at Z, and then mark on the ground the line RX; and after some space of time, observe another point where it cuts the circle: at three o'clock place the plane table on its side NO, with OL towards the sun, taking care that one corner of the plane table touches the line RX, as at the point R; and observe as before where the shadow of the staff touches the circle Z, and having remarked this point, draw along the foot of the plane table the line RS; from the point of intersection, R, describe the arc X S, which bisected in T will be the meridian required. M Q Z N Fig. 1039. S T Fig. 1040. X R I The dip of the needle is subject to variations, to account for which numerous hypotheses have been suggested. Halley once supposed the earth a great magnet, with four poles or points of attraction, two being near each pole; but on reflecting that no magnet was known to possess more than two poles, he abandoned that idea, and imagined the earth to consist of an external shell, which contained the magnetic power, having its two fixed poles distant from the poles of rotation, and an inner globe separated from the outer crust by a fluid, also having two poles, and the same axis of diurnal rotation as the shell. The general opinion now is, that the magnetism of the earth is owing to its temperature; that the globe itself is a great magnet, and the intensity of its magnetism at any point is inversely as the temperature of that point. Those who are desirous of making accurate observations upon the variations to which the needle is subject must have recourse to one of the instruments made expressly for the purpose, as Colonel Beaufoy's variation instrument, so generally employed in his numerous magnetical experiments, or Dolland's dipping needle remarkable for its simple construction, and the adaptation of adjustable agate planes, on which the pivots of the needle rest: for the purpose of proving whether these planes are horizontal, there is a contrivance on the under side, by which their level can be truly ascertained. Ꮀ A vessel constructed of iron having caused considerable disturbance of the needle, a number of experiments were undertaken by Mr. Barlow of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, who found that the attracting power of iron is not resident in the mass, but on the surface; so that a hollow shell of about four pounds weight acts as strongly on the needle, at the same distance, as a solid iron ball of 200 pounds; this being established, it occurred at once that a thin iron plate of five or six pounds weight might be made to represent and counteract the whole amount of the attraction of the vessel, and thereby leave the needle perfectly undisturbed; the action of the ship and that of the plate, as regards their effect on the needle, neutralising each other; upon this principle Barlow's correcting plate is made, which, mounted on a tripod stand or fixed pedestal, determines the variation of the compass in a ship, as dependent upon the local attraction of the vessel. Maps drawn by the Compass. The instrument used for this pur- pose has its rim divided into 360 degrees, and against one of its sides parallel to the meridian is a movable rule or alhidade, the upper edge of which is furnished with a groove to bone the objects either vertically or otherwise, without disturbing the horizontal position of the compass. When a map is to be laid down, two stations are se- lected from whence the whole of the country can be seen: place the compass, for instance, at the point A, and turn it in such a manner that it points north, and that by boning along the alhidade the point B is seen; remark then how much the needle declines from the meridian of the compass: turn the north side of the compass towards the next object to be boned, as C, remarking the degrees indicated, as 22° W.; write this down on the side of the visual ray, and proceed with the other. angles of the position, as that of D, which is 7° W.: then place the compass at the second station B, in such a manner that the north side is towards D, and observe the degrees which are indicated by the needle, as 15° W.; figure this down against the visual ray, from B to D: then turning the north side of the D Fig. 1041. E CHAP. VIII. 831 GEOMETRY. compass, bone its position through the sights of alhidade, and remarking that the needle indicated 45° W., write this against the visual ray. Draw out the map, tracing a line AB, on the paper, and set out upon it 1600 feet, the distance measured from A to B; against the line A B, used as the base, place the side of the alhidade of the com- pass, and turn the sheet of paper, keeping the compass against the side AB, until the needle points at the same degree as when boning to A: without removing the paper, observe what is the degree of the ray to C, and having found it to be 22° W., place the side of the alhidade against the side A, and turning the compass, with the side of the alhidade always against the point A, and the paper un- moved until the needle makes 22° W., as found from the point A to C, draw a right line along the side of the albidade of the compass, which must also be done for the other positions as 7° W., for the point D: then observe, where the station B is marked, what is the degree on the line which goes towards C, and having found it 45° W., place the side of the alhidade on the sheet of paper at the point B, the extremity of the line AB; and doing the same at the point B, we shall have second rays which will cut the first in several points, and give the positions of the places to be set down on the map. The compass is also used to mark the meridian on maps; this is done by placing against the line drawn from one plane to another, as from A to B, one of the sides of the compass, and then observing the place where the needle points, and marking its direction, as KL; this is afterwards again proved by placing the box against this second line, and finally drawing E F parallel to it. The compass should be extremely susceptible and possess- ing an intensity of directive force; the first of these is ob- tained by constructing the needle of the material and form best suited to receive and retain the magnetic power. Shear steel has been found best adapted to receive the greatest amount of magnetic force, and the best form is that of a lozenge or rhomboid cut out in the middle, so as to diminish the extent of surface in proportion to the mass, it being as- certained that the directive force of the needle when mag- netised to saturation depends not on the extent of surface, but on the mass. A H N E L Fig. 1043. В 32 A Fig. 1042. N B K To measure Angles with a Compass, attach a long rule to its north side, and present it against one of the sides of the angles to be measured, and observe how many degrees the north point of the needle declines from the north point of the compass, beginning to count these degrees from the smallest arc there is from the north point of the card, to the degree where the north point of the needle stops, in order to figure on one side the degree of declination, supposing that the north point of the needle does not coincide with the north point of the compass: then present the same side of the compass to the other side of the angle, and count from the smallest arc how much the north point of the needle is distant from the north point of the card; subtract the degrees from each other, and the remainder from 180°, and this remainder will be the angle required. As in the salient angle BAC, apply the long side marked north of the compass to the side AB, and observe how many degrees the north point of the needle declines from the north point of the card; and since they coincide, it is a proof there is no declination; write therefore, north to the side AB: then apply the same side of the compass to the other side A C, to count how much the north point of the needle declines from the north point of the card, as 90°, write down AC 90° above mark north, in order to subtract this from 90°, which being subtracted from 180° still leaves 90° for the angle BAC. But if the angle required was CDA, when the nort! point of the needle is 36° from the north point of the card, having placed the north side of the compass against the other side DB, it will be seen that the declination of the needle would be 92°; subtract the 36° from 920, there will remain 56°, which being sub- tracted from 180° leaves 124° for the angle CDB. B Fig. 1044. D C Z A B 852 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To make Surveys under Ground, as in Mines, with the Compass. Supposing it required to make an opening at A, and after a shaft has been sunk to the required depth, to cut a road in the mine which shall continue in the direction of and terminate at a point directly under B: we must place ourselves above the opening A, as at C, and then measure in a right line the distance from A to B, which in this case is 28 feet; then place the north side of the compass at the point C, on the line CB, and observe at what degree the needle points, as to the 7° E. of N., and figure this down: then having removed the compass, draw on the ground at the point C, and on the line CB, the perpendicular C G, and lay a staff along this line CG, which carries at its salient extremity a plumb-line, to mark the point H on the ground at A, and also several others, as IK, &c., drawing back the rod on the line CG; take care to observe how much the rod was advanced from the point C, where it marked the point H, as 9 feet: then from the entrance A, draw a right line through the points H, I, K, measuring back 9 feet from H, which will give the point R, answering to the point C above ground: place the side of the compass marked north at the point R, and turn the compass till the needle stops 70 E. of N., which being remarked, draw a line along the north side as RS, in order to dig according to this line from the point R 28 feet, which will coincide with the point B; but should it not be practicable to continue in a straight line on account of the hardness of the rock, or for some other cause, several detours at right angles may be made to the right and left, as shown at O, P, &c., taking care that the number of small detours, P, compensate for the detour O, to find again at V the right line RS. It is by the aid of geometry that the miner studies the situation of the mineral deposits on the surface and in the interior of the ground: he also determines the several relations of the veins and rocks, and becomes capable of directing all the operations which are to be performed. Wherever iron does not interfere with the mag- netic needle, the compass is employed to measure the direction of a metallic vein, and its graduated circle serves to notice the in- clination or dip, which is called the clinometer. The distance from one point to another is mea- sured with a staff or chain; for some surveys the dials of the compasses are graduated into hours, generally twice twelve; thus the whole limb is divided into 24 spaces, each of which contains fifteen degrees or one hour, which is subdivided into eight parts. R C K Fig. 1045. I G S 1 A H L N M L G C D T HALJALFAMETUM/FLOTMINE K B B The Jacob's Staff, an instrument used by geo- metricians to measure distances and heights, is a long rod or square staff with a cross, as shown at DE; it is usually made of the wood of the wild cherry, pear tree, or ebony, these three trees having fewer knots or veins, which allows the cur- sor to move freely up and down the rod : the rod itself is divided usually into four equal parts, as at M, or five as at L, and is commonly 3 or 4 feet in length: the cursor has a square bole made in the middle, and is allowed to have but little play; it is provided with a small screw to keep it at any required point. In order to measure distances, it should be in. H Fig. 1046. CHAP. VIII. 833 GEOMETRY length equal to one of the parts the rod is divided into, and when we wish to measure a height, we must add half the thickness of the rod to the extremity of half the cursor which is used to take the height. In order to bone more easily along the rod of Jacob's staff, four small holes are pierced aside the hole in the cursor, as shown at K; this instrument when used is mounted on a stand fixed to the ground. To measure the Distance between two Objects one of which is accessible. Place the cursor on the second division of Jacob's staff, fix a piquet on the ground near the accessible object, and place the end of the rod near the piquet; bone along it until you discover a point of the inaccessible object, and bone with the extremities of the cursor two other points, one to the right, the other to the left of the inaccessible object, and in the same line with the first inaccessible point: run the cursor to the third division of the staff, and retire in a right line from the first station, and from the first inaccessible point, in such a manner that by boning along the rod you can discover the piquet and the point in the inac- cessiblę object, and also the two points to the right and left of the inaccessible point by boning along the ex- tremities of the cursor; the distance between the latter station and the piquet at the inaccessible object will be half the distance between the two objects. The breadth of a river may be found by placing the cursor on the second division of the rod or staff, as at H, and then placing a piquet at A, against which the end, M, of Jacob's staff, is required to bone; which is done by placing it in such a manner that by looking along the staff MN, you can see the point B, and also the two points E and F by the extremities C and D of the cursor: run the cursor on the third point of the rod, as to G, and retire in a right line from the accessible object A, until by boning along the staff M N, and by the extremities of its cursor CD, you discover the inaccessible point B, and also the two others E and F: the distance KA, being doubled, will give the breadth of the river from à to B, that is to say, if it is 30 feet from K to A, it will be 60 feet from A to B. Fig. 1047. L H N M N C' M N K M To measure Distances between two inaccessible Objects. Fix the cursor on the second division of the staff, and place yourself about midway between the two objects which are inaccessible, bone along the staff, and by the two extremities of the cursor, which should be placed in a direction parallel to the line between the two objects, until you discover the two inaccessible objects by the visual rays; plant a piquet at the place where the observation was made: then run the cursor on the third division of the staff, and retire from the first station, boning by the staff and by two extremities of the cursor until you discover by the visual rays the inaccessible objects; the distance between the stations will be equal to that between the objects. As, for instance, it is required to as- certain the distance from A to B: run the cursor on the third division of the staff M N as to H; then being at about an equal distance from both objects, bone by the staff MN and by the two extremities of the cursor, CD, which is parallel with the line AB, the two objects A and B; that is to say, you must discover by the visual ray MC the object A, and by the ray MD the object B, which will be the case when you are at L, where you must place a piquet for the first station, Then run the cursor CD on the third division of the staff MN, as to G, and retiring from the piquet or station Fig. 1048. ( D K 3 H 894 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. L, bone the piquet L and the inaccessible objects A and B, as was done at the first station, which being observed at the station K, plant there a piquet for the second station. The distance between these two stations or piquets L, K, will be equal to that between the inac- cessible objects A, B; that is to say, if it be 180 feet from L to K, it will be 180 feet from A to B. To measure accessible as well as inaccessible Heights. Place the cursor on the second grand division of the staff, holding the staff horizontal with the cursor perpendicular to the horizon; advance to or retire from the ob- MD D N H C B ject whose height is required, until by boning along the staff and the two ex- tremities of the cursor the foot and the summit are discovered at the same time, which when observed, plant a piquet at the station of the same height as the staff is held. Then run the cursor on the third great division of the staff, and advance or retire from the piquet until at the same time the foot and the summit of the object are discovered, remembering to keep the staff horizontal, as at the first station, and bone by the two extremities of the cursor; then plant a piquet at this station: the distance between the two piquets will be that between the objects. K Fig. 1049. The height of an object, A B, being required, fix the cursor at the second division of the staff MN, as at H; then holding the staff horizontal, bone from its extremity M along the two extremities C and D of the cursor, until the foot A and the summit B are seen, which will be the case at L, where a piquet must be planted, of the height the staff M N is held. Run the cursor CD to the third great division of the staff, as at G; then ap- proaching or retiring from the piquet L, holding the staff horizontal, and at the height of the piquet L, bone from the end of the staff M, by the two extremities C and D of the cursor, until the foot A and the summit B are seen, which will be at the station K, where a piquet must be planted for the second station. Then, measure in a right line the distance between the two piquets K, L, which will be the height required; that is to say, if the distance KL is 80 feet, the height AB will be 80 feet: small heights can only be measured by this means, as the instrument must be placed opposite the middle of the height required. B L A To measure Lengths when they are accessible about midway.—Stand opposite the middle of the required length, and dispose the staff and cursor parallel to the horizon; bone the two objects by this end of the staff and the two extremities of the cursor, which should be placed parallel to the distance be- tween the two objects; this may be done by moving the cursor nearer to or further from the eye: count how many small divisions there are on the rod between the end of the staff boned and the place where the. cursor stopped; measure how far it is from the station whence the two objects were boned to the middle of the line drawn between them: by the rule of three place as a first term the number of small parts at which the cursor stopped on the rod; in the second term the number of feet from the station to the middle of the dis- tance between the objects; and in the third, 30 for the length of the cursor: the quotient will be the answer. The distance from A to B is required, which to obtain we must place ourselves at the station K, oppo- site the middle of the distance between A and B, and dispose the staff in such a way that the rod and cursor may be parallel to the horizon, in order that, when boning from the end of the cursor C and D, the two objects A and B may be discovered, either by advancing or retiring the cursor back, as to the 60 division. Then measure how far it is from the station K to the point L, which is the middle between the two objects A and B, or 450 feet. Then by the rule of three, placing as a first term 60, the number at which the cursor stands, and in the second term 450, the number of feet from the station K to the middle L, between the two objects Fig. 1050. C K D M CHAP. VIII. 835 GEOMETRY. A and B, and in the third term 30, the length of the cursor; the quotient gives 225, the number of feet from A to B. To measure Heights by Jacob's Staff and Arithmetic. In this case its rod is placed parallel, and its cursor perpendicular to the horizon; then boning from the end of the rod by the elevated end of the cursor, the summit of the height to be found, which is done by moving the cursor nearer to or farther from the eye, and remarking the number of small divisions on the rod, comprised between the end boned and the place where the cursor stops; then measure the distance from the station to the foot of the required height; put for a first term the number of small divisions at which the cursor stands; for the second the distance in feet from the station; and for the third term half the length of the cursor, the quotient will be the height sought. A B Fig. 1051. M C The height A B is required. The staff MN is to be first placed parallel with the horizon, and CD perpendicular to it; in order that by boning from the end M, by the elevated arm D of the cursor, the point B may be seen. Count how many divisions there are on the rod between M and the cursor D, as 45; then measure the distance on the ground to A, which here is 600 feet; then 45: 600 :: 15: 200, to which quotient must be added the height of the stand, to obtain the height of the tower A B, 15 being half the length of the cursor CD. The Plane Table, and the method used for measuring heights and distances, &c. with it. This instrument is of great antiquity, and was clearly in use when Vitruvius compiled his book; it is usually made of a plate of brass, either of a round or square form, on which is placed a sheet of paper to draw the lines necessary to form plans or maps, as well as to obtain the distance between ob- jects. The plane table A for mapping is of brass, 10 or 12 inches in diameter, and on its edge is a circle B, capable of containing six sheets of paper, and having a diameter sufficient for measuring the 360 degrees. In the centre at C a point is placed, the upper part of which is sunk to receive a screw. On the centre is placed a brass alhidade, FG, which fits into the hole C, and which is furnished with a telescope. The plane table is often used for forming a sketch map, and for filling up the details of a survey, where the principal points have already been fixed by the theodolite, but observations made with it cannot be relied upon where great accuracy is demanded: in many plane tables the divisions into 360 degrees is dispensed with, and the reverse face of the frame is divided into equal parts, as inches and tenths, which are very con- venient for ruling parallel lines, setting out squares and other purposes. On one side is screwed a compass-box, with a magnetic needle to indicate the bearings, and to enable the engineer to place the instrument at any new station parallel to its former position. The brass rule or index with a sloping edge and perpendicular sight vanes at each ex- tremity is all that is required to complete the apparatus. H A E F G Fig. 1052. Ꭱ Fig. 1053. i M K The modern plane table is commonly made of wood in order that pins may be readily fixed in it its size for taking distances is about 2 feet in length, and 18 inches in width, and about 1 inch in thickness; its station line being only 6 inches When used a rule LM is placed on its edge to serve for the sights, and we require a stand to place the table on, some piquets, pins, and a chain to measure distances with: a sheet of paper is then 3 H 2 836 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. placed on the plane table, folding down the edges, which are secured either with mathematical pins or by paste; sometimes the plane table is sunk, and by means of a frame the paper is kept flat. When the paper is laid over the table T, the frame V passes over it, and keeps it perfectly stretched and in its place. To take the Distance between two Objects, as A and B, which are each accessible from one to the other, the plane table is placed at any point, as C, opposite the middle of the two objects: draw a scale near one of the long sides of the table, and fix a pin, D, at about an inch from this scale within the table, where the station line generally is; then turn the plane table in such a manner that one of its sides shall be nearly parallel to the two objects A and B : place against the pin D the side of a rule which may be moved in such a manner that when boning along the face of this rule from the pin D, the visual ray may cut the point A draw on the paper from the pin D along the side of the rule the line DE: then shift the rule to the other side of the pin, and in a similar manner draw the line DF: measure how far it is from the station C to the object A, as 64 feet, and take from the scale G 64 parts, and set them off on the line D E from D to H, to answer to the 64 feet from the station C to the ob- ject A likewise take 66 parts from the scale G, and set them off on the line D F from D to I, to answer to the 66 feet from D to B: draw the line HI, which being measured by the scale G, will give 51 parts for the number of feet from A to B. A Fig. 1055. V Fig. 1054. E F D G C T B To measure the Distance between inaccessible Objects, as that of A and B: place the two piquets, C and D, at pleasure, and draw on the plane table a scale, E, of any length or division, as into 600 equal parts, and measure the distance between the two stations Cand D, as 563 feet: take from the scale 563 parts, which will give the station line F G on the table, on which fix the pins F and G: place the plane table at one of : the stations, as at C, in such a manner that the station. point F shall be above the piquet C, and the plane table towards the objects A and B: bone the piquet D by the two pins F and G, keeping the table in this position; place a rule against the pin F, and bone the object A along the side which touches the pin and draw the line F H. Then turn the rule against the pin, until the object B is seen, drawing in the plane table the line FI: remove the plane table from this situation to the piquet D, placing it in such a manner that the point G of the station, line shall be exactly above the piquet D, so that by boning along the pins F and G the piquet C may be discovered: place the rule against the pin G, and bone the object A along it, drawing on the table the line from the pin G, along this rule a line GK, and remark where it cuts FH at L: turn the rule until the object B is dis- covered, keeping the rule against the pin G, and draw on the plane table along the rule a line G M, and observe where the line GM cuts F I, as at N: the length L N measured by the scale F will give 342 feet for the inaccessible distance A B. In this figure two stations are selected as the extremities of the base line, the distance between which is accurately measured, and represented by a line drawn on paper, according to the assumed scale: if the modern plane table be used, it is set up at one of these stations, and a fine needle or pin being stuck into the table at one extremity of the line drawn on the paper, the edge of the index is brought to press gently on the pin, and co- incide with the line and the table turned round, till the object of the second station is bisected through the sight vanes; the table is then clamped, and the direction of the mag- netic meridian marked; the fiducial edge of the index, still kept in contact with the up- right pin which serves as a centre, is then directed successively to the objects A and B, and lines drawn on the paper in the direction of each: when this is done, the table is re- moved to the other station, and the pin placed at the correspondent point on the paper, which forms a second centre. The edge of the ruler is then directed to A and B as before, ( Fig. 1056. KH D CHAP. VIII. 837 GEOMETRY when the intersection of the several lines drawn from the second centre, with those drawn from the first, marks on the paper the position of A and B. F M To measure the Bends of Rivers, as that of ABC: plant at pleasure the two piquets H and I, and measure the distance between them, as 200 feet: draw on the plane table the station line KL, which divide into 200 equal parts, to serve as a scale and to answer to the 200 feet from H to I: place the plane table mounted on its stand at the piquet I, and its point L above the piquet I in such a manner that it shall be towards the river, and its line L K on the line IH between the stations: then place the rule against the pin L, and bone the point A by the rule, and draw on the plane table along the side of the rule the line LM, which as well as the others must have its name written against it : keep the rule against the pin and turn it towards the point B, and draw along the rule on the plane table LN, and continue in succession to turn the rule towards the point C, and draw on the plane table a line LG, and this in continuation for the sinuosities D, E, F, &c. where piquets must be previously planted, if there were not some objects fixed which would answer the purpose: then taking the plane table from the station I, place it at the piquet H, disposing it in such a manner that when boning by the two pins K, L, the piquet I can be discovered, and place the rule against the pin K, and bone the point A, drawing along the rule on the plane table a line KP, and do the same with the line K Q, KR, and so on for the other sinuosities, DE F, where piquets also must be planted in this manner all the windings of a sea coast can be traced, by taking up two stations in a boat securely moored or anchored. : To take the Plan of any can be H Place where entrance obtained, as that of the citadel ABCDEFGHI: the angles being distinguishable, plant about the middle of the plot two piquets K and L, at any distance apart, but in such a manner that all the angles from both piquets can be discovered: then draw about the middle of the plane table a station line M N, about a third of its length, which must have two pins at its two ex- tremities: move the plane table on its stand at the piquet K, so that the station point M on the plane table comes ex- actly above the piquet K, and G bone along the two pins, M, N, till the piquet L is seen in the same visual ray place the rule against the pin M, and bone from it the angles at A, B, C, D, &c., and draw from the pin M, along the rule, the lines Fig. 1058. A A) Fig. 1057. 'R · B H K M N 6 L E F MO, MP, MQ, MR, MS, MT, MV, MX, and MY: then remove the plane table to the station L, and place it in such a manner that the point N on the station line shall be above the piquet L, and that when boning along the station line, MN, the piquet K can be dis- covered in the same visual ray: then place the rule against the pin N, to bone from this pin all the angles at A, B, C,D, &c. to be taken, and draw on the table the lines 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., remarking where these last lines cut the former, in order to draw lines through these points of intersection, which shall form a figure similar to ABCDEFGHI. A scale may 3 н 3 838 Book II: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. be made by measuring one of the sides on the ground, as E F, in feet, and dividing its corresponding sides on the plane table into as many equal parts. B • C To take the Plan of a Place where entrance is denied, as that of the town ABCDEF: plant piquets or other marks which may be distinguished, and having measured one of the sides as E F, 236 feet, draw on the plane table a station line GH, which divide into 336 parts, and fix a pin at each extremity of it: place the plane table at the station F, so as to be towards the angle or point G, on the station line pre- cisely. Place the rule against the pin G, and turn it until the angle B is seen; then draw along the rule, the line GK; turn the rule towards the point C, and draw the line GL, in the same way bone the line D, and draw the line G M. But for the angle E it is not ne- cessary to bone it, as we have it already laid down. Remove the plane table from F to E, and turn it in such a manner that the point Fig. 1059. K L M IL . ட் P U H corresponds rightly on the station line and the side FE, so that by putting the rule against the pin H the angle A may be boned, and draw the line H N; in like manner continue to draw the other lines HO, HP, HQ, to the angles B, C and D, in order to remark where these lines cut those of the first station, on the points R, S, T, V, that by drawing through these points of intersection right lines, we may form with the station line GH a plan RSTV HG similar in all respects with that of the town ABCDEF. To draw from a given Point a Line parallel to an inaccessible Length, as that of the line BC: plant a piquet at D, the point through which the line is to pass, and another as at E: measure the distance between these two piquets as 50 feet; divide the station line FG on the plane table into 50 parts, to answer to the 50 feet from D to E. HM K A H 50 F L E Place the plane table mounted on its foot in such a manner that the point G on the station line shall be above the piquet E, so that when boning by the two pins on the station line G F, the piquet D may be seen in the same visual ray; place the rule against the pin G, in order to bone the two points B and C, which will enable the lines GH and GI to be drawn on the plane table. Then remove the plane table from the station E and place it at D, disposing it in such a manner that when boning by the two pins F and G, we can discover the piquet E, and placing the rule against the pin F, the two points B and C. Fig. 1060. Draw the lines F K and FL on the plane table, observing where they cut the lines GH and GI, in the points M and N, in order to draw the line M N, which will be parallel to the inaccessible line BC. Draw on the ground from the point D a line D O, parallel to this line MN, and the line DO will also be parallel to the line BC. C To measure the Height of accessible Places, as that of the line BC. any distance from the foot of the tower or line BC, as at 40 feet. into 40 parts corresponding with the 40 feet from B to D: dispose then the plane of the table in such a manner as to be quite perpendicular with the horizon, and its station line parallel to it, and the point F on its station line over the piquet D. Place the rule above the pin F, lowering or raising it until we discover by the side which touches the pin the point C; then draw along the rule on the same side as the pin the line FH; from the point E, on the station line, elevate the perpendicular E I, and remark where this perpendicular cuts the line FH on the plane table, as at K: the height EK measured on the station line EF will give a height, to which add that from the point F on the station line to the sta- tion point D, and we will have the precise height BC. B A Fig. 1061. Plant a piquet D at Divide its station line K E AL 1 CHAP. VIII. GEOMETRY. 839 To measure the Heights of inaccessible Places, as that of BC: plant three piquets D, E, F, at any distance convenient, but in such a manner that their summits are in a horizontal line, or that a cord passed through their heads may be level, and looking along it some point G may be esta- blished. Measure the distance be- tween the two piquets D, F, as 27 feet, in order to divide on the plane table the station line HI into 27 equal parts, to serve as a scale, and to answer to the 27 feet. Having mounted the plane table on its stand with its plane perpendicular to the horizon, place the point I on the station line IH, precisely against the level of the piquet F, in such a manner that the station line IH should be in the visual ray, which passes above the piquets D, E, F, or along the cord D˚F. Place the end Fig. 1062. L K G E B of the rule against the pin I, lowering or elevating it until you see the point C, and draw along the rule a line I K. Place the plane table perpendicular at the station D, in such a manner that the point H on the station line HI cuts against the head of the piquet D, and that the station line HI shall be in the same line with the heads of the piquets D, E, F. Then place the rule against the pin H, elevating or depressing it until we discover the point C, drawing on the plane table the line HL cutting IK in M. From the point M let fall a perpendicular M N, on the station line HI, which measured on the line I I, which serves as a scale, gives 30 feet, to which 5 is to be added for the height the station line is above the ground, making altogether 35 feet for the height of B C. To measure the Height of inaccessible Places, when they are at a considerable elevation, as that of the line B C, situated on the slope BD. Plant two piquets E and F in such a manner that their summits are in a right line with the point B. Measure the distance between the two piquets E and F, as 68 feet; divide the station line GH into 68 parts, and place a pin at each extremity of the station line. Place the point H in the station line, precisely over the piquet F, and make the station line GH coincide precisely with the visual ray passing over the heads of the two piquets E, F. Place the rule against the plane of the table until we get the point C, draw- ing along the rule a line HI. In like manner bone the point B and D, drawing along the side of the rule the lines HK and HL. Then transport the plane table H F I K M P N E R L Fig. 1063. D C B A to the piquets E, placing the point G on the station line GH, precisely above the head of the piquet E, and make the station line coincide with the visual ray of the two piquets E and F. Place the rule against the pin G, in order to elevate and depress the rule till we discover the point C, drawing along the rule a line GM, and boning also the points B and D; draw the lines G N and GO, and observe where the lines GM of this station cut HI of the first in P, where GN cuts GK in Q, and GO cuts HL in R: draw the right lines PQ and QR. The line PQ will represent the height BC, and QR that of the slope BD, so that if we measure P Q and QR, we shall obtain the entire height. By the mensuration and protraction of lines and angles are determined the lengths, heights, depths, and distances of objects. Accessible lines are measured by applying to them some certain measure a number of times, as a foot, yard, or chain; but inaccessible lines can only be measured by angles. for taking which, when the plane table is used, the lines are calculated from the principle of similar triangles, or some other geometrical pro- perty, without regard to the measure of the angles: this method is not so accurate for 3 н 4 840 BOOK II. TIIEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. seen. F & C D taking angles of elevation or of depression as by the theodolite or quadrant, which latter is divided into degrees, and furnished with a plummet suspended from the centre. To draw the Map of a Country with the Square Plane Table. Choose two stations, as A and B, and plant two piquets where the whole of the country it is intended to map may be Then, having measured the base or station line A B, draw on the plane table the line L K, near one of its sides, and placing the plane table mounted on its feet at the station A, turn it in such a manner that the point K of the station line shall be above the point A, with the plane table turned towards the places to be taken, and in such a manner that we discover the pi- H quet B in the visual ray of the two piquets K and L Place the rule against the pin K, and turn it, boning it towards the places to be taken, and draw the lines K, C, D, E, I; remove the table from A to B, so that this point D may be above the piquet B, and that we can discover the pi- quet A in the same visual ray with the pins LK; so that by placing the rule against the pin L we can bone the places, observing the lines. L, C, D, E, F, in order to note where the lines drawn from the second station cut those from the first; these L points will give the just position of the places in the country required to be mapped. But if it be re- quired to find how far these places are from each other, it will only be necessary to measure the distance be- tween the stations A and B, and to divide the station line into the same number of equal parts, and then it will serve for a scale for the whole. If from the two Ι. stations A and B we cannot see all the other places, F, G, H, then one or more other stations will be necessary. B K K A Fig. 1064. C € E F Fig. 1065. D To draw the Map of a Country with the Round Plane Table, which is furnished with cards, each of which has a radius or semi-diameter marked upon it, to answer and serve as station lines, and mounting its stand in some elevated ground, piquets are planted to show the station points, and the distance being measured between them, as in the line A B, 742 feet, serves as a scale. Place the plane table at the piquet A in such a manner that, when boning along its rule or telescope, we can see the piquet B. Then draw along the rule a station line, on which write station from A to B; which being for all the objects whose position we would have, take the card from the table, by turning the screw which holds the alhidade or rule, and place a fresh card on the plane table; then go to the piquet B, placing the centre of the plane table above it, and turn it until we discover by the side of the rule the station A, and draw the station line, writing on it as before, station from B to A; bone from this station B all the objects boned from A, and draw all the lines to the visual rays, writing the name of the object on them as before. Having marked on the cards all the places of the map intended to be laid down, draw about the middle of a sheet of paper the line CD, to serve as a station line, remarking that the map will be large or small in proportion to it; place the centre of the card drawn at the station A on the point C, and make the radius of the card on which is written station from A to B coincide with the line CD; prolong it to infinity on the map to be made by means of rules; draw all the lines marked on the card, and likewise place its centre drawn at the station D over the point D, making its radius coincide with the line CD; prolong on the paper all the lines marked on the card B and the points of intersection, which the lines prolonged from the centre B make with those from the centre A, which will show the positions on the required map. To form a scale, set off the length CD, and divide it into as many feet as were measured from A to B. • The Theodolite has been brought to such perfection, and is so complete an instrument for the taking of large or small surveys, that it has almost superseded all others; formerly they consisted of a whole or half circle, about 10 inches in diameter, divided into 360 degrees, but angles that were vertical and horizontal could not be taken by it at the same time. The theodolite now in use consists of two circular brass plates, which turn one upon the other, and have a horizontal action by means of an upright axis, which is made of two parts, external and internal; the former is secured to the lower, the latter to the upper plate. The lower plate has its circumference divided into 360 degrees, which are again subdivided, and at the extremities of a diameter of the upper plate are fixed two CHAP. VIII. 841 GEOMETRY verniers; with these horizontal plates and their divisions, all angles in a plane parallel to the horizon are taken in de- grees and minutes, and they are adjusted by four parallel plate screws, g, set in pairs op- posite to each other; these screws are to be moved ac- cording as the two spirit levels placed at right angles a in- dicate, and the whole brought to a perfect level. These spirit levels are usually filled with spirits of wine, and are hermetically sealed; the tube is slightly curved, and is placed with its convex side upwards, so that the air bub- ble, when level, occupies the highest central part. These two plates, called the upper and lower horizontal, are, when adjusted, retained in their position by clamp screws, h. By E m Fig. 1066. K IC H F A, B, the horizontal limbs. C D G A, the vernier plate, which turns. C, the vertical axis. D, the ball or socket movement. dd, spirit levels. P L A I B On the upper plate rests a frame, on which are the angular receptacles called Y's, into which the telescope is placed; and they are so fixed, that by turning the telescope to ob- serve an object, the horizontal motion is communicated to one or both of the circular plates. The telescope has in the focus of the eye-piece and object- glass three lines formed of very fine wire, one of which is horizontal, the others cross- ing its middle or central point diagonally, so as to divide the glass into an hexagon. means of these wires an object or any part of it may be pointed at. From the lower part of this telescope is sus- pended a spirit level, which being more delicate than those fixed on the vernier plate is used finally to adjust the cir- cular plates, and to bring them to a true horizontal po- sition. The under part of the telescope has a vertical semi- circular arc e, for the purpose of taking altitudes, the axis of which rests on two points in the frame which supports it, so that when the upper plate is horizontal, the semicircular arc attached to the telescope is in a vertical plane; the angle of inclination being indicated by a fixed index and vernier attached to the upper plate. This vertical arc is adjusted and retained at any required angle by means of a clamp and tangent screw. One side of the arc is divided into degrees and parts, and the other shows the difference between an hypotenuse of 100 units, and the base in right-angled triangles, calculated to degrees of inclination of the hypotenuse, from 0 to 45. To the upper plate is attached a compass, which serves to notice the bearings of the different stations, and also is a check to the angles E, a magnifier to read off the degrees. F & G. Plates are held together by the ball D. ff, is a screw to adjust the level or line of collimation. b, b, are milled screws to adjust the instrument, and set in level. g. is a screw to adjust the telescope laterally. H, a clamping screw, by which means the collar c may be tightened to the axis C. and kept from moving. J, the magnet box. I, is a slow-motion screw, by which the instrument is moved more exactly than could be done by the hand. i, i, clips, to reverse the telescope by screws j,j. K & L are frames into which the pivots are placed, on which the vertical arc M is turned round, and on which the telescope is fixed. N is a microscope for reading off the degrees. O is a clamp screw. P a slow-motion screw, by which the vertical arc and telescope are moved. Q, a milled screw for moving the object-glass of the telescope. 842 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. taken. This instrument, by means of a screw, is fixed on three legs; beneath the centre of the staff head is a hook, to which is attached a plummet, that very much aids the observer in placing the instrument in a horizontal position. To adjust the theodolite properly is highly important, and the first point to be attended to is, to draw out the tube of the eye-piece till the cross wires are clearly and distinctly seen: the next adjustment is that of the line of collimation, the term given to the line passing through the point of intersection of the cross wires, fixed in the focus of the object and eye-glasses, and the centre of those glasses; this, when properly adjusted, should coincide with the axes of the cylindrical rings, in which the telescope turns: this is performed by making the cross wires coincide with a well-defined part of some object in the distance, and turning the telescope half round till the level is at the top; when on looking through it, the same point should be covered by the centre of the wires, which, if it is not, must be acquired by moving the centre half the amount of the deviation, by means of the diaphragm screws, and correcting the other half by elevating or depressing the telescope: when the wires and the object remain perfect in both positions of the telescope, the line of collimation in altitude or depression is correct. This process must also be resorted to, to adjust the line of collima- tion in the vertical plane. After this, the level attached to the telescope is fixed in a position parallel to the rectified line of collimation, or longitudinal axis of the telescope: to effect this, open the clips that retain the telescope, and bring the vertical arc at or near zero; then turning the tangent screw, bring the air-bubble of the level to the centre of the tube;` then reverse the telescope, and if the bubble does not return to the middle, bring it there, one half by turning the screw placed at one end of the tube, to elevate or depress that end of the level, and the other half by the tangent screw that acts on the vertical arc. The circular plates must also be adjusted until they are perfectly horizontal, as any devia- tion would produce in the measurement of an angle a proportionate error. The bubble of the level under the telescope must be brought to the middle of the tube by the tangent screw of the vertical arc; then turn the upper plate 180 degrees from its former position. Should the bubble not return to the middle, half the difference is to be corrected by the parallel plate screws, and half by elevating or depressing the telescope by means of the -tangent screw this operation is repeated over the other pair of parallel plate screws, until the air bubble of the spirit level attached to the telescope remains permanently in the centre of the tube, in whatever position it is turned. The two small levels on the vernier plate are then to be adjusted by the screws adapted for the purpose. The vernier of the vertical arc is next to be looked to, and should point to zero after all the other adjustments are effected, and any deviation from that point must be rectified by the screws which are attached to it should the deviations, however, be small, note the amount, and apply it by adding or subtracting from each vertical angle observed. This deviation may be readily discovered by repeating the observation of the altitude or depression in the reversed positions both of the telescope and vernier plates; the two readings having equal and opposite errors, half their difference will be the index errors. When the theodolite has been thoroughly and properly adjusted, it is placed exactly over the station from whence the angles are to be taken; and this is done by observing the direction of the plumb line which is suspended to it: it is then set level by the parallel plate screws bringing the telescope with the vertical arc clamped at zero over each pair alternately. Clamp the lower horizontal limb in any position, and direct the telescope to the object, moving it until the cross wires correspond with it; then clamp the upper limb, and by the tangent screw make the intersection of the wires exactly bisect the object; then read off the two verniers, noting the degrees, minutes, and seconds of both, and take the mean of the two observations. Then release the upper plate, and move it round, until the telescope is directed to the second object, whose angle is required, from the first already observed, and by the clamp and tangent screws make the cross wires bisect the object. Then read off the verniers, and the difference between their mean and the mean of the first reading will be the angle required. : To measure angles of elevation or depression, unclamp the vertical arc, and direct the intersection of the cross wires of the telescope to the object: note the reading of the vertical arc, and repeat the operation with the telescope turned half round in its Y's with the level uppermost; the mean of the two readings will correct the error in the line of colli- mation. The magnetic bearing of an object is taken by simply reading the angle made by the needle with the common compass, which is ordinarily attached to the theodolite, and usually four or five inches in diameter: the angle cannot be obtained with any truth nearer than by degrees. The telescope shows the objects seen through it in an inverted position; the reason for this inversion is that objects are seen more clearly by the omission of some of the glasses: a second eye-piece is usually provided, which, when applied, shows the objects in their true and natural position. The Circumferenter is sometimes used where great accuracy is not required in the survey: it is a simple instrument, and consists of a flat bar of brass, B B, about 15 inches in length, CHAP. VIII. 843 GEOMETRY. with sights, C, C, at its opposite ends, and two narrow slits b,c for observations; in the middle of the bar is a circular brass box, A, containing a magnetic needle, and covered with glass. The ends of the needle play over a brass circle, g, which is divided into 360 equal degrees, in such a manner that the two numbers of 90° are at right angles to the lines drawn through the sights. This instrument is usually supported on a staff or tripod, E, and when firmly fixed in the ground it can be turned in any direction by means of its socket joint. When the magnetic needle is well balanced, and moves freely in its horizontal position, the sight can be turned towards the object to be sur- veyed, and the needle will retain its position of due north and south; consequently the number of degrees which the angle contains, after moving from one object to another, can be counted off. The length of the mag- netic needle increases the accuracy of the circumferenter, for if made too small it will be apt to follow the motion of the instrument when turned round. This instrument is chiefly used in mines and coalpits, and sometimes has a spirit level attached to it; aa are screws to ad- just and turn it round, which is performed by moving the vertical screws at m; F is a spirit level; but by the free play of the needle it may be generally ascertained whether the circumferenter is nearly or perfectly level. When this is the case, by clamping the ball and socket joint tight, and turning the sights to the respective objects, the mea- surement in degrees of the angle made may be relied upon. The needle should not be suf- D E mun 0 fered to play longer than is necessary, but be lifted off its centre, otherwise the delicate point upon which it turns would soon be destroyed. This instrument usually has the east and west marked contrary to their true positions, in order that by the reading off the needle, the actual direction of the line is shown. Fig. 1067. A The Surveying Cross, employed for establishing perpendicular lines, is a better arrange- ment than the cross staff, being more carefully made; it consists of four sights, fixed at right angles upon a brass cross, which can be screwed to a tripod or single staff; by placing it with reference to a given line, perpendi- culars can easily be traced on the ground or set out. A Circular Box of brass, called the optical square, is a more convenient in- strument for the same pur- pose; this contains the two principal glasses of the sex- tant, viz. the index and ho- rizon glasses, fixed at an angle of 45°; so that viewing an object by direct vision, any other forming a right angle with it at the place of the WD Ba Fig. 1068. observer will be seen by reflection to coincide with the object viewed. Placing the in- strument in such a position as to look through any given line, we are enabled to direct a station staff to be placed perpendicular to the given line. There are several varieties of this instrument, some of which are fitted for the pocket, and extremely useful to the sur- veyor. Prismatic Compass is a similar instrument, but differs from the circumferenter, by having a floating card attached to the needle graduated to 15′ of a degree; but angles cannot be taken with it of less than half a degree: these graduations commence at the north point, and are numbered 5°, 10°, 20°, &c. round the circle up to 360°. A sight 844 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. vane is fixed perpendicularly with a fine wire stretched across it, opposite to which is a prism: on applying the eye to the latter, and bisecting any object with the wire in the sight vane, the division on the card coinciding with the thread, and reflected to the eye of the observer, will show the angle formed by the object with the meridian. The instru- ment must be carefully used when the observation is made, and the card must have free play on its centre, otherwise the results will not be true: each angle as taken should be registered down, which is more simple than first taking one object at 15, and others at 20, 30, and so on, where one is to be subtracted from the other before the angles between any two given points can be ascertained. The Box or Pocket Sextant is used for laying out angles, and for filling in the details of a survey, where the theodolite is employed in setting out the long lines, and laying out the larger triangles: it is usually divided to 140° on a silver plate, although a greater angle than 110° should not be taken with it: to the sight is attached a small telescope, which often requires time to arrange, and is inconvenient. To take plain sights, there is an aperture opposite the half-silvered or horizon-glass, which answers the purpose better. When an observation is made, take the sextant in the right hand, and apply the eye to the small aperture, looking through the unsilvered part of the horizon- glass to some object or station marked on the line. Then with the left hand, turn the screw which carries the silver glass, until it reflects the object, the angle of which is to be ascertained; when these two objects are, as it were, in conjunction, viz. the object viewed direct through the unsilvered glass, and the reflected object appearing as one, the desired angle will be given. The index or vernier being placed at zero, before the screw, which turns the silver glass is moved, the object viewed direct and by reflection being the same, is a proof that the instrument is correct: should this not be the case, the defect of the instrument must be set right by means of two screws, one in the upper part, over the horizon-glass, and the other at the side of it; these screws must be turned until the object viewed direct and reflected appear, as they really are, one, the vernier standing at zero. There is attached to the vernier a small magnifying glass, which enables the angle when required to be read off. The Sextant in maritime surveys is of great service, and in all situations where the theo- dolite cannot be placed on a firm footing, or where the angular distance between two bodies in motion is required, it is of the greatest utility, and almost the only instrument used at sea for taking the altitudes of objects, or the angles they make with one another when employed it is taken in the right hand, and its face placed in the plane of the two objects, the angular distance of which is required: when the altitude of an object is required, the in- strument is held vertically, and when oblique angles are to be measured, in an oblique plane. The sextant is a modification of the quadrant, and seems to have been the invention of Newton: the principle of its construction may be thus described. Let A, B, be two mirrors moving on axes, parallel to each other, the second mirror, B, being half silvered, so that it admits the passage of rays of light through half its area. Suppose a ray of light to pass from the object C, and reflected on the mirror at A, and after a second re- flection from the half-silvered glass B, enter the eye at E. Also let a second object D be seen by direct vision through the half- silvered glass B: it is required the angle subtended at the eye E by the objects C and D. Produce the plane of the mirrors until they intersect in F: the angle AFB is equal to half the angle CED. For producing AB to G, we have GBE = to BAC + AEB. Then, as the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, HBA FBE = = GBF: therefore GBE 2 GBF BAE+AEB: but 2 GBF 2 BAF +2 A FB: therefore BAE+AEB 2 BAF +2 AFB. = - C H G Fig. 1069. K But because CAI = BAE = 2 BAF: BAFFAE, taking equals from equals, we have A E B, or CED equal to 2 AFB. When the two mirrors are parallel to each other, and the angle formed equal to zero, the distant object seen by direct vision and its reflected image will seem to coincide. In constructing the sextant, the arc is graduated to 10 minutes of a degree: these are again subdivided into 10 seconds by the vernier, which moves round an arc, the axis of which is at the centre of the circle: over this centre, and attached to the arm carrying the vernier, is placed a mirror, perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, which moves with the index. The Index is adjusted by clamp as well as tangent screws: another half-silvered glass is attached to the frame, nearly opposite the first, with its plane perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, and the zero on the limb is so placed that the vernier indicates zero when these two mirrors are in a parallel position to each other: glasses of different tints are CHAP. VIII. 845 GEOMETRY. attached to the instrument, for the purpose of taking observations with the sun, and moderating intense light. Before used, the index and horizon glasses must be so adjusted that they are perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, as well as parallel with each other; when the index division of the vernier is at O on the arc, and the optical axis of sight or telescope, parallel to the plane of the instrument. The Index Glass is adjusted by moving the index to the middle of the limb, and holding the instrument in a horizontal position with the divided limb away from the observer, and the glass to the eye; look obliquely down the glass, so as to see the circular arc, by direct view and by reflection in the glass at the same time, and if they appear to form one continued arc of a circle, the index glass is in adjustment. The Horizon Glass is in its right position, when by a sweep with the index the reflected image of any object passes over or covers its image when seen directly; any error in this effect may be rectified by turning a screw, placed at the lower end of the frame for this purpose. The Parallelism of the planes of the two glasses, when the index is at zero, may be readily ascertained, by setting the zero on the index at the zero on the limb; when, on taking an observation, it is observed that the object seen by direct vision and that reflected coincide and appear as one, the glasses are parallel to each other: any deviation is called the index error, which does not often occur in a well-made instrument. Hadley's Quadrant is often made use of in the same manner for determining the time, lati- tude and longitude of a place, and is as useful to the land-surveyor as the navigator: its arc is graduated to minutes of a degree, and the vernier at the extremity of the movable limb into seconds, which can be seen by the aid of a magnifier attached. The telescope at the sides can be moved upwards or downwards by a milled screw beneath it and it can be so placed that the field of view is bisected by the line that sepa- rates the silvered from the unsilvered part on the horizon glass: it is adjusted by sliding the A B Fig. 1070. tube at the eye end of the telescope, so as to make the focus suit the eye of the observer. The inverting telescope is furnished with two wires parallel to each other, between which the observations are to be made, the wires being first brought parallel. A more simple instrument is made on the continent, con- sisting of two side branches or radii, at right angles, as at A, having the limb E B divided into 90°, and each sub- divided into 60'. GF is the telescope, which is rectified by the frames H, H. At P is a joint into which the qua- drant is screwed; S is the foot or stem, 5 feet in length, which has a screw at T to secure it. A M and IK represent bars of brass, on which the instru- ment traverses: V, V, are four screws by which the stand can be elevated. When this quadrant is used for taking heights, after the observation is made by the telescope, the angle is ascer- tained upon the quarter circle by a plummet or bob at- tached to a fine silk, which works in the box B; this hanging always perpendicularly, the number of degrees is counted up to it. F H P K H N E M 13 Fig. 1071. The Barometer is frequently used for measuring the heights of mountains, it being found that the mercurial column invariably depends on, and is in proportion to, the atmospheric 846 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. pressure; if we therefore know the law by which the altitudes increase, it is possible to determine the difference between the elevation of two places when their mean barometrical altitude are given; it being an established law of nature, that the pres- sure of the atmosphere decreases in a geometrical progression, as the height of the place of observation increases in an arithmetical progression. To measure the height of any place, the altitude of the mercury must be measured simul- taneously at both the lower and upper stations; the logarithms of these two barometric altitudes being found, the less is to be subtracted from the greater; the difference will be proportional to the difference of the elevation of the two places: to find the real height, this loga- rithmic difference must be multiplied by a constant number found by previous ex- periments. Professor Littron, in the Transactions of the Astronomical Society, has given the necessary formulæ and tables, by which great exactness may be arrived at in the measurement of heights; but the system is somewhat complicated, and needs great care, accurate observation, and considerable calculation. em- The Chain and Offset Staff are ployed alone in land-surveying, or in con- junction with the theodolite, or other instrument for measuring angles: when the chain alone is employed, no other figure can be used than the triangle, and the correctness of the survey depends upon the accuracy with which its sides. are measured. The length of the chain must be accurately tested to ensure cor- rectness, before any of the distances are taken; to do this it must be stretched on a level piece of ground, and with an ac- curate rod it must be carefully measured, and if any error is apparent, it must be rectified equally on both sides of the cen- ⚫tre: after this has been done, it may be applied upon a wall, and a permanent mark made upon it, which will serve at any future time to compare it with; long chains enable us to measure with greater accuracy than shorter ones, and angles formed by them are less obtuse. R a n in R FAHRENHEIT CORRECTION и:124 MOHINT STOV THO: JONES. AUD.OSUBST?- 103 30 36 89 829 |1|91| 92 87 27% 198 199 26 101 102 255 Gunter's Chain, as it is called, has been found the most convenient where the computation of acres is required, and is in general use by land-surveyors; its length is 66 feet, and it is divided into 100 links: ten of these square chains equal an acre, and as the chain is divided into 100, the contents expressed in chains and links are converted into acres and decimals of an acre, by dividing by 10; an acre being equal to 66 feet multiplied by 66 feet, and then again multiplied by 10, 43,560 feet being equal to 100,000 square links. The rood is one fourth of an acre, and the rod or perch one fortieth of a rood; thus, after re- ducing the area to square links by cutting off the last five figures, we obtain the acres in R, R, section. n, section of glass. Fig. 1072. a, box. c, t, brass box. CHAP. VIII. 847 GEOMETRY, the remaining figures; the decimal figures cut off are multiplied by 4, to bring them into roods, and the decimal part of the last product multiplied by 40 gives the poles or perches. The chain now in use is of 100 feet, and divided into as many links: whichever chain is adopted for the measurement of distances, it is divided every ten links by brass marks, notched in a manner to distinguish them, and to enable the number of links at any part of the chain to be read off conveniently: ten arrows accompany this chain, and when used two persons are employed, one of whom leads and takes the ten arrows with him : when the chain has been stretched in the proper direction, an arrow is stuck in the ground where the chain terminates; and these are collected by the follower as he proceeds, and when ten have been taken up, they are given to the leader to be used again, care being taken to notice each exchange from the follower to the leader; for when the line is entirely measured, the number of changes added to the number of arrows in the follower's hand, and to the number of links or feet extending from the last arrow put down to the extremity of the line, gives the entire length: the only care to ensure correct- ness is, that the line so measured is perfectly straight, and that the ends of the chain are made to coincide with the arrows placed in the ground as accurately as possible. links of the chain being pliable, and united by rings that are not welded, render it extremely liable to get out of order; therefore, it is essential that it should during an extensive mea- surement be frequently applied to some standard, to examine and test its correctness: this is very important, more particularly so, as it has been advised that no person should be admitted to give evidence in any court of justice with any other than a stamped measure: when the chain is used in wet weather, it often becomes shorter from the collection of particles of dirt getting into the joints or rings, and defective by the bending of the links. When the survey is made with a chain of 100 feet, and it is required to plot it to a scale of five chains to an inch, the scale must be divided into the 330 parts of an inch, there being that number of feet contained in five chains, making 33 divisions, each re- presenting 10. A scale double the length of Gunter's, divided into 100 links, is found both correct and convenient, each link being double the ordinary length. The The Offset Staff is a rod ten links in length, marked at each link by a notch or by brass nails; the follower carries this, and is employed by the surveyor for taking offsets, but where these offsets are considerable, a tape 100 feet in length is the most con venient they should always be taken at right angles to the main line, and formerly the cross staff was employed; at present, an instrument called the optical square is found the most convenient for this purpose, it is a small circular box about 2 inches in diameter, which makes a right angle with both accuracy and expedition; it has two glasses fixed at an angle of 45° from each other, and one of them acts as a mirror; the other is half silvered, so as to admit direct vision of one object and reflected vision of the other; so placed at right angles to a line passing from the observer to the first object, the image of the second is reflected from the first mirror: the principle is, that the angle made by the first and last direction of a ray of light which has suffered two reflections in one plane, is equal to twice the angle of inclination of the reflecting surfaces. With this little instrument right angles may be accurately set out, by the observer simply standing over the given point and looking through it along the line, having some one with a marking rod in the direction where the perpendicular is to be set out, and by motioning him to the right or left, until the rod he holds is seen by reflection to coincide with a staff fixed on the line where the observer is looking; when this is the case the rod is fixed in the ground: a perpendicular line is often set out by the use of the chain only, by measuring on the base line a distance of 40 feet; then at the extremities of this distance measuring as an hypotenuse 50, and as a perpendicular 30: when the sides of a triangle are in the proportions of 30, 40, and 50, it is a right angle, and has the two short sides perpendicular to each other. To survey a Plot of Ground with the Chain, we are confined to the use of the triangle, it being the only figure the sides of which cannot be altered. The field to be measured is then divided into a series of triangles of as large a description as can well be obtained; much of the judgment of the surveyor is called into play upon the adoption of the triangle, or laying out the sides of the figure, which should approach as nearly as possible that of the equilateral: the sides of the triangles are then measured, also a line from one of the points to the middle of its opposite sides which enables the surveyor to detect any error that may have been committed in the measurement of the three sides: the general combination of these triangles must be laid down so that the largest come as nearly to the boundary of the spot as possible; and when their figure is determined, pickets are placed on the ground at their angles; these are called station points, and are measured to and from, and all the lines connecting them are denominated station lines, which are to be distinguished from the simple offset lines. The Field Book should commence with a rough sketch made of the land to be plotted, and which should be the result of a careful walk over the ground previous to the measure- ments being taken: it is ruled into three columns; in the middle one is to be set down 849 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. all the distances measured on the station line, at which any mark, offset, or other notice is made: in the right hand column are placed all the measurements of the offsets in that direction, and in the left hand column those on that side of the station line. The middle column represents the station line, and whenever it passes a road or boundary, it must be marked obliquely to denote this deviation. The entries in the field-book are usually commenced at the bottom of the page for convenience, the surveyor keeping his face in the direction of the distant station: wherever fences or other objects, as rivers or streams, are crossed, they must be sketched in the field-book in as accurate a manner as the time will permit; by this much subsequent labour is saved. On commencing the measurement along the station line, the letter corresponding to the starting point is placed at the bottom of the middle column of the field-book, and on each side is written the letters whence the measurement is taken, and at every new distance this is again to be observed. When the whole of the measurements have been made and entered in the field book, the contents may be ascertained by computing the areas which are enclosed in the measurement of the respective triangles; but it will be first necessary to reduce all lines measured over steep hills to a horizontal plane; should the inclined plane or slope not be very steep, the difference may be rectified by holding the chain horizontal whilst measuring, which may be judged of by the eye; or if the slope be steep, half the length of the chain may be used: when the angle of inclination is 4°, an allowance of 1 in 15 is made, 6° 1 in 91, in 7° 1 in 8, in 10° 1 in 6, and in 20° 1 in 23, or 6 feet for every 100 feet; this, however, may be readily ascer- tained by careful observation. The angles of inclination should always be observed where perfect accuracy is required, and the proper deductions made when the work is laid down or mapped. Parish surveying. Where it is required to obtain the area of the whole by some other means than that of adding together the contents of each enclosure, it seems the simplest method to commence by measuring two straight lines through the entire length and breadth of the parish; to connect the ends of these by other measured lines, and upon them as base lines to construct triangles and measure the offsets. The contents of the entire parish may then be ascertained by calculation; the lines measured to accomplish this should be shown on the plan when finished. These main lines should pass over the most remarkable objects, as the church, the mill, the manor house, and their extremities should be marked by a stone or permanent boundary, that may be referred to on all future occasions. This boundary should be shown on the plan by a dotted line, and when a fence constitutes the boundary, the dotted line should be shown on both sides of it when this boundary passes through a field, the whole field should be shown. The plan should be drawn to a scale of 3 chains to 1 inch, and the north point should always be at the top of the plan. : To measure the base or principal line, which should be the longest that can be obtained, the theodolite is placed at one extremity, and the angle formed by this line with the magnetic meridian must be first accurately obtained: then all the angles of the several prominent objects; at this spot a pole must be placed perpendicularly, and proceeding along the line, the roads, rivers, &c., must be noted as they are crossed, and all convenient offsets should be taken. Poles should be set up at all the prominent stations, which serve to guide the measurement and insure its being in a straight line: these must be constantly boned, or the true course will be departed from. Where objects occur which are not accessible, angles must be taken with the theodolite, either to the right or left of the line, exactly at 60°, and then measured out to any length until clear of the obstruction: another angle of 60° must be taken and measured, the same distance as before; these forming two sides and angles of an equilateral triangle, the remaining angle and side will be the same, and the distance, if measured through, will be found to agree. After measuring up to the other extremity of the base line, the theodolite is placed upon it, and the angle of one of the side lines taken with considerable accuracy; these side lines must then be measured, and the theodolite placed at their extremities, so as to measure the angles made with its transverse lines: and so proceed with the respective lines and angles, till the whole is completed. From the extremities of the two principal lines, measure the distances one from the other, or the length of these tie lines, taking at the same time their angles very accurately. These angles and tie lines form four principal stations or boundary points to the parish, and should be marked permanently. The whole of the outline between these four stations or the natural boundary may be surveyed, and afterwards the portions within for the filling up. The sextant is employed usefully in taking all the interior angles, and uniting them with the main lines which run through and traverse the parish: these two instruments are now the only ones employed. To compute the area or contents of the parish, the whole should, after it is mapped, be thrown into triangles, and each enclosure treated in a similar manner: but the most correct method would be to divide it into squares of about a chain. by which means the small parcels would have their quantities easily ascertained. CHAP. VIII. 849 GEOMETRY. Subterranean Surveying is performed with the miner's compass, which for observations of horizontal angles is by no means sufficiently accurate. The circumferenter or half' theodolite is more so, and may be used with greater certainty, though the common theodolite should always be preferred: it is often of more importance to have an accurate plan of the works in a mine, than of the land above it. The surveys of pits or mines being not only made to direct the working, but for the sinking of shafts, ventilation, or for the raising the produce, after the situation of the shafts are determined on above ground, the work- ings below must be either set out on the surface, or the survey must take place beneath. To adapt the theodolite to mining observations, the stand on which it rests should be so formed, that it can be readily disengaged. The survey is commenced with the assistance of two men, who carry the chain, and two others the lamps, one of which is placed at the starting point from whence the measure- ment is to commence, and the theodolite is advanced in the direction of the line, as far as it is possible to obtain a sight of the lamp at the point advanced from. The vernier of the theodolite being fixed at zero, the telescope is directed towards the light, and the angle of inclination noted down, another lamp is advanced along the line and the same observations taken the distances are then carefully measured from one station to the other, as practised in roadway surveying all underground surveys should be made to agree with those taken on the surface, which may be readily done by comparing the adits and shafts, both as to their distances and bearings to each other. : Care must be taken to notice whether the needle is affected when the theodolite is used, which is sometimes the case; when the instrument is elevated 2 or 3 feet above the tram plates of a railway, there does not seem to be any sensible attraction between them and the needle. Maritime Surveying, comprises the laying down charts with accurate representations of the coasts and harbours, and is one of the most important applications of the science, as it en- ables the mariner to pursue his voyage and return to his port without encountering those dangers which beset him in the shape of rocks and shoals, shallows and flats. The first thing to be performed for the construction of a map or chart is to refer to some fixed points on the shore of the coast to be laid down; these are ascertained with great precision by means of a trigometrical survey on shore. Tide Gauges are erected in well-chosen localities in a vertical position, and divided into feet and tenths: the zero point of each gauge corresponds with a bench mark permanently fixed, so that should any be displaced by the violence of the sea, they can, by means of a spirit level, be refitted in their original position. These gauges serve after a series of observations to give the lowest point of the lowest tide at full and change of the moon, and to the level of this lowest point the depths of all the soundings are referred: they serve also to show the rise and fall of the tide, by which means all the registered soundings are reduced to the lowest level: this is very essential, as it is not practicable to take all the soundings over an extensive bay at the precise time of low water: near the shore these observations may be made with reference to some permanent marks made on the walls of the quays. A second gauge is placed further out at sea, so that when the tide has left the first, the second may be observed. Then the zero division of the first gauge must be compared, by means of the spirit level, with some division of the second; and this, as well as each succes- sive gauge, must be denoted by some number or letter, and entries made to record the time of changing from one gauge to another. A situation should be selected where the base of the tide gauge is not left dry at low water. When an observation is to be made, a person with a well-regulated watch is stationed at each tide gauge for the purpose of registering the height at every quarter of an hour or other stated intervals. A meridian line is marked upon each station, so that the observer may regulate his watch by the course of the sun. The time of high water at the full and change of the moon should be carefully marked on the tide gauge, and this time may be either mean or apparent, but whichever is selec- ted must be noted; the instant to be registered is that when the surface of the water is the highest, but if the water is perfectly calm, its change when near the highest point is slow, and it almost seems stationary for some moments. To prevent the effect of waves rendering the surface uncertain, an upright pipe is sometimes fixed by the side of the gauge in such a situation that at low tide the water only reaches the lower part: the bottom of the pipe must be stopped, and a number of small holes drilled in it near the bottom about a quarter of an inch in diameter. A float is then placed on the pipe which carries a light rod, and by means of feet and inches marked on it, the rise of the tide can easily be read off. In narrow channels or at the mouths of rivers, a great many gauges are requisite, and no precise number can be mentioned, as that must depend altogether upon circumstances. Churches, lighthouses, are then made use of on land, to serve as vertices to the triangles about to be laid down, and it is usual to place signals upon them; and those which serve to be viewed from the sea are painted white, when the ground falls behind them, but of a 8 I 850 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. N The first fro darker colour, when they are projected against the sky. All this being arranged, the opera- tions for the survey may commence at sea. There are three methods adopted for deter- mining, by reference to fixed points on shore, the locality of any station at sea. consists in observing by means of the compass the bearing of two or more points on shore, by which means the position of the observer is determined when the position and bearings of the points on shore are given with respect to each other. Suppose A B to be two objects on shore, and S the position of the observer, from which the angles and meridian is observed. In the triangle ASN the angles at S and N are given, consequently the angle at A is known; in the same manner the angle at B is known. Then on the side A B, and the adjacent angles A and B being given, the point S may be found: with the compass, however, the angles cannot be determined nearer than within one or two degrees; when two compasses are employed, one at a height of 2 or 3 feet above the other, the mean between the two observations made will perhaps approach the truth. AT Fig. 1073. B The second method is by observing at the same period of time from two or more stations on shore the bearing of the observer at sea, and this is only to be done by means of well preconcerted signals. The third method consists in measuring from the boat by means of the sextant the angles subtended by three or more objects on shore, the positions of which are given; from these data the position of the observer is determined. An instrument called a Station Pointer is used to insure greater accuracy in taking angles; this is formed of three rules which revolve on a common centre, in such a manner that two triangles can be set out with it; the middle rule is double, and has a fine wire stretched along its openings; the others have also a fine wire, which is stretched from end to end, and so adjusted that all the three wires tend to the centre of the in- strument; in the centre is an opening through which a steel pin may be passed: attached to the middle limb are two verniers, with arcs of about 1000 each, and when all the limbs are closed, the verniers mark zero, and as the limbs are opened the verniers mark on the corresponding arcs the angles they respectively form: the angles subtended by three stations on the shore at the place of the observer at sea are the measures to which the verniers are to be set; and when so set the instrument is laid on the plan, and moved till the three wires pass through the three stations; the centre of the instrument then occupies the relative place of the observer, and a dot marked by the steel pin determines the point on the plan: a graduated circle on paper or on glass may serve this purpose as well; by drawing on the upper surface lines diverging from the centre at the given angles, the circle being moved until these radii pass through the stations, the centre of the circle will give the point required. Excepting in a case where the observer is in the circumference of the circle passing through the three stations, the measure of two angles is sufficient to determine his position; it is as well to observe as many angles as possible, and where accuracy is required, the observations of two angles only should never be con- sidered sufficient. The angles are taken with the sextant or the reflecting circle, and measured in the plane of the objects: should this plane be inclined to the horizon, the angles of elevation of each station above the horizon should be observed, to give the necessary data for reducing the hypotenusal to the horizontal angle: when the difference of elevation is great, an ideal vertical line may be drawn from the higher object downwards until it apparently meets the base, and the results will be sufficiently near the truth; as in the height of a mountain, the line BC may be dropped. It is not usual to apply a telescope to the sextant, as the objects are brought readily into the field of the mirrors by the unassisted eye; and time is a great object, A and perhaps the most important of all in making the obser- vations. Sea-water destroying the silver on glass, metallic re- flectors are generally substituted. હ C Fig. 1074. B Sounding Lines, to ascertain the depths, are formed of strong pliable cord or lead line, divided into feet by different coloured pieces of cloth or other marks; the lead fastened at the extremity is like the frustum of a cone, with its base so hollowed out that grease may be introduced into it, which serves, when let down upon sand or mud, to show the nature of the bed lines of different lengths and strength are used, and leads differing in weight according to the depth of the water to be sounded; these lines are liable to sudden changes, and must be constantly compared with some known standard; deep soundings must be taken when the boat is still, and the depth measured in a vertical position: in shallow water sounding rods are substituted, and where hard rocks occur they are perhaps more convenient. Sunken rocks, reefs, and shallows, re- quire great accuracy in the survey, and it is necessary to cast anchor, in order to get the angles and their measurement with more certainty: when the shoal or reef is so far out at sea, that only two objects on shore can be seen, an assistant boat must be moored CHAP. VIII. 851 GEOMETRY. A between the observer and the coast, in such a position that one additional station can be seen from it: at the time of a given signal, angles are observed from the assistant boat to three objects on shore, and to the distant boat; and from the latter, angles at the same time measured to the two stations on shore, and to the assistant boat: suppose D to be the distant station, from whence A and B can be seen, and E the position of the assistant boat from whence A, B, and C can be seen; then at the same moment of time, the angles are observed from E and from D; their mean show the position of D; for the point E is fixed in position by the observed angles CE A, A E B, and it becomes therefore a fixed station with reference to D, from which two angles are observed to three stations fixed in position. Breakers and currents must also be observed at that time when the tide is favourable, or when a perfect calm allows them to be re- cognised. To reduce soundings after they have been taken consists in deducting from the depths, as noted down, proportionate quantities varying with the time, so that all may agree with the lowest level of the tide; the whole are then written on the chart in fathoms and quarter fathoms. Maritime Surveying without the aid of Triangulation on Shore, is not in its results so accurate as that where they can be adopted; but where free access to a country is not attainable, this method is resorted to as the nearest approaching to the excellence of the first instead of commencing with the measurement of a short base, and a series of triangles spread over a great area, a much longer base is established; sometimes one of 50 miles or more: upon this all the observations are made, and the details laid down as quickly as they are taken, and all errors corrected during the progress of the work. B Fig. 1075. P 7 с On the choice of direction for this base line much of the success depends: elevated land, or some mountain or conspicuous object, should terminate each extremity; and the more numerous the intermediate objects that can be seen from the ends of this base line, the greater will be the correctness of the survey. The latitude and longitude of the first station being taken and determined by astronomical observations, and the bearing of the several objects by the compass, the same is to be done at the chief stations along the line selected for the base. The stations are determined by the chrono- meter and measurement of the rate of sailing; from them the observations are made which are to be laid down on the chart: the distance between the primary stations, whose lati- tudes and longitudes have been determined, is obtained by supposing P to represent the pole of the earth: the angle P is known by the difference of longitude between the two stations B and A; the sides PA and PB are also given, being the respective co-latitudes of the two stations. In the spherical triangle ABP are two sides and the contained angle, from which we may obtain the length of the opposite side AB: a line joining any two of these stations is the arc of a circle on the surface of the earth, and must therefore be re- duced to its chord, which is equal to twice the sine of half the arc. When a survey of a coast is made at night, and intersections cannot be obtained, observation must be taken within a few miles from the shore by anchoring the vessel at one or more intermediate stations: the position of the vessel is deter- mined by a careful observation of the angles subtended between the sun and primary stations, noting the time also when the observation is made: the time gives the sun's azimuth, and from it is deduced the azimuth of the two primary stations from the vessel; those intermediate are obtained by the intersection of their lines of direction as observed at the different B stations. The details and soundings are then to be taken, with the filling- in as it can be obtained; by this means a very accurate map may be laid down it is often necessary to make a survey of the coast when a ship is under sail, and although the system adopted may vary in its details, the general principles are the same. The angular distances between prominent points of land as observed from the vessel, should be taken when at anchor, and the outline of the coast sketched: astronomical observations must be made at the same time to determine the position of the vessel, and the bearing by the compass noted: continuing a series of such observations in sailing from one point to another, and having special care not to lose sight of the points to which angles have been observed, as this would lead to confusion and great difficulty when the whole is to be laid down on paper. A reckoning of the ship's rate of sailing must be carefully noted by the log line; though much reliance cannot be placed upon it, it may help, in some degree, to check any error arising from the astro- nomical observations: when sailing, care must be paid that the vessel has all its bearings Fig. 1076. A 312 852 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. accurately noted when she changes her course; then, proceeding in the same manner as already described, the soundings and remarks will enable a tolerably correct sketch of the coast to be made. Distances are sometimes measured by sound, which travels at the rate of 1090 feet per second of time; a chronometer will enable a distance of several miles to be determined with considerable accuracy: the time between the flash and the report of a gun being found, the distance may be calculated by the above rule. Trigonometrical Surveying.—The survey of a country, when carried on upon an extensive scale, has much of the labour of admeasurement abridged, by merely applying the rods or chains to a base line, and calculating the other distances by triangles; the difficulties which attend the operations of a trigonometrical survey of a country must not, however, be underrated, particularly when the object is to determine the distances as well as the positions of places with the greatest precision. Upwards of one million sterling had been granted in the year 1841 by the Houses of Parliament at several times to carry out the Ordnance surveys of the United Kingdom. A general survey seems to have been commenced in the year 1783, in consequence of an application made by the French government to Mr. Fox, then Secretary of State of the Foreign Department, to carry a chain of triangles from London to Dover, which could be connected with those of the French arc of the meridian already extended to Dunkirk; so that by actual measurement the relative positions of the observatories at Paris and Greenwich might be determined. This ap- plication was laid before the Royal Society by Cassini de Thiery, and the great advan- tages which would result from it were highly appreciated by that body. The English government, in consequence, employed General Roy for the operation, who had already commenced a survey of the neighbourhood of London, for the express purpose of connecting the private observatories with that of Greenwich: as early as 1747, a survey of the High- lands of Scotland was undertaken by this officer, which was considerably advanced by the end of the year 1755. To obtain an accurate base line, so that by its measurement all the other triangles constructed on it should be computed, was the first part of the opera- tion and for this purpose General Roy selected a line on Hounslow Heath, in consequence of the level surface the ground presented, and its proximity to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. The terminal points of this base line were marked by wooden pipes sunk in the ground, and the measurement was commenced in June, 1784. : ; The first mode was with deal rods, which had been employed previously in other countries: but it was soon evident that from the alternations of dryness and humidity, they were subject to sudden and irregular changes, and by no means fit for a purpose where such great precision was necessary. These rods were cut out of an old mast of Riga timber, and made 20 feet 3 inches in length, tipped with bell-metal, to prevent their ends from being injured; they were 2 inches in depth, and 14 inch broad, and rendered inflexible to a cer- tain degree by trussing; when, however, applied to the standard during the measurement, they were found each to have increased the fifteenth part of an inch, and were conse- quently laid aside: glass rods were then substituted, as tubes of this metal could be easily procured of the length required. Three hollow tubes, 20 feet in length and 1 inch in dia- meter, perfectly straight, were provided, and converted into measuring rods by Ramsden they were placed in cases made fast in the middle, and braced at several other points, to prevent their shaking or bending, but not their free expansion and contraction; the ends of these rods were smoothly ground, at right angles to the axis of the tube; one end had a fixed metal button attached to it, for making the contacts, and the other a movable slider which could be pressed outwards by a slender spring, and against which the fixed extremity of the succeeding rod was placed, and then pressed until a fine line on the slider was brought into exact coincidence with another fine line on the glass rod, when the distance between the two extremities was exactly 20 feet. To ascertain precisely the expansion to which these glass rods were subject, they were submitted to a microscopic pyro- meter, when their expansion could be ascertained for every degree of temperature from 32° to 212º of Fahrenheit's thermometer. After much calculation upon the expansion and contraction of the rods they were applied to the base line, which was not over perfectly level ground; consequently it became necessary to divide the whole distance into inclined lines, each containing about 600 feet. This was done by placing the rods exactly in straight lines, stretching from one extremity of the hypotenuse to the other, and then determining the relative heights of the two extremities by means of the spirit level, for the purpose of reducing the horizon; the cases containing the glass rods being throughout supported upon trestles, which were about 30 inches in height. After the measurement was completed, its true length was reduced to that of the level of the sea, the mean semi-diameter of the earth being estimated at 3,492,915 fathoms: infinite pains were evidently taken throughout the whole operation, and the means employed seem to have been the best that could be suggested. The true length of the base was fixed at 27404-0137 feet, but when the Ordnance survey was commenced in 1791, it was thought necessary to remeasure this line, from an idea that as the ends of the two consecutive rods, having been made to rest on the same trestle, when one was removed the trestle would have a tendency to incline forward, which CHAP VIII. 853 GEOMETRY would shorten to a certain degree the measurement, or the flexure of the rods would produce the same effects. Two steel chains, each 100 feet in length, and containing forty links, made by Ramsden, were selected to remeasure the line: the links were in the form of a parallelogram, ofinch square and 30 inches in length. When used, they were strained over five boxes placed at equal distances upon bricks, and stretched in a straight line by weights of 56 pounds: to bring the extremities of the two chains together over the same point, they were supported at each end by an upright piece of wood or post; that of the preceding end had attached to it a pulley over which passed the rope which stretched the chain, whilst to the end that followed was applied a screw ap- paratus, by which the chain could be drawn back against the weight: another upright or post at each end, not connected with the others or with the chain, supported a scale. The chain being placed, the scale at the preceding end was moved by means of screws, until one of its divisions exactly agreed with the mark on the handle of the chain: the scale remaining in its place, the chain was then carried forward, and again adjusted by the screw scale in a similar manner: after 38 of these chains had been used, one in con- sequence of the links being bent was laid aside, and the base line was measured by the other; the one laid aside being repaired, was retained as a standard. Experiments out of number were made previously, to ascertain the rate of expansion, and a thermometer was placed at each of the five boxes when the measurement was taken, in order to insure aceuracy; the chains, after the measurement, were again compared, when it was found that that which had been used had lengthened through the rubbing of the joints 0373 of an inch. The length of the base line was by means of the chains found to be 27404-3155 feet, being about 23 inches more than that measured with the glass rods. The mean of the two results, 27404.2 feet, was then assumed for all the future calculations. Rods seem, how- ever, in general, to have a preference over the chain, where great accuracy is required, as they cannot be considered so flexible, nor are they so likely to increase in length, as the chains when slightly strained may do at the joints: great care must be taken at the commencement of such an operation, in ascertaining the exact length of the foot, to be marked on those measuring rods or chains, and some standard should be applied to for the purpose. Such a standard is now adopted as constitutes the yard at 36·000659 inches, the length of the pendulum vibrating seconds being taken at 39.13929 inches; this is called the imperial measure, and as it was supposed to be a correct and unalterable quantity, it was prescribed by Act of Parliament that the length of the standard yard should be restored by reference to the length of a pendulum, should accident occur to injure the legal standard deposited in the House of Commons. a In Ireland another method was adopted to measure the base line set out on the plains of Magellan, which is between 7 and 8 miles in length, and where the greatest possible error is not supposed to exceed 2 inches. Two bars, each 10 feet long, one of brass, the other of iron, were placed parallel to each other, and riveted at their centres, it having been previously ascertained by experiment that they expanded or contracted in the proportion of three to five; some nonconducting substance was spread over the brass bar, which equalised the two metals in their susceptibility as to change of temperature: tongue of iron, with a minute dot of platina, was fixed across each extremity of these two combined bars, and this tongue had the dots so placed that under every change of con- traction or expansion they remained at the constant distance of 10 feet. The tongues were perpendicular to the rods, at the temperature of 60 degrees of Fahrenheit, and the ex- pansion of the two bars of brass and iron taking place from their common centre, as the inclination of the tongues became changed, the platinum dots remained unalterably fixed at the exact distance of 10 feet. When the base line is accurately taken, it should be reduced to its proper measure at the level of the sea, and as this is constantly changing, some elevation must be established that can be referred to, and that made use of by the Ordnance surveyors is low water mark. = Suppose R to the radius of the earth at the level of the sea; R+h equal to the radius at the level of the measured base; Ato the measured base A B, and a=to the reduced base ab. Then, as similar arcs are in the same ratio as their radii, we have R+h: R:: A: a, and R. A A= R+h and the difference between the measured and reduced base is A-a-A- Ꭱ Ꭺ R+h reducing both terms to a common denominator : A-α= AR+Ah-AR whence R+h A- ·a: A h R+ h difference required. The elevation of Hounslow Heath is about 102 feet above the level of the sea, and the 31 3 854 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The measured base 27405-6677 feet, after due correction made for temperature, &c. radius R being taken at 7,002,667 yards; the length of this line at the level of the sea is thus found:- A, the measured base, is equal to h, the height, - 27405-6677 feet 102 21008001 =0·133 feet. Hence the reduced base will be 27405·6677 −0·133 = = R, the radius of the earth, 27405.6677 × 102 - 21008001 27405-5347 feet. Before a base is reduced to its length at the level of the sea, it is necessary to consider its horizontal value, as all lines measured over the earth's surface must be treated as con- centric, and are more or less inclined to the horizon. Signals, and their Construction. When the base has been set out, permanent signals must be established; they should be constructed in a durable manner, and have perfect steadiness. In ordinary surveys straight poles fixed in trees or firmly in the ground may serve sufficiently for all purposes, and when greater security is required, they may be held in a vertical position by ropes, in the same manner as a ship's mast, and such an arrangement may be easily rendered more lofty by means of an additional mast, and the help of guys and stays. These masts have each a bunting flag, usually either red or white when pro- jected against a dark ground, and green and red when against the sky; sometimes a cir- cular disk of sheet-iron is found a better substitute for the flag, and may be attached to the top of the pole. The The parabolic reflector has been successfully employed in Ireland, and for the illuminating power, a ball of chalk lime was submitted to a stream of oxygen directed through the flame of alcohol; the light was estimated at 83 times the intensity of the brightest part of the flame of an Argand burner of the best construction, supplied with the finest oil. direction of this light was marked by placing a guiding light at the distance of every 15 miles, which was a 15-inch parabolic reflector illumined by an Argand lamp: by this means the former light, though 66 miles distant, was perceived, larger and brighter than the guiding lights. Plano-convex lenses, 2 or more feet feet in diameter, illumined by an Argand burner, with four concentric wicks, the lens composed of a series of concentric rings reduced in thickness and cemented together at the edges, are often used, and their ap- pearance at a distance of 48 miles is stated to resemble a star of the first magnitude. Summits of mountains are usually selected for stations, and the signals constructed upon them are built either pyramidically or conical, with a pillar in the centre. The selection of stations depends much upon the nature of the country to be surveyed; they ought to be placed in such positions as to be visible from each other, that the errors of observation may have as little effect as possible on the distances measured: the triangles should be equilateral; the smallest errors are likely to occur when the angle opposite to the measured side is less than a right angle, and the angles adjacent to that angle are nearly equal: in general no angle should be less than 30 degrees, and then the calculated sides in a series of triangles will not be very different from those obtained by actual measurement. When a great survey is undertaken, the sides of the first triangles should be of greater length than the original measured base, and which is readily accomplished; triangles whose sides were from 70 to 90 miles in length were adopted in Ireland, though in England those whose sides were from 12 to 18 miles were considered preferable. Calculation of the sides of Triangles. — All the angles and the triangles which are taken in a trigonometrical survey by the theodolite are spherical, as they form a part of the surface of a spheroid: it is evident that as every object used for pointing the telescope of a theodolite has some certain elevation not only above the soil, but above the level of the sea, and as these elevations differ in every instance, a reduction to the horizon at all the measured angles is necessary; but by the construction of the theodolite, this reduction is made by reading off the horizontal angles. Ramsden's large instrument, 3 feet in diameter, was the first by which this spherical excess was observed; it is in all trigonometrical ob- servations small, not exceeding 4 or 5 seconds in the largest triangles employed: if the earth's surface was a plane, the sum of the three angles would be exactly 180°, and the excess above 180° is so far from being a proof of incorrectness in the work, that it is essential to its accuracy, whilst it offers at the same time another proof of the earth's sphericity. The true way to judge of a trigonometrical survey is to consider the net work of triangles as the bases of so many pyramids converging to the centre of the sphere: the theodolite accurately measures the angles included by the planes of these pyramids, and the surface of an imaginary sphere at the level of the sea intersects them in an assemblage of spherical triangles, above whose angles in the radii prolonged, the real stations of the ob- servations are raised by the superficial inequalities of mountain and valley. When the triangles are so large as to make the difference between the chords and their arcs perceptible, the condition of the sphericity must be ascertained, or else, when all the triangles are laid CHAP. VIII. 855 GEOMETRY. down, they would occupy a greater area than they ought: the triangles must, therefore, be considered as spherical, and treated as such, when their sides are to be calculated; when angular distances are measured by a theodolite, the plane of the instrument is so adjusted to the horizon that the angle observed is the horizontal angle of the station. The three summits of the triangle so measured are equally distant from the earth's centre, which is not the case when the sextant and repeating circle are used for the purpose of measuring angles. The centre of the theodolite being placed directly under the centre of the signal destroys the necessity of any calculation for reducing the observed angie to the centre of the station. In all spherical angles the three angles together exceed 180°, by what is called the spherical excess, which is proportional to the area of the triangle; ABC, being the angles of a spherical triangle, r the radius of the sphere expressed in feet, x=3.14159, the pro- portion the circumference has to the diameter, and S the number of square feet contained in the area of the triangle; then by trigonometry, Let E denote the spherical excess, E = : S= r² X. A+B+C-180° 180° A+B+C-180°; then E Sx 180° r2 x in degrees, or S x 648000, as expressed in seconds: in any triangle which can be measured on the r2 x surface of the earth, S is very small in comparison with r², and therefore E is a very small quantity in practice it seldom exceeds four or five seconds; but in the triangle of a side of 100 miles in length, it would amount to more than thirty or forty an approximate value of S is sufficient then to compute the value of E with precision; and for this purpose, we must consider the triangle a plane one: let abc be the number of feet in the respective sides opposite to ABC: we shall have for the area S=ab sin. C. Substituting this in the ab sin. C × 648000 formula for the spherical excess, we obtain in seconds, E= : this formula 2r2 x is deduced on the hypothesis that the surface of the triangle is spherical; but it equally applies to triangles on the surface of a spheroid; for the spherical excess is the same for triangles on a spheroid and sphere, when the latitude of the stations and their differences of longitude are the same. To compute the spherical excess of any triangle, the value of r, the radius, should be ascertained; the curvature of the arc joining any two points or stations on a spheroid varies with the latitude, and also with the direction of the arc in respect of the meridian: the value of r may then be considered sufficiently near the truth, by assuming its value that which corresponds to the curvature of the meridian at the mean latitude of the stations, and even to suppose it constant for all the triangles within similar parallels of latitudes. To calculate the two remaining sides of the triangles after the three spherical angles have been determined, one side being always known either by measurement or computation, three different methods have been adopted: the first is to transform the side whose length is already known in feet into an arc of a circle, which is done by comparing it with the radius of the earth, and solving the triangle by spherical trigo- nometry. But this process is not generally adopted; that which was followed in calculating the triangles of the Ordnance survey was to consider, as the distance of any two stations mutually visible from each other is very small in comparison of the whole circumference of the earth, the chord of the intercepted arc will differ from the arc itself, by a quantity which may be computed from the known ratio of the chord to the radius of the earth, but which in general is so small as to be insensible. If, therefore, from the observed spherical angles we deduce in each case the corresponding angles formed by the chords, and with these compute the sides by plane trigonometry, we shall obtain the chords of the arcs intercepted between the stations, and thence the arcs themselves. The third method was after the demonstration, that a triangle on a sphere or spheroid, which is small in comparison with the whole spherical surface, differs insensibly from a plane triangle, of which the sides are respectively equal in length to the sides of the triangle on the sphere, and whose angles are respectively equal to those of the spherical triangle, each diminished by one third of the spherical excess. Tables for the reduction of spherical angles to the plane of the chords, and likewise for the computation of the spherical excess, are given by Delambre in his Base Metrique. To determine the Meridian Line the theodolite is fixed at one of the stations; and some hours before mid-day the telescope is directed, in such a manner that the cross-wires shall touch the upper or lower limb of the sun in the east; and then the horizontal and vertical readings of the arc are to be set down; this operation is to be repeated several times: in the afternoon, the vertical arc being clamped to the last reading off, the horizontal angle at the time of the sun's limb touching the intersection of the cross-wires is to be noted; the vertical arc being clamped in succession in the descending series of the vertical angles, all the horizontal readings at the time of each successive intersection are entered: the 3 1 4 856 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. point on the horizontal limb half-way between all the readings will give the angle to which the vernier is to be placed, in order that the telescope may point to the position occupied by the sun at noon. D B On the Mensuration of Distances, Heights, &c., by the calculation of Sines, Tangents, and Secants. By the terms sines, tangents, and secants, is understood the knowledge of the sides and angles of triangles, by means of which, and the assistance of tables calculated for the purpose, we can obtain the length of the unknown sides and angles. A Sine is the side of a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse of which has served as a radius to describe a circle comprising the right-angled triangle, as A B C. the hypotenuse of which, AB, is the radius of the circle DBEF G, which encloses the triangle ABC, the side of which, BC, is the sine of the angle CAB; for the same reason the side AC is the sine of the angle ABC, and the hypotenuse A B that of the angle ABC. Every angle of a triangle is the sine of its opposite side, as in that of A BC: the angle CAB is the sine of the side B C, which is opposite to it; and the angle ABC is the sine of the side A C; and the angle BCA is the sine of the hypotenuse A B. G E A C Fig. 1077. F Total sine, radius, sine of 90°, or entire sine, is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, which serves as a radius to describe a circle enclosing a right- angled triangle. In the triangle ABC, the hypote- nuse AB is a total sine, and the two other sides AC and BC are only sines; so that the total sine AB, being commonly divided into 100,000 parts which are equal, the two other sides or sines being each smaller, must have less than that number. Right Sine of an Angle is a line which falls perpendicular from the point where the hypotenuse cuts the circle, on to the extremity of another line, which forms an angle with the hypotenuse, as the line BC is the right sine of the angle CA B. Sine of an Arc is the right line drawn from one extremity of the arc perpendicularly to the radius which answers to the other extremity, as the right line BC is the sine of the arc BE. Versed Sine is the remaining portion of the radius which is comprised between the line of the right sine of an angle and one of the same sine, as the line CE is a versed sine. Sine of the Complement of an Arc is a right line drawn from the extremity of an arc, perpendicular to the radius, which does not touch the arc, but which together with the arc terminate a quarter circle: the line BH is the sine of the complement of the arc BE; because the right line BH is drawn from the extremity B of the arc BE, perpendicular to the radius AD, which does not touch the arc D B, which bounds it. The reason why each side of a right-angled triangle inclosed within a circle is called a sine is said to be from the word sinus, signifying the heart, the most inward part of man; thus, sines, which are likewise enclosed or rather found inscribed in a circle, are called so; and as the heart is the most important part of man, so are sines in a circle those which produce the most useful acquirements in mathematics. Tangents and Secants. -A tangent is a line which touches the circumference of a circle, but does not cut it if prolonged, as BC: tangent of an angle is a line perpendicular to the extremity of a radius at the point on which it touches the circle, and this perpen- dicular terminates at the other line, which forms the angle of the tangent with the radius; the right line BC is the tangent of the angle BAC, because it is perpendicular to the extremity of the radius A C, at the point C, where it touches the circle DCEF; and the perpendicular BC terminates at the line C A B, which together with the radius AC forms the angle B A C of the tangent BC. A Secant is a line which is drawn from the centre into the circumference of a circle, as the line AB is a secant; for being drawn from the centre A, it cuts the circumference of the circle DCEF in the point G. B G دع D F A E Fig. 1078.. Secant of an Angle is a line drawn from the centre of a circle, which cutting the circumference extends to the tangent; as the right line A B is the secant of the angle CAB, because it is a line drawn from the centre of a circle into its circumference DCEF, in the point G, and extends beyond the circle to the tangent B C. CHAP. VIII. 857 GEOMETRY In practical geometry Of Tables of Sines, TangenTS AND SECANTS, AND OF LOGARITHMS. the instruments mostly used have their degrees usually divided into six equal parts, and con- sequently the tables are calculated to answer them by having their degrees divided into six equal parts of 10 minutes each. The sines, tangents, &c., are comprised in two sets of tables; the first contains the sums of progression of common sines and tangents for the 90 degrees of the quadrant, for the 100,000 parts into which its radius or entire sine is supposed to be divided. The second table contains the logarithms from 1 to 10,000: in the first table the first column contains the minutes of degrees, the second the sines auswering in order to the minutes, the third and fourth the tangents and secants, the fifth the degrees, the sixth and seventh the logarithmic sines and tangents. The first column of minutes contains six divisions; the first is the minute, and then follows 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, which answer to the five columns against them. The second column contains the sums of sines according to the progression of degrees and minutes of the radius or total sine, and the other columns contain tangents, secants, sines, logarithmic sines, and tangents; whilst the fifth serves to mark the degrees from top to bottom to 45 degrees for the left-hand columns, and from bottom to top from 45 to 90 degrees for those on the right-hand. To find the Sine of an Arc, or the degrees of a given angle and its complement.-Every arc in ´a given angle may have less or more than 90°, and its degrees may have minutes or not. Required the sine of an arc of 24°, or simply the sine of 24°, look in the table under the head of degrees for this number, and against it is found 40673 for its sine; but if it is re- quired to find the sine of 24° 10′, we must further seek for 10′ under the head of minutes, where, opposite to 24°, also in the column of sines, is 40939, which will be sine of 24° 10′. If it is required to seek the sine of 60° in the table which goes from 45 to 90; when the sine is 140°, or exceeds a quadrant, or 90°, we must take the complement by subtracting 140° from 180°, the value of a demicircle, and the remainder 40° must be sought in the column of sines, which will give 64278. To find the Degrees and Minutes of a given Sine, as that of the sine 40673.- Seek the sine in the column of sines, and the figure opposite in the column of degrees will give 24°, and opposite this sine 40673 in the column of minutes is an 0, which signifies that the sine has no minutes; if the given sine had been 40939, seek it in the column of sines, and having found it in the left-hand columns, observe what degrees and minutes correspond with it, and having remarked it to be 24° 10′, set it down as the sine required. The rules above given for finding sines apply also to tangents and secants, both simple and logarithmic : when the distances measured are in feet or inches, it is necessary to reduce these dimen- sions into seconds, because these small fractions become less considerable, as fractions of lines in great distances are of little importance in a practical point of view. A D K To distinguish when observing objects, if the Sides of the Triangles formed are either Sines, Tangents, or Secants. In a right-angled triangle, when we know the hypotenuse, or the side opposite the right angle, the sides of this triangle are considered the sines, because, if from one extremity of the hypotenuse, with its length as a radius, we describe a circle, it will inclose the whole triangle, and there will be neither tangent nor secant; supposing it required to find the distance from A to C, by employing a right-angled triangle A CB, of which the two angles BA C and A BC are known with the hypotenuse BC; it is evident that if from the point B, the extremity of the hypotenuse BC, and with the radius or length BC, we describe a circle, as DCEF, it will enclose the triangle A CB, and its sides AC and AB will be sines, because they are enclosed in the circle DCEF. Observe also, that in the same right-angled tri- angle A C B, that it is a general rule when one of the two sides are known which form a right angle, as for example B A, we can use it as a radius or total sine, to describe a circle, as A GHI; that the other side A C of the right angle BAC is a tangent, because it falls perpendicularly on the extremity of the radius BA at the point A, where it touches the circle; and that the side B C, which is opposite to the right angle B A C, is a secant, because it cuts the circle AGHI in K. L B G H E Fig. 1079. M In trigonometry, all the sides of acute and obtuse-angled triangles are called sines, because these triangles, having no right angle, can have neither tangent nor secant of angles: if it be required to find the distance L M by the obtuse-angled triangle L M N, it is clear that having no right angle, it can be neither the tangent nor secant of an angle. To measure lengths by the calculations of Sines, forming a right-angled triangle, of which the hypotenuse and two angles Fig. 1080. are known, viz. right and acute.—To find the unknown angle, subtract the acute angle from 8.58 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Į A C 90 50 Fig. 1081. B 90°, the remainder will be the unknown angle; to find the two other unknown sides, proceed by the rule of three, placing in the first term 10,000, in the second the value of the known hypotenuse, and. in the third the sine of the angle opposite to the side required: the quotient will give the unknown side. As to find the length A B by forming a triangle ABC, of which the hy- potenuse CB is 108 feet, the acute angle ACB 50°, and the right angle CAB 90°. To find the unknown angle CBA, subtract the acute angle A CB, 50°, from 90°, the remainder, 40°, will be the angle CBA; then place for the first term 10.000, in the second the length of the hypotenuse reduced to seconds, as 15552, and the third term the sine of the angle ACB 50°, which sought for in the tables is found to be 76604; the quotient will give 11913 seconds, and the remainder 45408 is about one half second more, consequently the length of A B is 82 feet, 4 inches, 8 seconds, 94 thirds. To obtain the side A C, you must adopt the same method. Another example may be given where the length of the hypotenuse is not known. From 90° subtract the known acute angle, the remainder will be the unknown angle; to find the length of the unknown side which forms the right angle and is a tangent, place in the first term, as before, 10000, in the second the known side, in the third the tangent of the angle opposite to the required angle: the quotient will be the length. The height AC of the triangle A B C, of which the side A B is 11913-5 seconds, the angle CBA 40°, and C A B 90°, it is required to find the height AC; subtract from 90° the acute angle 40°, and the remainder 50° will be the acute angle AC B. Then place C A 90 Fig. 1082. 40 B in the first term 10,000, in the second 11913.5, and in the third the tangent of the angle, 40°, which will be 83909, ac- cording to the tables; the quotient gives 9996 seconds for the height A C, which reduced to feet is 75 feet 5 inches. If the length of the hypotenuse is required, place in the first term 10000, in the second the length of the side AB, 11913-5, and in the third place the secant of the angle, 40°, which is 130540 in the table, and the quotient gives 15551, with a remainder of 88290, or nearly one-third of a second, conse- quently the hypotenuse is in length 15551 seconds, or 108 feet nearly. B A 90 Required the length A B of the third triangle, having formed the right-angled triangle ABC, of which the hypotenuse CB is 108 feet, 15551 seconds, and the side CA is 69 feet 5 inches. First find the acute angle A CB opposite the required side A B by the unknown angle CBA, which you can obtain by the simple rule of three, placing in the first term the value of the hypo- tenuse CB, in the second term 10000, and in the third term the length of the side A C; the quotient will give 64277 for the sine, which being sought in the table and not found, seek the nearest number to it, 64278, which will give 40° for the angle C B A; subtract from 90°, the angle C B A, 40°, and the remainder, 50°, will be the angle A C B. To find the side A B, adopt the rule given for the first triangle, that is to say, by the rule of three, placing in the first term 10000, in the second the length of the hypotenuse, and in the third the sine of the angle A CB 50, opposite the required side AB, which sought in the tables will be 76604; the quotient of the sum will give 11913 seconds; there will remain 45408, which is half a second, and which reduced into feet gives 82 feet, 8 inches, and 9 seconds. Fig. 1083. C Required the distance from B to C, having formed the right-angled triangle ABC, of which the side A B is 82 feet, 8 inches, 9 seconds, or 11913 seconds; and the side A C is 69 feet, 5 inches, and half B a second, and the angle B A C a right angle of 90°. It will be seen that since we do not know the hypote- nuse, B C, we must work by tangents and secants. To find the required side B C, we must know one of the two acute angles, as C B A, opposite to the short side A C, 9996 seconds. To find this by proportion, place in the first term the length of the side AB, 119131 seconds; in the second term 10000, and in the third term the side A C, 9996 seconds; the quotient will give 83912, which, being a tangent, seek the nearest number to it, 83909, in the table, it will give 40 degrees for the angle CBA. 90 A Fig. 1084. CHAP. VIII. 859 GEOMETRY. If you desire to measure the acute angle A C B, it will only be necessary to subtract 40° from 90°, the remainder, 50°, is the angle. To have the length of the hypotenuse, or side B C, follow the rule given for the second triangle by proportion, placing in the first term 10000, in the second the value of the side A B, 11913 seconds, and in the third the secant of the angle C B A, 40°, which is 130540: the quotient will give 15552 lines for the distance B C, which, reduced into feet, will give 108 feet. A It is required to find the distance A B, having formed an acute-angled triangle, A B C, the angle A C B is supposed to be 79°, the angle C B A, 37°, and the length of the side C B, 58 feet. To find the angle C A B, add together the two known angles, 79° and 37°, and subtract their sum, 116°, from 180°, the remainder, 64°, will be the value of the angle C A B. To obtain the length of the side A B by proportion, place in the first term the sine of the angle C A B, 64°, opposite the known side, A B, 58 feet; the sine will be 89879; in the second term the length of the side CB 58 feet; in the third term the sine of the angle A C B, 79°, opposite the required side; this sine will be 98162; the quotient will give 63 feet for the side A B, and since there remains 31019, reduce them into inches and seconds. If the side A C is required, place for the first term the sine of the angle C A B, 64°, viz. 89879, for the second term the value of the side C B, 58, and in the third term the sine of the angle C B A, 37°, which is 60181; the quotient will give 38 feet for the length of the side A C: what remains must be reduced into inches and seconds. с Fig. 1085. 37 B C 18 Required the distance from A to B, the side A C having 46, C B 66, and the angle C A B, 81°. First find A the angle CB A, opposite the known side A C, by pro- portion: place in the first term the length of the other side, C B, 66, opposite the known angle, C A B, 81º. In the second term the sine of the angle, C A B, 81º, which is 98768, and in the third term the length of the known side, A C, 46, opposite the angle sought, C BA; the quotient, 68838, will be the sine: seek the nearest number in the table, 68835, which will give 43° 30′ for the angle CBA. Add the sums of the two triangles C A B, 81º, and C B A, 43° 30′, their sum, 124° 30′, subtracted from 180°, leaves 55° 30′ for the angle A C B. Then find the length of the side A B, by the rule before given. Place in the first term the sine, 98768, of the angle C A B, 81°, opposite the side C B, 66; in the second term, the value of the known side, CB, 66, and in the third term, the sine, 82412, of the angle A C B, 55° 30′, opposite the required side, A B; the quotient will give 55 for the length of A B, with a remainder. R Fig. 1086. 69 A Measuring Lengths by the calculation of Sines, forming an acute-angled triangle, of which two sides and the comprised angle are known. Required the distance from A to B, by forming an acute-angled triangle A B C, the side of which A C is 63 chains, BC 30 chains, and the angle ACB comprised by these two sides 69°. To find the two angles C A B and CBA, add together the two sides, A C 60 chains, and BC 30 chains; their sum will be 90°; subtract the short side, BC, 30, from the long side, A C, 60; there remains 30: subtract from 180° the known angle A CB 69°; the remainder, 111°, will be the value of the two unknown angles, C A B and CBA, of which take the half, 55° 30. Place in the first term the sum of the two sides, A C 60 and B C 30=90; in the second, the dif- ference of the two sides 30, and in the third term the tangent of half the two unknown angles 55° 30′, which is 145500; the quotient will give another tangent, 48500, the nearest number to which in the tables, 48413, will give 25° 50′, to which add half the value of the unknown angle 55° 30, and it will give 81° 20′ for the greatest angle of the two, viz. CBA, but if you subtract the 25° 50′ from 55° 30′, it will give 29° 40′ for the angle CA B. To find the side A B by proportion, place in the first term the sine of the angle CAB 29° 40′ opposite the side BC, 30 chains; this sine will be 49495; in the second term the side BC 30 chains, and in the third term the sum of the angle ACB 69° opposite the side required; this sine will be 93358; the quotient will give 56 chains for A B. would reduce the remainder 29020 chains into feet, you will have 14 feet more, which gives 54 chains 14 feet for the distance from A to B. C Fig. 1087. If you Measuring Lengths by forming an Obtuse-Angled Triangle, of which two angles and the 860 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. A 33 109 B adjacent side are known. This method is almost the same as that for the fifth triangle, only instead of taking the sine of the obtuse angle, we take the sine of its complement, as will be seen in the following example. Required the distance from A to B, having formed the obtuse-angled triangle ABC, of which the angle CAB 33°, ACB 109°, and the adjacent side AC 52 feet. To find the unknown angle CBA, add together the value of the two known angles CAB 33°, and A CB 109°, and subtract their sum, 142°, from 180°; the remainder, 38°, will be the value of the unknown angle CBA. To find the length of the unknown side AB by the rule of three, place in the first term the sine of the angle CB, 38°, opposite the known sine A C; this sine will be 61566; in the second term the value of the known side AC 52, and in the third term the sine of the angle ACB 109, opposite the side required. But since this angle A CB is 109° and we have no sine above 90° we must take the sine of the complement of 109°; that is to say, we must subtract the obtuse angle A CB 109° from 180°; the remainder will be 71°, and the sine of 71° will be 94551, which must be put in the third term; the quotient will give 79 with a remainder for the length A B. Fig. 1098. It will be seen that all the other difficulties which might attend the obtuse-angled triangle are reduced to the rules for the acute-angled triangle, provided it is remem- bered that to have the sines of obtuse-angled triangles the complement of 180° must be taken. A 50 90 Fig. 1089. B 40 To find the three Angles of a Triangle, when the three sides are known, by the calculation of sines.— Since this difficulty may occur in the three kinds of triangles, right, acute, and obtuse-angled we will commence with the first, viz. the right- angled. In the triangle ABC, the three angles of which we wish to ascertain, let it be supposed that the side A B is 11913 seconds, A C 9996, and CB 15552; to find the three angles, let fall a perpendicular AD from the angle CAB to the side CB; add together the two sides A B 11913 and AC 9996; their sum will be 21909; subtract the shorter side A C from the mean AB, to have their difference 1917: then by proportion, placing in the first term the greatest side CB, 15552, in the second the sum of the two sides A B and A C, 21909, and in the third term the difference 1917; the quotient will give 2700, with a remainder of 9153, which is nearly two-thirds of the difference between the two segments CD and DB, and this difference being subtracted from the half length CB leaves 128513, of which take half for the small segments CD, and if to this half, 642511, you add the difference, 27001, between the two segments, you will have for the other segment, DB, 9125 Before proceeding further, value the small portions of the two segments CD and DB, and it will give 64253 for CD, and 91261 for DB. To find the angles of the two right-angled triangles, ADC and ABD, of which we know the hypotenuse and one side, follow the rule of the third triangle. To find the two acute angles DAC and DCA of the right-angled triangle ADC: by proportion, place in the first term the hypotenuse A C, 9996, in the second 100000, and in the third the side CD, 6425; to have the opposite angle D A C, the quotient will give 64282, which will be a sine; seek the nearest number in the table, 64278, which will give 40° for the angle DA C, which subtracted from 90° leaves 50° for the other angle DCA: by the same rule it will be found that the angle DAB in the right-angled triangle ABD is 50° and DBA 40°: add these together; their sum will be 90° for the third angle CAB of the right-angled triangle. Mensuration of Distances, Heights, &c. by Logarithms, which facilitates the calculations of sines, and avoids the necessity of calling in the aid of proportion, addition, and subtraction with them, hold the place of multiplication and division, as has been seen in preceding examples; here we shall repeat them, to show the convenience of logarithms in calculating sines, tangents, and secants. We have already mentioned that sines give halves, thirds, quarters, &c., by reason of their remainder, after their division; logarithms only give integers, which obliges us to reduce the value of the known sides into small measures, as far as 4000 (the number given in the ordinary tables), which is a sufficient quantity to be appreciated in mensuration. Measuring Lengths, by forming a right-angled triangle, of which the hypotenuse, with the right and acute angles are known. To find the third angle, subtract from 90° the value of the known acute angle; the remainder is the third unknown angle: then to find the side opposite to the acute angle just ascertained, seek in the logarithms, in the column of numbers, the number of the length of the hypotenuse figured apart. Then seek in the table of sines, in the column of logarithmic sines, the logarithmic sine of the acute CHAP. VIII. 801 GEOMETRY. angle opposite to the side to be known, to add to the lo- garithm already figured a part, and subtract their sum from the logarithm of the sine 100000000, which is the end of the column of logarithmic sines, where the 89° 60′ of the tables of sines end; the remainder of this subtraction will be a logarithm, which sought in the table of logarithms will give the value of the required side. A 90 Fig. 1090. 50 C Let it be required to find the distance AB: having formed the right-angled triangle A B C, of which the hypotenuse CB is known to be 1296 inches, and the acute angle ACB 50°, with the right angle CAB 90º. To find the third ang'e CBA, subtract the acute angle ACB 50° from 90°; the remainder, 40°, will be the acute angle CB A. To find the inaccessible side A B, seek in the column of numbers the sum of the hypotenuse BC, 1296, which will give the logarithm 31126050. Then seek in the column of sines of logarithms the logarithmic sine of the angle A CB, 50°, opposite the side required, AB; the logarithmic sine will be 98842540, which add to the logarithm figured aside, and from their sum, 129968590, subtract the total logarithmic sine 100000000; the remainder, 29968590, will be a logarithm, which being sought, or its nearest number, 29969492, wil give opposite in the column of numbers 993 for the length of the side A B in inches: according to the same rule it will be found that the side AC is 833 inches long. Measuring Lengths, by forming a right-angled triangle, of which one of the sides which form the right angle is known, with the adjacent right and acute angles. To have the third unknown angle subtract the known acute angle from 90°; to have the other side, forming the right angle, which is a tangent, seek in the column of numbers the length of the known side, and write down the logarithm opposite it. Then seek in the table of sines the tangential logarithm of the angle opposite the side to be found, which add to the logarithm written down, and from their sum subtract the total logarithmic sine 100000000; the remainder will be a logarithm, which being sought in the column of logarithms, will give in the opposite column of numbers the side re- quired. A Fig. 1091. 40 Required the height AC of the right-angled triangle ABC, where the side AB is 993 inches, the right angle CAB 90°, and the acute angle CBA 40°. We know that by subtracting the acute angle CBA, 40°, from 90°, the remainder 500 will be the unknown angle ACB. To have the height AC, which is a tangent, seek in the column of numbers the side A B, 993 inches, to take its logarithm 29969492: seek in the table of sines the tangential logarithm of the angle CBA 40°, opposite the side required; the tangential logarithm will be 99228135, which add to the logarithm before found; their sum will be 129207627 ; subtract the total logarithmic sine 100000000 from it; the remainder, 2920762, will be the logarithm, which sought in the table of sines will give 833 inches, opposite its nearest number, 29205430, for the height required of A C. To have also the hypotenuse CB; add the total logarithmic sine, 100000000, to the logarithm 29206450, and from their sum, 12906450, subtract the logarithmic sine 98080675, of the angle CBA 40°; the remainder, 31125775, is a logarithm, which sought in its nearest number, 31126050, in the table, will give 1296 for the hypotenuse CB. A 9J B Of measuring Lengths by forming a right-angled Triangle, of which the hypotenuse and one of the sides which form the right angle and this angle are known. To find the third unknown side, add to the length of the hypotenuse that of the known side; seek their sum in the column of numbers and figure the logarithm, which is opposite, by itself; then subtract the known side from the value of the hypotenuse; seek the remainder in the column of numbers, take the lo- garithm opposite, to figure it above or below the last loga- rithm; add the two together, and take half their sum, which being a logarithm, seek it or the nearest number to it in the table, the number opposite marks the length of the unknown side. Required the distance from A to B having formed a right-angled triangle ABC, of which the hypotenuse CB is 1296 inches, and the side AC 833 inches, with the right angle CA B, 90º. C Fig. 1092. To find the side. A B, add the hypotenuse 1296 to the side AC 833; seek their sum in the column of numbers, which will give the logarithm 33281757. Then subtract the side 862 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. A C, 833, from the hypotenuse CB, 1296; their remainder, 463, seek in the column of num- bers; write the logarithm, 26655810, which is opposite, below the first logarithm; add these two together, their sum will be 59937567, and its half 299687831 will be a logarithm; seek this or its nearest number 29969492 in the column of logarithms, which will give in the column of numbers 993 for the number of inches from A to B. Of measuring Lengths by forming a right-angled Triangle of which the two sides forming the right angle and the latter are known. - Required the distance B C, having formed a right-angled triangle A B C, of which the side AB is 82 P One Q feet, 8 inches, 9½ seconds, or rather more than 993 inches, the side AC 833 inches; and the angle B A C 90. of the two acute angles must be found, say C B A, opposite to the shortest known side A C, 833 inches. Write down the total logarithmic sine 100000000. Then seek in the column of numbers the figure 833, the value of the side A C, which is that opposite the angle required, CB A; and take the logarithmic sine, and add them together: their sum will be 129206450. Seek in the column of numbers, the figures of the other side AB, 993 inches, and having found them, take the opposite logarithm, 29969492, which write below the sum 129206450; subtract one from the other, the remainder, 99236958, will be a tangential logarithm, which, or the nearest num- ber to it, 99238135, you must seek in the column of tangential logarithms; in the opposite column of degrees will be found 40° for the angle C B A: if you subtract this angle from 90° there will remain 50° for the other acute angle A CB. Lastly, to find the distance BC, which is a secant, add to the total logarithmic sine 100000000, the logarithm 29969492 of the side A B, 993 inches, and from their sum 129969492, subtract the loga- rithmic sine of the angle AC B, 50°, which is 98842540, the remainder 31126952 is a logarithm; which, or its nearest number 31126050, will give 1296 for the required distance B C, in inches. Fig. 1093. A Measuring Lengths by forming an acute-angled Triangle, of which two angles and the adjacent angle are known: to find the third angle, add together the value of the two known angles, and subtract their sum from 180°; the remainder will be the unknown angle. To find the two unknown sides, as that which is opposite to the least angle, seek the logarithmic sine of the angle, and write it down: then seek in the column of numbers the value of the known side, figure its logarithm below the logarithmic sine before found, add the two toge- ther, and from their sum subtract the logarithmic sine of the angle opposite the known side; the remainder will be a logarithm; which being sought in the column of logarithms will give in that of numbers the length of the unknown side. C 79 Fig. 1094. 37 B Required, in the acute-angled triangle ABC, the dis- tance from A to B the angle A CB, being 79°, CB A, 70°, and the adjacent side CD, 3480 inches. To find the angle C A B, add together the two angles AC B 79° and CBA 37°: subtract their sum 116° from 180°, the remainder 64° will be the unknown angle CB A. To have the length of the side A B, seek in the table the logarithmic sine of the angle A CB, 79°, opposite the side A B required to be found; this logarithmic sine will be 99919466: then seek in the column of numbers the length of the known side CB, 3480 inches, which will give opposite the lo- garithm 35415792, which write below the logarithmic sine 99919466; add them together, their sum will be 135335258. Lastly, seek in the table the logarithm of the angle C A B 64°, and it will be 99536602, which subtract from the sum 135335258, the remainder, 35798656, will be a logarithm, the nearest number to which, 35797836, will give 380 for the distance in inches from A to B. B A Of measuring Lengths, by forming an acute-angled triangle, of which two sides and the comprised angle are known. Required the distance from A to B of the acute-angled tri- angle A B C, of which the side A C is 1440 feet, CB 720, and the angle ABC 69°. To find one of the two unknown angles, subtract the short side B C, 720, from the long one A C, 1440, their difference, 720, will give the logarithm, 28573325. Subtract the known angle ACB 69° from 180°, the remainder 111° is the value of the two unknown angles, of which take the half, 55° 30', their tangential lo- garithm in the table of sines will be 101628657, which add to the logarithm 28573325; their sum will be 130201982. Then add together the sides AC 1440, and BC 720; their sum, 2160, will give the logarithm 33344537, which must C 69 Fig. 1095. CHAT. VIII. 863 GEOMETRY. be written below the sum total 130201982, and subtracted from it; the remainder, 96557445, will be a tangential logarithm, the nearest number to which, 96849681, will give 25° 50′, which being added to the 55° 30′, the approximating value of the two angles, will give 81° 20 for the greater angle CB A, and 25° 50′, being subtracted from 55° 30′ there will remain 29° 40′ for the angle CA B. To find the third side A B take the logarithmic sine of the angle A CB, 69°, opposite the side A B; this sine will be 99701517. Then seek in the column of numbers the logarithm of the side BC, 720, which will be 28573325; figure it below the logarithmic sine 99701517, and add them together; the sum will be 128274842. Seek the logarithmic sine of the angle C A B, 29° 40', opposite the known side BC; it will be 96945642, which subtract from the sum 128274842, the remainder, 31329200, will be a logarithm, the nearest number to which in the table will give 1358 for the distance in feet from A to B. B 33 109 A Fig. 1096. C Measuring Lengths by forming an obtuse-angled Triangle, of which two angles and the adjacent side are known: the rules for the first acute-angled triangle must be applied here; never- theless, since in the table of sines there are no logarithmic sines for obtuse angles, we must subtract the obtuse angle from 180°, and take the logarithmic sine for the remainder or complement. Required the distance A B, having formed the obtuse-angled triangle, A B C, of which the angle CAB is 33°, the angle A CB 109°, and the adja- cent side AC 312 feet. To find the third angle CBA, add the two angles CA B, 33º, and A C B, 109°, together, and subtract their sum 142° from 180°, the remainder 38° will be the required angle CB A. To have the length of the required side A B, seek the logarithmic sine of the angle A CB, 109°, opposite the required side A B; but since the angle A CB 109° is obtuse, subtract 109° from 180°, the remainder 71° is its complement; the logarithmic sine of which is 99756701. Then seek in the column of numbers the side AC 312; write down the loga. rithm which is opposite 24941546, below the logarithmic sine 99756701, and add them together; their sum will be 124698247. Seek the logarithmic sine of the angle CB A 38° opposite the side A C, it will be 97893420, which subtract from the sum 124698247, the remainder 26804827 will be a logarithm, the nearest number to which in the table, 26803355, will give 479 for the distance A B in feet. By the same rule it will be found, that the side CB is 276 feet, remarking that there is no sine of the complement to be taken for the angle C A B because it does not exceed 90º. As for the other obtuse triangles, they are solved like acute-angled, only taking the com- plements of the obtuse angles. MENSURATION OF SUPERFICIES AND SURVEYING. Of Bevels and Recipiangles. — A bevel may be compared to a pair of large compasses, and is usually made of iron or wood: the iron bevel A, used by stone masons, has each of its branches about 2 feet long, smooth and pointed, and its head, which is round, will open to any angle required. The carpenter's bevel, B, made of wood, is commonly shorter than the stone-mason's; the extremity which forms its head is cut at right angles, so that opening them to the square mark they may serve more easily to express a right angle. The Recipiangle C consists of two long rules of wood, which have their branches parallel at their edges, and are attached together at the middle of their ends by a double- headed screw, which forms the head of the instrument. When used for taking salient and re-entering angles, the centre of a protractor of wood or horn, 6 or 8 inches in diameter, is applied at D to the point at which the branches cross, to observe how much the branches are opened, and which give the required angle; in default of this instrument we use a bevel. The recipiangle E, made of wood, copper, &c., is com- posed of two plates, each about a line in thickness,12 inches long, and 3 inches wide: sometimes its length is increased by adding slips of wood or flat rulers. At the extremity of one of the two plates is described a demi-circle, equal to its breadth, divided into 180°; and at the extremity of the second blade, towards its centre, is a small tongue or round head, which is attached to the centre of its semicircle on the other limb by a double-headed screw. The instruments described are extremely simple and have this fault, that it is difficult to apply the centre of a protractor Ꭰ A Fig. 1097. Fig. 1098. Fig. 1099. E Fig. 1100. C B 864 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, precisely to the point where their limbs cross; and that marked E can only carry a small protractor, on account of the size of the circle on which it is mounted; wherefore the demicircle, having its sines very small, cannot give the just value of an angle, and we cannot observe halves and quarters of degrees, which are necessary to set out the angles precisely. D A E Of the Parallelogrammic Recipiangle. The two limbs A B and A C, of any length and breadth, are joined together at the point A by a double-headed screw; they are pierced in the centre of their breadth at the points D and E, equidistant from the centre A; and to these holes are attached two small rules, DF and E F, joined at the centre F, in such a manner that the four rules A D, D F, FE, and E A, when the four centres of motion are of an equal length, form a perfect square. On the rule E FG, which is longer than D F, is attached a protractor with two hinges G and H. The centre of the protractor should be above the centre of the screw F, and the line of its diameter, if prolonged, should pass through the centre of the screw E: its radius should be rather less than the side FD, to allow a small line to be seen on the piece at- tached to the screw D, which serves to indicate the angle on the margin of the protractor. The recipiangle is used for taking re-entering angles, but when salient angles are required, it is only necessary to open the long rules AB and A C in a right line, and then the centre F will coin- cide with the centre A, so that the same sides of the long rules which have served to take the re-entering angles will also serve to take the salient. When taking small re-entering angles and salient angles, the protractor must be ele- vated perpendicularly on its rules by means of two hinges, and then laid down to measure the angle. Fig. 1101. G H C To draw the Outline of any Place or to take its Plan. As we can only take the plan of a place by the knowledge of the length of its sides and the measurement of its angles, the first thing to be done is to pass round it, and observe whether it is closed or not; if it is accessible and open, as most hamlets and villages are, an artificial outline must be made by planting piquets near the places to be taken, and on the most elevated ground. It must also be observed that in placing these piquets it is not necessary to plant them at equal distances, or that the outline should be formed with regular sides; all that the plan is to comprise should be so set out that its angles may be taken. If the place is only partly open, or if several trees or houses interfere, their position and measurement must be taken in the manner described hereafter. The outline of the plan being roughly sketched out on paper, when the measurements are taken, the sides and angles may be correctly set down in their true and relative positions. When the plans of a large extent of country containing several towns and villages have been taken, the measurements of which differ, they must be reduced to one uniform scale; and if any marsh or water intervenes, which cannot actually be measured, recourse must be had to the trigonometric method. H - Required the plan of the B A To take the plan of any rectilineal Figure with the Recipiangle. ground A, of which the figure BCDEFGH has been drawn, and the length of the sides written along them, as BC 150, CD 81, &c. First take the angles of the ground, as BH G, with a recipiangle; then, having mea- sured it from the angle, retain its opening, and apply the centre of a protractor to the point where the two branches cross, and the diameter of the protractor along one limb, and remark how many degrees are comprised between the limbs, as 93°, which write down on its corresponding angle: then, to obtain the re-entering angle, as GFE, place the head of the recipiangle in the angle required, and make the two branches of the instrument touch the two sides of the angle; then remove it, keeping it open, and place a protractor on the point where the two limbs cross, with its diameter along one of the limbs: the degree intercepted between the two limbs will be the required angle, GFE, 110°, which write down in the corresponding angle of the drawing: Fig. 1102. F E CHAP. VIII. 865 GEOMETRY if the salient angle BHG is required, take it between the limbs of the instrument, and observe on the demi-circle which is at the head, how many degrees are covered, and the number, as 93°, will be the required angle. Sometimes cords are attached to the several piquets, that the recipient may be more accurately applied where the angles are to be taken. C E L H M D To draw out the Plan after the Angles are taken, commence with the line AB, which serves as a scale, and draw it of any length convenient, divided into any number of parts, as 150°; then at the upper part of the paper draw the line CD, on which set off 150 parts from the scale, to answer to the 150 feet of the scale A B at the point. E draw an angle of 121° equal to BCD on the ground, by placing the centre of the protractor at the point E, and its radius turned towards the side to be drawn, on the plan, and its diameter along the side CD; count from this line 121°, as to F, and draw through it a line, FG, which will form with CE an angle CEG, equal to BCD on the To determine the side E G, take ground. 81 parts from the scale A B, answering to the 81 feet from C to D on the ground, and set them off on the line E G, from E to H. At the Fig. 1103. K N 60 90 8+ 120 150 B point H draw an angle of 113º, answering to the angle CDE on the ground, and set off on the line HI, 73 parts of the scale, from H to K, to correspond with the 73 feet from D to E on the ground; then, at the point K, draw an angle H KL, with the protractor of 89º equal to DEF, and set off 55 parts of the scale A B from K to M, answering to the 35 feet of E F: from the point M, draw a re-entering angle, K M N, 110°, equalling EFG, by placing the centre of the protractor at M, its radius towards the plan to be drawn, and its diameter along K M, to count 110° from this line on the protractor: continue these operations for the sides and angles already set down on the rough plan, and the work will be complete. A C. Q'A B L N ! R P H S M E F Ꮐ V T S → h a k i d X 12 Q 9 e b mo" 1 To take the Plans of Streets and various other Places, &c.—To take the plan of a quay near the river side, draw a scale, as IK, and on a sheet of paper of any length, draw an oblique line, as at ab, to unite the quay, A L, which is skewed, the length of which is to be measured: set off the same quantity of feet taken from the scale, from c on the line ab; the line ac will represent the border of the quay, AL; after having measured on the ground how far the descent, R, is from the barrier, A, take a like distance from the scale, and set it off on ab, which will represent the descent of the point R: then re- mark that the border of the quay, AL, makes an angle with the other border, M N, which angle may be formed by stretching two cords, ALS and MNP, along the two borders, which will intersect at Q, and form the required angle, LQN, which will serve as a fixed point: then measure the dis- tance from the point Q, to the bor- der of the quay, L, and from the point, Q, to the border, N, and measure the angle, LQN: then take from the scale IK, the value of the distance LQ, and set it off on the line ab from c to d, and from this point, d, draw with a protractor adc, equal to LQN, and by means of the scale set off the distance G N on the line de, from d to f: measure also the border of the quay, NM; take a like distance from the scale, set off on fe, from ƒ to g, and do the same for the other parts of the quay. To have the breadth of the quay, place a square against the parapet, at the openings and descent, RL, MN, &c., opposite the streets which lead to the quay, with the other side of the square towards the houses, so that by stretching a cord, RS, along the square, the exact width of the quay may be obtained: then draw perpendicular lines on the paper representing the quay, and its descents, he fgn; set off the distances on them of the different breadths of the quay, at the points i,k,l,m,o, through which draw the line to indicate the width of the street I + Fig 1104. K 3 K 866 BOOK IL. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. extent of the houses, &c. Lastly, to have the angles of the streets, take them with a recipiangle, and their length and breadth by means of a cord and square; then draw with a protractor the various angles, as before described, and set off the breadths and lengths till the whole is com- pleted. It must always be borne in mind that the three internal angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles, and make 180°. In the right-angled triangle, all its three angles taken together make 180°, as is seen by the space of a circle described from the point of each angle, comprised by the sides of the same angle. The same is the case with the obtuse-angled triangle and the acute. To have the angle of the centre of a regular figure, divide 360° by the number of sides of the figure, the quotient will give the angle. In the regular hexagon abcdef, to have the central angle aib, divide 360° by 6, the number of sides of the hexagon, the quotient will give 60° for the angle, where it will be seen that whatever number of sides a regular or irregular figure may have, the central angles together equal 360°, because they occupy a circle de- scribed from the centre of the figure, and which is divided into that number of degrees. To find the Polygonal Angles of a regular Figure, sub- tract from 180° one of the central angles, the remainder will be the polygonal angle. In a regular hexagon subtract 60°, the central angle, from 1800, the remainder, 120°, will be the polygonal angle: multiply 120° by 6, the number of sides in a hexagon, and we have 720° for the six polygonal angles. To have all the polygonal angles of an irregular figure, it is a rule for those of the same number of sides, both regular and irregular, that the sum total of the poly- gonal angles of the regular figures is equal to that of all the polygonal angles of the irregular figure. 36 48 90 70 a Fig. 1105. a e 115 30 с 360 Fig. 1106. 60 d If in a regular hexagon six lines are drawn from its centre to its six polygonal angles, the hexagon will be divided into six equal triangles; and as already stated, the three angles of a triangle are equal to 180°: we shall, therefore, have for the angles of the six triangles 1080°, and as the six central angles of the hexagon are equal to 360°; if from 1080° we subtract 360°, there remains 720° for the six polygonal angles of a regular hexagon. By the same rule it will be found that the six polygonal angles of an irregular hexagon are together equal to 7200, which is easily seen by drawing lines from its centre to its six polygonal angles, dividing the hexagon into six triangles, each of which is equal to 180°; we therefore have 1080° for the angles of the six triangles of the hexagon, and if we subtract 360° from 1080°, there remains 720° for the polygonal angles, which are equal to those of the regular hexagon. B 1 121 To find in plans laid down, if the sum of the polygonal angles is correct, multiply 180° by the number of sides of the plan; from the product subtract 360°, the remainder will be the value of all the polygonal angles of the figure. In taking the polygonal angles of the irregular hexagon, the addition of the six polygonal angles gives 720, and if it is not known whether the sum is correct, to ascer- tain it, by the preceding rule multiply 180° by 6, the number of sides of the proposed hexagon; from the product 1080° subtract 360°, the value of all the central angles, the remainder, 720°, will be the number of degrees of the six angles of the irregular polygon; and since the sum of the angles of the polygon which have been taken agree exactly with this, it proves that they have been cor- rectly taken. A 113) D 93 G 150 F 126 E Fig. 1107. To find whether the Polygonal Angles have each separately been correctly taken by the second of the preceding rules it may be found if the polygon is regular; but if not, for example, in the angle DEF, take on the ground each angle of the complement, by means of a cord stretched in the line of the angle of the polygon required, and if, by adding toge ther, the value of these two angles is equal to 180°, it may be concluded that the angle is CHAP. VIII. 867 GEOMETRY. correctly taken; but if the sum of the addition is more or less than 180°, measure the angles again, to ascertain whence the error has occurred, and by successive operations correct it. B H 41 טן 16 121 103 D A 16 E G 150 100126 117 33 F To find the salient and re-entering Angle of a Plan, if correctly taken, it is requisite to ascertain if the right angles of the irregular plan are equally so, viz. the salient angle, IBD, 76°, the re-entering angle B DC, 121º the angle DCE, 103°, CEF, 1130, EFG, 89°, the re-entering angle FGH, 110°, GHI, 117°, and the salient angle HIB, 93°. Trace outside the two re-entering angles the lines BC and HF, which form an artificial boun- dary, BCE FHI; measure all the angles of this as if it were the true one, except the two CEF, 113°, I (93 and HIB, 103°, which are already known, and having found, by taking these angles, that IBC is 117°, BCE 121°, EFH 126°, and FHI 150°, which, together with the two angles CEF, 113°, and HIB, 93°, make 720°; then this shows that the angles are properly taken, be- cause the polygonal angles of a hexagon, whether regular or irregular, together make 720°. But since the artificial boundary B CEFHI has the angle IB C, 117°, greater than IBD, 76°, BCE, 121º, greater than DCE, 103°, EFH, 126°, greater than EFG, 89°, and FHI, 150°, greater than GHI, 117°, therefore we must ascertain if the four angles IBD, 76°, DCE, 103°, EFG, 89°, and GHI, 117°, are correctly taken. For the first two angles IBD and DCE, measure in the artificial triangle BCD, the angles DB C, 41°, and DCB, 18°; then subtract DBC, 41°, from IBC, 117°; the remainder, 76°, being equal to the angle IBD, as measured, shows it has been accurately taken. If from the angle BCE, 121°, the angle DCB 18° is subtracted, there will remain 103° for the angle DCE. Pursue the same course for the angle EFG and GHI, and the first will be found 89°, and the second 117°. Fig. 1108. To ascertain if the re-entering angles are properly taken, beginning with DB C, add to the artificial triangle B CD, the two angles DB C, 41°, and DCB, 18°, subtract their sum 59° from 180°, the remainder, 121º, will be the value of the re-entering angle B DC, which was before found the value of that angle: the same rule must be followed for the artificial triangle GFH, to ascertain if the re-entering angle F G H, 110°, has also been cor- rectly taken. Lastly, to verify the two angles CEF and HIB, have recourse to the method before given, by using the complement of the angle T K B D A E F Taking the Plan of Places wholly or the part of a circular figure: such a plan must be enclosed within a cord, or in some other manner, so that it may touch the enclosure as much as possible, as in the figure BCDEFGHIKL: if the en- closure or boundary is very irregular, and full of retreats or sinuosities, as the lower part of the plan, their exact plan must be taken independently: then remark where the two cords of the artificial boundary form an angle, as at G, and stretch another cord BV, through the middle of the angle, to the undulations of which measure the length; then stretch cords from the sides of the angles to the undulations, at right angles to the sides, the length of which must be written down, as well as their distances from each other. If the artificial boundary whose plan is required has towers, or other projections, they must be sur- rounded by cords, and the length of their sides and angles figured down, that their circum- ference may be defined: to lay such a plan on paper, draw a circle of any length or divisions, as 180 feet place on one of the sides the length BC, 180 feet; draw with a protractor from the point C, the angle B CD, 101°: continue to draw in succession the length of the sides and angles, until you have the measurement of the whole of the artificial boundary. R H Fig. 1109. V 8 To have the Circular Boundary, observe at what distance from the angles the rea. boundary touches the lines shown by the cords, as at the points M, N, O, P; then take from the scale their relative distances, and mark them on the sides of the artificial boundary through which the real outline must be traced. To have the Circular Boundary correct, observe that the angles of the artificial boun- dary are divided into two by a right line drawn from the angle to the boundary, the length of which is figured; this must also be set out on the paper at the respective angles : remark also, that to the right and left of each angle of the artificial boundary, where cords are stretched, their distance and length must be set down; and when these lines are properly laid down, the natural boundary may be traced through them. 3K 2 868 Book II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. X B K Fig. 1111. N C E 12338 26 60 LOS 160 01 D G A 28 82 F 66 76 *15 86 67 H Fig. 1110. M T L R/Q To trace on the Ground a Plan drawn on Paper. Having drawn on paper the plan to be laid down, the angles of which are indicated by the letters BCD, E FG, HIK: drive a stump into the ground at the point where it is in- tended to have one angle of the plan, as at L, where a cord LM must be stretched, towards the place in- tended to trace the plan; on the line set off LM, 52 feet from L to M, answering for the 52 feet from B to C; and at this point N, drive a large stump into the ground; above the large stump or piquet, place a demicircle with its diameter in the line LN, for the purpose of forming the angle LNC, 123º, equal to BCD on the paper, setting off also 36 feet from N to P, the length of CD: drive another stump into the ground at P, and stretch a cord horizontally between the two piquets P and N; drive other stumps between the two, and mark the two lines forming the angles on the head of each stump: at the point P draw a re-entering angle NPQ, 105º, to equalise CDE, and set off 86 feet on PQ, from P to R, answering to DE on the plan; and continue in the same manner to form the angles, RFN, RST, STL, &c., according to the plan, with the lengths of their sides: when there are re-entering angles on the plan, take care to observe if the sides of the plan on the ground agree with those on the paper, which may be rectified by means of fixed points; for ex- ample, if the side RS was prolonged, it would exactly fall on the side TV, at the distance of 15 feet from V in L, as is marked from H to X, on the side HG of the plan; if it falls near T, some of the sides or angles are too small, if near V the contrary is the case. Drawing and measuring Angles on the Ground by a divided Port Crayon and two Cords. The divided port crayon may be of any length, from 5 to 6 inches, and ¦ of an inch square; the longest are the most conve- 1/4 nient, on account of the two equal and parallel lines engraved on them: the line BC must be divided into 180 equal parts, according to the line of chords on a sector; and DE, which is parallel to it, and of the same length, should be divided into 60 equal parts: the two cords may be made of fine twine about 36 feet long, as F, G, H, which must be divided into two at G, and a ring attached there; and also its two extremities, F and H, made large enough to receive a small stump; divide FG and G H each into 30 equal parts to serve as feet, &c.: the second cord FI, which is longer than the first, must be divided into 60 parts, equal to those on the other cord. draw an angle on the ground, as one of 40°, at fig. 1115, plant a stump at the point where the angle is to be drawn, pass the ring G of the cord over the stump, stretching the side FG 22 towards the place it is required to fix one side of the angle, and drive a stump through the ring F; then remark the port crayon on the line of chords BC, where 40° coincides with the line DE, divide into 60 equal parts; having observed that it is at the 21st, stretch the cord FI, until its 21st point touches the ring H, where a stump must be driven; so that on taking up the cord the stump FGH remaining, the three points of the required angle are given. 16 17 15 To 18 14 27 26 19 25 28 20 12 11 24 29 19 13 21 330 # 15 1 23 16 24 17 20 18 19 26 27 F 28 29 30 Fig. 1112. 21 A B D 30 10 120 6030 70 80 22 10 90 300 110 180 130 110 150 180 60 770 E Fig. 1113. One cord may be considered as passing the whole length of the spiral figure, its first ring at H, its second at G, and a third at the extremity, F, comprising 60 feet: the other cord containing 30 feet, or half the former quantity, has one ring at H and the other at G; by the application of these two cords angles may be set out on the ground: sometimes, instead CHAP. VIII. 869 GEOMETRY. of the port-crayon a flat piece of brass or wood is divided longitudinally into two columns, called BC and DE; the first is marked with the 180 degrees, as taken from the line of chords on a sector; and on DE are arranged the 60 equal parts; when these columns ave placed side by side it is more easy to read them off. This instrument is now seldom made use of, but in France it was much employed, and considered sufficiently accurate for all ordinary surveys, or for setting out angles either salient or re-entering: spiral lines were frequently set out with it, and the gardener em- ployed under Le Nostre marked out the fanciful forms which were then in fashion with this simple instrument. M To measure salient and re-entering Angles, as that of the angle LMN, drive a stump at M, over which place the ring G, straining FG and GH against the sides of the angle, and drive a stump into each of the rings F and H. Stretch the cord FI, which must be attached to the stump F, until it touches the extre- mity H of the cord F G H, and Q remark how many divisions of the cord FI there are from F to H; then note on the line DE of the port crayon what division or degree of the line which answers to 50, as 112, which will be the required angle. To find the salient angle OPQ, either prolong OP to R, and QP to S, to form F R Fig. 1114. G N P G 40 H F H F E Fig. 1115. G A 8 the re-entering angle RPS, which may be measured by the preceding rule; or place the ring G of the cord at the salient angle P, and stretch the side GF along QP, and GH along OP, of the salient angle OPQ; so that by measuring with the divided cord the distance FH, number of divisions are obtained, which sought on the line of cords denote the degrees of the angle RPS, as well as the salient angle OPQ, which is equal to it. To reduce or enlarge a Plan on a given scale without using a scale or protractor: as, to reduce the plan A, which has for its base FE, to another plan having the base HI. Draw a line K L, and from the point K as a centre, with the base FE as a radius, describe an arc NM, on which set off the given base HI from N to O, and draw a right line KP through 0: take the distance F G from the plan A, and describe from the point K, an arc QR, of which take the chord RQ, and from the point H of the given base, describe with this distance the arc S: from the plan A take the distance EG, and from the point K describe the arc TV, of which take the cord VT, and carry to the point I of the given base HI; and from this point I describe the arc X, which will cut the arc S in Y; from the point H, draw a right line HY to the point Y, which will make the side HY homologous or relative to FG, on the plan A: to have the side relative to GB, it is only neces- sary to follow the same rule, that is to say, from the point K, with the distance GB, describe the arc ab, and carry its chord ba, to the other point Y, the extremity of the line HY, and from the point Y describe the arc c; then take the distance EB, from the plan A, and with it describe an arc from the point K; so that by taking its chord ed, from the point I of the given base an arc may be described, and observing where the arc cuts c, as at g; then draw the line Yg, which will be homologous to GB. All the other relative sides may be found by the same rules, so as to reduce the plan A to another whose base is HI; by this means, plans may be diminished or increased, provided the base is not double the other ROZ K b N V L Fig. 1116. T H S D X DY Fig. 1117. g C 3 K Y 870 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. F H G A To draw by means of a Scale and Protractor a Plan, greater, equal, or smaller than a given Plan.—It is required to copy the plan A, which is bounded by six sides, B C, DE, &c.; the scale H being divided into 100 parts of the same size. Draw a scale K of the same length as H, viz. into 100 parts; measure how many parts of this are contained by the side BC, as 80; draw the line LN, on which set off 80 parts, as taken from the scale from L to N : then with the protractor measure the angle CB G of 117°, and draw another equal to it at the point N, having its diameter along LN, and count 117 degrees on its circum- ference, beginning at L; having removed the protractor, draw the right line N P, off 60 equal parts, to answer to the side BG; at the point P draw the angle NPQ equal to BGF on the plan A, and set off as many parts on PQ as are equal to G F on the plan A: con- tinue to draw the relative sides and angles of the plan A, until you have the plan LNPQRS equal to it. E Fig. 1118. Copying Plans by means of Squares. To copy the plan A, it may be inclosed in squares, as HIKL: divide the two opposite sides HI and KL into the same number of parts, as into five, and draw right lines through the opposite points of these two lines : divide also the sides HL and IK into any num- ber of parts, and draw lines through the opposite points, which crossing the first will form several squares. To copy the plan A precisely the same size, draw the squares equal, and then tracing the map or plan through all the corresponding parts, they will be alike. If it be required to copy a plan without drawing, squares on the originals or on the copy, fine threads stretched across may be made to answer the same pur- pose, and on the paper on which the drawing is to be made, fill up the squares in the manner of the original: thus the copy may be completed without ruling any lines on the original. G B R C P K I Fig. 119. A H 1 C B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 8 F L Fig. 1120. N M 1 2 3 4 5 Q 7 པ 8 Fig. 1121. LO L L K P D The Cross Staff is commonly of copper or brass; there are both simple and com- pound: the simple one, A, is a circle of brass, 4 or 5 inches in diameter, divided by two lines at right angles, which have their extremities mounted with sights; the space between the arms is hollow, to render it lighter, and more portable; below the cross is fixed a joint with a dowel to fit into a socket joint, fixed on the staff which supports it. The cross staff, F, is compound, 6 or 8 inches in diameter; it has four sights, and an alhidade is fitted to its centre by a two-headed screw, as KL, whose extremities H K A B AR A L F 요 ​ Fig. 1122. Fig. 1123. Fig. 1124. K G CHAT. VIII. 871 GEOMETRY. are charged with sights, and work on a circle described on the cross, which is divided into 360 degrees. This alhidade serving to form angles has a magnetic needle at its centre, to mark the point of the compass, by placing one side of the square against the object to be taken. When the double cross has not an alhidade, four more sights are screwed in the intervals of the others, so that the cross has eight sights: it is to be remarked that large squares are to be preferred to small, as they direct the visual rays better. To ascertain whether the cross staff is accurate, mount it on its stand, and plant it on a level piece of ground; then, boning by the sights A C, place a piquet with its card in the line with the visual ray; and, without removing the cross staff, bone through the sights C, A, and plant a piquet H in the visual ray; bone through all the other sights, and if they cut the same points, as well as the piquets placed at right angles, it may be considered correct. A To measure acute-angled Triangles.-Let fall from an angle of the triangle a perpendicular to the side opposite the angle, and multiply this perpendicular by the length of the side opposite the angle; half the product will give the content or superficies of the triangle required. To measure the acute-angled triangle ABC, plant piquets at A B C, and place the cross staff at some point on the side BC, so that by looking along the sights of one diameter, the two piquets B and C may be seen, and without removing the staff, look also at the piquet A, through the sights of the other diameter; if at D it cannot be seen, the staff is too far to the right, and must be advanced to the left, as at E; then from the point E the two piquets B and C may be seen through the two sights of the diameter, which is in a line with BC, and through the other sights the piquet A; measure the perpendicular EA, which is 24 feet, and BC 52: then mul- tiply the length EA, 80 feet, by BC, 52, and take half the product 4160, we have 2080 superficial feet for the content of A B C, the acute-angled triangle. It is very To measure right-angled Triangles.- Multiply the two sides which form the right angle together, and half the product will be the superficial content. Measure the side BC, which is 144 feet 5 inches, and A B 125 feet; multiply 144 feet 5 inches by 125 feet, and the product 18104 feet 6 inches divided gives 9052 feet 3 inches for the superficial content. For if a parallel- ogram and triangle be upon the same base, and between the same parallels, the parallelogram will be double the triangle, as shown by Euclid in his 41st prop. Book I. manifest that triangles are the halves of parallelograms upon the same base, or upon equal bases and between the same parallels : and because these parallelograms are equal to one another, the triangles which are their halves are also equal: on this account it is said that the rectangle is equal to the product of its base and altitude, and the triangle to half the product of its base and altitude. When the two straight lines which form a rectangle are of such a length that one contains exactly the same number of feet or divisions that there are in the other, or side adjoining it; then the rectangle under these two straight lines is contained as many times in the given rectangle as is expressed by the product of the two numbers, which denote how often the feet or divisions are contained in the two sides. To measure obtuse-angled Triangles. After having planted piquets at the three angles A, B, C, place the cross staff at some point on the side BC, as at D, in such a manner that by look- ing along the sights of one diameter, the two piquets B and Care seen, and by those on the other diameter the piquet A ; if the piquet is not seen, the square is not exactly opposite the angle A, and must be advanced to For E. Then measure the perpendicular F A, which is 220 feet, and BC 663 feet, which multiplied produces 145860, the half of which, 72930, feet is the superficial content required. To measure inaccessible Angles.-First find by the trigono- metric rules the length of the sides of the triangle, viz. AB 68, BC 70, CA 28, and draw a similar triangle DHE; raise a perpendicular on the side DE, as HG, and proceed as before described. 3 K 4 B A C B. C A C D E Fig. 1125. Fig. 1126, A Fig. 1127. E Fig. 1128. D E 3 R 872 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To measure any Triangle, as that of ABC. Multiply the length of BD, the perpendicular, by the base AC, and half their product will be the area : this will be evident if we observe that in measuring the square we multiply the two sides which form a right angle together; the product will be the area of the square, as that of A B C D. In any triangle the difference of the squares of the two sides is equal to the difference of the squares of the seg- ments of the base, or of the two lines or distances included between the ex- tremes of the base and the perpendi- cular. Let ACB be any triangle, having BD perpendicular to A C, then will the difference of the squares A B, A B 1 D C Fig. 1129. A B C D Fig. 1130. BC be equal to the difference of the squares of AD, CD; that is, A B³ — CB³ — AD2-CD2. For since A B² is equal to A D³+B D³, and CB2 is equal to CD2+ BD², therefore the difference between A B² and CD' is equal to the difference between A D²+BD2, and CD2+ BD, or equal to the difference between AD and CD2, by taking away the common square BD2. The rectangle of the sum and difference of the two sides of any triangle is equal to the rectangle of the sum and difference of the distances between the perpendicular and the two extremes of the base, or equal to the rectangle of the base and the difference or sum of the segments, according as the perpendicular falls within or without the triangle. To measure Rhomboidal Figures. Let fall a perpendicular from one angle to the opposite side, and this perpendicular multiplied by the side gives the area required; but when this cannot be done, prolong one side; let fall a perpen- dicular on the side of the rhombus, and proceed as before. A C B For example, to measure the rhombus AB CD, whose side A B is 30 feet long; as this figure has no right angle, it is necessary that one should be established; this is effected by placing the cross staff on CD, in such a position that a piquet at A may be seen through one of the pinnules on one diameter, and DC through those of the other, as at E; then measure the perpendicular, 27 feet, which multiplied by 30, the length of the side AB, produces 810 feet as the superficial area of the figure A B C D. To measure a Trapezium. Add together the two parallel sides, and multiply their sum by the length of a perpendicular line contained between their two sides, and which is the height of the trapezium; the product will give the area. D E Fig. 1131. F K Fig. 1132. H To ascertain the content of the figure FGHI, where the two sides FG and IH are parallel, the shortest being 30 feet 9 inches, and the longest 60 feet: place the cross staff on IH, as at K, so that through the pinnules of one diameter the piquets I and H may be seen; then through the other view the piquet F, where KL, which is 20 feet, is the perpendicular. Add together the two parallel sides, which will be 90 feet 9 inches; this multiplied by 20 will produce 1815 square feet, the half of which will be the area sought. M R To measure the Trapezoid MNOP, whose side MN is 4 feet. Plant piquets at the four angles: draw from the angle P the diagonal PN, which will divide it into two triangles; find their superficial content, and add them together for the area of the trapezoid. For example, find the area of the triangle PN M, the base of which, PN, is 6 feet 6 inches, and the perpendicular R M 2 feet; these mul- tiplied together produce 13 feet, the half of which, 6 feet 6 inches, is the area of the triangle; proceed in the same manner for the area of the other part of the figure, and add them together. P Fig. 1133. N CHAP. VIII. 879 GEOMETRY. Add all the sides To measure a regular Polygon. together, and multiply the sum by a perpendicular let fall from the centre to one side; half the product will be the area. To find the superficial content of the pentagon ABCDE, E measure one side DC, which is 22 feet, and then multiply it by 5, the number of the sides: multiply its product 110 by 15, the height of the perpendicular FG; take half this product of 1650, which is 825 superficial feet, for the area. When the figure is inaccessible, surround it by the square or rectangle FGHI, whose side FG is 35 feet 3 inches, and FI 33 feet 6 inches 4 parts; when these two sides are mul- tiplied together, their product will be the area of the rect- angle: then measure the four triangles FAE, AGB, EDI, and BHC; when their areas are found and added together, deduct the sum from that already found for the whole rectangle, and the remainder will be the area of the pentagon. Similar polygons inscribed in circles have, as we have already seen, their perimeter in the same ratio as the diameters of those circles; for if we imagine the number of sides to be infinite, or so numerous that they coincide with the circumference of the circle, then the perimeter of such a polygon may be regarded the same as the circumference of the circle. To measure an irregular Poly- gon. Plant piquets at all the angles of the irregular polygon, and one in the centre of the figure, in order that cords may be stretched from thence to the angles; by this means the ir- regular figure will be divided into triangles, which may be measured separately, and the whole added together. F E Fig. 1136. G E B F C F E D υ Fig. 1134. D A B F G A G Fig. 1135. A Fig. 1137. • B H B D C To measure the irregular hexagon ABCDEF, plant piquets at all the angles, and one in the centre; then stretch cords to the several angles, and when they are defined the lengths of their sides may be obtained, and their areas found, which added together will be that of the whole. If the hexagon ABCDEF has a piece of water in the cen- tre, and is inaccessible, then cords may be stretched from op- posite angles, and by this means measured, and the area found. If the entire area is inaccessible, then the whole figure may be bounded by a rectangle, and all the outer angles measured. as In measuring land, take few dimensions as possible; measure, for instance, FC, and drop perpendiculars from A, B, D, E, and measure them. If the figures are very irregular, GHIKLMN OP Q R S T V X, form it into trapeziums and angles. as It must always be borne in mind that a vast number of small figures tend to confuse the sur- veyor and render his calculations more difficult; it is therefore ad- visable not to have a greater number of triangles than is abso- lutely necessary, for in finding their area it is impossible to avoid E D Fig. 1138. A P B N S T X R V G M Fig. 1139. K H 874 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. fractions or decimal quantities, which, when added or taken away, often materially affect the whole quantity. To measure the Circle. This cannot be done in any other manner than by ap- proximation, as we cannot find the quadra- ture of the circle, or the superficial con- tent of a square, which shall contain precisely that of a given circle. If a triangle A has three equal sides, each 14 feet 8 inches long, its circumference will be 44 feet: if the square B has each of its four sides 11 feet long, its circum- ference will be 44 feet; and if the circle C has its circumference 44 feet, these three figures will be isoperimetrical. If you measure the triangle A and the square B by the rules given already, you will find that the square contains 121 feet superficial, the triangle 45 feet 4 inches, and the circle 154 superficial feet. Of all who have written on the subject, none have given rules which approximate nearer to truth than Archimedes; he states the circumference of a circle is 34 the diameter, that is to say, the circum- ference ABCD will be 22 feet if its diameter AC is 7 feet, so that the diameter is to the circumference as 7 to 22, and the circumference to the diameter as 22 to 7. This is shown in the circle ABCD, which, reduced to a straight line, as AF, is three times the diameter A C, and of FE. The second approximation is that the area of a circle is equal to a right-angled triangle formed of the circumference and radius of a circle; that is to say, the right-angled triangle GIH contains the same area as the circle K, because the triangle has its side HI equal to the cir- cumference of a circle, and GH, which forms a right angle with it, equal to the radius GK. The other supposition of this great mathematician is, that the superficies of a circle is to the square of its diameter as 11 to 14; that is to say, if the circle M contains 11 superficial feet, the square HPON drawn on its dia- meter will contain 14, and it will be seen that the circle Q, inscribed in the square RSV T, is less than the square by a certain quantity. P H R T A Fig. 1140. Fig. 1141. C B M Q Zon H A 1 G Fig. 1143. N S A V Fig. 1142. D Fig. 1144. K F 442 E B B The relation of 7 to 12, which Archimedes gives as the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference, holds good with a greater number of figures, as of 100 to 314, and the larger the number of figures the nearer is the truth approached. To find the Circumference of a Circle when the Diameter is given. By proportion, place in the first term 7, in the second 22, and in the third the length of the diameter: the quotient will give the circumference. If we require the circumference of the circle ABCD, according to Archimedes, we should place for a first term 7, for the second 22, and for a third the length of its diameter; the quotient would be the circumference sought: if the diameter be 15 feet for instance, then, 7: 22 :: 15: 47 ft. 1 in. 8p.; or, 100: 314: 15: 47 ft. 1 in. 2 p. To find the Diameter of a Circle when the Circumference is given. Place in the first term 22, in the second 7, and in the third the known circumference, and the quotient will be the diameter. To find the Area of a Circle when the Diameter is given. First find the circumference, and CHAP. VIII. 873 GEOMETRY multiply it by the radius, and half the product will be the area: or, multiply the square of the diameter by 7854, and the product is the area. To find the Area of a Circle when neither the Diameter nor the Circumference are given. When the arc E C F is given, to find the area of the circle ABCD: draw the chord or right line EF, and divide it into two equal parts, from whence draw a perpendicular G C, and measure FG; then multiply E C by itself, and divide the product by GC; the quotient will give E G, to which add GC; the sum will be the diameter AC: then by proportion proceed as before described. To measure a Circular Ring, as ABCD.-First ascertain the area of the whole circle, and then of the part contained in the lesser one, and deduct one from the other; the remainder will be the area of the ring. The diameter of the interior circle we will suppose 9 feet; its circumference then will be found to be 28 feet 3 inches 5 parts; and if we consider the breadth of the circular ring to be 3 feet, we shall have 15 feet for the diameter of the outer circle, the circumference of which will be 47 feet 1 inch 8 parts; the arc of this circle will be found equal to 176 feet 3 inches: if we then deduct from it the area of the inner circle, we shall obtain superficial content of the circular ring. B The areas or spaces of circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters or of their radii, for, as before observed, similar polygons inscribed in circles are to each other as the squares of the diameters of the circles; for, conceiving the number of sides of the polygons to be in- creased more and more, or the length of the sides to become less and less, the polygon approaches nearer and nearer to the circle, till in the end it coincides and becomes in effect equal; hence the areas of circles, which are the same as polygons, must be to each other as the squares of the diameters of the circles. To find the Area of a Spiral. Add together the exterior and the interior circumference, and multiply their sum by the breadth of the band, and half the product will be the area. To measure such a spiral as A, whose breadth BH is 3 feet, its exterior cir- cumference BCD 25 feet 1 inch 8 parts, and its interior 15 feet 8 inches 7 parts; add these together, and multiply their sum, 40 feet 10 inches 3 parts, by 3 feet, the product of which divided will give the area of the band. B Fig. 1145. Fig. 1146. To find the Area of Sectors. Multiply the arc CDE by BC, the radius of the circle; take half the product, which will be the superficial content of the section. By the same rule the area of the sector X may be ascertained; for example, to measure the figure A, we multiply the arc CDE, 15ft. 8 in. 6p., by DC 7 ft. 6 in. which is the radius of the circle. Half the product will be the content of the segment; and if, on adding the area of the sector X, we find the sum equal the content of the whole circle, we are sure that the calculation is correct. The sector of a circle is a portion of the area of the circle bounded by two radii and the intercepted arc, and sectors are said to be similar when the sides or radii include equal angles. The area of a sector, then, must be equal to that of a triangle whose base is equal to the length of the contained arc, and altitude equal to the radius of the circle. A C F G D K A H B C Fig. 1147. F X Fig. 1148. B C A D B E F C E A D D To find the Area of a Segment.— Form on the arc CDE a sector BEDC, and find the area by the preceding rules; then find the area of the triangle, and subtract it from the area of the whole; the remainder will be the area of the segment. For example, the line CE, 12 feet 5 inches 8 parts, and its arc CDE, 12 feet 8 inches 6 parts, to ascertain its area: form on the arc CDE the sector BEDC, and find its superficies; then that of the triangle BE C, and subtract it from the area of the whole sector, when the remainder will be that of the segment A. Should the segment be small, add half the length of the chord to the height of the arc, and multiply the sum by the whole height of the arc. Fig. 1149. 876 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To find the Area of an Oval.-Multiply the length of the greater diameter CD by the lesser EF; their product will serve for the third term, whose first is 14 and second 11; the quotient will be the area sought: or, multiply the two diameters together, and their product by 785, which divided by 1000 gives the area: or, multiply the two diameters toge- ther, and extract the square root, which will be the diameter of a circle whose area is equal to that of the ellipsis. To find the Area of a Sphere or Globe. Multiply its cir- cumference by the diameter; the product will be the superficial content; or, the surface of a sphere is equal to the diameter squared, multiplied by 3.141593, and the surface of a spherical segment is equal to the circumference of the sphere, multiplied by the height of the segment: the sphere is a solid bounded by one curve surface, which is everywhere equally distant from the centre; it E may be conceived to be generated by the rotation of a semicircle about its diameter, which remains fixed: the axis of the sphere being a right line about which the semicircle revolves, and the centre the same as that of the revolving circle. Archimedes gives another rule for finding the superficies of a globe, which is that of multiplying the superficies of their great circles by 4; thus in the globe A the area of its greatest circle is 176; this multiplied by 4 gives 704 for the superficial content. The diameter squared, its product multiplied by 314, and then divided by 100, the quotient will be the superficies of a sphere. There are some peculiar properties belonging to spheres; for two will cut one another, or touch one another, or one of them E will fall wholly without the other, according as the distance between their centres is, first, less than the sum, and greater than the difference of their radii; secondly, equal to the sum, or to the difference of their radii; or thirdly, greater than the sum, or less than the difference of their radii; for the sections of two spheres made by a plane passing through their centre, and through any point which is supposed to be common to the two surfaces, will be circles having the same radii and centres with the spheres respectively. If two spheres cut one another, they do so in a circle, the plane of which is perpendicular to the line joining their centres, and its centre is that line. If three spheres be described whose centres do not lie in the same straight line, the surfaces of the three cannot have more than two points in common, which points lie in a straight line perpendicular to the plane of the centres, and at equal distances on either side of that plane. If the centres of three spheres lie in the same straight line, their circles of intersection cannot meet one another, because their planes are perpendicular to this straight line, and therefore parallel and accordingly, the surfaces can have no point in com- mon, unless each of them passes through the same point of the straight line in which the centres lie, for then each of them will touch the other two in that point. When a point is equally dis- tant from the three angles of a triangle, it must lie in a perpen- dicular to the plane of the triangle, which passes through the centre of the circumscribing circle. To find the superficial Content of Segments of Spheres.-Multiply the circumference of the entire sphere by the axis A of FG for the area. E A E F Fig. 1150. B A D Fig. 1151. B << C A F C G D Fig. 1152. B K G H C D L Fig. 1153. B Сс H G F D Fig. 1154. E D To measure the superficies of regular zones, as of BKDL, we must multiply the circumference by the height of the segment. The superficial content of the irregular zone BCED may be also found by ascertaining, first, those portions which are of a regular breadth, and then those which are not. If we Suppose it is required to ascertain the superficial content of the zone BCDE, the diameter of which is 15 feet, and the greatest circumference 47 feet 1 inch 8 parts. follow the rules already laid down, we shall find the area of the great segment CEF, which is formed from the segment BDG, and the irregular zone BCED, by multiplying the circumference of the globe BCEDFG by the length of the part of the diameter FI comprised within the great segment CEF, which will give 565 superficial feet for its content. Then, after subtracting the superficial content already found, of the smaller segment BDG from that of the great segment CEF, there will remain 329 superficial feet for the area of the irregular zone BCED. which surrounds the globe. CHAP. VIII. 877 GEOMETRY. To find the Superficies of Cones, it is only necessary to mul- tiply the length of the side by the circumference, and take half the product. Thus in the cone A, whose side B E is 24 feet, and the circumference of the base BCD 19 feet, 24 × 19 = 456 228. To measure the superficies of the truncated cone 2 A, whose diameter at the base BE is 8 feet, and at CG 6 feet: add together these diameters, and take the half for a mean, which is 7 feet; this multiplied by 8, the length of the side BC, gives the product 56, from which the square root is to be ex- tracted. can It must be borne in mind that with a radius of 7 feet 6 inches, which is equal to HI, we describe a circle HKLM, which shall contain an area equal to the superficies of the cone A. To find the Area of a Cylinder. Multiply the height by the circum- ference; the product will be the area, to which add that of the two ends. K H I L Fig. 1155. M Sub- F A B D C C D A B E F Fig. 1156. L To measure the cylinder A, multiply the height B C, which is 21 feet, by the circum- ference CDE, which is 44 feet, and the product, 924 feet, will be the superficies of the cylinder, without comprising the area of the two ends. If the cylinder be irregular, as that at F, multiply the less height, I K, 13 feet, by the circumference, GHI, 44 feet, and the product will be 572. tract the shortest height, IK, 13 feet, from the longest, GL, 21; multiply the remainder, 8, by the circumference, and take half the product, 176, and add it to 572, which will be 748, the superficies of the cylinder. Mixed or irregular Figures, as ovals or parabolas, must be divided into small segments, triangles, and squares before their area can be ascertained. The oval shown at A for instance may be divided into two segments, BCF and BCG, and the area found by the preceding rules. Figures bounded by several curved lines must be enclosed with- in a triangle, as that at FDBG, by the lines I and K: the area of the equilateral triangle being found, the seg- ments may be after- wards found, and their area deducted: when the form is very much varied, as that com- N H M Fig. 1159. K D I A B K F C E 1 G D H Fig. 1157. K Α B F H L Fig. 1160. G prised within the irregular line HIKLMN, it must be similarly treated, dividing it into triangles, segments of circles, or any other regular figures. On Fig. 1158. E B On flut and round Superficies.We at once see in the diagrams G and II the effect of houses so placed that they radiate from a centre, and are drawn perpendicular to the base line. hilly or mountainous land no more grass or trees can grow than would do on its base if the whole were levelled: trees rise perpendicular, or tend to the centre of the earth, and not to the surface on which they stand; consequently the superficial con- tent or area of a mountain is that of its base; so it is with a field, where no more blades of corn can stand upon uneven ground than would on the level plane comprised within the same boundary Fig. 1161. Fig. 1162. AF G G H In carrying a fence 878 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. over a hill composed of upright paling, we shall discover that, although more rails might be required to pass over the convex surface, as there are more houses shown on G than on H, there would not be more posts or upright pales. The conversion or reducing of Plane Figures of one kind to that of another is found ex- tremely useful in practice, as it often saves considerable trouble in the calculation, par- ticularly where they are very irregular: this subject has not received the attention it demands in the ordinary works which treat upon the measurement of land. To reduce a Triangle to a Rectangle. If the triangle be equilateral, as A B C, and it is required to form a rectangle on the side CB; divide the other two sides AC and AB into two equal parts in the points D and E; through them draw the line DE, parallel to the side CB: from the point A drop a perpendicular A F to CB; remark where it cuts DE at G; set off DG from D to H, and EG from E to I; draw the right lines HC and IB: the parallelogram HIBC will be equal to the equilateral triangle A B C on the given side CB. A H G E C To reduce a Rectangle to a Triangle, as the figure ABCD to an isosceles triangle. Bisect the base DC of the square in E, and elevate a perpendicular E F, twice the length of the side of the square; draw the upright lines FD and FC; the superficies of the isosceles triangle will be equal to that of the square. If it be required to reduce the parallelogram GHIK to a scalene triangle, it is only necessary to divide the base of the parallelogram into two unequal parts, as at L, and elevate a perpendicular LM, twice the length of the side of the square; then draw the right line MK and MI: the superficies of the scalene will be equal to that of the rectangle. G K M Fig. 1164. To elevate or depress a Triangle on given length, without altering its superficial content, as to elevate the point A of the triangle A B C, so that it may be at the dis- tance DE from the base C B. Draw a per- pendicular to the base CB, through the point A, and set off the given length from F to G, and draw a line HI through G at right angles to FG; prolong A C until it cuts HI in K; from this point K draw a right line KB; make AL parallel to KB, and draw the right line KL; the triangle KLC will be equal to ABC. H C Fig. 1163. F A Ᏼ D E Fig. 1165. K Ι A Z FL B Fig. 1166. To prove that the triangle KLC is equal to the triangle A B C, and that it is the height of the line given: it must be remarked that the line KL has cut the side A B in Z, and that by its construction the lines KB and AL are parallel, which occasions the two triangles A B L and A KL, which are on the same base A L, and between the same parallels K B and A L, are equal to each other, agreeably to the 37th proposition of Euclid's First Book; so that the triangle AZ L being cut off, the two triangles Z BL and Z KA will remain equal to each other. If from the triangle ABC we cut off the triangle Z B L, to make Z K A equal, we shall have the triangle KLC equal to A B C, and the height of the line already given; since the line H GI, which is parallel to the base CFB, is removed from it the distance of the given line by the per- pendicular G F, which is equal to it. To reduce Trapeziums and Trapezoids to Triangles, as the figure ABCD to a triangle, whose height shall be equal to the trapezium: fix a point in one side of the trapezium, for the summit of the triangle, as E on AB; from this point E draw to the extremities of the base DC the right lines ED and EC, and prolong the line DC either way; from A draw a line parallel to ED, cutting the line in F, and likewise from B draw B G, parallel to EC; draw EF and EG, to have the triangle E F G equal to the trapezium A B CD. To prove that the triangle E G F is equal to the trapezium A B C D, and of the same height, we have only to observe that the lines E F and F G cut the sides AD, BC at the points P and R, and that by the construction the lines ED and A F are parallel, which causes the two triangles AED and FDE to be upon the same base E D, and between the same parallels ED and A F. B E A C R Fig. 1167. D F CHAP. VIII. 879 GEOMETRY To reduce Multilateral Figures to Triangles, as the regular pentagon ABCDE to a triangle. Prolong the base DC, and on it set off twice the length of DC to F and G; from the centre H of the pentagon draw the right lines HF and HG: the area of the triangle HGF will be equal to that of the pentagon. To prove that the triangle H G F is equal to the pentagon A B C D E. Draw from the centre H the two right lines HD and HC; then remark that the base F G of the triangle H G F contains five times the base of the triangle H CD, so that the triangle H G F is composed of five equal triangles according to the 38th proposition of Euclid's First Book: but the triangle H C D is also the fifth part of the regular pentagon A B C D E, so that the triangle HCD being the fifth part of the pentagon ABCDE, it is also of the triangle HGF: then, by the ninth proposition of Euclid's Fifth Book, the triangle HGF is equal to the pentagon ABCDE. A B G C H D Fig. 1168. Rectangles, it must be remembered, which have the same or equal altitudes, are to one another as their bases: for if the base of one of the rectangles be divided into any number of equal parts, the rectangle itself will be divided into as many equal rectangles by straight lines drawn parallel to its side through the points of division; also the base of the other rectangle will contain a certain number of parts equal to those into which the first base is divided, exactly or with an excess less than one of those parts, and that rectangle will contain as many rectangles equal to those into which the first rectangle is divided exactly, or with a corresponding excess less than one of them; and this will be the case, whatsoever be the number of parts in the first base and rectangle, N 1 N K To reduce the Superficies of the irregular Pentagon I KLMN to a Triangle: prolong any side of the pentagon on either hand as the base ML: then from the op- posite angle to the side ML, as the angle I, draw the right lines I M and IL; from the point N draw NO, parallel to I M, and draw the line IO; the triangle IPO will be equal to the pentagon IKL MN. Y L Fig. 1169. T X If the area of the figure be reduced to an irre- gular hexagon, QRSTVX, hexagon, QR STV X, you must prolong one of the sides TS, on either hand, and from the point X draw the line X T, from the point V the right line V Y, parallel to XT, and from the point X draw the line X Y, which, with the four other sides, will form an irregular pentagon, XQRSY, from which a triangle may be drawn according to the preceding rule. To prove that the triangle IPO is equal to the irregular pen- tagon IKLMN: it must be remarked that the two triangles IMN, IMO, are equal, because they are on the same base IM, and between the same parallels NO and IM, so that if we take the triangle IMO for its equal IMN, we shall have the trapezoid I K L O equal to the pentagon IK L M N; the triangles IKL and IPL are also equal, so that in placing the triangle IPL for its equal I KL, we have the triangle IPO equal to the irregular pentagon IK LM N. To reduce an irregular Heptagon, as ABCDEFG, with a re-entering angle to a triangle: prolong the base EF on each hand; draw from the point A a line AF, and from the point C another parallel to it, viz. GH, and draw H H: then from the angle C draw the right line CE, and from D draw DI parallel to it, and then draw CI; from the point B draw BI, and from the point C the line CK, parallel to it, and draw BK; from the point A draw A K and BL parallel to it, and draw AL: the triangle ALH will be equal to the irregular heptagon A B C D E F G. Any two rectangles are to one another in the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides: this is clearly shown in the 23d Prop. of Euclid's Sixth Book; and it also is made apparent by the same proposition, that any two parallelograms whatever are to one another in the ratio which is compounded of their bases and altitudes, for the rectangles to which they are equal are in that ratio. F A Fig. 1170. B G E C I L F Fig. 1171, Q 830 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To reduce a Square to a Parallelogram on a given length, as the square ABCD to a parallelogram which shall be of the length EF: prolong the side A of the square, and on it set the given length E F, from B to G, and prolong the other three sides; draw the right line GC till it cuts AD prolonged in H: through the point H draw a line parallel to A G, as HI, and from G draw a line parallel to the side BCI, as is GL, cutting the side CD prolonged in M: then the parallelogram CMLI will be equal to the square ABCD. D H E P A }}} G Fig. 1172. The complements of the parallelograms which are about the diameter of any parallelogram are equal to one another: let HAGL be a parallelogram, of which the diameter is HG; and DI, MB parallelograms about HG, that is through which HG passes; and AC, CL, the other parallelograms, which make up the whole figure HAGL, which are therefore called the complements. The complement AC is equal to the com- plement CL, because HAGL is a parallelogram, and HG its diameter; the triangle H A G is equal to the triangle HLG; and because DCIH is a parallelogram, the diameter of which is HC, the triangle HDC is equal to the triangle HIC; by the same reason the triangle CB G is equal to the triangle CMG: then because the triangle HDC is equal to the triangle HIC, and the triangle CBL to CMG, the triangle HDC, together with the triangle CB G, is equal to the triangle HIC, together with the triangle CMG: but the whole triangle HA G is equal to the whole HLG; therefore the remaining complement AC is equal to the remaining complement CL. F A B M C I L B Fig. 1173. E F A B G To reduce a Rectangle to a Square. - Prolong one of the long sides of the rectangle, as AB to H, and set off the width A G on it, from A to E to find a mean proportional between A and A E, divide E B in F, and from the point F, with the radius FH, describe a semicircle: prolong A D till it cuts the semicircle in G: AG will be the mean pro- portional, and the square A CIH constructed on it will equal ABCD. To lengthen or shorten a Parallelogram on a given length. It is required to reduce the parallelogram A B CD, to one which shall be of the length EF: prolong the four sides of the parallelogram to infinity, and set off the given length from B to G, and from C to H, and then draw GH parallel to BC; draw the diagonal GC, till it cuts AD prolonged in I, and draw through this point H, a line parallel to DCH, cutting B C prolonged in K, and GH in L; then the parallelogram CHLK will be equal to ABCD. D H C M I L Fig. 1174. The straight lines which join the extremities of two equal and parallel straight lines towards the same parts are also themselves equal and parallel: let BG and CM be equal and parallel straight lines, and joined towards the same parts by the straight lines BC, GM; BC, GM are also equal and parallel; join GC: and because BG is parallel to CM, and CG meets them, the alternate angles BGC, GCM are equal; and because BG is equal to CM and GC common to the two triangles BGC, MCG, the two sides BG, GC are equal to the two M C, CG, and the angle BGC is equal to the angle GCM: therefore the base BC is equal to the base GM, and the triangle BGC to the triangle GCM, and the other angles to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite: therefore the angle BCG is equal to the angle CGM, and because the straight line GC meets the two straight lines BC, GM, and makes the alternate angles BCG, CGM equal to one another, BC is parallel to GM, and it was shown to be equal to it. To reduce the Area of a Circle to that of a Square, &c. It is required to reduce the circle HIK to a square: divide the diameter KI of the circle into 14 equal parts, and count off 11 of these parts to L; at this point L, and in KI, elevate a perpendicular LM; remark where it cuts the circle in H, and draw KH; then a square con- structed as KH, as is NOHK, will be equal to the circle HIK. 1 H N M R L Fig. 1175. CHAP. VIII. 281 GEOMETRY. To reduce the Area of a Square to that of a Circle, divide one side of the square, as CD, into two equal parts in E: at this point E, draw E F perpendicular to DC, half the length of DE; from the point F as a centre, with the radius FD, describe the circle DCG, which will be equal to the square A B C D. Similar four-sided figures, or of any number of sides, are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides, and universally similar rectilineal figures are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides, and according to cor. 2. attached to the 20th prop. of Euclid's Sixth Book, if three straight lines be proportionals, as the third is to the third, so is any rectilineal figure upon the first, to a similar and similarly described rectilineal figure upon the second: and the same geometrician teaches us in the 9th prop. of his Fifth Book, that magnitudes which have the same ratio to the same magnitude are equal to one another, and those to which the same magnitude has the same ratio are equal to one another. To reduce a circle to an Oval on a given Length, as the circle ABCD, to an oval, whose greatest diameter shall be equal to EF; draw a right line GH, and set off the given length E F, from G to I; at the point I elevate a perpendicular IK, of the same length as the diameter of the circle DB: draw the right line G K, and bisect it in L; from L draw the perpendicular LM; from the point N, where it cuts GI, with the radius GN, describe a semicircle GKO, and 10 will be the shortest diameter of the oval: then draw the two diameters of the oval at right angles to each other; take the given length EF with a thread, fold it in half, and place the two extremities on the diameter · QR, at the points Y and X, equi- distant from V; so that the fold or angle of the thread may coincide with the point S, the width of the required oval; so that by moving D Fig. 1177. A C S Z L A E C Fig. 1176. G B Q R X V Y T Fig. 1178. N M II Fig. 1179. L K a pencil through the points S, R, T, and Q, you will describe an oval equal to the given circle ABCD. To unite several Figures into One, and increasing the Content of others. To re- duce several figures into a triangle whose height shall be equal to a given height, as that of the triangle ABC, and the square DEFG: draw a right line HI, and on this line at the point H, make such an angle as it is desired the triangle should have, as IHK: take the height AT of the triangle ABC, and draw a line RS parallel to HI; at the distance A T, set off the line CB on HI, from H to M: reduce C D A K S R B T E II M V I Fig. 1181. N FP Fig. 1180. the square DEFG, to a triangle DNG, and make the triangle DNG equal in height to ABC, as is the triangle OPG; set off the base GP on HI from M to Q, and draw LQ; the triangle LQH will be equal to the square DEF G, and the triangle A B C. 3 L 882 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To reduce two Squares into One. If two squares touch at one angle, and the two sides of one angle are in a line with the two sides of another angle, as at ABG and EBC, draw a right line GC, on which form the square CGH1; its area will be equal to that of the two squares; but if the two squares do not touch, as KLMN and OPQR, draw a right angle STV, and set off the side VKL on TS, from T to X, and the side OP on TV, from T to Y; draw the right line X Y, on which erect the square XYZ, &c., and it will be equal to KLMN and OPQR. Euclid, in his 47th prop. of Book I. demonstrates, that in any right-angled triangle the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle. To reduce a Square into several equal Squares, as that of ABCD into two equal squares: divide one side into two equal parts, as AB, in E; from E with a radius AE, describe the circle AGB: elevate a perpendicular E F from E, observe where it cuts the demicircle, as at G, in order to draw the lines AG and GB; the squares constructed on these lines will contain half ABCD. H Ꭱ D S E A G G X F H Р K L IC T N M Y N &c. Ꮓ Fig. 1182. A F K G E B In any right-angled triangle the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle. Let G AB be a right-angled triangle, having the right angle A GB; the square described upon the side AB is equal to the squares described upon AG, G B. On AB describe the square ADCB, and on AG, GB, the squares IA, K B, and through G draw GL parallel to AD or B C, and join GD, HB. Then, because each of the angles AG B, AGI, is a right angle, the two straight lines GB, GI, upon the opposite side GI, make with it at the point G the adjacent angles, equal to two right angles; therefore, BG is in the same straight line with GI: for the same reason GA and GK are in the same straight line; and because the angle D A B is equal to the angle H A G, each of them being a right angle, add to each the angle GA B, and the whole angle DAG is equal to the whole HAB: and because the two sides GA, AD are equal to the two HA, A B, each to each, and the angle D A G equal to the angle HAB; therefore the base GD is equal to the base HB, and the triangle GAD to the angle H A B. Now the parallelogram AL is double of the triangle G A D, because they are upon the same base A D, and between the same parallels AD, GL; and the square I A is double of the triangle HA B, because these also are upon the same base HA, and between the same parallels H A, IB. But the double of equals are equal to one another, therefore the whole square ADCB is equal to the two squares IA, K B, and the square ADCB is described upon the straight line A B, and the squares IA, KB upon A G, GB. Wherefore the square upon the side A B is equal to the squares upon the sides A G, GB. To reduce several Figures to a Rectangle of a given length, as the trapezoid ABCD and the pentagon EFGHI to a rect- angle of the width KL: first reduce the figures to triangles of the same height, and twice the breadth KL, as are the two triangles PCQ and RSO: set off the base CQ from K to T, and SO from T to V; at the point T elevate the per- pendicular TX, equal in height to PCQ, and draw the right line KX and XV; reduce the triangle X K V to a rectangle, which will be equal to the two figures ABCD and EFGHI. P B A L C Fig. 1183. D C Υ R F G Fig. 1184. E ta H I X Fig. 1185. T L CHAP VIII. 889 GEOMETRY. To reduce rectilineal Figures to one which shall be similar to a given Figure, as those of the trapezium and pentagon to a figure similar to MabN: reduce the trapezium and pentagon to triangles, and the figure ab NM to a triangle MaR: reduce the two triangles to the same height, as Ma R; draw a triangle equal to these three triangles, by setting off the bases from a to b, b to c, and c to d, and elevate the perpendicular ce at the point c, of the height, of the triangle Ma R; then draw from the point e the lines ea and ed, which with the right line ad will form a triangle equal to the three: then reduce the triangle eda to a rectangle fgda, and remark where fg cuts ce in h, and prolong af and dg: take the base ba, and set off on fg, from h to i, and draw ci until it cuts dg prolonged in k; draw a line parallel to fg through k, until it cuts af prolonged in l; from the point draw lc, remark where it cuts fg in m: draw a perpendicular nm to fg, through the point m, and at i, the perpendicular oip. h 0 ཁ་ (L ८ c9 μ Fig. 1186. M N X b Fig. 1187. Fig. 1188. d Find a mean proportional between the length be and cp, by bisecting bp in 9, and from q as a centre, with the radius qb describe a semicircle, and remark where it cuts the perpendicular ce in r; the length or will be a mean proportional between bc and cp: set off this mean proportional cr from z to c; divide the figure Mab N into two triangles by means of the diagonal M, and draw on the line CZ, at the point Z, an angle CZs, equal to ba M; and at the point C, an angle CZs, equal to ab M, and remark where the two lines Cs and Ct intersect at u; from this point u draw the angle Cux, equal to b Mn, and at the point C an angle equal to MbN; the figure u Z Cz will be equal to the two triangles, and similar to the figure ab NM. K E The above principles are drawn from Prop. 1. of Euclid's Sixth Book, wherein he states that triangles and parallelograms of the same altitude are one to another as their bases, and he observes in the cor. attached, "Let their figures be placed so as to have their bases in the same straight line, and having drawn perpendiculars from the vertices of the triangles to the bases, the straight line which joins the vertices is parallel to that in which their bases are, because the perpen- diculars are both equal and parallel to one another. To reduce several Circles to a single one, as the superficies of the two circles A and B to one: draw the diameter CD and EF; draw a line GH, on which set off CD from G to I, and elevate a perpendicular from this point I, on which set off the other diameter EF from I to L: draw GL; bisect it in M: from M as a centre with the radius ML, describe the circle GNLI, which will be equal to the two given circles A and B. B N F C M Fig. 1189. To draw a Square the Double or Quadruple of another. To double the square ABCD, prolong the side DE toward the place you wish the square extended: from D as a centre, with the radius DE, describe an arc BE, cutting DC prolonged in F: on DF construct a square GHFD, which will be double the square A B CD. H G D A Fig. 1190. D B H F C E Vitruvius has given us the method practised in his time for doubling the square: that valuable author observes, "If there be an area or field whose form is a square, and it is required to set out another field, whose form is also to be square, but double its area, as this cannot be accomplished by any numbers or multiplication, it may be found exactly by drawing lines for the purpose, and the demonstration is as follows: A square plot of ground, 10 feet long by 10 feet wide contains 100 feet; if we have to double this, that is, to set out a plot also square, which shall contain 200 feet, we must find the length of a side of this Fig. 1191. 3 L 2 884 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. square, so that its area may be double, that is 200 feet. By numbers this cannot be done, for if the sides are made 14 feet, these multiplied into each other give 196 feet; if 15 feet they give a product of 225 feet. Since, therefore, we cannot find them by the aid of numbers, in the square of 10 feet a diagonal is to be drawn from angle to angle, so that the square may be divided into two equal triangles of 50 feet area each: on this diagonal, another square being described, it will be found that whereas in the first square there were two triangles, each containing 50 feet, so in the larger square formed on the diagonal, there will be four triangles of equal size and number of feet to those in the larger square; in this way, Plato demonstrated the method of doubling the square. Rules for extracting the square root have since been discovered, and we no longer admit it to be impossible to an- swer this question by figures, for the square root of 200, which is 14.14211356, would be the length of the side of the square that would contain the superficial area of 200 feet. A G P M N B H C L E F To construct rectilineal Figures similar and double to given Figures of the same Number of Sides. It is required to draw a rectangle similar to and double the square ABCD: prolong the line DC, and set off the base from C to E, and from E to F: find a mean proportional between E F and E D, by elevating o a perpendicular to E F, at the point E, and bisecting DF in H: from H as a centre, with the radius HD, describe the semi- circle DIF, cutting E G in I; the right line EI will be the mean proportional required: set off the mean proportional on DC prolonged from D to L, and on this length construct a rectangle similar to ABCD; which is done by forming at the point L an angle DLM, equal to DCB: draw the diagonal DB, until it cuts LM in N; through N draw a line parallel to A B, and remark where the line NO cuts DA; prolong it in P, the figure PNLD will be similar to and double A B C D. To double, triple, or quadruple the Circle. -To draw a circle, whose superficies shall be double that of B, draw the diameter CD: elevate the perpendicular DE at the point D; on it set off the radius BD from D to E, in order to draw BF, which will serve as a radius to describe from A as a centre, a circle which will be double the given circle B. If it be required to have the circle tripled: from F elevate the perpendicular FK, on which set off the radius BD from F to E, and draw BL; it will be a radius for describing a circle M N O, which will be triple the given circle B. If it be required to have the circle quadrupled, elevate the perpendicular LB from the point L, and set off the radius BD upon it; from L to A draw BQ, and it will serve as a radius to describe a circle, which will be the quadruple of the given circle B. . Geodesy is synonymous with land-surveying, and compre- hends all those trigonometrical and geometrical operations which more particularly have for their object the determination of the magnitude and figure of the whole or any part of the earth's surface. The 37th prop. of the First Book of Euclid states that triangles upon the same base, and between the same parallels, are equal to one another: upon this proposition, most of the following rules are founded. To divide triangular Figures into several equal Parts which shall all unite at one Angle. It is required to divide the triangle ABC into two equal parts both uniting at the angle A: divide the line CB into two equal parts at D, and draw the right line AD; this right line will divide the triangle into two equal parts. To divide the triangle ABC into two equal parts, uniting in the centre of the side A C: bisect AC in D; draw DB; it will divide A B C into two equal parts. To divide the Isosceles Triangle into three equal parts meeting in the point H on the side EG: divide the side EF opposite the point H, into three equal parts in the points 1,2,3; draw HI and also G K parallel to it from the point G, cutting EF in L; from L draw LH to the given point H, fron the given point H draw H 2, and from the point G draw GN parallel to H2, cutting E F in N, from N draw NH: then will the triangle E F G be divided into three equal parts by the lines HI and HN. G D C P Fig. 1192. K Fig. 1193. A B E D C B A D Fig. 1194. Fig. 1195. E 1 B K E 2 V M CHAP. VIII. 885 GEOMETRY. To divide the Triangle EFG into four equal parts meeting at the point H, on the side FG: divide GF into four equal parts in the points 1,2,3,4; from the point E draw the right line E 1; from the point H draw the right line H1, and through E a line parallel to it, cutting GF in K, and draw HK: set off the line G K on GF from K to L, and draw HL: set off KL from L to M on GF, and draw HM and HF; draw MN parallel to it, cutting E F in O; draw HO: the lines HO, HL, and H K, will divide the triangle EFG into four equal parts. H E 9 F G 1 K2 3 L 4 M Fig. 1196. To prove that the triangle EFG is divided into four equal parts, H KG, HLK, HO FL, HE O, it is only requisite to remark that the triangle E F G has its base G F divided into four equal parts by the points 1, 2, 3, and 4, and which form the triangles EIG, E21, E32, and EFs, the heights and bases of which are all equal, and each forms a fourth of the triangle EFG. This must be so, for the triangles HEK and IEK are upon the same base E K, and between the same parallels H1 and E K, so that cutting off the common triangle PEK, the two triangles HEP and IKP, which are equal, will remain; if from the triangle EIG we cut off the triangle HEP to take its equal IK P, we shall have the triangle HKG equal to EIG, and consequently to a quarter of the triangle E F G. It is to be observed that the three triangles HK G, HLK, and H M L, being of the same height, and having their bases G K, KL, and L M equal, are equal each to each; and as the triangle HKG has been proved to be the fourth of the great triangle E F G, the two other triangles HLK and H ML are also each the fourth of this great triangle: but as the triangle H ML comes out of the triangle EFG, that it may be comprised within it, the right line H F, and its parallel MN are drawn, which form the triangles HOM and FOM, which being on the same base O M, and between the same parallels HF and OM, are equal, so that in cutting off from these two equal triangles the common triangle QO M there will remain the two triangles HOQ and FM Q, which are equal; if from the triangle H M L we cut off the triangle F M Q, to take its equal HOQ, we have the figure HOFL equal to the triangle H ML, and dividing into four the great triangle E F G ; and as we have proved that the three figures HKG, HLK, and HOFL, are each a quarter, the remainder HEO is the fourth quarter. K S/O A L E F Q C 3 Fig. 1197. 2 1 BNH M 1 To divide the Triangle ABC into three equal parts uniting at the point D: draw through the point A a line AF parallel to the line BC: divide CB into three equal parts in the points 1, 2, 3; draw A D, and through 1 a line 1 F, parallel to AD, cutting AB in G: from D draw D G and D1: set off B1 from B to H, and DG from H to I, and on this line III draw the triangle KIH equal and similar to A GD: elevate the triangle KIH to the height of A B C, and you will have LMH: set off H M from B to N, and HN from A to C, and draw OC: take the shortest distance from D to A C, as DP, to draw a line parallel to AC at the distance, as QR, cutting A E in S; from which point S, draw SC, and through C another parallel to it, as CT, cutting AC in V; draw VD: the lines 1 D, DG, and DV will divide the triangle ABC into three equal parts uniting at the point D. To divide Triangles into equal Parts by lines parallel to their sides: as to divide ABC into two equal parts parallel to A C; prolong one side CB, and bisect it in D; set off BD from B to E: find a mean proportional between CB and B E, as BH: set off BH on BC from B to I: through I draw IK parallel to AC: the line IK will divide the triangle ABC into two equal parts. To divide Figures of four Sides into several equal parts, as the square A B C D into three equal parts, all uniting at A: draw the diagonal BD, and divide it into three equal parts, in 1,2,3: from A draw the line A1, A2: draw A C and 1 E and 2 F parallel to AC: then draw AE and A F; these two lines will divide the square ABCD into three equal parts uniting in the angle A. 3L 3 a H A K L C I D F B Fig. 1198. A D 2 Fig 1199. R B F C 8 886 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To divide Figures of four Sides into several equal parts uniting at a point on one side; as to divide the four- sided figure ABCD into two equal parts uniting at E: reduce the quadrilateral ABCD to a triangle, A FD, and bisect the line D F in G: draw GE, and through A a line parallel thereto HA; draw HE, and it will divide the four-sided figure into two equal parts. To divide Figures of four Sides into several equal parts uniting at a point in their superficies: as to divide ABCD into two equal parts, uniting at the point E: divide the trapezoid ABCD into two equal parts, uniting by a line, F G, passing through the point E; reduce the trapezoid A BCD, to a triangle AHD, and FBCG to a triangle FIG: draw AK parallel to DH: elevate the triangle FIG to the same height as AHD, and you will have the triangle LMG: bisect the base DH in N, and draw A N, forming the two equal triangles AHN and AND: set the base M G of the triangle LMG on the line HN of the triangle AH N, and remark if these two lines are equal: but since the base M G is shorter by the distance ON, set off this distance ON from G to P, and draw LP, forming the triangle L.GP: then remarking the figure FBCQ only contains I M G, or its equal, AH O, you must add to this figure the triangle A ON or L G P, lowering the height to E on the side DH, as is the triangle E GQ, which will give you the irregular pentagon FBCQE for one half, and AEFQD for the other half of the trapezoid A B C D. To divide Figures of four Sides into several equal parts by lines parallel to one of their sides: as to divide the trapezoid HIKL into two equal parts by a line parallel to HL: reduce the trapezoid HIKL to a triangle HML: bisect its base LM in N: prolong LK and HI till it cuts LK prolonged in 0: find a mean proportional between OL and ON, as PQ, which set off from O to R, and draw RS parallel to HL; it will divide the trapezoid into two equal parts. To divide Pentagonal Figures into several equal parts abutting at one angle: as the regular pentagon ABCDE into two equal parts abutting on the angle A. Reduce the pentagon ABCDE to a triangle, AFG: bisect the base GF in I, and draw A I, it will divide the pentagon ABCDE into two equal parts. To divide Pentagons into several equal parts, abutting at a given point on their sides; as to divide the irregular pentagon ABCDE into two equal parts uniting at the point F. Reduce the pentagon to a triangle, AGE: bisect the base EG in H, and draw AH forming the triangle AHE: half the triangle AGE, or the pentagon ABCDE: then lower the triangle A HE to F, as FIE: draw FD, and through I its parallel IK, and draw FK, which will divide the pentagon into two equal parts. D A A H T Fig. 1200. D Q P L E B G C B E K G NC O M H Fig. 1201. Р H n L K K M Fig. 1202. A F G A E E B 1) I с F Fig. 1203. Fig. 1204. A B L D H تح K B To divide Pentagonal Figures into several equal parts uniting at a point in their superficies: as to divide the irregular pentagon ABCDE into two equal parts, abutting at the point F. Divide the pentagon into two equal parts by a line passing through the given point, as GH; then reduce the pentagon to a triangle, AIE, and the figure GBCDH to a triangle GKH, which you must elevate as high as AIE, as is done in the triangle LMH: divide the base EI into two equal parts in N, and draw NA, which will form the triangle AIN: set the base IN on the base MH; it will be greater by the distance HO: draw OL forming the triangle LMO: lower the triangle LHO to the point F, as F II P, which will give you GBCDPF for half the pentagon A B C D E. C E P HND M K Fig. 1205. CHAP. VIII. 887 GEOMETRY. To divide Pentagons by lines parallel to their sides into several equal parts, as the irregular pentagon, ABCDE, into two equal parts, by a line parallel to E D: reduce the pentagon to a triangle, AFG; bisect its base G F in H, and draw A H: reduce the trapezoid, AHDE, to a triangle, EID; prolong the base ID, and the side A E, until they intersect in K: find a mean proportional, L M, between KI and K I); set off the mean proportional on K I, from K to N; through the point N draw a line, N O, parallel to E D, and it will divide the irregular pentagon into two equal parts. K L 0 4 E G D HN C F M Fig. 1206. Z A F B K To divide Hexagons into several equal parts, uniting at one of their angles: first reduce the irregular hexagon, as A B C D E F, to a pentagon: then to a trapezoid, and lastly to a triangle. To reduce the hexagon, ABCDEF, to a pentagon, prolong the side DC to I: draw A C, and from B a line parallel thereto B K, and divide A K, which will reduce the hexagon to the pentagon, A K D E F. To reduce this to a trapezoid, prolong the side E D, and draw A D, and from K draw K G parallel to A D; draw A G, which will reduce the pentagon to the trapezoid, A GEF: reduce the trapezoid to a triangle by drawing from A the right line A E, and through F its parallel F H, and draw A H, which will form the triangle A G H, equal to the trapezoid A G E F: then divide the base, HG, into two equal parts in L, and draw A L, which will divide the hexagon into two equal parts. H E Fig. 1207. G To prove that the irregular hexagon ABCDEF is divided into two equal parts ABCDL and ALEF, which join at the point A. The angle AGF is equal to the irregular hexagon ABCDEF, and the triangle A GH has its base equally divided at the point L, so that the two triangles A GL and ALH, having the same height and base, are equal; and as they are the moieties of the triangle A GH, they are also the moieties of the hexagon A B C DEF, which is equal to the triangle A G H. The two triangles A EF and AE H being upon the same base A E, and between the same parallels FH and A E, they are equal: AEF and AEH are also equal, as are FAZ and HEZ. If from the triangle ALH, which is the half of the hexagon A B C DE F, we cut off the triangle HEZ, and take its equal FAZ, we shall have the figure A LEF equal to the triangle A L H, and also the moiety of the figure A B C D E F. Y P Z S R T X A B To divide Multilateral Figures, having re-entering angles. into several equal parts, uniting at one angle, as to divide the irregular heptagon, A B C D E F G, into six equal parts, uniting at the angle B: reduce the irregular heptagon to a triangle B N M, draw B D in CN; divide M N into six equal parts, in the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and draw right lines to them from B; draw E B, and through 2 a line 2 0, parallel to E B, and draw O B. Reduce the irregular pentagon A B OFG to a trapezoid, B OF P, by prolonging F G, and from G draw the right line G B, and from A, A P, parallel to B G, and draw PB: set off the base of one of the small triangles, as 43, and F G, from P to Q. Take also the length of its side 4 B, and describe from the point P an arc R; take the length of its other side, 3 B, and from the point A describe the second arc S, cutting the first in T: then draw the two lines Q T and P T, which will form the triangle Q P T equal to B 43. Through B draw a line parallel to F Q, as B V, cutting PT in X: then lower the triangle T P Q to X, and you will have X P Y equal to TPQ. If, then, you set off the base Y P from P to Z, and draw Z B, you will have the two triangles BZP and X P Y equal to each other. The triangles B G A and B G P being equal, if to the triangle B Z G you add the triangle B G P, you will have the triangle BZ P; and if to the triangle BZ G you add B G A, you will have the trapezoid B Z GA equal to B Z P, and M Fig. 1208. א C E 3 4 5D No 3 L 4 888 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. consequently a sixth of the heptagon, A B C D E F G: there will remain the trapezoid BOFZ for the last sixth. Thus the irregular heptagon will be divided into six equal parts by the lines B, Z, 0, 3, 4, 5. A L T V B To divide Figures of unequal Dimensions by similar Lines, as to divide the figure A B C D into three parts similar to three divisions on the plan E F G H: measure the length E I of the plan, E F G H, with the scale K, as 45: measure likewise on the figure A B C D 45, from A to L then take with a protractor the angle EI M, 105°, and from the angle A L N also 105°, on the side A B, at the point L. Measure the length F O, 40°, with the scale K, and set off 40° from B to P; at the point P draw the angle B P Q equal to F OM: then, having found that the distance GR is 70 parts, set off the same number from C to S. At the point S draw the angle CST equal to G R M: the lines L, N, P, Q and S, T, intersecting at V, will divide the figure A B C D similarly to E FH G. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS.-Determine the value of the spaces included by contiguous surfaces, and the sum of the measure of those including surfaces is the whole surface or superficies of the body; the rules for performing such operations we have already described. The measure of a solid is called its solidity, capacity, or content, and is usually measured by cubes, whose sides are inches, feet, or yards: hence the solidity of a body is said to be so many cubic inches, feet, yards, &c., as will fill its capacity or space, or another of an equal magnitude. N P C S D E I F M G II R Fig. 1209. The cube A may be supposed to contain a solid foot, con- sequently 1728 cubic inches; for if the area of its base were divided into square inches, it would contain 144, and as the cube is 12 inches in height, it would permit of 12 layers of cubical inches being piled up to complete the figure, or 144 cubes x 12=1728: consequently, to find the solid content of a cube, we only have to multiply the area of its base by its height. Of a Parallelopipedon. -Multiply the area of one end by the length, and the product is the solid content. Inclined Parallelopipedons are cubed in a similar manner. The solid content of a rectangular parallelopipedon is said to be equal to the product of its three dimensions, that is, as ABX ACx AD, when AB, Fig. 1212 A C, AD, are the three edges: this expression being inter- preted in the same sense with the product of the two dimen- sions or sides, which is said to constitute the area of a rect- angle, viz. that the number of cubical units in the parallelopiped is equal to the product of the numbers which denote how often the corresponding linear unit is contained in the three edges: it is on this account said that the solid content of a rectangular parallelopiped is equal to the product of its base and altitude. The cube is considered a unit in the mensuration of all other solids, their content being the same with the content of rectangular parallelopipeds equal to them. Prisms in general have their solid content found by mul- tiplying the area of their base by their height. L F M A Fig. 1210. Fig. 1211. Fig. 1213. Fig. 1214. K G N Fig. 1215. To find the solid content of an irregular solid whose sides are parallel, we must first measure it in detail, find the con- tent of the several parts, and add them together: the present example might be taken as three parallelopipedons; or the solid content of the parts cut out might be ascertained, which, deducted from the solid content obtained by mul- tiplying the area of its base by its height, would give the content of the irregular solid. As all prisms and cylinders are equal to parallelopipedons of equal bases and altitudes, it is only necessary to multiply the base or end by the height to obtain the solid content. CHAP. VIII. 889 GEOMETRY. Pyramid, or Cones: multiply the area of their base by one third of their height for the solid content. To find the solidity of the frustum of a cone or pyramid, add into one sum the area of the two ends, and the mean pro- portional between them, and take two-thirds of the sum for a mean area, which being multiplied by the perpendicular height will give its content. Suppose we call a² the area of the base of the frustum of a pyramid, b² the area of the top, h the perpendicular height, and c the height of the pyramid when the frustum is made complete. Then c+h the height of the whole pyramid. = Then a² (c+h) is the content of the whole pyramid, and bc the content of the top part: therefore the difference } a² (c + h) — { bc is the content of the frustum. But the quantity c being no dimension of the frustum, it must be expelled from this formula, by substituting its value in the following manner, a² : b² :: (c + h) 2: c², or a b :: c + h : c ; hence, a-bb::h: c, and a- b: a :: h: c+h; hence therefore, c= α b h b ah and c+h= a b ; then these values of c and c+h being substituted for them in the expression for the content of the frustum gives that con- - 162 × bh a-b =}h × a³ — b³ a-b ah tent={a² × =}}h × (a² + ab + b²), a-b which is the rule above given, ab being the mean between a² and b². Tetraedron. — Multiply the area of the base by one-third of the perpendicular height for its solidity. Required the superficies and solidity of the tetraedron, whose linear edge is 3 inches. 32 1·73205 × 3² = 15.588 for its superficies, 0·11785 × 3² = 3.18195 for its solidity. - Hexaedron is the same thing as the cube, already described. Octaedron. Multiply the square of its side by the diagonal, Fig. 1216. Fig. 1217. A Fig. 1218. Fig. 1219. and one third of the product will give the solid content. Required the superficies and solidity of an octaedron, A, the linear sides of which at BEC is each 2 inches: taking from the table 3.46410 × 2²=13.85640 for the superficial content, 0·47140 × 2º −3·77120 for its solidity. Dodecaedron.—Multiply the content of one of its pyramids, E, by 12, because the figure is composed of twelve equal pyramids having a regular pentagon for the base, their summits being the centre of the dodecaedron. Required the superficies and solid content of a dodecaedron, whose linear edges are 2 inches. 20·64573 × 2²=82·58292 for the superficies, 7·66312 × 2²=61·30466 for its solidity. Icosaedron. — Multiply the content of one of its pyramids, N, by 20, because it contains twenty equal pyramids having equilateral triangles for bases, and their summits in the centre of the body. Required the superficies and solid content of the icosaedron N. 8·66025 × 2²=34·64100 for the superficies, 2.18169 × 2²=17.43352 for the solidity. X The side of any of the five Platonic bodies being given, to find the diameter of a sphere that may either be inscribed in that body or cir- cumscribed about it, or that is equal to it: As the respective number in the following table, under the title inscribed, circumscribed or equal is to 1, so is the side of the given Platonic body to the diameter of its inscribed, circumscribed, or equal sphere. The side of any one of the five Platonic bodies being given, to find the side of the other four bodies that may be equal in solidity to that of the given body: As the number under the title equal, in the third column of the second table. which stands against the given Platonic body, is to the number under the same title against the body whose side is sought, so is the side of the given Platonic body to the side of the body sought. B C A E E Fig. 1220. Z Fig 1221. 890 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To find either the Surface or solid Content of any of the regular Bodies, multiply the tabular area, taken from the following table, by the square of the linear edge of the solid, for the superficial content; and for the solid content, multiply the tabular solidity by the cube of the linear edge. Number of Sides. Name. 4 Tetraedron 6 Hexaedron 8 Octaedron 12 Dodecaedron 20 Icosaedron - Surface. Solidity. 1·7320508 0.1178513 6·0000000 1·0000000 3.4641016 0.4714045 20.6457288 7.6631189 8.6602540 2.1816950 The diameter of a sphere being given, to find the side of any of the Platonic bodies that may be either inscribed on the sphere, or circumscribed about the sphere, or that is equal to the sphere. Multiply the given diameter of the sphere by the proper or corresponding number in the following table, and the product will be the side of the Platonic body required: The diameter of a sphere being 1, the side of a Tetraedron Hexaedron Octaedron Dodecaedron Icosaedron That may be in- scribed in the sphere is, That may be circum- scribed about the sphere is, That equal to the sphere is, 0.816497 2.44948 1.64417 0.577350 1.00000 0.88610 0.707107 1.22474 1.03576 0.525731 0.66158 0.62153 0.356822 0.44903 0.40883 To find the Solid Content of a Sphere. Multiply the cube of the diameter by 5236, and the product will be the solidity. s= · Or we may put d=the diameter, c=the circumference, and s=the surface of the sphere or its circumscribing cylinder; also a=3·1416, thens the base of the cylinder, or one great circle of the sphere, and d is the height of the cylinder; therefore ds is the content of the 1444 cylinder but of the cylinder is the sphere; that is of ds, or ds is the sphere. 6 Again, because the surface sa d², therefore { d: s=a d² = 5236 d³ the content; also d being = c÷a, therefore ¦ a d³=} c³ ÷ a² — •01688. Then if we cube the diameter of a globe, and multiply it by ·5236, or cube the circumference and multiply it by 01688, we shall obtain the solid content. To find the Solidity of a spherical Segment, or Plano-convex Portion of a Sphere. To three times the square of the radius of the base or flat side, add the square of the versed sine or height; then multiply the sum by the height, and the product so obtained by 5236 for the solid content; or, from three times the diameter of the sphere take double the height of the segment; then multiply the remainder by the square of the height, and the product by the decimal 5236 for the content. To find the Content of a solid Ellipse or Spheroid. Multiply the square of the transverse by the square of the conjugate diameter, and the product by ·5236. To find the Solidity of a Parabolic Conoid. Multiply the square of the diameter of the base by the height or length of the axis, and the product by -3927: two such solids united at the başe form a parabolic spindle. P T Fig. 1222. X Fig. 1223. T A S V Fig. 1224. E To find the Content of a cylindrical Ring. Add to the diameter of the cylinder of which the ring is formed the extent of the inner diameter of the ring; then multiply the sum by the square of the thickness on the diameter of the ring, and the product by 2.4674, which is one fourth of the square of 3.1416, and it will give the solidity. To find the convex Surface of a Sphere. — Multiply the diameter of the sphere by its circumference; or multiply 3.1416 by the square of the diameter, and the product will be the convex surface required. CHAP IX. 891 VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY. CHAP. IX. VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY. In forming a valuation of either land or houses great attention should be paid to their locality, as well as to their quality. Land is not uniform in this particular, as it consists of several varieties; and it is necessary, when surveying an estate, so to apportion it, that land of the same description and value be classed under the same head or denomination: where the soil, however, differs materially in the same en- closure, this is not very easily to be done; but in all cases, it must be noticed what are the propertions of the good to the bad, and valued accordingly. Not only the nature and depth of the soil, but the quality of the subsoil should be thoroughly examined by digging into it, and the description fully entered in a book prepared for the purpose; for if the valuator is governed by the appearance of the crops, and forms his opinion of the value of the land by the quality and quantity of produce, he will often err, by putting a high price on light or bad land highly manured; which is unjust, inasmuch as this value is only temporary, and dependant upon the skill and capital bestowed upon it. Pasture Lands in their value depend on the quality of the herbage; and on them, as well as on all tillage lands, the nature of the prevalent indigenous plants should be noticed, as they almost always indicate a particular quality of soil and subsoil, and are often much better tests of the quality than by digging at the surface, or sinking holes. Woods and plantations should be estimated according to the agricultural value of the land on which they grow, without reference to the timber and uncultivated lands: in valuing land, it is always better at the commencement to put the price which it is worth under ordinary circumstances, and afterwards to add or diminish according to those which are local, and which are dependant upon elevation, steepness, exposure to injurious winds; different varieties or patches of soil, ill-shaped fields, bad fences, and the state of the roads, &c., &c. Climate in a great degree depends upon elevation; in mountainous districts, not only must a deduction be made for height, but also for situation, whether upon interior or exterior de- clivities, the climate being much more moist in the bosom of the mountain, and more liable to frost and snow than on the exterior at the same elevation. When lands are so steep and hilly that they inconvenience the farmer in ploughing, manuring, &c., a deduction of from one to four shillings per acre should be made: and where it is too steep to plough, and must be cultivated by the spade, it may be valued as under pasture: considerations should also be made when large stones or rocks produce difficulties in the way of the plough. The character of the prevailing winds should be well ascertained, as they affect the crops; if the land varies in quality, they will not ripen at one and the same time, and for such situations a proper reduction should be made: land in an ordinary situation, within 3 or 4 miles of a market town, with good roads, and not particularly sheltered or exposed, or remarkably level or hilly, and whose greatest elevation does not exceed 300 feet above the level of the sea, the chief matters which are required to be taken under consideration are the means of obtaining manure or limestone, which adds to or diminishes the value. The neighbourhood of large and populous cities also affects the value of land, and the distance must always be noticed, as well as the local advantages or disadvantages obtained; the distance from market, and the difficulty of access, materially lessens value, and ought always to be taken into account. The soils are usually classed as either clay, sandy, or calcareous, or compounds of one or all, except where composed of peat or the primitive earths, which contain saline compounds and the oxide of iron; such always retain water. Argillaceous Earth forms the basis of clay, and is usually combined with siliceous sand, as in potter's and pipe-clay, where the proportions of sand are 60 per cent. clay used for brick-making is not only combined with siliceous but also with calcareous earth, the siliceous most abounding; the colour of this kind of clay is either yellow, blue, brown or red, which it derives from an oxide of iron. Siliceous Earth is found pure in the flint and in transparent siliceous sand; the colours of the varieties are dependant upon the different proportions of oxide of iron. Calcareous Earth or Lime is sometimes in the form of limestone, where pure lime is combined with carbonic acid in nearly equal proportions, or in a state combined with sulphuric acid, when it is called gypsum. Calcareous earth may always be detected by pouring a few drops of oil of vitriol or diluted muriatic acid on a small portion, and 892 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. if the soil contain lime an effervescence will take place, by the briskness and duration of which the proportion of lime contained in it may be ascertained; but where it is necessary to know the exact quantity of lime in an earth, this may be found by putting half an ounce of the soil into a glass, and pouring upon it dilute muriatic acid, letting it stand for four-and-twenty hours; after which pour off the clear liquid, adding water and stirring it: when the earthy matter has subsided, pour off the clear water, and suffer the residuum to dry till it acquire the same consistence it had previous to pouring on the dilute acid; when weighed, whatever it has lost in weight will be the proportion of lime contained in the soil. For practical purposes, however, the valuator may divide the ar- gillaceous soils into clayey, clayey loam, and argillaceous alluvial: the siliceous soils into sandy, gravelly, slaty, rocky, &c.; the calcareous into limestone, limestone gravel, chalk, and marl: the peat into moor, peat, and bog. Clay, when either blue or yellow, and in its quality tenacious or lying upon a retentive subsoil, is nearly unfit for tillage; while on an open subsoil it is capable of improvement, and when clays contain a due admixture of sand, lime, and vegetable matter they are well suited to the growth of wheat, and may be classed among the most productive: such may degenerate into a cold stiff clay when there is little or no sand or vegetable matter, and their value is diminished accordingly. Loamy soils are a compound of argillaceous and siliceous earths, and frequently contain some proportion of lime and vegetable as well as animal matters; from being friable they are soon reduced to a finely pulverised state: when a fine loam is mixed with sand, gravel, clay, or peat, it is to be so designated, and the term loam is only to be understood as com- prehending soils of a fine tilth, not forming clods when ploughed in wet weather. A stiff clay, with either sand, peat, lime, chalk, or stable manure added to it, in the course of time will become a rich loam, but it is only by numerous ploughings and exposure to frost that a due mixture can take place. A strong clayey loam contains about one-third part and sometimes more of clay, the other ingredients consisting of sand, gravel, lime, &c., the sand predominating. A friable clayey loam contains less clay and more sand: such a soil is easily cultivated in wet weather. Sandy or gravelly loams are those where either predominates; both render the soil open and free, though not sufficiently retentive of moisture. Argillaceous alluvial soils, usually on the banks of great rivers or near the sea-shore, are evidently derived from the deposits of water: they are composed of fine argillaceous loam, or other earths arranged in layers, with alternate beds of clay, shells, sand, &c. The value of these soils depends in a great measure on the quantity of lime they contain. Rich alluvial soils are the most productive of any when not subject to floods. Siliceous soils comprise sands of all gradations from open sandy loam to pure sand. white shelly sands, when near the sea, are very productive, although there is not a great portion of earthy matter found in them. Gravelly soils are those where coarse sand or gravel abounds; a due admixture of loam renders them sufficiently retentive of moisture; such produce excellent crops. Slaty soils occur on the sides of mountains, and are composed of the debris of slate rock either coarse or fine-grained. Rocky soils are found abounding with fragments of rock intermixed with mould, where the substratum is rock. Calcareous or limestone soils contain an unusual quantity of finely pulverised limestone ; these form excellent grazing lands. Limestone gravel soils occur in limestone districts; these are sometimes calcareous and often composed of calcareous sand. Marly soils consist of two kinds; that which contains clayey marl or calcareous matter combined with clay and white marl, which is a deposit from water, usually found at the bottom of lakes and rivers. Moory, peaty, or boggy soils vary in their quality; some contain very little earthy matter, and when burnt the ashes which remain scarcely amount to a tenth or twelfth of the original weight; the value of peat soils is dependant upon their production of red or yellow ashes when burnt: in deep bogs these are light and white, and do not amount to more than an eightieth part of the original weight, and are of little use as a manure. Where peat earth yields a small quantity of white ashes its value is trifling, unless covered with a heavy coat of loamy earth or clay; a solidity is then given to the soil, and crops may be produced upon it. It is of the utmost importance that due attention should be paid to the nature of the soil, and of all the ingredients of which it is composed; and the person who has to fix a value should thoroughly understand what is meant by the following terms, and should so arrange his field-book that the whole of the lands surveyed should come under one or other of these qualities. Stiff, when the soil contains above one-half of tenacious clay, and which in dry weather CHAP. IX. 893 VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY, cracks and opens, and has a tendency to form into large and hard lumps when ploughed in wet weather. Friable, where it is loose and open, as sandy, gravelly, and meory lands. Strong, where a considerable portion of clay abounds, and there is a tendency to form clods or lumps. Deep, where the soil exceeds 10 inches in depth. Shallow, where the depth is less than 8 inches. Dry, where the soil is friable and the subsoil porrus. Wet, where the soil or subsoil is tenacious, or where springs are numerous. Sharp, where there is a moderate proportion of gravel. Fine or soft, where there is no gravel, but chiefly composed of fine sand or light earth without gravel. Cold, where the soil rests on a tenacious clay subsoil, and has a tendency when in pasture to produce rushes and other aquatic plants. Sandy or gravelly, when either abound. Slaty, where that substratum is intermixed with the soil. Worn, where the soil has been long under cultivation without either rest or manure. Poor, where the land is of a bad quality. Hungry, where there is a considerable proportion of gravel or coarse sand resting on a gravelly subsoil: on such lands manure does not produce the usual effect. Colours of soils should also be noticed, as well as the inclination of the various lands: all these qualities, however, for the purposes of valuation may be classed under five heads, as, A, prime land, rich loamy earth; B, medium; C, poor clayey, shallow or stony arable; D, cultivated moors; and E, natural pastures, &c. : and each of these letters may again be subdivided into No. 1, 2, and 3; so that A 1 down to E3 may comprise every quality found upon an estate or within a district, and a value proportioned accordingly. The valuator should also be aware that in mountain districts the farmers usually divide their pasture lands into two qualities, called inside and outside grazing, to which is sometimes added another called the remote. The quality and quantity of the herbage must be ascertained, as well as the usual price paid in the neighbourhood for grazing. Valuation of Houses. The value of a house depends partly upon what it would reason- ably let for by the year, and upon the state of repair in which it may be found: all dwelling-houses with the outbuildings dependant on them are valued as one building; but, as in the country houses are seldom let separate from the land, and there is some little difficulty in coming at a fair letting value, it is advisable to establish a table which, when the dimensions of the buildings are ascertained, may indicate the value: this ought to be well considered, and the state of the repairs noticed before any building is classed in it. New buildings, those that are neither new nor old, and old buildings, have a different value; and the table must be so made as to meet these three denominations: after the number of cube feet in each building is ascertained, its value may be estimated by reference to the price per cube foot determined upon, which price must depend upon circumstances, and upon the judgment of the valuators. The table of value should embrace every class and variety of dwelling-house, as well as the different denominations of offices and out- buildings. To ascertain the cubical content of a building, measure its length, breadth, and height, multiply them together, and enter the product into the field-book for future calculation: it is, however, as well to note what the valuator supposes such a house or premises would let for by the year in any ordinary situation, as a check to his estimate: large houses in the country ought not to be so calculated, as it rarely happens that they let for any thing like their value; the smaller the tenement the more probability there is of a tenant, and of obtaining a return for the outlay or cost of the building. Houses or mansions belonging to an estate are of little worth when the lands are taken from them; and in making an estimate of such property, there are numerous considerations before a just value can be put upon them: where houses are situated in a town, it is only necessary for the valuator to note down the variety of situations, as the leading streets, squares, &c.; then those in the next and succeeding degrees; supposing he commences with the main or chief street, and continues his survey till he has comprised all the larger houses, and the smaller tenements in the courts and alleys, he must proceed with the yards, warehouses, manufactories, wharves, and other establishments, taking care to class them all under their various and respective heads: the cubical dimensions of the buildings being ascertained, and the area of the premises, a just classification as to locality and value is then required. When the tenant has a lease obliging him to keep the premises in repair, certain allowances are to be made; and in all smaller tenements let by the week or year, some allowance must be made for loss of rent, and for greater wear and tear. : In large cities, towns, villages, and hamlets, the value of property, particularly houses, varies after the valuator has satisfied himself upon the terms at which the various classes of houses or tenements are let, he will have no difficulty in arriving at a close approximation; in all these cases considerable knowledge and judgment are required, and these kind of 894 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. valuations should never be entrusted to the uninitiated, or to those who have not inade buildings their particular study. Mills and buildings, where there is water-power, require to be valued under two heads: first, the buildings by their cubical content; then the water-power; to establish that of the latter, it must be first ascertained whether the water acts by its weight or gravity, as with a breast or overshot wheel, or by impulse, as in undershot wheels. In the former, or gravity wheels, their diameter must be ascertained, as well as the breadth, the depth of the shrouding, and the number of buckets; also the velocity of the wheel, or the number of revolutions it makes in a minute when at work; the fall of water perpen- dicularly, which is the difference of level between the centre of the column of water as delivered on the wheel and its lower periphery: the section of the water in the trough where it is conducted to the wheel, and its velocity, must be determined by ascertaining the number of seconds a floating body requires to pass through a given distance. In undershot water-wheels, their diameter must be taken, the breadth, the depth of the floatboards, and their number; also the velocity of the wheel, its fall, and the section and velocity of water in approaching the wheel. In Corn and Flour-mills the valuator must examine their actual state, and whether the millstones are new or old, whether the mills are ever stopped by back-water in floods, or retarded from other causes: in estimating the value, the power of a horse is equal to raising 33000 lbs. 1 foot high in a minute. One pair of millstones in a flour-mill, with its attendant bolting and other machinery, worked by a water-wheel, is considered to be equal to an 8-horse power. The value of the water-power capable of working a pair of millstones with the attendant machinery night and day all the year round, in some situations is valued at 207. per annum, and sometimes more or less, according to circumstances. The full amount of working time is usual'y taken at twenty-two hours during the day and night, two hours being allowed for the change of men and other contingencies: millstones not actually at work should not be counted. It often happens that a mill has abundance of water for only six months in the year, and is at a considerable distance from a market town; wherever this is the case, and land carriage is considerable, an allowance must be made for every mile of additional distance of a shilling or more in the pound; where a mill is 10 miles from a market town, it can be rarely worked to advantage. To determine the value of a flour-mill, the number of pair of millstones usually worked at a time must be ascertained, as well as their diameter. The force necessary to work a pair of corn mill- stones grinding meal, together with a pair of shelling and attendant machinery, is taken some- times at only 6-horse power: the number of pairs of grinding mill-stones, shelling-stones, and other machinery in the mill, as well as the ordinary working time, must be also ascertained. To determine the water-power of corn-mills where there is one pair of stones, tables are usually made, calculated upon the performance of an 8-horse power engine. Bleaching Mills. In beetling mills in a single long engine the wiper beam, or that which is furnished with cogs for lifting the beetles, is usually 10 feet long, and makes 30 revolu- tions in a minute; being furnished with two sets of cogs on its circumference, it raises the beetle sixty times in a minute; such a wiper beam working beetles of 4 feet 4 inches in length, and 3 inches in depth from front to rear, making thirty revolutions, or lifting the beetles sixty times in a minute I foot high, is equal to one-horse power. In this calculation the power necessary for working the traverse beam, which holds the linen, is included; an allowance is made for the guide slips, which retain the beetles in a perpendicular position. Tables may be made upon the above data for any length of beetles, where the number of inches from front to rear are given; and the horse-power may be set down. determine the value of the other machinery in a bleaching mill, it is usual to consider a pair of rub boards equal to two-thirds of a horse-power; a pair of wash feet equal to one horse-power; a starching mangle, one horse-power; a drying and squeezing machine equal to one horse-power; and a calender from three to eight horse-power, according to its quality. To Flax Mills. Six stocks are considered to require the power necessary to turn a pair of corn millstones with shelling-stones, fans, sifters, and other attendant machinery; therefore each stock is equal to one horse. The bruising machine, consisting of three rollers, may be considered equal to one and a half stocks. Spinning Mills. Coarse yarns require a greater proportionate power than fine; this is chiefly owing to the additional trouble necessary to prepare the coarser kinds for the spindle; the spindles and their machinery are also heavier. Yarn is distinguished by its degrees of fineness, and known by the number of leas or cuts it yields to the pound: a bundle is twenty hanks; a hank is twelve leas or cuts, and a cut is 300 yards in length. Tow is usually spun at from 2 to 5 leas to the pound, and in the dry way, including the carding and preparation, it requires a horse-power to 40 throstle spindles. Coarse Yarn, from 13 to 18 leas to the pound, including the preparation, requires a horse- 'power to 80 spindles. CHAP. X. 895 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. Yarns spun from 20 to 60 leas to the pound require nearly the same preparation and machinery, and a horse-power is equal to 120 spindles in the wet and warm way. In Yarns spun from 60 to 100 leas to the pound, a horse-power will work 200 spin- dles, including all the preparation; but the spindles and attendant machinery will be lighter than in the other cases. In Cotton Mills the throstle spindle is used for the coarser yarns, and for the finer kinds the mule spirdle. With Throstle Spindles few manufacturers spin a coarser kind than 10 leas to the pound, none higher than 30; taking 20 as a fair average, the horse-power would drive 180 spindles. With Mule Spindles, at an average of 50 leas to the pound, a horse-power, including the preparations, will turn 500 spindles, and this is varied up to 1000 spindles to the horse- power; but in this latter case the cotton must be clean, of superior quality, and spun to the finer degrees. By inquiries based upon the foregoing, the number of horse-power may be obtained, and consequently the value of the water-power. Paper Mills, saw mills and others containing machinery driven by water, may be all estimated, and their value determined by calculating in the same manner. Before the valuator commences any survey, he must be provided with good maps, having a field scale, and proper measuring rods or tape for taking the dimensions of the buildings that are upon the estate. Where the district is mountainous or hilly, it is also necessary that he should carefully examine the crops, and make due allowance for the difference of elevation, and where land lies in the interior of a mountain, or is surrounded by high land, some consideration should be allowed: land also which has a southern aspect is of more value than that which lies to the north, and Vitruvius explains to us why that species of fir known at Rome by the name of supernas is not so good as that which is called infernas, whose durability in buildings is so great; "the hither side of the Apennines towards Tuscany and Campania is in point of climate extremely mild, being continually warmed by the sun's rays; the further side, which lies towards the upper sea, is exposed to the north, and is inclosed by thick and gloomy shadow. The trees, therefore, which grow at that part being nourished by continual moisture, not only grow to a great size, but their fibres, being too much saturated with it, swell out considerably, and then are unfit for building: those which grow in sunny places are more solid, and, in consequence of the closeness of their pores, are exceedingly lasting. The infernas, as those firs are called which are brought from warm open parts, are preferable to the sort called supernas, which come from a closely and thick-wooded country." CHAP. X. VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS IN ENGINEERING. THE exact valuation of the price of work being one of the most important elements in the execution of great enterprises, the basis upon which it should be founded, it is our first duty to consider. The price of work depends upon several elements, which may be classed as follows: The prime cost of the materials : The waste which occurs in converting them to use: The manual labour : The incidental expences, such as tools, machines, workshops, &c. &c. ; and persons em- ployed as clerks of the works, foreman, &c. : The interest of money on capital, and the profit thereon. The principal materials employed are stone, brick, lime, sand, and other substances which unite with lime; timber, iron, lead, copper, &c. The price of these comprehend, first, that of the material itself, then its conversion and carriage. The only method of estimating its value is to acquire a correct knowledge of these three objects, and particularly the manual labour consumed in its conversion, which generally forms the chief item: usually the price current of the materials is the one acted upon; and these vary according to circumstances. The loss which materials suffer in their employments depends in part upon their quality, and on the workmen, as well as the care and diligence of those who direct them. The manual labour is not so difficult to ascertain. The execution of work may be divided into three operations,-preparing the materials, their carriage, and fixing; each of these may be subdivided and separately calculated : among the tools employed, some are found by the workmen, and the wear and tear forms a portion of the labour; some of the machines used in large works are provided by the go- vernment, or the company that promotes them. 896 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The expense of overlooking workmen consists in the payment of foremen and clerks, who do not labour, but keep the account of the various materials and time. Gauthey in his valuable work, "Traité de la Construction des Ponts," has given us the following data upon which we may form our calculations, and it is to be regretted we have not had similar experiments made upon the labours of English workmen. Ground Work: under this title is comprehended the digging and removal of earth, laying the turf, ballasting and dredging, &c. Excepting charges made for cutting turf, the only expense for these works is the labour; they are generally performed by a lower grade of workmen, and in companies. The price required is given in hours; the price of an hour depends upon the value of a day's work, and the number of hours or effective hours it contains, which is usually ten. Excavating. The time employed in digging depends upon the nature of the soil; and the mean results, which serve as comparisons, are as follows: Vegetable earth, per cube metre, Loam, Clay, Stony earth or 35.3 cubic feet En- glish, or one and a third cube yards. } Parts of an Hour. · 0.60 - 0.90 H 1.50 - 2.00 2.50 Tufa, Removal of Earth comprises loading and unloading: when the barrows or carts cannot approach close to the workmen, it is necessary to throw the earth with a shovel, either horizontally or vertically on scaffolds raised 2 metres over each other. For throwing a cube metre (or 1} cube yards English) with a shovel : Vegetable earth, loam, or sand Hard earth, clay, and tufa Mud Parts of an · Hour. 0.65 - 0.75 0.80 When the removal takes place by barrows, it is executed by relays; if the ground is level, or slightly inclined, each relay is 30 metres in length, and 20 when the inclination is 1 in 12 For loading in barrows a cube Vegetable earth, loam, and sand metre, or 1 cube yards En-Clay, stony ground, and tufa glish. For removal to a relay Mud Vegetable earth and loam Clay, stony earth, sand, mud · 0.60 - 0.70 · 0.75 · 0.45 0.55 The specific gravity of vegetable earth and loam is 1·5, and each barrow contains 0·04 cube metres. It is most advantageous to use carts when the distance is from 150 to 200 metres: when this distance is not very great, trucks drawn by men are preferred; some of a very ingenious construction, used at the bridge of Neuilly, contained 0-2 cube metres of loam, and were drawn by three men. Vegetable earth, loam, and sand A cube metre drawn by trucks Clay, hard stony earth For the removal, each cube supposing five trucks employed, load, Time for loading a truck, con- taining 0·2 cube inches Time to go a distance of an hundred metres, and return, the ground being level, or nearly 110 yards English Mud - Parts of an Hour. 0.63 0.73 0.78 metre of earth is estimated in the following manner : drawn by three men, and three workmen employed to Vegetable earth, loam, and sand Clay, hard stony earth, and tufa Mud Vegetable earth and loam Clay, stony earth, sand and mud Time of unloading Parts of an - Hour. 0.042 - · 0.049 0.052 - 0.060 - 0.070 - 0.030 If the road is bad, or the rise and fall considerable, some additional allowance must be made. When carts drawn by horses are used, it is advantageous to have as many men to load as is practicable; our calculations suppose three employed for that purpose. To load a cube metre in a cart Vegetable earth, loam, and sand Clay, stony earth, &c. Mud - - Parts of an Hour. 0.65 0.75 0.80 CHAP. X. 897 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. The price of transport varies with the number of horses employed; during the time of loading the horse is unemployed, and this evil is increased in proportion to the size of the carts, and to the shortness of the distance; the carts should be made in proportion; and small ones used where the distance is not great. A cart with one horse should be employed where the distance does not exceed 313 metres; two horses where it does not 1104 metres; three horses to 2111 metres; and four horses to 3873. Supposing each horse to draw half a cube metre of earth, the following estimate may be made :- Time of loading a one- horse cart containing 0.5 metre Ditto two-horse cart, con- taining a cube metre Ditto three-horse cart, containing 1.5 cube metres Ditto four horse cart, con- taining 2 cube metres Time to go a distance of 100 metres, and to return Time for unloading ୮ Vegetable earth, loam and sand Clay, stony earth, and tufa - Mud - Vegetable earth, loam, and sand Clay, stony earth, and tufa Mud Vegetable earth, loam, and sand Clay, stony earth, and tufa Mud Vegetable earth, loam, and sand Clay, stony earth, and tufa Mud - Vegetable earth and loam Clay, stony earth, sand, and mud Hours for two one-horse carts, - 0.108 - 0.123 • 0.133 300 metres dis- 0.217 - 0.230 - 0.267 0.325 - 0.353 - 0'400 - 0.434 · 0.460 0.434 · - tance. One cart from 300 to metres. 1100 Two-thirds of a cart of three horses from 1100 to 2000 metres. Half a cart of 0.060 four horses, from 0.070 | 2000 to 4000 0.050 J metres. Earth is sometimes removed by boats, which generally contain from 40 to 50 cube metres from what has been already stated, the loading and unloading may be easily cal- culated; as for the transport, it varies according to circumstances, and can only be estimated by the daily hire of the boat, and the number of journeys it can make. When the earth is shot from a cart or a truck it requires levelling, and a man is necessary for the purpose. For levelling without ( Vegetable earth, loam, &c. throwing a cube metre Clay, stony earth, and tufa When more care is required, or a talus is to be dressed, Square metre of surface Vegetable earth, loam, &c. Clay, stony earth, and tufa 0.15 Hour of a ground 0.25 digger. J 0.10 Hour of a ground 0.13 digger. J Rammer.- Earth requires ramming, when used for cofferdams, or filling in behind walls, where it is necessary to produce immediate cohesion, that the thrust may be diminished; and also where it is intended to lay down a pavement. Vegetable earth, loam, and clay are alone susceptible of being rammed; the latter is not so well suited for this purpose. The operation is performed by laying the earth in beds of from 15 to 20 centimetres in thickness, and the ramming a cube metre of earth usually occupies 0·5 of an hour of the ground digger. Some experiments have been made on the loss arising from the earth employed in cofferdams, which is caused by the joints of the sheet piles; the result is, that in those of from 3 to 4 metres in height, the volume of earth carried into the part below the water is one half more than the void filled in the cofferdam, or the loss is one-third of the original volume; above the level of the waters, the loss is only one-fourth of the same volume. Laying down Turf, the thickness of which is usually 10 centimetres, comprises three operations; taking up, removing, and laying down. The men usually employed, being of a superior grade, have more wages than the groundmen: to cut and remove a sufficient quantity of turf for one square metre requires 0·5 of an hour of the workmen; the removal may be estimated according to what has preceded. Laying it down depends generally on skill, but on a mean it takes 0-8 of an hour for a square metre. The value of the turf is governed by various circumstances, which require to be added. Dredging is either performed by machines or by hand moving sand is the only material upon which any calculation with regard to price can be formed. To remove with hand drags a cube metre of moving sand, at a mean depth of 1·5 metre under water, requires ten hours for a workman. This valuation implies that the labour is performed by men skilled in this employ, who usually receive twice as much as an ordinary labourer. When the machine is used, the time necessary to drag a cube metre at the depth of two or three metres under water may be estimated at an hour of the machine worked by five men; an allowance for the use of the machine must be added. Incidental charges for Groundwork, &c. comprise superintendants, providing planks, 3 M 898 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. scaffolds, wheelbarrows, trucks, &c. ; the other tools belong to the workmen; the carts are usually hired by the day, in the price of which the value is comprised. It has been found that these incidental expenses amount to about one-twentieth of the labour. Suppose a cube metre of loam dug, thrown out, removed in wheelbarrows to 150 metres distance, and rammed. Taking the price of the labourer per day at two francs, or 20 pence English, Digging Throwing out Loading the barrow Removal at five relays at 0.45 hour for each Ramming Time employed by the workman 4.90 hours of the workmen is worth at 0.20 franc for the incidental expenses for profit Total 0.90 0.65 0.60 2.25 0.50 - 4.90 Francs. - 0·980 - 0·049 - 0.103 - 1·132 If the same quantity of earth be removed in carts, it will require levelling down after being shot; and supposing the value per day for a cart and one horse be nine francs, the detail will be as follows. Digging Throwing out - 0.90 0.65 Loading the cart Levelling 0.65 0.15 Ramming • 0.50 Time employed by the workmen I 2.85 2.85 hours of the workmen at 0·20 francs is worth Francs. 0.570 Removing in the cart 0.108 Time in going 150 metres at 0·06 of an hour for 100 metres Unloading 0.090 0.050 Time employed by the carts - - 0.248 0.248 hour of two carts with one horse, at 1.80 francs, is worth 0.446 Total 1.016 for incidental expenses 0.051 for profit - 1 0.107 1.174 Whence it appears that for this distance there is a saving of 4 centimes per cube metre by using barrows in preference to carts. J Fascine Work and Fencing. The materials used are branches of trees, stakes, and gravel to fill the intervening spaces: the price of the branches is at per cube metre, and regulated by the price of timber: the fascines are usually 2.5 metres in length, and 30 centimetres in diameter: the stakes are 1.5 metres in length, and 5 centimetres in diameter; when hurdles are employed, they are made with the longest rods that can be obtained, but not more than from 2 or 3 centimetres diameter at the largest end; the distance between the stakes varies according to the strength required; it is usually about 50 centimetres. With regard to the quantity of material for the execution of these works, a fascine with its four stakes will require two cube metres of branches; there will be 1 fascines in the cube metre of each row, the thickness of which will be reduced, after placing and driving in the stakes, to 20 centimetres; it will then require 63 fascines for every cube metre of work performed: if hurdle rods are used across the fascines to tie them together, there will be 0·1 cube metre of branches for a square metre of each row, or 0.5 cube metre for a cube metre of work: if the spaces are filled with gravel, it will require about 0·1 cube metre for every cube metre of work. To make a fascine with its four stakes employs half an hour; for placing and driving them an hour, which CHAP. X. 899 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. together, for a cube metre of work, occupies ten hours of labour; placing rods for hurdles on a square metre 0·65 hours, which amounts for a cube metre of work to 3.25 hours: the time necessary for spreading the sand is about 0·25 hours per square metre, which amounts to 0.75 hours for a cube metre of work. The workmen usually have higher wages than the labourer; and the incidental expenses to be added are one-twentieth. Carpentry. — The labour of this work includes the setting out at large the price of the timber, &c., the carriages, sawing, framing, and taking it to pieces in the yard; removing it to its destination, and raising the same in its place. The following calcu- lations suppose the use of oak timber; with regard to fir, birch, chesnut, and other qualities, it will be easy to form a judgment of the proportion according to which it will be necessary to reduce the quantity of labour, which depends on the hardness and specific gravity of the timber. To make a mortise requires To make a tenon S at least at most at least at most Halving the ends of plates or other timbers For a square metre in joints at the ends of brestsummer, &c. which gives for one joint, supposing the piece to be 25 cen- timetres square, and at the joint 50 centimetres in length Supposing the piece 35 centimetres square, and at the joint 1 metre in length Mean. Hours of a Carpenter. 1·001 1.50 2.00 3.25 - 1.25 1.75 2.25 1.00 1.00 10.50 - 1.31 2.50 3.68 5.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 1·40 5.00 10.50 12.50 1.50 0.20 0.15 For common framing dovetailing boring a metre in length for bolts boring the timber when fixed sawing a square metre of timber on tressels sawing in the yard a square metre of the ends of timber cutting off the heads of piles with the hand-saw for a square metre sawing a square metre of planking with ditto lining out and squaring for use - To fix a kilogramme of iron when the iron is to be let in drive in or pull out an iron pin - Carpenter's work may be divided into several kinds: as that for foundations or scaffold- ing, which do not require timber to be squared or prepared; it is equally useless to reduce it to one thickness, except where planks are required to unite in a very exact manner: the labour is reduced to framing done on the spot, and fixing. Temporary bridges and centres to vaults require that the timbers should be prepared after a working drawing, and the framing put together in the yard, but not wrought on the face with regard to the carpentry of timber bridges, it is done agreeably to a drawing; the framing prepared and put together in the yard, and the faces wrought. There are also works executed after a drawing that do not require to be wrought entirely, as horizontal sleepers or joists and binding pieces, which are generally faced in the yard, cut to a length and fitted at the place, the price of which differs from that of the timber. Parts of an Hour. Planking and Piling. Preparing a pile for scaffolding, forming the head, and fixing the shoe Letting in the shoe, weighing 5 kilogrammes at 0·20 hours for each Do. for a pile used in foundations 1.25 1·00 2.50 Letting in the shoe, weighing 10 kilogrammes at 0·20 hours for each To sharpen and prepare a lineal metre of sheet-planking, and putting on the shoes if not let in 2.00 0.20 If the joints are grooved and tongued - 0.80 For fixing the sheet piles 0.20 which gives for a sheet pile, 5 metres long, if the joints are square, 5 metres at 0·20 hours for each 1.00 1.20 Put into the frame or placed - 0.20 If the joints are grooved and tongued, 5 metres at 0.80 hours for each 4.00 4.20 Put into the frame 0.20 If the shoes of the weight of 5 kilogrammes are let in, we must add 5 kilo- grammes at 0.20 hours for each 1.00 3 м 2 900 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Scaffolding. — Labour for fixing the heads on the top of the piles, including the mortise and tenons: piles 22 centimetres in diameter are placed 3 metres apart; the heads are 22 centimetres square, formed of pieces 5 metres in length; hence the labour of each run- ning metre will comprise for the construction as follows:- Hours of a Carpenter. Sawing the third of a pile, forming a surface of 0·013 square metres, at the rate of 10·50 hours per square metre A third of framing, mortised and tenoned at the rate of 2.25 hours for each 0·14 1.35 0.75 A fifth of framing for the end, at the rate of 1·3 hour for each Placing and adjusting 0.26 0.20 Which amounts per cube metre to 27.89 Hours of a And for the removing, unframing, &c., for a running metre Which amounts per cube metre to, for a carpenter Ditto for a labourer Workmanship of a Cube Metre of capping placed on the heads of the piles, fixed by iron pins. Supposing the dimensions of the timbers and their distances apart to be the same as before: the labour for the construction will comprise, Labourer. 0.04 0.06 0.83 1.24 Hours of a Carpenter. Sawing the piles, as before 0.14 Piercing one third of a hole, allowing a length of 7 centimetres at an hour per metre 0.07 0.69 Placing a third of a pin at 0·06 hours for each 0.02 Framing at the ends, as above - 0.26 Placing and adjusting - 0.20 Which amounts at per cube metre to 14.25 And for the unframing, &c., and taking out the third of a pin at 0.06 hours 0.02 0.06 Removing, &c. 0.04 Hours of a labourer 0.06 Which amounts for a carpenter per cube metre to 1.24 Ditto for a labourer ditto 1.24 Labour upon a Square Metre of Waling Pieces, which secure the piles in a longitudinal direction, the piles being at 3 metres apart as before, and the pieces 25 centimetres in width. Hours of a Carpenter. The running metre contains a third of a pin at 0·06 hours for each 0.02 0.12 Raising and adjusting 0.10 which amounts per square metre to 0.48 For the demolition a third of the pin pulled out at 0.06 hours for one 0.02 0.06 Removing and stowing away 0.04 Hours for a labourer 0.06 which amounts for a square metre to 0.24 Hours of a labourer 0.24 Labour for a Square Metre of Planks placed on a scaffold to form a floor. The construction consisting in the arrangement on the scaffold will employ For a labourer 0.02 0.08 The removing may be considered at the same price. Cofferdams.- Labour for a cube metre of waling pieces bolted to the piles; the timber being 16 centimetres square, and 5 metres in length, and the distance between the piles 1.3 metres; it will then require 39-06 running metres to form a cube metre; the running metre will contain, 0.77 holes for bolts, 46 centimetres in length, giving 35 centi- metres at the rate of 3 hours per metre joint at the end, at 1.30 hours for each Putting it in its place S which amounts per cube metre to . Hours of a Carpenter. 1.05 1.51 0.26 0.20 58.98 CHAP. X. 901 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. Removing the bolts at 0·77 bolts at 0·6 hours for each Taking down and putting away Do. for a labourer Hours of a Carpenter. 0.05 0.05 } 0.10 0.10 3.91 3.90 Which amounts per cube metre for a carpenter to Do. for a labourer When the timbers are used again the labour will be the same. Labour for a Cube Metre of Entretoise (or entertyes) bolted to the piles, the scantling being as the timbers above, and their length each four metres: the running metre will comprise, Half a hole of a bolt, 40 centimetres long, giving 20 centi- metres, at 3 hours per metre Hours of a Carpenter. · 0.60 Half letting in at the meeting of the piles, at the rate 0-50 1.05 hour for each 0.25 Putting it in place 0.20 which amounts per cube metre to 41.10 For demolition, half a bolt to remove at 0-06 hour for each Removing and putting away 0.03 0.08 0.05 For a labourer 0.10 3.12 for a carpenter. which amounts per cube metre to Do. do. The labour is the same when the timber is employed again. 3.91 for a labourer. Labour for a Cube Metre of Entretoise nailed against the piles, supposing the length of cach entretoise 2 metres, and its scantling from 10 to 15 centimetres: it will require 66.67 running metres to form one cube metre; and the running metre will comprise when constructed, Placing an iron pin Fixing or putting in place which amounts per cube metre to For demolition Removing and putting away Do. for a labourer which amounts per cube metre to Do. do. Hours of a Carpenter. 0.06 0.15 } 0.21 14.00 0.06 0.05 } 0.11 0.10 7.33 for a carpenter. 6.67 for a labourer. Labour for a Cube Metre of Deals framed in panels to slide, supposing the cross pieces are 2 metres apart, and the deals 25 centimetres wide and 8 centimetres thick, it will re- 12.5 square metres to form a cube metre. The square metre contains, when constructed, as follows,— Placing 4 pins at 0·06 hour for each Framing the deals · Placing the sliding planks which amount at per cube metre to Demolition Removing, putting away, &c. For a labourer Per cube metre Do. do. 1 Hours of a Carpenter. 0.24 0.50 1.04 0.30 13.13 0.24 0.44 0.20 0.60 5.50 for a carpenter. 7.50 for a labourer. If the sliding planks are used again without being demolished, the labour will be re- duced to the mere placing. Carpentry for Foundations. Labour for a Cube Metre (or 7 of a load of timber English nearly), of capping placed on piles, into which they are mortised and tenoned; the piles being distant 125 metres, and the cappings composed of timber 5 metres in length, 10 running metres being required to form a cube metre; the labour of which will comprise, 8 mortises and tenons, at 3.25 hours each 2 joints at the end, 2.50 hours each Placing and adjusting I ... Hours. 26.00 Hours of a Carpenter. 5.00 2.00 } 33.00 3M 3 902 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Labour for a Cube Metre of Sleepers tenoned and mortised to the heads of piles, and halved at the ends to the cappings; the piles being at the same distance, and the scantling of the timber as before, each sleeper being 5 metres long. 8 mortices and tenons as above 4 halvings at 5 hours each Placing and adjusting 26.00 20.00 3.00 Hours of a Carpenter. Labour for a Cube Metre of binding Pieces, let into the piles, and bolted to them. 8 notches or halvings at an hour each 49.00 Hours of a Carpenter. 8.00 8 holes for bolts, each 50 centimetres in length, giving 4 metres at the rate of 3 hours for piercing on the plane, 27.00 and fixing the bolt 12.00 2 joints at the end, 2.50 each 5.00 Placing and adjustment 2.00 Labour for a Cube Metre of Capping or Sleepers, fixed to the piles by iron pins. Hours of a Carpenter. 8 bolt-holes 30 centimetres in length, giving together 2-4 metres, at the rate of 1 hour each for piercing 2·4 2.40 5.60 8 iron pins, driven in at 0·15 hour for each 1.20 Placing and adjustment 2.00 For the Labour when the Sleepers are under Water. Hours of a Carpenter. Piercing the holes 2.40 8 iron pins driven in, 0·50 hour each 4.00 10.40 Placing and adjustment 4.00 Labour for a Cube Metre of Platform, with deals or planks, the thickness of which are 10 centimetres, and their width 25 centimetres. Hours of a Carpenter. 8 metres of joints in length to prepare, forming 0-8 square metres, at the rate of 0·15 of an hour per square metre 1.20 1.20 Placing and adjusting a square metre of floor 0.90 Which amounts per cube metre to 21.00 The Labour when the Deals are framed together, and afterwards sunk under water. Hours of a Carpenter. Preparing the edges and adjusting the planks as before Sinking and placing under water 2.10 3.10 1:00 Which amounts per cube metre to 31.00 If the platforms are in compartments, add per square metre 0.15 And per metre cube 1.50 Labour on Timber in the Yard. The first operation is tracing the form by applying the mould, and ascertaining the proper timbers for the purpose; so that none be selected that would occasion much waste; it is then sawn, and the face over which the saw has passed is considered perfect; hence, there is economy in the employment of large timbers: if the faces are dressed with the axe or the adze, and the deals are formed from large tim- bers, then To select a cube metre of timber apply it to the mould, and line it out, for the least for the most 3.00 6.00 Hours of a Carpenter. 4.50 As for the cutting, it must be estimated according to the nature of the works, they being too various to be analysed: some general results will enable a judgment to be formed, which may approximate near enough for practice. For the labour employed in cutting a cube metre of timber for the principals of a bridge, the total length of which is 36 metres, the scantling 30 centimetres, which form a cube of 3.24 metres. For cutting a Cube Metre of Timber at the Yard. — Timber not wrought when used for centres or temporary bridges. CHAP. X. 903 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. Hours of a Carpenter. fat least Above 25 centimetres scantling { at most ſ at least Less than 25 centimetres scantling { at most Timber wrought all round for Bridges, Palisades, &c. &c. Above 25 centimetres, at least ditto ditto at most Below, 25 centimetres square, at least Timber rebated, &c. &c. above 25 centimetres ditto below at most ditto as capstans, &c. Timber used for machines, as cranes, pile-engines, &c. &c. ditto, 10. 15. 20. 20. 25. 30. Carpenters. - 30 40 50 · 40 50 - 60 60 70 90 150 The timbers having been cut and framed, the holes for the bolts bored, the timbers are numbered, taken to pieces, and laid aside in the yard, to be removed to their destination. Per cube metre at least ditto at most Labour of Cutting consists of Hours of a Carpenter. : 1.00 2.00 } 1.50 Four pieces of framing, mortised and tenoned at the extremities of the braces, at 3.25 hours for each 8 notches for the two courses of waling pieces, 1 hour each 1 notch for the small timbers on the piles - Hours. - 13.00 8.00 0.50 5.00 2 end joints for the beams or sleepers at 2.50 hours each 9 holes for bolts, 60 centimetres each, for uniting the upper timbers to the sleepers, and for the binding pieces, making 5·40 metres, at the rate of 1 hour per metre For cutting the pieces to a length, 20 ends, each having 0·09 square metres, and to- gether 1.80 square metres, at the rate of 5 hours per metre 43.20 square metres of surface of face, to wrought at 1.5 hour per metre 5.40 9.00 - 64.80 Total 105.70 By dividing 105-70 hours by 3-24 cube metres, we shall have for the labour upon each cube metre, 32-62 hours: it will be seen that this limit is placed between 30 and 50 hours, as previously given. If the timber was not wrought, the labour would only be 40·9, which divided by 3 24 cube metres, gives for each 12·62 hours, a number placed between 10 and 20, as already cited. Raising or putting up Timbers already framed. The expense varies according to the work: if the timbers are of small scantling, the pieces are numerous, and caution great for the removal; carpenters are alone employed. When they are less important, machines worked by labourers are employed; there is some difficulty in fixing a value for this kind of work. For the raising a Cube Metre of Timber. When small timbers are used, and carpenters employed to raise it by hand, above 25 centimetres square below ditto Hours. - 20 - · 30 :} 25 When the timbers are of an ordinary scantling, portions being already framed, and put together, the labour being performed by carpenters. Timber above 25 centimetres square ditto below ditto For large pieces of carpentry, such as the principals used in centring, &c. &c. raised by machines worked by labourers Above 25 centimetres square - 101 - 20 } 15 Hours. carpenter labourer · € 5.0 10.0 · For the striking the centres of vaults, removing temporary bridges, taking framing to pieces, and placing them in boats, &c. Hours. For each cube metre, for a carpenter 2.0 ditto for a labourer - 4.0 3 M 4 904 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Carpenter's Work for the upper Parts.—The planks laid on the centres for the construction of vaults do not require any preparation at the yard, and therefore must be put at a dif- ferent price to that of the centres. For the Labour of a Cube Metre of Planks, supposing the principals or ribs 2 inches dis- tance, and the scantling 20 centimetres, we have 25 running inches for a cube metre. Piercing 13.5 holes in each, 20 centimetres long, making 2·70 metres at an hour per metre 13.5 pins driving in at 00·6 hour for each Putting in place S Hours. - 2.70 7.01 - 0.81 3.50 Timber used for floors and other parts of wooden bridges require no other prepa- ration at the yards than reducing them to their proper scantlings; they must be valued accordingly. Labour on a Cube Metre of Joists, supposing the principals at 15 metres distant, the scant- ling from 25 to 30 centimetres square, which gives 136 running metres to a cube metre, and 5 metres of length for the pieces, two of which will form the width of the bridge, each running metre will comprise: Two thirds of a notch at the meeting of the sleepers at the rate of 0.5 hour for each - 0.33 - Sawing the ends, having 0.15 metres square, at 5 hours per square metre - 0.75 } of the joint at the other end, at 1·30 hour 4 wrought faces, 1·10 square metre at 1 hour small pins, driving at 0·06 hours Putting in place or fixing Hours of a Carpenter. 0.26 2.78 - 1.10 - 0·04 - 0.30 Which gives per cube metre - 37.53 Laying the planks on the floors of wooden bridges may be valued in the same manner as in the platform for foundations. Carriage of Timbers. —Large timbers are usually moved by means of a truck; smaller, and planks, &c. are loaded on carts, &c. when the distance is trifling, they may with advantage be carried by hand: the price of this portion of labour is not subject to much variation. The proportion of price is always relative to the weight and size of the timbers moved :- Per cube metre For loading 0.20 Unloading 0.15 For going, &c., or returning, a distance of 100 metres 0.06 Hours of a truck served by 10 labourers. Waste upon Timber depends on the nature of the work, and the arrangements made between the merchant and contractor. Supposing the timber to be squared, the loss is then divided into three portions: first, on the round timber, as it has been felled; second, when squared or dressed on four sides, and reduced to a more regular figure: third, when sawn into planks and deals. Round timber is seldom employed except for piles. The loss which is sustained on it arises from the length being usually greater than required; something is cut from the extremities to form the head and point, and such timber loses three-fourths of its value. The waste may be estimated at one-tenth of the primitive volume. The waste upon square timber depends on the nature of the works. It may be estimated at one-eighth, which is near enough for timber prepared on its four faces, and at a tenth for rough timbers of the primitive volume. If the works contain circular pieces it is rare to find timber crooked enough naturally; regard must then be had to the waste sustained, and a price put accordingly. The waste on sawn timber is about an eighth of the volume, when the joints are wrought, and at a tenth when laid rough. ; Waste on Timbers in temporary Constructions. The cost of scaffolding centres and tem- porary bridges may, with respect to labour, be estimated in the manner before described ; the timber used is generally taken away by the contractor, and an allowance made to him for the use and waste of one half. The diminution of value which timber sustains in the above works arises from the change produced in the quality, and from the adaptation to particular purposes, such as injury from piercing holes, mortices, &c. Suppose a scaffold pile, five metres in length, cost 75 francs, and as the timber of this pile cut into lengths of a metre is only fit for fire-wood, its value would not be more than 25 francs the cube metre, and diminishing the length of the pile from five metres to one, the price of the cube metre will diminish in proportion. Estimating, as above, one tenth for the loss sustained in the pile for forming the head and point, which is abridging it one tenth of its length; reducing it from 5 metres to 4.5 metres, which is the quantity it would be taken at in the estimate. When used, the head СНАР. Х. 905 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. and point are injured, and before it can be used again as a pile, or converted to any other purpose, it must be reworked, and reduced to 4 metres in length. The length of the pile will then have diminished a quarter of the interval from 1 metre to 5 metres: the price of the cube metre of timber must then be diminished a quarter of the interval between. 75 and 25 francs; that is to say, it will be reduced to 62 50; consequently, if the pile is 25 centimetres in diameter, it will be worth 4 × 0.48=0·192 cube metres, at 62.50 francs; that is to say, 12 francs: but, according to ordinary custom, the contractors will take it at 4·50 × 0·048=0·216 cube metres at 37.50 francs, that is to say, for 8·10 francs. ་ A piece 30 centimetres square, employed as a binding piece to a centre, and in which notches 10 centimetres in depth have been cut, and at the extremities a joint 50 centi- metres long, will have sustained a loss of one metre in length, which will reduce the price of a cube metre of such timber to 62.50 francs. The notches do not affect the value, because a cube metre of timber 30 by 20 centimetres square is not essentially worth less than a cube metre of timber 30 by 30: but the piece must be considered as having lost one-third of its thickness; thus it is not worth more than 4 × 0·030 × 0·20=0·24 cube metres at 62.50 francs; that is to say, 15 francs. According to custom, in the first example the contractor would be a considerable gainer; in the second, he would neither gain nor lose. As in carpentry, there are few timbers which belong to the second example, but many of the first which are little injured, it follows that the contractor obtains an advantage, if care be taken that the pieces be as little notched as possible, and the binding pieces attached by bolts: hence it appears that if an account is not taken of the loss which each work sustains, and a gene- ral proportion adopted, the contractor should take the timber back at two-thirds; that is to say, allowing one-third for use and waste; nevertheless it must be observed, that it often happens that the timber remains a long time on hand before it can be again used : this requires consideration, and perhaps a further allowance to be made. There are temporary works executed with timber that has been previously employed for the same purpose, as cofferdams: on examining, if it requires any change in construc- tion, the extra labour must be taken and valued accordingly: as for the loss sustained by recutting the timber, the proportion is the same as has been already given, or at about a fourth of the primitive volume. Incidental Expenses for Carpenter's Work are considerable, independent of the expenses of management, which comprise the payment of the foreman, who marks out the timber, regulates the employment of the men, and that of the clerk, who enters an account of the time and materials: besides these, there is the rent and expenses in the yard, the cost of sheds for laying out the moulds, the machines, as pile-engines, crabs, scaffold-poles, blocks, and pulleys, windlasses, trucks, &c.; keeping them in order, and above all, the cordage and ropes, which are a considerable item of expense; the tools also which are not provided by the workmen but found by the master, of which there are several. These inci- dental expenses may be estimated at one tenth of the value of labour. For the price of a cube metre of timber used in the platform of a foundation, supposing it framed, and fixed under water; the price of the timber per cube metre delivered at the yard being 75 francs: the carpenter's day's work 3.5 francs, and the labourer's 2 francs. The platform, 10 centimetres in thickness, may be formed out of timbers 30 centimetres square, by putting two cuts into it, or of timber 20 centimetres square with one cut; conse- quently, in the first instance, there will be 6.667, in the second 5, and the mean 5.833 square metres of sawing for a cube metre of platform. The price of the cube metre will then be valued as follows: — Francs Francs, A cube metre of timber furnished 75.00 5-833 square metres of sawing at the rate of 1·4 hour of a carpenter, valued 0·49 franc per square metre 77.86 2.86 An eighth for loss 9.73 Carriage, distance 200 metres, 0.47 hours of a truck, worked by 10 labourers, worth 2 francs 0.94 8.29 Labour for framing, sinking and adjustment under water, 31 hours of a carpenter at 0.35 francs 7.35 A tenth of the labour for incidental expenses 0.83 Total 96-71 A tenth for the contractor's profit - 9.67 Total 106.38 For the principals of a centre used in a stone bridge, composed of two arches, which are separately centred, the dimensions being unequal, so that it would be required to recut 906 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the timbers to adapt them for the second centre. The manner of establishing this price depends in some degree upon the arrangement made with the contractors. Supposing the contrac- tors take the timber back at two-thirds its original value, and the volume is equal to that which has been used, the price of the cube metre of timber for the first centre will be Francs. A cube metre of timber delivered 75.00 A tenth for waste 7.50 Hours. Labour at the yard, lining out and gauging - 3.00 Cutting and framing 15.00 Taking to pieces, numbering, &c. 1.00 Total 19.00 Francs. 19 hours of a carpenter at 0·35 francs value 6.65 Carriage 0.94 Raising: 5 hours of a carpenter 1.75 10 hours of a labourer at 0.2 francs 2.00 13.78 Striking the centre: 2 hours of a carpenter 0.70 4 hours of a labourer at 0.2 franc Second crrriage · One tenth of labour for incidental expenses 0.80 0.94 1.38 Total 97.66 One tenth for profit Total Deduct two-thirds of the value of the timber Remains 9.77 107.48 50.00 57.43 With regard to the second centre, admit that in reworking the timber, a loss of a fifteenth takes place, the price of the cube metre will be. Loss or waste, one fifteenth on 75 francs Labour (as above) Incidental expenses Profit Total Total Francs. 5.00 13.78 1.38 20.16 2.02 22.18 Suppose, after an exact account is taken of the loss timber is subject to in the forming of centres, it be ascertained that after the execution of the first centre it has lost two-fifths of the primitive value, and after that of the second a fifth of the second value, the price of the cube metre of timber of the first centre would be Loss on the value of the timber, two-fifths of 75 · Labour, as before Incidental expenses One-tenth profit Total Total Francs. 30.00 13.78 1.38 45.16 4.52 49.68 And observing that when the timber has sustained a loss of 30 francs out of 75 francs, it is only worth 45, the price of the cube metre for the second centre will be- Loss on the value, one-fifth of 45 francs Labour, as before Incidental expenses, ditto One tenth for profit Francs. 9.00 • 13.78 1.38 Total 24.16 242 Total 26.58 CHAP. X. 907 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS Masonry, valuation of.— Mortar, cutting and laying the stone. Forming the Mortar.—The proportion of the materials used depends on their quality, as does also the waste, and which experience can alone value: it must be first ascertained how much a given measure of well burnt quicklime will produce when slaked; observing that quicklime always suffers a loss of about a tenth, on account of the core, which arises often from not being properly burnt. Secondly, the proportion of slaked limes and sand, or other materials used instead. Thirdly, the relation of the volume of the mixture after trituration, with the volume of the materials mixed. As to the labour, the slaking of the lime depends on the quantity as well as distance from whence the water is brought; it may be valued in general at eight hours of a labourer for every cube metre of quicklime; if the water is laid on, five hours of a labourer is sufficient. Making the mortar requires care, and an account must be taken of the time employed for its due mixture; it may be considered that from 12 to 20 hours of a labourer is required for a cube metre. The waste in mortar may be computed at one-twentieth of its volume. Rubble Work or Moëllon comprises the carriage of the stone from the yard where it is measured to the spot where it is to be used, and its adaptation, whether rough, piquet or hammer-dressed, in mass or faced, in walls or vaults. The removal is performed by barrows when the distance is not considerable. Loading the barrows, per cube metre Hour of a Labourer. 0.8 · 0.6 Removal with one relay of from 20 to 30 metres, the specific gravity of the stone being 2 - When the distance is greater, carts are employed, containing 0.21 cube metres, which are drawn by four men. To load a cart containing a cube metre of moëllon 0·83 hours of a labourer. The time employed for each cube metre of moellon. Hours of 4.767 carts, drawn each by four men. Loading the carts containing 0.21 cube metres, three labourers to load 100 metres going and returning Unloading 0.0.58 0.060 0.030 When the distance is considerable, the removal of the moellon is performed in carts drawn by horses: it will be easy to estimate it upon that of the removal of earth, reckoning 0.85 hours of a labourer for loading a cube metre in the carts, and observing that each horse which draws half a cube metre of earth weighing 1500 kilogrammes, can only draw 1.5 2 0.5 0.375 cube metres of moellon. 10 06 A man with a barrow, working ten hours, will remove = 16.7 cube metres of stone to a distance of 30 metres of level ground, or 20 metres when inclined. The specific gravity of stone being 2, the daily effective labour will be equal to 16·7 × 2 × 30=1000 kilogrammes moved 1000 metres on horizontal ground, and 16-7 × 2 × 20=668 kilogramines moved 1000 metres on inclined ground. For the removal by carts, a man in 10 hours would remove metres of moellon, 100 metres distance. 10 x 021 0.148 x 4 −3·547 cube The daily effective labour then would be 3.547 × 2 × 100=709 kilogrammes carried 1000 metres with respect to water carriage the value of transport depends upon various circumstances. The labour required to execute a cube metre of moellon, including the labourers assisting the mason, as well as those making the scaffold :— Per cube metre Measuring the stone Throwing the stone and watering, without adjusting Ditto with adjustment Hours of a Labourer. 0·70 0.80 1.00 Hours of a Masses placed dry by hand Per cube metre Masses placed rough Masses for walls requiring scaffolds Mason and his Labourer. 4.00 4:50 6.50 908 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. For placing a Square Metre : — Hours of a Mason. Facing a wall of moellon laid dry the same rough in mortar for walls in vaults hammer dressed, joints in mortar vaults and circular on plan the moellon cut for straight walls vaults and circular parts To repoint the joints carefully with mortar or cement, without scaffolding With scaffolding 0.50 - 1.00 1.50 9.00 - 10.00 11.00 - 12.00 Mason and Labourer. 1.00 1.25 The quantity of mortar used bears a proportion of about, or at the most, of the volume of the masonry: as the mortar only fills the voids left by the stones, it does not augment the volume; the mortar or cement used for pointing may be estimated at from 0.10 to 0·02 cube metres, per square metre of facing. Brickwork.—The carriage of bricks may be estimated in the same way as moellon: the work requires more attention, and the labour is dearer, It requires for a Cube Metre, For rough brickwork For ditto, requiring scaffold For the laying of faced Work, per Square Metre, Rough brick, joints struck, without adjustment, mortar, lime, and sand Vaults, &c. Per square metre, pointing without scaffolding Per square metre, pointing with scaffolding Hours of a Bricklayer and Labourer. 5.00 7.00 Bricklayer's Hours. 1.20 1.80 Bricklayer and Labourer. - 1.25 1.50 Bricks are usually sold by the thousand; the loss which they sustain in carriage is about 1 The quantity of mortar used varies in different works. 20° in, Works in rough Stone. Stones larger than rubble or moellon are used for filling where rivers are rapid; they are also used to advantage in the lower beds of piers exe- cuted in moellon, and placed dry; above all, in forming the foundations of walls, where a timber platform is not considered necessary: when these stones are used rough, and placed without arrangement, the price is that of moellon, or a little more; when the faces are dressed, and each stone placed on wedges, the facing being plummed, the price approaches that of worked stone. With regard to carriage, if the stones are too large for a cart, waggons for the purpose are appointed, and the charge for transport depends upon the dimensions. The waste varies between and of the primitive volume, and the quantity of mortar between and Stone squared, and laid in Courses. The first operation is cutting the stone, paying great attention to the joints and beds, which is oftentimes neglected, and that of the facings seen the time required depends upon the nature and properties of the stone. The principal object is to face the stone, and the time necessary to execute a square metre being known, it may be used as a unit in the value of other work. For squaring a Metre of upright facing, Of granite Calcareous stone, hard - do. of another quality, soft Hours of a Stone cutter. 28.00 9.00 3.50 The granite and soft calcareous stone are the extremes of hardness and softness of stone employed in hydraulic constructions. These valuations suppose the faces only rusticated, that is to say, raised or worked with chisel, and dressed with the point and the hammer (matting hammer) if it be axed or cut with the hammer on one side, and toothed on the other, then smoothed with the rip (a scratching tool) and mallet, we must add another three-fourths. The time necessary for cutting straight facings being known, the labour of curved facings may be estimated thus: CHAP. X. 909 VALUE OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS. m T= (1 + 77 T): T=the time of cutting the face straight. T'=the time of cutting a curved face. 7 the radius of curve of the surface of this facing. m=0·75. Then the price of the curved facing will require the time necessary to reduce the stone to a plane face and a curved one. But if the reducing has for its object the execution of some parts in projection, as obtuse angles or retreats, it cannot be valued as if cutting a face; but an allowance of ten times the labour is required for mere plain work: after cutting the face, the beds and joints require the next consideration: both are valued at the same price, which is an erroneous system; the joints requiring much more reducing than the beds. of the time necessary for cutting the face. For cutting the joints} the 0-8 0.3 J Cutting mouldings for cornices is valued thus, a price for reducing the stone, and after- wards according to the girth of the mouldings, as moulded work: other expenses are incurred in cutting stone besides the labour, as tools and oil, &c. ; for cutting granite, ten points are allowed for every square metre for the calcareous stones: this expense is trifling. Stone suffers a waste, which varies from a tenth to a fourth. The carriage is performed by a truck, or low waggon, drawn either by men or horses. Supposing the specific gravity of stone to be 2, a man can draw 0·055 cube metres, and six men are required to load and unload the blocks of stone; these six men will be suf- ficient for the service of the truck, when the volume of the stone does not exceed 0.38 cube metres; if the stones are heavier, a greater number of labourers must be employed, who will lose their time after loading, unloading, and during their return; and as it costs more to move a truck with men than with horses, there is a point where, relative to the weight, it becomes preferable to use the latter. The volume of stone that may be drawn by a horse being 0.4 cube metres, it is easy to determine the size of the stones which re- quire one or more horses, and When the stone is between 0-60 and 0.80 cube metres 1 horse 0·89 and 1∙18 1·29 and 1·58 1·69 and 1·98 2 do. 3 do. 4 do. Upon this basis the charge for transport may be easily obtained, when the time of loading and unloading is also known, which is in proportion to the dimensions of the stone; an hour is required for a block for every cube metre; and the time necessary for going and re- turning are 100 metres, 0·6 hour. When the stone arrives, the masons receive it, and sometimes it is requisite to move it by machines when a block is 0 75 metres cube, and it is required to be raised & metres; for at- taching and detaching the tackle, 0.50 hours is allowed for two men and six boys. For mounting to 8 metres at the rate of 0·1 hour per metre, 0·80; the same number of men and boys being employed. To bed the stone requires a mason, two assistants, and a labourer: when great rapidity is necessary, there are in addition two others to lay the cement, and an additional labourer. For a cube metre of stone. for the placing J for the grouting - · 3.00 hours of a mason, 2 assist- 2.00 ants, and a labourer. It is not necessary to add anything for the construction of vaults; the experiments made at the bridge of Nemours indicated that placing the voussoirs is less costly than that of the courses of the facings of walls; bedding the cube metre of stone at this bridge required for the piers 2.94, for the abutments 3, and for the vaults 2.67 hours. The quantity of mortar required varies from a tenth to a twentieth of the volume of the masonry. After the work is done, the stone requires re-dressing and pointing, which ordinarily amounts to about a twentieth of the primitive cutting; a running metre of joint occupies half an hour for a mason and labourer; the mortar used in the joints may be estimated at 0.001 cube metre. Beton. The preparation of various species, and of mortar used for composing the backs of vaults, may be estimated in the same way as moellon: with regard to beton, some allowance must be made when it is thrown from a height into the water; the labour is about the same as that for throwing earth with a shovel, or stones for foundations: where it is thrown into an inclosure with ease, an allowance must be made. The covering of the backs of arches of bridges is so important for their preservation, that great care should be used. The labour to spread and level each layer should be valued for a cube metre at 4·5 hours of a mason, served by a labourer; and that of the beating at 1.5 hours of a labourer for every square metre of each of the layers beaten. The labour 910 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. for stucco, with which the facings in moellon are sometimes covered, is nearly the same as that of the pointing, the quantity of mortar being a little greater. Incidental Expenses on Mason's Work consist in the maintenance of the machines used, timber and cordage for scaffolding, saws, sieves, roller, pincers, &c. The tools for cutting and laying the stones belong to the workmen: these incidental expenses amount to about one tenth of the labour. Iron-work. — A smith usually works, winter and summer, twelve hours per day. There is employed in the manufacture of a kilo- gramme of iron Loss of iron may be va- lued at For iron of large dimensions, as ties, &c. For cramps, &c. For pins, bolts, &c. For the first For the second For the third - 1 Smith and his Assistant. 0.10 0·40 0.70 Of the Pri- mitive Weight. 0.03 0.08 0.10 For the first The volume of coal used for a kilogramme. For the second For the third Cube Metres. 0.0001 0.0006 0.0010 Making the screw ends of bolts, according to their size, requires from 0-2 to 0.5 hours of a smith for the screw and its nutt: with regard to the placing or fixing ironwork, if it is done by the smith it may be valued at Hours of a Smith and his Help. For a kilogramme of iron, including carriage For the first class For the second For the third 0.04 0.20 0.40 As for running in with lead, &c. it is difficult to fix a price. Incidental Expenses. These are considerable: as all the tools are furnished by the con- tractor, they are generally put at one-fifth in ordinary buildings, but in bridges, &c. one- seventh is sufficient. The labour Painter's Work. The colours usually employed are lamp-black, red and yellow ochre, linseed oil, turpentine, &c.: to cause them to dry quickly, litharge is added. of the painter is employed to grind the colours and to lay them on. For grinding a kilogramme of colour in oil Red ochre Yellow ochre Lamp-black The quantity of oil necessary for the above :- Red ochre Lamp-black For grinding a kilogramme Yellow ochre - Hours of a Grinder. 8.5 6.5 8.5 Kilogrammes of Oil. 0.5 0.5 0.8 The colours being ground, they must then be mixed with a sufficient quantity of oil to be in a condition to lay on. To mix a kilogramme Red ochre Yellow ochre Lamp-black Kilogrammes of Oil. 0.62 0.73 1.17 If turpentine is used for the above quantity, half the oil is employed with the same quantity of turpentine: sometimes one-eighth of litharge is added. To paint a square metre two coats requires Red or yellow on timber Olive colours Black The waste may be valued at a twentieth of the original weight. Time necessary to mix and apply the colours For a square metre { Without scaffolding With a flying scaffolding Kilogrammes of prepared Colour. 0.12 0.11 0.08 Hours of a Painter. 0.2 0.5 CHAP. X. 911 TABLE OF VARIOUS MEASURES. To find the value of painting a square metre, the price of the colour ground, and the labour of painting: One coat-0·11 kilogrammes of colour at 2·17 francs One-twentieth of loss, 2·51 0.2 hours of a painter at 0·45 francs One-seventh of labour for incidental expenses One-tenth for profit, 1.03 Total Francs. 0.239 0.012 0.090 0.013 0.03.5 0.389 Eng. ft. 1.095 1·144 1.135 1.090 1.421 730.8 Greek foot { 1.009 1.006 1·007 Phyleterian foot 1.167 Pitching, applied to new timber or to that already pitched: in the latter case some allow- ance must be made for scraping off. Per square metre com- [ Clearing off prising heating the Pitching without scaffolding pitch. Pitching with scaffolding 1 Hours of a Man. 0.01 0.07 0.10 Upon a square metre about 0.0003 cube metre of pitch is required for new timber; 0.0002 when it has already been pitched. The incidental expenses may be valued at one-seventh of the labour. Tables of various Measures in English Feet and Decimals, from Folkes, Raper, Shuckburgh, Vega, Hutton, Ozama, Cavallo, Young, &c. Arabian foot ANCIENT MEASURES. Babylonian foot Drusian foot Egyptian foot stadium- - Augsburg foot Austria, see Vienna. Avignon, see Arles. Barcelona foot Bavarian foot Bergamo foot I Eng. ft. •972 •992 -944 •968 1.431 •992 •962 1.015 [1.244 Basel foot Berlin foot Bern foot Besançon foot Hebrew foot Bologna foot 1.212 common cubit 1.817 Bourg en Bresse foot sacred cubit 2.002 Brabant ell in Germany 1.250 1 030 2.268 great cubit=6 common Bremen foot •955 Macedonian foot · 1.160 Brescia foot 1.560 Natural foot •814 braccio 2.092 = Ptolemaic Greek foot Breslau foot 1.125 Roman foot { •970 Bruges foot •749 •967 Brussels foot 1 •966 -{ •902 •954 before Titus *970 .965 •9672 after Titus Castilian vara •9681 greater ell lesser ell Chamberry foot 2.278 2.245 2.746 - 1.107 •9696 China mathematical foot 1.127 Roman mile of Pliny Strabo 4840.5 4903, imperial foot { Sicilian foot of Archimedes •730 li 1.051 1.050 *606 Cologne foot •903 MODERN MEASURES. Constantinople foot 2.195 1.165 Eng. ft. Copenhagen foot (Denmark) 1.049 Attdorf foot •775 Cracau foot 1.169 •927 greater ell 2.024 Amsterdam foot •930 lesser ell 1-855 •931 Dantzig foot •923 Amsterdam ell 2.233 Dauphiné foot 1.119 Ancona foot 1.282 Delft foot •547 Antwerp foot •940 Denmark old foot 1.047 Aquileia foot Arles foot i.128 new foot 1·036 •888 Dijon foot 1.030 912 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Dortrecht foot Eng. ft. •771 Eng. ft Naples carro=2 botti. Dresden foot •929 tumulo of wheat 3 cubic palms ell 2 feet • 1.857 or 40 rotoli. Edinburgh, see Scotland. Ferrara foot 1.317 Nuremberg town foot -{ •996 ·997 Florence foot ⚫995 1.900 braccio - 1.910 - country foot artillery foot ell •907 •961 2.166 barilo of wine weighs 140 Florence pounds = 20 fiaschi. cogno = 10 barili. rubbio of wheat 640 Rom. lbs. Franche Comté foot Genoa palm canna Geneva foot German mile degree. - T5 Grenoble, see Dauphiné. Halle foot Hamburgh foot Padua foot 1.406 Palermo foot Paris old foot •747 { 1.066 1.172 point line .0888 •812 •800 ell 44 French inches. sonde 5 French feet. .817 toise 6 French feet 76.736 - 7.300 1.919 perch 18 French feet. perch royale 22 Fr. feet. league 2282 toises = deg. •977 square foot or inch •933 cubic foot or inch 1.1358 1.21061 ⚫903 1.101 1.06.578 Eng. in. 0148 Heidelberg foot Inspruck foot Ireland perch 7 yards. acre 7840 sq. yds. Eng. Italy, old common mile Leghorn foot Leipzig foot ell Leyden foot Liege foot 5299. •992 1.034 · 1.833 1.023 •944 Lisbon foot Lombardy mile¿ degree. Lucca braccio Lyons, see Dauphiné. •952 - 1.958 •915 Madrid foot •918 3.263 vara arpent, 100 square perches, about Eng. acre. 930 measure royale about §. pint 48 cubic inches litron - boisseau 1190 = 16 litrons. minat 2 boisseau, nearly = a bushel Eng., 2380 cubic in. English. mine 2 minats, 4760 - cubic in. English. septier = 2 mines, 9520 cubic in. English. muids=12 septiers. ton of shipping 42 cubic ft. metre 3.07844 Fr. ft. Eng. c. in. 58.11 74.375 Eng. ft. 3.281 3.285 Eng. in. Maestricht foot •916 millimetre - ⚫03937 Malta palm •915 Mantua brasso 1.521 centimetre decimetre - braccio 2.092 metre Marseilles foot •814 Mechlin foot Mentz foot •753 •988 Milan decimal foot braccio Modena foot Monaco foot Montpellier pan •855 Aliprand foot 1.426 · 1.725 decametre hecatometre kilometre myriametre ⚫39371 3.93708 39.37079 398-70790 3937-07900 39370-79000 393707.90000 8 kilometres are nearly 5 miles. 1 inch is 0254 metre. Moravian foot ell Moscow foot Munich foot Naples palm canna mile=3 degree or 60* barilo of wine=60 carafe. carafa Parisian pint. batto 12 barili. = -{ 2.081 1000 feet are nearly 305 metres. 771 •777 Eng. in. •971 2.594 123 1 centimetre is ⚫39371 •78742 - 1.18113 .928 •947 ⚫861 ·859 7 6.908 8 9 10 45 6 1.57483- 1.96854 2.36225 2.75596 3.14966 3.54337 3.93708 1 square centimetre·155006 square inches. СНАР. Х. 913 TABLE OF VARIOUS MEASURES. Paris, I are or square decametre= 3.95 English perches. Scotland, gallon cubic in. 827.23 1 hectare=2 acres, 1 r. 35-4 perches English. hogshead (16 gallons) 13235-7 gallon of the Unicr Eng. cubic in. barrel 799. millilitre - •06103 Lippie or feed English centilitre - •61028 barrel 200-345 decilitre litre or cubic decimetre decalitre - 6·10279 61.02791 610.27900 pint jug of Stirling 103.72 Aberdeen 105.30 firlot of Linlithgow hectolitre kilolitre myrialitre 6102.79000 61027.90000 610279-00000 (31 pints) 3205.5 2150. firlot for wheat 2197.3 1 litre is nearly 21 wine pints. firlot of Edinburgh 1 kilolitre, 1 tun 123 wine gals. 1 decistre of firewood 3.5317 cubic feet English. 1 stere or cubic metre 35-3171. Parma foot braccio Pavia foot Piedmont old mile=1 mile Eng. Placentia, see Parma. Prague foot ell Provence, see Marseilles. Rhinland foot Riga, see Hamburg. Rome palm foot oncia foot deto foot palmo palmo di architettura canna di architettura staiolo braccio dei mercanti canna dei mercanti braccio del tessitor braccio di architettura mile degree. Rouen, see Paris. Russian arschin 1½ per cent more. Seville, see Barcelona. Eng. ft. vara Eng. ft. Sienna foot 1.869 2.242 1.540 2.760 1.239 Spain league=4 miles English. Stettin foot 1.224 Stockholm foot - 1.073 Strasburg town foot •956 -{ •987 country foot •969 •972 1.948 Toledo, see Madrid. Trent foot - 1.201 Trieste ell for woollens for silk - 2.220 - - 1.030 2.107 Turin foot •733 •966 ras - trabuco •0805 - f 1.676 1.681 1.958 10.085 ⚫0604 Tuscany mile •2515 see Florence. ·7325 Tyrol foot ell 7.325 Valladolid foot 4.212 - {2 2.7876 2.856 Venice foot # - 6.5365 2.0868 braccio of silk ell 2.561 braccio of cloth 5329. 1.096 2.639 •908 1.137 1.140 1.167 2.108 2.089 2.250 -{ 2.3333 2.3625 mile or of a degree. moggio of wheat weighs 528 Venice pounds. Verona foot - •1458 Vicenza foot 3508. Vienna foot ell -- 3.100 post mile vershock, arschin werst f Savoy, see Chambery. Scotland, ell 37 Scotch inches (37.2 fall, 6 ells (223-2 Eng. in.) 18.600 Eng. inches) furlong mile link chain rood acre 55353-6 sq. ft.= gill 1·27 of English acre. mutchkin choppin pint quart - 1.117 - 1.136 1.037 2.557 24888. 744. 5952. · Eng. in 8.93 892.8 1339.2 cubic in. - 6.462 25.85 - 51.7 103.4 206.8 yoke of land 1600 square fathoms. metz or bushel 1.9471 cube feet of Vienna, eimer = 40 kannen = 1.792 cube ft. of Vienna. fass=10 eimer. Vienne Dauphiné Ulm foot - Urbino foot Utrecht foot Warsaw foot Wesel, see Dordrecht. Zurich foot ·་ - 1.058 •826 1.162 741 1.169 :}- •979 .984 3 N 914 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. '' Table of various Weights. ANCIENT WEIGHTS. Pounds. Erg.grs Eng. grs. Dresden 7210. 8.2 Dublin Attic obolus 7774. 9.1 Florence 5287 · 51.9 drachma ounce pound 440.0 54.6 France, see Paris. lesser mina greater mina medical mina talent=60 mina=} cwt. old Greek drachm- old Greek mina Egyptian mina Ptolemaic mina of Cleopatra Alexandrian mina of Dioscorides 3892. Geneva 8407. 5189. 5464. Genoa = 12 ounces { ƒ 4426 · 6638. 6994. rotolo = 18 ounces. -{ 146.5 62.5 rubo=25 pounds. cantaro=6 rubi. peso 5 cantari. = 6425. Germany apothecaries - 5523. 8326. Hamburg - 7315. 8958. Ireland, see Dublin. 9992. Konisberg - 5968. Roman denarius= oz. = oz. ounce = 51.9 Leghorn 5146. 62.5 Leyden 7038. 415.1 Liege- 7089. avoirdupois oz. pound of 10 oz. 437.2 Lille 6544. 4151· Lisbon - 7005. pound of 12 oz. - { f 4981. London avoirdupois 7000. 5246. troy 5760. Lucca 5273. MODERN WEIGHTS. Lyon silk 6946. Pounds. Eng. grs. town weight 6432. Aleppo rotolo 30985. Madrid 6544. Alexandria 6159. Marseilles 6041 Alicant 6909. Melun 4441. Amsterdam 7461. Messina 4844. Amsterdam commercial - 7636. stone 16 pounds. ounce pound. Montpellier Namur Nancy 6218. 7174. 7038. drop ounce. Antwerp 7048. Avignon 6217· Basel 7713. Naples = 12 oncie rotolo=33}|o. staro = 101 r. cantaro 100 r. 4952. Bayonne 7461. oncia=30 trapezi. Bergamo f 4664. trapeso = 20 mini. 11660. Nuremberg 7871. Bergen 7833. Paris (1·08 lb.) 7561• Berlin 7232. marc=pound. Bern 6722. ounce=marc. Bilboa, see Bayonne. gronounce. Bois le Duc 7105. denier gros. Bordeaux, see Bayonne. Bourg 7074. grain = denier G Brabant 7249. milligramme Brescia 4497. centigramme Brussels heavy pound 7602. decigramme light pound 7201. gramme Cadiz 7038. China kin -{ 9223. 5802. leangkin. tsien leang. Cologne- -{ Constantinople 7220. 7218. 7578. Copenhagen 6941. sous, Cracau commercial 6252. mint mark 3071. TO Damascus 25613. decagramme hecatogramme kilogramme, 2 lb. 3 oz. avoirdupois myriogramme - quintal 10 myriogrammes. millier = 1000 chiliogrammes = 1 ton. 5 grammes of copper. franc, 5 grammes of silver with To of copper. Prague commercial pound Eng. grs. •8203 0154 •1543 1.5433 15.4330 154.3300 1543.3000 15433-0000 154330 0000 Dantzig - 6574. Revel - $947. 6574. CHAP. XI. 915 MECHANICS. Riga Rome = 12 oncie oncia 8 dramme. = dramma=3 scrupoli. scrupolo= 12 oboli. obolo 4 silique. siliqua 12 grani. = Eng. grs. 6149. - 5257. Vicenza Eng. grs. Vienna, commercial apothecaries 420 Fr. gram. miut mark 280-64 Fr. gram. 6879. 8648. carat of the jewellers 206085 Fr. gram. Apothecaries Grains of different Countries Rouen 7772. Saragossa 4707. Scotland troy pound Dutch 7621-8 Austria iron pound,troy 9527.25 Bern Seville, see Cadiz. France Smyrna, commercial pound 6544. Genoa Stettin - 6782. Germany - Stockholm 9211. Strasburg Toulouse Turin Tunis 7277. Hanover 6323. Holland 4940. Naples 7140. Piedmont Tyrol 8693. Venice f4215. · 6827. L5374. Portugal Spain Sweden Rome Verona 4676. Venice CHAP. XI. from Veya. - 1.125 •956 •981 ·850 •958 •959 •978 •989 ·860 •824 - •864 •909 .925 •955 •809 MECHANICS. As quantity, space, and number are understood and comprised in mathematics, so their application more immediately belongs to mechanics and hydrodynamics: but before we enter into the principles which affect falling bodies or those which belong to bodies re- volving round a centre, or the general laws of machinery, it is necessary to describe the physical properties, or those external signs by which matter is recognised either in its solid, liquid, or aeriform condition. Extension is that property by which a body occupies a certain space: by it is understood its volume or figure; the measure of the extension and compression of uniform elastic bodies is proportionable to the force which produces it; when, for instance, a weight is suspended to a bar of iron, causing it to be prolonged, if twice that weight be added, the effect will be doubled, and it was proved by Dr. Hooke, that the application of these weights in a contrary direction would shorten the bar in the same proportion. Dr. Young has suggested that the elasticity of a substance may be expressed by the weight of a certain column of the same substance, which he calls the modulus of elasticity, and of which the weight is such that any addition to it would increase it in the same proportion as the weight added would shorten by its pressure a portion of the substance of equal diameter. Impenetrability implies that a body is so compact in its structure as not to allow another to pass through it. Matter may be understood to comprehend whatever occupies space, and possesses ex- tension and impenetrability; such are all bodies that have magnitude, or that comprise length, breadth, and thickness, as well as those which have surfaces only. Porosity is that property which indicates that there are interstitial spaces lying between the particles or molecules of matter, usually called pores. Mass and Density are estimated according to their various properties of porosity; the mass comprises the material particles, and the greater their quantity the less porous the body or substance will be: density, on the other hand, expresses the relation of the masses when the volumes are equal; or, of any two bodies, that is the most dense which with equal bulk contains the greater mass. Compressibility implies that the body may be diminished by pressure without the mass being lessened by forcing the particles which compose it closer together and diminishing the size of the pores. Dilatability is the reverse of the former: the pores are increased by throwing the particles farther from each other, which is affected by heat, or raising the temperature of a body. Elasticity is the power of a body to resume its original state, as in the case of a spring, or when compression has taken place. 3 N 2 916 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Motion is a successive and continuous changing of place, and may be accelerated, retarded, or made either absolute or relative. Repose is the state of matter when in perfect rest. Space is indefinite, unlimited, and of the extent which all bodies may be supposed to occupy. Divisibility.— All bodies may be brought into the fluid state by heat, but there are other means by which matter may be divided. Stone, metals, and timber may have their particles separated by a blow, by friction, grinding, filing, sawing, splitting, &c. &c. The several divisions so obtained may be in many instances rendered smaller by sublimation; by passing the finest portions through sieves, and throwing them into water, they may be subjected to decantation; blowing will produce the same effect, the air put in motion by the bellows carrying the particles to a distance proportionable to their fineness; this is the case in all powder manufactories, and thus is corn winnowed from the chaff. Sublimation is vapourising bodies by means of heat in close vessels, and condensing the vapour so formed by cold applications. Inertia. As matter in itself is inert or inanimate, it cannot produce motion, or change that position which is imposed upon it, so that it remains in perfect repose, unless acted upon by an animated mover, or weight or pressure be applied to it: when, however, put in motion, in a certain direction, it will continue to move in it, unless obliged to deviate by some efficient cause; nor will its rapidity increase unless some acceleration be given. : A weight or heavy body thrown from a height continues to fall with an accelerated movement derived from its own weight, which acts continually on it, in the same manner as when it is in repose, and this is rendered evident by the movement of a ball which, when thrown upwards, diminishes in rapidity instead of augmenting a cannon ball propelled obliquely changes at each instant of time, the weight operating to bring it to the earth. Inertia obliges a body in constant motion, with a certain rapidity, and in a certain direction, to preserve its line of course, which would be uniform, and in a rectilinear direction, if nothing occurred to derange it. Force. This term is applied to causes which modify the actual state of bodies, or would do so, if other forces did not interfere to destroy the effect of the first: the resistance of the air, heat, and weight change the state of bodies: different effects of forces are produced: sometimes leaving bodies in a state of repose, sometimes changing their form, by breaking or impressing them with movement; at other times accelerating or retarding that which they possess, or changing its direction; when bodies suddenly change their state, either in direction or movement, it arises from an increased force, pro- ducing an effect in a smaller portion of time, the duration of which cannot be measured by the means we possess. The ball discharged from a gun will pass through a pane of glass, a door panel, a sheet of paper, with so much rapidity, that the parts carried away have not time to communicate movement to those adjacent. A cannon attached to a vertical cord, and nicely balanced, sends the ball to its destination, in the same manner that it would do if mounted on its carriage; which is a proof that the cannon had not deviated in any appreciable manner before the ball had left it, although it recoiled afterwards. The forces which give motion are called moving; those that hasten movement accelerating, and those that keep it back, retarding forces. Measure and Nature of Force.—When a body at rest, or free to move is drawn or forced forward, it may be said to be pressed in that direction; the effort is called pressure, and analogous to the force exercised in supporting a weight. Two forces are equal, when, being substituted for each other, and under the same circumstances, they produce the same effect, or destroy that of a third when opposed to them. A body suspended by a thread assumes a perpendicular direction; and if two forces be applied for the same purpose, they will be equal to each other, as well as to the weight of the body, and may be measured or compared by means of the balance, or other instrument used for that purpose, among which is the dynometer. The farther we remove a body from the surface of the earth, the less is its apparent weight; so that at the summit of a mountain, the body suspended to a thread will have apparently diminished in weight 1 part in 700 for a height of 3 miles. The nearer we approach the equator the greater is the diminution of weight, although not to so appreciable a difference as to be of importance in mechanics: the plumb line, or the weight at the end of a thread, is not, strictly speaking, perpendicular, nor are a succession of them in parallel lines, as they all tend towards the centre of the earth; but as the distance is so great, it is unnecessary to take the variation into our consideration. We may estimate weight as a constant force, and invariable in its direction, as far as concerns the labour of the mechanic. The Manner in which Force acts upon a Body. When force is applied to any point on the surface of a body, it exerts a pressure against the molecules nearest to this point; and the body is either compressed, or in some degree gives way. The molecules, when brought in closer contact, after the force is removed, in virtue of their elasticity, make an effort to return to their original state; by pressing against each other, the force is conveyed to the extreme molecule, and if this can be driven no further, then compression takes place, and the form of the body undergoes a change: should this extreme molecule have the power, CHAP. XI. 917 MECHANICS. however, to move, it will advance, and the movement will be communicated to the parts of the whole body, and these approaching nearer and nearer, in consequence of a series of com- pressions, indicate clearly that time is necessary before any force can communicate its total effect; for rapidity of movement is not instantaneous, as has been too often supposed. The same happens when an inverse force is employed to destroy the movement of a body; the molecules nearest the point of action are first stopped, and then the others in succession. As each molecule is to a certain degree elastic, it cannot be compressed without a reaction taking place, for the force which presses against a body is repulsed in the same manner as it is exerted in forcing that body forward; this reaction is equal, though contrary to, the action itself. When a body is pressed by the finger, or drawn by a thread, or pushed with a rod, we have by the same effort pressed, drawn or pushed the body in contrary directions. In all cases, the action of the force is transmitted to the point of resistance by a series of reactions, equal and opposite, destroying each other: but we admit generally that the force applied to a given point exerts itself over the whole. Inertia of Matter, measured by means of the Forces. When an external force acts on a body free to move, or destroys the motion imposed upon it, the resistance offered is equal to the force applied; by this resistance we measure the inertia of matter; in the same body the resistance is increased, according to the degree of rapidity impressed or destroyed, and this quality is augmented in proportion to the matter contained in each body. If a weight be drawn by a cord, the cord extends, elongates, and perhaps snaps, when suddenly pulled; if it be suspended, and in the line of suspension a spring balance is introduced, the spring will indicate the weight of the body; this weight taken away, the spring will again resume its state when in repose; the variations of the movement of a body and the force of inertia are thus measured. This measurement may be expressed by making lines equal in length to the force, in pounds or any other weight; or a number of divisions marked upon a given line may show the intensity of the force; and thus mechanics inay be studied by figures in geometry. Equilibrium of Forces. When two or more forces are applied, they reciprocally destroy each other, so that they leave the body to which they are applied in the same state as pre- vious to their application, whether in action or repose; and if they neither modify the direction nor the intensity of the rapidity when the body is in motion, then there is an equilibrium between the forces. This equilibrium is static in the first instance, and dynamic in the second; if a cord be drawn or stretched with equal force at each end, it is in a state of equilibrium; but if a greater force be applied at one end, then it is dynamic; there is no true static equilibrium, the earth attracting all bodies to a certain degree. Influence of Inertia on the state of Equilibrium.-When a body is acted on by several external forces, and preserves a uniform movement, it is considered in equilibrio. When the rapidity is augmented or diminished, the equilibrium has no place in these forces; but if regard be had to the force of inertia of the different molecules, and we substitute an exterior force equal to those originally applied, there will then be an equilibrium between all these forces a horse drawing a carriage destroys at every instant the resistance offered to his action, and if his movement is uniform, all the obstacles presented by the inequality of the road are overcome: if his rapidity be increased, the inertia put in motion is added to the preceding resistance, and the horse causes an equilibrium to take place among all these forces: if, however, the rapidity be diminished, the inertia which keeps the carriage in motion adds its action to that of the horse, and destroys or maintains the resistances in equilibrio. When two forces are directly opposed, the less will destroy the greater to an amount equal to its value. Three men pulling a cord in the same direction, with the force of 20, 34, and 50 pounds, in all 104 pounds; and two others pulling in an opposite direction, with a force of 24 and 38 pounds, total 62 pounds; the cord will really be drawn with a force of 104-62 or 42 pounds, acting in the direction of the three men. Mechanical Labour of the Forces. The most simple state of equilibrium is when two equal forces destroy each other, and this is the case in works of industry. To work is to overcome or destroy resistance, such as the force of adhesion, which exists between the mole- cules of bodies, the force of springs, of weight, the inertia of matter, &c., &c. : to polish a body by friction, to divide it into parts, to raise weights, draw a carriage, bend a spring, propel a ball, are all works in which labour is constantly renewed, to overcome the re- sistance offered: in mechanical labour, resistance is overcome at the same time that it is reproduced. To remove a portion of matter from a mass by means of any tool, it is requisite not only to produce an effect directly opposed to the resistance presented, but the tool must be made to advance in the direction of the resistance; the greater this ad- vancement is, the greater will be the quantity of matter removed; at the same time it must be taken into account that the greater the length or thickness acted upon, the greater will be the resistance, so that the work increases with the intensity of the effort and the length of the direction. 3 N 3 918 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Measure of Labour when the Resistance offered is constant. Supposing the resistance to be uniform, as well as the effort, which is directly opposed to it, and that at the same instant of time it remains the same, it is evident that the work or labour is proportionate to the length of way made; if on a road it will become double or triple, in proportion as the carriage passes over it: so that if we take labour as unity, or that which vanquishes resistance along a yard of road, the total labour will be the number of yards passed over. But should the labour increase at each yard, so that the second should be double, and con- tinue in this proportion, then the labour will be increased in a corresponding manner. As, for example, 1 pound for the first yard, 2, 3, 4 for the second; the labour for each yard would then be 2, 3, or 4 pounds: taking for unity that force which overcomes the resistance of 1 pound along 1 yard, any labour may be measured by the number of pounds, which express the various resistances of each yard run over. Suppose a moving power employed to draw a body along a horizontal plane, the labour must be sufficient to over- come the constant friction which exerts itself, and if this friction be equal to 40 pounds, and the distance passed over 100 yards, then the labour will be measured by multiplying 40 by 100 or 4000 pounds. The rate at which a body moves, or the length of time which it takes to move from one point to another, is called the velocity; and this is always proportionate to the force which puts it in motion. The absolute velocity is measured by the space over which the body moves in any particular period of time, as 10 miles in an hour; the distance divided by the time gives the velocity per hour. Space is also equal to velocity multiplied by the time; if the velocity be 10 miles an hour, and the time 10 hours, then 100 miles will have been passed over. The Value of the mean Effort. When we have found the value of the mechanical labour of a variable resistance for any length of way run over by its point of action, and divide that value by the distance, we obtain the mean effort of resistance; or the constant effort, which, being repeated along the road, will produce the same quantity of labour: we have already shown that for a constant resistance the labour is measured by the product of that resistance, and the total road passed over. Vurious Examples of mechanical Labour. When a mover is employed in pressing a spring, at each instant it developes an effort which increases as its point of action has gone over a greater distance in the proper direction: this effort may be measured for each posi- tion of the spring, or for each position of the point of action: we may then designate it as a curve, which gives laws to these efforts, and by approximation calculate the sum of the mechanical labour employed at each instant of time, which, united, compose the total labour. For example, the labour of drawing a body along a plane offering a constant resistance, and which is indicated by compressing a spring, the resistance of which varies at each instant of time. This may be applied to a horse working in a mill, a man drawing water from a well, sawing or planing timber, polishing metal, &c. The work done may always be measured by the efforts, equal and opposite, or those contrary to the resistance of the tool employed, the length of that resistance, if it be constant, or by the sum of the products which measure the partial labour, if the resistance be variable. In seeking to appreciate mechanical labour, care must be taken not to confound that which the mover effectually expends, and that which immediately results from the work performed; for it is easy to imagine that a portion of the first effect is destroyed by other resistances than those arising from the work: it is only to this latter resistance that the measure of labour can be applied. To show this, we will instance the whitesmith, in the operation of filing a bar of metal, on which he must first lean sufficiently to make his file bite; he must constantly support the weight of the file, he must exercise another effort to make the file slide over the bar, and this, with a certain rapidity backwards and forwards to overcome the inertia of the matter contained in it, so that the quantity of work done is the result of all these varied circumstances. This apparent complication disappears when we separate from the result all that is not indispensible to it, bearing in mind what actually takes place, where the grains of metal are taken away by the file. We then only see á resistance which supposes an effort equal and contrary to the direction of the way which the point of action of the file describes, and the quantity of labour which is measured, as we have before described. The labour of the mover may be reduced to that only, by sup- posing the file placed flat on a level bar loaded with a certain weight, and that the mover is employed in regularly drawing this file in the direction of its length, taking into account the inertia in the first instance. The most simple labour is that of raising a perpendicular weight, provided the inertia be not taken into consideration. The unit of labouring force is sometimes considered to be that which raises a pound one foot in height: a cube metre of water, which weighs 1000 kilogrammes, raised one metre in height, is the unit in France; and this is denominated a kilogrammetre. Bolton and Watt's dynamical unit was one-horse power, equal to raising 33,000 pounds one foot iu height in a minute, which the French estimate at 75 kilograin- metres per second, CHAP. XI. 919 MECHANICS. The metre is 3.28 feet, the kilogramme 2.2 pounds, the kilogrammètre 7·216 dynams, and the horse power is 525 dynams, which nearly coincides with Bolton and Watt's dynamical unit. Mechanical power is the term used by Smeaton; momentum of activity by Carnot; dynamic effect by Monge, Hachette, Coulomb, and others, all signifying the quantity of action or mechanical labour. It is evident that labour is judged of by its quantity, or rather that of the work per- formed, which must be proportioned to the mechanical labour required. Labour, then, is the quantity of action, which pays itself in force. Labouring force is measured by the product of the resistance overcome, and the space through which it is overcome. Parallelogram of Forces. Independently of the action of simultaneous forces, the action of force on a body, whether at rest or in motion, is always the same, and impresses on it the same degree of velocity in both circumstances. A body left to itself is moved by gravity with the same degree of velocity at each instant of time: when it leaves the state of rest by having motion imposed upon it by force of any kind. as a shell, in its passage through the air, it describes a parabola; the velocity of the projectile at each in- stant is always the resultant of the velocity which it received at the instant immediately preceding that which we have considered; and the very slight velocity which gravity impresses on it during the interval of time, also very small, separates these two suc- ceeding instants: thus where two forces are applied to the same body, they will impress upon it at each instant, and simultaneously, the degrees of velocity common to each, and these degrees, according to the general laws of nature, are proportionate to the intensity of the forces. A B A single force which is equivalent to two or more forces is called the resultant, and relatively to it, they are called the components. A force acting on a body at A, in the direction of AB, as well as in that of A C, when these forces are equal, and act together, the body will in the same time be moved through the distance A D, or the diagonal of the parallelogram. The forces in the direction AB, AC, AD are re- spectively proportional to the lines which represent them. The two oblique forces A B, A C, are equivalent to the single direct force A D, which may be compounded of these two, by drawing the diagonal of the parallelogram A D. C Fig. 1225. о A : D A body acted upon by two forces at the same time will pass through the same point, as it would do if these forces were to act separately and successively and if any new motion be impressed, this does not alter its motion in lines parallel to its former direction. Suppose three forces A, B, C, acting against one another at the point D, and whose direction is on the same plane; if they are all in equilibrio their forces will be to each other respectively as the three sides. of a triangle, drawn parallel to their lines of direction, DI, CI, CD. The three forces A, B, C, are to each other as the sines of the angles through which their respective lines of direction pass when produced. DI: CI:: CDB: CDA CI: CD:: CDA: AD B. and It must be evident that if the force C alters its direction from that applied in either direction, its diagonal and corresponding sides are affected, the parallelogram DHCI is changed in form, and the whole proportions vary. The united effects of two forces moving in the direction of the sides of a parallelogram are expressed by a diagonal drawn in that figure. Fig. 1226. H If a body acts against another by any force whatever, that force is exerted in the direction of a line perpendicular to the surface on which it acts. Suppose the ball B strike the body C in an oblique direction, so as to form the angle ABD: the magni- tude of the stroke will be directly as the velocity, and the sine of the angle of incidence A BD, and the body C receives the stroke in the direction EB, perpendicular to the surface D B. The magnitude of the stroke is represented by BE, and the motion impressed on the body that receives it is equal to the magnitude of the stroke, and to the motion lost in the striking body, D C B E Fig. 1227. 3 N 4 920 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. If an elastic body A impinges a hard and elastic body, CF, at B, it will be so reflected from it that the angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of incidence. The motion at B, parallel to the surface, not being altered by the stroke, elastic bodies recovering their figure in the same time that they lose it by the stroke; therefore the velocity in the direction of BE is the same after as before the stroke, and we have two equal and similar triangles. But as no two bodies in nature are perfectly elastic, one angle will be more acute than the other: a non-elastic body striking another in a similar state loses half as much motion as if both were per- fectly elastic; non-elastic bodies only stop, but elastic recede with. the same velocity that they meet with. B F E Fig. 1228. On the force of Gravity.—The earth, whose diameter is about 8000 miles, has from its magnitude the power of attracting all smaller bodies to its surface; so that when put in motion they tend, if unopposed in their descent, in a straight line towards its centre: this is sometimes called the earth's attraction, or terrestrial gravity, and the force by which the body is attracted is called weight. The force of gravity acts equally on bodies in motion and at rest: when put in motion it draws them down, and destroys in some measure the forces which put them into motion, and the same quantity of force is required to keep them in uniform motion directly upwards, suspended, or at rest; when they descend uniformly that force which is suf- ficient to prevent their acceleration in descending is equal to their weight. When a heavy body falls from any height, as it approaches the ground it increases in velocity; this is rendered evident from the force with which it strikes the ground, that force increasing in proportion to the height from whence it has fallen, and also to its velocity at the moment it reaches the ground. The velocities of falling bodies are the accumulated effects of the attraction of the earth during the entire time of their descent: at each instant a new impulse is given which increases the velocity, so that the final velocity is the sum of all which have been communicated. Gravity is, then, a uniform force or attraction, which affects all bodies equally, whatever may be their position. The velocity of a falling body is as the time of its falling from a state of rest, the force of gravity being the quantity of matter. All bodies falling by their own weight gain equal velocities in equal times, and when the same bodies are thrown or propelled upwards, they lose as much in an equal time: when a body falls through a certain space in a given time, it will afterwards descend through four times that space in the next similar period of time; through nine times that space in the third, sixteen times in the fourth, &c.: or, to ascertain the space through which a body will fall in a given number of seconds, multiply the space in the first second of time by the squares of the total number of seconds it was in falling; thus the spaces through which a body falls is as the square of the time from the commencement to the fall, or the velocity is as the square root of the height fallen, and it is absolutely necessary, before we can compute any velocity, that we should know how much it would fall through in a second of time. The velocity acquired in a second, and the space fallen through in a second, are the elements upon which the whole calculations are formed: when one of these elements are known, the other may be immediately found, as there is a remarkable relation between the space through which a body falls, and the velocity it acquires in any given time. In the latitude of London a body will fall in a single second 193 inches, or about 16 feet. Taking any equal parts of time, the spaces described by a falling body in each successive part of time will be the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, &c. The spaces, velocities, and times may be judged of by the following table: the space fallen through in the first second of time is considered the unit of length: Space fallen through in the last second of the Fall. Seconds from the Velocity acquired beginning of thej at the end of Descent. Space fallen through. that Time. 123456 24 1 4 6 9 8 16 10 25 13579 12 36 11 7 14 49 13 8 16 64 15 Between the three quantities, the height, the time, and the final velocity, there are fixed relations. The time counted from the commencement of the fall and the final velocity are CHAP. XI. 921 MECHANICS. in proportion to one another; for as one increases, so does the other. The height being equal to half the space which would be moved through in the time of the fall with the final velocity, must have a fixed proportion, and the time and final velocity are proportional to the product of the two numbers which express them. The phenomena of falling bodies were experimented upon by Mr. George Atwood, who constructed for the purpose a very ingenious machine, which still bears his name. The gravitating forces of bodies are to each other, first, directly as their masses, and, secondly, inversely as the squares of their distances: for if the mass of one body is double that of another, its gravity will be doubled, and with a distance twice as great, its gravity will be as many times less. Putting M and m for the masses; D and d for the distances, and G and 9 for the forces of gravity of two bodies; first we have G: g:: M:m: M Or, G = g M > and if g=1, G= m m de Secondly: G:g:: d² : D²; or, G=g·D; and if g=1, and d=1, G: 2 From whence it follows that G: g:: Md² : m D²; 1 Da Or, G=g M ď² m D2 M ; whence, if m and d are = 1, == 1, G=g • D2° The latter expression is usually taken for the above laws, M representing the attracting mass, and D the distance at which it acts upon some other body, as compared with the attracting force g of this second body, whose mass is equal to 1, and whose distance is equal to 1, which are considered the units of measurement. Terrestrial gravitation is the attraction exercised on all bodies by the earth; and occasions the common musket-ball, which proceeds at the rate of 1280 feet in a second, or the 24 pound cannon-ball, which has double that velocity, to fall at last to a place of rest. The Centre of Gravity of a Body is a point through which a single force, equivalent to the gravitation of all its particles, passes, and in whatever situation the body is placed, its centre of gravity tends to descend in a line perpendicular to the horizon, called the line of direction of the weight. If a line be drawn from the centre of gravity of a body perpen- dicular to the horizon, and this perpendicular fall within the base upon which the body rests, it will stand, but if it falls without the base the body will fall down. Hence it follows that if the centre of gravity of a body be supported, the whole body is supported, and the centre of gravity must be considered as the place of the body: if it be sustained by any lever or beam, its place is at the point where the beam is cut by a line drawn from the centre of gravity perpendicular to the horizon. All the gravity of a body, or the force with which it endeavours to descend, being collected into the centre of that body or its centre of gravity, whatever sustains that centre of gravity sustains the whole weight, and the descent of a body must be estimated by the descent of its centre of gravity. Also the larger the base is upon which a body stands, and the farther the centre of gravity lies within it, the firmer will it stand, and the more difficult will be its removal. If, on the contrary, the centre of gravity be moved out of this situation, and made to approach to the extent of its base, its tendency to fall will be increased: a body laid upon an inclined plane, and having one end gradually elevated, will continue to slide as long as the perpendicular falls within the base; but if the perpendicular fall without it, it will roll over. The centres of gravity of plane figures and solids are determined— In the Triangle, by drawing two lines from any two of its angles to the middle of its opposite sides; the point of their intersection is the centre of gravity; the distance, there- fore, of the centre of gravity from the vertex is two-thirds of the line bisecting the opposite side. In the Trapezium, by dividing it into triangles, then finding the centre of gravity of each, and uniting the centres so found; the point of their common junction is the centre of gravity sought. For the Arc of a Circle, as arc: sine of half the arc :: radius: to the distance of its centre of gravity from the centre. For the Sector of a Circle, as arc: chord :: radius to the distance of its centre of gravity from the centre: for the parabolic space the distance of the centre of gravity from the vertex is at two-fifths of the axis. In the Cones and Pyramids, the distance of the centre of gravity from the vertex is three- fourths of the axis. In a Paraboloid the distance of the centre of gravity from the vertex is at two-thirds of its axis. For the Segment of a Sphere let r be radius, x=to the height of the segment, then the dis tances of the centre of gravity from the vertex is 8 r-3 x 12 r- 4 x r. 922 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book 11. If two weights on any machine are in equilibrio, and moved by any means, the centre of gravity of the weight and the power will always be in the same horizontal right line: in the lever the centre of gravity is at the fulcrum; and therefore neither ascends nor descends. In the wheel and axis, and in the pulley, the weight and power approach or recede from each other by spaces which are reciprocally as the bodies, and their centre of gravity is therefore at rest. Upon the inclined plane, the perpendicular velocities of the power and weights are reciprocally as their quantities, and the distances of the centre of gravity from each being in the same ratio, is also at rest. In the combination of any of these powers, or of any machine whatever, where the equilibrium continues, the ascent and descent of the power and weight being reciprocally as their quantities, the centre of gravity neither ascends nor descends. E F To show the value of ascertaining the centre of gravity in a body in the arts of con- struction, we will suppose a piece of timber supported at the two ends B and C, as in the following diagram. If G be the centre of gravity of the whole weight sustained, and the line FGH be drawn perpendicular to the horizon, and C F and BH drawn, then the weight of the whole body is as FH; the pressure at the top C, as BH; thrust of the pres- sure at the base B, as FB. The pressure and the thrust are also in the direction of the respective lines which represent them. If the beam support any weight, the beam and weight must be considered as one body, whose centre of gravity is G. Then the end C is supported by the plane BCE, and the other end B may be supposed to be sustained by a plane perpen- dicular to BF; therefore the weight and forces at C and B are respectively as FH, BH, and FB. The angles BCF and B D A 9 Fig. 1229. B D A Fig. 1230. BDF are right angles, and a circle described upon the diameter B F will pass through CD. If BC be any beam bearing any weight, G, the centre of gravity of the whole, and if it lean against a perpendicular wall CA, and be supported in that position, draw BA, CF, parallel, FGD perpendicular to the horizon, and draw FB. Then the whole weight is represented by the line The pressure at the top, C, by Thrust at the bottom, B, by and the same by the several directions. - FD BD FB If the point which constitutes the centre of gravity be supported by a force equal to the weight of the body, it will remain in equilibrio in every possible position; and if the centre of gravity be either vertically above or vertically below the point of support, the body will be in equilibrio, but will not, as before, be indifferent to any position. When the centre is vertically above a point of support, the smallest inclination will altogether destroy the equilibrium; when it is vertically below a point of suspension, if the equilibrium be dis- turbed, it will after some oscillations be restored. If a body rest upon a horizontal plane, and the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity be within the base, as we have already seen, the body will stand, if without it will fall, and when that line is within the base, the farther the point in which it meets it is from the perimeter on any side, the firmer will be the stability of the body, for the weight may be considered as acting entirely on the centre of gravity; consequently, the more dis- tant any point in the perimeter of the base is from the vertical of the centre, the longer is the vertical lever by which the weight acts, and the greater the momentum to resist that of a given force similarly applied, tending to produce a rotation about an axis passing through that point. When the centre of gravity is high, the body is more easily overturned than it would be were the centre lower: a carriage loaded will overturn more readily on a declivity, and when the weight is piled up very high, the chance of accident is still further increased, because its centre of gravity is more easily thrown outside its base, or beyond the wheels or points of support. In every body possessing weight, there is a point through which the resultant of the gravitation of its individual particles will pass, whatever be the position of any given points in it with respect to the constant vertical direction of this force, that point is the centre of gravity. CHAP. XI. 923 MECHANICS. If a heavy beam, or one bearing a weight, be sustained at C, and movable about a point C, whilst the other end B lies upon the wall BE, and if HGF be drawn through the centre of gravity, G perpendicular to the horizon, and B F, CH perpendicular to B C, and CF be drawn, then- The whole weight will be equal to Pressure at B Force acting at C - HF HC CF H B A B F Fig. 1231, A ** Fig. 1232. 11 C G E If a heavy beam, BC, whose centre of gravity is G, be supported upon two posts, B A and CD, and be movable about the points A, B, C, D, and if A B, DC produced meet in any point, H, of the line G F drawn perpendicular to the horizon, and if from any point F in the line G F, FE be drawn parallel to A B, then The whole weight will be represented by the line Pressure at C Thrust at B and in these directions. HD HE EF By the construction of these four diagrams the triangle of pressure is formed, repre- senting the several forces in which the line of gravity, or the plumb line, passing through the centre of gravity, measures the absolute weight, and the other sides the correspond- ing pressures. The Action of Bodies when placed over each other. When two bodies touch each other at the point of contact, a depression or sinking may be imagined, perpendicular to the surface of contact, which indicates the reaction of the two bodies in the perpendicular line com- mon to both suppose, for instance, that a body A be solicited by forces the resultant of which is confounded with that perpendicular, and that the other body B remains fixed, the reaction of the latter will destroy the resultant, and the body A will remain in repose: but it is evident that the equilibrium will subsist if the body B be replaced by a force equal to the reaction which it exerts against the body A, if this latter be considered as free, and solicited by this new force concurrently with the other forces given. This property, that all bodies resist each other according to the common perpendicular which passes through their point of contact, extends in most cases to where one body is placed on others: the reaction of the latter are so many true forces at the respective point by which the first bodies rest on the other, and thus the equilibrium is restored or brought back to conditions analogous to those which would have taken place if it had been free. A simple instance of this is shown by a body placed on a single point, or by several on a plane. When a body rests on a plane at a single point, and is drawn by any forces whatever, their resultant must be perpendicular to the plane, and must pass by the point of support. The condition of passing by the fulcrum will not be sufficient for it alone, for if this resultant be decomposed in two forces, the one perpendicular to the plane, and the other situated in the plane, both passing by the point on which it rests, the first will be destroyed by the resistance of the plane, but the other component will cause the body to move along 924 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the plane, and they will no longer be in equilibrio: thus the equilibrium of a body which rests on a plane by a single point is submitted to two conditions; first, the result of the forces applied to bodies passes by the point of support, and, secondly, its direction is per- pendicular to the plane. A G B m G Fig. 1233. C Equilibrium of an inclined Plane. Let us represent any plane cut perpendicularly to its horizontal, and following the line of its greatest inclination, A B. Although this plane be supposed to be indefinitely prolonged, its in- clination is sufficient to define its base A C and its height BC. Let us imagine a heavy body placed on this plane of which G shall be the centre of gravity: the equilibrium of this body in the plane will require, first, that the resultant of its weight should pass by one of the points of the base which supports the body; secondly, that that resultant be perpendicular to the plane: this latter condition cannot be generally satisfied with regard to any plane whatever, because the action of gravity is always vertical; hence this action will be decomposed into two others, the one perpendicular to the plane, which will be destroyed by its resistance, and the other parallel to the plane, which will cause the body to move or descend according to its length. We must, however, remark that if the vertical of the centre of gravity meets the interior of the base of support of the body, this latter will only slide in the direction of the plane; but it will roll if the vertical falls without the base. This will happen with a base, because the vertical always passes outside its point of support on the plane. Let us suppose that a force, p, parallel to the plane, is opposed to the descent of the ball: call P the weight of the latter; we know that the body ought to remain in equilibrio under the action of the two forces p and P; consequently their resultant, GM, will be perpendicular to A B, and will pass by the point of support m, and then let GM be the intensity of this resultant; it will be such that the sides of the parallelogram G G' M N will represent, the one G G' equal M N the vertical force P, and the other G N the force p, parallel to AB. The triangle G MN is similar to the triangle A B C, for GM and M N are perpendicular to AB and AC; moreover they are rectangles, the one in G, the other in C: we shall have the pro- portion A Fig. 1234. GN: MN:: BC: A B,- Or p: P:: BC: A B. G P m p B N C M GI Then the force parallel to the plane which holds the body, is to the weight of this body, as the height of the plane is to its length and we have BC p=Px A B B Suppose, instead of drawing in the direction of the plane, the force p, which retains the body on the plane, was horizontal and acted in the direction of the power, which prevents a nut from descending along the screw; G M, the resultant of the weight of the body and of this new force, will not be the less perpendicular to AB; and the triangle G M N, representing the two forces which draw the body as well as their resultant, will be similar to the triangle ABC: but as GN is perpendicular to B C, and the right angle of the first triangle is in N, we shall have the proportion, as GN: MN:: BC: AC; Or, p: P:: BC: AC, which shows us that the horizontal force retaining the body in the plane is to the weight of the body as the height of the plane is to its base: or, that p=Px BC A C G P G M Fig. 1235. p It will be remarked, that in the value of p the numerator is the same for two cases in pro- portion to the height of the plane; but the denominator is only the side of the plane parallel to the force applied. CHAP. XI. 925 MECHANICS. Quantity of Work on an inclined Plane. The inclined plane is a machine of the greatest utility in the arts, and facilitates the removal of the heaviest burthens to a considerable height. If, for example, it be required to build a tower of stone, a number of men would be necessary to raise the materials vertically; but by means of slopes or inclined planes, men, horses, or carriages could readily ascend it, and the power required to draw the weights would be much reduced. P F To move a stone along an inclined plane A B, the workmen are accustomed to turn it on its edges perpendicular to the inclinations, or if it be cylindrical, they roll it along, so that in its different operations the resistance of the friction is avoided; the effort, F, which is here parallel to the length of the plane, A B, has then only to overcome the resistance of the weight, P, of the body; and as we have shown, we shall have F= B C A B x P. A Fig. 1236. C If the inclination of the plane be such that its length, A B, is 100 times its correspond- ing height, BC, the effort required to be exercised against the body is in the proportion of 1 to 100, and consequently the labour is the same whether the body be raised directly or along an inclined plane, this latter having no other use than that of facilitating the elevation of the burthen. When a body descends along an inclined plane, its relative gravity, or the force which accelerates its motion, is to the absolute force of gravity, as the height of the inclined plane is to its length; or, the force urging the body to descend in the direction of the plane, is to the whole force of gravity, as the height of the plane is to its length. An inclined plane is any plane surface which forms an angle with the horizon, and is measured by ABC. The line AB is the length of the plane B C, the length of its base, CA, its height. There is, then, in an inclined plane an equilibrium when the power is to the weight, as the height of the inclined plane, is to the length of its base multiplied by the cosine of the angle which the direction. of the power makes with the inclined plane. Fig. 1237. C A IT B When a body W is placed upon a horizontal plane, it is obvious that it cannot be in equili- brio, unless a perpendicular let fall from its centre of gravity cuts the plane within the base of its body when the plane becomes inclined to the horizon, the same condition is necessary, and another force, P, is requisite to prevent it sliding down the plane in virtue of its gravity. In order that an equilibrium may take place, the resultant of the two forces P and W must be in a line perpendicular to the plane, and their direction must lie in the same plane, and as the direction of W is in a vertical plane passing through the centre of gravity of the body, the direction of P must be in the same plane. The weight, power, and pressure on the plane are then respectively as radius, the sine, and cosine of the plane's elevation: for if a cylinder be sustained upon an inclined plane by a power holding one end of a cord parallel to the plane, whilst the other end is fixed, the power is to the weight of the cylinder, as half the height is to the length of the plane: this is obvious, for half the relative weight of the cylinder is sustained by the end of the rope which is fixed. The Wedge is a solid with three planes inclined to each other, and two triangular sides: to free it from friction the faces should be polished, and the force which acts upon it is directed perpendicularly. That the three forces act- ing on the three planes may be in equilibrio, each of them must be in proportion to the length of the plane on which it acts, and they must be applied at such parts that their directions meet in one part; otherwise they will be in opposition, and produce a rotary motion. The shore C, for instance, when placed against a smooth vertical surface, as the wall of a building, or employed to raise a weight by means of any force applied at the foot by drawing it along the surface, AB; the horizontal force applied will be to the weight, as the distance, A B, is to the perpendicular height of the wall: and on this principle the equilibrium of arches, domes and roofs is estimated. A Fig. 1238. B 926 Noox II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The The edge C, called the cutting edge of the wedge, is the most acute angle of the triangle ABC. face BA is the head, and AC and BC are the sides. The use of the wedge consists in driving it, by the cutting side C, into the substance to be split, so that when driven it rests on its sides in two places, a, b. Suppose the force F, which causes it to descend perpen- dicular to the head, (if it were ob- lique, the wedge would turn,) has the power of resisting or overcoming the matter to which the wedge is applied, which resistance may be represented as two forces Q and R applied at ab, C Fig. 1239 A B F B a 12 R Fig. 1240. perpendicular to the respective sides AC and BC. The force F, which produces the equilibrium, will be equal, and directly opposed to their resultant, and as this passes by the point of concurrence of the forces Q and R, it is necessary that the three forces F, Q, and R should be in the same point, or the wedge would be overthrown. If these re- sistances then be given, the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed on their intensities, and at their point of concurrence, will give the intensity of the force F to be perpen- dicularly applied at the head of the wedge required to overcome these resistances. Taking on the direction of Q, from the point O, a line or distance Om, equal to the force, and carrying through the point m a line perpendicular to B C, as mn, we shall have the tri- angle Ŏmn, two sides of which represent the two resistances Q and R, and the third their resultant or the power F, which is equal or directly opposed to it: the triangle Omn is equal to the angle C, the angle mnO is equal to the angle B, and the angle mOn is equal to the angle A. Thus the sides On and A B, opposed to these angles, are homo- logous; the same is the case with the sides mO and AC, and the sides mn and BC; we shall then have the following proportions; On: m 0::mn:: AB: AC: BC, or, replacing the dimen- sions On, m O, mn by the forces F, Q, and R, which they represent, F: 0: R::AB: AC: BC, which indicate that in the equilibrium of the wedge, the perpendicular power at the head, and the two resistances perpendicular to the sides, are proportioned to that head and these sides; as when a force is applied to drive it, that force is to the resistance which the parts of the body oppose to it, as the head of the wedge is to the sum of its sides. Several forms are given to the wedge; among them is one resembling the triangle ABC, with the rectangle in A, the points of support being at a and b, and the resistances in the direction Q and R. The power F, which is perpendicular to ab, cannot concur at the common point of the direction of these resistances, unless they are applied according to the direction of the line Fb, parallel to the side AC, and passing by the point of application of the resistance which is perpen- dicular to the hypotenuse. A a Fig. 1241. F b R In the example where the wedge is an isosceles triangle, which is the common form given it, we have AC equal to BC, and, agreeable to what has been already stated, the relations which satisfy the equilibrium are FX AC Q= and R > AB Fx BC AB We see, on account of A C being equal to BC, we have Q= R, whence we have the proportion of FQ:AB: AC. When it is required to split bodies, wedges are used, the heads of which are small in proportion to their sides; if ten times less, as A B is the tenth of AC, F will be the tenth of the reaction, Q, to be overcome; thus the advantage drawn from the wedge is, that in diminishing the head, or the angle of cutting, we can with a small force overcome considerable resistance, as ten times or an hundred times, by making the head a tenth or an hundredth part of its side. A Fig. 1242. F b B R CHAP. XI. 927 MECHANICS. Divers forms of the wedge are given to workmen's tools, and great loss of labour is oc- casioned by those most constantly in use, which have not always the prismatic form: when they are pyramidal, having three or four faces, the equilibrium between the power and the resistance is analogous to those of the prism; the first is equal and opposed to the resultant of three or four forces, which depend on the length of each face, and the sides which form the head. The wedge is also a truncated prism, and often nothing more than a cone with a cylindrical head; but the condition of its equilibrium is the same as that of the isosceles wedge, viz. the power is to the resistance, as the diameter of the head, is to the length of the side of the cone. Chisels, knives, nails, files, &c. are half flat prisms, the surfaces of which are striated or cut into furrows at a certain angle, and crossed at another, so as to form small pyramids or wedges, the points of which carry off the particles to be filed. Saws are an assemblage of wedges, the lower face of which is slightly inclined towards the cutting edges and in the thickness of the blade; one tooth also inclines differently to the other, viz. one to the right, the other to the left, that the saw may clear itself, and work more freely. All wedges act on their cutting side, or on their pointed extremities, and there is a proper angle for every tool according to its use, which practice can alone de- termine. The chief matter for the workman to consider, when he is setting a cutting instru- ment to act upon any surface, should be that he endeavour to make its end form the least possible angle with the face to be cut; it should, therefore, be kept nearly parallel with the surface it is employed upon, and should it be required to be made very sharp, the acute- ness given to it must be obtained by taking away from the front part of the cutting instrument against which the shavings slide. The carpenter's axe has the bevelled surface outwards, and the flat side is that which is placed against the wood to be cut, so that the angle between the face of the tool next the wood and its surface forms the least angle possible. The Screw depends for its action on the same principles as those of the inclined plane, and to have an idea of the form of the square thread screw, suppose a cylinder BCED A B C d D E A Fig. 1244. Fig. 1243. Fig. 1245. drawn with the axis at A vertical. x កម្ល W b If there be attached to the surface of this cylinder or newel a rectangle, as abcd, and which represents the profile of the thread of the screw, when the cylinder turns on its axis, this rect- angle will form an annulus or ring, as long as it remains in a horizontal position: but sup- posing when it turns, the rectangle is made to descend, and for each quarter of a revolution it descends a fourth of the vertical height, a square thread will be projected on the newel, called a helix; when this has passed entirely round its height, it is termed the step of the screw, and is measured by the interval aa', be- tween the upper surfaces of two consecutive threads; the inclination or stiffness of the helix diminishes towards the external edge of the thread. When this has been formed, another body, cut in an opposite manner, and called the nut is applied to it; these together have a double movement of rotation, and act as on an in- clined plane. The screw is nothing more than a cylinder, b, having a rectangular or triangular prism, as ad, wrapped or coiled round it, in such a manner that one of the faces of the prism is Fig. 1246, a' Fig. 1247. 928 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. # applied to the convex or concave surface of the cylinder, and one of the sides of the prism always forms an acute angle with the axis of the cylinder, this angle being everywhere the same. To raise a weight by the nut and screw, the first may be fixed, and the latter left free, or the reverse; in the first instance a lever is applied to the head, which not only turns in the nut, but raises the weight Q attached to its extremity; but when the screw has the nut movable, the power is so applied, that in turning the nut round the screw, it is elevated, raising at the same time the weight attached to it, as in the press. Calling F the power, and Q the resistance to be overcome, it is evident that the first should act in the plane of the move- ment of its lever, or perpendicular to the axis of this move- ment, as in the wheel and axle; and if we abstract the friction, its labour should be equal to that of the resistance produced in the same time. It must be remarked that when this latter rises to a certain height, the point of application of the power must run over a certain arc, and in virtue of the property of the screw, the relation between these two quan- tities is always the same at the end of any given time, what- ever may be the height to which the resistance has mounted, and the arc described by the power, provided that the arc and the height be simultaneous. We will now consider what takes place in a complete revolution: the power has described a cir- cumference, whilst the resistance is raised one turn of the screw. If we call h the height of the turn, and R the distance from the point of application of the power of the axis, h and 2 PR will be the space described by the resistance Q, and by the power F in their proper directions; thus F and 2 PR will be the labour of the power, and Qh that of the resistance at the end of a complete revolution, and we shall have for the condition of the equilibrium independently of friction, F× 2 PR=Qh, or FQh: 2 PR, Q Fig. 1248. Fig. 1249. R R which indicates that the power is to the resistance, as the turn of the screw is to the circumference described by the point of application of the power: so that the power of the screw increases as the distance between the threads diminishes. In the endless or perpetual Screw, there will be an equilibrium, when the power is to the weight, as the distance of the threads multiplied by the radius of the axle, is to the distance of the power from the axis of the screw multiplied by the wheels' radius. Suppose P the power, and x its effect on the toothed-wheel: let R be the radius of the wheel, D the distance be- tween the threads of the screw, r the radius of the axle, W the weight, and C the circumference described by the power, PxC=xxD; and by the properties of the wheel and axle, x × R=Wxr: multiplying these equalities, we then have PxCxR=WxDxr, PxCxx × R= x subjected. These trucks on a railway 4 feet 8 inches in width have a superficial area of platform equal to 75 square feet, and generally carry about 4 tons weight. The second class passengers' carriages have the same kind of frame, on which iron uprights support a curved top; they are partly inclosed, and the seats are arranged between the divisions. These carriages have sometimes a semicir- cular bearing on the axle by means of a chair, which is bolted to the framing of the carriage by two bolts, the under side of which embraces the lever half of the axles diameter, and is bolted to the chair above. Oil is poured upon the axle through a cup and small tubular passage which is sometimes made suf- ficiently capacious to contain a cotton wick which drops the oil upon the axle as it is required. In many carriages the bearing is on the outside of the wheels, the end of the axle being diminished gra- dually towards its ter- mination, where it is again increased to prevent its sliding. The chair is an iron box cast in two, se- Fig 1560. AXIES OF CARRIAGES, ETC. Fig. 1561. CHAP. XIII. 1023 CARRIAGES FOR TRANSPORTING WEIGHTS. parated at the level of the diameter of the axle, or in the middle, where it is fastened together by iron bolts. The brass which surrounds the axle and is contained within the iron chair is nicely turned, and in the chamber above, which is cast in the chair, the oil is put, which drops over the axle, to destroy the friction; an inclined lid resting against the spring of the carriage allows it to be replenished as often as required. The carriage spring has its bearing on the chairs, to which it is also attached by an iron bolt passing quite through the chair, and secured at the bottom by a nut on the plan is shown the grooves which allow the vertical guides to work, that are attached to the outside of the carriage. Thus the manner of fixing the wheels of railway carriages is the reverse of those in- tended for the ordinary road, where the wheels revolve on the axle; in the former, they are guided by the flanches, and as the carriage is not required to turn, it is securely fixed to it. The bearing of railway carriages, on which the axle turns, in common waggons is placed within the wheels when they are outside the framework; in those constructed latterly upon an improved plan, the bearings are on the outside of the wheels, so that a greater width of framework is acquired, as well as elevation above the wheels, which raises the centre of gravity. The springs, which are made long and straight, are all placed above the frame, so that the platform, which receives the load, need not be elevated to an unnecessary height. When the bearings in which the axle turns are placed outside the wheels, there is an advantage over the plan of having the journal or bearing inside, as well as less friction created; journals of wheels 3 feet in diameter may be reduced from 3 to 21 inches in diameter, which presents considerably less surface in contact. The journal of the axle requires to be turned with the greatest care, as any unevenness would produce considerable mischief: at the outer end it should be made a trifle more in diameter, and be provided with a collar, to prevent the axle from having any lateral movement. In the nave of the wheel a square hole is bored to obtain a more perfect fit, and the end of the axle is wedged firmly into it: in all the common carriages the bearings in which the axle turns are placed inside the wheels when these are outside the framework, but in those built upon the improved principle, the bearings are placed outside the wheels. For lubricating the axle, there is a small box placed directly over the bearing, having a small hole in the bottom through which palm oil or tallow may run upon the journal when the angles become heated; as the contents melt away, fresh ointment, as the mixture is termed, is supplied by lifting up the lid, which is kept closed by a spring whilst the carriage is in motion. Buffing Apparatus is composed of round blocks or discs of metal or wood, whch project from the ends of the carriages, and are commonly covered with cushions of leather; they are fixed to the ends of iron rods placed underneath the framing of the carriage and have a free motion inwards, where they press against an elliptical spring, when they touch or come into contact with those of the adjoining carriage: whatever may be the number of carriages in a train, the buffers are all made to stand in a line with each other, so that whenever any concussion takes place, the shock is con- veyed throughout, and consequently materially lessened in its effect: the buffers are also made so that the springs serve either for pulling or pushing the carriages. Several other kinds have been used, in which chain and screw shackles keep the heads of the buffers constantly in contact with each other; and some are furnished with spiral springs, with an iron rod passing from one end of the carriage- frame to the other, the buffer heads being connected by chains; in such the rod of the buffer at each end passes through a hollow tube, where it is surrounded by the spring, which presses against the tube, but does not enter it. Air, from its elasticity, has been found to diminish the effects of concussion when confined in a cylinder, and acted upon by pistons fixed in the place of buffers. Boats for the Transport of Stone, to form Breakwaters, &c. &c. - Suetonius (in Claud. c. 26.) informs us, that when Claudius built the harbour at Ostia, by throwing out an arm right and left, in order to form the pier which closed its entrance, he ordered the ship to be sunk which had brought the Fig. 1562. BUFFERS. great obelisk from Egypt, and Pliny, lib. xvi. cap. 76., mentions that it was formed of immense timbers, one of which, a fir, was of prodigious size, and that nothing ever appeared at sea more astonishing than this vessel, 120,000 bushels of lentiles serving for its ballast. Granite columns of such dimensions as those which 1024 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ornament the portico of the Pantheon, must have required vessels or rafts of considerable size to have borne them across the Mediterranean: of their construction we have, however, but vague accounts handed down to us, but we have descriptions of many employed in the transport of the marble from Greece to Rome, and in some instances we learn that they were not calculated for their destined purpose. De Cessart's Machine for throwing large stones into the sea consisted of a pontoon carrying an inclined plane made at an angle of 22°; this deck had a level platform, 6 feet in width, to carry the stone, which was placed on three rollers 6 inches in diameter, and Fig. 1563. DE CESSART'S MACHINE. which were hooped with iron: a gib moving on a pivot was furnished with pulleys, and kept in its place by two iron rods: two wheels and axles worked the ropes, the wheels were 12 feet, the axles 1 foot in diameter. Iron chains first lifted the stone, brought by lighters or other vessels; the wheels were then turned till the necessary height was obtained, when the hook was detached, and the wheels worked, fill the gib was in the position indicated by the dotted lines. It was then slightly unrolled, and the stones were placed on the three rollers; two men with levers pushed them forwards to the inclined plane, when they were allowed to slide forwards into the sea. Fig. 1564. de cessart's MACHINE, The boats used for conveying the stone to the Plymouth breakwater were so arranged that they could be easily unloaded by similar tackle, and their contents be thrown into the places marked out to receive them. The transverse and longitudinal section through one of these boats exhibit the manner in which the stones were placed; each mounted upon a small carriage could be easily lowered by the inclined plane at the stern into the hold, out of which they could, by means of a windlass, be drawn up upon deck and lowered. The arrangement of the ballast and stores of a ship, or its stowage, is of the greatest importance, as we know that the sailing of a vessel depends on the situation of the centre of gravity, which is determined by the disposition of the movable weights on board; to this subject Daniel Bernouilli, Euler, Bossuet, and others, directed their studies; they have shown us the manner in which such weights affect the position of its centre of gravity, the stability of which is increased or diminished according as it is lower or higher in the ship; to place the weight, then, as low as possible is necessary; when the CHAP. XIII. 1025 BOATS, ETC. FOR TRANSPORTING WEIGHTS. stability is required to be increased, the nearer the stones are deposited to the middle of the ship, in the full parts of the body, the more effectually will this be accomplished. 88 Fling Fig. 1565. BOATS FOR THE BREAKWATER. Machines, &c. for proving the Strength of Materials, differ in their arrangement according to the strains that are to be tested. We shall consider, first, what materials may be drawn asunder by a force acting at the end; secondly, how they may be compressed by a force acting in the same direction; thirdly, how they may be strained laterally, one part being supported, and the strain immediately applied at the point of support; fourthly, how they may be similarly affected transversely; fifthly, how they may be twisted; sixthly, how they may be strained by any two or more of the above forces, and also how they may be strained by an internal pressure, as is the case with hydraulic cylinders, water-pipes, &c. First, with regard to the resistance to extension in length, arising from the direct cohe- sion of the fibres or particles of matter; this kind of strain in timber requires some care to be observed in ascertaining it, as the fibres are liable to be injured or destroyed when roughly experimented upon: one of the best machines for the purposes here required is described by Mr. Peter Barlow, in his Treatise on the Strength of Materials, and who made experiments with it upon a piece of wood 12 inches in length, the square ends of which were 3 inches, and the side of the square 1 inches; the intermediate part, 5 inches in length, was by means of a lathe reduced to a third or a quarter of an inch in diameter, the other cylindrical portions being left 3 inch in diameter; these pieces, so prepared, were placed at the top of the frame, and passed partly through a circular hole in an iron frame, laid horizontally upon two upright supports; the sides of this frame were then screwed tightly together to prevent the piece of prepared wood being pulled through; a couple of iron boxes were placed upon the lower square, and screwed tightly up; near the top they had two semicircular holes, correctly fitted to the larger part of the cylinder; these were shut by passing bolts through them, which perfectly secured the two shears; the head of the piece of timber was placed above the collar, the upper large cylinder being retained in the hollow iron chamber at top prepared to receive it; and the lower square end, inclosed in the two iron boxes, the hook of the scale was passed through the circular hole, and the scale, being wedged up from the ground, was loaded. Among many experiments, the following results have been obtained, the smaller cylinders being reduced to what they would have been on square inch bars, it being assumed that the strength is proportional to the section of fracture: Box Ash Teak Fir - 1 20,000 pounds per square inch. 17,000 15,000 - 12,000 15,500 10,000 9,000 8,000 Beach Oak Pear Mahogany Of the Stiffness of Beams supported at one end: as it is difficult to fix a piece of timber in this manner, so that it will not be liable to extension beyond the point of support, there is a great difference in the results of the several experiments that have been made on the subject. 3 U 1026 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The beam which has one end placed in a wall and loaded at the other end will be deflected from its horizontal position into an oblique direction, and Mr. Tredgold gives for Weight Breadth Specific Length in in Gravity. Feet. Depth Deflexion in in Inches. Inches. Inches. produ- Value of cing De- constant flexion in Quantity: Pounds. Oak Riga fir •922 •537 44 2 2 2 1.176 112 1.34 112 •105 6 •12 2 2 The deflexion becomes greater as the distance A C is increased, and the equation given when a beam is fixed in a horizontal position, ( ******* L x b x W 0.6 D, and 0.6 D = B. When the piece of timber is inclined, and c is the angle of inclination, (L x To bx cos. cx W³ { 0.6 A B D, and 0.6 D – B. The value of b for oak being 105, and for fir 12; the deflexion calculated as inch per foot in length. A beam fixed in the before-men- tioned position has its fibre in the same state of tension as when supported in the middle and loaded at each end, its length being in one case double what it is in the other : when resting on a fulcrum or support in the middle, and acted upon by two weights at the end, it is almost in the same condition as the force AB, excepting that it has a double strain in contrary directions. make the necessary experiment, Mr. Peter Barlow em- ployed a block of hard wood, 18 inches long and 12 inches square, which was cut through at about 5 inches from each end for the convenience of forming a mortice or hole 2 inches square, and as much in depth; the two parts of the block were then screw- bolted together, and an iron socket 2 inches square on the inside, made to fit the holes, was inserted in the mortice; the block was fixed by wedges into a wall, so that it was quite firm and steady. The pieces of timber tested were reduced to a scantling of two inches square, and made to fit tight into the iron socket, upon the other end of which the weight was suspended. Fig. 1566. W Of the Machines used to ascertain the Resistance of Materials to a crushing Force. — The exciting force here acts directly in the reverse manner to that we have already described, and we have also to take into consideration the state of the material acted upon, whether it is too short to bend, as well as when its length is considerable with regard to its other dimensions: in the first case, small pressure would crush it; in the other it might bend, and afterwards alternately break, by a force somewhat similar to that exerted by a trans- verse strain. Experiments were made upon the crushing force by Rondelet, which are detailed in his Art de Batir; he states that a piece of oak whose base is an inch square would require 5000 or 6000 pounds weight to crush it, and a similar piece of fir would bear the additional pressure of another 1000 pounds. Mr. Rennie found that a cube of English oak an inch square required only 3860 pounds to crush it, which result materially differs from the other, and leaves us still in considerable doubt upon this subject. Screw-presses and long levers have been made use of for testing materials, and to ascertain the exact crushing force; both methods might possibly be em- ployed with advantage, and the results calculated from the practical effects The Hydrostatic Press is a machine by which prodigious force can be obtained, and is frequently used to cut through bars of iron, as well as to press paper, cloths, and other materials into a smaller bulk. A solid cross beam or piece of timber is fixed upon the two upright posts A, which are either let into the ground or framed into a sill at the bottom, and another, E, laid in an horizontal position, slides between the upright timbers; between this and the top the articles to be compressed are laid. The horizontal timber is supported on the under side by the piston D, which works in an air-tight cylinder F, at the bottom of which is a small pipe or tube b of much smaller bore; the other end of this tube enters at the bottom of a forcing pump L, and when the piston in the latter is pressed down, the water in the cylinder is forced under the piston which carries the horizontal timber and occasions it to rise. The difference of the size or area of the surface of the small tube, compared with that of the rising piston, constitutes the power; for if the sectional area of the tube be inch, and that of the rising piston 1 foot, as 576 to 1, or as 144 square inches to inch and supposing a pressure of a ton weight to be exerted on the handle H of the CHAP. XIII. 1027 MACHINES, ETC. pump, the piston in the air-tight cylinder will press with a power equal to 576 tons: this power has no limits, when materials can be found strong enough to make the machine. Within the space or area of 100 inches and 1 foot in height, a power equal to 500 or 600 tons may be easily directed against any substance that may require pressing, tearing up, cutting, or pulling asunder. A E D L F H The operation of this press is easily understood by supposing the pump cylinder and connect- ing pipe b to be filled with water, and an adequate supply contained in L: when the handle of the lever H is raised, it lifts the piston rod f, which would leave a va- cuum beneath if the atmosphere did not force the water through the lower valve of the pump; the lever being then pressed down, the piston rod, by descending, diminishes the capacity of the pump, which causes the lower valve to close, and forces the water through the pipe b into the cavity of the great cylinder F, where it raises the piston D, together with the table E, a distance proportional to the quantity of water which has been injected: on the rise of the piston in the pumps, the descent of the upper valve prevents the return of the water, and consequently the fall of the cylinder D. There is a discharge valve to relieve the action of the press, and which permits the water that escapes to pass again into the cistern at L, when the table E again descends. Fig. 1567. HYDROSTATIC PRESS. We have only described the action of a single pump, but where great power is required, a number worked by double handles are made use of; in which case particular caution is required to insure accuracy and to prevent leakage. Previous to the blocks and ropes being used at the Menai bridge for hoisting the several parts, their strength was tested by a load of 50 tons placed in a square box: the frame was made of timber, the posts of which were 40 feet in length and 15 inches square, strongly framed both at top and bottom: two capstans placed at a distance were attached to the main falls, which passed through a pulley at the bottom of the frame, by which means the loaded box was lifted off the ground, and every portion effectually proved. The tackle by which the main chains of the bridge were hoisted to their respective positions was first put to the test of supporting 50 tons. In the machines for proving the iron work, the bar upon which the experiment was to be made was secured at its two ends, in the same manner as the blade of a pit saw: the power was obtained by three cogged wheels working in as many pinions; the radius of the first was 1 foot 10 inches; of the second, 2 feet 6 inches; and the largest, 3 feet 6 inches: the diameter of the largest pinion was 134 inches; and the other 10 inches. Fig. 1568. PROVING ropes, used AT MENAI. The length of the bed of the machine was 12 feet 10 inches, and the diameter of the axis of the largest wheel 8 inches: the levers and weights that measured the strength were adjusted underneath the machine, the end view of which is shown at the top of the figure; the diameter of the cylinder was 8 inches. 3 U 2 1028 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. wwwwww CPIDE ១១៨២ Fig. 1569. PROVING IRON WORK, USED AT MENAI, Machine for bending Iron Plates is of the greatest service for the manufacture of boilers: on the left of the figure are two riggers, one tight and the other loose, for driving the two cylindrical rollers, the speed of which is regulated by the spur-wheel and pinions; on the right is the fly-wheel placed on the driving shaft, which maintains a steady motion when the machine is in use. The curvature to be given to the iron plate is regulated by a large screw attached to each cylinder, which brings them nearer, or drives them farther from each other, according to the required bend. De O Fig. 1570. 1回 ​O O BENDING IRON PLATES, Fig. 1571. SECTION. Machine for making Screw Bolts. — A backward and forward motion is given to a hollow shaft by three driving pulleys; when the strap is on that to the left, the spur-wheel and pinion put the machine in motion, and communicate it to the chuck which holds the steel B wwwwww B C D E Fig. 1672. END VIEW. Fig. 1573. ELEVATION. CHAP. XIII. 1029 TOOLS AND MACHINES. In cutters; and after the screw has been cut, by placing the strap on the other outside pulley, the great internal wheel is made to revolve on the lower shaft, and draw the screw back to its original position: when the strap is put over the loose pulley in the centre, the machine does not produce any working effect, but is in the condition of perfect rest. the section, the cutting of the screw is seen passing through the upper part of the chuck, and these are removable when required. The bolts which are to be screwed are held by a sliding frame, shown on the guide bolt, opposite the chuck in the elevation. The two end views of the machine exhibit the iron frame as well as the gearing, and when a screw is to be formed, all that is requisite is to place the bolt in the sliding frame, and present it to the action of the die or cutter in the chuck, which, as it is turned round, forms the thread. В C Fig. 1574. END VIEW. A CED Fig. 1575. SECTION. B The end view of the machine shows one of the two frames that support the works, as well as the plummer blocks in which the two spindles marked A, A turn: the wheel marked B reverses the motion when it is required by the application of the loose pulley shown at E: Cis the pulley which communicates motion to the spur-wheel at B: F is the frame into which the bolts are placed which are to have their ends made into screws. The Lathe has of late years received so many improvements, that it bears no resemblance to the long lath or pole which was fixed at one end to the ceiling or wall of the workshop, and had the other moved by a cord passing over a pulley, and carrying the mandrell, which was moved by a board or treddle: on raising the foot, the spring of the lath caused an opposite rotation, which was again reversed by the pressure of the foot, causing the lathe to work as a drill, the cutting taking place only during each direct rotation. ©!! Fig. 1576. FOOT LATHE. The lathe now consists of a horizontal bed, formed of two parallel bars of wood or metal firmly united together: to this are attached two puppets, one of which carries the mandrell and pulley, which is fixed in its place, and the other the back centre, which slides between the double bed, or along a single bar introduced for the purpose. The rest also slides on the bed, which supports the cutting tool, and underneath is an axle with a crank; to the former is attached a fly-wheel with a groove to carry the band, which passes over the pulley to the mandrell; to the crank is attached the footboard by an iron bar, which produces the motion to the fly-wheel and the other parts of the lathe. Lathes are now generally made with cast-iron sides of a triangular form, bolted or screwed together at the iron flanches at top: the puppet on the side next the end view of the lathe is firmly secured by a bolt with a square head which passes through an iron 3 U 3 1030 BOOK II. ' THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. block under the bed of the lathe, where its end, with a screw cut upon it, receives a nut: the rest may be turned in any direction, but is fixed in its place in a similar way to the back puppet; the front puppet is also secured by a screw and nut, and has a motion along the bed when required: the chucks, formed of brass, are tapped and screwed on to the mandrell, with a hole in each to receive the wood to be turned. Previous to the application of the slide rest to the lathe, the tool was held by the work- man and entirely guided by his skill, and in turning the shaft of a column, it was scarcely possible that his unaided efforts could bring the whole into the true frustum of a cone, or that he could set out the swell or entasis at a certain portion of its height with the requisite precision: but when the principle of sliding the rest which held the tool for cutting was introduced, the shaft could be turned with extraordinary correct- ness: the cutting instrument in this new arrange- ment is held firmly and securely, and made to progress in a definite direction by means of a slide, the motion being communicated by a handle that turns a screw: two such slides pro- duce a motion along as well as across the work, and so nicely is this arranged by turning the screw handles, that it is scarcely requisite to look at the operation as it goes on. Mr. Henry Maudsley contrived a self-acting slide rest, which has produced great improve- ments in every kind of machine: a piece of iron is attached to the work at one end, and turns Fig. 1577. round a star wheel at the end of the screw that moves the rest, which at each revo lution of the lathe turns the screw and moves forward the slide rest, which carries the Fig. 1578. SLIDE REST. tool onwards by degrees until the whole is very accurately turned, without the constant attendance of the workman. This ingenious contrivance has been applied, as we shall here- after see, to a variety of other purposes. Drilling machine is far more serviceable than the ordinary bore, and indispensable when the heavier kinds of iron work are to be drilled. The winch or handle is carried by two standards, and may be turned by three men; this, by means of a bevelled wheel, turns another placed horizontally, through the centre of which the drill shaft passes freely, and descends as the drilling proceeds. The drill at top, surrounded by a collar, is worked by a rack and small pinions attached to another wheel, over which passes an endless chain, which when pulled raises the rack and drill shaft; it is supported by a ratchet-wheel CHAP. XIIL 1031 TOOLS AND MACHINES. and spring fall. Two iron standards passing from a pit in the floor of the manu- factory support a table at any required height, on which the iron work to be drilled is laid; the drill is inserted in a socket at the bottom of the shaft, where it is secured by a bolt. The portable Hand Drill is a similar machine, and found very convenient for a va- riety of purposes, particularly where the work to be drilled is difficult to move. A frame supports the upright spindle which carries the drill; on the top is a screw, by which it can be raised, and the re- volving motion is given by two small bevel wheels placed at right angles with each other; these are turned by a small fly-wheel, to the rim of which is affixed a handle for working it; at the same time, a slight revolving mo- tion is given to the upper handle, which causes the drill to descend. The Foot Drill differs only in the mode by which the upright drilling spindle rises and falls; the examples al- ready given are self-acting; on this it is performed by the pressure of the foot. Fig 1579. Fig. 1580. பா DRILL. HAND DRILL. Machines for boring or upright drilling were some years ago much employed in the pre- paration of timber water pipes. In the work by Belidor before alluded to, the tree to be bored is mounted upon a truck or wheel carriage, and well secured in its place: a water- wheel gives motion to a vertical spindle, which by means of a trundle and face-wheel moves round a horizontal bar that carries at one end the auger, by which the boring is effected: as this revolves, motion is given to another wheel, around the shaft of which is attached a rope that draws the carriage forward on which the tree is placed, as fast as the borer cuts its way: when the whole is cut through, the carriage is drawn back, and the process is repeated with a larger auger, and so on, until the whole is of a sufficient diameter. In some machines the tree was made to revolve, and the cutter was fixed: the tree was in a vertical position, and in other instances the core was cut out whole; this was per- formed by employing a hollow cylinder, armed at the extremity with a circular saw, of the trepanning form, the cylinder being made to rotate as the saw cuts its way: the core entered the hollow of the cylinder as the latter advanced, and was thus preserved. Stone pipes were so cut that the block of stone was set nearly upright, and in the centre of the intended pipe a block of wood was fixed, with a hole drilled in the middle to receive the pivot of a perpendicular axis or spindle, considerably larger than the intended pipe, and of a triangular or square form; this revolving, performed, by means of the cutter which was attached to its end, the centre operation. The horizontal boring Machine used for metal cylinders consists of a piece of iron callea a cutter-head, which slides upon an axis, and has the knives or steelings which perform the boring fixed into it. The cylinder to be bored is firmly secured upon a frame prepared to receive it, and the cutters are advanced by means of a hollow cast-iron tube, on each side of which is a longitudinal groove or aperture: the cutter-head consists of two parts, viz. a tube fitted upon the axis with the greatest accuracy, and a cast-iron ring fixed upon four wedges; on its circumference are eight notches, into which the cutters or steelings are held by wedges; the slider or cast-iron ring is prevented from slipping round by two short iron bars put through the axis, and passing into notches cut in the ends of the sliders. The 3 U4 1032 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. B D L A A. Sills. B. Frame. D. Cylindrical axis. E. Iron supports. Fig. 1581. D N E B M L. Cylinder to be bored, M. A rack. N. Pinion. P. Weight. BORING MACHINE. rack is moved by the teeth of a small pinion, and maintained in its place by a roller under- neath it, both axes of which are supported by the iron framing. By means of a lever put upon the square end of the axis, which is loaded by a weight, the pinion is turned round, giving to the cutter a constant tendency to draw through the cylinder. The axis on which the cutter is placed revolves, and the accuracy of the machine, depends upon its being truly turned, and on the centering of its pivots and gudgeons. There are several varieties of boring machines, and other contrivances for drawing the cutter through the cylinder: one consists of four wheels, one of which is fixed at the right- hand extremity of the bar; another pinion takes the place of the rack, on which is a screw working in a female screw fixed to the cutters below the second pinion is a third, fixed on a horizontal axis parallel to the long bar, and having the same number of teeth; a fourth pinion is placed at the other end of the axis, and is driven at the end of the hollow axis. The first pinion has twenty-six teeth, the fourth thirty, and the second and third K D K K J K N M K K. Cutter heads. Fig. 1582. L. Wedges. CUTTER OF BORING MACHINE, ff. The cutters. the same number: as the axis revolves, the first pinion fixed on its extremity drives the fourth, which by means of the third fixed on the same axis with it gives motion to the second; the second pinion being fixed to an axis within the other unscrews the screw at the other extremity, and advances the cutter along the cylinder: this screw has eight threads in an inch; sixty turns are consequently required to cut an inch. Some care is required in fitting the cutters, which are secured by wedges, and adjusted by turning the axis round, to see whether they describe the same circle; the boring com- mences by putting the axis in motion, and the machine then requires no further attention than observing if the weight is lifted up as often as it descends by the motion of the cutters; when the cylinder has been once passed through, they are again set to a large circum- ference, and proved the second time, and so on until the boring and polishing is complete. During the last few years great consideration has been paid to the manufacture of every kind of tool that could perform the work of the mechanical engineers, with more imme- diate effect and economy of time than could be produced by mere manual labour; all these tools or rather powerful engines, used for the construction of others, are admirably described, accompanied with engravings sufficiently large to explain all their parts and proportions, in an edition of Buchanan's Millwork, edited by Mr. George Rennie: this elegant work, containing also practical and very valuable observations on the sharpening of tools by Mr. James Nasmyth, should be in the hands of every engineer; the latter writer, in an essay in the appendix, shows us most clearly that in forming and setting a cutting tool, so that it rightly performs its work, it is necessary that it be so placed that its end forms the least possible angle with the surface to be cut; it must consequently be nearly parallel with the face or plane it is to act upon The workshop of the engineer at the present day contains machinery of the most costly CHAP. XIII. 1033 TOOLS AND MACHINES. kind, and the means now adopted to furnish that which the growing wants of our manu- facturing and industrious population require, differ materially from those in use half a century ago, when all work was performed by manual labour: an estimate of the value of these leviathan tools, consisting of turnery lathes, planing, riveting, boring, screw cutting, plate bending, punching machines, and others in a large establishment, would show the en- terprise and skill which the demand for steam-engines and machinery employed in com- merce and manufactures has called forth. 9 (0) ť k m Р Fig. 1583. CYLINDER BORER. For boring the Cylinders of Steam-engines a powerful and very accurate machine is re- quired: the cylinder is sometimes placed in a horizontal position, and when fixed the cutters are made to revolve, and advance forward by the force of machinery; in boring 1034 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 9 guns, as the gun moves round, its exterior surface is turned quite true by means of a lathe... Musket barrels are similarly bored and turned by the several motions of the common turning lathe, one machine finishing three barrels per hour. The vertical boring machine, now generally preferred, has the motion given to the upright or drilling bar by three driving pulleys shown at c, the speed of which is regulated by the spur- wheels and pinions at d. When the drilling bar is required to be lowered or raised, it is effected by the spur gear at ƒ, immediately above the nut in which the screw works. The plan of the machine shows a slide at m, which carries the work, and the table upon which it rests is raised or lowered at pleasure by the racks and pinions at n,n, worked by the handle at o, which communicates with the spur-wheel and pinion p: within this is a ratchet-wheel. In the elevation at 1, is a small lever or handle, for throwing the small clutch at k in and out of gear, and the drilling bar is marked by e, t being the boring part of the bar, which can be made to bore a cylinder to the depth of 24 inches from an inch up to 14 in diameter. In some machines an alteration of speed is obtained by means of two shafts, one of which has a wheel working in a pinion, and the other a pinion on a wheel. A boring machine may be defined as con- trived for working a borer or tool, which, by a rotary motion on its axis, cuts out a hollow cy- linder in any substance it is applied to; the whim- ble, the drill, the pulley, and the bow, are all of this class, but we now only use the term to an apparatus for boring large cylinders more accurately, and in shorter time than can be per- formed by manual labour. The method formerly adopted for boring cylinders for pumps was an horizontal axis turned slowly round by a mill, at the end of which the borer was attached; the cylinder fastened to a carriage, made to slide in the direction parallel to its axis, was drawn forwards by means of a weight that could descend. The defect of this system was the liability that the rectilineal motion of the carriage would be transferred to the cylinder, and cause it to be bored improperly. Smeaton remedied these evils to a certain extent, by introducing a steel-yard mounted upon a movable wheel car- riage, which traversed with the cylinder, and by suspending the weight of the cutter and boring bar from it. m រ t - yi Հոդվ Machines for punching Boiler Plates with the greatest possible accuracy are now made use of, instead of the ordinary punching machine, which required the rivet holes to be marked out by a template with white paint, and afterwards brought under the punch: the plate is now affixed to the top of a movable table, and when it is adjusted to the distance required between the rivets, the rest of the work is performed by machinery. In the Royal Dockyard at Woolwich, several of these punching ma- chines are at work in the shop where the steam boilers are wrought. Fig. 1584. side ELEVATION The plate to be punched being laid upon the movable table at k, and secured by clamps, is brought over the die frame at i, where it is also directly under the influence of the punch; the whole of the machinery is mounted within a strong iron frame, and motion is conveyed to it by the tight and loose riggers at a, a, at the side of which is a fly-wheel for regulating it; on the spur-wheel at m is a tappet or pin, which, coming in contact with a small lever, as the spur-wheel turns round, advances by a connecting rod the table shown at k, which runs along a railway provided for it by means of two carriages attached to the CHAF. XIII. 1035 TOOLS AND MACHINES. travelling table, and supported on the notched bar n: holes are now punched in plates of sheet iron or copper with great accuracy and rapidity. K P α о α α Fig. 1585. PUNCHING BOILER PLATES. Punching Holes in plates of wrought-iron and copper: in experiments made with a cast- iron lever 11 feet in length, when the strain was multiplied ten times by means of a screw and counterpoise, the following results took place : The sheets to be punched having been placed between two perforated steel plates, the punch was introduced with a perfectly flat face, and then forced by the pressure of the lever. The punch was inch in diameter, and through plates of iron 08 of an inch in thickness, it required a power of 6025 pounds; through one of 17 inches in thickness, 10) Fig. 1586. PUNCHING holes. 11,950 pounds; and another of 24 inches in thickness 17,100 pounds: through a copper plate 08 inches in thickness 3983 pounds, and 17 inches in thickness 7883 pounds. The power required to punch holes of different diameters through metals of various thickness is directly as the diameter of the holes and the thickness of the metal. A plate 1 inch in thickness and having holes an inch in diameter being taken as unit for a calculation, we shall have 150,000 as the constant number for wrought-iron plates, and 96,000 for those of copper. These constant numbers being multiplied by the given diameter in inches, and then by the thickness in inches, the product will give the pressure in pounds, which is required to punch the hole. Riveting Machines now perform the work which usually required three men, the holder on, or the one who placed the hammer against the head of the rivet, and two others, who beat out the iron to the conical form given to its opposite end: the noise which ac- companied this operation is now entirely prevented. The motion is given to the machine by a leather strap, which communicates with both a tight and loose rigger; the speed is prevented from being too rapid by a pinion and large spur-wheel; as the pinion makes six revolutions, that on which the large wheel is hung, and also the cam, revolve but once. The riveting lever rises and falls by the action of the cam, the face of which is steeled: at the lower end of the lever is a steel roller, which is turned as often as the cam works against it: this materially obviates the friction, which would otherwise be very considerable. The riveting lever moves on a fulcrum, and is connected to the riveting tool by two short links; this is kept at its work in a true and horizontal position by sliding backwards and forwards in a socket bearing. The riveting block, in the form of a frustum of a cone, is placed on the sole plate, which receives the side framing: when the work is performed, the rivet is placed in the hole prepared for it by the punching machine: the machine is then put in motion by 1036 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK. IL ၁ဝဝဝဝဝဝဝဝ Fig. 1587. RIVETING MACHINE, F HH changing the position of the strap from the loose to the fixed pulley, which being com- municated to the riveting tool gives the required shape to the rivet. Eight rivets, inch in diameter, can be firmly fixed by this machine in a minute, by the assistance only of two men and two boys. In the common process, three men and a boy were required to rivet up forty in an hour; there is consequently a saving of more than 10 per cent. in the labour. A very ingenious machine was made use of for boring the eyes of the main chain links of the Menai bridge; the side elevation and plan sufficiently indicate its form; the large B 1 Fig. 1588. BORING EYES OF MAIN CHAINS, MENAI. 19 18 D CHAP. XIIL 1037 TOOLS AND MACHINES. wheel was 5 teet 8 inches in diameter, and the small one 2 feet 8 inches: the transverse part of the machine is shown below, as is the end of the spindle and cutter: the whole was put in motion by means of two winches or handles and an endless chain. Shears for cutting Iron or Copper either into square plates or lengths are formed in a similar manner to those for punching the metals, except that the motion given to the cutting part of the shears acts very gradually, by means of a circular eccentric. The lever has a wheel at its extremity, which moves on its axle: on the edge is a groove in which the Fig. 1589. SHEARS Ffor cuttING IRON. edge of a larger wheel works, which has the axle out of the centre; so that when the rotary motion is communicated, the movable branch of the shears opens and shuts, the weight of the lever keeping the small wheel at all times in contact with the eccentric; by this means very stout iron bars are easily cut asunder. Slotting or key-grooving Machine somewhat resembles one made use of by Messrs. Boulton and Watt at Soho for cutting the teeth of wheels. Slotting, paring, and key-grooving, require that the machine should have an alternate or reciprocating motion, which is usually pro- duced by a crank or dog wheel. The ma- chine a is made usually of iron, and the power applied to the driving riggers b, which are re- gulated by a fly-wheel c: and the speed is governed or changed by the action of aspur- wheel and pinion. The tool fixed at i is kept steady by screws at h, in the sliding frame, and the work to be operated upon is placed in the slide k. There is a self-acting apparatus, by which the work is advanced at m, m d m Fig. 1590. and a revolving table for circular work at 7. a a n 2 777 SLOTTING machine. h Screw-cutting Machine is formed upon the principle of the lathe, its bed and puppets being made of cast-iron; at one end two bevelled wheels fit on a part of an axle, which may be thrown in or out of gear by means of another bevelled wheel at the side, which is put in motion either by the power of a steam-engine or water-wheel. The screw to be cut is shown in the middle of the machine; the slide-rests, which contain the cutters of the threads, are moved forwards by the motion of the conical wheels at the end; as these slide-rests pass from one end of the frame to the other, they enable the cutter in its progress to form the thread in the revolving cylinder: when the frame has arrived at the end of the bed, it presses against a stud, to which is attached a small lever that throws the wheel out of gear; the cutting tool is again placed at the commencing end by the workman, its motion is reversed, the tool is re-adjusted, a deeper cut is made, and this is continued until the whole operation is performed. 1098 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. [3 Fig. 1591. SCREW-CUTTING machine. To cut a screw with a double thread, one is first cut, the driver is then applied to a hole in an iron chuck, directly opposite its first position, by which a semi-rotation is given to the new screw, without producing a motion in the cutting frame, the cutter being applied to a point midway between two of the first formed threads: a third thread, or any number, O Fig. 1592. SCREW-CUTTING. may be cut in the same manner by this machine, by commencing at a third or two-thirds or any other distance from the original position. The cutter is secured in its place by plates fastened by nuts and screws. Another process is generally adopted for large screws, which consists of moving the slide- rest that contains the cutters, in the same way as performed by the lathe; the tool holder Fig. 1593. SCREW-CUTTING MACHINE. CHAP. XIII. 1039 TOOLS AND MACHINES. is moved onwards by the screw, as the cylinder to be cut revolves from the motion con- veyed to it by the action of the lathe; this revolving motion also affects the small screws in the rest, which yields to the point of the tool on sliding along a spiral action, which is regulated by the proportion given to the diameters of the two cogged wheels; when the diameter of that on the screw is twice that which acts in the slide, the pitch of the thread will be double or twice that of the slide screw. Cutting the Teeth of Wheels is a similar operation: the wheel to be cut is fixed on a spindle, which forms a portion of the dividing wheel at the end, by fitting into a socket or chuck, so that when this wheel is moved round, according to the required divisions made on its face, Fig. 1594. CUTTING THE TEETH OF WHEELS. that to be cut presents its edge at the same time; the slide-rest, furnished with a revolving cutter, works at right angles against the edge of the wheel on which the teeth are to be cut, and the whole is speedily completed with great exactness. The dividing wheel is held fast as each successive tooth is formed by an iron holder, which is removed to a fresh point every time the cutter has perfected its work. Planing Machine, here shown, has a strong vertical iron spindle, carrying the horizontal wheel, in the rim or circumference of which thirty holes are pierced, into which are intro- duced twenty-eight gouges or cutters and two planes; this perfectly level wheel, being well braced by the aid of the machinery at top, revolves ninety times in a minute. The timber Fig. 1595. PLANING MACHINE. 1040 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. to be planed is placed upon a movable frame, which regularly brings it under the action of the horizontal wheel, where the gouges and planes attached to it catch the surface in its passage, and render it at one operation not only plane but perfectly smooth. A similar machine was contrived at the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, and the carriages were moved backwards and forwards under the cutters by hydraulic pressure. Machines for planing or smoothing Iron are of the greatest utility; the planing tool is fixed in a frame in such a manner that it can be inclined, if necessary, to any angle; the frame has a motion which allows it to rise up at the end of every stroke, and enables the carriage which bears the iron to be planed to pass back free to the cutter: a single workman can thus adjust the cutter at every stroke. Fig. 1596. PLANING IRON. The machine generally consists of two parts, the bed on which the table slides backwards and forwards, and a slide-rest made fast by two upright standards. The tool is held by a transverse slide, and can be lowered and adjusted to cut what is required, by turning a screw by a handle placed at the top; the whole slide traverses to any part of the width of the plate by another handle that turns the screw, which passes from one standard to the other. There are many other applications of the slide-rest to machines and tools, and it has been found of the greatest use in all our manufactories of machinery: since iron has been so generally introduced for the construction of machines, it has been found necessary to obtain a more perfect metallic surface on it than could be performed by chipping it with a cold chisel and filing it; a process requiring also more time than could be allowed when the lemand became great. The first substitutes for manual labour in smoothing iron were revolving cutters, the plate of iron to be worked off by the aid of machinery being slowly advanced under them by the ordinary rectilineal motion; in some instances the cutter or plane passed over the iron, and in others the plane was fixed whilst the iron was placed below, a method now generally adopted. The planing tool is ordinarily fixed in a frame of iron, and can be advanced either vertically or laterally to its work; it may also be inclined in any required position, as it can h Fig. 1597. PLANING MACHINE. b CHAP. XIII. 1041 TOOLS AND MACHINES. be graduated to work at any angle or bevel. A motion is given to the frame which holds the cutter, by which, at the end of every stroke, it rises, to allow the carriage on which the iron to be planed rests, to pass back free to the cutter, which a workman adjusts after every stroke. The ease with which shaving after shaving is taken from the iron renders this in- vention one of the greatest practical utility: in many manufactories there are now planing machines which can at once smooth down a surface upwards of 15 feet in length with a face of 10 inches, and for this purpose the chisel and the file are laid aside. Most of these machines originated from im- provements made by Mr. J. Bramah, who in 1802 obtained a patent for the purpose of producing straight, smooth, and parallel, curvilinear surfaces, in a more expeditious manner than could be performed by axes, saws, planes, or other cutting instruments used by hand. The planing tool in some of the later machines is fixed at j; b is the cylinder or work to be faced or planed; motion is given to the drum h by the spur-gear g g; i is a hollow cylindrical frame, on which the slide works, and by means of levers shown at m, the planing tool is made to come in contact with the work it has to perform. Forge Bellows, formerly much used on the con- tinent, consisted of two pipes, which conducted water from a stream about 10 or 15 feet in height, into others placed vertically over a tub which was sunk in the basement of the building where the blast was to be conveyed: over the middle of the top of the tub was raised a small pyramid, having at its summit a pipe through which the blast passed to the forge at A; the power was obtained by the water falling from a height sufficient to compress the air within the small pyramid, and causing it to mount and force its way out at the mouth of the pipe; this may be considered an application of the hydrostatic press for the purpose of obtaining a blast; the plan represents a forge on the Isere, between Ramand and Grenoble. The blower consists of a tub, hi, of an oval form, 7 feet long, 回 ​High ་་་་ and 3 or 4 feet wide. The edges are let into Fig. 1598. Forge worked BY A FALL OF WATter. the ground 5 or 6 inches to prevent the air from entering; to the top of this cistern or tub two wooden pipes B, C, 10 or 12 feet high, are attached. In the middle, between these, is a kind of pyramid, G, having a tube D at the top, which conducts the air to the forge. A small trough, 1 foot wide and 7 or 8 inches deep, divided into two branches E, F, conducts the water into the pipes B, C in a greater or less quantity, according as we wish to in- or diminish crease the quantity of wind, by means of a sluice in the trough. As the pipes B, C have several holes near their summit in- clined inwards, by E B F G E B C I H D D) TI I which air is ad- mitted, the water in Fig. 1599. FORGE Bellows. 3 X 1042 BOOK II. : THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. falling draws it down, and being compressed in the tub, without any other means of escape, it rushes with violence through the pipe D: within the tub is a small stool H, on which the air falling, more easily escapes from the water, which runs away by a trough, always kept full, so that the air may not issue with it. A wheel driven by a stream is shown at KQ on the plan: the hammer weighs about 300 lbs., and is stopped or set in motion by means of a sluice at Q. Forge Hammers are still used at many of the iron-works on the continent, which receive their motion from a water-wheel, as shown at the side of the preceding figure, and at Lanslebourg in Sa- voy, in a manufactory of iron hoes, the forge is blown by means of water descending through two pipes into a trunk, as de- scribed above. The wipers which lift the cogs or cams of these forge hammers have their acting forces on the involutes of a circle, whose radius is that of the wheel, upon which they are fixed, and they elevate the hammer by acting Fig. 1600. FORGE HAMMER upon a surface perpendicular to the vertical direction in which it rises, and a uniform motion is obtained. Block Machinery at Portsmouth, put up by Mr. Maudslay in 1802, after designs of Mr. Mark Isambard Brunel, commenced working in 1804. This very complete and per- fect system of machinery for the manufacture of every part of ship blocks consists of 44 separate machines, which operate upon 200 varieties required for the tackling of the navy, together forming the finest example of practical machinery in the world: the 44 machines consist of 21 varieties, which form three sets of blocks of different sizes at one time. The building that contains them has a steam-engine of 32 horse-power in the middle; it is connected on one side with seven large machines for sawing the timber into the proper sizes for the blocks, and on the other with the thirty-seven block-making machines. TF ON Fig. 1601. SAW MILL OF THE PORTSMOUTH BLOCK MACHINERY. The tree is first brought to the straight-cross cutting saw; secondly, submitted to the circular-cross cutting saw; thirdly, to the reciprocating ripping saw, which cuts the elm in the direction of the grain of the wood, and afterwards in a contrary direction; fourthly, to the circular ripping saw, and the several parallelopipedons into which the timber has been sawn are then taken, fifthly, to the boring machines, where they are fixed in a frame, and two centre bits are applied; one bores a hole for the centre pin, and the other, perpen CHAP. XIII. 1043 TOOLS AND MACHINES. dicular to this, makes another, which is the commence- ment of the mortice to contain the sheave. The sixth machine is for mortising, and the cavities for the re- ception of the sheaves are formed by chisels in two blocks at the same time. In the seventh, a corner saw cuts off the angles of the blocks. The eighth is the shaping machine, which consists of a double wheel, and contains the ten blocks at one time; when these are put in motion, the external faces of the blocks pass under the gouges, which cut them into the form required. The plan of the machine shows the two wheels fitted on a common axis, which together form a chuck; the blocks are retained by the screws; the compound wheels or chuck, as it has been termed, receive a rapid circular motion from an endless rope, which passes over the pulley on the axis; and the blocks can be operated upon in any way required, by presenting the gouge or cutting-tool, which traverses a segmental bar by means of a slide rest. The workmen guide the cutting instrument to any part of the surface, as it revolves by handles, and thus cut it into shape: after the edges of the blocks have been taken off, the machine is stopped, and they are turned round one quarter on their respective axes, presenting another side as the wheels revolve, and, in a similar way, they are again and again turned until they receive their complete form. The large bevelled wheel next the pulley wheel turns two other bevelled cog-wheels fixed on a rod, at the end of which is an endless screw, with the axis tending to the centre of the chuck. On the large wheel is a Fig. 1602. pin projecting from its circumference, which is detained BLOCK-MAKING MACHINE. by means of a stop that occasionally presses the pin, and turns the chuck round on a fork, which stops the motion of the wheel; it is then that the attendant workman, by means of the endless screws, places the blocks in a proper position to be cut by the gouge. GREFERINT Fig. 1603. BLOCK-SHAPING MACHINE. The ninth is the scoring engine, for cutting the groove round the largest diameter for the reception of the strap of the block; thus the shells of the blocks are prepared, after which they are trimmed, polished, and finished by hand. The machines for making the sheaves are the next, and the tenth is the straight saw, employed to cut the lignum vitæ. The eleventh is a circular saw, employed when smaller sheaves are required The twelfth is the crown saw, which works similarly to a trepan, having a centre bit on its axis it is used for cutting out the circle, and at the same time the hole in the centre. : The thirteenth is the coaking engine, which cuts the cavity in the centre of the sheave for the reception of the coak or metal bush. The fourteenth is the drilling machine, which is applied to perforate the three semicir- cular projections of the coaks, at the same time drilling through both the coaks and the wood of the sheave. 3 x 2 1044 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The fifteenth are the hammers, put in rapid motion by the machinery, for riveting the pins which hold the gun metal coaks into the cavity in the sheaves. The sixteenth is the broaching engine, where the sheave is fixed to a vertical revolving axis, and the borer is brought down into the hole in the centre of the coaked sheave, and broached out to a perfect cylinder. The seventeenth is the turning lathe, provided with a slide rest to support the turning tool, by which the sheaves are faced. Thus the blocks, shells, and sheaves are com- pleted. The eighteenth is a turning lathe, with a slide rest to form the iron pins. The nineteenth is a polishing engine, in which the pin is fixed into the lower end of a vertical revolving axis, and forced down into a die immersed in oil, holding three pieces of hard steel, Letween which the pin is pressed as it turns, and becomes completely polished. The twentieth apparatus is for boring large holes in any position, and is mostly used for blocks that are 50 inches or more in length, and have four sheaves. The twenty-first is the machine for making dead eyes. By this machinery 1420 blocks are perfected in one day, and it is not too much to observe that the entire contrivances seem to embrace all the useful purposes that are required throughout the entire range of the mechanical arts. In the Edinburgh Encyclo- pædia, conducted by Dr. David Brewster, are most perfect and beautiful representations of these machines. Saw Mills for cutting Marble: the frame is suspended by rods, in such a manner that a free horizontal reciprocating motion is given to it; the saw frame is attached to a cast-iron Fig. 1604. PLAN OF MARBLE SAW MILL. 100 anya H 101 КОН H Fig. 1605. ELEVATION OF MARble saw MILL. CHAP. XIII. 1045 MILLS. box, which is movable upon a vertical post, from whence it receives its reciprocating motion: it is made of wood, and the saws are tightened within it by several screws: any number of saws may be introduced, and at any distance apart, according to the number of slabs or thicknesses to be cut on the left of the plan are shown two sets of saws at work, with four blades in each set. The saws are guided by upright iron bars, which also main- tain them in a vertical position, and they are pressed upon their work by a cast-iron box, suspended by a rope that passes over a pulley, and slides down upon the upright post of the vibrating frame; a weight is attached to the other end of the rope, as shown in the section. Water is introduced by a horizontal pipe under the ceiling of the manufactory, and runs gently into the small inclined reservoir immediately above the block, which is under the action of the saws: after the slabs have been cut, they are carried to the other side of the machine, where they are laid flat and polished. The polisher is put in motion by the action of the vertical post, which receives its vibration from the saw-frame by the crank upon the main shaft: a continued supply of water is introduced with the various substances made use of for polishing: sharp sand is first supplied, which produces a per- fectly flat surface, then finer sand, and afterwards Tripoli red powder, which owes its cutting quality to the oxide of iron that it contains; an oxide of tin, called putty, completes the polish. Hand-mills, for grindir g, are of very great antiquity, and had a variety of forms; one of the most simple kind co: sists of a strong wooden frame, on which is mounted a face-wheel, turned on proper bearings by a winch or handle, and which has its cogs en- gaged in the staves of a trundle or lantern, on the spindle of which the re- volving stone of the mill, contained in the case be- low, is fixed. The matter to be ground is put into the hopper at the side, from whence it passes to the space betwixt the fixed and revolving stone, after which it is carried away, by means of the lower spout or trough, into a vessel prepared to receive it: such mills are much used for numerous purposes, and are an im- provement upon the Ro- டாபாட man hand-mill, which was Fig. 1606. HAND MILL. an inverted hollow cone, working round and upon a solid one below: when the stones are laid horizontally, there is an equal bearing and friction over the whole. Horse-mills are frequently used in manufactories in preference to the steam-engine, and they are serviceable and convenient where the labour required is not constant. The speed Fig. 1607. HORSE MILL. with which a horse moves, so as to produce the maximum mechanical effect, is stated to be two and a half miles per hour, or 220 feet per minute, or 32 feet per second; and the actual 3 x 3 1046 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. medium effect of a horse will raise each minute 22,000 pounds a foot high, although horse power is defined to be competent to raise 33,000 pounds in the same time; but when em- ployed in mills the action of the animal is perpetually restrained by the circular path in which he walks, and the power is not so great as when pulling in a direct line; and in some Fig. 1608. HORSE-MILL. measure to alleviate this impediment, it is an invariable rule never to make the diameter of the horse-path less than 18 feet in diameter. Rotation is given to such mills either by large cogged or bevelled wheels placed below or above the revolving shaft; the horses in the one case walking on a level with the large cogged wheel. If a steam-engine of 10 horse nominal power taken at 33,000 lbs. were to work day and night, it would perform as much as 45 horses in the same time; and making every allow- ance for casual and necessary stoppages, every nominal horse power in a steam-engine is equivalent to four horses when working night and day, to two horses when working twelve hours a-day, and to one and a half horses when working eight hours a day. Mills for grinding Corn by the power of steam, were first used in 1783, on the Surrey side of Blackfriars bridge, but in consequence of their being considered a monopoly in- jurious to the public, they were destroyed by fire a few years afterwards. E Fig. 1609. CORN MILL. Since that period, Messrs. George and John Rennie have erected at the Royal William victualling yard, Plymouth, one of the most perfect mills in the kingdom for grinding corn. The building is 240 feet in length, and 70 feet in height: in the centre are two steam- engines of forty-five horse power; on each side are twelve pair of stones 4 feet 3 inches in CHAP XIII. 1047 MILLS. diameter, each performing 123 revolutions in a minute, and grinding five bushels of corn per hour, so that when the mill is in full work 120 bushels of corn are ground in that time, as well as dressed by eight machines. The fly-wheel that communicates the motion is on the left of the figure; the main shaft has its bearings in plummer blocks bolted to cast-iron frames; on it are two bevelled wheels 8 feet in diameter, which engage two others, 5 feet 4 inches in diameter, placed on the main vertical shafts, which have their bearing at the lower end, on another cast-iron frame, and on brasses and other plummer blocks attached to the floor of the mill. The shafts are all placed in a well or circular mass of bulwark, and the large cog-wheels above, 10 feet in diameter, turn six toothed wheels set round their circumference, upon the spindles of which the upper millstone is fixed, and revolves very rapidly. The corn is laid on the upper floor, and then by spouts conducted first to screening ma- chines or cylindrical sieves, arranged somewhat like an Archimedean screw; it is admitted at one end, and in its course passes over a larger surface of wire; when cleaned of the sand and dust, it falls into a hopper, from which it passes by spouts to the millstones. On the second floor of the mill the dressing machine and bolting mills are arranged, which are put in motion by a bevelled wheel on an horizontal shaft, which can be put in or out of gear with the vertical shaft at pleasure. The machinery for raising the sacks is suspended on the beams of the roof; it consists of a barrel and a system of wheel-work put in motion by a bevelled wheel on the top of the vertical shaft. The millstones are composed of a number of pieces attached together by a strong cement, and further secured by iron hoops passing round their circumference: on the Fig. 1610. MILLSTONES. O upper and lower millstones are grooves or channels cut obliquely from the circumference, to within an inch and a half of the centres: eight long channels divide the stone into as inany portions, in each of which four others are usually cut; these furrows are sunk in such a manner that one side is perpendicular, and the other oblique, and one being placed upon the other, the sharp edges meet, and effectually cut the corn, which passes between them. In bedding millstone, great care must be taken to have them perfectly level, and firm on their bearing; they are sometimes supported by a timber frame, which is wedged up from the floor, but more frequently an adjustment is effected with an iron frame and screws. The bed stone in the figure is fixed in an iron case, which can be raised or lowered by turning the iron screws beneath, and at the side are other screws which move the stone laterally when required: when the iron cross or damsel above revolves, it strikes the shoe under the hopper, and gives it a tremulous motion, which causes the wheat to pass down from it to the millstones, in proportion to the velocity of the motion. The upper mill- 3 x 4 1048 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, stone is fixed upon the shaft by means of a cross with a segmental top, which is firmly at- tached to it, and the octangular axle passes through the iron box on which this upper stone hangs L....j Fig. 1611. BEDDING MILLSTONES. In the Victualling Yard at Deptford, the millstones, which are not quite 4 feet in diameter, make 120 revolutions in a minute, and answer admirably well; though they in`a generally vary from 4 feet 6 inches to 5 feet in diameter, and make from 80 to 100 revo- lutions in a minute. The Dressing Machine is a hollow cylinder or frame, covered with wire cloth of different degrees of fineness, that is, with 64, 60, 38, and 16 meshes to the inch, that which has the smallest space being at the upper end: its axle is inclined to the same angle as the bolting mill. Within the cylinder, which is stationary, is a reel, to the rails of which are attached brushes, which, in their revolution, act against the interior wire surface of the cylinder; the meal is conducted within it by a spout or hopper, and is thus rubbed through the wire, the finest passing through the upper end, the second through the next division, Fig. 1612. DRESSING MACHINES. Fig. 1613. : and the bran through the lower end the cylinder being enclosed in a tight case, the flour cannot escape; there are usually four divisions within it, to collect the varieties of flour as they are rubbed through: hence they are called, firsts, seconds, thirds, and pollard. The pinion upon which the brushes move can be made to revolve either way, so that the motion of the machine can be reversed to suit the brushes, when they become bent in one position. The Bolting Mill consists of a reel fitted to an axle which revolves with great rapidity, and is covered with a cloth called duck: in the box containing the reel are a number of wooden bars called heaters, against which the cloth strikes with such violence that the four is separated from the coarser parts or pollard. CHAP. XIII. 1049 MILLS. . Fig. 1614. Fig. 1615. The reel has six bars fixed in an axle which works in a circle, and at the upper end is 22 inches in diameter, and diminishes gradually to 20 inches at the lower or tail end: when at work it is turned with sufficient velocity to make the bolting cloth swell out to its fullest extent, and occasion the beaters to force the flour through the meshes of the cloth in a constant stream. Some bolting machines have a contrivance applied to them containing a spring, which facilitates the dressing of the flour: it consists of a cylindrical ring of iron, into which are riveted six elastic arms: at the end of each is a hook, to receive a loop attached to the tail leather of the bolting cloth, causing a more uniform action to be kept up. The Mortar Mill is composed of a vertical shaft or spindle, to which the millstone is at- tached, revolving on a bed upon which the limestone or chalk to be pounded is thrown: curved pieces of iron, called rakes, are fixed to the shaft, and revolve round in a regular manner to keep the iron bed free from any impediment to its regular motion: when the lime is properly ground, it is passed into another mill, where it is mixed with its pro- portion of sand, and triturated or compounded by the action of constantly revolving Fig. 1616. MILL FOR MIXING MORTAR. rakes, attached to the arms of a horizontal wheel that moves round in a circular bed. The pug mills are upon a similar construction, and have a post in the middle with a long lever, to which the horse is applied The lime and sand thrown into the trough are then mixed by the revolving rake fixed at the lower part of the upright shaft. Mills for grinding Cement are formed like the corn mill, with the addition of two iron rollers, shown under the right hand hopper, which receive motion from a spur-wheel attached on the main shaft: by means of the rollers the cement stone is first broken down into a powder or small fragments, after which it is hoisted to the top of the mill in sacks, and then put into the hopper, whence it passes off to the millstones; the lower one being fixed, and the upper put in motion by the machinery. The millstones are grooved or channelled obliquely, from the circumference, as in the flour mill, and make about 150 revolutions in a minute: when the cement is ground, it passes out at the circumference of the stones into a spout, which conveys it to two sieves, separating the fine powder from the coarse: the sieves placed beneath the large horizonta) wheel have a rapid reciprocating motion by a rod and crank attached to the small spur- wheel, which is turned by the larger wheel just mentioned. To the right of the figure is a mortar mill, which works by means of the spur wheel, and into which the cement powder is put, when prepared for use. At Sheerness dock- yard a twelve horse-power steam engine was made use of to work a similar cement mill. 1050 BOOK 11 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. CEMENT MILL. Fig. 1617. Diving Bell. The earliest account we have of a machine similar to that now in use is given by John Taisner, of Hainault, who was born in 1509, and went to Toledo with the Emperor Charles V.: "he there saw two Greeks let themselves down under water, in a large inverted cauldron, with a burning light, and rise to the surface again without being wet." Lorini, in a work upon fortification, also describes a diving machine, consisting of a square box bound round with iron, and furnished with windows; but no mention is made of such a machine in England until Dr. Halley commenced his experiments; that ingenious philosopher contrived means to supply the diving machine with air, and at the same time to keep the water from rising in it; his description of the apparatus in the Philosophical Transactions is as follows:- "The bell I made use of was of wood, containing about 60 cubic feet in its concavity, and of the form of a truncated cone, whose diameter at top was 3 feet and at bottom 5 feet; this I coated with lead, so heavy that it would sink empty, and I distributed its weight about its bottom, so that it would go down in a perpendicular situation, and no other; in the top I fixed a strong but clear glass, to let in the light from above, and like- wise a cock to let out the hot air that had been breathed; and below, about a yard under the bell, I placed a stage which hung by three ropes, each of which was charged with 1 cwt. to keep it steady. This machine I suspended from the mast of a ship by a spreit, which was sufficiently secured by stays to the mast-head, and was directed by braces to carry it over-board clear of the ship's side, and to bring it again within board. "To supply air to this bell when under water, I caused a couple of barrels of about 36 gallons each to be cased with lead, so as to sink when empty, each having a bung-hole in its lowest part, to let in water as the air in them condensed on their descent, and to let it out again, when they were drawn up full of water from below, and to a hole in the upper- most part of these barrels I fixed a leathern trunk or hose, well liquored with bees'-wax and oil, and long enough to fall below the bung-hole, being kept down by a weight appended, so that the air in the upper part of the barrels could not escape, unless the lower ends of these hose were first lifted up: I fitted these air barrels with tackle proper to make them rise and fall alternately, after the manner of two buckets in a well, which was done with so much ease, that two men, with less than half their strength, could perform all the labour; and in their descent they were directed by lines fastened to the under edge of the bell, which passed through rings placed on both sides the leathern hose of each barrel, so that, sliding down by those lines, they came readily to the hand of the man who stood on the stage to receive them, and to take up the end of the hose into the bell. Through these hose, as soon as the ends of the pipes came above the surface of the water in the barrels, all the air that was included in the upper parts of them was blown with great force into the bell, whilst the water entered at the bung-holes below and filled them as soon as the air of one barrel had been thus received, upon a signal given it was drawn up, and at the CHAP. XIII. 1051 DIVING BELL, ETC. same time the other descended, thus by alternate succession furnishing air so quick and in such plenty, that I myself have been one of five who have been together at the bottom in nine or ten fathoms water, for above an hour and a balf at a time without any sort of ill consequence; and I might have continued there as long as I pleased, for any thing that appeared to the contrary. Besides, the whole cavity of the bell was kept entirely free from water, so that I sat on a bench, which was diametrically placed near the bottom, with all my clothes on; I only observed that it was necessary to be let down gradually at first, or about 12 feet at a time, and then to stop and drive out the water that entered, by re- ceiving three or four barrels of fresh air before descending any further, but being arrived at the depth designed, I then let out as much hot air that had been breathed as each barrel would replenish with fresh air, by means of the cock at the top of the bell, through whose aperture, though very small, the air would rush with so great violence, as to make the surface of the sea boil, and cover it with a white foam, notwithstanding the great weight of water over us.' Since Dr. Halley's invention, many improvements have been made in the diving bell, particularly by Mr. Smeaton, who seems to have been the first engineer that used it for sub-marine constructions. When the diving bell is employed in still water, it is usually suspended between two boats of 15 or 20 tons each, over the decks of which is laid a platform of timber, to keep them at the proper distance from each other, and on which the tackle is worked for lowering and raising the bell. Smeaton employed the diving bell as early as 1778, in the constructions of the bridge at Hexham in a letter which he addressed to Mr. Pickernell on the subject, we have the method he adopted fully explained: he says, If the cases would have enabled us to reduce the water so low, as to be even with the very bottoms of the caissoons of each pier, I take it for granted, you would have thought it no difficulty with broken rubble, beton, stones, and short blocks of wood, cut a little wedgeways, to have crammed and wedged up the cavity washed under the wooden bottoms, so as to have been equally resisting, and capable of bearing a weight with the original gravel, and particularly when this new body of matter is supported, and even jammed tighter into its place by filling up the vacancy between the pier and the base, a little above the wooden bottom, with rubble, and then driving it tight down by a set with the ram. It therefore now remains that I describe, and make you master of a piece of machinery, that will put you nearly into the same condition, as if the water could have been reduced to the caissoon's bottoms as before mentioned; and this is by means of an air-chest, or diving vessel, which being let down, will exclude the water down to the very bottom of the diver if you please, and therefore as low as the under side of the wooden bottom, which in the present case is as low as will be necessary or useful, and the chest or vessel being large enough to give liberty for a man to work therein, being furnished with a pair of boots, he will at mid leg deep in water do his business with almost as much facility as if the water were pumped out to the same level. The principal part of this machine will consist of a strong chest, suppose 3 feet 6 inches in length, about 4 feet deep or height, and as wide as to give free leave for its going down between the cases and the piers, which I suppose will be about 2 feet wide inside measure, as the other measures are also supposed to be. Now you know very well that if you push a drinking glass, or any other similar vessel, with its mouth downwards into the water, that it will exclude the water, leaving the vessel full of air, as it was before it was thrust into the water; in like manner, if this chest, being loaded with a sufficient weight, be let down into the water, mouth downwards, the air will exclude the water to the bottom skirt of the chest, and if let down, so as to rest upon the bottom of the river, a man may stand therein, and do any kind of business, the same as he could do in the same space in the open air. But to continue this for any length of time two things are obviously necessary, and those are light and a circulation of fresh air. The former might on occasion be supplied by a candle, but here we may have the advantage of day-light by putting two or three strong round panes of glass into the bottom of the chest, which will in its inverted situation be the top; a sufficiency of light will enter, this top of the chest being supposed above water. Respecting air, you will conceive that any quantity might be forced in by a strong pair of bellows; but those made of leather would be cumbersome and unhandy: I therefore sub- stitute a kind of foreign air-pump, made of thin hammered copper, that will throw in a gallon at a stroke, which will not only continually refresh the workmen within, but what- ever air escapes through the joints or pores of the air-chest will be replenished, and the overplus go out at the bottom or skirt of the chest, and boil up on the outside. The quantity of weight that will sink it, mouth downwards, will be the same as placed therein (bottom downward) would sink it the same depth; and as this chest I propose to be suspended by a tackle, and to go down by its own weight, I compute that it will take sixteen pigs of lead to sink it to the bottom of the river, and keep it steady. I propose that the lead may be as much out of the way as possible, to place them upon the ends of 1052 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the chest, endways upward, that is four in a row below and four above, and the same at the other end, making in the whole 16 pigs, which are to be fastened on with screws, either by At one end of the cleats screwed on, or punching a hole through each end of each pig. chest there is to be a board, fixed across for the man to sit upon, and a cleat nailed to each side to set each of his feet upon, so that while the machine is being lowered or hoisted, he is totally dry, and when let down enough, he stands upon the bottom of the river, without any more water than the height between the skirt of the chest and the bottom of the river, which may be more or less as is found convenient, I suppose never more than a foot deep, because wherever the ground is taken out more than 1 foot below the underside of the caissoon's bottom, I would propose to fill it up with rubble previously to that height or depth; nor can it be of use to let down the skirt of the chest much below the caissoon's bottom, because the side of the chest will then diminish the room you will have to get the matter for under- pinning under the caissoon's bottom. The foregoing will, I believe, be sufficient for ex- plaining the general principles and outlines of the method I mean to pursue in under- pinning, and re-supplying what is underwashed from the bases of the piers, and which I dare say you will now sce to be entirely practicable: what you are therefore immediately to put in hand is the air-chest, of or about the inside dimensions before mentioned; I believe the two flat sides will do very well, if of good red wood deal, shot clean of sap, the two ends and bottom, (or in use its top); it would be well if they could be got of single planks of elm, beech, or plane trees, as they would hold the nails better: I fancy 1 or 12 inches thick for the sides, 21 or 21 for the ends and bottom, will be sufficient; they should be well jointed, and put together with white lead and oil, as the effort will not be of the water to enter, but of the air to escape from within. Were I with you, when it is put in use, I should be the first to go down into it, as there is no more danger (all your tackle being firmly fixed) than being let down into a coal-pit by a rope: and if it shall happen that all your masons are too fine fingered, I fancy a couple of colliers to take turn and turn will find it a very comfortable job. A particular encouragement, must, however, I expect be given. I will give you more particular directions in my next as to the air-pump, all that will be wanted from the coppersmith will be a cylindrical pipe of copper, 10 inches diameter, and 12 inches high, wired at top, and a flanch at bottom of about 14 inches broad, by which it is screwed down before the top of the air-chest: the copper to be about the thickness of a halfpenny; if you have no neat-handed coppersmith that can hammer it straight and smooth inside, it may on oc- casion be made of strong tin." "A, the air-pump, B, sky-lights, 6 inches in diameter, to be made of window glass knobs, if plate glass cannot be had; C, clamp plates of iron, to confine the top and sides strongly together; D, D, pigs of lead, end upwards; EE, the lever for working the pump; G G, the axis and brace for steady- ing the lever; H, H, two bows for hoisting the chest; I, a strong hooked iron to lay hold of the bows, to which the main rope or tackle is to be fixed: MN, the opening from the pump to the air-chest: op, the valve, whereof o is leather, p wood, to be shut by a wire spring qrs, a little more than suffi- cient to overcome the weight of the valve." The diving bell at Her Majesty's dockyard at Plymouth is of cast-iron, and weighs 4 tons 2 cwt. It is 6 feet long, 4 feet broad, and 5 feet in height; its cubical content being 120 feet. D D D E B B B A H M H B B p q r E Twelve convex lenses, each 8 inches in diameter, are placed at the top to admit the light, which when sunk in clear water is sufficient to enable the diver to read the smallest print. In the centre of the top is a hole for the admission of air, which is sup- plied by a leathern hose long enough to reach any moderate depth; at its upper end is attached a forcing or air-pump, which is worked by four men during the time the bell is immersed, and the quantity of air supplied enables those in the bell to respire with 1 Fig. 1618. SECTION OF AIR-CHEST. CHAP. XIII. 1053 DIVING BELL, ETC. comfort. Inside the bell, and immediately over the hole, which admits the air, is screwed a piece of stout leather, so that the air only enters through the spaces comprised between the screws; this leather prevents the air, when once admitted, from returning to the hose; and should it burst, the water cannot enter through the air hole; the divers are therefore secured against any accident which might arise from this cause, and the bell contains a sufficient quantity of air to support those within it, without the assistance of the air- pump, until it could be raised up from almost any depth. When the bell is overcharged with air, it escapes under its edge, and from its expansive nature, agitates the water as it ascends towards the surface; this has been supposed to be the foul air escaping, but that which has been respired, being lightest, ascends to the upper part of the bell, and a continued current of air passing from the top to the bottom pre- vents any unpleasant effect. There is a movable seat at each end, and a narrow foot-board, with several hooks and shelves for the workmen's tools, and at the top are two eye-bolts for the purpose of securing any heavy weights which may be required to be raised with the bell. O G о B о H No difficulty or danger attends its use, provided the men are sufficiently careful, and the bell is properly suspended: when immersed, and the divers require its position to be changed, they strike it with a hammer. Eight signals are made: one strike in- dicates that there is not sufficient air, and that it is necessary to work the pump faster: two an- nuls a former signal: three, that the bell is to be raised: four to lower it: five, to move it to the right; six, to the left; seven, backwards, and eight, forward: other methods are resorted to for holding a correspondence with those in the vessel, as sending up small buoys, &c. N M Fig. 1619. PLAN AND SECTION OF AIR-PUMP. When any work is to be executed by the diving bell, it is important that the water should be transparent, or at least sufficiently so that objects may be discerned when lying two or three feet below the bell, that the machine may not touch them in its descent: with artificial light it is impossible to distinguish objects in muddy water; but when clear, a cloud passing over the sun is perceptible in deep water. The workmen employed usually in the summer remain from 7 to 12 o'clock in the morning, and from 1 to 6 o'clock in the evening, and in winter only as long as they can see. It is necessary to observe that the greatest caution is required in lowering the bell: if it descend with too great velocity, the air becomes so much compressed as to be injurious to the lungs of the workmen, sometimes causing immediate death; when the descent is very gradual, no evil consequences will arise. The diving bell at Ramsgate harbour was a square chest of iron, weighing 50 cwt.; its dimensions were 4 feet in height and length, and 3 feet in width: it was cast in one piece, and sufficiently heavy to sink itself: by means of a forcing air-pump, worked in a boat moored immediately over the bell, two men were supplied with fresh air in the crown were eight round lenses, 4 inches in diameter, to admit the light. It was at first suspended from shears, but Mr. Gott, the resident engineer, finding them inconvenient, adopted the traversing crane, which enabled the masons to place the stone in any position required: 1054 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. I another bell has been since cast, 6 feet long and 4 feet broad, which permits the workmen to proceed with greater alacrity. The Camel is a machine used in Holland for raising ships by the buoyant power of water; it is a very ingenious contrivance, and consists of two similar hollow vessels, so constructed that they can be applied on each side of the hull of a ship; these hollow vessels are made water-tight, and on the deck of each windlasses are attached, by which ropes, which are made to pass under the keel of the vessel to be raised, are worked. When the camel is employed to raise a ship, the water is allowed to fill each half of it, and when the ropes firmly unite the ship to the camel, the water is pumped out, and the buoyancy of the hollow vessels raises the ship up. The length of one of these camels employed to float vessels over the sands in Holland was 127 feet, the breadth at one end 22 feet, and the other 13 feet: the hollow part was divided into several compartments. A vessel drawing 15 feet water could by this means be made to draw only 11 feet, and the largest man-of-war in the Dutch service could be made to pass the sand banks of the Zuyder Zee. Meuves Meindertszoon Bakker invented this curious machine at Amsterdam about 1688: it has been used at Venice, on the Tiber, and elsewhere with success. The camel is an excellent example to show that when a body is held beneath the surface of a fluid, the force with which it will ascend, if it be lighter than the fluid, or with which it will descend if it be heavier, is equal to the difference between its own weight and the weight of an equal quantity of fluid. Ice by the same means can remove enormous masses of rock, it being specifically lighter than water: when a river is frozen, and large stones surrounded by ice, the upward pressure of lift exerted upon them so far exceeds that exerted downwards, that they are brought to the surface, and then floated by the ice, and often carried to a great distance. DUBA 1 HIGH WATER 33 3 4 5 6 16 LOW WATER The Pontoon, made either of timber or copper, acts somewhat upon the same principle: when applied to close the mouth of a canal or entrance to a dock, they are sunk or raised by either letting in or pumping out the wa- ter they contain, and it is by an adjustment of its contents that it can be kept at any height, shown by the lines figured 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. If it be required that water should pass to or from the canal or dock, the pumps which are within the pontoon are worked sufficiently to lighten it and allow it to rise, or if it be necessary to lower it, this can be effected by admitting the water within it, by means of a pipe and turncock, shown in the transverse section. The letters A, B, C, D, E, show the width Fig. 1620. PONTOONS. C of the corresponding parts of the plan and end elevation, as do the figures marked upon it and the transverse section. Such a contrivance working in two grooves effects the same purpose as lock-gates, but when it is required to allow the passage of any vessel, it is necessary that the pontoon should be floated out of its position and be moored aside: such pontoons or lighters are found serviceable at ferries and piers, where the height of the water varies with the tides. Raising Vessels when sunk at Sea: one of the most celebrated efforts of this kind was recorded by the senator Zusto, by order of the Venetian government, after the ship of the line of 74 guns, named the Phoenix, which had sunk in the year 1783 in the canal of Spignon, near the entrance of the Lagune, was raised by the Chevalier Morelatto, a distin- guished naval officer in the employ of the republic. The Phoenix, sunk in a depth of 36 feet of water, and bedded several feet in the mud, was considerably injured by the concussions it had experienced in its descent; it was therefore necessary, not only that the weight of the vessel should be sustained, but that CHAP. XIII. 1055 RAISING VESSELS, ETC. : also a power should be applied that should overcome the suction, as well as the mass of mud with which it was filled: to effect this, a power equal to 3 millions of pounds was required. Two methods were adopted, each of which was sufficient for the end pro- posed, and the vessel would have been raised by the first, if a violent storm at the moment it was lifted had not disengaged and deranged the apparatus, and allowed it again to sink that first employed consisted of forming below a large and strong platform, with eighteen pieces of timber, nearly 100 feet in length, bound together with five rows of other timbers laid in a transverse direction; this frame was attached to the sunken vessel by cables passed through its port-holes: four vessels were placed under the frame by filling them with water, and when they were secured to it, a ship of the line was disposed at its side, and five smaller vessels near the prow. On the first were ten capstans, which worked a running tackle made fast to the sunken ship, and on the other five were placed seventeen other capstans, which worked a tackle attached to the head; they emptied the four vessels filled with water, and at the same time turned all the capstans together, and by this process raised the vessel, which, as has been observed, again sunk in the second attempt they made use of the capstans as before, but instead of the submerged vessel, they employed sixty other capstans arranged upon a platform, placed over another seventy-four, two smaller ships, and two enormous levers. The seventy-four gun-ship which was employed had three strong shears or derricks mounted on the deck, secured to the masts, and partly by arrangements made in the hold below; besides these were eighteen others of a similar kind, but smaller in dimensions, which rested on the upper deck, and provided with as many windlasses: a platform was thrown out on the opposite side to that where the submerged vessel was level, with the deck, and at the ends of the timbers, which projected as much as two-thirds the breadth of the seventy-four gun-ship, were suspended casks and boats loaded with stone, for the purpose of keeping the works steady, when the whole of the thirty capstans, which were mounted on the platform and deck in three rows, were at full work; the three sets of great and the eighteen lesser derricks served as the points of suspension to the tackle, which the thirty capstans and eighteen windlasses worked. Another apparatus of a similar kind was arranged upon a platform built over two lesser vessels on the other side of the submerged ship, and, to render the whole suffi- ciently buoyant, a number of large casks was attached in a circle: smaller platforms were established at the head, and another at the stern, each of which carried an enormous piece of timber, slung in a manner to act as a powerful lever; another served to moor a part of these preparations, and rows of piles, wherever they could be driven, were made use of; after every precaution had been taken to render the arrangements steady, 600 men at one time applied their strength to the capstans and windlasses, and raised the Phoenix by degrees; when it had been raised 15 feet, they moved the whole of the works, together with the sunken ship, along the canal, and commenced its demolition: in preparing the works, and accomplishing this mighty task, upwards of two years was consumed, besides an enormous quantity of timber, iron, cordage, and labour. In France, they have adopted several methods to raise vessels which have foundered or sunk in situations where it was necessary for the purposes of the navigation that they should be removed. A vessel sunk at the mouth of the Loire was raised by Bonvaux after it had been in its position twenty-four years: his method consisted in passing four cables, by means of an iron bar, under it; the bars being formed in a manner to suit the curve of the ship's side, which he had ascertained as well as he could; this curved iron bar was pointed at one end, and provided with an eye at the other, through which the cables might be passed and drawn under the keel. This bar, formed on an arc of a circle, resembled, when mounted, a part of the felly of a wheel sustained by four of its spokes, whose central termination was threaded by a stout bolt, which answered the purpose of the nave or axle round which the wheel turned. The bolt passed into a vertical piece of timber, fixed at the lower end by means of an iron fork in the ship's hull, and at the upper into some stout framing secured to some strong piles, driven for the purpose. When the point of the bar was introduced and partly driven into the ground, the first spoke or radius of the wheel was released by removing a screw, and when the bar ex- hibited its point on the other side, and it was sufficiently driven or forced through, they employed a three-toothed fork, the prongs of which entered into holes previously prepared in the iron bar, and then by main force pulled it through; a running tackle was then applied, worked by a capstan placed on the deck of a small vessel moored near for the purpose. After four cables had been passed under the sunken ship, two barges were moored over the hull of that bedded in the mud, on which four stout timbers or masts were laid; to these were attached the ropes, firmly secured; when the tide rose the whole became buoyant, and four or five tides enabled the sunken vessel to be towed on shore, where it was left at low water, to be demolished or broken up. 1056 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The method adopted by Goubert to raise a sunken vessel which had lain 42 years in the roads of Renondelle was somewhat similar; its depth was 17 feet at low water ; the bar made use of was the mast of a ship 33 or 34 feet in length, armed with four flat iron bars, and pointed at the end with an iron rod 23 feet long; the two ropes which were to be passed under the hull were attached to this point, and, previous to this being attempted, Goubert dug small channels in the mud, one of which he made perpendicular to the keel, and another he formed on the opposite side in an oblique direction: after intro- ducing the mast into the first-mentioned hole, and placing it by means of tackle in an oblique direction, with a pile-driving engine he forced it through the mud into the channel cut to receive it on the opposite side, and then fastened a rope to the iron point; the wooden mast was then separated from it, and, by means of three capstans, the ropes were pulled through, and when all were passed under the vessel, they were made fast to two rafts prepared to receive them, and, by means of the tide, the whole was worked into shallow water, where it was demolished. Another method adopted when the position of the vessel which has been sunk is thoroughly ascertained, is to employ two vessels to pass a chain cable under or around her: these are placed near the bow, with the cable suspended from one to the other in such a manner that it sweeps along the ground; the chain is then moved backwards and forwards until it comes under the sunken ship; the two vessels are then moved astern, and the ends of the chains are brought together, and passed through an elliptical ring sunk close to the stern, the ends of the chain being made fast when this main chain is in its required position, others, called bridle chains, are fastened to it at various convenient distances, and also to other vessels at the time of low water; then, as the tide flows, the vessel sunk is elevated, and afterwards floated to the shore. : : Hedgehog, in use for removing mud in rivers, or the accumulation on the land side of sea-sluices: it is cylindrical in its form, like a garden roller; around the outside are attached eight or more longitudinal ribs, each of which is armed with as many spades or hoes fixed in them firmly by bolts and screws. This cylinder revolves on pivots in gudgeons in the side frame, which is made of oak, and diagonally braced in front of the roller or the revolving cylinder. The iron spades are in width 4 inches, and in length 7, and are placed about 7 inches apart at each end of the shaft is attached a strong chain, by which its motion is insured, and when used it is attached to the stern of a barge, which in Lincolnshire is usually drawn by horses; sometimes a barge is moored at some distance from the mouth of the sluice to be cleansed, and the hedgehog is moved backwards and forwards by blocks and chains: such a machine made of oak, and well bolted together, is most effective; as the cylinder revolves on its axis, its sixty-four spades are all brought into work, and in their progress disturb a vast quantity of mud, which the stream through the sluice aids in carrying away. The timber frame has its scantling 6 inches by 4, its cross-stays from one side to the other being placed about 3 feet apart; and between them are introduced diagonal braces, which are made fast to the frame and stays by iron bolts. The stocks on the cylin- drical drum or iron wheel are in length 6 feet, and made of oak 6 by 4 inches, into which pass the iron spades. www O Floating Clough, for scouring out the channel of a river at Great Grimsby, as well as other channels of the Humber. A frame 12 feet in length, 9 feet in width, and 6 feet deep, of timber 6 by 4 inches, covered with 2-inch plank; through the middle is a culvert 2 feet 6 inches in width, made with planks, with a small lifting door at one end. At the bottom is secured two beams, which project in front, and which serve as feelers to keep the machine in its right position: in the front are placed frames of timber shod with iron, cut in a ser- rated form, which, by means of a lever, can be raised at plea- sure at the sides of the machine are wings, sloped to accom- modate themselves to the fall of the banks, and when the water is at high tide it is moored into the middle of the stream, with the wings extended by means of ropes, and at half ebb the water is admitted by plugs, and the machine sinks to the bottom; the plugs are then replaced, and it remains in this position till full ebb; the iron shod frames, with teeth like a saw, are let down in front, and the whole machine being forced along by the tide, scrapes up the bottom, and the mud disturbed is carried along with the return tide for a distance of three miles or more in the space of two hours. Fig. 1621. CHAP. XIII. 1057 DREDGING. Dredging forms a very important part of the work of the civil engineer, and is effected in various ways; either by drags or scoops, or rakes, or machines. There are two sorts of hand-drags, one for raising mud, the other sand; the first consists of an iron box pierced with holes, open in front as well as at the top; to this is attached a slightly flexible handle, of a length proportionate to the depth it is to work in: when this is made use of, the men in a boat make the iron box enter the sand, sustaining the handle on the shoulder, and when it is filled they raise it, and if there be any large stones they are disengaged by means of hooks: a man will raise in this manner, where the depth is not more than 4 or 5 feet, a cube yard in the course of a day, and sometimes more. The Drag for Mud is differently formed: it is an iron ring, to which a canvass bag is attached, by passing a cord through holes made in the ring purposely to receive it: that point of the iron rim which is intended to touch the ground and enter the mud must be sufficiently strong: two men in a boat or punt are required to manœuvre it, and in the course of a day they will raise from 12 to 14 cube yards, if the depth does not exceed 6 feet: when the boat is made use of, it is first moored in such a manner that it cannot drift, and in this way the canals at Venice are still dragged; such a drag allows the water to flow out of it, and retains only the solid matter. The Louchette, a kind of spade, or a collection of them, is used for cutting or extracting turf under water, without the necessity of first pumping it dry: this consists of a light iron frame, which is armed all round with a cutting blade, in length about 3 feet; the part between it and the handle is open, being formed of four horizontal rods, and two vertical ones; these receive the turf after it is cut and detached, and enable the workmen, by means of a rope and windlass, to pull it up; these cutting instruments have a variety of forms given them to adapt them to the peculiar work they may have to perform. The Box Shovel consists of an open box fixed at the end of a long handle, usually made of iron; the cutter traverses in a groove, and is worked by another handle; by this the turf is cut and detached, and each successive piece falls into the box: as many as four turfs may be thus drawn up at one time. The machine at Venice probably first suggested our modern dredger; it consisted of an oblong pontoon, covered in, on the deck of which the machine was worked; its length was nearly 50 feet, and its breadth a little less than half; below the deck the space was used by the workmen as a lodging place. The mechanism attached was a large wooden beam, which moved on a pivot in its centre: this beam was formed of tapering pieces, about 50 feet in length, and together 3 feet in thickness; there were five rows, bound and hooped round with iron; this strongly constructed beam was furnished at one end with two nuts, into which worked a perpendicular screw of beech, upwards of 30 feet in height, and about 14 or 15 inches in diameter. This screw worked in a socket or plate, fixed at the bottom of the pontoon, and this being provided with a windlass below the deck, the screw was made to elevate or depress the huge wooden beam, which usually lay in a horizontal position. At the other end of the beam, a large iron spoon was worked, which had by means of pulleys an alternate motion of rotation given to it by two vertical cylinders placed within the pontoon: the iron spoons were opened and shut by ropes and pulleys, and the dredging action was commenced by slightly depressing, then raising the beam; by the first move- ment the cover was moved, by the second the spoon was opened; after it had filled, it was again covered and lifted out of the water: such a heavy complicated apparatus consumed much labour, and required to be moored very strongly to the place where it was worked, and the manoeuvring of the perpendicular screw, which gave movement to the weighty timber beam, was attended with painful and laborious exertions. Eight men were required to work it, and they generally raised in a day about sixty cube yards from a depth which did not exceed 14 or 15 feet: when a greater number of men were employed, the quantity raised was proportionably greater, and twelve, which were as many as well could work at one time, have been known to lift more than a hundred cube yards. The spoon or drag contained two and a half cubic yards, and the mean time for lifting it was a quarter of an hour; thus with forty extractions in a day considerable space was cleared: such a machine was said to have cost upwards of 800 pounds. The Chapelet was composed of three rollers, two of which touched the ground, and the other was placed above a timber scaffold, on which the soil dredged was to be raised: round these rollers worked an endless chain formed of large links, alternately flat and square to this was attached four or more scoops or scuttles, placed at regular distances, made of sheet-iron: these were pierced with holes, and provided with a strong, projecting beak, which not only entered, but cut its way into the mud or earth below. The cylinders were armed with iron spikes which entered the square links of the chain, and turned round on pivots, working within a frame made for the purpose, of timbers sufficiently strong to retain them, and put together so that they could be raised or lowered as the depth to be dredged required. The whole was put in motion by a wheel and winch, placed parallel to the cylinders, and by which they were turned; the axis of the winch working 3 Y 1058 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. in a lantern turned the cylinders, and they in their motion brought up the loaded scuttles made fast to the endless chain when either of the scuttles had arrived above the upper cylinders, it became inclined, and deposited its contents, which were immediately drawn away by a vessel or trough, and in this manner the scuttles were kept in motion and dis- charged. When the depth was greater or less, the machine was made to accommodate itself by the introduction or taking away of some of the links, and mounting higher the two lower cylinders. The winches being turned, moved the lantern fixed to their common axis; this engaging in a toothed wheel fixed to the upper cylinder, in turning drew the chain and scuttle attached to it, and also turning round, occasioned the descending scuttle to enter the ground, and to elevate the loaded one to the top of the machine, where it was thrown over, and deposited its contents upon a hinged trough, attended by a workman, who directed its further course. Peyronnet describes a similar machine, and also furnishes the dimensions for its con- struction, and the cost in his time: he makes the chain 17 inches in length, and places upon it six scuttles. The cylinders were formed of elm, hooped with iron, and covered with strips of plate iron: this machine, mounted on two boats, was employed with two others at the bridge of Orleans, and each was worked by six men, who raised about twelve cube yards per day, from a depth of upwards of 6 feet: such a machine was preferred to clear out the cofferdams to the scoop previously used, which had, by means of a handle, the power only of clearing the entire width between two rows of piles; it was drawn up and down by a rope attached to it, worked by a capstan. The scuttles answered admi- rably well, where the bottom was not stony, but great care is requisite in the manufacture of the chains; the best were those made with bolts and screws, as they facilitated the lengthening and shortening. We find in many of the works published in the sixteenth century descriptions of dredging machines, and at the commencement of the following century, Savery patented an invention for raising ballast out of rivers by steam: and Cornelius Meyer, a Dutch engineer, about the year 1680, contrived a machine, which strongly resembled the one in use, with this exception, that boards were made to lift the ballast, and a horse wheel was employed. Mortier and Hertel, Dutch engineers, also turned their attention to this subject, and Balme made a vertical wheel, which worked between two boats armed with six buckets, which lifted a vast deal of mud; these and many other inventions were brought over to Eng- land, and used in the time of Charles I. for dredging the fens, both in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire; and from them great improvements were afterwards made: from the evidence of Mr. Watts, we find that in 1796 he manufactured an engine for dredging to be em- ployed in the harbour at Sunderland. The Bag and Spoon, which has succeeded the box-shovel, consists of a ring of malleable iron, 2 feet in diameter, and 2 feet 4 inches deep, sharpened and steeled on the under side, 4 inches broad, for about one third of its circumference, and pierced on the inner edge with holes for the lacing of the bag. The remainder of the ring is of round iron, 1½ inch in diameter, and on the upper side, or that opposite to the mouth, a hose is welded to receive the pole or handle, the length of which must be in proportion to the depth to be dredged : on each side, about half way up the spoon, is fastened a chain 30 inches in length, which is united by a ring at top, where the working rope is made fast: the bag is made of strong tanned leather, about 31 feet in depth, laced with leather thongs to the spoon, and a sufficient number of holes is pierced through the bag to allow the water to escape. flat-built barge, of thirty or forty tons burthen, is usually employed to work this machine, and all that is required is a small projecting crane, so made that it can be readily thrown out of gear. A The Bucket dredging Machine, worked by steam, is now universally adopted to deepen all navigable rivers, harbours, and docks, or wherever any accumulation of mud or sand is required to be removed. The contrivances of Perronet, and other French engineers, applied to the machine early used at Venice, no doubt gave rise to the introduction of this very powerful one, now almost indispensable in all ports. Mr. John Huges seems to have been the first who used it in clearing out the bed of the Thames, about the year 1804; that originally contrived was apparently very defective, but after expending a considerable sum of money, he brought the machine to such perfection, that in one day he was enabled to raise, opposite to Woolwich, 2000 tons, where there was a depth of water of more than 30 feet. On this occasion it was constructed in an old bomb-vessel, and had a thirty-horse engine, the whole costing nearly 8000 pounds. In all probability it was similar in plan to the first, made by Boulton and Watt, which was fixed in a boat, and had four rollers, each of which had one spoon; the rollers were made to move at the rate of 10 feet per minute, and each spoon could bring up 15 cwt. at a time. The inachine employed by the Hull Dock Company in 1802 had eleven wooden scuttles working on a ladder that passed over rollers, the motion given by a horse-wheel: those now used in the harbours and navigable rivers, worked by powerful steam-engines, have a CHAP. XIII. 1059 DREDGING. series of iron or copper scuttles attached to a chain, which like a chapelet works round a beam elevated at the side of the vessel, and brings up large quantities of ballast at each dip. The fly-wheel of the dredging machine is turned by a large spur-wheel, fixed on the shaft, acting in a pinion on the axis of the fly-wheel, to give it a greater velocity than the crank, by which means a smaller fly-wheel is sufficient to regulate the motion of the engine. The motion is conveyed from the steam-engine to the chain barrels by the inclined shaft, shown in the section; at the lower end is a bevelled wheel, which receives its motion from another fixed on the main shaft of the engine. At the upper end also of the inclined shaft is another bevelled wheel, working in another fixed to the shaft, and situated in a line with the centre of the two chain barrels: at the two extremities of this shaft are two wheels, which communicate power to the chain barrels, and bring up the ballast; an engine of 16 horse-power, dredging on a moderate depth, will raise 35 tons in an hour, and consume about 343 pounds of Newcastle coal in that time. Fig. 1622. DREDGING MACHINE. The upper rollers is a square barrel, as is that at the lower end, and around them passes the double endless chain, each alternate link of which carries a bucket; these are pierced full of holes, to allow the water to drain out as the sand or gravel is brought up. mouths have a semicircular form, to prevent their sticking fast during the operation. The T Fig. 1623. DREDGING MACHINE. Fig. 1624. BUCKET. Dredging machines of this kind are usually mounted in the hulk of an old sloop of 100 tons burthen, and no expense should be spared in making it strong and substantial; for after the machinery is introduced, the smallest twisting of the vessel occasions fracture of the wheels, or some other portion. The bucket frame is found to work best when at an angle of 45 degrees. Artesian Wells have been considered of great importance, since their introduction near London in 1794, when one was sunk at Norland House, on the N. W. of the residence of Lord Holland at Kensington, and which is described in the Philosophical Transactions of 1797. The water was derived from sandy strata, of the plastic clay formation, but so much sand was brought up, that the pipes were constantly obstructed: it was therefore found necessary to pass through the loose strata, and obtain the water from the chalk. M. Hericart de Thury, M. Arago, and M. Von Bruckmann, have all drawn attention to this subject, and shown that throughout Europe there are extensive districts where, under certain conditions of geological structure, and at certain levels, water may be raised to the 3Y 2 1060 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. surface by boring, and that in many instances the supply will be sufficient, as in Artois in France, to turn the wheels of corn-mills. In the tertiary basin of Perpignan and the chalk of Tours there are subterranean rivers, which have enormous upward pressure; the water rises near Rousillon in an artesian well upwards of 40 feet above the surface, and M. Arago describes its force as sufficient to ele- vate a cannon ball placed over the mouth of the pipe. M. Von Bruckmann sank an artesian well at Heilbronn in Wurtemberg, where the water was sufficiently warm to heat a paper manufactory; similar wells are in use in Alsace, and near Stutgardt. In the Duchy of Modena are numerous artesian wells, as there are also in America, Asia, and Africa: wherever impure water is arrived at, it is necessary to continue the operation of boring until that desired is attained: the supply of water in these wells is generally referred to the same principles as the play of an ar- tificial fountain, and their failure may be attributed to the rents and faults which abound in rocks, or to the dip of beds, which carry the fluid in another direction. The well bored at Sheerness was continued through 300 feet of clay, below which was a bed of sand and pebbles, which when pierced, the water immediately arose in another situation this water was obtained at a depth of 328 feet below the surface clay. În 1824 a well was bored at Fulham, 317 feet in depth, which, after traversing the tertiary stata, was continued through 67 feet of chalk, when the water arose, and was discharged at the rate of 50 gallons per minute. In the gardens of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, the borings passed through 19 feet of gravel, 242 feet of clay and loam, and 67 feet of chalk, after which the water arose to the surface through the whole 329 feet. At Sion House, a short distance beyond, the boring was continued to the depth of 620 feet, so as to enter the chalk, when the water rose in a considerable volume, 4 feet above the surface. In an artesian well sunk at Hammersmith water rose with a considerable force from a depth of 360 feet, and at Tooting another threw out sufficient to turn a water-wheel. By the borer it was found that, at St. Ouen in France, there were five distinct sheets of water, from each of which a supply was obtained; in the third, which was at a depth of 150 feet, was a cavity in which the borer suddenly sank a foot or more, and the water rose immediately in a considerable volume. In the older geological formations, it is useless to attempt the construction of an artesian well, and among transition and se- condary formations, there is seldom an abundant supply of good water in France, it is in the tertiary formations where the artesian wells succeed best, as that recently formed at Grenelle. In some instances shafts have been sunk increasing in diameter, lined with iron or masonry, and strengthened in their descent: these have passed through sheets of water down to a solid stratum, beneath which pure water has been found, and conveyed by an upright pipe to the surface. Boring. A well 6 feet in diameter is sunk to the depth of 8 or 10 feet, and one man above and two below are enabled to carry on the operation: over the well, is laid a horizontal pole made fast at one end, and the other is operated upon as the man above gives it a slight up and down motion, to suit the action of the two below, it having a chain around it, connected with the cross-bar to which the boring instrument is attached. This cross-bar or wooden handle passes through the socket of an iron shank, which has a ring at top, and a female screw at bottom; to this all the successive boring instruments are fas- tened. Fig. 1625. BORING. A chisel is first attached to the screw, and the two work- men in the well press upon the cross-bar, and force it round like an auger at the same time; this will continue to descend unless the ground is very hard or full of stones; when it becomes necessary to drive it, and by changing its position occasionally, it is to revolve: after the first hole has been well opened, the chisel is changed for a cylindrical auger, CHAP. XIII. 1061 BORING, ETC. which draws up the earth the chisel has separated; the earth entering at the bottom fills the cavity of the auger, and, as it cannot escape, it is discharged at top, and finally drawn up as occasion requires. When it is required to work the auger deeper, an iron rod is attached, by screwing it on at the upper end, and using the chisel alternately with it as before, the operation is continued: as the hole descends, additional rods are put on, and these require to be well jointed, so that they work truly. To elevate a great length of rod, it is necessary to have three poles over the wheel, secured at the top, and a pair of pulley blocks: the rods are about 7 feet in length, and as this is the usual length of haul, it must determine the position of the pulleys: a claw is used to gripe the rods to be drawn up, attached to a chain, and a wrench to unscrew the rods as they rise; sometimes a chisel 2 inches wide will descend 100 feet, and an auger of a little less diameter will clear the way; a chisel 4 inches in width requires an auger of 33 inches. There are varieties of instruments, all of which have a screw at the upper end, tapped to one thread, and therefore easily fit into the various rods. A hollow conical instrument, with a spiral worm around it, is useful in sandy soils; a cylindrical auger with a valve in it in mud; as this is turned round, the fluid matter passes above the valve, and is se- cured; another form is that of the bucket, which, when dropped into the hole, acts like a pump in extracting any soft or watery matter: each of these are under the control of guide pieces and stops: when a rod becomes broken in the hole, which often occurs in rocky soils, it is drawn out by a pair of tongs which has at the lower end a cylindrical tube, above which is a chisel-edged tongue, pressed down by a spring; when this is lowered, the end of the broken rod passes into the cylinder, and pressing back the tongue, it is held fast, and thus drawn out. Punches are also required to peck into hard stones, by re- peated strokes, or to break them; these are of various forms, generally angular, with out- side cutting edges: when the hole is formed it is usual to line it with a metal casing about inch less in diameter than the bore; this tubing is either of tin or copper, in con- 14 venient lengths, and when sunk others are attached and soldered to it, to descend in their turn; these are driven by means of a block of wood, with an iron rod attached, which is made to traverse through a hole above; this is mounted like a pile-driver, and beats down the tubes; sometimes this is effected by fastening at the end of one of the boring rods an iron like an acorn, which enters the tube, and, by means of its projecting rim, presses it downwards. It is, however, necessary, previously to inserting the pipe or tube, to pass down the hole bored a diamond chisel, funnel-mouthed, with a triangular bit in its centre to smooth the sides and form it into a true cylinder, by keeping the chisel turned as it descends. The well was Well at Messrs. Truman, Hanbury, Buxton, & Co.'s Brewery in London. commenced in the middle of another 16 feet in diameter, and the work as performed by the miser instead of the usual methods adopted: after the land-spring in the old well had been drained, another, 11 feet in diameter, was commenced, and carried down with brick steening, the clear internal diameter being 8 feet 6 inches; after a depth of 115 feet 3 inches had been by this means arrived at, a cast-iron cylinder was lowered, and others successively were added; at a depth of 135 feet the yellow clay was reached: here the water over- powered the excavations, and the miser was again made use of; an oyster bed was then pierced 163 feet below; to drive the jumper or heavy chisel through the hard rocky crust of this oyster bed occupied the workmen seven days; when this was done the iron cylinder suddenly sank 5 feet 6 inches; the miser was again used, until the depth of 190 feet was arrived at, and the cylinders became completely fixed soon after this, pumping was resorted to, and then a blow of sand from the bottom filled the well for a depth of 28 feet: the miser cleansed this, and the pumping again commenced, and soon after the iron cylinders separated at a joint about 73 feet from the top; a portion of the cylinder was then cut away, and, after removing the yellow clay, a dome was constructed with brick and cement entirely around the exterior of the cylinder. An internal cylinder, 2 feet in diameter, was lowered within the original cylinder, and this was continued until driven 4 feet into the chalk; the space between the large and small cylinder was filled in with granite paving-stones to a depth of 5 feet, then with broken stones, brick, and hydraulic cement for another 25 feet, to prevent any future blow of sand from the bottom of the well. The well was then drained, and 400 holes about inch in diameter were drilled in the cylinder immediately below the level of the oyster bed: the bore was then resorted to, and continued for a depth of 200 feet more, making the whole depth 400 feet, and then a supply of water was obtained equal to 33 gallons per minute: after the work was complete, and the joints of the cylinders picked out to admit the water, then, with all these sources combined, it was found to yield 81 gallons per minute, or 135 barrels in an hour, viz. 55 from the chalk, and Ɛ from the sand spring. The total cost of sinking this well was 44441., and the 12-horse steam engine and pumps in addition 13517. The tools vary in their form according to the material to be pierced, or in soft ground the hole may be first opened with a chisel, and then a cylindrical auger, in which the earth or broken stone passing through an aperture at the bottom, fills the cylinder, and 3 x 3 1062 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. is then drawn up to be discharged: as the work advances an additional rod is introduced, by means of screws, which can be readily turned by a wrench, and taken to pieces as often as is required. The operation of boring is often resorted to when it is necessary to examine several beds of earth, and to discover their nature. The engineer should on all occasions be careful to make himself acquainted with the foundations previous to his operating in any way upon the surface of the soil, and this is still more important when the constructions are under 000 Fig. 1626. BORING INSTRUMENTS. water: when the soil to be examined is so situated, a hollow cylindrical pile is driven down, within which the boring rods can with facility turn; at the bridge at Moulins such an operation was carried on to the depth of nearly 50 feet, and at Ambleteuse to 80 feet: at the latter place a trough was used made of planks, in lengths of 6 or 7 feet, and placed in succession one upon the other. The borers used in France are of several kinds, and well adapted for every variety of soil Hericart de Thury, who was inspector-general in 1810, contrived two very simple methods of uniting the boring-rods; one, by means of a fork, the other by the screw : forking was preferred, although it occupied a greater time to perform. A more economical method of boring was practised by M. Sellow, near Saarbruck in China, who used only a heavy bar of iron about 6 feet 4 inches in length, and 4 inches in diameter, armed at its lower end with a cutting chisel, and surrounded with a hollow chamber, to receive through-valves, and bring up the detritus of the perforated stratum; it was suspended by a rope that passed over a pulley, and as the rope was pulled, the iron rod in mounting received a circular motion, which was sufficient in its descent to turn round 19018 Fig. 1627. BORING INSTRUMENTS. the chisel. After the chamber was full the whole apparatus was lifted, and the earth emptied out, when the chisel was again dropped, and the work continued: a thousand feet have in this manner been bored by the Chinese, who perforate holes in the earth 18 inches in diameter, and several hundred feet in depth, to give ventilations to their mines. CHAP. XIII. 1063 BORING, ETC. All the varieties of chisels that have been employed cannot be enumerated; those which have been found most useful have been selected; they are of different dimensions, made to suit the operations they are intended for: the chisels 2 inches diameter are cleared out by a gouge 21 inches diameter, and when withdrawn, the hole is widened by another of 3 or 4 inches in diameter, and so on: where rocks or hard bodies are to be pierced, drills of a conical form are used, and to bring up loose stones screw chisels; for clay, scoops or gouges. T ค K wwww Fig. 1628. BORING INSTRUMENTS. The tools employed by the miners consist of a pick, one side of which is used as a hammer, and called a poll, the gad which has a steel wedge, and the shovel, which usually has a pointed form, for the purpose of penetrating hard and coarse rubbish. The borer is an iron bar tipped with steel, formed like a chisel, and is used by one man holding it straight in the hole made to receive it, and giving it a constant rotation on its axis, whilst another strikes the head with an iron mallet. This hole is kept constantly cleared out by a scraper, which is a flat iron rod turned up at one end. The wheelbarrow for under ground work differs from that here represented by not having any legs; when earth is to be removed at the top, they are made generally of this form: scoops and shovels vary in their form according to their application. In sinking the Shaft of a Mine, it frequently occurs that water is met with in such quantities, that cast-iron caissoons become necessary in some of the deepest at Newcastle they are sunk 180 fathoms. The operation of sinking a shaft is extremely simple: two or more workmen are employed digging, whilst others at the top, by means of a windlass, hoist the soil; as the depth increases, so does the labour, and either a steam- Fig. 1630. MINERS' Tools. Fig. 1631. BARROWS. Fig. 1629. engine or horse-mill is applied, called a whim or whimsey, for that purpose. The sides of the shaft are walled up or steined as it is sunk, and great care taken to prevent the Um 3 x 4 1064 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. MU falling in of the earth; and where any water is encountered, then attention must be paid to the best method of preventing its injury to the work. After the shaft has been sunk to its re- quisite depth, the several timber stages that have served the uses of the workmen are left, or others provided, to which all the requisite pipes and machinery are attached that serve to pump up the water or raise the material. The two sections exhibit the upper and lower portion of the shaft of one of the deepest copper mines in Cornwall, with the position of the ladders for the workmen to descend, and the pumps for raising the water, which with one lift and one piston often raise it 150 feet. The main rod gives motion to the pistons of the different lifts of the pumps, and is either impelled by a steam-engine or water- wheel the pipes are of iron generally, though wood is sometimes employed. Machines for measuring the relative strength of men and animals are usually called Dynanometers; one invented by Levoy, of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, consisted of a metal tube about 12 inches long, which was placed vertically on a stand: the tube contained a spiral spring, having above it a graduated shank termi- nating in a globe; when this was pressed into the tube, the force used was measured by a scale, which was graduated on the shank. Regnier's Dynanometer resembles a com- mon graphometer, the principal part of which instrument is a steel spring bent in the form of an ellipsis; it should be pro- perly tempered, and well welded, and covered with leather, to prevent injury to the hands when used. This spring is represented by A A', BB', formed by two equal plates united at the ends by rounded half-rings. The dimensions of this spring vary according to the tension required, or the weight to which it is applied. The dynanometer used to ascertain human strength weighs little more than two pounds, and serves to measure a thou- sand times that weight; its total length is about 12 or 13 inches, and its greatest breadth, as measured in the middle of the two arcs, is 2.2 inches, and the least breadth at the extremity of these arcs is of an inch. The thickness of the arcs at their centres is nearly 2 inches, and its height, which decreases from the centre towards its ends, from to of an inch. the chords of the two arcs are 6·4 inches. This length, added to that of the two demi-rings, gives for the total length of the dynamometer 12 or 13 inches. The distance between the parallel chords is about of an inch, and the perpendicular of the arcs are each of an inch, giving about 2-2 inches for the total distance between the centres of the arcs. 10 Fig. 1632. SHAFT (F A MINE. There are two methods of stretching the spring, by pressing it in the direction of the perpendicular of the two arcs which form it, or by drawing it with the two rings at right angles to that perpendicular: these two limits of tension are indicated by two scales drawn on the same limb, called scales of pressure and tension: the first gives the pressure of weight from zero to 264 pounds avoirdupois. The greatest pressure brings the centres CHAP. XIII. 1065 DYNANOMETER. within 4 of an inch of each other, each perpendicular, which is 7 of an inch when there is no pressure, is reduced to 5 of an inch. The brass limbs on which the scales are drawn is fixed on the centre of the arc A'B' of the spring, and the opposite arc A B carries a counterpoise ab, 3.1 inches long; the extremity b of this counterpoise acts on a small branch bH, 3 of an inch of a bent lever, bHc, whose other branch Hc is a needle, 2·4 inches long, from the centre, H, of rotation to the index, c. Below this index is a small cylindrical thread, 1 of an inch, which is fixed to the needle Hc, and serves as a foot when it turns on the centre H, parallel to the limb. This first needle by turning commu- nicates a rotatory movement round the centre K to another needle K dd', which rolls on the smooth portion of the screw K, and leans on the limb by a foot G furnished with a washer to reduce friction. This second needle has two indices d and d', to mark the pressure and traction; it is moved by the first needle Hc; the divisions of the arcs described by the two indices are numbered in pounds, which indicate the weight brought by the needle to these divisions: as long as the spring is not stretched, the needle Hc preserves its primitive position, and the needle K dd' of the scales remains on the divisions F A A A TO A d M' E E/ t L Ba H M L B B/ MI ?? K HD N P B/ B Fig. 1633. The with to which it is drawn by the tension of the spring; whence it is seen that the system of two needles gives us the power of preserving the measure of a tension, when the force which produced this tension no longer acts. The greatest arc which the needle He can describe is determined by the course of the counterpoise ab, which is 39 of an inch. points b and c of the bent lever G He describe arcs of the same number of degrees regard to the positions of the two needles Hc, Kdd to the right line HKL of their centres, the angle c K L, which the second needle makes with this right line, is equal to the angle c H L of the first with the same right line, increased by the vertical angle HcK of the two needles, for in the triangle Hc K, whose sides Hc and HK are constant, the angle cKH is the supplement of the angle cK L, and of the sum of the two angles cK H and HcK. The distance HK of the centres H and K is about 46 of an inch, and it results that the total arc described by the needle K dd' is nearly one-third of the circumference. To preserve from injury the system of these three pieces, viz. the counterpoise ab, the bent lever b Hc, and the needle with two indices Kdd', the limb is covered by a plate NNN, which rests on the three pillars, 39 of an inch high. If the axis of rotation of the bent lever were prolonged, it would meet this plate in the point H', the centre of the arc of a circle m' m' which terminates it, and whose radius is equal to the length of the needle Hc. The divisions of the arc m'm' are figured, and the figures indicate the same tensions as those on the scale of traction. 1066 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The dynanometer just described indicates on the scale of traction a tension of a ton weight, which is greater than the most powerful effort of a horse, but nevertheless too small to measure the ordinary effort of a power applied to a screw M. Regnier constructed a dynanometer on the same principles, which measures a traction of 6600 lbs. the spring was of the same power and length as the old one, but the two arcs or plates of which it was composed were longer, thicker, and further apart in their centres; their distance from each other was 4.5 inches; by the greatest traction it was only diminished 4 of an inch; these arcs had in the middle a breadth of 18 inches and a thick- ness of 2 of an inch; the total weight of the instrument was 5½ lbs. By placing the machine between the two ends of a cord passing over two or more pulleys, the ratio of the force which separates the extreme pulleys to the tension of the cord will be known, and by this disposition we can measure a traction much more considerable than that which is indicated by the scale of the dynanometer. Fig. 1633. shows the arrange- ment with two pulleys. Details of the Construction of the Dynanometer. Two supports D, D', of steel, are adjusted solidly on the two opposite branches of the spring in the direction of the per- pendicular of the axis. The first support D, cut in a fork, carries a screw on which the extremity a of the counterpoise ab rolls; it is about 1·4 inches high, and 59 wide; it is retained on the centre of the arc AB by a strong screw, whose head is marked T on the convex part of the arc. The second support D is also retained by a screw, the extremity of which, t, is seen on the concave part of the arc A'B; the upper face, E, E, of this support is about 4 inches long on the opposite face, EF, which is of the same length, is a brass plate, I L, fixed by a single screw g, which is level with EF in g: the plate, hardened to make a spring, carries at its extremity a pivot I, which passes through the support and the limb; this pivot, like that of a compass-needle, serves as a centre to the bent lever b Hc: the limb is applied to the face EF, of the support D', and is fixed there by two screws e,f. The plate IL being a spring, the pivot I yields to a pressure of the counterpoise, and pre- vents any rupture of the mechanism which turns the needles of the scales. The covering plate OPQ is voided at K' in a small circle of a diameter nearly equal to that of the head of the screw K, round which the needle K dd works, with a slight friction on the limb: if this friction be too slight, a turn-screw which passes through the circular opening K' will tighten the pressure. The lower pivot of the bent lever b Hc rolls on the pin I'; its upper pivot rolls on the side H', which is riveted to the covering plate OPQ. Spring Balance and Eprouvette. The spring balance most used in commerce is formed of two steel branches AC, CB, bent at an angle of 45°; each of the arcs DpqE, I Hrs G, is fixed to one of the branches and traverses the other. By drawing the rings E, G, which terminate the arcs in opposite directions, we bring the branch A C near BC; a circular scale figured from 5 to 40 indicates the respective positions of these two branches. The branch AC pushes before it a small cursor k of card or leather, which slides easily on the metallic wire fg, attached to the branch CB of the balance. To graduate the scale, suspend the balance by a ring E fixed to the branch AC, and attach weights to the ring G, which is at the extremity of the scale. numbers on the scale indicate the tension of the spring. Regnier has made an excellent instrument of this spring- balance for trying the strength of powder. The length The D D G 9 7 L K SI Fig. 1634. # of the branches AC and CB is about 4·8 inches, and their breadth about an inch; a small brass cannon, whose breech H is on the branch CB of the balance, and whose mouth I is closed by the fuse IL of the obturation DILE fixed on the other branch A C of the balance, contains a given weight of powder to be tried; it is primed by a little powder put in the pan F: the powder within the cannon is fired and drives it away; after the ignition the two branches of the balance approach, and the cursor k indicates on the scale the tension of the spring at the moment of the explosion. The iron DE, and the brass arc GH on which the scale is drawn, pass through openings pq, rs made in the middle of the plates CB and C A. A dynanometer for measuring animal force was invented by Mr. Graham, and afterwards improved by Desaguliers, but it was found to be inconvenient for the purpose, as it was made of wood; Leroy afterwards formed one in a metal tube 10 or 12 inches in length, with a spring within it placed vertically on a stand; this. however, was not found so useful as Regnier's, where the sides of the spring are made to approach each other, and move an index, which marks the degree of approximation on a semicircular scale; a man can ascer- tain by it the mean force he exerts with either hand, or with both together; it was with this kind of dynanometer that M. Quetelet, of Brussels, made his experiments upon the strength of men of different statures and ages. CHAP. XIII. 1067 DYNANOMETER. A G B Ω 10 с This pinion and Another kind of Spring Balance The spring of this balance is bent in a curve CKD, terminated by two braces, CB, DE, one of which supports the pinion I, and the other a rack DEGH, of which the toothed portion G H catches the pinion I. the needle which marks the tension of the spring turn on the same axis. The face is a circle whose centre is on the axis of the pinion I, and is fixed by two screws t and t', on the plane TV, which is soldered to the upper brace A B, which carries the pinion. To graduate the scale, suspend the balance by the ring A, and attach known weights to F by the hook ô c. The rack GH will work the pinion I, and the needle fixed on the axis of this pinion takes up successively the positions figured from 0 to 100; these numbers express the force of tension on the spring in pounds. The index of the needle de- scribes about g of the inch as the maximum tension of the spring, or for the greatest dis- tance between the extremities C and D of the spring, which is about 1.1 inch. as 2 B' D B H T 3 ε O t ठ D B Ꮄ I The plane of the balance being supposed vertical, in the projection, on another vertical plane passing through the axis of the pinion; the face of the brace AB, per- pendicular to the plane of the limb, is drawn parallel to itself in A'B'; we see on this face in the parallelogram 1234, the projection of an opening made in the thickness of the brace A B, to make way for the toothed part GH of the rack; the breadth, 12 or 3 4, of this opening is 4 inches; LM is the projection of the axis of the pinion I; the spring CKD is projected in CD; the plane on which the face is screwed has for its projection TV. The spring is '11 of an inch thick, and 1.2 inches broad. To render this balance more convenient, a needle is added, which turns freely on the face round the axis of the pinion I, and may be employed as the dynanometer; it is even preferable for mea- suring the ordinary strength of men. Of the dynanometric Machine, and the Mea- surement of the tangential Force of an Axletree. Let AB, fig. 1636., be the section of an axle moved by water or any other power; an un- known but constant re- sistance acts tangentially to this axle, and we re- quire to measure it. To resolve this question, suppose we fix on the axle AB of a wheel DEFGH, of any num- a s d Fig. 1635. Fig. 1636. 3 V B C 1068 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Another wheel having ber of rays CD, CE, CF, &c.; this wheel turns with the axle. the same number of spokes, Cd, Cc, Cf, turns freely on the same axle; springs Dd, Ee, are attached to the couples of the spokes, CD, Cd, CE, Ce, of the two wheels, so that the points of attachment D and d of the extremities of the springs are in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation C of the axle A B, and at an equal distance from this axle. Having disposed the power or mover so that it shall turn the wheel freely in the direction of the arrow X, it is evident that the extremities de,fg of the springs fixed to this wheel, would swerve from the points of attachment D, E, F, &c.; that the equal angles Dc d, Fce, Ecf, &c., whose sides pass through the extremity of the springs, considered in their primitive position, would become other equal angles, Dcd, Ece, Ecf, &c., and all the other springs would be stretched, if not equally, at least at the same angle: when the total tension of the springs is equivalent to the resistance applied tangentially to the axle, the system of the two wheels will turn on the axis A B as one and the same wheel. Now suppose that the axis turns, and that we can measure one of the angles Dcd, at which all the springs are stretched, we shall have in the triangle D Cď the angle C, the equal sides CD, Cd, and consequently the perpendicular let fall from the centre C on the side Dd, or the radius of the circle to which the force which stretches the spring is tangential. We may, besides, observe the number of turns of an axis in a given time, whence we may deduce the velocity of the point at which the force that stretches each spring is applied. Multiply this velocity by the sum of the tension of the springs, the product will be the dynamic effect of an axis in a unity of time, for example 1". To measure the angle Dcd, which moves in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation C of the axis AB, we fix on the lines Cd, CD, the middle of the radii, two small hammers a, b, coupled by a spring Dd', which each move in a plane perpendicular to the axis of ro- tation C, and at equal or unequal distances from this axis, but greater than the radii of the wheels. These hammers strike two bells placed beyond on circles described through a and b; this being arranged, we can with a seconds watch measure the time which elapses between the two consecutive sounds resulting from the blow of each of the hammers on the bells, and knowing besides the time of the entire revolution of the hammers, these two portions of time will be in the ratio of the arc which measures the angle of the right lines passing through the extremity of each spring to the entire circumference. This angle being known, we can easily measure the weight which stretches each spring at a known angle, and the sum of these weights will be the total tension of the dynanometric machine. By this description it will be seen that simple springs without needles or scales, whose force of tension for the same lengthening may be sensibly unequal, gives exactly the measurement of a tangential force applied to axes: by taking springs capable only of a tension of a ton, we may place eight on a circle of 39.37 inches radius, and eight others on a concentric circle of 8 decimetres, supposing the axle makes four turns per minute; the dynanometric machine, will show on this hypothesis that the dynamic effect produced by a force applied to an axle is nearly equivalent to that obtained from 80 horses. - Portable Dynanometric Machine. The system of two wheels which composes the dynanometric machine, being constructed at the same time as the axle AC B, we can only measure the tangential force capable of overcoming the resistance applied to this axle: but if this first construction did not exist, or if we would avoid the expense it would occasion, we might make use of the portable dynanometric machine about to be described, and which has for its object the measurement of a tangential force applied to any axle A'C' B', provided we suppose, which is always the case, that this axle engages or disengages at pleasure the wheel or pinion which communicates its movement to the resistance: K p A C TOT B L Fig. 1637. a frame of carpentry solidly bedded and fixed in the ground near the axle A'C'B', sus- tains the axle A CB by its two gudgeons; the system of two wheels, one fixed on this axle, CHAP. XIII. 1069 DYNANOMETER. the other turning freely, is placed at the middle of its length: a factitious resistance is applied on the length of the axle, which we may obtain in various ways: conceive for example, that if the axle AC B. fig. 1637., is engaged between four blocks, p, q,r,s, fixed to the beams K L, M N, and if we bring the second beam near the first by the screws M and N, we shall increase the friction of the axle ACB on the blocks; and, by applying other blocks and beams along the axle, we may indefinitely increase the factitious resistance applied to the axle. Let us now explain the use of the dynanometric machine, fig. 1636., to measure the useful resistance applied to the axle A'B'C': when the axle is subjected to this resistance its swiftness of rotation, or the number of turns which it makes in a minute, for example, is known, in disengaging or communicating its movement to the toothed-wheel R, or defgh of the dynanometric machine, we shall produce a factitious resistance on the axle A CB of this machine, in the same manner as the axle ACB will have the swiftness of rotation determined by the useful resistance. The springs, D,d, will make known the factitious resistance applied tangentially to the toothed-wheel R, or axle A CB, and consequently the useful resistance, which, by hypothesis, is equal thereto : if the means of producing a factitious resistance equal to a real determined resistance were in- sufficient, we shall now prove that, by a very simple calculation, one may deduce from the measurement of one part of a resistance, the total value of this resistance. Of the tangential Force applied to an Axle, deduced from the Measurement of one Part of this Force. An axle communicates ordinarily its motion to a mechanical system of the same kind, which can move at pleasure together or separately: suppose that by 'the instan- taneous interruption of the communication of motion between some of these mechanical arrangements and the axle by which the power is applied, we shall diminish the resistance and increase the velocity of rotation of this axis: in this hypothesis, we may make it catch the wheel R of the dynanometric machine, whose axle is submitted to a factitious resistance, and by several trials we shall find the resistance which gives the primitive velocity to the axle by which power is applied. Let us call X the total resistance applied on this axle to the extremity of the radius I, and F the factitious resistance which com- municates its primitive velocity: by diminishing the machinery moved by the axle by which the power is applied, the total resistance X becomes of a mean value, which I call X'; now these two resistances X and X' are evidently in the known relation to the quantity of machinery turned by the axle; we shall then have X'=nX, n being a given number. Further, X = X' + F; then the axle by which power is applied submitted to the resis- tance X, or the sum of the two resistances X and F, turns equally swiftly, whence it follows F that X=nX+F, which gives for the total resistance X the following value, X= 1 n We comprise in the measured resistance F, the inertia and friction produced by the communication of motion from the axle of power to the axle of the dynanometric machine, and which adds to the factitious resistance. The dynanometer invented by Sir David Brewster, to whom science is so considerably in- debted, deserves to be mentioned: that celebrated philosopher has recommended that a vessel containing water should have a cylinder, made of some heavier substance than the water, suspended in it by a rope passing over a pulley: when the upper surface of the cylinder is on a level with the surface of the water, the weight of the cylinder, or the force which it exerts upon the rope, will be equal to the absolute weight of the cylinder in air diminished by the weight of a quantity of water of the same magnitude as the cylinder: a horse or a man pulling at the rope to raise the cylinder above the fluid surface, the weight of the cylinder will gradually increase; and if the magnitude and specific gravity of the cy- linder are duly adjusted to the force, there will be a particular position of the cylinder at which its weight will exactly balance that applied. The forces in equilibrio, or those required to be measured, will be equal to the absolute weight of the cylinder, diminished by the weight of a quantity of water equal to the magnitude of the immersed part of the cylinder a scale attached may be so set out, that it will accurately measure the force ap- plied, and the cylinder can be increased to any length by diminishing its diameter, so that a very lengthened division may be adopted. : Un 1070 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. CHAP. XIV. ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING, ETC. BUILDING upon piles has been more practised by the moderns than by the ancients, who only made use of them when it was not possible to attain a solid soil; it was not their custom to lay upon them a platform of carpentry, but, after cutting off their heads at the level, or a little below the soil, they covered them with charcoal to prevent decay, on which they spread a bed of rubble or coarse concrete, which acquired strength with age: the platforms of carpentry placed upon the heads of piles by modern engineers too often are found to decay, and the filling in of the stones being disturbed, the waters are allowed to filter through and endanger the foundation. Timber quickly perishes when subject to alternate changes of wet and dry, but remains sound for a long time under water, particularly in some soils: we have a remarkable example of such preservation in one of the piles of the bridge built by Trajan over the Danube, which when examined in the last century was found petrified; this, however, was not the case for more than the thickness of of an inch, beyond which the timber was not in any way changed from its ordinary character. In Holland and other similar situations, planking and piling are adopted when the soil is of that description that a more solid method cannot be used, and when there is great facility of driving piles and covering them with planks fastened to their heads, after ram- ming between them rough stones: on this is built a construction of freestone, the first course being well cramped together. Timber and stone used together in foundations never produce solidity and duration. When it is absolutely necessary to pile, it is better to omit the floor of planking, and to substitute a bed of concrete, which unites the masonry above with the filling in be- tween the heads of the piles, the timber being first covered with powder of charcoal: on this bed, well levelled and rendered solid, the first courses of squared masonry may be laid. File-driving has for its object the consolidation of a soil when not sufficiently compact, for piles driven close together tend in some degree to prevent that compression which might manifest itself under a heavy construction: it is also resorted to when a solid stratum lies at a depth too great to uncover, or when it is crossed by layers of soft earth difficult to remove. The nature of the soil must guide us on all occasions in the selection of the method to be adopted for work of this kind, and the qualities of the piles to be used; they should be formed of the straightest timber, the fibres of which are not in any way twisted, otherwise in driving they would bend and not arrive at the required depth; they should not taper, or the difficulty will be increased: when, however, they are driven to the greatest possible depth, in order to be certain that the soil is sufficiently consolidated, they should be loaded with a weight equal to what they are intended to bear, and this weight left a sufficient length of time to remove any doubts upon the subject. In clay, naturally firm, the pile sometimes becomes a conductor to the water, which insinuates itself along the sides, softening and producing a settling, which would not have taken place had piling not been introduced; and wherever such a soil occurs, the first piles should be driven 5 or 6 feet apart, and before they arrive at their entire depth, others should be placed in the intervals, greater resistance being experienced in proportion as the numbers are in- creased; and it sometimes happens that, in order to drive the latter home, or until they will drive no longer, it is necessary to place them so thick that they almost touch each other. When it is ascertained that there is a good substratum, of a solidity and consistence capable of carrying the weight of the edifice to be put upon it, the piles may be regulated with regard to their distances, and experience has proved that when placed about 4 feet apart from centre to centre, they are capable of supporting the weight of the largest bridges; they should be always driven to their greatest possible depth, and it is advisable to commence with the middle row, as the soil then consolidates as the work is continued. The only means of judging correctly of the resistance which a pile offers is to examine the nature of the stratum on which it bears, the hold which it takes, and whether it has penetrated a soil not susceptible of yielding under the weight of the construction, such as rock or gravel, provided this latter cannot be washed away by the current; the refusal of a pile to advance does not always insure it having arrived at a proper bed, the nature and consistency of which should always be previously ascertained: many instances could be adduced where piles have sunk under the weight placed upon them for want of these con- siderations. Piles are cut off nearly at the bottom of the river, and their intervals filled in with CHAP. XIV. 1071 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. rubble work, in such a manner as to leave no fear of their bending under the weight; if isolated at a certain height, it is necessary that their strength should be rightly calcu- lated, and the power of their resistance made greater than the load they have to bear; their height out of the ground should be considered in the nature of an upright piece of timber, and the rules relative to its strength and power of support duly followed. The bending and breaking of piles is not of so much consequence as their being driven out of a perpen- dicular position: it often happens that when they have penetrated beds of slight consis- tency, and have not a hold in firm soil, the foundation placed on them exerts a lateral pressure, which acting as on the arm of a lever, greater in proportion to the length of the pile, causes it to diverge; this may sometimes be prevented by inclining the external piles outwards, and driving them in an oblique direction, or in the line of the thrust to which they are subjected: with respect to the weight which piles are capable of sustaining, Per- ronet thinks that one of 12 inches in diameter should not be loaded with more than 50 tons, and those of 9 inches in diameter with half that weight. Piles for foundations are either of oak, elm, fir, or beech timber: those used at the New London Bridge averaged 12 inches in diameter, were 20 feet long, shod with wrought-iron shoes, weighing 30 pounds each, and had iron hoops of the same weight, to prevent them from splitting whilst driving. The piles under the foundations of the abutments were driven at right angles to the inclination of the foundations, those for the piers perpendicularly, and the whole more than 18 inches below the under side of the platforms that were placed upon them. They were placed at distances from 3 to 4 feet from centre to centre, and when arrived at their proper depths, the heads were cut level and even, and the earth between them taken out to the depth of 9 inches below, the space between being filled with Kentish rag-stone well beat down, and racked in with sharp gravel and lime-screenings to the level of the pile-heads, on which the sills of the timbers laid transversely were spiked: when oak piles are used, their diameter is generally about the twentieth or twenty-fifth part of their length; they should be very straight, and barked and dressed with care; the head is cut at right angles to its length, and rounded to receive the movable hoop of iron; the lower end is sharpened by cutting each side to the length of about 18 inches, in such a manner as to bear upon the iron shoe, which is spiked or nailed to the end of the pile; sometimes it is only necessary to sharpen the end of the pile, and char it in the fire; this is sufficient for the scaffold pile, or for those which are for a temporary use: when sheet piling is used for a cofferdam, or the facing of a wharf or jetty, it is generally from 4 to 6 inches in thickness, and the width about 12 inches, the length of the piles depending on the nature of the soil they are to penetrate, and the depth to which the neighbouring piles have been driven; the sheet piles do not generally descend so low, and they are often required to be shod with iron; when they are to be exactly joined, there is on the side of each pile a groove, into which the plank enters, though this adds to the difficulty of driving for which as well as for the piles the beetle is sometimes made use of, but generally a ma chine constructed for the purpose. When it is necessary that either the points of the planks or piles should penetrate a hard soil, holes may be pierced with an iron-shod piece of timber or rod of iron working perpen- dicularly through a frame or hole cut in a large stone, which serves to guide the in- strument, and the hole so formed may be sufficiently enlarged by an auger to admit them, which ensures greater stability, The timber now generally employed for piles is either Dantzic or Memel, and too great caution cannot be used in the selection of it, to ascertain if it be perfectly sound; in some works beech or Scotch fir are employed, and if kept always under water are found equally durable: below London Bridge, on the Thames, and particularly where the water is at all brackish, the ravages made by the Teredo navalis upon fir piles is so great that a few years are sufficient entirely to destroy them above the level of low water; sheathing with copper and iron is found of little use in protecting them, as the worm enters from the mud, and pursues his ravages in a vertical direction, until the entire pile is com- pletely hollowed out The Three-hand Beetle is a large maul made of a block of hard wood, hooped with iron, having two long handles radiating from its centre, put at such a distance that it can be worked by two men, assisted by another in lifting it, who holds by a short handle opposite to them: this has considerable power, and is used when the piles to be driven are not of so great a length as to require the engine. The Pile Engine varies in size and construction; when small, and the block which is let fall does not exceed 2 or 3 cwt., it is worked by a single rope passing over a large pulley, where it is divided into as many smaller ropes as may be required, at each of which a man works, and when the weight is raised, the whole let go together. This kind of machine can only be used for driving short piles, as the weight cannot be lifted beyond the height to which the men's arms can reach, but it has the advantage of being easily and rapidly worked. For larger operations a ram of from 8 to 10 twt. is used, set in a frame of woodwork, placed on a base formed by four timbers framed and bolted together at right angles, and to Um 1072 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. which is screwed or securely attached a crab, with a cylindrical barrel and two handles, worked by four or six men: on this framing is placed on one side two upright pieces of timber, on the other an inclined ladder, the whole securely braced together: at the top a wheel is fixed, over which the chain worked by the crab passes, and is attached to the monkey, which has a plate in front and at the back, so that it is confined to work a saw up and down the perpendicular pieces of timber, which are protected by plates of iron. The rope, fastened at the top, elevates the monkey, and the nippers being applied at the bottom are enabled to hold the ram until they are elevated to the inclined planes at top, where they are com- pressed, by which means the bottom part, which holds the ram, is opened, and it is suffered to fall the entire height of the machine upon the pile head below. The monkey and nippers immediately follow by their own weight; the latter open again, and admit the hoop or ear of the ram to be ready to be lifted by the men at the crab: the higher the ram is lifted, the greater will be the blow given to the head of the pile; the time of raising it is increased, though not in proportion to the advantages gained, but in a higher ratio, the velocity being as the square root of the height, whereas the time is as the height merely. The rams are of oak, of a cylindrical form, strongly hooped round for common purposes; but generally cast-iron is preferable, and is more durable. Coulomb valued the daily action of a man em- ployed at the pile-engine as 75-2 kilogrammes, and capable of rais- ing 1000 metres. The pile is placed vertically in the spot where it is to be driven, and is generally lowered by the chain of the engine being attached to Fig. 1638. it at about one-third of its length; it is then maintained in its position, and allowed to descend until it has fixed itself in the soil; when the pile has arrived below the frame of the engine, and the ram can no longer reach it, the driving is continued by means of a false pile, or piece of timber bound with iron at the two extremi- ties, and having a gudgeon of iron entering into a hole at the head of the pile; but grafting the piles with others securely fastened and bound with iron hoops is perhaps the most simple method, as well as efficacious, when they are to descend far into the soil. Great care must be taken that the piles are driven in a vertical position: to insure this, and prevent their swerving during the action of driving, they are passed through a piece of framing attached firmly to the scaffold, which obliges them to descend perpendicularly; sometimes a large stone will change the direction of the point; it should then be with- drawn, and the stone be either crushed or removed; for if a pile takes a wrong direction, it is better to pull it up and replace it, than persist in endeavouring to right it: in order that the piles may each have its proper position, it is requisite to trace their places on the platform, or to fix lines, which represent by their intersection their true positions; or, where the situation will permit, stakes may be placed to indicate this, and these preliminary operations are highly necessary when the engine is placed in boats or lighters. The same means are adopted for driving the planks as for the piles; their use being to enclose a certain space, it is highly important that their joints should be rendered as close as possible; this is done by framing together two pieces of timber on the scaffold, in the manner of a groove, between which the planks are driven. Frames are formed by the rails, which are disposed on each side of the planks, and are secured by a pin placed in a mortice horizontal in them and vertical in the plank, in order to afford some play in the driving. The planks in the middle of the frame are driven first, and when those at the extremities which carry the rail are arrived at, the peg must be removed to the next plank, where a similar mortice has been made: a lower frame is used, when necessary, to more perfectly regulate the driving: short planks may be carried to their position, and placed vertically by the side of each other, and when made to enter a little into the soil, a blow on their heads is sufficient to establish them; they may be held in their places by a cramp or iron; driving planks as well as piles is often performed from two boats coupled together, carrying a timber frame. The same force made use of to drive the pile might be applied by machinery, but it would be difficult to construct it of suffi- cient strength, and free from friction: a weight, for instance, of 500 pounds, falling through a height of 50 feet, may drive a pile at each stroke 2 inches, and if the resistance be considered uniform, the magnitude must be about 150,000 pounds; the same moving power, with a mechanical advantage of 300 to 1, would perform the work in the same time; but the strain upon some parts of such a machine would be equivalent to the draught of 600 horses. The ends of the piles are variously cut, according to the soil they are intended to pene trate being shod with iron they are prevented from splitting as they enter a hard stratum or come in contact with stone. CHAP. XIV. 1073 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. Fig. 1639. Fig 1640. Sheeting Piles are formed of thick plank, shot or jointed on the edges, so that they may form a close joint, and not admit the water to pass between them: when their sides are grooved and tongued, the passage of either air or water is prevented; the edge of one plank is double, and the other single, rebated, so that about a third of the thickness of one passes into the middle of the thickness of the other: to drive these piles the small or ringing engine is generally made use of, and to bring the edges of the planks into close contact with each other great care is necessary: the pointing of sheet piles should be effected by cutting one side only of the plank. Water and quicksands are often kept back by sheet piling, but it sometimes happens that both rise so rapidly as to impede the workmen's progress; the pump or other means is then adopted to drain off the water, and it becomes necessary, under such cir- cumstances, to provide guides for driving, and afterwards retaining the planks or sheet- piles in their proper position: square timbers, placed horizontally, as well as parallel with cach other, are put as near the work as possible, and kept apart at each of their ends by a short pile driven firmly into the ground, into which they are secured with screw bolts. These horizontal timbers are not laid farther apart than just to allow of the thickness of the sheet pile, which varies from 2 to 6 inches or more, according to the work it has to perform. Piles introduced between guides can be very accurately driven, and easily maintained in their position: when the resistance they offer is considerable, both the upper and lower part of the guides may be made of whole timbers, and the lower stiffened by bracing, or by short piles driven close behind them at small intervals: care must also be taken to provide for the security of the sheet of piles when the whole is complete, for during the progress of driving and fixing, the water and sand can rise to a common level on both sides; but when these are cleared out on one side to form a dam, the accumulation and consequent weight which exerts its influence on one side will break down, or force out the work, unless strutted and braced with sufficient strength to prevent it. It is necessary, when the water is perfectly clear, to stop all the joints, or to caulk them with oakum, but generally the particles of clay or earth settle in the joints, and render them water-tight. In the formations of a cofferdam it is frequently requisite to drive two rows of vertical piles and plank piles, and to fill in the intermediate space with well prepared clay : in other cases main piles are driven, to which are fixed strong horizontal planks, and another mode is to drive one row of gauged piles, and then fill the spaces between with pile planks driven vertically. In deep rivers the foundation of piers were previously made by driving piles all over the space, so that their heads stood level with low water; the spaces between them were merely filled with loose stones, and the masonry, as at old London Bridge, commenced at their top; but the piers were immense masses, and required to be protected by sterlings, leaving a very confined water-way, and created a head and velocity which ploughed up the entire bed of the river below the piers: our old bridges appear to have been constructed without cofferdams or caissoons, the engineers employed upon them probably considering that weight and resistance were requisite to oppose the current of a river, and rather than yield to its force they threw in sufficient material to almost draw it up: modern practice, on the con- trary, endeavours not to abridge the width of water-way, and its advantages are universally admitted, as are the employment of sheeting piles around the footings of the foundations. The machine used by Perronet was worked by a number of ropes pulled by men; hence it was named the ringing engine, and the pile was driven by a ram which descended per- pendicularly the various parts of the framing were of stout timbers, put together with round iron pins, which allowed of its being taken to pieces when necessary, and trans- ported to some other situation: attached in the rear of the supporting frame was a windlass for the purpose of hoisting the pile, or placing it into its position for driving, the rope which wound it up passing over a pulley fixed in the projecting timber at the top of the machine. This celebrated Engineer, in the foundations of the piers of his bridges, made use of piles of from 9 to 12 inches in diameter, placing them from 3 to 4 feet apart from centre to centre, and driving them 6 feet into the bed of the river, when composed of soft mud, · 3 Z 1074 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. clay, or gravel. The pile planks were from 9 to 12 inches in breadth, and 4 inches thick, and one frame held 16 pile planks, which were driven at one time: the frames were placed along, and embraced three of the main guide piles, and were composed of two upright timbers of the same thickness as the pile planks, and were sharpened at the end: these uprights were fastened together by two horizontal timbers, one above, the other below, and separated from each other by the thickness of the uprights: when these frames were fixed, they served the purpose of guides to the pile planks: the grooves at their sides were 2 or 3 inches wide, and as much in depth. ㅁ ​Fig. 1641. PERRONET'S PILE-ENGINE. Perronet used a similar engine at the bridge of Orleans, and a ram for driving the piles, which weighed 1200 pounds, and another for the pile planks, of only half that weight the windlass for elevating the pile was conveniently placed in the centre, and the pulling ropes were admir- ably arranged. : At the bridge of Neuilly a large drum wheel was made use of, round which a rope was wound, worked by a horse, and the weight of the rams employed varied from 1000 to 2000 pounds weight; with these the piles were driven, until they did not sink more than of an inch during 16 strokes: this method was not found convenient, although tackle and contrivances of various kinds were intro- duced into the machine, to regulate its action, and to prevent any accident oc- curring from the breaking of the rope. Fig. 1642 PERRONET'S PILE-ENGINE. The dynamical effect of a horse power applied to such an engine employed in pile-driving, and worked by two horses, was found to be equal to a weight of 42,536 lbs. raised 1 foot high in 35 seconds, or a weight of 36,459 lbs raised 1 foot high per minute per horse. When the ram is raised by horse instead of human power, the drum or cylinder upon which the rope winds ought to be provided with a lever catch to lay hold of the arm by which it is fixed or engaged, while the weight is rising, and which can be easily manoeuvred when it is required to disengage, so that the rope may be allowed to run back, for re- engaging the weight without the slow process of turning the direction of the horse. Perronet's pile-engine placed upon a boat, worked by an armed wheel, has frequently been found admirably adapted for its purpose; the end and side view of this machine at CHAP. XIV. 1075 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. Fig. 1643. PERRONET'S PILE-Engine. once show how conveniently it may be moved to perform its operations. The platform laid upon the deck of the boat being braced in all directions, the other timbers are fixed Fig. 1644. PERRONET'S PILE-DRIVING ENGINE. upon it with facility, and may be taken down as readily when not required, and placed under cover: by means of a ladder attached to the inclined braces at the back, the upper parts of the engine could be approached, and the tackle adjusted. To keep the ram steady, it was made to slide within a frame, so that its motion could always be depended upon, and there was no danger of its falling into the water. Pile-driver by De Cessart, used at the bridge of Saumur. The axis was 10 inches diameter, furnished with a wheel, 12 feet in diameter, with trundles or round pins on the periphery for turning it. Eight men employed at this wheel raised at three turns a ram of 1500 pounds 6 feet high; a workman, by means of a cord, then unhooked the ram, which suddenly fell; but to regulate the height of the fall and the price for driving, it was determined that it should be limited to a stroke of 8 or 10 feet, giving the greatest fall at the time the greatest force was required to be applied to it. The price was deter- mined in this case at 20 shillings per pile, including the expenses of transport, and for the scaffold piles 10 shillings. 3 z 2 1076 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book 11. D • Fig. 1645. DE CESSART'S PILE-ENGINE. He De Cessart found that when dri- ving piles into the bed of the Loire he could not make them enter more than 28 or 29 feet below the height of low water, after having received 8000 blows from a ram of from 1200 to 1400 pounds weight. experienced some difficulty in pre- venting the heads from splitting, as the foundations were laid at 12 feet below the surface, and the piles cut off at 14 feet 1 inch; he imagined that the longitudinal fracture was not prolonged to this depth, being compressed by the natural ground. The The plan of this machine is shown as placed to drive the pile A. cylinder is turned by the 10 feet wheel, which has roundles 18 inches apart on the circumference; the rope which coils round the cylin- der passes over a wheel at the top of the machine, 4 feet in diameter, and is then attached to the ram, which weighed from 1200 to 1400 pounds; to release the ram when it had arrived at its proper height, a rope was attached to a hook, which, when pulled, released the ram. 000 : A Fig. 1646. PLAN OF De cessart's pile. Workmen, with the ordinary pile-engine, generally give 25 blows of the ram in a minute, each time raising three feet, consequently 75 feet per minute, after which they rest 2 minutes, giving the same velocity to the wheel, with the same number of men; that under consideration being 30 feet in circumference, it would make two turns and a half CHAP. XIV. 1077 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. per minute; the circumference of the cylinders winding up 3 feet of rope at each turn, it would raise the ram 7 feet 6 inches per minute, and the blow given to the pile would be equivalent to 200,000 pounds at least. The pile-driving engine now in use is upon a very superior prin- ciple to those we have described; instead of having the ram of oak that was required to be hooped round in various directions to pre- vent its splitting, it is formed of cast-iron or bronze; the latter me- tal possessing greater elasticity is supposed to contribute to the driv. ing of the pile; after the ram has been raised to its destined ele- vation by means of a crab or wind- lass, it is released by pulling a rope that opens the nippers attached at the top of it, when it falls with considerable weight on the top of the pile-head. The ram is main- tained in its vertical position by a frame at the back. Pile-driving Machine used at Montrose Harbour was attached to the steam-engine, and of ingenious construction. The ram weighed 12 cwt., and the clipper, with its slider, was of the ordinary kind, except that the upper part of the clipper had its extremities made of a sufficient length to allow the slider to rise 15 inches after the ram had been disengaged by the slips. The ram chain, which was shackled to the clipper, passed over one pulley at the top of the guides, to another part of the machine, by means of another pulley placed at the base of the guides. As the ram may be supposed to fall 16 feet in a second, we may calculate its velocity in falling through any given height, as pro- portionate directly to the time of descent; the velocity acquired at Fig. 1647. PILE-DRIVING ENGINE. ง the end of the first second is equal to 321 feet per second, upon which principle the follow- ing table has been calculated, by which the force of the blow of any ram whatever Force in Tons of a Ram weighing 1 Ton. 10 1234567 · ✪ O •25 ⚫35 8.0 11 11.3 12 •43 13.9 13 ⚫83 $86 •90 26.6 21 1.14 36.7 31 27.8 22 1.17 28.9 23 1.39 44.6 37.6 32 1.41 45.4 1.20 38.5 33 1.43 46.1 ⚫50 16.0 14 ⚫93 30.0 24 1.22 39.3 34 1.45 46.8 •56 17.6 15 .96 31.0 25 1.25 40.1 35 1.48 47.4 8 •70 •61 19.6 16 1.00 32.1 26 •66 21.2 17 1.03 33.1 27 1.29 22.7 18 1.05 34.0 28 1.32 1.27 40.9 36 1.50 48.1 41.7 37 1.52 48.8 42.4 38 1.54 49.4 9 ·75 24.1 19 1.09 35.0 •79 25.3 20 1.11 35.9 3 z 3 285003 29 1.34 43.2 39 1.56 50.1 1.37 43.9 40 1.58 50.7 1078 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. may be ascertained, it being only necessary to multiply the force, in the last column, by the weight of the ram; thus a ram weighing 12 cwt. falling 20 feet, will have a force thus, 12 × 35·9-430.8 cwt. Withdrawing Piles. In harbours or tide rivers this is easily effected by attaching barges at low water to the heads of the piles, and as the tide rises, the pile must either be pulled out, or the barge pass under the water. In other cases Bramah's hydrostatic press has been used, or a framework of timber inclined so as to work a chain by means of a crab, to which blocks are attached, and draw them out: when piles have a slight hold, they may be drawn out by a long lever, acting upon a chain attached to the head of a pile: iron shod piles driven into gravel are sometimes difficult to withdraw, in consequence of the great oxidising of the metal; this principally occurs in sea water; when, therefore, they are to be withdrawn from such situations, it is advisable to omit the iron shoe, if at all possible. In drawing out piles, the operation is considerably assisted by striking them with heavy blows near the head, in an oblique direction, by means of levers, and some ingenious Fig. 1648. methods have been adopted: MACHINE for DRAWING PILES. when the heads of the piles are out of the water, it is advis- able to pierce a hole through them and pass a bolt, to which is attached the chain by which they are to be raised up. When the head is under the water, a square iron collar Hit W Fig. 1649. MACHINE FOR DRAWING PILES. is passed over the pile, and, having a greater diameter than the latter, is placed obliquely ; when the chain is tightened, the edges of the collar embrace the wood, and from the great pressure which takes place, all sliding off is prevented. When the piles are rounded and shod with iron, they not only descend easier, but may be more readily detached: an improvement has been suggested upon the last machine, which consists in making the block attached to the screw rise as it is turned round, and the head of the pile being secured to each side of it by a link of iron, it can be loosened and drawn out with a more steady motion, all disposition to swerve from the perpendicular being prevented. Fig. 1650. 10 SCREW FOr drawinG PILES. Cutting off Piles. This operation is by no means difficult when the foundations are ― CHAP. XIV. 1079 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. At E Ъ B B AS A E dry, but when under water a machine is requisite: this is composed of a horizontal frame formed by the three pieces A, A, A, 4 inches square, framed into two cross pieces B, B, and a vertical frame formed by the two uprights C, C, each about 4 inches square. At the foot of these is placed the saw l, which is kept tightened by screwing the iron at the other ex- tremity of the upright timbers, so as to bind or secure the blade. In order to give motion to the saw, a workman is placed to each of the handles at E, and alternately pushes them backwards and forwards in the direction A A, whilst another on the scaffold directs their labour, and hold- ing a rope R, so places the saw that it at once puts a kerf into the head pile when required. This machine .is usually mounted on wheels, and enabled to traverse the scaffold freely. • A A B B Fig. 1651. PILE CUTTING off piles. At the bridge of Choisy such a machine was worked by a carpenter and six labourers, and who in 25 minutes sawed off a pile 10 to 12 inches diameter, placed at 3 feet 8 inches below the cross-pieces A, A, and thus cut off about 22 in a day of ten hours, the rest of the time being employed in altering the position of the machine and the scaffold. The saws cut with the most perfect correctness, when the frames which guide them slide in such a manner that the cross pieces A, A are allowed to remain in the same horizontal plane; but the upright pieces C, C cannot well be made more than 9 or 10 feet in length below the cross-pieces A, A; therefore, when it is necessary to cut piles at a greater depth, some other means must be resorted to. Labelye, in building Westminster bridge, appears to have been the first who applied such a machine, in 1738, to cutting off piles. This engineer published a brief report in 1751 upon the various systems he adopted. for the construction of this bridge, and it is to be regretted that he did not complete the account which he announced as preparing: many of Labelye's ingenious inventions have been copied without acknowledgment, and some even patented since his time; this is evident by a reference to the account preserved by the late Mr. Thomas Gayfere, who was senior apprentice to Mr. Jeff, the master mason employed at Westminster bridge. For cutting off piles at more than 'O feet, or up to 15 feet below the water, the in- vention by Messrs. Voglie and Cesart at the bridge of Saumur may be considered ingenious, and was very successful: it was a modification of the one already described, and with four men to work the saw, and a fifth to adjust the saw against the pile, they were enabled to cut off a pile in five or six minutes, and could in the course of 12 hours cut off 22 piles, allowing for the moving and adjusting the machine. De Cessart's Machine for cutting off the Heads of Piles under Water. The machine was supported by a scaffolding, composed of three pieces of timber, 32 feet in length; each carried at its extremity a roller, 18 inches long and 8 inches in diameter, which were run on timber made perfectly smooth and level, placed equidistant along the length of the pier, and supported on the tops of piles. The object of this machine was first to cut off the piles at a uniform height, and that the upper part of the pile should be cut truly level, that four men should work the saw with ease; that the pressure of the saw against the head of the pile should be regulated by one man, as the timber produced more or less resistance; that the operation should be performed with as much facility when the head of the pile was absolutely out of sight, as when it ap- peared above the water; that it should be practicable to cut another slice, if the first did not effectually level the pile; that the machine should embrace the head by grappling and taking a firm hold; that when necessary to clean or reset the saw blade, it should be done with facility, and that the small rolling scaffold should advance by degrees along the breadth of the pier, while the large scaffold carried it along to another row of piles. For the first operation, the saw blade is drawn back by a regulator; the machine is raised 6 inches by the four perpendicular rods, which work with racks and pinions at the top, and is then advanced towards the pile; when it is lowered to the level of the intended cutting, an iron sounding rod serves as a gauge to mark this, and having established the level for the machine to work, the grapples are tightened by means of ropes, and the sawing is commenced: this is performed by four men, moving alternately the iron rods, which work in grooves at the top, and by means of other jointed rods give an oscillating motion 3 z 4 1080 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. resembling that of working a saw, to the bottom part of the machine, and which draws backwards and forwards by means of other connecting arms the saw which is to operate on the pile. By a reference to the plan, we see the saw in its position after it has cut the head of the Fig. 1652. pile partly through; at the back of the semicircle which holds it is a straight rod, which is made to slide along a straight groove; motion is given to this rod backwards and forwards R يم -------- H C • A e H K L F wwwwwwwwww C M T M A Fig. 1653. L S K CA B CHAP. XIV. 1081 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. in the groove, in such manner as the saw is required to move, and this motion constitutes the value of the machine. A lever bent into three different directions, moving on a pivot at the first angle of its bending, and having a movable roller at the other, conveys the motion from the bascule or see-saw directly to the saw the dotted lines show the extent of this motion one way, and the shaded part that of the other. u C G C R P Fig. 1654. de cessart's pile-cutter. In the section we see the various positions of the bascule or jointed rods when the sawing is in progress. The two wheels shown in the plan are worked by a rack and pinion by means of a rod coming from the top, by turning which any required pressure is given to the saw. The grapples, which clutch the head of the piles, are drawn back by means of levers worked at the top, and they are kept from turning by a rope attached to a ring fastened to one of the timbers of the upper platform: the time for cutting off the head of a pile is from three to four minutes. This complicated machine performed its work with great precision, although several engineers continued to prefer that used by Labelye for cutting off the heads of the piles at Westminster Bridge: there can be no doubt that De Cessart's machine, from the variety of its movements and cost of construction, can only be adopted where very extensive works are to be executed; the more simple the saw is set, as long as it can be maintained in a truly level position, the better; for scaffolding, if not solidly put together, is very liable to A saw produce by its change of form very great inequalities in the work performed. mounted on an iron frame, and made to traverse upon two rails of the same material, would most correctly and efficiently execute the work, for there could be no difficulty by such an 1082 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. arrangement to maintain a perfectly horizontal action for the machinery, in whatever situation it might be applied. In the "Traité complet de Mécanique appliquée aux Arts," by M. J. A. Borgnis, some other machines for this purpose are described. 1 I CL 9 g a 19 ว www о HT L G C d wwwwwwwww с E D L X M H R A Fig. 1655 DE CESSARt's pile-cutter. Louis Alexander De Cessart, who executed the celebrated breakwater at the Port of Cherbourg, described in a former part of this work, published an account of most of his engineering works, among which is the detailed account of the dimensions and weight of the several parts of his machine for cutting off the heads of piles under water: as it is a curious document, and an example of the minute calculations entered into by French engineers for the construction of such kind of machinery, we have thought right to insert it; the dimensions are given in French feet, as the calculations in metres were not at that time established. CHAP. XIV. 1083 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. Details of De Cessart's Machine for cutting off the Heads of Piles, given in French Measures. Dimensions. Cube quan- tity of iron. Dimensions. Cube quan- tity of iron. First: Horizontal Move- ments. In. Lines. In. Lines. In. Lines. Brought forward In. Lines. 357 5 2 iron arms, G, G, I. The semicircle, k, attached Length 198 0 to the saw comprising the mâchoires, &c. Width 1 6 148 6 80 0 Thickness 0 6 Width Thickness 2 0 0 8 106 8 Handle, I. Length 54 0 The two branches, Y. 540 Length 30 0 Width 1 Thickness Half circle, X. 0 996 22 6 Length Diameter Total cube of second movement Weight 186 lbs. 10 oz. 1 gr. Great iron frame, A A. Plates added together Width 1 0 } 54 0 559 11 Width Thickness 2 branches of ditto. Length Width Thickness Entretoise, Z,Z. Length Width Thickness Channel, U. 1 1 Length of two sides - Width Thickness Supports, S, S. Branches, M, M. 48 0 1 6 0 5 30 1 055 0 5 30 0 826 0 3 6 722 9 Thickness 0 3 Channels, R, for the regu- 6 18 9 lation of the triangle Length of two sides Height - 144 O 0 1 6 108 0 44 0 1 0 064 Thickness 0 6 22 0 Iron plates cast for ditto. Length 72 0 Width 2 3 40 6 122 0 09 0 9 Thickness 0 3 63 7 6 Supports of the channel. The four 8 0 The two which sustain The three wheels 50 0 the balance 42 0 The two uprights 60 0 Length Width Thickness Buttress arches, V. Length 1 120 0 0 6 0 6 Pieces attached 14 0 90 0 2 channels, Q, Q, which oc- casion motion to the saw. Length of two sides 108 0 88 0 Width Thickness Irons, J, J. Length Width Thickness 1 0 034 Width 2 0 54 0 36 8 Thickness 0 3 Iron supports of first. Length of the three 16 0 bands 66 0 1 3 6 8 Width 2 0 22 0 0 4 Thickness 0 2 2 entretoises, L, L, of the The guide which envelopes central movement. the grappling irons Length 48 0 The round 24 0 Width 1 6 24 0 Width 2 0 16 0 Thickness 0 4 Thickness 0 4 Entretoises, T, T. Bands of iron, D, which Length 66 0 maintain the plate Width 2 teethed-wheels Thickness I 1 3 0 4 27 6 against the pile. Length of the 2 bands 64 0 and Width 1 3 200 pinions. Thickness 0 3 The two wheels The two pinions 52 0 4 0 The two large levers, H, H. Total iron-work of the great plate 1107 3 Length of the two 236 0 Width Thickness 2 0 0 8 314 O Weight 369 lbs. 1 oz. 26 gr. Irons which change the Total cubical content of the first movement Weight in pounds of 16 oz., and taking 3 cube inches as equal to 1 pound, 291 lbs. 5 oz. 44 grains. Second: Vertical Move- ments. Equilateral triangle, P. 847 66 movement on the plate. 6 uprights, each 8 in. high, and the pieces attached 6 tail pieces Channels. Length Height Thickness Total Length 150 0 Width 6 93 9 Thickness 0 5 Entretien of the levers. Length 50 0 Width 2 0 41 8 Thickness 0 5 The cover of the Weight 22 lbs. 9 oz. 26 gr. The griping pieces, F, F. Length Width Thickness Uprights, E, E. Length Thickness angle 10 0 2 keys, b, b. 2 balances, G, G. Length together Width Thickness The two covers Carried forward 192 0 Length Thickness 2 0 192 0 0 6 Total • 20 0 357 5 Weight 58 gr. 174 lbs. 10 oz. 48 0 6 0 44 0 1 3 13 9 0 3 67 9 40 0 1 6 1 0 J 60 0 288 0 1 2 } 392 0 72 0 1 0 72 0 524 0 1084 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Dimensions. Cube quân. tity of iron. Dimensions. Cube quan- tity of iron. In. Lines. In. Lines. In. Lines. Uprights, C, C. Length Width Brought forward In. Lines. 399 9 144 O The four bands to hold the Thickness Side pieces for the spindles. 09 1 0 108 0 channels 48 0 447 9 Length 288 0 Platforms. Width 2 0 144 0 Length of plates 160 0 Thickness 0 3 Thickness 1 6 60 0 108 spindles 54 0 Width - 0 3 Stirrups at the end of the Stirrup irons upon the four uprights. scaffold. Length Thickness 190 0 1 0 190 0 Total for the uprights 496 0 Length of the two Height Thickness 4 bolts and screws 86 0 2 0 43 0 0 3 28 0 5 ditto 14 0 For the whole four 1984 0 Pivots 36 0 628 9 Weight 661 lbs. 5 oz. 26 gr. The four crics, ff. Uprights Thickness Width 40 0 0 9 0 10 } 25 0 Four cross pieces. Length 29 0 16 3 9 Thickness 0 9 Pinion contains Wheel Toothed ditto Axle 2 0 8 0 12 0 * 1 6 0 Winch. Length 4 bolts. Length Thickness Thickness 26 0 0 9 } 4 14 7 6 Weight 209 lbs. 9 oz. 24 gr. - Sounding rod is in length 12 feet Total weight of the ma- chine 2082 lbs. 7 oz. 62 gr., which at 15 sols per lb. amounts to 1561 livres 17 sous 3 den. Copper employed: - copper wheels which carry the horizontal levers of the saw 6 0 lbs. oz. lbs. - 7 10 40 0 6 40 0 1 0 copper wheels applied to the bras de force - 5 0 Total of one cric For the four together Weight 165 lbs. 4 oz. Uprights, d, for regu- lating the movement. Length Thicknesses Key, a, for regulating Length Thickness Iron arms, I. 123 11 3 495 9 - 4 smaller ditto Rondelles or washers 4 copper plates on which the large levers work 3 0 17 8 28 2 copper wheels upon the plate 1 11 168 0 1 3 } 262 6 34 13 28 36 0 1 0 } 36 0 Length of the 4 arms 180 0 Thickness 0 9 } 101 3 Carried forward 399 9 Price of copper 1670 livres 1 sou 7 den. Price of scaffold for the machine 530 livres 18 sous 4 den. Making the total cost of the whole 2200 livres 19 sous 11 den. Steam Pile-driving Machine, as used in America for the construction of railways, deserves to be mentioned; it consists of two machines, similar to those used by hand, which are placed 6 feet apart from centre to centre; these are firmly bolted and secured to a strong horizontal framing, and further strengthened by two oblique ladders. The frame is 9 feet wide, and 28 feet long, carries at one end a locomotive boiler 11 feet in length, and 30 inches in diameter, which is calculated to bear 120 lbs. pressure per square inch, being worked only at two-thirds that amount, making 100 strokes per minute: in the centre of the framing, and on each side of the boiler, a pair of inclined cylinders, 5 inches bore, are placed; these have solid pistons which work without packing, with a 14-inch stroke, acting on right-angled cranks. The shaft centres are 1 foot 3 inches apart; the spur-wheel has 56 teeth, and pinion 19; the bevels 101 and 40 teeth; saw pulleys are 1 foot 9 inches and 10 inches in diameter: the ram is lifted from four to five times in a minute. By this machine the piles are taken up by first securing the ram and then attaching the dogs to the head of the pile, and then, by means of a rope attached, and which passes up- wards through the small guide pulleys and over the outer pulley E, passes downwards, and is coiled round the pulley F fixed on the shaft G, which, being made to revolve, raises the pile to its place between the pile-engines, and is then secured by the stay H, and the hoop or iron-work which guides it perpendicularly. For driving the pile: the stop B being withdrawn from under the ram A, the ram is raised by a rope, which being secured by a staple on the top journal, passes down under the pulley I, then upwards over the pulley K, and again downwards to the drum L, upon which the rope is coiled; the drum is then placed on the shaft G, which is made to revolve by the spur-wheel N, working in the pinion O on the lower shaft P, which shaft revolves by the action of the two cranks Q, placed on the ends of the shaft P; the cranks are set at CHAP. XIV 1085 ON PILES AND PILE-DRIVING. PILE right angles to each other, and are worked by the connecting rods R, attached to the piston rods, which are furnished with slide parallels. The slide valves of the piston are worked by the eccentric V on the end of the shaft P. The steam is supplied by the pipe S from the boiler T, which receives its water from the cistern M by means of the pump W worked by the eccentric rod X fixed on the spur nave at Y, by the handle at Z. The supply of steam is regulated by the handle a acting on a valve in the steam pipe S. The drum L consists of a fixed and loose cylinder, the latter revolving by the friction of the former, and is brought into or out of contact by the hand lever Y, which has a fulcrum attached to the standard. The follower ƒ is furnished with a pair of clippers, which takes hold of a staple fixed in the ram, and carries it to the top of the frame; and when the top of the tongs or clippers are pressed closer together by coming between the contracted cheeks e, e, the lower part opens and allows the ram to fall. Fig. 1656. PILE PILF STEAM PILE-DRIVING MACHINE. h For drawing a pile, chain tackle is secured to the pile and passed over the top pulley to the drum L, and is then drawn by the drum of the apparatus turning round. The saw apparatus has a saw 4 feet in diameter, which has teeth 3 inches apart, secured to the beam c, which works on the upright shaft d for a centre, and slides laterally on the iron arc e; when used the saw is adjusted to its proper height by the screw f, and a bar having a hook in one end, and fitting into a staple in the beam's end, is used to press the saw against the work; the bevel pinion g being raised into gear by the foot lever i, motion 1086 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEering. is given to the pulley i and j and band k, which work the saw b, and which cut off the head of a pile in less than a minute. ΚΕ A A KE KE Fig. 1657. STEAM PILE-DRIVING MACHINE. This machine has been very successfully employed on the railways in America, where the gauge was 6 feet from centre to centre; two piles were driven at the same time, with a ram weighing 16 cwt.; the number of men employed consisted of an engine tender, one man for throwing each apparatus in and out of gear, and one man to attend to each pile, making all together five men for driving two piles, which is about half the number of men required to drive two piles by the ordinary crab engines. By the machine the ram was lifted four or five times in a minute, and the cost of the whole engine and apparatus was about 700% CHAP. XV. 1087 ON MECHANICAL AGENTS. CHAP. XV. ON MECHANICAL AGENTS, OR THE FIRST MOVERS OF MACHINERY. On the Strength of Men and Animals. — The animate moving powers most frequently em. ployed are man, the horse, and the ox, the latter chiefly for agricultural labour: the form and construction of the human body seems applicable in a peculiar degree to become the first mover of machinery, particularly when aided by the skill and judgment which on most occasions are called forth to direct it. There are two methods of employing men and animals; one consists in making them walk with or without a load, the other in attaching them to a part of the machine, where they are required either to push or to draw, and hence communicate motion to the several parts. By the term daily labour is meant the work performed during twenty-four hours, the effective duration of which is only a portion of that time, the remainder being employed in rest and taking meals. Animals of all kinds require that their work should be moderate and regular, and the machine they put into motion should never call forth more exertion than is natural for them: the limit of this action is indicated by the fatigue which the mover evinces, and which we may term the daily fatigue. Daniel Bernouilli imagined that the degree of fatigue was always proportionate to the action which produced it; so that whether the man was employed in walking, carrying a load, drawing or pushing, working at a windlass, or raising a weight, he always produced, with the same degree of fatigue, the same quantity of action, and consequently the same effect; and that the daily labour of a man may be estimated as raising 1,728,000 lbs. weight one foot high, or 60 pounds raised that height every second, when his daily labour was eight hours only. Since these calculations were made, the celebrated Coulomb and Hachette have fully in- vestigated the subject, and in our description of their experiments, we prefer retaining the French weights and measures, which cannot be so readily reduced to their proper quantities in English without fractional quantities: the kilogramme may be taken as equal to 2lbs. 3 oz. 5 grs. avoirdupois, and the length of the metre, according to Captain Kater, is 39-37079 inches, and to M. Bailey, 39-3696786 inches. The daily labour of man depends on the moving power, which results from the effort of which this mover is capable at each instant, and from the duration of effective work during a day of 24 hours, a deduction being made for rest, meals, &c. The moving power has for its measure a mass M, multiplied by a space h, which each point of the mass passes over in a unit of time: let us call T the time of effective work during a day; it is evident that the daily labour of man has for its expression the product of the three quantities, MhT. But keeping the product the same, can we vary the factors at pleasure? Daniel Bernouilli, who has discussed this question, thought that we could, from an equal degree of fatigue, obtain the same daily labour by changing the elements of this action. Desaguliers, differing from Coulomb, gives his opinion, that there is always for each man and each kind of labour to which he is habituated a maximum of action, which corresponds to the product of the three factors, MhT. This observation destroys the opinion of Daniel Bernouilli, who thought that a man or any other animated mover, in whatsoever manner he employed his strength, whether in walking, drawing, or by a winch, or on the cord of a pulley or any other machine, would produce with the same degree of fatigue the same quantity of action, and consequently the same effect. Nevertheless, if, knowing the value of the factors of the greatest daily action of man, we give other values different from these, so that the product shall be constant, we shall be sure not to pass beyond the limits of the natural strength of man, and the effort of which he is capable, which will be conformable to the hypothesis of Daniel Bernouilli. : The expression of daily action of man or any other animated mover may be compared to that of a weight multiplied by the height to which this weight is raised in effect, h being the space which a mass M goes over in a unit of time, the moving power is expressed by Mh; and because these masses are proportional to the weight, it has for its value the quantity Ph, P being the weight of the mass M, that is to say, that it is capable of elevating the mass P to a height h in a unit of time, and to the height Th in the time T: calling this height H, the daily labour of man has for its expression the product PH of the weight P elevated the height H. Daniel Bernouilli estimates the daily labour of a rower as equal to 275 cube metres of water elevated one metre, and he supposes that this action is the product of 8 hours' effective labour out of the 24. 1088 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Sometimes the duration of effective work is confounded with the time which a man passes at the shop or the machine which he moves; nevertheless these two periods of time are very different; if a man walks and makes a halt of some minutes, we must regard the duration of the halts as a part of the time of rest, and must be added to the time of sleep and food. It is the same with all other work which requires an alternation of action and rest, only con- sidering that the duration of action diminishes at the same time as the moving power or the intensity of the momentary effort of the mover augments. It has been observed that a man or horse developes the power of which he is capable, in a day of 24 hours, in a very variable time, which is at least one hour, sometimes 1½ hours, and generally 8 to 12 hours. When we can regulate the two elements of daily labour, the moving power and the time of effective labour, it would be desirous that we should find the value of those elements which determine the greatest effect of daily labour: by multiplying the experiments on a great number of men, and for several years in succession, we shall ascertain exactly the various daily labours, or at least the limits of these actions, having a regard at the same time to the natural strength of the individual, to climate, and all the circumstances which modify this force. On the Velocity with which Man moves. This depends on various circumstances, for when walking on a plain without a load, he moves at the rate of 13 or 16 decimetres per second: according to the observations made by Bouvard during a review of the troops at the Champ de Mars at Paris, 251 metres were passed over in 33 seconds, which is at the rate of 7.7 metres per second. Soldiers when marching at ordinary time take 76 paces per second, and pass over 50 metres: when this pace is accelerated 100 paces in the same time, and they pass over 66 metres: when marching quick, 230 paces are made per second, and 130 metres are passed over. This gives for the ordinary and accelerated time 0·66 metres, or 2 metres for 3 paces; 130 when accelerated, and When a man is travelling without a 60 load, and on level ground, he performs from 40 to 50 kilometres per day during the 8 or 10 hours he is engaged out of the 24. The French soldier carries a load equal to 187% kilogrammes in time of peace, and 25 in time of war. 66 60 50 60 and in 1 second of time of a metre at ordinary time, when at quick time. Daily Labour of a Man has for its measure the resistance expressed in weight, multiplied by the road; and when he walks over a level road, the resistance he overcomes at each instant is unknown: when he mounts a staircase. at each step he elevates the weight of his body; the height of the riser and his weight we consider as the measure of resistance; so that the daily labour has for its measure the product of the weight of the body, multiplied by the height to which it is elevated during the effective labour of one day. According to an experiment made at the Peak of Teneriffe, which is 3780 metres above the level of the sea, 8 men loaded with 7 or 8 kilogrammes, who accompanied Borda, were elevated the first day 7 hours' effective work, to the height of 2923 metres. Supposing the resistance equal to the weight of a man, which is 70 kilogrammes, augmented by a load of 7 kilogrammes, we have for the measurement of the action in a day of each of the 8 men 225 cube metres of water elevated 1 metre; the ramp being 20 kilometres, the fall will be 14 centimetres per metre. The man who mounts with two motions, one horizontal, and the other vertical, each of which has a separate resistance, the sum of them must be taken, which we suppose equal to 77 kilogrammes. In this experiment the height to which a man is elevated in a day is not that to which he elevates himself by walking moderately, for Coulomb offered to labourers the price of a day's ordinary work to mount 18 times without burden on a ramp of 150 metres height, or, what is the same thing, once to a height of 2700, and they constantly refused. It is, therefore, probable that a man travelling in a mountainous country without a load, and at a gentle elevation, would terminate his journey when he was elevated 2 kilometres, after marching 8 hours, whilst he could at the same time, and without fatiguing himself, move 40 or 50 kilometres on a level road: by only counting on a march the effort necessary to elevate at each pace the entire body above the surface of the earth, and sup- posing this elevation to be 3 centimetres, the total elevation will be the number of steps multiplied by 3 centimetres; or, the number of paces is the quotient of the number of metres gone over in a day, multiplied by the length of the steps, or 40000 metres divided by 0.66, which is 66666; multiply this by 0-3; the product is nearly 2000 metres, equal to the height of the ramp. The act of walking consists in gliding over the earth, and elevating the centre of gravity as little as possible; this first effect produced, he must also give a horizontal velocity; this second effort of walking requires an effort which is added to that which precedes for the elevation of the body, but which is evidently much less. We know no experiment which determines the relation of these two efforts. Mul- tiplying 2 kilometres by the weight of the man, 70 kilogrammes, we have for the measure- ment of his daily labour during the length of his march in mountainous countries 140 units, each unit being a cube metre of water elevated 1 metre. CHAP. XV. 1089 ON MECHANICAL AGENTS. If a man mounts when loaded, this action will diminish, as we shall see by the following experiment of Coulomb's: he observed that a man may carry in a day six loads of wood to a height of 12 metres, each being 734 kilogrammes, carried in 11 journeys, or the 6 loads in 6 hours. Thus the man made 66 journeys, and elevated a weight of 6 × 734 kilogrammes of wood to a height of 12 metres, or 53 cube metres of water to a height of 1 metre. He elevated himself 66 times to a height of 12 metres, and this work is expressed by the number 56, the product of three numbers, 70 kilogrammes, 12 metres, and 66 journeys. Adding this number to the preceding, we have for the measurement of a man who mounts loaded, the number 109, less than the 140 found of the daily labour before. TO In the experiment made on the wood porter, each burden of 734, or 67 kilogrammes, were mounted in 1 minute, so that the duration of the principal work in a day of 24 hours was 1 hour 12 minutes; this work was paid at the rate of 1 franc per load of wood mounted 12 metres. The time which elapsed between the two consecutive mountings was about breathing time; it was employed in loading the crochets, log by log, in descending the stairs, &c.; it appears that this method of dividing into short intervals of work and rest the labour of men carrying great burdens, is that which agrees best with the animal economy, and that men prefer a very fatiguing action of some moments, followed by the time necessary for rest, to a less powerful exercise, but more continuous and of longer duration. The result of the experiment cited by Coulomb differs very little from that which Gue- niveau relates in his Essay on Machines; this engineer observed the workmen who mounted from coal mines by very steep and inconvenient stairs; their load varied from 35 to 40 kilogrammes, and the daily effect was 42 to 50 kilogrammes elevated 1 kilometre: taking the weight of the man into consideration, 70 kilogrammes, the daily labour would vary from 112 to 120 dynamic units. Loads of equal weight fatigue much less in proportion as they are distributed equally on all parts of the body; a man carrying a weight equal to his own, and mounting a ladder of a given length, would fatigue himself more than if he mounted without a load by the same ladder to double the height: although in these two cases he would produce the same dynamic effect, the second height would produce much greater fatigue than the first. Coulomb often proposed to different porters to carry furniture from one house to another at a distance of 2 kilometres on a horizontal road, loading themselves at each journey with a weight of 58 kilogrammes; they all told him that they could only make 6 journeys per day, at 1 franc 50 cents per journey; they added that they could not sustain a similar fatigue two days in succession. Several hawkers were interrogated as to what was the greatest weight they could carry in their journeys, and how far they could go with this weight; the strongest of them answered that, loaded with 44 kilometres, they could not proceed farther than 18 to 20 kilometres in a day. We conclude from these different experiments that the action of walking with or without a load on a plain, or in a mountainous country, is bounded by limits which depend on the development of the vital forces, which are very variable, and have no absolute measure. The resistance surmounted at each instant by an animated mover is only to be determined and measured when this resistance is without the mover: in this case the mover exercises on a point which resists a pressure equivalent to that of a weight. The man who walks either with or without a load exercises two kinds of pressure, one on the ground, the other on himself; the latter is not known; whence it follows that there is no absolute measure of the daily labour of a man walking, and it differs essentially from those labours in which we only consider the pressure exercised on an exterior object of whatsoever kind these labours may be, they are only to be compared to those when they produce the same degree of fatigue, and when animated movers can sustain the daily labour which is an ob- ject of comparison, without injuring their physical constitution. : Of the daily Labour of a Man moving a Load on a Wheelbarrow, or other small Carriage.— Pascal was, it is said, the inventor of the wheelbarrow: this machine is a case longer than it is wide, attached to a frame, whose arms are longer on one side than on the other. The shortest side carries the gudgeons of the axle of a small wheel. The load is placed in the case, and the man charged with transporting it seizes the handles of the barrow at about 15 decimetres from the spindle. The total weight of the barrow is about 30 kilogrammes, and it is loaded with 70 kilogrammes when used for moving earth. Vauban, whose name recals the epoch of the greatest earthworks, observed that a man in his daily labour can make 500 journeys of 29 metres each, with a barrow loaded with 70 kilogrammes: to compare this effect with that which we obtain from porters loaded with crochets, we shall estimate the daily labour of the latter by the weight transported, and the distance passed over. Thus, we have for the effect of the hawkers in a day 44 kilogrammes × 20 kilometres, and for that of the workmen with a barrow 70 kilogrammes × 14.5 kilometres. These two effects are in the relation of 880 to 1015; thus, if we only regard the weight of the 4 A 1090 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. masses transported, the wheelbarrow as a means of transport is preferable to the crochet; but it must be remarked that the volume of the masses increases the difficulty of trans- port, and it is probable that hawkers have more fatigue than men at the wheelbarrow. Coulomb found that to sustain a loaded barrow by means of a dynanometer, fixed at the point the man holds by, supported a weight of 18 to 20 kilogrammes, and that the force necessary to drive the barrow loaded on dry firm ground was 2 to 3 kilo- grammes. This weight measures the continuous effort of a man pushing the barrow ; multiply this effort by the space, 14 kilometres, which he goes over in 500 journeys, and we have 28 to 42 great dynamic units for the measure of the efforts which produce the useful daily effect. In mines sledges are sometimes used, which slide over an unequal and argillaceous soil; those observed by Gueniveau were drawn by a single man, and loaded with 90 kilo- grammes of coal. The space passed over was 290 metres; the workman made 24 journeys in the day, and returned with the sledge empty, which gives for the effect in a day 90 kilogrammes transported 6960 metres, or 626 kilogrammes transported 1 kilometre, an effect less than that produced by the hawkers, and which was estimated in the preceding article at 880. The small waggons used in mines, says Gueniveau, are supported on 4 wheels, and drawn by men distributed along the road at a distance of 100 metres: the waggon rolls on planks, and the daily effect of each man is 900 to 1000 kilogrammes transported 1 kilo- metre : when there are inequalities in the floor of the gallery, which are otherwise supposed horizontal, this effect is reduced to 600 kilogrammes transported to the same distance. : Of Men acting on Pulleys. — According to Coulomb, ordinary rams used for driving piles weigh 350 to 450 kilogrammes: acord passing over a pulley sustains the ram on one side; at the other extremity of the cord different strings are attached, which men seize with their hands when the ram strikes the piles, the men hold the cord about the height of their heads; bending at the same time as they apply an effort to the cord, they elevate the ram. about 11 decimetres. They make nearly 20 strokes in a minute, and three or four minutes in succession, after which they rest nearly as long as they have worked; notwithstanding this repose they are obliged to be relieved every hour. Men cannot perform more than three hours' effective work in a day; the remainder of the time is occupied in placing and dis- placing the machines, dressing the piles, &c.; these works require slight effort, and afford time for regaining the strength. In this experiment the number of men applied to the machine is such that each man lifts 19 kilogrammes of the ram. According to these data the daily action has for its measure the product of these three numbers, 11 decimetres, 19 kilogrammes, and the number of strokes given in three hours' effective work, at the rate of 20 per minute, which gives 75 dynamic units. Coulomb has followed, fifteen months in succession, the labour of coining money at Paris. These pieces are struck by means of a ram weighing 38 kilogrammes; two men are employed, and consequently each elevated a weight of 19 kilogrammes: the elevation was 4 decimetres, and in one day 5200 pieces were struck, or, what is the same thing, the ram was elevated 5200 times in a day, which gives for the daily labour 39 dynamic units. In the preceding example, we have for the measure of this action 75; but it must be remarked that the same men work in the Mint 15 hours in succession, instead of which, when driving piles, the men pass from one kind of labour to another when they are fatigued. An Experiment made at the Bridge of the Military School, under the Direction of M. Lamandé, Chief Engineer of Bridges. For driving piles a ram was used weighing 587 kilogrammes, worked by 38 men; at each blow they elevated the ram 1·45 metre; after 30 blows they rested a time equal to that of the blows. They gave 12 series of blows in an hour, or 12 strokes per minute, effective and continuous work: supposing they could have sustained this work 6 hours a day at 12 series of blows an hour, the daily labour of each 587 38 man would be the product of or 15 44 kilogrammes multiplied by 1·45 metres, and by 72 series, 30 strokes, which gives 48 dynamic units. Coulomb says, "I have drawn water from a well 37 metres deep: a man worked by means of a double bucket, attached to the extremity of a cord working over a pulley; he drew up the first day 125 buckets; the second 119, at 25 centimes per 10 buckets: the mean effort, measured by a dynamometer, was 16 kilogrammes. We have the daily labour by multiplying the three numbers 16 kilogrammes, 37 metres, and 120, the number of buckets mounted in a day, the product is 71 great dynamic units. Men acting on Winches. According to Coulomb the pressure of a man in a continuous labour exercised on the handle of a winch is about 7 kilogrammes; most frequently the swiftness of the rotation of the handle is such, that each point describes in a minute 20 to 29 circles, each of 23 decimetres. The duration of effective work in a day is about 6 hours: in this hypothesis the daily labour is the product of three numbers, 7 kilogrammes, 6 × 60 minutes, 20 × 2.3 metres, or 116 great dynamic units. CHAP. XV. 1091 ON MECHANICAL AGENTS. Of a Man pushing as he walks, or drawing harnessed. Mill-walk in the Wells of Bicêtre.- The Bicêtre contains three establishments: the hospital for the mad people, the prison, and the infirmary. Those who are least diseased, mostly the epilectic patients, receive a small remuneration for drawing water from a well; 72 men are designed for this service; 24 only work at once, for 1 hour 20 minutes in succession, and are replaced by others for the same time. The mill-walk is in an octagon tower, whose opposite faces are 11·69 metres distant; the centres of the horizontal bars which the men push before them while walking are on a circle 5.2 metres radius; these bars are directed towards the axis of the mill; 16 men walk without the walk and 8 within; there are 8 couples of men, and each couple push the same bar; the distance between two men of the same couple is 8 decimetres; the height of the bars above the ground is 9 decimetres; the distance between two consecutive bars is 1-3 metres; each man is placed between two bars, which he pushes alternately before him, according as the wheel is to turn in one direction or the other. The well is 52 metres deep from the surface of the water to the crochet which empties the buckets; the interior diameter is 4.872 metres; the water constantly stands at 4·872 metres from the bottom. A vast reservoir of a square form, well vaulted, contains more than 1000 cube metres of water; the vault is supported by 16 columns, which serve as piers to 9 elliptical arches: this reservoir, the tower, and the well, were executed in 1733-4, from the designs of Boffrand, engineer of bridges and roads. Of the Swiftness of Men pushing the Bars of the Mill. The men make 8 turns in 5 minutes, the time necessary to elevate a bucket from the surface of the water to the bank, taking the mean walk of 24 men as a circle of 10·4 metres diameter; the 8 turns correspond to 278 metres, which gives 0·92 metre for the velocity in 1". Useful Effect of the moving Power.— In a relay of 1 h. 20′, or 16 times 5′, they raise 16 buckets; a bucket contains 700 litres, weighing 700 kilogrammes: thus the useful effect of 24 men is 700 kilogrammes x 16 x the height to which the water is elevated, or 52 metres, and for each man this number divided by 24, that is to say, 25 great dynamic units of a cube metre of water elevated 1 metre. The remuneration of this work is 8 cen- times a man. The waters of Arcueil, and other sources more elevated than the Bicêtre, bring together six months in the year a considerable quantity of water, and then four or six relays suffice to draw from the well the water necessary for the service of the establishment; but in summer the natural sources fail, and each labourer makes four relays, which causes his daily labour to be 100 dynamic units; it is only one-half during six months of the year, so that the mean daily labour is 75. The quantity of water drawn in 12 relays is expressed by the product of the three numbers 700 litres x 16 x 12, or 134400 litres. The popu- lation of the Bicêtre being about 3000, we have nearly 45 litres for each individual; it is generally supposed that 20 litres for each person would suffice for the wants of a great town; on account of the baths watering the gardens of the Bicêtre, the consumption is more than double. The Force developed by the Mover.—It was intended to measure, by means of a spring, the mean pressure of men on the bars of the mill at the Bicêtre; but this project was abandoned on account of the great inequality of force in the individuals, more or less weakened by age and infirmity. The resistance to be overcome is unequal, but it is at its maximum when the buckets rise from the water, whilst the other begins to descend; the cables carrying the buckets are 2 decimetres in circumference; each passes over a pulley 1.3 metres in diameter, and coils round the drum of the machine, whose diameter is 19 metres; the part of the cable comprised between the pulley and the level of the water in the well weighs 250 kilogrammes. The resistance which acts tangentially to the drum will be 700 kilogrammes, the weight of a full pail of water added to the weight of the cable when the bucket begins to ascend, and subtracted from that of the cable when the bucket is at the height of the hook, which is inclined to empty it; thus the resistance varies from 850 to 550 kilogrammes. The buckets weigh, when full, iron and wood comprised, 600 kilogrammes, but one always equalises the other, and we must only count it as inertia: the distance of the axle of the machine to the vertical axis of the well is about 13 metres: whatever is the weight of the cable, the mean resistance being 700 kilogrammes, acting on a radius of 3 feet, the power producing the equilibrium will be at the extremity of the radius 16 feet; taking of 700 kilogrammes, gives 127 kilogrammes for the total pressure on the bars. If we subtract the inertia and friction of the cable on the pulleys and on the drum, the mean pressure of 24 men working the machine will be kilogrammes, or 5 metres 3 kilogs. On account of the inertia, friction of the ropes on the pulleys and drum, we suppose the mean pressure to be 7 kilogrammes, so that the relation of the useful effect of the force developed to produce it is that of 5-3 to 7, or 0.8 to 1; that is to say, a fifth only of the force developed will be employed to overcome friction 127 24 3 16 4 A 2 1092 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. and inertia, which is probably the case in this machine, where the construction is simple and carefully executed. The Horse considered as a Mover. Of his Swiftness. — The greatest swiftness of a horse in a course of 7 or 8 minutes is 12 to 15 metres per second. Bouvard observed that in the Champ de Mars at Paris, a horse mounted by a cavalier on a smooth road winding in the form of the figure of an eight, went over 2575 metres in 3′ 31″, or 211". In the Newmarket races a horse has gone over 6784 metres in 7′ 30″: a horse harnessed in a cart has gone over 1478 metres in 2' 13" on a road in the form of an eight, in the Champ de Mars. These three experiments gave for the swiftness of the horse in 1", 1st experiment 2 3 - - 12-21 metres. 15. 11.11 We are assured that a harrier is capable of following the best English horse, and that the reindeer attached to a sledge runs at the rate of 8 metres per second. Cavalry makes in a minute, at the common pace trot gallop · S 120 steps, and goes over - - . 180 100 metres. - 200 200 320 which gives for the ordinary length of a horse's step 0.83 metres, for the velocity corre- sponding to this pace 1·66 metres per second; for the velocity at a trot 3.3 metres; and at a gallop 5.3. It has been remarked that the pace of a man more or less accelerated is always nearly of the same length: the inequality of a horse's step proves that he throws out his legs in running, and clears a space which must be added to his ordinary step. Bosc saw in N. America savages who leapt while walking, and he assures us that this manner of proceeding was very favourable for an accelerated and continuous velocity, and also fatigues less than any other. A good horse loaded with about 80 kilogrammes, including the weight of the rider, can daily go over 40 kilometres (25 miles English) in 7 or 8 hours, which gives from 1·4 metres to 1.5 metres per second. The weight of a horse of mean strength is 225 to 250 kilo- grammes. The tractive Power and Load of a Horse.-In contracts for carting, we generally calculate the load of the carts at 700 to 750 kilogrammes to a horse, without comprising the weight of the cart: the tractive power of a good waggon horse is 140 kilogrammes; a team goes over on a good horizontal road 38 to 40 kilometres in 8 or 9 hours; at 40 kilometres in 8 hours the velocity is 1·4 metres in a second. Horses attached to diligences going at a trot, and making a post or 8 kilometres in an hour, go over daily 34 to 38 kilometres: the tractive power of each is about 90 kilogrammes ; their velocity is 2.2 metres in 1". • The daily action of the horse of a waggon being expressed by the product of two numbers, 90 kilogrammes and 38 kilometres, these two actions are in the relation of 5600 to 3420, or 163 to 100. These experiments give 100 kilogrammes as the mean tractive power of horses. Of the Strength of the Horse taken as a dynamic Unit. The constructors of steam-engines estimate the power of these machines in dynamic units, each of which measures the strength of a horse when harnessed. Let us suppose that a horse is capable of moving a mass of 140 pounds with a velocity of 200 feet in a minute: this dynamic effect is 28000 pounds elevated 1 foot, or 4149 kilogrammes 1 metre; according to this definition, the strength of a horse working 24 hours continuously is equivalent to 5974 units, each the weight of 1 cube metre of water elevated 1 metre; or, 5974 × 2208 pounds avoirdupois raised 3.281 feet English. Machine of Mr. Gonin Dyer, Rue Blanche Castile, Isle St. Louis. This machine has one horse, which works 5 or 6 hours a day in three relays; in 1 hour he lifts by means of a pump 28 muids of water, each muid being 268 litres 13 metres high, or 97½ cube metres to a height of 1 metre, which gives for the daily labour of 6 hours in the 24, 585 metres of water elevated 1 metre. Machine near Paris over a Plaster Quarry. — This machine has one horse which works 12 hours a day; the effect is to elevate by means of a drum 96 casks of plaster from the bottom of the quarry to a height of 23-4 metres; each cask weighs about 375 kilogrammes, and the weight of the plaster elevated in a day is equal to 36 cube metres of water, which gives 842 dynamic units for the daily action. The horse harnessed to the extremity of a lever 3.575 metres long goes over in a minute a circle of 22·4 metres, in a second an arc of 37 centimetres. and in 10 hours of labour 13.4 kilometres. The cask is elevated in 7 minutes; at each ascension the horse stops to change the direction of his rotatory movement; supposing the duration of effective labour to be 10 CHAP. XV. 1093 ON MECHANICAL AGENTS. hours, and knowing by the dynamometer that the traction is 100 kilogrammes, we have for the force developed in a minute 100 kilogrammes multiplied by 23-4 metres, or 23-4 dynamic units, and in 12 hours 1684 great dynamic units, which have produced the useful effect expressed by the number 842, half the preceding. By only comparing the force developed in a minute, and the corresponding useful effect, we have for its measurement the weight of a tub, 375 kilogrammes, multiplied by the height, 23-4 metres, which product must be divided by 7.5, although the barrel is only elevated in 7 minutes. The force being 2.34, the useful effect is half, or 1·17. Machine established in the Brewhouse called Bon Pasteur, 80 Rue Mouffetard. Three horses harnessed to the same machine elevate by means of a pump 155 muids of water to a height of 132 feet, and the duration of work corresponding to this effect varies between 4 and 5 hours, according as the pistons of the pump are in good or bad order: this action of 3 horses is equivalent to 1784 great units, which gives 593 units for each horse. The diameter of the circle described by the horses is 6 metres, and they make 13 turns in 5'; each turn is 19 metres, which gives about 0-8 metres as the swiftness per second, the length of the ordinary step of a horse. The traction of each horse being 100 kilogrammes, the force developed in 4 hours is 1185, almost double the number of the useful action 595. The machine communicates motion to the pumps, or to a mill for grinding malt: the horses grind in an hour 5 sacks of malt weighing 100 kilogrammes each. Machine established at the Hotel des Invalides to elevate Water from a Well by a system of Pumps. — Eight horses perform the service from 6 in the morning to 6 at night: each horse works 6 hours, in two relays of 3 hours each, separated by a rest of the same duration: 4 horses are harnessed to the machine at once. There are two reservoirs, one 6·02 metres high from the ground, the other 16.5 metres. The distance from the ground to the level of the water in the well is 19.16 metres, so that the height to which the water must be elevated in the first reservoir, which is the largest, is 25.2 metres, the height for the small reservoir 35.6 metres. The quantity elevated in 12 hours in the two reservoirs are respectively 165 and 35 cube metres of water. The useful effect corresponding to the daily action of the 8 horses will be expressed by 165 × 25.2 +35 × 35'6, or 5404 dynamic units, which gives for each day 675 units in 6 hours of work, and 1·87 in a minute for each horse. The radius of the machine is 4 metres; the horse makes 21 turns per minute, and goes over 63 metres, which gives 12 metres for his swiftness in 1". The mean draught of 4 harnessed horses, as observed by the dynanometer, is 130 kilogrammes for each, which gives for the force developed in 12 hours four times 130 kilogrammes x 63 metres × 60′ × 12 hours, or 23586 dynamic units. By comparing this number to the useful effect, expressed by 5404 dynamic units, we sec that this effect is only 23 of the force developed. Other Observations on the daily Labour of a Horse. Armallet, engineer of bridges and roads, describes a machine with pulleys at work in the coal mines at Blanzy, near Creusot, Canal du Charolais, moved by two horses, which elevated in 9 minutes coal weighing 450 kilogrammes to the height of 130 metres. He added that the effective labour was 8 hours out of the 24: according to these statements, the daily labour will be expressed by 1560 great units. I agree to the first part of the observation, but has the second, rela- tive to the duration of effective labour, been made several months in succession? It is allowable to doubt this, when we arrive at a result double that which a great number of experiments give. Other Experiments on Transport by Water.—Perronet relates an experiment made on the canal of Loing. A single man drew a boat loaded with 100 milliers, and in 10 days he went over a space of 110 kilometres, so that his daily labour was 100 milliers transported 11 kilometres. Supposing the draught of a man 10 kilogrammes, the work would be expressed by 110 dynamic units. He has further observed that a single horse draws a boat of 300 milliers, and goes over 8 kilometres in a day: admitting that the draught is 100 kilogrammes, the labour of the horse will be expressed by 800 units: it is very probable that the forces developed are in fact in the relation of 100 to 800; nevertheless the useful effect produced in a day are only in the relation of 11 to 24, or 1 to 2.2. It would be important to repeat these experiments, and to measure the draught corre- sponding to the velocity of men and horses, having relation to the form and swiftness of the boat, and to the greater or less resistance of the fluid. Summary of the Experiments on the daily Labour of Man; the dynamic unit being the weight of a cube metre of water elevated to the height of 1 metre, or 2208 lbs. avoirdu- pois raised 3.281 English feet. We have, for a man walking 7 hours on a slope of 14 centimetres in a metre with a burthen of 7 or 8 kilogrammes A man walking in a mountainous country without a load Dynamic units 225 140 4A 3 1094 Book Il THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. A man carrying wood up a ladder, his own weight being 56, and that of his load 53 A coal porter on a ladder, his own weight being taken into account A man applying his strength to a rope over a pulley to raise a ram The same another experiment The same—another experiment A man drawing water from a well by means of a cord A man working the handle of a winch A man drawing a boat with traces Dynamic units. 109 112 to 120 75 40 48 71 116 110 A unit of transport being the weight of a cube metre of water transported 1 metre on a level road, we have— Dynamic units. A man travelling over a level plain, his own weight being 70 kilogrammes x 50 kilometres 9.500 A soldier loaded with 20 to 25 kilogrammes, and marching 20 kilometres f a day A Roman soldier making a forced march of 40 kilometres a day Hawkers with crochets, the weight of the man not being taken into account Men drawing sledges A man drawing a boat on a canal 50,000 kilogrammes transported 11 kilometres 1800 1900 4400 4800 792 880 627 550,000 Summary of Experiments on the daily Labour of Horses: — Daily Labour mea- sured by the draught and the road gone Useful Effect. over. Waggon horse 5600 Poste horse 3420 Mill horse 585 Ditto 1684 842 Ditto 1185 595 Ditto 2948 675 Ditto 1560 Barge horse 800 We see by the first summary that a man who mounts a ladder freely without any load can furnish a quantity of action double that which he affords with crochets, cords, pulleys, or winches. In considering the useful effect of a wood porter in houses, it is expressed by the number 56, which is only the quarter of 225, the measure of the first daily action: it results that if a man mounts a staircase freely, and lets himself fall by means attached to the extremity of the cord of a pulley, he would elevate a weight equal to his own at the other extremity of the cord; he would produce nearly the same useful effect as four men lifting the same weight on their backs or with crochets. It will be conceived that a man could elevate a load by a ladder greater in proportion as the weight is equally distributed over all the active parts of his body, but the weight of the man himself fulfils this condition to its greatest possible extent. This theory confirms the result of experiment on the best employment of the greatest daily labour a man is capable of. Applying the same reasoning to a horse, it is easy to calculate the useful effect produced by his mounting a slope. Let us suppose that he elevates himself in a day to 20 kilo- metres, his weight being about 250 kilogrammes, he would elevate the same weight to the same height by letting himself fall, and bis daily labour would be expressed by 5000, a number six times greater than that which expresses the daily labour of a horse drawing a boat, and which we generally regard as the mean action answering to a number of horses. There would therefore be a great advantage in employing a horse as a weight capable of lifting, even when we reduce the height to 10 kilometres, which he might mount in a day. The Measure of the greatest Effort of an animated Mover. We have seen that the daily labour of animated mover depends on three elements: the pressure which he exercises on the resistance to be overcome; the velocity of the centre of application of the pressure; and lastly, the duration of the pressure. There is such a relation between the two ele- ments pressure and velocity, that if one attain its maximum the other becomes nothing. The greatest velocities observed among men and horses are respectively 8 and 15 metres per second; a man running with this velocity consumes in half a minute the labour he is capable of in a day. The horse consumes the same in 7 or 8 minutes, and if he be CHAP. XV. 1095 ON MECHANICAL AGENTS. harnessed to a car, a course of 2′ 13″ suffices to exhaust his daily labour. The dynamometer shows the pressure which a mover exercises on a fixed obstacle, and experiments on individuals more or less strongly constituted prove that the greatest pressure which a man exercises on a spring with his hands varies from 50 to 71 kilogrammes. The scale of traction on the same dynamometer gives 140 to 150 kilogrammes as the greatest weight which a man can lift with the aid of his hands and loins. It is generally believed that the muscular strength of man in his savage state surpasses that of the workmen of civilised countries. Experiments made on the New Hollanders by M. Peron, the naturalist, prove that the English and French sailors have nearly the same strength as these savages in pressing with their hands, and are far superior to them in the action of the loins: the mean measure of this action being 100 kilogrammes for the former, and 128 for the latter. To measure the greatest effort of a horse harnessed to a vehicle, we attach the dynano- meter by one of its extremities, and the other to a large spring of wood which stretches it gradually; or, if we have a row of continuous sledges heavily laden and fastened toge- ther by pieces of chain of a certain length, the horse then draws the first sledges, and suc- cessively those which are behind, until the resistance, increasing with the number of sledges put in motion, equalises the greatest effort of the horse: by this procedure time is allowed the horse to arrive at his maximum of effort. This maximum varies, according to the scale of traction on the dynanometer, from 300 to 525 kilogrammes. Whatever is the moving power there is always a certain relation between the quantities which express the pressure and velocity at each instant of daily labour, and these two ele- ments have their maximum. We find in the volumes of the Academie of Petersburg, 1750-1751, 1760-1761, two memoirs of Euler on this question. This geometrician has in his second memoir considered an animated mover as a source of water falling from a de- termined height, and the resistance as the effort capable of turning a water-wheel whose float-boards receive the shock of the water. We call h the fall of water, a² the surface of the float-board struck by the water, a2h is the expression of the maximum of the pressure of the water on the float-board: calling A the maximum effort of the mover Euler supposes A=a³h, calling & the velocity of the water at the end of its fall, and before the shock on the float-board he makes it equal to the velocity of the mover walking freely without a load. He designates by the letter u the velocity of the float-board after the shock of the water, and makes it equal to the velocity of the mover which corresponds to the daily action : he calls A' the pressure of the water on the float-board, which is equal to the pressure of the mover corresponding to the velocity a: lastly, Euler admits, considering only the action of the water on the float-board, that we have the equation A'=A (1–2). 5 To verify this formula as applied to animated movers, man for example, Schulze made some experiments which are described in a memoir to the Academy of Berlin, 1783. He selected seven men, differing from each other in weight and shape, he found that when he made them draw horizontally from below the shoulder, a cord passing over a pulley to the extremity of which weights were suspended, the men experimented upon stopped succes sively at the 7 following weights: 95 105 110 100 105 100 115 livres. The sum of these weights, 730 livres, is the measure of the maximum effort of the seven men acting in concert: the velocity of these same men walking freely without a load was found to be 5% Rhine feet per second. To find the velocity corresponding to their daily action Schulze used a machine whose levers were fixed in a vertical axle, to which two great cylinders of marble turning with the axle were attached; a horse was usually har→ nessed to this machine whose radius was 10 Rhenish feet. Substituting for the daily labour of a horse that of 7 men working together, he observed that the velocity of these men in the machine was 2.45 Rhenish feet per second: of the four quantities A', A, v, u, three are known, for we have A=730 livres ; v=5 feet; u=2·45 feet. Substituting these numbers for the preceding formula, it gives A'=205 livres for the pressure corresponding to the daily action. Having fixed the extremity of the cord on the vertical axis, and having rolled it round the axis, he passed it over a pulley whence it hung over the well; he then attached divers weights to the other extremity of the cord: a weight of 215 livres gave a uniform velo- city of 24 feet Rhenish per second, nearly equal to that of the men applied to the machine: thus the pressure A', as found by the formula of Euler, was equivalent to a weight of 205 livres, differing 10 livres or from the observed pressure, 215 livres. 20 In this experiment the mean value of the draught of a horse in the machine is 205 livres, or about 100 kilogrammes: if we apply the formula of Euler to a horse harnessed to the machine, taking the facts as given before, we have for the greatest mean effort of the horse 4A 4 1096 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 400 kilogrammes; his velocity at the ordinary pace without a load is 1·6 metres, his velocity in the machine is 0·8 metres; we have then A=400 kilogrammes; v=1·6 metres; u=0·8 metre. The formula gives A'=400 (1—1), or 100 kilogrammes, which is confirmed by experi- ment. We must remark that the formula of Euler, which determines with sufficient precision the pressure corresponding to the daily labour of animated movers as compared to water, is not by any means satisfactory for the calculation of the effects of this fluid on the water- wheel. When treating of this fluid as a moving power we shall give another formula, which affords results approaching near to those observed. 7 CHAP. XVI. HYDROSTATICS. HYDROSTATICS which teaches of the equilibrium of fluids, and that a fluid is composed of material particles, infinitely small, and move without friction on each other in every direction; this property it is which occasions it to communicate pressure equally in all directions: for the purpose of examining these qualities, it is necessary that we should leave out of our consideration, all which relates either to their expansibility or compressibility, their cohesion and capillary attraction. We must also view them as having a uniform density throughout. One of the first laws which is apparent is that the surface of such a fluid, when at rest, assumes the horizontal: the face, however, always being perpendicular to the direction of all the forces which act upon it, the power of gravitation having the effect upon the waters of the ocean, of occasioning it to lie in parallel lines with the earth's curvature. We find also that when any part of a fluid is raised above the surface, it will quickly return to its level, from whence we learn that the pressure of a fluid on every particle of the vessel containing it, or any other surface in contact with it, is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid of which the base is equal to that particle, and the height to its depth below the surface of the fluid: so that in a cistern 10 feet deep, each square foot will sustain the weight of 10 cube feet of the liquid, or 10,000 ounces; in a vessel filled with mercury, an inch in depth, each square foot will sustain a pressure of 1130 ounces; the atmosphere has a pressure upon each square foot of the earth's surface of 34,000 ounces, which is equivalent to the weight of a column of mercury 30 inches high. It is therefore obvious that the pressure on every square foot of the bank of a river increases continually in descending towards the bottom. Of the Level of Liquids and their Equilibrium. — Liquids, like other heavy bodies, tend always towards the earth's centre, and descend as low as possible unless some obstacle pre- vents them. Water poured into a vessel and left to itself always assumes its level, for if there is at first one part of its surface more elevated than another, it will descend towards the lower as on an inclined plane, or as along several contiguous inclined planes, if it make a species of curve. If there be still some places higher than others, the same will happen to each of them; the most elevated parts, if they can, will descend as low as possible, and when there is no longer any agitation on the surface, it will be found level, since all its points are equidistant from the earth's centre, and will always maintain themselves in this state, if they are not put in motion. When the surface of a liquid is level, all the columns of which this liquid is composed are in equilibrio. — Suppose we pour water into the prismatic vessel B C, and that we suppose this water divided into columns of equal bases, that the surface A E of the first column BE should be level with the surface EF of the second; it is necessary that these two columns should counterbalance each other, and tend mutually to raise each other by an equal effort on their bases, otherwise if the first bore upon the second, the surface of this second, rising above that of the first, could not maintain itself in this position, because, not being sustained at the sides, it would fall on the first in order to assume its level. In like manner the second column, EM, could not by its own weight bear upon the third, M G, without the surface of the latter mounting, and the former descending, but these two columns being of an equal weight, there is no reason why one should bear upon the other; in like manner all those which follow sustain each other reciprocally in equilibrio. Hence when we mix two liquids together, one of which is lighter than the other, as oil and water, the heaviest compels the lightest to rise to the surface; nevertheless it appears that it is the oil which separates itself from the water. CHAP. XVI. 1097 HYDROSTATICS. A H K C Although the columns EM, MG, GO, OI, IQ, QD, appear to unite themselves against BE to surmount it, this latter is not in equilibrio with all the others, together or separately, because they are divided among themselves, each tending to raise the other; that is to say, the columns EM, MG, GO, OI, IQ, in like manner unite with the first BE, against the single one QD, because if each of these columns be opposed by all the others, it is also supported by the others, and acts against each in particular: whence it follows that the column EL, CD, composed of several small ones, has no more advantage over the single one BE than this has over the preceding, which proves that a column of liquid, however large it may be, balances the last thread of the same liquid when both are level, because the larger column is composed of threads similar to the first, which oppose each other, and unite with the first against each other as they all united against the first: all the columns of the same liquid are then in equilibrio, their surfaces are level, and as their surfaces are level, these columns are in equilibrio. b L M Q C Fig. 1658. If the vessel be of any other form than prismatic, it is only ne- cessary to conceive it divided by horizontal sections from the bottom X to the edge A C, in such a manner that each section may be regarded as a small prism; pouring the liquid gently along the edge of the vessel, it will level itself in the prism RXT; then in the second, NP, having the first for its base; then in the third, I O, which has the second for its base, and so on to the last, A C. A D N R A Ꮐ P X T Fig. 1659. E H M N L If we have a siphon, whose branches A B, CD, EF, GH, we suppose vertical, and of the same size, it cannot be doubted that the liquid poured into the first branch, A C, to a certain height, LM, will mount in another branch, EG, to a height NO, equal to the preceding; for on account of the pipe of communication CIK F, the co- lumn LC will raise the column NG until it is in equilibrio with it. These two columns being equal in size, they must also be of the same height, to weigh equally the two tubes A C and E G being to be regarded as the scales of a balance which contain equal weights, and the pipe of communication as the beam round which the two columns of water are in equi- librio, and consequently their surfaces level. With regard to the pipe of communication, it is evident that its length does not affect the equilibrium of the two columns: we may regard it as not existing, that is to say, as if the two branches of the siphon were contiguous, separated only by a diaphragm, for as long as the communication is horizontal, the water contained cannot increase in one branch to the prejudice of the other. B K F Fig. 1660. If the first column ABCD were less than the second EFPQ, the columns of the same liquid, KC and MP, would not the less be in equilibrio; for if we cut off from the second column another, M G, of the same size as the first, it is evident that the latter will K D D K டாடா F G B C Fig. 1661. Fig.1662. C only have to oppose M G, which has the same base as itself: since the column MG will be in equilibrio with the rest of the liquid of the branch EP, and also with the column K C, the latter will be in equilibrio with the whole column M P. 1098 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Having a vessel, ABCD, filled with any fluid to the level IK, let us imagine that in this vessel we form with the same liquid a glass siphon GEMNFHQPG, serving as a diaphragm, it is evident that this liquid, which the siphon would contain, should be in the same state as it was before its separation from what remains in the vessel; but as, before the formation of the siphon, the parts of the liquid which it contains were in equilibrio, and the surfaces GE and FH level, the same things would still subsist. B A E 1 Fig. 1663. D F H K C B A G E Fig. 1664. D F H K C A G E D H F K The liquid contained in the siphon having nothing in common with what remains in the vessel, if we suppose the latter annihilated, and the glass siphon transformed into some other material, as copper or tin, we shall see that water poured into a siphon of any figure will assume its level in the two branches, and maintain its equilibrium, however unequal the size of these branches may be: notwithstanding this law of nature, there are cases in which liquids do not rise to their level, as will be noticed hereafter. If we have a tube open at both ends, and we plunge a part perpendicularly into the water, it enters therein and maintains the level of the surface of the water, since we may regard it as a column which is in equilibrio with that without, in the same manner as it was previous to its inclosure in the tube; but what is sur- prising, this does not happen in all tubes; and in capillary tubes, or those of very small dia- meter, the water mounts above the level of that which is outside, and the higher in proportion as the diameter is less. I B Fig. 1665. All columns of water tend by their weight to descend and raise each other, and it is the equality of their force which keeps them level: if it should happen that one of these columns were lighter than the others it would immediately rise above the others to the height necessary for the equilibrium. When a capillary tube is placed on the surface of the water, the drops of which are comprised in its opening attach themselves to the interior of the small circle which forms it, are sustained by it in part, and consequently are so much the lighter with regard to the water, which acts freely on the bottom of the vessel. Then the column of water, which answers to the opening of the capillary tube, exercises its weight less on the bottom of the vessel than the other columns, with which it is surrounded, so these latter ought to elevate it in the capillary tube to a height at which it regains by a greater quantity of water the weight by which it is deficient with regard to the bottom of the vessel, to be in part sustained by the drops of water which adhere to the tube. It follows that the smaller the diameter of the tube is, the more the water within would elevate itself above the level of the other, as having more surface in proportion as a greater number of drops of water are sustained by it; and those of the middle will have so many the more leaning points in the part of the preceding, as the tube is narrow. Another experiment which appears contrary to liquids always keeping in equilibrio. Having a vessel A B in which water or any other liquid is placed to any height CD, if we take a piece of cloth and dip it in the water, then placing it on the edge of the vessel so that the part G H dips in the A water, and the other EF is outside the vessel, and sufficiently long for its extremity E to be below the surface CD of the liquid, we shall see it mount along the band, drop from the extremity E, and the vessel will be entirely emptied if the extremity H reaches the bottom. E H Gardeners adopt this method to water plants which require to be kept moist, and chemists apply it in a way which from its singularity requires mentioning. When they have several liquids mixed which they desire to separate, they dip cloth bands into each of the pure liquids; they then dis- pose these bands on the edge of the vessel, and each distils the liquid with which it was wetted, as well in a vacuum as in a plenum. D B Fig. 1666. CHAP. XVI. 1099 HYDROSTATICS. B G !) To compare the specific weights of different liquids an instrument invented by Homberg is used, called an areometer, composed of a small phial E, having two necks A B, DC, very narrow, but the second still narrower than the first: through the opening A with a funnel F, the liquid to be weighed is poured, which as it falls into E drives out the air through the tube CD, and the place exactly marked at G on the neck A B, to which the liquid reaches: having weighed the phial full of liquid in a good balance, and the weight of the empty areometer subtracted, the weight of the liquid poured in is obtained; the areometer is then emptied, cleaned, and filled with another liquid to the same mark G, which is weighed as before, to obtain the ratio of the specific weights of these two liquids. As liquids are subject to dilate with heat and contract with cold, Homberg reports his experiments on their weights, and remarks on their difference in the greatest heat of summer and in the greatest cold of winter, so as to ascertain very nearly the difference between these two extremities at the times in which the areometer is used. E Fig. 1667. On the vertical Action of Water against the Sides of the Vessel containing it. One of the pro- perties of liquids is the effort which they make in every direction against the sides of the vessel containing them, caused by the motions of their parts, which being detached from each other only seek to escape. Having a right tube, A B CD, open at both ends fixed against a vertical surface, if we introduce into this tube at the lower end a piston GHI to serve as a bottom, and pour water to any height E F, the power applied to this piston will sustain a weight equal to that of the column of water con- tained in the tube. If we pay attention to the fact that liquids have this property in common, that the motion of their parts in every direction, and the effort they make sideways to discharge the pressure of those with which they are loaded, diminshes nothing of the action of the weight which causes them to tend towards the earth's centre like all other bodies, we shall find that the power P being in the direction of the line KL drawn through the centre of gravity of the column GEFH cannot prevent this column from descending without sustaining the whole weight: another proof that this power is in equilibrio with the weight of the column of water which it sustains, is, that if we push the piston from below upwards, to make it ascend, this column of water will have the same velocity, and consequently the same quantity of motion. B A P K Fig. 1668. To estimate the effort which the power makes, suppose that the diameter of the tube, or that of the piston, is 5 inches, and the height EG 18 inches; the superficies of circles being as the squares of their diameters, we can, by using the weight of the cylindrical foot of water, which was found to be 55 lbs., say, as the square of 12 is to the square of 5, or as 144 is to 25, so is 55 to the fourth term, which we shall find is 9 pounds 8 ounces, for the weight of a cylinder of water whose base is a circle 5 inches diameter and whose height is a foot: but as the column is 1 foot 6 inches in height, its weight will be 14 pounds 5 ounces. It will be remarked that if the circle GH of the piston were less than the bottom AD, the power P would only sustain the weight of a column of water LIK M, which has for its base the circle of the piston, and for its height the level of the water above the same piston, since it can only sustain the column of water to which it is a base, all the others, which make the difference of the columns A EFD and LIKM, resting on the bottom A D. We may add that if the power works the piston so as to elevate the column which it sustains, it would be easier than if this column were enclosed in a tube, in which we must surmount the re- sistance which causes the friction, or the friction of the water against its sides. E A L G H Р Fig. 1669. C Having a siphon consisting of two branches AB, CD of the same diameter, place in the second a piston ILK at a determined height IK; pour water into the first branch to the height EF; it cannot rise to this level in the second, on account of the obstacle which the piston presents. If we draw the horizontal line GK, the columns AH and M K, having their surfaces level, would be in equilibrio if they made an equal effort on their base to surmount each other; but as the first sustains all the weight of the column G F, A F, which is composed of the two, will push with the weight of the part G F the latter from below upwards, to make it rise to the level E Q. Thus subtracting the friction and weight of the piston, we must, to prevent it from yielding to the effort which the column MK makes to iift it, load it with a weight equal to that of the column G F, which is too natural to need any further explanation. 1100 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Although the branches of a siphon were of unequal thickness, the water in the lesser one, QQ, as we have observed, was not the less in equilibrio with that of the larger one, MK, while their surfaces were level, because the lesser one is in equilibrio with all those of which the larger is composed. If water is poured into the small tube R O, to the height N, the column NO will make an effort to raise all those of the branch MK to the level EQ, which will push the piston IK from below upwards, with as much force as the column G F would; consequently, in order to maintain the piston at the height IK, it must be loaded with a weight equal to that of the column. As the size of the branch NO is in- different, we find that if it were reduced to contain only a thread of water, this thread would sustain in equilibrio the weight with which the piston is loaded. B E R G H C P K L A N M D Fig. 1670. R E B C L H L K Suppose that the superficies of the circle of the thread NQ is of that of the diameter GH or IK, the weight of this thread 1000 of that of the column GF, or of the weight with which the piston is loaded. If we also sup- pose that the piston descends the height of one line, this could not happen without 1000 small columns, each a line in height, and of a dia- meter equal N Q, passing into the tube Q R, and without this column mounting in the tube 1000 times as high as the piston de- scended; whence it follows that the weight of the fillet and that of the piston, being in the reciprocal ratio of their velocity, these two weights are in equilibrio. It follows that if the thread N Q were 10 feet in height, and the piston IK 1 foot in diameter, the weight loading the piston must be 550 pounds to be in equilibrio with this fillet, although it would only contain 1 ounce weight of water. A M Fig. 1671. When a mass of fluid in a state of equilibrium is subjected to the action of any forces, every particle is pressed equally in every direction, and vice versâ, if every particle of the fluid mass be pressed equally in every direction the whole mass will be in equilibrio: for since the parts of a fluid yield to the smallest pressure, any particle more pressed in one direction than another would move to the side where the pressure was least, and conse- quently the equilibrium would be destroyed; if the particles are equally pressed in every direction, it is evident that the mass of which they are composed must be in equilibrio a principle adopted by Euler, D'Alembert, Bossut, and Prony: and the pressure exerted by a fluid upon any given portion of the vessel which contains it is equal to the column of the fluid whose base is the area of the given portion, and whose altitude is the depth of the centre of gravity of the portion below the fluid surface. A single column of water may be in equili- brio with an infinity of others, together or separately. If we have a tube FM larger below than above, to receive a number of small tubes A B, ending in a cylinder DE closed by a piston, if we pour water through the orifice E, to fill all these tubes and their cylinders, the single column G M being 10 feet high, and each cylinder 1 foot in diameter; this column alone would sustain as many times 550 pounds as this machine, which resembles a lustre, had branches. Although the length and thickness of the tube of communication OM only contributes indirectly to the effect which we have described in fig. 1671., we G F Fig. 1672. D E B may suppress this tube, and show the same things with a machine yet simpler than the siphon CHAP. XVI.. 1101 HYDROSTATICS. Let ABCD be a cylinder attached to a vertical surface, having for its bottom the circle K L of a piston, and closed above with a plate of metal soldered so as not to be detached by any effort made to raise it: in the middle is a hole answering to the tube FE, which may be only one line in diameter; if we fill the cylinder and tube to the respective heights E, G, the power applied to the piston will sustain a weight equal to that of the column KHIL, having for its base the circle of the piston, and for its height that of the column GN. To prove this we must remark that the column GN being higher than all the others OR contained in the cylinder K BCL, these latter, tending to rise to the level HI, will push the surface BC from below upwards with a force equal to the weight of a column of water, BHIC, minus the weight of the column G F. H B K F N L A D Р Fig. 1673. If we have already remarked that a power of whatever nature it is cannot make any effort by pushing or pressing a body without a fulcrum which is always loaded with the effort which this power makes, we shall find that all the fillets, as O R, having for their fulcrum the circle of the piston, cannot push the surface BC from below upwards without pushing the bottom KL with the same force downwards, consequently the power will have to sustain the action of a force equal to the weight of a column of water, such as BHIC; and as on the other hand, it actually sustains the weight of that which is contained in the cylinder, KBCL, it will therefore sustain the action of a power equivalent to the weight of the column K HIL. F As a second proof we may add that if the circle of the column G N were 1000 part of that of the piston, the power could not make the piston descend one line without the level G of the column G N descending 1000 times as much: and, as in the state of equilibrium, the weight of this thread and the power P should be in the reciprocal ratio of their velocities, or of the spaces gone over in equal times; it follows that the power must be equivalent to the weight of a column 1000 times greater than GN, or to that of the column KHIL. Suppose the cylinder ABCD similar in every respect to the preceding, with this difference only, that the pipe, instead of being adapted to the upper surface BC, is fitted to the side B A, the same thing will happen. To prove this let us prolong the horizontal line N M, and take the line MQ for a diaphragm, which divides the cylinder K BCL into two parts. If we regard the pipes FN and MBCQ as the branches of a siphon of which N M is the communication, the column G N will cause all those of which the branch MBC Q is composed to push the surface BC from below upwards, with a force equal to the weight of a column of water whose base is the circle BC, and its height GE or H B. But, as we have just seen, this cannot happen without the bottom MQ being pressed from below upwards with a force equivalent to the weight of the column MHIQ; if we suppress the diaphragm M Q, the preceding pressure, having no other fulcrum than the circle KL of the piston, which is also loaded with the weight of water comprised in the part K MQL, the piston will sus- tain a weight equal to that of the column of water K HIL. M H G E N Bi C A } A P Fig. 1674. P G 0 From the preceding example we learn that if we have a vessel AH well closed on all sides, and that to one of the small faces EH we have adapted a curved tube KN F, and if we pour water through the orifice F to fill the vessel and tube, to the height G, the single column GN will cause the bottom AR QE to be pressed by a weight equivalent to that of the water which can be contained in the parallelepiped A M PQ, which has this bottom for its base, and the level G of the water in the tube above the same bottom for its height, and that the upper surface is pressed from below upwards by a force equal to the weight of water which the parallelepiped CMOD can contain. B A C R D K N E Fig. 1675. As the distance DE of the two opposite surfaces RE and BH is indifferent to the action of the water which presses the second from below upwards, we see that they may approach each other as near as possible, pro- vided they do not touch; the water of the tube will always have this effect, consequently in this case, as in the preceding, it is not the quantity of water used which increases the 1102 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. effect, which only depends on its elevation in the tune, and the extent of the base over which it is spread. Supposing the surfaces CD and A Q, each 6 feet square, are so near each other that we can still take something from the interval; if we give 24 feet to the height of the column GN, each surface will be driven in the opposite direction by a force of 60480 pounds, and produced by a weight of 3 or 4 ounces. Belidor took two plates, each 1 foot square and 30 lines thick: having placed them above each other, about 3 inches apart, he nailed a leather band all round, and formed a kind of bellows, having the form of a parallelepiped. After having taken all proper precautions to prevent the water with which it was filled from escaping, he attached the upper surfaces in a firm manner horizontally to a beam supported by two uprights, so as to make the bottom work upwards; at the four corners of this were iron rings answering to cords attached to the arm of a balance; he then loaded the other arm as much as possible so that the lower part of the machine was applied to the upper: this latter was pierced with two holes, to one of which a vertical plug was adapted to be opened, solely for the escape of the air when water was poured in: at the other was a copper tube, whose interior diameter was 3 lines and 10 feet high, attached to a beam firmly fixed at both ends. The question he wished to solve was, if by pouring water into the tube it would raise a weight of a column of water 1 foot square at the base and 10 feet high; this happened when about 3 pints of water were poured into it; he then remarked that the velocity of the weight increased as it elevated, for, as by pouring the water in, he took care to keep a funnel soldered to the summit of the tube full, the water with which the bellows was filled would increase by its own weight the action of that of the tube. B C As the gates of a canal often sustain 22 and 23 feet of water when the sea is low, it happens that small threads pass under the sill, and insinuate themselves below the platform and foundations; this water not finding means of escaping, pushes upwards everything which could prevent it from mounting to the level of the canal, and causes the gates to bend, notwithstanding their weight and solidity. Having a cylindrical tube, ABCD, inclined on its base AD, supposed horizontal, and filled with water to a height EF, it would load the bottom AD as much as if it were an upright cylinder AGHD of the same base. Draw through any point P of the height FI the horizontal line LM, and consider that the water enclosed in the space AEG is sustained by the side EA; then all the threads K, L of which it is composed have each a lean on the point L of the inclined surface EA; consequently the base A D is not charged therewith. E L K G FOH M N D A Fig. 1676. It is not the same with that which comprises the opposite space IFD, for as the thread FI acts on the smaller MN, to elevate them to the height of the level EH, being prevented by the surface FD, each of them will press all the points M of this surface from below upwards, with a force equivalent to the weight of the thread FP, the difference of FI from MN; and as the height FP is equal to KL, the point M will be as much pressed from below upwards as the point L is from above downwards, which shows that the surfaces EA and FD are driven in opposite directions with a force equivalent to the weight of water enclosed in the space A E G, or what is equal to it, DF H. But as all the threads whose action is sustained by the surface FD cannot press it from below upwards without pressing as much the point ID of the bottom, which serves as a base, from above downwards, we see that if we add to this latter pressure the weight of the threads which the space IFD contains, each point of the bottom AD will be loaded with a weight equivalent to that of the thread FI. It follows that having a vessel BCDE similar to a reversed truncated cone, to which the tube ABE F is fitted to receive a C piston serving as a bottom; filling this vessel with water, the power applied to the piston will only sustain the weight of the column B G HE; then all the remainder of the water will rest on the sides CB and DE. This consequence shows the error of making the pipes of descent larger above than below, with the intention of giving more elevation to a fountain in which the pipe terminates, forgetting that the portion leaning on the sides of the tube does not contribute to drive that which descends; this practice, however, may be useful when the hole through which the jet issues is too large. If a piston answered to the great circle of the preceding vessel, it would happen, on the contrary, that being filled with B P Fig. 1677. H D E F CHAP. XVI. 1103 HYDROSTATICS. water, the power would sustain a weight equal to that of the column AIK C: if we close the orifice È H, and hold a tube FB filled with water to the height G, all the points of the base A C being pressed with the same force as the fillet GN presses the point N, the power would sustain a weight equal to that of the water which the column ALMC would comprise, provided, as already observed, that this vessel is attached to a fixed plan. As a power cannot act in any direction without a fulcrum, it is necessary, in order that the piston may press upwards with the same force that the water presses downwards, that the machine should be fixed, otherwise the action of the water would raise the vessel, and leave the piston unmoved by the power: if the water were to freeze, then, being without action, the fulcrum would become useless, and the machine would only be charged with the real weight of the water and the machine. If we sup- B Fig. 1679. Suppose we take another pipe ABCD, where none of the points of the level E F of the water answer to the bottom AD, and we suppose that the column AEFD is divided into several others, GF, IH, AK, by planes GH,IK, parallel to the horizon: the base G H will be loaded with a weight equal to that of the column GLMH, in fig. 1676. press the diaphragm GH the column NO, having no other base than the summit N of the column NI, these two together will only make one, OI, which communicates with all those enclosed in the space ITK; these latter will each press the base IK with as much force as the first OI: thus this base will be loaded with a weight equal to that of the water which the column I OPK comprises. In the same manner, since the point Q of the base IK is pressed with a force equal to the weight of the columns OI or R Q, suppressing the diaphragm IK, the columns RQ and QA only composing one, RA, which is in equi- librio with all those comprised by the space AVD, the bottom, AD, will be loaded with the water of the oblique column AEFD, which would be the case if the column were straight, A RSD. Re- L C E H M C N Fig. 1678. FOM R E T K 0 : г ستا G Fig. 1679. 1 E Fig. 1680. H - P V K M N Fig. 1680. If we have a tube whose parts, BD, DF, FQ, were disposed in zigzag, and this tube, which we suppose placed against one or more vertical surfaces, were filled with water, the bottom B E would be loaded with a weight equal to that of a column of water BKO E, having the same base, and the line BK, which expresses the elevation of the level HQ of the water above the base BE, for its height. garding the line FG as the bottom of the tube FQ, the water of this tube will load the bottom as much as that contained in the column FLIQ; suppressing the diaphragm FG, the column L G, having no other base than the film FG, will increase with its whole weight that of the column FD, and the bottom CD will be loaded with a weight equal to that of the column CMND: we shall also find that the base BE, being loaded with a weight of the right and in- clined columns MD and DB, will be in the same case as if it served as the base of the column BKOE. If the tube, instead of being zigzag, were serpentine, the same principle would hold good, for, by dividing the water of the tube in horizontal sections, we divide it into small right or inclined cylinders, which being contiguous may be regarded as the tracts of a tube like the preceding: whatever be the size of a tube, whether it be uniform or not through its whole extent, in whatever manner its parts are disposed, whether in a vertical or inclined plane, the power applied to a piston of an equal, greater, or less diameter than the bot- tom of the tube, it will always be loaded with the weight of a column having for its base the circle of the piston, and for its height that of the level of the water above the same piston. On the Action of Water against vertical and rectangular Surfaces. After having shown the manner in which water acts to surmount the resistance of surfaces which prevent it from descending towards the earth's centre, or from rising to its level, we shall proceed to explain according to what law it presses the sides of the vessels containing it apart; but first it must be observed that this pressure is always made in a horizontal direction: sup- 1:104 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. pose a cylinder of water suspended in the air without being enclosed in a tube, composed of a great number of circles of an equal thickness, the highest circle pushing the second, so- that it should always preserve the circular figure and the same thickness, which could not happen without all the portions of water being driven forwards in the direction of the radii to occupy a larger circle. If this latter, so increased, were to mix in like manner with the third, the parcels of water would be still farther pressed in the direction of the radii, to oc- cupy a larger circle than the second: in like manner, the course of all the circles of which the cylinder is composed would be extended, and the circumference of the latter would be as much increased as the number of circles was greater, or as the cylinder was higher. If the cylinder be enclosed in a tube, all the circles of water, having the same tendency to mix, will make an effort to spread out; but as this effort can only be exercised against the sides of the tube, we see that they will be pressed from the centre to the circumference, consequently, in horizontal directions, with a force which will always increase from the top to the bottom of the tube. Fig. 1681. Instead of a cylinder, if we take a prism A E, the water of which is divided into an infinity of films of an im- perceptible thickness, the upper will always make an effort to mix with those below; these latter tending to extend will drive the surface of the prism in a horizontal direction: as we suppose that these films have an equal weight, the second being loaded with E B F R\G N 4 H P S T Y V 19 :10 A M Ꭰ A M D Fig. 1681. E the first, will drive the rectangle 2, which sustains it, with a force twice that which will press rectangle 1, whatever be its dimensions: in like manner, the third film, being loaded with the weight of the first and second, will press the rectangle 3 with a force triple that of the first, and so of the others, whose pressure will be proportioned to the weight with which they are loaded. Now, as this weight increases in the order of the terms of an arithmetical progression, the pressures also, increasing in the same order, may be expressed by the elements of a triangle ALD whose height is that of the water: thus we find that the pressures which answer to the elements NO and PQ of the surface A B CD, are in the ratio of the elements FG and HI of the triangle ALD, or of the height LR and SL of the water above the same elements; then FG: GI:: LR: LS. It follows that the sum of all the pressures of the height LR, or the pressure which sus- tains the surface NBCO, will be to the sum of all the pressures of the height LM, or to the pressure which the surface ABCD sustains, as the superficies of the triangle FLG is to that of the triangle ALD, or as the square of the perpendicular LR is to that of the perpendicular LM; and when the surfaces have the same base, their pressures, beginning from the level of the water, are in the proportion of the squares of the heights of the water which sustain them. The pressure which answers to the height RS, and which the surface PNOQ sustains, being to be expressed by the trapezium HFGI, the difference of the triangles HLI and FLG, we see that it may also be expressed by the difference of the squares of the heights of the water, LS and L R. Fig. 1682. The line BC expressing the level of the water, if we prolong it from C to R, to serve as the axis to a demi-parabola CLO, described at pleasure, drawing any number of parallels to the line BR, as FH, IL, A M, the pressures which the surfaces BG, BK, BD, sustain will be to each other in the ratio of the ordinates GH, KL, DM, drawn from the tangent to the parabola, which is very evident, since these ordinates are in the ratio of the squares of the sections CG, G K, CD, which mark the height of the water which these surfaces sustain; consequently, if from the points H and L we draw the parallels H P and LQ to the tangent, the lines GH, PL, GM, which express the difference of the ordinates, will be to each other in the ratio of the pressures which the corresponding surfaces B G, F K, I D, sustain; and the pressure which the surface BD sustains, is to that which the part ID sustains, as DM is to Q M, and so of the rest. B G F A Fig. 1682. E X L R M D Q CHAP. XVI. 1105 HYDROSTATICS. ୮ The pressures of the films which the height LM comprises being in arithmetical pro- gression, there will be a mean pressure between the greatest and the least, which being multiplied by the weight which expresses the number of films will give a product equal to the total pressure: now, as this mean is equal to half the greatest, we shall have LM 2 AD 2 × L M for this pressure, which being equal to × AD, we may suppose that all the films act with equal pressure, and that this force is expressed by the mean height LZ, half L M. C 1.1 E G Z H ** The pressure which the rectangle APQD sustains being expressed by the trapezium AHLD, the mean element between HL and AD will express the mean pressure; and as this element can only be the line TV, which passes through the middle of the height SM of this trapezium, we may further express by the height LY the arithmetical mean between LS and LM, supposing the pressure of each film which the surface AP QD sustains uni- form. Supposing that the films which belong to the same surface act uniformly, it follows that the pressures which two different surfaces sustain when rectangular will be in the compound ratio of the extent of the same surfaces and the mean heights answering thereto : thus, when the surfaces are equal, the pressures will be as the mean heights, and when the mean heights are equal, the pressures will be in the ratio of the surfaces. To show the method of calculating the pressure of water against vertical surfaces we use a siphon, fig. 1683., composed of two right prismatic equal branches united by a horizontal communication pipe, IADLM, of the same figure and size as each of the branches, separated into two parts by a diaphragm NOPQ, parallel and equal to the plane RSDT. If we pour water into the first branch, to fill only the part of the communication IA DPN, it will not make any effort to mount above the level A P, and its action will be reduced to press the sides which sustain it, among the rest the diaphragm NOPQ, in order to spread itself on the other side: but if we fill the same branch to the height V X, the column A V XD will press the water of communication, which will be pressed from I to N in a horizontal direction, and will tend to pass into the other branch, to rise to the level YZ, where it would elevate itself, in fact, if it were always maintained at the same height VX, and were not prevented by the surface NOPQ, which would sustain not only the pressure of the water contained in the communication, but also all that which the column AVX D may occasion, which is very evident. In fact, since no other force than the weight of this column acts here to raise the water in the other branch, and to maintain it there at the height YZ above the level AH, it is necessary that the superficies NOPQ should be pressed in a horizontal direction by every effort of the power which prevents it from acting. Since the length of the end of the tube RDOQ is indifferent to the effort which the water makes to rise in the second branch, we may shorten it as much as we please, and even place the surface NOPQ close to its equal RSDT, which we may take for another diaphragm, in order to detach the prism IBCT from the siphon: as this does not at all change the action of the water contained in it, the surface RSDT will be pressed with as much force as the diaphragm NOPQ. R N Fig. 1683. C M B X 1 F K D H L T N R Fig. 1684. The pressure which the surface RSDT sustains from the water enclosed in the space IADT, independently of that caused by the column AVX D, being to be expressed by the product of this surface and the mean height PQ, and the weight of this column by the product of the base AD and the height OP, it follows that these two products taken together equal that of the surface RD by the height OQ, composed of the preceding OP and PQ; it will only express that of the pressure which the surface RD sustains: as the latter product is neither more nor less than the solidity of the prism FVXL, we see that if the pressure caused by the column AVX D against the surface RD should be expressed by its weight, all that which the same surface sustains will be, by that of the column FVXL, which has for its base the plane FHLG, equal to this surface, and for its height the line Q, the arithmetical mean between OP and PN; which shows that if the surface RD was 4 feet, and the height OQ 10, this surface would be pressed by a force equivalent to the weight of 2800 livres, =4 × 10 × 70 livres. Fig. 1684. 4 B 1106 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. V Z H Y E 11 R D Fig. 1685. A I M N K B If of the two branches of a siphon we leave the first as it is, and bring the opposite surfaces IHXL and BGZM near together, to render the prism IHZA much narrower than the other; this will not prevent water poured into one part of this new siphon from rising in the other to the same level YY, or from that in the second branch being in equilibrio with that in the first, because the small column IE YA will never have to oppose any other column than one of the same base as itself, and as all the others contained in the great branch are in equilibrio with the first. As these columns make equal efforts on their bases to surmount each other, the water of communication will be pressed from & to B by the large column with the same force as from B to & by the small one; thus the diaphragm N O P Q will be pressed with equal forces in opposite directions. If we suppose two other diaphragms, RSDT and KILC, and suppress the pipe of communication, to detach the two branches, the surface RSDT will be pressed with the same force as the surface KILC equal to the preceding, will be from B to K, both being in the same case as the diaphragm NOPQ was previously, although the surface was indifferent to the pressure it sustained. Although there is much less water in the second prism than in the first, the surface KILC will sustain, like the other, a pressure equal to the weight of the column having this surface for its base, and the arithmetical mean between EI and E K for its height. The pressure of the water being in the compound ratio of the surfaces which sustain them and the mean heights corresponding thereto, we find that, with- out taking into account the dimension IR, by reason of the quantity of water which the vessel IBCT contains, there will be the same ratio between the product of the surface RSDT multiplied by the mean height CQ, and the product of the surface RZXT, multiplied by the mean height O Y, as between the pressure which the first surface sustains and that which the second sustains. Now, since the pressure which the first sustain is equivalent to the weight of cube feet of water which the relative product gives, the pres- sure which the second sustains will then be equivalent to the weight of the number of cube feet of water which its relative product gives: - thus, supposing the base RT of this surface to be 2 feet, and the height ON 12 feet, it will be 24 square feet, which being multiplied by the mean height OY, 6 feet, and the product by 70 pounds, gives 10080 pounds for the weight equivalent to the pressure which it will sustain. If the vessel, instead of being prismatic, be a tube or right cylinder, we must, to have the pressure which the surface will sustain, multiply this surface by half the height of the water. The difficulty of raising a flood-gate arises from several causes; suppose it 5 feet wide, sustaining 8 feet height of water, the surface pressed will be 40 square feet, which being multiplied by 4 feet, the mean height, we have 160 cube feet, or 11200 pounds, for the pressure of the water, or the pressure of the vane against the grooves, of which we must take for 143 friction, which will be about 3733 pounds, which being added to the weight of the vane, we have the resistance which the power must surmount at the first moment of its action. In the following moments this resistance will continue to lessen, because the pressure or friction diminishes in the ratio of the squares of the heights of the water which the vane sustains. It must be remarked that the vane in mounting arrives at a point of elevation at which its weight is in equilibrio with the friction, and that it is only when raised above this point that it can acquire in descending a sufficient quantity of motion or power to arrive at the sill of the gate: for as the friction will increase in the ratio of the squares of the heights of the water, while this force only increases in the ratio of the square roots of the same heights, if the gate does not fall from a point sufficiently high, it will remain suspended in its road without being able to descend except by other assistance. Fig. 1686. To render still more evi- dent the action of water against a vertical surface A B CD, we shall use the regular parallelepiped ABCDEFLM, one of whose dimensions AM will be either greater or less than the height BA of the water. We will suppose that we have taken on the lines DI and AK the parts DH and AG, each equal to B A C E H L K M G M Fig. 1686. CHAP. XVI. HYDROSTATICS. H G 1107 the height BA of the water, and that we draw the lines CH, BG, to form the solid ABCDHG, which will express a volume of water whose weight will be equivalent to the pressure which the surface ABCD sustains; which is very evident, since to have the If we value of the solid we must multiply the same surface by the half of A G, or A B. suppose the height B A divided into a great number of equal parts, and that through each point of the division a plane parallel to the base AH passes, the solid ABCDHG will be divided into a number of slices or prisms, and the surface ABCD into the same number of rectangles equal to each other: then the weight of the water of each slice will express the pressure which the small rectangle answering to it in surface will sustain, and these slices or prisms having the same height B C, their weight, or the pressures which they mea- sure, will be in the ratio of the trapeziums serving as bases to these prisms. Since we can bring the surfaces KH XC and BGZM as near each other as we please, provided only that they do not touch, we see that with a very small quantity of water the plane KILC will be pressed with as much force as if their distance was very great: consequently if we have a prismatic vessel, two of whose parallel and opposite faces are each 6 feet square, placed at the distance only of one line from each other; filling this vessel with water, the two surfaces will together sustain an effort of 15120 pounds. But what appears still more extraordinary is, that if we close this vessel to adapt a tube GF to it of any height, filling it with water, the sur- faces will be pressed with the same force as if the vessel were filled with water to the height HI; which is very evident, for each of the columns contained in the vessel A E, and which would have for its base that of the tube F G, being pressed downwards with the same force as that of the tube presses the column FK, will make the same efforts against the sides of the vessel, as the same column F K would make against those sustaining it. Thus, supposing G F 10 feet; the mean height CL will make 13, which being multiplied by 36 feet square, and the pro- duct by 70, will make 65520 pounds for the effort which the water will make against the two surfaces together, although its weight altogether will be near 18 pounds. B A Fig. 1687. E F C K We may observe that the pressure of the water against a vertical surface does not depend on the quantity which the vessel contains, but only on the extent of this surface and the mean height of the water. On the Action of Water against inclined Surfaces. Having considered the action of water against vertical surfaces, we must now examine what is the pressure those which are inclined sustain. T B E VRF G C S X Р N K Suppose that the trapezium ABCD represents the profile of a vessel larger above than below, composed of plane surfaces, and filled with water to the level B C, and that it is required to mea- sure the pressure which the inclined surface CD will sustain, not consider- ing the breadth. From the point M draw a perpendicular, D F, to the hori- zontal line BC; take the part F E equal to this perpendicular and draw the line ED to have the right-angled isosceles triangle E F D. We shall then find that all the points H of the surface DC are pressed by columns of water, G, H, in two different directions, one vertical, the other horizontal; that the first may be expressed by the su- perficies of the triangle D F C, and the second by that of the triangle DFE; and as these two triangles are in the ratio of their bases FC and FE, since they have the same height FD, we may take their base in place of their superficies, then the vertical pressure will be to the horizontal, as FC to FE, or as FC to FD, since EF=FD. Fig. 1688. M Drawing from the point H the horizontal line H I, and the perpendicular HI to the side DC, making the parallelogram KI, we shall have the similar triangles HIL and DFC, which give DF: FC:: HI: IL. Thus we may take the side IL or HK to express the power which sustains the vertical pressure in equilibrio, and the side HI to express that which sustains the vertical pressure; then the diagonal HL will express the action of a third power in equilibrio with the result of the assemblage of vertical and horizontal pressures. It follows that the horizontal pressure will be to that which the surface DC sustains, as HI to HL, or as DF to DC; consequently if we raise at the extremity D of the line CD, the perpendicular DM equal to EF, and we draw the line CM, the triangles EFD and CDM, having equal heights, will be in the ratio of their bases D F and DC, or as the hori- zontal pressure is to the entire pressure which the surface DC sustains. Now as the first 4 B 2 1108 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of these pressures is expressed by the superficies of the triangle DE F, the second will then be so by that of the triangle D CM, or, if we wish, by a weight equivalent to that of a prism of water having this triangle for its base and the breadth of the surface of its height. Since we must, to have the value of the prism, multiply the surface DC by half DM or its equal D F, we find that the rule for measuring the pressure of the water against inclined surfaces is the same as that which we have described for the verticals, since it is reduced to multiply the superficies of the surface by half the height of the water FD: thus all the principles drawn from this rule may be applied to inclined surfaces; for example, if we wish to know what is the pressure of water which acts on the part HD of the surface DC, we must form the point H draw the horizontal line HN, and multiply this part by the arithmetic mean between FD and FN. If the vessel ST BA, contiguous to the preceding, were larger above than below the sur- face, B A will be as much pressed upwards by all the columns which the triangle B X A comprises, which tend to rise to the level TB, as the same surface will be downwards by all the columns contained in the triangle BV A equal to the preceding. It follows, that if the vessel STB A only contained water to the height YO, and the other, A B C D, were full, the opposite pressures which the surface B A would sustain would be as the squares BA and O A, if the surfaces of which these lines express the height have the same base; and as the greatest pressure will be diminished by all the action of the least, that of the water of the vessel ABCD will only be expressed by the difference of these two squares, since it is with inclined surfaces as with vertical. If the vessel ABCD had the figure of a truncated cone, we must, to have the pressure which all its surface would sustain, multiply the arithmetical mean OP between BC and AD by the side DC, and the product by half the height of the water, FD; if the cone be entire, as BQ C, we must multiply half the circumference, BC, of its base by the side QC, and the product by half its axis R Q. It is of the utmost importance that we know how to calculate the pressure which water exerts upon coffer-dams, gates or locks, dykes, banks, &c., in order to proportion the resist- ance to the effort which they have to sustain relatively to the nature and quality of mate- rials employed. B C E N D K F P Having a vessel ABFG whose oppo- site faces are equal, parallel, and vertical, on filling it with water, all the small columns having the same height will press equally the bottom A D G H, which being sustained by a horizontal fixed plane, MNOQ, will prevent the vessel from descending; on the other hand the opposite surfaces A B CD, HEFG, being equally pressed in a contrary direction by the action of the water, one of these powers not being able to overcome the other, there is no reason why the vessel should be moved to the right or left. The surfaces DCFG and ABEH being in the same state, the vessel, not being able to be moved for- wards or backwards, must necessarily remain at rest. If we cut the vessel obliquely by a t. M B R C H Fig. 1689. E F N Р Q plane AIDK, so as not to consider that the water enclosed in the part A B CD, FIKE, which we shall take for a new ves- sel, placed freely on the inclined plane LMNO, it will happen, independently of the fall which all bodies have in des- cending along inclined planes which sus- tain them, that this vessel will have more than if it were filled with a hard body of the same weight, because the pressure which the surface A B C D will sustain is as much greater than that which its opposite KEFI will sustain, as the square of the height BA is greater than the square of the height EK; thus the surface will be pressed in a horizontal direction, with a force which may be expressed by the difference of the same squares; that is to say, for example, that if BA were double EK, it would be pressed by a force equivalent to three-fourths of the weight of the prism of water having this surface for its base, and half BA for its height. L Fig. 1690. R Regard being had only to the action of the weight, it will be indifferent to the power P, which the vessel sustains in a horizontal direction, SP, whether it is filled with a liquid CHAP. XVI. 1109 HYDROSTATICS. or a heavy body, since the weight will always be to the power, as the base L R of the plane is to its height RO. Now if we suppose the lines B A, B C, BE, equal to each other, the volume of water which the vessel comprises will be of a cube of the height BA; thus we 3 RO shall have, as LR, RO:: 2 × BA³, P, or × BA³=P, subtracting the weight of 4 LR the vessel itself. But since the power must also sustain the difference of pressure against the surfaces BD and E I, or a weight equivalent to the volume of water expressed by 3 RO 4 L R BA 2 BA2 × =3B A³, we shall have × BA³ + 3B A³= P. As for the action of the water on the bottom, ADIK, of the vessel, we see that according to a preceding article, it should be expressed by the product of the superficies of this bot- tom and of the height TV, the arithmetic mean between BA and EK; but as we are here only speaking of the absolute weight of the water which the same bottom sustains, the pre- ceding product has no relation to the power P. Resuming the vessel A B FG, which we shall suppose without a bottom, placed on the horizontal plane M N O P Q, as highly polished as possible, so that the base A D G H should be intimately united thereto; filling this vessel with water, the power which will draw it in a horizontal direction will make no more effort to do so than if it were empty, for the ves- sel having no bottom, this plane will be loaded with the whole weight of the water, whose parts being extremely small will slide without perceptible friction, because all those which might be stopped by the salient parts of the plan would not prevent the columns above from moving horizontally on the surface of a film of water, which would smooth down all obstacles. Thus the only resistance would be the pressure of the edges of the vessel on the plane, which would cause an inexcitable friction, because the parts which would meet, not being fluid, could not be in the same case as those of the water. M F C B T D I It follows that if the preceding vessel were placed without a bottom on an in- clined plane, and that the water rested immediately on the plane, the power would only have to sustain the difference of the pressures of the same water against the surfaces ABCD and HKIG in a direction SP parallel to the plane. Thus supposing that AD or H G are 30 inches, AB 20, HK 12, and the height TA of the water 18, we must, to have the power P, begin by seeking the weight of the volume of water which expresses the L pressure which the surface ABCD sus- tains, which will be 2183 pounds: square the heights BA and K H of the surfaces, take the least square from the greater, say as 400, the square of B A, is to 2183 pounds, so 256, the difference of the two squares, is to the dif- ference of the pressures, which we shall find 140 pounds, to which we add what is necessary to overcome the friction of the base of the vessel. A Fig. 1691. H V Y e The vessel ABFG having a bottom, or not being placed on an inclined plane, could not contain so much water as if the plane were horizontal, and it would contain as much less water as the inclination is greater; nevertheless, as we suppose that we have only given this position to a power to procure greater facility for elevating water to a given height, OR, the less the inclination of the plane, the greater length it will have, the more time the power would take to draw the vessel from the foot of the ramp to the summit. We are at present contriving to combine the greatest quantity of water which the vessel will contain with the shortest road, so that it shall mount to the height RO of the plane in the least possible time; because, if vessels like this chained together followed each other with a uniform velocity, it would result that in a determined time, and with a determined velocity, the power would draw from the receptacle, which would be at the foot of the plane, the greatest possible quantity of water in the same time. The line B K, which marks the level of the water, being parallel to the base LR, the right-angled triangle BEK will always be similar to the triangle LOR. On one hand, without regarding the breadth of the vessel, we may take the trapezium A B KH to express the quantity of water which will be contained in the vessel; drawing the line AK, this trapezium will be divided into two triangles, the first of which, A B K, will always have the same superficies, at whatsoever point of the line EH its summit K abuts, instead of the second À KH, which has for its base the constant line A H, increasing or diminishing in the ratio of its height KH; thus the increase or diminution of the trapezium, or of the water which the vessel will contain at the different inclinations of the plane, may be ex- pressed by the line H K. On the other hand, the time which the power takes to draw the 4 Б 3 1110 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. vessel from L to O, will depend on the length of the road LO, or of the sine of the angle OL R, for the less this sine is with regard to the total sine, the nearer the point K will approach E, and the more water there will be in the vessel, but the road will also be longer; on the other hand, the nearer this sine approaches the total sine, the less water it will hold, but also the length LO approaching more nearly the height OR, the power will take less time to draw it up. Now, since the greatest quantity of water depends on the line K H and the shortest road of the sine of the angle OL R, we see that the product of these two lines should be the greatest of all those which may be formed by the same lines. Having made OV equal to OR, and drawn from the point V the line V Y parallel to LR, OV may be taken for the total sine, V Y for that of the angle VOR, and OY for that of the angle OVY or OL R. Then calling OR or OV, a, OY, x, VY will be Vaa-xx ; as for the lines BE and EH, which we suppose equal, as the length is indifferent, we shall express them by unity. Let us consider that the similar triangles VOY and BKE give VY (√aa−xx), YO (x) : : BE, EK (aa-xx ; whence we have EH-EK=KH H (1 X ✔aa-xx which being multiplied by OY (x) gives, XX x √aa-xx of which we must take the differential, and equal it to zero; we shall have 2xdx × √aa-xx-x³ dx x aa—xx- dx- 0, or, a adx xxdx 2x dx xaa — xx — x³ dx × aa— x x − 1 = 0; from which effacing the dr we have 28 aa—xx × √aα-xx Jaa 0, √αa-xx 2αax+x 8 or, ɑɑ—x X =0, √aa-xx 3 x³-2ɑax or, =xx-αa; α α — XX which being squared gives, 26 -4aax¹+4a²x² =x^—2ααxx+αª ; whence we at last have 26-2a ax¹ + 2 α4x³- ½ a® = 0 ; αα - and if we suppose 2,2 =ay, we shall have y³— ay³ + ½ a² y — } a³ = 0, for the simplest equation to which this problem can be reduced. Since we may suppose the line O R divided into as many equal parts as we please, taking the number 10 to express the value of a, we shall find, according to the ordinary rules, y=17. To convince ourselves, it is only necessary to multiply the values of a and y in the same = 599913 1000 ‚anday²+}a³ 601150 1000 manner as in the preceding equation: we shall find y³ + a² y: which showing that the sum of the plusses not differing much from that of the minuses, we may regard them as equal. x2 Having supposed x²=ay, or =y, and a= 10, we shall have ²=17, or ≈ = :17, or ≈ =√17: now α = if we multiply 17 by the square of 10000, which is 100000000, to extract the square root more exactly, it is 41231: on the other hand, multiplying the value of a by 10000, we shall have a=100000, which shows that OV (a) should be to OY(a) as 100000 is to 41231, or nearly as 5 to 2, which is the proportion that may be used in practice. Thus we see that, for the greatest effect, it is necessary that the height OR of the inclined plane should be g of its length, LO; then we shall find that the base, LR, of the same plane is to ૐ its height, OR, as 23 to 10, or as 43 to 2. Taking the side OV (100000) for the total sine, OY (41231) will make that of the angle OVY=OLR, which answers in the tables to 24º 21', which is the angie which the inclined plane should make with the horizon. On the Action of Water against circular, vertical, and inclined Surfaces. It remains to show the action of water against circular surfaces, and in what manner we must calculate its pressure, since it is always equivalent to the weight of a volume of water expressed by the parts of a cylinder cut under circumstances relative to the figure and situation of its surfaces. CHAP. XVI. 1111 HYDROSTATICS. Let ABCD be a right cylinder cut into two equal parts by a plane E F G H passing through the axis IK, then by another ROBM which forms an ellipsis, lastly by two other planes parallel to the base, forming two circles, of which the first, OLMN, passes through the small axis OM of the ellipsis, and the second, OPVR, through the ex- tremity R of the great axis. Let us consider that all these sections produce several solids: firstly, the frustum ROMNR, formed by the semicircles OMN, the semi-ellipsis OM R, and a portion of the surface of the cylinder MYNRTO. Secondly; another frustum, OLB MO, equal and similar to the preceding, since it is also formed by the semicircle OLM, the semi-ellipsis O BM, and a portion of the surface of the cylinder OLMB. Thirdly; the solid RQOMVR, formed by the semi- circle R QV, the rectangle QOMV, the semi-ellipsis OM R, and the two portions VMVRV, QOTRA of the surface of the cylinder: I shall call this solid the comple- ment of the frustum ROM N, because it is the part which is deficient to make the half cylinder QOMNRVA. Fourthly; the solid BM ROQ PB, formed by the circle PR, the ellipsis OMBR, and the portion of the cylinder comprised between these two planes. Fifthly; the solid A B M R DE OВ. B L A Sixthly; the two solids O E A B MHE and OEDRMHE. If we examine each of these solids in particular, we may con- sider the frustum OLBMO as composed of an infinity of rectangles DEFC, which would have for their base the double ordinate CF of the semicircle OLM, and for height the corresponding element GH of the right-angled triangle BLX; thus we shall find the sum of all these rectangles in the same manner as we find the solidity of the frustum. We may also imagine the frustum composed of an infinity of right-angled triangles FHG of an infinitely small thickness, having for base the ordinates FG of the semicircle, and for height the corresponding element FH of the surface: to have the sum of these triangles we shall call the radius DL or DO, a; the height, LB, b; DG, x; GF,y; G,g; Kƒ, by dx; FK, dy, and FH, α byy Multiplying the triangle FHG (2) by da, the product by y dx 2a a will give as the property of the demicircle gives a-xx-yy, substi- tuting the value of yy in the preceding expression, we shall abdx bxx dx ab x bx 3 2 2 6 a for the differential solid of the frustum; and or B L Ꮐ I C F M Q K E Fig. 1692. Fig. 1693. L F H E G X N R D M M H Fig. 1694. When a becomes a we have for the solidity of half the solid, conse- have 2 a aab aab 2 6 2aab quently 3 the integral of which is aab 3 2a3 3 for the entire solidity, or when ab, which shows that in this case the frustum is equal to the third of the cube of the radius. From what has gone before, we may regard the infinitely small superficies FHfh as the differential rectangle of the surface of the frustum, of whose base we shall have the expression by drawing the radius DF, and considering that the similar triangles У FDG and FƒK give FG (y) F D (a) : : ƒ K (dx) ƒ F (ada), of which the fourth term being multiplied by FH (%) gives a by adx ay or simply bdx, whose integral is bx or ba when x=a for half the surface of the frustum, consequently 2ab for the entire surface, which is found equal to the rectangle comprised by the diameter MO and the height BL of the frustum. 4 B 4 1112 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. M C Considering the complement RQO MV of the frustum as composed of an infinity of rectangles A B C D, which have for their base the double or- dinate AD, and for their height the corresponding element EF of the right-angled triangle X YR, we shall find their sums by subtracting the frustum, which makes the difference from the demi-cylinder QOMNRVQ. Supposing then XY=YR= a, and the half circumference QR V-b, we shall have for aab aab 2 X D 2a3 the solidity of the demi-cylinder; consequently 3aab 4 a² 6 6 or 2 3 for the value of the complement of the frustum. Thus the ratio of these two solids will be 4a 3b-4a or 2 a 3b-2 a 2 4a3 3aab-4a³ which shows that the frustum is to its or A Fig. 1695. complement, as the diameter of the circle, is to the difference between the semi-diameter and three-fourths of the circumference. It follows that if we could find the exact value of the complement of the frustum, we should have the quadrature of the circle. To have in figures the ratio of the frustum to its complement, supposing a=7 and b=22, 2 a 14 consequently which shows that the frustum is to its complement as 14 to 19. 19' α 3b 2 Considering also this solid as composed of an infinity of planes E, F, G, H, comprised between the double ordinate EH, and the element IK of the triangle PBR, we shall have the sum of all these planes by multiplying the circle PVQR by the mean element DC, serving as the axis of the cylinder PLN R, because the frustums OLBM and ROMN being equal, the solid we are speaking of will be equal to the cylinder. Cutting this same solid into two parts by the plane QOMV, which passes through the axis DC, and whose base QV is perpendicular to the diameter PR, the large piece OQPBMV will be to the lesser as 47 to 19. L P B M A X Fig. 1696⚫ E N R Supposing BP=PR, we shall have BL=LD, and DC CR; consequently if the frustum OLBM is expressed by 14, its complement OQ RVM will be so by 19; and as these two solids together equal the half cylinder OQ PL MV, it may be expressed by the sum of the preceding two numbers, to which adding that of the frustum, we shall have 47 for the greater part OQPR MV, and 19 for the lesser O QRVM. G A B M Y L N R N B P S M X H K A D E F Fig. 1698. B M A R D N Fig. 1697. Fig. 1699. To have the sum of all the planes CFHL comprised by the double ordinate CL, and the element CI of the trapezium ABRD, we must, as in the preceding case, multiply the superficies of the circle A D by the mean element X Y, serving as the axis of the cylinder ALND, since this cylinder is equal to the solid of which we are speaking. CHAP. XVI. 1113 HYDROSTATICS. As for the solids, fig. 1698. and 1699., for the first we shall have the sum of all the planes DING by bedding to the solidity of the demi-cylinder ALMHO that of the frustum OLB M, and we shall have that of the second by taking from the cylinder EOMNHD the value of the frustum MNRO. It will be easy to calculate the pressure of water against all sorts of circular surfaces; for example, if we wish to know that which the superficies of the demicircle ABC sustains, whose diameter A C answers to the level RZ of the water, we remark that in making the right-angled isosceles triangle DBE, all of whose elements represent the heights of films of water, which answer to all the points of the height DB, we shall have the pressure which acts against the double ordinate FG, by multiplying this line by the corresponding element IH. Now as the sum of all these products will be equal to the solidity of a frustum, which would have the demicircle A B C for its base, and the line BE equal to the radius for its height, this pressure will then be expressed by a volume of water equal to two- thirds the cube of the radius D B. If the demicircle were situated in an opposite direction to the preceding, as KLM, we shall see that since we must, to have the action of all the films of water against the double ordinates OP, multiply each of these lines by the corresponding element Q R of the triangle KLN, the pressure which this demicircle will sustain may be expressed by the comple- ment of a frustum which would have this same demicircle for its base, and the radius for 2 LN its height. Thus we shall find it by saying 14 is to 19, as is to 19 x L N³, which 3 shows that this pressure is equal to of the volume of water expressed by the cube of the radius. It follows that if the two demicircles are equal, the pressure which the first will sustain, is to that which the second will sustain as 14 to 19. A D R L F GO P E B K N M A D C R M K H GP F H L Fig. 1700. 2 T S If the two demicircles were below the level RZ, as ABCD and HRS, the lines IB and OX expressing the greatest height of the water, making the isosceles and right-angled triangles IBN and OX L, we must multiply the double ordinates F G and QT by the correspond- ing elements HE and PV of the trapezium NK DB and L MRX; then the sum of the products for the demicircle A B C being expressed by a solid similar to that of fig. 1698., we must multiply its superficies by the line DK or DI, which marks the least height of the water, to have the demi-cylinder, and add thereto that of the frustum, that is to say, two-thirds the cube of the radius, we shall have the volume of water whose weight this demicircle will sustain. As for the other demicircle HRS, as the sum of the products we have been speaking of will be expressed by a solid similar to that of fig. 1699., we see that to have the pressure which it sustains, we must multiply its superficies by the line XL or XO to have the solidity of the cylinder, from which we must subtract that of the frustum, that is to say, two-thirds the cube of the radius. Lastly, if we have two circles, one of which answers to the level DL of the water, and the other was lower, making the isosceles and right-angled triangles CDB and NL M, the sum of the products of the double ordinates E F, by the corresponding elements G H of the triangle CDB, may be expressed by a solid similar to that of fig. 1696. We must, to have the pressure which the first circle sustains, multiply its super- ficies by the mean element IK, which is the radius K D, and which marks the height of the water above the centre K. If we recal what has been said, we shall see that the pressure which the lower Z T G D F R E Y B Fig. 101. 1114 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, demicircle IBZ sustains is to that which the upper IDZ sustains, as 47 to 19 We shall see in like manner that the sum of all the double ordinates QR by the correspond- ing elements OP of the trapezium NSTM may be expressed by a solid similar to fig. 1697. To have the pressure which the second circle sustains, we must multiply its superficies by the mean element V X, or its equal X L, which marks the height of the water above the centre X. It follows that having a tube AB curved below to adapt thereto a species of funnel GECDFH closed by a piston, pouring the water in this tube to the height K, the power P applied to the piston will sustain a pressure equivalent to the weight of a column of water, which should have the circle E F of the piston for its base, and the line KB which marks the elevation of the level of the water above the centre I for its height, however small the diameter of the tube may be; thus this power will be in the same case as if it were applied to the piston of fig. 1702. If the preceding surfaces, instead of being vertical, were inclined, all that we have just said would still hold good, having shown that the pressure against both must be measured in the same manner. A ST K B It follows, that having an inclined tube ABCD filled with water, and the bottom AD closed by a piston, the power applied thereto will sustain a weight equivalent to that of a column of water having the circle of the piston for its base, and the perpendicular EE, which marks the greatest elevation of the water above the centre E for its height, of whatever form the tube is, without considering its thickness. The Centre of Pressure is that point of a surface ex- posed to the action of a fluid, to which if a force equal to the whole pressure upon a surface were applied, the effect would be the same as when that pressure is dis- tributed over the whole surface. The centre of pressure coincides with the centre of percussion, which is two- thirds the height of the body. B Since the action of all the films of water against a surface ABCD may be expressed by the elements of an isosceles triangle A E D, it is evident that there is a point M in the perpendicular EF, where a power P G being applied in the opposite direction, PM, will sus- tain them all in equilibrio, and if we pay attention we shall see that this point, which is called the centre of impression, can only be the centre of gravity of the triangle AED; whence it follows that the centre of impression of a rectangular surface ABCD is placed at two-thirds of the line EF, which divides it into equal parts, and marks the height of the water. A K D C E G E B P H G H Fig. 1702. C Fig. 1703. F E N K H M Fig. 1704. Р To Regarding only the pressure which the rectangle AGHD sustains, which we may apply to a lock gate, the water being always at the same height, EE, the centre of impression of this surface will be the same as the centre of gravity, O, of the trapezium AIDK. find it let us suppose that the point N marks that of the triangle IEK; then calling EF, a, EL, b, EO, x, we shall have EM 2 a 3 EN 26 3 > MN= 2 a 26 and MO 3 3 2 a 3 If, instead of the superficies of the similar triangles IEK and AED, we take the squares of their perpendiculars, EL and EF, the difference of these two squares, or a a — bb CHAP. XVI. 1115 HYDROSTATICS. will express the superficies of the trapezium AIKD; thus we shall have aa-bb, bb :: 2a-2b 3 2 a ; 3 2 abb —bs 2 a whence we have X or a a bb 3 2012 X 3 a a abb - br + a bb Z. 2 abb — b³ + a³ — abb X X, 3 αα A b b If we multiply the magnitude a by aa-bb, we shall have 2 or X 3 a² - bb αα- bs α =x: whence we draw the following general rule. To have exactly the interval from the Surface of the Water to the centre of Impression of u Lock Gate. Measure the greatest and least height of the water; cube these two heights; subtract the lesser cube from the greater; take two-thirds of the difference; divide this quantity by the difference of the square of the greatest height of the water from that of the least; the quotient will give the answer required. L F F F F G B G Ꮐ C MA P If the height EF were 6 feet, and the lesser, EL, 4 feet, subtracting 64 (the cube of 4) from 216 (the cube of 6), we shall have 152 for the difference, of which we must take two- thirds, 101, which we must divide by the difference of the squares of 6 and 4, which is 20; the quotient will give 5, that is to say, 5 feet 10 inches nearly, for the interval E O. As the centres of impression of circular surfaces are the same as the centres of gravity of the solids which express these impressions, and as we cannot have these last centres without knowing that of the frustum, we must examine this solid under a different aspect than before. For this purpose we must consider the solidity of a right cylinder, ABCD, as composed of several surfaces E, F, G, H, of an infinitely small thickness, which pass intersecting from the axis IK to the great surface A B CD; if we imagine that the circle which serves as the base to the cylinder is composed of an infinity of concentric circles, forming as many rings of an infinitely small thickness, each of them will serve as base for the corresponding element of the cylinder. Following this idea, if we cut the cylinder by a plane, MLNDOM, passing through the centre I, and through the extremity, D, of the diameter A D, this plane will detach a frustum, having for its base the semicircle MLC. Now, as all the cylinders which pass from the axis to the surface A B C D, have been cut in the same manner as the preceding, each of them furnishing also a frustum, it follows that the largest may be considered as being composed of an infinity of other frustums, similar to each other, all intersecting from the smallest, which answers to the centre, I, to the largest, and similar to each other, because all the triangles IGP will mark their sec- tions through the centre; consequently we may consider the frustum which answers to the great triangle ICD as composed of an infinity of portions of cylindrical, similar, concentric surfaces of an infinitely small thickness, each of which will be equal to the rectangle com- prised by the diameter of the demicircle which serves as its base, and by the corresponding element GP of the triangle ID C. D A E E K H Fig. 1705. R To have the solidity of the frustum in this manner: let A B C be the semicircle which serves for base: describe the semicircles F GE and ƒge, near each other; call DB or BI, a, DG or GP, x, Gg will be dr; thus we shall have for the differential element of the frustum FE× G P × Gg (2 x xdx), whose inte- 2x5 2 a³ gral gives when x=a, for the solidity or > 3 > 3 of the frustum. To have its centre of gravity, we must mul- tiply the differential solidity 2x xdx by the radius DG (x), which gives 2 x³ dx, whose inte- 2 x¹ x4 a¹ 4 2» 0r gral is 2a3 3 or 2' which being divided by 3 a 4 Od G P 9 p D A FJ Fig. 1706. E the solidity of the frustum, gives which shows that the centre of gravity of the frustum is distant of the radius from the centre of its semicircle. To have the centre of gravity of the complement of the frustum, we only regard the 1116 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. · BOOK II. V K E H Y R Ꭰ B semicircle VRQ common to these two solids, and the centre of gravity of the demi-cylinder that of the frustum and that of its complement being in the radius Y R, perpendicular to the diameter V Q. We shall sup- pose that the first is at the point B, the second at the point C, and the third at the point D; on which we must remark that the position of the two first is known, for the semicircle V R Q is to its diameter, V Q, as of the radius Y R is to the interval YB: the demi-cylinder being composed of an infinity of semi-circles, all of whose centres of gravity pass through the same line of direction, we may regard all these circles, or the demi-cylinder united in the weight P: on the other hand, as we have the posi- tion of the centre of gravity of the frustum, by making YC equal to of the radius Y R, we may also suppose its solidity united in the weight T, and that of its complement in the weight S. Con- sidering the point B as the fulcrum of a lever DC, round which the weights S and T are in equilibrio, the first of which is to the second as 19 to 14, we shall have 19: 14 :: BC; BD= 1 × BC. If we make an angle YCK at pleasure, taking the line CE of any length, it must be divided into 19 equal parts; make E Fequal to 14 of these parts, draw the line E B, and through the point F draw a parallel to it, ED, which will give the point D, the centre of gravity of the complement of the frustum, since CE, EF: CB, B D. Having a solid, as in fig. 1698., composed of a half cylinder, OE AL MH, and a frustum, OLBM, we shall find in the radius A K the point through which the line of direction of the centre of gravity of this solid should pass for taking the weight P, fig. 1707., for that of the half cylinder, and the weight, T, for that of the frustum, we say, as the sum of the two weights, which is the same as the solid, is to the interval B C, so is the weight T, or the frustum, to the interval B G of the centre of gravity of the half cylinder to that which we seek. Q 'T S Fig. 1707. To find it in the same manner, in the radius KD of the base of the solid of fig. 1699., the point through which the direction line of its centre of gravity should pass, we remark that this solid being composed of the demi-cylinder EQVRDH and the complement RQOMV of a frustum, we may, by taking in fig. 1707. the weight P for that of the half cylinder, and the weight S for that of the complement, say, as the sum of these two weights is to the interval D B, so the weight S, or the solidity of the complement of the frustum, is to the interval B H, from the centre of gravity of the frustum, to that of the entire solid. If in fig. 1696. we take from the cylinder PLNR the equal frustums MN, RO, there will remain the regular solid P OMVRQO, whose axis, DC, passing through its centre of gravity, we may suppose this solid united in the weight Y: taking the line DA equal to the radius DL, the centre of gravity of the equal frustums MBLO or MPLO, being at the point A, we may also suppose it united in the weight X: we say, then, as the sum of the weights X and Y, or the solidity of the cylinder PLNR, is to the interval DA, so the weight X, or the sum of the two frustums, is to the interval D S from the centre of gravity LN to the centre of gravity of the solid PB R. Lastly, we may in the same manner find the centre of gravity of the solid represented in fig. 1697., by subtracting the double frustum O G B M, and making' X Y equal to 3 the radius, in order to say, as the cylinder ALND is to the interval X Y, so is the sum of the two frustums to the interval X S from the centre of the semicircle to the required centre of gravity S. The Specific Gravities of Bodies are determined on the principles of hydrostraties. diminution of the apparent weight of a solid, upon immersion into fluid, affords us an easy and ready method of comparing its density with that of the fluid: for the weight of the solid being known previous to immersion, it is then ascertained what quantity it has lost when plunged into a body of pure water, by measuring the bulk of water displaced: thus we obtain the proportion of the specific gravity of the body to that of water, which is the usual standard of comparison: for when a solid is weighed in water it will lose as much of its weight as is equal to the quantity of fluid displaced; for bodies so plunged are pressed upwards with a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced; and as this force acts in opposition to the natural gravity or absolute weight of the body, its absolute weight must be diminished by a quantity equal to the weight of the fluid dis- placed. The weight which the body loses is not destroyed, but is sustained by an equal and opposite force. When the specific gravity of a body is equal to that of the water, the part immersed is equal to the whole body; or, it may be said, the solid will be completely immersed, and remain wherever it is placed: when the specific gravity of the body is greater than that of the fluid, it will sink to the bottom, and when the specific gravity of the fluid is greater CHAP. XVI. 1117 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. than that of the body, then the part immersed is less than that of the whole solid, and the body will float. The specific gravity of the solid is therefore to that of the fluid in which it is weighed, as the absolute weight of the solid is to the loss of weight which it sustains. In the following table all the measures are related to that of water, whose specific gravity is 1.000. To ascertain the weight of either of the substances contained in the following table, it is only necessary to compare it with the weight of a cubic foot of water, which weighs nearly 1000 ounces avoirdupois, or more nearly 998. Thus a cubic foot of native gold would weigh 170,000 ounces, or 1000 multiplied by 17, its specific gravity: platina, which is one of the densest metals, is 23 times as heavy as distilled water; fine gold 191; mercury 131; lead 111; silver 11; copper 9; iron and steel 73; stone 21; and fir timber only half the weight. This method of ascertaining the bulk of bodies was first discovered by Archimedes: but in all experiments made it is necessary to consider that a considerable change of the joint bulk of any two substances tried is often produced by their mixture, and generally their dimensions are considerably contracted. 18 gallons of water, mixed with 18 gallons of alcohol, will make only 35 gallons, and therefore the specific gravity of such a compound is one-thirty-fifth greater than the mean of the specific gravities of the two ingredients: iron also by an addition of one-eighth of its bulk of platina becomes contracted one-fortieth of the whole bulk. A Table of Specific Gravities. METALS. Copper, purple, from Bannat 4.956 4.300 Antimony, native 6.720 from Lorraine 4.983 fused { 6.624 5.467 6.860 glass of 4.9464 grey 4.3 glance pyrites 5.6 -{ sulphur of 4.9643 white - ore grey and foliated 4.368 radiated 4.440 grey 3.750 red yellow f4.080 -{ 4.344 4.500 4.865 4.5 4·3 4.090 blue 5.670 { 3.2 3.4 Arsenic, native 5.600 foliated florid red 3.950 6.522 fused 8.310 azure radiated -{ 3.231 3.608 bloom 2.640 2.8.50 glass of emerald 3.5942 pyrites 6.5 muriate of Bismuth, native 9.570 arseniate, hexaedral 9.756 fused 9.822 9.070 sulphuretted 6.131 ochre Brass, common cast Cerite wire drawn cast, not hammered Cobalt, fused ore grey - earthy black indurated vitreous oxide Columbium Copper native - from Siberia from Hungary 4.371 partial arseniate sulphate, solution sat. 42° - 7.824 wire 8.544 Gold, native - 8.395 - 4.5 [7.645 7.811 fused - Copper ores, ore compact vitreous Cornish }- 5.511 17.721 2.019 2.425 guinea George II. - guinea George III. Paris standard 22 carats 17.150 17.629 - 2.4405 5.918 [7.600 7.800 not hammered same, hammered - 17.486 17.589 Spanish coin 17.655 Holland ducats 19.352 8.5084 trinket standard 20 carats, 7.728 not hammered 15.709 7.788 same, hammered - 15.775 8.895 Portuguese coin 17.9664 4.129 French money 213 carats, · 5.452 fused - 17.4022 3.300 4.4 2.549 octoedral 2.88 trihedral - 4.2 prismatic 4.2 3.4 1.150 8.878 £17.00 pure, fused, 24 carats fine same, hammered - English standard, 22 carats fine, fused, not hammered 18-888 19.00 19.2587 19.342 - 1118 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. - 17.6474 of Louis XIII. - 17.5531 19.500 Iron, native meteoric - 6.48 7.200 French money, coined Iridium, ore of fused, not hammered Lead, muriate sulphate B - • chromate acetate vitriol from Anglesea 6.00 6.3 6.00 2.3953 6.300 forged into bars -{ 7.600 glance 7.290 7.788 chromate from Var 4.0326 from Derbyshire S 6.565 7.786 from Uralian mountains 4.0579 6.886 sulphate sat. solution 42° 1.157 - 7.444 arseniate 3.000 pyrites, dodecaedral 4.830 from Freyburg - 4.682 from Cornwall 4.789 cubic 4.702 4.698 radiated 4.775 compact crystallised radiated - from the Hartz Kautenbach Kirschwalder 4.319 5.052 7.587 - 5.500 7.448 6.140 5.820 magnetic 4.518 ore, corneous - 6.065 white 4. reniform 3.920 magnetic sand, Virginia S 4.600 of black lead 6.745 7.800 4.200 blue brown - 5.461 6.974 magnetic 4.900 from Huguelgaet 6.600 4.793 black - 5.770 5.139 specular ore 4.939 5.218 4.728 lock-head micaceous Ironstone, red ochry 5.070 2.952 compact from Siberia from Lancashire 3.423 3.760 { 3.573 white from Leadhills $7.236 phosphorated from Wan- ditto from Zschappau ditto from Brisgau red lead spar yellow molybdenated - 6.559 6.560 - 6.270 = 6.941 5.750 6.027 - 5.092 3.863 Magnesium, sulphate, sat. solution compact brown, Bayreuth 3.551 from Tyrol 3.753 42° native hydrate 1.232 - 2.330 3.503 carbonate - 2.200 cubic 3.477 5.005 Manganese [6.850 red hematites 17.000 4.740 4.249 3.951 grey striated ore of · 4.756 brown hematites 2.789 4.181 4.029 3.640 foliated red from Kapnich 3.742 · 3.233 sparry or calcareous 3.810 2.0000 3.672 black oxide 3.0000 3.300 decomposed 3.7076 3.600 ditto, penetrated by black compact - 4.706 water 3.9039 clay reddle -{ 3.139 scaly 4.1165 3.931 sulphuret 3.95 clay lenticular 2.673 clay, common, from Ca- white phosphate 2.8 - 2.6 thina - 2.936 Mercury, at 32° - 13.619 ditto from Roscommon 3.471 at 60° d 13.580 ditto from Carron in 3.205 Scotland 3.357 clay uniform iron ore 2.574 pea ore 5.207 Iron, native (Helenchen Mass) www 6.723 ore lowland Sprottau 2.944 Lead 11.352 11·445 at 212º at 3.42 cent. in a solid state 40° 13.375 13.58597 below 0° Fahrenheit 15.612 in a fluid state 40° above 0° Fahrenheit 13.545 native corrosive muriate sat. - 13.5681 5.00 solution arseniate - 6.40 natural calx - 1.037 9.230 6.00 carbonate 1 17.20 precipitate per se red · 10.871 8.399 CHAP. XVI. 1119 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Mercury, native Ethiops 2.233 Molybdena, saturated with water 7.500 Steel, soft hammered · 7.8331 7.8404 4.048 hardened in water 7.8103 native 4.667 hammered, and hardened in 4.7385 water 7.8180 Nickel, in a metallic state 57.421 Tantalium metal · 5.61 · 8.500 9.3333 in large masses in small pieces 6.291 6.208 6.6086 Tellurium, native copper - 6.6481 ƒ 5·700 6.10 7.560 graphic Kupfernickel of Saxony ditto of Bohemia ditto, sulphuretted Osmium and iridium, alloy of 6.648 yellow 5.7 10.6 6.607 black - 8.9 · 6.620 - 19.5 Tin, pure from Cornwall, fused 7.170 · 7.291 Palladium Platinum wire 11.8 fused and hammered · 7.291 - 20.722 of Malacca, fused 7.296 10 21.0417 same, hammered 7.306 - W a wedge sent by Ad- miral Gravina to Mr. Kirwan a bar sent by the King of Spain to the King of Poland in grains purified by f 17.500 boiling in nitrous acid of Gallicia 7.063 of Ehrenfriedendsdorf 7.271 20.663 pyrites ƒ 4.350 4.785 6.300 20.722 stone 6.989 6.750 18.500 black tin stone 6.901 15.601 6.9348 native 17.200 red - 5.845 fused 14.626 6.970 purified and forged - 20.336 7.000 milled and purified - · 20.98 fibrous 5.800 same, hammered compressed by a flatting mill. Potassium at 150 cent. Silver, glance brittle white ruby light red sooty native, common antimonial auriferous ore, dark red arseniated, ferruginous same, penetrated with water ore corneous, or horn ore - virgin, 12 deniers fine 10.474 Paris standard, 11 deniers 10 grains fine, fused 6.450 22.069 new, fused- 7.3013 0.7223 hammered 7.3115 6.910 fine, fused - 7.4789 7.200 hammered - - 7.5194 7.208 common 7.9200 5.3 claire etoffe 8.4869 - -{ 5.564 5.5886 ore, Cornish 5.800 6.450 5.443 from Fahlun 6.55 5.592 stone, white 6·008 10.000 4.355 10.333 5.800 9.4406 6'028 10.000 Tungsten 6'066 - 10.600 6.015 [5.684 5.570 - 5.5637 Uranium 7.500 - 2.178 Wolfram 5.705 2.340 Zinc, pure and compressed 7.1908 S 4.7488 14.804 - in its usual state by sublimation sulphate 6.862 - 5.918 - 1.9000 - 10.510 10.175 10.376 same, hammered Alder 0·8000 - 10.784 Apple 0.7930 shilling George II. 10.000 Ash 0.8450 George III. 10.534 dry 0.800 French money, 10 deniers Bay tree, Spanish 0.8220 21 grains fine, fused 10.048 Beech 0.8520 same, coined - 10.408 Box-wood, French 0.9120 Sodium at 150 cent. 0.86507 Dutch 1.3280 Steel - 7.67 dry. 1.030 saturated solution 1.386 WOODS. 11.20 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Brazil-wood, red Campeachy or logwood Cedar, American wild 1-0310 Alabaster, semi-transparent 2.762 0.9130 stained, brown 2.744 0.5608 Malaga pink 2.8761 0.5608 Dalias 2-6110 Palestine Indian 0 5960 3.119 1.3150 Allanite 4.001 - Cherry-tree 0.7150 3.533 Citron Cocoa-wood 0.7263 3.665 1.0403 Alumine, sulphate 1.7140 Cork Cypress, Spanish Ebony, Indian 0.2400 Amber, yellow transparent 1.0780 0.6440 opaque 1.0855 - - 1.2090 red 1.034 American 1.3310 green 1.0829 Elder Elm 0.6950 Amethyst 2.750 0.6710 Ammianthus, long 0.9088 Filbert Fir, male - female Hazel Jasmin, Spanish Juniper Lemon Lignum vitæ Linden Logwood 0.6000 penetrated with 0.5500 water 1.5662 0.4980 short 2.3134 0.606 penetrated with 0.7700 water - 3.3803 0.5560 Ammianthinite, Raschian - 2.584 0.7033 Bayreuth 2.916 1 · 1.3330 2.0 Analeime - 0.604 €3.0 0.9130 Andalusite 3.165 Mahogany Maple Mastic-tree Medlar - 1.0630 Anhydrite 2.95 - 0.7550 Anime, oriental 1.0284 0.8490 occidental 1.0426 0.9440 Anthophyllite · Mulberry, Spanish - 0.8970 Oak, 60 years old, heart - 1.1700 Aplome Arcanson Olive 0.9270 Areterite - Orange 0.7059 Pear-tree Argillite 0.6610 Plum-tree 0.7850 Pomegranate 1.3540 Arragonite Poplar 0.3830 white, Spanish - 0.5294 Asbestirite 3.20 3.45 1.0857 3.606 ƒ 2.609 12.680 2.946 2.9267 2.94686 3.000 Quince 0.7050 3.310 Syringa 1·0989 0.6806 Asbestos Walnut, French 0.6710 10.9933 Yew, Dutch 0.7880 1.2492 Spanish penetrated with water 0.8070 1.3492 ripe 2.5779 penetrated with water 2.6994 EARTHS AND STONES. starry - 3.0733 2.950 Actinolite, glossy penetrated with water 3.0808 3.903 unripe 2.9958 Agalmatolite - 2.800 penetrated with water 3.0343 Agate, oriental - 0.5901 onyx speckled cloudy stained veined Icelandic Havre jasper Mocha iridescent Alabaster, Valencia veined 2.6375 Asphaltum, cohesive 1.450 - 2.060 2.607 1.070 2.6253 compact · 1.165 2.6324 Aventurine, semi-transparent 2.6667 - 2.6667 opaque - 2.6426 2.348 3.226 2.5881 Augite 3.471 2.6356 3.777 2.5891 Automalite 4.200 2.5535 4.690 2.638 3.213 Axinite or thumerstone 2.691 3.296 Piedmont • Malta yellow Spanish 2.693 3.250 2.699 Azure stone, lapis lazuli [2.7675 2.699 2.896 - 2.713 Oriental 2.7714 Oriental white - 2.730 Siberian 2.9454 CHAP. XVI. 1121 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Barytes or baroselinite -{ √ 4.400 2.252 Chalk 4.865 12.657 white - 4-44300 Chrysolite, jeweller's - 2.782 grey rhomboidal octoedral 4.4909 2.692 4.4434 4.4712 in stalactites - 4.2984 4.000 sulphate, native 4-460 Cimolete 4.48141 4.300 Chrysoprase Brazilian- Cinnabar, Deux Ponts Almaden 3.340 3.410 -{ 2.489 3.250 - 20 7.786 6.902 carbonate, native 4.338 crystallised · 10.218 Basaltes - 2.979 hepatic - 8.000 Cinnamon stone - from Giant's Causeway 2.864 prismatic, from Clinkstone Au- Bdellium vergne St. Tubery Beryl, oriental occidental - 2.4215 Corundum, Indian 7.1 2-6 S2.575 2.620 ƒ 3.710 2.7948 1.1377 Chinese 3.5491 2.723 Cryolite Cube iron ore · 2.650 aquamarine spar - 3.875 3.981 2.957 3.000 2.964 12.759 Bitumen, Judæa Black coal, pitch coal slate coal, English 1.104 Cyanite 1.308 1.250 Cymaphane, Chrysoberyl (3.517 3.622 3.600 11.370 Datolite 13.720 2.98 1.321 2:63 Bielschawitz L 1.382 Cannel coal Blende, yellow 1.270 [4.044 14.048 3.770 brown foliated 14.048 3.930 black - 4.166 auriferous from Nagyog 5.398 Boracite 2.566 Borax 1.714 Bournonite 5.576 Bronzite 3.20 Calamine [ 3.525 14.100 Carbon, of compact earth 1.3292 veined transparent reddish common - 2.84 3.5212 3.5310 3.5500 - 3.5238 3.5254 8·4444 yellow orange - 3.5185 3.55 2.800 2.673 2.683 2.600 2.723 of Brazil pseudo - 3.1555 Carnelian, stalactite speckled veined onyx 2.5977 Euclase 2.6137 Felspar, fresh 2.6234 Adularia 2.6227 pale 2.6301 pointed 2.6120 arborised 2.6133 2.600 Labrador glassy - 2.701 3.0625 2.438 ƒ 2.500 2.600 2.607 12.704 - Cat's-eye 2.625 Fettstein - grey 2.5675 yellow 2.6573 black 3.2593 Cerite 4.500 Flint, Ceylanite - [3.765 3.793 Chabasite 2.718 - Chalcedony, bluish 2.5867 onyx 2.6151 1 2.6059 2.6640 2.6645 2.600 {2.655 Fish-eye-stone, ichthyophthalmite olive spotted onyx Rennes England Limosin veined Egyptian Black - 2.518 2.589 2.563 2.614 2.5782 2.467 2.594 2.6057 2.5867 2.6644 - 2.6538 2.6087 2.2431 2.6122 2.5648 2.582 Gabbronite 2.94 Dipyre Diamond, oriental, colourless - rose-coloured orange-coloured green-coloured blue-coloured Brazilian • Dolomite - Emerald - 4 C 1:122 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING.. Flint, Gadolinite -{ 4.00 4.20 Hornblende, schistose 2.909 3.155 4.085 3.150 Garnet, precious, Bohemian 4.188 basaltic 3.220 4.230 3.333 4.352 volcanic Syrian - docaedral crystals common · Hornstone, or Petrosilex 2.530 2.468 2.653 4.000 جن کے Gehlenite - Girasol Glance coal, slaty Glauberite Granite, red Egyptian grey Egyptian beautiful red Girardmor violet of Gyromagny red of Dauphiny 4.0637 [3.576 3.688 2.78 4.000 1.300 {1-530 2.700 2.6541 ferruginous veined 2.813 2.747 grey - 2.654 blackish grey 2.744 yellowish white 2.563 bluish and yellowish 2.626 dark purplish 2.638 greenish white, from Lorraine 2.532 iron shot brownish red 2.813 · 2.7279 Hyalite 2.110 2.7609 4.000 - 2.7163 Hyacinth 4.545 - 2.6852 4.620 - 2.6431 Hyposist 1.5263 green - 2.6836 Jade, white 2.9592 radiated red of Semur grey of Bretagne 2.6678 gum 2.9660 2.6384 olive 2.9829 2.7378 from East Indies 2.977 yellowish - 2.6136 [3.310 Switzerland Corinthian blue 2.9564 3.389 Granitelle 3.0626 with boracic acid 2.566 Dauphiny 2.8465 Jasper, veined 2-6955 Graphic ore 5.723 red - 2.6612 Gypsum, opaque 2.1679 brown 2.6911 compact, in Leskean mu- yellow 2.7101 seum 2.939 violet 2.7111 f1.872 compact 2.288 grey cloudy 2.7640 2.7354 impure 2.473 green 2.6274 foliated with limestone - 2.725 bright green 2.3587 semi-transparent 2.3062 deep green 2.6258 fine 2.2741 brownish green 2-6814 opaque 2.2642 blackish 2.6719 rhomboidal 2.3114 blood-coloured 2.6277 10 faces 2.3117 ony x 2.8160 cuneiform, crystallised striated, of France - 2.3060 Jasper flowered, red and white 2.6228 2.3057 red and yellow - 2.7500 China 2.3088 green and yel- flowered 2.3059 low 2.6839 sparry opaque 2.2746 red, green, and semi-transparent 3.3108 grey 2.7323 granular foliated (Les- red, green, and kean museum) - 2.900 yellow 2.7492 slaty, mixed with marl 2.473 universal 2.5630 Hauym 3.20 agate 2.6608 2.629 Heliotrope, blood-stone Jenite 3.80 2.700 4.00 2.633 Jet 1.2590 Hollow spar, chiastolite 2-944. Iolite 2.56 Hone, white razor penetrated water 2.8763 Iserine, an oxide of titanium, from 2.8839 Iser 4.500 white and black razor · 3.1271 Lapis nephriticus 2.894 Honeystone 1.586 hematites 4.360 1.666 judaicus 2.500 3.600 monatis Hornblende, common 2.270 3.830 hepaticus 2.666 resplendent Labrador 3.350 Laumonite 2.20 - 3.434 Lenticular ore, arseniate of cop- schiller spar 2.882 per 2.882 CHAP. XVI. 1123 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. 2.816 Lepidolite Leucite, or umphigene 12.854 Orpiment -{ 3·048 3.435 2.455 Pearl stone 2.34 | 2.490 Pearls, oriental 2.683 1.3864 Limestone, compact Peridot, or olivine 2.7200 { 3.428 3.225 2.710 Pharmacolite, or arseniate of foliated 2.837 lime 2.6 2.700 granular green arenaceous Lithomarge Marl Phosphorite or Sporgel stone, 12.800 without water 2.8249 - 3.182 with water 2.8648 2.742 greenish, from 2.50 Spain 3.098 2.9444 Saxon 3.218 sulphate native hydrate Magnesia, saturated solution of Magnesite, carbonate of magnesia 2.200 new species from Baum- Phosphorus 1.714 · 1.232 Stone of Volvic 2.320 2.330 Pinite 2.980 6.378 Pitch ore, or sulphuretted uranite 6.530 garten, Silesia - 2.95 7.500 Malachite 3.572 Pitchstone, black 2.0499 3.641 yellow 2.0860 compact 3.994 red 2.6695 Marble, Carrara 2.716 brick red from Mis- Pyrenæan 2.726 nia 2.720 block Biscayan 2.695 leek green or olive 2.298 Brocatelle 2.650 pearl grey 1.970 Castilian 2.700 blackish 2.3191 Valencian 2.710 olive 2.3145 Grenadian white 2.705 dark green 2.3149 Siennian 2.678 Roman violet 2.755 Plumbago [1.987 12.267 African 2.708 Porcellanite 2.30 Italian violet 2.858 Porphyry, green 2.6760 Norwegian 2.728 red 2.7651 Siberian 2.728 French 2.649 Swiss 2.714 Egyptian green 2.668 from Dauphiny from Cordova green, from Cordova hornblende or 2.7933 2.7542 - 2.7278 or- Florentine yellow 2.516 Meionite 3.10 phites pitchstone 2.9722 2.452 Melanite, or black garnet [3.691 mullen 3.800 4.270 sandstone Menochanite 4.427 Potash, carbonate Mesotype 2.233 muriate 2.791 Mica 2.546 2.9342 tartrite, acidulous antimonial sulphate { 2.600 * 12.728 2.564 1.4594 1.8365 1.900 Muricalcite, crystallised or rhomb Potstone A spar Natrolite, Swedish Nepheline, or somnite 2.480 -{ [2.779 Prasium 2.790 3.2741 Nigrine, or calcareo-siliceous ti- 3-700 tanic ore Nitre Obsidian quadrangular Octoedrite Prehnite, of the Cape of France Pumice stone, pu 4.445 -14.673 Pyenite, or shorlous beryl 1.9000 Pyrope 2.2460 -{ 3.5145 3.718 3.941 2.348 Pyrophysalite 3.450 3.857 Quartz, crystallised brown and red 2.6468 Opal, precious common 2.114 1.958 brittle milky 2.6404 - 2.652 2.015 3.750 elastic - 2.144 2.6240 semi-opal from Telkobanya 2.540 3.225 ligniform, or wood Realgar, or red orpiment - 2.600 3.338 2.2460 2.2980 $2.80 -{ 3.00 2.5805 2.697 12.9423 2.610 3.9145 4 c 2 1124 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Rock crystal, from Madagascar 2.6530 Serpentine, fibrous, from Dau- clove brown 2.605 phiny 2.6693 white from Marme- spotted black and rosh 2.888 white - 2.3767 European pure ge- ƒ 2·6548 black and latinous 2.63717 grey 2.2645 Brazilian 2.6526 red and yel- iridiscent 2.6497 low - 2.6885 rose-coloured 2.6701 green from yellow Bohemian 2.6542 Grenada 2.6849 blue 2.5818 deep green, violet, or amethyst 2.6535 ditto 2.7097 Carthaginian ame- black, from Daul- thyst 2.6570 phiny 2.9883 Ruby, oriental Rutile pale violet brown black Brazilian, or occidental spinelle ballas Rutilite, or sphene Sahlite Sal gem Sapphire, oriental white of Puys oriental 2.6513 green 2.8960 2.6534 yellow 2.7805 2.6536 violet 2.6424 4.2833 of Dauphiny 2.7913 · 3.5311 Shale 2.6 [3.7600 Siderocalcite 2.837 3.5700 Sinople 2.6913 3.6458 Slate, common 2.6718 f4·102 4.246 3.1 penetrated with water 2.6905 whet, or novaculite 0.722 2.609 · 3.5 Isabella yellow 2.955 3.234 stone 2.1861 2.143 fresh, polished 2.7664 3.991 adhesive 2.080 4.076 new 5.8535 3.994 3.1307 3.994 Brazilian 4.283 siliceous horn, or schistose porphyry S 2.596 2.641 2.512 12.700 4.000 Smalt 2.440 4.083 Smaragdite 3.00 Sardonyx, puce pale pointed veined onyx 2.6025 Sodalite - 2.378 1 2.6060 Spar, white sparkling 2.5946 2.6215 red ditto 3.4378 2.5951 green ditto 2.7045 2.5949 blue ditto 2.6925 arborescent 2.5988 green and white ditto 3.1051 blackish 2.6284 transparent ditto 2.5644 Saussurite 3.260 adamantine 3.873 3.6800 fluor - 3.1555 Scapolite 3.7000 fluor red, or false ruby 3.1911 Schorl, block, prismatic 3.3636 octoedral - 3.1815 octoedral 3.2265 yellow, or false topaz- 3.0967 enneaedral 3.0926 green, or false emerald 3.1817 black sparry 3.3852 octoedral 3.1838 amorphous, or basaltes 2.9225 blue, or false sapphire 3.1688 cruciform 3.2861 greenish blue or false aqua- violet of Dauphiny 3.2956 marine - 3.1820 green 3.4529 violet, or false amethyst 3.1757 3.092 violet purple 3.1857 common 3.150 English 3.1796 3.212 Auvergne- 3.0943 Selenite, or broad foliated gypsum Serpentine, opaque green Italian penetrated by water red and black veined veined black - olive semi-transparent grain fibrous 2.322 in stalactites 3.1688 2.4295 pearl or bitter (carbonate, 2.4729 2.6273 and - 2.5939 lime, and magnesia) calcareous rhomboidal calcareous rhomboidal tubes of France 2.8378 · 2.7151 in - + 2.5859 2.9997 prismatic 2.71409 2.7146 2.7182 and pyramidal - 2.7115 or flos ferri CHAP. XVI. Spar, pyramidal puant gris puant noir TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Talc, black crayon yellow white German 2.7141 2.7121 2.6207 2.6747 3.1923 Spodumene, or triphane of mercury 3.218 black Stalactite, transparent 2.3239 earthy opaque 3.4783 penetrated with water 2.5462 Staurotide, staurolite or gnenatite 3.286 common Venetian indurated- Steatites, of Bareight - 2.6149 Tantalite - 1 # · a 1125 2.080 2.246 2.655 2.704 2.7917 2.9004 · penetrated with water 2.6657 Tartar 2.6325 2.700 - {2 - 12.800 2.90 7.953 1.8490 indurated 2.5834 Terra Japonica 1.3980 penetrated 2·6322 Stilbite - Strontian, sulphate Titanite, rutulite or sphene • 2.50 { 4.102 4.246 3.583 Topaz, oriental 4.0106 3.958 Brazilian 3.5365 carbonate - Stone sand, paving 3.658 Saxon 3.5640 3.675 oriental pistachio 4.0615 2.4158 Saxon white 3.5535 grinding- 2.4129 cutlers' 2.1113 greenish blue - red - 3.5489 - 3.155 Fontainebleau glitter- Tremolite- ing 2.5616 [2.9 13.2 crystallised · 2.6111 Turbeth, mineral - 8.235 scythe of Auvergne, mean-grained 2.5638 fine-grained - 2.6090 Ultramarine coarse-grained 2.5686 Uran glimmer Lorraine 2.5298 Liege Mill Stone, Bristol Burford Portland Ray Ratten - · 2.6356 Turquoise, ivory stained by blue 2.500 calx copper Uranite, in a metallic state- sulphuretted- - 12.908 2.360 2.19 6.440 6.378 2.4835 3.150 Uranitic ochre, indurated - 2.510 3.2438 2.049 Vermeille, or oriental ruby 4.2299 1 2.496 Vesuvian S3.575 2.470 3.420 1.981 3.365 St. Cloud 2.201 Siberian 3.339 St. Maur 2.034 3.407 Notre Dame 2.378 Vitriol, Dantzic 1.715 Clicord, from Brochet 2.357 Wavellite, or hydrayellite 2.7000 Rock of Chatillon 2.122 Wolfs-eye, mineral 2.3507 hard paving Siberian blue touch - prismatic basaltes quarry of Baurè of Cherence 2.460 Woodstone f 2.045 2.945 2.675 2.415 Yttrotantalite 5.130 - 2.722 Yttrocerite 3.447 - 1.3864 Zeolite, from Edelfors, red scintil- · 2.4682 - Sulphur, native - 2.0332 fused 1.9907 Sulphuret, triple, lead, antimony, lant white scintillant compact siliceous - 2.4868 4.0739 2.1344 2.515 and copper 5.768 4.615 Sylvanite, or tellurite in a metal- 4.666 lic state, fused 6.343 Zinon, or jaryon 4.700 4.107 4.3858 Sylvan, native 5.723 4.4161 6.115 Zirconite - 4.24 Sylvan ore, yellow black - 10.678 Zoizite 6.157 -{ 3.26 3.31 4 c 3 8.919 1126 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. CHAP. XVII. THE THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. The Theory of the Motion of Fluids necessarily follows the consideration of the laws which relate to their equilibrium: both Daniel Bernouilli and Huygens supposed that no force is lost in the communication of motion between different bodies considered as belonging to any system; and that they always acquire such velocity in descending through any space, that the centre of gravity of the system is capable of ascending to a height equal to that from which it descended, notwithstanding a mutual action between the bodies: an elastic ball, for instance, weighing 10 ounces, descending from the height of a foot upon another of 1 ounce, in such a manner as to lose the whole of its motion, the smaller ball will acquire a velocity capable of carrying it to the height of 10 feet. These laws with certain restrictions are applicable to the motion of fluids. We are indebted to Archimedes for the first theory upon floating bodies; he established the principles that the parts of a liquid least pressed are impelled by those which are more so, and that each part is always pressed by the weight of its corresponding column; also, that a body impelled by a fluid is driven in a vertical direction through its centre of gravity: such were the established laws with regard to fluids upwards of two thousand years ago, since which time a third principle has been discovered, viz. equality of pressure in every direction, that is, if a pressure be applied to any point on the surface of a fluid, it is equally transmitted to all other points in that liquid. On the Measurement of Waters which flow through Tubes or Reservoirs. To establish the principles which are the object of this proposition, we must remark that the portions of water enclosed in the vessel press mutually in every direction with equal forces in each horizontal bed; and that if any escape by an opening made in the bottom, all other portions with which it is surrounded hasten to flow on this side with a certain gradation of velocity, dependent Now as on the force of those which follow, or on the weight with which they are loaded. the force which presses on the surface of the water to make it descend may be regarded as nothing, with respect to the pressure sustained by the film which serves as the base of a column of water answering to the orifice, we cannot say that it is this column which escapes, and is continually renewed by the surface, but that generally all contained in the vessel rushes to the orifice. B C To make this clear, suppose a vessel ABCD filled with water to the height IK, if we plunge a tube EFGH open at both ends to the bottom, its surface will be pressed in horizontal directions with equal and opposite forces, intersecting according to the order of the terms of an arithmetical progression. For tracing on the sides EF, GH of the tube the right-angled and isosceles triangles FES and GHT, their elements will represent the action of the water against the outer surface. As the point X will be pressed with a force expressed by the element VX, and the point Y opposite to the preceding with a force expressed by the height FY equal to VX; and it will be the same with all the other points taken in the same horizontal bed LM; we find that the water of the vessel will make as much effort to enter the tube, as that in the tube will to escape, As the extent of the base AD is indifferent to the pressure of which we have been speaking, it L A XY M Fig. 1708. D E HR will be seen that if the vessel were itself a tube, O FQ R, a little larger than that in which it is plunged, the surface of the latter will always be pressed with the same force, however small the difference between the two circles OR and EH, provided their circumferences do not join. If the middle tube be suppressed, so as only to regard the column enclosed therein, the surface will be pressed by the water with which it is surrounded with the same force as that of the tube was to know the ratio of this force relatively to the action of the weight of the column on the bottom of the vessel, let r be the radius, NH, of the circle CHAP. XVII. 1127 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. hh c for the pressure which the surface sustains, and hhc rhc 2 EH, c its circumference, and h the height EF of the water. Thus we shall have rhc 2 2 for its weight; whence we have 2 :h, r, which shows that the effort made by the water of the vessel to occupy the place of the column, is to the inclination of this column to descend, as its height is to the radius of its base. Hence we may conclude that when the height of the column exceeds its semi-diameter, the portions of the water which compose it can never escape altogether by an opening equal to its base, because the force with which it will tend to descend will be less than that of the water which seeks to replace it: thus showing that during the time of flowing the column will always have the same weight, since the parts which escape will instantly be replaced by others. It follows that when water in a vessel is continually maintained at the same level, that which escapes by an orifice made in the bottom will always have the same velocity, since it will be driven by the whole weight of the column, which presses it, and which we may regard as a constant force acting uniformly on the whole extent of the orifice. The same will not take place with water in a straight tube, which voids itself by an opening equal to the base, because it falls in one piece, like a cylinder of glass, that is to say, that in issuing it has at first a very slight velocity, which increases like that of heavy bodies, from the instant of its fall. As the water of the column is not replaced either from the top or sides, its surface answering immediately to that of the vessel, it is in the position of all heavy bodies, and consequently follows the law of their accelerations, not meeting any circumstance which can cause a change in its fall. The time which such a tube would take to empty itself totally will be equal to that required by a body in descending freely through the same space which the upper surface of the water goes over in the tube. Since we can always render a retarded or accelerated velocity uniform, by taking half the great velocity, we may apply the rule when we wish to compare the ex- penditure of a tube such as the preceding with that of another always maintained full. Fig. 1709. If the surface of the water contained in a tube or reservoir, after having remained during a certain time at the same level BC, was then at the level FG, notwithstanding the expenditure through the orifice EH in the bottom of the vessel: its uniform velocity in the first case would be to its uniform velocity in the second, as the square root of the height I E is to the square root of the height K E. Fig. 1710. When in two reservoirs of different heights, the orifices O, O are unequal in superficies; the small prisms of water which issue therefrom in the same instant may be expressed by OV and ou, because they can only have for base that of the columns which impel them, and for height the space which a film detached from the same columns may go over with a uniform motion in this instant. As these spaces will be in the ratio of the velocities exercised in the same instant, the velocities may hold the place of spaces, since in this case the question is only of the ratio of these prisms. As the columns of water which the orifices would expend in two different times T, t, will contain as many times the small prisms OV, ou, as the number of instants that elapse in the duration of time T, t, we shall have L B F A E H Fig. 1709. F K M - T ov, m M m and =ow; whence we have : OV,ou, t T' t Mou T m OV t or Motu = B G D which gives m OTV, or a general formula comprising the masses or quantities of water, their velocities, the time of their flowing, and the size of the orifices; that is to say, all the circumstances which enter into the measurement of the water. Fig. 1710. 4 c 4 1128 BOOK II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. E To facilitate the calculations upon the ex- A penditure of water, Belidor has furnished some excellent tables relative to the uniform velocity of the falls during a second of time, constructed in arithmetical progression. The parabola A D C, the axis of which, A B, is supposed to be 15 feet, and its greatest ordinate, BC, 30 feet, was the figure adopted: the ordinates E F, G H, &c., express the G expenditure at the several heights. B Fig. 1711. F D H For the quantity of water discharged over a weir Mr. Eytelwein represented the velocity, which varies as the square root of the height, by the or- dinates of a parabola, and the quantity of water discharged by the area of a parabola two-thirds of that of the circumscribing rectangle: hence the quantity of water discharged may be found by taking two-thirds of the velocity due to the mean height, and allowing for the contraction of the vein. On the Manner of estimating the Waste caused by the Edges of Orifices. As water flows more swiftly towards the centre than at the edges of orifices, being retarded by the fric- tion they occasion, less will issue from an orifice during a specified time, than would be the case if all the threads had uniform velocity; consequently the expenditure stated in the preceding calculations is greater than in actual experience, and this difference in- creases as the orifices become less, because the circumferences of circles being to each other as the diameters, while their superficies are as the square of these diameters, the small orifices, having more circumference in proportion than large ones, the velocity of water with relation to its quantity will be proportionably retarded. ( To find this ratio, we must take the squares of the diameters for the superficies of the orifices, and the sides of these squares as their circumferences: thus calling a the diameter of the lesser, and b that of the greater, we shall have for the ratio of the circuit of the α αα irst to its superficies, and the ratio of the circuit of the second to its superficies, which b bb 1 reduces it to α and }; 1 ㅎ ​whence we have 1 1 a b :b, a, since a a b ō' or ab=ab, which shows that the ratio of the circuit of the first to its superficies, is to the ratio of the circuit of the second to its superficies, as the diameter of the second, to the diameter of the first. It follows that the ratio of the decrease of the first orifice to its natural expenditure will be to the ratio of the decrease of the second to its natural expenditure, as the diameter of the second is to the diameter of the first. By natural expenditure it must be understood that which is found by rule, without considering accidental circumstances, and by waste, the excess of the natural expenditure above the effective, found by experiment. When the ratio of the waste to the natural expenditure of any orifice is determined by experiment, we shall have the ratio for any other orifice thus: as the diameter of the given orifice, is to the diameter of that of the experiment, so the ratio of the waste to the natural expenditure found in the experiment, is to a fourth term, which will give that required. M. Mariotte states in his "Traité du Mouvement des Eaux" that he has proved by a number of experiments that from a horizontal orifice, three lines in diameter, 13 feet above the surface of the water, 14 pints or 28 lbs. issued in one minute. Let the circle AB represent an orifice, divide its diameter at the point C in the ratio of the effective expenditure to the waste: calling AB, a, and CB, b, the square DB (aa) will express the natural expenditure, the rectangle FB (ab) the decrease, and the rectangle DC (aabb) the effective ex- penditure. In like manner, calling d the diameter of another orifice, dd will express its natural expenditure, and as the decreases are to each other in the ratio of the diameter, we shall have a, d: ab, bd; whence we have dd-bd for the ex- pression of the effective expense of the second orifice. If we take a a-ab and dd-bd to express the ratio of the two orifices, and Mm to express that of their expenditure, we shall have M, maa-ab, dd-bd, when the times are equal, and the reservoirs the same height. Calling V the velocity of the water at the orifice, whose expenditure is ex- pressed by M and T, the time of flowing, u the velocity of the water of the second reservoir, whose expenditure is expressed D C B F E Fig. 1712, CHAP. XVII. 1129 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. aa-ab × TV, dd-bd × tu, orifices, the times, and the by m, and t the time of flowing, we shall have M, m: since the expenditures are in the compound ratio of the velocities; whence we have aa-ab× TV m=dd-bd × tu M, which formula will give that of the four required dimensions d,m,t, u. If we wish to ascertain the diameter of the orifice of a reservoir whose height or velocity is given, in order that it may effectually expend in a given time a determined quantity of water, designated by m, taking the mean of all the other quantities comprised in the formula, we shall substitute a for d, to have a a-abx TVm-xx-bxx tu M, which will be reduced to 1 b + bb TVm + 4 tu M ×(aa−ab)=x. If the diameter of the orifice, the height of the reservoir, or the velocity of the water, and the time are given, and we require the effective expenditure, we must substitute x in dd-bd tu M place of m, to have a a-ab x TVx-dd-bdx tu M; whence we have x = Xx aa-ab TV If the diameter of the orifice, the effective expenditure, and the times are given, and we wish to know the velocity of the water per second, in order to deduce the height of the aa-ab TVM reservoir, we must put x in place of u, to have dd-bd t M X —X. When similar quantities have the same value, we must efface them from the formula, which will render the calculation more easy. For example, it is required what diameter should be given to the orifice of a reservoir, 13 feet high, in order that its effectual expendi- ture per M 4 יך minute may be quadruple that of M. Mariotte; as we have T=t, V=u, and m 14aa-4ab bb 1 b 9 + - + 4 2 x, having a=3 lines, b≈ and 10 the equation will be changed into 812 9 20 ; making the calculation we shall find that the diameter required should be nearly 5 lines instead of 6, which appeared to be that required. To show that the orifice just found will effectively expend quadruple that of the ex- periment; as 9 (the square of the diameter of 3 lines), is to 304 (the square of the diameter just found, 51 lines), so 4 lbs. of water (the natural expenditure of the first orifice), is to the natural expenditure of the second, which will be 134 lbs. To subtract the waste, multiply the denominator by the diameter 5½, we shall have for the ratio of the waste to the na- tural expenditure: then, as 55 is to 46, so 1343, the natural expenditure of the second orifice, is to its effective expenditure, which will be 1124 lbs., a number quadruple 28; that is to say, the effective expenditure of the first orifice, neglecting the four ounces arising from the dia- meter having been estimated at a little more than it ought, by supposing 4. We shall have with geometrical precision the required diameter by constructing the equation ✓ bb b 4 2 4aa-4ab+ + X. For this purpose we must draw the line AB equal to 2a; prolong it from B to C, so that B C may be equal to 2b; describe on AC as a diameter the semicircle A D C; elevate the perpendicular BD, whose square will be 4ab; raise also on the ex- tremity A the perpendicular A F equal to draw the bb 4 ს គួរំ line FB, whose square will be 4aa+ ; describe on this line the demicircle BHF; make BH equal to 49 Του D A B G F H Fig. 1713. BD; then draw the line FH, which must be prolonged from F to G by the length FA; then the line GH will be exactly the diameter required, since we shall have b ✓ FB (4aa+b). - BH² (4 ab) + G F GF(2) = - GH (x). Of whatever figure the orifices may be, whether similar or not, their natural expenditure being always in the ratio of their superficies, and the wastes in the ratio of their circuit, it follows that when the superficies are in the ratio of the circuits, the natural expenditure will be as the decreases, and this happens when one of two orifices is a circle, and the other cd the square of its diameter; for calling d the diameter, and c the circumference, will be the 4 1130 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. cd 4 superficies of the circle, and 4d the circuit of its square; whence we have : dd C, 4d, which shows that the ratio of the waste to the natural expenditure of a square orifice three lines square may further be expressed by. Thus when we wish to know the proportion for any square orifice, we must multiply the denominator of by the side of the square reduced to lines: for example, for a square of an inch, we shall have On the Measurement of the Water flowing through rectilinear and 9 or 3 10 x 12' 40° vertical Orifices. H I K L F G Fig. 1714. It has been demonstrated that a prismatic vessel continually filled with water has each of its faces pressed in a horizontal direction by the films of water which it sustains; conse- quently, if this surface be pierced with several holes, H, K, &c. in the vertical E F, the water in issuing will be driven in horizontal directions, with velocities which may be expressed by the roots of the heights EH and EK, or by the corresponding ordinates HI and KL of a parabola EIG, since the property of this curve gives √EH, √EK: HI, KL. Supposing the perimeter of this parabola 60 feet, the ordinates HI and KL will express, not only the ratio of the velocities of the water, but also the real velocities per second of the threads which issue through the small holes H and K: then knowing the heights EH and EK in feet, inches, and lines, we shall have, by the assistance of the first table, the values in feet, inches, and lines of the ordinates HI and KL. It follows, that if all the threads of water which issue through one of the orifices H or K have the same velocity, the natural expenditure per second will be equal to a column which would have for its base the plan of the orifice, and for height the ordinate which answers to it. If we suppose the axis E F of the parabola ELG divided into an infinity of equal parts, they will compose an infinite arithmetical progression, or the smallest term of which will be zero, and the greatest the height E F of the water, which will express at the same time the number of terms of this progression. Drawing through each point of the division an ordinate HI or KL, beginning from the summit E, all these ordinates being in the ratio of the roots of their abscissæ, or those of the terms of the progression of the parts of the axis, the sum of all these roots will be found in the same manner as those of the ordinates which compose the superficies of the parabola, by multiplying the axis E F by two-thirds the greater ordinate FG. We shall have also the sum of all the roots of the corresponding abscissæ, or that of all the terms of the progression, by multiplying the axis E F by 3√EF, 2EF or ✔EF by 3 E M N 17. m 2 € To demonstrate the same rule, independently of the parabola, let us consider the right-angled isosceles triangle E F G, whose height E F being taken for that of the water, all the elements MN will compose the terms of the preceding progression, or all the different heights of the water, taken from its level to the bottom of the vessel. To have the sum of the roots of all these elements, call E F, h; EM, x; thus Mm will be dx, which being multi- plied by ✔r will give dx√x=xdx for the sum of the roots comprised in the differential plane Mm Nn, the integral of which gives x, or 3x × √x, or 3h × √h, when x becomes equal to h. If a fluid, according to Mr. Vince, issues from a cylindrical or prismatic vessel whose horizontal section is everywhere the same, and in which the fluid is always maintained at the same height, the orifice will discharge twice the quantity contained in the vessel, in the same time that the vessel would have emptied itself. As the surface of the fluid is uniformly retarded, and as its velocity becomes nothing at the bottom, the space which the descending surface would describe with the first velocity, continued uniform during the time that the vessel takes to empty itself, is twice the space that the surface really describes in the time in which the vessel empties itself: in this time, therefore, the quantity of fluid discharged in the former case is twice that which F Fig. 1715. CHAP. XVII. 1181 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. is discharged in the latter, as the quantity discharged when the vessel is kept full may be measured by what would be the descent of the surface, if it could descend with the velocity with which its descent commences. When a vessel ABCD is pierced at the bottom and the water is only maintained at the height GH, it does not, in issuing out, always entirely fill the hole D F, but leaves a void in the middle, forming a funnel MIQLOP, which gives place to a cir- cular jet, whose total expenditure per second is equal to a volume of water, comprised by the hole EF, the height IK, and the line which expresses the velocity acquired by a fall of the height IK. This jet only issues when the sum of the velocities of the water tending to re- place that of the column in the middle is less than the uniform velocity of the same column. G B A K When a horizontal orifice NO is at the extremity of a curved tube EPLM, the height IQ of the surface G H of the water, with regard to the diameter of the orifice, is of no consequence, because the curved part TPVM L of the tube being filled, the air which answers to the level GH cannot issue through the orifice; but although the water be main- tained at the level GH, its velocity will not always be ex- pressed by the root of the height IQ, because the diameter of the orifice NO, that of the valve X Y, the height IQ, and the height IK of the level of the water above the bot- tom A D of the reservoir, may be such that the water may not be sufficient for the orifice for whatever be the height of the line I Q, the reservoir will not furnish more than can issue by the hole XY; and for the jet to act fully it is ne- cessary that the square of the diameter NO of the pipe, and the root of the height IQ of the level of the reservoir above this pipe, should be at least equal to the product of the root of the height GA or IK of the water in the reservoir multiplied by the square of the diameter XY; that is to say, these four should be reciprocally proportionate. : F E G A R N P Fig. 1716. E F R S C L H P T N L H It is therefore not surprising that reservoirs considerably elevated above the issue pipe frequently form jets of little height, and very short of the proportion which they should have; for the passage of the water on the grating being always much less than the circle of the conduit pipe pre- vents the tube from being always full, and keeps the water at one height, RS, because the grating will only furnish a certain quantity which will cause the expenditure of the orifice to be relative to ✅R P, and not to ✔IQ. When the summit of a rectangular orifice is above the level of the water, as MK LN, the sum of all the velocities of the films of water which issue from it may be expressed by the elements of the parabolic segment FHIG, and there will be a mean, OT, which being multi- plied by the height HF will give a product equal to the superficies of this segment. As the portion of this element will determine the mean height EO, the following method may be adopted. Calling E F, a; EH,b; HF, c, and the mean height EO, x, the sum of all the velocities of which the films in the height EF are capable a, and the sum of all the veloci- 2 a will be 3 ties of the height E A will be ✓b; consequently. 2b 3 V Fig. 1717. 1 KH R G T D F M Fig. 1718. 2 a 26 α ō will give the sum of 3 3 all the velocities issuing from the orifice, which being equal to the product of the mean velocity, 1132 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ✅E O, (~), multiplied by the height HF, (c), we have 2/a-2 squared gives a³ − § × 2 ab √ ab+1 b³ = ccx, or 1 × 3 α 3 ✓b=c√x, which being a³ + b³ — 2ab✅ab Сс =x; whence we have a³ + b³ — 2 ab√ab Сс 9, 4:: , x, or, 9 is to 4, as the sum of thecubes of the greatest and least height of the water relatively to the orifice, minus twice the square root of the product of these two cubes, the difference divided by the square of the height of the orifice, is to the mean required. If the height E F (a) be 8 feet, the height EH (b) 6, the height HF (c) will be 2 feet; we shall then have 512 for the first cube, and 216 for the second, the product of which gives 110592, from which extracting the square root we have 332, twice which is 665, which being subtracted from 728, the sum of the two cubes, there remains 62, which divided by 4, the square of the height of the orifice, gives 1528 for the third term of the proportion: then as 9 to 4, so is 1528 to the height required, which will be 6 feet 11 inches 10 lines. Another and more simple method of finding the mean velocity of water from a rectan- gular orifice is to seek the velocities which answer to the greatest and least height of the water; multiply each of these velocities by its fall, subtract the second product from the first, take the difference, and divide this quantity by the height of the orifice; the quotient 2383 will give the required velocity. When the orifices are tra- peziums whose sides BC, AD, are parallel, having their sum- mits at the level of the water, the expenditure of the first will be obtained by multiplying two-thirds of the rectangle EBCF, plus two-fifths the sum of the triangles AEB, FDC, by the greatest velocity of the water; and the expen- B CA D E F G H A E بنا D B C K C A Fig. 1719. diture of the second by multiplying two-thirds the rectangle BEFC, plus four-fifths the sum of the triangles A E B, FD C, by the greatest velocity. If the two triangles CE A in figures 1719. and 1720. do not answer to the level of the water, the summit of the first and the base of the second being below the summit B of the parabola, multiply the elements of these triangles by the cor- responding ordinates of the parabolic segment A E F D. Calling the perimeter of the parabola p, A D, a, the base CA or CE, b, BE, c, EA, h, BA, n, E F, q, EH, x, b x HI, y, we shall have, on account of the similar triangles, h, b: x, h bxudx h GH, which for the differential of the solid; and as we have being multiplied by ydx gives b x y d x in h yy-pc pc+px=yy, or x = Ρ 2by dy-2pbeyydy will give pph whose differential is dx 2 ydy putting the values of x and dx p whose integral is 2 by5 2b cy³ 5pph 3 ph ; and putting in 26 place of y5 and y³ their value will give 5 h X C X X pc+px 2bc 3 h x+ pc+px= 26 8 X 5h (c+x)° /pc+px 2b c xe+ 3h 2 bcc 2bcc 5 h pc-. pc= 3 h 4 b c c q 15h pc+px; and supposing x=0, there remains which being added with the contrary sign gives 26 2 b c 5 h xc+x²√pc+px - 3 h xc+x pc + px + 4 b c c q 15h When a becomes equal to h, we shall have c+x=n, and√pc+px=a; therefore, by substi- tuting these values, we shall, after reducing the terms to the same denomination, have b 15h × 6 ann + 4 ccq+10 acn, for the most simple expression of the solid; so that to have the expenditure of a triangular orifice whose summit is below the level of the water, we must first multiply the greater velocity, A D, by six times the square of the height BA of the water; secondly, multiply the least velocity, E F, by four times the square of the height, BE CHAP. XVII. 1133 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. of the level of the water above the summit of the orifice; add these two products together; thirdly, multiply the greater velocity, A B, by ten times the rectangle comprised by the whole height, BA, of the water, and by the part, BE, which marks its level above the sum- mit of the orifice; subtract this latter product from the sum of the two preceding, mul- tiply the difference by the base, C A, of the orifice, and divide this last product by five times the height, EA, of the orifice. On the Measurement of Water flowing through vertical and circular Orifices. The solid under consideration must be regarded as formed by the sum of the products of the elements of a semicircle, and by the corresponding ordinates of a parabola, because the diameter of the semicircle being vertical, this solid will be exactly half that which expresses the dis- charge of the entire circle: given a semicircle A E B, and a semi-parabola A FD, whose axis is the diameter A B; re- quired the solid formed by the sum of all the planes comprised by the elements, LP, of the semicircle, considered as the breadth of the planes of water, and by the corresponding or- dinates PM, which express the velocity of these planes during a determinate time; by calcu- lation we find that the solid is 16 1g of the parallelepipedon com- K E H L M F E C A B D Fig. 1720. prised by the square of the radius and the greater ordinate, or, which is the same thing, 13 of the parallelepipedon comprised by the square of the diameter and the greater ordinate : therefore, to have the entire discharge per second through a circular orifice whose summit is on a level with the water, take of the product of the square of the diameter, multiplied by the velocity of which a body is capable per second, and which it has acquired by a fall equal to the diameter of the orifice. To have the discharge from an orifice in the form of a quarter circle, as A E C, multiply the square of the diameter by four times the velocity, B D, answering to the extremity of the same diameter; subtract from this product that of the square of the radius, multiplied by 14 times the velocity of the centre, and part of the difference. The square B D being twice CF, BD will be to CF as the diagonal of a square to its side, or nearly as 7 to 5; wherefore the discharge of the upper quarter circle is the volume of water, which has the square of the radius for its base, and the greatest velocity during the time of flowing for its height, and the discharge from the lower circle is two-thirds the same volume; thus these two are as 5 to 3. To find the discharge from a quarter circle whose diameter is at the level of the water, multiply the square of the radius by half the greatest velocity of the water during the time of flowing, and by the entire velocity if that of a semicircle be required: in the first case the fall is the radius, and in the second the diameter of a circle; thus the two velocities are nearly as 7 to 5, or, by more accurate calculation, when two equal semicircles are disposed as FKH and PLM, the expenditure of the first is to that of the second in equal times, as 25 to 28. To find the discharge per second from a vertical and circular orifice above the level of water, multiply the least height, EA, of the water by 29, and divide the product by 37 for a first quotient; multiply the diameter of the orifice by 18, and divide the product by 85 for a second quotient: cube the diameter of the orifice, and divide the cube by the product of 72, multiplied by the square of the least height of the water for a third quotient; square the diameter of the orifice, and divide the product by 28 times the least height of the water for a fourth quotient: subtract the fourth from the sum of the three other quotients; multiply their difference by the product of the square of the diameter of the orifice multiplied by 60; divide this product by the velocity ac- quired by a body in a fall equal to the least height of the water; the quotient will be the expenditure required. Fig. 1721. On Fluids flowing through Orifices under a constant Pressure. At the bottom of a vessel abcd, is a horizontal orifice, gh, through which the liquid contained in the vase flows out : required the quantity that will flow out under a constant given pressure em. To resolve this question, adapt the given vessel to a reservoir A BDC, whose height, A C, is less than 1134 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. that of a column of liquid which measures the atmospheric pressure. The reservoir is inclined on all sides, only com- municating with the external air by the tube em, which is open at the two ends, and whose lower extremity, e, is in a horizontal plane drawn through a given point: the re- servoir and the vase abcd being full, if the orifice gh be opened, the liquid will flow through it, and sink below the bottom, cd, of the reservoir; at the same time the atmospheric air will enter by the tube em, and replace the liquid: the point e of the bed, eƒ, of the liquid supports the atmospheric pressure, each of the points of the same bed supporting an equal pressure, there being two variable pressures, owing one to the elastic force of the air, more or less diluted, which presses the upper surface of the liquid, the other to the height of the liquid above the same point; whence it follows that the liquid contained in the reservoir will flow through the orifice gh, under a constant pressure, em, as long as the level of the liquid is above the bed lef. C A m n D B a Fig. 1722. To refil the reservoir shut the orifice gh, open the top or stopper placed on the upper part of the reservoir; after having filled it shut the stopcock, and again open the orifice gh. the A Ꭰ ס Z R B V H Of the lateral Communication of Motion in Fluids when at rest.—Venturi, Professor of Natural History at Modena in 1798, gave an account of his investigations on this subject, and was almost the first of modern philosophers who turned his attention to it. To prove that the motion of a fluid is communicated to the lateral parts which are at rest, he intro- duced the horizontal cylindrical pipe AC into the vessel DEF B, filled with water as high as DB; op- posite, and at a small interval from the aperture C, was the commencement of a small rectangular channel of tinned iron, SM BR, open at the top, SR, the inclined bottom M B resting on the edge of the vessel B. The breadth of the channel was 24 lines diameter of the tube AC 14; it was inserted in a reservoir, and the water kept at a certain height; when the water of the reservoir was permitted to flow through A C, the current rose along the channel M B, and rushed out of the vessel, producing a current BV in the vessel DEFB; the fluid was carried into the channel SR, and issued at B along with the water in the reservoir; in a few seconds the water, D B, fell to M H. Light bodies placed near a stream of water issuing from a reservoir exhibit a similar effect; they are impelled by the air which descends with the stream. The lateral parts of a fluid by these experiments are proved to be carried along with any stream that flows through it, and consequently the motion is communicated to the lateral parts, which are at rest. This principle Venturi applied to explain the theory of the water-blowing machine, and also to show that the eddies in rivers are caused by the motion communicated from the more rapid parts of the current to the lateral and tranquil portions: he also exhibited a method of draining a piece of ground on a lower level than the current, which has been tried with some success, by means of a fall of water without the aid of machinery when a vessel is filled with a fluid, and is at rest, or in equilibrio, all the particles of the fluid are equally pressed in every direction; but when a small hole is made at the bottom or in the side of the vessel, the fluid immediately over it will descend by the force of its own gravity. F E Fig. 1723. In a vessel allowed to empty itself by a hole at the bottom, the surface of the fluid pre- serves its level state until it comes to within half an inch of the bottom, when a funnel- shaped cavity appears on the surface; when it issues from a hole in the side of the vessel, it preserves its level until lowered to the upper edge of the hole, when it inclines a little, and assumes a hollow form. The particles of a fluid move towards the hole in directions which converge to a point outside the orifice, so that the column of fluid which issues from the vessel must have a smaller diameter than the orifice itself; Sir Isaac Newton, who first observed this effect, called it the vena contracta, or the contraction of the fluid vein. The distance from the orifice, where the greatest contraction takes place, is equal to half the diameter of the hole; and the area of the section of the vein at this place is to the area of the orifice, as 10 to 14'14 according to Newton, or 10 to 16 according to Bossut, who also noted that with a short cylindrical tube, applied instead of a mere aper ture, the vena contracta was to that of the orifice as 10 to 12.3. The pressure of the atmosphere increases the expenditure of water through a simple CHAP. XVII. 1135 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS cylindrical tube, when compared with that which issues through a hole in a thin plate, whatever may be the direction of the tube; this Venturi has proved upon the principle of vertical ascension combined with the pressure of the atmosphere, a heavy fluid moving in a descending cylindrical pipe accelerating its motion: the lower particles have a tendency to separate themselves from the upper, and thus cause the pressure of the atmosphere to increase the velocity of the upper; this cannot take place in an ascending or horizontal pipe, though the pressure of the atmosphere in such cases increases the velocity of the fluid within the pipe. In descending cylindrical tubes, the upper ends of which have the form of the vena contracta, the velocity of the effluent water corresponds with the height of the fluid above the lower extremity of the tube. A descending tube applied to a reservoir increases the expenditure, as was remarked by Frontinus, De Aquæduct, "Calix devexus amplius rapit.” F Let B LKO be a conical tube having the form of the vena contracta, the cylindrical tube LCQK having the same diameter as the contracted part LK; the fluid stratum LK continuing to descend through the height LC, will have its motion accelerated in the same manner as all other bodies falling by the force of gravity: hence, when it passes from LK to LM it tends to detach itself from the stratum immediately above it, or, in other words, to produce a vacuum between L K and MN, and the same effect is produced through the whole length, LC, of the tube: the pressure of the atmosphere becomes active as far as is necessary to prevent the vacuum, and its action is the same both at A, the surface of the fluid, and at C, the lower extre- mity of the tube; the atmospherical pressure at A increases the velocity of the fluid, which issues at CQ, while at C it destroys the sum of the accelerations, which would be produced along LC, so that the fluid remains continuous in the tube. A B M CL... Fig. 1724. E N Let t represent the time in which the continuous column of fluid LCQK passes through the tube LC, whatever be the velocity at L, and the successive acceleration from L to C; if we suppose this column to return upwards from D to E, it will pass through the space DE, which is equal to LC in the same time t, during which it will lose all the acceleration it ac- quired in its descent from L to C: the pressure of the column ED continued during the time t is therefore the force necessary to destroy the successive acceleration from L to C, and to prevent the fluid from losing the continuity in the tube LC; hence it follows that the pressure of the atmosphere, which is exerted at CQ to destroy the sum of the acceler- ations along LC, is equal to the pressure of a column ED of a fluid of the same nature as that of the reservoir from which the water flows; and since the same pressure must also be exerted on the surface A of the reservoir, if we take FALC, the fluid at LK will possess the velocity which is proper to the height FLAC, without considering the re- tardation produced by the internal inequalities of the tube LCQK. It is supposed by Hachette that the cause of this increased expenditure by tubes is the adhesion of the fluid to the sides of the tubes, which results from capillary attraction. On the Shock of Water against Plane Surfaces. The shock or impetus of a column of water is in the compound ratio of the bases of the columns and the square of the velocity of the water, or their falls: wherefore, when the bases of the columns are equal, the im- pacts will be to each other as the squares of the velocities of the water, or as the heights of falls capable of the same velocities. When the bases of the columns are equal, and they strike equal surfaces, the water may be considered as a mass of small spheres whose impact will depend on their velocity, and the number which strike at the same time: for a portion of water flowing with twice the velocity of another portion, striking a surface opposed to it not only with twice its force, but with twice its number of particles, its impetus must increase in the double proportion, or as the square of its velocity, that is, if the velocities are as 3 to 5, the shocks will be as 9 to 25. The shocks being to each other as the product of the orifices multiplied by the heights of the water, or as the columns BR and FS, in fig. 1725., which are the forces causing the impacts, it follows that the impacts may be measured by the weight of the same columns, since the effect of a force acting simply without modification may be taken for the force itself. As the pressure which the columns BR and FS exercise on their base is nothing more than a tendency to motion whose effect would be to produce a shock, which may be measured by the cause itself, it follows that the weight which will express the pressure of water on a surface will express the impact also. The difference produced by friction between the natural and the effective discharge from the same orifice of a medium size will also be very great in the effect of impact, because the impacts being in the double ratio of the velocities, the impression of the effective will be as much less than that of the natural discharge, as the square of the velocity of the first will be less than that of the velocity of the second. 1136 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. If the surface GH, in fig. 1726., be placed at a certain distance EI from the orifice E, the water in escaping, acquiring a new degree of velocity in going through the space EI, will B Fig. 1725. F F K P TT Fig. 1726. give a greater shock than in the preceding case, because its velocity will then be expressed by the root of its height FI; whence it has been imagined that the impact should be equal to the weight of a column having the orifice E for its base, and the line FI for its height, without remarking that, although the velocity of the water does really increase, yet the quantity which would leave the reservoir would be always the same, at whatever distance the surface might be situated; thus a greater force has been calculated on in working machinery than really existed. Another supposition was that, if the water were directed by a pipe IEFL, its impact might be expressed by the weight of a column IK PL, but it is not possible that this tube should fill perfectly, since, whatever its length, the velocity of the water at its issue would always be greater than at its entrance; consequently a column could not be formed without being increased by the acceleration, unless it were so narrow that its velocity would be more retarded by friction than it could be increased by the acceleration; for the water in the reservoir being alone capable of maintaining the column EKP F, that in the tube not being replaced by the sides, its discharge could not be greater than that of the orifice which fed it. When the velocity of the impact of water is accelerated, it is equal to the weight of a column having for its base the surface struck, and a mean proportional between the height of the water in the reservoir and the line which expresses the elevation of its level above the surface struck for its height; consequently the greater the interval between the surface and bottom of the reservoir, the more power will be gained to work a machine, showing that the only advantage to be drawn from the tube EL is to direct all the water towards the surface, and prevent it from being dissipated in passing through the air. If a prismatic reservoir BCDE be continually filled with water, and a rectangular orifice FG HI be made in one face E C, serving as the entrance to a canal whose bottom and sides are composed of C M T X rectangles FIX S, I HVX, FGTS, and a power R sustaining a vertical surface NOMQ equal to the rec- tangular aperture, and this be suddenly opened, the immovable surface will be struck by a force equal to the pressure which sustained the sluice when the aperture was closed; that is to say, the impact will be equal to the weight of a prism of water, having the surface struck for its base, and the mean height LK between La and Lb for its height. This is evident, for the velocity of the water in the canal being uniform, and expressed by the root of the mean height LK, the impact will be equal to the product of this surface multiplied by the square of LK, or, which is the same thing, by LK itself: consequently, if the opposite surface contained 4 square feet, and the mean LK 10 feet, the impact would be equal to the weight of 40 cube feet of water, or about 3150 lbs., which is the force required by the power R to support in equilibrio the impulse of a A E GK Fig. 1727. N CHAP. XVII. 1137 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. current whose mean and uniform velocity per second will be equal to that which a body would acquire in falling from the height LK. As the threads of water of the current increase in velocity in approaching the bottom of the canal, their impression on the surface will diminish as they approach the summit OM in an arithmetical progression, since these impressions will be the same as those of the pressure sustained by the sluice of the aperture when closed: if the surface in questica be represented by the float-board of a wheel, it would be necessary to know its centre of impression, because the arm of the lever which corresponds to the mover must always he expressed by the distance from this centre to the axis of the wheel. A body rolling or sliding on a highly polished inclined plane BCDE acquires in descending from the sum- mit to the base the same velocity which it would have acquired in falling from the height BA of the same plane. Hence, water at rest allowed to run down an inclined plane would acquire a velocity which may be ex- pressed by the root of the height of the plane. If a reservoir be placed at the summit of an inclined plane, the water which issues from F GHI, having already a velocity expressed by the root of the mean height L K, or its equal MN, will acquire a greater, expressed by MA, after having gone over the inclined plane; but as the volume of water which issues from the aperture each instant will always be expressed by ✓ MN, whatsoever be the height of this plane, calling the aperture, the quantity of motion, or the shock of the water, will be expressed by OMN× √MA = © × √ M F × M A, which shows that if there be at the foot of the inclined plane a surface equal to the aperture which receives the impression of the water directly, the power R, which sustains this surface in equilibrio, will be equal to the weight of a prism of water having a plane equal to the aperture for its base, and the mean proportional between MN and MA for its height. E Fig. 1728. P. Q A 0 X Whatever may be the dimensions of a surface, to measure the impact or shock, the part which receives the impression must alone be taken into the calculation: if the water in issuing from the bottom or one of the faces of a reservoir flows over several contiguous inclined planes, without meeting any other obstacle than the planes themselves, its direct impulse against a surface, relatively to the height of the water in the reservoir, will be the same as that of a solid body under similar circumstances. When the direction of a current is not perpen- I dicular to the opposing surface, it does not act with its absolute force. Suppose, for example, that the line NO represents the base of a vertical sur- face placed obliquely to a current at the bottom of a canal, and that PV expresses the velocity and direction of the current; it is evident that if this surface be impressed by a solid body, the im- pression will be expressed by the perpendicular PT. But as the object under consideration is a fluid whose impression must be measured by the square of the velocity, its absolute weight will bear the same proportion to its respective force, as the square of PV to the square of PT, that is, as the square of the total sine, to the square of the sine of the angle of incidence. F H Fig. 1729. P. N Q V N Fig. 1730. X As the Suppose the line NQ to represent the base of a surface directly opposed to the current, as it will be perpendicular to the side IX of the canal, the parallels QO and PV will give the similar triangles QNO, TPV; then calling NQ, a, NO,b, PV, m, PT, n, we shall have aa, bb : nm, mm, which gives a amm=bbnn, and amm, bnn : b, a. first term of this proportion expresses the product of the surface N Q, multiplied by the square of the entire velocity of the current, and the second that of the surface NO by the square of this modified velocity, the impulse which the direct surface sustains, is to the impulse which the oblique surface sustains, reciprocally as the length NO is to the length NQ. If the surface NO be inclined, and have the same base as QN directly opposed to 4:4 the current, the line HV representing the level of the water, the impulse sustained by the 4 D 1133 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. vertical surface will be to that sustained by the inclined surface reciprocally as the breadth NO to NQ. When an immovable surface is directly opposed to a current, the power sustaining it will be equivalent to the weight of a column of water having this surface for its base, and the mean height of the reservoir for its height. Now if in the interval KY (fig. 1727.) a roller Z be placed, which traversing the canal can turn freely on gudgeons, having two pulleys above, it is evident that if a cord be attached to the centre Y, passing over the roller, and thence over pulleys, with a weight P equal to the impulse of the current, this weight will take the place of the power R, and sustain the surface NOM Q in equilibrio, as before; but if it be diminished, the surface will be driven forwards with a velocity equal to that of the weight in ascending, since there is no difference between the arms of the levers; the impulse of the current will be diminished precisely by the same quantity as the weight was, since these two forces will always be equal. When the weight P is diminished by a certain quantity, the surface of the fluid acquires the greatest velocity of which it is capable, and preserves it constantly uniform while the weight mounts, and the impulse which presses it will be expressed by the square of the excess of the velocity of the current over that of the surface. It H A K C Since among all the elements of a rectangle there is always one which can be divided by the diagonal AC, in such a man- ner that the square of the greater part HK multiplied by the lesser KI gives the greatest of all the products that can be formed, it follows that the entire velocity of a current may be divided into two parts, the smaller of which becoming that of the surface, and the other that with which it is struck, this surface will have the greatest possible quantity of motion. is ascertained that the velocity of the surface should be one- third that of the current for the greatest effect; that is to say, that it may at the same time receive the greatest velocity and impression possible, the com- bination of which answers to the greatest quantity of motion, the force of the shock being equal to the weight of the column of water which measures the absolute force of the current against the surface when it is immovable. In a state of equilibrium the quantity of motion of the mover is always equal to that of the weight, and for the greatest effect we can only count on of the moving power; it follows that it can only raise of the weight with which it was in equilibrio when acting in full force. Fig. 1731. If the aperture FGHD be closed, in fig. 1727., and the water comprised in the space FGMQ be at rest, leaving the weight P out of the question, the power which will drive the surface NOMQ with a uniform velocity in the direction RY will be the same as that which would be necessary to support this surface in equilibrio against the impact of a current which would have the same velocity; for whether the water meets the surface, or the surface the water, the impact will always be expressed by the square of their respective velocities. If the surface meet a current issuing from an aperture, the power having to support not only the impulse of which the velocity of the current may be capable, but further that which arises from its own velocity, the resistance resulting from their concussion must be expressed by the square of the sum of the velocities of the surface and current; that is, if the current have a velocity of 3 feet per second, and the surface in ascending passes over 2 feet in the same time, it would be the same as if it supported in equilibrio the impression of a current whose velocity was 5 feet per second, or as if it were driven with this velocity in still water; for if, when a surface retreats from a current, its velocity must be subtracted from that of the current, to obtain the velocity with which it is struck, it is natural, when the surface meets the current, to add the velocity of the former to that of the current: on the other hand, when the same surface is moved in the natural direction of the current, with a velocity greater than the impulse which the power sustains, it should be expressed by the square of the difference between the velocity of the surface and that of the current, because the surface is then relatively to the water which retires, what the current is when the surface retires from its impact. • M. de la Hire first started the idea that the uniform velocity of running water may be regarded as acquired by a fall, consequently as the mean velocity which the water from a reservoir would acquire whose height would be equal to this fall; whence he concludes that the direct impression of a current against a vertical surface should be measured by the weight of a column of water having for its base the surface struck, and for its height the fall relative to the velocity of the current. If the surface retreat from the current, we shall, in like manner, find the impulse which it sustains, by subtracting its velocity from that of the current, if the first is less than the second, or by subtracting the velocity of the current from that of the surface, if it be the contrary, and by dividing the square of the difference by 60, to have the height of the prism CHAP. XVII. 1139 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. of water. But when the surface meets the current, we must add their velocities together, and divide the square of the sum by 60. When the force which moves the surface of water at rest is given, and it is required to find what velocity that force will produce; first find the height of a prism of water having the same surface for its base, and whose weight would be equal to the given force; then seek the velocity relative to a fall equal to the height of the prism, which will be that required. If the force given move a surface against a current, first seek, as in the preceding case, the velocity answering to the height of the prism of water, regarding it as the sum of the velocities of the current and of the surface, from which subtracting that of the current, the difference will be the velocity with which the surface will remount. To find the Velocity of a Current, the rough method was formerly adopted of throwing a piece of wood into the water, and observing the space which it went over in a certain time; to effect this more accurately, M. Pitot invented an instru- ment consisting of two glass tubes open at the ends; the first, A B, is straight, and the second, CD, has one extremity curved and funnel-shaped, E FGD; the whole is enclosed in a prism of wood to preserve it from accident. The tube is divided into equal parts, like a barometer, expressed in inches and lines, and is plunged perpendicularly into the water, so that the entrance to the funnel may be opposed to the direc- tion of the current, in order that it may enter the funnel ; the water then rises in the two tubes, but at different heights. The line HI represents its level: it can only rise in the first, A B, to the height GB, which dips in the water, having only its weight to compel its rise, while the water which enters the curved tube CD will rise to a height MK proportionate to the velocity of the current, which, being considered as ac- quired by a fall of a certain height, the water will ascend to the same height, and be sustained there by the impulse of this velocity, which, acting on the entrance, DE, of the tube, will be in equilibrio with the weight of a column M K. Care must always be taken to direct the funnel in the most rapid thread of the water, remarking the point where it rises highest, without regarding whether this thread be straight or oblique: if it sometimes happen that an eddy makes the water rise above the level corresponding to its velocity, after some little time it will assume its natural level: a still day should also be selected, as the wind prevents it rising to its proper height. H Fig. 1732. R M E F Motion of Water in Conduit Pipes and open Canals.—M. Eytelwein observes that a head of water may be divided into two parts, the one employed in producing velocity, the other in overcoming friction, and that the latter height, employed in overcoming the friction must be directly as the length of the pipe and the circumference of the section, or as the diameter of the pipe, and inversely as the content of the section, or the square of the diameter, viz. on the whole inversely as the diameter; this height must also vary, like the friction, as the square of the velocity. To determine the velocity of the discharge of a pipe, when the height of the water in the reservoir above the point of discharge, and the length and diameter of the pipe, are given : multiply 2500 times the diameter of the pipe in feet by the height in feet, and divide the product by the length in feet, and add 50 times the diameter; the square 100t of the quotient will be the velocity of the discharge in feet per second. Suppose the diameter of the pipe to be 375 feet, the height of the water in the reservoir above the point of discharge 51.5 feet, and the length of pipe 14637 feet: then 2500 × 375 × 51·5 48281.25 14637 + 50 x 375 14655.75 = 3.3, the square root of which is 1.816, the velocity in feet per second. To determine the quantity of water a pipe will discharge when the height of the reser- voir above the place of discharge, the length of the pipe, and the diameter are known, multiply the area of the pipe in feet by the velocity in feet, as found by the above rule, and the result will be the discharge in cubic feet per second. If from these rules the equation for the quantity discharged be formed, and that quantity 1+30 d ་་ be called Q, we have Q (142 12 from whence the diameter of the pipe to supply a given discharge may be found. 4 D 2 1140 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. On the Quantity of Water discharged by Crifices of different Forms from Vessels kept constantly full. — In making these experiments M. Bossut employed very clear water running through holes made in plates of copper half a line in thickness; the tempera- ture of the water is not given; the time was exactly measured, as well as the quantity of water discharged, and the result was, that the quantity of water discharged in equal times by the same orifices, from the same head of water, is very nearly as the areas of the orifices; and, that the quantities of water discharged in equal times by the same orifices, under different heads of water, are nearly as the square roots of the corresponding heights of the water in the reservoir above the centre of the orifices. If we call Q, q, the quantities of water discharged in the same time from the two orifices A, A', under the same height of water in the reservoir; q and Q', the quantities of water discharged during the same time by the same aperture A, under the different heads of water h, h'; we have by the first of the above results, Q : q=A : A', and by the second q : Q=√/h: √h'; A' × Q from which we obtain q A and q Q'√h √h' : then, since A' × Q A Q'√h ✔h' we have Q: Q'=A√h: A'√h. The quantities of water discharged during the same time by different apertures, under different heights of water in the reservoir, are to one another in the compound ratio of the areas of the apertures, and of the square roots of the heights in the reservoirs. M. Michelotti made on this subject a series of experiments on a great scale, and with the utmost accuracy. The apertures extended to 3 inches both square and circular, and at considerable altitudes: the reservoir was 20 feet high, and 3 feet square; the water flowed from it into a cistern whose area was 289 square feet, and the results corresponded nearly with the experiments by Du Buat on the quantity of water discharged over weirs: the depth may be considered as the upper edge of a plank placed below the upper surface of the water in the river or reservoir : one of the orifices was 18 inches English in length. Depth of the Orifice in English Discharge of Water in cubic Discharge calculated by the Formula. feet. 1.778 3.199 4.665 6.753 feet. 506 1222 2153 3750 524 1218 2155 3772 Du Buat has given the following formula reduced to English inches, by which the third column is calculated, and is very accurate. This formula, as altered by Dr. Robinson, is D=1130.032 H³, or D=11·41727H³: where D is the quantity of water discharged in cubic feet, l the length of the waste-board, and H its depth; that is, multiply the square root of the cube of the depth of the upper edge of the waste board below the surface by 11, and by the length of the waste-board, and the product will be the quantity discharged in English inches. Dr. Robison found by his experiments that the discharge was one-sixteenth more than that produced by Du Buat's formula. For the Quantity of Water discharged over a Weir, we cannot do better than select a table, drawn up and revised by Dr. Robison, from experiments made in Scotland, which showed some slight variations from the formula given by Du Buat. The water from which the discharge was made was perfectly quiet, but when it was suffered to reach the opening over which it passed with any velocity, it was necessary that the area of the section should be multiplied by the velocity of the stream. Since the publication of "Traité théorique et experimental d'Hydronamique" by the Abbé Bossut in 1771, this subject has been justly regarded as important, and has received the attention of the most eminent philosophers. Bossut's experiments were made upon a grand scale, and his formulæ are more to be relied on than those given by Michelotti; and in order to determine the motion of the particles of a fluid which was in the act of being discharged from an orifice, Bossut employed a glass cylinder, 8 inches in height and 6 inches in diameter, to the bottom of which he adapted several contrivances for the efflux of the water. Chevalier Buat, Colonel of Engineers, in 1779, adopted the theory of Bossut, and paid particular attention to the motion of water in rivers and canals, and to him we are indebted for the observation, that if water possessed perfect fluidity, and flowed in a channel infi- nitely smooth, its motion would be constantly accelerated, like that of heavy bodies de- ocending upon an inclined plane. But the velocity of a river is not accelerated ad CHAP. XVII.. 1141 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. infinitum, but soon arrives at a state of uniformity, which is not afterwards increased; new degrees of velocity are not obtained in consequence of being retarded by the friction of its channel, Depth of the upper edge of the waste-board below the sur- face in English inches. Cubic feet of water discharged in a minute by every inch of the waste-board, ac- cording to Du Buat's formula. Cubic feet of water discharged in a minute by every inch of the waste-board, ac- cording to ex- periment made in Scotland. 133 0.403 0.428 2 1.140 1.211 2.095 2.226 4 3.225 3.427 5 4.507 4.789 6 5.925 6.295 7 7.466 7.933 8 9.122 9.692 9 10.884 11.564 10 12.748 13.535 11 14.707 15.632 12 16.758 17.805 13 18.895 20.076 14 21.117 22.437 15 23.419 24.883 16 25.800 27.413 17 28.258 30.024 18 30.786 32.710 When the quantity of water discharged over a weir is known, the depth of the edge of the wasteboard, or H, may be found from the following formula, D H=(11· H = (11·41721 Michelotti's experiments give 0·2703✓H for the number of cubical inches discharged in a second over a weir, when the height H is one inch; and the real discharge to the theo- retical discharge is 9536 to 1000. These numbers suppose the length of the weir to be infinite; his formula includes only the contractions produced by the upper edge of the waste-board. M. Eytelwein, in calculating the discharge of rectangular orifices reaching to the surface represents the velocity, which varies as the square root of the height, by the ordinates and the quantity of water discharged by the area of a parabola, two-thirds that of the circum- scribing rectangle. This may also be found by taking two-thirds of the velocity due to the mean height, and allowing for the contraction of the vein. He purposes, for example, a lake, in which there is a rectangular opening without any oblique lateral walls, 3 feet wide, and extending 2 feet below the surface of the water: here the co-efficient of the velocity corrected for contraction is 5'1, and the corrected mean velocity √2 × 5·14·8; therefore, the area being 6, the discharge of water in a second is 28.8 cubic feet: C being the co- efficient corrected for contraction, W the width of the aperture, and H its depth below the surface, we have the general formula, Q={√HxCx H x W, for the quantity of water in cubic feet. As the same co-efficient serves to determine the discharge over a weir of considerable breadth, it is easy to deduce the depth or breadth requisite for the discharge of a given quantity of water: for example, a lake has a weir 3 feet in breadth, and the surface of the water stands at a height of 5 feet above it; it is required how much the weir must be widened that the water may be a foot lower; we have the velocity 5 × 5·1, and the quantity of water √5x5.1 × 3 × 5, but the velocity must be reduced to √4 x 5·1, and then the section will be } √ 5 × 5·1 × 3 × 5 √ 4 x 5.1 X √ 4 √5 × 3 × 5 = 7.5 × √5, 7.5 4 5=4.19 feet. and the height being 4 feet, the breadth must be On the Motion of Water in Rivers. The theorem by which the velocity of a river is determined, is one of the most valuable of M. Eytelwein's calculations: the friction is nearly as the square of the velocity, not because a number of particles proportionate to the velocity are torn asunder in a time proportionately short, (for according to the analogy of solid bodies no more force is destroyed by friction when the motion is rapid than when 4 D 3 1142 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. slow,) but because, when a body is moving in lines of a given curvature, the deflecting forces are as the squares of the velocities, and the particles of water in contact with the sides and bottom must be deflected in consequence of the minute irregularities of the surfaces on which they slide, nearly into the same curvilinear path, whatever their velocity may be. The principal part of the friction is as the square of the velocity, and the friction is nearly the same at all depths; it varies, however, according to the surface of the fluid in contact with the solid, in proportion to the whole quantity of the fluid, viz. the friction for any given quantity of water will be as the surface of the bottom and sides of a river directly, and as the whole quantity of water in the river inversely; or, suppose the whole quantity of water to be spread on a horizontal surface equal to the bottom and sides, the friction is inversely as the height at which the river would then stand, which is called the hydraulic mean depth. When the river flows uniformly, and is neither accelerated nor retarded by the action of gravitation, the whole weight of the water is employed in overcoming this friction, and if the inclination vary, the relative weight, or the force which urges the particles along the inclined plane, will vary as the height of the plane when the length is given, or as the fall in a given distance: consequently the friction, equal to the relative weight, must vary as the fall, and the velocity, which is as the square root of the friction, must be as the square root of the fall; and supposing the hydraulic mean depth to be increased or diminished, the inclination remaining the same, the friction would be diminished or increased in the same ratio; therefore, in order to preserve its equality with the relative weight, it must be proportionally increased or diminished, by increasing the square of the velocity, in the ratio of the hydraulic mean depth, or the velocity in the ratio of the square root. The velocities will, therefore, be conjointly as the square root of the hydraulic mean depth, and of the fall in a given distance, or as a mean proportional between these two lines. Taking two English miles for a length, we must find the mean proportional between the hydraulic mean depth and the fall in two miles, and inquire what relation this bears to the velocity in a particular case, and thence we may determine it in any other according to Eytelwein's formula, this mean proportional is of the velocity in a second. : Mr. Watt found that in a canal 18 feet wide above, 7 feet below, and 4 feet deep, having a fall of 4 inches in a mile, the velocity was 17 inches in a second at the surface, 14 inches in the middle, and 10 inches at the bottom, the mean velocity being 14 inches in a second or thereabouts; therefore, to find the hydraulic mean depth, we must divide the area of the section 2 (18+7) ≈ 50, by the breadth of the bottom and length of the sloping sides added 50 feet together, whence we have or 29.13 inches; and the fall in two miles being 8 inches, 20.6 = 10 we have 8 × 29·13 = 15.26, for the mean proportional, of which, 19, is 13.9, agreeing exactly with Mr. Watt's observation. The Po falls 1 foot in two miles, where its mean depth is 29 feet, and its velocity is about 55 inches in a second; our rule gives 58, which is a sufficient approximation to show its accuracy. To find the velocity of a river from its fall, or the fall from its velocity, we have only to recollect that the velocity in a second is of a mean proportional between the hydraulic mean depth and the fall in two English miles. For the Slope of the Banks of a River or Canal, Eytelwein recommends that the breadth at the bottom should be two-thirds of the depth, and at the surface ten thirds; the banks will then in general retain their form; the slope of the bank within the water making an angle of 37 degrees with the horizon, or of 4 to 3. The area of such a section is twice the square of the depth, and the hydraulic mean depth two-thirds the actual depth. The superficial velocity of a river is nearly a mean proportional between the hydraulic mean depth and the fall in two miles, and the mean velocity of the whole water is still more, or nearly nine-tenths of this mean proportional. The Ganges at 500 miles from the sea has its channel 30 feet deep when the river is at the lowest, and it continues at least this depth to the sea: a section of the ground was taken parallel to one of its branches, in length 60 miles, where the windings of the river were so great as to reduce the declivity on which the water ran to less than 4 inches per mile, its medium rate of motion being less than three miles an hour in the dry months. Allowing a little for the banks, we may take 30 feet as the hydraulic mean depth; then if the fall in two miles were precisely two-thirds, we should have 2 × 30=20, and √20=4·47 for the velocity of a second, or 3.05 miles in the hour. This river when full has thrice the volume of water, and its motion is accelerated in the proportion of 5 to 3; the hydraulic mean depth is then doubled, whence the velocity is increased in the ratio of 7 to 5: the inclination of the surface is somewhat increased, which increases the velocity from 14 to 1·7. ABCD is the cistern for sup- Smeaton's Experiments relative to undershot Water-wheels. plying the water, DE the upper cistern or head, FG a small rod divided into inches, and moving up and down as the water rises and falls; HI is a rod by which the sluice is drawn, and stopped at any height required by the pin K, which is placed as a diagonal scale upon CHAP. XVII. 1143 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. R W E K F M JI the rod HI; GL is the upper part of the rod of the pump for drawing the water out of the lower cistern to the head DE; MM the handle for working the pump, which is limited in its stroke by N; O is the cylinder upon which a cord winds, and pass- ing over the pulleys P and Q raises R, the scale into which the weights are put for trying the power of the waters; S, T, the two standards which support the wheel, and made to slide up and down to adjust the wheel to the floor of the conduit; W is the beam to support the scale and pulleys; X X (fig. 1734.) is the pump-barrel, 5 inches in diameter and 11 inches long; Y is the piston, and Z the fixed valve; GV is a wooden cylinder fixed upon the pump rod, reaching above the surface of the water; its section is half the area of that of the pump barrel, which causes the surface of the water to rise in the head as much while the piston is descending as while it is rising, and keeps the gauge rod more equally to its height; aa is one of the two wires which serve as direc- tors to the float, so that the gauge rod FG may be kept perpendicular; b is the aperture of the sluice; cc is a kant board for throwing the water down the opening, cd, into the lower cistern; ee is a sloping board for bringing the water back that is thrown up by the floats of the wheel. B C Fig. 1733. T 50 ELEVATION. Fig. 1733. represents one end of the main axis, with a section of the cylinder marked O. ABCD is the end of the axis; B, D are covered with hoops of brass; E is a metal cylinder; F the gud- geon; aa is the section of a brass ferrule, cc. The section of the hol- low cylinder of wood, ee, is cut into teeth, and oo a ratchet; G is a pin fixed into the axis, by means of which the hollow cylinder turns along with the wheel and axle; when drawn back by the button gg, the hollow cylinder is disengaged from the pin G, and ceases turning; the weight on the scale is prevented running back by a catch that lays hold of the ratchets 0,0; the hollow cylinder is by this contrivance put in motion and dis- charged while the wheel is in motion. The Power is the exertion of strength, A B Ge A C g H Fig 1734. K h ར ་་ F E M a N S V X D Z SECTION OF MACHINE. M 4 D 4 1144 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. gravitation, impulse, or pressure, which produces motion. Raising a weight to a given height in a given time is the measure of power; the weight raised, multiplied by the height, gives a product which is the measure of the power that raised it: when velocity is uniform, the space is as the velocity; then the power is proportionate either to the force multiplied by the velocity, or the space described; it is unimportant whether the motion be quick or slow if it be uniform. The original power is somewhat lessened by the friction of the machinery and the resistance of the air, which, before the useful effect can be obtained, must be calculated: from the velocity of the water at the instant it strikes the wheel, the height of head productive of such velocity can be deduced; then, multiplying the weight of water expended in any period of time by the height of the head, we have the power of the water; the sum of the weight raised by the action of the water, and that required to overcome the friction and resistance, multiplied by the height to which the weight can be raised in a given time, the product will be the effect of the power: the proportion of the two products is that of the proportion of the power to the effect. To determine the Velocity of the Water striking the Wheel, according to Smeaton. When the wheel of a machine is put in motion by the water without any weight in the scale, sup- posing the number of turns in a minute to be 60, then 60 times the circumference of the wheel will be the space through which the water would have moved in a minute if the wheel were free from friction and resistance; the velocity is, however, greater than this, as considerable deduction must be made for friction: suppose the cord wound round the cylinder in a contrary direction to the usual method, and a weight put into the scale; this weight will assist the wheel in turning; suppose it to be sufficient to cause the machine to turn without any water somewhat faster than 60 turns a minute, as 63; let the water then be applied, assisted by the weight, the wheel will now make 64 turns; hence we may sup- pose that the water exerts some power in giving motion to the wheel; increase the weight, so as to make 64 turns in a minute without water, and then try it with water as before. and if it make the same number of turns with water as without, it must be evident that the wheel makes the same number of turns in a minute as it would do if the wheel had no friction, the weight being equivalent thereto; if this were too little, the water would acce- lerate the wheel beyond the weight, and if too great, retard it; thus the water becomes the regulator of the wheel motion of the wheel, and the velocity of its circumference becomes a measure of the velocity of the water. It To find the greatest product, or maximum of effect, the weight which gives the greatest product being known, multiply the weight in the scale by the number of turns of the wheel; find what weight in the scale, when the cord is on the contrary side of the cylinder, will cause the wheel to make the same number of turns in one direction without water. is evident that the weight will be equal to all the friction and resistance taken together, and consequently the weight of the scale added to the counterweight will be equal to the weight that could have been raised if the machine had been without friction or resistance, which, multiplied by the height to which it actually was raised, the product will be the greatest effect of that power. This method, however, does not give the actual resistance when the maximum power and load are upon the wheel, but only the friction from the weight of the apparatus, when moving at a velocity corresponding to the maximum. The effect was estimated by Smeaton at considerably less than its true value. The pump was so well Quantity of Water expended, or its Dynamic Effect on Wheels. made, that it delivered the same quantity of water at each stroke, whether worked slowly or quick, the length of the stroke being limited. The sluice by which the water was drawn upon the wheel was stopped at a certain height by a peg; the aperture for the effluent water was the same, so that the exact quantity of water expended was known; the sluice being drawn to the first hole. The water above the floor of the sluice Strokes of the pump in a minute The head raised by twelve strokes The wheel raised the empty scale, and made With a counterweight 11 lbs. 8 oz. Ditto, tried with water Inches. 30 391/ 21 Turns in a Minute. - 80 85 86 4 6 ♡¤IOU A UN No. 1 2 Lbs Oz. Turns in a Min. Product. 5 45678 45 180 0 42 210 0 361 217 0 3333 2361 0 30 240; maximum. 3 0 261 238 7 10 0 22 220 8 11 0 161 1811 9 12 0 ceased working. CHAP. XVII. 1145 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. Counterweight for 30 turns, without water, 2 oz. in the scale; the area of the head was 105.8 square inches; weight of the empty scale and pulley 10 oz.; circumference of the cylinder 9 inches; circumference of the water-wheel 75 inches. The circumference of the wheel 75 inches, multiplied by 86 turns, gives 6450 inches for the velocity of the water in a minute, of which will be the velocity per second, equal to 107.5 inches, or 8.96 feet, the head being 15 inches, and the vertical or effective head, which differs from the real head by the velocity lost by the fluid in issuing through the aperture of the sluice, and the friction of the channel. The area of the head being 105.8 inches, this multiplied by 579, the weight in avoirdupois ounces of a cubic inch of water, gives 61.26 ounces for the weight of as much water as is contained in the head upon 1 inch in depth, of which is 3.83 lbs. ; this multiplied by the depth, 21 inches, gives 80-43 lbs. or the value of twelve strokes; and by proportion, 39, the number made in a minute will give 264.7 lbs. as the weight of water expended in a minute: 264.7 lbs. of water, having then ascended through a space of 15 inches in a minute, the product of these two numbers, 3970, will express the power of the water to produce mechanical effects, which upon this wheel were as follows: The velocity of the wheel at the maximum was thirty turns in a minute; this multiplied by 9 inches, the circumference of the cylinder, makes 270 inches; but as the scale was hung by pulley and double line, the weight was only raised 135 inches. The weight in the scale at the maximum Weight of the scale and pulley - Counterweight of the scale and pulley Sum of the resistances or 9.375 lbs. lbs. oz. 8 0 0 10 0 12 9 6 Now, as 9.375 lbs. are raised 135 inches, these two numbers multiplied together produce 1266, the effect produced as a maximum; so that the proportion of the power to the effect is as 3970: 1266, or as 10: 3.18. Though this is the greatest single effect by the impulse of the water upon an undershot wheel, yet, as the whole power of the water is not exhausted thereby, this will not be the true ratio between the power of the water and the sum of all the effects producible therefrom; for as the water must necessarily leave the wheel with a velocity equal to its circumference, it is clear that some part of the power of the water must remain after quitting the wheel. The velocity of the wheel at the maximum is 30 turns in a minute, so that its circumference moves at the rate of 3·123 feet per second, which answers to a head of 1·82 inches; this being multiplied by the expenditure of water in a minute, viz. 264.7 lbs., produces 481 for the power remaining in the water after it has passed the wheel; this being, therefore, deducted from the original power, 3970, leaves 3489, which is that portion of the power spent in producing the effect 1266, which is to the greatest effect producible thereby, as 3489 : 1266 :: 10 : 3·62, or as 11 to 4. The velocity of the water striking the wheel has been determined as equal to 86 circum ferences of the wheel per minute, and the velocity of the wheel at the maximum to be 30; the velocity of the water will, therefore, be to that of the wheel, as 86 to 30, or as 10 to 3·5, or 20 to 7: the load of the maximum was equal to 9 lbs. 6 oz.; and the wheel ceased moving with 12 lbs. in the scale, to which the weight of the scale was added, viz. 10 ounces; the proportion, therefore, will be nearly as 3 to 4 between the load of the maximum, and that by which the wheel is stopped. The velocity of the wheel in relation to the water is proved to be greater than the velocity of the water; yet the impulse of the water, in the 13 case of a maximum, is more than double that assigned by theory, viz. instead of of the column, it is nearly equal to the whole column: the power of the water is equal to the velocity and pressure due to the effective head. The resistance reduced to the circum- ference of the wheel is equal to the weight raised, added to the friction of the machine when raising that weight, multiplied by the velocity of the wheel. The maximum of useful effect takes place when the greatest weight is raised with the greatest velocity: in the case experimented upon, to prove this, the wheel was not placed in an open river, where the natural current, after it has communicated its impulse to the float, has room sides to escape, as the theory supposes. > on all After numerous experiments, Smeaton ascertained that the vertical or effective head being the same, the effect will be nearly as the quantity of water expended; and that the expense of water being the same, the effect will be nearly as the height of the vertical or effective head, and the effect nearly as the square of its velocity: the aperture being the same, the effect will be nearly as the cube of the velocity of the water. Bossut's experiments on undershot water-wheels confirm many of Smeaton's results: he tried their effect in a close canal, as well as in an open stream, varying in both cases the 1146 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. number of floats. In the close canal, he made use of a wheel the extreme diameter of which was 3 feet 1·87 inches, 5 inches in breadth, and the depths of the float-boards from 4 to 5 inches: the axis of the wheel which received the cord was 2 inches in diameter; thẹ diameter of the pulley 33 inches. The wheel was suspended on its axis within half a line of the bottom of the canal: the sluice was raised 1 inch, and the velocity of the stream was 300 feet in 33 seconds: in a close canal, the effect was with 48 floats on a wheel of 3 feet 1.87 inches diameter greater than that with a less number: the arc immersed was about of the circumference of the wheel. 16 Water-wheels used in rivers have a less number of float-boards, and in the next experi- ment the wheel was 3 feet diameter, breadth 6 inches, and the depth of the float-boards 6 inches, the whole weight of the moving parts of the apparatus being 44 lbs. The stream was open, 12 or 13 feet wide, and 7 or 8 inches deep, and the float-boards were immersed 4 inches: the wheels had a variety of float-boards, that with 48 producing very little more effect than one with half that number; but there was considerable difference between those with 24 and 12, the former being decidedly preferable: it was apparent, when the wheel dipped of its circumference, less than 24 ought not to be used. In the close canal the sluice was raised 2 inches, the velocity of the current 300 feet in 27 seconds, and 48 float-boards to the wheel; and trials were made with the same wheels, the maximum effect of which was 34½ lbs., raised by 20 turns of the wheel in 40 seconds, thus making the product of the weight raised 7041 lbs. The velocity of the current was to the velocity of the outer circumference of the wheel, as 10 is to 4-32 when the power is a maximum. In the open stream, where the velocity of the current was 68 inches per second, the float-boards dipping 4 inches in the water, the wheel having 24 float-boards, the maximum effect was 60 lbs. weight raised, 11 being the number of turns of the wheel in 40 seconds, and 710 the product of the weight by the number of turns. The velocity of the current was to the velocity of the outer edge of the float-boards at the maximum, as 10 is to 4.9 nearly. The velocity of the wheel in the stream and in the canal was nearly the saine. The greatest effect, as it appears from Bossut's trials, was obtained when the inclination of the floats to the radius was from 15 to 30 degrees. Construction of Undershot Wheels.-The wheel here represented has twenty-four float-boards; cd is that receiving the impulse of the water, which, in consequence of falling from a height, moves with great velocity down the inclined mill-course MN, the construction of which requires the greatest consideration, as does the number, form, and position of the float-boards, and the velocity of the wheel, in relation to that of the water, when the effect is a max- imum: it being important to have the height of the fall as great as possible, the canal or dam which conducts the water from the head should not have more inclination than is abso- lutely necessary; an inch in 200 yards is con- sidered sufficient, care being taken to make the declivity for the first 50 yards about inch, that the water may have suffi- cient velocity to prevent its running back into the head. The inclination of the fall, shown by the angle CG R, should be 25° 50′, or CR; the radius should be to CR, the tangent of the angle, as 25 to 12; and since the surface of the water Sb is bent from ab into ac before it is pre- cipitated down the fall, it will be necessary to 2 M Fig. 1735. UNDERSHOT WHEEL. b a W W n K M L H N Fig. 1736. UNDERSHOT WHEEL. F G R P B N B A E 5 CHAP. XVII. 1147 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. incurvate the upper part BCD of the course into BD, that the water at the bottom may move parallel to that at the top of the stream. To effect this, take the points B, D, about a foot distant from C, and raise the perpendiculars BE, DE; the point of intersection E will be the centre from which the arc BD is to be described, the radius being about 10 inches. That the water may act more advantageously upon the float-boards of the wheel W W, it must assume a horizontal direction HK, with the same velocity that it would acquire when it came to the point G ; but in falling from C to G, the water will dash upon the horizontal part HG, and thus lose a great portion of its velocity; it will be necessary, therefore, to make it move along FH, an arc of a circle to which D F and KH are tangents, in the points F and H. For this purpose make GF and GH each equal to 3 feet, and raise the perpendiculars FI, HI, which will intersect each other at the point I, distant about 4 feet 94 inches from the points F and H, and the centre of the arc FH will be determined. The distance HK, through which the water runs, before it acts upon the wheel, should not be less than 2 or 3 feet, in order that the different portions of the fluid may obtain a horizontal direction, and if HK be much larger, the velocity of the stream would be diminished by its friction on the bottom of the course. That no water may escape between the bottom of the course K H, and the extremities of the float-boards, K L should be about 3 inches, and the extremity O of the float-board, N O, should be beneath the line HK K, sufficient room being left between O and M for the play of the wheel, or KLM may be formed into the arc of a circle, KM, concentric with the wheel. The line LMV, or the course of compulsion, should be prolonged, so as to support the water as long as it can act upon the float-boards, and about 9 inches distant from O P, a horizontal line passing through O, the lowest point of the fall; for if OL were much less than 9 inches, the water, having spent the greater part of its force in impelling the float- boards, would accumulate below the wheel and retard its action: for the same reason the course of discharge should be connected with LMV by the curve VN, to preserve the re- maining velocity of the water, which would otherwise be destroyed by falling perpen- dicularly from V to N. The course of discharge is represented by VZ, sloping from the point 0; it should be about 16 yards long, having an inch of declivity in every 2 yards. The canal which conducts the water from the course of discharge to the river should slope about 4 inches in the first 200 yards, 3 inches in the second 200 yards, decreasing gradually till it terminates with the river. The diameters of undershot wheels must be in accordance with the machinery on which they are to act; when a great velocity is required, the wheel must be of a less diameter than is usually recommended; when this is not required, the diameter of the wheel should be as large as possible. பபபபலூ Fig. 1737. side ELEVATION OF AN UNDERSHOT WHEEL. The number of float-boards, according to Pitot, should be equal to 360°, divided by the arc of the circle plunged in the canal, and their depth equal to the versed sine of that arc; but this number experience has proved to be too small, and some engineers have € 1148 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING.. maintained that it is not possible to have too many float-boards, provided the wheel is not too much loaded with them. It may be readily understood, that when water acts by its mo- mentum only, the circumference of the wheel, instead of requir- ing buckets, as in the overshot wheel, is furnished with float- boards, which, exposed to the action of running water, may have its power increased by a well regulated fall; such a wheel may communicate its force to any machinery. The figures show the method that Smeaton recommended for the construc- tion of undershot wheels; the sluice or penstock is raised or depressed by a ratchet and pinion; the spur-wheel to drive the machinery is shown resting on its bearings on the left of the elevation. On Overshot Wheels, by Smeaton. We now proceed to examine the power and applica- Fig 1738. PLAN OF UNDERSHOT WHEEL. tion of water, when acting by its weight: we might at first be led to suppose, that the same quantity of water descending through the same perpendicular space would produce. equal power, when the machinery is freed from friction, and that if the height of a column of water be 30 inches, and its base or aperture 1 inch, every cubic inch that passes through the aperture would acquire the same momentum, a column of uniform pressure being always maintained, as one cubic inch let fall from the top will acquire in falling down to the level of the aperture; but that this is not exactly the case, experiment has proved. The alterations made in the machinery we have already described were as follows: the sluice Ib (fig. 1733.) being shut down, the rod HI was unscrewed and taken off. The undershot wheel was removed, and an overshot put in its place, of 2 inches in the depth of the bucket, and the number of buckets was thirty-six: the standards S and T were raised half an inch, so that the bottom of the wheel might be clear of dead water; a trunk for bringing the water to the wheel was fixed according to the dotted lines f, s. The ratchet oo not being of one piece of metal with the ferrule was with its catch turned to the con- trary side the movable barrel acted by this means, although the water-wheel moved the contrary way; the results were, head 6 inches; 14 strokes of the pump in a minute, 12 do. 80 lbs.; weight of the scale being wet, 10 oz. ; counterweight for twenty turns, besides the scale, 3 oz. In the maximum experiment there were 203 turns in a minute, each of which raised the weight 4 inches, or 93.37 inches in a minute; the weight in the scale was 19 pounds; the weight of the scale 10 ounces; the counterweight three ounces in the scale, making with the weight of the scale 20 pounds, and which was the whole resistance or load; this multiplied by 93.37 inches, gives 1914 for the effect. The ratio of the power and effect is 2900: 1914, or 10: 6'6, or as 3 to 2 nearly. If we, however, compute the power from the height of the wheel only, we shall have 963 lbs. multiplied by 24 inches, equal to 2320 for the power, and this will be to the effect as 2320: 1914, or as 10: 8.2, or as 5 to 4 nearly. On the most proper Height of the Wheel in proportion to the whole Descent. We have already observed that the effect of the same quantity of water descending through the same perpendicular space is double, when acting by its gravity on an overshot wheel, to that pro- duced by the same when acting by its impulse upon an undershot: it also appears, that by increasing the head from 3 inches to 11, that is, the whole descent from 27 to 35 inches, or in the ratio of 7 to 9 nearly, the effect is only in the ratio 8.1 to 8.4, that is as 7 to 7.26; consequently, the increase of effect is not a seventh of the increase of perpendicular height; hence, the higher the wheel is in proportion to the descent, the greater will be the effect, as it depends less upon the impulse of the head, and more upon the gravity of the water in the buckets. The Velocity of the Circumference of the Wheel which produces the greatest Effect. — If a body be allowed to fall freely from the surface of the head to the bottom of the descent, it will take a certain time in falling, and in that case the whole action of gravity is spent in CHAP. XVII. 1149 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. giving the body a certain velocity, but if in falling, it be made to act upon some other, so as to produce a mechanical effect, the falling body will be retarded, because a portion of the action of gravity is then spent in producing that effect, and the remainder only will give motion to the falling body; therefore the slower a body descends, the greater will be the portion of the action of gravity applicable to producing a mechanical effect, consequently the greater that effect will be. A stream of water falling into the bucket of an overshot wheel is there retained until the rotary motion of the wheel discharges it; the slower the wheel moves the more water each bucket receives, so that what is lost in speed is gained by the pressure of a greater quantity of water acting on the buckets at once; thus the mechanical power of an overshot wheel produces equal effects, whether it move quickly or slowly when the wheel, according to the experiments, made 20 turns in a minute, the effect was nearly the greatest; when 30 turns the effect was diminished one-twentieth; when 40 turns it was diminished one quarter; when less than 181 its motion was irregular, and when loaded so as not to admit of its making 18 turns, it was overpowered. The velocity most available in practice is that produced by a wheel making 30 turns in a minute, and the velocity of the circumference is a little more than 3 feet in a second. Experience also proves that the velocity is applicable to the highest overshot wheels, as well as the lowest. : Smeaton, in the year 1796, put up an overshot wheel at Hull, some years after these ex- periments were made, the diameter of which was 27 feet, and he directed that it should move at the rate of 8 feet per second, remarking that its motion would not be equal and regular if it moved at the rate of 3 feet per second. The load for an overshot wheel that will produce a maximum effect is that which reduces the circumference of the wheel to its proper velocity; and this will be ascertained by dividing the effect it ought to produce in a given time by the space intended to be described by the circumference of the wheel in the same time; the quotient will be the resistance over- come at the circumference, and is equal to the load required, the friction of the machinery included. The greatest possible velocity of which the circumference of an overshot wheel is capable de- pends jointly upon the height of the wheel and the velocity of falling bodies. The greatest load that an overshot wheel can overcome is unlimited.— According to Eytel- wein the power which operates upon overshot water-wheels is divided into two parts; one de- rived from the weight of the water in the buckets, the other from the impulse of the water falling on it: the effect of the first is constant, that of the second varies with the velocity; the maximum is said to be when the velocity is half that of the water received, but the variable portion being the smaller, the rule is of little practical importance, and the velocity of the wheel is generally greater than this; by turning the stream back upon the Fig. 1739. τυ OVERSHOT WHEEL Ло nearer half of the wheel, we remove the resistance of the lower water, which runs off in the same direction as that of the water-wheel. The iron overshot wheels have the same ar- rangement of the pen.trough and shuttle for the supply of water as the other description of wheels, and can be regulated in a similar manner. On the Construction of Overshot Water-wheels. When the water is permitted to fall into the bucket c, (fig. 1740.) from the horizontal mill-course E F, the weight of water in the bucket acting at the end of the levers equal to m O puts the wheel in motion in the direction cd, and all the buckets, which are filled in succession as the wheel turns round. When the bucket c reaches the position d, its power to turn the wheel is increased, becoming equal to the 1150 Boox II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. weight of water acting at the end of the lever n O, equal to the distance of its centre of gravity, d, from a vertical line passing through the axis O. Thus the mechanical effect of the water in the bucket in- creases till it arrives at B, after which in its progress towards Cit diminishes. The power of an overshot wheel depends much upon the form of the buckets, which should always be the fullest when at the point B, and should retain the water as long as possible. E F A M C Fig. 1740. OVERSHOT wheel. The form of bucket prefer- red (fig.1741.) is composed of three partitions; AB and G I, called the start or shoulder, which lies in the direction of the radius of the wheel; BC and I K the arm, inclined at an obtuse angle to the radius; and CD, KL the wrest, in- clined to an angle less than 180°, to the arm BC or IK; the depth, A G, of each bucket is about 11 of GH; AB is half AM, and the angle ABC is such that BC and GI prolonged would pass through the same point H; it ends, however, in C, so that FC is five-sixths of GH, and CD is so placed that H D is nearly a fifth of HM: hence, it follows that the arc FABC is nearly equal to DABC, so that the quantity of water FABC will continue in the bucket when AD is in a horizontal position, which is the case when A B forms an angle of about 35° with the vertical line. There are several methods for sup- plying overshot wheels with water ; in some instances it is let on a little below the upper part, or is varied to different heights, in which case the wheel must be adjusted to suit the lowest head, which is a disadvantage. 2 K D G H B F C R Fig. 1742. PENTROUGH. The Pentrough is made of cast-iron, and the water runs over the upper side of the roller R, through barred spaces into the buckets of the wheel. Barker's Mill is supplied by water from a reservoir, and conducted by an upright pipe into the horizontal trunk O, which has arms of an equal length, and through the ends of which the water runs out. The upright spindle is fixed in the bottom of the trunk, to which it is screwed by a nut, in such a manner that when the trunk or up- right pipe is turned round, the spindle moves with it; to this spindle the rynd of the upper millstone is at- tached: when water is admitted from the constant reser- voir into the cup at the top of the vertical pipe, and suffered to run out by a continued stream from the ends of the trunk, the upper millstone, together with the trunk tube and spindle, turn round. 0 A B M Fig. 1741. 0 The length of the axis in a mill of this kind must always exceed the height of the fall, and therefore there is some difficulty in introducing Barker's mill when the fall is very high. M. Mathon de la Cour proposed that the water should be introduced from the mill-stream into the horizontal arms, which are fixed to the upright spin- dle without having any tube; when the water would issue from the openings below in the same manner as when introduced at the top of the tube as high as the fall. Fig. 1743. BARKER'S MILL. There are CHAP. XVII. 1151 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. several varieties of Barker's mill; one consists of a number of tubes arranged within the circumference of a truncated cone, so that when the water is introduced into the upper ends of these tubes, and allowed to flow out at the lower, a motion is produced around the axis of the cone. Another contrivance introduces the water from the mill-stream into an annular cavity of a fixed cylindri- cal vessel, in the bottom of which are several inclined apertures, for the purpose of making the water flow out with a proper obliquity into an inferior vessel, which is movable and of the form of an inverted frustum of a cone; this latter moves about an axis which passes through the centre of the fixed vessel; it has a number of tubes contrived around its circumference, which do not extend to the top, and are bent at the lower ends into right angles. When the water is introduced into the upper vessel, and delivered into the tubes of the lower as it issues from their horizontal extremities, motion is conveyed to the conical drum. The theory of this engine is not thoroughly under- stood, and Davies Gilbert, Esq., when President of the Royal Society, decided against any mechanical advantage being produced by it. In the Philosophical Transactions for 1827 are several statements and calculations on the subject. Hachette has given us in his Cours de Géometrie Descriptive the figure of a machine by which the power of lateral pressure may be measured: as the water from the constant reservoir pours into the cup and turns round the spindle, it is made to raise a weight hung over a pulley, which weight at once expresses its power. Wind is produced by a fall of water, and Venturi has shown that the air is dragged down upon the principle of the lateral communication of motion in fluids; and he has pointed out the best mode of constructing the machine, so as to produce the greatest quantity of air. According to the author just quoted, rain-water flows out of gutters by a continued current; but during its fall it separates into portions in the vertical direction, and strikes the pavement with distinct blows; the air which exists between the vertical and horizontal separations of the water which falls is impelled and carried downwards; other air succeeds laterally, and a current is produced round the place struck by the water: blasts, or ventaroli, are also produced by the difference of temperature be- tween the air of a cavern and the external air. Fig. 1744. LATERAL PRESSURE. The Tide Wheel is put in motion by the ebbing and flowing of the tide, and in con- sequence of the variable head of water, the sluices are different to those of other wheels. In the tide mill erected at East Greenwich, on the Thames, the water-wheel has its axle parallel to the side of the river, or to the sluice-gates, through which it enters : the length of the wheel is 26 feet, its diameter 11 feet, and its number of float-boards thirty-two; the latter do not each run on one plane from one end of the wheel to the other, but the whole length of the wheel is divided into four equal portions, and the parts of the float-boards belonging to each fall gradually, one lower than another, each by one-fourth of the distance from one board to the other, as measured on the circumference: by this means all jerking is prevented, and the action of the water on the wheel equalised. The wheel with its incumbent apparatus weighs 20 tons, the whole of which is raised by the impulse of the flowing tide when admitted through the sluice-gates: it is placed in the middle of the water-way, with a passage on each side 6 feet wide, through which the water flows into the reservoir. After the tide is mounted to its extreme height, which is 20 feet above low water-mark, the water runs back from the reservoir into the Thames, when a contrary motion is given to the tide wheel: the most ingenious part of the machinery is that by which the wheel is raised and depressed. Suppose A B to be the section of the water-wheels, and P the vertical shaft, which car- ries two equal wallower wheels, E, F, so placed that either of them may, as occasion requires, be driven by the first wheel D; and the first wheel acting upon the wallowers F and E at points diametrically opposite, will, although its own motion is reversed, communicate the rotary motion to the vertical shaft always in the same direction. In the figure, the wheel 1152 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. E is shown in gear, while F is clear of the cog-wheel D, and at the turn of the tide the wheel F is let into gear, and E is thrown out; this is effected by the lever G whose fulcrum is at H, the other end being suspended by the rack K, which holds the pinion on the same W * P MSI B A R T S y Q Fig. 1745. SECTION OF WATER-WHEEL. axle as the wheel M: into this wheel plays the pinion N, and the winch, O, on the other end of the axle, enables the attendant to elevate or depress the wallower wheels as required. When the tide is flowing, after the mill is stopped a sufficient time to gain a moderate head of water, it is admitted upon the wheel through a sluice at Q, and the tail water runs out at R. The hydrostatic pressure of the head of water acting against the bottom of the wheel frame S, and at the same time between the folding gates T, W, which are thus con- verted into very large hydrostatic bellows, buoys up the wheel and frame, and mounts them higher and higher, so that the wheel is never drowned in the flowing water, which cannot escape under the wheel frame, being prevented by the folding gates, which pass from one end to the other of the wheel. The wheel and frame are thus buoyed up by a head of 4 feet, and the mill works with a head of 5 feet, or a little more. When the tide is ebbing, and the water is running from the reservoir into the Thames, it might be supposed that the water-wheel would gradually lower with the subsiding of the water; but to prevent this there are strong rack-works, of cast-iron, by which the wheel frame can be either suspended at any height or let gradually down, so as to give the water returning an advantageous head upon the wheel: the sluice R is then shut, and V opened as well as X, the water entering at X, to act upon the wheel, and flowing out at R. At each end of the water-wheel is a vertical shaft with wallowers, and a first cog-wheel, as F and E, and each of the vertical shafts turns a large horizontal wheel, at a suitable distance above the wallowers, while each horizontal wheel drives four equal pinions placed at equal or quadrantal distances on its circumference, each pinion having a vertical spindle, on the upper part of which the upper millstone of its respective pair is fixed. The vertical shaft at each end of the water-wheel rises and falls with it, but the large horizontal wheel, which drives the ma- chinery, remains always in the same horizontal plane, and in contact with the four pinions. I Fig. 1746. DRYDEN'S 1IDE-WHEEL. CHAP. XVII. 1153 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. In the tide-wheel contrived by Mr. Dryden, fig. 1746., the floats are all set at one and the same angle with the respective radii of the wheel, and have an opening of an inch between each float and the drum board or soling of the wheel: by this arrangement, the wheel is not impeded by the tail water, and as the bucket rises out of the water, there can be no vacuum formed in it, there being a full supply of air, in consequence of which the wheel is free. Dr. Gregory in his Mechanics has given a clear description of the tide mill, to which we must refer those readers who may be desirous of further information. The Breast Wheel, now generally made of iron, differs from the undershot in requiring 10 - อาจารย Fig. 1747. ELEVATION OF IRON BREAST-WHEEL. to be closely boarded, or, as it is called, closely sold round its circumference; the sides are also close shrouded, or made so as to retain the water, thus forming in effect a bucket-wheel. The Pentrough, for conducting the water, has a rack and pinion, which raises or lowers the shuttle that regulates the supply. Of Bodies plunged in Water. When a body is placed lightly on the surface of still water, one of three things will happen, - 1st, If the specific gravity of the body be less than that of water, it will swim, and only dis- place a volume of water equal to its own. Fig 1748. PLAN OF BREAST-WHEEL. 2dly, If the specific gravity be equal to that of water, it will sink totally, and rest between two waters. 3dly, If the specific gravity be greater than that of water, it will descend, and be driven towards the bottom with a force expressed by the excess of its weight over that of the volume of water the place of which it occupies. To demonstrate the first case, suppose a vessel of a prismatic form ABCD, placed on the surface of water, and that more be gently poured into it to the height EF, which we shall consi- der as an increase of the column below GADH, which being heavier than the others of the same base will descend and cause B D D E M G A H a d C 1750 1752 C Fig. 1749. H Fig. 1751. D 1753 4 E 1154 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. them to rise to its level; thus the first aefd (fig. 1750.) may be regarded as making a part of the totality of the water: and as the weight of the water contained in the vessel abed was the cause of its sinking, if a body of equal weight be substituted for it, the vessel will sink to the same depth as before, that is, it will occupy the place of a volume of water of a weight equal to that which it will contain. If the vessel abcd be a solid body of a weight equal to the water which it can contain, it will sink to the same depth as before, to occupy the place of a column of water in weight equal to its own: hence the specific gravity of the prism abcd, considered as a solid, will be to that of the water reciprocally as the height ae of the water in which the prism is sunk, is to the height ab of the prism itself: when, also, a body lighter than the column it displaces is forced into water, it is driven from below upwards by the surrounding columns, with a force equal to the excess of the weight of this volume over that of the body. In the second case, if water be continually poured into the vessel abcd (fig. 1751.) to fill it, it will continue to sink until the surfaces of the two columns of water are at the same level; the vessel being then entirely plunged in the reservoir will form a part of the column gbch, which becoming in equilibrio with the others, the vessel will be so also. If the height gb of the column gbch contain several times that of the vessel, this column will be composed of several prisms abcd, and it being indifferent to the equilibrio whether one be at the surface or bottom of the fluid, at whatever part the vessel be placed, it will be in equilibrio with all that surrounds it. Since the volume which a body occupies in water may be considered as forming a part of the totality of the water itself, it follows, that when a body of a greater or less specific gravity than water is plunged therein, the bottom of the vessel is more loaded than before, by the weight of the water, whose place this body occupies, or by that of the body itself. In the third case, (fig. 1752.) the body only maintaining itself between two waters as long as it is kept in equilibrio by a force equal to the weight of the volume of water whose place it occupies, it is evident, that when this body is heavier than that of the same volume it must surmount the resistance opposed to it, and descend with all its remaining force, i. e. with the excess of its weight over that of the volume whose place it occupies: thus, bodies lose in water a part of their weight equal to that of a volume of water whose place they occupy. A heavy body whose specific gravity is greater than that of water swims, or is maintained in equilibrio between two waters, if attached to another body whose specific gravity is greatly less than that of water: for example, if the prism CEDH (fig. 1752.) be only sunk in the water by the height CF, we may suppose all its weight united in the part CFGH, and consider the other FEDG as without weight. If to the centre of gravity of this prism a body D (fig. 1753.), of a specific gravity twice that of water, be suspended, and the volume of this body be equal to CFGH, it will cause the prism to descend to a depth Ck, twice CF, after which they will maintain each other at rest; because the body D, weighing only half what it would in air, will be in equilibrio with the weight of a volume of water occupying FkMG, which is only kept in equilibrio by the weight D: the volume of the body D, and that of the part Fk M G of the prism, having raised the surface of the water to the point which it would have reached if, instead of having plunged the body D therein, a quantity of water had been substituted, of a weight equal to that of the body, and the bottom of the vessel would be as much loaded with it as if it supported it: if the thread be cut, the body will descend, and the prism CEDH will rise to assume its natural position. If we suppose the vessel very deep, the bottom during the time of the descent of the body will be less loaded than it was, by the excess of the weight of the body over that of the volume of water whose place it occupies; for the prism having remounted to the height Fk, the surface of the water will descend as much as if a volume of water had been abstracted equal to that of the part Fk MG. It may then be stated as a general principle, that as long as a foreign body is supported in water, it forms a part of its total weight, and loads the bottom of the vessel with all its weight; but from the moment when it begins to descend freely till it reaches the bottom, this latter is relieved of the excess of the weight of the body over that of the volume of water whose place it occupies. On the Equilibrium of Floatation, or the position of a floating body when its centre of gravity is in the same vertical line with the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid: when a body is in equilibrio in a fluid, its weight is always equal to that of the fluid displaced : from the equality between the weight of the body and that of the displaced fluid, the upward pressure of the fluid is exactly capable of balancing the downward tendency of the body; but unless these two forces are directly opposed to each other by passing through the same point, the solid body will have a rotary motion instead of a position of perfect equilibrium: all solids will not, however, permanently float in every case when their centres of gravity are situated in the same vertical line, for a cylinder, whose specific gravity is to that of the fluid on which it floats as 5 to 4, whose axis is to the diameter of its base as 2 to 1, its length 2 feet, and diameter 1 foot at the base, when held in the fluid with its axis in a vertical line, will sink in the fluid 18 inches; but when no longer sup CHAP. XVII. 1155 EQUILIBRIUM OF FLOATATION. ported, it will fall and float horizontally: a cylinder 6 inches in length, and of the same diameter, will sink 4 inches, and in that position will float permanently: there are, consequently, different kinds of equilibrium, as that of stability, instability, and of in- difference. The stability of bodies floating on a fluid at any angle of in- clination from a given position of equilibrium may be thus deter- mined: - suppose EDH F a ver- tical section through the centre of gravity G of a homogeneous solid, whose figure is symmetrical with regard to the axis of motion, and that it floats on the surface HABL of the fluid, O being the centre of gravity of the part immersed: the line GOC will be perpendicular to AB: if, by an external force, the solid is inclined through an angle K GS, it will take the position SRLMN, and the part immersed will be WRMNP: H E W A b R D K G Z X F B -L 'P tR T Y N E- OQ F H M Fig. 1754 hence, as the part X WI is raised out of the water, and the corresponding and equal part X NP immersed, the centre of gravity, which would otherwise have been at E, will be transferred to the point Q: by drawing QS parallel to GO and EY, and ZGz perpen- dicular to SQ, it is obvious that the upward pressure of the fluid will be exerted in the line QS, with a force equal to the weight of the body, or that of the fluid displaced, and this force will have the same tendency to turn the body round its axis of motion, as if it were applied at the point Z: to determine, then, the position which bodies assume on a fluid surface, and the stability with which they float, it is only required to find the perpen- dicular distances G, Z, between the two vertical lines which pass through the centre of gravity of the solid and the part immersed: as the weight of the body continues the same, the portion IX W elevated from the fluid, in consequence of the inclination, must be equal to PXN, the portion immersed: supposing a to represent the centre of gravity IX W, and f that of N XP, the centre of gravity Q will be at a distance from E corresponding to the change produced by removing the fluid IW X to the position NX P. To determine by a geometrical construction the line GZ, let fall the perpendicular ab, fc, and in the line EY, drawn parallel to AB, take ET, so that ET: bc=volume I WK: volume WRMP; through T draw FTS parallel to G O, the required centre of gravity will then be somewhere in FS: and because ER: EG= sin. KGS : rad. ; the line GO-EG, being supposed given, the line ER will be determined, and being taken from ET, already found, will leave ET or GZ, the perpendicular distance required. When the body of a system is removed from its place, the corresponding motion of the common centre of gravity, estimated in any given direction, is to the motion of the body moved, and estimated in the same direction, as the weight of that body is to the weight of the whole system: considering, then, IRMN as a system of bodies, whose common centre of gravity is E, and that the body IW X, whose centre of gravity is a, has moved, or been transferred to NX P, whose centre of gravity is f, we shall have volume WRM P, or ADHP: volume I W X, or W XP bc: ET, the motion of one body, and the centre of gravity of the system. Suppose, then, V= the volume of the immersed portion of the floating body, A = the volume NX P, or the part immersed in consequence of the inclination, h = GO, the distance between the centre of gravity of the whole solid, and that of the part immersed, s = to the sine of the angle of inclination KGS, b --- bc, the space through which A has been transferred. b x A Then, b: E TV: A, and ET ; V but, ER: EG, or GO = s : 1, we have ER 8: ER=hs; consequently, RT-ET-ER, or GE = b A hs. V When a solid body floats upon a fluid of greater specific gravity than itself, and has at- tained a state of equilibrium, the magnitude of the body is to that of the part immersed below the plane of floatation, as the simple specific gravity of the fluid is to that of the floating body: therefore, to find the magnitude of any solid so floating, subtract the 4 E 2 1156 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. specific gravity of the solid from that of the fluid; multiply the remainder by the magnitude of the solid, and divide the product by its specific gravity for the weight to be added: or the same may be more practically expressed by multiplying the specific gravity of the fluid by the height of the body above its surface, and dividing the product by the difference between the specific gravity of the fluid and that of the solid; the quotient will give the side of the cube required. For example, if a cube piece of oak when floating with its sides vertical, stands above the surface 12 inches, and we consider its specific gravity 8 when water is 1, we shall have the length of side required 12 x 1 1-8 = 60 inches; therefore the cubical content of the body is 60 × 60 × 60=216000 inches. To determine how much of a Paraboloid will sink, when in a state of quiescence on the sur- face of a fluid, we must divide the difference between the specific gravity of the fluid and that of the solid by the specific gravity of the fluid; then from unity subtract the square root of the quotient, multiply the remainder by the axis of the parabola, and we shall obtain the height of the frustum that falls below the plane of floatation. Or, if we divide the specific gravity of the solid by that of the fluid on which it floats, and multiply the square root of the quotient by the axis of the body, the product will give the height of the part below the plane of floatation. Floating Bodies. If a body float on a fluid, it displaces, as we have shown, a quantity of the fluid equal to itself in weight: for since the body is supposed to remain at rest, and to retain the pressure of the fluid below it in equilibrio, it must exert by its weight a pressure downwards equal to that of the quantity of fluid which would retain the same pressure in equilibrio, or to the quantity displaced. When the centre of gravity of the floating body is in the same vertical line with the centre of gravity of the fluid displaced, the body remains in equilibrio: if the section of a floating body made by the surface of the fluid be a parallelogram, its equilibrium will be stable or tottering according as the height of its centre of gravity, above that of the portion of the fluid displaced, is smaller or greater than one-twelfth of the cube of the breadth, divided by the area of the transverse vertical section of the immersed part. A D R E G H P N אס K MA Let the body be inclined in a small degree from the position of equilibrium, A B C, into the position DE F, the triangles GH1 and KHL will be equal, since the area of the section immersed must remain constant, and GK and IL will ultimately bisect each other in H. Now the centre of gravity of the section ILF is the common centre of gravity of its parts, IHMF and LMH, making KM GI; but N, the centre of gravity of IHM F, is in the line H F bisecting it; and the common centre of gra- vity may be found by making NO parallel to HK or to HL, in the same ratio to the distance of the centre of gravity of LMH from H, that LMH bears to IFL. Now the distance of the centre of gravity of any triangle from the vertex being two-thirds of the line which bisects the base; in this case it is HK, and the area of the triangle LHM is HK. KP; therefore NO: HK:: Fig 1755. HKq. KP HK. KP: LFI, NO= ; but drawing OQ vertically through O, NO: IFL NO.HK HK cub. I L cub. KP IFL NQ:: KP: HK, and NQ= = ΤΣ IFL If therefore the centre of gravity be in Q, the body will remain in its position, or the in- clination will be very small, since the result of the pressure of the fluid acts in the direction OQ; if the centre of gravity be below Q, it will descend towards the line QO, and the body will recover its situation; if above Q, it will be overset: hence the point Q is sometimes called the centre of pressure. Fountain of Hiero. The fountain of Hiero is a machine by which the motion of one column of water is transmitted to another by the intervention of a bed of air separating the two in generalising the principle on which the construction of this fountain is based, we may consider it as a machine, transmitting the motion of a liquid, A, to any other liquid, B, by the intervention of a compressible or incompressible fluid whose specific gravity is less than that of the two liquids A and B. Fig. 1756. represents the fountain of Hiero, composed of three bases, NPQI, DRSD, PQË, also marked by the letters C, C', C". The C, C", are filled with water, and the vessel C' with air; the water from the vessel C falls into C' by a tube, BD D', and transmits its motion to a column of water, which is elevated from the vessel C by the tube KL; this transmission is made by the intervention of the air, which fills the vessel C', and the tube FEH. CHAP. XVII. 1157 OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. The bottom, PQ, of the vessel C forms a cover to the lower vessel, C", the two only communicating by the opening A, which is closed by a plug when the vessel C" is full of P N 2+0= CI Q Ꮮ L E T N D F F D LJ R S R R X с Fig. 1756. HIERO'S FOUNTAIN. Fig. 1757. water: the vessel C" communicates with the external air by a tube, KL, which traverses the bottom, PQ, of the vessel C, and is open at both ends, To put this machine into play, the cock, Z, of the tube, BZ DD, is opened; the water from the vessel C flows through D', fills the vessel C', and compresses the air contained in it, which compression transmits itself by the tube FEH to the liquid in the vessel C', and obliges it to rise by the tube, KL; the vessels C, C" are emptied, and C' is filled; NI, ni, RS being the levels of the water in the three vessels; the air comprised between the levels RS and ni is more compressed than the atmospheric air, and this increase of pressure, which we may call p, is measured by a column of water whose vertical height is the distance between the levels N 1 and R S, which is variable, the vertical distance being continually diminished. The pressure at K, the extremity of the tube KL, open at both ends, is evidently the sum of the two pressures, of which one is equal to p, and the other p' is measured by a column of water of the variable height KK, KK, being the vertical distance from the extremity, K of the tube to the level of the water, ni, in the vessel C"; therefore the pressure at K, which elevates the water in the tube KL, is variable, because it depends on two other pressures p and p' which decrease every moment. If the level ni descended to K, the water would rise in the tube KL, to a height equal to the vertical distance of the two levels, NI and R S, corresponding to the level ni, which we suppose has descended to K; but at the moment when the machine is put into play, the water would elevate itself in the tube KL to a height equal to the vertical distance of the extremity D' of the tube BD', from the first level NÍ; then the force which elevates the water in the tube KL would decrease · 4E 3 1158 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. and its limits are the minimum and maximum pressures which correspond to the two heights to which the water can elevate itself in the tube KL, at the beginning and end of the movement. When the vessel C" is empty the cock Z is closed; the vessel C is then emptied by the pipe VX, which is closed by a plug, X, removable at pleasure; the vessels C, C" are filled as before stated, and the machine is ready to play again. The tube BD', by which the water falls from C to C" might terminate at D; the pres- sure of the air of the vessel C' would then only depend on the height of the level NI above the point D; as long as the tube BD is prolonged to D, this pressure depends on the distance between the two variable levels, NI and RS. Supposing that instead of filling the vessels C and C" with water, some other liquid were substituted, as mercury, and the air which the vessel C' and the tube FH contain replaced by another incompressible fluid, such as water, the pressure of the water would replace that of the air, and the mercury in the vessel C produce in falling a force capable of elevating that in the vessel C" in the tube KL. The incompressibility of water transmits the moving power, by increasing the effect for the power employed to compress the air which would remain in the vessel C, and which is gained the instant that the tube K L no longer contains water, as the air compressed in the vessel C' mixes with the atmospheric air by the tube K L, and produces no useful effect. The invention of this machine is attributed to Hiero, who lived 100 years B.C., and it has been constructed on a large scale for emptying water from the mines at Schemnitz in Hungary; its principle, modified by Gerard, has been applied to elevate the oil in hydrostatic lamps. In the machine of Detranville, water is raised by the rarefaction of the air; in the fountain of Hiero the same effect is produced by condensing it. Gerard's bave this advantage over the ordinary Argand lamps, that the reservoir of oil being below the focus of the lamp, it does not throw a shadow on the surrounding objects. Fig. 1757. represents the new fountain of Hiero as applied to hydrostatic lamps: pq E is a vessel filled with oil, which falls through a tube BDY in the vessel RDS, which is then full of air; these two vessels correspond with those marked C and C' in fig. 1756.: they are designated by the same letters in fig.1757.: the vessel C only communicates with the external air by the tube UT, which traverses the cover pq ; the oil cannot escape from the vessel by the tube BD Y, except when the air enters by the tube TU, so that the elastic force of the air, pq NI, and the pressure of the liquid, NIU, always equalise the pressure of the atmo- spheric air which fills the tube UT. Drinking glasses for birds and inkstands are constructed on this principle of equilibrium. The tube BĎY is plunged below Y into a cylindrical vessel aßde filled with oil and open above, while it is closed below by the plug Y; the height from which the oil of the vessel C falls into C" is constant and equal, B Y, whatever may be the heights of the level NI and RS in C and C'. The vessel C' communicates with another, C", full of a liquid similar to that in C'; this communication is established by means of a tube of any form FEe H, which passes through the cover PQ of the vessel C", terminating at the bottom H of this vessel. The vessel C' communicates with the external air by a tube L K, which is prolonged to the bottom of the vessel; the orifices H and K of these two tubes are in the same line with the level H K. If we suppose the vessel PpqQ or C" of a height Pp less than BY, the pressure of the fluid PHQ on the orifice H cannot equalise the air contained in the vessel C' and in the tube FeH; this air being compressed by the weight of the atmosphere and a column of liquid of the height By, it will leave the tube FEH by the orifice H, and occupy a space PQni in the upper part of the vessel Ppq Qor C"; the liquid which the air has replaced will elevate itself in the tube KL. When the air contained in the vessels C'; C" is in equilibrio, the height KL, to which the liquid will elevate itself, will be equal to the constant keight By: the pressure on the extremities K and H of the tubes RL and HcEF are equal; that at H results from the pressure of the liquid ni H, and the elastic force of the air contained in the vessel C' and the tube FeH; but this elastic force has for its measure the height BY of the liquid; the pressure at the extremity of the tube L K is due to the same height B Y, and by giving to KL a height less than BY, the liquid of the vessel C' would rise in the tube KL by a constant force of pressure. In the hypothesis of the ascensional movement of the air contained in the vessel C' and the tube FH, the air of this tube is less compressed at H than at F, otherwise the ascensional movement would be impossible; but to fulfil the object proposed it suffices that the compression of the air at H be constant: by giving to the tube FH convenient form and dimensions, the vessel C" may be placed in any position with regard to the ves- sel C. When the vessels C and C are empty, there are several methods of refilling them: fig. 1757. indicates the following; the tube KL is composed of two parts, K 7, 7L, which are screwed together at nl; when they are separated the oil is poured through the opening 1, CHAP. XVII. 1159 OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. and the air from the vessel C' or PpqQ escapes by the same opening: a tube A a traverses the cover PQ, and the bottom pq of the vessel C"; oil is poured through the orifice A; it flows through the other orifice a, and falls into the vessel C or pq U; the air of the vessel escapes through the same orifice, u, of the tube A a, and as we suppose the cock Z closed, the vessel C is filled. It does not suffice to fill the two vessels C and C"; we must empty the vessel C', the bottom of which communicates with a pipe VX closed by a plug; we remove the plug and the liquid runs out; but at the same time the air must introduce itself, which it does in two ways, for it may enter by the tube He F before we have filled the vessel C', or by the cup aẞde, which is closed by a plug Y removable at pleasure. Fig. 1757. is the form which Girard presented to the Polytechnic School. Of the three levels NI, ni, RS, in the three vessels C, C', C", two being given, the third is found; knowing the volumes of these vessels, we find by calculation the relation between the quantities which determine the position of their level lines. Description of the Hydraulic Ram. -The water from a source enters at A with an acquired velocity due to the height of the fall, flows through the conduit-pipe AB, which Fig. 1758. B H I G HYDRAULIC RAM. F L is exchanged at A, and inclined with a fall of at least 27 millimetres in 2 metres; it escapes by an orifice C, which may be closed at pleasure by a valve. A reservoir of air, F, is united by means of a cylindrical pipe, abcd, to the conduit pipe, BD; at the centre of the bottom of the reservoir F is a circular orifice, to which a small cylindrical support is adapted, whose extremity, E, is furnished with a valve; s is another valve destined to main- tain the air in the reservoir F, and in the space m n, comprised between the pipe abcd, and the small support E of the valve; GIH is an ascension pipe, which rises from G in the air reservoir F. The pipe A B, B C, by which the water flows from the source, is called the body of the ram; the tube GIH, through which the water elevates itself above the source, the ascension pipe; of the two valves D and E, which close the orifices C and E, the first is the flowing or stopping valve, and the second the ascension valve; these valves are hollow balls, D and E, which are retained by muzzles, and they do not weigh more than twice the volume of water they displace; the extremity of the body of the ram, which car- ries the valves and reservoir of air, F, is termed the head. This machine acts in the following manner: the water through the orifice C acquires a velocity due to the height of the fall; it obliges the ball D to leave its muzzle, and elevate itself to the orifice C, which is terminated by round pieces of leather, or tarred cloth, to which the ball applies itself exactly; as soon as the efflux through this orifice stops, the water raises the ball E, which closes the orifice E of the air reservoir F, and flows at the same time into this reservoir and into the ascension pipe GIH, losing the velocity which it had at the moment when the opening C was closed; the balls D and E then fall by their own weight, one into its muzzle, the other into the orifice E; the water from the source begins again to flow through the orifice C, the valve D again closes, and the same effects are produced. The revolution of the ram commences when the stopping valve D ceases to be applied to the orifice C; it ends when this valve returns to the same position: in this revolution there are four distinct operations; in the first, the water, by flowing through the orifice C, acquires a part of the velocity due to the height of the falls, and the stopping valve D closes; in the second, the stopping and ascension valves are closed, and the elastic bodies, whether metals or air, are compressed; in the third, the ascension valve opens the air of the reservoir F, which is compressed; the water elevates itself in the ascension pipe G, the ascension valve closes, and the stopping valve does not re-open; in the fourth, the elastic bodies compressed in the second re-act, the ascension valve remains in its place, and the stopping valve, no longer applied to the orifice C, falls into its muzzle. With regard to the duration of time occupied by these four operations, we may observe that in the first, if the distance from the stopping valve D to the orifice C, and the weight of the valve, be increased, the greater will be the velocity of the water which flows through the orifice C, to raise the valve D and apply it to the orifice C: for each position of the valve, at the 4 E 4 1160 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. bottom of its muzzle, the quantity of water elevated in a certain time is measured, taken as unity through the ascending tube GIII; and by varying the distance from the valve D to the orifice C, the water in the body of the ram receives the velocity which corresponds to the maximum effect of the machine. In the second operation, the air contained in the space MN is compressed by the force developed in the first operation, which also drives the water through the orifice E, in the reservoir of air F, and into the ascension pipe H, when the valve E immediately falls by its own weight from its muzzle into the orifice E, and the stopping plug D again closes the orifice C: the two valves being closed, the air compressed at mn reacts, and although the time of this reaction is scarcely perceptible, the effects resulting from it have a great influence on the play of the ram; the reaction obliging the water to return from the head of the ram towards the source, which forms a void at the extremity of the head; the atmosphere presses on the stopping valve D, the orifice C opens, and the water from the source contained in the body of the ram ABC, in flowing through this orifice, reassumes its primitive velocity: the water continues to elevate itself in the ascension pipe GH, by the elasticity of the air compressed in the reservoir F, which acts on the water and forces it to rise. The motion of the ascending column of water communicates itself to the air of the reservoir F, which would soon be emptied if a fresh portion were not introduced into it at each revolution of the ram: the little channel s, closed by a valve, conducts this air; the valve opens from the exterior towards the interior of the ram, in consequence of the void formed by the fourth operation, and a certain volume of atmospheric air enters the little cylinder abcd, situate below the reservoir E, into which it is driven, a portion being arrested in the space m n, and forming the elastic body we call a bed of air; it is the reaction of this compressed air which causes the water contained in the body of the ram to return to the source. It results from this description of the hydraulic ram, that its principal parts are, 1st, the body of the ram; 2dly, the head which comprises the stopping-valve, the ascension- valve, the air-valve, the reservoir, and the bed of air; 3dly, the ascension-pipe. We do not, as yet, know the dimensions which should be given to the different parts of the ram, in order to ensure the greatest effect possible from a source of water. An experiment was made at Marly, which showed the application of the hydraulic ram on a large scale; the mean fall was 1.62 metres; this height is the mean difference between the levels above and below the Seine: the body of the ram which was constructed was 33 centimetres internal diameter; the vertical height to which it ought to have elevated water is 155.5 metres: it is principally for these large rams that recourse must be had to experiment, and to make a great number of observations on the form, dimensions, and general disposition of the parts which compose them. As for the lesser rams, experience has brought them to a great degree of perfection, and those who use them praise them highly. A mechanic who should A mechanic who should compare the quan- tities of water expended to the quantity elevated would conclude that the ram was the best hydraulic machine; it has, above most others, the advantage of being applicable to the least abundant sources of water; the least fillet of water can move a ram by giving it dimensions coincident with the moving power: with regard to economy there is no machine which requires less expense for its first establishment and maintenance. To give a precise idea of the dimensions of rams which have been employed, we must refer to those which have been constructed, 1st, at Lyons, by Fay Sothonay, Mayor of Lyons; 2nd, at the bleaching-ground of Turquet, near Senlis; 3rd, at Clermont Cisé, under the sub-prefecture of Larochefoucauld.' The source of Fay Sothonay gives 84 litres per minute; the fall of this source is 10-6 metres: by taking a cube diameter of water elevated 1 metre as the unit of force, the power of the source during one minute will be expressed by 890. The body of the ram is 54 millimetres diameter, and the length 32.5 metres. The ascension tube was 227 metres long; it furnished 17 litres per minute. The water was elevated to a vertical height of 34.1 metres; thus the force transmitted by the ram during one minute is expressed by 579; 579 65 the relation of this number to the expenditure of power in one minute is 890 100 The body of Turquet's ram was cast-iron, 0203 metres in diameter, and the length about 8 metres; it elevated water to a vertical height of 4:55 metres; the quantity so elevated in one minute was expressed by 1224; the source furnished in the same time 1987 litres; its fall was 0.979 metres; its force in one minute was 1945. The relation of the transmitted force to that expended was then 1224-635. 100 Delcassan, who executed Turquet's ram, has verified by experiment the importance of giving to the tubes which form the body of the ram, as well as to the wood or stone supports of the tubes, the greatest solidity; he conceived that the force employed to move the body of the ram or its support is lost for the effect we wish to obtain. Having remarked that, by increasing the head of the ram, the machine would elevate a greater CHAP. XVII. 1161 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. quantity of water, he melted lead on the body of the machine, until the weight of the lead seased to increase the product of the machine. The body of the ram established near Clermont Oise is 27 millimetres diameter, and 33 metres long; it is on the side of a mountain with a fall of 7 metres in 33. The ascension pipe is 14 millimetres in diameter, and 420 metres long; it furnishes 1400 litres of water in 24 hours; the water is elevated to a vertical height of 60 metres; the force transmitted by the ram in 24 hours is expressed by 84000. ; The source furnishes in 24 hours 17,878 litres of water, or 19,200 pints; this water falls 7 metres in going through the whole length of the body of the ram, which is 33 metres the force expended in 24 hours is 125146; the relation of the force transmitted to the force expended is 84000 123146-100 67 Montgolfier, Junior, established at Mello, near Clermont, an hydraulic ram of cast-iron, 1450 kilogrammes in weight: the length of its body is 33 metres (100 feet), its diameter 11 centimetres (4 inches), and the thickness of each pipe 14 millimetres (6 lines); the head of the ram separately weighs 200 kilogrammes. There were 7 balls or stopping valves, each 4 centimetres diameter, disposed as is shown at N N', on 7 orifices pierced in a single circular disc, as seen in the figures on page 1163; the ball or ascension valve is of the same diameter; the ram makes 60 strokes per minute; the volume of the reservoir of air is about 20 times that of the quantity of water elevated at every stroke. The source is 140 litres per minute, and its fall is 11.37 metres (35 feet): the water is elevated 59.44 metres (183 feet) above the head of the ram, and the quantity of water raised is 17 litres per minute. Taking the kilogramme elevated a metre as unity, the product and expenditure in a minute are expressed by the numbers 1040 and 1592, whose nearest relation is 6. 100 100. These examples prove that the force transmitted by the ram is at least of that em- ployed to move it; we know of no other water-machine which transmits so considerable a part of the action of the mover applied to it. J M Siphon Ram. When water is made to pass by means of a siphon from one place to another less elevated, the column of water fills the interior of the siphon; but if the summit communicates by a small aperture with the external air, the column separates into two parts which flow through the two branches of the siphon. There are few machines more useful and simple than the siphon: the cut represents one executed for the Polytechnic School at Paris. ALCG is a siphon transporting water from A to G ; on the long branch GB is a ram's head with two valves at C of flowing and ascension, and above them a reservoir of air; a cock is placed at G, and a valve at K, which opens and shuts by means of a lever, the extremity of which is fixed at L when this valve is open. £ B D K To work the siphon, the cock G and the valve K are shut; water is poured through the pipe D; the air escapes by the same pipe both out of the vertical branch GB, and that inclined to the horizon, DL; the pipe D being closed by a plug, the cock G and the valve K are opened; the water which flows through the siphon from A to G shuts the flowing valve C, opens the ascension valve E, and escapes at M in a jet of water, or raises itself in the ascension pipe screwed on the air reservoir above C. Fig. 1759. SIPHON RAM. Suction Ram. A source of water flows through the tube A B DK, and it is proposed to elevate by its means the water from the well M NG; in the interior of the branch PQ of the tube is a ball valve C, to shut the orifice D of the same tube: near this orifice D is a suction tube E, composed of two parts, EF, G G', united by an air reservoir HH, and at this end of the tube is a valve opening from below upwards: the water from the source, in flowing through the orifice K, acquires a velocity arising from the fall; the valve C, sustained by the column of water produced by this velocity, closes the orifice D by adhering to the round pieces of leather or cloth shaped into a hollow sphere; the column DEK continues its movement towards K; the void formed in the tube DEK, and the 1162 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. atmospheric pressure elevates the water in the well by the suction pipe: the height to which the water rises depends on the velocity with which it flows from the source through the orifice K: the object of the dilated air reservoir H H is to maintain the motion of the ascending column G'G. P H H ·B- Q G' M N HH K Fig. 1760. SUCTION RAM. We must now refer to what was before said on the return of the water, which the body of the ram contained, towards its source, and we shall easily conceive how this may become a suction ram: if the space mn, (fig. 1758.) of the bed of air communicates by a tube with the reservoir of water placed below the body of the ram, at each re-action of the bed of air the water of the reservoir would elevate itself, to equalise the elastic force of the air con- tained in the space mn and the atmospheric air; and if the distance of the lower reservoir from the body of the ram is not too considerable, the water of this reservoir would flow with the water of the source which puts the ram in motion: when we estimate the total effect of the ram, we must then have regard both to the water elevated by the ascension pipe and that elevated by the return of the ram. Example of this double Effect. Montgolfier had placed a ram's head at the extremity of a cast-iron pipe 54 millimetres (2 inches) in diameter, and 19.5 metres (60 feet) in length; this tube expended 65 litres of water per minute, falling from 3.25 metres (10 feet); taking for unity a cube decimetre or litre of water elevated 1 decimetre, the power expended in a minute by the body of the ram was 2212. At each pulsation of the active column of the ram, which was followed by the return of the flowing valve to its orifice, 142-44 cube centi- metres of water were elevated by the ascension tube 18.516 metres, the interval between the two pulsations being 1 second; the ascension tube furnished 8·546 litres of water in a minute to a vertical height of 18.516 metres; thus the force transmitted by the ascension tube is expressed by the number 1582-37. To this first effect we must add that which we obtained from the return of the ram; a suction tube which should arise from the space oc- cupied by the bed of air, plunged in a reservoir distant 0·975 metres from this bed, all the water in this ascension tube would be furnished by the suction tube; therefore at each minute the return of the ram would elevate 8-546 litres of water to a vertical height of 0.975 metres. This effect is the measure of a force of 83-32, which being added to the first effect, 1582.37, gives for the total effect of the ram in one minute 1665-65; but the force ex- pended in the same time is 22·12; the relation 75% of these two numbers is still greater than in the preceding examples. 100 Montgolfier projected at Marly a ram, which was at the same time a siphon and suction : the siphon form appeared to him most preferable, because it placed the greater part of the pipes of the body of the ram out of the water; the suction tube emptied the water filtered by a chest placed on the bed of the river, and there was no fear of a deposit of sand on the valves or their orifices. Fig. 1761. shows, 1st, a system, N', of seven valves and seven orifices; 2d, a disc M', pierced with holes, through which the water enters the air reservoir L, fig. 1762.: in general the number and size of the flowing orifices determine the relation of the velocity of the water in the body of the ram, and its issue through each orifice. CHAP. XVII. THEORY OF THE MOTION OF fluids. 1163 E N 12 નમ @ E Fig. 1761. PLAN OF siphon and sucTION RAM. Fig. 1762. KHB B is the branch of a siphon which leads the water from the source; it flows through the apertures N, N, N, falls into the cistern PQSR, and joins the lower waters, L b a WA WA VIA VA VA YA M M M T B Ρ B N N N Q H H K X Y R Fig. 1762. SECTION OF SIPHON AND SUCTION RAM. XY; H is a funnel, garnished with a stop-cock to feed the siphon; T is the suction tube, which arises from above the ascension valves M, M, M ; below these same valves is a wooden float, which is lowered by the action of the air-bed, and which rises by the action of the water in the body of the ram against the ascension valves: the space in which the floater moves is called the lift of the floater. O is the small canal through which the outer air enters the reservoir L; ab is the ascension tube. Fig. 1763. shows on a larger scale, 1st, the ascension valve; 2d, the air valve NO, which serves to maintain the air in the reservoir L; 3d, the floater's lift, Z. In the ram executed at Marly there is no suction tube, but the siphon form is preserved, as in the first project; the inconveniences which result from this form for rams of a large size were difficult to foresee: in small rams it is necessary to introduce the external air into the space 1164 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II, Plan N 2 Fig. 1763. SECTION OF SIPHON AND SUCTION RAM. occupied by the bed and reservoir of air; the contrary takes place in the great ram siphon, such as that established at Marly; the effect of the ram's return has a tendency to intro- duce air through the joints of the tubes or cistern, and, as the junction cannot be per- fectly exact, this air enters in so great a quantity that the whole force of the ram is required to compress it. In the first trials Montgolfier made with this machine he placed the ascension valve in the interior of the ascension tube, at some distance from the body of the ram, and filled the ascension tube with water, to put the ram more easily into motion; the atmospheric air, however, retained between the ascension valve and the column of water in the body of the ram, occupied so considerable a volume, as to destroy the useful effect of the ram, the active column being employed to compress this air: an inconvenience of this sort presented itself when the siphon ram at Marly was experimented on. Great Siphon for drawing off Water, as employed at Metz in repairing a dyke constructed on the Moselle: it raised the water from the head of the dyke, and discharged it into the ; Fig. 1764 GREAT SIPHON EMPLOyed at mETZ. M K CHAP. XVII 1165 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. river, the difference of level being 1 metre: the long branch of the siphon was 30 metres, and the diameter 8 centimetres; the two extremities of the siphon were closed with wooden plugs: the siphon was filled with water through the funnel I; the air escaped by the cock M; when full of water this cock was closed, a cover LO was screwed on the funnel, and the cock K was kept open; the velocity of the water in the siphon not being very great, the air brought up by this water accumulated at the highest point of the siphon, and lodged in the funnel I: to let it out, the cock K was closed, the cover LO taken off, the funnel filled with water, after which the cock K was again opened, and the cover screwed on the funnel; the part LO of the cover is a glass tube, which contains a needle supported by a float to show when the funnel I must be filled with water. Verra's Machine. This machine is a species of chain-pump or endless rope turning on pulleys, and drawing a certain quantity of water with it; the pulleys, PP and P' P', are traversed by parallel axes A, B, and united by endless ropes two and two: the pulleys P, P', plunge into the water, which is to be elevated, and by turning the handle E F, the cord which passes over the pulleys D, H, and C turns the axle A B, and the pulleys P, P'; the endless rope that unites the pulleys acquires, by simple friction, a continuous motion, which communicates itself to the water in the lower reservoir Z M, and forces it into the upper reservoir NO. The play of this machine chiefly depends on the tension of the endless ropes by which the required friction is obtained: if this be too great, the pulleys P, P', cannot turn; if too slight, the pulleys slip on the ropes, and do not communicate any motion to them. The adherence of the water to the cords favours the transmission of their motion to the molecules of water. A R Fig 1765. A P Z VERRA'S Machine. C B H E C Z M D D Fig. 1766. HYDRAULIC CANE. Hydraulic Cane. — This consists of a hollow tube ABCD furnished with a valve D in the lower part; the extremity of the tube dips into water, and an alternate rectilinear motion is given to it; the water is elevated, and issues through the upper extremity A; to render the motion of the column continuous, an air reservoir, R, is added, which separates the two parts of the tube A B, C D. The cane or tube is fixed by cords to the wooden spring-blocks EF, GH, fixed to the wall of a well by a cross-piece Z M: aš a substitute for these spring-blocks, a pole may be placed from an edifice at some distance from the reservoir containing the water to be raised. The play of this machine depends principally 1166 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. on the velocity with which the tube CD mounts and descends, and it should be sufficient to allow of the water preserving an upward motion in sliding on the sides of the tube, although the tube continues to descend. Machine of Vialon.-On a movable axis AB two helicoidal tubes are placed, whose central lines are helices of the same number of turns drawn on the same cylinder, but placed in an opposite direction; each extremity E, F, of the tubes is furnished with valves which open from without inwards; by means of a lever CD fixed to the axle A B, an alternate circular motion is given to the tubes; at each impulse of the water on one of the valves it opens and allows the water to rise, at the same time the other valve closes, and retains the water already elevated; the two helicoidal tubes unite in one, HKL, by which the water, when elevated, flows out. This machine and the hydraulic cane are constructed on the same principle; the tubes in both are terminated by a valve; they differ in the manner of transmitting the motion to the tubes, the hydraulic cane having an alternate rectilineal motion, and the machine of Vialon, which is composed of two hydraulic canes, has an alternate circular motion. L K A E D C D M Fig. 1767. MACHINE OF VIALON. Fig. 1768. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE MACHINE. Centrifugal Force Machine. — A B is a vertical axis movable on two gudgeons, and turned by means of a winch A DE; hollow tubes are ranged round this axis like truncated cones, the small base of which, lm, plunges into water; they are fixed on the circumferences of circles Im, LM, and are curved at the upper part, so that the water which escapes at the extremity of the tubes falls into a circular basin parallel to the circle LM: when the axis A B is turned, the water, to escape from the small circle 7m, rises to the extremities of the tubes, through which it falls into the vessel GH. Girard made a report to the Academy, 9th December, 1816, on a centrifugal pump, constructed on the same principle, by Jorge: his pump, as first described in the collection of the Academy machines, 1732, was composed of a vertical tube, and transversal branches fixed thereon, movable round the same gudgeons. Jorge's modification consisted in fixing the suction pipe, and only putting the transversal branches of the apparatus in motion above it: the inertia which the moving power had to overcome was thus reduced to that of the portion of the machine which it is indispensible to put in motion, and besides has the very great advantage of allowing the suction pipe to be inclined at pleasure, or of giving it any form, and thus enabling it to be used in localities which would not permit of vertical suction tubes. Archimedean Screw. The newel and the barrel of the Archimedean screw are bounded by right cylindrical surfaces with circular bases, having a common axis: the threads of the screw are comprised between the newel and the barrel, and their threads are generated by movable right lines always perpendicular to the axis of the screw; these right lines rest in helices of the Same number of turns as are drawn on the internal cylinder of the barrel, and which intersect the edges of the cylinder at an angle of 45°; the distance between the two points of the circle at which the helices begin determines the thickness of the threads : here are generally three or four rows of similar fillets on the same newel, at the upper CHAP. XVII. 1167 THEORY OF THE MOTION OF FLUIDS. extremity of which is a winch, and at the lower a gudgeon; the handle and gudgeon rest on square wooden blocks. When the Archimedean screw is applied to emptying water, the lower end is plunged into it by inclining the axle at a certain angle, the limit of which must be determined geometrically; the winch is turned, taking care that its rotation is in a contrary direction to that of the generating point of the helices, which are drawn on the exterior, and serve as guides to the generating lines of the fillets. The barrel is formed of staves strongly bound together by iron hoops, the staves sufficiently close to allow of no water passing, but the atmospheric air penetrates the joints, so that the interior air between the fillets of the screw is always of the same density as the outer: if the thickness of the fillet be disregarded, we may consider it as composed of helices drawn on parallel cylinders, having for their common axis that of the screw; these helices having the same number of turns, their bases being the circles of the cylinders on which they are drawn, the com- mon axis of these cylinders is inclined to the horizontal plane of the water level; the limit of this inclination depends on the angle made by the tangents of each helix with the same plane of the water level each helix may thus be considered as the element of a fillet, or a small hollow channel whose origin is at the orifice at which the water in- troduces itself: having drawn through this orifice a tangent to the helix, we may sup- pose it prolonged to the lower part of the screw as a right tube, through which the water may introduce itself into the helicial tube: if the screw be turned on its axis, the right tube will engender an hyperboloid of revolution, the common point of the two tubes, of which one is straight, and the other spiral, and the point placed at the extremity of the straight tube would describe two circles; the right tube in all its positions would rest on two points in these two circles, and it is on the position of these two points, with regard to Fig. 1769. ARCHIMEDEAN SCREW. the level plane, that the introduction of water into the right tube depends; for it is necessary that the extremity of this tube should be less elevated than the point in which it touches the helicial tube, in order that the water may slide on the tangent to the helix as on an inclined plane; there is, consequently, a necessary relation between the inclination of the axis of the screw and the tangents to the helices of its threads, which induces the water to rise this relation determines the limit of the inclination of the screw's axis with regard to the level of the water. Suppose the orifice of the extreme helix, or the element of the fillet farthest from the axis of the screw, constantly plunged in water, while the screw turns on its axis, the right line, which touches the helix at its origin, will, in turning at the same time as the screw, generate an hyperboloid of revolution; a parallel to this right line, drawn through any point of the axis, would generate a right cone, the asymtote of the hyperboloid of revolution; if through the summit of this right cone, a plane parallel to the level of the water be drawn, either this plane would not touch the cone, or it would cut it at the two edges, or be in a tangent thereto : supposing it a tangent, it would make with the axis of the screw an angle which will be the limit of inclination of this axis with the horizontal plane, for if this inclination were increased, there would be no position of the extreme helix in which the water could introduce itself; the middle helices, that is to say, those nearest the newel, whose orifices would turn in the water, could not, à fortiori, receive any portion of this water, and no useful effect would be obtained from the motion of the whole screw. In Holland the screw is constructed without a barrel, and the fillets turn in a fixed por- tion of the hollow cylinder, the lower extremity of which, as well as that of the screw plunges in the water to be elevated, which fills the capacity of the hollow cylinder, and es- capes at its upper extremity. The Dutch screws are generally of large dimensions, the inner diameter of the hollow zylinder being about seventeen decimetres: they are moved by the wind, and the same windmill turns several. 1168 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 1770. It has been proposed to employ a fall of water to turn the Archimedean screw, by adding to the extremity of the barrel a second screw, having the barrel as its newel, and its fillets inclined in a direction contrary to those of the first. This idea was suggested by the Marquis of Worcester in his " Century of Inventions." Calculation of the Effects of the Archimedean Screw. The first of the two following ex- periments was made by Lamandé. The screw was 5.85 metres long, and 0.49 metres diameter; it was turned by two relays of men, working alternately two hours in succession : each relay consisted of 9 men; the winch made 40 turns per minute. The quantity of water elevated in an hour was 45 cube metres, and the height was 3-3 metres: the 18 men in two relays elevated in 10 hours' daily labour 450 cube metres of water 3.3 metres, or 1485 cube metres 1 metre, which gives for the measure of a man's daily work 82 units of a cube metre of water elevated 1 metre, a power nearly equal to that of a man employed in driving piles. The following experiment gives 10 units more per man for the useful effect of the screw : six men worked six hours a day; the screw made 35 turns per minute; they elevated in one minute 765 litres to 2 metres, or 91·8 cube metres of water to 1 metre. The The motion given to the water beyond the screw consumed a great part of the moving power ineffectually, and the less the screw plunges into the water, the more its useful effect will increase with relation to the power employed in turning it. The external motion is one cause of the loss of power, which increases with the dimensions of the screw. same observation has been made with regard to screws for blowing. These machines have externally the form of a short drum, whose diameter is very great in comparison with the ordinary barrel of the screw; the part plunged in a reservoir of water impresses on it a motion which has no effect in relation to the object required. - Suction Pump. The simple suction pump consists of two pipes A B, CD, (fig. 1771.) the diameter of the second being much greater than that of the first, united by two flanges É, F, cast with the pipes, pierced with four holes to admit the screws C, C, which are fitted with nuts, to screw the flanges together, between which the two roundles of leather are placed. The pipe AB, which dips in the water to be raised, YZ, is called the suction pipe; its lower extremity is slightly widened, to admit the water more freely; at A A is a metal plate pierced with several holes that the water may not carry any dirt with it. The pipe, CD, generally of copper or brass, is called the barrel; it is well polished inside to enable the piston to work easily, it being desirable that the friction should be diminished as much as possible. The piston is an inverted truncated cone, OPLK, the base of which is surrounded by a leather band fixed by one or two rows of tacks driven close together; this band should be slightly funnel-shaped at the upper part, and fit the pump-barrel tightly where the piston is introduced, the diameter of which should be two-twelfths of an inch less. These kinds of pistons are generally of hornbeam or alder, being less subject to split than other wood; iron rings are fitted to their two bases to give great durability. The piston has a hole through its centre, M, closed with a valve, N, of leather, attached to the wood by a tail serving as a hinge; the valve when closed should exceed by half an inch the circumference of the hole, and to fit more exactly, it is loaded with a plate of lead; it has also a fork O QP, to which an iron rod, R, is attached. In the middle, E F, of the junction of the pump-barrel with the suction pipe is another CHAP. XVII. 1169 PUMPS. D R D hole H closed by a second valve G, and cut in a copper plate which is united to the suction pipe A B, and cast at the same time. The diameter E F exceeding the suction pipe forms a flange, the breadth of which is the interval EG and IF between two concentric circles; or this a leather roundle, N K L, is fitted, hollowed from N to L to admit the tail of the valve, whose diameter is less than G I, and greater than the hole H, in order that it may close it more exactly. The figure shows that when the flanges are fitted together, the tail of the valve N and the leather roundle, O QP, will be between them, which are fastened together by nuts and screws. The iron or copper plate R with which the valve is loaded, that it may close more quickly, is also circular, and its diameter should be rather greater than that of the hole H, especially in forcing- pumps, that the pressure which it must sustain may not bend it. When the piston is raised, a vacuum is produced in the space IST G, or the air is more highly rarefied, and that in the suction pipe being no longer in equilibrio with that in the pump-barrel, forces open the valve G, which closes the communication between the two pipes, expands in the space ISTG, and becomes equally rarefied from the surface of the water to the base ST of the piston. The weight of the atmospheric air then pressing on the surface of the water, YZ, forces it into the suction pipe to a certain height, and having reduced the air contained there to its natural density occupies its place. Thus the water will ascend more rapidly at first, because as it drives forward the air, it condenses it, and becomes its own obstacle to further progress: for example, if it stop at 3 feet above the water, and the weight of the atmosphere is equivalent to a column of water 31 feet high, the elasticity of the air remaining in the pump is capable of sustaining a column of water 28 feet high, after the condensation caused by the water which has ascended. Y N R 5 6 M L C F E F H Β B Z A A Fig. 1771. SUCTION PUMP. K If the piston be lowered, the valve G will close, the air contained in the space IST G, being more and more com- pressed as the piston descends, acquiring an elasticity su- perior to the atmospheric pressure, and will raise the valve N, and escape by the hole K L M. If the piston be again raised, the valve N will. close, and the air in the pipe A B, dilating in the space IT, the atmospheric weight will raise the water higher than at first; continuing to work the piston, the water will rise in the pump-barrel to a certain height, 56, and the space ISTG will be filled partly by water and partly by air, which will be com- pressed into the space 5S T6. On lowering the piston, the valve C will close; the air remaining in the pump-barrel will be forced through the piston with a part of the water, which having once risen above the valve N, there will be no more air below, and the water will accompany it to the height ST: on lowering the piston, the water will pass above it, and when it is again raised will run into the cistern VX; thus the whole play of the pump consists in the action of the external air, and the play of the two valves N and G, which open and shut alternately. Forcing Pumps have the same parts as suction pumps, but are differently placed, as shown in the figure: the pump-barrel A BCD dips in the water to be raised, and is united to an ascending pipe, ECHF, by flanges and screws; this pipe is composed of two pieces, the first, CHEF, is bent in such a manner as to offer no obstacle to the motion of the frame TX YV, which carries the rod N of the piston M; and the second EGHF, the diameter of which is uniform, conducts the water to the height required. The piston of this pump differs a little from the suction, being pierced with a hole L, covered by a valve K, which opens from above downwards, its rod NO being attached to the cross piece RS and TV of the frame, which is suspended to a piece, Z, attached to a crank or lever. The barrel is sometimes in two pieces, to allow the water to ascend more freely: the upper part is pierced with a hole covered with a valve I. The piston being at the base of the pump-barrel, it will leave a vacuum or highly rarefied air, arising from that between the valves I and K when first lowered. The water will then be pressed upwards by collateral columns, aided by the atmospheric pressure; the valve K will open; the water will pass through the piston, mount in the pump-barrel, and compress the air remaining there, which will be reduced to its natural state; but as soon as the piston remounts, the valve K will close, and the water above being driven upwards, will 4 F 1170 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. open the valve I, and pass with the air in the pump-barrel into the ascending pipe: the piston then descending, the weight of the water in the upper pipe will close; the upper valve and the vacuum formed in the pump-barrel will be successively filled with water as the piston descends, which it will the more freely do, as it meets with no obstacle but the weight of the valve K, which is very small. When the piston re-ascends, the water supported by it will again pass into the ascending pipe, and the pumping being continued, will arrive at the height required. The Suction and Forcing Pump, fig. 1773., consists of a barrel, A B C D, a suction pipe, CDFE, and a branch GKNO made in three pieces; the first, GK, is cast with the pump-barrel, the second, IKM L, forms the elbow, and the third, LNOM, conducts the water to the reservoir. At the junction I K is a clack valve, S, opening and shutting alternately with the valve R, at the bottom of the pump-barrel; the first, S, retains the water in the ascending branch, to prevent it from descending at the time of suction. The piston PQVT is solid, and traversed by an iron rod attached by two keys; it consists of two equal truncated cones united at their sum- mits; each cone has a slightly cup-shaped band of leather. X N N K L M G H E Y C Q Fig. 1772. FORCE-PUMP. V As the piston must not descend lower than TV, because it would otherwise close the mouth GH of the ascending branch, there will necessarily be condensed air in the space XTZ, which cannot be pre- vented, although an essential defect. When the piston is first raised, this air dilates in the pump-barrel and ceases to be in equilibrio with that in the suction pipe, which forces open the valve R to expand also, and allows the water to ascend some feet. The valve S remains closed, and is with difficulty opened, because the air in the ascending branch, by R which it is pressed, has more elasticity than that on the side of Z. But when the piston descends, the valve R closes; the air contained in the T pump-barrel being pressed acquires an elasticity superior to that which presses the valve S, which it opens, and the air in the pump-barrel passes into the ascending branch, as long as they are in equilibrio. On raising the piston the valve S closes; the other, R, opens; the air in the suction-pipe again dilates, and is forced up the ascending branch. Con- tinuing to pump, the water reaches the barrel, where it mixes with the air that could not be expelled, which is forced with part of the water by the descent of the piston into the ascending branch: that below pass- ing without difficulty into the pump barrel, whence it accompanies the piston upwards, and the same action is repeated. A Pumps of this kind may be vari- ously constructed, and different po- sitions given to the suction and© ascending pipes, relatively to the pump barrel. p N O B L M T γ G Z H X R K Fig. 1774. shows the suction pipe CDE, separated from the barrel to which it is united above, in order that the piston, which differs in no respect from the preceding, except that the rod is carried by a frame, may force the water from below up- wards, while the other forces it from above downwards. It is evident that, when first lowered, it will form a vacuum in which the natural air enclosed in the space C B will dilate; that in the ascending branch will then open the valve C, and expand in the pump-barrel. On raising the piston the valve F will open, and the greater part of the air will be driven up the Fig. 1773 ascending branch G: by continuing E F SUCTION AND FORCING pump. B E Fig. 1774. SUCTION AND FORCING PUMP. CHAP. XVII. 1171 PUMPS. HARM to pump, the water will rise to the barrel and ascend in the pipe G. A B The pumps of the third kind have sometimes two pistons, one of which sucks while the other forces the water; those of Notre Dame at Paris were of this description (fig. 1776.); they consisted of a frame, CD, attached to the rods M and N, which when raised, the water from the river passed into the suction pipe, E F, by the pressure of the external air, and raising the valve Y mounted in the barrel A B, which the piston I left void; when the frame descended, the valve X opened, the other Y closed, and all the water from the pump-barrel, passing through the piston, discharged itself into the cistern HG. On the other hand, the piston O descending left a vacuum in the pump barrel PQ; the air which pressed on the surface HW of the water in the cistern raised the valve T, and the barrel was filled: on the piston ascending, the valve T closed, forced the water to open the other, V, and passed into the pipe R S, which closed as soon as the piston de- scended. Thus the cis- tern always remained full, the piston I sucking as much as the other forced; the diameter of the lower barrel should be rather more than that of the upper, in order that there may always be more water in the cistern than can be raised, in order to supply the loss sustained. ค H C KE R K M A D G C F W Р Y X L H PUMP USED AT MARLY. · Fig. 1775. R Z M בחו Q E F B D W Fig. 1776. PUMPS AT NOTRE DAME BRidge. HARK P 2 Z C B B I F F C Fig. 1775. is another pump of the same kind belonging to the Machine of Marly. It has a communication pipe, HLM KIFDCE G, in one piece, one end of which, GH, is joined to the suction pipe NO, which dips in the water, the other, LMK, bent at a right angle, unites with the branch KSM, which conducts the water to the first reservoir. In the middle is a branch ECD F joined to the pump-barrel A B C D, in which the piston Q works, perfectly cylindrical and solid, traversed by a rod YV, suspended as will be hereafter described. When the piston ascends to I, the air in the part PX dilates in the space YZ; that in the suction pipe NO opens the valve P, mixes with the preceding, and the valve R remains closed by the atmospheric weight: but when the piston is lowered, the valve P closes, the other R opens, and the air is forced in the pipe S: when, after a certain number of strokes, the water ar- rives in the barrel, it is forced into the ascending branch S. Fig. 1777. B is a suction and forcing-pump once used at York Buildings, on the Thames. The suction pipe copper A B is united to the barrel CEFD, having a valve M at the junction; the ascending branch F GLK has also a valve N to close the aperture IH of the bent part GI. The piston O P Q is a hollow cylinder of filled with lead to give it sufficient weight to force the water into the branch; and as the height of the water might be so great that the weight of the piston would not effect this, it is also loaded with plates of lead, T, placed on the rod V; the head of the piston, therefore, which does not enter the pump-barrel, has a square form, sufficiently large to serve as a base to the weight T. Z T X Y P Q E M B Y K L H Fig. 1778. Fig. 1777. PUMP USED AT YORK BUILDINGS. 4 F 2 1172 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To avoid the friction of the piston against the inner surface of the pump-barrel, which would be considerable if it operated on its whole length, its diameter is a little less than that of the pump-barrel, so as to leave a small interval between them: to prevent the communication with the external air, which would be an obstacle to suction, and that the water when forced may not issue through the mouth of the barrel C D (fig. 1778.), a very simple and ingenious contrivance is used. The entrance LL of the barrel is provided with a flange KL, which surrounds and is cast with it; on this are applied two or three roundles of leather EFG, bent round the inner surface of the barrel, and then a copper ring whose lesser diameter is a mean between that of the pump-barrel and that of the piston. Upon this other roundles are placed, A BZ, bent like the preceding, but in an opposite direction, the whole covered by a second copper ring, HH, whose lesser diameter, I I, is equal to that of the barrel. This ring is united to the flange K L by screws, CD, fitted with nuts; thus the middle ring serves as a guide to the piston, which only touches the leather ZG, with which it is intimately united, for as there is always water in the cistern XY (fig. 1777), the leather is continually swelled. This water, not being able to escape, prevents the external air from entering the pump-barrel, and when necessary the leathers may be removed, and the pump repaired without taking it to pieces. In order that the water from the pump may keep the cistern always full, a small cock R is added, which communicates with the barrel and is closed by a key S: when the piston plunges, the water mounts in the cock, and by turning the key S is admitted into the cistern; as the violence with which it is pressed by the piston would make it rush out impetuously, a plate of copper, Z, is opposed to it, sup- ported on four branches. This cock also serves at the first moment to expel the air from the barrel quicker than if it were driven out through the branch, it being opened and shut alternately at each stroke of the piston. In all these pumps, the water only ascends the branch at intervals, that is to say, when the piston plunges, consequently the time of suction is lost. Large pumping machines, as that of the Samaritaine at Paris, therefore have always at least two separate barrels, A, B, fig. 1779., uniting in the same branch C by the pipes D and E, so that when the piston F sucks, the other G forces, and the water continually ascends. In this manner, the pumps of the Sa- maritaine, at Paris, were con- structed. Fig. 1780. shows a pump having a pipe CAB divided into two equal parts A B and A C, forming two barrels uniting in the same branch QDR, with which they communicate by two holes G and H. At this end the branch is elliptic, as well as the two holes G and H, which open and shut alternately by means of a valve common to both; below is shown the valve in face, and sideways, with a section through the middle; this valve is entirely of copper, either solid or hollow, provided it be strong, and it shows that it works on a hinge at E, between the holes G and H, which is its centre of motion. C D E G A B Fig. 1779. Pump at the SAMARITAINE. - T 2 K F B V G||F K LHE R O X E m E Fig. 1780. E The frame Z carries two pistons, working in opposite di- rections; for if we suppose the machine plunged in water to the height TV, it will be seen that when the frame ascends, the valve N of the piston M opens, and the water enters the first barrel AB; that in the second, A C, being forced by the piston X passes through the hole H into the ascending branch, supports the valve F in the situation represented, and while it slides along the face EK, the other EI leans against the orifice G, which it keeps shut. But as soon as the frame descends, the valve N closes, the other L opens, and that in the middle changes position; the water in the pump-barrel A B passes through the hole G, to be forced in its turn up the ascending branch, and the hole H is closed by the face EK. On the other CHAP. XVII. 1173 PUMPS. hand more water enters the barrel A C, occupying the vacuum left by the piston, to be forced in its turn as before; it will thus alternately pass through the holes G and H, and ascend without interruption into the reservoir: as it continually passes through the hole P, the valve O is not necessary, but is convenient; for if the play of one piston should he interrupted, the other would raise the water, as in ordinary forcing-pumps. Fig. 1781. raises water continuously, but in a more simple manner than the preceding: the pump-barrel DB is united to a recipient XYZ, of a cylindrical figure, covered by a half sphere Y; these two pieces commu- nicate by a hole G, opening and shutting with a copper clack valve H: the suction pipe AD joins the pump- barrel, and the ascending branch Z W the recipient; both have their valves F and V as usual; the piston C is solid, and worked by a frame. D Y W T H I G Z When, after several strokes of the piston, the water rises in the suction pipe above the valve F, it passes thence into the barrel, and is forced upwards; it then enters the re- 'cipient, and reaches nearly the same level in the branch IT above the hole I; the air in the recipient not being able to escape, and the piston continuing to suck and force more water, a part rushes into the branch and part remains in the recipient, which increases the elasticity of the air, as it is compressed to a less space; the hole G, by which the water enters, being greater than I, by which it escapes, the piston always forces more than can at the same time ascend the branch as the valve H closes every time the piston descends, when the air in the recipient acquires an elasticity superior to the weight of a column of water having for its base the circle of the recipient, and for its height that of the ascending branch, the air would exert a pressure on the surface of the water, and oblige it to descend; and the diameter of the recipient being much greater than that of the ascending branch, if the water descended only a few inches, it would furnish enough to pass into the reservoir during the time of suction. It would in this manner ascend without interruption, since the piston, at each stroke, drives twice as much water as can in the same time escape through the hole I. In order that the air may always have the proper elasticity, and not acquire more than ne- cessary, it is convenient to have a small tube in the recipient, fitted with a valve, which, being loaded with a weight proportioned to the elas- ticity of the air, maintains the equilibrium. Hedderwick's Double-Piston Pump differs from those which have rods attached to one side of the pistons, and which produces an unequal pull upon them: this inconvenience is remedied here, by attaching the piston-rod to the centre of the piston, the lower passing through the centre of the upper. When the long handle of this pump is de- pressed, and the other raised, the two pistons follow the same motion; which being reciprocal, gives a double advantage in lifting the water; for, when the one handle is pulled down, the piston attached to that handle is raised; and when the same handle is raised up, the other piston is also raised, which belongs to the opposite handle: such a contrivance would raise twice as much water in the same time as two others with pump-barrels of equal bore with one piston each. It has been proved that A B Fig. 1781. CONTINUOUS STREAM. a pump with two pistons will actually raise Fig. 1782. HEDDERWICK'S DOUBLE-PISTON pump. twice and a half as much water as another pump with one piston only. It must be recollected also, that in the pump with a single piston the water, after being put in motion, is suddenly stopped, during the descent of the 4 F S 1174 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. piston, and consequently the discharge of water through the pipe is not regular, whilst the pump with two pistons causes it to flow in a continual stream: that part of the rod of the lower piston is shown at the side of the figure. In Taylor's Sucking Pump, the piston rods have racks at their upper parts, working on the opposite sides of a pinion, and are kept to their proper position by friction rollers : a pump of this description, with a bore of 7 inches, will lift a ton of water 24 feet high in a minute, when worked by ten men, five on each side. There are three kinds of valves employed; the first is a spheric segment, which slides up and down on the piston-rod, and is carried down by its own weight; the second is a pendu- lum valve; and the other a globe which is raised by the rising water, and falls again by its own weight. Franklin's Double-Pis- ton Pump, with a section through the cylinder. When the handle or lever is raised, the upper piston pressed down, the lower piston elevated, and its valves shut, the water is forced through the upper piston and the discharg- ing pipe. When the handle is pressed down, the upper piston rises with its valves closed, and the water in its ascent is forced through the dis- charging pipe: at the Fig. 1783. TAYLOR'S Pump. same time, the lower pis- Fig. 1784 FRANKLIN'S DOUBLE-PISTON. ton descends, by which action the valves are opened, and a fresh supply of water is obtained: with a 6-inch stroke, a quantity of water equal to twelve inches of the cylinder is discharged: whatever the length of stroke, the quantity of water supplied is doubled. Stephen's Forcing Pump. To the handle is attached a wooden rod of several lengths, united by iron joints, and capped with iron forks firmly riveted. The bucket works a brass tube, and the top of the barrel is covered with a metal lid, which has a stuffing- box in the centre, to receive the metal cylindrical part of the pump- rod, to the lower extremity of which the bucket is fixed. The metal lid consists of a ring screwed to a wooden barrel by five screw bolts. The forcing pipe may be made of wood, or from crooked timber. The ordinary forcing-pump does not furnish an intermitting stream of water, but this effect is very simply attained by the addition of an air-vessel, fitted upon the side of the main or rising pipe of the forcing-pump. The action of these air-vessels may be thus explained: suppose the pump to have received water above the valve, a part of which will get into the vessel and compress the air within it, with a force proportional to the height of the column in the main pipe; when, by the next stroke, the piston draws up more water, and it stands higher in the main, the air- vessel is more powerfully compressed. After the water is lifted to the point at which it is discharged, the air in the vessel becomes so much compressed, that it balances the whole height of the column above it. If the opening through which the water flows at the top of the main were sufficiently large to permit the water to issue with the same velocity as that of the piston, it would flow " Fig. 1785. STEPHEN'S FORCING-PUMP. CHAP. XVII. 1175 PUMPS. over, rising no higher by each successive stroke, and occasioning no additional compression of the air in the vessel. But if the aper- ture of the main is diminished to half its size, the whole of the water cannot pass during the stroke; consequently a portion goes into the air-vessel, and increases the compression of the air included within it. Trevithick's Pressure Engine resembles one mentioned by Belidor, although it may be considered more perfect in its ar- rangement. Chain Pumps. As every ship of war is provided with a number of chain and hand pumps, great attention has been paid to their construction. Mr. Cole was the first to rectify their numerous defects, adding a contrivance by which the chain could be easily taken up and repaired. The old chain pumps required seven men to raise a ton of water in seventy-six seconds, and Mr. Cole was enabled to do the same work in forty-three seconds. Fig. 1786. TREVITHICK'S PRESSURE-ENGINE. Mr. Smeaton contrived a hand-pump for the use of ships, calculated to remedy the defect of delivering the water on the main deck, which was the ordinary custom; thus lifting the water considerably higher than was necessary to obviate this, he intro- duced horizontal wooden pipes to carry off the water through the ship's sides, at as low a level as possible: one end of these pipes. proceeded from the upright trunk of the pump, and the other was fitted into boxes, or short wooden tubes, let in through the ship's side, and caulked above the low water line; these side pipes were closely jointed with the boxes in the ship's sides at one end, and at the other end into strong planks, which were bolted against the sides of the pump, in order that the side pipes might be got out and in without disturbing the pump, which was a sucking-pump with its bucket worked by a lever upon the deck, over it. From the top of the pump a stand-pipe was carried up to the main deck, or as high as was thought necessary to prevent the water running back into the ship, over the top, when the sea rose above the ori- fice of the side pipe. The pump had three handles, which four men worked at a time; they effected 25 strokes per minute, and moved the pump-rod 174 inches up and down each stroke. Kingston's Ship Pump con- sists of 2 brass cylinders, 4 inches in diameter, at the bot- tom of which is a pipe com- municating with each. The space around and between the cylinders and the casing of the pump serves as an air-chamber, by which the water is kept under com- pression. The supply of water is through a hose, screwed on to the lower pipe, and the action of the solid piston is the same as that of the force-pump: water is thrown out by this pump in a continued stream through the eduction pipe when used for ordinary pumping, or through a flexible hose when it is em- ployed to extinguish fire. Fig. 1787. KINGSTON'S EXIP-PUMP. 4r 4 1176 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The Chain Pump for Ships is formed of a long chain, with a number of pis- tons or buckets fixed upon it at regular distances, and which pass over two wheels called sproket wheels; by turning the upper one, the buckets are put in motion, and working in a wooden tube lined with brass, as they mount they raise the water on the ascending side, which flows off by a trough placed over the ship's side. The links of the chain are formed of two iron plates, and the buckets or saucers are two circular brass plates with a piece of leather be- tween them. Double-acting Fire En- gine is worked by a double sector of iron, which has a sufficient breadth of sole to receive two chains, similar to those used in a clock: one chain is fastened to the bottom of the arched head and to the top of the piston. rod, and the other chain is fixed at one end of the top of the arched head and the lower part of the piston-rod, so that when the sector de- scends on one side, the chain fixed at its lowest part winds round, and pulls down the piston on that side, while in the opposite sector the chain fixed on the upper part of its arched head winds round and raises the other piston: the reverse takes place at the next stroke, so that a continued action is maintained, the water rushing at the same time through the lower valve, from the cistern, and fills the cylinder; and when the piston descends, this valve shuts by the pressure of the water, and is forced through another valve into the air-vessel, the upper part of which is filled with air compressed by thus forcing the water in, and which, acting by its elasticity on the surface, causes the water to be thrown up with con- siderable velocity. An iron handle is attached to the air-vessel, which sets the cock into a position either to make a communication between the cistern and barrels, or between the feeding pipe and barrels, shut- ting off the cistern, according as the engine is supplied. Let us suppose the air com- pressed in the air-vessel to half its Fig. 1788. CHAIN PUMP, USED IN THE NAVY. : Fig. 1789. DOUBLE-ACTING FIRE ENGINE. CHAP. XVII. 1177 PUMPS. bulk by forcing in the water; if an additional quantity be thrown up, so as to compress this half to one-third its original bulk, there will be the pressure of three atmospheres internally to one externally, which will support a column of water 66 feet high. Fig. 1790. AIR-VESSEL. Fig. 1791. SEction of fire-ENGINE. Attached to the water-mains in many towns is a fire-plug of ingenious contrivance, which, when the water is supplied from a high service, answers all the purposes of an engine, and can be made available at a moment's notice. The fire-engine now preferred has two cylinders of 7 inches in diameter, and a stroke of 8 inches: the whole weight of such an engine, when strongly made and rendered efficient for use, is about 17 cwt., without taking into consideration that of the hose and tools required, which may make an addition of 4 or 5 cwt.; this, however, can be easily drawn by two horses with five firemen and a driver any short distance. There are two pumps, both sucking and forcing, the pistons of which are moved up and down by a double lever : when one piston is up, the water flows from the reservoir into the barrel, and when the same piston is depressed, a valve shuts, and the water of the barrel is forced into an air-vessel into which is inserted a pipe which reaches nearly to the bottom of the vessel. The same effect is produced by the other piston, only at a different moment, for when one is rising and sucking water from the reservoir, the other is forcing into the air-vessel the water which it had raised into the barrel by its previous ascent: when the water has risen in the air-vessel to a certain height, the air becomes more and more com- pressed by every new quantity of water forced into it, until the elasticity of the air, acting like a spring on the surface of the water, compels it to mount the hose which is attached to the engine. The usual rate of working such an engine is 40 strokes of each cylinder per minute, which gives 88 gallons, G Fig. 1792. FIRE-PLUG. and it requires 26 men to keep it at work steadily for 3 or 4 hours. The lever is in the proportion of 41 to 1, and with 40 feet of leather hose and a 7 inch jet, the pressure is 30 pounds on the square inch: this gives 10-4 pounds for each man to move 226 feet per minute. The friction must be added, which is equivalent to 21 per cent. for every ad- ditional 40 feet of hose. A variety of forms are adopted for the jet, but that generally used has the curve of 1178 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. : the nozzle determined by its own size: of the difference between the jet to be made and the end of the branch is set upon each side the diameter of the upper end of the branch; a straight line is then drawn across, and an arc of a circle described on it, from the extremity of each end of the diameter of the jet, until it meets the top of the branch: the jet is then continued parallel, the length of its own diameter; the metal is carried of an inch above this, which allows a hollow to be turned on its edge. The size of the jet on the inside is proportioned by making its diameter of an inch for every inch in the diameter of the cylinder, for each 8-inch stroke: when the water is to be carried to a greater height, a jet whose area is less is made use of, with a branch from 4 to 5 feet in length. The following table will show how the water acts upon the surface of the water in the air-vessel. Height of Height of Water in the the com- Ratio of the Air's Elas- Height to which the Water will Air-vessel. pressed Air. ticity. Height of Water in the Air-vessel. Height of the com- pressed Air. Ratio of the Air's Elas- Height to which the Water will ticity. spout. spout. -OEMS CONTRUKOR 2 3 2 33 3 66 4 99 788000 8 231 9 269 10 297 5 132 N - 1 2 n 6 165 (a−1) 33 120 N 7 198 The common Garden Engine is made in a variety of forms, and with pipes, pistons, air- chambers like that already described; in some the working barrel is placed on the outside, and in others the wooden case is dispensed with. Fig. 1793. THE COMMON GARDEN ENGINE. Another form of this engine will show the sort of pump sometimes adopted for throwing up water from one level to another: but among machines employed for such purposes, pumps are the most convenient, as they can be made readily to vary the height to which the water can be thrown, as well as to oc- cupy the least space in the interior of a cofferdam: the body of such a pump is the prolongation of an air-tube, and the motion is usually communicated by men act- ing on a balance. M. Boistard, who has re- corded the useful effect of the pump, observes that one 27 centimetres in dia- meter, (10.6 inches English) worked by seven men for eight hours, raised 508-52 cube metres of water 3.628 metres in height; the use- ful product daily attained Fig. 1794. THE COMMON GARDEN ENGINE. CHAP. XVII 1179 ON PISTONS. is for each man 87.85 cube metres of water raised 1 metre: another pump 244 millimetres, (or 96 inches English,) worked by the same number of men for the same time, raised 470′04 cube metres of water 3.573 metres in height, which gives for the useful effect furnished by each man in 24 hours 79-97 cube metres of water raised a metre. The product of pumps varies much in consequence of the manner in which the piston is connected with the air-tube, but they are now brought to great perfection by the manufacturer, and it is found that those of the greatest diameter are the most economical for raising water from foundations. Engine for raising Water from Dykes is contrived like a fire- engine with a double handle, working two pistons in barrels at- tached to an upright pipe: after the water is thrown up in the trough above, it can be poured out in any direction required; the mechanism and barrels resemble some of those already treated on. 1 Q Pistons and Valves. -The pistons in general use are of two kinds, solid or plungers, and pierced or buckets; both are commonly of wood: the chief inconve- nience of wooden pistons is that when pierced with holes they are greatly weakened, especially if sufficiently large to allow the water a free passage, without which there is considerable resistance; and if a stroke of 6 feet be made in two seconds, as in the machine at Frene near Condé, it is essential that the whole machinery should work with the most perfect ease, otherwise the effort of the moving power tends to the destruction of the machine. To avoid this, care must be taken that when the bucket descends, its own weight should suffice to compel the water at the bottom of the barrel to pass through the hole in the time necessary for its descent; and as this time is determined by the velocity of the machine relatively to that of the moving power, it will be seen that it depends on the quantity of water sucked by the bucket at each stroke, and the size of the passage to be traversed. Fig. 1795. ENGINE FOR RAISING WATER from DYKES. Suppose, fig. 1776., a pump-barrel, A B, 8 inches in diameter inside; that the stroke of the piston is 6 feet, and that it is made in two seconds; it will raise at each stroke about 74 pints of water, which should pass through the hole Z in the time of the piston's descent: with what weight ought it to be loaded in order to force the water, so that it may in two seconds pass through the hole, which we suppose 3 inches in diameter, the greatest which can be given to it without weakening the bucket too much? The quantity of water which will pass through the piston in a given time will depend on the size of the hole and the velocity communicated to it by the weight with which it will be loaded: the problem is therefore to ascertain what height of water must be given to a reservoir pierced at the bottom by a hole 3 inches in diameter, so that 74 pints may issue in two seconds. If the piston weighed less than the column of water, the hole must be increased to make up for the small velocity of the water arising from a want of sufficient pressure and the superficies of the two holes, and the velocity of the water which must pass must form four terms reciprocally proportional. But as the weight spoken of may be expressed by columns of water whose base is the circle of the piston, and the square roots of the height of these columns expresses the velocity of the water, we may substitute the square roots of the weight with which the piston is loaded without fear of error. As wooden pistons are not very convenient, since we cannot pierce them with a hole of sufficient size without endangering their solidity, one of the description of the fig. repre- 1180 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. sented will be found infinitely preferable: it consists of a copper box forming the body of the piston, in the form of a truncated cone, with a small flange, CC. The figs. 1799. 1802. H G C C C с с C D D A H G A D D A R B X X B B B B Fig. 1797. Fig. 1798 Fig. 1799. Fig. 1796, p P H H HO M N D A H G L D A KA T B R X B X Fig. 1801. P M D Fig. 1800. Fig. 1802. show the section with the upper plan, where it is seen that this box is traversed by a bar DD pierced by a mortice E: on the surface of the box is a leather band A A, confined by an iron ring let into the leather, which is of an inch thick. The piston is covered by a leather valve strengthened by iron or copper plates G, G, (fig. 1800.), made in the segment of a circle: above the valve are similar plates, but of rather less diameter, so that they may enter the piston, as indicated by the circle IK in fig. 1803., having only therein the leather and upper plates, which rest on the edge of the box; thus the leather is screwed between the two by four nuts and screws, H: this valve is fitted to the box, so that the centre F F is placed on the bar DD; to tie the whole together an iron cross is used, L M N O P, in fig. 1801., which is a section through the bar DD of fig. 1796. The part M N is placed, on the middle F F of the valve; then the tenon OP traverses the hole E, and passes through an iron bar QR, whose extremities, X, X, are halved into the thickness of the box, as well as the circle B B, which is sustained by this means, and secured to the box by passing a key into the hole T, as shown in the section of the piston at right angles with the preceding. The rod LO is adjusted to an iron bar by a tenon at its summit, a mortice in the middle, and two screws serving to tighten one against the other; this bar is suspended to a crank or lever. P To remedy defects in the common plungers of wood, a much more solid one is now sub- stituted, as shown in fig. 1803. The body of the piston consists of two copper cylinders ABCD, EF GH, of a screw NO, and a ring Z, all cast together; the diameter CD is rather less than the barrel QRST, and the diameter EF only half the preceding; the thickness A C may be one-fourth the diameter A B, and EG twice E F. 2 R A B B A C D E F Y G H K ETTE TEAT L I K N Fig. 1803. PLUNGER. Fig. 1804. T A number of leather roundles, whose dia- meter is rather more than the pump-barrel, pierced in their centre by an aperture of the diameter GH, are fitted on the cylinder EFGH, and beaten with a hammer to press them to- gether; others are then added, supported by a copperplate IK, the thickness of which should be half A C, and being pierced in the centre is fitted to the screw LM, after which the whole is pressed together by the nut X. The piston is then placed on a lathe to reduce the whole to the same diameter as the piston head, and form a cylinder I A B K, having a uniform surface. The piston is then introduced into the pump-barrel without difficulty, and water being poured above the leather it swells, and all the roundles unite against the barrel, and form a new cylinder Y, whose diameter is equal to that of the barrel, leaving no admission for air during suction, nor passage for the water when forcing: in proportion as the surface of the cylinder Y wears by friction, the leather swells, not having attained its maximum of dilatation in the first instance, especially if it be of the best quality. The ring Z serves to hook on the rod P, so that it may play freely, and enable the piston CHAP. XVII. 1181 ON PISTONS, VALVES, ETC. P B G : Q H in ascending and descending to work perpendicularly: it being impossible to make the rod do this at all times, especially when worked by a crank, great freedom of action must be allowed in forcing-pumps; therefore it is better to hook it to the piston than to attach it. Although the preceding piston is one of the best, it must be acknowledged that after a certain time, when the leather has successively swelled to compensate for the decrease caused by friction, the adhesion will not be sufficient to prevent the passage of water when forced, if the column be very high, for the resistance caused by its weight will always be the same, while the adhesion of the piston will continue to diminish. To remedy this there must be a power proportioning its adhesion to the pressure exerted in forcing this has been effected by a copper cylinder gh, hollow and pierced with several holes covered above by a plate ab of the same material, both cast together with the flange IK, serving to attach the cylinder to a second plate cd, similar to the first, with this difference, that it has a hole of a diameter equal to the interior of the cylinder, to which a cup valve is fitted, in such a manner that the tail is retained between the flange I K and the plate, the whole being secured with nuts and screws: on the edge of each plate is a groove to receive the hem of a leather purse of a cylindrical shape, for which the plates serve as ends. Pitched twine is used to unite them, well tightened round the leather, forming a drum, and having only an open- ing at the bottom when the valve at K is raised; the piston is attached to the rod H, having three or four branches I G, united to the plate ab by nuts and screws. Water being poured into the pump-barrel until it is three-fourths full, the piston is introduced, which will enter without difficulty; but when it descends lower the air contained beneath, being com- pressed, will raise the valve, pass into the cylinder gh, thence into the drum, and, continuing to descend, the water will pass also, until the piston arrives at the hole NO; the air and the water then swelling the drum, the leather will begin to adhere to the pump-barrel, feebly it is true, but sufficiently to prevent the introduction of the external air when the piston is raised, the valve instantly closing. A G G a E E B G H I K N As the piston works and expels the air from the suction-pipe, the water will rise in it, and enter the barrel: when arrived there, the piston forcing it will itself receive a part, which will a compress the air at each stroke into a still less volume, and the action of the piston becoming stronger as the water is raised to a greater height in the branch, the air in the drum will acquire still more elasticity, and press the leather more and more against the barrel, the water therein acting in the same manner as the air. When the branch is full, the elasticity of the air will be in equilibrio with the column of water, of whatever height it may be, and whether the piston forces or sucks its adhesion will always be the same: when the barrel is not sufficiently cylindrical, this defect, which would be very great in any other case, will be of no account in this, since the surface of the piston being flexible will adapt itself to whatever opposes it. L Fig. 1805. M The piston just described cannot lose water, its surface being perfectly applied to the barrel; but as from this adhesion great friction results, the leather will not last long: it is therefore necessary, in order to avoid its constant renewal, to place several, one over the other, to strengthen the purse, which will not be the less flexible, but adapt itself to the barrel; the friction in this case being very different from that occasioned by the contact of two hard bodies, it is highly desirable to get rid of friction entirely, but in doing so, care must be taken that other inconveniences are not produced, which may overbalance the one advantage. Messrs. Gosset and De la Deuille, while engaged on a very ingenious hydraulic machine, invented a piston entirely free from friction, which may be used independently of the machine: the piston may be of any size, even 3 feet in diameter; that described is 15 inches: the barrel consists of two wooden plates 28 inches in diameter, and 5 thick; in the middle of each is a cylindrical hole 15 inches in diameter and 21 deep, forming two boxes placed against each other; their section is represented by the rectangles ABCD and E FH G. The piston consists of a circular plate, YL, 1 inch thick, the diameter of which ought to be rather less than the void TOQV, to facilitate the play: this plate is applied to a large circle of leather, or to several, if one is not sufficiently strong, so as to project 6 or 7 inches all round the edge; the plate is placed in the bottom of the box STV X, and the excess is folded all round the edge ESX G; the other box, A B C D, is then applied to the preceding, 1182 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. A R T N W Q K M M L اعها R Ꮓ X and the leather fixed between them by means of several iron bolts fitted with screws: thus the piston consists of a kind of purse, which turns itself at every stroke of the piston. At the bottom of this purse is a hole, L, covered with a valve, K, which, when raised, rests against the handle MW M, to which a rod, N, is attached, serving to raise and lower the piston; for this rod there is another hole in the bottom of B the upper box, corresponding with the pipe in which the rod N passes; this hole is slished, to allow the plate to touch the top OQ when the piston ascends; the lower box has also a hole corresponding with the suction pipe, covered by a valve, I, as usual: when the piston is raised the water opens the valve I, and passes into the vacuum formed to the height of 4 inches, which is the play the piston ought to have so as not to weaken the leather: when the piston descends the valve I closes, the other, K, opens, and the water contained between the bottom, TV, and the leather, passes through the hole L, enters the space OPYZ Q, and thence is forced up the ascending pipe; thus the piston, always floating between two waters, will have no friction: when the leather is good, it may be worked continually for three or four months without any repair, as has been proved in the mines of Bretagne. Fig. 1806. Ι GOSSET AND DE LA DEUILLE'S HYDRAULIC MACHINE. V The sole defect in this piston is, that, whatever be the size of the discharge-pipe, the power is always loaded with the weight of a column of water having for its base the circle OQ, and for its height the elevation of the reservoir above its source: it is true the diameter of the pipe may be increased, and that of the piston diminished, in order that these being equal, the power may not be loaded with a greater weight than would naturally be raised: the play of the piston being small, it will raise but little water at each stroke; the strokes may, however, be more frequent. If the suction-pipe and the piston-rod are each 25 feet long, the water may be raised 50 feet above the source at a very small expense. On Valves. The different valves in use may be classed under four kinds, the cup valve, conical valve, spherical valve, and clack valve; the three first are of copper. Fig. 1805. shows a cup valve E, at the bottom of a pump-barrel; the stalk, accompanied by two leather roundles, is fixed between the flanges of the barrel and those of a cup IK, to which the suction-pipe, LM, made of lead, is soldered: the valve E fits the cup BC, and GH represents the support of the ring in which the rod F plays. The upper fig. 1805. represents a section of the same valve, in order to show its defects, which are decidedly great: the superficies of the great circle E diminishes the passage of the water, as it can only escape through the space between the circumference of the circle BC and the surface of the suction-pipe, whereas the water forced by the piston should have a free passage equal to the circle of the barrel, in order that it may not pass more rapidly into one part than another; otherwise the power will be forced to make a greater effort than if the water were not confined. To give more facility to the water in ascending, it is only necessary to diminish the circle E; but this cannot be done without also diminishing its lower surface, or its equal GH, consequently, without confining the passage of the water through the cup BC: all that can be done is to regulate the upper and lower diameter of E, so that the water, in traversing the cup and passing round the valve, should be as little confined as possible; therefore the superficies of the circle G H must be equal to the ring causing the difference between the superficies of the upper and lower surfaces of E. Of whatever size the barrel is, to proportion the valve, we must divide the radius of the barrel into five equal parts, and take three for that of the small circle of E, and four for that of the great circle: due consideration having been given to the height which best suits the convex surface of the valve, it appears that its side should be one-fourth the diameter of the upper circle, and the breadth of the rest one-eighth; the angle which it makes with the side will then be of 60°, because the section of the valve will form a trapezium drawn by an equilateral triangle, having the upper diameter for its base. The water forced from the barrel up the branch will be greatly confined in traversing a very narrow passage; it will in its course meet the under part of the cup, and the circle ND which causes it to rebound, and it will only be raised by an extraordinary force, besides which it will be pressed in a direction obliquely to the surface of the pipe. The power must be twelve times greater than if the water mounted with a uniform velocity. This valve is not applicable to forcing-pumps, if placed at the bottom of the branch, but may be used at the bottom of the barrel: for if the greatest height of the n H CHAP XVII. 1188 ON PISTONS, VALVES, ETC piston be 27 or 28 feet, the atmospheric weight will be sufficient to raise the water in the barrel with a velocity much greater than the piston can have. This valve sometimes fits the cup so tightly that it ceases to play: M. Amontons having constructed a forcing-pump, dipping 6 feet in water, was surprised on observing that the valves of cast-iron, and perfectly fitted, suddenly ceased to act; he several times took the pump to pieces, but could not discover any sufficient cause for the defect. The valves were placed horizontally in the barrel, and had they been pressed by the atmospheric weight, they might have been imagined in the condition of two well-polished surfaces, which can only be separated by a very great weight, but there being no air between the valves and piston, they were only pressed from below upwards by the water which the piston forced. The only one cause to which the union of the valve and cup can be attached is their being maintained by the water, whose particles attract each other so forcibly as to exclude the air between them, and so require a great effort to detach them, which can only be effected by evaporation or violent friction. The conical valve, fig. 1807., consists of a truncated cone E resting in a cup B C, similar to the preceding, except that it has no ring in the middle, the stalk being very short: at its extremity is a plate R G, which prevents the valve from escaping; its great circle should correspond with a convex head, whose edges should have sufficient projection to close the aperture when the valve is down; for there being nothing to keep the axis of the cone in the centre, it may, by moving right or left, leave a space through which the water in the branch may escape into the barrel. This valve has the same disadvantages as the other, that of contracting the passage of the water. The spherical valve, fig. 1808., is much more simple, consisting only of a sphere E, which falls into a cup B C when the piston sucks, and would certainly be superior to any other if it did not contract the water-way, for, once placed at the base of the pipe, it would play a number of years without needing any reparation: it is true the branch may be enlarged above and below the valve, so that the whole of the cup, and the passage of the water around the sphere, may be equal to the circle of the piston, and the water have a uniform velocity, which would render this valve infinitely more perfect. Care must be taken not to make it too light or too heavy; if too light, and the branch is of the same calibre with E R G Fig. 1807. CONICAL VALVE. B E C A E I R K S C Y L H F M Fig. 1809. CLACK Valve. Fig. 1808. SPHERICAL VAlve. the barrel, the impulse of the water would raise it to a great height, and the valve would not close soon enough to prevent the water coming back: it might even happen that the same water would pass continually from the barrel to the branch, and back again as the piston forced or sucked, for if the passage be not closed at the moment the impulse ceases, no fresh water will rise in the barrel nor in the reservoir: if, on the contrary, the valve be too heavy, the power will have to raise it as well as the water. To obtain the proper mean the specific weight of the valve must be regulated by the velocity of the piston, that it may never go further from its cup than just sufficient to allow the water to pass, unless it be re- tained by a chain. The clack valve, fig. 1809., is the least imperfect, leaving a free passage for the water: the valve A D consists of a piece of leather, CD, tightened between two copper plates, A B and E F. The diameter of the first is two or three inches greater than that of the pipe LM ; that of the second EF is rather less, in order to enter within it: these two plates are held together by a screw SR and nut GH; the leather has a tail, DB, serving as a hinge, as 1184 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. usual. This valve, placed at the bottom of the branch, is lodged in a drum I K, so as not to contract the passage of the water at that place; the lower part of the branch is swelled, in order to have a ring, Y, all round the flange of the pipe L M for the valve to rest upon, which is consequently horizontal, a situation preferable to the vertical, which do not close well; it is true the void space is not so great. E B D A Fig. 1810. This valve must be made strong, otherwise the leather hinge will soon be injured; being the weakest part, these kind of valves always give there, especially when much strained, and being liable to frequent reparations are consequently not convenient for large pipes, as in falling they often slip more on one side than another and do not close exactly; the leather of the hinge becoming too flexible has not sufficient body to keep the valve in its proper direction. To remedy this inconvenience, when the branch is 8 or 10 inches diameter, a valve may be formed of two clacks, consisting of a ring of copper, as in the first piston described, whose lesser dia. meter is equal to that of the ascending pipe, and its greater ▲ sufficient to admit of being held between the flanges of the drum and those of the curved pipe. This ring should have a bar, D, so as to make one piece of the whole, as shown in section in fig. 1811., where L M represents this ring with the bar A: a leather circle, 2 inches more in diameter than the ascending branch, will form the two clappers, E, I, strengthened above and below by copper plates G, H. The circle of leather is laid on the cross piece, A; a copper rule of the same length is then placed above it, and they are united by two screws, as in fig. 1810., where the rule BC has a knob DE to prevent the two claps both falling on the same side. This valve is the most convenient, and contracts the water-way so little as not to be of any importance. Leather clappers not being very durable, those of copper are substituted in two semi- circles, united by a hinge, as in figs. 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815. hand, represents them when closed; they are fitted in a box BB, projecting equally with them, and moving on two hinges, G, G, whose axis enters the two uprights E: on the top of each is a button F, to main- A tain the clappers in the situation shown by the two upper figures, and oblige each to fall towards its own side, when the piston ceases to force. The tongue A A should be formed with roundles of leather be- tween the flanges, IK and LM. In selecting the best form for valves, we must always consider the pur- pose to which they are to be applied; the most im- A I E H M Fig. 1811. The lower, on the right E K G G G A A A I V K I Fig. 1812. L M Fig. 1814. B- K B 且 ​B A A A G L M B portant considerations are, that it should be perfectly Fig. 1813. Fig. 1815. tight; that it have sufficient strength to resist the forces to which it is exposed; that it allow the water to pass freely, and not permit it again to flow back, whilst it is in the act of closing. The clack valve, which is the simplest, should be fixed in a box like a piston; its outer sur- face should be a little conical, so as to fit a similar recess made for it in the tube; it should have an iron ring or handle to enable it to be taken out by a hook whenever it is required to be drawn up the top which the clack valve sustains, when opened, may be considered as equal to one-half of the cylinder of water, whose height is equal to the diameter of the valve. The spherical valve obstructs too much the passage of the water, and when made very light there is the probability that it will not return to its place when required, without allowing a quantity of water to flow back. Another valve placed at the bottom of reservoirs or basins for the purpose of laying them by or filling them, fig. 1816.; it consists of a copper box A B C D, having a rebate BC CHAP. XVII. 1185 ON VALVES. hollowed out, to admit the cover G, to which a rod H is attached for opening and shutting the valve, working up and down through the cross bar E F. Fig. 1818. is a pump used by Belidor to re- place the old one in a machine at the Pont Notre Dame, Paris; its chief advantage is in the valves, which offer less resistance to the passage of the water; the valve, fig. 1820., consists of a circular diaphragm movable on E B A 1816 D C C Fig. 1818. F Fig. 1823. gudgeons, whose axis does not pass through the centre ; that is to say, the diameter being di- vided into twelve parts, A H com- prises seven, and HB five. The centre, figs. 1825., 1821., 1822., of the axis EF is also TZ part of the diameter, from the middle of the thickness of the diaphragm A B, which produces a bent lever KIH, whose lesser arm, IK, corresponds to the friction of the gudgeons, and the other IH sustains at its extremity H the weight of the valve, which can only remain open when obliged by some superior force. The unequal seg- ments of which this valve is composed Fig. 1817. EC A Fig. 1819. B F Fig. 1820. F E13 Fig. 1821. G (H) ODLF R -B H Fig. 1822. P R Q P Fig. 1824. A H K R H P Ω B M Fig. 1825. are cut, fig. 1825., AL, BM, in opposite directions, so that when it is closed the first, AL, which belongs to the greater segment, pressing downwards on the upper 4 G 1186 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 'T Y edge OP of its frame, and the other, B M, upwards against QR: when the piston forces, the water presses the valve upwards, but with greater force, against the seg- ment HA, fig. 1822., than against HB: the valve then assumes a vertical position, and the water passes freely on each side the valve. On the other hand, the instant the piston begins to descend, the valve ceasing to be supported by the ascending column, closes by its own weight, and the column above pressing with much greater force on the segment HA than on HB, it is impossible that it can open in order to give greater superficies to the inner circle of the ring or plug than to the piston, the summit of each pump-barrel is enlarged to make way for the valve when open, and not to oppose any obstacle to the water; on which account the fork of the old pumps was suppressed, and their place supplied by a large receiver, as in fig. 1818., cast with the barrels; thus the water forced by the pumps unites in the receiver, and passes in a mass up the branch. Manner of setting out the head of the Pump- barrel. Divide the diameter A B into eight equal parts or modules; on the centre raise the perpendicular C D three modules high; through the point D draw the line H G parallel to the diameter A B, and from the point D as a centre, with the radius D A or DB, describe the arcs A E and B F. The rebates E H and F G must be one module wider than the thickness of the pump-barrel: to trace the profile of the head, draw the rectangle IZLK, whose base IK is eleven modules, and whose height IZ is two; on the line IK draw another rectangle MTX N, whose base MN is equal to the H diameter A B of the pump-barrel, and whose height M T is six modules. Divide the line Z L into three equal parts, as at QR, and from these points as a centre describe the arcs Z T and L X; prolong the perpendiculars M T, N X two and a half modules to the height TV, X Y. Figs. 1827. 1828. 1829. represent the piston of this pump its construction is based upon four principles; first, that it should have an aperture sufficiently large to allow water enough to pass to fill the barrel at each stroke; secondly, that the valve in the piston should open and allow the water to pass freely, and yet itself close firmly; thirdly, that the axis of the piston should always be vertical, notwithstanding the obliquity given to the rod by the motion of the crank or balance beams, so as to avoid any straining, and to prevent the pistons wearing on one side more than on another; fourthly, that the leather which causes the adhesion of the piston to the inner surface of the barrel should be so disposed as to last a long time without requiring reparation. E A L Ω R M D Fig. 1826. N K G F B This piston consists of a cast-iron box, ICD K, figs. 1827. 1828. 1829., serving as a nucleus to a number of leather rings, G, H, pressed against one another, having a flange E F for their base at the summit D is a screw furnished with a nut, A B, to bring the leather rings together. To the piston a swing valve is attached, similar to that previously de- scribed. The base of the box has two ears, I, K, traversed by a bolt, LM, which secures them to the fork of the piston-rod. The suction piston is entirely on the same principle as the preceding, figs. 1830. 1831. 1833., only the flange AB must be at the upper part as well as the ears C, D, which attach the piston to the rod. The ring of the valve is let into a rebate, and attached to the flange with four screws. The various methods of raising water by means of pumps may all be classed under three heads. The first, when water is raised from a depth to the surface of the earth, which may be performed by employing as many suction pumps as may be necessary. The second, when water is to be raised to a great height above the surface, either verti cally or on an inclined plane; in this case forcing-pumps are employed. The third, when the water is to be raised from a depth A E BA B 1827 1828 F 1829 F I K M K E B A K F 1930 G 1831 1832 Fig. 1833, CHAP. XVII. 1187 ON PUMPS. M L A D E considerably below, to a height considerably above the surface of the earth; this case comprising the two former, both suction and forcing-pumps must necessarily be employed. Fig. 1834. represents a suction-pump adapted to raise water from a well or cistern: it consists of a leaden pipe 2 inches in diameter, dipping into the water, having its extremity curved and resting on a block of stone or wood. To this is fitted another leaden pipe, 5 inches in diameter, forming the pump-barrel; its lower extremity takes off to adapt itself to the suction pipe, and near their junction a wooden plug D is fixed, perforated by a circular aper- ture to which a clock or valve is fitted opening upwards, to prevent the descent of the column of water in the barrel. The piston is a similar plug, E, furnished with a valve, also opening upwards. To the upper part a band of leather is nailed, which fits the barrel rather tightly; the piston is attached to the rod by an iron stirrup. The power applied to the handle K works the bent lever M AI, whose arm LK is 30 inches,. and LM 5; thus the power is of the weight, here expressed by that of a column of water 5 inches in diameter, and in height equal to that of the discharging pipe P above the level of the water. The tools F and G serve to draw up the lower valve, or to tighten it by Το striking it with the circular head of F. draw it out, the valve O is first raised with the hook G, and the whole is then drawn up with the end H. Fig. 1836. is a pump with lever A working two piston rods, B, C, one of which is raised at the same time that the other is de- pressed, and may be used when the water is too low to be raised at a single stroke. For example, if a well were 40 feet deep, a pump might be placed at about half its depth, and another at the surface of the ground; the rod C would then raise the water to a height of 18 or 20 feet, whence it would be brought to the surface by B. Fig. 1837. is a suction pump worked by a balance E; the power is applied to a cord A, and raises the weight B, which by sinking raises the rod C. This pump is well adapted to serve two adjoining proper- ties, by attaching a cord to the arm D of the balance, and passing it through the party wall, but one of the discharging pipes must be closed when the other is in use. Fig. 1838. shows a method of working two suction pumps alter- nately, so as to produce a continuous stream; the winch A, to which the C B Fig. 1836. A K F G D E D Fig. 1835. Fig. 1834. Fig. 1837. E D E 4 G 2 1188 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. power is applied, has a fly-wheel B to produce uniformity of motion: on the axle is a pinion C, engaging a wheel D, whose axle is a crank GLMKINOH, to which are suspended the piston rods E, F. The crank A is 12 inches long; MN is 6, and wheel D is 6 inches in radius, and the pinion C 2, and the fly-wheel B 3 feet. Supposing the water to be raised 28 feet by the power of a man, equal to 25 pounds ap- plied to the winch A, it is required to find the diameter of the pistons in order that the weight of the column of water may be proportioned to the power applied. A B I N G L M K D E F This machine may be considered as consisting of a single pump barrel, whose piston raises the water in an uninterrupted stream, and the arm of the lever which corresponds to the weight as expressed by two-thirds of the arm LM or NO of the winch. Now as there are four arms of one common lever united between the power and the weight, namely the arm LM reduced to 4 inches, the radius of the wheel D to 6, that of the pinion C to 2, and the arm of the winch A to 12; the power will be to the weight as 4 × 2 is to 6 × 12, or as 1 to 9, which may be stated thus, 1:9:: 25: 225 pounds, the weight of the column of water which the power has to raise, and the volume will be obtained by stating, as 70 pounds of water are to 728 cubic inches, so are 225 pounds to 5554 cubic inches, which must be divided by 28 feet, or 336 inches, the height of the column of water; we shall then have about 16½ inches for the superficies of the circle of the base, or a diameter of 4 6 inches. Fig. 1838. To calculate the Effect of this Machine. — The arm of the crank MN being 6 inches, the stroke of the piston will be 12; thus in each revolution of the crank, the two pistons will together discharge a column of water 2 feet high, 4 inches in diameter, weighing 15 pounds. The pinion C being one-third the radius of the wheel D, the power must make three turns of the winch A to one of the crank MN; and as this power can make 1000 turns in an hour, the crank MN will make 333, which multiplied by 15 gives 5161 pounds, or 184 inches of water per hour. Fig. 1839. shows a very simple method for working two pumps by means of a balance beam, A B, loaded with a weight at each extremity; it works on gudgeons at C. Two foot-boards are attached to the beam at I,I; on these a man is placed who gives it motion: the whole is supported by four posts. At 10 inches from each side of the gudgeons the iron piston rods M, N are attached, which draw the water in the A pump barrels O,P, and force it up the O A H F N M R P pipe LH to a height proportionate to the diameter of the piston and the action of the mover. It will be found useful to place an iron roller carried by steel springs, F, G, on each side, to assist the action of the balance beam: M. Morel, the inventor of this and several other machines, having remarked that where several men are required to ring large bells, a single person could put them in action by working a treadle, applied the same cella to working two pumps. Pumps with three barrels are sometimes used where the object is to keep up a con- tinued current of water by the action of three pistons, one of which is at the bottom of its working barrel, while the second is in the middle, and the third at the top of each respective barrel. Mr. Smeaton made use of three pumps at the London Bridge water-works: when the pumps are small, the barrels are made of brass, and sometimes iron: opposite to the aperture of each barrel there is a short pipe, covered at the end by a door, through which a workman can get access to repair the valves, which are of iron, and which shut down upon hinges like a door, being covered with leather on the lower side. Fig. 1839. CHAP. XVII. 1189 ON PUMPS. A, fig. Suppose 1840., to be a weight of 200lbs. suspended to an axle traversed by an iron bar which carries two pis- ton-rods. A man pressing with his foot on the treadle E would work both pistons, for when making an effort of only 60 pounds, the lever being 4 feet long, and the rods sus- pended to the centre of the axle, the weight may be four times the power; consequently, if we suppose the pistons 2 inches in diameter, they will force a column of water 154 feet in height. Fig. 1841. represents suction and forcing pumps worked by one or two men at a winch A, on whose axle is a fly wheel and a pinion which engages two wheels C and D, to whose axles two lesser, E and F, are attached, having teeth on only half their circumference: when the winch is put in motion, it turns the pinion B, and consequently the wheels C and D; in like manner the two others E and F, which engage alternately in the racks G and H attached to the piston rods, one of which forces the water into the discharg- ing pipe O, while the other raises it above the lower valve. The teeth of the small wheels being turned in opposite di- rections, the first E raises the rod G to the last tooth, after which the weight I causes it to descend, forcing the water to a height proportionate to the size of the pump-barrel and the weight of I, which should be greater than that of the column of water. On the other hand when G ascends and the piston sucks, the teeth of the other wheel, F, engage the rack H, making it descend to the last tooth; the piston N by the action of the moving power then forces the water up the pipe 0; when the last tooth is past, the rod H is drawn up by the weight K, which must be rather above that of the column of water and the piston and rod. The two rods OM Α E Fig. 1840. H K OF Fig. 1841. N A G 1 4 G 3 1190 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. G and H should work in guides to maintain their vertical position. The arm of the winch A should be 1 foot long, the fly-wheel 6 feet in diameter, the pinion B 4 inches, C and D 16 inches, E and F 4 inches in radius from the centre to the middle of the teeth. There being four levers between the power and the weight, viz. the arm of the winch 12 inches, the radius of the pinion 2, that of the wheels C and D 8, and E and F 4, the power will be to the weight as 2 x 4 to 12 × 8, or 1 to 12; consequently a man with a force of 25 pounds can raise a column of water of 300 pounds. and L E X T F P D Fig. 1842. is a machine executed at Sources, a village of Alsace, on the road from Strasburg to Landau, placed over a large square well, the water of which is used for making salt. There are three floors, at 10 or 12 feet apart; the framework of carpentry, A, is placed on the first at the edge of the well, the cylinder B on the second, and the chest C on the lowest. A fall of water drives the wheel D, the axle of which, E, has 4 catches, X, Y, or wipers, which successively depress the levers F, G, and move the cylinder B by means of iron rods at the extremity of the balance K. Another balance, N, carries the piston rod, which is alternately elevated depressed. The suction-pump H raises the water to the cistern C about 24 feet; the forcing and suction-pump I then drives it up the tube L 60 feet higher to the reservoir near the salt works. The dimensions for a similar machine will be nearly as follows: the great water- wheel 5 feet in radius; the wipers X,Y 20 inches in length from the centre of their axle ; the lever FV 5 feet 10 inches from its fulcrum to the point on which the wipers lean; the point T, to which the rod is attached giving motion to the balance K, is 5 distant from the fulcrum V, and the pistons each having a lift of 12 inches; the extremity of the wiper X must pass over a certain determinate length SF of the lever VF, in order that the point T. which has the same movement as the piston, may rise 12 inches and descend as much, whilst the wipers will act alternately on the levers Fand G : if the wiper does not escape the lever F at the instant the piston reaches its lowest point, the machine ceasing to act may break some portion, for the wheel D con- tinuing to turn will tend to surmount any obstacle which may prevent it. If, on the other hand, SF be too short, the wiper will not make the point T descend low enough, C I B K H Fig. 1842. and the piston not having a lift of 12 inches, the effect of this machine cannot be calculated on such data. The water-wheel must be considered as of 5 feet radius; the wiper X 20 inches in length, the power l' will be to the effort made by the wiper on the point S as 1 to 3, and reduced to the point S may be expressed by 3p, when the lever FV and the wiper X are in the same line: now, as the lever is of the second order, the power which will act on the point S will be to the effort which it will produce at the point T, to divide the rod downwards, as Y T to Y S, or as 6 to 7; the effort at the point T may then be expressed by p. To find the diameter of the pump barrels,-since H sucks while I forces, they will together sustain the weight of a column of water 84 feet high. To find the base of this column in square inches, reduce p into cubic inches, by saying as 70 CHAP. XVII. 1191 ON MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. 6 33 pounds is to 1728 inches, so is p, to a fourth term, or 432 p; this divided by 84 feet or 1008 inches, gives p for the superficies of the pistons, which multiplied by gives the square 35 of the diameter, and being reduced gives p, the root of which will be the required diameter. Supposing the force of the fall of water to be 110 pounds on each float-board of the wheel, substituting this number for p, we shall have 12 square inches, whose root gives 333 inches for the diameter of the pistons: although both the wipers X and Y are capable of exerting a force expressed by 3p, those only which act on EV will exercise it entirely, since those levers alone suck and force the water; the other wipers Y only exercise a small portion of their force; the lever G not acting uniformly, the wheel turns more rapidly at one moment than at another. A second defect in this machine is caused by the wiper X not pressing equally on S F, because the direction in which it acts changes at every point of its course, as well as the length of the lever VS, which continually increases: to rectify this evil the wiper X, in place of being straight, should have the figure of an epicycloid. Fig. 1843. is a more simple manner of arranging the same machine, invented by M. Morel. The wheel A is driven by a fall of water; its axle has two half wheels B, C, placed on the same side and about 3 feet apart, to work the pumps, which is performed by two racks attached to the piston rods, working in guides D, E one of these is loaded with a weight F, to make the rod of the suction pump H descend. At the end of the other a cord is attached, passing A over two pulleys, and carrying a weight G to raise the rod of the forcing-pump I; each rod has a stop to limit the stroke when it meets the guides. The wheel A, by driving the half wheel B, raises the piston rod D, and as soon as it escapes the rack, the weight F brings it down. On the other hand the weight G keeping the rod E at a proper height, when the half wheel C engages the rack of this rod, it drives it down and forces the water in the pump I up the discharging pipe K; the weight G then again raises the rod; thus the pistons suck and pump alternately. As the wheel B will only allow a small power to raise the water 24 feet high, and surmount the resistance of the weight F, plus that of the piston, whilst, on the contrary, the wheel C acts with much greater force on the rod E to overcome at the same time the resistance of the weight G and that of the column of water which the piston forces to the height of 60 feet, the wheel A will turn unequally. H Fig. 1843. E Fig. 1844. is a machine executed at Nymphen- bourg by Count Wahl, director of builders to the Elector of Bavaria, to raise water to a height of 60 feet, for the fountains in the gardens -of the electorate. A stream turns a large wheel, which carries two cranks, working two * K N 3} G K H Fig. 1844. NYMPHENBOURG MACHINE, Fig. 1845. 4 G 4 1192 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. cylinders, C, by means of iron rods B, and these drive six piston rods, F, on each side the wheel; each system of pumps is contained in a trough, and firmly secured by screws to two joints pierced with holes to admit the water of the canal. The three branches of each system unite in the forks O, O which convey the water to the discharging pipe P; the pumps are tied together by interties, to which they are secured by iron bands; the depth of water near the fall at Q is 2 feet, and it has that velocity per second, as it runs along an inclined plane whose height is 10 feet: to find the absolute force of the current on the float-board, find a mean proportional between 2 and 12, which is 4 feet 10 inches, cor- responding to the tabular velocity of 17 feet 1. Thus the absolute power may be re- garded as equivalent to the weight of a column of water having the superficies of the floats for its base, and a height of 4 feet 10 inches; the diameter of the wheel is 24 feet, its float-boards are 5 feet long by 1 high; consequently the absolute power is equivalent to a weight of 1715 pounds. ΤΣ The cranks are 1 foot in diameter, and so arranged that when one is horizontal the other is vertical by this means the pistons of one only of the four systems force at the same time, by the action of a power which is only part of the weight of the three columns of water sustained by these pistons, the radius of the crank being that of the wheel. The diameter of the pump-barrels is 10 feet, and that of their branch 3; thus its circle will only be expressed by 9, while that of the pistons will be 100, a defect common to all forcing-pumps, and which is considerable in the present instance, on account of the bends in the branches, which prevent the water from rising, and consequently require a greater amount of power than is possessed by these pumps. As this increase cannot take place without augment- ing the velocity of the current, and that of the wheel does not diminish in proportion, the product of the machine will be much less than it naturally ought to be; in other respects it is simple and well contrived. B T 0 V T Q N N Fig. 1846. is a machine for working forcing-pumps, executed at Val St. Pierre, Chartreuse, in Tiérache, 2 leagues from Vervins: it was formerly only supplied by drawing water from a deep well, until 1720, when the book of Che- valier Morland having fallen into the hands of Don Fougeres, then Prior, he seized the idea of that author on the subject of ellipses, which he proposed to use in place of the crank to work pumps, and applied them to a machine driven by a horse to raise water from a well to a height of 150 feet. The ma- chine consists of a turn- ing post I, carrying a lig. 1846. cogwheel, which engages a lantern, whose axle carries three equal and similar ellipses N, in whose circumference is a channel similar to that of a pulley; these ellipses are so placed, that if brought together the extremities of their greater axes would form the six angles of a regular hexagon. O is a post in whose suminit are three slits, through which pass as many balance beams P, S, traversed by a bolt serving as a common axis; to keep them in the same direction they are maintained by frames, TV, attached to a joist: one of the extremities of each beam is held by two braces, S, Q, between which are rollers R, which work in the channels of the ellipses; at the other extremity X are suspended the rods XY, of three pump-barrels, placed in a small vault, to which they are attached by iron cramps. The branches pass from the pump barrels through the vault to the reservoir by an inclined plane of 1200 feet. To understand the play of this machine, suppose the horse attached to the swing trees and having his halter attached to the guide bar; when he advances, he turns the wheel and lantern M, and consequently the ellipses which move the balance beams by the difference of their axis; for when the great axis is vertical, the centre of the rollers is raised to a height equal to half the difference between the greater and lesser axis; when this axis becomes horizontal, it descends the same quantity: thus each roller goes over half the circumference of an ellipsis, and during each revolution the piston sucks and forces twice, the rollers never quitting their channel, because the part OQ of the balance beams bears by its length and weight on the resistance of the other part PO: each ellipse may be regarded as the union of four inclined and curvilinear planes turning round a fixed point, and at each revolution a plane compels the weight to ascend from the foot to the summit; a second succeeds, down which the weight descends by its own gravity; it then rises up the third, and falls down the CHAP. XVII. 1193 HYDRAULIC MACHINES. fourth. The three being never in the same situation, while one of the rollers mounts the two others descend, after which one descends and two mount, the pistons sucking and forcing accordingly six times during each revolution of the axle, whilst they would only play three times during one revolution of a crank: thus ellipses have the advantage of doubling the velocity of the pistons, and of rendering the action of the power more uniform, because the angles formed by the axes of the ellipses are only 60°, or half those formed by the simple crank. The great wheel of this machine is 6 feet in radius from the centre to the teeth; the teeth, 101 in number, are 16 inches long, project 4 inches, are 31 wide, 21 thick at the top, and 21 at the base; the axle is 18 inches in diameter: in order that the horse in turning may pass under the axle L'K of the lantern, the summit of the teeth of the wheel must be raised 5 feet above the ground; the shaft or lever must be 14 feet long from the centre of the turning shaft to the attachment of the swing-trees, and the horse should have a clear way of 18 feet radius: the spindles of the lantern are 20 in number, and 2 inches in diameter; their centres form a circle 2 feet 10 inches in diameter, and that of the hooping round them 3 feet 8 inches, which is of timber 5 inches thick: the axle of the lantern and ellipses is 16 inches in diameter; the ellipses are 6 inches apart and 7 thick; the channel in their edge is 4 inches wide, and 11 thick: thus they have two edges forming no part of the length of the axis, which is to be measured to the bottom of the channel, in which is a band of iron to keep the timbers together; the greater axis of the ellipsis should be 5 feet, and the lesser 3 feet; thus half the difference is 12 inches, which is the quantity of alternate elevation and depression of the rollers: the length of the balance beams from the centre of the rollers to the suspension point of the piston rods should be 25 feet, and their scantling 5 inches by 9; their centre of motion should be 9 feet 6 inches above the ground: the wooden rollers should be 1 foot in diameter, and 3 inches thick, with a ring of copper on the edges: the centre of motion of the balance beams should be 15 feet from that of the rollers, in order that the arm nearest the pistons, being of the other pistons, may rise 8 inches, or as much as the rollers. The pump-barrels are 24 inches inside diameter, and DOT+ Fig. 1847. Fig. 1848. Fig. 1849. Fig. 1850. Fig. 1851. 12 inches high; they have four faces, each 31 inches wide, and are united at the base by a pipe pierced with holes; to admit the water between this pipe and the pump-barrel is a valve, fig. 1847.; in one of the faces of the pump-barrel is an orifice to which the branch is adapted; this branch is only 1 inch in diameter, and comprises a valve similar to the preceding: the pistons, fig. 1852. 1853. are cast-iron cylinders, with a plate of the same metal attached to a double fork, to hold the piston rod, which is a deal batten, 4 inches square. The pistons are composed of two parts, one 8 inches high and 25 inches in diameter, and the other 4 inches high, and 14 in diameter: at its extremity is a screw and nut serving to tighten a number of roundles of leather: when the piston sucks, the weight of the atmosphere forces the water to enter the barrel by opening the valve which is at the bottom; the moment the piston forces, the valve closing, the water passes into the branch, opens the second valve, and rises in the discharging pipe. The branches of the pump-barrel being only 1 inch in diameter, while the pistons are 2, the water is forced into a pipe, which is only one-sixth the size of the piston; and thus the horse employs a part of the force he exerts to overcome the obstacles which are opposed to the water's progress. 0 To calculate the Product of this Machine.-The horse per- forms two turns in a minute, or 120 per hour, and at each Fig. 1852. turn goes over 88 feet; thus the velocity is 10560 feet per hour the wheel having 101 teeth, and the lantern 1853. PISTONS. Fig. 1854. PUMP BARREL 20 staves, it will make 5 turns whilst the wheel makes 1; and as this latter performs 120 revolutions per hour, it follows that the lantern will make 606 in the same time, and 1194 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. as each piston forces twice at each turn of the lantern, the three together will make 3636 strokes per hour. The pistons being 2 inches in diameter, and 8 inches lift, they force at each stroke a column of water of 392 cube inches, which being multiplied by 3636 gives 142843 cube inches per hour raised to a height of 150 feet: if it be required to raise water higher than 150 feet, the piston must be diminished in superficies, otherwise the power of one horse would not suffice; if, on the other hand, a less height be required, the superficies of the piston must be increased, or the horse would not raise a quantity equal to his mean strength. To pro- portion the pump-barrels in either case, the following rule will be found useful: the diameter of the pistons being 2 inches, its square will be 6 inches, which, multiplied by 150 feet, gives 937, and this may be taken for the weight of a column of water forced by each piston; but as the diameter of these pistons might be greater if the pumps were not to a certain extent defective, we may, supposing them to be perfect, take 1000 for the ex- pression of a column of water instead of 937, and this will still be too low an estimate: this number of feet is then divided by the height the water is to be raised, and the square root of the quotient will give the number sought: for example, if the water is to be raised 60 feet, 1000÷60-163, whose square root is 4 inches. The pumps may be placed at any convenient height above the water by using suction- pipes to raise the water from a brook or river; the number 1000 must then be divided by the height of the reservoir above the water, and not by its height above the pumps. M. de la Hire, in his treatise on Epicycloids, has described a very simple method of working pumps, as executed by M. Desargues at the chateau of Beaulieu, eight leagues from Paris. F N B M A In fig. 1857., LMOI is a large wheel, placed horizontally, and composed of several pieces of timber firmly united: the axle, AB, of this wheel turns on a pivot and socket, and is kept in its place by a timber framework: the wheel has five wavy teeth on its edge, at OI, which act on the rollers that turn on an axle, C; this axle is carried by an arm, DC, also movable on an axle at D; the arm DC is attached to a portion of a circle, DE F, in such a manner that one cannot move without the other. On the thickness of the arc is a double flat chain, H G, attached at E: this chain has two rings at its extremity, which support the iron stirrup of a forcing-pump. The lever or arm, N, of this ma- chine is let into the axle at B, and may be attached to the wheel for greater strength. There are two rollers similar to the one described diametri- cally opposed to each other under the wheel, and which ought to act alternately; for when one is in the hollow of the wheel the other is on the wave: but the wheel turning from 0 to I, the roller will descend from the part O Q, and remount on the opposite side. The part OQ is alone to be considered, for it is that which causes the roller to descend, and raises the piston of the forcing-pump. E Ι H D Fig. 1856. G Fig. 1855. Fig. 1857. K Fig. 1858 H F ལ C D The roller remounting on the other part of the wheel makes no effort, but only follows the sinuosity of the tooth, being raised by the weight of the piston as well as that of the triangle DE F, which fall by their own weight. The whole effort of the wheel is due to its weight, so that if it be as heavy as the column of water sustained by the piston, it is evident that there will not be any considerable friction on the pivot P; it must, however, le heavier, so as not to be liable to lifting out of its socket, otherwise it will work on both rollers at once: the number of teeth should be unequal, in order that one roller may always work, and the power moving the lever N act equally and not by jerks. ChA. XVII. MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. 1195 Fig. 1855. represents a wheel somewhat similar to the preceding, but the faces A B and CD are straight, being rounded at the summit and base alone: the rollers F are attached to balance beams of a proper length in this case the pumps are reversed, the pistons forcing upwards, but if a different arrangement be desired, the wheel may be made to work as in fig. 1858; and this manner is preferable, as the balance beam may then be of any required length without regard to its weight. After the position of the posts C and D is fixed, in such a manner that the horse is not inconvenienced when turning, the length to be given to E F is known, and the other arm must be two-thirds of this: the height of the posts is so arranged that when the roller I arrives at the summit of a tooth K, the balance beam G H may be horizontal. When the roller L is at the bottom N of the opposite tooth, the angle M1.F formed by the vertical ML and the line LF, which joins the centres of motion of the roller and balance-beam E F will be greater than a right angle; wherefore the direction LF of the power, which sustains the weight L on an inclined plane, not being horizontal, it is very nearly to the weight as the height of the plane is to its base: the more the base of the inclined planes formed by the teeth exceeds their length, the less resistance will there be to the rollers; but as the bases cannot be increased without ex- tending the circumference on which they are placed, and so removing the weight further from the centre of the wheel, which may be regarded as the fulcrum of the lever to which the motive power is applied, the power will evidently gain nothing. The base should be twice the height; the roller 8 inches in diameter, rising 12 inches, and the play of the piston 8 inches. The length of the base of the teeth is 4 feet 4 inches comprising the bottom in which the roller rests; this multiplied by 5, gives 21 feet 8 inches for the circumference of the wheel at the middle of its thickness, or 3 feet 10 inches for the external radius. The wheel is constructed as in ordinary mill-work. The inclined planes are attached together by a band of iron 4 inches wide, on which the roller works. Fig. 1856. shows the manner in which the roller is attached to the balance-beam. The rule for finding the proportion the motive power bears to the weight is thus expressed: the power is to the weight raised by the teeth, as the product of the radius of the wheel multiplied by the height of the inclined plane, is to the product of the length of the lever multiplied by the base of the same plane. Supposing the lever AD to be 14 feet long, and the force of a horse to be 180 lbs., we shall have 3 × 1: 14 × 2 :: 180 lbs., or 1: 8 :: 180 lbs., showing that the power is one-eighth of the weight, which will consequently be 1440 lbs. Now, since in a state of equilibrium, this weight should be to that of the column of water in the reciprocal proportion of the arms of the lever, or as 2 to 3, the motive power will only be one-twelfth part of the weight of the column which each piston forces, equal to the weight of 2160 lbs. To find the diameter of the piston, multiply the weight of the column of water each can force by 1728, as a constant number: multiply the height the water is to be raised in inches by 55, another constant number: divide the first of these products by the second, and extract the square root of the quotient, which will be the diameter required. Since a horse can easily make 120 turns in an hour, and at each turn the pistons force ten times with a stroke of 8 inches, they will raise 1200 columns of water 6 inches in diameter 8 inches high, in one hour. The cost of this machine is moderate, and it may be made to draw water from a very deep well, by using suction- pumps at 25 feet apart. Bascule used by Perronet at the bridge of Orleans, was worked by twenty men, ten being placed at each end; 150 motions were given to it each quarter of an hour, and at each, 4 cubic feet of water were raised 3 feet high, or 2400 cubic feet per hour. The Chapelets employed at the same bridge were placed vertically, and from 12 to 18 feet in length, and about 6 inches in diameter: four men worked the winches, and were relieved every two hours; they made 20 to 30 turns in a minute, according to the height to which the water was to be Fig. 1859. BASCULE used at ORLEANS BRIDGE. raised; 500 cubic feet of water, or 62 muids, were raised per hour, and at each turn 4 feet of the chain were wound round. 1196 Poor. II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 1860. CHAPELET, ORLEANS Bridge. The Persian Wheel is a double water-wheel, with float-boards on one side and a series of buckets on the other, which are movable about an axis above their centre of gravity: the wheel is placed in a stream, which puts it in motion by acting upon its float-boards: as the wheel turns, the movable buckets dip in the water, and ascend filled with it: when they reach the highest point their lower ends strike against a fixed obstacle, so as to oblige them to empty themselves into a reservoir placed at the top of the wheel. Drum or Persian Wheel, employed by Perronet, raised the water 8 feet, but its product varied according to the different depths at which it worked: when at 1 foot, 12 men, relieved every two hours, gave two turns in a minute, and at each turn 24 cells were emptied, each containing 1 cubic feet, giving for the hour 4320 cubic feet, or 540 muids: Fig. 1861. Fig. 1862. PERSIAN WHEEL, Orleans bridge. Fig. 1863. when at 9 inches of depth the same number of men made 150 turns in an hour, but raised only 450 muids: when at 6 inches depth, they made 180 turns in an hour, and raised 405 muids: when at 3 inches in depth 180 turns were made in an hour, and raised 270 muids in an hour. The Scoop Wheel is intended to raise water through a height equal to its semi-diameter, and consists of a number of semicircular partitions, which are open at both ends, viz. at the circumference and at the centre of the machine: as the wheel turns round, the scoops take up the water, which gradually descends during the rotation of the wheel, till it runs into its hollow axle, which again discharges it into a spout. Chain Pump, as the Spanish Noria, consists of an endless chain passing round a wheel, and after entering the water to be raised, returns through a tube into a cistern: the chain carries a number of flat cylindrical pistons, of nearly the same diameter as the tube, one half of each piston being received into openings in the circumference of the wheel; when the wheel is put in motion, the pistons enter the barrel, and pushing the water before them, raise it into a reservoir; and if the wheel is made to go round rapidly, the barrel is generally filled with water. Pumps of this description when put in an inclined position will raise a considerable quantity of water; the inclination in which their power is the greatest is CHAP. XVII. 1197 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. that of an angle of 24º 21'. In Spain the Noria is usu- ally furnished with earthen pitchers, between two ropes in place of a chain. The Cellular Pumps are of this kind, and when stuffed cushions are used instead of pistons, they are termed Paternoster pumps. Chapelet, worked by Horses, at the bridge of Orleans. Twelve horses were employed at one time, making 140 turns per hour; but as some allowance is necessary for changing, we can only calculate upon 120: the number of cogs upon the wheel was 115, that of the great lantern 12, that of the small 8, making in all 9660 buckets of water delivered per Fig. 1864. CHAPELET at the bridge of ORLEANS. hour from each of the two chapelets: the heights of the buckets were 6 inches, their dis- tance apart 6 inches, and the width of the trough 7½ inches. Chapelet worked by a Water-wheel, at the bridge of Orleans. When the water was 18 inches above low water, the great wheel made 165 turns in an hour, which gives about 2 f Fig. 1865. PLAN OF CHAPELET M 2000000000000 1198 BOOK. II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 1866. section of INCLINED CHAPELET, WORKED BY WATER. The feet velocity per second, and 6 feet for the current: when the river was 2 feet above low water, the wheel made 180 turns per hour: when it made 165 turns, the troughs were plunged 30 inches; when from 216 to 240, they were only in the water 15 inches. great wheel had 124 cogs, and the lantern which it turned 15 trundles: the other lantern over which the chain of the inclined chapelet worked, had eight trundles, each of which passed one palette of the chapelet; giving 66 palettes for each turn of the great wheel, 180 of which it made in an hour, giving a total of 11,904 palettes, each of which brought up 290 cubic inches of water; the whole producing in an hour 19977 cubic feet raised 12 feet. The vertical chain pumps employed at the bridge of Orleans gave for the useful effect of each man, during twenty-four hours, 139 cube metres of water raised 1 metre: but many ex- periments have been since made, and it has been found that 128 cube metres of water raised a Fig. 1867. ELEVATION OF INCLINED CHAPElet. Ex Fig. 1868. END ELEVATION, ORLEANS BRIDge. metre is nearer the result. The daily action of a man working at the winch being 155 cube metres of water raised the same height, the relation between the useful effect and the force expended is 0.826. The vertical chain pump is, however, a very serviceable machine, as there is not more than one-fifth part of its force lost: the chain-pump is easily taken up and replaced, and can readily be repaired. The great Bucket-wheel employed by Perronet at the construction of Neuilly Bridge was 16 feet 6 inches in diameter, and 4 feet 6 inches in width, furnished with 16 buckets and 118 cogs. The wheel with float-boards was 18 feet in diameter, and had 128 cogs; the float-boards, 20 feet in length and 3 feet in width, made an angle of 15 de- grees with the radius, to diminish the resistance of the water as they turned: generally the lanterns of 4 feet in diameter had 30 trundles, and the tree was 12 inches in diameter; the length was regulated according to circumstances; some were 38 feet, and from 54 to 108 CHAP. XVII. 1199 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. 3000 Fig. 1869. ELEVATION OF GREAT BUCKET-WHEEL. feet in length. The bucket-wheel was mounted on a strong frame, and the wheel with float-boards had an axle 108 feet in length, 20 feet of which was appropriated to the float- boards, which were 18 feet in diameter at the wheel. M Fig. 1870. PLAN OF GREAT BUCKET-WHEEL, NEUILLY BRIDge, Fig. 1871. shows the celebrated Machine de Marly, executed by Rannequin, a native of Liege, by command of Louis XIV. it commenced work in 1682, and is said to have cost 320,000l. It was situated on the Seine, between Marly and Lachausseé, and consists of 14 W Fig. 1871. MACHINE AT MARLY. HOMZIKI 1200 Book IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. water-wheels, which first raised the water from the river to a cistern 150 feet high and 600 feet distant, then worked the balance-beams of the pumps, which raised the water to a second cistern, 175 feet above the first, and 1944 feet from the river; from thence it was lifted by other pumps to a strong tower or reservoir, 502 feet above the river and 3684 from it; whence the water was conveyed by an aqueduct to the great reservoirs which supply the gardens of Marly and Versailles. Fig. 1871. is a longitudinal view or section of one of the 14 wheels: on the bed of the river a floor was laid on piles filled in with masonry, and 14 feet above this was the platform which sup- ported the pumps. To the axle of the great wheel a crank was attached, which communicated motion to the balance-beam, and this worked the piston rods of four pumps on each side, which sucked and forced the water alternately. To prevent the air from entering the pump-barrels, a fifth suction- pump raised water to a cistern a little above the four others. Fig. 1872. shows how these pumps at the first and second cisterns were worked: a crank on the other end of the axle of the great water-wheel communi- cated motion to the two iron chains, and these, by means of two other cranks, alternately worked the two iron frames to which the piston rods of six pumps were attached. All these pumps worked independently of each other, and each reservoir had six pumps for the purpose of supply- ing it when reparations were re- quired. The whole system may be drawn up by the crab shown in the figure. The pulley in the middle may be moved into any position along the head of the frame, by means of the winch at the side. Fig. 1872. MACHINE AT MARLY. A C B Fig. 1875. D Fig. 1874. is one of the eight suction and forcing-pumps put in motion by the crank of the great water-wheel; when the piston ascended, the water from the river rose in the suction pipe, opened the first valve, filled the whole of the horizontal pipe and a part of the barrel: when it de- scended, it forced the water in the barrel, which by its pressures closed the first valve, opened the second, mounting in the branch; when the piston remounted, the second valve closed, and the first reopened to admit more water; B represents one of the suction-pumps, which supply the small cisterns to keep the eight pump-barrels from leakage. Fig. 1873. Fig. 1874. Fig. 1876. VALVE. Fig. 1873. is one of the pumps of the first and second cisterns: the barrels were carried on iron bars, and the piston rod attached to an iron frame; at the upper part of this latter are shown two small rollers to facilitate the operation of drawing the whole up. The manner of working is the same in this example as previously explained, when on the description of CHAP. XVII. 1201 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. D is a forcing and suction-pumps, and the valves operated precisely in the same manner. valve at the bottom of each cistern to empty it, which was effected by simply turning the handle at the end of the rod: when the machine was in full work it threw up 168264 cube feet in 24 hours, and employed 60 workmen to keep it in condition. Fig. 1877. is a machine invented by Belidor for raising water by means of a fall. The water from the source is dis- charged into the cistern C, at whose lower part is a pipe CD, 10 or 11 feet high, kept continually full. The water on issuing from the pipe CD is divided into two unequal parts, of which the lesser passes along the pipe GH, and up GL, into the cistern M, and then down the pipe M N to the cistern of dis- tribution; the space FE comprises the machine represented in detail at fig. 1878. ABCD, EFGH, are two pump-barrels united by a pipe, IKE G, open at LMNO to facilitate the motion of the pin which passes through the piston rods R and S, whose stroke is limited by ML and NO. I is the pipe marked CD in the preceding figure, having two branches at right angles to each other: the first, I Y, joins the communi- cation pipe YV, which conducts water into the small pump- barrel, and the second, TZ, is united to a cock, which admits it to the large one. This cock has three conical branches; the first is united to the pump-barrel, the second introduces the water which gives impulse to the piston, the third facilitates the escape of the same water: the tap of this cask acts at two separate times, making a quarter of a revolution at each, to the right and left, communicating alternately with the pump- barrel and the discharge pipe, so that the water escapes from the former while the supply pipe is closed by the solid part of the tap P. M N L S K F P D B Fig. 1879. represents this cock in detail: A is a plan of the three conical branches; B is a section through the two opposite branches; C a section at right angles to the preceding, and D is the elevation behind; E is the plan of a jacket between the cock and the branches to prevent leakage; G is a section, and H an elevation of it, showing that its bottom is slightly convex, and that the tap may not touch it, but turn on a pivot in its centre ; F is a plan of the tap, I a section, and K an elevation of it; L is an elevation of the whole put together, and M a plan and section of its head. Fig. 1877. K B W N RD C D F S G Н Y T P Fig. 1878. BELIDOR'S MACHINE. Fig. 1880. shows the pistons of this machine, B being an elevation, and M a section: both rods consist of hollow cylinders, the less sliding in the greater, as to shorten the entire length for the purpose of introducing them into the pump-barrels ; at each end is a screw; A and C, to which the pistons are attached: the pistons themselves, DE F, IK L, consist of a cylinder on which several leather rings are placed, and a washer and nut to tighten them to diminish their friction, each is provided with a roller G and H. The play of this machine will be understood by a reference to fig. 1877. The water in the pipe CD having free communication by HG will rise as high as K: the valves shown in fig. 1878. being pressed upwards, open to allow the water to pass; in doing this it will also enter the small pump-barrel, and drive the piston R towards B D, and consequently S towards the cock, supposed as at fig. 1877., where the pipe of admission closes and the dis- charge pipe opens, the air or water in the great pump-barrel can escape: when the piston S arrives at FH, the cock making suddenly a quarter of a revolution, and opening the sup- ply pipe and closing the escape pipe, the water from the source will drive the piston forward for if we suppose its circle six times that of the lesser, there will be six columns of water equal to K F, acting together against and driving it towards N, the water in the 4 H 1202 BOOK II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. K B Fig. 1879. T revolution in the opposite direction, closing the supply pipe and opening that of the dis- charge; the water in the great pump-barrel will cease to act against the piston S, and at E F H Fig. 1880. G K D BELIDOR'S MACHINE IN DETAIL. B M H details OF THE ROBINET. E smal! pump-barrel, at the same time closing the lower and opening the upper valve in the pipe GL. The axle Q having now arrived at ML, the cock will make a quarter of a Х M L CHAP. XVII. 1203 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. the same time that in the pipe G L, being no longer forced, will close the upper valve; the water in the pipe of communication Y V, driven by that from the cistern C, will open te lower valve in GL, again drive the piston R towards BD, while the other S will in its turn force that which had driven it forwards until the axle Q having arrived at N O, will make a quarter revolution, closing the escape and opening the supply pipe: this will again permit the water from C to drive the great piston, forcing that in the small barrel as before, closing the lower valve, and opening the upper. Thus the alternate motion of tho cock will make the water rise to the cistern M, provided the product of the circle of the small cistern, multiplied by the height of the column FL, be less than the product of the circle of the great piston multiplied by the height of the fall CD. Fig. 1881. shows how the cock is opened and shut alternately. The whole machine is carried on stout timbers, to which are attached two uprights supporting an iron spindle CD: on this as a centre an iron right angle OVHI revolves; the arms GH, KI, have claws at E U V Ba H Q U L h M Z N m F Y A A E T B F D X N C E Q G R h 0 B P P L Fig. 1881. their extremities, and the rod VO a weight, at O, of 9 or 10 pounds; this turns with the axle CD. A stirrup QR plays on it, the axle being rounded at the rings Q and T. The iron rods E A and Fƒ also move with the axle CD. The stirrup is traversed by two bolts L and M, the second of which passes through the branch Z of an iron fork, having a tail ZNP attached, the extremity of which works the key of the cock, which is prevented from going too far by a brace O. The rod X traversing the two pistons has a roller A B at each extremity, which alternately driving the two rods E A, Ff, before them that move the axle CD, and consequently HIVO, but not the stirrup, which remains in its position until moved by the action of the weight 0. Suppose the stirrup in the situation represented by the upper figure, and that the supply pipe be open, in order that the water may drive the great piston forward, the roller A driving the rod E A will raise the weight O towards the right, and when arrived at the point E, the weight having passed the perpendicular will suddenly fall; the claw IK then meeting the bolt L, will oblige the stirrup to pass to the left, and drive the rod LNP backwards, at the same time turning the key of the cock; thus directly the axle X arrives at its extreme point to the left, the escape of the weight will shut off the supply and open the escape-pipe. The rod Ff having performed the same operation will be driven forwards by the roller B, in the same manner as the preceding, because the escape- pipe being open, the small piston will be driven back, and the weight O raised to pass from right to left when it is a little beyond the perpendicular, the claw IK will take up its first position, meet the bolt L, drive the stirrup forward, thereby turning the cock, closing the discharge and opening the supply pipe, the water from which will again drive the great piston, and cause it to execute its first operation. The axis CD should be placed at the middle of the open barrel, so that the three points a, D, A may form an equilateral triangle in the same plane, whose base a A may be equal to the course of the rollers between the points where they touch the rods E A, Fƒ when they 4 H 2 1204 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. arrive at the points which mark the stroke of the piston, in order that the distance from the centre of the axle D to the centre of the bolt M may be equal to the course Mm or ki of the bolts Mh. Fig. 1882. belidor's MACHINE. The calculation of the dimensions and effect of this machine is based upon the following data that the fall CD in fig. 1877. is 10 feet, the height FL of the pipe for raising the water to the cistern M is 50 feet, the stroke of the piston 30 inches, and its velocity 1 foot in a second of time; the resistance caused by the weight and friction of the machine must be taken into account, or be considered as raising the water 60, instead of 50 feet. The great piston is 10 inches in diameter, the lesser 31 inches, the discharge pipe 4 inches in diameter: the product of this machine will be about 793 cubic feet per hour. Machines made use of by the engineer for pumping out foundations require arrange- ments to be provided, which are perfectly independent of raising the water, and the first object when selecting a contrivance for such a purpose is to discover where the useful effect is the greatest, with regard to the force expended by the moving power; sometimes, however, it happens, that machines for pumping, apparently defective, may be used very advantageously: men were employed with pails and scoops, at the bridge of Orleans, in the first experiment made by Perronet, and it was found that each man raised with a pail 0034 cube metres of water per minute, at 1.79 metre of height, and in a second experiment •0069 cube metres of water at 0.97 metres of height in the same time, which in the first result amounts to 3.652, or the second 4·016, and mean 3.834 cube metres of water raised per hour one metre high: the workmen laboured 12 hours, so that the useful effect produced during the 24 was 46 cube metres of water raised 1 metre: the pail contained 0018 cube metres, but as the workman filled it one-fifth was lost before it was discharged out of the foundations; we must only estimate 55 111 cube metres of water poured out of the pail 3062 times. The weight of the pail is equal to 004 metres cube of water, and this raised 3062 times furnishes a quantity of action of 12,248 cube metres of water, which added to the other gives 67,359 cube metres: a man using a wheel can raise about 200 cube metres of water 1 metre in height in a day's work. In the Chapelet at Rochfort, mentioned by Belidor, moved by 4 horses, 44·4 cube metres of water were raised 7-8 metres high per hour, which makes the useful effect of each horse 86.6 metres of water raised a metre in an hour; and supposing the horse to work 8 hours, the daily useful effect would be 693 cube metres of water raised a metre: but if we suppose that the machine consumed two-fifths of the moving force, the quantity of daily action of each horse would be 1156 cube metres raised a metre. Water Wheels moved by the stream have very variable effects: according to Smeaton two- thirds of the force is generally consumed by the resistance of the wheel, and only therefore one-third is transmitted to the shaft: the Archimedean screw only gives for the useful effect a little more than half the force it consumes, and the French engineers assert that the roue à tympan is one of the most advantageous powers that can be made use of for pumping. Spiral pumps, as improved by Bernouilli, were introduced with considerable effect at Moscow, where one raised a hogshead of water in a minute to the height of 74 feet, and through a pipe 760 feet in length: among the variety of forms given to them, it has not been yet sufficiently proved which is the best; some engineers giving the preference to the cylindrical plane, others to the conical: at Florence the machine most used had its spiral cylindrical; its diameter was 10 feet, and that of the pipe 6 inches. Eytelwein recom- CHAP. XVII. 1205 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. mended this machine to the attention of the engineer; its enlarged part occupied three- fourths of its circumference, and was nearly 8 inches in diameter at the outer end; the enlarged portion contained 6844 cube inches, and the spiral revolved six times in a minute, raising in that time 22 cubic feet of water 10 feet high: when Dr. Young made his experi- ments upon the Archimedean screw, he found that it required such a length of pipe, that it became inconvenient when the water was to be raised to any very considerable height. MM. Denisard and de la Dueille executed at Sevres, between Paris and Versailles, a machine for raising water by a natural fall, shown in fig. 1885. it consists of a wooden framework in which is a basin with two boards placed on each other, and hollowed out to form the basin, which is lined with leather; in it is a piston of nearly the same diameter, attached thereto by a piece of leather, in such a manner as to have a stroke of only 3 or 4 inches four pipes are adapted to this basin; the supply pipe IT, the branch Z Z, the waste F, and the descending pipe G. The long screw with two nuts Y,N, raises and lowers the balance-beam consisting of two basins O, Q, with pipes of commu- nication to allow R B D DR Z Fig. 1883. Fig. 1884. N S M L Ω the water to pass from one to the other at the ex- tremities of this balance-beam are rods which open and shut valves in the waste and sup- ply pipes: these are represented in figures 1833. 1834. The valve is enclosed in a small coffer, A B, in which is a trun- cated cone, fitted to the pipe. The cover of this cone is attached to an axle C, and this latter to the rod E, which the balance- beam works. The part I of the valve (fig. 1883.) being stopped by the cone, and the whole valve being immersed, the co- lumn of water to be raised is in proportion to the diameters of the bases. When the rod E descends, the solid cone, which has a contrary motion, will unstop the hollowed cone I, and the water will without difficulty pass into the tubes D, R; if, on the contrary, the water raise the rod E, the valve closes, and the pipe will be stopped. The source L being 10 feet high, the water will introduce itself by the pipe ITV below the piston A, which being driven by this water will naturally rise, at the same time driving out the water above at B, through the waste pipe F; by this elevation the nut N raises the balance-beam, and the water passes from the basin O to Q; the extremity O raises the rod R, which closes the valve H; the basin Q resting on the rod S opens the valve X, in the descent pipe G, and the water from the source, taken from below the great piston, rises by the branch ZZ. The pipe V being stopped, the piston is loaded with the weight of water in the descent pipe G: by its descent the balance-beam is drawn down, and the water returning from Q to O closes the valve X and opens H: the water is thus raised in succession. F V H Fig. 1885. B A D Dueille's machine. X א Z ரு T Some alterations were afterwards made in this machine in order to raise the water in a continuous stream; this disposition is shown in fig. 1886. The source A furnishes water by the pipe A B C below the lower piston D; this source is supposed to be 10 feet high. 4 H 3 1208 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Y W M E The descent pipe EFG, 30 feet high, admits water below the upper piston H, and tends to raise it the water compressed below the same piston H is forced up the pipe IL M. The water below the lower piston D escapes by the waste N; the valve O is opened by the rod P; the second acts in a similar manner. The source V, supposed 10 feet high, admits water above the upper piston H: the water in the descent pipe Y Y, 30 feet high, presses on the upper part of the lower piston D, and forces the water up the pipe ZW to a height of 40 feet: during this operation the water contained below the upper piston H escapes through the waste K, the valve T being closed. Thus the machine will Z P NO -D H force water alternately on each side. The contrivance for opening and shut- ting the valves is the same as that described in the preceding machine. The upright pipes are furnished with valves to prevent the return of the water. Fig. 1886. T SIDE ELEVATION. T M ะ B Fig. 1887. is a machine for raising water by means of two buckets; one of which, A, is larger than the other B, so that both being full of water, the first in descending raises the second, and the lesser B weighing more than the other, to oblige it to ascend when both are empty. The bucket B has an iron hoop round its middle with an ear attached, and A has a similar circle, Q, at the bottom : the water from a source is conducted to a cistern E, and flows con- stantly through the waste F; the two buckets are attached to a cord or chain passing over a pulley R, so that when the lesser bucket is in the cistern the other may receive water from the waste F; when the bucket A is full, it descends and raises the other B, as much as its fall; it then catches the hook O, and empties itself into the cistern; at the same moment the ear of the bucket A catches another hook at the bottom of its descent and empties itself; the lesser being heavier than the greater will compel it to mount, and recom- mence the same manœuvre. On the axle of the pulley R is a toothed wheel S engaging a pinion T, which carries a fly-wheel to preserve uniformity of motion: if the fall CD be less than the height to which the water is to be raised, the buckets K, L may be sus- pended to two different wheels M, N, whose dia- meters should be in the reciprocal proportion of the fall and the height the water is to raised; these two wheels must have a common axle, and turn with it. For example, if the fall be 10 feet and the water is to be raised 30, the radius of the lantern M of the lesser bucket L must be triple that of the lantern N of the greater bucket K; but the weight being in the reci- procal ratio of the arms of the levers, the capacity of the lesser bucket must only be one-third that of the greater. Gironimo Finugio is said to have invented this machine at Rome in 1616. A C Q D E P Fig. 1887. K L Fig. 1888. is a machine on the same principle invented by Mr. Becket. BC is a fall 10 feet high, C is a well receiving water from the cistern B, which is supplied by a spring; H, I, K are three floors supporting the machine; L M N is a timber frame; O is an axle 3 feet long, turning on gudgeons, and common to three wheels. The first, P, is 2 feet in diameter and 5 inches thick, and has a groove in its circumference; the second, Q, is 6 feet in diameter, with rebates in its circumference, forming a channel 14 inches wide, of a spiral form, its greatest enlargement in a single revolution being 2 inches; the third, R, is 3 feet 10 inches in diameter; its circumference has also a circular rebate, enlargement at one revolution being of an inch. To the wheel P a flat and flexible chain is attached, which, after envoloping the circumference, is divided into two others P, S; to this chain is fixed an iron rod carrying the greater bucket A; the wheel Q has a similar flat chain, so that when it makes one revolution from left to right, its circumference winds up the chain from T to CHAP. XVII. 1207 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. ΜΕ P S N T'; the lower part of the chain, from T2 to T³, is crossed by small bars, which engage in the rebates of the wheel Q, by which means this part of the chain is prevented from touching that which envelopes the circumference, and an equilibrium is produced between the chain and the rod SS, by the compensation of the arm of the levers produced by the spirals. On the wheel R is a cord, whose other end surrounds the wheel V, 2 feet in diameter; the axle of this wheel is common to another W, 1 foot in diameter, on whose circumference is a cord passing over a pulley, and suspending a weight in a box X at the extremity of the radius of the quarter circle Y, in whose circumference are pulleys which receive the cord from the wheel W; Z is a weight to counter- balance that of the chains, and preserve a perfect equilibrium. On the axle O is a cogged wheel driving a fly to maintain uniformity of motion: at the extremity of the chain is a copper bucket F with a clasp valve in its bottom; the rod S carries the bucket A, which contains three times as much as the preceding; it has likewise a valve in its bottom, opening by means of a catch, which meets a pin in the cistern C; the buckets have copper rollers at their sides which work on the guides i, i; when the lesser bucket descends it meets the pin A, which by means of a lever opens a valve in the cistern B, allowing the water to flow into the bucket A. When the smaller bucket F is full, it runs over into the basin G, and thence through B into the great bucket A, until this is suffi- ciently full; the lesser bucket begins to ascend, and ceasing to rest on the pin the valve in B closes, and the water in the basin G, supplied from the source, runs by a waste pipe into the bucket A, continuing to precipitate its descent. The great : same manœuvre. T F H B I A wheel Q which carries the lesser bucket, being 6 feet in diameter, while P, which carries the greater bucket, is only 2, and the fall being 10 feet, the water will be raised 30; when the small bucket arrives at the floor L it is arrested by a catch ƒ; at the same time its valve is opened by a pivot at e, and discharges its contents into a trough or cistern of supply at the same time the greater bucket meeting a pivot in the cistern C, which opens its valve, discharges its water through the channel D, both being empty and the lesser the heaviest, it descends and raises the greater, again to perform the The circumferences P and Q are formed spirally, so that the weight of the chains may always be in equilibrio, but this is more particu arly effected by the quarter circle Y, and its weight Z, which acts on the wheel Q when the radius YZX is in an horizontal position, that is, when the chain T is unrolled; for as this is effected, the lever YX approaches a vertical position, and the weight of the chain diminishing the action of the weight X, diminishes also, until the weight Z ceases to act on the wheel R, which happens when the weight contained in X is at the bottom of its box; thus the cord to which this weight is attached is kept constantly stretched. When the lesser bucket begins to descend, the movable weight in X remounts, before any motion is communicated to the lever Y X; but as the chain T unrolls from the wheel Q. its weight increasing and that of S diminishing by rolling on the wheel P, the lever Y X approaching a horizontal position, the weight Z again acts on the wheel R, retarding its velocity and maintaining the proper equilibrium in order to prevent the bucket F descending too fast. The fly-wheel prevents the machine from receiving any shock when the buckets are emptying themselves: this machine works very slowly, only raising the lesser bucket once in 5 minutes: it was constructed in Buckinghamshire, to supply the house and gardens of Sir John Chester, Fig. 1888. D C 4 н 4 1208 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. : Bart. the original machine was put up by Mr. George Gervis, but the modification described above is due to Mr. Becket. Among the machines employed for drawing water from deep wells previous to the general introduction of pumps and hydraulic engines, the following have been selected as the most efficient, and frequently of use to the engineer for temporary purposes. Fig. 1889. is an appa- ratus formerly existing at Darés, near Dieppe; al- though the well is exceed- ingly deep, it drew a quan- tity of water sufficient for the consumption of a large garrison in time of war. It consists of an upright axle, with a pinion at its summit, round which a rope was passed twice, to which the buckets were attached; there were six levers to the axle, each 71 feet long, and as the radius of the pinion was 14 inches, the power was only one-sixth of the weight; therefore Fig. 1889, A MACHINE FOR DEEP WELLS. 13 six men applying their power to the six levers, assuming each to exert a force of 25 lbs., would raise 13 cube feet of water at once. L The weight A of The cylinder B, 1 F K H The machine represented in fig. 1890. was invented by M. Morel. 800 lbs. may be raised by means of the fixed pulley I which sustains it. foot in diameter, has two toothed wheels C, I, each 24 inches in diameter, the first of which engages the lantern D, also of 24 inches, and the axle of this lantern traverses another 3 feet in diameter, which carries the chain of buckets. The weight is raised by the winch F of 1 foot radius, accompanied by a fly-wheel G and a lantern H, 3 inches in diameter, which engages the wheel I. As there are four lever arms between the power and the weight, viz. the arm of the winch 12 inches, the radius of the lantern H 1 inch; that of the wheel I 12, and that of the cylinder B 6, the weight will be to the power as 16 to 1; consequently the action of the weight being reduced to 400 lbs. the power will only be 25 lbs., which is the force of a man applied to the winch. While the power turns the winch F and cylinder B, the chain of buckets remains immovable, because the wheel C, which has a spring or catch, is separated from the cylinder; there being four levers between the weight and the power of the respective lengths before men- tioned, the weight is to the water in the buckets as 4 to 1; thus the buckets in mounting will raise 100 lbs. of water, or rather less. The net pro- Fig. 1890. A B MOREL'S MACHINE. duct will depend on the height the water is to be raised, the wheel C and lantern D being of the same diameter, the velocity of the cylinder B will be to that of F, as the radius of the first is to that of the second, or as 1 to 3; consequently, when the cord has unrolled 1 foot, the chain of buckets will have gone over 3: to maintain uniformity of motion, the wheel C engages the lantern K, on whose axle is a small fly-wheel L. Fig. 1891. is the plan of the cistern of distribution formerly existing at the fountain of St. Catherine at Paris. The upright pipe A brought the water from the pumps of Notre Dame to the circular cistern B C, in the middle of which is a rim D to calm the motion of the water, which flowing through the gauges with which the circumference of the basin is pierced, runs CHAP. XVII. 1209 MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. into the cistern EF, where its motion is further calmed by another rim G; from thence it is distributed by gauges of different sizes into all the basins comprised between EF and H1, having each a pipe at the bottom to conduct the water to its destination: each of H O O 이 ​о O O O B G A D Fig. 1891. 0 о H Fig. 1893. T) D B C G G E F I H E Fig. 1894. C D B Fig. 1892. FOUNTAIN OF ST. CATHerine's. Fig. 1895. these descending pipes is closed by a valve A (Fg. 1893.), attached to a rod, whose extremity terminates in a screw working in a nut C; the valve is raised and lowered by means of a key E; to prevent extraneous matters from entering, each valve has a cover of metal pierced with holes, and opening on a hinge. Experiments have been made on the effects of flexures or bendings in the pipes which conduct from the reservoirs of water-works: the pipes were perforated with small holes, to allow the escape of the air, and at each end a tube, 2 inches in diameter, was soldered on, which united with the reservoirs and it would seem that a curvilinear pipe, in which the bendings lie horizontally, discharges less water than a rectilinear pipe of the same length, and that a still greater diminution takes place when the flexures are placed in a vertical plane. When there is a number of contrary flexures in a large pipe, the air some- 1210 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. times lodges in the upper portions, and stops the water's motion; air-holes and stop-cocks may be used to prevent this, which can be shut when the water is in its proper condition 1896. 4P 1897. 1898. The forms of cocks usually employed in water- pipes are represented in the several figures, with three branches at right angles to each other; the tube is pierced in such a manner as to shut off or supply the branches, together or alternately; the cocks must always be proportioned to the size of their pipes, and when too large to be turned by hand must be worked by an iron key and lever. 1899. Fig. 1900. 1901. CHAP. XVIII. SUPPLY OF TOWNS WITH WATER. We have already described the methods practised by the Romans for the supply of their towns with water, and also the attention paid to the subject at a very early period in our own capital; but that much yet remains to be done to ensure cleanliness, and consequently health, has been recently proved in the excellent report made "upon the State of Towns and Populous Districts," by Her Majesty's Commissioners: with improved machinery and the aid of the steam-engine, which enables us to raise water with perfect ease and at a small cost to almost any height, we may hope ere long to see the object of the Com- missioners fully carried out, in obtaining a plentiful supply of wholesome water for every dwelling throughout the empire. The engineering works for such a purpose would be neither difficult of execution, nor intricate in their arrangement. The quantity of water given out by a pipe under pressure, when the aperture and head of water are contiguous, is easily calculated; but when the water is to be delivered at a dis- tance, the amount of friction and resistance of the fluid in its passage must be taken into account: practical experience has established many rules to guide us on this subject, which have been generally applied by most of the engineers of our water companies: when a town is so situated that water can be brought from a higher source than where it is required to be delivered, there is no difficulty whatever in regulating its descent; a reservoir must be con- structed of sufficient dimensions to contain the ordinary supply, from which the mains are laid, with their branch pipes to the houses or other situations where the water is to be received. The mains may be kept constantly full by the aid of a cock at the point of delivery: where the water is to be shut off from one part of the town whilst it is running to another, each house must have a separate cistern with a ball-cock, which shuts off the water when it arrives at a certain height, and prevents any waste. To raise the water from a low level to a higher, some additional works are requisite: a steam-engine is employed to throw it to a reservoir upon some high ground, from whence sufficient pressure may be gained to deliver the water to its destination; and when it is to be sent to any point above the level of the highest reservoir, a simple and ingenious contrivance has been made use of, previously to the introduction of which it was found that when the aperture leading to the reservoir was closed, and the engine continued to force the water forward, the excess of pressure burst the pipes. It consists of two upright standing pipes united at the top, and forming a siphon, above which is another upright pipe open at the top, standing up twenty or thirty feet above the reservoir: as this apparatus is connected with the upper supply, as soon as the pressure exercised is greater than that arising from the head, the water will flow out of the top of the pipe into the reservoir below, thus forming a safety-valve. CHAP. XVIII. 1211 SUPPLY OF TOWNS WITH WATER. Where the establishment is small, the forcing-pumps which raise the water are worked either by horses, a water-wheel or steam-engine; but in large works the latter is usually preferred. It has been before observed that when pipes were first laid down they were bored out of timber, and the taper end of one was inserted within the other, which method did not per- mit of pressure being exercised. The introduction of cast-iron pipes, united by flanches at each end, screwed tightly together, with lead and other stuffing, has enabled mains to be formed perfectly water-tight: when inserted one within the other, or simply screwed toge- ther, a variation in the temperature will in a length of 300 feet produce in winter a con- traction sufficient to tear them asunder, some play being absolutely required at the joint. The materials for closing the joints of the mains and pipes is now generally the best Dantzic fir, cut into shocks of 9 inches in length; these are worked with an axe, or split into pieces 2 inches wide, and 3 of an inch thick, worked into the proper shape by spoke-shaves, so as to suit the curvature of the socket, as well as the convexity of the pipe to be inserted within it a piece of fir, 9 inches in length, worked and cut into two, forms a pair of wedges. The joints are thus made: the wedges are first placed close to each other in the socket, and by means of a set applied to the end of each they are driven tight, and cut off close: should any escape of water take place, a wooden spile is driven in to stop the leak. Another, though more costly method is that of introducing first some gasket, and driving it tight, to prevent the melted lead from passing; then by means of a clay mould running it with lead, and afterwards setting up the joints. Pipes of various bores with wood joints are found to resist any pressure to which they are ordinarily subjected, and less likely to require reparation. Mr. Robert Thom stated to the Commissioners of Inquiry in 1843 that his plan for supplying towns with water was first to obtain some natural basin, at a sufficient height, either in itself containing a large quantity of water, or into which a great extent of sur- rounding surface can be drained. This reservoir should be formed deep enough to main- tain the water at a low temperature, and prevent the breeding of insects and the growth of vegetables, and capacious enough to hold at least four months' supply: if it be not possible to obtain a sufficient extent of drainage surface at one place, other basins must be sought for to form auxiliary reservoirs, and the waters conducted into the main reservoir by aqueducts furnished with sluices of a peculiarly simple contrivance. To facilitate the collection of the water from the surfaces, catch-water drains must be made use of, and advantage taken of any stream which may be accessible: from the main reservoir the water is to be led by an aqueduct to some place near the town, where reservoirs can be formed at such a height that from them it will rise considerably above the highest houses. These two reservoirs or regulating basins are each to contain two days' supply, and from them the water is carried into two or more self-cleaning filters, and from the filters into two distributing basins; the regulating basins, filters, and distributing basins, being in juxta- position, and so arranged that one of each may be connected together, to form a set of apparatus, two of which are required, that the one may be in use, while the other is cleansing or repairing. From the distributing basins, the water is carried through the streets by supply pipes of iron, so placed that it shall always flow in one direction, entering at the higher and wider end, and flowing to the lower: they are always kept full at high pressure, so that there may be a supply for every emergency. Self-cleaning Filters.-That constructed by Mr. Thom at Paisley, with the pure water basins attached, is thus arranged: the stone pipe H brings the water from the regulating basin to the filters, and iron pipes, p, communicate between the stone pipe or aqueduct and the top and bottom of the filters. A valve near the top of the iron pipe SP, at S, forces the water to enter on the top or at the bottom of the filter at pleasure. The filter is 100 feet in length, and 60 feet in breadth, divided into three compartments, which may either act together or separately, so that when one compartment is being cleansed, the other two continue in operation. The site of the filters is a piece of level ground, excavated to the depth of 6 or 8 feet, with retaining walls all round, joined with cement, and puddled behind, so as to become water-tight. The bottom is laid about a foot deep with strong stiff puddle, over which is a pavement so cemented as to be impervious to water. The whole of this bottom is then divided into drains or spaces, I foot wide, and 5 inches deep, by means of fire-brick laid on edge, and covered with flat tiles, of the same material, perforated with small holes, like those used in a kiln for drying oats. These holes are placed very near each other, and are rather more than of an inch in diameter; there is also a space of of an inch left open btween the ends of the bricks, which support the perforated tiles, and their upper edges are little more than 1 inch broad, in order that there may be no space without holes, and nothing to prevent the water spreading equally over every part of the bottom of these drains. This is particularly necessary when the filters are being cleaned by the upward motion of the water. The perforated tiles or plates are covered to the depth of 1 inch 1212 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. with clean gravel, about of an inch in diameter; this is followed by five other layers of gravel, each of the same depth, and each succeeding layer a little finer than the previous one, the last being coarse sand: over this is placed 2 feet depth of clean, sharp, fine sand, similar to that used in hour-glasses, but a very little coarser; about 6 or 8 inches deep of the fine sand nearest the top is mixed with animal charcoal, ground to the size of coarse meal, each particle about of an inch in diameter. A longitudinal drain or pipe, N, runs between the filter and the pure water basin, communicating with both; on each of N S Fig. 1902. FILTER AT PAISLEY. the openings between the pipe and the filter is a stop-cock to close the communication when necessary; there are also two drains, to carry off the foul water when the filters are being cleaned, and another to prevent the water from rising too high: when the filter is complete, its action is as follows: the sluice R and the valve S are opened, and the water permitted to flow through the filter into the drain N below, until it becomes quite clear. This will take two or three days when first set to work, unless very great pains are taken to wash the gravel and sand be- fore they are put into the filter, which will now flow copiously for some weeks, and when the quantity passing begins to de- crease, the stop-cocks are shut, and the valves S raised. The water then enters below, filling all the Fig. 1903. S Q HI FILTER AT PAISLEY. drains, and having a head pressure of several feet it will force its way up through the sand to the top, and in its passage raise the scales or particles of mud which have been L Fig. 1904. FILTER AT PAISLEY: SECTION of SIDE. deposited in the downward passage, and carry them into the foul water drain below. If the sand of the surface be stirred by a fine-toothed rake, after the water has been raised above it and a little additional water admitted on the top, through the conduit, it will facilitate the operation of cleaning, as the mud is always deposited on the very surface of the sand. CHAP XVIII. 1213 SUPPLY OF TOWNS WITH WATER. By this means the sediment will be carried off, and the water pass through quite clear again in a few hours: the valves, S, should then be lowered, the stop-cocks opened, and the operation of filtering will again proceed as above described. The cost of this filter was 600 pounds, and the quantity of pure water produced regularly every 24 hours is on an average 106,632 cubic feet. We have already described other methods which have been adopted by the several water companies for the purification of water, to which we must refer. Cost of raising Water, as given to the Commissioners of Inquiry into the State of Large Towns by Thomas Wicksteed, the engineer to the East London Waterworks. 1st. A single pumping engine, made by Boulton and Watt in 1809, working 10 hours per day, 6 days per week, mean power 29 horses: quantity of water raised per day equal to 612,360 gallons 100 feet high: the cost of coal 12 shillings per ton; in the estimate, all charges, working the engine, coals, labour, and stores, are included, but none for interest upon outlay, or repairs of machinery and buildings. Cost of raising 1000 gallons 100 feet high Or 22,099 gallons 100 feet high This estimate is upon an average of two years' working. 8. d. 0 0.543 1 0 2nd. Two single pumping engines, by Boulton and Watt in 1809, working 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, mean power of each engine 301 horses; quantity of water raised per day, 2,922,480 gallons 90 feet high; the cost of coals 12s. per ton. Labour, horses, &c., taken as before. The estimate upon an average of 10 years' working. Cost of raising 1000 gallons 100 feet high Or of raising 33,519 gallons 100 feet high s. d. 0 0.358 1 0 3rd. Two single pumping engines, made by Boulton and Watt, one in the year 1816, and the other in 1828, working 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, mean power of each engine 76 horses, quantity of water raised per day 3,601,116 gallons 100 feet high; cost of coals 12s. per ton. Labour, horses, &c. as before. The estimate upon an average of 10 years' working. Cost of raising 1000 gallons 100 feet high Or of raising 36,036 gallons 100 feet high S. d. 0 0.333 1 0 4th. One single pumping engine made by Harvey and Co., upon the expansive principle, in the year 1837, working 24 hours per day, and 7 days per week, mean power 951 horses; quantity of water raised per day 4,107,816 gallons 110 feet high; cost of coals, 12s. per ton; labour and stores as before; the estimate upon an average of four years' working. Cost of raising 1000 gallons 100 feet high Or, of raising 80,000 gallons 100 feet high S. d. 0 1 0·150 0 The foregoing statements show a great variation in the cost of raising water with different engines. The comparison, however, is favourable to those on the old plan, and of the best make. The following table expresses the variation more clearly To raise 160,000,000 gallons of water 100 feet high, it would cost, according to the first statement, second ditto third ditto fourth ditto £. 362 238 222 100 A very great economy in the power employed in pumping water might be effected by the use of the expansive engine and plunger pump, the advantages of which have been acknowledged in the mines of Cornwall for more than thirty years: this principle, Mr. T. Wicksteed observes, was first introduced into waterworks in the year 1837, when an engine was set up at the East London Waterworks, and is now working most satisfactorily, having from the time of its first starting continued to raise 225 barrels of water, with the same quantity of coals required by the best engine on the works, made upon the old con- struction, to raise 100 barrels; since that time another large engine of the same description has been erected at the Southwark waterworks, which acts in an equally satisfactory manner. There is also another advantage derived from the introduction of this new engine, namely, that the same quantity of water may be raised from 24 to 5 times the height, by the consumption of a given quantity of coals; and as the size of the pipes depends upon the velocity of the water passing through them, and that velocity increases as the square root of the head of water, so by increasing that four times, the dimensions of the pipes may be reduced to one-half; the chief item in the expenditure in new works may conse- quently be reduced one-half, and less capital be required 1214 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Sluice Cocks, for letting off the water of a reservoir into the mains, are of various kinds; the most ingenious are those by which the valve can be opened and shut at fl .6.0…. AFELKLIEGEÆLIILLITHI: MILITAR Fig. 1905. SLUICE COCKS. pleasure by means of levers. The valve which covers the mouth of the discharging pipe has two arms secured to an iron axle, at the ex- tremities of which are two levers; the chain fastened to one passes under, and the other over, a pulley, so that by turning a windlass either chain can be worked for the purpose of opening or shut- ting the valve. The Screw is applied to the same purpose, that of shutting off the flow of water in the mains. Laying down the Mains. The general rule according to Mr. T. Wicksteed to be followed, is "to take care that the distances between the mains shall not be too great, for if it be so it will be neces- sary to have services of larger diameter than would other- wise be required: to prevent loss in pressure occasioned by friction, the communi- cations between the mains and services must be kept open for a longer time, to give a supply to those houses at the extremity of the ser- vice; for when water is forced through pipes, either by a natural or artificial head, or by steam or other power, friction is created in pro- portion to the velocity of www.m 1907 廿 ​Fig. 1906. Fig. 1909. SCREW COCK 1908 CHAP. XVIII. 1215 SUPPLY OF TOWNS WITH WATER. the water and length of the line of pipes: as the distance increases, the power must either be increased or the velocity reduced; the shorter the distance, the less the power required to overcome the friction; if it be therefore necessary to exert a great power to force the water to the extremities of an extensive district, that they may be properly supplied, it is very evident that the power exerted near the source, not being required to overcome so great an amount of friction as at the extremities, will increase the velocity of the water through the orifices near the source; consequently, therefore, if some arrangement were not made to pre- vent it, the houses so situated would have a superabundant supply, whilst those at a distance would obtain a very small quantity, if any: when, however, those near the source have re- ceived their supply, the cocks on the services are shut down, and the water in the mains will pass on to supply the extremities: that each may have an equal supply, those near the source have the communication opened with the main for a shorter time than those at a distance, in proportion to the velocity with which the water is delivered. In addition to this, on every line of mains and services, orifices about 2 inches in diameter are made at certain distances, filled up with fire-plugs, which get the whole force of the water simply by closing the service-cocks, in such a manner that in case of fire or other accident it may be concentrated at the spot required. Supposing, then, water to be required for 20,000 houses, and the height to which it must be raised at the works is such that a 20-inch main would be sufficient to give the supply according to the foregoing system; it could not be so, if the water were constantly on in all the pipes, both mains and services; for if the size of the lead pipes to supply the houses be upon an average ↓ inch in diameter, the aggregate areas of 20,000 half-inch pipes would be equal to 27 square feet, and a main of 71 inches in diameter would be required at the source to supply the town instead of 20 inches, and for side streets, containing 100 houses each, pipes of 5 inches in diameter, instead of 3 or 4 inches: this is an extreme case, but one that it may be necessary to provide against, because if the water is always on, the houses may be all supplied at one time, and even, trusting to the chances of only one-half that number, the main must be 48 inches in diameter at the source. In addition to the necessity for this extraordinary outlay, in the first instance, the quantity of water used would be enormous; and consequently, the expense of raising a sufficient supply be in- creased in proportion, and the object souglit, that of having a strong pressure of water in the mains, would be defeated by the very means proposed to insure it; for, as the water in the pipes would be always on, so would the draught by the houses be constant, and the present power of shutting off the supply from the side streets, and applying the full force to the particular locality requiring it, would be destroyed: again, if separate mains were laid from the works to be used as fire-mains only, the expense would be nearly the same as that of the system of pipes for supplying the inhabitants, and this item, which is the most impor- tant portion of the outlay in waterworks, would be nearly doubled. = Q³1 140d5 He in Mr. T. Hawkesley, in his evidence, taken before the Commissioners, states, that if the water for the supply of the metropolis were taken from the Thames, in its full purity, above Windsor, and filters or subsiding beds erected there, the transmission of 500 gallons of water per second might be effected by two mains, each of 60 inches in diameter. calculates the resistance from friction from this formula for long pipes, P which P represents the horse-power necessary to overcome the friction, 7 the length of the pipe in inches, Q the quantity of water to be delivered in one second, and d the diameter of the pipe. Hence it appears that the resistance arising from friction in pipes of the given size, and 25 miles long, would require less than 450 horse-power, beyond the force employed to raise the water into an elevated reservoir: if this reservoir were situated at a height of 220 feet, the steam power required to raise the water would be about 2000 nominal horses, and the total power in transmitting and raising 500 gallons per second would amount to less than 2500 horses. The cost of the main pipes would be about 1,000,000%. sterling; of the engines and machinery, with some reserve of power, about 150,000l., and of the tanks and reservoirs probably 200,000%. Height that a jet of water rose from the mains and services belonging to the Southwark Water Company, under a fixed pressure of 120 feet. The first trial was made in Union Street, between High Street and Gravel Lane, Borough, 31st January 1844, over an extent of 800 yards of 7-inch main, and through the Fire Brigade stand-pipes, hose, and jets. This 7-inch main is connected to the 9-inch main in the High Street, Borough, which, after a run of 500 yards, is joined to 200 yards of 12-inch main, and then continued by 550 yards of 15-inch main to the great main, leading from the company's works at Battersea, making a total distance of 5500 yards from the place where the experiment was made. One 2 inch stand-pipe, with 40 feet of hose, and 7 inch jet, rose 50 feet. Two 2 Three 2 40 40 01478 45 40 '216 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Four 21 inch stand-pipe, with 40 feet of hose, and 7 inch jet, rose 35 feet. Five 2 40 Six 21 40 7878780 30 27 All the fire-plugs on the main were then closed, except the first, and one 24-inch stand- pipe with 160 feet of hose and 7-inch jet, rose 40 feet. The quantity of water delivered from the same main, through one stand-pipe, and different lengths of hose, was as follows, viz:- One 21 inch pipe, 40 feet of hose, 7 inch jet, delivered 96 gallons in 59 seconds. 21/ 2/1/ 21/0 80 160 40 21 112 116 118 65 70 27 The second trial in Tooley Street, of a 9-inch main, 1400 yards in length, connected to 1000 yards of 15-inch, and 6650 yards from the works. One 21 inch-stand pipe, 40 feet of hose, 7 inch jet, rose 60 feet. Two 21/2 Four 2 Six 211 40 40 40 Quantity delivered from the same main trough. 77BTBIK difference not perceptible. rose 45 feet. 40 One 2 inch stand-pipe, 40 feet of hose, 7 inch jet, 114 gallons in 64 seconds. Four 21 40 40 7 115 112 75 78 Six 2 Four-inch service in Tooley Street, 200 yards long, supplied through 200 yards of 5-Inch pipe, from 9-inch main, one 24-inch stand-pipe fixed on the 4-inch service, near the 5-inch pipe, with 40 feet of hose, 7-inch jet, rose 40 feet. Two 21-inch stand-pipes, 7-inch jets, rose 31 feet. One 2½-inch stand-pipe fixed at the end of service, 200 yards from 5-inch pipe, 40 feet of hose, 7-inch jet, rose 34 feet. Quantity delivered from the plug near the 5-inch main, through One 21 inch stand-pipe, 40 feet of hose, 7 inch jet, 112 gallons in 82 seconds. Two 2 40 117 Quantity from end of plug of service 200 yards, from the 5-inch main. 103 One 2 inch stand-pipe, 40 feet of hose, 7 inch jet, 112 gallons in 90 seconds. 40 118 114 Two 2/1/2 It is also stated that water will rise higher from a hose attached to a fire-plug in the street, at the extreme point of the delivery, in the night than in the day-time, and that when water is in motion, there will be friction in the main pipes, by which the height to which it rises is diminished. The higher the water is thrown on a pipe, or the higher the nozzle of a hose-pipe is carried, the more the resistance of the atmosphere is avoided: if a jet acting under a pressure of 100 feet attained an elevation of 50 feet when discharged from the level of the pavement, and the hose pipe were elevated to the height of 50 feet, a jet would be given probably from 20 to 25 feet in height: by this means, the water would attain an elevation of 70 or 75 feet, instead of 50; hence the advantage of carrying a hose- pipe up stairs or on a ladder, or as nearly as possible to the height of the story, when a fire occurs. CHAP. XIX. ATMOSPHERE AS A MOVING POWER. In the year 1667 Dr. Croune laid before the Royal Society the first instrument contrived for measuring the force of the wind; consisting of a fan included within a cylindrical vessel, which was divided into 32 equal parts, each having a narrow slit, through which the air might pass: this imperfect machine was afterwards improved by Dr. Hooke, and others, and several very ingenious anemometers are now made use of, by which both the force and velocity of the wind may be ascertained. The weight or pressure of the atmosphere is shown by the sucking pump, sustaining a column of water, or the barometer by a column of mercury which is exactly equal in weight to a cylinder of air of equal diameter, reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The mean height of the barometer at the level of the sea is about 28.6 inches, and 1 cubic inch of mercury weighs 3425-92 grains, or 0.48956 pounds avoirdupois; so that a column of mercury whose base is a square inch, and having the mean height of the barometer, weighs 0.48956 × 28.6=14.6 lbs. avoirdupois, which is CHAP. XIX. 1217 ATMOSPHERE AS A MOVING POWER. the weight of the atmosphere on every square inch of the earth's surface. The height of the atmosphere has been estimated at 328,021 inches, or 5-17 miles. The elasticity of the air having been ascertained by the experiments of Boyle, it was not difficult to construct the air-pump, though the one used by this celebrated philosopher was inconvenient for many purposes, in consequence of the neces- sity of alternately opening and shutting the stop-cock and valve, and the difficulty of making the piston descend when the air within the pump was greatly rarefied. Hawksbee and Smeaton both turned their attention to its improvement: the latter found considerable difficulty in opening the valves at the bottom of the barrels, and from the pistons not fitting exactly when put close down to the bottom, leaving a lodgment of air that could not be pumped out of the barrel. The first of these defects arose from the small orifice through which the air passed on raising the bladder, which opposed a considerable resistance, from the necessity of keeping it moist with oil. To remedy this Mr. Smeaton resolved to expose a greater surface to the action of the air; with this view, instead of one hole he used seven, all of equal size and shape, one being in the centre, and the other six round it, so that the valve was supported at proper distances by a kind of grating formed by the solid parts between these holes, which were hexagonal, and the partitions filed almost to an edge; the metal was made a little protuberant, to prevent the piston from striking against the bladder. To prevent any lodgment of air in the lower part of the barrel, he removed the external pressure from the piston-valve, by making the piston move through a collar of leather, and forced the air out by a valve applied to the plate at the top of the barrel, which opened out- wards. Cuthbertson, of Amsterdam, consider- ably improved Smeaton's air-pump, by allowing the air to escape by opening a passage to it mechanically, without the assistance of its elastic force. Fig. 1910. The construction of the air-pump is very simple, the essential part consisting in the exhausting syringe, a brass tube closed at one end, with the exception of a small orifice, to which a valve opening inwards is attached; an air-tight piston is worked up and down on the barrel by a rack and pinion turned by a a winch. The piston has also an orifice, with a valve, which opens upwards, or in the same di- rection as the valve of the tube. The syringe communicates by means of a small pipe fitted into the opening at its lower extremity, with a vessel called the re- ceiver, from which the air is to be pumped out. The two hausting barrels are worked by a rack and pinion, so that one piston ascends while the other descends, and attached to the pump ex- Fig. 1912. HAWKSBEE's air-pump. Fig. 1911. ARANANANANARI SMEATON'S AIR-PUMP. Fig. 1913, 4 I 1218 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. is a barometrical gauge or tube 6 or 8 inches in length, sealed at one end and filled with mercury; as soon as the tension of the contained air becomes less than sufficient to support the column of mercury, the liquid begins to fall, and the height at which it stands above the level of that, on the basin into which it is plunged, is the measure of the tension of the remaining air. On the subject of the winds much has been written, but the various theories are involved in considerable obscurity; its velocity varies from zero up to 100 miles an hour. Post Windmills are much in use in many parts of England for grinding corn or cement, but their size being limited, they are not generally applied to drive machinery for other purposes. The mill is usu- ally made on a rectangular plan, and the narrow side turned to the wind. The wind-shaft bearing on a beam at each end has a little inclination, and on the out- side is increased in di- mension, forming a square for the better mortising the whips or arms of the sails, which are wedged tightly into it. The inclined wheel attached to the wind-shaft has on its circumference a rim of wood, called the brake, one end of which is fixed to the side of the mill, and the other, by an iron rod, to a lever, which can be pressed down, and made to bind upon the circumference of the wheel, with sufficient power to stop the mill. The whole mill revolves round the upright post in the centre, which is framed at bottom into some long horizontal timbers secured to the ground, from which four oblique braces are strutted, to maintain it in its vertical position. Where this up- Fig. 1914. POST MILL. right post passes, the floor of the mill is a circular iron collar, and at the upper end of the post is a pivot or gudgeon, entering a socket, let into one of the timbers, made of con- siderable strength, as the entire weight of the mill rests upon it. The mill thus balanced is turned by the ladder which serves as a lever; after the right position is obtained, it is kept steady by dropping the ladder on the ground; this is readily performed by a rope and pulley, or by manual labour. The Tower or Smock Mill was formerly more common, but since the general introduction of the steam-engine it has gone out of use in has gone out of use in many districts. The body of the mill is constructed either in brick or stone, and sometimes of timber; at the top of the building a wooden curb is laid, or strong wall plate, on which the rollers of the cap revolve, and it is essentially necessary that this portion of the work should be rendered very secure, or the rattle and motion of the machinery will loosen and derange it, or cause great inconvenience. In the outer end of the wind-shaft, which is commonly made of iron, are cast two sockets for the insertion of the whips of the sails, which are tightened in their place by wooden wedges. The pillows which bear the wind-shaft are of brass, and sometimes of hard stone. The driving or brake wheel is bevelled, and furnished with two rows of teeth, which act alternately upon those on the bevelled crown wheel, on the top of the upright shaft, and by this arrangement a more regular motion is obtained: these hit and miss wheels, common in many parts of England, are admirably adapted to windmills. The brake wheel has a wooden rim, one end of which is attached to the framing of the mill and the other to a lever: a rope passing over a pulley to the outside of the mill enables the miller to raise the end of the lever, and engage it with a hook, which liberates the brake, and allows the head of the mill to move freely round: when it is required to stop the mill by pulling the rope, the end of the lever is disengaged from the hook, which falling on the brake brings it down upon the wheel, and stops all motion even during the CHAP. XIX. 1219 ATMOSPHERE AS A MOVING POWER. highest winds. The plan of the head is extremely simple, and re- quires to be merely balanced. The self-adjusting Cap is turned round by the force of the wind, which acts upon a flyer or fan, so contrived that it always presents the sails in the proper direction, by means of a smaller pair at- tached to a gallery projecting from the back of the cap; on the axle of this fan is a pinion engaging in another wheel attached to the in- clined axis, at the other end of which is fixed a bevelled pinion working a wheel on the vertical spindle of another pinion, which is en- gaged in the cogs, arranged round the outside of the fixed curb, so that when the flyers are turned, the head of the mill is slowly turned round, the power depending upon the ratio of the several radii. Care Fig. 1915. SELF-ADJUSTING CAP. must be taken that its action be sufficient to make a change when sudden gales arise, as Fig. 1916. SELF-ADJUSTING CAP. it has frequently occurred, where these self-acting caps have been introduced, that if the brake had not been made use of in time to turn the sails rapidly, the mill would have fired. The sails of wind- mills are of various kinds, and the fixing them requires great skill on the part of the millwright. When the shafts are of cast- iron, they have at their extremities two sockets to receive the arms, also of the same metal; these, after being inserted, are further secured by two pieces of timber, Fig. 1917. PLAN OF SELF-ADJUSTING CAP. 41 ? 1220 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. I which cross and continue up the back of each arm, to which they are firmly screwed; by these timber horns, as they are called, the whole is very much strengthened. The whips are generally placed at right angles to each other, and when 40 feet in length their scantling is about 10 inches by 8, or 10 inches square: at of the length of the arm from the centre of the wind- shaft is the first bar, which is inserted to make an angle of 60 degrees with the axis of the wind-shaft: 20 other bars are then placed at regular and equal distances to the end, each making 1 degree of the angle less, so that the last bar at the end has only an angle of 20 degrees ; the bars are all of the same length, generally 5 feet. The length of the sails of the Dutch mills is not more than 33 feet, and their width about 6, 5 feet being covered with cloth, and the other Fig. 1918. Fig. 1919. 77 part boarded; where the board and cloth unite, a curve is formed, which gradually diminishes towards the end, and the angles formed by the tangents of this curve and the plane of their motion is called the angle of weather, which at the foot bar is 30 degrees, gradually di- minishing to 12 degrees. In 1772 Mr. Andrew Mickle con- trived a method by which the sails of a windmill could adjust themselves; but that patented in 1804 by Mr. John Bywater, of Nottingham, was the most efficient; it consisted in rolling or fold- ing up the sails to the whip, by means II மய IT Fig. 1921. Fig. 1920. BYWATER'S SELF-ADJUSTING WINDMILL. Fig. 1922. CHAP. XIX. 1221 ATMOSPHERE AS A MOVING POWER. of cylinders which extended the whole length of the sails, and were put in motion by a system of wheelwork connected with the shaft in the following manner :- a ring of iron about 4 inches wide and 3 of an inch thick, was attached to the main shaft, and concentric with it, a short distance behind the whip: a bevelled wheel without arms is made to revolve easily upon the circumference of the ring, and a spur-wheel without arms turns upon four pins in the back of the same. The whole machinery revolves with the shaft, and when the quantity of canvas spread is too great, a lever fastened to the bracings, and weighed so as to hang vertically, is brought into a horizontal position by means of a string attached to the end within the mill; in this position it engages a stud upon the spur-wheel, and pre- vents its motion: a bevelled wheel then gives motion to the four small pinions, and with them the cylinders, which continue to wind up the cloth, until the miller from within lets go the string, and the lever is disengaged from the stud. On the relative Effects of Windmill Sails, according to Smeaton and Coulomb. The velocity of windmill sails, whether unloaded or loaded, producing a maximum effect, is nearly as the velocity of the wind, their shape and position being similar. The load at the maximum is somewhat less than as the square of the velocity of the wind, the shape and position of the sails being the same. The effects of the same sails at a maximum are nearly, but somewhat less than, as the cubes of the velocity of the wind. The load of the same sails at the maximum is nearly as the squares, and their effects as the cubes of the numbers of turns in a given time: time: when sails are loaded, so as to produce a maximum effect at a given velocity, and the velocity of the wind increases, the load continuing the same, the increase of effect, when that of the velocity of the wind is small, will be nearly as the squares of those velocities: when the velocity of the wind is double, the effects will be nearly as 10 to 27: when the velocities compared are more than double that where the given load produces a maximum, the effects increase nearly in the simple ratio of the velocity of the wind. In sails where the figures and positions are similar, and the velocity of the wind the same, the number of turns in a given time will be reciprocally as the radius or length of the sail: the load at a maximum overcome by sails of a similar figure and position, at a given distance from the centre of motion, will be as the cube of the radius. The effects of sails of similar figure and position are as the squares of the radius: the velocities of the extremities of Dutch sails, as well as of the enlarged sails, in all their usual positions when unloaded, or even loaded to a maximum, are considerably quicker than the velocity of the wind. Number of Ale Gallons delivered on an Overshot Wheel 10 ft. in diameter every minute. Diameter of | Diameter of the Cylinders the Cylinder of the com- of the im- mon Steam Engine in inches. proved Steam Engine in inches. Number of Horses em- ployed 9 working hrs. per day, and moving at the rate of 2 miles per hour. Number of men working 12 hours per day. Radius of Dutch Sails in their com- mon position in feet. Radius of Dutch Sails in! their best position in feet. Radius of Mr.Smeaton's enlarged Sails in feet. Height to which these different powers will raise 1000 lbs. avoirdupois in a minute. 230 8. 6.12 390 9.5 7.8 528 10.5 8.2 660 11.5 8.8 790 12.5 9.35 970 14.0 10.55 1170 15.4 11.75 1234567 5 21.24 17.89 15.65 13 10 30.04 25.30 22.13 26 15 36.80 30.98 27.11 39 20 42.48 35.78 31.30 52 25 47.50 40.00 35.00 65 30 52.03 43.82 38-34 78 35 56.90 47.33 41.41 90 1350 16.8 12.8 8 40 60.09 50.60 44.27 104 1445 17.3 13.6 9 45 63.73 53.66 46.96 117 1584 18.5 14.2 10 50 67.17 56.57 49.50 130 1740 19.4 14.8 11 55 70.46 59.33 51.91 143 1900 20.2 15.2 12 60 73.59 61.97 54.22 156 2100 21.0 16.2 13 65 76.59 64.5 56.43 169 2300 22.0 17.0 14 70 79.49 66.94 58.57 182 2500 23.1 17.8 15 75 82.27 69.28 60.62 195 2686 23.9 18.3 16 80 84.97 71.55 62.61 208 2870 24.7 19.0 17 85 87'07 73.32 64.16 221 3055 25.5 19.6 18 90 90.13 75.90 67.41 234 3240 26.2 20.1 19 95 92.60 77.98 68.23 247 3240 27.0 20.7 20 100 95.00 80.00 70.00 260 3750 28.5 22.2 22 110 99.64 83.90 73.42 286 4000 29.8 23.0 24 120 104.06 87.63 76.68 312 4460 31.1 23.9 26 130 108.32 91.22 79.81 338 4850 32.4 24.7 28 140 112.20 94.66 82.82 364 5250 33.6 25.5 30 150 116.35 97.98 85.73 390 413 1222 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. Comparisons of the Effects of Mechanical Agents. A horse raising coals, by means of a wheel and axle, moving at the rate of 2 miles per hour, and working 9 hours per day, raised 1000 pounds avoirdupois to the height of 13 feet per minute: an overshot water- wheel, 10 feet in diameter, and served by 230 ale gallons of water per minute, a steam- engine with an 8-inch cylinder, and an improved one 6.12 inches in diameter, will do the same work as a horse; upon which data the preceding table has been constructed. Of Blowers and Ventilators. There are several kinds of blowers, differing from each other principally in the flexibility or inflexibility of their sides: a sack of leather or other substance, which is flexible and impermeable to the air, being filled with this fluid and compressed, would experience a pressure from the interior to the exterior, and if a tube open at both ends were attached to it, the air would be compressed in the tube, and would rush out with a velocity due to its elastic force. The regularity of the blast which maintains the combustion of furnaces is of the greatest importance in the success of metallurgic operations, and to obtain this it is requisite that the air-reservoir should be of such dimensions that the air which leaves the tube at each stroke of the blower should be compressed into a very small volume with regard to the capacity of the reservoir. The blower used at the Carron furnace is built of stone and vaulted; its internal capacity is 445 cube metres; the air which rushes out at each stroke of the piston is to the atmospheric pressure only as the 84th part of this capacity. Whatever be the form of a blowing machine, the first points to be considered are the pressure of the air in the reservoir, the volume which escapes through the pipe at each stroke of the piston, and the number of strokes in a given time. The volume of the air which passes in a unit of time, 1 second for example, from the pipe into the furnace being determined, and divided by the area of the orifice of the tube, will give the velocity of the blast at the orifice. The greatest pressure of the air in the reservoir rarely exceeds the weight of a column of water 3 metres high, and may be measured by a column of mercury 13 or 14 times less, the 3 metres of water answering to 22 centimetres of mercury: if we multiply the number of cube metres of air in the reservoir, which escapes through the tube in a given time, an hour for example, by the height of the column of mercury, and by the density, 13-6, of this liquid, the product of the three quantities will express in units, each of one cube metre of water raised 1 metre, the dynamic effect which the blowing machine would produce in an hour. The moving power applied to the bellows will, at the same time, be capable of a greater effect, since it will have to overcome the inertia and friction of the movable parts of the blowing machine: if we measure the pressure of the air in the reservoir by a column of water, the height of this column, and the volume of air issuing from the reservoir, will be the two factors of the product which measures the dynamic effect of the blower. The object of ventilators is to renew the air in a given place, or rather to produce an artificial wind, by transporting the air from one space to another. These two spaces communicate by a cylindrical tube, the extremity of which is fixed in the centre of a drum, formed by two circular parallel plates, and united by supports in the circumference of these plates. A fly with 6 or 8 vanes turns in the interior of the drum; the air being driven from this is replaced by that in the cylinder, whence it follows that it must be elevated from one extremity of the cylinder to the other, which communicates with the drum: by placing a ventilator in a chest closed on all sides, and divided into two compartments, the air in the chest receives such a motion that it continually passes and repasses from one compartment to another; if, in the same chest, such substances as sulphur, charcoal, and saltpetre are reduced to powder, the air will carry with it the finer particles, and separate them from those not sufficiently pulverised. The quantity of air to be raised from one place to another being given, the relation of the dimensions of the parts composing the ventilator can be established, and the moving power required estimated, Ventilators are used to renew the air in low close places, such as pits, mines, cisterns, holds of ships, also in powder-mills to dry the powder in winter by currents of warm air; it has also been proposed to employ them to assist the evaporation of the water contained in various preparations made from sugar, as syrup, &c. In the south of France, a single cube metre of air, placed in contact with water, will evaporate three grammes: thus knowing the number of cube metres which a ventilator can put in contact with water in a given time, the quantity vaporised in the same time can be estimated. In coal-mines a portion of the small coal reduced to powder, and of little value in commerce, is used to maintain fires in the upper part of vertical shafts, which communicate with the galleries, where the warm air rises and is replaced by the lower air, which causes a current in the interior of the galleries, towards the top of the shafts: if in the interior of the shafts a horizontal axle were placed, carrying a fly, it is evident that the current of hot air would turn the axle: by a similar method, in some kitchens, the hot air which rises in the chimney serves as a mover to a smoke-jack. We have considered air as a mover, and as a body to be moved: of view in which we must regard it, as a resisting medium. projected into the air soon loses its initial velocity: the air at rest, there is another point We know that a body struck by a body, first is CHAP. XX. 1223 WARMING AND LIGHTING. compressed, and then passes into a more or less compounded state of motion. Birds using their wings as oars in the water find in the air a fulcrum to raise themselves by; they owe this faculty of flying to a muscular force which, compared to their mass, is superior to that of all other animals. Parachutes in unfolding embrace a large volume of air, compress it, and communicate motion to it: the initial velocity due to weight decreases rapidly, and a mass of from 80 to 100 kilogrammes fixed to a parachute is soon reduced to that of a light body, such as a feather, which floats by itself in calm air. The vanes on the fly of a turnspit experience, when turning in the air, a resistance which equalises the accelerating force of the moving weight, and by this means we regulate the motion of the endless chain which supports the spit; this regulator is also used in block-making. The effects of the air's resistance have been observed with care by phi- losophers studying gunnery: we shall show the results of their experiments when treating of gases employed as prime movers. CHAP. XX. WARMING AND LIGHTING. Warming an Apartment. We have already seen that, among the Romans, air was heated by passing over a small fire, and being then introduced into square earthenware tubes, which were made to circulate around the walls of their houses; these tubes, after heating the walls, by their radiating effect, raised the temperature of the rooms, or allowed the air so rarefied to pass from apertures in the pipes into the apartments, thus diffusing a warmth throughout: many of their villas discovered in England show the subterraneous furnaces, and we have no instance of the open fireplace much earlier than in the keep of Coningburgh Castle, built soon after the Conquest, the mantels of which are formed of flat arches, very inge- niously built, and bearing some resemblance to others constructed at an earlier period in the south of France. : Radiation, or the properties of heat, does not seem to have been understood, as applied to furnaces, till the end of the last century, when Count Rumford drew attention to the subject the open fire was preferred in Britain at a very early period, and has continued to be so up, to the present day, notwithstanding the waste of fuel and expense attending it. In the first cabins, and the halls of the Norman barons, the fire was made on a hearth in the centre of the hut or place to be warmed, the smoke generally finding its way through a hole in the roof, examples of which were remaining till lately at Penshurst Castle and other ancient houses. The blazing hearth, like our open fires, contributed its heat by radiation, and it is well known that bodies will throw off heat when their temperature is far below that required for ignition. Scheele, in a work published about 1777, observed that radiant heat passed through air without communicating warmth to it, and that currents of air do not intercept it: before heat can be radiated, it must be absorbed, and rough, unmetallic substances, such as brick, are admirably adapted for this purpose: the heat which passes from an open fire radiates from the burning coal, as well as from the surfaces surrounding it; this traverses the air, and warms the bodies upon which it impinges; thus the contents of an apartment, all the furniture, which can absorb heat, so receive it, and again radiate it upon other bodies colder than themselves. Various substances possess different powers of radiation, and those which are good radiators when hot absorb it quickly when cold: from Mr. Leslie's experiments, taking lampblack as equal to 100, crown glass is 90, plumbago 75, clean lead 19, and the polished metals from 12 to 15, proving that polished metals are bad radiators, and not such good recipients of heat as those surfaces which are not metallic. Sir Humphry Davy says "that vessels intended to retain their heat should be metallic and highly polished upon scientific principles, independently of elegance and delicacy. Steam or air-pipes for warming houses should be polished in those parts where the heat is not required to be communicated, and covered with some radiating substance, such as lampblack, wherever it is to be diffused. Culinary implements should be blackened, and not polished, on those parts which are to receive the heat: the surfaces of fireplaces or stoves should not be metallic, but of stony or earthy materials, which will communicate much more heat by radiation. The sun and an open fire both communicate heat upon this principle, and the worst conductors, as lampblack, ground glass, &c. are often the best radiators. Heat which radiates in right lines is also susceptible of being reflected: if a cannon ball made red-hot be placed in the focus of one mirror, and an air thermometer in another, 41 4 1224 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the rays of heat which impinge on one are reflected, consistently with the property of con- cave mirrors, in parallel lines, so as to fall upon the opposed mirror, whence they converge to its focus, in which is the thermometer, and which will be affected proportionably to the heat of the original radiating body. As an experiment on the receptive and emissive powers of surfaces, in regard to radiant heat, it has been proved, that when two vessels filled with water are placed before a fire, the one clean and polished, the other coated with lampblack, the former receives the heat more slowly, whilst the latter cools more quickly. In an open fireplace the fuel should be arranged as near the hearth as possible, in order that the air in the lower part of the room may become warmed; and the proportion given to the length of the bars which contain the coal should be equal to the twelfth part of the length of the room, if it be lofty and of good proportions; in their construction Stour- bridge brick, or Welsh lumps, should be made use of in preference to metal, as they are far better radiators of heat, and less liable to destruction by too rapid expansion or con- traction. Whenever coke can be used, the heat produced is far more agreeable, and there is no soot to lodge in the chimney: soft burnt coke, broken into small pieces, when all the gases have been abstracted, is far preferable in point of economy, and when the method of lighting and maintaining its combustion is acquired, coal is seldom again resorted to. Attention is requisite to prevent too rapid a draught up the chimney, otherwise the greater portion of heat will be drawn up it, and pass off without warming the room. The chimney which is said to draw well, consumes well, and is by no means always the best; that which draws sufficiently only, is the most economical in its consumption: all that need be desired is to pass off the smoke, or prevent the cold air from descending down the shaft, and disturbing the process of combustion, forcing the dust and smoke into the apartment: different states of the atmosphere require different areas of flue; when the air is very heavy, it often descends in our ordinary chimney more rapidly than it can become rarefied; and the column of warm air, ascending cylindrically in a square flue, the four angles are so many passages for the descent of cold airs; the less these disturbing forces occur, the less chance is there of a smoky chimney. Grates or Stoves, which have an open fire, and an apparatus for throwing out a stream of warm air, are much used: this is effected by passing the air received by a pipe from the outside of the building through a double casing, which surrounds the fuel in the grate; in many parts of France, where wood is burnt upon the hearth, the back of the fireplace is hollow, or has a chamber cast in it: by means of a pipe from the outside air is introduced to be warmed, which by another pipe enters at the skirting, or some other convenient part of the room. The great quantity of hot air which passes up the chimney of an open fireplace has led to the adoption of close stoves in this country, and necessarily to various methods for insuring perfect ventilation; on the Continent they are universal, generally of earthen- ware, either round or square, and so placed as to warm the air before it is admitted into the apartment; in most of them the object seems to be, and a most judicious one, to produce a large volume moderately heated, rather than a small quantity of very hot air, the latter being apt to char or burn the organic dust which exists in the atmosphere of our apartments, producing an unpleasant smell: an artificial hypocaustum is an arrange- ment preferred in France; the small pillars which stand in the midst of the burning embers, and support the oven or chamber above, are hollow; through these the cold air from below ascends, and in its passage through the heated metallic supports becomes warmed before it enters the chamber, where, on its arrival, it is heated, and then by its expansion passes off by pipes, or ornamental apertures, where required. Metallic Stoves, lined with fire-brick, are now generally substituted; they are found to assist in radiating as well, care being taken so to dispose the lining that the outer case shall never become red-hot, and only a sufficient quantity of air be admitted to feed com- bustion, without exciting a rapid draught and a great consumption of fuel. All bodies have the faculty of absorbing and emitting heat, so that radiation takes place, not only at the surfaces, but also in the interior of solids and liquids, in the same manner as in air: indeed the molecules of all bodies are regarded as so many foci radiating heat, and con- tinuing to do so until the objects near them have arrived at the same degree of tempera- ture: in solids as well as liquids the absorption takes place at very small distances, in air and in gases at very considerable distances. The low Temperature, or Dr. Arnott's Stove, by means of an ingenious contrivance, economises fuel, and gives out a considerable degree of heat: it is a much more scientific arrangement than that practised in the ordinary close stove: only sufficient air is admitted to keep up a slow combustion, and the heat is communicated to the radiating surface of the stove; the air is admitted by means of a self-acting valve, opened or shut by the rise and fall of a thermometer, and the heat is prevented from passing into the chimney in con- sequence of the very gentle motion imparted to it by the small draught maintained. To determine the quantity of surface of steam-pipes, or vessel necessary to warm a room in winter when the external temperature is 10° below freezing, and to make the apartment CHAP. XX. 1225 WARMING AND LIGHTING. of an agreeable temperature of 60°, there must be a surface of steam-pipe, or other steam-vessel, heated to 200°, about a foot square for every 6 feet of glass, as much for every 120 feet of wall, roof, or ceiling, and also for every 6 cubic feet of hot air escaping per minute, as ventilation: an ordinary sized window permits about 80 cube feet of air to pass through it in a minute, and there should be 3 feet of air per minute allowed for the respiration of each person in the room. According to Dr. Arnott's view the quantity of steam pipe for a room 16 feet square and 12 feet high, with 2 double windows, each 7 feet by 3, and with ventilation by them at the rate of 16 cubic feet per minute, would require 20 superficial feet, or 20 feet of pipe 4 inches in diameter, or a box 18 inches square and 2 feet high. A surface when heated, and exposed to colder air, gives out heat with a rapidity nearly in proportion to the excess of its temperature above that of the surrounding air, less than half the heat being given out by radiation, and more than half by the contact of the air: a foot of pipe of 200° external temperature in the air of a room at 60°, the difference being 140°, gives out nearly seven times as much heat in a minute as when its temperature falls to 80°, reducing the excess to 20°, or a seventh of what it was. The quantity of heat which changes the temperature of a cubic foot of water produces the same effect on 2850 cubic feet of atmospheric air. Hot-water Apparatus for warming manufactories or large buildings, &c., which keeps up a circulation of hot water through iron pipes, the hot water having a tendency to rise, and as it cools to descend. In France the hydraulic calorifère was thus described some years ago: the boiler was said to resemble the human heart, and the pipes which carried out and brought back the water, the veins and arteries. In the early application of this method, the fireplace was made in the middle of a large boiler, and from the top issued an ascending pipe, which mounted to a large cistern filled with water, from the bottom of which was another pipe that took the cold water into the bottom of the boiler. The rarefaction produced by the heat in the as- cending pipe caused the cold water to descend from the pressure exercised upon it, and thus a regular circulation was maintained. Hot-water apparatus is now made in a variety of forms: the most simple are those where one pipe, of 2 or 3 inches diameter, is made to surround a small room, or where two or more of such pipes are made use of. There are other arrangements where a number of small tubes are preferred; but in all the water is made to circulate through them upon the same principle: one of its earliest applications in England was, perhaps, at Bromley, in Kent, where the Marquis of Chabannes, in 1816, warmed the conservatory for Sir Samuel Scott, Bart., though it has been asserted that Mr. Watt warmed buildings in this manner as early as 1784. M. Bonnemain, of Paris, who was decidedly the inventor, about 1777, had a calorifère, by which hot water circulated, and a regulator being attached to it, he could maintain so equable a temperature that he was enabled to hatch eggs, and produce a great many chickens; the variation being scarcely ever more than half a degree of Reaumur's thermo- meter. The regulator made use of depended on the unequal dilatation of different metals: a rod of iron, screwed to another of brass, was enclosed within a tube of lead, termi- nating at its upper end in a ring of brass: the leaden tube was plunged into the water contained in the calorifère, by the side of one of the circulating tubes; the dilatation of lead being greater than that of iron, at an equal degree of temperature, and the rod being also enclosed within the tube, it was heated much less than the tube; when the temper- ature was raised to the degree required, the lengthening of the tube brought the ring into contact with a claw, at the short end of the bent lever, and when the slightest increase of heat further lengthened the tube, the ring raised the claw of the lever, and allowed the other to descend: by this contrivance a wire was made to open or shut a valve, through which air was admitted to the fire, and the combustion either increased or lessened. Various improvements have been made in the mode of warming by hot water: at first the pipes were cylindrical, and laid horizontally, but it being found that its motion was accelerated when placed in the two legs of a siphon, they are now laid in an inclined position, and flat Fig. 1923. SECTION SHOWING PIPES. 1226 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. iron pipes are substituted for the round, those giving out more heat: hermetically closed tubes are found useful in conveying the warm water to a greater distance; and then a' smaller diameter of tube may be adopted, as the water may be raised to a temperature considerably above the boiling point: by the use of ascending and descending pipes, water may be made to circulate to any height; and it is calculated that a fire-grate of about 12 superficial feet, with a properly constructed boiler, consuming a bushel of coals per hour, is sufficient to heat a moderate dwelling; the boiler having a bottom surface, in this instance, of 48 feet, or four times the area of the grate, and about 32 feet of side flue. The quantity of pipe to be heated must regulate the size of the boiler, and as each cubic foot of water evaporated per hour requires 4 superficial feet, we may ascertain the requisite proportions for a boiler of a hot-water apparatus. Supposing the latent heat of steam 1000°, we shall find that the size of a boiler which would evaporate a cube foot of water, at the temperature of 52°, into steam, would supply sufficient heat to 232 feet of 4-inch pipe, and maintain its temperature 140° above that of the surrounding atmosphere. When the difference between the temperature of the pipe and the air is 125°, it has been found that a foot of 4-inch pipe will heat 200 cubic feet of air 10 per minute; and when the pipes are 146° hotter than the air around them, the water within them loses 1° of heat per minute. 80 Fig. 1925. SECTION OF CALORIFERE, ம் Where many stories of a building are to be warmed the boiler and furnace are placed on Fig. 1924. SECTION. Fig. 1926. VALVES. the lower story or basement, from which rises a flow-pipe to a warm-water-box placed at the top of the house; from this another pipe supplies a small calorifère or metal box con- taining water, one of which is placed in every room intended to be warmed: and after passing through all, the water returns to the boiler to be again heated; a regular circulation is thus kept up; the cold water, being heavier than that warmed, falls to the bottom of the pipe, and forces up the latter. Each 100 feet of 4-inch pipe, containing 544 pounds of water, will require 14 pounds ༣ CHAP. XX. 1227. WARMING AND LIGHTING. of coal to raise its temperature throughout to 180°; and as the water loses only 60° of heat per hour, this quantity of coal will serve for 3 hours; 200 cubic feet of air being heated 1° per minute by every foot of 4-inch pipe, we must cube the contents of the building to be warmed, and divide it by 200, to obtain the number of feet of 4-inch pipe that shall have a tem- perature of from 55° to 56°; when greater heat is required, the cubical quantity may be divided by a less number; for example, in greenhouses, where the temperature required is 60°, 30 should be the divisor; for 75º, 20 will be sufficient. In calculating the quantity of pipe due attention must always be paid to the heat lost by ventilation, as well as the power of glass in radiating cold, 1 square foot of which will cool down 14 cube feet of air 1° per minute, when the external tem. perature is 30°; in a greenhouse, therefore, we ought to have sufficient power to warm 11 cube feet of air at least for every square foot of glass con- tained in the building. same Warming by Steam is attended with more expense than by water heated to circulate through the same extent; the boilers made use of are of various shapes, and are generally either of wrought-iron or copper. The tubes are generally of the material as the boiler, though cast-iron is very much used, and earthen pipes have been tried, but with them there is some difficulty in making a good joint. ス ​Fig. 1927. PIPES. A mill at Watford in Hertfordshire, 106 feet in length, and 33 in width, consisting of 4 stories, and used for the manufacture of silk, was one of the earliest warmed by steam. By this method it was found that all smoke was avoided, as well as the danger of setting fire to the raw material; there was also great economy, and an equable heat at all times maintained. Outside the mill a small furnace was built, where, from the upper part of the boiler, rises a main, from which the steam was conveyed by another pipe, suspended to the ceiling of each floor in its progress towards the top: the upper story, which was 8 feet in height, had a pipe of 3 inches in diameter; the next story downwards, being 8 inches higher, had one of 4 inches; the next, which was 9 feet high, had one of the same diameter, and on the ground floor or lower story the pipe was 5 inches in diameter; at the top of the mill was a cistern of water, which feeds the boiler. The pipes of each story are furnished with valves, which regulate the supply of steam, and there are others ingeniously introduced to collect and discharge the condensed steam into the boiler below, which is most important: the pipes are all laid with a slight inclina- tion to accommodate this running off of the water immediately it is formed; for if the steam meet with a great surface of cold water, it condenses so rapidly as to endanger the boiler and pipes, should they not be strong enough to resist the external pressure: it has been stated that the quantity of coal necessary per day to warm such a building as the one described is about 1400 pounds. Warming by Air has been preferred in many instances to either steam or hot water: a stove or furnace is contrived in the basement, and the air from the outside is intro- duced, passing under the same, and enters a chamber which surrounds the furnace, so that in its passage it becomes heated, when it is afterwards conducted to the several apartments required to be warmed: great attention should be paid to the closing of all external doors and windows when this plan is adopted, and therefore it has been objected to in manufactories, churches, and hospitals, or where any great number of persons are assembled. At the Reform Club House in Pall Mall the objections are obviated by the introduction of a large fan, which revolves in a cylindrical case, by means of a small steam-engine fixed in the basement, and by which 11,000 cube feet of air are forced every minute into a tunnel, built to receive it, in the lower part of the building; the air then flows through a series of cells formed in steam cases, where it cannot become scorched, but is heated to a temperature of from 750 to 85° Fahrenheit, and from thence it enters a brick chamber, built to contain it, and from which it is let off, in a variety of flues, into the several rooms to be warmed: by the aid of dialled valves and registers, the quantity of air admitted is nearly under control; there are three cast-iron chests, each of which is a cube of 3 feet; 1228 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. these have seven parallel cast-iron cases, 3 inches in depth; into these cases the steam is conducted by proper pipes, and between them the air to be warmed passes. steam-engine, of 5-horse power, which is on the expansive principle, serves other purposes than that of turning the ventilator, and consumes about 2 cwt. of fuel in twelve hours. The This principle is the reverse of that already described as adopted at the New Model Pri- son: here we have genial air thrown in by the fan, and its circulation insured by pressure from below, and not by exhaustion from above; the pure cold air is obtained, and raised to an agreeable state of temperature, after which it is dffused into all the halls, passages, and rooms around them. When air is pumped out, and no abundant supply forced to succeed, what remains in an apartment is likely to be so highly attenuated as to prove injurious to health: when attention is paid to the ventilation and passing off the vitiated air, the pressure system is preferable. Fans of sufficient size may be driven by means of steam power with such velocity as to produce ventilation throughout the most extensive buildings: condensed air has a much more agreeable and healthy effect upon individuals than can be obtained from highly rarefied air: a person breathing condensed air does so with facility; he feels the capacity of his lungs enlarged, and his respirations are less frequent; in rarefied air the breathing is attended with difficulty, and in consequence of this, in some of the deep mines in France, the men work in condensed air pumped down from a chamber above : when these workmen are about to descend they shut the door over their heads, and then turn a cock, which is in connection with the condensed air on the under shaft: an equili- brium is established in an ante-room, by the entry of the dense air from below, and then the man-hole can be opened for the men to descend: here they work in air maintained at a pressure of three atmospheres by the action of pumps driven by an engine; in such an atmosphere the miners gain additional strength, and work without fatigue. fanner or blower is made in various forms; the most common is that with four arms or blades, working in a box; the air entering in the centre is discharged at the circumference; in some of the most powerful, the air is made to enter at the sides of the blades throughout their whole extent, and to discharge it at its circumference; by unscrewing one side of the cylindrical box, in which a fan works, it will be readily seen which way the air proceeds, if a rapid motion be given to it; the external casing is generally made air-tight, and the air is conducted by a pipe to the fanners, at the opposite side to which it is desired it should be discharged. The The larger the fanner, the greater is the economy with which its supply of air can be had, and they are less subject to noise; those making 2000 revolutions in a minute are exceedingly disagreeable throughout the whole neighbourhood where they are used; quantity of air, and not velocity, is the object to be attained, and for this purpose fanners of from 10 to 20 feet diameter, moving slowly, are to be preferred: powerful blasts of air are not required for ventilation, and therefore rapid movement to the fanner can be dispensed with. Ventilation probably was first attended to in the mining districts, but nothing on this subject could be effected upon a proper basis until Priestley defined the composition of the atmosphere; no definite meaning could be given to the word ventilation until the nature of the air itself was known; to him, Scheele, Dalton, and Cavendish, are we indebted for our knowledge upon these subjects. Before the employment of many persons in a small space, particularly in mines, the ne- cessity for ventilation was not rendered so apparent: and the practice first adopted there, to throw in a succession of currents of wholesome air, has been latterly introduced to disturb the vitiated atmosphere of our crowded halls and ordinary dwelling-houses. The archi- tect and civil engineer have been roused to contrive and invent means by which life may not only be supported but endured, when confined in rooms robbed of their fair proportion of oxygen by the modern luxuries of warming and lighting by gas. A man making twenty respirations in a minute is said to inhale at each 16 cubic inches of air, or 320 cubic inches in a minute of this quantity 32 cubic inches of oxygen are consumed, and 25 inches of carbonic acid gas are discharged; so that, if his life endured for 50 years, it has been esti- mated he would inspire 166 tons of air, consume 18 tons of oxygen, and discharge nearly 20 tons of carbonic acid from his lungs, or, in other words, nearly 5½ tons of carbon, allow- ing 10 cubic feet of air per minute to each individual, the consumption for 1000 persons assembled in a theatre or church may in some degree be estimated: as may the necessary quantity for any given number of persons in rooms of different dimensions. Of the atmosphere 78 per cent. is nitrogen and 22 per cent. oxygen, and the quantity of carbon and moisture evolved by a single individual in a minute is stated to be 3.27 grains of carbon, and 3.2 of water: so that 1000 persons would evolve in an hour 28 pounds of carbon, and nearly as much water. It is not so easy to determine the quantity of air required for ventilation, as this is so much affected by temperature: Dr. Arnott informs us that air expelled from the lungs vitiates twelve times its bulk of pure air, so that a man vitiates every minute nearly 4 cube feet, and agrees that 10 cubic feet of fresh air per minute is the smallest allowance that should be made for each individual. To produce motion in the air, or, as it is termed, ventilation, CHAP. XX. 1929 WARMING, LIGHTING, AND VENTILATION. heat properly applied has been found most efficient. Air at an ordinary temperature ex- pands ʊ part for the rise of every degree of the thermometer: thus it becomes, as it advances in temperature, specifically lighter, and consequently has an inclination given to it to mount higher, and give place to the colder air, which sinks on account of its greater density this takes place in the common chimney, the draught of which depends on the difference of temperature at the top and at the bottom; the air at the lower end, by being heated, rises and passes off at the upper, its place being supplied by the pressure of the surrounding air to fill up the vacuum. Supposing to denote the velocity in feet per se- cond, g the accelerating force of gravity, (=32.2 feet per second,) a the rate of expansion for 1° of the increased temperature, t' the temperature of the heated air as it enters the chimney, and t, that of the external air, we shall have this formula, v = √ [2gha (t'—t)], the velocity of the draught being as the square root of the height of the chimney, and the square root of the excess of temperature of the lower opening: and as the same quantity of air passes through every section of the chimney in the same time, the velocity must be inversely as the density, and therefore decrease from the bottom to the top. Air forced into a chamber by mechanical means is often used for the purposes of ventila- tion: at the Bank is a square box, furnished with a pump with a loose piston, which has large-valved openings, and by it 11,000 cubic feet of air per minute are driven through the various offices; at the Houses of Parliament a large shaft, with a fire made in it near its summit, exhausts the air from the several apartments, in the same manner coal mines, and other deep workings. as in The practice adopted in deep mines to obtain ventilation seems to have given rise to all the modes now made use of in our buildings for the same purpose: suppose there are two shafts, which descend to the bottom of the mine, one is called the downcast, the other the upcast shaft; by the first the air descends, and by the other the vitiated air mounts and is dispersed. This movement is effected by constantly keeping up a large fire at a little distance from the bottom of the upcast shaft, and making use of it as a chimney: by this simple contrivance, the descending air may be made to pass through and along every working of the mine; in some instances, it travels at the rate of 30 miles per hour, driving all the lighter gases before it; numerous doors are introduced to shut off the course as well as to direct it; should any of these be left open, the whole system of ventilation will be destroyed. Theatres are frequently ventilated by means of a funnel placed in the ceiling of the pit, and having its exit through the roof, upon the top of which is a movable cowl: by placing the large chandelier, or a multi- tude of gas-lights, immediately below the opening in the ceiling, the air about it becomes so rarefied, that it rapidly mounts the funnel, and passes out at the mouth generally this part of the operation, viz. the exhausting or pumping out, is tolerably well effected, but not so the admission of a warm and pure air to supply the wants of the spectators, each of whom requires air for 20 respirations per minute Lighthouses may be classed among the works of the greatest public utility and importance to a maritime nation : we have already described many erected after the Eddystone; the form at present usually adopted, when on land, is that of Ramsgate Harbour, which is circular on the plan throughout, the rooms for the attendants being on the ground floor, and a winding staircase conducting to the lantern. A Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons made a report in 1834 upon the state and management of lighthouses, floating lights, buoys, and beacons, from which we gather the most valuable information that could be afforded to Joseph Hume, Esq., the chairman of the committee, the com- Fig. 1928. RAMSGATE LIGHTHOUSE. 1230 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. mercial world is infinitely indebted for the mass of evidence there brought forward on this highly im- portant subject, as the means of preventing many of those fatal accidents to which our shipping is so constantly exposed. Till the date of the report, the lighthouses which sur- rounded our coast were managed by a variety of systems, and, instead of being under the superintendence of the Government, were, many of them, in the hands of private individuals: the whole appear to have been built at various times, by slow degrees, and as the naval and commercial inte- rests required them. There were belonging to, and under the management of, the Trinity House of Deptford Strond in the year 1834, 108 lighthouses and 18 floating lights, and through- out the United Kingdom 198 lighthouses and 21 floating lights. This fra- Fig. 1929. PLAN OF RAMSGATe lightHOUSE. ternity, or college of seamen, seems to have existed prior to Henry VIII., but in the sixth year of that monarch's reign they were incorporated by charter, as the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity of the Most Glorious and Undivided Trinity, and of St. Clement's, in the Parish of Deptford Strond, in the County of Kent. Queen Elizabeth afterwards gave them fresh powers, to erect and preserve beacons and signs for the sea, but it does not appear that this fraternity erected any lighthouses till the year 1676. The public lights of Scotland were under the Commissioners for Northern Light- houses, incorporated by the 38 George 3. chap. 58.; there were 25 lighthouses under their management: those of Ireland were under the superintendence of the Ballast Board, a corporation consisting of the mayor and sheriffs of Dublin, three aldermen, and 17 other individuals, who had the control and management of 35 lights; there were several other lighthouses held under lease from the Crown. Lighting.. The first method employed for lighting these buildings was undoubtedly coal fires, unaided by reflectors or any mechanical or optical arrangements: to this suc- ceeded the use of candles, and till a late period we find them generally adopted: the next improvement was the Argand burner, introduced on the focus of a parabolic reflector: this instrument is made of silver, strengthened with copper; it is about 3 or 4 inches in focal length, and 21 inches in diameter; the number and arrangement of reflectors in each house depend on the light being fixed or revolving, as well as upon the situation and importance of the lighthouse: one of the methods much used in France is to place a large Argand lamp, with four concentric wicks, giving a very powerful light, in the centre of the lantern, surrounding it with a series of glass lenses, of a peculiar construction, and using a refracting, instead of a reflecting instrument to collect the light, and only one lamp instead of a number. The lens is a very beautiful instrument, about 30 inches square, plano-convex, and formed of separate rings or zones, whose common surfaces preserve nearly the same curvature as if they constituted portions of one complete lens, the interior and useless part of the glass being removed. To form a lens out of one piece of glass of such a magnitude would be scarcely practicable, and if it were, the thickness of the glass would materially obstruct the light: a lens so constructed gave as much light as nine of the ordinary reflectors in common use, and the consumption of oil in the burner was as great as in seventeen of the Argand lamps. Lieutenant Thomas Drummond, who was employed on the Trigonometrical Survey of England, had his attention directed to the subject of signal lights, in consequence of the great difficulty he experienced in observing distant stations, particularly when it was required to see Leith Hill, in Surrey, from Berkhampstead Tower, in Hertfordshire; and it CHAP. XX. 1231 GAS LIGHTING. appeared very desirable to procure a brilliant light, capable of penetrating the almost constant haze which impeded his observations. He began his inquiries by repeating some of Berzelius's experiments on the distinctive qualities of the different earths before the blow-pipe; that assigned to lime was the property of emitting, when so heated, a peculiar bright light, and which he found produced one so distinct that every particle of lime could be seen with the naked eye. After this experiment, the idea presented itself, that if an apparatus could be made, containing a ball sufficiently large, and kept in a state of intense ignition, its effect, when placed in the focus of a reflector, would exceed that of any light hitherto used. After many experiments, the extraordinary intensity, as well as useful application of this light was detailed in two papers published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1826 and 1831: it was afterwards fitted and adapted to the purposes of a lighthouse; the apparatus consisting of a lamp, (fig. 1933.), which admitted at the same time through the apertures o and the two gases, hydrogen and oxygen: they came from separate gasometers, and were not suffered to mix until they arrived at the small chamber c, of which fig. 1931. is a section; into this chamber the oxygen gas from the inner tube is projected horizontally, through a series of very small apertures, and the hydrogen gas rises vertically through similar apertures at d. The united gases then pass through two or three pieces of wire gauze, placed at e, and being thus thoroughly mixed issue through the two jets against the ball, b, fig. 1933. To prevent the wasting of the ball opposite the two jets, and at the same time to diffuse the heat more equally, it is made to revolve once in a minute, by means of a movement placed underneath the plate m, and with that the wire f, carrying the ball and passing through the stem, is connected: notwithstanding this arrangement, the effect of the heat is such as gradually to cut a deep groove in the ball, so that at the end of about 45 minutes it becomes necessary to change it; to effect this a wire, ab, (fig. 1930.) passes through the focus of the reflector, and upon it are placed a number of balls, at A, required for any given time; these, by means of the shears, s, are admitted between the plates, p, p, and hence are permitted to fall, in succession, to the focus. f represents the focal ball, about two minutes before the change; the ball at g falls into the position i, where it becomes gradually heated; at the end of that time the curved support, t, moving on a pivot, is thrown into the position represented by the dotted line, by the momentary descent of the ring r, which receiving an impulse from the weight W acts upon the extremity u of the support; f falls, but it is prevented from descending more than its own A p W P א א 2 d d $ h m: Fig. 1931. Fig. 1932. Fig. 1933. Fig. 1934 Fig. 1930. DRUMMOND'S LIGHT. diameter by the loop l, and i, following it, occupies the focus; the support t being imme- diately released, returns by the action of a spring to its former position, retains i, and suffers ƒto escape through the loop into the cistern. The wire ab, and the support t, revolve together, and carry round the focal ball, which is ignited, as in fig. 1930. by the two jets, These jets, which are movable round the joints d, d, enter through small apertures cut in the sides of the reflector, and are easily adjusted to the proper distance from the Z.Z. 1232 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ball: should it be required to diffuse the light equally, the renewal of the lime may be effected by using a cylinder instead of a ball, which, being gradually raised while revolving, brings fresh portions in succession opposite the jets. In a reflector, a cylinder occasions partial shadows at the top and bottom, but the sim. plicity and certainty by which it may be renewed entitle it to be preferred: the apparatus to supply the gas consists of two strong cylinders, 3 feet high, one to contain the oxygen, the other the hydrogen; these gases are compressed, two or three times, the latter by being generated under pressure, the former by being pumped in. To each of these gas-holders is attached a governor, so that whatever be the variation of pressure in the gas-holder, provided it exceed that of the governor, the gas issues with a uniform and constant stream, in the present instance under a pressure of 30 inches of water: all attempts made to apply the Drummond light and voltaic light have hitherto failed, in consequence of the many great and practical difficulties with which these modes of lighting are accompanied, and the usual methods adopted are those of the lighthouse of Corduan, and others on the French coast. Mr. R. Stevenson, however, in his report upon the Drummond light, observed that on several occasions during a dense haze it had been seen, though not with brilliancy, while the reflected and lens lights were totally eclipsed: this light was so intensely brilliant, that the observers on the Leith road, in a favourable state of the atmosphere, saw their shadows strongly marked at full length across the road, at a distance of 13 miles from Gullan hill, where the experiments were made. With regard to its appli- cation to lighthouses, Mr. Stevenson was of opinion that with the then state of the apparatus, it was not possible to maintain a steady light; the heat of the united flames of these gases was so intense that it destroyed platina, and all the substances applied to it; inde- pendently of this, the very explosive nature of the oxy-hydrogen gas was an objection, and great attention was necessary to keep up a constant flame. Fig. 1935. Drummond LIGHT, GAS CYLINDERS. Gas Lighting.-For gas manufactories it is necessary to have premises of sufficient extent to contain buildings for the retorts, as well as ample space for the gasometers, purifying apparatus, and stores of coal, pipes, &c. employed in manufacturing, or in conveying the gas to the places required: the situation usually chosen for these works is the lowest that can be obtained; coal gas being lighter than air is sure to rise, and can only be made to descend by the application of pressure. The plan given is that of some gas-works constructed by the writer for a town in Kent, of 6000 inhabitants, about 30 years ago. Retort-house is generally of brick, and sufficiently large to contain the requisite number of retorts, which are of a cylindrical or elliptical form, of cast-iron; they are placed in rows .. Fig. 1936. PLAN OF GAS WORKS. within a brick oven, where they are so surrounded with flues that the heat is distributed equally. CHAP. XX. 1233 GAS LIGHTING. Some retorts are in the form shown in fig. 1941. and about 7 feet 6 inches in length, 18 inches in width, and 1 foot high in the clear; such are said to yield in the shortest time the greatest quantity of gas. Those that are cylindrical vary from 8 to 6 feet in length, and are about 12 inches in diameter; this form is preferred as being the less expensive, but there are many objections to it, particularly from its not allowing the coal with which it is charged to lie equally thick throughout: in the middle it must lie deeper than towards the sides; it is important that every part of the coal should be equally acted upon at the same time; this the cylindrical retorts do not provide for in the same manner as those which have flatter bottoms. Whatever form is given to the retorts they are cast closed at one end, and at the other they are fitted with Fig. 1937. SECTION OF RETORt-house. mouth-pieces, also made of iron, into which is fixed the conducting pipe, which carries away the gas as it rises from the coal. The cover or lid requires to be well closed: this is ac- complished by an iron frame, through which a long screw passes to the centre of the cover, where it enters; by this means the retorts can be closed immediately they are charged with coal: the joints round the cover are closed more perfectly by the application of a lime-lute, which prevents the gas as it is generated from making any escape. These retorts are liable to accidents: they seldom last more than six months, and often not so long; for they indicate decay both on the out and inside, the former caused by the heat, and the other by the action of the coal itself. O Fig. 1939. ELEVATION OF RETORT-HOUSE. The iron appears to increase in bulk, and in time becomes soft, resembling finely laminated black chalk. Par- ticular attention is required for their setting in large establishments : several are set in one frame or oven, with the fireplaces beneath them; the flues are so contrived that there is not only an equal distribution of heat, but it is sufficient to decompose all the coal put into them, which if not properly done, all the volatile substances will not be liberated, and a loss will be proportionately sustained: each retort is usually charged, after being pro- perly heated, with a bushel of coal, thrown into it by a long semicircular iron shovel, or scoop, which spreads it throughout into a thin layer; this remains subjected to the action of the heat of the Fig. 1939. FRONT OF FURNACE. 4 K 1234 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. oven for 6 or 8 hours, when the plate which closes the mouth of the retort is withdrawn, and a volume of flame pours out; after this the residue, which is coke, is drawn out by Fig. 1940. SECTION OF FURNACE AND RETORTS. means of iron bars with crooked ends, and water thrown upon it, or it is allowed to descend into a place prepared to receive it. The quantity of coke obtained after distillation varies, as coal loses from 20 to 35 per cent.: it is usually, however, about half as much more than the bulk of coal thrown into the retorts, a bushel yielding 11 bush- els of coke. The quantity of coal required to heat a retort is about a fifth of the quantity with which they are charged, and 1 cwt. yields from 300 to 500 feet of gas. or Great attention is required in so carbonising distilling pit coal, that the carbu- retted hydrogen may be produced in the largest quantity; and upon the eco- nomy and care carried into this Fig. 1941. 福 ​TRANSVERSE SECTION OF RETORTS. operation depend the successful results of any establishment undertaking to light a city. As soon as the retort into which the coals are put to undergo decomposition becomes red-hot, atmospheric air and steam are given off, and the tar is distilled from it, together with hydrogen and ammonia, in the state of gases, which continue to evolved as long as the retort is kept up to this heat; when this is increased, the pyrites of the coal yields sulphurous acid, which is found united with ammonia; the residuum after distillation is carbonised coal or coke. The first gas that comes off gives a very feeble light; that produced at a vivid red heat consists of bicarburetted hydrogen or olefiant gas of the best quality, and affords the brightest light in every 100 measures obtained from good coal, the products at the first giving out are : — : CHAP. XX. 1235 GAS LIGHTING. Olefiant gas Bicarburetted hydrogen Carbonic acid Azote 82.5 13. 3.2 1.2 The whole combined having a specific gravity of 650: when the retort has been heated 5 hours, it may be thus stated :— Bicarburetted hydrogen Olefiant gas Carbonic oxide Hydrogen Azote - The specific gravity of the compound being 5. 56. 7. 11. 21.3 4.7 At the end of 10 hours it contains 20 of carburetted hydrogen, 10 of carbonic oxide, 60 of hydrogen, 10 of azote, and the specific gravity is only 0.345. In the first hour of distillation one-fifth of the whole quantity is given out, and the re- mainder in tolerably equal quantities for each successive hour, until the whole, which amounts to about fifty-four parts out of the hundred, is obtained: it is consequently advisable to commence the operation by making the retort cherry-red; the best gas being then pro- duced, when a portion of the tar is converted, instead of being distilled over. At the commencement of gas-lighting it required half as much coal to heat a retort as it was charged with; now five retorts are heated in one oven by a single furnace, and one-third the contents of the retorts is sufficient for the purpose: 65 per cent. of coke remains in the retort after distillation, and its volume is increased in the proportion of 4 to 3: it is now. preferred for heating the retorts, and its power may be estimated at 65 per cent. of the coals consumed. When the retorts have been some time in use, it is found that their external capacity is diminished, in consequence of an incrustation of carbonaceous matter within them: this has sometimes been removed by throwing in jets of heated atmospheric air with considerable force, when the retort is heated to redness; it has been suggested that this might be effected by common air, if applied in sufficient quantities, which would burn away the extraneous matter. The Hydraulic Main is a strong cast-iron pipe, usually about 12 inches in diameter, of a sufficient length to receive all the perpendicular pipes that convey the gas generated in the several retorts: this main is made perfectly horizontal, and supported on the brickwork which covers the ovens. The gas leaves the retort by means of an upright conducting iron pipe, about 3 inches in diameter, and 4 or 5 feet in length, fixed at one end into the mouth-piece and mounting perpendicularly, curving at the top, before it is allowed to de- scend and join the hydraulic main; through this pipe the impure gas passes. The hydraulic main contains a certain quantity of cold water, for the purpose of con- densing the several substances which constitute the first-formed gas; one end of the main is firmly closed by means of a flange; the other has a similar contrivance, and a little above its diameter is attached the pipe through which the gas passes: at the end is a semicircular piece of iron, which maintains the water at a uniform height. The upright pipes, which are bent at the top, and convey the gas into the hydraulic main, dip 2 inches or more into the water, obliging the gas to flow through a portion Fig 1942. HYDRAULIC MAIN. of it before it rises into the upper half of the main and passes off. The tar deposited in the water from this process is drawn off by means of pipes, whilst the greater portion of the ammonia, from its strong affinity for water, combines with it. The Condenser, which receives the gas from the hydraulic main for the purpose of cooling it, is a large cistern or tank constantly immersed in cold water; its form may be either square or circular; but it must be so arranged, that when the gas has once entered it may be obliged to pass over a considerable cold surface before it can escape: it is usually covered with wrought-iron plates pierced with holes, into which are inserted a number of tubes; these are 4 inches in diameter, and attached by flanges and screws, connected in pairs at top, by means of curved or saddle tubes. The chest or vessel which is so covered is divided by vertical iron partitions, as many in number as there are pairs of tubes; and as these vertical plates do not touch the bottom of the chest, the gas is obliged, or rather made, to pass up and down this series of partitions and pipes, or from one 4 K 2 1236 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 薯 ​compartment to another. In the passage of the gas it is at last cooled down to the tem perature of the air, and made to deposit the whole of its tar and ammoniacal liquor, which pass off into the tar cistern beneath, where the ammoniacal liquor floats at the top, and is drawn off by means of pipes placed there for the purpose; or there are two pumps, one which passes to the bottom, to lift up the tar, and the other enters only the part containing the ammonia, where it can be pumped out, without bring- ing up the tar. A chaldron of coals yields 1 cwt. of tar, and produces from 15 to 18 gallons of ammoniacal liquor. Other condensers have been intro- duced, which consist of a series of ascending and descending bends of pipes, where the tar, of two or three qualities, may be drawn off, and the ammoniacal liquor easily discharged: it has been estimated that about 10 square feet of condenser is required to cool 1 cube foot of gas per minute; and that when 10 cubic feet of gas are produced per minute, a CISTERN AMMONIACAL LIQUOR The Purifier. TAR Fig. 1943. CONDENSER. cooling surface is required, equal to 100 square feet; or in establishments where 100,000 cubic feet of gas are produced every 24 hours the con- densing surface must be from 800 to 900 square feet. As it is necessary to separate the sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid gases, which is not possible by mere cooling, and to clear the coal gas from other kr226 | 223 16 17 ARGOLEK SZTUSU MARA Fig. 1944. Section of purifier. impurities injurious to health, which also corrode the pipes, as it passes through them to the burners, and injures the colour of the flame, it is sub- jected to a chemical action, by passing through lime and water, mixed together to the consistence of thick cream; hence called cream of lime. The sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid are taken up by the lime, and the water absorbs any ammonia that may remain. CHAP. XX. 1237 GAS LIGHTING. When coal gas contains 5 per cent. of these gases, every 100 cube feet will require 1 pound of lime, or about in weight of the coal subjected to decomposition, with which as much water must be mixed as will make it into 1 cubic foot of the cream. The purifier should have a capacity sufficient to hold of a cubic foot for every 100 feet of gas that passes through it in one operation, and the contents should be changed every 6 hours: 20,000 cubic feet would require 114 feet cube of cream of lime; so that a cylindrical vessel in which it could stand to the height of 3 feet must be 7 feet in diameter. # The purifier is generally formed of three vessels within each other, air-tight, and of a cylindrical form, with an upright shaft in the axis, to which is attached a number of arms or paddles for the purpose of stirring up and agitating the mixture, and preventing the lime from settling at the bottom: as the gas enters at the lower part of the vessel, it passes in air- bubbles through a succession of plates around the edges, where a space is left for the pur- pose, and in its passage becomes exposed to the action of the cream of lime: in this process all the sulphuretted hydrogen is taken up; this is tested by allowing a portion to escape through a cock, and pass over a piece of paper previously dipped in a solution of sugar of lead, which will become brown if any sulphuretted hydrogen remain: when this is the case, it must be again submitted to the cream of lime. At large gasworks it has been found necessary to have three purifiers, so connected together that the second is placed rather higher than the first, and the other a little above it, so that the discharge-tube of the highest vessel, which is a little below the top, enters into the upper portion of that which stands lower; by this means the milk of lime in the uppermost vessel is made to rise above its ordinary level, flow over into the second, and then into the third, from whence it is drawn off by the eduction-pipe; the gas is introduced into the first vessel, and passed successively through the others into the gasometer when the milk of lime is in sufficient quantity to allow the gas in its pro- gression to pass over an entire new surface, it becomes thoroughly purified: its purity may be tested, after it has passed through the vessel containing the lime, by means of a siphon-tube with a stopcock; this, inserted in the cover of the purifier, may have one end in contact with a solution of acetate of lead, which will become turbid, when it is necessary to renew lime in the machine. It is very desirable that gas should be rendered perfectly pure, and that no sulphuretted hydrogen should remain; it has been recom- mended to make use of pyrolignite of lead for the purpose; the only objection is its cost: coal-gas contains also sulphuret of carbon, which gives out sulphurous acid when consumed, and which it is exceedingly difficult to prevent. Various other methods have been tried to render gas pure: one was putting a small quantity of water to the lime, and mixing it to such a consistence that it could be spread into cakes over perforated iron plates, through which it was allowed to pass; another was to pass it through red-hot pipes, in which was previously placed black oxide of iron, iron filings, &c., or other matter capable of oxidation, which separated the sul- phuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid from the carburetted hydrogen. By the former plan the necessity of evaporating the waste liquor is avoided, and the product presumed to be better, retaining the whole of its olefiant gas, from which the whiteness of the flame is said to arise, whereas this latter, being slightly soluble in water, loses some of this quality in its passage through the milk of lime: it is beneficial to submit the gas in the purifier to the pressure of a column of water about 2 feet in height, and an Archimedean screw has in some cases been used for the purpose. Gasometers are now made of a cylindrical form, as this figure is the most capacious for the quantity of metal used; its height ought to be equal to its radius, to comply with this condition: sheet-iron is usually employed for its construction, and the cylindrical form is strengthened by the introduction on the inside of cross iron rods, both at its top and bottom; the top is like a very flat cone, the rods radiating from the centre to the outer rim. The bottom rim is cast-iron, held to the upper by perpendicular rods bolted through them; oblique and other rods are introduced in large gasometers, when additional strength is required. The gas-holder has on the upper rim several rings, placed at the ends of the perpendicular rods, to which rings the chains are fixed, which pass over the pulleys, to balance it in its rise; this is aided and performed most effectually by attaching to the other end of the chain a weight acting as a counterpoise. : Around the gasometer are three perpendicular iron columns, placed triangularly, over which the chains pass, to mark the rising or falling of the gas-holder; a greater number of columns are necessary when the diameter is considerable, to keep it steady. The gas-holder is made to descend into a cistern of water, constructed either of brick or cast-iron as the gas-holder sinks, it of course loses a proportion of its weight equal to the quantity of water it displaces; so that when entirely immersed, as it is when nearly empty, it exercises little or no pressure, but when entirely out of the tank or water cistern its pressure is considerable; to render the escape of the gas equal, which is important, it is necessary so to adjust the balance chain, that throughout its motion it shall be equal to half the weight which the gas-holder loses by immersion. 4 K 3 1238 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. The size of the gasometer depends upon the quantity it is required to contain: one 42 feet in diameter and 23 feet in height will contain 30,000 cubic feet, and the lower GASOMETER CONDENSER PURIFIER RETOKTS *££ +DE+ Fig. 1945. APPARATUS TO GAS MANUFACTORY. vessel or cistern into which it plunges is made somewhat larger, as there is usually a pres- sure allowed, which makes the water stand on the outside one or two inches higher than within, which is necessary. Before the gas is introduced into the gasometer, it is usual, after it has left the purifier, to pass it through a large revolving meter, where its quantity and temperature are exactly measured: some of these machines, in large works, are capable of measuring 30,000 or 40,000 cubic feet per hour, and by means of contrivances attached to them, register the quantity as it is made, both by night and by day. Such is the gas-meter, now in general use, and the section perpendicular to its axis shows its arrangement. The interior consists of a hollow wheel or drum, divided into four compartments by as many thin plates; this is made to revolve freely on its axis within an air-tight case, which as well as the lower compartments of the wheel is filled with water to a level a little above the axis on which it moves : each compartment has two apertures, one for admitting, the other for dis- charging the gas; and these openings are so placed, that when it enters one compartment, its escape must be be- neath the surface of the water. The gas is admitted by the pipe, which is bent upwards, so that its mouth in- ternally is raised a trifle above the water; it then flows through into that Fig. 1946. GAS METER. Fig. 1947. SECTION. compartment which is under water, its pressure on the surface of which causes this division to rise, and the cylinder to revolve on its axis; another aperture then dips into the water, and the gas is driven out as it enters, and so on in succession: the inner cylinder with its cog- wheel attached continues to turn round, and the gas passes off: it is easy to fix upon the machine a dial-plate, which indicates the quantity passed through it by one revolution or move. The inner cylinder is made to turn freely on the axis, passing partly through it; this axis is fixed at one end to the revolving cylinder, and kept steady in its motion by the cross bars; one end of the pivot is made to work in a hole drilled at the side of the pipe, by which the gas is introduced; the other end projects beyond the inner cylinder, and reaches through the hole in the outer cylinder to a cup placed over it, which contains a hole, in which it turns; within this cup is a cog-wheel, which works by means of others the hands of the dial-plate, in the same manner as a clock movement. this machine water is poured into it by means of a pipe attached to the small outer cup, which regulates its height within. To use The Gas Governor, which modifies the pressure of the gas-holders, consists of a small gasometer, the interior of which is in direct communication with the pipe through which CHAP. XX. 1239 GAS LIGHTING. the gas enters from the gasometer it is distributed into the mains, by means of the pressure exerted upon it, and by the proper regulation of the valves, which command the apertures connected with them. The pressure by which motion is given to the gas in the mains is measured by the outside height of water in the cistern, into which the gas-holder is plunged; its velocity in its passage through a main increases in the ratio of the square root of the press- ing column of water upon the gasometer; so that by adding to this it may be made to pass either more rapidly or to a greater distance. In laying down the mains, that they may distribute it as equally as possible, it is neces- sary to take into consideration the velocity of discharge at the several distances. Fig. 1948. GAS GOVERNOR. Laying down the Mains. All the pipes employed whose diameter exceeds 1 inch in the interior, are made of cast-iron, in lengths of from 6 to 8 feet; their ends fit into a wide socket joint, the end of one pipe being cast with a nozzle, inserted into a socket at the other: after these are inserted, hemp soaked in tar is driven into the joint around the nozzle, and over this is put a luting of clay, within which is poured hot lead, which forms a ring in the socket; this is tightly driven with a blunt chisel, and trimmed carefully. The pipes or tubes, for the distribution of the gas to the several houses or manufactories, are of smaller diameter, though never less than inch, and made either of tin, iron, copper, lead, pewter, or other compounds; they should, however, all be subjected to proof before they are employed by means of a force-pump. A pipe 1 inch in diameter and 250 feet in length is sufficient under ordinary circum- stances to transmit 200 cubic feet of gas in an hour; and as the volume discharged at the end of a pipe is directly proportionate to the square of its diameter, and inversely as the square root of its length, other calculations may be founded upon it: it is highly necessary that the engineer should, previously to his laying down the mains in a town or city, correctly ascertain the difference of level of every part to be lighted, as well as the quantity of gas to be distributed in the different quarters; whenever streets are wide, it is preferable to lay down a main on each side, as it is far more convenient to attach the service pipes as well as for their repair. The pipes should all be laid, if possible, in a straight line, and with a gradual slope of about 1 inch to every 30 or 40 feet; this slope, after it has continued for about 300 feet, may then, if it be on the ascent, descend the same distance, so that the pipes alternately rise and fall, and are not laid level; otherwise they will not drain off the water that may be condensed within them. Where the mains are required to be laid at right angles, curved pipes cast for the purpose are used for rounding the corners of the streets, as it is desirable to avoid any line or form that may obstruct the free passage of the gas through them, which is so very subtile that it is necessary to have the pipes cast internally as clean as possible, to prevent friction. At the end of every fall of main, or where two descending lines meet, a reservoir should be formed, to receive all that drains off by them; this reservoir, or siphon as it is usually denominated, must be proportionate to the duty it has to per- form; it is made of cast-iron, of a cylindrical form, its diameter being equal to double that of the mains which fall into it, and the depth is made twice or more that of the diameter; the top is provided with a cast-iron cover, into which is fixed a wrought-iron pipe that descends nearly to the bottom; on the top of this pipe, which rises above the cover some inches, is a screw for the purpose of attaching a small pump, that is applied whenever the condensed water has accumulated, and requires to be drawn out. Sliding or Hydraulic Valves for passing off the gas into the mains: this operation is sometimes ingeniously performed by means of a small gasometer or cast-iron vessel, which has on one side a pipe communicating with the main, and on the other a com- Fig. 1949. SLIDING OR HYDRAULIC VALVE. 4 x 4 1240 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. t munication with the gasometer with a similar pipe. The top cover, which is suspended over pulleys by a balance weight, when raised, allows the gas freely to pass, but when let down, the partition plate, sinking in the water which surrounds the ends of the two pipes, at once prevents any gas from passing from one to the other: the water is maintained at a uniform height by means of a small reservoir attached to the side, which is regularly supplied by a ball-cock. Pressure Indicator, which measures the pressure in the main and service pipes, is used at most of the large establishments, and is a beautiful contrivance; by it is ascertained the excess or deficiency of supply: when when a number of burners are suddenly extinguished or lighted, the indicator at the works immediately makes it known; this is effected by the small, but nicely-adjusted gasometer, connected with the main service; its rising and falling being the consequence of diminished or increased pressure within the main, the valves are either opened or shut, to allow the gas to pass or not from the gasometer. To this is attached a regulating rod, which has a pencil inserted in it, which in its motion is made to trace a line upon a ruled sheet of paper wrapped round a small cylinder; this is kept in regular rotation on its axis by means of ma- chinery connected with the movement of a clock; thus during the night as well as day every change of pressure is indi- cated. Fig. 1950. INDICATOR. This invention of Mr. Crosley's for registering the actual pressure at the main outlet, and which indicates the most minute variations, with the pre- cise times when they occur, enables a complete check to be kept against the person employed to superintend and regulate the supply. In the interior of the small gasometer is a small tube, which communicates with the main; an air-vessel within the gasometer occasions it to float when immersed in the water, at which time it is in a state of equilibrium with the external atmosphere; and as the gas in the main increases ite pressure it rises, which rising is measured off by a scale, 12 inches in height, being equal to the pressure of a column of water 1 inch in height. The paper by the hori- zontal lines shows every tenth of an inch pressure, and by vertical lines the hours when it occurs. Sliding Valves are very simple, and are placed in an upright position, within a strong iron frame; they are perfectly smooth, and the plate which slides up and down is sometimes of brass, properly ground, and made to fill up the groove, and rendered completely air-tight: it is moved up and down by a screw, which turns in a socket formed on the upper part of the frame; but where their dimensions are con- siderable, a rack and pinion may be advan- tageously employed. A Quicksilver Valve is sometimes used, formed by a square iron box, with a per- pendicular division in it, which can be made to dip into another iron box below it, and in which a quantity of quicksilver is placed into the sides of the upper box : Fig. 1951. A UHIDIHI UHHIKI QUICK SILVer valve. 19 are inserted the two pipes to allow of the passage of the gas, when it is required; it is obvious that when the division of the upper box does not dip in the quicksilver, the CHAP. XX. 1241 WARMING AND LIGHTING. gas will freely pass under it, and proceed to the opposite pipe; when it is desired to shut off the communication, all that is necessary is to turn the screw beneath the bottom box, which works in a fixed female screw, and this so elevates the quicksilver that it closes, by the dipping of the perpendicular partition into it, all communication between the two horizontal pipes. The lower box has an iron rim round it, to preserve its regular motion, and to prevent it from moving otherwise than in an upright position. Construction of Burners, Length of Flame, &c. The burners are of several varieties. The beak is perforated with one small hole, of an inch in diameter, made perfectly round and smooth. The Argand burner has the holes around a circle, and great care is required to place them at equal distances, as well as make them all equal in diameter; for when several jets issue from one burner, they should unite to form one flame. The distance at which the holes should be bored should be from 16 to 18 hundredth parts of an inch, or of an inch; and when the Argand burner has ten holes in the cir- cumference and one in the middle, the central one should be made of an inch; and when twenty-five holes, that in the middle must be 1 inch in diameter. If the holes are too large, the gas will flow so rapidly that it will not mix proportionately with the atmospheric air and render its combustion complete; this affects the brilliancy of the light, and produces a quantity of smoke: when the holes are too small, the gas will not flow in sufficient quantity to produce the necessary quantity of light; and it is generally observed, that the burners which contain the greatest number of holes within a certain space afford the most brilliant light. The Argand burner being composed of a ring, the centre part is left open for the admission of a supply of atmospheric air to the interior of the flame, and by means of a glass chimney the combustion of the gas is rendered more complete, as well as more active: those burners which have 10, 15, 20, or 25 holes, have their diameters, and 1 6, 95 of an inch; the breadth of the rim 12 of an inch, and the length of the burner 13 inch. 100 1800 2' 10' The height to which flame may be raised without smoking is in this proportion: with eight holes, 4 inches; ten holes, 3 inches; fifteen and twenty, 21; and twenty five, 2 inches; and it is a singular circumstance, that all these burners emit the same quantity of light. The most economical as well as the most brilliant light is afforded when the jet- holes are very numerous, the air aperture small, and the chimney narrow: when several jets are united, as in the Argand burner, the light increases in a greater ratio than the expenditure of the gas. The glass chimneys for the burners mentioned should be 8, 12, 13, and 15 tenths of an inch in diameter, and 6 inches in height. The luminous quality of gas depends upon the portion of carbon held in solution by the hydrogen, and also upon the quantity of oxygen which each may require for its perfect combustion, according to its volume, and the intensity or measure of the light produced is ascertained by the faintness or blackness of the shadows, when an opaque object is placed between the light and a sheet of white paper. Light always moves in straight lines, and diverges in all directions, its intensity decreasing in proportion with the square of the distance; thus at the distance of 1, 2, 3, or 4 yards, its intensity will be diminished in proportion to the square of those numbers, or as 1, 4, 9, 16, so that at the distance of 2 yards the light will be only what it was at 1 yard distance, and when at 3 yards, 9 times less, and at four, 16. Dr. Priestley found that when two lights shone upon the same surface at equal obliquities and an opaque body was interposed, the two shadows produced differed in blackness or intensity in a similar degree: the shadow produced by intercepting the greater light being illumined by the lesser only, the other shadow would be less intense, and the strongest light would have the deepest shadow. Thus when two lights are to be compared, they should be so placed that a ray from each should fall with nearly the same angle of incidence upon the middle of a sheet of paper; by interposing some opaque object the two shadows it occasions may be made to lap over each other; then if the lights are removed or brought nearer the paper, until all the shadows are of the same intensity, it will be found that the quantity of light emitted by each will be as the squares of the distances from the paper. Colour has something to do in the comparison of the intensity of two lights, that flame which is nearest to a pure white being the most brilliant, and its lustre diminishes in its approach to a brown hue, and this often affects the appearance of the shadows thrown for the purpose of estimating the quantity of light. To ascertain the purity of coal gas it is only necessary to pass it over a solution of acetate of lead: this may be done by unscrewing the burner, and then in lieu of it screwing on a bent tube, which, if allowed to dip its end into this solution, will at once indicate whether there is any sulphuretted hydrogen remaining, by the solution becoming dusky or a black precipitate, but if it do not change its colour you may be satisfied the gas is perfectly pure. 1242 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Litmus paper dipped in water is a good test for sulphuretted hydrogen: the dark purplish blue, if this gas be present, changes its colour to red; if carbonic acid be present, by adding a little lime water to it, an effervescence will take place when a few drops of muriatic acid are added. Hydrogen gas affects both silver and mercury; on mercury it pro- duces a black film, and it soon tarnishes the other metal. Six tallow mould-candles, weighing a pound, will burn forty hours, if lighted in succession; a gallon of sperm oil, burnt during the same time, will give a light equal to 15 such candles; 500 cubic inches of coal gas give a light for an hour equal to one of the above candles, so that it would require 20,000 cubic inches to be equivalent to the 6 mould candles, or between 11 and 12 cubic feet of gas; the cost of which is estimated at about 14d. per cube foot, as de- livered for burning. : Oil Gas is generally admitted to be more pure than that made from coal, and the process for its manufacture is very simple: a furnace is provided to heat the retort red-hot, the front of which is a cylindrical cast-iron vessel, with a cover fitted to its mouth, so as to close it completely the retort is partly filled with coke and broken brick, so that the oil, which falls by drops upon the heated substance, may be exposed to as large a heated surface as possible. The oil is contained in a copper vessel, and permitted to drop regularly through a pipe upon the heated matter in the retort, where it is decomposed, after which the gases ascend into the cistern or condenser above, formed of two iron vessels, one within the other, and the space between is filled with cold water, for the purpose of condensing the products of distillation. Mr. Beale has contrived an apparatus for the production of a powerful light, by the con- sumption of the refuse tar of the gas-works: it consists of an external copper case, at the bottom of which is a cock to discharge the fluid, should it rise above the required level. The tar is placed in the cylinder, and allowed to mount in the pipe attached, which it does by the pressure of the atmosphere, on the prin- ciple of the Argand lamp; at the bottom of the pipe is another, connected with a vessel, in which air is contained under a pressure of 1½ pound per square inch: this by means of a small cock can be opened or shut at pleasure. When the tar is lighted, a small lambent flame is first obtained, and when the compressed air is admitted, it burns with a strong vivid white light. Fig. 1952, OIL GAS. Fig. 1953. BEALE's light. GILEDLOGGEDE CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. FROM the elasticity of steam, which arises from the latent heat it contains, very early advantage was taken of its power, and it is now universally applied for the purpose of moving and impelling machinery: like all gaseous fluids, if steam be separated from the CHAP. XXI. 1243 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. fluid which generates it, it does not possess a greater quantity of elastic force than the same quantity of air. The latent heat of steam may be taken at about 950°; steam at the temperature of 212° contains 900° of heat, which is not detected by the thermometer in its gaseous state, so that the real quantity of heat may be taken at 950° added to 212º, or 1162º. If a quantity of steam be mixed with 5 times its weight of water, at 32° of temperature, the water will rise nearly to the boiling point: when water is boiled, its temperature never rises above 212°, nor does the steam which is produced; the only effect is in the more abundant supply of vapour, but if the water be confined in the vessel in which it is boiled, it as well as the steam may be brought to almost any tem- perature. Steam Engine. The high-pressure and the low-pressure are the two kinds in ordinary use; the first is simple and composed of few parts, and well adapted for locomotive engines, and other purposes where economy and portability are a consideration: the low- pressure engine is, however, not only more durable, but consumes less fuel, and is the most efficient for all ordinary purposes. The high-pressure engine is sometimes called the non-condensing, to distinguish it from the low-pressure engine, which is called the con- densing; sometimes in one engine the properties of both are combined. The high-pressure engine now in use, the principles of which are more elementary and simple, was not brought into practice until long after Mr. Watt had perfected the other. : High-pressure steam is produced by confining it within the boiler and increasing its temperature and strength to a greater degree. The force of such steam is thus estimated : a pound weight is placed upon a hole on the top of the boiler, exactly an inch square; when the steam is powerful enough to lift the weight off the aperture on which it rests, its power is said to be one pound on the square inch by placing a greater weight, a greater elastic pressure is produced, and 1000 pounds on an inch have been measured by this means. The ordinary pressure given to engines of this kind varies from 15 to 120 pounds per square inch: when 15 pounds is the pressure, it is called one atmosphere, or high-pressure steam of the elastic force of one atmosphere: 6 pounds of coals, em- ployed in converting 6 gallons of water into steam, is equal in power to the labour of a man for an entire day. One of the simplest forms of application of high-pressure steam for the raising of weights is by conducting the steam through a cylindrical tube, into which is inserted a movable piston, on the top of which is placed a weight: when the steam issues from the boiler, and passing under the piston, is strong enough to overcome the weight, the piston will rise to any required height; if the weight be equal to one atmosphere, and the area of the piston equal to a square inch, any increase in the pressure of the steam beyond one atmosphere of elastic force will raise the weight. The Atmospheric Engine is not worked by the direct and immediate agency of steam, but by the atmosphere: the steam is here used only to make way for the atmosphere, and give effect to its pressure. Engines of this description are usually constructed to condense the steam in their own cylinders, and are used for either raising water or coals: in construction they are simple, but when their cylinders are less than 24 inches in diameter, the consumption of fuel is considerably above the effect produced. In forming the cylinder it is usual to make its diameter half its length, and the velocity should be about 98 times the square root of the length of the stroke in feet per minute. The area of the steam passages is, as 4800, is to the velocity in feet per minute, so is the area of the cylinder, to the area of the steam passage. The number of cube feet of water required per minute for steam is found by multiplying the number of feet contained in the area of the cylinder, by half the velocity in feet, and that product by 1·23 added to 1·4, divided by the diameter in feet, and that quotient again divided by 1480. Twelve times the quantity of water required for the purposes of steam is necessary for its condensation, and the aper- ture by which it is injected should admit that quantity at every stroke that is made. The area of the jet aperture should be the 850th part of the area of the cylinder, and the con- ducting pipe four times the diameter of the jet. To ascertain the power of an atmospheric engine, multiply 5.9 times the square of the diameter of the cylinder in inches, by half the velocity of the piston in feet per minute; the product so obtained expresses the effective power, or the number of pounds elevated a foot high per minute; the horse-power is found by dividing by 33000. In a cylinder with a diameter 72 inches, length of stroke 9 feet, and making 9 strokes per minute, it will be shown by 9 x9=81; then 5.9 × 72 × 72 × 81 = 2477433-6 lbs. raised a foot per minute, or 75 horse-power. In the ordinary atmospheric engine, when the condensation takes place in the cylin- der, it is closed at the bottom and open at top, as represented at C: at S is a passage for the steam at the bottom of the cylinder, with a valve or cock at V: at I is the passage for the cold water, which condenses the steam, with a cock at D: at E is the passage for the water which has been injected to run out; this passage has a valve 1244 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING at F, which prevents its flowing back again: at G is a valve for the air to escape. The engine beam has attached to it mechanism which opens and closes the valves; and water is supplied at the top of the piston to make the packing around it steam-tight. When the beam is in the proper position, steam is admitted below the piston by the valve V: this valve is then, by the action of the beam, shut off, and the injection cock at D opened; water then flows through the pipe at I, and condenses the steam within the cylinder, after which it passes off through the pipe E; the atmosphere then acting on the piston, P, it is forced down, the air contained in the cylinder, and produced by the condensation of the water, being suffered to escape at G: connected with the beam is a bar having a vertical movement; in this is attached lappets, which open the steam and injection cocks or valves: the steam- valve closing, and the injection cock opening when the up-stroke is completed, the steam-valve is made to open with the rise of the piston. F G F C D This kind of engine may be regulated by turning off the steam, and cutting off the injection: a hot well Fig. 1954. COMMON ATMOSPHERIC. supplies the water for the boiler, and about 16 pounds of coal per hour for each horse-power is the quantity required to work it; the boiler, whatever its form, should have the steam limited to 1 pound on the circular inch. When this kind of engine has a separate condenser, it is constructed as shown in fig. 1955.; the steam is admitted by the pipe S, through the slide B, into the cylinder at D; A is a pump with a solid piston, which expels the condensed steam, air, and water, the injection being made into the pipe E; I is the injection cock; Fis a cock to let out any air that may accumulate when the engine is not at work, below the piston P. P D B Q Fig. 1955. ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE WITH When it is required to set the engine to work, the slide B is raised above S, and sufficient steam is admitted to drive out the air at the valve Q, the pistons, both of the cylinders and pump, being up: the steam is then shut off by the slide B, and the injection opened, when, in consequence of the condensation which takes place, both pistons descend, during which the cock F must be opened, and then closed: the injection being stopped, the slide B closes the opening to the con- denser, and by again admitting the steam, the pistons rise, and the air and water are driven out at Q; by opening and closing these passages alter- nately, the action is continued: by closing the valve B during the ascent, and the cock I during the descent, the engine may be regulated: the power of the atmospheric engine, when applied to raising water, should have its velocity in feet per minute 98 times the square root of the length of the stroke, and the diameter of the cylinder should be half its length. The area of the steam passages should be to the area of the cylinder, as the velocity of feet per minute is to 4800: the stroke of the air-pump should be half that of the piston, and its diameter three-eighths that of the cylinder. SEPARATe condenser. To ascertain the quantity of steam, multiply the number of feet contained in the area of the cylinder by half the velocity in feet, with the addition of one-fifth of loss for cooling; this result divided by 1480 gives the quantity of water requisite to supply the boiler; and for injection, twenty-four times that quantity will be required. The aperture by which the injection is made should have its diameter one-thirty-sixth that of the cylinder, and the pipe one-ninth. The power of the engine is found by multiplying 6.25 times the square of the diameter of the piston by half the velocity in feet per minute, and the product is the effective power in pounds raised one foot high per minute; this divided by 33,000 gives the horse-power. The cylinder being 32 Inches in diameter, and the velocity 220 feet per minute, we have 6·25 × 32º × 110=704,000 pounds, or 21 horse-power; 29.4 feet of water is required per hour, and 246 lbs. of caking coal, or 11.7 lbs. for each horse-power. Steam Pressure Engines. Boulton and Watt's Single Engine, as applied to the raising of water. The boiler is surrounded with brickwork, and the steam passes by the pipe b to CHAP. XXI. 1245 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. the cylinder, which is securely fixed to the floor; a lid at e covers the top; through this slides the piston-rod in an air-tight stuffing-box; the beam moves on its gudgeons, the bearings for which are properly sustained: a pump-rod carrying a counter-weight is suspended at the end of the beam at g, and both it and the piston rod k are connected by a parallel motion to the working beam, fg: at m is the condensing cistern, which con- พ 20 b k THE 20 n Em y C Fig. 1956. BOULTON AND WATT'S SINGLE-ACTING ENGINE. tains the air-pump, n, the condenser and hot well, o. By the action of the cold water pump, a continued supply is obtained, and all excess is carried away to the well by the waste-pipe: r is the upper steam valve, s the lower one, t the exhausting valve; these are all opened by the plug tree, v, and the lappets with which it is furnished. Water is raised from the hot well, o, by the pump, to supply the boiler, and is carried by a pipe, ww, into a small cistern, x, on the top of the feed-pipe, which has a valve, acted on by a lever, attached to a wire passing through the stuffing-box to a stone float in the boiler, which opens the valve by its descent, and permits an additional quantity of water to flow in when required. The Single-acting Engine differs from the double in the arrangement of its pipes and valves, as shown in fig. 1959. the steam is condensed into the state of water: the moving force equals the power of the steam: there are two cylinders; one admits the steam at the top, and another, called the condenser, admits the steam at the bottom, from the lower part of which is the passage to the air-pump. The cylinder in which the piston works is shown at C, the condenser at B, and the air-pump at A: by the pipe S the steam passes from the boiler through a valve at O, by which the piston, P, is forced down; the steam which is beneath it passes into the condenser, the bucket, p, of the air-pump descending at the same time: the rod O receives a motion when the piston has arrived at the bottom of the cylinder, which opens the valve b, and shuts those of a and c. pipe E has then a communication with both the bottom and top of the cylinder: the jet is stopped, and the cylinder and condenser again filled with steam from the boiler; the piston is raised by a counterweight to the top of the cylinder; this counterweight is applied to the opposite end of the beam to that on which the piston-rod is fixed: when the cock is open, which allows the steam to pass from the boiler into the cylinder, the steam in the condenser, and below the piston of the cylinder, is, by the playing of the jet of cold water into it, reduced to water; when the pressure on the top of the piston being equal to the force of the steam in the boiler, and that below being small, the piston is pressed down, and thus raises an equivalent weight at the opposite end of the beam. The The passage to the condenser is shut off when the piston reaches the bottom of the cylinder; a valve in the piston then opens, and allows the steam to pass through it: the piston rises by the action of the weight placed on the opposite end of the beam. 1246 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. When the piston is at the top this valve closes, and that of the condenser opens. The air-pump during this and the succeeding opera- tions is worked by the beam, and at each stroke of the piston makes a simultaneous move- ment, and thus is enabled to pump out the air and water which is the result of each condensing operation. G is a H C N A M Fig. 1957. SINGLE CONDENSING ENGINE. es C F V a F foot-valve between the condenser and the air-pump, M, which has a dis- charge valve at Q, through which the air and hot water are forced into the hot well, shown at K: a pipe at N constantly supplies the cistern which contains the condenser and air-pump with cold water. The condenser has a flow valve at H: at the end of a pipe is a rose, which admits the jet, through which the cold water passes into B, and this is forced into it, and made to spread through the steam as much as possible, for the purpose of speedily con- densing it. Fig. 1958. D The diameter of the cylinder should be half its height, and the velocity of the piston in feet per minute ninety-eight times the square root of the length of the stroke: the steam passages should be equal to the area of the cylinder multiplied by the velocity of the piston per minute, and divided by 4800. The air-pump should have half the diameter, and half the length of stroke of the cylinder, or should be one-eighth of the dimensions of the cylinder, and the condenser should be equal to it. The quantity of steam is ascertained by multiplying the number of feet contained in the area of the cylinder by half the velocity in feet, adding one-tenth for waste; this, divided by the column of steam of equal force to that contained in the boiler, gives the quantity of water required per minute for the creation of steam, from whence the proportions given to the boiler are estab- lished with the pressure of two pounds per circular inch on the valve, the divisor will be 1497. The water for the purposes of injection will be twenty-four times that required for steam; consequently the diameter of the pipe used for this purpose must be about a thirty-sixth of the diameter of the cylinder: usually the force of the steam in the boiler equals 35 inches of mercury, that of the steam in an uncondensed state 3·7 inches. find the effective power of such an engine, or the number of pounds raised a foot high per minute, multiply 6.66 (which expresses the number of pounds of the mean effective pressure on the piston) by the square of the diameter of the piston in inches, and by half the velocity in feet per minute: the product is the effective power; this divided by 33000 gives the horse-power. : To Double-acting Steam Engine. The steam cylinder is enclosed in a jacket or casing of cast-iron, a trifle larger than the cylinder, and the space between them is supplied with steam, to keep the temperature of the cylinder as near to that of the steam as possible. The working beam is supported by a cast-iron column, and is connected to the piston- rod by the parallel motion: the other end of the beam gives a rotary motion to the crank shafts, by means of a connecting rod, the lower part of which is attached to the crank. The steam enters at S, passes through the top valve, and acting on the piston forces it down; before it arrives at the bottom of the cylinder, the plug on the rod R comes in contact with a lever, shuts one valve, and opens another; the steam then continues its course down the pipe S, acts on the bottom of the piston, and forces it up to the top of the cylinder, while the steam, which forced it down, escapes into the condenser B, where it meets with a jet of cold water, is condensed, and then cleared away by the action of the air-pump A, which is worked by the rod R. The cistern is supplied with CHAP. XXI. 1247 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. cold water by the pump N; the governor, put in motion by bevelled wheels on the shaft of the fly-wheel P, regulates the throttle-valve in the steam-pipe S: in the pumping apparatus, the rod M is the pump-rod for raising water; when the rod descends, the water will be forced through G into the upper air-vessel E, from whence it passes to the reservoir, P R M N E H A S B Fig. 1959. DOUBLE-ACTING ENGINE. at a distance and height proportionate to the power of the engine: the barrel of the pump is refilled from the pipe F, which communicates with the lower air-vessel H. The Double-acting Engine of Boulton and Watt (fig. 1962.) differs from that already described, by having a passage from the boiler, both at the top and bottom of the cylinder, and similar communications from both to the condenser: the counter-weight at the end of the beam is not here required to raise the piston. The force of the steam impels the piston both upwards and downwards, and a double power in the same space and time is obtained by the use of a double quantity of steam: the steam enters the cylinder at S, passing by F into the upper, and by D into the lower part: through D the steam escapes into the condenser B, and during the ascending stroke, the uncondensed gases and water escape by the valve G; when descending, they pass through the valve of the pump-bucket, and at the ascending stroke are driven out at the valve Q into the hot well. The steam passes through F, down the pipe E, to the condenser, from the upper portion of the cylinder; during the time the piston P is in the action of ascent, D slides open and closes the passages at D and F, through the means of the rod O. The diameter of the cylinder should be half its height; the velocity of the piston in feet per minute is found by multiplying the square root of the length of the stroke by 103 for machinery, or by 98 for raising water. The area of the cylinder multiplied by the velocity of the piston in feet per minute, divided by 4800, gives the area of the steam passages. The air-pump should have half the diameter of the cylinder, and half the length of stroke, or one-eighth of the capacity of the cylinder, and the condenser should be equal to it. The area 1248 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 0 of the cylinder in feet multiplied by the velocity in feet, with the addition of one-tenth for waste, gives the quantity of steam; and this again divided by the volume of steam gives the quantity of water required per minute for steam: the proportions of the boiler may then be determined; at the common pressure of two pounds per circular inch on the valve, the divisor will be 1497. The water for injection must be 24 times that required for steam; and the dia- meter of the injection-pipe made one-36th that of the cylinder. The effective power of such an engine is found by multiplying the effective pressure on the piston by the square of its diameter in inches, and that product by the velocity in feet per minute: the quantity of pounds raised one foot high per minute being obtained, and divided by 33000, gives the horse- power, and each horse-power requires a supply of 9-2 lbs. of coal per hour; but when the engine is less than ten horse, the quantity required is increased such an engine is applicable to all purposes, and when steam is made to act expansively, the power is obtained with less fuel; when so applied, a fly-wheel equal- ises its motion. Fig. 1961. shows the steam shut off, and the passage to the condenser still open. Fig. 1960. repre- sents its state when steam is let on at the bottom : the letters refer to corresponding portions of fig. 1962. which P Fig 1962. S D 0 P F 田 ​Fig. 1960. Fig. 1961. DOUBLE-Acting conDENSING ENGINE. One of the earliest engines with a double-action was made by Mr. Watt, in 1782, and some years afterwards two of fifty-horse power each were put up at the Albion Mills, Blackfriars, jointly drove 20 pair of mill- stones, of which 12 or more, with all the machinery for dressing the flour, were generally kept at work. In this engine (fig. 1963.), A is the cylinder, 34 inches in diameter; B, the piston, which has an 8-feet stroke; C, the piston-rod; D, the stuffing-box, or cover of the cylinder; E, the steam-case or jacket of the cylinder, from which a siphon empties the water, and which is supplied by a pipe; G, the upper steam nozzle and valve or regulator box and regulator; H, the upper exhaustion nozzle and valves; I, the perpendicular steam-pipe; J, the educ- tion-pipe; K, the lower steam nozzle and valve; L, the lower exhaustion nozzle and valves; M, the condenser, immersed in a cistern of cold water, the injection cock being always open during the working of the engine; O, the blow-valve; P, the air-pump; Q, the lower valve and air-pump; R, the bucket and rod of the air-pump; S, the upper valve of the air-pump; T, the hot water pump, with the bucket and rod; U, the cold water pump; V, the pump for supplying the boiler; W, the governor, turned by a belt from the shaft of the fly-wheel; X, the lever and rod, which connects the governor with the throttle valve t; Y, the working gear of the nozzle valves; Z, the plug-tree which drives the working gear; a, the main lever or working beam; b, its main gudgeon; c, the perpendicular links of the parallel motion; d, the parallel bars; e, the regulating radii; ƒ, the small perpendicular links; g, the secondary parallel motion for the air-pump; h, the connecting rod; i, the planet-wheel fixed to the con- necting rod; j, the iron wheel; k, the shaft of the fly-wheel, on which the iron wheel is fixed; 1, the connecting link, which retains the planet-wheel in its orbit; m, the fly-wheel; n, the boiler; o, the tube through the boiler and the tube round it; p, the grate; q, the feeding mouth; r, the damper; s, the chimney; t, the feed-pipe; u, the gauge pipes, with the cocks; v, the safety-valve. CHAP. XXI. 1249 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. The boiler is generally made of iron, though formerly copper was used; and by means of a pipe the steam passes from the boiler to the upper nozzle G, and by the perpen li C d g น Y W n E A Z a P T Fig. 1963. ENGINE At the albION MILLS. cular steam-pipe I, to the lower steam nozzle K: in the nozzle G there is a valve, which when open admits steam into the cylinder above the piston B, through the horizontal square pipe at the top of the cylinder, and in the lower steam nozzle K there is another valve like that at D, which, when opened by the pin of the plug-tree, admits steam into the cylinder below the piston. In the upper exhaustion nozzle, H, there is a similar valve, which when open allows steam to pass from the cylinder above the piston into the educ- tion-pipe J, which conveys it to the condensing vessel M, where it meets with the jet of the injection from the cock N, and is reduced to water; and in the lower exhaustion nozzle L, there is also a valve, which when open allows the steam to pass out of the cylinder below the piston into the condenser M. The engine being at rest, the cylinder quite cold, and the condenser cistern full of water, when the water in the boiler begins to boil, steam will enter by the small pipe ƒ into the space between the cylinder and the heating case E, which will expel the air contained in that space, and between the two bottoms of the cylinder, at a cock fixed in the outer bottom, which, when all the air is expelled and the cylinder thoroughly warmed, is to be shut, and the water which may be formed in these spaces during the working of the engine will issue by the inverted siphon e. The first operation after this state is to open all the four valves, G, H, K, L; the in- jection cock being shut, the steam will drive the air out of the pipes I and J, and out of the condenser M, through the blow-pipe and its valve O, and as soon as this is succeeded by a sharp crackling noise in the cistern O, the valves are to be shut, until it is thought that the steam which has entered is entirely condensed; the same operation is to be repeated, giving a longer time to cool between the times of blowing, until it is found upon opening the injection cock some water will enter, and the barometer shows some degree of exhaustion, after which the repetition of blowing will soon empty the cylinder of air. The piston being then at the top of the stroke, the valves G and L are to be opened, and the flywheel m turned by hand about of a revolution or more in the direction in which it is intended to move; the steam which is then in the cylinder will pass by L into the condenser, when, meeting with the jet of water from the injection cock, it will be converted into water, and the cylinder thus becoming exhausted, the steam entering by the valve G will press upon the piston, and cause it to descend, while by its action on the working beam, through the piston rod, it pulls down the cylinder end of the beam, and raises up the outer end, and the connecting rod h, which causes the planet-wheel i to tend to revolve round the sun-wheel j: but the former of these wheels being fixed upon the connecting rod, so that it cannot turn upon its own axis, and its teeth being engaged in those of the 4 L 1250 Book IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. sun-wheel, the latter and the fly-wheel, upon whose axle and shaft it is fixed, are made to revolve in the desired direction, and give motion to the mill-work. As the piston descends, the plug-tree Z also descends, and a clamp or slider q, fixed upon the slide of the plug-tree, presses upon the handle I, of the upper shaft or axis, Y, and shuts the valves G and L; and by the same operation, by disengaging itself, permits a weight suspended to the arm of the lower Y shaft to turn the shaft upon its axis, and thereby to open the valves K and H. The moment previous to opening these valves, the piston reaches the lowest part of its stroke, and the cylinder above the piston is filled with steam; but as soon as H is opened, that steam rushes by the eduction-pipe J into the condenser, and the cylinder above the piston becomes exhausted; the steam from the boiler, entering by I and K, acts upon the lower side of the piston, and forces it to return to the top of the cylinder; when the cylinder is very near the upper termination of its stroke, another slider a raises the handle, and in so doing disengages the catch, which permits the upper Y shaft to revolve upon its own axis, and open the valves G and L, and the downward stroke recommences, as has been related. When the piston descends, the buckets, R, S, of the air-pump and hot-water-pump T also descend; the water which is contained in these pumps passes through the valves of their buckets, and is drawn up and discharged by them through the trough t, by the next descending stroke of the piston: part of the water is raised up by the pump V, for the supply of the boiler, and the rest runs to waste. Engines of this kind, as described by Mr. Watt, were employed in producing rotary motions, but they were also used to work pumps by a reciprocating motion: for this purpose half of the pump-rods were sus- pended by means of a sloping rod from the working beam near the cylinder, and the other half were suspended directly from the outer end of that beam, so that the ascending motion of the piston pulls up one-half of these rods, and works the pumps to which they belong, while the descending motion of the pistons pulls up the other half of the rods, and works their pumps such an engine was employed at Wheel Maid Mine in Cornwall; it had a cylinder of 63 inches in diameter, and 9 feet stroke; but the stroke in the pumps, which were 18 inches in diameter, was only 7 feet. Mr. Watt gave the following account of the actual performance of one of his engines, working in the Cornish mines : — "One bushel of good Newcastle or Swansea coal in the reciprocating engine, working more or less expansively, was found to raise 24,000,000 to 32,000,000 pounds of water one foot high. In engines upon the rotative double construc- tion, one having a cylinder of 31½ inches in diameter, and making seventeen strokes and a half of 7 feet long per minute, called forty-horse power, consumed about four bushels of Newcastle coal per hour, or four cwt. of Wednesbury coal. A rotative double engine with a cylinder of 233 inches in diameter, making twenty-one and a half strokes of 5 feet long per minute, was called twenty-horse power; and an engine with a cylinder of 17½ inches diameter, making twenty-five strokes of 5 feet long per minute, was called ten-horse power; and the consumption of coals was nearly proportionate to that of the forty-horse power: a bushel of Newcastle coals, which is the quantity a ten-horse engine consumes per hour, grinds and dresses about ten bushels of wheat. Hornblower's Engine with two Cylinders, though it does not essentially differ from the one already described, displays much ingenuity: the chief parts are two cylinders, A, B, the largest of which is A; a piston moves in each, having their rods, C and D, moving through collars at E and F: these cylinders are supplied with steam by means of the square pipe G, which has a flanch to connect it with the rest of the steam-pipe; this square part branches off to both cylinders; c and d are two cocks, worked by the plug W by means of handles and tumblers: on the foreside of the cylinders is another communicating pipe, whose section is square or rectangular, having also two cocks, a, b: the pipe Y, imme- diately under the cock b, establishes a communication between the upper and lower parts of the small cylinder, B, by opening the cock b: there is a similar pipe on the other side of the cylinder, A, immediately under the cock d; when the cocks c and a are open, and the cocks b and d are shut, the steam from the boiler has free admission into the upper part of A, but the upper parts of each cylinder have no communication with their lower parts from the bottom of the great cylinder proceeds the eduction pipe K, having a valve at its opening into the cylinder, which bends downwards, and is connected with the conical condenser, L. The condenser is fixed on a hollow box, M, on which stand the pumps N and O for extracting the air and water, which last runs along the trough T into the cistern U, from which it is raised by the pump V for recruiting the boiler, being already nearly at a temperature of 212°; immediately under the condenser is a spigot valve, at S, over which is a small jet pipe, reaching to the bend of the eduction pipe. The cistern of cold water, R, contains the whole of the condensing apparatus; a small pipe P comes from the side of the condenser, and terminates at the bottom of the trough T, and is there covered with a valve Q, which is kept tight by the water that is always running over it; the pump-rods X "ause the outer end of the beam to preponderate, so CHAP. XXI. 1251 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. : D C W d_c G E F that when the engine is at rest, it is as represented. The cocks being all open and the steam issuing copiously from the boiler, and no condensation going on at L, the steam must drive out all the air, and at last follow it through the valve Q: on shutting the valves b and d, and open- ing the valve S of the condenser, condensation will immediately take place at this time there is no pres- sure on the under side of the piston at A, and it immediately descends. The communication between the lower part of B and the upper part of A being open, the steam will go from B into the space left by the pis- ton of A it must therefore expand, its elasticity diminishing, and will no longer balance the pressure of the steam above the piston of B. This piston therefore, if not withheld by the beam, will descend until it is in equilibrio, having steam of equal den- sity above and below it; but it cannot descend so far, for the cylinder A is wider than B: and the arm of the beam at which the piston hangs is longer than the arm which supports the piston of B; therefore when the piston of B has descended as far as the beam will permit it, the steam between the pistons occupies a larger space than it did when both pistons were at the tops of their cylinders; and its density as well as its elasticity diminishing as its bulk increases, it is no longer a balance for the steam on the upper side of B, which piston pulls at the beam with all the difference of their pressures: as the pistons descend, the steam that is between them grows continually rarer and less elastic, and both pistons pull the beam downwards. X V K Q R U P M B Y A Fig. 1964. HORNBLOWER'S DOUBLE CYLINDER. When each has reached the bottom of the cylinder, if the cock a and the eduction cock at the bottom of A be shut, and the cocks b and d be opened, the pistons will arrive at the top: the cylinder B is now filled with steam of the ordinary density, and the cylinder A with an equal absolute quantity of steam, but expanded into a larger space : on shutting the cocks b and d, and opening the cock a, and the eduction cock at the bottom of A, condensation will again be produced, and the pistons descend: thus the operation is continued. When both pistons are at the top of their cylinders the active pressure on the piston at B is nothing, while that on the piston of A is equal to the full pressure of the atmosphere on its area: this multiplied by the length of the arm by which it is supported gives its mechanical energy : as the pistons descend, the pressure on the piston of B increases, while that on the piston A diminishes; when both are at the bottom, the pres- sure on the piston of B is at its maximum. Boilers.. Much yet appears to be wanting in practice to enable us to construct a perfect boiler, and science has not succeeded in determining the best form it should have: early in their application to the steam-engine, they were of a spherical shape, in consequence of that figure having the largest capacity with the least material; it was also fancied to be the strongest: a boiler of this form, placed upon an open fire, required a large quantity of fuel to raise a small quantity of steam, the heat being carried away by the sur- rounding air, and one of the first improvements was setting it in brickwork, or some non-conducting material that would bear the effect of the fire. The flues were so constructed that the flame, after passing below the sphere, wound round the sides in a spiral direction, and then passed off to the chimney, a damper being introduced to regulate the draught: this gave way to the cylindrical boiler, which was in a short time improved by making the top hemispherical, and arching the bottom upwards in order that a larger surface might be offered to the effects of the fire; the sides were inclined in such a way that the flame acted in a slight degree upon them. 4 L 2 Fig. 1965. 1252 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The Waggon Boiler in its transverse section resembles that already described, but its length is much greater in proportion, and the sides are usually concave, that the flue constructed at their side may have more effect upon them. This form is in general use, and it is convenient, but not so strong, a small pressure having been found adequately sufficient to make these boilers bulge downwards and to press the sides out- wards. To avoid these consequences strong iron stays are in- troduced within; they are applied in various ways, and have generally successfully resisted both compression and bulging. The Cylindrical Boiler with hemispherical ends is one of the best forms, where safety and cheapness are considered; the flame is made to pass under it longitudinally, and heat its whole length: when it has arrived at the farthest end, hot air returns by means of a brick flue along one side, passes over the front end, returns along the other side, when it enters the chimney, after having traversed the whole length of the boiler three times: when space is not important, this form of boiler is highly valuable. Fig. 1967. Fig. 1968. -157 Fig. 1966. Fig. 1969. The power of a boiler de- pends upon the extent of sur- face exposed to the action of the fire; heat passes through the boiler with a certain rapidity, and each square foot evapo- rates three-fifths of a gallon of water per hour: to boil off a cubic foot of water in that time will require 9 or 10 superficial feet of heating surface, and its quantity constitutes the power of 1-horse in the steam-engine; so that a boiler with 100 superficial feet exposed to the action of the flame will convert into steam 60 gallons of water in an hour, which is called a 10-horse power; the extent of heating surface, and not the contents of the boiler, measuring its power. In the construction of a boiler regard must be had to the due adjustment and combina- tion of all its parts, so that, while an extensive heating surface is obtained, any portion of it becoming damaged may be readily repaired: and the flues must be so formed that they can be readily got at and cleansed, and as much heat as possible obtained from the fuel, without the draught up the chimney being materially interfered with. Boilers must be so capacious that the quantity of water to be boiled does not entirely fill them, but a sufficient space is left above its surface as a reservoir, for the steam as it is generated; if this were not provided for, the cylinder to be filled with steam might contain more than the volume of the boiler, so that it could not be regularly supplied, or with the speed necessary: when the boiler is made to contain five or six times the volume of the cylinder, one volume may pass off without any material change in the density of what remains, and the speed of the machine can be kept up: the water in the boiler must never rise above a certain level, and there should be sufficient quantity to produce steam, and protect the boiler from any injury from the fire. According to some writers, it should contain steam enough for eight or ten strokes of the engine, the quantity of water required for which is usually admitted into the boiler by a pump regulated by a float-ball; the temperature should be such that on its admission that of the steam is not reduced more than one-thirtieth, which is the case when the temperature of the water is reduced but two degrees; there ought to be in the boiler, then, about sixty-two times as much water as is introduced at one feed, or the elastic force of the steam will be lowered more than one- thirtieth: less water is required at a time, when the feeding apparatus acts frequently, and this should be introduced as hot as possible into the boiler; when fed at every stroke, 5 cubic feet of water should be allowed for every one of steam that it boils off in an hour: it is usual to allow 25 cubic feet of boiler for each horse-power, though this depends upon its form and application. The form usually given to boilers is rectangular, with a top consisting of the portion of a cylinder, the bottom a little concave, and the sides flat: in large boilers a flue passes through the middle, which is surrounded by water; they should always be constructed to consume as small a quantity of fuel as possible, and care should be taken that the air which passes through the fire shall part with all its heat before it escapes. Rectangular Steam Boiler, with the top plate removed to show the internal arrange- ment: A, is the boiler; fire-door B; bars G; back F: the flames pass over F, under the bottom, rise at H and round I; then by another flue to the chimney at L, which is regulated by a damper at K: C is the ashpit, the door of which is made perfectly close, the air passing to the fire by the passage E, which enters by a grating at D: the pipe MN CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1279 H W Fig. 1970. K M N A D S F G B RECTANGular steam boiler. E supplies the water; the steam passes to the engine by the pipe S, and when not required goes off through the safety- valve V, and through the pipes T, W. To find the dimensions of a boiler without an internal flue, we must divide the solid content of the water it contains by the area of the bottom: we thus obtain the depth of water; then multiply the bottom and side surface for fire and flue, and divide the product by twice the capacity for water, less the area of the bottom surface, and the result will be one of the dimensions for the bottom; then divide the bottom surface by the dimensions found, which gives the other dimension. Cylindrical boilers, which are used for the production of high-pressure steam, may have their diameter and length found by adding their capacity for water and steam together, and also the quantity of surface for the action of the fire; then divide twice the capacity by the quantity of fire-surface for the diameter: the capacity multiplied by 1.27, and divided by the square of the diameter, gives the length of the boiler. The Materials of which Boilers are usually made are either 1973 1971 1972 100 00 1974 Fig. 1975. BOILER. 1976. 4 L 3 1954 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. iron or copper; cast-iron as well as wrought-iron plates are commonly applied; where fuel is abundant, cast-iron boilers, with proper care, have been extensively and advantageously employed. Copper, however, is decidedly the best of all substances for this purpose, cost being the only objection; one copper boiler will, however, probably endure as long as five or six iron ones, the uniformity of its texture at the same time insuring greater security against bursting, though its strength to resist flexure at high temperatures is not equal to that of iron; sheet-iron is liable to vary materially in its structure, although manufactured by the same process. The pressure which occasions the bursting of a boiler is proportional to the load on its safety-valve; that to crush it together is equal to the power of the atmosphere: the boiler should always be of such a strength that when in a working state, it will bear three times the pressure of what is on the valve; in low- pressure this may be too much, but in high-pressure boilers it is insufficient. Copper loses 5 per cent. of its strength between the temperature of freezing and boiling water; at 550° a quarter of its strength; at 850° it loses one-half; and at 1330° it is entirely lost, becoming an incohesive substance, although it does not totally melt till it reaches 2000°. Iron plate, on the contrary, increases in strength, for at a temperature of 550° it is 16 per cent. stronger than when cold: after this point its strength rapidly diminishes, so that its maximum of strength does not certainly exceed 570°. The specific gravity of iron boiler plates is said to be about 7-7344, and by repeated piling and welding a great increase of strength may be obtained: the greatest practical strength is only to be taken at one-sixth of the absolute cohesion; and to prevent explosion, we ought to have four times the strength that any boiler is ordinarily worked at; 2500 pounds of extension on each square inch of cohesive action is the safe working strain for those made of iron. To ascertain the thickness of the boiler plates made of any of the ductile metals the following rules are given: for the upper plates, when of iron, multiply the load in pounds per circular inch on the safety-valve, by the greatest diagonal of the section in inches, and divide the product by 120 times the cubic contents of the boiler per horse-power; the result is the thickness in inches: when the plates are copper, divide by 72 instead of 120; it is usual to increase the thickness of the bottom plates to about one and a half times those of the upper. For spherical boilers, of malleable iron, multiply the diameter in inches by the pressure on the valve in pounds per circular inch, and divide by 240 times the cubic contents of the boiler for each horse-power. For copper, divide by 144, instead of 240. When cast-iron is used, its unequal expansion must be taken into account; and for the strength of tubes exceeding 8 inches in diameter, multiply the square of the diameter by the pressure on the safety-valve in pounds on a circular inch, and divide the product by 150 times the cubic feet of space in the boiler per horse power, multiplied by the difference between the diameter and 7.4 inches; the result is the thickness in inches that should be given, together with some increase for wear and tear: thus, with a tube the in- ternal diameter of which is 10 inches, the cubic feet of the boiler per horse-power being 10, and the load on the safety-valve 36 pounds on the circular inch, its thickness will be found to be '92 inches: when the thickness is greater, the risk from unequal expansion increases; and when less, failure may result from the effect of pressure and inequalities in the iron itself. The Piston Gauge is a small tube 2 inches in diameter; the cylinder has a solid plug turned and ground, to set loosely in it, the pressure of the steam bearing up the piston on the level, one end of which, attached to the spring indicator, gives the pressure of the piston. Mercurial Gauges of various kinds are applied to the crowns PISTON GAUGE. 1978. Fig. 1979. MERCURIAL GAUGE. Fig. 1980 DYNAMOMETER. Fig. 1977. of boilers, which, by means of a graduated scale above, mark off the pressure at all times exerted by the steam. The Dynamometer, employed to measure the force of steam in the boiler, is a simple bent tube, of glass or iron, in the form of the letter U, the two ends of which are curved; one is applied to the boiler, and placed in communication with the steam: half the tube is filled with mercury, which rises and falls according to the pressure exerted on it. CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1255 Water Gauge is an instrument attached to the steam-engine boiler for the purpose of regu- lating the quantity of water and fuel, as well as the combustion and elasticity of the steam. The Glass Gauge attached to steam-engine boilers is either of flat or tubular glass: the first description consists of a small window, made of very thick glass, inserted in the boiler, at the place up to which the water should rise. The Tubular Glass Gauge is a small pipe of glass, about inch in diameter internally, and 14 inches thick: it is placed outside the boiler, and communicates at the top and bottom by stopcocks with the interior of the boiler: the higher stopcock enters where the steam is a little above the surface of the water, so that the water, standing in the glass Fig. 1981. tube on the same level with the water in the boiler, is shown to the attendant. WINDOW GLASS GAUGE Fig.1982. TUBE GLASS GAUGE. Feeding Apparatus for Boilers is for the purpose of supplying it with water, in lieu of that passing off continually as steam: a simple form, adapted to a low-pressure engine, may have the water conducted into the reservoir of about 18 inches diameter, with a pipe to conduct from it into the boiler: the top of this pipe may be closed by a conical plug, hanging at the end of a rod Vr, from a lever supported at f, and having two weights W and u; that of W rests on the surface of the water in the boiler, which falls whenever the water is below its proper level. The arm L is pulled down by ENGL 1903 L น Fig. 1983. FEEDING Apparatus. the rod LW, which passes through a steam-tight stuffing-box; by the same motion the lever L ascends and opens the valve V, and allows the water to descend to replenish the boiler. W SELF-REGULATING FEEDING APPARATUS. This description of valve answers when the boiler is low- pressure, or when the reservoir is more than 26 inches above Fig. 1984. the surface of the water for every pound of pressure per square inch of the boiler; for the height of the water in the cistern should be sufficient to balance the strength of the steam, and if this height be too small, the water in the boiler will be forced up the feed-pipe, and driven by the steam out of the valve. Water at a temperature of 60°, 2.94 feet in height, is equivalent to one pound on the circular inch, but the water in the feed-pipe is about 212°, so that 3 feet is required in height for every pound on the circular inch: it is necessary that the stone float should be placed in that part of the boiler where the steam will least affect it, and the feed-pipe should be as far away as possible from where the greatest quantity of steam is produced. In High-Pressure Engines, the water is supplied to the boiler by a forcing-pump, worked by a lever connected with one of the reciprocating portions of the engine, and the water supplied by a pipe that traverses the steam which escapes, so as to become raised in temperature before it is admitted to the boiler: in order to proportion accurately the quantity of water to be supplied, we must remember that there is exactly one cubic inch of water for each cubic foot of atmospheric steam given to the engine, or one cubic foot equal to six gallons per horse-power per hour: but as the evaporation does not proceed uniformly, in consequence of variation in the intensity of the fire, which causes steam of greater or less density to pass into the engine, the steam sometimes falling below the standard and at others escaping through the valve, it is necessary to have some further means of regulating its supply. In some engines this is effected by a float; a stop-cock attached to the pipe of the feed pump will enable the attendant to regulate the 4 L 4 1 256 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. supply this may be effectually done by having between the feed pump and the boiler a loaded escape-valve V, its load W being so ad- justed that whenever the stopcock R is turned to impede the passage of the water towards the boiler, the force of the feed- pump pushes against the loaded valve at V, and by it passes through the return pipe into the reservoir of supply; this adjustment requires the attention of an attendant. : Fig. 1985. Safety-valves are of the utmost importance, and the greatest care should be bestowed on their construction; the earliest consisted simply of a weight laid on a hole in the top of the boiler but this plan cannot be adopted when the pressure is high and the weight great, be- cause it becomes unsteady: a valve is therefore used, as in fig. 1989., carefully ground to its seat; a spindle rising upwards carries a series of weights which may be increased or diminished; this being attended with inconvenience, a valve with an internal weight (fig. 1990.) has been contrived: but in all these modifications, when the pressure is high the weight becomes cum- brous. The lever safety-valve was introduced to 谁 ​Fig. 1987. LEVER VALVE. W PIPE OF FEED-PUMP. Fig. 1986. SAFETY-VAlve. Fig. 1988. FRENCH SAFETY VALVE. 1990 Fig. 1989. COMMON SAFETY-VALVE. 五 ​Fig. 1991. sOUTHERN'S Safety-valve. Fig. 1992. Fig. 1993. SPRING VALVE. obviate this (fig. 1987.); a single weight hung on the longer arm of a lever produces an effect proportional to its distance, and the lever being graduated shows the amount of this effect. The form of fig. 1988. indicates still more correctly the point at which the pres- sure of the steam becomes equal to that on the valve which is flat or cylindrical, and acted on by a lever having equal arms with weights on each; these rest on light rollers, so as to run down from their places and release the steam entirely when the pressure reaches the prescribed limit. Figs. 1991. and 1992. show the form used by Mr. Southern in his experiments on high-pressure steam, the first when closed, the second when open. Fig. 1993. is formed of a series of bent springs placed alternately in opposite directions. Fig. 1986. is similar in principle, but has a lever interposed Fig. 1994. NIMMO's VAL.VR between the valve and the spring; both are employed in loco- motives. Fig. 1994. was proposed by Mr. Nimmo for steamboat boilers. CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1257 the The most certain and safe method for low-pressure boilers is to balance the pressure of the steam by a column of water, of a diameter sufficient to allow its escape: height of the tube for different measures may be found readily, by considering that a column of water equivalent. to one pound on a circular inch is for common temperature 3.1 feet; for pressure of 4 pounds on the circular inch it will be four times this, or 12.4 feet, which will be equal to a little more than 5 pounds per square inch: for high-pressure boilers the most careful attention to security is necessary, and serious accidents have occurred for the want of it, and it is obvious that the aperture by which the steam is to escape ought to be of a size that it may freely have vent, as fast as it is generated in the boiler: as 1 feet of fire-surface is sufficient to convert a cubic foot of water into steam, it is necessary for the purposes of security to calculate upon only 1 foot of surface being sufficient. If the density of the steam corresponding to the pressure be found, multiplied by 7.5, and this product again multiplied by the square root of the quantity, if the density is greater than 1, and the feet of fire-surface divided by the product; the quotient will be the square of the diameter of the movement part of the valve in inches. Fusible metal plugs have been used as the means of forming safety-vents to steam boilers, which, by melting at certain temperatures, suffer the steam to escape, and alloys which melt from 2120 to 600° of heat have been applied, but this kind of plug cannot be relied upon in practice. The Chimneys, and their Area for Steam-engine Boilers, form our next consideration. fire-grate should have one superficial foot area for each horse-power; one-fifth of the area of the fire-grate gradually diminishing to a chimney, which shall have one-tenth the area of the fire-grate, is admitted to be an excellent proportion: the chimney should be of one diameter throughout its height, and if 40 feet, and its area one-tenth that of the fire-grate, its draught will be sufficient; when the height of the chimney exceeds this, the area may be diminished as the square root of the height is increased. For a low-pressure engine the area of the chimney, when above 10 horse-power, should be 112 times the horse-power, divided by the square root of the height of the chimney: when less than 10 horse-power its dimensions may be made less in proportion. When engines are worked in the best manner, they require only 9 to 11 pounds of the best coal per hour for each horse-power, when the power of the engine exceeds ten horse. The flue must be proportionably increased when the smoke is the result of a consumption of a greater quantity of coal; when wood is used, there is a larger quantity of smoke, but as it is much lighter than that produced by coal, about one and half times the area necessary for coals will be ample. When circular chimneys are used, they should not be larger than is necessary to give effect to the fuel; this will be obtained when the square of the diameter is equal to 90, multiplied by the horse-power, and divided by the square root of the height in feet. upon a Piston Rods, their Strength. The height of a column of water at a temperature of 60°, which presses with the force of one pound upon a square inch, is 2.31 feet, and circular inch 2·94 feet; and in calculating the strength of the various parts of an engine, it is not only necessary to bear this in mind, but also the power of the steam in the boiler, and it will be perhaps safer always to take in our calculation double the pressure on the valve, for it is not always in the same degree of action: when the load on the valve is 8 pounds ⚫ on the circular inch, call it double, and add this to the pressure of the atmosphere, which is 11-5 pounds; we then have 27.5 pounds for the strength of the steam acting on the circular inch in steam-boats 39 pounds pressure per circular inch on the piston may be allowed. The stress which acts on any portion of an engine may be ascertained by considering it inversely as the number of revolutions multiplied by the diameter of the circle, or the chord of the arc described by the point where the force acts; thus a wheel 4 feet in diameter, making three revolutions while the piston makes one stroke of 5 feet in length, will give 4×3: 5:: pressure on the piston: the stress on the teeth of the wheel equal to that of the pressure on the piston. The cohesive force being known, the strain the material will bear is taken at about one-third. Suppose D the diameter in inches of the piston, L the length of the stroke in feet, P the double of the whole elastic force in pounds upon the circular inch; the length from the centre of motion to the centre of stress in feet; d equal to the depth or diameter, and b equal the breadth in inches; ƒ equal the cohesive force of a square inch at the point of alteration; and R equal to the radius of the wheel. The force on the piston is then D'P in pounds, or to find the diameter of the piston-rod in inches, multiply the diameter of the steam-piston in inches by the square root of twice the elastic force of the steam in the boiler in pounds per circular inch, and divide the product by 84. This rule applies when the strain on the rods is tensile, but when they are alternately compressed as well as extended, the diameter of the piston in inches should be multiplied by the square root of twice the pressure of the steam on a circular inch, and the product divided by 45, which 1258 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. will give the diameter in inches for a piston-rod of wrought-iron: when cast-iron is used, divide by 42, and when steel, divide by 72 for the result instead of 45: when rods of air- pumps are to be considered, the pressure of the atmosphere and the diameter of the pump must be taken instead of the force of the steam and the diameter of the cylinder. Beams, their Strength. When of a uniform thickness it is not safe in cast-iron to make · it less than of its depth, when the velocity is the same as that of the piston: Dº Pl= 215bd2; and when 166 equals d, and 127 equals n D, it becomes T6 D 1.34 Pn 212 18 - =d; 16 D represents the diameter of the piston in inches; d the depth of the beam in inches, and the breadth of that depth; n, the number of times the diameter is contained in the length, from the point where the force is applied to the centre of motion; P, double the force of the steam in the boiler, in pounds per circular inch: half the depth at the centre of motion should be given to the depth at the end, keeping a uniform breadth: when wrought-iron is employed, substitute 240 for 212, and for wood 64. Cranks, their Strength. They should embrace the shaft, so that their depth should be 1 times the diameter of the shaft; thus, if SD be the diameter of the shaft, the depth of the crank will be 1·5 SD; hence D' PL=212bd²; we have Pl Pl 2.25 S² x 212 477 S2 = b. Cylinders and Metal Pipes, their Strength.—To determine the thickness of a cast-iron cylinder, the metal of which at an equal temperature is to bear a given stress; multiply 2.54 times the internal diameter of the cylinder by the greatest force of the steam on a circular inch, divide by the tensile force the metal will bear without alteration, and you have in the result its thickness in inches. The cylinder is supposed to have equal resistance throughout its length, and the stress upon an inch of that length is equal to the diameter in inches multiplied by the greatest possible force on a square inch, and the resistance as twice the thickness of the cylinder, by one-fourth of the tensile strain of the metal, the tension being unequal on the resisting part: thus, for a cast-iron cylinder of 60 inches internal diameter, for a pressure not exceeding 3-2 pounds per circular inch, in addition to the atmospheric pressure; to determine its thickness 2·54 × 60 × 30 15000 0.305 inches: twice the force is here taken, or 30 pounds on the circular inch, and the resistance of cast- iron at 15,000 pounds the square inch. To determine the thickness of a working cylinder, where wear and other causes of pressure exist, multiply four times the elastic force of the steam in pounds per circular inch by the diameter in inches, and divide by 6000; this result, multiplied by the quotient arising from dividing the diameter by the diameter less 2.2, is the thickness for strength, to which inch may be added for wear. 1-24 Pistons, their Construction.- It is most important that they should not admit of any leakage, and Mr. Watt found that mutton tallow was the best adapted to keep the piston tight; when cylinders were new and imperfectly bored, the grease soon was wanting and the piston left dry; he afterwards mixed blacklead dust, but it was found that this application wore away the cylinder, but they are now made so true as not to require. it, or at least only for a short time. Pistons are usually of metal, and are formed so as to have some elasticity: the common piston is a double cone of wood having secured around it by strong nails a couple of bands of leather; when of metal, they are usually turned out of brass, and made to fit the cylinder in which they are to move, so that without much resistance they will slide to and fro; on this as well as below is a plate, between which and the cylinder of brass is inserted two leathers cupped, with the edges chamfered off to an angle of 45º. The piston for the atmospheric engine is a plate of cast- iron, about inch less in diameter than the cylinder, and 1 inch in thickness, with a rim about 4 inches from the edge; beyond this a flat ring is fitted, and they are screwed together, after hemp mixed with tallow has been inserted between them to form the packing. The hemp-packed Piston is that in general use: the bottom is accurately fitted to the cylinder, and the upper part is cut away to admit of gasket or unspun hemp or soft rope being wound evenly round it, which forms the packing; this is compressed by a plate by means of the screws: the piston-rod is usually attached to the bottom of the piston, and ע it is secured by a screw-nut inserted between the top and Fig. 1995. Hemp-PACKED PISTON. bottom: melted tallow is applied by a funnel on the top of the cylinder lid to the piston. CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1259 The Wedge Metallic Piston is formed of rings cut into a number of parts, pressed upon the cylinder by wedges, which again are kept in their places by springs, and thus a more perfect adaptation of the ring to the cylinder is supposed to be obtained. In the Spring Metallic Piston, fig. 1997. wedges are inserted behind Fig. 1996. WEDGE Fig. 1997. Fig. 1998. METALLIC PISTON. SPRING Metallic PISTONS. the rings, with springs behind them, forcing them outwards, and in fig. 1996. a single elastic hoop is substituted for all these springs: springs without wedges are also in very common use for metallic pistons with divided rings, double sets being used and the springs pressing directly on the segments of the metallic rings, as in fig. 1998. Wolf's Piston is so contrived as to enable the engine-man to tighten it without taking the cover off the cylinder; the piston-rod forms part of a screw to which a toothed-wheel is attached; this is turned by means of a pinion provided with a square head rising in a recess in the cylinder surmounted by a cap. עשי Fig. 1999. Wolf's piston. Fig. 2000. CARTWRIGHT'S PISTON. Fig. 2001. JESSOP'S PISTON. Cartwright's Piston is very similar to the wedge metallic piston, but has not been found quite successful in practice, when the cylinders are not truly bored; the pieces forming the piston having a determined curvature, and being too strong to be sensibly flexible, cannot accommodate themselves to any irregularity, as is done by the elastic stuffing of hemp. Jessop's Piston consists of an expanding coil of metal which binds round the piston body in a spiral form, fig. 2001. : a bed of hemp packing is first prepared, which answers the double purpose of preventing steam passing at the joints, and of supplying a means of pressing the springs against the surface of the cylinder; their pressure and wear is more equable than in other metallic pistons, and they have been successful in practice. When a piston-rod is drawn as well as pushed, the proportion of its diameter to that of the piston should be attended to, as the slightest inequality in the centering or in the fric- tion will render it liable to stick and not move properly: in high-pressure engines the friction and loss are estimated at two-tenths of the power. The piston-rod, collar, or stuffing- box, is that which admits the smooth rod or plunger to pass into the cylinder or air- tight vessel; the stuffing-box with the hemp packing surrounds the piston-rod; round it is a collar, with a hole sufficient to allow the rod to pass, which is stuffed and screwed down with similar stuffing to that already described. The common Clack-valve is a piece of leather rather larger than the opening it is to close, and is attached by a joint or hinge; it is strengthened by a metal plate on each side, the lower one less and the upper larger than the aperture: an angle of 30° for it to open allows a free passage. A double Clack-valve is used for pump-buckets; they should also rise to an angle of 30°, and are decidedly preferable for large pistons. Conical Steam-Valve is a metallic plate with bevelled edges, made exactly to fit into a conical box, and is sometimes called a T valve; the valves of Watt's engine were of this kind. The diameter of the box should be to that of the greater diameter of the valve as 3 to 2, and should rise at least one-fourth of its greatest diameter when open : they are usually of brass, and are turned so as to exactly fit, after which they are further ground into each other with emery powder; the angle is 45°. When this valve is to be self-acting, its weight must be equal to the square of the diameter multiplied 1260 Book 11 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. · by the pressure in pounds on a circular inch; it will then move as soon as its narrower surface is exposed to a given pressure. The Cup Valve is made with the seat a portion of a sphere, and the valve itself a sphere or portion of it to fit it: they are occasionally used as safety-valves; a weight is sus- pended below them to prevent sticking. Sliding Valves are in general use, and consist of a box with a slider at right angles to the passage, moved by a rod passing through a stuffing-box. The slider is accurately ground, and is held by a spring; for small apertures it is moved by a handle, and for larger ones by a rack and pinion. S Crown or Equilibrium Valve used in the Cornish engines, and also in the rotative: it requires little force to work it. The steam is introduced through the pipe S, and the aperture A is surrounded by an upright ring or collar, rising a few inches into the chamber, which ring is perforated by slits of considerable size, but closed at the top. The crown or cover of the valve is a ring at- tached to a steel rod, by which it is raised or depressed, care being taken that the collar and crown valve are both accurately ground and made to fit each other. When the valve is on its seat, it is closed on all sides, so that no steam can enter: when raised up from its seat, the steam may enter freely from each of its sides: this kind of valve is similarly arranged to the conical valves, and work in the same way, four of them being used in a single engine. The conical valve was contrived by Mr. Watt, and is shown when open in one figure, and shut in the other. S is the entrance for the steam, A the port, V the conical valve, N the seat or nozzle, which it covers: when the conical cover V of the aperture N is up, the steam has free admission; when it is closed, the steam presses the valve down into its seat, without escaping from the nozzle. A Fig. 2002. Fig. 2003. CROWN OR equilibrIUM VALVE. Fig. 2004. Valve, shut. Fig. 2005. VALVE OFEN. A Fig. 2006. WATT'S CONICAL VAlve, open. V A Fig. 2007. Ditto, shut Murray's Sliding Valve.—All the apertures terminate in a case that is steam-tight, and within which a box slides up and down, which opens and closes the passages alternately. The rod O,which passes through a stuffing-box, moves the sliding part. The steam entering from the boiler at S passes through a to the top of the cylinder when the slide is down, while the passage to the condenser is open through the interior of the slide; when the slider is up, the pas- sage b from the bottom of the cylinder is open, and the passage a from the top to c, the condenser, is open to drive this slide a small reciprocating motion is sufficient, and it has considerable friction from the pressure of the steam against the box; they are generally of gun metal where salt-water is used, and they act and wear well. Rotary Valves are formed by a plate of metal moving on an axis, which crosses the plate, and passes through an air-tight aperture to the outside : a Fig. 2008. for throttle-valves, or where perfect tightness is not the object, they may Murray's slide, be usefully employed. Four-way Cock is used to open a communication alternately from the boiler and conden- ser to the top and bottom of the cylinder: it is simple in its action, but steam is lost at each stroke of the engine, and there is considerable friction; it is of a cylindrical form, and when truly ground the steam tends to keep it tight, but it soon wears into an elliptical shape and requires re-grinding. In a four-passaged cock made for the purpose of shut- ting off the steam at any period of the stroke, without closing the passage to the condenser, T shows the passage to the top, B that to the bottom of the cylinder, and C that to the condenser; the figures show its position when the steam enters, and when shut off. S Fig. 2009. SHUT. P C Fig. 2010. Open. FOUR-WAY COCK. To form the four-way cock, so that the steam can be cut off at any portion of the stroke, it must be enlarged sufficiently to allow the breadth of two apertures between the middle CHAP. XXI. 1261 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. and each adjoining passage, increasing the diameter in the proportion of 10 to 8, the rubbing surfaces remaining nearly the same, and the cone will be more equally pressed into the socket. The most simple method in practice is to make use of two double-passaged cocks. Plug Tree is a rod attached to the engine beam, and provided with tappets or projecting pieces which strike levers or handles of valves for the purpose of shutting or opening them at various intervals, as the rod descends or ascends. The handles turning on their axis act as levers, and thus move the cocks, slides, or valves, to which they are attached. Valves opened by Weights. — Fig. 2013. W is the weight, which acts upon an arm a on the axis, and requires to be turned, that the valve may be moved: a spring-catch b, held by the suspended weight, closes the valve, which opens when the catch is disengaged, and the handle c is moved by the tappet d: direct action from the beam itself is now used to open these valves, and the weights are in great measure dispensed with, though they are said to open the valves more rapidly, which is important for working the engine, as the opening and closing the passages at the proper time constitute its effect. A weight opening a valve may descend into a vessel of water, while the aperture by which the water escapes from under it may be increased or diminished at pleasure. The weight uses its full force to open the valve, but when it be- gins to move, it is stopped by the water: in the ascent, a valve at the bottom of the vessel opens inwardly, and the engine has only to raise the weight again. This method is in constant use for opening valves of engines for the purpose of raising water. Eccentric Rollers, to raise the valve-rods, are ingenious, though attended with some objections in their application. Fig. 2012. shows a section of the steam pipes and valves of Fenton and Murray's double engine, and fig. 2011. the com- municating rods: by the pipe C the steam enters: at a is a throttle-valve, which regulates its supply: a governor of two E P C Fig. 2011. E h अ a W LOT d Fig. 2012. FENTON'S STEAM-FIPE and valve. Fig. 2013. Opening-valvES. bent levers e, e, turning upon its axis at f, has a rotary motion communicated to it by means of a band passing from a pulley to a similar pulley at d. The upper part of the spindle has a slide n, which is connected by rods i,i, to the levers, which rises when the centrifugal force of the governor is increased, and descends when it decreases; as the lever I is affected by the rising or falling of the balls of the governor, so is the valve a attached to it. 1262 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The arms k, k, serve as rests to the balls when the engine is not at work, and the rod c is raised to such a height that the throttle-valve is in a horizontal position, and the passage of the pipe open for the admission of steam: by the pipe DD the steam passes either to the top or bottom of the cylinder through the throttle-valve a, and then down to the condenser, through the pipes E, E: the valves n,o, have each a spindle passing through the stuffing-boxes r,s. The rods of the valves p and q have also at t and u stuffing- boxes to pass through, which rods open the eduction pipe E; thus the valves for the admission or eduction of the steam are opened without any escape. The sliding rods, which give motion to these valves, are kept in a perpendicular position by bands. Modes of opening Valves, Cocks, and Slides, or the means by which the engine is rendered automatic, or capable of performing its work without the assistance of manual attention to open and shut them, is a matter of the greatest importance, and has partly been described; but one of the most perfect is that of deriving the motion of the valves from a connecting Fig. 2014. ECCENTRIC STEAM VALVE. rod, one end of which is made to move round in the circle of a crank, while the other end performs a rectilineal or circular reciprocating motion: another method is by The Eccentric, which is a circular disc or ring of metal, placed upon the shaft or axis, turned by a crank. The distance from the centre of the disc to the centre of the axis is called the eccentricity, and is equal to half the throw or range of the motion of the valves to be moved by it; the rod is called the eccentric rod, and is attached to a hoop that exactly fits the disc: this produces an easy change of motion, and being constantly moving gives no stroke at the time of change. Suppose r to be the radius of the eccentric circle, and d the distance of its centre; from the centre of motion then r+d−(r−d) will be the extent of the movement, 2 d, or twice the eccentricity. At of the stroke, counted from either end, a valve can only be opened half way; at part of the stroke it may be calculated to be fully open: sometimes the valve rods are made to branch out into four portions, and at their separation a flat brass plate is inserted, with another at the summit to unite them: the eccentric works between the side forks of the rod, and bears against its top and bottom plates, figs. 2015. 2017.: the other forks are in width equal to the diameter of the axle, which prevents the rod deviating from the vertical position, figs. 2016. 2018.; by adding a handle that can be worked by hand, the reversing process may be performed. Fig. 2015. Fig. 2016. Fig. 2017. PLAN. Fig. 2018. The Governor, or Centrifugal Power Regulator, is an ingenious contrivance for equalising motion, in the steam-engine particularly; by its means the valves which suffer the steam to pass from the boiler to the cylinder are opened or closed to the extent necessary, and in such a manner as to allow a certain quantity of steam to pass through, and no CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1263 more. When the action of the governor flags, the valves open more, and vice versâ, so that it produces a motion free from vibration: this is effected by suspending two or more balls from a revolving axis, and allowing them to revolve with it: when the velocity is increased the balls rise, and when it is diminished they fall: by connecting arms to the rods by which the balls are suspended, their rising or falling moves a lever, which can be applied either to open or close a valve. The vertical distance between the point of sus- pension and the plane on which the centre of the balls revolve corresponds with the length of a pendulum, which makes one vibra- tion, forward and back again, in the time the balls make revolution. one Fig, 2019. T H Fig. 2020. The common ve- locity given to the axis is about thirty revolutions in a second; consequently the height should be equal to the length of the seconds' pendulum, which is 39.14 inches: to find the height for any other number of revolutions, divide 35.226 by the square of the number, and the quotient will be the height required. The balls usually weigh from 30 to 80 pounds, and the angle the rods make with the axis is about 30° when they are at rest: the motion of the governor is derived from the engine, by a cord or strap running round the axis of the fly-wheel and communicating its motion to a pulley which is fixed upon the spindle or upright rod: when the axis of the fly-wheel moves too rapidly, its increased motion is communicated to the governor; its spindle then revolves more rapidly, and the balls attached to it, from their increased centrifugal force, fly out farther from the spindle, and depress the levers which act upon the throttle-valve so as to contract it. B E Parallel Motion was the means of establishing a communication between the inflexible rod of the piston, which oscillates in a straight line, and the beam which oscillates circularly; this elegant arrangement is not perfect, and some allowance is requisite to be made in the adoption of it upon a large scale, to prevent serious inconveniences to the machinery to which it may be ap- plied: three angles of a parallelo- gram describe arcs of a circle, while a fourth, which lowers and raises the piston-rod, moves nearly in a straight line; this will be shown by supposing R the top of the piston, and B the head of the beam, which describes the segment of a circle whilst R moves in a vertical direction; these motions are made to suit each other, by having a fixed point at F, which is placed close to the line, in which the piston-rod moves: on the beam, at B and E, are hung the inflexible bars BR and EH, which F k R K Fig. 2021. H move freely on their pivots: the other extremities of these rods are connected at RH; another rod passes from H to F: these several rods have free motion around their pivots. The head of the piston being attached at R, the piston-rod will then have a vertical motion; from the outward motion of the beam, during the first half of its descent and the first half of its ascent, or from its inward motion, during the latter half of its descent and the latter half of its ascent. When the beam is in an horizontal position, as is shown by the dotted line ck, the rod B R will hang in a perpendicular direction, and 1264 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. that of FH will be horizontal, as shown by the line Fg: during the latter part of its descent the point B will be bent inwards, and press with it the head R of the piston-rod; the rod FH will then bend outwards, and thus resist the inward thrust of the beam; in the ascent similar adjustments take place between the beam and the piston-rod, the latter being always preserved in a vertical position, or nearly so, and the strain it is subjected to in one direction neutralised by the opposite action of the rod RH. This motion may be further understood by supposing it to be required that the top of the piston-rod P, fig. 2022., should not be moved by the obliquity of its connecting rod PR, which may be prevented in this man- ner : at s, s, are two fixed points, at equal distances from the piston-rod; there are two parallel bars g, s, placed between the piston-rod and these points, which steady the motion, and revolve freely on their points s, the ends of the bars g,g describing arcs of circles; these rods being attached to the piston-rod in the middle of the two points g,g would have the effect of always keep- ing the point P in a straight line; thus the piston-rod is not attached to the ends of the guide bars, but to the middle of the link; the point P there- fore is prevented from deviating much from the straight line. Fig. 2023. 9 g Fig. 2022. Fig. 2024. P P The point P does, however, deviate from a straight line, and forms a double curve; and in practice it is necessary to make some allowances for this, which may readily be shown by tracing the point p during its motion: when gs, fig. 2024. comes into the straight line with the link gg, the point p deviates from the straight line, by a quantity equal to p', and this is reversed in the opposite extreme. When the link gg, fig. 2023. comes into the same line with the bar gs, the deviation is much greater, and when the links have returned to their original position, they have described the whole curve xpy. This deviation increases more rapidly than the square of the length of the stroke; the greatest deviation at the end of the stroke being ascertained, and also its amount, at one-eighth part of the stroke from the middle, bring the centres s,s each nearer to the other, by a quantity equal to the deviation at the eighth part, and the amount of its greatest deviation will be reduced to less than one quarter of what it was in the first instance: the parallel motion of one point may also be readily transferred to another by jointed parallelograms. Fig. 2025. shows the simplest kind of parallel motion, and is usually employed to commu- nicate the rectilinear movement to the air-pump-rod of the steam engine. Fig. 2026. is the ap- parently more complicated case in which three shorter bars are added to the end of the beam, so as to form a parallelogram, to the lower angle of which the piston-rod is attached. Fig. 2027. exhibits the parallel motion used for steam-boat en- Fig. 2025. PARALLEL MOTION. gines: the beam A F is below the cylinder; when AB is equal to DC, the point E is in the middle of the length of the bar BD: the rod DG may be at any height, provided it be parallel to A F, and B may be at any point in AF. Fig. 2028. shows how to arrange three piston-rods to move parallel: as for Wolf's engine, the points of suspension must be all in the line A G. Fig. 2029. shows another arrangement for three rods at one end and two at the other end of the beam: when the proportions to obtain parallel motion have been found by the following rules, the point for the air-pump-rod in the link D B is easily found by drawing a line from G to A, and then the rod must be attached to the point of intersection. In like manner, in any complex case, as in Wolf's engine with two cylinders, the points of con- nection for the piston-rods must all be in the line AG. In these figures the corresponding parts are marked by the same letters. CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1265 - To find the length which should be given to the radius bar, when the length of the beam from the centre of motion is to half the length of the stroke as 3 is to 2: from three times half the length of the stroke, subtract twice the length of the parallel bar, and Fig. 2026. PARALLEL MOTION. B 2000 Fig. 2028. PARALLEL MOTION. B E D C D G D E b G F Fig. 2027. PARALLEL MOTION FOR BOATS. B E G F Fig. 2029. PARALLEL MOTION. multiply the difference by half the length of the stroke; this product divided by 343146 times the length of the parallel bar, and the quotient added to the length of the parallel bar, gives the length of the radius bar. The radius bar and the parallel bar should be of equal length, when twice the parallel bar is equal to three times half the length of the stroke. When there is no assigned proportion between the length of the stroke and the radius of the beam, the length of the radius bar is thus found: first, from the length of the radius of the beam, subtract twice the length of the parallel bar, and multiply the difference by the square of half the length of the stroke; secondly, find the square root of the difference between the square of the length of the radius of the beam and the square of the half length of the stroke, and subtract this root from the length of the radius of the beam, and multiply the difference by twice the length of the parallel bar. This product becomes a divisor to the number found by the first part of the operation; the quotient obtained, added to the length of the parallel bar, gives the length of the radius bar. Cartwright's Parallel Motion, (figs. 2030, 2031.) consists of two toothed wheels, which work in each other, and from corresponding points in their circumference two connecting links unite at the extremity of a cross bar, to the middle of which is joined the piston- 4 M 1266 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. rod. These wheels and connecting rods being always in similar positions, on opposite sides ស of the piston-rods, the obliquity of their actions balances each other, and the rod is made to describe a straight line; to make this arrangement work accurately the greates's nicety of execution is necessary. Fig. 2030. CARTWRIGHT'S PARALLEL MOTION. Fig. 2032. CYCLOIDAL MOTION. Fig. 2031. PARALLEL MOTION. The Cycloidal Parallel Motion, which is exceedingly beautiful, depends on the prin- ciple that an encycloidal curve, described by one circle rolling within another, approaches a straight line, as the inner circle becomes more nearly equal in diameter to the radius of the outer one. The large wheel, which has teeth on its inner circumference, is fixed on a frame concentric with the axis and circle of the crank o: the small wheel, which has teeth on its outer edge, is freely fixed on the crank-pin, and p is the point at which the piston- rod is affixed. The small wheel is forced by the pressure of the piston-rod upwards, to roll round the great circle, ascending on the one side and descending on the other; so that the distance of the end of the piston-rod from the point of contact of the circles is always equal to the distance of the circle from the diameter. A Fig. 2034. Ρ 9 S 9 g Ρ Fig. 2033. SUN AND PLANET WHEEL. Fig. 2035. PARALLEL MOTION. The Sun and Planet- Wheel, (fig. 2033.) was contrived by Watt: a toothed wheel A is fixed centrally with the large wheel to which the rotary motion is to be conveyed; B is another toothed wheel fixed firmly to the end of a vertical rod C; a strong link connects the centres of the two wheels. If the shaft D be turned, the wheel B will revolve in the same direction, and elevate the rod C till it arrives at the top of the wheel A, when, by continuing the motion of the large wheel, B must descend to its first position, and so on continually. CHAP. XXI. 1257 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. Another species of parallel motion has a joint at the bottom of the column, (fig. 2034.) on which it and the beam and the crank rod perform a joggling motion backwards and for- wards during each stroke, which may be better understood by supposing the point s (fig. 2035.) on the plan fixed; s,g are movable bars. The point g describes a circle round s, so that p describes also a curve round the same point: the oscillation of the moving mass of the engine in alternate directions, with a sudden jerk at the end of the stroke, renders this kind of movement injurious to engines on a large scale, particularly as the piston-rod also deviates very considerably from a straight line. e Fig. 2036. EPICYCLOIDAL MOTION. Fig. 2036. shows another method of converting rectilinear to circular continuous motion employed in steam engines, with its accompanying geometrical demonstration. Let aed represent the fixed, and ac, b'e the interior revolving wheel in two positions, its first, being at the extremity of the diameter ad; when it comes into any other, bc, the point a will always be found in the diameter ad, since whatever be the position of the centres o, o, ba=b'a' The Crank is one of the most important appendages of the steam-engine, and is used for converting a reciprocating into a rotary motion. By the force of steam, motion is produced upwards and downwards, in the right line of the axis of the cylinder, and this d can be rendered capable of producing a force equally well in a circular direction: when an engine is used for pumping only, a crank is not necessary, but when applied to machinery, its use is highly important; it increases the velocity of the moving force, and in ordinary construction this is in the ratio of the cir- cumference of a circle to twice its diameter. The moving force of a crank may be uniform and in a straight line; or it may be uniform in a curved line, or it may be variable in either case : on examining the action of the crank, it will be found neither to be con- tinuous in direction nor in action: when the steam enters below the piston, it forces it to the top of the cylinder; it is then cut off preparatory to its entering above the piston, and in the interval it has no action, and this is the case after the steam has forced the piston to the bottom of the cylinder: this double cessation of action between the impulses would pre- vent the continuous revolution, were it not for the addition of a wheel, by which means is obtained the power of continuing motion, by what is termed its momentum; such a wheel attached to an axle is called a fly, and serves greatly to equalise motion; it is usually of large dimensions, and its rim of considerable weight, in order that the action may be regular and uniform. The fly-wheel, although partial and not quite perfect in its equalisa- tion of motion, so far improves the action of the crank, as to make it applicable to all ordinary purposes; the extreme delicacy which results from the motion of the water-wheel is, however, superior where great nicety of movement is required. : The motion of the crank may be shown by supposing E the extremity of the beam, moving in the arc of a circle, and C the rod or axis, to which a regular continuous circular motion is to be given let a short bar DB proceed from the rod to be turned, and play upon the pivot B, to which is at- tached, playing also freely upon it, a long bar or rod E B, the other extremity of which turns in a pivot E, at the other end of the beam; the rod E B, descending as the beam descends, and moving up with it, will turn round the crank BD, the extremity B de- scribing a circle C. There are, however, two points in the revolution which are called dead points; for when the end of the beam is at its greatest elevation, the rod hangs perpendicular, and the crank is in the same line; the beam then depresses the crank and axis, and will not turn either, and when the end of the beam is at its lowest point, the crank is also in a line with the rod. The motion of the crank, which it acquires be- fore it reaches these two dead points, carries it beyond them, and the beam resumes its natural action, and this is further aided by 마 ​11 E "1 • D B Fig. 2037. CRANK AND FLY-WHEEL. 4 M 2 1268 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the fly-wheel. The crank moves more slowly when at these points, and more rapidly in its other positions, from which there is inequality of motion in the axis. The Fly-wheel is a necessary part of the machinery, where perfectly steady and uniform motion is the object: it consists of a large wheel with a heavy rim, usually formed of iron, is attached to the axis on which the crank turns, and revolves along with it; by its weight it acts as a drag on the engine, and prevents its motion being too rapid, and the impetus it acquires from its weight, it carries on the machinery with the usual or gradually decreasing force, when the proportion of the resistance to the power becomes augmented, and the engine has a tendency to move slowly; its heavy rim absorbs any surplus force which it acquires, and yields it again when required; it is a reservoir which collects the intermitting currents and sends forth a constant and regular stream. To proportion the rim of the fly-wheel, multiply 40 times the pressure of the piston in pounds, by the radius of the crank in feet, and divide this product by the cube of the radius of the fly-wheel in feet, and by the number of its revolutions per minute; this result will give the area of the rim of the fly-wheel in inches; the number of the horse- power multiplied by 200 will be the greatest pressure on the piston. When the velocity of the fly-wheel exceeds 12 feet at the rim per second, its arms should be of wrought-iron, and a velocity of 33 feet per second at the rim is the extreme velocity that should be given at any time; with cast-iron rims, the velocity should not exceed 18 feet per second, that they may be perfectly safe. The proportions of the fly-wheel are derived from the laws of rotary motion, and are found by adding the time, the radius corresponding to the angular velocity of the exterior ring of the wheel; and comparing with the force of gravity to obtain the co-efficient, it is, 32 P. drt bx2 =nv. P here is the mean quantity the moving force varies in its intensity in excess above the resistance, and t the time in which that variation takes place; v, the velocity, and nv, the greatest variation of velocity; d, the leverage the force P acts with; and r, the radius corresponding to the velocity v; and b, the weight of the fly, acting at the distance x from the axis the weight of the rim being always at the extremity of the radius; x=r, and the equation becomes, 32 P. dt br :nv. When the weight of the rim is great, it acquires a great momentum with little increase of angular velocity, or it loses a considerable momentum with a small diminution of that velocity; and the greater the angular velocity of the axis of the fly is, the greater will be its equalising power, all other things being equal: variation of velocity is inversely as the velocity of the rim. To measure the useful Effect of an Engine. The most convenient method is by the means of friction if the rim of a brake-wheel on the engine shaft of a given diameter, be pressed with a force exactly equal to the effect of the engine at its working speed, then the friction being ascertained, which this pressure produces, the power of the engine may be found by multiplying the friction by the velocity of the rubbing surface. Let A B be a lever, tightened by a friction strap, which passes round the shaft or wheel C; the lever being stopped at the point D till the friction be equal to the power of the engine when all other work is thrown off; then, while the engine is in B motion, place at E a weight sufficient to retain the lever in its horizontal position to obtain the power, mul- tiply the length FC in feet, by the weight placed at E in pounds, the number of revolutions per minute : Fig. 2038. lw D A F £ made by C, and 6·2832; the result will be the number of pounds raised in a minute one foot high, which divided by 33,000 gives the horse-power. Suppose I be the leverage the weight w acts with, r the radius of the wheel or shaft c, the friction f, the velocity o, the revolution of c per minute n; then fv equals the power, and ƒ= and v=6.2832rn; consequently, vf=6·2832lwn, the power in pounds raised one foot, when I is in feet and w in pounds. " The portable Condensing Engine. The cylinder is supported by a cast-iron frame, and two eccentric wheels on the crank-shaft give motion to the levers by connecting rods : the lever works the cold-water pump by a rod, while the beam, by means of slings, works the air and hot-water pumps. On the cross rail is a guide to confine the air-pump rod to a vertical motion: the condenser surrounds the air-pump, and is again surrounded by CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1269 one of the cold water cisterns; the two cisterns are connected by a pipe: the steam from the cylinder passes by a pipe to the condenser, where the cold water is admitted by a cock: IDE Fig. 2039. fortable condensiNG ENGINE. 4 M 3 1270 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the air and condensed steam ascend through a foot-valve into the air-pump. The opening and closing of the steam passages is performed by the eccentric, fixed on the crank shaft, the action of which communicates a reciprocal motion to the rod, which, by a bent lever, moves the connecting rod and lever fixed at one extremity of a spindle, having a bevelled wheel at the other, which works into another spindle of the steam-cock, admitting the steam into the cylinder: on the fly-wheel shaft is a pair of bevelled wheels, communicating motion to the governor balls, which keep the valve on the steam pipes open a longer or shorter time, according to the velocity of the engine. Application of Steam Engines for raising Water. By means of an engine acting ex- pansively, 280,000 cube feet of water may be raised by one bushel of coals a foot in height, and when a pump is applied for this purpose, its stroke should not exceed 8 feet, and the diameter of its cylinder 14 inches: the velocity of the piston should not exceed 98 times the square root of the length of the stroke. The quantity of water in cube feet delivered at each stroke of the pump is 00518 lɗ² = the quantity in cube feet, l being the length of the stroke, and d the diameter of the pump in inches. The power required to raise water to a given height is found by taking the height in feet from the surface to the point of discharge, and adding a foot and a half for each lift, for the force required to give the water the velocity, and also add one-twentieth of the height for the friction of the piston, and call this quantity in feet h; then 341 hd²=load in pounds, whence, if P=the mean effective h\ force on the steam piston in pounds per circular inch, we have d= meter of the steam piston in inches. (341) * =D, the dia- The quantity of work performed by one of the engines at Wheel Hope mine, Cornwall, in 1826, was as follows: Diameter of the cylinder Load per square inch on the piston Length of stroke in cylinder Number of strokes per minute - Number of lifts, 1st, through 46 fathoms 2d, 3d, Diameter of pump for 1st lift 11 fathoms 11 fathoms 60 inches. 8.37 pounds. 9 feet. 5 feet. 5 feet. 2 feet. 2d ditto 3d ditto Consumption of coals - Number of strokes Length of stroke in the pump Number of pounds lifted one foot high by one bushel of coals 2 feet. 15 inches. 121 inches. 11 inches. 1242 bushels. 261,890 8 feet 46,838,246 Application of Steam Engines for raising Coals and Ores.—A double engine of from twenty to thirty horse-power is used, the size of the cylinder being such that the power shall be equal to the resistance when there is the greatest stress; consequently engines require mor fuel to raise such bodies to the required height, as much is lost by the stoppages and changes in motion: from 3 cwt. to 7 cwt. is usually raised at a time, and 1 pound of coal is cal- culated to lift about 70,000 pounds of ore. The engine should work expansively, and be equalised by a fly-wheel, and regulated by a governor. Application to Corn Mills. The double expansive engine is usually employed, and with low-pressure steam it will grind 14 bushels of wheat for each bushel of coals, when working properly; but the average is perhaps about 11 only. To dress a bushel of wheat, as well as grind it, per hour, is 31,000 pounds raised 1 foot per minute: the velocity of the circumference of the millstone should be 23 feet per second, and with that velocity a pair of 5 feet stones should grind 4 or 5 bushels per hour. - Application to Water Works. For this purpose, where fuel is expensive, double engines with fly wheels are the most economical, and where it is cheap, single ones: in raising water care must be taken that the air-vessel should be in the direction of the motion of the fluid, for if placed on one side, the joints are liable to be torn asunder, the cranks broken, and the machinery disarranged, from the concussion which take place. Application to Threshing Machines. — Engines of from four to six horse-power are used : the feeding rollers are 3 inches in diameter, and make from 35 to 37 revolutions per minute: the straw rakes are 3½ inches in diameter, and make 30 revolutions per minute : the diameter of the drum is 3 feet 6 inches, and makes 300 revolutions in a minute. The quantity of wheat threshed by a machine with feeding rollers, 4 feet broad, varies from 12 to 24 bushels per hour, according to its quality, and the quantity of oats from 16 to 30 bushels. The power required is 100,000 pounds raised 1 foot per minute for threshing alone, and 133,000 when winnowing is applied; each inch of straw receives three strokes of the beaters, and the stroke is made with a velocity of 55 feet per second, or the beater should move 3300 feet per minute. CHAP. XXI. 1271 STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. Application to Steam Boats.-The maritime engine is made more compact than that usually employed in our manufactories, and, in order to diminish its height, the working beams are placed below the cylinder on each side: in engines of 200 horse-power, the cylinders are made 5 feet in height, and 53 inches in diameter, in order to save room; the other portions of the engine do not materially differ from those we have already described. The shaft, upon which the paddle-wheels are fixed, is made to revolve by cranks placed upon it, in the same manner as the fly-wheel of a common engine: the paddle-wheels are made like the common undershot, and bear on their rims flat paddle-boards: the marine engine may be either condensing or high-pressure, but the low-pressure condensing is generally used. Locomotives. The general description of the locomotives on the London and Southampton line is as follows: the engines have two horizontal cylinders, working to a double-cranked axle in the driving-wheels: there are six wheels; the diameter of the driving wheels is 5 feet 6 inches, and the others 3 feet 6 inches, each of which have a nave of cast-iron, bound with two hoops of malleable iron; the rims are also of the same metal, and well welded to the rim, round which is a tire 1 inch in thickness and 5 inches wide, the flange of which pro- jects 1 inch; these wheels are all turned very accurately, and have a conical inclination : the cylinders are 13 inches in diameter, and have metallic spring pistons fitted into them, which make an 18-inch stroke. The Boilers are cylindrical, 3 feet 3 inches in diameter and 8 feet long, and contain about 120 tough rolled brass tubes, 18 inch in diameter at one end, and 13 at the other, drawn on a mandrill; they are fastened to the boiler with steel hoops: the thickness of the tubes is No. 15. wire gauze, and the holes in the ends of the boiler are all parallel. The Fire-box is of copper, of an inch in thickness, but where the tubes are fixed, the plate is of an inch in thickness: the width of the fire-box internally is 3 feet 6 inches; length 2 feet 6 inches, and depth from the roof to the top of the fire-bars 3 feet 4 inches; the water-spaces are 3 inches wide, and the roof and sides of the box are stayed with copper bolts, tapped and riveted. The Axles.—The cranked axles are made of the best Backbarrow iron, 51 inches in dia- meter at the crank pin, and it is turned down to 34 inches for the outside bearings: the axles for the fore wheels are. 33 inches, and for the hind wheels 34 inches in diameter; they are turned throughout. The Framing. The engine is provided with four inside stay and bearing frames of wrought-iron, with brass bearings to fit to the main axle on both sides of each crank, the axle being properly turned to suit these bearings, and the frames are connected with the tire-box and cylinder beds, which form stays for their support. The outside frames are made of well-seasoned ash plank, 3 inches thick and 7 inches deep, plated on both sides with quarter-inch best Low Moor plates. These frames are 3 feet 2 inches clear above the surface of the rails. Feed Pumps. There are two, made of brass, fixed at the side of the boiler, the water- spaces of which have an area of 2 inches clear. The Chimney is covered with a wire cap, and all its bearings and journals are case- hardened, and its height is 13 feet from the rails. The Engine is worked by eccentrics, with single slide valves and steel facings, and there are two safety-valves, water-gauges, buffers, draw-bars, splash-boards, ash-pan, siphon cups, safety-bars in front, wood sheathing, brass ball and socket, communication pipes, steel springs, and all other requisites to complete their working order. The Tenders have their frames made with well-seasoned ash timber, with transverse and diagonal braces well bolted together: the tank is of a horse-shoe form, and contains 700 gallons of water; it is made of iron plates, of an inch thick, and provided with cocks and pipes, to connect with the ball and socket feed-pipes of the engine: the wheels are of wrought-iron, 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, with wrought-iron tires 1 inch thick. 5 32 The tenders are also provided with springs, break, buffers, long elliptical spring chains to draw by, with a box of tools, oil-cans, shovel, and all other requisites to put it into a working state. Locomotive Engines differ from the ordinary steam-engine in their arrangement, and may be said to consist of three several parts; the square box which contains the fire, the boiler and its tubes, and the portion in front, where the cylinders and chimney are placed. The usual construction is that with two horizontal cylinders, from 12 to 15 inches or more in diameter, fitted with single slide-valves and metal spring pistons, having a length of stroke from 16 to 18 inches. The fire-box is open only at the bottom, and placed at the back part of the engine; it is made of copper, and has a door to admit the fuel; the general dimensions may be said to be 30 inches in length, from back to front 40 inches in width, and the height from the iron grate-bars at bottom to the top 39 or 40 inches: the fire-box is entirely surrounded by water, except at the bottom, and where the opening is to admit the putting on the fuel. The space for the water is about 3 inches in width, and where it is in contact with the cylindrical portion of the boiler it is a little more. 4 M 4 ... Um 1272 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2040. HO LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE: WITHORA O CHAP. XXI. 1273 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. The extreme width of the fire-box in such a case does not exceed 47 inches, and the iron plates with which it is surrounded are in thickness about of an inch: the covering or CENORIALE : O O O O O о O • • O O C Fig. 2041. LOCOMOTIVe engine, longitudinal section. O 1 O O • • O • O O O D 0 top, however, where greater strength is required, has four wrought-iron rods riveted to the upper surface, and the sides are held more firmly together by means of copper bolts, which are tapped and riveted. The aperture to admit the coals is usually formed by a ring of copper, and the iron plates of the casing are gathered in, and firmly riveted to it with copper rivets. The boilers are of a cylindrical form, about 8 feet in length, and 3 feet or more in diameter; the ends are closed by circular iron plates, the lower half drilled with holes, in which from 70 to 140 longitudinal tubes of tough rolled brass are inserted by means of hoops of steel; the thickness of the brass out of which they are formed is that called No. 15 wire gauge; they are made truly cylindrical by drawing them through a mould: one end of these Un 1274 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. tubes is open towards the fire-box, and the other towards the chamber in front, where the chimney is placed; there is another door which allows of the tubes being cleaned out when requisite. The iron used for the construction of the boiler is mostly Yorkshire plate, g of an inch in thick- 386 ness, or, where more strength is re- quired, inch, as at the back, and at other parts only in thickness; f the fire-boxes are lapped and riveted together as well as the boilers, care being taken that the action of the fire does not come too strong against the parts where the welding is made. Since the introduction of the tubular boilers few accidents have occurred from bursting; they were the in- vention of M. Seguin, an engineer at Annonay in France, who patented them early in the year 1828 The steam occupies the upper part of the boiler, from which it passes into a chamber by two pipes, each of which has three openings or apertures, to admit it before and behind the piston, as well as to escape up the chimney. The evaporation in the boiler is effected partly by radiant heat communicated to the water which encompasses the fire-box, and partly by means of the hot air trans- mitted through the tubes. It has been ascertained that 1 superficial foot exposed to the action of heated air, as that passing through the tubes, has no more than a third of the effect when the same area is ex- posed to radiant heat, or has the direct action of the fire: a locomotive in action, proceeding at the rate of nearly 19 miles an hour, was found to evaporate 55-82 cubic feet water during that time, where the surface exposed to radiation was 43·12 superficial feet, and that to heated air 288-35 superficial feet: when a number of tubes of small diameter are made use of, the temperature of the air passing through them should be as nearly as possible that of the water in the boiler; there would then be little loss in that which passes off by the way of the chimney: but the heated air is much higher in temperature, which is partly rendered necessary, in the present locomotive, to maintain sufficient draught to carry on com- bustion. of Fig. 2042. PLAN OF LOCOMOTIVE. The Regulator Box (fig. 2044.) was first constructed by Mr. Watt; a spindle passes through one side of the box, on which a toothed sector moves as a centre, working a rack fixed to a brass valve accurately ground to its seat; the plug tree, part of which is shown under the valve box, alternately opens and shuts the valve by means of a pin acting on the bent lever, the upper arm of which works the toothed sector: this is the form usually applied to stationary double-acting engines, but for locomotives the contrivance shown in fig. 2045. is adopted; the steam is carried up into a hemispherically crowned cylinder, whence it descends to the regulator, where the communication is made with the two pipes connected with the CHAP. XXI. 1275 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. chambers above the cylinders, in which the pistons work; the uppermost rod, which passes longitudinally through the chamber of the boiler, where the steam is confined, has a handle at the end, which, when turned by the conductor or engine-man, moves the two discs alternately backwards and forwards, which cover the aperture of the two steam pipes; and this can be easily effected. The discs being fixed upon a horizontal rod, the cylinders can be either opened or closed at pleasure: it is important that these discs should press against the mouth of the pipes, which is partly effected by the steam and partly by spiral springs. Safety-Valves. The boiler has two safety-valves: their forms vary; the mitre valve, when shut, prevents the steam from escaping, and it remains closed as long as the steam is above the common pressure of the atmosphere, during which time it cannot escape: above the spiral spring is a plate at- tached to a perpendicular spindle, which passes through the top of the valve, where it has a screw-thread and nut; when this is turned it presses against the spring, and by forcing it downwards opens the valve, and allows the steam to pass off; any pressure may be put upon this valve, and when the steam is below that pressure, the attendant upon the engine observes the steam escape, and is then assured that it has not the re- quisite elasticity. The Water Gauge, attached to the boiler, is for the purpose of ascertaining Fig. 2013. END OF LOCOMOTIVE. the height at which the water stands; but generally a small cock is placed at various heights on the side of the boilers, which when turned indicates the level of the water. A glass RIZZLA Fig. 2044. REGULATOR BOX. Fig. 2015. REGULATOR. Um 1276 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. tube fixed in brass rims is attached to the boiler, having at the top a brass cock turned by a handle, and at the bottom another for letting off the water in the glass tube, after the level has been ascertained. ar The Cylinders, which are placed in front, are attached to the framework of the boiler; they are surrounded by heated air, as they are within the front chamber, through which is the escape from the tubes to the passage of the chimney: in order effectually to prevent any water passing off with the steam from the boiler into the cylinders, the steam. pipe is carried up, as has been described, into a hemispherically crowned cylinder, and оо О O whatever water boils or bubbles up cannot reach the funnel mouth, intended only for the passage of steam; before the steam is admitted by the regulator to the pipes, which conduct it to the cylinders, it enters a small chamber, which is an admirable con- trivance, and perhaps one of the most important parts of the whole machine. These chambers are placed above the cylinders, and within them is a movable box or slide, which, as its motion is either backwards or forwards, effects a communication with the steam- O Fig. 2047. SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE. Un Fig. 2046. SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE. CHAP. XXI. 1277 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. chambers, and with one or other of the openings which lead to the front or back of the piston, giving the first impulse to the moving powers. When the steam is admitted through the regulator into the pipes which conduct to the steam-chamber or valve-box, it there presses the sliding valve lightly upon its horizontal plane; this, however, is moved backwards and forwards by means of a rod, having four sheaves or rings fixed upon the axles of the driving-wheels, upon false centres or eccentrics, so that at each revolution of the axle the slide is moved backwards and forwards, admitting the steam both before and Q!!!!!!! Тать www Fig. 2048 WATER GAUGE. Fig. 2049 MITRE VALVE. behind the piston. Thus an alternate motion is kept up by the slide passing, first, over one opening, then the other; the steam passes by the third aperture into the chimney, where it causes an additional draught to the fire. The motion given to the slide, however, is a little in advance of the required stroke of the piston, it being necessary that the steam should be admitted before the piston commences moving, so that it may exert its full power upon it; and this is effected by giving a lead to the slide The eccentric attached to the Fig. 2050. SLIDE VALVE AND ECCENTRIO. Un 1278 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. axle of the wheel, which as it turns pushes and draws the rod of the slide, does the duty of a crank, converting the circular to alternate motion, as far as the slide is concerned, and alternate into circular, as regards the axle of the engine. The slide, however, not being exactly in the same plane with the axle, the motion is not directly communicated to the Fig. 2051. ECCENTRIC SLIDE Valve, side vIEW. rod by the eccentric, but by a cross axle, and the two arms affixed to it; so that when the eccentric goes back, the slide rod is made to advance: there is an instant during the time the slide is in progress that all the passages are shut, and this is whilst the piston is changing its direction; to obtain a maximum effect, the steam requires to be shut off before the piston has reached the extremity of the cylinder, and the aperture on its other side should be partly opened before its change of motion takes place. The Drivers are those portions of the engine which serve to change its movement: this is performed by disengaging the eccentric from one, and carrying it to the other; so that the director of the locomotive can at pleasure cause it to advance or retire. The drivers are fixed on the axles on opposite sides of the eccentrics, which being pushed by means of a lever can be thrown either into or out of gear; so that to change the motion it is only HI- Fig. 2052. DRIVERS. requisite to lift one set of forked arms from off one set of weight bars, and replace them on the other, which is performed by a handle, working on a fulcrum, and moving the arm attached to it: this also works a small pin fitting into the oblong groove of another lever, and moves the forked arms upwards; at the same time the lever is depressed by the pin, and with it the forked arms below. The piston-rods slide on guides, and preserve a regular horizontal motion, and from them is communicated a rotary movement to the axles of the hind wheels, the alternate being transformed into circular motion by means of a crank on the axle. There is great danger in cranked axles from their breaking, which with four-wheeled engines might occasion considerable damage; this has repeatedly happened, generally from bad welding: in one instance, on the London and Birmingham Railway, an engine was discovered to have been running for some time with a broken axle, arising from the eccen- trics being keyed on to the weakest part of the axle, and only two-thirds of its section being soundly welded. CHAP. XXI. 1279 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. Pumps for the supply of water to the boiler are usually two in number, placed beneath the piston-rod of the cylinders; they suck a portion from the tender, and then force it into the boiler: these pumps have spherical valves, made of metal, which rise within a cylinder having four apertures for the passage of the water. To fill the boiler a square pit should be sunk, large enough to admit a pair of 3 feet wheels, fixed on an axle similar to the carriage wheels; they should have no flanges, and their circumference should come up through the rails, and be made to lock at pleasure. When it is required to pump water into the boiler, the engine must be brought with its driving wheels directly over those in the pit, and these latter being unlocked, the steam is let gradually on, and the pumps worked as long as is necessary for filling the boiler, without the engine advancing from where it was placed. The Steam Whistle is fixed to the boiler; by turning the handle, the cock placed in the pipe is moved round; the steam issues with such violence that when it enters the brass hemispherical cup at the top, it strikes in its passage the thin edges of a horizontal brass plate, producing a shrill and loud whistle as it escapes. We shall now give the dimensions of some of the most approved locomotives: those used upon the Liverpool and Manchester line have cylinders 10 inches in diameter, and a length of stroke of 16 inches; their boilers are 3 feet in diameter, and 6 feet in length, within which are inserted 90 tubes, 2 inches in diameter: the fire-box is 24 inches in length, and 36 in width, with a similar height. The area exposed to radiant caloric is 25 feet 6 inches super- ficial, whilst the area of the fire-grate is 6 feet: the superficial area of the tubes in contact with the heated air is 283 feet. In an engine where the diameter of the cylinder is 11 inches, and the length of stroke 16 inches, the boiler is 3 feet in diameter, 61 feet in length, and contains 132 tubes, 1 inches in diameter; the length of the fire-box is 22 inches, the width 40 inches, and the height 34 inches. The area exposed to the radiant heat is 323 feet; that of the fire-grate nearly 7 feet, and the area of the tubes exposed to the contact of the heated air is 379 feet. An engine with 12-inch cylinders, and with the same length of stroke, has a boiler 3 feet in diameter, and 7 feet 9 inches in length, with 104 tubes, 1½ in diameter : the fire-box is 24 inches in length, 43 inches in width, and 37 inches in height above the fire-bars. The area exposed to the radiant heat is 393 square feet; that of the fire-grate is 7 feet, and the total area of the tubes 354 feet. Fig. 2053. STEAM WHISTLE. An engine of 14-inch cylinders on the Leicester Rail- way, and 18-inch stroke, has a boiler 42 inches in dia- meter, 90 inches in length; 97 tubes 2 inches in diameter; the length of the fire-box is 26 inches, the width 41, and the height 44 inches: the area exposed is 46 superficial feet, and that of the fire-grate nearly 7 feet. The area of the tubes in this engine is 420 feet the total weight, when in working trim, 10 tons 8 cwt.; the dimensions of the steam-way to the cylinder are in length 7 inches, and width 1 inches. An engine on the Newcastle and Carlisle line, with 15-inch cylinders, and a length of stroke of 16 inches, has its boiler 45 inches in diameter, 8 feet 6 inches in length, and 145 tubes, 1 inches in diameter. The fire-box nearly 39 inches in length, 41 in width, and 444 inches in height: the area exposed to radiant heat 60 feet 4 inches, and that of the fire-grate 111 feet superficial. The area of the tubes in contact with the heated air nearly 547 feet. An engine on the Great Western, with 16-inch cylinders, and a stroke of 16 inches, has its boiler 4 feet in diameter, and 8 feet 6 inches in length; the number of tubes 167, all 1½ inches in diameter. The fire-box in length 413 inches, in width 47, and in height above the bars of the grate 453 inches. The area exposed to radiant heat 70 superficial feet, and the area of the fire-grate 136 feet. The area of the tubes exposed to the heated air was 543 square feet. The above engines were constructed by R. Stevenson and Co., at Newcastle-upon-Tyne; the following were made by Messrs. R. & W. Hawthorn of the same place. An engine with 12-inch cylinders, and a length of stroke of 16 inches, had the diameter of the boiler 1280 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 36 inches, and length 89; in this were 64 tubes, 2 inches in diameter. The length of the fire- box 21½ inches, width 41, and height above the bars 38 inches. The area of the fire-box exposed to radiant heat 37 square feet, and the area of the fire-grate 6 feet 1 inch, and that of the tubes 262 feet 6 inches. The weight of this engine without water in the boiler was 145 cwt., and when filled 170 cwt.; the length of steam-way to cylinder 6 inches, and width 11 inch. A 12-inch cylinder, with an 18-inch stroke, made for the Paris and Versailles Railroad, had a boiler 39 inches in diameter, and a length of 8 feet, with 121 tubes, 15 inches in diameter. The length of the fire-box 30 inches, width 411, and height above the bars 403 inches; the area of the fire-box exposed to the heat 46 superficial feet, and that of the fire-grate 8 feet 7 inches. The area of the tubes in contact with the heated air was 428 feet 3 inches; its weight, without water, 172 cwt. and with, 200 cwt. A 13-inch cylinder, made for the Grand Junction, with an 18-inch stroke, had the boiler 39 inches in diameter, and 8 feet in length: there were 130 tubes, 18 inches in diameter : the length of the fire-box 32 inches, width 41, height above the bars 421; the area of the fire-box 491 superficial feet, and that of the fire-grate 9 feet 2 inches; the area of the sur- face of the tubes 460¦ feet. The weight of this engine without water, 175 cwt., and 203 cwt. when filled. A 14-inch cylinder, and 18-inch stroke, on the Newcastle and Carlisle line, had its boiler 42 inches in diameter, and 8 feet 6 inches in length, which contained 115 tubes 2 inches in diameter. The length of the fire-box 36, the width 414, and the height above the bars 44 inches; the area of the fire-box 54 feet, and that of the fire-grate 10 feet 4 inches. The area of the tubes 532 feet, and the weight of the entire engine, without water in the boiler, 205 cwt., and with, 235. A 16-inch cylinder, on the Great Western, with a length of stroke of 20 inches, has its boiler 44 inches in diameter, and 8 feet 8 inches in length: there are 135 tubes, 15 inches in diameter. The length of the fire-box 44 inches, width 60, and height 47; the area of the fire-box 108 feet, and that of the fire-grate 17 feet 2 inches; the area of the tubes exposed 516 feet. The locomotives constructed for the Southamptom Railway by the Messrs. Rennie, of Holland Street, London, combined all the improvements that had been made up to that period. The diameters of the cylinders were 13 inches, the length of the stroke 18 inches, and the area of each of the cylinders was 1323 inches; there were 118 brass tubes, and the heating surface 493 feet: the area of the fire-grate 9 feet 4 inches, containing 14 cube feet of fuel: the water in the boilers was a little more than 36 cube feet, and the space for the steam was 32 cube feet. The water evaporated in an hour, with steam equal to 50 pounds pressure on the safety-valve, was 631 cube feet. The following table will show the other proportions: Water supplied by each pump, per stroke Diameter of the driving wheels of the small Cubic content of water in tender tank Weight of ditto when full Time which the water in tender will supply engine Coke fuel necessary to evaporate all the water in the tank Number of revolutions of driving-wheel per minute, at 30 miles per hour 56.5 cube inches. 5 feet 6 inches. 3 feet 6 inches. 118.8 cube feet. 3.3 tons. 1.87 hours. Velocity of each piston in feet per minute, at the average speed of 3 miles per hour Area of steam pipe of steam ports of eduction pipes of blast pipe mouth of chimney of radiating surface 91 cwt. 152.76 458.28 9.62 square inches 9.56 14.87 7.06 159. - 6696. - 70960⚫ 77650. of communicating surface of total heating surface Total resistance to the motion of the pistons per square inch on its surface Volume which the whole steam produced per hour will occupy at the reduced pressure of the preceding resistance Ratio of the preceding volume to that expended in effecting a single stroke of one piston, number of strokes per hour Corresponding number of revolutions of driving-wheel, Distance travelled per hour Weight of the engine without water Ditto of tender 38.4 pounds. 46695 cube feet. 32427 8106-75 per hour. 261 miles. 11 tons. 51 CHAP. XXI. STEAM CONSIDERED AS A MOVING POWER. 1281 The velocities of these engines have frequently exceeded 41 miles per hour, and the safety-valve is so constructed as to liberate the steam in an admirable manner, the principle being to diminish the resistance in proportion to the opening of the valve, contrary to that practice where springs and levers are used, the improved valve being made capable of regulation for any intensity of resistance. the A locomotive engine and tender made by Messrs. Hawthorne for the Versailles line has Diameter of cylinders Steam way to cylinder Length of stroke of piston - Boiler 8 feet long, 39 inches in diameter, contains 121 tubes 1 length of tubes 8 feet, and presenting a surface exposed 428.40 square feet Fire-box Height above the bars Area of fire-grate presenting a surface exposed to radiant caloric of Quantity of fuel contained in fire-box to the height of the lowest row of tubes Diameter of chimney The wrought-iron driving wheels supporting wheels Weight of engine, without water, in boiler with water, 12 inches. length 6, width 11 inches. 18 inches. inches in diameter, exterior to contact with heated air of - length 30, width 41 inches. 40 inches. 8.59 square feet. 46.16 square feet. 1360 cube feet. 14 inches. 5 feet diameter. 3 feet diameter. 8 tons 12 cwt. 10 tons. Consumption of Fuel. When coals are used the same quantity is required as of good coke, which varies with different engines from half a pound to a pound per mile for every ton of load: the latter is perhaps nearest the truth upon level lines. In locomotive engines the power does not depend altogether upon the diameter of the cylinders, a certain quantity of steam being produced each moment; if the diameter of the cylinder be increased, the number of strokes will be diminished, or the steam will have less elasticity; and if the diameter be less, then a greater elasticity or pressure per square inch is obtained, or an increased number of strokes: the quantity of steam being limited, the power of the engine depends entirely upon the number of times the cylinders can be filled during a minute, or the quantity of steam that can be generated or water evaporated in a given time. The elastic force of the steam is also partly diminished before it reaches the cylin- ders, by being obliged to pass through the small apertures of the pipes: and the pressure upon the piston is less than against the steam-valve in the boiler, which is still further dimi- nished when the engine increases in velocity. The Killingworth engine had a boiler 9 feet 2 inches in length, and 4 feet in diameter; within it was an elliptical tube which contained the fire, 2 feet 4 inches broad, 2 feet high, and 4 feet 8 inches long. The area of the fire-grate was nearly 13 square feet; the number of tubes 43, the radiant surface 221 square feet, and that of the communicative surface 101 feet 6 inches. The volume of heated air which passed through the tubes was equal to 135 square inches; the load 60 tons, exclusive of the tender, and the velocity upon a level road 9 miles per hour. The quantity of water evaporated per hour in this instance was 279 gallons, and of coal consumed 14 pounds for every cube foot of water converted into steam. By another experiment it was found that the same engine with a load of 40 tons, travelling at the rate of 9 miles per hour, evaporated 40 cube feet of water, or 247 gallons per hour, with about 13 pounds of fuel for each cube foot evaporated: in one of the early experiments made at Liverpool, the Rocket engine, whose fire-grate contained an area of 6 superficial feet, a radiant surface of 20, a communicative surface of 118 square feet, with a load of 40 tons, going a velocity of 13 miles an hour, evaporated during that time only 30 cube feet of water, which shows the improvements that have been made since that time. By Mr. Watt's experiments, it required 8 feet of surface to be exposed to the direct action of the fire to evaporate a cube foot of water in an hour, and 10 cubic feet were converted into steam with 84 pounds of coal; in many locomotive enginės, it requires upon an average 19 pounds of coal to convert a cube foot of water into steam, which is more than 24 times Mr. Watt's estimate; there is therefore at present in some instances a very great loss in the application of fuel to locomotives: upon the Killingworth railway the average of several years' consumption for the engines employed was 2-12 pounds per ton per mile; on the Darlington railway, 2-16 pounds; upon the Bolton and Leigh railway 2.03 pounds per ton per mile. 1 Railway Hydraulic Traversing Frames, used at the Bristol terminus of the Great Western, for moving the railway carriages from one line of railway to the other, without the use of the turntable. This machine is a wrought-iron frame, strongly braced and tied together laterally and diagonally; at each of the four corners is placed a cast-iron hydraulic press, 4 N 1282 BOOK IT. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. connected with two force-pumps by means of copper pipes and gun metal nozzles: upon the plungers of the four presses rest two additional frames, which are attached to the one below by four sets of parallel motion bars, so that they rise truly perpendicular. When it is required to move a carriage from one line of rails to another, the apparatus is pushed under it, and when the carriage is in a position directly over the frame, the large pump which acts upon the four hydraulic presses raises the frames until they arrive under the axles of the carriage wheels; after this the smaller pump is worked, which raises the flanges of the wheels clear of the rails: when the carriage is moved, a stopper is unscrewed, which permits the water to flow from the presses back again into the cistern, and the carriage is lowered to the rails; the apparatus is then drawn out and ready to be again made use of; the cost of this machine is about 2207., and was designed by Arthur John Dodson. Locomotive Engines on the London and Birmingham railway are all constructed with four wheels and in one uniform pattern; the passengers' engines have 12-inch cylinders, and the pistons an 18-inch stroke; the driving wheels are in diameter 5 feet, and the carrying wheels 4 feet: the engines employed for the transport of goods have 13-inch cylinders, and a stroke of 18 inches also, but in these all the wheels are 5 feet in diameter; a passenger engine with its coke and water in the fire-box and boiler weighs 9 tons 13 cwt. 1 qr., and the other 11 tons 13 cwt. 1 qr. The framing of these engines is fixed inside the wheels, which allows of its being better attached to the boiler; the whole is of wrought-iron; the cylinders are also made fast to this frame by strong wrought-iron bars, as are the cranks and fore axles: when the engine is either advanced or made to retrograde, the motion is conveyed through the framing alone, and no strain whatever is produced upon other parts. There are two bearings inside the wheels alone on the axles; and the bushes in which the axles run are so fitted to the frame that the springs have a vertical movement and no lateral action; they are so arranged with a flange at their sides, that if an axle were to break, they would support the engine for a time. 1000 Two of these Engines, made by Edward Bury, in the year 1839, performed a journey of 700,000 miles at the following cost: for the first six months the cost of conveyance of passengers was 353 of a penny per ton per mile; and for the second 6 months 380; and for the first six months of the other engine carrying goods, the total cost per ton per mile was 2003 of a penny, and for the second six months 237 of a penny: this calculation included the cost of coke, oil, tools, wages, repairs, and general charges. 1000 1000 Locomotive Engines, manufactured by Mr. Norris, of Philadelphia, and sent by him to the Grand Junction Railway: the construction of these engines was simple; their boilers were horizontal; each contained 78 2-inch copper tubes, 8 feet long each, with an iron fire-box the cylinders were 10 inches in diameter, and were slightly inclined downwards, and the piston-rods were made to work outside the wheels, so that cranked axles were not required: six wheels supported the frame, and the two driving-wheels were 4 feet in diameter, placed close before the fire-box: the other four wheels were 30 inches in diameter, and attached to a truck, on which rested the front end of the boiler: this truck, by means of a centre-pin, was connected with the frame, which was made to turn freely, and with very little stress, along any curve in the rails. The weight of one of these engines, when the boiler and fire-box were full, was 9 tons 11cwt.; that of the tender, with 21 cwt. of coke and 520 gallons of water, was 6 tons 4 cwt.; when empty it weighed only 8 tons: 62 pounds per square inch was the limits of working pressure of the steam on the boiler, and when the engine passed a plane with a rise of 1 in 330, with a load of upwards of 100 tons, the speed varied from 14 to 22 miles in an hour, and on a plane of 1 in 177, from 10 to 14 miles per hour. The rise of the gradients from Liverpool to Birmingham is 620 feet: and from Birmingham to Liverpool 380 feet, exclusive of those in the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. In seven journeys of 596 miles up to Birmingham, the engine conveyed 682 tons, evaporating 12,705 gallons of water, and consuming 265 cwt. of coke: in seven journeys the other way, or returning, the same engine conveyed 629 tons gross, evaporating 12,379 gallons of water, and consumed the same quantity of coke. The price of these engines complete, including the duty, was about 1600/: they were so well adapted to travel over a curved line, that they have gone at a speed of 20 miles per hour round one of 10 chains radius; when on a straight line they travelled often 40 miles per hour, and appeared less likely to be thrown off the rails than the ordinary loco- motives. CHAP. XXII. 1283 TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. CHAP. XXII. TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. By the civil engineer this production is required to be sound and properly seasoned; its durability depends upon the absence of those natural juices which possess a saccharine quality, undergo the process of fermentation, and destroy the substance as well as strength of the timber. The various trees of the forest are composed of bark, wood, and pith, and spring from the acorns or seed which each bears: early in the spring a tender shoot breaks the ground, which by the end of the year has extended, enlarged, and hardened into a ligneous substance, terminated by a bud, which in the following year throws out a second shoot, but of greater strength and larger than that of the preceding year; this process continuing year after year enables the tree to acquire its full growth. A cylindrical ring encloses the pith in its early stage, which is surrounded by the bark, and if a longitudinal section of the plant be made, we perceive medullary rays traversing the wood; the bark and the alburnum or woody matter have each a layer deposited every year, whilst the tree is in a growing state; these layers are both formed from a secretion called Cambium, deposited by the succulent vessels of the bark, and the medullary rays between the wood and the bark, which secretion is prepared by the leaves and transmitted through the bark; the new liber and alburnum formed by this gelatinous fluid are by a process of nature transformed into cells and layers, the diverging as well as concentric being produced simultaneously; these layers of wood obtain in a few years greater density, from a deposition of woody matter in the cells, which increases until the tree has arrived at maturity: each succeeding year of growth a hollow elongated cone may be imagined to cover the ligneous productions of the former years; the circles, which are distinguishable when the tree is cut down at its base, exhibit the number of these cones, as well as the increase of growth each year The pith and the bark in young shoots are in contact; and the former, composed entirely of cellular tissue, is at first filled with a watery fluid, and afterwards with air, becoming dry before the first layer of wood is perfected: the form of its cells is usually hexagonal; but as the age of the plant increases, they undergo some change; a horizontal communication of the most perfect kind continues to be maintained between the pith and the bark, although their separation is annually increased by the succession of concentric rings deposited. Medullary rays, or the silver grain, which are flattened masses of cellular tissue, consisting of oblong cells horizontally arranged, effect this by separating into wedge-shaped vertical plates the rings of zones of wood as they form, and thus keep up a connection between the pith and the woody tissue and vessels they are combined with on the outside. The bark, or outer cuticle, is a thin membrane extending over the entire surface of the plant, spreading its members like a net, the form of which varies in different plants; this is divided into four distinct parts: the epidermis, the cutis, the cellular, and the liber or inner bark; the cutis consists of two layers, the outer of which is the epidermis, and the inner a composition of transverse cells, of a varied structure. The longitudinal fibres of the bark vary, but are formed of hollow tubes, which convey the sap downwards, for the purpose of increasing the solid contents of the tree. The bark itself is annually reproduced, and the old layers pushed outwards: there are no annular or spiral vessels, the cells contain occasionally a secreted fluid, which, in some instances, is useful to the arts. Elasticity, extensibility, contractibility, permeability to fluids and gaseous matters, are the chief elementary organs of trees; which, by their cellular tissue, transmit their food in all directions by it the sap is circulated, and the medullary rays formed, which convey the juices from the bark to the centre of the stem; the bark itself is composed of it, as well as the leaf, which exposes to evaporation, light, and atmospheric action the parenchyma in which the sap is diffused. The woody tissue, destined to convey the fluids upwards and downwards, gives firmness and elasticity to the various parts: and the sap-wood next the bark, containing all the nutritive matter to be converted into leaves, buds, and heartwood, may easily be supposed to be acted upon by a variety of causes, and be most subject to decay when its vessels have lost their juices, and it is compressed into heartwood, its use is then to give support to the tree. : : Wood is formed, according to Linnæus, from the pith, and by other naturalists it is supposed to be produced by a change of the liber of the previous season by Du Hainel, that it is deposited by the secretion called Cambium, which is found between 4 N 2 1284 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the bark and the wood, and in process of time converted into cellular and woody tissue, and that the alburnum derives its origin from the bark, and not from the wood; whilst others imagine that wood and bark are independent formations out of cambium. The central part of the tree is the best timber, for the last layers or rings have their vessels larger and less compressed, being full of juices, and consequently of less density. Different Species of Timber used in Construction. — Acacia, (Robinia pseudo-Acacia, or Locust Tree,) forms heartwood at an early stage; when it arrives at maturity it measures nearly 2 feet in diameter; in the pleasure-ground it is a very ornamental tree, and of rapid growth. When used for construction it is durable, and well adapted for sills and wall- plates, its lateral strength being greater than that of oak, in the proportion of 1 to 75: it is heavier, harder, and tougher than the best oak, and more elastic, not readily breaking to any strain for posts placed in the ground it will endure sound a long time; it is valuable for fences and treenails for ship-building. The weight of acacia is one-sixth greater than that of oak. It weighs when newly cut half dry quite dry lbs. oz. 63 3 per cube foot. 56 4 48 4 Its strength is as, compared to oak, 1427 to 820, and its elasticity as 21 to 9: its lateral strength has perhaps been too highly rated. Alder (Alnus). This tree has the property of enduring a long time under water, which renders it valuable for piles and water-pipes: it has a fine and close texture, is of a beautiful colour, works easily and well, and has been much used by the joiner and cabinet- maker. It weighs when green half dry quite dry lbs. oz. 62 4 per cube foot. 48 8 39 4 The charcoal obtained from it is valuable for gunpowder, and 1000 lbs. of its ashes yield 65 lbs. of potash. Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) grows to a large size, with a straight trunk; its wood is very elastic, and joists cut out of it bear before breaking a greater weight than almost any other variety of British timber. The wood when young is very flexible, and easy to work; but after it has undergone the process of seasoning, it is both tough and hard, and is then more used by the wheelwright than the carpenter. When subject to alternate dryness and moisture it is not durable, and if cut down when full of sap the worm soon attacks it: its quality is much altered in different soils. When green it weighs dry it weighs. lbs oz. 64 9 per cube foot. 49 8 Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is described by Pliny as one of the thirteen species of trees bearing mast or acorns; on a chalky soil it acquires a prodigious size, and is the finest tree of the forest: its timber is smooth and hard, its transverse fibres very obvious, some- times forming distinct and dark lines, and it is highly useful for various purposes. The worm attacks it speedily, if not freed from sap, which is often done by steeping it in water, and then exposing it to smoke: when beech is constantly under water, it is very lasting, and therefore well adapted for piles; in a dry state and much exposed, it will split and crack. When green it weighs half dry quite dry lbs. 02. - 65 13 per cube foot. 56 6 50 3 Its ashes are productive of potash, 100 lbs. of green wood producing 1 lb. 10 oz. Birch (Betula alba) has its wood tinged with red, and a moderately fine grain; when the tree has acquired its full growth, the timber is exceedingly hard, but not very durable; it works better in a green state than when perfectly seasoned and dry. When green it weighs half dry dry lbs oz. 65 4 per cube foot. 56 6 45 1 In a tree 60 years old, perfectly dry, a cube foot only weighed 36 lbs. 13 oz.: 1000 lbs. weight of this wood burnt in a green state yields 1 lb. 4 oz. of potash, which is most abun- dant in the bark and spray. Box (Buxus sempervirens) is a valuable wood, of a yellowish colour, close grained, very hard and heavy; it cuts better than most others, is susceptible of a fine polish, and is very durable; it is much used by turners and mathematical instrument-makers, and by the wood- engraver almost exclusively. CHAP. XXII. 1285 TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. Cedar (Cedrus pinus) grows to a great size; the timber is resinous, of a reddish white colour, light and spongy in its texture, easily worked, but apt to shrink and warp, if great attention be not paid to the seasoning; the annual rings are distinctly marked, and appa- rently consist of two layers, one narrow and hard, the other three or four times its thick- ness, and softer: it was exceedingly valued by the ancients for its durability and other properties. Pliny asserts that the beams of the Temple of Apollo at Utica, which were of Numidian cedar, had endured 1178 years: its resin or gum was considered to possess the quality of preserving any matter from decay that had been steeped in it; the leaves of the papyrus, rubbed with it, Vitruvius says, were never attacked by insects. The wood is odoriferous, and admirably adapted for joiners' work: it is the lightest of resinous woods, and con- taining but a small quantity of resin: its weight is said to be 29 lbs. 4 oz. per cube foot, according to one authority; 42 lbs. 14 oz., and 57 lbs. by others: as a mean, it may, perhaps, be taken in a dry state at 42 lbs., or a little more. Cedar, Indian (C. Deodara), a native of the Indo-Tartaric mountains, grows to a very large size, and is a very compact wood, strongly impregnated with resin: the hardness and the fineness of its grain occasion it to be much used by the Hindoos for the purposes of building, and when constantly exposed to the weather, its durability is considerable : bridges constructed of it, though occasionally exposed to the action of the torrent, have endured for 500 years. Chestnut (Castanea).— This timber, when found in old buildings, has been frequently mistaken for oak, but the pores in the alburnum of the latter are generally much larger, more numerous, and very distinguishable, whilst those of the chestnut are irregular, and scarcely discernible to the naked eye; there is also an absence of the tranverse septa, which distinguishes the oak: there is, however, a species of oak, much used in the middle ages for the carpentry and roofs of halls and chapter-houses, which in colour and texture bear a close resemblance to chestnut; this species has a smooth bark, large leaves, and its wood rather softer than that of the ordinary oak, which might occasion it to be preferred for carved work, or where delicacy of execution was required; but whichever material was selected, great care was taken to admit the air freely, as well as to protect it from the weather, precautions as important as the proper selection and requisite seasoning of the timber. The cohesive force of the chestnut varies from 9670 to 12,000 lbs. per square inch when dry. The weight of the chestnut when Ditto - green dry is - · lbs. oz. 68 9 per cube foot. 41 2 Horse Chestnut is a soft wood, and not applicable to any purposes where strength is required; in the open air it has little. durability: it has been employed for water-pipes, when it can constantly be covered with earth. The wood, when newly cut, weighs Ditto dry lbs. oz. 60 4 per cube foot. 37 7 Cypress is remarkable for its fine grain and durability, and by some is supposed to be the Gopher wood used in the construction of the ark: this evergreen tree grows with a straight trunk, and its wood is harder than that of the pine, the colour partaking of a yellowish red with dark veins in consequence of its not being subject to injuries from the worm, it was said to be incorruptible, and was much employed by the ancients for statues, in the construction of temples, and the gates of their public buildings: those removed from St. Peter's, when the bronze gates were introduced, had previously served to adorn the basilica of Constantine. In Egypt this wood was used for mummy cases; it is less affected by exposure to the atmosphere than cedar. Elder. The wood of this tree, when old, is very hard and adhesive, of a fine yellow colour, and susceptible of a high polish; in a dry state a cubic foot weighs 42 lbs. 3 oz. Elm (Ulmus). The campestris is the most durable and the hardest of the five English species; the suberosa not so valuable; the montana, or broad-leaved, is that most commonly produced in Europe; the glabra, or wych elm, is used by wheelwrights; and the major, or Dutch elm, is of an inferior quality. The elm, either in a perfectly wet or dry state, is very durable, and is admirably suited for planking or piling under water, enduring six or seven centuries. The wood is porous, cross-grained, has no large septa, shrinks in drying, both in length and breadth, is difficult to work, but will not readily split when nails or bolts are driven into it. The wood of the campestris, when green, weighs ditto dry lbs. 70 per cube foot. 481 The cohesive force of a square inch varies from 6070 to 13,200 pounds: it is rich in alkaline salts, occupying a tenth place out of 73 woods experimented upon. 4 N 3 1286 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Sweden Fir (Pinus sylvestris). — Of all the species this is the most valuable for its timber; it is produced in most parts of Europe, and its quality varies according to the soil on which it is grown on a stiff cold earth, the wood has a red tinge, and acquires a solidity which it does not attain on sandy or light lands, where it becomes in colour nearly white. and Norway, as well as Prussia, Poland, and Russia, supply the English market from their extensive forests with both timber and deals cut out of this tree; the timber is floated on the Gotha to Gottenburgh, being divested of its bark, and on the Glomm to Christiana: but that most esteemed from the Baltic is the Riga, which is preferred for masts by the navy; the Russian timber is said to take so long a time in reaching Cornstadt, the port from whence it is exported, as to lose much of its quality. In Scotland this species of fir, on favourable soils, attains considerable size, and forms most excellent timber; one tree at Duninore contained 300 cube feet; and its durability, particularly the red, is equal to that of the oak: there are instances of its being found in the roof of a castle, after 300 years, as full of resin and as fresh as any newly imported from Memel. 'The appearance of fir timber differs materially in the best, the concentric rings are seldom so much as inch in thickness, whilst they increase in the inferior kinds; the colour is of a reddish yellow, and it has no large transverse septa: when spongy, and presenting a woolly texture, it is improper for the purposes of construction. lbs. lbs. A cubic foot of this tree in a green state weighs from 54 to 74 Ditto dry m 31 to 41 Pinus Strobus.-The white or Weymouth pine is brought into the English market from Canada or North America: its annular rings are not very distinct, nor is its durability remarkable, being subject to dry rot; a cubic foot when dry weighs 29 lbs. Pinus, Mitis, or yellow pine, called in England the New York, is very full of turpentine, and more durable and of greater strength than the white pine above mentioned: it does not attain so large a size, but is a more valuable timber. Pinus Abies, or Norway Spruce, is another variety of white deal, and considerable quantities are annually imported from Christiana, which are highly esteemed for their quality: a cubic foot weighs 34 lbs. when dry. Holly.. The veins of this wood are scarcely perceptible, but it is valuable for many purposes, to the joiner, cabinet-maker, engineer and turner, as well as to the wood engraver: when dyed black it is a substitute for ebony. When perfectly dry it weighs lbs Oz. 47 7 per cube foot. Hornbeam. — A hard, heavy, tenacious wood, very close-grained, is diminished much in drying, and consequently loses weight: the cogs of wheels are usually made of it, for which purpose it is well adapted. When green it weighs half dry quite dry lbs. 64 per cubic foot. 57 51 Laburnum is in use amongst turners: pulleys and blocks are ma f it, being a hard and compact wood; it is capable of endurance when exposed to the weather, and for various purposes is extremely valuable. When perfectly dry a cube foot weighs lbs. Oz. 52 11 Larch (Larix). This valuable timber comes to perfection in a good soil in about 40 years the colour of its wood is a yellowish white; on some soils, particularly if on an elevated situation, it is of a reddish brown and very hard, so much so that it is difficult to season, as it warps and twists in every direction; this wood not being so knotty as that of the fir, is excellent for all sorts of carpenter's work, being from its strength well adapted for girders and principal timbers. Scammozzi thinks it the most useful of all woods for the purposes of construction; it is not attacked by worms; he also mentions the enormous size of some of the trees growing in the Venetian Alps, many of which he employed in the public buildings at Venice. The Romans used this timber, and procured it from Rhetia and Switzerland, floating it down the Po, then by the Adriatic, the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas, and finally by the Tiber to the Capitol : no wood endures so long under water: in France and Switzerland it is much used for pipes to conduct water for the irrigation of the lands, particularly in Provence; by the Swiss it is universally preferred; they cover their houses with shingles made of it, and from its taking a high polish after planing it gives an agreeable finish to the interior: the closeness of its grain, and the strength of its fibres, enable it to resist twisting; it is not subject to crack, from which cause it was selected, according to Pliny, by the painters of old, as it was by Raphael in later times. The knots are never in a state of decay, and it is much CHAP. XXII. 1287 TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. less liable to shrink than the other kinds of deal, nor will it split with the grain to any considerable length, from the crossing of its fibres. Lignum Vitæ, is a hard wood much used by millwrights; its specific gravity is 1·333, and the weight of a cubic foot is 83-31 pounds avoirdupois. Lime is a beautiful ornamental tree, and grows to a prodigious size, acquiring a diameter of 15 or 16 feet: the wood is of a pale yellow colour, close-grained, soft, light, and smooth in its texture, admirably adapted for the purposes of fine carving and cabinet- work. Maple (Acer Pseudo-platanus) is found growing in mountain districts, and valuable for its lightness, and not being subject to warp or split it will take any colour and a fine polish. When green, it weighs dry, lbs. oz. - 61 9 per cubic foot. 51 15 Sugar Maple, (Acer saccharinum). The bird's-eye maple, from the beauty of its grain and the shades of its spots, is much employed for veneering; by sawing the timber nearly parallel with the concentric rings, the effect of its marking or pencilling is much improved: in America wheelwrights employ it, after giving it a seasoning for three years, and when constantly under water it will not readily perish. Mahogany (Swietenia Mahogani) is the produce of America and the West Indies, and it is principally imported from Honduras and Campeachy: that imported from the islands is called Spanish mahogany; the annular rings are not very distinct, it has no large septa, and warps less than most other woods: that brought from Honduras is the production of low marshy ground, and is coarse, soft, and spongy, whilst the most beautiful mottled and veined is grown upon high ground, and is often very valuable, being cut into veneers eight or ten to an inch: worms will not attack it when properly seasoned, but exposure to our climate soon destroys it; it is much used in parts of machinery, furniture, and por- tions of joiners' work, where ornament is studied. The weight of a cube foot is from 35 to 53 lbs. Oak, ( Robur Quercus, or pendiculata). The common English Oak acquires considerable size, but does not grow so tall as some of the other species; its wood from its hardness is difficult to work, though preferred, where solidity is required: the Greeks call this species drys; the leaves have short footstalks, and the acorns long ones; the grain of the wood is fine, of a reddish tinge, free from knots, and will cleave easily into pales or lathes; where stiffness is an object, as in guiders or joists, it is very useful, as it will not bend readily. When green it weighs half dry perfectly dry lbs. Oz. · 76 13 per cube foot. 65 9 - 52 13 Oak (Quercus sessiliflora). — In this variety of oak, the wood is of a softer quality, and consequently yields more readily to the tools of the workman; the leaves are attached by long footstalks, and the acorns set close to the branches, differing in this particular from the specimen above described: the timber is subject to warp and split, but in consequence of its elastic qualities, it is highly prized for ship-building, its toughness and strength recommending it for that purpose; its hardness is sufficient for all ordinary purposes where oak is required. The grain of this variety bearing a strong resemblance to that of the chestnut, it is often mistaken for it, and it will last a long time, when preserved either entirely dry or under water. When green it weighs half dry perfectly dry lbs. oz. 80 5 per cube foot. 67 12 51 10 Among the other varieties of the oak is the Etumodrys, which grows more lofty than the robur; the Esculus, or holm oak, mentioned by Vitruvius as having "its elements composed of earth, air, fire and water, in more equal proportions than others, is of great use in building, but damp soon destroys it; and its air and fire being driven off, it soon rots." The Quercus Ilex, or holm oak, is probably the Cerrus of Vitruvius; it produces acorns similar to that of the Esculus, which are also edible; the leaves continue during the winter, and the tree lives to a great age; its bark is very thick; the wood takes a fine polish; like other hard specimens it splits and warps in drying, though it possesses considerable flexibility; it weighs 70 lbs. the cube foot. Oak (Quercus alba), or American oak, and the Quercus rubra of Canada, are of quick growth, but not so durable as the British oak: wainscot is obtained from the Riga oak, which is very clean and free from knots, and much in request by the joiner, forming good floors and wainscoting. 4 N 4 1288 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Olive. This wood, when covered with mortar, endures a long time, and was much employed by the ancients to tie their walls together, as well as to form their roofs, when these were covered with stucco, and for all sorts of carpenters' work. Plane (Platanus orientalis) is a native of the Levant, and its wood much resembles the beech; the trunk of the tree grows very lofty and straight before it throws out branches. Pliny mentions one at Lycia the circumference of which was 81 feet; in its cavity eighteen persons were entertained at dinner. The wood is applied to many useful purposes by the joiner and cabinet-maker. Plane (Planus occidentalis) is produced in North America, and is of a more hardy quality than that just described: its diameter on the borders of the Ohio and Mississippi is sometimes as much as 12 feet; it will last a considerable time under water, and is used for the construction of quays, &c.; when dry it weighs from 40 to 46 lbs. Poplar (Populus). The different kinds are useful in building; one is especially preferred in Lombardy, which, when cut into planks, has considerable durability; Vitruvius says, where great strength is not required, it may be used, and certainly if maintained in a dry state will last a long time: when applied for flooring boards, two or three years' seasoning is required, as it loses much of its bulk in drying; it does not easily split by driving nails into it, and it has an advantage over many other timbers in not catching fire easily. When green it weighs in dry state Populus tremula, (trembling poplar,) is another variety, weighing when green half dry quite dry lbs. oz. 58 3 per cube foot. 38 7 lbs. oz. 54 6 per cube foot. 40 8 34 1 Populus nigra, the black poplar; its wood is more soft and fibrous, splitting with more facility, and shrinking in its drying nearly one-sixth of its bulk; it is easy to work, does not splinter, and is useful to wheelwrights and turners. In a green state it weighs half dry dry state lbs. oz. 60 9 per cube foot. 42 13 29 O Populus fastigiata (Lombardy Poplar) is much used for the linings and fitting-up of store-rooms, as it is said mice will not attack it, and is well suited for the joiners' work of a cottage: the weight of a cube foot in a dry state is 24 lbs. Sycamore, or Great Maple: when in a dry state the wood is durable, but the worm soon attacks it; it is susceptible of a polish, and will not easily warp. When green a cube foot weighs - half dry dry Losing a twelfth part of its bulk in drying. 64 lbs. 56 48 Walnut (Juglans regia) The wood is solid, compact, easy to work, will neither warp nor crack, has a beautiful vein, and is rightly esteemed one of the choicest of English woods. Hilly and poor calcareous soils produce the finest timber; when used in building it will bend under ordinary weights, but will not crack without giving due notice: rooms wains- coted with it have a good effect, and it was formerly much employed by cabinet-makers ; screws of presses and gun-stocks are generally made of it. When green it weighs dried lbs. oz. 58 8 per cube foot. 46 8 Juglans alba grows to a large size; its wood is very tough and flexible. Juglans nigra has a more beautiful vein, and takes a higher polish, and is esteemed supe- rior to all other varieties for cabinet-work. Willow (Salix): this wood is soft, smooth, and light, which occasioned it to be made into shields by the Romans; if kept from wet, it will last a long time in rafters or other light timbers. Salix caprea, a cube foot when dry weighs Salix alba lbs. oz. 41 6 27 6 The first losing a twelfth and the latter a sixth part of its bulk in drying. In Scotland the red willow (S. fragilis) is used for building small vessels in conse- quence of its lightness, pliability, elasticity and toughness; the wood is of a salmon colour, CHAP. XXII. 1289 TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. and before wheels were ring with iron, this sort of willow was employed for the fellies, enduring under friction and exposure a longer time than most other woods. Felling Timber. -To the timber-grower the object aimed at should be that of obtaining the largest quantity of hard and durable wood, as free from sap as possible: no tree should be severed from its stool until it has arrived at a state of maturity, and previous to its being thrown down, the natural juices which pervade it should be discharged and allowed to run out, that the wood may be freed from what would bring about premature decay, and prevent its becoming dry and hard. Barking the tree whilst in a growing state, and cutting through the sop or sap-wood, so as to allow the juices to be discharged, are practices of high antiquity. Vitruvius observes that both the density and the strength of timber are much improved by causing the tree to die standing: and most persons have agreed that barking the timber, previous to felling, greatly improved its quality. "When a tree has an incision made through the sap-wood at its trunk it soon dies, and no further change takes place; and the barking of trees, when in full growth and vigour, and letting them stand a twelvemonth after the operation, is admitted not only to improve the quality, but to increase the quantity, at the same time that it seasons the wood: time, however, is the best seasoner, and no artificial method can equal the natural process, which is that of getting rid of all juices in so regular a manner, that dissipating them does not too rapidly shrink and crack the timber. Trees may be suffered to stand too long before they are cut down; but this is not a usual fault, for often when they can measure to a load, which in half a century is sometimes the case, they are marked for felling, the heartwood not having either acquired its hardness or its full quantity." Seasoning Timber. Nothing more effectually contributes to this purpose than suffering it to lie for a time in fresh water; and our fir timber on its arrival is usually formed into floats on the Thames, where it remains for some time; thus the natural juices of the tree are removed by the water penetrating throughout its pores; this not containing any quality to produce fermentation, and being afterwards easily evaporated, tends to improve it for building purposes. Salt water, on the contrary, would require a considerable time to evaporate from the wood, in consequence of its deliquescence, and would render it unfit for use when taken out of the water, it should be suffered to become thoroughly dry before it is carried to the pit to be sawn; and the usual method adopted is to block it up from the ground, and suffer a free circulation of air around it. When the tree is cut into scantlings, a further seasoning should be permitted by a free exposure to air, guarding against too violent an effect of wind or the sun's rays, and if it be cut into boards, they should be piled one on the other, with fillets or small pieces of wood between them, or laid in a triangular form, with their ends alternating, so as to permit the air to pass freely about them. Gradual drying should always be resorted to, as it invariably produces the most durable timber, the object of seasoning being chiefly to drive off the water, and not to disturb any portion of the carbon, which would certainly be the consequence of elevating the tempera- ture of the wood, or exposing it to great heat. Timber dried too quickly loses its tough- ness as well as its pliability; the outer pores become rapidly contracted, and do not permit the moisture from within to pass off freely. Experiment has proved that oak, when seasoned properly, has lost nearly two-fifths of its weight, showing the necessity of allowing a sufficient time for the juices to be thoroughly driven off, which time must vary in proportion to the scantling of the timber; if cut into thin planks the operation of seasoning would be perfected in quicker time than that which would be necessary for the entire tree. All timber should be permitted to arrive at this dry state before it is cut into smaller scantlings or planks, great shrinking being the con- sequence of their suddenly drying by exposure to the air, which, by disturbing the fibres of the wood, affect its durability: to avoid this it was formerly the practice, after the planks were cut out by the sawyer, to prevent their exposure to the air, by laying them imme- diately in a running stream, and after some time to dry them very gradually, care being taken that the planks, when immersed, were removed from atmospheric influence; but, like steaming or boiling, this injured the strength of the wood, though it prevented its warping, and rendered it easier to work. The changes produced by these artificial processes undoubtedly injure the fabric of the wood; when a piece of thoroughly seasoned timber is immersed in water, and afterwards subjected to the heat of a stove, it will weigh less than previously; consequently a portion of its carbon must have passed off. Where posts or piles are to be driven or plunged into the earth, it has been from the earliest time customary to char the surface to be placed underground: but to apply this practice to green timber is injurious, as it confines within, rather than expels these juices, which by fermenting cause its decay; it may be serviceable in destroying any fungi or worms that may attach themselves, or prevent their preying upon the fibres of the wood. Decay of Timber, its Causes. As woods were supposed to differ in the proportions of their ultimate elements, various experiments have been made upon them. Dr. Prout has shown satisfactorily that their composition is similar, and that they consist of equal weights 1290 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of carbon and water: moist woody fibre in a state of decay evolves one volume of carbonic acid for every volume of oxygen absorbed; woody fibre containing carbon and the elements of water, the result of the action of oxygen upon it is the same as if pure charcoal had combined with oxygen; the elements of water are not, however, contained in the woody fibre in the form of water, but in their separate states. When wood in water, therefore, putrefies or rots, carbon and oxygen are separated from it in the form of carbonic acid, and hydrogen in the form of carburetted hydrogen; when this decay takes place in the air its hydrogen does not combine with carbon but with oxygen, for which it has a much greater affinity at common temperatures, and being converted into vegetable mould, and in a state to be acted upon, is taken up by the plants which grow within its influence, whilst the oxygen which it contained is gradually given out to the atmosphere as its decomposition is carried on. This decomposition may proceed, whether the air has free access or is excluded from it; under water or in dry air timber will endure for ages without much apparent change, but when it has been immersed, if the air be admitted freely, the oxygen sur- rounding it is converted at once into carbonic acid, and the woody fibre is decomposed : 240 parts of dry oak sawdust would convert 10 cubic inches of oxygen into as many of carbonic acid, which contains 3 parts by weight of carbon, whilst the weight of the saw- dust is diminished by 15 parts, and 12 parts by weight of water are separated from the wood. The decay of wood bears a strong resemblance to the slow combustion of those bodies containing a quantity of hydrogen, which is oxidised at the expense of the oxygen of the air, while carbonic acid is produced from the elements of the wood: carbonic acid is not, however, formed at a common temperature. Wood in a state of decay sets free two atoms of oxygen and one of carbon for every two equivalents of hydrogen oxidised; this decay is not effected in a short space of time at common temperatures, or when humidity is not present: when timber not in a perfectly dry state is in contact with any of the alkaline earths, its decay is accelerated, the presence of an alkali enabling it to absorb oxygen, which alone it has not the power to do, whilst an acid would produce a different effect and retard decay. In a loamy soil timber will endure some time, because it is kept from contact with air but if this earth contain much water, then decay will be produced: in moist situations, where the soil is composed of sand and carbonate of lime, decay is very rapid, the alkaline lime assisting much to hasten it. When woody fibre or sawdust is moistened with water and excluded from the air for any time carbonic acid gas is evolved in the same manner as when the air is admitted, and a putrefaction takes place, converting it into a rotten state; when exposed to a certain degree of moisture and a temperature not sufficiently high to evaporate the water, decom- position takes place suddenly, and as this increases, carbonic acid and hydrogen are given out. Sapwood is consequently more perishable than the heartwood, as it contains those juices which more readily ferment; hence it must be cbvious that unless they are abstracted by seasoning, mischief arises from confiuing them in the wood, by covering the surface with paint or pitch, or even bedding their ends solidly in newly constructed walls; when timber is quite immersed in water, and kept so, it is by no means so liable to perish as when exposed to moisture only, aided by a slight degree of warmth. The well-seasoned timber employed by the carpenters of the middle ages, in the old halls particularly, as well as in our churches and chapter-houses, needed neither paint nor dressing of any kind to preserve them; and in many instances they are found sound after four or five centuries. The weather-boarding of our English barns, which in many instances is of undressed elm timber, owes its duration to a hard external surface, which it acquires by time, and which resists almost the edge of a sharp tool, or the point of a nail, apparently a coating of silica, quite impervious to water, or even the action of moisture; this silica may be derived from the decomposition of the wheat straw with which the barns are usually thatched. When the engineer or the carpenter selects timber for the purposes of construction due regard must be paid to its firmness, density, and strength, without which qualities no solid or durable works can be executed. The great weight with which timber is sometimes loaded, placed vertically or horizontally, shows at once the caution which should be used in its selection, and when it is exposed to the action of the air, the necessity of having it so seasoned and protected that it should not be subject to decay: when employed in the formation of centres to the arch of a bridge, durability for a time only is required, but in permanent roofs and floors it should be capable of resisting all efforts which may destroy its utility or strength; its warping and shrinking in edifices entirely formed of it lead some- times to the greatest inconveniences, as the strength of a truss may be entirely destroyed by this cause. The oak and the fir are the species most in use, and are the best for the purposes of con- struction: the first has the advantage of duration over the other, and will bear either to be exposed to the action of the air, the water, or to be buried in the earth; in water it will endure to a time unknown, and it has the advantages also of strength over all other timber. CHAP. XXII. 1291 TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. The oak varies in its specific gravity according to the soil which produces it; its strength is in proportion to its density, and that timber is the most durable which has this quality in the highest degree: density is mainly owing to the length of time occupied in the production of the wood; that which grows fast, as it will do on light soils, is not so heavy, or so hard and compact, as that produced on cold soils, and of consequence slower growth. From all the experiments made upon the strength of oak timber it has been found that this is in proportion to its weight and density, and invariably the heaviest is the strongest : in the trunk of a tree the most dense wood is found in the lower parts; this quality de- creases in those branches and portions farther removed from the base. Trees which are suffered to complete their growth have their heartwood throughout of the same weight and strength, whilst those cut down prematurely are found to possess these requisites only in their centre wood, which is considerably harder than that formed by the outer concentric rings; it may be said to decrease in hardness in arithmetical proportion as it approaches the sap-wood. When a tree, however, is suffered to stand too long, and its decay has commenced, the outer wood is in many instances the hardest: the specific gravity of the oak when cut down varies from 1000 to 1054, and its weight per cube foot from 70 to 74 lbs.; this weight by seasoning is reduced to 60 or 63 lbs., and it has been shown that the greatest degree of dry- ness that can be acquired is when it has lost about one-third of its original weight; but in this state it is not so durable, and more apt to break when exposed to a strain, or when a weight is imposed upon it. That preferred for carpentry is when only one-sixth of its weight has been lost, as a certain portion of sap is necessary for the fibres of the wood to preserve their union; in a perfectly dry state they have less adherence, lose their stiffness, and split and break more readily; oak seasoned so as to reduce it to the weight of about 60 lbs. per cube foot is the most preferable. The fir in common use is imported generally from the ports which surround the Baltic Sea, or from the coast of Norway or Sweden, and the best deals come chiefly from Christiana or other ports of Sweden, Prussia, or Petersburgh. The lightness and stiffness of this timber render it preferable for girders and framing in general; it is less expensive to convert, and, although not quite so durable as oak, has the ad- vantage of cheapness. The timber of the best quality has its annular rings much thinner than that of the inferior kinds and when the saw is put in it does not cut so as to leave a rough or woolly surface, nor is it in the least of a spongy quality. White deal is obtained from the spruce fir, the best from timber of 70 or 80 years' growth; in seasoning it will lose about one-seventieth part: deals are usually 3 inches in thickness, and 9 inches wide, and are sold by the hundred, which consists of 120; whatever may be their thickness they are reduced to a standard; one of 1½ inches in thickness, 11 inches wide, and 12 feet long, contains 1 foot 4 inches cube. The Teredo navalis is most destructive to timber used in the supports of a bridge or other purposes by the water- side this pile-worm, as it is sometimes called, is particu- larly active in destroying timber in contact with the mud of rivers like the Thames; and wherever the water is ; A B B ...A B B B DED E brackish its ravages are certain. On the left of the figure the worm is represented on its belly, about half its natural size, and to the right on its back; A a, at the top of the figure, is the shell; ABCDE is the form of the hinge Fig. 2054. by which the shell is united; A C, BC, the two defences of the tail; ABD and ADC are its moving fibres; A A, the circular membrane covering the head; and the bottom figure, A A A A, is the same membrane turned back: this animal, so well described in the 41st voluine of the Philosophical Transactions, No. 455., is very small when first exuded from the egg, but soon acquires a considerable size; its head is provided with a hard substance which resembles an auger, by which it penetrates the hardest wood; the fir and alder are the woods it most readily destroys. The carpenter, before he commences any work, should thoroughly comprehend that im- portant proposition in mechanics, which shows the composition and resolution of forces 1292 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. he should study well the nature of every strain, and its direction in the timber he is about to apply. A Suppose, for instance, an upright beam pushed in the direction of its length by a load at B, and abutting on the ends of two beams A C, A D, which are firmly sup- ported at C and D; and as they cannot move, the pres- sures they sustain from the post BA are in the direction A C and AD: to ascertain what each of these timbers sustain, we must produce A E to B, taking A E from a scale of equal parts, to represent the number of tons or pounds by which BA is pressed: draw F F and EG parallel to A D and A C; then A F, measured on the same scale, will give the number of pounds by which A C is strained, and A G will give the strain A D. Where two pieces of timber, as AC and AD, are pressed or drawn down by a weight at B, the same rule will apply, and the nature of the strain produced must always be observed; in general, if the straining piece be within the angle formed by the pieces strained, the strains which they sustain are of the opposite kind to that which it exerts; if it be pushing, they are drawing, but if it be within the angle formed by their directions, the strains which they sustain are of the same kind; all the three are either drawing or pressing. Fig 2055. F Fig. 2056. B A G E D Ᏼ G E D Resistance of Timber to a transverse Strain. The weight that will break a piece of timber must be ascertained before we can find the load that it will per- manently bear; the stiffness of a beam is the proportion that exists between its deflection and its length, and the deflection, is what it sinks when loaded below a horizontal line: the deflection of beams of the same timber similarly loaded varies as the weight applied, and the cube of the length directly, and as the breadth and cube of the depth inversely, and this deflection should never be permitted to extend beyond part of the length, or part of an inch to the foot. The lateral strength of a beam is less than its absolute longitudinal strength, either against extension or compression; timber will bear a considerable weight if suspended to it perpendicularly, or when pressing in the direction of its length, provided the timber is prevented from bending; and in using timber, a lateral strain should always be avoided, where a longitudinal one can be substituted. Rectangular pieces of timber have their centres of gravity in the centre of their dimensions: a piece of timber 12 inches by 12 contains 144 square inches, and its centre of gravity will be 6 inches from each side; if the piece be broken by any load its fracture will terminate at the upper surface, or 6 inches above the centre of gravity. The area 144 multiplied by 6, gives 864 as the lateral strength, which may be applied in comparison with any other scantling of different dimensions on wood of the same quality: saw this piece of timber down the middle; the centre of gravity remains the same; if the sides are in the same vertical position, the area of the section of each is 72, and this multiplied by 6, the distance of the centre of gravity from the upper surface, makes half the product obtained before the timber was sawn; it is apparent, then, that, the depth remaining the same, the strength varies as the thickness: should the position of these latter timbers be reversed, that is, placed flat instead of on edge, the centre of gravity then is only 3 inches below the upper surface: the area of the end 72 being multiplied by 3, we obtain only 216 as the product, which is only half the strength which it had placed edgeways. The scantling which has the greatest strength is not all square, but that with the same area, which has its centre of gravity farthest from the top; a piece of timber 14 by 10 inches squares to 140 inches, and contains less than a piece 12 × 12, or 144 square inches: but the centre of gravity of the first is 7 inches from the top, and 140 multiplied by 7 produces 980, which exceeds 144 × 6=864. This is further illustrated by a plank 10 inches in depth and 1 inch in thickness; the sectional area, 10 inches, multiplied by 5, the distance in inches of the centre of gravity from the upper edge, the product is 50: the same piece placed flatwise must only be multiplied by inch; the product then is only 5, conse- quently the plank when placed on edge is ten times stronger than when placed flatwise. A beam or piece of timber whose section is that of an equilateral triangle, when subjected to lateral pressure, is twice as strong, when resting on its broad base, as when placed on edge, the centre of gravity of this figure being at of its height measured from the base, or from its apex: the lateral strength of square beams is as the cubes of their breadth or depth; the lateral strength of any beams whose sections are similar are as the cubes of similar sides of the section. In cylindrical beams, the lateral strengths are as the CHAP. XXII. 1299 TIMBER AND ITS PROPERTIES. cubes of their diameters in rectangular beams, the lateral strengths are to each other as the breadths and squares of the depths, the strength varying as the breadth multiplied into the square of the depth. A piece of timber of the greatest strength that can be cut out from a round tree is obtained by dividing the diameter of the circle into three equal parts, raising perpen- diculars upon it, and prolonging them till they cut the circumference; a rectangle uniting these points shows the form of the strongest beam that can be obtained. The comparative strength of beams, but not their actual strength, may be calculated by the fore- going rules the value of actual strength must be converted into relative on account of the length and other dimensions being relative; thrice the length of a beam, is to its depth, as its absolute cohesion is to its relative strength, to which must be added the weight of the timber. The strains upon a beam fixed at one end in a wall and loaded at the other is four times greater than when the same weight is hung upon the middle of the same beam, and the latter supported at the two ex- tremities: when a beam is fixed at both its extremities and loaded in the middle, its strength is to that when Fig. 2057. only supported at its two ends as 3 to 2: when a weight is uniformly distributed over a beam, its mechanical action to produce fracture is only one-half of what it is when collected in the middle. Let the length in inches: = b=the breadth in inches: d=the depth in inches: W=the weight in pounds that would break it: S=the weight requisite to break a piece of similar timber, whose length, breadth, and depth are each 1 inch: then, bd2 IW bd2 as : 1 :: W: = S, which S will be a constant number of reference for computing the strength of any piece of timber of the same kind, under all variety of dimensions and modes of fixing and loading. For a beam fixed at one end, and loaded at the other, : W= Sbd2 For a beam fixed at one end, and loaded uniformly throughout, 2 Sb d³ W 7 For a beam supported at each end, and loaded in the middle, 4 Sb d2 W For a beam supported as above, and loaded uniformly, 8 S b d2 W = 7 For a beam fixed at one end, and loaded in the middle, 6 S bds W 1 For a beam fixed as above, and loaded uniformly, 12 Sbd2 W= The value of has been deduced from a variety of experiments, and in the following table is shown the experimental strength of different timbers, when exposed to a transverse strain. Alder Ash Acacia Beech Chestnut Elm Fir, Riga Memel Value of Cohesive Strength of a Rod an Inch Square. - - 1590 | Fir, Norway Scotch New England Spruce 2355 1866 1556 1350 Larch 1620 very young 1590 Mahogany, Spanish 1635 Honduras 1 1 1 2376 1746 1102 1395 - 1896 966 1275 191! 1294 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. Oak Canadian Dantzic Pine, pitch red - 1766 1672 | Poplar Plane - 1457 Sycamore - 1632 Teak 1341 981 1821 1608 2151 By the above table, to find the weight which will produce fracture, on a rectangular beam, supported at the two ends, when it is loaded in the centre, we must multiply the breadth by the square of the depth, and again by four times the constant value S: then this product, divided by the length in inches, will give the weight required. For example, it is required to know what weight would break a beam of English oak, 10 inches deep, 4 × 6 × 102 × 1672 6 inches in breadth, and 20 feet long: 240 16720 lbs. When the beam is fixed at one end, and loaded at the other, then the co-efficient 4 is omitted, and the weight is thus found, 6 x 102 x 1672 240 4180 lbs. When the beam is uniformly loaded throughout, and supported at both ends, 4 × 6 × 102 × 1672 240 × 2=33440 lbs. The application of the numbers given in the table to the preceding formula will afford the means of finding the weight that will produce fracture, and this weight diminished one- tenth, by cutting off one figure on the right hand, will give the weight in pounds that it ought to carry, and the timber should never be subjected to more; indeed it is never safe to put timber to the utmost of its efforts; a fourth of the breaking weight is in many cases considered sufficient. To ascertain the weight or load any timber will bear when laid horizontally, the length and scantling being given, we must seek in the table for the breaking weight which corresponds to the length and scantling, and find the primitive horizontal strength of the timber in the second table. Thus, for a piece of oak 12.792 by 18.122, and 27.18 feet long, we find the breaking weight to be 85461: when fir is to be substituted, look into the second table for its primitive horizontal strength, which is 918. Then as 1000: 918 :: 85461: 78453, which expresses in pounds avoirdupois the weight that would break the piece of fir; diminish this weight one-tenth, and then 7845 lbs. is the weight it should be subjected to, or be made to carry. Resistance to Compression in the Direction of its Length, or its Vertical Bearing Strength. This power is as great as that which would tear it asunder, though, under some circum- stances, it exerts a greater strength when used as a tie than as a strut; in the latter case, it is sometimes apt to bend, which it cannot do when pulled in the direction of its length. The resistance to compression is increased according to the position in which the strut or support is placed: when the weight applied begins to overpower it, the centre fibres swell, and the outer ones in consequence burst or lose their cohesion, and yield to the strain resistance to such an effect depends on the lateral adhesion of the fibres, which may be resembled to a bundle of rods, which would not yield if bound round firmly together. Timber which has its fibre cross-grained offers still less resistance; therefore it is that a fir-post is capable of carrying three times as much as one of oak, although for a tie the oak is the strongest. The relative strength of timber against com- pression is as the cube of their diameters directly, and inversely as the square of its length ; but the area of its section may be modified to produce greater strength; for a post in some places 9 by 4 is stronger than another 6 by 6; the stiffest post is that which has its sides in the proportion of 10 to 6. Rondelet found the most simple method of ascertaining the absolute strength of oak, or its proportion for different lengths when lying between two points of support, was to multiply the area of the section by half the absolute strength, and to divide the product by the number of times its depth is contained in the length between the points of support, wherever beams are placed horizontally, and have a bearing at the two ends; those of equal depth diminish in strength, in proportion to the distance given between their supports : where the lengths are equal, their relative strengths are as their widths and square of their depths. The following tables, taken from Rondelet, and converted by Mr. Gwilt into English dimensions and weights, are of the greatest value in estimating the results of the various experiments made by Buffon upon timber. The first column gives the proportion that the depth has to the length; the second the length of each piece in English feet; the third the greatest strength of each piece in rounds avoirdupois. CHAP. XXII. 1295 STRENGTH OF OAK TIMBER. Proportion of Depth to Length. in Pounds. Length of each Breaking Weight|| Length of each Piece in Feet. Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight|| Length of each in Pounds. Piece in Feet. TABLES showing the greatest Strength of Oak Timber, laid horizontally, in Pounds Avoirdupois. Breaking Weight| in Pounds. Breaking Weight|| in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breadth Depth 3.198 inches. - 3.198 inches. Breadth Depth - 3.198 inches. - Breadth 3.198 inches. Breadth 3.198 inches. 4.264 inches. Depth 5.330 inches. Depth 6'396 inches. 6 1.599 12,245 2.132 16,326 2.664 20,418 3.198 24,489 8 2.132 8,747 2.842 12,090 3.553 15,109 4.264 18,136 10 2.664 7,163 3.553 9,547 4.441 11,934 5.330 14,321 12 3.198 5,889 4.264 7,852 5.330 9,815 6.396 11,778 14 8.730 4,980 4.974 6,642 6.218 8,303 7.462 9,963 16 4.264 4,290 5.685 5,724 7.106 7,167 8.528 8,761 18 4.796 3,771 6.396 5,027 7.994 6,283 9.594 7,540 20 5.330 3,247 7.106 4,462 8.883 5,578 10.660 6,694 22 5.862 3,000 7.817 4,000 9.771 5,010 11.726 6,001 24 6.396 2,711 8.528 3,615 10.660 4,519 12.792 5,422 26 6.928 2,447 9.238 3,289 11.548 4,111 13.858 4,934 888 28 7.462 2,257 9.949 3,010 12.436 3,758 14.294 4,514 Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. 30 7.994 2,076 10.660 2,767 13.324 3,459 15.990 4,150 Breadth Depth · 4.264 inches. Breadth - 4.264 inches. · Breadth 4.264 inches. Breadth 14.264 inches. - Breadth 4.264 inches. 4.264 inches. Depth 5.330 inches. Depth 6.396 inches. Depth 7.462 inches. Depth 8.528 inches. 8 2.842 16,224 3.553 16,224 4.264 20,152 4.974 28,244 5.685 22,242 10 3.553 12,728 4.441 12,730 5.330 16,913 6.218 22,277 7·106 25,460 12 4.264 10,469 5.330 10,469 6.396 13,086 7.462 18,321 8.528 21,942 14 4.974 8,696 6.218 8,856 7.462 11,071 8.705 15,499 9.949 17,713 16 5.685 7,645 7.106 7,645 8.528 9,557 9.949 13,379 11.37 15,291 18 6.396 6,702 7.994 6,702 9.594 8,379 11.19 11,730 12.79 13,410 20 7.106 5,951 8.883 5,951 10.66 7,438 12.44 10,413 14.21 11,902 22 7.817 5,333 9.771 5,333 11.73 6,668 13.68 9,334 15.63 10,6'77 24 8.528 4,820 10.66 4,820 12.79 6,023 14.92 8,427 17.06 9,562 26 9.238 4,386 11.55 4,396 13.86 5,482 16.17 7,675 18.48 8,772 28 9.949 4,014 12.44 4,013 14.92 5,017 17.41 7,022 19.90 8,026 30 10.666 3,686 13.32 3,766 15.99 4,613 18.65 6,457 21 32 7,480 1296 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING..´ Pounds. || || || Proportion Length of Breaking Length of Breaking Length of Breaking Length of Breaking of Depth each Piece Weight in each Piece Weight in each Piece Weight in each Piece Weight in to Length. in Feet. Pounds. in Feet. Pounds. in Feet. in Feet. Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Length of Weight in || each_Piece Pounds. in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 5.330 in. || Breadth, 5.330 in. || Breadth, 5·330 in. || Breadth, 5.330 in. || Breadth, 5.330 in. || Breadth, 5.330 in. Depth, 5.330 in. Depth, 6.396 in. || Depth, 7-462 in. Depth, 8-528 in. || Depth, 9.594 in. | Depth, 10.660 in. 10 12 14 4.441 19,890 5.330 16,359 6.218 13,839 5.330 • 6.396 7.462 16,374 8.705 18,373 16 7.106 11,946 8.528 14,294 9.949 16,724 18 7.994 10,473 9.594 12,568 11.19 14,663 12.79 20 8.863 9,298 10.66 11,157 12.44 13,017 14.21 23,869 6.218 27,847 7.106 32,225 7.994 35,803 8.883 39,782 19,630 7.462 22,901 8.528 26,174 9.594 29,445 10.66 9.949 22,141 11.19 11.37 19,106 12.79 16,757 14.39 14,877 39,717 24,919 12.44 27,677 21,493 14.21 23,888 18,853 15.99 20,648 15.99 16,737 17.77 18,595 22 9.771 24 10.66 8,334 11.73 7,531 10,001 13.68. 11,667 15.63 13,338 17.59 15,002 19.54 16,669 12.79 9,037 14.92 10,544 17.06 12,057 19.19 13,556 21.32 15,063 26 11.55 6,863 13.86 8,223 16.17 28 888888 12.44 30 13.32 6,270 14.92 5,765 15.99 7,524 17.41 6,918 18.65 9,595 18.48 8,778 19.90 8,072 21.32 10,965 10,053 22.39 9,225 23.98 20.78 12,336 23.10 13,706 Length of 11,287 24.87 10,378 26.65 12,551 each Piece 11,531 in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 6.396 in. || Breadth, 6.396 in. Depth, 6.396 in. Depth, 7.462 in. Breadth, 6.396 in. || Breadth, 6.396 in. || Depth, 8.528 in. || Depth, 9.594 in. Breadth 6.396 in. || Breadth, 6.396 in. Depth, 1066 in. || Depth, 11·726 in. Breadth, 6.396 in. Depth, 12.792 in. 10 5.330 12 6.396 14 7.462 16 8.528 28,643 5.218 33,400 23,556 7.462 27,482 19,927 8.705 17,191 9.949 23,244 9.949 27,341 20,067 11.37 18 9.594 15,082 11.19 17,596 12.79 20 10.66 13,389 12.44 15,321 14.21 11.19 22,936 12.79 20,110 14.39 17,852 15.99 7.106 38,158 7.994 42,964 8.528 31,407 9.594 35,334 10.66 29,891 12.44 8.883 47,738 9.771 52,512 10.66 57,285 39,261 11.72 43,176 12.79 47,083 33,212 13.68 36,533 14.92 37,854 25,791 14.21 22,623 20,084 17.77 28,670 15.63 31,537 17.06 34,404 15.99 25,135 17.59 27,631 19.19 30,164 22,315 19.54 24,546 21.32 26,719 22 11.73 12,001 13.68 13,986 15.63 16,001 17.59 18,002 19.54 19,973 21.50 22,003 23.45* 24,003 24 12.79 10,844 14·92. 12,652 17.06 14,460 19.19 16,267 21.32 18,075 23.45 19,883 25.58 21,689 26 13.86 9,857 16.17 11,572 18.48 13 158 20.79 14,802 23.10 16,447 25.41 18,092 27.72 19,377 28 14.92 8,710 17.41 10,534 19.90 12,425 22.39 13,444 24.87 15,050 27.36 16,554 29.85 18,060 30 15.99 8,302 18.65 9,668 21.32 11,070 23.93 12,453 26.65 13,638 29.31 15,221 31.98 16,000 CHAP. XXII. 1297 STRENGTH OF OAK TIMBER. Length of Breaking each Piece Weight in in Feet. Pounds. Length of Breaking each Piece Weight in in Feet. Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of Breaking each _Piece Weight in in Feet. Pounds. Length of each Piece Breaking Weight in in Feet. Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 7.462 in. || Breadth, 7 462 in. || Breadth, 7.462 in. || Breadth, 7-462 in. Depth, 7.462 in. Depth, 8.528 in. || Depth, 9.594 in. || Depth, 10.66 in. Breadth, 7-462 in. Breadth, 7·462 in. || Depth, 11-726 in. Depth, 12.792 in. Breadth, 7.462 in. Depth, 13.858 in. 10 6.218 12 7 462 14 16 35,746 7.106 44,577 31,911 8.528 36,643 9.594 8.705 27,123 9.949 29,806 11.19 9.949 23,413 11.37 26,746 7.994 50,125 8.983 55,738 41,221 35,644 10.66 12.44 9.771 60,264 10.66 45,804 11.73 38,757 13.68 66,832 12.61 72,403 49,384 12.79 55,964 13.86 59,5+6 42,622 14.92 46,497 16.17 *50,371 18 11.19 20,530 12.79 12.79 24,060 14.39 20 12.44 18,224 14.21 21,838 15.99 30,103 14.21 26,394 23,432 17.77 33,449 15.63 36,792 17.06 40,138 18.48 43,483 15.99 29,226 17.59 31,808 19.19 34,992 19.72 38,124 26,142 19.54 28,637 21.32 31,241 22 13.68 16,335 15.63 18,667 17.59 21,003 19.54 23,325 21.50 24,719 23.45 28,003 24 14.92 14,761 17.06 16,870 19.19 26 16.17 13,436 18.48 15,418 20.79 18,979 21.32 17,270 23.10 28 17.41 12,637 19.90 14,046 22.39 30 18.65 10,940 21.32 12,915 23.98 15,802 24.97 14,530 26.65 21,807 23.45 19,139 17,557 27.36 16,144 29.31 23,196 25.58 25,305 25.40 21,307 27.72 23,068 18,928 29.85 21,070 17,758 31.98 18,373 Proportion Length of Breaking of Depth each Piece Weight in to Length. in Feet. Pounds. || || Breadth, 8.528 in. || Breadth, 8.528 in. | Breadth, 8.528 in. Breadth, 8.528 in. | Breadth, 8.528 in. | Breadth, 8 528 in. Depth, || 8.528 in. || Depth, 9.594 in. | Depth, 10.66 in. || Depth, 11·726 in. || Depth, 12.792 in. Depth, 13.858 in. Breadth, 8.528 in. Depth, 14.924 in. 10 12 14 7.106 50,921 8.528 41,878 9.949 35,426 16 11.37 30,581 7.944 57,285 8.883 9.594 47,093 10.66 11.19 39,854 12.44 12.79 62,651 9.771 69,975 10.66 76,381 11.55 82,746 12.44 89,111 52,348 11.73 57,582 12.79 62,817 13.86 68,052 14.92 73,279 44,283 13.67 48,711 14.92 53,139 16.17 57,576 17·41 61,996 34,403 14.21 38,227 15.63 42,049 17.06 45,872 18.48 49,627 19.90 53,517 18 12.79 26,812 14.39 30,170 15.99 20 14.21 23,803 15·99 26,773 17.77 22 15.63 21,342 17.59 24,003 19.54 33,516 17.59 29,754 19.54 26,669 21.50 36,668 19.19 32,729 21.32 40,219 20.79 43,628 22.39 46,923 35,715 29,337 23.45 32,004 24 17.06 19,280 19.19 21,690 21.32 24,100 23.45 26,017 25.58 28,920 26 18.48 17,345 21.95 19,737 23.10 21,930 25.40 24,124 27.72 26,356 28 19.90 16,051 23.45 17,960 24.87 30 21.32 14,760 25.05 16,605 26.65 20,066 27.36 18,444 30.20 22,073 29.85 20,295 24,851 31.98 22.149 4 0 1298 Book IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Proportion Length of Feet. of Depth each piece in to Length. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Length of Breaking Pounds. each Piece in Feet. Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. each Piece in Length of Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 9.594 inches. Depth, 9.594 inches. Breadth, 9.594 inches. Depth, 10.66 inches. Breadth, 9.594 inches. Depth, 11.726 inches. Breadth, 9-594 inches. Depth, 12.792 inches. Breadth, 9.594 inches. Depth, 13.858 inches. Breadth, 9.594 inches. Depth, 14.924 inches. 10 7.994 64,447 8.983 71,607 9.771 78,848 10.66 85,929 11.55 93,089 12.44 100,250 12 9.594 52,992 10.66 58,891 11.73 64,780 12.79 70,670 13.86 76,458 14.92 82,447 14 11.19 45,402 12.44 49,818 13.68 54,800 14.92 59,782 16.17 64,763 17.41 69,745 16 12.79 38,704 14.21 43,010 15.63 47,305 17.06 51,406 18.48 55,906 19.90 60,207 18 14.39 33,935 15.99 37,705 17.59 41,476 19.19 45,247 20.79 49,117 22.39 52,771 20 15.99 30,125 17.77 33,473 19.59 36,820 21.32 40,167 22 17.59 27,003 19.54 30,003 21.50 33,004 23.45 36,004 24 19.19 24,401 21.32 27,112 23.45 29,825 25.58 32,535 26 20.79 22,205 23.10 24,671 25.40 27,138 27.72 29,606 28 22.39 20,317 24.87 22,574 27.36 24,830 29.85 27,090 30 23.98 18,681 26.65 20,756 29.21 22,832 31.98 24,908 Breadth, 10.66 inches. Depth, 10.66 inches. Breadth, 10.66 inches. Depth, 11.726 inches. Breadth, 10.66 inches. Depth, 12.792 inches. Breadth, 10.66 inches. Depth, 13.858 inches. Breadth, 10.66 inches. Depth, 14.924 inches. Breadth, 10.66 inches. Depth, 15.990 inches. 10 8.883 79,564 9.771 87,520 10.66 95,476 11.55 103,633 12.44 111,389 13.32 119,345 12 10.66 65,435 11.73 71,978 12.79 78,521 13.86 85,065 14.92 91,609 15.99 98,152 14 12.44 55,453 13.67 60,889 14.92 64,424 16.17 72,037 17.41 77,495 18.65 83,030 16 14.21 47,783 15.63 52,548 17.06 57,340 18.48 62,118 19.90 66,896 21.32 71,675 18 15.99 41,895 17.59 45,985 19.19 50,274 20.79 54,463 22.39 58,653 29.98 62,841 20 17.77 37,192 19.54 40,911 21.32 44,631 22 19.54 33,337 21.50 36,671 23.45 40,005 24 21.32 30,125 23.45 33,138 25.58 36,151 26 23.10 27,412 25.40 30,155 27.72 32,896 28 24.87 24,083 27.36 27,491 29.85 30,100 30 26.65 23,061 29.21 25,369 31.98 27,676 • CHAP. XXII. 1299 STRENGTH OF OAK TIMBER Length of each Piece in Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Feet. Feet. Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length Piece in of each Weight in Breaking Pounds. Feet. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Inches Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Breadth, 11.726|| Breadth, 11·726 || Breadth, 11.726 || Breadth, 11·726|| Breadth, 11.726 || Breadth, 11-726 Depth, 11.726 Depth, 12-792|| Depth, 13.858|| Depth, 14.924 Depth, 15.99 Depth, 17.056 Inches Breadth, 11.726 Depth, 18.122 Proportion Length of each of Depth Piece in Feet. to Length. Breaking Weight in Pounds. 10 12 14 16 18 17.59 20 19.54 51,493 19.19 45,002 21.32 22 21.50 40,338 23.45 9.771 96,272 10.66 105,023 11.55 113,776 11.73 79,174 12.79 86,374 13.86 93,572 13.67 66,978 14.92 73,067 16.17 79,155 15.63 57,818 17.06 63,074 18.48 68,328 55,301 20.79 60,910 49,093 44,006 12.44 | 122,528 13·32 | 131,280 14.92 100,769 15.99 107,968 17.41 85,244 18.65 91,333 19.90 73,576 21.32 78,842 22.39 64,518 23.98 69 126 14.21 148,784 17.06 122,362 15.10 157,537 18.12 129,561 19.90 103,511 21.14 109,600 22.74 89,355 24.16 94,611 25.58 78,344 27.18 82,350 24 23.45 36,407 25.58 38,765 10 26 25.40 33,087 27.72 36,185 28 30 27.36 30,350 29.85 33,109 29.21 27,906 31.98 30,443 Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. || Breadth, 12.792 Breadth, 12.792 Depth, 12.792|| Depth, 13-858 Breadth, 12.792 Breadth, 12.792 Breadth, 12.792 Breadth, 12.792|| Breadth, 12-792 || Breadth, 12-792 || Breadth, 12.792|| Breadth, 12.792 Depth, 14.924|| Depth, 15.99 Depth, 17.056|| Depth, 18.122 Depth, 19.188 Breadth, 12.792 Depth, 20-254 00 10 12 14 16 | 10.66 115,572 11:55 124,119 12.79 89,826 13.86 | 102,078 14.92 79,709 16.17 86,351 17.06 68,708 18.48 74,542 19.90 18 19.19 60,329 20.79 65,356 22.39 12.44 133,667 13.32 | 143,214 14.92 | 110,930 15.99 117,783 17.06 125,634 18.12 123,487 17.41 92,994 18.65 99,636 19.90 106,279 21·14 | 112,921 80,275 21.32 86,010 22.74 91,744 24.16 97,479 70,384 23.98 75,411 25.58 76,238 27.18 85,461 14.21 152,762 15.10 162,310 15.99 171,857 16.88 181,405 19.19 141,340 22.37 119,565 25.58 103,212 27.00 28.78 88,894 29.38 20.2.5 149,191 23.63 126,207 108,946 95,521 20 21.32 53,557 22 23.45 48,006 24 25.58 43,380 26 27.72 39,475 28 28.85 36,119 80 31.98 33,211 40 2 1300 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Proportion of Depth to Length. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 13.858 in. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 13.858 in. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. in Feet. Breadth, 13.858 in. Breadth, 13.858 in. Breadth, 13-858 in. Depth, 13.858 in. Depth, 14.924 in. Depth, 15.99 in. Depth, 17.056 in. Depth, 18.122 in. 10 11.55 134,463 12.44 144,806 13.32 154,825 14.21 164,426 15.10 175,836 15.99 Length of each Piece Breaking Weight in Pounds. Breadth, 13.858 in. Depth, 19.188 in. 141,179 12 13.86 110,584 14.92 119,092 15.99 127,598 17.06 136,153 18.12 144,61ì 19.19 133,115 14 16.17 93,547 17.41 100,813 18.68 107,939 19.90 114,364 21.14 121,332 22.37 129,528 16 18.48 80,754 19.90 86,966 21.32 93,177 22.74 99,396 24.16 105,601 25.58 18 20.79 70,802 22.39 76,249 23.98 81,755 25.58 91,941 27.18 92,588 28.78 111,813 98,935 Breadth, 13.858 in. Breadth, 13.858 in. Breadth, 13.858 in. Depth, 20-254 in. Depth, 21.326 in. Depth, 22.326 in. | 10 16.88 196,522 17.77 205,531 18.65 217,210 12 20.25 161,624 21.32 170,130 22.38 178,637 14 23.63 136,724 24.87 144,920 26.12 151,115 16 27.00 118,026 28.43 124,237 29.85 130,049 18 29.38 103,481 31.98 108,951 33.58 114,374 Breadth, 14.924 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Depth, 14.924 in. Depth, 15.990 in. Depth, 17.056 in. Depth, 18.122 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Depth, 19.188 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Depth, 20-254 in. 10 12.44 155,944 13.32 167,083 14.21 178,223 15.10 189,362 15.99 200,501 16.88 212,547 12 14.92 128,092 15.99 137,213 17.06 146,674 18.12 155,735 19.19 164,895 20.25 174,057 14 17.41 108,493 18.65 116,242 19.90 123,993 21.14 131,741 22.37 139,492 23.63 147,331 16 19.90 93,655 21.32 100,354 22.74 107,034 24.16 113,764 25.58 120,415 27.00 127,104 18 22.39 82,114 23.98 87,980 25.58 934845 27.18 99,711 28.78 105,575 29.38 111,441 Breadth, 14.924 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Breadth, 14.924 in. Depth, 21-326 in. Depth, 22.386 in. Depth, 23-452 in. 10 17.77 212,776 18.65 233,917 19.54 246,136 12 21.32 173,218 22.38 192,378 23.45 201,540 14 24.87 150,991 26.12 162,737 27.36 170,490 16 28.43 133,733 29.85 140,483 31.27 147,173 18 31.98 117,306 33.58 112,372 35.18 129,037 CHAP. XXII. 1301 STRENGTH OF OAK TIMBER. Breadth, 15.99 in. Breadth, || Depth, 15.99 in. Depth, Proportion Length of of Depth each Piece to Length. | in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of Breaking each Piece Weight in in Feet. Pounds. Length of Breaking each Piece Weight in in Feet. 15.99 in. Breadth, 17.056 in. Depth, 17-056 in. Depth, Pounds. Length of Breaking eachPiece Weight in in Feet. Pounds. 15.99 in.Breadth, 15-99 in. Breadth, 18-122 in. |Depth, 18-122 in. Depth, Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of Breaking each Piece Weight in in Feet. Length of each Piece Pounds. in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. Length of each Piece in Feet. Breaking Weight in Pounds. 19.188 in.||Depth, 19.188 in. Depth, 15.99 in. Breadth, 15.99 in. 20-254 in.||Depth, 20-254 in. Depth, Breadth, 15 99 in. 21-326 in. Depth, Length of Breaking eachPiece Weight in in Feet. Breadth, 15.99 in. Breadth, 15.99 in 22-386 in. Depth, 23-452 in. Depth, Pounds. 24-518 in. 10 12 14 16 18 13.32 179,009 14.21 15.99 147,229 17.06 18.65 124,547 19.90 21.32 107,513 22.74 23.98 94,164 25.58 Breadth, 17.056 n. Breadth, Depth, 17.056 in. Depth, 190,953 15.10 202,888 15.99 160,244 18.12 166,859 19.19 132,849 21.14 141,153 22.37 114,680 24.16 121,848 25.58 100,548 27.18 106,832 28.78 17.056 in. Breadth, 18.122 in. Depth, 17.056 in. Breadth, 19.188 in. Depth, 214,823 16 88 238,692 18.65 176,584 20.25 186,490 21.32 196,365 22.38 149,456 23.63 157,759 24.87 166,062 26.12 129,015 27.00 136,183 28.43 143,350 29.85 113,118 29.38 119,401 31.98 125,686 33.58 17.056 in. Breadth, 17-056 in. Breadth, 20-254 in. Depth, 21-326 in.||Depth, 226,757 17.77 250,626 206,127 17-056 in. Breadth, 17.056 in. Breadth, 22.386 in. Depth, 23-452 in. Depth, 19.54 262,561 20.43 23.45 215,935 174,365 27.36 182,668 150,517 31.27 157,685 32.69 131,770 35.18 138,254 36.78 17.056 inBreadth, 17-056 in. 24-518 in. Depth, 25.584 in. 274,495 24.52 225.750 28.60 190,751 164,852 144,538 10 12 14 16 18 02468 216,412 15.99 229,144 16.88 177,983 19.19 188,456 20.25 197,322 21.32 150,563 22.37 158,439 23.63 168,276 24.87 129,970 25.58 137,617 27.00 145,261 28.43 113,954 28.78 120,659 29.38 127,341 31.98 10 12 14 21.14 159.973 16 24.16 142,094 18 27.18 121,077 25 58 28.78 Breadth, 19-188 in. Breadth, Depth, 19.188 in. Depth, 14.21 203,684 15.10 254,605 18.65 267,334 19.54 17.06 167,513 18.12 209,391 22.38 219,861 23.45 19.90 141,706 21.14 177,132 26.12 184.989 27.36 22.74 122,967 24.16 152,807 29.85 160,552 31.27 25.58 107,251 27.18 134,112 33.58 140,768 35.18 Breadth, 18-122 in. Breadth, 18-122 in. Breadth, 18-122 in. Breadth, 18-122 in. Breadth, 18-122 in. Breadth, Depth, 18 122 in. Depth, 19-188 in. Depth, 20-254 in. Depth, 21-326 in Depth, 22-386 in.||Depth, 15.10 229,907 15.99 243,465 16.88 257,091 17.77 270,317 18.65 284,043 19.54 297,569 20.43 18.12 187,107 19.19 200,131 20.25 211,356 21.32 222,479 22.38 233,603 23.45 244,727 24.52 22.37 169,383 23.63 178,793 24.87 188,203 26.12 197,611 27.36 207,023 28.60 146,217 27.10 154,340 28.43 162,463 29.85 170,275 31.27 188,710 32.69 128,199 29.38 135,261 31.98 142,443 33.58 149,266 35.18 156,688 36.78 19.188 in. Breadth, 19.188 in.||Breadth, 19-188 in. Breadth, 20-254 in. Depth, 21-326 in.||Depth, 22:386 in. Depth, 241,875 17.77 280,064 21.32 292,795 21.32 305,525 230,330 25.58 190,846 240,800 25.58 251,360 29.85 203,702 29.85 212 559 168,772 147,471 34.11 175,842 34.11 183,421 38.37 154,174 38.37 160,277 18-122 in. Breadth, 18-122 in 23-452 in.||Depth, Breadth, 18·122 in 24-518 in. Depth, 25-584 in. 310,771 21.32 324,621 255,851 25.58 256,975 216,434 29' 5 225,844 186,833 34.11 194.956 163,810 38.37 170.933 19-188 in. Breadth, 23-452 in. Depth, 19-188 in. Breadth, 19.188 in. Breadth, 19.188 in. 24-518 in. Depth, 25.584 in. Depth, 26.65 in. 10 15.99 12 19.19 14 257,787 16.88 272,108 17.77 212,107 20.25 223,788 21.32 22.37 179,347 23.63 189,310 24.87 286,430 18.65 235,565 22.38 300,763 19.54 315,073 247,344 23.45 259,122 196,074 26.12 209,238 27.36 219,101 20.43 329,395 21.32 24.52 270,901 25.58 28.60 229,165 29.85 343,716 22.21 258,037 286,679 26.65 294,458 140,130 31.09 24',092 16 25.58 150,818 27.00 163,419 28.43 171,010 29.85 180,261 31.27 189,222 32.69 197,824 34.11 207,092 35.53 216.026 18 28.78 135,741 29.38 143,281 31.98 150,823 33.58 158,364 35.18 165,905 36.78 173,446 38.37 180,987 39 97 188,529 Breadth, 20-254 in Breadth, Depth, 20-254 in.||Depth, 20·254 in. 21.320 in. 10 16.88 287,226 17.77 292,343 12 20.25 236.220 21.32 248,653 14 23.63 199,827 24.87 200-345 16 27.10 172,498 28.43 181.577 19 29.38 151,242 31.98 159,202 4 0 3 1302 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. In the foregoing tables the primitive horizontal strength of oak is considered as 1000, its vertical strength at 807, and its cohesive or absolute strength at 1821: for its appli- cation to the other species of timber the following table has been calculated : Primitive or, Horizontal Primitive Vertical Strength. Strength. Absolute Strength. Apricot Acacia, yellow 1096 1255 2040 780 1228 1560 Arbutus 857 1062 1620 Alder 644 780 2080 Ash 1072 1112 1800 Apple 976 903 1187 Aspen 624 717 1293 Birch 853 861 1980 Box 1160 1444 2324 Beech 1032 986 2480 Cedar 627 720 1740 Cherry 961 986 1912 Chestnut 957 950 1944 horse 931 689 1231 Citron 1192 871 1460 Cypress 682 869 1880 Ebony 1155 1062 2321 Elder 1072 789 1500 Elm Fir Lemon Larch 1077 1075 1980 918 851 1250 1087 858 1400 843 902 1460 Lignum vitæ Lime Maple, foreign Mulberry 707 741 1113 B 750 717 1407 1094 843 2094 - I 981 1031 1050 Oak 1000 807 1821 Orange Pine tree Plane ? Poplar Plum Pear Oriental Occidental 1180 843 2340 882 804 1041 728 830 1916 776 874 931 853 941 1031 586 680 940 950 843 1770 850 816 1680 Sycamore Service Tulip tree Walnut -, American Yew 900 968 1564 955 981 1642 563 682 981 900 733 1120 864 701 1020 • 1037 1375 2287 This is deduced from pieces 19-188 lines English square. When a piece of timber is put in an upright position, it seems at first that it will carry the same weight, whatever may be its length; but experience shows us that when a post is more than seven or eight times the width of its base in height, it bends under the weight, previous to crushing or giving way. When a post is 100 times its diameter, it is incapable of maintaining an upright position, and then we find its strength diminishes in relation to the height: to crush a piece of oak which is too short to bend, it requires 49-72 pounds avoirdupois for every 888 area of an inch at its base, and for fir timber 56·16 pounds. Rondelet used cubes of oak and fir in the experiments he made, and found they diminished in height by compression previous to disuniting, the first more than a third, the latter a half: when either of these timbers are of a length to bend under the weight imposed upon them, they immediately have their strength diminished, and he found the mean strength of oak to be 47.52 pounds avoirdupois for a cube of 888 of an inch, which is reduced to 2.16 pounds, when the height is as much as 72 times the width of the base; for a cube whose height was 1, the strength was taken as 1; for a post equal to 12 times its base, the strength was five-sixths; for 24 times, a half only; for 36 times, a third; 1000 CHAP. XXII. 1303 STRENGTH OF TIMBER. 48 times, a sixth; 60 times, a twelfth; and at 72 times the height of its base, its strength is only a 24th part. It results from the above experiments that we ought never to make a post in height more than ten times its diameter or width at the base; and in calculating its strength, at the rate of 10·80 pounds for every 1·066 line superficial of base, which is not a quarter of the weight that would crush it, we find that a post whose sides are 1.066 feet, and containing 22104-576 lines English, would sustain a weight of 238729 pounds avoirdupois, or 106 tons. When a post is made in height equal to ten times its width of base, it should never have in practice a weight of more than 5 pounds per 1.066 line imposed upon it: and when the height is 15 times the base, 4 pounds; and when 20 times, not more than 3 pounds for the same proportion: all posts should have their bases extended, or their area made proportionate to the weight they have to sustain : they ought also to have a stability given them, in reference to their situation and isolation; this stability is in proportion to the base, the diameter of which, as compared with the height, may vary as 7 to 10. For Timbers placed vertically, as Posts, &c.— To find the vertical strength of an oak post 9.594 inches square and 9.594 feet high, seek in the preceding table for the primitive vertical strength of oak, which is 807 for 19.188 lines superficial of base; but as this strength should diminish in a ratio of the number of times that the width of the base is contained in the width of the post, which in the present case is 12, only of 807 must be taken, or 672. This post, which is 9.594 inches, or 115.128 lines square, has an area of 13254-756 square lines, which being divided by 19.188 will give 692-34; and for the greatest weight it can bear before breaking, 692·34 × 672·5=465,000 lbs., and this divided by 10 gives 46,500 pounds as the weight the post may be loaded with: when the post is of fir, the primitive vertical strength of which is as 851 to 807, to have its greatest strength, it is only necessary to make the proportions, as 807: 465000:: 851: 490980, which divided by 10 gives 49,098 pounds as the utmost weight it should be loaded with. To find the absolute or cohesive Strength. This strength by which timber resists when drawn at the two ends is ascertained by multiplying the area of the section, reduced to lines, by 1821 for oak, which is its tabular number, and dividing the product by 19·188, and the quotient will indicate the greatest weight that it ought to bear. For oak, 9.594 inches square, 13254·75 × 1821 19.188 1,260,700, which divided by 10 gives 126,070 pounds for the greatest weight it should be subjected to. We find by the table that beech has the greatest absolute strength, so that a piece of timber of the same dimensions as the preceding would have a strength by 13254·75 × 12480 =1,363,850, which will give 136,385, as the greatest weight to which it 19.188 ought to be subject. To find the Strength of Timber when in an inclined Position.— If it be supposed that a piece of vertical timber, as A B, be inclined on its base, experience proves that its strength to support a vertical effort diminishes in proportion to its inclination, so that if from its upper extremity a vertical Dƒ be lowered, and from the points of the base B a horizontal line BC be drawn, the strength of the piece will be less in proportion as Bƒ is larger: whence it results that the strength of a piece of vertical timber is to that of an inclined piece of the same scantling, as the length A B is to Bf, or as the radius to the size of the inclination of the timber. A B F Secondly, the vertical pieces have the greater power to support a weight, and the horizontal the less; the first of these results gives an easy method by means of the preceding table, to find the strength of a piece of timber, the length and inclination of which are known: for ex- ample; a piece of oak 9.594 feet long, inclined 4.692 feet, its dimen- sions being 8.528 by 9.594 inches, whose area therefore is 11781·74 lines; this must be divided by the tabular number, 19.188, and the quotient will be 614. 0 Fig. 2058. In the preceding table 807 is the primitive vertical strength of oak for 19-188 lines superficial of section; but as the length of this piece is more than twelve times the width of the base, we must only take of 807, viz. 672, which multiplied by 614 gives 412915. Then 9.594 : 4·692 :: 412915: 843400; this divided by 10 gives 84,340 for the utmost load to which the inclined piece should be loaded. Joints and Joining Timbers. As timber cannot always be obtained of sufficient length for tie-beams or bridges, it is necessary to show the method usually employed to unite two or more pieces together by their ends, which is called scarfing, and is differently performed by carpenters: the most common means is lapping or halving, or as it is sometimes called ship-lapping. This is nothing more than cutting away a part of the thickness of one piece, and an equal quan- Fig. 2059. 404 1304 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. tity of the other, which is to be joined to it, so as to suffer the diminished end of one piece to overlap that of the other, and then uniting them by nails or wooden pins, which are called tree-nails. This method is applied to plates, bond timbers and others, where there is not much longitudinal compression or extension: where this kind of effect is to be provided for, the upper as well as the lower timbers should be cut and let into each other; the under piece having a tenon formed at its extreme end, with a corresponding cutting to receive it in the upper piece; that these tenons may be enabled to pass each other, it is necessary to cut away a part of the timbers in the middle of the length of the joint, equal to the length of the two tenons, so as to form a square hole, through the middle of the timbers to be joined together, and this is afterwards closed up by driving an oak key into it; this also helps to drive the tenons to their respective mortises, and prevents the timbers from being pulled asunder: the thickness of the key, in order that it may not be compressed, should be equal to a third of that of the piece into which it is inserted: another principle is here shown, which is more simple, the joint being cut obliquely; to make these two pieces stiff, the ends of both should be cut in an angular form. To strengthen these scarfs, iron straps and screw-bolts are added, but no joining can be made so strong as the timber itself. In making joints, it must be remembered that all timber is liable to shrink when dry, and when wet to expand; on this account dovetail joints should be avoided as much as possible, as they are liable to draw out, and all joints should be made with reference to their contraction and expansion, which sometimes tends to split off portions of the framing : where iron bolts or straps are introduced care must be taken that their effect is not lost by the changes that the timber undergoes; the areas of the former should never be less than two-tenths of the area of the section of the beam; it must also be recollected in making a joint, that when force is applied to any portion, the fibres of the timber will slide upon each other. Fishing a Beam is merely placing a piece of the same scantling to one side of the timber to be united, and bolting them or hooping them toge- ther separate pieces of timber are united either by scarfing, notching, cogging, pinning, wedging, tenoning, &c. Scarfing consists in cutting away equally from the ends, but on the opposite sides, of two pieces of timber for the purpose of connecting them lengthwise : the usual method of scarfing bond and wall plates is by cutting about through each piece on the upper face of the one, and the under face of the other, about 6 or 8 inches from the end transversely, making what is termed a kerf ; and longitudinally from the end, from ? down, on the same side, so that the pieces lap to- gether like a half dovetail. Notching is either square or dovetailed, and is made use of for connecting the ends of wall plates and bond timbers at the angles, in letting joists down on girders, binders, purlins or prin- cipal rafters. Fig. 2060. SCARFING A BEAM. Fig. 2061. Fig. 2062. Fig. 2063. Cogging or Cocking is a species of notch extending on one side, and having a narrow cog alone in the bearing piece, flush with its upper face; it is principally made use of in tailing joists on wall plates. Pinning consists in inserting cylindrical pieces of wood or iron through a tenon. Wedging is the insertion of triangular prisms, whose converging sides are under an extremely acute angle, into or by the end of a tenon, to make it fill the mortise so completely as to prevent its being withdrawn. Fig. 2064. Fig. 2065. CHAP. XXII. 1305 CARPENTRY. Tenon and Mortaise or Mortise of the most simple kind, in which the two timbers united are at right angles with each other; the tenon is on that which appears horizontal, whilst the mortise is cut in the upright timber; the tenon is left one-third of the thickness of the timber, as shown in the upper part of the figure. The greatest strain upon the fibres of a girder is at the upper and lower parts, decreasing gra- dually towards the middle of the depth, which is the best situation to make the mortise. The form to be given to the tenon requires consi- deration; some carpenters introduce it at the lowest part of the girder, which in a great degree destroys its Fig. 2066. TENONS AND MORTISES. stiffness; being a sixth of the depth, it should be placed at one-third of the depth from the lowest side. Horizontal timbers intended to bear great weights should be always notched on their supports, in preference to being framed in between them, and this rule is applicable to inclined tim- bers, as common rafters and braces; all the pressures to which they are sub- jected should be brought to act in the direction of their lengths, and the form of the joint should be such as to convey the pressure as much as possible into the axes of the timber; when subjected to a strain, a partial bearing is liable to very serious disadvantages, parti- cularly in bridges. Where the mortise is to be made in the upright timber, and the tenon to be cut on another inclined, as in a brace to a partition, a bevelled shoulder is cut on the inclined piece, and a sinking made in the upright post to receive it, the pin which secures it in its mortise passing through the tenon. Fig. 2067. TENONS. The bevelled shoulder adds greatly to the strength of a mortise and tenon joint, and should never be dispensed with; it renders the junction of the two pieces of timber more exact, and makes the abutments of all the fibres stronger and more capable of resistance. Fig. 2068. BEVELLED shouldeR JOINTS. 1306 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The common method of effecting such a junction does not occupy so much time or labour, but is not so effective; it is usual to drive one or two wooden pins through holes bored for the purpose at right angles through the timber, in which the mortise is made as well as through that which has the tenon. Boring the hole for the pin requires to be nicely performed, in order that it may draw the tenon tight into the mortise prepared to receive it, and make the shoulder butt close into the joint, without running the risk of tearing out a portion of the tenon beyond the pin: square holes and square pins are preferred to round, as they bring more of the wood into action, and there is less liability to split. Fig. 2069. SHOULDER JOINTS. Fox Tail Wedging, adopted by ship carpenters, is made with long wooden bolts, which do not pass completely through the timbers, but take a very fast hold; they are subject to be crippled in drawing, if they are too nicely fitted; this is remedied by placing a thin wedge into the hole previous to the insertion of the wooden bolt, which, when driven, is split by the wedge, and thus squeezed tight to the sides of the hole. Bond Timbers and Wall Plates require to be carefully notched together at every angle and return, and scarfed at every longitudinal joint. Fig. 2070. HALVING. Fig. 2071. HALVING. To make a good tie joint requires great attention on the part of the carpenter, and for uniting wall plates the dovetail joint is sometimes adopted: if the effects that shrinking may produce be taken into consideration, the more usual system of halving is decidedly pre- ferable; whenever this joint is employed, a stout pin of tough oak, or an iron bolt, should be driven through to render it secure, and, where there is the slightest tendency for one piece to slide from the other, iron straps must be used. Timbers which are laid upon the Plates, and in- tended to act as ties, should be cut with a dovetail, and let into the timber it is to secure; generally, where they cross at right angles, halving or cutting away the moiety of each is adopted, and one is let into the channel cut in the other. Cauking, or dovetailing a cross, as used for fitting down tie-beams or other timbers upon wall plates, should never be made too large, nor too near the Fig. 2073. Fig. 2072. DOVETAIL JOINT. CAUKING JOINTS. Fig. 2074. ends of the plates, the grain of the wood, if cut across, being very liable to split off; it may be observed that the dovetail joint so frequently referred to is not so termed on the Continent, but is universally known as the swallow-tail, queue d'hirondelle. CHAP. XXII. 1307 CARPENTRY. For joining two pieces of tim- ber together notching is the most common and simple method; for, when four angles are to be formed, the surfaces of one piece are both parallel and per- pendicular to those of the other; a notch may be cut out of one piece (fig. 2071.), the breadth of Fig. 2075. Fig. 2076. the other, which may be let down on the first, or the two pieces may be both notched to each other, and then secured by an oak pin: this is the best practice when each of the timbers is equally exposed to a strain in any direction. When one piece has to support the other transversely, the upper may have a notch cut across it, to the breadth of two- thirds the thickness of the one below, which must also have a similar notch cut out on each upper edge, leaving two-thirds of the breadth of the middle entire, by which means the strength of the supporting or lower piece is less diminished than if a notch of less depth were cut the whole breadth: such joints are particularly adapted for purlins, when let down upon the principal rafters. Lupping is performed in a variety of ways, either by simply halving the end of each tim- ber, or by halving and dovetailing; in the latter case the timbers act as a tie, and cannot be readily pulled asunder. In these joints the greatest attention is required to make the several parts abut com- pletely on each other, as the least play or liability to motion at once destroys their efficacy; the butting joints, being slightly tapered to one side of the beam, require very moderate blows with a hammer to force them into their place; if driven too hard, the parts will be liable to strain, and the abutments to split off; it is better sometimes to leave the abutments open, and afterwards drive in a small wedge, which, if made of hard wood and not likely to compress, is an excellent substitute; iron has been said to injure the fibres of the timber, from its too great hardness, otherwise it is well adapted for the joggles and wedges. Two pieces of timber may be united in such a manner that they preserve the same breadth and depth throughout, which is of great importance in the construction of beams for bridges or roofs of considerable span: the length to be given to the scarf must depend upon the force that will cause the fibres of the timber to slide upon each other, and that for oak, ash, or elm should be 6 times the depth of the timber, in fir 12 times; but where bolts are used so much is not required in either case: the simplest method for uniting the ends of two timbers is by cutting away an equal portion of each, and letting one down upon the other. Timbers united together by a number of such cuttings, afterwards united and bolted through or hooped round with iron, are capable of sustaining great resistance: a stirrup-iron at each end holds the timbers in their places, and one or more bolts is sufficient to prevent their being drawn asunder. The carpenter frequently ex- ercises great ingenuity in join- ing timbers of considerable scantling, and, by the introduc- tion of iron or small cubes of harder wood into the joints, can prevent their being thrust or drawn out of their position either longitudinally or late- rally. The Starfing of Girders and Beams, which the French en- gineers term Traits de Jupiter, Fig. 2079. ।। · Fig. 2080. SCARFING. Fig. 2077. Fig. 2078. 1308 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. from their resemblance to forked lightning, have a great variety of forms given them, and are sometimes bolted through, at others strapped round with strong hoops of iron : where bolts are dispensed with, it is perfectly clear that the joint cannot have half the strength of an entire piece: where the stress is longitudinal, two irons put on each side Fig. 2081. will prevent the scarf that is merely in- dented from pulling asunder; but such a provision will not maintain the con- stant horizontal po- sition of the timber. When a scarf is forced to its bearings by the introduction of keys or wedges driven tight, they sometimes receive an additional strain, and it is often found advisable to omit them, and to SCARFING. Fig. 2082. Scarfing. Fig. 2083. bring the joints to a bearing by some other means before the bolts are inserted: when keys are made use of they should be of very hard wood, having a curled grain, which re- sists the insertion of the fibres opposed to it. To prevent lateral movement cogging is adopted, in addition to the ordinary method, and a small tenon or cog is left upon a por- tion of the scarf, which enters into a notch prepared in the piece which is to cover it: beams intended to resist cross strains require to be lengthened more frequently than any others, and from the nature of the strain a different form of scarf must be made use of to that which is required for a strain in the direction of its length: when timber is sub- jected to both strains, the cross strain is that which demands the greatest attention: where a floor is supported, the scarfing requires to be further secured by iron bolts made to pass through a longitudinal piece, laid to cover the under side of the joint. # M: " Bearing Posts, when used to support the floors of a magazine or warehouse, are ge- nerally formed exactly square: to obtain their dimensions, we must refer to what has been already stated in reference to the weight the several timbers will bear in the direction of their length, or the weight they will carry previous to the compression of their fibres: some timber will support, whilst that of another quality will suspend the most; therefore in the selection of story-posts, we must pay attention to these peculiarities. Iron, however, is generally used for these purposes, in consequence of its horizontal sec- Fig. 2084. SCARFING. tional area occupying less space than timber of the same strength. When a tie-beam is mortised through to receive a king or queen- post, and it is necessary to provide for the means of holding it up, the tenon should not be pinned through, as it is not advisable to depend entirely on the pins for the support: the tenon should be cut like a half dovetail, or in a sloping direction, on one side, and left straight on the other: the mortise-hole should be so cut that the lower end Fig 2085. CHAP. XXII. 1309 CARPENTRY. can just pass; when it is in its place, a wooden key or wedge is driven tightly on the straight side, which forces the tenon against one side of the mortise-hole, and prevents it effectually from being drawn out: oak or iron may be added, or an iron strap may be applied. Tenons may be wedged at the end, but to do this they must be made long enough to pass en- tirely through the mortise: two saw cuts are then made across it, and the wedges are driven home: the tenon sometimes splits, but not sufficiently to injure its strength. When in machinery it is not practicable to cut the mortise through, the fox-tail wedging is adopted; the tenon is made to fit the mortise exactly; the wedges are loosely put into the saw-cuts, as before, and the whole is driven to its place: when the wedges touch the bottom of the mortise, they cause it to spread, and thus hold the tenon firmly in its place. Dovetailing in some degree resembles mortising and tenoning, and is more adapted to uniting toge- ther the angles of framework: the feet of the rafters require the mortise and tenon to be carefully made, and the thrust is destroyed to a certain extent to obtain greater strength: a portion of the rafter is tenoned into the tie-beam, and another small part is let into the upper part of it; both rafter and tenon are cut at right angles with the inclination of the roof: in one example the rafter has two bearing shoulders in its depth, one behind the other, in addition to the tenon which unites them. Struts and braces which are loaded require but little mortising to keep them from sliding out of their places; the more flat their ends can be cut, the more efficient will they be the shrinking of tim- bers sometimes occasions them to become loose, particularly where there is not much stress upon them. King-posts, queens, and principal rafters, which are subject to great strains, should have iron straps or ties, when they unite with the tie-beam, and an iron strap should embrace the head of the kings and queens, and unite with the principal rafters, the feet of which in large buildings sometimes have their abutment in a cast- iron shoe, which prevents the splitting off the end of the tie-beam. The ends of king or queen posts may have a screw-bolt passed into them, which allows the nut to be turned at pleasure, and thus the framing may be tightened again, when shrinking of the timbers renders it necessary : this in many instances is preferable to the iron strap, and keys or screws put in the ordinary way. Whatever form we adopt for the butting joint, we must be careful that all parts bear alike, for in the general com- pression the greater surfaces Fig. 2089. KING-POSTS. Fig 2086. PRINCIPAL RAFTERS Fig. 2087. Fig. 2088. Fig. 2090. QUEEN-POSTS. will be less affected and the smaller undergo the greatest change; when all have come to their bearing they should exhibit an equally close joint, and as large timbers are moved with some difficulty, the joint cannot be often put to the test of trying whether it fits nicely; it must therefore be set out with great precision, and worked with regard to its 1310 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. When lines with exactness; a very small portion of a tie-beam left at the end is sufficient to withstand the horizontal thrust of a principal rafter, and blocks may be used at the ends where the rafters abut to give additional strength. Scarfing a Timber in a perpendicular Direction. the top surface is divided into nine squares, if four are cut down, the other five serve as tenons to enter into as many vacant spaces left in the piece of timber placed upon it; or two may be cut away, as in the side figure, to receive a tenon left on the upper piece. Partitions and Framing for the outside of Buildings, &c., are a species of timber walls, usually covered with lath and plaster, and formed of upright posts, mortised into a head and sill, braced in different directions, and filled in with quarters: the posts are placed at the extremities, as well as at the sides of all doors and openings. When a partition dividing two or more rooms has a bearing which is perfectly solid throughout, it is better without braces; the posts or quarters have only then to be maintained in an upright position, which is effected by driving pieces between them horizontally, so as to strut them, and prevent their bending. Where they rest upon joists, which are liable to shrink, and yield to a weight placed upon them, the par- tition should be trussed in a manner to throw its load on the parts able to sustain it in most houses we find great neglect upon this subject, which occasions cracking in the cornice, inability to open and shut the doors, and many other inconveniences. คา Fig. 2091. The thickness given to partitions which do not exceed 20 feet in length is 4 inches: the posts are then 4 inches square, and the other timbers 4 by 3: when they are of greater extent, they should be increased in thickness: when it is required to make a doorway in the middle, the truss may be formed by the braces, the inclination of which should be at an angle of about 40° with the horizon. When the doors are at the sides, the truss may be formed over the heads; the posts should all be strapped to the truss, and the braces halved into the upright posts. Fig. 2092. PARTITION. The weight of a square of quartered partition may be estimated at from 12 cwt. to 18 cwt., and every precaution should be taken to discharge its weight from the floor on which it is placed, to the walls, which are its best points of support: in ancient timber houses, mills, &c., the fronts or external sides are formed of upright posts, placed at a distance equal to their scantling; these are mortised and tenoned into a top and bottom plate, which serves also to carry the floors: the posts at the angles are of a larger scantling, and into these, which form openings for doors and windows, are framed horizontal pieces, which serve for heads and sills: braces are then introduced, crossing each other, like a St. An- drew's cross: above the lintholes, and beneath the sills, short quarters or punchions fill in the space, and the whole are mortised, tenoned, and pinned together. The framing should be placed on brickwork, or a wall of masonry, so as to be kept quite clear of the ground. Floors. When the bearings are equal, if joists of the same width, but of different depths or thicknesses, are used, their strength is increased in proportion to the squares of their vertical thickness: when the joists are but 6 inches deep, they are in strength to those of 8 inches in depth, as 36 to 64, the square of 6 being 36, and that of 8, 64. The CHAP. XXII. 1311 CARPENTRY quantity of timber in the one case to that of the other is as 4 to 3, so that one-third more timber gives a strength double that of the other. Where square oak joists are used, and the bearing 12 feet, their scantlings should be 6 inches, and laid at a similar distance apart: such a floor contains the same quantity of timber as if entirely formed of 3-inch plank: the strength of timber being as the square of its vertical thickness, it results that the strength in these two instances is 2 to 1: the floor composed of 3-inch plank is only half the strength of the other; but had the whole been formed 6 inches thick, instead of with joists 6 inches apart, it would have been four times as strong, the square of 3 being 9, and the square of 6, 36. Naked Floors are divided into single-joisted, double, and framed, floors; and it must be remarked that unsawn timbers are considerably stronger than planks or scantlings cut out of a round tree: when a tree is cut longitudinally, and formed into two pieces, these will support less than they would do when united in the original tree, arising from the circular concentric rings which compose the tree being cut through, which renders the timber more compressible on one side than on the other; and as the texture is less close where it has been sawn, it is also more susceptible of change from humidity on alternation of temperature. Joists, whose width is less than half their vertical thickness, are subject to twist and bend, if not strutted; and for this reason squared timber was usually employed by the builders in the middle ages; and we have numerous examples, four or five hundred years old, where the timber selected has the pith in the centre, and the concentric rings nearly entire, being in a sound and perfect condition: experience also teaches us that timber, whether sawn or unsawn, used for a floor of 16 feet bearing, composed of 12 joists, 8 inches square, placed at a distance of a foot apart, is much stronger than another of 24 joists, 8 by 4, placed edgeways, at a distance of 6 inches apart, although there is the same quantity of timber in both cases. Single-joisted Floors consist of one series of joists, which ought to be let down or halved on to wall plates of a sufficient strength and scantling to form a tie, as well as a support to the floors; each joist should be spiked or pinned to the timbers on which it lies: wherever fireplaces occur, and the joists cannot get a bearing on the wall, they are let into a trimmer or piece of timber framed into the two nearest joists that have a bearing; into this the other joists are mortised. As the trimming joists support a greater weight, they must be made stronger than the others, and should have inch additional thickness given to them for every joist they carry. When the bearing exceeds 8 or 9 feet the joists should be strutted, or they will have an inclination to turn sideways: the joists in use, being generally thin and deep, require strutting on all occasions, and a rod of iron is often passed through them, which, being screwed up after the strutting pieces are placed, gives the entire floor great solidity and firmness. The weight of a square of single- joisted floor varies from 10 cwt. to 1 ton, and the joists should never extend to a greater bearing than 20 feet in ordinary cases. Fig. 2093. To find the Depth of a Joist, when the length of bearing and breadth in inches is given: divide the square of the length in feet be- tween the supports by the breadth of the joist in inches, and the cube root of the quotient multiplied by 2.2 for fir and 2-3 for oak, gives the depth in inches: a single-joisted floor, which has the same quantity of timber as a double floor, is considerably stronger, particularly if properly strutted, than the latter. The plates, bedded on the walls, upon which the joists are to be tailed down, should have their depth equal to half that of the joists, and their width half as much more; in many instances the plates are not bedded entirely in the wall, but have one half resting beyond the face on corbels let into the wall, at a distance of 6 feet apart. To form the entaille or dovetail great care should be used, to prevent the joist from drawing out of its place, when once pinned down. Fig. 2094. Double Floors are formed of Joists, Binders, and Ceiling Joists: the binders rest upon the plates bedded on the walls, and serve the purpose of supports to the joists which are bridged on them, as well as to the ceiling joists, which are pulleys mortised into their sides when the depth of a binding joist is required, the length and breadth being given, divide the square of the length in feet by the breadth in inches, and the cube root of the quotient, : 1312 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. multiplied by 3:42 for fir, and 3.53 for oak, will give the depth in inches: when the length and depth are given, and the breadth is required, divide the square of the length in feet by the cube of the depth in inches, and multiply the quotient by 40 for fir and 44 for oak, which will give the breadth. The above rules suppose the binders to be placed at a distance of 6 feet from each other. Binding joists must be framed into the girders, and care must be taken that the bearing parts fit the mortise made for them very accurately: the tenon should be one-sixth of the depth, and placed at one-third of the depth, measured from the lower side. When binding joists only are employed to carry the ceiling, their scantlings may be found in the same manner as those of ceiling joists, which are small timbers, and only of a sufficient thickness to nail the laths to; when their length and bearing are given, their depth may be found by dividing the length in feet by the cube root of the breadth in inches, and multiplying the quotient by 0.64 for fir, or 0.67 for oak, which will give their depth in inches. Ceiling joists are usually notched to the under sides of the binding joists, and nailed to them; this is better than mortising, which weakens the binder, and gives more labour. CIRDERS, Fig. 2095. BINDING JOIST. Double-framed Floors depend entirely on the girders for their strength; their vertical thickness should be not less than one-eighteenth part of their length: the practice of halving them down, and reversing their sides, is only beneficial for the purpose of ascertaining the soundness of the interior of the timber used; whenever the concentric rings are cut through, and the series of inclosed cones destroyed, the timber loses a portion of its natural strength: a girder or piece of timber that has its breadth equal to double its thickness, when placed edgeways, will carry considerably more; for with pieces of equal length, the strength is in a compound ratio to the squares of their depth or vertical thickness and their width; thus, a piece of timber 16 inches by 8, placed on edge, is to the strength of the same piece placed flat, as the square of 16 multiplied by 8, is to the square of 8 multiplied by 16, or, as 2048 is to 1024, or as 2 is to 1; but this piece of 8 by 16 inches would not carry the half of what a piece 16 inches square would do. To find the Depth of a Girdler, when its length of bearing and breadth are given. Square the length in feet, and divide this product by the breadth in inches; the cube root of the quotient, multiplied by 4·2 for fir and 4.34 for oak, will give the depth in inches. To find the breadth, when the length and depth are given, divide the square of the length in feet by the cube of the depth in inches, and the quotient multiplied by 74 for fir, or by 82 for oak, will give the depth in inches: in giving the above rules it has been supposed that the girders are not placed more than 10 feet apart; when that distance is exceeded, they must be increased in proportion. The Strength of Girders, or any other piece of timber of the same length and thickness, are in proportion to the squares of their depth; but when the thickness and depth are both to be taken into consideration, then their relative strengths are in proportion to the square of the depth multiplied into the thickness: when the length, breadth, and thick- ness are taken together, the weights that will break each will be in proportion to the square of the depth multiplied into the thickness, and divided by the length: and if we multiply the square of the depth of each piece into its thickness, and divide each product by its length, each quotient will give the proportionate strength of each piece of timber. When it is required to have girders of greater length than 20 feet, it being difficult to obtain timbers of that scantling, it is usual to form them of two pieces trussed and bolted together: the core of such trusses must not be let close into the grooves of the side beams, but must be well secured both at the ends and middle, or a weight laid upon the girders should not bend the braces, which would render them of no use; to prevent this effect, they should not be fitted in close; then the girder can never bend materially, as the side beams cannot do so without shortening their length, and in the act of bending, the braces force against the ends, and act on an opposite direction to the side beams. When the truss is tightened, it is necessary to grease the head of the king-bolt, in order that it may slide freely by the ends of the trusses; and when the workman by a smart blow drives the head of the king-bolt, another should be ready to turn the nut at the same time, so that the girders may be made to camber about an inch in a length of 20 feet: all the stiffness obtained on trussing a girder is by forcing the abutments, or cambering it; but this to a certain extent injures the natural elasticity of the timber, and in the course of a short time the truss becomes a load and useless this has caused the introduction of an iron truss, with an iron tie as an abutment, and thus the compression which took place on the abutments is in a great degree removed. The common method of trussing girders is very defective, and where the depth is CHAP. XXII. 1313 TIMBER ROOFS. limited iron must be employed; a cast-iron girder is much more simple, and less expensive, than iron framing introduced into timber as the means of strengthening it; but as this cannot always be readily obtained, it will be necessary to describe other methods that have been adopted in trussing girders: one of the most simple and best methods is by cutting the girder, for a considerable distance, in the direction of its length, and wedging the upper portions upon the middle, and then hooping it round with iron straps. Another method is to place two pieces of timber like rafters on the upper part of the girder, and which has abutments cut to receive their ends; a stirrup iron passes over the centre, or one is placed on each side at a little distance from it, and these ties are placed square with the rafters: another method is a kind of queen truss; two rafters abut against a straining piece, and are let in, as well as hooped round by stirrup irons; this plan is varied by omitting the straining piece, and introducing an oak block to form the upper abutment. As timber resists more when pressed longitudinally, or in the direction of its fibre, than when it is acted upon laterally, it is advisable to substitute for the piece of oak a plate of iron or lead, or some other incompressible metal; the rafters can then be adjusted, to form a common joint in the middle, and a complete truss; the girder should be suspended in the middle, whilst the iron ties at the extremities are tightened by this means: the girder may then be made to acquire greater stiffness, by having a curvature given it, fitted up with other pieces of timber cut to the camber, and made to fill up the voids between the rafters and the girder. It has been satisfactorily proved that a piece of timber curved on its upper side, and its extremities secured, to prevent its springing, when placed on two supports, and loaded in the middle with a weight sufficient to make it bend one-third of its thickness, if strengthened by another piece of timber, so as to preserve its curve and form an arc, will sustain a weight more than double without yielding. Forming floors with joists of small thickness, where camber timbers are united with straight, so that they are not permitted to spring, is perhaps the most simple method of making them strong; thus for floors where the joists have a bearing of 24 feet in the clear, the depths are made in two, the lower 7 inches in thickness, and the upper, 13 inches, are made up, after cutting the superior surface in a curved form, by laying on them others bent to the curve, by means of iron straps 3 or 4 feet apart, taking care to give to this curve half the difference between 7 and 13, viz. 3 inches, so that the lower joists will be in depth 7 inches in the middle and 4 at each end; we shall thus have joists sufficiently strong to bear any ordinary weight that can be put upon them. Girders may be formed in this way, by uniting several such joists side by side, so that for a bearing of 24 feet, where they ought to have a depth given to them of an eighteenth of this width, or 16 inches, it may be thus done: supposing the under joists to be 7 inches in depth, 9 inches more is required, the half of which is 4 inches, which is the amount of curvature to be given to the upper joists; instead of cutting away any portion of the lower joists, the curved top may be given by furring out the 4 inches in the middle and letting it fall off to nothing at the extremities: on these joists so prepared, with a curvature on the upper sides, the upper joists are laid, and then bent to the lower ones, and secured by means of iron straps: a series of such joists bound together or united forms a guider. Some builders have taken advantage of the difficulty of crushing timber in the direction of its length, and applied it very ingeniously for obtaining strength in a girder: a saw cut is made across the middle of the girder to the depth of one-third its vertical thickness; it is then bent upwards, and when the cut has opened sufficiently, a wedge is introduced into it, thus making it camber, and consequently stiffer, whence it can bear a greater weight; Parent has proved that joists so cut and prepared are one-sixth stronger than those of the same scantling unsawn. Another method of building up a girder, or strengthening a beam, was adopted by Smeaton, which was by bending a piece into a curve, and securing it from bending back by straps and bolts; the additional stiffness so obtained is considerable, particularly if the pieces are properly bolted, or prevented from sliding on each other; the thickness of the bent pieces should be made about the fiftieth part of the bearing, and as many should be added as will increase them to the depth required; when the whole depth of the curved pieces exceeds half the depth of the guider, then straight pieces must be added to the under side, so as to make the entire depth of the straight part exceed that of the curved part: care must be taken, when pieces cannot be found of sufficient length, that the joints do not come in the middle of the length of the lower half of the girder. Roofs, or the Coverings of Buildings, which protect them from the weather, serve also to bind them more firmly together, and a knowledge of the strains to which the various timbers are subjected, as well as what should constitute their relative strength, is one of the most important studies of mechanical carpentry: the various inclinations that have been given to them is perhaps dependent upon the nature of the climate where they are used. In northern latitudes, where there is more rain, and the cold is greater, the pitch is made higher; this decreases as we approach warm and dry climates; in Egypt, the covering of 4 P 1314 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. their houses is almost flat, and forms a terrace, and this is the case in some parts of Italy. The inhabitants of the north have pitched their roofs very steep, for the purpose of more easily throwing off the water; for though it rains more frequently in temperate than in warm climates, the rains are heavier in the latter, and consequently require less inclination in the roofs to carry them off; and the temperature is so elevated, that they become dry immediately the rain is over. Where the rain is more frequent and less heavy, the air is more humid, the water has more difficulty to run off, and the roof takes longer time to dry; consequently a greater inclination in some degree compensates for this. The incli- nation of the roof depends also upon the material that forms its covering: pan tiles require less inclination than flat or plain ones, as the water collects in the hollow, and more easily runs away, and is not so much subject to be driven by the wind under them, as where flat tiles or slate is employed: in very rainy weather, and when fine rain is falling, the under parts of slates and other coverings which have a trifling inclination is almost as wet as the upper, as the water is induced to flow up by capillary attraction: when snow is melting, this is often found to be the case, and the more so, the more smooth and compact the materials which form the covering are, even between two panes of glass, the water will remount between the lapping surfaces, and it. becomes necessary that a sufficient inclination should be given to counteract this effect. As the inclination to be given to roofs, then, should increase with the latitude, we must commence, after quitting the tropical regions, with something like a fall; we find, for the latitude of Athens, which is 38° 5', if we subtract 23° 28', which is that of the Tropics, there will remain 14° 37′ as the inclination to be given to roofs in that city: and upon examining the roof of the Propyleon, we find its inclination to be 1410; that of the Parthenon 151, and that of the Erechtheum 15°. Rome is situated in 41° 54′ north latitude, and deducting that of the Tropics, we have 18° 26′ remaining, which affords us the incli- nation indicated by the term tertiarium, as used by Vitruvius: speaking of Tuscan temples, he observes, "stillicidium tecti absoluti tertiario respondeat," which makes the entire height of the roof, from the gutter, one-third of the length of the horizontal line this system gives precisely an inclination of 18° 26'. The porticoes at Rome do not agree with this inclination, for they vary between 23° and 25°, and which was owing probably to the material with which they were covered being different, in order that the pro- portions of the façade should not be made subservient to necessity: when we give to the height of a roof the fifth part of its span, we have an inclination of 21° 48', which is suffi- cient for flat tiles or slates, and in our latitude we usually make the pitch for pan tiles 27° 24', for slates 33° 24′, and for plain tiles 25° 24'. The simplest construction employed is undoubtedly that which roofs in an excavation made out of the solid rock or earth. Trees pitched one against the other in a triangular form, and well secured at the base, would serve for rafters, which would support either branches, shingles, or cleft pieces laid one over the other, to keep out the weather; upright boarding or palisades to close the gables or ends would then constitute it a rude dwelling. An improvement upon the above method would be that of raising the roof sufficiently above the ground to enable the inhabitants to walk erect be- neath it without sinking a hole in the earth, and which in many situations would be damp, and perhaps occasionally filled with water. Roofs, Vitruvius informs us, were covered with reeds, and sometimes with clay mixed with straw; and Pliny observes Fig. 2096. ; that the ancients made use of Fig. 2097. the shells of tortaises for the same purpose. In Switzerland and in Germany shingles split out of oak and fir are, on account of their lightness, preferred to any other covering. CHAP. XXII. 1315 TIMBER ROOFS. In some of the ancient works on carpentry we have designs for pri- mitive huts, with the principals curved or set out like the pointed arch, or with the ribs of a whale so placed that they are made to carry the weight of the roof. ; The roof is that portion of a build- ing which requires the greatest degree of skill, and where the aid of science is more essential than in any other in our primitive timber houses we ob- serve that much of their construction bears the impress of the labour of the ship-builder rather than that of the carpenter; in the Weald of Kent and Sussex many fine timber structures are still remaining, in which the skill of the carpenter seems borrowed from the mason, for the mouldings and forms introduced are evidently Fig. 2098. imitations of those executed in stone: oak is the material generally employed, and in some instances the corner posts are 24 inches square, and in a perfectly sound state; the roofs are generally highly decorated, the barge boards and pendants which accompany them delicately carved, and present an endless variety of design. Buildings are sometimes found rudely braced by such curved ribs, and which bear a resemblance to a boat turned upwards: these ribs are occasionally made by nailing or pinning together short lengths of thin deal, and securing the plate on which the roof pitches to their sides: rafters laid with a slight pro- jection to throw off the water, and a number of purlins resting on them in a longitudinal direction, require nothing more than the tile, slate, or metal covering to complete the roof. When two or more stories are required, the same con- struction may be made use of; the upright posts and partitions contribute much to the strength of the build- ing, and the curvilinear braces extending from the ground to the ridge of the roof, where they do not in- terfere with the convenience of the apartments, are of considerable service. (- The timber houses in Switzerland, which gene- rally consist of two stories, are fine examples of cheap construction, and when placed upon a basement of masonry, and preserved from the heavy rains, are as durable as if built en- tirely of stone. The roofs are flat, covered with shingles, laid with a good lap one over the other, and 24 Fig 2099. Fig. 2100. 4 P 2 1316 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. sometimes the fronts of the house are cased with courses of wooden tiles with ornamental edges, placed over each other like plates of mail. Circular Chambers are obtained in a roof by keeping up the tie- beams, but at the expense of their utility in such cases the external walls should be of sufficient thick- ness to resist the outward pressure of the feet of the rafters, which can- not be sufficiently held in by the ribs of the curves, or the braces attached to them. Where semicircular ribs are in- troduced, with their lower ends framed into the girders of the floor below, a part of this objection may be removed, and a very convenient apartment obtained: the outer walls should only be carried up to such a height that they can have their crowning-plate affixed or tied to the braces, which are framed into the collar above: this kind of roof is very common on the Continent, and is evidently derived from an- cient examples; to light these apartments a dormer window is constructed, which has its top a little below the collar, or hammer- beam, as it is sometimes termed ; the chambers being appropriated for rest were called dormitories, from whence these windows pro- bably derived their name. In many of our parish churches we find roofs whose length of rafter is equal to the entire width of the building; at about half their height is thrown in a collar, on which stands a tree-post, strutting up the principals: beneath the collar are usually thrown in two braces, which are framed into it and the rafters; such a roof, with a tie-beam to hold in the plates which receive the rafters, endures for ages. Where the tie-beam is omitted, for the purpose of giving a polygonal character to the ceiling, it is necessary to have the walls of considerable strength: over their entire width is a capping of timber, on which the principals rest, and to which they are firmly pinned. The walls of our churches where these roofs are introduced are generally 3 feet in thickness, but if the width of the span be great, buttresses are required at every 10 or 12 feet, to resist the thrust which it occasions: by spreading the feet of the rafters the weight of the roof bears upon the entire thickness of the masonry, and further strength and protection are obtained by an additional short rafter, which projects to the outer face of the wall, and carries the eaves out sufficiently to throw off the water, and prevent its doing injury to the construction. Fig 2:01. . Fig. 2102. Fig. 2103. CHAP. XXII. 1317 TIMBER ROOFS. Semicircular ribs, formed by three thicknesses of deal or other timber, and others of the figure of the pointed arch, are occasionally met with, where timber of large scantling cannot be readily ob- tained; and when well put together and pinned carefully, such a roof has remarkable strength, and will endure for ages. 23 The timber roofs of the middle ages are of high pitch, and formed without any horizontal ties; they are supported by the walls on which they rest, and the thrust of the ends of the principal rafters is counteracted by buttresses of sufficient strength to resist it; indeed the in- troduction of a tie-beam would have destroyed the effect of carpentry framed upon the principles adopted in masonry. The roofs of our churches are usually formed of pairs of rafters, the feet of which are framed into a piece of timber laid across the thickness of the wall, into which at the other extremity is framed an upright quarter, fair with the inner face of the wall; at about two-thirds of its height a collar is framed, in which is supported the tree or post which carries the ridge: beneath the collar two braces are introduced, which give the contour for the ceiling a half-decagon or semicircular form. The plates are usually made of considerable thickness, and the pitch given the roof is as much as their span: some of the roofs constructed in the fourteenth century are of surprising beauty, both for their construction and workmanship: that over Westminster Hall, finished about 1399, is in extent equal to any; its clear span is 68 feet, and its total length 238 feet 8 inches, and its width 66 feet 6 inches, divided into 13 bays. The skilful arrange- ment of its timber combines lightness, strength, and beauty, and its pitch is such that the length of the rafters is about three-fourths of the entire span. This roof exhibits perfectly the con- struction in use before the introduction of tie-beams; and the lateral thrust is prevented by placing at the foot of each pair of prin- cipals flying or arched buttresses, of sufficient strength; these principals are placed at about 18 feet apart, and run throughout the whole length of the building, forming 13 se- vereys or bays of roofing: each pair of principals comprehends one large arch, resting on stone corbels, which project from the wall at a dis- tance of about 21 feet from the base line of the Fig. 2105. Fig. 2104. ELTHAM HALL. 4P 3 • BOOK 11. · 1918 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. roof. The ribs that form this arch are framed into a beam, which connects the rafters in the middle of their length: within this large arch is introduced another, which has its springing on a level with the base line of the roof, and this is supported by two brackets, or half arches, issuing from the springers of the main arch; each of the trusses acts like an arch, and by placing their springing below the tops of the walls, a better abutment is obtained. Eltham Hall is internally 101 feet 4 inches in length, and 36 feet in width, and is divided into 6 compartments or bays; the length of the rafters is about four-fifths of the span, so that it has not so great a pitch as that of Westminster Hall. In this example the arches are obtusely pointed, and struck from four centres. The trusses at Eltham have a greater quantity of timber in proportion to their breadth than those of Westminster, but the walls and buttresses are much lighter. Crosby Hall, finished about 1470, is internally 69 feet by 27, and is another fine example of these admirable works in oak timber : three ranges of pendants form the chief ornament and variety. Hampton Court Great Hall was completed about 1537; its di- mensions internally are 106 feet by 40 feet; the flattened pitch at the top is a novelty in this kind of construction. The Hall of Christ Church, Oxford, is 115 feet by 40 feet; that of Trinity College, Cambridge, 100 feet by 40 feet; the New Hall at Boreham, 90 feet by 40 feet; that of the Middle Temple, London, 100 feet by 44 feet; Lambeth Palace, 93 feet by 38 feet; Guild- hall, London, 153 feet by 48 feet. Fig. 2106. HAMPTON court. In examining the principles of the beautiful roofs, of which we have so many remaining in England, we find that the pressure against the walls is sometimes too oblique, and that the buttresses have yielded after the strong plates, laid upon the walls, had given way, as is the case at Eltham. These timber roofs originated in the reign of Edward III., and were common to all large halls: they were executed with the best quality of well-seasoned oak timber, admirably put together with oak pins; the mouldings all cut out of the solid, and set out upon simple principles; the halving, mortising, tenoning, and framing, performed with the greatest nicety, and no iron work of any kind, not even a nail, used; their pitch varies in most examples, but the loftiest were the earliest built. The greater portion were originally covered with lead, of a weight equivalent to 10 pounds to the foot superficial. The roofs of some of the early buildings in Brittany, where timber is not abundantly produced, are exceedingly simple in their construction; the principals have the form of a pointed arch, or inverted boat, and are formed on masonry or rubble work: the walls are car- ried up upon them to the necessary height, and then cut to the rake of the roof. The walls of the houses are brought up to a level, and then quarter circles described determine the commencement of the roof. In many parts of Germany, barns are erected upon this principle, using timbers instead of masonry: fir planks are united in the form of a pointed arch, into which a piece of timber is framed resting upon the top of a plate, mortised on to the head of an upright post: upon this is laid a rafter, which carries a number of purlins to receive the boarded covering. The same system is adopted in Holland to houses of two or more stories; the principals are formed of solid timber, and placed about 12 feet apart; the outer walls are framed together, and the spaces between the timbers filled in with brick; the timbers are painted yellow, the rooms admirably arranged within, forming convenient houses at a moderate cost for people of the working classes. CHAP. XXII. 1319 TIMBER ROOFS. Tie-beams, at their introduction, com- pletely altered the principles of framing roofs; the ends of the rafters were now held together at the feet, by framing them into a horizontal piece of timber which acted like a rope, and resisted their being pulled asunder, in the direction of its length. When a heavy body is supported by two pieces of timber, A C and BC, its effects depend upon their position; the far- ther the ends of the timbers are apart, the greater is the strain upon them: the weight resolves itself into two forces, one in the direction of each beam. The weight W might be sup- ported upon an upright post in the direction of Cc, where its vertical force is equal to the weight: this may be resolved again into two forces, acting in the direction of the beams, that would produce the same effect as the vertical force Cc. If the vertical line Cc be drawn through the centre of the weight, and ac be drawn parallel to the rafter or beam A C, also be parallel to BC; then the weight and pres- sures exerted will be found thus: b 10 C Fig. 2107. с Fig. 2108. W E as the line Cc, is to the line Cb, so is the weight W, to the pressure in the direction of the beam Ac: and as the line Cc, is to the line Ca, so is the weight W, to the pressure in the direction of the beam C B. If the position of the beam were that shown by the dotted lines CE the magnitude of the strain would be considerably increased on both beams: by drawing lines parallel to them in this position, expressing the weight by the line Cc, then the pressure on the beam, in the position CE, is expressed by the line Cd, instead of Ca, and the strain on CA by the line Ce; we find that considerable strains are often the result of comparatively trifling weights, when a change is made in the position of the supports A, B, and E. By drawing out a variety of diagrams we are enabled to form some idea of the changes which posi- tion can effect, and to judge of the alterations in the duties which the several timbers com- bined into a truss or piece of framing have to perform; the object of the carpenter ought always to be that of not relieving one piece at the expense of another, but of so arranging the whole that the burden may be equally distributed. B E An easy method of ascertaining how much each sus- tains is, by passing a string over two pulleys, as B and C, and tying another to any point at A, which has a weight attached to it at W: if the sum of the weights b and c be greater than the single weight W, it is a position in which they may be placed, and will allow the three weights to be at rest, or in equilibrio. When the whole is in this state of equilibrium, draw the figure on paper, and from a scale of equal parts make A F equal to the number of pounds contained in the weight W, and continue the line BA to E, and draw the line EF parallel to AC: then FE measured on the scale will express the number of pounds on the weight at c; and the length of A E by the same scale will show the number of pounds in the weight b. When the three weights are equal, the three lines A F, FE, and AE will be equal, and all the angles round the point A, where the perpendicular string is tied, will be equal. When these three forces are in the same plane, and meet in a point, they are always in equilibrio, and the forces are represented by the three sides of a triangle drawn parallel to the directions of the forces. When a weight is kept at rest by three forces, and any two are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle, the third side, taken in order, will show the magnitude and direction of the other force. F W Fig. 2109. 4 P 4 1320 BOOK II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The sides of triangles are as the sines of the opposite angles, and when three forces keep a body in equilibrio, each is proportional to the sine of the angle made by the other two: the weight W, for instance, is as the sine of the angle A E F, the weight b as the sine of the angle AFE, &c. &c. When the framing of a roof, or a pair of principals, are drawn upon paper to a scale, the proportion of the forces may be correctly ascertained in this manner, without further calculation, at least suffi- ciently near for all practical purposes. Tie-beams con- R C F C W о necting two rafters at the feet prevent their spreading; and the horizontal strain given to the tie-beam is depo- sited with the entire weight, and without any thrust upon the walls. The triangle is the strongest form that can be given to framing; suppose three pieces of timber united by pins, such a triangle will not alter its form; but if the top pin be drawn out, the two inclined sides will revolve round the other two pins; but as long as the three pieces of timber are of the same length the figure will retain its form. The pins, upon which any pair are held together, are free to revolve in circles, before the third is put in, but this makes no difference to its strength or its form: from this very simple principle two important rules are elicited for framing timbers, and which show that all framing should have the figure of a triangle, with the largest or most obtuse angle that can be obtained, or that the application will admit of, care being taken to prevent the sides from bending. Fig. 2110. To properly brace a piece of carpentry, so as to resist any force that may be applied to it, and to give it the necessary stability, requires careful arrangement, and considerable knowledge in the art; but the chief object to be attended to in framing a roof is to provide against any alteration in the form of the triangle made by its principals, or the sagging or bending of the tie-beam, which is the longest side of it. In determining the scantlings of the various timbers, it must be borne in mind that the load the roof has to support is equally distributed over their whole surface, and which never need be calculated at more than a floor has to carry. The timbers are, however, more apt to shrink, and alter their form by change of temperature, and oak is more subject to this than fir. The principals of a roof may be regarded as the girders of a floor, the common rafters as the bridging joists, but there is the advantage of giving the principals additional strength by framing and trussing them, which cannot be done so readily with the girder; and the more at right angles to the rafters the strutting pieces are placed, the firmer and stronger the roof becomes. The most advantageous method of employing a piece of timber, so as to have its entire strength, is to place it perpendicularly, as in a king-post, which not only holds up the tie- beam where it is the weakest and inclined to sag most, but, when properly strutted, forms with the principal rafters a complete truss. A collar in addition to the tie-beam placed half-way up the principals, and acting as a coupling, has not the stability of the king- post with its braces, which transport the weight of the purlin to a point or points which contribute to its strength. Some of the roofs used between the fifteenth and seventeeth centuries had their principals set out in the form of an equilateral triangle; a collar was framed into them, and on this rested a king-post, into the head of which the tops of the principals were framed and pinned; two short struts were placed above the collar, from the king to the rafters, and two others below the collar were also framed into the principals: on the principals were pinned blocks, to support the purlins without cutting into them, and the common rafters had their feet framed into a small plate, which laid fair with the outside of the wall; they were also securely pinned to the purlins and the ridge piece, which rested on the top of the king-post or tree-post in the middle. This formed altogether a very solid roof, but required a quantity of timber, and of course a considerable expense: the tie-beams generally, for roofs from 25 to 30 feet span, were in depth equal to an eighteenth part of the width between the walls, and all the rest of the timbers in proportion. In some early buildings, where it was required to improve the rooms obtained in the roof, the tie-beams, on which the floor rests, are placed two or three feet below the level of the pole-plate, upon which the common rafters pitch: by forming a semicircle over the tie- beam, composed of crooked or cut timbers, and introducing above it another tie framed into the principals, and again strutted on to the ends of the lower tie-beam, a convenient arrangement for a room is obtained: above the upper tie was introduced the tree-post, with a collar and struts, which deposited the weight of the upper portion of the roof on to the tie-beam, supported partly by the middle of the arch. CHAP. XXII. 1321 TIMBER ROOFS. Mansard's Roof, as it is termed, is curbed, for the purpose of keeping down the height of a building, or obtaining a more capa- cious apartment within it; the whole is usu- ally arranged within a semicircle, but its system may be said to consist of four pieces or rafters hung together in such a manner that, if inverted, they would naturally assume the form given to them. · AW MANSARD'S ROof. The tie-beam in this case, which holds the wall plates together, are the common joists of the building, and the principals and struts above the collar, which hold in the curb-plates, are proportioned to their uses. F g. 2111 Many granaries and storehouses of considerable extent are constructed in a very simple manner, and have their roofs in a single span the entire width is divided into four parts, two of which are given to the middle. Upright posts with braces framed into the joists, which extend through the entire width, support the middle of the rafters: as they are equally balanced, they have but little outward thrust. It is the ge- neral practice in England, where the span of the roof exceeds 25 feet, to adopt the king-post and tie-beam, and not omit the struts. Where it is required that the backs of the common should lie even with those of the principal rafters, the purlins must be framed into the side of the latter, or strapped up with iron. When the tie-beam is Fig. 2112. SECTION OF A WAREHOUSE. placed at a height above the level of the plates on which the rafters pitch, it is called a collar: the chief object in framing a roof should be to make it neither too heavy nor too light, though the former is often preferred to the latter, from the idea that weight upon the walls adds to their stability, so long as it is not sufficient to crush them. P Fig. 2113. ROOF With tie-bram. 1322 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. When the upright posts are omitted, for the sake of obtaining a spacious room, it is necessary to hold up the tie-beams, so that they are prevented from sagging; and where two or more stories are required in a roof, as in theatres, every means must be taken to render them secure. At the Palais Royal, in Paris, is a remarkable roof of considerable span, with two floors within it: the tie-beams are scarfed together, and hung up to the rafters by strong stirrup-irons. The roofs of the houses in Flanders are frequently contrived to contain three or more floors, and examples exist of more than double that number: when the building is of a considerable span, and the roof true pitch, it is important that the space it contains should not be entirely useless; upright posts and partition walls generally sustain a portion of the load that such an arrangement must produce. In theatres and large assembly rooms, where the whole weight of the roof is laid upon the outer walls, difficulties often occur that require considerable skill on the part of the constructor, to avoid the danger which ac- companies them. The first study should be directed to securing the feet of the principal rafters to the ends of the tie-beams, and wherever a joint occurs in the length of the latter to hold it up, and prevent it from sagging; the more securely the timbers are framed together and made to resemble an entire truss, the less is their liability to dis- arrangement, which often occurs through hanging additional weight to the several floors contrived within it, or the bending or pushing out of the walls of the building. Fig. 2114. ROOF AT THE PALAIS ROYAL. In some instances, as at Louvois, the great weight of the roof is deposited below the tie-beam by an angular brace, at the foot of which is a tie-beam hung up to pendentives D Fig. 2115. ROOF AT LOUVOIS. attached to the principal rafters, where the collar that supports the king-post is framed in: another iron strap secures the collar to the post, and binds all firmly together. : Several methods have been adopted to brace the rafters together where tie-beams have not the king-post to hold them up in some examples, on one side is a stirrup-iron, and on the other a brace; the latter is rather calculated to deposit weight than to uphold it, whilst the foriner, which performs both services, is to be preferred CHAP. XXII. 1323 TIMBER ROOFS. The carpenter should avoid as much as possible the effect of all cross strains, or those which are transverse; and in the ar- rangement of the timbers of a roof, he should never em- ploy a very open angle at a point where a load is to be supported, the obli- quity of the two pieces forming the an- gle requiring them to exert a great force, in order to oppose a much smaller one. If the two braces forming the ob- tuse angle in the present figure con- sisted of wood cut across the grain, and the piece joining their extremities were cut in the usual manner, the oblique pieces would contract more than the others in drying, and the angle would be- come more obtuse, so that the strain would be increased considerably be- yond what it was at first. Fig. 2116. ROOFS WITH TIE-BEAMS SUSPENDED. At the Theatre of St. Martin, at Paris, which is of considerable span, the timbers are arranged for the convenience of the scenes, which are in many instances suspended from it; shores or supports are consequently necessary to discharge or bear the great weight to which the several floors are subject, and they are admirably placed for the purpose. The angle of inclination of a roof varies much, and is dependent in a great degree upon the nature of the material with which it is covered. A steep roof is absolutely necessary in climates where there are considerable falls of snow, and we must always bear in mind, that the horizontal force exerted by roofs of all kinds is proportionate to the length of a line perpendicular to the rafter, descending from its ex- tremity till it meets another similar line drawn from the opposite rafter. ד N The transverse strain which a roof is required to bear, and which tends to break the rafters, is better provided against in one of low than in a high pitch, supposing the number of posts and braces equal in each for when a weight is to be borne by a rafter, whether it be placed in the middle or equally dis- tributed throughout the entire length, the rafter neither gains nor loses force by being lengthened or raised higher, while the horizontal span continues the same. Fig. 2117. THEATRE OF ST. MARTIN. In the Palais Royal, at Paris, over the larger apartments the several floors are all hung by irons to the principal rafters, which are so strutted and braced that they effectually 1324 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. resist the strain to which they are subjected: the feet of the main timbers are secured by iron straps, and from the outer walls are projecting corbels, to afford a firm rest to the joists and braces which are framed into them. The obliquity given to a rafter lessens the effect of the weight which it bears, precisely in the same ratio that its length diminishes its strength: for in all beams, when lengthened, there is an additional weight to be supported, which diminishes their strength, and in calcu- lating that of rafters, we must remember that the slight flexure produced by the transverse strain diminishes their strength by resisting a longitu- dinal force. Fig. 2118. M U U A U ROOF AT THE PALAIS ROY. ROYAL. In framing the feet of the principals into the tie-beam, care should be taken to place them at some little distance from its extremities, at the same time not allowing them to be projected a long way within the walls, which might occasion the bending of the tie-beam, an evil which often occurs when the slant of the roof is very flat; in many of our churches covered with lead, this portion of the construction is very faulty. Every roof, however well put together, must undergo some change from its original form, from the shrinking of the timbers, but a scientific knowledge of this fact will sometimes prevent any great evil from arising; to know how much a piece of timber will yield when compressed will enable us to give it such dimensions that its form will be retained, and its efficiency continued : when any part of a roof assists in suspending the floors below, it becomes important to consider the nature of this new strain, and to provide properly for it. In the present example, the upper floor forms a portion of a trussed arch, which assists in carrying the principal rafter at the point where the suspension rods are attached, and as long as the feet of the rafters are maintained in their place, there is perfect security, provided also that the tie-beams are not drawn asunder, which hold in the wall plates and corbel timbers beneath them. A truss of this description will bear great weight, as it forms but one piece of framing, the timbers of which cannot pull out, each being acted upon in the manner of a strut, and if of a dimension to resist bending, there is no danger of the whole retaining its strength and usefulness. Iron rods are now often substituted for king-posts, and all other situations where beams perform the office of ties, and it is advisable to introduce iron sockets whenever it is possible, to receive the ends of all braces and struts, so that the principal timbers may not be weak- ened by cutting mortises or notches to receive them. The principal rafters may be set in an iron shoe, which may be bolted down upon the tie-beam, and every purpose of a mortise answered without the labour of cutting it or destroying the strength of tie-beam. Although iron is twelve times heavier than fir timber, it is more than twelve times stronger, therefore CHAP. XXII. 1325 TIMBER ROOFS. both equal in weight and strength, when properly proportioned. Roofs which are de- pendent upon the principle of a truss and straight tie-beam should have all their tim- bers proportioned to the duties they perform, and few subjects deserve more attention, as it seldom happens, that in large buildings we can place the several timbers exactly where the strength of the roof requires them. The Theatre at Bordeaux has a fine example of roof, which is adapted to all the purposes required for the arrangement of the scenes: the whole, strutted and braced in a judicious manner, is partly curbed, and the plate, where the bend is made, is secured by a piece of timber bolted to the tie-beam. A curb roof is sometimes preferred, both on account of a greater space being contained within it than a plain roof of the same height, and of its exerting less strain on the tie-beam or abutments: the carpenters of the middle ages thoroughly understood the mechanical prin- ciples by which the equilibrium of a roof could be maintained, and the examples they have left us are de- serving of our particular tention and study. at- • :. #IL | #[113 Fig. 2119. THEATRE AT BORDEAUX. Roofs of theatres, or any building where the opening is too wide to be spanned with one or even two pieces of timber, are generally framed by a combination of pieces, which in some degree assume the property of an arch constructed in masonry, but their principles of sta- bility differ: all carpenter's work is dependent upon the strength of the material and manner in which it is framed or put together. When timber is strained by a force that destroys the balance existing throughout its parts, that strain should be examined, and it should be decided whether it is produced by stretching or compressing: in all framing there will be one point in a neutral state, as in a solid piece of timber. 1326 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. At the Palais of Versailles is a roof of novel construc- tion, which has two collars, resting upon two upright posts on each side, to allow of a passage between them. Theatres admit of such an arrangement, the space be- tween the two upright posts on each side the roof being usually devoted to the passage which conducts to the several boxes in front of the interior part. The ceiling of the pit is suspended to a king-post, strengthened on each side by a long strut that braces the whole together. At the Italian Theatre at Paris, the roof was formed by a double arrangement of principal rafters, SO strutted and braced as to have strength enough to hold up the floor by means of iron rods, which covered the entire width of the theatre. Fig. 2120. PALAIS AT VERSAILLFS. When roofs are constructed in this manner additional strength would be obtained by the introduction of a St. An- drew's cross between each pair of upright struts, framed between the upper and lower principal rafter; these bolted together would form a strong truss, and support or hold up a considerable weight; the abutments require to be held firmly in their position, and in the present example the lower strut was introduced to discharge a portion of the weight upon the floor below, where the outer walls are tied together. The collar or beam under the king-post also acts as a strut, to prevent the sagging of the truss into which it is framed. Fig. 2121. THEATRE Des italiens, at paris. Roofs without tie-beams are frequently used where height is required in the building they cover, but, with all the care possible, it is difficult to frame them so that they will Fig. 2122. ST. MARTIN'S, PARIS. CHAP. XXII. 1327 TIMBER ROOFS. resist depression, or to hold their form sufficiently to maintain the outer walls erect; the shrinking of the timbers is another cause of change. Over an assembly room at Brussels, the coved ceiling was carried up to the under side of the rafters, and scarcely any space was lost; the abutments were produced by the aisle formed by the columns on each side, which were strutted above, so as to insure perfect stability. In roofs of this description the framing might be so equally balanced upon the up- right post, that there would be little or no disposition to thrust out the external walls: such construction has been adopted by the builders of small houses in the neigh- bourhood of London, who have balanced their rafters upon the two internal partitions of the house, which Fig. 2123 ROOF AT THE BALL ROOM AT BRUSSELS. have enabled them to carry up the outer walls a few feet in height above the upper floor, and thus gain more head-way in the attic than could be obtained if the rafters were framed into a tie-beam in the ordinary manner: but the construction is faulty, and ought not to be adopted, as it is liable to push out the outer walls, if not very accurately executed. A similar principle to that in fig. 2123. was adopted by Sir Christopher Wren, and has been followed by several architects since his time: buildings divided into four equal parts, two of which are given to the centre, may have this roof applied with great advantage; the coved ceiling being extended to the very summit, every part of the space comprised beneath the rafters is available. The circular ribs, formed of several thicknesses of plank, are strapped to the principal rafter, and abut against the upright posts, which carry the weight of the roof. The Roof over the Pantheon, or St. Genevieve, at Paris, is contrived to permit the cur- vature of the vault to rise above its springing: another roof in the same building is diffe- Fig. 2124. ROOF AT ST. GENEVIEVE, PARIS. rent.y framed, and has a considerable quantity of timber bestowed upon its arrangement, which is remarkable for its strength. The two side walls are tied together by strong oak plates; over that on the inside is an upright post, strutted on each side to the principal rafter: a collar framed above the struts prevents the posts from being forced out of their perpendicular position, and an iron bolt 1328 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. holds up the collar, in the middle of its length, to the king-post; a brace parallel to the principal rafters unites the several portions of the framing together: three purlins on each side support the common rafters, forming a roof that could be lifted off in one entire piece. A Fig. 2125. ROOF AT ST. GENEVIEve, paris. At the Opera des Arts, at Paris, over the proscenium, it was necessary to have a lofty and spacious room for the purpose of mounting the scenes and other useful purposes; this is admirably contrived, and the principal timbers of the roof are so framed as to resist any effects they might be subject to when heavy weights were suspended from them. - א. Fig. 2126. ROOF AT THE OPERA DES ARTS, PARIS Roofs framed with pieces of timber which act as struts as well as braces are both simple and strong in their arrangement. CHAP. XXII. 1329 TIMBER ROOFS យុ a Fig. 2127. Pfeiffer executed several roofs in Germany, which derive con- siderable strength from the intro- duction of inclined timbers, which serve the double purpose of hold- ing up the tie-beam to the prin- cipal rafter, and strutting them : where timbers act as struts and ties an iron bolt is almost indis- pensable to secure the joints; but as the carpenters of the middle PFEIFFER • CONSTRUCTION of roof. Fig. 2128. roof at st. PAUL, ROME, ages seldom introduced iron into their framing, they were obliged to form their joints in such a manner as to answer the same purpose; the shoulders of the timbers were accurately cut, to fit both the principal and tie-beam, into which they were framed and secured by an oak pin; as long as the latter resisted fracture or draw- ing down, the framing remained entire, and from the observations made upon several ancient roofs so constructed we rarely find that any injury has taken place. 어머 ​Fig. 2129. roof at RIDING-SCHOOL, MOSCOW, AS IT IS at present. The celebrated roof of St. Paul's-out-of-the-walls at Rome exhibited an admirable con- struction, and was perhaps one of the earliest where the upholding the tie-beams by iron rods was introduced. The riding-house at Moscow, which at present exists, covers a considerable area; it is framed in an admirable manner, upon the same principles; a series of ties and struts in succession are united into one simple and complete truss. King Post Roofs, or their principle, we find adopted very early in Italy, and particularly in the basilicas at Rome: in the church of St. Paul-without-the-walls, where the span is nearly 79 feet, was a finely constructed roof destroyed by fire a few years ago: it was con- structed of fir timber, and consisted of pairs of trusses, placed 15 inches apart, and each pair rested on the walls, with a distance of 10 feet 6 inches between them. The manner in which the trusses were framed together was as simple as it was ingenious, and a remarkably strong roof was formed by it: a king-post received the upper ends of the principal rafters, which were about 22 inches by 15; a collar or straining piece 15 by 12 abutted against the heads of two queen-posts, the position of which was maintained by additional timbers, placed under the principals, and forming a double thickness where the greatest strength was required. The Tie-beams were formed by scarfing two lengths of timber together, and securely strapping them with three stout irons; their scantling was 23 inches by 15. The Collar, or upper tie-beam, was placed at two-thirds the height of the king-post, and by the introduction of the pairs of queens the tie-beam was hung up in three places to pre- vent its sagging; such a suspension of the tie-beam by the middle, and again at 14 feet on each side of it, exhibits a thorough knowledge of the true rules which should direct the car- penters: no tie-beam should exceed the length of 15 feet, without some precautions similar to these being adopted, to prevent it from drawing in the wall plates and crippling the truss. In this example we have an early instance of suspending the tie by means of the heads of a king and a pair of queens, and which is now universally adopted, though the irons which have been used for the purpose have been variously formed; sometimes bolts and at others stirrup-irons secured by keys have served the purpose. 4 Q 1330 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The simple King-post Truss is usually adopted in buildings where the span does not exceed 30 feet, and the rise given to it varies as the inclination of the rafters are formed to receive different kinds of covering: for thatched buildings the height is made equal to half the span; for pantiles two-ninths; plain tiles two-sevenths, and for slate one quarter, a quarter of the span forming an inclination of angle of 2610. The king-post suspends as well as supports, and must be proportioned according to the span; its scantling may be found by multiplying the length of the post in feet by the span Fig. 2130. KING-POST roof. in feet, and again their product by 0.12 for fir and by 0·13 for oak, which latter product will be the sectional area of the king-post in inches; by dividing this area by the breadth, or by the thickness, either may be obtained; the area divided by breadth gives thickness, and divided by thickness gives breadth. Tie-beams have two strains, one in the direction of their length, and the other from the weight of the ceiling, or whatever is suspended from it: the thrust of the rafters is never so great as to pull the beam asunder, and the chief strain which the tie-beam is subjected to, and which is to be guarded against, is the weight of the ceiling, or any thing which induces it to sag in the middle, or any other part of its length. The weight it carries will be proportional to the length which is unsupported: where a ceiling has to be supported, the scantling of the tie-beams is found by dividing the length of the longest unsupported part, by the cube root of the breadth, and then multiplying the quotient by 1·47 for the depth of fir in inches, and by 1.52 for that of oak: where rooms or warehouse floors are held up or supported, then their strength must be provided for in the same way as for girders. To find the scantling for the principal rafters, where the king-post is in the middle, multiply the square of its length by the span in feet, and divide the product by the cube of the thick- ness in inches: for fir, multiply the quotient by 0-96, which will give the depth in inches. Struts and Braces must be proportioned to the effect they have depending upon them, or upon the load they are to carry; when they are placed at the back of the principal, in a right angle, or perpendicular to its inclination, the strain upon them is the least, and when the same inclination is given them as to the roof, the same strain is thrown on the principal as is borne by the strut. By multiplying the square root of the length supported in feet, by the length of the strut in feet, and then multiplying the square root of the product by 0.8 for fir, the depth may be obtained, which multiplied by 0-6 will give its breadth in inches. Common Rafters, being uniformly loaded, they are usually made 2 or 24 inches in thickness, and their depth is found by dividing the length of bearing in feet by the cube root of the breadth in inches, and multiplying the quotient by 0.72 for fir or 0.74 for oak, to obtain the depth in inches. Purlins must have their scantling proportioned to the distance the principals are apart, and as the weight diffused over them is uniform, the stiffness is reciprocally as the cube of the length. By multiplying the cube of their length in feet, by their length of bearing in feet, the fourth root of the product will be the depth in inches for fir; or, multi- plying by 1.04, will give the depth for oak: this multiplied by 0-6 will give the breadth. Purlins should never be framed into the principal rafters, which are weakened by having mortises cut into them; it is better to lay them on the principals, and simply notch down and secure them; when the purlins are weak, the roof is materially damaged, proper strength being of the highest importance to them. When king-post roofs are adopted, the following scantlings for the chief timbers may be adopted. Span. Tie-beam. King-posts. Principals, Struts. Feet. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. 20 9 by 4 4 by 4 4 by 4 4 by 3 25 10 by 5 5 by 5 5 by 4 5 by 3 30 11 by 6 6 by 6 6 by 4 6 by 3 CHAP. XXII. 1331 TIMBER ROOFS. Queen Post Trusses have two suspending pieces, and are used when the span is above 30 feet up to 45 feet; there is an advantage in this species of framing which is not obtained where the king-post is introduced, viz. a passage or space available for many useful purposes: where queen-posts are used each is so placed that it bears one-half the span: to find the scantling of one of these suspending pieces of timber, multiply its length in feet by the length of the tie-beam it holds up in feet; and then multiply the product so found by 0.7 for fir and 0.32 for oak, to obtain the sectional area in inches of the post: Fig. 2131. QUEEN POST ROOF. dividing this area by the thickness in inches, the breadth will be obtained: these rules apply to the smaller portions of the posts; the heads must be made as small in addition as possible, as there is then less inconvenience from their shrinking. Carpenters are generally not disposed to use much iron for their trusses, and to dispense as much as possible with straps and stirrup-irons: the most ancient method adopted was to wedge them up, and where oak was employed, and that well seasoned, it seems fully to have answered the purpose. The straining pieces between the heads of the queens, in order that its strength may be as great as possible, its depth should be to its thickness as 10 to 7: by mul- Fig. 2132. QUEEN POST ROOF WITH STRUTS. tiplying the square root of the span in feet by the length of the straining piece in feet, and then extracting the square root of the product, and multiplying it by 0-9 for fir, the depth in inches may be found: to find the thickness, multiply the depth by 0.7. The Roof of the Teatro Argentino, at Rome, has a span of about 80 feet, and its slope is about 24°: a short king-post without any side braces receives the upper ends of the principals, and by means of an iron suspends or holds up a collar beneath it, which abuts and frames into the heads of two queens: by this arrangement the tie-beam, which is formed of three pieces of timber, is held up at four places. The whole roof is of fir, and admirably executed. The heads of the queens are strutted on to the ends of the tie-beams, which rest on other timbers laid like corbels on the walls; the whole is sufficiently strong to hold up any scenes that are required to be suspended to them: there are twelve purlins, which carry the common rafters on each side, and the covering is tile, of considerable weight. The Roof of the Odeon is of oak, and similar in design to the above: its span is about 78 feet, and its angle about 34°, so that the stirrup-irons which hold up the tie-beams are considerably longer. The scantling for the principal timbers of queen-post roofs may be thus stated : — Span. Tie-beams. Queens. Principals. Struts. Straining piece. Feet. in. in. in. in in. in. in. in. in. in. 35 11 by 4 4 by 4 5 by 4 4 by 2 7 by 4 40 12 by 5 5 by 5 5 by 5 5 by 21/ 7 by 5 45 13 by 6 6 by 6 6 by 5 5 by 3 7 by 6 50 13 by 8 8 by 8 8 by 6 5 by 3 9 by 9 55 14 by 9 9 by 8 8 by 7 5 by 3 10 by 6 60 15 by 10 10 by 8 8 by 8 6 by 3 11 by 6 4Q 2 1332 BOOK II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Purlins of 6 feet bearing may be 6 inches by 4; of 8 feet, 7 inches by 8; of 10 feet, 8 inches by 6; and of 12 feet, 9 inches by 7: where the common rafters have a bearing of 8 feet, they may be made 4 inches by 2; 10 feet, 5 inches by 21; 12 feet, 10 inches by 21 Roof of St. James's Church, Piccadilly, is admirably contrived, and is one of Sir Christopher Wren's best designs for a covering to a church or large building where tie-beams cannot be introduced. The breadth of the church is 63 feet, which is divided into five equal parts, three of which are given to the nave, the others to the side aisles. The principal rafters are framed into a plate which rests on the outer wall, and on the capitals of the columns an upright post, immediately over the capitals, supports the principal at about one-third of its length, and a semicircular arch simply cradled is placed between these upright posts, and abuts against them: above this arch the principal rafters are held together by stout collars; the timber framing or the principals is prevented sliding by the St. Andrew's cross intro- duced over the side aisles. Sir Christopher Wren describes this roof as the cheapest he could invent; it is both convenient and beautiful in its application and arrangement, and it is astonishing that it is not more generally adopted: over the side aisle galleries between every pair of principals are semicircular arches at right angles with the main arch, which rest upon the returned entablatures, so that no portion of this roof is hidden or unemployed. The length of this church is 84 feet, the breadth 63, and height at the centre of the vaulting 42: with its galleries it will contain upwards of 2000 persons. Roofs trussed with Iron Rods. Over the passengers' shed at the Croydon railway station, London Bridge, is an ingeniously constructed roof, 54 feet span, formed by a series of struts and iron rods, placed 4 feet apart: the tie-beams camber about 6 inches, and are 12 by 6 inches; the principals are 9 by 6; the struts 6 by 4, and the p r.ins, which have a 12 feet T Fig. 2133. CROYDON RAILWAY Roof. bearing, are 8 by 3; 14 inch boarding with a zinc covering lays upon the purlins without the aid of common rafters: the iron rods or bolts are 1 inch in diameter; that which forms the centre or king passes through the ridge piece, against which the two principals abut; there is great stiffness and economy in this system of construction, and the whole has a light effect, and it is evident that the more at right angles to the inclination of the prin- cipals the wooden struts are placed, the greater will be the strength. The Roof of the Hall of Christ's Hospital, London, constructed by Mr. Shaw out of Baltic timber, possesses considerable strength: the walls, 3 feet 6 inches thick, are 15 feet apart in the clear; the rise of the roof in the centre, from the under side of the tie- beam to the top of the principals, is 9 feet 4 inches; it is queen-post trussed, and the tie- beams are held up at five different points, or at every 8 feet 6 inches; the principals are distant from each other 17 feet; the length of the hall is 187 feet, and the breadth 51: every precaution has here been taken to unite the feet of the principals with the ends of the tie-beam, and their weight at the ends is partly borne by iron standards, which rest on shoes worked into the wall below. The principals taper, and are 12 inches by 9 inches at the feet, and 9 inches by 9 inches at the top; the tie-beams are 14 inches by 14 inches; the straining piece between the heads of the queens, 12 inches by 9 inches; the struts 6 inches by 6 inches: between each pair of principals is a pair of main rafters, supported by five longitudinal trusses, and which are also made to carry the ceiling-joists These lon- gitudinal trusses bear upon the principal tie-beams, which are 17 feet apart from centre to centre; the middle longitudinal truss comes under the ridge, and is very strongly braced; the lower beam is 12 inches by 7 inches, the king-post 6 inches by 6 inches, and head 12 inches by 6 inches; the struts 6 inches by 6 inches: into the head of the kings are lodged the main rafters, which are 7 inches by 5 inches; on these are laid the common rafters longitudinally to receive the boarding, which is laid in the direction of the slope of the roof; so that the lead which covers it is not so subject to derangement as when the CHAP. XXII. 1999 TIMBER ROOFS. I Fig. 2134. Fig. 2135. Fig. 2136. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, LONDON. boarding is laid the reverse way. The two other trusses on each side are similarly framed, the heights being varied to suit the top of the roof: that of the pairs on each side of the centre is 5 feet from the under side beam to the under side the main rafter; the outside pair are only 2 feet 9 inches in height from the same points. Pantheon, Oxford Street, constructed from the designs of Mr. Sidney Smirke, exhibits some novelty in the roof, which is admirably adapted for its purpose; it is formed of teak and fir: the centre opening, or the width between the pillars, is 37 feet 3 inches; the pillars are in thickness 2 feet 1 inch, and the side rooms in the clear 23 feet 5 inches, so that the clear space between the walls is 88 feet 3 inches: a semicircular rib, formed of three thicknesses bolted together, and having iron abutments, spans the centre⚫ the middle rib is of teak, 5 Fig. 2137. PANTHEON, LONDON. inches thick; the other or side flitches are fir, each 2 inches thick, and their depth in the smallest part 16 inches: the under side of these is scribed to the curve of the roof; the top is left polygonally, so that the abutting ends of each piece is broader than in the middle; cast-iron shoes receive the feet of each rib, and the three thicknesses are bolted together at the ends. These nine semicircular ribs, when they rest on the pillars, are framed into upright tim- bers, which form king-posts to half trusses; these half trusses assist in opposing the lateral thrust of the semicircular ribs, as well as carry the roofs and ceilings of the side galleries. The tie-beams are 14 inches by 6 inches; the principals taper, being at bottom 13 inches by 6½ inches, and at top 11 inches by 6 inches; the large strut is 11 inches by 6 inches, and the smaller 9 inches by 6 inches, and 7 inches by 6 inches: a cast-iron shoe, resting on a stone template, receives their ends where they rest upon the wall, which it is calculated would be of service, should the ends of the timbers at any time decay. At the other end, where the king-post unites with the tie-beam, is a cast-iron shoe, with sockets and flanges, made to unite by means of a longitudinal iron plate, at the head of the main pillars, which are also of iron: the lateral compression of the timbers is provided for by the introduction of iron shoes. 4 Q 3 1334 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The intermediate ribs, between the iron pillars, rest also on iron shoes, fitted on to the heads of upright pieces, which rest on the centre of the longitudinal plate, which is in two thicknesses, 12 inches by 12 inches, and has a bearing of 22 feet. The principals which form the truss are 12 inches by 9 inches, and they rise 7 feet 8 inches: thus the entire weight of these intermediate ribs is thrown by means of this simple truss on to the main pillars. The roofs over the galleries are covered with slate, the other part with cop- per, laid on diagonal boarding supported by longitudinal rafters notched on the great ribs. For roofs of considerable span an arrangement of horizontal and vertical iron ties has been successfully employed; and timber, as in the present example, when framed with care Fig. 2138. Fig. 2139. E ゴ ​ Fig. 2140. ROOFS WITH HORIZONTAL TIES. answers the same purpose, and is not so costly; each horizontal timber becomes a strut and a tie, and should be placed perpendicularly to perform the same office. Roofs with iron ties are now commonly preferred for manufactories: at the Butterley + Fig. 2141. BUTTERLEY IRON WORKS. CHAP. XXII. 1335 TIMBER ROOFS. iron works, they are executed with great strength, lightness, and economy of metal: the small vertical and horizontal rods acting as ties are made of wrought-iron, and the principal rafters and struts, which incline at the same angle, are of cast-iron; such a series of triangles may be extended over roofs of almost any span, if due allowance be always made for the ex- pansion and contraction of the metal. Fig. 2142. is a design for a roof, in which iron and timber are combined: the vertical rods suspend the tie-beam, and when tightly screwed up bring the ends of the struts home against Fig. 2142. the principals and tie-beam, forming a very strong truss; the purlins may be supported by a truss similar to that in the under side of the figure, by which means the entire roof will be braced in every direction. Roof of the old Riding-house at Moscow. The Emperor Paul, whilst travelling through Europe in the year 1781, saw at Darmstadt an extensive riding-house, and on his arrival at Moscow he commissioned his engineers to construct a similar building. Rondelet, upɔn Fig. 2143. ROOF OF OLD RIDING-House at moscow, as it was formerly. the authority of Kraft, has given the design for a building 1800 feet in length and 290 feet in width, the interior being 220 feet, which has been copied and often described in works on carpentry, but it never existed except on paper. M. Betancour has furnished in Bruyère's work the design for the building erected at Moscow, which was commenced under his direction in June, 1827, and completed in the short space of five months: this riding-house is 531 feet in length, and 160 feet in width in the clear. The foundations were dug 13 feet deep, the bricks were made on the spot, and the timber used in its construction was brought from the neighbouring forest. The walls were built up to the level of the ground, 14 feet thick, and above were 8 feet 6 inches. A scaffolding composed of 1500 posts was raised level with the tops of the walls, for the purpose of supporting the chief timbers of the roofs. The principals were at first 19 feet • Q 4 1336 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. D. D apart, one over each pier, and one against each pediment, making altogether 32 pairs: after they were raised, and the supports taken away, it was found that the tie-beams deflected 2 inches more than was calculated upon, and at the end of four months the deflection increased to nearly 5 inches; this occasioned the whole to be reconstructed, and the principals were then placed only 13 feet apart. The tie-beams were formed of two thicknesses of timber scarfed together, each 12 inches square, one laid upon the top of the other, forming an entire beam 24 inches deep and 12 inches wide; at every 3 feet of its length were introduced iron bolts, 1 inch in diameter; double keys of oak, driven into notches formed at equal distances between the two beams, assisted in resisting the horizontal drawing of the two extremities; the middle of the tie-beams was drawn up Fig. 2144. 13 inches by the middle or centre post, which is 34 feet in length, or of the total span, forming an angle of 21° 48′; above the chief tie-beam are three others placed horizontally at equal distances, which are tied together in a similar manner: a number of designs have been given by the most celebrated engineers of Europe for roofs of this kind, in which iron and timber are used to the best advantage. Fig. 2145. roof of the original rIDING-HƆUSE, Moscow. The rafters, if formed of several stout timbers, are capable of supporting considerable weight, when held firmly at their abutments, and the tie-beams strongly bound together, to prevent any drawing out, may be suspended to the principals: a series of iron straps or bands passed round the feet of the principal rafters, and secured to the tie-beams, will Fig. 2146. ROOF OF THE _Riding-HOUSE, MOSCOW. effectually prevent any rising or spreading of the main timbers; but for still greater security the introduction of an iron rod has been suggested in lieu of a timber tie-beam: CHAP. XXII. 1337 TIMBER ROOFS. such an arrangement would no doubt retain the curved or bent timbers in their original position. Fig. 2147. RIDING-HOUSE, MOSCOW. E In making the joints where struts and ties unite, great attention is requisite, particularly when they are intended to hold up a suspending rod or timber: the joint should always be at right angles with the timbers, and the head of the piece they are to sustain cut to fit that arrangement, in order to prevent it being pulled through; the irons or stirrups for holding up the tie-beams or other large timbers are attached to a pin made to pass through them, but there is no better method than that which allows the iron to strap entirely around the timber it is to hold up. M 園 ​AWY { Fig. 2148. 3 RIDING-HOUSE, MOSCOW. Fig. 2149. Philibert Delorme, in a work published in 1561, describes a method of constructing roofs and domes with timbers, or rather planks, of short lengths, and which is only objectiona le on account of the labour necessary in putting them together: one of these roofs covered the stables of the Tuilleries, at Paris, and after remaining perfectly sound and secure for 234 years was demolished to make way for some improvements in the palace: the arches were formed of two planks, about 9 inches in width, cut into convenient lengths for the required form; this seldom exceeded 4 feet, and when applied to each other to form the rib, they were so laid that the ends of one set came in the middle of the length of the others: mortises in length double their width were then made in them, through which were longitudinal ties, and these had a small wooden pin passed through them, on each side of the circular ribs, to keep them in their upright position, or prevent their twisting. In some of the buildings executed by this celebrated architect, the span of the roof exceeded 60 or 70 feet; two ribs were then used, so put together that they partook of the character of hollow voussoirs, and were very strong; indeed there is scarcely any span where, if properly proportioned, they might not be applied. * Designs are also shown for the construction of girders to carry floors upon this principle, which are well adapted for lofty rooms intended to have coved ceilings, and by placing the ribs in pairs the whole might be covered in a very regular way: when this system is applied to domes, we must commence by tracing out the true curve to be executed, and laying on this mould the first range of planks; when it is intended for a simple roof, the under side of which is not to be formed into an arch, the planks must be placed below the curve line traced; if for a vault, above it, but always in such a manner that the lines may be traced upon them; when the ribs are to be curved above and below, then the I SAA Book IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2150. planks must cover the two lines of the curve or mould, that the true sweep may be obtained throughout. Philibert Delorme fixes the length of these planks for every kind of curve at not more than 4 feet, but this rule may be oc- casionally departed from, when we have to follow a curve which is irregular ; it is perhaps better to take such lengths as shall enable us to divide the curve into an equal number of parts, the length of which may vary in each division. When these lengths are de- termined upon, draw lines perpendicular to the curves, which will indicate the direction to be given to the joints of the boards; after these are cut and adjusted, a se- cond row is so dis- posed that its joints will fall over the middle of the planks O Fig. 2151. philibert Delorme's SYSTEM OF Rroof. LU Fig. 2152. PHILIBERT Delorme's SYSTEM Of roof. CHAP. XXII. 1339 TIMBER ROOFS. of the first row, it being requisite that the planks at the ends should either be half or once and a half the length of the others. When the two planks are properly adjusted, they are then to be united, by first cutting the mortises, through which the ties are to be threaded, which are to unite the principal ribs with each other; these ties are to be of the same thickness as the two planks, and their width four times as much; they are also mortised on each side the ribs, into which are introduced the wooden keys or pegs, the size of which are proportioned to the ties. Fig. 2153. SHED ROOF. As some objection has been made to this construction, on account of the labour required in cutting the number of mortises, making the longitudinal ties, and introducing the pins, that the whole may be firmly united, it may be well to consider if much of this labour might not be dispensed with, and the construction not be weakened: it might no doubt be effected by securing the ties either to the upper or lower parts of the ribs, or both; the boarded covering pinned on to them, or properly spiked down, would almost serve the pur- pose, and thus avoid an expense of labour, which is rather calculated to weaken the ribs, by so frequently cutting mortises into them. When the ribs can be cut out of 8-inch plank their thickness is to be 1 inch, and this is sufficient for a roof of 25 feet span; for one of 38 feet the width of the planks must be 10 inches, and their thickness 14 inch; for a span of 60 feet they are to be 13 inches, and their thickness 2 inches; for 90 feet 2 inches, and for 100 feet 3 inches. * X 哥 ​At Libourne, in the department of the Gironde in France, is a riding-house with a roof, erected in 1826, under the direction of A. R. Emy, colonel of engineers, which is an improvement upon the principles of Philibert Delorme. The internal diameter at the springing is 68 feet, the clear width between the walls a foot more, and the roof springs 25 feet above the floor. The system adopted for the construction of the ribs was first suggested in 1811 by M. de Saint Phar, who proposed to make the arches of a bridge of bent planks: in the riding-house roof neither mortise nor tenon is used in the arrangement of the bent timbers: and Fig. 2154. ROOF OF HOTEL DE SALM Kersbourg, paris. 1340 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the construction is so simple that few work- men were required to raise it. There are fourteen main arches or principals, and the walls, though exceed- ingly thick, are further strengthened with buttresses: each principal is composed of five thicknesses of timber throughout; these were bent to their form on the floor, and then raised in a body to their situation. Marac, near Ba- yonne. This roof, constructed also by M. Emy, in 1826, is 65 feet 6 inches span, and 187 feet in length; each principal is a Fig. 2155. LIBOURNE. semicircle, composed of deals 2 inches in thickness, 5 inches in width, and about 40 feet in length; they are about 10 feet apart: 21-inch planks placed end to end form one arch: none of the bent timbers have more than three joints, ordinarily two, and there are never more than ten or twelve to a principal. The principals are held at every 10 feet distance by pendant binding pieces which have a horizontal con- nection under the soffite; these passing over the prin- cipal rafter form a strong and irresistible piece of framing. Where eight or more timbers or thin planks are bent one over the other and bolted through at short distances, the shape of the arch is not likely to be much varied; but with all the pre- cautions that have been hitherto taken this cannot be insured. The difference between this system of construction and that of Philibert De- lorme chiefly consists in the planks being employed in the reverse manner to each other: the method practised by the latter architect would at first ap- pear the strongest, as the depth of the deals or planks is greater than their width, from their being placed edgeways: in the other system, thin boards are bent upon a cylindrical mould; then united firmly together, being rendered strong by their inability to spring; should this, however, occur Fig. 2156. MARAC, NEAR BAYONNE, CHAP. XXII. 1341 TIMBER ROOFS. in any layer, the whole truss loses its continuity, and becomes weak, and liable to fracture in that part where iron bolts are passed through, not only do the holes bored to receive them produce mischief by weakening the series of planks, but the bolts prevent that neces- sary play between each layer which is conducive to its strength: the manner in which the side-pieces are attached contributes very much to the stiffness of the whole, as, being united above and below, there is no fear of the planks starting or changing their position: where tangential timbers can be laid on the extrados of these arches, and united to the pendant side-pieces, a further security against any change of form is insured. The solid content of an arch constructed of bent timber being ascertained, an estimate may be readily made of its cost, and the contrast between it and the ordinarily framed roof easily made: a series of rafters laid longitudinally may carry the slate or tarred paper covering, and all expensive fram- ing be dispensed with. 1 O O ם a Fig. 2157. Fig. 2158. SECTION OF PRINCIPALS. Other roofs of far greater span have been constructed by the same engineer, who after many experiments suggested the employment of a double curved rib having different radii : these, held in at the springing, were in the spandrill space braced by timbers arranged like St. Andrew's crosses; iron bolts or timber binding-pieces pinned at the sides hold the masses together, and form a most effectual support to either tiles or slates that may be laid upon them. Roofs of bent timbers may be formed in the same manner as adopted for the construction of bridges by M. Wiebeking, who employed pieces of as great a length as he could obtain, and then bent them to the form of the required curve: joints should, if possible, be entirely dispensed with; nothing should be introduced which in any way can weaken the strength of the ribs, or render any part of them liable to decay. As timber shrinks but little in the direction of its length, there is no inconvenience arising from this circumstance, when planks are bent one over the other whatever change takes place is either in the width or thickness of each layer, and this may occur to a considerable extent without disturbing the strength of the entire rib but when the timber is not : : 1342 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. thoroughly seasoned, by paying attention to the work some time after its execution, the ligatures which strap or hold the several pieces together may be tightened, or wedges introduced, so that each plank may be brought to its bearing. Fig. 2159. RIDING-HOUSE ROUP. Where brick or stone can be readily obtained, it is often far less expensive to construct a series of arches in one or other of these materials, and to lay the purlins on them to support the common rafters many custom-houses in France, and buildings destined to receive mer- chandise, are so formed; semicircular brick or stone arches, 100 feet in diameter or more, span the entire building at every 15 or 20 feet of its length, and these alone support and carry the roof. There is in such an arrangement far less labour required, and as great durability, and the centres used for their construc- tion are of a very simple kind, one serving for each successive arch; run- ning on wheels upon strut timbers or two iron rails they can be readily moved; and as the first course is con- tinued through or over its entire surface, the rib is wedged up, and the weight taken off the rollers beneath it. form a covering with a flat arch upon this principle, three curved ribs have been employed, which strutted and bolted together have the strength of a solid timber. Bent timbers are made use of for a variety of purposes, and care should always be taken, when heat is applied, to give them the necessary curvature, that it is general and equal throughout. Το m Fig. 2160. LIBOURNE. O CHAP. XXII. 1343 TIMBER ROOFS Fig. 2161. RIDING-HOuse, libourne. Sheds for Ship Building are of various kinds : those constructed at Rosieres in Francs are very simple, resting upon posts placed upon a solid mass of masonry: a series of such spans must be rendered secure at their commencement, and the two outer need some additional security at the feet of the rafters to prevent their spreading. At the ship- yards of L'Orient, the roof, composed of iron and bent timbers, is supported by arches and columns of masonry; light being admitted to the ship- wrights by dormers constructed along the sides at the springing of the roof: occasional ties are here requisite, which are above the vessel when it is let off the blocks to be launched. Fig. 2162. SHEDS FOR SHIP-BUILDING. Fig. 2163 LONGITUDINAL SECTION. The walls of masonry and post above are well adapted for the struts and braces intro- duced to receive the middle gutters placed between the several roofs in succession; and the water is ingeniously led from them by pipes into a drain formed within the wall below, and conducted into the ocean without injuring the inclosure: when the timber is well seasoned properly framed together, and all injurious effects from the rain prevented, roofs formed in that manner will endure for a length of time: it is always necessary to provide against the action of strong winds by bracing the sides in every possible position. 1544 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. Where timber cannot be obtained of sufficient scant- ling for the principal rafters, they may be made in two thicknesses, or be placed side by side, and the hanging-post, which is sus- pended from the apex of the roof, may be secured by an iron head cast to receive the principals, and to admit of the introduction of a screw-bolt or iron tie, against which the lower struts may abut. Roofs of large span where Tie-beams are omitted.— As ships are now built under cover, and the dock is pro- tected from the weather, the most convenient as well as economical con- struction is that of the roof of equilibrium: many of these roofs are upwards of 100 feet span, formed of a combination of trusses, so Fig. 2164. SHED FOR Ships at l'orient. } с supported that they perfectly balance, in the same way as the principals of a Mansard roof. To balance a roof or a pair of principals, framed alike on both sides and loaded equally, so that it does not fracture, requires some little knowledge of the various strains to which its parts are subject, and also care in the direction given to the posts that support it: for as these posts constitute the main strength, every cross strain by which they can be affected tends to weaken them as sup- ports. The centre of gravity of one-half the fram- ing, which is easily found, we will suppose at C, fig. 2165. and 2166.; a vertical line car- ried through this point from g will cut the horizontal line, cb, drawn through the middle of C, at b: a line drawn from this point b, through B, will give the proper direction for the post; this, however, is some- times, for the sake of convenience, placed perpendicularly; the weight of the roofs has then been found to cause fracture at BC, or to yield at the points A, B, C, c. من A Fig. 2165. Timber roofs are supplanted by others constructed entirely of iron, partly cast and partly wrought: some of wrought-iron, lately erected at the Woolwich Dockyard, are b B a A Fig. 2166 SHEDS FOR SHIP-BUILDING. B CHAP. XXII. 1845 TIMBER DOMES. noveities of their kind, and admirably fitted for their purpose: although their first construc tion may be far more costly, they will in all probability supersede timber structures, on account of their greater security against fire. It has been suggested to form roofs of bent timber for the purpose of covering the building docks in our shipyards: when the depth of a piece of timber does not exceed 120 of its length, it may be curved easily, and its elastic force not be destroyed, if its versed sine is not more than an eighth of its span: two pieces may be so bent and laid one over the other, by first securing one end by a cord or iron strap, and then pulling down the second piece to the back of the other; a number of layers may be thus brought down upon each other, and secured by bolts or ties. Domes and Cupolas. To construct these in timber it is usual either to frame trusses entirely across the opening, or, where the ties cannot be allowed, to form the ribs, which carry the covering like a series of centres, thus dispensing with the ties. The dome of the Val de Grace at Paris is an example of the first kind; it is composed of four principal trusses, two of which cross the others at right angles, leaving an opening to the cupola in the centre: sixteen half trusses converging to the centre, arranged at equal distances around the dome, carry the rafters, which support the covering: such constructions 22 M 27/2 $222 Fig. 2167. DOME AT val de Grace AT PARIS. as the above admit of application where the exterior effect is alone considered, or where it is merely required to cover in and protect a hemispherical dome of masonry: it is evident that the interior cannot be made available either for use or decoration, in consequence of the timbers which are introduced. Dome of the Invalids, at Paris, whose external diameter is 90 feet, is another example, compised of two principal trusses, which cross in the middle at right angles, and unite in a double upright post; each quarter of the dome, or the space between these principal 4 R 1846 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. trusses, is filled in with two half trusses of the same kind, and four smaller ones, which are sustained by great braces in their proper position. Fig. 2168. dome of the INVALIDES AT PARIS. Dome of the Assumption, at Paris, designed by Errard, is an example where the interior may be rendered available to effect, and to the purposes of decoration; its principles are laid down by M. Stierme, in Krafft's work on carpentry: two trusses cross each other at right angles in the middle, and these, with twelve others arranged intermediately around the dome, all converge to the centre, and carry the lantern. The principle adopted in the setting out was to form first a square, the side of which was determined by the height to the under side of the lantern: where the diagonals of the square so set out cross each other a point was established, determining the radius of the inner dome, which is perfectly hemispherical: this point is found by elongating the line of face of the inner wall, until it intersects the diagonal, establishing the height at which the horizontal tie is to be placed. The inclined posts, which carry the chief weight, are tangents to the curve of the inner dome, and are each framed into two struts, that support the outer rib of the dome, which carries the covering: five horizontal and concentric ties, at regular and parallel distances, maintain these four principal ribs in their true position, and, being framed into them, bind them together. The Church of St. Mark, at Venice, exhibits a dome of very early construction, its date being assigned to the year 1085; after its erection some additional timbers were intro- duced by Giacomo Sansovino, in 1530, which act as inclined shores to bear up the cupola: the outer diameter is about 51 feet, and its height 60: it forms a covering to a brick vault beneath it. The lower portion is cylindrical, and is framed throughout its circumference with upright posts, set at a distance of about 2 feet from centre to centre; they are united at the top and bottom by circular plates. The hemispherical portion of the dome is composed of stout double planks, so put together that each forms a sort of rib; these are united by four horizontal ties placed at regular distances: the exterior is covered with planking bent round to receive the lead. CHAP. XXII. 1947 TIMBER DOMES. 88 Fig. 2169. STIERME'S SYSTEM FOR A DOME. In the example given of Stierme's construction of a dome, we have a horizontal tie intro- Juced above the curve, into which are framed two upright posts that form the sides of the lantern above: on the drum wall or cylinder that carries the timber dome two circular plates or curbs are first laid, generally formed of two thicknesses well bolted together: considering the dome to consist of four such trusses, as shown in the figure, they may be placed to cross at right angles, each pair being parallel to the other, and situated at a dis- tance apart that suits the framing of the lantern. The Church of the Salutation, at Venice, has a timber dome, the outer diameter of which is 80 feet; it covers an interior brick hemispherical vault, which has an opening of nearly 13 feet diameter. The exterior is formed of planks, in four thicknesses, laid one over the other, united together by nails: ninety-six of these ribs, each about 6 inches in thickness, have their lower ends let into a circular plate, formed of four thicknesses of plank, which lie over the attic cornice: at the top they are framed into a curb or plate which bears upon eight columns, placed round the opening of the brick dome: the lantern and its balustrade externally is partly supported by this arrangement; eight additional posts are introduced to carry the weight of the obelisks, which surround the base of the lantern. To keep the ribs which form the outer dome from spreading, they are hooped round with iron at about one-third of their height, the hoop being 5 inches wide, 4 R 2 1348 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2170. DOME OF The church of the SALUTATION AT VENICE. and half an inch thick, secured by an iron pin to each rib: stout laths are nailed on the backs of the ninety-six ribs to carry the lead covering; and where the joints are formea, additional wooden rolls are fixed to dress the lead round. CHAP. XXIII. TIMBER BRIDGES. SWING BRIDGES. - DRAWBRIDGES. -ROPE BRIDGES. CENTERING. - SCAFFOLDING. TIMBER bridges are general in all countries where timber abounds, and where cheap- ness and expedition are important; it has its objections in being less durable than either brick or stone, but, if covered and protected from the weather, may be made to last a considerable time. Bridges constructed of timber, so that they may be easily repaired when decay takes place, have also their inconveniences, as the traffic across them must be stopped whilst the workmen are employed: they are undoubtedly of very early invention, and may be considered as strong platforms crossing rivers, and preserving an uninter- rupted communication. Among those built by the Romans, we have the description left CHAP. XXIII. 1949 TIMBER BRIDGES. us by Julius Cæsar of one over the Rhine: Alberti, Palladio, and Scammozzi, have each attempted to design its form; but their ideas upon the subject differ materially. 路 ​Fig. 2171. CÆSAR'S BRIDGE, Cæsar tells us that two pieces of timber 18 inches square, after being pointed at their lower ends, were sunk into the river, and afterwards driven 2 feet distance from each other by means of machines; these piles were inclined a little; two others were driven at a dis tance of 40 feet opposite them, inclining in the contrary direction; these two pairs of piles Q Fig. 2172. Cæsar's bridge. were united by a transverse beam at the top, which was in thickness 2 feet, and properly secured: on these were laid joists in the direction of the breadth of the river, which were covered with hurdles to sustain the road. On the side below the stream inclined piles were driven, which supported the bridge against the force of the current, and above the bridge were others, to protect it from injury against floating masses, as trees or boats: it was completed, and the troops were enabled to pass over it in ten days. Alberti fastens the girders to the heads of the piles by ropes instead of two bolts (binis fibulis), as perhaps the text implies: Palladio has introduced two pieces of timber for their supports, halved and bolted into the sides of the inclined piles: Scammozzi gives a double tie of cordage: Perrot d'Ablincourt attaches these cross-beams or girders by means of several enterties, which seems justified by the text. 4 R 3 1350 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Trajan's Bridge over the Danube is shown in bas-relief upon the triumphal column erected to that emperor in Rome: its construction was timber resting on stone piers, and so framed that it was both solid and durable; three rows of concentric arches united by binding pieces formed each division; these abutted upon timbers radiating with the curve, which were framed into heads and sills, again strengthened by braces and struts; the joists which car- ried the floor traversed the bridge, and rested on strong plates which were laid on the backs of the timber arches. The parapets were formed of perpendicular pieces with a St. Andrew's cross between them, united at the top and bottom by a longitudinal sill and head. Fig. 2173 TRAJAN'S BRIDGB. This construction is admirable, though more strength might have been introduced in the carpentry, which rests on the piers and forms the abutments to the concentric arches which span the river; they would then have resisted more perfectly the thrust to which they are sub- jected; horizontal timbers driven between the struts, particularly between the heads of the shorter, would have added materially to the strength, and given those timber abutments greater power of resistance to compression. The Pontus Sublicius at Rome was an earlier wooden bridge, and constructed 500 years before the Christian æra, under the reign of Ancus Marcius, one of the first kings: all that we know of it is that it could be taken to pieces, and that neither iron nor nails were used in its construction; the timber was united by solidly framing it together, using wooden pins to secure it. Sublicius is derived from sublica, a pile, which indicates that the platform or roadway was supported by them, driven at regular distances from each other: this bridge is mentioned as that so valiantly defended by Horatius Cocles. Most of the timber bridges that have been constructed since the fall of the Roman empire exhibit in their design one or other of the twelve principles which we are about to describe. The first principle that we can adopt is that of a single beam, or one composed of many thicknesses: if the lower, which spans from A to B, is laid flat, the others, as P', C', P, C, m a ཁྱཻ༤ AT Fig. 2174. C P C' P FIRST PRINCIPLE. IB may be cut tapering, and as they are laid upon each other either bolted or strapped together to make one entire mass: by this means the requisite increase of depth towards the centre inay be given, to support any weight for which it is destined. The second principle, as adopted at the bridges of Schaffhausen, Zurick, Landsberg, Wit- tingen, &c., has the tie-beam to constitute the abutments for the compressed timbers; con- Fig. 2175. SECOND PRINCIPLE. sequently there is no thrust exerted against the walls, as the entire timber-work may be re- garded as a trussed frame. The third principle was introduced at the Kandel Bridge by Joseph Ritters, but here it is requisite that the abutments should be made sufficiently strong to resist the entire thrust : sometimes the tie cannot be made use of; then we are obliged to adopt some such method as here shown. The fourth principle exhibits a different arrangement for beams that are compressed; CHAP. XXIII. 1351 TIMBER BRIDGES. Fig. 2176. THIRD PRINCIPLE. instead of abutting against the pendant timbers, as in the third example, they are laid over each other, and constitute in effect but one beam. Fig. 2177. FOURTH PRINCIPLE. The fifth principle is a modification of the preceding, and is particularly adapted to a bridge where long pieces of timber cannot be obtained: the bridge of St. Clair, over the Rhone, Fig. 2178. FIFTH PRINCIPLE. at Lyons, is so constructed, as it was not found possible to obtain timber of sufficient depth and breadth. The sixth principle was adopted at the bridge of the Mulatière at Lyons, over the Saone; such were the bridges constructed over the Thames formerly at Kingston and Walton: Fig. 2179. SIXTH PRINCIPLE. there is no advantage gained by shortening the beams, because the angles of junction being more obtuse, the strain in the direction of the length is considerably increased. The seventh principle exhibits a framed rib, but it must be remarked that the weight to Fig. 2180. SEVENTH PRINCIPLE. be applied in the middle must proportion its depth: a number of curved ribs may be so put together that they will resist either extension or compression. 4 R 4 1352 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The eighth principle shows a different combination of bent timbers, where the framed voussoirs are dispensed with, which sometimes are found objectionable, from the diffi- culty of making all the joints fit properly, and their liability to decay. Fig. 2181. THE EIGHTH PRINciple. The ninth principle does not materially differ from the last; the pendant binding pieces are placed perpendicular, and do not diverge to the centre, from whence the bent timbers are curved. Fig. 2182. THE NINTH PRINCIPLE. The tenth principle is a continual lattice, or open beam, so proportioned that it has been made to span very wide rivers in America. Fig. 2183. LATTICE bridges. Fig. 2184. The eleventh principle, called Long's, does not consume so much timber or labour, and has been much employed in America: it consists of a series of St. Andrew's crosses between Fig. 2183 long's ameRICAN BRIDGE CHAP. XXIII. 1359 TIMBER BRIDGES. upright posts, the head and sill into which they are framed being bolted well together by iron rods: the depth or height of the framing is proportioned to the span; the string pieces are formed of three timbers, the posts and braces of two, and the counter beams of one. The twelfth principle is that of suspension, and is admirably adapted to spans of almost any re- quired extent: the platform is supported by hang- ing up the under transverse timbers by iron rods, which pass over a saddle, also of iron, placed at the top of two long piles, driven in with the requisite inclination to support them. The chains, which are suspended from pier to pier, are sometimes placed beneath the platform, as in fig. 2189., upon the prin- ciple now generally used for trussing longitudinal timbers, which system is far more economical. A combination of these principles is sometimes found adapted to bridges of different span: Bruyere has given us the method by which we may form foot and other timber bridges in a firm and solid manner. Kraft, in his work on carpentry, has suggested for foot-bridges the hexagonal struts and binding- pieces, as shown in fig. 2190, 2191.: and the same author prefers for bridges, over which loaded carriages are to pass, that the timbers should be arranged polygonally, and held together at their Fig. 2186. ONE DIVISION OF LONG'S AMERICAN bridge. joints by binding-pieces: over the piles a St. Andrew's Fig. 2187. SECTION OF LONG'S AMERICAN BRIDGE. Fig. 2188. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. Fig. 2189. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 1354 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING cross is constructed, upon which the timbers that carry the road are laid. Another form for bridges of considerable span is that in which a Fig. 2190. BRUYERE'S SYSTEM. Fig. 2191. BRUYERE'S SYSTEM. series of polygonal timbers cross over the junctions of the ends of each other, and are then bound together by the pendant or inclined binding-pieces. In the system adopted by Bruyere the pendant binding-pieces are placed parallel with the sides of a square, the diagonal of the square, in bridges of small span, being a per- pendicular let fall from the centre of the bay, (fig. 2190.) When the distance between the piers is increased, the timbers that sup- port the platform have an hexagonal form, as in fig. 2191., the struts which spring from the heads of the piers being placed paral- lel with the sides of the square: the several thrusts and pressures are all ad- mirably provided for in these designs. When the stream is tranquil, and not subject to floods, piers may be intro- duced, so as not to interfere with the navigation; and their number may be lessened, where Fig. 2192. SYSTEM OF POLYGONAL TIMBERS. long pieces of fir timber can be obtained; where oak is used the pieces should be as short and of as small a scantling as possible, to avoid expense: but whenever piers of masonry can be adopted, they should be preferred, as the ice in its descent cannot injure them, if properly con- structed and protected. The system of poly- gonal timbers offers con- siderable facility for the employment of short lengths, and is adopted for small bridges, where economy is an object; but a number of joints in- creases the liability of movement in the parts, and it is necessary to in- Fig. 2193. Another SYSTEM With polyGONAL TIMBERS. CHAP. XXIII. 1355 TIMBER BRIDGES. troduce struts and binding-pieces in the position, where such a change in the arrangement is likely to occur. The timber employed in the construction of a bridge requires to be considered in a different manner to that in ordinary buildings: besides the weight of the framing and roadway, there is a constant vibration, from the movement of carriages and passengers over it, and the timbers so acted on affect one portion at a time. As the load passes over, the timber immediately bearing it bends, and recovers itself when the weight is removed: experience, however, proves that we must not permit any portion of the structure to bend beyond its powers of elasticity or its ability to recover the original form; constant action upon timber in the course of time destroys its flexibility, and experiment teaches us that the elasticity of timber decreases with time, and particularly when subjected to the effects of a momentary action by a load passing over it. But the momentary load is less dangerous to its strength than that which acts continually, so that in valuing the strength of a piece of timber to support the heaviest weight to which it may be subjected when immovable, there will be no danger in applying it to a bridge. Timber of good quality and properly seasoned endures a great length of time, particularly if protected from moisture and the worm: the alternations of humidity and dryness occasion a constant change in the movement of the fibres, and in the course of a few years an entire disorganisation. When trees are growing, that portion of the wood nearest the heart is the strongest, but when their growth ceases, the other portions acquire the same strength, and when on the decline, the change commences at the heart, so that the outer parts, or those nearest the bark, are the most to be depended upon: when decay has commenced at the pith or heart, it extends by degrees until the whole timber perishes; too much care cannot be taken in the selection of timber, and it is well to observe the dimensions of the trees in the forests, that afford the supply, and to choose only those which are beneath the average diameter, so as to be certain that decay has not already commenced. Timber is often cut down the middle for the purpose of ascertaining if the heart be sound; when the concentric rings are destroyed there is less resistance offered to pressure than before. Where timber is free from attacks by the worm, and no change has taken place at the heart, humidity and alternate dryness are the only effects we have to guard against: the fibres on the exterior become more saturated with moisture, which they take in from the atmosphere, and again readily yield when the air is heated, and the surface being that portion more exposed to frequent alterations, its disorganisation will commence first, the fibres lose their elasticity, and, no longer exerting any resistance, a diminished scantling is the result. Timbers employed in bridges may be considered as losing a portion of their scantling every year, and consequently their strength: the bridge in the course of time, no longer able to support its load, must fall, and this ruin is delayed so long as the proportion given to the timbers admits of the annual loss, without reducing its scantling below the minimum that would bear the weight imposed upon it: in consequence of the cost increasing with the extra scantling of the timbers, we are restrained from making them perhaps so large as they ought to be in the first instance; true economy, however, consists in using the quantity of timber sufficient to bear the required weight. There can be no difficulty in ascertaining the weight or load to which any piece of timber is subjected, after the rules already given: these may be applied to timber either singly or collectively, but they must be carefully analysed and calculated. Of Piers. These are usually composed of one, and sometimes of several rows of piles, driven in the direction of the current; but the best plan is to drive the first so that their heads may be cut off immediately below the water, and on them to construct a platform of timber, into which the posts which carry it may be framed: this construction has a considerable advantage, as the parts above water, which more frequently go to decay, can be easily repaired, whilst that constantly immerged endures for a greater length of time. There are various methods of uniting these timbers together; one is by iron pins, about 3 feet in length, passed through the horizontal timbers into both the upper and lower piles; PLAN OF CROSS TIMBERS. Fig. 2195. PIERS. Fig. 2194. Fig. 2196. the horizontal timbers are also strapped to them by alternate horizontal and vertical iron bars, the upper timbers of the pier being level with the surface of the water. 1356 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The head of each pile should be well bolted and secured to the timbers with which it is capped, or which holds it to the others in the same row: the bridging-piece, or bearer, is laid transversely upon the capping, as fig. 2196., and should be strapped securely down, and where other perpendicular posts rest upon them they should bear upon a plate, con- tinued through the entire length of the pier mortises and tenons should be avoided as much as possible in the framing of all wooden bridges, and where any junction of the timbers is to be made, it should be formed by iron bolts or straps. When the river has a considerable depth, a double row of piles is requisite, for it would be hazardous to depend upon a single one: the lower range is driven about 3 feet apart, or from centre to centre, and a capping piece, extending the whole breadth of the bridge, is laid upon the heads of each row; an intertie crosses these, and on it is placed a third timber, extending the breadth of the bridge, into which is framed the post, which carries the platform; these timbers are all well framed and bolted together. Timber 12 inches square has sufficient strength to bear any weight to which an ordinary wooden bridge is subject, though double rows of piles are often used: where many rows are requisite, they must be protected by sterlings so contrived as to prevent ice or other floating bodies from injuring them, and the best method of effecting this is 2 to drive two rows of piles tending to a point, in front of the pier to be protected, and plank them so as to resemble a wedge; upon the top of this, which is level with the surface of the stream, is laid an inclined piece of timber against the pile, which may be strutted on to the heads of the piles forming the wedge, and, by putting an iron edge to resist the ice, be made very efficient. The posts composing the upper part of the piers are always terminated with a capping, and if their height be considerable they should be supported towards the middle by one or several courses of horizontal binding-pieces, the effect of which is to support the posts in a parallel position: to out, there must be inclined or discharging pieces; one of the best examples of their application is at the the bridge of Fresingen. Experience has proved that piers of this kind, which resist perfectly the shock of the ice, and are preserved from injury by the fascines which surround foot, are suffi- ciently solid to carry the largest arches of carpen- try: but notwith- standing all the precautions pos- sible, the timbers of which they are formed must be destroyed before those of the arches which they carry, and it is prefer- able to establish these arches on piers of masonry, whenever the do L Fig. 2197. FLAN OF TIMBERS. prevent their going foundations not render it to- tally impractica- ble: if, however, Fig. 2198. FRESINGEN BRIDGE: TRANSverse seCTION. this difficulty does occur, and timber can be procured sufficiently long to form the large piles necessary for the construction of the piers, the arrangement adopted by M. Wiebeking may be em- ployed with advantage. In many cases also the piers may be constructed with cylinders of cast-iron, traversed by a piece of timber, which would give them the greatest solidity. CHAP. XXIII. 1357 TIMBER BRIDGES. Fig. 2199. BAYS. Bays and Arches. When the opening of a bay is not more than 10 or 12 feet, a floor is formed on girders, bearing on the cappings with which the piers are crowned; the piles as well as the girders are then from 12 to 13 inches square: when the distance of the piers is from 17 to 26 feet, pieces of 13 inches square have sufficient strength to carry the weight of the floor, as well as that of carriages; it is, however, always prudent to support them by inclined braces, without which such bays could not last a long time. When the opening of the bays becomes more con- siderable, the middle of the girders must be sustained by under-girders, supported by braces; this arrangement may be adopted for bays from 26 to 30 feet span, and they may be equally used when they are from 30 to 36 feet, but the girder must then be composed of two pieces framed in the middle, and another under-girder must be placed over the capping, which crowns the piers; a great part of the weight of the bay is then carried by struts, and care is taken to prevent these pieces from yield- ing by means of one and some- times two binding-pieces. A XXI Fig. 2200. FRESINGEN Bridge. IXIX It is rare that the system of under-girders and struts is used for large bays; but in countries where timber from 12 to 14 inches square is easily procured, and not very expensive, this prin- ciple may be applied to bays of from 40 to 52 feet span; in which case it is necessary to use two struts, one of which carries the under- girder in the middle of the prin- cipal, and the other the extremity of that placed on the capping of the piers: these struts are main- tained by two binding-pieces; the under-girders are united to the upper, the extremities of which are screwed together very tightly. If the opening of the bay were as much as 65 or 82 feet, another arrangement might be used by making the under-girders and struts of double or triple pieces; but timbers applied in this manner are far from resisting so advantageously as they might do, the pressures to which they are exposed acting perpendicularly to the length of the pieces, whilst the system might be so disposed that the weight should be distributed in the direction of the length: in this kind of construction the principals must Fig. 2201. SECTION of bay. 1358 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. be multiplied, and very large timbers used, which involves a considerable and needless expense. It is now generally acknowledged that the best method of applying timber in bridges is to form arches with courses of curved tim- bers bent over each other: this arrangement has been preferred, after several others have been tried, which have proved entirely defective, and the result of long ex- perience is justified by an analysis of the different systems of carpentry in large arches. Fig. 2202. BAYS AND ARCHES. Let A and B, fig. 2174. be two points of support, united by a large principal of carpentry, which principal, besides its own weight, is to carry that of the floor, which may be con- sidered as distributed uniformly throughout its length. The first idea which would present itself is to establish on the two points of support a solid bearing in timber, the form of which shall be such that it resists this double effort equally in all its points, and if we recal the notions which have been given on solids of equal resistance, we shall imagine that this should present nearly the form of a C b, indicated in the figure: let us then observe that if this solid should yield, the fibres situated on the upper surface would be compressed, whilst those situated on the lower would be extended, so that we can trace in the interior of the solid two lines Ca and Cb, which shall separate the compressed from the extended fibres, and that the resistance of the solid exerts itself by means of the pressure directed in the lines Pm, Pn, and of the tensions directed in the lines P'm', P'n', efforts in which this resistance consists solely, and which are the more considerable following each of the lines Pm, Pn, P'm', P'n', as these lines are nearer the surface of the solid, and further removed from the line a Cb. It is easy to draw conclusions from such an example: first, the pieces of which the solids should be formed must be disposed in the direction of the lines, according to which the pressure and the tensions are exerted, for of all the applications of timber, the most advantageous is that where it is pressed or drawn in the direction of its length; it must be observed also, that there is advantage in using the same quantity of pieces, in removing them from each other, in not making the solid full, and in augmenting its height; in short, the effort of the weight which the solid supports may be assimilated to that of a certain weight suspended at the point C, and which decomposes itself into two forces, directed from this point towards the points of support A and B; when the point C is higher with relation to the points A and B, the two components of weight, making a less angle, have a less considerable value, and produce pressures less strong. We are led by these considerations to a system of carpentry represented in fig. 2175., which is that of the bridge of Schaffhausen and Wittingen: the principals of these bridges have the form which would suit a solid of equal resistance, and the timbers are disposed exactly in the direction of the pressures and tensions which they would exert in the solid; but the pieces which would be found in connection with a Cb (fig. 2174.) are suppressed, because, having scarcely any effort to make, they would increase the weight without having any utility: we may remark that the pieces which resist the pressures are in much greater number than those which resist the tensions, which arises from the timber being drawn in the direction of its fibres, and consequently having much more strength than that which is compressed in the same direction. The carpentry of these bridges bears on the abutments, but does not exercise against them any effort which tends to overthrow them; the thrusts being retained by the tensions of the inferior girder, in rendering the abutments capable of resisting the thrusts, we may then, without changing the nature of the system, suppress the girder; this idea leads to the arrangement represented fig. 2176., which is that of the bridge of Kandel. A slight modification in this arrangement gives the com- bination represented in fig. 2178., which is that of the bridge projected for Lyons; this latter has an advantage over the preceding, because the braces united and subjected to each other form a rafter, and resist much better than when they are isolated, above all, if each of them were to be only of one piece; but this advantage has its inconvenience, for the effort of the weight of the bridge may be considered as that of several weights attached to pendant binding-pieces; in the systems, figs. 2175, 2176. the efforts of the weights suspended to each binding-piece is carried back towards the points of support, and maintained almost entirely by the inclined piece, which abuts at the upper extremity CHAP. XXIII. 1359 TIMBER BRIDGES. of the binding-piece, for this weight separates at this extremity into two forces, the one acting in the direction of this piece, and the other in the direction of the beam, and does not tend to make the other struts, which are held by the binding-pieces, yield; all these struts then support only longitudinal pressures, whilst in the system fig. 2176., besides the longitudinal pressures, which are the same as in fig. 2174., the inclined timbers have also to support transversal pressures, since the weight carried by the binding-piece then decomposes into two forces, the one acting in the direction of the great rafter, and the other perpen- dicular to it. This observation leads to a new modification: as the timbers yield less easily as they are shorter, there must be an advantage of substituting for two inclined timbers a system of three pieces, and although these pieces, making more obtuse angles, cause the weight to be decomposed in stronger longitudinal pressures, more must be gained by the diminution of their length than is lost by the effect of the augmentation of their pressures; thus we obtain the system fig. 2177., which is that of the bridge built by Palladio over the Cismone: in placing, as in fig. 2178., four inclined timbers instead of three, their strength would be augmented, and by thus multiplying their number and diminishing their length, we should have pieces too short to bend, as seen in fig. 2179., and which could only yield by crushing; this is the arrangement for the arches projected by Perronet for the bridge of the Salpetriere, and for those executed at Lyons in that of the Mulatière. In order clearly to show where these last systems are wrong, we shall make some observations on the nature of constructions in carpentry, which naturally find place here. Whatever may be the combination, in constructions of carpentry the object should always be the transmitting of certain efforts to points of support, by means of a system of levers, subjected one to the other: now we can distinguish in such a system two different equi- libriums, which we shall designate as Equilibrium of Position, and the Equilibrium of Resistance. The first takes place when the efforts exercised on each lever are so combined with their respective situations that the system does not tend to produce any move- ment: it is that which forms the objects of statics, of which science teaches us to regulate the conditions. The equilibrium of resistance consists in making each lever, which in statics is considered as an inflexible line, have the necessary force for the resistance of the pressures exercised in it; the conditions of this latter equilibrium are the object of the theory of the resistance of solids, and, according to what we have already described, we can always express these conditions with sufficient exactness in constructions of oak. A system of levers may be maintained in repose by two different means; first, it may be disposed in such a manner that the conditions of the equilibrium of position should be exactly satisfied; secondly, the levers should be so subjected to each other by framing, or by auxiliary pieces, as binding pieces or braces, that it should be impossible for them to change situations with regard to each other as long as the resistance of this framework is superior to the efforts which tend to make the form of the system vary in this latter case we are not required to satisfy the conditions of the equilibrium of position; the system must be regarded as formed by one single piece, and the equilibrium of resistance should alone be taken into consideration. If these ideas be applied to wooden bridges, and the system represented in fig. 2179. be taken, having only regard to the weight of the carpentry and the pavement, the levers may be placed in the situation which suits the equilibrium of position, so that they do not tend to any change of form under the load: but we must remark, that the equilibrium will often be found deranged by the passage of carriages ; and secondly, that this not being stable, the slightest derangement would involve the falling of the bridge, whence we may conclude that in the system of levers which compose the principals of a bridge, the equilibrium of position can never be exactly attained: it is then necessary that these levers should be subjected and framed to each other, and that at each articulation the framing should be opposed to their various angles with a force equal to that which produces the variation, according to the effect of the weight; thus the system of the carpentry of a bridge must necessarily be in the second of the two cases already stated. The consideration of the equilibrium of position can never be employed, but to assure ourselves that the framing of the articulations has the force necessary to oppose every change of form; this indispensible condition fulfilled, the system changes its nature; it should be regarded as forming only a single piece, and its resistance valued in conse- quence. In examining the principles of figs. 2174, 2175, 2176., we see that in whatever manner the load is distributed, it does not tend to make any change of form, and among the different framings of carpentry, that which has the figure of a triangle is the only one which can have this property; we ought, then, to carry every other system to this, by properly fortifying the articulations, with the exception of that of the summit, so that, whatever may be the arrangement of a principal, its two halves may be considered as two rafters made of a single piece, which at the summit abut against each other; it is an indispensable condition in order that the system should have stability, and no bridge can subsist if this condition be not fulfilled. 1960 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. In the system of two inclined timbers abutting against each other, it is easy to imagine that the load will separate in pressures in the direction of their length, following two lines drawn from each side of the summit of the principal to the springing; the resistance of these timbers must make an equilibrium to these pressures, and in order to appreciate this resistance, we must consider the timbers as placed upright, and loaded vertically with a weight equal to the pressures. According to this consideration, it is evident how disad- vantageous it is that the two halves of a principal should be divided into a great number of articulations, forming so many points of rupture, leaving them no resistance but that which arises from the strength of the framing; it may be easy to give to the framings at each articulation sufficient force to render the system invariable in form, but, as experience has proved, it is very difficult, and even impossible, when the number of levers is considerable, to fortify them sufficiently to procure for each half of the centre a resistance capable of making equilibrium to the pressure which it exercises in the direction of the length: it is for this reason that the systems figs. 2178, 2179. become more disadvantageous as the number of the timbers augments, and terminates by being entirely impossible of execution. A more solid combination is obtained by disposing inclined timbers, as seen in fig. 2180., in polygons, some of the angles of which answer to the middles of the sides of the others, because if each half of the arch yielded to the pressures which exert themselves from the summit to the springings, not only the framing of the articulations would bend, but the timbers would break in the middle of their length: we must observe that the courses of the inclined timbers not being solidly framed, touch by a very small number of points; a certain flexion may therefore be produced in the whole without each piece sensibly bending; this may happen, should each binding-piece diverge a little from its position, so that the pieces of the polygon situated on the side of the concave face are not shortened, and those of the polygon situated on the convex face are not lengthened, as they would be, on account of the flexion, if they were perfectly united. It is impossible to execute the notches of the binding-pieces with the perfection necessary to prevent this diverging from taking place: thus the system fig. 2180., although very preferable to that of fig. 2179., is far from perfect; the system fig. 2180. was that which Perronet used for the centres of stone bridges. But if, instead of forming the timbers with straight pieces, which can only touch each other at their extremities and in the middle of their length, the whole of which may yield together without each piece in particular being obliged to bend, we use, as in fig. 2181., curved pieces in juxta-position, united and tightened by binding-pieces and bolts, the joints of the extremities of which do not unite opposite to each other, the nature of the system will be found totally changed, and it will receive a very great im- provement, for the centre (fig. 2181.) cannot bend without all the pieces of which it is formed yielding: the strength of the framework of the extremities of these pieces no longer - EN -88- Fig. 2203. BRIDGE FORMED OF CURVED TIMBERS. opposes itself alone, to the flexion of each half of the centre; the resistance presented by the timbers is a second obstacle to the flexion, more powerful than the first, rendering all bending impossible, if this resistance be sufficient, even if we discard all consideration of the manner in which the framework of the ends is executed. Arches formed of bent timbers have been adopted for some of the viaducts constructed on our railways, and where sufficient caution has been taken to prevent too much motion from their elasticity, are found to answer very well: the reparation of such bridges is difficult, should any of the timbers exhibit decay; but this disadvantage has been over- come in some instances by making the bolts and straps that hold the curved timbers movable, so that one timber can be taken out without disturbing the others, which lie above or below it. The disposition fig. 2181. offers, with regard to the force with which each half of the centre resists the longitudinal pressure exerted upon it, the same resistance as the system fig. 2176.; it is equally invariable in form with the latter, and much more advantageous, CHAP. XXIII. 1361 TIMBER BRIDGES. as the curve given to each rafter leaves nothing to fear from the transverse pressure to which it is submitted, and there is even no necessity to consider these pressures. Fig. 2203. represents an arch projected according to these principles for an opening of 132 feet; the principals are at a distance of 6 feet 6 inches from centre to centre; the arch is composed of four courses of curves, tightened by bolts, and so placed that their joints do not meet, some being opposite the others; it carries the floor by means of pendant binding-pieces, which it appears more proper to place vertically than per- pendicularly to the curve, and it may be admitted as a general principle, that each piece should always be placed exactly in the centre of what it supports; these pendant binding- pieces are held by horizontal binding-pieces placed on centres, which prevent the spreading out of the principals; courses of vertical and horizontal binding-pieces should never be at more than 16 feet apart. When the opening of the arch is considerable, the movement of carriages, and sometimes even the action of the wind alone, occasions oscillations in the horizontal direction, which injure the carpentry, and might become very dangerous; the greatest care should be taken to prevent this. If an arch bend in the direction of its width, the horizontal binding- pieces, which were at first parallel between each other, would become normal to the curve which the arch would have taken; they will then have changed position with relation to each other; thus the flexion of the arch will be prevented, if pieces are so disposed as to maintain these binding-pieces in their respective positions; in the half-plan represented in fig. 2203., braces are placed for this purpose in the interval of the courses of binding-pieces. In the oscillations of an arch, the entire system of its carpentry may participate in the movement, or it may only be partial; for example, the floor may to a certain point move independently of the arch; still it is very important to oppose these effects; there are therefore placed between the first course of pendant binding-pieces, near the springing, inclined struts which secure the union of the floor and the arch, and it appears that this disposition would give to the arch all the solidity and stability which could be desired; it is scarcely necessary to observe that the framing of all these pieces should be secured by bolts, without which the union could not be obtained. It is requisite to allude to the manner in which the thrust of the arches in carpentry of the kind we have just indicated, should be considered, and on the settling, of which they are susceptible. If timber did not suffer any compression, and if the execution of the work could be sufficiently perfect for no voids to remain in the framing, and all the pieces could bear exactly one against the other, there could be no settlement; and the force of the timbers being regarded capable of resisting the load, no flexion would be produced; the centre would then be as a single piece placed upon two supports, and would have no thrust; this perfection in the quality of the materials, and in the execution of the work, not existing, it happens that the moment an arch is placed and left to itself it has a tendency to settle: if this movement could operate freely, and the chord of the arch elongate without obstacle, until the framework was tightened, the settling would stop, and the arch would then have no more thrust; but it is always retained by obstacles, which do not permit the chord to be thus elongated, which obstacles necessarily experience a certain pressure; the most simple manner of valuing this pressure is to assimilate the arch of carpentry to a wall of stone, and to examine the horizontal thrust which it would produce, according to its weight and the relation of the yielding at the opening; we shall thus have, not the true value of the thrust of the centre, but a limit below which this thrust always remains, and according to which the dimensions of the piers and the abutments may be regulated. Although the arches of carpentry be confined at their springing, and their chord not being able to lengthen itself the summit cannot sink, they experience a slight settlement, analogous to that of a vault in stone, and to which regard must be had in construction. According to the observations of M. Wiebeking, by representing c as the opening of an arch, and ƒ as its fleche or settlement, the lowering f at the middle, expressed in inches, is given by the formula 0·02 but we must remark that these observations were made on bridges of fir timber; for centres in oak the settlement should be less considerable. This formula gives the settlement immediately after building, but it increases from the effect of the alteration of the timber. C Floors and Parapets. Floors of wooden bridges are constructed in various ways; formerly they were almost always covered with a pavement placed on a bed of sand; but it has been ascertained that a very considerable weight was the result, and that the damp produced on the planks tended to make them rapidly perish, as well as the girders on which they were carried; it is therefore preferable to cover them with a false floor, which also prevents them from being injured by the wheels of carriages, and can be renewed as often as necessary. Fig. 2204. represents the section of a floor disposed to receive a pavement; it is formed by timbers, from 7 to 8 inches square, slightly notched at the meeting of the main timbers, 4 S 1362 BOOK II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. to which they are attached by iron pins, and the spreading out of which they prevent; the intervals between are filled up by planks, of from 3 to 4 inches in thickness, which You Fig. 2204. are also nailed; these intervals are generally 6 feet 6 inches, and care has been taken to prolong the pieces, and to place at their extremity a tenon, on which a brace is framed, which consolidates the posts of the parapet, and is prolonged a little further, to prevent the water from remaining in the framework; the posts are also strengthened by another brace, also frained into the main timbers; they are kept together in the length of the bridge by two courses of horizontal rails, one of which, placed on their heads, is laid so as to cap them: within and against the foot of the parapet are planks called guards, which keep in the pavement and sand. It may be remarked that in this floor the main timbers are entirely covered either with joists or planks: there is therefore a constant dampness, and in demolishing ancient bridges, it is constantly observed that the upper parts and the interior of the main timbers are entirely perished, whilst at their Fig. 2205. exterior extremities they appear quite sound: this essential defect has been avoided in fig. 2205. The platform of boards is carried on joists from 9 to 10 inches square, at about 3 feet apart: the planks should then be placed lengthwise on the bridge, but the linings with which they are covered are laid transversely, for the purpose of preventing the feet of the horses from sliding on the wood: not only has this latter floor the advan- tage of allowing the air to circulate round the principal bearers, but it also permits of the principals being removed further apart. Sometimes it is usual to substitute iron balus- trades for the wooden parapets on timber bridges; they are composed of upright standards, which should traverse the joists of the floor, and the brestsummers of the principal, on which they bear by means of shoulders secured by screws; these uprights are stiffened by consoles, and their intervals filled up either by rails which traverse them in the middle, or by irons diagonally placed. It has been proposed, in order to preserve the floors of wooden bridges, to cover the planks with plates of lead and copper, and it appears that the greater duration produced by this precaution will compensate for the expense, or the wooden floors might be entirely omitted, and the main timbers covered with a plate of lead, the edges of which should be lapped one over the other. During the middle ages throughout Europe, as aas been already stated, numerous timber bridges were constructed, generally supported by one or two rows of piles, forming a pier, united by several horizontal binding-pieces, and strengthened by inclined struts: such piers were placed from 15 to 25 feet apart, and protected by sterlings covered with planks, the intervals between the piles being filled in with stone or chalk, and a capping of tim- ber placed on them, on which the girders which carried the platform rested. Considerable improvements have since been made in constructing wooden bridges, and almost every country has had its peculiar system: the abutments, and often the piers, are formed of stone or brick where the streams are narrow, a simple platform laid on timbers of the requisite scantling for the bearing is sufficient; for an increased width struts are added, and trusses of various descriptions. : : Foot Bridges of the simplest construction have the beams laid across the opening without any struts; for a span of 15 or 16 feet, a depth may be given to the principal bearers of 15 inches and a breadth of 8 inches; these may be laid about 2 feet apart, and covered with plank or two piles may be driven, inclining inwards, coupled at the head by transverse beams mortised and pinned into them; they may be further strengthened by horizontal pieces at different portions of the height; on the transverse beams may be laid as many joists as are required for the width of the bridge, for which, if of an ordinary kind, two will be sufficient; the parapets may be strutted on to the pro- CHAP. XXIII. 1363 TIMBER BRIDGES. jecting parts of the transverse beams, which are mortised on to the piles, and thus be firmly supported. Foot Bridge over the Clyde at Glasgow. The nine bays are carried on pairs of piles, distant about 42 feet apart, and under each longitudinal beam is a second, over the heads of the piles, which extends 10 or 12 feet on each side, and acts as a corbel; this being firmly bolted through gives considerable strength to the main timbers, which are further strengthened by a truss formed in the parapets of the bridge. Timber Bridges with longitudinal timbers laid across the stream, and supported at every 15 or 20 feet by a row of piles driven into the bed of the river, have the capping placed upon the heads, and supported by side braces; additional strength is given by Fig. 2206. O ་་ 0+ 20 Fig. 2207. bolts passing through the longitudinal timbers; cross-planking forms the road or foot- way, over the ends of which another longitudinal timber is laid, and iron bolts are passed through the whole to unite them together. In narrow foot-bridges the piles may be driven slanting, and united at the top by a cap- ping, which, projecting considerably on each side, serves for the introduction of a strut to strengthen the side fence or railing. Fig. 2208. The piles may be driven further apart when the struts are used to discharge the weight of the platform; a horizontal timber is bolted from one pile to the other, which serves as an abutment to the struts, and unites the piles which form the piers more firmly. 4 s 2 1364 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2209. Fig. 2210. Such a bridge as the last may be made of very considerable strength by introducing under the longitudinal timbers an additional thickness, against which the two struts abut; and Fig. 2211. bridge over the DANUBE, NEAR ULM. taking the precaution of having a hard material between the ends of the timbers, where their fibres are likely to penetrate, and iron bolts to secure the whole together: abutments of brick or stone are always preferable when they can be constructed. Where the bearing is upwards of 40 feet, additional strength is obtained by the intro- duction of stout pieces of timber under each beam; these may be secured by iron pins; so strutted, they are capable of sustaining considerable weight. Fig. 2212. DIEPPE. In many instances it is found that the construction of a timber bridge is renaered less difficult when the piles that support the platform are in two lengths, or that the first are driven into the bed of the stream, and cut off a little below the level of the water upon the heads of these lower piles rests a plate, laid in the direction of the current, and on which the piles that form the piers are secured: should these require any reparation, it can be readily effected without the aid of the pile-driving machine. CHAP. XXIII. 1965 TIMBER BRIDGES. A bridge for carriages of 30 feet distance between the piers may be constructed upon this principle; but as greater stability is required, ano ther strong piece of timber may be put under the principal bearers, and strutted as shown: the clear width is 15 feet between the parapets. Fig. 2213. VRACH IN WURTEMBERG. Horse Bridge at Vrach in Wurtemberg exhibits a simple form of truss, which answers for the parapets of the bridge; the distance between the piers is about 35 feet, and the clear width between the parapets is 7 feet 6 inches. There is considerable ability displayed in the arrangement of the timbers of the several bridges over the arm of the Necker, which are so disposed as to form the railing or parapet; a kind of con- struction productive of the greatest economy, at the same time allowing the entire space beneath the platform of the bridge to be open for the passage of boats, and unimpeded by the torrent, which may occasionally require the entire opening of the bridge for its passage: Fig. 2214. DETAILS of the bridge at Vrach. where timber is floated down a stream from the forest to a port for its embarkation, there should not be the slightest impediment presented, which would be the case if the framing of a bridge were continued down to the water's edge. NA Fig. 2215. NECKER. That over an arm of the Necker, built by M. Ezel, is of the same character; the distance between the piles is not less than 38 feet, and the clear width between the parapets is 17 feet. Fig. 2216. St. Clair, over the Rhone at Lyons, constructed by M. Morand in the year 1775, shows great skill in the application of the timbers: it has 17 bays, varying in width; that in the centre is 45 feet, and they proportionably decrease on each side, the extreme openings being only 33 feet. The first piles that were driven to form the piers were cut off level with low water, and on their tops was laid a timber platform, into which the posts which sup- ported the bridge were framed the bridge was 36 feet in width, and the piers con- sisted of 13 posts in a row, each composed of two pieces of timber strengthened and 4 s 3 1366 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. protected by horizontal pieces, one under the braces, and the other immediately above the level of the river, through which passed iron bolts that tied and secured the whole pier together: the 13 double posts, which formed the pier, were capped, and on them were laid as many longitudinal timbers, which formed the supports to the floor of the bridge, and an additional piece or two was bolted to them, in the middle of their span, with struts and pendant braces. Fig. 2217 Fig. 2218. Palladio's Bridge over the Cismone. This was executed over a river at the foot of the Alps, between Trent and Bassano; its length is about 108 feet; it is divided into six equal openings. The river being rapid and subject to floods, bringing down trees and stones, it was not thought advi- sable to fix any piles in the current: the timbers mutually support each other, and the whole system is strongly framed together. Fig. 2219. LYONS, BY NEAngrez. Fig. 2220. PALLADIO'S bridge at BASSANO. Five girders, 12 or 13 inches square, disposed at equal distances, are laid at right angles to the length of the bridge, or about 18 feet from centre to centre: these appear to have no support; the girders being a little longer than the width of the bridge, carry the principal timbers or joists which cross the river, on which the planks are laid which form the floor. The five girders do not lie level; the three in the middle are elevated a little above the other two, so that the sill which lies upon them, and into which the king- and queen- posts are framed, is also out of a level ; the part at which the two outer sills abut against that in the middle being ele- vated, the whole takes the form of a seg- ment; the upright posts or colonelli, which are framed into them, are also bolted through and secured on the under side: all the struts, Fig. 2221. Fig. 2222. PALLADIO'S BRIDGE, CHAP. XXIII. } TIMBER BRIDGES. 1367 straining-pieces, and other portions of the trusses on each side are out of timber 12 inches by 9; these trusses form the parapets, and are secured by iron straps and bolts at the extremities; they are capable of supporting a considerable weight without any sensible deflection; their height is about 16 feet, and the principle seems to have been that of a series of triangles, which are not liable to any change of form. The abutments are of stone, and the height of the para- pets or trusses are nearly of the entire span. Fig. 2223. is an- other of Palladio's bridges, supported like the preceding by a truss on each side; its length is divided into eight bays by transverse girders, suspended Fig. 2223. PALLADIO'S bridge. by stirrup-irons and bolts from the posts framed into the head and sill of the truss; these posts are braced strongly, but their strength is not equal to those of fig. 2222.; the centre bays are liable to drop, as the bearing is too great: in this construction the first bays from the abutments should have four depths of sill, the second three, and the third two, leaving the two centre bays with only one; thus the ends of the bridge would appear to rest on corbels gathered over from the abutments, or these additional timbers might be laid side by side; this would require the transverse girders to vary in length, that they might comprise and tie them together. The height of the trusses is about one-tenth of the span. Fig. 2223. is a portion of a polygon of five sides, with four king-posts and braces, like a St. Andrew's cross; the outer heads are doubled, and struts are added to throw the weight of the first bay on the abutments: the transverse girders are carried by the king- posts, to which strong stirrup-irons and bolts are attached: the side trusses of this design, which form the parapets of the bridge, are about one-ninth of the span in height. the The parapets in fig. 2224. may be considered as consisting of eleven voussoirs, each formed of posts, strongly braced by diagonal timbers like a St. Andrew's cross: transverse girders are held up by iron straps, as in the other examples, and the height of the framing of the parapets is not more than one-twelfth of the span. Of the four designs left us by Palladio the first combines the best arrangement of the timbers with the greatest solidity: in the last there is an appearance of great strength, but when we take into account the shrinking to which the timber is liable, it is evident that the voussoirs would be subject to great change from the compression they must undergo when heavy loads passed over: motion destroys in the course of time the tightness first given to the framing, and subsequently the nice ba- Fig. 2224. PALLADIO's bridge. lance of such a timber construction: that design braced like a St. Andrew's cross, and which partakes of the arc of a circle, would not so readily alter its form, and would preserve its firmness and solidity for a length of time. Bridges of Palladio's construction could not be adopted where a greater width of carriage-way than 14 or 15 feet was required; the transverse girders would require upholding by additional longitudinal trusses, if the width were increased. Bridge at Bassano, at the foot of the Alps, over the Brentar, was also erected by Palladio: the river is 180 feet in width, and there were five bays of equal widths. Palladio gives the following directions for the construction of the bridge fig. 2241.: "The banks must be first fortified with pilasters; then one of the beams that forms the breadth of the bridge must be placed at some distance from them, and the beams that form the sides be disposed upon it, which, with one of their heads, must lie upon the bank, and be fastened to it; upon these, directly plumb with the beams for the breadth, the colonelli are fixed, fastened with cramps of iron, and supported by braces secured to the heads of the bridge; the other beams are then placed, leaving as much space between each as there is between the first and the bank: in the middle of the breadth of the river there must be 4 s 4 1368 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. a colonello or post, in which the centre braces meet, and on the upper part of which must be fixed other braces, uniting with the next colonello, tying all together, and forming with the braces in the head of the bridge a portion of a circle less than a semicircle. Foot Bridge, over the canal of Gooda, in Holland, 45 feet span, is of very simple construction; it is formed of curved timber, framed to resemble the segment of an arch. There are two sets of ribs, on which rest the longitudinal bearers that carry a planked floor, 4 feet 6 inches clear width between the parapets or railing: the posts into which the horizontal rails are mortised, by an additional length unite and hold together the curved and straight timbers, on which the platform rests. Fig 2225. GOODA IN HOLLAND. Another Foot Bridge in Holland, over the canal at Utrecht, of the same span, shows greater strength; its clear width between the railing is 5 feet 6 inches: struts are in- troduced, held in their positions by couples or pendant binding-pieces. Fig. 2226. UTRECHT CANAL. Fig. 2227. Mulatière Bridge at Lyons, over the Saone, has eleven openings; the centre is 57 feet 6 inches, and the others gradually diminish to 49 feet span. The piers are each formed of two rows of piles, driven parallel to each other: three horizontal pieces of timber bolt them together above the water: on the tops are framed abutments like those of Trajan's bridge, receiving the thrust of the principal timbers: each opening has an Fig. 2228. MULATIERE AT LYONS. arch, formed of four sides of a polygon; each of these sides consists of two pieces of timber, framed or scarfed together, one being cut like the teeth of a saw, and the other indented to receive it: after these are fitted they are securely bolted together. Where the ends of these pairs of timbers unite and abut against each other are pendant binding-pieces, to hold up and secure them to the principal longitudinal timbers which carry the platform: the error of this kind of construction arises in part from the pendant pieces maintaining a constant humidity, which is communicated in time to the polygonal pairs of timbers and the framed abutments, when a partial decay takes place, and a settlement follows. и The timber bridges at Kingston-upon-Thames, Walton, and many others in England, cre constructed upon this principle, and were constantly requiring repairs. CHAP. XXIJI. 1369 TIMBER BRIDGES. Bridge over an arm of the Necker, at Wurtemberg, has a width of carriage-way of 14 feet, and a clear span of 53 feet; it is queen-post trussed, and strongly strutted against stone abutments. Fig. 2229. Bridge of NECKER, AT WURTEMBErg. This kind of bridge does not require much skill in framing the timbers, nor any other ap- plication of mechanical principles beyond that of strength; the squared timbers are placed across the stream or canal parallel to each other on these are laid stout planks or transverse pieces to carry the roadway, which is made either with earth or gravel, and kept in its place by stout planking at the sides. The princi- pal timbers are prevented from sagging by the introduction of the two upright posts in the railing, which hold up that portion of the plat- form most liable to drop by means of struts and a stretching-piece put together in the manner of a queen-post truss; and if the abutments are maintained in their position and prevented from Fig 2230. BRIDGE OF NECKER. Fig. 2231. bridge of loiret, near ORLEANS. sliding, and the ends of the timbers protected from decay, such a bridge will endure for a considerable length of time. As timber of a uniform scantling and of the proper quality Fig. 2232. SCHONENBerg canal. for bridge-building is difficult to obtain be- yond the length of 50 feet, these constructions must be limited to that span. A horse bridge, 6 feet 6 inches wide, over the Loiret, near Orleans, with a span of 60 feet, has its longitudinal timbers bearing on a very strong truss. Över the canal of Schonenberg, near Brussels, is an occupation or horse bridge, 8 feet wide and 70 feet span, formed of pendant binding- pieces which diverge from a centre, against which timbers are strutted polygonally, in three rows at a distance from each other, all held Fig 2233. Schonenberg CANAL. 1370 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. in their places by transverse ties; the parapets are formed by the introduction of a St. Fig. 2234. BRIDGE OVER THE BRUSSELS Canal. Andrew's cross between the pendant binding-pieces, and making a very strong truss, by uniting the whole together like an arch, which cannot materially alter its form as long as the stone abutments maintain their solidity. Over the canal at Brussels is a horse bridge, 83 feet span, of very simple construction, and which would have been much more solid, if perpendicular posts or blocks had been introduced into the triangular space formed by the inclined timbers which support the platform of the bridge. Fig. 2235. BRUSSELS CANAL. Over an arm of the Necker, which is 93 feet wide, is a light horse bridge 8 feet span; two sets of king-post trusses in the parapet strengthen the main longitudinal timbers, Fig. 2236. horse bridge, necker. but from the disconnection of the middle pieces of framing, this arrangement of the timbers must be very defective. Notre Dame at Cahors, built by Sganzin, has a clear width of carriage-way of 17 feet, and a span of 95 feet, formed of one polygonal arch, the versed sine of which is between a fourth and a fifth of the span; its composition is defective, from being composed of too many pieces, which must be subject to a considerable shrinking, and seriously derange the whole 8 Fig. 2237. NECKER. Fig. 2238. Notre Dame at cahors.` framing; when the timbers are thus shortened, the angles of their junction necessarily become more obtuse, and in consequence are likely to open, particularly when heavy loads pass over them. This cannot be considered any great improvement in construction over the bridge of Mulatière at Lyons. CHAP. XXIII. 1971 TIMBER BRIDGES. Bridge of three Arches over the Loire, each 92 feet span, with a clear width of car riage-way of 27 feet, and a versed sine of 8 feet 6 inches; they are well framed XE Fig. 2239. together; nine pendant binding pieces radi- ating to a centre main- tain the polygonal tim- bers that form the arch in their position; and where these pendant timbers increase in length towards abutments, they are again strutted securely. the Over another arm of the Necker is a horse bridge 90 feet span, and a clear width of way of 10 feet, in which the pendant pieces are the posts that form the parapet. The king-posts in this bridge are placed perfectly perpendicular, and the side braces ap- BRIDGE OVER THE loire. TTTTTTTT Fig. 2240. Fig. 2241. LOIRE. Fig. 2242. bridge of VRACH IN WURTEMBERG, over an ARM OF THE NECKER. plied to their sides spread to the full extent of the opening, having their abutments against each other on the piers: a nail is introduced between the tops of the several king-posts, which serves as a straining piece, and prevents them from approaching each other. The floor is carried in the middle of the span upon a stout transverse bearer, suspended to the ends of the king-posts by means of iron straps and bolts. So long as decay is prevented, and main timbers preserve their form, this construction is durable and economical; but if the heads of the piers are suffered to break the tie by which they are held in their perpendi- 1372 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. cular position, the struts will lose their abut- ments, and the balance between the timbers which constitutes the entire strength of the bridge will be destroyed; an iron tie would insure greater stability, and might be intro- duced across the stream, under each side of the platform, without changing the disposition of any of the timbers. Fig. 2243. Fig. 2244. In some of the timber bridges on the con- tinent, where the oak platform that sustains the road has been in a state of decay, and re- quiring constant repair, stone pavement has been substituted, laid from bearer to bearer, and in some instances iron plates perforated with holes, to allow the water to pass through; but the additional weight produced by either of these is so considerable, that it is a question whether any benefit has been obtained. Bridge at Tête in Picardy, erected by M. Coffinet; its span is nearly 126 feet, and its versed sine scarcely an eighth of the span. Fig. 2245. BRIDGE AT TETE IN PICARDY. Fig. 2247. Fig. 2246. bridge at TETE IN PICARDY. Fig. 2248. Perronet's Timber Bridges were upon the principle of the polygonal arch ; the spans of the arches were equal; the framing of the timbers that carried the roadway extended Fig. 2249. PERRONET'S TIMBER BRIDGES, through the parapet or railing on each side of the bridge, by which means the form of a LH Fig. 2250. perronet's TIMBER BRIDGES, CHAP. XXIII. 1373 TIMBER BRIDGES. polygon was given to the several struts and supports: regarding each side of the polygon that abutted on the piers as a simple truss, and proportioning the timbers to the duty they had to perform, there perhaps could not be a more simple arrangement, or one that offered, with the same amount of material, greater strength; but the quantity of framed work and the liability to decay in the several joints have occasioned this system to be abandoned. Bridge of St. Clement, over the Durance, with a span of 115 feet, was an early instance of the application of the suspension principle. The length was divided into nearly three equal parts; in the middle division an addition- al timber was placed under the main lon- gitudinal beam, to which it was firmly bolted, and the di- vision was held up by four radiating posts, which were kept in their position by strong straining Fig. 2251. BRIDGE OF ST. CLEMENT. pieces introduced between their heads, and by a St. Andrew's cross framed in between them; the centre framing formed almost a single mass, and was kept from sinking by diagonal struts resting on the abutments; the lower of the two, from their inclination being so flat, could not be very effective, and the principal stress in consequence must have been thrown upon the others, which abutted against the top of the suspendant posts; these diagonal struts had also two pendant binding-pieces and cross struts, to assist in carrying the platform of the bridge, and prevent their springing. After the timbers had shrunk, the whole weight of the bridge must have been thrown upon the upper pair of struts, which abut against the pendant binding-pieces. Bridge at Savines has a clear width of way of 10 feet, and a span of 75 feet; it is also upon the suspension principle, but the timbers are more simply arranged; the abutments Fig. 2252. BRIDGE AT SAVINES. on each are of timber. In the centre is a post 16 feet in height above the platform of the bridge, into the head of which are framed two diagonal struts or principals, one side, for the purpose of suspending it; this post is strutted to the principals, and holds up the middle of the longi- tudinal timbers of the bridges, as a king-post sustains the tie-beam of a roof; other pendant pieces are attached to the inclined principals, and shorten the bearing, by holding up the longitudinal timbers at regular distances: all those bridges formed of braces diversely inclined are defective in strength, and consequently in duration. Bridge of Schaffhausen was constructed in the year 1757, by John Ulrich Grubenmann, a village carpenter of Tuffen. It was formed of two arches, one spanning 172 feet, the other 193 feet 193 feet: this bridge, so cele- brated for its beautiful carpentry, was destroyed by the French troops in the year 1799. The abutments as well as the middle pier were of stone; the longitudinal timbers or plates were formed by uniting two strong pieces together, en cremaillere, which were supported underneath by four inclined struts on each side: above the platform six other inclined struts on each side supported another longitudinal series of beams; double binding pieces hanging perpendicularly from the upper longitudinal beams, under the eaves of the roof, held these struts in their proper position, and prevented their springing. The transverse Fig. 2253. SAvines. 1374 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. girders or beams which supported the floor of the bridge were suspended to the per- pendicular binding-pieces, at a point immediately under the lowest longitudinal beams; the top longitudinal beams were composed of five thicknesses throughout the five middle divisions of each set of framing, and four at the two outer. Every precaution was taken to prevent the framing from yielding in the centre or middle of the arches; the whole of the timbers were judiciously applied, and perfectly succeeded; the platform or floor was made with a double thickness of planks, the lowest being nailed to joists, and the others crossing them at right angles. This bridge was not constructed in a straight line; ወ Fig. 2254. BRIDGE OF SCHAUFFHAUSEN. the middle pier being placed about 13 feet up the stream, which it was supposed would give the structure greater strength and stability, but it trembled considerably, even from the weight of one passenger passing over it. It was only once repaired during the 42 years that it stood, though the oak timbers which rested immediately on the abutments and pier, from not being thoroughly seasoned and sufficient air allowed to circulate around them, went early to decay; to replace these defective timbers, screw-jacks were employed upon scaffolding supported on piles, to raise this ponderous piece of carpentry in a mass, when others were introduced. Bridge over the Limmat, near the Abbey of Wittingen, was also erected by the same carpenter, assisted by his brother John Grubenmann, and burnt soon after that of Schaffhausen. It consisted of one opening, 390 feet span, with a rise of 43 feet, and was a more solid and even superior piece of carpentry, all the timbers being well proportioned Fig. 2255. BRIDGE OVER THE LIMMAT, ONE-HALF. to the great opening. The floor was sustained by two longitudinal beams on each side, put together one over the other en cremaillere, and supported at each abutment by inclined struts, the lowest of which were doubled: level with the plate of the roof was a second longitudinal timber, which formed the principal support to the whole structure; this consisted of a single thickness at the parts nearest the abutments, but increased in number as it approached the middle, where it was composed of four thicknesses. Struts of various inclinations were placed between these longitudinal timbers, and the whole CHAP. XXIII. 1375 TIMBER BRIDGES. maintained in their places by twenty-four pendant vertical binding-pieces, put at a distance of about 16 feet from centre to centre. The ridge of the roof of this bridge, as well as that of Schauffhausen, was supported in the centre by inclined struts, which carried the weight Fig. 2256. nearly to the extremities. BRIDGE OVER THE LIMMAT. This is the greatest span ever executed with timber, and its radius of curvature, or curve of equilibrium, was about 600 feet. Bridge at Zurich has a bearing of 128 feet, and is extremely simple in its construction; the floor or platform of the bridge is sustained upon longitudinal timbers which increase in 100 Fig. 2257. BRIDGE AT ZURICH. thickness towards the abutments; they are sustained in a level position by eight pendant binding-pieces, attached to another longitudinal series of beams, which are strutted on to the abutments by eight variously inclined struts on each side. Bridge at Ceslingen, over the Necker, upwards of 210 feet between the abutments, is another fine example of similar construction. F IN Fig. 2258. BRIDGE AT CESLINGEN, Fig. 2259. 1376 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Bridge at Berne, over the Kandel, was constructed by Joseph Ritter, in the year 1764; the distance between the abutments is 166 feet; their height has allowed Fig. 2260. BRIDGE AT BERNE. the struts to be placed in a more judicious position, and to be inclined almost parallel with each other; there are five on each side, of fir timbers about 11 inches square; the longest are about 75 feet. The lon- gitudinal timbers which carry the floor are highest in the middle, where they are strengthened with an additional thickness, bolted to the upper one from below: into the longitudinal timbers are framed trans- verse girders at every 13 feet, which are again diagonally braced; over them are placed the joists and timber platform. 11 Fig. 2263. Fig. 2261. Fig. 2262. Bridge over the Saone at Lyons, designed by M. Gauthey for an opening of 164 feet, was upon the foregoing principles: it was in- tended that this bridge should have had three sets of longitudinal timbers, one passing through the middle, which would have permitted of two independent thoroughfares. Bridges constructed upon a different plan have now Fig. 2264. Bridge over the Saone. succeeded to the celebrated examples just described: the art of construction had at one time attained, it was thought, the greatest possible perfection, and Schaffhausen, Wittingen, and others were named as works of carpentry not to be surpassed; but, renowned as they were, the binding of timbers into arched forms has been found not only stronger, but more economical and durable. In the "British Carpenter," by Price, published in 1765, a method is described for forming curved ribs to support the roadway of a bridge. He proposes that they should rise as much as one-sixth of the intended span, and be divided into convenient lengths, suitable to the timber to be employed: for an arch or opening of 36 feet he makes the ribs of oak in five lengths, and 3 inches in thickness, each rib to consist of two thicknesses, and 12 inches deep, the joints alternating in the middle of each length, and the two thicknesses keyed together with oak keys, and he states that two perfect ribs, so formed, would be strong enough to support the roadway. Chazey on the Ain has a bridge of four arches, each 63 feet 6 inches span, supported by stone piers and abutments, and this is said to be the first erected in France upon the new principle. The platform or floor is supported by several ribs, each of two thicknesses of timber, united by forming the sides in contact, like the teeth of a saw, one entering the other; these ribs are the arc of a circle, and are so secured by iron bolts that they cannot easily spring: pendant binding-pieces, radiating from the centre of the circle, of which the arc is a portion, are attached to the longitudinal timbers which cross the stream, and the spandrills of the arches or spaces between the curved and longitu- dinal timbers are each filled in with two additional struts bearing upon the abutments. CHAP. XXIII. 1377 TIMBER BRIDGES. Bridge of Mellingen, constructed by Ritter, a carpenter of Lucerne, in the year 1794, has an arch of 157 feet span. The two principal timber arches are arcs, equal to the sixteenth of the entire circumference of the circle of which they are portions; they are formed Fig. 2265. BRIDGE OF MELLINGEN. of six pieces of fir, each 10 inches square: twelve vertical binding-pieces are suspended to them, extending from the plate that carries the roof to the longitudinal timbers which support the platform or roadway of the bridge, and down to another timber arch, of a flatter segment than those already described, formed of single timbers, and, though apparently intended to assist in supporting the roadway, adds very little to its strength, but materially to its weight. Bridge of Tournous, constructed over the Saone in the year 1801, has five equal arches of 89 feet span, carried on stone piers, 16 feet 6 inches in thickness: they are arcs of circles, one- sixth of the circumference, and each is formed of six ribs composed of three pieces of bent timber, 9 inches in height, and 11 inches in width; the ribs are 4 feet 8 inches from centre to centre; twelve radiating pendant binding-pieces, about 6 feet 6 inches apart, support the longitudinal timbers that carry the platform or road; in the intervals between these is an iron bolt, which passes through the three thicknesses of bent timbers, screws them firmly together, and prevents their springing. Bridge over the Seine, in Paris, erected in the year 1802, has two arches, each 104 feet span, with a versed sine of 6 feet 6 inches: the two main arches consist of four Fig. 2266. thicknesses of timber, 10 inches square, bolted together with great care; there are no intermediate prin- cipals, although the bridge is 32 feet wide. An arch is thrown across the space between them, continuing the whole length of the bridge, and abutting against the two principal longitudinal arches, which prevented from yielding to thrust by a number of iron ties above and below the arch, and crossing from one side of the bridge to the other. are the The Timber Bridge at Grenelle was an excellent specimen of an arch of bent timbers supporting the plat- form: there was another of this kind constructed over the Seine at Ivry, in 1828, by M. Emmery, who pub- lished a description of it a few years BRIDGE Over the skine. 目 ​Fig. 2267. TIMBER Bridge AT GRENELLE. 4 T 1378 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. : afterwards the span of the arches was about 75 feet, and their rise about; they were composed of three bent timbers, the lowest being of a greater depth than the others, and were kept together by the binding-pieces which sustained the timbers on which the plat- form for the road rested. The Bridge over the Meuse is 60 feet span, and consists of four arches, a section of two of which is shown in the diagram below, having the longitudinal timbers and springing SECTION. Fig. 2268. bridge ovER THE Meuse. plates placed above and below the three bent timbers: the entire width of the bridge being about 28 feet, the distance between the arches was scarcely 8 feet. Bridge over the Rhone is another example of supporting the roadway on timber arches held firmly by transverse timbers bolted together above and below, into which are framed radiating binding-pieces that abut against the under side of the longitudinal timbers. Fig. 2269. BRIDGE OVER THE Rhone. ㅠ ​Fig. 2270. 田田 ​Fig. 2271. The plans of the piers and section are shown, as well as the contrivance above the piers or protecting them against ice or trees that may be carried down by the river. Bridge built over an arm of the Necker, at Wurtemberg, about 63 feet span, has the roadway CHAP. XXIII. 1379 TIMBER BRIDGES. suspended to the timber arch: this kind of hang werck, as it is termed in Germany, is the same as that employed at Feldkirch and Mellingen. Whee Fig. 2272. WURTEMBERG BRIDGE, on the necker. Before the principle was adopted of jagging or notching the three timbers which form the ribs, to enable them more firmly to lock into and abut against each other, it was the custom to build up the arches with courses of solid logs of oak, in length from 12 to 15 feet, and about 16 inches square; those were selected from the forest which had a curve most suitable to the arch to which they were to be applied; and in producing the requisite form the timbers were never cut across the natural grain; they were so laid that their abutting joints did not come over each other, and were afterwards secured together by straps or hoops, which surrounded them at every 5 feet distance. Much inconvenience resulted from this method, and an arch constructed with three bent timbers notched into each other is a rash improvement upon it: in one instance the platform of the bridge was supported by the sides of the polygon, and in the other by the arc of a Fig. 2273. circle; both required that the abutments should not yield, but the strength of an arch formed with bent timbers is far less likely to be interfered with than that consisting of a number of timbers arranged along the portion of a polygon; for some of the sides lying horizontally, and others perpendicularly, it is not possible to make them all bear equally, and resist the effort occasioned by a load placed on the centre of the bridge. The Bridge of Feldkirch, on the Rhine, is perhaps one of the earliest constructed upon the principle of suspending the roadway to one or more timber centres or arches; the span is about 65 feet 6 inches: each centre is formed of two timbers, cut and indented so as Fig. 2274. BRIDGE OF FELDKIRCH, switzerlaND. 4 T 2 1380 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. to unite closely and firmly together; the carpentry was well executed, all the mortises and tenons cut with great precision, and the whole protected from the weather by a light timber roof. Bridge at Seurre, on the Saone, is supported upon the ancient stone piers: the arches are 95 feet span, and are formed of five principal ribs, placed 4 feet 9 inches from centre to centre, each composed of three pieces, bent one over the other, each piece being about 10 inches in width and 16 inches deep; the versed sine is 11 feet 6 inches. The timbers which carry the floor are 12 inches by 10, and are supported by inclined pieces, which are not of much utility: the eight pendant binding-pieces are formed out of timbers 9 inches square, and iron bolts and straps are frequently introduced to add to its strength. Fig. 2275. FELDKIRCH. The Bridge at Choisy has five arches supported on stone piers and abutments, the span of which is 67 feet, and their versed sine 8 feet 9 inches: each of the three timbers which form them is 10 inches in width and 12 inches in height; pendant binding-pieces with iron bolts are introduced in the intervals, to secure the bent timbers. The longitudinal timbers that carry the parapets and platform have a double thickness over the piers; on these lie the transverse timbers that support the planking of the floor, which is formed of two thicknesses: this bridge was completed in the year 1811. M. Wiebeking, director-general of the bridges and roads in Bavaria, has published many designs of bridges executed under his direction since the year 1807, and by him the con- struction with curved ribs has been greatly improved: instead of using short pieces of tim- ber he employs those of considerable length, and bends them one over the other to suit the curve required; the number of joints is lessened as much as possible, which renders the ribs stronger, and less liable to decay. The Bridge of Neucettringen, over the Inn, was one of M. Wiebeking's first works where curved ribs were used: it is com- posed of five arches with stone abutments, the span of which are 102 feet 6 inches, and the versed sine about of their span. The breadth of the bridge is 24 feet 6 inches, and there are but two principals to each arch, each formed of three courses of timbers, one over the other; the courses are 13 inches in height and width: five trans- verse girders rest on the curved ribs, and occupy the depth between their top and the horizontal timbers that support the floor; those in the spandrills have an extra XXXX HHHHHH depth: between the transverse girders, which Fig. 2276. BRIDGE OF NEUCETTRINGĒN. cross the principal ribs, are struts laid hori- : XXXX-CH zontally, and the whole is pinned securely and bolted with iron into the projecting ends of the transverse girders are framed upright posts, which are strutted and form the parapets. In the spandrills, or the space between the curved ribs and the longitudinal timbers which carry the floor, are vertical timbers, called piers of tension; from these issue struts, which are more or less inclined as they are placed farther from the abutments. The abut- ments of the arches are 10 feet within the face of the masonry; the piers consist of a row of nine piles, the ones inclined, to give the greater stability. Starlings are formed above bridge: all the timbers were well pitched, and the whole was covered with planks externally, which are removed in the fig., to show the construction. Freysingen Bridge, over the Isar, in Bavaria, was constructed by M. Wiebeking in the year 1808, and consisted of two arches, 152 feet span, with a rise of 11 feet 6 inches, the radius of curvature being 246 feet: the width of the bridge is 24 feet 6 inches; there were three sets of curved ribs in the section transversely; each arch of these sets had three curved ribs, united at seven points by as many pendant binding-pieces, which supported seven ranges of beams laid in the direction of the length of the bridge, with diagonal braces between them, the joists that supported the road being laid across them. The ribs that CHAP. XXIII. 1381 TIMBER BRIDGES. carried the road were varied in their curve; the lowest, having the greatest, was formed of three courses of timber, from 13 to 14 inches in thickness, and about 45 feet in length: these timbers were bent by screws made for the purpose, and when curved sufficiently were bolted together. Fig. 2277. FREYSINGEN BRIDge. The upper arch or rib was formed of two courses of timber about 15 inches square each; sixty-eight piles, from 30 to 40 feet in length, and 15 inches square, were driven by a ram, the force of which was equal to 1450 pounds, 17 or 18 feet into the ground, to form each of the abutments. The middle pier consisted of nine vertical and two inclined piles, about 17 inches square, and 45 feet in length; on the heads of these was laid a horizontal capping, which sustained the vertical posts, against which the ends of the ribs abutted; the posts were lined with strong oak planking, and the spandrills filled in with beton. The exterior was cased with planks, and by jointing made to resemble a stone bridge; to preserve the timbers every mortise and tenon was well saturated with hot oil previous to uniting, and small channels for the water were cut in the curved ribs and inclined struts and braces; pitch and tar were applied in abundance to all the principal timbers. After the bridge was completed, one arch settled about 3½, and the other nearly 12 inches, which probably arose from the difference of workmanship; this bridge was destroyed about 1809, since which it has been re-constructed on the same plan. Bridge of Bamberg, over the Regnitz, constructed by the same engineer, in the year 1809, has one arch, the span of which is 206 feet, and the versed sine 16 feet 6 inches, with a width of roadway of 32 feet: the radius of curvature is 422 feet. The ribs and joists are all of fir timber, and the cross ties and plates of oak: there are three sets of main ribs, one placed in the middle of the width, and the other on each exterior side; that in the centre has three ribs side by side, the middle having at the abutments five beams in depth, and at the crown three; the two other or outer main ribs have but three courses Fig. 2278. BRIDGE OF BAMBERG. of timber throughout their whole extent: the dimensions of the timbers which form these courses vary from 13 to 15 inches square; as in the bridge of Freysingen, cross ties are introduced between the main ribs, and the roadway is similarly constructed. This celebrated engineer and bridge-builder erected in Bavaria many others, upon the same principle to those already described: that at Sharding has a width of roadway of 25 feet, the span of its arches 194 feet, with a rise of 19 feet; another at Augsbourg has its span 114 feet, and the rise of its arch 10½ inches, the radius of curvature being 158 feet; that at Ettringen, over the Wertach, has a span of 139 feet, with a rise of 8 feet, and the radius of curvature 305 feet; that at Irsingen, over the Wertach, 126 feet span, with a rise of 7 feet, and a radius of 285 feet; that of Oettingen, over the Inn, 103 feet span, 6 feet 9 inches rise, and a radius of curvature of about 200 feet; that at Vilshoven, 179 feet span, and 11 feet rise, the radius of curvature being 378 feet; that at Altenmarkt, on the Alz, 140 feet span, 13 feet rise, and 203 feet radius of curvature. M. Wiebeking has usually given 25 feet for the ordinary width of his bridges, which is sometimes increased to 32, and the rise of roadway is 1 in 24, which is by no means inconvenient; he found that timber bridges would settle, when constructed upon his principle, about 1 foot in 72, so that, to have a rise of 1 in 24 when finished, it must be framed for a rise of 1 in 18. The proportions he gives for the rise of different spans are valuable, as they are entirely the result of his practical observations, unmixed with any theory; he states generally, that a tenth rise is the best proportion, but that for convenience it is better to keep them lower: from 100 to 155 feet span, he makes the rise; for 200 feet, 1; 300 feet, ; 400 feet, ; 500; and 600 feet span, the greater the span, the greater must be the rise. 13 12 4 T 3 1382 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book 11. Bridge over the Delaware, at Trenton, in New Jersey, in America, built by Mr. Burr, in 1804, consists of five arches of different span, and crosses the river where its width is Fig. 2279. ·160 ft- DELAWARE BRIDGE. --200 ft ∙180 ft. 1100 feet. The arches rise from their chord line, in the proportion of 13 to 100 feet, and they are all segments of circles: there are in the width of the bridge five parallel Fig. 2280. DELAWARE at TRENTON. rows of these arches; one traverses the middle, two are placed at a distance of 11 feet, and admit carriages between them; the outer are at a further distance of 4 feet 6 inches, forming two carriage and two footways. Fig. 2281. PLAN. The ribs are cut from planks of white pine from 35 to 50 feet in length, 12 inches wide, and 4 inches thick; these planks are laid close together, the joints being broken, and having an equal depth throughout of 3 feet; they are all held firmly together by iron straps: thus a rib is made as strong as one of whole timber, and, to prevent them from Fig. 2282. SECTION. Fig. 2283. ABUTMENTS. springing, horizontal tie-beams are introduced, from one pier to the other, connected by diagonal timbers with the ribs; these are carried above the spandrills of the arches, which are filled in with diagonal braces; thus the ribs are so strengthened above and below that they cannot easily change their form. CHAP. XXIII. 1383 TIMBER BRIDGES. The platform that carries the road is suspended from these five arches by perpendicular iron rods, which hook into eyes fixed on the arches, at a distance of 8 feet apart in the B B B NII Fig. 2284. ARCH OF Delaware bridge. three middle, and 16 in the two outer arches; stirrup-irons at the lower ends of these rods receive the joists; diagonal braces unite the platform with the tie-beams, and prevent any motion to which it would be subjected; stone piers and abutments carry this ingenious piece of carpentry, and the whole is roofed, to protect it from the weather. Three arches on one side are each 200 feet opening, the fourth 180, the fifth 160 feet, and the versed sine of the largest 27 feet. The Bridge over the Susquehanna, in Columbia, constructed in a similar manner, was com- pleted in 1834; there are twenty-nine timber arches, each of 200 feet span, supported on two abutments and twenty-eight stone piers. The water-way of this magnificent bridge is 5800 feet, and its whole length, including piers and the abutments, 11 mile. There are three sets of timber arches, which allow of two passage ways for road and railway carriages, the whole breadth being 30 feet. The Timber Bridge over the Portsmouth rivers in America, built after the designs of Mr. Bludget, has but one arch, with a span of 250 feet. The timbers are placed at a distance apart equal to twice their own depth: there are three concentric ribs; the middle carries the floor of the bridge; they were selected from crooked timbers, so that the fibre might run nearly in the direction of the curves, and are connected together by pieces of hard and incompressible wood, with wedges driven between, the ribs being mortised to receive them; thus the three ribs are kept at a regular and parallel distance from each other. Each rib is formed of two pieces, laid side by side, about 15 feet in length; they are all disposed in such a manner as to break joint, the end of one piece of timber coming in the middle of the length of the other, which is near it; their ends all abut with a square joint against each other, and are neither scarfed nor mortised, the two pieces of timber being held together by transverse dovetail keys and joints: all the timbers are admirably united, and freely exposed to the action of the air; any piece may also be removed, in case of its requiring reparation, without injury to the rest of the structure. The only defect in its construction is that of mortising through the principal ribs so fre- quently for the purpose of admitting the wedges, which renders them not so strong, and more susceptible of injury by compression; the keys and wedges effectually fill up the holes cut to receive them, therefore it is supposed that the strength is not so much impaired. This bridge would receive additional strength by the introduction of braces, which would connect the three ribs together, and if of iron more firmness would be given to it. Richmond Bridge, in America, is a fine example of lattice-work, as adapted by Mr. Town to a span of 78 feet up to 150 feet; and as there is no lateral thrust, and materials of small scantling are required, this system has been much adopted on the railroads: the lattice framing is composed of fir planks, about 3 inches in thickness and 12 inches wide, arranged so as to lie across each other at right angles; at the points of intersection they are united by oak treenails 1½ inch in diameter, which pass entirely through them. The depth of the lattice-work is proportioned to the span, and is about 9 feet 6 inches when the former is 78 feet. In the bridges constructed upon this system there are but two ribs, one under each side of the roadway, connected together at every 12 feet by cross timbers, between which are diagonal braces. The lattice frames are usually placed in recesses prepared for them in stone abutments: at Philadelphia a lattice bridge was constructed, which extended 1100 feet, resting on ten stone piers; and on the New York and Haerlem railway another, 736 feet in length, with only four stone piers. One of the chief points to be considered in the construction of large timber arches is the lightness and elasticity of the material; for when a heavy load is placed near one of the 4 T 4 1384 Boox 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2285. RICHMOND BRIDGE, IN america. Fig. 2286. Fig. 2287. TRANSVERSE SECTION, RICHMOND BRIDGE, America. abutments, it causes a depression at one part and an elevation at the other, which, although apparently trifling, disturbs the equilibrium, and racks the framing in such a manner as to be highly detrimental to its stability. Cross-framing, by halving scantlings together, and attaching them strongly to a top and bottom beam, has long been practised, and found to constitute a very effectual truss : but wherever they are used, they should be covered by a roof, or protected from the effects of the weather; for a framing com- posed of a great number of pieces would have its form greatly changed by any trifling con- traction or shrinking of the several parts. The horizontal timbers are more subject to such an effect than those which are placed vertically, or that receive their pressure in the direction of their length; consequently, in lattice bridges, great care is requisite to have that portion of the timbers well seasoned upon which the abutments of the several struts are secured. Fig. 2288. RICHMOND BRIDGE, America. CHAP. XXIII. 1385 TIMBER BRIDGES. Fig. 2289. PLAN OF RICHMOND BRIDGE. Fig. 2290. PLAN UNDER platform. E Fig. 2291. PLAN OF RICHMOND bridge. Bridge over the Schuylkill, at Fairmount, near Philadelphia, was designed by Louis Wernwag, and destroyed by fire in 1838: it was a beautiful piece of carpentry, composed of a single arch, the span of which was 340 feet, and it had no other support than that of Fig. 2292, BRIDGE OVER THE SCHUYLKILL. the two abutments; the versed sine was 38 feet, and the breadth of the carriage-way 30 feet. The principal timbers, which were of large dimension, were all sawn down the middle, for the purpose of ascertaining whether they were perfectly sound; and when applied to the bridge they were placed at a sufficient distance apart to allow the tenons of 29 king-posts, 1386 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. which radiated to the centre, to pass, without any mortises being cut to receive them; by this means the air circulated freely round all the timbers, and dry rot was prevented: the main ribs consisted of three double rows of timbers, laid three deep, or one above the other, the whole bound together strongly with wrought-iron. Between the tops of the king-posts straining beams were introduced, which kept the heads from approaching each other, and in addition two other timbers, placed diagonally, like St. Andrew's cross, were inserted in each of the divisions, strutting the king-posts more firmly and preventing the arch from springing. The abutments, against which the timber arch pressed, were of solid masonry, and carried up considerably higher than the top of the arch. The floor of the bridge was upon girders, laid upon shoulders formed in the sides of the king-posts, to which they were firmly bolted: on the tops of the kings, and in the direction of the transverse girders, were the tie-beams of the roof; these latter not only served to maintain the roof securely, but also the heads of the kings in their perpen- dicular and proper position. The roof was lightly formed, and the sides of the bridge were close boarded, so that the timbers, or the principles of their construction, could not be seen. Bridge across the Tees, with an arch of 150 feet span, and a versed sine of 16 feet, is a bold piece of construction: the arch is formed by an upper and lower circular rib, with vertical or rather radiating timbers between them; and the bracing or St. Andrew's cross, inserted between each pair, gives at first the character of 28 hollow voussoirs: each circular rib is formed of two thicknesses of timber 12 inches by 6, bolted together with 7 round bolts, and the heading joints are broken every 10 feet in length; vertical timbers are placed upon these ribs, 12 inches by 10, which support the longitudinal pieces that carry the road: these are also of a similar scantling to the main ribs, and are halved and bolted to the transverse bearers upon which the roadway is formed, which has a clear width of 13 feet. The abutments at each side are of red sandstone quarried out of the bed of the river, and laid in courses with a face tooled, and a cast seating plate separates the stone from the timber arch: the latter was placed by means of a stage formed on piles driven 15 feet apart; and when the two ribs with their radiating timbers and diagonal braces were fixed, the wedges were drawn, and the weight of the ribs thrown upon the iron seating at the abutments, and upon the head joints of the framing, which were protected by two plates of lead, 7 pounds to the foot: after this the piles and stage were removed: in this bridge there was employed 4240 cubic feet of Memel timber, and the total cost was 1200l. Swing Bridges of Iron are now so generally adopted at docks and canals that those of timber are scarcely to be met with: they revolve easily upon a circle, and can be moved with the greatest facility. ושרונר Fig. 2293. SWING BRIDGE of iron. Swing Bridges over canals are simply framed and loaded at the turning end, where an iron circle and wheel facilitate their motion in either direction: where the bridge Fig. 2294. SWING BRIDGE. CHAP. XXIIÏ. 1387 SWING BRIDGES. extends over the abutments to a sufficient distance to counterpoise its weight over the canal a pivot, or small wheel, enables it to be turned readily. Swing bridges may be Fig. 2295. UTRECHT SWING BRIDGE. constructed on the suspension principle, and made to revolve on rollers working in a groove or iron rail: at Havre they are suspended by chains which are fixed Fig. 2296. SWING BRIDGE. Fig. 2298. HAVRE SWING BRIDGE. Fig. 2297. SECTION. 1388 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. at the two extremities of the principal timbers, and pass over an iron standard, placed over the revolving point; in this arrangement there is considerable strength: at Honfleur the Fig. 2299. HONFLEUR SWING" BRIDGE. swing bridge is suspended over a lofty standard of timber, round which it revolves : those at Helvoetsluys swing around a pole or iron standard, being counterpoised on the • סם Fig. 2300. HELVOETSLUYS SWING BRIDGE. banks sufficiently to prevent any inclination from taking place when the bridge is in motion. Double turning bridges may be made upon either of the principles already described. Fig. 2301. DOUBLE TURNING bridge. CHAP. XXIII. 1389 DRAWBRIDGES. Drawbridges are another description of shifting bridges, and consist of a wooden platform, wide enough to allow of the passage of horses and wheel carriages, and extending in length from one side of the watercourse to the other, or from a jetty to a projecting pier on the opposite side: whenever such bridges are adopted, the passage of the water is con- tracted as much as possible, and only sufficient room left for vessels to pass through; by this means, the platform is rendered as small and light as possible, without sacrificing the. necessary strength: it is secured by pivots or large hinges at one of its ends to the jetty, so that it can be raised from its horizontal to a vertical position, which is easily effected by chains attached to each of the corners of the side that is unhinged, and afterwards passed over pulleys, or hung to the ends of long levers, balanced on the top of stout posts, fixed firmly, and braced in that position. Those formerly existing at Brussels were balanced by weights attached to chains passing over standards that stood immediately over the walls of the canals: they were strongly braced, and firmly kept in their vertical position Fig. 2302. • DRAWBRIDGe, brussels. by means of iron ties. That contrived by Perronet opened in the middle, to allow the masts to pass through; by a windlass mounted in a frame it was easily manœuvred, and raised or let down promptly. Fig. 2303. PERRONET'S DRAWBRIDGE, BRUSSELS. Balancing Bridges at Brussels, to work in a quadrant of iron: when in a position to permit a passage over them, they are supported by struts, which have a bearing on a set-off in the masonry; when tilted up, they are maintained in that position by a rack and pinion; at Neuf Brisack the bridge is lifted by a weight over a pulley. 1990 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. Fig. 2304. & -ព.. BALANCING bridge, bruSSELS. Fig. 2305. The platforms of all draw- bridges should have a pre- ponderance, to render them steady, when in their le- vel position; counterpoising weights are, however, ex- ceedingly useful, in affording facility in moving them when required, and for lowering them into their place. Draw- bridges of considerable extent should be formed out of curved timbers, or slightly cambered. Provision must be made for the load to which such bridges may be subject, from the possi- bility of their being crowded with human beings, such a load amounting to one hundredweight at least for every super- ficial foot, independent of the weight of the materials with which the bridge is con- structed: if therefore it be calculated for three times that weight, there will not be more than the requisite strength; and the levers, chains, and pivots must be propor- tioned to the duties they have to perform. Where drawbridges were used to cross a ditch or moat around a fortified house or castle, they were hung so that when drawn up they covered the face of the D-0-0- portcullis, and constituted a double protection: the under side of the platform should be cased with iron, or rendered secure against the at- tempts of the enemy either suddenly to burn or cut it away. The weight of the bridge thus increased requires greater power to hoist it than was ordinarily obtained by the levers and chains manœuvred by the soldiers stationed within the gate-house ; Fig. 2306. DRAWBRIDGE, NEUF BRISACE. ! CHAP XXIII. DRAWBRIDGES. 1391 several of the loopholes through which these levers passed may yet be traced round the ruins of our castles. Rolling Bridges are sometimes substituted for those which swing, the pulleys and wheels being so contrived that a considerable length may be operated upon without danger. Fig. 2307. ROLLING BRIDGE, Drawbridge, with a platform composed of three principal timbers, is made to rise by pulling up a lever on each side, which has a pivot that works against the under side of each bearer when it is re- quired to be let down and form a defence, the frame in which the plat- form turns upon its pivots is first drawn up by chains; the platform is then swung round, and hangs upright upon the pivots, the longest end descending into the ditch. The dotted circle indi- cates the various positions of the platform. The bridge called pons subductarius was hung at one end by a hinge, whilst the other was ele- vated by some such simple contrivance as the ba- lance or plyers; when raised or elevated, it pre- vented the passage of any one across the ditch or moat it crossed. In many parts of the continent the bridges are still made to Fig. 2308. draw backwards and forwards, so as to prevent or afford a passage across the water, whenever it is desired. The flying-bridge, or pons ductarius, was generally formed in a different manner, leather boats, casks, or metal pontoons, being laid on the river and covered with a platform of timber: they are sometimes made by attaching or hanging several platforms to boats, then dropping them one to the other, the boats being pre- viously anchored or moored in the middle of the river: flying-bridges are occasionally made by laying one platform over another, in such a manner that they can be pushed forwards upon wheels or rollers. 1392 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING Book. II. Another Draw- bridge, by which the platform may be first raised from its level and afterwards turned up in a perpendicular direction, consists of two simple levers united by a cylin- drical shaft at the lowest end, mo- ving on a pivot or hinge below, and above is another, which lifts up the platform from the recess into which it is laid when the bridge is level; when so lifted it is drawn back, as shown by the dotted lines, and turning on the upper pivot assumes an upright position, dropping into the ditch, where it is lodged in a recess of the masonry prepared to receive it. Spherical Rollers for bridges of this description unite Fig. 2309. many advantages over the pivots, as they produce less friction and can be more easily turned. งบ IDE Fig. 2310. Fig. 2311. Rope Bridges are of very simple construction: upon a number of cords stretched across a ravine or river may be placed a timber tripod framed together in a triangular shape, upon which timber bearers may be laid, to sustain the planks that are to constitute the road-way: the weight to be transported must guide the engineer in the number and strength of the ropes employed, which are to be secured by piles driven firmly on each bank. Fig. 2312. ROPE BRIDGES. Or a Mast may be used to sustain the ropes, when the breadth of the river is too great to admit of the ropes being carried over in one length; the height must be governed by the width of the stream. After ropes are secured to the shores and mast, others are suspended Fig. 2313. ROPE BRIDGES. CHAP. XXIII 1393 ROPE BRIDGES. by blocks and pulleys to carry the timber platform: such an arrangement in all probability gave the idea of the several wire suspension bridges that have been constructed for rivers Fig 2314. ROPE BRidge. H Fig. 2315. PLATFORM of a rope bridge. of considerable breadth, it is often necessary to erect a framing of carpentry on each shore, to which the several ropes which are to carry the platform are suspended. Fig. 2316. ROPE Bridge. Bridges of Boats were of very general use during the middle ages, and are still found convenient over the Rhine, and in many parts of Germany: one at Strasbourg yet remains, upwards of 1300 feet in length, and another at Cologne: they are frequently described by ancient authors, and we have already alluded to them. That over the Seine at Rouen was constructed in 1700 by an Augustine monk, named Nicolas: various forms are given to the boats, which are flat-bottomed, and placed at a distance from centre to centre, equal to their length, or a trifle more; they are loaded with stone or ballast, so as to enable them always to remain at the same height above the water, and are secured together by the longitudinal timbers that pass over them, or by chains that cross diagonally from one to the other. Anchors dropped in the stream, to which the boats are moored, enable them to maintain their position, and, when it is required to make an opening to let the vessels pass, two of the boats with the platform upon them are floated on one side, and held in their new position by anchors laid down for the purpose. The bearers on which the platform is laid may be formed of three or more longitudinal timbers, over which are short joists to receive the planking, or by at once laying the planks transversely on a greater number of long timbers; the nature of the stream and the strength requisite for the bridge must determine which method is preferable. Floating Bridge across the Hamoaze, between Torpoint and Devonport, consists of a flat- bottomed vessel, 65 feet in length, and in width at midships 45 feet; it is further lengthened by a drawbridge at each end, where its width is only 38 feet 6 inches: when freighted, its draught of water is 30 inches, and the clear depth of the hold is 4 feet 3 inches; it has its sides curved vertically, in order that the spray may not so readily mount, and to prevent 4 U 1394 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. • D + 1 · 口 ​Fig. 2317. BRIDGE OF BOATS. שן Fig. 2318. BRIDGE Of boats. the effect of the waves breaking over. The roadway is cross-battened, to prevent the cattle from slipping, and the sides are fenced in the drawbridges are suspended by two three- quarter-inch chains, one of which forms a guard-rail, and the other passes through the engine-house, where it is connected with a small purchase machine. This bridge at the time of low-water is passed in 7 minutes, and at high-water in 8, at a spot where the Hamoaze is 2550 feet wide at high-water, and 2110 at low, the greatest depth being 96 feet, and at low-water 18. The current at the ordinary spring-tides runs from 260 feet per CHAP. XXIII. 1395 CENTERING. minute to 330, which is considerably increased when the wind is north-west and there are heavy land floods. Two chains which pass through the bridge over two cast-iron wheels are laid across the river, and fastened at the opposite banks; they are of inch-iron, and each link is made to a gauge to fit the wheels and prevent its slipping off: the chaius sink to the bed of the river when the bridge is alongside either shore, and as it is put in motion, they form arcs of a circle, the ends on shore, to which weights are attached, rising and falling from 5 to 8 feet in the shafts made to receive them. Two steam-engines, each with a cylinder of 19 inches diameter, and 2 feet 6 inches stroke, working at a pressure of 3 pounds per inch, and at an average speed of 35 strokes per minute, is the moving power; these turn a shaft, at each end of which is a large cast-iron wheel, whereon the guide chains rest. To prevent the chains which cross the Hamoaze from becoming tight and impeding the navigation, their ends have heavy weights attached to them, in shafts 25 feet deep and 16 feet square, at the head of each landing-place, the weights being of cast-iron, each loaded with 5 tons; these enter the shafts over cast-iron sheaves, 2 feet in diameter, so that when there is a strain upon the chains the weights rise and fall. The feeding water, which supplies the one boiler common to the two engines, is obtained on the eastern shore, and the waste steam is made to pass into the tank, where it assists in raising the temperature of the water contained in it. Centres. The systems laid down for the construction of roofs, particularly those having a convex form, as domes and cupolas, apply also to that of centres: a pair of principals may equally serve for the construction of an ordinary roof, as for the formation of a centre, care being taken to give it strength in the parts where the greatest weight is deposited; this strength varies according to the nature of the material to be supported: brick, rubble, and freestone, differing in weight, require different degrees of support. Timber Centres, formed of a series of principals or trusses, are always adopted when the arches are of freestone and strength is required; in constructing the arches of a bridge of any considerable diameter, where the form is that of a semicircle, or semi-ellipsis, after the voussoirs are laid to a certain height, the timbers of the centre are compressed, occa- sioning the crown or upper portion, which is not loaded, to spring, producing a con- siderable change of form; this inconvenience is only to be obviated by loading the summit as the process of laying the voussoirs advances; but this precaution will not prevent the centre from altering towards the haunches: whenever a tie-beam is omitted in that part where the greatest pressure occurs, compression and change of form are the consequence. Centres with tie-beams are always to be preferred to those formed by parts of polygons inscribed within each other; when constructed without horizontal timbers, in the direction of the greatest compression, they must yield very considerably, occasioning great de- rangement and inconvenience: various principles have been acted upon in later times for setting out centres, and for the disposal of the principal timbers. M. Lorgna, of Verona, in a work entitled Saggi di Statica e Mecanica applicate alle Arti, gives the dia- gram here introduced: but the tim- bers C, D are too much inclined, as are those at E,G, to have the requisite effect; the pendant timbers AZ, BT, are not well placed, and the small struts h,i, are not calcu- lated to discharge the several weights F,A,B, I, resting on the centre, which are expressed by the balls a,b,c,d. • о B T о b с d Fig. 2319. The art of disposing various lengths of timber, so as to form a perfect centre, capable, without undergoing any change in its form, of carrying the weights of the voussoir throughout, until the key-stone which locks the whole is placed, and to determine the scantling for the various pieces composing it, requires greater knowledge than is usually possessed by the ordinary builder. Rondelet observes that mathematicians, who have written largely on the subject, have not entered sufficiently into detail to make their labours practically useful; their theory is so general that it cannot be applied to particular cases; and when it is considered that their formula does not embrace every quality that the materials may possess, or comprise the kind of workmanship adopted in putting the pieces together, it is not surprising that the results are so much removed from truth, and that there should be such material differences between those who practise the art of construction. After examining with the greatest attention all that Pitot, Couplet, Freziers, and Lorgna of Verona had written, Rondelet found that their theories simply proved, that all the pieces of timber composing a centre ought to be so combined as to support in the most advantageous manner possible all the stones or voussoirs, which were supposed to slide in their joints, more or less, according to their inclination as the surfaces of stones : 4 U 2 1396 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. are not sufficiently smooth to slide, unless the plane on which they are placed ceases to be horizontal, experiments have been made to ascertain at what inclination they can support themselves; and it has been found that hard stone, which slides most easily, does not begin to do so until inclined about 300. The same experiments made with stone bedded in fresh mortar give for hard stone from 34° to 36°, and for soft, which by absorbing the moisture of the mortar forms itself into a body almost immediately, up to 45°, when the centre of gravity of the stone does not fall out of its base. Thus by taking 30° for the point where the voussoirs begin to slide, we are sure of results above those which experience would give; whence it would appear that the centre ought only to begin at that height. In several constructions of ancient bridges, such as the Pont du Garde and Ponte Sisto at Rome, we still sec the projecting stones on which the bases of the centres were placed; they are from 25° to 28° above the springing; nevertheless for centres of vaults of great diameter, the tie-beam of which is re- quired to be supported at a certain distance, it is better to begin the centre at the springing, so as to strengthen the tie-beam underneath. The weight on the centres is not material until above 30°; it then goes on augmenting with the voussoirs, until the key is placed which supports the vault and relieves the centre of its weight. In order to find a combination of pieces of timber which shall resist the efforts of the voussoirs, we must first determine the position of the tie-beam. For this purpose, whatever may be the centre of the arch, whether lofty, a semicircle, or an ellipsis, draw from the points A and D, figs. 2320, 2321, 2322, 2323., two indefinite tangents which meet at the point F, through which draw a perpendicular to the curve; the point K, where it intersects, will determine the position of the tie-beam : having then divided the part KD into two or three parts, in proportion to its developed length, draw through the points of division E and G other per- pendiculars to the curve, which will indicate the position of two intermediate king-posts. From the point I, where the direction of the first will meet the tie-beam, draw the line HIL, which K D E L' K H R T Fig. 2320. D T H Fig. 2321. will indicate below the position of an inclined piece to support the bearing of the tie-beam, and above, that of a brace to sustain the top of the king-post LT, supported on the other side by the brace LH, which abuts against the king-post of the centre. below the tie-beam will be divided into two, three, or four parts in proportion to its length, through which must The part D E be passed the binding pieces R, S, F to support the inclined pieces, posts and braces which unite these, as well as to prevent their yielding in the direction of their length. The scantlings of the various timbers must be found in the manner before indicated, taking care to observe which are pressed in the direction of their ends, and which in their width, and it is important to consider that it is not only requisite that each of these pieces should have A H Fig. 2322. ન T CHAP. XXIII. 1397 CENTERING. strength sufficient to resist a portion of the weight which is applied to it, but also to resist any effect arising from partial movement, or from imper- fections in the timber or in the workmanship of their framing. Timbers, which have great weights to support, and which are pressed in the direction of their length, should be as many inches square as they are long in feet, or from a twelfth to a tenth of their thickness in length: when drawn in the direction of R their length, from a thirtieth to a twenty-fourth: and bearers, loaded at right angles, or per- ▲ pendicular to their length, from a twenty-fourth to an eighteenth. A centre for a semicircular arch with a tie-beam may be determined according to the rules before given : for an ellipsis the same rule is applicable: for an elongated ellipsis, the timbers may be similarly ar- ranged. H R S S גז 12 D F T Fig. 2323. D F Fig. 2324. N D Κ F In examining the stiffness of cen- tres, the chief point for our consider- ation is, where do the arch-stones first begin to press upon them, and what is the pressure exerted by the several voussoirs? We have seen that stone placed upon an in- clined plane does not begin to slide, unless it slope a little more than 30° from the horizontal plane; con- sequently any stone which did not slide upon its bed would not bear at all upon the centre. Hard stone laid in mortar slides when the angle is beyond 34°, and one of a soft nature will remain firm when the angle which its joint makes is as much as 45°; this point has been termed the angle of repose, and if we suppose the pressure to be represented by the radius, the tangent of the angle will represent the friction; hence if we call the pressure unity, the friction will be 0.625, or according to Perronet 0.8. The next course of voussoirs after the angle of repose will press upon the centre, as will every succeeding course, with an in- creased weight. The relation between the weight of a vcussoir and its pressure upon the centre in a direction perpendicular to the curve of the centre may be determined by the following equation, W (sin. a - ƒ cos. a) = P; where W is the weight of the arch-stone, P the pressure upon the centre, ƒ the friction, and a the angle which the plane of the lower joint of the arch-stone makes with the horizon. H When the angle which the joint makes with the horizon is Fig. 2325. 34° 36 38 40 42 44 46 1 P = '04 W 48° P = 33 W P = '08 W 50 P = ·37 W P - •12 W 52 P ་་ •40 W P = ·17 W 54 P P = '21 W 56 P P *** •25 W 58 P = = '44 W - '48 W 52 W P = 29 W 60 P = ·54 W 413 1398 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. When the plane of the joint becomes so much inclined that a vertical line passing through the centre of gravity of the voussoir does not fall within the lower bed of the stone, the whole weight of the voussoir may be said to rest upon the centre. If it be required to determine the weight of any voussoir, we must take from the table the decimals opposite the degrees at which it is laid; for example, to obtain the pressure upon the centre of the twenty degrees which commence at the joint: making an angle of 32° with the horizon, or from 32° to 52°, we must add them together, and multiply this sum by the weight of that portion of the voussoirs comprehended between 2°, and the pro- duct will be the pressure of 20° of the arch upon the centre. Supposing the frames of the centre to be 5 feet apart from the middle of each, the depth of the voussoirs 4 feet, and the space comprehended between 2° of the arch, measured at the middle of the depth of the stone, 1.5 feet, the solid content of which is 30 cube feet, the weight of 1 foot being 150 pounds; the weight of 2° will be 30 x 150=4500 pounds: adding the decimals together from 32° to 52°, the sum is 2.26, which multiplied by 4500, gives 10·170 pounds for the pressure of 20 degrees. The two middle arches of the Bridge of Cher, near Tours, one 62 feet, the other 59 feet, has centres formed upon this construction. • Fig. 2326. BRIDGE of cher. At the Bridge of the Assise, near Tours, where the arches had 64 feet span, and the thickness of the arch was 3 feet 2 inches, this sort of centre was also used: the stone employed was of the ordinary weight, and the principals which formed the centering were placed 6 feet apart. Fig. 2327. · BRIDGE OF L'ASSISE, NEAR tours. • CHAP. XXIII. 1399 CENTERING. Perronet's system of forming Centres was to omit the tie-beam, and from his elegant work on bridge-building a few examples are selected: this engineer imagined that when the * Fig. 2328. CENTRE, 76 feet span. timbers were prolonged they found a portion of their support in the opposite sides of the arch; a centre so contrived may be regarded as composed of a number of trusses or framed voussoirs, and are subject, as he found, to great disarrangement, if not loaded very carefully. ----------- Fig. 2329. CENTRE, 64 feet span. The centres used by Labelye for the construction of the arches of Westminster Bridge were an improvement upon those of Perronet, and calculated to bear more equally the weight that was placed upon them, see fig. 429. p. 424. The centres for Blackfriars Bridge were contrived partly upon Labelye's and partly upon Perronet's principles, but they were supported upon in- clined timbers, which greatly assisted the wedging up and gradual lowering of them after the last voussoir was placed; see fig. 432. p. 428. That of Cravant, situated on the River Yonne, had a span of 64 feet and a rise of : there Fig 2330. were five trusses or sets of principals, placed 5 feet 6 inches from middle to middle; each was composed of three triangles, the larger timbers of which were from 16 to 19 feet in length and 10 inches square; the pendant binding-pieces were nearly 8 feet in length, and of the same scantling. The thickness of the arch at the key was 4 feet 3 inches: the 4 U4 1400 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. stone employed in its construction was of the ordinary weight; this centre was found teo weak for the purpose. $ Fig. 2331. CENTRE, 64 FEET SPAN. The Arches of St. Edme were 95 feet 6 inches span, and rose 27 feet 8 inches: the principals forming the centres were five in number, and placed 7 feet apart. The tim- bers used in their construction varied from 19 to 24 feet in length, were from 15 to 16 inches square, and sufficiently strong for the purpose; the thickness of the arch at the key was 4 feet 10 inches. The Centres of the Bridge at Mantes, contrived by Perronet, show the care and attention he bestowed upon this portion of his constructions, and the ability he evinced in forming • 8 8 8 8 8 8 仁 ​क. Fig. 2332. BRIDGE at mantES. the temporary bridge and scaffolding for the purpose of hoisting them was equally admirable. The thickness of the arch at the key was 4 feet 4 inches, and it continued CHAP. XXIII. 1401 CENTERING. Fig. 2333. ות או IL BRIDGE AT MANTES. 45 ита Fig. 2334. רא XI LX I BRIDGE AT MANTES. IM LIX * the same throughout to its abutments; as there were six principals or ribs to each centre, it required considerable power to raise them into their places, which was well accomplished by strong tackle attached to lofty poles. We have evidence that this system of Perronet's was previously adopted by Hardouin Mansard, when the bridge at Moulins was constructed under his direction, and it would appear at first sight that the timber was placed in a manner to be sus- ceptible of the greatest resistance: but it has not always succeeded well where it has been applied; the multiplicity of timbers occasions too much play about their joints, and centres so formed are very liable to change their figure. The centres of the bridge at Mantes, the ribs of which were 6 feet 6 inches apart, were formed of four courses of rafters or inclined pieces 18 inches square, and their settling was found Fig. 23.5. CENTRES Of arches. Fig. 2336. to be very considerable; when the voussoirs were placed at the haunches, the centres bent under the weight, and rose at the summit, which it was necessary to load considerably, to keep the centres in their true form. 1402 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. The Centres of the Bridge at Neuilly were similar to those at Mantes, and the span of the arches was equal to that of the great arch of the latter: but this is not so flat, and although the thickness of the arch be less than that at Neuilly, and the principals only 6 feet 6 inches distant from each other, they were found to be too weak: each principal had seven or Fig. 2337. • BRIDGE OF NEUILLY. • eight timbers split throughout their length, others were bent, and their extre- mities penetrated into the faces of the binding pieces the settling of the arches being very considerable, it was ne- cessary to load the centres with a weight nearly equal to 600 tons: when the arches were ready to be closed, and only seven courses of voussoirs remained to be placed, the gene- ral settlement of the centre was more than an inch in 24 hours, and it would have been still greater, but for the celerity with which the work was carried on, and the precaution taken to strengthen it by braces ex- tending from one principal timber to the other, and by placing struts between the courses of the opposite voussoirs. The openings in the framing were caused by the timbers not bearing equally against the binding- pieces throughout the whole surface of their extremities, and an attempt was made to correct this defect by cutting Fig. 2339. each extremity in the form of an arc of a circle: this disposition, which was adopted at the bridges of St. Maxence and of Concord at Paris, was successful in preventing the inclined timbers from splitting, but they continued to penetrate into the binding-pieces; it also increased the play of the framework, and rendered the centres more susceptible Fig. 2338. BRIDGE OF NEUILLY. CHAP. XXIII. 1403 CENTERING. of changing their form. The ends of the two inclined timbers in the upper part might be framed with bevelled shoulders, thus making them bear upon each other; the binding- pieces would continue to embrace them, and the whole being consolidated by bolts would be more firm. In forming the centre of a bridge, the weight should be equally borne throughout, and the parts should be made sufficiently strong to support any portion or the whole of the pressure to which it is submitted; wherever the timbers abut end to end, a socket of iron should be used, as was done in the centre of Waterloo Bridge, London. The timbers should intersect one another as little as possible, and should never be halved or cut into, as either practice causes a great loss of strength. The Centres used at the Bridge of Orleans were not sufficiently strong as originally projected, and some braces were added to it in the course of the construction, extending from one principal to another. The scantling of the timbers was about 15 inches square, R Fig. 2340. CENTRES OF BRIDGe of orleans. that of the braces 9 inches, and that of the needles 16 inches: these centres were successful, and proved of sufficient resistance, although not very much loaded with timber: they were composed of fewer pieces, which rendered them less liable to change form, which a weight of 100 tons was sufficient, when placed on their summit, to prevent. Fig. 2341. a 8 h CENTRE OF THE BRIDGE AT NEMOURS. Fig. 2341. represents the centre used at the bridge of Nemours on the Loing: in an arc so flattened, the whole arch bears equally on the centre, and removing the wedges becomes very difficult: striking the centre was in this instance effected by destroying by degrees the extremities of the second and third rows of inclined timbers, at the point where they framed into the side timbers; the centre, being no longer sustained except by the upper row, sunk a little, after which it was easily taken down. The centres employed in the construction of the bridges of Neuilly and Mantes have but little strength, notwith- standing the quantity of timber employed in them, each course of which may be con- sidered in such centres as an assemblage of several levers, united at their extremities by hinges or turning joints, and loaded with different weights; we know that the equilibrium of such a system depends on certain conditions, which are the same as in the polygon, so that the length of the levers being given, their respective inclination depends on the weights which they support, and are functions determined by those weights: before the centre is loaded by the voussoirs, it is in a state of equilibrium; but it is no longer so when the first voussoirs are laid, and the centre would crush if no attempt were made to establish the equilibrium, by loading the upper parts provisionally; by the advancement of the work, the equilibrium is again broken, and fresh settlements arise, which would become dangerous if the weight on the top were not increased, and the arch completed as quickly as possible: thus at different periods the equilibrium is alternately broken and re-established, and the centre is in a continual movement during the whole time of the construction. Several engineers have believed that this movement of the centre during the placing of the voussoirs, far from injuring the construction of large arches, serves on the contrary to ensure it. A distinction has been made between fixed and movable centres, and the pre- ference has often been given to the latter; the only reason for this preference must arise from the idea that a movable centre yields to the settlement of the arch, which, with the com- 1404 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. pression of the joints, begins before the striking of the centre, and even before the arch is closed; by the time the centre is struck, the mortar has already acquired much con- sistency, and no sensible change can happen in the figure of the arch: but it is very easy to imagine that a centre composed so as to remain fixed during construction should have the same properties; for whatever may be the system of the carpentry of a centre, in gradually destroying the points of support on which it is placed, its resistance may always be insensibly diminished, leaving it the necessary strength for supplying that which the arch has not yet acquired; which resistance should continue until after the joints having been compressed as much as possible, the arch can sustain itself, and is no longer susceptible of any movement. The only precaution to be used is not conducting this operation with too great rapidity. The question of fixed and movable centres was examined by the engineers of the Ponts et Chaussées in France, on the occasion of the construction of the arch of the bridge of Jena, and they decided in favour of the first; the success attending the execution of these arches confirmed the propriety of this decision. With respect to the system of carpentry to be employed for fixed centres, it appears that, in order to have requisite solidity, they should be composed of three parts at most, the two inferior ones immediately resting on corbels placed at the springings, to carry the upper parts; by such an arrangement there will be no tendency to a change of form, at any epoch of the construction of the arch; for it is evident that the only condition necessary for the equilibrium is, that the number of the voussoirs at the springing should be the same at each side. Fig. 2342. represents a centre formed after these principles, for the construction of the arches of the bridge of Moulins, which was built on a general radius, on which was established a centre, on points of support taken on the same radius, evidently producing the greatest solidity: the prin- cipals were distanced at 7 feet from centre to centre, and main- tained by horizontal binding- pieces, and by St. Andrew's crosses; the timbers were inches square. The centres of West- minster Bridge, constructed by Mr. King, were an im- provement upon those de- signed by Perronet. Two timbers resting on the abutments incline, and meet at the top of the arch, forming a large triangle; this is crossed and braced again in various directions, forming as it were seven large voussoirs: there is considerable strength in 13 Fig. 2342. CENTRE AT MOULINS. 10000000 Fig. 2343. CENTRE AT WESTMINSTER. such an arrangement, and it combines a portion of the principles afterwards adopted with so much success. Centres of 130 feet span have been formed by vertical and horizontal timbers braced by others in a diagonal position: they are exceedingly simple, and are easily put together and taken down: the upper portion is contrived to rest on wedges, and can be lowered without disturbing the rest; and by striking the inclined supports at bottom, their position can be altered when required. Fig. 2344. CENTRES OF 130 FEET SPAN CHAP. XXIII. 1405 CENTERING. The Coldstream Bridge had a frame with a tie and a series of braces united; this truss sup- ported on each side a portion of the centre, or the ribs, on which were laid the planks for turn- ing the arch; this was de- signed by Mr. Smeaton. The Centering used by Mr. Telford at the bridge of Cartland Crags pos- sessed considerable no- ANNONS - - - ~ - ~~JARAN SAODINGNANAMNJAJANAM NARASANNONNNNNAANAN Fig. 2345. CENTRE OF COLDSTREAM BRIDGE. velty, and was well adapted for its purpose: as the piers were built, care was taken to provide for a lodgment of the inclined timbers which were to support the second platform, on which the centre was to be constructed to carry the whole of the arch above it. The temporary platform on which the materials were brought, previously to lowering to their place, rested upon the centre, and by its weight assisted in steadying the work. VA 0 Fig. 2346. CENTRE OF CARTLAND CRAG BRIDGE. Centres made use of for Tunnelling do not require to be always timbered throughout; although as much or greater care is necessary for their Fig. 2347. CENTRE FOR A TUNNEL. 1406 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. formation as for those employed in the construction of the arch of a bridge. When the width of the tunnel and the earth which is to be removed will permit, a way may be driven on each side, and a portion of the earth or rock left in the middle, or at the two sides, upon which the timber centre may rest until the entire arch it is intended to sup. port is completed. many tunnels have been cut through the chalk hills, with a parabolic curve given to their centres, two masses of chalk having been left to support their lower timbers. In the former portion of the work, we have given the design and description of the centres used at many of the bridges erected during the last century, and to them we must refer the reader; those used for the construction of the bridges of London and Waterloo are particularly worthy of observation. On Pitot's manner of determining the Strength and Power of Centres. One of the first consider- ations he gives this sub- ject is to determine the effort which the centre will have to make, in resisting the pressure at its various parts; or what it will have to bear, at dif- ferent portions of time, whilst the voussoirs are fixing; the centre not being at all times equally loaded, the dimensions of the timbers must be pro- portioned to the burdens placed upon them, and this often before the load is equally distributed. Fig. 2348. CENTRE FOR A TUNNEL. M. Pitot has calculated the scantlings of the timber ribs for a semicircular arch 60 feet span, the stone ring that formed the first row of voussoirs being 7 feet in thickness. The timber was oak, and he states that a square inch will carry 8640 pounds weight with perfect security and for any length of time: but as knots and shakes may occur, in order to be on the safe side, he only calculates upon 7200 pounds as the measure of absolute strength. The entire weight resting on each rib or principal was 707,520 pounds, the weight of a cube foot of stone being 160 pounds. M. Pitot has in this case assumed a much more considerable weight than could occur in practice, as no arch of such a span could ever require a depth of voussoirs equal to what he has given. In a semicircular arch the voussoirs would not deposit much or any weight upon the centre, until the joints began to form a greater angle than 30°, as before observed; consequently the pressure on each rib would be diminished at least three-fourths of the entire load, and 555,908 pounds of stone would be the quantity resting on one rib, or eleven parts out of the entire fourteen. The dimensions of the timber forming one of the ribs were as follow: the exterior curved rib, cut to the form of the intrados, was in several lengths, no part less than a foot in width, and the whole 6 inches thick, all framed and bolted together; the main stretching piece or horizontal tie-beam, as well as the under one, were each 12 inches square : the king-post 12 inches square; the upper struts 10 inches by 6, and the lower 10 inches by 8; each rib has to carry 555,908 pounds, or of the entire weight of the stone ring, and as the lower portions of the arch on each side were nearly perpendicular, the curved outer rib would have to bear 7200 pounds weight on every square inch of sectional area. The scantling being 12 inches by 6, the area is 72 square inches, and this multiplied by 7200 gives 518,400 pounds as the quantity of support that each end of this timber will afford the lower struts will, after the same calculation, sustain 576,000 pounds; their inclination has not been considered, as it does not materially affect them. We shall find that the strength of the outer rib, or timber ring of this centre, will have a power of sustaining 1,036,800 pounds; and if we add to this 576,000 pounds for each of the four lower struts, we shall obtain 3,340,800 pounds strength to support a load of 555,908 pounds. But as this load does not press perpendicularly on the supports, it is necessary to carry the investigation further, and to determine the value of the oblique forces, by reducing them to a parallelogram, with sides proportionate to each force, and thus acquire the exact result. To do this a scale of equal parts may be set out, from which may be taken the lengths of such sides as are proportionate to the existing forces, and then measure the results by the same scale; the scale should be divided CHAP. XXIII. 1407 CENTERING. into parts representing 576,000; this must be set off upon each of the lower struts, to express their sustaining force, which is shown by the dotted lines at, as; and as the exterior strut receives some assistance from the outer arched rib, to the extent of 518,400 pounds, we must set off this quantity in continuation of these lines from t to e, which will form one side of the parallelogram ae; the other side will be as. The parallelogram is to m k A Fig. 2349. PITOT'S SYSTEM. be completed by drawing sx and ex, equal in length and parallel to their opposing sides. A line drawn diagonally, as ax, will then express the supporting strength of all the pieces, supposing the pressure had been in the direction of the diagonal, and as the maximum of the weight is in the perpen- dicular direction, and not obliquely, we must let fall a perpendicular from the point z, and let this line cut the base line of the arch; then the distance ac must be set off upon it at b, so that ac shall be equal to cb. From the point b, draw a right line parallel to ax, of the same length, which will cut the perpendicular y; join xb, and draw ay parallel to it; the parallelogram axby will be at com- pleted, and xcy is a vertical diagonal, the proportionate length of which will express the strength of the rib; this upon the scale will be found to be 2,850,000 pounds, making the centre equal in strength to more than four times that required for the load it has to support. All the timbers in the upper part of the centre may have their strength calculated in the same manner as we should proceed for a pair of principals with a king-post, making due allowance for the extra support given to a centre by the outer arched rib, which does not exist in a roof. The force of each strut being taken at 432,000 pounds, and that of the curve at 518,400, we must draw two lines from the middle of the top of the king-post, viz. mv, parallel to the lower strut c, making its length equal to 432,000, and the second line, upon the upper strut ms, must also have a similar length added to 518,000, or 950,000 pounds given to it. Complete the parallelogram msrv, and draw the horizontal line rk, from the lowest point of the parallelogram, cutting the line mq in k, and make kq equal to km; then mq will represent the weight that can be carried by the upper portion of the centre, which will be found equal to 1,160,000 pounds, greatly exceeding the strength required. The chief part of the load is sustained on the upper portion of the centre, therefore it requires that the struts should have had a greater scantling than the lower, although there is abundant strength throughout. The strain of the stretching-piece A A is denoted by rk and mg, which is the actual load sustained by the upper portion of the centre; one-sixth part or less of the strength of the cohesion of this stretching-piece is sufficient for the horizontal thrust to which it is exposed. 1408 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. These researches were made in the year 1726, and inserted by Pitot in the memoir of the Academy; they are founded on the hypothesis that the voussoirs are very numerous, and capable of sliding without any friction; consequently Pitot has valued the weight, therefore, which rests on the centre as too high. Couplet has also examined the weight supported by centres, in his memoir of 1729 : referring to arches composed of polished voussoirs, he remarks, and with reason, that on each side, starting with the springing, there is a certain number of voussoirs, which do not bear any weight upon the centre; and seeking the length of the arc embraced by these voussoirs in the semicircular vault, he finds it equal to the third of a quarter of a circle, a result which, being independent of the thickness of the arch, could only be exact in a particular case. With regard to the relation between the load which the upper part of the arch makes the centre support and its absolute weight, Couplet arrives at a result different from that of Pitot, and points out the error into which this latter had fallen : we will not enter further into these details, the inaccuracy of which is generally ac- knowledged. U M T It is known that in an arch extradossed the first courses support each other, without the assistance of a centre, so that it does not receive any load from it, until the plane of the joint makes with the horizon an angle, the trigonometrical tangent of which is equal to the relation of the friction to the pressure. It appears that when the voussoirs are placed on wedges, and laid dry over each other, this relation should be equally valued nearly as O is to 8, whence it results that the voussoir which begins to make the centre ex- perience a certain pressure should have the plane of its joint inclined about 42° to the horizon as to the value of this pressure, which acts perpendicularly to the surface of the centre, calling a the angle of inclination of the plane of the inferior joint, m the weight of the voussoir, ƒ the relation of the friction to the pressure, it will be expressed thus, S m ( sin. a - -ƒ cos. a) D R A Fig. 2350. The weight of the centre may be valued by calculating the value of this expression, for the different courses which shall be successively placed, until we arrive at a voussoir, M, so inclined that the vertical passing by its centre of gravity falls on the edge, R, of the voussoir immediately beneath it. There then happens one of two things, if the angle TRD, formed by the surface of the centre with a horizontal line DR, be less than 42 degrees, the voussoir M will sustain itself on the centre, without leaning on the inferior voussoirs; but if that angle be greater, the inferior voussoirs will carry a part of the weight of the voussoir M. It is easy to convince ourselves that the latter of these two cases hardly ever occurs, and that the first is the only one necessary to take into consideration. Starting from the voussoir M, the load of the centre may be estimated by the entire weight of the voussoirs : the position of the voussoir M depends moreover on the curve of the vault, and on the relation of the dimensions of the voussoirs. Let us suppose that the head of the voussoir M be a rectangle, U R will be the vertical passing by the centre of gravity, and the triangles URT and TRD being similar, we RT shall have tang. TRD= but if the angle TRD be the angle of friction, the tangent TU ᎡᎢ TU of this angle will be =0·8; then we shall have also, 0-8, that is to say, that the width of the youssoir will be of its length. Now the width of a voussoir, in large arches, is at the most only or of its length; consequently the angle TRD will be less than the angle of the friction; but if in the first moment the voussoir M, and those which follow it, do not exert any action on the inferior voussoirs, it is not the case when the settling of the centre takes place. As this settling cannot continue without obliging the arc A Š (fig. 2351.) to become shorter, this arc resists, as a portion of the arch, the pressure which exerts itself at its superior extremity; as long as that pressure is not strong enough, it pre- serves its form and position; it is the voussoirs situated above M which yield by spreading, but as soon as there is placed above M a sufficient number of courses for their stability to be superior to the resistance of the portion of the arch A S, this latter breaks in two parts, which tears the centre asunder; two points of rupture are the result, at the extre- mities A B and RS, and a third at a certain point, such as KL, the position of which latter joint is determined by the condition that the momentum of stability of the two parts A L and LR, taken with relation to the point B, be equal. When an arch is constructed at the moment the rupture takes place, and the arc A S re- CHAP. XXIII 1409 CENTERING. I M R * U moves itself from the centre, the first joints of the extrados towards the point I are seen to open, and this effect con- tinually augments with the settlement of the centre, until the placing of the keystone; then the effects change their nature, because the voussoirs of the upper part being able to sustain themselves, without the assistance of the centre, the equi- librium tends to establish itself in the entire arch, and no longer in the portion A S. The point of rupture is then no longer situated in KL; it rises higher, and therefore at this period the first joints, which had opened at the extrados, are closed, and others open at joints farther removed from the springing. It is now evident that the lower part AR of the centre will find itself entirely disengaged, but that the part RC, besides the weight of the voussoirs R, X, will still sup- port a certain pressure, resulting from the thrust of the rampant arch AS: it will be easy, knowing the weight of the portion KS, to have the value of that pressure which will be directed, following the line SF perpendicular to the joint SR, which will meet the vertical in F, passing by the common centre of gravity RX; then, supposing the pressure which exerts itself according to SF, and the weight of the voussoir RX, ap- plied at the point of meeting, F, of their directions we should take the result of these two forces, which will be directed, following a line such as FH, and will represent the total burden supported by the centre: an equal force will be furnished by the other half of the arch. A B. Fig. 2351. The effects alluded to are equally evident in a semicircle, or the segment of any kind, unless the latter is so flat that the first voussoir from the springing leans entirely on the centre; in this case the weight of the centre is due solely to the weight of the voussoirs, and the calculation of this weight becomes simple, and may be readily continued for every period of the construction; thus the first part of the study is resolved by considerations, exactly agreeing with the observations and experiments that have been made, and form a necessary addition to our knowledge on the theory of arches. The forces which act on the centre at the different epochs of the construction being known, it will be very easy to determine the loads supported by the different pieces of carpentry, whether parallel or perpendicular to their length, and it would only remain to proportion their dimensions to these loads. Gauthey has given an example of this kind of calculation, which he has applied to the bridge at Nemours. The effort of the weight of the arch is transmitted first to the first row of inclined timbers, but the pieces of which it is composed, slanting very little towards each other, can scarcely offer any resistance; the slightest settlement carries back the weight on the second and third rows, so that the first must be considered as destined only to receive the voussoirs, and to transmit their weight to the pendant binding-pieces: by observing that the principals of the centres support 2.05 metres of length of arch, that the specific weight of masonry is 2·6, and having regard to the different heights of the section of the voussoirs carried by each binding-piece, it is found that the weight of the binding-piece ab is 18,789 kilogrammes, and that of the binding-piece gh is 14,696 kilogrammes. We must remark that each of these binding-pieces bears on the meeting of two pieces of one of the lower rows of inclined timbers, and on the middle one in the other row: now if the pressure acting on the binding-piece ab, (fig: 2341.) for example, cannot fail to make the piece cd bend, and greater strength would be obtained than by augmenting the angle of the two pieces be and bf, though it is not possible to know precisely what part of the weight carried by the binding-pieces is supported on one side by the piece cd and on the other by the pieces be and bƒ, because this in part depends on the settlement of the centre and the goodness of the framing: it is evident that these two last pieces will carry almost the whole, and in the impossibility of regulating exactly the manner in which the weight is distributed, the most natural and the nearest to the truth consists in supposing it is supported entirely at the point b, that the piece cd does not carry any weight, and that it has no other effort to sustain but the pressure which it exercises in the direction of its length: it is always easy to render the work conformable to this supposition, by leaving little play in the notch of the binding-piece at the meeting of this piece. Naming P the weight supported by ab, p its composante following be, p' its composante following bf, a the angle ebf, C and Y the angles formed by each of the pieces be and bf with the vertical, we shall have p=P sin. Y ; p' = P sin. a sin. C sin. a making in these equations P=18,789 kilogrammes, and putting for the angles a CY the 4 X 1410 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. values which suit them, according to a formula given by Boistard for this centre, and which makes a=191·09°, C=75·37°, Y=115°, we shall find p=128,730 kilogrammes, p' = 124,730 kilogrammes. In the same design the length of the piece bc is 3.41 metres, that of the piece bƒ is 4.28 metres, and their square is 35 centimetres: making then in the equation Q=(20336845+21017476 bc) abs C2 a=b=0·35 and c=3·41, we shall find for the weight which would begin to make the piece be bend, Q=16·7480 kilogrammes and making in the same equation C=4·28, we shall find for the weight which would begin to make the piece bƒ bend, Q=121,400 kilogrammes: thus the first of these two pieces is a little stronger than is necessary, and the second would be too weak, if, as we have supposed, the pressure transmitted by the binding-piece ab were entirely carried on be and bf. In seeking in the same manner what portion of the load transmitted by the hinding- piece gh is supported by the pieces cd and di, we shall find that the pressure exercised according to di is equal to 4149 kilogrammes, and that the pressure which exerts itself according to cd is equal to 44,020 kilogrammes: thus the load of di is scarcely the third of that of bƒ, and as the length of the two pieces is the same, the square of di might be less than 35 centimetres; cd is also much less loaded than be, but its length, which is 5.85 metres, is more considerable. In making in the preceding equation a=b=0·35, and c−5·85, we shall find Q=79,380 kilogrammes: notwithstanding, then, its greater length the piece cd is stronger than is necessary: thus we may conclude that of all the inclined timbers, regard being taken to the pressure compared with the length, bf is that which supports the greatest effort; that 35 centimetres square is rather small for this piece, but a little too large for all the others. Scaffolding requires as much care in the selection of the timber employed, as for that which is to constitute a part of the edifice: generally a scaffold is composed of upright poles, and ledgers laid horizontally and secured by strong cords; on the latter is laid the ends of shorter poles or putlocks, which have a bearing on the wall of the building in holes left in the masonry purposely to receive them: for churches and public buildings a double scaffold is employed, which is braced in several directions, and, where round poles are not obtained of sufficient strength, squared timber is made use of. The example given was erected by M. Dubrin, master carpenter, before the façade of Saint Gervais at Paris, and was found to answer its purpose admirably: where the walls are to be carried up to a considerable height, it is requisite to spread the base of the scaffold, and to introduce additional braces. Scaffolding used in the erection of the Monument, by Sir Christopher Wren, occupied a square, the side of which was 60 feet, and as there was a double row of poles, it left an interior square, the side of which was 35 feet, in the middle of which the Monument was constructed. The entire width of the scaffold was therefore 12 feet 6 inches all around it, and at each angle of the inner and outer square was placed two poles, pitched upon the diagonals of the square: between these, in the middle of the length of the outside, were three poles, and between them and the angle two others; each side of the inner square was divided into two, by two upright poles, so that there were 36 standard poles on the outside, and 16 on the inside, in all 52, which were continued up, with a slight inclination, to the height of 120 feet, after which single poles were found sufficient to construct the remainder of the scaffolding to the top: 28 ranges of ledgers were fastened to these upright standards, at distances of 8 feet; those continued round the interior and exterior, forming as many stories, and supported the putlocks or cross timbers, on which the planks were laid; diagonal braces, each of which crossed four stories, were secured firmly on all sides, to the ledgers, from the foundation to the summit, to which a well-contrived wooden stairs enabled the workmen to mount and descend. The Scaffolding for the Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square was designed and executed under the direction of Mr. Allen. The whole was composed of unsawn timber, and the total height was 180 feet; 154 loads of timber, or 7700 cubic feet, were made use of, and the cost of its erection was 240Z. The upright timbers were slightly tenoned into the horizontal, and where the joint was made, iron dogs were driven into the timbers in a diagonal direction across the joints; these afterwards were easily withdrawn, and the timber but little injured: the base of the scaffold was 96 feet square, without measuring in the raking braces; there were in all seven stories, which diminished in height from 48 feet to 21: the whole was strengthened by flying wind-braces, which were supported by cross transoms, which projected outwards about 6 feet from the perpendicular of the scaffold at each stage: at the summit worked a travelling machine, by which one mason could set as much work in a day as was formerly done in three. At the London and Birmingham Railway Station, Euston Square, Messrs. Cubitt contrived CHAP XXIII. 1411 SCAFFOLDING. Fig. 2352. SCAFFOLDING. Fig.2353. Fig. 2354. SECTION. a scaffold, with two parallel rows of standards, 50 feet in height, and about 17 feet apart, which were all diagonally braced: after the building had advanced to this height, another 4 x 2 1412 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. similar arrangement was made, and the whole was raised to 90 feet; the ma- terials were all hoisted by travelling trucks mounted on tram-ways laid down for the purpose. Square timber is decidedly prefer- able to round poles for the purposes of scaffolding, as there is comparatively little waste incurred; and the timber, being thoroughly seasoned by exposure, is benefited rather than in- jured by its application to The travel- this purpose. ling winch on a frame is now universally adopted; where 10 or 15 tons are to be hoisted at a time there would be great economy in the employment of steam-power. Fig 2355. When poles or squared timbers are employed in an upright position, as they are in a scaffold, the force that would bend them when acting in that direction must be exactly calculated, for if bent in the slightest degree, any additional effort will cause fracture. The strain is always directly as the weight or pressure, and inversely as the strength, which is also inversely as the cube of the diameter: it is also directly as the deflexion, which will be directly as the quantity of angular motion, and as the number of parts strained; that is, directly as the square of the length, and inversely as the diameter. The stiffest rectangular post is that in which the greatest side is to the less as 10 is to 6, but this will bend in two directions, and braces and struts must be introduced in a position to prevent any change of form: the ledgers of our ordinary scaffolds being secured by cords to the upright standards, at distances of 5 feet or more apart, prevents any bending of the latter, the cord passing round both the horizontal and ver- tical pieces, so that it secures the two firmly together, supporting them against each other in those parts where they would most probably yield to the weight they have to sustain. The expert scaffold-builder makes his knots so that the hori- zontal poles or ledgers form a series SCAFFOLDINg of euston square station. n D SCAFFOLD used at turin. Fig. 2356. O E Fig. 2357. C נ' PLAN OF scaffold. 다​. of struts or straining pieces, and prevent the standards from yielding under any weight. The Scaffold made use of at a chapel at Turin in Piedmont, for cutting the caissoons in the vault, which was cylindrical, was well adapted for its purpose, and by means of wheels, the position of which are shown in the plan, it could be moved either forwards or backwards. A similar scaffold was contrived by M. Mandar, the architect, at Paris, for the construction of a roof erected under his direction, on the principles of Philibert Delorme; it was com- CHAF. XXIII. 1413 SCAFFOLDING. t- + + ים. + Fig. 2358. SCAFFOLD DESIGNED BY MANDAR. posed of three frames or floors, supported upon braces and portions of St. Andrew's crosses: it was so light that it could be moved with facility by means of copper wheels. A suspended scaffold for a single workman is easily contrived by ropes and pulleys, and is frequently used by painters: where the cornice has sufficient projections, as at St. Peter's at Rome, a pole may be suspended, into which a brace may be pinned with its end lodged on the architrave below such a pendant scaffold requires to be well secured at top, either by loading it or pinning it down. ; SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD. Fig. 2359. In all suspended scaffolds, we must regard the timber employed as pulled in the direction of its length, and the quan- tity of space through which it extends is directly proportional to the number of parts extended, and to the weight. Emerson says that a piece of oak 1 inch square, and 1 foot long, supported at both ends, bears 315 pounds before it breaks, and the same will bear, when drawn in the direction of its length, 2835 pounds, or 14 tons. We have not sufficient data to enable us yet to decide upon the strength of the timbers in the situation we are now considering, when drawn in the direction of their length; but the extension to which they are subjected is inversely proportional to the area of the section, or inversely as the breadth and thickness. Suppose L the length in feet, W the weight in pounds, B the breadth in inches, and T the L x W thickness in inches, then is the extension; or, when the extension is given, BxT B x T Fig. 2360. SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD. L×W: B× T. Where a is a quantity derived from experiment, then a = L x W® 4 x 3 1414 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To Nicholas Zabaglia, who was born at Rome in 1674, we are indebted for designs of some of the best scaffolds that have been erected. This ce- lebrated mechanic, first employed at the Vatican as a carpenter, afterwards became the chief director of the works at St. Peter's: Jean Bottari, the librarian of the Va- tican, collected several of his designs for scaffold- ing, which are published under the title of " Castelli e Ponti di Nic. Zabaglia, con alcune ingegnose pratiche, e con la Descri- zione del Trasporto del Oblelisco Vaticano e di altri del Dom Fontana, 1743." In one of the plates the scaffold-builder is represented in his workshop examining the force of a pulley, and of the fifty- four, thirty-six are designs of various machines to assist in con- struction; they are exceedingly in- teresting, and should be in the possession of every civil engineer. Caylus considered the talents of Zabaglia as of a very superior kind, and Passeroni commemorated them in his poem called "Il Ci- cerone." In the construction of the scaffolding at St. Peter's, he made use of the holes left in the vaulting, for the purpose of sus- pending, by means of iron rods, platforms, upon which the work- men stand to clean or re-colour the soffites. Turning Scaffolds may be attached to a revolving pole with two arms, acting like the radii of a circle, which may be raised or lowered at pleasure: these arms carry a platform attached by iron hooks, on which stand the workmen; by means of ropes and pulleys Fig. 2361. SCAFFOLD DESIGNED BY ZABAGLIA. ------- Fig. 2362. TURNING scaffold. YA [42] Fig. 2363. TURNING scaffold. Fig. 2364. TURNING scaffold. CHAP. XXIII. 1415 SCAFFOLDING. it can be placed in any required part of the vault. Turning scaffolds are rendered more steady when the lever which supports the workman is elevated at the side of a quad- rant, to which it may be secured at the height required. Some scaf- folds are made with a num- ber of floors; ་་་ Fig 2365. SCAFFOLD used at sT. PETER'S. the most simple are those suspended from holes in the vault. The scaffold used at St. Peter's at Rome in 1773, when the great vault was repaired and re-decorated, was of a novel and ingenious character. It was composed of two sets of principals united together by braces and intermediate ties, upon which the planks for the workmen were laid: this scaffold traversed from one end of the vault to the other; it was raised in one mass by ropes and pulleys, and lowered to the pavement by the same VA D. M ト ​Fig. 2366. SCAFFOLD USED AT THE DOME OF ST. PETER's. means when the work for which it was destined was completed, the ropes were passed through the holes left in the vaulting for the purpose. The editor cannot omit the opportunity of bearing his testimony to the skill and ingenuity of the Italians in making scaffolds for the most temporary pur- poses: when engaged in taking the casts and measurements of various remains in the Imperial city, the ladders and scaffolds prepared by the workmen for his use were of the most perfect kind : although light, and apparently fragile, he often mounted upwards of 100 feet, and remained the whole of the day at his work, without the slightest risk of accident. The scaffold for the dome of the same church was contrived by Pietro Albertini at the same time: the diameter of this beautiful piece of carpentry was 133 feet, and the height nearly 80 feet: it was formed of three frames, the vertical timbers of which were suspended by iron rings that passed over hooks inserted in the masonry of the vault to receive them. When a portion of the dome was repaired 4 x 4 1416 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the position of one of the sets of principals was transferred to the other side, without • deranging the two, which served to make the alteration in the scaffold without danger. The scaffold contrived by Campanarino for the re- storation of the dome of the Pantheon at Rome rivalled all others in the beauty of its design and delicacy of its execution: it was com- posed of two principals, an elevation of which with the braces is shown below. At the summit, through which the only light is admitted into this mag- nificent rotunda, a stout timber curb was fixed, in the centre of which was the pivot upon which the upper part of the scaffold revolved: the lower end rested on the bold project- ing cornice beneath the coffered dome, and by means of pulleys a small power could advance the entire scaffold; these were also at- tached to various parts for the purpose of hoisting the materials to their required situations: iron ties and braces were introduced to prevent any springing, ren- dering the whole perfectly steady, and admirably adapted for its purpose. This noble building is internally 143 feet in diameter, and 148 feet 4 inches in height from the pavement; the dome which covers it may have been constructed on several such ribs, supported from below by a forest of upright tim- bers. Fig. 2367. SCAFFOLDING AT THE PANTHEON. WW W Fig. 2368. SECTION OF THE Aperture AT THE TOP OF THE DOME. CHAP. XXIII. 1417 SCAFFOLDING. L.J Fig. 2369. PLAN OF SCaffolding AT THE Aperture at THE TOP OF the dome. To the scaffold builder a knowledge of the variety of knots is important, and as ropes are used in several machines, it is necessary that every mechanic should understand how they can be secured and tied together. 280 An ordinary knot is simply made by twisting a rope twice round, and passing the ends in opposite directions. Loop knots for joining pieces of rope together are passed through a loop in such a manner that, when pulled tight, they are firmly united they may cross each other, or sim- ply pass through each rope when doubled. The wall knot is made with the lays of a rope, and cannot slip; the bow-line knot is so firm that when fastened it is perfectly secure. : Fig. 2370. The sheep-shank knot, which shortens a rope without cutting it, is so arranged that it can be readily loosened again: most knots are for the purpose of fastening one rope to another, which is effected by means of a small cord attached to the neck of the knot, and firmly tied about both ropes. The fibres of a rope seldom exceed in length 3 feet; they must therefore be well twisted together before they are applied: large ropes are either cable-laid or hawser-laid; the former are composed of nine strands, the latter of three, and each of a number of primitive yarns: a rope 8 inches in circumference may have 414 yarns equally divided among three strands. The greater the obliquity of the fibres that compose a rope, the greater will be their adhesion, but the greater also will be their immediate tension, in consequence of the action of a given force in the direction of the rope; but the relative Fig. 2371. Fig. 2372. Fig. 2373. Fig 2374. 1418 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. position and comparative tension of all the fibres employed can scarcely be estimated, and it must depend in an essential degree upon the quality of the hemp or material employed. Fig. 2375. Fig. 2376. Fig. 2377. Fig. 2378. Ropes passing through Rings may be variously secured, either by taking one end through a series of loops, or by a triple twisting through a single one. Emerson found that a good hempen rope, of 1 inch in circum- · ference, would bear 1000 pounds weight suspended to it, whilst a rod of iron of the same dimension would support 3 tons, and another of yellow fir, 2 inches in diameter, would carry 7 tons. The rigidity of ropes or cords, and the difficulty of bending them into any given curve, prevents the form- ation of a close knot, particularly where they are of large diameter: the resistance arising from this stiffness is as the weights which stretch the cords, multiplied by their thickness, and divided by the radii of curvature of the surfaces over which they pass. The Scaffold Builder must form his knots or make fast his ropes in the way best adapted for his purpose: when a St. Andrew's cross is formed by two poles, to be tied tightly toge- ther, two or more ropes are lashed around them, drawn tight and made fast; a single or double loop may be passed around the head of a post according to the security required. Mariners make use of a great variety of knots which have been adopted by engineers, to secure the heads of piles or attach horizontal timbers laid against them; a double loop, or thrice twisting round, and afterwards passing the rope through a double loop, is an effectual fasten- ing, and prevents the knot from slip- ping in any direction. Fig. 2379. Fig. 2380. Fig. 2381. Fig. 2382. Fig. 2383. # Ay Fig. 2385. Fig. 2384. CHAP. XXIV. 1419 MASONRY. The double loop is always to be preferred, and made by doubly twisting the rope round the pole, passing it by the loops, and drawing them tight. Fig. 2386. Fig. 2387. Fig. 2388. Chains made of iron are often found more con- venient in their ap- plication to ma- chinery, consisting of a series of links riveted in the man- ner of a watch chain, or hooked posed by M. Vau- together, as pro- Fig. 2389 WATCH-CHAIN. ভ IIII Fig. 2390. VAUCANSON. canson: each system, however, has its advantages and peculiar application. CHAP. XXIV. : MASONRY. BUILDING with stone is of the greatest antiquity, and it is extremely difficult to trace its origin the Egyptians were perfect masters in the art of stone-cutting, and the Greeks exhibit such perfection in their works, that it is almost impossible to equal them; to the mason's art they added that of the sculptor, and the buildings executed in marble, still remaining, are monuments of their taste and skill. The Romans have also left much that is worthy our admiration, particularly those structures in which arches and domes of con- siderable dimension form the striking features: to the freemasons of the middle ages we are also indebted for many wonderful examples of their ingenuity and knowledge, of which we have ample proofs in the well-executed groined vaults they introduced, and which are unequalled for design in the structures which preceded them: they lessened the area of the points of support, balanced the thrust of their stone roofs by judiciously conceived buttresses, and evinced great skill in their adaptation. For facing the stone our masons now make use of the point, the inch tool, the broad tool, and the boaster; the first is to form a series of narrow furrows, with rough ridges between them, afterwards to be cut away by the inch tool. The boaster is 2 inches in width, and the broad tool 3½ inches at the cutting edge. Stone axes, jedding axes, cavil or scabbling hammers are employed to bring rough stones into shape: mallets and chisels, levels, plumb-rules, bevels and squares, are also required by the mason. The Opus incertum, formed of small stones of irregular shape, touching only at certain points, was preferred by Vitruvius to the opus reticulatum, not on account of its appearance, but for its superior strength; if the mortar be well composed for the materials with which the inner part of the work is filled, and the angles are protected with squared or hewn stone, a solid mass will be the result. The Emplecton had the faces of the stones smooth; the other sides were left as taken from the quarry. Walls are often built with flint or round stones from the sea- beach; it is then necessary to protect the quoins with square masses, and to carry up the outer faces by means of frames formed of planks, as has been described for pisé work; we have many castle and city walls so built, that have acquired Fig. 2391. OPUS INCERTUM, 1420 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. considerable hardness, and if occasionally bonded through with flat tiles, as at Richborough Castle, Kent, are difficult of demolition: such walls consist of three thicknesses, two forming the outer faces, and one the rubble core in the middle. When the opus incertum is made with large polygonal facing stones, and piers of tile or brick are occasionally introduced, the effect is greatly improved, and the strength of the wall considerably increased; they are frequently met with in Italy, built with great care, and filled in with rubble composed of excellent mortar. This kind of masonry bears a strong resemblance to the cyclopean walls that are scattered over the country inhabited by the early Greeks; but the latter construction was executed with large blocks, and generally without mortar, its strength depending upon the locking of the several stones together, and the weight superimposed to keep them in their places. 00 Fig. 2392 EMPLEOTON. Fig. 2393. OPUS INCERTUM. The Opus reticulatum is considered by Vitruvius the most beautiful species of construction; the term applied to it originated in its net-like arrangement, and we have an example in a part of the west front of Rochester Cathedral, supposed to have been built before I = Fig. 2394. OPUS RETICULATUM WITH STONE. the Norman Conquest: it is, however, liable to split, from the bed of the stones being unstable, and its deficiency in respect to bond; there are several varieties of this kind of work remaining in Italy, and some examples are attributed to the time of the Etruscans. CHAP. XXIV. 1421 MASONRY. In Volscinium, the capital of the Volscii, are several remains: this style of masonry, found also at Tivoli, Præneste, Terracina, Fondi, Pompeii, &c., continued in use to the time of the emperors of Rome. It is generally formed of tufa, or small stones found in the neighbourhood of the constructions; the angles, as well as other portions of the wall, are carried up with tiles laid in regular courses; there are several varieties of opus reticulatum besides the two specimens given. Walls formed with triangular tiles are found in the Coliseum and baths, &c., of the imperial city; other tiles of a square or oblong shape pass through the entire thickness, at every third or fourth course, and the interior is filled with rubble. In the ruins of Pompeii are walls built of tufa, rough stone, and brick, executed in a very careless and inefficient manner; some- times only one course of brick alternates with one of stone, at others three courses of tile or brick intervene between one of tufa or squared stone. Whatever may be the character of the Fig. 2395. Opus RETICULATUM WITH BRICK. MM ㄷ ​I Fig. 2396. TRIANGULAR TILES. masonry, one of the first considerations is the arrangement of the footings, which should be constructed of stones as large as can be obtained; they should all be squared, brought to an equal thickness in the same course, and laid upon their natural bed: the foundations should consist of several courses, each decreasing in breadth as they rise, in proportion to the thickness and height of the intended wall; this decrease of breadth should take place equally on both sides: ashlar facing backed with brick or rubble work is often substituted for brick and tile; but in those districts where stone is not easily obtained, there can be no better method than following the practice of the Romans. In some ancient walls the bond-stones pass through the entire thickness, and Fig. 2397. STONE AND TILES. I have a filling-in between the stretchers, composed of rubble or small stones bedded in mortar, the excellence of which has rendered them remarkably durable; such walls are classed under those called Pseudisodomon, from the courses varying in height. Walls constructed partly of squared stone and rubble should have every second stone in the same course to run entirely through the whole wall, so that the work may be prevented from splitting in the direction of its width; the filling-in should be cautiously performed, and due regard paid to the shrinking of the mortar : the stone facing is sometimes rubbed 1422 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2398. I perfectly smooth by means of a sand or grit- stone; at others it is either drove, broached, or striped; the former me- thod is the least costly, is usually adopted, and ge- nerally known in London as random-tooling or boast- ing. The tomb of Cecilia Metella at Rome is cased on the outside with stone in courses, laid very regular, filled in behind with rubble work, which seems to have been done at the same time with the courses, as there are indi- cations where the levels have been left and again commenced. Fig. 2399. Wherever ashlar facing is adopted, the stones of each course should be placed on their natural bed, otherwise they will be liable to flush off at their joints; and where piers are required, unless they are of large dimensions, this kind of work must be abandoned; for there cannot be the requisite strength without the courses passing entirely through: in several churches constructed in the tenth and following centuries, we find the polygonal and cylindrical shafts of columns faced with ashlar, and hearted or filled in with rubble or chalk, run together with a durable mortar ; where the latter has lost its te- nacity, the columns have in several instances split asunder. Pseudisodomum had the courses unequal in height: in other respects it resembled the isodomum. There are many remains of Roman walls where the stones of each course are of the same form as well as dimen- sion throughout, ordinarily 3 feet long, 18 inches wide, and 9 inches in thickness; in some instances one course is laid flat, and the others are placed on their edges, so that the first reaches to the middle of the wall, which is filled in with rubble. Diatonous was a term given by Fig 2400 PSEUDISODOMON. CHAP. XXIV. MASONRY. 1423 the Greeks to that species of masonry in which the stones were of the same form and dimensions, but placed in courses of unequal height; such stones had their length equal to double their width. At Athens there are several walls which have the courses of masonry of two different heights alternating with each other; the small course is only two- thirds that of the other; consequently three stones form the entire thickness in the one course, and two in the other or larger one, which doubly ties the entire thickness of the wall. Fig. 2401. DIATONOUS. Fig. 2402. PSEUDISODOMON. Another variety of masonry often met with in Italy bears some resemblance to those already described, but instead of presenting in the same course one header and one stretcher alternating, there is a course of headers and one of stretchers, like the old English bond in brickwork: as the headers pass entirely through the wall, the work is rendered very solid. Fig. 2403. Isodomum: the courses are all of equal height, producing both durability and solidity; first, because the stones are hard and solid, and therefore unable to absorb the moisture of the mortar, which is thus preserved to the longest period; and secondly, because the beds being smooth and level, the mortar does not escape, and the wall is bonded throughout the entire thickness. To the admirers of solid construction we cannot do better than refer to the various methods employed in the amphitheatre of Vespasian at Rome: amidst the ruins of that stupendous pile, we yet observe specimens of almost every style of masonry, and a judicious application of stones of different degrees of hardness: brick and tile, with every kind of backing or filling in, was made use of where economy was desirable, or could be practised without sacrificing stability and strength; the large stones are wrought on all their faces. to suit their position around an oval plan, or circular on the elevation. The Coliseum is not only 1424 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. a model for construction, but a school for the study of the mason's art; its general arrangement, and the proportion of its piers and walls, were no doubt most useful guides to the builders of the middle ages. There is scarcely a peculiarity in masons' work of which an example may not be found admi- rably effected amidst the corridors or vaultings of this edifice; and the test to which its stability has been subjected during nearly 2000 years is a convincing proof that every point in its construc- tion was well considered, and must impress upon us the rather humiliating conviction that masonry has not progressed beyond the knowledge ac- quired by the ancients. Fig. 2404. Fig. 2405. Cramps of metal, either iron or bronze, were much used by the ancients for uniting one stone with another, and were sometimes run with lead. The holes in the walls of the Co- liseum and other monuments at Rome were drilled or cut for the purpose of extracting cramps of bronze that united the courses of masonry toge- ther in the Parthenon at Athens the writer found oak dovetails applied for the same purpose. An excellent method of uniting a course of stone is by forming a triple range, notching one into the ISODOMON. Fig. 2407. ISODOMON. Fig. 2406. CHAP. XXIV. 1425 MASONRY. other; this has in modern times been applied to circular walls, and found inefficient, on account of its cost and difficulty of execution, from the effects of unequal settlements in the building. In the theatre of Marcellus at Rome the stones of the piers are prevented from sliding off their beds by sinking a portion of one into the other: the bed of each stone is divided into four parts by two right lines which cross in the centre at right angles, and abut against each other in the middle of their faces; the stones are placed upon each other, so that every one is united to two others, by means of the projecting parts of the upper stone, which keys into the sinking or mortise of the two lower, to which it is adapted. Placing, and the Form to be given to wrought Stone, for Walls, Abutments, Piers, &c.-As every solid body has a tendency to de- scend in a vertical or perpendicular direction, it is evident that it can only be perfectly supported on a horizontal or level plan; thus the form best adapted to wrought stone, when applied to walls or piers, is that of a parallele- piped or perpendicular prism, or a solid placed on a horizontal plane, and terminated by vertical surfaces. The stones being laid on each other in union and level Fig. 2408. courses, the whole effort of the weight will fall on their base, and tend to consolidate them, so that the pressure of each stone on the other will increase their stability, and if the whole be well constructed, it will be almost as solid as if in one piece. As it is the effect of weight which unites the stones together, it is evident that the larger they are, the greater will be their stability, and the more solid their union; but their beds must be well dressed, and brought to a level, that they may have an equal bearing; for if of considerable dimensions they are more subject to break in parts where they have no bearing. The effect which causes the rupture produces also a general derangement of the construction, which renders it defective, certain points bearing a considerable weight, under which they break, whilst others are not in contact; the solidity and perfection of construction in wrought stone, which should be independent of any mortar or cement, consists in the stones being placed immediately over each other, so that they touch throughout their whole surface, both in their beds and joints, as was done by the ancients, and it is in the precision with which irregular constructions in large stones are executed, that their solidity depends, the joints being so well keyed, that their stability is often greater than that of squared stones. It must be observed that in construction of wrought squared stones the perpendicular joints do not add to the stability, whilst in those with irregular stones, being inclined in an opposite direction, the stability is increased by the manner in which the stones are keyed one into the other. Of the Dimensions of Stones. In many edifices, both ancient and modern, it has been observed that the stones used were too thin, viz. that they had not sufficient thickness in proportion to their length, and that in consequence they broke under the weight. These accidents arose from the stones not resting equally throughout the whole surface of their beds, either because these surfaces were not exactly dressed or levelled, or because some unequal settlement took place, which deranged the lower stones; the greater the thickness given to stones relative to their length, the greater is the power of resisting this effect, which it is often very difficult to foresee or prevent. For works which have very great weights to carry, such as walls and points of support, cubes are the strongest, but they have less stability, and do not form sufficient bond; those in which the length is much greater than the height have more bond, but less strength to carry the weight; according to the experiments made on stone, the length may be fixed at from twice to thrice their height, and their width from once to twice, supposing the stone of a moderate hardness. When stones are very hard, more than a foot thick, and wrought on all sides, their length may be from four to five times their height, and their width from two to three times; larger dimensions increase the expense without adding to the utility. 4 Y 1426 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. in D G In ancient structures wrought stone was laid without mortar, or the small quantity used was so clear and fine that it only served to fill up the inequality of the bed, and did not prevent the parts between these inequalities from bearing on each other. The Romans observed that walls constructed of soft stone, or inferior brick, were subject to be affected by the changes of the atmo- sphere and driving rains; to obviate which Vitruvius advises that apartments on the ground floor at a height of 3 feet from the pavement, the first coat of stucco be of potsherds instead of sand, and that a thin wall be built on the inside, leaving a cavity between for the air to circulate. Where there was sufficient space for this second wall, tiles 2 feet square were placed, one over the other, in front of a flue left in the wall; G shows the position of the tiles up the face of the wall, D its effect when plastered over or stuccoed: A is a channel or drain, contrived to receive any moisture that may run down the flue, or hol- low part of the wall. not For cottages the same arrange- ment might be adopted with great economy, and in several parts of England walls are constructed in a somewhat similar manner, by setting the bricks on edge, both on the inner and outer face, so that in a 9-inch wall, there is a space of 4 inches between them. To produce the requisite strength, each header passes through the entire wall, and by care- fully excluding the mortar or dust from occupying the vacuum between the two faces of the brick, a dry wall is secured, and a much less quantity of material consumed than is re- quired for a solid 9-inch wall. Stone walls might be so constructed, and it has been suggested to work with- in thin walls vertical plates of sheet iron, pitched previously to insertion, to keep out moisture. The Romans formed the floors of their rooms very carefully; after excavating the earth to the depth of 2 feet, they well ramined the bot- tom, and laid over it a layer of broken stone or potsherd prepared for the purpose; on this was spread a com- position of pounded charcoal, lime, sand and ashes, 6 inches in thickness, which was ren- dered perfectly smooth by first rubbing it with stone and then polishing it. Rakes, rollers, scrapers, and trowels, were A Fig. 2409 PLAN OF wall. Fig. 2410. A ELEVATION OF WALL. made use of during the processes, and several of these floors remain at Pompeii, which attest their strength and durability. It was the practice of the Romans to construct the upper portion of their walls with tes- taceous materials, forming a projecting cornice to carry off the water. When mouldings CHAP. XXIV. 1427 MASONRY. are made in cement or plaster, for the sake of economy, they are run either upon projections of rough stone or tile; the tools required are trowels of different forms, and chisels and hammers to cut away the masses which may obstruct the working of the running mould, which is cut out to the form intended, and passed along the face of the cement, spread over the cornice. 2411. 2412. 2413. 2417. 2419. 2418. Fig. 2414. Fig. 2415. Fig. 2416. 2422. 2423. Fig. 2420. Fig. 2421. Fig. 2424. Stone Pipes are in many parts of the continent made use of for conducting water, and are sometimes laid in the thickness of the walls, to bring down that which falls upon the roofs: they are bored by simple means, setting the block of stone upright, and in the centre of the intended pipe or cylinder placing a wooden plug having a hole through which the axis of the spindle passes; the cutter is attached to this, and rotary mo- tion is obtained by means of a pulley; the action of this borer is that of the common drill. Arches composed of four voussoirs cannot sustain themselves, whatever be the resistance of the piers, if their thickness be less than the seventeenth part of their Fig. 2425. span; but they sustain themselves with a less thickness BORING STONE PIPEs. when the arch is extradossed equally over 3 of its extent, the surplus being comprised in the piers, as shown in fig. 2427.: when the thickness of the arch is increased, it may be made only part of the span. Fig. 2427. Fig. 2426. Arches of Equilibrium, being calculated to stand by themselves, must necessarily be better 4Y2 1428 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. adapted to sustain any additional weight, which will be opposed by the whole resistance of the cohesion of their parts; but where the arch does not equilibrate, a portion of the cohesion is employed in resisting the inequality in the actions of its own parts. "Equi- libration," observes Mr. Samuel Ware, in his very admirable treatise on the properties of arches and their abutment piers, "is as important as the construction of the arch." All arches which support themselves, whatever their form, include a catenarian curve in their thickness, upon the principle of a line formed of a perfectly flexible chain, suspended at its two extremities, which is an arch of equipollence. In semicircular arches all the joints prolonged intersect at the centre; consequently if a horizontal line be drawn at such a distance from the centre that the parts comprised between the joints of the key are equal to the thickness to be given to the arch at the centre of the key, the other parts of this line, intercepted by the joints, will express the differences of the tangents, and the thicknesses to be given to each correspondent voussoir. Το 1 Fig. 2428. Fig. 2429. determine the point where the horizontal line should be drawn, draw a parallel to the axis, at a distance equal to half the thickness of the centre of the key of the arch, which will cut the joint of the key prolonged in a point, and is that required. By measuring the Fig. 2430. POINTED. Fig. 2431. widths on the straight line, we have the thickness to be given to each of the voussoirs comprised by the two radiating lines; and when the thickness of the keystone is determined, we must set out half this depth on the intrados from the axis of the arch, drop a per- Fig. 2432. Fig. 2433. pendicular from that point, and when it cuts the radiating line that represents the side of the keystone, draw a horizontal line, as shown in the various figures, upon which we obtain the depths to be given to the respective voussoirs comprised between the lines: by this means the extrados of every kind of arch, parabolic, hyperbolic, or elliptical, can be traced. CHAP. XXIV. 1429 MASONRY. Fig. 2434. • - Fig. 2435, Cylindrical Vaults have their voussoirs always parallel to their axis, whatever their curvature or situation : oblique or inclined vaults of this description should have their courses of voussoirs similarly arranged. Conical Vaults have their courses inclined towards the point of the cone, whether they form a part of an entire, or the frustum of a cone; taking care in the former case to avoid the too great acute- ness of the voussoirs by making the point or trompillon of a single stone. When the conical vault is of a size which renders the lower vous- soirs too thin, its length must be divided into several parts; so that if the great circle be divided into 8 voussoirs, and the length of the arch into 4 parts, the second part Fig. 2436. CYLINDRICAL VAULT. Fig. 2437. CONICAL VAULT. VAULT. should be divided into 5 voussoirs, Fig. 2438. OBLIQUE CONICAL the third into 3, and the fourth be constructed of a single piece : these slices must be comprised between surfaces perpendicular with that of the cone, by cutting off any irregularity in the first row. Spherical Vaults consist of hori- zontal courses of concentric rings placed upon each other: when the rows of voussoirs form squares on the plan, or other plane figures, as triangles, pentagons, &c., they are difficult of construction and not so solid, especially at the angles of the polygons; nor does this ar- rangement effect so firm a tie as when the voussoirs are arranged in horizontal rows. When the vaults are composed of several parts the rows of vous- soirs should be disposed as they would be in the vaults originating Fig. 2440. Fig. 2439. SPHEROIDAL VAULT. Fig. 2441. them; thus in the figures composed of parts of cylindrical vaults uniting in the centre, the rows of voussoirs are parallel to those axes. 4 x 3 1430 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Diagonals drawn from one angle of the hexagon to the other, and passing through the centre, form salient angles in the voute d'arète, and re-entering angles in the route de cloitre. Fig. 2442. Voute d'arete. Fig. 2443. Arc de cloitre. Fig. 2444. ARC DE Cloitre. In the Voute d'arète, composed of triangular voussoirs, these parts have no other supports than the angles of their plan: whilst in the vaults termed arc de cloitre they are sup- ported on their side, which is carried on the wall throughout its whole length: hence the latter are much more solid, and have less pressure than the voute d'arète. Flat Arches are constructed by making each course of voussoirs run parallel with the faces of the walls which support them. In all arches stability being the object, cohesion and friction are necessary: the larger the voussoirs, or, in other words, the fewer the joints introduced, the less liability there is to derange- ment, as the cohesion is in- creased: but we must always regard the nature of the ma- terial employed, and its dis- position to fracture. The mason as well as the brick- layer should avoid the im- propriety of making his skew backs to flat arches too great; 1 for an arch composed of stones with parallel beds and slightly inclined joints cannot yield until some one of them slides out, or becomes crushed. At page 410. (fig. 410.) is shown a flat arch at Coningsburg Castle, where the voussoirs are held up by an indented joint: similar arches are found among the buildings of the Romans, over the great western door of the cathedral at Rochester, and elsewhere. Flat Vaults over a square plan are comprised between four walls which support them: the rows of voussoirs form concentric squares; those of the angles are common to two of the sides; the key is square, and locks the whole together. The lines traced on the plan show the position of each stone; the dark line is the lower joint, and the lighter line the upper. Vaults of such a description are rarely to be met with in England, and require great skill for their execution: wherever they are introduced, an iron tie or a strong abut- ment is requisite to prevent the yielding which takes place at the joints of the stone. Fig. 2445. FLAT ARCHES. Fig. 2446. FLAT ARCHES COM- PRISED BETWEEN FOUR WALLS. CHAP. XXIV. 1431 MASONRY. A flat Vault on a circular plan has its voussoirs arranged concentrically, and locked by a conical key. Flat Vaults supported upon four pillars require a different arrangement; the rows of voussoirs are parallel to the Fig 2447. FLAT VAULT ON A CIRCULAR plan. Fig. 2448. FLAT VAULTS SUPPORTED ON FOUR PIERS. inner faces, and intersect at right angles on the diagonals, on which are placed voussoirs common to the two sides: the last row on each side is cut to receive the diagonal voussoirs. To trace the Caissoons in spherical and spheroidal Vaults is the most difficult portion of a mason's work: after the circumference of the dome is divided into the number of intended caissoons, from the centre of each perpendiculars are raised, united in the key of the dome; these lines may be considered as the circumferences of several vertical semicircles which intersect at the axis of the vault: whence it results, that if a cord be stretched, to represent the diameter of one of these circles, the points of the circumference will be found by elevating with a plumb-line several corresponding points on the surface of the vault, a line passed through which will be the circumference of the circle. To draw them, a template or mould cut to the curvature of the vault is employed, which should not be more than 3 feet in length. The points raised upon the diameter represented by the cord should be not less than 18 inches apart, so as to have always three points to fix the mould: instead of raising these points perpendicular to each diameter, we may effect this in a far more expeditious and simple manner, by means of a plumb-line suspended from the centre of the key; if at night, a light may be placed at each division opposite to that suc- cessively, through which a vertical circle is to be drawn, which will be indicated in its whole extent by the shadow of the thread of the plumb-line, serving to place the wooden mould as before described. After having thus drawn the centre of the caissoons, their height may be thus determined: circles are inscribed, one above each other in the divisions or parts of the development, comprised between the vertical arcs which pass through the middle of the sides, as is shown in the figure B. In order that the first row of caissoons may experience less foreshortening, the first may be raised above the 4 Y 4 1432 BOOK II: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. springing, as at C. To determine the lower circle of the first row, a semicircle is first described, through which the summit of a spherical triangle is traced; having then divided the angle formed by this circle, we must proceed as shown in the figure, drawing the spherical angles upon each caissoon, which is a tedious process. For octagonal and lozenge- C B Fig. 2449. CAISSOONS IN SPHERICAL VAULTS. D • " " Fig. 2450. shaped coffers a similar system must be adopted, taking care to project the several lines upon the spherical diagonals. In setting out the caissoons of a dome, like that of the Pantheon at Rome, after having decided the number, we must commence with the plan, and set out the lower tiers, with all their sinkings and ribs between: perpendicular lines drawn up from these divisions to the base line of the elevation of the dome will determine the commencement of the several curved lines that are to bound the caissoons in their vertical position: to mark out their direction, an inner circle, of the diameter of the dome, must be drawn on the plan, at the height of the first caissoon, divided in a similar manner, and then the perpendicular lines be proceeded with as before. Domes that are elliptical on their plan must, in order that the caissoons may not produce a disagreeable effect, have their rows comprised between horizontal ellipses similar to that of the base. The projection of the sides should also form right lines meeting at the centre; these lines, which vary in length, are the great axes of vertical semi-ellipses, which give different measure, and curves to the developed width of each row of caissoons, and even for the upright edges of each. CHAF. XXIV. 1433 MASONRY D Fig. 2451. ↓ 1 OVAL. Fig. 2452. To trace the Stones forming an Arch with parallel Faces.—Fig. 2453. is the elevation of the arch, showing the forms of the voussoirs, under which is the plan of the arch 2453. 19 20 m L B f 71 2/ id' 10/5 11/ 12/ B' h' 2454. D n' a! p qimi ri 18 Fig. 2455. 17 α K∞ K 2458. 18 ARCH WITH PARALLEL FACES, Fig. 2459. M 2456. 2457. n น y 1484 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IL Ι T Fig. 2460. Fig. 2463. 2462. L Fig. 2461. I L//// Fig. 2464. Fig. 2465. 2166. 2467. Fig 2468. Fig. 2469. reversed; the lines indicate the joints of the soffite, and those dotted the projection of the interior section; these are formed by means of the profile, on which is taken, according to the vertical or perpendicular face, the thickness corresponding to each joint of the soffite, thus: fig. 2455. shows the section and its corre- sponding lines. A mould must first be formed for each of the voussoirs, I, K, L, M. for the purpose of accurately tracing them; one is shown in fig. 2459. marked K, and in the voussoirs drawn in per- spective. The manner of working it is thus per- 2472. Fig. 2470. Fig. 2473. formed (fig. 2459.): the upper bed is first cut, and Fig. 2471. Fig. 2474. the two parallel lines 17t and an are to be drawn, at a distance corresponding to the thick. ness to be given to the arch; then the two faces, 17tex, and auy, at right angles CHAP. XXIV. 1435 MASONRY. or square with the bed first obtained. When the perpendicular faces are formed apply the mould, and trace out the figure to be given to the voussoirs; the stone is then reduced by cutting away all extending beyond the outline of the mould, and between the dotted lines. For oblique and circular arches the stones may be traced in a similar manner; their developement and profile are shown by the figs. from 2462. to 2474. By observing the letters on each there will be no difficulty in applying the several stones to their respective positions. E C D 10 9 8 11 F 2 3 12 1 TIR E K H 2476. H G F The Development of Arches, either perpendicular, oblique, or circular, on the Plan. ABCD is a half cylinder, on which are placed arches extradossed, of an equal thickness, and to which it acts as a newel. Fig. 2475. represents them geometrically; fig. 2476. the profile, and in fig. 2477. the whole is shown in perspective at an angle of 45º. The develop. ment of these several arches is expressed in figs 2478, 2479, 2480, and 2481.; the voussoirs are shown lying on their extrados, so that the joints appear open at their intrados, where they form angles that separate their soffites. The development of the straight arch E F is shown by fig. 2478.; that composed of two parts forming an angle GHI, by fig. 2479.; the circular L M N by fig. 2480.; and that which is circular on the plan O P Q, but situated obliquely with regard to the axis of the cylinder, by fig. 2481. To set out these developments, take from the profile (fig. 2476.) the width of the faces of the extrados, which carry on a right line df, supposed perpendicular to the axis in d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and f. 0 For the straight arch E F, it will be sufficient to draw a parallel at df, at a distance equal to the thickness of this arch: having then divided each face of the extrados into two equal parts, carry on each side half the width of the internal face, and as it is narrower than that of the extrados, the lines drawn by the points a, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6,6, 6, and b, will leave on each side spaces which will represent the joints foreshortened, as shown by fig. 2478. L K K M M N R P P N A B Fig. 2475. Q Fig. 2477. For the other arches, G HI, LMN, OPQ, the faces of which are oblique or circular, it will be necessary on the horizontal projection, fig. 2475. to draw the lines K R, perpen- d a 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 b Fig. 2478. dicular to the axis, which may pass at pleasure through one of the projecting extremities, as the point H for the arch GHI, M, for L M N, and R, for OPQ. α a 1 1 g 1 ½ 1 1 1 H 1 k 1 1 1 1 π. 1 1 K 1 4 1 • + 1 R # 1 1 t 10 4 G 2 5 3 H 3 9/1 10 8" 1 1 13 11 12h Fig. 2479. Then prolong the lines from the points of the extrados and intrados until they meet the directing line KR: for the arch GHI, for example, make the development for the faces of the extrados, by carrying, as already stated, their width taken on fig. 2475., on the line developed, an, fig. 2479., from a through g,h,i,k,l,m, and n; having drawn indefinite perpendiculars through all these points, carry on each the distance of their extremities to the directing line K R on fig. 2475.; then carry the distances cd, g7, h8, i9, k10, 71l, m 12, 1436 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. and nƒ, through ad, g7, h8, i9, k 10, 711, m 12, and nƒ', on the developinent, fig. 2479.: then apply the thicknesses d' d", 77, 88, &c. &c., to the development fig. 2479 from d' through d", from 7 through 7, from 8 through 8, &c. &c., and tracing through these points the curves d', H', f', and d", H", and ƒ", we shall have the faces of the extrados. For those of the intrados, take on the profile fig. 2475. half the difference of the internal and external faces, which will be found by making two parallels to the lines, which pass through the middle of each voussoir, as 3r and 4s, with relation to the key. له ณ al 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 Q • 3 5 5 6 6 10 5 6 6 b 11 b 12 7 1 g 1 1 kl 1 1 1 1 m 1 Fig. 2480. The arch in question being extradossed in equal thickness, the differences 9r and s 10 are throughout the same, and rs always gives the width of the inferior face: thus to have the position of the latter, draw 9r through s 10, on the line dn of the development, fig. 2479. through a, a, lg, g 1, 1h, &c. &c., and after having drawn by the points a, and all the points @ al A 5 6 6 10 3 12 t d h g Fig. 2481. m " 1, indefinite parallels, carry on each the width of the corresponding lines traced on the cylinder, that is to say, au, 11, 22, 33, &c. &c., of the fig. 2475., through a, a, a', 1,2,1, 3, 1, 4, &c., fig. 2479. As the lines which terminate each of these faces are in this direction curved, it will be necessary, for greater precision, to take for each a measure in the centre of the face, which will give the curve of the opposite sides, by carrying throughout an equal distance dd To bring together these two faces, and to give them the appearance of reversed voussoirs, draw the lines a 1, d, ad", 2,7; 7,2; 3,8; 8,3; 4,9; 9,4; which will represent the joints fore- shortened: the developments of the two other arches, fig. 2480. and 2481. LMN, and OPQ, may be found in a similar manner, the same numbers and letters being used for the developments of each. For Skew Arches, inclined in walls circular on the plan. Fig. 2482. is the elevation; 2484, E F G " + 2482. E/ G/ 2485. Fig. 2483. Fig. 2486 Fig. 2487. Fig. 2488. CHAP. XXIV. MASONRY. 1437 Fig. 3489. Fig. 2491. · fig. 2483. the plan of the same; fig. 2484. is the profile or section, and fig. 2485. its development; fig. 2489. is the plan of an arch where the faces are not parallel; fig. 2490. is the profile, and fig. 2491. the development; fig. 2494. is a skew arch, with the wall battering; fig. 2496. its profile, and fig. 2498. its development. The voussoirs fig. 2486., 2488., and 2487., shown in perspective, belong to the arch, the plan of which is at fig. 2483.: the voussoirs fig. 2493., 2492., show those of the arch fig. 2489., and 2495., 2497., those of the inclined arch fig. 2489.: these voussoirs need no further descrip- tion than that they are to be cut first, as if for arches in walls, with their faces perpendi- cular, and then by the means of the mould the projecting parts to be cut off are determined, for the purpose of forming the curve of the respective faces: to prevent the voussoirs from sliding on their joints the ancient masons used holes and notches; in others mor- tises and tenons, which fitted into each other, an example of which is seen in the Coliseum, Fig 2496. 1 E G Fig. 2490. Fig. 2494. 2493. 2492. 2495. G” Fig. 2498, E Fig. 2437. 1438 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To facilitate the opening of a door or casement inwards, the arch is constructed in the manner shown in the accompanying diagram: in France this method was first practised at Marseilles; these voussoirs or vault headings are formed by right lines intersecting three arcs of circles: the first is shown on the plan at E K, in the elevation at ESP, and on the profile or section at PE; the second is the arc RTE, and the third the arc RO: from the point R on the elevation draw the line R V, perpendicular to the arch ESP; Fig. 2499. h Fig. 2500. G R T N s\v m A B G n Fig. 2501. T D C C E the Fig. 2502. M T e n d Marseilles fg h JOINTS. 2. 9 N Fig. 2506. R S E Fig. 2509, 2508. P P R O Р C E B H K ནབ R co Σ R Fig. 2503. Fig. 2504. F Fig. 2505. Fig.2507. T E Montpellier 2510. Fig. 2511. Fig. 2512. T Fond C m CHAP. XXIV. 1439 MASONRY. the right lines, which form the upper part of the vault, are to be drawn from the arc RO To deter- to the arc SP, and that of the lower part from the arc EV to the arc RTE. mine the position of these lines, divide RO and VP into the same number of equal parts, and draw them from one point of division to the other, and do the same on the arcs RTE and EV. The plan, elevation, and section are more fully comprehended by the development of the first, second, and third stones, in isometrical perspective; the mould by which they are set out is also shown: the letters sufficiently indicate their position, as the corre- sponding parts are similarly lettered in the plan, elevation, section, voussoirs, and mould by which they are cut. Another method practised at Montpellier shows a difference at the head, which instead of being circular is straight. Clement Metezeau adopted this arch to decorate the internal face of the gate of St. An- toine, at Paris: it has a semicircle at the back, and resembles a portion of an hemi- spherical niche; the springing of the head, being from a straight lintel, is gathered over Divide the circle FO very ingeniously to meet the curved line which bounds the recess. and the right line IH into equal parts, observing that the latter must contain two divisions less than the circle; the entire semicircle would contain seven, and the horizontal line five. G G Fig. 2513. 1 h H m n Saint Antoine · B NN H Sł " t F Fig. 2515. K Fig. 2514. P દેશ ત Fig. 2517. 9 h a b Fig. 2516. Fig. 2518. To find the centres of the curvatures of the joints, draw the right lines hi, fn, bm; from their centres raise perpendiculars, as 1, 2, and 3; where they intersect IH prolonged will be the centres required. The curvature in this vault is represented by a quarter ellipsis, whose two semi-axes are FO and FH; they may be drawn by means of ordinates to a quarter of a circle of which F H will be the radius; or by means of foci or points, which is the most simple. Having developed the arcs hti, fsn, brm, they are taken for the great axis of quarter ellipses, which indicate its curvature, and then drawn on a flexible mould. In cutting the stone commence with the face nf, fh, hi, and in. The voussoirs in isometrical perspective show the two intermediate stones defined by the corresponding letters. Intersecting semicircular Vaults. Where one semicircular arch intersects another, a void or opening is formed, its figure varying with the angle of intersection, and the diameter of 1440 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the vault in the accompanying diagram a semicircular vault is penetrated at right angles by one of a less diameter. A HB is the form of the void or opening determined by the intersection of perpendiculars dropped from the joints of both the arches. The develop- ment of the soffite or intrados of the lesser arch is of that portion of the arch comprised between the right line pq on the plan, and the curved line AH B forming the arris of the void or opening. the upper stone, in isometrical perspective, shows the key of the arch ก g Fig. 2519. с d 97 B A G q 9 H n H Fig. 2521. C d h B B P A 9 18 ง Fig. 2520. h 9 n d m Fig. 2522. Fig. 2523. where the smaller arch intersects; the voussoir underneath is the next in succession, and the lower one that of the springing: it is apparent by tracing the various lines, which parts correspond in plan and section, and the letters also indicate the position of the stones, as well as their development. The same method of A similar Vault intersected by another in an oblique Direction. setting out is applied to this kind; the stone in isometrical perspective is the springing stone at MTN. The development shows the portion of the arch comprised between the corresponding letters on the plan. CHAP. XXIV. 1441 MASONRY. The acute angles are objectionable in this arrangement; greater strength is obtained by adopting the form laid down in the small figure ABCD. B C Fig. 2524. D B 4 M R T Fig. 2525. MT x 2526. R H Fig 2527. Vaults of different diameters connecting obliquELY. Descending Vaults, intersecting at right Angles. These are adopted to support the steps of a staircase, as well as to form its ceiling: by a reference to the letters on the plan and sections, as well as to the several stones shown in isometrical perspective, its construction may be understood. The springing stone, fig. 2531., the third voussoir, fig. 2529., the counter key, fig. 2530., and the key, fig. 2528., may have their several places found in the arch, by observing the letters on the plan and sections corresponding with them. It has always been the practice with masons, when greater strength and security were required than could be obtained by the stone itself, to use metal cramps of different forms, adapted for the purpose to which they were applied: dowel, dovetail, and cauked or cogged are severally used to secure the joints both vertically and horizontally that are likely to be acted upon by the sliding or moving of any of the stones after they are bedded. The Dowel Cramp is generally a piece of round iron, varying from inch to 3 inches in 124 diameter, and from 1 to 9 inches in length, according to the dimensions of the stones; two holes are drilled into the contiguous faces of the work, exactly opposite to each other, and a little larger than the dowells to be inserted, which are either fixed in soft fluid plaster of Paris and water, or run with very hot molten lead: when the latter method is adopted, a small channel is cut out between the faces of the contiguous stones to introduce the lead, and a small cup or funnel is formed at the end of the channel with damp clay, into which the lead is poured from a ladle: care must be taken to cut this channel in a perpendicular direction, or obliquely to the back of the work, so that it may not be seen after its completion. Dovetail Cramps are made of flat pieces of cast or wrought-iron, with the ends spreading out like the tail of a dove or swallow; a cavity of the same form is sunk half into one stone and half into the other, so that the cramp may be sunk rather more than its thickness into both, after which it is run with lead. Descending Vault, intersecting obliquely. — In this example we are required to make another section to indicate the length of the joints, and obtain the development of the soffites; the great vault being oblique to this projection, the section through its centre is expressed by portions of ellipses, determined by perpendiculars raised from all the points 4 2 1442. BOOK FI. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. where the projections from joints on the plan cut with the horizontal line AB, and continued to the intersections of the joints of the new section. The three first voussoirs are Fig. 2528. d b B a Fig. 2529. G B a B IM I M B a P N d C a Fig. 2530. с b a Fig. 2531. α b C d d d e g h Fig 2532. Descending vauLTS INTERSECTING AT RIGHT ANGLES. shown in isometrical perspective: the acute angles resulting from the double obliquity of the lesser vault, and the irregularity of the arris formed by the intersection requires the acute angle to be changed, as in a former example. To construct a vault where both the extrados and intrados are conic surfaces having a common vertical axis, the solid being equally thick between the conic surfaces, so that in the joint lines those of the beds are horizontal, and those of the headings in vertical planes passing along the axis, the beds must be so formed that they will unite in horizontal planes, and the headings in vertical planes. As the sides of the joints of the courses of all vaults terminate upon the intrados in a horizontal plane perpendicular to it, if the intrados be cylindrical, the sides are straight lines parallel to the horizon, those of the coursing joints will be in planes intersecting the intrados perpendicularly in straight lines, and the course will form one solid prism; the sections will consequently all be equal and similar figures, and in vertical planes. Groined Arches. When on a rectangular plan, and formed by two vaults of the same height, but differing in diameter, the smaller arch being set out, and perpendiculars dropped to the diagonal or line of intersection, by drawing others at right angles to them, and setting off the heights of the several voussoirs of the smaller arch, we have several points, which traced through by hand give the curvature of the greater arch. To CHAP. XXIV. 1443 MASONRY. h D Fig. 2533. A Fig. 2534. h Fig. 2535. 9 Fig. 2536. Fig . → III 2537. Descending vault INTERSECTING OBLIQUELY. Fig. 2538. { $ Fig. 2540. Fig. 2539. GROINED ARCHES ON A RECTangular plan, - 14 4 z 2 1441. BOOK II: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. indicate the proper curve of the groin over the diagonal line, at the points of intersection of the two perpendiculars already mentioned, draw others at right angles to the diagonal, on which if the heights are set, a line may be drawn through them, which will express its curvature. This latter method may serve to set out the stones of the greater arch, and less stone is used or wasted than by the first. Groined Vault, on an irregular Plan. The primitive form is a semicircle, drawn on the shortest side; on this is marked all the voussoirs, after which the others are set out, having an elliptical form. The diagonal line on the plan shows the position of the groins; each side is then divided into two equal parts, and lines drawn from them through the centre: from the primitive semicircle perpendicular lines are dropped from each joint, until they intersect the diagonals; at these points of intersection, lines parallel to the centre line on the plan are drawn, until they intersect its several sides; perpendiculars are then raised 2541. A K L L 2512. B 2543. Fig. 2544. GRound arches on an irregular plan, from these points, on which is set out the various heights; a line traced through them indicates the form of the respective vaults. The several voussoirs on the diagonal C I are shown to the left, and those on the diagonal DI to the right of the plan; the figure in isometrical perspective shows the stone K L. In vaults of this description there are no groins or diagonal ribs, as was the practice of the Romans: in the concrete vaults which remain of their construction, as the Pantheon, Minerva Medica, and the Coliseum, a course of tiles or stone is generally introduced at the groin, which performs the office of ribs, and it was probably discovered at a very early period that there was a necessity for strengthening this part, and providing more security than could be attained by the arris joint. Before we can construct vaults composed of stones, where each is to be cut into a particular form, we must be thoroughly acquainted with the rules by which figures may be projected, or with the principles termed by the French engineers descriptive geometry, by which every point in space is represented, and perpendiculars drawn from them to each of the planes of projection, the point where any perpendicular falls being the prü- CHAP. XXIV. 1445 MASONRY. jection of that point: as a series of points in succession represent lines, the boundary of any figure may be arrived at and accurately defined in every position; by dropping perpendicular lines from the sections of an arch, the position of the several voussoirs on the plan are perceived, and their form may be traced according to their several positions, which vary as the stones approach or recede from each other. Groined Vault, on an hexagonal Plan. The primitive centre, from whence the rest is derived, is here a semicircle composed of seven voussoirs: after drawing the six diagonals from the opposite angles, and perpendiculars dropped from the arches to intersect with them, on either of the diagonal lines may be raised others at right angles, upon which by setting out the heights the curvature of the groin may be traced through. The central stone or key is set out on the plan, and its sides are perpendicularly cut, after which the mould of curvature is applied to mark out on its section the intrados and extrados: B is the central key, C represents the form of the other voussoirs. 2517. A B Fig. 2545. Fig. 2546. 2548. Fig. 2549 GROINED Arches on an hexagonal plan. In vaults of this description the pressures are reduced to six points of support, consequently buttresses or walls of considerable depth are required in the direction of that pressure, between which a very thin wall may enclose the building; this was the practice of the freemasons, who did not require their external walls to have one uniform thick- ness throughout, but applied the greater portion to resist the external pressure where it was most needed, and by this system of construction they greatly economised their material. In the plan the position of every stone is laid down by dropping perpendiculars from the joints drawn in the section above, after which their dimensions can be obtained, and the mould taken, by which they can be accurately cut. To ascertain the form of all the plane 4 z 3 1446 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. • faces or surfaces by which stones are circumscribed at their junction edges or arrises, the method of projecting right lines in every possible position must be thoroughly understood and no better study can be suggested for the mason than laying down upon paper the representation of the solids in various positions, by which he will acquire facility in com- prehending this most difficult part of his art. ; Hexagonal groined Vaults, with pointed Arches or Ribs. These are composed of parts of circles less than 90°, so arranged as to form different compartments; the intervals are filled in with small stones bedded in plaster or mortar. To cut the ribs two moulds only are required, one taken from the plan, which gives the upper and lower surfaces, and the other on the section for the profile of the height comprised between the intrados and extrados. The key is a truncated reversed pyramid, whose base is a hexagon inscribed in a circle, as in the right hand figure: we commence by cutting a surface, on which is set out the polygon, or base of the pyramid; its inclined sides are set out by taking the bevel; on each of these surfaces are drawn parallel lines, the first marking the contour of the joint at the extrados, and the other that of the intrados. The first stone of the ribs is shown at the bottom of the figure, and its section above: A is the keystone, and its plan is shown at B. A B 2553. 1 2555. 2550. Fig. 2554. Fig. 2552. 2551. Fig. 2556. HEXAGONAL VAULTING WITH RIBS. A great improvement was effected by the masons of the middle ages in the construction of polygonal vaults: the groins are always covered, as well as supported by ornamental mouldings, and the ribs so formed carry the vault above them; we may imagine the ribs, after they were built up, to constitute a centre or support, upon which the covering was to be laid, and a beautiful result is produced from the expression given to the construction, differing so materially from the former practice of concealing the ribs, or covering them up in the mass of concrete which constituted the vault. We have several examples of light stone or chalk filling up the spaces between the ribs, sometimes laid to constitute an arch from one to the other, forming a groin in the centre of each compartment, or pitching against a smaller rib in the middle, producing CHAP. XXIV. 1447 MASONRY. every imaginable diversity of figure: there can be no doubt that the Romans practised the various methods of groining in concrete adopted after the introduction of pointed architecture, with the omission of the rib, although there are several instances of it concealed in the thickness of their vaults; the flat tile is found built up in ribs, of which there are several remains in the springing of the vaults in the Temple of Peace at Rome. Circular Vaults, with double Groining. The primitive vault, from whence we commence setting out the voussoirs, is a semicircle; the others are ellipses formed from its ordinates: lines are let fall until they meet the diagonals, as is described in a former diagram; others are then drawn at right angles to them, to enable the setting out of the greater vault. The double groin is then drawn to the points of the right lines which cross the centre of the figure on the plan, at pleasure; where the perpendiculars are crossed by these groins, they are united at their points by other lines; these show the joints of the stones at the double groins. The four first voussoirs are at the side, and above is the vault, and on the right is the third voussoir, both in perspective. an Fig. 2557. The stones which compose vaults of this description are terminated by both plane and curved surfaces: some exhibit merely a point and two surfaces; others, one curved and one flat, the junction or meeting of which produces either a circular or elliptical arris common to both : such figures are very difficult to project, and must be con- sidered as cones, which require several points to be laid down for the curvature forming their bases. A pyramid with elliptic or circular base may serve to facilitate the projection of a polygon, and advantage will always be derived from a knowledge of the regular solids, when there is a necessity for setting out any curved lines, whether vertically or hori- zontally placed. In the work of Le Croix, the "Complément des Elemens de Géométrie," the best method for projecting figures of this kind is laid down; and their careful study cannot be too strongly recom- mended to those desirous of arriving at excellence in the art of stone-cutting, which is decidedly much better under- stood on the Continent than in this country. When vaults of large dimensions are to be constructed, there is a considerable saving of materials as well as expense by the engineer making his contract with the proprietors of the stone quarry for the delivery of blocks of certain forms and dimensions, for which purpose a sketch of the forms of the stones will be required, with the several dimensions ; and after the quarryman has roughed them out, he puts numbers upon them corresponding with those of the drawing; each stone being thus dressed somewhat to its intended shape is reduced in weight, and expense of transport is considerably lessened: the numbering upon the stones should commence with those to be first used, and be regularly proceeded with to the last. Where a series of arches is to be constructed, the voussoirs may all be got out of the quarry in the same manner, and much of the after labour be dispensed with: no general rule can be given for the dimensions of the various stones to be used, but the blocks should be as large as possible, as the strength of all masonry depends as much upon the weight as upon the quality of stone; large and heavy stones with few mortar joints constitute the best construction. We have already observed that the Egyptians and Phoenicians used stones of greater size than are to be found in any modern buildings, and our astonishment is naturally excited to the manner in which they were enabled to move them to the situations in which they are placed: whenever great strength is required, solid Fig. 2558. Fig. 2559. CIRCULAR VAULTS. 4 z 4 1448 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. masonry should be employed; the piers of bridges and vaults which have to resist considerable pressure should be formed of carefully selected stone, and of a quality free from all fissures and cracks, and care should be taken that when placed the under sides of all the beds are perfectly smooth and level, which is not always done, less attention being paid to them than to the upper bed, which is always in sight, and more easily worked: the engineer who is desirous of having his work solid should observe that every stone is bedded perfectly flat, and placed at right angles to the side that is to form its external face throughout the whole depth, and not merely for a few inches within the joint, as is often permitted; there should be perfect contact between the several stones in every direction and on every plane, and no vacuity or space allowed to be filled in with cement or mortar : for the vaults of buildings used as warehouses where heavy weights are deposited, the masonry should be constructed with the greatest care and solidity; but for the covering of a nave or side aisles of a cathedral or church, where no extraordinary additional weight is to be supported, this solidity may partly be dispensed with. Gothic Vault, with three Ribs in each Compartment, uniting at several Keys. The centres of these ribs are always in a horizontal plane, which passes through the springing. The plan of the ribs being given, we first set out the centre GH, passing through the middle of the sides which form the plan; after having drawn the chord G H, draw a perpendicular through its centre to the point L. This point is the centre from which the are GH is to be struck. To obtain the rib 1N, prolong their centre to 0; then set off FO from the plan on the elevation from P to b; through the point b, draw a parallel to the axis RP, which will cut the arc G H in d, and give the height bd for the arc IO. To have the curve of this arc, take for base the diagonal E F on the plan; set off IO from E to q, and after having raised the perpendicular qg, equal to bd, draw the chord Eg, on the middle of which raise another perpendi- cular, which will cut the base E F prolonged in h; this will be the centre of the arc Eg raised perpen- dicularly on Eq, and equal to IO: but as it must stop at N, we shall obtain its true length by setting off O N from qton, and drawing through the point n a parallel to qg, which will cut the arc Egati, and Ei will be the arch represented by IN. P m For the parts of the ribs which intersect the others, as FN on the same base EF, describe the pointed arch EH, whose height FH is given; then set off FN from F top: having drawn through p a paral- lel at FH, set off from to k the height ni of the intersecting ribs, and having drawn the chord k H, raise on its middle a perpendicular cutting the base EF in t; this point will be the centre of the arch forming the intersecting rib, whose length is expressed by k H. The arc forming the other rib ND is obtained by setting off > k H R Hi G R D (N) n q P C B Fig. 2560. GOTHIC VAULTS WITH RIBS. CHAP. XXIV. 1449 MASONRY. ND from p to s, and by raising through this last point a parallel pk, on which is set off the height CG, taken on the section from s to m; and having drawn the chord km, raise on its centre a perpendicular cutting the base E F in a point, which is found as p; it will be the centre of the arc mk, answering to D N. To facilitate the drawing of ribs of this kind of vault, the diagram may be referred to, where their various forms are divided into voussoirs. The keys being the parts which require the most care should be set out with reference to all their projec- tions. Hanging Keys.-The last voussoir of arches of this kind, having their abutments against the principai key, form together one independent of that which constitutes the centre; this has given the idea of suspending keys, as well as those hollowed out, found in many vaults of the middle ages, which have excited astonishment in all who have beheld them. The filling in between the ribs forms surfaces of double curvature, which would be very difficult to execute, if not sufficiently small to be supported by plaster or mortar, and to follow the curvature of the arcs without its being necessary to cut them expressly. Gothic Vaults, formed of four quadrants of an inverted concave parabolic conoid with a central key, are the perfection of the mason's art, and we have examples of them of great beauty in buildings con- structed during the fifteenth century in England. If a cone of this form be constructed upon its broad base, with rings of voussoirs, in the same manner as for a dome, their ver- tical joints di- verging to a ver- tical line drawn through its cen- tre, it will stand in a similar man- ner; when the conoid is so con- structed, if it be stood upon its apex, and the base prevented from spreading, the vousscirs will retain their po- sition. We may imagine such a figure cut into four parts, each having one flat side against the wall of the build- ing and the open- ing formed by the four quadrants of outer voussoirs, which consti- tuted its original base, filled in with Fig. 2561. 2562. Fig. 2563. 11 RIBS OF GOTHIC VAULTS Fig. 2566. KEYSTONE AND TTS MOULDINGS. Fig. 2564. Fig. 2565. 1450 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. a large block of stone or a central key, to keep them in their place, and to lock them together, which would form a very solid vault, and is the principle of keyed ribs. When four arches raised on the sides of a square, as in the compartments of a cloister, traverse each other, and unite over the centre, they are called The Voute d'Arete and Arc de Cloitre, and are composed of triangular portions of a semicir- cular vault: in the first, each of these parts only rests on two of their angles, as A, while in that of the arc de cloitre each triangular part, E DC, has for its base one of the sides, which rest E ; D C B A Fig. 2567. Fig. 2571. VOUSSOIR AT B. Fig. 2568, C B ARC DE CLOITRE ON A SQUARE PLAN, E Fig. 2572. FIRST VOUSEOIB, B C D C A Fig. 2573. A D Fig. 2569. voute d'arete. Fig 2570. Arc de cloitre. E Fig. 2574. KEYSTONE. on the wall throughout its whole extent: each part of the vault in the arc de cloitre is formed by portions cut from two intersecting semicircular vaults of the corresponding voute d'arète, that is to say, agree in figure and dimension. Arc de Cloitre, on a square plan, having its primitive centre a semicircle, shows the joints of the several voussoirs; the drawn lines indicate the intrados, and the dotted the extrados. The rows of voussoirs inscribed on each other form hollow squares, subdivided by joints perpendicular to their sides. this projection serves to find the base of the prisms in which each voussoir is contained. The section indicates the form of the several stones. The four examples of development at the sides show the intrados of the voussoirs forming the re-entering angles which characterise this kind of vault; the voussoirs are indicated on the plan and section by the several letters, A, B, C, D, and E. The upper figure in perspec- tive is the voussoir marked B, the other is that marked A. Vault of Arc de Cloitre with an Octangular Plan. The general setting out is the same as in the previous figure The primitive centre is a semicircle, as seen on the section, which when CHAP. XXIV 1451 MASONRY. lengthened out forms the ellipsis on the plan. The voussoirs of the angle, instead of being comprised in parallelepipeds with a square base, are contained in a prism with a pentagonal base; the key is a portion of a truncated octagonal pyramid, whose bases are formed by an assemblage of triangular portions of curved surfaces, concave below and convex above. The Arc de Cloitre on an irregular Plan has a less solid form than others, and ought never to be used; when adopted, the operation of constructing it is tedious, but not difficult. The rows of voussoirs should be always parallel to the walls, so that the key has the same form as the plan; the projections on the plan give for regular vaults the bases of the prisms in which the voussoirs are comprised; the sections perpendicular to each side, through the centre, give the profile of the moulds at the several joints; the only dif- ference is, that in regular vaults it is sufficient to draw out a single side, the others being similar, while in irregular we must draw each, as they are all different in form, and as the distance from the centre of the key to the walls is unequal, different curves result, but they are only prolongations of that which has the least radius, considering it as the pri mitive centre. N B Fig. 2576. A B C D 2575. E M A C D B 2577. K E D L Fig.2578. D M N K Ar = T D ი N Fig. 2579. ARC DE CLOITRE WITH AN OCTANGULAR PLAN. Fig. 2580. Arc de cloitre on an oblong plan. Vaults of Arc de Cloitre, on an Oblong Plan. — On the section the form of the several stones L, M, N, O, D is shown, and the plan of their intrados below; K is the second stone at the angle, in perspective. In this example the re-entering angles correspond to the diagonals of the rectangular plan, which makes the centre over the lesser side of greater length, when drawn out, than that over the greater, which does not produce a good effect; therefore it is preferable, when an oblong square is to be vaulted, to make the middle portion semicircular, and the angles 45°, which gives an equal curvature to all the sides. 1452 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 2582. (1 10 J. S Fig. 2581. Q R ARC DE Cloitre. Fig. 2583. Fig. 2585. H Fig. 2584. M L K I M K H H K Fig. 2586. Fig. 2587. ARC DE CLO¡TRE WITH A FLAT TOP. Vault of Arc de Cloitre, with a flat top, called by the Italians Volta a Concha, is used in large rooms; the form which has the best effect is that which results from dividing the breadth into three equal parts, giving two to the vaulting, and the other to the middle platform: to give this vault all the strength possible, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the di- rection of the joints of the level part in the centre; setting out the width of the platform on the base of the section, and then forming upon it an equilateral triangle, we obtain the point G, to which all the joints of the centre compartment tend. All that has been previously described will apply to this vault; the re-entering angles being all similar, it is sufficient to make the mould for one, as indicated by H, I, K, L, M, which show the form of the intrados of the several stones marked on the plan. H is the springing voussoir, and I the one resting on it. Where vaults are constructed entirely for ornamental purposes, the thickness of the voussoirs may be very small in some instances: at the Chapter House at Wells, they are not more than 3 or 4 inches; particularly in the panels between the several ribs, tufa, chalk, and stone of light weight is selected, to prevent any pressure or thrust against the outer walls or their abutments, which in several buildings is entirely resisted by the weight thrown vertically upon them. The masons of the middle ages knew well how to calculate these vertical and lateral thrusts in all their constructions, and seldom used more material than was absolutely necessary to produce the effect they aimed at; the spandrills of their arches were kept from springing by a mass of rubble; in some cases we find the whole spandrill formed of one large stone tailed into the wall, and maintained in its position by the weight of several courses of masonry placed upon it; in the construction therefore of vaults like that of the arc de cloitre, centering is only required for the voussoirs marked C, D, and E, in fig. 2567., or NOD, in fig. 2580., where the plan is an oblong: by a CHAP. XXIV. 14.53 MASONRY. judicious extradossing, vaults of this kind may be made almost to balance themselves, and to exert but little thrust, certainly not more than can be overcome by a weight put upon the external walls, or that deposited by the timber roof, which usually covers the entire building. Conical Vaults have their interior surfaces parts of cones; the most simple are those constructed on two walls, forming an angle, so that the centre of the face represents the base of the cone. All the joints tend to the apex of the cone, diminishing in breadth; but if continued throughout, they would be- come too weak, therefore a single stone is adopted, called a trompillion, A. To form the voussoirs we must first set out their horizontal projections, their vertical and their profile or section, which are shown in the elevation, plan, and the development of the diagram. To transfer the moulds of the intrados, joints, and beds, with the bevels of the angles formed by the union of the sur- faces to which these moulds are to be applied; the workman should take care to select the greatest face as a base from which to set out the others: thus in trompes he commences with the intrados of the vous- soirs, and dresses a face preparatory to applying the mould. ; In the example given the develop- ment is a semi-cone or sector of a circle, whose radius is equal to BC on the plan, and whose arc is equal to the development of the semicircle which forms the face whence it results that each intrados is re- presented by a small sector or isosceles triangle, whose base is formed by the arc, or by the corresponding chord of each voussoir, and by two radii or sides equal to CB. If from the entire development, or from that of each intrados, we cut off the part answering to the trompillion, the surplus will be the entire intrados, or each part of the intrados; thus the intrados of the trompe is expressed in the development by C, a,b,c,d, E, n 43210, for one half, the other being perfectly similar. The moulds for the joints are supposed to be laid flat on the development of the intrados, and attached to the side to which they have reference; thus the mould (fig. 2591.) 5, 6, 7, 4, d h is that indicated by the line hd 4, shown on the elevation, and gc3, 10, 98, answers to the line g c 3: fb 2, 11, has reference to fb 2 on the elevation, and eal v to e, a, 1. This result being formed of a right cone, hollow, and of equal thick- ness, the angles of all the joints taken per- pendicularly to the intrados are all equal. C Fig. 2588. 5 1 Fig. 2589. 8 Fig. 2591. C 2 d u ♡ e r 3 ( 3 h 2 0 A L2 3 4 Fig. 2590. d PLAN. E 1 E id b a DEVELOPMENT. P CONICAL VAULTS. To find these angles, observe that the voussoirs are supposed to be divided on a circle, whose radius is perpendicular to the inclination of the inner surface of the cone, and drawn from a centre placed on the axis; by a reference to the figures and letters on the elevation, plan, and development, the whole setting out may be understood, difficult as it may appear. W 1454 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. To construct a Trompe in an Angle raking with a salient Angle. — This is a prolongation of the preceding problem, cut by two vertical planes forming a right angle. The word G 24 1 H H 2592. trompe, which has been so frequently made use of, is a peculiar feature in French archi- tecture of the time of Philibert Delorme, who describes it as signifying a projecting vault supported in the air, and derived from the shell called the sea-trumpet; or because it is deceptive, its construction being hidden. It is variously used, both on ex- terior and interior angles, in niches, or in round towers projected to contain a staircase : E g h it A d 1 19 20 C 17 0 18 C b L 14 C E 22 K 5 d 10 6 7. 4 - p M b k Fig. 2 94. 32 1 G Fig. 2593. TROMPE ON AN Angle. that called the Trompe de Montpellier was one of the most celebrated. Having divided the voussoirs on the quarter circle, E C, of the elevation, whose projection is seen on the plan at EC, and transformed to this line the divisions of the quarter circle, by others parallel to the axis GL, we must draw through the points a, b, c, d the point L, representing the apex of the cone on the plan, right lines from no, which indicate the projection of the circle, forming the trompillion to GC, indicating the projection of one of the faces of the angle. These lines will show on the plan the joints of the several voussoirs which form the trompe, and the face of their intrados: to obtain their elevation, draw from the point L indefinite lines, passing through the points of division of the circle dcba. To determine their extre- mity and height, observe that this trompe being formed by a right cone, whose axis GL is level, if we prolong the side LC to the intersection of the perpendicular G M, with the axis LG, the angle of the trompe raised perpendicularly above G will be in the middle of a semicircle, whose radius will be G M, and which will be the base of a cone prolonged to the line GM: thus the height of the angle G should be equal to the radius; whence it results, that to have the extremities of the joints of the intrados, which terminates at the edge of the trompe, we must draw through the points d,c,b,a of the plan, lines parallel to GM, which will indicate the radii of the semicircles in which the extremities of these joints are found. Then from the point I at the summit of the cone, on the elevation, with a radius equal to 5 d6 of the plan of projection, make the section, which will cut the joint 4d, prolonged in d: from the same point, I, with a radius equal to 7 c, make another section, which will cut the joint 3c prolonged in c. the points b and a may be obtained CHAP. XXIV. 1455 MASONRY. in the same manner with the radii 9b, 10, 11, a 12 of the plan. Through the points G, d, c, b, a, C, draw a curve, which will express the edge of the trompe foreshortened to have this curve without foreshortening, take the breadth of the line GC on the plan; being the result of a plane cutting a cone parallel to the opposite sides, it will be a parabola. To draw the profile represented in the development, which indicates the section of the trompe taken on the axis LG, on the plan: first make the base line, L F, equal to L.G; then from the point F raise a perpendicular, FG, equal to IG on the elevation, and draw the oblique line LG, which gives the inclination and real length of the line passing through the middle of the key: then set off Ln from the plan from L to 0, raise the perpendicular on, which gives the vertical projection of the circle terminating the trompillion. In like manner set off LE from the plan from L to C, and raise the perpendicular CE, representing the projection of the quarter circle, E C, on the elevation : having then set off on this line the heights 17d, 18c, 196, and 20a, from C to d,c,b, and a, draw these points to L, the summit of the cone; the indefinite lines will represent the joints of the intrados, to terminate which, and to indicate the curve at the edge of the trompe, set off the points E, 11, 9, 7, 5, from the plan, from C to 13, 14, 15, and 16, through which raise the perpendiculars, cutting the joints of the intrados in the points a,b,c,d, through which and the point CG draw a curve which terminates these joints, and shows the edge foreshortened. Development of the Moulds for the Intrados and Joints. The intrados of the trompe being oblique in two directions, cannot be wholly expressed either on the plan, elevation, or section: to find their elongation, it must be remembered, that the length of a line in- clined to the plane of projection depends on the difference of the perpendicular distance from its two extremities to this plane, which gives in every case a right-angled triangle, whose vertical and horizontal projections give the two sides forming the right angle; so that the hypotenuse of this triangle always presents the real length of the foreshortened line. In the figures which represent this trompe, the projection of the joints of the intrados of the plan, and the heights given by the elevation or the profile, express the sides of triangles which answer to each joint, represented as foreshortened; thus, to have their real length, we raise, from the points d,c, b, and a of the joints shown on the plan, perpendiculars to each of the lines which represent them: the corresponding heights are set off at d,p, c, q,b,r,a,s; then through the points p, q, r, s lines are drawn to L, which give the true length of the joints of the intrados prolonged to the point of the cone: knowing these lengths and the chords Gd, dc, cb, ba, and a C of the centre of the developed face forming the edge of the trompe, we obtain the three sides of the triangles forming the moulds of the intrados prolonged to the summit of the cone, and they are united in the development, where they are indicated by the letters L, d, G for the half key, and Lcd, Leb, Lab, L Ca. • The moulds of the joint are placed on the corresponding lines of the intrados to obtain a greater solidity: they are of equal width, and their lower angle is a right angle, that is to say, perpendicular to the slopes of the intrados, so that it only remains to find the elongation produced by the obliquity of the joint of the intrados with the face. To obtain this elongation, take on the plan the length of the line Lg, which represents the projection of the diagonal of the joint mould of the key, indicated on the elevation by dg; set off this length from G to 21 on the horizontal line passing through g, and take the distance in a right line from I to 21, which gives the length of the diagonal required with this length, from the point I describe an indefinite arc, intersecting another, described from the point d with a radius equal to dg, taken on the development of the curve forming one of the two edges of the trompe, on the elevation; having then drawn a parallel to Ld, to mark the width of the joint, till it intersects dg prolonged, cut off by a line drawn from g the point of the mould intercepted by the level joint. To have the direction of · this line, take the length Ld on the plan, with which, from the point I of the develop- ment, describe the arc of a circle, intersected at the point 23 by another described from the point d, with a radius equal to the perpendicular height of the point d above the horizontal line IC on the elevation. : To have the mould of the joint, indicated on the plan by Lc, and on the elevation by ch, take, as in the preceding, the length Lh, which indicates the projection of the diagonal of this joint; set it off from 24 to 25 on a horizontal line of the elevation passing through h, to have the distance I, 25, which will be the length of the prolongation of the diagonal with this length as a radius, from the point L of the development describe an indefinite arc, intersected by another, described from the point c, with a radius equal to the joint of the head, ch, of the centre of the face prolonged: from the point of intersection, h, draw a parallel to Lc, to determine the breadth of the joint, terminated by a perpen- dicular raised from the point 3, which forms the section of the base. The two other moulds of the joints are found in the same manner: it is sufficient to draw on the stones which form the voussoirs the bevels which give the angles of the intrados with 1456 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the joints; to these may be united the moulds of the head, taken from the centre of the elongated face, Gc C, of the elevation. The figure in perspective is one of the voussoirs adjoining the key. Trompe under a Round Tower, in a re-entering Angle. — This is a cone cut by a circular plane, shown on the plan by G dba C; the voussoirs are divided on the elevation in the quarter circle, B dcba C, which presents a section of the cone, through the line B C on the plan. b 几 ​в A У Fig. 2595. d G d d G B a A • A B a Fig. 2596. Trompe under a round tower. Fig. 2597. The projection of the joints of these voussoirs being prolonged on the plan to that part of the circle forming the round tower, and indefinitely on the elevation, to deter- mine the extremity of these joints in the double curve which forms the edge of the centre of the face, draw, as in the preceding, from the points a, b, c, d, lines perpendicular to the axis, till they meet the side A C prolonged. It is evident that those lines are the radii of circles which pass through these points: with these radii, describe from the centre A of the ele- vation, sections deba, which cut the corresponding joints in the perpendicular on the plan, indicating the extremities of the joints of the intrados, and those of the curve of the centre of the face. Knowing the heights and projections, it will be easy to draw the profile indicated by the development, and the moulds of the intrados and joints, by operating as in the preceding example. It must be observed that, whatever be the contour of the trompe on the plan, that is to say, straight, angular, round, polygonal, or undulated, as in the example at the Chateau of Anet in France, the heights projections, and elongations of the lines and surfaces are found in the same manner, by supposing sections parallel to the primitive centre, per- pendicular to the axis of the cone, whatever be the curve of this centre: the operation becomes longer and more complicated as the contour is more or less regular, or as the cone is more or less oblique. The stone in perspective is one of the voussoirs adjoining the key. CHAP XXIV. 1457 MASONRY. Trompe Circular, on plan erected on a straight wall. —This may be taken as an example of roussoirs sustaining a round tower. The utmost projection which may be given to the part of the tower it sustains must not be greater than two-thirds the radius of its outer circumference, and the centre of the voussoir must have a greater height than the projection. To find the curve of the voussoir or vault, the primitive centre is shown on the elevation, as the base of a horizontal half cylinder, cutting another of greater diameter placed vertically, and which serves to represent the tower; the curve formed by the intersection of these two cylinders is the arris of the voussoir. This curve being sym- metrical and double, if right lines are drawn. from all the points of one half to the other, they will indicate the surface of the voussoir which sustains the tower; we shall have the profile of this voussoir by draw- ing from the division points a, b, c, of the primi- tive centre, lines parallel to the vertical on the plan, and other horizontal aa, bb, cc, on the sec- tion. The distances are set off at 1c, 2b, 3a, on the plan at C1, C2, C3 on the section; through these points raise per- pendiculars, which will cut the parallels drawn from the elevation in the points a, b, c. E G h a h m Fig. 2598. d 2 ig 4 Fig. 2602. + B H B ల Fig. 2599. b a α 3 2601. 7 6 b Fig. 2600. a m k Fig 2603. CIRCULAR ON A STRAIGHT WALL. a C These points of intersection will indicate the curve of the section of the voussoir, and more exactly as the division points are multiplied. To draw the voussoirs which form the trompe, begin by cutting on each its largest face; then for the second voussoir, which we suppose to form the thickness of the wall, get out the square mass 1230 in the elevation, and 4567 on the plan. Take the mould mionkp, expressing the contour which it will form on the surface of the wall, indicated on the plan by GH, and the mould 486, B 95, of its projection on the plan; having cut the two straight surfaces at a right angle, apply the mould mionkp to one of them, and 486, B95 to the others. After having cut the joints mi and nk, apply the mould hefibe to trace their contour : according to which and that drawn on the upper bed io, the stone is cut to form the convex surface of the part corresponding to the tower, which should be square with the bed above. The surface mb ne is formed with a curve taken from the section, placed always vertically, as the lines bs, tv, cx indicate: the curved joint mn is hollowed perpendicularly to the inner face of the wall; this voussoir is shown in perspective. Skewed and inclined Arch in an inclined Wall. The interior of a round window or bull's-eye presents the surface of an oblique cone with a circular base; the joints of the in- trados of the voussoirs with which it is formed all tend to the summit of the cone, and the joints of the face to the axis; from the double obliquity of this cone, the vertical face alone, and the two horizontal beds, E F, GH, give the real size of the moulds and the joints; the development of the intrados is performed in a similar manner to that of oblique cones. To trace the voussoirs, for example, of the bull's-eye or the key K, we must apply the 5 A 1458 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. E mould 17 de and 18, of the vertical face, which will give its greatest height, and that of its horizontal bed 12 13, 17 18, representing the extrados on the plan, which gives its greatest length. Having then faced the stone, square with the bed, the mould is placed on it, to draw the head of the voussoir and that of the extrados; on this tracing we may cut the two joints, these moulds giving their double obliquity; it is only necessary to find the two other lines, which should terminate them at the intrados, and on the side of the sloping face; this is done by cutting the second face with the bevel of the obtuse angle, which the surface of the extrados forms with the talus of the wall; the head mould, 12, 13, ed is then applied to finish the tracing of the voussoir; this process may be applied to the others. The deve lopment is seen below, as well as the key in perspective. G G E 15 14! 131 BULL'S-EYE. Fig. 2605. Fig. 2606. 8 7 12 K 3 13 6 H 2604. 10 ELEVATION. Fig. 2609. d e 18 H MOULD OY VERTICAL FACE. e 5/ d 15 DEVELOPMENT. # a Fig. 2607. h 9 F MOULD. Fig. 2610. PLAN. Fig. 2611. 8 10 DEVELOPMENT. 14 11 13 12 Fig. 2613. CONICAL VAULT DOUBLY SKEWED Fig. 2608. Key. CHAP. XXIV. 1459 MASONRY. Conical Vault doubly skewed, and splayed in a Wall having an Inclination. The voussoirs may be traced in a similar manner, as in the preceding example. The voussoir in perspec- tive is formed by dressing the vertical face at right angles with the extrados; the mould is then applied, and the mould of the extrados on the horizontal plan; then with a bevel the second face is cut, on which the mould of the sloping head is applied, and the stone dressed accordingly. Spherical Domes are formed on the plan and elevation by semicircles; the interior sur- face of this kind of vault presents the effect of a reversed bowl, which has given them the term cupola, when of large diameter, as those which terminate as domes. The best method for setting them out is by horizontal courses, forming concentric crowns. Fig. 2617. shows the plan of the soffites of the courses of voussoirs of the vault above; it is set out in the same manner as it would be for a sphere. Supposing the interior surface of each course of voussoirs to be formed of a portion of a truncated cone, the sides of which are represented 2616. b 6 Cli 5' Fig. 2614. 2617 Spherical Vault. d bl ds Fig. 2615. by the cords A a, ab, bc, cd of fig. 2617. Thus to find the radius of the arc of a circle, showing the development of each of these parts of a cone, the chords which answer to the courses of the voussoirs are pro- longed until they meet the axis. A Fig. 2618. DEVELOPMENT. The interior surfaces of spherical vaults being circular on the plan, as well as on the sec- tion, the moulds for the soffite can only be calculated by approximation, and they also re- quire preparatory surfaces, which are not those on which should be traced the arrises of the joints of the voussoirs. To form these voussoirs more accurately, commence by cutting a prism which has for base its projection on the plan: from this will result a portion of a hollow cylinder, the surfaces of which will be terminated by the extreme arcs of this projection; thus the vous- soir represented by fig. 2617. is comprised in a portion of a hollow cylinder, indicated on the plan by c'l 5′ 5′ clll. The profile of the mass of this portion of the cylinder is indicated in the section. It will be found that if the several horizontal lines be traced by a bending rod on the curved surfaces, they will show the exact position of the arrises which pass by these joints. There must then be exactly traced on the straight surfaces the arrises in- Be a? k 5 A 2 1460 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. dicated by the angles made with the arcs taken on projection. If, according to these lines and those traced on the two straight joints with the mould 5b, c6, the stone which is without be levelled, using the rule, for the joints 6 c, 5 b, and cutting out the convex parts for the arcs 5, 6, and b,c of the profile, the voussoir will be indicated with correctness. Fig. 2619. Fig. 2620. D Fig. 2619. represents the section and horizontal projection of a spherical vault, the courses of voussoirs of which form in elevation vertical arches, and on the plans open squares inscribed in each other, like the vault of an arc de cloitre on a square plan; this arrangement presents at the bottom four niches form- ing together a square. This is appropriate for niches in straight walls, but objectionable when ap- plied to a spherical vault, on account of the triangular voussoirs required by the union of the four vaulted parts of niches; those parts which rest on acute and fragile angles are more difficult in execution, and less solid, than where the courses are arranged horizontally, because the parts are not so well bonded together, and occasion a thrust which tends to spread outwards. In fig. 2619., B, C, D, show the moulds for the stones of the soffite which are applicable to this arrangement, it being understood that the surface of each course is formed by a portion of a truncated cone, the axes of which are perpen- dicular to the centre of the lines, expressing in plan the projection of these slices of a cone; whence it results that each of the hollow squares consists C B of four parts of similar cones, the axes of which cross in the centre, and meet at the diagonals of these squares. As the direction of these surfaces in a right line is to the summit of each cone, that of the parts which unite on the diagonal tend- ing to two different points should form an angle, which prevents the development of the soffites, corresponding to the angle of a single piece, that is to say, those triangular parts which are at the com- mencement in the angles. --- A, fig. 2619., represents the voussoir joining the key in perspective: the joints answering to the lines of the plan, which are vertical, may be traced on the contiguous face of the prism with a square base, in which this voussoir is comprised, with the mould taken from the section. For the voussoirs of the lower angles a stone must be selected large enough to hollow out a segment of a sphere, capable of containing the soffite of the voussoir, and something more, for the projection, as shown in fig. 2620.; it is then only required to cut out the stone, according to the figure of the soffite traced with curves, and to form the joints with bevels, which give the angles of the soffites, with the sections, and which should all tend to the centre of the sphere: this method consumes more stone, but it is more simple and accurate. Vaults formed of a portion of an hemisphere, where the Plan is a Square, constructed in hori- zontal Courses, agreeing with the preceding examples in every other particular, excepting in the addition of the pendentives; it is the portion of a sphere whose diameter is the diagonal of a square; the parts cut off by the walls form semicircles on their interior surfaces, whose diameter is equal to the inner length of the walls; the section of a sphere by any plane is always a circle. CE. In the section the arc NI is a portion of a semicircle described with the semi-diagonal The quarter circle A D indicates the re-entering arris formed by the intersection of CHAP. XXIV. 1461 MASONRY. one of the walls. The voussoirs are divided on the quarter circle, E NI, prolonged from N to E, representing the section on the diagonal of the vault. The joints of the stones are only prolonged until they intersect the vertical PE, which indicates the re-entering angles of the walls,. prolonged in the part occupied by the vault; those of the pendentives form an arris, also at the intersection of the interior surface of the walls to which they belong. To draw one of these stones, as shown in perspective, for the beds, we use arcs marked on the plan bb and aa; and for the elevation, those distin- guished by similar letters on the section: to form the surface of the stone, instead of a rule a pair of callipers is applied to the great circle, directed perpendicularly to the arcs a,b. H P L E a L A a E N b D Fig. 2621. b Fig.2622. Fig. 2623. VAULTS FORMED ON THE PORTION OF AN HEMISPHERE. h A Fig. 2624. 18 16 17 k 1 9 B 13 k k Fig. 2625. g h VAULTS ON A square plAN, WITH SPHerical headS LAID IN VERTICAL COURSES.· m n m 13 Vaults on a square Plan, with sphe rical Heads laid in vertical Courses. The rows of voussoirs are shown on the plan by right lines, which are drawn perpendicularly to the dia- gonal; these lines form on the ele- vation arcs of circles, shown in the section as foreshortened, but deve- loped outside the plan, and having for radii other lines which are the projection lines of the rows of voussoirs prolonged to the great circle passing through the diagonal GE, and expressing the projection of the springing of the entire vault. To draw the voussoirs, we must form a horizontal and perpendicular plane corresponding to the line of projection on the plan; upon it is traced the curve of ele- k k Fig. 2626. p 5 A 3 1462 Book II, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. vation, which should form the arris of the section, and the remainder of the operation is performed as in the preceding example, that is to say, with the arcs taken from the section, and on the great circle whose diameter is the diagonal. The voussoir in per- spective is marked with letters corresponding with its position on the plan and elevation. The most convenient method of constructing either entire or segmental spherical vaults is in horizontal courses: we have only described those constructed in vertical courses, to notice the difficulties which they produce, as an assistance to those who prefer some exercise for their ingenuity. Hemispherical Niches are so formed that they may be cut into two equal parts by a vertical plane passing through the centre, which would support themselves independently of each other, or into four by vertical planes crossing each other at the centre, and each will support itself. Hemispherical niches may be set out by three different methods: by horizontal courses forming half circles or courses; by vertical courses, or in the form of a trompe. The niche has the trompillion, indicated by H; it is shown in front in fig. 2627., on plan, fig. 2628., and profile, fig. 2629. The joints of the voussoir above, tending to the centre of the niche, are indicated by straight lines in fig. 2627., and by curved lines in figs. 2628. and 2629. To find the curved projection of these joints, divide the thickness of the wall in fig. 2628., in which they are comprised, into two or three unequal portions, by lines qr, st, parallel to the face AC; these lines are ra- dii of the quarters У α Fig. 2627. L M of a circle, which divide the surface of the niche in elevation into parts proportion- ate to those of the plan; thus for the first joint ai of the elevation, lower the points 1 and 2, where these quarters of circles cut the joints of the pa- rallels, to the axis DC, common to the two figures; these cut the lines of the plan qr,st, at the points 1', 2', which will be two of those of the projection curve of this joint in plan, and should ter- minate at the points a, i, giving four points by A which it may be traced, and so on for the others. To trace the voussoirs of this niche, moulds may be used for all the a 1 H H F E 1 ig. 2629. D b a m b k i M a b C Fig. 2628. 0 Fig. 263^. HEMISPHERICAL NICHES. C B d H k i Fig. 2631 faces and joints, viz. one for the elevation, fig. 2627., which may serve for the two sides by turning it from right to left; two for the joints, and one for the trompillion. The moulds for the joints are shown at fig. 2631., placed one over the other, so that the line indicating the arrises of the returns of the quoins, and the arris of the extrados of the key, are common to all. As the hollow surface of this niche is supposed to be exactly spherical, the curves cl, bk, ai, are equal arcs of circles described with the radius A C. Fig. 2630. represents the key, in perspective; its arrises and principal angles are indicated by letters corresponding in figs. 2627, 2628, and 2629. A Niche situated in an Angle. Figs. 2636. and 2637. show the plan and elevation; the divisions of the voussoirs which tend to the centre I are made on the semicircle abcdefgh of the elevation, the projection of which on the plan is shown by a straight line, with CHAP. XXIV. 1463 MASONRY. the corresponding divisions marked with the same letters. The divisions on the front centres are determined by prolonging the joints until they meet the vertical planes of the projecting angle; the curved arrises which they form with the soffites are, on account of the property of the sphere, quarters of a circle of which ABCDEFGH in the elevation only indicate that the ellipsis formed with the ordinates B1, C2, D3, K4, is of a quarter of a circle, of which A K is radius. One of the two faces developed is shown at fig. 2635., with its divisions of joints to serve as moulds. Fig. 2636. shows the section R Fig. 2634. K D 16 P 15 N B E B Fig. 2632 L R Ρ Fig. 2635. K D E Q M n 12 C F A H A I 2636. R L A! M H 11 12 1 C K M D D D L 21 B Fig. 2633. A N #1 " R K L P D y NICHE SITUATED in an angle. 11 Fig. 2637. 12 taken on the common axis, RIK, of the projection in plan and elevation. As this niche is supposed to be of such dimensions that the voussoirs cannot be made in one single stone, the profile of the joint which divides the key into two parts, and that of the trom- pillion, is indicated in the part shaded; the lines formed by the joints of the other voussoirs on the concave surface are also indicated in the plan and elevation, and in the part of the profile which is not shaded. The upper part of the key, the profile of which in fig. 2634. is represented by fig. 2637.: to form this part of the voussoir, begin with the upper horizontal bed, which is the largest face, indicated in fig. 2636. by K, L, x, y, P; after having applied a mould with the same form to trace its contour, cut the two faces LR DK and RKEP square with the upper part; apply to each the mould R L K D, taken on the fig. 2633. on the return, in order that the side R K should fall on the arris KR for the two sides. These moulds, with the angular bevel RLD, will form the surfaces, on which should be applied the moulds of the joints, which will give the curves and arrises of the soffites: according to these curves, and those of the faces DK and K E, formed by tracing with the aid of points on K 16 of the profile, the curved surface of this soffite may be set out, on which having traced the line 11 12 terminate this part of the voussoir by forming the back section with a bevel, producing the angle K 16 15 on fig. 2634. Fig. 2632. is another portion of the voussoir, uniting with the level courses; this may be traced, like the preceding, by commencing with the upper horizontal bed, for which apply the mould to the plan, make the large joint on the side of the key by means of bevels taken on the elevation; then the facing, and the part of the joint forming a rebate, which should be square with the upper bed; having prepared the face of the other joint, trace with the moulds the straight and curved arrises which are to terminate them: for the soffite, use points taken on the profile, as for the preceding voussoir. Spheroidal Vaults upon a circular and elliptical Plan. Fig. 2640. shows one quarter of a spheroidal vault on a circular plan, the half of which is an elevation or half ellipse. Fig. 2639. is divided into three courses of voussoirs to the key; the first, the section of 5 A 4 1464 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The 91 which is expressed by E, da A G. curve of the extrados gives at the centre of the key a thickness equal to the b d D u Fig. 2639. d E b A ق r d d Fig. 2638. half of what it is where detached from the wall. Fig. 2638. shows in perspective one of the voussoirs of the second course, developed in a portion of the hollow cylinder, the base of which is taken on the plan, where it is marked by the letters h, i, k,m, comprehending the projection of the lower section: on the straight joints of this species of prism apply the mould dabe taken on the section, fig. 2639., which must be turned to trace the other side. Spheroidal Vault on an oval or elliptical Plan, the inner surface of which is produced by the ellipsis or oval of the plan, which turns round its greatest axis or greatest diameter, so that all its vertical sections made in the direction of its length, parallel to the lesser axis, will be semi- circles. B i a D m ~. Fig. 2640. K لا d b b SPHEROIDS ON A Circular PLAN, The primitive centre for dividing the voussoirs is the qua- drant of a circle, whose radius AC is equal to half the lesser axis of the ellipsis on the plan. The rows of voussoirs being horizontal, the curve of the greater axis being more elongated than that of the lesser, the intradosses are not of equal breadth, but increase from the lesser to the greater axis. The projection on the plan of the horizontal joints form similar ellipses, that is to say, their two the preserve same proportion, but they are not equi- distant. axes The execution of this kind of vault is attended with many difficulties, and re- quires more opera- tions than that for spherical vaults with a circular base, be- cause, by reason of 2642. a a 2641. A SPHEROID ON AN ELLIPTICAL PLAN. с ¿ A k እ m 9 B PLAN. h Fig. 2643. CHAP. XXIV. 1465 MASONRY. the inequalities of the diameter of the elliptic base, each upright joint requires to be elon- gated. A simple method of obtaining these elongations, for example, that of the upright joint whose projection is expressed by the right line b4 on the plan, is first to let fall from the primitive centre corresponding to this joint, the perpendicular c 4, and the horizontal 64; secondly, after having divided b 4 into four equal parts, draw through these points lines parallel to c 4, till they intersect the curve; likewise divide the projection line b 4, on the plan, into four equal parts, and having raised perpendiculars through these points, set off on each the height corresponding to that on the section, and through all these points draw with a flexible rule the curve be, which will be that of the joint indicated by the right line 64; the curves for the intrados and extrados may be found in a similar manner for each joint. The joints in the thickness da, eb, cf, do not form surfaces of concentric cones, whose summits are in the axis of the vault, as in spheroidal vaults with a circular base, but a doubly curved surface. A more simple and easy method is represented by the rows of voussoirs shown on the plan by right lines drawn parallel to the lesser axis, and on the section by concentric circles, whose diameters are the corresponding lines on the plan; the joints of these circles form surfaces of truncated cones, whose summit is the point where the joint prolonged would meet the great axis; the other joints will be plane surfaces tending to the axis; by this arrangement we draw the voussoirs, by taking the concentric arcs to form the circular arrisses, and the joint moulds from the section, which will be the same for all the voussoirs of the same row. To form the intrados and extrados, take the convex and concave curves from the section, and divide the joints into the same number of equal parts. Conoidal Vaults, as in the interior of the Dome of the Pantheon at Paris. — The curve of its centre, as well as that of the open arches, are Catenarian. To execute this kind of vault it is sufficient to have the section and the plan, because each voussoir is cut I 1 • 1 + Fig. 2645. Fig. 2644. 1 1 0 1 0 Fig. 2646. Fig. 2€47. CONOIDAL VAULTS. 1466 Book II. theory and PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. as before explained for the spherical vaults, forming first the parts of a cylinder in which they are comprised, in order to trace them by means of moulds of the curves taken on the section and plan; the voussoirs, where the open parts or lunettes intersect with the other, should be obtained out of portions of cylinders, comprising their greatest height, length, and width: besides the moulds of the section and plan we must have others of the intrados and extrados, made of flexible material; this method would suit every variety of conoidal vault, whatever be the curve of its centre, hyperbolic, parabolic, or any other, and even whatever the form of base, circular, oval, or elliptic. Pendentives that support domes are portions either of spherical or spheroidal vaults, resulting from the section of several parts of these vaults by vertical and horizontal planes: they are made use of in gathering over a square or polygonal figure into that of a circle or ellipsis. The domes at the intersection of the naves and transepts of a church are so constructed. 19 B 17 Ο C 191816 14 12 10 13 5 a D 6 Fig. 2618. k เ D 9 e h d Fig. 2349. 10 12 14 15 JPG 11 13 15 A Fig. 2651. Fig. 2650. A PENDENTIVES. When the plan upon which the dome is to be placed is square, the faces of the four great arches that are to support it may be considered as four vertical planes cutting a spherical dome into as many segments, and the base of the cupola usually constructed on it, as a fifth horizontal plane which cuts off the upper portion of the sphere, so that four spherical triangles alone remain; but as the effect of these resting on a point is unpleasant to the eye, various arrangements have been made to overcome this defect. The faces of the pendentives are not always portions of spherical vaults, but irregular surfaces, the plan and elevation of which are shown. Where rows of horizontal voussoirs are introduced, their execution and arrangement will be found extremely simple; the projection of the rows is shown on the plan by lines of concentric circles. To obtain these curves suppose between G and C as many vertical arcs as there are points of each curve; to unite them on the section, so that they have a common point B, set off AG, abcd, BC, projections on the plan of these arcs from O to C, db G, and draw the chords BG, Bd, Bb, Bc, on the middle of which raise perpendiculars cutting the horizontal line BI in 1, 2, and 3, which will be the centres of each of these arcs. CHAP. XXIV. 1467 MASONRY. On the section is shown the position of the various arcs numbered on the plan, which tend to the centre of the sphere, of which the triangle D A G is a portion. The figure in perspective is a voussoir of the fourth bed. Another method by Voussoirs in the manner already described for the Construction of a Trompe. -The surface of these pendentives are portions of arcs of circles, but instead of being com- prised in planes tending to the axis of the dome, they are contained in those which unite in the interior of each pillar, at a vertical line whose projection is the point K: in order that this should produce a good effect, the joints are not divided on the entire arc CD of the plan, but on the part between C and M, to avoid the too great thinness of the edges of the row of voussoirs joining AD; the part M D may be a fourth or fifth of the are CD; in the present instance it is rather less than the fourth. C 5 17 20 20 19 2 21 7 8 D 4 3 2 1 N Is 5 8 Fig. 2652. 3 2 G C B K Fig. 2655. 22 Fig. 2653. M P 21 D 18 Fig. 2654. 17 PENDENTIVES. To draw the projection of these joints commence by dividing CM into nine equal parts, one of which is given to half the key, and two to each of the other voussoirs: then having prolonged AD, till it cuts CB prolonged in K, draw through these points to 1, 2, 3, 4, right lines which cut AB in the points 5,6,7,8. The lines 15,26, 37, 48, express the projection of the chords of the arcs which form the upright joints of the voussoirs: by setting off these on the elevation, draw the chords in a similar manner, but neither those on the plan nor on the elevation give their true length, by reason of their double obliquity; to have this, after having drawn the horizontal line CD, raise a perpendicular to it, O B, equal to B C, and set off on CD the distances 01, 02, 03, 04, 0 D, equal to B C, 51, 62, 73, 84, 8 D on the plan; then draw the lines BC, B1, B2, &c. &c., which will be the chords of the arcs required: these centres may be found by raising on the middle of each perpendiculars which will cut BN in 5,6,7, and 8, which will be the centres of the arcs corresponding to each of these chords. Then having prolonged the lines 17, 18, 19, &c. &c. from the horizontal joints of each voussoir in the section, in such a manner that they cut the arcs just traced, these intersections will serve to find the projection of the plan of the hori- 1468 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. zontal joints, by setting off their distance from the line O B on the lines 1 5, 26, 37, and 48. of the plan; thus for the joint P21 of the section set off Pa on the plan from B to g, Pb from 5 to i, Pe from 6 to m, and Pd from 7 too: through the points g, i,m,o draw a curve, which will be the projection of the joints situate on the line P 21. The projection of the plan of these joints and the intersections of those represented by the lines 15, 26, 37, 48, furnish an easy method of drawing the foreshortening of the joints on the elevation, by setting off the distances of the intersections from the line BC on the plan on the right lines, which indicate the horizontal joints of this elevation on the vertical B. C The stone in perspective exhibits one cut to suit this arrangement. Groined Vault over a circular Plan consists of two semicircular vaults, differing in dia- meter, crossing each other; the principal, AHDE, is comprised between two circular concentric walls, and traversed by an irregular conical vault, IGQS, whose heights agree. Ο N i k 22 A D h NO α b d G g C b S Q b C b d G 1 B m B H a P d d d L E a d Y a 9 B g h h d ય C C h d Q a ፩ Fig. 2657. 9 е F d S b α h C C T α 16 Fig. 2656. Fig. 2658. CIRCULAR GRoined vault, Fig. 2659. If we take as a primitive centre the quadrant MS, having for its radius the least width, QS, it results that the curvature, starting from this line, is formed by different quarter ellipses, whose greater axes increase from QS to IG, while the lesser remain the same. The only difficulty in this kind of vault is to form the voussoirs at the arris properly. After having projected them on the plan, the mould is taken from them, by the assistance of which prisms are cut, having a mixtilinear base; on the faces of this solid moulds are applied, taken from the centres on the sections. To form the hollow parts re- gularly curved rules are made use of. The development and the voussoirs are also indicated. Constructions for a Circular Staircase round a newel, called Vis Saint Gilles, first practised at the priory of that name, situated about four leagues from Nismes, has the reputation of being the most difficult operation that could be performed by a mason; all the surfaces of the voussoirs are irregular, and the arrises formed of double curves. CHAP. XXIV. 1469 MASONRY. ------------------- M K 5 Fig. 2660. ი Fig. 2661. m n }. с m d n m A Fig. 2603. E hi Aa ५ Fig 2665. d n e e ft C a y m m • CIRCULAR staircase. • • Fig. 2662. n b Fig. 2664. α D G D 1470 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The hollow AabcdefE is the primitive centre of the vault; the easiest method of constructing such a stair is first to set out that part of the hollow cylinder, army, in which each voussoir is comprised, according to its projection mm, nn, on the plan, in order to trace on their curved surfaces their ramp and arrises, as well as the heights and widths of the steps to which they correspond. In regular staircases like the present, the steps being equally divided, give for the developments of the concentric circles bdb, right lines more or less inclined, which may be drawn on the curved surfaces corre- sponding to them with pliable rules. This operation being performed for the arrises mm,nn, of the thickest voussoirs, we may afterwards cut away the rampant part and form the smooth soffite and extrados. To trace the voussoir, apply at each end the mould medn of the primitive centre: the curve of the intrados and joints being set out, draw on the intrados two lines parallel to the curved edges of the smooth soffite; then to form these joints cut away the stone beyond the lines, applying the rule always vertically from one curve to the other, and hollow the intrados according to the curves traced at the two ends, by means of compasses, taking care to keep perpendicular to the side on which is the curve; the voussoir is terminated by cutting the two ends n 3 and 64 at right angles to the extrados. Commence by Another method to perform this Operation, and to economise Stone. making the horizontal projection mm, nn, of the voussoirs X, proposed to be executed, and draw the geometrical elevation in order; to find the section of an oblique cylinder in which it may be comprised, indicated by the lines mn and ba, representing two parallel planes, which pass through the highest points, m, n, and the lowest points, a, b, of the voussoir when in its place. To have the inner curve, which produces this section, divide the chord nn of the arc, expressed in the horizontal projection, into equal parts, through which draw the ordinates of the curve; then divide the inclined chord nn into the same number of equal parts, through which raise other perpendiculars, and set off on each the height of that which corresponds to it in the horizontal plane. This effected for the two curves will give the mould mmnn, for the section of the oblique cylinders in which the voussoir should be comprised, and which may be formed with a stone, whose thickness will be equal to the distance between the oblique lines mm and ba, pr and qs. This stone should have a face at right angles with the two parallel surfaces, answering to the chord nn of the inner curve, for the purpose of tracing from the elevation the vertical lines nb, nb, which serve to fix the position of the mould, mmnn, with which the contours are traced, to form the oblique section of the cylinder in which the voussoir is comprised: this section being made on the inner and exterior curved sur- faces, draw the ramp lines in proportion to their heights 56,n7, and the breadths n6, 57, of the steps to which they correspond, proceeding as in the preceding method for the ramps, the joints, and the extremities of the voussoirs, which should be perpendicular to the lines of ramp. Vis Saint Gilles, on a square Plan. - This example is composed of jointed vaults, and skewed as well as rampant arc de cloitre; its execution is attended with some difficulty. The centres corresponding to the arrises of the steps, perpendicular to the middle of the faces, can alone be right lines, all the others being oblique, and forming more or less elongated ellipses, according to the steps to which they appertain. The plan of the vault shows one half the arrangement: the primitive centre is a semicircle IK L, raised perpendicular on IL as a diameter; on this semicircle the voussoirs are set out through the points a, b, c, d, e, f, through which lines parallel to the faces BC and FG of the wall are drawn, till they intersect the diagonals FB, GC; these lines, which indicate the projections of the rows of voussoirs, would form on the plan of the entire vault squares inscribed in each other, as in the projection of an arc de cloitre; the two halves of the primitive centre are represented on the section, with the thickness of the vault, extradossed in a right line, and in the direction of the steps it is to sustain; this figure is a section of the rampant part of the vault, forming an arc de cloitre along the wall B C, and of the portion returned, CD, with the projection of the joints corresponding to those indicated on the plan by aa,bb, c c. Half the section is shown on the side of the newel, forming an arris vault, with the direction of the joints corresponding to ff, ee, dd, on the plan. To trace the voussoirs commence by drawing on the plan and elevation the particular voussoir to be executed, in order to form the mould, which comprises its greatest length, breadth, and height; having then cut a prism, whose base is the plan of the voussoir, trace on its vertical surfaces curved or right lines with the moulds taken from the corresponding section. To draw the rampant vault forming the joint gh, divide the arc ab of the primitive centres into equal parts, and draw through these points lines cutting gh, which may be regarded as the profile of a vertical plane passing through this joint; the inter- sections give the heights, which, starting from the point h, correspond to the projec- tions shown on the plan by parallels drawn from the division points of the primitive arc ab on the projection of the same joint, indicated on the plan by gh, where this line repro- CHAP. XXIV. 1471 MASONRY. sents the projection of the vertical plane forming this joint. To draw the curve corre- sponding to gh on the plan, set off on the parallels which indicate the projections the fon 100 8 9 9 e k B α d e F Fig. 2666. L 1 d 9 h G D k d a C A u b d Fig. 2667. E f e H VIS SAINT GILLES, ON A SQUARE plan. b a D heights h3, hh, and gh, of the joint gh on the elevation from 3 to 3, from 4 to 4, and from g to g on the plan, and draw with a flexible rule through the points h3, 4g, a curve which will express that part of the arc rampant of the joint, indicated by hg on the plan and ele- vation. The same method is adopted to find the curvature of the other joints: we must observe that those which are perpendicular to the middle of the faces of the walls and of the newel are portions of the primitive centre: the centres on the direction of the steps are half-ellipses, whose lesser semi-axis, indicating the height of the centre, is always the same, while the greater axis, which is level, is represented by a line tending to the centre of which it is a part: these ellipses may easily be drawn by means of foci, serving to form curves for the adjustment, when the vault is completed.. The second voussoir in the angle is in horizontal projection, and serves as the mould for the base of the prism from which the voussoir is to be cut: above this plan is the prism, seen at the angles, in which the vous- soir is developed by means of the joint moulds B and C, represented fig. 2668. The horizontal and vertical projections of the key, marked N on the plan, are also shown; the former is the base of the prism in which the key is comprised; on the sides of the upper figure are the joint moulds E and F. The horizontal and vertical projections of the second voussoir from the newel is marked O on the plan; the lower is the base of the prism from which it is to be cut, and H and I are the mould joints. As for the joint moulds, shown on the plan and elevation by the right lines g, h, all their breadths and heights are set out on these lines; thus for the second voussoir, M, com- 1472 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. mence by raising from all the points of the lines pg and gp on the plan perpendiculars, and one from the point b, on which take a point a to represent the lower re-entering angle of this voussoir; having set off above r, and below k, the height of the slope of B M Fig. 2668. α 6 n C d H ་ Fig. 2669. Fig. 2670. the ascending and descending parts, draw through the two points r and k horizontal lines, which determine the points h and h on the elevation, by their intersection with perpendicu- lars raised from the corresponding points on the plan: then draw the inclined line hah, to represent the apparent arris of the lower joints of the voussoir. To obtain the curvature of the descending branch of this voussoir from the point a, take the heights h, 2, 3, 4, g, n, indicated on the perpendicular joint gh of the centre; set them off on the perpendiculars raised through the corresponding points of M, beginning from the horizontal line of the base, passing through the point h. For the ascending branch take the heights on the upright joints g,h of the centre, which will be found similar to those indicated by the letters h, 8,9,g,n of the section, which were set off in the same manner on the perpendiculars raised on figure M, commencing from the upper horizontal line passing through rh. Find the divisions on the perpendicular lines gh, gh, which mark the joints, by drawing arrises, 7a, 12, from the profile of the second voussoir, to those corresponding to the upper centre, 2a, b6, of the lines which cut the vertical projection of these joints. This operation is founded on the idea that the arrises of the rows of voussoirs on the plan form right lines from the centre of the diagonal B F to that of the diagonal G C. We must observe that the elongated centres of these diagonals are represented on the elevation by semicircles, because the plane of projection on which they are expressed is parallel to the planes of the semicircles from which they originate, and which form the primitive centre of rampant vaults. CHAP. XXIV. 1473 MASONRY. Staircase with Quarter Spaces supported by rampant Vaults and Trompes on the Angles, or by the Vault called the Arc de Cloitre. ABCD is a square plan in which the staircase is placed: commence by drawing the parallels EH, IM, NP, at a distance corresponding with the length to be given to the steps; these lines by intersecting form two squares, AEFN, IKP B, and a rectangle EFKI: it is evident that in the entire plan a square should be formed at each angle, indicating the quarter landings, and four rectangles similar to EFKI for the steps: the well-hole will be expressed by a square or rectangle, FHMK, and NFHC and KMDP will indicate the halves of the ascending and de- scending ramps. 10 L 11 13 12 15 Fig. 2671. 14 Fig. 2672. C SECTION. 2 M K L H 3 E D 2673. 5 6 7 8 B m p q r S t 2 3 14 12 F 13 H • Fig. 2674. PLAN. K M ہے 715 16 ఎ m n D To make the projection, having drawn the diagonal IP, and described a semicircle or semi-ellipsis upon it for the primitive centre of the trompe, divide the voussoirs upon it, which set off on the diameter I P, and draw mn parallel to IP, to indicate the trompil- lion; then draw from the point B to all the points of the diameter a, b, c, d, e, f,h lines pro- longed until they meet the sides KI and KP, which lines will be the projection on the plan of the joints of the trompe. The cone with a circular or elliptic base which forms this trompe, being cut by two vertical planes KI, KP parallel to its sides, their section is a parabola; and this curve forms the profile of the vault to the right of the lines KI, KP, and not an arc of a circle, as some have supposed. The figure in perspective shows the voussoir at the junction of the two vaults; after having drawn on the plan and sections to indicate its greatest height and projection, cut prisms, on the faces of which the moulds taken from the sections are applied, showing 5 B 1474 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the ellipses which pass through the upper extremities of the joints of the trompes, and which determine their elevation; they are drawn by sections described from their foci. The semi-greater axis of each quarter ellipsis is found by drawing on the plan parallels to IP, through the extremities I, 1, 2, 3, 4, and K, of the joints: the semi-lesser axes are obtained by setting off on the section the distances Bi, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, BK; from each of these points perpendiculars are raised to the intersections of the line BK, which represents the profile of the cone in its centre, and the height Kk is made equal to the breadth IK of the ramps. Another Method, with an Arc de Cloitre under the Quarter Space, whose Springing is level. The centre of the voussoirs is formed of portions of an ellipsis: to obtain them, describe on NA prolonged an arc of a circle A G, whose semi-chord G N is twice the width of the ramp IH; this semi-chord is divided into seven equal parts, through which ordinates are drawn parallel to NA: having then drawn the lines AN, NG, which form a right angle, both equal to NA, fig. 2677., divide N G into the same number of parts, as NG; and after having drawn parallels to AN, set off the length of the ordinates on fig. 2677., as on fig. 2678., by means of which describe a quarter ellipsis corresponding to the arc GA. The perspective figure is the voussoir I of the section. Р 16 15 14 7 2675. A ∞ Fig. 2676 ELEVATION, G 13 F 囯 ​E. F A d K P D H M G 6 5 4 d 3 2 ፩ b 2678. 2677. N N A + H པ 8 ico 9 10 7 F 17 I 12 13 A G Fig. 2679. PLAN, 18 K D CHAP. XXIV. 1475 MASONRY. An oper. Staircase, sustained by the steps themselves, without an arch under them, called geometric. There are two principal considerations for the construction of one of these staircases, the steps, and the limon or string. The steps, which are supported independently of the string, should be formed at their soffites by a smooth uniform ramping surface, terminated at one side by a notch or rebate, hcd, and on the other by a face perpendicular to the soffite: by means of these faces, and the steps resting on each other, the stairs are pinned into a wall, and by abutting against the quarter spaces, may be sustained inde- pendently of the string. In staircases of this kind, it is necessary to proportion the bearing to the quality of the stone; it is usual to make the section or the height of the step, and the part which bears upon it double; a string at the outer end of the steps prevents the possibility of their turning, when not well pinned at the other end; this is its only advantage, and it is now generally dispensed with: to form the steps, it is only required to have one mould taken from the plan, and another from the elevation. Fig. 2683. Fig. 2684. 2 Fig. 2680. Fig. 2682 Fig. 2681. Fig. 2f85 An example of a similar stairs with winders and quarter space may be constructed either with or without a string on the outer edge; those with a string, as in the former example, form portions of cylinders, on the faces of which, by means of the height and breadth of the steps, the ramps are set out. After having drawn on the elevations, taken from the horizontal projections, parallel lines A B, CD, to indicate the oblique sections of the cylinder in which the portions of the curved strings are comprised, form the elongated moulds from the projections, fig. 2687. and 2691., by raising from all the points k,b,o,s,p, of these projections perpendiculars till they meet the line bm, parallel to AB; then draw through these points other perpendiculars, on which set off the distances or corresponding widths, taken from fig. 2687. and 2691.: the moulds being found, select a stone whose thickness is equal to the distance comprised between the parallels, and after having dressed these two surfaces, and a face at right angles to them, fix the angle 5 B 2 1476 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. · BOOK II. bm of the mould, and trace its contour for the cylindrical section in which the string is comprised: the upper and lower arrises are drawn by means of plumb-lines, and a leve k A k B m Fig. 2ʊ 8 Fig. 2687. D Fig. 2686. 4 Fir. 2689 D Fig. 2690. corresponding with the section of the steps at fig. 2687. and 2691. receive the ends of the steps within it. Fig. 2691. The string is sunk to Geometrical staircases are now usually formed without a string, each step being partly supported by tightly wedging its end into the wall, and it is further assisted by resting upon the step below it. The outward end of such steps have the nosing returned on them: the under joint, where two steps unite, is made perpendicular to the soffite of the staircase, and the depth of the step, perpendicularly through the middle, must depend upon the quality of the stone; when of a hard quality, like the Cragleith, the following equation may be applied. Suppose w = the greatest uniform load on a square foot, including the weight of the stone itself 300 pounds: the length of the flight of stairs, measured on its soffite, and which we will call CD=10 feet, and the length of the step 6 feet, represented by BD; wx CD³ x D Bº then, 55 feet will be the depth of the ƒ (C D² + D B²) step, from the middle of the tread to the soffite, in a perpendicular direction. Where the step is inserted in the wall, from 4 inches to 8 may be the depth of the indent; but this must depend upon the length the steps project from the face: in staircases where there are windows, considerable care is required to work the soffite in a regular and easy =d²or 300 x 100 x 36 26000 × (100+36) = CHAP. XXV. 1477 ON STONE BRIDGES. ⚫manner; and all abrupt changes from one form to another should be guarded against, as they produce an unsightly and disagreeable effect. Staircase of the same Construction, on a circular Plan, may be executed either with Fig. 2692. Fig. 2696. Fig. 2697. Fig. 2695, Fig. 2693. Fig. 2698. Fig. 2694 or without a string at the outer end of the steps: the forms of the steps and their construction are sufficiently indicated by the figures which accompany. CHAP. XXV. ON STONE BRIDGES. HAVING already described several bridges, we shall now proceed to give some account of the theory and practice by which the engineer has been enabled to erect those useful, and, in some instances, magnificent structures, which rank among the greatest efforts of his science and skill. On the Situation of Bridges. This must depend on local circumstances, as the leading streets in a city, or the direction of the public roads; but wherever possible, it should be selected at the point where the width of the river is contracted below, and continues in a straight course for a considerable distance below, and its position should be at right angles with the river. Skew bridges, on account of the difficulties attending their con- struction, should be avoided as much as possible. 5 B 3 1478 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE of ENGINEERING. The quantity of Water-way to be given may be determined by the condition of other" bridges, both above or below the situation of that to be constructed, taking care to make the measurement at the time of the highest and lowest state of the river, and to observe the force and rapidity with which it moves. The Number and Span of the Arches must depend upon these circumstances, as well as upon the nature of the foundations, the height of the banks, and the material to be em- ployed in their construction. The greater portion of the following observations on the construction of bridges is selected from the " Traité de la Construction des Pons, par M. Gauthey," as edited by M. Naviers, a work deservedly celebrated throughout Europe for its research and practical utility. To estimate the Quantity of Water to which the Bridge must allow a Pussage. This is not the same at all seasons; not only is it generally less considerable in summer than ir winter, but all rivers are subject to temporary increase, produced by abundant rains, or the thawing of snow or ice; and the span of a bridge should be wide enough to allow the mean quantity which the bed contains to flow through, and also afford room for the super- abundant quantity arising from floods: it will be found that this quantity of water bears some proportion to the surface of the land which is drained off at that point of the course of the river where the bridge is to be erected; and it is very important to observe carefully the time which the superabundant quantity of water takes to flow through, or its velocity. Gauthey's Instrument for measuring the Velocity of running Water, consists of a pallet 6.3 inches wide and 3.1 inches high, made of tin plates; a rod 3 feet 3.3 inches long is attached, flattened at its lower extremity, as well as 10 at its upper, but in opposite directions, and having a round hole, of an inch in diameter, through its centre: two holes are bored in the upper part, one oblong, the other circular, of an inch above the first; the whole is so constructed that the rod is in equilibrio about the centre hole. The second part of this in- strument is an iron handle about 2 feet 3 inches long, whose lower end is split and pierced so as to clasp the rod of the pallet about the middle, nearly in the same manner as the beam of a balance, by means of a gudgeon turning freely: to the upper extremity of this handle an arc of a circle is attached, having the lower gudgeon for its centre, also a brass wire, likewise curved in the arc of a circle. These arcs should be placed opposite the holes in the extremity of the pallet-rod, and pass freely therein: this flat arc is graduated, to show the different degrees of pressure acting on the pallet; to retain this latter, a spring is secured to the lower end of the handle, and it is attached to the pallet-rod a little below the hole of the arc, by means of a movable ring in the third hole of the rod. To graduate the arc a table of impacts compared to velocities must be formed, in which the first column indicates the current's velocity per second, and the other the impact produced by this velocity. The pallet-rod is then placed horizontally, the handle being firmly fixed; a light bag is fixed to the centre of the pallet, and all the weights shown in the table are successively placed in it, and the spots on the arc where the pallet-rod becomes stationary is carefully marked and engraved. Fig. 2699. Fig. 2700. Fig. 2701. To use this instrument a small piece of wood is placed in the arc of brass; the upper extremity of the handle is held by one hand, and the lower part of the rod by the other: the pallet is then placed in a current of river water, and the rod allowed to leave the hand by degrees, inclining the handle, so that the pallet-rod is always vertical. The current by its pressure compresses the spring, and advances the small piece of cloth; it is then taken out of the water, and, by pressing the rod till it touches the cloth, the degree to which the spring was compressed may be read off, and hence the velocity of the current: this instru- CHAP. XXV 1479 ON STONE BRIDGES. then serve. ment will measure a velocity of 6 feet 4 inches in a second; but great velocities are too much for the instrument, and very slight are not sensible enough to be perceived; but in rapid currents the pallet may be reduced, and in slow, enlarged; the same graduation will We know that this velocity depends in a great measure on the fall, and as this commonly diminishes in proportion to its distance from the source, it follows that the same mass of water which would flow very rapidly amidst the mountains where the river takes its rise, and where it is only a torrent, would flow considerably diminished in velocity as it approached near the sea, or the channel into which it emptied itself: thus, admitting that it receives no considerable increase, and that the bed has always an equal consistency, if two bridges were to be constructed over the same river, the greatest span must be given to that nearest the source, although a passage is to be afforded to the same flood, but which will flow through the first in two days, whilst it will take eight to flow through the second. To value the quantity of water, we must multiply the surface of the section by the mean velocity: the first of these two elements of the calculation it is easy to ascertain, but not so with the second, which must be deduced by more or less approximation from the measure of the velocity of the threads of water of which the river is composed, and particularly from those at the surface and middle of the current. Dubuat, in his experiments upon the motion of fluids, had for his object the determining the relations between the velocity of the surface and that at the bottom of the river, as well as to discover its mean velocity. He also deduced from his observations the following formula: calling V the velocity of the surface, and U the mean velocity, he found, U=(V}-{W)²+W, W being a constant number =0.02707 metres and to express the relation between the velocity of the surface and that of the bottom, calling this last W, we have W=(V*—W )º On these two formulæ he calculated a table, which gives the value of the velocities of the bottom and the mean velocity, relatively to that of the surface, from V=0·027 metres to V=2·707 metres. On this subject M. Prony has remarked that the above formulæ do not correspond with experience, for supposing the second Vo, we have W=w, whence it follows that the velocity of the surface being null, that of the bottom would be equal to 0·027 metres, a result which could not be admitted. If in the first formula, we make V=0, we must deduct for U a finite value, which does not agree with what we find in nature: the relation established between U and V must necessarily give at the same time U=0 and V=0, or V (V+a) V+b U= ∞ and V= ∞. M. Prony therefore adopted another equation, U= ; and the value of the constant numbers a and b having been determined, after seventeen experiments by Dubuat upon the values of AV, which varied from V=0·15 metres to V=1·30 metres : he found also a=2·37187, and b=3·15312, the metre being the unit of the measure, which gives for the preceding formula U V(V+2 37187) V+3.15312 This formula has the advantage of representing more faithfully than that of Dubuat the results of his own experiments, and of agreeing likewise with the phenomena in question, confined within their proper limits. M. de Prony remarks that from Vo to V=3 V+2-37187 metres the relation is evidently equal to 0·82, and as practical cases are V+3·15312 commonly within these limits, this formula will be sufficiently exact: U=0.82 V, or even U=V. Neither practice nor theory has hitherto afforded any closer method of deducing the value of the mean velocity of a current of water from that at the surface and middle; but some observations may be made upon the manner of applying the results just explained. The experiments of Dubuat were made in artificial canals, in which the section was a rect- angle or trapezium, and where the depth of the water varied from 54 millimetres to 27 centimetres: some reservations must therefore be made in considering the results de- duced, and the nature of the motions of fluids is not yet sufficiently well-known to allow of an absolute decision, by comparing great things with small: moreover, the experiments upon which the preceding formula is established have appeared to indicate that the relations existing between the three velocities, V, U, and W, are independent of the size and figure of the bed of the river, and these relations did not appear to change sensibly when the breadth of the bed was six or seven times greater than the depth. "It is thus," observes M. de Pronv" difficult to persuade oneself that the different elements have no 5 B 4 1430 Book II.. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. influence on the relative values of V, U, and W: and experiments made on a larger scale would possibly prove that too much deduction has already been made. In the sixth volume of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences are some researches on the motion of fluids, applied principally to what is called linear motion, that is to say, to the case in which the molecules of the fluid move in a rectilinear bed, following right lines parallel to the axis of this bed; and the results relative to the question now under conside- ration are, that, whatever be the figure of the transverse section, the mean and greatest velo- cities at the surface and middle of the current tend to become equal as the dimensions of the bed decrease the relation between these two velocities is independent of their absolute value: if in a rectangular bed the horizontal breadth be supposed very great, and the vertical depth of the water very small, the mean velocity will be about 0.64 of the greatest velocity. If the two dimensions of the rectangular bed are supposed to be very large, the relation between them will be about 0.41, which formulæ give the means of calculating the relation for different beds, of which the transverse sections are semicircles or rectangles. : Experience proves that the true laws of the motion of waters in the beds of rivers or in pipes differ from those of the linear motion: the only case in which nature realises these latter laws is that in which fluids flow in rectilinear pipes of very small dimensions, and the results deduced immediately from this observation are those alone to which we can pay any consideration in the case before us. At the time of great floods, which is that for taking the elements of a calculation on the quantity of water, it is generally overflowing the banks and extending on both sides over a large surface, where it flows slowly, whilst there is a considerable velocity in the midst of the current, and it is very probable that gross errors would occur if the rules for calculation just cited were applied to these cases. If possible, a part of the river should be selected where the water is so confined that during floods it does not overflow to any great extent; and the section of the velocity should be taken at a bridge, if any exist near the site of that projected. It must be acknowledged that the means we at present possess for obtaining the direct value of the mean velocity of a river are very limited, and subject to more or less error. As a certain relation must exist between the section, the fall, and the velocity of the cur- rent, and as it is always possible to measure these, the value of the velocity would naturally be deduced from it, if its relation were well known; M. de Prony in the work before cited has deduced it from the best experiments he could collect, and has arrived at the equation, U : = −0·0719 + √/0·005163+3232·96 R I, in which U being always the mean velocity of the current, R represents the mean radius, that is to say, the area of the section divided by the part of the perimeter of that section which belongs to the solid side in which the fluid flows, and I, the fall in a metre. Since the researches of M. de Prony, M. Eytelwein has published in the memoirs of the Academy of Berlin some experiments, on the means by which he has established a formula similar to the preceding, but of which the coefficients have somewhat different values: this formula, taking the metre for the linear unity, is, U — —·003319+ √0·0011016 +2735·66 R I. The experiments which have determined the coefficients comprise the values from two to three metres for the velocity, whilst the experiments which M. de Prony has made do not exceed 0 m. 88 c.. the formula of M. de Prony agrees, as well as that of M. Eytelwein, with experience, as regards small velocities, but they appear to give very feeble results for large ones. M. de Prony has given for the motion of water in pipes this expression, U – 0·02488 + √/0·0006192 +2871·43 R I, which agrees better than that mentioned above with those experiments in which the value of the velocity is above one metre. The first equation will give the value of the mean velocity with sufficient practical exactness; but it must be observed, that it supposes the size of the section of the river, and the value of the fall, to be the same in a sufficient length for the mean velocity to be regarded as constant; and it is necessary to take this into consi- deration when the formula is used. The dimensions of the beds of rivers are generally sufficiently constant, with the ex- ception of particular cases in which their course is through sandy lands, which yield with so much facility to the action of water that the current may at each increase be carried into different parts: at each point of the course of the river a certain equilibrium is established between the action exercised by the waters on the cavities, and the tenacities of the matters of which the bed is composed; and in virtue of this equilibrium remarkable changes seldom occur either in the size or form of the bed, which nearly always preserves the same rule. But if, from any cause whatever, the force with which the water tends to corrode and destroy the bottom and shores of its bed be augmented, the bed will be enlarged until a new equilibrium is established, unless the side walls are so composed CHAP. XXV. 1481 ON STONE BRIDGES. · as to present a resistance more considerable than the force with which they are attacked. If the rapidity of the river has, on the contrary, undergone a diminution, the bed will increase from the effect of the successive deposits, until the size of the section becomes equal to what had been taken away, according to the relation marked out by nature for the stability of rivers. It results from these principles, that if the width of the river be diminished by works going on in its bed, the rapidity being increased, a shoal or island will be formed, and such a fall that the bed will be deepened until the increase of the section combined with that of the velocity will compensate for the diminution in the width of the river, and the velocity be again in equilibrio with the resistance of the bottom. If, on the contrary, the width of the bed be augmented, the rapidity being diminished, it will have a tendency to fill up. It is very essential in constructing a bridge to pay attention to the velocity with which the water will move under the arches, and which must not be allowed so to augment as to force the current to attack the bed of the river and injure the foundations of the piers and abutments; it must not either be sensibly diminished, because in that case a con- siderable additional length would be required for the bridge, and the deposits which would take place might become dangerous. The nature of the ground of which the bottom of the river is composed must be considered: if excessively compact and tenacious, and approach- ing to rock, it will not yield sensibly to the action of the water, and whatever then may be its velocity, there is nothing to fear for the safety of the bridge; but as the waters cannot acquire a great velocity, an eddy more or less considerable will be formed above the bridge, which, in the case of the mouth being extremely narrow, might produce inundations in the upper part of the river, and render the navigation difficult. If the bottom be composed of matter which can easily be acted on by the water, care must be taken to prevent the usual velocity from being sensibly augmented: if the ground yield to the action with such a facility that there is reason to fear the increase of the current will be carried under some arches and hollow out the bottom, whilst it would deposit, at the same time, sand under others; this would be a case for constructing a general frame- work of ground timber, by which the bottom, presenting uniformly the same resistance to the action of the current, would oblige it to distribute itself equally through the whole width of the river; and so long as this framework should subsist, there would be no reason to fear that any of the piers would be injured. From the preceding observations it is evident, that the velocity with which the water will flow under the bridge should be in all cases determined before-hand, either from the nature of the ground which composes the bed of the river, or by the height of the eddy formed above bridge, and which depends on the value of the velocity; and as the quantity of water which the river discharges is also known, the surface of water-way which the bridge should leave can be easily es- tablished. The question then resolves itself into the following problem: the section of the bed of the river, and the velocity of the water being given, to determine the new velocity which the current will take, and the height of the eddy which will be formed, supposing that the bed is narrowed by the construction of the piers and abutments of a bridge. This problem cannot be very rigorously solved, but we shall, neglecting some circumstances, the effects of which are not very sensible, and which compensate for them- selves in a great degree, give after Dubuat an approxi- mate solution, which can be usefully applied. C D } H K I F E A B Let us suppose AC, DB to represent the lateral face of a pier, and GE F the natural inclination or fall of the river before the bridge is constructed; the cur- rent being confined in the interval E F, the velocity, and consequently the fall, will be there more considerable; and the surface of the water, making allowance for the particular resistances produced by the starlings, will take an inclination represented by the line IF; the surface above bridge will necessarily rise above the point I, represented by the line HK, which for a small length is horizontal. Let us call the area of the section natural to the river ; Fig. 2702. w, the area of the section after the bridge is constructed, or the area of the surface of the water-way; V, the medium velocity of the river; v, the mean velocity of the water under the arches, after the construction of the bridge; I, the fall by metre of the river; s, the length of the piers and abutments = A B, or EF; H, the height of the eddy - EK; = g, the accelerated force of the weight=9·809 metres. Ω We shall have v= since in a river the velocities are in an inverse ratio to the area W 1482 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of the corresponding sections, and the heights due to the rapidities V and will be represented by Vº and 2 g w2g The part IK of the height of the eddy corresponding to the increase of the rapidity will be then IK= (-1); and as, on account of the contraction which the current will undergo in general at the passage of the bridge, the section w is diminished, we must substitute in this expression the area w by mw, designating by m a coefficient, the value of which depends principally on the width of the piers, as well as the form of the starlings and springing of the arches. We shall have then IK= V2 Q2 2 29 g m² we −1). We must now seek the value of the fall, which will form itself on the length of the piers: before the construction of the bridge this fall was equal to sI; and as the falls increase nearly in the relation of the heights due to the correspondent velocities, we shall have for the value of the new fall, s I Ω m² wa Thus the part of the height of the eddy which arises from the increase of the fall under the arches of the bridge will be represented by and we shall have EI=sI (23- (1900-1); リ ​EI+IK=H= 2 g (+1)(31) 2 m² for the height to which the waters of the river rise above bridge, since their level must remain the same below bridge. To apply this result it will be sufficient to put in the m w Ω place of V the expression v and to give afterwards to v the value which will have been fixed before, according to the principles referred to, for the velocity which the waters take under the bridge. As to the value of the coefficient m, we are unable to fix it very exactly; the experiments relative to this subject have been made on orifices pierced in walls of different thicknesses, to which pipes have sometimes been adapted, and through which the water flowed under weights more or less considerable; independently of the circumstance that the dimensions of these orifices, even in experiments made on the greatest scale, are not to be compared with those of the arches of bridges, it must be remembered that the flowing is different from that now under consideration. The form given to the starlings of the piers of bridges has a sensible influence, as well as the thickness of the piers, on the manner in which the contraction operates, by which the natural flow of the river is modified on meeting the bridge. The value of the coefficient m, as we have seen, depends principally on the form of the starlings and the springing of the arches, when they are plunged in the water. We have not fixed with exactness that which it would take in different cases; but we should not be far from the truth in supposing m=0·95, when the piers are terminated in a half circle, or by acute angles; m=0·90, when terminated by obtuse angles; m= -85, when terminated square, supposing the arches to be large: in the most disadvantageous cases, that is to say, for small arches, and when their springing is under water, the value of the coefficient m may be about 0.7. In putting in the preceding equation for H and v the values which we have given, according to the nature of the bed and other local circumstances, we shall easily deduce from it that of the relations of the two sections w and 2. To determine the height of the eddy which may be formed above bridge, we must consider the changes it will occasion in the height of the river, and the inundations which may hence result on the banks. According to Dubuat, it is generally admitted that the surface of the waters, which, before the construction of the bridge and in the hypo- thesis of a uniform fall, was an inclined plane, becomes after the construction a concave surface, touching the primitive surface at the point where the exhaustion of the water ceases. This author has also given rules for the calculation of the eddy, on the suppo- sition of the profile of this surface being the arc of a circle of great amplitude; but much confidence cannot be placed in them. When the bed of a river is irregular, and presents considerable variations in the fall and in the width,—when, in the case of an CHAP. XXV. 1483 ON STONE BRIDGES. increase, a part of the waters flow slowly over inundated banks, the exact figure of the surface of the fluid cannot be obtained, but it may by a sufficient approximation when the bed is uniform and the movement of the waters permanently established. M. Belanger, engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées, has given for this purpose the following calculation :-Let us calls a length taken on the bottom of the bed, in the direction of the stream; h, the vertical height of the transverse section of the current; w, the area of this section corresponding to the height h; x, the width of the section w taken on the surface of the water; R, the mean radius; i, the fall of the bottom of the bed in metres, which is supposed to be constant; Q, the volume of water which the river discharges in a second; we have the equation 8: -fah + (0000 gw Q ω 1 Q 0-00002427+0-0003655); in which the metre and the second sexagesimal are taken as units of length and time, g representing the velocity 9.809 metres, which the gravity may impress on the body in a may be valued as the function of the height h of the section. In calculating the value of the integral indicated by this sign, setting off from the greatest value of h, which takes place at the point of elevation, that is to say, immediately above bridge, to a second value intermediate between the preceding and natural value of the section, the result will give the length comprised between above bridge and the section to which belongs this second value of h. We may thus ascertain the relations between the given heights of the sections and the distances from the bridge to which these heights extend, and consequently the figure of the surface of the fluid through the whole extent of the eddy, which is generally prolonged to an infinite distance, but the increased or greatest height at a limited distance ceases to be evident. The formation of an eddy above bridge producing great inconveniences, both in relation to the solidity of an edifice and the difficulties to which it subjects navigation, every effort should be made to diminish it as much as possible. second; all the quantities comprised under the sign fr It has been observed that it was dangerous to give too great an opening to the water- way, for the reason that under some arches alluvial deposits might be formed, which, acquiring by time sufficient hardness to resist the action of the current, would, in a flood, oblige the waters to flow under the arches which had remained free, and thus expose the piers to injury by attrition. For a similar reason building a bridge of two parts, separated by an island, should be avoided: it might happen that one portion becoming encumbered, the whole current would be obliged to pass under the other, and occasion its destruction: the bridges of Chazey and Roanne were carried away from this cause, and the fall of most bridges may be attributed to some error in the water-way producing too great a diminution of the section, from too little or too great a length having been given. All the elements for the calculation of the area of the water-way should be taken at the time of the greatest floods; and according to the quantity which flows at this period, the area must be determined. It is essential in rivers which will admit of them, so to dispose the arches that at low water there should be under some at least a metre in depth, in order that the navigation be not interrupted: it will always be possible to combine the different conditions between the size and the form of the arches used, and in each particular case, by making different experiments, to arrive at the best solution of the problem. Gauthey applies the preceding ideas to the bridge over the Durance at Bonpas, which is constructed in wood between two banks, distant from each other 534 metres. The width of the river at low water is only 110 metres, and the mean depth 1.30 metres: but the flow of the river rises 3 metres, and the surface of the water-way is then 1530 square metres. The bed of the river not being confined, and the width being considerable in reference to its depth, it was difficult to ascertain the mean velocity with exactness; but at about 4 my- riametres above Bonpas, near to Mirabeau, the Durance passes between two precipitous rocks, distant from each other only 180 metres. At this point, the height and velocity of the water were ascertained during the floods, more or less considerable, and the result was, 1st, That the river being 2·44 metres reduced depth, the mean velocity was 1.95 metres for a second: 2nd, That when the river was 2.92 metres reduced depth, the mean velocity was 244 metres per second: 3rd, That at the moment of the greatest floods, the depth of the waters being 4.87 metres, the mean velocity was 4·12 metres. Thus, in this latter case, which must be particularly considered, the expenditure of the river is 180 x 4.87 metres x 4.12 metres =3612 cube metres per second. The distance from Mirabeau to Bonpas not being considerable, and the river only re- ceiving between these two points some rivulets or unimportant streams, there cannot be a 1484 Book II: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. very great difference between the quantity of water which flows at either place: we may value by approximation this difference, by comparing the superficies of the basins, which supply the water at Mirabeau and Bonpas, and we find the latter surpasses the other about one-sixteenth; hence there must flow at Bonpas in a second a volume of water equal to 3838 cube metres, which for a section of 1530 square metres gives a mean rapidity of 2.51 metres. The construction of the bridge in wood diminishes a very little from the superficies of the water-way, and we may remark that the rapidity of 2.51 metres per second, which cor- responds to a height of water of more than 3 metres in the bed of the river, scarcely surpasses 2.44 metres of rapidity, which the river takes naturally at Mirabeau, for a height of water of 2.92 metres. Thus the mean rapidity at Bonpas is less considerable than in other parts of the course of the river, and the waters have there an easy discharge. The discharge of the Rhone at the bridge of St. Esprit is about 3580 square metres; that is to say, a little more than double that of the Durance at Bonpas, whilst the superficies of the basins, the waters of which flow to the Rhone at St. Esprit, is more than five times greater than that of the basins which flow into the Durance at Bonpas: thus, although the rapidity of the Rhone is very considerable under the arches of the bridge of St. Esprit, it would ap- pear that the discharge given to the Durance is much too great. But we must observe that this river at Bonpas, being only 25 myriametres from its source, is still a torrent, whilst the Rhone at St. Esprit is no longer such. It is then very essential in regulating the water-way of bridges to distinguish the torrents of rivers, and to have regard, in comparing the superficies of the basins, to the nature of the soil, and to the time which the waters take to flow: it may happen, as we have said above, to be necessary to construct over a river a bridge larger at a little distance from the source, than at a place farther distant, although it may have received in the interval several tribu- tary streams. Of the Form of Arches used in Bridges. The arches of bridges are divided relatively to their form into three principal kinds: semicircular; those generally described by several arcs of a circle of different radii, and the form of which approaches to a demi-ellipsis; and arches which form the part of a circle, more or less. Semicircular arches are the most ancient; there is scarcely any ancient bridge in which this form is not employed, and during a long time it was generally adopted in Europe; it has the advantage of greater solidity and more facility in construction, but the inconvenience of considerably obstructing the passage of the water. Flat arches were not introduced until the end of the seventeenth century, and their adoption arose from the necessity of giving as much water-way as could be obtained without con- siderably increasing the height of the arch: this it effects admirably, and presents besides, when the two diameters are not very unequal, almost as much solidity and facility in the construction as the semicircular. Of arches forming a part of a circle there are two varieties: the first is that where the springings are under water, as is the case in the first great bridge built in France, as the St. Esprit, and the ancient bridge at Avignon; but this form has the disadvantage of giving less water-way than the flattened one, and of requiring very massive tympanums. This latter defect appears to have been recognised by the first builders, for the backs of the arches are almost always simply filled with earth, or discharged by means of a number of small arches. In the second case the springing of the arches are raised on piers nearly the height of the greatest rise of the river, as at the Pont Louis XVI. at Paris, which generally requires the arch to be much flattened; hence it results that the lateral pressure of the voussoirs is very considerable, and great care is required in the construction, in order that the arch should not sink after the striking of the centre, which has sometimes occurred. The manner in which the thrust of arches of this kind exerts itself is different from that in which it acts in others; they do not generally tend to overthrow their abutments, but to make them slide horizontally; we shall indicate hereafter the means for resisting this thrust without incurring any considerable expense. We shall also find that the resistance opposed by the springing of the arches to the current when they are plunged in it, is one of the principal causes of the wearing away that takes place at the foot of the piers : bridges with circular arches have in this particular a great advantage over others, when their springing is not reached by the waters of the river. It is not possible to give general rules for the selection of these different kinds of arches ; the decision must be made in each particular case according to local circumstances, as the width of the water-way, the height with regard to either high or low water, the height at which the surface of the pavement of the bridge may be placed, the obligation which sometimes occurs of destroying one arch, and consequently making the piers perform the functions of abutments, are the principal considerations: due regard must also be paid to the nature of the materials and the degree of resistance they may offer. To the three species of arches mentioned, which are those now in use, we may add the forms employed by the Arabs, and above all the Gothic, composed of two arcs of a circle, and known under the name of OG: this latter has the inconvenience of considerably diminishing the water-way; but this defect is easily remedied by making openings in the CHAP. XXV. 1485 ON STONE BRIDGES. tympanums, as in one of the bridges of Pavia, and there may be cases in which they may be used with advantage: taste should proscribe none, for each has its merit when properly applied. On the Width of Arches of Bridges. Although the width of the arches depends generally on the particular circumstances of the place where the bridge is to be built, a few obser- vations may assist us relative to this point. Small arches principally suit tranquil rivers, whose waters do not rise to a great height, whence it is generally easy to lay the foundations, and no fears need arise with regard to multiplying the points of support: great arches on the contrary are adapted for torrents, in which it is generally difficult to obtain foundations, and which, carrying down rocks and trees, damage the piers and springing of the arches, which in such cases consequently should be placed above the surface of the waters. In great rivers large arches are preferable, above all where strong eddies frequently occur; but the cost which the foundation of the piers would entail must greatly influence the decision on this subject: due consideration must also be given to the nature of the materials employed, which require to be of greater solidity for large than for small bridges, also to the size of the craft navigating the river, for which a commodious passage must be left. With regard to the relative openings of the arches, these two plans may be adopted, either to make them equal to each other, or to diminish them progressively from the centre to the abutments. If all the arches be equal, a level line may be preserved and the same centres used; but then the height of the approaches must be augmented, and consequently it is necessary to enlarge the embankments, thereby raising them above the houses in the vicinity another inconvenience arises from the want of fall to drain off the rain water, which, if allowed to remain long on the bridge, penetrates by degrees down to the covering of the extrados, and injures it: much inclination cannot be given to the channels which convey the water to the gullies by which it is ejected into the river, whether the waters flow off at the extremities of the bridge, or by the openings practised through the arches themselves. If the diameters of the arches are unequal, these latter inconveniences dis- appear; each side of the pavement of the bridge may then have a fall, which, however, must not exceed 3 in 100: the difficulties occasioned by lofty embankments are at the same time overcome. It is possible, however, to unite the advantages of these two methods, by giving to all the arches the same opening, but placing the springing at levels decreasing from the middle to the extremities of the bridge: it is necessary to leave the arches of a sufficient height that in floods, trees, &c., which the river carries down, may pass freely under them. : Of the Breadth of Bridges.-The breadth which should be given to bridges depends solely on their situation, and must be regulated by the importance of the road on which they have been constructed, or the population of the town to which they belong; and it is essential not to make the breadth too considerable, because it uselessly increases the expense. If the bridge be constructed in the country for a road in its vicinity, it will be sufficient to give it a width of from 12 to 15 feet, if not very long; for a road of the second class, the width should be from 18 to 22 feet, which will be sufficient for the passage at one time of two carriages and foot passengers: for a road of the first class it should be from 25 to 35 feet in width. In the interior of cities the width may vary from 30 to 60 feet, with relation to the population and commercial activity, but it should seldom exceed this latter limit, though the Pont Neuf at Paris, which is without doubt one of the most frequented bridges in existence, is 72 feet in width between the parapets. Arches used in the Construction of Bridges, when semicircular, should have their centre at the level of the top of the foundations, or that of low water; circumstances sometimes require it to be elevated above when it is raised on piers. Flat Arches with three Centres, or two. The form of these arches is not entirely deter- mined either by the span or the height; it is possible to describe on two given diameters an infinity of different curves; the sole condition to which the curve of flat arches is subject is, that the tangent at the summit be horizontal, and those at the springing be vertical. As a semi-ellipsis satisfies these two conditions, it appears natural to select this curve, which, decreasing regularly from the springing to the summit, is peculiarly agree- able to the eye: but it has the inconvenience of requiring a different template for each voussoir composing the arch; neither does it allow so much water-way as the curves of which we are about to treat, unless the difference in the two diameters of the arch be made very considerable. Instead of the semi-ellipsis, curves are generally employed, formed by arcs of a circle, since they enable the engineer to determine with ease the length and the radii of these arcs, and thus to give the most convenient form to the arch: two conditions must, how- ever, be fulfilled: 1st, That the outline of the first arc of the curve, setting out from the springing, should contain that of an ellipsis, constructed on the two diameters of the flat arch, in order to obtain for the latter greater water-way than it would have if the ellipsis were employed. 2nd, That the radius of the arc at the summit should not surpass a certain limit; for the 1486 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. value of this no general rule can be given, but it must scarcely exceed the width of the arch; and if particular circumstances require a greater radius, the joints of the voussoirs must not be directed to the centre of the arch, but towards a nearer point. These two first conditions fulfilled, the number of arcs of a circle of which the arch shall be composed must be determined; it must not be less than 3, nor exceed 11. The following rules for describing these arches are usually adopted by engineers. Flat Arches described with three Arcs of a Circle. The length of the radii of the three arcs composing the flat arch not being determined, when the two diameters of the curve are fixed, another element must be introduced. We will suppose first that the three ares are all of 60°; that is to say, each equal to the sixth part of the circumference. The half of the span of the arch A C is equal to a, and its height CD=b; the centres of the two arches described at the springing will necessarily be situated in the two points F, G, in the line A B, and the centre of the third arch in a point E in the line DC prolonged; one of these centres being found, the two others will be also. Call the distance from the point C, in the middle of AB, to the centre G. The triangle FGE being equilateral, we have EG equal FG, and, consequently, or CE+CD=FG+GB; √3.x+b=x+a; and by resolving this equation, I= a-b √3+1 /3-1 (a—b). 2 This value is constructed by setting off from the point C the line CK-a-b, and after having formed on it the equilateral triangle CHK, carry- ing from L to G the height LH of the triangle. The position of the centres of the three arches may also be obtained by tracing the quarter of the circle AIH (fig 2704.) and the equilateral triangle ACI; then drawing DM parallel to HI, and MFE parallel to IC. Let us now suppose that one of our conditions is that the greater and lesser arc differ from each other as little as possible. Call the half of the span of the arch AC-a, and its height C D=b; the radius AF of the arc of the springing y, and x that of the arc of the summit, the centre of which is in E; we shall have by reason of the rec- tangular triangle CFE, (x-y)=(x-b)² + (a—y)³. In resolving this equation with relation to x, we find D H A B F C LK/G M E Fig. 2703. H D Fig. 2704. ח G B ļ (b³ + a³) — ay b-y We shall then have for the expression of the re- lation of the two radii, § (b² + a²) — y Y by — y³ By making its differential equal zero, and find- ing the value of y, we find, after abridging, b² + a³ =c³, bc y= c+(a−b) ' putting this value in that of x, we deduce from it, ac I= -(a-b) G H F C E Fig. 2705 These two expressions are formed by cutting off from the line A D (fig. 2705.) the distance DG, equal to a-b, and raising on the middle of the remaining part AG the perpendicular HE; the points E, F, where it meets the two diameters of the curve, will be the centres sought. This method gives a greater difference between the lengths of the two arcs than the preceding, which appears preferable. When the relation of the two diameters is not less than one-third, the difference of the radii of the arcs of which the flat arch is composed is not sufficient for the passage from one to the other to be marked, and produces a dis- agreeable effect, and it must be described with three arcs of a circle; but when the arch is flatter, a greater number inust be employed. CHLAP. XXV. 1487 ON STONE BRIDGES. The forms which are here described for the arches of bridges are given without any reference to their equilibrium, a subject which has been found one of the most difficult the mathematician has had to consider, and perhaps of little value to the practical engineer, if it could be rightly solved; for the latter must ever be guided by those rules which expe- rience dictates; if he follow implicitly in the path theory points out, he may fail, from observing the nice and too often close deductions made in her calculations: when, however, theory is borne out by practice, we are warranted in submitting to all that is propounded. Emerson's Fluxions and Hutton's Principles of Bridges may be consulted by the reader who is desirous of becoming acquainted with these delicate but important applications of mathematical science. The practical method of hanging up a semicircular polygon, with weights at the joints of each link or side, will afford the student data for calculating the form that should be given to the extradossing of an arch of any figure, as the weights which would pull it into any given curve would, if placed upon an arch, maintain it in the same position, or cause it to be in a state of equilibrium. Of flat Arches described with more than three Arcs of a Circle. — Different methods have been employed to determine the positions of the centre, and the length of the radii of the arcs of which these curves should be composed; the following was that adopted for the arches of the bridge at Neuilly. After having fixed the radius F B of the first arc at the springing, on the pro- longation of the lesser diameter CD, a distance is taken, CE, which is arbi- trarily made triple C F, and which might bear any other proportion to that line: having then divided CE into five equal parts, CF into five parts, which are to each other in the proportion of the num- bers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, join the points of division by the lines LF, MG, NH, OI, EK; take for centres of the different arcs which compose the arch the points E, P, Q, R, S, F, which are found at the respective intersection of these lines. A D C K I B F M R In the curve described in this manner, the relation of the height CD to the span AB depends on the data from which we started, that is to say, on the length CF, and of its proportion to CE. But when a flat arch is to be described, the two diameters are generally fixed beforehand, so that after having con- structed a curve by the preceding method, that curve must be so modified that the height CD becomes precisely equal to that which is assumed. Call a half the span of the arch required, and bits height, the dimension CF, and y that of CE. Suppose, moreover, that the primitive and arbitrary values which shall have been given to C F and CE be represented by n and m; and that by the development of the portion of the polygon EPQRSFB, a length =s results, whilst that in the flat arch described on the diameters a and b this length will be =z. We have the relation, z+a x = y +b; Fig. 2706. and if we suppose the figure that will be constructed on the lines x and y to be similar to the figure ECF, constructed on the lines C F = n, and CE =m, we shall have m x SX y= 2 n n substituting these values in the preceding equation and taking that of x, we find I = n (α-b) m + n S which is the value to be given to CF, in order that the opening and the height of the arch may be precisely equal to the lines represented by a and b. This method is applied to the flat arch, composed of any number of arcs whatever: by means of the same centres, parallel curves may be described, in which the proportions of the diameters shall vary; and if the ratio between CF and CE be correctly determined, curves will be obtained, which, although having the same axis, will assume different forms, 1488 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. and afford more or less passage for the water. The tediousness of the preceding method is its only objection; but in the case in which the arch would be lowered, it is useless to compose the flat arch of so large a number of arcs of a circle; five will generally be found a sufficient number, and the process be much simplified. Suppose, for example, (fig. 2706.) that the length AF and DE of the radii of the arc at the springing and the summit be determined, and represented by r R: call p the radius of the intermediate arc, which may be determined by the condition of its being a mean proportional between r and R: then we shall have p = = √ Rr. From the point F as a centre, and with a radius equal to pr, describe an arc; and from the point E, with a radius equal to R p, a second, which shall cut the first in G; the point G will be the centre of an arc uniting that at the springing and that of the summit. If a flat arch described from seven centres is required, we must determine two mean proportionals, p and p', between the radii of the extreme arcs r and R, which would give p=3Rrs, and p' 3 Rºr: = from the point F as a centre, (fig. 2707.), and with the radius equal to pr, de- scribe an arc which should contain the centre of the arcs, the radius of which is P; and from the point E, and with the radius ע F C F G G Fig. 2707. H EH=R-p', a second arc, which should contain the centre of the arc of which p' is the radius. To fix on each of these arcs the respective position of the two centres, draw a line H G, the length of which must be equal to p' —p, between the two arcs; but as the position of this line is not determined by this single condition, we must imagine it to be so fixed, that the length of the arcs of which the arch is composed decreases uniformly from the summit to the springing. This method may be extended to flat arches composed of a greater number of arcs, but it is useless to use more than five. In constructing moulds for the arches of bridges, it is not possible, except for the part near the springing, to use beam compasses for tracing the arcs of which they are composed; the engineer commences, therefore, by fixing the extremities of each of these arcs, of which the data have been calculated beforehand; and they are described by means of two rules firmly united, so as to form an angle the supplement of which is equal to half of the arc. This angle is made to move so that the sides always pass through the extreme points of the arc: the summit gives the intermediate points. Flat Arches not formed by Arcs of a Circle. The difficulty of exactly tracing the projected curve, when composed of several arcs of a circle, has given rise to different methods for describing the flat arch. Carpenters generally use, for the purpose of uniting two sides of an angle AED a curve, the form of which may be obtained by dividing the two sides of the angle into the same number of equal parts, and by joining the points of division by lines regarded as tangents to the curve, and which, supposing them infinitely near, determine each of these points by their successive intersections; in performing this operation for an angle, a portion of the curve equal to the first will be obtained, which will complete the description of the arch A D C. It has long been remarked, that the curve traced by the preceding method was a portion of a para- bola, the summit of which is situated between the points A and D; it gives more water-way than a flat arch composed of three arcs of a circle, or a semicircle which could be constructed on the same E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 A · Fig. 2708. CHAP. XXV. 1489 ON STONE BRIDGES. axis; it has this advantage over the preceding form, and is more easily described, but it is attended with an inconvenience common to most of these curves, viz. its disagreeable appearance to the eye: in the parabola the value of the radius of the curve is a minimum to the summit of the curve, and from the position of the summit, the curve does not diminish progressively from the springing to the highest point of the arch. It has also been proposed to form flat arches with two arcs of a circle, setting off from the springing and united at the summit of the vault by a portion of the catenary. Curves of this kind have a greater water-way than the ordinary segmental arches, and are certainly to be preferred on this account. The ellipsis whose curvature diminishes progressively from the springing to the summit is decidedly the most elegant figure that can be adopted for the intrados of flat arches: it may be readily drawn by the following simple method, which is recommended by M. de Prony. Given half the great arch CA, and the lesser semi-axis CB of the ellipsis, describe from the point C, with CA for a radius, a circle; then move a square so that one of its sides n F, passing continually through the focus F, the summit n of the right angle shall always follow this circle; the other side nt of the square will be a tangent to the ellipsis: by tra- cing thus a number of tangents, the curve may be obtained with the greatest accuracy, and we shall have Fig 2709. B at the same time the direction of the tangents and the normals. m n L F μ The same method may be applied to the hyperbola: for the parabola, the circle becomes a right line tangent to the summit of the curve. This process possesses the advantage of not requiring an area greater than the rectangle circumscribing the curve. M. de Prony has also given a very simple formula for determining the direction of the tangent tT, when the point t is given, as well as the position of the point m, by means of its co-ordinates Ap,mp. Calling A the major semi-axis A C; B the minor semi-axis BC; x and y the co-ordi- nates Ap,mp; a the distance At; b the distance AT; k the distance Dt; and for conciseness mak- Α B C b a a ing, B =X, we have α A √2 Ax − x². y=B √2 α 2 A - Bx 2 x² + 1' b: 2 2 A Χ x² - 1' √2Ax-x. 2 Bx y= x² + 1° 2 A A Fig. 2710. k= +1 C C B C These formulæ, the calculation of which is very easy, may be used with advantage. When the curve of great arches is formed by the arc of a circle, the direction of the tangents, and the position of a great number of points, should be fixed by a method analogous to the preceding. A very simple process, and not requiring any instrument, may be found useful to the engineer having the major and minor semi-axis, set off their respective lengths from the same point on a slip of card, (or a rod, if a large ellipsis be required); then commencing from one extremity of the minor semi-axis, as A, turn the slip of card in the direction of a to A, observing always to keep the point B continually touching the major semi-axis, and C the minor; the card or rod will then assume the positions marked a,b,c, and by keeping a pencil at a, the curve is drawn at once: a, b, c, will be the joints of an elliptical arch. 5 C 1.490 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. C The Bridge of Saumur, on the Loire, of which we have given some account at page 258., was executed by De Cessart, who published a series of tables on Chezy's principles for setting out arches, approaching the elliptical form, from 24 feet to 100 feet span: the diagram was drawn for an arch of 60 feet opening, and by a reference to the table the distance from one letter to the other will be found; the radiating lines from F, N, O, G, • E A B --------- Fig. 2711. For a consider- There are several &c., being set off upon arcs of from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 degrees. calculations which accompany these tables which it is unnecessary to dilate upon: the dimensions are all in French feet and inches, which are here retained. able time this system of setting out arches was adopted in France, and the bridges so con- structed have been very much admired. 24 Feet Opening. AF-20 feet 9 inches 11 lines 113 points. 36 Feet Opening. AF-31 feet 2 inches 11 lines 82 points. ft. in. 1. p. ft. in. 1. p. AB = 8 4 10 9 EC = 7 2 4 9 BG 40 3 7 EL 1 1 0 93 BG= 6 GO ON = = 1 10 1 4 9 9 7 LK LK = 0 9 7 61 4 93 KI 2 3 7 93 ft. in. 1. AB=12 7 3 104 E C = 6 0 5 4 EL 1 GO= 2 ON 2 9 7 22 KI = 3 p. ft. in. 1. p. 10 9 7 23 1 7 7 22 2 44 LK = 1 2 5 1/ 5 7 23 NM = 2 4 0 OIH = 3 11 0 0 MF= 2 9 7 22 HF: AF=20 9 11 11 Idem. 20 30 Feet Opening. A F=26 feet 0 inches 5 lines 9 points. = 5 5 6 20 NM= 3 MF = 4 6 0 0 IH 5 10 6 0 2 4 93 H F: 8 3 3 0 9 11 119 A F=31 2 11 8 83 Idem. 31 Idem. 31 2 11 83 ft. in. 1. AB=10 6 1 3 BG 5 O CO 4 6 1 9 0 2000 p. - ft. in. 1. EC 0 0 0 0 EL 1 4 4 p. ft. in. 1. p. AB=14 0 BG: = 7 LK = 1 0 0 3 GO: = 2 1 4 9 11 ON = 2 4 0 = 2 10 8 0 NM 2 11 0 I H 0 = 4 10 9 0 MF= 3 HF 3 6 0 0 = 6 10 8 6 AF=26 0 5 9 ΚΙ ON = 3 3 2 NM MF - 9 7 4층 ​42 KI = 4 0 6 ΙΗ = 4 1 0 0 6 10 3 4 10 9 HF 9 7 9 6 Idem. 26 0 5 9 A F =36 5 5 7 Idem. 36 5 5 7 ools. 42 Feet Opening. A F-36 feet 5 inches 5 lines 7 points. 805 ft. in. 1. p. 6 63 EC 6 33 EL: 1 10 10 4 LK 4 9 :12 7 2 2 44 - CHAP. XXV. 1491 ON STONE BRIDGES. 48 Feet Opening. 72 Feet Opening. AF 41 feet 7 inches 11 lines 63 points. ft. in. 1. p. ft. in. 1. p. AB=16 9 9 2 EC=14 BG= 8 0 7 7 22 EL = 2 G() = 2 9 7 4 LK = 1 ON = 3 8 9 8 KI = 4 4277 9 7 1 73 B G=12 0 10 9 9 A F-62 feet 5 inches 11 lines 2 points. ft. in. 1. p. AF-25 2 7 9 ft. in. 1. p. EC=21 7 2 43 EL 3 = 3 2 2 9 GO= 4 2 4 9 LK 2 = 2 4 10 5 7 ON = 5 = 5 7 2 4 NM= 4 11 10 0IH = 7 10 0 0 NM = 7 0 0 MF = 5 3 4 4 HF=11 0 4 0 MF = 8 = 8 4 9 KI = 6 11 2 0IH=11 9 0 0 7 HF HF=16 6 6 422204 AF =41 7 11 62 Idem. 41 7 11 62/ A F=62 5 11 23 Idem. 62 5 11 2층 ​54 Feet Opening. A F 46 feet 10 inches 5 lines 52 points. 90 Feet Opening. A F=78 feet 1 inch 5 lines 3 points. -- ft. in. 1. p A B 18 10 11 10 ft. in. 1. p. EC = 16 2 4 9 94/ AB=31 ft. in. 1. p. 6.3 - BG= <= 9 O 7 0 EL 2 = 5 4 4 992 BG=15 1 1 GO= 3 1 ON = 4 2 8 0 LK = 1 9 7 7 GO= 5 3 0 0 ft. in. 1. 9 EC 27 27 0 0 6 EL = 4 1 0 OLK p. 0 0 = 3 0 O 7 8 43 KI = 5 2 4 9 ON = 7 0 0 OKI 8 8 0 NM: = 5 3 0 ΙΗ 8 9 9 0 NM = 8 9 0 0 I H - 14 8 3 0 MF: = 6 3 6 6 22 HF=12 4 10 6 MF=10 6 0 0 0HF-20 20 8 1 8 5 52 A F 78 1 5 3 A F46 10 5 5 53 Idem. 46 10 60 Feet Opening. AF=52 feet 0 inches 11 lines 6 points. Idem. 78 1 5 3 95 Feet Opening. A F=82 feet 5 inches 6 lines 23 points. ft. in 1. p. 3 113 EC=28 =28 6 0 O 2 3 EL = 4 3 8 8 OLK 3 2 0 93 KI = 9 1 9 4 ΙΗ 15 6 0 6 HF=21 21 9 10 11 ft. in. 1. p. AB = =21 0 2 6 EC 18 ft. in. 1. p. 000 ft. in. 1. p. AB=33 3 BG = 10 0 9 0 EL = 2 8 8 0 GO: 3 6 0 0 LK = 2 006 ON = 4 8 0 0 KI = 5 9 4 0 MF NM 5 10 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 IH = 9 9 6 0 HF=13 9 5 0 BG =15 11 GO= 5 6 6 ON = 7 4 8 0 NM = 9 2 10 0 M F=11 1 0 0 A F=52 0 11 6 Idem. 52 0 11 6 AF=82 5 6 Idem. 82 5 6 23 66 Feet Opening. AF 57 feet 3 inches 5 lines 23 points. 6 23 Idem. 82 100 Feet Opening. A F=86 feet 9 inches 7 lines 2 points. ft. in. 1. p. A B = 35 O 4 2 9 3 O EL= 4 6 5 10 0 ft. in. 1. p. EC = 30 0 O 0 5 4 0 10 4 BG=16 GO= LK 0 3 ON= = 7 9 4 0 ΚΙ = 9 7 6 8 NM 9 8 8 IH=16 0 3 10 O MF=11 8 0 0 HF=22 11 8 4 AB=23 1 ft. in. 1. p. 5 1 = BG=11 0 9 10 = GO 3 10 2 42 ft. in. 1. p. EC 19 9 7 2 EL = 2 11 11 11 LK = 2515 = 2 2 5 4 ON = 5 1 NM: MF= 7 2 = 6 5 7 8 A F = 57 3 5 KI = 6 4 3 2 0 0 IH=10 9 30 4 9 HF=15 1 11 5 5 23 Idem. 57 3 5 23 AF=86 9 7 2 Idem. 86 9 7 2 - Rondelet gives in his "L'Art de Batir," the following methods for drawing arches formed of several circular arcs. For that represented in fig. 2709., after having deter- mined the semi-diameter AC at 60 feet, and the length of the radius Ad of the arcs at the springing at one-third of A C, divide d C into fifteen equal parts; give one to di, two to ik, three to kl, four to lm, and five to m C: having then fixed CH at twice A C, divide it into five equal parts, and from the points of division D, E, F, G, H, draw lines through the divisions on the horizontal line dC, and prolong them sufficiently to de- termine the form of the arc which results from their intersection, as DdI, EiK, Fk L, G/M, and HmN, whose points of intersection, e, f, g, h, give the centres of the intermediate thus d is the centre of the arc AI, e that of the arc IK, f that of the arc K L, g that of the arc LM, h that of MN, and H that of N B. The intersections marked x, x,v, indicate the curvature of a regular ellipsis, and is here introduced in order to show the difference of the two curves. arcs; Fig. 2710. is an arch composed of six arcs of a circle, which increase in arithmetical progression from the centre of the key to the springing. After having drawn the diagonal PC, and described the quarter circle A Q, the angle A Pn is made equal to the angle o PQ, and the prolongation of the line Pn gives the point d on the semi-diameter AC, and the 5 c 2 1492 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. point H on the axis BC prolonged; the two points D, H are the centres of two extreme arcs: to have those of the four ( M: L B t R intermediate arcs, draw ID parallel to PC, which gives the first arc AI of 27 degrees: by calculation we find IK will be 22 degrees 12 minutes, KL 17 degrees 24 minutes, LM 12 degrees 36 minutes, MN 7 degrees 48 minutes, and NB 3 degrees, mak- ing up 90 degrees for the whole. From C as a centre, and with CA as a radius, describe the quarter circle AR; make VR equal to one-fifth, or 18 degrees: this arc, divided into six, gives tR 3 degrees, forming the first term of the arithmetical progres- sion: to have the difference, the arc AV is divided into fifteen, which gives s V for this value; DH being then divided into ten parts, four are given to DE, three to EF, two to FG, and one to GH. From the point H with radius equal to CR, having described an arc, tR is set off from 1 to 2; draw H2N, which forms an angle of 3 de- grees with HB. From the point N B m C M Fig. 2712. G D A --- Fig. 2713. ابي 7 C 5 D 1 E F G, with CR for a radius, de- scribe a second arc, on which set off from 3 to 4 the measure of the two arcs BN and NM taken together, equal to twice tr and s V, and draw G4M, which forms with HB an angle of 10 degrees 48 minutes, and with G N one of 7 degrees 48 minutes. From the point F, with the same radius, a third arc is described, on which measure off the three arcs BN, NM, and ML, which is equal to three times t R and three times s V, from 5 to 6, and draw F6L, forming with H B an angle of 23 degrees 24 minutes, and with M G an angle of 12 degrees 36 minutes. From the point E a fourth arc is described, as are other arcs, from F and G: the points h,g, f,e, where the lines intersect, are the centres of the four intermediate arcs. Fig. 2711. is formed of eleven equal arcs, to draw which the centres d, H, are determined as in the preceding figures: after drawing the diagonal PC, the angle A Pd is made equal to o PQ, and Pd is prolonged to H: from the point C, with the radius AC, draw the quarter circle A R, and divide it into six equal parts: from the point d raise a perpendi- cular to the intersection q, on the radius C 1, drawn from the first division of the quarter circle: from the point g draw qr parallel to AC, which cut the radii drawn from the divisions 2, 3, 4, 5, in the points 6, 7, 8, 9. After setting out the parts q6, 67, 78, 89, and 9r, from C to m, m to 7, l to k, k to i, and i to d, from these points d, i, k, l, m, radius equal to CA, draw the arcs of circles, on which set off the arc A1 of 15 degrees, once from 10 to D, twice from 11 to E, thrice from 12 to F, four times from 13 to G, and five times from 14 to 15, through the points Dd, Ei, Fk, Gl, Hm, draw the lines whose prolongation makes the arcs AI, IK, KL, LM, MN, and NB, of the same number of degrees; the intersection of these lines gives the centres d, e, f, g, h, and H, to describe the several arcs. with a Fig. 2712. An arch of the same diameter and height as the preceding may have the quarter circle AR divided into six equal parts at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, through which lines are drawn parallel to RC: from the point C, with CB as a radius, another quarter circle is described, also divided into six equal parts, in the points 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, through which lines CHAP. XXV. 1493 ON STONE bridgES. B R m C 10 11 12 13 14 A 15 D 3 द M 10 L 8 K m C h 11 Fig. 2714. H Fig. 2715. are drawn parallel to A C, intersecting the first in the points I, K, L, M, N, through which other lines are drawn forming a polygon: on the middle of each of the sides of this polygon perpendiculars are raised, some of which intersect the semi-diameters A C and BC in the points d, H, and the others intersect one another at e, f, g, h, which are the centres of the arcs answering to each side of the polygon; this curve approaches the nearest to the ellipsis. The arches of the bridge at Neuilly were composed of eleven portions of the arcs of circles, each of which had their respective centres, as shown in fig. 2709.; and in fig. 2720. we have Perronet's manner of tracing the curve for the formation of the centres; the small figures at the sides exhibit portions of the operation of constructing the curve. Fig. 2721. shows how the piers were placed, and 2716, 2717, 2718, 2719, the manner in which the joints of the pendentives were set out. Fig. 2713. exhibits one of the arches after the centre was removed; and fig. 2731. the joints of half one of the arches. Fig. 2716. BRIDGE OF NEUILLY. 旷 ​Fig. 2717 It is unnecessary to enter into the minute calculations made by Perronet, which are contained in his " Description de la Courbure et des Epures des Arches du Pont de R 5 c 3 1494 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. Neuilly:" it is sufficient to observe, that the engineers of that period attempted to obtain the elegance of an elliptic arch by an assimilation of several curves, taken from as many K Fig. 2718. A Fig. 2719. ---- • Fig. 2721. Fig. 2720. circles: by a reference to their calculations, it will be seen how nearly they ac- complished the object they had in view. The ellipsis was supposed to have no portions of its curvature alike, but that it varied throughout. Per- ronet, in the bridge at Mantes, employed the me- thod which had been pre- viously adopted by M. Hupeau, to render portions of a number of circles alike in form with the ellipsis. In fig. 2724. we have his manner of tracing the arch with three centres; in fig. 2725. it is com- posed of five arcs of a circle, with the portion of an oval above; in fig. 2731. is represented the simple method of describing an arch with three centres; fig. 2732. shows one of the small arches of the bridge at Mantes, with its upper and lower starlings; fig. Fig. 2722. lig 2723. Fig. 2724. Fig. 2726. 2725. 2726. and 2727. the mouldings of the parapets; fig. 2731. the sort of wooden com- passes made to strike the several arcs; fig. 2729. the courses as laid in the arch, as does fig. 2730. on a different level. CHAP. XXV. 1495 ON STONE BRIDGES. Fig. 2727. Fig. 2728. Fig. 2729. Fig. 2730. Fig. 2732. Fig. 2733. Fig. 2731. Thickness to be given to the Key-stones of the Arch. Having determined the form of the curve, the thickness of the key must next be considered, as upon it depends the dimensions of the abutments. Alberti, Palladio, and Serlio, have allowed the twelfth, the fifteenth, and seventeenth parts of the span of the arch, without regarding the nature or quality of the stone employed. Perronet asserts that the twenty-fourth of the opening of the arch should be the depth of the key-stone, and Gauthey thinks thirteen inches a proper dimension for all arches which have a less span than 6 feet 6 inches: for those above that, up to 52 feet, he makes the key-stone the twenty-eighth part of their Fig. 2734. Fig. 2735. ба 4 1496 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. span, in addition to the 13 inches, and for arches exceeding these the twenty-fourth part for the first 104 feet, and the forty-eighth for the remainder. In the segmental arch of Wide Bargate Bridge, at Boston, in Lincolnshire, whose span is 50 feet, the height of the key-stone is 2 feet; at Conan Bridge, in Ross-shire, whose span is 65 feet, the key is 2 feet 6 inches; at Kelso Bridge, the span of which is 72 feet, it is 3 feet 3 inches; Darlinton on the Trent, which has a span of 80 feet, the key-stone is 3 feet; Hobhole, near Boston, whose arch is 90 feet span, the key is 3 feet 9 inches; Wel- lington Bridge, over the Aire, where the span is 100 feet, the depth of the key is 4 feet. The arches of Waterloo Bridge, London, are 120 feet span, and the key-stone is 4 feet 6 inches. At Vieille Brioude Bridge, erected in 1454, over the Allier, where the span was 183 feet 3 inches, the height of the key was 5 feet 3 inches; the chord of this arch was the largest known, but failing in the haunches it was taken down, and replaced by the pre- sent bridge. Nothing is more important than the right proportioning of the key-stone, and by a reference to the several accounts already given of bridges, it will be seen how this has been regulated by practice; a twenty-sixth of the span is generally given for its depth where granite is employed. Whatever the form given to the arch, the walls or piers that support it may either be brought up in horizontal courses, or depressed in such a manner that they gradually incline, following out the curve: a semi-circle, or semi-ellipse, requires level abutments to spring from, whilst the others should be made to incline, and have their joints and foundations radiating, or vertical to the intrados, so that the pressure they produce may be carried in a direction as nearly as possible at right angles to it: after the arch-stones are pre- pared and their two beds cut to their proper inclination and numbered, they are laid in their situation, so that their joints radiate vertically to the intrados; after which the curve under it, which is a portion of the arch, must be examined and worked out to its proper form, or when the centering is removed, the whole will have a crippled appearance. The exact curvature of the intrados, already drawn out at large, must be constantly referred to during the progress of setting the voussoirs, to ascertain if each is not only in its due position, but has its proportion of curvature, and its joints properly directed. Mould boards, fitted exactly to the large curve, and numbered, enable the mason to effect this portion of his work with great accuracy: when the voussoirs are not composed of single stones, the same or greater care must be taken to fit in that which is to complete the one the length of which is not sufficient. The lewis-hole, cut in the upper part of each stone, is so placed with relation to its centre of gravity, that it can be raised and lowered in its intended position without turning or twisting it round. Without this attention, it is useless for the engineer to occupy himself with the form of the curvature of an arch, for the flowing line of an ellipsis would be destroyed and rendered unsightly, if either of its numerous voussoirs were otherwise placed than in its right position: instead of a continued and regular sweep, either a polygon or broken outline would be the result; to remedy such neglect, and bring the soffite of an entire arch, of any curvature, into the state required to please the eye and satisfy it that its strength is not impaired, would oblige, after the centre was struck, the erection of a scaffold and the employment of many workmen, and after all the beautiful form first aimed at would not be produced. The Thickness to the Abutments of Bridges. - Parent and Lahire were the first to turn their attention to the form of arches, but the nature of the thrust, and the manner in which the rupture of an arch takes place, had not been at that time sufficiently ob- served, and consequently they employed an hypothesis which does not agree with practice they supposed that the joints of the voussoirs were perfectly polished, from whence it results that for the arch to support itself in equilibrio, it is necessary that the reciprocal pressures exerted by the voussoirs perpendicularly to their beds should mutually destroy each other; if such were the case, it would be easy, when the thickness of the arch at the key is given with the curve of the intrados, to determine that of the extrados, and it must be observed, that in the case where the intrados is a semicircle, we have for the extrados a curve, which is infinitely prolonged, and to which the horizontal diameter of this semicircle serves as a symptote. Hence it results that the semicircular arch could not support itself unless the first voussoir, setting off from the springing, had an infinite length; these arches then would not have any thrust, and would tend on the contrary to add to the stability of their piers. If the arch were extradossed of equal thickness, or if the voussoirs had all the same length, the equilibrium could not subsist, unless there were given to the curve of the intrados a particular form: when the thickness of the arch is very small, this form must be a reversed catenarian curve, since the arch being then considered an assemblage of heavy spheres infinitely small in contact with each other, the conditions of equilibrium are the same as those of a heavy and inextensible cord, which results are deemed of little practical utility. The first writers on this subject, wishing to prove that they were applicable, endeavoured to determine the thick- CHAP. XXV. 1497 ON STONE BRIDGES. E ness of the abutments, and Bernoulli gave a solution of the problem. In the hypothesis of the perfectly polished joints, the arches where the tangent at the springing is not vertical are those only which can have a thrust; but experience proving that other arches also have one, we must recur to a supposition to determine its value. In a memoir published in 1712, in the History of the Academy of Sciences, Lahire supposes that a semicircular arch tends to disjoint at Dd, and that the upper part DEd acts as a wedge to overthrow the inferior parts, sliding down on the joints of rup- ture, and making the lower parts turn on Kk. According to this hypothesis, we can easily deter- mine the effort produced by the weight of the superior part of the arch, following a direction DV perpendicular to the joint of rupture; and in ex- pressing that this force is in equilibrio round the point K with that which results from the stability of the inferior part of the arch, we obtain an equa- tion which gives K B, or the thickness which the pier should have to resist the thrust. It was sup- posed in the calculation that the arc BD was equal to half the quarter of the circle, because it was thought that the rupture of semicircular arches usually took place at an angle of 45°; but it has since been observed that the calculation of Lahire makes the thicknesses of the piers greater as they approached the joints of rupture of the summit F of the vault. F D d K B C Fig. 2736. k This method of determining the thickness of the abutments of arches has been admitted by all engineers who have paid attention to this subject. Belidor has applied it to arches of different kinds, and tables have been calculated, which have appeared in the " Cours d'Architecture de Blondel," and it was supposed that in the arches described with three arcs of a circle, the joints of rupture would be at the junction of the arcs, in the "Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences" for the year 1729. Couplet adopted the same theory, and resolved, always upon the hypothesis of the joints being perfectly polished, the principal questions relative to arches: he examined also the pressure which they exercised on their centres, a subject which Pitot had already treated upon in 1726. In a second memoir printed in the year following, Couplet endeavoured to establish a theory on arches, on an entirely contrary hypothesis to that which he had previously adopted: supposing that in the fall of an arch the rubbing of the joints of the voussoirs was such that they could never slide on their beds, and that to separate themselves from each other it was necessary that their joints should open and turn round upon the edge, he made moreover an abstraction for the resistance which the adhesion of the mortar might oppose to this movement. Although this supposition, as well as the preceding, is not conformable to truth, it conducted the author to a theory approaching it: the observations and experiments which have been made since the epoch at which he wrote have taught us that, in almost all cases, the consi- deration of the friction was nothing in the nature of the movements of the arch, and that in these different movements, the voussoirs turned in certain places round their edges, whilst the joints tended to open and shut; but the expressions to which Couplet arrived are so complicated, and of so little value in practice, that no one has used them; the supposition on which they were established being also false, no confidence could be given to them. A little time after the publication of the two memoirs of Couplet, Danisy repeated before the Academy at Montpellier experiments on models of arches in plaster divided into a certain number of voussoirs, and pointed out the effect of the weights with which he loaded them, and the manner in which they produced the rupture: these experiments are indicated in the "Coupe des Pierres," by Frazier, which also contains a rule the author deduced from them, and in which he attended less to exactness, than to the convenience of the workman, as, in determining the thickness of the abutment, he neglected to take into consideration the height of the piers, which nevertheless materially influences it. These experiments are the first indications of the true theory of arches; but they were made upon too small a scale, and the calculations do not appear to have been properly applied to them. We find in the "Recueil des Savants Etrangers," for the year 1773, a memoir by Coulomb, where there is a question on the equilibrium of arches: this celebrated natural philosopher considers them successively in the hypothesis of the joints perfectly polished, and in that where the friction and adherence produced by the mortar would oppose this disjunction of the voussoirs in the latter case, he regards first the half D E of the upper part of the arch as a body carried on an inclined plane, and, having regard to the effect of the friction and of the cohesion, gives the limits between which are found comprised the value of a hori- zontal force acting in the sense Ei, which opposes itself to the sliding of the body, and supports it in the inclined plane DF. He afterwards observes that the result of the two forces which act on the portion of the arch DF must necessarily meet DF, between the 1498 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ·´ BOOK II. points D and F, and the second condition furnishes two new li. mits between which the value of the horizontal thrust should be com- prised after that, if we suppose that the friction of the joints be sufficiently con- siderable for the upper part not to slide on DF, the K second condition of the equilibrium will F Fig. 2737. 2 ༡ p be the only one necessary to take into consideration, and the value of the horizontal force will be found comprehended between the maximum of the expression : B=0 Dp Di and the minimum of the expression: B=- lq FI' in which B represents that force, o the weight of the portion of the vault DE, and Dp and lg the horizontal distances of its centre of gravity, to the points D and F, round which it tends to turn; these maximum and minimum being taken by varying the angle formed by the joints F, D with the vertical. This analysis leaves nothing to desire, and to make it coincide with that to which we are conducted by recent experiments on the stability of arches, it is sufficient to express that the horizontal thrust of the arch, such as has been just determined, cannot displace the piers D, K, whether it tend to turn round the external edge K, or to slide horizontally on its base. Bossut published in 1774, in the "Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences," some researches on the equilibrium of arches, in which he took up the hypothesis of the infinitely polished joints, and developed it to determine the conditions of the equilibrium of semicircular arches and of domes. He endeavoured to ascertain, after admitting the hypothesis of Lahire, the manner in which the rupture of the arch is made, and by what means its thrust is exercised against the piers; also to establish the form to be given to the ex- ternal face of the pier, that it may offer equal resistance in all parts of its height. M. de Prony in the first volume of his Hydraulic Architecture, published in 1790, after having given the different equations for establishing the thickness of the abutments, the length of the joints of the voussoirs, the form of an extradossed arch, which in the received hypothesis should be that of a catenarian curve, that the voussoirs should be in equili- brio, he introduced into the question the condition of the friction of the joints, and showed that, on account of the modification which results from this in the equation of equilibrium, it is not necessary to attribute to the horizontal joint an infinite length, as required by the first hypothesis. M. de Prony also insists on the necessity of giving to the key of an arch a sufficient thickness for it to resist the pressure it supports, and in- dicates the manner of determining this thickness: with a view of enabling builders to judge of the boldness of their works, he establishes a relation between the opening of an arch, and the smallest length which can be given to the key. A memoir entitled "Dissertations sur les Degradations du Panthéon Français," published by Gauthey, contained researches on spherical vaults, in which are indicated the true methods by which the thrust of cylindrical vaults may be estimated, deduced from known observations. M. Boistard, chief engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées, has since repeated at large, and with all the care and exactness possible, the experiments on the stability of arches, the description of which is given in a memoir placed in the school of the Ponts et Chaussées, to which is subjoined a theoretical essay on the most important conclusions to which they may lead. Such are the principal researches which have been made on the theory of semi- circular arches. Several experiments upon this subject were made by M. Lecreulx, on a model of the Pont Fouchard, which was on a scale of about a sixtieth of the original, and the material employed was freestone. Fig. 2738. shows the abutments formed of a single stone; one was 24 feet thick, the other 18 feet 6 inches: after striking the centre the equilibrium was maintained, but when a weight equal to one-twentieth part of that of the arch was added, it fell: when both CHAP. XXV. 1499 ON STONE BRIDGES. Fig. 2738. Fig. 2739. abutments were 24 feet, and the weight was increased upon the arch, they each slid upon the platform, as shown in fig. 2739., and the three voussoirs altered their position. Fig. 2740. shows one similar abutment to the last, and the other replaced by one 36 feet thick, formed by three stones; on striking the centre, the abutments, which was of one Fig. 2740. Fig. 2741. stone, did not move; the upper portion of the other slided horizontally, whilst the lower remained stable, as in fig. 2741. Fig. 2742., one abutment being substituted, 32 feet thick, of a single piece; the second of the same thickness, composed of four pieces, three of which were cut, with joints radiating Fig. 2742. Fig. 2743. to the centre of the arch: the abutments resisted until one-seventh of the weight of the arch was added, when it assumed the form shown in fig. 2743. Fig. 2744. shows one abutment of a single stone, 36 feet thick, and others of 65 feet, com- posed of four pieces: when the centre was struck, the key sunk, and the joints opened at Fig. 2744. Fig 2745. the intrados, and it remained in this position; but a trifling weight added gave it the character shown in fig. 2745. Fig. 2746., two abutments of 36 feet, one divided into five pieces: in this case the arch supported one-fifth of its weight; it then gave way, as seen in fig. 2747. : if a resistance be ୮ Fig. 2746. placed beyond the abutment, composed of several pieces, the arch will support more than three- fourths of its weight without yielding, as seen in fig. 2748. Fig. 2749., with two arches and one pier, the first abutment formed of five pieces, 36 feet in thickness, and the other six pieces, and 72 feet thick: on adding a slight weight to the arches, the upper part of the latter slipt, and the other resisted, as in fig. 2750. Fig. 2749. Fig. 2750. Fig. 2747. Fig. 2748. 1500 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING 23 Perronet has given in his works a description of the movements which have taken place in great arches which he constructed, both whilst their voussoirs were carried by their centres, and after the keys were placed and the centres removed; he has indicated the means of striking these centres, so as not to expose the curve of the arches to any change, and the precautions which are necessary to be taken in placing the voussoirs: the observations he has published form a complete system, and are of considerable value. It is generally remarked, he says, that the first course of the voussoirs may be placed without the assistance of the wooden centre, which only becomes necessary as they begin to slide one over the other, which happens when the bed of the joints makes an angle of 40° with the horizon: the centre then begins to carry a portion of the weight of the voussoirs; it sinks in its lower part, and when the centres are forced up, it would rise at the summit, if an opposition were not used to resist this movement, by making it support a weight more or less considerable. In the arch of Saint Edmé, at Nogent-sur-Seine (see page 265.) these effects were observed and described with the greatest care; it was struck from three centres, its span being 96 feet, and 29 feet 9 inches from the springing to the key; its thickness at the summit is 4 feet 3 inches; each half of the arch is com- posed of forty-seven courses of voussoirs, not comprising the key. The first twenty courses of voussoirs having been placed, the five last separated, on account of the sinking of the centre on which they rested, the joint opened 2 inch at the extrados above the fifteenth course, and a vertical disjunction took place between the arch and the horizontal beds of the abutments, the effect of which was evident to the seventh course: in continuing the masonry, the joints closed, and the point of separation of the acting and resisting parts being carried higher by the effect of the addition of a greater number of voussoirs, the joints opened at the extrados about 2 inch from the twenty-sixth to the thirty-first course. At the bridge of Neuilly (see page 268.), in the arches adjacent to the abutments, the half of which is composed of fifty-six courses of voussoirs, not including the key, the joints opened successively at the extrados, on account of the advancement of the laying of the voussoirs, from to inch from the eleventh to the thirty-sixth course; analogous effects have been observed in other bridges. After the placing of the key these effects produced by the weight of the voussoirs manifest themselves in a different manner, the centres, which at first had been loaded in the lower part, inducing the summit to rise, were now charged in the middle, tending on the contrary to rise at the haunches: at the arches of the bridge at Neuilly the last joints opened at the extrados, and on each side other joints opened at the intrados, starting from the key. At the bridge of Nogent the vertical disjunction which took place between the voussoirs and the laying of the abutments almost entirely disappeared, and the last joints opened at the extrados, in the upper part of the arches, again closed. Before the striking of the centres, there had been traced on the heads of this latter bridge three right lines, one horizontal, at the summit of the arch, from above the twenty-eighth course on one side to the corresponding one on the other, and the others inclined, traced on the haunches from the extremity of the first line to the point where the joint of the seventh course meets the tangent vertical at the springing: the position of the extremities of these lines had been made with relation to fixed points, and the object was to know by the changes which should show themselves in their position and form, what would be the play of the voussoirs during the sinking. The curve of the upper line indicated a vertical sinking, which diminished uniformly from its centre to its extremities: as for the other two lines there was formed in their curve a point of inflexion at the meeting of the joint of the sixteenth and seventeenth course, which indicated, besides the vertical sinking and the closing of the joints in the upper courses down to and including the seven- teenth, a closing also of the joints of the lower part, which was even carried down to the joints of the abutments. It may be concluded from these observations, which may be repeated in all constructions of a similar kind, that the upper part does not tend to push out the lower by sliding on the joints of rupture, as was supposed by Lahire, and consequently that the result of the calculations made upon this hypothesis is erroneous: to form a just idea of the nature of the thrust, we must consider successively the two principal epochs of the construction of an arch. When the greatest number of voussoirs is placed, and we are near arriving at the key, the centre becomes considerably loaded in its upper part, because it entirely supports the weight of the arch, and it consequently undergoes a sinking, the effect of which is most sensible towards the summit: each voussoir descends in proportion to its proximity to the key, and it is evident that that cannot take place but as it turns round its inferior edge, which obliges the joint to open at its extrados; this opening is above all evident at the point where, on account of the inclination of the planes of the joints, compared to the direction of the weight, the vertical sinking is distributed more unequally in the consecutive voussoirs, and therefore in the bridge of Nogent the most open joint was found towards the twenty-sixth course. When the key is placed and the centre is struck, the upper parts of the arch DE,ɗE, are no longer supported by their reciprocal pressure, on account of the sinking hence CHAP. XXV. 1501 ON STONE BRIDGES. produced; their common point of support is necessarily carried in E to the extrados; the joints then tend to close, as is constantly observed, and some builders add to this effect by removing wedges, which augment the solidity of the arch, at the same time that the energy of the pressure which these two parts exert upon each other is the means by which they are mutually supported. The efforts of this pressure is necessarily carried towards the abutments and the inferior parts of the arch, which it tends to overthrow, by E U G N 1 1 D M K S R C Fig. 2751. F m Q n K making them turn round their exterior edges K,k; each half of the arch separates itself into two parts, D,d, which serve as points of support to the upper parts, by means of which their effort is transmitted to the abutments. These points of support are necessarily placed at the intrados: if the abutments have not sufficient stability to resist the efforts of the arch, the four parts fall down, turning round the points K, D, E, and d,k: if they are capable of supporting it, the effect of the sinking is limited to closing the joints at the extrados near the point E, to the intrados near the points d, D, and to make them open at the intrados near the point E, and the extrados near the points D, d. The position of the points D,d, which are called points of rupture, which it is extremely important to ascertain exactly, depends on the form of the arch, and the disposition of the weights which it supports. At the bridge of Nogent the position of the joints of rupture was indicated between the sixteenth and seventeenth course of voussoirs, by the points of inflexion of the two lower lines traced on their heads. At the bridge of Neuilly it was not possible to discover it by the same means, on account of their form, which is an arc of a circle; but it was discovered that the joints of rupture were placed between the twenty-sixth and twenty- seventh course, as it was in this place that the joint opened on the extrados. It is seen that arches cannot fall but in proportion as the voussoirs are placed near the key, the points of rupture and the base of the abutments separating from each other by turning round their edges: the tenacity of the mortar is opposed to this effect, and this may be sufficiently great for the arch to support itself, as happens sometimes in ancient constructions, although the abutments have not their proper thickness; we cannot, however, rely on the adhesion of mortar, because its effect is only produced at the end of a certain time, and although, on leaving the arches on their centres, time may be given for the masonry to become solid, it is better not to regard the increased solidity obtained by this means, and which it would be difficult to value exactly. These observations are found to be confirmed by several arches which were in danger of falling, as well as in those which have been demolished: with regard to the latter, horizontal cuts were made in their piers, and it has been remarked that the first disjunctions appeared at the intrados towards the key; that others afterwards took place towards the haunches, where their greatest width was at the extrados, and that, in short, the upper part lowered, dividing itself into two principal parts, each overthrowing the piers opposed to it. This theory is equally in agreement with the direct experiments made by Gauthey on this subject, who constructed semicircular arches and others for the purpose; their openings were 25½ inches; the voussoirs, 1 inch in width at the intrados, were made in wood, and worked with great exactness; he endeavoured to break the equilibrium between the thrusts of the upper parts and the stability of the lower parts, by diminishing the thickness of the abutments, or by loading the summit of the arch, and he constantly remarked that the rupture tended to operate with the circumstances already explained. These same experiments were repeated on a larger scale by M. Boistard, in arches which he constructed with much exactness in voussoirs of brick rubbed to a face, the thickness and the height of the section of which were 44 inches; the arches were 2.274 metres (7.458 feet) of opening. 1502 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 0.22 metres (0.72 feet) in length. With these materials arches were constructed semicircularly with three centres, and others flattened a third and a fourth in the arc of a circle, the versed sine of which was the fourth, the eighth, and the seventeenth of the opening: they were constructed on a wooden centre, and their rupture took place on lowering it vertically, either when loaded at the top or when the thickness of the abutments was diminished. Each of the arches was submitted to three principal trials; in the first they were extra- dossed 4 inches of thickness, and as that thickness was not sufficient for them to support themselves when the centres were lowered, a certain number of voussoirs of the upper part descended vertically with it, and were carried on its summit; the two inferior parts of the arch then had the effect of two ramping arches, and divided into two parts; the last joint of each part opened at the intrados, near the upper extremity and near the springing, and the rupture appeared towards the middle, where the voussoirs did not touch the centre, and where the joints opened at the extrados. In the second trial, where the arches were again extradossed, on each side a certain num- ber of voussoirs of the lower part were embraced by a cord which leant on their extrados, and was extended by a weight: the pressure which this cord produced on the last voussoir opposed their separation, which the upper parts of the arch tended to produce; and it was constantly observed that if the weight occasioned by the tension of the two cords was not sufficient for the equilibrium, the arch broke by opening at the intrados, near the key and near the springing, where the last voussoir tended to swing round its external edge, and at the extrados on the haunches. Secondly, that where the weight was sufficient to main- tain the equilibrium, the joints opened in the same manner, on account of the inevitable sinking, but that the action of the weights tending to tighten them, they opened and shut alternately by an oscillating movement, in which the parts of the arch turned alternately round the points of support which the edges of the consecutive voussoirs presented to them. Thirdly, that when the tension of the cord was sufficiently considerable for the pressure which it exerted over the inferior parts of the arch to be capable of raising up the upper parts, the same effects were manifested in a contrary sense, that is to say, that the arch broke at the key, opening at the extrados, and at the haunches it opened at the intrados, and at the springing the last voussoir turned round the interior edge. When the arches were raised on piers, the effects were exactly similar, except that the piers became a body with the inferior parts of the arch, which in falling over tended to turn round the external edge of the base of the piers, instead of that of the voussoir placed at the springing. In the third trial abutments were established, and the haunches of the arch filled in with masonry, levelled at the summit, where this vault was 4 inches in thickness. When the stability of the abutments was sufficient to resist the thrust, the arch preserved its primi- tive figure after striking the centre; when the weight of the upper part was increased, the arch broke as usual, and the position of the joints of rupture in the haunches was de- termined by the value of the weight, by the manner in which it was distributed on the summit of the arch, and by the height of piers on which this arch was sometimes raised ; it has generally been observed that when the arches were not raised on piers, the rupture tended towards the angle of 30° of the half circle described by the semicircle, or towards the angle of 50° of the little arc described in the arch struck with three arcs of a circle: the point of rupture tended to rise when the height of the piers was augmented, and when the summit of the arch was more loaded. All these experiments confirm the principle already established on the nature of the movement of arches, from whence it results that in the research for the conditions of their equilibrium, we may without sensible error consider them as a system of four levers, KD, DE, Ed, d K, each loaded with the respective weights of the parts of arches which cor- respond with them (see fig. 2737.), and being able to turn round the points of support K, D, E, d, k, where they form turning joints; the position of the points d, D depend for each particular case on the figure of the arch, and the distribution of the weights with which it is loaded. The same conclusion is applicable to the arcs of a circle, and to the flat arch, where the arch and its piers form a system, the nature of which is similar: we must here remark with regard to the figure of this arch, that the position of the joints of rupture is found naturally fixed at the springings, unless it be very slightly extradossed, or the versed sine of the arc of the circle according to which it is described be almost equal to the radius. The ex- periments of M. Boistard proved that an arc, the versed sine of which is the quarter of the chord, has its joints of rupture at the springing, when the haunches are filled with masonry. The application of the calculation to the preceding theory presents no difficulty: the points N, M, m, n, being those where the levers are met by the verticals which pass by the centres of gravity of the parts corresponding to the arch, we may suppose that these levers are loaded in these points with four weights equal to those of the masonry, and we must CHAP. XXV. 1503 ON STONE BRIDGES. determine the relation which ought to exist between the weights and the direction of the levers, in order that the equilibrium may be maintained. Let us consider the half of the arch divided into two symmetrical parts by the axis E C, and let us suppose, first, that the point D is fixed: call μ the weight applied in M. The system will not be changed in substituting for it two other weights, the one applied in E, FQ EF the other applied in D, and represented by The point E EQ and there will result from it in the FQ ED and represented by μEQ' will then be loaded with a weight equal to 2μ. FQ 2μEQ' sense of the lever ED a pressure represented by "EQEQ ' and which, if the point D were really fixed, would be destroyed by its resistance, as well as the effect of the vertical EF force, μ "EQ' which is applied at the same point: but this point D being situated at the ex- tremity of another lever, the point of support of which is in K, and which is loaded at the point N with a new weight, represented by y, we must for the equilibrium take the mo- mentum of these different forces with relation to the point K as null, which will give the equation, FQ ED "EQEQ EF KV: = μ E Q KR+V KS, K V being a perpendicular lowered from the point K on the line ED prolonged, and KS and KR being the horizontal distances from the point K to the point N and to the point D. We have, KV KU.DQ-DU.EQ, ED and in substituting this value in the preceding equation it becomes, FQ DQ "EQ EQ KU=uKR+KS; and if we desire that the system have stability we must have, FQ DQ EQEQ KU<µKR+ v K S. The value of the thrust, and consequently the thickness to be given to the abutments, augments with the value of F Q, that is to say, when the centre of gravity of the upper parts of the vault approaches the summit; it is the same with the horizontal pressure which the two parts of the arch exert on each other, in the case of the equilibrium, as is indi- cated by the form of its expression, which is FQ DQ "EQ EQ It is to be remarked, with M. Boistard, that there has been a mistake hitherto, in endeavouring to make the sinking of an arch depend on the diminution of the length of the curve of the intrados: this sinking evidently depends on the shortening of the curve D Ed, fig. 2737., which unites the points by which the voussoirs carry each other near the joints of rupture, and which may also be considered as the place of the points of support of the intermediate voussoirs: the nature of this curve is not easy to be determined, but we may in the application regard it, without any great error, as being of the same kind with the curve of the intrados. Application of the Theory to the determining of the Thickness of the Abutments. equation FQ DQ "EQEQ ku=µ KR+vKS This contains all that is necessary to resolve this question; and it is now only required to find a value of BK which shall satisfy this equation, or rather which shall render the second member a little larger than the first, in order that the arch should have the necessary sta- bility this is supposing that the positions of the points of rupture D,d is known à priori, which is not generally the case; we must then begin by determining it. And we shall ob- serve that these points must be so placed that the momentum of the force which tends to overthrow the lower part be the greatest possible with regard to that of the forces which tend to retain it in its position. We must then seek the value of the arc BD, which corre- sponds to the maximum of the expression ! μ FQ DQ ´EQEQk u μ KR+vKS 1504 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The calculation is almost impracticable for semicircular arches, on account of the various quantities which the nature of the circle introduces in this formula, and it becomes totally so, for the arch composed of several arcs; we must therefore have recourse to an in- direct method, which consists in making different hypotheses on the position of the point D, and in determining for each the corresponding value of B K, from examples of known bridges, whose form approaches that of the one projected; it is evident, moreover, that the greatest value which we could find for BK will be that which we must take into consideration, and that the positions of the joints of rupture will be determined by the correspondent value of the arc BD. The following table contains the result of this calculation for those vaults most frequently used; we have supposed that the opening of these vaults was 20 metres, that the thickness at the key was 1 metre, that the upper part was extradossed level. Thickness of the Abutments. Metres Position of the Points of Rupture. Semicircular arches Arches struck from three centres depressed one-third depressed one quarter of the span Arch of a circle of 60 degrees raised upon piers 5 me- tres high Degrees. 0.45 27 · · 0.66 45 - 0.82 54 - 2.95 0 The calculation has given for the arches of the three centres flattened a quarter a joint of rupture placed differently to that which experiment has indicated for the bridge of Neuilly; this joint of rupture will be here found at the 16th and 17th course of vous- soirs, and we have before observed that it was above the 26th course; this difference de- pends on the supposition in the calculation that the masonry of the haunches was raised, which was not the case with the bridge at Neuilly at the moment of striking the centres, and in which the position of the joint of rupture was decided. The addition of this masonry necessarily changes the position, and the joints of rupture, as shown in the experiments of M. Boistard, are the more elevated, as the summit of the arch is more loaded with relation to the haunches. The results of the calculation agree exactly with the observations made at the bridge of Nogent, where the masonry of the haunches was constructed when the centres were struck. The results comprised in the table are below the ordinary dimensions, and the theory indicates thicknesses less considerable than those which have hitherto been thought neces- sary for the abutments of bridges. The preceding calculations suppose that the different portions of the arch form solid masses, the parts of which are perfectly united together, and cannot undergo any sinking; it supposes also that the abutments are established on a base entirely incompressible, and that in the fall of the arch these abutments would turn, without disjointing, round their exterior edge; these suppositions are in general far removed from the truth. The fall of a bridge could scarcely happen without some disjunction taking place on the abutments, however great the care with which they may have been constructed; and even should there be none, these abutments could not turn round their external edge, where the stones would neces- sarily be crushed under the effort they would have to support, an effort which should be on that account spread over a sufficiently great surface: as for the incompressibility of the foundations, this condition is very difficult to obtain exactly, above all when the masonry of the walls is not established on a platform placed on piles; and we cannot doubt that the fall of the greater number of bridges must be attributed to the movements which have manifested themselves in the points of support on which they were carried; but as the foun- dation approaches to incompressibility, in proportion as the effort which it supports is distributed on a greater surface, the constructor is obliged, in order to unite physical circumstances to analytical hypothesis, to increase the dimensions of the points of support. The difference existing between the methods adopted by practice and theory may be thus accounted for, and it is easy to conclude that we must augment the points of support: it is not easy to determine the value of this augmentation; it depends evidently on the nature of the materials and the kind of construction used, on the nature and solidity, more or less great, of the foundation, and of the other particular circumstances relative to the projected bridge. It is prudent to adopt greater thicknesses than those indicated in the preceding table, or than can be calculated by means of the same theory; but as this theory in its application to very flattened arches gives very considerable thicknesses, we have sought and succeeded by different means, as will be seen below, to reduce this enormous mass of masonry without any loss of its resisting force. The arches may be raised on piers, and then the positions of the points of rupture change, as well as the thickness of the abutments, which becomes more considerable; it is indispensable to determine its value in each particular case. We suppose then, conformably to the results of the experiments already alluded to, that the piers form only one single body with the inferior part of the arch, and that in the rupture it turns round its external edge: some have thought that a rupture might take place in CHAP. XXV. 1505 ON STONE BRIDGES. some point of the height of the pier, and they have in consequence endeavoured to deter- mine what form it ought to have to present everywhere an equal resistance; the solution of this problem is difficult, on account of the calculations to which it would lead; it is besides of no practical value. We have hitherto supposed that the rupture of arches could not take place unless the abutments should turn round their exterior edge; there might, however, happen a horizontal disjunction, when the upper part would slide over the lower. The resistance which the abutment opposes to this movement depends on the weight of the upper parts, and on the manner in which the beds are united to each other; the friction and the adhesion of the mortars being here the two principal means of solidity, the value of which effect has been calculated. M. Boistard published in 1804 some experiments on this subject, the results of which were that the adhesion of the mortar is proportioned to the surface; that the time after which the stones are detached has little influence on the value of this adhesion, which is almost as great after the first month as after years. It may be valued as 6960 kilo- grammes for a square metre for mortar composed of lime and sand, and 3700 for mortar of lime and cement; these values only being considered as proximate results because they necessarily vary, on account of the quality of the material of which the mortar is com. posed. The great superiority of mortar made with sand over that of cement, which at the end of a year is increased, does not exist when employed under water; in this latter case the cement contracts quickly into a strong consistence, which is not the same with the other. With regard to the friction, M. Boistard has equally endeavoured to discover its effects, and found that its relation to the pressure is constant, and that in taking the least value given by these experiments, this relation for a stone indented or picked, gliding on a similar stone, or what is the same, on a surface of mortar hardened by the air, was equal to 0·76, or about 4. Considering the equilibrium of arches in this point of view, we find for the abut- ments thicknesses different to those which are indicated in the preceding table; the equation of equilibrium is then μ FQ DQ EQ EQ (−0·76 ( µ + v)+6960 K R. The following table contains these new results applied to arches extradossed to the level, the opening of which is 20 metres, and the thickness of the key one metre: we have supposed that the disjunction always took place at the level of the springing, and no account has been taken of the vertical pressure resulting from the weight of the upper part of the vaults, which reduces the preceding equation to FQ DQ "EQEQ =0·76 + 6960 K R. The masonry is supposed to be 2600 kilogrammes per cube metre. Semicircular arches Arches struck from three centres as before depressed one-fourth Arc of a circle of 60 degrees Thickness of the Abutments. Metres. 1.32 1.62 2.24 3.09 Position of the Points of Rupture. Degrees. 14 32 41 0 These last results are again below the dimensions which engineers have generally adopted, but they, however, approach nearer to them than those of the former table. According to this manner of calculating the equilibrium of arches, there is less of hypothesis than in the first, and if it be observed that the values of the second table suppose that the arches have remained long enough on their centres for the mortar to have acquired a tenacity similar to that which it presented in the experiments just given, which scarcely ever happens, as it dries very slowly in the interior of the masses of masonry, we shall be convinced of the necessity of increasing them still more, and of thus approaching nearer to the results of practice. We have allowed a little more thickness to arches than is generally given, which tends to favour the acting power: no account is taken of the beds of sand or earth, or of the pavement with which the arches are generally charged, nor of the difference of specific weights of the various kinds of masonry; it would be easy to introduce these objects in detail in the calculations, but we are convinced we should not then obtain for the thick- ness of the abutments values sensibly different from those which have been given. The arches of the arc of a circle require the thickness of the abutments much more considerable than others, and these thicknesses would be still greater, if the arch, which we have supposed described by an arc of 60 degrees, was more flattened, as in many bridges. The first engineers who raised arches of this form opposed to their great thrust 5 D 1506 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. very thick abutments, but it is evident that very flattened arches tend principally not to over- throw their abutments, but to produce a horizontal disjunction in their piers, and cause their upper parts to slide. It results from hence that the mass of the abutments situated below the point where this disjunction would take place is scarcely of any utility to the solidity of the arch, and only serves to support the upper part, which alone resists the thrust efficiently; consequently means have been sought to avoid the construction of this mass, which occasions a useless expense. Among the plans proposed for this object are the two following: in the first the abutment is only an ordinary wall, behind which the arch is prolonged, and abuts against a platform supported by inclined piers; in the second, there is substituted for the mass of the abutment, walls constructed in the prolonging of the heads, which support an arch, the summit of which is placed a little below the level of the springing of the main arch; this latter method appears to unite all the advantages which can be obtained in such constructions. It has also been the practice to incline the platform of the foundations, as well as the beds of the masonry, to the side of the arch to be supported; and there is no doubt that by means of this arrangement, the mass of the abutment is considerably diminished : it would also be very advantageous to distribute in the interior of the masonry rough stones placed upright, which should bind the beds together, and contribute effectually to prevent disjunctions. In all that has preceded, we have supposed that the haunches of the arches were filled in with masonry, levelled even with the summit of the curve of the intrados, or following a slight inclination from this summit; it does not appear necessary to fill the haunches of an arch entirely in this manner, which augments the expense, as well as the load it must support: if the haunches be filled with earth or gravel, besides the load being very little less, the arch would be exposed to dangerous actions when these matters should be penetrated and diluted by the water which would filter through them. To prevent these inconveniences, it is advantageous, conformable to a custom generally practised, after having levelled the masonry of the haunches to an inclination towards the piers and the abutments, to a height sufficient to ensure the equilibrium of the arch, to raise on this masonry vertical walls parallel with the heads, to which from 18 inches to 3 feet in thickness may be given, placing them 2 feet 3 inches apart: the intervals of these walls remain void, and are covered with landings of stone or small arches, in order that they may have little thrust, and on which the pavement rests: care is moreover taken to contrive at the foot of the walls, or in the masonry which supports them, small openings, by means of which the water which would penetrate the haunches may be conducted to a single point, whence it runs away by a pipe placed across the voussoirs. In adopting an arrangement of this kind, passages may be reserved for the convenience of viewing the construction, and making the necessary reparations, to prevent the changes which time might produce in the masonry of the arch: where, however, void spaces exist in the haunches of the arches of a bridge, provision must be made for an accident which might take place, by a total immersion of these arches in the water. Bridges constructed in mountainous countries, on rivers or torrents subject to great floods, or near the sea, where the tide rises to a great height, are exposed to the chance of the level of the water surmounting the summit of the bridge, or even rising above the pavement; in this case it might happen, that on account of the voids left in the haunches, the weight of the construction would become inferior to that of the volume of water it would displace, and would then be exposed to be vertically raised and thrown down by the current, if the difference of the two weights were sufficiently great to surmount the forces of adhesion which would be opposed to this movement. The loss of weight undergone by masonry plunged in the water should always be taken into consideration; regard should above all be paid to it when the dimensions of the piers of a bridge are regulated, with the intention of rendering them capable of serving as abutments, and of resisting the thrust of the arches they support. Thickness of Piers. The piers of bridges may be considered under two principal points of view; as destined to carry the weight of the arches, or to serve as abutments to resist their thrust. In ancient works they are always of a considerable thickness, and the bridges of Vicenza and Padua are almost the only exceptions from this practice. Bridges of the middle ages, like the ancient, are constructed on piers thicker than would be necessary for the uses of an abutment: when the engineers submitted the thrusts of arches to calculation, and determined according to the hypothesis of Lahire the thickness necessary for the abutments, they thought that the piers should have the same thickness; and it was on this principle that the greater number of large bridges were constructed in the last century, whether in France or the other countries of Europe. The piers of the bridges of Blois, Saumur, Orleans, Moulins, Tours, Westminster, &c., were thick enough to serve as abutments, and the vaults were always centred one after the other : it would, without doubt, have been imprudent to expose bridges, composed of so great a number of arches, to be entirely overthrown by the failing of one of the piers. CHAP. XXV. 1507 ON STONE BRIDGES. But when, at the end of the last century, it became the custom to erect large arches struck from three or more centres, or those of the arc of a circle of one great radius, the practice of giving a thickness to the piers sufficient to resist the thrust of the arches was abandoned: for had it been adhered to, it would have been necessary to construct enormous piers, which, with the inconvenience of giving to the bridge an exceedingly heavy appearance, would have added the more important one of considerable expense, and much obstruction to the passage of the water. This latter is the principal ob- jection against the piers being thick; the resistance which they oppose to the current, and the contraction which they cause, depending in great measure on their width. Supposing all other things equal, a bridge in which the piers are very thick would have a greater inclination to fall than one in which they are small; and for this reason, that it is necessary to augment the surface of the water-way, and consequently the length of the bridge: but the importance of this objection is diminished by observing, that when the dimensions of a pier are considerable, it is difficult for it to be carried away by a single flood, and it is generally possible to arrest the progress of the damage: a narrow pier does not present the same properties, unless it is carried on large footings, and the advantage in the point of economy is almost nothing, as the saving in the masonry is of little consequence, either in the piers or in the foundation, on account of the wide sets-off on which it is necessary to place them; but there is a considerable increase in the expense of the centres, as all the arches must be centred at the same time, instead of the timber employed in the two first arches serving for all the others; this inconvenience is always important, and it will become more so, as the scarcity of timber is more felt. In cases in which there is no danger in carrying the arches on very thin piers, as when established on a rock, and there can be no fear of either being carried away, the increase of the price of the centres may oblige a total rejection of the use of piers, and a proscription consequently of very flattened arches, which absolutely require them. Arches composed of the arcs of a circle flattened very much should always be carried on piers of little thickness, and one of these arrangements necessarily induces the other. The inconvenience resulting from the use of piers is thus united to the other reasons opposed to the general adoption of very flat arches for the construction of bridges. When we cannot give to all the piers the thickness they should have for the office of abut- ments, and when the great length of the bridge and the nature of the ground create some alarm for the solidity of the edifice, an arrangement may be adopted which would diminish the dangers resulting from the use of thin piers. Bridges are divided into several parts, by constructing at intervals piers capable of sup- porting the thrust of the arches; then, if an intermediate pier be carried away, it will certainly induce the fall of some arches, but there will not be a necessity for reconstructing the whole bridge: if the bridge were established on one general platform, there would be no danger of accident; nevertheless as it may happen that some part of the platform may be carried away, it is proper to place the resistance of the piers in equilibrio with the thrust. When the piers serve as abutments, their thickness is determined after the prin- ciples already shown; when their object is only to carry the weight of the arches, the resistance of the stone with which they are constructed is the principal consideration to which attention must be paid, and the only one which can be submitted to calculation; it leads to dimensions much below those in use. M. Perronet has remarked that the piers of the bridge at Neuilly would support the mass with which they are charged, if their thickness were reduced to 13 inches: he admitted certainly that the stone would then carry a weight under which it was crushed in a previous experiment; these piers are about 14 feet in thickness. According to this example, we must not determine the thickness of a pier with relation only to the strength of the stone, but also to various circumstances which it is not possible to submit to calculation, such as the nature of the construction, which may be entirely in freestone, or some part in moellon or rubble (rough stone); the force of the shocks to which the pier is exposed either from the ice, from trees, or other bodies which the river may carry down, and above all in the manner in which the pier has its foundations laid. There is no doubt that when the con- siderable weight which a pier has to support is spread over a great surface, more confidence should be felt in its foundation, whether in relation to the accidents, which are less dangerous and more easy to repair, or to the unequal settlements which may be manifested in it; and for that reason we cannot dispense with a large base for a pier the body of which is not of great thickness. The form of piers, and above all that of their starlings, is important, and when the piers are very large, have great influence on the solidity and duration of a bridge; when their form is imperfect, it is one of the causes of the destruction which mani- fests itself, and always increases that which may arise from others. It appears from the first view, that if the water-way of a bridge is regulated in such a manner that the relation between the resistance of the soil and the mean velocity of the current be not sensibly 5 D 2 1508 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. altered, it is impossible that any damage can take place, and this would be true if the mean velocity were distributed uniformly throughout the mass of the waters to which the bridge gives passage. But the obstacles which the piers and the springing of the arches oppose to the current injure that equal partition of the velocity, and whilst very rapid currents are formed, in other places the water turns and returns on itself; it is then important to give to piers the form the most proper to prevent these effects, the con- sequences of which are often dangerous. In the piers of ancient bridges the starlings are generally half a circle, or a rectilineal triangle, but modern engineers have rounded the angles formed by the faces of the star- lings and the body of the pier. There are some bridges built in the middle ages where the starlings have been entirely suppressed, and the piers terminated parallelly at the heads; this latter arrangement is most effective: when the current strikes against the starling of a pier, the water rises to meet it, the dash which tends to shake the starling is obliged to divide, and produces two oblique currents, which turn aside from the lateral faces of the pier, against which there only remains a dead water; these two currents narrow the principal run, by forming with those produced by the neighbouring piers little shoals, where the water flows less quick towards the edges than in the centre, because it has lost some of its rapidity against the obstacle which it meets with, and although the rapidity of the current be generally greater in the middle of the arch than at the shoulder of the pier, that part is not less exposed to it, on account of the falls and eddies which are formed there, and which attack the ground and cause the wearing away: all these effects, which are produced whatever be the form of the pier, are more evident as the faces struck by the current are more directly opposed to it. When water is introduced into a canal narrower than that where it first ran, the rapidity must augment by the effect of the diminution of the section, if the entrance into the narrow canal be not widened; and if the section diminish suddenly there is necessarily a contraction, which obliges the current to take a velocity greater than the diminution of the section requires: it is then important to render this contraction as small as possible, and this is the more essential as by it may be avoided the fall which it occasions to the shoulder of the pier, and which is the cause of the undermining: with this view we have endeavoured to compare the effects of the contraction for piers of different forms, in the experiments of which we are about to give an account, after having referred to some researches made on the subject. We find in "Recherches sur la Construction la plus avantageuse des Digues,” by MM, Bossut and Viallet, that problem resolved which has for its object to determine the proper form for the head of a jetty, and the starling of a pier subject to the same conditions; it is equally necessary to defend these structures against the action of the Huid which continually strikes against them, and it appears that the form proper to the one is equally so to the other. M. Bossut supposes that each face of the head of the jetty is struck by threads of the fluid (small currents), the directions of which are parallel, and the rapidity equal; he then seeks, according to a general theory of the shock of fluids, the form for the base of each face, in order that this shock may be the least possible; he finds that the right line resolves the problem, and that if the base be a triangle, it should be an isosceles, the two equal angles of which would be 45°. This solution is subject to many difficulties, as it appears unnecessary that the head of a jetty or the starling of a pier should receive any shock from the current, because there is no fear that it would displace the mass entirely: this must be taken into consideration if the subject were the prow of a vessel, but when the facing of the head of a jetty is well constructed, unless the water undermines it, it never can be carried away, and it is only essential to guard against this latter effect. M. Garipuy, in a manuscript preserved in the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, has endeavoured to modify the triangular form generally given to starlings, so as to obtain from the fluid an equal pressure over the whole length of their faces; as the fluid accelerates its movement a little, going round the length of the starling, it follows from the ordinary theory on the resistance of fluids, that each face should be slightly convex; the form which is obtained in this manner differs very little from the triangle, and it is not under that point of view we must consider the question. We will pass over similar theories, to arrive at that which M. Dubuat has given in his Principles of Hydraulics: he thought that the essential object was to prevent the contraction and the undermining which is its consequence, and which always manifests itself when a current undergoes a sudden change in its section. Call V the primitive mean rapidity of the current, v the mean rapidity resulting from the diminution of the section, A and a the corresponding widths of the bed, I the inclination by metre of the river, if no contraction be formed, we shall evidently have =AV. V2 The height due to the rapidity V is ; and if the water had acquired this 2 g rapidity in flowing over an inclined plane, where it had not met with any obstacle, it α CHAP. XXV. 1609 ON STONE BRIDGES. should have flowed over a space equal to V2 2 g I; if we suppose that it continues in the same manner to accelerate its movement, it must, to require the rapidity v, flow over a A2 V2 space equal to V2 A 291 (4-1) α • a²*2g I The length of the narrowing will then be represented by ; and to have the intermediate widths between A and a, it will be sufficient to remark that the point where the width of the section is equal to x should be situated at V2 A² a distance 2 2gI X -1) from the point where that width is equal to A. The preceding analysis gives the means of enabling a current to pass from a greater section into a smaller, without the inclination being altered, or without any fall or contrac- tion being formed; and although no account is here taken of the resistance produced by friction, this want of exactness cannot produce any sensible errors, when the section is considerable but these results cannot be applied to the form of the starlings of piers, because in the more ordinary cases it is necessary to give them an excessive length, and to render their angle very acute; the projection of a starling being limited, we cannot avoid the change of the section being made more rapidly than should be for the fall to remain the same, and all that can be done is to give to the faces of the starlings the least disadvantageous forms possible. To obtain this it will be sufficient to bring together the ordinates of the curve, previously determined for the form of the narrowing, V2 A º so as that the distance between the points, where the width of the sections 29 I (4 is A and a, is equal to the portion of the length of the pier to which a curvilinear form is to be given. The principle of the solution is not satisfactory, as we may remark, according to the construction which results from it, that the curve of the starling will not be tangent to the direction of the flanks of the pier; nevertheless it appears that to prevent as much as possible all contraction in the current to the passage of the arches, it is necessary that the surface of the starling should not form an angle with the lateral face of the pier, but should be, on the contrary, traced in the prolongation of that face. The condition here proposed is that the velocity of the water should only augment in insensible degrees, and that from the effect of the figure of the starlings, the small threads of the stream should be conducted, so that they enter under the arches, in directions parallel to the flanks of the pier, and not flow from the flanks in such a manner as to increase that contraction of the current which results from the pier. This condition would be satisfied by giving to the sides of the starling a convex curve tangent to the sides of the pier, by which the starling will be prolonged, and the sides rendered more acute; the nature of the curve does not appear to be of great importance. ៖ When determining the best form to be given to piers, we must always bear in mind that when they are totally immersed in water they will lose of their weight; and when we are obliged to place the bridge with a considerable obliquity to the current of the stream, we produce an obstruction which varies with the cosine of the angle of obliquity, and, conse- quently, the additional head is as the versed sine of that angle: but if the banks of the river are parallel lines, the water-way under the bridge will increase as the secant of the angle of obliquity, or inversely as the cosine. The effect of the gyration at the shoulders of piers deserves also some notice, as it often causes their entire destruction; and the beds of rivers being all porous, the springs work through them, with a force equal to a pressure of the whole depth of the river: wherever there is a void or means for the escape of such a spring or source, its force or pressure upwards will act against any construction that comes within its influence, and wherever such a void extends to the depth of 4 or 5 feet, it is capable of lifting up an enormous weight: such a force was exerted upon the floor of the dock constructed by Smeaton at Ramsgate harbour: that celebrated engineer found that the natural springs rose in the chalk bed, and issued with such violence as to break the paving-stone with which the area was covered. Stones weighing a ton and a half, laid down at Plymouth, with a wall 100 feet in length, were hoisted up and overthrown by a similar force. However necessary it may be to give to the piers the most proper form to prevent too great a contraction, this condition is not the only one to which regard must be paid: we must endeavour to protect them from the shocks of ice, from floats of timber and boats, and this can only be effected by giving great solidity to the starlings, taking care to make their projecting angle not too acute, which would subject it to wearing away, or blunt the angle too much, which would render it less capable of opposing the masses of ice: to avoid the contraction, it is indispensable to make the starlings very long and ter- minating in a point; it is thus impossible to satisfy at the same time the two con- ditions; and as, according to peculiar circumstances, it may be essential to have regard 5 D 3 1510 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Lo one or the other condition, that form must be selected which is most proper to produce the result required: the following experiments will enable engineers to make this choice with a sufficient knowledge of the subject. A These were made by means of a rectangular canal between boards of 50 centi- metres in length, in which were placed models of piers, 15 centimetres in thickness, and where the water flowed about 40 millimetres in height. By means of a fall, velocity was given to the fluid of about 3 metres 9 centimetres per second, which is about that of great rivers in floods: care was taken to observe all the circumstances of the contraction, and the eddies and currents formed were accurately measured. The first experi- ment (fig. 2752.) was made on a pier, the starling of which was rectangular; the eddy formed before the pier presented a species of band, A, nearly circular, which was raised 34 millimetres above the level of the water, falling at the angle of the shoulder almost vertical. The length of the faces of the sides of the pier exhibited two other currents, B, C, uniformly inclined, and which were only real at the surface; below, the water, from the rapidity due to the fall of the eddy, formed a stream both rapid and dangerous: when two abutments were sub- stituted for the pier, two similar bands were produced, which met each other in the centre of the arch, where they reciprocally crossed: below the figure the profile of the water taken in different parts is traced, which the letters indicate. e B C b d с 9 h Fig. 2752. RECTANGULAR Starling. In the second experiment, fig. 2753., the starling of the pier was a triangle, the pro- jecting angle being a right one; it did not form so great an obstacle as the rectangle, nevertheless the eddy rose as high: the two currents established against the flanks of the pier were much less strong, but the fall formed at the side of the shoulder was as deep, and more dangerous; the current before the eddy became a species of sheet where the water fell, returning on itself, as seen by the section. The third experiment, fig. 2754., was made on a pier the starling of which was a half- circle: the eddy rose nearly the same height as in the preceding, but it was not so wide; it formed two currents, the first, A, followed in gentle inclination along the faces of the pier; the second, B, appeared to be produced by the opposition of the first, and a. -------P neither of the two formed a fall against the pier; the water rose before the pier above bridge, but in the middle of the f 222 Fig. 2753. TRIANGULAR PIER, d Fig. 2754. b g h SEMICIRCULAR STARLING. arch it evidently preserved its level, and only increased in rapidity in proportion as the principal current was narrowed by the two currents resulting from the eddy. CHAP. XXV. 1511 ON STONE BRIDGES. The fourth experiment, fig. 2755., was made on a starling, the base of which was an equilateral triangle; the same effects were remarked as in the two first, but they were not so evident; the height of the eddy was not so much, and the lateral currents diverged less; the fall, although less, still subsisted at the shoulder; the small letters on the several diagrams show the situation where the sections below were taken. e a a d b d h b เ 2 d 1 BENDRAAL TE Men h e g h Fig. 2756. ARCS OF A CIRCLE. Fig. 2755. STarling of an equilateral triangle. The two sides of the base of the starling were formed in the fifth experiment, fig. 2756., by two arcs of a circle equal to a sixth of the circumference, described on the sides of an equilateral triangle; no cataract was formed at the shoulder: along the faces of the pier the current took an inclination which extended below bridge; there was produced on each side, as in the semicircular starling, a second current, which did not commence so soon, nor rise at first to so great a height, but which was as considerable on leaving the arch; the eddy did not rise quite so much, but the water equally fell in a sheet. In the sixth experiment, fig. 2757., the form of the pier was that of an ellipsis, the small diameter of which was the fourth of the large one; the water rose much less before the pier than in the preceding experiments, and the lateral currents had a uniform inclination along its faces; the second current was relatively more considerable, and even became higher than the first, with which it was confounded on leaving the arch: both ex- tended to a less width. f b a ď h 9 ĥ א 9 h d ¿ C d g h e Fig. 2757. ELLIPTICal pier. Fig. 2758. CONCAVE TERMINATION. The seventh experiment, fig. 2758. was made on a pier, the base of the starling of which was a concave mixtilinear triangle. Starlings of this form are not generally applied to piers, 5 D 4 1512 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. but use has sometimes been made of them to bind together the abutments with the walls of the shoulder. It is doubtless the most dangerous of all: setting off from the starling, the water rose considerably as far as the angle of the shoulder, where it formed a fall stronger than in all the other experiments, and the bottom of which was lower than the general level of the current: the lateral current, obliged to turn itself, was accompanied on each side by two others; the one joining the pier was weak, the other, but little elevated at first, soon acquired more volume, because it was raised by the principal current, and was not lowered but at a considerable distance down the river. The eighth experiment, fig. 2759. The starling of the pier had the same form as fig. 2758., but we have supposed here the springing of the arches surmounted by the current; the eddy was also very considerable, and the currents which resulted from it diverged almost as much as in the first experiment; the fall was very strong and very wide, and of the three separate currents which were formed on each side, those which joined the pier were the least elevated; they were all con- founded together at some conside- rable distance. We see by these experiments that whenever the faces of the starling are united to those of the pier by a curve which is tangent to them, and that the water does not surmount the springing of the arches, the fall is not formed at the shoulder, but two other currents are produced by the side of those which envelope the pier, which are not very rapid. The under- mining then is not much to be feared in this case, the less so as the most rapid currents are those which are most removed from the pier : we may also remark that the elliptical form has great advantages over all the others, and occasions contraction b b a d C Fig. 2759. 9 h much less considerable, because the lateral currents diverge at much less distances. With regard to starlings the plan of which is triangular, the equilateral triangle is much to be preferred to the rectangular, which presents an obstacle almost as great as the rectangular pier, and is perhaps still more dangerous, the greatest fall taking place at the angle of the shoulder, whilst in the rectangular pier it is a little removed from it; if right faces are used, the equilateral triangle must be preferred, with the precaution of rounding the angle opposed to the current, if there be any fear for its solidity: the most preferable of all is the equilateral triangle mixtilinear; it unites the advantages of producing the least contraction and the least undermining possible, with that of presenting sufficient solidity to the projecting angle, since this angle is measured by the third of its circumference; the oval pier is the only one which occasions a less considerable contraction, and which may be preferred on this account. The above experiments were made on a current where the rapidity was 3 metres 9 centimetres per second: as rivers have still greater in their overflows, two other experiments with a velocity of 4 metres 87 centimetres were made. In the first (fig. 2760.) the base of the starling was formed by two arcs equal to the sixth of the circumference. The eddy produced at the meeting of the pier rose to a height nearly twice as great as that which had taken place for the rapidity of 3 metres 9 cen- timetres, and although there was no fall, the inclination formed along the faces of the piers was much more rapid: it did not, however, extend beyond the extremity of the square body, as may be judged by the profile eagf; this singular effect, which is observed in all similar circumstances, arises from the water being forced to flow, first with a considerable in- clination, in virtue of which it can attain a velocity relative to the diminution of the section which the body of the pier causes it to experience, and when, on arriving below the bridge, the section widens, the velocity becomes what it was, and the water remounts almost to the level it had at first, so that for each point the inclination of the fluid has precisely the value which agrees with the corresponding velocity. This experiment agrees with an observation made at the Bridge de la Drome by M. Montluisant, engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées. He marked the trace left by the waters on the surface of the piers on the starlings on each side after a flood, and found that the water, which had risen to nearly the same height on both starlings, was lowered about 1 metre 5 centimetres, at the angle of the shoulder of the one against the stream, and along the square CHAP. XXV. 1513 ON STONE BRIDGES. body; this effect is analogous to that just described, and, though it may appear extraordinary, necessarily takes place in all cases, but it is only evident where the rapidity is great. d d b b e Fig. 2760. Fig. 2761. The second experiment made with a velocity of 4 metres 87 centimetres per second, on a pier of an elliptical base. Fig. 2761. presented the same effects as that where the current had a velocity of 3 metres 9 centimetres, but they were more marked: hence we may conclude that the elliptical piers have the property of occasioning the least contraction. The following table contains the principal dimensions of the currents observed in the pre- ceding experiments. Height of the Water. Form of the Base of the Starlings. Starlings. Middle of the Pier. Distance of the Side Current. Opposite the Angle of the Shoulder. Opposite the Middle of the Pier. Rapidity 3.9 Metres per Second. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. 1. Rectangle 0.041 0.018 0.099 0.203 2. Triangle rectangle 0.036 0.014 0.081 0.126 3. equilateral 0.034 0.016 0.036 0.072 4. Half circle 0.038 0.023 0.023 0.095 5. Triangle mixtilinear 0.036 0.016 0.027 0 077 6. Ellipsis 0.032 0.011 0.018 0.061 7. Triangle mixtilinear concave 0.036 0.009 0.036 0.104 8. 0.045 0.009 0.041 0.189 4.87 Metres per Second. 1. 2. Triangle mixtilinear Ellipse 0.032 0.090 0.072 0.131 0.059 0.045 0.045 0.081 These experiments and observations will enable us to appreciate the advantages and in- conveniences of the different kinds of starlings, with relation to the size of the contraction which they cause the current to undergo; but we must not forget that the starlings are also useful in breaking the ice, and preventing any floating mass from stopping against the piers of a bridge, and diminishing the section, which would necessarily tend to produce an undermining. Ice in places where the temperature is the same is more dangerous, as the course of the river is slower; in this case the rivers freeze more quickly, and the ice, which has time to acquire a considerable thickness, detaches itself in larger masses; it is essential then, in such cases, to take precautions in relation to the effect they may produce, and to make the projecting angle of the starlings more acute; if any fears are entertained for its solidity, it may be protected by bands of iron, or with a bar of iron placed in the masonry. One of the best methods proposed for remedying the inconveniences resulting from ice in rivers is that which Perronet had adopted for the bridge projected over the Neva at St. Petersburgh; it consists in inclining forward the projecting edge of the starling; by 1514 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. means of this arrangement the masses of ice which strike the pier tend to mount a little along this edge; their weight then acts on each side so as to break them, when each part is easily carried away by the current. The form of the starlings down stream is not so important as those above: there are even a great number of ancient bridges in which they are omitted; in this case the space which they would have occupied is filled by stagnant water or a whirlpool, which it is necessary to prevent: it is therefore more advantageous to place them on both sides. When a river has been narrowed by an obstacle, such as a pier, the effect of which is to diminish the width of its bed, the two currents formed along its faces unite, describing a species of curvilinear triangle, and are then prolonged on each side the faces of the starling below bridge; hence result underminings, which are scarcely less frequent below than above; this should induce builders never to omit the starlings below bridge, but even to give them greater length than is customary. When the waters rise much above the springing of the arches, the form of the starlings has little influence on the nature of the contraction, which then depends principally on that of the arch, and the manner in which the intrados of the vault is united with the face of the starlings: one of the best methods of diminishing the contraction in this case is that adopted at the bridge of Neuilly to effect it, the two faces of the starlings may be terminated by a curved surface agreeing with that of the vault; examples may be found at the bridge of Gignac, and at that of Navilly on the Doubs. In a design projected by Gauthey for a bridge at Auxonne, the starlings had the form of the prow of a vessel; when they are destined to divide the waters and break the ice, they should rise to the height of the greatest floods, or at least to that where the breaking-up of the ice takes place. We must observe that in semicircular arches the starlings diminish the contraction but little when the waters rise much above the springing, because the tympanum of the arch then presents a great surface, which is directly opposed to the current; and the starlings serve only to receive the first shock of the ice. In the last century much attention was paid to their decoration, which is not so important as the solidity of their construction: the crowning easily decomposes, and plants grow in the joints, which increase this effect, which might be prevented by forming them with great stones. : In fig. 2762. is the elevation and plan of one of the piers of the bridge of Moulins: both starlings above and below are triangular, with the angle projecting and rounded, which gives greater solidity, a precaution from whence no inconvenience can result, and which it is proper always to take; it is preferable to the use of a bar of iron in the masonry, which latter method should not be resorted to unless the bad quality of the stone obliges its use: the crowning has the form of a triangular pyramid; in the stones of which it is con- structed, a vertical part has been preserved, which should have from 8 to 10 centimetres in height: starlings of a triangular base have some- Fig. 2762. PIER OF Moulins' bridge. Fig. 2763. PONT AU CHANGE. times been crowned with a cap formed by the prolonging of their faces cut by an inclined plane coming forward, as in the Pont au Change at Paris, fig. 2763. Figs. 2764. and 2765. represent one of the piers of the bridge at Orleans. The base of the starling is terminated by two arcs equal to the sixth of the circumference; that of down stream is a half circle; the projecting angle of the upper starling is not sufficiently acute to require any rounding, and the form of the pier is that per- haps which best answers all the conditions re- quired. The crowning of both the terminations of the starlings has a height which might be Fig. 2764. PIER OF ORLEANS' bridge. diminished; they are formed by a conical surface. Fig. 2765. Figs. 2766. and 2767. represent one of the piers of the bridge of St. Maxence: in some foreign works are examples of piers divided into two parts, the interval of which is covered CHAP. XXV. 1515 ON STONE BRIDGES. by a vault; these piers are very massive, and the bridge referred to is the only one in which it has been attempted to carry arches on so feeble and isolated points of support: but this construction has no particular utility, since it diminishes the expense but little: the crowning of the starlings is Fig. 2766. PIER OF bridge oF ST. MAXENCE. formed by a conical surface of moderate height, and the pier being thin is constructed of a single stone. Figs. 2768. and 2769. represent one of the piers of the bridge of Louis XVI., at Paris; the starling is formed by a column set in the square body of the pier, about 4 of its diameter, and surmounted by a capital, above which is placed a short architrave, over which ---------- ------- Fig. 2767. Fig. 2768. PIER OF BRIDGE OF LOUIS XVI. runs a cornice with which the whole of the bridge is crowned, and which carries a square socle. Figs. 2770. and 2771. represent a pier of the bridge of Neuilly; the plan of both ends of the starlings is a half oval, which commences under the vault itself, at the inferior origin of the corne de vaches; the crowning is terminated by a conical surface of little height. Sometimes the starlings of piers have been raised to the level of the upper parts of the bridge, making them carry columns, obelisks, figures, or even small shops, as in the Pont Neuf, at Paris: sometimes also the starlings form a space surrounded by a parapet, which towers above the bridge, serving as a shelter for passengers, and is serviceable when bridges are used as a promenade. Fig. 2769. Fig. 2770. Fig. 2771. PIER OF NEUILLY BRIDGE. That portion of the pier that carries the arch always preserves its oblong form, with its sides right lined and parallel; and under low water, this is increased in breadth downwards to the foundation, at the rate of from 1 to 9 inches for every foot in height, and the platform extending from 2 to 6 inches beyond the masonry; the rate of this increase of breadth must be governed by the nature of the bed of the river. At Neuilly, the thickness of the piers being at the springing of the arches only one-ninth of the span, it was necessary to spread the base very considerably. 1516 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Figs. 2772. and 2773. re- present a pier of the bridge of Toledo, at Madrid, which is in this latter style; the base of the starlings is a semicircle. Quay Walls of Bridges. In general, when the bed of the river is permanent and not liable to change, a wall AB is built on each side ; the part B C unites the breadth of the bridge with Fig. 2772. B Fig. 2773. Bridge of toledo. that of the roadway, which is usually more considerable: the parapet of the bridge should be continued round this part. AC supports the earth at the abutments; the B Fig. 2774. ABUTMENTS. D C G G Fig. 2777. C E Fig. 2776. + E F Fig. 2775. PLAN. B B QUAY-WALLS at the bridge at NEUILLY, B E CHAP. XXV. 1517 ON STONE BRIDGES. upper portion of the wall is terminated by the talus of the slope, which is generally faced with masonry for some distance: its lower extremity is cut vertically at A, that it may have the requisite solidity at this part. Fig. 2778. shows the wing-walls, as set out perpendicularly to the axis of the bridge. This arrangement does not allow so free a passage for floods, and ought only to be adopted when the natural banks of the river are not subject to injury from the running of the water. When the river flows through a soil easy to be washed away, it is necessary to confine the bed where the bridge is situated. To do this we must construct embankments at the quays paved with stone, and continue them to such a distance above and below the bridge as may be necessary: the quays of several bridges, as that at Moulins, on the Allier, C B A Fig. 2778. C B Fig. 2779. BRIDGE at MOULINS. A are so arranged: AB is a splay joining the bridge with the road, BC is a return wall parallel to the axis of the bridge, D, D show the paved slope at the abutments, the toe of which is strengthened by two rows of piles, between which rubble-work is laid. In cities, bridges are usually accompanied with quay-walls; the angle formed by their intersection with the bridge obstructs the passage of carriages, and is generally cut off by a straight or curved line, as at A; the angle formed by the quay-wall AB and the bridge is curved, and the projection occasioned by such an arrangement supported by a gathering over of the masonry. At the bridge of Neuilly, the portion of the quay-wall A B unites the width of the bridge with that of the road, and the return wall BC is in the line with the edge of the footway, the interval between the two pedestals C and D answering to its width, and the quay- walls C,D are prolonged to a considerable distance, sustaining the road GG. To allow the passage for the towing-horses a tunnel and a road EE is constructed beyond the abutment. 1518 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. 1 : ט B Fig. 2780. QUAY-WALLS AND PLAN. When the width of the quay and breadth of the bridge is small, and the passage over much used, the quay-walls must be set out, as at the bridge of the Tuilleries at Paris, where by means of a gathering over of the courses at A, B, C a splay is formed, uniting the bridge with the roadway, at the middle of the first arch; at the Pont au Change in the same city this splay is extended still farther, but it is supported differently. 1 J Fig. 2781. quAY-WALL AT the tuilleries. Foundations. The establishment of proper foundations for a bridge, where the points of support carry all the weight, is of the greatest importance: rock is almost the only unexceptionable foundation for hydraulic constructions, and even in that case it is necessary to ascertain whether the thickness is sufficient to be entrusted with the weight intended to be put upon it. A soil composed of clay and gravel often forms a very compact bed, upon which the masonry may be placed without pilings; but sand, peat, and compressible earths require piles to render them sufficiently compact and solid. In deep rivers piles have been driven over their entire beds, so that their heads stood level with the low water, and the spaces between filled with loose stones; but this method, though formerly much practised, has been long discontinued. Cofferdams are now generally made use of for laying in the foundations of the piers and abutments of a bridge, constructed to suit the particular position of their locality: they are commenced by driving two rows of vertical and plank piles, between which CHAP. XXV. 1519 ON STONE BRIDGES. a mass of clay is thrown, or by driving main piles and lay- ing strong planking across them in a hori- zontal position, or by driving one row of gauging piles, and fill- ing the spaces between with pile planks driven vertically: at page 445. is a de- scription of one of the largest cofferdams re- quired; it is therefore unnecessary to en- large upon it, or to mention others, the one referred to having per- formed its duties ad- mirably. Sounding the Soil to ascertain its nature is the next work, which Fig. 2782. : COFFERDAM. is done by an iron rod driven in by the pile-engine, or by an auger that will bring up the soil, as in sinking an artesian well. Soundings have been taken to the depth of 80 feet by using a strong chest made of planks, about 18 inches square, the bottom of which was shod with iron, that it might more easily force its way through the soil: and M. Fauvelle, of Perpignan, has described an easy method of boring to any depth, either for the examination of the soil or for obtaining water. He ob- serves, “if through a hollow boring-rod water be sent down into the bore-hole as it is sunk, the water in coming up again must bring with it all the drilled par- ticles:" he had therefore an apparatus made composed of a hollow boring-rod of wrought-iron tubes screwed end to end, the lower end being furnished with a per- Fig. 2783. A S COFFERDAM. forating tool suited to the strata in which it had to work; the diameter of the tool was larger than that of the tubular rod, in order to form an annular space around it, through which the water and the excavated material might rise up. The upper end of the hollow rod was connected with a force-pump by jointed or flexible tubes, which followed the descending movement of the boring-tube for an extent of some yards; this tube may be worked in the ordinary way, with a turning handle or a jumper: the pump must be first put in motion; a column of water is sent down to the bottom of the bore-holes through the interior of the tube, which, rising in the annular space between the exterior of the hollow rod and the sides of the bore-hole, creates an ascending current, which carries up the triturated soil; the boring-tube is then worked like an ordinary boring-rod, and as the matter is acted upon by the tool at the lower end, it is immediately carried up to the top of the bore-hole by the ascending current of water: the usual necessity of drawing up the boring-tube to clear it is therefore avoided, and a great portion of time is economised. bore of 6 inches in diameter has been made to the depth of 560 feet in 140 hours at Perpignan, and this system is now universally adopted in France. A Cofferdam for building the River Wall of the new Houses of Parliament. The excavations for the works were commenced on the 1st of January, 1839. The mud on the shore varied in thickness, and beneath was a bed of gravel 14 feet in depth; under this was a stratum of stiff clay, into which the piles were driven 2 feet, a trench being first dredged in the line 1.520 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of the dam, 8 feet in depth and 27 feet wide; the piles were of Memel timber, 12 inches square and 36 feet in length; these were all driven till their tops stood 4 feet 6 inches above Trinity high-water mark of ordinary spring tides; to these were attached the waling- pieces; and the outer sheet piles, formed of whole timber 13 inches square, and of similar length to the others, sawn perfectly square, were driven close together and firmly bolted to the waling-pieces. The inner sheet piles were of half timber, of the same length, and driven to the same depth: between these rows of piles, the space above them was occupied with horizontal pieces, bedded down to them, and made fast with bolts to furring pieces, inserted above the waling of each gauge pile. Throughout the whole length of 920 feet the dam was secured by diagonal braces, extending back to the old river wall, against which they had an abutment: the outer and inner rows of piles were held together by three rows of 21 inch wrought-iron bolts: when all the piles were driven, the whole space between was cleared down to the clay, and then filled up with stiff clay, mixed with a small quantity of gravel. The foundations of the river wall were got out in lengths of 50 feet, and the footings laid on a bed of concrete varying in thickness from 1 to 6 feet; this was composed of six parts of gravel and sand to one of ground lime, made from the lower stratum of the chalk formation. Along the face of the wall was a row of elm sheet piles, 8 inches in thickness, and from 10 feet to 12 feet in length; after being driven close to each other they were spiked to an oak waling-piece, and further secured by inch wrought-iron bolts at every 4 feet distance, which passed 6 feet into the wall, where they were held by cast-iron washers bedded between the courses. The two lower courses of the wall were formed of York landings, 11 feet in width, and 6 inches in thickness; on these were laid two courses, 15 inches thick, of Bramley fall- stone, and above the stone facing of the wall, Aberdeen or Cornish granite was laid in courses varying in thickness from 26 inches to 19 inches at top; the front had a curve of 100 feet radius, and the whole filled in at the back with brickwork; the total thickness at bottom was 7 feet 6 inches, and at top 5 feet; at every 20 feet was a counterfort, 3 feet 9 inches in width, projecting 3 feet 4 inches; the height above the footing is 25 feet 6 inches. The face of the foundation of the main building is 28 feet 9 inches behind this river wall, and the space between the two was entirely filled up with concrete, formed of ten parts of gravel and one of ground lime: the cost of the excavation, cofferdam, and river wall was 74,3731. Excavations are usually performed by a class of men called navigators, who also level down the bed to receive the foundation: to assist the labour of wheeling out the soil, it is I ނ A Fig. 2784. E Fig. 2785. DRAG EMPLOYED AT ORLEANS BRIDGE. often necessary to lay down temporary bridges, and to construct different heights of scaffolding; the method of loading and unloading the boats employed for this purpose has already been described. Dragging is generally resorted to for removing the soil which lies below the level of the water, which is done with an iron shovel or scoop with a long flexible handle, or with the dredging-machine. The drag used at the bridge of Orleans was moved by a windlass, and could be lifted at pleasure. CHAP. XXV. 1521 ON STONE BRIDGES. Of the Construction of the Piers and Abutments.-The material of which these are formed is granite or hard stone cut into headers and stretchers, the length, breadth, and depth varying according to circumstances; excess of length should be avoided in either, which would render them liable to fracture. Each course of stone around the outside should be laid header and stretcher alternately; the latter should be from 18 inches to 2 feet in breadth, and the header should occupy one-third of the whole fact, and be 3 feet or 4 feet in length; their upright joints should be perfectly square, at least 1 foot in from the face, and in no part more than 1 inch in width. The interior or filling-in stones should be of equal height to those on the outside, their upright joints not more than 1 inch in width, and they should break joint at least 12 inches; the bed and upright joints of all the courses should be flushed in with proper mortar, as they are laid, and the outer joint, when compressed, not show more than of an inch: the whole should be run with grout. 180 In many places it was formerly the custom to fill in the interior of the piers with rubble-work, a practice that cannot be too much reprobated, as such constructions can never be depended on. Raising the Centres is the next operation after the abutments and piers are terminated, and is usually performed from a scaffold or temporary wooden bridge, constructed for the purpose. The centres rest on wedges placed upon the bearing timbers, by which they can be eased at any time; the wedges are in separate pairs, crossing each other under each frame, or are fixed upon a piece of timber, extending across the whole width of the soffite of the intended arch, and passing between all the centre frames and the supporting frames or beams; the wedges are sometimes formed or fixed upon the timber, which is placed longitudinally under the foot of each rib of the centre, resting on the supporting frame: when it is requisite to ease the centre, either the wedges or the timbers on which they are fixed are driven along each other, by which the wedges are made to take up a new position, and the centre descends very gradually. Beams mounted like a battering-ram are used to effect this purpose. The Construction of the Arches is commenced after the centres are fixed, and the masonry of the piers and abutments is carefully adjusted. When the voussoirs begin to bear upon the centres, the latter are liable to a partial change of form, which must be provided for by loading them in various parts as the works proceed.. Great care should be taken to make each course of arch-stones point in the direction of the radius, and to do this effec- tually their thickness should be marked upon the outer ribs, and their line of direction upon the lower part of the beams: the courses should be laid equally on each side of the centre, an excess of weight on either side being likely to produce an alteration in the form, and the top must be loaded until the arch is complete: the key-stone should occupy its proper place, but not be driven home until the whole is finished; all the back and end joints of the entire arch are then wedged up with slate, run with mortar, and left some time to dry. The masonry of the spandrills are brought up to about one quarter of the height of the arch, after which the centre may be removed. The soffites of the arch and all its joints are then pared, cleaned, and pointed with mortar; for this purpose Perronet contrived a hanging scaffold at the bridge of Orleans, which could Fig. 2786. SCAFFOLD FOR THE bridge of ORLEANS. Fig. 2787. 5 E 1522 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. be made to roll along the parapet, and by means of a windlass be raised or lowered as required. The Spandrills and Wing-walls should progress as soon as the centres are struck, and we cannot do better than refer to the construction of London Bridge for the manner in which they are to be carried up. CHAP. XXVI. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF FASCINES AND BASKET-WORK FOR JETTIES. -RIVER, SEA, AND DOCK WALLS. In many parts of Italy gabions made of twigs and branches, in the manner of basket-work, are filled with stones laid one on the other, to form rivers and sea walls: this method is both expeditious and convenient, and when laid down and covered with sand or mud, it is several years before the basket-work is destroyed, and the stones become consolidated and require little further adjustment: such osier-work may be made where it is to be used, and as the manufac- ture advances, the baskets can be filled with stones or other hard material. The cylindrical cylindrical form gathered in at the top is given by placing eight up- right rods on the ground, with a hoop to hold them in at the top; the osiers are then woven in alternately up to the hoop; the eight rods are then united at the summit, and the whole finished to the required form. There are several varieties of this work, which is ad- mirably adapted to the purpose for which it is em- ployed; sometimes a breach in a river wall is stopped by laying in several rows of these gabions, which serve the purpose of sand- bags. When shell-fish, muscles, &c. attach them- selves to works of this kind, they should not be removed, as they contribute very much to their consolidation; Fig. 2783. Fig. 2789 Fig. 2790. to protect banks so formed from injury from boats, fender piles are driven in at convenient distances. Rods 15 or 16 feet in length, interlaced round the heads of several piles driven either in rows or around a circle, form a very efficient barrier to ordinary streams, and when several rows are repeated, filled in with chalk or stones, will last a considerable time: such was the practice on the banks of the Thames, but the wash now produced by the steam-boats has occasioned this practice to be abandoned, and a more efficient one to be introduced, which consists of dressing the slope of the banks and laying on them a pavement of heavy stone. Wherever sand is deposited by the waters on a coast, and it is desirable to retain it for the purpose of forming a sea-wall: that which is furthest distant from low water is first secured by small bands of osier or basket-work; the winds not having any power to scatter it, in the course of a short time it becomes consolidated; should any clayey or earthy CHAP. XXVI. 1523 FASCINES AND BASKET-WORK FOR JETTIES matter be held in suspension, by allowing it to deposit itself over twigs of trees or fascines firmly pegged down, a considerable quantity will be obtained after filtration, and on the Fig. 2791. Fig. 2792, Fig. 2793. GABIONS. Fig. 2794. whole becoming bound together, a fresh layer of fascines may be pegged down, upon which another course of earthy matter will be deposited, and the work advanced till a certain height Fig. 2795. is attained above the level of the salt water; after which, by exposure to the sun and air, the surface will be rendered fit for vegetation, producing first grass or rushes, which mixing with more earthy matter continue to rise above the water altogether, and at last become fit for agricultural purposes. By means of basket-work an island may be formed in shallow water, the mud being deposited within it at the time of high water; when the tide retires, the whole will settle, and the water draining off, become more and more consolidated at every fresh deposit, the wicker-work being admirably adapted to allow the surplus water to pass away, and the more solid matter to be retained. When such operations were conducted upon a large scale in Holland, the islands were at first of no very considerable 5 E 2 1524 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. extent; these were by degrees united, until large tracts of very valuable land were obtained: Spanish broom and twigs of various trees, as the alder and willow, are well adapted for this purpose. The general plan in Tuscany for forming sea or river walls is to lay down a framework for round timbers, which being well secured, bundles of faggots or branches of trees in one direction are laid upon them, and another layer or several in a contrary direction; this is repeated several times, and where the water deposits any earthy matter, it is effectually retained. An earth bank covered with fascines formed in this manner is generally sufficiently pro- tected, and will continue sound for several years. Fig. 2796. Jetties at the entrance of small harbours are frequently for the sake of economy formed with fascines, and the same kind of work is sometimes adopted as a temporary expedient, to facilitate the construction of others more solid: the height to be given to jetties of this description should be always proportionate to their extent of base, which generally is as 1 to 3; so that a jetty 24 feet in height, where the summit is to be left 5 or 6 feet in width, should be at least 78 feet in width at its base. In setting out the work due regard must be had to the increasing depth of the water and to the necessary spreading of the base. To prevent the fascines from being displaced after they are laid, they may be covered Fig. 2797. Fi¿. 2798. AM Fig. 2799 with a framework of rough timber, over which rods, planks, or boarding may be nailed or tied down timber 4 or 5 inches in diameter laid with the proper inclination, and secured to the heads of inclined piles driven for the purpose, may be covered with smaller timber laid in squares, and the interstices filled either with stone, chalk, or gravel; where there is a deposit from the water, land may be gained by allowing filtration through such em- bankments, taking care to retain the solid matter, for which purpose baskets closely woven are well adapted; the foot of such jetties should be well protected at the toe by a row of piles. CHAP XXVI 1525 RIVER AND SEA WALLS. Triangular baskets filled with stones are sometimes laid in rivers subject to floods, to protect the starlings of the bridges. the Fig. 2800. Fig. 2801. Groins used on the coast for preventing encroachments of the sea are made of timber and constructed across a beach, between high and low water, perpendicular to its general line: they are for the purpose of retaining the shingle or accumulating more, and are formed of piles, planking, land ties, blocks, tail piles, keys, and screw bolts. Their length depends on the nature of the beach upon which they are to be formed; those on the Sussex coast vary from 150 to 250 feet, and have oak or beech piles from 12 to 25 feet long, shod with iron, their scantling being 8 inches by 61. The planking is 2 inches thick; the land ties are about 25 feet in length of rough timber, and the bars which secure them at the ends are 13 feet 6 inches in length, and 12 inches by 5; the land tie bar blocks are 2 feet in length, and the tail blocks 2 feet 6 inches, their scantling 6 by 3: the screw-bolts are of inch- round iron, 2 feet 9 inches long. Every 16 feet in length of these groins contains four piles, one land tie, with tail piles and keys, one land tie bar with two blocks 2 feet long, and two short bolts, 180 superficial feet of planking, and 140 6-inch spikes, the cost of which is about 30 pounds. To accumulate more shingle, the first pile is driven at the high water mark of neap tides, leaving its top level with that of spring tides; the next is driven at the point on the sands, beyond the bottom of the shingle to which the groin extends, leaving about 4 feet out of the beach; the tops of these two piles formed the general slope of the groin, unless where the beach is curved, when it was slightly modified to meet the curvature. From the high water mark of neap tides the piles are carried back nearly level to that of spring tides, or further if necessary, and driven 4 feet apart from centre to centre, so as to adınit the planking to pass alternately between them; the land ties are placed about one-third from the top of the planking, and usually on one side, so as to resist the action of the most prevailing winds. The groins are placed from 50 to 100 feet apart, and are raised as the shingle mounts. Of River and Sea Walls. Before walls of masonry are commenced for this purpose, the soil must be carefully examined, and the foundations laid in at sufficient depths below the current or flowing in of the tide; the footings must also be protected by internal and external rows of planking and piling; another matter for consideration is the escape of the water from the land, which sometimes, if not properly drained off, will either wash away the soil on which the foundations are laid, or thrust the whole out of a perpendicular direction; and when river walls are built upon the heads of piles not properly secured, they will often press the latter out of the position in which they were driven, and destroy the strength of the work. Sea walls, from being exposed to a great force, must be so set out that the necessary resistance is obtained, and the slope next the ocean should always be as flat as possible, that the waves may break easily upon it: in those instances where a slope of 1 in 30 has been given, and the surface paved with stone, Fig. 2802. SEA WALLS. there has been less expenditure to keep it in repair than in others made more steep. Dock walls require that the interior should be puddled with clay, as it is found that at low 5 E 3 1526 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. water the pressure from the interior sometimes forces the water through the banks, unless this precaution is taken. Walls constructed of earth to hold water in a reservoir or filter are set out in the same manner, but as the pressure to which they are subjected is only on one side, the inclination of their slopes is varied according to circumstances. Puddling a wall in the centre is always C Fig 2803. advisable, and before the work is commenced, it is usual to lay in the main or pipe, through which the contents of the reservoir are to be admitted or discharged; if this main be required of considerable size, a brick tunnel may be substituted, which permits of attention to the hydraulic works, and gives facility for their repair. Sea Wall at Brighton is constructed with sand and shingle taken from the beach, and cemented together by an hydraulic lime made in the vicinity; salt water was used at first, and answered the purpose well. The wall is at the top 2 feet 6 inches in thickness; the back is built perfectly perpendicular, and the front has a talus equal to one- third of the height; its base is on the chalk; its height varies from 40 to 70 feet. The lime was obtained at Bycombe, where chalk marl lies under the lower chalk formation, and is of the same quality as the Dorking and Halling limes; it is found generally in the north escarpment of the South Downs, and in the southern of the North Downs. After being properly burnt it was not ground but slaked at once, and at the same time mixed with three parts sand; it was then put into a pug-mill, and combined with three parts of shingle, wheeled away and thrown down upon the wall, into a case made of boards lodged together; the rear lodges were strutted against the face of the chalk, and the front was held to them by iron ties, which were afterwards drawn by taking out the pins, and again used as the work advanced. The whole was executed at a price equal to 3s. 4d. per cube yard. The Humber Dock Wall is in perpendicular height 32 feet; at top it recedes 6 feet 8 inches from the perpendicular line; the thickness of the wall is 6 feet; the projection and Z Fig. 2804. HUmber dock wall. E a V VA # Fig. 2805. DOCK WALL. 肉 ​N AY N • צו N 22 13 Z א N ES " width of the counterforts, which are 15 feet apart, is 3 feet 9 inches. Oak fenders 12 inches square are placed along the walls to protect them; these project 8 inches before the face; there are also two horizontal rows of fir fenders, 7 inches square, let into the uprights by short tenons with angle pieces, to prevent vessels catching underneath or riding upon them as the tide rises or falls. The Humber Dock Wall has the foundations all piled, with a row of 6-inch grooved sheeting piles in front; those upon which the wall is founded are 9 inches square, and the counterforts 8 inches in diameter, all driven with a ringing engine, and a ram of 9 cwt. worked by fifteen men: longitudinal sleepers of half timber were bolted down upon CHAP. XXVI. 1527 SEA AND DOCK WALLS the heads of the bearing piles; the sheeting piles were spiked to an inner waling of the same size, and the whole was covered with 4-inch close planking, on which the walls, which were of brick, rested: their thickness at bot- tom is 10 feet, at top 4 feet 6 inches; the height is 24 feet 6 inches, and it batters 5 feet. The counterfort at the back is 9 feet thick, and projects at bottom 8 feet, and at top 3 feet 6 inches from the back face of the wall. Retaining walls built of stone in some of our tidal harbours are 12 feet in thickness at the base and half that width at the top; in many instances the face is curved with a radius of 80 feet, to allow the nearer approach of the vessels to be loaded and unloaded: and the fenders of oak, which are placed perpendicularly, are secured by iron ties. It is important to carry the foundations of all retaining walls to the depth of 6 or 7 feet below the bed of the harbour or basin where they are constructed, and to protect them at the toe by rows of piles; in many places the oak fenders are capped with iron, and lewis iron eye-bolts are introduced to secure vessels. Where the soil of the foundations is soft, a timber platform is generally laid below the footings, the toe of which is protected by sheet- piling. Fig. 2807. The Brunswick Wharf at Blackwall, wholly of iron, was constructed in 1834. A trench 6 feet in depth was dug along the intended line, and the timber guide-piles after- wards driven: the iron piles, which are in two heights, with a socket- joint secured by a screw- bolt, were then driven at intervals of 7 feet, and the intermediate spaces filled in: each sheet-pile is secured at the top by two bolts to the upper- most wall of the wood-L work behind: the iron Fig. 2808. 10 Fig. 2806. Fig. 2809. BRUNSWICK WHARP. 5 Б 4 1528 Book II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. · plates filling up the spaces over the sheet piling are bolted to the main piles and to each other, and the joints stopped with iron cement: the plates that receive the mooring rings are cast concave; the whole of the work is backed by a wall of concrete, and the coping is granite. The sheet-piles are 14 inch thick, and the weight of each pile 17 cwt. The length of the wharf is 720 feet, and the quantity of iron used was upwards of 900 tons: the height of the sheet-piling is 22 feet, and that of the plates above 14 feet: the average rise of the tide is about 18 feet. Dykes of Timber filled in with Stone were formerly much adopted, and at many of our ports, as well as on the continent, we find them ex- ecuted in oak: in some instances their form is cur- vilinear, to suit the bulge of the vessel that is to be secured to the quay; and by spreading out the base to obtain this, additional strength is acquired: the whole is braced horizontally by a succession of St. Andrew's crosses, and being afterwards filled in with stone and planked on both sides, is rendered tolerably secure. Fig. 2810. At the Quay of Rouen the sides were made to incline gradually, and a filling in with courses of ma- sonry contributed to its strength : but this mixture of timber with masonry is not durable; it fre- quently requires repair, and is only adopted where timber is abundant or of little cost. In another variety of dyke the thickness is obtained by slant- ing one side only, or giving it a greater inclination than the other the base is in width half as much more as the height, and DYKE IN CARPENTRY. Fig. 2811. strongly braced and tied together by horizontal timbers, laid throughout from one side to the other, and further strengthened by inclined struts, abutting against perpendicular timbers which pass entirely through its height. The quays at Rouen are admirable pieces of con- struction, notwithstanding the objection just referred to: in some instances the walls rest on sleepers, filled in between with beton or rubble and mortar, guarded on the waterside by rows of sheet- piling secured to timbers laid in the wall; and where the ground was in a soft state, and could not be de- pended upon, piles of considerable length were driven and braced, shown in the figure; they excited for years the ad- miration of engineers, and are allowed to be peculiarly well adapted for their situation. as QUAY AT rouen. Fig. 2812. DYKE, CHAP. XXVI. ŠEA AND DOCK WALLS. 1529 In facing the sides of a pier or dock wall with timber, series of land-ties are requisite to prevent the pressure outwards, as well as to act as struts against its action inwards: a strong capping of timber framed to the heads of the piles, a brace secured by iron straps, and a horizontal tie halved on to the sides and heads of the piles, may be so put together as to endure for Fig. 2813. ROCHELLE. 40 Fig. 2814. QUAY AT rouen. Fig. 2815 a length of time, if secure from the ravages ravages of of the the teredo navalis. The Piers of the Humber Basin are 18 feet across their top; the main piles are 14 inches square; those of the outer wall of the same dimen- sions; those of the inner wall 12 inches by 6 inches; the cap sill 12 inches by 10 inches; the joists 7 inches by 4 inches; the ties 12 inches by 6 inches sheet-pilling 6 inches thick, and the planking 3 inches. ; In the construction of piers of this kind great attention should be paid, so that they have sufficient strength to resist the force which is often exerted during storms against them. Up to a certain height P Fig. 2816. HULL. Fig. 2817. 1530 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. they require to be loaded with stone, or filled in solid; and where this is done, planking and sheet-piling are required to keep the materials so de- posited within the framework from washing away. The foundations of walls con- structed in the sea or in deep rivers require the greatest at- tention on the part of the en- gineer: where the soil is soft, and cannot be depended upon, it is necessary not only to pile it closely all over, but to lay on the heads of the piles a piece of whole timber, and then fill up level with rubble; another series of tim- bers of the same scantling should be laid in a transverse direction, and when brought level by another filling-in of rubble masonry, the wall is built upon it: such was the system adopted the by Perronet when constructing bridge at Neuilly. At Rochelle similar were precautions adopted for the walls of the docks, which were faced with free- stone and backed in with brick: a row of sheet-piling was driven along the Fig. 2818. NEUILLY FOUNDATIONS. W Fig. 2819. NEUILLY FOUNDATIONS. ם ם Fig. 2820. D 。 . ROCHELLE. whole length of the footing, to prevent the water from acting upon any portion of the foundation. Another system of holding in the upright fenders is by irons worked into the solid wall, or they may be made to pass round a row of horizontal timbers, halved into the upright at the levels of high and low water. 카 ​THE E Fig. 2821. Fig. 2822. Stone facings backed with brick, when made to batter, afford the best protection to the sides of a dock or pier that can be devised: upright fenders of oak or fir secured by iron CHAP. XXVI. 1381 SEA AND DOCK WALLS. ties may be placed at regular distances, for protection against the vessels, and rings may be inserted to make them fast. Sheet-piling should never be omitted to protect the foun- dations. HHH Fig. 2823. Where the foundations are chiefly composed of sand. or of an earth liable to slip, it is absolutely necessary to continue a row of sheet-piling to the stratum beneath it: to drive the piles a crab engine with a ram of 10 cwt. may be made use of, with a fall varying from 8 feet to 18 feet, or 12 feet on an average, which will generally drive an inch at each stroke. Fig. 2824. Platforms of carpentry, when laid upon the heads of piles, should be perfectly level, and boarded through in the longitudinal, as well as transverse, direction; taking proper care▾ first to drag between the heads of the piles, and render the intervals solid, by throwing in loose stones or a mass of concrete. When foundations are upon gravel, it is very necessary that they should be consolidated, cither by dropping in large stones, or by piling, and afterwards laying over the whole a timber platform, at such depth below low water that it cannot be affected by the tide. 1532 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. In some instances, in forming sea walls, timber and stone may be introduced together, and particularly when the banks are loose and subject to slip, or are acted upon by the land-springs. A stone wall carried up in front of the work, supported at the back by strong wooden piles¸strutted and braced, and afterwards filled in with concrete, or puddled Fig. 2825. Fig. 2826. with clay in the manner of a cofferdam, will have great strength, and resist any force to which it may be opposed: a row of sheet piles round the face of such walls, as well as the buttresses, prevent any irruption, and planking the whole foundations over binds them into one entire mass. It is sometimes advisable in face of a cliff to form a temporary defence. by driving in double rows of piles, and filling up the space between with clay or earth im- 0 Fig. 2827. pervious to water: the weight acting against such a dam should be always resisted by a timber framing on the opposite side. When a length has been put together and secured by iron bolts, they may be drawn, and the same framing advanced another length, and so continued until the entire shore is out of danger. CHAP XXVII. 1533 CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. CHAP. XXVII. CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. CANALS are to the inhabitants of a country what seas are to nations; they equally serve to assist the wants of society and benefit commerce. The great navigations extend over the whole globe, and transport the products of all nations and climates where they are in excess to where they are most needed, which, by means of the internal canals, are distributed to the various districts in smaller craft, enabling these latter at the same time to maintain a continual and economical interchange of whatever may be required either for food or manufacturing purposes. But the formation of a canal is frequently attended with great difficulties; and all the talent of the engineer is called forth in overcoming obstacles ap- parently insurmountable, but which by a careful survey and patient investigation will gene- rally be vanquished. In commencing a canal the first consideration should be directed to the quantity of water that will be required, and from whence it is to be supplied, the means of keeping the bottom clear, the construction of the sluices, and the distribution of the slopes of its bed. The water is usually collected from springs or rain, or derived from some neighbouring river; and in whatever way the supply may be received, it is incumbent on the engineer carefully to examine not only the nature of this supply, but also to ascertain the quantity lost by evaporation and absorption: should it be drawn from a river, it is commonly effected by constructing a weir across it, and after damming up the stream, admitting a portion into the canal, and, if a continuance of a navigation be not practicable in the bed of the river itself, the stream must be traversed by other dykes or weirs, the height of which, as well as the depth of water required, will demand great consideration. The smallest possible quantity consistent with the purposes of navigation should be ad- mitted, in order to keep down the height of the sluices, banks, and dykes, all of which are affected by the pressure of an increased body of water; and it is highly necessary to make such arrangements that no injurious consequences shall arise from the floods, which occasionally swell the waters in the rivers of supply. Another important precaution is preventing any deposit of gravel or other matters held in suspension by the water, whilst it is permitted to move rapidly forward: could it be freed from these before their introduction into the canal, much manual labour would be saved, and the fatal effects arising from the miasma produced by throwing out the mud on the banks be prevented. The common method adopted in Italy for cleansing the canals is by sluicing: bottom or ground sluices are constructed in the banks nearest to the river of supply, having their sills laid at a considerable depth below the bottom of the canal, over which the water being occasionally allowed to fall, acquires sufficient velocity for a considerable distance beyond the opening of the sluice to detach any substances that may have lodged at the bottom of the bed: numerous sluices distributed throughout the whole length, placed at distances where they can be made to operate after the action of those below has ceased, have suc- cessfully moved large quantities of gravel deposit. When the supply is first accumulated in a large reservoir, the deposit may be made to take place before the water is used for the purposes of navigation: the expense attend- ing this method has been its great objection: wherever gravel and coarse substances are brought down by the river that feeds the canal, their diffusion should be as much as pos- sible prevented; this is sometimes done by opening an ample bottom gate immediately above the sluice, and making the platform slope considerably towards the mouth of the outlet; by keeping up the sill of the first gates, a little above the level of the outer platform, when they were opened the gravel would be prevented from entering; but this must be guided by circumstances, as no obstruction must be allowed to the navigation when the waters are low in the canal. Level Cutting. This term is applied to an excavation when the banks are made of the earth taken out; it is the most economical method, and consequently the most generally practised, the breadth and depth of the bank being of course dependent on the strength re- quired. It often occurs that a canal is cut on a hill, and a bank is made only on one side: the work is then exceedingly simple, and called side or oblique cutting. The Centre of Cutting is that point in a transverse section through which, if a line be drawn representing the surface of the ground, the part for excavation will be found equal to that of embankment. To apply this to a canal on the side of a hill with parallel slopes, where one bank only is required, let A B C D be the section of the intended canal, CDEGF that of the bank; to find the centre of cutting, continue the lines BC and DE to G and 1534 BOOK 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ! A; draw the perpendiculars Cm, Dn, and the diagonals A G,mn, intersecting at p: through p draw the parallel spt, and bisect it in o, which is the centre of the cutting, through H A B m u E น F Fig. 2828. which, if any line HoF be drawn cutting the slopes AB and EG produced, HBCw will always be equal to wDEF; for mn D-CDn, therefore mnGÊ=CDEG. But mn GE=sBGt=CDEG, and taking away Cut G, we have s B Cv=v DEt, and the triangles Hso and ot F are equal, having equal angles, and the side so ou; therefore the sum Hso+sBCv=ot F÷vDEt, and taking away the part owv, there remains H B C w =wDEF; therefore, as the total breadth of the canal and bank is to the breadth of the bank added to the base of one slope, so is the depth of the canal from its surface to the depth below the centre of cutting, which is also the centre of cut and cover, for a line staked out at the level of the centre of cutting will show the middle of the land required for the canal. A canal with a bench or towing-path on the upper side. Let a ABCDEG be the profile of the canal and bank; take Dd=a A, and draw ab and cd parallel to the slopes; A q ₫ D F M t G b B C 20 ቀ N Fig. 2829. the section a ABCDE is converted into abcd E, which comprises the towing-path: draw the lines a G, cd, and st, and the middle o will be the centre of cutting. The distance from centre of canal is equal to uq+DE—a A. Eq: Em: 1mc: oz; that is, as a E: ED: ED+Dd+dm :: mc: oz. To reduce the section ABCDEF with a second bench or path E F, to the equivalent section ABIK F, with one bank only, but wider and shallower, the banking cut down, and H F E M K G D L B A Fig. 2830. filled in to the bottom. Produce BC and HF to Z, and CD to G; make DN to equal DG; draw the parallel NL; on FL describe the semicircle LMF; make ZK and ZI equal to Z M, and draw the parallel K I, and the figure is complete. To find the Lines of Level Cutting, when the section of a canal has two banks, and the slopes are made all equal. The section ABCD must first be reduced into AH KE, and CHAP. XXVI. 1535 CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. the centre of the cutting must be found; each slope must be prolonged to meet in V: draw the perpendicular NV; with the radius NV and N as a centre, cut EA in p, make Va equal pQ; then through a, parallel to E A, draw ML, which is the line of level cutting. A M B D E Q IN K Fig. 2831. To find any Line of Oblique Cutting. Find the line of level cutting, produce the slopes to meet in V; draw the perpendicular VI; from L draw LN with the given slope of the V L K p Fig. 2832 N R 12 ground, cutting VI in N, making Np and p Q equal to V I, and V R equal to pI: through R draw KRH, which is the line of oblique cutting sought for. Theory of Locks. Locks with gates for the purposes of navigation are of modern invention; those of the Canal of Martezana, in Italy, already mentioned at p. 186., were the first executed: their date is not more than 386 years since; they were the model from whence all others have been taken, nor does it appear that any great improvements have been made, nor have any rules been given for their proportion: the only difference in the various locks hitherto constructed consists in the greater or less width and height, for the purpose of containing one or more boats, isolating or uniting several chambers, and making the side walls either straight or curved. Belidor has treated on this matter, and given an account of various works; he has, however, only mentioned the proper pro- jection for the pointed sills, and the strength of the timber necessary for the gates, and endeavoured to show that no advantage is derived from a curvature in their plan. The least Length that can be allowed between the Locks should be such that 12 inches of depth, over and above what a loaded boat will draw, will only lower the water 6 inches without the navigation being interrupted; and if it be required to draw the contents of each lock from the interval above, the distance for the locks must be so regulated that the quantity of water expended by one should not lower that of the upper interval more than 6 inches at most; thus the distance should be greater in proportion to the contents of the chamber of the locks and the width of the canal; that is to say, when the chambers are large and the canal is narrow, the distance between the locks should be greater. Chambers 110 feet in length between the gates by 17 feet in width, as those of the canal of Briare, contain 1870 superficial feet; therefore 11,843 cubic feet when the fall is 6 feet 4 inches, 15,859 cubic feet when it is 8 feet 6 inches, and 19,635 cubic feet when 10 feet 6 inches. If the canal be 48 feet in width, at 3 feet below the ordinary level of the water, the length of the interval should be 446 feet, in order that the expenditure of locks of 6 feet 4 inches of fall should not lower the water more than 6 inches; this length should be 607 feet when the locks are 8 feet 6 inches of fall, and 755 feet when they are 10 feet 6 inches: the distance then between the lower gate of one lock and the upper gate of the other should be always about 624 feet for ordinary canals. If two locks of 8 feet 6 inches fall were only distant 1536 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 160 feet, the water drawn from the interval, for the purpose of mounting the boat, would lower it nearly 26 inches, and there would not remain sufficient to keep it afloat; conse- quently, it would be necessary to draw a lockful from the upper interval, and then a second to cause it to rise, whilst only one would be required if the locks were at a sufficient distance. This example will show the inconvenience of having locks too near each other, which is still further increased when they are contiguous: it frequently happens that several boats arrive together in the same interval, particularly where the bargemen stop or sleep, and that no water may be lost, the interval where they stop should be sufficiently long to admit more than one; if circumstances will not permit this, a greater width must be given, that the lockfull which the rising boats draw from the interval should not cause the water to lower so considerably as to prevent their floating, or the descending boats force in such a quantity as to make it run over the gates: if the interval has only the ordinary width of 48 feet, it should be 6398 feet in length, so that ten rising boats could stop, if one were descending at the same time, otherwise a part of the water must be drawn from the other intervals to keep them afloat if there were as many ascending as descending boats, this need not be so great; but this observation proves that in forming a canal it is necessary to have basins at those situations where boats are required to stop any length of time. · Quantity of Water expended by Boats in traversing a Canal. It was the opinion of MM. Gabriel and Abeille, that the passage of a boat through the whole length of a canal always cost twice the quantity of water necessary to fill a lock: Belidor thought the same, and it is still the common opinion. M. Thommason has nevertheless maintained that this idea is erroneous, and that when one boat passes several locks one after another, the second boat only expends two locksfull in its whole passage; but when they pass alternately, one up and the other down, that it costs as many locksfull as there are locks in the ascension of each boat. He founds this assertion on two statements, one of M. Caligny, the other of M. Regemorte, asserting that the expenditure of the water is the same, whether contiguous or separated; but this distinction not having been sufficiently examined, a second error has been committed; but it is undoubted that when locks are contiguous, they often expend more than two locksfull; and it has not been remarked that when the locks are more than 640 feet apart, they often expend only a single lockfull for the whole journey. When locks are distant from each other, and the boats pass alternately, one up and the other down, the boat which passes after the first frequently finds in mounting all the locks empty, and to fill them it must draw a lockfull from each interval and one from the starting point; in descending, as it finds the locks full, it does not draw any from the starting point, consequently it will only expend a single lockfull in its whole voyage. When the locks are distant from each other, and the boats follow, the second boat will find all the locks full going up, and to ascend it must first empty all, and then fill them with water drawn from the intervals, and the highest from the starting point: in de- scending, all the locks will be empty, and the first lock will be filled with water from the starting point, which will serve to fill all the others, so that this boat will expend two locksfull in its journey. When the locks are so near each other that the water of one taken into the interval between the two diminishes the depth of this interval sufficiently to impede the navigation, or when the locks are contiguous and the boats pass alternately, the second boat in ascending finds all the locks empty, and as it cannot draw water from the intermediate intervals from the contiguity of the locks, all are filled with water from the starting point. Thus in ascending each boat expends as many locksfull as there are contiguous chambers; in descending, all the locks being full, no water need be drawn from the starting point, consequently in a whole journey as many locksfull will be expended as there are contiguous locks in ascending. When the locks are contiguous, and the boats pass each other in succession, the second in ascending will find all the locks full, and to enable it to enter the intervals, it must empty them successively to fill them with the water from the intervals, except the last, which it fills with water from the starting point; in descending, another lockfull is taken from the starting point, so that in this case two locksfull are taken from the latter. Although the four above cases contain the whole theory of the working of locks, it may be remarked that if two boats meet at the starting point, and two others before or after the starting point, the four will expend five locksfull; if two boats meet at the starting point, and the two following meet there also, the four will only expend four locksfull; if the two last boats that have passed meet before or after the starting point, and the two succeeding meet also before or after the starting point, then they will only expend four locksfull, nad the first come in an opposite direction to that which had passed previously, and five it it had come in the same direction; and it has been generally observed, that a boat always takes a lockfull from the starting point to ascend but that it often does not take any to descend on the other side, consequently, when there are no contiguous locks, the boats will only expend a lockfull for their whole journey, when they pass the starting point al- CHAP XXVII. 1537 CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. ternately, one going up, the other down in like manner, where there are contiguous locks, the boats will expend in their journey as many locksfull as there are contiguous locks in ascending; when one boat follows another, it will expend two locksfull, whether the locks are contiguous or isolated. It must be remarked that the passage of those boats only can be considered relatively to the locks which join the starting point: when the locks are not contiguous, and their fall is equal, which happens in the lower intervals, it has no influence on the expenditure of water, especially when the boats do not stop any length of time; in giving 640 feet length to each interval, it is evident, when two boats follow each other, they will never be together in the same interval, since whilst the second passes the lock, the first will have time to pass the interval and enter the following lock; thus two boats cannot meet in the smaller intervals, except when one ascends and the other descends, and in this case, as one takes a lockfull from the interval, whilst a second pours one into it, consequently the water does not diminish or increase in it. It must be observed that we can never have above a lockfull, more or less, in an interval, unless several boats remain in them together, which should be avoided when they are small; further, when the contiguous locks are distant from the starting point, it often happens that the lockfull is not immediately taken ; but when there is no second quantity of water before the contiguous locks, it is always the starting point which furnishes that of the canal above them. Locks to contain several boats are successfully employed where water is abundant. In form- ing them the side walls may be dispensed with, the sides of the chambers only being laid with stone to a proper talus; some of those chambers may contain four boats, others a large and a small one; at the ingress and egress there usually are two pairs of gates, one small and the other large locks to contain two boats are either double the length or the width of the chamber. The second plan is the least expensive, the length of the chamber walls in this case not being greater than for the more simple locks; but the first has the advantage of receiving a third pair of gates in the middle of its length, so that one or two boats can pass at pleasure; the length of the chamber is also varied, by placing more than two pairs of large gates, enabling boats of different dimensions to pass together or separately, without expending a greater quantity of water than would be necessary for each boat. To make the chamber of a sufficient length for two ordinary-sized boats, a gate is placed in the middle of its length, and another at the necessary distance for the larger boats; the rest of the length is then available for smaller it is, however, seldom necessary to make provision for the passage of boats of various sizes, as there is no advantage in two boats passing at once; when the chamber is constructed of masonry, twice as much water is expended for the passage of two boats as for one, consequently twice as much time is employed in filling a lock for two boats as for a single one; there is therefore no gain either in time or the quantity of water, and the expense of construction is con- siderably augmented. The chambers of this kind of locks are sometimes formed by a slope of earth only, without a facing of masonry; but they expend much more water, consequently take a longer time to fill, and are less advantageous on account of the time lost by the boats having to wait for each other should one arrive alone it must remain until a second comes up before it can pass the lock, or as much water must be expended for the one as would be required for two, and of course this inconvenience is increased when the chamber is made to contain four boats. : The Form to be given to the Chambers of Locks. The most convenient is the parallelogram, a little wider than the boats that require to pass, and sufficiently long to admit of the gates being moved with facility. The chambers of the canal of Languedoc are of an oval form, to give greater strength in resisting the banks contiguous to them; but as this causes an increase of expense in construction as well as in the quantity of water necessary to fill it, it will be useful to enquire if, in avoiding one inconvenience, a greater is not produced. oval chambers of the canal of Languedoc contain an area of 3636 feet, whilst if the side walls were parallel, they would only be 2248 superficial feet: thus the expenditure of water in the oval chamber exceeds more than a third that of the parallelogram, the proportion being about 5 to 3: the inconvenience is considerably increased by want of water, which frequently occurs. Another result of the oval form is that the passage of the lock is also longer than in the rectangular; in the same proportion the expense of the timber platform is also increased: it is, however, certain that a curved wall is stronger against a pressure of earth than a straight one, and if the cost of masonry requisite to give the same strength to a straight wall is greater, the expense is compensated for by the diminution of the cost of the timber platform, which is two-fifths stronger. It is very essential to prevent the filtration of water through the side walls, and the best method to effect this is to place on their thick- ness a lining of beton, or of brick laid in cement, which will be impervious to water; but as this will destroy the bond, a greater thickness of wall is requisite; thus there are many circumstances where it might be necessary to give to curved walls as great a thickness as to straight. The thickness of straight walls which support earth should be a third of their height, whilst those which resist the thrust of water should be one-half; if the wails of the 5 F 1538 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 1 chambers of locks have a thickness relative only to the thrust of the earth, they may give way when the earth is put in motion, which often occurs from a slight filtration behind the wall. Gauthey has a rule for finding the thickness to be given to the wall of a basin in- tended to support water throughout its whole height, and in the chambers of locks it must be remembered that the thrust of the water against the vertical surface is equal to the product of these surfaces by half the height of the water: call h the height of the wall, x=its thickness, supposing its length to be 1 metre, the acting power will be 1000 × 1h: supposing the cube metre of water to weigh 1000 kilogrammes, and the centre of impression of this thrust Fig. 2833. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. E A B D Fig. 2834. PLAN OF LOCK. being at a third of the height of the wall, the arm of the lever of the acting power will be equal to h. 3 The resisting power will be the wall itself -hx × 2000, supposing that the cube metre of masonry generally weighs 2000 kilogrammes. The arm of the lever will be half the thickness of the wall =1, consequently the momentum of the acting power will be 1000 × 1½³ × 1h, and that of the resisting power 2000 × 1hr²; and as in the state of equilibrium these two powers should be equal, we shall have 167 h³= 1000h x³, from whence we have x= √/0·167 h³=0·41h: but, as something should always be allowed above the equilibrium, by adding, we shall have x = -h nearly: hence it is evident that the thickness of a wall intended to support water should be equal to half the height of the water which acts against it. The length and width of chambers of locks must necessarily be regulated in conformity with the boats used on the canal; these are generally longer and narrower than those on rivers, where the shallows which occasionally occur require flatter bottoms to be given them: the letters A B, CD, EF, refer to the sections through the several parts of the lock chambers. With regard to the length of the chambers, it should be such as to enable the gates at the lowest ends to open and shut easily; if the rudder of the boat cannot be unshipped, or occupies any portion of the length of the chamber, then the chambers must be made sufficiently long to prevent them from interfering with the opening of the gate, on which account the most proper rudders for navigable canals are those like broad oars, which can be taken out whilst passing through the locks. The height of the water in the intervals is regulated by the mean height of the waters of the river which communicate with the canals: it is, however, customary to allow the latter a sufficient height of water to receive boats of the same tonnage as those which navigate the river; another advantage E Fig. 2836. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS. Fig. 2836 D CHAP. XXVII. 1589 CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. in giving an extra depth of water to canals is the greater ease with which the boats can be drawn, the weeds at the bottom causing less inconvenience, and the evaporation being of course less than in a shallower body of water; in summer also, when the boats can only carry half a load, two loads may be put into one boat, and the transport rendered less expensive. The quantity of water expended by locks is found to be in direct proportion to the height of the fall, and the time employed in going through them, and the expense of con struction nearly in the same proportion; this is greater as the locks are least elevated, because they are more in number, but the increase is not in proportion to the number. A FO B A © Fig. 2837. TRANSVERSE SECTION. To render these relations evident, trace the curves AB, A C, and the line DC on the axis EF; the ordinates of the first mark the relation of the time employed in going through the total of the locks of different falls: those of the second mark the relation of the expense of construction, and those of the line DC mark the quantity of water which they will expend. E Fig. 2838. It may be concluded that when there is a great deal of water in a canal, the locks may be high, because the saving in the expense is a great consideration, less time being required to go through them, and the wages of the lock-men reduced. The Talus. It is by no means advisable to make the walls of the lock chamber strictly perpendicular: some inclination, or talus, is always preferable, particularly at the back, whence resistance is required against the thrust of water; and as its filtration is another point of importance to be guarded against, a greater thickness is necessary at the bottom than at the top of the wall, that filtration being greater in proportion to its height. The walls should, however, be per- pendicular towards the interior of the lock, at least in that part where the boats mount and descend; the lower part may have the same talus as that usually given to the boats. The least thickness for the walls at the level of the water is 4 feet 3 inches, in order to allow for a course of beton in cement or of brick, as a protection against the Fig. 2839. filtration of water: as a general rule, the thickness should be equal to half their height, and as the walls become more lofty, their foundations must be spread out in proportion. Inverted arches have been introduced with considerable advantage to form the profile of the wall of lock-chambers; where there is a good foundation they may commence with a considerable batter or inclination, rising gradually in a curved form, finishing at the top with a perpendicular face; such a wall resembles an arch, from its having the joints and beds of the several stones made perpendicular to their face, which also prevents them from sliding on each other: the triangle of earth, supported by the back of the upright retaining wall, may be regarded as a wedge, of which its own gravity is the acting power, and it is only supported by the re-action of the inclined plane of earth, and the back of the wall, each of which acts perpendicularly to its plane. The breadth of such retaining wall must be always proportionate to the height, and to be of equal specific gravity with the earth, its breadth should be more than of its height. The specific gravity of walls built of brick or stone is a trifle more than that of the earth they support, therefore the dimensions may be slightly diminished. 5 F 2 1540 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Dimensions of the other parts of the Locks. — The chambers have also walls above streams, called shoulders of defence, shoulders below stream, or discharging walls, wing-walls above and below, and return walls. The thickness of the shoulders of defence should be less than those of the sides of the lock; 3 feet 2 inches will be sufficient, or half the height of the water; but on account of the foundations, and above all, of the beton to be placed in the centre, it is better to make them, as well as the wing-walls above stream, 4 feet 3 inches their length should be at least equal to the width of the gates; an additional 1 foot 8 inches will form the necessary projection for the recess, into which they will fall when opened. The return walls of the wings are necessary, to prevent the water from working behind the Fig. 2840. body of the lock, but as the back walls are furnished with a lining laid very low, it will 1. sufficient to give 25 inches of thickness to the return walls; their length must be pro- portionate to the quality of the soil with relation to its permeability to water or otherwise. The lining may be continued further than the length of the walls; this portion cannot be too well protected both before and behind, nor can the wing, the shoulder wall, and the back of the fall. The shoulders of discharge must not be regulated by the height of the water, as it seldom rises to half that of the walls, which should be regulated by the thrust of the earth, and consequently the thickness may be equal to one-third their total height, if they are perpendicular on both sides; but it is better to make a retreat or set-off of 12 inches at the back, level with the water, and to give the lower part an increased thickness: it is not absolutely necessary to use any beton, but it would be unquestionably advantageous. The length of the shoulders of discharge should be relative to the height of the water in the chamber of the lock, the gates down the canal supporting all the weight of water, which is sent back against the heel-posts, which in their turn rest entirely on the shoulders; con- sequently their length must depend on the resistance necessary for opposing this thrust. To ascertain this resistance it must be remembered first, that if instead of gates a wall were substituted, it must have the same thickness as the longitudinal walls of the chamber of the locks, that is to say, a third of the total height of the gates, for although the water of the lower interval resists the thrust of the upper, it must not be taken into account, the resistance being small with regard to the thrust, not only from the weight of water being much less, but from the centre of impression being very near the point of support; there is, therefore, but little action to resist the centre of impression of the water on the chamber, which is much higher. Secondly, the two gates may be regarded as a single inflexible sluice, resting against the heel-posts and the sills. Thirdly, as the thrust is considerable, it is to be presumed that if the masses constructed behind the heel-posts of the gates were not sufficiently strong to be in equilibrio with it, a disjunction would take place in the masonry, the tenacity of which alone is not capable of very great resistance, particularly if the masonry be lately constructed. Fourthly, this disjunction will take place in the line of an angle more or less open, according as the stones are shorter or longer in the direction of the headers; if they were about as long again as wide, the angle would be one of 50°, and its base would be one-half smaller; if the lengths were equal to the widths, it might be even less, as the masons usually bed the stone in the direction of the face of the wall; the filling-in being almost always of small stones, so that the facing only would forin a resistance. Fifthly, in order to place the resistance above the equilibrium, the tenacity of the mortar must not be taken into account, and the base of the angle of rupture must be considered as equal to half its height. When the weight of water, instead of acting against the gates, acts against the wall, it has been already shown that the thickness of this wall should be equal to half the height of the water. Let / be the width between the hanging-posts, h the height of the water, the cube of this wall will be lh²; the arm of the lever will be h, thus its energy or momentum lh³. Let the shoulder wal be AHDC; draw A E in such a manner that E B shall be equal to A B, naming BEa, BA will be equal to 2a; let a be the length B C sought for. It is evident that the mass A EDC, and that which CHAP. XXVII. 1541 CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. is opposite, must form a resisting power, the energy of which should be equal to that of the wall, which has been supposed in the place of the gates. Each of these masses is composed of a triangular prism, the base of which is A B E, and of a parallelepiped, the base of which is BCDE; the cube of the tri- angular prism is a²h; its arm of lever is a+x, thus its energy will be a³h+a³hx. The cube of the parallelepiped is ahr, its arm of lever is x, thus its energy is ahx2, so that the energy of this re- sisting mass is a³h+a²hx+ahx²: the other mass being the same, the total energy will be a³h+ 2a²hx+ahx², and as that energy should be equal to that of the wall, which we have supposed in the place of the gates, which is h³, we shall have the equation, a³h +2a² hx+ah x² = {lh³, or x² + 2a x = lh² 4a2 8 a 3 1=5.2 metres, we shall have x +α=0·65 3 ; whence we have x+a= A B D Ih2 a 2 8 a 3 and as A B a a 3 ن G H E D Fig. 2841. E If the thickness of the wall is equal to a third of its height, or a=}h, we shall have x+h=√1·95h +27h², or x + 3 h = } h + √ 1·95h+h: if the thick- ness of the wall be made equal to half of its height, we should have a=1h, and the equation would become x+h=√1·30h+h², or x + h = { h + √ 1·30 h +12. By means of these two equations, tables have been calculated by Gauthey for the length of the shoulders. ப Fig. 2842. CHAMBER WALLS. Fig. 2843. It may be remarked, that on giving to the thickness of walls half their height, their length need only be one-third, in order to have the requisite resistance, although their cube is one-third greater. Supposing the rupture to take place from A in H, the length would be less, but not considerably so; allowance must be made for the set-off of 12 inches below the water, which increases the resistance of the wall, and puts it above the equilibrium. These shoulder walls are generally terminated by expanded wings, with an angle of 50°, on which it must be observed that, if the shoulders were shorter, the wing- walls would not be of much service in assisting the former to support the thrust of the water, because the fracture would take place on the facing of the wing-walls, and there would only be a small mass of masonry, AB C, to resist the thrust, whilst when the shoulder pieces A, D are long, the wing-walls may entirely resist the thrust, since the direction of the rupture A E abuts at their extremity. The length of these walls should be equal to the radius of the gate, that they may open entirely and with facility, as the lockmen must walk on them to perform their operations. The Wing-walls to the lower Gates should have a thickness equal to one-third of their height, on account of their supporting the earth; steps may be added to them when they support a talus, giving convenient access from the platform of the lock to the upper part : these walls generally terminate in the banks of the canal, and perpendicular return walls may be formed following their direction; but they are not so essential as in the upper part, because the filtration of the waters from the lower interval is not so dangerous as that from the upper, or from the chamber of the lock. Masses are generally constructed behind and below the hanging-posts, to receive the anchors which retain the collars, and to make them enter deeply into the masonry, in order that they may have a firm hold; but they are also essential in preventing the water from insinuating itself at the back of the side walls, and forming a disjunction between the earth and the masonry, where a void would allow the water from a chamber to percolate, and ultimately cause the walls to give way: to prevent this alone a great thickness would not be requisite; but it must be increased on account of the anchors, two being attached to 5 F 3 1542 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II each collar forming an angle, generally in a line with the pointing sills; but it is better that one should be pointed up, and the other down the stream, to resist the thrust of the water on one side when the gates are closed, and on the other to check the weight of the gate when in movement. Counterforts are sometimes introduced in the length of the chamber to resist the thrust of the water, in which case the thickness of the side walls might be diminished, which would be a considerable saving of masonry; but on account of the filtration, which cannot be too carefully guarded against, it is better to make the walls of sufficient thickness, and to dispense with the counterfarts. The wall which constitutes the fall in the lock is usually perpendicular, though a talus may be given without any inconvenience to the boats: when the canal is dry, and requires to be filled, the water flows from the top of this fall on to the platform, and tends to injure it; to remedy this as much as possible, the fall of the lock should have a curye of uniform descent; the direction of the running water then be- Fig. 2844. GATE ANCHOR. 1 Fig. 2845. coming horizontal at the end of its fall, it has much less action against the plat- form than when its direction is inclined. Fig. 2846. SCOURING SLUICE Platform. When the pointed sills are of stone, it is advisable to make the fall of the lock concave on the plan, in order that the key of the sill may have a sufficient section to be solidly based. The thickness of the walls which form the fall is usually considerable, but this is unnecessary; the same as that of the side walls is quite sufficient., The Platform. · This construction is of the greatest importance, being that part of the lock most difficult to keep in repair, and most often requiring it; they were formerly made of timber, but this is to be avoided as much as possible, timber never uniting well with masonry, and a film of water almost invariably insinuating itself between the planks and the masonry, between the heads of the piles, the force of which in relation to its weight is considerable, making the platform yield, disuniting the framework, and preventing the easy working of the gates: the shock of water from the upper interval is, however, less injurious to timber than to stone, and if good stone cannot be procured, to resist this effect, a platform of cross planks over that of rubble might be formed on pieces of timber encased in the walls, but only in that part where the shock´ takes place, Where it is possible to obtain them, large flagstones are preferable for the surface of the plat- form; and in order that L K D D D D they may be solidly row bedded, each Fig. 2847. SECTION Through plaTFORM. D. Piles. K, Planking. G, Stone. H, Sleepers. L, Heel-post. Y, Planking. should be worked with dovetails into a course of freestone placed upright, which would CHAP. XXVII. 1543 CANALS AND RIVER LOCKS. comprise the whole thickness of the masonry, and be very difficult to displace. When only large rubble stone can be obtained, the platform should be concave, like an inverted vault: if the lock is on a solid foundation, it will be only necessary to give it a thickness of 27 inches to 3 feet 3 inches: when the ground is of a doubtful quality, it is better to make a wide platform of from 4 feet 3 inches to 5 feet 3 inches in thickness, on which the walls of the lock and platform are constructed: if the ground have no consistence, piling must be adopted. Down stream there should be a guard platform as deep as is practicable, and as this part of the lock is most subject to injury, it must be made perfectly solid, for which pur- pose the plan of the masonry of the platform should be concave, tangential to the direction of the wing-walls, forming a species of arch with them as abutments. The last course should be cut in a double section, making a hollow arc above; the key-stones will then be perfectly closed, and, independently of the cramps, this course, which holds together all those of the platform, will be as solid as it is possible to make it. The Projection of the pointed Sills. - M. Belidor has given dimensions for this part of a lock, but they are too small for general purposes. He remarks first, that if the gates form a right angle, the projection should be equal to half the opening, the greatest that could naturally be given them, and this angle would be the most advantageous for shutting the gates against each other, because the thrust of the water acting perpen- dicularly against them, each gate would push the other at right angles to the length of < Fig. 2848. POINTED 'SILL. the timber, in which direction they have the greatest strength; but, on the other hand, by giving them an obtuse angle, there is the advantage of having the leaves narrower, and consequently stronger. If this angle be extremely obtuse, that is to say, if the gates merely formed a straight line, they would certainly have the least width that could be given them, but they would not support themselves, a very essential defect; a mean should be adopted either between the pointed sill having the greatest projection and that which has the least, or between the greatest width of gate and the least, or between the greatest angle the gate forms with the lock and the least. In the first case the pro- jection of the pointed sill would be a quarter of the width, in the second nearly the third, and in the third about the fifth. M. Belidor has determined upon the latter, but the angle is not sufficiently projecting, as it prevents the timbers from resting against each other, and giving it a greater projection, increases the width of the gates, the solidity of which may be maintained by additional strength; thus it appears a selection must be made between the other two methods, and possibly the most judicious would be a mean, that is to say, to give to the projection of the pointed sill between a third and a quarter of the width of the lock: either might be adopted without any inconvenience. Pointed sills are sometimes made of timber, and frequently of stone; the latter is very 5 F 4 1544 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. liable to chip, the joints wear away, and allow the water to pass through, which it is exceedingly difficult to prevent. These inconveniences may be in great measure avoided by placing in front of the stone sills two pieces of timber, to receive the gates when closed, which can be much more easily cut than the stone, and consequently the gates, &c., be made to fit exactly; by bolting the pieces of timber to the stones beneath them, and securing them in the wall, and filling the joints with moss, all filtration between the timber and the stone may be effectually stopped. In locks of rivers whose course is over stones or gravel, there is considerable inconvenience with regard to the pointed sills, pebbles often lodging between them and the gates, prevent- ing their close shutting, and causing a loss of water, which it is very difficult entirely to prevent, but which is in some degree obviated by a space of a few inches being left between the gate and the bottom of the platform; the sill and the lower rail might also be chamfered, so that the gate in shutting should drive the pebbles before it. Sluices to gates are about 25 inches square, and are raised above the lower rail of the frame, so that the water which comes out makes over the gate down stream a fall over the plat- form, which wears away, and in the course of time materially injures it. It would therefore be more advantageous to make the water flow out under the gates, and throughout their whole width: there would then be only a film, which acting horizontally would be less injurious than when flowing in a direction in- clined to the horizon, The lower rail should RuiumwWWWE Fig. 2819. SLUICES TO LOCK-GATES. also be placed at 12½ inches above the bottom of the posts; the sluice should only be a simple plank, equal in length to the entire width of the gates, with its ends attached to two small posts raised by means of a lever. The pointed sill, against which this rests, should have but little height, and the bottom of this sluice- board should be cut in a bevel form, to throw off the stones and gravel that might be driven towards the sill, which it is sufficient to make more elevated in the centre to receive the chamfered or bevelled planks forming the sluice. This construction has another great advantage, that of producing a current under the gates, carrying away whatever might stop there, and is particularly calculated for river gates. It is generally admitted that the portion of the platform where the gates move should not be in an inverted arch, but extremely solid, and so constructed that the water cannot filtrate through or flow out at the platform between the discharging shoulders: if attached to the pointed sill, which must be always on a level, the form of an inverted arch may be given to it. The Gates of Locks are composed of two posts placed vertically, and several horizontal rails; the -t 良 ​C О Fig. 2850. DOUBLE VALVE FOR TIDE. 0 O CHAP. XXVII. 1545 CANAL AND RIVER LOCKS. Z former, being supported throughout their height, are not subject to much wear, although they are of larger scantling than the other timbers of the gate, which is necessary. as they sustain the entire framework: the horizontal rails resist the weight, and as that weight is greater where the rails are placed below the level of the water, it would seem natural that their dimensions should vary in proportion to the weight. To determine these dimensions it must be re- collected that the thrust of water against vertical surfaces is equal to the weight of a prism of water having its surfaces as a base, and its height half that of the water. It must next be considered that the rails of the gate are at least 26 inches apart, and 38 inches from centre to centre, so that, on account of the casing of plank in the first instance, 12 inches of height support 26 inches of water, and in the second 38 inches. The weight supported by each rail will be found by multiplying their length, the interval from one to the other, the height of the water above the centre of the rail, and the whole by 62 pounds, the weight of a cube foot of water; the product of these measures will be the number of pounds which the rails ought to support throughout their whole length. Timbers from 4 to 5 inches square would be sufficient for small gates, and for larger from 8 feet 6 inches to 10 feet 6 inches of fall, with a width of 17 feet between the hanging-posts, the rails would be sufficiently strong if from 7 to 8 inches square, putting six rails in the height. They are generally from 9 to 10 inches at least, which is double the strength required; it is true that the gates are more durable, but the weight is greater, which is sometimes injurious to the collar and the masonry to which it is attached, requiring more reparations than lighter gates. . Fig. 2851. The frames or styles of gates should be at least 5 inches in thickness more than the rails, and the joint covered by a fillet, as well as the edge of the planks, which are affixed perpendicularly to the rails, and mortised into the styles, increasing the strength of the rails and the framework by their greater thickness. Braces are also introduced between the rails. which aid materially in strengthening them, and by their inclined position transfer the stress to the hanging-post. Fig. 2852. Great gates should always have a line of braces placed diagonally, and making an angle with the lower rail; all the braces above should have the same effect, and consequently the same inclination: those below resting on the lower rail tend to depress it, and, even when properly framed and pinned into the rails, their inclination towards the hanging-post renders them insufficient to sustain the lower rail; but they inay be made useful by giving them an inclination in a contrary direction, and uniting them by pins to the rails, producing the effect of a St. Andrew's cross, without which no framework of carpentry is perfectly solid. Instead of inclining the braces below the diagonals on the side of the strutting-post, a bar of iron is sometimes placed diagonally from the collar to the lower end of the strutting-post, which is an excellent contrivance; or the planks may be placed diagonally, inclining them 1546 Βουκ ΙΙ THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. from the side of the hang- ing-post, and crossing them solidly, especially that of the diagonal above the hanging- post, and at the extremity of the lower cross-piece ; or instead of a plank, a piece may be let in in an opposite direction to the cross-pieces, which must not be mortised into, or very little, that it may not be in any way weakened; this piece united carefully to the lower cross- piece would tie it to the post, and give more solidity to the framework; the dia- gonal position of the planks gives them more strength to resist the pressure: there is a little loss of material, but, on the other hand, plank of different kinds may be used after cutting out the knotty or defective portions. Gates are by opened means of large timbers fixed above the posts, forming a coun- terpoise to the gate, and pre- venting it from Fig. 2854. grinding the collars and racking the framework; for this purpose the tail of the balance-beam must be very large: trees are some- times used with their butt ends not cut off, to which it is easy to add any additional weight; this balance-beam should be united to the upper rail by a St. An- drew's cross, which serves also to maintain the entire frame- work. The hanging-posts often allow much water to be lost, in consequence of being obliged to give them sufficient play, and this could scarcely be prevented if the pivot had not a little motion, and the collar fitted exactly; but the weight of water occasions the gate to unite by pressing it considerably against the hanging-post; still as this is cut circularly, it only leans against a small portion of its surface, and the water easily passes, notwithstanding the great pressure. To remedy these de- fects, the posts should be partly cut in a circular form, and partly bevelled; the latter leaning along E Fig. 2853. Fig. 2855. TIDE GATE WITH ITS APPARATUS. I its whole length upon the rebate made to receive it, which having a corresponding bevel interrupts any filtration; the circular part should not touch the masonry, but have CHAP. XXVII. 1547 CANAL AND RIVER LOCKS. sufficient play without affecting the ease of the motion; it is also advisable to attach pieces of timber to the hanging-posts, which may be bolted and cramped to the masonry, and by caulking the joints the water is prevented from passing between them and the 2856. 2857. Fig. 2858. 2859. Fig. 2860. masonry. The strutting-posts also allow a considerable quantity of water to escape, because, if not very exactly fitted, they only touch on one of their edges, and consequently it is scarcely possible but that the water should find a passage: to make them touch throughout their whole length, they should be cut in a circular form, one concave and the other convex, so that if the gates had even a play of some inches, they would always touch very nicely; the curvature of the posts should form part of a great circle of from 10 to 13 feet radius. The gates of locks of navigable canals are generally made in a right line, but in great sea- locks they are curved: Belidor has demonstrated, that these latter are not more solid than the former, but this must only be understood when the curved timbers are made out of straight pieces; for it is undoubted that, if naturally curved, they are much stronger, and will resist more pressure than straight pieces, especially when resting on their two ex- tremities. The collars embrace the whole heel-post, which being generally 12 inches in diameter produces considerable friction, especially when the balance-beam does not act as a counterpoise: a large bolt may be placed in the axis of the post, and a smaller collar be substituted to confine it; but this method can only be applied to chamfered posts; round posts must have a motion in their collar to lean against the hanging-posts, which could not be effected by an axis; the collars must be attached to iron anchors strongly bedded into massive masonry. The pivots often get deranged, the posts, as. generally made, causing consider. able play; if these were bevelled, the pivots might be fixed and bedded in large stones cramped to those adjoining, or united with anchors to the surrounding ma- sonry. Formerly the pivots were made of copper, but cast-iron is equally efficient; they should be the same size as the ends of the posts, and terminated at the lower end in a spherical form. The other iron work of the gates con- sists of squares laid on at right angles, which must be very strong; it is also well to lay on the rails of each sluice a band or two of iron to bolt them securely together. Lock Gates measuring 8 feet from the centre of one heel-post to that of the other are in some canals on a segment of a circle, the chord of which is about the E Fig. 2861. 크림 ​1548 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. sixth of the span, or a little more : these proportions not only allow of the gates being smaller, lighter, and stronger, but also increase the pressure of the heel-post against the hollow quoins, which renders them quite water-tight. Where canals are narrow, the paddles of both the upper and lower gates are usually kept open by an iron pin inserted between the teeth of a rack and pinion which raises them : when the paddle is required to be shut, the pin is withdrawn, and the paddle falls by its own weight. Hollow Quoins, or upright circular grooves, are formed in the side walls, at the ends of the timber sills, serving as the hinge for the gates; the upright post that turns within them is called the heel of the gate, and the other the head. The former are retained in their position by a gudgeon or pivot turning in a cup let into the found- ation stones for the purpose; some- times the pivot is fixed, and the cup revolves upon it. The upper part of the post is retained by an iron ring or strap let into the side wall, and made very secure; the hollow quoins should be worked with great attention; they are usually of stone or brick, though cast-iron has been found well suited for the purpose. Lock Gates of large Dimensions are now usually opened and shut by machinery, and the boom or spar attached to the head-post en- tirely dispensed with: on many canals a rack- bar of wrought-iron is connected with the gates, which are fur- nished with rollers to run in a groove fitted into the sill, and by working a wheel and pinion, they they can can be opened and shut at Fig. 2862. FRESHWATER LOCK. Fig. 2863. pleasure. We ought not to omit mention of several gates formed like boats, upon the principle of the camel, which rise and fall in deep recesses prepared to receive them as water is pumped out or admitted into them: such boat-gates are sometimes constructed with three parallel keels, which fit into as many grooves in the side walls of the lock; they are maintained in their position by admitting the water, and raised by pumping out their contents, after which they are floated away; for the stop-gates of docks such a contrivance is well adapted, but where the navigation is regular, as on a canal, they are not found to answer, from the time requisite to open and replace them. The Boom or Spar attached to the head-posts is brought over a windlass, placed on the lock walls a little above the gate; a rope is made fast to the end of the spar, and by two or CHAP. XXVII. 1549 CANAL AND RIVER LOCKS. three turns on the windlass, the gate is either open or shut; a rack bar is occasionally em- When the gates are very heavy, a roller or truck wheel is ployed for the same purpose. placed under the foot of the head-post, and made to run in a quadrant groove, which assists the motion. The Angle to be given to Double Lock Gates has long occupied the at- tention of engineers, and the view now taken of the subject may be thus defined: - the pressure of the water on one of the gates, which we will call BC, is in proportion to its breadth the strength of the gate being in- versely as its breadth, the effect of the pressure upon it is as the square of BC. The support afforded by one gate to the other, which we will designate as CA, is as a perpendicular raised at the end of a line BC at E, represented by AE: the strength of the gate is therefore as AE directly and in- versely as B C²; but A E is the sine of ABC; the radius A B-BC is the secant of the same angle to half the radius BD. The strength of the gate is therefore, A E 2 sin. A B C BC2 sec. 2 ABC' Fig. 2864 Fig. 2865. PLAN AND ELEVATION OF DOUBLE LOCK-GATES. 2 or, as the cosine is the reciprocal of the secant, as sin. x cos. of A B C, the angle at the base. The maximum value of this expression is when the tangent of ABC= √, or =0·7071, Fig. 2866. ST. KATHERINE'S LOCK-GATES. I 中 ​1550 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. or when the angle at the base is 35° 16' nearly, and the sally of the gate is, or a trifle more than one-third of the breadth of the lock. The Gates of large Locks, or those at the entrances of docks, as at St. Katherine's in the port of London, are framed with whole timbers, the uprights and horizontal rails being secured to each other by strong wrought-iron straps. The planking which covers the face of the framework is placed perpendicularly, and the paddles are worked by a rack and pinion. The turning or heel-posts are held in their position by iron ties let into the stone- work. have Some lock-gates their paddles made to open and shut by the movement of a lever, the lower end of which being loaded keeps it always over the aperture in the lower part of the gate when it is required to be moved, the upper part or handle of the lever is pulled back, and the water forcing its passage through, keeps it open until its weight overcomes the power, and it is balanced back into its original position. Fig. 2867. PLAN OF GATES. 1 2 3 4 $• Fig. 2868. HEEL-POST. $ 10 15 30 Fig. 2869. SECTION. Fig. 2870. ELEVATION. Fig. 2871. SECTION. The crank and pinion working in a toothed rack are now generally applied to raise the paddle. Screws are sometimes used for this purpose, formed of wood, sliding up and down in a rebated frame, fixed in the stone mouth of the conduit or paddle-hole; the lateral pressure of the water, occasions it to adhere closely to the frame, so that it is not only necessary to make it run with the grain of the wood, but also to have considerable power to move it; this is occasionally effected by means of a long iron lever, with an eye at one end that spans the square end of the screw and allows a sufficient force to be applied to raise the paddle. There are several applications of the screw, one of which, as used at the gates of Dunkirk, is very simple, and was for a long time adopted throughout Europe. To overcome the hydro- static pressure and friction, at the mouth of the paddle-hole was a horizontal circular opening, within which was inserted an open cylinder of wood or iron ground to fit it, which could be CHAP. XXVII. 1551 CANAL AND RIVER LOCKS. Fig. 2872 ם Fig. 2873. ต ㅁ ​U Fig. 2874. ם raised by a lever; the waste water of the canal could then escape over the upper lip of the cylinder, and afterwards pass out by the paddle-holes, in the same manner as the waste water of a cistern. At the Caledonian Canal the head rails, and well secured by iron straps. and heel-posts of the gates are connected by cross The weight of the capstan-head employed to open wwwwww 回 ​2877. 2 2878. Fig. 2875, DUNKIRK. Fig. 2876. Fig. 2879. Pig. 2880 1552 BOOK JI. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. them is 2cwt. 1qr. 14lbs. and that of the wheel and pinion, 3 cwt. Oqrs. 26 lbs. ; the bottom ring is shown in the lower figure, with its footsteps or gudgeon, round which it works. The capstan works the chains, which lead to the middle of the head post on either side, and is admirably well adapted for its purpose. The covering plate of the capstan-hole is made very solid, and prevented from turning round by six projections on its outer edge. The bridge and conical roller which turn the capstan is also of iron, the weight of the former being 2 cwt. 6 lbs. The pivot working in a recess is some- times so arranged that the cup which receives it is let into the stone sill, and prevented from turning by two Fig. 2881. 283 O 2883. Fig. 2884 PIVOT. Fig. 2885. PRofile. Fig. 2886. PLAN. dovetail pieces at the sides; to attach the pivot to the turning-post, four vertical projections or dovetails are placed at equal distances round its upper edge, as shown in the figure. The collars to the turning-posts are usually of iron, the interior radius of which is shown by the dotted line, and its elevation at the side. The iron rollers under the other post of the gate, which runs on an iron plate, are so fixed that they clear themselves in the grooves cut to receive them; they are usually from 5 to 6 inches in diameter, and run on an iron axle fixed into a frame that receives the end of the gate. Where the wheels run upon timbers, the sill is formed of several pieces, altogether 4 inches in width: the radius of the gates determines their curve, and they are secured by iron cramps to the Around the ground timbers or stone sills. heel-posts of some gates is a collar, to which a rod of iron is attached that passes through the entire width of the lock-walls, where it is secured in blocks of masonry, or by forming an eye it may be linked on to another joint, and made fast to an upright post. Fig. 2887. B 8 Fig. 2889. In attaching the iron-work to lock-gates we must be cautious not to weaken the framing, or in any way to obstruct their motion; for as they are of course very heavy, and the lower rails nearly in contact with the bottom or floor of the lock, should they lose their form, the mitre posts by sinking would impede their opening and shutting: as the gates are sometimes covered by water and at others left dry, the material of which they are formed should be carefully selected, and all the metal work applied to them Fig. 2890 protected from the effects of these alternate changes. To balance the gates and support them properly is the best method of preventing their tendency to sink and drag; and if every precaution is not taken to make them move easily and readily, they will be a constant trouble and expense, which can only be remedied by their total removal. Chap. XXVII. 1553 CANAL AND RIVER LOCKS. The capstan used at the basin of Dunkirk will give some idea of a simple arrangement for the purpose of hauling the boats from the reservoir into the stream of the canal: upon a platform of timber on the quay, an upright post is turned by handspikes, which coils the rope around it. The profile of a capstan executed at Cherbourg shows a nut pierced to receive an iron rod 4 inches square, set 5 feet in the side of the lock-walls, where it is held firm by two long arms termi- nating in the form of a T; this arrangement is the most simple, and not so likely to decay as the timber framework. The upper portion of the lock or fore bay is the usual position for the capstan; the tail bay of locks sometimes also requires one where the canal communicates with the ocean. Iron Lock Gates at the Wet Dock at Montrose. The frames are of cast-iron, and entirely covered on both sides with wrought-iron boiler-plate : where they are placed the entrance is 55 feet wide in the clear, and the centre of the heel-post is 1 foot within the face of the wall, the distance between their centres being 57 feet: the height of the gates is 22 feet 6 inches; they point 10 feet, and their ribs have a curvature on the hollow side of 18 inches. The heel-posts are 21 inches in diameter, and in form a little more than a semicircle; after casting they were turned in a lathe: the thickness of the metal is 1½inch; they each fit into a cast-iron socket, and work on an iron gudgeon 10 inches in diameter, cast on a sole-plate 4 feet 6 inches long, 21 inches wide, and 2 inches thick; this is dovetailed and riveted firmly into the stone, and afterwards so keyed as to press the heel-posts into the quoins, which are of Kingoodie stone, polished as nearly to the circle as possible, and the stone and iron are in such close contact, that the water is effectually prevented from pass- ing throughout any portion of their height. The mitre posts are 18 inches in breadth, inch thick: holes are cast in them for the introduction of the iron bars, of which there are eleven to each leaf, 2 inches thick, D Fig. 2890. D Fig. 2891. CAPSTAN, Fig. 2892. 5 G 1554 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 16 inches broad at the ends, and 18 in the middle; their cross ends are 18 inches in height and 2 in thickness, with 4 inch screw-bolts to each, which pass through the heel and mitre posts. The clap sill was cast in two pieces for each leaf; it is 8 inches in depth and 1½ inch thick; the height of the sill above the platform is 15 inches. The bottom bar is of oak 12 inches thick, 17 inches broad at the ends, and 19 in the middle; this is bedded on felt to the lowermost cast-iron bar, and securely fixed by 14-inch bolts. The boiler plates which line both sides of the gates are so arranged that they break joint; for 6 feet in height their thickness is of an inch, above only, they overlap each other about 21 inches, and were riveted on while hot, that the rivets might completely fill up the holes. The collars of the heel-posts are of wrought-iron, 4 inches by 2 inches, keyed through the anchors, which are of cast-iron, 3½ inches square; they are dovetailed into the quoins, and run with lead. The roller segments or railways are 10 inches in breadth by 14 inch, 4 inches in thickness; they are sunk into the stone, and securely bolted, and bedded with felt and white lead. The rollers are of cast-iron and conical, 18 inches in diameter, and 5 inches in thickness, with turned steel axles; the roller boxes are of cast-iron, 14 inch thick, moulded to the bevel of the gates, and fastened by screw-bolts through the flanks of the horizontal bars : cast-iron covers confine the roller blocks, which slide up and down withinside the boxes by the action of the top screws; the roller bars are of wrought-iron. 3 inches in diameter, keyed into the blocks at the bottom, each being steadied by three plummer blocks; each bar near the top has a coupling, with a square threaded screw, and a brass nut at the top, working in a cast-iron bracket, which bears the whole weight of the outer end of the gate, and is fastened by three screw-bolts through the flanges of the horizontal bars. Each leaf has a sluice, 3 feet by 2, the frames of which are 7 inches broad and 1 inch thick ; the sluice valves are also 1 inch thick; all the screwed bolts have zinc nuts, to prevent the iron from rusting: the sluice-rods are 2 inches in diameter, and have a square threaded screw, and a brass nut at the top; these are worked by a wheel and pinion, and bevelled gear, with a crank handle, nearly level with the hand-rail. The gangway is 42 inches in width, and is supported on cast-iron brackets for each leaf; cast-iron ballusters and a wrought rail is attached to the convex side of the gates, with movable iron stanchions and chains on the other: in each heel-post is a pump with a brass chamber and boxes, 24 inches in diameter, with a lead pipe down to the bottom. The gates are worked by four double-purchase capstans, and gearing with seven 8-inch chains. Their weight is as follows,-- Cast-iron work in the gates Wrought-iron Brass Zinc Cast-iron in segments and other fittings 1 Tons. Cwt. 64 14 22 15 0 5 0 1 19 0 107 0 --------------- These gates were made by Mr. Stirling of Dun- dee. At Woolwich the clear opening of the dock- gates is 65 feet, and the weight of each of the two iron gates is 150 tons. Fig. 2893. 1 PRINCE'S DOCK, LIVERPOOL. T Fig. 2894. Inclined Planes and Lifts, mentioned by Mr. Smeaton as early as 1774, are adopted at many of our canals to raise and lower the boats from one level to another, and by some CHAP. XXVII. 1555 CANAL AND RIVER LOCKS. engineers are deemed preferable to locks: in the neighbourhood of Taunton are examples of both systems, which, by the aid of machinery, enable the boats to pass from one canal to the other, from a height of above 80 feet. At the summit of the inclined planes is a steam-engine, of sufficient power to pull up a sledge, which receives the loaded boat; the chains pass over a cylinder of large diameter, but are frequently out of order, and some- times break, to the destruction of the vessel to be hauled up. The Lifts are inore easily worked, as a single attendant can raise or lower a boat from one level to the other. There are two lock chambers, at the summit level of which, working in a lofty frame, are three or more large wheels; the outer circumference, or rather their radii, are exactly over the middle of each lock-chamber; around their peri- phery chains are suspended, and at the end of each is a fork or iron attached to the two sides of a sledge or boat, large enough to receive the one freighted, passing either up or down the canal. When a boat is to be raised, the sledge which receives it is at the bottom, and the other on a level with the upper water of the canal, which the attendant allows to run into it, and when the weight is sufficient, it descends in the lock-chamber, and in falling raises the other which contains the freight; the end of the sledge opens, and it is then admitted through a pair of gates into the upper channel: when it is required to descend, the sledge receives the boat, after that at the bottom has been filled with water; and when it has acquired nearly its balance by letting off a portion, it mounts and the loaded boat descends. Means of making the Water enter and leave the Locks. One of the greatest inconveniences, and causing great injury to locks, arises from the velocity with which the water from the upper interval rushes into the chamber, or from the chamber into the lower interval; the great difference in the level of the water and the space requisite for the opening, in order to avoid loss of time in filling or emptying a lock, causes a considerable rush of water, which, falling from the upper interval on to the platform nearly perpendicularly, seriously injures it, as does also another volume of water issuing from the lower gates, although its effort is nearly horizontal, and consequently less injurious: the weight is, however, more than double that of the upper part, the rapidity of the water and its consequent effect greater; false platforms are therefore constructed some distance below the locks, to protect the edges of the canal in this part, but, notwithstanding every precaution, frequent repara- tions are required. The gates being inclined towards each other cause the current through the sluices not to be parallel to the sides of the canal, and to strike the edges at a certain distance, whence they rebound from side to side, producing considerable damage. If the two sluices were opened at once with equal velocity, the two currents meeting with equal force, a mean current would be the result, taking the direction of the lock, but there is frequently only one lock-keeper to open the sluices, and if there are two, they do not act together; the current is therefore almost always directed to one side, especially when the sluices are first opened, at which time the rapidity is the greatest C A great inconvenience arising from the rapidity of the water is modified by making it flow from the bottom of the platform in several smaller streams, which prevent its force from being more directed to one side than to the other. For this purpose, on the upper side under the lower pointing sill, and in the thickness of the wall which constitutes the fall of the lock, an arch is turned, having the top perforated by two holes 2 feet 2 inches in diameter; in the upper shoulder walls, behind the gates, are also two conical recesses, 3 feet 2 inches square, forming an entrance for the water, the bottoms being paved with a large stone pierced by a hole 2 feet 2 inches in diameter; these openings communicate by means of bent tubes worked into the masonry, either of cast-iron or stone; if of the latter material, semicircular gargoulles are cut, cramped together, and the joints united with moss and mastic; or they may be made of several flat stones properly cramped, forming a square trough, the joints being stuffed carefully, and the whole confined within a mass of well-executed masonry. The openings are closed with conical plugs of the shape of the holes in the stone, furnished with a handle acted upon by a lever on the platform of the lock, and by the action of which the water passes from the upper interval into the chamber: to close the pipe the plug is let fall, and a blow is given to the handle with a mallet; this method is more expeditious than racks or screws, and the most efficacious for closing an opening. The water passes from the chamber of the lock into the lower interval by a nearly similar ar- rangement in the platform behind the gates, and D Fig. 2895. 1.OCK CHAMBER. 5 G 2 1556 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig. 2896. SECTION AT A B. Fig. 2897. SECTION AT CD. in the middle of the shoulder walls for its issue: perhaps there would be a greater advantage in making the tube in the side walls of the chamber, above and below, the recesses of issue being higher than under the wall of fall: there is no fear that the striking of the water against the lower part of the wall of fall will in any way injure it. In the pipes through which the water issues it rushes violently, but does not rise very hign, as its expenditure at the mouth is greater than the quantity which enters at the same moment, and it may be rendered less rapid by making the tube larger at its exit than at its entrance. The recesses at the exit should be much larger than those of its entrance, and should be formed of large stones well cramped together, so as not to be easily deranged; the platform should also be well cramped, as well as the stones of the arch under the wall, and the wall at the bottom of this recess should be tied in with that of the upper guard platform. Bridges and Towing-paths.— The former may be made either above or below the lock- gates; by placing them above, on the shoulder walls, the whole lock is free; and if the boats are loaded high, they meet with no impediment, but in this case, the balance beams must be dispensed with, but if the collars are well fitted, the gates will manœuvre sufficiently well; the shoulder walls must also be of an additional length, which increases the expense. By placing the bridges over the gates, and on the upper parts when opened, the expense is diminished; and as the load of the boats is seldom placed at the ends, which are left free for working, them, this cannot in any way affect their passage; the only objection is that the lock-keeper has to pass over the roadway to shut or open the lower gates, which is, however, avoided by making a small vaulted passage behind or under the abutments of the bridge. The Towing-path may be made at the side of the lock in two ways, one by commencing the ramp after the lower shoulder walls, in order to have a great platform at the side of the lock, and the other by making this ramp along the lock itself. The first method has the best effect, but is objectionable, as the height of the wall of fall requires the talus to be very steep, and covered with masonry. The second method is the most convenient ; the banks of the canal being always at the same height, there is great economy in the excavation as well as in the masonry; the towing-path in both cases forms a right line, but the platform of the lock is not so wide in the second as in the first. Stop-gates and Lets-off. Between Corpach and Loch Lochy, at Sirone, on the Caledonian Canal, is an outfall of three sluices, which prevents any injury occurring to the canal banks from acci- dental breaches; they are in such a position at the end of the embankment that the water in the canal can be discharged when required for the purpose of repair. The open fan or trough is 80 feet at the widest end; that of the channel 18 feet, and the diameter of the semicircular pool about 82 feet: the three sluices shown in the elevation are each in width 4 feet, and in height 3 feet; their sills are on a level with the bottom of the canal, and the water falls 9 feet before reaching the bed Fig. 2898. 1000 PLAN. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. SLUICE AT SIRONE. POOL. 2 ELEVATION. חחח CHAF. XXVIII. 1557 DRAINING AND EMBANKING. of the pool that receives it; the frames and sluice-doors are of iron; the latter are worked by rack and pinion-wheels within a copper groove. In forming the channels for these lets-off, it is necessary to guard against the tearing up of the beds by the rush of water, by conducting it over a watercourse lined with O Fig. 2899. masonry: Fig. 2900. Fig. 2901. a platform of timber is laid on piles over soft ground to receive stone; the section given to it varies according to the nature of the situation, or quantity of water to be discharged. Stop Gates are sometimes placed at the bottom of the canal, lying partially afloat, so that any motion in the canal water makes them rise and shut against a vertical frame in the masonry of the abutments on each side: others are so contrived that they can be drawn across the canal from a recess, and so made to run in a groove, but the most simple method is the common lock-gate, or the sluices made in the sides of the canal, connected with drains as first described. Reservoirs for supplying the Canal with Water must be placed sufficiently low to collect all the flood waters that may be required, and at the same time high enough to enable all the water they contain to be drawn into the summit of the canal: the basin should be made narrower towards its lower extremity, in order to contract the base of the embank- ment as much as possible, and the bottom and sides must be impervious to water. The dimensions of the embankment depend upon its height and the materials to be used; in general, the top is 3 or 4 yards higher than that of the water when the reservoir is full, and the breadth of the top is then about 5 yards; the outside slopes at the rate of three hori- zontal to one perpendicular, and the inside two to one. It is not only highly important for the engineer to take into consideration the best position for the reservoir, but also to be assured that he has the means of a regular as well as abundant supply of water on all occasions Aqueducts are of course requisite where rivers are to be crossed, as are weirs where the waste water is to be discharged; several of these have already been described in the history of canals. CHAP. XXVIII. DRAINING AND EMBANKING. WHEN a level is to be drained, or the water carried off from the surface of a swamp or fenny district, the first point for the engineer to ascertain is the situation of the lowest outfall, in discovering which nature frequently affords him considerable assistance: the runs of water in flood times may be noticed, as well as the direction in which the several aquatic plants lie, these always pointing down the stream, and inclining with the currents, and when the flood waters are draining off, their motion and progress may be accurately measured. After the surfaces have been levelled, and the most available outlet decided upon, a main drain should be set out, from which oblique branches should be cut, pointing in the direc- tion of the current; into these all the minor cuts and ditches are to be collected, so that, by intersecting the whole watery waste in an equal and regular manner, it may be effectu- ally drained. The fall should be greatest at the most remote part, diminishing as the quantity of water increases; large and deep rivers run sufficiently fast when the fall is one foot per mile; for smaller rivers double that is requisite; ditches and ordinary drains re- quire 8 feet per mile. When water is drained from the surface, it should be made to pass away gradually, so that the sides and bottoms of the drains are not injured by friction: it should be in con- stant motion, that the channel may be kept clear and increase in velocity as it proceeds. When the surface is a dead level, the fall must be obtained by cutting the drain at the lower end deep enough to obtain one, which is always preferable to increasing the width; if there be a large body of water, less fall is needed, for, as above observed, the small drain requires a fall eight times as great as that of a large river, and the water flows over straight and smooth beds with greater rapidity than when the channel winds and rocks and shallows intervene to obstruct it. 5 G 3 1558 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. After the quantity of water has been ascertained by meteorological and other surveys, the proportions and dimensions of all the drains must be considered, and care must be taken that their sectional areas and velocities are rightly calculated, so that the main drain which, like a great artery, is to receive them all, should not be overcharged, or in danger of overflowing. To facilitate the current, the slope of the sides of the drains or water- courses should have one and a quarter of base to one of perpendicular height, and their breadth at the bottom should be equal to two-thirds the depth of the water they con- tain. When drains are cut through bogs, they may have a greater slope than when loose sand or gravel is to be operated upon, the fibres of the plants that constitute the peat or bog resisting considerably the action of running water. When rivers which pass through low grounds are to be embanked or confined, that the floods they bring down may not inundate the adjoining lands, care must be taken to make the banks sufficiently strong, as the force increasing as the embankment is raised, in conse- quence of the stream not being able to expand itself in proportion to the increase of water, the more it is allowed to spread, the less occasion is there for strong barriers. The slope of such embankments should not be less than twice their height, and three times is neces- sary when the rivers they confine are affected by the tide, or subject to the force of the sea wave: the thickness at top should not be less than 5 or 6 feet, and the inside slope should be one perpendicular to one of base: for sea-banks, where the waves do not rise higher than 4 feet, the thickness at the top may be 6 feet, the slope on the land side 1½ feet for every 1 foot in height, and on the sea-side 4 feet to 1 foot in height. The slope on the land side must vary with the height of the waves, and should be increased to two and a half base to one of perpendicular height: the slope on the water side should be still more in proportion to the rise of the tide; for every increase of a foot in height the slope must be greater, so that when the waves mount to 10 feet in height on the water-side, it should be 10 feet for every foot in height. When the earth with which the embankments are formed is of a gravelly or loose nature, it is requisite to carry up in the middle a wall of clay, or some impervious material; the system of puddling is now generally adopted, by which the percolation of the waters is prevented: there are several methods of protecting the face of banks towards the sea; in some parts of Holland, straw is used for this purpose, twisted first into ropes about 2 inches in diameter, and then laid on the face of the bank, and pinned down with hooked sticks, the whole surface of the dyke being covered with a regular mat of straw; in the course of time vegetation commences under it, blades of grass make way through the straw ropes, and the whole becomes a compact mass. On the banks of the Thames and other large rivers, piling is generally adopted, which is expensive, maintains the soil very imperfectly, and is far from durable or holding: rows of piles are driven parallel to the river at 2 or 3 feet apart, raking with the slope of the bank, one standing in its retreat from the water higher than the other; these are secured by either working rods or wattling twigs between them, or by spiking horizontal pieces to them: the spaces between the rows are filled with chalk or stone, and brought as nearly as possible to a regular slope; this is called breach piling, and is now nearly abandoned. Kentish rag or other hard stone is infinitely preferable, and less costly, for maintaining a wall subject to the action of a river on which steam-boats are constantly passing; this, laid with a gentle slope from a little below the level of the lowest state of the tide, up to the summit of the wall, and the interstices run with fine gravel, has been proved to answer admirably well. The sea walls at Dimchurch and elsewhere, which have a slope of one in thirty or more, appear to have little or no disarrangement throughout any part of them: fascines and brushwood are used where expense is a matter of consideration, and when laid in the direction of the force, and pegged down with living willows, succeed well; but with materials of this kind the slope should be brought to one regular inclined line, and turfed over as far as possible; where a sea-wall is formed of sand, the interior is puddled with clay, and along with the sand Spanish broom or twigs of trees are strewed in layers, which bind the whole together. Within these walls provision must always be made to let off the land waters, and as the marshes bordering on the Thames and other great tidal rivers are considerably lower than the level of high water, it is important that the openings for their discharge should resist the entry of the water when at its highest state. The simplest form is a clapper or valve hung at the top, and falling over the opening of the pipe or trunk of discharge, which is kept closed, as the tidal water rises and presses against it. Sluices are at other times used, which slide up and down in a frame, and the ordinary lock-gate either made to revolve on a pivot or to shut like folding-doors against a fixed frame. The passage through the wall consists of either a mass of masonry or a pipe of cast-iron; for culverts the latter is generally preferred. When the passage of the fresh water is over a low beach or sandy flat, it is necessary to CHAP. XXVIII. 1559 DRAINING AND EMBANKING. Fig. 2902. HARTLEPOOL. protect its course by building jetties, or so effectually to cover it that no obstructions can occur. After the main drain in a level has been cut, the rivers which run into it are embanked, and catch-water drains are formed to collect the water flowing from a higher level; the several channels must be kept open by dredging, scour- ing, and cutting down the aquatic plants and weeds. Attention must then be turned to the subsoil draining, that the surface may be rendered valuable for the purposes of agriculture. l'ig. 2903. HARTLEPOOL. Subsoil Draining. Geology has assisted this operation very materially by rendering us ac- quainted with the quality and nature, as well as succession of the soils beneath the surface to be drained. The soils which are impervious are usually the most heavy, and the porous are those of a lighter quality. Clays, when they receive water, will only part with it by evapo- ration when left in a natural state, and there- fore to make such a surface fit for agriculture, or to render it dry for any useful purpose, or to improve the atmosphere above it, requires con- siderable ingenuity and a great expenditure. Such a soil is fertile when drained, and it is only necessary to prevent the waters from the neighbouring lands overspreading it, or to contrive means to carry off what falls in rain, and is not required to nourish the crops it is not rendered wet by the action of the underground springs, and may be effectually drained by penetrating through the clay, and letting off the water into the under-stratum where this is of a porous quality, as chalk or such material. The surface of clay is often cut into drains, which are taken in a diagonal direction across the piece of land operated upon; these are made at about 15 or 20 feet apart, and usually about 2 or 3 feet in depth; they are often filled in with loose stones, and again covered up. Drain tiles are admirably adapted for grass land, as well as that under the plough; they are about 13 or 14 inches in length, 4 inches in width at bottom, and a little more in height; they have an arched channel for the passage of the water, 3 inches in width at bottom, and 4 inches in depth: the drains are cut just large enough for their insertion, and not deeper than is required to prevent their being disturbed in the ordinary process of cultivating the soil above. When the tiles are put into the channels, and laid with a proper current to discharge into the drain prepared at their lower extremity, some straw is laid over them to prevent any loose earth from falling in or choking them up: in general, 1000 tiles are put to an acre, and the cost of draining that quantity of land varies from 37. to 4l. Another common practice is for the drainer to take out a spit of clay with a wedge- formed spade or too!, and then to deepen it by another of the same form but smaller, after which he uses a scoop to remove any crumbs that may have fallen down: the drain when finished presents the section of a wedge 30 inches deep, 1 foot wide at top, and only 2 or 3 inches at bottom, and indeed the narrower it is the stronger it is. It is then filled in with brushwood to the height of 10 inches, and covered with long wheat-straw twisted into bands, which are carefully laid in by hand; after this the earth is thrown on, and the 5 G 4 1560 Book 11. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. first portions trod gently down, the remainder spread and levelled over it. Where there is an impervious bottom, the drains are often cut 4 feet or more in depth; they are then made proportionately wider, and filled up within 12 or 14 inches of the surface; where the depth does not exceed 5 feet, a width of 2 feet at top is amply sufficient; the width should, however, be increased 4 inches for every foot in depth, and that at the bottom be 20 inches. A great variety of tiles are now used for the purpose of draining; some are cylindrical, the upper half being perforated with small holes to allow the water to pass into the channel formed by laying one-half of the pipe over the other; they are very durable and effective when properly laid down. When the land abounds with springs, or is subject to the oozing out of subterraneous waters, the draining must be effected by a different method. Springs have their origin from the accumulation of the rain water, which, falling upon the earth, after passing through soils of a porous nature, descends to a bed of clay, close gravel, or some other water-bearing stratum, upon which it glides or runs down the sloping bed, until it crops out at the surface of the ground, generally in some valley, where it forms a run of water. In the chalk dis- tricts, the water rises to the slant line of its drainage, or rather stands at the level at which it can drain off; and where a considerable detritus has been deposited upon its bed, the natural oozing out of the water from these springs is prevented, and being penned back, they are forced to find an opening elsewhere. Wherever a ditch is cut on the slope of a hill at a level, to tap the strata in which the water stands, there it will flow out and effectually drain the soil above it, as has been proved by constant experience; in sinking a shaft or tunnel in the chalk districts, below the ordinary standing of water in the neighbouring wells, the whole has been drained dry for many miles therefore, to drain a valley which suffers from floods or inundations produced from such causes, it is only necessary to have a catch-water drain made at the foot of the hills which skirts it, and cut sufficiently deep to receive the water which will pour into it. Descending waters are readily got rid of, by collecting them into a stream before they injuriously overspread the plains below; there are many instances of a valuable level being ruined by the filling of the ditches with water, producing weeds and vegetable matter, which in decaying give out gases of the worst kind, in consequence of the natural drain or river being raised or penned up, which elevates the level of the springs by forcing them backwards; whenever this occurs a new catch-water drain should be sunk, and a free dis- charge for all the waters which descend from the high ground kept open. If this drain passes through sand or a porous soil, it must be puddled at the sides and bottom. It is not uncommon in many parts of Kent, where the chalk is capped with a stiff clay and flints, to drain the surface by sinking wells through the clay, and filling them up with stones the water which falls upon the surface is directed into these artificial cavities, and led off to the chalk, where it sinks to the level of the water-bearing stratum, or to the height of its slant line, which finds an outlet or natural dis- charge at the toe of the hills, or in some fissures of the chalk. This clay is supposed to be the alumina held by the chalk before its decomposition, or rather before it was dissolved, and carried away by the waters which acted upon it· that a great height has been reduced from both the North and South Downs is evident from the quantity of flints which remain on the surface, and the loftiest parts of these ranges, which are most exposed to the action of the weather, abound with them. Wherever pits can be sunk to arrive at the chalk or the limestone, there is no difficulty in obtaining a free and perfect drainage. When a morass or a peaty ground is to be drained, the several strata which it reposes upon should be examined by boring, and if, as is often the case, a layer of clay intervenes between the limestone and the mossy surface which holds the water, by tapping the clay in various places well selected, the whole of the water will be discharged and sink away. Tunnelling under rivers presents very considerable difficulty, as has been experienced in that under the Thames, and it could not have been effected, but for the shield contrived by Mr. Brunel, which consisted of twelve frames, each having three cells that could be opened and shut at pleasure. Each of the twelve frames, one of which is shown in the cut, had boards 3 feet in length and 4 inches in thickness, called polling-boards; these were supported and maintained in their position by screws, to the number of fifty-four in each frame. When it was required to take out the earth, one of these boards only was removed at a time by the Fig. 2904. CHAP. XXIX. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINERY. 1561 workmen employed; by this means a firm buttress was formed, which resisted the inward pressure of the earth, as progress was made in the tunnel: for a further description of the application of this shield, we must refer to p. 522. The brickwork which lined the bottom, sides, and arches of the tunnel, were completed up to the shield before it was pushed farther along. Wherever large sewers or drains are required to be made under the beds of navigable rivers, no better nor safer method can be adopted than that of the shield; the workmen are protected by it, and a great irruption cannot take place suddenly, nor without giving ample warning to allow them to escape. CHAP. XXIX. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINERY. WHEN machines were formed of wood, the art of the millwright was required to put together the various movements, and other portions of his work, in such a manner that they resisted every strain to which they were subjected: since the universal introduction of iron for this purpose, he is now only required to prepare moulds for casting them; still there are occasions when it is necessary for the civil engineer to have his machinery constructed as formerly, and it is then important that the work be properly performed. It is necessary that the ram of a pile-engine should be suspended H 0 Fig. 2905. Ram. Fig. 2906. Ram. Fig. 2907. RAM Fig. 2908. Screw. so that it falls perpendicularly in the groove prepared to direct its motion, and this has been admirably and simply effected by attaching to the back of the ram two frames in the form of a H, the arms of which serve as a guide when rising or falling. Our limits will О Fig. 2909, Fig. 2910. 1562 Book Il. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. not permit us to detail the construction of many portions of those machines, the principles of which have been already described: we can only allude to the movements of a few of those most generally in use. In forming a screw the hardest wood should be selected, as that of the box tree, or any other of equal strength, which is not likely to warp or get out of form. As the power of the screw depends upon the correctness with which the thread is turned, the primitive cylinder, which the inclined plane is to surround, should be worked very accu- rately before it is offered to the lathe or cutting machine. When the screw is mounted to serve the purposes of a press, the standards which confine its action must be braced and firmly held together; the braces at the sides may be made to serve as supports and ties. Where two screws are required to lift the same plane, great at- tention must be paid to the cutting of the spiral threads around them, or they will work unequally, and Te Fig. 2911. 时 ​H throw greater stress upon one thread than the other. Fig. 2912. The framework upon which the spindles of wheels are mounted, as well as the axles, should be wrought with the greatest nicety, and the staves of the trundles and the cogs of the wheels made either of hornbeam wood or lignum vitæ : in mounting a trundle Per- ronet used two triangularly framed stands, into the heads of the upright posts of which the gudgeons worked. I Fig. 2914. Fig. 2913. When a beam is to be lifted perpendicularly, the wipers require to be fixed firmly, otherwise the cams on the turning wheels, which produce its motion, and occasion it to rise and fall successively, will not act with that precision which is required for stamping or pounding, to which this motion is particularly applicable. After passing the wipers through a mortise made to receive them, they require firmly wedging from the opposite side. Tread Wheels are of very simple construction, and serviceable in moving pumps or other machines; they have a long iron shaft, with four or six wheels about 40 inches in diameter, 24 spurs or starts, like those of an un- dershot water-wheel, being fixed upon it; these spurs are 8 or 9 inches in length, with footboards attached by strong screws: the useful effect of a tread mill has been calculated upon the supposition that a man can lift his own weight 12,000 feet high in a day; supposing him to weigh 150 pounds, the total weight lifted would be equal to 1,800,000 pounds raised a foot in the course of a day's work of 8 hours; walking wheels are variously made, and there are several with footboards attached to the levers that move the spindle round. 3 Fig. 2915. Fig. 2016. WIPERS- CHAP. XXIX. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINERY. 1563 The cams are set out at the required distances on the turning wheel or cylinder, and are repeated as often as motion is considered necessary; the three stampers shown are raised alternately, by attending to the several positions in which the cams are placed. M. Camus, to whose valuable treatise on the Teeth of Wheels we have so frequently referred, considered the best form that could be given was that which placed them always in such positions that they equally favoured the action of each other; the smaller wheels of a machine are sometimes made out of a single piece of hard wood, with the teeth cut out of the solid. A crown wheel and pinion, construc- ted of timber, must be so framed, that every portion of its rim or periphery is strongly held and braced together: this cannot be more effectually done than by crossing two timbers at right angles; through the opening in the mid- dle, the shaft may be secured to the frame, and when it revolves motion is conveyed to the machinery in easy and steady manner. in an Additional strength may be given to the arms on the under side of the large, and upper side of the small wheels; the cogs are formed of horn- beam, mortised and tenoned into the pe- riphery of both wheels, the propor- • tion of which has already been described. A A A A A Fig. 2918. Fig. 2919. To secure the wheel on the shaft which turns is easily effected by wedging all these operations require attention to the strength of the several materials employed: they should be well seasoned, and not likely to shrink from their original dimensions. Where a spur-wheel is to work in a crown- wheel below, its spindle may pass into the same timber that the gudgeon of the upright shaft works in, if it be securely framed and braced to resist any lateral movement. The rims of these wheels may be further strength- ened by inner circles made fast to the outer, and the upright shaft left square where it it passes through the frame of the wheel. Wheels which engage each other should be braced in proportion to the stress and action they are sub- jected to: where the dia- Fig. 2920. D Fig. 2917. வ • 1564 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. meters are small, the arms at right angles may be sufficient; but in those of greater dia- meter, the arms will often require diagonal braces from one to the other, and these again strutted to the outer rim; the more solid the framing, the more exact the movement; great attention is required to effect this In the construction of a chapelet it is necessary to consider the power that is to be employed; it has been shown that at the building of the bridge of Orleans one put in motion by twelve horses made 140 turns in an hour: the number of cogs upon the great wheel was 115, and of trundles upon the lantern 12: the height as well as width O ს · • • • n O Fig. 2921. o A O • ה • O Fig. 2922. Fig. 2923. Chapelet. of the buckets was 6 inches. As the chain passes over the staves of the lantern, it is raised with its load by the turning of the latter: the outer frame is generally made of wood, the sides braced together at convenient distances, and trapped with iron. The Archimedean screw is surrounded by a cylinder made generally of wood; the spindle, round which the screw traverses, may either be made of the same material or of iron this ancient and very useful power has already been described. : Fig. 2974. ARCHIMEdean scrEW. Pumps are often made of timber, when there is a difficulty of obtaining those of metal : but the trough or pipe in which the plunger works can rarely be made sufficiently water- CHAP. XXIX. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINERY. 1565 and air-tight to prove very effective. In pumping water out of foundations or trenches, the bottom of the pipe should be pierced with holes, to prevent the mud and soil from entering: the buckets and plungers may be formed out of elm or beech, and the handle connected by a wooden rod, the strength of which is considerable, particularly when made of deal. The Construction of a Vessel belongs to the ship- builder rather than the civil engineer, although it is of the utmost importance that the latter should be ac- quainted with the principles upon which it is set out: plans, elevations, and sections through every part are required, before any of the timbers can be rightly proportioned. The safety of a ship requires that the timbers should uniformly cross the keel, and that the frame be filled up so as to form one compact body of timber; to trace the changes which have been made in the sections of ships by different nations, and at different periods, is of the highest value, and still occupies great attention. The Displacement of a Vessel, or the cubical contents of that part which is below the water's surface, may be calculated from the principle that a body speci- fically lighter than water will sink until it has dis- placed a portion of the fluid equal in weight to the entire body itself: in de- signing a boat or vessel, the frst object is to form as accurate an estimate of this weight as possi- ble. The universal joint may be formed out of any hard wood, and the action of the concave upon the con- vex ball guided in any direction required; the strength of the globe is sufficient in itself to resist fracture; but the casing which works upon it re- quires to be braced or strengthened by a metal rim, into which the mov- able arm may be let. ANE ZAMAN WAZI VINJE Fig. 2925. PUMPS. Fig. 2926. SECTION OF A VESSEL. II Fig. 2929. 0 • Fig. 2927. UNIVERSAL JOINT. Fig. 2929. ROpe ladder. Rope ladders are frequently in request by the mechanic, and are easily made by passing the staves through a slip-knot, and fastening them in their position. 1566 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Book II. CHAP. XXX. RAILROADS. THE steam-engine being the means by which carriages are propelled on a railway, it would be natural that the first men consulted upon the best method of laying out a line should be those most acquainted with the uses of the new motive power; but time and experience have extended this knowledge, and created many practical civil engineers, whose added stores of information, skill, and ingenuity, will, it may be fairly hoped, very considerably lessen the expenditure for all future railroads. The first operation in these new national works is an accurate survey of the country to be passed through, which should extend to a considerable distance on each side of the intended line: there should be scope enough left either way for the engineer to benefit from the levels of the land he is desirous of crossing. The land-surveying and the levelling should progress together, one party mapping while the other lays down the rise and fall; the cuttings and embankments must next be calculated and made to balance as nearly as possible, care being taken that sufficient land is mapped to extend the base of the embankments, and, where deep cuttings are necessary, that a width at top is provided, to allow for the talus or slope, as well as for any casual slips or shrinking to which the various earths may be subject. Should the embankments not require all the earth from the cuttings, proper situations must be secured for the deposit of the surplus; and, if the cuttings do not afford sufficient for the embankments, the earth must be obtained at the nearest and most convenient spot: these and various other points dependent on locality must be well considered at the time of laying down the map, that, when the period of execution arrives, there may be no obstacle to the pre-arranged plans. Before the engineer can finally determine the width of the respective cuttings, it will be necessary to examine into the nature of the various earths through which his operations are to be carried, as upon this must depend the quantity to be removed, and consequently the widths to be set out. When a cutting is made through clay, the slope in some in- stances is only required to be 1 to 1; but if in a constantly wet state, it will slip, even if 3 to 1 is given; soapy shale will slide when at a much greater slope than 5 to 1: chalk will stand nearly vertical, and the more it approaches that position, the less it will be affected by the weather. Sand has been found to stand with a slope of 1 to 1: on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, where the depth of cutting is upwards of 100 feet, it stood well with the talus of 1 to 1. Gravel and dry soils stand well with a slope of 1½ horizontal to 1 perpendicular, when the height does not exceed 40 feet; but in wet seasons the greatest caution is required to make most of the soils stand, whatever slope be given them: 81 feet in width requires for each mile in length an acre of ground; 16 feet 6 inches, or a rod in width, requires two acres, there being 320 rods to a lineal mile, and 160 square rods to an acre. Thus there is no difficulty in ascertaining the quantity contained in the cutting for a general estimate; when the slope and the depths have been determined on, the mean width multiplied by the depth will give the cubical content. Where the embankments should cease, and the construction of a viaduct begin, or where the open cutting should give way to the tunnel, are points of great importance for the decision of the engineer. As it is usual to estimate all earth-works by the cubic yard, it is advisable, wherever practicable, to take all the dimensions in yards, and their decimal parts; and, by calculating 4840 square yards as making an acre, and 1760 yards in length a mile, there would be a great facility afforded in arriving at the desired quantity. Numerous tables are, however, constructed, by which the quantities are ascertained, without the trouble of calculation. must be remembered that clay, as well as some other earths, will require a larger quantity of cutting to form the embankments than they cube to; whilst with some common earths there is an increase of at least ten per cent. in the quantity, when first used, and before it has time to become consolidated. It When the railroad is made, it must be entirely free from water: drains must be cut on each side, and conducted to watercourses constructed so as readily to receive all that passes by them in soils like that of the Chatmoss, varying in depth from 10 to 34 feet, and resting on a substratum of clay and sand, considerable difficulty is experienced in forming the embankments as well as the cutting In that instance the operations of the engineer extended over a length of 4 miles; drains were cut at every 5 yards, and as soon as the water had passed off, and the moss become dry, it was removed, and the embank- ments formed of it, four times as much being required in the dry state to fill up the same CHAP. XXX. 1567 RAILROADS. quantity of yards as when wet; other drains were then cut on each side the embankments, 2 feet deep, and when the water had drained out of the moss under the intended roadway, double layers of hurdles, covered with heath, were laid upon it, and on these a stratum of ballast. The drains were entirely effectual; 670,000 cubic yards of moss in its natural state when dry were required to make 277,000 cubic yards of embankments, so great is its capacity for water. When the fall is 10 feet in a mile, the gradient is 1 in 528; when 20 feet, 1 in 264 feet; and when 30 feet per mile, a third, or 1 in 176; when the gradients are established, allowance can be made in the calculations of quantities, and the average depths and heights determined on. The plans and sections of the intended line being prepared, the quantities of earthwork may be accurately ascertained, and contracts made for the cuttings and embankments, and the centre of the line being marked out, the operations of cutting may immediately commence. The first contractor usually provides engines, rails, waggons, and whatever is required for the transport of the earth, and sublets the work to gangs of navigators. Horse-power has been abandoned, the locomotive or stationary engine, drawing the waggons at the rate of 8 or 10 miles an hour when loaded, being much more convenient. Much judgment is required in establishing the situations for the waggons to tip or shoot their load: where the depth of cutting is considerable, inclined lines may be formed, along which very little labour is required to move the carriages. One man will throw into a waggon in the course of a day 15 cube yards of stiff clay, or 25 of sand, and, according to the nature of the ground, from 60 to 90 men can throw up and load 1000 cubic yards in that time. Ashley Cutting, on the Great Western Railway, about 5 miles on the London side of Bath, at the base of Kingsdown Hill, is 23 feet above the level of Box Brook, which runs in one of the two valleys separating the parallel ridge of the upper oolite that caps the hills in this district, and upwards of 800 feet above the level of the sea. The top of Kingsdown Hill, behind the cutting, is above Box Hill, where the tunnel passes, and the land slopes down to the railway at the rate of 1 in 11, exposing an inclined plane of at least 4000 feet in length to the action of the atmosphere. The cutting was made through a drift from the high lands, and not through the original stratification: and after its completion, the upper portion of this deposit slipped, producing considerable inconvenience: this arose from its tendency to absorb water, from which it had no means of clearing itself, the lower portion of the bed, on which it rested and abutted, being removed. To remedy this the whole was cut to a slope of 4 to 1, and shafts were sunk until they pierced the water-bearing strata; these were connected with several headings, driven on the surface of the marl, parallel to the railway, which most effectually decreased the quantity of water; but 1500 yards of shafts and headings were driven at a cost of 30s per yard run before this was entirely accom- plished, or the drift could be made to stand at a slope of 2 to 1. Equalising the Excavations and Embankments, so that the parts excavated will furnish earth sufficient to fill up the valleys or low ground to be crossed: to effect this we must resort to a system of successive approximations, by assuming different slopes, and shifting the line to one side or the other till we arrive at the proper result. The solid contents of both excavations and embankments must be calculated, bearing in mind that the earth in its natural state occupies less than when broken up, and that an artificial embankment settles considerably: this allowance must depend upon the nature of the soils. The axis of the road is then set out by piquets, and its width with stakes, on which is marked either the height to be filled in, or the cutting to be made. The removal of the earth by the most economical method is the next consideration, and then the inclination to be given to the side slopes: when the earth is a mixture of clay and sand, 2 of base to 1 of perpendicular, and where the latter material predominates, a greater slope is necessary: in solid rock the sides may be left nearly or quite perpendicular; but it must also be remembered that slaty rocks disintegrate very rapidly when exposed to the action of the frost, and it is better to cut them into steps and cover their surfaces with vegetable mould, on which grass seeds should be sown. The stratified rocks, which dip towards the horizon, being liable to slip when cut through, require great attention; where clay and sand alternate, they must be effectually drained, all the surface water collected, and the springs working in them conducted away, for which purpose deep trenches must be cut, and filled in with gravel or loose stones with an easy fall. Drainage of the subsoil is also necessary, and this is often performed by making a longitudinal drain under the roadway, or by side-cuttings in the manner of catch-water drains on the slopes, running them obliquely along the surface, and then allowing them to empty into the cross drains or natural watercourses. In marshy soils it is often requisite to make an entirely new artificial bed to receive the roadway, and this is best done by taking out the spongy elastic earth, and substituting a harder material. Gradients, or the proportionate ascent or descent of the several planes constructed on the 1568 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. railway, demand from the civil engineer very considerable attention. In the Treatise on Locomotive Engines by Chevalier F. M. G. De Pambour, the author, after stating that inclined planes are a great obstacle to the motion on railways, supposes if a train of 100 tons be drawn by an engine on a level, the friction of the carriages will produce a resistance of 8 lbs. per ton, and consequently the power required of the engine will be 800 lbs. He then supposes the same train ascending an inclined plane at ; on that plane, besides the resistance owing to the friction of the waggons, a fresh resistance occurs, which is the gravity of the total mass in motion on the plane that gravity is the force by virtue of which the train would roll back if it were not retained, and is equal to the weight of the mass, divided by the number indicating the inclination of the plane. If therefore, in this case, the load of 100 tons be drawn by an engine weighing ten tons, the total mass placed on the inclined plane will be 110 tons, or 246-400 pounds; thus its gravity on the inclined plane at 246-400 100 100 will be lbs. 2.464 lbs. The surplus of traction required of the engine on account of that circumstance is therefore 2.464 lbs.; and as on a level one ton load is represented by eight pounds traction, 2·464 lbs. represents the resistance that would be offered by a load of 308 tons on a level. The engine which before drew 100 tons must now draw 408 tons, or must exert the same effort as if it drew 408 tons on a level: upon this data the author above quoted has calculated the resistance on inclined planes; some writers have given the angle of repose as 1 in 280; and the Irish Railway Commissioners have stated that at the angle of 1 in 140 a velocity is acquired which has a useful practical effect. On the London and Birmingham line of railway, where the plane for a considerable length was 1 in 75, the trains attained a velocity of thirty miles an hour. A gradient of 1 foot per mile is equal to a rise of 1 in 5280; of 10 feet, to 1 in 528: of 20 feet, to 1 in 264, and tables are calculated showing the inclination up to 60 feet, or 1 in 88; and other tables have been drawn up, to show the lengths of equivalent horizontal lines to gradients, from 1 in 90 to 1 in 1500 Gradient. Ascending. Descending. Mean. Gradient. Ascending. Descending. Mean. 1 in 90 2.66 1.00 1.83 1 in 200 1.75 .83 1.29 95 2.58 1.00 1.79 250 1.60 ⚫83 1.21 100 2.50 1.00 1.75 300 1.50 ⚫83 1.16 110 2.36 1.00 1.68 350 1.43 ⚫83 1.13 120 2.25 1.00 1.62 400 1.37 .83 1.10 130 2.15 1.00 1.57 500 1.30 .83 1.06 140 2.07 1.00 1.53 750 1.20 .83 1.01 160 1.94 ⚫83 1.43 1000 1.15 .85 1.00 180 1.83 ⚫83 1.33 1500 1.10 •90 1.00 To calculate the resistance of the trains on an inclined plane, we have in the work before alluded to a very useful table for engines weighing from 8 to 12 tons, with the load they draw. Where the engine weighs 8 tons, the following table may apply. Equivalent Load on a Level, the inclination of the Plane being · Load in Tons. 300 400 300 200 150 100 25 44 48 56 71 87 117 50 83 91 105 191 158 212 75 122 133 153 191 230 307 100 161 176 201 251 302 402 125 200 218 249 311 373 497 150 239 261 298 371 445 592 By such a table we can observe the resistance of the trains on inclined planes. Width between the Rails. On the first establishment of railways, the clear width between the rails was fixed by parliament at 4 feet 8 inches, which is that of the Liverpool and Manchester line; but since the year 1836 this has been optional with the engineer, and the Great Western is 7 feet between the rails. The width between the two lines of railway is ordinarily the same as that between the rails; but upon the London and Birmingham line it is 6 feet, though, for all practical purposes. 4 feet 8 inches has been found sufficient. A proper width outside the rails is, however, exceedingly important, in order to obtain the requisite stability or firmness in the embankments for fixing the blocks and rails. Whether the broad or narrow gauge will eventually prevail, it is difficult to decide; but certainly the latter is the most economical in construction, and, if equally answering the CHAP XXX. 1569 RAILROADS purpose with the other, it should on that account be preferred. When the distance between the rails is increased, every additional inch in width adds to the expense, not only for the land on which it is set out, but also from requiring stouter sleepers and rails of a greater weight; the length of the axles of both the locomotives and the carriages they draw must also be prolonged, and consequently rendered more likely to fracture, if their strength be not greatly increased; the draught is more immediate from the middle of the narrow than from that of the broad gauge. Foundation for the Stone Blocks and Sleepers. The surface of the way transversely should be convex, with a rise of about 3 or 4 inches in the middle, to throw the water into the lateral drains, and previously to placing or bedding the blocks, a stratum of broken stones should be spread over the whole to the depth of a foot, through which the water can penetrate into the brick drains previously constructed beneath it: another stratum of finer stone with sand is laid, and after being well rammed is levelled to form a firm foundation. The blocks are of a hard and compact stone, often of granite; they are drilled for the reception of the trenails and made level to receive the chairs; but if great care is not taken in setting them they will sink and require to be reset: they are now usually bedded by means of a machine containing a lever, about 20 feet in length, with its fulcrum at a suffi- cient distance from the end to raise the block intended to be set about a foot high from the ground; and while one man is manœuvring it, another, as often as it is lifted up, throws under the block a layer of sand or fine gravel, until it is not only level transversely, but ranges with the others along the line, and when once placed it should not again be moved. Where the ground is not very firm, wooden sleepers are laid across the way, from one side to the other, made of larch or other durable timber, and of a scantling not less than 12 inches by 6: they were at first cut out of round timbers or Scotch fir, 12 or 13 inches in diameter, and after one cut was made in them, they were laid with their flat side downwards across the road, at a distance of 3 feet from centre to centre. Transverse with longitudinal sleepers over them, extending the whole length under the rails, make the most stable arrangement, and are now generally adopted: it is highly important to prevent any sinking of the rails after they are once set, and it is a false economy that dispenses with the timber substructions, which form an extended base to receive the weight passing over the rails. When, however, stone blocks are used in preference to timber sleepers, they should be made perfectly level before the chairs are set upon them: two holes, about 2 inches in diameter, are then drilled into them, for the purpose of inserting plugs of heart of oak which, when firmly driven in, are bored with an auger, to receive the iron pins which fasten down the chairs. In many instances the former have been dispensed with, and a piece of tarred felt inserted between the bottom of the chair and the top of the block: oak pins engine-turned have also been used, and if well driven, they are found to render the chair tight and firm; if tarred over after their heads are cut off level, they will last many years in a sound state. Fig. 2930. Triangular sleepers, laid longitudinally upon others which cross the railway, are in some instances preferred: as in the fixing the iron rails chairs can be dispensed with, and greater strength can be obtained from the same quantity of timber; for there is no better form to resist compression than a triangle placed upon a broad base. In the construction of the Great Western Railway stone blocks were dispensed with, longitudinal rails of American pine being substituted for them; they were 14 inches in breadth, from 6 to 7 inches in thickness, and laid on alternate double and single transverse ties. The double ties were each 6 inches in breadth and 7 inches in depth; the single were 6 inches in breadth and 9 inches in depth: two beech piles, 10 inches in diameter, were driven between each double pair, and two others by the side of each single tie, the rows being about 8 feet 6 inches apart. In cuttings the piles were driven 8 or 10 feet. but on the embankments, or where the earth was made, they were usually driven through into the subsoil. The heads of the piles were secured to the double and single rows of transverse cross ties or sleepers by iron bolts with screws and washers. The longitudinal timbers, 14 inches in width, were laid down upon the cross ties, and then firmly bolted to them with screw bolts and washers; the head of the bolt and washer, being counter-sunk in the longitudinal rail, and passing through the transverse ties, were secured below: two bolts were used when the timbers were double, and one at each point of intersection of the single timbers. The longitudinal timbers being bolted securely to the transverse ties, the latter were again secured by bolts passing through the head of the piles. After the cross ties and longitudinal timbers were all securely placed, finely screened 5 H 1570 ¸ THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING Book II. sand or gravel was driven or packed under them by means of pointed beaters, which was continued until the tim- bers were strained up- wards of half an inch or more in the middle and made to curve; they were then adzed down to a level, and a plank of hard American oak, 8 inches broad and 1 inch in 1/1/2 thickness, was laid upon a bed of tar, the whole length of the longitudinal timbers, and nailed down in two rows with 2-shil- ling nails, their heads being well punched in. The oak plank was then planed to a surface throughout, and the iron rails laid on it with great care, each joint being fitted very nicely, with due allowance for ex- pansion and contraction; the iron rails were fastened down by screw-bolts pass- ing through a piece of felt, the American oak, and then into the longitudinal timber: the screws on the outside of the rails had square heads, but those on the inside were counter- sunk, so as to avoid any interruption to the flanges of the wheels as they passed along. When the outside screw had been so tightened as to draw the rail close down to the oak plank, and the inner screws also made as tight as possible, a heavy roller, weighing 10 tons, was moved several times over the rails, and as it passed the screws were again turned until per- fectly tight. The gauge of these rails is, from centre to centre, 7 feet 2 inches, and the width Fig. 2331. D Fig. 2932. V Fig. 2933. between each pair of rails in the middle 6 feet; so that from the centre of the outside rails, where the double line is complete, is 20 feet 5 inches. The piles are for the purpose of holding down the sleepers, and the packing under the timbers which cross the railway is to give them a pres- sure upwards, to enable them in some degree to resist the weight of the carriages; it has been stated that this springing of the timbers adds considerably to their stability; and, undoubtedly, the pressure upon a curved timber would throw the weight towards the ends, and deposit it against its abutment, which would be the sec- U Q Fig. 2935. ព V Fig. 2934. CHAP. XXX. 1571 RAILROADS. tional end of the adjoining one, as long as the pile maintained its retentive power. This timber foundation required for every mile of double line 420 loads of American pine, 40 loads of oak, 6 tons of wrought-iron bolts, and 30,000 screws. 84 Rails, when of cast-iron, are more brittle than when of malleable metal, and consequently require an increased area in their section to be equal in strength to the latter they are durable, resist for a long time the action of the wheels, and, from the hardness of the metal, oppose little or no obstruction to them: but the malleable iron, from not being so subject to fracture, is now usually preferred. The width of the rail at top is about 2 inches, which is that now given to most wheels, and considered sufficient for all purposes. It has been estimated that the wear and tear or waste of the rails is about of a pound per yard per annum, or that inch in depth is annually worn away; but this must in a great degree depend upon the quality of the iron, and many other attendant circumstances: their length is about 15 feet, and the expansion and contraction in our temperature is estimated at equal to 20 of that length, or inch. In comparing the strength of rails great differences are observable from the various kinds of iron used; when diversities of metal in proper pro- portions are employed, the rail is stronger, with the same weight of iron, than when com- posed of one metal. It is admitted that those of malleable iron are easier kept in order; that, extending over several chairs or blocks, there are fewer joints; that they present to the wheels of the carriages a smoother surface, and are also more regular in their decay; that their elasticity being great, they are not so subject to fracture, and will bear considerable change of form without the cohesive power being affected; and that pressure which would crumble down the crystalline texture of the cast-iron flattens the malleable, and renders its powers of resistance greater. 2000 With regard to the best form for the section of a rail, there have been various opinions; it has been ascertained that a malleable iron bar of any length is extended 100000 of that length by the direct strain of a ton for every inch of its sectional area, and when strained by ten tons per inch, or stretched of its length, it does not regain its form or elasticity. The Plate Rail, first used about the year 1767 in a colliery near Sheffield, was a flat bar of cast-iron with an upright ledge; it was in 6 feet lengths, and the upright and flat part measured in width 2 inches; they were secured by nails to transverse timber sleepers; they were placed on square wooden blocks, and it was not until the year 1800 that stone blocks were used on the railway at Little Eton, in Derbyshire: some flat rails are cast with a square hole at every joint; through this an iron pin is driven, which enters a wooden plug previously introduced into the stone block; one-half of the pin thus secures the end of each rail, which is in lengths of from 3 to 4 feet. In some cases a return is cast on the edge of the flat part of the rail, which enters a groove cut into the stone, and adds consider · rably to its steadiness. Wrought-iron rails were first used about 1824; they are now all so manufactured, and rolled out to the form required. The first Edge Rail was of cast-iron, and used at Loughborough about the year 1789: its upper surface was level, and that below elliptical: a flange on the wheel guided it along the rail; it consisted of a bar of cast-iron, about 3 inches thick, increasing towards the top to a breadth of 21 inches, in which the wheel ran: they were either fixed to wooden sleepers or stone blocks, and this description of rail, when its section was that of a parallelogram, was calculated to bear the greatest strain. Iron chairs, of which there are now many varieties, were a most useful introduction: the first were made with a flat base, of about 7 inches in length, 4 inches in width, and 2 of an inch thick, gradually diminishing towards the edge to inch: the upper part, which received the rail, had two uprights cast on it, at a distance sufficient to allow the rail to enter between them, when fixed pins were passed through the cheeks or uprights, as well as through the holes in the ends of the rails, which prevented them from moving; they were placed either on stone blocks, 18 inches square and 9 inches in depth, or on wood 3 feet long, 10 inches wide, and from 6 to 8 inches in depth. The chair was fastened down by driving an oak pin or plug through a hole cast on each side, and another drilled into the blocks. I In the year 1816 Loch and Stephenson obtained the first patent for an improved rail and chair: the ends of the rails united in a half lap, a pin passed through the two ends as well as the chair, and kept them together. The object of this patent was to fix both the ends of the rails, or separate pieces of which the ways are made, immovably in or upon the chairs or props that support them, and so to place the rails that neither of the ends should Fig. 2936. 5 н 2 1572 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. project above, or fall below, the corresponding one of that with which it is in contact, and so to form the union of the rail and chairs, that they should always remain perpendicular: this con- trivance relieved the carriages from the sudden jerks to which they were previously subject, and diminished the resistance offered to the wheels in their transits over the rail. Brunton and Shield's Railway. Fig. 2937. Loch and stephenson's chair. The rail is fastened to the chair, which has only one cheek,* by a screw-bolt, which draws a concave nutt tightly against a convex protuberance on the rail, holding it firmly against the up- right cheek of the chair: the thread of the screw, however, being exposed to the action of the weather, is, in the course of time, apt to break, when turned for the purpose of tightening the joints. Fig. 2938. Loch's chair. Loch obtained a patent for another chair, in which the pin was dispensed with the rails were united at the ends by means of a half lap passing each other, when they were set on edge 3 inches: upon the outer side of each rail was a circular projecting knob, and on one of the inner sides a similar knob, which entered a cavity cast to receive it, and prevented the rails from being drawn out in the direction of their length: the rails maintained their proper position, and were prevented from by their own rising by weight. Other means have been adopted to maintain the rails on their chairs without a pin; some have round knobs cast on their ends, which enter cavities answering to them, and are kept in their places, thus ob- taining a level surface throughout, which is the chief result to be arrived at. Fig. 2940. Fig. 2939. One of the first malleable rails formed by rolling-bars was made effected a great change in all that were afterwards manufactured. passing bars of iron heated red-hot between two rollers so grooved quired form; the under side of the rail is sometimes made elliptical, by fixing it on a false centre. This kind is usually rolled out into 15 feet lengths, and laid on 3 feet bearings, with their ends formed with half laps. Fig. 2942. Fig. 2941. in the year 1820, which The process consists of that they give the re- Fig. 2943. The Liverpool and Manchester line had rails of this description, weighing 35 pounds per lineal yard with square ends, and a square projection on one side, which, by driving an iron key into a hole on the other, force it into a recess cast in the side of the chair to receive it. The key was in form of a wedge, and driven longitudinally. The chairs were secured to stone blocks, 2 feet square and 12 inches thick, by iron pins driven into wooden plugs, previously inserted in the stone. In Loch's patent the key is driven on each side above the projection at the bottom of the rail, so that it is kept from rising, which became necessary when the rails were made in 15 feet lengths, the alterations CHAP. XXX. 1573 RAILROADS. arising from the variations of temperature rendering it difficult to pass the pins through them and the sides of the chairs, as had been done with those of shorter lengths. The joints are liable to become loose from the constant action of the carriages, and the most effectual way of tightening them is to drive wedges of iron along the sides of the rail. London and Birmingham Railway has a joint or double chair, and a single or interme- diate, made of strong grey cast-iron. of the No. 1. quality. The double chair has 2 wrought Fig. 2944. SINgle chair. Fig. 2945. PLAN iron pins, 2 wrought-iron wedge bolts, and 2 wrought-iron keys: the single or intermediate chairs have 2 wrought-iron pins, and 1 wrought-iron key, which are of the best malleable iron. By a reference to the plan it will be seen that the seat of the rail is convex on the one, and double convex in the other; the side of the chair next to the flanges of the wheels is in contact with the rail at only two points: on the other side, the rail is secured by a cast-iron Fig. 2946. Double chair. Fig. 2947. chock of a spheroidal form where it touches the rail; this chock has a step or foot by which it rests on the bottom of the chair, and is wedged into its place by means of a wrought-iron key, which passes perpendicu- larly into a mortise, one-half of which is cut through the chock, and the other half on the chair. The chairs were pinned down to the blocks with iron spikes 7 inches long, and inch in diameter, their heads being 14 inch in diameter. Some of the fish-bellied rails were laid down upon this rail- way with chairs, for which Fig. 2948. STEPHENSON'S patent. Fig. 2949. A key Mr. Robert Stephenson took out a patent; the weight of the rail was 50 pounds per yard in length, and it fitted exactly into the chair, with no space for lateral movement. acts directly against the side of the rail through a mortise-hole passing into the sides of the chair; through these holes is driven a tapering key, which, acting upon the pin, forces it against the sides of the rail. has a sharp point, and therefore, when tightly driven, in- dents itself into the rail. The pin On the London and Croydon Railway chairs are dis- pensed with altogether, and the rail is screwed down to longitudinal sleepers, laid on transverse timbers through- out. The base of the rail is in width 41 inches, producing great steadiness: in every yard in length are two sleepers, and over them four rows of longitudinal sleepers; 16,672 cubic feet of timber were used for every mile. The cross or transverse sleepers are 8 feet in length, and 9 by 41 inches: the longitudinal timbers 9 by 41 also. The iron rails were in weight per lineal yard 48 pounds, and that per mile was 337,930 pounds; there Fig. 2950. are 7040 trenails, as many bolts, and 16 screws to every yard, making 28,160 screws, 5 н 3 1574 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. weighing 4692 pounds. These materials, including the labour of fixing them, and the ballast over an average breadth of 26 feet to a depth of 18 inches, cost 5211l. 4s. per mile. An iron rail of this form, resting on a continued sleeper, is considerably stronger than when placed on chairs; a 48-pound rail, so applied, is as strong as one of 75 pounds when resting on points of support 3 feet distant. The sleepers were all of Memel, and the screw-bolts, which secure the rails, were 18 inches apart. Helton Rail has a half lap joint; the bottom of the chair is let into the stone and se- cured by two wooden pins; a convex boss is cast in the bottom of the chair, upon which the Fig. 2951. Fig. 2952. O Fig. 2953. ends of the rails are halved, and a pin, passing through a hole cast in them, secures them to the chairs. The Southampton Railway bars are of a parallel form, and weigh 75 pounds per lineal yard: they were placed in two varieties of chairs, the weights of which were 26 and 22 pounds. The rails are in lengths of 15 feet, their depth is 5 inches, the width of the tops and bottoms 23 inches, and the thickness of the middle 13 of an inch. London and Greenwich Rails are laid to a gauge of 4 feet 8½ inches, and are of the edge form, 21 inches wide at top, 41 inches in depth, and 1 inch in thickness at bottom: they are supported in cast-iron chairs placed at distances of 3 feet. The chairs are fixed in rough blocks of granite or Bramley Fall stone, each containing about 4 cube feet. Railway Curves. When circumstances oblige a departure from the straight line, the curvature to be given to the rails is a point of the highest importance; if it be struck from a radius of a mile only, the inclination of the rail rises but 16 feet in the mile, and the speed of the locomotive engine is reduced nearly one-half; but when the rails are perfectly level, the curvature does not materially impede the progress of the carriages. The flanges of the wheels on the outside rails of the curve, acting against the rails, prevent the carriages being thrown off; but to make them travel along the curve without friction, the wheels have the outside of their rims made conical, or their diameter is increased on the side next the flange. When the carriages move around a curve the wheels eing connected together form conical rollers, moving upon the rails with different radii, the smallest being that of the inner curve, and the increase of that diameter of the wheel which runs on the outer curve makes up to a certain degree for its increased length. The diameter of the wheels next the flange is generally 1 inch more than on the outside of the tire: the breadth is 3 inches; when moving in a straight line, they are usually placed upon the axle, so that they work at about 1 inch from the rail, but some latitude is allowed for their changing into a curved direction; and it is found that for 3 feet wheels, this kind of tire is quite efficient in preventing their rubbing against the inside of the rails at all ordinary curves. When a carriage moves round a curve, its tendency will be to move in the direction of a tangent to that curve, which is altered by the force or velocity, as well as by the radius of curvature. By raising the outside rail, an inclination may be given to the axles, which will produce upon the carriages a gravitating force towards the centre of the curve, equal to the outward centrifugal force, and there will consequently be no extra pressure against the rail, nor any chance of the carriages being thrown off. Turn- Tables only admit of one or two carriages being turned at the same time, and consequently are not generally useful; there is some trouble attending their manage- ment, and they require great attention. The length of the locomotives employed on the line determines their diameter: those on the London and Birmingham Railway are 12 feet, those on the Leeds and Selby 8 feet; they are made of cast-iron, and turn on a pivot in the centre; on the outer rim are rollers, which facilitate the rotary motion: that on the London and Birmingham line has 8 cast-iron rollers, 10 inches in diameter, working upon iron arms, which radiate from a wrought-iron hoop that works round the centre pivot. A circular ring of cast-iron, 12 feet 7 inches in diameter, surrounds the turning-table, and is in depth 1 foot 9 inches; at the bottom is a circular iron plate, 12 inches wide, CHAP. XXX 1575 RAILROADS. Fig. 2954. and 1½ inch in thickness, upon which the rollers work. The table rests upon four iron bearers at right angles with each other: they are 9 inches in depth at the middle, and 63 at the ends; their intersection leaves a square in the middle, the sides of which are 4 feet; from the angles of this square are four other arms serving as radii, which unite with the iron hoop that works round the centre pivot; they are 8 inches in depth at their junction with the hoop. The bearers are at the same distance apart as the rails on the line, and have holes inch in diameter cast in them, for the purpose of at- taching the rails to the table; at their ex- tremity is a circular cast-iron plate, which works round upon eight rollers; its width is 2 inches, and the distance from its middle to the centre 5 feet 13 inch. Fig. 2955. TURN-RAIL. Fig. 2956. TURN-Table, The rollers work between two wrought-iron hoops, 2 inches deep and § thick, and upon 58 the ends of eight wrought-iron rods, inch in diameter, which are screwed into the hoop that surrounds and traverses the centre pivot. The hoop is also of wrought-iron, 1 inch in thickness, 2 inches in depth, and 5 inches in diameter, and is accurately turned, so as to work round the collar of the centre pedestal, which is also turned, and of cast-iron, with a hole 3 inches in diameter and 5 inches in depth, at the bottom of which is a brass step 2 inches thick, for the pivot to work upon. The pedestal is fastened to the stone block by four pins, and a hole is left for the necessary supply of oil to the pivot: to this pivot the table is attached by four screw-bolts, 14 inch diameter, so adjusted that by turning them may be eased off, or lowered on the rollers. On the surface of the table two lines of railways are fixed at right angles, the rails being of wrought-iron, 3 inches broad and 2 inches thick, bolted to the principal arms with -inch screw-bolts, their heads being counter-sunk into the rails. At the intersection of the rails are four sets of wrought-iron inclined planes, for the flanges of the wheels to run upon when passing the openings; and on the outer rim is a latch to hold the table in its desired position. Cast-iron gratings, 3 inch in thickness, are made for the separate compartments, and put into rebates formed to it receive them. Passing from one Line of Railway to another.-Where double lines of railway are laid down, and carriages of equal speed run upon them in opposite directions, the neces- sity for turning out, or for sidings to allow them to pass, is avoided: but where there are Fig. 2957. Fig. 2958. 5 μ 4 1576. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. two classes of carriages, one for passengers, and the other for goods, varying in speed, means must be provided to allow of their occasionally passing each other, with- out which the passengers' carriage would be subject to delay and obstruction from the one more heavily laden. : As there is always some risk in passing in and out of a line, it is advisable to have as few sidings as possible in the best con- trived crossings, trains ra- pidly passing may meet with accidents, if there be the slightest want of care and attention on the part of the attendants. Where there is a single line of railroad, either of the three methods shown may be adopted, as the carriages, travelling in either direction, can pass by the sidings without incon- venience to those going in an opposite direction. The first is generally applied when the carriages are all proceeding in the same direction, but Fig. 2959. Fig. 2960. Fig. 2961. Fig. 2962. Fig. 2963. : with a difference in the speed, a movable rail is alone required to divert them into the siding, or a switch which is restored to its first position by the servant whose business it is to attend it should carriages require to pass in an opposite direction, the switches are moved so as to enable them to digress, and again enter the main line. Loaded carriages invariably keep the line, and the empty ones take the sidings, the movable rail being on the side towards which they pass. In the second example, the movable switch is dispensed with, as the carriages can pass each other without changing the rail: this arrangement is usually adopted in mines. The third example allows the carriages both going and coming to diverge, and the main line to be gained by both. Wherever the sidings are adopted, the oblique lines of rails should be laid at an angle that will prevent the carriages passing by them from having their wheels thrown off the rails by the sudden change of direction, which angle must in some degree be determined by the speed: when this is not more than 8 miles an hour, it may be made at that number of degrees; but when at 20 or 30 miles 1° or 2º should be the extent of the angle from the straight line. Switches and their Movements.—The point and switch rails are most commonly used for sidings, and when worked by hand, they always remain open, so that if the trains are required to be moved into the siding place, this is effected by moving the switches: they are sometimes kept shut by the application of a weight, which the loaded carriages can push open, but the empty ones cannot, so that they are obliged to pass by the siding. The ends of the point rails do not touch the continued line, and the space left between them is CHAP. XXX. 1577 RAILROADS. a great objection to rapid movement, carriages passing over it being subject to a shock, to remedy which inconvenience the rail is sometimes made to turn on a joint, so that the carriages can pass in a straight line, those coming in an opposite direction opening the inner rail on one side, and shutting the other by their own pressure. For the switches on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, about 9 feet of the rail on each side are moved on a cast-iron framing, securely bedded in the ground, or placed on chairs made to re- ceive it: the move- able rails are united by an iron rod, and work upon a joint at one end. A hori- zontal sheave is fixed on a false centre, with an iron ring working round it in the manner of an eccentric, so that when the handle at- tached to the verti- cal rod is turned it will either open or shut the rail. are In another system practised on this rail- way the rails placed upon a frame of cast-iron; two short rails move on joints at their ends, and work to either side upon it; they are united by a bar of iron, and when in one position the carriages pass by the continued rails; when in the Fig. 2964. O wwwww KILLINGWORTH RAILWAY. [9] Fig. 2965. other they are di- verted: these switches are moved in a similar manner to those already described on the same railway. The most usual plan is the crossing-rail: to prevent the wheels running off, the top of the rails is sunk below the surface, but the openings, where they cross, subject the wheels to a shock in their passage; the flanges are on the inside of the rails, and where narrowed out to a mere point, they are liable to change of form and to get out of order. Fig. 2966. Fig. 2967. Engine for a double Plane The shaft which turns the machinery, fig. 2968., may be moved by manual labour; but where a steam-engine is employed, a crank will be neces- sary, or the shaft may be attached to a water-wheel. The cylinders upon which the rope 1578 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE of engineerING A Fig. 2968. RAILWAY PLANES. coils can be put out of gear by couplings, or by the ordinary methods of disengaging machinery; one end of the small levers in turning touches the cylinders, which drives them into the clutches fixed at the other end, and throws them out of gear. The fly-wheel which regulates the motion is made proportionate to the cylinder. When there are a succession of planes throughout a railway, as is the case in some situa- tions, it is necessary at the top of each pair of planes to have two rollers on which the rope coils, worked by a stationary steam-engine. Ropes attached to the carriages draw them up and let them down the inclined plane: each station must be provided with two rope rolls, one uncoiling at each end of the train. When it is required that the carriages should descend, the action must be reversed, enabling them to proceed in the opposite direc- tion, or towards the roll at the further end of the train; thus, by an endless rope working alternately round a cylinder at each end of the railway, a regular transit is maintained. The ropes must always be placed in a line with their work, or the middle of the cylinders must be opposite the division of the rails. Where a line of railway is to be worked by stationary engines, they are placed at regular distances, each engine drawing the carriage to it from the opposite end, unwinding at the same time a rope from the roll of the next engine, which in its turn pulls a carriage or train in the opposite direction, by re-winding the rope on its former cylinder. When engines of great power are made use of, four trains of carriages may be drawn towards them by four rope rolls at the same time: on the Liverpool and Manchester line a fixed engine is employed to drag the waggons loaded with merchandise up an inclined plane of 1 in 22, for a length of 2250 yards: this is effected by an endless rope; at the summit of the plane is a horizontal wheel worked by a pair of engines, one on each side; the waggons always mounting by one road and descending by the other, so that they are in a right position for the locomotives which bring them, or are to continue them on their journey. In some instances a horizontal shaft extends across the whole width of the railway, upon which, in the middle of each pair of rails, is a wheel 20 feet in diameter with a groove on its vertical edge. The rope which ascends the plane is passed over the upper edge of the wheel, round the under side, and then nearly to the top a second time, by the aid of a sheeve 4 feet in diameter in front. The rope nearly surrounds the 20 feet wheel, and the adhesion is powerful enough to pull up 80 or 90 tons on a plane with a rise of 1 in 100. Self-acting Planes. —It has not been determined at what angle a plane should be laid, that would give to a carriage passing it a regular and uniform motion: to produce this the motion should be greatest at the starting point, so that the body should descend by the law of gravity with accelerated force at first, and afterwards gradually lessen, The cycloidal curve has been adopted for this purpose, as giving a diminution of force at the termination proportionate to the gravity at starting; were the inclined plane regular in its descent, the force would accumulate with the body that descended it, and carriages placed upon it would increase their velocity when they were required to be at rest. At many of the mines the loaded carriages draw up the unloaded, and then two inclined planes are necessary; but it is exceedingly difficult to decide on the angle at which they should be laid, as it must greatly depend on its uses and the weights to be drawn, as well as time allowed for the transit. CHAP. XXXI. 1579 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. CHAP. XXXI. PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. For a full and comprehensive view of architecture, we must refer the reader to the Encyclopædia on that subject so ably written and illustrated by my friend Mr. Joseph Gwilt, and confine our attention to the principles and science of building, the more immediate province of the civil engineer. "Architecture," says Vitruvius, "has for its parents practice and theory; the first is the result of the frequent and continued contem- plation of the mode of executing any given work, or the operation of the hands for the conversion of the material in the readiest way: theory is the reasoning produced by. that contemplation, demonstrating and explaining that the material wrought answers the end proposed, and on him alone who is familiar with both branches of the art can the title of architect be justly bestowed; the theory, however, may be studied by all, but the results of practice can only be fully appreciated by the practitioner; and the civil engineer should not only be acquainted with all the sciences, of which an epitome has now been presented to him, but have a thorough knowledge of the principles of architecture, and the character of each particular style; but that branch which is most intimately connected with his practice, the proportioning of masses, or the arrangements for the supports of an edifice, must be the objects of his unwearied study and attention. We shall therefore endeavour to point out, as briefly as possible, the general features which in this respect belong to the three great divisions, viz. the Greek, the Roman, and the architecture of the middle ages. That part of Greece which lies to the south of Thessaly, near the foot of Mount Othrys, is supposed to have contained the capital of Hellen, who left his kingdom to his three sons Æolus, Dorus, and Xuthus, the second son becoming the founder of the Dorian race, and the youngest that of the Ionian. Architecture can hardly be said to have existed as a science until the Dorians perfected that style, which we find in the temples and other buildings scattered throughout those islands and countries in the Mediterranean Sea which received Doric colonies. The dwellings of these early civilisers of mankind were plain and simple; the laws of Lycurgus forbade the use of any carving or decoration, their doors being fashioned only with the saw, and their roofs by the axe; but in their temples and public edifices, they were encouraged to bestow more labour and superior workmanship : the Dorian architecture appears never to have undergone any great change; the same style, and almost the same proportions, are found in most of the examples that have been spared us. These people spread a knowledge of the arts of construction wherever they settled; and we find them at a very early period in the northern districts of Greece, under the Olympian chain of mountains, in the island of Crete, on the eastern side of the northern coast, on which is situated the town of Cnossus with its harbours, Heracleum and Apollonia, at which latter places their religious rites were celebrated. After having overrun Thessaly, they sent from thence a colony to the district of Driopis, called the Doric Tripolis, between Eta and Parnassus, from the union of the three cities Bæum, Cytinium, and Erineus, and, subsequently, when Acyphas was added, Tetrapolis. The country next occupied by the Doric tribes extended from the river Sperchius beyond Eta to Parnassus and Thermopylæ, but the most important of their migrations was that called the Return of the Heraclidæ. After this period they were for a short time driven into Attica, where they received protection from Theseus, and when again settled in the Peloponnesus, they sent out colonies to Rhodes, Cnidus, and Cos, led by princes of the Heraclidæ from Argos and Epidaurus. Another colony from Trozen was established at Halicarnassus. The towns which composed the Tripolis of Rhodes, together with Cnidus, Cos, and Halicarnassus, formed the Doric league called Hexapolis, but after the separation of the latter place, Pentapolis: this league met on the Triapian promontory to celebrate the rites of Apollo and Ceres. A colony was sent from Lindos to Telos; others from Cos, Nisyrus and Calydna; from Argos to Carpathus, now the island of Scapanta; from Cnidus to Syme, a town of Asia Minor; from Megara a migration took place, which settled at Astypalea, one of the Cyclades; and others to Anaphe, Thera, Phalegandros, Melos, Myndus, Mylasa, Cryassa, Synnada, and Noricum in Phrygia. The Rhodians founded Gagæ, and Corydalla in Lycia, on the shores of Asia Minor; Phaselis on the confines of that country; Pamphylia; and Soli in Cilicia. According to Thucydides, about 713 years before Christ, Antiphemus led a colony from Lindus, and founded the town of Gela in Sicily. 1580 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Corinth sent out numerous colonies from Lechæum in the Cresæan Gulf, which founded Syracuse about 760 years before Christ; Molycrion, Chalcis, towns of Æolia; Salicum in Acarnania; Ambracia and Anactorium in Epirus; Leucadia, now the island of St. Maura, which was formerly joined to the continent by a narrow isthmus; Corcyra, on the coast of Epirus; Epidamnus in Macedonia; Apollonia Potidea, with several others. Issa, an island in the Adriatic, was peopled from Syracuse. Megara, situated between Corinth and Athens on the Sinus Saronicus, after it became a part of the territory of the Heraclidæ, sent colonies to Astacus in Bithynia and Chalcedon, another city in that pro- vince opposite to Byzantium, Selymbria in Thrace, and Heraclea in Pontus, celebrated for its naval power. Megara also colonised Hybla in Sicily, famous for its wild thyme and honey, which people founded Selnus. Sparta founded Tarentum about 700 years before Christ, which at one time comprised thirteen tributary cities within its government, and could muster 100,000 foot and 3000 horse. From Gela, which was colonised from Lindus in the Island of Rhodes, originated Agrigentum, a place of considerable importance at the time the Cretan Phalaris obtained the sovereignty; indeed Crete and Rhodes jointly may be said to be the founders of Agrigentum. In following the progress of the Heraclidæ along the shores of the Mediterranean to the Pillars of Hercules, we find wherever they settled those beautiful examples of construction in masonry which we can never be weary of admiring and studying. The temples in the Doric style in Sicily are of great beauty, and they may be some years anterior to those now remaining in Greece, but the difference cannot be very great: those at Syracuse and Agrigentum were constructed from the spoils obtained when Hiero defeated the Carthaginian general Hamilcar at Himera, and those at Athens were not built till some time after the defeat of Xerxes; but by some of the historians it is said that both battles were fought on the same day, that whilst Hiero was obtaining his independence, the Persians were overthrown at Salamis. Some time, however, elapsed after these victories before the Athenians and other states of Greece which had been engaged in the war recovered their prosperous condition ; and it was not until the time of Pericles, which is nearly 50 years after the building of the temples at Agrigentum and Syracuse, that the restoration of the Parthenon and other public buildings throughout Greece was undertaken. The temples at Selinus are said to have been built when the city was founded, 620 years before Christ, and it is asserted they were entirely destroyed when the inhabitants deserted the city 250 years after its foun- dation could this be proved, they would rank among the first erected. The Propylea at Athens was built by Mnesicles in the 85th Olympiad; and a few years afterwards, when Pericles governed, Ictinus completed the Parthenon, and probably the temple of Theseus. The temples at Sunium and Phygalia were also the work of that renowned architect, and are deservedly ranked for their proportions and execution among the most graceful productions of Greek architecture. The temple of Jupiter Panhellenius in the Island of Egina was founded by Eacus before the Trojan war, but the ruins we now admire no doubt may be referred to the time of Pericles. The source of those beautiful effects which have received the almost instinctive admi- ration of every age and country can only be traced by correct measurement, and a careful observation of the proportions of the masses, which will almost irresistibly convince us that in temples and fronts of porticoes one general law prevailed, and was applied to all tetrastyle, hexastyle, and octastyle arrangements, based upon the proportion of a cube. This is found to govern most of the designs executed from the time of Pericles to the death of Alex- ander, the golden age of Greek art, when sculptors, painters, architects, and engineers were called forth to vie with each other in their several branches, and workmen of skill and in- genuity were found to embody the suggestions of their imagination; and the results would lead us to suppose that the acmé of perfection was attained, for since that period none of the productions either in sculpture or architecture have equalled those of the Greeks in the simple elegance of their design, or the excellence of their execution. Tetrastyle Porticoes with four columns exhibit the simplest, and perhaps the earliest, application of the Doric order; the entire façade is comprised within a square, the height being divided into three portions, the upper constituting the entablature, and the other two-thirds being divided equally between the supports and their three intercolumnia- tions, making the latter a little more than a diameter. We may imagine the square divided in its height and width by 8, making altogether 64 compartments of equal area ; the upper 8 devoted to the pediment will have, when the inclined sides are set out, a diminution of one- half their area, four whole squares being rejected in those parts above the pediment, the area of the tympanum being only equal to four. The entire mass is thus reduced to the area of 60 of these squares, which are thus disposed of; 20 are given to the supports, 5 cubes to each column, 20 are divided between the three intercolumniations, and the remaining 20 constitute the load supported; the columns are 5 diameters in height, and bear no more than their own weight, a due harmony being obtained through- or CHAP XXXI.. 1581 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. >> out; the eye is satisfied that the load cannot distress its supports, and the spaces between the supporting masses are again proportioned and made equal to either, so that we have a triple division, the one, per- pendicular arrangements of the supports, another their just distribution or equal distances, and the third, the entablature proportioned to the strength that is to carry it, all of which are comprised within the boun- dary of a square. The tetra- style porticoes that remain are not numerous, and none are perfect; three have been se- lected, which will enable us to test the idea we have attempted to define. First, that at Eleusis, the entire width of which is 20 feet 6 inches, the height 21 feet 6 inches; and if we reject half the height of the pediment we we shall have a square: the united dia- meter of the columns only varies 5 inches in width from those of the intercolum- niations. Fig. 2969. TETRASTYLE PORTICOES. If we divide the height into three, rejecting, as already observed, half the pediment, which in this case is 1 foot 1 inch, we have for the height of the square 20 feet 4 inches, whilst the entire width is 20 feet 6 inches, a difference not very great: this divided into three, and giving two-thirds to the height of the columns, would make them only 13 feet 6 inches and 8 seconds, whilst they really are 14 feet 2 inches in height. In this example the entire height, which we may call 21 feet 5 inches, is divided into three, two parts of which constitute the height of the columns. In the Temple of Themis at Rhamnus, the width is 20 feet 11 inches, and the height the same, the diameters of the columns being in excess 3 inches only above the width of the intercolumniations. In the Doric Portico at Athens, the entire height equals nearly the width. Hexastyle Porticoes. The practice of the Dorian architects, in setting out a temple with six columns in front, appears sometimes to have been to divide the width into twelve parts, the height without the pediment being made equal to eight of them; thus forming a façade within a parallelogram or a square and a half: as the ninth division in height cuts the pediment in half, we have thirty-six squares for the entablature or mass supported, being the same quantity found in the six columns and the five intercolumniations; at other times we find the entire width divided into nine parts, and six given to the height, one of which indicates the pediment, thus rising a ninth : if a circle be described in the tympanum, and a horizontal line drawn through the centre, cutting off a twelfth of the height, the remaining being divided into three equal parts, the upper third, or entablature, being the part supported, the remaining are divided between the columns and their interspaces; thus making the columns equal to of the height comprised between the centre of the tympanum and the platform upon which they were placed. If we take each of these nine parts as 5 feet, we have 45 feet for the width, 30 for the height, including the 5 feet for the rise of the pediment, which if we divide by the horizontal line, to obtain its true area or quantity, we shall have 2 feet 6 inches for its mean height, and 6 feet 8 inches for that of the level entablature: for as we have observed, these two dimensions, which make 9 feet 2 inches, must be equal to half the height of the columns, or the whole will not be divided into three parts; or, which is the same thing, the height from the centre of the pediment must be divided into three parts, and the upper division taken for the entablature. These proportions are exceedingly simple in their application; if it were intended that the columns and the spaces between them should be equal, half the width of the façade, or 22 feet 6 inches, should be distributed among the intercolumniations, and the other half divided among the columns. The Temple of Theseus at Athens is one of the best preserved as well as the most admired, and was probably erected soon after the Parthenon; it is of Pentelican marble, adorned with admirable sculptures. The total width of its hexastyle portico is 45 feet, and its height, instead of 30, is 31 feet; the extra foot, which prevents it being an exact square and a half, is given to the pediment, which probably has undergone some change, as it rises inuch more than the ninth of its whole extent. 1582 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IL brwaved Fig. 2970. The height of the pediment is HEXASTYLE PORTICOes. Fert. In. 5 9.75 level cornice 1 0.45 frieze architrave " columns 1 I 18 220 8.55 8.9 8.8 and of the entire façade 31 0.45 Feet. In. half the pediment 2 10.875 the level entablature 6 5.9 making together a dimension nearly equal to half the height of the columns. the } 9 4.775 The outer The façade of this beautiful temple is divided equally into three parts; is given to the entablature, and the other two to the columns and their intercolumniations. columns are 3 feet 4.85 inches in diameter, and all the others 3 feet 3·4 inches. The middle intercolumniation is 5 feet 3.95 inches, the next two each 5 feet 4.05 inches, and those towards the angles 4 feet 6.35 inches. The diameters taken together are 20 feet, and the intercolumniations 25 feet, so that the columns and their spaces are not in equal proportions: the former would have required a diameter of 3 feet 9 inches, which would have made them nearly five diameters in height, instead of what they are; they would have been heavier, it is true, but more in accordance with the early examples. The Hexastyle Temples at Rhamnus, Sunium, Egina, Eleusis, and Phygalia, are not suffi- ciently perfect to enable us to decide whether our principles would apply to them: but from the judgment we can form from their remains, they appear to have been all comprised in a square and a half, and their entablatures and pediments in the proportion of a third of the whole. The Hexastyle Temple at Segesta in Sicily is sufficiently perfect to enable us to judge of its entire proportions. Its total length is and height or the whole façade is bounded by a square and a half. The height of the columns is entablature pediment Feet. In. - 76 0 50 8 Feet. In. - 31 Q 11 4 8 4 Total 50 8 CHAP. XXXI. 1 589 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. Half the height of the pediment is entablature Total height of superincumbent mass Feet. In 4 2 11 4 15 6 which is exactly one-half of 31 feet, the height of the columns; so that we have, as far as height is concerned, for the superincumbent mass or entablature, and for the columns and their intercolumniations. 13 The columns have their united diameters The intercolumniations ditto · Feet. 37 39 so that they are not in exact equality, although the difference is not considerable. At Agrigentum are the remains of four Hexastyle Temples.-That of Juno Lucina is without its cornice and pediment: the diameter of the columns is 4 feet 6 inches, and the entire width is 55 feet. The united diameter of the six columns is 26, and of the five intercolum- niations 29 feet. The Temple of Concord is in width 57 feet, and in height 38; or it is comprised within a square and a half. The height of the columns is entablature pediment Half the height of the pediment is The height of the entablature which is equal to half the height of the column Feet. In. - 23 0 8 O 7 0 38 0 Feet In 3 6 8 0 - 11 6 Thus one-third of the entire height is given to the entablature or mass supported. The united diameter of the columns is 28 feet, and that of the intercolumniations 29 feet, the latter being a little in excess. Temple of Hercules. The total width is 84 feet, and height 56, which is a square and a half. The height of the columns is entablature pediment 1 11 Feet. In. 33 6 13 0 9 6 Making a total height of · 56 0 The united diameter of the columns is 43 feet, and that of the intercolumniations 41 feet. The height of the entablature and half pediment is in this case 17 feet 9 inches, instead of 16 feet 9 inches, as it should have been to have equalled half the height of the columns. Temple of Castor and Pollux is imperfect, but the total width is 45 feet, of which the diameters of the six columns occupy 24 feet, and the intercolumniations 21. The height of the columns is about 20 feet, and that of the entablature 8 feet, as measured on the flank. This temple nearly agrees in width with the temple of Theseus at Athens, but its pro- portions vary; there is not sufficient remaining to judge of its entire form. At Selinus are the remains of five hexastyle temples. In one the total extent is 51 feet, of which the united diameters of the columns occupy 24, and that of the five inter- columniations 27 feet. The height of the entablature is about 11 feet, but that of the columns and pediments has not been yet ascertained. The second temple is in width 77 feet 6 inches, the diameters of the columns occupying 37 feet, and the five intercolumniations 40 feet 6 inches; the height is 50 feet 8 inches, so that the whole façade is included in a parallelogram, having a height not quite equal to two-thirds its extent, or a square and a half. The height of the columns is entablature pediment In all which is a foot less than the required height. Ft. In. 29 4 13 4 8 0 50 8 In this example there is not an exact correspondence between the columns and what they support: the entablature and pediment occupy 13, the intercolumniation 12, and the 1584 BOOK JI. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. columns 11 parts out of the whole number, 36, into which the parallelogram may be sup- posed to be divided. The third temple is not sufficiently measured to enable us to examine into its propor- tions; the total width is 79 feet, of which the united diameters of the six columns occupy 36 feet, and the five intercolumniations 43 feet. The fourth temple is in width 84 feet 9 inches, and in height 56 feet 6 inches or a square and a half. The height of the columns being entablature pediment In all the height is The height of half the pediment is the level entablature Feet. In. · 34 O 11 6 11 O 56 6 Ft. In. 5 6 11 6 17 O Making a height equal to half that of the columns, viz. Thus the heights are in just proportion, one-third being given to the entablature and pediment, and the other two-thirds to the columns and their intermediate spaces, which are in the proportions of 44 feet 9 inches for the columns, and 40 feet for the five inter- columniations. The fifth temple is 81 feet in front, the six columns occupying 37 feet 8 inches, and the five intercolumniations 43 feet 4 inches. The height of the column is 31 feet, and the entabla- ture 15 feet 6 inches, or one-half the height of the column, so that, without the pediment, the entablature in this example would constitute a third; and if the pediment had only risen 7 feet 6 inches, to make the general proportion a square and a half, these columns would have had more to sustain than any other example we have yet referred to. Octastyle Temples.- We will now apply these principles to a façade with eight columns, and endeavour to follow the same system. We have already had a square, ana a square and a half, as the form or figure within which the design was comprised; the portico of four columns being circumscribed by the one, and that of six by the other; and as in the octastyle there are double the number of columns contained in the first, a double square is required to comprise it, that the same relative proportions may be obtained. Fig. 2971. OCTASTYLE PORTICOes. After the width of the façade is determined, it is divided into sixteen parts, and ten are set out for the height to the top of the tympanum of the pediment; which generally rising a ninth of the extent, two divisions will serve to denote it, and if a circle be inscribed in the tympanum, and a horizontal line drawn through the centre, we shall have a parallelogram 16 squares in width, and 9 in height. Six squares in height will determine the under side of the entablature, which, if divided equally between the columns and their intercolumniations, would give 48 squares to each, which are precisely the proportions of the example we are about to examine. CHAP. XXXI. 1585 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. The Parthenon or Temple of Minerva at Athens is admitted to have the most beautiful proportions of all octastyle Greek examples; its entire width, measured in the front of the columns at the base, is 100 feet 9 inches, and its height to the centre of the tympanum, from the level of the platform on which the columns are placed, 51 feet 2 inches, 20 inches only beyond what it should be to accord with the rules laid down. Dividing this height into three parts, we have in round numbers 17 feet 1 inch for each the height of the entablature and half pediment is 17 feet, and that of the columns 34 feet 2 inches, precisely one-third of the height being devoted to the entablature, the lower two-thirds being divided between these and their intercolumniations; adding all the diameters together, we have 49 feet 6 inches; the intercolumniations being 51 feet 3 inches, or only 1 foot 9 inches in excess for the latter: hence if a parallelogram or double square be divided into 40 squares, and 13½ be given to tle columns, the same quantities to the intercolumniations, the en- tablature and its pediment, we should have the general proportions of the Parthenon, the difference before alluded to being too slight to produce any effect on the eye in so large a mass. The height to the centre of the pediment is 51 feet 2 inches, consequently the width to make it an exact double square should have been 102 feet 5 inches, instead of 100 feet 9 inches; and this difference may have been occasioned by the difficulty of setting out the triglyphs, or from the idea that the width, as measured along the corona, should have some con- sideration, and a mean be established. As we have before observed that the Parthenon is considered perfect both in its design and execution, a more detailed account of its construction and mouldings will be the best illustration that can be offered on the subject of Greek masonry, premising that in the pre- sent instance it is all of the finest marble from Pentelicus. The Doric Column varies considerably in its proportions, some not being more than four diameters in height, whilst in other examples they are from that to six and a half: those we are now considering are formed of twelve blocks; on the upper and lower bed of each are described two circles, the circumference of the outer being 9 inches from the edge, whilst the inner circle is only 20 inches in diameter. The space between these is not polished, but left rough as from the chisel, and a little sunk for the purpose of retaining M Fig. 2972. Fig. 2972. Fig. 2974. DORIC CAPITALS. a fine mortar or cement. In the centre of each block is a square hole, measuring 5 inches on each side, sunk 3 inches in depth; in these were inserted pieces of hard wood, 6 inches in length, to steady the blocks, and keep them from being displaced, particularly at the time the flutes were worked, or the exterior was undergoing the process of polishing. The outer columns are 6 feet 3 inches in diameter at bottom, and the others 6 feet 1 inch, the upper diameter of the latter being 4 feet 9 inches: their total height is 34 feet 2 inches, or nearly five diameters and a half; the diminution is not regular, there being at a certain height a swelling or entasis, which improves the outline, and destroys that meagreness which is the result of a straight line. The angular column is a little more in diameter, that it may not appear less than the others, which are not so surrounded by air. 10 The shafts have generally twenty flutes, uniting in an arris, and not with a square fillet between them, as in the other orders; they are elliptical in some examples, as at Pæstum, where their number is 16 and 24; the heads are variously finished. The capital of this order varies in its height from to of the lower diameter of the columns, and the 5 I 1586 Booz II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. abacus is sometimes more than longer than that width, all these proportions depending more upon the height of the column than upon its lower diameter. Fig. 2975. Fig. 2976. Under the abacus is the echinus or ovolo, which is beautifully turned, or cut like the bell or profile of a flat cup, under which are usually from 3 to 5 annulets. The contour Fig. 2977. DORIC CAPITALS. Fig. 2978. ANNULETS. Fig. 2979. DORIC CAPITALS. or profile of the echinus is a portion of a curve formed by the section of a cone. Where the capital is placed on the column is another sinking, and sometimes three; and the true and delicate manner in which these lines are cut gives a charm that more elaborate sculpture fails in attaining. The architrave of the Parthenon, which extends from the centre of one column to that of the other, is in three thicknesses, showing two joints on the soffite. The frieze is admirably contrived not to overload the architrave: the triglyphs are each in a single block, 3 feet wide and 2 feet 3 inches in thickness. On each side is a perpendicular groove 1½ inch deep, into which the sculptured metopes are slipped, the clear width between the triglyphs being 4 feet 315 inches, and the angular one 3 inches less: at the back of the metopes, and between the triglyphs, is a hollow space, from 8 to 14 inches deep. The metope is held to the back of the frieze by a metal cramp in the form of an H, 2 feet long, and attached on each side to the adjoining triglyph by others 17 inches in length. The cornice is in one thickness; the angular block covers two mutules, each of the others one space and a mutule. For further particulars of the construction of the Parthenon, and for several dimensions omitted by Stuart, the writer must refer to some notes he added a few years after his return from Athens to his wife's translation of "The Lives of celebrated Architects, ancient and modern, by Francesco Milizia.” In the Doric Order we may trace a reason for the direction given to the several lines, whether perpendicular or horizontal; and although there is great variety in the form of the members, yet when examined in detail, nothing will be found to disturb the unity CHAP. XXXI. 1387 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. of the design. The voids are nicely adjusted to the solids, and all those parts, as the columns and triglyphs, intended as supports, are striated perpendicularly, whilst those sup ported are decorated with members and mouldings running horizontally, and indicating rest or repose. The inclined lines of the pediment are the only exception to this rule, and they are composed of longitudinal members, placed consistently with their use, viz. that of throwing off the water from the roof: so well-combined a whole, consisting of parts all expressing their utility, deserves our admiration: even the annulets under the echinus of the capital indicate so many cinctures to bind the tops of the perpendicular flutes together, before the elegant tazza or cup-like vase is placed between the shaft and the abacus. Fig. 2980. IONIC CAPITAL. Ionic Proportions. This style seems very nearly coeval with the Doric: it is supposed by some commentators to be of Achaic origin, by others of Persian; both Greeks and Persians may have contributed to its formation; the term Ionic was applied to it by Vitru- vius, from its being first used by the inhabitants of Ionia; the few perfect examples re- maining are of the greatest beauty, both in design and execution. The shores of Asia Minor, in the reign of Medon, the son of Codrus, were taken pos- session of by a number of Greeks, who commenced their migration about a thousand years before Christ; after they had passed from Attica, they first mixed with the inhabitants of Caria and the Leleges. Helen the son of Deucalion, who reigned in Phthia, situated be- tween the rivers Peneus and Asopus, having left his kingdom to his eldest son, the others sought for settlements elsewhere: Dorus established himself in the neighbourhood of Parnassus and Xuthus in Attica, where he married the daughter of Erechtheus, the sove- reign of Athens, and had by her two sons Achæus and Io. Io with a number of followers from Athens went into the Peloponnesus and established himself at Ægialus, a place on the sea-shore lying between Elis and Sicyonia; here he married the daughter of Selinuntus, king of that district, at whose death he succeeded to his dominions; Io built Helice, and called the inhabitants Ionians. Some time after Io was recalled to Athens to command the troops in a war against the Thracians, over whom he obtained a victory: the Athenians in consequence designated themselves Ionians. Attica was divided by Io among four tribes, the Geleontes, the Argades, the Ægicores, and the Hopletes, the names of his four sons, or according to Strabo, labourers, artisans, priests, and guards. When Erechtheus died, Cecrops, his eldest son, succeeded, and Xuthus, his other son, was driven out of Attica; in the country he afterwards inhabited he built four towns, Enoe, Marathon, Probalinthus, and Tricorythus, after which he died at Ægialus; his son Achæus then passed into Laconia and Thessaly, when he recovered his father's dominions; his two sons Archandar and Architeles went into Argos, where they married two daughters of Danaus, one of the royal family of Argos. The Lacedæmonians and Egeans were called after Achæus Achæans, until the return of the Heraclidæ, when they were driven out, and obliged to flee to Ægialus and into Attica, where the Ionians again received them on account of their common origin. At the death of Codrus, his youngest son Nileus embarked with all the Ionians into Asia, where they occupied eight of the Ionian cities, viz. Miletus, Ephesus, Myus, Teos, Priene, Lebedos, Erythræ, and Clazomene; the other four founded by the Ionians were Colophon, Phocæa, Samos, and Chios. The Ionians formed themselves into twelve states, because, according to Herodotus, they were previously so divided in the Peloponnesus; the names of the cities from whence they were ejected were Pellene near Sicyon, Ægira and Ægæ, Bura, Helice, Ægium, Rypæ, Patræ, Pharæ, Olenus, Dyme and Tritæa, the last being an island. The inhabitants of Athens who migrated from the Prytaneum were the most noble 51 2 1588 BOOK II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. among the Ionians, though all who celebrated the Aplurian festival, from which alone the Ephesian and Colophonians were excluded, were afterwards called Ionians. The appellations Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian are derived from Vitruvius: but it ap- pears doubtful whether these terms were current among the Greeks: that author asserts that the first is the most ancient; "for Dorus, the son of Hellen, and the nymph Orseis, built the temple of Juno at Argos of this order when he reigned over the whole c Achaia and Peloponnesus: that many temples afterwards erected throughout Greece were of the Doric order, but by command of the Delphic oracle in a general assembly of the different states of Greece, thirteen colonies were sent into Asia, who built the cities before mentioned, and erected temples; among the first they dedicated was one to Apollo Panionios, having Doric proportions, and another to Diana, in which some variations was made. The first was of a masculine proportion, the other feminine, and the latter was the invention of the Ionian settlers, and afterwards called from them Ionic. But if it be difficult to trace the Ionic order to its origin, we may analyse its proportions, and compare them with that order which prevailed so universally in Greece, which will lead us to remark that a very great change took place when the rules that guided the Doric builders were laid aside: at no other period were such material alterations made in the proportions of the masses, the columns, entablatures, and intercolumniations; to the Corinthian, so universally used in later times by the Romans, the feminine proportions were applied which are stated by Vitruvius to have commenced with the Ionians. There is of course much fable in all the accounts that have reached us upon these impor- tant changes, but among them is one which seems to carry with it some semblance of truth, and which is as follows:- "when Hermogenes was employed to erect the temple of Bacchus at Teos, according to Vitruvius, the marble was prepared for one in the Doric style; but the architect changed his mind, from the idea that other proportions, afterwards called Ionic, were more suitable for the purpose, almost inducing the inference that Hermo- genes was the inventor of those delicate proportions; he appears unquestionably to have dis- played great skill and ingenuity in all his designs, and to have entertained the opinion that sacred buildings should not be constructed with Doric proportions, as they obliged the adoption of false and incongruous arrangements." To obtain more delicate proportions, without sacrificing the great principle of making the weight supported equal to its supports, would seem at first difficult: in the example of the Doric order we have seen this practice universally adopted, and it is equally evident in the Ionic, though not exactly after the same method; the columns and their entablatures, or what they carry, agree in quantity, but their distribution is different. The square or figure which bounds the Ionic façade is divided into four parts, one of which is given to the entablature, a second to the columns, and the other two, or one half, are distributed among the intercolumniations. In the quantity of material for constructing the two varieties of temples there is a con- siderable difference, the Doric requiring one-third more than the Ionic; for example, in a Doric tetrastyle portico where the area was 12, four parts would be given to the entablature, four to the columns, and four to the intercolumniations. In the Ionic three parts would be required for the entablatures, and three for the columns, six being allowed for the inter- columniations; thus one temple would have eight, and the other six parts solid out of twelve, consequently, with a given quantity of materials, two very different porticoes might be built, without making any change in the proportions which the columns bear to their entablatures. Hermogenes could construct with the same material a much larger temple in the Ionic style than in the Doric; and supposing the dimensions already decided upon, there would be a saving of labour and material: from the imperfect state of the Ionic temples remaining, it is scarcely possible to enter into a thorough exami- nation of their proportions; that on the Ilissus at Athens, measured by Stuart, no longer exists, but its dimensions, given by that very accurate delineator, may serve our purpose as an example of a tetrastyle portico. Its entire width was 18 feet 7 inches, and height to the top of the level cornice in front 18 feet 4 inches, to which must be added that of the tympanum of the pediment: multiplying the width by the height of the entablature and half the pediment, which together is 5 feet 7 inches and 10 parts, we have for the area of the portions supported 105 feet 4 inches and 9 parts: the quantity contained in the four columns is found by multiplying their united diameters, 7 feet 1 inch and 7 parts, with their height, 14 feet 9 inches and 4 parts, giving a product of 105 feet 4 inches and 9 parts as their area. The united intercolumniations in this example are 11 feet 6 inches and 2 parts, which multiplied by the height of the columns is 170 feet 1 inch and 9 parts for the area; 40 feet 7 inches and 9 parts less than it would have been had it equalled the quantity contained in the columns and their entablature, or been one-half the entire area of the façade. The portico of this elegant example of Ionic was nearly a square without the pediment, and the supports and supported are in exact accordance as to quantity, whilst the inter- columniations are about 12 times the quantity contained in the columns, instead of double. Departing a little from the proportions before us, let us endeavour to set out a CHAP. XXXI. 1589 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION : Fig. 2981. IONIC TETRASTYLE temples. portico, as already done for the Doric order, having the same number of columns, and like the tetrastyle eustyle of Vitruvius, divide each side of the square which circumscribes it into 11 parts, premising that the pediment rises a ninth and one side of the square passes through its centre. The side of the square being divided into 11 parts, 1 is given to the diameter of the columns, 3 parts to the middle intercolumniation, and 2 to each of the others; thus the sites for the columns are obtained: dividing the upright sides of the square into the same number of parts, 8 are given to the height of the column, and the remaining 3 to the entablature and half pediment. Multiplying 11 by the same, we have for the entire area 132, which if divided into 4 is 33 and a fraction for the columns, the same for the entablatures, and double that for the intercolumniations: the columns being four in number and 8 diameters in height, their area will be 34 parts; the intercolumniations being 7 in their united width, that multiplied by 81, their height, gives 633 for their area, and the entablature, being 3 high and 11 in width, we have for its contents 341 parts, giving a result of nearly a fourth for the entablature as well as for the columns, and a half for the intercolumniations. By making some allowance for the diminution of the columns, an exact agreement between the quantities might be obtained; those in the intercolumniations would then be found equal to those in the entablature and its supports, or half the entire square devoted to solid and the other half to voids: had the columns of the temple on the Ilissus been about 1 inch less in diameter, its proportions would have been in close accordance with those of the figure, where the 4 columns occupy 38 squares, the entablature the same number, and the inter- columniations 76. Ionic Hexastyle. Temple of Erechtheus at Athens.—This highly-enriched example, executed in the finest marble, is in height without the pediment 26 feet 63 inches, and in width, measured along the front of the corona, 40 feet 6 inches, so that this portion is comprised within a square and a half or nearly so the lower diameter of the columns is 2 feet 38 inches, and the upper 1 foot 11 inches, giving a mean of 2 feet 1 inches; their collected diameters are 12 feet 9 inches, whilst that of the intercolumniations at the same level is 23 feet 1 inches, nearly double the space occupied by the columns. The height of the en- tablature without the pediment is 4 feet 11 inches, and its superficial content on the face 190 feet, and adding 85 feet for the area of the tympanum, we have altogether 275 feet, 513 1590 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Fig 2982 IONIC HExaStyle TEMPLES. supposing the tympanum to rise a ninth of its base; the height of the columns is 21 feet 7½ inches, and their united mean diameter 12 feet 9 inches, which being multiplied together produce 275 feet 8 inches, or nearly equivalent to the area of the mass they support. To obtain the exact quantity of mass and void, the mean diameters of the columns as well as of the intercolumniations should be taken; the greater the probable delicacy of ex- ecution, the greater is the necessity for the architect to balance his quantities exactly. In the subject now under consideration the whole is comprised within a square and a half; the supports and the entablature are equal, and the intercolumniations as much as the two to- gether or one-half the whole. The height of the architrave is 2 feet 11 inches; that of the frieze 1 foot 11 inches, and the level part of the cornice 10.5 inches. 45 Roman Tetrastyle. Ionic Temple of Fortuna Virilis.-The width is 33 feet 6 inches, and height, including half the pediment, 37 feet 1 inch, comprising an area of 1242 feet 4 inches, one quarter of which, 313 feet 1 inch, nearly agrees with the quantity contained in the entablature as well as in the columns which support it; their height is 27 feet, and their united diameters 12 feet 4 inches, which multiplied together produce 333 feet for the area of the supports. The height of the entablature with half the pediment is 10 feet 1 inch this multiplied by its width, 33 feet 6 inches, gives 337 feet 10 inches for the area of that supported: the intercolumniations are together 21 feet 2 inches, which multiplied by their height, 27 feet, gives 571 feet 6 inches for their area, about 100 feet less than the quantity comprised in the columns and entablature. : Without the pediment this façade is nearly square; its proportions rank very high in the estimation of all admirers of Roman architecture; it has, however, undergone many re- parations before the stucco was put upon the columns; they were lighter, as was the entab- lature, the upper members of the cornice being somewhat heavier than is usual in the early examples of this order; if divested of these additions, and giving a trifle more to the intercolumniations, we shall obtain half the area for the columns, and a quarter for each of the other divisions; at present the columns equal in quantity the mass they carry. If it be required to draw a tetrastyle portico in exact accordance with the rules laid down, after forming the square each side should be divided into 12 parts, or 144 squares, arranged like those of an abacus: one of these divisions on the base would become the dia- meter of the column, and nine their height, the other eight on the base would be devoted to the intercolumniations, and the upper three of the height to the entablature. The columns, 9 diameters in height, would thus comprise 36 squares, the intercolumniations 72, and the entablature and half pediment 36; consequently the columns and entablature would be equal in quantity, and the intercolumniations half the whole, or equal to the contents of the supports and supported. Roman Hexastyle. Corinthian, Maison Carrée at Nismes. This beautiful temple has undergone several restorations; its entire width and height to the apex of the pediment is 43 feet 8 inches, from whence it has derived its name. The height of the columns, includ- CHAP. XXXI. 1591 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. ing base and capital, is 29 feet 6 inches, that of the entablature 6 feet 9 inches, and of the pediment 7 feet 5 inches; taking away half the height of the pediment, we have 39 feet 11 inches and 6 parts, which may be considered as 40 feet; this multiplied by the width produces for the entire area 1746 feet 8 inches. The superficial content of pediment and entablature, 456 feet 8 inches, is obtained by multiplying the entire width by 10 feet 51 inches, the height of the entablature and half the pediment, which superficies is only 20 feet 2 inches more than a quarter of the whole. The united diameter of the six columns is 17 feet 6 inches, and that of the intercolumniations 26 feet 2 inches, so that they are in the proportions to each other of 2 and 3, the whole being 5, one having an area of 515 feet 9 inches, the other 772 feet; when added together they are nearly three times the area of the part supported. The proportion between the columns and intercolumniations of the temple at Assissi is also similar, the height of the columns is 32 feet 10 inches, and the total width of the six 52 feet, which dimensions multiplied together produce 1707 feet 4 inches, one-fifth being 341 feet 6 inches nearly. The area of the columns is 684 feet, and that of the intercolumniations 1023 feet 4 inches, giving a proportion of two-fifths and three-fifths. The entablature, pediment, and pedestals upon which the columns are placed seem to have undergone a change since their erection. If the whole extent of an hexastyle portico be divided into 18 parts, and one be called the diameter, to obtain the same proportions as those laid down for a tetrastyle portico, the height up to the centre of the pediment must include 12 only of those parts, which would give a portico of a square and a half, comprising 216 squares; the 6 columns, each 9 diameters in height, would require 54; the 5 intercolumniations, double that number, or 108, and the entablature and half pediment 54. Roman Octastyle. The Pantheon at Rome, which has a portico of 8 columns, is one of the best examples that can be selected for examination. The total width is 109 feet 10 inches; the diameters of the eight columns 39 feet 5 inches, and the seven intercolumnia- tions 70 feet 5 inches, or nearly in the proportion of 1 to 2. The height of the columns is 46 feet 5 inches, and that of the entablature and half pediment 23 feet 2 inches, together 69 feet 7 inches, nearly a square and a half, the area of which is 7647 feet 2 inches. Fig. 2983. OCTASTYLE PORTICO of the PantheonN, The united diameter of the columns, 39 feet 5 inches, multiplied by their height, gives 1829 feet 7 inches, and the collected intercolumniations multiplied by the same height will be 3268 feet 6 inches: multiplying 109 feet 10 inches by 23 feet 2 inches, we obtain for the area of the entablature and pediment 2549 feet, which, rejecting parts of an inch, will, when added to the two other calculations, make up a sum agreeing with the entire area. The supported is The area of columns Feet. 2549 1829.7 3268.6 } 5098 Together 7647 of intercolumniations 1592 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. A line drawn through the centre of the pediment, another at half the height of the columns, and a third under the entablature, would divide the height into three equal portions, proving that, in this example, the Romans made the part supported one- third of the whole, and divided the other two between the columns and their intercolumni- ations. The shaft of each column is cut out of a single block of granite; they are not sufficiently delicate to be exactly in the proportion of half the quantity contained in the intercolumniations; but if allowance be made for their diminution, the difference is not very great. The whole width being 109 feet 10 inches, the third, 36 feet 7 inches and 4 parts, is nearly a mean between the collected diameters of the top and bottom of the shaft, making the intercolumniations double the quantity contained in the supports, or equal to that of the supports added to the mass they carry. The whole would then be divided into four, as in the previous examples of the Ionic, and two portions given to the intercolumniations. The Pantheon Portico is a double square without the pediment, or nearly so, the length of the level cornice, which crowns the entablature, being double the height of the order: this, no doubt, was the outline of the proportions before the heavy pediment was placed upon it, which in all probability was heightened beyond the ordinary rise of a ninth, for the purpose of concealing the wall behind it. The Roman proportions are frequently made independently of the pediment; the tetrastyle porticoes are a square, the hexastyle a square and a half, and the octastyle, as in this instance, a double square without it. To set out an octastyle portico, in which half the pediment should be comprised within the double square, after dividing the width into 24 and the height into 12, which multi- plied produce 288 squares, 72 are given to the column, the same to the entablature and half pediment, and double that, or 144, to the intercolumnations, or proportions similar to those laid down for the tetrastyle and hexastyle porticoes. The columns in such a case would be nine diameters in height, the entablature and half pediment three: supposing the latter to rise a ninth of the span, the remainder would be distributed among architrave, frieze, and cornice. We have endeavoured to show the proportions required in a tetrastyle, hexastyle, and octastyle portico among the Dorians, the Ionians, and their followers the Romans: the square and a half, or the double square, were the outlines or boundary figures from whence the other proportions were deduced. The great difference of character in the Doric and Ionic designs arises from the distance at which the columns are placed, which affects the proportions of the entablature laid upon them, as well as that of the columns themselves; where these are six diameters in height or consist of six cubes, they are made to carry the same quantity, whatever may be their distance apart, and where drawn out to nine diameters, they have only their own weight to support; but the form given to this weight, or the proportions of architrave, frieze, and cornice, vary, as the intercolumniations are of one or more diameters. It has been too generally considered that the orders derived their proportions from the lower diameter of the columns, without reference to their application: this has produced a variety of design, but at the same time occasioned a great departure from the true principles, and led to very important errors. The Tuscan, the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian, and Composite orders have been laid down in modules or measures of various kinds, which the young architect has adopted as mere isolations, regardless of the many other considerations which have stamped beauty on his model; hence we have imitations, but soul is wanting. The Doric order is treated of as so many diameters in height according to its age, and the entablature is said to be heavy or light, as it was of early or late execution; the other orders have been chronicled in a similar manner, and architecture has been fettered, and its great principles lost, or at least neglected: it is true that the outline which bounds the figure has undergone but few changes, but the subordinate parts or the filling-in are sus- ceptible of interminable variety. An object inscribed within a circle is perhaps the most easily compassed by the eye, next that within the square, and when a building is vast, and distance is necessary to comprise a view of the whole, the double square; beyond this the ancients seem seldom to have gone for the proportions of their façades, or of a portico intended to be seen in front. After the masses were proportioned, their de- corations were more various than the buildings themselves; no two are perfectly alike, but the great difference is in their ornaments and enrichments, or in the number of diameters contained in the height of the columns. The Parthenon and Pantheon porticoes are both octastyle, each admitted to be as beau- tiful as they can be—one the perfection of sober grandeur, the other of cheerful lightness; one Greek Doric, the other Corinthian, both comprised within a double square, and having their columns equal in quantity to the mass of entablature they support: where, then, is the difference between the two examples? It results, as we have already seen, from the mate- rial in the one occupying two-thirds, and in the other only half the entire area. In the façade of the Parthenon the eye has one-third void only to contrast with the solid matter, and in the Pantheon half, which proportions seem to have been established by the Ionians, and usually adopted by the Romans. CHAP. XXXI. 1 593 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. In proportioning the architrave, frieze, and cornice, care must be taken that no more is laid upon the columns than their own bulk: when the latter are one diameter apart, this quantity will be greater in height than when they are further distant; so that the greater the intercolumniation, the lighter in appearance will be the entablature, the columns still bearing the same weight, nor need they be increased after it is ascertained that they are competent to their duty: to do so would be to employ material in excess, which it should be the aim of an architect to avoid. If we now examine the portico of the Pantheon, we cannot fail to perceive the agreement existing between the parts supported and their supports. The mean diameter of the columns is Their height, including capital and base The solid content of each Consequently the cube of the whole 8 is The mean width of the architrave and frieze is Their height The solid contents of the entire length, 110 feet, is - ft. · 4 in. 7 - 46 5 76.5 10.6 6027 0 ft. in. 4 3 6 8.3 3125 11 0 The mean width of the cornice is 7 feet, length 114 feet, height 3.6 feet, 2793 and its cubical contents The solid content of entablature 5918 11 which leaves little more than 100 cubical feet of difference between one and the other; and if the crown moulding returned on the flank be comprised, the quantity contained in the entablature would equal that of the eight columns. The pediment is omitted altogether in this calculation, it being in reality, though not in appearance, an additional load for the eight columns beyond their regular entablature, which is of marble, and weighs probably 452 tons; the granite columns with their marble bases and capitals are something more than that quantity, and these, including the entabla- ture and pediment, probably contain upwards of 1000 tons of material. The Capitals of the Columns of the Pantheon are admitted to rank among the best examples found in Rome: though not so highly and elaborately worked as those which decorate the columns of the temple of Jupiter Stator, yet they are remarkable for the elegant Fig. 2184. CAPITALS or ter PANTHEON 1594 Book 11 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. arrangement of the ornaments: further details will be found in the Architectural Antiquities of Rome, whence this has been selected. Fig. 2935. Fig. 2986. Fig. 2987. ས་ クリリ ​CAPITALS OF PANTHEON. Fig. 2988. Fig. 2989. Although the Romans did not improve the arts which the Greeks had spread among them, by the introduction of the arch they materially altered the character of the archi- tecture practised before the time of the Republic: this feature alone produced entirely CHAP. XXXI. 1595 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. different construction, and the several changes it has since undergone in form have served to establish a variety of styles, as we shall afterwards find. Sewers, aqueducts, bridges, theatres, amphitheatres, baths and triumphal arches, all exhibit the arch in its most useful application, and as did the halls of the baths vaulting of stupendous span; the dome of the Pantheon being 142 feet 6 inches in diameter in- ternally, covered by a hemispherical dome. Symmetry, as understood by Vitruvius, seems to relate more to the proportions of the façade than to those of the detail; but he doubtless intended it to be understood that -------------- ----------- Fig. 2990. ARCH OF polipheLE. perfect harmony should subsist between them as well as between each particular member, however subordinate; as in the well-formed human figure, all the limbs being in due pro- portion, the whole when combined produces true symmetry: and the same author insists very strenuously on a careful study of the rules upon which this is founded, proving that the effect desired cannot be produced by a mere effort of fancy, or what is commonly called taste. 1596 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. A building, though entirely devoid of ornament, may be rendered beautiful by the justness of its proportion, and the richest edifice wanting in this never can excite admira- tior façades having but height and breadth, these two dimensions must be equal to each other, if we adopt the symmetrical proportions prescribed by Vitruvius, for he observes "the square includes the human figure either lying down or standing in an erect posture, the arms being stretched out." Temples, triumphal arches, and other buildings left us by the Greeks and Romans were decidedly designed upon this principle, as were most of the façades of the religious structures erected since the fall of the Roman empire. In the "Songe de Poliphele," originally published in Italian by Aldus in the year 1499, are some observations on setting out a façade, which convey some idea of the principles adopted for the formation of a perfect and harmonious design on the revival of Roman architecture. "Draw a square figure, divided by three perpendicular and three horizontal lines, at equal distances from each other, forming sixteen squares; on the top of the square add a half square, which, similarly divided, makes altogether twenty-four squares: in the lower square draw two diagonals, crossing eight squares in the same manner; then form a lozenge above the great square, tracing within it four lines on the four principal points that separate the four sides of the void." After understanding this figure, I thought within myself what can modern architects do, who esteem themselves so learned without letters or principles? They neither know rules nor dimensions, and therefore corrupt and deform all sorts of buildings, both public and private, despising nature, who teaches them to do well if they would imitate her: good workmen, besides their science, may enrich their work either by adding to or diminishing therefrom, the better to please the eye, but the mass should remain entire, with which all should be made to harmonise. By the mass is understood the body of the edifice, which, without any ornament, shows the knowledge and spirit of the master, for it is easy to embellish after any invention; the distribution and arrangement of the parts is also a matter of consideration; hence we may conclude that any workmen or their apprentices know how to ornament a work, but to invent lies only in the heads of the wise. Taking from the square and a half, the lozenge and the diagonal lines leaves the three perpendicular and the three horizontal, except that in the middle, which terminates in the centre of the perpendicular, cutting it into four parts or portions; by this rule will be found two perfect squares, one above and one below, each containing four small squares, which form the opening or doorway; now if you take the diagonal of the lower square, it will show you what thickness must be given to the centre of the portico; if you carry it straight, the line will serve to denote the architrave: and the point of the centre of the upper square will show you the centre of the arch or curve to be given to the door; turning a semicircle it will rest on the transverse line, which cuts the square and a half into two equal parts; but if done by any other means I do not esteem it perfect. This method was invented by an- cient and expert masons, and observed in their arches and vaults, to give them both grace and solidity; the pedestal on which the columns rest commences at the level of the pave- ment by a plinth, and the whole is a foot high, furnished with mouldings; one portion is divided into architrave, frieze, and cornice, the latter being something more than the others; that is to say, if the architrave and frieze contained five parts, the cornice should be six. The whole twenty-four squares form a square and a half; then divide the upper half into six parts by five horizontal and five perpendicular lines, and draw a line from the centre of the fifth transverse to the corner of the great perfect square, where the architrave commences; then draw it perpendicular on the key of the archivolt, and it will show you the height to be given to the frontispiece above, the extremities of which should unite and relate to the projection of the cymatium and its mouldings. General Principles.—It would appear that all the principal Roman triumphal arches with single openings were a square, either comprising or excluding their attics: that the centre from whence the archivolt was struck was the centre of the square, or if the façade was more than a square, as the arch of Trajan at Ancona, then where the two diagonals crossed the centre was fixed. The width of the opening is generally half the entire extent, some- times three parts out of seven. These triumphal arches were generally surmounted by a group of figures, or the car and horses of the conqueror, accompanied by his companions in arms and the trophies obtained from the enemy; these, as shown on several medals, appear to be equal in height to } of the entire edifice upon which they are placed, the attic and entablature representing, and the columns and pedestals the other; and as the former are nearly equal in their height, it follows that the horse and his rider, or the car and its triumphant hero, were double the height of the pedestal on which they were placed, for so we may consider the attic which contained the inscription, the body of the arch being a perfect square, and in correct proportion, without the attic. The depths of these arches varied; that of Constantine at Rome is nearly the same as the width of the great centre opening; many of the others are less than that proportion; but it seems that the cube was the measure that CHAP. XXXI. · 1597 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. are bounded the propor- tions, as shown in fig. 2995. The several Roman examples se- lected differ in ar- rangement, but not in principle, from the description given by Poliphele: take away the pedestals on which the columns placed, and then four squares in height in- clude half the tym- panuin, and eighteen squares the entire figure, 6 of which may be considered as devoted to the arch, and the other 12 to supports: or, if we comprise the whole façade in 20 squares, and abstract the 8 which belong to the opening between the pedestals, we have 4 for each pier or sup- port, and 4 for the en- tablature, the supported being only the quantity contained in the two supports: resistance to the arch, or its thrust, requires a different arrangement from that of a portico, but we nevertheless find definite proportions made use of, and a double quantity given to masses which have to bear weight as well as resist thrust. Fig. 2991. 142 ARCH OF AUGOSTUS AT RIMINI. The Arch of Augustus ut Rimini has the height of its order determined by the length of the frieze. The Arch of Augustus at Aosta resembles that of Titus in arrangement; it is a perfect square comprising the attic. Fig. 2992. ARCH OF AUGUSTUS AT AOSTA. 1598 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK IL The Arch of Sergius at Pola is a perfect square, without attic, like that of Titus. The Arch of Titus at Rome, raised by the senate and Roman people to com.. memorate the conquest of Judæa, is one of the best examples of proportion that remain : built of white marble, it is a monument of constructive art, some of the blocks being 9 feet square, and 2 feet thick; the arch is composed of eleven voussoirs 16 feet deep. For a detailed account of its construction and or- nament the reader is re- ferred to the "Architectural Antiquities of Rome >> The proportions are a square, as is the opening of the archway, up to the springing; and not a double square, as described by Serlio. The pedestals are in height nearly half the opening of the archway, which Palladio observes was the ordinary proportion Fig. 2993. ARCH OF SERGIUS AT POLA. given by the ancients. The entire length of the upper member of the cornice in this example is 48 feet, which dimension corresponds with the entire height, almost to a fraction: the width of the opening is 17 feet 6 inches, a trifle more than one-third of the entire width: bounding the façade by a parallelogram, excluding the attic, and drawing two diagonals, we obtain the centre from which the arch is struck, which rule will apply to the other Fig. 2994. ARCH OF TITUS AT ROME, CHAP. XXXI. 1599 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. triumphal arches with a single opening, though varying materially from the principles laid down by Poliphele, and adopted by Serlio and other architects at the revival of Italian architecture. The Arch of Titus is a square com- prising its entire façade ; that of Poliphele a square up to the under side of the entablature; conse- quently, the opening of the triumphal way is in width half the height to the top of the impost upon which the archivolt rests, while in the more ancient the entire aper- ture without the arch is a square. In the Arch of Poli- phele the entablature and pediments are nearly equal in quantity to each of the piers upon which they are carried; and the piers themselves are in width only one quarter of the whole breadth of the façade it will be found, however, that nearly the same proportions exist be- tween supports and sup- ported in both examples. The Arch of Augustus at Susu has a single arch: proportion a square to the top of the entabla- Fig. 2995. ARCH OF AUGUSTUS AT SUSA. ture, opening a square to the springing: width divided into four, two given to the opening and one to each pier, which has a three-quarter column at the angle: attic as high as piers are wide. In arches with three openings, as those of Septimus Severus and Constantine, these Fig. 2996. ARCH OF SÉPTIMUS EVERUS AT ROME. 1600 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. occupy one-half the width, and the piers the other: where the diagonals of the figure cross is the centre, from which the principal arch is struck. The Arch of Trajan at Beneventum.― Circle struck from the centre which describes the archivolt; comprises all within it except the attic: division of width into seven, two for each pier, three for centre; attic half the height of the order. Fig. 2997. ARCH OF TRAJAN AT RENEVENTUM. In the foregoing examples, we have attempted to show that the beauty which belongs to form in architecture rests upon one principle based on the laws of nature, and that the first element in a good design is the proportion of the parts as well as the whole: nothing has more misled the critics upon this subject, as well as architects themselves, than im- plicitly following the rules laid down for drawing the orders. In treating upon the antique, they have frequently been right as far as regards the letter, but essentially wrong in the spirit. The laws of nature do not vary, nor do our organs of sense or perception, and what was apparently fit and proper in the opinions of the Greeks is equally so at the present day in their sculptures we never find a man represented carrying more than his own weight, and such laws ought to be our guide. : After the destruction of the Roman empire, the character impressed upon architecture by the Greeks was lost: other styles arose in succession, which have been designated as Byzantine, Romanesque, Lombardic, Saxon, Norman, Saracenic, and Pointed. The five first retained the semicircular arch, and only differed in the quantity of material em- ployed: for examples of the three first-mentioned we must refer to a work entitled "Architecture of the Middle Ages at Pisa," by Edward Cresy and G. L. Taylor, containing measurements made in 1817, in which is an engraving of the monument of the architect who executed all the work in the pointed style introduced in the celebrated baptistery, supposed to have been the work of the twelfth century; the discovery of this monument satisfactorily proved the date when that building was altered from the original Romanesque character. In England the Saxon style prevailed to the time of the Conquest (1066), and the Norman, which succeeded, varied but little from it. The pointed arch is found as early as 1180; after which the Lancet style became general, and continued to be used till about 1272; to this succeeded the decorated or geometric, which was practised till 1326, when the perpen- dicular style was universally adopted, and continued till the early part of the sixteenth century, when classic architecture was again revived. Our attention must not, however, be directed to the decorative portions of either style, but to the construction, from the study of which some valuable lessons may be deduced. CHAP. XXXI. 1601 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. The Saxon manner of Building. A division of the transept of the cathedral at Win- chester has been selected as the best authenticated example of the style in use previous to the Norman Conquest. In a paper read before the British Archæological Association at their second annual congress, held at Winchester in August, 1845, the author gave his reasons for supposing it to be the work of St. Athelwold, for which the reader is referred to its "Transactions," recently published. Arches upon arches enabled the Saxons to continue their walls to a considerable height, the openings between the piers being proportioned as those of the Roman build- ings in the time of the emperors. The plans of the piers differ from those pre- vious to the introduction of Christianity: in Britain both the Greek cross and the circle are applied to them. At Winchester Cathedral the columns of the triforium recede within the pier, and are set round a circle, (fig. 2999.); the passage in the walls of the clerestory is shown at the side; in another portion of the same building is a similar arrangement in less massive piers. (fig. 3000.) The Saxon churches were generally di- vided into three tiers or stories, viz. viz. a lower arcade, a triforium, and clere-story above; and such was the solidity and thick- ness of the walls, that buttresses were alto- gether omitted, the outer face of their build- ings in this particular bearing a closer resemblance to the Roman than the Nor- man, although the workmanship was rude, and the decoration scanty. The proportions found in Saxon buildings are the same as in the Roman, which, without doubt, they took for their models. The circular temple of the Pantheon at Rome, 142 feet 6 inches diameter internally, and 183 feet 8 inches externally, contains the proportions of two-fifths wall and three- fifths void; the area of the latter being 15,948 superficial feet, and of the former 26,493 superficial feet; the difference of these areas giving 10,545 feet for the area of the walls. We have already seen that in the Coli- seum at Rome the points of support are about one-sixth of the entire area of the plan; and the proportions of both these buildings have been adinired for nearly 2000 years, the one vaulted, the other uncovered. Generally the walls and piers of our Saxon cathedrals occupy from one-third to two-fifths of the entire area; in their sections one-third is devoted to walls and piers, and the remainder divided between the nave and side aisles. The division of the cathedral at Win- chester exhibits very perfectly the Saxon manner of building; the piers that support the lower arches are 10 feet wide, and the clear openings between them 12 feet 1 inch. The nave and transepts retain their original construction; in the former under the casing executed by William of Wykeham, and in the latter it is seen in its full purity. The choir stands over the crypts built by St. Athelwold, and though Fig. 2998. WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, 5 K 1602 BOOR IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. GALLERY OF CLERE- STORY. 8-9 3.0 2.0 -8--- 2-9 1-5-- 1..8 ----> -2-8 --71 1--5---> Fig. 2999. PIER IN NAVE AT WINCHESTEr cathedral. somewhat changed by the Nor- mans, it yet retains the di- mensions given to it by its celebrated Saxon constructor. The small piers, one of which, in the south transept, is nearly perfect, are set out with great regularity, and measure 9 feet 8 inches from west to east, and 8 feet 2 inches from north to south; their form is that of the Greek cross, composed of five cubes, each 2 feet 7 inches in width, with large and small columns placed around them to receive the mouldings that decorate the arches: six of these co- lumns have their centres on the same circle: it is evident that the hexagon, or the du- plication of the equilateral triangle, was applied, and that the whole was set out by one conversant in geometry, and acquainted with the proportions of the cube. The Greek cross, which defines the solid mass, is con- tinued through the triforium and clerestory up to the timber roof. Fig. 3000. PIER AT TRANSEPT AT WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL. The columns of the triforium, set round the inner circle, are partly cut into the lateral arms of the Greek cross, but the face of the shafts of the columns are in a line CHAP. XXXI. · 1603 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. with its outer side. The centre of the pier is preserved throughout, and so placed as always to balance the masses around it equally. The circular shafts at Gloucester Cathedral, Tewkesbury Abbey Church, and several others, were probably of earlier date than pillars formed of several shafts; those in the church of Saint Germain des Prez, at Paris, are delicate examples of the former style. That aisles, galleries, and passages, belonged to the construction of a Saxon church, we have sufficient evidence in the accounts left us by contemporary historians; but the present subject is almost conclusive on this point, there being a preparation for a wall 6 feet 8 inches in thickness, containing the passage 2 feet in width, indicated by the plan of the pier at fig. 2999. The arrangement of the columns shows that there was no intention of vaulting the side aisles, for the two which carry the cross springers appear to have been added some time after the original construction, as were also those in the pier, fig. 3000. Athelwold is supposed to have executed the whole of this work before the year 980: the mouldings throughout are rudely cut, the capitals of the main pillars being the only portions which are at all enriched by sculpture, and they are very simply carved. The Norman manner of Building can scarcely be said to differ from the Saxon, though the masons employed after the Conquest certainly acquired a superior knowledge in their art. The ornaments which we find in Norman buildings had all been previously used by the Saxons; hence the difficulty of distinguishing the works of one from the other: where written authority is not handed down to us, we can only judge by the difference of the workmanship; it cannot be denied that there were many very able masons among the Saxons, who were qualified to raise buildings and enrich them with sculptured ornament. The finest examples of Norman work may be seen at Caen and its neighbourhood, and have been en- graved from measurements taken by the late Mr. Pugin. In England the same style pre- vailed throughout our religious structures; there is a great similarity of arrangement, and little variety of ornament. The Norman style was generally adopted after the Conquest, but that named by the monkish historians the "Opus Romanum " was continued in many of our parish churches, as well as in some larger buildings. The Norman pillar was sometimes composed of a cylinder with four small half columns at- tached, as at Amiens, which is 7 feet 2 inches diameter. For the Saracenic or Arabian Styles we must refer to the beautiful work recently published by Mr. Owen Jones, where the decorative parts of this curious and highly ornamented architecture are admirably given, and proceed to the description of the principles which guided the constructors of pointed architecture. Fig. 3001. PIER AT AMIENS. The Lancet Style succeeded the Norman, and we find it well defined in many churches and cathedrals as early as the year 1180; in it decoration was sparingly introduced, and throughout every part of the design there was simple uniformity, and a display of a considerable knowledge of geometry: the heads of the windows and doors were formed of a pointed arch, constructed upon an equilateral triangle; all the mouldings which sur- rounded those apertures were delicately formed, and had both capitals and bases; this style was practised till 1230, when it was followed by another, which by some writers has been termed The Early English or the Geometric Style, from the manner in which the several portions of a building were set out; and we find it adopted generally up to the year 1280. Salisbury Cathedral, founded by Bishop Richard Poore, in the year 1220, was finished in 1260. Its plan is that of a Greek or patriarchal cross, the extreme length being 480 feet, that of the great transept from north to south 232 feet, and that of the lesser transept 172 feet: the stone used for the external walls and buttresses was brought from the quar- ries at Chelmark, which lies about 12 miles distance, westward from the city. The middle 5 x 2 1604 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of the walls is filled in with rubble, and the shafts of the columns are of marble, from the Purbeck quarries. At the intersection of the nave with the great transept rises a noble stone tower and octagonal spire, the total height of which is 400 feet; the stone of the spire is in thickness about 2 feet to the height of 20 feet above the tower, after which it is only 9 inches in thickness to the summit: this spire, though braced and strengthened throughout by timbers and ironwork, has declined from the perpendicular 22½ inches; but since 1681, when the observation was made, there has been no further declination. The walls, after they were carried up to the floor of the triforium, appear to have beer. increased by corbelling, as if it had been doubted whether, as originally set out, there would be sufficient strength to carry the cross springers of the vaulted nave; the total width is exactly 100 feet. The clear width of the nave, as measured on a level with the triforium, is 33 feet 3 inches, and that of each side aisle half that dimension, or 16 feet 9 inches ; had this last been 16 feet 7 inches only, the proportions shown by a section would have been exactly one-third for walls and two-thirds for voids; after appropriating the third of the 100 feet to the walls, half the remainder is given to one side, and half to the other; we also find that each of these dimensions of 16 feet 8 inches is divided into three, two parts of which are given to the outer wall and buttress, and the other to the main pillar that divides the nave and side aisles, or nearly so. The inclination of the arched buttresses is not such as to resist the spreading of the vault at its base, the knowledge of their use not having then been attained. The height of the vaulting of the nave from the pavement is 81 feet. Wells Cathedral has some peculiarities in its construction, particularly in the application of its arched buttresses: they pitch against a stone corbel inserted below the springing of the Fig. 3002. PLAN OF CLERESTORY. Fig. 3003. PLAN OF TRIYORIUM. Fig. 3004. SECTION Of wells CATHEDRAL, middle vault, and a tangent drawn at the back of the vault and elongated determines the inclination of the top of the flying buttress: here some improvement is shown upon those CHAP. XXXI. 1605 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. at Salisbury. The masonry of the arches is admi- rably constructed, and the joints all radiate to a com- mon centre. The total width of this cathedral from face to face of the buttress is 86 feet 5 inches, and that of the nave 31 feet 10 inches, instead of 28 feet 91 inches, as it would have been if a third had been adopted; the side aisles are also diminished in conse- quence, being only 13 feet 7 inches in the clear; they are, however, equal to the buttress, outer wall, and main pillar added together, the first pro- jecting 2 feet 8 inches, the second or outer wall being 6 feet in thickness, and the piers 5 feet diame- ter; whilst the width of the side aisle measures 13 feet 7 inches, an approximation sufficiently near to suppose that the proportions of thirds was still adopted in practice. The nave has been increased at the expense of the side aisles, and its height is 68 feet 9 inches to the top of the vaulting from the pave- ment. Fig. 3005. TRIFORIUM, INSIDE. Chapter House at Wells, erected between the years 1293 and 1302, is an octangular building of great beauty. A section through the but- tresses shows that two equilateral tri- angles crossing each other have determined the mass and void, which are in the pro- portion of one to two, or the thickness of the two walls is equal to one-third the entire diameter: the base line of the triangle, on which the supports of the crypt are placed, clearly indicates this arrangement. Of the twelve equilateral tri- angles comprised in the parallelogram formed by uniting the bases of the two larger, each outer wall and buttress Occupy two, or the two walls and their buttresses four of the twelve divisions, leaving eight for the space between them. Fig. 3007. Fig. 3006. DIVISION OF WELLS cathedral. CHAPTER-House at wELLS. 5 K 3 1606 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. $ Where it is determined that the walls shall occupy one-third of the section of a building, no figure is so well calculated for such a distribution as the equilateral triangle; it enables the architect at once to limit and fix the proportions of his design; hence its universal application: and the mysterious qualities attached to it by the freemasons no doubt arose What from the extraordinary facility it afforded them in setting out their several works. can be more simple or more beautiful than the distribution of this edifice? Within a circle a hexagon is set out, the perpendicular sides of which mark the outer faces of the buttresses; the junctions of the angles, by forming a base to every two sides, produce the two equilateral triangles, which sub-divided not only enable us to arrange the other portions The accurately, but also to measure with the greatest nicety their relative dimensions. quantities of material employed in construction can be estimated by such means much more easily than by measuring each portion separately, cubing it, and adding the numerous dimensions so obtained together; there is decidedly more simplicity in the former than in the latter system: the area of one triangle being found, we at once know that of all the rest. 美 ​Fig. 3008. CHAPTER-house, wELLS: PLAN. or of any portion. In the subject before us the distance from the middle of one buttress to that of the other is 31 feet 6 inches, and the diameter taken through them at this level is 92 feet; omitting the buttresses, the outer side measures 26 feet, and the inner 21 feet 6 inches, the respective radii of the circles which comprise the octangular outer walls and the void being 38 feet and 31 feet 5 inches. Hence we find that the entire area of the building without the buttress is The area of the void And of the walls or points of support · 3264 feet. 2176 feet. 1088 feet. At the level of the crypt, above the outer plinth, we have these regular proportions, two- thirds void and one-third walls. The height of the entire building, from the pavement to the top of the parapet, is 72 feet 6 inches, and to the top of the pinnacles 92 feet, the total height being equal to the extreme diameter taken above the plinth moulding on the outside. The interior of this chapter- 1 CHAF. XXXI. 1607 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. • house exhibits the most perfect proportions as well as appropriate decorations; the eight windows, divided into four days, have their heads filled in with circles set out upon equilateral triangles; the vaulted stone roof rests partly upon the octangular central pillars, 3 feet in diameter, surrounded by sixteen small columns, one at each angle and another between; the height of the pillar is 22 feet 8 inches. Thoroughly to comprehend the expression, as well as use of the various members found in the architecture of the middle ages, we must trace the progress made in vaulting, and observe the changes it underwent, from the simple cylindrical to the more complex and difficult display of fan tracery or conoidal arches. The ridge ribs, or liernes, as they are termed, in the crypt of the Chapter-house at Wells, pass from the centre of the building to the middle of each buttress; the diagonals, or croissées, mitre into them as well as into the formerets or ribs against the outer walls. In the vaulting of the Chapter-room, we have evidence of greater refinement, and an BEGO ZETOOD Fig. 3009. CHAPTER-HOUSE AT WELLS: SECTION. improvement in the decoration, by the addition of a number of intermediate ribs terminating against the octangular one in the middle. At a later period we find transverse ribs made use of, then others between; but although the design may seem complicated, yet when laid down the plan will as- sume the greatest simplicity, as shown in the division representing the groining of the crypt. When this system had been carried out to a considerable extent, the fan tracery was introduced, and although apparently more difficult of execution, it is far more scientific in its application and arrangement, evincing a higher knowledge of mathematical principles and geometry, and is another evidence of the gradual progress of the mind towards perfection in this style of architecture. 5 K 4 1608 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Westminster Abbey, commenced in the year 1245, is in that style which for many years prevailed in France: the fine church at St. Denys, near Paris, is exactly similar in all its detail. The windows are wide, divided by mullions, and have their heads filled in with plain circles, the origin of the cusp, or that kind of decoration which every pointed arch afterwards received. This style, which succeeded the Lancet, is found throughout England, and many of the parish churches exhibit fine examples of it. Stone Church, in Kent, of which the writer has published an account, may be cited as one of the best; its ornament shows the skill and taste that prevailed among the free- masons at that period, Salisbury, Wells, and York Cathedrals abound with rich foliage and sculptures of the highest merit executed at the same time, and it is wonderful to observe to what a state of perfec- tion the artists of this country had arrived. The effects of the chisel of the Pisan school were dis- played upon marble, but our sculptors worked upon an inferior material; yet the draperies of their figures, as seen in the front at Wells, and else- where, are quite equal to those wrought by the pupils of Italian masters at the same time. The circle and its intersections at this period were alone employed for the plans of piers, sections of mouldings, and the filling in of windows and doorways: from them we trace the origin of the style which immediately succeeded. The cathedrals of Cologne, Amiens, Beauvais, the Sainte Chapelle at Paris, and numerous other ex- amples on the continent, exhibit the same propor- tions and style with that of Westminster; the lofty pointed arches, which rest upon the main cluster, are decorated with numerous small mouldings; the tri- forium, in some instances glazed, have their pointed arches filled in with trefoils, cinquefoils, or sexfoils, and the clerestory, carried up to the very apex of the vaulting, is similarly adorned. Westminster Abbey is one of the finest examples of building executed in the thirteenth century. Tracery and Geometric Forms.-To comprehend thoroughly the principles which directed the free- masons of the middle ages in the execution of all their works would require far greater illustra- tion than can be bestowed upon the subject in the present volume: it must be sufficient if we point out a few which influenced the design of some of their best examples, and show that it is a perfectly erroneous opinion to suppose they were executed without a thorough knowledge of certain rules, originating with themselves, and perfected by a constant study of what was not only useful, but productive of the best effect. Those who inquire into this subject must collect the data upon which an opinion can be formed, for it is scarcely possible, without positive measurement, to arrive at any con- clusion upon the matter: the admirer of the Greek, or the commentator upon Vitruvius, alone can scarcely hope to be successful: it is true that in one of the early printed Italian editions of the valuable author quoted, there are several dia- grams which seem to point to the subject, but the student will find only the nucleus around which the lovers of geometry in the middle ages arranged their varying and beautiful forms; this is the equilateral triangle, and by inclosing the plan, section, or elevation of a building within it, the several proportions can be accurately measured, and if sub-divided into a number, either of the triangles. would show the proportion it bore to the whole area. Fig. 3010. WESTMINster abbEY. CHAP. XXXI. 1609 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. In one of the tracery heads of the windows in the cloister at West- minster, the date of which is about 1348, we have two figures that re- semble the plans given to clustered pillars, indicating at once that the same principles were applied to the setting out of both windows and points of support. When the circumference of a circle is divided into twelve equal parts, the points which divide them form the termination of four equilateral triangles, and we have at their intersections, not only the centres of the circles that constitute the filling in, but also the several mitres and other portions of the figure. Fig. 3011. These rules were evidently ap- plied to windows, and to tracery of every description, executed at the end of the thirteenth and commencement of the fourteenth centuries; also to the plans of the main cluster of pillars in many cathedrals and churches. For nearly a century, circles and their intersections formed the ornamen- tal portions of every kind of panel and window head; they were afterwards blended into other figures, and apparently set out upon different principles; but the hexagon and equilateral triangles were necessary to produce the flow- ing lines which succeeded. The change which took place in design no doubt arose from the facility which had been attained by the practice of this method, and if it were possible to exhibit each variety in England alone, there would be ample evidence of the inventive power of the freemasons, and the progressive improvement in their school for depicting form. The quatrefoil in fig. 3011. is met with in the panels of several altar tombs, in the spandrills of the arches of door- ways, and it is worthy of observation that all the mitres, where the figures change their form, are perfect for each: had these con- siderations been neglected, we should not have had the graceful flowing lines found in these designs: no other triangles crossing are so universally applicable, or require less skill in their adoption. The student of the present day might occupy a life in the col- lection of these subjects, and they are most excellent models for the application of the rules of theoretical geometry to practice. Fig. 3012. Windows of three Days or Divisions are met with, having heads of singular beauty, inclosed within an equilateral triangle, and SO numerous are the designs, that it is rare to meet with two exactly similar. In CLOISTERS AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY. CLOISTERS at westminster abBEY. Fig. 3013. 1610 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the more simple of three days or lower divisions, the head is occupied by three circles, each of which contains a trefoil constructed upon the crossing of either three or four equi- lateral triangles. A very extraordinary design, composed of intersecting circles, is to be seen at the east end of the chancel of the church at Sutton, at Hone, in Kent; although much dilapidated, it still preserves many of its original flowing lines, all struck from the same radius, through points previously determined by crossing the primitive circle by four equilateral triangles. At half the height of the head of the window a horizontal line may be supposed to be drawn from one side to the other, on which are three circles: the two outer touching, are crossed by the third, struck from the point of their junction; with the same radius several spherical triangles are struck from the points of intersections, producing the lines, which unite and divide the window head into several compartments, differing in pat- tern and dimension. After the circles were struck, the lines that did not play into each other were left out, and those only re- tained which flowed on grace- fully; by these nice consider- ations and just application of principles, the masons were cer- tain of producing a perfect ef- fect, without rigidly adhering to any particular form. Fig. 3014. SECTION AT HONE, KENT. Windows of four Days or Divisions. — Among the heads of a more simple character are those which contain one large circle, subdivided by three equilateral triangles, each Fig. 3015. Fig. 3016. inclosing a trefoil. Others contain, in addition to the one great equilateral triangle, two smaller, constructed upon the points of its base, and dropping into the space comprised between the heads of the divisions below. CHAP. XXXI. 1611 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. Windows of Six Divisions are far more complicated, and, though exhibiting greater skill in geometry, are set out precisely upon the same principle. The two equilateral triangles inclosed within the great circle mark out the prominent features of the design, and their terminations are the centres of as many spherical triangles, which, by their crossing, constitute the elaborate filling in. In some examples, above the two main lower divisions is a circle divided by several others, the twelve which are indicated in the figure serving to proportion the tracery of this compartment. At the latter end of the four- teenth century, these designs were so multiplied that almost every cathedral and church had its peculiar windows: in Amiens cathedral, the chapels constructed at this same time receive their light from windows, the heads of which are filled in with tracery exceedingly varied, but the general principles of setting out the work are preserved; the circle and the equilateral triangle were subdivided almost to infinity, and at no period of the arts do the inventive facul- ties appear so fertile as in that we are now considering. The great west window of York Cathedral is the finest example of the improvement made in this mode of deco- ration; the geometric forms are there so con- cealed by the blending of the several curves, as to produce con- tinued flowing lines, which is partly shown in fig. 3014.: they are, however, all set out in the same manner, and the centres upon which they are struck are established by the crossing of equi- lateral triangles. During the epis- copacy of John Gran- disson, from the year 1327 to 1369, Exeter Cathedral was under- going an entire change in its architecture. Fig. 3018. Fig. 3017. To this bishop we are indebted for the great west window, of nine days, and several smaller of four and five, in which are introduced tracery showing a great variety of design: some are composed of equilateral triangles, each containing a trefoil, some of circles with six turns, others have four and three; but the heads of all, varied as they are, belong to the same school as fig. 3017. The great east window at Bristol Cathedral is another fine example of nine days; 1612 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. executed about the middle of the fourteenth century; the centre of the head of the window, or rather the nucleus to the tracery, is an octagon, six sides of which are retained, the other two being suppressed, to allow of a better combination with the three centre divisions of the lower part. Th equilateral triangle also defined the form and magnitude of the several mullions, as shown by the d agram, constructed upon measurement of the windows of the clerestory of the nave at Winchester: a line drawn from the apex of one mullion to the other is the base of the triangle, and the space inclosed by the two is divided into ten other equilateral triangles, two of which agree in dimensions and form with each mul- lion. Of the twelve equilateral tri- angles embracing two half mullions, ten are given to the day or space to admit the light, and two, or one- sixth of the whole, is comprised by the mullion; such appears to have been the manner of proportioning the parts of windows in the middle ages. Fig. 3019. Rose Windows in the West Transept of the Church of St. Ouen at Rouen is 29 feet 6 inches in diameter, and composed of seven equal circles, one of which occupies the centre: each of those, which surround it, are again subdivided by others; two only of the outer six are pre- served in the figure, and form the quatrefoils, whilst the intersections of the others serve as centres to the rest of the design. Fig. 3020. 8t. ouen at ROUEN. Rose Window of the South Transept of the Cathedral at Rouen is 23 feet in diameter, measured to the centre of the large bead, which comprises the figure. A portion only of CHAP. XXXI. 1613 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. this beautiful example is given, for the purpose of exhibiting the principle upon which it is set out: it will be evident that the nucleus of the design is composed of two equilateral triangles, and the sides of each continued, constitute the alternate divisions. Fig. 3021. 8+ 哈 ​of Fig. 3022. て ​ROUEN CATHEDRAL: SOUTH TRANSEPT. The internal hexagon has its parallel sides prolonged, to mark the position of the four divisions that have their pointed heads attached to the small circle, which forms the eye of the pattern; and the length of these prolonged lines is limited to the extent of the sides of an equilateral triangle, which is again divided regularly, the triangular spaces between being filled in with trefoils. The small mullions are in width 24 inches, the next size 3 inches, and those which mark out the figure and have a bead for their termination are 4 inches: another bead and bold projecting label, or rim, circumscribe the whole rose window, the hollow around which is enriched with a curved leaf. On each side of the internal hexagon an equilateral triangle is constructed, around which a circle is struck, uniting elegantly with the next, and forming the six turns which characterise the filling in of 1614 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. circles at this period; these were the principal decorations after the Lancet style was aban- noned, and were continued until succeeded by more flowing and varied designs. Rose Window of the South Transept at Beauvais, 34 feet 4 inches in diameter, is composed of six large circles and their intersections. To set out this win- the dow the great circle expressed by the outer bead is divided into twelve parts, each being equal to half the radius; twelve equi- lateral triangles are then inscribed, points of which touch each of the divisions, and where they cross nearest to the outer circle, the twelve pointed arches arches that surround the figure are struck; the other points of intersection of the triangles are centres, from which the other curves are drawn. It must at once be evident, that in a circle so divided, or by any other equal num- ber of equilateral tri- angles, the portions contained between the smaller angles must be equal to each other; the six circles around the centre have their curves blended into the outer, and if it be required to fix centres for each of these flow- ing lines, they can only be obtained by cover- ing the entire rose window with lines in the manner already described. The radius being equal to the side of a hexagon, and that figure being com- posed of two equi- lateral triangles, was probably the chief reason of its first pre- ference over all others; it certainly affords the most extraordinary powers of combination, Fig. 3023 BEAUVAIS CATHEDRAL: SOUth transEPT. and there is carcely a moulding or form in the architecture of this period but is set out from it. The mullions that bound the divisions are all portions of this figure, as are the mouldings, which sweep round the arches of the buildings themselves. Nothing can sur- pass the brilliant effect of these marigold windows when glazed with rich colours, and exposed to either a rising or setting sun; in the example now described, this effect is still further heightened by making nearly the whole end of the southern transept a continuation of the same design, the glass descending almost to the tops of the doors which afford access to the cathedral. The construction of such works must excite our highest admiration, for it appears scarcely possible to excel the perfect manner in which the parts are put together and worked off, the execution being in every particular worthy the design. CHAP. XXXI. 1615 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. The Rose Window in the South Transept at Amiens, 29 feet 6 inches in diameter, is set out upon two squares, which cross each other diagonally. Fig. 3024. AMIENS CATHEDRAL : SOUTH TRANSEPT. Sixteen divisions are employed in this figure, and by crossing as many squares, we arrive at the method by which it is set out; each side of the square is equal to the radius by which the master line on the outer bead or circle is struck: where the squares cross each other are the divisions of the pattern, and their several points are the centres upon which the pointed arches are struck, which surround the outer portion of the rose. Where the lines of the squares cross, in the interior of the figure, the smaller divisions are established, and their points of intersection serve for centres to strike the lesser curves; to show this clearly the whole must be set out, and drawn to a large scale. The architecture of France underwent a material change after the thirteenth century; the heads of the windows were no longer filled with tracery composed of six foils, generally three in each window, but branched out into a more running pattern, as practised in several parts of England. The fourteenth century not only exhibits windows of more difficult design, but an apparent absence of the principles by which the several parts were proportioned to each other. Before the Perpendicular style appeared, great progress had been made in the groining of the spacious vaults of the naves, as well as those of the side aisles. After the fan tracery was substituted in England, the windows had straight mullions ascending till they intersected the arch; and we have no further display of the varied figures that everywhere prevailed before: geometry was now exercised upon the intricacies which their surprising vaults exhibited. It is somewhat singular that we never find the beauties of a previous era retained, and blended with that which succeeded. For the 300 years during which the Pointed style continued to flourish, each half century gave to it a new character; hence we have seldom any difficulty in establishing its date: all these changes resulted from an improved knowledge in the art of construction. The lodges of freemasons were gradually approaching the principles which directed the efforts of the architects of the Byzantine school, and which were found too refined and delicate to be practised out of Italy after the eleventh century. 1616 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, The Rose Window in the Northern Transept of the Church of St. Ouen at Rouen, 28 feet 6 inches in diameter, is an example of the pentagonal setting out. Fig. 3025. ST. OUEN AT ROUEN. : When the sides of a pentagon are prolonged, they unite and form five isosceles triangles, each having for its base a side of the original pentagon. The equilateral triangle, the square, and the pentagon may have been adopted by different confraternities of freemasons; the first can be formed into hexagons, duodecagons and their multiples; the squares, by crossing diagonally, into octagons; they may be also tripled and quadrupled the mitre of the equilateral triangle is in the direction of its centre of gravity, as is that of the square and the isosceles triangles; consequently to unite the mouldings around either, the plummet would indicate the direction of the line, when dropped from the angles and suffered to cross, the point of intersection being the centre of gravity common to the several lines. In the chapel of St. Cecile is the monument of Alexander Berneval, the master mason of the works at St. Ouen, at the time the rose window was executed by his pupil, whom it is reported he murdered from jealousy: such an application of triangles was then called the pentalpha. The foundations of this church were laid by Mardargent, about 1318, by whom it was built as far as the transept; but probably the rose window of the northern transept was not inserted till many years after, for the memorial of Berneval bears the date of 1440: this monumental stone is 8 feet 6 inches in length, and 4 feet in width, and in it is represented the architect and his pupil, each employed tracing with his compasses his respective design; these beautiful brasses with their rich tabernacle work were in the highest state of perfection when the writer was last at Rouen, and around the master figure was inscribed in German letters: --- Cy gist Maistre Ulerandre de Berneval, Maistre des oeuvres de Maconnerie du Roy, notre Sire, du Baillage de Rouen, et de ceste Eglise, qui trespaya, l'an de grace mil ccccpl. le v jour de Jaunier. Prie's Dieu pour l'ame de luy. The date of the pupil's death is not commemorated, which has led some to imagine the tale of his murder untrue, and that he erected the monument to his master with the intention of being buried by his side. CHAP. XXXI. 1617 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. The North Rose Window at Amiens, 37 feet 8 inches in diameter, is a magnificent example of the application of the pentagon, with 5 isosceles triangles around it. This window, probably executed in the fourteenth century, has a great resein- blance to the last described; the fan tracery, of which we have early specimens in the cloisters at Gloucester, required the same know- ledge of geometry to perfect their design. In 1482 Euclid was first printed at Venice from the Greek text; but geometry had been studied in England from the time that Adhelard, in 1130, had introduced a transla- tion of that author from the Arabic versions which he met with during his tra- vels in Spain. In 1256 Campanus of Navarre translated Euclid, who seems to have been com- mented upon by several eminent writers, and no doubt it was the text-book of the freemasons, who dili- gently applied the problems it contained to every pur- pose of their art. In 1486 the Editio Princeps of Vitruvius appeared, and the commentaries of Cæsare Cæsariano followed in 1521; the latter author published three plates of the Cathedral at Milan, covered with equilateral triangles, which have not been described so as to be useful or understood. The compartments which Fig. 3026. AMIENS: Rose window. have the flat sides of the original pentagon for their base, and parallel sides throughout till they terminate in the pointed arch, have their mullions proportioned to their opening, the larger being double the size or the smaller, whilst the latter are equal to half the open space between them: the mullions in these examples, which divide two spaces, 6 inches in width, are usually 3 inches in thickness, and the others are in the same proportion. The next sized mullion is 44 inches, with a bead of 14 inch diameter, which runs round the whole pattern of the figure, the centre of which may be called the master line, by which all the rest are set out; the several mullions are all twice as much in depth as in width. Baptistery of Pisa. — The internal diameter of this circular building is 100 feet, and the thickness of its outer walls and columns 10 feet 6 inches; its external diameter is 121 feet, the area of which is 11,499 superficial feet, that of the interior being 7854; if we deduct from it what is occupied by the four piers and eight columns, or 188 fect, we have 7666 feet for the void, exactly two-thirds of the entire area. To find these pro- portions in an edifice commenced about the middle of the twelfth century in Italy, is a curious corroboration of the opinions already advanced, the same rules as those described for the Chapter House at Wells being apparently followed: the conical brick dome was the work of an after period, and may have been the prototype for that of St. Paul's at London; the pointed architecture belonging to the exterior of this edifice, of the same character as that which adorns the crosses of Queen Eleanor in England, was added in the fourteenth century. The section shows how the equilateral triangle governs the proportions of this celebrated building; the extreme diameter is the base, and its apex the level on which the 5 L 1618 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. more recent conical and hemispherical domes are placed: the intersection of the two great triangles fixes the diameter to be given to the internal void, around which the side aisle, its walls and pillars should be formed. The circle which has its diameter com- prised between the apex of the two equilaterals determines the clear width between the BAPTISTERY OF PISA. Fig. 3027. outer walls. That the architects of those days delighted in the forms produced by the several intersections of the circle in combination with the equilateral triangle, we are assured by viewing the several designs they have left us in mosaic upon the walls of the Duomo, and at the cathedrals of Florence, Sienna, and elsewhere. Roslyn Chapel, Scotland, commenced about the year 1446, has its, buttresses well suited to give aid to the walls, and to enable them to resist the thrust of its nearly semi- circular vault, which they receive below the springing. The extreme width from face to face of the buttresses is 48 feet 4 inches; the span of the nave is 15 feet 8 inches, being 5 inches less than the proportion of a third; the two side aisles together CHAP. XXXI. 1619 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. are 15 feet, or within a few inches of the width of the nave; consequently the walls and piers in this beautiful example are 17 feet 8 inches, or 15 inches more in extent than they would have been if the proportion of one-third had been adopted. The height from the pavement to the under side of vault is 41 feet 10 inches. After the examples de- scribed, we cannot doubt of the great proficiency that had been made in the application of the rules of geometry to architecture; every feature, whether the simple moulding or the most elaborate tracery, was set out either upon the equilateral triangle, square, or pentagon, and these regu- lar figures seem to have been chosen on account of the facility by which they are subdivided. From the in- troduction of the style each fifty years that succeeded brought with them new and improved principles, and at the very commencement of the fourteenth century, we see the clustered pillar and Fig. 3030 Fig. 3028. ROSLYN CHAPEL. Fig. 3029. SECTION OF ROSLYN CHAPEL. 5 L 2 1620 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. its many moulded arches yielding to a style that combined greater simplicity with a more thorough knowledge of con- struction, which will be evident upon an examination of St. Stephen's Chapel, West- ininster, (now destroyed,) begun in 1348, the nave of Canterbury and Winchester Cathedrals, and several others. In these examples we have elegantly formed arches resting on well-proportioned piers, the mouldings of which so combine that they form a perfect figure, and show that the points of support were designed to carry all that is placed above them; the same contour of moulding that surrounds the pier performs its useful part in the upper portions of the building, constituting one entire whole. This style, simple as well as elegant, was executed by masons fully qualified to advance it to the greatest per- fection, and deserves both our study and admiration. Canterbury Cathedral exhibits every variety of style found in mediæval architecture; its history has been published by Mr. Britton: to that work, to which the writer contributed some measurements in 1820, he must refer for a detailed and elaborate account of the several changes made in the decoration of the edifice. It is only to the pillars of the nave we are desirous of drawing the at- tention, and that merely to show their simple form, and the manner of setting them out: four squares are so placed that their diagonals and sides are united in the centre, thus con- stituting a form capable of the great- est resistance at the four points of the en- tire pier, where the several thrusts and re- pressures are ceived: the OG mouldings of the piers run round the arches, whilst the co- lumnar mouldings towards the aisle and nave support the ribs of their respective vaults. Greater sim- plicity can hardly be obtained, and every line and indentation of the plan has its use and appropriation : there is no profusion, or member for the sole purpose of deco- ration; in this ar- rangement we have the commencement of good taste, and the indication of a more harmonious and per- fect style. Fig. 3031. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL. Fig. 3032. CANTERBURY CATHedral. Fig. 3033. ST. OUEN AT ROUEN. CHAP. XXXI. 1621 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. In the Church at St. Ouen at Rouen, we have a very different arrangement, and by no means so solid a form. Winchester Cathedral. — One division of the nave has been selected to show the peculiar style practised at the latter end of the fourteenth century, and also the skill exhibited in changing the form of a Saxon edifice, and giving it its present character. fig.3035., is that of the pillar, as well as of the mouldings and walls of the tri- forium and clerestory above. When William of Wykeham effected the changes in the nave of this cathedral, he pre- served all above the arches of the trifo- rium, cutting away only the masonry of each division below that level which in- tervened between the main pillars; he then caused the whole to be cased with an ashlar, so that the original Saxon masonry and proportions of the mass remain within the casing. The dotted semicircular arch is the same as that in fig. 2998., and in the roofs above the groining the Saxon walls are traceable,— another proof that when any alteration was made in a building by our me- diæval masons, they did not think it necessary entirely to demolish it. We have in this example the decorative character which belongs to the architec- ture of the latter end of the fourteenth century, though somewhat heavy in its proportions, which arises from the mass constituting the original fabric being preserved, or having undergone so little change. The thickness of these pillars from north to south is 10 feet 8 inches, and from east to west 10 feet, whilst the width of the opening from east to west is only 14 feet. If we examine the area of one severy of the nave, as left by Wykeham, and calculate the points of support, we shall see that the proportions are not those found in the nave at Canterbury, or in other cotemporary buildings; com- prising the space between the buttresses, the entire area of the parallelogram con- tained between lines drawn through the middle of the piers from north to south is 2228 feet; while the points of support within that area are 557 feet, or one- quarter of the whole. On the section, shown at fig. 3036., the buttresses on the north side project 6 feet; the north wall is 5 feet 6 inches in thickness, the half piers attached project internally 2 feet 1 inch; the north aisle is in width 13 feet 1 inch, the pier 10 feet 8 inches; the clear width of the nave 32 feet 5 inches; the pier 10 feet 8 inches; the south aisle 13 feet 1 inch, the half-pier which projects from the south wall 2 feet 1 inch, and the thickness of the south wall 7 feet 2 inches; there are no buttresses, as the cloister, now removed, served their pur- The width from east to west, pose. measured from the centres of the piers, being 22 feet 1 inch, and the width of The plan, 100101011110111111E : Fig. 3034. NAVE of Winchester cathedral. 5 L 3 1622 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING Book II. buttresses outside 3 feet 2 inches. The cathedral or duomo at Pisa presents a very different result; the total width of the nave is 113 feet 6 inches, and the width of a severy 17 feet 1 inch, the area of which is nearly 1930 feet, the points of support being only a twelfth of that quantity on the plan, and one-sixth as regarded upon the section. Hence we see the necessity of ascertaining the proportions of mass and void in a building, before we can accurately judge of its merits as a style, each having its peculiar quantity, which marks its character. The section or rather plan of the walls, on the level with the gallery of the triforium, shows the method adopted to proportion the openings to the mass. The thickness of the clerestory walls is included within the eight equila- teral triangles, and where their sides cross, the position of the mullions is established. In fig. 3019. the circle which comprises the two that divide the window into three days shows their pro- portion and their size, which .in this example is one-third of the opening: in a window of three days we have six triangles for space, and three for mullions : the splays at the sides of these windows, uniting them with the faces of the wall, are cut parallel with the sides of the several triangles. The main pier is set out by uniting the bases of two equilateral triangles with perpendicular lines, or forming the whole into the figure of a hexagon. By a comparison of this plan with that of fig. 2999., the additions made by William of Wykeham to the original Saxon pillar will be readily perceived. AA XX 19 ft. 1 in. The width of one of the di- visions of the nave at Winehester, measured from the centres of the piers from west to east, is 22 feet 1 inch, and the same dimension taken in the nave at Canterbury is 20 feet only. In the former example the opening between the piers is 12 feet 1 inch, and in the latter 14 feet; there is conse- quently no comparison, with re- gard to lightness, in these two works of the same period; the pier being comprised 23 times in the entire division at Winchester, and 3 times at Can- terbury, or on the pavement the plinths around the base seem to fall within one-third of the entire width. It would almost appear that in setting out the pillars of several cathedrals, the same system was practised as shown for the mullions of windows at fig. 3019.: but the plinths, and not the cluster of columns and mouldings, must be regarded as occupying the third. Bath Abbey church is 20 feet 2 inches from centre to centre of pier from east to Fig. 3035. PIER, AND WINDOWS OF CLERESTORY. CHAP. XXXI. 1623 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. west, and the clear width between the plinths about two-thirds of that dimension, and this is the case with many examples. The Section through the Nave of Winchester Cathedral is highly deserving of our attention: the clear width of the side aisles is 13 feet 1 inch, and that of the nave 32 feet 5 inches; the clear width of the building between the outer walls is 80 feet, the thickness of the walls 16 feet 10 inches, the projection of the buttress 6 feet, and the thickness of the piers 10 feet 8 inches, making for the entire width from north to south 102 feet 8 inches. The width between the walls forms the base of an equilateral triangle, the apex of which determines the height of the vaulting of the nave; a semicircle struck upon this base, with a radius of 52 feet, determines the intrados of the arches of the flying buttresses on each side, which are admirably placed to resist the thrust opposed to them. On this section we have endeavoured to apply the principles of Cæsare Cesariano, before referred to, to the measurement of mass and void by a method far more simple than that usually adopted. By covering the design with equilateral triangles we see the number occupied by the solids, and can draw a comparison with those that cover the voids to prevent confusion in the diagram a portion only of three of the triangles has been subdivided, to show with what facility the quantities of the entire figure might be measured, if the several large equi- laterals were subdivided throughout in a similar manner. The band which extends Fig. 3036. SECTION OF WINCHESter cathedral. from the face of the outer buttress to the centre of the section contains 36 small equilateral triangles, six of which cover the pier; consequently it occupies on the section one-sixth of that quantity; no further calculation is requisite to find the proportion it bears to the whole in like manner the other parts of the section may be compared. Such was the use of equilateral triangles in the middle ages for ascertaining quantity. The two equilateral triangles which occupy the nave and a portion of the piers are comprised within the figure called a Vesica Piscis; if the horizontal line drawn at half the height, uniting the base of the upper and lower triangles, be taken as a radius, and its extremities as centres, it will be evident that parts of circles may be struck, comprising the two triangles within them. Euclid has shown that a perpendicular may be raised or let fall from a given line by a similar method, the space between the segments being called afterwards a nimbus; and there can be no doubt that from time immemorial all builders have used it: the bee adopts for its honied cell a figure composed of six equilateral triangles, and this is proved to be the most economical method of construction; the sides of each hexagon are all common to two cells, and no space is lost by their junction. The nearer the boundary line of a figure approaches the circle, the more it will contain in proportion to it, 5 L 4 1624 Book II. TIIEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. but circles could not be placed above and under each other, or side by side, without interstices occurring, and the equilateral triangle, or a figure compounded of it, is the only form that will admit of it being so arranged. The interior and exterior division of the choir at Winchester exhibits two styles; the latter is a fine example of the decorated elegance to which architecture had arrived at the commencement of the sixteenth century. X HI Fig. 3007, WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL: CHOIR, Fig. 3038. CHAP XXXI. 1625 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. King's College Chapel, Cambridge, has no side aisles, but in lieu of them are small chapels between the buttresses, which are not interrupted in their depth, their whole strength being requisite to maintain in equilibrio the highly wrought stone vault; this they have hitherto perfectly done, to the admiration of all who have studied its principles of construction. The chapel is divided in its length into twelve equal divisions or severies, each of which is formed of four quad- rants of a concave parabolic conoid standing on their apex, and is bounded by a main rib or arch of masonry which has its abutments secured by the weighty buttresses added to the outer walls. The width of each severy from centre to centre is 24 feet, the thickness of the buttresses being 3 feet 7 inches, and the length of the chapel between them 20 feet 6 inches; their depth is 13 feet 6 inches in the clear. The transverse section shows more particularly the proportion of mass and void, which are here equal: the total ex- tent or width from the face of one but- tress to that of the other is 84 feet, and the clear width 42 feet; the height from the pavement to the top of the stone vault is 80 feet 1 inch, though this varies from the pavement being out of the level; the thickness of the walls at top is 5 feet 7 inches; in it is a gallery 2 feet 1 inch wide, and 7 feet high, com- municating entirely around the building. The height of the cluster column, whose capital receives the points of the inverted cones, is 59 feet 3 inches, so that the arch, which is struck from four centres, does not rise more than 18 feet 6 inches, and the intersections take place at one quarter of the span when the height is 15 feet 6 inches: this arch or stone rib is 2 feet in depth and 18 inches in breadth, formed of twelve vous- soirs on each side, the joints radiating to the centres respectively; it abuts at its extremities against the ponderous buttresses, and remains steadfast and immovable, dividing, as before stated, the vault into several severies. The plan of the main piers shows that there has been no after-thought grafted upon the original design, which, in all probability, was commenced soon after the year 1446, as we find that a stone quarry at Haselwode, and another at Huddlestone, in Yorkshire, were granted, for the works to be carried on here. The stone roof does not appear to have been commenced till about 1512, the inden- ture concerning it bearing date the fourth Fig. 3039. KING'S COLLEGE CHAPEL. year of King Henry VIII.; in this document Thomas Larke is called the " surveyor," John Wastell the "master mason," and Henry Semerk one of the "wardens," the two latter agreeing to set up a sufficient vawte, according to a plat signed; the stone to be from the Weldon quarries: the contracting parties were also to provide "lyme, scaffoldyng, cinctores, moles, ordinaunces," and "every other thyng required for the same vawting: the timbers 1626 BOOK IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of two severies of the "great scaffolding" were given them for the removal of the whole; and they were to have the uses of all "gynnes, whels, cables, hobynatts, saws, &c. ;" they were to pay for the stone, and to have 1007. for each severy, or 1200% for the whole, money being advanced for wages as the works proceeded: the "chare roff," as the vault is called, was to be sufficiently buttressed, and the whole performed in a perfect manner. Fig. 3C40. SECTION OF king's college chapel. The extreme width, measured from the face of one buttress to that of the other, is 84 feet, and from north to south, from the centre of one pier to that of the other, 24 feet; thus the area comprised in a severy, or space between two lines drawn through the centres of the buttresses on the plan, is 2016 feet, exactly double the area of one of the severies of St. George's Chapel, Windsor: the extreme width is the same, but the difference arises from the divisions in the one being double that of the other, as ineasured from east to west. The area of the nave, 42 × 24 of the chapel on one side ditto on the other of the walls on one side ditto on the other Feet. 1008 336 336 168 168 Hence we have for the areas of the space or void on the plan 1680 feet, and for the walls and pier 336 feet, or one-sixth of the whole 2016 feet, similar proportions to those which we CHAP. XXXI. 1627 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. ļ shall afterwards find in St. George's Chapel, Windsor. In King's College the nave comprises half the entire area of a severy, and the remaining half is divided into three, one of which is given to each of the chapels, and the other divided between the points of support: in this beautiful building, with its majestically con- trived roof of stone, the lightest construction is adopted. The cate- narian curve exhibits the direction of the thrust of the vault, which falls within the base. The stone roof we are now ex- amining differs somewhat from that of Henry VII.'s chapel at West- minster; the area of the points of support is only one-half of those in the latter elegant example; in no instance have we so much effect pro- duced by the mason's art, with so small a quantity of material: it is evident that the gradual changes made in the architecture of the me- diæval period led at last to the greatest perfection, beyond which it seems impossible for us to advance. In selecting a style of any one period, it may be fairly asked whether the principles found in the latter, or the economy adopted in the con- structions of the 15th century, might not be applied to it, and the same effect produced,—the section of the chapter-house at Wells, for instance, lightened of half its material: un- doubtedly it might, for the lofty pointed arch, not having the thrust which the latter, struck from four centres, had, would exert less thrust, and be in favour of such a change. But at the present day, when copies are rigidly made of the finest ex- amples of each style, it would seem a bold innovation to suggest such an adoption; still it might be introduced, and probably would have been, had the freemasons continued an operative fraternity, and been required to build in the Lancet or other style, which su- perseded it. The same decorations and form of arch may be used in the later 2 6 7 8 10 Fig 3041, VAULTING of king's college chapel. styles as in the earlier, as far as construction is concerned, and we have evidence of sufficient strength in the example before us; the principles are the same in each, though they may differ in form; there would be no more difficulty in transforming one style to that of another, than was experienced by William of Wykeham, when he changed the Saxon nave of Winchester to the Perpendicular. On the section shown at fig. 3040. a line is drawn exhibiting the catenarian curve, for the purpose of showing that the abutment piers are set out in correspondence with its principles; it is not contended that a knowledge of this curve guided the freemasons in proportioning their piers, or that their flying buttresses were always placed within it; but it is singular that in those structures where their true position seems to have been decided, the catenarian passes through them. Bath Abbey section (fig. 3051.) is an example which exhibits this most perfectly; and by a comparison of its section with that at Wells, (fig. 3004.) it will be perceived that the struts are differently placed, and that the earlier example is defective: fig. 3930. represents Roslyn 1628 Book II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Chapel, in which there is evidently some improvement; but at the time of its construction perfect knowledge on this subject had not been attained. In a catenarian chain formed of links of equal length, every side is a tangent to the curve, and the direction of each link is at right angles to it, acting in a direction perpendicular to the line it forms in the cate- naria; and hence its useful application to the science of construction. It is quite clear that wherever the curve passes through the section of a building, stability is obtained; and where it does not, it is doubtful: certainly the best application of flying buttresses is that which can be tested by this principle. The main arches of the roof abut against the outer buttresses, and spring from a cluster of mouldings set round a circular pier; the situation of the small columns and hol- lows which decorate it being determined by the crossing of equilateral triangles. The ribs of each severy abut in the centre upon a circle 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, formed of two stones, and indicated by No. 1.: in the middle is a mortise-hole 9 inches square; No. 2. is in width 17 inches in the widest part; No. 3. is 2 feet 2 inches; No. 4., 3 feet 8 inches; No. 5., the same; No. 6., 3 feet 3 inches; No. 7. 4 feet 3 inches; No. 8., the same; No. 9., 3 feet 2 inches, and No. 10., which abuts against the outer wall, 4 feet. By a reference to the plan on fig. 3044., it will be un- derstood how the several rings of voussoirs which com- pose the quarter of the para- bolic conoid abut and are locked one into the other: the construction of this vault is somewhat similar to that adopted by Soufflet at the Church of St. Geneviève at Paris, although his manner of applying it materially differs. 6 2 10 ツ ​7 10 Fig. 3043. Fig. 3042. King's collegE CHAPEL: Ribs of vault. 5 · • • The buttress in the present example has an area of 56 feet, equal to that of the piers, to which it is attached; or the two piers and buttresses together have an area of 224 feet: it is curious to find that of the 336 feet before given to the points of support, one-sixth should be applied to the piers, one-sixth to the buttresses, and the other portion to the walls between; for 55 ft. 6 in. x 6=336 feet-the area of the points of support taken on both sides; so equally are the parts even distributed. When the Normans first used flying buttresses, as at the Cathedral at Chartres, the Abbaye aux Hommes at Caen, and several other buildings, they abutted them against the ordinary outside wall; but it was soon discovered that a greater resistance was necessary to oppose the thrust, and prevent the abutments from yielding. Salisbury Cathedral was probably one of the earliest where flying buttresses were used; and the opinion of Sir Christopher Wren is worthy of quoting upon this subject, as it applies more particularly to the first constructed, and not so immediately to those erected in the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries. "Almost all the cathedrals of the Gothic form are weak and defective in the poise of the vault of the aisles; as for the vaults of the nave, they are on both sides equally supported and propped up from spreading by the bowes or flying buttresses, which rise from the outward walls of the aisles: but for the vaults of the aisles, they are indeed supported on the outside by the buttresses; but inwardly, they have no other stay but the pillars themselves, which, as they are usually proportioned, if they stood alone, without the weight above, could not resist the spreading of the aisles one minute: true, indeed, the great load above of the walls and vaulting of the nave should seem to confine the pillars CHAP. XXXI. 1629 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. in their perpendicular station, that there should be no need of butment inwards, but experience hath shown the contrary, and there is scarce any Gothic cathedral, that I have کہو The man w Fig. 3044. KING'S COLlege chapel: piers. seen at home or abroad, wherein I have not observed the pillars to yield and bend inwards from the weight of the vault of the aisle; but this defect is the most conspicuous upon the angular pillars of the cross, for there not only the vault wants butment, but also the 20 0 13 5 5 01 6 3 21 9 15 6 ! J Fig. 3045. KING'S COLLEGE CHAPEL: BUTTRESSES, ETC. angular arches that rest upon that pillar, and therefore both conspire to thrust it inwards towards the centre of the cross. 19 At King's College chapel, flying buttresses are dispensed with, and happily the knowledge of construction had arrived at such perfection, when its astonishing vault was projected, that we have no evidence whatever of its yielding in any part. It may seem extraordinary that the Pointed style made so little progress in Italy, the Byzantine being always preferred: the architects of that country were probably unwilling to relinquish a mode of construction so economical, half only of the material employed in the lightest, and a quarter in the earliest of the Gothic style, being required for the basilica : for example, where 100 rods of stonework would be used in the latter, 200 would be necessary for the style practised at King's College, St. George's Chapel, and Bath Abbey Church, and 400 for that of the Chapter-house at Wells; this result would lead to the conclusion, that no style is so well adapted for the wants of the present day as the Byzantine. 1630 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. BOOK II. St. George's Chapel, Windsor.—If we sup- pose a line on the plan to pass through the centre of the buttresses and piers, and one severy of the nave to be defined, we shall have a width of 12 feet, and a length of 84 feet, the area of which is 1008 feet: after this we shall find the area of the walls and piers comprised within this severy to be 168 feet, or one-sixth of the whole; such are the proportions of mass and void found in this chapel. The clear width of the side aisles between the columns is 11 feet 9 inches; that of the nave 34 feet 10 inches, and be- tween the outer walls 69 feet 2 inches: the height of the top of the vaulting of the nave is 54 feet 2 inches. The height up to the springing line of the great vault over the nave being equal to half the entire width, it is evident that two squares must comprise within them the entire building beneath this line; upon setting them out we find the nave and its pillars occupy one, whilst the other is given to the side aisles, external walls, and buttresses. The Rev. John Milner, in his admirable treatise on the Ecclesiastical Architecture of England, which has been the text-book for all modern writers, states that "its rise, progress, and decline, occupy little more than four centuries in the chronology. of the world as its characteristic perfection con- sisted in the due elevation of the arch, so its decline commenced by an undue depression of it. This took place in the latter part of the 15th century, and is to be seen, amongst other instances, in parts of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, commenced by Edward IV. in 1482; in King's College Chapel, Cambridge, and in the Chapel of Henry VII. at Westminster. It is undoubtedly true that the architects of these splendid and justly admired erections, Bishop Cloose, Sir Reginald de Bray, &c. displayed more art and more professional science than their predecessors had done; but they did this at the expense of the character- istic excellence of the style itself which they built in." "In St. George's Chapel we have the work covered with tracery and carvings of the most exquisite design and execution, but which fatigue the eye, and cloy the mind by their redundancy:" but but we have also a building constructed with one-half the ma- terials that would have been employed had the style practised in the chapter-house of Wells been adopted: The admirers of the Pointed style have not sought for the true principles which mark its several changes; they have not examined into its constructive arrangements; had they done so, they would have perceived that, as the skill of the free- masons advanced, and their workmanship im- proved, they economised material, con- structed more solidly, and produced a richer and more harmonious effect, without sacri- ficing any of the principles which governed their practice; the improvements they made were as great as those noticed when the AAAAAA Fig. 3046. ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL, Windsor. CHAP. XXXI. 1631 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. Doric proportions were changed to the Ionic. In the Doric we had two-thirds mass, one- third void; in the Ionic half mass, half void; at Wells Chapter-house one-third mass, two-thirds void; in St. George's Chapel, one-sixth mass and five-sixths void. Fig. 3047. ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL, WINDSOR. The plan of the pillars is that of a double square, or parallelogram, the diagonals of which latter figure become the sides of equilateral triangles that serve for the setting out Fig. 3048. PIER OF ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL, WINDsor. the splays, upon which the several mouldings are cut: from east to west these piers are 3 feet 1 inch, from north to south 3 feet 6 inches, not comprising in this last dimension the three 1632 BOOK II. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. small columns on the fall towards the nave, or the single column on that towards the side aisles, the first of which projects 6½ inches, and the latter 4 inches. The mouldings around the windows and their mullions are shown at the side of the- pier in their proper position. Division of the Nave of St. George's Chapel.—The mouldings set around the plan of the pier are continued up to the vaulting of the roof, without any other interruption except where they are mitred round the arches. Bath Abbey Church is 89 feet 5 inches in width from cut to cut measured across the nave, and the clear width of the nave is 29 feet 10 inches, or one-third of the whole, and each of the side aisles is a trifle more than the half of the width of the nave, being 15 feet 8 inches; the walls and piers added together are not quite equal to a third, as they amount only to 14 feet 2 inches on each side, or together to 28 feet 4 inches, the difference being given to increase the side aisles. The section of this beautiful building presents to us all the improvements made in vaulting, and the right proportions as well as directions to be given to the flying buttresses: in the first application of those supports, as at Salisbury, they are evidently misapplied, but in the example before us we find that the constructors had arrived at a knowledge of the principles of the catenarian curve, which is traceable through the solid masses of the section : it was by slow degrees that the freemasons arrived at a knowledge of the peculiar properties of this figure; had it been known at the first commence- ment of the introduction of flying buttresses, we should have had a better application of them; in several instances we find them adopted where no advantage, or very little, could be derived from them. Division in Bath Abbey Church differs from all other examples of this period, by the height given to the clerestory and the omission of the triforium : the judicious and excellent arrangement of the flying buttresses permits of the greater display of glass, which in the sixteenth century had arrived at its most gorgeous state, rich in every colour, and beautiful from the drawing of the patterns, and figures with which it was covered. Bishop King commenced this building about the year 1500, on an entirely new site, near the old church from the centre of one pier to that of the other is 20 feet 1 inch; the thickness of the outer buttresses 3 feet, and their projection 4 feet; one severy of building contains 1650 feet, and the area of the points of support is 275 feet, or one-sixth. The pillars are square, though set diagonally, their width from north to south and from east to west being 5 feet, and the opening of the arches between them 15 feet 1 inch; half their plan and base is shown at fig. 3052.: the height from the pavement to the top of the capitals, where the sculptured angel is placed, is 56 feet 3 inches, and to the top of the vaulting 73 feet 6 inches, within 7 feet as much as the clear width between the outer walls. Fig. 3049. BATH ABBEY CHURCH. Fig. 3053. shows the plan of the stone vaulting, which is perfectly geometrical in its setting out; the cloisters at Gloucester, the aisle at the east end of Peterborough cathedral, and St. George's Chapel, Windsor, have vaults of a similar kind, The thickness of the stone which comprises the vaults of fan tracery varies according to its position, but in no instance is it considerable, or more than absolutely necessary to resist crushing. The spire of Salisbury, 180 feet in height, of an octangular form, ineasures from east to west internally 33 feet 2 inches, and from north to south 6 inches more; the thickness of the spire at bottom is only 2 feet, or the area of its base is half that of the void, the void containing two parts, and the solid around it one; this spire diminishes in thickness for the first 20 feet, after which it is 9 inches in thickness throughout; at about 30 feet from the summit is a hole, by which an exit from the interior may be made, and by means of the crockets and irons on the outside the top of the spire may be attained: in 1816 the writer examined the position of the vane, and the manner in which the capping stone was placed, and descended astonished at the perfection of the masonry, and the thinness of the stone with which it was constructed, CHAP. XXXI. 1633 PRINCIPLES of proPORTION. Fig. 3050. Fig. 3051. SECTION OF BATH Abbey church. Fig. 3052. PIER. Fig, 3053, GROINING. Caudebeck Sacristy, near Rouen, in Normandy, exhibits the manner of suspending a key- stone by locking it between the voussoirs of a strong semicircular arch. The length of this 5 M 1634 Book IL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. pendent stone is 17 feet 6 inches, and its thick- ness at the top, where locked, is 30 inches: the voussoirs are 3 feet in depth; the small pointed arches or ribs that form the groining of the hexa- gonal vault spring from the side walls and the ornamental knob of the pendentive, and are per- fectly independent. The abutments of the semi- circular arch, which has a radius of 12 feet, are formed by solid walls continued for some length in the direction of its diameter. This sacristy is hexagonal; each side internally measures 12 feet, and the height from the pave- ment to the springing of the ribs is 18 feet. Seventh's Henry the Chapel, Westminster. The first appearance of the pointed arch was probably a little before the termination of the twelfth century; the pil- Fig. 3054. CAUDEBECK SACRISTY. lars and mouldings which then accompanied it were of Saxon origin: to its acute form was Ад Fig. 3055. FIER OF HENRY VII.'s chapel. afterwards added the slender Purbeck columns and simple groining, producing that unadorned majesty which reigns throughout the cathedral of Salisbury. This style underwent several changes, and was succeeded at the latter end of the thirteenth century by another, in GHAP. XXXI. 1695 PRINCIPLES OF PROPORTION. which the arch was struck from more than two centres: the naves of York, Canterbury, and Winchester Cathedrals have been cited as among the best examples. But we have now to describe the principles of a style founded upon the others, and applied to all buildings in England from the middle of the fifteenth to the middle of the sixteenth century; it is not met with on the continent, the Italian or revived classic architecture having there been generally introduced and preferred. The variety exhibited in groined vaults, progressing from simple ribs to those of an in.ricate and net-like arrangement, no doubt led the masons of the time to the construction of the cloisters at Gloucester, King's College, and Henry the Seventh's Chapel at Westmin- ster, which works are the best evidences that can be adduced of the improvements made in professional science, and which could only result from a continued perseverance in the study of the subject: an examination of the several styles will prove that they must have been produced by the same school or fraternity, and that neither Sir Reginald Bray nor Wil- liam of Wykeham could have become ac quainted with the mysteries of the craft, unless they had been instructed by the freemasons; and that to them, and not to any individual, nor to the clergy as a body, ought we to attribute the construction of these scientific and highly decorated works. The Division of Henry the Seventh's Chapel bears a strong resemblance in its general pro- portions to that of St. George's at Windsor, although it is rendered more ornamental by the multitude of figures enshrined in delicate tabernacle-work, which covers almost the entire walls. The mouldings of the main piers (fig. 3055.) that separate the middle from the side aisles are enclosed within a circle divided into a pentagon—a form the best adapted to receive the weight of the ribs, and the flying buttresses that were to resist their force. The Rev. James Dallaway, whose dis- courses upon the architecture of England, created so many admirers of this interesting subject. observes, that "here the expiring Gothic seems to have been exhausted by every effort. The pendentive roofs, never before attempted on so large a scale, are prodigies of art." But it is not to the profusion of sculptured angels, statues, royal heraldic de- vices, &c., that we are desirous of drawing the attention, so much as to the extraordinary construction that prevails throughout this master-piece, in which we have the strongest evidence that theory and practice went hand in hand; that the knowledge of geometry had advanced to its highest pitch in the con- structive arts, and that not only were the principles of the arch thoroughly understood, but considerable advance made in the appli- cation of the properties belonging to the cone. The section of this beautiful chapel is 78 feet in width; the buttresses and outer walls together are 6 feet 9 inches, the side aisles 11 feet 3 inches; the piers from north to south 4 feet 5 м 2 A RAJRAAKAAKÄRAHKAAKARÄÄR popopopopopopo pa papa papa papa Fig. 3056. HENRY VII.'s Chapel. KOM DIYIMKONIKUININUSHTADIALIT ( 1636 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, BOOK II. Shannar པའི་ཐུན་མ t www Fig. 3057. SECTION OF henry vii's. chapel. 6 inches, and the clear width of the nave 33 feet. The entire width, at the basement or level of the pavement of the crypt, is 79 feet: 261 feet, or §, is devoted to points of support, and 523 feet, or, to the side aisles and nave; the area of a severy shows applied to walls and piers, and to the void, which proportions accord with the early rather than with the ៖ late examples; the great weight of the vaulting, which is 62 feet high from the pavement of the chapel, requiring additional strength, the proportions of St. George's Chapel at Windsor would not have been equal to the necessary resistance. Our limits will not permit a more extended inquiry into the principles of proportion, the study of which is calculated to produce an important improvement in the noble art, for the practice of which the young architect must prepare himself by careful measure- ment, not only of the ruins of the Acropolis and of the Capitol, but of all that remains of mediæval architecture: he must be a pilgrim seeking after truth, not bowing before any. favourite shrine, but returning with a devotion as enlarged as his subject. The stupendous works which antiquity has transmitted to us, it is hoped, may excite the attention of the general reader, nor will his interest be diminished by the contemplation of the astonishing development of modern industry. The writer cannot but feel the importance and variety of his subject, and, while he is conscious of his own imperfections, he must often accuse the deficiency of his materials: but the results of his labour, however inadequate to his own wishes, he finally delivers to the candour of the public. SUPPLEMENT. WATER SUPPLY. THE quality of this important element supplied to the Metropolis by various Companies has of late years become a subject of serious consideration, both publicly and privately, The still increasing area covered with habitations naturally suggested the idea that the two principa sources of supply, the Thames and Lea rivers, could not retain that purity so necessary to health if still made the recipients of so enormous a drainage. The quantity of water supplied from the Thames is stated to be about 20,000,000 of gallons, from the Lea 26,000,000, daily; and it was asked, does not this quantity return tainted with all the impurities incident to so large a population? and, if so, is there not a constant exchange of discharge and supply injurious to health. Amidst much discussion, this view of the case has been denied, on the principles of evaporation, the soluble quality of water, &c. &c. Into these discussions it is not requisite here to enter; but there can be no question that to be under the necessity of using water, for any purpose, supposed to be charged with all sorts of abominations, would be repulsive in the extreme to even the least fastidious; while to the refined mind, it must be a source of regret, that so many of our rivers, whose pure streams would delight the eye and gladden the heart of the beholder, should now only produce feelings of disgust, or so accustom the dwellers around them to the sight of every species of pollution that a positive moral injury is produced by the continual blunting of the external senses. To satisfy the public mind upon this important question, at the commencement of the year 1851 Sir George Grey, then principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, commissioned Thomas Graham, W. A. Miller, and A. W. Hofmann, Esquires, eminent chemists and medical men, after proper inquiry and analysis, to report to him, for the in- formation of Government, their opinion upon the waters delivered and proposed to be delivered by the several water companies. In June, 1851, the report was completed, and contained not only the analysis of all the actual sources of supply, but that of several others, proposed to be taken from the chalk districts about Watford and along the side of the North Kent Railway, and also of the Farnham and Surrey waters, which flow from the green sand in the neighbourhood of Farnham. The analysis was given in two forms: first, the acids and bases separately; and, secondly, the same acids and bases arranged in the forms of salts, or chemically combined, as they are believed to exist in the waters. 5 a 3 1638 [ SUFF. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. First, the analysis of the New River, East London, Kent and Hampstead waters: Lime Magnesia Potassium Sodium 1 Iron, Alumina and Phosphates Sulphuric acid (S. O.) Chlorine Carbonic Acid Silica Nitric Acid Ammonia The second analysis was as follows: - Grains in an Imperial Gallon. New River East Water. London. Kent. Hamp- stead. - 5.7192 6.9034 8-4931 2.9160 0.5280 0.7336 1.6537 1.7098 0.4972 0.5600 0.4586 1.6471 1.1634 0.9989 1.3790 7.5761 trace. 0.4760 trace. trace. 3.2550 2.5830 6.8180 9.1702 1.0500 1.0682 2.3387 4.1230 11.1020 11.4527 0.5005 0.6216 0.7679 0.0728 0.0150 0.4800 0.0470 0.0500 trace trace. trace. trace 9.828010·9823 Grains in an Imperial Gallou. New River East Water. London. Hamp- Kent. stead. Carbonate of Lime Sulphate of Lime Nitrate of Lime - Carbonate of Magnesia Chloride of Sodium Sulphate of Soda Chloride of Potassium Sulphate of Potassa Carbonate of Potassa Silica - 1 Iron, Alumina and Phosphates Ammonia W } 7.82 10.16 7.02 4.95 } 3.23 2.33 11.03 0.02 0.72 0.07 0.07 1.09 1.51 3.42 3.53 1.73 1.76 3.50 6.79 1.49 0.94 15.14 0.44 1.11 1.25 0.70 1.40 1.80 0.50 0.62 0.76 0.07 trace, 0.47 trace. trace. trace. trace. trace. Organic matter 2.79 4.12 2.61 1.84 Total 19.78 23.88 29.55 35.59 Solid residue obtained on evaporation - 19.50 23.51 29.71 35.41 Free Carbonic Acid in cubic inches 44° F. 14.49 12.38 10.15 13.30 " grains in a gallon 7.24 6.19 5.07 6.67 Suspended matter 1.49 1.07 0.52 Degree of hardness, Clark's scale 14.90 15.00 16.00 9.80 The first analysis of the Thames water: — Grains in an Imperial Gallon. Southwark Thames Ditton. Grand Junction, at Kew. West Mid-Chelsea, dlesex, Barnes. Red House, Battersea and Vauxhall, Lambeth. Red House. Lambeth,at Lime Magnesia Potassium Sodium 8.0046 7.4522 7.5390 0.6070 0.5544 0.5628 0.4261 0.2769 0.2185 0.4330 0.6127 0.7387 7.5117 7.2751 6.7970 0.5527 0.6020 0-7011 0.2821 0.6048 0.4291 0.5784 0.7861 0.7805 Iron, Alumina, Phosphates 0.0940 0.7630 0.7630 0.2912 0.3430 0.8505 Sulphuric Acid Chlorine- Carbonic Acid. Silica Nitric Acid Ammonia 1.8782 2.6460 3'0380 3.3005 2.4150 2.2015 0.9890 0.8512 1.1424 1.2229 1.1725 1.1746 14-2170|11·9826 10.6260 0.6290 0'4466 1·0013 10.647012∙1100 | 12·8520 07189 0.7679 1·0451 0.0180 trace. trace. trace. 0.2960 trace. + trace. trace. trace. trace. 0.0309 trace. SUPP.] 1639 WATER SUPPLY. The second analysis of the Thames water: Grains in an Imperial Gallon. Southwark Thames Ditton. Grand Junction West Chelsea, and at Kew. Middlesex, Red House, Barnes. Battersea. Lambeth,at Vauxhall, Lambeth. Red House. Carbonate of Lime · 11.79 10.90 9.94 9.28 10.57 8.99 Sulphate of do. 3.06 3.26 4.78 5.61 3.05 2.99 Nitrate of do. - 0.27 trace. trace. trace. 0.35 trace. Carbonate of Magnesia 1.27 1.17 1.16 1.08 1.29 1.44 Chloride of Sodium- 1.10 1·40 1.88 1.47 1.99 1.95 Sulphate of Soda 0.18 Chloride of Potassium 0.67 0.55 Sulphate of Potassa 0.17 0.61 0.48 1.34 0.95 Silica 0.62 0.44 1.00 0.71 0.76 1.04 Iron, Alumina, Phosphates 0.09 0.67 0.76 0.29 0.34 0.85 Ammonia trace. trace. trace. trace. 0.03 trace. Organic matters 2.29 3.07 2.75 2.38 1.51 2.59 Total 21.33 21.70 22.75 21.37 21.23 20.80 Solid residue after evapo- ration. - 20.78 21.72 22.07 21.28 21.08 20.40 Free Carbonic Acid in cubic inches, at 44° F. 16.89 13.46 11.56 12.30 13.57 16.64 Free Carbonic Acid, grains in gallon 8.25 6.73 5.78 6.15 6.78 8.32 Suspended matter 0.01 0.02 1.92 1.15 Degree of hardness, Clark's scale - 14.22 14.00 14.60 14.44 15.00 14.16 The soluble organic matter from some of the Thames water, upon a further examination, was found to give 0.105 grain of nitrogen, and 0.031 grain. The existence of nitrogen is supposed to imply the animal origin of organic matter; but it has been observed by Dr. Clark, that nitrogen, which gives the offensive smell to animal matter, becomes oxydized, forms nitric acid, and is convertible into nitre; and indeed we can hardly suppose that animal matter of any kind can be long subjected to the action of the river water without undergoing a complete change, for the exposure of the water in its course to the free action of the air, would naturally increase chemical action, which would be again greatly aided by the alkaline substances found in it. We can scarcely meet with any water, collected upon the earth's surface, perfectly free from organic and mineral matter; but the quality of the water is not by these means rendered unfit for use, unless the substances dissolved within it are of a noxious or unwholesome kind. The hardness of water does not affect its salubrious qualities; for perfectly pure or soft water, when in contact with chalk or carbonate of lime, will dissolve but a very small quantity: a gallon of water, the weight of which is 70,000 grains, will only take up two grains of carbonate of lime, which will impart two degrees of hardness. When we find twenty grains, or as many degrees of hardness, in a gallon of water, it is owing to the pre- sence of carbonic acid gas, found abundantly in some waters. Sulphate of lime has not carbonic acid gas for its solvent; on this account it differs from carbonate of lime, as it cannot be got rid of by boiling, but remains in solution, and renders the water permanently hard. There can be no doubt that water taken directly from the chalk strata, contains abso- lutely nothing of organic origin, that it has a brilliancy and clearness superior to any other, is completely free from any suspended matter, and, under mean temperature, is remarkable for its freshness. Pumping Establishments in the Metropolis, &c.— Considerable improvements have been made during the last seven years by the water companies. Thus, instead of pumping the water at once into the various reservoirs, stand pipes have been erected close to the pumping engines, which not only give increased impulse to the water in the pipes of supply, but contribute considerably to the even and regular working of the engine; many more miles of iron main have been laid down; and filters have been very generally introduced. The engine power possessed by the nine companies that supply the metropolis with water may be estimated at about 4000 horses; the quantity of water delivered daily is 90 5 м 4 1640 [Supp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. gallons per house, and annually for all uses about 17,000,000,000 imperial gallons. The engine power absolutely required to raise that quantity is that of 2000 horses only, or half the whole power; so that about 8,500,000 gallons are raised by each horse power in the course of the year, to heights varying from 60 to 190 feet, The stand pipes of New River, being from 84 to 145 feet high "" "" "" Chelsea West Middlesex >> 85 to 135 "" 122 to 188 "" Grand Junction 100 to 151 "" Lambeth 135 "" "" East London 60 to 107 99 The mean height of all the water delivered being probably 100 feet, we have the mean daily lift to that height of each horse power 25,000 gallons; for 25,000 × 2000 (horse power) × 365 (days)=18,250,000,000 gallons, an amount somewhat exceeding the year's supply. At page 1213 of Encyclopædia, it is stated that an engine of 29 horse mean power, made by Boulton and Watt in 1809, working 10 hours per day for six days a week, raised 612,360 gallons 100 feet high, or 9720 gallons per hour; which divided by 29 (horse power,) gives 32.2 gallons as the quantity raised by one-horse power per hour. At that rate we should only require 780 horse power, or about one-fifth the 4000 as stated, to raise daily the amount of 25,000 gallons; so that a great allowance must be made, evidently, for minimum, mean, and maximum working of steam engines under these circumstances. NEW RIVER Waterworks receive their supply from several sources :- The Chadwell spring, which affords The water from the river Lea The Amwell well Hill well The Cheshunt well The Tottenham Court Road well Cubic feet. · "" per minute 500 1340 "" 196 285 "" * 50 "" 70 2441 Cubic feet per minute At the Engine Power. At the Amwell End well, the engine works two 17-inch pumps with a 6-feet 3-inch stroke, 10 strokes per minute, and lifts 30 feet at a stroke. At the Amwell Hill well are two 20-inch pumps, with a 6-feet 3-inch stroke, making 10 strokes a minute and 50 feet lift. At the Cheshunt well is one 12-inch pump, with a 6-feet stroke, making 10 strokes per minute, 105 feet lift in two heights. At the Tottenham Court Road well is one 14-inch pump, with a 6-feet stroke, making 11 strokes per minute, 203 to 204 feet lift in two heights. In addition there are other engines for the distribution of the water at Newington, and at the New River head. The total amount of engine power altogether may be estimated at 720 horses, one-half of which only is in use during the summer months, and probably about one-third in the winter months. 2000 tons of coal are annually consumed. The sources from whence this company draw their supply, are chiefly from the chalk district, and 1340 cube feet per minute is at present permitted to be drawn from the river Lea : the manner in which this was measured is described in a report made to the New River Company by Mr. Bryan Donkin, in October, 1836: "After several ineffectual attempts to obtain a tolerably correct estimate of the quantity of water flowing from the river Lea into the New River, through the gate of their balance engine near Ware, without stopping the supply of the New River, I was obliged to resort to the only expedient remaining, namely, that of allowing the whole of the water obtained from the river Lea, to flow over the tumbling bay, near to the marble guage, and thus for some hours, to divert it from the New River, back again into the Lea. With Mr. Mylne's assistance, this was effected on the 19th of August last, when the sluice or gate near the marble guage was shut down, by which means the whole of the water coming from the river Lea, through the balance engine, was made to flow over the tumbling bay. "This experiment was continued until the depth of water flowing over the bay was taken, every five minutes; and corresponding observations were made by several stationed at the balance engine, at the same intervals of time, of the height of the water in the river above the sill of the sluice gate, and also of the opening under the gate through which the water passed from the river Lea into the manifold ditch. The last-mentioned obser- vations were necessary, from the constant variations which took place in the height of the water in the river Lea, and also in the consequent alteration in the opening under SUPP.] 1641 WATER SUPPLY. the gate, through the agency of the balance engine, lessening the opening as the water in the river Lea rises, and again increasing it as the river becomes lower. I believe that the distance from the balance engine to the tumbling bay, measured by the serpentine course of the manifold ditch, by which the water passes from one to the other, would be found to be somewhat more than a mile. These changes in the height of the river, and in the opening under the gate, although they did not perceptibly affect the depth of the water flowing over the tumbling bay, must necessarily have had some effect on the whole quantity discharged through the opening during the period of observation. I have therefore for the last hour, during which the depth of water running over the tumbling bay appeared to be quite uniform, reduced the various heights of water in the river and the various openings under the gate, which occurred during that time, to the hydraulic mean depth and opening, which would have occasioned the same quantity to be discharged through the gate of the balance engine as was found to run over the tumbling bay. · Estimating the whole quantity of water flowing through the gate of the balance engine by the depth of water flowing over the tumbling bay, which I have found to be a very correct method, it amounts to 1020 cubic feet per minute, and I find that the mean height of water in the river Lea, above the bottom of the opening under the gate of the balance engine, and the opening itself, if uniformly the same, would have been 408,913 inches and 5.1823 inches. From Mr. Mylne I learn that henceforward the greatest quantity of water to be taken from the river Lea is to be at the rate of 1340 cubic feet per minute, and that he considers the mean height of the surface of the water in the river Lea to be 42 inches above the sill of the balance-engine gate. Under this head or height of water, I find that the opening under the gate should be 6.67 in order to admit this discharge of 1340 cubic feet per minute. Hence I have found the openings which are required for other heights of the water in the river Lea, within certain limits, so as that the same quantity of water may uniformly flow through the gate of the balance engine. "But it is obvious that the balance engine, as at present constructed, cannot produce the discharge of a quantity of water under the gate which shall be uniformly the same at all the various heights at which the water in the river Lea is liable to be. I do not know the extreme height to which the greatest flood in the river may occasionally rise; but I have presumed it may do so as far as 60 inches above the sill of the balance-engine gate; that is 18 inches above its ordinary or mean height. I have therefore calculated the openings to the same height; and in order more distinctly to show the difference of quantities of water which would be discharged through different openings, as they are determined by the balance engine, and the quantity required to this end, I assume that the balance engine is so adjusted as that when the water in the river is at 42 inches, the mean height, the opening under the gates is such as will allow of the required quantity of water to pass, namely 1340 cubic feet per minute.. I have also assumed that the river may occasionally vary its height from six inches below to twelve inches above the mean height, which would be from 36 inches to 54 inches, above the sill of the balance-engine gate. Now under a 42-inch head the table gives an opening of 6'674, and at 54 inches head, it gives an opening of 7.298, whereas at the 54 inches head the balance engine would make the opening of 5·174 inches, and for 36 inches head the opening would be 7.424. So that with a head of 54 inches, and an opening of 4.304, the quantity of water would be 985 cubic feet per minute; with 42 inches head, and an opening of 6.674, the quantity would be 1340 feet; and with a 36-inch head, and an opening of 7·424, the quantity would be 1556 cnbic feet per minute. “Thus, whenever the river sinks below 42 inches, the balance engine permits too great a quantity to flow through the gate; and, on the contrary, whenever the river rises above 42 inches, the quantity is too small. +6 Presuming that it will be an object of great importance to make such a change, in the construction of the balance engine, as that it may effect uniformity in the quantity of water flowing from the river Lea into the New River, under every variety of height to which the water in the river may rise, I have turned my attention to this subject; and out of a variety of expedients I have selected one which appears to me certain in its operation, simple in its construction, and, from its nature, very durable and little liable to derangement, and which will also still bear, very appropriately, the name of balance engine,”. The contrivance alluded to was adopted by the New River Company, and the exact quantity of water meted out by means of the machinery; it elevates and depresses the gate either to enlarge or diminish the aperture by which the water passes, and this under any rise or fall to which the river Lea is subject. Reservoirs. — The two at Cheshunt contain (Subsiding) "> وو at Stoke Newington one at the New River head 1 1 a Acres. R. P. 18 2 0 42 2 0 5 0 0 66 0 0 1512 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The reservoir at Tottenham Court Road is of considerable dimensions, and built of brick. it is 200 feet in diameter. The Stoke Newington subsiding reservoirs are 24 feet deep in the middle, and upon an average 12 feet, and contain 130,000,000 gallons. Quantity of Water now annually delivered by the company, is 5,634,000,000 imperial gallons. Average annual expenditure, about 45,8181. or twopence for every 1000 gallons delivered. The New River Company supplies upon the intermittent principle nearly one-third of the metropolis with water, that is 86,000 houses with a population of about 700,000, at the rate of 40 gallons daily per head. This company'supplies a considerable district with water by gravitation alone, which allows a supply without the necessity of pumping; and consequently some advantages are obtained by this facility. The total capital of the New River Company was estimated in 1851 as amounting to 1,455,6341. And the average per-centage was 5l. 48. 9d. The yearly expenses for coals, engine, stores, repairs Wages Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes Wages Salary to the Secretary to the Engineer Rent Rates and taxes - £ S. d. 2,737 0 0 688 O 0 8,894 O 0 4,533 O 800 0 830 O nil. 6,699 O O The annual water rents, not deducting commission, in 1850 – amounted to 128,660l. Arrears 1,108 } Receipts from other sources Rents from houses, &c. The total expenditure for the same year Collector's commission Cost of management Directors Officers and servants Rent of offices, and office expenses Working expenses Street work, paving, plumbing &c. Wages Pumping establishment Coals, engine stores, repairs Wages Annual rent charges Miscellaneous disbursements Outlay for new works • - 25,181 0 0 £ 3. d. 129,768 0 0 3,346 0 0 10,165 0 0 143,279 0 0 F S. d. 5,218 O O 2,254 O 0 5,013 O 0 815 O O 8,272 0 0 4,597 0 0 5,648 0 0 1,273 O O 12,596 O 0 15,460 0 0 61,146 0 0 17,010 0 0 78,156 0 0 To the north of the Regent's Canal the supply is four days a week, and the high service three days a week; on the south the high and low service is given daily. To convert this intermittent into constant supply would in some instances occasion expense and be of difficult execution. The company do not supply any filtered water, the only cleansing being performed in the reservoirs, and in the conduits, by depuration, fully two-thirds of the New River supply is served by gravitation, the remaining portion being pumped; the cost of the former being double that of the latter for the same quantities of water. This is accounted for partly by the original outlay for forming the aqueduct, and the annual expenses incident on the maintenance of its banks and numerous bridges. The CHELSEA Waterworks were established in 1722; the Millbank works were purchased in 1729. From a recent investigation, the district supplied by this company contains 10,000 houses with water-closets, 500 houses with baths, supplied by direct pipes. In SUPP.] 1543 WATER SUPPLY. } 1849, the company supplied 20,996 houses and 248 cottages from stand-cocks, besides the necessary quantity for watering the roads, and cleansing the sewers. The whole supply pumped into the mains during this year, was 1,438,458,000 imperial gallons. The average quantity delivered to each house per day, including trade and other purposes, was 219 gallons; excluding trade and other purposes, 187 gallons, and to large consumers from 200,000 to 300,000 gallons per day. The successive improvements that have taken place during the last 120 years, are a curious illustration of the increasing requirements of the community to be supplied, as well as that of the numbers. In 1743, the first steam engine at these works was erected; in 1746, iron mains were adopted for those of wood; in 1747, a second steam engine was erected; and in 1779, a third, and the water-wheel and wind-engine, which served to in- crease the supply, were improved. The metropolis continued to increase its buildings to that extent that in 1805 a fourth steam engine was required; in 1812 a fifth, of 70-horse power, was put up; in 1823, a sixth, of 80-horse power; in 1838, an eighth engine, of 120- horse power; and in 1850 two 20-horse power engines were added. Street Watering. In the year 1849, 36,000,000 gallons were supplied for this purpose, at the following charges: -under 10,000 superficial yards of road watered, 8s. 4d. per 100 yards; from 10,000 to 20,000 superficial yards, 78. for 100 yards; from 20,000 to 100,000, 6s. 3d. per 100; above 100,000 superficial yards, 5s. 9d. per 100 superficial yards: 15,000 to 20,000 gallons per mile per day is about the quantity used. For Fires, in the same year, this company afforded 5,000,000 gallons, which was less than the average quantity. For flushing and cleansing the sewers, the quantity was estimated at 15,000,000 gallons. Iron mains are in length about 134 miles; and the largest are 18 inches in diameter, 12 inches, and 10 inches; the auxiliary mains are 7 inches and 6 inches; the services are 3, 4, and 5 inches in diameter; but the exact quantity of each cannot be accurately ascertained. The beds for depuration cover an area, at present, of 90,000 superficial feet. The highest service afforded to the houses of this district, is 157 feet above high-water mark. Pumping Establishments in 1851.—An increase is continually making in the engine power; and it appears that, for every pound of Newcastle coal, we have 7 to 8 pounds of water evaporated by the boilers. Diameter of Horse Engine. the Cylinders Length of Stroke in Strokes per Minute. in inches. feet. Maximum height of Ser vice, in feet. 120 65 81 131 157 65 50 8 14 157 Ditto. 36 31 6 13 106 Single power. Pumps fil- tered water. Double power. Do. Ditto. 75 54 8 18 32 Single do. Pumps river water. 24 27 4 27 32 20 20 3 30 180 Double do. Do. Double power. 20 20 3 30 180 Do. 180 50 8 14 157 Do. (not finished). 540 The Total Capital in 1851 of the Chelsea Company was 428,2431., the average per-cent- age of which was 3l. 5s. The yearly expenses for coals, engines, stores, repairs of works Wages One years expense's for street work, viz., paving, plumbing, repair- ing pipes Wages Salary to Secretary Engineer £ S. d. 3919 7 0 2616 2 10 608 13 5 2386 12 8 800 0 0 100 830 0 0 Rent annually paid by the Company Rates and taxes - Annual expenses 342 15 0 - 1111 10 10 - 12615 1 9 The nett annual water rents from 10th October, 1849, to the 10th October, 1850, amounted to 36,8187. 13s. Od. 1644 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. And the Total Expenditure for the same period is thus stateď : Collector's commission Directors, officers, and servants Rent of office, taxes and other disbursements Working expenses : Street work Paving and plumbing Pumping establishment :- 1 £ 8. d. 1311 16 4 754 17 8 1740 0 0 610 6 2472 1 20 Coals, engine stores, repairs · Wages, total Reservoir expenses Rates and taxes on pipes and works, rent on leasehold, law charges, annuities, charities, &c. 5051 4 10 2807 17 5 2462 4 10 2614 3 6 £20997 19 4 WEST MIDDLESEX Waterworks, which are established near Barnes Terrace, draw their supply from the Thames; the pumping establishment is at Hammersmith. The company have four reservoirs; viz., two at Barnes, one at Kensington, and one at Barrow Hill the two first contain about 16 acres area; that at Kensington has an elevation of 111 feet above the Trinity standard, is lined with brick, and will contain 16,000 tuns. That at Barrow Hill is 177 feet 6 inches above the same standard, holds 22,000 tuns, each of 54 gallons. These reservoirs were constructed at a considerable expense in 1838, and answer their purpose admirably, the water which is admitted being rendered more pure by depuration and subsidence. Mains and Pipes. There are about 150 miles of iron main and pipe, varying from 30, 23, 21, 19, 13, 15, 12, 10, 9, 8, and 7 inches in diameter, the service pipes being from 6 to 3 inches in diameter. The number of houses supplied is 24,480; and within the district are 3000 fire plugs. Out of the above number of houses, 7,500 are considered to have water-closets, as they are supplied by the high service, which is 207 feet 6 inches above the Trinity high-water standard. The total quantity of water pumped in the year 1849 was 1,216,929,812 imperial gallons. Charge for watering the roads is 757. per mile; and for this the water cart is used twice a day. The West Middlesex Water Company has now an iron main 36 inches in diameter and 14,500 yards in length, laid down near the village of Hampton, to supply the works at Hammersmith. This main passes through Mortlake to the reservoirs of deposit and filtration at Barne Elms, on the Surrey side of the Thames, opposite to and connected with the present main, which passes under the river at Hammersmith; which works were done in conformity with the parliamentary inquiry of 1852. This company united with the Southwark and Vauxhall Company in laying two parallel lines of pipes, 36 inches in diameter, from Hampton Wick, 19 miles above London Bridge, to the existing pumping engines and filtering beds of their respective establishments at Battersea and Hammersmith. Where these 36-inch pipes cross the Thames, two others, 21 inches in diameter, are laid between the Twickenham and Richmond banks, at a short distance below Richmond Bridge, where the direction across the river is 463 feet. These pipes were laid in at a depth of 16 feet below the Trinity datum, or about 9 feet below the bed of the river, that the navigation might not be impeded. Three coffer dams were made, of the several lengths of 185 feet, 136 feet, and 175 feet; they were of an elongated oval form, and 40 feet in width in the centre; the sides were curved, and the form such that the timber and iron works for the first served for the use of the whole. After driving whole-timber piles, 6 feet apart, and bolting on two half. timber waling pieces (in height), half-timber guide sheeting piles were driven, to correspond with the main piles, and two tiers of outside walings were fixed, and the spaces filled in with half-timber sheeting piles. The bed of the river was then dredged, through 4 feet 6 inches of gravel, to a tenacious clay; puddle was filled in against the piles up to one foot above low water, the gravel ex- cavated being piled upon the puddle of the first, forming a backing. The joints of the piles were then caulked with oakum from without; after this the trench for receiving the pipes was excavated, the dams being drained by Gwynne's centrifugal punıp, worked by engine power. The whole was completed on the 20th June, 1854. Pumping Establishment at Hammersmith has three engines; the dimensions and power of which, when working at full speed 22 hours out of the 24, allowing on an average two hours each engine for repairs, was as follows, in 1850:— SUPP.] :1645 WATER SUPPLY. Cylinders. Number of the Diameter Engine. in inches. No. 1. 2. 54 54 3. 64 Pumps. Nominal Gallons per Gallons per Horse Twenty-two Stroke Diameter Stroke Annnm. in feet. in inches. in feet. Power. Hours. ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 20 8 8 20 23 ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 70 1,912,680 698,128,200 70 1,912,680 698,128,200 8 105 2.530,440 923,610,600 245 6,355,800 |2,319,867,000 The total Capital of the West Middlesex in 1851 was stated to be 830,000l., the average per-centage upon which was 41. 5s. F 8. d. The annual cost for coals, engine, stores, and repairs of works Wages - Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes Wages - Salary to Secretary 1,111 4 11 919 19 4 478 19 7 1,982 5 4 800 0 0 Engineer Rent Rates and taxes # 1 L 600 0 0 337 19 8 - 2,176 4 7 8,406 13 5 One year's water rates for the year 1850, 64,920l. 2s. Id., not deducting commission. The total expenditure for the year 1850 was thus stated: Collector's commission - Cost of management, directors, auditors, &c. Officers and servants Office charges, including rent, taxes of do., &c. Working expenses, cost of paving £ 8. d. 1,840 4 0 - 1,161 6 0 2,986 5 0 928 16 9 157 1 7 "" plumbing 54 15 pipes, plugs, &c. Total wages 201 6 2,003 1 ગ૭ 5 1 Pumping establishment, cost of coal - 1,606 11 0 "9 engine stores repairs 116 2 3 113 4 6 930 6 2 "" 43 wages Disbursements, parliamentary and law Superannuation Interest - Repairs of turncocks' houses Rents Rates, taxes New works 330 0 2 71 0 0 10 3 10 69 2 10 366 14 6 2,186 7 5 15,132 8 9 - 2,803 18 9 17,936 7 6 GRAND JUNCTION Waterworks are on the Surrey side of the Thames, three hundred and sixty yards above Kew Bridge and extending nearly half a mile in length. They have six engines on the north side of the Brentford turnpike road, and one engine at Paddington, near the Great Western Railway terminus. At Kew Bridge is a depositing reservoir and filter bed, and a storage reservoir at Campden Hill, and another at the Paddington works. The contents of the depositing reservoir at Kew Bridge is That of the filter bed ditto Store reservoir, Campden hill 19 Paddington Imperial Gallons. 5,000,000 3,500,000 6,000,000 3,400,000 17,900,000 These reservoirs are partly excavated and partly embanked, the sloped bank being formed of earth and puddled clay, the inside slopes lined with concrete, and the bottom 1646 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. paved with bricks and concrete. the bottom is coated with gravel. Mains and Pipes. The Paddington reservoir is formed of brick-work; and 1 trunk main, 30 inches diameter internally 271 24 } Total length of trunk Branch main 12 inches diameter internally 1 - Yards in length. 12,991 3,069 - 16,060 "9 9 99 8 "" "" 7 " "" 6 1 7,869 4,860 484 8,267 4,614 Side services "" Total length of branch main 6 inches diameter internally 5 "" 4 3 " "" 79 Total length of side service 26,095 - 17,878 • 87,910 48,747 10,347 98,882 The Grand Junction Water Company has laid down an iron main 33 inches in diameter, and 13,500 yards in length, from the north bank of the Thames, immediately above the village of Hampton, 22 miles above Vauxhall Bridge as the river winds: this main at Twickenham diverges through Isleworth and Brentford to the Company's works near Kew Bridge. Pumping Establishment.— There are seven Cornish boilers 33 feet 3 inches long, 6 feet 6 inches in diameter internally, with an internal tube 4 feet in diameter. The chimney is circular, and 3 feet 8 inches in diameter inside at the top, 7 feet at the bottom; its height is 131 feet above the surface of the ground; and 143 feet 8 inches above high-water mark. There are three air vessels: that attached to the Maudslay engine is 5 feet in diameter, 14 feet above the delivery pipe of the pump, and usually contains from 10 to 12 feet of compressed air during the working of the engine. The air vessel attached to the Boulton and Watt engines, is 5 feet in diameter, 13 feet 6 inches above the delivery pipe of the pump, and usually contains from 8 to 10 feet of compressed air when the engines are working. The air vessel to the Grand Junction engine is 5 feet 2 inches in diameter, 14 feet 8 inches above the delivery pipe of the pump, and usually contains from 8 to 10 feet of compressed air when the engine is at work. All the air vessels are supplied with air by means of small pumps attached to and worked by the different engines. The Stand Pipe. The top is 218 feet above Trinity high-water mark, the cistern or reservoir at the summit being 4 feet 6 inches diameter, and 11 feet deep. After the water has been pumped up to the top through the large stand pipe to the cistern, it descends by 4 other pipes, each 12 inches in diameter; 9 feet being the square of the diameter of the rising main, and that of each of the four descending being only 1 foot. The engine power may be thus stated : — Grand Junction engine Maudslays' engine East Cornish engine West Cornish engine Paddington engine North filter engine South filter engine Total horse power Horse power. 300 130 130 130 70 40 40 840 Three thousand seven hundred and ten tons of coal are annually consumed; the cost per annum, on an average for the last seven years, has been 2,285l. 4s. 11d.: and the quantity of water daily evaporated amounts to about 20,160 gallons. The quantity of water pumped up and delivered in the year October 1848 to October 1849, was 1,289,184,950 imperial gallons, the gross supply of which is equivalent to 252 imperial gallons per house per day, after deducting for street watering, large consumers, &c. SUPP.] 1647 WATER SUPPLY. The quantity of water supplied for street watering, during the same year, was about 54,960,000 imperial gallons; the charge is at the rate of one penny per superficial yard, for an unlimited supply given twice a day during the season it is required. To water a mile of road of an average width of 30 feet twice a day, would probably require 14,000 imperial gallons per day. For the extinguishing fires the supply is gratuitous; and there are within the district of the company 2,117 fire plugs. The total capital of the Grand Junction Waterworks in 1851 was 523,7357.; the average per centage, 31. 19s. 6d. The yearly expenses for coals, engine, stores, repairs Wages Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes Wages Salary of Secretary Rent of Engineer Rates and taxes • £ S. d. 3,089 8 0 - 1,135 15 6 982 4 3 845 8 6 600 0 O 400 0 0 315 19 11 673 15 8 Gross amount of year's water rates for 1850, 46,740l. 19s. Ild. 8,042 11 7 The total expenditure by the company for one year, to Michaelmas 1850, is thus stated: Collectors' commission Cost of management : Directors and Auditors Salaries Rates and taxes Office disbursements Law charges Working expenses: iron main and pipe repairs Stopcocks and plug-boxes do.. Paving repairs Lead pipe repairs - - £ S. ď. 1,196 17 1 521 0 0 1,395 0 0 969 10 6 423 1 9 379 19 7 102 8 0 107 12 11 224 15 4 9 13 6 102 6 10 61 3 2 General street work Tools, &c. Offices and premises' repairs Repairs of reservoirs and filters Total wages Pumping establishment: repairs of engines and houses Coals Engine stores Reservoir and filter charges Total Wages 64 11 1 912 11 0 211 13 + 9 15 8 2,478 0 1 345 6 4 564 18 11 1,143 7 0 11,193 12 1 SOUTHWARK AND VAUXHALL Water Company has 24 acres of land on the banks of the river Thames, near the Red House at Battersea; and the source of supply is in the bed of the river, considerably below low-water mark, on the southern side. The water is taken in through a 4-feet culvert pipe, by a lifting engine, which is worked between four and five hours of each falling tide, commencing to pump two hours and a half after ebb. Reservoirs. There are two depositing, and two for filtering. The first depositing has an area of 120,000 superficial feet, is capable of containing 11,000,000 gallons; the second, 21,000,000 gallons, the area of which is 250,000 superficial feet, the first depositing reser- voir being usually filled to 9,360,000 gallons, and the second to 19,500,000 gallons. The first filtering reservoir has 33,000 superficial feet of surface, and contains 3,000,000 gallons; the second has 88,000 superficial feet in area, and a capacity of 8,000,000 gallons. The filter medium is composed of five strata: first, at the top, two feet thick, is a layer of clean, sharp, river sand; then a layer, 1 foot thick, of hoggin or fine gravel, under which is a 9-inch layer of fine screened gravel; below that another, of the same thickness, of rough screened gravel; and the fifth, or lowest layer, is 1 foot thick, composed of coarse gravel. After the water has percolated these five media, it is received into brick tunnels, formed with open joints in cement, which communicate with a main tunnel leading to the pump wells of the engines. The Southwark and Vauxhall Company has laid down a 36-inch main, 23,000 yards in 3648 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. length, from the north bank of the Thames above Hampton. This main, after it arrives at Twickenham, continues through Putney and Wandsworth to the side of the company's works in the New Park at Battersea. The Waterworks Clauses Act, which passed in 1847, indicates the future source whence water for the supply of the metropolis may be taken; and a limit was given of three years. only from the passing of the Act, for the change to be adopted by the West Middlesex, the Grand Junction, and the Southwark and Vauxhall Companies. The pumping establishment has four engines. Diameter of Cylinders in inches. Length of Stroke in feet. ft. in. 17 No. 1. engine Pump 64 10 6 32 10 4 50-horse power by Boulton and Watt. No. 2. engine Pump 64 11 8 Cornish engine, 130-horse power. 331 10 6 No. 3. engine Pump 31 6 3 211 3 7/2/2 Do., 145-horse power. 24 No. 4. engine and combined 8 0 Sims' patent lifting, 30-horse power. 40 Pump 60 8 Eight boilers supply steam to the four engines, and burn, on an average, daily 8 tons of coal, the average price of which, during the last seven years, has been 13s. 3d. The Stand Pipes are 185 feet above the Trinity standard, and vary in their diameter, the six being each made proportionate to their duty. Those by which the water rises are 48 inches, 30 inches, and 18 inches in diameter; and those by which the water descends are 30 and two of 24 inches. The 27-inch main, and 20-inch, conduct the water from the engines. Mains and pipes: 2,000 yards of 27-inch pipe, internal diameter. 1,050 24 do. 4,250 20 do. 1,100 15 do. " 12,000 12 do. 29,500 9 do. Branch mains: 45,500 26,000 65,500 Side services: 49,500 16,500 765 49 do. do. do. do. 3 do. Services for small streets: 408,000 4, 3 and 2-inch, do. Making altogether a total of 380 miles of iron pipe, &c. There are 34,864 houses of various kinds supplied with water; about 2000 have not the water laid on; but their inhabitants receive it from the stand pipes. There are 243 common stand-cocks, 1060 stopcocks, and 3500 fire-plugs. The quantity of water delivered during the year 1849 was 2,195,006,370 gallons. The Street Watering. Every mile has cost upon an average 50l. to 60%, according to their state; and probably 43,200,000 gallons of water have been required in the season. The total capital of the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company in 1851 was 439,662). ; aid the average per-centage 4l. 15s. 2 d. Annual cost for coals, engine stores, repairs Wages Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes, &c- Wages Salary to Secretary Engineer Rent Rates and taxes • £ 4. 8. 2336 4 2 1415 14 ( 700 11 ( 1156 17 10 400 0 0 400 0 0 815 19 11 1455 12 6 2180 19 શ 5 SUPP.] 1649 WATER SUPPLY. One year's water rates due ending Michaelmas 1848, amounted to 38,362. 1s. 5d. The total expenditure for the year ending Michaelmas 1850 amounted as follows: — Collector's commission Cost of management:-Directors and Auditors Officers and servants Rent, taxes, and rates Office disbursements Working expenses: Plumbing ditto Paving repairs Iron pipes, cocks, &c. Plug and cock box repairs Tools Wages Pumping establishment, coals Oil, tallow &c. Reservoir charges Engine and boiler repairs Tools Wages Repairs of works Office premises Parliamentary charges and law expenses - £ 8. d. 1,313 4 2 599 8 2200 1,491 0 0 1,309 19 7 406 3 3 378 11 9 66 3 2 390 16 8 56 1 6 - 39 18 5 1,279 10 0 1,640 17 5 · 708 8 10 - 1,022 19 5 899 9 6 40 0 0 0 1,415 14 69 8 7 9 5 5 204 15 0 13,341 12 8 LAMBETH Waterworks, originally established near Waterloo Bridge, have recently been removed to Seething Wells, Ditton, above Kingston-on-Thames. The districts comprised in the Lambeth Waterworks Act (1848) include the parish of St. Mary, Lambeth, as well as the parishes and hamlets of Newington, Christ Church, St. George the Martyr, Camberwell, Dulwich, Norwood, Westow Hill, Sydenham, Penge, Beckenham, Lewisham, Streatham, Croydon, Clapham, Wandsworth, Battersea, Putney, Tooting, Mitcham, Mer- ton, Wimbledon, Maldon, Morden, Kingston-on-Thames, Surbiton or New Kingston, Long Ditton, Esher, and Thames Ditton; and the number of houses at present supplied with water by this company amounts to 26,000. The volume of water flowing, in ordinary seasons, down the river Thames past Seething Wells, is 1,200,000,000 gallons per day, and in the dryest period of the year does not fall below two thirds of that quantity. The site of the new establishment is a mile and a half above Kingston-on-Thames, 23 miles by the course of the river above London Bridge, and upwards of three miles above the range of the tide. The clearness and purity of the water was the chief cause of the selection of this part of the river for the supply, which is seldom disturbed except during floods; to avoid this in- convenience, there are a series of sunk reservoirs, containing layers of sand, shell, and gravel, through which the water descends constantly, and filters into subterranean culverts and receiving wells. There are four filterers, each having two compartments 75 feet in length, 45 feet wide, with segmental ends, making a total length of 90 feet. These are 30 feet in depth; but 13 feet of the upper portion was constructed to keep out the flood waters. The water is obtained from the river through two vertical cast-iron gratings lined on the inside with screens of copper wire; a 36-inch culvert passes between each of the two filters, which has a branch on each side furnished with 30-inch sluice valves, and the water passes by them into a semicircular chamber, from whence it is carried to the top of the filtering media. A concrete foundation a foot thick, covered with brick-on-edge paving, forms the bottom of these filters; a space of 4 feet for stowage of filtered water is then formed by a layer of 4-inch slate slabs, with open joints, upon which is laid coarse Thames ballast, coarse sand, and fine Thames sand, in equal thicknesses, making altogether 5 feet of filtering material. On this the water lies in depth equal to that of the filtering media, through which it percolates to the stowage below, and then, by 30-inch culverts furnished with valves, into the well under the engine house. 7800 feet is the computed area of each of these filters, or the four 31,200 superficial feet; and in the course of twenty-four hours they will filter nearly 3,000,000 gallons. The four steam engines are so contrived, that any two of them can be linked together and worked as one engine of 300-horse power. The smallest cylinder is 24 inches in diameter, and 5 feet 6 inches stroke, and receives the steam at a pressure of 30 pounds; it then passes into the larger cylinder, 48 inches in diameter, and 8 feet stroke, and by ex- pansion is reduced down to five-pound steam, when it passes into the condenser. The bean 5 N 1650 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. of each engine is 28 feet in length, and the connecting rod 24 feet, the cranks are 4-feet radius, fixed to a rotatory shaft, with a large fly-wheel to each pair of engines. The works already established are capable of extension; and engines of 600-horse power, calculated to pump 10,000,000 gallons per day, are now in operation. These steam engines are on the double or compound cylinder high-pressure expansive principle, of the most improved and substantial construction. The aqueduct or main iron pipe contains, when filled, 1,667,822 imperial gallons, is 30 inches in diameter, and 10 miles 3 furlongs in length; it passes through Surbiton (Kingston New Town), proceeding two miles by the South-Western Railway, and thence along the roads through Merton, Tooting, Balham and Clapham Park, to the reservoirs originally constructed at Brixton Rise and Streatham Hill; the former being 105 feet above high-water mark. At the Brixton reservoir there is an engine which can raise the water an additional height of 187 feet, making a total of 372 feet above Trinity high-water mark. This iron main is provided with several stop valves, to prevent any back flow, and with all necessary venters. The reservoirs originally constructed have been greatly improved; and all the dis- tributing mains and pipes have been retained, and rendered, as far as practicable, subservient to the new works. The 30-inch iron main which conducts the water from the works to the Brixton reservoirs, weighing 8000 tons, rises about 10 feet per mile; and the velocity of the water passing through it is calculated at something more than 3 feet 6 inches in a second, delivering in that time 17 cubic feet of water. The engines are so contrived that they can be kept at work constantly with a minimum, medium, or maximum speed, according to the quantity of water required for the supply, by which means a very great economy of fuel is obtained, as well as less injury incurred, and consequently less repairs required to the engines. The pumps are double-acting, with bucket and plunger, requiring but two valves, instead of the ordinary number of four. The outer cylinder is 233 inches in diameter, and 7-feet 8- inch stroke, the plunger on the inside being 16 inches in diameter. When any two of these pumps are required to be worked at the same time, they are so connected with the engines that a regular and constant flow of water is maintained through the great supply pipe; thus the water passes through these pump barrels directly into the main, without incurring the stoppage and concussion found to take place in the four- valved double-acting pump. There appears to be no necessity for any stand pipe, as the steadiness of motion in the working of the engines testify; and the main has an equable and regular flow, without any oscillation of pressure during the action of pumping, which is usually produced by the expensive addenda of a lofty stand pipe. There are nine boilers of a cylindrical form, each 31 feet 6 inches long, and 5 feet 6 inches in diameter, with an internal furnace-tube continued through its whole length. These boilers are furnished and arranged in such a manner that any of them may remain at rest. A chimney 100 feet in height, concealed in a square tower, carries off the smoke from the furnaces. The reservoirs at Brixton are two in number, and occupy an area of three acres, with an available capacity of 12,150,000 gallons. These are constructed of brick, with a paved bottom. Another reservoir, 14 acre in area, containing 3,750,000 gallons, has also brick side walls, with an earthen bottom. Mains and Service, as laid down previous to the removal of the works to Ditton, amounted to a length of 135 miles, consisting of principal mains, of 23 inches, 20 inches, 18 inches, 12 inches, and 10 inches in diameter. The secondary mains are 9 inches, 7 inches, and 5 inches in diameter. The service pipes are 2 inches, 3 inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, and 7 inches in diameter. Two thousand two hundred and forty-six fire plugs are placed throughout the district. The quantity of water delivered by this company in 1849 is stated to be 1,123,200,000 imperial gallons. The quantity allowed for street watering was 28,600,000 gallons, the charges for which amounted to 5 to 8 of a penny per superficial yard. For flushing sewers 10,500,000 gallons, and for fire-extinguishing 7,000,000 gallons. The Lambeth waterworks now possess considerable advantages, drawing water from that portion of the river where there is uniformly an abundant quantity, partly derived from the spongy chalk strata, in which are reservoirs of great capacity, which during the summer months, afford an extraordinary supply, compensating for more than the ordinary effects of evaporation The bed of the Thames in London covers 2,245 acres; and it has been estimated that 4,170,000 gallons of water are carried off by evaporation in the course of the day. This may account for the great diminution of the contents of several streams during the summer months, when each acre of water loses per day upwards of 1800 gallons by evaporation alone. In April 1850, the buildings of the old Lambeth Waterworks contained three engines; the works at Brixton Hill, one; and another at Streatham. SUPP.] 1651 WATER SUPPLY Maximum 120 horse engine 90 12 >> "" At Brixton, high pressure 20 horse power At Streatham, high pressure 10 horse power G Strokes per Height of Ser Diameter of Cylinders. Length of Stroke. Minute. vice above Trinity Mark. Inches. Feet. Feet. 643900 8 14 140 46 81/12 12 140 20 3 22 100 16 CO 3 33 200 11 233 38 350 In August, 1851, the total capital of the Lambeth Company was stated to be 368,1911 and the average per-centage 2l. 16s. 5½d. The annual cost of coals, engines, stores, repairs Wages Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes Wages Salary to secretary Engineer Rent Rates and taxes 1 £ s. d. 2,475 5 1 585 9 6 565 12 4 1,595 18 8 500 0 0 200 0 O 60 0 0 - 1,616 2 0 7,598 7 7 One year's water rents for the year 1850 Receipts from other sources The gross rentals being 25,910l. 18s. S. d. 23,462 13 8 216 8 2 23,679 1 10 The total expenditure for one year ending Michaelmas 1850 is thus stated :— Collector's commission Cost of management, Directors Officers and servants Rent of offices, taxes Working expenses, Plumbing paving - Repairs of pipes, cocks, &c. Pumping establishment, coals Engine stores, repairs, &c. Wages Reservoir charges Rates and taxes Law charges Premiums to former officers · £ 8, d. 909 18 4 600 0 O 1,000 0 O 572 13 6 51 12 2 135 19 3 700 Ο 0 1,705 2 8 1,102 19 11 642 11 6 480 4 11 7 10 2 5 1,605 12 Interest Addition to plant, iron pipes, &c. J 220 0 2,707 7 04 14,299 13 4,8.50 13 ૦૦ 8 ** 4 19,150 7 0 · Already expended at Ditton up to this period, 104,6821 8s. 5d. EAST LONDON Waterworks, receive their supply from the river Lea, which is pumped into reservoirs two of which, at the old Ford works, were made in 1809, and are lined with brickwork. On the eastern side of the river Lea are two others, made in 1826, which, by means of an iron tunnel laid under the bed of the river, communicate with those pre- viously mentioned. These are lined partly with brick, and partly with Kentish rag stone. Another reservoir at Lea Bridge, lined with Kentish rag and gravel, and another at Stamford Hill lined with brickwork. These six reservoirs, and canal uniting them, contain 35,000,000 gallons, and the water is cleansed by deposition. The mains extend over a distance of 88 miles, varying in diameter from 42 inches to 5 inches, and are always charged with water under pressure. 5 N 2 1652 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Service pipes throughout the district measure 140 miles, and vary in diameter from 4 inches to 3 inches. At Christmas 1849, there were 56,673 tenements supplied with water; the inhabitants of 3,297 houses received water from 389 stand cocks, and 516 from common cisterns. The quantity of water delivered in the year ended 25th January 1849, amounted to 3,222,753,876 gallons. Dimensions and power of engines and water wheels belonging to East London Water- works Company, when working at full speed for twenty-four hours round: Cylinders. Pumps. Diame Diame. Horse Power. Gallons per 24 Hours. Gallons per Annum. Stroke ter in inches. in feet. ter in inches. Stroke in feet. The Wicksted engine 90 11 44 11 170 Cornish engine - 80 10 41 9 120 Ajax 60 8 27 Hercules. 60 Twins 36 ∞ ∞ 8 27 8 1724 ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 80 7,954,330 2,903,330,450 6,345,216 2,316,003,840 3,723,149 1,358,949,385 8 80 8 73 3,723,149 1,358,949,385 3,454,616 1,260,934,840 Lea Bridge, large wa- ter-wheel, double- acting pump Small do., three pumps Stratford water-wheel, 201 7 1,001,184 365,432,160 40 11 3 11 3 LO 5 443,232 161,779,680 89,250 32,576,250 do. - 9 3 Total 568 26,734,126 9,757,955,990 The total quantity of water, delivered in the year by the nine companies, was about 163 thousand millions of gallons, not double the quantity that could be raised by this com- pany alone, if they worked their whole engine power for the entire 24 hours throughout the year, and raised the water to a similar elevation. The capital of the East London, August 1851, was stated at 752,1281., and the average per centage 4l. 14s. Ild. The yearly expenses for coals, engines, stores, and repairs Wages Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes Wages Allowance to Secretary Rent 99 Engineer Rates and taxes The gross amount of the water rates for the year ending Christmas 1850 amounted to From other sources Total revenue The total expenditure for the year ending Christmas 1850: Collector's commission Director's attendance Officers' salaries Rents Rates and taxes - Office expenses - £ S. d. 4 1,849 15 1,074 0 9 963 6 6 2,607 5 9 700 O 0 500 0 0 1,005 6 4 3,798 13 10 12,498 8 6 £ S. d. 70,161 7 6 495 16 4 70,657 3 10 £ S. d. 2,439 15 2 - 1,575 0 0 · 2,265 19 10 - 1,228 11 4 Street work: Wages Paving Plumbing Pipes, cocks, branches, plug box Sundry materials · Carried forward 1 D 4,082 2 8 614 12 10 766 7 3 248 17 7 14 10 1 391 16 5 58 10 9 13,686 3 11 Supp. 1 1653 WATER SUPPLY. Brought forward Pumping and water wheels: Wages Coals Stores Repairs of engines Reservoirs and canal: Wages Repairs Sundries · £ S. d. 13,686 3 11 1,087 3 3 1,516 6 10 376 18 6 920 11 10 477 8 1 470 17 10 30 12 2 211 4 6 Turncocks Yard, wages to fireman, gate keeper, &c. &c. Sundries - Stable, including wages of carmen Smiths' and carpenters' wages Insurance Law and parliamentary expens: s Pensions General disbursements Repairs to engines damaged by fire 1,673 19 0 679 13 7 38 1 3 99 3 8 4 Expenses for extending the works Total expenditure 17 6 6 2,204 17 184 1 6 297 1 11 1,389 18 10 25,361 10 6 4,364 19 5 £29,726 9 11 The KENT Waterworks, established in 1809, the celebrated Mr. Smeaton being employed as their first engineer, and the parishes supplied by them with water include St. Nicholas and St. Paul, Deptford, Greenwich, Lee, Lewisham, Hatcham, part of Rotherhithe, Wool- wich, Charlton, Plumstead, St. Mary, Bermondsey, Peckham, and Peckham Rye. The water is partly drawn from the river Ravensbourn, and the small river Pool. Reservoirs, of which there are two, are capable of holding 6,319,410 imperial gallons, and the water is cleansed by deposition. There are also two filtering beds of 14 acres, of sand service. Three Reservoirs for filtered water, 2 at Woolwich and 1 at Deptford, holding 3,865,344 gallons. The height of service is 220 feet above high-water mark, and the pressure of high service at the works is equal to a head of water of from 280 to 300 feet. Mains and pipes extend in length about 100 miles, and are of various diameters, and the quantity of water delivered in 1850, was 493,392,858 gallons, or 108 gallons to each house supplied, the number of houses being 11,481, which includes 408 supplied by 48 stand cocks. Three Steam Engines, viz. one Cornish, two Boulton and Watt. Gross amount of water rents in 1850, was 16,100l. 8s. 7d. The total capital, August 1851, was stated to be 221,3771., and the average per-centage. 31. 1s. 4d, The yearly expenses for coals, engine stores, repairs Wages on ditto Paving, plumbing, repairing pipes Wages Secretary Engineer Rent F 8. d. 1,076 12 7 395 4 0 220 16 11 751 11 2 500 0 0 400 0 0 121 7 2 724 17 Rates and Taxes The total expenditure for the year ending 1850 is thus stated Collectors' commission The directors Officers and servants Rent, taxes, and other office disbursements 4 £4,190 9 2 £ 3. d. 605 11 1 521 17 0 900 0 0 184 5 4 Carried forward - £2,211 13 5 5 N 3 1654 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Street work: plumbing Pipe laying Brought forward £ s. d. 2,211 13 5 10 6 4 83 19 8 Pumping establishment: Coals 704 15 Oil, tallow, &c. for engines, and repairs of ditto Rent of reservoir Ditto springs Repairs of river banks, &c. 364 9 19 8 624 101 18 10 232 8 9 113 17 1 149 18 7 Filter bed Repairs of premises Law charges General expenses Insurance Rates and Taxes Interest on loans, &c. Water wheel Wages 29 14 8 16 7 3 14 19 0 791 19 1 928 9 5 9 5 1,260 9 8 1 £7,043 19 8 HAMPSTEAD Waterworks derive their supply from the springs at Hampstead, Ken Wood, and two Artesian wells, and occasionally from the New River. The Reservoirs are formed by embankments across the valley between Highgate and Hampstead, and have a total area of about 35 acres ; with depths varying according to the flow. The mains and pipes are of the length and diameters as under :- 12 inch main 7 453 yards. 9,878 6 543 "" " "" 340 3,306 28,221 3,913 The engine power consists of one high-pressure condensing engine of 12 horse power, one Cornish pumping engine with a 44 inch cylinder and ten feet stroke, equal to 60 horse power. The quantity of coal used in the year 1849 was 234 tons, delivered at the rate of 28s. per ton. The total number of houses supplied with water in 1849 was 4490, and within the dis- trict 460 fire plugs. The total capital of the Hampstead Water Company was stated to be, in 1851, 86,195l., and the average per-centage, 41. Os. 8d. One year's water rates for the year ending 31st March 1851, not deducting commission, amounted to Receipts derived from other sources £ S. d. 7,903 2 3 56 5 0 7,959 7 3 The total expenditure for the year during the same period: Collector's commission Cost of management: Directors Officers and servants Rent and expenses of office Working expenses: Paving, plumbing, repairs Wages Pumping establishment : Coals, engine stores, pump Reservoir charges: Repairs Wages Wages - Sundry disbursements: as, New-River Company rent City of London Earl Mansfield Yard - Carried forward - U S. d. 395 3 5 75 0 0 258 16 0 91 2 6 178 12 5 387 8 0 673 14 10 328 7 0 62 18 11 54 12 0 1,208 7 11 80 0 0 104 10 0 50 0 0 £3,948 13 SUPP.] 1655 WATER SUPPLY. Brought forward Mr. Pricket Rates and taxes Sundries - Extension of mains and services - New works for procuring further supply - Total - £ S. 3,948 12 d. 0 23 O 0 222 1 0 104 11 2 4,298 5 2 620 19 0 1,115 6 5 £6, 34 10 7 CONSTANT SUPPLY.-The difficulties of obtaining for the public this desirable boon have been overcome by Mr. Simpson, president of the Institute of Civil Engineers, in the water works at Bristol, the most complete of any that have been established, upon the principle of natural pressure. The great desiderata in works of this nature which are the subsidence of any earthy particles carried by the water, the maintenance of such velocities in the current as will prevent all ordinary accumulations and deposits, and the easy means of periodically cleans- ing the water conduits of any accumulations, are in this instance admirably obtained; and may be considered to imitate, and perhaps excel, the system, practised by the Romans in the days of Frontinus. The use of iron pipes, and tubular channels made of the same ma- terial, have facilitated the labours of the British Engineer and enabled him to accomplish works at a cheaper rate than could have been effected by the ancients; the iron age gives us the power of forming tunnels in the air and avoiding the multitude of lofty piers necessary for arches of stone or brick. The water is selected from the springs at Barrow-Gurney, Litton, and Chewton Mendip, the first being about 5 miles and the last 16 miles, as measured along the line which the nature of the country pointed out as the best for the direction and construction of the works. Mr. Herepath's analysis of the water selected gives but 2·316 grains for the total salts contained in an imperial pint of 8750 troy grains. These salts are chlorides of calcium and sodium, sulphates of soda, magnesia, and lime, and the carbonates of lime; and, according to Dr. Playfair, the waters at the springs vary from 18 to 21 degrees of hardness. The springs at Chewton and Litton are collected below the ground level, by means of opeu-jointed drains, or culverts, and conveyed by the several branches to the principal aque- duct at East Harptree, a distance of 24 miles, where it joins the tunnel driven through the high land above Harptree village, The inclination given to this aqueduct, which is constructed of masonry, is 5 feet per mile. • The Harptree tunnel is 1 mile in length, driven through a hard magnesian limestone conglomerate: this, like the former, is lined with masonry throughout, and corresponds also in section with the other, as well as in the fall given to the current of the water. At Harptree Coombe, a tributary aqueduct from Coombe unites with the main works. The waters, now collected, are conveyed across a ravine by means of a wrought iron tube, 350 feet in length, supported on piers of masonry at intervals of 50 feet. The in- ternal dimensions of the tube accord with the stone aqueduct, and the ends are connected by means of stone tanks and collars of clay puddling. The iron tube is placed on cast iron saddles, fixed to the piers and abutments, friction rollers or balls being introduced under the tube, to allow any expansion or contraction produced by the changes of temperature which might affect its stability or injure the stone piers. 250 yards beyond the iron tube, and near to West Harptree, the stone aqueduct is dis- continued, and a line of cast-iron pipes, 30 inches in diameter and 44 miles in length, is laid as an inverted syphon- rivalling the aqueduct at Lyons (see page 179.) across the valley, near Compton Martin, and nearly on the summit of the watershed between the River Yeo, and the westerly branches of the Chew, and thence over Breach Hill to the tunnel through North Hill. The line of pipes undulates with the contour of the land, and has a fall of 42 feet 6 inches, so arranged that the escape of the air from the pipes, while they are being charged with water, takes place at each extremity, and at a high point on Breach Hill, where there is a venter or open upright pipe, clevated sufficiently to allow of any overflow of water, round which a stone obelisk, 50 feet in height, has been built, which steadies and strengthens it. The remainder of the line, from the 30-inch pipes, to the stone reservoir at Barrow, consists of a tunnel through North Hill, of a mile in length. Then a stone aqueduct, with two wrought iron tubes across the valleys on Leigh and Windford Downs, each 834 feet in length, and similar to that already described at Harptree Coombe of 350 feet; lastly the Winford tunnel, 1 mile in length. 5 N 4 1656 [Supp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Each of the wrought-iron tubes, described as 834 feet in length, rest upon abutments distant from each other 800 feet, with piers between, placed at intervals of 50 feet, the greatest height being 60 feet. The sectional area of the iron tubes is 13 superficial feet, the water area 10, and the fall per mile 5 feet. The weight of wrought-iron work 84 tons, and cast-iron work 26 tons; the cost of the iron work being 2617., and that of the masonry 2000l. Each of the two iron tubes in the stone aqueduct already described are oval, their con- jugate diameter being 4 feet 8 inches, and their transverse 3 feet 6 inches in the clear inside. Throughout the entire line of aqueduct, there are no paddles or gates for stopping or shutting off the water. The mode adopted is to place sunk tanks at various points on the line, at about a mile distant from one another, with which large bottom sluices are con- nected, for the purpose of letting off the water, and intercepting the entire flow through the aqueduct; and these are taken advantage of, as the means of cleansing the whole work, from end to end. Wide weirs or overflows are connected with each of the tanks, so as to prevent the aqueduct being overgorged with water; and thus the works are protected from injury by floods, the carelessness of workmen, or otherwise, which would probably have resulted from any system in which stop-gates, or paddles were adopted. The total length of the aqueducts, tunnels, and tubes from Chewton Mendip to the stone reservoir at Barrow is 11 miles; and the springs at Chewton are 400 feet above the level of the high water line of the float or docks at Bristol the reservoir at Barrow being 300 feet above the same level. The whole of the water for the use of the city is thus conveyed direct from the springs, and the rivulets and streams throughout the district, over which it is passed, are left undisturbed, and remain the natural courses to carry off the rain water. The stone reservoir at Barrow, 25 acres in area, is 5 miles from Bristol, and from hence the water is conveyed to the city by two lines of main pipes, one 20 inches, the other 10 inches in diameter; the former convey the Chewton water, the other that from the Barrow springs. Three service reservoirs have been formed, one on the Bedminster Down for the supply of that district, the second at White Ladies near Clifton, and a third on Durdham Down, which has an elevation of 300 feet above the high water of the float. The water is conveyed from Barrow, through the 20-inch pipe into the reservoir at White Ladies; and here the quantity required for the higher service is pumped, by means of steam-machinery, into the reservoir on Durdham Down; two engines, each of 30-horse power, being employed. From 60 to 70 miles of main and service pipe have been already laid down, of various diameters, and upwards of 2,000,000 gallons of water per day are distributed: the Company could supply daily double that quantity, which would be at the rate of 20 gallons for a population of 200,000; and means are now afforded to the poorer inhabitants of Bristol of having water delivered to their houses at a charge of less than 1d. per week. Constant Supply(at Wolverhampton), by Wicksted at Tettenhall works, 2 miles from Wolverhampton; the water is drawn from the new red sandstone, 820 feet below the surface, and then forced up over a stand pipe 180 feet in height, the top of which is about 100 feet above the highest part of the town. These works were originally constructed in 1845 for carrying out the principles of the intermittent supply. Sandstone water generally ranges from 16° to 21° of hardness. The intermittent system, after being two years in practice, was changed; and the supply is now on the constant principle, the inhabitants finding they could not erect tanks or cisterns, and therefore had no means of storing their supplies. To introduce the constant system, it became necessary to construct an elevated reservoir, instead of passing the water over the stand pipe, any stoppage of the pumps rendering it difficult to give the adequate and constant supply. The stand-pipe system is also very expensive, the engines being required to be worked both day and night; and, in case of fire, the pressure should always be on the mains. The stand-pipe system at these works required that the engine should be of sufficient power to raise the whole supply of a week's consumption in 30 hours; and in conse- quence of having no other elevated storage room than that contained in the stand pipe, the engine was obliged to be worked 168 hours to deliver this quantity. With a stand pipe only, the speed of the engine has to be altered, and regulated with every variation of the draught on the mains: thus, although the mains are constructed to deliver a very much larger quantity than the engine can pump at any one time, the parties supplied can derive no advantage, as they can never draw the water faster than it is pumped. Thus the variation of draught that can take place in the mains is limited to the speed of the engine, instead of the velocity due to the head to which the water is actually raised. The expense and inconvenience attending this system was found so great that it was determined to construct a reservoir. Very little alteration was required in the distributory works or arrangements: the sub- mains were all proportioned to deliver the day's supply in the very small period of 24 hours. SUPP.] 1657 DRAINAGE OF TOWNS. The dead ends of the pipes were united to keep up a free circulation, which occasioned less oxidation. With the constant supply, it is necessary to have several guard cocks on the submains and services; these are placed at an average distance of not more than 50 yards apart. All the cocks are double-faced, so as to shut off the water either way. This is necessary in case of repairs, or laying on the water to a single house. Upon the constant system, the pressure on the mains is imperceptible, and there are no jerks. The common bib tap produces a recoil; therefore the "screw down" is the best to pre- vent this, where high pressure is introduced; and each house service has a stopcock, to prevent any inconvenience from this cause, or to regulate it by partially turning. Cost per house, for lead services, stopcocks, bib taps, and laying on, 16s. 6d., if tanks had been used, the extra cost to each house would be 22s. 6d. The intermittent system costs 136 per cent. more on this head than the constant supply requires. Cost where there is a front supply: - Mains Service pipes Tenants branch e-- £ S. d 1 6 0 1 1 0 16 6 £3 3 6 6 per house. Cost where there is a back supply: Mains Services Tenants branches en 8. d. } 6 0 14 0 7 0 £2 7 O per house. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS. 'The next important requisite to a good supply of water is the means to be relieved from it, when the uses to which it has been applied have destroyed its purity and loaded it with all the adulterations that it must incur in its passage to its final discharge. That sufficient power to effect this is at our command, is evident, when we remember that in the metropolis alone engine power equal to 3500 horses is already used in the supply of water : the question for us to consider is, how can a similar power be efficaciously applied for the removal of that which is daily becoming a serious evil; and this involves a variety of considerations, both retrospective as well as future. All towns on the banks of rivers have now become difficult of drainage, in consequence of the elevation of the beds of those rivers, arising chiefly from the deposits constantly accu- mulating at their months, and increased by the establishment of mills, when, to obtain greater power, the banks have been so raised that the pluvial waters can no longer enter the main current, no attention having been paid to connect the ditches with the mill tails. Many instances might be brought forward of the ill effects produced from the above causes. In the town of Dartford the basements of houses, which a century ago were perfectly drained, are now much below the beds of the rivers; and in several instances where the bed of the Cranford, which stream discharges into the Darenth, has been sought for, the remains of drains have been discovered considerably below those more recently constructed; and layers of sand, of various colours, for many feet in depth, indicate the gradual rising of its bed. Wherever land is below the level to be thoroughly drained naturally, it becomes neces- sary to institute some artificial means, to carry off all the water which, after due allowances for evaporation, may remain in the soil, and which, if in too great a quantity, causes a constant diminution of temperature in the atmosphere above it and produces disease among the inhabitants. The nine water companies annually supply 9 gallons of water to each superficial fcot of the 65 square miles comprised within the whole of these respective districts, or a cube nearly of 12 inches by 18 inches of water upon each superficial foot, which is something less than half the quantity of rain which annually falls, viz.: 1,812,096,000 superficial feet contained in 65 square miles, multiplied by 9 gallons, gives us 16,308,864,000 gallons, which nearly corresponds with 16,755,430,362, annually delivered from the nine water establishments that supply the metropolis and its suburbs. Taking 27 gallons of water for each superficial foot, viz., 9 gallons delivered by the companies and 18 gallons rain- fall, we have then to remove 48,926,592,000 annually by the sewers; or daily, upon an 1658 [Supp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. average, 134,046,005, that is 44,682,002 gallons sent by the nine companies, and 89,364,004 supposed daily rainfall. We calculate that 272,000 houses are scattered over the 65 square miles, and each provided with a pipe of discharge 4 inches in diameter, the sectional area of which is 12:56 superficial inches, and supposing 12 such pipes to contain the sectional area of a foot, we shall have upwards of 22,000 superficial feet as the amount of discharging area. Comparing this with the sectional area of the Thames at London Bridge, which is 19,586 superficial feet (see page 443.), we have nearly one-sixth more in the area of the mouths of the 4-inch pipes than in that of the Thames. The 9-inch barrel drain, so much in use, has a sectional area of 63.6 inches; and if each house were provided with one of that dimension, their area of discharge would be more than five times the sectional area of the Thaines. The evils that have been brought upon the metropolis and most of our cities and large towns by converting the river into a main trunk sewer, have to be remedied; and no cost should be spared to effect such a change as shall restore the main as well as tributary streams to their pristine purity. After the con- struction of sewers, the waters were rendered positively noxious, and the vapours or gases arising from them injurious to the health of the inhabitants for whose use they were contrived. This being now a received maxim, we must repair the evil done, and provide some other outlet, as well as means of discharge for our sewers. Whether the chemist decides that the contents of the sewage be useful or not, or the farmer hesitates to acknow- ledge their beneficial qualities, the rivers must no longer be polluted. London has upwards of 1000 miles of sewer, the cost of which has not been less than 5,000,000l. sterling, laid with various inclinations to discharge the entire volume of con- tents into the Thames,- portions of which are by the tide carried up and down the river to a certain distance. These sewers receive the discharge of the drains connected with the numerous dwellings, stables, and manufactories; and in any arrangement for improving the drainage of this vast city, it is important to interfere as little as possible with what has already been executed at so vast an expense; the only apparent manner by which the system can be improved is by collecting, at the points of discharge into the river, all the outpour- ing, and, by other deeply laid sewers, conducting it to a distance, where it may be so dealt with as not to be injurious to any portion of the community. It is presumed that the pipes and drains, which connect the houses, &c., with the sewers the length of which cannot be much less than 20,000,000 of feet, are in a complete condi- tion. These drains, varying in diameter from 4 to 18 inches, are formed of tubular earthen- ware pipes, or of brick laid in mortar or cement, usually with a fall of 14 inch in every 10 feet, - a fall found sufficient to discharge freely whatever enters them, and are, or ought to be, always provided with a trap at the mouth, or wherever they receive a fresh supply of liquid of any kind. kind. Where earthenware pipes are adopted, too much care cannot be taken in securing the joints; for if the water is suffered to trikle through any crevice, it loses its carrying power, deposits the solid matter as a sediment, and the pipe becomes ob- structed. The water, also, escaping softens the soil upon which the pipe is laid, occa- sions it to sink, ruptures the joint, and it no longer acts as a drain. A pipe 30 inches in diameter, with a sectional area of 4·9 superficial feet, will deliver with a velocity 3 feet 6 inches per second, about 10,000,000 gallons in the space of 24 hours; and all the water supplied by the nine companies would require not more than five such pipes, with a sectional area united of 24 feet 6 inches, or a cylindrical pipe the diameter of which was not more than 5 feet 8 inches. We may therefore presume, that if a pipe of that diameter, or five of 30 inches diameter, is sufficient to supply London with water at various heights ranging from 100 to 200 feet, that the same would carry away with a very moderate fall the water so delivered. A pipe 5 feet 8 inches in diameter, of the length of 9 miles or 47,520 feet, with a total fall of 72 feet, or 8 feet in a mile, would have a velocity of 4 feet 6 inches per second, and, by gravitation alone, would discharge upwards of 61,000,000 of gallons in the space of 24 hours. Three such cylindrical pipes, or one 24 feet in diameter, with an area of 452.4 feet would therefore theoretically carry away, not only the present water supply of the metropolis, but also the 36 inches of rainfall or 18 gallons per superficial foot: a large estimate, allowing none to be either evaporated or absorbed, discharged into the Thames. The great sewer of Rome, the Cloaca Maxima, which drained the whole of that city as well as the Campagna, was 14 feet in width and 32 feet high, where it discharged itself into the Tiber, its sectional area being 448 feet, about 4 or 5 feet less than we have calcu- lated as necessary to drain the district of London supplied by the water companies. The height of the Cloaca Maxima being more than twice and a half its breadth, indicated con siderable knowledge of the power of deep water for scouring the bottom of a sewer or re- moving the accumulations left by deposition. An elliptical sewer, 30 feet in height and 20 feet for its transverse diameter, with a sec- tional area of 471 feet 3 inches, would be perhaps preferable in point of form to the Cloaca Maxima. The circumference internally of such an ellipse would be about 78 feet 6 inches. And if the sides were constructed of brickwork 18 inches in thickness, the outer circumfe- SUPP.J 1659 DRAINAGE OF 10WNS. rence would be about 88 feet. A mile, or 5280 feet × 83 feet, the mean circumference, gives 440,880 superficial feet of work; and if this be two bricks in thickness throughout, we have 587,840 superficial feet of reduced brickwork, or about 2161 rods ; if cement were used for its construction, the cost of the brickwork might be estimated at about 25,000l. a mile : adding 5000l. per mile for the excavation and accidental expenses, 30,0001, per mile would be the estimate for the sewer. Such a sewer would be ample for the whole of London; but if 9 miles were constructed on each side of the Thames, the total cost, with all the connections with the old sewers might be performed for less than 600,000Z. There would then be two sewers adequate to the discharge of the entire area, or of sufficient dimensions to do double the duty required, supposing the two districts to be drained by them were equally divided in area, or that 32½ square miles drained into each sewer of 9 miles in length. These sewers must be constructed beneath those which at present discharge into the Thames, at the most convenient distance from their openings into the river, and made to receive all their contents, carrying the latter away to a reservoir at the extremity, where pumping would either lift it in into the river or pass it to lands which would be benefited by its manuring properties. The lift required would not exceed altogether 100 feet, and the mouths of the present sewers could be left open, to carry any surplus waters into the Thames as a safeguard against torrents during storms. Instead of one lift for the whole of the fall, several might be adopted, at convenient distances, or one established at the termination of each mile, by which arrangement some expense might be saved in deep digging, though perhaps not adequate to the additional outlay for constructing separate engines and houses for the managing department. If the pluvial water were suffered to be discharged into the Thames, carrying with it the partial contents of the sewers only during storms or heavy rains, then the dimensions of the 18 miles of new sewer might be diminished to one. quarter each of the two main discharges, 9 miles in length, if made elliptical. would require that their inter- nal diameters should be 7 feet for the vertical, and 4 feet 4 inches for the transverse, diameters, the outer circumference of which would be one quarter only of that already estimated as 30 feet by 20 feet. We should then have a sewer on each side the river, equal in power to the pipes necessary to the discharge of all that is delivered by the water companies, or double the capacity requisite for the removal of the sewage under ordinary occasions; and only during very heavy rains, would anything pass through the mouths of the old sewers into the river. 120,000l. would suffice for the construction of two such sewers, which would be found ample for collecting all that is brought down by the 1000 miles of sewers, and conduct- ing it beyond the limits of the metropolis. If we add another 20,000l. for the shafts and mechanical contrivances to nuite the ends of the present with the proposed sewers, we shall then require 140,000l. for the two new sewers, which would benefit materially the drainage of so vast an area as that comprised within the limits of supply of the nine water companies. A rate of 6d. annually upon each house would pay the interest of the outlay; or an average of that amount might be distributed according to the rates of houses. The great advantages to be derived from sewer water would not long permit of its being pumped into the Thames. Whenever the water is thoroughly drained from the marshes, they would be immensely benefited by such a supply; those on the Kentish side of the river would require that the springs from the chalk should be collected and conducted away, so that their flow under the surface of the soil should no longer be allowed: this partially done, would then render the application of sewage water so beneficial that, for the growth of vegetables, the land would become as productive as any in the world. But before any calculation can be formed of their value, we must estimate the cost per acre of thoroughly draining them; for, without that, irrigation by sewage water would be highly injurious, the vegetable mould resting generally on a bed of clay, under which is a peat bog of some depth. Should the chalk water be ever esteemed for domestic purposes, the collection of it along the line of the North Kent Railway would be of the greatest possible value, to supply the neighbouring villages and towns, or add to that of the metropolis. A catchwater drain would prevent the flow of the chalk water under the staple of the richest land in Kent; the whole extent of Plumstead and the marshes eastward would be greatly enhanced in value for all the purposes of agriculture and horticulture, and, by draining and improved cultivation, rendered salubrious instead of being, as at present, the seat of and intermittent fever, and the producer of mephitic air, which seriously affects the health of the inhabitants of the metropolis whenever the wind blows from the east. Building might then spread over this district; quays might be formed along the Thames, and one of the finest rivers in the world have habitations constructed on its banks, whose inmates would enjoy as healthy an atmosphere as that of the neighbouring hills. agues The draining of 125,000 acres of land in the fen districts of Lincolnshire has employed engines varying in their power from 20 to 8 horses. 1660 [Supp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The proportion of horse power being about 10 for every 1000 acres drained, and the annual fall of rain about 26 inches after allowing for evaporation and the quantity taken up by vegetation, probably not more than 1 cubic foot of water per square yard remains, or 7260 cubic feet to the acre, in any one month during the year, to be pumped up and discharged. 33,000 pounds raised one foot high in a minute, or 3300 pounds raised 10 feet in the same time, is here considered the measure of a horse's power; and as a cubic foot of water weighs 62 lbs. and a gallon of water 10 pounds, so a horse power will raise and discharge, at a height of 10 feet, 330 gallons, or 52.8 cubic feet, of water in a minute: 2 hours and 10 minutes, will therefore, be sufficient time to raise 10 feet high the 7260 cubic feet supposed to cover an acre. Upon this calculation, a steam engine of 10-horse power will in 232 hours, or something less than 20 days, working 12 hours a day, lift the cubic feet upon 1000 acres. The rainfall occasionally may exceed the quantity per acre in some months; and the quantity to be pumped may be greater than that we have assumed; it may then be necessary to work the engine 20 hours out of the 24; but this rarely happens. The drains in the fen districts are cut about 7 feet 6 inches in depth, and of a width to give them the required capacity to receive the rain water as it falls and bring it down to the engine. Where the districts extend over a considerable length, the drains require to be made deeper than the above average, and the usual fall given to them is about 3 inches in a mile. The Scoop Wheel, which resembles in some degree the undershot wheel of a water- mill, is used to raise the water; but this wheel or scoop, instead of being turned by the impulse of the water, is moved by steam power, and the wheel only used to lift the water to the height required for its discharge. The float boards, or ladle boards, of the wheels are of wood, and fitted to work in a trough or track of brickwork or masonry; these are 5 feet in length, and immersed about 5 feet in the water; their width, or horizontal dimension, varying according to the head of water to be overcome, and the power of the engines employed. The wheel track at the lower end communicates with the main drain, and the higher end with the river, the water in the river being kept out by a pair of pointing doors, resembling those of the lock of a canal; and these are kept closed when the engine ceases from working. The wheels are made of cast iron, formed in parts for the convenience of transport; the float boards are connected with the cast-iron parts of the wheel, by oak starts, which are slipped into sockets cast into the circumference of the wheel to receive them. There are cast-iron toothed segments fitted to the wheel, into which works a pinion upon the crank shaft of the engine. When the head of water in the delivering drain does not undergo much variation, one speed for the wheel will be sufficient; but when the tide rises it is necessary to have two speeds or powers of wheel-work, the one to be used at low water, and the other more powerful combinations to act against the rising tide. In most instances 3 or 4 feet above the level of the land is all that is sufficient to raise the water, and even that height is only required after floods. The drainage by natural outfalls can take place only during the ebb of the tide. If we suppose the wheel to dip 5 feet below the surface of the water in the main drain, and that the water in the river into which the former must be raised and discharged has its level 5 feet above that of the drain, the wheel in such a case will have 10 feet head and dip, and ought to be 30 feet in diameter; where the head and dip are 15 feet, the wheel should be 35 feet or 40 feet in diameter. A wheel of this description, driven by an 80- horse engine, is situated near Littleport, in the Isle of Ely. Two steam engines of the joint power of 140 horses drain 25,000 acres at Deeping Fen. The largest of these engines, of 80 horse power, drives a scoop wheel of 28 feet in diameter, with float boards or ladles, measuring 5 feet 6 inches by 5 feet, and moving with a mean velocity of 6 feet per second; so that the section of the stream, when the engine has its full dip, is 27 feet 6 inches, and the quantity discharged per second is 165 cubic feet, or 16,200 tons, per hour. 20,000 acres of land on each side of the Thames might be greatly improved by draining them, as has been so successfully adopted in the Lincolnshire and neighbouring fens, and at so very moderate charge per acre that it seems extraordinary that the attempt has not been made. But now, when there is a possibility of using the sewage water, it becomes more imperative that the owners of these valuable lands should endeavour to unite the two advantages of drainage and supply of manure in one scheme. A conduit for the manure might be laid with a proper height and fall throughout the middle of the district, or at an equal distance from the Thames and the sloping lands on the opposite side, with branches on each side for distribution; or where the marshes are of the greatest width, a number of conduits might be introduced, to render the flow of the smaller pipes more equal. SUPP.] 1661 RAILWAYS. Fach proprietor might have his own reservoir or store; or large reservoirs might be established along the main conduit, to regulate the daily supply to each acre, at times or constantly. There are, however, many holders of the lands adjoining the banks of the Thames that object to the application of sewer water, and who state that, to render them more productive, it is only necessary to find an outlet for the water, which saturates the vegetable mould on the surface, and which cannot pass through the thick capping of clay that intervenes between it and the peat mass below and it is very true that a great portion of the Plumstead Level, converted into arable land, producing abundant cereal and grass-root crops, has never required any manure whatever to maintain its productive quality. The farmers generally object to the idea of improving the marshes by making them the recep- tacles of the drainage of the metropolis, but they do not for a moment doubt that the uplands which rise from them would receive incalculable benefit by highly manuring. The sandy and gravelly beds which cap the chalk, the greatest height of which probably is 100 feet above the marshes, would be greatly enhanced in value, if reservoirs could be established to allow of a regular irrigation, under such control that, at seasonable times, the cultivators of the soil could apply to their crops a beneficial dressing of sewage water. The lifting the sewer water to a sufficient height into reservoirs to allow of its distribution over the poor lands which run along to the south and north sides of the Thames marshes presents no engineering difficulties; the cost of machinery and pipes for the purpose is easily calculated; and the only question which arises is that of whether the cultivators of the land would pay an additional annual rent, equivalent to the cost of distribution. RAILWAYS in the United Kingdom have been greatly augmented since the account given of them at page 597. In the year 1851, the capital and loans authorised by the Acts of Parliament amounted to 361,428,4841., which in the following year was increased by the two sums 4,333,8341. and 1,792,3871., making a total of 367,554,6691., the sun raised by shares and loans being 264,165,680l., and up to the end of December 1851, 247,776,6871., amounting to 16,398,9934. raised for railways in the year 1852; in which year the railway companies retained the power to raise 92,624,9781., which, added to the above, forms a total of 356,790,6581., which was in excess of the powers granted by Parliament of 180,2027. The length in miles, in December 1852, opened for railway traffic, was 7336, of which 1458 were single lines. The length of line in course of construction was 735 miles, leaving 3806 miles authorised, but not commenced at that date; making the total length authorised 11,878 miles. The amount of capital to be raised for the construction of 22483 miles of railway allowed to expire and not taken up was 42,289,3251. 4 In 1854, as appears from an elaborate statement of the capital, dividends, rents, and loans, the total length of the 135 railways in the United Kingdom was 7736 miles, and that their share capital was 203,211,907., upon which the half-year's dividends and rents amounted to 3,613,9267., or at the rate of 31. 11s. 1d. per cent. per annum. The loan capital and mortgages amounted to 68,970,1807., and the half-year's interest to 1,406,6961., or 41. 1s. 6d. per cent. per annum, making the total capital invested in those lines 272,182,0871., averaging a rate of 31. 13s. 6d. per cent. per annum, after paying all the working expenses, including rates, taxes, and duty on passengers. The ordinary share capital re- ceiving no dividend was 21,719,8621., of which sum 15,390,580l. is in respect to 895 miles of railway in England and Wales, 5,346,6991. to 383 miles in Scotland, and 982,5831. for 1643 miles of railway in Ireland. The capital per mile on the railways of England and Wales is 38,9697., in Scotland 29,2697., and in Ireland 15,3251. Three or four years have elapsed since the following statement was drawn up, by which it would appear that the cost of the railways then under traffic for construction and equip- ment was as follows: United Kingdom Germany United States France Belgium Russia Italy Total Expenditure. £250,000,000 66,775,000 Miles. 7,000 5,342 10,289 66,654,600 1,818 48,781,000 532 9,576,000 200 3,000,000 170 3,000,000 Total Miles 25,351 and £447,786,000 Supposing 20 years employed in the accomplishment of these vast enterprises, more than an average of 20,000,000l. sterling must have been expended, and the comparative cost of 1662 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. construction and plant per mile in the United Kingdom was France Belgium Germanic States United States £35,700 26,800 18,000 12,500 6,500 The average cost of railways per mile of the United Kingdom has been one third more than those in France, twice that in Belgium, three times those of the Germanic States, and six times those of the United States; this may in some degree be accounted for by the high price of land in the United Kingdom, and the parliamentary costs of obtaining the Acts, these two excessive charges not being so heavy in other countries. At the end of 1854, in the United States, the number of miles of railway had reached to 19,440, and those of France, Belgium, and Germany have been greatly augmented, though not in the same proportion. At the British Association for the Advancement of Science held at Hull in September 1853, Mr. F. G. P. Neison gave an analytical view of the railway accidents in England in the 12 years from 1840 to 1852. In the period of 1840 to 1851, the number of railway passengers was 478,488,607, of whom 237 were killed and 1406 injured, showing a ratio of 1 killed in 2,018,939, and 1 injured in 337,916, and it was also calculated that 1 passenger was killed for every 40,025,395 miles travelled. The several railways in England and Wales contributed towards the poor rates 187,6147. in the year 1851, and 186,5397. in 1852, while the total amount collected in the several parishes through which they passed amounted to 3,189,1357. in the year ending Lady Day 1851, and 3,113,9261., ending the same period in 1852. The total acreage of the parishes is 9,177,190, and the acreage of the land occupied by the railways is 65,047, or 0·71 per cent., while the amount of poor rates collected in the parishes in the year ending Lady Day 1852 was 3,113,9267., and the amount paid by the railway companies 186,5397., being nearly 61. per cent. of the whole of the rates. The average amount paid by the parishes per acre for the poor rates is 678 shillings, while that paid by the railway companies for the land they occupy was upwards of 47s. per acre. The average quantity of land occupied per mile of railway appears to be between 11 and 12 acres, and the average sum paid per mile to the different parishes about 331, 337. The form of rail now adopted is called the double-headed, as it can after use on one side be easily reversed in the chair; its weight per yard varies, according to the quality of the iron rolled out, and the care used in its manufacture, from 65 to 80 pounds. These rails, laid on longitudinal timbers, thoroughly creosoted, and properly put together, are found to be the most economical, from their duration being the longest, the repairs less frequent, and their being less injured by the rolling stock. The railway bars are fastened in their chairs by wooden keys manufactured for the purpose, which are easily applied to the double-headed rail, and are therefore preferred to those of metal; more especially those of oak, which are subjected to compression before they are applied, at the cost of 107. per 1000; the quantity required for a mile of railway per annum not amounting to more than 51. Great attention has been given to drainage, ballasting the lines, and also to the laying of the rails. The sleepers, of Baltic timber laid transversely, have now generally given place to others formed of half timber laid longitudinally; in some instances a triangular piece, laid with its base upwards, has been adopted, as it was supposed to be one third stronger than any other form containing the same sectional area. When longitudinal timbers 12 inches by 6 inches support the rails, and these are firmly bedded, or rest upon a hard foundation, there is little compression by the rolling effect of the train, and when braced transversely, or tied by iron rods to prevent lateral movement, they may be considered to constitute a permanent way. The locomotive engines are made of much larger dimensions, and of greater weight than when the first rails were laid down, which were not more than a third of the weight and strength of those now in use. One of the ordinary class of engines, constructed for the Great Western Railway Com- pany, is capable of taking a passenger train of 120 tons, at an average speed of 60 miles per hour, upon easy gradients. The evaporation of the boiler, when in full work, is equal to 1000 horse power, of 33,000 lbs. per horse, the effective power being equal to 743 horse as measured by the dynamometer. The weight of the engine empty is 31 tons; coke and water, 4 tons. Engine in working order, 35 tons. Tender empty, 9 tons; water, 1600 gallons, 7 tous 3 cwts. ; coke 1 ton 10 cwts.: total, 17 tons 13 cwts. The heating sur- faces and fire box are 156 feet, and 305 tubes of 1759 feet. Diameter of the cylinder 18 inches, length of stroke 24 inches, diameter of driving wheels 8 feet, maximum pressure of steam 120 lbs. The average consumption of fuel with a load of 90 tons and a speed of 29 miles per hour is 20 8 pounds of coke per mile. SUPP.] 1663 CUBICAL PROPORTION. The Liverpool express locomotive, belonging to the London and North Western Railway Company, weighs, when in working order, 32 tons; coke and water, 4 tons. The diameter of the cylinders is 18 inches, length of stroke 24 inches, diameter of driving wheels 8 feet; heating surface in tubes 2136 feet, and in fire box 154 feet. The evaporation of the boiler, when in full work, is equal to 1140 horse power. Pressure of steam 120 pounds per square inch. The engine has a very low boiler, and the greatest weight is in the extreme wheels. The patentee was Mr. T. R. Crampton, the power of whose locomotive engine is ascertained by taking the area of the piston which works in the cylinder, and the pressure of the steam acting upon it. When steam can be rapidly increased in the boiler, additional speed of the engine is the result. The high pressure which produces the power, and the rapid evaporation which maintains it, is entirely owing to the method adopted to heat the water in the boiler. The diameter of the cylinder, the length of the stroke and the driving- wheels of a locomotive act and react upon each other. Some of the engines constructed to run light express trains have six solid wrought-iron wheels, the pair of driving-wheels being 6 feet in diameter, and the other four 3 feet 6 inches only. The cylinders are 11 inches in diameter, and the length of stroke 22 inches; these light engines will run 50 miles without a tender, as they are provided with two water tanks beneath the boiler, and a suf- ficient space for the coke. THE FIGURE OF THE CUBE has from time immemorial been selected by the architect and engineer as best suited for every variety of edifice; and it is remarkable that the multi- plying of the cube constitutes the design of the Greek temple, the Gothic cathedral, and the modern iron structure at Sydenham, the variety of effect depending upon the mode of its application. Reviewing the temples of the ancients, we find that those composed of a portico of four columns, and six intercolumniations on the flank, or seven columns; that the whole constituted a double cube, or two cubes side by side. cube of 32 feet 4 inches in height, breadth, and length, placed behind another of the same dimensions, would represent the entire mass of the Temple of Fortuna Virilis at Rome. The temple of six columns, or the Hexastyle, is composed of nine half cubes, or three entire, placed one behind the other, with the addition of three half cubes against the sides of the first, making altogether four cubes and a half. A The Octastyle temple is composed of nine whole cubes, or four cubes and a half in depth, repeated twice, placed side by side. The Parthenon is thus formed of cubes, whose sides each measure 50 feet 6 inches; two occupy the front, of 101 feet; the depth of the four and half cubes are a trifle more than 227 feet, the true extent heing 227 feet 7 inches. Six cubes, placed one above the other, form the design of the Campanile, erected at Florence by the celebrated Giotto in the year 1833; and on the breaking up of these cubes into ornament, the perpendicular lines are lengthened out, whilst in the Greek temple the horizontal are made to preponderate; repose in the latter, and lofty aspiration in the former, marks the distinction between them. The Tower of Rochester Castle, usually supposed to be of Norman construction, has decided evidence of having been erected by the Romans. To the military and civil engineer this strong keep affords a study of peculiar interest; and if, as we suppose it to be, the work of Frontinus or his contemporaries, we are not at a loss to comprehend why it so perfectly resembles the far-famed Coliseum at Rome, in the manner in which the spiral vaults are executed, or indeed in the general method adopted in carrying up the massive walls. The cement employed was evidently manufactured on the spot, as it is entirely composed of the materials found close at hand, and the stone such as could be brought down the Medway, and quarried on its shores. If this enduring structure was the work of Gundulph in the twelfth century, we have the strongest evidence that the Roman arts of construction were continued without any change either in the art or mystery of building up to that period at least. The building is a cube and a half nearly, being about 74 feet square without the en- trance porch, and its height to the top of the angular turrets 112 ft. A square divided into twenty five equal squares exhibits its plan; the sixteen outer squares represent the thick- ness of the walls, in which are galleries, recesses, and contrivances necessary for its pro- tection against an enemy; the nine inner squares of the plan are divided into two spa- cious rooms, one being 45 feet by 19, the other 45 feet by 21 feet; the wall that divides them is 5 feet 6 inches in thickness. The height comprises a basement story and three others beneath its roof, which has been vaulted, and which is 90 feet to the top of the bat- tlement, and 112 feet to the top of the turrets. Rules adopted by the Free Masons in setting out their Buildings, from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century : — In the Chapter on Proportion in the Encyclopædia some general rules have been suggested as to mass and void, and more particularly the principles of setting out the windows and tracery of the English and French cathedrals. On referring again to this interesting subject, the writer was led to inquire why the structures of the latter country should be 1664 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. so uniformly larger than those of the former, from which they differed but little in style, preserving the same relative proportions, though differing in dimensions. Guided by the fact that those erected in the above period of time were the works of the fraternities of free masons, it seemed conclusive that they should have some standard of measurement, either of their own or peculiar to each country; and, on testing the measurements with that view, it resulted that those of England were set out with the English perch of 16 feet 6 inches, and no doubt by an English lodge; while in those of France the French perch royal, of 22 pieds du roi, equal to 23:452 English feet, was employed; the few exceptions at Bayeaux, Caen, St. George Bocherville, and some others with round arches, and the elegant church of St. Ouen at Rouen, in the flamboyant style, are set out with the English perch of 16 feet 6 inches, and are universally attributed to English constructors; they certainly most curiously agree in proportion and dimension with the English cathedrals, which have two cubes given to the nave, producing on the plan a Latin cross, instead of the Greek so usually found in France. To illustrate this subject fully is not within our present narrow limits; a very few examples must suffice, out of the numbers which might be adduced in support of the proposition; and it is earnestly hoped that the young engineer may be sufficiently interested to test the theory practically, that while he admires their picturesque beauties, he will examine by measurement their plans and sections. It would seem that the standard measures referred to were well and wisely chosen, as if intended to apply to all times and all varieties of structure; for it is singular how nearly the dimensions of the cubes of the fairy palace at Sydenham, 24 feet, correspond to 23 feet 6 inches of the royal French perch. Of the French Cathedrals, we must be content to refer to Chartres, Rheims, and Amiens as those most admired, and which serve as examples of the application of the French perch in setting out their various parts as well as the whole. Chartres Cathedral, in which the pointed arch first appears, is a structure of the eleventh century, and one of the most remarkable as well as beautiful, erected after the first intro- duction of the pointed style by those free masons who had journeyed with the Crusaders, and had an oportunity of studying their craft in the East. The proportions are simple in the extreme. A cube is devoted to the nave, two to the transept, one to the choir; in addition to which, at the eastern extremity, is a semicircular termination with six polygonal chapels attached, forming on the plan a Greek cross of ad- mirable design. The nave, comprising six divisions of pointed arches on each side, is in its length and width six royal perches, the distribution of which will enable the reader to comprehend the setting out of the entire plan, which he can refer to in several publications. The clear width of the nave is two royal perches between the clerc story walls; each side aisle is one royal perch, and the distance from the middle of one pier to that of the other, from west to east, is also a royal perch. The entire width of the nave from out to out, that is to say, from the face of the exterior buttresses, is six royal perches, four perches being given to the two side aisles and nave for their clear widths, and the other two to the projection of the buttresses, thickness of the two outer walls, and those of the clerc story of the nave. The royal perch divided into three, one part constitutes the diameter given to the pillars, another to the thickness of each of the walls of the side aisles. The internal height of the nave is the same as its clear internal width with side aisles; so justly is all proportioned that the perch royal, and its division into three, enables us to comprehend the dimensions of the parts, as well as that of the entire mass of construction. Rheims Cathedral was similarly set out. The clear width of the nave is two royal perches, and each of the side aisles one. The extreme width of the nave, comprising the projection of the buttresses, is six royal perches; the diameter of the piers, one third of a royal perch, as in the example of Chartres. It must be observed that the dimensions do not apply to the clear distances between the pillars, but to the space between the walls, which in the clerc story are peculiar for the contrivances of a gallery, which usually continues around the entire cathedral, and which will be better understood when we treat upon Amiens cathedral, reserved for a fuller description. And that the perch was the standard of measurement there can be no doubt; for in the smaller churches of England, as that of Rosylin, for example, the nave is a single perch in width, and the side aisles half a perch; the proportions of the parts being also those of the third of an English perch. Salisbury Cathedral, a contemporary structure with Amiens, is set out with the English perch, and affords us the best commentary upon the two standard measures made use of in the same century by the French and English free masons. The Nave of Amiens Cathedral is usually admired for its elegant proportions, and by several eminent critics has been cited as the beau ideal of that style of architecture so universally practised during the middle ages, or after the Roman had been discon. SUPP.] 1665 CUBICAL PROPORTION. tinued. It is one of the most simple in its arrangement, though at first sight, removing all idea of simplicity, and appearing so complicated from its variety of parts, as to defy the application of any ordinary rules; the numerous arcades, the narrow and lofty compartments, the vaulted divisions, the diagonal and curved lines, blending one into the other, and ap- parently without limit, it is some time before the eye can acquiesce in the idea that such an edifice can be brought under the same laws as a Greek temple, or that the cube could be the measure of its parts or its whole. In taking the measurements, however, of this rare example, the dimension of 23 feet 6 inches so frequently occurred that it seemed to denote a standard by which to arrive at the length, breadth, and height of the whole, and that, if considered after the manner of Sebastian Serlio, where he describes Bramante's plan of St. Peter's, we might arrive at something like a clue to the whole design. It is curious to note, in the work of the above mentioned architect, several allusions to the cube, in the defining the parts as well as the whole of a design, and there can be little doubt that this simple figure served as the means of measuring the quantities, of either solid or void, in every period of the constructive arts; certainly none presents to the archi- tect a better means of comprehending or of measuring quantity, and none is more readily subdivided, or rendered subservient to the taste of the designer, whatever may be the architec- ture he is anxious to imitate. Within an isometrical cube may be placed the entire nave of Amiens Cathedral; and the better to understand its proportions, we must suppose each square or cube into which it is divided to measure 23 feet 6 inches each side, or the isometrical figure to contain 216 such cubes; the total height, width, and length being 141 feet, or six times the 23 feet 6 inches. Fig. 3058. NAVE OF AMIENS CATHEDRAL, On the plan are six divisions in length and width, or altogether 36 squares; each measure 23 feet 6 inches on each of their sides. The six outer divisions of the principal figure are devoted to walls and buttresses; the adjoining six on each side show the situation 50 1666 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING of the side aisles; and the two middle divisions that of the nave. The two side aisles occupy together 12 squares, as does the nave; the remaining 12 being devoted to outer walls and their buttresses. The entire area, therefore, has 24 squares to re- present its interior distribution, and half that number its external walls; or one third walls, two thirds void. Such are the general arrangements of its plan, and its extreme simplicity has enabled the constructors to execute the vaulting of the side aisles and that of the centre nave by diagonal ribs, which in the former extend over one square, and in the latter two, thus giving to the nave its due proportion of height, without changing the principle of its construction. The free masons of the middle ages were so per- fectly acquainted with geometry that there is sel- dom any defect in their vaulting; it is evident that they laid down their plans for its execution before they decided upon the form of their main piers in their setting out, every part had its due function; and the column, which was intended to be con- nected with the vaulting, either of nave or side aisle, was peculiarly adapted by its position for its use. The master mason Robert de Luzarche com- menced the building of this nave about the year 1220, the founder being Bishop Evrard. The pillars of the nave were raised to the height of their capitals in 1223, but it was not till 1236 that the vaulting was completed; and about eight or nine years afterwards the lateral chapels were added. To the top of the battlement of the nave there is not quite so much height as the outer wall of the Coliseum at Rome, which is 157 feet; but it is curious to observe that one division of this re- nowned building does not differ very materially in its proportions from that at Amiens; the divi- sion of the amphitheatre being seven cubes in height; the piers occupy one third of the width of a compartment, as is usual in Roman structures of the same period. The masonry of Amiens Cathe- dral is executed after the Roman models, con- sequently the pointed arch makes the chief differ- ence between the two styles. To render the application of the theory of the cube to the nave of Amiens Cathedral more evi- dent, or how the 216 cubes which the isometrical figure contains are placed, somewhat more of detail must be entered into. The six main divisions shown in the figure, with the side aisle behind them, have their points of support at the four angles of each of the six squares; then each square, with its 23 feet 6 inches sides, show the position of the lowest cube of the six placed one above the other, forming the entire height of each division or severy. At the top of the second cube is the level upon which the main arches spring, and that upon which the ribs of the vaulting of the side aisles rest. The top of the third cube indicates the level upon which the triforium is based, and conse- quently contains the vaulting of the side aisle. The fourth cube is the triforium, and the fifth and the sixth the clerc story. On examining the section, the side aisles are three cubes in height, including the vaulting, and the nave six; the entire open space of the interior has 18 cubes for each aisle, or 36 for the two side Fig. 3059. ELEVATION OF NAVE DIVISION. SUPP.] 1667 CUBICAL PROPORTION. aisles, and 72 for the nave; in all 108 cubes, or exactly one half the entire number contained in the isometrical cube. It must be remarked that considerable alterations have been made since the building was constructed; between the buttresses, chapels have been formed, and the original windows, which lighted the side aisles, removed to the extent, or somewhat beyond the outer face of buttresses, as represented. The interior is therefore increased materially in width, and its effect greatly improved, making the entire internal width and height more in conformity with each other, or each 141 feet. In the elevation of the divisions the boundary of each of the six cubes is more clearly marked; the width from centre to centre of each pillar, indicated by the seven circles, is 23 feet 6 inches; to the top of the capitals from the pavement the height is twice that dimension; to the bottom of the bases of the column of the triforium, the same; thence to the bottom of the glass of the clerc story windows, 23 feet 6 inches; to the tops of the ca- pitals or spring of the arches, the same; and above that line to the underside the vaulting again, 23 feet 6 inches; thus, six times 23 feet 6 inches, or 141 feet, is the total height from the pavement of the division represented. As the groined vaults of the side aisles are set out upon a square, and the width from the centres of piers is the same as those towards the nave, we have three perfect cubes of 24 feet in each severy up to the bottom of the triforium story, and the same number from thence to the top of the vaulting of the nave. The seven circles on the top line of the lowest cube of this division show the propor- tion each pier bears to the opening or distance between two; in the proportion of two sevenths for piers, and five sevenths between them. The dimensions vary a little as taken throughout the six severies; in some instances the diameter of the piers are as much as 7 feet 2 inches; in others they agree with what has been stated. It may be remarked that the contour of the mouldings are, in this example, Byzantine. The Torus and Scotia, around the base, are not sections of cylinders or their portions; the circular form which develops the Roman detail here partakes of the elliptical, and is more in accordance with what we see in Athens, belonging to the best days of Grecian architec- All the mouldings below are contoured differently to those above the eye, and con- sideration is given to their position, to produce proper effect. ture. The main pillars are 7 feet, and 7 feet 2 inches in diameter, composed of a large cylindrical column, with others attached for the support of the vaulting. Towards the nave there are three columns which are carried up to the height of about the middle of that of the clerc story windows; on the capitals which terminate them rest the cross springers and diagonal ribs of the vaulting. The arches of each di- vision are 4 feet 9 inches in thickness, and rest on the side columns, of 18 inches diameter; a faint line on the plan repre- sents the pier and mullions of the divi- sion of the clerc story window. The base and capital of the main pil- lars, as seen at the side with their di- mensions, is the same as the front view towards the nave, with the exception that the two 7-inch columns at the side of that in the middle are omitted. The piers that divide the side cha- pels, and the original outer buttresses, have been changed probably from their original design; they are now 8 feet wide. Fig. 3060. 11 72 PLAN OF CLERC STOBY. The clerc story window with its piers and mullions being already given, it remains to show the plan of the piers and mullions of the triforium, and its gallery or passage, which has a clear width of 20 inches between the main pier and the outer wall, which is about 10 inches in thickness. The middle mullion, or that which divides the triforium into two Fig. 3061. PLAN OF COLUMNS. 50 2 1668 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. principal arches, is 2 feet 6 inches in width, and composed of seven small columns, as shown attached to the main pillar, which has a depth of 6 feet 8 inches. 10 BASE OF Fig. 3063. 6T 1.7€. 36+ 7.2-- 16 --> Fig. 3062 4 2″ 3. COLUMN. 8" 5.62 Fig. 3064. PIERS IN SIDEe aisles. The ordinary decoration in this ca- thedral is very simple, consisting of a circle, comprising either three, four, five, six, or eight others; the centres of which and their portions may be understood by reference to the five diagrams in the margin. Sculptured foliage occurs in the capitals and along the string mould- ings; figures, however, of the most elabo- rate execution and design decorate the exterior, and particularly around the chief entrances; perhaps few buildings excel the Cathedral of Amiens in the richness of these portions, or the magni- ficence of its porches. -- 2:6 .8 1.6." Fig. 3065. PLAN OF TRIFORIUM. In a former part of the work an at- tempt was made to convey an idea of the geometrical style of its tracery in the rose windows, as well as those of the side chapels. And we cannot quit this part of our subject without regretting that we are not allowed more ample space for the treatment of this very interesting reference to the arts as displayed by the builders of this period, particularly as the principles upon which they practised are so little known. Simple as they were, their system seems to have been forgotten after the lodges of the free masons were broken up, and the new era appeared. The renaissance, or the return to the Greek models, at once set aside all knowledge of that architecture which had attained such perfection in Europe for four centuries. The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park was a remarkable example of the manner in which most of our institutions have been founded by the people, who, when the requirement is evident, raise funds to carry them into execution. Suggested to the Society of Arts in June 1845 by his Royal Highness Prince Albert, the plan for its adoption was not long ere it was developed; at a banquet given by Mr. Farncomb, the Lord Mayor of London, to the municipal authorities of the United Kingdom, his Royal Highness explained the wishes of the promoters, by stating: "It must be most gratifying to me to find that a suggestion which I had thrown out, as appearing to me of importance at this time, should have met with such universal con- SUPP. ¡ 1669 CUBICAL PROPORTION. Fig. 3066. Fig. 3067. Fig 3068. Fig. 3069. Fig. 3070. currence and approbation; for this has proved to me that the view I took of the peculiar character and requirements of our age was in accordance with the feelings and opinions of the country. I conceive it to be the duty of every educated person closely to watch and study the time in which he lives, and, as far as in him lies, to add his humble mite of in- dividual exertion to further the accomplishment of what he believes Providence to have ordained. Nobody, however, who has paid any attention to the peculiar features of our present era, will doubt for a moment that we are living at a period of most wonderful transition, which tends rapidly to the accomplishment of that great end to which indeed all history points, the realisation of the unity of mankind; not a unity which breaks down the limits and levels the peculiar characteristics of the different nations of the earth, but rather a unity the result and product of those very national varieties and antago- nistic qualities. The distances which separated the different nations and parts of the globe are gradually vanishing before the achievements of modern invention, and we can traverse them with incredible ease; the languages of all nations are known, and their ac- quirements placed within the reach of everybody; thought is communicated with the ra- pidity, and even by the power of lightning. On the other hand, the great principle of the division of labour, which may be called the moving power of civilisation, is being extended to all branches of science, industry, and art. Whilst formerly the greatest mental ener- gies strove at universal knowledge, and that knowledge was confined to the few, now they are directed to specialties, and on these again, even to the minutest points; but the knowledge acquired becomes at once the property of the community at large. Whilst formerly dis- covery was wrapt in secresy, the publicity of the present day causes that no sooner is a discovery or invention made, than it is already improved upon and surpassed by competing efforts; the products of all parts of the globe are placed at our disposal, and we have only to choose which is the best and cheapest for our purposes, and the powers of production are intrusted to the stimulus of competition and capital. So man is approaching a more complete fulfilment of that great and sacred inission which he has to perform in this world. His reason being created after the image of God, he has to use it to discover the laws by which the Almighty governs his creation, and, by making these laws his standard of action, to conquer Nature to his use— himself a divine instrument. Science discovers these laws of power, motion, and transformation; industry applies them to the raw matter which the earth yields us in abundance, but which becomes valuable only by knowledge; art teaches us the immutable law of beauty and symmetry, and gives to our productions forms in ac- cordance with them. "The Exhibition of 1851 is to give us a true test and a living picture of the point of de- velopment at which the whole of mankind has arrived in this great task, and a new starting point, from which all nations will be able to direct their further exertions. I confidently hope the first impression which a view of this vast collection will produce upon the spec- tator will be that of deep thankfulness to the Almighty for the blessings he has bestowed 5 0 3 1670 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. upon us already here below; and the second the conviction, that they can only be realised in proportion to the help which we are prepared to render to each other, therefore only by peace, love, and ready assistance, not only between individuals, but between the nations of the earth." After this eloquent appeal, the public quickly responded by subscribing 75,000l., to enable the commissioners to erect a suitable building, to be completed by the 1st of May 1851; the site being granted by Her Majesty, on the south side of Hyde Park; and all that was required of the exhibitors was, to deliver their various specimens of art and manufacture at the building which would be provided for them. Two hundred and forty-five designs and specifications were submitted to the Building Committee appointed to conduct the operation; but they having reported that there was not "a single plan so accordant with the peculiar objects in view, either in the principle or detail of its arrangement, as to warrant them in recommending it for adoption," Mr. Paxton submitted a novel design, composed chiefly of glass and iron, which Messrs. Fox, Henderson, & Co. tendered to construct for 79,800l. This was immediately carried into effect. The site for the building contained about 26 acres, being 2300 feet in length, and 500 feet in breadth; the principal front extending from west to east. The total area of the ground-floor was 772,784 superficial feet, and that of the galleries 217,100 square feet. The length of these galleries extended nearly a mile. The cubical contents of the building were estimated at 33,000,000 feet. There were used in its construction 2300 cast-iron girders, 358 wrought-iron trusses for supporting the galleries and roof, 30 miles of gutters for carrying water to the columns, 202 miles of sash bars, and 900,000 superficial feet of glass. On the ground-floor, 1106 columns of cast-iron, rested on cast-iron plates, based upon concrete; these columns were 8 inches in diameter, and 18 feet 5 inches in height; they were cast hollow, the thickness of the metal varying from 3 to 1 in., according to the weights they were destined to support. The principal entrance was in the centre of the south side; passing through a vestibule 72 feet by 48, the transept was entered, which was covered by a semi-cylindrical vault 72 feet in diameter, springing from a height of 68 feet from the floor; and this vault of iron and glass was in length 408 feet from north to south. On each side of the transept was an aisle 24 feet wide. Standing in the middle of the transept, the vista or nave, at right angles, extended east and west 900 feet in each direction; the total length being 1848 feet. This nave was 72 feet wide, and 64 feet high; and on each side was an aisle 24 feet in width; and above, at a height of 24 feet from the floor, were galleries which surrounded the whole of the nave and transept. Beyond these side aisles and parallel with them, at a distance of 48 feet, were second side aisles, of an equal width to those already mentioned, and also covered with galleries on a similar level to the others. Bridges of communication were male at convenient distances, to allow of an unbroken promenade, and from which a view of the several courts might be obtained. These courts were roofed in, at the height of 2 stories, and were 48 feet in width; and 10 double staircases 8 feet wide gave access to the several galleries. After the transept and nave were marked out, the general arrangement consisted of a series of compartments 24 feet square, and as much in height; these bays or cubes were each formed of 4 columns, supporting girders put together very ingeniously, as we shall hereafter more minutely describe in the construction at Sydenham, to where they were all removed, and re-adapted to a much more extensive building. One of these bays or gallery-floors, 24 feet square, containing 576 superficial feet, were calculated to support as many cwts., or 30 tons. The symmetry and strength of this vast building depended upon the accuracy with which the simple plan was drawn out, and much credit is due to Mr. Brounger, who superin- tended this portion of the work; he had to establish a series of squares of 24 feet, and this was admirably effected by rods of well-seasoned pine, fitted with gun-metal cheeks. Stakes were driven into the ground to mark the position of the columns, their precise centres being afterwards found by the theodolite, and marked by a nail on the top of the stake or pile; and when the digging commenced for the foundations, and there was a ne- cessity to move the pile, a right-angled triangle was formed in deal, and previous to the re- moval of a stake, a nail indicating the position of the column was placed at the apex of the triangle; two other stakes were driven in, and the first withdrawn. The entire ground plan may be considered as composed of 1453 squares, each containing 576 superficial feet. south front occupied 77, the east and west fronts each 17, so that the entire parallelogram contained 1309 of these squares; on the north side were 48 others, 3 divisions in depth, making an addition 144, thus completing the number stated. The nave, transept, and courts were formed by the omission of the columns, where their width required to be either 48 or 72 feet, and girders of sufficient strength were substituted to span the space The SUPP.] 1671 CUBICAL PROPORTION. where the columns were omitted. Had each of the 1387 squares of which the plan con- sists had its complement of columns, to have perfected each cube, 1502 would have Fig. 3071. GRound plan. Fig. 3072. UPPER PLAN 504 1672 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. been required; but the formation of the wider openings occasioned only 1106 to be em- ployed, so that, by the omission of a third, the courts, nave, and transepts acquired their admired proportions. The columns being 8 inches in diameter, the area of the section of the whole 1106 is 380 superficial feet, or the points of support part of the entire area. 2 The plan, which has 1106 columns, is composed of 1387 squares, each of 576 superficial feet, or 798,912 superficial feet. The points of support, being 380 superficial feet, is a trifle more than a 2000th of the entire area, for 798912 - 2102. 380 When we compare the Crystal Palace with one of the lightest constructed basilicas of ancient Rome, we are astonished at the difference in the proportions; for instance, the total area of the basilica of St. Paul, without the walls of Rome, was 108,000 superficial feet; while the points of support were 12,000, or one ninth. The Crystal Palace, which was seven times the area of the basilica of St. Paul, had it been constructed in a similar manner, would have required 84,000 superficial feet for the points of support, instead of 380 superficial feet. In the Saxon cathedrals, one third of the entire area was employed for walls and piers; in the Pantheon at Rome, one quarter; in St. Paul's, London, one sixth; and in most of the cathedrals constructed from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, the same proportions are practised; but we have never hitherto seen any attempt to lessen the proportions of the supports beyond a twentieth of the entire area, when the ordinary building materials, as brick or stone, have been employed, whilst in this instance iron columns are found suf- ficiently strong, when they have the proportion of a 2000th part of the whole, or are one hundred times less in section than their points of support, estimated as a twentieth of the whole, and which we have considered as the lightest of the constructions hitherto practised; the round Temple of Claudius at Rome being the example. At page 691. we find in the table, calculated by Mr. Tredgold, that an iron column of cast-iron 8 inches in diameter, and 24 feet high, will carry nearly 50 tons, or 1106, 55,300 tons; so that, if each of 1387 squares had to sustain 30 tons, there would be ample strength, this not amounting to more than 41,610 tons. In preparing the foundations for the columns, great care was taken to arrive at the gravel, upon which a bed of concrete was thrown; and it was estimated that a pressure per superficial foot of 2 tons should be provided for. The concrete varied in depth from 3 to 4 feet, and was finished by covering the top with a surface of fine mortar, worked even and with a level face. On this was laid a base plate for each column, the lower part consisting of a horizontal plate having attached to it a vertical tube of the form of the column it was to carry. The length of these base plates was from north to south, so that the water brought down by the columns from the roof might run in the direction from east to west. Into the sockets, cast iron pipes 6 inches in diameter were inserted, for the purpose of conveying the water into the cisterns and tanks provided to receive it. At the upper portion of the base plate four holes were cast, in as many projections, which answered to others at the foot of the column to be placed upon it, which, when fixed, was secured by nuts. Between the shaft and its base, pieces of canvass dipped in white lead were introduced before the joints were secured, which were thus rendered water-tight. The columns are 8 inches in diameter, and those on the ground floor 18 feet 5 inches in height, being cast hollow to allow of a current for the rain water; the strength of these columns is increased by the four projecting ribs, and the form of the angular additions made to receive the nuts and screws. The columns were elevated to their positions by a pair of shear legs, consisting of two poles lashed together at their heads, and maintained in a steady position by ropes extending from the apex of the triang] (formed by the base line of the ground and the inclination of the poles towards one anothe, to piles driven in the ground at a considerable distance. From the apex of the triangle a series of ropes passing over pullies were suspended perpendicularly; and by means of this fall, not only the column, but the girders and other heavy portions of ironwork, were lifted. The Crystal Palace at Sydenham had the simple Cube as the nucleus of which this vast edifice was composed ; and the simplicity of its form enabled the constructors, by a small variety of castings, to execute the whole. The perfection of the work, as it was delivered to the artificer to be put together, abridged much of his labours, and enabled him to perform an apparent quantity of work in a very small space of time. Three of these cubes, placed one on the other, formed the side galleries, as seen in the section; and the omission of six such cubes measures the width and height of the nave to the level of the springing of the arched covering; such are the proportions of which this vast structure is composed. SUPP.1 CUBICAL PROPORTION. 1673 The foundation generally was gravel, on which was laid a bed of concrete varying in thickness, according to the nature of the ground; and it was so formed, that it was estimated that a load of 2 tons might be placed upon a superficial foot. Iron base-plates were bedded in mortar upon the concrete; they were laid at right angles to the vertical lines of the building, strengthened by shoulders which united the base-plate, on which rested the columns. The height from the concrete to the junc- tion of the column was so well calculated, and the casting of the base-plate so uni- formly accurate, that the snugs of the one corresponded exactly with the other, so that the joints required no packing to make them perfect. Under the hollow columns which con- veyed the water from the roofs were socket branches that carried it into the transverse drains; and thus the water which Fig. 3074. .42. .62. SPRINGING ·7210- Fig. 3073. SECTION. fell upon the various roofs, whose superficial area may be estimated at nearly 18 acres, was conveyed to six rows of cast-iron pipes, each 6 inches in diameter; these communicate Fig. 3075 CONCRETE FOUNDATION FLOOR 3. Fig.3076, PLAN. 1671 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. with sewers on the outside of the building, and eventually into an egg-shaped culvert whose sectional area is 4 feet 8 inches. The columns and connecting pieces are well put together. The section of the former is a ring, the external diameter of which is 8 inches, and the thick- ness of the metal varies ac- cording to the area of the duty it has to perform. The mini- mum thickness is half an inch, and the maxium, 1 inch. The sectional area is further increas- ed by four fillets 3 inches in width, and a little more than a sixth of an inch in thickness. • Four snugs are cast on the top, and the same on the bottom of the columns, between these fillets; and corresponding with them, others are cast on the connecting pieces, to help to sup- port the girders. Bolt holes are pierced in the snugs and con- ㅁ ​Fig. 3077. necting pieces, by which four bolts secure the whole together, by means of nuts. Connecting plates may thus be attached to columns, and columns may be attached also when required and the whole made steady by the girders placed at right angles with one another, as seen in the following diagram, On the ground-floor is laid boarding 1 inch in thickness, joists 7 by 24 inches, which rest upon sleepers 13 inches by 3 apart. an inch apart, upon inches placed 8 feet The four girders in places that required them, are connected with the plates over the columns, as the two here represented. op Fig. 3078. The horizontal planes in the three-story portion of the building consist of base-plates, the upper bearing surface of which rises 3 inches from the ground-floor; the columns, 18 feet 5 inches long, rest upon the base-plate; above are the connecting pieces, 3 feet 4 inches in depth, to which are attached the cast iron girders, 24 feet in length, and which support the gallery floor at the height of 23 feet from the ground-floor. The second tier of columns are 16 feet 7 inches long, with connecting pieces 3 feet 4 inches deep, and similar girders to those below; and the third tier of columns and con- necting pieces in every case are the same as the second. Supp.] 1675 CUBICAL PROPORTION. The two-story portion of the building and the one-story differ but little in the dimensions of the columns, connecting pieces, or arrangement of the girders. The galleries are floored with 14 inch deal, iron-tongued, laid on joists of 7 feet 9 inches in length; the latter resting upon binders, which are under trussed by means of cast- iron shoes, rods of wrought iron, and struts, so as to deposit the bearing upon four, instead of upon two girders. The shoes and struts, with the wrought- iron rod, are admirably contrived, to assist in preventing any vibration that might, from any number of persons walking over the floor, be conveyed to the extremities of the girders, and in lieu spreads it over the whole bay. The longitudinal and sectional positions Fig. 3079. of these trusses may be better understood by the accompanying figures. Fig. 3080. Fig. 3081. " 7×22/2 Fig. 3082. The 24 feet truss, as well as all the others double or treble the length, have their sub- divisions crossed with similar diagonals, and thus preserve a uniform character throughout. Fig. 3083. 1676 L SUPP, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The 48 feet trusses consist of cast-iron standards and vertical struts, an upper portion formed of two portions of angle iron set 1 inch apart, a bottom portion of two bars, increasing in sectional area as they approach the centre of bearing, and tye bars, which, passing diagonally between the two pieces of angle iron in the upper portion, and the two bars in the lower, are riveted to them, and form a complete suspension truss. The other diagonals in the opposite direction are constructed of wood, Fig. 3084. -.24.. 0 The 24-feet girders are 3 feet in depth, and their vertical lines are placed 8 feet apart. The sectional area of the upper rail is 8.31 inches, and the lower 7.64 inches. The sectional area of the diagonals, 3.50 inches. Upon trial, the breaking weight was 30 tons, and their strength wascalculated to bear 22 tons. Fig. 3085. Fig. 3086. Fig. 3087. SAYSAMAS SMAGUROSŤ -24.0 -3.0" -30%.. -> These girders were cast in one piece, and weighed 11 cwt. 3 qrs. each, and which are similar in all respects to the 24 feet roof girders, but 2 cwt. 1 qr. heavier, bore 30 tons, and broke down with 30 tons. The extra strong trusses, 72 feet in length, which support the lead flats, cover two bays 72 feet by 24 feet, are made twice the depth of the others; the vertical struts are 8 feet apart from centre to centre, and the tension bars the same as those set in the angles of the other girders. 6′0″. 6'.6% I 6.07 Fig. 3088. 14.2 > Supr.] 1677 IRON CONSTRUCTION. The diamonds are double in depth, the intersecting diagonal bars passing through slots cast for them in the middle of the cast-iron struts. The side, front, and back elevation of the end standard, with their dimensions, and the front and side elevation of the cast-iron vertical struts, or intermediate standards, being shown below. The sectional area of the top rail is 5.71 inches, of the bottom 675, the diagonal tyes 3.38 inches, and the weight 35 cwt. 6"-> V 主 ​ HI .5.0. Fig. 3089. SECTIONS. The semicircular ribs of the roof are made in three thicknesses of timber, each 9 feet 6 inches long, cut into segments of a circle 74 feet extreme diameter; the central thickness being 13 inches by 4 inches, and the outer flitches breaking joint, with the centre, are 13 inches by 2 inches. The flitches are nailed to the centre, and further secured by th-inch iron bolts every 4 feet apart, thus binding the three thicknesses into one. On the extrados of the timber arch is placed two thicknesses of gutter boards, each 11 inches wide and 1 inch in thickness, and an iron bar 2 inches wide, and gths of an inch in thickness, bent to the curve. On the intrados a piece of timber 7 inches by 2 inches, made to correspond to the form of the columns, and a bar of iron 3 inches wide and 3ths of an inch in thickness, is bent round and bolted as that on the outside. The gutters which col- lect the water from the roofs extend over the en- tire building, and are placed 24 feet apart; altogether their length is computed at 24 miles. These gutters are WOOD WOOD 18 LEAD FLAT BARS Fig. 3090. MAIN TRUSSES. ARCHED RIB OF TRANSEPT cut in timber, and attached to the upper flange of the main trusses; they are 5 inches by 6 inches before cutting by the machine, which at one operation scoops from the middle of the upper surface, and throughout its whole length a semicircular groove about 14 inch radius; at the same time the machine cuts two smaller grooves downwards, at an oblique angle to its sides. 1678 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF Engineering. To give this gutter a proper current for the water, and to add to its strength, it was trussed into a curve, by means of an inch iron bolt, threaded at both ends, and bent so as -8--.0".. Fig. 3091. K------8--0%. Fig. 3092. GUTTER bearer. to pass under and press up the underside of the wood gutter, by 2 cast-iron struts 9 inches long, giving it a camber of 24 inches. Smithfield Market, Manchester, is covered with an iron roof of simple construction, extending over a length of 440 feet, and a width of 244 feet, consisting of 2 central spans, each of 72 feet, and two others at the sides, each of 50 feet. 14′, 6″ GLASS Fig. 3093. GLASS The material is chiefly of wrought iron, and rests upon columns 25 feet in height, which carry cast-iron gutter girders, of an average length of 23 feet each. At the point of the roof is a skylight on each side the ridge, 15 feet in width, supported on louvre framing, which is continued through the entire length; and the glazing comprises about 60,000 superficial feet, thus affording ample light and ventilation. The rain-water is conducted down the middle of each column into drains constructed to lead it away. The columns were so cast that at the top there is an adjustment to allow of expansion and contraction, in order to prevent the joints of the guttering laid upon them becoming leaky, or being in any way rendered faulty, and cast-iron shields placed against the ends of the gutters over the columns assist in giving additional strength to this part of the work. SUPP.] 1679 IRON CONSTRUCTION. Fig. 3094. shows the manner in which the foot of the principal rafter is in connection with the cast-iron gutter resting on the top of the column. Fig. 3095. exhibits the louvre boarding with its wood roll above the glass skylight, and also the top of the queen bolt and strut attached to the rafter. Fig. 3096. shows the bottom portion of the tye rod, the queen bolt, and the strut. Fig. 3094. SLATE 1. BOARDING RAFTER SHOE FOR RAFTER TIE ROD 13″ WOOD ROLL Fig. 3095. FF Fig. 3096. GUTTER-PLate. Fig. 3097. is the middle standard that supports the skylight. Fig. 3098. is the ridge standard, and head of the king bolt. Fig. 3099. represents the sash bar and wood roll. WOOD I I Fig. 3097. MIDDLE STANDARD, Fig. 3098. RIDGE STANDARD. Fig. 3100. represents the section of the rafter. · LOUVRE. GLASS Fig. 3099. SASH BAR. Fig. 3101. shows the bottom arrangement of the king bolt and struts, with the tye rods, and the manner in which the latter are connected T A Fig. 3100. SECTION OF THe rafter. Fig. 3101. ELEVATION OF King bolt and struts, 1680 [Surp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Faris Providence Magazine. The iron roof which spans this building is 87 feet in width, and is another example of light construction, which has been erected on the Quai Jemappes, the banks of the Seine, for the stowage of iron. In France iron has been tested as to its strength, in every case where it has been employed in the arts of construction, and malleable irun- plates have been experimented upon with reference to their di- rect tensile strain upon the fibre of the metal in every direc- tion; and the breaking weight per square inch, when drawn in the direction of the fibre has been given as 22 tons, and when drawn across the fibre 23 tons. Rafters of wrought iron are now universally made use of and © Q 24 -87′.0----- Fig. 3102. TRansverse section. preferred to cast-iron on account of the saving in weight, where equal strength is required, of one half at least: by this means the loads upon the walls, or points of support, are greatly diminished, and the duty of the tension rods is also lessened. There is no doubt great economy in the use of wrought over cast iron; and wherever the T form of section can be given by the rolling mill, the difference of cost will be so considerable in the first instance, that it must be preferred on that account independently of the load of metal in the case of roof- ing being diminished a half or two thirds. The cost of iron in France being so much greater than in England, has occasioned the engineers to adopt every economical system that science has suggested. Occa- sionally this has been carried too far; and structures which have evinced considerable skill in execution, have needed additional strength to their construction. In cast iron a fracture may occur without any warning; but with ම wrought iron there is generally some indi- cation of danger previous to a rupture taking place. The length of the building is 173 feet; and eleven principals, including the two ga- bles, carry the entire roof, the total cost of which was 1600l. Each principal consists of two main beams formed of double T-iron, connected together by tye bars, which are secured to the principals and crown plates by cast-iron pillars and diagonal rods. These principals each weigh - Kilog. 1676 00 And the intermediate parts of the construction 2982.50 4658.50 Fig. 3103. The total weight is 64,290 kilog,, which includes the glass and every other ma- terial employed to complete it. For every 103 superficial feet or a metre of horizontal surface we have a weight of 42 kilog, or 95 lbs. avoirdupoise, at the rate of about 9 lbs. per superficial foot only. SUFF.] 1681 IRON CONSTRUCTION, Fig. 3104. + B.. Fig. 3105. Top ridge of sKYLIGHT. IT Fig. 3106. SUPPORT OF SKYLIGHT. Т Fig. 3107. RIDGge. Fig. 3108. SECTION THROUGH PURLINS. Fig. 3109. ELEVATION OF shoe. PART OF SHACKLE. Fig. 3110. Shoe. Iron roof, Lime Street, Liverpool, over the railway station, covers an area of 6000 super- ficial yards, and was constructed at a cost of 15,000l., about 27. per superficial yard. The roof is in length 374 feet, and its span is 153 feet 6 inches. It consists of a series of principals placed at a distance of 21 feet 6 inches apart, which are in some instances supported by side walls, and in others by a box beam made of wrought iron, resting on iron columns. These principals are vertically trussed by struts which radiate to the centre of the segmental curve given to the roof, and these struts are maintained in their position by tye and diagonal rods. Laterally they are trussed by the purlins, which are placed over the radiating struts, and intermediately between them, as well as by diagonal bracing. The wrought iron deck beam which forms each principal is 9 inches in depth, with a plate of iron 10 inches wide and 4 inch in thickness riveted on the top. The lower flange is 3 inches wide and 1 inch thick; the web is about 7 inch in thickness. Each of the curved principals or ribs is formed of seven pieces connected with each other, at the points where the radiating struts are attached, by riveted plates 6 feet in length placed on each side. At the haunches the beam has some additional strength given to it for a distance of 27 feet from the springing, by plates 7 inches in width and 7 inch thick, strongly riveted together. 5 P 1682 [ SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. Λ -55′0″-- 153.6" WHOLE.SPAN. Fig. 3111. V T ∙25.0" WATER DRAIN Fig. 3112. Half plan. The 6 radiating struts to each rib vary in length from 6 to 12 feet, but all are 7 inches in depth, and attached to the tye rods with wrought iron linking plates. The tye rods are composed of three lines between the two extreme radiating struts, and from these struts to the extremities of the principals they are in two lines; the sectional area of both arrangements is 6½ inches. о Fig. 3113. IRON COLUMN and chair. о O Fig. 3114. Struts. The ends of the tye rods are prepared with eyes to receive the bolts, placed side by side etween the linking plates attached to the struts, and through them is passed a bolt. SUPP.] 1683 IRON CONSTRUCTION. The wrought-iron box girder is 63 feet 4 inches in length, 3 feet 2 inches in depth at the ends, and 2 feet 6 inches in the centre, being cambered on the under side 8 inches. The upper chamber is 1 foot 8 inches wide, and 8 inches deep, and the body 133 inches wide and 1 foot 10 inches deep; the bottom, 193 inches wide, is formed of two rows of plates T6 of an inch in thickness in the middle, and inch at each end; the thickness of all the other plates are of an inch. The cast iron columns, placed at intervals of 21 feet 6 inches, are in height 19 feet; they are securely based upon stones each weighing 5 tons. The roof is covered with galvanized corrugated wrought iron and rough plate glass; the iron is No. 16. wire gauge, in sheets 7 feet in length and 2 feet 8 inches in breadth, secured with galvanised rivets and washers. The glass is inch thick, in plates 12 feet 4 inches in length and 3 feet 6 inches in width, bedded upon iron sash bars. The gutters which collect the water are of cast iron, 20 inches in width, and rest upon the columns and intermediate arches, and the water is made to pass through the columns into the drains. Iron roof at the Liverpool terminus of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway covers five lines of rails. Three platforms, and a roadway for carriages 36 feet in width; the total area covered in 83,457 superficial feet. This roof is very light in its construction, and in one span extends 132 feet, having no columns or supports between the outside walls. The principals are distant from each other 11 feet from centre to centre; each of these principals have two cast-iron plates bedded in the masonry to receive their ends; the shoes are 132 feet 8 inches apart. Each pair of principals has eleven king bolts or rods placed at equal distances, which, by means of screw ends, are attached to the joints of the tye rods, which have a curved line. The principal rafters are of wrought iron plate, with two pieces of angle iron riveted along the top, and two along the bottom, with one on each side forming in its section a figure of the letter. E Fig. 3115. BOTTOM OF THE CENTRE KING ROD. The struts, which are ten in number to each pair of principals, are all of T iron of large dimensions; these are secured at the upper ends of the principal rafters by wrought iron 6 о -I о O O о O Fig. 3116. SIDE VIEW OF KING ROD. Fig. 3117. JOINTS OF RAFters, strut, AND KING ROD. knees, firmly riveted and bolted to the principal rafter, and at their lower end are fixed into cast-iron shoes, which fit upon the tye rod, and are attached to the suspension rods. The main tye rods are of round iron, screwed into wrought iron sockets under each queen rod which passes through it, where it is secured by a nut below. The upper ends of the principal rafters enter a cast-iron king head formed of two castings bolted together, and above is placed the louvre standard, which carries a cast-iron ridge, 5 P 2 1634 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. upon which the sash bars of the skylight are fixed. These two skylights are 20 feet in width, and, with two others at the eaves 10 feet wide, make a total width of 42 feet, and their length being 616 feet, form nearly an area equal to one third of the entire roof. The ventilation is completed by means of fixed louvres placed under the ridge skylights; they are formed of galvanized iron blades fixed into cast-iron standards. The covering of the other por- tions of the roof is corrugated, gal- vanized iron plate, on purlins, with- out the aid of any other support; the struts are riveted together, and further secured to the purlins by bolts and nuts. Fig. 3:18. BOTTOM JOINT OF KING ROD, AND TYE ROD AND SHOES. Catenarian Curve was the form adopted by Jacques-Germain Soufflot for the middle dome that was destined to support the lantern at the church of Sainte Geneviève at Paris ; this far-famed Catenarian dome is 70 feet diameter at the base, and 50 feet in perpendicular height; the stone of Conflans was employed for its construction. Among the writer's earliest constructive works, he imitated this curve in the formation of a roof with courses of plane tiles, laid in cement in three thicknesses, breaking the joints as much as possible; the strength of this form induced him to employ it for the covering of stables, and less important structures. The four-roomed labourer's cottage is submitted to the reader as an example for the employment of brick and iron without any wood, PUMP UNDER STAIRS STORE FOR COALS SINK OPP KITCHEN LIVING ROOM --15.0″. OVEN PANTRY DRESSER DRESSER RECESS BED t RECESS 6-- 12%.3″. ia: 3 BED · > BED 1.9 RECESS RECESS -25.0% -16. n Fig. 3119. GROUND PLAN. Fig. 3120. · 13′′ 0″---- CHAMBER floor. except for the doors of the several rooms, thus constituting a cheap fire-proof building, the cost of which would not exceed 100%. when materials can be had at the ordinary prices of the present day. Each of the two rooms on the ground floor is 15 feet by 10 feet; the stack of chimneys dividing them one from the other, with a door of communication on one side. The back room has a staircase to the chamber floor, underneath which is another to the cave below, in which is placed the cistern or tank that collects the rain- water that falls upon the outer covering of the cottage; and beneath is a floor or pavement, upon which a water-closet apparatus is fixed, discharging into a drain that leads away to lower ground, where its outlet is placed. From the tank, a jigger pump near the 1 SUFP] 168.5 BRICK AND IRON CONSTRUCTION. sink supplies the water for the family use; and in the opposite angle of the kitchen is a pantry of a triangular form. An oven is constructed at one side of the fire place, and a small copper on the other, the flues of which communicate with those of the fire places. The upper rooms are only 12 feet 3 inches in width; but the smallest is sufficiently large to contain two small beds. Each of the two chambers have fire places, and the com- munication between them is by a doorway in the middle of the chimney stack. By a reference to the figures, and particularly that drawn isometrically, the general ar- rangement may be understood without any further description. The sections of the cottage are bounded by a catenarian curve, over which, at the height of every foot, two horizontal lines are drawn as a scale, and between the perpendicular lines only 1 foot is defined; so that, by a reference to these lines, the approximate width of the catenarian curve at every 6 inches in height may be ascertained. The true form of the curve is obtained by hanging a chain upon two points, expressing the width at the foundations, and suffering it to drop round another as much below as it as it is intended to make the height. In the example before us, two nails placed upon a level ♡ 2.61 O 1 20 FT の ​18 17 • 15 " · 1 T 14 • 13 2:54 D 2/64 --> H [8 10 12 13 14 Fig 3121. SECTION. Fig. 3122. ISOMETRICAL VIEW. line 15 feet apart, and another 20 feet below, exactly on the middle of the space between the other two, and then a flexible chain attached at the two upper nails, and drawn up till it passes over the lower point, will represent the catenarian figure, to which a mould is to be cut. With this mould to the two end and middle walls, the proper curvature may be given as they are carried up in 9-inch brickwork; and at the height of 9 feet may be laid, from back to front, five iron railway bars, to serve as girders to carry the arches, which, when rendered level on the top, may receive an asphalte flooring. By building the external wall 9 inches thick, or one brick, laid in cement, no other pre- caution is required than to strain the line, when each course is bedded, over the three sectional walls previously carried up in advance, occasionally applying the mould to the inner face of the outer covering. Where cement is not employed, it may be necessary to have some support in the middle of the length of each 10 feet between the end and middle walls, to prevent the work from sagging; but good cement does not require this precaution, for when the height has attained the chamber floor, the series of arches which constitute it acts as an abutment, and serves as a scaffold to carry up the remainder of the external and internal walls. The stack of chimneys must be set out very accurately, as they contain four flues, and these cannot be obtained in a shaft less than 23 bricks in thickness and 6½ in width; and it is important to the stability of the structure, that it should be placed in the 5 3 1626 [SUPF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. F middle of the building. The bricks should be worked in alternate courses of headers and stretchers; and where impervious bricks cannot be obtained, the exterior may be ren- dered with a coat of Roman cement. Three courses of plain tiles in cement, and rendered at the back, would be equally durable with the 9-inch wall we have described; and where tiles can be had at a more reasonable rate than bricks, they may be preferred. As all the windows are of similar form and dimensions, the six may be easily cast in iron, of one pattern, one half their area, made to open upon pivots, and secured when shut by a latch or pin. Much has unquestionably been done within the last few years towards im- proving the dwellings of the working classes; but the experiments have been generally made on large piles of build- ing, where numbers could be accommo- dated under one roof, thereby diminish- ing the amount of rent to the occupiers, and in several instances affording a rea- sonable return for the capital employed: and in proportion as such establishments become known, they will be more and more estimated, and their comfort in- creased at less cost; but we have yet to wish that the blessings of warmth, sup- ply of water, and drainage, with all their attendant advantages, could be as easily applied to the isolated cottage of the la- bourer, on a principle which would enable the small owner to afford them without positive loss. Every appliance of science is now put forth to warm and ventilate our-garden structures; and if the same skill could be applied to our catenarian cottage, one furnace with one flue, in- stead of four, might heat the boiler and oven, and, by means of iron pipes, each of the rooms above and below; hot water could be made to circulate, without the expenditure of much fuel; and the inmates of such a cottage would then have an advantage which is rarc- ly enjoyed, viz. that of re- turning to well warmed and ventilated rooms after the labours of the day. EARTH STONE SLAB RAIN WATER CISTERN U M A. 120 FT 19 18 17 (6 15 14 ก 13 12 2:6 1-6 SO 1618 Fig. 3123. SECTION OF HOUse. 10 9 : 18 +6 h The supply of water, with tanks of suf- ficient capacity for all the uses of a small family could be provided for without. Eyes may be bedded in the external surface of the catenarian walls, through which horizontal wires may be passed, for the training of creeping plants or roses; and such a building, so covered, would assume a picturesque character. The front and back walls should be carried up so that their outer faces are 4 inches behind the covering, that projection being necessary to the roof, to make a perfect joint, and to keep out the driving rain. The rain water, falling down the sloping sides into an iron gutter resting on a plinth, and led into the tank by 4-inch pipes, would provide an average supply of 10 gallons of water per day. Windows might be perforated through the longitudinal sides, if required, upon the same principle as the openings are made in the dome of St. Généviève, and dormers of an ornamental character attached, the outline of which might also be catenarian, though placed at right angles with the main curve, to which they unite, thus breaking the side length. Where a continued line of cottages is built under such a formed roof, then such openings must be made in the longitudinal sides; but the cost of construction would be much enhanced. There would be no necessity to insure such fire-proof structures; and the ordinary re- pairs would be but trifling in the course of several years. Iron Beams and their Supports.-The British Association for the Advancement of Science in their Seventh Report, have given some experiments made upon the strength of cast-iron bars; and Mr. Hodgkinson, in a general summary of his experiments on rectangular bars SUPP.] 1687 BRICK AND IRON CONSTRUCTION. an inch square, has given their breaking weight, and the transverse strength of such bars, when placed 4 feet 6 inches between their supports,-the modulus of elasticity being taken from the deflection caused by 1 cwt. on those bars. The breaking weight of several qualities of cast iron varied in fifty experiments from 350 lbs. to 550 lbs. Mr. Hodgkinson has given a formula representing the breaking weight- 4.5 bď² S in pounds avoirdupoise. The length in feet, multiplied by the breadth in inches, by the depth in inches squared, and by the mean breaking weight in pounds,—this product divided by the length in feet, gives the breaking weight in pounds. For example,- A bar of cast iron 4.5 feet long between the supports, 2 inches in breadth, and 3 inches in depth, taking a tabular number of 450, which we will assume as a mean breaking weight, would be thus represented. 4·5 × 2 × 32 × 450 4.5 = 8100 lbs. avoirdupoise as the breaking weight; consequently not more than half that amount should constitute its load when used in construction. (See page 690.) The form of beam admitted to be of the greatest strength is that of the letter reversed. Ꮮ Such a beam + feet 6 inches in length between the supports, and in depth 51 inches, the weight of the casting 40 lbs., broke with a weight of 8270 lbs. avoirdupoise. Whenever cast iron is employed for construction, we must guard it against exposure to wet or intense frost, as sudden contraction or expansion often disturbs the crystalline tex- ture of the metal, and occasions fracture. The transverse strength has been usually estimated by considering that perfect elasticity existed in the iron beam up to one third of the break ing weight, and therefore we ought not to load it more than up to that point, and some experiments have proved that it is better not to trust to more than a sixth of the breaking weight, and then not without previously testing the iron before it enters into the constructive portions of a building. . For warehouses of several stories in height, cast-iron hollow columns are placed one over the other, with rolled-iron girders, 8 inches deep, resting on the lower capitals; upon which, in an opposite direction, are laid rolled-iron joists 5 inches deep, with flanges 2 inches wide both at top and bottom. When cast-iron girders of large dimen- sion are required, it is important to notice that in cooling a very irregular contrac- tion takes place, often creating a strain in some parts of the metal, producing fracture. This contraction is more equal when the form of the girder in its section exhibits uniformity of thickness throughout its se- veral parts; in a T shape the arms con- stituting it, if made of one width, will have less tendency to an unequal cooling, and consequently a greater dependence upon its strength. Another caution for the founder is, that the angles should be rounded off, and not left too sharp or recti- linear. The builder will find that the same weight of metal applied to several small castings, will be of equal strength, and more to be depended upon than one large girder, which is also more difficult to move, and to secure in its place, than a number. The tensile strength of cast-iron hoving been considered as equal to 6½ tons per square inch, we may use that calcula- tion to proportion any beams, and make them of a size that the builder may de- pend upon their strength and be able to move them into the places destined, without the labour required for hoisting at one time a very considerable weight, not always practi- ASPHALTE CONCRETE 7 Fig. 3124. 5 P 4 1688 [Surp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. cable where a small number of workmen are engaged; and smaller weights may be also more equally dis- tributed over the walls that are to carry them. Wrought iron being crushed when 16 tons are applied to each square inch, this weight should not be hazarded upon a column of any height. The heights of columns must be made proportionate; for we find that their strength varies inversely as the square of their length. Square co- lumns have their strength as the fourth powers of their diameters, their breaking weights being proportional to their width and to the cube of their thickness di- rectly, and to the square of their length inversely. Where the metals are pre- ferred for construction to CONCRETE JOISTS OF ROLLED IRON Fig. 3125, timber on account of its inflammability, the cost is perhaps not so much taken into account; but the power of Baltic timber to resist a strain is greater than is usually sup- posed. Rods of that material will bear a tensile strain of five tons per square inch; the tension rod of wrought iron of the same strength, would be one fourth only of its sectional area, but nearly three times its weight; wrought iron will bear a strain of 10 tons per square inch, and Baltic timber one fourth only of that weight. The cylindrical rod of wrought iron an inch in diameter, and weighing about 8 lbs. per yard, will bear tensilely 16 tons. To serve the purposes of calculation, the square of the diameter, taken in quarter inches, is the breaking weight in tons, and half this quantity is the weight in pounds per yard; as a rod 6 inches in dia- meter contains 24 quarter inches, that number squared gives 574 tons for the breaking weight, one third of which should be allowed in practice. A layer of concrete, with a surface of asphalte, forms a secure floor, and fire proof. The figure shows the manner of pass- ing the iron girder through the iron upright shaft, above the capital, by which means the columns are braced in every direction. The rolled girder rests sometimes on the moulded capital of the column; and the joists of rolled iron rest at right angles upon it, passing through holes left in the column above the girders; a concrete pavement spread with asphalte constituting the floor, flat tiles being laid in courses between the joists for its support. ASPHALTE CONCRETE GIRDER Fig. 3126. 0 <... Where brick and iron are made use of, the girders of rolled iron rest immediately over the capitals of the columns, upon which are placed, at regular distances, rolled-iron joists; between them is turned a flat brick arch, on which is laid the concrete and upper floor or asphalte. Fireproof floors are made with the ordinary rolled iron; in some instances forming joists, in others girders. On the lower flange is laid stout laths, to receive the plaster SUPP.] 1689 BRICK AND IRON CONSTRUCTION. ceiling; over the upper face of the laths a layer of course mortar, on which rests the concrete which sustains the floor, which will be better understood by reference to the lon- gitudinal and transverse sections. Fig. 3127. I CONCRETE LAYER OF COARSE MORTAR STRIPS OF WOOD PLASTER CEILING BOARD SPACE IRON GIRDER Fig. 3128. CONCRETE PLASTER CEILING The fire-proof floors at Guy's hospital have girders of wrought iron, which carry cast- iron joists, over which is a bed of concrete, strips of fir being embedded in the upper surface, on which a deal floor is laid. CONCRETE Fig. 3129. BOARD SPACE IRON JOISTS WITH FLANGE FOR CEILING JOISTS CONCRETE Fig. 3130. CAST IRON JOISTS FLANGE FOR JOISTS The Bermuda cast iron Lighthouse was erected by Mr. Alexander Gordon, after the model of one he had previously constructed in Jamaica. The base upon which it is placed is 250 feet above the level of the sea; the structure itself is 105 feet 9 inches in height, and the lower diameter 24 feet. It is composed of 135 concentric cast-iron plates, moulded to be readily adapted to the conoidal figure of the lighthouse. These plates vary in thickness from 1 inch to of an inch, and are cast with flanges on 1690 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. the inside, 4 inches broad, including the thickness of the plate, and are farther strengthened at intervals of 12 inches by angular feathers, an inch thick. Holes are drilled in all the vertical and horizontal flanges, 6 inches apart, into which are passed square-headed screw bolts, of an inch in diameter, with nuts and washers, D Fig. 3135. SECTION. Fig. 3136. ELEVATION. 0 SUFF.] 1691 BRICK AND IRON CONSTRUCTION. In the centre of the light-house is a column from bottom to top of cast iron, 18 inches in diameter in the inside, the thickness of the metal being of an inch, This supports the optical arrangements introduced by M. Fresnel; and the weight of the revolving apparatus descends in the hollow shaft. This column was cast in 9 lengths, each terminating with circular flanges, to which the floor plates are bolted. At the height of 2 feet above each floor, there is a man hole or opening into the hollow shaft, 26 inches high and 15 Fig. 3131. GROUND PLAN. Fig. 3132. UPPER PLAN. Fig. 3133. MIDDLE PLAN. Fig. 3134. ROOF. inches wide, to which are fitted wooden doors, opened when any stores are lifted to the se- veral floors. The waste-water pipe is also enclosed in it. By reference to the section, it will be seen that the lower part of the tower, to the height of 20 feet, is filled with concrete, leaving a well in the middle 8 fet in diameter, steined with brickwork. The seven floors are each 12 feet in height; and the first and second are cased with brickwork, and used as store-rooms: the five upper are lined with sheet iron, of No. 16 gauge, disposed in panels with oak pilasters, cornices and skirtings. On the first floor is a cast-iron curb, 10 inches wide and 1 inch thick, on which a cast-iron floor- plate, of an inch thick, is fixed by bolts of an inch in diameter. The inner edges, as well of this as all the other floor-plates in the lighthouse, are bolted between the flanges. The second floor consists of ten radiating cast- iron plates, of an inch thick, resting on brick- work, the other five floors are similar, but rest upon the upper flanges of the outer plates that form the lighthouse. The eighth floor consists of sixteen ra- diating plates of cast iron, of an inch in thickness connectea with 3-inch bolts. ת Fig. 3137. There are five windows on each floor, one in the centre of every alternate plate in the circle. They are 18 inches square, fitted with. plate-glass in strong wooden frames 9½ inches square. Windows are introduced into the sides of the circular well, making altogether 36 windows. 1692 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 7 The staircase is formed spirally with two wrought-iron strings 1 inch thick, the risers and supports being inch thick; upon these are oak treads 1 inch thick. On each step is an iron baluster, of an inch in diameter, which supports a wrought-iron handrail. Around the outside of the upper platform is a gallery railing; and from the gallery to the centre of the light is 11 feet, from thence to the top of the vane 17 feet, making the total height of the lighthouse 378 feet 9 inches above the level of high water, so that it has been supposed that the light could be seen from the deck of a vessel at a distance of 26 miles. The cost of this building after its completion was nearly 8000%. Screw Piles and Moorings, so extensively used by the inventor, Mr. Mitchell, for construct- ing sub-marine foundations, have also been employed for lighthouses, beacons, piers, jetties, and breakwaters, in situations where the civil engineer found a soil composed of loose and unstable sand, incapable of supporting any kind of structure, or where the waves of the sea had the power of undermining any work within its influence. Upon the Goodwin sands (in 1851) a hollow pile, 6 inches in diameter, was screwed down with ease to a depth of more than 50 feet, passing through a fine and compact sand. Since that period the use of screw piles has been adopted for construction in situations where a solid foundation could not be otherwise obtained. To obtain a firm hold in sand or soft ground, nothing was found to succeed so well as the insertion of a bar of iron to a considerable distance beneath the surface, having at the lower end a broad plate or disc of metal, either of a spiral or helical form, resembling the screw. This form could be made to penetrate sand with facility without materially disturbing its solidity; and when an extended base was presented, it would resist any upward strain as well as downward pressure. The disc or area of the plate must be decided upon after the stratum it is to enter has been examined by boring; and in few cases has it been required to extend this diameter more than 4 feet. Among the earliest lighthouses constructed upon screw piles, was that at Maplin sand, where 9 malleable-iron piles were used, 5 inches in diameter and 26 feet in length, with a cast-iron screw 4 feet in diameter screwed to the foot of each. Eight of these piles were placed at the angles of an octagon, and one in the centre, screwed into the bank to the depth of 22 feet, leaving 4 feet above the surface. Fleetwood Lighthouse, the cost of which, including the dioptric apparatus, was 3,350l., is constructed on a sand bank two miles from the shore, and required seven wrought-iron piles 16 feet in length, with cast-iron screws 3 feet in diameter, one being placed at each angle of a hexagon, and one in the centre. On these were erected seven pieces of Baltic timber, 14 inches square, the six on the exterior 48 feet in length, and that in the centre 57 feet, to admit of its rising through the house to support the base of the lantern. In the foot of each of these supports a hole 5 inches in diameter was bored to the depth of 7 feet, to receive the end of the pile upon which it was shipped; and over this arrangement iron hoops were driven, hot. A small spiral flange was fixed on the end of each, to draw it into the sand. The dia- meter of the hexagonal base is 50 feet; that of the platform on which the house stands, 27 feet, the exterior piles having an inclination of 1 in 5. The floor of the house is 45 feet above the surface of the bank; and the tide rises 32 feet on the supports at equinoctial springs. Belfast Lighthouse, erected on the tail of the Hollywood bank, about a mile from the coast of Down, is of a similar description. The cast-iron screws were 2 feet 6 inches in dia- meter, attached to malleable-iron piles 5 inches in diameter and 26 feet in length, sunk in the bank 16 feet. Dundalk Lighthouse, is supported on nine malleable-iron piles, arranged octagonally, one at each angle, and one in the centre. The centre pile is 60 feet in length, the outer 52 feet; their diameters, 8 inches at the surface of the ground, diminishing upwards to 5 inches at the platform, and downwards to 6 inches at the level of the cast-iron screws, which are 2 feet in diameter, screwed 17 feet into the ground. The piles have an inclination inwards of 1 in 5; the diameter across the octagon at the base of the screws being 50 feet, and at the platform 30 feet. Each pile is in two parts, connected by a strong screw coupling. A strong iron framing of malleable-iron bars is placed 18 feet below the floor of the house, radiating from the centre pile to all the outer ones, and connecting the outer piles with those adjacent; these bars are 5 inches in diameter at the centre of their length, and are reduced to 4 inches at their extremities; they are secured to the piles by iron bands placed between collars forged on the piles; diagonal braces or tension rods of cable iron 2 inches in diameter are fixed between the centre and each of the outer piles, commencing at the horizontal bracing, and terminating below the platform, each pair being bound together at their crossing, and fitted, near the upper ex- tremity, with a screw and shackle for accurate adjustment, so that all the parts are bound together. SUPP.] 1693 IRON SCREW PILES. A cast-iron cap is ftted on the head of each pile, each resting on a forged collar, and form bed plates on which the main timbers of the platform are bolted. They are all secured to the piles by strong screws chased in the upper extremity, the nuts resting on a broad iron plate above the platform. The timber used is oak, and that only for the framing of the platform, the corner posts, the studs of the walls, and the rafters. The side walls are plate iron, and the covering sheet lead, 10 lbs. to the superficial foot. Chapman Sand Lighthouse, on a sandbank in the estuary of the Thames, is founded upon seven wrought-iron screw piles, one placed in the centre, and six at the angles of a hex- agon at an inclination inwards of 1 in 5; the piles are 7 inches in diameter, and 42 feet in length, with cast-iron screws 4 feet in diameter. Each pile weighs 3 tons, and is screwed down, 39 feet below the surface of the bank, into sand. Upon the heads of these piles are fixed strong cast-iron cylinders, connected by wrought-iron braces, to support the superstructure, which is of wrought iron with the exception of the interior fittings of the house. The foundations were laid in 1850, and the whole completed in 1851. F For ordinary uses piles are made extremely light, their discs varying from 1 to 2 feet, the latter being found sufficient for an ordinary mooring chain. At the Portland breakwater these screws were employed, entering very deep into the soil. <..... 1 .3. ... > --B! <<<<--- 2.0% Fig. 3138. 5.0" Fig. 3141. Screws for fencing-posts on the sands or the sea shore have been employed. Varieties of hollow iron piles, with screw ends,, have been used as supports for lighthouses, their lengths being made proportionate to their use. One used at the " <--8"..> ה 4'.0"- Fig. 3139. 2:6. Fig. 3140. <--1.0--> 3.0% <----- 2′.0" Fig. 3142. 1.2 foundation of the aqueduct at Well Creek weighed 33 cwts., was 2 feet in diameter; and another of the same diameter weighed 3 cwt., with a hexagon-formed shaft. A screw 3 feet in diameter, with a hollow shaft, is capable of great retension. 1694 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. For bridges, screws with hollow cast-iron piles, and the auger screws employed on rocks, are of several forms; their weights according to the services required. ·8.2- # 1 1 2.0% Fig. 3143. <--...... 2.0'.......> Buoys may be fixed by such screws, and, when made 8 feet in length, weigh about 13 cwt. For the attachment of guy ropes, or for any temporary use, this form is admi- rably adapted. <------ 1'. 6″------ Fig. 3144. Fig. 3145. A mooring for very hard ground re- quires conside able strength; and the weight of a sufficient screw for such a purpose would be 9 cwts. For mooring-chains 14 inches dia- meter, the diameter of the disc or screw extends 4 feet, and the weight of such is about 111 cwts. The screw mooring employed at the Portland breakwater is shown in fig. 3146. Rochester new Bridge Bridge across the Medway.-Nearly over the site of the old wooden bridge, mentioned in a former part of this work (page 414), a new one is in the course of erection, to consist of three openings for ves- sels, which are to be spanned with cast-iron segmental girders, — the cen- tral opening 170 feet, and the two 1 4.0%- Fig. 3146. 2.6. SUPP ] 1695 ROCHESTER NEW BRIDGE. others each 140 feet; but the works already performed deserve particularly to be noticed, as they are of a novel character in engineering, and reflect the highest commendation upon Mr. John Hughes, who was the first to adopt them. The old diving bell, contrived by ROCHESTER, ABUTMENTĮ, ROCHESTER PIER STROOD PIER 200 800 FT 100 EXTREME HIGH WATER LEVEL EXTREME LOW WATER LEVEL 000000 STROOD BUTMENT oooooo 00000 0000 00 Fig. 3147. Dr. Halley, and improved by Smeaton, has been by Mr. Hughes's application entirely superseded for foundations in deep water. Compressed air is made to free a cast-iron hollow pile from the water within it after it has been placed in its situation on the bed of the river where it is to be fixed; and afterwards this diving bell is to perform, without again being drawn up, a part of the permanent structure. The first application of this principle is mentioned by Dr. Ure, in his Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, as having been tried on the banks of the Loire, in France, by M. Triger in sinking a shaft through a quicksand 65 feet thick, to arrive at a stratum of coal. In the Comptes rendus, de l'Académie des Sciences, Mr. Hughes found a complete account of the system adopted by the French engineer, which was as follows: A pipe of wrought iron, 3 feet 4 inches in diameter, inch in thickness, and 65 feet in length, was made in several lengths of from 15 to 20 feet, which were connected together, as they were driven into the sand by an engine stationed near, in the same manner as usually adopted in the sinking of artesian wells. The sand was withdrawn from the wrought-iron cylinder by an auger, and the cylinder descended to the depth of 50 feet without much difficulty; but afterwards, when a stratum of coarse sand was arrived at, 200 blows of a ram weighing 2 tons, and falling through 5 feet, were required to force the hollow pipe a few inches. is stated that the two last yards of the descent consumed labour and time equal to more than double what was required for the previous part of the operation. (See page 1228) It The pneumatic aparatus used by M. Triger raised the water 82 feet by compressing the air two atmospheres including the natural atmosphere; and this was performed, by making an opening in the outlet pipe, at about 20 feet above the bottom, for the purpose of admit- ting a current of compressed air upon the column of water, thus bringing the tension of the air to act upon two points, so that, if it was not powerful enough to raise the entire column, it would partially effect it. The jet of water mingled with air rose 82 feet when the pressure exercised was not more than equal to 12 atmosphere. The apparatus altogether, on this occasion, only consisted of a steam engine, two air pumps, and an air vessel with a stuffing-box fixed at the lower part, intended to connect it with the wrought-iron pipe in a manner to enable the communication with the atmosphere to be at any time cut off. To this was added, to complete the apparatus, a supply pipe for the conveyance of the compressed air from the pumps to the shaft, and an outlet pipe for the discharge of water, two man-hole valves, for the passage of men and materials into and out of the air vessel, two cocks to be used for the same purpose, a pressure gauge, and safety valve. The air which passed from the pumps through the supply pipe, was compressed below the air vessel in the shaft, whenever the man-hole valve, which communicated between the two, was closed; and whenever the shaft became filled with water, the water, yielding to the pressure of the air, made its escape by the outlet pipe. Thus a constant supply of com- pressed air kept the shaft dry. The manner in which the above principle was applied to sinking the piles at Rochester Bridge, reflects as much credit upon Mr. Hughes as the invention upon M. Triger; as firmly fixing 70 hollow cylindrical piles in the bed of a tidal river was attended with far greater difficulties than sinking a single shaft upon terra firma. Each of the two river piers of the new bridge at Rochester covers an area of 1118 super- 1696 [Surf. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. ficial feet; their length being 70 feet, and width 17 feet 8 inches. Fourteen cylindrical piles, at distances of 9 feet longitudinally and 10 feet transversely, are employed in each of these two piers. In the Strood abutment, 30 of these piles, and on the Rochester side 12, are employed, each pile consisting of two, three, or more cylinders 9 feet in length and 7 feet in diameter, bolted together through stout flanges, the bottom length having a bevelled edge, to render it better able to enter the soil. To facilitate the fixing of the piles, Mr. Cubit, the engineer-in-chief, who designed the bridge, erected over the site of each pier a substantial timber stage, which aided the workmen to place the piles in such positions that they might be accurately dropped; and other tem- porary wooden platforms were adopted, to receive the materials as well as machinery required for the operation. The bed of the river was found, by boring, to consist of strata of soft clay, sand, and gravel overlying the chalk, which appeared at a depth of 44 feet below the average high-water line. On the side of the river where the Strood pier was placed, there was a hard mass of stone difficult of penetration. As it was found necessary that worknien should descend to the bed of the river to level the site of each cylinder, and to assist its descent, it was important to make the piles perform the duty of diving-bells, and conse- quently that the water should be kept out until the cylinder pile should be sunk 30 feet into the bottom of the river, and the workmen enabled to excavate and remove the earth in the interior, and fill up the void with brickwork and concrete instead. To effect this, one of the cylinders 7 feet in diameter and 9 feet in length, was converted into a diving-bell, with a wrought-iron cover securely bolted to it; through this cover, projecting 2 feet 6 inches above the top of the cylinder, and 3 feet 9 inches below the cover, were two cast-iron chambers or air locks of the form of the letter D. on the plan, with a sectional area of 6 superficial feet. The tops of these air locks, were provided with a circular opening 2 feet in diameter, and with a flap working on a horizontal hinge, which, when closed, enabled the chamber to be filled with compressed air. The communication from these air locks or chambers to the inside of the cylinder was made by an opening 3 feet 4 inches long and 2 feet wide, on the flat side of the chamber; this opening was closed by an iron door working on vertical hinges, rendering it air-tight when required. These air locks were placed upon opposite ends of the same diameter of the cylinder; and the lock doors opened so as to communicate with opposite semi-cylinders. Within the cylinder was fixed two wrought-iron cranes, their jibs sweeping over the space between the air locks, extending into the chamber when the doors opened, so that a loaded bucket suspended from the crane could be lodged in the chamber. A loaded and empty bucket, at the opposite ends of these cranes, were worked by a two- handled windlass, from the barrel of which the chain passed over the sheaves of the two cranes. Cocks were attached to the air locks, allowing a communication between them and the interior of the cylinder, and also from the chamber to the atmosphere. Each air lock had two sets of cocks,-one, accessible from the inside of the chamber, for the use of the workmen passing either from or into the cylinder, the other for passing buckets of materials through the air locks. One cock was placed under the charge of a workman inside the cylinder, communicating between the chamber and the atmosphere in such a manner that he could, after the door was closed, let off the compressed air, and pass a bucket from the inside to the out. Another cock, communicating from the chamber to the interior of the cylinder, worked by a man outside, enabled him on closing the flap to fill the chamber with compressed air, and to pass a bucket from the out to the inside. The cylinder which contained the cranes was provided with two glass lenses, 9 inches in diameter, inserted in the cover; and two similar admitted light to the chambers of the air locks. A removable platform was provided for the workmen, so that in working the winch they might always be placed at a convenient height. Steam engines, and air pumps for the supply of compressed air, were conveniently placed; and the cylinder pile received the latter by a double-barrelled pump 12 inches in diameter and 18-inch stroke, with double action, driven by a 6-horse power non-condensing steam engine. The pipe through which the air was supplied was 24 inches in diameter, formed of iron lap-welded tubes, with hose pipes at the ends, so as to suit its various applications. Within the cylinder, the air pipe was terminated by a valve opening inwards, which ob- viated any accident that might occur by the bursting of the pipe. When the works were commenced, the water in the cylindrical pile was first expelled, be- neath the lower edge of the pile, into the river; but after it had descended sufficiently into the earth to oppose a resistance to this expulsion, a siphon pipe was introduced, the longer leg of which depended on the bottom of the pile, and the outlet for the water provided in the uppermost cylinder. The pressure of the condensed air was thus made to act on the SUPP.] 1697 CAST-IRON PILES. surface of the water within; whilst the shortest leg, leading into the river, had the effect of relieving the amount of compression for nearly the difference, as a column of water between the summit of the siphon and the surface of the river outside, by the action of the ex- ternal atmosphere, provided a vacuum was once obtained in the body of the siphon; and this was produced by connecting the summit with the exhausted side of the air pumps by a pipe which could be opened and shut at pleasure. Another cock, placed on the internal leg of the siphon, enabled the workmen to dissipate the fog which would occasionally arise within the cylinder, caused by too sudden an expansion of the compressed air. This siphon also acted as a safety valve, as well as an outlet for the continual change of air; when the cock was closed, the air locks were worked at regular intervals, so as to abstract a portion of the air contained in the pile, and to replace it by fresh air through the pumps. When the works were proceeding under the weight of a column of water of 30 or 40 feet, it was found that the escape of the air, suddenly, caused a depression of 2 or 3 pounds on the square inch, as the pressure gauge attached indicated; but by the continued action of the air pumps and the flow of water from the outside, this action was rapidly reversed. After this siphon was adopted, the escape of the air within the pile caused a dense fog, which obscured the lights and chilled the workmen, and the rush of water out of the river rising to the same height in the pile, was prevented. To insure the downward action of each pile in its proper vertical position, it was neces- sary to load it sufficiently to counteract the upward pressure; and this was done by laying on the top of the cylinder two stout trussed beams of Dantzic timber, in such a position as to bring the adjacent piles into action as counterbalance weights, which was effected by passing four chains connected with them over cast-iron sheaves. One end of each chain was attached to the flange of the adjoining pile; and the other was secured to one of the 6-feet cylinders suspended inside the 7-feet cylinders, and freely worked up and down within it; by this means an additional weight of 40 tons could be added. The bottom of the Medway is dry at extreme ebbs, and has from 24 to 26 feet depth of water at extreme high tide. The apparatus here attempted to be described, is most admirably shown on a large scale, with all its important details, in a work published by Mr. John Hughes, to which we must refer the reader who requires its use or application. The method of working it commenced by setting the pumps in motion, the flap of one of the air locks and the door of the other being closed. a few strokes compressing the air within the pile sufficiently to seal the joints; and every subsequent stroke delivered an additional quantity, until the density was sufficient to expel the water, and leave the bottom dry. Fifteen feet of water was cleared out in five minutes; and whilst the pumping continued, the workmen passed through the air locks to their respective stations; and as the excavations proceeded, the material, sent up in buckets, was discharged into lighters placed alongside. During the time of shallow water, the pile descended as rapidly as the excavation below would permit it; but when the water was deep, and the weight of the pile and elasticity of com- pressed air contained in it were nearly in equilibrio, the excavation was carried down 14 inches below the edge of the pile, when it would at once descend through the whole space, as soon as the pressure was eased off. Our woodcut ought to have comprised seven cylinders in height, the lowest of which rested upon hard chalk; the next above was surrounded by soft chalk; and the third from the bottom by Kentish rag stone, the bed of the river being about the middle of the fourth cylinder from the top as well as from the bottom. The cast-iron pile a is 7 feet in diameter; and the adjacent piles, b, b, are pitched on the bottom of the river, and supposed to be erected to the height to receive the lock cylinder. c, c, c, c, are cylinders 9 feet in length, added in succession as the pile enters the ground below the bottom of the river. d is the the level of the bed of the river. e, e, e, e, are the flanges through which the cylinders are bolted together, the joints being made air-tight with cement. f, the lock cylinder fitted up with apparatus for passing men and materials into and out of the pile. After the pile was sunk 9 feet, this cylinder was lifted off, and an ordinary cylinder was then bolted on to the pile, and the lock cylinder again placed on the upper end of it, leaving it ready for the exclusion of the water by the air pumps. g, a wrought-iron cover, bolted to the upper flange of the lock cylinder, having an air- tight joint. h, h, cages or air locks, two in number, each having an opening 3 feet 4 inches by 2 feet, closed by a door below the cover, and a circular hole at top 2 feet in diameter, with a flap which when open hangs down inside, and when closed is retained in its place by the pressure of the condensed air underneath it. k, l, are the two flaps, the latter represented open, the other shut, 5 Q 1698 [Surr. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 28 8 # q V f M b Fig. 3148. 30330CVIBUIVYTÍVAAVOLVALETTIENTS MORTUAAAAAAAADA TESUMEUNANUS MUST TAI YUKLE Ꮽ Л 2 ย W o, the interior windlass, and chain. q, q, the full and empty buckets. p, the cranes. r, r, ladders and their stages pitched alternately right and left. SUPP.] CAST-IRON PILES. 1699 s, the interior stage for the working the windlass. t, t, the beams, with the sheave timbers across at each end. u, u, cast-iron sheaves, and wrought-iron chains carrying the counter weights. v, v, apparatus for controlling the counter weights. w, w, the counter weights. x, the outside windlass. z, z, z, the interior leg of the siphon. b, b, are the adjacent piles. c, c, the cylinders added in succession. e, e, the flanges by which they are connected. f, the lock cylinder. g, the wrought-iron cover. h, the cages or air locks. 1, the flap, shut. m, m, doors. o, interior windlass. p, the cranes. q, the buckets. r, r, the ladders. s, the stage. t, t, the beams. u, u, cast-iron sheaves. v, v, apparatus for weights. w, w, the counterweights. x, the outside windlass. z, z, the leg of siphon. z', the exterior ditto. 1, 1, the atmospheric cocks for the escape of the compressed air out of the cages, after closing the doors, when passing the buckets. 2, 2, pressure cocks, for the admission of compressed air into the cages after closing the flaps for the pur- pose of passing the buckets to the inside of the pile, worked by a man on the outside. 3, 3, atmospheric cocks, for the escape of compressed air, which are worked from the interior. A h A B B m The cylinder pile, which is being sunk, is shown in plan. Fig. 3149. W པ་ t D h g 18 கு Fig. 3150. Fig. 3151. 向 ​.O 魚 ​B 向 ​W W D 5 Q 2 1700 [Supp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. W 1 t אי a a O 3 b Fig. 3152. 4, 4, pressure cocks used for a similar purpose. 5, 5, siphon cock 6, 6, the bucket-ways through the stage s. 7, 7, glass lenses in the flaps of cages. 8, 8, glass lenses in the cover of the lock cylinder. a, the cylinder pile which is being sunk. b, b, the adjacent piles, shown in section. e, e, the flanges, through which the cylinders are bolted. f, the lock cylinder in elevation. h, cages or air locks. t, t, the beams, with sheave timbers across each end. u, u, cast-iron sheaves and chains, for carrying the counter- weights. v, v, apparatus for regulating them. w, w, the counter weights, for the spare cylinder,6 feet in diameter, inside the adjacent piles, which is floored at the bottom, to carry a load of bricks. x, the outside windlass. z, outside leg of siphon. 9, air-supply pipe connecting the lock cylinder with the air pump and fitted with a safety valve inside the former. 10, pipe leading to the pressure gauge. We have endeavoured to convey an idea of the manner in which these iron supports were placed in the middle of a tidal river, and to show the working of the apparatus which pumped out the water, and introduced the material within the piles which was required to render hem solid enough to bear the bridge to be placed upon them. The use of hollow cylindrical piles has here been improved upon, by making them serve the purposes of a diving bell, and this at the least possible cost; wherever iron cylinders had been used on former occasions, there was considerable difficulty in sinking them to the depth required. In this instance the labour was abridged, and the dangers attendant upon it overcome. h W FIG. 3153. SUPP. 1701 CRANE FOR HOISTING. Dundee Hurbour.-At Earl Grey's Dock has been erected a crane, capable of lifting as much as 30 tons, the total weight of which does not exceed 60 tons; and the cost of the materials and construction was about 20007. The crane is moved easily; its radius is 35 feet to the centre of the jib sheave, giving a sweep of 28 feet beyond the face of the wall when using a double purchase, and a foot more with a single purchase: for the former the chain is hooked up to the eye under the jib, and the weight suspended from a sheave in the bight. The jib is of oak, 24 inches in diameter in the largest part, and 21 inches in lesser ; from the platform the height to the centre of the jib sheave is 34 feet. It is worked by eight men when 30 tons is required to be lifted; and one man can move it round by the application of the horizontal gearing. LEVEL OF QUAY Fig. 3154. side elevVATION AND SECTION OF MASONRY. GUINDELARIO 豚 ​Fig, 3155. BACK BLEVATION 5 Q 3 1702 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The weights of the cast-iron employed are as follows:- Footstep Cylinder Ring Washers Cwt. 47 qrs. lbs. 3 15 303 1 10 30 3 25 5 0 0 $87 0 22 Fixed cast iron # Movable cast iron: - Lower part of post Cwt. 181 qrs. lbs. 0 14 Top do. 147 0 24 Cheeks 68 0 14 Bottom socket for jib 20 1 19 Top do. 33 1 18 Barrel 13 1 11 Cylinder cover 16 0 13 Various parts 77 3 12 557 2 13 Malleable iron employed in the Cwt. qrs. lbs. Masonry In the crane - Chain 68 0 9 148 1 10 19 2 0 235 3 19 About 2 cwt. of brass was employed, which added to the above weight of metal amounts to 1183½ cwt. or thereabouts. DHE 433 Fig. 3156. PLAN OF GEARING. Fig. 3157. SIDE Elevation of framing. Figs. 3154, 3155. show the side transverse and back elevations of the crane. Fig. 3156. Plan of gearing. Fig. 3157. Side elevation of framing. Fig. 3158. Plan of footsteps. Fig. 3159. Plan of cylinder and crane post, together with the plan of foot of crane post. SUPP.] CRANE FOR HOISTING 1703 回 ​Fig. 3159. PLan of cylin))er and crane post. 回 ​回 ​Fig. 3158. PLAN OF FOOTSTEPS. 回 ​O 回 ​D A 10 回 ​回 ​PLAN OF FOOT of crane post. 2X6 回 ​回 ​Fig. 3160. Plan of friction rollers. Fig. 3161. Plan of cylinder cover. Fig. 3162. Sections of the several parts. The iron plate worked in at the bottom of the shaft is 6 feet 6 inches in diameter; and the turning part is 24 feet 8 inches in height from the bottom to the level on which the gearing is placed. The diameter of the cast-iron cylinder in which the crane turns is 5 feet 3 inches; the cylinder is lined with cast iron, and the crane is placed upon a stone platform raised 6 feet above the level of the quays. That portion which moves round is 27 feet in depth, and nearly reaches the bottom of the dock, working in the cast-iron water-tight cylinder, 5 feet 3 inches in diameter at bot- tom, and 6 feet 4 inches at the top, where it forms a collar for the friction rollers. The masonry is secured by sixteen 24-inch round bolts, with four others of the same size placed diagonally. The jib stays are well wrought, 24 inches in diameter; and the chain is formed of iron 14-inch diameter. The side elevation of the framing stands 11 feet 8 inches in height above the level of the masonry. O C D4x″ O O O 回 ​O Ο O ព #25 J J Fig. 3160. PLAN OF FRICTION ROLLERS. Fig. 3162. SECTIONS OF Parts, 7 ESTAMINASAISE. 5 Q 4 1704 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, .9%.0%.. B 同 ​E 回 ​12. a a "THICK 回 ​Fig. 3161. PLAN OF THE Cylinder cover. The Hydraulic Ram, in- vented by J. L. Gatchell, in America, differs somewhat from those described in a former part of this work. Between the air vessel, C, and the body of the ram, A, is placed a flexible diaphragm, H, depressed by a spiral spring, G, but also capable of a recoil, thus communicating the momentum of the water passing through the body of the instrument to that which is contained in the air vessel. The ram is by this means made double-acting, as the water in the air vessel is kept separate from that which drives the instrument. This effect has in some degree been produced by sliding pistons and by interposed columns of air; but the flexible dia- phragm enables the water to be lifted into the chamber by atmospheric pressure, and also assists tne discharge valve in its action. K D ୯ J M B F E L G H A Fig. 3163. THE HYDRAULIO RAM, SUPP.] 1705 CONICAL FLOUR MILL. When the water in the feeding pipe is in motion, its momentum closes the impetus valve at L, and exerts an influence upon the diaphragm, H; and at the same the spring valve opens and lets in the water to the air vessel, C, the compressed air at D gradually forces the water up the rising pipe K. A weight placed over the diaphragm at the moment the water reacts in the body of the ram, the falling of the diaphragm will produce a vacuum in the chamber B, admitting a portion of the water up the pipe J, through the valve F, from By admitting the water from the reservoir into the diaphragm chamber through the pipe J, it will not require that the weight before alluded to should be placed on the diaphragm. a well or reservoir below the level of the ram. In putting this ram together, screw bolts were avoided, as they were found to corrode ; the joints are, instead, secured by small keys, which can be drawn by an ordinary hammer. These rams are of several sizes, some being capable of throwing up 10 gallons per minute. Conical Flour Mills, invented by Mr. Westrup, have been erected in several parts of the kingdom, and differ materially from the ordinary method of grinding corn, where the lower circular stone was fixed, and the upper revolved, the wheat being introduced by an opening, and ground between the revolving and fixed dressed surfaces. These stones were about 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, and weighed about 14 cwt., and that which revolved made about 120 revolutions in a minute, a single pair of stones requiring the power of a 4-horse engine to main- tain the necessary speed. The new conical mill has the upper stone fixed; and that which runs is beneath and reduced in weight to 1 cwt. ; the two stones are made in the form of a frustum of a cone. E is the upper fixed mill- stone, and F the upper runner; Gis the lower top stone, stationary, and H the lower runner. Both pairs of stones are mounted upon the same spindle, and are im- pelled by the same gearing. The reduction of the weight of the running stone from 14 cwt. to 1 cwt., the placing it below, instead of above, giving it the same number of revolutions per minute neces- sarily requires much less power, In the old mills about 192 lbs. of flour were delivered per hour; in the one described the quantity is asserted to be 462 lbs. per hour. The feed pipe, through which the wheat passes to be ground, is shown at A, first entering a chamber at B ; and the quantity to be passed is regulated by the rod C. At Dis a chamber over the eye of the stones, which receives the corn from the regulator. Between the upper and lower mill-stones is placed an upright wire cylinder with side brushes acting upon the wires. L B K D K Fig. 3164. CONICAL MILL. P I K K is a level wheel and driving shaft, which turns the spindle I, upon which the runners are hung. L is the iron frame in which the entire machine is placed. O is a regulator for adjusting the upper pair of stones, and P that of the lower. THE CONWAY AND BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGES. The Conway and Britannia Tubular Bridges, designed and carried into effect, by Mr. Robert Stephenson, constitute the most remarkable engineering works of the period, since the publication of our first edition of the Encyclopædia. The latter bridge is only a mile 1706 [ Sufp. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. distant from the suspension bridge erected by Mr. Telford in 1820 (described at page 509), and equally deserving of admiration for the boldness of the undertaking and from the careful manner in which the several portions of the work have been carried out. This highly talented engineer, tho- roughly acquainted with the vast re- sources and various improvements which had grown out of the thousands of miles of railway already constructed, called to his aid the ablest among the practical men who had tested by experience the employment of iron in every variety of construction. With this aid he ventured to carry out his gigantic project of con- structing hollow iron beams 470 feet in length, each weighing 2000 tons, floating them on rafts through the contracted channels of the Strait, where the force of the tide is eight miles per hour, and from the surface of which they were to be lifted into their permanent position 100 feet; without the aid also of ex- perienced contractors as well as of men of ability and experimental inquiry, it would have been dangerous to risk the crossing of the Menai Strait, which sepa- rates the Isle of Anglesey from Carnarvon. Models upon a large scale, of various forms and dimensions, of every variety of material to be employed, were tested as to their strength before their ulti- mate proportions were decided upon. The machinery for the lifting and con. struction of the tubes, which were the characteristic feature of the design, un- derwent the most diligent observations; and nothing was done towards carrying out this stupendous work before all was satisfactorily inquired into, and the effi- ciency proved beyond a shadow of doubt. The Britannia and Conway bridges together cost nearly 750,0007. The Chester and Holyhead Railway Company, desiring to facilitate the com- munication between England and Ire- land, extended their north-western line through the mountains of North Wales to the intended Harbour of Refuge at Holyhead, which, completed, will con- tain at low water an area of 316 acres. The distance from Chester to Holy- head Island is 84 miles; and through- out, the engineering difficulties that occurred were most admirably sur- mounted by Mr. Robert Stephenson. At the commencement is a tunnel 405 yards in length through the red sand- stone; a viaduct of forty-five arches lead- ing to the bridge that crosses the Dee; a pile and swing bridge which crosses the river Foryd; a tunnel 530 yards in length through the limestone of Pen- maen Rhos. At Conway, 45 miles from Chester, the river close to the castle is crossed by the tubular bridge, a tunnel 90 yards in length; and before the railway reaches the Snowdon moun- Fig. 3165. VIEW OF THE CONWAY TUBULAR BRIDGE. SUPP.] 1707 TUBULAR BRIDGES. tains there are two others 680 and 220 yards in length, after which it is carried over a cast-iron girder viaduct. The Ogwen river and valley are crossed by a stone aqueduct 246 yards in length. Three tunnels, 440, 920, and 726 yards in length, through slate, greenstone, and primary sandstone; a viaduct 132 yards in length, and 57 yards above the river Cegid, conducts to the last tunnel, 550 yards in length, where the Stanley-sands embankment leads to the Island of Holyhead. The Conway Bridge (Fig. 3165.) is situated over the river where it forms the eastern watershed of the Snowdon mountains. Eight miles above, the river is navigable; and as it approaches the castle it widens to three quarters of a mile or more; but where the castle is situated the channel is interrupted by a small island 120 yards from the castle, on which site Mr. Telford erected an elegant suspension bridge at the time he was building that over the Menai Strait. This bridge, commenced in 1847, was so far advanced in March 1848, as to be floated to its place, and raised to its ultimate destination in the month following, the range of the tide at Conway being 21 feet. The suspension bridge is 50 feet at the Chester end, and 63 feet at the Conway end, from the tubular bridge erected by Robert Stephenson. The span of Mr. Telford's suspension bridge is 315 feet; but in consequence of the shelving suddenly of the rock beneath the castle walls, an abutment could not be ob- tained for the tubular bridge without making it 400 feet in length, the height above the water being 18 feet, which corresponds with that of the suspension bridge. The foundations of the towers on both shores were obtained by cutting the rocks into steps, wherever it was possible, and forming a platform 2 feet below high water, resting on piles, where the silt occurred, 4800 cube feet of Memel timber being employed for that purpose. The masonry is faced throughout with stone from the Anglesey and Great Orme's Head quarries, the courses varying in thickness from 18 inches to 3 feet, and the stones in weight from 5 to 8 tons, the total quantity employed being 161,450 cubic feet. The external face up to the level of the iron tubes is quarry faced, with the angles boasted or smooth. Above this level the exterior is of dressed Ashlar, backed throughout with Runcorn stone, and occasional brick-work. All the beds and joints of the stone are dressed fair, and set in mortar made of Aberthaw limestone. The Runcorn stone em- ployed amounted to 191,255 cubic feet. The walls were backed with Buckley fire-brick set in Roman cement, with its due pro- portion of sand. (Fig. 3166.) HIGH WATER Fig. 3166. TOWERS OF THE conway bridge. The contract for the masonry was 38,500%, and this part of the work was completed by February, 1849; the scaffolding was of the ordinary kind, and the hoisting the material was effected by travelling cranes. Construction of the First Tube.After a platform of timber had been erected, 420 feet in length, and 40 feet in breadth, 21 feet above the tide, upon a convenient part of the beach, the construction of the tube commenced upon seven longitudinal sleepers, so placed that the joints of the tube could be easily riveted. Workshops, with a 20-horse steam engine, were placed alongside the platform; and three punching and shearing machines, a vertical drill and lathe, a fan blower for the rivet fur- naces, and a powerful punching machine were all worked by the shafting connected with the engine. Square wooden tubing conducted from the fan blower blasts for all the furnaces and forges throughout the work. These works had a crane for unloading the iron plates, and a riveting machine erected in front of the sheds. Afrer the wrought-iron plates were sheared to the uniform dimensions, and pro- 1708 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. [Supr. perly flattened, which, from their thickness being 3 inches, was not very easily accom- plished; they were marked out for punching by the application of a wooden template, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING O -22′,6%- - דה ·7-0 ㅁ ​ㅁ ​O |<1.0% O ----7.0. " O ୪୪୫୪୪୪ -2.4 -2.4. Half Section at End, showing the lifting beams. Half Section at Centre. Fig. 3167. CONWAY TUBE. 25′.5" SUPP.] 1709 CONWAY TUBULAR BRIDGE. in which the requisite holes were bored; and a stick dipped in whiting, passing through them, marked the position where the rivet holes were to be punched. The angle and T-iron were straight- ened by hammering, and the ends care- fully forged to obtain good butt joints, after which they were also marked with a template for riveting. The bent T-iron was forged into a curved shape for the knees, upon a cast- iron pattern; and the angle iron was cranked for passing over the covers by the smiths at the forge. The punching press was worked by a crank with a fly-wheel, the plates being moved by hand, so as to bring the whitened spots beneath the punch; in some instances two holes or more were punched at once through the 2-inch plates. The power of this machine may be esti- mated when it is understood that 46 tons pressure is required to punch a 1-inch hole through a plate inch in thickness, and about 8500 holes may be made in three days with a good punch; one ma- chine with a double punch made in one day, 5670 holes. After the iron had been thus far pre- pared, it underwent the operation of plat- ing, the bars and plates being secured into their position by cotter pins and bolts, preparatory to riveting. The rivets were made of 2-inch iron rod, which was cut up, in a cold state, into lengths of 4 inches by a pair of shears. These were made red hot on the floor of a reverberatory furnace, and in this state dropped into a mould, with their tops protruding 1 inch, which, by the blows of a heavy hammer, was flattened into a head; a man and boy in the course of an hour, by the aid of a machine, making from 300 to 450 rivets. These rivets were fixed by several sets of riveters, a set consisting of two riveters, one holder up, and two boys; one of the latter, at the furnace, attended to the heat- ing of the rivets, and cast them to the other boy, who with the pincers placed them, when red hot, into the holes de- stined for their reception. The holder up then, with a large hammer, maintained a pressure behind the rivet, whilst the two other riveters in front struck it alternately, and formed the head by the assistance of a snap of a cup shape held over the rivet, which being struck gave it the hemisphe- rical form. This was performed rapidly, or in the space of half a minute. The steam riveting machine chiefly made use of for the Conway tube con- sisted of a steam cylinder, with a piston of large diameter, with a 9-inch stroke, working horizontally. As the work brought to this machine weighed several tons, a travelling crane, moving on rails laid on two stone walls DIXZ1 12 x 6 12×7 12x6 12X8 12X7 BX21 12X8 4.6 E 宅 ​TIL Fig. 3168. PONTOONS. 1710 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. for the purpose, gave a parallel motion in a vertical direction to the masses of iron to be riveted. The steam employed was at a pressure of 40 pounds per inch; consequently a pressure of 32 tons was exerted upon the rivet. Plates riveted in long strips by this machine were finally united in their places by hand-riveting. By August 1847 the tube was far advanced, and in the following January completed. It was 424 feet in length, allowing at each end a 12-foot bearing on the tower. At the bottom it had a camber of 6.49 inches in the centre. The six Pontoons (fig. 3168. p. 1709).— Each contained 5461 cubic feet of timber, and 6 tons 4 cwt. of iron, and cost about 15007. The length was 98 feet, breadth 25 feet, and depth 8 feet. The sides were perpen- dicular, with their ends sloped. They were formed of 4-inch deal, upon four longitu- dinal braced timbers, held by iron ties, and provided with pumps and brass valves to admit water when required to be sunk to accommodate the loading or unloading. As the tide rose and fell, the valves at the bottom were left open, so that they were entirely under command, and could be made to bear up the tube, or be released from it, at pleasure, by alternately filling and emptying the pontoons. When the tube was laid upon the pontoons, struts were placed within it, to prevent any change taking place in its form. The floating the Conway tube was commenced on the 6th of March 1848; after it had been placed upon the pontoons, it was with some difficulty moored into its position by the 11th, the weather proving unfavourable. On the 8th of April the raising of the tube commenced; and the rate of lifting was about 2 inches per minute; a 6-feet stroke occupied 34 minutes, the engine making 60 strokes per minute. By the 10th the tube was raised 6 feet; the packing underneath was effected by timber struts. On the following day it was raised, and suspended from the clams attached to the presses 3 feet above the level destined for its ultimate position, when the end pieces, with the bed plates under them, were finally arranged. On the 16th the tube was lowered and properly secured on its permanant bed; by the 18th the rails were placed throughout its entire length, and the engineer was enabled to pass through with the first locomotive. The second tube was floated afterwards, and finally lowered to its bed by the 2nd January 1849, and the two tubes, secured upon their permanent beds, were painted with stone colour, having previously had two coats of red lead as the work was put together, the joints being all carefully fitted with red and white lead; the tops of the tubes were covered with corrugated galvanised iron plates. T P T ច T D · T T P Fig. 3169. STeam ExGINE SUPP.1 1711 CONWAY TUBULAR BRIDGE. To float these tubes, it was necessary to make use of two heavy chain cables, which were attached to moorings near the suspension bridge, and made tight at the other end by strong crabs. These cables were passed over the decks of the two outer pontoons, through hawse pipes in the timber of the boats, in each of which were crabs worked by twenty- four men. A capstan, fixed beneath the first tube near the castle, and another near the Chester point, each worked by fifty men, constituted the moving power employed upon the transit of the second tube. These two capstans were each 3 feet in diameter; and the ropes were 10-inch white Manilla hemp, untarred. Other cables were employed as guides to this difficult operation, and for the purpose of securing the pontoons in their positions. The tide on the occasion of raising the first tube rose 17 feet, the level at which the permanent rail was fixed being 21 feet 6 inches. To hasten the placing of the tube on its bed as the tide was running out, the valves of the pontoons were opened, and 18 inches of water admitted, so that in about 20 minutes the operation was completed, and the pon- toons, being freed from their burtben, were allowed to drift from beneath it, and were then towed away. The Cost of the Conway Bridge: - Cast iron Wrought iron Hydraulic presses Chains Proportion of experiments Construction, floating, and raising Masonry Total - F S. d. 6,887 19 3 28,239 18 3 983 0 0 203 0 6 1,306 0 0 69.071 0 0 106,690 18 0 - 38,500 0 0 £145,190 18 0 Steam Engine employed to work the Hydraulic Presses. It was at first intended to work force pumps by hand in the interior of the tube, for the purpose of raising it; but it was afterwards found more economical to apply steam. The steam cylinder, C, rested on an horizontal frame of cast iron, secured on wooden framing. The two pumps were worked by the direct action of the piston of the steam cylinder, which passed through stuffing boxes at each end of the cylinder. The two fly-wheels were put in motion by a cross beam on the piston rod. The engine and boiler were placed with the presses on the lower level. The steam cylinder was 17 inches in diameter, or 227 inches in area, and the length of the stroke 16 inches. The piston of the force pump was 1 inch in diameter, and the length of its stroke 16 inches, 36 124 cylindrical inches of water being required for each stroke. As Hydraulic Press for raising the Tubes at Conway. we have, at page 1026, given an idea of this machine, it is not necessary to repeat it; we here see it worked by steam, and an enormous weight lifted to a considerable height. By this simple power the tubes were raised from the level of the water to their permanent position. Had this been performed by a simple lever, it would have been requisite for one arm to have been 448,000 times longer than the other; to enable the force of 1 pound to raise the weight 100 feet, it would have been necessary to continue that pressure through a space of 83,522 miles. H (fig. 3170.), cross head; P A', are iron beams, supported in the masonry of the piers to re- ceive the press, which was placed in the cast-iron jacket J, bedded on a sheet of lead. رح M K H R X J K P P Fig. 3170. HYDRAULIC PRESS. Y The power used to elevate the tubes was the pressure of steam on the piston of the steam engine, which at every 16-inch stroke raised the cross head, H (fig. 3174.), parts of an inch; the pressure of 1 pound on the steam piston through any space is represented in the cross head by a pressure of 2 cwt. through 1712 [ SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERing. P P K K J K Fig. 3171. SECTION AT X Y OF FIG. 3170. Cross Head. :8- H 9'. 1ő K 3.8- P P Fig. 3172. H, the cross HEAD OF FIG. 3174. Fig. 3173. Vertical section AT E F of Fig. 3175. a proportionably less space; a continued pressure of of a ton, therefore, was sufficient to elevate the 2000 tons. In the hydrostatic press, where air instead of water is used, to obtain the necessary power considerable attention is required to make the lid or piston air-tight; in the hydraulic press there is the same necessity of attention to make them water-tight. The cast-iron jackets were made of great strength, to resist the pressure; the piston rods worked in packing round the ram of the hydraulic press, which was effected by a curved leather collar, maintained in close contact, both with the ram and the cylinder, by the pressure of the water in the inside of the curve. The internal diameter of the press was 20 inches; that of the ram 18 inches; the ex- ternal diameter of the press 3 feet 1½ inch; the thickness of the metal 83 inches. The water was forced into the cylinder through the aperture shown near the top at T, by a wrought-iron supply pipe, nearly half an inch in diameter, and a quarter of an inch in thickness. The ram was guided vertically by two wrought-iron 6-inch guide rods, fitted into a socket at the top of the press, and keyed above into a cast-iron girder built into the masonry. The lifting-chains were bored and slotted with great attention; each link alternately consisted of eight and nine plates, was in length 6 feet from centre to centre of the pin- holes. The thickness of these plates was 11 inch, and that of the nine plates 1 inch, their width being 7 inches. The sectional area of the eight-plates was 70 inches, and that of the nine-plates 69 square inches. The weight of the eight-plate link 16 cwt. 2 qrs. 16 lbs., that of the nine-plate link 16 cwt. 2 qrs. 6 lbs. The area of the four chains was 276 square inches. There were two sorts of clams: that placed on the cross head rose with it and lifted the chain and tube: that on the under side was fixed to the cast-iron girders which sup- ported the press, and was used for securing the chain at the end of each lift while the press was lowered and the upper set of links removed. The wrought-iron clamping cheeks were so slotted as to closely fit beneath the slotted shoulder in the head of each link; these were withdrawn or closed by right and left- handed screws, by turning of which the cheeks were brought into close contact with the chain. The Britannia Bridge, as we learn from an inscription on the frieze of the abutment towers, was "Erected Anno Domini MDCCCL., Robert Stephenson, Engineer;" and SUFP.] 1713 CONWAY TUBULAR BRIDGE. it is remarkable that only a mile from the suspension bridge has this work been executed, which rivals that daring undertaking by Mr. Telford in 1820. The Menai Strait has Top of Girder Plan. O O A H R 3. X J P P A¹ + • — P འ།།}? עוועעעע! TDA DIDEL Fig. 3174. FRONT ÉLEVATION. P, iron additional girder, with half-inch deal plank between. A¹, large girders, of 12 tons weight each. J E C K H K K 1 Fig. 3175. SEction at a B. Y B 5 R 1714 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. been crossed by the two novelties of engineering boldness, which are the boast of the present century. The Island of Anglesey has been united to the main-land by iron con- structions of the most novel character, differing in great principles one from the other, and both calling forth a knowledge of the tensile qualities of the metal employed. The Island of Anglesey (Fig. 3176.) has between it and the mainland a channel which runs from Carnarvon Bay to that of Beaumaris, its direction being from south west to north-west, its length be- tween 11 and 12 miles, the width of its tortuous water way varying from 1000 feet to three quarters of a mile. The tides of this rocky and dangerous strait are peculiar, as they advance up the Irish Sea, branch off over the sandbanks of the bay at Carnarvon, and reach the Beaumaris Bay some time before the main tidal wave has passed round the Island of Anglesey. Immediately the tidal wave reaches Beaumaris Bay, the current that has set in from Carnarvon is opposed, and the tide flows in opposite directions into the strait. This conflict of the two forces occasions it to be high water at the site of the Britannia Bridge at least 20 minutes before the proper high water arrives, and the tide continues to flow 20 minutes after the current is changed; and this current in both directions resembles the rapids of a river, and runs at the rate of 8 miles an hour. The Britannia tubular bridge crosses the Menai Strait where it is contracted by the rock desig- nated the Britannia, dividing it by two equal water ways. The Carnarvon shore is steep; and it also rapidly rises on the Anglesey coast. In the middle of the strait, the rocks rise about 11 feet above the level of low water; these rocks, in length 350 feet, and 120 in breadth, are formed of chlorite schist. On the Carnarvon side the depth of high water is 47 feet, and in the Anglesey Channel 56 feet. The masonry employed for the construction is composed of various stone its general surface is left with a rough or quarry face, the angles are alone dressed smooth. The external walls are faced with Anglesey limestone; and the internal work is Run- corn sandstone and brickwork. The Britannia tower was based upon the rock, after steps had been formed by blasting it into pro- per beds. Two rectangular walls 10 feet 6 inches in thickness, placed in the direction of the tubes, are made to batter regularly until they reach the bottom of the tubes, where they are only 8 feet in thickness. The internal wall is 8 feet 4 inches in thickness throughout. Those walls which are at right angles with the tubes are 6 feet in thickness from the top to the foundations. IN3W10BY NOA This tower is 221 feet 3 inches in height, and batters 1 in 36 on each of its sides, its base being in length 60 feet, and in width 50 feet 5 inches; the plinth rises 25 feet 6 inches above the foundations, the top being 8 feet above the level of the highest tides. To give additional security to this tower, the lower portions or recesses are filled with rubble masonry as high as the top of the plinth. Immediately under the tube, wall boxes of cast- iron were built into the masonry, beneath the string course, for the purpose of inserting the cast-iron beams that now support the tubes, and to strengthen ) 1 Z BEMOL KONVI SLI rus ONIMUOMA 1 NNVLE す ​# # YLS Sdoнs MUOM VI N N VLI88 IVN 3 W DOHS ZMOM 1 1 1 1 1 t · Эспон :7 Fig. 3176. SITE OF THE BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. the angles of support. Cast-iron beams 15 feet in length were introduced into the masonry. SUPT.] 1715 BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. * 458-1 HDIH LOW WATER Fig. 3177. PIERS OF THE BRITANNIA TUBULAR ERIDGE. WATER One hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred and fifty-eight cubic feet of Anglesey limestone, 127,000 cubic feet of Runcorn sandstone, and 68,411 cubic feet of brickwork, al- together weighing 24,700 tons, were employed for its construction. Including the bed plates of iron, 479 tons of cast-iron were employed 5 B 2 1716 | Supp THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. C.. E BRITANNIA Town. .H A.. B .D .-15.4.. 15.4 RUBBLE IN MORTARS RUBBLE IN MORTAR k7-6 25'. 97.0" 221.3″. 30 Fig. 3178. END ELEVATION. Fig. 3179. TRANSVERSE SECTION. The Scaffolding was composed of timber varying from 12 to 16 inches square, and from 40 to 60 feet in length; these were connected by iron bolts with butt bearings; and the scaffolding required for the masonry contained 175,000 cubic feet. The platform upon which the large tubes were constructed required 110,105 cubical feet, and for the construction of the land tubes 118,230 cubic feet. Feet. In. Spans : From the Carnarvon abutment to the first pier Pier 230 0 32 0 Pier Span to Britannia Pier Span of third opening 458 8 45 3 459 3 Pier To the Anglesey abutment Clear between abutments Length of Carnarvon abutment Anglesey do. Total length 32 O 230 O 1487 2 172 8 172 10 1832 345 6 8 Surr 1 1717 BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. HIND. FREMTIES ДИЛИМИН WW Fig. 3180. The bottom of the tube is 103 feet 9 inches above average high water of spring tides. The side and abutment towers were also based upon the rock; and their construction was similar to that of the tower, their height being 177 feet 6 inches above the plinth. 5R3 1718 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. _INSIDE_➡ The side towers are 62 feet in length by 39 feet in breadth, or, above the plinth, 60 feet by 37 feet; at the level of the tubes the battering of the faces of the masonry reduces their dimensions to 59 feet 6 inches by 36 feet 6 inches. The height of the campaniles above the top of the tubes is 53 feet, which was necessary for the placing of the presses used for lifting the tubes. Each tower contains 120,000 cubic feet of limestone, 100,000 cubic feet of sandstone, 35,000 cubic feet of brickwork, and 382 tons of cast-iron; the whole weight of each tower is therefore 18,000 tons. The plan of the two abutments is similar; and the height of that on the Carnarvon side is 88 feet, and of that on the Anglesey side 143 feet; the face walls are in thickness 10 feet 6 inches, and batter from the foundations to the under side of the tubes, where their thickness agrees with the other walls. A longitudinal wall of arches with 22-feet openings, is carried up in the middle of the abutment, from which springs waggon-headed vaults, resting on the two external walls. Upon these vaults brick arches are built transversely for the support of the permanent way. Over the tubes are placed lintels of a single stone 20 feet in length; 80,792 cubic feet of limestone, 59,896 cubic feet of sandstone, 30,931 cubic feet of brickwork, and 12,837 cubic feet of rubble, were employed in the Carnarvon abutment; besides, 3569 cubic feet of Penmaen limestone, of which the two lions were formed, were used for the Carnarvon abut- ment, the whole weight of which was 13,425 tons. The Anglesey abutment contained 145,906 cubic feet of limestone, 148,998 cubic feet of sandstone, 126,982 cubic feet of brick-work, 35,177 cubic feet of rubble, besides 3569 cubic 14.10. OUTSIDEj……25, 62 19′0″ CLEAB. WIDTH-- i 15´O FROM OUT TO QUI O O 281.0 Fig. 3181. SLEEPERS II TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE TUBE. feet of limestone for the two lions, alto- gether constituting a weight of 31,084 tons. The masonry of the Britannia bridge, in Sept. 1848, had so far advanced that it was in a state to receive the tubes. The vessels employed for the transport of material dis- charged upwards of 2000 cargoes: to raise it, three steam engines and twenty six tra- velling cranes were made use of. The Tubes were so constructed as to be- come beams of 1511 feet in length, sup - ported at each extremity as well as at three intermediate points. The weight of one of these continuous tubes, of wrought and TOP LEVEL OF RAILS cast iron, together with that of the perma- Fig. 3182. TRANSVERSE SECTion of a PART OF THE nent way, is 5270 tons. TUBE, SHOWING ONE Side or its CONSTRUCTION. SUPP.] 1719 BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. Where the tubes pass through the towers, cast iron is employed. The side towers are 230 feet from the abutments, and from them on either side to the Britannia Tower 463 feet, making 1380 feet clear openings, the remainder of the tube, or 131 feet, having a bearing upon the solid masonry. The tubes were made in four lengths, the two land portions being formed on timber platforms; and the two main lengths were put together on the beach, and afterwards floated on eight pontoons to their destination, where they were raised by hydraulic presses placed upon the tops of the towers, The two tubes, as completed, together contain 9360 tons of wrought iron, 1015 tons of cast iron, and 160 tons of permanent way: they are formed of 186,000 pieces of iron, pierced by 7,000,000 of holes, and united by 2.000,000 of rivets; they contain 435,700 feet run of angle iron, the total weight being 10,540 tons. Consequently, the weight of the iron work of the Britannia Bridge is about 74 tons per foot run. Comparing it with the quantity of iron used by Mr. Telford for his suspen- sion bridge across the Menai Strait, where the span was 570 feet between the towers, we find 3.8359 tons per foot run (see page 517). In the Southwark iron bridge (see page 498) the width of the river between the abutments is 708 feet, and the total quantity of iron em- ployed was 7·887 tons for each foot run. The Southwark Bridge and the Britannia tube Bridge have in them nearly the same weight of iron per foot run, and the suspension bridge not more than half the quantity per foot run that was used in either of them. The width of the soffite of the former is 43 feet 4 inches; the Telford suspension bridge, although more economical in its use of material, probably shows as much hardiesse as can be discovered in iron structures, although there remains for us a comparison with a suspension bridge erected in America. The sides of the tubes may be regarded as a continued trellis, with vertical pillars con- necting the top and bottom cells of plates. The side plates are two feet in breadth, and vary in length from 6 feet 6 inches to 8 feet 8 inches; the rows in which they are placed consist alternately of three short and four long plates, with a longer or shorter plate at the top. The thickness of these plates in the centre are half an inch, increasing towards the ends, Fig. 3183. Fig. 3184 Fig. 3185, CH STRIP ..3 ½ Fig. 3187. 6 ½ Fig. 3188. Fig. 3186. Fig. 3189. 5 R 4 1720 [SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. 0 where the whole weight of the tubes is supported; their increase being to eight, nine, and ten sixteenths. The sides are connected with the top and bottom cells by stout angle irons, riveted at every 3 inches, the rivets passing through the plates and covers of the platforms, as well as through the angle irons of the bottom cells; here the rivets traverse six layers of iron, and are 3 inches in length, and 13 in diameter. CINE Fig. 3190. Q O • O a C • • a O " SUPP.] 1721 BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. The top cells are connected with the sides more simply, the T-iron pillars being cranked over the angle irons, and then riveted together. The vertical pillars, or ribs, consist of two sheets of iron plate, varying in thickness from an inch to inch; these are considerably stiffened by angle and T-irons and gussets. The weight of the sides of one - - 938 in line of tubes is 1727 tons, plates, 607 in angle irons, 113 in rivets, and 68 tons of covering plates. IRON RAIL TIMBER SLEEPER Fig. 3191. Where the two platforms at the bottom of the tube are united with the vertical plates, great care was taken to rivet them well together, breaking the joints in such a man- ner that they never occurred with Fig. 3192. those of the horizonal plates. The plates which cover the joints are 2 feet 3 inches in length, but vary in their breadth : those within the cells, on the upper side of the platform and on the under side of the cell, are 2 feet 4 inches in width, the edges being cranked over the angle iron placed on each side, the rivets passing through the whole. The cells throughout the tubes are all strengthened by angle irons, which unite the plates more firmly together. The side plates, 2 feet in width and 10ths of an inch in thickness, with their edges butted against each other, and additionally secured by the T vertical pieces placed against each face, are shown in the cut (fig. 3190). The pillars, which are in height from 19 to 26 feet, and which occur every 2 feet, are fur- ther strengthened by short lengths of angle iron riveted over the joints. On the outside of the tube, the T iron is cranked over the angle iron which unites the sides to the top and bottom, the ends butting upon the floor plates; but on the inside the T iron is curved round to make a right angle, and is con- tinued horizontally across the tube, on the floor 32 inches, and at the top 42 inches, both securely riveted. The angle is filled with triangular gusset plates riveted on both sides of the rib. 88 SLEEPER 15′ 0″ HORIZONTAL SECTION TO SHOW THE BOTTOM OF THE ..1..6... " RAIL TUBE. ด .0. LONGITUDINAL JOIST OR SLEEPER -3...g. SLEEPER Fig. 3193. LONGITUDINAL SECTION SHOWING THE BOTTOM OF THE TUBE. 1722 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. The top and bottom of the tube are each formed of square cells at the top are eight, each 1 foot 9 inches in height and breadth; at the bottom there are six cells, 2 feet 4 inches in width and 1 foot 9 inches in height, these cells all being large enough for the work- men to enter. The sides are plain sheets of plate iron, stiffened by vertical pillars of T iron within and without, and further strengthened by corner pieces of the same metal. The bottom of the tube is composed of two platforms of plates connected by seven vertical plates. The upper and lower platforms of plates are arranged in six parallel rows, the four inner rows being each 2 feet 4 inches in width. The outer rows are 4 inches more in width, for the purpose of better attaching them to the sides. All the plates are 12 feet in length. The vertical plates are also 12 feet in length, and 21 inches in height. Their thickness varies from ths to ths of an inch. Fig. 3194. The longitudinal bottom plates are lapped over by those above them 6 feet, so that the joint is over the middle of the plate beneath. Over the joint a short plate is riveted, the rivets passing through the three plates. The six rows of double plates thus longitu- dinally connected, are arranged side by side, to allow the joint of each to be 3 feet in advance of the three neighbouring layers. The bottom of the tube forms a chain of 31 plates united by 21 angle irons: the floor plates are 12 feet in length, 2 feet 4 inches and 2 feet 8 inches in breadth, varying in thickness from ths to ths of an inch. The vertical plates are the same length, 21 inches in depth, and vary in thickness from ths to 18ths of an inch. The angle iron is of the same dimensions throughout the tubes, having a sectional area of 2.7 superficial inches, weighing about 9 pounds per lineal foot. The weight of wrought iron in the bottom of one entire line of tube is 1472 tons, 965 tons of which are in plates, and 217 tons in angle iron, 237 in covers for the joints. The Permanent Way is continued through the tubes upon transverse bearers placed 6 feet apart; the longitudinal timbers are 14 inches by 7 inches. The bridge rail has been preferred which at bottom is in width 7 inches and at top 23 inches, its total height being 34 inches; these rails are secured to the sleepers by fang bolts passing through them. Single Hydraulic Press, used on the land towers of the Britannia tube, was of unusual dimensions, the internal diameter being 1 foot 10 inches, the diameter of the ram 20 inches, the cylinder 6 inches in thickness, the length externally 9 feet 1 inch, the length of stroke 6 feet. The weight of the press, 13 tons 16 cwt. The area of this press was 314 16 inches, and its capacity, with a six-feet stroke, 22,169.5 cubic inches; the quantity of water employed for a lift was 81.57 gallons, or 815.7 lbs. The pressure of 3 tons per circular inch, equal to 3.819 tons per square inch, would be SUPP.J 1723 BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. sufficient to raise a column of water 5.41 miles in height. The ratio of the area of the pump to that of the cylinder was 1 to 354. The hydraulic press is therefore a most powerful machine, and useful where great pressure is required, and of infinite use in the lifting of heavy weights, the steady character of its action making it applicable to such purposes. Floating the First Tube.-The distance it had to float was 1600 feet; and four cap- stans erected on platforms on the beach, were worked by eleven superintendents, under whom were placed 450 labourers, 65 sailors, and 12 carpenters. Each capstan was worked by 48 men; in each set of the pontoons 105 men were employed; and in addition six boats with their crews accompanied the floating tube. The butt end of the tube, after much difficulty, was brought to its position under the Anglesey tower, on which, as upon a centre, the tube was to be moved round into its position across the opening. The Britannia end was then drawn round into the recess of the masonry; and after it was securely placed at both ends on the temporary beds prepared to receive it, the rafts which transported it were removed, and the pontoons were liberated from be- neath. The raising the tube to its permanent bed followed as soon as the machinery could be adapted. This consisted of the two presses used at Conway, which were placed in the Britannia tower, and one new single press in the Anglesey tower. The chains were raised in separate por- tions by capstans and suspended from the cross-heads. On the 11th of July, the Britannia end was raised 6 feet with the double press, and the under-pinning proceeded as the tube was elevated. which was performed by building up brickwork in cement in the space between the buttresses, left for the mounting of the tube. о ∙1.3". о Fig. 3195. FORCE PUMP. Fig. 3196. SECTION OF THE VALVE POx. Some accident occurring to the ram, it was not until the 1st of October that the lifting of the tube was again undertaken, when it was raised 6 feet daily. On the 6th it was 58 feet high; and by the 13th the tube was in its ultimate position It was then raised 18 inches above the upper bed plate, and secured by packings beneath the cross head, and also upon the cast-iron beams inserted through the wall boxes. The bed plates were then moved forward into their position beneath the tube, and the whole finally secured. About a fortnight afterwards, the presses were lowered and again raised by capstans, with an 8-inch rope, for the purpose of raising the second tube, which was ready to be floated by the 2nd of December, 650 men being this time employed; twelve days after the floating, the raising the tube was commenced; and by the 7th of January 1850 it had, by regularly lifting 6 feet per day, attained its final elevation. The uniting the ends of the tubes followed. This was completed by the 6th of February; and by Tuesday, the 5th of March, the engineer and a large party, in a train of 945 feet in length, consisting of three engines, 45 coal waggons, and carriages containing 700 per- sons, weighing altogether 700 tons, passed through the tube to Holyhead. The third tube was floated 10th of June 1850, and the fourth on July 25th, soon after which the Britannia Bridge received its completion. : 1724 1 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. D. H о Fig. 3197. Cross head, section at D E, FIG. 3198. F H RAM -1.10% H Fig. 3198. SEction at F &, FIG. 3200. i.......3' -3′0 Ꭻ C ·3'.11" 2- 5'. 4" RAM ∙1.10 E N° 2 N: 3 Fig. 3199. CYLINDERS BY Which the raising was completed. - 1 A - - 1 1 1 1 12.10 5′.2″. Fig. 3200. PLAN OF TOP. G [SUPP Thus the first stone of the Britannia tower was laid September 21st, 1846; the Carnar- von and Anglesey towers completed February 22nd, 1849; the first tube floated June 20th, 1849, the second deposited in its bed February 7th, 1850; the third floated July 11th, and the last tube floated 25th July. Mr. Edwin Clark, the resident engineer whilst these works were in the course of execu- tion, has given to the world an admirable account of the progress made in the construction of the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges, accompanied with folio plates of the highest value; and to these the writer must refer those readers who are desirous of becoming SUPP.] 1725 BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGE. J J acquainted with the minutest details of construc- tion and the principles which influenced the designs of Mr. Robert Stephenson, so masterly carried out. The Cost of the Britannia Bridge : Carnarvon wing walls, pedestals, £ &c. tower Britannia tower 17,459 28,626 · 38,671 Fig. 3201. PLlan of casing. Anglesey tower Anglesey wing walls, pedestals, &c. 31,430 · 40,470 Lions 2,048 158,704 Wrought iron used in tubes Cast iron in tubes and towers Construction of tubes 118,946 30,619 - 226,234 Pontoons, ropes, capstans, painting materials - 28,096 Raising machinery - 9,728 Carpentry and labour, floating, raising, &c. 25.498 Experiments, proportiona. part 3,986 Total 443,161 £601,865 Ꮣ . Fig. 3202. SECTION at L M, of fig 3199. H 3. 1½ IRON, having received so many improvements in its manufacture. is now employed very generally in Naval construction: the Crystal Palace and the gigantic tubular bridges are almost eclipsed by what has been effected in ship building, by the Messrs. Napier on the Clyde. The Cunard Company's ship "Persia ", which has lately made its trial trip, is in length, from the figure head to the taffrail, 390 feet, and its length on the water 360 feet; breadth of the hull, 45 feet; breadth over all, 71 feet; depth, 32 feet; tonnage, 3600 tons, with paddle wheels 40 feet in diameter and steam power, equal to 1200 horses, though she is expected to work up to the pitch of 4000 horse power. This mighty vessel is composed of innumer- able pieces of metal, welded, jointed, and riveted together, and secured to powerful ribs of iron, ten inches deep, and placed at that distance apart. The plates on the outside are laid alternately over each other, so that one adds strength to the other. The keel plates are ths of an inch in thickness; the bottom plates of the ship are ths of an inch in thickness; and above to the level of the load water line, ths of an inch, above this line ths of an inch; and the plates around the gunwale 7ths of an inch. Fig. 3203. END VIEW. The weight of iron in the "Persia," when launched, was 2200 tons; with the engines and a full load, she will be equal to 5400 tons, and will draw 23 feet of water. In her trial trip, she ran 175 knots or 203 miles in 10 hours and 43 minutes, or 19 miles per hour. The total weight of iron employed in the Britannia Bridge for the two tubes, was 10,540 tons, or nearly five times as much as was used for the construction of the “Persia,” which in length and breadth nearly equals the dimensions of one of our cathedrals, which it also greatly resembles in plan, taking the position of the paddle-wheels for that of transepts. The Niagara Suspension Railway Bridge, lately erected by Mr. John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer to the Niagara Falls Suspension and International Bridge Companies in America, is a work which does honour to the present age. From a report made by the engineer in May 1855, its span is 821 feet 4 inches from centre to centre of the towers; it forms a slightly curved hollow beam or box of a depth of 18 feet, width at bottom of 24 feet, and at the top of 25 feet, the lower floor of which is used for common traffic, whilst the upper is devoted to the railway. The two floors are connected by two trusses of simple construction, so arranged that their resisting action operates both ways, up as well as 1726 [SUPP THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING. down. The suspenders are 5 feet apart. The beams of the upper and lower floor are connected by posts arranged in pairs, leaving a space between for the admission of truss rods. The ends of the posts are secured between the beams, in a manner that no part is weakened, and that any amount of strain can be thrown upon them without injuring or loosening their connections. There are no joints to work loose; and if the timber should shrink, the truss rods simply require tightening. The depressing action of any loads is by these posts transmitted from one floor to the other. From the end of each pair of posts a truss rod extends each way to the fourth pair of posts, at an angle of 45 degrees. The rods therefore cross each other, and form a diamond figure; they are 1 inch in diameter, with screw ends of an inch and an eighth; by these rods the pressure upon any pair of posts is'spread 40 feet apart. All the nuts work on cast- iron plates placed above or below the posts. Without adding much to the weight of the structure, a considerable degree of stiffness has been obtained by this simple construction. The pressure of an engine and whole train of cars is so much distributed that the depression caused by a light freight or ordinary passenger train is scarcely perceptible A freight train of twelve loaded cars, with a 25-tons engine, covers about half the length of the floor; and its effect is more noticeable than either a smaller or larger train. When in the centre, the camber is a little flattened; but when near the towers, where the grade forms nearly a straight line, the depression is from 3 to 4 inches. A longer train, of greater weight in proportion, disturbs the equilibrium less, as it covers a greater extent. Passenger trains of fifteen long cars, which frequently cross the bridge, make so little impression that the eye can scarcely detect it. The height of the railway track above the middle stage of the river, is 245 feet. The tubular or box form of the bridge adds much to its stiffness, vertically as well as horizontally, there being an entire freedom from all lateral motion during the passage of a train; and half a dozen heavy teams on the lower floor produce a more perceptible hori. zontal motion, and a much greater jar and trembling than is caused by a train of cars moving at the stipulated speed of five miles an hour, the smoothness, evenness, and per- fectly level condition of the railroad tracks contributing to that effect. While teams on the lower floor move forward outside the centre of the bridge, the trains are exactly poised in the centre. The horizontal stability is maintained by the lateral bracing of the upper cables, which are suspended with a considerable inclination. Stays above and below the floors add to the stiffness; these, as well as the suspenders, are made of wire rope manufactured at the engineer's works at Trenton, N. J. There are above the floors sixty-four diagonal stays of 18 inch diameter, equally distri- buted among the four cables. These are fastened to the suspenders by small wrappings, so as to form straight lines. Each of these stays represents the hypothenuse of a rectangular triangle, of which the two cadets are formed by the towers and the floors. These being solid and rigid in the direction of the lines they represent, by preserving the straight lines of the stays, and not allowing them to sag or deflect, as many triangles are formed as there are stays. The triangle, preserving its form, maintains these stays by tension, and not only stiffens them, but adds much to the strength of the cables. The friction of the cables in the saddles is about equal to 166 tons, one third of the pres- sure, which upon each tower is estimated at 500 tons. The ordinary tension of each stay is 4 tons; the united horizontal force of sixteen stavs upon the two saddles is about 56 tons, to which a resistance of 166 tons is opposed, with- out taking into account the curvature of the cables in the saddles, which nearly doubles it. To the underside of the lower floor fifty-six stays are attached, which are anchored in the rocks below, and prevent either vertical or horizontal motion, and preserve an equili- brium at the tiine the trains are passing over the bridge; their usual tension is about 2 or 3 tons; their aggregate force, exerted upon the lower floor in a vertical direction, is less than 100 tons. The Anchorage was commenced in September 1852, and was formed by sinking eight shafts into the solid limestone rock. Those on the New York side are 25 feet in depth; the fourth, on the south-east, is 18 feet; all the others on both sides the river were sunk to an equal depth of 54 feet below the railroad track. The surface of the rock on the Canada side being 10 feet higher than on the New York side, the depth of the shafts was increased that much, and the height of the masonry above reduced in proportion. Each shaft is 3 feet by 7 feet, which is enlarged at the bottom to a chamber 8 feet square. The Anchor chains are composed of nine links, which are all 7 feet in length except the uppermost, which is 10 feet in length. The first or lower link is composed of seven bars, 7 inches by 1 inch, and is secured to a cast-iron anchor plate, by a pin 3 inches SUPP.J 1727 THE NIAGARA SUSPENSION BRIDGE. in diameter ground upon its seat. and two half bars on the outside. From the fourth link on, the chain perficial inches. The next link is composed of six bars of the same size, The aggregate section of each is 69 superficial inches. curves, and the section is gradually increased to 93 su- These chains were manufactured with great care out of the best quality of Pennsylvania charcoal blooms, and Salisbury pig iron puddled in wood fire, and can be depended upon for a strength of 32 tons or 2000 lbs. per square inch. All the sockets attached to the ends of the wire-rope suspenders and stays were made of the best Napannock iron. The tension of the different links composing each chain diminishes as they descend, the strain upon the vertical links being more than one third reduced in consequence of position, friction, and hold in the masonry. The lowest link is secured to a cast-iron plate 6 feet 6 inches square, and 24 inches in thickness at the edges, with eight heavy ribs on the lowest side. The central part, through which the bars are admitted, has a depth of metal of 12 inches Great care was used to solidly bed this plate and chain, after which the whole shaft was filled up with ma- sonry laid in cement, and well grouted; the bars were first well dressed with linseed oil, and twice painted with zinc paint and Spanish brown. The masonry above the plate was made to press upon the roof of the chamber like a wedge: large stones were placed upon the knuckles, so that every joint has a hold in the masonry above as well as below the surface of the rock. Above the rock where the chain curves, each knuckle rests upon a cast-iron plate, bedded upon a large cut stone; this again rests upon one still larger, or upon two flat stones, which distribute the pressure upon the masonry below. These iron anchor plates were cast of very strong cold-blast charcoal metal at the foundry of Chippewa. The aggregate section of the upper links of the four chains is 372 square inches, and their ultimate strength, at 32 tons per square inch, equal to 11,904 tons. The strain upon the lowest link being diminished a third, there remains 7936 tons; this pressure, on the New York side, is resisted by a surface of solid rock 100 feet in length, 70 feet wide, and 20 feet in depth, weighing 160 pounds per cube foot. The sudden changes of temperature rendered it necessary to enclose the whole length of the chains in masonry; but as the strength of the wire is not affected by similar causes, the cables, which were made of it, required no particular protection. Masonry.— The base of the lower floor level is 60 feet by 20 feet, with an arch 19 feet in width, forming the entrance to the lower bridge. Each of the four towers is 15 feet square at the base, 60 feet high above the arch, and 8 feet square at the top, making a surface of 64 superficial feet to each at the top. The limestone used in their construction is sufficiently solid to bear 500 tons per super- ficial foot without crushing. The base and towers on the New York side contain 1350 cubic yards, or about 3000 tons; and if we add the weight of 1000 tons for the superstructure, the whole amounts to 4000 tons. The inclination of the tangents of the suspension cables, nearly coincides with the angle of the land cables; consequently the vertical pressure is brought over the axis of each tower. The base of the towers presents a rock face; the stones are large, well bonded and bedded. The beds of the backing course are all cut true; and all the stones were laid in cement mortar well grouted. In the towers above, a regular bond is preserved, and all the stones are of a uniform dimension, with the backing very carefully performed. The upper courses were rendered more secure by dowellng their joints. The Saddles on the Towers.-On the top course of each tower, a cast iron plate 24 inches thick was laid, 8 feet square, well bedded in cement, and strengthened by three parallel flanges for the reception of two independent saddles, each of which rests on ten cast-iron rollers 5 inches in diameter, 25 inches in length, placed close together. The pressure upon each tower being 500 tons, that upon each roller is therefore about 25 tons; the rollers were all cast from a close-grained, dense, and uniform metal. Cables.-There are four of 10 inches in diameter, each composed of 3640 wires, of No. 9 gauge, 60 of them forming 1 square inch of solid section, making the entire solid section of each cable 60·40 square inches, wrapping not included. The construction of such massive cables, to make each individual wire perform its duty, required more than ordinary care, and was thus performed. Each of the four large cables was composed of seven smaller ones or strands. Each strand contained 520 wires; one of these formed the centre, and the six others were placed around it. The ends of the strands were passed around, and confined in cast-iron shoes, which also receive the wrought-iron pins, that form the connection with the anchor chains. The strands were manufactured in the same position as they are actually placed, in order that the tension of the wires should not undergo any change. 1728 SUPP. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING., The splicing of the ends of the wire as it was unreeled from fourteen reels, was carefully performed; and the machinery for plying the wires across the river was worked by horse power. The adjustment of the wires in the centre of the span was performed by two men stationed on a platform, suspended by four wire ropes about 40 feet above the upper floor. The tension of one complete strand was 50 tons, or 200 pounds per single wire. Two strands were made at the same time, one for each of the two cables under construction. On the completion of one set, temporary wire bands were laid on, about 9 inches apart, for the purpose of keeping the wires closely united, and securing their relative position; they were then lowered to occupy their permanent position in the cables. On completion of the seven pairs of strands, two platform carriages were mounted upon the cables, for laying on a continuous wrapping, which was performed by the engineer's patent machines; whilst the work was progressing, the wire was constantly dressed with oil and colour, to prevent its oxidation. The wire, when suspended between two posts 400 feet apart, did not break at a greater deflection than 9 inches; and 20 feet of it weighed 1 pound. Each wire had a tension power of 1300 lbs., or 20 wires constituting a sectional area of an inch, 90,000 lbs. Five hundred tons of this wire were obtained from Messrs. Richard Johnson and Brother of Manchester in Great Britain, where it was manufactured. The 14,560 wires composing the four cables, it is calculated, are equal to the strength of supporting 23,878,400 lbs. ; another calculation assumes the aggregate ultimate strength at 12,000 tons, or 2000 lbs. each. The Niagara suspension bridge, of 821 feet 4 inches span, appears to have cost only 1007. sterling per foot run; for we are informed by the engineer that the whole money expended upon the structure was less than 400,000 dollars. The mixed application of timber, iron, and wire, seems to have been most judicious, and all the requirements of strength, effects of change of temperature, high winds, the moving of the rolling stock, the motion of men and cattle admirably provided for. Various suspended aqueducts constructed by the same engineer, five of which are considerable, and two of great extent, bear evidence of as great strength as any con- structed of stone or cast iron; he has in every instance, by means of weight, girders, trusses, and stays, obtained such a degree of stiffness as to be proof against the effects of violent winds or even hurricanes; and all his suspension bridges are well provided with stays below, secured to the land in so admirable a manner that they cannot be swayed upwards or down- wards sufficiently to produce any injurious consequences. The omission of such stays has been found detrimental to the stability of many such bridges, and has caused their destruc- tion by the momentum acquired by their own dead weight. The weight of a suspension bridge should always be proportionate to the transient loads it has to bear; the smaller the transient weight is in proportion to the weight of the bridge, the less will its equili- brium be interfered with. The Niagara suspension bridge only cambers 10 inches at the time a freight train weighing about 326 tons is passing over it; and immediately it has passed, the platform assumes its former level. There can be no doubt that the suspension principle of construction is the most economic over large spans, and, wherever the smallest quantity of material is required to be adopted, must have the preference over every other. The flexible condition, in oppo- sition to the rigid ought to be no objection to it, particularly as the proper equilibrium can be so well maintained by the introduction of timber girders, which support the track- way, and which, by the judicious connection with four lines of rails, distribute the pressure uniformly; without these girders the trusses could not have resisted the action of the trains. The hollow trough or beam, 24 feet wide and 20 feet deep, having the railway traffic on its top and the ordinary traffic below, is well contrived for its purpose: the solid girders are 5 feet in depth; and the trusses are so arranged that they contribute a stiffness to counter- act the effect of any gale of wind; but in addition there are 56 wire-rope stays attached to the lower floor, and anchored to the solid rocks, capable to resist the force of 1680 tons. The surface of the upper floor is 20,000 superficial feet, and that of the lower 18,000 super- ficial feet; therefore a pressure of 50 lbs. upon the square foot does not amount to more than 950 tons. The length of the floor between the towers is 800 feet; there are four wire cables, each 10 inches in diameter; the solid wire section of each cable is 60 square inches, the aggre- gate of the four cables 241 square inches. The aggregate section of the anchor chains: lowest links, 276 square inches, and of the upper links 372. There are 14,560 wires used in the four cables, the strength of each cal- culated to bear 1648 lbs. weight, thus enabling the four cables to bear 12,000 tons. The length of the anchor chains is 66 feet, of the upper cables 1261 feet, of the lower 1193 feet. SUPP.] 1729 THE NIAGARA SUSPENSION BRIDGE. The number of suspenders are 624, the aggregate ultimate strength of which is equal to bear 18,720 tons weight. There are 64 over-floor stays, of sufficient strength to bear 1920 tons, and 56 river stay of an aggregate strength of 1680 tons. This suspension bridge of 800 feet clear span, placed at a height of 245 feet above a flood that no man has been able to ferry, must be ranked among the foremost of the works of the engineers of this or any other century. Delicate as lace work, it hangs between the clouds and the boiling flood below, a bold and apparently well executed combination of the principles and uses of the tubular and suspension structures, carried out with all the fresh- ness and originality which so singularly distinguish our younger brethren of the New World. 5 S INDEX. INDEX. Page Page Page Abattoirs in Paris Absolute strength of • 286 Amphitheatres Castrensis Anchor of ships, · 108 weighing of 998 timber - 1303 Catania 108 Anemometers - 1216 Acacia, timber - 1284 Constantium 108 Angles 738. 859. 868 Acherusia Palus 140 Cuma 139 to be given to Acres, the quantity Die in Dauphine 108 lock-gates 1549 of, in England and Doue 108 Antarctic Ocean 635 Wales 759 Drenaul 108 Antimony 655 Acridina, city of 57 Drevant - 108 Ants, turret-building 725 Acrita 621 El Jemm 119 Apodyterium - 128, 131 Actus, single carriage Fedena - 108 Apollonius, the geo- road 149 Fesole 108 meter 782 Adrian, villa of 93 Florence 108 Appian Way · 148, 149 Agetor 75 Agonalis, circus of - 119 Frejus Hispalis 108 Apulia · 183 108 Air, compressed Air-pumps - 1695 Istria - 108 Aqua, Alsietina 175, 176 Anienne nuovo- 176 1217 Jerusalem 108 vetus • 175 Alabaster Alban Lake stone Alber timber - 704 Lucca 108 Appia 97. 170. 175 - 192 Lyons 108 Claudia · 174, 175 tunnels at 193 Melos 108 Julia 97 Metz 108 Tepula - 175 169 J 101. 1284 Minturno 108 Virgo 170. 175 Alburnus Alexandria, city of ter Aluminum Alberti, Leon Battista 212 reservoirs of wa- Allatri, city of Alveum Amiens, Cathedral of 1664 rose window Narbonne - 108 Aqueductibus Urbis 6.5 Neri 108 Romæ 169 - 32 Nice 108 Aqueducts of iron - 597 Nismes 108 of timber 549 34 Orange 108 Aqueducts 70 Otricoli · 108 Buc 286 S 653 131 Pæstum Palermo 65. 108 108 Carpentras Carthage 266 184 Parentium 108 Civita Castellana 158 - 1615 Paris 108 Constantinople · 185 1617 Perigeaux 108 Croton 299 Ammanati 163 Placentia 108 Evora 184 Amphitheatres Pola 108. 119 Frejus 182 Adria 108 Pompeii 108 Jouy 183 Adrian 108 Pozzuoli 140 Lisbon 185 Ægeda · 108 Puteoli 108 Lyons 179 Agrigentum 108 Saguntum 108 Marcia 175 Alba - 108 Saintes 108 Maintenon 285 Arezzo 108 Sardis 108 Marly 286 Argos 108 Smyrna 108 Metz 182 Arles 109. 118 Syracuse 60. 108 Montpellier 264 Autun - 108 Tarragona - 108 Nicomedia 185 Beneventum 108 Tergeste 108 Nismes 177 Besançon Bordeaux Bruieres · 108 Toulouse 108 Pont-y-Cysyllte 567 108 Udena 108 Segovia 184 108 Valonges · 108 Spoleto 158 Cahers 108 Capua 108 Verona Vespasian 48. 108 Tarentum 147 108 Volsci 179 Cassano 108 Vienne 1 108 Udena 184 5 s 3 1734 INDEX. 1505 - 1430 Aradus, city of Arc de Cloitre Page 5 · 1450 Arch, antiquity of 22. 32. > 70, 73. 194 - - Aristotle, death of Arithmetical propor- tion Arnold's escapement Arsenals Arsenic 410 of Coningsburg Castle construction of 1521 development of 1435 equilibrium of 1427. flat of bridges 1486 formed of flex- ible timber 419 - J Arsinoe, city of Artemisia, Queen Artesian wells Articulata in Geology 621 Artificers' work, value - Fage Page 47 Aulis, mole of 47 Aurelian, walls of 86 766 Autun, city of 92 982 Avernus, lake of 139, 140 138. 238 Axis, horizontal 957 656 of rotation 939 51 Axles 1271 196 Azimuth circle 809 291, 292 Bacciali, Giovanni 206 of- Backwater, its effects Bag and spoon 322 1058 Beton 909 Balance-bridge of iron 326 Binding-pieces, Ballast machine - 1058 groined - · 1442 labour 902 Balneum → 121. 131 hexagonal 1455 Brickwork 908 Baltic Sea 635 pointed, at Ar- Carpenters' work 897 Banks, slope of 1142 peno semi skew - triumphal · 70 Cofferdams 900 to resist inunda- - 1428 Dredging 897 tions 324 1436. 1457 their proportions - 1596 three arcs of a w circle wedges which Earth, removal of 896 Baptistery at Pisa, sec- 145 -, levelling 897 tion of 1617 Entretoises 901 Barium 651 Fascines 898 Barnabeta 206 Fences 898 Barometer 207. 845 P - 1487 Foundations, car- —, to measure pentry of 902 heights 845 form - - 152 Groined work 896 Bars, Bootham 404 to - Aosta - 1597 weights applied triumphal, of Augustus at Pola 1598 of Augustus at Planks Platforms Iron work 910 Micklegate 406 421 Joists, labour on 904 Monk, 405 Piling 899 Walmgate 407 Planking 899 Barton, Spanish 931 904 Bascule for pumping 1195 902 Basilica of Constantine 93- of Augustus at Stonework 908 100 Susa - - 1599 Timber, latour at Fano · 104 of Poliphele of Septimus - 1595 on - 903 of Paulus Emi- Timber, carriage lius - 100 Severus • 1599 of 904 Basin of Hull Docks 326 of Sergius at Timber, raising 903 Bath Abbey Church 1632 Pola - 1598 of Titus at Rome - of Trajan at Be- neventum proportions given to Architecture cubical propor- Turf, laying down Baths, manner of heat- 897 ing - 125 · 1598 Artificial globes 756 of Agrippa 120 islands 136 Badenweiller 130 1 - 1600 stone - 724 of Caracalla 93 Ash, wood of - 100. 1284 at Chester 128 - 1596 Asphaltum 728 of Constantine - 93 - 1579 Astrolabe 825 of Dioclesian - 93 to measure dis- Greek 122 tion in Cyclopean Gothic Greek hydraulic - 1663 tances 827 of Hippias 122 67 to measure of Julius Cæsar 120 1602 heights 825 of Livia - 94 79 to measure of Nismes 131 205 depths - 828 of Paulus Emi- Roman - 1590 to measure lius 120 Saxon 1601 widths 827 Roman 120 Archimedes 58 Athens, city of 41 of Scipio 125 screw of - 1567 Atlantic Ocean 635 of Stura 130 Arctic Ocean 635 Atmosphere, density of Titus 94 Area of land, how of 207 Wroxeter 128 computed 848 as a moving Battering engines at Areas of a sphere 876 power- 1216 Rhodes 47 Argand fountain Atomic weight 643 Beach, sea 642 lamps 244 Argives 68 Argos, city of 72. 75 Argosies, or ships 144 Atwood, experiments on falling bodies Augusta Prætoria Augustus, house of Beams, strength of 1258 - 921 fishing - 1304 89 motion of steam- - 93 engine - 994 INDEX. 1735 Page Bearings of carriages 1023 Beauvais Cathedral · 1614 Beech, wood of 101. 1284 Page Page Bricks, machine for Bridges making - 711 Chester 461 Bridges- Choisy 1380 Beetle, three-hand Guy 1071 Aberaven 426 Civita Castellana 158 Belfast Belidor's machine 398 Albias 265 Clair, St., on the 1204 Alexandrié 163 Rhone - 1365 Belisarius, miles of - 203 Alford M 468 Claix 253 Bellows for forging 1041 Allier 161.251 Bends of rivers, to Allness - 468 measure 837 Beneventum, city of 148 Bernareggi, Isidoro 206 Ambrussum Angelo, St. Assise, - 159 154. 157 Clement's, St. 1373 Clyde at Glasgow 1363 Coldstream 433. 1405 Colebrook Dale · near Collingen - Blue regular Bevelled gear Birch, wood of Birds, in geology Bismuth Bitumen Blast furnaces Block machinery Blouett's baths Blowers of iron forges 1041 Boats for transport for bridges Bodies, action of - Bogs, drainage of 1558 Boilers, steam - 1251.1271 942 Tours - 1398 Compiegne - 1284 Avignon 250 Conan 621 Avon, cast-iron 497. Concorde - 655 506 Conway 493 - 1375 256 468 251 517 728 Bachiglione 157 682 Baiæ 139 Corvo, 1042 Ballater - 468 Aquino- - 130 Bamberg Bassano 1381 · 1367 Cravant Conway tubular 1707 Craig Ellachie 163 - 503 256. 1399 near 104 Bellecour 274 Cremera - 158 · 1023 Berghette - 157 Croyland • 416 66, 67 Berne 1376 Cyrus 67 923 Bettwys 426 Danube, near 890 Bewdley · 463 Ulm 1364 - Bishops Auck- Darius, over Ister 66 land 414 Delaware • 1382 ' cylindrical materials for 1252 Blackfriars 427 Dieppe - 1364 Blois 251 Diez, St. 274 making - 1252 Boisseron - 158 Dole 264 rectangular 1252 Bonar 498 Drone 266 waggon head - 1252 Bord 265 Dryburgh- 508 ing Bolting machines Boiler plates, punch- -, apparatus for feeding Bond in brickwork plates and tim- Bordeaux · 280 Dunkeld · 468 · 1036 Bosphorus Boucherie 66 Durance 250 • 215 1255 Brighton - 518 Edinburgh Edme, St. 468 - 1400 - 1049 Bristol 430 710 Britannia tubular 1705. 1712 bers - 1306 Brives 266 Elbe Esprit, St. Exchange Fabricius - 214 252 255 - 154. 156 Boning lines 805 Broughton 520 Fairness - 468 Boom chains 334 Brunoi · 273 Feldkirch. - 1379 Booming 805 Brussels - 1370 Felice 163 Boring instruments · 694 1060. 1062 Boring, machines for · Boron - 1031 649 Buildwas Cæsar's Caligula Capo Dorso Carbonne - 461.494 Ferrato 156 - - 1349 Fochabers 468 95 Fouchard 251. 269 - 158 Freysingen 1356. 1380 - 266 Boundaries of lands 759 Carlisle 473 Frouart Galashiel 274 - 507 Bourse at Paris 290 Carraja - 163 Gignac 273 Bouse ore 663 Cartland Crags Ga 1405 Box, wood of - 101. 1284 Castellane 253 shovel 1057 Cephissus - 66 Glasbury Glasgow Gloucester - 426 · 463 462 Brass Brakes of carriages Breakwater, 1019 Ceret 253 Goldsmiths 162 610 Cestius 156 Gooda - 1368 Ply- Chalons 251. 270 Grenelle # 1377 mouth 366 Chamas, St. 159 Guillatière - 2502 Bresica, red 100 Change Au 251 Hammersmith - 509 Bricks - 93, 94. 709 Charmes 256 Hamoaze · D 1393 used in the py- ramids - Chateau Thierry 272 Havre - 1387 28 Chatellereau 251. 254 Helmsdale 468 kilns 709 Chavannes !!! fire-bricks floating retorts 710 Chazey 710 Chenonceaux 710 Cher, near Tours 1398 272 · - 1376 Herault - 250 Hexam Homps Helvoetsluys - 1388 · 273 433 272 5 s 4 1736 INDEX. Bridges Honfleur Page Page Bridges- Bridges- · 1388 Horbourg Hotel Dieu - 269 1493. 1515. 1516. Nemours 274. 1403 Serriere Page 278 Seurre - 1380 251. 255 Neucettringen - 1380 Hutcheson 470 Neuville 269 Hyde Park 460 Newhaven 518 Sevres Simplon Sisteron 276 274 253 Ingersheim 266 Newton Stewart 435 Sisto Ponte - 156 Isere - 253 Niagara suspen- Sommieres 159 Janiculum 154. 156 Ge Jardin du Roi 283 sion Nogent · 1725 Sorges 2€ 5 265 Southwark 498 Juvisi Kelso Kosen Arles Lary • 255 Nomentano 155 Spoleto - 158 434, 508 Norfolk - 520 Stanies 458 - 215 Notre Dame, Ca- Stoneleigh - 436 La Crau, near hors 1370 Sublicius 254. 284 Paris 251. Sunderland 506 254. Lavaur Laythorpe Lempde Libourne Limmat Llanwast Loire 270 Nottingham 471 Taaf - 415 Nurembourg 215 Tees 154. 1350 Susquehanna 1383 426 1386 · 495 · · - 272 Orleans 254. 1403. Terni · 158 • - 281 1514 Têtes 256.1372 - d • 1374 417 Ouse 472 Teviott - 468 Palatine,or Ponte Tewkesbury 504 - Loiret London 412. 441 Londonderry 426 - 251. 1371 1369 Rotto - 154 Toledo 1516 Palladios 1366 Tongueland 463 Pavia Peas 162 Toul 256 468 Toulouse 251. 254 Louis XVI. 273. 1515 Peebles 507 Tournelle 251.255 Louvre Lovat Lyons 281 Perth 430 Tournou - 253 468 1366 Pesmes Pelantio • 251. 266 Tournous - 158 Tours 1377 251.263 Macon 251 Pisa 163 Maestricht - 255 Pontilieu - 266 Trajan's Trilport 158. 1350 · 257 Maligny 274 Mammea 157 Manchester 504 Port de Pile Portsmouth Portumna - 257 Trinity 163 - 1383 Triumphalis 154 506 Tuilleries 255 Mantes · 264, 1400 Potarch - 468 Utrecht 1368. 1386 Marachia Marche Palu - 165 Prague 214 Vaison 161 254 Quatro Capi > 156 Vecchio, Ponte - 163 Marie - 251.255 Queen's, Ireland 473 Verona - 165 Marlow Maxence, St. 251. 270. - 520 Ratisbon · 215 Vicenza - 157.163 Ravinnes 274 Vieille Brioude 253 Mazeres • - Meuse Michel, St. Micklewood Mediolanum Mellingen - Menai 1377 509. 513 1378 251, 255 Roanne Rochester- 1551 Rhone 272 Rialto - 161 Richmond Rimini 1378 Villeneuve 253 163 Vizille 272 - 1383 Vrach · 1365 Rieucross 274 Waterloo 436 - 157 Wellesley - 473 274 Wellington 436 414 Westminster 422. 429. - 520 Rochester, new - 1694 1404 Military School - 279 Rosoi 273 Witham 497 Milvius Mireppis - 153 Rotto Ponte - 154 Wurtzburg 215 274 Rouen 276 Wychbree 426 Monnou Montelimart 413 Rumilly 272 Xerxes, over Hel- 274 Saintes 161 lespont - 66 Montignac 266 Salara 155 York, over the Montilun 274 Salarius, - 153 Ouse - 415 Montrose 518 Saone 1376 Zurich - 1375 Mossen 215 Sarah - 475 Zwettau 215 Moulins 251.263.1404. 1514. 1517. Saumur 251.258. 1490. Saut du Rhone 250 Bridges built by Ge- Mulatière - 1368 Musselburgh 435 Naville 270 Necker1365.1369.1378 Neuf Pont 251.254 Neuilly 251. 268. 1402. Schuylkill Seine Savinnes - 1373 Schaffhausen d 1373 Schonnenberg - 1369 1385 phyræans abutments of, 66 thickness 1496 abutments at Orleans - 1521 Semur - 1377 270 arches, their form 1357. 1484 INDEX. 1787 Page Page Page Bridges, arches, ex- periments upon 1498 arches, con- · struction of 1521 balance - · · 329 boats of - 661. 1393 Campbell's tomb in Egypt - Cams in machinery - 980. Camu's pile-engine Canals- Crooked Lane 21 Dearne Deve Delaware - · 565 296 1566 Derby 565 - 967 Dora Batea 187 breadth of · 1485 Canals 1551. 1560 Dorset and So- - centres of -, drawbridges floating first built over the Tiber form of piers foot foundations of- 1518 Nicias at Delos piers of - , quay-walls of rolling of ropes starlings of - , suspension 518.520 -, prin- · 1402 Canals merset 565 - 1389 Aberdare - 556 Droitwich 565 - 1393 Aberdeenshire 556 Drusiana Fossa - 185 Abiato 187 Dudley 565 · 85 Adige 188 Edin burgh and 1507 Aire and Calder. G 556 Glasgow - 565 - 1362 Albana, Val d' - 188 Ellesmere and Albany · 295 Chester · 565 52 Albania 187 Erewash - 568 J 1506 Alford 556 Erie 295 - 1516 Ancholme- 555 Exeter 568 1391 Andover 557 Forth and Clyde 568 · 1392 Arun 552 Foss Navigation 569 . 1514 Ashby de la George, St. 187 ciples of , swing timber · 1350 1386 1346 tubular turning iron -, waterway of Broadstairs Bronze seats Brothers - - 1705 Zouche - Ashton-under- Lyne Avon Barnsley, - Basingstoke 557 Geresee valley 295 Glamorganshire 569 - 557 Glasgow and 557 Paisley - 569 557 Glenkenns 569 • 557 Gloucester and 335 Basanallo 188 Berkeley 569 - 1478 Baybridge 557 Grantham - 571 396 Beverley Beck 557 Gresley 571 · 129 Bianco di - 188 Harecastle 575 of the Birmingham and Bridge 250 Liverpool 557,558 Hereford Hartlepool - 571 571 Buffing apparatus within cities Brundusium Brunswick wharf Bruschetti, Giuseppe Buckets, brazen 203. 1206 Building, strength of 104 Bulk of bodies, bodies, to - 148 Blyth 560 Horncastle 57 1 - 1527 Black river 295 Huddersfield 57 1 206 Bologna - 187 Hull and Leven 571 Borrowstounness 560 Ivelchester - 57 1 · 1023 Bradford 560 Brecknock 560 Junction, Grand Kennet 570 · 571 92 Brenta novella 188 Kidmelly- 571 Briare 249 Lancaster 571 ascertain 1117 Bride 561 Languedoc 248 Burners, construction Bridgewater 560 Leeds and Liver- of 1241 and Taun- pool · 571 Argand - 1241 ton 561 Leghorn 188 Burning bodies - 196 Britton 561 Leicester 572 Buoys fixed with iron Brondo 188 Leominster 572 screws 1694 Bure 561 Leven 572 Burgundy 249 Liskeard and Loe 572 Cadmus Cables and capstans Caissoons, to trace 238. 1431 231 Bury 561 Lledi 561 81 Caistor 561 Loing 249 Cajuga & Seneca 295 London and Cam- for bridge build- Calder and Heb- bridge 572 ing 259 bel 561 Loughor 561 used at Toulon 238 Caledonian 561 Louth 572 at Westminster 423 Carbonania Fossa 185 Macclesfield 572 " Calcareous gritstone 628 Carlisle - 564 Maestra Fossa · 187 Calcium - 6.52 Champlain 295 Malshum 249 Caligula, bridge of 139 Charolais 245 Manchester and Callais, or mountain Chemung - 295 Bolton - 572 road 149 Chesterfield 565 Marduck - 222 Cambrian system 632 Chinango - 295 Mariana Fossa - · 185 lower do- 633 Corbulonis Fossa 185 Market Weigh- Camel for raising ships 1054 Coventry 565 ton 572 Caminus, or chimney 131 Crinan 565 Campanile at Florence 1663 Cromford - 566 Martenaro Martesana 187 196 1738 INDEX. Page Page Canals Canals Page Cement for aqueducts 176. Medicina - 182 Weaver 577 181 Monkland 577 Western, Grand 578 Centre of cutting on Monmouthshire- 572 Wey and Arun 577 Montgomery- Wilts and Berks 577 shire · 572 Wilts, North - 573 canals Centres of timber Perronet's · G 1533 - 1395 - · 1399 Morris 296 Wisbeach 578 Mosolino 187 Witham - 573 at Chester Bridge 461 at Gloucester Muzza 187 Worcestershire 578 Bridge 462 Narbonne - 248 Wyrley and Es- Cephalopoda 621 Naviglio della · 137 sington - 578 Cessart, Louis Alex- Neath - 572 Yare 561 andre de 227 Newcastle 573 Canals and river locks 1533 Cetras 75 Norwich and - 573 - 573 573 296 187 • 250 295 Newport Pagnell 573 Northampton 572 Lowestoft Nottingham Nulbrook - Ohio Ollegio Orleans Oswego Cane, hydraulic Canterbury cathedral Canusium - 1165 Chain and offset staff 846 1620 Gunter's 846 - 148 Chains of iron 157 Caps of windmills - 1219 endless 955 Capstan, varieties of 997 for lifting stone 1024 Caracalla, circus of - 119 for measuring Caravelli, Don Vito 147 land 846 Carbon 649 pumps 1176 Carboniferous system 630 -, suspension 514 Oxford 573 Carbury, Count de Carpentry - 999 Chalcis, mole of 47 - · 1305 Chapels on bridges - 415 Padua 188 Carriages for boats Peak Forest 573 for railways 297 1020 Chalk 626 , green 103 Phillistina Fossa 185 for ships - 347 marl 710 Picardy 249 Piedmont - 187 of timber, how valued 904 Westminster Pocklington - 573 for weights 1017 Chapelets Ponfilio 188 Carts in Italy - - 1020 Portsmouth and Arundel - 573 Puzzola, Fossa di Rangone Fossa - 187 187 used by Perronet for railways Cartwright's steam- engine. 1018 Chapel of Henry VII., worked by water 1197 Chartres cathedral 1664 1634 1057. 1195 - 1019 Chelsea Waterworks 1642 Chesnut timber 101. 1285 981 Chimneys, their origin 131 Regent's Rochdale Rye Salisbury Sankey 575 Carybdis, Pool of 64 -, area for - 1257 · 573 Carystos, or Castel Chlorine - 646 - 573 Rosso - 100 Choras, the engineer 75 and Southampton Schuylkill Casks for floating bo- Chorabates · 166 573 - 573 dies Castelli, Benedetto 207 230. 352. 385 Chords and arcs 820 - Chromium 655 297 Castles 139. 409. 411 Secchio Sheffield - 187 Catacombs 60 Churches, roofs of Cippolino marble 1316 704 . 573 Catch piers 345. 401 Circei 75 Shrewsbury Shropshire Somersetshire Staffordshire Stainforth Stourbridge Stratford-upon- 573 Catch-water drains - 540 573 " 573 - 574 Catenarian arches 419. 1684. Cathedrals, cubical proportion in Circeum Circles 88 · - 741 area - 874 1664 circumference of 746 574 Amiens - - 1667 874 574 Chartres- - · 1664 diameter of, 874 Rheims Avon 574 Salisbury - 1664 1664 proportions of 746 to reduce to a > Swansea Tavistock- Tesino Tetney haven - 574 Caudebeck sacristy - 1636 square 880 - 574 Cauking - - 1306 to reduce to an - 187 Causeways 10. 541 oval - 881 - 575 Cedar, wood of - 1285 to reduce several Thames Medway and Celestial arc, measure- to one - · 888 - 574 ment of - 758 and Severn 574 Trent and Mer- sey Ulverstone Cella Solearis · 123 Cellular pumps 1197 to triple and Circumferenter double 884 862 575 Celsus on rain water 165 Circular staircases 1468 577 Cement 721 Circular alternate mo- Union, Grand - 571 kilns for burn- tion changed to con- Walsham Warwick Waveney 573 577 ing mills for grind- 717. 721 tinous 960 Circus 119 561 ing - 1049 Cirrhopoda 621 INDEX. 1739 · Cissiæ, machines Page · 1015 Cisterns for water 168. 544 Clay, Kimmeridge Convex mirrors Copper Page Page 244 Demetrius, Poliorcetes 44 51. 670 Denudation - 623 628 adit of mine 675 Derrick cranes 1012, 1013 London Oxford - 624 alloys of 671 Desarque's pump - 1194 628 crushing-mills Devonport column 1012 Wealden- for brick-making 709 627 for 676 Dilatability · 915 oxides of 670 Dimchurch wall 1558 Cleavage Clepsydra Cloaca Maxima of - 633 riddling of 677 Dinocrates 32 35 sampling of 678 Divisibility - 916 1658 sulphates of 670 Delorme, Philibert 1377 Clock-making, history Clutch or gland Copying plans 870 Delos, Isle of - 69 - 974 Coral rag. 628 Diaclos, or drawing 950 Corlina - 99 plan 44 , bayonet - 950 Cornbrach limestone 628 Diades 75 friction · 950 Corneil wood - 101 Diagonal lines 736 Coaking engine 1043 Corvus or raven - 1006 Coal 630 fields 694 Cos, Island of - 54 fields in Scotland 694 77 mines, how lighted - 976 Coryceum, apartment 122 Cosa, walls at Cotton spinning Diallage, or serpentine 635 Diameters of circles - 874 Diatonous - 1423 Diognetus 46 Dioptera 166 - 696 Cobalt 656 Couplet on centres Couplings ► 1408 Diverticulum road 149 949 Diving bells 1050, 1051 rock - walls fourway - sluice Cogs Cobb composed of Cocking or cogging - 1304 Cocks, stop and metal 167 Cofferdams 269. 430. 446. 465. 468. 1518. 1519. Cohesive strength friction - 950 Docks at Antwerp 214 - 385 727 Crab for raising weights Commercial 310 - 1001 Catherine's, St. 308 Cradle for hoisting - 239 Chatham 318 Cramping of stone 379 Cumberland - 363 - 1260 1214 Cramps, dowel and dovetail - 1441 Deptford Goole 314 324 - 1566 - Colechurch, Peter 1293 412 Cranes 1004. 1006. 1011 for hoisting 1701 movable - Perronet's Hull - 1008 - 1009 Crank 1267, 1268 - India, East India, West London Ramsgate 325. 327 - 312 313 310 396 Coliseum 23. 96 Crapone, Adam Colossus 48 Crayon, Port - 245 868, 869 Sheerness 318 how cleansed 329 of Claudius 133 Cretaceous system 626 Dock-gates at Mon- Colours used by the Cross staff for measur- trose 1553 Romans 103 ing 870 at Wool- Column of Antoni- applied to angles 871 wich · 1554 nus - 198 polygons 873 Dodecaedron 755. 779. of Trajan 198 rhomboids 872 889 Comitium 85 Crystal Palace in Hyde Dolabella, arch of 97 Compressibility 917 Park - 1668 Dolamite 702 Conches or locks 186 at Sydenham 1672 Domenico's invention Couchifera 621 Ctenoidans 621 of locks 187 25. 309. 724 172. 1139. 1226 for heating 127 758 to construct > 781 to find their su- weeds perficies their solidity 877 - 877 Cyclops Cylinders - Conic sections - 782 Contectis Piscinis Continuous rectilinear motion changed 954, 955 Contour lines on maps 802 Contract for London Bridge · 455 Danaide - De rius's Bridge over Hellespont Degrees 122 890 Dædalus - - 169 Daily labour of men Dams, double Concrete Conduit pipes of clay 94. ——, of metal Cones Conical flour mills 1705 - Conisterium, apart- ment Conoid, parabolic Ctesibius's pump Ctesiphon's method of 75. 201 · raising weights Cubical proportion 1663 Current, to find the velocity of 636. 1139 Cutting knife for - 751, 781. 877. , strength of metal 1258 Cypress, wood of, 108. 1285 - Assumption at Paris Invalides at Paris 1 348 St. Mark at Venice Salutation Church -, spherical Val de Grace Domitian, villa of Dorians Doric temples Doron Dovetailing stone Downs or dunes for mud • · 188. 1562 Belgium pro- - 204 Domes - 1345 - - 1346 - 191 $67 955. 1275. 80 1087 - 128 Dragging 959 Drainage 67 748. 811 - 1361 1347 1459 - 1345 93 158 1580 708 379 - 642 1520 - 1057 vinces 214 1740 INDEX. - - theatres 112, 113 Drainage, Fens Hontsdam Nene outfall Pontine Marshes 188 Purmer Lake - 212 Romney Marshes 532 of towns 543. 1657 Witham Marshes 537 Drain pipes Draining and embank- ing 2 Drains in the amphi- Drawing circles and Germany Greece Page Page Page 541 Engineering, history Figures, triangles, to 214 of, in England 306 reduce to 879 539 France 215 213 unequal, to di- vide 888 40 Filters for cleansing Holland 213 water 1211 Phoenician 1 > Mauras's system 553 Roman States 83 Fir, wood of, varieties 1286 468 Engines, steam 955 Fire basket for light- for boring 1033 houses 332 1557 fire · 1196 Fishes in geology 621 high pressure locomotive - 1255 Flashes for canals - 568 - 127] Flats in canals 618 raising water - 202 Flint glass - 731 ovals 773 steam-boat 583 Floatation of bodies ► 1156 9 parabolas polygons piles 773 England and Wales, Floating 207. 229 · 773 area of 759 equilibrium of 1154 - 1078 Eocene in geology 624 Flora, circus of - 119 Drawbridges 1392 Ephebium, apartment 122 Flood-gates, to raise - 1106 1057 - 1031 carriages · - 213. 1528 213 Dredging machines 229. bucket machines 347. 1058 value of work - 897 Drilling machines 1030 hand and foot machines Drivers to railway - Equilateral triangles Equilibrium Etruria 1278 Drummond's light 1230 Dykes, their construc- tion of Holland Dynamometers 1064. 1254 - Epicycloid 940 Floors - 1310 Epures or drawings Equation clock · 781 fire-proof 1688 982 double-framed 1312 - 768 naked - 1311 934.938. Roman - 1426 1505 Escapements, recoil -, ascending Breguet's · 983 · 984 974 single joists Flour mills, conical Fluids, pressure of Fluorine - · 1311 - 1705 1133 - 647 • 78 Foccaci, Francesco 206 roads, &c. 83 Foculare 9 Euripus, wooden Focus or hearth 131 bridge at 47 Fontana, Carlo 1015 Evangelus 751 Excavations - 1520 Force, measure of developed by - 916 for piers of the mover 1091 bridges 432 value of work 896 Hegnier's 1066 various, applied water - to machines Ear of Dionysius Earthen pipes for East London Water- 1068 60 915 166 Fall of water-wheels 1146 works - - 1651 Exchange at Antwerp 214 Extension Eyes, boring in metal 1036 given to water - 178 equilibrium of 917 mechanical la- - , parallelogram of 919 Flashing for supply of water Foreshores, how pre- bour 917 544 Eau Branch cut 539 Faraday's lamps 361 served - Forging of iron 3.3 34 Ebony, wood of 101 Fascines for jetties - 231. Formæ, town of 44 Eckart's power cap- 898. 1522 Fortifications of the stań 1008 Faults in mines 623 Greeks 74, 75 Edifices of Rome, Felspar, analysis of 705 Forum 105 materials used in Fenders of oak 327 Appii 152 construction 92 Fengite, marble of 99 Fossombroni Vittorio 206 Edwards, William - 426 Fens 541 Foundations 225. 238 Egeria, fountain of - 94 Ferrari 206 of bridges 1518 Egnatiam 148 Ferries over rivers 412 of sea locks 225 Elasticity 915 Field book for sur- of sluices 218 Eleusis 43 veying - 847 Elder, wood of 1285 Figures, regular 866 Ellipse 74 equiangular 744 Elm, wood of 100. 1285 equilateral . 744 cavating Emissarium Emplecton of, in America Embanking and ex- and draining Engineering, history Egypt - 1567 1558 194 " 121 > 293 irregular isoperimetrical multilateral plane, to reduce 878 quadrilateral, to - divide rectilinear 877 745 · 887 - 1310 886 ing by Fresnel, Augustus 750. 1663 244 884 Friction 951 of London Bridge Fountain of Hero Fowey Consols mine 674 Frames for building 180 Framing in carpentry 1310 partitions Freemasons, measur- - 447 1156 • 7 INDEX. 1741 Page Page Page 121 206 · 169 127. 709 95 Frigidarium, apart- ment - - Frisio, Paolo Frontinus, Sextus Ju- lius Fucinus, lake of 140. 195 Fuel, consumption of 1281 Fuller's-earth beds 629 Furnaces, construc- tion of Gabina, stone of - Gabions, construction proportions Goubert's apparatus for raising ships Governor or centri- fugal power Gradients on railways Graham's dead beat Grandi, Guido Goldsmith, arch of 96 Hexaedron 755.889 Gortyna, city of Gothic windows, their 51 Hexagon- - 887 Hexastyle temples 1582 - 1608 1663 - 1056 a 1262 tus 1567 several > - 983 proportions Hiero, palace of Hippodamus of Mile- Hippodrome of Con- 1582 57 46 148 206 stantine 95 Granite, Aberdeen 634 Hoisting tackle 1012 graphite 383. 634 crane · 1701 of G 1522 -, porphyritic 348. 634 for the Menai Gadsdon, Isaac - 417 Gravatt's level - 797 Bridge 1027 Galeasses 144 Graving docks - 294 Holly, wood of 101. 1286 Galileo Galilei 207 Galleys built by the Rhodians 46 cut in the rock 72 Ganoidans 621 Gravity, specific, of bodies, tables of centre of , earth's force of metals Hooke's universal 1116 joint 950 921 Hooke, Dr., on the - 1120 Catenarian 417 - 920 Horizontal line - 735 - 1117 Hornbeam wood 101. 1286 Gargouille Gas lighting -, condenser , gasometers for , governors history of hydraulic mains 1235 113 woods 1119 Horse, power of · 1092 · 1214 of a circle 921 observations on 1093 · 1235 of a cone 921 daily work of - 1237 of a paraboloid - 921 Hot-blast iron 1017 683 - 1238 of a sphere 921 Hounslow Heath, - 1230 of a segment - 921 base line on - of a sector 921 Humber dock wall 853 1526 mains 1239 of a trapezium 921 basin piers 1529 purifiers M 1236 of a triangle 921 Hulls, Jonathan 583 retorts, &c. 1232 Greece 40 Hydraulics 34 Garousse's lever 982 Greenstone 634 Hydraulic traversing Gates turning on pivots 219 or entrances to cities 69 of of Augustus 91 Grilliage of timber Groins, construction Groundwork, value of 896 221 frames - 1281 docks 294 = 1525 lime 721 press 1711. 1722 Circeium 88 Gudgeons 948, 949 ram - 1704 of the Lions at Guglielmini, Domi- Mycenæ 71 nico The 207 Hydrometry of canals - 1102 engines bular Gear, bevelled Geometry Gauges for steam. water and tu- Gaunus, Mount Gunter's chain Gymnasium 846, 847 Hydrogen Hydrostatic balance - 207 644 207 120 Hydruntum 1954 Hadrian, circus of 119 chine 1255 Halley's diving bell Gu 1051 148 Hammers for forg- Hygrometric ma- Hymettus, marble of 99 Hypersthene rock - 148 - 990. 999 - 942 ing - 1042 Hypocaustum - 733. 835 Hampstead Waterworks Windsor ble George's, St., Chapel, Gephyræans Giallo Ontico mar- Gin for lifting Girders, strength of 1312 1654 1630 66. 81 Harbours, see Ports. Harmonical propor- tion water 766 - 703 957. 959 Harry Grace de Dieu Heat, radiation of 314 • 1223 Girgenti, town of • 63 Glass, its manufacture machine for 781 • polishing Globe Gneiss system - 975 701 conduit pipes Hedgehog for rivers Heights Helepolis Heliogabalus, circus of 119 Hellespont, bridge 127 Icosaedron Impact, or shock of Impenetrability Impression, centre of 1115 Inclined plane 296. 924 planes on canals 1554 634 121. 131 779. 889 - 1197 - 915 - 1059 Indian Ocean G ** 635 736 Inertia - 916 47 Invertebrata in geo- logy 621 Iodine 647 Globular projection its composition 654 Gnomonic, or central · 747 over 66 633 Henry VII.'s Chapel, proportions Westminster - Iron Heptagon 879 projection Gold 746 Hepteres - 137 650 Herodes Atticus 50 Ionic temples, their · 1587 620, 621. 657 and brick con- struction its cohesion - - 1684 693 1742 INDEX. Iron, alloys of ~, assay of construction Page Page Page - 681 Kent Waterworks 1653 Levelling, compound 799. · 679 Key, grooving - 1037 802 1676 Kilns for cement 721 Levers used by the corrugated - 693 King's College Romans 201.928.982. cylinders 307 Chapel 1625 997 cylindrical co- Knolles, Sir Robert- 614 with toothed lumns - 691 wheels * - 982 Į Į Į Į Į Į Į Į Į Į Į Duleau's expe- Labelye, Charles 422 Lias formation 629 riments on forging furnaces galvanised • 498 Labour, mechanical 918 Libra aquaria 166 685 measure of Lichens which grow 682 value of 918 694 Laburnum wood - 1286 on stone Lifts on canals - 384 · 1555 hand used by Laconicum 121. 131 Light, Beale's * 1242 Archimedes 58 Ladders in mines 675 reflected 684 670 • · 1048 moulding native piles 313. 315. 549 , planing plate bending - 1028 , power of sus- pension , proving making Land reclaimed from the sea Lapping in carpentry 1307 Lagunes 211 Lambeth Waterworks 1648 Lamp black -, apparatus · 103. 728 for 730 - 320 Lighthouses Belfast WA Bell rock Bermuda Cape de la Heve Chapman sand Cordouan- Dundalk Eddystone Fleetwood - Isle of Man Lowestoft - · 784 61 - 1692 · - 341 1689 232 - 1693 240 507 ma 1692 chine puddling -, revolving shafts - 693 507 685 Larch, wood of 101. 1286 Larnica, gulf of 367 51 - 1692 Lateran, baptistery of 100 - 342 , rolling, forg- Lathe for turning 1 1029 319 ing, &c. 685 ships - 1725 Latitude - -, strength of 690. 693 without an axle Latomiæ, or quarries 995 Menai 360 757 Northern 342 60 Pentland Skerries 342 sulphate of 680 Latrina 128 Ramsgate - 1229 sulphuret of 680 Laurel, wood of 1 101 Spurn Point 329 swivel bridges 328 Laurentinum of Sunderland 335 teeth of wheels 946 Pliny 122 lamps 361 -, tenacity of - 514 Lavacrum 126 Lignum vitæ wood - 1287 tension of 693 Lazaretto 209 Limaria 168 valuation of work done in 910 weight, tables of 690 Ancona 105 Lime - 71. 78. 94. 717 Genoa 209 - wood of 100. 1287 Leghorn 210 Lime-kilns - 719, 720 wrought 685 Varignano 210 manufacture of 720 Ischia 139 Lead mines - 659. 661 Limestone 701 limestone of - 95 Lea River - 1639 -, aymestry 632 Isodomum - 1423 Isosceles triangles · 768 casting hushing 667 carboniferous · 631 662 ·, magnesian 639 Iter, or bridle way Jack for lifting 149 milled 667 mountain 630 pipes, forming of 100 primary 633 166. 667, 668 scar 631 weights Jacob's staff - 1001 red - 103 Lines, perpendicu- 832 reducing 667 lar 734 Jessop, William Jet height for measuring heights, &c. . 834, 835 of water, its Jetties 217. 220. 226. 236. refining 666 inclined C 735 roasting 668 variety of 734, 735, 363 sludge 668 736 smelting 665 Links of Gunter's - 1215 smiddum - 664 chain · 846 washing . 663 Liquids, level of · 1096 1522 Lecchi, Antonio 206 Lithium - - 651 Joas Johnson - 320 Let-off for water 564 Llandello flags 632 - 1306 of arches - - 1428 socket 549 Joints in carpentry Joists, to proportion - 1303 Levels, variety of -, gunners instruments for 793 Leupold Theatrum 962 Loam, Windsor 710 Level cutting on Locomotive engines 301 canals 1534 1272. 1282 796 Locks on canals 217. 222, Journals 949 Junction, Grand, Waterworks 1645 Juniper, wood of - 101 lines to rectify - 736 795 used by the Kaminus or chimney 131 Romans 166 མ 736 223. 1537 bridges at Cherbourg cast-iron centres of im- pression 1115. 1540 · · 225 - 1559 - 566 INDEX. 1743 Page Page Locks, chambers of 1537 dimensions of - · , gates of 232. 247. gates of iron 1553 Mahogany, wood of 1287 Mica schist 1540 water 326. 328 on the Humber 327 Mains for supply of Malton's perspective - Mammalia in geology 620 Mammertine prison Micænas, mole of Page 633 142 1214 Mickle'swindmill sails 1220 789 Middleton, Sir Tho- mas 545 97 Middlesex, West, scourer of sluice 1542 Man, daily labour of 1093 Waterworks 1644 sections of 1538 drawing and , stop gates 1557 pushing 1091 terns talus to be given moving a load - 1089 to walls of - 1539 moving winches 1090 , theory of 1535 Manfredi Eustachio to admit several - boats towing paths water enter water ex- pended -, Zendrini's count of - 1537 Manganese 206. 208 655 cement dams mortar - 1556 Maple, wood of 100. 1287 Miliaria, or lead cis- Mills, hand and horse 1045 grinding corn 1045 saw for marble 129 - 1029 639 - · 1049 204 - 1558 Marble 99 water 203 > Alracian 100 Millstone grit 632 1539 Barsenite 100 ac- Carrara 99 Millstones Minerals, their com- - 1047 187 , Chios 100 position 643 Logarithms 860 forest 628 Mine, sinking shaft of 1063 Lombardy, stone of 95 Lacedæmonian 100 Miners - 675 tract for Longitude London Bridge, con- Looms for weaving 969 Lydian - 100 Mines 659.661. 671 455 mills for sawing 1044 Mining instruments 1063 757 statuary - 703 Miocene in geology - 624 - Markots 287 Mirrors, how made 732 Lorenzo, St., gate of 93 Givars, St. 288 Mole, constructed at Lorgna's centres - 1395 Germain, St. 289 Euboea 67 Marco • 206 Martin, St. - 289 Louchette Lough Swilly and Foyle Loutron or cold bath Lubricating axles Lucrinus, lake of Lugdunum 1057 Marls, variegated 629 542 Pontine Marshes, Linturna 148 152 · Mollusca 122 - · 1023 Masonry - 140 - 180 Luna, town of · marble 143 Masetto, Giovanbatista 206 Eddystone light- house of London Morice, Peter · - at Misenus, 141. 142. Montanari, Genunano 206 Morelatto raising ships 1054 - - 544 Morland, Sir Samuel 582 455. 717. 1049 147 621 - 99 1419 371 Mortar value of 906 Bridge · 450 Morton's mechanical Luxor obelis at Paris 1016 valuation of the slips - 347 Lycia 76, 77. 82 Machines used by the Romans of Ctesibius for measuring several kinds - Materials, strength of 1025 MausoleumofAdrian 99.198 907 Motion of fluids · 1126 Motions of machines, conversion of 953 200 Augustus 197 alternate recti- - 204 Mausolus, palace of 54 - linear 992 Mean proportional 766 circular alter- distances , Cagnarel tour's 205 Measurement of depths, La- &c. 815 959 Measures, ancient and nuous - , Carberry's centrifugal force 1166 999 modern 911 Mechanical agents - 1087 cycloidal Cessart's, de, • 1024 -, power, equili nate 973. 995, 996 circular conti- parallel motion 1263 Mouldings of Greek 979.987 1266 Verra's Morel's 1191. 1280 Vialon's - brick-making construction of 1565 disengagement of dressing flour effects of elementary parts of proving strength of materials - 1025 for punching Maggiore, lake of brium of 939 temples 758 1165 Mechanics 915 Moulds of arches, de- 1166 Mechelini, Famiano 206 velopment of 1455 - 711 Mediterranean Sea 635 - Movements of machi- Meltuno, town of Menander crossed by - 146 nery how calculated 982 Mud boats 329 950 Cyrus 67 Mulberry, wood of - 101 1048 Mengotti, Francesco 206 Multilateral figures - 771 · 1188 Mensuration 863 Mural circles 809 Mercury 656 Muriatic acid - 647 939 Meridian, to deter- Muro Torto at Rome 87 mine 855 Messene, city of 72 vibrations · 1035 Metagenes 75 Musical strings, their Mycenæ - 766 67 186 Mica, analysis of · 715 --, treasury of 79 1744 INDEX. Page Page Page Naples, Bay of 138 Octares, boats 137 Pephasmenos 75 Narcissus, employ- Octaedron 889 Pepperino stone 95 ment of 195 to construct 778 Perea, Carli 206 Narducci, Tommaso 206 Octastyle proportions 1582 Perelli, Tommaso 206 Nasmyth, James, on 1663 Perronet, Jean Ro- tools 1033 Oil gas - 1242 dolphe - 266 Neapaphos 51 Olive, wood of 101. 1288 Perspective 789 Neapolis 57 Onctuarium 121 isometrical 791 Nero, circus of 119 Oolite 627. 701 Perugia, gate of 90 antico marble 100 Newcomen, Thomas 582 railway bridge Nickel - New River Company 1642 Niagara suspension Niches, hemispherical 1462 at an angle 1462 Nicholson, Peter Nippers for cutting , Bath inferior middle 628 Perry, Captain John 398 - 628, 629 Pertuis or sluices 188 628 Phalasarina, city of 51 Portland 627 Phalerum 43 · 1725 Optical square 843 Pharos 133. 146 Opus incertum - 98 Philopater, ship of - 137 · reticulatum 98. 1420 Phosphorus 648 777 Orchomenos 79 Phrygian marble 100 656 Ordinates 735 * Organic remains 620 piles 995 Ostia, Basilica at - 100 Nisida, Isle of 139. 142 Ovals - 749. 876 Nismes, walls of 90 to reduce to a Nitrogen or azote 644 circle · 88 Noble's suction pump 992 Oxygen 644 Nonagon 744 Norma - 72 Pacey, Whin 348 Norman architecture 1603 Paddles 188. 218. 1550 Notching in carpen- try Nymphenburgh ma- chine Pæonius 75 1304, 1307 Paddle wheels, Ro- man 205 Piers 132. 314. 320. 397, of bridges of cathedrals, their form Pile-driving 327, 328. 423. 465. 967. 1070 drawing - · 1078 , cutting off Pila, or moles - Pile worm navalis) Pinchbeck - 398. 434, 557 1506 1624 - - 1080 140 (Teredo 1291 671 · 1191 Painters' work, pieces Pincian gate - 87 of 910 Palæozoic in geology 623 Pine, yellow, 101. 729.1286 Pinning in carpentry 1304 Oak, wood of 100. 1287 Palæstra - 130 strength of 1295 Obelisks, manner of Palladio - 211 del Palling the capstan M 206 conveying 38 Palm 101 &c. of elevating 1013 Pantheon, roof of - 1332 single blocks 39 portico of - 1591 , at Alexandria Arles Axum 39 Pantograph 991 39 Paoli, Pietro 206 39 Parabola 750. 758 Piombino, Stephano Pipes of earthenware, stone for baths Piquets Pisa cathedral baptistery 805, 806 1012 163 167 - 1427 123 - · 1618 Cavallo - 40 Paraboloid - 757 Piscina, remains of - 63 Cœlian Hill 40 Parallel lines - - 735 limaria, &c. - 168 Citorio Monte 40 Parallelogram 760. 880 mirabile 142 Constantinople 39 * 919 Flaminio del 888 Popolo 39 99 Jebel Barkal 39 Luxor 39 gazine - 1680 Maria Maggiore 39 Parthenon, Medinet el tions of Faioum 39 Minerveo della of forces Parallelepipedon Parian marble Paris Providence ma- propor- 1584. 1663 Partitions, framed 1310 - Pavements, Roman 101, 102 Pit cranes Pitch tree manner of mak- Pisé, manner of build- ing 725 Pistons, their con- struction 1258 , strength of varieties of · 1257 1259 - 1006 · 101 Minerva 40 Pedal 981 ing 729 , Navona, Piazza Pelasgi - 68 lines of wheels 941 of 40 Pen, geometric 990 prices of pitch- , Pantheon 40 Penara, gates of 76 ing 911 Pincio, Monte 40 Pendentives of vaults 1466 Pitot's centres - 1406 Sallustiano della Pendulum - 981 Placoidans 621 Trinita 40 Penstock, ancient 194 Plane, epicycloid 940 Vatican 39 Pentadoron - 708 table 835 Whitaw Esk- Pentagon 43, 879. 886 to measure with 836 dale - 1013 Pentaspastos 200 to map with 840 Ocha, quarries at ..100 Ochre, red 103 Pentelican marble Pentrougn 99 Planeometry 733 - · 1150 Planing, machine for 1039 INDEX. 1745 Page Page Page Planking and piling, value of Plans, to draw to copy ichnographic -, orthographic -, scenographic Plants, fossil Ports and harbours Ports and harbours - 899 Boston, America 293 Harwich 319 737.864 Boston 224 Hastings 387 870 Bridgewater 363 Havre de Grace 232 760 Bridlington 332 Holyhead 361 - 760 Bristol 363 Howth - 399 • 761 Brundusium 147 Ilfracombe 363 622 Burghhead 349 Isere 48 Plaster, machine for Byrsa 6 Ive's, St. - 363 beating - 968 Caernarvon 360 Jersey 401 Plate glass 731 Cardiff 362 Jura, small isles 356 Platform of timber for Carlisle 369 Kingston upon sluices · 219 Carthage 5 Hull 325 of locks - 1542 Centocellæ 133 Kingstown 460 Platinum Platonic bodies Pliocene in geology Plungers of wood Poikilitic formation Points of support varieties of Poleni Giovanni 658 Charlestown 296 Kirkwall - 353 889 Chios 50 624 Civita Vecchia - 137 Kyle Lancaster 353 - 359 G 1180 Claudius - 134 629 Cnidus 32 Leghorn Leith 142 - 338 - 118 Cordouan 240 Liverpool 359 733 Corinth 44 Lyme Regis 385 208 Cork 401 Lynn, King's 322 Poleri Giovanni 206 Corran 367 Mabomac - 352 Poliphele, arch of · 1595 Cothon 6 Margate 396 Polygons 743, 744. 755. Cromarty 352 Marseilles 237 879 Cullen 351 Megara 6 Polyhedrons 754 Cuma 139 Messina 64 Polyspaston 201 Cherbourg 223 Milford Haven - 362 Pomærium 85 Christchurch - 385 Miseno 139 Pontoons 231.1054. 1710 Crete 51 Misenus - 142 Pontou Gephura 66 Cuxmere haven 387 Montreal 293 Ponts et Chausées 215 Cyprus 51 Montrose 342 Poplar wood - 100.1288 Dartmouth 385 Munychia 41 Porosity - 915 Delos 51 Myndus 55 Porcelain, grinding Dieppe 235 Naples 198 for 975 Douglas 396 Newhaven 387 Portes busquées 218 Dover 389 Orford $19 Ports and harbours Dublin 398 Orkney isles 353 Aberconway 360 Dunbar 337 Orleans, New - 294 Aberdeen - 343 Dundee 339. 1701 Ostia 133 Aberystwith · 362 Dunkirk 218 Adria Agrigentum Alexandria Ancona Androssan 138 Egina 45 Padstow Palermo 363 56 60 Eleusis 43 Paros 51 32 Ephesus 51 Penzance 364 145 Exmouth 385 Peterhead 358 - 367 Eyemouth 337 Phalerium 41 Antium - - 145 Falmouth 364 Philadelphia 296 Arbroath Aubin's, St. Avoch Axmouth 342 Feoline 356 Piræius 41 402 Findhorn 349 Plymouth 364 - 350 Folkestone 389 Poole 385 385 Fortrose 351 Port Patrick 397 Ayr 358 Fowey 364 Portsmouth 386 Baiæ 139 Frazerburgh - 349 Posidonia 65 Baltimore 294 Genoa 143 Pozzuoli 139 Banff 350 Glasgow 357 Pulteney town - 352 Bangor 360 Goole 324 Quebec 293 Barnstaple 363 Barton on Hum- Gourdron Gravelines - 342 Ramsgate 392 - 322 ber 324 Greenock 357 Beaumaris 360 Grimsby 324 Ravenglass Ravenna Rethymna 359 • 138 51 Berwick on Halicarnassus 53 Rhea 354 Tweed 33 Halifax ་ 293 Rhodes 45 Bideford - 363 Hampton (Little) 386 Rimini 138 Birkenhead 860 Hartland 363 Rochefort 238 Bordeaux 237 Hartlepool 332 Rouen 239 5 T 1746 INDEX. Page Page Page Ports and harbours- Projection of globes 783 Quadrant 749 Rye 387 Prony's machine 969 Salamis 44 Property, how to Salines 51 value - 891 Hadley's Quadrilateral figure Quadriremis boats 845 - 742 - 137 Samos 49 houses 893 Quarries in Egypt 36, 37, 38 Sandwich 592 mills 894 -, Baruthel - 116 Scarborough 332 soils 892 of granite 348 Selinus 63 Shoreham 386 Proportions belong- Sidmouth 385 Sidon 2 ture Smyrna 50 Propylons Southampton · 386 Proportionals various 766 ing to architec- Protraction of lines -, marble 143 Quartz · Southwold 319 Protractor Spezzia 143 Pseudisodomum Stonehaven 243 Pug mills S 1579 30 - 839 748 - 1422 709 Roquemaillere Quay walls 223. 238, 239. 116 704 Sunderland 335 Swansea - 362 Syracuse Tabermory 57 355 Tain Tarbut, East 352 - 355 Tarentum 146 Pumice-stone Pump-barrels cellular chain Tenedos 49 Teos 50 Terracina 137 Pumps 207. 1169. 1279 forcing 1169. 1174 foundations to · 1197 · 1196 Pulleys, 201. 930. 936, 937 Quirium, city of Quoins of lock gates 1548 Radiata in geology accidents on 1518 of earth and timber 293 Quinqueremes boats 137 - 85 Toulon 238 clear Trajan, port of - 133 Franklin's Treport - 233 - Tripoli 5 ship Troas 49 Hedderwick's 1173 suction 207. 1170. curves given to 1574 cutting edge rails embankments - 1667 999 95 1186 621 Radii of wheels 943 Railroads · 1566 capital and loans 1662 1661 chairs - 1572 1639 cost of · 1661 * 1204 - 1174 * 1567 1571 - 1175 engines excavations - - 1662 - 1567 Troon 350 1174 Tynemouth 336 Pterepoda 621 Tyre 2 Punching machines · 1034 Venice 144 -, press 1709 Watchet 363 Purbeck marble 627 foundations for sleepers gradients -, length in miles passing rails 1569 - 1568 1661 · 1576 Wells 320 Purifying apparatus 552 . planes on - 1578 Weymouth 385 Purple colour - 100 plate rails 1571 Whitby - 382 Whitehaven 359 Wich 352 Pyramids of Egypt Abou Roash Abou Seir 9 23 rails, various rails, their form · 1571 1662 28 1871 Wisbeach · 324 Biahhmoo 29 -, sleepers 1569. 1662 Workington 359 Dashoor 27 stone blocks 1569 Yarmouth 320 El Koofa 29 switches - 1577 > York, New 296 Ethiopian 29 Populunia 77 Geezeh 9 Port crayons 868 Gibel el Birkel 31 rails Posilippo, grotto of - 139 Howara 29 turn tables width between Railroads in America - 1575 - 1568 300 Posts, king and queen 1309 Ilahoon 29 Belgium - 292 bearing 1308 Lisht 28 England 584 Potassium 649 Meroe # 29 France 292 Power, mechanical 919 -, producing mo. tion 1143 Moydoom Mycerinus Nouri 28 Germany 292 14 Allegany and $1 Portage ་ 304 Pozzolana 92. 95 Pozzuoli, note of 95 camp Prænestine roadway - 149 Press, hydraulic 1711. 1722 , hydrostatic punching Pressure on vaults centres of Reegah Saccara Zowyet el Arrian 23 Altona 292 24 Atlantic, Great - 301 23 Ballochney 588 - 93 Pyramid, great, solid Baltimore and contents of - 10 Wheeling 301 1026 - 1708 - 706 1114 -, passages and galleries second, dimen- Berlin and Pots- 13 dam 292 Berwick and sions of 14 Kelso 586 Prisms Prisons Procida · 755.888 601, 602, 609 third, dimen- Bolton and Leigh 589 sions of 139 inclined passages 14 15 Bolton and Buffalo- 800 INDEX. 1747 Page Page Page Railroads Railroads Railroads Boston and Hay - 586 Plymouth and Lowell 301 Heck and Went- Dartmouth 587 Boston and Pro- bridge 589 Portland - 580 vidence- 302 Hull and Selby 592 Portsmouth and Braine la Compte Jersey, New 303 Pensacola 300 to Namur 292 Johnstan and Preston and Brandling Junc- Androssan 589 Wyre 592 tion 592 Junction, Grand 589 Breslau and Fri- Kiel - 292 burg 292 Kilmarnock · 586 Bridgend - 589 Kingston 587 Bristol and Glou- cestershire * 589 Yorkshire Brunswick and Lancashire and Leeds and Selby 1683 589 Providence and Stonington 302 Redruth and Chasewater Richmond and Covington Rouen and Havre 292 - 587 301 However 292 Leicester and Rumney - - 587 Brussels and Swannington - 589 Severn and Wye 586 Antwerp 292 Leipsic and Sirhowey 586 Brussels and France • 292 Dresden Liverpool and 292 Stevens, St., and Lyons 292 Budweis - 292 Manchester - 589. Stockton and Bullo Pill or Fo- 1681 Darlington 587 • rest of Dean Caermarthen- shire · 586 Llanelly - 589 Strasburgh 292 Llanfihangel 586 Stratford and 586 London and Bir- Moreton 587 Camben and mingham 590. 1663 Surrey 586 Amboy - 302 London and Union, North 592 Canterbury and Croydon 592 Versailles - 292 Whitstable - 589 London and Vienna and Carlsruhe 292 Greenwich 589 Gloggnitz 292 Charlestown and Long Island 302 Warrington and Ohio 301 Lothian, West 587 - Newton 589 Clarence · 589 Magdeburg 292 Western, Great 591 Cologne and Aix Malines to Os- la Chapelle - 292 tend 22 Wishaw Western, South- and 591 Cologne and Malines to Coltness - 589 Bonn Columbia and - Philadelphia 303 Cromford and High Peak 587 Croydon, Mers- · 292 Prussia 292 Mamhilad 587 Manchester and York and Albany 302 Ramming earth Rams, hydraulic 1109. 1704 897 Birmingham 591 Manheim - 292 at Marly Montgolfier's 1162 20 954 Mansfield and tham, &c. 586 Pinxton 587 siphon suction - 1161 - 1161, 1566 Dublin and Monkland and Ratchet lever 982 Kingstown 589 Kirkintillock - 587 Ravenna 206 Duffryn Llynvi 588 Monmouth 586 Receptaculum for Dulais 588 Montpellier and water - - 172 Dundee and Cette 292 Recipiangle 864 Newtyle 588 Mulhausen and Durham and Tham - 292 Recoil escapements Rectangle reduced to - 989 Sunderland 587 Nantle 588 triangles 878 Dusseldorf and Newcastle and Rectilinear figures Elberfeld 292 Edinburgh and Carlisle Newcastle and 590 and motion 202. 880. 889 Reflected light 243 Dalkeith 588 Frankfort and Darlington 590 Norwich and - -, circle 809 Regemont, M. 246 Wisbaden 292 Garnkirk and Glasgow 588 Furth Gemunden 292 Worcester Nurembourg and Oystermouth 586 302 Regular solids 778 Regulator box 1274 - 292 Rennie's, George, ex- periments sim 102€ Germains, St. 292 Paris and Or- Buchanan - 1002 Ghent to France 292 leans 292 Repeating circle 810 Gloucester and Paris and Rouen 292 Repose 916 Cheltenham - 587 Penrhynmaur 587 Reptiles 621 Grossmont 587 Philadelphia and Reservoirs 60. 1664 Harlem 302 Erie 300 for baths - 123 1748 INDEX. Page Page Page Reservoirs for baths 123 of loc 1557 Roof of Pantheon, Paris 1327 Paul, St., Rome 1329 Scale, manner of di- viding - - 7337 Resin 728 Riding house, Scarfing timber 1304. 1307 Resistance of materials 1026 Rhedæ Rheims cathedral 1015 Moscow 1329. 1335 Theatre of Bor- Schist, chlorite 634 hornblende 632 1664 Ridge and hip tiles - 711 deaux Theatre, Italian, 1324 talcose 633 Sciography 785 Riding-house at Paris - 1326 Scipio Africanus, bath Moscow 1335 St. Martin 1323 of - 125 Right and oblique Roofs trussed with iron 1332 Scouring sluice 234. 1559 cylinders - 780 tie-beams, expe- Screw 1214. 1566 Rimini 206 riments on 1319 Archimedian - 1167 Ring, circular 875 with horizontal bolts, machines , cylindrical 749. 890 Risban at Dunkerque Rivers, Alabama, &c. 293 origin of ties 1334 for 1028 217 Rope ladders 1569 docks 294 —, rigidity of 1418 endless or per- · 638 Roslyn Chapel, pro- petual - 927 method crossing of portions 1618 jacks 1002 66, 67 Rosso antico 703 mill and press - 955 walls the Rhone, &c. Riveting - Rocks, Kelloway 642 Rotæ machines - 1015 piles and moor- - 1625 Rouen, quay wall at 1528 ings 1692 1035. 1709 Cathedral win- 628 Ludlow - 632 dows, propor- tions of 1612, Plutonic 684 1613 • -, Quartz Yaredale 653 St. Ouen at 1616 631 Roads in France - 216 Rubble work, value of 907 Roughton Gill mine 664 Screw-cutting machine 991. lock at Dun- wall at Brighton 1526 at Dim- Sea banks kerque - 1037 542 - 217 wall Roman 149. 523 Rudder Roman 202 church - laid out by Rudyard, John 368 water Perronet 267 Rules, parallel - - 763 materials for Running water, ex- making names of - 150 periments on - 1138 151 waves Seasoning timber Seats in amphitheatres 114 Secants of an angle - 1558 636 - 636 - 1289 856 parish 524 Sabbadino Christo- Sectants 844 , specifications for pher 209 Sectors - 749 making - 526 Sabinum 83 -, uses of - 819 -, timber 516 Sacbuts used at Syra- to find the area friction Rochester castle Rollers, eccentric spherical for - 1663 cuse 58 of 875 - 1261 Sails of windmills 1219 to measure 952 Salisbury cathedral - 1603. heights with 825 1664 bridges - 1392 Sallust, circus of - 119 ceous Roman cities and gardens of 93 towns, walls, Salopians 84 Sediments, argilla- Segments,to find area of 875 of spheres 624 876 Brussels towers. &c. 84, 85 wall at Hartle- pool Rondelet's table of the strength of oak 1294 Roof of ball room, Christ Church Samaritaine 255 Selce, stone for pave- Samnites 83 ments 95 333 Samos ware 49 Selenium 648 Sand used by Romans 94 Self-acting slide rest - - 1030 banks 642 Semicircles 748 , green 626 Semita, or foot-road- 149 - 1327 for mortar 723 Sandstone - 629. 631. 698 - Hall Crosby Hall " 1318 Savo, river of - - 1318 Saxon architecture · 148 1601 Roman Eltham Hall 1317 Scæan gate, with Sepulchres cut out of rocks Seradifalco, Duca di Serpentine, its compo- 82 196 80 Hampton Court 1318 James's, St., mole Scaffolding 72 1410 sition - 635 Servius, wall of- 86 church - 1332 made of spars - 1013 Louvais L 1322 Mandar's design 1413 Setting out lines Sewers 793 Mansard's 1319 of Britannia Odeon 1331 tubular bridge 1716 - 83. 192. 1658 commission of Roman 543 ← 191 of large span of timber Opera des Arts Palais Royal - 1344 of Pantheon - 1416 1332 1328 1322 value of Zabaglia's Scalding houses 900 Shackles, chain and screw - 1023 1414 Shadows < 286 Shafts, or axles 784 945 INDEX 1749 Page Page Shafts of cast-iron, - strength of 945 sunk for tun- Smoothing iron, ma- chine for 1040 Sodium 650 nelling- 184. 194 Soldering the metals 167 Shales, limestone upper lias 630 Solids, how to con- 629 struct 776 Steam-engines, loco- motiv> -, pumping - Page single-acting 1245 used for pile- - 1271 327, 328 iron -, Shears for cutting Sheds for ship-build- mensuration of 888 driving 1084 · 1037 Sophia, St., at Con- used for bridge- ing Sheeting-piles · 1343 stantinople Sopwith's levelling - 100 building 437 Steel 686, 687. 689 - 1075 staves · 799 yards 729 Sheets of iron, punch- ing Shield for tunnelling Ships, Roman - 1035 Sounding the soil 1519 lines Stereometry 733 850 Stevenson, Robert - 470 1560 Sources, machine at - 1190 137 Southwark and Vaux- -, loaded, manner hall water com- of lifting 294 pany 1647 loading and un- Space • 916 loading 201 Spandrill and wing sunken to raise 1054 walls - 1522 Stierme's domes Stone, 92. 95. 1020. 1425 -blocks and sleepers1572 laid without cement machine throwing, into · 1346 178 for Sdes of triangles, how Spar, calcareous 700 sea - 1024 to calculate 854 Specifications 445. 465. 468. Stone pipes · 1427 Sieves, machine to 526 polygonal move • 995 Spello, gate at · 88 blocks 68 Sight, point of, in per- Speluncas 148 quarries 697 spective 790 Sphere · 756.876, 890 quarries, wheels Signals 854 surfaces of 747 used at 966 Siliceous 698 Spherical valves 1183 Stone, resistance of, to Silicium 654 Silk-twisting machine 976 Silurian in geology - 622 Silver 657 - Sines 761.793. 856 lipse Spiral, to find area of trigonometry Spheristerium 122. 130 Spheroid, or solid el- , transport boats Stoves and grates Dr. Arnott's 778 the crush - 705 on 367 890 1224 875 - 1221 to find areas of 857 > cylindrical, to metallic 1224 Sinuessa on the Do- mitian road Siphon for draining - 1098. Siphon for extinguish- draw 789 Strade at Hastings · 387 - - 148 Spirit levels 794 Stratification 623 Spoliatorium 131 Strike in geology 619. 623 1164 Spring balances and Strontium 652 of water ing fire 167 165. 1067 Square, to draw 880.881. Stucco, tempering 102 Skew back of arches - 1430 883 in damp places Sublimation 103 - 916 bridges - Skins inflated to cross rivers Slate, Stonesfield Slips, inclined planes - 471 , geometric, use of 817 to double Subsoil, drainage of - 1559. - 67 to reduce 883 880, 881 1563 Sulinis Minerva, altar 628 Stadium < 122 to 130 619 for ships in geology advantages Sluices of cast-iron - 239 619 Staircases 111, 112. 1469. Stamping-mills for ore Sulphur 647 1475 Sunderland light- 664 Sloping beaches, their Slotting, machines for 1037 Stand pipes,hoisting of 1012 house, removal of Superficies - 335 759.877 345 Stateræ, Roman Station pointer • 326 - 218 Bergue's - 219 Sluices, 217, 218, 219, 220. 223, 1558 for scouring harbours 391. 394 side walls of at Turner's and Smeaton, John, me- Statutes of Romney Marsh Staves for levelling 799 Steam as a moving power - Steam-engines,history of Supply of water in France America - Surveying, cross -, maritime -, parish subterranean Suspension bridges 202 808.850 285 229 532. 1242 843 - 847 848 - 1260 - 832. 849 - 581 507. moir of - 429 diving bell of · 1051 ,application to mills atmospheric Albion mills 1725 - 1270 1243 Suspensura floors 122. 127 Swape 331 - 1248 Swing bridges of iron 521 hand pump of - Smelting and refining Smithfield market, 1175 double-acting - 1247 Sydma, gate of 76 34 employed at the Syenite, composition London docks 311 of 634 Manchester - 1678 Hornblower's - 1250 Symmetry 1595 1750 INDEX. Tabularum Tandini, Antonio Page 96, 97 Page Page Thermæ, Pompeii 128 Travertine stone 95 206 Titus 120 Treasuries of Greece 79 chine Tar, how obtained Tangential force ma- Tangents - Taorminum Tatian marble - Trajan 120 Trenches cut by · 1067 Thermolousia 131 Greeks 66 8.57 Thermometer dis- Tres Taburnæ 148 64 covered 207 Trevithick, Richard - 583 - 728 Thomasin 246 engine - 1175 99 Threads, double cut- Triangles 741 Teeth of wheels, their ting of- 1038 sides of 854 curve 940 pitch line -, strength - thickness Telegraph, electric Tide gauges 849 to divide 884 - 941 • 942 currents mill 636 to form 769 971 to measure 872 944 Tiles 94. 711, 712, 713 to reduce 878 599 Timber, varieties of 100. - Triangulations for Telescope Telford, Thomas 207 1285 surveying 812 - 469 Temples, façade of 1581 Antoninus, &c. • cohesive strength of to draw one simi- - 1293 lar to another 769 96 decay of - 1289 Ægesta Castor Pollux 64 felling of and - Fortuna Virilis Hercules · Jupiter Capito- linus Jupiter Olympus, 61, 258 870 1303 - 100. 1289 resistance of 1294 , strength placed vertically strength, inclined 1303 transverse Trigonometry -, surveying Triremes or Roman boats Trispastos for raising Triumphal arches, proportions Trompe, to construct 1454. Troughton's improved < 733. 803 - 852 137 weights 200 · - 1596 strains 1292 waste of 904 " 62 Tides, their effect 322 1464 Jupiter Pan- of the sea 636 hellenius 45 their force 229 level - 796 Minerva 61 of the atmo- Trucks with wheels - 1019 Romulus 98 sphere 637 Trypho 75 Vesta 98 Tile-kiln 730 Tubes of Britannia Tenons and mortises- 1305 Tiles, draining with - 1564 Tepidarium 121. 131 Teredo navalis - 1291 Terracina 138. 148 Tertiary series in ornamental Timber bridges principles of platform - 713 bridge Tubular bridges - 1718 1705 - 1350 1350 Tubuli fictiles · 167 Tufa stone 95 for Tumuli 197 geology Testudines used 622. 628 sluices - 219 Tunicata - 621 at value of - 902 Tunnel, Thames 522 Rhodes Tetradoron Tetraedron dity 47 Tin 670 708. 755 Tomb of Archimedes 777 centres for for cleaning har- - · 1405 - 889 at Agrigentum 80 bours 840 temples mans to find soli- Tetrastyle proportions 1580 Thames river Ti:eatres of the of Marcellus Theodolite Thermæ, Adrian's Alexander verus Antoninus Caracalla Antoninus Aurelian Commodus Constantine Decius and of Alexander in chalk 574 889 Severus - 200 for scouring of Cecilia Me- docks 359 · - 1581 tella 97 Tunnelling by Romans 166. · 307 1639 of Romans 199 193 107 of Scipios 93 Ro- of Telmessus 77 - Turning gates of Turf, laying down 897 106 of Theodoric - 206 sluices 220. 232. 234 - 107 Tools used in lead Turn tables 1577 840.842 mines 661 Turpentine 729, 730 - 120 of miners 675 Tusculum 77 Se- Torni, machines 1015 Tympanum, Roman - 202 - 120 Torricelli, Evangelista 207 Tour de Corduan - 237 Umbria 83 - 120 Towers of Roman 94 walls 87 120 Tracery of Gothic - 120 - 1608 120 120 762 Diocletian 120 - Domitian 120 Trajan's Column Nero Philip · 120 Trapezium 198 743. 878 windows Tracing lines on the ground Tractoria, machine 1015 Unharnessing an ani- mal, machine for Unit of labouring force 918 Universal joint Val St. Pierre, ma- chine at · 970 windmill · 1569 958 - 1192 Valves 1179. 1182. 1259 - 120 Trapezoid - 743 crown, rotary &c. 1260 INDEX. 1751 Valves, cocks eccentric •, opened weights safety sliding Vanvitelli Vauban's works Vauloüé, James Vaults, conical conoidal cylindrical 753. 1429 , descending and intersecting 1441 flat · Gothic, their construction Gothic with ribs 1448 · Page 1260 Page Page Visual 1262 rays in per- spective Water on inclined by Vitruvius 789 83. 166 surfaces 1107 pipes, wooden - 549 1261 - 1256. 1275 Volterra, walls at - 77 - 1239, 1240 Voute d'Arete 1430. 1450 - 145 217 422 - 1429 - 1465 Walls, Aurelian's Waggons used 011 railways used in mines built by the Greeks around - 1020 1018 · 88 Vivarium, remains of 97 pumping of, in the Metropolis 1639. 1643, 1644. 1646. quantity of, supplied by London com- panies , quantity charged by rivers reservoirs of, 1648. - 1642 dis- 1228 their cities 75 642 1430 of cities 67.83 of crude brick - 36 1641. 1645. 1647. - 1448 , double, of Greek 1653 cities 76 screw 203 groined - 1444 Chester and hexago- Winchester · 407 nal - 1445 London and supply of 139. 297, 298, 299 towns supplied 544. hemispherical - 1460. hexagonal - 1446 keys of ditto 1449 skewed splayed spheroidal -, spherical Veins in geology Velarium or covering Velocity of a river, how ascertained of a current Venice, city of Vent pipes for aque- ducts - 1139 Ventilation 181, 612. 675. York 403 1210 1461 Rhine to Da- vertical action nube 86 of · 1099 Servius Tullius 86 waste through Southampton and Roches- ter 1525, 1526 and -་ 1459 · 1464 1459 618 117 sea Walnut, wood of 1288 · Warming and lighting 1223 apartments in for sup- ply of London 548. 550. 1637 works at Lon- J 640 Paris by air - 132 don Bridge · 211 by hot water by steam 1227 1225 Watt's · 1227 on canals 181 new prison 615 Persian method Roman method 131 132 experiments Waves in a storm, force of Weardale mines orifices - 1128 wheels 1142 408 works estab- lished for - 442. 545 1142 · 229 660 Ventilators and Water blowers - 1222 Verd and Bonne Es- 165, 166. 552. 635 analysis of bodies plunged 1637 Weather tiles Wedge, use of • 711 925 Wedging in carpen- perance forts 217 in 1153 try 1304 Verdigris 104 circular and fox-tail 1306 Verzy's steam-engine 958 vertical · 1110 Weights, tables of 914 Vermillion - 103 closets intro- Vermuyden, Cornelius duced - 549 536. 539 companies 1655 water - Vessels, sunken, rais- ing of constant supply 1054 of 1655 Vestini, country of Via, or common road 83 149 Appia Domitiana 151 - 148 Flaminian · 149 Prænestine 152 Sacra - 85 Ulpian or un. paved 151 Viaducts 303 Victualling yard, Dept- ford 314 View, point of, in per- spective 790 Vis St. Gilles stair- Į Į Į Į Į │↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ conducting cost of raising 166 1213 at Sheerness engines for raising - 1179 filters 550, 551, 552 Wenlock formation gauges 533 -, raising of Weirs, discharge of Wells Cathedral Wells, Artesian, 1059, 1060 sunk by Romans 167 for supply of water Westminster Abbey - 1608 928. 999 1140 - 1604 - 318 553 632 machines for Wharf cranes · 1005 raising measurement - 1201 Wharfing of boards - 323 Wheel and axle 938 through tubes 1126 method of find- Wheels, construc- tion of 944, 945 ing 165 breast water case 1470 motion of, in pipes motion of, in rivers 1139 bucket water drum water fly 1141 overshot 1153 1198 - 1196 - 1268 · 1148 1752 INDEX. Wheels, Persian Page Page Page , scoop 1196 1196. 1660 White lead - 104 Workmen's tools, Winchester Cathedral 1621 their power 927 tide 1151 Windlass used by undershot · 1142 Romans 201 Wheelwork Wheel, sun and planet 1266 machines for cutting teeth 1039 velocity of 1148 rotating round two parallel axes Winstanley, Henry 368 Xerxes' bridge of Willow, wood of 101. boats 66 1288 Wind produced by a - 1566 fall of water - 1151 Zanotti, Eustachio Windmills 956, 957 Zendrini, Bernardo horizontal 956 Zinc 939 sails, effects of, 1221 Zones Whistle, steam 1279 White's pulley - 933 Wipers applied to wheels Zuliani, Pietro 979 Zureda's machine 206 208 669 - 760 · 206 - 962 LONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARB AND PARLIAMENT STREET ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING VOL. II. 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