BLOLEST OF A. LOROSS 5.37-41 Advice to Freeholders and other letto2s of Members to ferve in BX 5033.5 PARLIAMENT.37 In Relation to the A 25 PENAL LAWS and the TESTS. In a Letter to a Friend in the Country. With Allowance. SIR. I • T having pleaſed the King, to emit a gracious Declaration for Liberty of Confcience, and it being more than probable, that the matter thereof, may be the Subject of the next Parliament; I do here preſent you (my old Friend) with ſome of the Mo- tives, inclining me to exert my felf to my Ability, when cal- led to it (whatfoever Oppofition or Cenfure, may therein attend me) for the Election of fuch Members as may concur with his Majeſty, in giving Sanction to this Indulgence (it being what we have long wanted, and wiſhed for) and in fecuring it to after Ages, which is as undoubted- ly the King's Royal Purpoſe, as it is our common Intereft; my Rea- fons are. 1. That herein I fhall be found to act in confiftency with my conftant Principle, for I always eſteemed it, to be a glorious Work, to fet Con- fcience free from Church-Tyranny, and to extricate the Nation from the intolerable Burden of deſtructive Pexai Laws. A 2. That (2.) 雨 ​2. That in the prefent Undertaking; I fee my Sec: ity, we have in this happy Juncture, the Advantage of promoting what we highly prize, and that with his Majeftie's Royal Recommendation; fo we are fafe (whosoever fnarles) in conforming, to fo great, ſo good, and fo wife a Refolution, as the King has propitiously taken. And moreover, 3. Gratitude to his Majefty for this Declaration, and for his gracious Proclamation of Pardon of the 10th, of March 1685, engages and fpurs me (as I hope it will do Multitudes) to promote with my utmoſt Might, this prefent Work, as it is a thing acceptable to the King. To add no more, theſe Reaſons are prevalent with me, and if they may difpoſe you to contribute to the making proper Elections, io that his Majeftie's gracious Purpoſe, for the Relief and Tranquility of his People, may not be fruftrated, by unreaſonable Malecontents, it will be incft grateful to me; for I know you to be very capable, of contri buting fignificantly to this publick Good. I perceive that fome of your Neighbours are beating their Brains for Arguments, to juftify the upholding the perfecuting Laws, and the dif criminating and moſt unreaſonable Tests: With me it is out of Queſtion, that thofe Men, are very narrow foul'd, and their Maxims ill grounded; pray therefore bear with me, that I prefent you with my Thoughts, of the great Point now agitated, Liberty of Confcience, or Teleration. I am well fatisfied, of the Truth, and Stability of the following Po- fitions, and he that is fo, muft ceaſe to Love Perfecution. 1 Liberty of Confcience is confonant to the Gofpel which no where countenances Force and Compulſion. 2. To grant this Liberty, is the true Intereſt both of Prince and Peo- ple, to evince the Truth of thefe, let it be conſidered as to the firſt: That Liberty of Confcience is confonant to the Gofpel. It is a Goſpel of Peace, and not of Force and Fury: Iffo, it is moft unbefeeming this Gospel, to do things rafhly and violently, for its Advancement, it is rot to be fo propagated: Its Language is, be that believos fhall be faved. And our bleffed Lord, and his Apoftles (who had the command of all Power) to bring Men to this Faith, ufed Inftruction, Perfwafion, and Rafoning, but never went about to deal with Mens Confciences, by Violence; they ufed no Sword but that of the Spirit, and left every Man to his own Light. Error, as well as Truth, is feated in the Mind of Man, and we are without one Inftance fince the Creation, where Compulfion ever wrong he a Change in any ones Principles, tho it hath wrought on many, to de- ny or conceal their Opinions. The Soul of Man is out of the reach of the Magiftrates Sword, and therefore 'tis as vain to pretend to direct what (39 what I fhall belie, and to force in me a Faith of any thing, as 'tis to attempt to bring the Angels under an outward fecular Power. Coin. pulfion undoubtedly will difpofe a Man to hate whatſoever is ſo propo- fed, and not better evinced. To proceed, 2. That Liberty of Confcience is the Intereſt both of the King and his People, this is well proved, by the invincible Reaſons in his Majeſties gratious Declaration, which are theſe. 1. The Glory of the King. 2. The Peoples Peace. 3. Union be- tween the King and his People. 4. The Unreafonableness of contrain- ing Confcience, and forceing People in matters of meer Religion. 5. The Miſchiefs of Compulfion by ſpoiling Trade, depopulating Con- tries, and difcouraging Strangers. And lastly, the id Succefs which Force has had in Religious Matters, which fhews the invincible Diffi- culties which attend thofe Methods. 1. The Glory of the King. Will any Member of the Church of Eng- land (fo fam'd for Loyalty ) repine at his Majefties being truly Glori ous? furely no; and hath not this his Act of Tendernefs, added high- ly to his Glory? It undoubtedly hath: It fecures not only common Homage of Obedience, and Subjection to his Majefty; but with it, that more noble, of the Hearts and Affections, of a very great multitude of his People, who are ſober, ſerious, induftrious, and alfo wealthy; theſe by Perfecution have been made heartlefs in themſelves, and uſeleſs in a very great Meaſure, to the King, and Kingdom: Ifay this Indulgence hath fecured to the King the Hearts of his diffenting Subjects, who are brought to depend upon him, and they will love him, who favours and protects them, and hath put them into a Pofture, than which they can never hope for a better; and feeing the Church of England cannot but love him, and be Loyal, he is without Controverfy become the moſt Glorious, becaufe the greateft, and most beloved Prince, that ever yet fwayed the English Scepter. 2. The Peoples Peace. Do not we know by fad Experience, how greatly Coercion in things relating to God and Confcience, has diftur- bed the Peace of Mankind, and created terrible Concuffions in theſe Kingdoms? What lamentable Divifions and Animolities, have we be- held to ſpring from the Execution of the Penal Laws, and how difinal ly fad have been their Effects? It is not reaſonable to imagine that Perfecation fhould not diſguſt thofe who fuffer; and By-ftanders (tho otherwife perfwaded as to Religion) are diffatisfied, to behold their peaceable honeft dealing Neighbours, torn to pieces for Confcience fake, fuch are difpofed to pity the Sufferers, and to dillike the Severi- ties wherewith they are exercifed. **A*2*´ ས་ 3. Union (4) *. Union between the King and his People. It is moft evident that the Difaffection, which not long fince had overſpread our Horizon, did ſpring from the Severities of the Laws, and of their Execution. The happy Union between Prince and People has been (if not broken) to a very great degree weakened, by a miftaken Maxim, that but one part of his Majeſties Subjects (and that a much leffer part, than fome are wil- ling they fhould be thought) deferved to live, and to be protected: This too predominant Opinion, did manifeftly narrow the Intereft of the King, by confining it to one Party; but bleffed be God, and the King, that we have out lived that fond Conceit, and that we fee, that Liberty of Confcience hath united the Diffenters to his Majefty, and that he becomes the common Father of all his People. 4. The Unreaſonableness of conſtraining Confcience, and forcing People in matters of meer Religion. Confcience is God's peculiar, and fo out of Man's Jurifdiction: Is it not then moft unreaſonable, to have it floating about at the Will of humane Powers,and to oblige Chriftians to fuffer or to fall in with all Changes of Religion? It is unreasonable, be- cauſe impoffible, to compel a Man to the Belief of any thing, out of the compaſs of his Knowledg; our Lord left neither Precept nor Preſident for fuch a Practice: Men under the Goſpel are firſt to be enlightned, and then to practice in Conformity thereto: The way of dealing with Men by Violence, was in all Ages unfucceſsful, therefore 'tis more than time to explode it; & ad hominem, to give one irrefragible Argument to our Church of England (which at this day, is, or would be the Perfccutor of her Brethren; ) Is it not unreaſonable, nay abfur'd, that that Church which in its Doctrin allows Judicium difcretionis, a liberty of judging for our felves, and pretends not to Infallibility; fhould require me to change my Opinion, and to be of hers, when I conceive my felf to be in the right, and the bath no infallible Affurance that he is not in the wrong? 5. The Mifchiefs of Compulſion, in ſpoiling Trade, depopulating the Country, and difcouraging Strangers, amongst the many mifchievous Events which we have feen, from the denyal of Liberty of Confcienes, that upon Trade is not the leaft, nor to be laft mentioned: Impofition in Religion damps mens Undertakings, and hath drove Multitudes into forreign Parts, and not a few to a Retirement from their Trades, and Vocations, who would otherwife have been very useful to the Common-wealth: Confcientious Men have a very low Efteem of all things, compared with their religious Liberty; who will lay out his Eftate and Trade freely, where the bare exerciling his Religion, gives vile Infor- mers a Power to difpoil him of his Subſtance? Toleration in the united Netherlands, hath brought them from all parts of Europe, a Confluence of People, (5) People, and by confequence of Treafure, and Trade; wherefore their Policy, has heretofore, as much approved our preffing a Uniformity here, as they now feem difturbed at our Liberty of Confcience, it being that, which with fo great Advantage they have long monopolized. And Laftly,The ill Succefs which Force in Religious Matters has always been attended with: Compulfion never attained the intended End, it may, and hath too often made Hypocrites, never fincere Converts. The earneſt deſire of Liberty when refufed, creates Difcontents, which boile in the Breaſts of Men, and have too often broken out, to the en- dangering Governments; for Perfons of differing Sentiments in Reli- gion will unite in an Oppoſition to the Force about Religious Things, which renders every diffenting Party uneaſy, ſo that the Danger feems to lye in Perfecution for Confcience fake, and not in the having under one Government feveral Perfwafions and Parties in Religion. I fhall now proceed to the Objections made againſt this Liberty of Confeience, and the Repeal of the Penal Laws, by fome very warm Clergy Men (for the Church is not a little divided in this Point, and the beft, poffibly the greateft part thereof, will be found not to ap- prove Perfecution.) 1. They fay, their Oppofition arifes from a Dread of Popery. To anſwer thefe Gentlemen, and diffipate their Fears. 1. Can the Church of England (Circumſtances confidered) poffibly invent a better Security than fhe hath by his Majeſties Declaration? That firft of all Declares, that the King will protect and maintain Her, in the free Exerciſe of her Religion, as, by Law eſtabliſhed and in the quiet and full Enjoyment of all her Poffeffions without any Moleftation or Diſturbance whatſoever. What would fhe further have? Will fhe call into queſtion the Sincerity of his Majefties Promife? The King intends the Concurrence of a Parliament for the eſtabliſhing the Indulgence, and the aboliſhing the Tefts and Penal Laws: It will be then feaſonable, for the Church of England to ask her further Security, if he will pretend to stand in need thereof. 2. Let the Church confider that the King only takes from her the Pow- er of doing Miſchief. She will not pretend to deny his Majefty Liberty of Confcience; if the doth not, can ſhe expect by his Permiffion and Au- thority to cudgel her fellow Subjects into a Communion which he doth not approve, and that after he hath fo folemnly declared his Royal Judg ment to be againſt all Perfecution for Confcience fake? He intends not to deprive the Church of England of fuch Laws as are defenfive of her Re- ligion and Poffeffions, but only to abrogate ſuch Statutes, as the Iniqni- ty or short-fightedness of paft Ages hath armed her with to annoy and offend (6) offend her Neighbours; Laws wicked in themſelves, and which fhe hath too long,very wickedly executed,and therefore very fit to be yielded up. The Objectors fear of Popery, by the Repeal of the Penal Statutes, is not eaſily to be comprehended; let the Papifts, with all other the Kings Subjects, be reſtored to what ought to be theirs, by the Laws of God, and let them have their Birth-rights, and we have them in the com- mon Intereſt of the Nation. Such who are in love with Perfecution,may not think to make the Romanifts uncafy,in the Reign of the prefent King; let us then weigh it, whether it be not the beft Difcretion, to fecure them of Eafe in the next Reign. Another Objection brought for keeping up the Penal Laws is, That they for whom Liberty is defered, are Factions, and that it will ftrengthen thofe who have always been for a Common-Wealth. Of what force this Objection is, will be feen, if it be confidered. That Perfecution foments Faction, but Liberty wins over the Male - content, if not, it lays him open, and will make every Body ready to be kis Executioner. Violence may have forced many to factious Practifes,who were not, nor would not chufe be Factious, Oppreffion making the wife Man mad Give Men Security in their worshipping God, and you may foon diftinguish between Confcience and Faction. It hath been well obfer ved, that noGovernment is endangered by the People it feeks to preſerve: Did not the Church, by Rigour and Severity in time paſt,drive many Dil- fenters from their Native Country, and force thofe who remained, to ſhelter themſelves under the Enemies of the Crown? I juftify not the Practice,nor can the Fact be denyed: The King is at this Day,by his tranf cendent Grace & Tenderness toConfciences become Mafter of the Hearts, and by confequence of the Lives and Eftates of his diffenting Subjects. I fall in the next place take the liberty of offering fome things to the Confideration of all our Country-men, both of ſuch as are Members of the Church of England, and of Dienters. 1. The Gentlemen of the eſtabliſhed Church may pleaſe to remember, that their Church, when brought under, pleaded for Liberty, and thank- fully accepted it from the late Ulurpers; furely then, they will, or ought to deport themselves decently in this luncture, to their lawful Soveraign (differing from them in Religion) and not cenfure, or repine at his Re- folution to make all his People eafy, when that fame Clemency of the Kings, fecures them in their Religion, with the comfortable Addition of their large Poffffons, Let them confider their antient Loyalty (interwoven with their Reli- gion) and approve themselves (againſt thoſe, who in gin to accuſe them of turning upon the Government) what they have always boaſted, unal- terably Loyal. Shall * (7) Shall the Fanaticks with alacrity come into the King's Intereft, and will the Church of England appear fullen, foure and averſe thereto? I am confident fhe will not: To clear up my meaning herein, let me tell you, I take not the Clergy to constitute the Church of England: No, not in conjunction with ſome cloudy,morofe & ambitious great Men, who feem at this Day to abet their Difcontents,but the People who jayn in her Commu uion, will be found to be the beft, & by far the greatest part of that Church. The Ecclefiafticks and fome of their defigning Adherents, are indeed angry, and why? Becauſe his Majefty refolves they fhal not confound their Neighbours: But did you ever obferve a violent perfecuting Mi- nifter, to enjoy the Hearts of the People who lent him their Ears? You may remember, that in our late highly contefted Elections of Parliament Men, we faw in many parts of the Kingdom the rigid, fiery Parfon abandoned his by Flock, and galloping to give his fingle Voice, which was all that he and his Horfe could bring in; the Parin certainly falling in with the Side which he oppofed, and why? Becaufe detefting his Spi- rit and Principles, they could not be difpofed to elteem him a good Man for whom their Minifter voted. May this go for fome fort of meaſure of the Churches Intereft? I think we cannot readily have a better, than that of the Freedom of voting in Elections, how miferably then will that Intereſt be found to dwindle, when the Clergy fhall come ftipt of the Advantage of compelling Men into it, by making uf. of the Kings Name (to that they were formerly owing their Succefs where they found it, and not to the Efteem they had with their own Members.) I have heard fome compute, that not above one5th. or 6th. part of the known World_ is Chriftian: It will be found that his Majefties Intereft in his People, vaſtly excels that of the Clergies, and that the Church of England in the Point now diſcuſſed, Liberty of Confcience, will not be found to compre- hend fuch a part of the Nation, as the Chriftians make of-the World. Would our Militant Church-men but put on Temper, and fequefter fo much Time, as to weigh with calmnefs and deliberation, the Opinions of the moſt eminent Divines of their Church, in the Point of Impoſition, they would be found no Friends to Perfecution. Reverend Dr. Taylor, late Bishop of Dawne, thus expreffed himſelf for Liberty of Co fcience, viz, I do carnefily contend, that another Mins Opinion fhall be no Rule to mine, and that my Opinion fhall be no Snare or Prejudice to my felf. In another place that learned Man proceeds thus: It is a part of Christian Religion, that the Li- berty of Mens Confeicnces ſhould be preſerved in all things, where God hath not fet & Limit. And further Theme Meckefs and Charity fhould be prefer- ved in propagating Chriſtianity, which was in its firft Publication. The Reverend and Learned Dr. Stillingfleet did once apprehend the Miſchief } ( 8 ) Miſchief of Impofition, when he declared his Opinion to be, That Non-con formity to any fufpected Practife, required by any Church Governor, as the Condition of her Commanion, was lawful, if the thing fo required, was judg- ed unwarrantable by a Mans own Conſcience. I have been told and doubt not the Truth thereof, that a late Reverend Prelate, Dr. Brownrig(who lived to ſee the Reſtoration of his late Majesty, and of the Church of England ſecured, tho' not actually accom- plished) did upon his Death-Bed lament the impofing perfecuting Spi- rit, which he forefaw would return with the Church: And I think I have good ground to fay, that at a late Conference between a Biſhop (whoſe Health is drank throughout the Kingdom) and fome of his Clergy of great note, a dignified Doctor of eminent Learning, and can- dor of Spirit, did very freely declare, That he thought the Church was under Gods Difpleafure for her Severity to Diffenters, and that thereupon the Bishop lamented that he ever had his Hand in that Work, and de- clared, that ſhould he be reſtored to Power, he would uſe it better than he had done: I with all the Clergymen then preſent and throughout the Kingdom, were forefolved, and would fhew themfelves for Peace, by throwing away their Weapons of War. 2. I propoſe to the Confideration of Diffenters, and that of every Denomination, that as when a Town is on Fire every Man (without any great Regard to what Intimacy or Diſtance hath been amongſt Neighbours) doth his beſt to extinguiſh the devouring Flames, fo that they would with unanimity joyn in this common Cauſe, of removing, and that for ever, the undiftinguiſhing Inſtruments of Miſchief, the Pe- mal Statutes: They do equally extend to all, and may by turns reach e- very Diffenter. Hath not the Church of England perfifted to exerciſe her Severities upon all Diffenters within her reach, even in the preſent Reign? Are the Roman Catholicks (tho fheltered by the Kings Religi- on) willing to deliver other Diffenters with themſelves from thoſe deſtroying Laws, and to fecure them, from what hath been of ſo terri- fying an Afpect in Popery, Perfecution? And will they refuſe to be unſhakled? I cannot imagine they ſhould, eſpecially when I obferve amongst them fuch a univerfal Serenity fince his Majeſties Declaration. They owe their Eafe to the Kings Princely Clemency, he invites them out of Slavery; if they will, their Liberty may be eſtabliſhed; his Ma- jefty is reſolved to do that which the Church never would when ſhe had Power, nor can we think fhe would now, if it be true that fhe accofts the King with heat againſt it: Let then all Diffenters fee their com- mon Intereft, to approach the King with Duty and Affection, and to evidence their Affection, by clofing with the happy Opportunity which NOW ( 9 ) now offers, of fetting themſelves free by Law, feeing his Majefty calls them to it: But, The Fanaticks are told by Church-Men, That it is not now either Seaſonable or Safe (I doubt in their Opinion it never will) and they promiſe that they will do the Work Affliction is the best School, and I do hope the Fanaticks have learn'd therein better, than to be tampe- red withal, and decoy'd into an Oppofition to his Majefties fo graci ous Difpofition: They know the King never broke his Word, that the Church hath, and that with them in this very Point of Indulgence. I appeal herein to the Memories of fome Men of Note now living, who were of fo clear Credit, and fo great Reputation in the Houfe of Com- mons (tho Diffenters) that without their Concurrence, an Addrefs had not been obtained for the recalling the late King's Declaration of Indulgence, which for the time made the Kingdom happy; it muſt be acknowledged by theſe honeft well meaning Gentlemen, that they were wheedled and cheated of that Indulgence, by the fair Promifes and Ca. reſſes of ſome, who are now alfo living, and attempting to play that Game over again I conclude therefore, with difference to their Quali ties, that they are not to be again truſted. • Toprovoke Diffenters to avoid the Rock, and gain a fafe Harbour, I ſhall remind them (tho' I would not have it remembered for Vengeance, but for Prevention fake) what and how they have fuffered by the Penal Laws, which ſome ſo highly ſtruggle to keep up. How many Families have we ſeen ruined, by the vexation of Citations, and what quickly followed, Excommunications, in the Courts Ecclefiaftick: The Lawyers fay that Excommunication is a Diſability to fue for Debts, and many honeft Men have found that wicked Advantage made thereof; I know the Name of a Clergy-Man, who to fupply his Occafions, borrowed Money of a Neighbour, a Diffenter, and to defraud him of the Money ( instead of Payment) pleaded that his Creditor food excommunicate: A more fevere Step of thofe Courts was, the burying the Diffenter a- live in a Goal by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, from which there was no Redemption, but at the Price of his Confcience. Indeed where Men had money, and would farm their Liberty (not ef Conscience but) from Priſon, I have ſeen the tender hearted Gentlemen of Doctors Com- mons (fince the Death of his late Majefty) for Fifteen or Twenty Pound paid, half yearly, to refpit the claping up of an induftrious man,and they have permitted him, till the next Rent Day, to work for his Family. That the Diffenters have been Tenants to under Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace, Town Clerks, Apparitors, Bailiffs, &c. Is too well known throughout the Kingdom, the first came but twice a year, the others B querterly (-10)" 1137 quarterly or monthly. If thefe Devourers left any thing, the Infor mer followed, and very often fwept all, and fometimes ftock'd a Juftices Houfe or Farm with Beds, Horfes, Cowes, or what elſe the Gentles man wanted, and that at very reafonable Rates. Are there not alfo, to make the Diffenter compleatly miſerable, Im- priſoning, Banifhing, murdering Laws? To them, what can the Inven- fion of Cruelty it felf add? Have we not, with regret beheld the Ex- ecution of thefe Laws? It may poffibly be faid that none have been banged for Nonconformity, if fo, we may fay, thanks to the Kings Mercy, for reftraining the Churches foolish Rage, but 'tis not a ſmall number both of Minifters and others, whofe Lives have been deſtroyed by lingering pining Deaths in noifom. Goals and Dungeons. Nay the rigorous Execution of theſe too rigid Laws, did not fuffice, we have known many Informers (wear by gueſs, and very faſly, and the Perjured protected and rewarded, of which take an Inftance: An Informer (by Trade a Tinker) having manifeftly perjured himſelf in fwearing againſt an honeft Gentleman upon the Conventicle Act, and being indicted for the Perjury, the Profecator was hurried by the pro- curement of the Informers Patron, into no lefs Prifon than the Tower of London, and there cloſely detain'd: The Villain was rewarded with a place worth Twenty Pound per Annum, and ſtill enjoys it. But why fhould I argue with Diffenters from particular Inftances, to make them out of Love with their Shackles, when 'tis evident the whole Kingdom groans under, and would gladly throw off the Burthen of theſe oppref five bloody Laws. • 1 I had therefore take my Leave of the Diffenters with the Story of the Fews in good Nehemiah's time. He being informed of the very deplo- rable Cafe, of thoſe who were left of the Captivity, made an Addreſs to the King, reprefenting the fad State of Jerufalem, and petitioned for Leave to rebuild it: The King (who was the great Artaxerxes) gave a gracious Anfwer, and not only permitted it, but contributed to the Work; and Nehemiah (to the Grief of Courtiers) went cheerfully about it. Sanballat and Tobiah (men of great Power under the King) appeared grieved that there was come a man to feek. the Welfare of Ifrael; however Nehemiah invited the Jems to build the Wall, and they ca me unanimouſly and cheerfully into the Work. Sanballat and Tobiah, having drawn into their Faction, Gefhem an Arabian, laughed the Fems to Scorn, and termed the Work Rebellion againſt the King, Nehemiah, knowing that God would profper him, (mav- gre Oppoſition) proceeded to build,and all the People affifted, but the Nobles contributed not to the Work of the Lord, but held Correfpondence with the Enemy Tobiah, and betrayed to him Nehemiah's Counfels…….. San- (11) Sanballat and Tobiah, that they might obftruct the Work, refolved to fight the Jews: In this great Distress God fought for them, and brought the Enemies Counſel to nought, and the Jews made up the Breaches in the Wall: Then Sanballar and his Confederates, betook themſelves to Flattery and Diffimulation, and invited Nehemiah again and again to a Conference, but he declines the Invitation, answering, that he was doing a great Work, and would not leave it. Thereupon Sanballat (still pretending Friendship) informed Nehemiah by Letter, That the Heathen reported, and Gefhem faid it, that he and the Jews thought to rebel, and to make Nehemiah King, and that this would be told the King, and therefore Sanballat offered to Counſel him how to obviate this heinous Charge. But Nehemiah (Seeing the Snake in the Grafs) re- fuſed to take Counſel of him, and anfwered Sanballat,that no fuch things were doing, and that he feigned the Accufation out of his own Heart: Then thefe Men of Miſchief, hire falfe Prophets to Prophefy Nehemi- ab's Death, in cafe he did not withdraw: This Plot alfo failed; Nebe- miah faying, fhould fuch a Man as 1flee: So perfifting, the Wall was finished, to the Enemies Confufion, who perceived at length, that the Work was of God. • I have made the Hiſtory too long, the Application fhall be shorter. Has God put it into the King's Heart to pitty them, who are left of the Captivity, fuch whom Penal Laws have not deſtroyed? Let us re- turn due Thanks to God and the King. Are there Sanballats, Tobiak's, and Gefhem's, who vex themſelves that there is come a Man to feek the Welfare of all his Ifrael? Do they in Con- federacy with the Arabians, and falfe Prophets, and with Tobiah's Cor- refpondents undermine and difcourage the great Work of delivering Confcience from the pernicious Penal Laws? Let us with Heart and Haid unite therein, and not be feduced by Flattery or Threats, to leave this glorious Work half done: Do the Heathen report, and Gefhem fay, or doth fale Sanballat fo pretend, that we are overturning the Government, and introducing a Common-Wealth? Let us deport our felves with fuch Duty and Affe&tion to the King, that his Majesty, and his Succef fors alle, may tell Sanballat, That no fuch things, as he fuggefted, were doing by the Kings peaceable diffenting Subjects, but that the Accufi. tion was a Fiction of his own wicked Brain; and when this bleifed Work fhall be finished, may the Enemies thereof be caft down in their own Eyes, perceiving that this Work was wrought of our God; I air, what I always was, and therefore most certainly, Tour's Poftcrip (1) I 1 POSTSCRIPT. would beſeech the Church of England to yield to Chrift, his own Throne in the Kingdom of God, and to Magiftrates their Thrones in the Kingdoms of the World; the whole inward Man is under Chrift's Power, and the whole outward Man is under the Magiſtrates ; if fo, the inward and outward Man being difpofed of before, what room is there left for Ecclefiaftical Power? The Clergy indeed have long pretended to lift up the Magiftrate to the Throne of Chrift over Conſcience, not that they would have him fit there, but place them upon it, and we have feen the Power Ecclefiastick, interweaving it felf with the Power of Princes, that their Power which was not of God; might be fupported by the Power which was of God: But it may be worth Confideration whether they do not exalt theinfelves in 'Chrift's ftead in the Church, and fet under their Feet the Magiftrates Power in the World; and whether they are Friends to Magistracy,. fure ther than it is ſerviceable to their Ends, who is it that difcerns them hot at this Day, venting their Difcontents againft the King in Pamph- lets and Difcourfes, and in fpreading very falfe News (in which, with 400 great Bolduefs they take their full swing) and why? Becaufe he. will not do all that they would have him do, and reſtrains their Power in Religious Things. And when they mind his Majesty of the Services they have done him, do they not do it, in fuch a manner, as hints what they can do against him, as well as for him, if he will not ferve their Designs? But thefe Gentlemen demand, Would you have no Laws: Yes, but no other in God's Kingdom, but his own Laws, thofe only being proper, and adequate, and therefore a Thouſand times better than all the Laws of Men, which never acquired any other fort of Profelytes, than fuch as the young Man in the Story in Frithe's Anſwer to the Bishop of Rochester; which is this; A young Man having beheld his Fathers Mar- tyrdom; the Officers (laying hold of him, and of that Opportunity, to work his Converſion) examined him of his Faith; the Youth diſmay'd, and fearing his Father's Fate, anfwered, Gentlemen, I believe even as ic pleafith you. Our Church hath of late Years (by breathing out Threatnings, Punishments, Impriſonments, &c.) made too many fuch Converts. * · Once more adieų. London, Printed, and fold, by Andrew Sowie, at the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane in Shoreditch, and at the Three Keys, in Nags Head Court, in Grace-Church-Street, overagainſt the Conduit, 1687.