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' I ‘ » ' I ' ' I ' ~~ E L~ T RAFFIC ~ ~ ORDINANCE ~ AND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~THE ~ ~ T R FFI c OR DINANCES OF ~ ~ RITL, VIRGINIA - T E N N E sss E ~ - 7* ‘ I I U ‘ I‘ I I F I‘ ‘ ; ‘1 . ’ *2 _ - I _,; I I 4 } _ -' - -‘ ‘1 ‘ _ - ‘ . I ~' > '< ‘ . " 73 4.‘ . ~ ' . I 11' -1 I ‘ - '~ I-' I " -' ‘ ' J. ‘- W -I ~ I ‘~ ‘ » I “ ‘ --1. ' I ‘ "N- -' Y. _ "" .__ _Y _4 ‘4v 4 _ . . 4 4 4 ,I-- _4_ 4_44 --~,. -; 4 - 'I' " ’ ~ ~' ‘I. _ 4- T4 ‘ -< _ ,\' ,_ -I §“;.>+;. I - (,‘,?‘?;?“* - ‘ ; " " - Y 1 T ‘ ,_ Q.‘ - H" l J _;j -4-<- - "I - I~ I4 '_‘-M-4-\—-*.~ I \PROPERTY 0* _.< _ . . __. l‘ J’ _ _' I ""’ Z ‘ , . . - -- ~ - ._ ' """ ‘ -~ .7 1. ._ A ~._ \ <‘ A COMPARATIVE STUDY The Model Tfoffic Ordinance And The Traffic Ordinances Of Bristpl,~ Wrginio -Tennessee ~ R ~ ~ Lwl V) VI ~ T ~ F I r . r. 1...... '1 r . 2 Uansportaticn Library STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC wonxs NASHVILLE C. W. Bonn - $AM M. SQUIRES ¢OllHl'IIONIR ITATI HIGHWAY INGINIIR July 1, 1952 mr. Sam.M. Squires State Highway Engineer Department of Highways and Public Works Nashville, Tennessee Dear Sir: It is with pleasure that I present to you the follow- ing Comparative Analysis of the Mbdel Traffic Ordinance and the Traffic Ordinances of Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee with recommend- ations concerning the revisions necessany to bring these ordinances into conformity for better traffic control. This study was conducted by the Tennessee Department of Highways and ‘ Public Works, Division of Traffic and Finance Studies, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Highways, Division of Traffic and Planning, the City of Bristol, Virginia, the City of Bristol, Tennessee, and the Bureau of Public Roads, as per agreement between the Highway Departments of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Tennessee, dated June 15, 1950. This report is supplementary to the "Traffic Survey Report," which has been submitted, and the same committee is I responsible for its publication and,those who contributed to the y*\\ success of the project have been acknowledged in the "Traffic Survey'Report." The adoption of the recommendations in this report will facilitate traffic control, alleviate the burden of enforcement, expedite safety and bring the traffic ordinances of Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee into conformance with those that are nationally gaccepted and recognized by motorists from all parts of the countny. Very truly yours, /6777“ T. C. McEwen, Engineer Director I Division of Traffic and Finance Stu ‘es A ' Y ‘ \ I 44 . r ‘r I F ‘ ‘ V , 0. . ii Illnsporzarn.-N - W“ P 5- S Q ~ FOREWORD It has long been recognized that the universal nature of trafiic problems demands uni- form regulation to the highest practical extent, which means, basically, uniform laws. This applies ‘not only to the large cities of the nation but to the smaller ones as well, since they must accommodate thousands of motorists from all over the country. Uniformity in traffc laws and ordinances is generally recognized as highly desirable in the interest of safety and the expediting of traffic. Standards for these purposes developed by the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances (formerly the National Con- ference on Street and Highway Safety) received widespread acceptance. These nationally accepted standards have been embodied in the Model Traffic Ordinance for cities and the Uniform Vehicle Code for States. They represent the experience of many years, in every type of community and State, from one end of America to the other. The specific objectives of this study are: 1. To acquaint the responsible officials with the comparative details of Bristol’s pres- ent ordinances and the Model Traffic Ordinance. 2. To afford officials a common ground for accurately determining such legislative changes as may be necessary or desirable to bring the local ordinances into con- formance with nationally accepted laws and practices. 3. To aid Bristol’s oflicials in arriving at such a goal by making specific recommenda- tions for their consideration in determining legislative changes. The Model Traffic Ordinance is technically sound in principle and eminently workable, but in States with laws not fully in accord with the Uniform Vehicle Code certain provi- sions of the ordinance will need adjustments to meet constitutional or statutory requirements. This is the case with the Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia ordinances. Where the Model Traffic Ordinance is not consistent with the State laws it must necessarily be modified, and the recom- mendations herein have been framed accordingly. Where the existing ordinance requirements are substantially those of the Model Traflic Ordinance or the Uniform Vehicle Code changes are not arbitrarily recommended, despite differences in phrasing or even minor differences in content. It should be emphasized, however, that uniformity in the language of traffic laws is a most desirable goal. Verbatim adoption of the Model Traffic Ordinance and the Uniform Vehicle Code can do much to cure the omissions and ambiguities in present laws, to standard- ize administrative and judicial interpretation, and to enable the motorist and vehicle owner to understand his legal rights and duties. Bringing the traflic ordinances of Bristol up to the high standards set by the Model Traffic Ordinance will be a progressive step toward making Bristol a safer and better city. _ ( \ 1 ' , . I \ . 1 - ! ~ , , I J 4 A . NH-.-_ V Subdivision I. Subdivision II. Subdivision III. Streets, etc., defined (secs. 11-18) Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE INDEX Article l.—Words and Phrases Defined Vehicles, traffic, etc., defined (secs. 2-8) Persons, etc., defined (secs. 9-10) Article ll.——-Traffic Administration Police administration Duty of traffic division Records of traffic violations Traific division to investigate accidents Traflic accident studies Traffic accident reports Drivers files to be maintained Traflic division to submit annual trafiic-safety report Traffic division to designate method of identifying funeral processions ____ __ City traffic engineer Emergency and experimental regulations Traffic commission, its powers and duties O\G\N Article |I|.——Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Regulations Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Authority of police and fire department oflicials Required obedience to traflic ordinance Obedience to police and fire department officials Persons propelling push carts or riding animals to obey traffic regulations __ Use of coasters, roller skates, and similar devices restricted Public employees to obey traffic regulations Exemptions to authorized emergency vehicles Operation of vehicles and streetcars on approach of authorized emergency vehicles Immediate report of accidents __ Article lV.—Traffic-Control Devices Authority to install traffic—control devices Manual and specifications for traffic-control devices Obedience to otficial traffic-control devices When traffic devices required for enforcement purposes Trafiic-control signal legend Pedestrian walk-and-wait signals Flashing signals Display of unauthorized signs, signals, or markings Interference with oflicial traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 49. 50. 51. 52. Section 53. 54. Section 55. Alternate sections 53,54, 55 Alternate sections 54. Increasing state speed limits in certain zones Section 56. 62. Section 63. Restricted access Authority to establish play streets Play streets City traffic engineer to designate crosswalks, establish safety zones, and mark traffic lanes Article V.——Speecl Regulations State speed laws applicable Decrease of state speed limit at certain intersections Increasmg state speed limit in certain zones Decrease of state law maximum speed Regulation of speed by traffic signals Article V|.—Turning Movements Required position and method of turning at intersections Authority to place and obedience to turning markers Authority to place restricted turn signs Obedience to no-tum signs Limitations on turning around Article V||.——One-Woy Streets cmcl Alleys Authority to sign one-way streets and alleys One-way streets and alleys Article V|ll.—Speciol Stops Required Through streets designated Authority to erect stop signs Intersections where stops required Signs to bear the words “stop” __ Vehicles and street cars to stop at stop signs Emerging from alley or private driveway Stop when traffic obstructed Obedience to signal indicating approach at railroad train Article lX.—Miscellcmeous Driving Rules Following fire apparatus prohibited Crossing fire hose Driving through funeral or other procession Drivers in a procession Funeral processions to be identified When permits required for parades and processions Vehicles shall not be driven on a sidewalk _________________________ Limitations on backing _ Riding on motorcycles Clinging to moving vehicles Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 92. 93. 94. 96: 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. Article X.—-Street Cars and Safety Zones Boarding or alighting from street cars or vehicles Unlawful riding Railroad trains and street cars not to block streets Passing street car on left Passing street car on right Driving on street-car tracks ______ -- Driving through safety zones prohibited Article Xl.—Pedestrians’ Rights and Duties Pedestrians subject to traffic-control signals Pedestrians’ right-of-way in crosswalk Pedestrian to use right half of crosswalk Crossing at right angles ______________ __ When pedestrian shall yield ______ __ Prohibited crossing Pedestrians walking along roadways Drivers to exercise due care Article X||.—Regulations for Bicycles Effect of regulations __________________ __ License required License application Issuance of license Attachment of license plate Inspection of bicycles ________________ __ Renewal of license Transfer of ownership Rental agencies Bicycle dealers Traflic laws apply to persons riding bicycles ____________ __ Obedience to traffic-control devices Riding on bicycles ____ Riding on roadways and bicycle paths Speed Emerging from alley or driveway Clinging to vehicles _ Carrying articles Parking Riding on sidewalks _______________ __ Lamps and other equipment on bicycles Penalties Article Xll|.—Method of Parking Standing or parking close to curb Signs or markings indicating angle parking __________________________________ __ Obedience to angle parking signs or markings _________________________ __ Permit for loading or unloading at an angle to the curb Lights on parked vehicles 11.. L 1 - .1 Article XlV.—Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places Section 127. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited. No signs required 94 Section 128. Parking not to obstruct traffic __ _ 96 Section 129. Parking in alleys 96 Section 130. All-night parking prohibited 98 Section 131. Parking for certain purposes prohibited 98 Section 132. Parking adjacent to schools 100 Section 133. Parking prohibited on narrow streets 100 Section 134. Standing or parking on one-way streets 100 Section 135. Standing or parking on one-way roadways 102 Section 136. No stopping, standing, or parking near hazardous or congested places 102 Article XV.———Stopping for Loading or Unloading Only Section 137. City traffic engineer to designate curb loading zones 102 Section 138. Permits for curb loading zones 104 Section 139. Standing in passenger curb loading zones 104 Section 140. Standing in freight curb loading zones 104 Section 141. City traffic engineer to designate public carrier stands 106 Section 142. Parking of busses and taxicabs regulated 106 Section 143. Restricted use of bus and taxicab stands 106 Article XVl.—Stopping, Standing, or Parking Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets Section 144. Application of article 108 Section 145. Regulations not exclusive 108 Section 146. Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets 110 Section 147. Parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets _ 110 Section 148. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited durmg eertam hours on eertam 110 streets . Section 149. Parking time limited on certain stree 110 Section 150. Parking signs required 112 Article XV|l.—Traffic Violations Bureau Section 151. Traffic violations bureau created . 114 Section 152. When persons charged may elect to appear at bureau or before magistrate 116 Section 153. Duties of traffic violations bureau 116 Section 154. Traffic violations bureau to keep records 113 Section 155. Additional duties of traffic violations bureau 118 Article XVlll.—Penalties and Procedure on Arrest Section 156. Penalties 118 Section 157. Forms and notices of arrest or appearance 118 Section 158. Procedure upon arrest . 120 Section 159. Failure to obey notice or summons 4 __ 120 Section 160. Notice on illegally parked vehicle 120 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. Failure to comply with notice attached to parked vehicle Presumption in reference to illegal parking When complaint to be issued Disposition of traflic fines and forfeitures Official misconduct Authority to impound vehicles __ Article XIX.-—-Effect of and Short Title of Ordinance 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. Effect of ordinance Repeal Publication of ordinance Short title Effective date Article XX.——Schedu|es of Designated Streets Referred to in Ordinance One-way streets Through streets _ Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets Parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets Stopping, standing, or parking during certain hours on certain streets prohibited Parking time limited on certain ‘streets 122 122 124 124 124 124 128 128 128 128 128 128 130 134 140 140 140 l 2 i 1 _ - l iifi ~ 'r6 J . ; 4. S r_ I No definition No provision No specific provision Identical The Same Substantially the same Substantially the same in meaning M.T.O. LEGEND —No definitio‘n has been found in the ordinances of the City covering such nomenclature. —No comparable section has been found in the ordinances of the City. —Although there is no specific provision in the ordinances of the City, such section may be provided for through administrative practice. —Exact language. —Practically identical in language, with some minor variations in phraseology. —The language as well as the meaning and intent are in substantial agreement with basic differences, if any, indicated. —The meaning and intent are in substantial agreement, but the lan- guage may vary considerably. Specific basic differences, if any, are indicated. —Model Traflic Ordinance. MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE An ordinance regulating trafiic upon the public streets of the (city of ( ) ) and repealing ordinance (No. ) and all other ordinances and sections of ordinances in conflict herewith. It is ordained by ( ) as follows: An ordinance regulating traffic upon the public streets of the city of Bristol, Vir- ginia, and repealing and re»enacting an ordinance relating to parking meters adopted August 9, 1938, and repealing all other ordinances relative to trafiic. ARTICLE I.--WORDS AND PHRASES DEFINED Sec. 1. Definition of words and phrases.—The following words and phrases when used in this ordinance shall for the pur- pose of this ordinance have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this article.1 Identical. Subdivision I.—Vehieles, Traflic, Etc., Defined Sec. 2. (a) Vehicle. Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. Identical. (b) Motor vehicle. —Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails. Every vehicle which is self-propelled or designed for self-propulsion. (C) Authorized emergency vehicle.—VehiCles of the fire department (fire patrol), police vehicles, and such ambulances and emergency vehicles of municipal departments or public service corporations as are designated or authorized by the (commissioner of motor vehicles) or the (chief of police of this city). The same. 1It is suggested that the definitions of any additional terms used. in the ordinance be incorporated from Act V of the Uniform Vehicle Code or, in the event a State has enacted Act V includ- ing all the definitions therein, then section 1 of the ordinance might be divided into subparagraph (a) and subparagraph (b), the latter to read as follows: _ Sec. 1 (b) .—Whenever any words and phrases used herem are not defined herein but are defined in the State laws regulating the operation of vehicles, any such definition therein shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herem. RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended unless repealer clause is regarded as too broad. An ordinance regulating traffic , upon the public streets of the . city of Bristol, Tennessee, and repealing all other ordinances and ' sections of ordinances in conflict 1 herewith. 4 Retention recommended. ‘la M.T."O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed 1-10-47 substantially the same in meaning but those “devices moved by human power” are not specifically excepted. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended with Or NO definition M.T.O. recommended with or without reference to trolley busses. > ‘ ' without reference to trolley busses. _ 4 _ G M.T.O. recommended in view of Retention recommended. No definition. exemptigns granted emergency vehicles sec. 37, M.T.O) only, (see BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 3 (a) Bicycle.——Every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is over 20 inches in diameter, and including any Identical. device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or two rear wheels. I . . Substantially the same in meaning but \(b) Motorcycle.——EVery motor vehicle havmg a saddle for including any four-wheeled vehide the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three weighing less than five hundred (500) wheels in contact with the ground, but excludmg a tractor. pounds and equipped with an engine of less than six (6) horsepower. I "I" I See. 4 (a) Railroad.—A carrier of persons or property upon ~ . cars, other than street cars, operated upon stationary rails. ~ IdeI1t1Ca1- -’ (b) Railroad train.—A steam engine, electric or other motor, _ with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, except Identical. street cars. - ' I -J (c) Street car.——A car other than a railroad train for trans- porting persons or property and operated upon rails principally N0 definition within a municipality. Sec. 5. Traffic.—Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars, and other conveyances either singly or Identical, together while using any street for purposes of travel. Sec. 6. Right-of-way.—The privilege of the immediate use of Identical the roadway. ' Sec. 7 (a) Stop.-~—When required means complete cessation . Identical of movement. ' k I (b) Stop, stopping, or standing.—When prohibited means 1 any stopping or standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other trafiic or in Identical. compliance with the directions of a police officer or traflic- control sign or signal. (c) Park.——When prohibited means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the Identical. purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC R COMMENDATION S ORDINANCE E RECOMMENDATIONS Substantially the same in meaning 4 but the clause “and including any‘ M,T_()_ recommended because Retention recommended. device generally recognized as a bi- ' broader in meaning. cycle though equipped with two front or two rear wheels" is omitted. ? M.T.O. recommended in view of O . j brake and light requirements ap- N0 defimtlom plicable only to motorcycles. M .T.O. recommended. * f ; M.T.O. recommended, omitting Suggest omitting reference to NO definition I reference to street cars (see sec. street cars. 71, M-T-0-) 4; k M.T.O. recommended, omitting Suggest omitting referenee to No definition. reference to street cars (see sec. street cars. 71, M.T.O.) No definition. No definition necessary. No definition necessary. . , _ M.T.O. recommended, omitting Suggest omitting reference to No defimfion. referencg to Street cam street cars. A__ _ . M.T.O.‘ recommended (see secs. Retention recommended. N0 defimtlom 69, 93, 38, etc-, M-T-0-) . _ M.T.O. recommended (see secs. Retention recommended. No defimtlom 63, 71, 33, P46-, M-T-O-) _ _ M.T.O. recommended (see secs. Retention recommended. No defimtlom 127, 135, 148, etc-, M-T-0-) N d fini_ M.T.O. recommended (see Art. Retention recommended. 0 6 non‘ XIV’ XVI, Rte» M-T-O-) BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE See. 8. Oflicial time standard.-—Whenever certain hours are named herein they shall mean standard time or daylight-saving Idemi¢a1_ time as may be in current use in this city. Subdivision II.—Persons, Etc., Defined Sec. 9. ('a) Person.——EveI'y natural person, firm, copartner- Identical- ship, association, or corporation. ( b) Driver.—Every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. Identical. (c) Pedestrian.—Any person afoot. Identical. Sec. 10. (a) Police oflicm-.—Every officer of the municipal police department or any ofiicer authorized to direct or regulate Identical. trafic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. (b) Traflic Division.—-The traffic division of the police de- partment of this city, or in the event a traffic division is not estab- lished, then said term whenever used herein shall be deemed to refer to the police department of this city. Identical. Subdivision III.—Streets, Etc., Defined Sec. 11 (a) Street or highway.—The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintairied when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehic- ular travel. Substantially the same meaning but omits “publicly maintained” and adds, “including streets and alleys.” ( b) Private road or driveway.——Every way or place in pri- vate ownership and used~ for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons. . . ' I ' ‘ l ; I ‘ , I 1 l l 3 r -. , i » -‘ =‘ I Identical. (c) Roadway.—That portion of a street or highway im- proved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways the Identical. term “roadway” as used herein shall refer to any such roadway separately but not to all such roadways collectively. RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No definition. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 24 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925. The word “person” in- cludes persons, firms and corpora- tions. 1| 1 M.T.O. recommended as broader in meaning. Retention recommended.- No definition. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No definition. M.T.O. recommended. ._ M.T.O. recommended (see sec. Retention recommended. No definition. _ 42, 68’ 127, etc., M.T.O.) Retention recommended. No definition. ggommended (see Art- Either acceptable. No definition. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N0 definition‘ M.T.O. recommended (see sec. 69, 127, etc., M.T.O.) Retention recommended. No definition. M.T.O. recommended (see sec. 57, 98, 135, etc., M.T.O.) MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (d) Sidewalk.-—That portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. Identical. (e) Alley? No definition. Sec. 12 (a) Laned roadway.—A roadway which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traflic. Identical‘ (b) Through highway.——Every street or highway or portion thereof at the entrances to which vehicular traflic from intersect- Q ing streets or highways is required by law to stop before entering Identical- or crossing the same and when stop signs are erected as provided in this act. (c) Limited-access highway.—EVery highway, street, or roadway in respect to which owners or occupants of abutting property or lands and other persons have no legal right of access to or from the same, except at such points only and in such manner as may be determined by the public authority having jurisdiction over such highway, street or roadway. No definition. Sec. 13. Intersection.—( a) The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two highways v.l*‘ch join one another at or approximately at right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different high- we ys joining at any other angle may come in conflict. fb) Where a highway includes two roadways (30) feet or I more apart, then every crossing of each roadway of such divided ~¢~ highw-av by an intersecting highway shall be regarded as a separate intersection. In the event such intersecting highway also includes two roadways (30) feet or more apart, then every crossing of two roadways of such highways shall be regarded as a separate intersection. The area embraced within the prolonga- tion of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of two ‘or more highways, which join one an-- other at an angle, whether or not one‘ such highway crosses the other. 2It is suggested that each city define this term as may be found necessary and appropriate. If I ' " F . !‘ -.. RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No definition. ' M.T.O. recommended (see sec. ; 98, 127, 78, etc., M.T.O.) No recommendation (see sec. 69, 115, 128, 129, etc., M.T.O.) N o definition. E No recommendation (see sec. 69, ' 115, 128, 129, etc., M.T.O.) Definition possibly useful but not used in M.T.O. No definition. “ Definition possibly useful but not ' used in M.T.O. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 of an ordinance passed July 3, 1928 designated through streets as streets on which vehicular traflic has the right of way over traflic entering or crossing said streets. M.T.O. recommended more prac- tical, (see sec. 43, M.T.O.) Definition unnecessary (See foot- Definition unnecessary (See foot- er in meaning. ' note 13, sec. 82, M.T.O.) N° definiti°11- note 13, sec. 82, M.T.O.) M.T.O. referred because broad- - - M-T.0- recommended because P No defimt1On' definition needed. 10 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 14. Crosswalk.—( a) That part of a roadway at an in- tersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or in the absence of curbs from the edges of the traversable roadway. (b) Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or else- where distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface. Identical. Sec. 15 (a) Safety zone.—The area or space oflicially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and which is protected or is so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set apart as a safety zone. Identical. (b) Curb loading zone.—A space adjacent to a curb re- served for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials. Identical. ( (1) Freight curb loading zone.—-RA space adjacent to a curb for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of freight (or passengers). Identical. Sec. 16 (a) Ofli-cial traflic-control devices.—Al1 signs, Signals, markings, and devices not inconsistent with this ordi- nance placed or erected by authority of a public body or oflicial having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. - Identical. (b) Trafiic-control signal.—Any device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traflic is alter- nately directed to stop and to proceed. Identical. Sec. 17 (a) Business district.-—The territory contiguous to and including a roadway when within any 600 feet along such roadway there are buildings in use for business or industrial pur- poses, including but not limited to hotels, banks or oflice build- ings, railroad stations, and public buildings which occupy at least 300 feet of frontage on one side or 300 feet collectively on both sides of the roadway. The territory contiguous to a highway where seventy-five per centum or more of the total frontage, on both sides of the highways, for a distance of three hun- dred (300) feet or more is occupied by buildings actually in use and operation for business purposes shall constitute a business district for purposes of this act. ~ z 1 1 ; I 2 a ‘ a we 11 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE E RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended, (see sec. 93, M.T.O.) Referred to in ordinances as ‘‘des- -‘ ignated pedestrian lanes.” I M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No definition. E M.T.O. recommended in view of _ possible designation of ' zones to promote safety. safety Retention recommended. No definition. 4 M.T.O. recommended (see sec. ‘ 137 and 138, M.T.O.) Retention recommended. No definition. M.T.O. recommended, (see sec. 140, M.T.O.) Retention recommended. No definition. M.T.O. recommended, (see sec. 40, 41, 42, etc., M.T.O.) Retention recommended. No definition. M.T.O. recommended, (see sec. 44, etc., M.T.O.) Retention acceptable as conform- ing with State code (sec. 46-185) No definition. (State law same as M.T.O.) Tennessee State code definition recommended (sec. 40-16) 12 BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC RDINANCE MODEL TRAFFIC O ORDINANCE (b) Residence district.—The territory contiguous to and including a highway not comprising a business district when the property on such highway for a distance of 300 fe~et or more iS| in the main improved with dwellings or dwellings and buildings in use for business. Substantially the same but does not in- clude the highway and does not limit the distance to 300 feet or more. Sec. 18. Central business (or traffic) districL—All streets ‘ . . and portions of streets within the area described as follows: All No defimtlom that area bounded by ( ).‘°' ARTICLE II.—TRAFFIC ADMINISTRATION Sec. 19. Police Administration.—There is hereby established The police department is designated as in the police department of this city a traflic division to be under the, tragic divisi0n_ the control of an oflicer of police appointed by and directly re- sponsible to the chief of police. Sec. 20. Duty of traffic division.—It shall be the duty of the x 1 traffic division with such aid as may be rendered by other mem- bers of the police department to enforce the street traflic regu- lations of this city an I all of the State vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this city, to make arrests for traflic violations, to investigate accidents and to cooperate with the city traflic engi- neer and other oflicers of the city in the administration of the traflic laws and in developing ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out those duties specially imposed upon said division by this ordinance and the traflic ordinances of this city. ~ ' The same. Sec. 21. Records of traflic violations:-—( a) The police de- partment or the traffic division thereof shall keep a record of all violations of the traffic ordinances of this city or of the State vehicle laws of which any person has been charged, together with a record of the final disposition of all such alleged offenses. Such record shall be so maintained as to show all types of viola- tions and the total of each. Said record shall accumulate dur- ing at least a 5-year period and from that time on the record shall be maintained complete for at least the most recent 5-year period. Identical. "°'Some cities enact special regulations applicable in the central business (or traflic) district rendering it necessary that such area be defined. 13 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended as con- forming with State code. No definition, (State law same as M.T.O.) Tennessee State code definition . recommended (sec. 40-15) See footnote 3, sec. 18, M.T.O. No definition. See footnote 3, sec. 18, M.T.O. Retention acceptable, but M.T. O. recommended to place respon- sibility for traffic operational functions. No specific provision. < M.T.O. recommended to place \ responsibility for traffic opera- tional functions. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M .T.O. recommended. Definition of duty is essential to administra- tion. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 14 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) All forms for records of violations and notices of viola- tions shall be serially numbered. For each month and year a written record shall be kept available to the public showing the disposal of all such forms. No specific provision. (c) All such records and reports shall be public records. No specific provision. Sec. 22. Traffic division to investigate accidents. It shall be the duty of the traflic division, assisted by other police oflicers of the department, to investigate traflic accidents, to arrest and to assist in the prosecution of those persons charged with viola- tions of law causing or contributing to such accidents. Identical. Sec. 23. Traflic accident studies.—Whenever the accidents at any particular location become numerous, the traflic division shall cooperate with the city traflic engineer in conducting studies of such accidents and determining remedial measures. Identical. Sec. 24. Traflic accident reports.-—( a) The traffic division shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic accident reports. Accident reports or cards referring to them shall be filed alpha- betically by location. Such reports shall be available for the use and information of the city traffic engineer. Identical. (b) The traflic division shall receive and properly file all accident reports made to it under State law or under any ordi- nance of this city, but all such accident reports made by drivers shall be for the confidential use of the police department and the city traflic engineer, and no such report shall be admissible in any civil or criminal proceeding other than upon request of any per- son making such report or upon request of the court having jurisdiction to prove a compliance with the laws requiring the making of any such report. Identical. Sec. 25. Drivers files to be maintained.—(a) The police department or the traffic division thereof shall maintain a suitable record of all traffic accidents, warnings, arrests, convictions, and complaints reported for each driver, which shall be filed alpha- betically under the name of the driver concerned. Identical. " . 5 , . 1 r _‘ . \ 6 , . l -. . I. . . 1 -; \ .*. l 15 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended for efli- cient recording. No specific provision. = M.T.O. recommended for effi- cient recording. M.T.O. recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. .No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 16 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) Said division shall study the cases of all the drivers charged with frequent or serious violation of the traffic laws or involved in frequent traffic accidents or any serious accident, and shall attempt to discover the reasons therefor, and shall take whatever steps are lawful and reasonable to prevent the same or to have the licenses of such persons suspended or revoked. Identical. (c) Such records shall accumulate during at least a (5-year) period and from that time on such records shall be maintained complete for at least the most recent (5-year) period. Identical. Sec. 26. Trafiic division to submit annual traffic-safety re- port.—The traflic division shall annually prepare a traffic report which shall be filed with the (mayor). Such report shall contain information on traflic matters in this city as follows: 1. The number of traflic accidents, the number of persons killed, the number of persons injured, and other pertinent traffic accident data; 2. The number of traflic accidents investigated and other pertinent data on the safety activities of the police; 3. The plans and recommendations of the division for future traffic safety activities. Identical. if Sec. 27. Traflic division to designate method of identifying funeral processions.—The traffic division shall designate a type of pennant4 or other identifying insignia to be displayed upon, or other methods to be employed to identify, the vehicles in funeral processions. Identical. Sec. 28. City traffic engineer.—(a) The office of city traffic engineer is -hereby established. The city traflic engineer shall be appointed by ( ) (under civil service) and he shall exercise the powers and duties as provided in this ordinance and in the traflic ordinances of this city. Alternate (a)—The oflice of city traflic engineer is hereby established. The (city engineer) shall serve as city traffic engi- neer in addition to his other functions, and shall exercise the powers and duties with respect to traflic as provided in this ordinance. Substantially same as alternate (a). “The city manager or his authorized as- sistant shall serve as city traflic engi- neer.” ‘It is recommended that this pennant be white, with or without special insignia. I I . . . _. 17 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recomniended. No specific provision. M .T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No provision. M .T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. ' No specific provision. M .T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision but ordinances provide that the commissioner of streets shall execute the provisions of the ordinances in regard to traffic. M.T.O., Alternate (a) recom- mended for specialized adminis- tration, designating commissioner of streets or other appropriate engineer official. 18 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) It shall be the general duty of the city traflic engineer to determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic-control devices, to conduct engineering analyses of traflic accidents and to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineering investigation of traflic conditions and to cooperate with other city oflicials in the development of ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out the additional powers and duties -imposed by ordinances of this city. Identical. Sec. 29. Emergency and experimental regulations.—(a) The chief of police by and with the approval of the city traffic engineer is hereby empowered to make regulations necessary to make effective the provisions of the traffic ordinances of this city and to make and enforce temporary or experimental regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions. No such temporary or experimental regulation shall remain in~ effect for more than 90 days. Identical. (b) The city traflic engineer may test traflic-control devices under actual conditions of traffic. Identical. Sec. 30. Traffic commission, its powers and duties.-—-(a) ~T here is hereby established a traflic commission to serve without compensation, consisting of the city traflic engineer, the chief of police or in his discretion as his representative the chief of the traffic division, the chairman of the city council traflic com- mittee, and one representative each from the city engineer’s office and the city attorney’s oflice and such number of other city oflicers and representatives of unofficial bodies as may be de- termined and appointed by the mayor. The chairman of the com- mission shall be appointed by the mayor and may be removed by him. Substantially the same in meaning but the chairman of the commission is elected by the members. (b) It shall be the duty of the traflic commission, and to this end it shall have the authority within the limits of the funds at its disposal, to coordinate traffic activities, (to carry on educational activities in traffic matters), to supervise the preparation and publication of traflic reports, to receive complaints having to do with traffic matters, and to recommend to the legislative body of this city and to the city traffic engineer, the chief of the traflic division, and other city officials ways and means for improving traflic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations.5 Identical. 5Footnote 5 of M.T.O.' gives two types of oflicial traflic com- missions. Either type acceptable under sec. 30. - - ' I ' 1 ‘: .- i la 19 BRISTOL TEN N. TRAFFIC I» ’ ’ ' MMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE RECO M.T.O. recommended to define Retention recommended, 1 No specific provision. . the general duty of traffic engi- 4 neer. I Retention recommended, No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended, NO S1)€ClfiC provision. M.T.O. I'€COI11I11€l1d€d. Retention recommended (but _ o _ with possible substitution of title N0 speclfic provlslon. “city manager” for “mayor”). M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. 13%; ;:g0%1(I)ne1I\14d,eI_d 0( S)ee foot‘ 20 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ARTICLE III.—ENFORCEMENT AND OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Sec. 31. Authority of police and fire department oflicials. —(a) It shall be the duty of the officers of the police department or such officers as are assigned by the chief of police to enforce all street traffic laws of this city and all of the State vehicle laws applicable to street traflic in this city. Identical. (b) Oflicers of the police department or such officers as are assigned by the chief of police are hereby authorized to direct all traflic by voice, hand, or signal in conformance with traflic laws, provided that, in the event of a fire or other emergency or to ex- pedite traflic or to safeguard pedestrians, oflicers of the police de- partment may direct traffic as conditions may require notwith- standing the provisions of the traflic laws. -Identical. (c) Officers of the fire department, when at the scene of a fire, may direct or assist the police in directing traflic thereat or in the immediate vicinity. Identical. Sec. 32. Required obedience to trafic ordinance.—It is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this ordinance. Identical. Sec. 33. Obedience to police and fire department oflicials. —.No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any law- ful order or direction of a police officer or fire department oflicial. Identical. Sec. 34. Persons propelling push carts or riding animals to obey traflic regulations.-—Every person propelling any push cart or riding an animal upon a roadway, and every person driv- ing any animal-drawn vehicle, shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance applicable to the driver of any vehicle, except those provisions of this ordinance which by their very nature can have no application. Identical. 21 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. -12 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925, authorizes the chief of the . fire department to control traffic at the scene of the fire. M.T.O. recommended because authority is less restricted. Retention recommended. Each traflic ordinance provides a penalty for its violation. Any viola- t1on is a misdemeanor. M.T.O. recommended in interest I of brevity and clarity. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 22 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 35. Use of coasters, roller skates, and similar devices restricted.—No person upon roller skates, or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle, or similar device, shall go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so crossing such person shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians. This section shall not apply upon any street while set aside as a play street as authorized by ordinance of this city. BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Substantially the same but no exception is made for a street set aside as a play street. Sec. 130 prohibits play vehicles on streets where play is prohibited. Sec. 36. Public employees to obey traflic regulations.—The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned by or used in the service of the United States Government, this State, county, or (city), and it shall be un- lawful for any said driver to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance or by State statute. Identical. Sec. 37. Exemptions to authorized emergency vehicles.-— (a) The provisions of this ordinance regulating the operation, parking, and standing of vehicles shall apply to authorized emergency vehicles, as defined in this ordinance, except as fol- lows: * A driver when operating any such vehicle in an emergency, except when otherwise directed by a police officer, may- (1) Park or stand notwithstanding the provisions of this ordinance; (2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation; (3) Exceed the prima facie speed limits so long as he does not endanger life or property; (4) Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in specified directions so long as he does not endanger life or property. Identical. (b) Those exemptions hereinbefore granted in reference to the movement of an authorized emergency vehicle shall apply only when the driver of said vehicle sounds a siren, bell, or exhaust whistle as may be reasonably necessary, and the vehicle displays a lighted red lamp visible from the front as a warning to others. Substantially ~- the same but makes no mention of a bell and does not require a lighted red lamp. (c) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his reckless disregard of the safety of others. Identical. I Y I - I ‘ . . ' '» 1 I _-a ‘ I i I. 23 BRISTOL, TENN ., TRAFFIC ENDATIONS RECQMMENDATIONS QRDINANCE RECQMM M.T.O. recommended because It:/:,}'i‘1'§?,;t§§§§mmended to cover N9 $P6°ifi° P1'°Vi$i°Il- play streets may possibly be i’ ' authorized. Sec. 18, ordinance of March 13, . 1925, exempts city vehicles in I _ Retentlon rewmmended necessary duties from requirements M ‘T'O‘ recommended‘ of ordinance. Sec. 18, ordinance of March 13, . 1925, exempts city vehicles in . Retemlon recommended’ necessary duties from requirements M°T'O' recommended‘ of ordinance. M.T.O. recommended because _ __ lighted red lamps make such No specific pI'0V1Sl0l1. M.T.O. recommended. vehicles more easily identifiable. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 24 MODEL .TRAF F IC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 38. Operation of vehicles and street cars on approach of authorized emergency vehicIes.—(a) Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible under -normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle and when the driver is giving audible signal by siren, exhaust whistle, or bell; Substantially the same in meaning but makes no provision for street cars and does not require a lighted red lamp. (1) The driver of every other vehicle shall yield \~'the right-of- way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, ex- cept when otherwise directed by a police officer; Identical. (2) Upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle, as above stated, the motorman of every street car shall im- mediately stop such car clear of any intersection and keep it in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed except when otherwise directed by a police officer. No provision. (b) This section shall not operate to relieve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway. Substantially the same but adds that it does not protect the driver from the con- sequences of an arbitrary exercise of such right-of-way. Sec. 39. Immediate report of accidents.—The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or property damage to an apparent extent of $25 or .more, shall immediately by the quickest means of communica- tion, either verbal or written, give notice of such accident to the police department if such accident occurs within the city. Substantially the same but the property damage extent is $50 or more and the driver must furnish the police depart- ment a copy of all written reports which may be required by State law. Sec. 40. Duty to stop in event of acci- dent.—(a) The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in in- juries to or death of any person or dam- age to property shall immediately stop at the scene of such accident or as close thereto as is possible without obstructing (Continued next page) i 1 1 i ~ ~ ~ ii ‘I <_ I I . l I -' -1 ‘Z 25 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Omission of reference to street cars acceptable but lighted red lamp requirement recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 12 of an ordinance passed March 31, 1925, provides that all - vehicles give full right-of-way to all . fire trucks or other vehicles in use ' by the fire or police departments and shall pull to the right and as near to the curb as possible upon ‘ the approach of a fire or police vehicle. M.T.O. recommended. No provision necessary. No provision. No provision necessary. Acceptable but responsibility_of driver sufficiently referred to in sec. 37 (c). No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended, for con- formance with State code as to minimum property damage (sec. 46-398). Sec. 19 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925, provides that in case of collision or accident it shall be the duty of the person in charge of the vehicle in or causing same to make a report thereof to the chief of police giving location of accident and details thereof. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 39 recom- mended for sake of uniformity and conformance with State code as to minimum property damage (sec. 56). Retention acceptable. These re- quirements are same as those in State code (sec. 46-189). No specific provision, but Bristol, Virginia requirements are substan- tially included in Tennessee State law. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 40 (a) recommended as consistent with State code (sec. 56) but more comprehensive. ~‘ -26 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE traflic and give to the person struck and injured, or to the driver or some other occupant of the vehicle collided with, his name, address, operator’s or chauffeur’s license number, and the registration number of his vehicle. If the damage is to an unattended vehicle or to some other object the driver shall make a reasonable effort to find the owner or person in charge of such property or shall leave a note in a conspicuous place giving him the information hereinbefore required, and in addition shall report the accident in writing to the chief of police irrespective of the damage involved. The driver shall also render to any person injured in such accident, reasonable as- sistance including the carrying of such injured person to a physician, surgeon or hospital for medical or surgical treat- ment if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary or is requested‘ by the in- jured person. (b) It shall be the duty of any occupant, witness or other person having knowl- edge of such an accident to furnish as much of the information hereinbefore required as possible if the driver is un- able or unwilling to furnish it. Sec. 41. Garage keepers to report damaged and abondoned vehieles.— (a) The person in charge of any garage, repair shop or storage place to which is brought any motor vehicle that shows evidence of having been involved in a serious motor vehicle accident or struck by a bullet shall report to the nearest police station within twenty-four hours after such motor vehicle is received giv- ing the engine number, registration num- ber and the name and address of the owner or operator of such vehicle if known. (See note) 27 BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC - RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE : RECOMMENDATIONS ~ Bristol, Virginia. Sec. 40 (b) Retention '<1¢CePtab1e- Same as No specific provision, but substan- recommended as consistent with State Code (SeC- 46-139% tially covered in State code. State code (sec. 56) but more comprehensive. Retention acce table. ‘Substan-I . . . _ , tially same as State code (secs. _No specific provision, but substan- State provisions acceptable, (sec. 46405’ 17.1)_ tially covered in State code. 56). 28 BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC FFIC ORDINANCE MQDEL TRA ORDINANCE (b) The person in charge of any garage, repair shop, automotive service or stor- age place (shall report to the nearest police station any motor vehicle left un- claimed in his place of business for more than two weeks when he does not of his own knowledge know the name of the owner and the reason for such - storage. Note: 1948 State code adds following clause after word “accident” “with evi- dence of blood stains”. ARTICLE IV.—TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICES Sec. 40. Authority to install traflic-control devices.—The ‘ (city traffic engineer) shall place and maintain traffic-control signs, signals, and devices when and as required under the traffic ordinances of this city to make effective the provisions of said Sec. 42 identical. ordinances, and may place and maintain such additional traffic- control devices as he may deem necessary to regulate traflic under the traflic ordinances of this city or under State law, or to guide or warn traflic. Sec. 41. Manual and specifications for traflic-control de- vices.---All traffic-control signs, signals, and devices shall con- form to the manual and specifications approved by the (State highway commission) (or) resolution adopted by the legislative body of this city. All signs and signals required hereunder for a particular purpose shall so far as practicable be uniform as to type and location throughout the city. All trafiic-control devices so erected and not inconsistent with the provisions of State law or this ordinance shall be ofiicial trafiic-control devices. Sec. 43 the same, (omitting “resolution adopted by the legislative body of this city”) . Sec. 42. Obedience to oflicial trafiic-control devices.—The driver of any vehicle and the motorman of any street car shall obey the instructions of any ofiicial traflic-control device ap- _ plicable thereto placed in accordance with the trafiic ordinances Sec. 44 the same, (omitting reference to of this city, unless otherwise directed by a police oflicer, subject street car). to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle in this ordinance. 29 A RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable, same as State code (sec. 46-172). No specific provision. €'Bristol, Virginia, sec. 4l—(b) . acceptable. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed Dec. 3, 9 1940 provides that the installation and control of traffic-control devices shall be determined by the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, by the police department and/ or by the commissioner of streets as may be determined by said Board of Mayor and Commissioners. M.T.O. recommended for more effective control. Retention recommended. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 43 recom- mended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 44 recom- mended. 30 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 43. When trafic devices ' for enforcement purp0ses.—NO provision of this ordinance for which signs are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation an oflicial sign is not in proper position and sufliciently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. Whehever a particular section does not state that signs are required, such section shall be effective even though no signs are erected or in place. Sec. 45. Identical except the word “signs” appears in the caption instead of “devices”. Sec. 44. Traflic-control signal legend.--Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic-control signals exhibiting the words “Go,” “Caution,” or “Stop,” or exhibiting different colored lights suc- cessively one at a time, or with arrows, the following colors only shall be used and said terms and lights shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows: (a) Green alone or “Go.” (1) Vehicular traflic facing the signal, except when pro- hibited under section 88, may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. But vehicular traffic, including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians law- fully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time such signal is exhibited. (2) Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk. Sec. 46. (b) Signals by lights or sema- phores shall be as follows: Green indicates that traffic shall move in the direction of the signal, and remain in motion as long as the green signal is given. (b) Yellow alone or “Caution” when following the green or “Go” signal. (1) Vehicular traffic facing the signal is thereby warned that the red or “Stop” signal will be exhibited immediately thereafter and such vehicular trafiic shall not enter or be crossing the in- tersection when the red or “Stop” signal is exhibited. ( 2) Pedestrians facing such signal are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway, and any pedestrian then starting to cross shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles. Alternate (2) No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway until the green or “Go” is shown alone (unless authorized so to do by a pedestrian “walk” signal). Sec. 46. (b) Amber indicates that a change is about to be made in the direc- tion of the movement of traffic. When amber signal is shown traffic which has not already entered the intersection, in- cluding the crosswalks, shall stop, but, that which has entered the intersection shall continue to move until the inter- section has been entirely cleared. IIIIIIII ll i 1 t 31 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended for clarity and safety. (Bristol ordinance same as State code but M.T.O. is not inconsistent with State Code, sec. 46-203). Sec. 1:4. (a) of ordinance passed Sept. 10, 1940, to govern specified ' installations vprovides that when light ahead is green: traflic may proceed through said green light turning in any direction except that it shall not make a com- plete or U turn. 4 (e) pedestrian traffic shall cross any street only Whenthe vehicular traffic on such street has been brought to a stop by ' a red light, or given the right to pro- ceed by an amber light and in each such case pedestrian traffic shall be given the right of way. vehicular _ M.T.O. recommended for clarity and safety. (Not inconsistent with State-code, which apparently does not have any specific pro- vision.) M.T.O. recommended as more enforceable. Alternate (2) recommended for better pedes- trian control with provision for “walk” signal to permit future in- stallations. (see note to preced- ing section). See. 1: 4 (b) When light ahead is amber; vehicular traffic may pro- ceed just as if the light ahead were green except that such traffic shall proceed cautiously and give the right-of-way to traffic moving under the control of green light. Sec. 1 Clause 3 of ordinance passed Oct. 18, 1927, states that the pur- pose of the amber light is to warn of an immediately approaching change of the signal and to clear the intersection of all traffic before such change occurs. M.T.O. recommended as more enforceable. Alternate ( 2 ) recommended for better pedes- trian control with provision for “walk” signal to permit future in- stallations, (see note to preced- ing section). 32 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (c) Red alone or “Stop.” (1) Vehicular trafiic facing the signal shall stop before en- tering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until green or “Go” is shown alone. (2) No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the road- way unless he can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic. . Alternate (2) N o pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway until the green or “Go” is shown alone (unless author- ized so to do by a pedestrian “Walk” signal). BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 46. (b) Red indicates that traffic then moving shall stop and remain stopped as long as the red signal is shown. (d) Red with green arrow. . (1) Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by such arrow but shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the inter- section. (2) No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular trafiic. ‘ roadway until the green or “Go” is shown alone (unless author- ized so to do by a pedestrian “Walk” signal) .' Alternate (2) No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the I No specific provisions. (e) In the event an official traffic-control signal is erected and maintained at a place other than an intersection, the provisions of this section shall be applicable except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Any stop re- quired shall be made at a sign or marking on the pavement, in- dicating where the stop shall be made, but in the absence of any such sign or marking the stop shall be made at the signal. No specific provisions. (f) The motorman of any street car shall obey the above‘ signals as applicable to vehicles.6 ' No provision. 6Section 44 has been incorporated from Act V of the Uniform Vehicle Code but with alternate provisions in reference to pedes- trian obedience to signals. That part of ALTERNATE ( 2) in parentheses should be included by a city which installs pedestrian walk-and-wait signals, but should be omitted if the city does not maintain any such special pedestrian signals. I s I 1' ~ ~ ~ i‘ I ‘ J . ! I I‘ ; i . ' :~ i~ - - I i i i E I : - - a v 33 BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Sec. 1. (c) When light ahead is red: L M~T~O~ Tscommended as 9911' All vehicular traffic shall stop and M.T.O. recommended as con- ducive to better control. Alter- “nate (2) recommended with pro- vision for “Walk” signal to permit future installations. (See note to preceding section.) not proceed or turn in any direction. Sec. 14. (c) of ordinance passedI Dec. 3, 1940, provides that pedes- . trians may cross only when vehicles ‘ are stopped by red light, then - pedestrians have the right-of-way. I ducive to better control. Alter- nate (2) recommended with pro- vision for “Walk” signal to per- mit future installations. (See note to preceding section.) A M.T.O. recommended. Alternate (2) recommended; with pro- vision for “Walk” signal to per- mit future installations. (not covered in State code.) No specific provisions. M.T.O. recommended. Alternate (2) recommended with provision for “Walk” signal to permit future installations‘. (See note to preceding section.) M.T.O. possibly desirable to cover special conditions. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. No provision necessary. No provision. N o provision necessary. 34 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 45. Pedestrian walk-and-wait.signals.—Wl1enever spe- cial pedestrian-control signals exhibitmg the words “Walk” or “Wait” are in place such signals shall indicate as follows: \ (a) Walk.--Pedestrians facing such signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal and shall be given the right-of-way by the drivers of all vehicles. No specific provision. (b) Wait.—No pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of such signal, but any pedestrian who has par- tially completed his crossing on the walk signal shall proceed to a sidewalk or safety zone while the wait signal is showmg. N o specific provision. Sec. 46. Flashing signals.—Whenever flashing red or yellow signals are used they shall require obedience by vehicular trafic as follows: No specific provision. (l) Flashing red (stop signal).-when a red lens is illu- minated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at a limit line when, marked, or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign. No specific provision. (2) Flashing yellow (caution signal) .—When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal only with caution. Sec. 46. (b) When semaphores are not in operation, the use of amber light indi- cates need for caution. Sec. 46. Trafiic Control Signal Legend. -—(a) Signals by traflic oflicers shall be as follows: (1) By hand, to stop traflic, stand with shoulders parallel with moving traflic, and with arms raised forty-five degrees above shoulder toward moving lines of traffic, hand extended, palm toward traflic to be stopped. Repeat movement with other hand to stop traffic from op- posite direction. By hand, to move (continued next page) {. -* H1 ~a ~ ~ ~ i i 35 BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended if installa- I tion of such signals is contem- _ M.T.O. recommended in view of plated. (See footnote 7, sec. 45, ‘ I the following subsection. M.T.O.) . . Sec. 1(d) The green light marked i M.T.O. recommended if installa- awalk” Shall be for pedestrian c0n_ _ tion of such signals is contem- trol on] M.T.O. recommended for better _ y and shall not be deemed a I . plated. (See footnote 7, sec. 45, gram Signal to be observed by vehi_ 1 control and clanty. M-T-Of)‘ cular traflic. (See footnote-7, sec. 45, M.T.O.) No specific provision. . (See footnote 7, sec. 45, M.T.O.) M.T.O. recommended. N0 spesific Pf°Visi0fl- M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. N9 specific Provision M-T-Q recommended- M.T.O. recommended for clarity No Spficific provisiom M_-I-.O_ recommended. < and safety. Retention acceptable, as con- forming with State code (sec. 46- 202). (These gestures are in ac- _ _ _ cordance with recommendations No SPec1fi° Provlslom Bristol, Va- Sec. 46 acceptable. of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.) 36 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC . ORDINANCE traflic, stand so that shoulders are parallel to line of traflic to be moved. Extend right arm and hand full length, height of shoulders toward said traflic, fingers extended and joined, pahn down- ward, bring hand sharply in direction traflic is to move. Face about and re- peat. The same movement to move traflic proceeding from opposite direc- tion. (See note.) Note: 1948 State Code changes last sentence to read “Repeat movement with left hand to start traflic from opposite direction.” Also included in State Code: “(2) By whistle, one blast-—moving traflic to stop; two blasts traflic in opposite direc- tion to move; three or more shot. blasts, to warn of approach of fire apparatus, or of an emergency when all traffic shall immediately clear the intersection and stop.” Sec. 47. Display of unauthorized signs, signals, or mark- ings.—(a) No person shall place, maintain, or display upon or in view of any highway any unauthorized sign, signal, marking, or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an oflicial traflic-control device or railroad sign or signal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic, or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traflic-control device or any railroad sign or signal, and no person shall place or maintain nor shall any public authority permit upon any highway any traflic sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising. This shall not be deemed to prohibit the erection upon private property adjacent to high- ways of signs giving useful directional information and of a type i that cannot be mistaken for official signs. Identical. (b) Every such prohibited sign, signal, or marking is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and the authority having juris- diction over the highway is hereby empowered to remove the same or cause it to be removed without notice. Identical. ~. Cg-_ . I :1 I :- 37 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended as neces- sary for effective control and en- forcement. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 38 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 48. Interference with oflicial traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals.-—-NO person shall without lawful au- thority attempt to or in fact alter, deface, injure, knock down, or remove any oflicial traffic-control device or any railroad sign or signal or anyinscription, shield, or insignia thereon, or any other ' part thereof. _ _ - Identical. Sec. 49. Authority to establish play streets.——-The city traflic engineer shall have authority to declare any street or part thereof a play street and to place appropriate signs or devices in the roadway indicating and helping to protect the same. No provision. Sec. 50. Play streets.—Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating any street or part thereof as a play street, no person shall drive a vehicle upon any such street or portion thereof except drivers of vehicles having business or whose residences are within such closed area, and then any said driver shall exercise the greatest care in driving upon any such street or portion thereof. No provision. Sec. 51. City traflic engineer to designate crosswalks, estab- lish safety zones, and mark traflic lanes.—The city trafiicg engineer is hereby authorized— Identical. (1) To designate and maintain, by appropriate devices, marks, or lines upon the surface of the roadway, crosswalks at intersections where in his opinion there is particular danger to pedestrians crossing the roadway, and at such other places as he may deem necessary; Identical. (2) To establish. safety zones of such kind and character and at such places as he may deem necessary for the protection of pedestrians; Identical. ( 3) To mark lanes for traflic on street pavements at such places as he may deem advisable, consistent with the traffic ordinances of this city. Identical. ~y 39 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN ., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M .T.O. recommended. M .T.O. recommended if author- ity to establish play streets needed in the foreseeable future. No provision. f M.T.O. recommended in case ' authority to designate play streets ‘ is ever needed. ( See recommendation above) No provision. (See recommendation above) Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended for brevity and uniformity. Retention recommended. No specific provision. rM.T.O. recommended for better pedestrian control. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended for safety. Retention recommended. 1' No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended for better traffic control. 40 BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC DEL TRAFFIC ORDIVANCE MO I ORDINANCE DRIVING AND SPEED ARTICLE V.——SPEED REGULATIONS REGULATIONS Sec. 52. Reckless Driving.—This sec- tion defines reckless driving and pro- vides a penalty of imprisonment in jail or fine or both and in addition, the license of one convicted may be sus- pended by any justice or court. Section 53. Motor vehicles to be im- '\ pounded and sold for satisfaction of damages under certain circumstances. —This section provides that any person violating any provisions of the act shall be liable for damages any other person may suffer as a result of the violation and in case the accused should fail to deposit with the court or justice an approved bond or money the court may order the vehicle seized and impounded, provided there is not in effect a standard auto- mobile liability policy. Sec. 52. State speed laws applicable.—The State traflic laws regulating the speed of vehicles shall be applicable upon all streets within this city, except as this ordinance, as authorized by State law, hereby declares and determines upon the basis of engineering and traflic investigation that certain speed regula- Sec, 54-__The same, tions shall be applicable upon specified streets or in certain areas, in which event it shall be prima facie unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of any speed so declared in this ordinance when signs are in place giving notice thereof.8 8Sections 52, 53, 54, and 55 are included on the assumption that the State legislature has enacted section 58 of Act V of the Uniform Vehicle Code authorizing local authorities to alter (continued on next page) . , . ' 1 ~ I 4 ‘ i I ‘ ' . I l ‘ . i -5 l - 41 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. , lCaption Bristol, Va. Article V ; acceptable. Retention acceptable. (-Same as secs. 46-209 and 210 of State code, and penalties are same.) This definition. of reckless driving is so drawn as to include purely technical violations. Considera- tion should be given to such a definition as will make reckless driving the serious offense that it ‘should be. See sec. 55, Act. V. Uniform Vehicle Code. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed May 27, ‘ 1930, provides that it shall be un- lawful to drive any vehicle careless- ly and heedlessly in willful disregardI of the safety of others and Without due caution and circumspection at a speed and in such a manner so -as to endanger any person or property. See. 2 prescribes a fine, if found guilty of violation. Sec. 41. (c) of State code in- cludes purely technical viola- tions. Consideration should be given to a definition (similar to see. 1 of 1930 ordinance) that will make reckless driving the serious offense that it should be, see sec. 55, Art. V, Uniform Vehicle Code. Not recommended, as being in- consistent with State code requir- ing deposit of security with Com- missioner under certain circum- stances, (sec. 46-456). No specific provision. Not recommended. Retention recommended. An ordinance passed Dec. 2, 1930, provides that the lowest maximum rate of speed at street intersections and/or when turning corners of streets and alleys shall be fifteen (15) miles per hour instead of eight or twelve miles per hour in order to conform with state law. M.T.O. recommended for effec- tiveness, clarity, uniformity and broader coverage. (1930 ordi- nance not consistent with present State code, sec. 41-B.) 42 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 53. Decrease of State speed limit at certain intersec- tions.—It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering and traflic investigation that the speed permitted by State law at the following street intersections is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at such intersections ~ and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit within 100 feet upon every designated approach to and within those intersections herein designated shall be as herein stated, which speeds so declared shall be effective at the times specified herein when signs are erected upon every approach to every such in- tersection giving notice of the prima facie speed limit so declared thereat.“ No provision. Sec. 54. Increasing State speed limit in certain zones.-It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering and traflic investigation that the speed permitted by State law upon the fol- lowing streets is less than is necessary for safe operation of vehicles thereon by reason of the designation and signposting of said streets as through highways and (or) by reason of widely spaced intersections and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as hereinafter set forth on those streets or parts of streets herein designated at the times specified when signs are erected giving notice thereof.10 Prima Facie At all times (or) Speed limit (during daytime) Name of street Sec. 55—The same. At all Name of . . times or Street Speed hm“ during daytime Lee High- way from Millard At 11 Lane tilneas. Northeast to city limits. 8 ( continued) certain prima facie speed limits declared by State law sub- ject to the limitations and under the conditions stated in said section 58 of Act V. However in the event a city does not find it necessary toexercise the powers granted in said sections 52 to 55, inclusive, or any one of said sections, then those sec- tions not needed should be omitted from the ordinance. In connection with these sections and in the event a State has adopted section 58 (d) of Act V, it should be noted that no alteration of a prima facie ~speed limit on a State highway or any extension thereof in a municipality shall be effective unless such alteration has been approved by the (State highway commis- sion). 9Section 53 is designed to apply and make effective the authori- zation contained in Act V, sec. 58 (a) , authorizing local author- ities under the conditions therein stated to reduce the State law‘ prima facie speed limit at any intersection. 10Sec. 54 is included as authorized by and to make effective section 58 (b) of Act V permitting local authorities to increase the standard 24-mile State prima facie speed limit in business (continued next page) ~ ll ~ i 4 \ I. ‘ i \. _ - ; 43 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended. (See foot- notes 8 and 9 sees. 52 & 53, M. T.O.) No provision. M.T.O. recommended. (See foot-I notes 8 and 9 sees. 52 & 53, M. T.O.) Retention recommended. (See footnote 10, sec. 54, M.T.O.) No provision. M.T.O. recommended. (See foot- note 10, sec. 54, M.T.O.) 44 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 55. Decrease of State law maximum speed.——It is here- by determined upon the basis of an engineering and traflic in- vestigation that the speed permitted by State law outside of business and residence districts as applicable upon the follow- ing streets is greater than is reasonable or safe under the con- ditions found to exist upon such streets and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be (35) or (45) miles per hour as herein set forth on those streets or parts of streets herein designated at the times herein specified when signs are erected giving notice thereof.11 BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE No provision. Alternate Secs. 53, 54 and 55. In the event it is found neces- sary in any of the above regularly numbered sections to refer to or enumerate a substantial number of intersections or streets, then it may be desirable to recast the text of said ordinance sections, making reference to schedules to be included in article XX, as for example as follows: Alternate Sec. 54. Increasing State speed limits in certain zones.—It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed permitted by State law upon those streets or portions thereof described in schedule ( ) is less than is necessary for safe operation of vehicles thereon by reason of the designation and signposting of said streets as through highways, or by reason of widely spaced intersections, and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit upon those streets or portions thereof described in schedule ( ) shall be as therein stated, which speeds so declared shall be effective at the time specified therein when signs are erected giving notice thereof. Note—Insert in article XX the following schedule: Continued on page 46 First alternate sec. 54 has been adopted as see. 55, Bristol, Virginia ordinance. 1° (Continued) and residence districts upon through highways or upon high- ways or portions thereof where there are no intersections or between widely spaced intersections. 11Section 55 is included as authorized by Act V, section 58 (c), permitting local authorities after engineering and traflic in- vestigation to reduce the lawful maximum speed under State law outside of business or residence districts upon any street, provided that in no event shall the speed as declared by city ordinance be less than 35 miles per hour. 45 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended. N o provision. ' M.T.O. recommended. Use of first alternate sees. 53, 54 and 55 recommended. Use of first alternate sees. 53, 54 and 55 recommended. 46 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Alternate Sec. 54 (Continued) Schedule ( ) Sec. ( ). Increased speed ]imits.—In accordance with sec- tion 54, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, the prima facie speed limit shall be as set forth~in this schedule upon those streets or portions thereof and at the times specified herem. At all times (or) (during daytime) Prima facie speed limit Name of street (or) (portions affected) Sec. 56. Regulation of speed by traflic signals.-—The city traflic engineer is authorized to regulate the timing of traflic signals so as to permit the movement of traffic in an orderly and safe manner at speeds slightly at variance from the speeds other- wise applicable within the district or at intersections and shall erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof. Identical. Sec. 57. Restrictions as to speed; other acts declared misdemeanors. Sec. 58. Drive ~on right side of highways. Sec. 59. Keep to the right in crossing intersections or railroads. Sec. 60. Special regulations applicable on streets and highways laned for traflic. 47 BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC R MMENDATIONS ECO ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS _ Retention recommended, No specific provision. l M .T.O. recommended. Sec. 2 of ordinance passed March Revise and make consistent with 31, 1925, makes it unlawful for any - State code (see. 46-212) and person to operate an automotive ' ggczltdgeigslsary If Sec‘ 52’ M'T'O' (sec. 54, Bristol, Va. ordinance.) vehicle on streets or alleys at a P ' greater speed than 20 m.p.h. Sec. 23 of ordinance passed March Retention acceptable. (Same as 31, 1925 provides that slow moving State code, sec. 46-220.) traffic shall keep as near to the right hand side of the street as possible. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 58 accept- able in absence of specific State law. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 59 accept- ' bl . . . . . . . l§f;fen§:§e Saecc(fe£éé_l22i;’).)(Same as No specific provision. ia;)vl,e in absence of specific State Retention acceptable. (substan- . Bristol, Virginia, sec. 60 accept- tially same as State code, sec. 46- No specific provision. able in absence of specific State 222.) law. 48 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 61. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions. Sec. 62. Overtaking a vehicle. Sec. 63. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle. Sec. 64. Limitations on privileges of overtaking and passing. Sec. 65. Following too closely. Sec. 66. Right of way. See. 67. Signals on starting, stopping, or turning. (a) Every driver who intends to start, stop or turn, or partly turn from a direct line, shall first see that such movement can be made in safety and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement shall give a‘ signal as required in this section, plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle of his intention to make such movement. (b) The signal herein required shall be given by means of the hand and arm, or by some mechanical or electrical device approved by the director after this sec- tion takes effect, in the manner herein specified. Whenever the signal is given by means of the hand and arm the driver shall indicate his intention to start, stop, or turn, or partly turn, by extending the hand and arm from and beyond the left side of the vehicle in the manner follow- mg: r=~ ~-W 49 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. (same State code, sec. 46-223.) No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia Sec. 61 accept- able, as more specific than State code (sec. 57) Retention acceptable. (same State code, sec. 46-224.) 3S No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia Sec. 62 accepta- ble, as more specific than State code (sec. 58) Retention acceptable. (same State code, sec. 46-227.) 38 No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia Sec. 63 accepta- - ble, as more specific than State code (sec. 58). Retention acceptable. (same State code sec. 46-228.) 21S No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia Sec. 64 accepta- ble, in absence of specific provi- sion in State code. Retention acceptable. (same State code, sec. 46-229.) as No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 65 accept- able in absence of specific pro- vision in State code. Retention acceptable. (same 3S State code sec. 46-238 and 239.) N o specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 66 accept- able in absence of specific pro- vision in State code. Retention acceptable. (same as State code sec. 46-233.) Sec. 9 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925. No such automotive ve- hicles shall be started away from a standing position without due care being exercised that no passing traf- fic is endangered, or that damage may result to other vehicles parked in the proximity thereto. State code Sec. 41-D recom- mended, as substantially same as see. 67 of Bristol, Virginia, ordi- nance. Retention acceptable. (same as State code sec. 46-234.) Sec. 22 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925 provides that hand signals are to be used as follows: State code Sec. 41-D recom- mended, as substantially same as see. 67 of Bristol, Virginia, ordi- nance. 50 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ~ (c) For left turn, or to pull to the left, the arm shall be extended in a horizontal position straight from and level with the shoulder. (d) For right turn, or to pull to the right, the arm shall be extended upward. (e) For slowing down or to stop, the arm shall be extended downward. ~ (f) Such signals shall be given con- tinuously for a distance of at least fifty T feet before slowing down, stopping, turn- ing or partly turning, or materially alter- ing the course of the vehicle. (g) Drivers must continue the course thus indicated unless they alter the original signal and take care that drivers of vehicles and pedestrians have been and are aware of the change. (h) Drivers receiving a signal from an- other driver shall keep their vehicle under complete control and shall be able to avoid an accident resulting from a misunderstanding of such signal. (i) Drivers of vehicles standing or stopped at the curb or edge before mov- ing such vehicles, shall give signals of their intentions to move into traflic as hereinbefore provided, before turning in the direction the vehicle will proceed from the curb. . . t ~ ' 3 _ i h 4 i 1‘ 1 - 51 BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC N I NS RECOMME DAT O ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS ggttznégzilé :ecC(.>e,i)g_1g€:1’_)(same as Extended horizontal, left hand turn;: iigltfileiode SeC' 41-D recom- gitgttgnctgzlrz, SaeCcc.e,¥ég):§i’.)(Same as Extended upward, right hand turn.. Isrfgltlizleciode Sec' 41-D recom- Retention acceptable, (same as E t d d d = State code sec. 41-D recom- State code sec. 46-234.) X en e °wn’ St"11 4 mended. Retention acceptable, (same as N .fi .. State code sec. 41-D recom- State code sec. 46-234.) 0 Specl C PIOVISIQIL mended. Retention acceptable, (same as . . . State code sec. 41-D recom- State code sec. 46-235.) N° SPe°1fi° Pr°“s1°n~ mended. Retention acceptable, (same as . . . State code sec. 41-D recom- State code sec. 46-236.) N° SPwfi° P‘°‘"S‘°n' mended. Retention acceptable, (same as See sec. 9 of ordinance passed State cede Sec. 41-D recom- State code sec. 46-237.) March 31, 1925, as stated above. mended. 52 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Section 68. COASTING PROHIBIT- ED. Section 69. WHEN CONTINUOUS DRIVING PR()HIBITED.-—Maximum 13 hours in any period of 24 hours. ARTICLE VI.—TURNING MOVEMENTS Identical. Sec. 57. Required position and method of turning at inter- sections.—The driver of a vehicle intending -to turn at an inter- section shall do so as follows: a (a) Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. ~ (b) Approach for a left turn shall be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the road- way being entered. ~ (c) Approach for a left turn from a two-way street into a one-way street shall be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof and by passing to the right of such center line where it enters the intersection. A left turn from a one-way street into a two-way street shall be made by passing to the right of the center line of the street being entered upon leaving the intersection. (d) Where both streets or roadways are one way, both the approach for a left turn and left turn shall be made as close as practicable to the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway. Sec. 70. Substantially the same in meaning but does not provide instruc- street and does prescribe a speed limit of ten miles per hour for turning a corner. tions for turning into or from a one-way ~ Sec. 71 provides that both right and left turns may be permitted on red traflic signals at certain intersections when proper signs are posted. designated by the city manager and ' Sec. 58. Authority to place and obedience to turning mark- ers.--( a) The city traflic engineer is authorized to place mark- ers, buttons, or signs within or adjacent to intersections indicat- ing the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersec- tions, and such course to be traveled as so indicated may con- form to or be other than as prescribed by law or ordinance. Sec. 72 identical. J \ _ ~ ~ ~ rm 4 1 ' . I! I 53 * BRISTOL TEN N. TRAFFIC I ’ ’ RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE Bristol, Virginia sec. 68 accept Retention a¢CePtab1e- (same as N 'fi ' ‘ _ ‘ able i absence of s ecific provi- State code, S€C. 46-218.) 0 specl C provlslon ' sign jg State code, p Sam.e as State code, sec. 46- _ _ O " 219) Power of city to enforce this N o specific provision. Not recommended. provision seems questionable. Retention recommended. M .T-(). recommended. Clause 12, Sec. 1 of ordinance passed Oct. 18, 1927 provides that M°T.()_ recommended as mom when stopping his vehicle in order C9mP1¢te- Instructions for One‘ to “Walt an 0pP.Ortumty to “Fake .a M.T.O. recommended as broader way street movemsnts advisable 1eft.tum’ the driller Shall bung hls and more suitable to legislative in Vie-W of Possible adoption of Vfihlcle to a posmon at or Pear the needs, though not wholly consist- one-Way Street system- (M-T-Q <>"/{lief °f the street, .1eav1ng Sui‘ ent with sec. 41 cm of State is not wholly consistent with sec. ficlsnt spase on each slde for other code, 46-231 of State code and so may Yehicles t9 Pass aI1d.iI1 making a not be a¢¢eptab1e_) right turn, he shall brmg his vehicle to a position as near the curb to his right as possible. Separate ordinances provide for Deletion recommended, due to b - 11 th - - conflict with sec. 44 and accepted 3: §t;I_m7a1 yof ]§riSSzt1gf\1,1;r;i1§i€;n1(I)1lf(% NOI recommended. national practice. dinanee, Retention recommended. N9 specific Provision M-T-Q recommended- 54 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) When authorized markers, buttons, or other indications are placed within an intersection indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning thereat, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of such indications. Sec. 72 (b) identical.‘ Sec. 59., Authority to place restricted turn signs.—-The city t‘raflic engineer is hereby authorized to determine those inter- sections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left or U turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be plainly indicated on the signs or they may be removed when such turns are permitted. Sec. 72 identical. Sec. 60. Obedience to no-turn signs.—Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right or left or U turn is permitted, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of any such sign. Sec. 74 identical. Sec. 61. Limitations on turning around.—The driver of any vehicle shall not turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction upon any street in a business district and shall not upon any other street so turn a vehicle unless such move- ment can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic. Sec. 75 identical. ARTICLE VII—ONE-WAY STREETS AND ALLEYS Sec. 62. Authority to sign one-way streets and alleys.— Whenever any ordinance of this city designates any one- way street or alley the city traflic engineer shall place and main- tain signs giving notice thereof, and no such regulation shall be effective unless such signs are in place. Signs indicating the direction of lawful traflic movement shall be placed at every" intersection where movement of traflic in the opposite direction is prohibited. - Sec. 76 identical. Sec. 63. One-way streets and alleys.—-Upon those streets and parts of streets and in those alleys described in schedule I attached hereto and made a part hereof, vehicular traflic shall move only in the indicated direction when signs indicating the direction of traflic are erected and maintained at-every inter- section where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited. . Sec. 77 identical. . i , , \ . . i 0 I‘, ‘ !- ‘ ~l‘ 55 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 56 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ' BRISTOL, V A., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ARTICLE VIII—SPECIAL STOPS REQUIRED Sec. 64. Through streets designated.—Those streets and parts of streets described in schedule II attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby declared to be through streets for the purpose of this section. Sec. 78 identical. Sec. 65. Authority to erect stop sig'ns.—.-Whenever any or- dinance of this city designates and describes a through street it shall be the duty of the city traflic engineer to place and ‘maintain a stop sign on each and every street intersecting such through street or intersecting that portion thereof described and designated as such by any ordinance of this city. ~ Sec. 79 identical. Sec. 66. Intersections where stop required.—The citytraflic engineer is hereby authorized to determine and designate inter- sections where particular hazard exists upon other than through streets and to determine whether vehicles shall stop at one or more entrances to any such stop intersection, and shall erect a stop sign at every such place where a stop is required. See. 80 identical. Sec. 67. Signs to bear the word “Stop.”-—Every sign erected pursuant to this article shall bear the word “Stop” in letters not less than 6 inches in height and such sign shall at nighttime be rendered luminous by steady or flashing internal illumination, ‘ or by a fixed floodlight projected on the face of the sign, or by efficierit reflecting elements on the face of the sign. Every stop sign shall be located as near as practicable at the nearest line of the cross walk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, at the nearest line of the roadway. Sec. 8l—Substantially the same but ‘no provision is made to render the sign luminous at nighttime. t 2-. ' . -1 I Y _ \ ; ' I . .‘ , ‘ . . y, . - ;, 4 I ‘ ,7 ~_I 1. '- I 57 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE . I RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. Through streets designated by in-=4 dividual ordinances. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended in the in- terest of safety. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 58 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 68. Vehicles and street cars to stop at stop signs.- When stop signs are erected as herein provided at or near the entrance to any intersection, every driver of a vehicle and every motorman of a street car shall stop such vehicle or street car at such sign or at a clearly marked stop line before entering the intersection except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic-control signal.12 Sec. 82—_Substantially the same but no mention is made of street car or motor- man of street car. See footnote 12 Sec. ( ) Vehicle entering through highway or stop intersection.- Sec. 83 identical. 12It may be desirable to include in the ordinance an additional section from Act V, section 84, directing the movement of a vehicle after stopping at a stop sign to read as follows: Sec. ( ). Vehicle entering through highway or stop inter- section.—(a) After the driver of a vehicle has stopped at the entrance to a through highway, such driver shall yield the right- of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection from said through highway or which are approaching so closely on said through highway as to constitute an immediate hazard, but said driver having so yielded, may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection on said through highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding into or across the through highway. (b) After the driver of a vehicle has stopped in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto although not a part of a through highway, such driver shall proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop which are within the inter- section or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, but may then proceed. ,_ . } - I ~ ' -. I ‘- . '- _ s V -‘ <. ‘ '— ‘ ‘ 1. l i I I . :, - . , V V . . I :. I ' ' ‘ 59 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. I j M.T.O. recommended without reference to street car or motor- man of street car. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 60 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 69. Emerging from alley or private driveway.—The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway, or build- ing shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or onto the sidewalk area extending across any alley- way, yielding the right-of-way to any pedestrian as may be necessary to avoid collision, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said roadway. ' Sec. 84 identical. Sec. 70. Stop when traflic obstructed.-—-No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is suf- ficient space on the other side of the intersection or cross- walk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without ob- structing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwith- standing any traffic-control signal indication to proceed. Sec. 85 identical. Sec. 71. Obedience to signal indicating approach of rail- road train.—( a) Whenever any person driving a vehicle ap- proaches a railroad grade crossing under any of the circum- stances stated in this section, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail of such railroad, and shall not proceed until he can do so safely. The foregoing requirements shall apply when: (1) A clearly visible electric or mechanical signal device gives warning of the immediate approach of -a railroad train; ( 2) A crossing gate is lowered or when a human flagman gives or continues to give a signal of the approach or passage of a railroad train; ( 3) A railroad train approaching within approximately 1500 feet of the highway crossing emits a signal audible from such distance and such railroad train, by reason of its speed or nearness to such crossing, is an immediate hazard; (4) An approaching railroad train is plainly visible and is in hazardous proximity to such crossing. (b) No person shall drive any vehicle through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad grade crossing while such gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed. Sec. 86 identical. : ‘ 3 . E I 1 61 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. f M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M .T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended as con- sistent with, but more specific than, sec. 43 of State code. 62 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ARTICLE IX.—MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING RULES Sec. 72. Following fire apparatus prohibited.—The driver of any vehicle other than one on oflicial business shall not follow any fire apparatus traveling in response to a fire alarm closer than 500 feet or drive into or park such vehicle within the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm. Article IX; Caption identical. Sec. 87. Following police llritl fire ve- hicles prohibited.——(a) substantially the same in meaning but does not allow parking within 500 feet of fire appa- ratus. (b) No operator of any vehicle may follow any police vehicle for the pur- pose of keeping it or its occupants under surveillance. Sec. 73. Crossing fire hose.—No street car or vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of a fire department when laid down on any street, private driveway, or street-car track, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the fire department oflicial in command. ' Sec. 88. The same but no provision is made for street cars. ‘ Sec. 74. Driving through funeral or other procession.— No driver of a vehicle or motorman of a street car shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral or other authorized procession while they are in motion and when such vehicles are conspicuously designated as required in this ordinance. This provision shall not apply at intersections where traflic is con- trolled by traflic-control signals or police oflicers. Sec. 89. The same but no mention is ‘made of motorman of streetcar. 8 F’ - i - - - X ' , .l l . _ ‘ 1 ‘ p A I I L . . Q ‘ I2 :; .‘Tj___ ' ‘ . I 1' - I ‘ E l ' i 63 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Either acceptable. Sec. 12 of ordinance passed March ; 31, 1925 provides that when the I fire alarm is sounded, vehicles other 2 than those in use by the fire depart- - ment and police department shall not approach nearer than one block ,- to the location of the fire without Ithe consent or request of the chief of the fire department and such vehicles shall be removed a greater 1 distance to limits designated by said 4 chief. M.T.O. recommended. Not objectionable if locally justi- fied. No provision. Not recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 12 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925 provides that no vehicle may be driven over any hose or other fire apparatus in use at any I fire without the consent of the chief of the fire department. Bristol, Virginia Sec. 88 recom- mended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia sec. 89 recom- -mended. 64 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 75. Drivers in a procession.—Each driver in a funeral or other procession shall drive as near to the right-hand edge of the roadway as practical and shall follow the vehicle ahead as close as is practical and safe. Sec. 90 identical. Sec. 76. Funeral processions to be identifieM.funeral composed ofa procession of vehicles shall be identified as such by the display upon the outside of each vehicle of a pennant or other identifying insignia or by such other method as may be determined and designated by the traflic division. Sec. 91. The same but includes head- lamp as identifying means. Sec. 77. When permits required for parades and proces- sions.—No funeral, procession, or parade containing (200) or more persons or (50) or more vehicles, excepting the forces of the United States Army or Navy, the military forces of this State, and the forces of the police and fire departments, shall occupy, march, or proceed along any street except in accordance with a permit issued by the chief of police and such other regulations as are set forth herein which may apply. See. 92. Substantially the same but the city manager issues the permit and a pro- , cession containing (20) or more persons or (5) or more vehicles must have per- mit. Sec. 78. Vehicles shall not be driven on a sidewalk.—The driver of a vehicle shall not drive within any sidewalk area except at a permanent or temporary driveway. Sec. 93. Substantially the same in mean- ing but a written approval by the traflic engineer designates a temporary drive- way. See. 79. Limitations on backing.—T he driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with reasonable safety and without interfering with other traflic. Sec. 94. Substantially the same but adds “and only for a short parking or turning maneuver.” Sec. 80. Riding on motorcycles.—A person operating a motorcycle shall not ride other than upon the permanent and regular seat attached thereto or carry any other person nor shall any other person ride, upon such motorcycle other than upon a firmly attached seat tothe rear or side of the operator. Sec. 95. Substantially the same but in- cludes motor scooter and motor bike. Sec. 81. Clinging to moving vehicles.—Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller skates, or any toy vehicle shall not attach the same or himself to any street car or moving vehicle upon any roadway. Sec. 96. Substantially the same~ but ex- cludes street car and adds, “nor shall the driver of such vehicle permit such opera- tion.” I! 5 65 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ~ RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. ' Bristol, Virginia sec. 91 recom- _ mended. Retention acceptable if low fig- ures are locally justified. No specific provision. Should agree with Bristol, Vir- ginia requirements. Either acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommendedi Either acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Acceptable but Bristol, Virginia Sec. 2 (b) defines motor cycle to include motor-scooter ' and motor bikes. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia sec. 96 recom- mended. 66 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 82. Restricted access.——No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited-access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are established by pubhc authority.18 No provision. ARTICLE 'X.—-STREET CARS AND SAFETY ZONES“ Sec. 84. Boarding or alighting from street ears or vehicles. —No person shall board or alight from any street car or vehicle while such street car or vehicle is in motion. Article IX, Sec. 97. Identical except “bus” is substituted for “street car.” Sec. 85. Unlawful riding.—No person shall ride on any street car or vehicle upon any portion thereof not designed or intended for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, or chandise. to persons riding within truck bodies in space intended for mer- - Sec. _98 (a) identical except “bus” is substituted for “street car.” (b) No person shall drive a vehicle so loaded or so carrying persons as to obstruct the view or interfere with the driver’s control of the vehicle. 13The text is from revised Act V section 74, and is to be read in connection with the definition of limited-access highway, in section 12 (c) of this model ordinance. This section can be omitted in case a municipality does not contemplate having a limited-access highway. 14In the event street cars are not operated in a city adopting this ordinance, then there is no need to include the regulations in this article except that the provisions in reference to unlaw- ful riding or alighting from a vehicle in sections 84 and 85 and the prohibition against driving through a safety zone in section 90 might be transferred to and included in article IX entitled Miscellaneous Driving Rules. I-V. 67 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Omission acceptable. No provision. Omission acceptable. Omission acceptable (See foot- note 14, M.T.O.) I Omission acceptable (See foot- note 14, M.T.O.) Retention recommended but by definition, sec. 2(a) Bristol, Vir- ginia a bus is a vehicle. No specific provision. l M.T.O. recommended excluding reference to street car. Retention recommended (see footnote 14, M.T.O.) N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended excluding reference to street car. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia Sec. 98 (b) ac- ceptable. 68 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 99. Unnecessary hornblowing. (a) Unlawful except when reasonably necessary to prevent an accident within a business or residence district. (b) When traveling outside a business or residence district a driver shall give audible warning before passing a vehicle proceeding in the same direc- tion. Sec. 101. Streets restricted.--All buses, trucks, tractor and trailers must use the streets designated as routed highways ex- cept to pick up or deliver merchandise or freight on other streets. The traflic engineer may issue a permit for a year to use a different route and he may designate streets for busses, trucks, trac- tors and trailers. Sec. 102. Railroad trains to flag cross- ings.—Unlawful to operate train or car onto or across any grade crossing of any street or alley unless a barrier, signal, or flagman gives proper signals. Sec.- 86. Railroad trains and street cars not to block streets. ——It shall be unlawful for the directing oflicer or the operator of any railroad train or street car to direct the operation of or to operate the same in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for purposes of travel for a period of time longer than 5 minutes, except that this provision shall not apply to trains or cars in motion other than those engaged in switching. It shall be unlawful for any street car to stop within an inter- section or on a crosswalk for the purpose of receiving or dis- charging passengers. Sec. 102. The same but does not make exception and does not provide for street * C€iI'S. ~QQ 69 RECOMMENDATIONS ‘ BRISTOL, TENN ., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. . Bristol, Virginia sec. 99 accept- I able in absence of specific State - law. Retention recommended. No specific A provision. ‘ Bristol, Virginia sec. 99(b) ac- ceptable in absence of specific State law. Retention acceptable. Ordinance passed 7-18-39. Sub- stantially the same in meaning as see. 101 of Bristol, Virginia ordi- nance. Retention acceptable. Retention acceptable. An ordinance passed. Sept. 15, 1942 discontinuing electrical and mechanical signaling devices at cer- tain railroad crossings provides that a properly authorized railroad em- ployer shall give full and adequate warning every time that a train or other railroad vehicle is to be oper- ated across any crossing. Bristol, Virginia sec. 102 accept- able. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended without reference to streetcars. 70 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 87. Passing street car on left.--(a) The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake and pass upon the left nor drive upon the left side of any street car proceeding in the same direction, whether such street car is actually in motion or temporarily at rest, except: (1) When so directed by a police officer; (2) When upon a one-way street; or (3) When upon a street where the tracks are so located as to prevent compliance with this section. (b) The driver of any vehicle when permitted to overtake and pass upon the left of a street car which has stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passenger shall reduce speed and may proceed only upon exercising due caution for pedestrians and shall accord pedestrians the right-of-way when required by other sections of this act. - Sec. 88. Passing street car on right.—The driver of a vehicle overtaking upon the right any street car stopped or about to stop for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passenger shall stop such vehicle at least 5 feet to the rear of the nearest running board or door of such street car and thereupon remain standing until all passengers have boarded such car or upon alighting have reached a place of safety, except that where a safety zone has been established a vehicle need not be brought to a stop before passing any such street car but may proceed past such car at a speed not greater than is reasonable and proper and with due caution for the safety of pedestrians. Sec. 89. Driving on street car tracks.——(a) The driver of any vehicle proceeding upon any street-car track in front of a street car upon a street shall remove such vehicle from the track as soon as practical after signal from the operator of said streetcar. (b) When a street car has lawfully entered and is crossing an intersection, no driver of a vehicle shall drive upon or across the car tracks within the intersection in front of the street car. (c) The driver of a vehicle upon overtaking and passing a street car shall not‘ turn in front of such street car so as to inter- fere with or impede its movement. N o provisions. 71 L RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS No provisions necessary. No provisions. N o provisions necessary. 72 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 90. Driving through safety zones prohibited.—No vehicle shall at any time be driven through or within a safety zone. Sec. 100 identical. Sec. 104. Display of Insignia and em- blems.—Unlawful for any person to display on a motor vehicle the insignia or emblem of any organization unless entitled to use the same. Sec. 105. Records required of persons renting motor vehicles without drivers. Sec. 106. Equipment‘ requirements of the division of motor vehicles. Sec. 107. Flag or light at end of load. Flag not less than 12"x12” must be dis- played at end of load that extends more than 4 feet beyond the body of vehicle “except that between 1/2 hour after sun- set and 1/2. hour before sunrise a red light visible at least 100 feet from rear must be displayed. Sec. 108. Prevention of noise, smoke. (a) Vehicle must be equipped with a mufller in good working order. Exhaust pipe must be parallel with the ground or slightly upward. (b) Unlawful for vehicle to be equipped with “mufller cut-out” or “straight ex- haust.” Sec. 109. Prevention of loads dropping or shifting. (a) No vehicle shall be operated, moved or parked on any highway unless such vehicle is so constructed as to prevent its contents from dropping, shifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom. (b) No vehicle designed and/ or used for the purpose of hauling logs, poles or lumber shall be operated unless its load is securely fastened. 4. . ' ‘ ‘ . i Y -_ 1 ' I: .. _ J . _l Sec. 110. Size of vehicles and loads. Sec. 111. Trailers and towed vehicles. '1 I 2' A 73 L ,y_ . . l » > . :- \ \ - Y ‘ . ‘ l RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE I RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. (Same as State code, sec. 46-192.) No specific provision. i Bristol, Virginia sec. 104 op- I tional. Retention acceptable. (Same as State code, sec. 46-191.) No specific provision. Covered by sec. 32 of State code except that - record is not open to public inspec- 1 tion. - State code, sec. 32, recommend- ed. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia sec. 106 op- _ tional. Retention acceptable. (Same as State code sec. 46-304.) No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia sec. 107 accept- able as more specific than sec. 105 of State code. Retention acceptable. (Same as State code sec. 46-305, 46-306.) See. 8 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925 substantially the same in meaning as see. 108 of Bristol, Vir- ginia ordinance. State code sec. 104 suggested. Retention acceptable. (Substan- tially same as State code sec. 46- 307.) No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia sec. 109 accept- able in absence of specific provi- sion in State code. Retention acceptable. (Substan- tially same as State code sec. 46- 326 to 330, but does not provide for exceptions.) No specific provisions. Bristol, Virginia sec. 110 accept- able. State code secs. 129-130 governs. Retention acceptable. (Same as State code secs. 46-331, 332, 333.) No specific provisions. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 111 recom- mended, as consistent with, but more adequate than sec. 128 of State code. 74 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 112. Weight of vehicles and loads. Sec. 1 1 3 . Increasing maximum weights. Sec. 114. Permits for excessive size and weights. Sec. 115. When the city traflic engi- neer may decrease limits on size and weight. Sec. 116. Weighing vehicles. Sec. 117. Restrictions as to tire re- quirement. Sec. 118. Injuring vehicles. Sec.119. Unauthorized use of vehicle. Sec. 120. Tampering with vehicle. )- ARTICLE XI—PEDESTRIANS’ RIGHTS AND DUTIES Article X identical. Sec. 92. Pedestrians subject to traflic control signals.- Pedestrians shall be subject to traflic-control signals as heretofore declared in section 44 of this ordinance, but at all other places pedestrians shall be granted those rights and be subject to the restrictions stated in this article. No specific provision. Sec. 93. Pedestrians’ right-of-way in crosswalk.——(a) When traflic-control signals are not in place or not in operation the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the road- way within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger, but no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run-into the (continued on next page) See. 126. Drivers shall yield to pedes- trians at intersections. Sec. 123. Pedestrian shall have right-of- way over vehicles turning. Sec. 125. Pedestrians shall have regard for approaching traffic. ____.-.-.- . \ . -' .. . IV. . Q 7 V k A ‘ I Q -0- , i , 4 1 . I \ . ,. I I A L A . A '. .5 A » It-'--.-1’ “::?'.:.:'. 75 BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS . ORDINANCE Retention acceptable with change W- in prescribed penalty. (Substan- State Code’ Secs‘ 121'122 Pm‘ tially same as State code sees. 46- No specific provisions. Sumably gOv€mS (but S66 also 334, 335, but State now pre- Sec‘ 68)‘ scribes different penalty.) Retention acceptable, as consist- No specific provision. (No author- 0 . . d d ent with State code (sec. 46- ity for such action given in State mlsslon recommen 6 ' 336.) code.) _ _ Bristol, Virginia sec. 114 recom- Retention acceptable as consist- mended, supplementing sec. 123, ent with State code (sec. 46- No specific provision. State code, to give local officials 339.) authority. . _ 1 Bristol, Virginia sec. 115 recom- Retention acceptable, as consist- mended, supplementing sec, 123, ent with State code (sec. 46- No provision. - State Code to give local officials 340.) authority. Retention acceptable as consist- _ _ Bristol, Virginia sec. 116 accept- ent With State C0d6 (S66. 46- NO pI‘OV1S10n. able in absence of specific State 342.) , law. Retention acceptable as consist- . Bristol, Virginia sec. 117 accept- ent With State COCl6, (S668. 46- NO 1)I'0ViSiOIl. , able in abgenee of Speeifie State 299, 300, 301.) law. R t bl . S H . . ' ' ' ' ..zs"%2i.?°::.§*i.?...< M No ~g;;;;<;_1’ Sec. 11 of ordinance passed May - 5’ 1925 Provides that no Person Bristol, Virginia sec. 119 accept- Rateflflon a¢¢¢Ptab1s- (Same as shall enter, take or drive, or attempt State 9996- s¢¢- 463-) to drive any such vehicle belonging able’ mom Spficific than SeCS' 84, to another, without consent of the 85’ 86 of State code- owner or person in charge. Bristol, Virginia sec. 120 accept- Retention acceptable. (Same as NO Provision able in absence of specific State State code, sec. 46-13.) - law. Retention recommended. M.T-O. recommended. M,T,(), recommended, 8 N9 specific Pr9Visi9I1- M.T.O. recommended. Sec. 1 clause 11 of ordinance passed Oct. 18, 1927 provides that at inter- sections where there are signal - lights, pedestrian traffic shall have right-of-way over vehicular traffic when lawfully moving forward, but at all other intersections and when signal lights are not in operation, (continued on next page) M.T.O. recommended for better pedestrian control and protec- tion. M.T.O. recommended for protec- tion of pedestrians,with possible deletion of last sentence. '76 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE path of a vehicle, which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. A pedestrian’s right-of-way in a crosswalk 1s modified under the condition and as stated in section 96(b). (b) Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such _ stopped vehicle. Sec. 94. Pedestrians to use right half of erosswalk.——Pedes- trians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the right half of crosswalks. No specific provision. No specific provision. Sec. 95. Crossing at right angles.—No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at any place other than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the opposite curb except in a crosswalk. ' Sec. 127. Makes no exception to re- quirement of crossing at right angles and adds that pedestrians shall not step from behind obstructions except to board a street car or bus or to enter a safety ‘ zone. Sec. 96. When pedestrian shall yield.— (_a) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. No specific provision. (b) Any pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. ‘ N o provision. (c) The foregoing rules in this section have no application under the conditions stated in section 97 when pedestrians are prohibited from crossing at certain designated places. No provision. Sec. 97. Prohibited crossing.—( a) Between adiacent inter- sections at which traflic-control signals are in operation, pedes- trians shall not cross at any place except in a crosswalk. Sec. 122. Pedestrians shall cross when- ever possible only at intersections. (b) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than in a cross- walk in (the central traflic district or) in any business district. N o specific provision. (c) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than in a cross- walk upon any of the following named (through streets) or (parkways): ( ) N o provision. I I ‘I ‘T . I ‘ ~ I " ‘ __ 4 ‘_ i l-. F3’ , 1 __ ‘ ‘ I -I I I 4 ' 1 ,' r _ , I * ‘ _ ' \ ‘ . ' . p I l ". . l \ ' -. ‘ 77 BRISTOL TENN. TRAFFIC ’ ’ R OMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE v EC vehicular traflic shall have the right- ‘ of-way over pedestrian traflic. I M.T.O. recommended for safety. No specific provision. ‘ M.T.O. recommended. M.T_()_ recommended. No specific provision. ‘ M.T.O. recommended. recommended for greater No specific provision. ‘ M.T.O. recommended. c an M.T.O. recommended. N0 sPe°ifi¢ PT°Vi$i°I1- M.T.O. recommended. No provision necessary. N0 Provision N o provision necessary. M.T_()_ recommended. N o provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended for safety. N0 Specific Provision M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended, N0 Specific P1'°ViSi°n' M.T.O. recommended. M .'I‘,(), recommended, N0 Provision M.T.O. recommended. 78 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 128. Passenger of street busses have right-of-way. Sec. 98. Pedestrians walking along roadways.——(a) Where sidewalks are provided it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway. (b) Where sidewalks are not provided any pedestrian walk- ing‘along and upon a highway shall when practicable walk only on the left side of the roadway or its shoulder facing traflic which may approach from the opposite direction. Sec. 129. Substantially the same in meaning. (c) No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of any vehicle. Sec. 130 (b) substantially the same in meaning. Sec. 99. Drivers to exercise due care.—Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this article every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian upon any roadway and shall give warning by sounding the horn when necessary and shall exercise proper precaution upon observing any child or any confused or incapacitated person upon a road- way. No specific provision. ii‘ \ 4 ~ ~ _~ . I A . __ ,. g .7 ' Sec. 131. Penalty prescribed for viola- tion. - ARTICLE XII.—REGULATlONS FOR ‘BICYCLES ARTICLE XI. Identical. Sec. 100. Effect of regulations.—(a) It is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this article. Sec. 132 (a) identical. 79 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Deletion recommended. No specific provisions. Not recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable, in con- formity with sec. 46-249 of State code. Not recommended. General pen- alty clause is provided in sec. 156, M.T.O. Retention recommended. An ordinance. M.T.O. recommended. Y - l . . , - ~ ' ~ Retention recommended. Sec. 2 of ordinance passed May 5, 1942 prescribes a penalty for vio- lating provisions of ordinance. M.T.O. recommended for brevity and clarity. 80 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) The parent of any child and the guardian of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this article. (b) Identical. (c) These regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply when- ever a bicycle is operated upon any street or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, subject to those exceptions stated herein. (c) Identical. Sec. 101. License required.—-—No person, who resides within this city, shall ride or propel a bicycle on any street or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles unless such bicycle has been licensed and a license plate is attached thereto as provided herein. Sec. 133. Identical. Sec. 102. License application.—Application for a bicycle license and license plate shall be made upon a form pro-_ vided by the city and shall be made to the (chief of police). An annual license fee of ( ) shall be paid to the city before each license or renewal thereof is granted. Sec. 134. Identical. (License fee of 25 cents.) Sec. 103. Issuance of license.--(a) The (chief of police) upon receiving proper application therefor is authorized to issue a bicycle license which shall be effective until (the next succeed- ing first day of July). Sec. 135. (a) Identical (expiration date January 1). (b) The (chief of police) shall not issue a license for any bicycle when he knows or has reasonable ground to believe that the applicant is not the owner of or entitled to the possession of such bicycle. (b) Identical. (c) The (chief of police) shall keep a record of the number of each license, the date issued, the name and address of the person to whom issued, and the number on the frame of the bicycle for which issued, and a record of all bicycle license fees collected by him. (c) Identical. Sec. 104. Attachment of license plate.—(a) The (chief of police) upon issuing a bicycle license shall also issue a license plate bearing the license number assigned to the bicycle, the name of the city, and (the calendar year for which issued) (the expiration date thereof). Sec. 136 (a) Identical (calendar year to be shown). . I .4 .1.‘n.li-I 81 - '~ ~ M -_—'-J RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (b) of ordinance of May 5, I ; formity. 1942 the same. M.T.O. recommended for uni- Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (c) applicable whenever a I bicycle is operated upon any street, - subject to exceptions. M.T.O. recommended because broader in meaning. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended with 25 cents fee. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended (expira- tion date optional). Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. I I 82 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) The (chief of police) shall cause such license plate to be firmly attached to the rear mudguard or frame of the bicycle for which issued in such position as to be plainly visible from the rear. 9’ (b) Substantially the same. (c) No person shall remove a license plate from a bicycle during the period for which issued except upon a transfer of ownership or in the event the bicycle is dismantled and no longer operated upon any street in this city. (c) Identical. Sec. 105. Inspection of hicycles.—The chief of police, or an officer assigned such responsibility, shall inspect each bicycle before licensing the same and shall refuse a license for any bicycle which he determines is in unsafe mechanical condition. See. 137 Identical. Sec. 106. Renewal of license.—Upon the expiration of any bicycle license the same may be renewed upon application and payment of the same fee as upon an original application. ' Sec. 138 Identical. Sec. 107. Transfer of ownership.——Upon the sale or other transfer of a licensed bicycle the licensee shall remove the license plate and shall either surrender the same to the (chief of police) or may upon proper application but without pay- ment of additional fee have said plate assigned to another bicycle owned by the applicant. Sec. 139 Identical. Sec. 140. License plate not transfer- able with bicycle. Sec. 108. Rental agencies.—A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is licensed and a license plate is attached thereto as provided herein and such bicycle is equipped with the lamps and other equipment required in this article. Sec. 141. Identical. Sec. 109. Bicycle dealers.—Every person engaged in the business of buying or selling new or second-hand bicycles shall make a report to the (chief of police) of every bicycle pur- chased or sold by such dealer, giving the name and address of the person from whom purchased or to whom sold, a description of such bicycle by name or make, the frame number thereof, and the number of license plate, if any, found thereon. Sec. 142. Identical. 83 . ll- RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M .T .O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T .0. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable but super- fluous (sec. 139 sufficient). No specific provision. Not recommended. Retention recommended. N 0 specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 84 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ~ Sec. 110. Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles.-— Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of ~a vehicle by the laws of this State declaring rules of the road applicable to vehicles or by the traflic ordinances of this city applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except as to special regulations in this article and except as to those provisions of laws and ordinances which by their nature can have no applica- tion. Sec. 143 identical. Sec. 1 l 1. Obedience to traflic-control devices.—Any person operatinga bicycle shall obey the instructions of oflicial traffic- control signals, signs, and other control devices applicable to vehicles, unless otherwise directed by a police oflicer. Sec. 144 (a) identical. (b) Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right or left or U turn is permitted, no person operating a bicycle shall disobey the direction of any such sign, except where such person dismounts from the bicycle to make any such turn, in which event such person shall then obey the regulations appli- cable to pedestrians. Sec. 144 (b) identical. Sec. 112. Riding on bicycles.—( a) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto. Sec. 145 (a) Substantially the same but adds that one hand shall be kept on the I handle bars at all times. (b) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. Sec. 145 (b) identical. Sec. 113. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths.—-(a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the righthand side of the roadway as practicable, exer- cising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceed- ing in the same direction. Sec. 146 (a) identical. ~i ._ 1 1 I '. I I I ' I ~ 85 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (d) of ordinance passed May 5, 1942 substantially the same in meaning. I : I M.T.O. recommended for uni- formity. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (e) identical. Retention recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (f) Substantially the same but includes a provision that no person may be carried upon a bicycle ex- cept upon a firmly attached and regular seat. Bristol, Virginia sec. 145 (a) recommended for uniformity. Retention recommended. Part of sec. (g) identical. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (i) identical. Retention recommended. 86 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not rioe more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Sec. 146 (b) substantially the same but provides that they “shall ride single file” instead of not more than two abreast. (c) Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway. Sec. 146 (c) identical. Sec. 114. Speed.—No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the condi- tions then existing. Sec. 147 identical. Sec. 115. Emerging from alley or driveway.—The operator of a bicycle emerging from an alley, driveway or building, shall upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area ~extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians ap- _ proaching on said sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right of way to all vehicles approach- ing an said roadway. Sec. 148 identical. Sec. 116. Clinging to vehicles.—No person riding upon any bicycle shall attach the same or himself to any street car or vehicle upon a roadway. Sec. 149 identical. 7‘ I I I n - - --T‘ i;'‘'-‘ ‘#1’ -. - .. Sec. 117. Carrying articles.--No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars. Sec. 150 identical. Sec. 118. Parking.—No person shall park a bicycle upon a street other than upon the roadway against the curb or upon the sidewalk in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to- pedestrian traffic. Sec. 151 identical. Sec. 119. Riding on sidewalks.—(a) No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district. Sec. 152. No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the city limits. _' _ H. . __._.__ Q ri_ I . 1‘ , r , '4 i l_ - ; s I c- : 2 i I " 87 I i ' ‘ Q-._-__4n.... ____-Q .- ' - 7 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN ., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended as less re-l strictive. Sec. 1~(m) identical. Retention recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended in case bicycle paths are provided in the future. Retention recommended. Part of Sec. 1 (g) identical. ~ M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (j) identical. Retention recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (k) identical. Retention recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (1) substantially the same but “both hands" are used instead of “one hand.” M.T.O. recommended as being less restrictive. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (11) identical. Retention recommended. Retention acceptable if desirable. M.T.O. possibly more practi- cable. Sec. 1 (0) No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the city limits of the city of Bristol. Retention acceptable if desirable. M.T.O. possibly more practi- cable. 88 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) The (chief of police) is authorized to erect signs on any sidewalk or roadway prohibiting the riding of bicycles thereon by any person and when such signs are in place no person shall disobey the same. - No specific provision. Alternate (b). No person ( 15) or more years of age shall ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk in any district. No specific provision. (c) Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian. ' No provision. Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a lam on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front an~d with a red reflector on the rear of a type which shall be visible from all distances from 50 feet to 300 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper-beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. Sec. 120. Lamps and ~other equipment on bicycles.—_(a) 4 Sec. 153. Substantially the same but specifies a reflector not less than 2 inches in diameter on the rear. (b) No person shall operate a bicycle unless it is equipped with a bell or other device capable of giving a signal audible for a distance of at least 100 feet, except that a bicycle shall not be equipped with nor shall any persons use upon a bicycle any siren or whistle. Sec. 153 (b) the same but does not prohibit a whistle. (c) Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement. Sec. 153 (c) identical- ‘ 89 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended. No specific provision. M .T .O. recommended. No provision necessary if sec. 152 is retained. No specific provision. 3 No provision necessary if sec. 1 (o) is retained. No provision necessary if sec. 152 is retained. Otherwise M.T. O. recommended. N o provision. No provision necessary if sec. 1 . (o) is retained. Otherwise M.T. O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (p) the same. Retention recommended. Retention acceptable. Sec. 1 (q) identical. Retention recommended. : 1 y "4--"— p - ‘U. “‘_vf‘j r-_....- . - :: -— <-— -——- U . : I ~M N ~f \ " \ Retention recommended. Sec. 1 (r) identical. Retention recommended. 90 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 121. Penalties.-—Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this article shall be punished by a fine of not more than ( ) dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ( ) days or by removal and detention of the license plate from such person’s bicycle for a period not to exceed ( ) days or by impounding of such person’s bicycle for a period not to ex- ceed ( ') days or by any combination thereof.15 BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE 4_|___- Sec. 154. Substantially the same in meaning but does not include imprison- ment clause and adds “or by such other penalty as may be prescribed by the judge of Juvenile Court where a juvenile is the offender. Note: Fine not to exceed $10.00. Period of detention of license plate not to ex- ceed 90 days. Period of, impoundment of bicycle not to exceed 90 days. ARTICLE XIII.—METHOD OF PARKING ARTICLE XII.—Identical. Sec. 122. Standing or parking close to curb.——No person shall stand or park a vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of the roadway headed in the direction of lawful traflic movement and with the right-hand wheels of the vehicle within eighteen (18) inches of the curb or edge of the roadway except as otherwise provided in this article. (Sec. 155. Substantially the same but specifies 12 inches from the curb or edge of roadway instead of 18 inches. Sec. 123. Signs or markings indicating angle parking.- (a) The city traffic engineer shall determine upon what streets angle parking shall be permitted and shall mark or sign such streets but such angle parking shall not be indicated upon any Federal-aid or State highway within this city unless the (State highway~ commission) has determined by resolution or order entered in its minutes that the roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free movement of traflic. Sec. 156 (a) identical. 15It is suggested that each city attorney determine whether this section, imposing penalties, is inapplicable to juveniles by reason of State statutes establishing juvenile courts and special methods of dealing with juvenile offenders. '_ ‘ t __' . J 2 P K‘ “ I ~ ~ ~" ~ ~| ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I ?. I It ;- ~ -. 1‘ 1 I 1' _ . . I 1 i 91' RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable (see foot- note 15, sec. 121, M.T.O.). Sec. 2. Substantially the same in < meaning but does not include im- -_ ‘ M.T.O. ' omission of provision for 1m- ‘ prisonment. prisonment clause nor the removal and detention of license plate clause and “or by a combination of fine and impoundment.” Note: Fine; not less than $2.00 nor - more than $50.00 period of im- _, poundment not to exceed 10 days. recommended, with Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. (It is suggested that a provision be added permitting machine in a similar manner at the left-hand Sec. 4 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925, provides that all vehicles shall be parked only at the right Bristol, Virginia Sec. 155 recom- mended for clarity and uniform- hand curb of all streets so that ity. gab (1:,II1.zIl.(31e)'way street‘ See sec‘ wheels will not be more than 12 ’ ' ' ‘ inches from the curb. No provision necessary unless Retention recommended. No specific provision. angle parking is contemplated. 92 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (b) Angle parking shall not be indicated or permitted at any place where passing traflic would thereby be caused or required to drive upon the left side of the street or upon any street-car tracks. Sec. 156 (b) identical. Sec. 124. Obedience to angle-parking signs or markings.— Upon those streets which have been signed or marked by the city traffic engineer for angle parking, no person shall park or stand a vehicle other than at the angle to the curb or edge of the roadway indicated by such signs or markings. Sec. 157 identical. Sec. 125. Permit for loading or unloading at an angle to the curb.-—The city traffic engineer is authorized to issue special permits to permit the backing of a vehicle to the curb for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise or materials sub- ject to the terms and conditions of such permit. Such permits ' may be issued either to the owner or lessee of real property or to the owner of the vehicle and shall grant to such person the privilege as therein stated and authorized herein, and it shall be unlawful for any permittee or other person to violate any of the special terms or conditions of any such permit. Sec. 158 identical. Sec. 126. Lights on parked vehicles.—-( a) Whenever a vehicle is lawfully parked at nighttime upon any street within a business or residence district no lights need be displayed upon such parked vehicle. Sec. 159 (a) Substantially the same ex- cept any vehicle exceeding (7) feet in width or (7) feet in height shall display lights on front and rear. (b) Whenever a vehicle is parked upon a street or highway outside of a business or residence district during the hours be- tween one-half hour 'after sunset and one-half hour before sun- rise, such vehicle shall be equipped with one or more lamps which shall exhibit a white light on the roadway side visible from a distance of 500 feet to the front of the vehicle and a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear. (b) The same but includes; “and when- ever a truck with dual wheels or other large vehicle is parked either in a busi- ness or residence district.” (C) Any lighted headlamps upon a parked vehicle shall be de- pressed or dimmed. ( c ) Identical. 1 \ \., _ I ‘ ' 1 it E. J . 1 . ' . _... A L ,4 -.._ 1 1 .... H . ‘ -2 is T E .7 - - - - ‘ .. -~. ._ 93 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. No specific provision. 1 No provision necessary, unless 1 angle parking is contemplated. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. '2 No provision necessary unless ' angle parking is contemplated. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended for better control of loading and unloading. Retention acceptable. (consist- ent with sec. 46-282 of State code.) No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 159 (a) acceptable for uniformity. It is recommended that the re- quirement of 500 feet visibility be changed to 300 feet, to conform to sec. 46-282 of State code. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 159 (b) acceptable for uniformity, in ab- sence of 'specific provision in State code. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 94 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ARTICLE XIV.—STOPPIN G, STANDING, OR PARKING PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIED PLACES ARTICLE XIII Identical. Sec. 127. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited. No signs required.—(a) No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic Sec. 160 (a) The same but adds, or in compliance with law or the directions of a police oflicer “Whether Sign Posted Or 1101;” or traflic-control device, in any of the following places: 1. On a sidewalk; Identical. 2. In front of a public or private driveway; Identical. 3. Within an intersection; Identical. 4. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant; Identical. 5. On a crosswalk; Identical. 6. Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; Within 15 feet, etc. 7. Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, Identical stop sign, or traflic-Control signal located at the side of a roadway; ' 8. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a Identical safety zone, unless the city traffic engineer has indicated a differ- ent length by signs or markings; 9. Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; Within 20 feet, etc. < - I-. - I, r. _ \ - . I l I I I 5 ' ‘ ‘ ' . _ I ‘ U \ K _ - 3 _ _ I 9 . . I k- . _._., ., __ v -c. HI I C I. 95 ' BRISTOL, TENN. TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATIONS ’ ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. Either acceptable. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M-T'O- recommended‘ Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M-T-Q recommended- Retention recommended. N0 Specific provision M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 4 of ordinance passed March M_T,(), recommmded, 3~1, 1925—The same. Retention recommended. N0 SP6CifiC provision. M'T'O' recommended‘ 1;/II1.('1I‘;1(I)1.if (r)t;;:Ic1>i1t1;,mended for safety N0 Specific provision M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N0 SP6CifiC provision. M'T'O' recommended‘ Retention recommended. No specific provision. M-T-Q Tecommended~ M.T.O. recommended as a safer M_-DO. mcommended. distance from railroad crossing. No specific provision. v- 96 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE 10. Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of said entrance (when properly signposted) ; Within 15 feet, etc. 1.1-1 1. -. . .. 4.. l 1 1. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction Identical_ when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traflic; 12. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked Identical at the edge or curb of a street; ' 13. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a high- Identical way or within a highway tunnel; ' 14. At any place where oflicial signs prohibit stopping. Identical. \ 15. Within 18 inches of another parked vehicle. ' " 16. Alongside any curb painted yellow 01' OI'ZlllgC. (b) No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under his control into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful. Identical. Sec. 128. Parking not to obstruct traffic.—No person shall park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicu- lar traflic. Sec. 162 identical. . ‘ I f I if ‘ \ - Y - ‘ I : ,, , ._ '<. Sec. 129. Parking in alleys.—-No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traflic, and no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property. Sec. 163 identical. I I 1 ! _ ‘ (A ‘ I ~ ' . '~ ~ - xp-. _,_'..—1 .4 4-. . J 97 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE I t I RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed ll-29-27 prohibits parking on Beaver Creek Bridge. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, subsection 15 acceptable. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, subsection 16 acceptable. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. (sec. 54, State code, prohibits parking outside business or residence _district, unless 15’ is left clear.) M.T.O. recommended if not in conflict with State code. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 98 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 130. All-night parking prohibited.——No person shall park a vehicle on any street for a period of time longer than 30 minutes between the hours of (2) a.m. and (5) a.m. of any day, except physicians on emergency calls. No provision. Sec. 131. Parking for certain purposes prohibited.——No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of : Sec. 164 adds to caption: Street sales prohibited; demonstrations prohibited. (a) identical to sec. 131, M.T.O. (1) Displaying such vehicle for sale. ( 1 ) identical. (2) Washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle except necessitated by an emergency. (2 ) identical. (3) Repairing shoes, clothing, furni- ture, metal ware, tools or other articles of personal or household use. (b) Unlawful to park a vehicle in the business district to demonstrate, sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, or mer- chandise from vehicle or from any con- tainer on roadway or sidewalk -in busi- ness di~strict. (c) Prohibits any one from selling or offering for sale or future delivery, upon street or sidewalk within business dis- trict any goods, wares, merchandise, or photographs, other than newspapers. - ‘ I I I ' I .1 : I S I I 99 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N ., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS No provision necessary if not loca~lly justified. No provision. F No provision necessary if not ' locally justified. Retention not objectionable. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Clause 2 of sec. 1 of ordinance . passed 1-26-32 prohibits any per- son, firm or corporation dealing in new or used automobiles to use any of the streets, alleys or public places for the storage or parking of auto- mobiles constituting a part of their stock in trade. M.T.O. recommended for brevity and clarity. Retention recommended. Sec. 5 of ordinance passed March ' 31, 1925, prohibits a vehicle from being stopped for repairs except in case of a breakdown or change of tires, then only long enough to make such repairs necessary to move the vehicle. M.T.O. recommended for brevity and clarity. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 164 (a) 3 optional. _ _... ., 5 re " ~ “ 1; ‘ - Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 164 (b) optional. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 144 (c) optional. 100 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (d) Unlawful to interfere with pedes- tr-ian or vehicular traflic by gatherings attracted by a speech or harangue, dis- play or sign, demonstration or sale. (e) Exempts distribution of non-com- mercial hand bills, cards, leaflets or other such literature. Sec. 132. Parking adjacent to scho0l.—(a) The city traflic engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any street adjacent to any school property when such parking would, in his opinion, interfere with traflic or create a hazardous situation. Sec. 165 (a) identical. (b) When oflicial signs are erected indicating no parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property no per- son shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. (b) identical. Sec. 133. Parking prohibited on narrow streets.—-(a) The city traflic engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed 20 feet, or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs when the width of the roadway does not exceed 30 feet. Sec. 166 (a) identical. (b) When oflicial signs prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein, no person shall park a V vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign. (b) identical. Sec. 134. Standing or parking on one-way streets.—-The city traffic engineer is authorized to erect signs upon the left- hand side of any one-way street to prohibit the standing or park- ing of vehicles, and when such signs are in place, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon such left-hand side in violation of any such sign. I Sec. 167 identical. “ :1 A . ?‘ i‘ : ; _4_,, _ i r -. T-E4 101 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. N o provision. ? Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 164 (d) ' optional. Retention acceptable. No provision. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 164 (e) optional. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. (Sec. 54, State code, prohibits parking, out- side business or residence district, unless 15’ is left clear.) M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 1 —- -"""" Y 1 I 1 '.‘ I I ~ ~ ~ - - - - ~ > - ‘M . Retention recommended. Sec. 15 of ordinance passed May 5, 1925, allows parking only on the right side of one-way streets. M.T.O. recommended. 102 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, "VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 135 . Standing or parking on one-way roadways.——In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traflic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are erected to permit such standing or parking. The city traflic engineer is authorized to determine when standing or parking may be permitted upon the left-hand side of any side of any such one-way roadway and to erect signs giving notice thereof. Sec. 168 identical. Sec. 136. Nostopping, standing, or. parking near hazardous or congested plaees.—(a) The city traflic engineer is hereby au- thorized to determine and designate-by proper signs places not exceeding 100 feet in length in which the stopping, standing, or dition or would cause unusual delay to traflic. parking of vehicles would create an especially hazardous con-~ Sec. 169 (a-) identical. (b) When oflicial signs are erected at hazardous or congested places as authorized herein no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle in any such designated place. (b) identical. ARTICLE XV.—STOPPING FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING ONLY ARTICLE XIV——identical. Sec. 137. City traflic engineer to designate curb loading zones.—The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized to deter- mine the location of passenger and freight curb loading zones and shall place and maintain appropriate signs indicating the same and stating the hours during which the provisions of this section are applicable. Sec. 170 identical. ~' ~ ~’ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' '~ ~ ~ l 4 _."‘- 2.3 _‘ V 3 4 ‘ ‘ |‘ r. -I : .4 Y -' -. ~ . F 6 1 ' F F . in . _J' —-— ~ -1 1 103 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. ' M .T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed 3-19-40 provides that a specified unloading zone be marked by or under the direction of the department of streets. Other ordinances designate loading and unloading zones to be marked on specified streets by the commissioner of streets. M.T.O. recommended. 104 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE fi,_ BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 138. Permits for curb loading zones.-—The city traffic engineer shall not hereafter designate or sign any curb loading zone upon special request of any person unless such person makes application for a permit for such zone and for two signs to indicate the ends of each such zone. The city traflic engineer upon granting a permit and issuing such signs shall collect from the applicant and deposit in the city treasury a service fee of ($ ) per year or fractio~n thereof and may by general regula- tions impose conditions upon the use of such signs and for reim- bursement of the city for the value thereof in the event of their loss or damage and their return in the event of misuse or upon expiration of permit. Every such permit shall expire at the end of 1 year. Sec. 171 identical. Fee is $100 per year or fraction thereof. Sec. 139. Standing in passenger curb loading zone.-—No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle for any purpose or period of time other than for the expeditious loading or unloading - of passengers in any place marked as a passenger curb loading zone during hours when the regulations applicable to such curb loading zone are effective, and then only for a period not to ex- ceed 3 minutes. Sec. 172 identical. Sec. 140. Standing in freight curb loading zone.-—(a) No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle for any purpose or length of time other than for the expeditious unloading and de- livery or pick-up and loading of materials in any place marked as a freight curb loading zone during hours when the provisions applicable to such zones are in effect. In no case shall the stop for loading and unloading of materials exceed 30 minutes.16 (a) identical. ’ (b) identical, with (b) in footnote 16. 16In the event it is deemed desirable to permit passenger - vehicles to stop temporarily for loading or unloading of passen- gers in a freight curb loading zone, then the following might be added in section 140: b) The driver of a passenger vehicle may stop temporarily at a place marked as a freight curb loading zone for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers ' ~ when such stopping does not interfere with any motor vehicle used for the transportation of materials which is waiting to enter or about to enter such zone. > 105 I‘ I» "h I,‘ F‘ I. . V A K \ \ ( I _ I I ‘. -H _ .__, A II . 1 I - -, I I 1 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T .O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended, includ- ing (b) (see sec. 15 (d), M.T. O.) No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended, including (b) in footnote. 106 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 141. City traflic engineer to designate public c-arrier quired to establish bus stops and taxicab stands and stands for other passenger common-carrier motor vehicles on such public streets in such places and in such number as he shall determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public, and nated by appropriate signs. stands.—The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized .and re- ' every such bus stop, taxicab stand, or other stand shall be desig- Sec. 174. Substantially the same but~ in- ‘ cludes only bus stops and adds that the company must erect and maintain the signs. Sec. 142. Parking of busses and taxicabs regulated.-—'The driver of a bus (hackney) or taxicab shall not park upon any street in any business district at any place other than at a bus stop, (hackney stand) , or taxicab stand, respectively, except that this provision shall not prevent the driver of any such vehicle from temporarily stopping in accordance with other stopping or parking regulations at any place for the purpose of and while ac- tually engaged in loading or unloading passengers. Sec. 175 identical. Sec. 143. Restricted use of bus and taxicab stands.—-N0. person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop, (or other than a hackney in a hackney stand,) or other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when any such stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed, except that the driver of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unload- ing passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any bus, (hackney), or taxicab waiting to enter or about to enter such zone. Sec. 176. Restricted use of bus stops. —Does not include taxicabs or stands-— Substantially the same. ARTICLE XVI.—STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS ARTICLE XV.-identical. ‘ -1-~IIIl==== 107 1 , I ' , . RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. If locally desirable. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed 4-18-44. Board of mayor and commissioners I designates certain bus stops. Sec. 2 r authorizes the commissioner of r streets to establish additional stops 5 that, in his judgment may be nec- essary. Sec. 4- provides that signs - must be erected and the cost of maintaining the signs and painting _ the curbs must be borne by the motor bus transportation company. I Either M.T.O. or Bristol, Vir- ginia, sec. 174 recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. V of ordinance passed 4-18-44 ' provides that no bus may stop in . any street intersection to receive or discharge passengers, except within the zone near the stop; provided however that the bus stop zone is unobstructed at the time. No specific provision made for taxi stands. M.T.O. recommended as broader and clearer in meaning. Retention acceptable if omission of reference to~ taxicabs and stands is locally justified. Sec. 3 of ordinance passed 4-18-44 provides that no other person, firm or corporation shall park within such zones or obstruct them in any manner. M.T.O. recommended for brevity and clarity. Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. 108 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 144. Application of article.—The provisions of this article prohibiting the standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified or as indicated on oflicial signs except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traflic or in compliance with the direc- tions of a police officer or oflicial traflic‘-control device. . Sec. 177 identical. Sec. 145. Regulations not exclusive.—The provisions of this article imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive pro- visions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. Sec. 178. The same but adds “or for specified purposes.” Sec. 179. All parking restricted. Signs not required.—Parking on all streets and alleys is restricted to the following time limits for vehicles as designated, regardless of whether or not signs are posted: (a) No vehicle shall be permitted to stand or park upon any highway, street or alley for a period of time exceeding twenty-four - (24) hours. (b) No commercial use vehicle or ve- -hicle exceeding seven (7) feet in width or seven (7) feet in height, or truck, tractor or trailer of any description shall be permitted to park upon any highway, street or alley -for a period of time ex- ceeding two (2) hours. ‘ l - , - . J - 1 *1 /. v‘ ' . - -. ’ -» . - .1 ; r. t-‘ 3 _ A , _____1 4 M4 - ‘ 1 A 4 A l .. .. ~ 4, A _ 109 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS ' Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable if locally justified. Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 179 op- tional. Retention -acceptable if locally justified. N o specific provision. Optional. I"‘-Ir, ,-I‘ .7 .N_’< ‘. ,_., Retention acceptable if locally justified. , No specific provision. Optional. 110 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (c) No vehicle designed to transport gasoline, in excess of two hundred gal- lons, whether loaded or not, and any vehicle carrying explosives shall be plainly marked and shall not be per- mitted to park unattended in any dis- trict. Sec. 146. Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets. --When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a Vehicle at any time upon any of the streets described in schedule III attached to and made a part of this ordinance. Sec. 180. The same but includes “or parts of streets.” Sec. 147. Parking prohibited during certain hours on cer- tain streets.—When signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours speci- fied in schedule IV of any day except Sundays and public holi- days within the district or upon any of the streets described in said schedule IV attached to and made a part of this ordinance. Sec. 181 identical. Sec. 148. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets.—When signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle between the hours specified in schedule V of any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets described in said schedule V attached to and made a part of this ordinance. Sec. 182 identical. Sec. 149. Parking time limited on certain streets.—When signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than ( ) at any time between the hours of ( ) a.m. and ( ) p.m. of any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets described in schedule VI attached to and made a part of this ordinance. Sec. 183. Substantially the same but period of time is as prescribed by violations of provisions of sections 179 to 183 inclusive is added. 111 ; ‘ ' . l r " l ‘M '; * '-‘ 1 2 . ‘ , ‘ ' . -_ \ -- -- A » e I . r 1 - I I RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS ~ Retention acceptable. (Suggest changing first word to any for clearer meaning.) No tank truck or other vehicle used ~ for the commercial transportation - of gasoline, liquified or non-liquified l gas or other highly inflammable - liquid or substance may park at any place except when such vehicle is at _' its loading or unloading point. _ (Sec. 1 of ordinance passed 3-3l- - 48.) Bristol, Virginia, Sec. 179 (c) ac- ceptable for uniformity and clar- ity. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 112 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 150. Parking signs requii-ed.—Whenever by this or any other ordinance of this city any parking time limit is imposed or parking is prohibited on designated streets it shall be the duty of the city traflic engineer to erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof and no such regulations shall be efiective unless _ said signs are erected and in place at the time of any alleged ofiense. ~ ~ ~Sec. 184. The same but adds “or unless the owner or operator has been pre- viously notified.” ‘ ARTICLE X|VI.--PARKIN G METERS Sec. 185. Parking meters, location.-— City manager authorized to install, main- tain, etc., parking meters where, in his opinion, they are needed. Sec. 186. Construction of parking me- ters. Sec. 187. Metered. spaces.—City man- a todesignate and mark spaces and ' "'t‘/ehicles must park Within such space. 4 Sec. 188. Parking in metered places. ---Driver to deposit proper coin--if vehicle too, .large for space only meter nearest the front .end {need be operated. -Vehicle parked overtime if meter signal shows illegal parking. Sec. 189. Umnetered -parking.--The appearance of the illegal parking signal on the meter Will be prima facie evidence that the vehicle has been parked beyond the legal limit- \ §. ‘ "‘ 3‘ Q ‘-_- Qt . R , ' ~, ‘ \‘_ ~. . = .1 .. . . ' l I I ' ' _ ' -. -.._.- A A \ , .. ~...__ 113 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN ., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. Sec. 3 of ordinance passed 1-10-47 provides that the commissioner of streets, -governed by this _ ordinance, shall install, control, maintain, etc. parking meters in zones designed in this ordinance. Substance of sec. 3 acceptable in form of Bristol, Virginia, ordi- nance. Retention acceptable. Sec. 3 of ordinance passed 1-10-47. Substantially the same in meaning as see. 186 in ordinance of Bristol, Virginia. Retention acceptable. Retention acceptable but suggest “City Traflic Engineer” instead of “City Manager” since an au- thorized assistant may serve m this capacity. See sec. 28 of this ordinance. _ * Sec. 3 of above mentioned ordi- nance provides that the commis- sioner of streets shall mark spaces. Sec. 5 provides that vehicles must park within space. Bristol, Virginia sec. 187 accept- able for conciseness and clarity. F Retention acceptable but suggest a section prohibiting the practice of depositing additional coins after the expiration of the time ' limit. Sec. 5 of above mentioned ordi- nancei—Substantia1ly the same in meaning as see. 188 of Bristol, Virginia--ordina'nc'e but does not provide for oversize vehicle. Retention acceptable, but suggest a section prohibiting the practice of depositing additional coins after the expiration of time limit. Retention acceptable. Sec. 5 of above mentioned ordi- nance, substantially the same in meaning as see. 189 of Bristol, Virginia ordinance. -—-~—-—-_--—-_hd Retention acceptable. 114 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 190. Penalties.—Fine of not more than $10.00. Sec. 191. Slugs and coin substitutes. —Unlawful to deposit any slug, device or other substitutes for a one-cent or a five-cent coin of the United States of America. Sec. 192. Defacing parking meters.-— Unlawful to deface, injure, tamper with, open, break or destroy any parking meter or otherwise to impair its useful- ness. ARTICLE XVII.—-TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS BUREAU Identical. Sec. _ 151. Traffic violations bureau created.——(a) The (chief city magistrate) shall establish a traflic violations bureau to assist the court with the clerical work of traflic cases. The bureau shall be in charge of such person or persons and shall be open at such hours as the (chief magistrate) may designate. Sec. 193 (a) substantially the same, but does not contain the last sentence in the model section and adds “The bureau shall be located at police headquarters.” (b) The magistrate or magistrates who hear traflic cases, shall designate the specified offenses under the traflic ordinances of this city and the State traffic laws in respect to which payments of fines may be accepted by the traflic violations bureau in satis- faction thereof, and shall specify by suitable schedules the amount of such fines for first, second, and subsequent offenses, provided such fines are within the limits declared by law or ordinance, and shall further specify what number of such offenses shall require appearance before the magistrate. (b) The police judge shall designate the specified offenses under the ordi- nances of this city and the state laws in respect to which payments of fines may be accepted by the traflic‘ violations bureau in satisfaction thereof where there are no circumstances which might indicate that more than minimum pay- ment should be made. . .1: ?' V \ .- ‘ 1. .- J ~I Gill!----Ill!!!-. 115 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN ., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. Sec. 9 of above mentioned ordi- 1 nance--Fine of not less than $2.00 : nor more than $10.00. ' Retention acceptable. Retention acceptable. Sec. 6 of above mentioned ordi- nance, the same as sec. 191 of Bris- ? tol, Virginia, ordinance. Retention acceptable. Retention acceptable. Sec. 7 of above mentioned ordi- , nance. Substantially the same in meaning as sec. 192 of Bristol, Vir- ginia, ordinance. Retention acceptable. Retention acceptable. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 116 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 152. When person charged may elect to appear at bu- reau or before magistrate.-—(a) Any person charged with an offense for which payment of a fine may be made to the traflic violations bureau shall have the option of paying such fine with- in the time specified in the notice of arrest at the traflic viola- tions bureau upon entering a plea of guilty and upon waiving appearance in court; or may have the option of depositing re- to a trial as authorized by law. quired lawful bail and upon a plea of not guilty shall be entitled J \ Sec. 194 identical. (b) The payment of a fine to the bureau shall be deemed an acknowledgment of conviction of the alleged offense, and the bureau, upon accepting the prescribed fine, shall issue a receipt to the violator acknowledging payment thereof. Sec. 195. Receipts for fines and bails diflerent.—In paying fine the violator acknowledges conviction and is issued a receipt which is different kind than ' that issued for bail. Sec. 153. Duties of traflic violations bureau.‘-——The fol- lowing duties are hereby imposed upon the traflic violations bureau in reference to traffic offenses: (1) It shall accept designated fines, issue receipts, and rep- resent in court such violators as are permitted and desire ‘to plead guilty, waive court appearance, and give power of attorney. No specific provision. (2) It shall receive and issue receipts for cash bail from the persons who must or wish to be heard in court, enter the time of their appearance on the court docket, and notify the arresting officer and witnesses, if any, to be present. No- specific provision. (3) It shall keep an easily accessible record of all violations‘ of which each person has been guilty during the preceding 12 months, whether such guilt was established in court or in the , traflic violations bureau. N o specific provision. ‘ , V: I ; '. ' - ‘ V I E a 4 l 117 l _ , fl .- ,.. - - . -..._ ,‘ ___ .. . A .1 ( -. -_,F | RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. Duties of the traflic violations bureau, as created in sec. 193, should be defined. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. N o provision. M.T.O. recommended. 118 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 154. Traffic violations bureau to keep records.——The traffic violations bureau shall keep records and submit sum- marized monthly reports to the (chief city magistrate) of all notices issued and arrests made for violations of the traflic laws and ordinances in this city and of all the fines collected by the traffic violations bureau or the court, and of the final disposition or present status of every case of violation of the provisions of said laws and ordinances. Such records shall be so maintained as to show all types of violations and the totals of each. Said records shall be public records. No specific provision. Sec. 155 . Additional duties of traffic violations bureau.—— The traffic violations bureau shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed by the traflic ordinances of this city or as may be required by any laws of this State. No specific provision. ARTICLE XVIII.—PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE ON ARREST Identical. Sec. 156. Penalties.—Unless another penalty is expressly ~ provided by law, every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than ( ) dollars or by imprisonment for ~not more than ( ) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 196. Penalties for misdemeanors. Penalties for first, second and third offenses are prescribed. Sec. 131 pre- scribes special penalties for violations of secs. 121-130 incl. Sec. 157. Forms and notices of arrest or appearance.—The city (financial official) shall provide in triplicate suitable serially numbered forms for notifying violators to appear and answer to charges of violating traffic laws and ordinances. Such forms shall be issued to and receipted for by the chief of police or other per- son acting for him. The city, (financial official) shall each month report to the (mayor) and chief magistrate of the city court the disposal made by the police of all triplicate forms issued to them. For this purpose the city (financial oflicial) or his representative shall have access to the-necessary records of the police depart- ment, the city traflic courts of this city, and the traflic violations bureau. These reports shall be public records. Sec. 197. No provision made to report disposal of forms or to make reports pub- lic records. ‘ \4--‘<‘F'*'‘ ‘ ' . ,., . . . r‘ . l I i’ '-“J ~ 119 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. recommended. N o provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable. Each ordinance contains a section that prescribes a penalty. Sec. 1 of ordinance passed July 22, 1947, prescribes a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $50.00 for overtime or unlawful parking. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 196 accept- able for uniformity. M.T.O. recommended for more eflicient operation of the various departments to which this infor- mation is vital, and to minimize “ticket fixing.” No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 120 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 158. Procedure upon arrest. Except when authorized or directed under State law to immediately take a person ar- rested for a violation of any of the traflic laws before a magistrate, any police officer, upon making an arrest for violation of the State traffic laws or traffic ordinances of this city, shall take the name, address, and operator’s license number of the alleged violator and the registered number of the motor vehicle involved and shall issue to him in writing on a form provided by the city (financial oflicial) a notice to answer to the charge against him at a place and at a time at least 5 days after such arrest to be specified in the notice. The oflicer, upon receiving the written promise of the alleged violator to answer as specified in the notice, shall release such person from custody. Sec. 198 (a) Substantially the same in, meaning but the person arrested may, upon request, get a hearing in police court within twenty-four hours and adds that any person who refuses to give written promise to appear shall be taken to the nearest or most accessible court having jurisdiction. Sec. 159. Failure to obey notice or summons.———Any person who violates his written promise to appear given to an officer upon an arrest for any traffic violation is guilty of a misde- meanor regardless of the disposition of the charge of ‘which he was originally arrested. Sec. 198, paragraph 3. Substantially the same in meaning. Sec. 198 (b) The provisions of subsec- ~ tion (a) of this section shall not be mandatory as to person causing or con- tributing to an accident resultmg in in- jury or death to~ any person nor one charged with reckless driving nor one whom the ofiicer has reason to believe has committed any felony nor one whom the officer believes may disregard a sum- mons. (c) Any officer violating any of the provisions shall be guilty of misconduct and subject to removal from office. Sec. 160. Notice on illegally parked vehicle.-Whenever any motor vehicle without driver is found parked or stopped in violation of any of the restrictions imposed by ordinance of this played on the vehicle which may identify its user, and shall conspicuously affix to such vehicle a notice in writing, on a form provided by the city (financial oflicial) , for the driver to answer to the charge against him within 5 days during the hours and at continued on next page. city or by State law, the officer finding such vehicle shall take its , registration number and may take any other information dis-2 Sec. 199 the same. i .1 J 3 . . . -- ; 7 7 . t: 7 ' 7 . ‘ ‘ . 1 - ' ‘ 121 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE I RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended.- (Same provisions in sec. 46-193 of State code.) N o specific provision. Either M.T.O. or Bristol, Vir- l ginia, sec. 198 recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. (Sub- stance of sec. 46-194 of State code.) No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 198 (b) recommended. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 198 (c) optional. - - i-;_~..-.-.~ ; ~ , ' - ‘ _ ‘ ' _ /I ‘ ‘ , ,' . ; - — - J ‘ / Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 122 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE a place specified in the notice. The officer shall send one copy of such notice to the (chief of the traflic division) and one copy to the court or to the (traflic violations bureau.)" Sec. 161 . Failure to comply with notice attached to parked vehicle.—If a violator of the restrictions on stopping, standing, or parking under the traflic laws or ordinances does not appear in response to a notice affixed to such motor vehicle within a period of 5 days (the clerk of the traflic court) (or) (the traflic violations bureau) shall send to the owner of the motor vehicle to which the notice was afiixed a letter informing him of the violation and warning him that in the event such letter is dis- regarded for a period of 5 days a complaint will be filed and war- rant of arrest issued. Sec. 200 identical. Sec. .162. Presumption in reference to illegal parking.- (a) In any prosecution charging a violation of any law or regu-~ lation governing the standing or parking of a vehicle proof that the particular vehicle described in the complaint was parked in violation of any such law or regulation, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint was at the time of such parking the registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of such vehicle was the person who parked or placed such vehicle at the point where, and for the time during which, such violation’_ occurred. (b) The foregoing stated presumption shall apply only when the procedure as prescribed in sections 160 and 161 has been follow .18 ~ -~ - Sec. 201 (a) identical. (b) the same. 1"The procedure upon arrest as provided in. this section rep- resents recommended practice in those municipalities where it is permissible under State law for the municipality to prescribe by ordinance the procedure to be followed upon arrest. It is recognized that in some States this matter~ is regulated by State law and ordinances in conflict therewith would be invalid. 18It would be preferable to obtain enactment of the substance of section 162 by the State legislature, as the authonty of leg_1s-. lative bodies of municipalities to enact rules of evidence or to create presumptions may be questioned under the State con- stitution in many States. 123 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL-, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. I - - ‘ u . | I -—4' - b I _ 1‘ ' I ' ‘ ! . -, ' I . . 1 I I ; r 1 . V _ , ‘ I ,. ..,. , . , , I - 124 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 163. When complaint to be issued.—In the event any person fails to comply with a notice given to such person or at- tached to a vehicle or fails to make appearance pursuant to a summons directing an appearance in the (trafic court) (traflic violations bureau), or if any person fails or refuses to deposit bail as required and within the time permitted by ordinance,‘ the (clerk of the traflic court) (traflic violations bureau) shall forth- with have a complaint entered against ~such person and secure and issue a warrant for his arrest. BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Sec. 202 identical. Sec. 164. Disposition of traflic fines and forfeitures.--All fines or forfeitures collected upon conviction or upon the for- feiture of bail of any person charged with a violation of any of ' the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid into the city treasury and deposited in a special fund to be known as the “street traflic improvement fund,” which is hereby created and which shall be used exclusively in the construction, maintenance, and repair of public streets, bridges, and street structures, or‘ for the installation and maintenance of traflic-control devices‘ thereon. No specific provision. /0 M. U ~ .»_-. Sec. 203. Removing citation tags.— Unlawful to remove citation tag and place same ~on~ any other vehicle or make other disposal contrary to law. ~' Sec. 204. Using false name.—Unlaw- . ful. l l ' I - ; . ' ‘ . Sec. 165. Official misconduct.—Failure, refusal, or neglect on the part of any judicial or other officer or employee receiving or having custody of any such fine or forfeiture, either before or- after a deposit in said “street traflic improvement fund,” to com- ply with the foregoing provisions of this section shall constitute misconduct in oflice and shall be ground for removal therefrom. No specific provision. Sec. 166. Authority to impound vehicles.—(a) Members of the police department are hereby authorized to remove a vehicle from a street or highway to the nearest garage or other continued on next page. See. 205 (a) identical. I. _ . - \ 1 , V i L __ .. L I , ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' _ I . . 1 ' . I‘ !' . 1 125 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ‘r ) RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended as a source of revenue for street im- provement and maintenance and the installation and maintenance of traflic-control facilities. No specific provision. M.T_.O. recommended as a source of revenue for street im- provement and maintenance and _ the installation and maintenance of traflic-control facilities. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 203 accept- able. Retention acceptable. No specific provision. Bristol, Virginia, sec. 204 accept- able if desired. M.T.O. recommended to en- courage careful handling of fines and forfeitures. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended to en- courage careful handling of fines and forfeitures. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 126 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE place of safety, or to a garage designated or maintained by the police department, or otherwise maintained by this city under the circumstances hereinafter enumerated. BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (1) When any vehicle is left unattended upon any bridge, viaduct, or causeway, or in any tube or tunnel where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic. ~ (1 ) The same but does not include tube or tunnel. I ~ i. (2_) When a vehicle upon a highway is so disabled as to con- stitute an obstruction to traflic and the person or persons in charge of the vehicle are by reason of physical in'ury incapaci- tated to such an extent as to be unable to provide or its custody or removal. (2) identical. (3) When any vehicle is left unattended upon a street and is so parked illegally as to constitute a definite hazard or obstrue tion to the normal movement of traffic. (3) identical. (b) Whenever an oflicer removes a vehicle from a street as authorized in this section and the oflicer knows or is able to ascertain from the registration records in the vehicle the name and address of the owner thereof, such oflicer shall immediately give or cause to be given notice in writing to such owner of the fact of such removal and the reasons therefor and of the place to which such vehicle has been removed. In the event any such vehicle is stored in a public garage, a copy of such notice shall. be given to the proprietor of such garage. (b) identical. (c) Whenever an officer removes a vehicle from a street under this section and does not know and is not able to ascertain the name of the owner, or for any other reason is unable to give the notice to the owner as hereinbefore provided, and in the event the vehicle is not returned to the owner within a period of three (3) days, then and in that event the oflicer shall im- mediately send or cause to be sent written report of such re- moval by mail to the State department whose duty it is to register motor vehicles, and shall file a copy of such notice with the proprietor of any public garage in which the vehicle may be stored. Such notice shall include a complete description of the vehicle, the date, time, and place from which removed, the reasons for such removal, and name of the garage or place where the vehicle is stored. (b) identical. . 5 . ‘ - ‘ t :1 I l 1 I ' ' 5 T I 127 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. , . I , . - i ' ' ' " ' Retention recommended. No specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. 128 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ARTICLE XIX.—EFFECT OF AND SHORT TITLE _ OF ORDINANCE Ident1<=al- See. 167 . Efiect of ordinance.—If any part or parts of this ordinance are for any reason held to be invalid, such decision Id ti 1 en ca. shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. . \ \ _ T \ 1“ -I V _‘ I: ~ _, I See. 168. Repeal.—Ordinance No. ( ) (former traflic or- dinance of the city) of this (city) is hereby repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 207 the same. Sec. 169. Publication of ordinance.—The (city clerk) certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause -the same to be published in the ( ). N o specific provision. Sec. 170. Short title.—This ordinance may be known and cited as the Traflic Ordinance. Sec. -208 identical. Sec. 171. Efiective date.-This ordinance shall take efiect from and after the ( ) day of ( ). No provision. ARTICLE XX.—-SCHEDULES OF DESIGNATED ~ STREETS REFERRED TO ns ORDINANCE" Identical. Schedule I See. 180. One-way streets.—In accordance with section 63 and when properly signposted, traflic shall move only in the direction indicated upon the following streets: Sec. 210 identical. Refers to section 77 . 1"The primary purpose of setting forth the following schedule is to permit that a city may publish and issue the major text of the traflic ordinance as an entity and issue separately the schedules which commonly are revised or added to with great frequency. Technically the schedules are a part of the ordinance and ordinarily action of the city authorities by ordinance is necessary to amend or add to a schedule. In some instances city attorneys have approved of amendments to a schedule by resolution of the city legislative body, provided such resolution is published as re- quired in reference to an ordinance. ll 7 ‘.' _— Y "' "I . - L 2 1'. f -1 ‘., Q -‘. L '. , :- ,. ( _ \ - ‘ -I \ ' ‘ t r ‘ - . 1 1 129 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS‘ Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. N o specific provision. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. May be omitted if not required by legislative procedure. N o provision. May be omitted if not required by legislative procedure. Retention recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended. M.T.O. recommended. No provision. M.T.O. recommended; Retention recommended. M.T.O. recommended. Retention recommended. Sec. 14 of ordinance passed May 5, 1925—“The following are desig- nated as one way streets.” M.T.O. recommended. 130 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Name of Street Direction of Traflic Movement Schedule II Sec. 181. Through streets.—In accordance with the provi- sions of section 64 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection before entering any of the following streets or parts ~of streets: ( ). On that portion of Lee Street from Cum- berland street to State Street, all traflic shall move southward. On that portion of Moore Street From State Street to Cumberland Street, all traffic shall move Northward. On that portion of King Street From State Street to Cumberland Street, all traflic shall move Southward. On that portion of James Street from State Street to Cumberland Street, all traflic shall move Northward. Sec. 211 identical. Commonwealth Avenue Gate City Pike Euclid Avenue Lee Highway ~ Oakview Avenue (except at Piedmont and Moore) Moore Street Lee Street Russell Street Randolph Street Peters Street Vance Street~ Bradley Street Douglas Street Pierce Street Cumberland Street Norfolk Avenue (except at Mary) New Hampshire Avenue Oak Street Park Street (except at Euclid) Goodson Street (except at Mary) East Mary Street Washington Street Virginia Street F airview Street Woodrow Wilson Avenue (except at Texas) continued on next page. \I_ 1. -, I ~_‘ I, , \‘ -_ -7 ‘ _ ‘ II“ I I . . I . _ - . ’ I 1 1 1 I _ _ . » _ .1 - . I I 2 i i ~ 1 ~ ~ I A ~ U ‘ 1 V i ‘in > _‘ \ > E - - I 131 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention acceptable. (See footnote 19 of M.T.O.) Note: No effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. North-bound—Sixth between Shel- by and State. South-bound—Fifth street, between ~ State and Shelby Streets. M.T.O. recommended. (See footnote 19 of M.T.O.) Note: No effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. Retention recommended. the creation and designation of An ordinance to regulate traflic by through streets—passed July 3, 1928, and subsequent amendments. M.T.O. recommended for better form. Retention acceptable. Note: No effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. Georgia Avenue from Taylor Street on the north to the corporate Shelby Street, from Tenth Street on the west to Fourth street on the east. Anderson Street from Seventeenth Street on the west to Fourth Street on the east (except at Seventh Street). Broad Street, from Eighth Street on the west to Fifth Street on the east. Taylor Street and Taylor Street ex- tended (except at Pennsylvania Avenue). Haynes Street and Melrose Street, from Holston Avenue on the west to Garland Avenue on the east. State Street from Twenty-fourth Street on the west to Pennsylvania Avenue on the east (except at in- tersections controlled by traflic signals and at the intersection at Georgia Avenue). continued on next page. Retention acceptable. Note: No eflort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. 132 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (Continued from page 130.) Texas Avenue (North of Woodrow Wilson Avenue) Old Abingdon Pike Elm Street t ‘ 2 I ‘ vi 133 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Pennsylvania Avenue, from State A Street on the north to Maple Street on the south (except at intersections controlled by traffic signals) Edgemont Avenue from Garland Avenue on the northeast to Holborn Street on the southeast. Holborn Street, from Edgemont Avenue on the northwest to College Avenue on the southeast. Fifth Street, from State street on the north to College Avenue on the south. Fourth Street, from State Street on ' the north to Anderson Street on the south. Maple Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue on the west to Georgia Avenue on the east. Eighth Street and Holston Avenue, A from State Street on the north to Sugarville Lane on the south. Sixth Street and South Side Avenue, from State Street on the North to l the corporate limits on the south (except at Haynes Street). Woodlawn Avenue, from Anderson Street on the north to Melrose Street on the south. Clause 4, sec. 1 ordinance 1-26-32 indicates that Woodlawn and Edge- mont are through Streets in their entirety due to carrying state and federal highway. 134 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Schedule III Sec. 182. Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets. —In accordance with section 146 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof no person shall at any time park a vehicleI upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets: Sec. 212 identical. Refers to see. 180. On the East and West sides of Front Street between State Street and a point 50 feet North of Cumberland Street. On the South side of Cumberland Street between Front Street and Water Street. On the West side of Moore Street be- tween State Street and Winston’s Alley. On the West side of Moore Street be- tween Cumberland Street and Scott Street. On the West side of James Street be- tween State Street and Cumberland Street. On the West side of Johnson Street be- ‘ tween Cumberland Street and Sycamore Street. On the East side of King Street between State Street and Cumberland Street. On the North side of Goode Street be- tween Piedmont Street and King Street. On the East side of Lancaster Street be- (Continued on next page.) - A 2 if 2' I l _ , 4 1 , 1. 1 ‘J’! U Q I] ~ 135 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Retention recommended. Each ordinance has separate head- mg. M.T.O. recommended. Retention acceptable if appli- cable. Note: No effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. On the West side of Sixth Street ~ between Shelby and State Streets. On the East side of Fifth Street be- tween Shelby and State Streets. On Fifth Street in the space cover- ing the front of the Fire Hall. On the East side of Fourth Street from State to Anderson Street. On the West side of Caldwell’s Alley from Shelby Street to Crum- leys Alley. On the East side of Eighth Street between State Street and Shelby Street. _ On the East side of the first alley West of the Post Oflice building between Shelby Street and Crum- ley’s Alley. On the South side of State Street and extending westerly 50 feet . therefrom (except passenger bus- es). (Continued on next page.) Retention acceptable if appli- cable. Note: No effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. 136 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE tween Commonwealth Avenue and Cumberland Street. On the East and West sides of Merchant Street between Winston’s Alley and Cumberland Street. On the North and South sides of Win- ston’s Alley between Lee Street and Piedmont Street. On the West side of Lee Street between Spencer Street and Mary Street. On the North side of Spencer Street be- ‘ tween Lee Street and Russell Street. On the East side of Spencer Street be- tween Russell Street and Mary Street. On the West side of Virginia Street be- tween State Street and Mary Street. On the East side of Washington Street between State Street and Mary Street. On the North side of Williams Street be- tween Norfolk Avenue and Washington Street. On the West side of Piedmont Street be- tween Southern Railway Underpass and Highland Avenue. On the North side of Buford Street be- tween Goodson Street and Washington Street. On the North and South sides of Scott Street between Front street and Moore Street. On the South side of Scott Street be- tween Moore Street and Piedmont Street. On the East side of Oakview Street be- tween Mary Street and Moore Street. On the South side of Clinton Avenue be- tween Highland Avenue and Russell Street. I \ I I r V Q! Ir-III---IIIEE \_~ 137 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS On the West side of Fourth Street within the space beginning at State Street and extending 100 feet south- erly therefrom (except passenger buses). On the East side of Fifth Street be- tween Olive Street and Bridge Street. On the South side of Crumley’s - Alley between Eighth Street and ' Beaver Creek. On the East side of Eighth Street between Shelby and Anderson Street. On the North side of Shelby Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets. On the North side of Anderson Street between Fourth Street and Woodlawn Avenue. On the East side of Woodlawn Avenue for 50 feet northerly and/ or 50 feet southerly from the inter- section of Rose Street. On the West side of Woodlawn Ave- nue between Watkins Street and Melrose Street. On the South side of Shelby Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets (except for church meetings). On either side of Crumley’s Alley between Sixth Street and Caldwell’s Alley (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) On either side of Crumleys Alley within a distance of 100 feet east- erly from Seventh Street. On the South side of Crumley’s Alley between a point 100 feet east from Seventh Street and the West side of the alley immediately West of the Post Olfice. (Continued on next page.) -\ ' . 138 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE E‘ if 4‘ 1 ll ‘T ‘ I“—'_ 1, 59.1 p " l I _ , . . 139 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS 5 On the South side of Shelby Street 5 between the Alleys lying east and 5 west of Post Oflice. On the West side of the alley which : lies East of the Post Oflice between : Shelby Street and the Alley South of , the Post Oflice (except patrons of the Post Ofice may park 10 min- i utes) . On the North side of Haynes Street f between South side Avenue and 1 Seventh Street . On the side of Hill Street on which municipal house numbers are even, on odd years. On the side of Hill Street on which municipal house numbers are odd, . on even years. On the east side of second street ' between State Street and the first public alley paralleling State Street. No trucks may park on Franklin Street between Fifth Street and Woodlawn Avenue. On Broad Street between Eighth Street and the West side of the bridge over Little Creek. On the Center parkway on Edge- mont Avenue. On the West side of Tenth Street between Shelby Street and Broad Street. On Progress Street between State Street and Shelby Street. On the East side of Progress Street. On the North side of Shelby Street between Ninth Street and Tenth Street (leave standing). On the South side of State Street between Fourth Street and the Southern Railway Company right- of-way. -_-<-r - 140 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Schedule IV Sec. 183. Parking prohibited during certain hours on cer- tain streets.-—In accordance with section 147, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified herein of any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows: Name of street or district Hours parking prohibited A Schedule V See. 184. Stopping, standing, or parking during certain hours on certain streets prohibited.—In accordance with sec- tion 148, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle between the hours specified herein of any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets as- follows: Hours stopping, standing, Name of street or district 01. Parking prohibited Schedule VI Sec. 185. Parking time limited on certain streets.—In ac- cordance with section 149 and when signs are erected giving; notice thereof no person shall park a vehicle for a period of’ time longer than ( ) (hours) between the hours of ( ) a.m. and ( ) p.m. of any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows: ( ). No provision. No provision. Section 213. Parking time limited on certain streets.—(a) In accordance with Section 181 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer than fifteen (15) minutes be- tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and pub- lic holidays upon any of the streets as follows: On the West side of Water Street be- tween Cumberland Street and Sycamore Street. Continued on next page. . ' I I 141 . ~ » _ p X ,, S RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS M.T.O. form of schedule recom- mended, when this type of park- ing restriction is desired. No person may park a vehicle be- tween the hours of 8 o’clock a.m. and 6 o’clock P.M. on the streets or parts of streets as follows: On either side of Tenth Street be- tween State Street and Shelby Street. On the West side of Eleventh Street between State Street and Shelby _ Street. M.T.O. form of schedule recom- mended. Note: N o effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. M .T.O. form of schedule recom- mended, when this type of park- ing restriction is desired. No provision. M.T.O. form of schedule recom- mended, when this type of park- ing restriction is desired. M.T.O. form of schedule recom- mended. Note: No effort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. N 0 person may park a vehicle be- tween the hours of 8 o’clock a.m. and 6 o’clock P.M. for a period of time longer than fifteen (15) min- utes except on Sundays and legal holidays. On the South side of Shelby Street between Caldwell’s Alley and the alley immediately West of the Post Oflice. On the West side of Caldwell’s Alley between Shelby Street, and Crumley’s Alley. On the West side of the alley im- mediately west of the Post Oflice between Shelby Street and Crum- ley’s Alley. M.T.O. form of schedule recom- mended. Note: No eflort has been made to bring this schedule up to date. 142 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ~ ORDINANCE On the North and South sides of Syca- more Street between Moore Street and a point one hundred (100) feet East of Moore Street. On the North side of Cumberland Street between Piedmont Street and Johnson Street. On the East side of and on the West side of Piedmont Street between Cum- _ berland Street and Sycamore Street. (b) In accordance with Section 181, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer than 2 hours between the hours of 8 :00 a.m. and 6 : 00 p.m. of anyday except Sundays and pub- lic holidays upon any of the streets as follows: On the North side of State Street be- tween Douglas Street and Wagner Street. On the West side of Goodson Street be- tween State Street and a point about 200 feet North of, Williams Street. On the East, and West sides of Front Street betwpeen~ Cumberland Street and Scott Street. I On the East and West sides of Lee Street between Cumberland Street and Scott Street. On the East side of Moore Street be- tween Cumberland Street and Scott Street. On the East and West sides of Piedmont Street between Sycamore Street and the Southern Railway underpass. On the East side of James Street between State Street and Cumberland Street. On the East Side of Johnson Street be- tween Cumberland Street and Sycamore Street. On the West side of King Street between State Streetand Sullins Street. On the South side of Goode Street be- tween Piedmont Street and King Street. “Continued On next page. f'-- \ I '4 - '. I .;i ‘ - - ‘- ‘I H. '1 ;i it 1 .' '7‘ - ~ 143 ~ ~ ,...._ _~ ~ -J ~ 1 ~ 1‘ ' ' ~ I . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS 2-Hour Parking Limit On the East side of Sixth Street from Broad Street to Anderson Street. On the South side of Broad Street from Eighth Street to Fifth Street. 144 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE 4- On the South side of Cumberland Street between Piedmont Street and King - Street. On the North and South sides of Syca- more Street between Front Street and Johnson Street. (c) In accordance with Section 181, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer than one hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sun- days and public holidays upon any of the streets as follows: On the North side of State Street be- tween Goodson Street and Douglas Street. On the East and West sides of Com- ~rnonwealth Avenue between State Street ~and Cumberland Street. ‘ On the East side of Commonwealth Avenue between F airmont Avenue and a point about one hundred (100) feet South of Sycamore Street. On the East and West sides of Piedmont Street between State Street and Cum- berland Street. On the East side of Moore Street be- tween State Street and Cumberland Street. ~ On the West side of Moore Street be- gween Winston’s Alley and Cumberland treet. _ On the West side of Lee Street between State Street and Cumberland Street. On the North and South sides of Cum- berland Street between Front Street and Piedmont Street. ' - - F -- — - -- '—'‘"’~-'‘' 4 1 1 ; .-. v4—-;_r --~ - W 1 rrrr"-1 ‘J ‘ “""""4 l"'."“"- I 7 PM I ‘ M I ’ -9” if S I I x 5 - I A . i ---~ I 145 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS One-hour parking from 3 mm. to ' 6 p.m. On the West side of Fifth Street be- tween State Street and Shelby Street. On the East side of Sixth Street be- tween State Street and Shelby Street. On the South side of State Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to the railroad crossing on West State Street. On the North side of Shelby Street from Ninth Street to Fifth Street. ' On the West side of Eighth Street . between State Street and Shelby . Street. On the West side of Fourth Street from State Street to Anderson Street. On the West side of Ninth Street between State Street and Shelby Street. On the South side of State Street between the most westerly parking meter West of Tenth Street and Thirteenth Street. On the West side of Seventh Street between Shelby Street and Broad Street. On the West side of Seventh Street between Broad Street and Anderson Street. On the East side of Ninth Street between Shelby Street and State Street (except no parking permitted at the entrance to the filling station at the corner of State and Ninth Street). On the East side of Pennsylvania Avenue between State Street and McDowell Street. Continued on next page. I 146 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE "“ '’d‘_ A -iii‘-l-t l 1.. t. .. 147 II1 I I I ~I I I RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TEN N., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS On the West side of Pennsylvania Avenue between State Street and McDowell Street (except no park- ing in area adjacent to Morton Parking Lot). 30-Minute parking limit On the West side of Eighth Street ~ between Crumley’s Alley and Broad Street. No recommendation. Location of traflic control signals. On Anderson Street at 8th, 7th, 6th, . and 5th. On Broad Street at 11th, 8th, 7th, ' 6th and Anderson. _ On Shelby Street at 9th, 8th, 7th, ' 6th, and 5th. ' On English at Southside, Wood- lawn and 5th. On Garland at Woodlawn and Col- lege. On Cedar at Virginia and Georgia. On Pennsylvania at Ash and Tay- lor. On State at 17th, Pierce, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, Front and Pennsylvania. Schedule for location of traflic control signals, not objectionable. No recommendation. Alleys on which no traflic is per- mitted between certain hours. Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. no traflic is allowed on Davis Alley between State Street and the Alley extending westerly to Sixth Street. Retention acceptable. No recommendation. Other traflic ordinances of Bris- tol, Tennessee, the provisions of which do not appear in the Model Traflic Ordinance. Sec. 12 of ordinance passed March 31, 1925 provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to use an alarm signal that resembles the siren alarm. Retention acceptable. (Prohibi- tion is covered by sec. 103, State code.) L ‘ 148 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE BRISTOL, VA., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE W-. ' /s- -~ VJ---¢--_ {- ‘* **' 'L' ~C‘ ~ % i i i I t I l 5 i I ~——W~ . ~—w A y F ANA A r -W -— ~~——--— ;, -_ ' -l < I t ‘ - .; _ vw ‘~ I A A - AAVA A , 2‘ ‘Y ‘ 1 ' - ; ‘ 5 3 I Z . ' '|~ M l. n- /u I ‘ V “ 149 RECOMMENDATIONS BRISTOL, TENN., TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS No recommendation. Ordinance passed 3/16/26 provides ‘ that it shall be unlawful for any ~ person to sell gasoline or oils from I any pump installed on the sidewalks ~ or from any pump which neces- ' sitates the stretching of hose across I the sidewalks. Retention acceptable. ' No recommendation_~ Ordinance passed March 22, 1927 prohibits the driving of automobiles and other motor driven vehicles by persons under the influence of intox- icants. Retention acceptable. (Same provision as sec. 97, State code.) I.“...|.I.I.III_IIlI"lllllllllll / I \ \___-.__, _._..__.._-.__ .__~_____._< _._,_________...__“ _.__ ‘IMlllllllllllllllllllllll‘"' DATE DUE ’~ ~“ ~‘ ;~ ~ - 1 -.-